The Essence of God in the Pentateuch and Job

Written and compiled by Gary Kukis

These studies are designed for believers in Jesus Christ only. If you have exercised faith in Christ, then you are in the right place. If you have not, then you need to heed the words of our Lord, Who said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son, so that every [one] believing [or, trusting] in Him shall not perish, but shall be have eternal life! For God did not send His Son into the world so that He should judge the world, but so that the world shall be saved through Him. The one believing [or, trusting] in Him is not judged, but the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten [or, uniquely-born] Son of God.” (John 3:16–18). “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life! No one comes to the Father except through [or, by means of] Me!” (John 14:6).

Every study of the Word of God ought to be preceded by a naming of your sins to God. This restores you to fellowship with God (1John 1:8–10). If we acknowledge our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9). If there are people around, you would name these sins silently. If there is no one around, then it does not matter if you name them silently or whether you speak aloud.



Eternal Life











Charts, Graphics and Short Doctrines

Three things in life that are truly constant (graphic)

Essence of God (graphic)

God is One in Essence and Three in Personality (graphic


Preface:         The points themselves are probably original with R. B. Thieme, Jr. Most of these points are taken from (some additional material was added). The emphasis here is upon the fact that all of God’s essence can be found in the Pentateuch (the first 5 books of the Bible) and Job. The verses from Job are included, as that book was produced and available at this time. All of the attributes of God can be found in the Pentateuch and Job; but not every point can be justified using just the Pentateuch and Job.


Therefore, even though this material is not new, this study shows that God’s essence was revealed to man very early on.

Three things in life that are truly constant (graphic); from; accessed May 24, 2015.


The non-moral attributes:


           a.        This term defines the fact and nature of God's volition.

           b.        God both created and restored the heavens and the earth. Gen. 1

           c.         Since God possesses volition, He makes decisions, plans, policies, etc. Gen.1:3, 26

           d.        Due to His nature, He has no rivals as He exercises supreme power and rule over everyone and everything. There is nothing outside His jurisdiction. Deut.4:39 reads Know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. (ESV) Moses testifies to this in Ex. 8:10 And he said, "Tomorrow." Moses said, "Be it as you say, so that you may know that there is no one like the LORD our God.” See also Ex. 9:14 9:29 15:11 Deut. 32:31 33:26

           e.        As the absolute authority in the universe, He alone possesses authority as a part of His essence, which He may or may not exercise, as He sees fit. Ex. 9:29 Lev. 25:55 Job 34:13-15

           f.         All other authorities, human and angelic, are delegated by God. Gen. 19:12–13, 16, 29 Lev. 25:55 Num. 24:1–10

           g.        God's Sovereignty allows human and angelic volition to adjust or not adjust to His decisions. Gen. 19:12–13, 16, 29 Lev. 25:55 Num. 24:1–10

           h.        It is God's sovereign will for all men to make the salvation adjustment and the maturity adjustment. However, God allows for the volition of man. Gen. 6:9 17:1 48:15 Ex. 4:5, 31 19:9

           i.          Three applications of divine Sovereignty include:

                       i.          The directive will of God: what God desires. Num. 22:21–35

                       ii.         The permissive will of God: what God allows or tolerates. Num. 23:31–35

                       iii.        The overruling will of God: God’s intervention in judgment when His directive will has been spurned. Num. 24:1–10

2.        ETERNAL LIFE

           a.        God has no beginning and no end to His existence. Gen. 1:1 14:19 21:33 (the first time God is spoken of as the Eternal God). Moses wrote a psalm with a relevant passage: Psalm 90:1–2

           b.        He is absolute existence. Ex.3:14 Job 11:7

           c.         God is the creator of time, and organizes the ages of time for His purpose. Gen. 1:1, 5, 8, 13–19 Deut. 4:30

           d.        He preexists all creation and will continue to exist after the dissolution of this creation. Gen.1:1 Ex. 20:11 Job 38:4

           e.        God devised a plan whereby He could impart His life to mankind. Gen. 1:26–28 3:15, 24 9:7–17 15:6


           a.        This word is derived from the Latin term meaning "all powerful".

           b.        God is all-powerful; able to do all things He desires to do. Gen. 1 6–9

           c.         Therefore, His power and authority are often closely linked. Gen. 1:29–30 Num. 23:19–20 Deut. 2:7 4:32–35 32:8 Job 26:5–14 40:10

           d.        His power and authority are limitless. Gen. 14:19, 22 Deut. 8:18 32:39 Job 42:10

           e.        Although it is true that God can do all the things He wants to do, He does not will to do all the things He can do.

           f.         God limits the exercise of His power to remain consistent with His essence and plan.

           g.        God cannot do some things due to His nature.

                       i.          He cannot deny Himself. (2Tim.2:13)

                       ii.         God is absolutely faithful. Deut. 7:9

                       iii.        He cannot lie. Num. 23:19

                       iv.        He cannot tempt anyone to sin. (James 1:13)

                       v.         He cannot be tempted with evil. (James 1:13)


           a.        This word is derived from the Latin term meaning "all present".

           b.        God is personally present everywhere, both within and outside the material creation. Deut. 31:6 32:8 Job 34:21–22

           c.         This is not pantheism, which says that God is the creation and denies His person.

           d.        God's essence penetrates and fills the universe, without diffusion, division, multiplication, etc.. (Jer.23:23, 24)

           e.        God is both immanent and transcendent. Job.1:6,7; 2:1,2

           f.         He is both in Heaven and on the earth simultaneously. (Isa.66:1)

           g.        This is a source of great comfort to the adjusted, and very disconcerting to the maladjusted. (Mt.28:20)


           a.        This term is derived from the Latin meaning "all knowing".

           b.        While this attribute is closely associated with Omnipresence, God's knowledge is not restricted to "being there". Job 28:24

           c.         God's knowledge eternally preexisted all things. (1Peter1:20)

           d.        Omniscience knows all that was, is, or can ever be. God knows that which is actual, or probable, or possible. Deut. 29:29 (Mt.11:21-24)

           e.        Every detail of history is before God at all times. He knows the end as well as the beginning. (Isa.46:10)

           f.         He does not learn, forget, remember, or acquire knowledge; He knows all things perfectly. Job 21:22

           g.        This includes all men, what they think, say, or do, even before they do it. Ex. 3:19 Job 23:10 31:4 34:21 (Ps.33:13-15 139:1-6)

           h.        While He possesses Omniscience, His knowledge is not causative. What He foreknows and what He predestines are not the same. Num. 16:5 Job 23:10 24:23 (Rom.8:29,30)

The moral attributes:


           a.        God's Righteousness (+R) is absolute. Deut. 32:4 (1Sam.2:2 Isa.6:3 Rev.3:7 4:8 6:10)

           b.        He is absolutely free from sin in every way. Ex. 9:27 (1Jn.1:5 3:5)

           c.         God opposes all unrighteousness. He does not pervert justice. Job 8:3

           d.        He is perfect in person and character. Deut.32:4 (Ps.11:7 111:3)

           e.        He is righteous in His attitudes and actions. Gen. 18:25 (which verse shows that Abraham understood that God is righteous) Job 37:23 (2Sam.22:31 Rev.19:2,11)

           f.         God has no interest in activity or people who are less than righteous. Gen. 6 Deut. 32:20 (Ps.5:4-6)

           g.        God has perfect standards which He gave to the nation Israel. Deut. 4:8

           h.        That which is opposed to His Righteousness is called wickedness, evil, or iniquity. Ex. 9:27

           i.          This attribute occupies the foremost position of all of God's attributes, and is the watchdog of God's essence.

           j.          All other attributes must check their function against +R. All of these attributes must function without getting out of kilter with one another.

           k.         God’s righteousness (combined with His other attributes) sets Him apart from all else. Ex. 15:11

           l.          Applications to the unbeliever.

                       i.          No one can attain to the standard of absolute Righteousness. It was clear that all mankind had the stain of Adam’s sin. Gen. 3 (Rom.3:23)

                       ii.         Man's works are not sufficient for salvation. Gen. 4:2–5 (Isa.64:6)

                       iii.        The only way to obtain absolute Righteousness and be accepted before God is to believe in Christ (in the Old Testament, this was believing in Yehowah). Gen. 15:6 (2Cor.5:21)

           m.       Applications to the believer.

                       i.          Once you acquire +R you cannot lose it. Gen. 15:6 (1Cor.1:2)

                       ii.         While we are positionally righteous in Christ, we are exhorted to live in a manner consistent with the character of God. Gen. 17:1 (Eph.4:22-24)

                       iii.        God is interested in the righteous believer. Job 36:7

                       iv.        Absolute, experiential Righteousness is not possible in Phase 2. Two of the greatest men in the Pentateuch, Abraham and Moses, failed to obey God in every instance. (see also 1Jn.1:8,10)

           n.        God’s justice and righteousness are often referred to by the term "holiness". Righteousness is the principle of God’s holiness and justice is the execution or application of God’s holiness.

7.        JUSTICE

           a.        This attribute is that aspect of God's character that demands that He deal with all creatures based on +R.


           b.        Justice is not arbitrary, but is based strictly on the perfect standard of Righteousness that God possesses.

           c.         God's Justice cannot be unfair or discriminating. Gen.18:25 (2Chron.19:7 Ps.19:9 89:14)

           d.        Due to perfect Justice, God is no respecter of persons and does not show partiality. Deut.10:17 Job.34:19 (Eph.6:9)

           e.        Justice demands that all sins and all sinful conditions be judged at some point in the Angelic Conflict.

           f.         All sins were judged in the person of Christ, and Justice was satisfied. This is known as propitiation, or the satisfaction of Justice. Most of the animal sacrifices found in Exodus and Leviticus demonstrate propitiation. (Rom.3:25 1Jn.2:2 4:10)

           g.        Justice acts in two ways.

                       i.          Remuneration. Deut.7:9,12,13 (Mt.25:21 1Pet.1:7-9)

                       ii.         Retribution. Gen.2:17 Ex.34:7 (Ezek.18:4 2Thess.1:6-8)

Essence of God (graphic); from; accessed May 24, 2015. This illustrates that God’s point of contact with mankind if His justice; but that all of His other attributes remain intact.


8.        LOVE

           a.        God proclaims Himself to be abounding in steadfast love. Ex. 34:6 Num. 14:19

           b.        All men are created by God; therefore, He shows no partiality. Job 34:19

           c.         God’s love for man is revealed by the creation and restoration of the world God made for man. Gen. 1

           d.        God shows a steadfast love to those who keep His commandments for a thousand generations. Deut. 7:9

           e.        The testimony of God’s love for the Jews. Ex. 15:13 20:6 Deut. 7:7–8, 12, 13 10:15

           f.         God therefore asks Israel to love and serve Him. Deut. 10:12 11:1, 13

           g.        Therefore, God’s people are to reciprocate with love toward Him. Deut. 6:4–5

           h.        God is faithful and dependable to protect and comfort us. Deuteronomy 33:27 The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you and said, Destroy.

           i.          God tells his people to love our neighbors as ourselves. This command comes from God’s character (all of God’s commands come from His character). Lev. 19:18

           j.          The people of Israel were also to show love toward the temporary and new resident foreigners in their country. Lev. 19:34 Deut. 10:19

           k.         Interestingly enough, the first mention of love in the Bible is in Gen. 22, which is where God requires Abraham to offer up his son, whom he loves, as a sacrifice to God. This reveals, in great detail, God’s plan to offer up His Own Son for us.

           l.          When the servant of Abraham goes to find a wife for Isaac, His prayer invokes God’s love for Abraham. Gen. 24:12, 14

           m.       This attribute is equally present among all three members of the Godhead. (1Jn.4:8)

           n.        This attribute is eternal and unchanging. (Micah.7:18-20)

           o.        Even though man has not always loved God, God has always loved mankind. (Jn.3:16 1Jn.4:10)

           p.        This attribute does not spring from emotions, but only acts in accord with Righteousness.

           q.        God's Love is not emotional, sloppy, or maudlin, but is the expression of His care and concern for the best interests of any with whom He deals.

           r.         God's Love is not only directed toward those He finds attractive, desirable, or amenable to His person, but is equally directed toward His enemies. (Rom.5:8,10)

           s.         God's Love motivated Him to offer His own Son in the place of His enemies. (Jn.3:16; 2Cor.5:21)

           t.         Once one is a son of God, he cannot be separated from the Love of God. (Rom.8:35-39)

           u.        Both overt blessing and divine discipline are expressions of the Love of God. (Mt.6:4,6 Heb.12:5-13)

           v.         Variations in blessing among believers are not due to a lack of Love on God's part, but to negative volition and disobedience.


           a.        God does not lie and God does not change His mind. Num. 23:19

           b.        God is known as I am, because His very existence is a testament to His immutability. Ex. 3:14

           c.         When Moses prayed to God on behalf of the Jews (whom God was ready to kill), Moses appealed to God’s character as it would be perceived among the gentiles. He would not be seen as immutable. Ex. 32:11–14

           d.        This attribute deals with the fact that God cannot change in His essence. (Ps.102:26, 27; Mal.3:6)

           e.        God cannot become better or worse than what He already is.

           f.         You could not improve upon perfection.

           g.        This attribute is absolute and is the glue that binds all of the other attributes together.

           h.        God's faithfulness stems from His Immutability. Num.23:19–20 (Lam.3:22,23 Mal.3:6)

           i.          God is faithful to:

                       i.          Keep His promises. Gen. 12:1–3 21:1–2

                       ii.         Save and keep saved. Deut. 7:8–9 (Jn.3:16 2Tim.2:13)

                       iii.        Forgive. (1Jn.1:9)

                       iv.        Protect us in temptation. (1Cor.10:13)

                       v.         Complete His plan for the believer. The Jews knew this because God made promises to their fathers—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—and kept those promises. (1Cor.1:8,9 1Thess.5:23,24)

           j.          Therefore, God is faithful. Ex. 34:6 Deut. 32:4

           k.         God's word is immutable and faithful. Num. 23:19 (Ps.119:86, 89 Isa.40:8)

10.      VERACITY

           a.        God is not a man, that he would lie. Num. 23:19

           b.        God’s faithfulness is tied to His love and His veracity. In other words, His attributes work together. Deut. 7:9

           c.         Because God is truthful, His word is also truthful and can be depended upon. This is seen in all of the fulfilled promises that God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

           d.        Because God is truth, it logically follows that we should be seekers of the truth.

           e.        Because God is truth, it logically follows that His Word is truth.

           f.         This attribute deals with the fact that God is the only source of truth. (Ps.31:5; 117:2)

           g.        This attribute means that it is impossible for God to lie or ever do anything in contradiction to the truth. Num. 23:19 (Titus1:2 Heb.6:18)

           h.        He does not acquire truth He is truth, and manifests this in His ways (Ps.25:10 86:15 Rev.15:3) and in His works (Ps.111:7,8 Dan.4:37).

           i.          Therefore, He expects His creation to deal in truth, just as He does. (Ps.51:6 Jer.5:1-3)

           j.          Since His word proceeds from His essence, it is absolutely trustworthy and reliable. (2Sam.7:28 Ps.119:151)

           k.         The word of truth is the basis for our salvation.

                       i.          Phase 1 salvation. Col.1:5 Jam.1:18

                       ii.         Phase 2 salvation. sanctification, Jn.17:17 2Thess.2:13

                       iii.        Phase 3 salvation. SG3, Col.1:5 2Thess.2:14

God is One in Essence and Three in Personality (graphic); from Dictionary of Doctrine; accessed May 24, 2015. This graphic is probably ultimately attributable to R. B. Thieme, Jr..
