Doctrines by R. B. Thieme Jr.


Point by point = PBP

Expanded discussion: ED

Discussion: D

Topic                                                                   Book

Adultery                                                               Scar Tissue of the Soul (out of print)                   ED

Advantages of being a Jew                                 Anti-Semitism                                                      ED

Alexander the Great and the Jews                      Tongues (p. 21)                                                   D

Angel of Jehovah                                                 Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Angel of Yahweh                                                 Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              PBP

Angelic Conflict                                                    Angelic Conflict (out of print)                               ED

Angelic Infiltration                                                Victorious Proclamation (out of print)                  ED

Angels, Categories of                                          Angelic Conflict (out of print)                               ED

Angels, Description of                                         Angelic Conflict (out of print)                               ED

Antisemitism                                                        Anti-Semitism                                                      PBP ED

Antisemitism                                                        Daniel chapter 3                                                  PBP

Antisemitism (historic examples)                         Anti-Semitism                                                      ED

Apocrypha                                                           Canonicity                                                           PBP

Armageddon                                                        Armageddon                                                        ED

Ascension                                                            Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Attributes of God                                                 The Trinity                                                           ED

Authority                                                              Divine Establishment                                           PBP

Baptism of the Holy Spirit                                    A New Species (out of print)                                PBP

Baptism of the Holy Spirit                                    The Barrier                                                          D

Baptism of the Holy Spirit                                    The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Misconceptions of      The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Baptisms                                                             Dispensations; Tongues                                      PBP

Barrier between God and Man                            The Barrier                                                          ED

Barrier between God and Man                            Eternal Life (out of print)                                      ED, chart

Barrier between God and Man                            Slave Market of Sin                                             D

The Beast                                                            Armageddon                                                        ED

Bible Doctrine, the Importance of                        Canonicity                                                           PBP

Births, 2                                                               The Origin of Human Life                                    D

Blessings                                                             The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Blood                                                                   Slave Market of Sin                                             PBP

Book of Works; Book of Life                                Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Categories of Life                                                The Origin of Human Life                                    D

Conditional Clauses of Greek                              Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Creation Terms                                                   Adam’s Rib                                                         ED

Canon (need, criterion, classification, history)     Canonicity                                                           PBP

Canon (external point, scientific data)                 Canonicity                                                           ED

Capital Punishment                                             Divine Establishment (Revised)                          ED

Carnality                                                              Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Catastrophes, Economic, Military, Social            Preparation for Disaster (out of print)                  ED

Christian Service, Christian Production               The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Church Age                                                         The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Client Nation                                                        Freedom Through Military Victory                       ED

Computer Assets                                                 The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Covenants, Conditional and Unconditional          The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Covenants, Divine C with Israel                           The Divine Outline of History                               PBP

Covenants, Four Unconditional                           Armageddon                                                        ED

Covenants, Four Unconditional (short footnote)  Dispensations

Daniel, contemporary prophets and kings           Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           chart

Darius the Mede                                                  Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           ED

Death of Christ                                                    Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               ED

Deity of Christ                                                      Divine Essence                                                   ED

Deity of Christ                                                      Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Deity of the Holy Spirit                                         Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        PBP

Demon Induced Illness                                        Demonism (revised)                                            PBP

Demonism                                                           Demonism                                                           ED

Demonism                                                           Demonism (revised)                                            PBP

The Devil’s Seven                                              Armageddon                                                        PBP

Discipline, cycles of (short, in footnote)               Daniel (chapters 1-6), Dispensations                  PBP

Dispensations                                                      Dispensations, Tongues                                      ED

Dispensations                                                      Dispensations                                                      Chart

Dispensations, 6; as taught by Paul                    The Divine Outline of History                               ED, PBP

Dispensation of the Christ, Characteristics of      Dispensations                                                      PBP

Dispensation of the Church, Characteristics of    Dispensations                                                      PBP

Dispensation of the Gentiles, Characteristics ofDispensations                                                        PBP

Dispensation of the Jews, Characteristics of       Dispensations                                                      PBP

Divination                                                            Demonism                                                           ED

Divine Essence                                                   Divine Essence                                                   PBP

     Sovereignty, +R, Love, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Immutability, Veracity

Divine Essence of each member of Trinity          Divine Essence                                                   PBP

Divine Establishment                                           Divine Establishment                                           PBP

Divine Institutions, the Four                                 Divine Establishment, Freedom Through M. V.   PBP

Divine Power, the Acquisition of                          The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Dragon, the                                                         Armageddon                                                        ED

Drinking                                                               Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Dwell, Hebrew words for                                     Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              ED

Dying, Catastrophe                                              Preparation for Disaster (out of print)                  ED

Dying Grace                                                        Preparation for Disaster (out of print)                  ED

Elections, various                                                The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Elijah                                                                   Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              D

Emotional Revolt of the Soul                               Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           PBP and ED

Emotions of the Soul                                           Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           PBP

English Translations                                            Canonicity                                                           ED

Equity Factor                                                       The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Escrow Blessings                                                The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Essence of God                                                   Seven Circles of Faith (out of print)                     PBP

Essence of God                                                   Origin of the Soul (out of print)                            Chart

Essence of Man                                                  Origin of the Soul (out of print)                            Chart

Eternal Security                                                   Seven Circles of Faith (out of print)                     PBP

Evaluation of Jew                                                Anti-Semitism                                                      ED

Faith-rest                                                             The Christian Warrior                                          PBP

The False Prophet                                               Armageddon                                                        ED

Family                                                                  Freedom Through Military Victory                       D

Fellowship                                                           The Prodigal Son (out of print)                            ED

Fellowship, Eternal and Temporal                       Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Fellowship, Eternal and Temporal                       Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              ED

Fellowship, Temporal                                          Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        ED

Fellowship Synonyms (in and out)                       Eternal Life (out of print)                                      List

Forty Absolutes God Gives Every Believer         Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              PBP

The Four Generation Curse                                Christian Suffering                                               ED

Frame of Reference                                            Daniel(chapter 1                                                  PBP

GAP                                                                    Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Gedediah                                                             Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           ED

Gentile Client Nations                                          The Divine Outline of History                               D

God Became Man, Why                                      Victorious Proclamation (out of print)                  ED

God the Father, the Indwelling of                        The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Godhead, personalities of                                   The Trinity                                                           D

Grace                                                                  Living Grace (out of print)                                    PBP and ED

Greek, Koine                                                       The Trinity                                                           PBP

Greek, Origin of Koine                                         The Trinity                                                           D

Greek Preposition ek                                           The Origin of Human Life                                    D

Greek, words for time                                          The Divine Outline of History                               D

Happiness                                                           Apes and Peacocks                                             PBP

Happiness                                                           Super-Grace Life (out of print)                             ED

Hardening Process, The                                      Careless Women                                                 PBP

Heart                                                                   Scar Tissue of the Soul (out of print)                   PBP

Hebrew Preposition min                                      The Origin of Human Life                                    ED

History (decline of Chaldea)                                Daniel chapter 5                                                  ED

History (kings of Chaldea)                                   Daniel chapter 5                                                  ED

History (during time of Daniel)                             Daniel chapter 1                                                  ED

History (Mede and Persian kings)                       Daniel chapter 2                                                  List

History, Right and Wrong Side of...                     Divine Establishment (Revised)                          ED

Holy Spirit, the Indwelling of                                The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Holy Spirit, ministry during Old Testament          Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Human Freedom                                                 Divine Establishment (Revised)                          PBP

Human Good                                                       Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        PBP

Human Good                                                       House of Cards (out of print)                               ED

Human Life, boundaries of                                  The Origin of Human Life                                    ED

Human Life, when does it begin                          Origin of the Soul (out of print)                            ED

Humiliation of Christ                                            Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Hypostatic Union                                                 Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Hypostatic Union                                                 The Divine Outline of History                               ED

ICE teaching                                                        The Divine Outline of History                               D

Idolatry                                                                Demonism                                                           PBP

Impeccability of Christ                                         Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Indwelling of Holy Spirit, purpose of                    Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        ED

Inspiration                                                            Canonicity                                                           PBP

Intercalation                                                         Dispensations                                                      PBP

Invisible Heroes, the Impact of                            The Divine Outline of History                               PBP

Israel and the Church, differentiation                   The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Israel, Age of                                                       The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Jealousy                                                              Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Jesus Christ, the Indwelling of                             The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Kenosis of Christ                                                 Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Kidneys                                                               Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           ED

King James Version                                            Canonicity                                                           ED

Love, Categories of                                             Love (out of print)                                                PBP

Love, Concepts of                                               Love (out of print)                                                PBP

Love, General Doctrine of                                   Love (out of print)                                                PBP

Lust Pattern                                                         Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Man as believer vs man as unbeliever                The Barrier                                                          D

Manuscripts                                                         Canonicity                                                           ED

Marriage                                                              Freedom Through Military Victory                       ED

Mental Attitude                                                    Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Military Establishment, The                                 Divine Establishment                                           ED

Millennium                                                           The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Ministry of the Holy Spirit                                     Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              PBP

Momentum Testing                                              Christian Suffering                                               ED

Morality                                                                Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        PBP

Morality                                                                House of Cards (out of print)                               PBP

Mosaic Law                                                         Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Mosaic Law and Spirituality                                 Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              D

The Mystery                                                        Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Nation                                                                  Divine Establishment                                           PBP

Nation                                                                  Freedom Through Military Victory                       D

Near East (during time of Daniel)                        Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           Map

Necromancy                                                        Demonism                                                           ED

Nicodemus                                                          The Barrier, The Origin of Human Life                D

Northern and Southern Kingdoms                       Careless Women                                                 ED

Occupation with Christ                                        Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               PBP

Old Sin Nature                                                     Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        PBP

Old Sin Nature                                                     Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              ED

Old Sin Nature, the two trends of                        Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Operation Footstool                                             Victorious Proclamation (out of print)                  PBP

Penalty for Sin Resolved                                     Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Personal Assets                                                  The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Polygamy                                                            Adam’s Rib                                                         PBP

Positional Truth                                                   A New Species (out of print)                                PBP and ED

Positional Truth                                                   Eternal Life (out of print)                                      ED and PBP

Prayer                                                                  The Power of Prevailing Prayer                           PBP

Prayer, hindrances to                                          The Power of Prevailing Prayer                           ED

Privacy                                                                Divine Establishment (Revised)                          PBP

Promiscuity                                                          Adam’s Rib                                                         ED

Prophecy, the Absence of                                   The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Protocol Plan of God                                           Christian Suffering                                               Summary

Psychopathic Personality                                    Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           ED


     Alexander Hamilton on Democracy                 Divine Establishment

     Augustine, freedom though military                 Freedom Through Military Victory

Redemption, Greek and Hebrew words for         Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Redemption                                                         Slave Market of Sin                                             PBP

Reins                                                                   Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           ED

Religion                                                               House of Cards (out of print)                               ED

Repentance                                                         House of Cards (out of print)                               ED

Reversionism                                                      Demonism (revised)                                            PBP

Revolution and Establishment                             Divine Establishment                                           ED

Right Man/Right Woman                                     Adam’s Rib                                                         ED

Roman Army, organization                                  The Christian Warrior                                          PBP

Roman decorations                                             The Christian Warrior                                          ED

Royal Commissions                                             The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Salvation                                                             Seven Circles of Faith (out of print)                     ED

Salt                                                                      Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Sanctification                                                       A New Species (out of print)                                PBP

Satan, Falls of                                                     Satanic Plot (revised and out of print)                 ED

Satan’s counterfeits (short)                                 Daniel (chapters 1-6)                                           PBP

Satan’s Strategy                                                 Angelic Conflict (out of print)                               PBP

Satan’s Strategy with regards to the believer     Satanic Plot, Book 1 (out of print)                        ED

Satan’s Strategy to Hinder God’s Plan              Anti-Semitism                                                      PBP

Satan’s World Strategy                                       Satanic Plot (revised and out of print)                 ED

Scar Tissue                                                         Scar Tissue of the Soul (out of print)                   ED

Secondary Assets                                               The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Septuagint, The                                                   Canonicity                                                           ED

Sex and Love, Physical and Spiritual Analogy    The Image and Glory of God (out of print)           PBP

Sinning Against the Holy Spirit                            Old Sin Nature vs. Holy Spirit                              D

Sins, Biblical synonyms for                                  Slave Market of Sin                                             PBP

Sins, the 6 worst                                                  Rebound & Keep Moving                                    D

Slavery, 4 systems of                                          Slave Market of Sin                                             PBP

Soul, Historical Views                                          The Origin of Human Life                                    PBP

Soul of Man                                                         Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           ED

Soul, The Essence of                                          Emotional Revolt of the Soul (out of print)           Charts

Spiritual Autonomy                                              Christian Suffering                                               ED

Spirituality, Experiential                                       Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        ED

Spirituality, true and false                                    Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        PBP

Spirituality, false criteria                                      Spirituality by Grace (out of print)                        ED

Spiritual Gifts                                                       Tongues                                                              PBP

Spiritual Maturity, characteristics of                     Christian Suffering

Spiritual Self-Esteem                                           Christian Suffering                                               ED

Suffering                                                              Why Christians Suffer (out of print)                     ED

Suffering, Christian                                              Isolation of Sins (out of print)                               PBP

Suffering, Categories of                                       Why Christians Suffer (out of print)                     ED

Suffering, Categories of Christian                        Christian Suffering                                               Chart, ED

Super Grace                                                        The Christian Warrior                                          PBP

The Super Grace Life                                          Super-Grace Life (out of print)                             ED

Sustaining Ministry of the Holy Spirit                   Celebrityship of Jesus Christ                               ED

Testing, types of                                                  Christian Suffering                                               ED

Thirty-six things given at salvation                       Seven Circles of Faith (out of print)                     PBP

Thirty-six things given at salvation                       A New Species (out of print)                                PBP

Tongues, The Gift of                                            Tongues                                                              PBP and ED

Traducianism                                                       The Origin of Human Life                                    D

Tribulation                                                           Armageddon                                                        ED

Tribulation                                                           The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Trinity, the Godhead or                                        Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Trinity, the Godhead and                                     The Trinity                                                           D

Trinity                                                                  The Trinity                                                           PBP

Trinity, the Indwelling of                                       The Divine Outline of History                               ED

Unbelievers, 3 kinds of                                        The Barrier                                                          D

Unlimited Atonement                                           Slave Market of Sin                                             PBP

Unpardonable Sin                                                Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Volition                                                                Freedom Through Military Victory                       D

Volitional Assets                                                  The Divine Outline of History                               ED

War, causes of                                                    The Christian Warrior                                          ED

War, divine interposition in WWII                         The Christian Warrior                                          ED

Warfare, principles of                                          The Christian Warrior                                          ED

Witnessing                                                           The Worm and the Gourd (out of print)               ED

Witnessing, effective                                           The Christian Warrior                                          PBP

Work of Christ (to remove the barrier)                 Slave Market of Sin                                             D

Worry                                                                   Worry (out of print)                                              ED

Writing                                                                 Canonicity                                                           ED