This was taken from:

My assumption is, many of these doctrines originally were developed by R. B. Thieme, Jr. and then edited by Jim Brettell.


 1.   This gate may be classified as the arrogance of immorality.


 2.   Not only is sexual arrogance defined as illegitimate sex or sex outside of marriage, but it is sex in which total preoccupation with self disregards every factor of virtue or consideration of others.


 3.   Sexual arrogance belongs to those who are classified in 2 Timothy as "lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." There's nothing wrong with pleasure, but when you put pleasure before God, you're in trouble.


 4.   Actually, God designed sex in the human race to be an expression of love in marriage, as one of the many manifestations of love between a husband and wife.


A.  Sex is not solely designed for reproduction.


B.  Sex was designed to be an expression of love between one man and one woman; hence, sexual arrogance is ritual without reality.


C.  Sexual arrogance precludes love as a motive for sex, for the arrogance of immorality divorces this expression of love from honor and integrity. The result is one more step toward unreality.


 5.   Arrogance includes abnormal preoccupation with self. Sexual arrogance is merely an extension of sexual lust.


 6.   Seeking self-gratification in some form of sex outside of marriage is lasciviousness in action as a trend in the old sin nature. When linked with arrogance, it produces three categories of sexual arrogance.


A.  Normal sexual arrogance includes adultery and fornication.


1)   Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone else other than his or her spouse.


2)   Fornication is voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons.


B.  Abnormal sexual arrogance includes at least four categories.


1)   Masturbation as sexual self-gratification.


2)   Homosexuality as sexual activity with a person or persons of the same sex, including lesbianism which is sexual activity between two women.


3)   Incest is sexual intercourse between members of the same family.


4)   Voyeurism is sexual gratification while observing nude persons or others engaging in a sexual relationship.


C.  Criminal sexual arrogance includes at least four categories.


1)   Rape is forcing a person against his or her will to engage is a sexual relationship.


2)   Pederasty is an adult male having sex with boys or molesting children.


3)   Necrophilia is erotic attraction to a corpse or having sex with a corpse.


4)   Bestiality is sexual relationship between a human being and an animal.


 7.   Seeking self-gratification in some form of sex as a function of one’s trend toward lasciviousness in the old sin nature becomes the arrogance of immorality or sexual arrogance.


A.  Without capacity for love from Bible doctrine, sexual arrogance can only be an expression of lust, pseudo-love, self-gratification, sinfulness, and in some cases demonism in the function of the phallic lust associated with the Phallic Cult.


B.  This is why sexual arrogance is mentioned in so many passages, as in Corinthians and Galatians, warning believers against the phallic cult.


 8.   Sexual arrogance does not mean loss of salvation.


 9.   Polygamy and promiscuity are detrimental to every facet of life, including the spiritual life. Above all, they are detrimental to capacity for love, for life, for happiness.


A.  This is why the Word of God forbids adultery, fornication, and other types of illicit sex acts such as pederasty, incest, masturbation, or bestiality.


B.  God is not trying to deprive a human being of fun; God is trying to give human beings happiness, and God knows that human beings will never be happy under any system of sex outside of marriage because it destroys a person’s capacities for such things as life, love, and happiness.


C.  Therefore, sex can be a great blessing or a distraction.


1).  Sex can only be a blessing as an expression of love in marriage.


2)   Sex, however, is a distraction when it is an expression of arrogance in polygamy, promiscuity, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, etc.


10. Sexual arrogance in the woman can manifest itself through seduction of important persons; e.g., Cleopatra's seduction of Caesar, Messalina's seduction of Claudius, or the famous Aspasia of the fifth century B.C. Athens who seduced Pericles.


A.  Sexual arrogance in the woman relates to the number of and importance of her conquests.


B.  Her flirtatious attitude is designed to receive flattery and to stimulate her arrogance.


11. Male sexual arrogance includes a harem or a multiplicity of seductions.


12. Once a person is functioning in the arrogance complex, abnormalities can and will develop when interacting with criminal arrogance, psychopathic arrogance, or impulsive arrogance in which someone with authority abuses that authority; for example:


A.  Incest combines sexual arrogance with impulsive arrogance as a parent.


B.  Rape combines sexual arrogance with criminal arrogance.


C.  Promiscuity combines sexual arrogance with blind arrogance.


D.  Once a form of arrogance is established in the life, it leads to function under other forms of arrogance to produce abnormalities, sins, and evils.


13. David used his women for self-gratification.


A.  Once a man uses one woman for self-gratification, it is easy to use the second, third, fourth, or even more, in the same manner because of arrogance.


B.  Sexual arrogance inevitably produces an increased lust which is abnormal.


C.  As capacity for love decreases, sexual and abnormal lust increases.


D.  The more women with which a man has sex, the more intensified becomes his arrogance, so that promiscuous sex destroys thought.


1)   Once a man is minus thought, he loses his integrity, his honor, his doctrine and its application.


2)   This explains how David became a coward and did not fight in the Ammonite War.