Prepositions |
links messtup? |
Do a Change:
14. נ, final ן (50)nûwn or nun [pronounced noon] Written and spoken n
1. 14th letter; used for the number 50.
2. Particle of entreaty: nâʾ (נָא) [pronounced naw], which means please, I pray you, I respectfully implore (ask, or request of) you, I urge you. It is part of an exhortation or part of an entreaty. It is equivalent to our word please, although it often does not sound right when translated that way. I cannot come up with a good one word translation, so I will do what the KJV does, but update it from I pray thee to I respectfully implore [or ask or request] you or I urge you, pray thee. We have an interesting use of the particle of entreaty in Judges 15:3. The woman’s father is not begging Samson to please, please, please take his other daughter; he is offering her to Samson, and the particle of entreaty recognizes Samson’s volition in this matter. The essence of his remark is more “Take her younger sister, if you would so choose.” There are combinations with conjunctions and interjections not dealt with below (see Gesenius p. 523). Strong's #4994 BDB #609. Gen. 13:8 15:5 16:2 18:3 19:7 22:2 24:2 25:30 26:28 27:2 30:14 31:12 32:11 33:10 34:8 37:6, 32 38:16 40:8 44:18 45:4 47:4, 29 50:4 Exodus 3:3, 18 4:13 5:3 10:11, 17 32:32 33:13 Num. 10:31 16:26 Deut. 3:25 4:32 Joshua 2:12 7:19 Judges 1:24 6:17 15:3 1Sam. 2:36 9:6 14:17 15:25 16:15 17:17 19:2 20:29 22:3 23:11 25:8 26:8 27:5 28:8 30:7 2Sam. 1:4 7:2 13:5 14:2 15:7 16:9 17:1 18:19 19:37 20:16 24:2 1Kings 1:12 2:17 8:26 Job 1:11 2:5 6:29 Psalm 7:9 118:2 Eccles. 2:1
nâʾ (נָא) [pronounced naw] |
now; please, I pray you, I respectfully implore (ask, or request of) you, I urge you |
a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty |
Strong's #4994 BDB #609 |
Nâʾ is used for a submissive and modest request. It is used to express a wish (Job 32:21: “Oh, that I may not respect any man’s person”); to incite or to urge (Jer. 5:24); it is depreciatory when affixed to the 2nd person with a particle of negation (do not, I implore you—see Gen. 33:10 19:18); with the it expresses a wish or request (Psalm 124 129:1 SOS 7:9), a challenge (Jer. 17:15), asking leave (Gen. 18:4), and depreciation with a negation (Gen. 18:32). In many of these examples, we would express this with the addition of the word let. |
ʾîm (אִם) [pronounced eem] |
if, though; lo, behold; oh that, if only; when, since, though when (or, if followed by a perfect tense which refers to a past event) |
primarily an hypothetical particle |
Strong's #518 BDB #49 |
nâʾ (נָא) [pronounced naw] |
now; please, I pray you, I respectfully implore (ask, or request of) you, I urge you |
a primitive particle of incitement and entreaty |
Strong's #4994 BDB #609 |
Together, ʾîm nâʾ (אִם נָא) [pronounced eem-naw] mean if indeed, if now; used in modestly, even timidly, assuming something. |
Nâʾ is used for a submissive and modest request. It is used to express a wish (Job 32:21: “Oh, that I may not respect any man’s person”); to incite or to urge (Jer. 5:24); it is depreciatory when affixed to the 2nd person with a particle of negation (do not, I implore you—see Gen. 33:10 19:18); with the it expresses a wish or request (Psalm 124 129:1 SOS 7:9), a challenge (Jer. 17:15), asking leave (Gen. 18:4), and depreciation with a negation (Gen. 18:32). In many of these examples, we would express this with the addition of the word let. |
3. Adjective: Exodus 12:9
nâʾ (נָא) [pronounced naw] |
raw |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong's #4995 BDB #609 |
4. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4996 BDB #609.
5. Masculine_noun: nôʾd (דאֹנ) [pronounced nohd], which means a skin container. It does not mean bottle as we think, but it was a container for liquid made out of (generally) goat skin. Strong’s #4997 BDB #609. Judges 4:19 1Sam. 16:20 Psalm 56:8
nôʾd (דאֹנ) [pronounced nohd] |
a skin container, a wineskin generally made from the skin of a goat |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4997 BDB #609 |
6. Verb: which means to be comely, to be befitting, to be desirable, beautiful. In Niphal and Pilel. Strong’s #4998 BDB #610.
7. Adjective: nâʾveh (ה∵ואָנ) [pronounced naw-VEH], which means comely, seemly, beautiful. Strong’s #5000 BDB #610. Psalm 33:1 147:1
nâʾveh (נָאוֶה) [pronounced naw-VEH] |
becoming, comely, beautiful; proper, fitting, correct |
feminine singular adjective sometimes used as a substantive |
Strong’s #5000 BDB #610 |
8. Masculine_noun: neʾûm (נְאֻם) [pronounced ne-OOM], which means declaration, revelation, utterance, saying, oracle. This word for saying is actually not used too often until now (previously found only in Gen. 22:16 and Num. 14:28). [This word is found almost exclusively in the Qal participle?] It Strong's #5001&5002 BDB #610. Gen. 22:16 Num. 24:3 1Sam. 2:30 23:1 Psalm 110:1 Zech. 12:1
neʾûm (נְאֻם) [pronounced ne-OOM] |
declaration, revelation, utterance, saying, oracle |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #5001 & 5002 BDB #610 |
BDB lists this as a masculine noun (Strong’s #5002) and Gesenius lists this as the passive participle construct of Strong’s #5001. According to Gesenius, this means to murmur, to speak in a low voice; especially used of the voice of God. Wigram lists this as the Qal participle and lists both Strong numbers. In either case, we are generally speaking of the voice of God or the Word of God (compare Gen. 22:16 Num. 14:28 Isa. 1:24 3:15 Jer. 1:8 2:19 Ezek. 5:11). There are several hundred passages where this is God speaking; only a few that I found where it was not (2Sam. 23:1 Psalm 36:1 Prov. 30:1). |
9. Verb: nâʾam (ם ַאָנ) [pronounced naw-AHM], which means to utter a prophecy, to speak as a prophet. Strong’s #5001 BDB #610.
10. Verb: nâʾaph (נָאַף) [pronounced naw-AHF], which means to commit adultery; figuratively, to commit idolatry. Qal and Piel. Strong’s #5003 BDB #610. Exodus 20:14 Deut. 5:18 Prov. 6:32
nâʾaph (נָאַף) [pronounced naw-AHF] |
to commit adultery; figuratively, to commit idolatry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5003 BDB #610 |
nâʾaph (נָאַף) [pronounced naw-AHF] |
committing adultery; figuratively, committing idolatry |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5003 BDB #610 |
nâʾaph (נָאַף) [pronounced naw-AHF] |
to commit adultery; figuratively, to commit idolatry |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5003 BDB #610 |
11. Masculine_noun: which means adultery. Strong’s #5004 BDB #610.
12. Masculine_noun: which means adultery. Strong’s #5005 BDB #610.
13. Verb: nâʾats (נָאַץ) [pronounced naw-AHTZ], which means to abhor, to despise, to spurn, to disgust and it has a direct object (Psalm 107:11 Prov. 1:30) more often than not (Deut. 32:19 Psalm 10:3 Jer. 14:21). Strong’s #5006 BDB #610. Deut. 32:19 Psalm 10:3, 12 1Sam. 2:17 2Sam. 12:14 Prov. 1:30 5:12
nâʾats (נָאַץ) [pronounced naw-AHTZ] |
to abhor, to despise, to spurn, to reject with contempt and derision; to reject deride [with the purpose of instruction or admonishing] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5006 BDB #610 |
nâʾats (נָאַץ) [pronounced naw-AHTZ] |
to abhor, to despise, to spurn, to reject, to condemn |
3rd person plural, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5006 BDB #610 |
nâʾats (נָאַץ) [pronounced naw-AHTZ] |
to be abhorred, to be despised, to be spurned, to be rejected |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5006 BDB #610 |
nâʾats (נָאַץ) [pronounced naw-AHTZ] |
condemned, rejected, abhorred, despised, spurned |
Hithpoel participle |
Strong’s #5006 BDB #610 |
14. Feminine_noun: which means contempt, contumely. (Listed twice in BDB?). Strong’s #5007 BDB #611.
15. Verb: which means to groan. Strong’s #5008 BDB #611.
16. Feminine_singular_noun: neʾâqâh (נְאָקָה) [pronounced neaw-KAW], which means a crying out; the groaning, a groan. This word is only found Judges 2:18 Exodus 2:24 6:5 Ezek. 30:24.* Strong’s #5009 BDB #611. Exodus 2:24 6:5 Judges 2:18
neʾâqâh (נְאָקָה) [pronounced neaw-KAW] |
a crying out; the groaning, a groan |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5009 BDB #611 |
17. Verb: nâʾar (נָאַר) [pronounced naw-AHR], which means to abhor, to reject, to spurn. Only in Piel and meaning derived from context. Strong’s #5010 BDB #611. Psalm 89:39
nâʾar (נָאַר) [pronounced naw-AHR] |
to abhor, to reject, to spurn; to renounce |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5010 BDB #611 |
18. Proper_noun_location: Nob (בֹנ) [pronounced nohbv], which means to proclaim; prophet; and is transliterated Nob. Strong’s #5011 BDB #611. 1Sam. 21:1 22:9
Nob (בֹנ) [pronounced nohbv] |
to proclaim; prophet; and is transliterated Nob |
Proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5011 BDB #611 |
19. Verb: which means to call, to proclaim, to name. Strong’s #none BDB #611.
20. Noun: nâbîyʾ (נָבִיא) [pronounced nawb-VEE], which means spokesman, speaker, prophet. The term nâbîyʾ is found in Gen. 20:7 Exodus 7:1 Num. 11:29 12:6 Deut. 13:1, 3, 5 18:15, 18, 20, 22 34:10 Judges 6:8 1Sam. 3:20. BDB translates nâbîyʾ as spokesman, speaker, prophet. In other words, what we view as prophesy is incidental to the meaning of both the verb and the noun. And, there is nothing by way of inference, either in context or in the previous usage of the noun cognate that which indicates that these men are speaking in tongues or in some sort of ecstatic state with verbal accompaniment. Strong's #5030 BDB #611. Gen. 20:7 Exodus 7:1 Deut. 34:10 Judges 6:7 1Sam. 3:20 9:9 19:20 22:5 28:6 2Sam. 7:2 12:25 (15:27) 24:11 1Kings 1:8 1Chron. 16:22 Psalm 51 inscription 105:15
nâbîyʾ (נָבִיא) [pronounced nawb-VEE] |
prophet [true or false]; spokesman, speaker; one who speaks for God |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #5030 BDB #611 |
Barnes: [A prophet is] he who speaks by God, of God, and to God, who declares to people not merely things future, but also things past and present, that are not obvious to the sense or the reason. |
21. Proper_noun: Nebôw (נְבוֹ) [pronounced nehb-OH], which means, prophet; transliterated Nebo. Not properly placed in this dictionary. Strong’s #5015 BDB #612. Deut. 34:1
Nebôw (נְבוֹ) [pronounced nehb-OH] |
prophet; transliterated Nebo |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #5015 BDB #612 |
BDB on uses of Nebo in Scripture: 1) a Babylonian deity who presided over learning and letters; corresponds to Greek Hermes, Latin Mercury, and Egyptian Thoth (noun proper masculine) 2) a city in Moab and at one time assigned to Reuben; probably located on or near Mount Nebo (noun proper locative) 3) a city in Judah (maybe Benjamin) from which the families of some exiles, who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, originally came (noun proper locative) 4) the mountain where Moses died; located east of the Jordan opposite Jericho; site uncertain (noun proper locative). |
22. Verb: nâbâʾ (אָבָנ) [pronounced nawb-VAW], which means to prophesy, to speak divine viewpoint. It is found in the Niphal (passive) stem and in the Hithpael (intensive reflexive) stem. In 1Sam. 10:5, nâbâʾ is in the Hithpael, indicating that they are speaking to one another. There is no real reason to see this as ecstatic or a gibberish or even as them listing groups of events about to occur. They are simply speaking animatedly (intensive) amongst one another (reflexive) divine viewpoint. In other words, they are simply speaking in a very animated about divine viewpoint or Bible doctrine. Num. 11:25 is one of the rare instances where the Hithpael (the reflexive of the Piel) acts more as a passive voice; furthermore, this is the first occurrence of this verb in the Old Testament (it is found in Num. 11:26–27, scattered parsimoniously in some of the historical books, such as in 1Sam. 10:11, 13 1Kings 22:10 2Chron. 18:7, 9; and this word occurs most frequently in Jeremiah and Ezekiel—almost 75 times). The upshot of this is we do not have a precedence in terms of the use of this verb. However, its noun cognate, nâbîyʾ (אי ̣ב ָנ) [pronounced nawb-VEE] has already when found in Gen. 20:7 and Exodus 7:1. In Genesis, God tells Abimelech that Abram is a prophet, although Abram had not, up until that time, cited any future events which were to come to pass; and in Exodus 7:1, there was an analogy set up. God's plan was for Him to speak to Moses and for Moses to communicate God's will to Pharaoh, as God's prophet. However, since Moses was suffering from a terrific case of shyness, God said, "I will make you God to Pharaoh and your brother Aaron will be your prophet." In these two instances, even though there would be some prophecy involved in what Aaron would tell Pharaoh, the thrust of what is being said is divine viewpoint. A prophet is a person who is speaking to man from God; a prophet is a man who speaks from God and communicates divine viewpoint to man; a prophet represents God to man (just as a priest primarily represents man before God). People get carried away and overemphasize the prophetic nature of what is being said. Prophecy is involved because God is omniscient—He knows the end from the beginning—so obviously anything spoken directly from God will contain elements of what we consider prophesy, simply because the future to God is no different than the past. Time applies to us, because we are in time; God is not confined by time. Furthermore, BDB translates nâbîy’ as spokesman, speaker, prophet. In other words, what we view as prophesy is incidental to the meaning of both the verb and the noun. And, there is nothing by way of inference, either in context or in the previous usage of the noun cognate that which indicates that these men are speaking in tongues or in some sort of ecstatic state with verbal accompaniment. Verb: Strong’s #5012 BDB #612. [Noun: Strong's #5030 BDB #611] Num. 11:25 1Sam. 10:5, 6, 11 18:10 19:20
nâbâʾ (אָבָנ) [pronounced nawb-VAW] |
to prophesy, to speak divine viewpoint; to express religious ecstasy; to instruct in religion; used of true, false, and heathen prophets |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5012 BDB #612 |
nâbâʾ (אָבָנ) [pronounced nawb-VAW] |
to prophesy, to speak divine viewpoint; to speak in an ecstatic state or frenzy; speaker can be true, false or heathen prophet |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5012 BDB #612 |
nâbâʾ (אָבָנ) [pronounced nawb-VAW] |
to prophesy, to speak divine viewpoint; to speak by divine power; to receive [and to pass on by speaking] prophecy |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5012 BDB #612 |
This is not a word which requires us to assume that there is ecstasy, raving, or frenzy involved; the one speaking might be animated, but not necessarily out of his gourd. I included those definitions only because they were found in BDB. However, in the case of Saul, we may reasonably assume that there was some lack of control on his part. |
23. Feminine_noun: which means prophecy. Late (2Chronicles and Nehemiah). Can refer to specific and genuine (2Chron. 15:8), as well as to false prophecy (Neh. 6:12). It also refers to prophetical writing (2Chron. 9:29). Strong’s #5016 BDB #612.
24. Feminine_singular_noun: nebîyʾâh (נְבִיאָה) [pronounced neb-vee-YAW], which means prophetess; wife of a prophet; used of true and false prophets. Strong’s #5031 BDB #612. Exodus 15:20 Judges 4:4
nebîyʾâh (נְבִיאָה) [pronounced neb-vee-YAW] |
prophetess; wife of a prophet; used of true and false prophets |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5031 BDB #612 |
25. Verb: nâbab (נָבַב) [pronounced naw-BAHB], which means to hollow out. It is only found in Exodus 27:8 38:7 Job 11:12 Jer. 52:21.* My thinking is that this is a man who is empty-headed rather than a person who has been struck with ennui (that is, feels empty inside due to boredom or tedium). Barnes points out that the Hebrew means hollowed out, empty; so the metaphorical meaning would be empty, foolish, insincere, hypocritical. Strong’s #5014 BDB #612. Exodus 27:8 Job 11:12
nâbab (נָבַב) [pronounced naw-BAHB] |
to hollow out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5014 BDB #612 |
nâbab (נָבַב) [pronounced naw-BAHB] |
hollowed out, being hollowed out |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5014 BDB #612 |
26. Masculine_proper_noun: which is transliterated Nebuchadnezzar. Strong’s #5019 BDB #613.
27. Verb: which means to bark. Used of dogs. Strong’s #5024 BDB #613.
28. Verb: nâbaţ (נָבַט) [pronounced nawb-VAHT], which means, to look intently at, to examine carefully; to rest one’s eyes upon [something]; to look, to behold; metaphorically, to bear patiently. When God asked Abraham to look into the sky to count the stars, the word used was nâbaţ. When Lot's wife looked behind to see Sodom, it was not a quick glance, but a look of longing—nâbaţ. Here, in Zech. 12:10, the Israelites are caused to look carefully at something; they examine something with great care and intent. This verb generally occurs in the Hiphil, Isa. 5:30 being the only exception, where it is found in the Piel. Strong's #5027 BDB #613. Gen. 15:5 19:17, 26 Exodus 3:6 33:8 Num. 21:9 1Sam. 2:32 16:7 17:42 24:8 Psalm 10:14 33:13 34:5 142:4 Prov. 4:25 Zech. 12:10
nâbaţ (נָבַט) [pronounced nawb-VAHT] |
to look intently at, to examine carefully; to rest one’s eyes upon [something]; to look, to behold; metaphorically, to regard, to consider; to bear patiently |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5027 BDB #613 |
nâbaţ (נָבַט) [pronounced nawb-VAHT] |
to look |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5027 BDB #613 |
29. Masculine_noun: which means expectation. Strong’s #4007 BDB #613.
30. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5028 BDB #614.
31. Gentilic_adjective: Nebâyôwth (נְבָיוֹת) [pronounced nehb-aw-YOHTH], which means fruitfulness; heights; transliterated Nebajoth, Nebaioth, Nebayoth; Nabatæans, Nabateans. Strong’s #5032 BDB #614. Gen. 25:13 28:9 36:3
Nebâyôwth (נְבָיוֹת) [pronounced nehb-aw-YOUTH] |
fruitfulness; heights; transliterated Nebajoth, Nebaioth, Nebayoth; Nabatæans, Nabateans |
proper noun; gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #5032 BDB #614 |
This is an odd word indeed, as it appears to apply to just one man in this passage; but it also refers to those descended from him who have a capitol city at Petra. |
32. Masculine_noun: which means spring. Strong’s #5033 BDB #614
33. Masculine_noun1: nêbel (נֵבֶל) [pronounced NAYB-vel], which means skin-bottle, skin, earthen jar, pitcher, container. According to Gesenius, this refers to a vessel of any sort used for liquids. Also spelled with a short e. Strong’s #5035 BDB #614. 1Sam. 1:24 10:3 25:18 2Sam. 16:1
nêbel (נֵבֶל) [pronounced NAYB-vel] |
skin-bottle, skin, flask, vessel, earthen jar, pitcher, container; musical instrument (lyre, harp) |
masculine singular construct; 1st meaning |
Strong’s #5035 BDB #614 |
34. Masculine_noun: nêbel (נֵבֶל) [pronounced NAYB-vel], which mean means a portable harp, lute, guitar. Some kind of musical instrument. Also spelled with a short e. This is sort of a lyre with ten strings and it is in the shape of an earthen wine bottle (this was taken from Barnes Notes, p. 25 in 1Sam. 10 and not used yet). Strong’s #5035 BDB #614. 1Sam. 10:5 2Sam. 6:5 1Chron. 16:5 Psalm 57:8
nêbel (נֵבֶל) [pronounced NAYB-vel] |
a portable harp, lute, guitar |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5035 BDB #614 |
35. Verb2: which means to be senseless, foolish. See below. Strong’s #5034 BDB #614.
36. Adjective: nâbâl (נָבָל) [pronounced nawb-VAWL], which means stupid, foolish, fool, foolish with regard to spiritual matters; foolishly impious. (Deut. 32:6,21 Psalm 14:1 30:8 2Sam. 3:33). Keil and Delitzsch say it is one who thinks madly and acts impiously. These people are then described. They are nâbâl (נָבָל) [pronounced nab-VAL], which is reasonably translated foolish as long as this is understood in the sense of having no spiritual understanding. This is being foolish in all matters related to spirituality. The completely lack spiritual discernment. This is such an insult to the Israelite, who has been entrusted with God’s Word and has seen the great acts of God. This is being bitch-slapped by God. It is a terrific insult. Strong’s #5036 BDB #614. Deut. 32:6, 21 2Sam. 3:33 13:13 Job 2:10
nâbâl (נָבָל) [pronounced nawb-VAWL] |
stupid, foolish, fool, foolish with regard to spiritual matters, having no spiritual understanding; foolishly impious |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5036 BDB #614 |
This is a person with no authority other than his own; that he can see no one higher than himself in this life, and for that reason, is a fool. In relation to man, he lacks authority orientation; in relation to God, he has no spiritual understanding or discernment. This is not a matter of being born foolish, but choosing it. |
37. Masculine_proper_noun: Nâbâl (לָבָנ) [pronounced nawb -VAWL], which means fool and is transliterated Nabal. Why isn’t this BDB #633? Strong’s #5037 BDB #615. 1Sam. 25:3 27:3 2Sam. 2:2
Nâbâl (לָבָנ) [pronounced naw-BAWL] |
foolish, stupid; impious, wicked; and is transliterated Nabal |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5037 BDB #615 |
38. Feminine_noun: nebâlâh (נְבָלָה) [pronounced nebvaw-LAW], which means senseless deed, vile act, disgraceful thing. The KJV often renders this folly, but that is too tame for its application to rape and incest (Gen. 34:7 2Sam. 13:12). This term is also used of a woman who tries to pass herself off as a virgin at the outset of a marriage, when she is not (Deut. 22:21). The NIV Study Bible describes it as an expression of outrage at the willful perversion of what is right and natural. See also Joshua 7:15 Judges 19:23–24 20:6, 10 Job 42:8 Isa. 9:17 32:6 Jer. 29:23.* Strong’s #5039 BDB #615. Gen. 34:7 Deut. 22:21 Joshua 7:15 Judges 19:23, 24 20:6 1Sam. 25:25 2Sam. 13:12
nebâlâh (נְבָלָה) [pronounced nebvaw-LAW] |
deceit, deceitful act, senseless deed, vile act, disgraceful thing; punishment for a vile or shameful act |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5039 BDB #615 |
The KJV often renders this folly, but that is too tame for its application to rape and incest (Gen. 34:7 2Sam. 13:12). This term is also used of a woman who tries to pass herself off as a virgin at the outset of a marriage, when she is not (Deut. 22:21). |
39. Feminine_noun: which means immodesty, shamelessness. Strong’s #5039 BDB #615.
40. Verb: nâbêl (נָבֵל) [pronounced naw-BVAIL], which means to sink down, to drop down, to languish, to wither and fall, to fade. Being more specific, ➊ In relation to leaves and flowers, it means to become withered, faded (Psalm 1:3 Isa. 1:30 Ezek. 47:12); ➋ it is used figuratively of men—to fall down, to faint, to lose strength (Ex. 18:18 Psalm 18:46 Isa. 24:4); ➌ it means to be foolish, to act foolishly; that is, withering and decay are applied to folly and impiety, just as strength is applied to virtue and piety (Prov. 30:32). The Piel provides a couple more meanings. Nâbvêl (ל ֵב ָנ) [pronounced nawb-VAIL] is found mostly in the Qal and generally should be translated fade (Psalm 1:3 Isa. 1:30 24:4 28:1 Jer. 8:13). The Piel of this verb means to look upon as foolish, esteem as foolish, to lightly esteem. Strong’s #5034 BDB #614#615. Exodus 18:18 Deut. 32:15 2Sam. 22:46 Job 14:18
nâbêl (נָבֵל) [pronounced naw-BVAIL] |
to sink down, to drop down, to languish, to wear out, to wither and fall, to fade; to be senseless, to be foolish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5034 BDB #614 & #615 |
Being more specific, ➊ In relation to leaves and flowers, it means to become withered, faded (Psalm 1:3 Isa. 1:30 Ezek. 47:12); ➋ it is used figuratively of men—to fall down, to faint, to lose strength (Ex. 18:18 Psalm 18:46 Isa. 24:4); ➌ it means to be foolish, to act foolishly; that is, withering and decay are applied to folly and impiety, just as strength is applied to virtue and piety (Prov. 30:32). |
nâbêl (נָבֵל) [pronounced naw-BVAIL] |
to regard or treat as foolish; to treat with contempt |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5034 BDB #614#615 |
41. Feminine_singular_noun: nebêlâh (נְבֵלָה) [pronounced neb-vay-LAW], which means corpse, carcass; body. Strong’s #5038 BDB #615. Deut. 21:23 Joshua 8:29
nebêlâh (נְבֵלָה) [pronounced neb-vay-LAW] |
corpse, carcass; body |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5038 BDB #615 |
42. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5041 BDB #615.
43. Verb: nâbaʿ (נָבַע) [pronounced nawb-VAHĢ], which means to pour out, to gush out, to gush forth, to flow, to spring, to bubble up. It is used figuratively several times in Scripture to the gushing out of speech. Strong’s #5042 BDB #615. Psalm 19:2 59:7 Prov. 1:23
nâbaʿ (נָבַע) [pronounced nawb-VAHĢ] |
to flow |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5042 BDB #615 |
nâbaʿ (נָבַע) [pronounced nawb-VAHĢ] |
to pour out, to gush out, to gush forth, to flow, to spring, to bubble up |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5042 BDB #615 |
Barnes: The word nâbaʿ means properly to boil forth; to gush out, to flow; and then, to pour forth copiously, or in a running stream, as a fountain does. Hence, the word means also to pour out “words” - words that flow freely - words of folly, abuse, or reproach. Pro 15:2, “the mouth of fools pours out (or, belches or babbles) foolishness.” Pro 15:28, “the mouth of the wicked pour out evil things;” that is, “gushes over” with wicked things - as a fountain overflows. In this place, the word means that the enemies of David who were in pursuit of his life, poured out reproaches and threatenings like a gushing fountain. |
44. Masculine_noun: which means spring of water.
45. Verb:
46. Masculine_noun: negeb (נֶגֶב) [pronounced ne-GHEBV] is a very well defined portion of Israel and, in this case, is best translated south-country; it often is rendered Negev or Negeb; and it can means south, southward. The word originally meant south (Gen. 13:14) and became the general designation for this portion of the promised land (Gen. 12:9 13:1, 3 20:1). The NIV (p. 412) tells me that this word means dry, but I can find no evidence of that. Strong's #5045 BDB #616. Gen. 12:9 13:1, 14 20:1 24:62 28:14 Exodus 26:18 27:9 Num. 13:17 Deut. 1:7 34:3 Joshua 15:1 Judges 1:9, 15 1Sam. 14:5 20:41 27:10 30:1 2Sam. 24:7 1Kings 7:25, 39
Negeb (נֶגֶב) [pronounced ne-GHEBV] |
south, south-country; southern portion of Judah, southern district of Palestine; often transliterated Negev or Negeb |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #5045 BDB #616 |
negeb (נֶגֶב) [pronounced ne-GHEBV] |
south, southward, toward the south; south-country; often transliterated Negev or Negeb |
masculine singular noun with the directional hê |
Strong's #5045 BDB #616 |
47. Verb: nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD], which means to make conspicuous, to make known, to expound, to explain, to declare, to inform, to confess, to make it pitifully obvious that. This verb is found only in the Hiphil and the Hophal. In all of these cases, something is being revealed to someone else, usually verbally. Since it is a clear, unequivocal revelation, that is how I have rendered it here. In all of these cases, something is being revealed to someone else, usually verbally. With the negative, the subject keeps this information under his hat. Strong's #5046 BDB #616. (Perhaps more work on this?) The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:1) Gen. 3:11 9:22 12:18 14:13 21:26 22:20 24:23, 28, 49 26:32 27:42 29:12, 15 31:20, 22 32:5, 29 37:5, 16 38:13 41:24, 25 42:29 43:6 44:24 45:13 46:31 47:1 48:2 49:1 Exodus 4:27 16:22 19:3, 9 Deut. 4:13 5:5 17:4, 9 30:18 Joshua 2:14, 20 7:19 9:24 Judges 4:12 9:7, 47 13:10 14:2, 12, 13 16:6, 10 Ruth 2:11, 19b 1Sam. 3:13, 15, 18 4:13 8:8 9:6, 18 10:15 11:9 15:12 17:31 18:20 19:2, 19 20:9 22:21 23:1, 7 24:1 25:8 27:4, 11 2Sam. 1:4 4:10 6:12 7:11 12:18 13:4 14:33 15:13, 28 17:17 18:10, 11, 21 19:1, 6, 8 21:11 24:13 1Kings 1:20, 51 2:29, 39 Job 1:15 11:6 12:7 15:18 17:5 21:31 Psalm 19:1 51:15 52 inscription 64:9 142:2 147:19
nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD] |
to make conspicuous, to make known, to expound, to explain, to declare, to inform, to confess, to make it pitifully obvious that |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5046 BDB #616 |
nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD] |
tell, make conspicuous, make known, expound, explain, declare, inform, confess, make it pitifully obvious that |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #5046 BDB #616 |
nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD] |
making conspicuous, making known, expounding, explaining, declaring, informing, confessing, making it pitifully obvious that |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #5046 BDB #616 |
nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD] |
a messenger, one who makes known, an informant; one who expounds [explains, declares] |
masculine singular, Hiphil participle with the definite article |
Strong's #5046 BDB #616 |
nâgad (נָגַד) [pronounced naw-GAHD] |
to be made conspicuous, to be made known, to be expounded, to be explained, to be declared, to be informed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5046 BDB #616 |
The Hophal is the passive of the Hiphil (causative stem) and the rarest of the seven stems. There is never a hint of reflexive in this stem and the agent of the verb is often not given in the immediate context. Most grammar books call it simply the causative passive stem. |
48. Substantive/adverb/preposition: neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged], which means what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of). Strong’s #5048 BDB #617. Gen. 2:18 31:32, 37 47:15 Exodus 10:10 19:2 Deut. 32:52 Job 4:16 10:17 Psalm 78:12 Joshua 6:5 8:11, 33 Ruth 4:4a 1Sam. 12:3 15:30 16:6 2Sam. 12:12 22:13 1Kings 8:22 1Chron. 8:32 Psalm 23:5 44:15 51:3 52:9 89:36 Prov. 4:25
neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged] |
what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of) |
preposition |
Strong’s #5048 BDB #617 |
49. Compound: Gen. 2:18
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, just as; according to; about, approximately; combined with an infinitive, it can also take on the meaning as, often, when, as soon as |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged] |
what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of) |
preposition with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5048 BDB #617 |
With the kaph preposition, neged means over-against, opposite one another, corresponding. |
50. Compound_preposition: lâmed + neged (ד∵ג∵נ) [pronounced NEH-ged], which means what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to. With the lâmed prefixed preposition, it means in front of, before, in the sight of, in the presence of. With this in mind, this could be rendered before me in Job 10:17. This is rendered standing over against him (Young, Rotherham), standing opposite him (NASB), standing in front of him (NIV), and stood opposite him (NKJV). Strong’s #5048 BDB #617. Gen. 33:12 Joshua 5:13 2Sam. 22:23 Psalm 54:3
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged] |
what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of) |
preposition |
Strong’s #5048 BDB #617 |
Together, the lâmed preposition and neged mean in front of, before [someone], in the sight of, in the presence of; standing opposite, standing in front of. |
51. Compound_preposition: min + neged (ד∵ג∵נ) [pronounced NEH-ged], which means what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to. With min, this means in front of, from before. Strong’s #5048 BDB #617. Gen. 21:16 Judges 9:17 20:34 2Sam. 18:13 Psalm 10:5
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged] |
what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of) |
preposition |
Strong’s #5048 BDB #617 |
Literally, these words mean from before, from in front of, away from and opposite to. Together, these words mean from in front of, in front of, from before; a far off; in the presence of, before; from the front of; in front of, over against, opposite [to]; against; in opposition to. When followed by the lâmed preposition, these prepositions often mean against. |
Without an object, min neged means some way (s) off, from [at] a distance, a ways off; off; aloof. |
52. Masculine_noun: nâgîyd (נָגִיד) [pronounced naw-GEED], which means prince, crown-prince, leader, ruler, noble. Gordon leans toward king-designate or crown-prince. This word comes from the original concept of a leader and ruler and then is applied to the virtues which become a prince. This word comes from a substantive (also, adverb and preposition) which means what is conspicuous, what is right in front of you (Strong’s #5048 BDB #617); and the meaning here is derived from that; the one who is pre-eminent, the one which stands right out front—that one is the leader or prince or ruler. Strong's #5057 BDB #617. [Synonym: nâdîybv (בי ̣ד ָנ) [pronounced naw-DEEBV] (Strong's #5081 BDB #622), which means voluntary, willing, spontaneous, ready, giving spontaneously and liberally, generous, noble (which, in the Oriental mind, is closely connected to the concepts of giving and liberality, and is a reference to character), nobility of race or station. Their meanings are the same, but proceed in the opposite order: with nâgîybv, you are a ruler, and therefore should exhibit certain qualities; with nâdîybv, you have leadership qualities and often, therefore, become a leader]. 1Sam. 9:16 13:14 25:30 2Sam. 5:2 7:8 1Kings 1:35 1Chron. 5:1b–2 12:27 Job (12:21) Prov. 8:6
nâgîyd (נָגִיד) [pronounced naw-GEED] |
prince, crown-prince, leader, ruler, noble |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5057 BDB #617 |
negîydîym (נְגִידִים) [pronounced neh-geed-EEM] |
princely things, noble concepts, excellent concepts; nobility [or race or station] |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #5057 BDB #617 |
53. Verb: nâgah (נָגַה) [pronounced naw-GAH], which means to shine. (in the Qal) and to enlighten (in the Hiphil). Strong’s #5050 BDB #618. 2Sam. 22:29 Job 18:5
nâgah (נָגַה) [pronounced naw-GAH] |
to shine |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5050 BDB #618 |
nâgah (נָגַה) [pronounced naw-GAH] |
to cause to shine; to enlighten |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5050 BDB #618 |
54. Feminine_noun: nôgahh (נֹגַהּ) [pronounced NOH-gah], which means brightness. Strong’s #5051 BDB #618. 2Sam. 22:13 23:4 Prov. 4:18
nôgahh (נֹגַהּ) [pronounced NOH-gah] |
brightness |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #5051 BDB #618 |
55. Feminine_noun: negôhâh () [pronounced nehg-oh-HAW], which means brightness; figuratively used for prosperity. Strong’s #5054 BDB #618.
56. Masculine_proper_noun: Nôgahh (נֹגַהּ) [pronounced NOH-gah], which means brightness, shining; prosperity transliterated Nogah. Strong’s #5052 BDB #618. 1Sam. 14:6
Nôgahh (נֹגַהּ) [pronounced NOH-gah] |
brightness, shining; prosperity transliterated Nogah |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5052 BDB #618 |
57. Verb: nâgach (נָגַח) [pronounced naw-GAHKH], which means, to push, to thrust, to gore, to strike with the horn [used of horned animals]. In the Piel, it is used of a victor prostrating nations before him (see Deut. 33:17 1Kings 22:11 Psalm 44:5). This word is used of animals goring a person in Exodus 21:28, 31–32. Its Piel meaning is pretty much the same as its Qal meaning in Ezek. 34:21 Dan. 8:4. Interestingly enough, the word for push we have seen before also related to animals. In the early portion of the Law, in Exodus 21:28–32, which deals with the goring by an ox, the word for gore is the same as the word here for push. Where this verse reads that it will push people together, this means that Israel will be pushed out of the land as a group throughout the world. We find this same word in Psalm 44:5. Strong’s #5055 BDB #618. Exodus 21:28 Deut. 33:17 Psalm 44:5
nâgach (נָגַח) [pronounced naw-GAHKH] |
to push, to thrust, to gore, to strike with the horn [used of horned animals] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5055 BDB #618 |
nâgach (נָגַח) [pronounced naw-GAHKH] |
to push, to thrust [at] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5055 BDB #618 |
nâgach (נָגַח) [pronounced naw-GAHKH] |
to engage in thrusting; to wage war |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5055 BDB #618 |
58. Adjective: naggâch (נַגָּח) [pronounced nahg-GAWKH], which means, accustomed [apt] to goring, addicted to goring; vicious. Strong’s #5056 BDB #618. Exodus 21:29 *****
naggâch (נַגָּח) [pronounced nahg-GAWKH] |
accustomed [apt] to goring, addicted to goring; vicious, predilection [predisposition] for goring |
adjective |
Strong’s #5056 BDB #618 |
59. Masculine_noun: which means sickle. Strong’s #4038 BDB #618.
60. Verb: nâgan (ן -גָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHN], which means to touch, to play a stringed instrument, to strike strings. Strong’s #5059 BDB #618. Only found in Piel. 1Sam. 16:16 18:10 19:9 Psalm 33:3 (54 inscription) 68:25
nâgan (ן -גָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHN] |
to touch, to play a stringed instrument, to strike strings |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5059 BDB #618 |
nâgan (ן -גָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHN] |
to touch, to play a stringed instrument, to strike strings |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5059 BDB #618 |
nâgan (ן -גָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHN] |
to touch, to play a stringed instrument, to strike strings |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5059 BDB #618 |
nâgan (ן -גָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHN] |
those who play stringed instruments, ones that strike strings of a stringed instrument; minstrels, musician |
masculine plural, Piel participle |
Strong’s #5059 BDB #618 |
61. Feminine_noun: negîynâh (נְגִינָה) [pronounced negee-NAW], which means music from stringed instruments; a stringed instrument; a song or psalm [especially arranged for stringed instruments]. Strong’s #5058 BDB #618. Psalm 54 inscription 55 inscription 61 inscription
negîynâh (נְגִינָה) [pronounced negee-NAW] |
music from stringed instruments; a stringed instrument; a song or psalm [especially arranged for stringed instruments]; a song of derision |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5058 BDB #618 |
62. Feminine_noun: which means a mocking, derisive song. Strong’s #4485 BDB #618.
63. Verb: nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ], which means to touch, to reach out and touch. This verb is very similar to another verb which means to strike down, to kill; this verb is not quite as strong, but there is a potential for harm indicated. Whereas the similar verb generally means to strike someone down so that they die; this can mean to simply strike someone down. In the Niphal (the passive stem), it means to be stricken down, to be defeated; and in Joshua 8:15, it means to feign defeat. The subsequent bêyth preposition can refer either to the means of touching someone or to that person who is touched (nâgaʿ is often followed by a preposition). The Pual is the passive of the Piel (intensive) stem. The Piel means to strike, to strike down, to be stricken down [by God]. The passive means to be stricken down, to be beaten down, to be struck down by God. Strong's #5060 BDB #619. Gen. 3:3 20:6 26:11, 29 32:24 Exodus 4:25 12:22 19:12 29:37 30:29 Joshua 8:15 9:19 Judges 6:21 20:34, 41 Ruth 2:8 1Sam. 4:2 6:9 10:26 14:9 2Sam. 5:8 14:10 23:7 1Kings 5:27 6:27 1Chron. 16:22 Job 1:11, 19 2:5 5:19 6:7 19:21 20:6 Psalm 32:6 73:5, 14 Prov. 6:29
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
to touch, to reach into; to violate, to injure; to come to a person; to strike |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
touch, reach into; violate, injure; come to a person; strike |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
the one touching, the person reaching into; whoever is violating, injuring; coming to a person |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
is touching, is reaching [to, into]; is violating, is injuring; is coming to a thing or person; is striking |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
to be touched; to be violated [injured]; to be stricken |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
to cause to touch, to cause to touch [the ground—i.e., to destroy], to touch, to reach [to anything—when followed by a lâmed], to come to [when followed by ʾel], to attain to [when followed by a lâmed] |
2nd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
being caused to touch, caused to reach [to anything]; coming to, attaining |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
to strike, to inflict harm [often a judgment from God]; possibly to plague |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
nâgaʿ (נָגַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ] |
to be touched; to be violated [injured]; to be stricken |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #5060 BDB #619 |
64. Masculine_noun: negaʿ (נֶעַע) [pronounced NEH-gahģ], which means bruise, injury, wound; swelling, eruption [on the skin]; mark [from a plague]. It is better understood when viewed between its two verbs nâgaʿ (נֶעַע) [pronounced naw-GAHĢ], which means to touch and nâgaph (ף ַג ָנ) [pronounced naw-GAHF] which means to strike, to hit. With the close association of these words, bruised area might be a more literal translation, as though it is the result of being slugged. However, it is used consistently throughout Leviticus 13 and 14 for a diseased area, that we will stick with that rendering. It should be pointed out that it is translated plague by the KJV, being found in Gen. 12:17 and Exodus 11:1 (its only two appearances prior to Leviticus). Wound, injury, bruise are also good renderings of this word. V. 2 pretty much defines what it is we are speaking of in terms of both the disease and the word negaʿ (which reads: a swelling or an eruption or a spot on the skin of his body) Strong's #5061 BDB #619. Gen. 12:17 Exodus 11:1 Lev. 13:3 Deut. 17:8 21:5 2Sam. 7:14 1Kings 8:37 Prov. 6:33
negaʿ (נֶעַע) [pronounced NEH-gahģ] |
bruise, injury, wound; swelling, eruption [on the skin]; mark [from a plague]; stripes [from beating] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5061 BDB #619 |
65. Verb: nâgaph (נָגַף) [pronounced naw-GAHF] which means to strike, to strike down, to hit. The Niphal means to be struck down, to be smitten, to be hit. It is the passive stem so the subject receives the action of the verb. This word is often used when the subject defeats the object in battle. Strong's #5062 BDB #619. (Lev. Exodus?) Exodus 12:23, 27 21:22 32:35 Deut. 1:42 Judges 20:32, 35, 39 1Sam. 4:2, 3, 10 7:10 25:38 26:10 2Sam. 2:17 10:15 12:15 18:7 1Kings 8:33 Psalm 89:23 Prov. 3:23
nâgaph (נָגַף) [pronounced naw-GAHF] |
to strike, to strike down, to hit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5062 BDB #619 |
nâgaph (נָגַף) [pronounced naw-GAHF] |
striking (down), hitting, smiting |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5062 BDB #619 |
nâgaph (נָגַף) [pronounced naw-GAHF] |
to be struck down, to be smitten, to be hit; [possibly] beaten, wounded |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5062 BDB #619 |
nâgaph (נָגַף) [pronounced naw-GAHF] |
to stumble |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #5062 BDB #619 |
66. Masculine_noun: negeph (נֶגֶף) [pronounced NEH-geht], which means a blow, a striking; a plague [fatal]; the infliction of a disease. Strong’s #5063 BDB #620. Exodus 12:13 30:12
negeph (נֶגֶף) [pronounced NEH-geht] |
a blow, a striking; a plague [fatal]; the infliction of a disease |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5063 BDB #620 |
67. Feminine_noun: maggêphâh (מַגֵּפָה) [pronounced mahg-gay-FAW], which means a blow, a slaughter, plague, pestilence. Strong’s #4046 BDB #620. Exodus 9:14 1Sam. 4:17 6:4 2Sam. 17:9 18:7 24:21 Psalm 106:29
maggêphâh (מַגֵּפָה) [pronounced mahg-gay-FAW] |
a blow, a slaughter, plague, pestilence |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4046 BDB #620 |
68. Verb: nâgar (נָגַר) [pronounced naw-GAHR], which means to pour out, to push down; to deliver over [to the power of something else], to flow, to run. In the Niphal, it means to be poured out, to be spilled, to vanish; the latter being a figurative use of the verb (i.e., when you pour water out on the ground, it vanishes rather quickly. Strong’s #5064 BDB #620. 2Sam. 14:14 Job 20:28 Psalm 63:10
nâgar (נָגַר) [pronounced naw-GAHR] |
to pour out, to push down; to deliver over [to the power of something else] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5064 BDB #620 |
nâgar (נָגַר) [pronounced naw-GAHR] |
to be poured out, to flow; to be stretched out [used of the hand] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5064 BDB #620 |
nâgar (נָגַר) [pronounced naw-GAHR] |
to be poured out, to be poured down |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5064 BDB #620 |
69. Verb: nâgas (נָגַשׂ) [pronounced naw-GAS] means to exact, require, demand; the participle of this verb was used for the taskmasters of Exodus, referring to the Egyptian slave drivers. This could also be rendered oppressor, driver, exactor, ruler, tyrant. Strong’s #5065 BDB #620. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:3) Exodus 3:7 5:6 Deut. 15:2 1Sam. 13:6 Job 3:18
nâgas (נָגַשׂ) [pronounced naw-GAS] |
to exact, require, demand |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5065 BDB #620 |
nâgas (נָגַשׂ) [pronounced naw-GAS] |
taskmasters, slave drivers; exacters; ruler, tyrant |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5065 BDB #620 |
As a participle, it refers to the taskmasters of Egypt (Ex. 3:7). This can also mean ruler, tyrant (Isa. 3:12 14:2 60:17 Zech. 10:4). |
nâgas (נָגַשׂ) [pronounced naw-GAS] |
to be pressed, harassed, to press or harass one another, to be harassed with toil, to be wearied out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #5065 BDB #620 |
Unless I mention this, you would not realize that this is the same word used to impel, to urge, to drive a slave to work (Isa. 58:3). As a participle, it refers to the taskmasters of Egypt (Ex. 3:7). It also can mean to urge a debtor [to pay]; to demand tribute (Deut. 15:2–3). Thirdly, this means to reign over, to rule as a participle, it means ruler, tyrant (Isa. 3:12 14:2 60:17 Zech. 10:4). |
In the Niphal, this means to be hard-pressed, to be oppressed (1Sam. 13:6 14:24); as well as to be treated harshly (Isa. 53:7); and to tyrannize one another (Isa. 3:5). Frankly, I am not comfortable with this menagerie of meanings and will feel better when I am able to tie them together. |
70. Verb: nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH], which means to come near, to draw near, to approach, to come hither in the Qal stem; and to bring near, to bring hither, to be brought in the Hiphil. In the Niphal, which is the passive. It appears have the almost identical meaning of qârav. The priests will be brought near, or drawn near. The Niphal is often used in worship. Strong's #5066 BDB #620. Gen. 18:23 19:9 27:21, 22 29:10 33:3, 5 43:19 44:18 45:4 48:10 Exodus 19:15, 22 20:21 21:6 24:2 28:43 30:20 32:6 Lev. 2:8 Deut. 20:2 21:5 Joshua 3:9 8:11 14:6 Judges 6:19 20:(22)23 1Sam. 7:10 9:18 13:9 14:18 15:32 17:16, 40 23:9 28:25 30:7, 21 2Sam. 1:15 3:34 13:11 17:29 1Kings 4:21
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to come near, to draw near, to approach, to come hither |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
come near, draw near, approach, come hither |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to bring near, to bring here; to approach [all with intensity of emotions of intention] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to bring near, to bring here; to cause to draw near, to cause to approach |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
those bringing near (or here); the ones causing to draw near, those causing to approach |
masculine plural, Hiphil participle |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
bring near, bring here |
2nd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperative (with a voluntative hê) |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to draw near, to be brought near |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphil imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
the ones drawing near, those being brought near |
masculine plural, Niphil participle |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to be bring near, to be brought; to be offered |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
nâgash (נָגַש) [pronounced naw-GASH] |
to draw near, to bring here |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #5066 BDB #620 |
71. Verb: which means to drive away, to thrust aside. Strong’s #5077 BDB #621.
72. Verb: nâdab (נָדַב) [pronounced naw-DAHBv], which means (without an object): to volunteer [oneself], to be willing to; to be generous; (with an object) to willingly offer; to incite, to urge, to drive; to impel; to offer up. BDB gives several other meanings, among them to incite, impel, volunteer, to offer free-will offerings. Without a direction object, we could probably render this as freely volunteer. I could probably study this more where it is found. Strong’s #5068 BDB #621. Exodus 25:2 Judges 5:2, 9
nâdab (נָדַב) [pronounced naw-DAHBv] |
(without an object): to volunteer [oneself], to be willing to; to be generous; (with an object) to willingly offer; to incite, to urge, to drive; to impel; to offer up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5068 BDB #621 |
nâdab (נָדַב) [pronounced naw-DAHBv] |
(without an object): to volunteer [oneself], to be willing to, to offer oneself freely; to impel oneself; (with an object) to willingly offer, to give generously [willingly, spontaneously]; to offer up |
Hithpael infinitive construct |
Strong’s #5068 BDB #621 |
nâdab (נָדַב) [pronounced naw-DAHBv] |
volunteers, those freely offering themselves; those who give generously [willingly, spontaneously]; those offering up |
masculine plural, Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #5068 BDB #621 |
73. Masculine_proper_noun: Nâdâb (נָדָב) [pronounced naw-DAWB], which means liberal, generous; transliterated Nadab. Strong’s #5070 BDB #621. Exodus 6:23 24:1 28:1
Nâdâb (נָדָב) [pronounced naw-DAWB] |
liberal, generous; transliterated Nadab |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5070 BDB #621 |
74. Feminine_noun: nedâbâh (נְדָבָה) [pronounced ne-DAWb-VAW], which means freewill, readiness of mind [to give], freely, with a willing mind, willing to volunteer; a spontaneous offering, a freewill sacrifice; largeness, abundance. Strong’s #5071 BDB #621. Deut. 16:10 Psalm 54:6 68:9 110:3
nedâbâh (נְדָבָה) [pronounced ne-DAWb-VAW] |
freewill, readiness of mind [to give], freely, with a willing mind, willing to volunteer; a spontaneous offering, a freewill sacrifice; largeness, abundance |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5071 BDB #621 |
75. Adjective/Masculine_noun: nâdîyb (נָדִיב) [pronounced naw-DEEBV], which means a noble [person], a noble race [or station]; a prince. ➊ voluntary, willing, spontaneous, ready (Ex. 35:5, 22 2Chron. 28:21 Psalm 51:14); ➋ giving spontaneously and liberally (Prov. 19:6); ➌ generous, noble (which, in the Oriental mind, is closely connected to the concepts of giving and liberality, and is a reference to character) (Isa. 32:5, 8 Prov. 17:7); ➍ nobility of race or station and therefore, often translated prince(s) (Job 34:18 Psalm 107:40 113:8). Strong's #5081 BDB #622. [This has a synonym, nâgîyd (די̣גָנ) [pronounced naw-GEED] (Strong's #5057 BDB #617), whose meaning is the same, but proceeds in the opposite order. This word comes from the original concept of a leader and ruler and then is applied to the virtues which become a prince.] 1Sam. 2:8 2Sam. (8:14) Job 12:21 21:28 Psalm 47:9 (51:12) 118:8 Prov. 8:16
nâdîyb (נָדִיב) [pronounced naw-DEEBV] |
a noble [person], a noble race [or station]; a prince; an aristocrat |
masculine singular noun (also used as an adjective) |
Strong's #5081 BDB #622 |
James Rickard: “Nobles” is the Adjective, NADIB, נָדִיב that means, “willing, generous, or noble” It is derived from the notion of one who is ready to give generously. As a noun it refers to those of noble birth, (i.e., we have been born again into the Royal Family of God.) The word often denotes an attitude of the heart which consents or agrees (often readily and cheerfully) to a course of action. In many other places, the term describes an individual as one of excellent moral character, so this is speaking about having Divine norms and standards in the heart of your soul based on God’s Word being resident within your soul. |
There is another word often rendered prince or leader, and that is nâgîyd (נָגִיד) [pronounced naw-GEED], which focuses more on the virtues of a prince. Strong's #5057 BDB #617. Our word looks more at the richness of a noble person. Aristocracy might be a good rendering of the noun. |
nâdîyb (נָדִיב) [pronounced naw-DEEBV] |
voluntary, willing spontaneous, ready; giving spontaneously and liberally; generous; noble; nobility of race or station |
masculine singular adjective (also used as a noun) |
Strong's #5081 BDB #622 |
Nâdîyb means ➊ voluntary, willing, spontaneous, ready (Ex. 35:5, 22 2Chron. 28:21 Psalm 51:14); ➋ giving spontaneously and liberally (Prov. 19:6); ➌ generous, noble (which, in the Oriental mind, is closely connected to the concepts of giving and liberality, and is a reference to character) (Isa. 32:5, 8 Prov. 17:7); ➍ nobility of race or station and therefore, often translated prince(s) (Job 34:18 Psalm 107:40 113:8). Therefore, these men are placed with the liberal rich and the princes of their periphery. |
76. Feminine_noun: nedîybâh (נְדִיבָה) [pronounced nehd-ee-BAW], which means nobility, nobleness; a noble and happy condition. Strong’s #5082 BDB #622. Psalm 51:12
nedîybâh (נְדִיבָה) [pronounced nehd-ee-BAW] |
nobility, nobleness; a noble and happy condition |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5082 BDB #622 |
77. Verb: nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD], which means to move; to move oneself, to wander about, to stray; to retreat, to flee, to depart; to fly [away], to flutter; to remove, to put away; to abominate. In the Hiphil, this means to chase away. Strong’s #5074 BDB #622. Gen. 21:40 2Sam. 23:6 Job 18:18 20:8 Psalm 55:7 64:8 68:12
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
to move; to move oneself, to wander about, to stray; to retreat, to flee, to depart; to fly [away], to flutter; to remove, to put away; to abominate |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
to flee away; to fly away; to be chased |
3rd person masculine plural, Poal imperfect |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
to chase away, to put to flight; to cast out |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
to be chased away; to be cast out; to flee away |
3rd person masculine plural, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
chased away; being cast out; fleeing away |
Hophal participle |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
nâdad (נָדַד) [pronounced naw-DAHD] |
to flee [away] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #5074 BDB #622 |
78. Masculine_noun: What Job’s night is filled with is a word found only in this verse; but it is closely related to the verb nâdad (ד ַד ָנ) [pronounced naw-DAHD], which means retreat, flee, depart, stray, wander, flutter. Therefore, tossing and turning is a reasonable rendering. Noun: Strong’s #5076 BDB #622. Job 7:4
79. Feminine_noun: nîdâh (ה ָ ̣נ) [pronounced nid-DAWH] and it means impurity, as in abhorrent, shunned and this is a word associated with menstruation (see Lev. 15:19–20, 24–26 Ezek. 18:6) and we could translate it menstruation, but not everywhere (e.g., Lev. 20:21) and only by implication. BDB gives as the primary English equivalent impurity and Strong's renders this rejection, and (by implication) impurity. The key to the meaning is the verb from whence this word is derived. Therefore impurity or rejection because of impurity would be the proper way to render this word. Nâdach (ח ַד ָנ) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] means to drive away, to banish, to expel (Deut. 30:4 2Sam. 14:13–14 Job 6:13 Jer. 49:5). Obviously the woman is not being banished, nor is she expelled, except that ceremonially she is banished or separated. Menstruation is implied and a separation or ceremonial removal is implied. Strong's #5080 (v) Strong's #5079 BDB #622. Lev. 12:2 Num. 19:9 See The Doctrine of Nîdâh
80. Masculine_noun: nêd (נֵד) [pronounced nade], which means a heap (of waters); piled up, a heap; like a big wave. According to Rotherham (p. 543), this should be a skin-bottle in Psalm 33:7 (a different word, apparently). Strong’s #5067 BDB #622. Exodus 15:8 Joshua 3:13 Psalm 33:7
nêd (נֵד) [pronounced nade] |
a heap (of waters); piled up, a heap; like a big wave |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5067 BDB #622 |
81. Verb: which means to put away, to exclude. Piel. Strong’s #5077 BDB #622.
82. Masculine_noun: which means gift. Strong’s #5078 BDB #622.
83. Verb: nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH], which means to be banished, to be cast away [cast down], compelled, driven away; thrust [away, aside]. The Niphal is the passive stem and it means specifically to compel, to be drawn away. The Niphal perfect is also found in Deut. 19:5 30:17 Job 6:13 Jer. 40:12 43:5 49:5 (*listing of all Niphal perf) This same word is found in the Hiphil in Deut. 13:5, 10, where it speaks of a false prophet drawing away, or seducing or compelling the people to worship the creature rather than the Creator. Strong's #5080 BDB #623. Deut. 4:19 20:19 22:1 2Sam. 14:13, 14 15:14 Job 13:25 Psalm 62:4 Prov. 7:21
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
to banish, to cast away [aside, down], to compel, to drive away; to thrust [forth, away, aside], to expel; to impel |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
to be banished, to be cast away [cast down], to be compelled, to be driven away [expelled]; to be thrust [out, away, aside]; to be drawn away, to be seduced |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
one who is banished, the one cast away [cast down], the one who is expelled [driven away] the one thrust [away, aside] |
masculine singular, Niphal participle |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
to be thrust into; to be driven onward; thrust (as a participle) |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
to thrust [out, away, aside], to expel; to move to impel; to banish; to draw away, to seduce; to bring down; to draw down |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
nâdach (נָדַח) [pronounced naw-DAHKH] |
to be chased, to be hunted; as a participle: chased, hunted; to be driven up and down |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5080 BDB #623 |
84. Masculine_noun: which means a thing to draw aside, an enticement. Strong’s #4065 BDB #623.
85. Masculine_noun1: which means a gift. Strong’s #5083 BDB #623.
86. Masculine_noun2: which means a sheath. Strong’s #5084 BDB #623.
87. Verb: nâdaph (ף-דָנ) [pronounced naw-DAHF], which means to dispel, to drive, to drive away [about]; to blow away; to put to flight; to conquer. Strong’s #5086 BDB #623. Psalm 68:2
nâdaph (ף-דָנ) [pronounced naw-DAHF] |
to dispel, to drive, to drive away [about]; to blow away; to put to flight; to conquer |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5086 BDB #623 |
nâdaph (ף-דָנ) [pronounced naw-DAHF] |
to be dispelled, to be driven away [about]; to be blown away; to be put to flight; to be conquered |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5086 BDB #623 |
88. Verb: nâdar (נָדַר) [pronounced naw-DAHR], which means to vow, to make a promise, to make a commitment, to give a word of assurance concerning a matter, to give one’s personal and honorable guarantee, to make a solemn oath or pledge to do or not to do a thing. Jacob, after his dream of the ladder reaching to heaven, made a private vow to God (Gen. 28:20). Israel as a nation, made a vow to God in Num. 21:2. Jephthah, while filled with the Holy Spirit, made a vow to God (Judges 11:29–30). Hannah, before God and Eli the priest, made a vow concerning her son Samuel in 1Sam. 1:9–11. Vows are primarily made to God (Deut. 23:23 2Sam. 15:7 Psalm 133:2) and may or may not be public. The majority of the vows named in the Bible tend to be made in private. There appears to be no more or less of a binding affect whether these vows are made in public or private. Strong’s #5087 BDB #623. Gen. 28:20 31:13 Num. 30:2 1Sam. 1:11 2Sam. 15:7 Psalm 132:2
nâdar (נָדַר) [pronounced naw-DAHR] |
to vow, to make a promise, to make a commitment, to give a word of assurance concerning a matter, to give one’s personal and honorable guarantee, to make a solemn oath or pledge to do or not to do a thing |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5087 BDB #623 |
89. Masculine_noun: nêder (נֵדֶר) [pronounced NAY-der], which means vow, the giving of one’s word of assurance, a personal guarantee, a promise, a commitment. Strong’s #5088 BDB #623. Gen. 28:20 31:13 Num. 30:2 Judges 11:39 1Sam. 1:11, 21 2Sam. 15:7, 8 Psalm 56:12 61:5 Prov. 7:14
nêder (נֵדֶר) [pronounced NAY-der] |
a vow, a promise, a personal guarantee, the giving of one’s word of assurance, a commitment |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5088 BDB #623 |
90. Verb1: nâhag (נָהַג) [pronounced naw-HAHG], which means to pant, to urge on a course, to drive [animals] along, to lead [a flock], to drive away, to lead [anyone], to lead away [as a captive]. It also has to pant, to act [with wisdom], which makes little sense. In the Piel, means to drive away, to lead on, to guide. Strong’s #5090 BDB #624. Gen. 31:18, 26 Exodus 3:1 10:13 14:25 Deut. 4:27 1Sam. 23:5 2Sam. 6:3 Eccles. 2:3
nâhag (נָהַג) [pronounced naw-HAHG] |
to bring, to lead, to urge on a course, to drive [animals] along, to drive away, to lead away [as a captive] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5090 BDB #624 |
nâhag (נָהַג) [pronounced naw-HAHG] |
bringing, leading, urging on a course, driving [animals] along, driving away, leading away [as a captive] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5090 BDB #624 |
nâhag (נָהַג) [pronounced naw-HAHG] |
to drive away, to cause to drive away; to lead on [off], to guide |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5090 BDB #624 |
91. Masculine_noun: which means driving, charioteering. Strong’s #4491 BDB #624.
92. Verb2: nâhag (גַהָנ) [pronounced naw-HAHG], which is found only in the Piel, and it means to wail, to lament. Strong’s #5090 BDB #624.
93. Verb: nâhâh (הָהָנ) [pronounced naw-HAW], which means to groan; to wail, to lament. It is an onomatopoetic word. Although JPS calls the meaning of this verb into question (it does disagree with the Septuagint), it is found also in Ezek. 32:18 and Micah 2:4 and it clearly means the same thing. There are also several cognates which are in agreement with this meaning. Strong’s #5091 BDB #624. 1Sam. 7:2
nâhâh (הָהָנ) [pronounced naw-HAW] |
to groan; to wail, to lament |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5091 BDB #624 |
nâhâh (הָהָנ) [pronounced naw-HAW] |
to wail, to lament; to mourn, to be in a state of mourning |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5091 BDB #624 |
Nâhâh is an onomatopoetic word. Although JPS calls the meaning of this verb into question (it does disagree with the Septuagint), it is found also in Ezek. 32:18 and Micah 2:4 and it clearly means the same thing. There are also several cognates which are in agreement with this meaning. |
94. Masculine_noun: which means wailing, lamentation, moaning. Strong’s #5092 BDB #624.
95. Feminine_noun: which means wailing, lamentation, moaning. Strong’s #5093 BDB #624.
96. Masculine_noun: which means wailing. Strong’s #5204 BDB #624.
97. Verb: nâhal (נָהַל) [pronounced naw-HAHL], which means to lead, to guide to a watering place; to guard, to provide for, to sustain. Except for Gen. 33:14, this is always found in the Piel. Strong’s #5095 BDB #624. Gen. 33:14 47:17 Exodus 15:13 Psalm 23:2 78:26
nâhal (נָהַל) [pronounced naw-HAHL] |
to lead, to guide to a watering place; to guard, to provide for, to sustain |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5095 BDB #624 |
nâhal (נָהַל) [pronounced naw-HAHL] |
to go on, to lead on |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5095 BDB #624 |
98. Masculine_noun: which means pasture, watering place. Strong’s #5097 BDB #625.
99. Proper_noun_location: Nahălil (לֹלֲה-נ) [pronounced nah-huh-LOHL], which means pasture, watering place; transliterated Nahalol. Same as Strong's #5097. Strong's #5096 BDB #625. Judges 1:30
Nahălil (לֹלֲה-נ) [pronounced nah-huh-LOHL] |
pasture, watering place; transliterated Nahalol |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong's #5096 BDB #625 |
100. Verb: nâham (נָהַם) [pronounced naw-HAHM], which means to growl [of a lion], to groan [of a sufferer]; roaring [of the sea]. Strong’s #5098 BDB #625. Prov. 5:11
nâham (נָהַם) [pronounced naw-HAHM] |
to growl [of a lion], to groan [of a sufferer]; roaring [of the sea] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5098 BDB #625 |
101. Masculine_noun: which means growling of a lion. Strong’s #5099 BDB #625.
102. Feminine_noun: which means growling, groaning. Strong’s #5100 BDB #625.
103. Verb: which means to bray, to cry. Strong’s #5101 BDB #625.
104. Verb1: which means to flow, to stream. Strong’s #5102 BDB #625.
nâhar (ר-הָנ) [pronounced naw-HAHR] |
to flow, to stream |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect, pausal form |
Strong’s #5102 BDB #625 |
This verb is a homonym with the Hebrew verb that means to shine, to beam. Strong’s #5102 BDB #626. There is ample cognatic evidence for both sets of meanings. See below. |
105. Masculine_noun: nâhâr (נָהָר) [pronounced naw-HAWR], which means stream, river. This is the most common word for river in the Hebrew; although the KJV also translates it floods as well. Strong’s #5104 BDB #625. Gen. 2:10 15:18 31:21 36:37 Exodus 7:19 23:31 Deut. 1:7 8:5 Judges 3:8 2Sam. 8:3 1Kings 4:21 Job 20:17 Psalm 24:2 46:5 89:25
nâhâr (נָהָר) [pronounced naw-HAWR] |
stream, river |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5104 BDB #625 |
neharôwth (נְהַרוֹת) [pronounced ne-haw-ROHTH] |
rivers, streams; flood, floods |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5104 BDB #625 |
106. Verb2: nâhar (ר-הָנ) [pronounced naw-HAHR], which means to shine, to beam. Strong’s #5102 BDB #626. Psalm 34:5
nâhar (ר-הָנ) [pronounced naw-HAHR] |
to shine, to beam, to be radiant |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect, pausal form |
Strong’s #5102 BDB #626 |
This verb is a homonym with the Hebrew verb that means to flow, to stream. Strong’s #5102 BDB #625. There is ample cognatic evidence for both. See above. |
107. Feminine_noun: nehârâh (נֶהָרָה) [pronounced neh-haw-RAW], which means daylight, light. Strong’s #5105 BDB #626. Job 3:4*
nehârâh (נֶהָרָה) [pronounced neh-haw-RAW] |
daylight, light |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5105 BDB #626 |
This word only occurs in Job 3:4, but there is a verbal cognate with a similar meaning. |
108. Feminine plural of a noun: which occurs only here, and therefore its meaning is known primarily by context. Various translators suggest dens (NASB, Owen), flowings (Young), shelters (NIV), hollows. BDB suggests that we think of a cave with light coming down into it (as the word is very similar to the verb for shine, beam—Strong’s #5102 BDB #626). Barnes suggests that these are hiding places cut out by the torrents, and obviously not useable during the rainy season. Keil and Delitzsch reject the translation light holes or holes with openings to the light, but agree with Barnes that these are more mountain ravines hollowed out by the torrents. Strong’s #4492 BDB #626. Judges 6:2*
109. Verb: nûwʾ (אנ) [pronounced noo], which means to stand in opposition to, to take a stand against (such that the aims, position, desire, etc. of the other person is hindered, nullified, or restrained). This verb is only found in Num. 30:5, 8, 11 32:7, 9 Psalm 33:10 141:5. The verb Strong's #5106 BDB #626. Num. 14:34 (see also Strong's #8569) Psalm 33:10
110. Feminine_noun: tenûwʾâh (ה ָאנ ׃) [pronounced t'noo-AH]. It is only found here and in Job 33:10. Obviously, it is hard to determine its meaning based upon the context of two passages. Luckily, we have a verb with the same base: nûw’ (אנ) [pronounced noo] and this verb is only found in Num. 30:5, 8, 11 32:7, 9 Psalm 33:10 141:5. Recall how some verbs could affix a tâw () [pronounced taw] to the beginning in order to form a related noun. The additional âh at the end of a word was the feminine gender. The verb means to stand in opposition to, to take a stand against (such that the aims, position, desire, etc. of the other person is hindered, nullified, or restrained). This is merely the corresponding noun. Strong's #8569 BDB #626. Num. 14:34 (verb is Strong's #5106)
111. Verb: nûwb (נוּב) [pronounced newbv], which means to sprout, to germinate; to increase, to be increased; to bear fruit. Strong’s #5107 BDB #626. Psalm 42:10 Prov. 10:31
nûwb (נוּב) [pronounced newbv] |
to sprout, to germinate; to increase, to be increased; to bear fruit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5107 BDB #626 |
nûwb (נוּב) [pronounced newbv] |
to make flourish [figuratively]; to cause to sprout [germinate; increase] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel/Pilel imperfect |
Strong’s #5107 BDB #626 |
Owen has Pilel; Gesenius has Piel. |
112. Masculine_noun: which means fruit. Strong’s #5108 BDB #626.
113. Feminine_noun: tenûwbvâh (הָבנ ) [pronounced t’noo-VAW], which means fruit, produce. Strong’s #8570 BDB #626. Judges 9:11
114. Verb: nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood], which means to wander about, to be moved; to be agitated; to remove; to flee (Prov. 26:2 Jer. 49:30 50:3); to mourn, to commiserate, to show sympathy, to pity (Job 2:11 42:11 Psalm 69:20 Isa. 51:19) Strong’s #5110 BDB #626. Gen. 4:12 Job 2:11 (16:5) Psalm (64:8)
nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood] |
to wander about, to be moved; to be agitated; to remove; to flee, to take flight (Prov. 26:2 Jer. 49:30 50:3); to mourn, to commiserate, to show sympathy, to pity (Job 2:11 42:11 Psalm 69:20 Isa. 51:19) when followed by the lâmed preposition |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5110 BDB #626 |
nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood] |
a wanderer, a fugitive, one who is agitated; to remove; a mourner, one who grieves |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5110 BDB #626 |
nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood] |
to cause to wander [about, aimlessly]; to expel; to agitate; to wag, nod or move the head |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5110 BDB #626 |
nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood] |
shaken out, thrust out |
Hophal participle |
Strong’s #5110 BDB #626 |
nûwd (נוּד) [pronounced nood] |
to be moved [to and fro]; to move oneself [to and fro]; to sway, to totter, to be agitated; to move the head; to lament, to bemoan oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5110 BDB #626 |
115. Masculine_noun: nôwd (נוֹד) [pronounced nohd], which means wandering. Strong’s #5112 BDB #627. Gen. 4:16 Psalm 56:8
nôwd (נוֹד) [pronounced nohd] |
wandering |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5112 & #5113 BDB #627 |
This word is only found in one other place: Gen. 4:16, where it is often transliterated as Nod, the place where Cain was sent to wander. Nod is Strong’s #5113 BDB #627. |
116. Masculine_noun: which means quivering motion. Strong’s #5205 BDB #627. Job 16:5*
117. Masculine_noun: which means a shaking, a wagging. Strong’s #4493 BDB #627.
118. Verb1: which means to beautify, to be beautiful. Other second, but dubious meanings. Strong’s #5115 BDB #627. See below:
119. Masculine_noun1: nâveh (ה∵וָנ) [pronounced naw-VEH], and it means abode of a shepherd, abode of a shepherd’s flocks, habitation (the main translation in the KJV). It is used for the habitation of a nation (Psalm 79:7 Prov. 3:33 Isa. 32:18). It’s first use is in Exodus 15:13 (which is the only time it is found in the Pentateuch). For right now, let’s go with area [or region] of habitation. Used in poetry. This might well-deserve a doctrinal study. Strong’s #5116 BDB #627. 1Sam. (19:19) 2Sam. 7:8 15:25 Job 5:3, 24 18:15
nâveh (נָוֶה) [pronounced naw-VEH] |
inhabiting, dwelling, abiding; as a substantive: a seat; a habitation or an area [or region] of habitation [for man, God, shepherds, shepherd’s flocks]; meadow, pasture |
masculine singular adjective; masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5116 BDB #627 |
nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW] |
inhabiting, becoming; as a substantive: a seat; an abode [habitation] [for women, shepherds, animals, God]; a pasture; one who inhabits [a place] |
feminine singular adjective; also used as a substantive |
Strong’s #5116 BDB #627 |
120. Verb2: nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW], which means to dwell, to abide. Strong’s #5115 BDB #627. Exodus 15:2
nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW] |
to dwell, to abide; to sit down; to rest; to keep at home |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5115 BDB #627 |
nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW] |
to adorn [with praises]; to celebrate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5115 BDB #627 |
nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW] |
to rest |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5115 BDB #627 |
121. Adjective2: nâveh (נָוֶה) [pronounced naw-VEH], which means dwelling, abiding. See two words below. Strong’s #5116 BDB #627. 1Sam. (19:19)
nâveh (נָוֶה) [pronounced naw-VEH] |
dwelling, abiding |
adjective |
Strong’s #5116 BDB #627 |
122. Masculine_noun: Exodus 15:13 Prov. 3:33
nâveh (נָוֶה) [pronounced naw-VEH] |
abode, dwelling place, habitation |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5116 BDB #627 |
123. Feminine_noun2: nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW], which means pasture, meadow. See below. Strong’s #5116 BDB #627. 1Sam. (19:19)
nâvâh (נָוָה) [pronounced naw-VAW] |
pastures, meadows; obviously a pleasant piece of land |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #5116 BDB #627 |
124. Feminine_noun: nâʾâh (נָאָה) [pronounced naw-AW], which means pastures, meadows; obviously a pleasant piece of land. BDB considers this word to be equivalent to Strong’s #5116 and the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance, Gesenius and Strong consider them to be different words. See above. Strong’s #4999 BDB #627. 1Sam. (19:19) Psalm 23:2 83:12
nâʾâh (נָאָה) [pronounced naw-AW] |
pastures, meadows; obviously a pleasant piece of land |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #4999 BDB #627 |
125. Location: nâvôyth (טיֹוָנ) [pronounced naw-VOYTH], which means pasture, meadow; habitation of a shepherd; and is transliterated Naioth. Several different spellings Strong’s #5121 BDB #627. 1Sam. 19:17 20:1
nâvôyth (תיֹוָנ) [pronounced naw-VOYTH] |
pasture, meadow; habitation of a shepherd; and is transliterated Naioth |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5121 BDB #627 |
First of all, this proper noun occurs only in this context (chapters 19–20). It is spelled in at least 3 different ways in this context. In the spelling above, we have the very uncharacteristic cholem followed by a yohd. Whereas, one can easily put together the very modern and common Jewish sound oy from these two, it is unusual in the ancient Hebrew (off the top of my head, I don’t know of another occurrence of these two letters together in this order as a diphthong). With regards to its possible meanings: it does not match any of those nouns exactly. BDB calls it abode of the prophets (more as a designation rather than a definition or Hebrew equivalent). With reference to the English transliteration: Hebrew words do not string this many vowels together. |
126. Verb: nûwach (נוּחַ) [pronounced NOO-ahkh], which means rest, cause to rest, to be at rest, set down, lay down, deposit, leave. In the Hiphil, this means to deposit, to set down, to cause to rest. This is not the word used for God resting after his 6 days of restoration, but it is first used for the ark coming to rest on Mount Ararat (Gen. 8:4). It is often used of God causing men and nations to be at rest (at peace, essentially) (Ex. 33:14 Joshua 22:4 23:1 2Sam. 7:1 Lam. 5:5). In the voluntative Hiphil imperative, it means permit me to rest, allow me to rest, permission to rest. This is not ingratiating, but more of a recognition of the man’s authority over him. It is the recruit saying, permission to speak freely, sir. Strong’s #5117 (and #3240) BDB #628. The Doctrine of Tongues (Isa. 28:12) (See synonym Strong’s #8252). Gen. 2:15 8:4 19:16 39:16 42:33 Exodus 10:14 16:23, 24, 33 17:11 20:11 23:12 32:10 Num. 32:15 Deut. 3:20 5:14 12:10 Joshua 1:13 3:13 4:3, 8 21:44 22:4 23:1 Judges 2:23 6:18, 20 16:26 1Sam. 6:18 10:25 25:9 2Sam. 7:1, 11 16:11, 21 20:3 21:10 1Kings 5:4 7:47 8:9 1Chron. 16:21 Job 3:13, 26 Psalm 105:14 Eccles. 2:18
nûwach (נוּחַ) [pronounced NOO-ahkh] |
rest, cause to rest, to be at rest, set down, lay down, deposit, leave |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5117 (and #3240) BDB #628 |
nûwach (נוּחַ) [pronounced NOO-ahkh] |
to deposit, to set down; to cause to rest [to set down]; to let remain, to leave; to depart from; to abandon; to permit |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5117 (and #3240) BDB #628 |
nûwach (נוּחַ) [pronounced NOO-ahkh] |
set down; leave, depart from, abandon; permit to rest, allow to rest, permission to rest |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative (with a voluntative hê) |
Strong’s #5117 (and #3240) BDB #628 |
nûwach (נוּחַ) [pronounced NOO-ahkh] |
to obtain rest, be granted rest; to be left, be placed; open space (substantive) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5117 (and #3240) BDB #628 |
127. Feminine_noun: nachath (נַחַת) [pronounced NAH-khahth], which means tranquility, quietness, rest. Strong’s #5183 BDB #629. Job 17:16
128. Masculine_proper_noun: Nôach (נֹחַ) [pronounced NOH-ahkh], which means rest, repose; consolation; transliterated Noah. Strong’s #5146 BDB #629. Gen. 5:29 6:8 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1
Nôach (נֹחַ) [pronounced NOH-ahkh] |
rest, repose; consolation; transliterated Noah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5146 BDB #629 |
129. Masculine_noun: nîychôach (נִיחֹחַ) [pronounced nee-KHOH-ahkh], which means tranquilizing, soothing, quieting; sweet, pleasant. Unfortunately, it does not occur apart from rêyach and is found nowhere in the Bible but in the Pentateuch (only once in Genesis, twice in Numbers and not at all in Deuteronomy) and in Ezekiel 6:13 16:19 20:28, 41. It is said to mean tranquilizing, soothing, quieting by BDB and this would be a better rendering than sweet or pleasing. The reason for this is that each sacrifice of an animal speaks of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ and the judgement for our sins by God the Father on the cross. This cannot be a pleasing, pleasant or sweet odor to God; however, because it does speak of our Lord's efficacious work on our behalf, it is a tranquilizing and quieting smell. Rather than looking down upon our sins and evil nature and wanting to judge us for this, God is tranquilized and quieted by this odor. Strong #5207 BDB #629. Gen. 8:21 Exodus 29:18
nîychôach (נִיחֹחַ) [pronounced nee-KHOH-ahkh] |
tranquilizing, soothing, quieting; sweet, pleasant |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong #5207 BDB #629 |
130. Feminine_noun: which means a giving of rest, perhaps the making of a holiday. Strong’s #2010 BDB #629.
131. Masculine_noun: mânôwach (מָנוֹחַ) [pronounced maw-NOH-wahkh], which means rest, a condition or state of rest, a place of rest. Strong’s #4494 BDB #629. Gen. 8:9 Ruth 3:1 1Chron. 6:31 Job 17:16
mânôwach (מָנוֹחַ) [pronounced maw-NOH-wahkh] |
rest, a condition or state of rest, a place of rest |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4494 BDB #629 |
132. Feminine_noun: menûwchâh (מְנוּחָה) [pronounced me-noo-KHAH], which means rest, resting place, place of rest, quietness. Strong’s #4496 BDB #629. The Doctrine of Tongues (Isa. 28:12) Gen. 49:15 Judges 20:43 Ruth 1:9 2Sam. 14:17 1Kings 8:56 Psalm 23:2 95:11 132:8
menûwchâh (מְנוּחָה) [pronounced me-noo-KHAH] |
rest, a condition of rest; a resting place, place of rest; quietness; an habitation |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4496 BDB #629 |
133. Proper_noun/location: Mânachath (מָנַחַת) [pronounced maw-NAHKH-ahth], which means rest; transliterated Manahath. Strong’s #4506 BDB #630.
Mânachath (מָנַחַת) [pronounced maw-NAHKH-ahth] |
rest; transliterated Manahath |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #4506 BDB #630 |
134. Gentilic_adjective: which means resting place, settlement, transliterated . Of foregoing. Strong’s #4506&2680? BDB #630.
135. Masculine_proper_noun: which means resting place?; transliterated . Strong’s #4506 BDB #630.
136. Verb: nûwţ (טנ) [pronounced noot], which means to be moved, to shake, to quake; to suspend, to hang, to dangle. This verb is found only here. Strong’s #5120 BDB #630. Psalm 99:1
nûwţ (טנ) [pronounced noot] |
to be moved, to shake, to quake; to suspend, to hang, to dangle |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5120 BDB #630 |
This verb occurs only here, and it has no cognates. Therefore, what was done was, this was given a meaning, possibly, to be in parallel with the first verb in this sentence. However, the Arabic equivalent to nûwţ means to hang, to suspend. An Arabic cognate is used of a bag hanging down or being suspended. To David, perhaps, and surely to those who translated this word into the Greek over 2000 years ago had no idea what it means for the earth to be suspended or for the earth to hang in the air. Therefore, they had to make do with what they could comprehend. We understand the idea of the earth being suspended in space, so we can now give this verb it correct translation. |
137. Verb: which means to be drowsy, to slumber. Strong’s #5123 BDB #630.
138. Feminine_noun: which means somnolence. Strong’s #5124 BDB #630.
139. Feminine_noun: tenûwmâh (תְנוּמָה) [pronounced tehn-oo-MAW], which means slumber, slumbering, sleep; being asleep; often related to indolence. Strong’s #8572 BDB #630. Psalm 132:4 Prov. 6:4
tenûwmâh (תְנוּמָה) [pronounced ten-oo-MAW] |
sleep, slumber, being asleep, slumbering; often related to indolence |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8572 BDB #630 |
140. Proper_noun/location: which means slumber, sleepy-town; transliterated . Strong’s #3241 BDB #630.
141. Verb: which means to propagate, to increase. Strong’s #5125 BDB #630.
142. Masculine_proper_noun: Nûwn (נוּן) [pronounced noon], which means to propagate, to increase; posterity; fish; transliterated Nun. Strong’s #5126 BDB #630. Exodus 33:11 Deut. 1:38 34:9 Judges 2:8
Nûwn (נוּן) [pronounced noon] |
to propagate, to increase; posterity; fish; transliterated Nun |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5126 BDB #630 |
143. Masculine_noun: nîyn (נִין) [pronounced neen], which means offspring, posterity, progeny; son. The KJV always renders this son, although it only occurs three times in Scripture (Gen. 21:23 Isa. 14:22). Young renders this continuator. Always found with neked. Strong’s #5209 BDB #630. Gen. 21:23 Job 18:19
nîyn (נִין) [pronounced neen] |
offspring, posterity, progeny; son |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5209 BDB #630 |
144. Verb: nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose], which means to flee, to flee from, to escape, to depart, to hasten quickly [away]. In the Hiphil, it means to put to flight, to cause to flee. Strong's #5127 BDB #630. [Synonym: Strong’s #1272 BDB #137]. Gen. 14:10 19:20 39:12 Exodus 4:3 9:20 14:25, 27 21:13 Lev. 26:36 Deut. 4:42 34:7 Joshua 7:4 8:6, 15, 20 10:16 Judges 1:6 4:15 7:21 9:21 20:32 1Sam. 4:10, 16 17:24, 51 19:8 30:17 31:1 2Sam. 1:4 3:29 17:2 18:17 19:3, 8 23:11 24:13 1Kings 2:28 Psalm 60:4 68:1 114:3
nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose] |
to flee, to flee from, to escape, to depart, to retreat, to hasten quickly [away] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5127 BDB #630 |
nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose] |
fleeing [from], escaping, departing, retreating, hastening quickly [away] |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5127 BDB #630 |
nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose] |
to impel; to drive at |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel (BDB) [or Pilel—Gesenius] imperfect |
Strong's #5127 BDB #630 |
I may want to reexamine this stem when I come to it. |
nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose] |
to flee, to flee from, to escape, to take flight; to take oneself to flight |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel (BDB) [or Hithpalel—Gesenius] imperfect |
Strong's #5127 BDB #630 |
nûwç (נוּס) [pronounced noose] |
to cause to flee, to put to flight; to cause to disappear [hide]; to take something away by flight and to put it in safety |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5127 BDB #630 |
145. Masculine_substantive: mânôwç (מָנוֹס) [pronounced maw-NOHS], which means fleeing, flight, a place of escape, refuge. Strong's #4498 BDB #631. Lev. 26:36 2Sam. 22:3 Job 11:20 Psalm 59:16 142:4
mânôwç (מָנוֹס) [pronounced maw-NOHSS] |
flight, a place of escape, refuge |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4498 BDB #631 |
146. Feminine_noun: menûwçâh (מְמוּסָה) [pronounced menoo-SAW], which means flight, a place of escape, refuge. Feminine form of above. Strong’s #4498 BDB #631.
menûwçâh (מְמוּסָה) [pronounced menoo-SAW] |
flight, a place of escape, refuge |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4498 BDB #631 |
147. Verb: nûwaʿ (נוּעַ) [pronounced NOO-ahģ], which means to sway, to quiver, to wave, to tremble, to shake, to totter. Strong’s #5128 BDB #631. Exodus 20:18 Judges 9:9 1Sam. 1:13 Psalm 59:11, 15 Prov. 5:6
nûwaʿ (נוּעַ) [pronounced NOO-ahģ] |
to wave, to quiver, to vibrate, to swing, to stagger, to tremble, to be unstable; to totter, go tottering; to move to and fro; sometimes used of the blind |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5128 BDB #631 |
nûwaʿ (נוּעַ) [pronounced NOO-ahģ] |
one who moves to and fro, a wanderer, fugitive, vagabond, one who moves about unsteadily |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5128 BDB #631 |
nûwaʿ (נוּעַ) [pronounced NOO-ahģ] |
to be shaken |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5128 BDB #631 |
nûwaʿ (נוּעַ) [pronounced NOO-ahģ] |
to move to and fro, to wag [the head in derision]; to shake, to disturb; to cause to stagger; to cause to totter; to cause to wander |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5128 BDB #631 |
148. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #5269 BDB #631
149. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5270 BDB #631.
150. Masculine_noun: maneʿaneʿîym (םי.ענ-ענ-מ) [pronounced mahne-ģahn-ĢEEM], which means sistra, castanets, rattles. An instrument which is shaken. Strong’s #4517 BDB #631. 2Sam. 6:5
maneʿaneʿîym (םי.ענ-ענ-מ) [pronounced mahne-ģahn-ĢEEM] |
sistra, castanets, rattles; a percussive instrument which is shaken in order to make music |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4517 BDB #631 |
151. Verb: nûwph (נוּף) [pronounced noof], which means to move to and fro, to vacillate; to vibrate, to swing to and fro; to wave; to wander; to agitate (the hand or with the hand), to shake. The Num, Deut and Joshua references could be to the verb above; otherwise, I screwed them up. According to BDB, the technical use of this word is that priest would take an offering and lift it up toward the altar and then move it away, back to himself, as it were, to represent that this is being offered to Yahweh and Yahweh has given it back to them. So, in this verse, Aaron presents the Levites to Yahweh, but then receives them back as a present to himself and his sons. Strong's #5130 BDB #631. Exodus 29:24, 27 Num. 8:11 Deut. 27:5 Joshua 8:31 more could be done (see also Strong's #8573) Psalm 68:9 Prov. 7:17
nûwph (נוּף) [pronounced noof] |
to wave up and down; to agitate; to sprinkle; possibly to perfume |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5130 BDB #631 |
nûwph (נוּף) [pronounced noof] |
to wave, to shake [e.g., the hand to beckon someone]; to scatter, to shake forth [rain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5130 BDB #631 |
nûwph (נוּף) [pronounced noof] |
to be shaken; to be agitated, to be scattered |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5130 BDB #631 |
nûwph (נוּף) [pronounced noof] |
to shake [the hand against anything] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel imperfect |
Strong's #5130 BDB #631 |
152. Feminine_noun1: nâphâh (נָפָה) [pronounced naw-FAW], which means borders, coast, region; height. It BDB gives it the translation height, Gesenius, a lofty place, a sieve. Owen neatly sidesteps this and translates this as a proper noun, Naphoth-dor. Strong’s #5299 BDB #632. In Joshua 17:11 in the Hebrew, we read nâpheth (ת ∵פ ָ) [pronounced naw-FETH], and this word is found nowhere else in Scripture. Strong’s #5316 BDB #632. However, there is another Hebrew word, nâphâh (ה ָפ ָנ) [pronounced naw-FAW], found in several forms in several passages (e.g., Joshua 11:2 12:23 1Kings 4:11). Since this word is found twice already in the book of Joshua, it is not a stretch to think that it might be found again. You can see how very similar the letters tâv (ת) and hê (ה) are; given that the vowel points were added almost two thousand years later and given the fact that Joshua could be one of the more corrupt books (particularly in this second section of the book), it is likely that what we have in our Bibles is a mistake a copyist made due to working with a poor original. Strong’s #5299 BDB #632. Joshua 11:2 17:11 1Kings 4:11
nâphâh (נָפָה) [pronounced naw-FAW] |
borders, coast, region; height |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5299 BDB #632 |
This word occurs four times in the KJV and is given four different translations: borders, coast, region (these three times nâphâh is combined with the proper noun Dor); and sieve (Isa. 30:28). Some simply take those 3 times and understand this to refer to a particular place. |
153. Feminine_noun: tenûwphâh (תְּנוּפָה) [pronounced t'noo-PHAWH], which means wave-offering; a swinging, brandishing [of God’s hand, weapons]. This word is obviously closely related to nûwph. Often, in the Hebrew, a noun is formed from the verb by adding an âh ending. Here, it is preceded by a t as well. This is the offering which the priest brings toward the altar and then takes it away, signifying that the offering is given to God and then received back to them. Strong's #8573 BDB #632. (see also Strong's #5130) Exodus 29:24 Num. 8:11
tenûwphâh (תְּנוּפָה) [pronounced t'noo-PHAWH] |
wave-offering; a swinging, brandishing [of God’s hand, weapons] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #8573 BDB #632 |
154. Masculine_noun: which means elevation, height. Strong’s #5131 BDB #632.
155. Feminine_noun2: which means height. Strong’s #5299 BDB #632. See above.
156. Feminine_noun: which means height. Strong’s #5316 BDB #632.
157. Verb: which means to suckle, to nurse. Strong’s #5134 BDB #632.
158. Verb: which means to give light, to shine. Strong’s #none BDB #632.
159. Masculine_noun1: nêr (נֵר) [pronounced nair], which means lamp. Strong’s #5216 BDB #632. Exodus 25:37 27:20 30:7 1Sam. 3:3 2Sam. 21:17 22:29 1Kings 7:49 Job 8:6 21:17 Psalm 132:17 Prov. 6:23
nêr (נֵר) [pronounced nair] |
[bright] light; luminary; lamp; brightness; figuratively, cheerfulness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5216 BDB #632 |
This is also spelled nîyr (נִיר) [pronounced near]; nêyr (נֵיר) [pronounced nair]; nir (נִר) [pronounced nir]; and nêrâh (נֵרָה) [pronounced nay-RAW]. |
160. Masculine_proper_noun2: Nêr (נֵר) [pronounced nair], which means lamp and is transliterated Ner. Strong’s #5369 BDB #633. 1Sam. 14:50 26:5 2Sam. 2:8 1Kings 2:5
Nêr (נֵר) [pronounced nair] |
lamp; light and is transliterated Ner |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #5369 BDB #633 |
161. Masculine_noun1: nîyr (רי.נ) [pronounced neer], which means lamp. See above. Strong’s #5216 BDB #633. Put all references above.
162. Feminine_noun: menôwrâh (מְנוֹרָה) [pronounced me-noh-RAW], which means lampstand, candlestick. The word is transliterated menorah, and it is a lampstand with seven branches. Strong’s #4501 BDB #633. Exodus 25:31 26:35 30:27 31:8 1Sam. (3:3) 1Kings 7:48
menôwrâh/menôrâh (מְנוֹרָה/מְנֹרָה) [pronounced me-noh-RAW] |
lampstand, candlestick; transliterated menorah |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4501 BDB #633 |
163. Verb: which means to be sick. Strong’s #5136 BDB #633.
164. Verb1: nâzâh (נָזָה) [pronounced naw-ZAW], which means to spurt, to spatter, to sprinkle. Strong’s #5137 BDB #633. Exodus 29:21
nâzâh (נָזָה) [pronounced naw-ZAW] |
to spurt, to spatter, to sprinkle |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5137 BDB #633 |
This verb is found 24 times in the Old Testament; 22 of those times in the Torah. |
nâzâh (נָזָה) [pronounced naw-ZAW] |
to cause to spurt, to make spatter, to make sprinkle |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #5137 BDB #633 |
165. Verb2: nâzâh (נָזָה) [pronounced naw-ZAW], which means to spring, to leap. Dubious. Strong’s #5137 BDB #633.
166. Verb: nâzal (נָזַל) [pronounced naw-ZAHL] means to drip, to distill, to flow, to trickle; to melt; to run[down]; to descend. The first word used for rivers of water in Psalm 78:15 is the masculine plural, Qal active participle of nâzal (ל ַז ָנ);, this is a word used for the waters of the Nile in Exodus 15:8. So the water is flowing out of this rock like a river. We will render it flowing waters. Strong’s #5140 BDB #633. Exodus 15:8 Deut. 32:2 Judges 5:5 Psalm 78:16, 44 147:18
nâzal (נָזַל) [pronounced naw-ZAHL] |
to drip, to distill, to flow, to trickle; to melt; to run [down]; to descend |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5140 BDB #633 |
nâzal (נָזַל) [pronounced naw-ZAHL] |
steams, floods, flowing [running] waters; that which is flowing |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5140 BDB #633 |
nâzal (נָזַל) [pronounced naw-ZAHL] |
to cause to drip [distill, flow, trickle]; to cause to melt [to run down, to descend] |
3rd person plural, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #5140 BDB #633 |
167. Masculine_noun: nezem (נֶזֶם) [pronounced NEH-zem], which means ring, earring, nose ring, seal ring. It is always gold but not necessarily an earring. Nezem is definitely a nose ring in Gen. 24:47, a seal ring for Isa. 3:21 and possibly earrings or nose rings in most of the other passages. Strong’s #5141 BDB #633. Gen. 24:22 35:4 Exodus 32:2 Judges 8:24, 26
nezem (נֶזֶם) [pronounced NEH-zem] |
ring, earring, nose ring, seal ring |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5141 BDB #633 |
168. Masculine_noun: which means injury, damage. Strong’s #5143 BDB #634.
169. Verb: nâzar (ר ַז ָנ) [pronounced naw-ZAHR] and it is translated to take the vows of a Nazarite, to live as a Nazarite; and more simply to separate, to consecrate (Lev. 15:31 22:2 Num. 6:2–3, 5–6, 12 Ezek. 14:7 Hos. 9:10 Zech. 7:3). It is only found eight times in the Old Testament; it appears to simply mean to separate; to quote from Rotherham's footnote on p. 148: i.e., when abstinence becomes duty by reason of the following disabilities. Strong's #5144 BDB #634. Lev. 22:2 Num. 6:2 The Doctrine of the Nazirite (Judges 13:5)
170. Masculine_noun: nêzer (נֵזֶר) [pronounced NAY-zer] and it appears to have three related meanings: crown, dedication or consecration, Nazariteship. This is a reference to being set apart to God, to being separated from all else, to being dedicated to holy service—the crown is that which is a symbol of the consecration and dedication. One who becomes a Nazirite is one whose life is dedicated wholly to God, although he is not born a Levite or of the seed of Aaron. Strong's #5145 BDB #634. Exodus 29:6 Lev. 21:12 (see Strong’s #5139 & #5144 above) 2Sam. 1:10 Psalm 89:39 132:10
nêzer (נֵזֶר) [pronounced NAY-zer] |
crown; dedication, consecration; Nazariteship |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5145 BDB #634 |
171. Masculine_noun: nâzîyr (נָזִיר) [pronounced naw-ZEER] and we have seen this word thrice previously in Scripture: Gen. 49:26 Lev. 25:5, 11. Nazirite is a transliteration. A related verb is nêzer (ר ∵ז ֵנ) [pronounced nay-ZER] [Strong's #4145 BDB #634], which means crown, consecration, Nazariteship. These are words which began with a common meanings and Yahweh coined them to mean Nazirite, to become a Nazirite. Strong's #5139 BDB #634. Gen. 49:26 Num. 6:2 The Doctrine of the Nazirite (Judges 13:5; given in greater detail in the doctrine)
nâzîyr (נָזִיר) [pronounced naw-ZEER] |
consecrated one; devoted one, transliterated Nazarite; also: untrimmed (vine), separated, set apart from; distinguished |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5139 BDB #634 |
There is a connection between these various renderings. It is a crown which separates one man entirely from every other man; the crown is on the head and the Nazirites crown is his hair, which is untrimmed, like the vines during the Sabbath Year. |
In Gen. 49:26, we are given the renderings distinguished (NASB), him that was separate (KJV), who was set apart from (NRSV), and separate (Young's); and it is almost ignored, but footnoted as the one separated from in the NIV. Whereas most translations transliterate this word, the Septuagint translated it to separate (obviously, that is the English translation of the Greek). In Lev. 25:5, 11, this word is translated untrimmed vines (NASB), separated thing (Young's) undressed vine (KJV), untended vines (NIV), and unpruned vine (NRSV). The connection here is that this is like a Nazirite with unshorn hair. |
172. Verb: which means to be a Nazirite, to live as a Nazirite. Hiphil only. Strong’s #5144 BDB #634.
173. Masculine_plural_noun: which means consecrated or anointed ones, princes. Strong’s #4502 BDB #634.
174. Verb: nâchâh (נָחָה) [pronounced naw-KHAH], which means to lead, to guide. Other meanings: to lead forth, to lead back. There doesn’t appear to be a difference between the Qal and the Hiphil meanings? I was expecting this to mean to lead away into slavery, however, that is not the case. It is to lead into a path of blessing. The Hiphil is causative, indicating that God caused the Israelites to be led by Moses. This verb either has a neutral meaning (Gen. 24:26 2Kings 18:11) or it is a very positive leading (Psalm 77:20 Prov. 11:3 Isa. 58:11). It is therefore unreasonable to suppose it means to lead back to their former boundaries; or, to lead into slavery in Job 12:23; it more likely has a positive connotation. Strong’s #5148 BDB #634. Gen. 24:27, 48 Exodus 13:17, 22 15:13 32:33 The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:11) Job 12:23 Psalm 23:3 60:9 61:2 73:24 78:53 (54) Prov. 6:22
nâchâh (נָחָה) [pronounced naw-KHAH] |
to lead [forth, back], to bring |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5148 BDB #634 |
nâchâh (נָחָה) [pronounced naw-KHAH] |
lead [forth, back], bring |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5148 BDB #634 |
nâchâh (נָחָה) [pronounced naw-KHAH] |
to lead, to guide; to cause to lead, to cause to guide |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5148 BDB #634 |
175. Feminine_noun: nachălâh (נַחֲלָה) [pronounced nah-khuh-LAW], which means inheritance, possession, property, heritage. Strong’s #5159 BDB #635. Gen. 31:14 48:6 Exodus 15:17 Deut. 4:20 20:16 21:23 Joshua 13:6 Judges 2:6 18:1 1Sam. 10:1 26:19 2Sam. 14:16 20:1, 19 21:3 1Kings 8:36, 51 1Chron. 16:18 Job 20:29 Psalm 2:8 33:12 47:4 136:22 106:5
nachălâh (נַחֲלָה) [pronounced nah-khuh-LAW] |
inheritance, possession, property, heritage |
feminine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5159 BDB #635 |
176. Verb: nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL], which means, to inherit, to get (take or receive) as a possession; to possess (as wealth or glory). In the Piel, it means to cause something to be inherited, to distribute. In the Hiphil, it means to give as a possession, to cause to inherit; in the Qal it means to get or to take as a possession, to inherit. However, the Hophal is the passive of the Hiphil, the causative stem. Therefore, Job has been caused to receive [as a possession], or caused to inherit. Strong’s #5157 BDB #635. Exodus 23:30 32:13 Deut. 1:38 3:28 21:16 32:8 Joshua 1:6 13:32 14:1 1Sam. 2:8 Job 7:3 Prov. 3:35 8:21
nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to inherit, to get (take or receive) as a possession; to possess (as wealth or glory) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5157 BDB #635 |
nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to give (as a possession); to distribute |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5157 BDB #635 |
nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to give (as a possession), to cause to inherit; to distribute |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5157 BDB #635 |
James Rickard: “Endow” is the Verb NACHAL, נָחַל , that means, “to receive, to take property as a permanent possession, to take possession of, or to inherit” It is used extensively regarding the giving of the promised land of Canaan to Israel. In the Hiphil Infinitive it is a causative verb and means, “to cause to take possession” which the Lord did as He gave Israel possession of the land, Deut 1:38; 3:28. |
nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to be made to inherit, to acquire (but by compulsion and unwillingly) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5157 BDB #635 |
nâchal (נָחַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to receive (as one’s possession); to possess (as wealth or glory) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5157 BDB #635 |
This verb is apparently a synonym for a verb which means to flow (not found in the Old Testament, although its cognates are). |
177. Feminine_noun: which meaning is unknown. Psalm 5:1. Strong’s #5155 BDB #636.
178. Masculine_noun1: nachal (נַחַל) [pronounced NAHKH-al], which means brook, torrent. We then view this as a pleasant lazy stream of water, perhaps two to ten feet across, meandering along. Nachal refers to a torrent of rushing water through a narrow channel. Today, probably more often than then, it could be a river which is only found during the rainy season. Since a torrent or a river tends to run through a valley area, this word is also used to refer to the valley that a river might run through. Now, it is quite obvious that a brook is much different from a torrent. No one would think twice about attempting to cross over a lazy brook; however, a torrent is quite a different matter. The same word is used for both because the Kishon River could be either. Valley is a reasonable rendering in Gen. 26:17 Job 21:33. Strong's #5158 BDB #636. Gen. 26:17 32:23 Deut. 1:24 2:13, 16 3:8 4:48 8:7 21:4 Judges 4:7, 13 1Sam. 15:5 17:40 30:9 2Sam. 15:23 22:5 23:30 24:5 1Kings 2:37 8:65 Job 6:15 20:17 21:33 Psalm 110:7 Eccles. 1:7
nachal (נַחַל) [pronounced NAHKH-al] |
brook, torrent, river, stream; valley |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5158 BDB #636 |
nechâlîyml (נְּחָלִים) [pronounced ne-khawl-EEM] |
brooks, torrents, rivers, streams; valleys |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong's #5158 BDB #636 |
179. Masculine_noun2: nachal (ל ַח ַנ) [pronounced NAHKH-al], which perhaps means palm tree. Num. 24:6. Strong’s #5158 BDB #636. Homonym for above.
180. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5160 BDB #636.
181. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #5161 BDB #636.
182. Verb: nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM], which means to be sorry, to be moved to pity, to have compassion, to be sorry, to suffer grief. It is found in the Niphal and the Piel. In the masculine plural Piel it means comforters. The KJV often translates this repent (Gen. 6:7 Exodus 32:12 1Sam. 15:11), but the meaning gets lost with that Old English word. In the imperative, this should be rendered, have compassion. In Job 2:11, it should be rendered to comfort. I believe the relationship between the two apparently disparate meanings are that one refers to feeling sorry because you did something and you want to change it; and the other refers to a friend who feels sorry and you want to change him (through comforting him). In the Piel, this is consistently rendered comfort. For a little historical perspective on this word, it was generally translated repent in the Old Testament (it is also rendered to comfort). For those who still use a KJV, you will notice that it does not say the Lord repented but that it repented the Lord. Somehow, this linguistic sham was supposed to help maintain God’s immutability. However, a complete understanding of the meaning of the word (along with the concept of anthropopathisms) clears up this problem and allows us to correctly translate this verb and subject. Strong’s #5162 BDB #636. Gen. 5:29 6:6, 7 24:67 37:34 38:12 50:21 Exodus 13:17 32:12, 14 Judges 2:18 21:6 1Sam. 15:11 22:4 2Sam. 12:24 24:16 Job 2:11 16:2 21:34 Psalm 23:4 90:13 106:45 110:4 missing the Pual below
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
to comfort, to console, to have compassion, to show compassion |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
to cause to comfort, to cause to console, to have compassion, to show compassion |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
to be sorry, to be moved to pity, to lament, to grieve, to have compassion, to pity, to suffer grief, to rue; to repent, to regret; to comfort [console] oneself, be comforted, to comfort oneself, ease oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
be sorry, be moved to pity, lament, grieve, have compassion, pity, suffer grief, rue; repent, regret; comfort [console] oneself, comforted, comfort oneself, ease oneself |
2nd person masculine singular, Niphal imperative |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
to be comforted, to be consoled |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
to be sorry, have compassion; to rue, repent of; to comfort oneself, be comforted; to ease oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
nâcham (נָחַם) [pronounced naw-KHAHM] |
being sorry, having compassion; ruing, repenting of; comforting oneself, being comforted; easing oneself |
Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #5162 BDB #636 |
Scofield: In the O.T., “repentance” is the English word used to translate the Hebrew nacham, to be eased or comforted. It is used of both God and man. Notwithstanding the literal meaning of nacham it is evident, from a study of all the passages, that the sacred writers use it in the sense of metanoia in the N.T., meaning a change of mind. See Mt. 3:2; acts 17:30, note. As in the N.T., such change of mind is often accompanied by contrition and self-judgment. When applied to God, the word is used phenomenally, according to O.T. custom. God seems to change His mind. The phenomena are such as, in the case of a man, would indicate a change of mind. |
183. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5163 BDB #637.
184. Masculine_noun: which means sorrow, repentance. Hosea 13:14. Strong’s #5164 BDB #637.
185. Masculine_proper_noun: which means comfort; transliterated . Strong’s #5151 BDB #637.
186. Masculine_noun: which means comfort, compassion. Strong’s #5150 BDB #637.
187. Masculine_proper_noun: which means comforts; transliterated . Strong’s #5167 BDB #637.
188. Feminine_noun: which means comfort. Strong’s #5165 BDB #637.
189. Masculine_proper_noun: which means comforter; transliterated . Strong’s #4505 BDB #637.
190. Masculine_plural_noun: which means comforts, consolations, solace. Psalm 94:19 Isa. 66:11 Jer. 16:7.* Strong’s #8575 BDB #637. [see below]
191. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8576 BDB #637.
192. Feminine_plural_noun: tanechûwmôwth (תמחנ-) [pronounced tane-khoo-MOHTH], which means consolation, comfort, solace. Job 15:11 21:2.* Strong’s #8575 BDB #637. [see above] Job 15:11 21:1
193. Verb: nâchats (ץ -חָנ) [pronounced naw-KHAHTZ], which means to urge on, to press on. Supposedly equivalent to lâchats (ץ -חָל) [pronounced law-KHAHTZ] (Strong’s # BDB #). Strong’s #5169 BDB #637. 1Sam. 21:8.*
nâchats (ץ -חָנ) [pronounced naw-KHAHTZ] |
to urge on, to press on |
Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5169 BDB #637 |
nâchats (ץ -חָנ) [pronounced naw-KHAHTZ] |
urgent, pressing, hasty |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5169 BDB #637 |
194. Masculine_noun: which means a snorting. Strong’s #5170 BDB #637.
195. Feminine_noun: which means a snorting. Strong’s #5170 BDB #637.
196. Masculine_proper_noun: Nâchôwr (נָחוֹר) [pronounced naw-KHOHR], which means snorting [of a horse]; hoarse, dry hot; transliterated Nahor. Strong’s #5152 BDB #637. Gen. 11:22 22:20 24:10, 15 29:5 31:53
Nâchôwr (נָחוֹר) [pronounced naw-KHOHR] |
snorting [of a horse]; hoarse, dry hot; transliterated Nahor |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5152 BDB #637 |
197. Masculine_noun: which means nostril. Strong’s #5156 BDB #638.
198. Masculine_proper_noun: Nacheray (נַחְרַי) [pronounced nahkh-RAY], which means snorter; transliterated Naharai. Strong’s #5171 BDB #638. 2Sam. 23:37 1Chron. 11:39
Nacheray (נַחְרַי) [pronounced nahkh-RAY] |
snorter; transliterated Naharai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5171 BDB #638 |
Spelled Nachâray (נַחָרַי) [pronounced nahkh-aw-RAY] in 2Sam. 23:37. |
199. Masculine_noun1: nâchâsh (נָחָש) [pronounced naw-KHAWSH], which means serpent. Strong’s #5175 BDB #638. Gen. 3:1 49:17 Exodus 4:3 7:15 Lev. (19:26) Num. 21:6 1Sam. (11:1)
nâchâsh (שנָחָ) [pronounced naw-KHAWSH] |
serpent, snake; image (of serpent); fleeing serpent (mythological) |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5175 BDB #638 |
200. Masculine_proper_noun2: Nâchâsh (נָחָש) [pronounced naw-KHAWSH], which means serpent and is transliterated Nahash. According to Gnana Robinson, his name means serpent in the Sanscrit as well. Strong’s #5176 BDB #638. 1Sam. 11:1 2Sam. 10:2 17:25
Nâchâsh (נָחָש) [pronounced naw-KHAWSH] |
serpent and is transliterated Nahash |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #5176 BDB #638 |
201. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5904 BDB #638.
202. Masculine_proper_noun: Nacheshôwn (נַחְשוֹן) [pronounced nahkh-SHOWN], which means enchanter; transliterated Nahshon, Nachshon. Strong’s #5177 BDB #638. Exodus 6:23
Nacheshôwn (נַחְשוֹן) [pronounced nahkh-SHOWN] |
enchanter; transliterated Nahshon, Nachshon |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5177 BDB #638 |
203. Verb: nâchash (נָחַש) [pronounced naw-KHAHSH], which means to practice divination, to divine; to observe signs or omens; to communicate with demons; to whisper. The word for serpent is nâchâsh (נָחָש) [pronounced naw-KHAWSH] and the word for practicing divination is nâchash (נָחַש) [pronounced naw-KHAHSH], whose root word means to whisper, and what is involved is casting spells, communicating with demons, and diving information which is not ours to divine. We have already seen this word several times in Gen. 30:27 44:5, 15; and the word for serpent goes back, of course, to Gen. 3:1–2, 4. The verb is first used by Laban, which told him that he had been blessed because of Jacob. In Gen. 44, we find that this is a term used by Joseph to indicate that he knew a stolen cup was in the saddle of Benjamin. Therefore, this certainly means searching for those things which are hidden from the naked eye through demonic means. It is an onomatopoetic word—the sound of the word is an imitation of the sound of the snake and the sound of the one whispering. Serpent = Strong's #5175 Practice divination = Strong's #5172 BDB #638. Gen. 30:27 44:5 Lev. 19:26 Num. (21:6)
nâchash (נָחַש) [pronounced naw-KHAHSH] |
to practice divination, to divine; to observe signs or omens; to communicate with demons; to whisper |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5172 BDB #638 |
The full set of BDB meanings are: to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn by experience, diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an omen. However, that is for the word in general; and for the Piel stem, they only offer, to practice divination; to observe the signs or omens. I should mention that we only find the Piel in Scripture; but those other meanings ought to explain the differences in the translation of Gen. 30:27. |
204. Masculine_noun: which means divination, enchantment. Strong’s #5173 BDB #638.
205. Feminine_noun: nechesheth (ת∵שֹחנ) [pronounced ne-KHOH-sheth], which simply means copper, bronze. Owen lists the exact same spellings as both fem. and masc. BDB seems to do the same. I am going with feminine for all the th endings. Strong’s #5178 BDB #638. Gen. 4;22 Exodus 25:3 26:11 27:2 30:18 31:4 Judges 16:21 1Sam. 17:5, 38 2Sam. 3:34 8:8 21:16 1Kings 4:13 7:14 8:64 1Chron. 15:19
nechôsheth (נְחֹשֶת) [pronounced ne-KHOH-sheth] |
copper, bronze, brass; that which is made of brass or copper—money, fetter, bonds, leg irons |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5178 BDB #638 |
Both Owen and BDB seem to spell this word the same for the masculine and feminine forms. It is identified as masculine in 2Sam. 8:8 by Owen and as masculine in general by BDB. However, the th ending generally indicates a feminine ending, so I am somewhat perplexed here. |
206. Adjective: which means of bronze. Strong’s #5153 BDB #639.
207. Feminine_noun: nechûwshâh (רְחוּשָה) [pronounced ne-khoo-SHAW], which means copper, bronze. Strong’s #5154 BDB #639. 2Sam. 22:35 Job 20:24
nechûwshâh (רְחוּשָה) [pronounced ne-khoo-SHAW] |
copper, bronze |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5154 BDB #639 |
208. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5179 BDB #639.
209. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5180 BDB #639.
210. Feminine_noun2: which means lust, harlotry. Strong’s #5178 BDB #639.
211. Verb: nâchath (נָחַת) [pronounced naw-KHAHTH], which means to go down, to descend. Strong’s #5181 BDB #639. 2Sam. 22:35 Job 21:13
nâchath (נָחַת) [pronounced naw-KHAHTH] |
to go down, to descend; to oppose |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5181 BDB #639 |
nâchath (נָחַת) [pronounced naw-KHAHTH] |
to come down into, to rain down upon; to pierce, to penetrate |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5181 BDB #639 |
nâchath (נָחַת) [pronounced naw-KHAHTH] |
to cause to descend, to press down, to stretch or bend (a bow); to smooth out [furrows] [spoken of rain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5181 BDB #639 |
nâchath (נָחַת) [pronounced naw-KHAHTH] |
to prostrate; to bring down; to lead down |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5181 BDB #639 |
212. Masculine_noun2: nachath (נַחַת) [pronounced NAH-khahth], which means descent. Strong’s #5183 BDB #639.
213. Adjective: which means descending. Strong’s #5185 BDB #639.
214. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5184 BDB #639. No idea how these are different.
215. Masculine_proper_noun3: Nachath (נַחַת) [pronounced NAH-khahth], which means rest; descent; transliterated, Nahath. Strong’s #5184 BDB #639. Gen. 36:13 1Chron. 6:25–27
Nachath (נַחַת) [pronounced NAH-khahth] |
rest; descent; transliterated, Nahath |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5184 BDB #639 |
216. Verb: nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH], which means to stretch out, to spread out, to bow, to extend. It means ➊ to stretch out, to extend, to stretch, to unfold, to spread something out (e.g., the flocks over the land); ➋to incline, to bow; ➌ to turn, to turn away, to turn (to one’s side); ➍ to go away. I don’t have much confidence in that last meaning. This verb is often used of God stretching forth His Own hand against man (Isa. 23:11 Ezek. 6:14); however, it can also speak of knowledge stretching out its hand to man (Prov. 1:24). This can also be used in a neutral way (Isa. 43:12 Jer. 10:12). The key appears to be the preposition which follows—and in this context (Job 15:25), it is unto and not against. The Hiphil meanins are not substantially different from the Qal. It simply means to cause to turn aside. We might modernize the term somewhat to mean to derail. Strong’s #5186 BDB #639. Gen. 12:8 24:14 26:25 33:19 35:21 38:1, 16 39:21 49:15 Exodus 6:6 7:5, 19 8:5, 6 9:22, 23 10:12, 13 14:16, 21 15:12 23:2, 6 33:7 Deut. 4:34 5:15 16:19 Joshua 8:18 24:23 Judges 4:11 9:3 16:30 19:8 1Sam. 8:3 14:7 (16:11) 2Sam. 2:19, 21 3:27 6:10 16:22 19:14 21:10 22:10 1Kings 2:28 8:42, 58 1Chron. 15:1 16:1 Job 15:25, 29 Psalm 44:18 62:3 73:2 104:2 136:12 Prov. 1:24 2:2 4:5, 20 5:1, 13 7:21 Zech. 12:1
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
to stretch out, to spread out, to reach out; to pitch [a tent]; to bow, to extend, to incline, to turn [aside]; to veer off; to hold out, to extend |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
stretch out, spread out, reach out; pitch [a tent]; bow, extend, incline, turn; veer off |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
stretched out, spread out, bowing [out], being extend, inclining [to one side]; turning, being turned |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
to be stretched out, to spread itself out [e.g., a river], to elongate itself [e.g., a shadow] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
to extend, to stretch out, to spread out, to [cause to] reach out to; to expand; to incline downwards; to turn, to turn away [aside, to one side]; to push away, to thrust [away, aside], to repel, to deflect; to decline; to seduce |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
The meanings above come from BDB and Gesenius. Translators for 2Sam. 19:14 add touched (ERV), won over (HCSB), swayed (JPCT, The Scriptures 1998+); most of the King James-related versions went with bowed. |
The BDB Hiphil meanings for this verb are given as to stretch out; to spread out; to turn, incline, influence, bend down, hold out, extend, thrust aside, thrust away. |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
extend, stretch out, spread out, [cause to] reach out to; expand; incline [downwards]; turn, turn away [aside, to one side]; push away, repel, deflect; decline; seduce |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
nâţâh (נָטָה) [pronounced naw-TAWH] |
to stretch out, to spread out, to reach out; to pitch [a tent]; to bow, to extend, to incline, to turn |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5186 BDB #639 |
ʾachărêy (אַחֲרֵי) [pronounced ah-kuh-RAY] |
behind, after; following; after that, afterwards; hinder parts |
preposition; plural form |
Strong’s #310 BDB #29 |
These two words are translated supported by Owens. |
217. Adverb: maţţâh (מַטָּה) [pronounced MAHT-taw], which means, downward (s), below, beneath; under [an age]. Strong’s #4295 BDB #641. Exodus 26:24
maţţâh (מַטָּה) [pronounced MAHT-taw] |
downward (s), below, beneath; under [an age] |
adverb of location |
Strong’s #4295 BDB #641 |
218. Combo: Exodus 26:24 27:5 28:27
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
maţţâh (מַטָּה) [pronounced MAHT-taw] |
downward (s), below, beneath; under [an age] |
adverb of location |
Strong’s #4295 BDB #641 |
Back in Exodus 26:14, we have these two prepositions and an adverb that means upward. |
This is variously translated, [from] beneath, below, at the bottom. |
219. Masculine_noun: maţţeh (מַטֶּה) [pronounced mah-TEH], which means ,staff, branch, tribe. The connection is obvious—a staff is made from a branch and the tribe is like the branch from a tree. Strong’s #4294 BDB #641. (Synonym: Strong’s #7626 BDB #986) Gen. 38:18 Exodus 4:2 7:12 8:5 9:23 10:13 14:16 17:5, 9 31:2 Joshua 14:1 1Sam. 14:27 1Kings 7:14 8:1 1Chron. 12:31 Psalm 105:16 110:2
maţţeh (מַטֶּה) [pronounced maht-TEH] |
staff, branch, scepter, rod; branch; tribe |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4294 BDB #641 |
220. Feminine_noun: miţţâh (מִטָּה) [pronounced mit-TAW], which means couch, bed. Strong’s #4296 BDB #641. Gen. 47:31 48:2 49:33 Exodus 8:3 1Sam. 19:13 28:23 2Sam. 3:31
miţţâh (מִטָּה) [pronounced mit-TAW] |
couch, bed; an open casket, a bier, a stretcher on which the dead are carried |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4296 BDB #641 |
221. Feminine_noun: which means a spreading, an outspreading. Strong’s #4298 BDB #642.
222. Masculine_noun: which means that which is perverted. Strong’s #4297 BDB #642.
223. Verb: nâţal (נָטַל) [pronounced naw-TAHL], which means to lift, to bear, to carry. Strong’s #5190 BDB #642. 2Sam. 24:12
nâţal (נָטַל) [pronounced naw-TAHL] |
to lift [over, up, upon], to bear, to carry; to set up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5190 BDB #642 |
nâţal (נָטַל) [pronounced naw-TAHL] |
lifting [over, up, upon], one bearing [up], carrying; setting up |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5190 BDB #642 |
nâţal (נָטַל) [pronounced naw-TAHL] |
to bear up |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5190 BDB #642 |
Masculine_noun: which means burden, weight. Strong’s #5192 BDB #642.
224. Adjective: laden. Strong’s #5187 BDB #642.
225. Verb: nâţaʿ (נָטַע) [pronounced naw-TAHĢ] and it generally means to set upright; to plant; to place; to fix, to fasten [with a nail]; to pitch [a tent], to set up; figuratively to establish. However, it also means, figuratively, to establish. (See Exodus 15:17 Deut. 11:15 Ezra 36:36 Psalm 44:3) We use it in a similar fashion today. “Young man, let’s just plant yourself right there in that chair until I determine what to do with you.” Strong’s #5193 BDB #642. Gen. 2:8 9:20 21:33 Exodus 15:17 Deut. 16:21 20:6 2Sam. 7:10 Psalm 44:2 Eccles. 2:4
nâţaʿ (נָטַע) [pronounced naw-TAHĢ] |
to set upright; to plant; to place; to fix, to fasten [with a nail]; to pitch [a tent], to set up; figuratively to establish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5193 BDB #642 |
nâţaʿ (נָטַע) [pronounced naw-TAHĢ] |
to be set upright; to be planted; to be placed; to set be up; figuratively to be established |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5193 BDB #642 |
226. Masculine_noun: What it is like is a plantation, a planting. Strong’s #5194 BDB #642. Job 14:9
227. Masculine_noun: which means a plant. Strong’s #5195 BDB #642.
228. Masculine_noun: which means a place of planting, the act of planting. Strong’s #4302 BDB #642.
229. Verb: nâţaph (נָטַף) [pronounced naw-TAHF], which means to drop, to fall in drops, to drip. Strong’s #5197 BDB #642. Judges 5:4 Psalm 68:8 Prov. 5:3
nâţaph (נָטַף) [pronounced naw-TAHF] |
to drop, to fall in drops, to drip |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #5197 BDB #642 |
nâţaph (נָטַף) [pronounced naw-TAHF] |
to cause to drop down, to drop; to speak, to prophesy |
3rd person plural, Hiphil perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #5197 BDB #642 |
230. Masculine_noun: nâţâph (נָטָף) [pronounced naw-TAWF], which means drop. Strong’s #5198 BDB #643.
231. Masculine_noun: nâţâph (נָטָף) [pronounced naw-TAWF], which means an odoriferous gum, [drops of] stacte. Strong’s #5198 BDB #643. Exodus 30:34 **
nâţâph (נָטָף) [pronounced naw-TAWF] |
an odoriferous gum, [drops of] stacte, an aromatic gum resin of a shrub used in incense |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5198 BDB #643 |
232. Feminine_noun: The word translated pendants is found only in Judges 8:26 and in Isa. 3:19*. It is closely related to the verb for drop or drip (Strong’s #5197 BDB #642), and it means drop. They are always found in the plural, which doesn’t mean much, given the context, but Gesenius insists they mean earrings made out of pearls (which looks like drops). This makes more sense than pendant. Barnes concurs. Strong’s #5188 BDB #643. Judges 8:26
233. Proper_noun_location: which means a dropping, a dripping; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5199
234. Gentilic_adjective: Neţôwphâthîy (נְטוֹפָתִי) [pronounced net-oh-FAW-thee], which means a dropping; distillation; transliterated Netophathite. Strong’s #5200 BDB #643. 2Sam. 23:28, 29 1Chron. 11:30
Neţôwphâthîy (נְטוֹפָתִי) [pronounced net-oh-AW-thee] |
a dropping; distillation; transliterated Netophathite |
Gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #5200 BDB #643 |
235. Verb: nâţar (ר-טָנ) [pronounced naw-TAHR], which means to keep, to maintain; to guard. Strong’s #5201 BDB #643. Psalm 103:9
nâţar (ר-טָנ) [pronounced naw-TAHR] |
to keep, to maintain; to guard |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5201 BDB #643 |
236. Verb: nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TAHSH], which means to leave, to forsake, to permit. Gesenius offers the meaning to spread out, to disperse, primarily for this passage (1Sam. 4:2), although it does appear as though the Niphal stem means to spread out in some passages (e.g., Judges 15:9 2Sam. 5:18 Isa. 16:8). To allow to: to leave [forsake], to let go of, to let alone in the sense of to disperse, to be spread out, to let run wild Gordon mentions the alternatives of clashed, fluctuated, deployed. A lengthy discussion of its alternate meaning to be found in 1Sam. 4:2. Strong’s #5203 BDB #643. Judges 6:13 1Sam. 4:2 10:2 12:22 17:20 30:16 2Sam. 5:18 Prov. 1:8 6:20
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to leave, to forsake; to permit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to allow to; to leave [forsake], to let go of, to let alone in the sense of to disperse, to be spread out, to let run wild |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to be sent away, to be left [forsaken, deserted]; to be let go, to be dispersed, to be spread out, to be left to run wild; to be loosened |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
For some words, I have to, in part, scrap what I find in BDB and in Gesenius, and begin from scratch. There were so many meanings for this word (Gesenius lists 8 sets of Qal meanings alone) that I went back, looked at all of the passages where this word is found, and then tried to determine a smaller set of meanings which would work. The original use of this verb seems to be to allow to (Gen. 31:28), but it appears to have taken on a similar but different set of meanings in later literature. |
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to be left [forsaken], to be let go of, to be let alone |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
237. Feminine_noun: maţţârâh (הָרָ-מ) [pronounced maht-taw-RAW], which means a guard, ward, prison; a target, a mark. It appears as though Jeremiah and Nehemiah used this noun consistently for prison or prison gate while it is found twice used as a target in Job and 1Samuel. Strong’s #4307 BDB #643. 1Sam. 20:20 Job 16:12b–13
maţţârâh (הָרָ-מ) [pronounced maht-taw-RAW] |
a guard, ward, prison; a target, a mark |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4307 BDB #643 |
238. Verb: nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TAHSH], which means to leave, to let alone, to let lie fallow; to entrust to; to forsake (abandon), to permit. Strong’s #5203 BDB #643. Exodus 23:11 1Sam. 10:2 1Kings 8:57
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to leave, to let alone, to let lie fallow; to entrust to; to forsake (abandon), to permit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to be forsaken; to be loosened, be loose; to be let go, spread abroad |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
nâţash (נָטַש) [pronounced naw-TASH] |
to be abandoned, be deserted |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5203 BDB #643 |
239. Feminine_noun: which means a twig, a tendril of vine. Strong’s #5189 BDB #644.
240. Adjective: which means raw [used of flesh?]. Strong’s #4994 BDB #644.
241. Noun_location: Nîynevêh (נִינְוֵה) [pronounced nee-nehv-AY], which means, abode of Ninus; transliterated Nineveh. Strong’s #5210 BDB #644. Gen. 10:11
Nîynevêh (נִינְוֵה) [pronounced nee-nehv-AY] |
abode of Ninus; transliterated Nineveh |
proper noun singular location |
Strong’s #5210 BDB #644 |
242. Proper_noun: 1st month. Strong’s #5212 BDB #644.
243. Verb1: which means to break up, to freshly till. Strong’s #5214 BDB #644.
244. Masculine_noun2: which means tillable, untilled, fallow ground. Strong’s #5215 BDB #644.
245. Masculine_noun: mânôwr (מָנוֹר) [pronounced maw-NOHR], which means beam, probably round. Strong’s #4500 BDB #644. 1Sam. 17:7 2Sam. 21:19 1Chron. 11:23
mânôwr (מָנוֹר) [pronounced maw-NOHR] |
beam, probably round |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4500 BDB #644 |
246. Verb: which means to strike, to scourge. Strong’s #5217 BDB #644.
247. Adjective: which means stricken, scourged. Strong’s #5218 BDB #644.
248. Feminine_noun: nekôʾth (נְכֹאת) [pronounced nehk-OATH], which means spice; gum, tragacanth gum. Strong’s #5219 BDB #644. Gen. 37:25 43:11
nekôʾth (נְכֹאת) [pronounced nehk-OATH] |
spice; gum, tragacanth gum |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5219 BDB #644 |
249. Masculine_noun: neked (נֶכֶד) [pronounced NEH-kehd], which means progeny, posterity; grandson. Bullinger says that it should be grandson. It is found in the same three passages as nîyn. Strong’s #5220 BDB #645. Gen. 21:23 Job 18:19
neked (נֶכֶד) [pronounced NEH-kehd] |
progeny, posterity; grandson |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5220 BDB #645 |
250. Verb: nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH], which means to smite, to assault, to hit, to strike. Because nâkâch is not found in the Qal, the Hiphil does not necessarily connote causative action. It is often translated smite in the KJV (a very good rendering, by the way); but in more modern language, it means strike, assault, hit. Often there are fatal repercussions; when the soul is struck, this is equivalent to intentional manslaughter. In the Hophal, it means to receive a blow, to be wounded, to be beaten, to be fatally wounded, to be killed, to be slain, to be attacked and captured, to be struck with a disease. Strong #5221 BDB #645. Gen. 4:15 8:21 14:5, 15 19:11 32:8 36:35 37:21 Exodus 2:11, 12 3:20 5:14 7:17, 20 8:16, 17 9:15, 25, 31 12:12 17:5 21:12, 18 22:2 Lev. 24:17 Num. 35:16 Deut. 1:4 2:33 3:3 4:46 20:13 21:1 27:24 34:30 Joshua 7:3 8:21, 24 10:10, 20 12:1 20:3 Judges 1:4, 10, 12 15:15 20:39 1Sam. 2:14 4:2, 8 5:6, 9, 12 6:19 11:11 13:3 14:14 15:3 17:9 18:6, 11 19:5, 8 20:33 22:19 23:2 24:5 26:8 27:9 29:5 30:1 31:2 2Sam. 1:1 5:8 8:1 12:9 13:28 14:6, 7 15:14 17:2 18:11 20:10 21:2 23:10, (21) 24:10, 17 Job 1:15 2:7 13:4 16:10 Psalm 105:33 136:10
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to smite, to assault, to hit, to strike, to strike [something or someone] down, to defeat, to conquer, to subjugate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
All BDB definitions for the Hiphil are to smite, strike, beat, scourge, clap, applaud, give a thrust; to smite, kill, slay (man or beast); to smite, attack, attack and destroy, conquer, subjugate, ravage; to smite, chastise, send judgment upon, punish, destroy. |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
smite, assault, hit, strike [something or someone] down, defeat, conquer, subjugate |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
the one striking [assaulting, hitting]; striking, hitting; defeating, conquering, subjugating |
Hiphil participle |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to be struck, to be assaulted, to be hit, to be struck down |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to be struck, to be assaulted, to be hit, to be struck down |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to receive a blow, to be beaten, to be [fatally] wounded [killed, slain]; to be attacked and captured, to be struck with a disease [man or animal]; to be blighted [plant] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
nâkâh (נָכָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
are beaten; those receiving blows, the ones who are [fatally] wounded [killed, slain]; being attacked and captured, being struck with a disease [man or animal]; blighted [plants] |
masculine plural, Hophal participle |
Strong #5221 BDB #645 |
251. Adjective: nâkeh (נָכֶה) [pronounced naw-KEH], which means stricken; physically stricken: crippled, lame, maimed; figuratively stricken: contrite, dejected. Strong’s #5223 BDB #656. 2Sam. 4:4 9:3
nâkeh (נָכֶה) [pronounced naw-KEH] |
stricken; physically stricken: crippled, lame, maimed; figuratively stricken: contrite, dejected |
masculine singular adjective; construct form |
Strong’s #5223 BDB #656 |
252. Adjective: which means stricken ones. Plural of above; probably a scribal error. Strong’s #5222 BDB #645.
253. Masculine_noun: which means a blow. Strong’s #4347? BDB #645.
254. Feminine_singular_noun: makkâh (מַכָּה) [pronounced mahk-KAW], which means a blow, a wounding, a wound, a slaughter, a beating, a scourging. The KJV translates the word makkâh (ה ָ ַמ) [pronounced mahk-KAWH] as plague, slaughter, stroke, or wounds. However, this is not the word found in the book of Exodus; in fact, its first use is in Lev. 26:21. The only English words which I can find which seem to be apt are mauling, scourging, beating, striking, striking down. However, I cannot seem to lay hold of a word which would consistently work for Lev. 26:21 Num. 11:33 Deut. 25:3 Joshua 10:10 and Esther 9:5. The word slaughter works great in this passage and many others—it just does not work consistently. The verbal cognate of makkâh is fairly consistently translated smite in the Authorized version, although I have usually translated it strike, updating the word ever so slightly. Strong’s #4347 BDB #646. Num. 11:33 Deut. 28:59 29:22 Joshua 10:10 1Sam. 4:8, 10 6:19 14:14 19:8 23:5 Psalm 64:7
makkâh (ה ָ ַמ) [pronounced mahk-KAW] |
a blow, a wounding, a wound, a slaughter, a beating, a scourging |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4347 BDB #646 |
255. Masculine_proper_noun: transliterated Necho. King of Egypt. Strong’s #5224 BDB #647.
256. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . See Strong’s #5225 BDB #467. Strong’s #3592,5225 BDB #647.
257. Verb: which means to be in front of. Strong’s #none BDB #647.
258. Substantive/preposition/adverb: nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh], which means front, in front of, opposite to, towards the front of, on behalf of. In this Judges 18:6, this word is rendered variously as before, under the eye of, over-against; some translators render this in such a way as to completely obfuscate their translation of this word. Not sure about #5226 Strong’s #5227 BDB #647. Gen. 30:38 Exodus 14:2 26:35 Judges 18:6 Prov. 4:25 5:21
nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh] |
front, in front of, towards the front of, before, in the sight of, opposite to; on behalf of |
substantive (preposition/adverb) |
Strong’s #5227 BDB #647 |
al |
nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh] |
front, in front of, opposite to, towards the front of, on behalf of |
substantive (preposition/adverb) |
Strong’s #5227 BDB #647 |
Together, they mean toward, towards [something]; toward the face (or front) of something. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh] |
front, in front of, opposite to, towards the front of, on behalf of |
substantive (preposition/adverb) |
Strong’s #5227 BDB #647 |
With the lâmed preposition, this acts as an adverb and means towards what is opposite; straight before oneself; before; for; on behalf of. |
Gal |
nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh] |
front, in front of, opposite to, towards the front of, on behalf of |
substantive (preposition/adverb) |
Strong’s #5227 BDB #647 |
Together mean unto, even to; over against. |
259. Adjective/substantive: nakoach (נָכֹחַ) [pronounced naw-KOH-ahkh], which means straight, right, straightness; upright, just; straightforward. #5229 is the feminine. Strong’s #5228–5229 BDB #647. 2Sam. 15:3 Prov. 8:9
nakoach (נָכֹחַ) [pronounced naw-KOH-ahkh] |
straight, right, straightness; upright, just; straightforward; to be in front of |
masculine plural adjective/substantive |
Strong’s #5228 & #5229 BDB #647 |
The NET Bible: Heb “front of.” Describing the sayings as “right in front” means they are open, obvious, and clear, as opposed to words that might be twisted or perverse. The parallel word “upright” means “straight, smooth, right.” Wisdom’s teachings are in plain view and intelligible for those who find knowledge. |
260. Verb: nâkal (נָכַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL], which means to act craftily, to act in a deceitful or fraudulent manner. BDB gives its meanings as to be crafty, deceitful, knavish; it simply means to conspire [against]. Barnes gives this as dealing with someone in a fraudulent or deceitful manner. Strong’s #5230 BDB #647. Gen. 37:18 Psalm 105:25
nâkal (נָכַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to deceive, to be deceitful, to act in a deceitful or fraudulent manner; to beguile |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5230 BDB #647 |
nâkal (נָכַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to act in a deceitful or fraudulent manner; to beguile |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5230 BDB #647 |
nâkal (נָכַל) [pronounced naw-KHAHL] |
to act in a deceitful or fraudulent manner; to conspire [plot] against |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5230 BDB #647 |
This word only occurs 4 times in Scripture, and in 3 different stems, so it is difficult to determine a precise meaning for it. However, the meanings above fit reasonably into those 4 passages. |
261. Masculine_noun: which means wiliness, craft, knavery. See above and revise meanings. Strong’s #5231 BDB #647.
262. Masculine_noun: which means knave. See verb above; possibly conspirator, a fraud, a deceitful person. Strong’s #3596 BDB #647.
263. Plural_masculine_noun: which means riches, treasures. Strong’s #5233 BDB #647.
264. Verb1: nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR], which means to regard, to recognize, to acknowledge. This word is not found in the Qal. In the Hiphil, it means to contemplate, to behold, to recognize, to acknowledge, to be acquainted with, to know, to know how, to care for. Some translators render it discern, distinguish. This word may bear some serious research. Strong’s #5234 BDB #647. [This word is a homonym with Strong’s #5234 BDB #649]. Gen. 27:23 31:32 37:32, 33 38:25, 26 42:7,8 Deut. 16:19 21:17 Judges 18:3 Ruth 2:10, 19a 3:14 2Sam. 3:36 Job 2:12 4:16 7:10 21:29 26:17 Psalm 103:16 142:4
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
to regard, to recognize, to acknowledge; to discern, to distinguish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #647 |
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
to contemplate, to behold, to recognize, to acknowledge, to be acquainted with, to know, to know how, to care for |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #647 |
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
regard, observe, pay attention to, pay regard to, notice, recognise (as formerly known), perceive, be willing to recognize or acknowledge, acknowledge with honour, be acquainted with, contemplate, behold, recognize, know, know how, care for; point out |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #647 |
This is a homonym with Strong’s #5234 BDB #649, and needs a more careful examination. |
265. Feminine_noun: which means a look, an expression. Strong’s #1971 BDB #648.
266. Masculine_noun: which means an acquaintance, a friend. Strong’s #4378 BDB #648.
267. Masculine_noun: which means misfortune, calamity. Strong’s #5235 BDB #648.
268. Masculine_noun: nêkâr (נֵכָר) [pronounced nay-KAHR], which means foreign, that which is foreign, foreignness, alien, that which is alien; foreign gods. Strong’s #5236 BDB #648. Gen. 17:12 35:2 Exodus 12:43 Judges 10:16 1Sam. 7:3 2Sam. 22:45
nêkâr (נֵכָר) [pronounced nay-KAHR] |
foreign, that which is foreign, foreignness, alien, that which is alien; foreign gods |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5236 BDB #648 |
269. Adjective: nâkerîy (נָכְרִי) [pronounced nawcke-REEnohk-REE], and it means foreign, alien, stranger; strange; of another family; metaphorically, new, unheard of. Strong’s #5237 BDB #648. Gen. 31:15 Exodus 2:22 18:3 21:8 Deut. 17:15 Ruth 2:10 2Sam. 15:19 1Kings 8:41 Job 19:15 Psalm 81:9 Prov. 2:16 5:10, 20 6:24 7:5
nŏkerîy (נָכְרִי) [pronounced nawcke-REE or nohk-REE] |
foreign, alien, stranger; strange; foreign woman, a harlot; of another family; metaphorically, unknown, unfamiliar; new, unheard of |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5237 BDB #648 |
This has that odd vowel qames-hartuf (ŏ as in cost) that looks exactly like a qâmats (â as in car). |
270. Verb2: nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] and it means misconstrue, misinterpret [the situation]. Strong’s #5234 BDB #649. [This word is a homonym with Strong’s #5234 BDB #647]. Gen. 42:7 Deut. 1:17 32:27 1Sam. 23:7
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
properly: to be foreign, to be strange; to estrange, to alienate; not to know, to be ignorant of; to contemplate, to look at something [as though strange and unfamiliar] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #649 |
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
properly: to be foreign, to be strange; to contemplate, to behold; to have respect, to be partial; to recognize, to acknowledge; to be acquainted with; to know, to know how, to know the difference between; to care for |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #649 |
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
properly: to be foreign, to be strange; to make onself strange, to make oneself unknown; to dissimilate, to feign; to be known |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #649 |
nâkar (נָכַר) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
properly: to be foreign, to be strange; to be known, to be recognized; to dissimulate, to feign |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5234 BDB #649 |
This word is a homonym with Strong’s #5234 BDB #647, and bears closer examination. The bottom 3 meanings may also be meanings for the homonym. |
271. Feminine_noun: which means treasure. Strong’s #5238 BDB #649.
272. Verb: which means to obtain, to attain. Strong’s #5239 BDB #649.
273. Masculine_noun: which means gain, acquisition. Job 15:29.* Strong’s #4512 BDB #649. Job 15:29
274. Feminine_noun: nemâlâh (נֶמָלָה) [pronounced nehm-aw-LAW], which means ant. Strong’s #5244 BDB #649. Prov. 6:6
nemâlâh (נֶמָלָה) [pronounced nehm-aw-LAW] |
ant |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5244 BDB #649 |
275. Masculine_noun: which means leopard. Strong’s #5246 BDB #649.
276. Masculine_proper_noun: Nimerôd (נִמְרֹד) [pronounced nihm-ROAD], which means rebellion; valliant; transliterated Nimrod. Strong’s #5248 BDB #650. Gen. 10:8
Nimerôd (נִמְרֹד) [pronounced nihm-ROAD] |
rebellion; valliant; transliterated Nimrod |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5248 BDB #650 |
There is an alternate spelling for this name. |
277. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated Namesthei. Strong’s #5250 BDB #650.
278. Verb: nâçag (ג-סָנ) [pronounced naw-SAHG], which means to depart (Qal); to remove (Hiphil); to be turned away (Hophal). Found twice in Deuteronomy, once in Proverbs and in the prophets. BDB lists this as equivalent to Strong's #5472 BDB #690. However, this belongs here, as Strong's #5253 BDB #650.
279. Verb: nâçâh (נָסָה) [pronounced naw-SAWH], a word which means to test, to try. This is a great word whose meaning is determined by the subject and the object. Our English equivalent is quite similar. As a teacher, I test my students; this is perfectly legitimate. However, when my students test me, this is something entirely different. God tested this man of grace at Massah. However, their testing of Him was uncalled for. “You will not put Yehowah your God to the test, as you tested at Massah.” (Deut. 6:16). The Piel perfect of nâçâh (ה ָס ָנ) [pronounced naw-SAW], which means to test, to try, to attempt, to try to do a thing. Strong’s #5254 BDB #650. Gen. 22:1 Exodus 15:25 16:4 17:2 20:20 Deut. 4:34 17:7 33:8 Judges 2:22 3:4 1Sam. 17:39 Job 4:2 Psalm 95:8 106:14 Eccles. 2:1
nâçâh (נָסָה) [pronounced naw-SAWH] |
to test, to try |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5254 BDB #650 |
nâçâh (נָסָה) [pronounced naw-SAWH] |
to test, to try, to prove, to tempt, to assay, put to the proof or test; to try to do a thing; to practice doing a thing |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5254 BDB #650 |
280. Noun: Maççâh (ה ָ ַמ) [pronounced mahs-SAW], and it means trial, testing; this word is used relatively few times in the Old Testament (9 times), and most of those times it is a proper noun (Ex. 17:7 Deut. 6:16 9:22). Strong’s #4531 and 4532 BDB #650. and 588 Job 9:23
281. Proper_noun_location: which means testing, trial; and is transliterated Massah. Strong’s #4532 BDB #650.
282. Verb: nâçach (נָסַח) [pronounced naw-SACHKH], which means to pull out, to tear away; to drive into exile. Strong’s #5255 BDB #650. Psalm 52:5 Prov. 2:22
nâçach (נָסַח) [pronounced naw-SACHKH] |
to pull out, to pluck up; to root out; to tear away; to drive into exile |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5255 BDB #650 |
nâçach (נָסַח) [pronounced naw-SACHKH] |
to be pulled out, to be torn away, to be plucked up; to be rooted up; to be expelled [from a land] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5255 BDB #650 |
283. Verb: nâçake (נָסַך׃) [pronounced naw-SAHK], which means to pour, to pour out, to make a libation; to cast [metal images]; to anoint [a king]. Strong’s #5258 BDB #650. Gen. 35:14 Exodus 25:29 30:9 2Sam. 23:16 1Chron. 18:11 Psalm 2:6 Prov. 8:23
nâçake (נָסַ) [pronounced naw-SAHK] |
to pour, to pour out, to make a libation; to cast [metal images]; to anoint [a king] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5258 BDB #650 |
nâçake (נָסַ) [pronounced naw-SAHK] |
to be anointed; to be poured out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5258 BDB #650 |
nâçake (נָסַ) [pronounced naw-SAHK] |
to make a libation, to make a drink offering; to pour, to pour out |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5258 BDB #650 |
nâçake (נָסַ) [pronounced naw-SAHK] |
to pour, to pour out, to make a libation; to cause to pour out, to cause to make a drink offering |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5258 BDB #650 |
nâçake (נָסַ) [pronounced naw-SAHK] |
to be poured out, to be anointed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5258 BDB #650 |
284. Verb: mâlal (מָלַל) [pronounced maw-LAHL], which means, to speak, to utter to say. It appears to be three different words in the Hebrew. This verb is used five times to mean utter, speak (Gen. 21:7 Job 8:2 33:3 Psalm 106:2 Prov. 6:13*). BDB allows for the passage in Prov. 6:13 to mean scrape, rub. Strong’s #4448 BDB #576. Job 8:2. BDB gives a third meaning languish, wither, fade; but cut off seems to be a better rendering (Gen. 17:11 Job 14:2 18:16 24:24 Prov. 37:2*). BDB lists the latter spelling as the same; the New Englishman’s Concordance and Strong spell it as nâmal (ל ַמ ָנ) [pronounced naw-MAHL]. Strong’s #5243 BDB #576. Psalm 90:6 Find this under the m’s—it will be there in full
285. Masculine_noun: neseke (נֶסֶ) [pronounced NEH-sehk], which means a drink offering, a libation, something poured out; molten images. Strong’s #5262 BDB #651. Gen. 35:14 Exodus 29:40 30:9
Râchêl (רָחֵל) [pronounced raw-KHALE] |
ewe and is transliterated Rachel |
feminine proper noun |
Strong's #7354 BDB #932 |
Wenstrom: Rachel means, “ewe” meaning the female of the sheep, especially of the mature. |
was this a screw up? Should I have the plural of this word? Backups were no help. |
neseke (נֶסֶ) [pronounced NEH-sehk] |
a drink offering, a libation, something poured out; molten images |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5262 BDB #651 |
This is also spelled nêseke (נֵסֶ) [pronounced NAY-sehk]. |
286. Masculine_noun: which means libation, wine of a drink offering; a molten image. Strong’s #5257 BDB #651.
287. Feminine_noun: maççêkâh (מַסֵּכָה) [pronounced mahs-say-KAW], which means molten metal, metal image, molten image, libation. The NIV Study Bible suggests that this is a metal cast idol, with a cheaper metal as the bulk of the object, coated with silver. Now it appears as though there is only one idol which is being made, as the end of v. 4 is in the masculine singular. However, as we have seen, the end of v. 4 probably belongs at the end of v. 3, which would solve this problem. Therefore we would be looking at two different idols. In Judges 18:14, it also appears as though they are two different images. Strong’s #4541 BDB #651. [Also, see Strong’s #6459 BDB #820]. If this word seems familiar to you, we covered the word in the previous chapter. Both BDB and the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance to the Old Testament treat them as separate words. Gesenius treats it as one word with two divergent meanings. Notice that this is identical to the word below. Exodus 32:4 Judges 17:3 18:14 Psalm 106:19
maççêkâh (מַסֵּכָה) [pronounced mahs-say-KAW] |
molten metal, metal image, molten image, libation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4541 BDB #651 |
The homonym for this word means a weaving, that which has been woven, some woven [thing]. However, the verb for this noun means to pour, to pour out and therefore to cast. The idea is that the gold was melted down and either poured into a mold or heated to a point where it fused and could be shaped. |
288. Verb2: which means to weave. Strong’s #5259 BDB #651.
289. Feminine_noun: which means woven stuff, web; a covering. Identical to noun above. Strong’s #4541 BDB #651.
290. Feminine_noun: maççêkâh maççêkâh (הָכ̤-מ) [pronounced mahs-say-KAW], which means weaving, seb, that which has been woven, some woven [used as a covering]. Strong’s #4541 BDB #651. This is found only in Isa. 25:7 28:20 (and maybe in Isa. 30:1). In this verse, the word is maççâketh (ת∵כָ-מ) [pronounced mahs-SAW-keth], which is given as a weaving of unfinished cloth. Strong’s #4545 BDB #651. Whereas, these could be different words, their primary difference is the last letter and the vowel points (added centuries after Scripture was written). We are probably dealing here with some partially woven cloth which is woven in with Samson’s hair (we get this more from v. 14 than this verse). Judges 16:13b
291. Verb3: which means to set, to install. Strong’s #5258 BDB #651.
292. Masculine_noun: nâçîyke (נָסִי) [pronounced naw-SEEKe], which could be rendered prince, although this is not the normal word that we use for prince (it is found only in Deut. 32:38 Joshua 13:21 Psalm 83:11 Ezek. 32:30 Daniel 11:8 Micah 5:4). It is that first passage which is troubling, as it is often rendered drink-offering. In the book of Daniel, it is rendered molten image. The key is the verb, which, although BDB says that it means to set, to install; it really means to appoint and the noun means appointed one. Strong’s #5257 BDB #651. [Synonym: Strong’s #5387 BDB #672]. Deut. 32:38 Joshua 13:21 Psalm 83:11
293. Verb: nâçaç (נָסַס) [pronounced naw-SAHÇ], which means to be lifted up, to be displayed, to be high, to be conspicuous. Strong’s #5264 BDB #651. Psalm 60:4
nâçaç (נָסַס) [pronounced naw-SAHÇ] |
to be lifted up, to be displayed, to be high, to be conspicuous |
Hithpoel (BDB) [Hithpael in Gesenius] infinitive construct |
Strong’s #5264 BDB #651 |
294. Masculine_noun: nêç (נֵס) [pronounced nace], which means banner, flag, standard, ensign, guide-on; pole, column; signal, sign. When Moses took the brass serpent and put it atop a pole, that pole was a nêç (Num. 21:8–9). We first encountered this word in Exodus 17:15 where it means Yehowah my banner. Isaiah used this word most often (Isa. 5:26 11:10, 12 13:2 18:3 Jer. 4:6, 21 50:2 51:12 etc.). I would think that Thieme would translate this a guide-on. Strong's #5251 BDB #651. Exodus 17:15 Num. 26:10 Psalm 60:4
nêç (נֵס) [pronounced nace] |
banner, flag, standard, ensign, guide-on; pole, column; signal, sign |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5251 BDB #651 |
This is something which is lifted up, a thing to be seen from afar off. |
295. A proper noun: Strong’s #3071 BDB #651 Exodus 17:15*
YHWH (יהוה) [pronunciation is possibly yhoh-WAH] |
transliterated variously as Jehovah, Yahweh, Yehowah |
proper noun |
Strong’s #3068 BDB #217 |
nêç (נֵס) [pronounced nace] |
banner, flag, standard, ensign, guide-on; pole, column; signal, sign |
masculine singular noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong's #5251 BDB #651 |
This is something which is lifted up, a thing to be seen from afar off. |
These two words are taken together to be the proper noun Yehowah-nicciy, Jehovah-nissi; that is, Yehowah is my banner. Strong’s #3071 BDB #651. |
296. Verb: nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ], which means to pull up [stakes], to pull out, to break camp and move out, to set out, to journey, to march, to depart. It denotes the pulling up the stakes of a tent. In Judges 16:14, Samson is merely pulling the pin out of his braided hair. The verb used in Psalm 78:26 is one which denotes pulling up the stakes of a tent and moving out. This is in the Hiphil stem, so the winds are caused to pull up stakes and journey through the heavens. In the Hiphil stem, this means to guide, to lead, to cause to set out. So the winds are caused to pull up stakes and journey through the heavens. In the Niphal, it means to pluck up, to remove. Strong’s #5265 BDB #652. Gen. 11:1 12:9 13:11 20:1 33:12, 17 35:5 37:17 46:1 Exodus 12:37 13:20 14:10, 14 15:22 16:1 17:1 19:2 Deut. 1:7, 19, 40 2:1, 24 Joshua 3:1, 3 Judges 16:3, 14 18:11 1Kings 5:17 Job 4:21 19:10 Psalm 78:26, 52
nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ] |
to pull up [stakes], to pull out, to break camp and move out, to set out, to journey, to march, to depart; to bend a bow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5265 BDB #652 |
nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ] |
pulling up [stakes], pulling out, breaking camp and moving out, setting out, making a journey, marching, departing; bending a bow |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5265 BDB #652 |
nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ] |
pull up [stakes], pull out, break camp and move out, set out, journey, march, depart; bend a bow |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5265 BDB #652 |
nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ] |
to be pulled up [stakes], to be removed; to be plucked up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5265 BDB #652 |
nâçaʿ (נָסַע) [pronounced naw-SAHĢ] |
to cause to set out [move out, depart, go], to cause a camp to move out; to lead out; to cause to spring up; to take away [remove, pluck up], to quarry [hew out, cut out] [stones] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5265 BDB #652 |
297. Masculine_noun: maçça‛ (מַסַּע) [pronounced mahs-SAH], which means, a pulling up [of stakes]; breaking camp; setting out; travels, journeys, journeying; stages. BDB describes it as the pulling up (of the tent and tent spikes), breaking camp and setting out. You certainly recognize the familiar term Mecca. Strong's #4550 BDB #652. Gen. 13:3 Exodus 17:1 Num. 33:1
maçça‛ (מַסַּע) [pronounced mahs-SAH] |
a pulling up [of stakes]; breaking camp; setting out; travels, journeys, journeying; stages |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #4550 BDB #652 |
You may recognize the similar term Mecca. |
298. Masculine_noun1: maççâʿ (מַסָּע) [pronounced mahs-SAWĢ], which means a quarry, a quarrying; a breaking out [of stones]. Strong’s #4551 BDB #652. 1Kings 6:7*
maççâʿ (מַסָּע) [pronounced mahs-SAWĢ] |
a quarry, a quarrying; a breaking out [of stones] |
masculine singular noun1 |
Strong’s #4551 BDB #652 |
299. Verb: which means to throw, to puncture, to wound. Strong’s #none BDB #652.
300. Masculine_noun2: which means missile, dart. Strong’s #4551 BDB #652.
maççâʿ (מַסָּע) [pronounced mahs-SAWĢ] |
a dart, missile; arrow; weapon |
masculine singular noun2 |
Strong’s #4551 BDB #652 |
301. Masculine_proper_noun: which means Assyrian god and is transliterated . Strong’s #5268 BDB #652.
302. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5272 BDB #652.
303. Verb: nâʿal (נָעַל) [pronounced naw-AHL or naw-GAHL], which means to bar, bolt or lock. Strong’s #5274 BDB #653. Judges 3:23–24 2Sam. 13:17
nâʿal (נָעַל) [pronounced naw-ĢAHL] |
to bar, bolt or lock |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5274 DB #653 |
This is a homonym; the other verb means to furnish with sandals, to give shoes [to a person]. |
304. Feminine_noun: naʿal (נַעַל) [pronounced NAH-ģahl], which means sandal, shoe; a shoe thong, a shoe latchet; a pair of shoes; metaphorically for something of little value. Strong’s #5275 BDB #653. Gen. 14:23 Exodus 3:5 12:11 1Kings 2:5 Psalm 60:8
naʿal (נַעַל) [pronounced NAH-ģahl] |
sandal, shoe; a shoe thong, a shoe latchet; a pair of shoes; metaphorically for something of little value |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5275 BDB #653 |
A different spelling in Joshua 9:5. |
305. Verb: which means to furnish with sandals, to give one shoes. Strong’s #5274 BDB #653.
306. Masculine_noun: which means bolt, lock. Strong’s #4514 BDB #653.
307. Masculine_noun: The word translated sandels, shoes, bars is a word found only once in the Old Testament. The core letters of this word (נ ע ל) match the core letters of the word for sandal; however, the word for bolt begins with מ , as does this word; therefore, this is most likely a house door bolt. Furthermore, there were no iron or brass fastenings on the shoes or sandals of the people of that time. As Keil and Delitzsch point out, even Goliath, who was clothed from head to foot in brass and iron, did not have brass or iron shoes. Only the Romans later had nails in the soles of their shoes. Strong’s #4515 BDB #653. Deut. 33:25
308. Verb: nâʿêm (נָעֵם) [pronounced naw-ĢAME], which means to be pleasant, to be delightful, to be attractive. Strong’s #5276 BDB #653. Check Gesenius; do not add too many more definitions. Gen. 15 2Sam. 1:26 Prov. 2:10 9:17
nâʿêm (נָעֵם) [pronounced naw-ĢAME] |
to be pleasant, to be delightful, to be attractive; to be lovely |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5276 BDB #653 |
309. Masculine_noun: nôʿam (נֹעַם) [pronounced NOH-ģahm] which means, kindness, pleasantness, delightfulness, beauty, favour. The KJV primarily goes with beauty (Palm 27:4 90:17 Zech. 11:7, 10) or some form of pleasantness (Prov. 3:17 15:26 16:24). Let me temporarily go with delightfulness until a better rendering strikes me. Strong’s #5278 BDB #653. Psalm 90:17 Prov. 3:17
nôʿam (נֹעַם) [pronounced NOH-ģahm |
kindness, pleasantness, delightfulness, beauty, favour |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5278 BDB #653 |
310. Masculine_proper_noun: which means pleasant, delight and is transliterated . Son of Caleb. Strong’s #5277 BDB #653.
311. Adjective: nâʿîym (נָעִים) [pronounced naw-GEEM], which means pleasant, agreeable, delightful; pleasures; generous. Strong’s #5273 BDB #653. 2Sam. 1:23 23:1 Psalm 133:1 147:1
nâʿîym (נָעִים) [pronounced naw-GEEM] |
pleasant, agreeable, delightful; pleasures; sweet; generous; lovely, beautiful |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5273 BDB #653 |
This word also means singing, sweet sounding, musical. |
312. Feminine_proper_noun: Naʿămâh (נַעֲמָה) [pronounced nah-ģuhm-AW], which means lovleiness; pleasant, delightful and is transliterated Naamah. Twin sister of Tubal Cain. Strong’s #5279 BDB #653. Gen. 4:22
Naʿămâh (נַעֲמָה) [pronounced nah-ģuhm-AW] |
lovleiness; pleasant, delightful and is transliterated Naamah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5279 BDB #653 |
313. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5279 BDB #654.
314. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5281 BDB #654.
315. Masculine_noun1: which means pleasantness. Strong’s #5282 BDB #654.
316. Masculine_proper_noun: Naʿămân (נַעֲמָן) [pronounced nah-ģuhm-AWN], which means pleasantness; transliterated Naaman. Strong’s #5283 BDB #654. Gen. 46:21
Naʿămân (נַעֲמָן) [pronounced nah-ģuhm-AWN] |
pleasantness; transliterated Naaman |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5283 BDB #654 |
317. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #5280 BDB #654.
318. Gentilic_adjective: Naʿămâthîy (נַעֲמָתִי) [pronounced nah-guh-maw-THEE], which means pleasantness, delight; an inhabitant of Naamah; and is transliterated Naamathite. This word is found only in the book of Job (Job 2:11 11:1 20:1 42:9).* The closest word that we have to this is Naamah, found in Gen. 4:17 5:32 (a descendant of Cain); found also as a wife of Solomon (1Kings 14:21, 31); and also found as a city as part of Judah's inheritance. However, there is no indication that any of these uses has anything to do with Zophar. The latter city might be named after Zophar or one of his descendants. Keil and Delitzsch claim that naʿămâthîy means pleasantness. Strong's #5284 BDB #654. Job 2:11 11:1
Naʿămâthîy (נַעֲמָתִי) [pronounced nah-guh-maw-THEE] |
pleasantness, delight; an inhabitant of Naamah; and is transliterated Naamathite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong's #5284 BDB #654 |
319. Masculine_plural_noun: which means delicacies, dainties. Strong’s #4516 BDB #654.
320. Verb2: which means to speak in a low, gentle voice; a note, melody. Strong’s #none BDB #654.
321. Adjective2: which means singing, sweetly. See above. Strong’s #5273 BDB #654.
nâʿîym (נָעִים) [pronounced naw-GEEM] |
singing, sweet sounding, musical |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5273 BDB #654 |
322. Verb: which means to prick, to stick, to thrust in, to wedge in. Strong’s #none BDB #654.
323. Masculine_noun: which means thorn bush. Strong’s #5285 BDB #654.
324. Verb1: nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR], which means to growl. Strong’s #5286 BDB #654.
325. Verb2: nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR], which means to shake, to shake out, to shake off. The picture here is to get a locust caught in your hair and you shake your head and it falls out. You would have no idea that this is what the verb means. The KJV, NRSV and Owens render this overthrew, as does the NASB (which footnotes the correct rendering); the NIV, REB and NAB render this swept (which isn’t bad); and the NJB renders this drowned. Strong’s #5287 BDB #654. Exodus 14:27 Judges 16:20 1Sam. 1:24 Psalm 136:15
nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR] |
to shake, to shake out, to shake off |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5287 BDB #654 |
nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR] |
to be shaken, to shake oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5287 BDB #654 |
nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR] |
to shake out, to shake off |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5287 BDB #654 |
nâʿar (נָעַר) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR] |
to shake onself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5287 BDB #654 |
326. Masculine_noun: which means a shaking. Strong’s #5288 BDB #654.
327. Feminine_noun: neʿôreth (ת∵רֹע נ) [pronounced neGOH-reth], which is generally rendered tow, which means nothing the most readers. Tow is the short and coarse fibers of flax prior to the flax being spun. Being put into a flame immediately disintegrates it. It means tow [as shaken off from the flax when it has been beaten]. Strong’s #5296 BDB #654. Judges 16:9b
328. Verb3: nâʿar (רַעָנ) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR], which means to be young, to be a youth. This is not found in Strong’s, BDB or in Gesenius. However, BDB suggests that such a verb exists, without giving it a meaning. The reason that language scholars are not quick to give this word a meaning is that the word for child is a very ancient word, which goes back to the Sanscrit. In 1Sam. 1:24, it is unclear whether this is a masculine singular noun (pausal form) or a verb. Strong’s #none BDB #654. 1Sam. 1:24
nâʿar (רַעָנ) [pronounced naw-ĢAHR] |
to be young, to be a youth |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #none BDB #654 |
Since this verb is not found anywhere else in the Old Testament (insofar as I know), some understand this to be a repetition of naʿar above, but in the pausal form. This verb has homonyms which mean to growl; to shake, to shake out. |
329. Masculine_noun: naʿar (נַעַר) [pronounced NAH-ģahr], which means boy, youth, young man, lad, personal attendant. The plural is naʿarîym (םי ̣ר ַע ַנ) [pronounced nah-ģah-REEM], originally meant young men. It is applied to infants in Exodus 2:6 Judges 13:5, 7 or to a youth in Gen. 34:19 41:12. It can also refer to a slave or a servant, as in Gen. 24:2 2Kings 5:20, or to a personal attendant (Judges 19:2). This is much like the word boy in our language, which, in the South, was applied both to young men and to slaves and later to descendants of slaves. It is unclear in this context as to whether we are referring to young men to servants or to slaves. As we have seen, this word has a wide variety of applications, even in these first few chapters of Samuel. It is used of Samuel when he is about 2 or 3 years of age (1Sam. 22, 24, 25, 27); it is used of Samuel when he is slightly older and growing (1Sam. 2:11, 18, 21, 26); and it is used of Samuel as probably a teenager or preteen in this chapter (vv. 1, 8). The same word is used of the servant to the priests (1Sam. 2:13, 15) and of Samuel’s genetic sons, who were probably full-grown and possibly in their 40’s (1Sam. 2:17). The closest word which we have to this is the word boy. In relationship to a father, this could be used up until a man is 40 or older. It was used in the South often for their male slaves, apart from the consideration of age; and it was used in a derogative fashion for Afro-Americans throughout the United States, although predominantly in the South. It seems as though I recall that the word niggar was originally not a derogatory term (I believe that this was mentioned on a televison show that I saw). In looking at this word, its pronunciation, and knowing the strong predilection in the south (and elsewhere) towards Christianity, it would seem reasonable that this might be the origin of that term. The pronunciation is similar and the meaning corresponds exactly between its usage here 300 years ago and its usage in the 1700 and 1800's (this ditty is not found in any of those passages). Strong’s #5288 & 5289 BDB #654. Gen. 14:23 18:7 19:4 21:11 22:3 25:27 34:19 37:2 41:12 43:8 44:22 48:16 Exodus 2:6 10:9 24:5 33:11 Judges 7:10 8:20 13:8 17:7 Ruth 2:5, 22 1Sam. 1:22 2:11, 13, 17, 18, 21 3:1, 8 4:21 9:3, 22 14:1 16:11 17:33 20:21 21:2 25:5 26:22 30:13 2Sam. 1:5 9:9 12:16 13:17 14:21 16:1, 2 17:18 18:5, 15 19:17 20:11 1Kings 3:7 1Chron. 12:28 Job 1:15 Psalm 148:12 Prov. 1:4 7:7
naʿar (נַעַר) [pronounced NAH-ģahr] |
boy, youth, young man, lad; personal attendant; slave-boy |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5288 & #5289 BDB #654 |
330. Proper_noun: Nepheg (ג∵פ∵נ) [pronounced neh-FEHG], which means a root, a sprout; transliterated Nepheg. Check position. Strong’s #5298 BDB #655. 2Sam. 5:15
Nepheg (ג∵פ∵נ) [pronounced neh-FEHG] |
a root, a sprout; weak, slacked; transliterated Nepheg |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5298 BDB #655 |
331. Masculine_noun: which means youth, early life. Strong’s #5290 BDB #655.
332. Feminine_noun2: naʿărâh (נַעֲרָה) [pronounced nah-ģar-AWH] means girl, damsel, miss, young woman, woman of marriageable age; it can refer to a prostitute (Amos 2:7), an engaged girl (Deut. 22:25, 27), a little girl (2Kings 5:2) or a mistress (Judges 19:3–6). It refers to female attendants or maids only when in the plural (Gen. 24:61 Exodus 2:5 Prov. 9:3). This is an unmarried woman. Strong’s #5291 BDB #655. (Also see Strong’s #1330 BDB #143) Gen. 24:14 34:3 Exodus 2:5 Deut. 22:15, 23 Judges 19:3 21:11 Ruth 2:6, 22 4:12 1Sam. 9:11 25:42 1Kings 1:2 Prov. 9:3
naʿărâh (נַעֲרָה) [pronounced nah-ģar-AWH] |
girl, damsel, miss, young woman, woman of marriageable age |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5291 BDB #655 |
Naʿărâh can refer to a prostitute (Amos 2:7), an engaged girl (Deut. 22:25, 27), a little girl (2Kings 5:2) or a mistress (Judges 19:3–6). It refers to female attendants or maids only when in the plural (Gen. 24:61 Exodus 2:5 Prov. 9:3). This is essentially an unmarried woman. |
naʿărâh (נַעֲרָה) [pronounced nah-ģar-AWH] |
female attendants, maids; girls, young women, women of marriageable age |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5291 BDB #655 |
333. Masculine_plural_noun: neʿûrîym (נעוּרִים) [pronounced neģoo-REEM], which means childhood, youth (it is always found in the plural, so we might render it youthful years); adolescence. Strong’s #5271 BDB #655. Gen. 8:21 46:34 1Sam. 12:2 17:33 19:7 Job 13:26 Psalm 103:5 Prov. 5:18
neʿûrîym (נעוּרִים) [pronounced neģoo-REEM] |
childhood, youth (it is always found in the plural, so we might render it youthful years); adolescence |
masculine plural noun with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5271 BDB #655 |
334. Feminine_plural_noun: neʿûwrîym (נְעוּרִים) [pronounced neh-ģoo-REEM], which means childhood, adolescence; youth. Strong’s #5271 BDB #655. Prov. 2:17
neʿûwrîym (נְעוּרִים) [pronounced neh-ģoo-REEM] |
childhood, adolescence; youth |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5271 BDB #655 |
335. Proper_noun/location: which means girl, damsel; transliterated . Strong’s #5292 BDB #655.
336. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5292 BDB #655.
337. Masculine_proper_noun: Naʿăray (נַעֲרַי) [pronounced nah-ģuh-RAY], which means youthful; transliterated Naarai. Strong’s #5293 BDB #655. 1Chron. 11:37
Naʿăray (נַעֲרַי) [pronounced nah-ģuh-RAY] |
youthful; transliterated Naarai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5293 BDB #655 |
338. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5294 BDB #655.
339. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5295 BDB #655.
340. Masculine_proper_noun: Nepheg (נֶפֶג) [pronounced NEH-fehg], which means sprout, to spring forth; transliterated Nepheg. Strong’s #5298 BDB #655. Exodus 6:21
Nepheg (נֶפֶג) [pronounced NEH-fehg] |
sprout, to spring forth; transliterated Nepheg |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5298 BDB #655 |
341. Verb: nâphach (נָפַח) [pronounced naw-FAHKH], which means to breath [out], to blow. Strong’s #5301 BDB #655. Gen. 2:7 Job 20:26
nâphach (נָפַח) [pronounced naw-FAHKH] |
to breath [out], to blow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5301 BDB #655 |
This also means to disperse, to cast away [by blowing on something] when followed by the bêyth preposition. |
nâphach (נָפַח) [pronounced naw-FAHKH] |
to be blown [out, away, on] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5301 BDB #655 |
nâphach (נָפַח) [pronounced naw-FAHKH] |
to cause to breath [out]; to cause to sigh, to extort signs; metaphorically to torment; to blow away [in the sense of valuing a person lightly]; to despise |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5301 BDB #655 |
342. Masculine_noun: mappâch (ח ָ ַמ) [pronounced mahp-PAWKH], which means a breathing out (or so we think). Strong’s #4646 BDB #656. Job 11:20
343. Masculine_noun: which means bellows. Strong’s #4647 BDB #656.
344. Masculine_noun: which means apple tree, apple (from its aromatic scent). Strong’s #8598 BDB #656.
345. Masculine_noun: nôphek (נֹפֶ) [pronounced NOH-fehk], which means, glisten, shiny; perhaps a garnet, an emerald, turquoise, ruby, or carbuncle; a precious stone which Tyre got by trade. Strong’s #5306 BDB #656. Exodus 28:18
nôphek (נֹפֶ) [pronounced NOH-fehk] |
glisten, shiny; perhaps a garnet, an emerald, turquoise, ruby, or carbuncle; a precious stone which Tyre got by trade |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5306 BDB #656 |
346. Verb: nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL], which means to fall, to lie, to die a violent death, to be brought down, to settle, to sleep deeply. This word is used, in the Hiphil, to mean, among other things, to cast lots (1Chron. 26:14 Neh. 10:34 11:1 Esther 9:24 Job 6:27 Psalm 22:18 Isa. 34:17). This is not the word used for casting lots in Joel 3:3 or in Obad. 1:11. This word is given two pages in BDB and means to fall, to lie, to die a violent death, to be brought down, to settle, to sleep deeply, to prostrate oneself before another, to go to ruin. This woman has possibly lain with another man. Therefore, God will bring her thigh to fall, to be brought down. I don't know exactly what is meant by this, since this word has such a varied and wide application. It appears to have the meaning allotted to, apportioned in Joshua 13:6, however, it means cause her to fall. The various translators, in Job 13:2, render this inferior (KJV, NASB, NJB, NRSV, Owen), fall short (REB, NAB, Rotherham), stand back behind (Keil and Delitzsch) and fallen (the ever literal Young). What is likely referred to is the choosing of the land for each tribe by the casting of lots, something which will be discussed in more detail later. In the masculine plural, Qal active participle, this verb refers to the fallen ones. The meaning of this verb depends a great deal upon the subject and the context. Strong's #5307 BDB #656. Gen. 2:21 4:5 14:10 15:12 17:3 24:64 25:18 33:3 43:18 44:14 45:14 46:29 49:17 50:1 Exodus 15:16 19:21 21:18 32:28 Num. 5:21 6:12 Deut. 22:4, 8 Joshua 6:5 7:10 11:7 13:6 17:5 23:4, 14 Judges 2:19 3:25 5:27 7:13 8:10 18:1 19:26, 27 Ruth 3:18 1Sam. 3:19 4:10, 18 5:3 (10:20) 14:13, 42 17:32 18:25 19:24 20:41 25:23 26:12 28:20 29:3 31:1 2Sam. 1:2 14:4, 11 17:9 19:18 20:8, 15 21:9 22:39 24:14 Job 1:15 1Kings 1:52 8:56 1Chron. 5:22 12:19 Job 1:15–16 6:27 11:20 12:3 13:4, 11 21:45 Psalm 7:15 10:10 55:4 57:6 73:18 78:27, 55 106:26 118:13 Prov. 1:14 7:26
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
to fall, to lie, to die a violent death, to be brought down, to settle, to sleep deeply; to desert |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
Extended Qal meanings: to fall [to the ground, in battle], to die, to die a violent death; a man felled [by sickness]; [a building] falling down [in decay]; about to fall, about to come to ruin; [a fetus] falling out [or, being born, being aborted]; to fall away [used of members of a body]; [a face being] cast down [in sorrow], to fall down, to come down [from heaven], to descend; [sleep, terror, calamity] to fall upon [anyone]; to throw onself, to cast onself; to rush upon; to fall prostrate, to prostrate oneself; to fall upon someone [in affection]; to fall upon [an enemy], to attack; to alight [from a beast or chariot], to let oneself down; to encamp [as an army]; [a prayer] to fall before [someone for consideration, to be heard]; to fall away, to desert, to defect. I hope that the relationship is clear between the basic meaning, to fall, and the extended understanding of this verb. |
This verb used to mean to desert, to defect in 1Sam. 29:3 1Chron. 12:19 Jer. 37:13 38:19. |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
falling, lying; is dying a violent death, being brought down |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
the one falling, the one lying; he who has died a violent death, the one who is brought down |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
those falling, those lying; those who have died a violent death, ones who are brought down |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
to cast lots, to cause to fall, to be brought down; to let drop; to cause to fail; to lay down a request [petition] [before anyone] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
BDB list of Hiphil meanings: to cause to fall, fell, throw down, knock out, lay prostrate; to overthrow; to make the lot fall, assign by lot, apportion by lot; to let drop, cause to fail (figuratively);to cause to fall. |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
to prostrate oneself; to rush upon, to attack |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
nâphal (נָפַל) [pronounced naw-FAHL] |
to fall |
3rd person masculine plural, Pilel imperfect |
Strong's #5307 BDB #656 |
347. Masculine_singular_noun: nêphel (נֵפֶל) [pronounced NAY-fell], which means miscarriage, untimely birth, abortion; premature birth. This word is found only in Job 3:16 Psalm 58:9 Eccl. 6:3.* The verbal cognate can mean to fall and die; so this translation makes perfect sense in its linguistic context. However, untimely birth can imply premature birth and not necessarily aborted. Strong’s #5309 BDB #658. Job 3:16
nêphel (נֵפֶל) [pronounced NAY-fell] |
miscarriage, untimely birth, abortion; premature birth |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5309 BDB #658 |
348. Masculine_noun: which means refuse, hanging parts. Strong’s #4651 BDB #658.
349. Feminine_noun: which means ruin [of a city]. Strong’s #4654 BDB #658.
350. Feminine_noun: which means carcass, ruin, overthrow. Strong’s #4658 BDB #658.
351. Noun: Nephîlîym (נְפִלִים) [pronounced nef-eel-EEM] which means giants; fallen ones; and is transliterated Nephilim. In the three places where this word is found (Num. 13:33 Gen. 6:4*), it could just as easily be rendered giants and there would be no loss of meaning. Strong's #5303 BDB #658. Gen. 6:4 Num. 13:33 The Doctrine of Anakim
Nephîlîym (נְפִלִים) [pronounced nef-eel-EEM] |
giants; fallen ones; and is transliterated Nephilim |
masculine singular proper noun with the definite article |
Strong's #5303 BDB #658 |
Verb: nâphats (ץ-פָנ) [pronounced naw-FATS] which means to shatter. See below. Strong’s #5310 BDB #658.
352. Masculine_noun: which means driving storm. Strong’s #5311 BDB #658.
353. Masculine_noun: which means a shattering. Strong’s #4660 BDB #658.
354. Masculine_noun: which means a war club. Strong’s #6441 BDB #659.
355. Verb: nâphats (נָפַץ) [pronounced naw-FATS], which means to dispersed, to be scattered. Strong’s #5310 BDB #658 & #659. Gen. 9:19 1Sam. 13:11 1Kings 5:9 Psalm 2:9
nâphats (נָפַץ) [pronounced naw-FATS] |
to break, to smash into pieces; to scatter, to disperse; to disperse themselves, to be scattered or dispersed |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5310 BDB #658 & #659 |
At first glance, I thought that these definitions were for two different verbs. However, when something is smashed into pieces, the pieces are scattered or dispersed. |
nâphats (נָפַץ) [pronounced naw-FATS] |
to break, to smash into pieces; to scatter, to disperse [a people] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5310 BDB #658 & #659 |
nâphats (נָפַץ) [pronounced naw-FATS] |
to be broken in pieces, to be thrown down |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual perfect |
Strong’s #5310 BDB #658 & #659 |
356. Feminine_noun: nephesh (נֶפֶש) [pronounced NEH-fesh], which means soul, life, living being, desire. This word occurs around 800 times in the Old Testament. Since volition is a part of the soul, this word is tied occasionally to volition. Strong’s #5315 BDB #659. Gen. 1:20 2:7 9:4, 5 12:5 14:21 17:14 19:17 23:8 27:4 32:30 34:3 35:18 36:6 37:21 42:21 44:30 46:15 48:6 Exodus 1:5 4:19 12:4, 15 15:9 16:16 21:23 23:9 30:12, 15 31:14 Deut. 4:9, 15 21:14 22:26 Joshua 10:28 23:11 Ruth 4:15 Judges 5:18 9:17 18:25 1Sam. 1:10 17:55 19:5 20:1 22:2 23:15 24:11 25:26 26:21 28:9 30:6 2Sam. 1:9 14:7 16:11 17:8 18:13 19:5 23:17 1Kings 1:12 2:4 3:11 8:48 1Chron. 11:19 Job 2:4 3:20 16:4 18:4 Psalm 7:2 23:3 34:2 41:2 54:3 55:18 56:6 57:1 59:3 62:1, 5 63:1 103:1 105:22 106:15 142:4 Prov. 1:18, 19 2:10 3:22 6:16 7:23 8:36 10:3 Eccles. 2:24
nephesh (נֶפֶש) [pronounced NEH-fesh] |
soul, life, living being; breath; mind; desire, volition; will |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5315 BDB #659 |
nephâshôwth (נְפָשוֹת) [pronounced NEH-faw-shohth] |
souls, lives, living beings, desire, volition; will |
feminine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5315 BDB #659 |
357. Combo: Gen. 46:15
kôl (כֹּל) [pronounced kohl] |
every, each, all of, all; any of, any |
masculine singular construct not followed by a definite article |
Strong’s #3605 BDB #481 |
nephesh (נֶפֶש) [pronounced NEH-fesh] |
soul, life, living being; breath; mind; desire, volition; will |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #5315 BDB #659 |
Owens translates this altogether. I have translated this in all, in total. |
358. Verb: nâphash (נָפַש) [pronounced naw-FAHSH], which means to breath, to take a breath, to refresh oneself; to cease from working. Strong’s #5314 BDB #661. Exodus 23:12 31:17 2Sam. 16:14
nâphash (נָפַש) [pronounced naw-FAHSH] |
to breath, to take a breath, to refresh oneself; to cease from working |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5314 BDB #661 |
359. Masculine_proper_noun: Nâphîysh (נָפִיש) [pronounced naw-FEESH], which means refreshed, refreshment; transliterated Naphish, Nafish. Strong’s #5305 BDB #661. Gen. 25:15
Nâphîysh (נָפִיש) [pronounced naw-FEESH] |
refreshed, refreshment; transliterated Naphish, Nafish |
masculine singular proper noun; used for a tribe and for an individual |
Strong’s #5305 BDB #661 |
360. Masculine_noun: nôpheth (נֹפֶת) [pronounced NOH-feth], which means honey, dripping, flowing honey, dripping honey from the comb; a honeycomb; a dropping down. This word is only found in Psalm 19:10 Prov. 5:3 24:13 27:7 SOS 4:11. Strong’s #5317 BDB #661. Psalm 19:10 Prov. 5:3
nôpheth (נֹפֶת) [pronounced NOH-feth] |
honey, dripping, flowing honey, dripping honey from the comb; a honeycomb; a dropping down |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5317 BDB #661 |
361. Proper_noun/location: Naphetuchîym (נַפְתֻּחִים) [pronounced nahf-too-KHEEM], which means openings; transliterated Naphtuhim. Strong’s #5320 BDB #661. Gen. 10:13
Naphetuchîym (נַפְתֻּחִים) [pronounced nahf-too-CHEM] |
openings; transliterated Naphtuhim |
proper noun/location plural |
Strong’s #5320 BDB #661 |
362. Verb: which means to fly. Strong’s #5323 BDB #661.
363. Verb: nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV], which means to station oneself, to take one’s stand, to stand up, to set something upright, to erect. This is not found in the Qal stem. In the Niphal, the passive stem, it means to be stationed, to be left standing, to station oneself, to take one’s stand. In the Hophal, it means to be placed, to be set, to be planted, to be fixed, to be settled. Strong’s #5324 BDB #662. Doctrine of matstsâbâh, mûtstsâb, matstsêbâh, matstsebeh, mitstsâbâh, matstsâb, netsîyb, and nâtsab Gen. 18:2 21:28 24:13, 42 28:12, 13 33:20 35:14 37:7 45:1 Exodus 5:20 7:15 15:8 17:9 18:14 33:8 Deut. 32:8 Joshua 6:26 Judges 9:6 18:16 Ruth 2:5 1Sam. 1:26 4:20 13:21 15:12 19:20 22:6, 9, 17 2Sam. 18:17, 18 1Kings 4:5 5:16 9:23 1Chron. 18:3 Psalm 41:12 Prov. 8:2
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
to station oneself, to take one’s stand, to stand up, to set something upright, to erect; to fix, to establish |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
to be stationed, to be left standing, to station oneself, to take one’s stand; to stand [at the ready, firm], to take an upright position |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
those stationed, the ones left standing, stationing themselves, who are taking a stand; those standing [at the ready]; deputies, prefects; officers; guards; those who are waiting |
masculine plural, Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
stationed, left standing, stationing oneself, taking one’s stand; standing [at the ready, firm] |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
The Niphal is the passive stem, and the definite article combined with the feminine plural causes nâtsab to function as a substantive. It should be rendered women stationed, women standing, females stationing themselves; less formally, this could be rendered females attendants. |
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
to be fixed, to be stationary; to be determined |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
nâtsab (נָצַב) [pronounced naw-TSAHBV] |
being fixed [in one place]; being stationary; having been determined; standing in place |
Hophal participle |
Strong’s #5324 BDB #662 |
364. Masculine_noun: nitstsâb (בָ.נ) [pronounced nihts-TSAWBV], which means the haft, hilt, handle [of a sword]. It is only found in this verse. Strong’s #5325 BDB #662. Judges 3:22*
nitstsâb (בָ.נ) [pronounced nihts-TSAWBV] |
the haft, hilt, handle [of a sword] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5325 BDB #662 |
365. Masculine_noun: netsîyb (נְצִיב) [pronounced neTZEEBV], which means pillar, prefect, garrison, post. Interestingly enough, this is the word used for pillar when Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt. Strong’s #5333 BDB #662. The Doctrine of Matstsâbâh, Mûtstsâb, Matstsêbâh, Matstsebeth, Mitstsâbâh, Matstsâb, Netsîyb, and Nâtsab Gen. 19:26 1Sam. 10:5 13:3, 4 14:1 2Sam. 8:6, 14 1Kings 4:19 1Chron. 11:16
netsîyb (נְצִיב) [pronounced neTZEEBV] |
pillar, prefect, garrison, post, outpost; officer, governor |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #5333 BDB #662 |
366. Masculine_singular_noun: matstsâb (מַצָּב) [pronounced matz-TZABV], which means standing-place, station, garrison, post. It comes from a verb which means to stand up, to stand up perpendicular. Strong’s #4673 BDB #662. Doctrine of matstsâbvâh, mûtstsâbv, matstsêbvâh, matstsebveh, mitstsâbvâh, matstsâbv, netsîybv, and nâtsabv Joshua 4:3 1Sam. 13:23 14:1, 4, 6, 11, 15 2Sam. 23:14
matstsâb (מַצָּב) [pronounced matz-TZABV] |
standing-place, station, garrison, post |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4673 BDB #662 |
367. Masculine_noun: mûtstsâb (בָֻמ) [pronounced moots-TSAWBV], which means a garrison, a station (of soldiers); it is taken from the verb. BDB defines it as a palisade, an intrenchment. This is the same word as we find above, except with different vowel points. According to the New Englishman’s Concordance, this occurs only in Isa. 29:3.* Strong’s #4674 BDB #663. Doctrine of matstsâbvâh, mûtstsâbv, matstsêbvâh, matstsebveh, mitstsâbvâh, matstsâbv, netsîybv, and nâtsabv Judges 9:6 (see Strong’s #4673 above)
368. Feminine_noun: matstsâbâh (הָבָ -מ) [pronounced matz-tzaw-VAH], which means guard, watch. One vowel point is different than below. However, this appears to be the feminine form of the Strong’s #4673. Strong’s #4675 BDB #663. Doctrine of matstsâbvâh, mûtstsâbv, matstsêbvâh, matstsebveh, mitstsâbvâh, matstsâbv, netsîybv, and nâtsabv 1Sam. 14:12*
matstsâbâh (הָבָ -מ) [pronounced matz-tzaw-VAW] |
guard, watch |
feminine singular noun (which appears to be almost equivalent to the masculine noun Strong’s #4673) |
Strong’s #4675 BDB #663 |
369. Feminine_noun: mitstsâbâh (הָבָ̣מ) [pronounced mitz-tzaw-VAH], which means guard, watch. Zech. 9:8.* Strong’s #4675 BDB #663. Doctrine of matstsâbvâh, mûtstsâbv, matstsêbvâh, matstsebveh, mitstsâbvâh, matstsâbv, netsîybv, and nâtsabv
370. Feminine_noun: matstsêbâh (מַצֵּבָה) [pronounced mahtz-tzayb-VAWH] and we find it when a pillar or monument is left to commemorate personal contact with God (Gen. 26:18, 22 35:14); or it can be a pillar commemorating a relationship with idols, which are Satan's demons, as in Exodus 23:24 Deut. 7:5 2Kings 3:2; these pillars can have specific shapes (usually when used of demon images as in Hos. 10:1 Micah 5:13) or not (Gen. 31:13, 45, 51–52). My impression here is that these are generally larger than the sculpted images and they are not always sculpted. Mostly found in the Torah, Kings and the prophets. The two Strong’s numbers are slightly different spellings; however, they are both feminine and probably the exact same word. Strong's #4676 & #4678 BDB #663. Doctrine of matstsâbvâh, mûtstsâbv, matstsêbvâh, matstsebveh, mitstsâbvâh, matstsâbv, netsîybv, and nâtsabv Gen. 28:18 31:13, 45 35:14 Exodus 23:24 Lev. 26:1 Deut. 16:22 2Sam. 18:18
matstsêbâh (מַצֵּבָה) [pronounced mahtz-tzayb-VAWH] |
pillar, mastaba, stump; a pillar as a monument, personal memorial with an altar; a sculpted image (s); religious icon (s) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4676 & #4678 BDB #663 |
matstsebeh (מַצֶּבֶה) [pronounced matz-tzeh-VEH] |
pillar, mastaba, stump; a pillar as a monument, personal memorial with an altar; a sculpted image (s); religious icon (s) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4676 & #4678 BDB #663 |
371. What? It says Hophal, but then gives a definition as stock, stump [of a tree]. Strong’s #5324 BDB #663.
372. Verb1: which means to fly. Meaning uncertain. Strong’s #5132 BDB #663.
373. Feminine_noun: which means plumage. Strong’s #5133 BDB #663.
374. Verb2&3: nâtsâh (נָצָה) [pronounced naw-TSAW], which means to contend with, to struggle [strive] with; to wage war against. Hiphil and Niphal only. Strong’s #5327 BDB #663. Exodus 2:13 21:22 2Sam. 14:6 Psalm 60 inscription
nâtsâh (נָצָה) [pronounced naw-TSAW] |
to strip off a garment; to draw out a sword; to make a land empty, to despoil it, to strip it of inhabitants; to lay waste, to make desolate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5327 BDB #663 |
nâtsâh (נָצָה) [pronounced naw-TSAW] |
to contend with, to struggle [strive] with; to wage war against |
Hiphil infinitive construct |
Strong’s #5327 BDB #663 |
nâtsâh (נָצָה) [pronounced naw-TSAW] |
to contend [struggle, strive] with one another; to lay waste [to a land], to strip a land bare in war]; to make desolate |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5327 BDB #663 |
nâtsâh (נָצָה) [pronounced naw-TSAW] |
are contending [struggling, striving] with one another; laying waste [to a land], stripping a land bare in war]; making desolate |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5327 BDB #663 |
There are actually two verbs here, with different origins (the two meanings come out in the Niphal only). |
375. Feminine_noun2: matstsâh (הָ-מ) [pronounced mahtz-TZAW], which means strife, contention, debate. Strong’s #4683 BDB #663. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:4)
376. Feminine_noun: which means strife, contention. Strong’s #4695 BDB #663.
377. Verb3: which means to fall into ruins. See above. Strong’s #5327 BDB #663.
378. Verb1: nâtsach (נָצַח) [pronounced naw-TZAHKH], a word which means pre-eminent, enduring. It refers to a person in a supervisory position (1Chron. 23:4 2Chron. 2:2, 18 34:13). Furthermore, this appears to be a late word, found only in the psalms and in later writings (Chronicles, Ezra, Jeremiah). Often, this position is related to music (1Chron. 15:21 Psalm 4:intro 5:intro 6:intro etc.). This is why we have such varied renderings as overseer (Young), the music leader (CEV), choir director (NASB, NLT), choirmaster (Owens), leader (NRSV, NEB, NAB) and chief musician (Rotherham). Strong’s #5329 BDB #663. 1Chron. 154:21 Psalm 8 inscription 10 inscription 19 inscription 20 inscription 21 inscription Psalm 51 inscription 52 inscription 55 inscription 56 inscription 59 inscription 60 inscription 61 inscription 81 inscription
nâtsach (נָצַח) [pronounced naw-TZAHKH] |
perpetual, enduring |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5329 BDB #663 |
Although Gesenius adds the definitions perfect, complete, this verb occurs only once in the Niphal in Jer. 8:5. |
nâtsach (נָצַח) [pronounced naw-TZAHKH] |
to be conspicuous, to be eminent; to be over, to oversee [supervise, direct] [workers musicians]; to be in charge; to be chief |
Piel infinitive |
Strong’s #5329 BDB #663 |
nâtsach (נָצַח) [pronounced naw-TZAHKH] |
to oversee, to supervise to be; preeminent, to be enduring; the Preeminent One |
Piel participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #5329 BDB #663 |
The Piel participle of nâtsach is given a wide variety of renderings: overseer (Young), the music leader (CEV), choir director (NASB, NLT), choirmaster (Owens), leader (NRSV, NEB, NAB) and chief musician (Rotherham). |
379. Masculine_substantive: nêtsach (נֵצַח) [pronounced NAY-tsahkh], which means eminence, enduring, everlastingness, perpetuity; and it is generally rendered forever. Strong’s #5331 BDB #664. 1Sam. 15:29 2Sam. 2:26 Job 14:20 20:7 Psalm 10:11, 23 52:5 68:16 89:46 103:9
nêtsach (נֵצַח) [pronounced NAY-tsahkh] |
forever, constantly, perpetuity, eternity, enduring; continually |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #5331 BDB #664 |
Since so many of the translations incorrectly render this word glory or strength, I should offer some Scripture where this word is consistently and reasonably rendered forever: 2Sam. 2:26 Psalm 9:6 77:8 79:5 Jer. 50:39 Amos 1:11. Although both Gesenius and BDB offer a plethora of meanings for this word, the ones given should suffice for Scripture. Perhaps, in relationship to God, we should understand this word to mean enduring and eternal. See Gesenius p. 562 in case I want to revise these meanings. |
The lâmed preposition and nêtsach together mean forever. |
380. Verb: which means to sprinkle. Strong’s #unused verb form BDB #664.
381. Masculine_noun: which means juice of grapes. Strong’s #5332 BDB #664.
382. Verb: nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL], which means to deliver [from], to rescue, to recover. This verb is not found in the Qal. In the Piel, it means to strip, to plunder; in the Niphal, it means to deliver oneself, to be delivered; and, in the Hiphil, it means to snatch away, to deliver, to rescue, to snatch out of danger, to preserve. With the definite article in the participle, this should be rendered the one rescuing, the deliverer. Without the definite article, the participle would probably be better translated delivering, rescuing. With the Niphal in Psalm 33:16, we may not have strictly the passive sense, but the idea of the subject acting on his own behalf (Rotherham and God’s Word™ both recognized that). Strong’s #5337 BDB #664. Gen. 31:9, 16 32:30 37:21 Exodus 2:19 3:8, 22 5:23 6:6 12:27 18:4 33:6 Joshua 2:13 9:26 Judges 8:34 9:17 11:26 18:28 1Sam. 4:8 7:3, 14 10:18b 12:10, 20 14:48 17:35 26:24 30:8, 18 2Sam. 12:7 14:6, 16 19:9 20:6 22:1 23:11 1Chron. 16:35 Psalm 7:1 33:16, 19 34:4 51:14 54:7 56:13 59:1, 2 106:43 142:6 Prov. 2:12 6:3 10:2
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to deliver [from], to rescue, to recover |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to tear oneself away, to deliver oneself; to be torn out or away, be delivered; to be snatched away, to be rescued, to be preserved, to be recovered |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
save yourself, deliver yourself; be torn out or away, be delivered; be snatched away, rescue yourself, preserve yourself, be recovered |
2nd person masculine singular, Niphal imperative |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to strip off, to spoil to deliver |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to snatch away, to deliver, to rescue, to snatch out of danger, to preserve, to recover |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
snatch away, deliver, rescue, snatch out of danger, preserve, recover |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
deliverer, savior; one to deliver [rescue, to snatch out of danger, to preserve] |
masculine singular, Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to be plucked off [out] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
nâtsal (נָצַל) [pronounced naw-TSAHL] |
to strip oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5337 BDB #664 |
383. Feminine_noun: which means deliverance. Strong’s #2020 BDB #664.
384. Verb: which means to shine, to sparkle. Strong’s #5340 BDB #665.
385. Masculine_noun: which means spark. Isa. 1:31.* Strong’s #5213 BDB #665.
386. Feminine_noun: natstsâh (הָ-נ) [pronounced nitz-TZAW], which means blossom, flower. Strong’s #5328 BDB #665. Job 15:33
387. Masculine_noun: which means blossom, flower. Strong’s #5339 BDB #665.
388. Verb: which means to bloom to blossom. Strong’s #5006, 5132 BDB #665.
389. Masculine_noun: nêts (נֵץ) [pronounced nayts], which means blossom; an [unclean] bird of prey [e.g., a hawk or falcon; perhaps an extinct bird]. Strong’s #5322 BDB #665. Gen. 40:10
nêts (נֵץ) [pronounced nays] |
blossom; an [unclean] bird of prey [e.g., a hawk or falcon; perhaps an extinct bird] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5322 BDB #665 |
390. Verb: nâtsar (נָצַר) [pronounced naw-TSAHR], which means to keep, to guard, to watch over, to protect. In Job 7:20, nâtsar is the Qal active participle, so it acts as a substantive (actually, as a vocative). Protector or preserver would be better renderings than watcher, which most translations have. Strong’s #5341 BDB #665. Deut. 32:10 Job 7:20 Psalm 12:7 32:7 34:13 61:7 64:1 Prov. 2:8 3:1, 21 4:6, 13 5:2 6:20 7:10
nâtsar (נָצַר) [pronounced naw-TSAR] |
to keep, to guard, to watch over, to protect; to observe; to keep secret, to hide; to watch [a city to besiege it] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5341 BDB #665 |
nâtsar (נָצַר) [pronounced naw-TSAR] |
besieged; guarded, preserved, protected; hidden |
feminine singular, Qal passive participle; construct form |
Strong’s #5341 BDB #665 |
nâtsar (נָצַר) [pronounced naw-TSAR] |
keep, guard, watch over, protect |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5341 BDB #665 |
nâtsar (נָצַר) [pronounced naw-TSAR] |
guard, watchman |
masculine singular, Qal participle |
Strong’s #5341 BDB #665 |
391. Adjective: which means preserved. Strong’s #5336 BDB #666.
392. Verb2: which means to be bright, to be fresh, to grow green. Strong’s #none BDB #666.
393. Masculine_noun: which means sprout, shoot. Strong’s #5342 BDB #666.
394. Verb1: nâkab (נָכַב) [pronounced naw-KABV], which means to be called by name. It has several distinct meanings (like our English word strike). It can mean to pierce (2Kings 18:21 Isa. 36:6) and it can mean to curse, to blaspheme (Num. 23:8 Prov. 11:26); the connection being the cutting through of something or someone. It also means to expressly designate, expressly name (Gen. 30:28 Num. 1:17); and here I cannot make a connection (although, when I first ready Gen. 30:28, I thought of cutting a check; but that doesn't jive there or elsewhere). All three meanings appear to occur an equal number of times (not very many) and they are not confined to any particular stem (although the latter usage is exclusive to the Niphal). [However, we appear to have some disagreement concerning this verb. In this verse it is lacking a letter. Zodhiates, Strong's and the New Englishman's Concordance associates this verb with nâkabv (Strong's #5344 BDB #666) whereas Owen and BDB associate this with the word qâbvabv (ב ַב ָק) [pronounced kaw-BVABV] (Strong's #6895 BDB #866). To make matters even more interesting, this word (possibly) reoccurs twice in Lev. 24:16 and they all associate it with nâkabv (Strong's #5344 BDB #666) (it is more obvious in that verse). It means pierce, and you may be wondering about this, not seeing this word in this verse. Gâqabv is in the Niphal (passive) perfect, meaning that they received the action of the verb. We have seen this verb in Lev. 24:11, 16, when a young man blasphemed (or, pierced) the name of Yahweh (similar usage in Num. 23:8, 25 Job 3:8 5:3). We will see this word to mean a literal piercing in 2Kings 12:9 18:2. However, here it refers to someone who has been designated or distinguished or appointed to a position. What I would like to find, but cannot, is this word used to bore a hole in the ear of a slave which earmarked the slave for lifetime service. That is a different verb entirely (found only in Exodus 21:6). Strong #5344 BDB #666. Gen. 30:28 Lev. 24:11 Num. 1:17 1Chron. 12:31 16:41 Job 3:8 5:3
nâkab (נָכַב) [pronounced naw-KABV] |
to bore [a hole], to perforate; to thrust through; to separate, to distinguish; to designate, to specify, to call by name; to curse [to pierce with cursing] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong #5344 BDB #666 |
nâkab (נָכַב) [pronounced naw-KABV] |
bore [a hole], perforate; thrust through; separate, distinguish; designate, specify, call by name; curse [to pierce with cursing] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong #5344 BDB #666 |
nâkab (נָכַב) [pronounced naw-KABV] |
to be called by name, to be designated, to be specified [by name] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong #5344 BDB #666 |
395. Masculine_noun1: which means hole, cavity (technical jeweler’s term). Strong’s #5345 BDB #666.
396. Feminine_noun: neqêbâh (נְקֵבָה) [pronounced ne-kayb-VAW], which means female in contrast to male; woman, female [woman, child animal]. This is found in such passages as Gen. 1:27 5:2 Lev. 3:1. Strong’s #5347 BDB #666. (It is in contrast to Strong’s #2145 BDB #271). (Judges 21:11) Gen. 1:27 5:2 6:19 7:3, 16 Deut. 4:16
neqêbâh (נְקֵבָה) [pronounced ne-kayb-AW] |
female in contrast to male; woman, female [woman, child animal] |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #5347 BDB #666 |
397. Feminine_noun1: maqqâbâh (מַקָּבָה) [pronounced mahk-kawb-VAW], which means hammer. Strong’s #4717 BDB #271. (Judges 4:21) 1Kings 6:7
maqqâbâh (מַקָּבָה) [pronounced mahk-kawb-VAW] |
hammer; a strenuous warrior |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4717 & #4718 BDB #666 |
398. Feminine_noun2: maqqebeth (מַקֶּבֶת) [pronounced mahk-KEHB-veh], which means a stone quarry; a hole, excavation. Strong’s #4718 BDB #666. Judges 4:21
maqqebeth (מַקֶּבֶת) [pronounced mahk-KEHB-veth] |
a stone quarry; a hole, excavation [of a pit], perforation; a hammer, perforator |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4718 BDB #666 |
399. Verb2: which means to curse. See above. Strong’s #5344 BDB #666.
400. Adjective: nâqôd (נָקֹד) [pronounced naw-KODE], which means spotted, speckled; marked with a brand. Strong’s #5348 BDB #666. Gen. 30:32 31:8
nâqôd (נָקֹד) [pronounced naw-KODE] |
spotted, speckled; marked with a brand |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5348 BDB #666 |
401. Masculine_plural_noun: niqqûddîym (םי ̣ ֻ ̣נ) [pronounced nik-kood-DEEM], which means crumbled, in crumbs. Strong’s #5350 BDB #666. Joshua 9:5
402. Feminine_noun: which means point, drop. SOS 1:11.* Strong’s #5351 BDB #667.
403. Masculine_noun: which means small sheep with abundant wool. Strong’s #none BDB #667.
404. Masculine_noun: which means sheep-raiser, sheep-dealer, sheep-tender. 2Kings 3:4 Amos 1:1 (?) 7:14 (?). Strong’s #5349 BDB #667.
405. Verb: nâqâh (נָקָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH], which means although said to mean to clean, to empty, it really means to be acquitted, unpunished, declared free or declared guiltless (Niphal, or passive, stem—Gen. 24:8 Exodus 21:19 Jer. 2:35), and cleansed, acquitted, declared innocent (Piel, or intensive, stem—Ex. 20:7 Psalm 19:12 Joel 3:21). This verb is found in the Qal stem only in Jer. 49:12 (I may have to change the Qal below when I get there). Strong #5352 BDB #667. Gen. 24:8 Exodus 20:7 Num. 5:28 Deut. 5:11 Judges 15:3 1Sam. 26:9 1Kings 2:9 Job 9:28, 10:14 Psalm 19:13 Prov. 6:29
nâqâh (נָקָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to clean, to be cleansed, to empty |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong #5352 BDB #667 |
nâqâh (נָקָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to be cleansed, to be acquitted, to be declared innocent; to leave unpunished |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong #5352 BDB #667 |
nâqâh (נָקָה) [pronounced naw-KAWH] |
to be acquitted, unpunished, declared free or declared guiltless; to be free [from punishment or obligation]; to be cleaned [purged] out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong #5352 BDB #667 |
406. Adjective: nâqîy (נָקִי) [pronounced naw-KEE] and it means acquitted, clean, cleared, free from, unpunished, innocent. In Joshua 2:17, it means free from the obligation to. This word is found in the plural throughout this passage, although I know of no good way of rendering that. Strong’s #5355 BDB #667. Gen. 24:41 44:10 Exodus 21:28 23:7 Deut. 21:8 Joshua 2:17 1Sam. 19:5 2Sam. 3:28 14:9 Job 9:23 17:8 Psalm 10:8 15:5 24:4 106:38 Prov. 1:11 6:17
nâqîy (נָקִי) [pronounced naw-KEE] |
acquitted, clean, cleared, free from [guilt, obligations, punishment], unpunished, guiltless, innocent |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5355 BDB #667 |
407. Masculine_noun: niqqâyôwn (נִקָּיוֹן) [pronounced nik-kaw-YOHN], which means freedom from guilt [punishment], innocence, innocency; purity; cleanness [of teeth]. Strong’s #5356 BDB #667. Gen. 20:5 Psalm 73:13
niqqâyôwn (נִקָּיוֹן) [pronounced nik-kaw-YOHN] |
freedom from guilt [punishment], innocence, innocency; purity; cleanness [of teeth] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5356 BDB #667 |
408. Feminine_noun: menaqqîyth (מְנַקִּית) [pronounced mehn-ahk-KEETH], which means, (sacrificial) bowl, cup, basin. Strong’s #4518 BDB #667. Exodus 25:29
menaqqîyth (מְנַקִּית) [pronounced mehn-ahk-KEETH] |
(sacrificial) bowl, cup, basin |
feminine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #4518 BDB #667 |
409. Verb: nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM], which means to avenge, to take vengeance. In the Niphal, it means to avenge oneself. In the Hithpael, it means to avenge oneself, to be desirous of vengeance. Strong’s #5358 BDB #667. Gen. 4:24 Exodus 21:20 Judges 15:7 16:28 1Sam. 14:24 18:25 24:12 Psalm 8:2 44:16 99:8
nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM] |
to avenge, to take vengeance; to harbor vengeful feelings; to punish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5358 BDB #667 |
nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM] |
to avenge, to take vengeance, to avenge [onself]; to be avenged; to be punished, to receive punishment |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5358 BDB #667 |
nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM] |
to avenge, to take vengeance |
1st person singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5358 BDB #667 |
nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM] |
to take vengeance [for blood], vengeance being taken, to be avenged; to be punished |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5358 BDB #667 |
nâqam (נָקַם) [pronounced naw-KAHM] |
to avenge onself; to desire vengeance |
1st person singular, Hithpael perfect |
Strong’s #5358 BDB #667 |
410. Masculine_noun: nâqâm (םָקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAWM], which means vengeance. Strong’s #5359 BDB #668. See below; the words appear to be identical.
411. Feminine_noun: neqâmâh (נְקָמָה) [pronounced nekaw-MAW], which means vengeance, revenge, an exacting of vengeance; a desire for revenge. Strong’s #5360 BDB #668. Judges 11:36 2Sam. 4:8 22:48 (plural) Psalm 149:7 Prov. 6:34
neqâmâh (נְקָמָה) [pronounced nekaw-MAW] |
vengeance, revenge, an exacting of vengeance; a desire for revenge |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5360 (and #5359) BDB #668 |
nâqâm (נְקָמָה) [pronounced naw-KAWM] |
vengeance, revenge, an exacting of vengeance; a desire for revenge |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5359 (and #5360) BDB #668 |
412. Verb: Strong’s #5361 BDB #668.
413. Verb: nâqaph (נָקַף) [pronounced naw-KAHF], which means to go around, to compass about, to complete a circuit, to encompass. BDB gives the meaning strike off for a few verses (Job 19:26 Isa. 10:34 29:1) and go around, compass about, complete a circuit, encompass for the other occurrences. Re: Job 19:26: Gesenius offers that for Isa. 10:34, it means to cut down [a tree], which might reasonably involve cutting around the trunk of the tree. For this verse, he suggests that it means destroyed. Thieme offered filleted as the meaning here. However, I think that we can assign a meaning here which is in keeping with its most common usage, and which fits with the context: to complete a circuit—in other words, what Job is saying is, from dust to dust—his flesh is completing the circuit of being formed from the ground (ultimately) and refers to his returning his flesh to the ground—his flesh completes a circuit. Because this translation is somewhat different than you expected, I was able to find some translators who rendered this verb similarly. Luther rendered this: ...and shall then be surrounded with this my skin. Von Hoffman and Young both gave this a similar rendering, and the Targum hints at the meaning which I have assigned to the verb (which is, again, the common, most used understanding of the verb nâqaph. Although Keil and Delitzsch point to Isa. 17:6 as the other passage where this verb must be taken to mean to strike off, such a rendering of this verb is not required in Isa. 17:6 either. Contextually, such a verb would work in Isa. 17:6, but the idea of making a circuit around the olive tree or going around an olive tree would also work fine in that context. I was very jazzed about this interpretation until I began to ponder, what is the subject? Who is the 3rd person masculine plural? Strong’s #5362 BDB #668. Joshua 6:3 1Kings 7:24 Job 1:5a 19:6, 26
nâqaph (נָקַף) [pronounced naw-KAHF] |
to fasten together; to go together; to go in a circle |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5362 BDB #668 |
nâqaph (נָקַף) [pronounced naw-KAHF] |
to strike [off] [skin]; to cut down; to destroy |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5362 BDB #668 |
nâqaph (נָקַף) [pronounced naw-KAHF] |
to go around, to go in a circle, to compass about; to surround, to encompass; to enclose, to make a round, to complete a circuit, to make round, to round [out] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5362 BDB #668 |
nâqaph (נָקַף) [pronounced naw-KAHF] |
going around, going in a circle, compassing about; surrounding, encompassing; enclosing, making a round, completing a circuit, making round, rounding [out] |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #5362 BDB #668 |
414. Masculine_noun: Strong’s #5363 BDB #668.
415. Feminine_noun: which means an encircling rope. Strong’s #5364 BDB #669.
416. Masculine_noun: which means cleft [of a rock]; hole, crevice. Strong’s #5357 BDB #669.
417. Verb: nâqar (ר-קָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHR], which means to bore, to pick, to dig, to bore out, to hollow out, to gouge out. It is found in the Piel in Num. 16:14 Judges 16:21 Job 30:17; it means to bore out. Strong’s #5365 BDB #669. Judges 16:21 1Sam. 11:2
nâqar (ר-קָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHR] |
to bore, to pick, to dig, to bore out, to hollow out, to gouge out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5365 BDB #669 |
418. Feminine_noun: neqârâh (נְקָרָה) [pronounced nehk-aw-RAW], which means, cleft [of a rock]; hole, crevice. Strong’s #5366 BDB #669. Exodus 33:22 **
neqârâh (נְקָרָה) [pronounced nehk-aw-RAW] |
cleft [of a rock]; hole, crevice |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #5366 BDB #669 |
419. Verb: nâqash (שַקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHSH], which means to lay a snare when followed by the bêyth preposition. It is only found a handful of times in God’s Word (1Sam. 29:9 Psalm 9:16 38:12 109:11) and in a different stem and tense in almost every case. It means to ensnare an animal, like a bird, and bring it down. Strong’s #5367 BDB #669. Deut. 12:30 1Sam. 28:9
nâqash (שַקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHSH] |
to lay snares |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5367 BDB #669 |
nâqash (שַקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHSH] |
to be snared, to be caught |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5367 BDB #669 |
nâqash (שַקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHSH] |
to lay a snare; to take away [all one’s goods] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5367 BDB #669 |
nâqash (שַקָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHSH] |
to lay a snare when followed by the bêyth preposition |
Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #5367 BDB #669 |
420. Proper_noun: Strong’s #5370 BDB #669.
421. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5371 BDB #669.
422. Masculine_noun: which means nard. Strong’s #5373 BDB #669.
423. Verb: nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW], which means to lift up, to bear, to carry. In the participle, it means bearing, carrying, lifting. It has several different Qal meanings: It means ➊ to take up, to lift up, to bear up; ➋ to lift up someone’s head (this is used in a favorable way; i.e., it is mused to mean to make one cheerful or merry; ➌ to lift up one’s own countenance, i.e., to be cheerful, full of confidence, ➍ to bear, to carry, ➎ to lift up in a balance, i.e., to weigh carefully; ➏ to bear one’s sin or punishment, ➐ to lift up the voice (this can be used in the sense of bewailing, crying, crying out, rejoicing, to lift up any with the voice (a song, an instrument); ➑ to lift up the soul (i.e., to wish for, to desire); ➒ to have the heart lifted up (i.e., they are ready and willing to do something; ➓ to bear one’s sin (in such a way to expiate the sin, to make atonement for the sin, to pardon the sin). Beginning with p. 568 in Gesenius, #3, there are even more meanings as well. Whether you lift up your voice or lift up a shovel still gives the same basic meaning for nâsâʾ; however, it is the connotation which is important. Here, lifting up the voice to sing or lifting up an instrument is all the same thing—it has to do with rejoicing and with happiness, as well as it indicates that there is some leisure time in the person’s life who is singing or playing an instrument. In the KJV, this is given 46 renderings in the Authorized version, among them: exact, ease, contain, cast, lade, marry, respect, suffer; it means, as we have seen, to lift, to take, to bear, to carry. This verb has four different Piel meanings: ➊ to lift up, to exalt, to desire anything greatly; ➋ to help, to aid, often by gifts; ➌ to offer gifts; ➍ to take away. Although we find this used often in the Qal to lift up the head or hands; this is not found except for here in the Piel. It is followed by the lâmed preposition (to, for), which is the part difficult to translate. BDB indicates that nâsâʾ generally means to take, to take away when followed by a lâmed. Strong’s #5375 (and Strong’s #4984) BDB #669. Gen. 4:7, 13 7:17 13:6 18:1, 24 19:21 21:16, 18 22:4 24:62 27:38 29:1, 11 31:10, 12 32:20 33:1 36:7 37:25 39:7 40:13 42:26 43:29, 34 44:1 45:19, 23 46:5 47:30 50:13, 17 Exodus 6:8 10:13, 17 12:34 14:10 18:22 19:4 20:7 23:1, 21 25:14, 28 27:7 28:12 30:4 32:32 Num. 1:2 31:26 Deut. 1:9, 12 3:27 4:19 5:11 31:25 Joshua 3:13 4:3 6:6 24:19 Judges 2:4 3:18 8:28 1Sam. 2:28 4:4 10:3 14:1, 3 15:25 16:21 17:7, 34 22:18 24:16 25:28 30:4 31:4 2Sam. 2:22 5:12 6:13 14:14 15:24 17:13 18:15, 24 19:42 20:21 23:16, 37 1Kings 1:5 2:26 5:9, 15 8:3 9:11 1Chron. 5:18 10:9 14:2 15:26 Job 2:12 6:2 7:13, 20 13:8, 10, 13 21:3, 12 18:11 Psalm 10:12 15:3 32:5 55:12 63:4 83:2 96:8 99:8 106:26 Prov. 6:35 9:12
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to lift up, to bear, to carry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
Nâsâʾ actually has a variety of Qal meanings: It means ➊ to take up, to lift up, to bear up; ➋ to lift up someone’s head (this is used in a favorable way; i.e., it is mused to mean to make one cheerful or merry; ➌ to lift up one’s own countenance, i.e., to be cheerful, full of confidence, ➍ to bear, to carry, ➎ to lift up in a balance, i.e., to weigh carefully; ➏ to bear one’s sin or punishment, ➐ to lift up the voice (this can be used in the sense of bewailing, crying, crying out, rejoicing, to lift up any with the voice (a song, an instrument); ➑ to lift up the soul (i.e., to wish for, to desire); ➒ to have the heart lifted up (i.e., they are ready and willing to do something; ➓ to bear one’s sin (in such a way to expiate the sin, to make atonement for the sin, to pardon the sin). This list does not exhaust the various connotations for nâsâʾ. BDB adds the following: to support, to sustain, to endure; to take, to take away, to carry off, to forgive. |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
lift up, bear, carry |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
lifting up, bearing, carrying; exalting; taking away |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
those lifting up, bearers, those carrying; the ones exalting; those taking away |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
Nâsâʾ generally means to take, to take away when followed by a lâmed. |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to lift up onself, to be lifted up, to be elevated, (high); to be carried, to be carried away |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to lift up, to exalt; to help, to aid; to offer gifts; to take away |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
This is also translated supplied, assisted, furnished in 1Kings 9:11 for the Piel stem. |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to cause to bring, to have brought; to cause to lift up; to cause one to bear guilt; to bear the punishment of sin; to put upon, to apply [something to anything] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5375 BDB #669 |
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to be lifted up [exalted], to be elevated, (high); to be carried, to be carried away; to lift up [exalt] oneself; to be proud |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5375 (and #4984) BDB #669 |
Strong’s #4984 is just the Hithpael participle of nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW], which is what is found here. |
424. Combo: 2Sam. 20:21
nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW] |
to lift up, to bear, to carry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5375 (and #4984) BDB #669 |
yâd (יָד) [pronounced yawd] |
hand; figuratively for strength, power, control |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #3027 BDB #388 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
Lifted his hand against could be understood to mean rebelled against, revolted against, defied, turned against, opposes. |
425. Verb: sôwʾ (שׂוֹא) [pronounced soh], which means to lift up, to bear, to carry. Strong’s #7721 BDB #670. Psalm 89:9
sôwʾ (שׂוֹא) [pronounced soh] |
to lift up, to bear, to carry |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong’s #7721 (and #5375?) BDB #670 |
This appears to be a form of nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW]. Strong’s #5375 BDB #669. BDB suggests the reading שְאוֹן, which means to roar. We have most of the same letters, albeit somewhat mixed up, with the addition of א. |
426. Passive_participle: nissêʾth (נִשֵּׂאת) [pronounced nihs-SAYTH], which means a present, a gift; something which is taken up. Appears to be the feminine singular, passive participle of nâsâʾ (נָשָׂא) [pronounced naw-SAW]. Strong’s #5379 BDB #671. 2Sam. 19:42*
nissêʾth (נִשֵּׂאת) [pronounced nihs-SAITH] |
a present, a gift; something which is taken up |
feminine singular, passive participle |
Strong’s #5379 BDB #671 |
427. Masculine_noun: nâsîyʾ (נָשִׂי) [pronounced naw-SEE], which means one lifted up, leaders, chiefs, princes. Strong’s #5387 BDB #672. [Synonym: Strong’s #5257 BDB #651]. Gen. 17:20 23:6 34:2 Exodus 16:22 22:28 Joshua 9:18, 20 13:21 1Kings 8:1 1Chron. 4:38 5:6 possibly misspelled where underlined
nâsîyʾ (נָשִׂיא) [pronounced naw-SEE] |
one lifted up, leader, chief, prince |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5387 BDB #672 |
nâsîyʾ (נָשִׂי) [pronounced naw-SEE] |
one lifted up, leader, chief, prince |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5387 BDB #672 |
nesîyʾim (נְשִׂיאִם) [pronounced naw-SEEM] |
leaders, princes, chiefs, rulers; clouds, rising mist, vapors |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #5387 BDB #672 |
Plural noun has a different meaning. |
428. Feminine_noun: which means what is borne about, what is carried about. Strong’s #5385 BDB #672.
429. Masculine_noun1: which means one who is lifted up, a chief, a prince. Strong’s #5387 BDB #672.
430. Masculine_noun2: which means a rising mist, a vapor. Strong’s #5387 BDB #672.
431. Masculine_proper_noun: Massâʾ (אַָמ) [pronounced mahs-SAW], which means a burden, that which is lifted up; an oracle; singing; transliterated . I have this listed already BDB #601. Strong’s #4854 BDB #672.
Massâʾ (מַשָּׂה) [pronounced mahs-SAW] |
burden, transliterated Massa |
proper noun; gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #4854 BDB #601 |
We seem to have the same proper noun listed here: Strong’s #4854 BDB #601. However, there appear to be only two occurrences of this noun in Scripture: Gen. 25:14 1Chron. 1:30. |
432. Masculine_noun2&3: massâʾ (מַשָּׂא) [pronounced mahs-SAW], which means a bearing, a carrying; load, burden [which is carried]; that which the soul lifts up [desires]; something uttered, a sentence, an oracle, an utterance; singing; a gift. It can also mean oracle, utterance in the sense that, that which is said is a burden on the heart of the person who is saying it. Massâʾ (א ָ ַמ) [pronounced mahs-SAW] and it is found throughout the Old Testament consistently translated (in the KJV) burden (Num. 4:15, 19 2Kings 8:9 Isa. 15:1 17:1). Strong’s #4853 BDB #672. Exodus 23:5 Deut. 1:12 2Sam. 15:33 19:35 1Chron. 15:22 Job 7:20 Zech. 12:1
massâʾ (מַשָּׂא) [pronounced mahs-SAW] |
a bearing, a carrying; load, burden [which is carried]; that which the soul lifts up [desires]; something uttered, a sentence, an oracle, an utterance; singing; a gift |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4853 BDB #672 |
The word burden comes from a verb, which means to lift up, to carry, to bear; therefore, it means, something lifted up and carried, a load or burden. |
All of the things named here are things which are lifted up [and carried]. |
433. Masculine_noun: which means a lifting up. Strong’s #4856 BDB #673.
434. Feminine_noun: which means the uplifted. Strong’s #4858 BDB #673.
435. Feminine_noun: maseʾêth (מַשְׂאֵת) [pronounced mahs-AYTH], which means an uprising, an utterance, a burden, a portion; a gift; a contribution, offering, tribute. Strong’s #4864 BDB #673. Gen. 43:34 2Sam. 11:8
maseʾêth (מַשְׂאֵת) [pronounced mahs-AYTH] |
an uprising, an utterance, a burden, a portion; a gift; a contribution, offering, tribute |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #4864 BDB #673 |
When this is a gift, it often refers to a portion of food. |
436. Masculine_noun: sîyʾ (אי.) [pronounced see], which means elevation, height, loftiness. It is found only here, but there are enough cognates to insure that this meaning is accurate. Although Keil and Delitzsch render this aspiration, the emphasis here is more upon achievement. Strong’s #7863 BDB #673. Job 20:6*
437. Proper_noun_location: Sîyʾôn (שִׂיאֹן) [pronounced see-OHN], which means lofty; transliterated Sion. Don’t know why this was not here before. Strong’s #7865 BDB #763. (The Doctrine of Zion) Deut. 4:48* (Psalm 133:3)
Sîyʾôn (שִׂיאֹן) [pronounced see-OHN] |
lofty; transliterated Sion |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #7865 BDB #763 |
This is another name for Mount Hermon. |
438. Feminine_noun: seʾêth (שְׂאֵת) [pronounced se-AYTH], which means, ➊ a raising up, an uprising, a lifting up (Gen. 4:7 [dubius] Job 41:17), ➋ eminence, a place rising up on the skin (Ex. 13:2, 10, 19); ➌ excellency, majesty (Gen. 49:3 Job 13:11); and ➍ a sentence or decree of a judge (Hab. 1:7—others take this to be pride). Ges. Strong’s #7613 BDB #673. Gen. 49:3 Job 13:11 Psalm 62:4
seʾêth (שְׂאֵת) [pronounced se-AYTH] |
➊ a raising up, an uprising, a lifting up (Gen. 4:7 [dubius] Job 41:17), ➋ eminence, a place rising up on the skin (Ex. 13:2, 10, 19); ➌ excellency, majesty (Gen. 49:3 Job 13:11); and ➍ a sentence or decree of a judge (Hab. 1:7—others take this to be pride) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7613 BDB #673 |
439. Verb: nâsag (נָשַׂג) [pronounced naw-SAHG], which means to reach, to overtake. Hiphil only. Strong’s #5381 BDB #673. Gen. 31:24 44:4 47:9 Exodus 14:9 15:9 1Sam. 14:26 30:8 2Sam. 15:14 Psalm 7:5 Prov. 2:19
nâsag (נָשַׂג) [pronounced naw-SAHG] |
to reach, to attain, to overtake; to cause to reach; to be able to be secure; to have enough |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5381 BDB #673 |
440. Masculine_noun: which means saw. Isa. 10:15. Strong’s #4883 BDB #673.
441. Verb: nâshâʾ (נָשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW], which means to lend on interest. In the participle, it means creditor. Strong’s #5378 BDB #673. 1Sam. 22:2 Psalm 89:22
nâshâʾ (נָשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to lend on interest; it means creditor as a participle |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5378 BDB #673 |
nâshâʾ (נָשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to act as a creditor; to exact a payment; to require one to pay what is due |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5378 BDB #673 |
442. Masculine_noun: which means a lending on interest, an ursury. Strong’s #4855 BDB #673.
443. Feminine_noun: which means a loan. Strong’s #4859 BDB #673.
444. Verb: nâshâʾ (נָֹשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW], which means to beguile, to deceive, to mislead; to lead into error, to cause to go astray; to seduce, to corrupt. Strong’s #5377 BDB #674. Gen. 3:13 1Kings 8:31 Psalm 55:15
nâshâʾ (נָֹשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to beguile, to deceive, to mislead; to lead into error, to cause to go astray; to seduce, to corrupt |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5377 BDB #674 |
Followed by עַל in a pregnant sense; “let death deceive (and rush) on them.” |
nâshâʾ (נָֹשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to be beguiled, to be deceived, to be misled; to be lead into error, to be caused to go astray; to be seduced, to be corrupted |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5377 BDB #674 |
nâshâʾ (נָֹשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
utterly?; to err, to go astray |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong’s #5377 BDB #674 |
nâshâʾ (נָֹשָא) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to err, to go astray; to seduce, to corrupt |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5377 BDB #674 |
Gesenius and BDB claim that this verb does not occur in the Qal. |
445. Masculine_noun: which means guile, deception. Strong’s #4860 BDB #674.
446. Feminine_plural_noun: which means deceptions. Slight misspelling; see Strong’s #4875 BDB #996 for correct meaning. Strong’s #4876 BDB #674.
447. Verb3: which means to forget. Alternate spelling? Strong’s #5382 BDB #674.
448. Verb: nâshab (נָשַב) [pronounced naw-SHAHBV], which means to cause to blow, to disperse, to drive away [by blowing]. Strong’s #5380 BDB #674. Gen. 15:11 Psalm 147:18
nâshab (נָשַב) [pronounced naw-SHAHBV] |
to blow, to blow upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5380 BDB #674 |
nâshab (נָשַב) [pronounced naw-SHAHBV] |
to cause to blow, to disperse, to drive away [by blowing] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5380 BDB #674 |
449. Verb1&2: nâshâh, which has two very different meanings. It means to lend, to become a creditor; (Ex. 22:25 Deut. 15:2 24:10–11 2Kings 4:1 Neh. 5:7, 10–11 Psalm 109:11 Isa. 24:2 50:1 Jer. 15:10*) Strong’s #5383 BDB #674; and it means to forget. (Gen. 41:51 Job 11:6 39:17 Isa. 44:21 Jer. 23:39 Lam. 3:17*); Strong’s #5382 BDB #674. Exodus 22:25 Deut. 15:2 Job 11:6
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to lend to, to become a creditor |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5383 BDB #674 |
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
a creditor, a lender, usurer |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5383 BDB #674 |
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to lend to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #5383 BDB #674 |
This same verb has a whole other set of meanings (based upon to forget). |
450. Masculine_noun: which means debt. Strong’s #5386 BDB #674.
451. Masculine_noun: which means loan. Strong’s #4874 BDB #674.
452. Verb2: nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW], which means to forget. See above. Strong’s #5382 BDB #674. Gen. 41:51
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to forget; to desert; to neglect |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5382 BDB #674 |
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to be forgotten |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #5382 BDB #674 |
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to cause to forget |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #5382 BDB #674 |
nâshâh (נָשָה) [pronounced naw-SHAW] |
to cause to forget, to allow to be forgotten |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #5382 BDB #674 |
This verb has a whole other set of meanings, based upon the translation to lend. |
453. Feminine_noun: which means forgetfulness, oblivion. Strong’s #5388 BDB #674.
454. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishîyyâhûw (הָ ̣ ̣י) [pronounced yish-shee-YAW-hoo], which means Yah will lend; transliterated Jesiah or Isshiah. Strong’s #3449 BDB #674. 1Chron. 12:6
Yishîyyâhûw (הָ ̣ ̣י) [pronounced yish-shee-YAW-hoo] |
Yah will lend; transliterated Jesiah or Isshiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3449 BDB #674 |
Yishîyyâh (הָ ̣ ̣י) [pronounced yish-shee-YAW] |
Yah will lend; transliterated Jesiah or Isshiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3449 BDB #674 |
There are two spellings for this proper noun; one with the û at the end and one without. |
455. Masculine_noun: nâsheh (נָשֶה) [pronounced naw-SHEH], which means vein, nerve in thigh; nerve or tendon passing through the thigh and leg to the ankles. Strong’s #5384 BDB #674. Gen. 32:32*
nâsheh (נָשֶה) [pronounced naw-SHEH] |
vein, nerve in thigh; nerve or tendon passing through the thigh and leg to the ankles |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5384 BDB #674 |
456. Verb1: nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe], which means to bite [off] (Gen. 49:17 Num. 21:9 Jer. 3:17 Micah 3:5). The connection between this and the following verb is that the tax collector is taking a bite out of your earnings; the person charging interest is taking a large bite out of your money by charging high interest. Strong’s #5391 BDB #675. Gen. 49:17
nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] |
to bite [off] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5391 BDB #675 |
This verb has a completely different meaning in Deut. 23:19–20, where it means to charge interest or to charge usury (unusually high interest). |
nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] |
the one biting [off] |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #5391 BDB #675 |
nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] |
to bite [off] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5391 BDB #675 |
457. Verb2: nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] either means to charge interest or to charge usury (unusually high interest) (Deut. 23:19–20); but it also means to bite off (Gen. 49:17 Num. 21:9 Jer. 3:17 Micah 3:5). It is found in this verse at the beginning in the Hiphil imperfect (and in the next verse) and at the end of this verse in the Qal imperfect. Strong’s #5391 BDB #675. Deut. 23:19(20)
nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] |
to charge interest or to charge usury (unusually high interest) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5391 BDB #675 |
This verb has a completely different meaning in Gen. 49:17 Num. 21:9 Jer. 3:17 Micah 3:5, where it means to bite [off]. |
nâshake (נָשַ) [pronounced naw-SHAHKe] |
to make to give interest |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5391 BDB #675 |
458. Masculine_noun: nesheke ( ∵ש∵נ) [pronounced nay-shayke], which means something bitten off; interest, usury. Compare Exodus 22:25 Lev. 25:36–37 Psalm 15:5 Prove. 28:8 Ezek. 18:8, 13, 17 22:12.* It literally means something bitten off. The word usury [pronounced YOU-zhuh-ree] is an excessive amount of interest; it is over and above what a reasonable interest would be. See Deut. 23:19–20 for discussion. Strong's #5392 BDB #675. Exodus 22:25 Lev. 25:36 Deut. 23:19(20) Psalm 15:5
nesheke ( ∵ש∵נ) [pronounced nay-shayke] |
something bitten off; interest, usury |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5392 BDB #675 |
459. Feminine_noun: which means chamber. Strong’s #5393 BDB #675.
460. Verb: nâshal (נָשַל) [pronounced naw-SHAHL], which means to draw away, to put off, to slip off, to fall off, clear away. In the Piel or Hiphil, it means to drive out, to cast off. Strong's #5394 BDB #675. Exodus 3:5 Deut. 7:22 Joshua 5:15
nâshal (נָשַל) [pronounced naw-SHAHL] |
to draw away, to put off, to slip off, to fall off, clear away |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5394 BDB #675 |
nâshal (נָשַל) [pronounced naw-SHAHL] |
draw away, put off, slip off, drop off; fall off, clear away |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5394 BDB #675 |
nâshal (נָשַל) [pronounced naw-SHAHL] |
to clear out completely; to clear entirely |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5394 BDB #675 |
461. Verb: which means to pant, to breathe. Strong’s #5395 BDB #675.
462. Feminine_singular_substantive: neshâmâh (נְשָמָה) [pronounced neshaw-MAW], which means breath; spirit; living creature; mind; panting, anger; with kôl, it means every breathing thing. This is not the word for spirit, although it is close. Strong’s #5397 BDB #675. Gen. 2:7 7:22 Deut. 20:16 Joshua 10:40 11:11, 14 2Sam. 22:16 Job 4:9 Psalm 150:6
neshâmâh (נְשָמָה) [pronounced neshaw-MAW] |
breath; spirit; living creature; mind; panting; blast; anger; with kôl, it means every breathing thing |
feminine singular substantive with the definite article |
Strong’s #5397 BDB #675 |
kôl (כֹּל) [pronounced kohl] |
every, each, all of, all; any of, any |
masculine singular construct not followed by a definite article |
Strong’s #3605 BDB #481 |
neshâmâh (נְשָמָה) [pronounced neshaw-MAW] |
breath; spirit; living creature; mind; panting, anger |
feminine singular substantive with the definite article |
Strong’s #5397 BDB #675 |
With kôl, it means every breathing thing, every living creature, any living thing [creature]. |
463. Feminine_noun: which means animal. Strong’s #8580 BDB #675.
464. Verb: nâshaph (נָשַף) [pronounced naw-SHAHF], which means to blow. Strong’s #5398 BDB #676. Exodus 15:10
nâshaph (נָשַף) [pronounced naw-SHAHF] |
to blow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5398 BDB #676 |
465. Masculine_substantive: nesheph (נֶשֶף) [pronounced NEH-shef], which literally means blowing, breathing; and is sometimes translated evening, twilight [of the evening or morning]. It comes from the verb blow (Strong’s #5398 BDB #676). It is a reference to the gentle breeze which accompany the morning and the evening, and therefore can refers to the morning or evening; here, it stands for the early evening. Strong’s #5399 BDB #676. 1Sam. 30:17 Job 3:9 7:4 Prov. 7:9
nesheph (נֶשֶף) [pronounced NEH-shef] |
literally blowing, breathing; but translated evening, twilight [of the evening or morning] |
masculine singular substantive with the definite article |
Strong’s #5399 BDB #676 |
This is a reference to the breeze one encounters either in the early evening or the early morning; therefore, twilight is a good rendering, as it could refer to either. |
466. Masculine_noun: which means a bird. Perhaps an owl with a harsh, strident note? Strong’s #3244 BDB #676.
467. Verb1: nâshaq (נָשַק) [pronounced naw-SHAHK], which means to kiss, to touch, to have close contact with. Strong’s #5401 BDB #676. Gen. 27:26 29:11, 13 31:28 33:4 41:40 45:15 48:10 50:1 Exodus 4:27 18:7 1Sam. 10:1 20:41 2Sam. 14:33 15:5 19:39 20:9 1Chron. 12:2 Psalm 2:11 78:9 Prov. 7:13
nâshaq (נָשַק) [pronounced naw-SHAHK] |
to kiss, to touch, to have close contact with; to equip, to arm |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5401 BDB #676 |
Generally speaking, the meanings to equip, to arm are found in the Qal active participle (1Chron. 12:2 2Chron. 17:17 Psalm 78:9). Furthermore, this appears to be a later usage of this verb. The problem is really in Gen. 41:40 (there does not appear to be any difficulty in the other passages where this word is found). |
nâshaq (נָשַק) [pronounced naw-SHAHK] |
kissed, touching, having close contact with; armed with, equipped with |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5401 BDB #676 |
nâshaq (נָשַק) [pronounced naw-SHAHK] |
to kiss, to passionately kiss, to kiss with great emotion; to touch, to have close contact with |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5401 BDB #676 |
nâshaq (נָשַק) [pronounced naw-SHAHK] |
to kiss, to touch, to cause to kiss (or touch); to have close contact with; to have |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5401 BDB #676 |
468. Feminine_noun: which means a kiss. Strong’s #5390 BDB #676.
469. Verb2: nâshaq (ק ַש ָנ) [pronounced naw-SHAHK], a verb which is translated to equip, to arm when found in the Qal participle (1Chron. 12:2 2Chron. 17:17 Psalm 78:9*). However, it consistently means to kiss when found elsewhere (Gen. 27:27 31:28 Exodus 4:27 Psalm 2:12). Even BDB has trouble with this. Perhaps we could render this in close contact with. See above. Strong’s #5401 BDB #676.
470. Masculine_noun: which means equipment, weapons. Strong’s #5402 BDB #676.
471. Masculine_noun: nesher (נֶשֶר) [pronounced NEH-sher], which means eagles, vultures. Specifically a vulture is referred to in Micah 1:16, where Yahweh has admonished, "Make yourselves as bald as an eagle"; a reference to the Griffon vulture, whose head appears bald from distance, but is covered with a short, creamy down. There is an ancient proverb quoted in the Talmud, which reads a vulture in Babylon can see a carcase in Palestine. The corresponding Greek word also stands for both types of birds and specifically for the vulture in Matt. 24:28. According to ZPEB, other than naturalists trained in this area, few people today can distinguish between the birds, especially when viewed from a distance. Even as an unclean bird, the eagle is represented generally as a noble creature in the Bible (Ex. 19:4 Jer. 49:22). Strong's #5404 BDB #676. Exodus 19:4 Lev. 11:13 2Sam. 2:23 Psalm 103:5
nesher (נֶשֶר) [pronounced NEH-sher] |
eagles, vultures |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #5404 BDB #676 |
472. Verb: which means to be dry, parched. Strong’s #5405 BDB #677.
473. Masculine_noun: which means letter, writing. Strong’s #5406 BDB #677.
474. Verb: which means to swell forth, to become promised. Strong’s #none BDB #677.
475. Masculine_noun: This is followed by the word for path, pathway. Found in Job 18:10? Strong’s #5410 BDB #677. Psalm 78:50
476. Feminine_noun: nâthîyb (נָתִיב) [pronounced naw-THEEBV], which means path, pathway, footpath, a trodden down path. Strong’s #5410 BDB #677. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:12) Judges 5:6 Job 19:8 Psalm 142:3 Prov. 1:15 3:17 7:25 8:2, 20
nâthîyb (נָתִיב) [pronounced naw-THEEBV] |
trodden down, trodden by feet, walked over |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5410 BDB #677 |
nâthîyb (נָתִיב) [pronounced naw-THEEBV] |
path, pathway, footpath, a trodden down path |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5410 BDB #677 |
nethîybâh (נְתִיבָה) [pronounced netheev-BAW] |
path, pathway, footpath, a trodden down path |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5410 BDB #677 |
James Rickard: “Paths” this time we have NETHIYBAH, נְתִיבָה , a feminine noun indicating “a path, pathway, or wake.” In the plural here it indicates well-traveled paths or roads, highways, Judges 5:6 and figuratively, it indicates the paths of life, Job 19:8; of ethical and moral guidance, Psa 119:105; 142:3, etc. |
James Rickard: I particularly like the analogy of the last definition of this word, “wake” which is the foam and waves left in the water after someone or a boat passes through it. Speaking of God, Job 41:32; Isa 43:16, uses NETHIYBAH this way. Job 41:32, “Behind him he makes a wake to shine; one would think the deep to be gray-haired.”. |
477. Verb: nâthach (נָתַח) [pronounced naw-THAHKH], which means to cut up, to cut in pieces, to divide by joints. It is only found in the Piel. Strong’s #5408 BDB #677. Exodus 29:17 Judges 19:29 1Sam. 11:7
nâthach (נָתַח) [pronounced naw-THAHKH] |
to cut up, to cut in pieces, to divide by joints |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect; with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5408 BDB #677 |
478. Masculine_noun: nêthach (נֵתַח) [pronounced NAY-thahkh], which means piece, pieces; fragments; primarily used for dividing the carcass of a sacrificial animal. This is obviously the noun cognate of nâthach. Strong’s #5409 BDB #677. Exodus 29:17 Judges 19:29
nêthach (נֵתַח) [pronounced NAY-thahkh] |
piece, pieces; fragments; primarily used for dividing the carcass of a sacrificial animal |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #5409 BDB #677 |
479. Verb: nâthake (נָתַ) [pronounced naw-THAHK], which means to pour forth, to pour out, to drop [as rain]. Strong’s #5413 BDB #677. Exodus 9:33 2Sam. 21:10 Job 3:24
nâthake (נָתַ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to pour forth, to pour out, to drop [as rain]; used metaphorically to pour our anger, to roar [with anger, cursing] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5413 BDB #677 |
nâthake (נָתַ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to be poured [out, forth]; to pour oneself out; metaphorically to pour out one’s anger |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5413 BDB #677 |
nâthake (נָתַ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to pour out, to melt |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5413 BDB #677 |
nâthake (נָתַ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to be melted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5413 BDB #677 |
480. Verb: nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN], which means to give, to grant, to place, to put, to set. In the imperative, it means give up, set out. It is translated 84 different ways in the Authorized version. It is translated cause, shoot forth, strike, hang up, cast, count, commit, utter, etc. You should be thinking, what is the connection between any of these verbs? Really, there is none. It can actually mean give, grant, place, put, set; context should guide us. This can also mean to make (Gen. 17:5 Lev. 19:28 24:20 Lam 1:13). This is why I brought into the translation here the two occurrences of bayin. If this word should have been translated given or even granted, then it should be followed by the lâmed prefixed preposition (to, for). However, we have the word bayin, used twice, meaning between. Contextually, God has placed these things between Himself and Israel. In Joshua 20:2, we have it in the imperative mood and is translated as give (Young); set out (Rotherham); appoint (Owen); designate (NASB). When followed by an infinitive and an accusative (or the personal pronoun prefix) (as in Job 9:18), it can be rendered permit. In this case, it means, literally, to give to me to return. The Niphal stem and context guiding us to the meaning is given, is bestowed upon, is entrusted to, is provided for. With the interrogative mîy (י ̣מ) [pronounced mee], it can also be used to express a wish (Ex. 16:3), e.g., O that, would that some one would, would that there were. (Mîy = Strong’s #4310 BDB #566). In Job 13:5, this is how the various translators have dealt with these two words: oh that (NASB, Owen, Rotherham, Young). Together these two words are a common phrase, which means, literally, who will give? BDB allows for it to be rendered oh that there were. However, in Job 14:4, since Job answers this question, it is a question. Strong's #5414 BDB #678. Gen. 1:17 3:6 4:12 9:2, 3 12:7 13:15 14:20, 21 15:2, 10 16:3 17:2 18:7 20:6 21:14 23:4, 9 24:7 25:5 26:3 27:17 28:4 29:19 30:4, 14 31:7 32:16 34:8, 9 35:4 38:9, 14, 28 39:4 40:3 41:10, 48 42:25, 30, 37 43:14 45:2 46:18 47:11, 19 48:4 49:20, 21 Exodus 2:9 3:19 5:7, 10, 18 6:4 7:1, 4, 9 9:23 10:23 11:3 12:7 13:5 16:29, 33 18:25 21:4 22:7 23:27 24:12 25:12 26:32 27:5 28:14 29:3, 12 30:6 31:6 32:13 33:1 Lev. 16:46 Num. 5:21 Deut. 1:8, 20, 21 2:5, 29 3:2, 20 4:1, 8, 38 5:16, 22, 29 7:23 16:5, 10, 18 17:2, 15 20:13, 16 21:1, 8, 23 22:29 26:14 31:5, 9 34:4 Joshua 2:12 6:2 7:19 10:18 14:4 20:2, 12 Judges 1:2, 12, 33 7:2 8:25 9:29 11:9 20:13a Ruth 4:11 1Sam. 1:4 2:10 6:8 (10:20) 11:12 12:17, 18 14:10 15:28 17:10 18:8, 19 20:40 21:3 22:7 23:4 24:4, 7 25:8, 27 26:23 27:5 28:17 30:11 2Sam. 3:14 11:16 12:8 14:7 16:8 18:11 20:3, 21 21:6, 10 22:14, 48 24:9 1Kings 1:48 2:5, 17, 21, 35 3:5, 25 4:29 5:3 6:19 7:16 8:32 9:6 1Chron. 12:18 16:4 Job 1:21, 22 2:4 3:20 6:8 9:18, 24 11:5 14:4 Psalm 2:8 8 inscription 15:5 41:2 44:11 46:6 51:16 55:6, 22 61:5 78:66 99:7 105:32 106:15 118:18 146:7 148:6 Prov. 1:4, 20 2:3 3:28 4:2 5:9 6:4, 31 8:1 9:9 10:10, 24 Eccles. 1:13 2:21 Isa. 7:14
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
to give, to grant, to place, to put, to set; to make |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
All of the BDB meanings for the Qal stem of nâthan are as follows: 1) to give, put, set; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to give, bestow, grant, permit, ascribe, employ, devote, consecrate, dedicate, pay wages, sell, exchange, lend, commit, entrust, give over, deliver up, yield produce, occasion, produce, requite to, report, mention, utter, stretch out, extend; 1a2) to put, set, put on, put upon, set, appoint, assign, designate; 1a3) to make, constitute. |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
give, grant, place, put, set; make; deliver [over, up]; yield |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
is giving, granting, is placing, putting, setting; is making |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
the giver, the one granting [placing, putting, setting]; the maker |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
to be give, to be delivered, to be given forth [as law]; to be made |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
is given, being delivered, is given forth [as law]; being made |
Niphal participle |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
nâthan (נָתַן) [pronounced naw-THAHN] |
to be given, be bestowed, be given up, be delivered up; to be put upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5414 BDB #678 |
481. Compound words: Mîy + nâthan: see mîy (י ̣מ) [pronounced mee] (Strong’s #4310 BDB #566). Job 19:23
482. Proper_masculine_noun: Nâthân (נָתָן) [pronounced naw-THAWN], which means given; one who is given; transliterated Nathan. Strong’s #5416 BDB #681. 2Sam. 5:14 7:2 23:36 1Kings 1:8 4:5 1Chron. 11:38 Psalm 51 inscription
Nâthân (נָתָן) [pronounced naw-THAWN] |
given; one who is given; transliterated Nathan |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5416 BDB #681 |
483. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5419 BDB #682.
484. Masculine_proper_noun: which means those given; transliterated . Strong’s #5411 BDB #682.
485. Masculine_proper_noun: Nethaneʾêl (ל̤אנ-תנ) [pronounced neth-ahne-ALE], which means give of El [God]; transliterated Nethanel, Nethaneel. Strong’s #5417 BDB #682. 1Chron. 15:24
Nethaneʾêl (ל̤אנ-תנ) [pronounced neth-ahne-ALE] |
give of El [God]; transliterated Nethanel, Nethaneel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5417 BDB #682 |
486. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5418 BDB #682.
487. Masculine_noun: mattân (מַתָּן) [pronounced maht-TAWN], which means gifts, offerings, presents. Collective noun. Strong’s #4976 BDB #682. Gen. 34:12 Exodus 28:38
mattân (מַתָּן) [pronounced maht-TAWN] |
gifts, offerings, presents |
masculine singular collective noun |
Strong’s #4976 BDB #682 |
488. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4977 BDB #682.
489. Feminine_noun: mattânâh (מַתָּנָה) [pronounced maht-taw-NAW], which means gift, present; bribe. Strong’s #4979 BDB #682. Gen. 25:6 Deut. 16:17 Psalm 68:18
mattânâh (מַתָּנָה) [pronounced maht-taw-NAW] |
gift, present; bribe |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #4979 BDB #682 |
mattânâh (מַתָּנָה) [pronounced maht-taw-NAW] |
gifts, presents; bribes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4979 BDB #682 |
490. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4980 BDB #682.
491. Feminine_noun: which means gift, reward. Strong’s #4991 BDB #682.
492. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4983 BDB #682.
493. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4982 BDB #682.
494. Masculine_proper_noun: Mattitheyâhûw (מַתִּתְיָהוּ) [pronounced maht-tithe-YAW-hoo], which means gift of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Mattithiah. Strong’s #4993 BDB #682. 1Chron. 15:18 16:5
Mattitheyâhûw (מַתִּתְיָהוּ) [pronounced maht-tithe-YAW-hoo] |
gift of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Mattithiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4993 BDB #682 |
Also spelled Mattitheyâh (מַתִּתְיָה) [pronounced maht-tithe-YAW]. |
495. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4992 BDB #683.
496. Verb: which means to tear, to break down. Strong’s #5420 BDB #683.
497. Verb: which means to break, to break down. Strong’s #5421 BDB #683.
498. Verb: nâthats (ץ -תָנ) [pronounced naw-THAHTS], which means to pull down, to tear down, to break down, to destroy; to break out. This is a word generally used of cities, towns and houses. Strong’s #5422 BDB #683. Judges 2:2 6:30 9:45 Job 19:10 Psalm 52:5
nâthats (ץ -תָנ) [pronounced naw-THAHTS] |
to pull down, to tear down, to break down, to destroy; to break out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5422 BDB #683 |
nâthats (ץ -תָנ) [pronounced naw-THAHTS] |
to pull down, to tear down, to break down, to destroy |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5422 BDB #683 |
nâthats (ץ -תָנ) [pronounced naw-THAHTS] |
to be pulled down, to be torn down, to be broken down, to be destroyed; to be broken out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal Pual Hophal, imperfect |
Strong’s #5422 BDB #683 |
499. Verb: nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THAHK], which means to tear up, to tear off; to burst [something] apart; to wound [by tearing]. to pull, to draw, to tear away, to tear apart, to tear off. In the Niphal, it can mean to be drawn out of the water, pulled out of the water. The Piel generally means to break off. In the Niphal, this means to be torn away, to be broken, to be torn out, to be separated, to be drawn away from. Strong’s #5423 BDB #683. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:6) Joshua 4:18 8:5, 16 Judges 8:17 16:9b Job 17:11 18:14 Psalm 2:3
nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to tear away; [in a military sense] to draw away, to cut off anyone |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5423 BDB #683 |
nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to be torn away, to be castrated |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5423 BDB #683 |
nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to tear up, to tear off; to burst [something] apart; to wound [by tearing] |
1st person plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5423 BDB #683 |
nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to separate out, to draw away from, to cut off [from any place] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5423 BDB #683 |
nâthaq (ק ַתָנ) [pronounced naw-THANK] |
to be torn away, to be broken up, to be torn; to be torn out; to be separated, to be drawn away from |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal or Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5423 BDB #683 |
500. Masculine_noun: which means a tearing off; a scab, an eruption of skin. Strong’s #5424 BDB #683.
501. Verb: nâthar (נָתַר) [pronounced naw-THAHR], which means to tremble, to palpitate; to fall off, to fall away; to make the noise dry leaves make when falling; to spring up, to start up. spring up, start up, to be free, to let loose, to let go, to unfasten. In this context, Joseph is being loosed from his bonds, giving him his freedom. In Job 6:9 it means to cause to be loosened, to let go. Strong’s #5425 BDB #684. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:6) Job 6:9 Psalm 105:20 146:8 (7)
nâthar (נָתַר) [pronounced naw-THAHR] |
to tremble, to palpitate; to fall off, to fall away; to make the noise dry leaves make when falling; to spring up, to start up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5425 BDB #684 |
nâthar (נָתַר) [pronounced naw-THAHR] |
to tremble; to leap |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5425 BDB #684 |
nâthar (נָתַר) [pronounced naw-THAHR] |
to cause to tremble; to cause to start; to shake off [a yoke], to unfasten, to loose, to free; to set free, to release, to unbind |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5425 BDB #684 |
502. Masculine_noun: which means natron, carbonate of sods, a mineral alkali. Strong’s #5427 BDB #684.
503. Verb: which means to pull, to luck up, to root out. Strong’s #5428 BDB #684.
15. ס SAW-mekh (60) Written ç and Spoken s
1. Letter: ס which is the 15th Hebrew letter Samekh and it is used as the numeral 60. Strong’s #none BDB #684.
2. Feminine_noun: çeʾâh (סְאָה) [pronounced seh-AW], which means a measure of flour, grain; transliterated seʾah. Strong’s #5429 BDB #684. Gen. 18:6 1Sam. 25:18
çeʾâh (סְאָה) [pronounced seh-AW] |
a measure of flour, grain; a particular measure of corn (⅓ ephah?); transliterated seah, seʾah |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5429 BDB #684 |
3. Masculine_noun: which means sandal, boot of soldier. Strong’s #5430 BDB #684.
4. Verb: which means to tread, to tramp. Strong’s #5431 BDB #684.
5. Verb: which means to drive away. Strong’s #5432 BDB #684.
6. Verb: çâbâʿ (סָבָא) [pronounced saw-BAW], which means, to drink [heavily], to imbibe, to consume a lot [of wine]. Strong’s #5433 BDB #684. Deut. 21:20
çâbâʿ (סָבָא) [pronounced saw-BAW] |
to drink [heavily], to imbibe, to consume a lot [of wine] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5433 BDB #684 |
çâbâʿ (סָבָא) [pronounced saw-BAW] |
a drinker, a drunkard, one who imbibes [heavily], a consumer of a lot [of wine] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5433 BDB #684 |
7. Masculine_plural_noun: which means drunkards, winos. Might be a form of the verb? Strong’s #5433 BDB #685.
8. Masculine_noun: which means drink, liquor. Strong’s #5435 BDB #685.
9. Masculine_proper_noun: Çebâʾ (סְבָא) [pronounced sehb-AW], which means drink [you], liquor; transliterated Seba, Ceba. Strong’s #5434 BDB #685. Gen. 10:7
Çebâʾ (סְבָא) [pronounced sehb-AW] |
drink [you], liquor; transliterated Seba, Ceba |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5434 BDB #685 |
10. Verb: çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV], which means to turn oneself, to go around, to surround, to encompass; in the Niphal, it means to turn oneself; when followed by a lâmed preposition, to be transferred [to someone]; or to surround, when followed by ʿal, used in the hostile sense, which is what we have here. We do not have a lâmed in 1Sam. 5:8, but it appears to mean to turn over to, to be transferred to. In the Hiphil, this means to transfer over, to cause [something] to be taken to, to turn over to. I may want to check to see if I have enough definitions. Strong’s #5437 BDB #685. Gen. 2:11 19:4 37:7 42:23 Exodus 13:18 28:11 Deut. 2:1 32:10 Joshua 6:11 7:9 18:14 Judges 16:2 19:22 20:5 1Sam. 5:8, 9, 10 7:16 15:12 16:11 17:30 18:11 22:17, 22 2Sam. 3:12 14:20, 24 18:15, 30 20:12 22:6 1Kings 2:15 5:3 7:15, 24 8:14 1Chron. 10:14 12:23 16:43 Job 16:12b–13 7:7 Psalm 32:7 55:10 59:6 114:3 118:10 Eccles. 1:6 2:20
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to turn oneself, to turn back, to turn around; to approach; to be brought to; to bestow upon; to go [march, walk] around; to go over [a place], to go around; to circle about; to surround, to encompass; to recline; to be turned, to be changed; to be the cause of |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to turn oneself, to go around, to surround, to encompass |
3rd person plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
turning around, going around, surrounding, encompassing, circling around |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
turn yourself around, turn back, approach; be brought to; go [march, walk] around; go over [a place], go around; circle about; surround, encompass |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
This is a combination of meanings from Gesenius and from BDB. At some point in time, I need to pare these down. |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to turn, to turn oneself, to turn back; to be brought to, to be bestowed upon [when used of things]; to go around, to go over; to surround, to encompass; to sit around, to sit down [at a table]; to be turned, to be changed; to be the cause of anything |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
The final definition, given here, is found used this way only in this passage. That in and of itself makes it a less likely rendering. The meanings to surround, to encompass in a hostile sense might be the usage here, as these are more commonly found (Joshua 6:3 Psalm 22:16 Eccles. 9:14). What David may be saying is, “It is as though I surrounded them [with a hostile intent].” |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to be brought round, to turn, to change; to transfer; to march around, to walk around, to go partly around, to circle about, to go on a circuitous march, to make a circuit, to surround, to encompass; to turn over? |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to be turned [around, about], to be surrounded, to be encompassed |
3rd person plural, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 (& #4142) BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
being turned [around, about], being surrounded, to be encompassed |
Hophal participle |
Strong’s #5437 (& #4142) BDB #685 |
This additional Strong’s # appears to be exclusively associated with the Hophal stem of this verb. |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to turn oneself, to be caused to go around, to be turned around; to surround, to encompass |
3rd person plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
There is hostility implied when this is followed by the adverb ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl]. |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to turn about; to change [transform] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
çâbab (סָבַב) [pronounced sawb-VAHBV] |
to come [go] about [in a place]; to surround, to encompass; to assemble around; to march, go about; to enclose, to envelop |
3rd person masculine plural, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #5437 BDB #685 |
11. Feminine_noun: which means turn of affairs. Strong’s #5438 BDB #686.
12. Adverb/preposition_(and_substantive): çâbîb (סָבִיב) [pronounced sawb-VEEBV], which means around, surrounding, circuit, round about, encircle. It is affixed to the min preposition of separation from round about, from every side. As a substantive, this means surrounders, those surrounding [us]. Strong’s #5439 BDB #686. Gen. 23:17 41:48 Exodus 7:24 16:13 19:12 25:11, 25 27:17 28:32 29:16 30:3 Deut. 17:14 21:2 Joshua 18:20 21:44 Judges 2:12, 14 7:18 8:34 1Sam. 14:21 26:7 31:9 2Sam. 5:9 24:6 1Kings 3:1 6:5 7:12, 23 1Chron. 6:55 Job 1:10 10:8 18:11 19:10 26:5 Psalm 12:8 34:7 44:13 89:7 Eccles. 1:6
çâbîyb (סָבִיב) [pronounced sawb-VEEBV] |
those surrounding, surrounders; places round about, a circuit; all around; on every side |
substantive |
Strong’s #5439 BDB #686 |
çâbîyb (סָבִיב) [pronounced sawb-VEEBV] |
around, surrounding, circuit, round about, encircle; all around; on every side |
adverb/preposition |
Strong’s #5439 BDB #686 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
çâbîyb (סָבִיב) [pronounced sawb-VEEBV] |
around, surrounding, circuit, round about, encircle; all around; on every side |
adverb/preposition |
Strong’s #5439 BDB #686 |
Çâbîb plus the lâmed preposition means around. |
13. Preposition+adverb: Gen. 35:5 Judges 2:14 1Sam. 12:11 2Sam. 7:1 1Kings 4:24 5:4 Job 1:10
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
çâbîyb (סָבִיב) [pronounced sawb-VEEBV] |
around, surrounding, circuit, round about, encircle |
adverb |
Strong’s #5439 BDB #686 |
The min preposition and çâbîyb mean from round about, from every side. |
14. Masculine_noun: mêçab (מֵסַב) [pronounced may-SAHB], which means round thing; surrounding, round about, that which surrounds, that which is round; round table. Strong’s #4524 BDB #687. 1Kings 6:29
mêçab (מֵסַב) [pronounced may-SAHB] |
round thing; surrounding, round about, that which surrounds, that which is round; round table |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4524 BDB #687 |
meçibbîym (מְסִבִּים) [pronounced mehs-ihb-BEEM] |
round things; surroundings, surrounding places; [things which are] round about, that which surrounds, that which is round; round table |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4524 BDB #687 |
The feminine plural form is: mesibbôwth (מְסִבּוֹת) [pronounced mehs-ihb-BOHTH]. |
mêçab (מֵסַב) [pronounced may-SAHB] |
surrounding, round about |
adverb |
Strong’s #4524 BDB #687 |
15. Masculine_noun: which means encompassing, surrounding. Strong’s #4141 BDB #687.
16. Verb: which means interweave. Strong’s #5440 BDB #687.
17. Masculine_noun: çebâk (סְבָ) [pronounced sehb-VAWK], which means thicket, interwoven branches. Found only 3 times in the Old Testament. Strong’s #5442 BDB #687. Gen. 22:13
çebâk (סְבָ) [pronounced sehb-VAWK] |
thicket, interwoven branches |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5442 BDB #687 |
18. Masculine_noun: which means thicket. Strong’s #5441 BDB #687.
19. Masculine_proper_noun: Çîbbekay (סִבְּכַי) [pronounced sihb-behk-AH-ee], which means weaver; the wood of Jehovah; transliterated Sibbecai, Sbbechai. Strong’s #5444 BDB #687. 2Sam. 21:18 1Chron. 11:29
Çîbbekay (סִבְּכַי) [pronounced sihb-behk-AH-ee] |
weaver; the wood of Jehovah; transliterated Sibbecai, Sibbechai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5444 BDB #687 |
20. Verb: çâbal (סָבַל) [pronounced saw-BAHL], which means to bear [a heavy load]. Strong’s #5445 BDB #687. Gen. 49:15
çâbal (סָבַל) [pronounced saw-BAHL] |
to bear [a heavy load] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5445 BDB #687 |
çâbal (סָבַל) [pronounced saw-BAHL] |
laden [down], bearing a lot |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #5445 BDB #687 |
çâbal (סָבַל) [pronounced saw-BAHL] |
to make oneself a burden, drag oneself along |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5445 BDB #687 |
21. Masculine_noun: which means load, burden. Strong’s #5447 BDB #687.
22. Masculine_noun: which means burden. Strong’s #5448 BDB #687.
23. Masculine_noun: çabbâl (סַבָּל) [pronounced sahb-BAWL], which means a bearer of burdens, a burden-bearer; possibly burden, burdens. Strong’s #5449 BDB #688. 1Kings 5:15
çabbâl (סַבָּל) [pronounced sahb-BAWL] |
a bearer of burdens, a burden-bearer; possibly burden, burdens |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5449 BDB #688 |
This masculine form is found primarily in Kings, Chronicles and Nehemiah. The female form is found in the early chapters of Exodus. |
24. Feminine_noun: çebâlâh (סְבָלָה) [pronounced sehb-aw-LAW], which means burden, forced labour, compulsory service, burden bearing. Strong’s #5450 BDB #688. Exodus 1:11 2:11 5:4 6:6
çebâlâh (סְבָלָה) [pronounced sehb-aw-LAW] |
burden, forced labour, compulsory service, burden bearing |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5450 BDB #688 |
BDB has a slightly different vowel pointing which results in a much different pronunciation: çibelâh (סִבְלָה) [pronounced sihb-LAW]. The spelling listed above is what is online and in my e-sword Strong’s. The BDB spelling comes from The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon; Hendrickson Publishers; Ⓟ1996; p. 688. |
çibeloth (סִבְלֹת) [pronounced sihb-LOHTH] |
(heavy) burdens, forced labours |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5450 BDB #688 |
25. Feminine_noun: çibbôleth (ת∵לֹ ̣ס) [pronounced sib-BOH-leth], which possibly means ear of wheat, but could also mean flowing stream; it is only found here. Strong’s #5451 BDB #688. Judges 12:6
26. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5453 BDB #688.
27. Proper_noun_Gentilic: Çabetâh (סַבְתָּה) [pronounced sahb-TAW], which means striking; transliterated Sabta, Sabtah. Strong’s #5454 BDB #688. Gen. 10:8
Çabetâh (סַבְתָּה) [pronounced sahb-TAW] |
striking; transliterated Sabta, Sabtah |
proper noun singular gentilic |
Strong’s #5454 BDB #688 |
28. Proper_noun_Gentilic: Çabetekâʾ (סַבְתְּכָא) [pronounced sahb-tehk-AW], which means striking, transliterated Sabtecha, Sabtechah. Strong’s #5455 BDB #688. Gen. 10:7
Çabetekâʾ (סַבְתְּכָא) [pronounced sahb-tehk-AW] |
striking, transliterated Sabtecha, Sabtechah |
proper singular noun gentilic: |
Strong’s #5455 BDB #688 |
29. Verb: which means to prostrate oneself [in worship]. Strong’s #5456 BDB #688.
30. Verb: which means to acquire property. Strong’s #none BDB #688.
31. Feminine_noun: çegullâh (סְגֻלָּה) [pronounced seh-gool-LAWH], which means personal treasure, possession, property, valued property. It Strong's #5459 BDB #688.* Exodus 19:5 Deut. 7:6 Eccles. 2:8
çegullâh (סְגֻלָּה) [pronounced seh-gool-LAWH] |
personal treasure, possession, property, valued property |
feminine singular construct |
Strong's #5459 BDB #688 |
This noun is the feminine passive participle of a verb which means to shut up, to close up and is found only five times in the Bible when used as a reference to nation Israel (Ex. 19:5 Deut. 7:6 14:2 20:18 Psalm 135:4). This adjective is a reference to personal treasure which one would shut up, put away, close up, place under lock and key, as it were. It is found also in 1Chron. 29:3 Eccles. 2:8 and Mal. 3:17. In all eight places, this can be rendered consistently as personal treasure. |
32. Masculine_noun: which means prefect, ruler. A loan word. Strong’s #5461 BDB #688.
33. Verb: çâgar (סָגַר) [pronounced saw-GAHR], which means shut up, to close up; however, in the Piel and the Hiphil, it means to deliver over. This possibly might mean, in the Hiphil, to deliver over in order to imprison. Rotherham gives this as literally, He closes in upon a man, which is figurative for imprisonment. In the Hiphil, when it is followed by ʾel, it means to deliver up. Strong’s #5462 BDB #688. Gen. 2:21 7:16 19:6 Exodus 14:3 Deut. 32:30 Joshua 6:1 20:5 Judges 3:22 1Sam. 1:5 17:46 23:7, 10, 20 24:18 26:8 (Piel) 30:15 2Sam. 18:28 1Kings 6:20 7:49 Job 3:10 11:10 12:14 16:11 Psalm 78:50
çâgar (סָגַר) [pronounced saw-GAHR] |
to shut up, to close up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5462 BDB #688 |
çâgar (סָגַר) [pronounced saw-GAHR] |
to shut up, to close up |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5462 BDB #688 |
In the Qal passive participle, this is given the translation pure in the KJV (1Kings 6:20–21 7:49–50 10:21 2Chron. 4:20, 22 9:20); but, perhaps the meaning is covered up, closed over, overlaid. |
çâgar (סָגַר) [pronounced saw-GAHR] |
to deliver over, to deliver over for imprisonment, to deliver up (when followed by ʾel) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5462 BDB #688 |
çâgar (סָגַר) [pronounced saw-GAHR] |
to deliver over |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5462 BDB #688 |
Some may point out that this word means to shut up, to imprison; therefore, you may wonder, how do we get to deliver over from this? The idea is first, in the Qal, to shut up, to close up, to imprison. However, it is also a reference to delivering someone over to be imprisoned; finally, it has the extended meaning (in the Piel) to deliver over. This word is found in the Piel only 4 times, all in the book of Samuel, and in each case, it means simply to deliver over, to deliver up. |
çâgar (רַג ָס) [pronounced saw-GAHR] |
to be shut up, to be enclosed; to shut oneself up. This verb is often applied to doors or gates |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5462 BDB #688 |
34. Masculine_noun: which means, enclosure, encasement. Strong’s #5458 BDB #689.
35. Masculine_noun: which means cage, prison. A loan word? Strong’s #5474 BDB #689.
36. Masculine_noun: maçegêr (ר̤ס-מ) [pronounced mahse-GAYR], which means locksmith, smith; prison, dungeon. Strong’s #4525 BDB #689. Psalm 142:8
maçegêr (ר̤ס-מ) [pronounced mahse-GAYR] |
locksmith, smith; prison, dungeon |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4525 BDB #689 |
37. Feminine_noun: miçegereth (מִסְגֶּרֶת) [pronounced mihs-GHEH-rehth], which means close places; fortified cities; border, rim, fastness; ornaments on the brazen base of the basins which appear to have been square “shields,” on the four sides of the house. Strong’s #4526 BDB #689. Exodus 25:25 2Sam. 22:46 1Kings 7:28
miçegereth (מִסְגֶּרֶת) [pronounced mihs-GHEH-rehth] |
border, rim, fastness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4526 BDB #689 |
miçegereth (מִסְגֶּרֶת) [pronounced mihs-GHEH-rehth] |
close places; fortified cities; ornaments on the brazen base of the basins which appear to have been square “shields,” on the four sides of the house; panels |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4526 BDB #689 |
Not entirely sure of the separation between the singular and plural here. |
38. Verb: which means to fill with water. Strong’s #none BDB #689.
39. Masculine_noun: which means steady , persistent rain. Strong’s #5464 BDB #690.
40. Masculine_noun: which means stocks. This is for the feet of criminals. Strong’s #5465 BDB #690.
41. Masculine_locative_noun: Sedum (שֶׂדֹם) [pronounced sehd-OHM], which means burning; which is transliterated Sodom. Strong’s #5467 BDB #690. Gen. 10:19 13:10 14:2 18:16, 20 19:1
Çedôm (סְדֹם) [pronounced sehd-OHM] |
burning; which is transliterated Sodom |
masculine singular locative noun |
Strong’s #5467 BDB #690 |
Also spelled Sedum (שֶׂדֹם) [pronounced sehd-OHM]. Not sure about this spelling. |
42. Masculine_noun: çâdîyn (ןי.דָס) [pronounced saw-DEEN], which means linen undergarments. These were the ancient world’s equivalent of underwear. These are clothes which are worn next to the skin. Strong’s #5466 BDB #690. Judges 14:12
43. Masculine_plural_noun: çedârîym (םי ̣ר ָד ׃ס) [pronounced se-daw-REEM], and it means order, organization, arrangement; with the negative, disorder, confusion. This word is found only here. Strong’s #5468 BDB #690. Job 10:22*
44. Feminine_noun: sedêrâh (שְׂדֵרָה) [pronounced sehd-ay-RAW], which means row, rank [of soldiers]. Strong’s #7713 BDB #690. 1Kings 6:9
sedêrâh (שְׂדֵרָה) [pronounced sehd-ay-RAW] |
row, rank [of soldiers] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7713 BDB #690 |
sedêrôth (שְׂדֵרֹת) [pronounced sehd-ay-ROWTH] |
technical building term possibly meaning planks, siding, pillars, studs, rafters |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7713 BDB #690 |
The Pulpit Commentary: The same word is used of [rows, ranks, lines of] soldiers 2Kings 11:8, 15. |
sedêrôth (שְׂדֵרֹת) [pronounced sehd-ay-ROWTH] |
rows, ranks [of soldiers] |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7713 BDB #690 |
This same word, in other contexts, means planks, siding, pillars, studs, rafters. |
45. Masculine_singular: of mîçederôwn (ןר ׃ ׃ס ̣מ) [pronounced misede-ROHN], which means porch, colonnade, vestibule. Although some translations throw in the word in or into, that is not found here, so this appears to be what Ehud exits from rather than exits into. The surrounding words in BDB mean round, row, arrangement; but none of the Hebrew words are actually close enough to make a connection here. Strong’s #4528 BDB #690. Judges 3:23
of mîçederôwn (ןר ׃ ׃ס ̣מ) [pronounced misede-ROHN] |
porch, colonnade, vestibule, portico |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4528 BDB #690 |
46. Verb: which means to be round. Strong’s #none BDB #690.
47. Masculine_noun: which means roundness. Strong’s #5469 BDB #690.
48. Masculine_noun: çôhar (סֹהַר) [pronounced SOH-hahr], which means round, roundness, circular; transliterated Sohar, Cohar. Strong’s #5470 BDB #690. Gen. 39:20 40:3
çôhar (סֹהַר) [pronounced SOH-hahr] |
round, roundness, circular; transliterated Sohar, Cohar |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5470 BDB #690 |
49. Verb1: çûwg (גס) [pronounced soog] which means to move away, to backslide; in the Niphal, it means to turn oneself away, to turn back. Strong’s #5472(& #7734) BDB #690. 2Sam. 1:22 Psalm 44:18 78:57 check the strong’s numbers
çûwg (גס) [pronounced soog] |
to go away from, to depart; to draw back, to withdraw |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5472 (& #7734) BDB #690 |
çûwg (גס) [pronounced soog] |
backslider |
Qal participle |
Strong’s #5472 (& #7734) BDB #690 |
çûwg (גס) [pronounced soog] |
to turn back [away]; to draw back; to turn oneself away; to withdraw; to be made to draw back; to be turned [driven] back |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #5472 (& #7734) BDB #690 |
BDB lists this as being equivalent to Strong's #5253, which is given a separate listing by Strong, New Englishman's Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament, and by Gesenius; therefore, I will go with the latter 3 and liste this other listing under BDB #650, although, BDB does not actually have a listing for Strong's #5253 there. This is where it would belong alphabetically. |
Strong's #7734 is just an alternative spelling for Strong's #5472 (found in some manuscripts that way in 2Sam. 1:22). The alternate spelling is sûwg (ג) [pronounced soog]. |
50. Masculine_noun: which means a moving back, a moving away. Strong’s #5509 & #7873 BDB #691.
51. Verb1: çûg (גס) [pronounced soog], which means to fence about, to enclose with thorns. Strong’s #5473 & #7735 BDB #691.
52. Verb: which means to make friendly speech, to converse. Strong’s #none BDB #691.
53. Masculine_noun: çôwd (סד) [pronounced sohd], which properly means a sitting together, an assembly [of friends, judges, of the wicked, of the Godhead]; a deliberation, a council. In general, it is used to mean a council, counsel, because it refers to people sitting around in a group for conversation (Jer. 6:11 15:17). More specifically, its meanings are ➊ a sitting together, an assembly [of friends, judges, of the wicked, of the Godhead]; ➋ A deliberation, a council; ➌ familiar conversation, familiar acquaintance (Job 19:19 Prov. 55:15); ➍ a secret (Prov. 11:13 20:19 25:9 Amos 3:7). Strong’s #5475 BDB #691. Gen. 49:6 Job 15:8 19:19 Psalm 55:14 64:2 83:3 89:7 Prov. 3:32
çôwd (סד) [pronounced sohd] |
a sitting together, an assembly [of friends, judges, of the wicked, of the Godhead]; a deliberation, a council |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #5475 BDB #691 |
This noun properly means a couch, a cushion. In general, it is used to mean a council, counsel, because it refers to people sitting around in a group for conversation (Jer. 6:11 15:17). More specifically, its meanings are ➊ a sitting together, an assembly [of friends, judges, of the wicked, of the Godhead]; ➋ A deliberation, a counsel; ➌ familiar conversation, familiar acquaintance (Job 19:19 Prov. 55:15); ➍ a secret (Prov. 11:13 20:19 25:9 Amos 3:7). |
Barnes: The word used here - סוד sôd - means properly couch, cushion; and then, a divan, a circle of friends sitting together on couches for familiar conversation, or for counsel. |
54. Masculine_noun: çûwth (סוּת) [pronounced sooth], which means clothing, clothes; vesture. Strong’s #5497 BDB #691. Gen. 49:11
çûwth (סוּת) [pronounced sooth] |
clothing, clothes; vesture |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5497 BDB #691 |
55. Verb: which means veil. Strong’s #4533 BDB #691.
56. Feminine_noun: which means an offal. Strong’s #5478 BDB #691.
57. Verb: çûwke (סוּך׃) [pronounced sook], which means to anoint [oneself, another], to rub on oil [lotion]; to pour when anointing. My guess is that this would be the application of ancient world perfume/deodorant and possibly oils for the woman. It is found in Deut. 28:40 Ruth 3:3 2Sam. 12:20 14:2 2Chron. 28:15 Dan. 10:3 Micah 6:15* and appears to have no spiritual significance. Strong’s #5480 BDB #691. The Doctrine of Anointing Exodus 30:32 Ruth 3:3 2Sam. 12:20 14:2
çûwke (סוּך׃) [pronounced sook] |
to anoint [oneself, another], to rub on oil [lotion]; to pour when anointing |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5480 BDB #691 |
çûwke (סוּך׃) [pronounced sook] |
to anoint [oneself, another], to rub on oil [lotion] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5480 BDB #691 |
58. Masculine_noun: which mean flask. Strong’s #610 BDB #692.
59. Verb2: which means to hedge, to fence about, to shut in. Strong’s #5526 BDB #692. 1Kings 8:7 Job 3:23
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to hedge, to fence; to shut in; to block; to overshadow; to screen; to protect, to cover over, to shield; to cover; to cover or hide oneself [intransitive use]; to weave, to interweave |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692 (& #696 & #697) |
This verb is also spelled sâkake (שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK]. It has 3 or 4 sets of meanings, some of which have been included. |
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to [cause to] fence [in, about, around]; to cause to shut up [in]; to cover, to protect |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692 (& #696 & #697) |
60. Masculine_noun: which means a hedge. Strong’s #4534 BDB #692.
61. Masculine_noun: which means swallow, swift. See below. Strong’s #5483 BDB #692.
62. Masculine_noun: çûwç (סוּס) [pronounced soos], which means horse, chariot horse; swallow, swift. Strong’s #5483 BDB #692. Gen. 47:17 49:17 Exodus 9:3 14:9 15:1 Deut. 17:16 20:1 Judges 5:22 2Sam. 15:1 1Kings 4:26 Psalm 20:7 32:9 33:17 147:10
çûwç (סוּס) [pronounced soos] |
horse, chariot horse; swallow, swift |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5483 BDB #692 |
This word is taken from an unused root word which means to skip [jump] [with joy]; to leap [with joy]. |
63. Feminine_noun: which means mare. Strong’s #5484 BDB #692.
64. Verb: çûwph (ףס) [pronounced soof], which means to come to an end, to cease. Strong’s #5486 BDB #692. Psalm 73:19
65. Masculine_noun: which means end [of a wadi]. Strong’s #5490 BDB #693.
66. Feminine_noun: çûwphâh (סוּפָה) [pronounced soo-FAW], which means hurricane, storm-wind, whirlwind, tempest. Since Young and Owen both have hurricane, I will go with hurricane. Strong’s #5492 BDB #693. [Synonyms: Strong’s #5591 BDB #704. Strong’s #1534 BDB #165]. Job 21:18 Psalm 83:15 Prov. 1:27 10:25
çûwphâh (סוּפָה) [proounced soo-FAW] |
hurricane, storm-wind, whirlwind, tempest |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5492 BDB #693 |
67. Masculine_noun: çûwph (סוּף) [pronounced soof], which means reeds, rushes. Collective noun. In the KJV, it is translated once or twice as weeds, flags and mostly as Red (as in the Red Sea). Strong’s #5488 BDB #692. Exodus 2:3 13:18 Deut. 2:1 Psalm 106:7, 9
çûwph (סוּף) [pronounced soof] |
reed, rush, sea weed |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5488 & #5489 BDB #693 |
68. Location: Strong’s #5489 BDB #693. Exodus 10:19 15:4 23:31 Deut. 1:1, 40 2:1 1Kings 9:27
Çûwph (סוּף) [pronounced soof] |
reed, rush, sea weed; transliterated Cuph, Suph |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5488 & #5489 BDB #693 |
This word is mostly found as the Sea of Reeds, also called The Red Sea, but more properly, the Reed Sea. |
Considered to be the weedy sea, and therefore referring to the Arabian Gulf. |
James Burton Coffman: It is now a matter of general information that [~Yam] [~Cuwp] cannot mean either Reed Sea or Red Sea; it actually means End Sea, a proper name for the Indian Ocean which was in general use in the mid-second millennium B.C. when the Pentateuch was written by Moses. However, I have not read this elsewhere except in Coffman’s work. |
69. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5492 BDB #693.
70. Verb: çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor], which means to turn aside, to depart, to go away. It generally means to turn aside, however, in the Hiphil, it means to cause to depart, to remove, to take away. When followed by the preposition min, it means to turn away from, to shun. In Job 9:34, this is followed by two prepositions: min and ʿal, so it means to remove from upon, to take away from upon. Gesenius gives it two classifications of meanings, which are almost contradictory. And there are Hiphil, Hophal and Pilel meanings, which we will cover another time. In Judges 19:11, Owen renders the verb, the voluntative hê and the particle of entreaty as the colloquialism come now. Followed by min, this could reasonably be render escape. The Hiphil includes two odd meanings to recall [one’s words]; to bring to oneself which will be covered appropriately at Isa. 31:2 and 2Sam. 6:10. Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:9b–10) Gen. 8:13 19:2 30:32, 35 38:13 41:42 48:17 49:10 Exodus 3:3 8:8, 11 10:17 14:25 23:25 25:15 32:8 33:23 Num. 4:9 Deut. 2:27 4:9 5:32 17:11, 17 21:12 Joshua 1:7 7:13 11:15 24:23 Judges 2:17 4:18 9:29 10:16 16:17 18:3 19:11 20:8 1Sam. 1:14 6:3, 12 7:3–4 12:20 15:6, 32 16:14 17:46 18:12, 13 21:6 22:14 28:3, 15 2Sam. 2:21, 22 4:7 5:6 6:10 7:15 12:10 16:9 22:23 1Kings 2:31 1Chron. 13:13 Job 1:1 12:20 9:34 12:24 15:30 19:9 21:14 Psalm 34:14 81:6 Prov. 3:7 4:24 5:7 9:4
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
to turn aside, to depart, to go away; to depart from way, to avoid; to remove; to be removed; to come to an end; to deviate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
This verb can be used of things which are removed or taken away. |
Now, this same word can be used to mean depart, go away; so there must be something in the inflection of the voice which identifies which meaning is properly applied. Or, the meaning of this verb may depend upon the object, and whether they are there remaining or in the process of going past something. However, more likely, the key is the preposition which follows, whether unto or from is used. |
This is also spelled sûr (שׂוּר) [pronounced soor]. |
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
turning aside, departing [from]; avoiding; going away; removing [from]; coming to an end; deviating |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
turn aside, depart, go away; remove; avoid; deviate |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
Gesenius gives us two sets of meanings for the Qal stem of çûwr: ➊ The first set of meanings are to turn aside, to go away, to depart, particularly when followed by the preposition min. (a) It means to turn away from, to depart from when followed by min. (b) It means to turn against when followed by the bêyth preposition. (c) When followed by the accusative and the word law, it means to violate the law. (d) It can mean to escape from, to withdraw from calamity or darkness. (e) This can have an absolute sense, as in someone as departed from God; i.e., they have become degenerate. (f) Finally, it can even be used in the sense of having passed away, taken away (1Sam. 15:32 1Kings 15:14 22:44 Hosea 4:18). ➋ This second set of meanings come under the heading of to draw near, particularly when followed by the preposition ʿal. It can be used to turn aside into a house (2Kings 4:8). |
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
to cause to depart, to remove, to cause to go away; to take away; to turn away from; cause to deviate [from] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
cause to depart, remove, cause go away; take away; turn away from; deviate [from] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
All of the Hiphil meanings for this verb are to cause to turn aside, to cause to depart, to remove, to take away, to put away, to depose; to put aside, to leave undone, to retract, to reject, to abolish. |
çûwr (סוּר) [pronounced soor] |
to be removed, to be taken away, to be caused to go away |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #5493 (and #5494) BDB #693 |
71. Noun: çârâh (ה ָר ָס) [pronounced saw-RAWH] and it means turning aside, defection, rebellion. This word is only found in Deut. 13:5 19:16 Isa. 1:5 14:6 31:6 59:13 Jer. 28:16 29:32. Strong’s #5627 BDB #694. It probably comes from the much more common verb sûr (רס) [pronounced soor], which means to turn aside, to turn away, to depart. In Deut. 19:6, the last word in the verse is çârâh (ה ָר ָס) [pronounced saw-RAWH] and of this word, BDB writes: defection, used appar. of any moral or legal offence. The wrongdoing here is not a reference to the supposed wrongdoing of the accused, but a reference to the legal wrong doing—the legal offense—made by the witness, as that will be the topic of this passage. This is the turning aside or the turning away from of the legal system devised by God. Strong’s #5493?? BDB #693. Deut. 13:5(6) Deut. 19:6 31:29
72. Masculine_proper_noun: which means spoken of a temple gate and is probably a gloss; transliterated . Strong’s #5495 BDB #694.
73. Feminine_noun: which means a turning aside, a defection, apostasy, withdrawal. Strong’s #5627 BDB #694.
74. Verb: çûth (סוּת) [pronounced sooth], which means, to persuade, to stimulate, to instigate, to incite. When followed by a gerund, it is used to incite someone to do something, and that is how it is used here. BDB gives its meanings as incite, allure, instigate. However, the meaning seems to be somewhat different in Job 36:16, 18; so we will re-examine this verb at that time. Persuaded, urged, moved; however, I am not having any luck with finding a catch-all word which works in all instances. This verb is always found in the Hiphil; however, it’s very meaning appears to be causal. Strong’s #5496 BDB #694. Joshua 15:18 Judges 1:14 1Sam. 26:19 2Sam. 24:1 Job 1:3b
çûth (סוּת) [pronounced sooth] |
to persuade, to stimulate, to instigate, to incite; to allure, to lure; to drive out, to expel [by discipline]; to lead forth, to set free |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5496 BDB #694 |
This verb is only found in the Hiphil, and it appears to mean, at its core, to cause to move; and the array of meanings proceed from that basic meaning. |
75. Verb: çâchab (סָחַב) [pronounced saw-KHAHBV], which means to drag; to draw out; to tear [or pull] [into pieces]. Strong’s #5498 BDB #694. 2Sam. 17:13
çâchab (סָחַב) [pronounced saw-SHAHBV] |
to drag; to draw out; to tear [or pull] [into pieces] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5498 BDB #694 |
76. Feminine_noun: which means rag, clout; something pulled or dragged about. Strong’s #5499 BDB #695.
77. Verb: which means to scrape, to scrape off, to clear away. Piel: to scrape, clean scour. Strong’s #5500 BDB #695.
78. Masculine_noun: which means offscouring. Strong’s #5501 BDB #695.
79. Masculine_noun: which means a grain which shoots up of itself in the 2nd year. Strong’s #7823 BDB #695.
80. Verb: which means to prostrate. Strong’s #5502 BDB #695.
81. Verb: çâchar (סָחַר) [pronounced saw-KHAHR], which means to go around, to go about, to travel [about, in]. Strong’s #5503 BDB #695. Gen. 23:16 34:10, 21 37:28 42:34
çâchar (סָחַר) [pronounced saw-KHAHR] |
to go around, to go about, to travel [about, in]; to trade; to engage in trading |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5503 BDB #695 |
çâchar (סָחַר) [pronounced saw-KHAHR] |
the one going around [about], the traveler [about, in]; merchant, trader |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #5503 BDB #695 |
çâchar (סָחַר) [pronounced saw-KHAHR] |
go around, go about, travel [about, in]; trade; engage in trading |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5503 BDB #695 |
çâchar (סָחַר) [pronounced saw-KHAHR] |
to palpitate [violently]; to go around quickly |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #5503 BDB #695 |
82. Masculine_noun: çachar (סַחַר) [pronounced SAHKH-ahr], which means gain [from merchandise), profit, wealth [resulting from merchandise]; traffic. Strong’s #5504,5505 BDB #695. Prov. 1:14
çachar (סַחַר) [pronounced SAHKH-ahr] |
gain [from merchandise), profit, wealth [resulting from merchandise]; traffic |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5504 & #5505 BDB #695 |
Strong’s #5505 is spelled çâchâr (סָחָר) [pronounced SAWKH-awr]; with the same set of meanings. |
83. Feminine_noun: which means merchandixe. Strong’s #5506 BDB #695.
84. Feminine_noun: which means buckler. Strong’s #5507 BDB #695.
85. Masculine_noun: which means merchandise. Strong’s #4536 BDB #695.
86. Feminine_noun: which means a stone used [with marble]. Strong’s #5508 BDB #695.
87. Masculine_proper_noun: which means 3rd month (May-June) and is transliterated Siwan. Strong’s #5510 BDB #695.
88. Masculine_proper_noun: Çîychôn (סִיחֹן) [pronounced see-KHOWN], which means warrior; tempestuous; and is transliterated Sihon. Strong’s #5511 BDB #695. Deut. 1:4 2:24 3:2 4:46 1Kings 4:19
Çîychôn (סִיחֹן) [pronounced see-KHOWN] |
warrior; tempestuous; and is transliterated Sihon |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5511 BDB #695 |
89. Proper_noun_location: sîyn (סִין) [pronounced seen], which means thorn, clay; and is transliterated Sin (Pelusium). Strong’s #5512 BDB #695. Exodus 16:1 17:1
Sîyn (סִין) [pronounced seen] |
thorn, clay; and is transliterated Sin (Pelusium) |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #5512 BDB #695 |
1) a town in eastern Egypt 2) the tract of wilderness between Elim and Sinai. |
90. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated Sin. Strong’s #5512 BDB #695.
91. Masculine_proper_noun: Çîynai (סִינַי) [pronounced see-NAH-ee], which means thorny; transliterated Sinai. Strong’s #5514 BDB #696. Exodus 16:1 19:1 24:16 31:18 Judges 5:5 Psalm 68:8
Çîynai (סִינַי) [pronounced see-NAH-ee] |
thorny; transliterated Sinai |
singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5514 BDB #696 |
92. Gentilic_adjective: Çîynîy (סִּינִי) [pronounced see-NEE], which means thorn; clay; and is transliterated Sinite. Strong’s #5513 BDB #696. Gen. 10:17
Çîynîy (סִּינִי) [pronounced see-NEE] |
thorn; clay; and is transliterated Sinite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #5513 BDB #696 |
93. Gentilic_adjective: which means ; and is transliterated . Possibly the Chinese? Plural. Strong’s #5515 BDB #696.
94. Masculine_proper_noun: Çîyçerâʾ (אָר סי .ס) [pronounced seese-RAW], which means battle array[according to BDB]; and is transliterated Sisera. Strong’s #5516 BDB #696. Judges 4:2 1Sam. 12:9
Çîyçerâʾ (אָר סי .ס) [pronounced seese-RAW] |
battle array [according to BDB]; and is transliterated Sisera |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5516 BDB #696 |
95. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #5517 BDB #696.
96. Masculine/feminine_noun: çîyr (סִיר) [pronounced seer], which means pot, basin. Strong’s #5518 BDB #696. Exodus 16:3 27:3 1Kings 7:45 Psalm 60:8
çîyr (סִיר) [pronounced seer] |
pot, basin |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5518 BDB #696 |
There may be two additional spellings. |
çîyrîym (סִירִים) [pronounced seer-EEM] |
pots, pans; thorns, thistles, briers; thicket, scrub brush; fish hooks |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #5518 BDB #696 |
97. Masculine_noun: which means thorn, hook. Strong’s #5518 BDB #696.
98. Hun? Strong’s #5522 BDB #696.
99. Hun? Strong’s #5524 BDB #696.
100. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #5525 BDB #696.
101. Verb3: çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK], which means to overshadow, to screen to cover. This strong’s number is found a plethora of times below. Strong’s #5526 BDB #696. Judges 3:24 1Sam. 24:3
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to overshadow, to screen; to cover [over]; to cover or hide oneself [intransitive use]; to hedge, to fence; to protect, to shield; to weave, to interweave |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #696 (& #692 & #697) |
This verb is also spelled sâkake (שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK]. It has 3 or 4 sets of meanings, some of which have been included. |
As a participle, it means protector. |
Full set of BDB definitions: 1) (Qal) to hedge, fence about, shut in 2) to block, overshadow, screen, stop the approach, shut off, cover 2a) (Qal) 2a1) to screen, cover 2a2) to cover oneself 2a3) protector (participle) 2b) (Hiphil) 2b1) to screen, cover 2b2) to cover, defecate (euphemism) 3) (Qal) to cover, lay over 4) to weave together 4a) (Qal) to weave together 4b) (Pilpel) to weave, weave together |
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to screen, to cover; to defecate; to fence, to fence around; to cover, to protect |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #696 (& #692 & #697) |
When covering one’s feet, this has been thought to mean to defecate; to urinate [from a squatting position]; to sleep. Although the second meaning seems least reasonable, the third also makes little sense, as there are a variety of other ways, none very euphemistic, for a person laying down to rest. Only the first meaning seems to make sense, as it is common in many countries to (1) squat in order to defecate and (2) to have a euphemism for this activity. |
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to cover with armor; to arm; to excite, to arouse? |
Pilpel |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #696 (& #692 & #697) |
102. Masculine_noun: mâçâke (מָסָ) [pronounced maw-SAWKe], which means a covering; a screen; a veil. Strong’s #4539 BDB #697. Exodus 26:36 27:16 2Sam. 17:19 Psalm 105:39
mâçâke (מָסָ) [pronounced maw-SAWKE] |
a covering; a screen; a veil; a hanging |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4539 BDB #697 |
103. Feminine_noun: which means that with which one is covered, a covering. Ezek. 28:13.* Strong’s #4540 BDB #697.
104. Masculine_noun: which means some covered structure. This is an architectural term. Strong’s #4329 BDB #697.
105. Verb: which means to weave together. Strong’s #5526 BDB #697.
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to weave, to interweave; to hedge, to fence; to protect, to cover over, to shield; to cover; to cover or hide oneself [intransitive use] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #697 (& #692 & #696) |
This verb is also spelled sâkake (שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK]. It has 3 or 4 sets of meanings, some of which have been included. |
çâkake (סָכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHK] |
to weave, to weave together |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #697 (& #692 & #696) |
106. Masculine_noun: which means throng. Meaning is dubious. Strong’s #5519 BDB #697.
107. Masculine_noun: çôke (ֹס) [pronounced sohk], which means thicket, covered lair. Strong’s #5520 BDB #697. Psalm 10:9
108. Feminine_noun: çukkâh (סֻכָּה) [pronounced sook-KAWH] which means booth, temporary shelter; cot; lair; this word refers to several types of temporary dwellings, even more temporary and smaller than tents in most cases. According to BDB, this c ʾechâd (ד ַח ∵א) [pronounced eh-KHAWD] and it means one, first, but it can also mean a composite unity. We have seen this word used specifically in that way in Gen. 2:24: For this cause a man will leave his father and his mother and he will cling to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. See also Gen. 34:16, 22 Strong's #259 BDB #25 an be the thicket, a place where lions would hide (Job 36:29); a rude or temporary shelter, either for a warrior in the battlefield (2Sam. 11:11 1Kings 20:12), for watchers in a vineyard (Isa. 1:8) or a simple shelter from the sun (Jonah 4:5). Throughout Leviticus and Numbers, these are temporary booths where people lived during the harvest feast. Primarily they symbolize our bodies, the temporary dwelling place of our souls. Strong's #5521 BDB #697. Gen. 33:17 Lev. 23:43 Deut. 16:13 2Sam. 11:11 22:12
çukkâh (סֻכָּה) [pronounced sook-KAWH] |
booth, temporary shelter; cot; lair; this word refers to several types of temporary dwellings, even more temporary and smaller than tents in most cases |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #5521 BDB #697 |
109. Proper_noun_location: Sûkkôwth (שֻכּוֹת) [pronounced sook-KOHTH], which means booth, cot, lair; and is transliterated Succoth. Strong’s #5523 BDB #697. Gen. 33:17 Exodus 12:37 1Kings 7:46 Psalm 60:6
Sûkkôwth (שֻכּוֹת) [pronounced sook-KOHTH] |
booth, cot, lair; and is transliterated Succoth |
proper noun; singular location |
Strong’s #5523 BDB #697 |
110. Masculine_noun: which means protector. Strong’s #5526 BDB #697.
111. Verb (?): çâkak ( ַכ ָס) [pronounced saw-KHAKH], and it has the following possible renderings: shroud, cover, overshadow, screen, shelter, spread over, overspread, enshroud. I don't want to translate this covering because it implies that something is right on top of it, covering it up completely; and covering is the translation of another Hebrew word. Ideally, a literal translation should be consistent and it should differentiate between different words. The veil will enshroud the ark completely; however, it will not be close to the ark (as in laying right on top of it) and çâkak is used for the wings of the cherubs which will screen, or overshadow the mercy seat (lit., this word is covering). Çâkak is found used in this way in Exodus 25:20 37:9 1Kings 8:7 Job 40:22. Çâkak can be used in a good, possibly even protective way, as in Exodus 25:20 Ezek. 28:14, in a neutral sense (Ex. 40:3 Lam. 3:44) and it may be used in a negative sense (Job 3:23 Isa. 9:11 19:2). When you look up these passages, you may even have a difficult determining from the English where this verb actually is in the verse, because çâkak is rendered six different ways in the KJV and it only occurs 22 times. And, unfortunately, it is most often rendered covering, just as kâphar (ר ַפ ָ) [pronounced kaw-PHAR] should be translated covering to be literal (it is found in Gen. 6:14), but it is usually translated atone (and cleanse, pardon, purge). Çâkak is also found used twice to cover one's feet (Judges 3:24 1Sam. 24:3). Therefore, what we need is a word which can have a good, neutral and negative connotation; one which does not mean to cover in the sense of being close to and completely enshrouding; therefore, the best English equivalent that I can come up with is overshadow. Strong's #5526 (see also 1206) BDB #692, 696, 697 Exodus 40:3 The final verb in Job 10:11, is a rather difficult one; it is the Poel imperfect of çâkake ( ַכ ָס) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] (Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697), which is also found in BDB as sâkake ( ַכ ָ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] (Strong’s #7918 BDB #968). I cannot even find this particular word listed in the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance for Job 10:11. Zodhiates identifies it as Strong’s #5526, BDB lists it with the sîyn’s on p. 968. We find this rendered fence (KJV, Young), interweave (Rotherham), intertwine (Keil and Delitzsch), knit (NIV, NKJV, NRSV, REB, NAB, NASB) and weave (NJB). The other meanings for these words found in other passages are quite dissimilar: pacified, assuaged, appeased (Strong’s #7918) and covered, hedged, protected (Strong’s #5526). Only under Strong’s #5526, do we find some similar meaning in Isa. 9:11 and 19:2, where the meaning is given as mingled, joined together. We will go with knit in this passage. Job 3:22 10:11
112. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5527 BDB #698.
113. Verb: çâkal (סָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL], which means to be foolish, to be a fool. Niphal, Piel and Hiphil only. Strong’s #5528 BDB #698. Gen. 31:28 1Sam. 13:13 26:21 2Sam. 15:31 24:10
çâkal (סָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to make foolish [vain, fruitless], to frustrate [another’s counsel, purpose] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5528 BDB #698 |
çâkal (סָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to act foolishly, to be foolish, to play the fool |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5528 BDB #698 |
çâkal (סָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to be foolish, to be a fool, to show oneself to be foolish; to act wickedly |
2nd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #5528 BDB #698 |
114. Masculine_noun: sâkâl (סָכָל) [pronounced saw-KAWL], which means a fool; silly, foolish. Strong’s #5530 BDB #698. Eccles. 2:19
sâkâl (סָכָל) [pronounced saw-KAWL] |
a fool; silly, foolish |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5530 BDB #698 |
115. Feminine_noun: sikeluwth (שִׂכְלוּת) [pronounced sihk-LOOTH], which means folly, silliness, foolishness. Strong’s #5531 BDB #698. Eccles. 1:17 2:3, 12
sikeluwth (שִׂכְלוּת) [pronounced sihk-LOOTH] |
folly, silliness, foolishness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5531 BDB #698 |
Also spelled çikeluwth (סִכְלוּת) [pronounced sihk-LOOTH]. The verb it comes from means to be foolish, to be a fool. This noun is only found here in Ecclesiastes. |
Dr. Bob Utley: The verb form (BDB 698) in Aramaic means “to know,” “to be intelligent,” or “to cause to understand.” This connotation seems to fit the context best (cf. Eccles. 1:17 2:12-13 7:25). |
116. Verb1: çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN], which means to be profitable, to be beneficial, to be of use, to be of service, to benefit. This is actually a very difficult word, as Gesenius and BDB give such divergent meanings. However, in the Qal, to be beneficial, to be profitable, to be of service, and meanings which will work in every context where this word is found. Also see below. Strong’s #5532 BDB #698. 1Kings 1:2 Job 15:3
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
to inhabit with, to dwell with; to be profitable, to be beneficial, to be of use, to be of service, to benefit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5532 BDB #698 |
When followed by a לְ or a עַל, it means to do a kindness to. Intransitive meaning: to profit. |
Gesenius has a paragraph about them being poor, needy. |
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
an associate, a friend; a female friend; an attendant; a nurse |
feminine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5532 BDB #698 |
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
to form an acquaintance with; to know; to be used, be wont, exhibit use or habit, show harmony |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5532 BDB #698 |
117. Feminine_plural_noun: miçekênôwth (מִסכְּנְוֹת) [pronounced mihç-kehn-OATH], which means treasure, supply, storage, store houses. Strong’s #4543 BDB #698. Exodus 1:11 1Kings 9:19
miçekênôwth (מִסכְּנְוֹת) [pronounced mihç-kehn-OATH] |
treasure, supply, storage, store houses |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4543 BDB #698 |
118. Verb2: which means to incur danger. Strong’s #5533 BDB #698.
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
to be poor; to be needy |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5533 BDB #698 |
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
to be endangered, to endanger oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5533 BDB #698 |
çâkan (סָכַן) [pronounced saw-KAHN] |
to be impoverished; to be lacking |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5533 BDB #698 |
119. Verb3: which means to be poor, to be in poverty. See above. Strong’s #5533 BDB #698.
120. Verb1: çâkar (סָכַר) [pronounced saw-KAHR], which means to shut up, to stop up. In the unused Qal, it means to shut. Gen. 8:2 Psalm 63:11 Isa. 19:4.* Strong’s #5534 BDB #698. Gen. 8:1 Psalm 63:11
çâkar (סָכַר) [pronounced saw-KAHR] |
to shut up, to stop up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5534 BDB #698 |
çâkar (ר-כָס) [pronounced saw-KAHR] |
to give over, to deliver |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5534 BDB #698 |
121. Verb2: çâkar (ר-כָס) [pronounced saw-KAHR] which means to hire. Ç is erroneously used for a s. Ezra 4:5.* Strong’s #7936 BDB #698.
çâkar (ר-כָס) [pronounced saw-KAHR] |
to shut up, to stop up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5534? BDB #698 |
122. Verb: çâkath (ת-כָס) [pronounced saw-KAHTH], which means to be silent. Deut. 27:9.* Strong’s #5535 BDB #698.
çâkath (ת-כָס) [pronounced saw-KATH] |
to the silent, to keep silence; take heed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5535 BDB #698 |
123. Masculine_noun: which means . Strong’s #5538 BDB #698.
124. Verb: which means to weigh. Strong’s #5537 BDB #698.
125. Verb: The second verb is the 1st person, Piel imperfect voluntative [I don’t know what a voluntative is—this comes from Owen and I can’t find it in any other grammar book] of a verb which occurs only here and has no cognates to help determine its meaning. Therefore, no one really knows what this means. The same Chaldean word means to grow warm, to glow, to burn. The Arabic equivalent is applied to a horse which beats the earth with his feet and then leaps. Gesenius goes with this meaning, as does the Septuagint; so we will hesitatingly go with the renderings leaped, spring forth. Strong’s #5539 BDB #698. Job 6:10
126. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5540 BDB #699.
127. Verb1: ʿâlâh (הָלָס) [pronounced saw-LAW], which means to make light of, to toss aside. Strong’s #5541 BDB #699. Psalm (44:8)
128. Verb2: ʿâlâh (הָלָס) [pronounced saw-LAW], which means to weigh, to balance. Pual of above. Strong’s #5541 BDB #699. Psalm (44:8)
129. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . There are 3 of these. Strong’s #5543 BDB #699.
130. Masculine_noun: which means brier. Strong’s #5544 BDB #699.
131. Verb: çâlach (סָלַח) [pronounced saw-LAHKH], which means to forgive, to pardon; to overlook, to not hold responsible for, to not hold to. It is found throughout the Bible; for instance: Exodus 34:9 Lev. 4 Num. 14:19 15 Psalm 103:3 Isa. 55:7; it appears to be more widely used after the establishment of the Law. I had thought that perhaps it might mean overlook, not hold responsible for, not hold to; but it appears primarily to mean forgive or pardon. Strong's #5545 BDB #699. (?) Deut. 29:20 1Kings 8:30 Psalm 103:3
çâlach (סָלַח) [pronounced saw-LAHKH] |
to forgive, to pardon; to overlook, to not hold responsible for, to not hold to |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5545 BDB #699 |
çâlach (סָלַח) [pronounced saw-LAHKH] |
to be forgiven, to be pardoned; being overlook, not held responsible for, not holding to |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5545 BDB #699 |
132. Adjective: Adjective sallâch (סַלָּח) [pronounced sahl-LAWKH], which means, ready to forgive, forgiving. Strong’s #5546 BDB #699.
133. Feminine_noun: selîychâh (סֶלִיחָה) [pronounced sehl-ee-KHAW], which means, forgiveness. Strong’s #5547 BDB #699.
134. Proper_noun/location: Çalekâh (סַלְכָה) [pronounced sahl-KAW], which means migration; transliterated Salcah, Salchah. Strong’s #5548 BDB #699. Deut. 3:10
Çalekâh (סַלְכָה) [pronounced sahl-KAW] |
migration; transliterated Salcah, Salchah |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #5548 BDB #699 |
BDB: a town or district at the extreme eastern limit of Bashan and allocated to the tribe of Gad; modern ‘Sulkhad’ which is 56 miles. |
135. Verb1: çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL], which means to lift up, to elevate, to exalt; to gather [up]; to cast up; to move to and fro, to waver. Strong’s #5549 BDB #699. Exodus 9:17 Psalm 68:4 Prov. 4:8
çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL] |
to lift up, to elevate, to exalt; to gather [up]; to cast up; to move to and fro, to waver |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5549 BDB #699 |
Often spoken of things which are high up which move or shake (like palm branches). |
çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL] |
to lift up, to elevate, to exalt, to esteem highly, to prize; often used in a metaphorical sense in the Pilpel |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #5549 BDB #699 |
çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL] |
lift up, elevate, exalt, esteem highly, prize; often used in a metaphorical sense in the Pilpel |
2nd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperative |
Strong’s #5549 BDB #699 |
çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL] |
to oppose oneself; to resist; to exalt oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect |
Strong’s #5549 BDB #699 |
çâlal (סָלַל) [pronounced saw-LAHL] |
opposing; resisting; exalting oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect |
Strong’s #5549 BDB #699 |
136. Interjection: çelâh (סֶכָה) [pronounced seh-LAW], which means to lift up, to elevate, to exalt [with one’s voice], to gather, to cast up [into a heap]; it is transliterated Selah. The verbal cognate is ʿâlâh (הָלָס) [pronounced saw-LAW], which means to lift up and toss aside. In the Piel stem, it means to weigh, which involves lifting up the object and placing it upon the balance. So, even though Gesenius gives the meaning of çelâh as rest, silence, pause, it does not necessarily match the meaning of its cognates. My thinking, which is a combination of BDB and Gesenius, is that the voices build up to a crescendo here, and, very likely, it is then followed by silence. This would reconcile the points made by Gesenius and still make this compatible with its cognates. Another possibility is that the instruments are lifted up for a musical interlude. Strong’s #5542 BDB #699. Job 19:12 Psalm 7:5 32:4 44:8 52:3 54:3 55:7 57:3 59:5 89:4
çelâh (סֶכָה) [pronounced seh-LAW] |
to lift up, to elevate, to exalt [with one’s voice], to gather, to cast up [into a heap]; it is transliterated Selah |
interjection |
Strong’s #5542 BDB #699 |
The verbal cognate is ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAW], which means to lift up and toss aside. In the Piel stem, it means to weigh, which involves lifting up the object and placing it upon the balance. Gesenius gives the meaning of çelâh as rest, silence, pause, as çelâh does not necessarily have to match the meaning of its cognates. My thinking, which is a combination of BDB and Gesenius, is that the voices build up to a crescendo here, and, very likely, they are then followed by a vocal (but not necessarily, musical) silence. This would reconcile the points made by Gesenius and still make this compatible with its cognates. Another very reasonable possibility is that the instruments are lifted up for a musical interlude. The NLT translation of Interlude is very good. |
[Musical] Pause [or, musical interlude; lit., Selah!] As described in the exegesis, this word çelâh comes from a verb which means to lift up. It is reasonable to assume that those who are playing musical instruments are to lift up these instruments and play during a pause in the singing. I believe that this is called the bridge in modern music? Keil and Delitzsch suggest: The music, as Sela directs, here becomes more boisterous; it gives intensity to the strong cry for the judgment of God; and the first unfolding of thought of this Michtam is here brought to a close. |
137. Feminine_noun: çôwlelâh (סוֹלְלָה) [pronounced soh-lehl-AW], which means (military) mound, embankment. Strong’s #5550 BDB #700. 2Sam. 20:15
çôwlelâh (סוֹלְלָה) [pronounced soh-lehl-AW] |
(military) mound, embankment |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5550 BDB #700 |
138. Masculine_noun: çullâm (סֻלָּם) [pronounced sool-LAWM], which means ladder, staircase; ramp. Strong’s #5551 BDB #700. Gen. 28:12*
çullâm (סֻלָּם) [pronounced sool-LAWM] |
ladder, staircase; ramp |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5551 BDB #700 |
We really do not know what this word means, as it occurs only here. This is similar to the Jewish word for highway, raised way, public road. Jacob is describing the best that he can what it is that he sees (like the Apostle John in the book of Revelation). It is possible that what he sees is different than what we know technologically today (although, it is also possible that staircase or ramp may be good translations of this word. |
139. Feminine_noun: meçîllâh (מְסִלָּה) [pronounced mesil-LAW], which means highway, raised way, public road. It is not used of a street in the city. In Judges 5:20, it is used metaphorically for the orbits of the stars. Strong’s #4546 BDB #700. Judges 5:20 1Sam. 6:12 2Sam. 20:12
meçîllâh (מְסִלָּה) [pronounced mesial-LAW] |
highway, raised way, public road; metaphorically for orbits, courses [of stars] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4546 BDB #700 |
140. Masculine_noun: which means highway. Strong’s #4547 BDB #700.
141. Masculine_noun: çal (ל-ס) [pronounced sahl], which means basket. Strong’s #5536 BDB #700. Gen. 40:16 Exodus 29:3
çal (ל-ס) [pronounced sahl] |
basket |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5536 BDB #700 |
142. Masculine_noun: çal (ל-ס) [pronounced sahl], which means, basket. Wrong spelling here. Strong’s #5552 BDB #700. Judges 6:19
143. Masculine_noun: çelaʿ means crag, cliff. Strong’s #5553 BDB #700. Deut. 32:13
144. Masculine singular noun/Proper_noun: çelaʿ (סֶלַע) [pronounced SEH-lahģ], and it means rock, cliff, jagged cliff, split, cleft, crag, stone. Preceded by the definite article, it might refer to a place by this name; and this might just be a description which the Israelites would recognize, given the other boundaries. Strong’s #5553 (and #5554 as a proper noun; and #5555 BDB #700. (and #701). Judges 1:36 1Sam. 13:6 14:4 23:25 2Sam. 22:2
çelaʿ (סֶלַע) [pronounced SEH-lahģ] |
rock, cliff, jagged cliff, split, cleft, crag, stone |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5553 BDB #700 |
Çelaʿ (סֶלַע) [pronounced SEH-lahģ] |
rock, [jagged] cliff, cleft, crag, stone; transliterated Sela |
proper masculine noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5553 BDB #701 (& #700) |
Here, this appears to be used as a proper noun. |
Çelaʿ (סֶלַע) [pronounced SEH-lahģ] |
rock, [jagged] cliff, cleft, crag, stone; transliterated Sela |
location; proper masculine noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5554 BDB #701 |
145. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5556 BDB #701.
146. Verb: çâlaph (סָלַף) [pronounced saw-LAHF], which means to pervert, to overturn, to turn upside down; to subvert; to ruin. Gesenius explains that the primary force of the root of this word is slipperiness, gliding away, escaping; therefore, he gives the meaning to cause to slip, to cause to fail, to give to destruction, to make slippery. Strong's #5557 BDB #701. Exodus 23:8 Deut. 16:19 Job 12:19
çâlaph (סָלַף) [pronounced saw-LAHF] |
to pervert, to overturn, to turn upside down; to subvert; to ruin |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #5557 BDB #701 |
147. Masculine_noun: which means crookedness, crooked dealing. Strong’s #5558 BDB #701.
148. Verb: which means to ascend. Strong’s #5266 BDB #701.
149. Feminine singular: çôleth (שֹלֶת) [pronounced SO-leth] which means, flour or fine flour. Strong's #5560 BDB #701. Gen. 18:6 Exodus 29:2, 40 Lev. 1:2 1Kings 4:22
çôleth (שֹלֶת) [pronounced SOH-lehth] |
flour or fine flour |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #5560 BDB #701 |
150. Proper_noun: Strong’s #5562 BDB #701.
151. Masculine_noun: which means blossom. Strong’s #5563 BDB #701.
152. Verb: çâmake (סָמַך׃) [pronounced saw-MAHKe], which means to lean, to rest, to support, to place, to lay [something upon something else]. In the Niphal, it means to be propped, supported, to stay oneself, to rest upon. Strong’s #5564 BDB #701. Gen. 27:37 Exodus 29:10 Deut. 34:9 Judges 16:29 Psalm 54:4
çâmake (סָמַך׃) [pronounced saw-MAHKe] |
to lean, to rest; to uphold, to support, to sustain, to aid; to place, to lay [something upon something else]; to approach |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5564 BDB #701 |
çâmake (סָמַך׃) [pronounced saw-MAHKe] |
to lean, to rest, to support, to place, to lay [something upon something else] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5564 BDB #701 |
çâmake (סָמַך׃) [pronounced saw-MAHKe] |
to be propped [up or against something], supported, to stay oneself, to rest upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5564 BDB #701 |
çâmake (סָמַך׃) [pronounced saw-MAHKe] |
to stay, to be refreshed; to rest upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5564 BDB #701 |
153. Masculine_noun: çemel (סֶמֶל) [pronounced SEH-mel], which means, an image, a statue, a figure of anything, an idol-image. It is taken from a root that means to resemble. Found in Deut. 4:16 2Chron. 33:7, 15 Ezek. 8:3, 5.* Strong's #5566 BDB #702. Deut. 4:15–18
çemel (סֶמֶל) [pronounced SEH-mel] |
an image, a statue, a figure of anything, an idol-image, carved work or sculpture |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5566 BDB #702 |
154. Masculine_noun: çam (סַם) [pronounced sahm], which means, a spice used in incense; a smell sweet, an aroma; a sweet (spice). I don’t now the difference between the singular and the plural. Strong’s #5561 BDB #702. Exodus 25:6 30:7 31:11
çam (סַם) [pronounced sahm] |
a spice used in incense; a smell sweet, an aroma; a sweet (spice) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5561 BDB #702 |
Does the plural suggest a multiplicity of spices? |
155. Proper_noun: Kiriath-sannah meaningless, however, we have a couple of words in the Hebrew which are similar—one means thorn-bush and the other means sharp. See Strong’s #5572 or #5673 BDB #702. Joshua 15:49
156. Masculine_noun: seneh (סְנֶה) [pronounced sehn-EH], which means bush, thorn bush; possibly a blackberry bush; might be transliterated senneh. Strong’s #5572 BDB #702. Exodus 3:2
seneh (סְנֶה) [pronounced sehn-EH] |
bush, thorn bush; possibly a blackberry bush; might be transliterated senneh |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5572 BDB #702 |
157. Proper_noun_locale: çeneh (ה∵נ∵ס) [pronounced seh-NEH], and it is transliterated Seneh. This word does have a clear meaning in the Hebrew; it means thorny bush, blackberry bush. Strong’s #5573 BDB #702. 1Sam. 14:4*
Çeneh (ה∵נ∵ס) [pronounced seh-NEH] |
transliterated Seneh; it means thorny bush, bramble bush, blackberry bush |
proper noun locale |
Strong’s #5573 BDB #702 |
158. Proper_masculine_noun: Strong’s #5570&5574 BDB #703.
159. Masculine_noun: çanewêrîym (סַנְוֵרִים) [pronounced sahn-vare-EEM], which means blindness, sudden blindness. Strong’s #5575 BDB #703. Gen. 19:11
çanewêrîym (סַנְוֵרִים) [pronounced sahn-vare-EEM] |
blindness, sudden blindness |
masculine plural (intensive) noun |
Strong’s #5575 BDB #703 |
160. Masculine_proper_noun: which means multiplied brothers; transliterated Sennacherib. Strong’s #5576 BDB #703.
161. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5578 BDB #703.
162. Masculine_noun: which means fruit stock. Strong’s #5577 BDB #703.
163. Masculine_noun: which means fin. Strong’s #5579 BDB #703.
164. Masculine_noun: which means moth. Strong’s #5580 BDB #703.
165. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5581 BDB #703.
166. Verb: çâʿad (סָעַד) [pronounced saw-ĢAHD], which means to support, to prop up, to refresh, to sustain, to stay, to assist; to comfort. Strong’s #5582 BDB #703. Gen. 18:5 Judges 19:5 Psalm 20:2 41:3 104:15
çâʿad (סָעַד) [pronounced saw-ĢAHD] |
to support, to prop up, to refresh, to sustain, to stay, to assist; to comfort |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5582 BDB #703 |
167. Masculine_noun: which means support. Strong’s #4552 BDB #703.
168. Verb: çaʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced saw-ĢAW], which means a rushing, raging [storm wind]. Strong’s #5584 BDB #703. Psalm 55:8*
çaʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced saw-ĢAW] |
a rushing, raging [storm wind] |
feminine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5584 BDB #703 |
169. Masculine_noun: which means cleft; branch. Strong’s #5585 BDB #703.
170. Feminine_noun: which means bough, branch. Strong’s #5589 BDB #703.
171. Verb: which means to Land of Promise off boughs. Strong’s #5586 BDB #703.
172. Feminine_noun: which means bough. Strong’s #5634 BDB #703.
173. Adjective: which means divided, half-hearted. Psalm 119:113.* Strong’s #5588 BDB #704.
174. Feminine_noun: which means division, divided opinion. 1Kings 18:21.* Strong’s #5587 BDB #704.
175. Verb: which means to storm, to rage, to stir up. Strong’s #5590 BDB #704.
176. Masculine_noun: çaʿar (סַעַר) [pronounced SAH-ģahr], which means tempest, storm, whirlwind; tornado. This word has several different spellings and the difference in meaning are hard to determine. Strong’s #5591 BDB #704. [One of the spellings begins with a çâmek [pronounced SAW-mek] = ç = ס. With “sîyn” Strong’s #8183 BDB #973; without the “âh” ending = Strong’s #8178 BDB #973; with the “ç” with or without “âh” Strong’s #5591 BDB #704. Synonyms: Strong’s #1534 BDB #165. Strong’s #5492 BDB #693]. Job 9:17 Psalm 55:8 83:15
çaʿar (סַעַר) [pronounced SAH-ģahr] |
tempest, storm, storm-wind; whirlwind; tornado |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5991 BDB #704 |
çeaʿârâh (סְעָרָה) [pronounced seh-ĢAW-raw] |
tempest, storm, storm-wind; whirlwind; tornado |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5991 BDB #704 |
There are several variations on the spelling of this noun; and, as far as we know, there does not seem to be a difference between the masculine and feminine versions of it. |
177. Feminine_noun: çeʿârâh (הָרָעס) [pronounced se-ģaw-RAW], which means tempest, storm, storm-wind; whirlwind; tornado. Strong’s #5991 BDB #704. (See above) Psalm 148:8
çeʿârâh (הָרָעס) [pronounced se-ģaw-RAW] |
tempest, storm, storm-wind; whirlwind; tornado |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5991 BDB #704 |
There are several variations on the spelling of this noun; and, as far as we know, there does not seem to be a difference between the masculine and feminine versions of it. |
178. Verb: which means to feed, to nourish. Strong’s #none BDB #704.
179. Masculine_noun: miçephôwʾ (מִסְפוֹא) [pronounced mise-POH], which means fodder, feed, provender, animal food. Strong’s #4554 BDB #704. Gen. 24:25 42:27 43:24 Judges 19:19
miçephôwʾ (מִסְפוֹא) [pronounced mise-POH] |
fodder, feed, provender, animal food |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4554 BDB #704 |
180. Verb: çâphad (סָפַד) [pronounced saw-FAHD], which means to lament, to grieve, to wail, to bewail. Strong’s #5594 BDB #704. Gen. 23:2 50:10 1Sam. 25:1 28:3 2Sam. 1:12 11:26 Zech. 12:10
çâphad (סָפַד) [pronounced saw-FAHD] |
to lament, to grieve, to mourn; to wail, to bewail |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5594 BDB #704 |
çâphad (סָפַד) [pronounced saw-FAHD] |
mourners, wailers; those who are lamenting (or grieving) |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5594 BDB #704 |
çâphad (סָפַד) [pronounced saw-FAHD] |
to be lamented [mourned], to be grieved for |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5594 BDB #704 |
181. Masculine_noun: mîçephêd (מִסְפֵּד) [pronounced misse-FADE], which means mourning, wailing, lamenting, grieving. Strong’s #4553 BDB #704. Gen. 50:10 Zech. 12:10
mîçephêd (מִסְפֵּד) [pronounced misse-FADE] |
mourning, wailing, lamenting, grieving |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4553 BDB #704 |
182. Verb: çâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-PHAWH], which appears to have two distinct meanings. The first is to snatch away, to sweep away; the implication being that the object of the verb is consumed or destroyed (Gen. 18:23–24 19:15, 17 Num. 16:26 Psalm 40:14 1Sam. 26:10). This word also means to join, to add, to augment, to attach to, as seen in Num. 32:14 Isa. 13:15 30:1 Jer. 7:21. Strong’s #5595 BDB #705. Gen. 19:15 Deut. 29:19 32:23 I’ve messtup with this verb!! Gen. 18:23 1Sam. 12:25 26:10 27:1
çâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-PHAWH] |
to scrape, to scrape together, to scrape off; to take away, to sweep away; to destroy; to be destroyed, to perish (intransitive meanings); to add, to augment, to increase |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5595 BDB #705 |
çâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-PHAWH] |
to heap together, to accumulate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5595 BDB #705 |
çâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-PHAWH] |
to be taken away, to be swept away, to perish; to be destroyed; to hide away [in one’s house]; to be captured |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5595 BDB #705 |
183. Verb1: çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH], which means to pour, to pour out; to anoint; to spread out; to add, to join, to attach to. Strong’s #5596 BDB #705. 1Sam. 2:36 26:19
çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH] |
join, cleave, add together; pour out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5596 BDB #705 |
çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH] |
to pour out |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5596 BDB #705 |
çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH] |
to be added, to join oneself, to be attached to |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5596 BDB #705 |
çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH] |
to be added together, to assemble selves |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5596 BDB #705 |
çâphach (ח-פָס) [pronounced saw-FAHKH] |
to pour, to pour out; to anoint; to spread out; to add, to join, to attach to |
Hithpael infinitive construct |
Strong’s #5596 BDB #705 |
This is treated as a homonym by Gesenius; all meanings are found above. It is also possible that there was a confounding of #5595 (ה ָפ ָס) and #5596 (ח-פָס). |
184. Verb2: which means to pour out, to shed. Strong’s #none BDB #705.
185. Masculine_noun1: which means an outpouring. Strong’s #5599 BDB #705.
186. Masculine_noun2: câphîyach ( ַחי ̣פ ָס) [pronounced saw-FEE-ahkh], which means outpourings, growth from spilled kernels. Strong’s #5599 BDB #705. Job 14:19 (dubious reading)
187. Masculine_noun: which means outpouring, bloodshed. Strong’s #4939 BDB #705.
188. Verb3: which means uncertain. Meaning dubious. Strong’s #none BDB #705.
189. Feminine_noun: which means eruption, scab. Strong’s #5597 BDB #705.
190. Feminine_noun: which means eruption, scab. Lev. 13:6–8.* Strong’s #4556 BDB #705.
191. Piel_verb: which means to cause a scab upon, to strike with a scab. Strong’s #5596 BDB #705.
192. Feminine_noun: which means a long veil [covering an entire person]. Strong’s #4555 BDB #705.
193. Masculine_noun: çappîyr (סַפִּיר) [pronounced sahp-PEER], which means, sapphire [stone], lapis lazuli. Strong’s #5601 BDB #705. Exodus 24:10 28:18
çappîyr (סַפִּיר) [pronounced sahp-PEER] |
sapphire [stone], lapis lazuli |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5601 BDB #705 |
194. Masculine_noun: çêphel (ל∵פ̤ס) [pronounced SAY-fell], which means bowl, dish. Strong’s #5602 BDB #705. Judges 5:23
çêphel (ל∵פ̤ס) [pronounced SAY-fell] |
bowl, dish |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5602 BDB #705 |
195. Verb: çâphan (סָפַן) [pronounced saw-FAHN], which means to cover, to cover in, to panel, to wainscot, to hide, to conceal. Strong’s #5603• BDB #706. 1Kings 6:9 7:3, 7
çâphan (סָפַן) [pronounced saw-FAHN] |
to cover, to cover in, to panel, to wainscot, to hide, to conceal; to roof |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5603 & #8226 BDB #706 |
This word probably means roofed (depending upon the context). |
çâphan (סָפַן) [pronounced saw-FAHN] |
covered [over], paneled, hidden, concealed; roofed |
Qal participle |
Strong’s #5603 & #8226 BDB #706 |
196. Masculine_noun: çippun (סִפֻּן) [pronounced sihp-POON], which means ceiling; cover, cover in, panel, wainscoting. Strong’s #5604 BDB #706. 1Kings 6:15
çippun (סִפֻּן) [pronounced sihp-POON] |
ceiling; cover, cover in, panel, wainscoting |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5604 BDB #706 |
197. Feminine_noun: which means vessel, ship. Strong’s #5600 BDB #706.
198. Masculine_noun#1: çaph (סַף) [pronounced sahf], which means basin, goblet, bowl; a spreading out; a threshold, sill; door keeper. Strong’s #5592 BDB #706. Exodus 12:22 2Sam. 17:28 1Kings 7:50
çaph (סַף) [pronounced sahf] |
basin, goblet, bowl; a spreading out; a threshold, sill; door keeper |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5592 BDB #706 |
Keil and Delitzsch say that these are probably field kettles. |
199. Masculine_noun#2: which means threshold, sill. See above. Strong’s #5592 BDB #706.
200. Verb: which means to stand at the threshold, to guard the threshold. Strong’s #5605 BDB #706.
201. Masculine_proper_noun: Çaph (סַף) [pronounced sahf], which means tall; basin, goblet; threshold; transliterated Saph. Two spellings. Strong’s #5593ᗞ BDB #706.
Çaph (סַף) [pronounced sahf] |
tall; basin, goblet; threshold; transliterated Saph |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5593 & #5598 BDB #706 |
The spelling for Strong’s #5598 is Çippay (סִפַּי) [pronounced sihp-PAH-ee]. Associated with this are the definitions basin, threshold. Transliterated Sippai. |
202. Verb: which means to slap, to clap. Strong’s #5606‒ BDB #706.
203. Masculine_noun: çêpher (סֵפֶר) [pronounced SAY-fur], which means missive, book, document, writing, scroll, tablet. It occurs once in Genesis (Gen. 5:1) and then almost 200 times after that (e.g., Exodus 17:14 24:7 32:32 Num. 5:23 1Kings 11:41). This word does not really emphasize the material from which a scroll, tablet, or book was made, but emphasizes more that it was a writing receptor, just as an engraving tool emphasizes its function rather than the material from which it is made. Strong’s #5612 BDB #706. (In case you are wondering, its verbal cognate is found as early as Gen. 5:1 15:5 41:49; see also Judges 5:14 2Sam. 8:14 for the use of the verb). Exodus 17:14 24:7 32:32 Deut. 17:18 24:1 29:20 Joshua 8:31 18:9 Judges 1:11 1Sam. 10:25 2Sam. 1:18 11:14 Job 19:23 Psalm 56:8 (feminine)
çêpher (סֵפֶר) [pronounced SAY-fur] |
letter, missive, book, document, writing, scroll, tablet, register |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5612 BDB #706 |
çipherâh (סִפְרָה) [pronounced siphe-RAW] |
letter, missive, book, document, writing, scroll, tablet, register |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5612 BDB #706 |
This word emphasizes the content or the use of this object more than the material from which it is made. The feminine noun is found only in Psalm 56:8. |
204. Feminine_noun: which means, book. Strong’s #5612 BDB #707.
205. Verb: çâphar (סָפַר) [pronounced saw-FAHR], which means to recount, to enumerate, to tell with praise, to celebrate, to recall, to declare, to narrate, to tell or declare something from memory, to declare the facts or particulars of, to tell in a specific order. In the Qal , it means to number (Gen. 15:5 Lev. 15:13 23:16); in the Qal participle, it is often rendered scribe (II Sam. 8:17 2Kings 22:9–10), and in the Piel, it means to recall, to recount, to declare (Ex. 9:16 Judges 6:13 Job 15:17). This word properly means to engrave, to cut into a stone, which, therefore means to write. It has come to mean to recount. I would not be surprised if the functions of the Scribe (counting the letters and words) lent this meaning of to count to çâphar rather than the other way around. Possibly means a military scribe in the participle. Strong’s #5608 BDB #707. Textual Criticism of the Old Testament Gen. 15:5 16:10 24:66 29;13 32:12 37:9 40:8, 9 41:8, 49 Exodus 9:16 10:2 18:8 24:3 Deut. 16:9 Joshua 2:23 Judges 6:13 7:13 1Sam. 11:5 2Sam. 24:10 1Kings 3:8 8:5 Job 12:7 14:16 15:17 Psalm 2:7 19:1 44:1 56:8 59:12 64:5 73:15, 28 78:3–4 96:3 118:17
çâphar (סָפַר) [pronounced saw-FAHR] |
to scratch, to scrape; to polish; to inscribe [letters in a stone]; to number, to count; to take account of, to consider |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5608 BDB #707 |
çâphar (סָפַר) [pronounced saw-FAHR] |
to be counted, to be numbered; to be considered |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5608 BDB #707 |
çâphar (סָפַר) [pronounced saw-FAHR] |
to recount, to enumerate, to tell with praise, to celebrate, to recall, to declare, to narrate, to tell or declare something from memory, to declare the facts or particulars of, to tell in a specific order |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5608 BDB #707 |
çâphar (סָפַר) [pronounced saw-FAHR] |
recount, enumerate, tell [with praise], celebrate, recall, declare, narrate, tell or declare something from memory, declare the facts or particulars of, tell in a specific order |
2nd person masculine plural, Piel imperative |
Strong’s #5608 BDB #707 |
206. Masculine noun [or verb]: çôphêr (סוֹפֵר) [pronounced soh-FAIR], which means enumerator, secretary, scribe; miliary scribe; general. Strong’s #5608 BDB #708. Judges 5:14 2Sam. 8:17 20:25 1Kings 4:3
çôphêr (סוֹפֵר) [pronounced soh-FAIR] |
enumerator, secretary, scribe; learned man; miliary scribe; general |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5608 BDB #708 |
BDB lists this word as a noun, and The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament lists it as a verb (as does my KJV+ in e-sword). It is probably a participle of the verb, which acts like a noun. |
207. Masculine_noun: çephâr (סְפָר) [pronounced sehf-AWR], which means an enumeration, a census. Strong’s #5610 BDB #708.
208. Proper_noun/location: Çephâr (סְפָר) [pronounced sehf-AWR] which means an enumeration, a census, a numbering; transliterated Sephar. Strong’s #5611 BDB #708. Gen. 10:30
Çephâr (סְפָר) [pronounced sehf-AWR |
an enumeration, a census, a numbering; transliterated Sephar |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #5611 BDB #708 |
209. Feminine_noun: which means number. Strong’s #5615 BDB #708.
210. Masculine_noun: miçephâr (מֹסְפָר) [pronounced mise-FAWR] means number, counted, numerical total; a recounting, a narration. With the negational construct, it means innumerable. In Judges 7:15, where nothing is being counted, it refers to a recounting of. The dream is not being re-numbered; it is being recounted. Strong’s #4557 BDB #708. Gen. 34:30 41:49 Exodus 16:16 23:26 Deut. 4:27 Judges 6:5 7:12, 15 1Sam. 6:4, 18 27:7 Job 1:5b 5:9 9:10 14:5 15:20 16:22 21:21 21:33 2Sam. 2:11, 15 21:20 24:2, 9 1Chron. 12:23 16:19 Job 1:5 3:6 Psalm 104:25 147:4 Eccles. 2:3
miçephâr (מֹסְפָר) [pronounced mise-FAWR |
number, counted, numerical total; a recounting, a narration |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4557 BDB #708 |
With the negational construct, it means innumerable, without number, uncountable. |
miçephâr (מֹסְפָר) [pronounced mise-FAWR |
number, counted, numerical total; a recounting, a narration |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4557 BDB #708 |
kôl (כֹּל) [pronounced kohl]; also kol (כַּל) [pronounced kol] |
all, all things, the whole, totality, the entirety, everything |
masculine singular noun without the definite article; with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #3605 BDB #481 |
With the masculine singular construct of miçephâr (ר ָ ׃ס ̣מ) [pronounced mise-FAWR] means number, counted, numerical total. (Strong’s #4557 BDB #708) and since kôl has a masculine plural suffix, this should read: a number of them all, a numbering of them all or a number of all of them. To give you an idea as to what other translators have done, we also have: the number of them all (KJV, Owen, Rotherham, Young). The idea here is that Job just didn’t go and get a bunch of sacrificial animals and start killing them. For the short time I worked in a restaurant, we had this supervisor-manager, who, when too many orders started coming in, just filled the grill with pancakes, as he knew they would be involved in large numbers. He no longer numbered them. This is just the opposite. Job is carefully numbering his sacrifices. In Job 21:23, affixed to this is the masculine singular suffix, which is hard to give a rendering for. You will note that of the more literal translations, nearly everyone rendered this wholly. Literally, this might be rendered all of him, all he, him all, his all, all of his. We might get away with each one. |
211. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #4558–4559 BDB #709.
212. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5618 BDB #709.
213. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5614 BDB #709.
214. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5617 BDB #709.
215. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #5616 BDB #709.
216. Verb: çâqal (סָקַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL], which means to throw stones, to stone, to overwhelm with stones; possibly to heap stones on the dead [as a disgrace]. In the Piel, this seems to mean to clear a field of stones (Isa. 5:2 62:10). In examining the different places where these two words (this and râgam—Strong’s #7275) are found, I don’t (other than the passages in Isaiah) see a dime’s worth of difference between them. Although I would like to say that the second verb simply tells us that they heaped up stones over Achan and company, the other places where this verb is found do not sustain that meaning. I will offer you the opinion of Keil and Delitzsch: [The second clause]...does not refer to the stoning as a capital punishment, but to the casting of stones upon the bodies after they were dead and had been burned, for the purpose of erecting a heap of stones upon them as a memorial of the disgrace. In 1Sam. 30:6, this does not seem to be the case. They’re both found about twenty times in the Bible. Çâqal is found in Exodus and Isaiah while râgam is found in Leviticus and Numbers, Ezekiel and 2Chronicles. They are both found in Deuteronomy, Joshua, 1Kings. Strong’s #5619 BDB #709. Exodus 8:26 17:4 19:13 21:28 Deut. 17:5 21:21 22:24 Joshua 7:25 (with synonym Strong’s #7275) 1Sam. 30:6
çâqal (סָקַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to throw stones, to stone, to overwhelm with stones; possibly to heap stones on the dead [as a disgrace] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5619 BDB #709 |
çâqal (סָקַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to throw stones, to be stoned [to death], to be overwhelm with stones |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5619 BDB #709 |
çâqal (סָקַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to throw [pelt with] stones, to free [clear away, remove] from stones [a vineyard, a highway] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5619 BDB #709 |
çâqal (סָקַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to be stoned [to death] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5619 BDB #709 |
217. Masculine_noun: which means rebel. Strong’s #5621 BDB #709.
218. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated Sargon. Strong’s #5623 BDB #709.
219. Masculine_proper_noun: Çered (סֶרֶד) [pronounced SEH-rehd], which means to tremble, trembling, fear; transliterated Sered. Strong’s #5624 BDB #710. Gen. 46:14
Çered (סֶרֶד) [pronounced SEH-rehd] |
to tremble, trembling, fear; transliterated Sered |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5624 BDB #710 |
220. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #5625 BDB #710.
221. Verb: çârach (סָרַח) [pronounced saw-RAHKH], which means to go free, to be unrestrained, to extend, to hang over, to spread (stretch) [over]; to sprawl; to grow luxuriously. This appears to the verbal cognate of Strong’s #5629. Strong’s #5628 BDB #710. Exodus 26:12, 13
çârach (סָרַח) [pronounced saw-RAHKH] |
to go free, to be unrestrained, to extend, to hang over, to spread (stretch) [over]; to sprawl; to grow luxuriously |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5628 BDB #710 |
çârach (סָרַח) [pronounced saw-RAHKH] |
being free, being unrestrained, extending, hanging over, spreading (stretching) [over]; sprawling; growing luxuriously |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5628 BDB #710 |
çârach (סָרַח) [pronounced saw-RAHKH] |
to be let loose, to be dismissed; to be gone |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5628 BDB #710 |
222. Masculine_noun: çerach (סֶרַח) [pronounced SEH-rakhk], which means excess, remnant, overhanging. Strong’s #5629 BDB #710. Exodus 26:12*
çerach (סֶרַח) [pronounced SEH-rakhk] |
excess, remnant, overhanging |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5629 BDB #710 |
223. Masculine_noun: which means armor. Strong’s #5630 BDB #710.
224. Masculine_noun: çârîyç (סָרִיס) [pronounced saw-REECE], which means official, eunuch. Strong’s #5631 BDB #710. Gen. 37:36 39:1 40:2
çârîyç (סָרִיס) [pronounced saw-REECE] |
official, minister of the court; prince; eunuch |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5631 BDB #710 |
This word is also spelled without the yodh. |
225. Masculine_noun: çeren (ן∵ר∵ס) [pronounced SEH-ren], which means warlord, tyrant, lord, princes, czar, potentate, despot. Keil and Delitzsch say this is the standing title for Philistine princes and is interchangeable with sârîym (םי ̣ר ָ) [pronounced saw-REEM] (Strong’s #8269 BDB #978), an equivalence they arrive at by comparing 1Sam. 29:6 with 29:4, 9. One of my sources claims that çeren is only used of heathen rulers, whereas sârîym is used of both Israelites and heathen; however, that is not true in 1Sam. 8:15. These words are so close that it is possible that the Israelites derived their word from the Philistine title; however, we find the Jewish word as far back as early Genesis. This word is best transliterated or rendered by warlord. I guessed the pronunciation of the plural. Strong’s #5633 BDB #710. Joshua 13:3 Judges 3:3 16:5 1Sam. 5:8 6:4 8:15 1Chron. 12:19
çeren (סֶרֶן) [pronounced SEH-ren] |
warlord, tyrant, lord, prince, czar, potentate, despot |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5633 BDB #710 |
çerânîym (סְרָנִים) [pronounced se-RAW-neem] |
warlords, lords, princes, czars, generals, officers; officials, VIP’s |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #5633 BDB #710 |
Equivalent to sârîym (םי ̣ר ָ) [pronounced saw-REEM]. Compare 1Sam. 29:6 with 29:4, 9. Strong’s #8269 BDB #978. |
226. Masculine_noun: which means, axle. Strong’s #5633 BDB #710. 1Kings 7:30
çeren (סֶרֶן) [pronounced SEH-ren] |
axle, plate |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5633 BDB #710 |
çerânîym (סְרָנִים) [pronounced se-RAW-neem] |
axles, plates |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #5633 BDB #710 |
227. Masculine_noun: which means desert-plant [contrasted with a myrtle]. Strong’s #5636 BDB #710.
228. Verb: çârar (סָרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR] which means, stubborn, rebellious. However, these are two words which perhaps go together, but they are not synonyms. Çârar is found used strictly as a verb only once in Hos. 4:16 where it is also found in the Qal participle. The KJV reads Israel slideth back as a backsliding heifer. I know your thinking; Israel is in for some serious discipline, as there is nothing worse in this world than a backsliding heifer. However, the NASB gives us a clearer picture: Since Israel is stubborn like a stubborn heifer, can the Lord now pasture them like a lamb in a large field? This is an animal which is going to do what it wants to do when it wants to do it. Lambs, although not the brightest animals in the world, can be controlled and guided by a good shepherd. Israel, out in the large field of the world, had become willful, headstrong and uncontrollable. It is also used in that sense in Prov. 7:11. When Israel, through the Levites, confessed their sins, they said, “And they gave a stubborn shoulder and stiffened their neck, and would not listen.” (Neh. 9:29b; see Zech. 7:11). Have one of your children walked away from you in a rage and you put your hand on his shoulder and he pulled it forward? That is being willful and stubborn. We cannot make a determination of the meaning of this word from its use in Psalm 66:7 68:6, 18 Isa. 1:23 Hos. 9:15. In Isa. 30:1a, although this is often translated, “Woe to the rebellious children,” declares Yehowah, “Who execute a plan, but not mine...” The sense here is not of being rebellious, per se, but being headstrong, doing what they want to do, stubborn. Willful and headstrong is the sense this word is used in Isa. 65:2. Therefore, a more accurate assessment of this word is stubborn, willful, headstrong. This word is often found in conjunction with mârâh (ה ָר ָמ) [pronounced maw-RAWH], which means rebel, rebellious, (Deut. 21:20 Psalm 78:8 Jer. 5:23), indicating that they might be related, but they are probably not synonyms (Strong’s #4784 BDB #598. for mârâh). Strong’s #5637 BDB #710.* Deut. 21:18 Psalm 68:6 78:8 Prov. 7:11
çârar (סָרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR] |
to be stubborn, to rebel, to be rebellious |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5637 BDB #710 |
çârar (סָרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR] |
stubborn, obstinate, rebellious, willful, headstrong [and uncontrollable] |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5637 BDB #710 |
229. Adjective: which means, stubborn, resentful. Strong’s #5620 BDB #711.
230. Masculine_noun: which means winter. Strong’s #5638 BDB #711.
231. Verb: which means to stop up, to shut up; to keep close. Strong’s #5640 BDB #711.
232. Verb: çâthar (סָתַר) [pronounced saw-THAHR] and it means to hide, to cover over. These are Hiphil meanings. In Deut. 29:29, çâthar is found in the Niphal is the passive stem, meaning that these words received hiding. This is information from the future and information which has not been revealed to the hoi polloi. In the feminine plural, Niphal participle, this would mean the hidden things, the concealed things—specifically, one’s hidden faults, sins and transgressions. The Hiphil does not appear to be much different; it is often used in conjunction with hiding one’s face. Strong's #5641 BDB #711. [Synonym: ʿâlam (ם ַל ָע) [pronounced aw-LAHM] means to veil from sight, to conceal. The difference between these two words is that the first verb describes what is done behind closed doors, in a tent, under a veil—that is, an act which is concealed; and the second word is an act of concealment. Strong’s #5956 BDB #761]. Gen. 31:49 Exodus 3:6 Num. 5:13 Deut. 29:29 1Sam. 20:2, 5 23:19 26:1 Job 3:10, 23 13:24 14:13 Psalm 19:12 44:24 51:9 54 inscription 55:1, 12 64:2 89:46
çâthar (סָתַר) [pronounced saw-THAR] |
to hide, to cover over |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5641 BDB #711 |
çâthar (סָתַר) [pronounced saw-THAR] |
to hide onself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #5641 BDB #711 |
In the Hiphil, it is often used in conjunction with eyes or ears, and it can mean to hide one’s eyes from which means to disregard. In hiding the ear, it is similar to our expression to turn a deaf ear (Lam. 3:56). Here, it is found in the Hithpael stem (the intensive, reflexive stem). My guess is that this might be a shorthand idiom meaning essentially the same as turning a deaf ear to or simply disregarding. |
çâthar (סָתַר) [pronounced saw-THAR] |
to be hidden, to lie hid; to be covered over; to hide onself |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5641 BDB #711 |
This concept is expanded to times when two people cannot see one another; so this is a word for when two people are absent from one another. |
233. Masculine_noun: çêther (סֵתֶר) [pronounced SAY-ther], which means a covering, a hiding place, secrecy, privately. Strong’s #5643 BDB #712. Judges 3:19 1Sam. 19:2 2Sam. 12:12 Job 13:10 Psalm 10:8–9 32:7 61:4 Prov. 9:17
çêther (סֵתֶר) [pronounced SAY-ther] |
a covering, a hiding place; a hiding; something secret [clandestine, hidden], secrecy, privately; a vail, a covering; protection, defense |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5643 BDB #712 |
234. Feminine_noun: çêther (ר∵ת̤ס) [pronounced SAY-ther], which means shelter, protection, cover. Strong’s #5643 BDB #712. Fix spelling. 1Sam. 25:20
çêther (ר∵ת̤ס) [pronounced SAY-ther] |
shelter, protection, cover |
feminine singular counstruct |
Strong’s #5643 BDB #712 |
235. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5639 BDB #712.
236. Masculine_proper_noun: Çitherîy (סִתְרִי) [pronounced sixth-REE], which means, protective, protection of Jehovah; transliterated Sithri, Zithri. Strong’s #5644 BDB #712. Exodus 6:22*
Çitherîy (סִתְרִי) [pronounced sixth-REE] |
protective, protection of Jehovah; transliterated Sithri, Zithri |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5644 BDB #712 |
237. Masculine_noun: which means a place of shelter. Strong’s #4563 BDB #712.
238. Masculine_noun: miçetâr (מִסְתָּר) [pronounced mihs-TAWR], which means a secret place, a hiding place, the place of an ambush. Strong’s #4565 BDB #712. Psalm 64:4
miçetâr (מִסְתָּר) [pronounced mihs-TAWR] |
a secret place, a hiding place, the place of an ambush |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4565 BDB #712 |
239. Masculine_noun: which means hiding, the act of hiding. Strong’s #4564 BDB #712.
16. ע ʿAyin [pronounced ĢAH-yin] Written ʿ and not pronounced by some and some use a soft g or a guttural g
1. Letter: ע Ayin [pronounced ĢAH-yin] Written ʿ and not pronounced by some and some use a soft g or a guttural g (like you are hacking up a loogie). Strong’s #none BDB #712.
2. Masculine_noun: ʿâb (עָב) [pronounced ģawbv], which means projecting roof, landing. Meaning is uncertain. Equivalent spelling with Strong’s #5645 BDB #728. Perhaps the difference is singular versus plural. Strong’s #5646 BDB #712. 1Kings 7:6
ʿâb (עָב) [pronounced ģawbv] |
threshold, steps [up to a porch]; landing; pitched roof |
masculine singular noun; meaning is uncertain |
Strong’s #5646 BDB #712 |
In 1Kings 7:6, this is translated a canopy (ESV, Owens); roof (Green’s literal translation); thick beams (Webster). |
Spelled the same as Strong’s #5645 BDB #728, which means cloud, dark cloud, cloud-mass, darkness [caused by an overcast sky]; a dark thicket [of woods]. |
3. Verb: ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD], which means to work, to serve, to labor. From this verb is built the words for servant, service (work), and labor. Strong's #5647 BDB #712. Gen. 2:5, 15 3:23 4:2, 12 14:4 15:13 25:23 27:29, 40 29:15 30:26 31:6 49:15 Exodus 1:13, 14 3:12 4:23 5:18 6:5 7:16 8:1 9:1 10:3, 8, 11 12:31 13:5 14:5, 11 20:5, 9 21:2 23:24, 25 Num. 8:11 Deut. 4:19 5:9, 13 17:3 20:11 21:3, 4 29:26 Joshua 16:10 22:27 24:14 Judges 2:7 9:28 1Sam. 4:9 7:3–4 8:8 11:1 12:10, 20 17:9 26:19 2Sam. 10:19 15:8 16:19 22:44 1Kings 4:21 9:6, 9, 21 Job 21:15 Psalm 2:11 106:36
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
to work, to serve, to labor; to be a slave to |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
This verb also means: to serve as subjects; to serve (God); to serve (with Levitical service). |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
work, serve, labor; be a slave to |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
working, serving, laboring; being a slave to |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
a worker, one who serves, a laborer; a slave; a tiller [of the soil]; a farmer, a gardener |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
the ones working (serving, laboring); workers, those who serve, laborers; slaves; tillers [of the soil]; farmers, gardeners |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
to be worked, to be tilled [as land]; to make oneself a servant; to be served [as a king] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
to be worked; to be under very hard bondage [labor, servitude] |
3rd person masculine plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
to make [compel, cause] one to labor [work, serve], to make someone a slave, to cause to serve as a servant, to put someone into bondage; to cause weariness [due to hard work], to fatigue |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil perfect |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
making [compelling, causing] one to labor [work, serve], making someone a slave, causing to serve as a servant, putting someone into bondage; causing weariness [due to hard work], fatiguing |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
ʿâbad (עָבַד) [pronounced ģawb-VAHD] |
to be led or enticed to serve [work, labor], to be made [persuaded, incited] to serve |
3rd person masculine plural, Hophal perfect |
Strong's #5647 BDB #712 |
4. Masculine_noun: ʿebed (עֶבֶד) [pronounced ĢEB-ved], which means slave, servant. ʿebved is the most common word for servant and we found this word used in 1Sam. 8:14–17. Although ʿebved clearly means servant, it possibly refers to underlings as well. This is the word was used throughout the Law in reference to the ethical treatment of a servant (e.g., Exodus 21 Lev. 25). See a full-blown discussion in Joshua 1:1. Strong’s #5650 BDB #713. Gen. 9:25 12:16 14:15 18:3 19:2 20:8, 14 21:25 24:2, 35 26:15, (18) 27:37 30:43 32:4 33:5 39:17 40:20 41:10, 12 42:10 43:18, 28 44:7, 10 45:16 46:34 47:3 50:2 Exodus 4:10 5:15 7:10 8:3 9:14 10:1 11:3 12:30, 44 13:3 14:5, 31 20:2, 10 21:2 , 7 32:13 Deut. 3:24 5:6, 14 16:11 34:5, 11 Joshua 1:1 24:17 Judges 2:8 1Sam. 3:9 8:14, 17 12:19 (14:40) 16:15, 16 17:8, 9, 32, 58 18:5 19:1, 4 20:7 21:7 22:6 23:10 25:8 26:18 27:5, 12 28:2, 23 29:3 30:13 2Sam. 2:12 6:20 12:18 13:31 14:19 15:2 16:6 17:20 18:7 19:5 20:6 21:15 24:10 1Kings 1:2 2:38 3:6, 15 5:1, 6 8:23, 24 9:22 1Chron. 16:13 Job 1:8 3:19 Psalm 34:22 Eccles. 2:7
ʿebed (עֶבֶד) [pronounced ĢEB-ved] |
slave, servant; worker; underling; subject |
masculine singular noun with a 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5650 BDB #713 |
In today’s world, this might be understood to refer to a worker, an employee. |
ʿebâdîym (עְבָדִים) [pronounced ģeb-vaw-DEEM] |
slaves, servants; workers; underlings; subjects; slavery, bondage, servitude; this can mean military men, soldiers in the plural |
masculine plural noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5650 BDB #713 |
In today’s world, these people would be understood to be workers, employees, hires. |
5. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5661 BDB #714.
6. Masculine_noun: work. Eccles. 9:1.* Strong’s #5652 BDB #714.
7. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÔwbêd (עוֹבֵד) [pronounced goh-BAYD], which means a slave of, a servant of; transliterated Obed. Strong’s #5744 BDB #714. Ruth 4:17a 1Chron. 11:47
ʿÔwbêd (עוֹבֵד) [pronounced goh-BAYD] |
a slave of, a servant of; transliterated Obed |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5744 BDB #714 |
8. Masculine_proper_noun: a servant of. Strong’s #5654 BDB #714. 2Sam. 6:10 1Chron. 16:5, 38
ʿÔbêd (עֹבֵד) [pronounced ģoh-BADE] |
a slave, a servant |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5744 BDB #714 |
ʾĚdôwm (אֱדוֹם) [pronounced eh-DOHM]; also ʾĚdôm (אֱדֹם) [pronounced eh-DOHM |
reddish; and is transliterated Edom, Edomites |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #123 BDB #10 |
Together, these two words make up Obed-edom, which means a slave to the Edomite; a servant to Edom, which is Strong’s #5654. |
9. Masculine_proper_noun: a servant of the king. Strong’s #5663 BDB #715.
10. Masculine_proper_noun: a servant of [God]. Strong’s #5664 BDB #715.
11. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿabedâʾ (עַבְדָּא) [pronounced ahb-DAW], which means, a servant of Jehovah; work; transliterated Abda. Strong’s #5653 BDB #715. 1Kings 4:6
ʿabedâʾ (עַבְדָּא) [pronounced ahb-DAW] |
a servant of Jehovah; work |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5653 BDB #715 |
12. Masculine_proper_noun: Jer. 36:26.* Strong’s #5655 BDB #715.
13. Feminine_noun: ʿăbôdâh (עֲבֹדָה) [pronounced ģub-vo-DAWH], which means, labour, work, service. In a more modern vocabulary, we might use load, cargo, freight, payload. This can refer to the act of service as well as to that which is lifted or carried by slaves. By application, this could be rendered slave population, staff or slave staff. It is that which is lifted and carried; however, this refers to the act of service as well as to that which is lifted. The second word means labor, service and it is ʿăbvôdâh (ה ָדב ֲע) [pronounced ģub b-vo-DAWH] and this is a word used for slavery and bondage (Ex. 1:14 2:23 5:9, 11 6:6); service to the tabernacle or any other worship service (Ex. 12:25 27:19 30:16 36:1) and it used for the work which should not be done during a Sabbath or during another holy day (Num. 28:18, 25). The latter word tends to stand for work which is done for someone else or in service to someone else; and the first word focuses in on the labor or the work involved, whether it is in service to someone or not. Strong’s #5656&5647 BDB #715. See synonyms. Gen. 29:27 30:26 Exodus 1:14 2:23 5:9 6:6 12:25 13:5 27:19 30:16 Num. 4:32 28:18 Joshua 22:27 1Kings 1Chron. 6:48 Psalm 104:14
ʿăbôdâh (עֲבֹדָה) [pronounced ģub-vo-DAWH] |
labour, work, service; possibly: bondage; enslavement; service of [to] God |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5656 & #5647 BDB #715 |
14. Feminine_noun: ʿăbûddâh (עֲבֻדָּה) [pronounced ģubvood-DAW], which means household, household servants; this could be rendered slave population, staff or servant and slave staff. Strong’s #5657 BDB #715. Gen. 26:14 Job 1:3
ʿăbûddâh (עֲבֻדָּה) [pronounced ģubvood-DAW] |
household, household servants; this could be rendered slave population, staff or servant and slave staff |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5657 BDB #715 |
15. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5658 BDB #715.
16. Feminine_noun: servitude, bondage. Strong’s #5659 BDB #715.
17. Masculine_proper_noun: a servant of Yah. Strong’s #5660 BDB #715.
18. Masculine_proper_noun: a servant of El. Strong’s #5661 BDB #715.
19. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÔbadeyâh (הָיד-בֹע) [pronounced ģoh-bahde-YAW], a servant of Yah; transliterated Obadiah. Strong’s #5662 BDB #715. 1Chron. 12:9
ʿÔbadeyâh (הָיד-בֹע) [pronounced ģoh-bahde-YAW] |
a servant of Yah; transliterated Obadiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5662 BDB #715 |
20. Masculine_noun: work. Found only in Job 34:25.* Strong’s #4566 BDB #716.
21. Verb: to be thick, fat, gross. Strong’s #5666 BDB #716.
22. Masculine_noun: ʿăbîy (עֲבִי) [pronounced ģuh-VEE], which means thickness, depth, width; density. Strong’s #5672 BDB #716. 1Kings 7:26 Job 15:26
ʿăbîy (עֲבִי) [pronounced ģuh-VEE] |
thickness, depth, width; density |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5672 BDB #716 |
This is also spelled ‛ôbîy (עֳבִי) [pronounced ģob-EE]. |
23. Noun: ʿâb (עָב) [pronounced ģawbv], which means thickness. Exodus 19:9* is my spelling correct? Is the Strong # correct? Strong’s #5645 BDB #716.
24. Masculine_noun: maʿăbeh (מַעֲבֶה) [pronounced mah-ub-EH], clay, loam; compact soil; thickness, compactness. Strong’s #4568 BDB #716. 1Kings 7:46
maʿăbeh (מַעֲבֶה) [pronounced mah-ub-EH] |
clay, loam; compact soil; thickness, compactness |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4568 BDB #716 |
25. Masculine_noun: pledge, thing taken in a pledge. Strong’s #5667 BDB #716.
26. Masculine_noun: weight of a pledge. Strong’s #5671 BDB #716.
27. Verb: to take a pledge, to give a pledge. Strong’s #5670 BDB #716.
28. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿôwbâl (עוֹבָל) [pronounced ģoh-BAWL], which means stripped bare; transliterated Obal. Strong’s #5745 BDB #716. Gen. 10:28
ʿôwbâl (עוֹבָל) [pronounced ģoh-BAWL] |
stripped bare; transliterated Obal |
masculine singular proper noun: |
Strong’s #5745 BDB #716 |
Spelled ʿîybâl (עִיבָל) [pronounced ģee-BAWL] in 1Chron. 1:22. |
29. Proper noun mountain: ʿêybâl (עֵיבָל) [pronounced ģay-BAWL], which means, stone, bare mountain; transliterated, Ebal. Strong’s #5858 BDB #716. Gen. 36:23
ʿêybâl (עֵיבָל) [pronounced ģay-BAWL] |
stone, bare mountain; transliterated, Ebal |
Proper noun, mountain |
Strong’s #5858 BDB #716 |
30. Proper Masculine_noun: yaʿebvêts (ץ̤ ע-י) [pronounced yahģ-VAYTZ], which is transliterated Jabez. Strong’s #3258 BDB #716. 1Chron. 4:9
31. Verb: ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR], which means to pass over, to pass through, to pass on, to pass, to go over. It is found well over 500 times in the Bible. In Deut. 24:5, the verb translated charge, laid on, or passed over is the 3rd person, Qal imperfect of ʿâbar, which means pass over, pass through, pass on. I am even wondering in this context if it might mean that he is not to be passed over with regards to ranking or privilege under these circumstances. That would make more sense and fall in with the context. This is not a precedent meaning that he should not work or become involved in a business during this year. In the Hiphil this word means to set apart, to cause to sound, to pass over, to cause to pass, to put away, to pass through, to conduct, to carry over, to make proclamation, to do away, to take away, to bring, carried, made, have brought. Obviously, that is too many to try to use for one word in one particular stem. The basic idea behind this verb is the idea of to pass over, to cross over [a stream, a shore, etc.]. From this, we can extrapolate the meanings to die, to depart, to go away. The subject of this verb can be man, wind, water, and even tears. The Hiphil is the causative stem; therefore, it means to cause to pass over, to transmit, to send over, to conduct over. Metaphorically, this can mean to pass by sin, to remit, to forgive (2Sam. 12:13 24:10). In the Piel, one of the meanings has to do with the sperm passing through a impregnating the female. Keil and Delitzsch were pretty adamant that this mean pass by rather than pass over in Job 11:16. As a masculine plural Qal participle, it acts as a noun and means those passing through, travelers. Strong’s #5674 BDB #716. [Doctrine of the Name Hebrew Gen. 8:1 12:6 15:17 18:5 23:16 30:32 31:21 32:10, 16, 23 33:3 37:28 49:4 Exodus 17:5 30:13 32:27 Num. 22:26 Deut. 2:4, 8, 13, 18, 30 4:14 17:2 24:5 29:12, 16 (Psalm 78:13 81:6 136:14 Joshua 1:11 3:2 4:3, 23 7:7, 15 10:29 18:18 Judges 6:33 10:9 11:20, 29, 32 12:1 19:12, 14 Ruth 2:8 Job 7:21 9:11 11:16 13:13 14:5—change and add the ģ) Job 17:7 19:8 21:10, 29 Psalm 73:7 148:6] I Need to change the bb into a b (that is, to ב) and pronunciation (or not, as those passages precede my new table approach) except Gen. 18:3 41:46 47:21 Exodus 12:12 13:12 15:16 33:19, 22 Deut. 3:18, 26 4:21 34:4 Judges 2:20 1Sam. 2:24 9:3, 27 13:7 14:4 15:12 16:8 20:36 25:19 26:13 27:2 29:2 30:10 2Sam. 2:8, 15 3:10 12:13 15:18, 23 16:1, 9 17:16, 21 18:9, 23 19:15, 18, 40 20:13 24:5, 10, 20 1Kings 2:37 6:21 9:8 1Chron. 12:15 Psalm 57:1 73:7 89:38 103:16 148:6 Prov. 4:15 7:7 8:29 9:15 10:25
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
to pass over, to pass through, to pass on, to pass, to go over [beyond], to cross, to cross over; to go away, to depart; to violate [a law] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
BDB gives a huge array of meanings: 1) to pass over or by or through, alienate, bring, carry, do away, take, take away, transgress; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pass over, cross, cross over, pass over, march over, overflow, go over; 1a2) to pass beyond; 1a3) to pass through, traverse; 1a3a) passers-through (participle); 1a3b) to pass through (the parts of victim in covenant); 1a4) to pass along, pass by, overtake and pass, sweep by; 1a4a) passer-by (participle); 1a4b) to be past, be over; 1a5) to pass on, go on, pass on before, go in advance of, pass along, travel, advance; 1a6) to pass away; 1a6a) to emigrate, leave (one’s territory); 1a6b) to vanish; 1a6c) to perish, cease to exist; 1a6d) to become invalid, become obsolete (of law, decree); 1a6e) to be alienated, pass into other hands. |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
pass over, pass through, pass on, pass, go over [beyond], cross, cross over; go away, depart; violate [a law] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
passing by, passing through; passing over |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
those passing by, ones passing through; the ones passing over |
masculine plural, Qal participle |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
passer by, one passing through; one passing over |
masculine singular, Qal participle |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
to cause [make] to pass over, to cause [allow] to pass through, to bring [over, to]; to transmit, to send over; to pass by sin, to cause to pass away, to cause to take away; to remit, to forgive |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
Because there are several Qal meanings, there are several corresponding Hiphil meanings. This word, in the Hiphil, can also mean to bring; to offer up [as a sacrifice]; to consecrate; to lead away, to take away, to remove; to avert. |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
cause [make] to pass over, cause [allow] to pass through, bring [over, to]; transmit, send over; pass by sin, cause to pass away, cause to take away; remit, forgive |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
to impregnate; to become pregnant; to cause [make] to cross [pass over] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
to be passed [crossed] over; to be crossed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
ʿâbar (עָבַר) [pronounced ģawb-VAHR] |
to pass over; to pour oneself forth [in wrath], to be angry; to be proud |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5674 BDB #716 |
32. Masculine_singular_noun: ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver], which means region across, beyond, side. There are combinations of this word and various prepositions. Strong's #5676 BDB #719. Exodus 25:37 28:26 Num. 22:1 Deut. 4:41 Joshua 1:14 5:1 9:1 12:1, 7 13:7 17:5 1Sam. 14:1, 4 26:13 1Kings 4:24
ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
region beyond [across]; region on the other side [of a valley, stream, sea]; the opposite region [side]; beyond, side |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #5676 BDB #719 |
33. Preposition/noun combination: ʾel (ל ∵א) [pronounced el], followed by ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver], which means region across, beyond, side. Strong's #5676 BDB #719. With a preposition, ʿêber acts like a preposition. Together, these mean to the region beyond, to the opposite region, towards a region, towards the region opposite one’s face. Joshua 22:11
34. Preposition/noun combination: ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver], which means region across, beyond, side. With the bêyth preposition, it means beyond. Strong's #5676 BDB #719. (Num. 22:1 Joshua 1:14 5:1 9:1 12:1, 7 13:7 17:5 ??) Deut. 1:1 3:8 Judges 5:17 11:18 1Sam. 31:7
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, upon, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
region beyond [across]; region on the other side [of a valley, stream, sea]; the opposite region [side]; beyond, side |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #5676 BDB #719 |
The bêyth preposition with the masculine noun ʿêber literally mean in the opposite region, in the opposite side; together, they often act as the single preposition beyond, on the other side of. |
35. Preposition/noun_combination: 1Kings 7:20
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
region beyond [across]; region on the other side [of a valley, stream, sea]; the opposite region [side]; beyond, side |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5676 BDB #719 |
In 1Kings 7:20, this is translated beside (Owens); |
36. Preposition/noun_combination: 2Sam. 10:16 Job 1:19 1Kings 4:12 7:30
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿêber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
region beyond [across]; region on the other side [of a valley, stream, sea]; the opposite region [side]; beyond, side |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #5676 BDB #719 |
Min ʿêber together act as a preposition and are reasonably translated from beyond, from the other side, beyond. |
37. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊbver (ר∵ב̤ע) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver], which is transliterated Eber, and is perhaps the eponym of Hebrew. Strong’s #5677 BDB #720. Doctrine of the Name Hebrew Gen. 10:21, 24 11:14
ʿÊber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
one from beyond, the other side, across, region on the other side; and is transliterated Eber, Heber, Hebrew, Eberite |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5677 BDB #720 |
The name denotes a person who came from the other side of the river (the Euphrates River). |
38. Adjective/Gentis: ʿIberîy (עִבְרִי) [pronounced ģibe-VREE], which means one from beyond; and is transliterated Hebrew, Eberite. It is poorly transliterated as Hebrew. This word, interestingly enough, is found most often in the Law of Moses and in the book of 1Samuel; after this, we will find it thrice in Jeremiah and once in Jonah. We first find this mentioned back in Gen. 14:13 in reference to Abraham, when we discussed it in more detail. Strong’s #5680 BDB #720. Gen. 10:21, 24 (11:23) 14:13 39:14 40:15 41:12 Exodus 1:15 2:6, 7, 11, 13 3:18 5:3 9:1 10:3 21:2 1Sam. 4:6 13:3 14:21 29:3
ʿÊber (עֵבֶר) [pronounced ĢAYB-ver] |
one from beyond, the other side, across, region on the other side; and is transliterated Eber, Heber, Hebrew, Eberite |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5677 BDB #720 |
The name denotes a person who came from the other side of the river (the Euphrates River). |
ʿIberîy (עִבְרִי) [pronounced ģihb-VREE] |
one from beyond; transliterated Hebrew, Eberite |
proper masculine singular gentilic/noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5680 BDB #720 |
ʿIberîym (עִבְרִימ) [pronounced ģihb-VREEM] |
those from beyond; transliterated Hebrews, Eberites |
proper masculine plural gentilic/noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5680 BDB #720 |
ʿIberîyôwth (עִבְרִיוֹת) [pronounced ģihb-vree-OHTH] |
those from beyond; Hebrew women; transliterated Hebrewesses |
proper feminine plural gentilic/noun/adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #5680 BDB #720 |
39. Feminine_noun: ʿăbârâh (עֲבָרָה) [pronounced ģub-aw-RAW], which means ford [shallow portion] [of a river]; region on the other side [of a river, stream, sea]; the opposite region [side]; the opposite side; from the other side; beyond. Strong’s #5679 BDB #720. 2Sam. 15:28 19:18
ʿăbârâh (עֲבָרָה) [pronounced ģub-aw-RAW] |
ford [shallow portion] [of a river]; ferry boat or raft [for crossing a river] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5679 BDB #720 |
40. Feminine_noun: ʿeverâh (עֶבְרָה) [pronounced ģebv-RAW], which means an outburst of anger, overflow of fury, overflowing rage, outpouring of anger; overflow, arrogance, fury; pride, arrogance, haughtiness. The KJV pretty consistently renders this wrath. The idea appears to be that someone stores up this anger, fury and wrath for a long time, and then suddenly lets it all out. Strong’s #5678 BDB #720. Gen. 49:7 Job 21:30 Psalm 7:6
ʿeverâh (עֶבְרָה) [pronounced ģebv-RAW] |
an outburst of anger, overflow of fury, an outpouring of anger, an overflowing rage, fury, wrath; overflow; pride, arrogance, haughtiness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5678 BDB #720 |
41. Verb: which means to be arrogant, to infuriate oneself. Strong’s # BDB #720.
42. Masculine_substantive: ʿâbûr (רב ָע) [pronounced aw-BURR or gaw-BURR], and it means produce, yield, and possibly corn. Found as a noun only in Joshua 5:11–12. Keil and Delitzsch indicate that this is the new corn; i.e., corn from that year, not from the previous. Strong’s #5669 BDB #721. Joshua 5:12
43. Preposition/conjunction: baʿăbûwr (בַּעֲבוּר) [pronounced bah-ģub-VOOR],which means because of, for, that, for the sake of, on account of, in order that. In relationship to some physical object, it means beyond. With time, it can mean while. It is really a combination of a preposition and a preposition which has a separate listing in BDB. Strong’s #5668 BDB #721. (Check below to carry this over). Gen. 3:17 8:21 12:13 18:26 21:30 26:24 27:4, 10 46:34 50:10 Exodus 9:14 13:8 19:9 1Sam. 1:6 12:22 23:10 2Sam. 5:12 6:12 7:21 9:1 10:5 12:21, 25 13:2 14:20 18:18 Job 20:2 Psalm 105:45 106:32 132:10
baʿăbûwr (בַּעֲבוּר) [pronounced bah-ģub-VOOR] |
because of, for, that, for the sake of, on account of, in order that, so that; while |
preposition/conjunction; substantive always found combined with the bêyth preposition |
Strong’s #5668 BDB #721 |
Actually a combination of the bêyth preposition (in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before) and ʿâbûwr (עֲבוּר) [pronounced ģawv-BOOR] which means a passing over, a transition; the cause of a crossing over; the price [of transferring ownership of something]; purpose, objective. Properly, it is the passive participle of Strong’s #5674 BDB #720. BDB and the e-sword KJV+ list it as Strong’s #5676 BDB #719 combined with the bêyth preposition. Strong’s #5668 BDB #721. |
BDB lists Strong’s #5676 as meaning region beyond or across, [the opposite] side. Most translations suggest that, when this is understood geographically, the combination means on the other [opposite] side; in the region beyond; across on the other side. |
44. Preposition combo: Exodus 20:20 2Sam. 17:14
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
baʿăbûwr (בַּעֲבוּר) [pronounced bah-ģub-VOOR] |
because of, for, that, for the sake of, on account of, in order that; while |
preposition/conjunction; substantive always found combined with the bêyth preposition |
Strong’s #5668 BDB #721 |
Actually a combination of the bêyth preposition (in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before) and ʿâbûwr (עֲבוּר) [pronounced ģawv-BOOR] which means a passing over, a transition; the cause of a crossing over; the price [of transferring ownership of something]; purpose, objective. Properly, it is the passive participle of Strong’s #5674 BDB #720. BDB and the e-sword KJV+ list it as Strong’s #5676 BDB #719 combined with the bêyth preposition. Strong’s #5668 BDB #721. |
The lâmed preposition, the bêyth preposition and the word ʿâbûwr (עֲבוּר) [pronounced ģawv-BOOR] together appear to mean to the intent that, with the intent that; for the intent that, to the end that; in order to. That final definition came from BDB; the others came from the meanings of these words and the context of 2Sam. 17:14. |
45. Combo: Gen. 27:10
baʿăbûwr (בַּעֲבוּר) [pronounced bah-ģub-VOOR] |
because of, for, that, for the sake of, on account of, in order that; while |
preposition/conjunction; substantive always found combined with the bêyth preposition |
Strong’s #5668 BDB #721 |
Actually a combination of the bêyth preposition (in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before) and ʿâbûwr (עֲבוּר) [pronounced ģawv-BOOR] which means a passing over, a transition; the cause of a crossing over; the price [of transferring ownership of something]; purpose, objective. Properly, it is the passive participle of Strong’s #5674 BDB #720. BDB and the e-sword KJV+ list it as Strong’s #5676 BDB #719 combined with the bêyth preposition. Strong’s #5668 BDB #721. |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who, whom |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
These 3 words together probably have a colloquial meaning. Literally, they mean because which, because that; on account of that. I have rendered this, for which. Gesenius suggests that, for the purpose that, in order that. |
46. Preposition/noun combination: ʿêber (ר ∵ב ֵע) [pronounced ĢAY-ber] which means region across, beyond, side. Strong’s #5676 BDB #719. With a mêm, it means on the opposite side, on the other side from the opposite side, from beyond. (Num. 22:1 Joshua 1:14 5:1 9:1 12:1, 7 13:7 17:5 ??)
47. There are two prepositions which are put together to begin this verse; the bêyth preposition and the result is the baʿăbur (ר ֻב ֱע ַ) [pronounced bah-ģab-vur] and together they mean in order that. See above. Strong’s #5668 BDB #721.
48. Masculine_noun: maʿebâr (מַחְבָר) [pronounced mah-ģuhB-VAWR], which means ford, crossing, passage. Strong’s #4569 BDB #721. Gen. 32:22 1Sam. 13:23
maʿebâr (מַחְבָר) [pronounced mah-ģuhB-VAWR] |
ford, pass, crossing pass, passage |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4569 BDB #721 |
49. Feminine_noun: maʿebârâh (ה ָר ָ ׃ע ַמ) [pronounced mahģ-baw-RAW], which means ford, crossing pass, passage. Here, it refers to the few places of the Jordan that one could cross over. Strong’s #4569 BDB #721. Judges 3:28 1Sam. 14:4
maʿebârâh (ה ָר ָ ׃ע ַמ) [pronounced mahģ-baw-RAW] |
ford, pass, crossing pass, passage |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4569 BDB #721 |
50. Verb: which means to shrivel, to contract. Strong’s #5685 BDB #721.
51. Verb: which means to wind, to weave. Strong’s #5686 BDB #721.
52. Adjective: which means interwoven, leafy, interwoven foliage. 721???? Strong’s #5687 BDB #821.
53. Masculine_noun: ʿăbôthâh/ʿăbôth (עֲבֹתָה/עֲבוֹת/עֲבֹת) [pronounced ģub-ohth-AW/ģub-OHTH], which means something interwoven [or intertwined]; a cord, rope, bonds; a braid; a wreath; a branch with thick [interwoven] foliage. Young renders this as thick rope. Strong’s #5688 BDB #721. Exodus 28:14 Judges 15:13 16:11 Psalm 2:3 118:27
ʿăbôthâh/ʿăbôth (עֲבֹתָה/עֲבוֹת/עֲבֹת) [pronounced ģub-ohth-AW/ ģub-OHTH] |
something interwoven [or intertwined]; a cord, rope, bonds; a braid; a wreath; a branch with thick [interwoven] foliage |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5688 BDB #721 |
The word rendered cords, means properly anything interwoven or interlaced. Therefore, it means a cord, a braid, a wreath; and then a branch with thick foliage. |
54. Verb: which means to have an inordinate affection, to lust for. Strong’s #5689 BDB #721.
55. Masculine_noun: which means sensuous love. Strong’s #5690 BDB #721.
56. Feminine_noun: which means lustfulness. Strong’s #5691 BDB #721.
57. Masculine_noun: ʿûwgâb (עוּגָב) [pronounced ģoo-GAWBV], which means organ; but is given several other translations (tibia, fistula, syrinx, pipe, reed, flute, organ). Given this name due to its sensual or appealing tones. Strong’s #5748 BDB #721. Gen. 4:21 Job 21:12 Psalm 150:4
ʿûwgâb (עוּגָב) [pronounced ģoo-GAWBV] |
organ; but is given several other translations (tibia, fistula, syrinx, pipe, reed, flute, organ) |
masculine singular noun: |
Strong’s #5748 BDB #721 |
This word is probably related to the word to blow, which could indicate something similar to a woodwind or horn instrument; however, this blowing could also be similar to the air being pumped through pipes as an organ functions. Barnes reasonably rejects the organ as being too recent a musical instrument to be found in the days of Job; and adds that even if such an instrument existed, it would be unlikely used in a family gathering. |
58. Masculine_noun: ʿêgel (עֵגֶל) [pronounced ĢAY-gel], which means calf. Strong’s #5695 BDB #722. Exodus 32:4 1Sam. 28:24 Psalm 29:6 106:19
ʿêgel (עֵגֶל) [pronounced ĢAY-gel] |
calf |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5695 BDB #722 |
59. Feminine_noun: ʿegelâh (עֶגְָה) [pronounced ģege-LAW], which means heifer. Strong’s #5697 BDB #722. Gen. 15:9 1Sam. 16:2
ʿegelâh (עֶגְָה) [pronounced ģege-LAW] |
heifer |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #5697 BDB #722 |
60. Proper_feminine_noun: ʿEgelâh (הָלג∵ע) [pronounced ģehge-LAW], which means heifer; transliterated Eglah. Strong’s #5698 BDB #722. 2Sam. 3:6
ʿEgelâh (הָלג∵ע) [pronounced ģehge-LAW] |
heifer; chariot; round transliterated Eglah |
proper singular feminine noun |
Strong’s #5698 BDB #722 |
61. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5697,7992 BDB #722.
62. Adjective: ʿâgôl (עָגֹל) [pronounced ģaw-GOHL], which means round, circular, revolving. Strong’s #5696 BDB #722. 1Kings 7:23
ʿâgôl (עָגֹל) [pronounced ģaw-GOHL] |
round, circular, revolving |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5696 BDB #722 |
Also spelled ʿâgôwl (עָגוֹל) [pronounced ģaw-GOHL]. |
63. Feminine_noun: ʿăgâlâh (עֲגָלָה) [pronounced ģuh-gaw-LAW], which means cart, wagon. Strong’s #5699 BDB #722. Gen. 45:19 46:5 1Sam. 6:7 2Sam. 6:3 Psalm 46:9
ʿăgâlâh (עֲגָלָה) [pronounced ģuh-gaw-LAW] |
[an ox-] cart, wagon; a chariot, a war vehicle |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5699 BDB #722 |
64. Masculine_noun: which means hoop, ring. Strong’s #5694 BDB #722.
65. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿEgelôwn (ןלג∵ע) [pronounced ehg-LOHN], which means calf-like; transliterated Eglon. Strong’s #5700 BDB #722. Judges 3:12
ʿEgelôwn (ןלג∵ע) [pronounced ehg-LOHN] |
calf-like; little calf; transliterated Eglon |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5700 BDB #722 |
66. Masculine_noun: maʿegâl (מַעְגָל) [pronounced mahģ-GAWL], which means entrenchment, track, rut [wherein a wheel revolves]; a way; a course of action. Strong’s #4570 BDB #722. Psalm 23:3 Prov. 4:26 5:6, 21
maʿegâl (מַעְגָל) [pronounced mahģ-GAWL] |
entrenchment, track, rut [wherein a wheel revolves], wagon rampart; a way; a course of action |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4570 BDB #722 |
maʿegâllâth (מַעְגָּלָת) [pronounced mahģ-gawl-AWTH] |
entrenchments, tracks, ruts [wherein a wheel revolves], wagon ramparts; ways; courses of action |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4570 BDB #722 |
67. Feminine_noun: maʿegâlâh (מַעְגָלָה) [pronounced mahģ-gaw-LAW], which means a wagon rampart; a fortification [constructed of wagons]. About half of the references are masculine; the other half feminine. Strong’s #4570 BDB #722. 1Sam. 17:20 26:5 Prov. 2:9 4:11
maʿegâl (מַעְגָל) [pronounced mahģ-GAWL] |
entrenchment, track, rut [wherein a wheel revolves]; a way, path; a course of action |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4570 BDB #722 |
maʿegâlîym (מַעְגָלִים) [pronounced mahģ-gaw-LEEM] |
paths, tracks; entrenchments, ruts [wherein a wheel revolves]; ways, courses of action |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4570 BDB #722 |
maʿegâlâh (מַעְגָלָה) [pronounced mahģ-gaw-LAW] |
a wagon rampart, wagon tracks; a fortification [constructed of wagons] |
feminine singular noun with the definite article and the directional hê |
Strong’s #4570 BDB #722 |
The masculine form of this word means entrenchment, track, rut [wherein a wheel revolves]; a way; a course of action. It is not clear that the masculine and feminine forms have different meanings. The masculine is found in 1Sam. 26:5, 7 Psalm 23:3 65:11 140:5 Prov. 2:9 4:11, 26 Isa. 26:7. The feminine form is found in 1Sam. 17:20 Psalm 17:5 Prov. 2:15, 18 5:6, 21 Isa. 59:8. Strong treats them as the same word; Wigram (The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance) treats them as different words. Seeing as how the same authors (essentially) use both forms of the word, that would indicate to me that these words are cognates, but not necessarily synonyms. |
68. Verb: which means to be grieved. Strong’s #5701 BDB #723.
69. Verb: ʿâgan (ן-גע) [pronounced ģaw-GAHN], which means to shut oneself in, to shut oneself off. This verb is found only here. It could even have a more exotic meaning, as in to remain in a state of celibacy; we are only making guesses. You may wonder, what do we do when there are no cognates, no similar words in other languages? Often, we simply follow the lead of the Septuagint and any other early translation of this passage. Strong’s #5702 BDB #723. Ruth 1:13*
70. Masculine_noun: some kind of bird. Strong’s #5693 BDB #723.
71. Feminine_noun: which means menstruation. Strong’s #5708 BDB #723.
72. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿIddôw (עִדּוֹ) [pronounced ģihd-DOH], which means his witness; timely; transliterated Iddo. Strong’s #5714 BDB #723. 1Kings 4:14
ʿIddôw (עִדּוֹ) [pronounced ģihd-DOH] |
his witness; timely; transliterated Iddo |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5714 BDB #723 |
This name is also spelled ʿIddôwʾ (עִדּוֹא) [pronounced ģihd-DOH] and ʿIddîyʾ (עִדִּיא) [pronounced ģihd-DEE]. |
73. Verb1: which means to pass on, to advance. Strong’s #5710 BDB #723.
74. Masculine_noun1: ʿad (ד-ע) [pronounced ģahd], which means forever, perpetuity, eternity. Strong’s #5703 BDB #723. Gen. (49:26) Job 20:4 Psalm 52:8
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
forever, perpetuity, eternity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5703 BDB #723 |
This is a homonym; it also means booty, prey (as a noun) and as far as, up to, until as a preposition. |
75. Noun/Prepositional_compound: lâʿad (ד-עָל) [pronounced law-ĢAHD],which means, literally, to perpetuity; and is generally translated forever. ʿad =Strong’s #5703 BDB #723. The lâmed prefix is Strong’s #none BDB #510. Psalm 21:6 89:29 148:6
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
forever, perpetuity, eternity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5703 BDB #723 |
Literally, this means to forever, to perpetuity. Together these two words are often rendered forever. Owen claims that we have a definite article here as well. |
76. Masculine_noun2: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd], which means booty, prey. Isa. 9:5 33:23. Strong’s #5706 BDB #723. Gen. 49:27
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd], |
booty, prey |
masculine singular noun2 |
Strong’s #5706 BDB #723 |
77. Preposition: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd], which means as far as, even to, up to, until. ʿAd (ד ַע) [pronounced ģahd] is used in four entirely different ways: (1) it can be a noun which means perpetuity, [Strong’s #5703] [also see Strong’s #5769]; (2) a noun which means booty, prey, [Strong’s #5706]; (3) a preposition that means as far as, even to, up to, until, while, and (4) a conjunction that means until, until that, to the point that, so that even [conjunction = Strong’s #5704 BDB #724]. Here is a preposition which clearly states that every single person is subject to this ban from the camp. In Psalm 83:17, it is doubled and, surprisingly enough, I was unable to document its meaning in Gesenius or in BDB. We will go with forever. Combined with min under min. Preposition: Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. [See Strong’s #2008 for a combination with an adverb]. I need to spend more time here! Gen. 3:19 8:5 11:31 12:6 14:6, 14 15:15 19:22 22:5 24:19, 33 25:18 26:33 31:24 32:4 33:3 34:5 35:20 38:1 39:16 41:49 43:25 48:5 49:10, 26 50:10 Exodus 9:7, 18 10:6, 26 11:5 12:6 13:15 14:28 15:16 16:19 17:12 22:9 23:18 24:14 27:5 29:34 33:8, 22 Num. 21:29 (and most of this comes from before that reference) Deut. 1:2 2:5 3:3 4:11, 30, 48 20:20 22:2 30:2 34:1 Joshua 3:1, 15, 17 4:23 7:13 10:20 & 27 (prepositions) Judges 3:26 4:16 6:24 7:22 15:8 16:13a 19:25, 30 20:1 1Sam. 1:16, 22 2:5 5:9 7:11, 14 8:8 9:13 11:15 12:2 13:13 14:9, 24 15:3 16:1 17:52 18:4 19:22 20:5 25:22 27:6 29:3 2Sam. 1:12 13:22 14:25 15:24 16:5 18:18 19:7 22:26, 38 23:10 1Kings 2:28 3:1, 2 4:12 5:3 1Chron. 11:8 12:16 [1Chron. 6:32 Job 5:9 (preposition) 8:2 (prep), 21 (prep) 9:10 (prep. Or conj.) 11:7 (prep.) 14:6, 12, 19 20:5, 16 Psalm 10:16 57:1 73:17 83:17 90:3 103:17 104:5 110:1 118:27 132:5 Prov. 4:18 7:18 8:26 Eccles. 2:3
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until; while, so long as; to, even to [some certain limit]; even to [unto], unto |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
while; until, so long as; even to; even that, so that |
conjunction |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
All of the BDB definitions are as follows: 1) as far as, even to, until, up to, while, as far as (preposition); 1a) of space; 1a1) as far as, up to, even to; 1b) in combination; 1b1) far as, both...and (with ‘min’ - from); 1c) of time; 1c1) even to, until, unto, till, during, end; 1d) of degree; 1d1) even to, to the degree of, even like; 2) until, while, to the point that, so that even (conjunction). Therefore, I believe that we can get away with the simple translation to. |
The combination of this preposition and the adjective gâdôwl appears to result in a superlative, even though there is no superlative in the Hebrew, per se. |
This preposition must have some specialized use with the Qal infinitive construct, but I cannot determine what it is. The translations in 1Sam. 9:13 gave the rendering until, till. |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
within, during; until, even until; to, for, to the end that |
Chaldean preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
while, when meanwhile; until that |
Chaldean conjunction |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
78. Prepositional_compound: Psalm 132:12
ʿădêy (י̤דֲע) [pronounced ģuh-DAY] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
while, so long as; to, even to [some certain limit]; even to [unto], unto; as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
These prepositions are probably identical, the first being simply a different form of the second and the first being a form often found in poetry. Together, literally, the repetition of this preposition means until, until or as far as, as far as. Translators have rendered this repeated preposition forever, forever more, evermore, continually, for all time, always. |
79. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is combined with the adverb ʾân (ן ָא) [pronounced awn], which means where; with regards to time it means to what point. Strong’s #575 BDB #33. With this is the direct hê. All together, this means how long? ʿAd = Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. ʾÂn = Strong’s #575 BDB #33. Job 18:2
80. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is combined with the relative pronoun ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced ash-ER], which means that, which, when or who. Strong's #834 BDB #81. Together, they mean until that, until the time, until that time, until then; referring generally to past time when used with a perfect tense and future when used with an imperfect tense. Gen. 29:8 Exodus 23:30 32:20 Deut. 2:29 Joshua 1:15 17:14 1Sam. 22:3 2Sam. 17:13
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Together, ʿad + ʾăsher literally mean as far as which; they are correctly translated until, until that, until the time, until that time, until then; referring generally to past time when used with a perfect tense and future when used with an imperfect tense. |
81. Prepositional_compound: the preposition ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. (Strong’s #5704 BDB #723). Combined with biletîy (י ̣ ׃ל ̣) [pronounced bille-TEE], which means without, besides except. Together, they mean so long as when followed by a noun; until not when followed by a verb in the perfect tense. (Strong’s #1115 BDB #116). Job 14:12
82. Prepositional_compound: Gen. 41:49 49:10
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until; while, so long as; to, even to [some certain limit]; even to [unto], unto |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
kîy (כִּי) [pronounced kee] |
when, that, for, because |
explanatory conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
Owens and the KJV render these words together as until; |
83. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is combined with the lâmed preposition. I could not find any documentation for this. 1Chron. 12:16, 22 13:5
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
In 1Chron. 12:16, this is rendered to (ESV, NASB, KJV, LTHB, MKJV, Tanakh, WEB); at (God’s Word, NAB, NJB, REB); as far as (The Emphasized Bible). Where this is rendered at, the translation invariably reads ...came to David at the stronghold. |
In 1Chron. 12:22, the phrase is rendered until (ESV, LTHB, MKJV, NASB, NRSV, Rotherham, Tanakh, Young, WEB). |
84. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is combined with the adverb This is followed by the adverb hênnâh (ה ָ ֵה) [pronounced HAYN-naw], which can be an adverb of place or of time. It can mean to this time, hitherto. Strong’s #2008 BDB #244. Together, they mean thus far, hitherto, up until this time. Gen. 15:16 1Sam. 1:16
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
hênnâh (הֵנָּה) [pronounced HAYN-naw] |
hither, here |
adverb |
Strong’s #2008 BDB #244 |
Together, ʿad + hênnâh mean thus far, hitherto, up until this time. |
85. Prepositional_compound: 1Kings 3:2
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until while, so long as to, even to [some certain limit] even to [unto], unto |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
yâmîym (יָמִים) [pronounced yaw-MEEM] |
days, a set of days time of life, lifetime a specific time period, a year |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #3117 BDB #398 |
hêm (הֵם) [pronounced haym] |
those, these [with the definite article] |
masculine plural demonstrative adjective |
Strong’s #1992 BDB #241 |
Perhaps this means, up to that point in time, up to this time in history. In 1Kings 3:2, the ESV and WEB (and many others) render this yet; the NKJV (and many others) until those days; the Voice until then; the Orthodox Jewish Bible in those days; REB up to that time; NJB at that time. |
86. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is combined with the adverb kôh (כֹּה) [pronounced koh], which means thus, here, hence. Strong’s #3541 BDB #462. Together, with regards to space, they mean as far as here; and with regards to time, they mean hitherto. In Joshua 17:14, we have ʿad ʾăsher ʿad kôh and the four are variously translated since hitherto (Owen), hitherto (Young), because hitherto (Rotherham), since...thus far (NASB), forasmuch...hitherto (KJV), till now and till then (BDB), and inasmuch as...until now (NKJV). We might render this loosely as up until this time. Joshua 17:14
87. Prepositional_compound: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. This is followed by mâthay (י-תָמ) [pronounced maw-THAH-ee],which means when? Passages noted at BDB #607. Strong’s #4970 BDB #607. Together, they mean until when, or how long. Exodus 10:3, 7
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
mâthay (מָתַי) [pronounced maw-THAH-ee] |
when, at which time; when? |
interrogative adverb of time; adverb of time |
Strong’s #4970 BDB #607 |
Together, ʿad + mâthay mean until when, how long? |
88. Prepositional_compound:
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition of duration or of limits |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
89. Verb2: which means to ornament, to deck onself [with ornaments]. Strong’s #5710 BDB #725.
90. Feminine_proper_noun: ʿÂdâh (עָדָה) [pronounced ģaw-DAW], which means ornament, decoration; transliterated Adah. Strong’s #5711 BDB #725. Gen. 4:19 36:2
ʿÂdâh (עָדָה) [pronounced ģaw-DAW] |
ornament, decoration; transliterated Adah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5711 BDB #725 |
91. Masculine_plural_noun: ʿădîy (עֲדִי) [pronounced guh-DEE], which means to ornament, trappings, to deck oneself [with ornaments]; age; mouth. Strong’s #5716 BDB #725. Exodus 33:4 2Sam. 1:25 Psalm 32:9 103:5
ʿădîy (עֲדִי) [pronounced guh-DEE] |
ornaments, ornament trappings, ornamentation; accessories; age; mouth |
masculine plural collective noun |
Strong’s #5716 BDB #725 |
BDB gives the meanings luxury, dainty, delight, finery, delight. I believe that the meanings given above are more accurate. |
Everywhere else, this noun means ornaments, trappings, accessories. However, in Psalm 103:5, the meaning is unclear, so the latter two meanings have been assigned to it. |
92. Masculine_noun_proper: which means an ornament; transliterated . Strong’s #5717 BDB #726.
93. Masculine_proper_noun: which means he has ornamented himself; transliterated . Strong’s #5718 BDB #726.
94. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5723 BDB #726.
95. Verb: which means to have good fortune, to enjoy wealth?. Strong’s #none BDB #726.
96. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂdelây which means to turn aside, to retreat, to take refuge; transliterated . Strong’s #5724 BDB #726.
97. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂdullâm (עֲדֻלָּם) [pronounced ģuhd-ool-LAWM], which means retreat, refuge and is transliterated Adullam. I don’t know if the meaning was derived from this incident or whether the meaning preceded this incident. Strong’s #5725 BDB #726. 1Sam. 22:1 2Sam. 23:13 1Chron. 11:15
ʿĂdullâm (עֲדֻלָּם) [pronounced ģuhd-ool-LAWM] |
retreat, refuge; justice of the people and is transliterated Adullam |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5725 BDB #726 |
98. Gentilic_adjective: ʿĂdullâmîy (עֲדֻלָּםִי) [pronounced ģuhd-ool-law-MEE], which means refuges, retreat; justice of the people; transliterated Adullamite, Adullami; a native of Adullam. Strong’s #5726 BDB #726. Gen. 38:1
ʿĂdullâmîy (עֲדֻלָּםִי) [pronounced ģuhd-ool-law-MEE] |
refuges, retreat; justice of the people; transliterated Adullamite, Adullami; a native of Adullam |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #5726 BDB #726 |
Masculine_noun: ʿêden (עֵדֶן) [pronounced ĢAY-den], which means pleasure; luxury, dainty, delight. See below. Strong’s #5730 BDB #726.
99. Verb: which means to luxuriate, to delight in. Hithpael verb. Strong’s #5727 BDB #726.
100. Masculine_proper_noun: which means luxury, dainty, delight; transliterated . Strong’s #5729 BDB #726.
101. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5733–5734 BDB #726.
102. Feminine_noun: ʿedenâh (עֶדְנָה) [pronounced ģehd-NAW], which means pleasure, sexual delight. Gen. 18:12.* Strong’s #5730 BDB #726. Gen. 18:12* (see above)
ʿedenâh (עֶדְנָה) [pronounced ģehd-NAW] |
pleasure, sexual delight |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5730 BDB #726 |
There is a masculine and feminine form of this word. The meanings are similar. Some lexicons treat them as the same word; some treat them as different words. They have the same Strong’s #. |
103. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAdenach (ח-נד-ע) [pronounced ģahde-NAHKH], which means delight, sexual delight; transliterated Adnan, Adnach. The spelling is disputed. Same Strong’s number above. Strong’s #5734 BDB #726. 1Chron. 12:20
ʿAdenach (ח-נד-ע) [pronounced ģahde-NAHKH] |
pleasure, delight, sexual delight; transliterated Adnan, Adnach |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5734 BDB #726 |
104. Adjective: ʿâdîyn (עָדִין) [pronounced ģaw-DEEN], which means voluptuous, Babylon personified. (#5733? See BDB) Strong’s #5719 BDB #726. 2Sam. 23:8
ʿâdîyn (עָדִין) [pronounced ģaw-DEEN] |
voluptuous, Babylon personified |
masculine singular adjective with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5719 BDB #726 |
ʿÂdîynôw (עָדִינוֹ) [pronounced ģaw-DEEN-oh] |
voluptuous, Babylon personified; perhaps a proper noun transliterated Adino |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5722 (= #5719 with suffix) BDB #726 |
105. Masculine_proper_noun: which means voluptuous; transliterated . Strong’s #5720 BDB #726.
106. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿădîynâʿ (עֲדִינָא) [pronounced ģuhd-ee-NAW], which means slender; transliterated Adina. Strong’s #5721 BDB #726. 1Chron. 11:42
ʿădîynâʾ (עֲדִינָא) [pronounced ģuhd-ee-NAW] |
sledner; transliterated Adina |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5721 BDB #726 |
107. Masculine_noun: maʿădân (מַעֲדָן) [pronounced mah-ģuh-DAWN], which means dainty food, delightful. Plural only. Strong’s #4574 BDB #726. 1Sam. 15:32?
maʿădân (מַעֲדָן) [pronounced mah-ģuh-DAWN] |
dainty food, a delight, delightful |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4574 BDB #726 |
108. Proper_noun/territory: ʿÊden (עֵדֶן) [pronounced ĢAY-den], which means pleasures; and is transliterated Eden. Strong’s #5731 BDB #727. Gen. 2:8 3:23 4:16
ʿÊden (עֵדֶן) [pronounced ĢAY-den] |
pleasures; and is transliterated Eden |
proper singular noun; place/territory |
Strong’s #5731 BDB #727 |
109. Proper_noun/territory: Strong’s #5729 BDB #727.
110. Verb: ʿâdaph (עָדַף) [pronounced aw-DAF], which means to remain over, to be in excess, to have more (a surplus, an excess); to be more. Strong’s #5736 BDB #727. Exodus 16:18, 23 26:12
ʿâdaph (עָדַף) [pronounced aw-DAF] |
to remain over, to be in excess, to have more (a surplus, an excess); to be more |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5736 BDB #727 |
ʿâdaph (עָדַף) [pronounced aw-DAF] |
remaining over, that which is in excess, having more (a surplus, an excess); being more |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5736 BDB #727 |
ʿâdaph (עָדַף) [pronounced aw-DAF] |
to have too much, to be in excess, to have more (a surplus, an excess) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5736 BDB #727 |
111. Verb1: ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR], which means to help. Probably Aramaic loan word. See below. Strong’s #5737 BDB #727.
112. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAderîyʾêl (עַדְרִיאֵל) [pronounced ĢAHDe-ree-ayl], which means lacking in foolishness and is transliterated Adriel. Strong’s #5741 BDB #727. 1Sam. 18:19 2Sam. 21:8
ʿaderîyʾêl (עַדְרִיאֵל) [pronounced ĢAHDe-ree-ayl] |
lacking in foolishness and is transliterated Adriel |
masculine singular proper singular noun |
Strong’s #5741 BDB #727 |
113. Verb2: ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR], which means to set in order, to arrange; to keep rank; to hoe; to weed; to help?. Strong’s #5737 BDB #727. 1Chron. 12:33
ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR] |
to set in order, to arrange; to keep rank; to hoe; to weed; to help? |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5737 BDB #727 |
There are several meanings given for this verb, most of which I have listed. BDB actually lists 3 sets of meanings: to help; to arrange, to hoe; to be lacking, to fail, to be left behind (the latter meanings are in the Niphal). This is the only verse where we find this verb and to help is given as the meaning (which may come from the LXX). Therefore, let us try to understand this verb apart from that meaning. The essential meaning seems to be to arrange, to set in order. A military troop which is properly disciplined can show arrangement and order in the way that it marches from point A to point B. A garden can show arrangement and order in the way that it looks when it is finished; hence, the idea that this verb could have come to mean, in some instances, to garden, to hoe, to arrange a garden. |
114. Masculine_noun: which means a hoe. Isa. 7:25.* Strong’s #4576 BDB #727.
115. Verb3: ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR], which means to be left behind, to remain; to be wanting [lacking]. Arab: to remain, to lag behind. Niphal only. Strong’s #5737 BDB #727. 1Sam. 30:19 2Sam. 17:22 1Kings 4:27
ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR] |
to be left behind, to remain; to be wanting [lacking] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5737 BDB #727 |
ʿâdar (עָדַר) [pronounced ģaw-DAHR] |
to leave behind; to leave wanting [lacking] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5737 BDB #727 |
116. Masculine_noun1: ʿêder (עֵדֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-der], which means flock, herd. Strong’s #5739 BDB #727. Gen. 29:2 30:40 32:16 35:21 Judges 5:16 1Sam. 17:34
ʿêder (עֵדֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-der] |
flock, herd |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5739 BDB #727 |
117. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5740 BDB #727.
118. Masculine_proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5740 BDB #727.
119. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5738 BDB #727.
120. Feminine_noun: ʿâdâsh (עָדָש) [pronounced ģaw-DAWSH], which means lentil. Strong’s #5742 BDB #727. Gen. 25:34 2Sam. 17:28 23:11 (1Chron. 11:13)
ʿâdâsh (עָדָש) [pronounced ģaw-DAWSH] |
lentil |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5742 BDB #727 |
ʿădâshîym (עֲדָשִים) [pronounced ģuh-daw-SHEEM] |
lentils |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5742 BDB #727 |
121. Noun/verb?: which means hidden place, thicket, wood. Strong’s #none BDB #727.
122. Masculine_noun2: ʿâb (עָב) [pronounced ģawbv], which means threshold, steps [up to a porch]; cloud, dark cloud, cloud-mass, darkness [caused by an overcast sky]; a dark thicket [of woods]. Perhaps the difference between this and Strong’s #5646 is plural versus singular? Strong’s #5645 BDB #728. Exodus 19:9 Judges 5:4 2Sam. 22:12 23:4 Psalm 147:8
ʿâb (עָב) [pronounced ģawbv] |
cloud, dark cloud, cloud-mass, darkness [caused by an overcast sky]; a dark thicket [of woods] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5645 BDB #728 |
Spelled the same as Strong’s #5646 BDB #712, which is an architectural term that possibly means threshold, steps [up to a porch]; landing; pitched roof. |
123. Verb: which means to becloud, to draw a circle. Strong’s #5743 BDB #728.
124. Feminine_noun: ʿûggâh (עֻגָּה) [pronounced ģoog-GAW], which means a disc or cake of bread. Strong’s #5692 BDB #728. Gen. 18:6 Exodus 12:30
ʿûggâh (עֻגָּה) [pronounced ģoog-GAW] |
a disc or cake of bread |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5692 BDB #728 |
125. Verb: which means to bake a cake, to make a cake of. Strong’s #5746 BDB #728.
126. Masculine_noun: which means a cake. Strong’s #4580 BDB #728.
127. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿôwg (חוֹג) [pronounced ģohg], which means round; long-necked; transliterated Og. Strong’s #5747 BDB #728. Deut. 1:4 3:1 4:47 1Kings 4:19
ʿÔwg (חוֹג) [pronounced ģohg] |
round; long-necked; transliterated Og |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5747 BDB #728 |
128. Verb: which means to return, to go about, to repeat, to do again. Strong’s #5749 BDB #728.
129. Noun/adverb: ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] (it is also written עֹד), which means still, yet, again, besides, in addition to, even yet. It is a word which acts as both an adverb and as a substantive. In both cases, it carries the idea of continuation. As an adverb it means still, yet, again, besides, in addition to, even yet; and as a noun it means continuing, continuation, continuance, persistence. Strong’s #5750 BDB #728. Gen. 4:24 7:4 8:10, 21 9:11 17:5 18:22 19:12 24:20 29:7 30:7 31:14 32:28 35:9 37:5 38:3 43:6 44:14 45:3 46:29 Exodus 2:3 3:15 4:6 9:2 10:29 11:1 14:13 17:4 Deut. 3:26 4:35 5:25 17:13 34:10 Joshua 1:11 2:11 5:1 14:11 Judges 2:14 6:24 7:4 8:20 9:37 11:14 1Sam. 1:18 3:6 7:13 10:22 13:7 16:11 18:8 20:3 23:4 26:21 27:1, 4 28:15 2Sam. 1:9 7:10 14:10 18:14 19:28 21:15 1Kings 1:14 8:59 1Chron. 12:1 Job 1:16 2:3 6:10 8:12, 21 14:7 20:9 Psalm 10:18 83:4 103:16 104:33, 35 146:2 Prov. 9:9
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
a going around; a continuing, a continuance; a repeating |
adverb/substantive with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
This is the infinitive absolute of the verb to go over again, to repeat. |
Gesenius says this is always an adverb. BDB gives meanings for this word as a substantive and Owen lists it as a substantive in Job 2:3. |
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
still, yet, again, again and again, repeatedly, in addition to; continue, continually; more, farther, besides; as yet, even yet |
adverb |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
In Gen. 43:6, this appears to be an adjective that means, another, an additional. |
lôʾ (לֹא or לוֹא) [pronounced low] |
not, no |
negates the word or action that follows; the absolute negation |
Strong’s #3808 BDB #518 |
With the negative, this means never again, no more, not...anymore, not again, no longer. |
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
continuing, continuation, continuance, persistence; a going round |
masculine plural noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
Gesenius tells us that this exact same form means while I yet [live] in Psalm 104:33. |
130. Preposition_Adverb_combination: Gen. 25:6 40:13 48:7 2Sam. 3:35 12:22
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
still, yet, again, besides, in addition to, even yet |
adverb |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
With the bêyth preposition, ʿôwd means while, while yet, while [it is] still; while [it is] yet, in the time that; within. |
131. Combo: Gen. 45:11
kîy (כִּי) [pronounced kee] |
for, that, because; when, at that time, which, what time |
explanatory or temporal conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
still, yet, again, again and again, repeatedly, in addition to; continue, continually; more, farther, besides; as yet, even yet |
adverb |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
There might be a combined meaning here: for yet [still], for [there is] yet, there will continue to be. |
132. Preposition_Adverb_combination: Gen. 48:15
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿôwd (עוֹד) [pronounced ģohd] |
still, yet, again, besides, in addition to, even yet |
adverb |
Strong’s #5750 BDB #728 |
With the min preposition, ʿôwd means from as yet, ever since, ever since I was. |
133. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5752 BDB #729.
134. Masculine_noun: ʿêd (עֵד) [pronounced ģayde], which means witness, testimony, solemn testimony, evidence; a statement of truth, something which stands as a testimony or memorial to a fact (e.g., Gen. 31:48 Deut. 31:19). It is a word used outside the courtroom (Gen. 31:44 Exodus 22:13) and inside as well as in (Deut. 17:6–7, 19:18). This can refer either to the person giving testimony or to the testimony itself. In the plural, it may seem awkward in the English; however, in this verse, this should be rendered evidences, solemn testimonies. Strong's #5707 BDB #729. The Doctrine of ʿidôth Gen. 31:44 Exodus 20:16 22:13 23:1 Deut. 5:20 17:6 30:19 1Sam. 12:5 Job 10:17 16:19 Psalm 89:37 Prov. 6:19
ʿêd (עֵד) [pronounced ģayde] |
witness, testimony, solemn testimony, evidence; a statement of truth, something which stands as a testimony or memorial to a fact (e.g., Gen. 31:48 Deut. 31:19) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5707 BDB #729 |
135. Feminine_noun: ʿêdâh (עֵדָה) [pronounced gay-DAW], which means witness, testimony. See plural use below. Strong’s #5713 BDB #729. The Doctrine of ʿidôth (singular and plural) Gen. 31:52 Deut. 4:45 Psalm 99:7 (plural)
ʿêdâh (עֵדָה) [pronounced ģay-DAW] |
witness, testimony |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5713 BDB #729 |
ʿidôth (עֵדָה) [pronounced ģih-DOHTH] |
testimonies, divine testimonies, charges [from God], words of God, the words of Scripture |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5713 BDB #730 |
Always found with a suffix and/or a definite article. |
Interestingly enough, this word is found almost exclusively in Deuteronomy (3x) and the Psalms (19x; mostly in Psalm 119) (and once in Genesis and once in Joshua). |
136. Verb: gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood], which means to take as a witness, to call [someone] to witness; to bear witness, to testify, to solemnly affirm; to solemnly admonish [or, enjoin]. It is found primarily in the Hiphil. I may want to tie these meanings together somehow. Strong’s #5749 BDB #729. The Doctrine of ʿidôth Gen. 43:3 Exodus 19:21, 23 Deut. 4:26 1Sam. 8:9 1Kings 2:42 Psalm 20:8 146:9
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to turn back, to return; to repeat, to do over again; to say again and again; to witness; to exhort |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to surround, to go round; to make go round |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to take as a witness, to call [someone] to witness; to bear witness, to testify, to solemnly affirm; to solemnly admonish [or, enjoin] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
take as a witness, call [someone] to witness; bear witness, testify, solemnly affirm; solemnly admonish [or, enjoin]; warn, exhort or enjoin solemnly, admonish, charge |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to be declared, to be shown; possibly, to be warned, testified to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to restore, to confirm; to relieve |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel (Polel) imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
gûwd (עוּד) [pronounced ģood] |
to set oneself up, to stand upright |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpalel imperfect |
Strong’s #5749 BDB #729 |
137. Feminine_plural_noun: ʿêdâh (הָד̤ע) [pronounced ģay-DAW], which means witness, testimony. See above. Strong’s #5713 BDB #730.
138. Feminine_noun: ʿêdûwth (עֵדוּת) [pronounced ģay-DOOTH], which means a precept, law, revelation, testimony. This word properly means that which is borne witness to and is applied to revealed truth as that which God bears witness to. This refers to all that has been revealed as true, whether about man, God’s perfect righteousness, His precepts and His Laws. It is rendered testimony most of the time in the KJV, and occasionally, witness. This term is used several times in reference to the decalogue (Ex. 31:18 32:15). This, when in conjunction with God’s Laws, appears to be a synonym for His Laws or His Word. Strong’s #5715 BDB #730. The Doctrine of ʿidôth Exodus 16:34 25:16 26:33 27:21 30:6 31:7 32:15 1Kings 2:3 Psalm 19:7 60 inscription
ʿêdûwth (עֵדוּת) [pronounced ģay-DOOTH] |
a precept, law, revelation, testimony |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5715 BDB #730 |
139. Feminine_noun: teʿûwdâh (הָדע ) [pronounced tegoo-DAW], which means testimony, attestation. We find this word only used thrice in Scripture: Ruth 4:7 and Isa. 8:16, 20.* We might render this here the manner of official records. Strong’s #8485 BDB #730. Ruth 4:7
140. Verb: ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW], which means to bend, to twist, to curve, to distort; to act perversely, to sin. Strong’s #5753 BDB #730. 1Sam. 20:30 2Sam. 7:14 24:17 Psalm 106:6 Also see below ➘
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to bend, to twist, to curve, to distort; to act perversely, to sin |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #730 |
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to be bent, to be twist, to be distorted; to writhe; to be bowed; to be depressed; to be perverted |
feminine singular construct, Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #730 |
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to pervert, to subvert, to overturn |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #730 |
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to commit iniquity; to do wrong; to make crooked, to make perverted; to act perversely; to cause to bend (twist, distort) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #730 |
141. Feminine_noun: which means distortion, ruin. Strong’s #5773 BDB #730.
142. Noun plural abstract: which means distorting, warping. Strong’s #5773 BDB #730.
143. Masculine_noun: which means a heap of ruin. Strong’s #5856 BDB #730.
144. Masculine_noun: which means ruin. Strong’s #4596 BDB #730.
145. Masculine_noun: ʿâvôwn (עָווֹן) [pronounced ģaw-VOHN], which means iniquity, crime, offense, transgression, depraved action, guilt, punishment from wrongdoing. It is pretty consistently rendered iniquity in the KJV. If iniquity is too old of a term for you, then trespass, offense, transgression, wrongdoing, or guilt would be reasonable translations. That appears to be too tame for Gesenius, who uses depraved action or crime as the translation. It generally came to mean the guilt for this depraved act. The least used meaning is punishment for wrongdoing. I personally favor choosing between guilt or punishment for wrongdoing, depending upon the context. When ʿâvôn is used in conjunction with nâsâ, the person spoken of is bearing the punishment for his iniquity. (this is also found in Lev. 20:20 22:9 Num. 14:33 Isa. 53:4 Ezek. 23:35, 49 43:20). Strong’s #5771 BDB #730. Gen. 4:13 15:16 19:15 44:16 Exodus 20:5 28:38 Deut. 5:9 1Sam. 3:13, 14 (I didn’t do this prior to Job 10:6?) 20:1 Job 10:6, 14 11:6 14:17 15:5 19:29 20:8 (I need to spend more time with this word; I need to differentiate between this word and ʾâshâm (ם ָש ָא) [pronounced aw-SHAWM], which is BDB #79 and Strong's #817) 1Sam. 25:24 28:10 2Sam. 3:8 14:9 19:19 22:24 24:10 Psalm 32:2 51:2 59:4 103:3, 10 106:43 Prov. 5:22
ʿâvôwn (עָווֹן) [pronounced ģaw-VOHN] |
iniquity, crime, offense, transgression, depraved action, guilt, punishment from wrongdoing |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #5771 BDB #730 |
146. Verb: ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW], which means to commit iniquity, to do wrong. ʿâvâh means to bend, to curve, to twist, to distort; to act perversely, to sin. In the Niphal, it means to be distorted, to writhe [with pain and spasms; to be bowed, to be depressed [by calamities]; to be perverse. In the Piel, it means to pervert, to subvert, to overturn. In the Hiphil, it means to make crooked, to pervert [that which is right], to pervert [one’s own way], to act perversely. Strong’s #5753 BDB #731. 2Sam. 19:19 1Kings 8:47 Psalm 106:6 also see above ➚
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to do wrong; to commit iniquity |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #731 |
ʿâvâh (עָוָה) [pronounced ģaw-VAW] |
to do wrong; to commit iniquity |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5753 BDB #731 |
147. Verb: ʿûwz (עוּז) [pronounced ģooz], which means to take refuge, to seek refuge, bring refuge. Strong’s #5756 BDB #731. Exodus 9:19
ʿûwz (עוּז) [pronounced ģooz] |
to take refuge, to seek refuge, to bring refuge, to provide refuge |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5756 BDB #731 |
ʿûwz (עוּז) [pronounced ģooz] |
take refuge, seek refuge, bring refuge; provide refuge |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #5756 BDB #731 |
148. Masculine_noun: mâʿôwz (מָעוֹז) [pronounced maw-ĢOHZ], which means place of safety, means of safety, place or means of protection, a fortified place, a fortress, a stronghold. Strong’s #4581 BDB #731. Judges 6:26 2Sam. 22:33 Psalm 52:7 60:7 Prov. 10:29
mâʿôwz (מָעוֹז) [pronounced maw-ĢOHZ] |
place of safety, means of safety, place or means of protection, a fortified place, a fortress, a refuge, a stronghold |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4581 BDB #731 |
149. Adjective_gentis: ʿAvvîym (עָוִּים) [pronounced ģahv-VEEM], which means perverters; transliterated Avvim, Avims, Avites, Avvites. Strong’s #5757 BDB #732. Deut. 2:23
ʿAvvîym (עָוִּים) [pronounced ģahv-VEEM] |
perverters; transliterated Avvim, Avims, Avites, Avvites |
masculine plural, adjective gentis; with the definite article |
Strong’s #5757 BDB #732 |
150. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5761 BDB #732.
151. Proper_noun/location: ʿĂvîyth (עֲוִית) [pronounced ģuh-VEETH], which means ruins; transliterated Avith. Strong’s #5762 BDB #732. Gen. 36:35
ʿĂvîyth (עֲוִית) [pronounced ģuh-EETH] |
ruins; transliterated Avith |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #5762 BDB #732 |
152. Verb1: ʿûwl (עוּל) [pronounced ģool], which means to nurse, to suck, to suckle; to feed, to nourish. It means nursing in the participle. Strong’s #5763 BDB #732. Gen. 33:13 1Sam. 6:7
ʿûwl (עוּל) [pronounced ģool] |
to nurse, to suck, to suckle; to feed, to nourish; are with young |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5763 BDB #732 |
153. Masculine_noun: which means sucking child, suckling. Strong’s #5764 BDB #732.
154. Verb2: which means to feed, to nourish. Apparently not used in Scripture this way? Strong’s #5763 BDB #732.
155. Masculine_noun1: ʿăvîyl (לי.וֲע) [pronounced ģuh-VEEL], which means a young boy. In the plural, this would mean young children. I am certain that you do not recall, but we had the exact same word in Job 16:11, and yet we rendered it unjust, unrighteous one. Although this word only shows up three times in Scripture (Job 16:11 19:18 21:11), there are ample cognates for each meaning to allow for it to refer to a young boy or a suckling child; and there are several cognates (in fact, even more so), to allow for this to mean unjust one, unrighteous one. And, who knows, Job seems to have been using a lot of homonyms in this chapter—perhaps he is doing that on purpose. Perhaps he is implying that they are unrighteous for doing so? Beginning this verse with gam makes it more likely that Job is referring to young children rather than to the unrighteous. Certainly the unrighteous would despise Job; but little children? Even little children, he tells us here. Strong’s #5759 & #5960 BDB #732. Job 19:18 21:11
156. Masculine_substantive: ʿâvel (עָוֶל) [pronounced ĢAW-vel] and it means unrighteousness, injustice, unjust. This is the masculine singular of Strong’s #5766 BDB #732. Deut. 32:4 Job 11:14 (maybe belongs below?) Psalm 7:3 64:6
ʿâvel (עָוֶל) [pronounced ĢAW-vel] |
unrighteousness, injustice, unjust; unjust violence; wickedness, depravity |
masculine singular substantive |
Strong’s #5766 BDB #732 |
I am not sure of the difference between the singular and the plural. |
157. Verb: which means to deviate from the right course, to act unjustly. Strong’s #5765 BDB #732.
158. Feminine_substantive: ʿavelâh (עַוְלָה) [pronounced ģahve-LAW], which means injustice; iniquity, unrighteousness. is generally translated iniquity in the KJV, the actual meaning may be closer to injustice. Young and Rotherham both go in for two different forms of perverse. Gesenius, although listing this as a separate entry, gives the informal definition wickedness. BDB reads injustice, unrighteousness, wrong. I will go with injustice for right now. Note that this is probably translated in your Bible as an adjective or an adverb, however, it is a noun. The subject of this verb is the word injustice (which can refer to injustice in terms of violent acts, in just speech or injustice in general—Job 6:29). Strong’s #5766 BDB #732. 2Sam. 3:34 7:10 Job 6:29 13:7 15:16
ʿavelâh (עַוְלָה) [pronounced ģahve-LAW] |
unrighteousness, injustice; iniquity, unjust violence |
feminine singular substantive |
Strong’s #5766 BDB #732 |
159. Masculine_noun2: ʿăvîyl (לי.וֲע) [pronounced ģuh-VEEL], which means unjust, unrighteous. Used in this way only in Job 16:11 (and possibly 19:18). Strong’s #5760 BDB #732. Job 16:11
160. Masculine_noun: ʿavvâl (לָ-ע) [pronounced ģahv-VAWL], which means unjust, unrighteous one. This is the probable reading of Job 16:11. Strong’s #5767 BDB #732. Job (16:11) 18:21
161. Verb: which means to dwell. Strong’s #6030 BDB #732.
162. Masculine_noun1: mâʿôwn (ןעָמ) [pronounced maw-ĢOHN], which means dwelling, habitation; refuge. Strong’s #4583 BDB #732. 1Sam. 2:29, 32 Psalm 68:5
mâʿôwn (ןעָמ) [pronounced maw-ĢOHN] |
dwelling, habitation; refuge |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4583 BDB #732 |
163. Proper noun2: Mâʿôwn (ןעָמ) [pronounced maw-ĢOHN], and this is a city mentioned in Judah (Joshua 15:55) and a people found here 1Sam. 23:24, 25 25:2 1Chron. 2:45.* The 1Sam. passages refer to the city in Judah and the passage in Chronicles refers to a particular person who may or may not be the forerunner of the Maonites. Strong’s #4584 BDB #733. See Strong’s #4586. Judges 10:12 1Sam. 23:24 25:2
Mâʿôwn (ןעָמ) [pronounced maw-ĢOHN] |
dwelling, habitation; transliterated Maon |
feminine proper noun |
Strong’s #4584 BDB #733 |
164. Feminine_noun: meʿônâh (ה ָנֹע ׃מ) [pronounced me-ģoh-NAWH] is a den for animals (Job 37:8 38:40 SOS 4:8). In relationship to people, this means a place of safety and security, a refuge. Strong’s #4585 BDB #733. Deut. 33:27
165. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4587 BDB #733.
166. Feminine_noun: which means dunno. Strong’s #5772 BDB #733.
167. Verb: ʿûph (עוּף) [pronounced ģoopf], which means to flutter; it is translated both to fly (Job 5:7 Isa. 11:14) and to be weary (Judges 4:21 1Sam. 14:25). However, I think I can explain what the connection is. The actual correct rendering of this verb is to flutter; when referring to the wings of the bird, this means to fly. When referring to the eyes of a person, this means that they are in the stage of sleep which is the REM period (rapid eye movement); in other words, Sisera was in a deep sleep and he was dreaming. The last verb follows the wâw consecutive and is the 1st person plural, Qal imperfect of the onomatopoetic ʿûph (ףע) [pronounced ģoof], which means to fly away. Strong’s #5774 BDB #733. (See Strong’s #5888 BDB #746). Gen. 1:20 Deut. 4:17 Judges 4:21 (1Sam. 14:28) 2Sam. 21:15 22:11 Psalm 55:6 90:10
ʿûph (עוּף) [pronounced ģoopf] |
to flutter; it is translated both to fly [away, to] (Job 5:7 Isa. 11:14) and to be in a deep sleep; to be weary (Judges 4:21 1Sam. 14:25 2Sam. 21:15) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5774 BDB #733 |
This verb is used figuratively of an army, ships and an arrow. It also means to vanish quickly, to be transitory; based upon the idea of a bird being here and then, suddenly, it is gone. This verb also means to cover [with darkness] as a bird would cover itself or its young with its feathers. Also to faint [away]; to fail. |
I believe that these seemingly disparate meanings may be explained as follows: the verb here actually means to flutter; so, when speaking of the wings of a bird, the wings flutter and the bird flies. However, when speaking of a person, their eyes flutter when in the REM stage of sleep (rapid eye movement; and the person sleeping is dreaming). |
ʿûph (עוּף) [pronounced ģoopf] |
to cause to fly, to make fly; to light upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5774 BDB #733 |
ʿûph (עוּף) [pronounced ģoopf] |
to fly about, to fly to and fro, to cause to fly [about, to and fro]; to brandish |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel imperfect |
Strong’s #5774 BDB #733 |
Called a Pilel in Gesenius. |
ʿûph (עוּף) [pronounced ģoopf] |
to fly away; to vanish |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect |
Strong’s #5774 BDB #733 |
Called a Hithpalel by Gesenius. |
168. Masculine_noun: ʿôwph (עוֹף) [pronounced ģohf], which means birds; used collectively for anything that flies, including bats and flying insects. Strong’s #5775 BDB #733. Gen. 1:20 2:19 6:7, 20 7:3 8:17 9:2 40:17 Lev. 11:13 1Sam. 17:44 2Sam. 21:10 1Kings 4:33
ʿôwph (עוֹף) [pronounced ģohf] |
birds; used collectively for anything that flies, including bats and flying insects |
masculine singular collective noun |
Strong’s #5775 BDB #733 |
169. Masculine_noun: which means eyelid. Strong’s #6079 BDB #733. Job 3:9 Psalm 132:4 Prov. 4:25 6:4
ʿapheʿaph (עַפְעף) [pronounced ģahf-ĢAHF] |
eyelid, eyelash; fluttering; of dawn; figuratively for rays of the sun |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6079 BDB #733 |
ʿapheʿaphayim (עַפְעַפַיִם) [pronounced ģahfe-ģah-fah-YIHM] |
two eyelid (s) |
masculine dual noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #6079 BDB #733 |
ʿapheʿaphphîym (עַפְעַפִּים) [pronounced ģahf-ģahf-PHEEM] |
eyelids; figuratively for rays of the sun |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6079 BDB #733 |
170. Verb2: which means to be dark. Strong’s #5774 BDB #734.
171. Feminine_noun: ʿêyphâh (ה ָפי ֵע) [pronounced ây-FAW or gay-FAW], and we will go with obscurity, although BDB gives its meaning as darkness. It is only found in Job 10:22 and Amos 4:13* with its verbal cognate found only in Job 11:17 (and there is some confusion here). Keil and Delitzsch call this encircling darkness but render it deep darkness. Barnes says that this is from the word which means to fly, and it came to mean to cover as with wings; and finally to that which is shaded or dark. For this reason, I like encircling darkness. Strong’s #5890 BDB #734. Job 10:22 (11:17)
172. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊyphâh (עֵיפָה) [pronounced ģay-FAW], which means gloomy, darkness; transliterated Ephah. Strong’s #5891 BDB #734. Gen. 25:4
ʿÊyphâh (עֵיפָה) [pronounced ģay-FAW] |
gloomy, darkness; transliterated Ephah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5891 BDB #734 |
173. Masculine_noun: which means gloom. Isa. 8:23.* Strong’s #4155 BDB #734.
174. Masculine/feminine_noun: The next word is a problem. Owen’s lists it as the feminine singular of tâʿûphâh (ה ָפ ֻע ָ) [pronounced taw-uh-FAW or taw-guh-FAW] and he renders it darkness. BDB lists it as the feminine of Strong’s #4588 BDB #734, and renders it gloom. In Gesenius, Strong’s #4588 has the meaning darkness, and in Strong’s, there is the same given meaning; however, neither of them refer to this passage (Strong’s #4588 is only found in Isa. 8:22, according to Strong’s and to The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance). According to Zodhiates, this is the 2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect of Strong’s #5774, which means, according to BDB to be dark; however, that is the meaning given only for this passage; elsewhere, in 30 other passages, it means to fly. The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance also so identifies it. My thinking, in looking at the variety of ways of rendering this verse, is that a verb is a rather complex thing to throw in right here, as the next phrase is like the morning (masculine singular) will be (3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect). Literally, that would be rendered, you will fly like the morning it [she] will be; or, if you want to give this word its very own meaning, in opposition to the other thirty times it is rendered to fly; then you could literally translate this you will cover with darkness like the morning it will be; or you could go with Gesenius, and render it [although now] covered with darkness [soon] shalt thou be as the morning; which not only adds several words, but takes liberties with the final verb. There are three manuscripts, according to Gesenius, where this word is teʿûphâh (ה ָפע ׃) [pronounced te-oo-FAW or, te-goo-FAW] and means darkness. It is close enough in form to one of the words that Job used for darkness at the end of what he said. Recall that was the word ʿêyphâh (ה ָפי ֵע) [pronounced ây-FAW or gay-FAW] (Strong’s #5890 BDB #734). I am going to give this the rendering darkness, and assume that it occurs here and here only, either as a real Hebrew word or even one coined by Zophar, and it is a collective singular, gathering together all the categories of darkness mentioned by Job in the previous verse. It’s in the masculine in Isa. 8:22 and the feminine in Job 11:17. Strong’s #4588 BDB #734. Job 11:17
175. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5776 BDB #734.
176. Verb: ʿûwts (ץע) [pronounced oots or goots], and it means take counsel, plan, discuss. This verb is found only in the Qal imperative in Judges 19:30 and Isa. 8:10.* Strong’s #5779 BDB #734. Judges 19:30
177. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÛwts (עוּץ) [pronounced ģoots], which means counsel, plan; wooded; transliterated Huz, Uz. Strong’s #5780 BDB #734. Gen. 10:23 22:21 36:28 Job 1:1
ʿÛwts (עוּץ) [pronounced ģoots] |
counsel, plan; wooded; transliterated Huz, Uz |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5780 BDB #734 |
178. Masculine_proper_noun: which means counsel, plan?; transliterated . Strong’s #3263 BDB #734.
179. Verb: which means to totter. Dubious. Amos 2:13. Strong’s #5781 BDB #734.
180. Feminine_noun: ʿâqâh (עָקָה) [pronounced ģaw-KAW], which means oppression; pressure; packed in. Strong’s #6125 BDB #734. Psalm 55:3*
ʿâqâh (עָקָה) [pronounced ģaw-KAW] |
oppression; pressure; packed in |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6125 BDB #734 |
181. Feminine_noun: which means compression, distress, tribulations. Dubious. Psalm 66:11. Strong’s #4157 BDB #734.
182. Verb: ʿâvar (עָוַר) [pronounced ģaw-VAHR] which means to make blind, to blind, to put the eyes out. Piel. Strong’s #5786 BDB #734. Exodus 23:8 Deut. 16:19
ʿâvar (עָוַר) [pronounced ģaw-VAHR |
to make blind, to blind, to put the eyes out |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5786 BDB #734 |
183. Adjective: ʿivvêr (עִוֵּר) [pronounced ģihv-VAIR], which means blind [literally or figuratively], blind [men, peole]; blindness. Strong’s #5787 BDB #734. Exodus 4:11 2Sam. 5:6 Psalm 146:8
ʿivvêr (עִוֵּר) [pronounced ģihv-VAIR] |
blind [literally or figuratively], blind [men, people]; blindness |
masculine plural adjective [used here as a substantive] |
Strong’s #5787 BDB #734. |
184. Masculine_noun: ivvârôwn (ןר ָ ̣ע) [pronounced iv-vaw-RONE] means blindness, but it is only used in the Bible for the incapacity of blindness. In this context, it is not a reference to having one’s sight removed, but behaving as though your sight was removed. Found only here and in Zech. 12:4. The word which means blindness, found also in Deut. 28:8 using the same phrasing (there are nearly a half dozen words found in this verse and also in Deut. 28:8). Strong’s #5788 BDB #734. Deut. 28:28 Zech. 12:4*
185. Feminine_noun: which means blind, blindness. Used of sacrificial animals. Strong’s #5788 BDB #734.
186. Verb1: ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor], which means to rouse onself, to awake. The Niphal is the passive, so it means to be awakened, to be roused from sleep. It is given quite a number of similar renderings in the KJV: to awake, to raise up, to stir up, to lift up; BDB gives its primary meanings as to rouse onself, to awake. The result is that one is incited, stirred up, induced, persuaded. The Hiphil means to cause one to be awake, to cause one to be stirred up. Strong’s #5782 BDB #734. [Synonym: Strong’s #6974 BDB #884] Judges 5:12 2Sam. 23:18 1Chron. 5:26 11:11 Job 3:8 8:6 14:12 17:8 Psalm 7:6 44:23 57:8 59:4 73:20 Prov. 10:12
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to be hot [ardent]; to rouse onself, to awake |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
rouse onself, awaken, wake up; be raised up [stirred up or lifted up]; be induced, be persuaded |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative with a voluntative hê |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to be aroused, to be awakened [stirred up] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to awake, to arouse from sleep; to excite; to rouse up one’s strength; to raise up [a spear] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel (Polel) imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to arouse [awaken]; to cause one to be awakened; to cause one to be stirred up; to cause one to be roused from sleep |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
This means to watch over when followed by ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl]. |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to arouse [awaken]; to cause one to be awakened; to cause one to be stirred up; to cause one to be roused from sleep |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to arouse [awaken] oneself; to rise up; to rejoice, to be glad |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
187. Masculine_noun: which means excitement. Strong’s #5892 BDB #735.
188. Verb2: ʿûwr (רע) [pronounced ģoor], which means to be exposed, to be bare, to be naked. Only BDB meanings below. Strong’s #5783 BDB #735.
ʿûwr (עוּר) [pronounced ģoor] |
to be exposed, to be bare, to be naked |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5782 BDB #734 |
189. Masculine_noun: which means excitement. Strong’s #5892 BDB #735.
190. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊr (עֵר) [pronounced ģair], which means awake; transliterated Er. Strong’s #6147 BDB #735. Gen. 38:3 46:12
ʿÊr (עֵר) [pronounced ģair] |
awake; transliterated Er |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6147 BDB #735 |
191. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊrîy (עֵרִי) [pronounced ģay-REE], which means watchful; transliterated Eri. Strong’s #6179 BDB #735. Gen. 46:16
ʿÊrîy (עֵרִי) [pronounced ģay-REE] |
watchful; transliterated Eri |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6179 BDB #735 |
I would think this is the Hebrew form of Gary. |
192. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6180 BDB #735.
193. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6197 BDB #735.
194. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6198 BDB #735.
195. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3265 BDB #735.
196. Verb: which means to be exposed, to bare. Strong’s #5793 BDB #735.
197. Masculine_noun: which means nakedness, pudendum. Strong’s #4589 BDB #735.
198. Adjective: ʿêrôm (עֵרֹם) [pronounced ģay-ROAM], which means naked; exposed. Strong’s #5903 BDB #735. Gen. 3:7
ʿêrôm (עֵרֹם) [pronounced ģay-ROAM] |
naked; exposed |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #5903 BDB #735 |
This is also spelled with a yodh: ʿêyrôm (עֵירֹם) [pronounced gay-ROAM] (the yodh is found here). |
ʿêrôm (עֵרֹם) [pronounced ģay-ROAM] |
nakedness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5903 BDB #735 |
There is no difference between the spelling of the noun or the adjective. |
199. Adjective: ʿârôwm (עָרוֹם) [pronounced ģaw-ROOM], which means naked. Perhaps a secondary form of adjective above. Apart from the vowel points, they appear to be identical. Strong’s #6174 BDB #736. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7) Gen. 2:25 1Sam. 19:24 Job 1:21
ʿârôwm (עָרוֹם) [pronounced ģaw-ROOM] |
naked, bare |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6174 BDB #736 |
200. Masculine_noun: which means a naked thing. Strong’s #4636 BDB #736.
201. Masculine_noun: gôwr (עוֹר) [pronounced gohr], which means skin, skins, hide; poetically used of the body, life. The phrase skin for skin is obviously a proverbial saying; BDB associates it with bartering, saying that everything has its price. Strong’s #5785 BDB #736. Gen. 3:21 Exodus 22:27 25:5 26:14 29:14 Job 2:4 18:13 19:20 27:16
gôwr (עוֹר) [pronounced gohr] |
skin, skins, hide; poetically used of the body, life |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5785 BDB #736 |
202. Verb: which means to lend aid, to come to help, to come to someone’s aid. Strong’s #5789 BDB #736.
203. Masculine_proper_noun: Yeʿûwsh (יְעוּש) [pronounced yeh-OOSH], which means he hurries to aide; transliterated Jeush. Strong’s #3266 BDB #736. Gen. 36:5, 14
Yeʿûwsh (יְעוּש) [proounced yeh-OOSH] |
he hurries to aide; transliterated Jeush |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3266 BDB #736 |
204. Verb: ʿâvath (עָוַת) [pronounced ģaw-VAHTH], which means to overthrow, to deal with perversely, to make crooked, to subvert, to falsify, to pervert, to turn upside down; to bend [or pervert] [the cause of anyone]. (and this is only found nine times in the Piel in eight passages). This verb properly means to bend, to make crooked. We will try to confine our renderings to, to deal perversely, to pervert, to distort. This can be used in a good sense (Psalm 146:9, where God turns the wicked upside down; and in a bad sense, as the passage before us—Job 8:3). Rotherham offers overthrown, wronged, subverted as possible renderings. We find this same word in Job 8:3 where Bildad asked, Does God pervert justice, or the Almighty pervert what is right? Strong’s #5791 BDB #736. Job 8:3 19:6 Psalm 146:9 Eccles. 1:15
ʿâvath (עָוַת) [pronounced ģaw-VAHTH] |
to overthrow, to deal with perversely, to make crooked, to subvert, to falsify, to pervert, to turn upside down; to bend [or pervert] [the cause of anyone] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5791 BDB #736 |
ʿâvath (עָוַת) [pronounced ģaw-VAHTH] |
crooked, bent; perverted; a thing which has been bent |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #5791 BDB #736 |
ʿâvath (עָוַת) [pronounced ģaw-VAHTH] |
to bow oneself, to bend oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5791 BDB #736 |
205. Feminine_noun: which means subversion. Lam. 3:59.* Strong’s #5792 BDB #736.
206. Verb: which means to help. Very dubious. Isa. 50:4.* Strong’s #5790 BDB #736.
207. Masculine_noun: ʿăzâ’zel (ל ֵזא ָז ֲע) [pronounced az-aw-ZALE], which means entire removal. The word for scapegoat is ʿăzâ’zel (ל ֵזא ָז ֲע) [pronounced az-aw-ZALE] and this word is found only in this chapter of Leviticus (vv. 8, 10, 26). We do not find it in the New Testament or anywhere else in the Old. The words for goat and departure are combined to make up this word. The Greek translation of the Septuagint confirms this. The sins of Israel will be placed on this goat and it would take their sins far from them. There is a tradition which came about much later that ʿăzâ’zel is the name of a desert demon. There is absolutely nothing in Scripture to support this notion. Recall, this is the only chapter in which this word occurs. Strong’s #5799 BDB #736. [It’s from Strong’s #5795 + #235]. Lev. 16:8
208. Verb1: ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV ], which means to loosen ones bands; to let go [one from being in bonds]; to leave, to forsake, to desert; to leave off, to cease from [anything] in the Qal, and to be forsaken in the Niphal (or passive) stem. It properly means to loosen bands, to let go [a beast from its bonds]. Gesenius explains that it is used metaphorically in Job 10:1, as in “I will let loose my complaint” as if it were on reins; I will no longer restrain it. By contrast, Strong’s #7503 means that God has become bored, disinterested, distracted and abandons Israel for that reason. Strong’s #5800 means that God deserts Israel in her time of need. This means to let Israel down when she needs God’s help the most. Strong’s #5800 BDB #736. (more could be done with this). (See synonym Strong’s #7503 BDB #951). The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Gen. 2:24 24:27 28:15 39:6 44:22 50:8 Exodus 2:20 9:21 23:5 Lev. 26:43 Deut. 29:25 31:6, 16 32:36 Joshua 1:5 8:17 22:3 24:20 Judges 2:12, 21 Ruth 2:20a 1Sam. 8:8 12:10 30:13 2Sam. 5:21 15:16 1Kings 6:13 8:57 9:9 1Chron. 16:37 Job 9:27 10:1 18:4 20:13, 19 31:7 Psalm 10:14 Prov. 2:13, 17 3:3 4:2, 6 9:6 10:17
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
to loosen ones bands; to let go [one from being in bonds]; to leave [forsake, desert]; to leave off, to cease from [anything] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
loosen ones bands; let go [one from being in bonds]; leave [forsake, desert]; leave off, cease from [anything] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
loosening ones bands; letting go [one from being in bonds]; leaving [forsaking, deserting]; leaving off, ceasing from [anything] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
the one loosening bands; the one letting go [one from being in bonds]; the one leaving [forsaking, deserting]; the one who cease from [anything] |
feminine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
those loosening bands; those letting go [one from being in bonds]; the ones leaving [forsaking, deserting]; those who cease from [anything] |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
ʿâzab (עָזַב) [pronounced ģaw-ZABV] |
to be left [forsaken, abandoned, deserted] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal/Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #5800 BDB #736 |
209. Feminine_noun: which means forsakenness, desolation. Strong’s #5805 BDB #737.
210. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5806 BDB #738.
211. Masculine_plural_noun: which means wares. Strong’s #5801 BDB #738.
212. Verb2: ʿâzabv (ב ַז ָע) [pronounced aw-ZABV ], which means to restore, to repair. Strong’s #5800 BDB #738.
213. Proper_noun_location: ʿazzâh (עַזָּה) [pronounced ģahz-ZAW], which means and is transliterated Gaza. Strong’s #5804 BDB #738. Gen. 10:19 Deut. 2:23 Judges 1:18 1Sam. 6:17 1Kings 4:24
ʿAzzâh (עַזָּה) [pronounced ģahz-ZAW] |
the strong; transliterated Gaza, Azzah, Aza |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5804 BDB #738 |
214. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated Gazaite. Strong’s #5841 BDB #738.
215. Verb: ʿâzaz (עָזַז) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHZ], and it means to strengthen, to make strong; to make secure; to become strong, to be made strong; to be strong, robust, powerful. This verb was found for the first time in Judges 3:10 and is mostly found in poetical writing (Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah and Ecclesiastes). The only other narrative passage where we find this word is Dan. 11:12. Strong’s #5810 BDB #738. Judges 3:10 6:2 Psalm 52:7 60:20 89:13 Prov. 7:13 8:28
ʿâzaz (עָזַז) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHZ] |
to strengthen, to make strong; to make secure; to become strong, to be made strong; to be strong, robust, powerful |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5810 BDB #738 |
ʿâzaz (עָזַז) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHZ] |
to strengthen one’s countenance; to put on a shameless look; to cause to strengthen, to cause to make strong |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5810 BDB #738 |
216. Adjective: ʿaz (עַז) [pronounced ģahz], and it means strong, mighty, fierce. When used alone, it behaves like a noun. Strong’s #5794 BDB #738. Gen. 49:3, 7 Exodus 14:21 Judges 14:14 2Sam. 22:18 Psalm 59:3
ʿaz (עַז) [pronounced ģahz] |
strong, mighty, fierce |
masculine plural adjective; acts as a noun on its own |
Strong’s #5794 BDB #738 |
217. Masculine_noun: ʿôz (עֹז) [pronounced ģohz], and it means strength, might. It can also mean firmness, defense, refuge, protection; and, with the idea that those whom He loves are joined to Him, it can mean splendor, majesty, glory praise. Could this mean authority? Strong’s #5797 BDB #738. Exodus 15:2, 13 Judges 5:21 1Sam. 2:10 2Sam. 6:14 1Chron. 16:11 Psalm 8:2 29:1 59:9, 17 61:3 62:7, 11 63:2 99:4 110:2 118:14 Prov. 10:15
ʿôz (עֹז) [pronounced ģohz] |
strength, might; firmness, defense, refuge, protection; splendor, majesty, glory praise |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5797 BDB #738 |
218. Masculine_noun: which means strength, fierceness, might. Strong’s #5807 BDB #739.
219. Adjective: ʿizzûwz (ז.ע) [pronounced ģihz-ZOOZ], which means strong, mighty, powerful; used of God. Strong’s #5808 BDB #739. Psalm 24:8
ʿizzûwz (ז.ע) [pronounced ģihz-ZOOZ] |
strong, mighty, powerful; used of God |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5808 BDB #739 |
ʿizzûwz (ז.ע) [pronounced ģihz-ZOOZ] |
strong ones, mighty men; soldiers; those used of God |
masculine plural adjective used as a substantive |
Strong’s #5808 BDB #739 |
220. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5811 BDB #739.
221. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÛzzâʾ (אָע) [pronounced ģooz-ZAW], which means strength; transliterated Uzza. Strong’s #5798 BDB #739. 2Sam. 6:3, 6
ʿÛzzâʾ (אָע) [pronounced ģooz-ZAW] |
strength; transliterated Uzza |
masculine proper singular noun |
Strong’s #5798 BDB #739 |
Also written ʿÛzzâh (הָע) [pronounced ģooz-ZAW]. |
222. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5819 BDB #739.
223. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂzazeyâhûw (הָיז-זֲע) [pronounced ģuh-zahze-YAW-hoo], which means Yah [Jehovah] is mighty; transliterated Azaziah. Strong’s #5812 BDB #739. 1Chron. 15:21
ʿĂzazeyâhûw (הָיז-זֲע) [pronounced ģuh-zahze-YAW-hoo] |
Yah [Jehovah] is mighty [strong]; Jehovah has strengthened; transliterated Azaziah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5812 BDB #739 |
224. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿŬzzîyʾêl (עֻזִּיאֵל) [pronounced ģooz-zee-ALE], which means my strength is El, strength of God; transliterated Uzziel. Strong’s #5816 BDB #739. Exodus 6:18 1Chron. 15:10
ʿŬzzîyʾêl (עֻזִּיאֵל) [pronounced ģooz-zee-ALE] |
my strength is El, strength of God; transliterated Uzziel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5816 BDB #739 |
225. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #5817 BDB #739.
226. Masculine_proper_noun: which means my strength is Yah; transliterated . Strong’s #5818 BDB #739.
227. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÛzzîyyâʾ (עֻזִּיָּא) [pronounced ģooz-zee-YAW], which means my strength is Yah; transliterated Uzzia. Strong’s #5814 BDB #739. 1Chron. 11:44*
ʿÛzzîyyâʾ (עֻזִּיָּא) [pronounced ģooz-zee-YAW] |
my strength is Yah; transliterated Uzzia |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5814 BDB #739 |
228. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5813 BDB #739.
229. Masculine_proper_noun: Yaʿăzîyʾêl (ל̤אי.זֲע-י) [pronounced yah-guh-zee-ALE], which means made bold by El [God], embolden by God; transliterated Jaaziel. Strong’s #3268 BDB #739. 1Chron. 15:18
ʿĂzîyʾêl (ל̤אי.זֲע) [pronounced guh-zee-ALE] |
made bold by El [God], embolden by God; transliterated Aziel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5815 BDB #739 |
Yaʿăzîyʾêl (ל̤אי.זֲע-י) [pronounced yah-guh-zee-ALE] |
made bold by El [God], embolden by God; transliterated Jaaziel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3268 BDB #739 |
Some think that there is a scribal error here, and that this is equivalent to Strong’s #5815 (i.e, the Ya really doesn’t belong here). Because we have the word son and then and, obviously, something is messed up here. Whether son is a part of the previous name, or whether some name dropped out, or whether some letters got transposed here, we don’t know. |
230. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3269 BDB #739.
231. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5802 BDB #739.
232. Masculine_proper_noun: which means Gad is mighty; transliterated . Strong’s #5803 BDB #739.
233. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAzemâveth (עַזְמָוֶת) [pronounced ģahze-MAW-veth], which means strong until death; strong one of death and is transliterated Azmaveth. Strong’s #5820 BDB #740. 2Sam. 23:31 1Chron. 11:33 12:3
ʿAzemâveth (עַזְמָוֶת) [pronounced ģahze-MAW-veth] |
strong until death; strong one of death and is transliterated Azmaveth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5820 BDB #740 |
234. Proper_noun_location: ʿAzemâveth (ת∵וָמז-ע) [pronounced ģahze-MAW-veth], which means strong until death; strong one of death and is transliterated Azmaveth. Strong’s #5820 BDB #740.
ʿAzemâveth (ת∵וָמז-ע) [pronounced ģahze-MAW-veth] |
strong until death; strong one of death and is transliterated Azmaveth |
masculine singular proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5820 BDB #740 |
235. Proper_noun_location: which means my strength and is transliterated . Strong’s #5821 BDB #740.
236. Feminine_noun: which means unclean bird of prey. Strong’s #5822 BDB #740.
237. Verb: which means to dig about, to surround, to enclose. Strong’s #5823 BDB #740.
238. Proper_noun_location: ʿăzêqâh (ה ָק̤זֲע) [pronounced ģuh-zay-KAW], which means to dig about, to dig a cisterm and is transliterated Azekah. Strong’s #5825 BDB #740. 1Sam. 17:1
ʿăzêqâh (ה ָק̤זֲע) [pronounced ģuh-zay-KAW] |
to dig about, to dig a cisterm and is transliterated Azekah |
Proper_noun/location |
Strong’s #5825 BDB #740 |
239. Verb: ʿâzar (עָזַר) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHR], which means to help, to aid. Strong’s #5826 BDB #740. Gen. 49:25 Joshua 10:6 1Sam. 7:12 2Sam. 8:5 18:3 21:17 1Kings 1:7 1Chron. 12:1, 17, 19 Psalm 10:14 54:4 56:5 118:7, 13
ʿâzar (עָזַר) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHR] |
to help, to aid |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5826 BDB #740 |
ʿâzar (עָזַר) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHR] |
helper, one who aids; an ally |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5826 BDB #740 |
ʿâzar (עָזַר) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHR] |
to help, to aid |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5826 BDB #740 |
ʿâzar (עָזַר) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHR] |
to be helped [especially by God] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5826 BDB #740 |
240. Masculine_substantive: ʿêzer (עֵזֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-zer], which means help, aid. It is consistently translated help in the KJV. the word found in Gen. 2:18, describing the role of the woman in Adam’s life and throughout the Psalms (Psalm 22:19 27:9 35:2). Strong’s #5828 BDB #740. Gen. 2:18 Exodus 18:4 Judges 5:23 1Sam. 4:1b 7:12 Psalm 33:20 89:19 146:5
ʿêzer (עֵזֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-zer] |
help, aid |
masculine singular substantive |
Strong’s #5828 BDB #740 |
241. Proper_noun: ʿÊzer (ר∵זֵע) [pronounced ĢAY-zer], which means help, aid; treasure; transliterated Ezer. Strong’s #5829 BDB #740.
ʿÊzer (ר∵זֵע) [pronounced ĢAY-zer] |
help, aid; treasure; transliterated Ezer |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5829 BDB #740. |
242. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5827 BDB #740.
243. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5830 BDB #740.
244. Feminine_substantive: ʿezerâh (עֶזְרָה) [pronounced ģeze-RAW], which means help, aid. Strong’s #5833 BDB #740. [In examining the passages in the New Englishman’s Concordance, I don’t really see a difference between the meanings of this and the masculine substantive above]. Judges 5:23 Job 6:13 Psalm 44:26 60:11 63:7
ʿezerâh (עֶזְרָה) [pronounced ģeze-RAW] |
help, aid, assistance |
feminine singular substantive |
Strong’s #5833 BDB #740 |
245. Proper_noun: Strong’s #5834 BDB #741.
246. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5809 BDB #741.
247. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂzareʾêl (ל̤א ר-זֲע) [pronounced ģuz-ahre-ALE], which means El has helped; transliterated . Strong’s #5832 BDB #741. 1Chron. 12:6
ʿĂzareʾêl (ל̤א ר-זֲע) [pronounced ģuz-ahre-ALE] |
El has helped; transliterated Azarel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5832 BDB #741 |
248. Masculine_proper_noun: which means my help is El; transliterated . Strong’s #5837 BDB #741.
249. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂzareyâhûw (חֲזַרְיָהוּ) [pronounced ģuz-ahr-YAW-hoo], which means Yah has helped; transliterated Azariah, Azarjah. Strong’s #5838 BDB #741. 1Kings 4:2
ʿĂzareyâhûw (חֲזַרְיָהוּ) [pronounced ģuz-ahr-YAW-hoo] |
Yah has helped; transliterated Azariah, Azarjah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5838 BDB #741 |
This appears to be the formal name. It is also spelled ʿĂzareyâh (חֲזַרְיָה) [pronounced ģuz-ahr-YAW]. |
250. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5836 BDB #741.
251. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5840 BDB #741.
252. Proper_noun/location: Yaʿezêr (יַעְזֵר) [pronounced yahģ-ZARE], which means helped, helpful; transliterated Jazer, Jaazer. Strong’s #3270 BDB #741. 2Sam. 24:5
Yaʿezêr (יַעְזֵר) [pronounced yahģ-ZARE] |
helped, helpful; transliterated Jazer, Jaazer |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #3270 BDB #741 |
This is also spelled Yaʿăzêr (יַעֲזֵר) [pronounced yah-ģuh-ZARE]. |
BDB: [Jazer is] a Levitical city east of the Jordan, in Gilead in the territory of Gad, formerly an Amorite city; site uncertain. |
253. Masculine_noun: which means temple court. Strong’s #none BDB #741.
254. Feminine_noun: which means enclosure, surrounding ledge. Strong’s #5835 BDB #741.
255. Masculine_noun: which means stylus, possibly a pen. Strong’s #5842 BDB #741.
256. Verb: ʿâţâh (עָטָה) [pronounced aw-TAWH or gaw-TAWH] and it means to cover, to cover over; to clothe oneself; to envelop, to wrap oneself; to conceal, to wrap up, to roll up; to become languid, to faint, to faint away. This word is found only 17 times in the Old Testament, generally in the poetry or in the prophets (which are often poetical). It is found only twice in another form of writing (Lev. 13:45 1Sam. 28:14). There are times when adding oneself and with confuse the meaning more than clarify it, e.g., Jer. 43:12. A suffix can be added to the participle to indicate that something or someone is being covered, as is done in Isa. 22:17. A subject may be affixed by giving the participle gender and number as is done in Psalm 71:13. However, the idea of being wrapped with or in something does not require a preposition (e.g., 1Sam. 28:14). Therefore, adding the with or in here is not out of line. We could render this as covering with light or light covering. Strong’s #5844 BDB #741. 1Sam. 28:14 Psalm 89:45 104:2
ʿâţâh (עָטָה) [pronounced ģaw-TAW] |
to cover, to cover over; to clothe oneself; to envelop, to wrap oneself; to conceal, to wrap up, to roll up; to become languid, to faint, to faint away |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5844 BDB #741 |
ʿâţâh (עָטָה) [pronounced ģaw-TAW] |
to [cause to] cover, to cover over; to wrap, to envelop |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5844 BDB #741 |
257. Masculine_noun: which means wrap, mantle. Strong’s #4594 BDB #742.
258. Verb2: which means to grasp. Strong’s #5844 BDB #742.
ʿâţâh (עָטָה) [pronounced ģaw-TAW] |
to grasp |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect (this is a homonym) |
Strong’s #5844 BDB #741 |
259. Masculine_noun: which means bat, locust? Strong’s #5847 BDB #742.
260. Masculine_noun: ʿăţîyn (ןי.טֲע) [pronounced ģuh-TEEN], which probably means pail, bucket. This word only occurs in this verse. According to BDB, this word comes from an unused root, which means to place olives into a vat, vessel or olive press. Gesenius, on the other hand, says the unused root means to lie down around water and that the Arabic means a place by water where cattle lie down. Gesenius tends to think that the n should be an m, and that this should mean sides, thigh. Strong’s #5845 BDB #742. Job 21:24
261. Verb2: ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF], which means to cover, to cover over; to be covered, to be clothed, to cover oneself, to envelop oneself; to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to faint. This appears to be an Aramaism (there is an identical, but different Hebrew verb). BDB gives 3 verbs with this same spelling (the first probably being a typo); New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament and Gesenius list this as one verb. Strong’s #5848 BDB #742. Gen. 30:42 Psalm 61:2 73:6 142:3
ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF] |
to cover, to cover over; to be covered, to be clothed, to cover oneself, to envelop oneself; to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to faint |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5848 BDB #742 |
This actually appears to be two different verbs. |
ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF] |
languishing, fainting |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5848 BDB #742 |
ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF] |
to be covered, to be cover over; to be clothed, to cover oneself, to be enveloped, to envelop oneself; to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to faint |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5848 BDB #742 |
ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF] |
to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to be feeble, to faint |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5848 BDB #742 |
ʿâţaph (עָטַף) [pronounced ģaw-TAHF] |
to envelop oneself; to be wrapped in darkness, to languish, to faint [generally used of soul or spirit] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5848 BDB #742 |
262. Feminine_noun: which means overtunic. Strong’s #4595 BDB #742.
263. Verb3: which means to be feeble, to faint. Strong’s #5848 BDB #742.
264. Verb1: ʿâţar (ר-טָע) [pronounced ģaw-TAHR], which means to surround [with a crown], to crown. Strong’s #5849 BDB #742. 1Sam. 23:26 Psalm 8:5 103:4
ʿâţar (ר-טָע) [pronounced ģaw-TAHR] |
to surround; to compass [about] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5849 BDB #742 |
ʿâţar (ר-טָע) [pronounced ģaw-TAHR] |
to surround [with a crown], to crown |
Piel participle with the definite article and the 2nd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5849 BDB #742 |
ʿâţar (ר-טָע) [pronounced ģaw-TAHR] |
to crown; to distribute crowns |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5849 BDB #742 |
265. Feminine_noun: ʿăţârâh (עֲטָרָה) [pronounced ģut-aw-RAW], which means crown, a diadem, a wreath; an ornament of dignity. Strong’s #5850 BDB #742. 2Sam. 12:30 Psalm 21:3 Prov. 4:9
ʿăţârâh (עֲטָרָה) [pronounced ģut-aw-RAW] |
crown, a diadem, a wreath; an ornament of dignity |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #5850 BDB #742 |
266. Verb2: ʿâţar (ר-טָע) [pronounced ģaw-TAHR], which means to crown. See above. Strong’s #5849 BDB #742.
267. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5852 BDB #743.
268. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5855 BDB #743.
269. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5853 BDB #743.
270. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5854 BDB #743.
271. Verb: which means to sneeze. Strong’s #none BDB #743.
272. Feminine_noun: which means sneezing. Strong’s #5846 BDB #743.
273. Proper_noun: ʿay (עַי) [pronounced ĢAH-ee], which means heap of ruins; and is transliterated Ai, Aija, Aiath, Hai. It has several alternate spellings. In the Greek, it is Gai (Γαί ) [pronounced guy] and it is said to mean heap of ruins, somewhat of an odd name for a city. My thinking is that perhaps it was given this name after it was destroyed, and that name stuck with it. It is always found with the definite article, which becomes a part of the pronunciation. That is hâʿay (י ַע ָה) [pronounced haw-AH-ee] (although, I am not too certain as to the emphasis or whether there is a diphthong involved here, making it haw-Ā). Strong’s #5857 BDB #743. Gen. 12:8 13:3 Joshua 7:2
ʿAy (עַי) [pronounced ĢAH-ee] |
heap of ruins; and is transliterated Ai, Aija, Aiath, Hai |
proper singular noun; location; with the definite article |
Strong’s #5857 BDB #743 |
There are several alternative spellings, which correspond to the different transliterations above. |
274. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5859 BDB #743.
275. Verb: which means to scream, to shriek. Strong’s #5860 BDB #743.
276. Masculine_noun: ʿayiţ (עַיִט) [pronounced ĢAH-yiht], which means bird(s) of prey, a rapacious bird (or birds). Strong’s #5861 BDB #743. Gen. 15:11
ʿayiţ (עַיִט) [pronounced ĢAH-yiht] |
bird(s) of prey, a rapacious bird (or birds) |
masculine singular noun; a collective noun like flock |
Strong’s #5861 BDB #743 |
277. Verb: ʿîyţ (טי.ע) [pronounced ģeet], which means to dart greedily (like a bird of prey), to fly upon, to flit upon, to pounce upon. Strong’s #5860 BDB #743. 1Sam. (14:32) 15:19 25:14
ʿîyţ (טי.ע) [pronounced ģeet] |
to dart greedily (like a bird of prey), to swoop down, to fly upon, to flit upon, to pounce upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5860 BDB #743 |
This is a relatively rare word in Scripture, found only in 1Sam. 14:32 15:19 25:14. |
278. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5862 BDB #743.
279. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5864 BDB #743.
280. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5863 BDB #743.
281. Masculine_proper_noun: Ģîylay (עִילַי) [pronounced ģee-LAH-ee], which means most high, exalted; transliterated Ilai. Strong’s #5866 BDB #743. 1Chron. 11:29
Ģîylay (עִילַי) [pronounced ģee-LAH-ee] |
most high, exalted; transliterated Ilai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5866 BDB #743 |
282. Proper_noun/location: ʿêylâm (עָילָם) [pronounced ģay-LAWM], which means eternity; hidden; transliterated Elam. Strong’s #5867 BDB #743. Gen. 10:22 14:1
ʿÊylâm (עָילָם) [pronounced ģay-LAWM] |
eternity; hidden; transliterated Elam |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #5867 BDB #743 |
This is also spelled ׳Ôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģoh-LAWM]. |
283. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5867 BDB #743.
284. Feminine_noun: ʿayin (עַיִן) [pronounced ĢAH-yin], which means spring, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes. It is a word with three different meanings. It means a spring in this context (this word very occasionally is a proper noun standing for a particular location; however, it generally means eyes). Its use is determined entirely by context, and both uses are found in the same context continually: spring (Gen. 49:12 Exodus 15:27 Num. 33:9); eyes (Gen. 49:22 Exodus 15:26 Num. 33:3). The subject of the first sentence of Job 7:8 is the third word, which is the feminine construct of eye. My thinking is that the literal eyes are meant, generally speaking, when found in the dual; mental and spiritual states or more of a poetic (not literal) use are alluded to when this is found in the singular. When the phrase in my eyes is used, it means in my opinion, to my way of thinking, as I see it. Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744. (and BDB #745). Gen. 3:5 13:10 16:7 18:1, 3 19:8 20:15, 16 21:11 22:4 23:11 24:13, 29, 30, 63 27:1, 12 28:8 29:17 30:27, 41 31:10, 35 32:5 33:1 34:11, 18 37:25 38:7 39:4, 21 41:37 42:24 43:29 44:21 45:5, 16, 20 46:4 47:19, 25, 29 48:10, 17 49:12, 22 50:4 Exodus 3:21 4:30 7:20 8:26 10:5 11:3 12:26 13:9 14:10 15:27 19:11 21:8, 24 24:17 33:12 Deut. 1:23 3:21, 27 4:3, 6, 25 8:7 16:19 17:2 21:7, 9 34:4, 7 Joshua 3:7? Judges 2:11 6:17, 21 13:1 1Sam. 1:18 2:29, 32 3:2 4:15 11:2 12:3 14:27 15:17 16:7, 12 18:5 20:3 21:13 24:4 25:8 26:21 27:5 29:1, 6 2Sam. 3:19, 36 6:20, 22 7:19 12:11 13:2, 5 14:22 15:25 16:4, 22 17:4 18:4, 24 19:6, 18 20:6 24:3, 22 1Kings 1:20, 48 3:10 8:29, 52 9:3 1Chron. 13:4 Job 3:10 7:8 16:20 Psalm 15:4 32:8 34:15 51:4 54:7 118:23 Prov. 1:17 3:4, 7 4:21 5:21 6:4, 17 7:2 8:28 10:10, 26 Eccles. 1:8 2:10
ʿayin (עַיִן) [pronounced ĢAH-yin] |
spring, fountain; eye, spiritual eyes |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
All BDB definitions: eye; of physical eye; as showing mental qualities; of mental and spiritual faculties (figuratively); spring, fountain. Gesenius adds the meaning face. Neither source offers well as a translation (and there are words for well in the Hebrew). |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
ʿăyânôwth (עֲיָנוֹת) [pronounced ģuh-yaw-NOHTH] |
fountains, springs; surfaces; eyes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun with the 3rd person plural suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
This phrase is literally in his eyes, but it can be translated in his opinion, in his estimation, in his sight, to his way of thinking, as he sees [it]. |
This phrase is literally in her eyes, but it can be translated in her opinion, in her estimation, in her sight, to her way of thinking, as she sees [it]. |
This phrase is literally in their eyes, but it can be translated in their opinion, in their estimation, to their way of thinking, as they see [it]. |
This phrase is literally in your eyes, but it can be translated in your opinion, in your estimation, to your way of thinking, as you see [it]. The dual and plural forms of this word appear to be identical. Possibly, this could also mean, as you please, as you want, as you desire, whatever you think is right. |
Together, the bêyth preposition and ʿayin literally mean, in my eyes; together, they are often used to mean, in my sight; in my opinion, to my way of thinking, as I see it. |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
ʿîynêy (י̤ני.ע) [pronounced ģee-NAY] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual construct |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
Together, the bêyth preposition and the construct form ʿîynêy (י̤ני.ע) [pronounced ģee-NAY], literally mean in the eyes of; it can be understood to mean in the opinion of, in the thinking of, in the estimation of, in the view of; as ____ sees things to be, in the sight of. |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
Together, the bêyth preposition and the construct form ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM], literally mean in the eyes of; it can be understood to mean in the opinion of, in the thinking of, in the estimation of, in the view of; as ____ sees things to be, in the sight of. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun; construct state |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
The lâmed preposition + ʿayin mean, literally to [for] [one’s] eyes; before [one’s] eyes. The sense is before any one. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine plural noun with the 2nd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
The lâmed preposition + ʿayin mean, literally to your eyes, for your eyes; this means before your eyes, in your sight. The whole idea is, the people addressed here have actually seen what is being talked about. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine plural construct with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
The lâmed preposition + ʿayin mean, literally to [for] their eyes; before their eyes. The sense is before them, in the sight of them, in view of them. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
The lâmed preposition + ʿayin mean, literally to [for] [one’s] eyes; before [one’s] eyes. The sense is before any one, in the sight of [someone], in view of [someone]. This literally means, to eyes of... |
285. Combo: Prov. 3:21
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
îynêy (י̤ני.ע) [pronounced ģee-NAY] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
Literally, this is from your [two] eyes, from your eyes. It may be understood to mean from your sight, from your eyes (indicating that it is unknown to the hearer). |
286. Combo: Prov. 5:21
nôkach (נֹכַח) [pronounced NOH-kahkh] |
front, in front of, towards the front of, before, in the sight of, opposite to; on behalf of |
substantive (preposition/adverb) |
Strong’s #5227 BDB #647 |
ʿêynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-nah-YIM] |
eyes, two eyes, literal eye(s), spiritual eyes; face, appearance, form; surface |
feminine dual construct |
Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
This is variously translated: before the eyes of, in front of the eyes of, directly before the eyes of. opposite the eyes of. Less literal translations indicates that this indicates that the subject is carefully or clearly watching the object. |
287. Verb: gâvan (ןַוָע) [pronounced ģaw-VAHN], which means to eye, to look at; to eye [enviously]; to look [askance] at. Strong’s #5770 BDB #745. 18:9*
gâvan (ןַוָע) [pronounced ģaw-VAHN] |
to eye, to look at; to eye [enviously]; to look [askance] at |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5770 BDB #745 |
288. Feminine_noun: which means spring [of water]. See above. Strong’s #5869 BDB #745.
289. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5878 BDB #745.
290. Proper noun (location): En-hakkore is a transliteration, which means spring of crying out [or, of calling out]. Spring = Strong’s #5869 (& #5871) BDB #745. Calling out = Strong’s #7121 BDB #894. Together, they make up the proper name Strong’s #5875 BDB #745. Judges 15:19
291. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5883 BDB #745. 2Sam. 17:17 1Kings 1:9
ʿÊyn (עַיִן) [pronounced ģayn] |
spring, fountain; eye, spiritual eyes |
feminine singular noun |
from Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
Rôgêl (רֹגֵל) [pronounced row-GAYL] |
From the verb which means, to move the feet, to foot it, to tread, to go about |
similar to the 3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
from Strong’s #7270 BDB #920 |
Together ʿÊyn Rôgêl (רֹגֵל̵עַיִן) [pronounced ģayn-row-GAYL], which means fountain of the traveler. Strong’s #5883 BDB #744 & #920). This is called the Fuller’s Fountain in the targum. There was probably a fountain [there] where fullers cleansed their clothes; and was called Rogel, as Jarchi and Kimchi say, because they used to tread them with their feet when they washed them. |
292. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5886 BDB #745.
293. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8179 BDB #745.
294. Proper_noun_location3: which means spring; and is transliterated Gayn. Strong’s #5871 BDB #745.
295. Proper_noun_location: ʿêyn gedîy (י.ד∵ג ןי̤ע) [pronounced ģayn-GEH-dee], which means Spring of the kid; and is transliterated Engedi. Strong’s #5872 BDB #745. 1Sam. 23:29 (24:1)
ʿêyn gedîy (י.ד∵ג ןי̤ע) [pronounced ģayn-GEH-dee] |
Spring of the kid; and is transliterated Engedi |
proper noun; a location |
Strong’s #5872 BDB #745 |
296. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5873 BDB #745.
297. Proper_noun_location: ʿêyn Dôwr (רןי̤ע) [pronounced ģayn-DOHR], which means spring [or fountain] of habitation; and is transliterated Endor. Strong’s #5874 BDB #745. 1Sam. 28:7
ʿêyn Dôwr (ר ןי̤ע) [pronounce ģayn-DOHR] |
spring [or fountain] of habitation; and is transliterated Endor |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5874 BDB #745 |
This is a combination of Strong’s #5869 BDB #733 (an eye; a face; a fountain, a spring) and Strong’s #1755 BDB #189 (an age, a generation, a period; an habitation). |
298. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5876 BDB #745.
299. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5877 BDB #745.
300. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5880 BDB #745. Gen. 14:7*
ʿÊyn (עַיִן) [pronounced ģayn] |
spring, fountain; eye, spiritual eyes |
feminine singular noun |
from Strong’s #5869 (and #5871) BDB #744 |
mîshepâţ (מִשְפָּט) [pronounced mishe-PAWT] |
judgement, justice, a verdict rendered by a judge, a judicial decision, a judicial sentence, a verdict, a judgement of the court |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #4941 BDB #1048 |
Together, this gives us the spring of justice [judgment, a judicial verdict]; which is Strong’s #5880 BDB #745. |
301. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5884 BDB #745.
302. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5885 BDB #745.
303. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5887 BDB #745.
304. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5879 BDB #745.
305. Proper_noun_location: ʿÊynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-NAH-yihm], which means a double spring, a double fountain; and is transliterated Enam, Enajim, Enaim. Strong’s #5879 BDB #745. Gen. 38:14
ʿÊynayim (עֵינַיִם) [pronounced ģay-NAH-yihm] |
a double spring, a double fountain; two eyes; and is transliterated Enam, Enajim, Enaim |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #5879 BDB #745 |
There is an alternate spelling of this word. |
306. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #5881 BDB #745.
307. Proper_noun_location: which means spring of ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #6044 BDB #745.
308. Masculine_noun: maʿeyân (מַעְיָן) [pronounced mahģ-YAWN], which means spring, fountain; a place irrigated with fountains. Strong’s #4599 BDB #745. Gen. 7:11 8:2 Psalm 114:8 Prov. 5:16 8:24
maʿeyân (מַעְיָן) [pronounced mahģ-YAWN] |
spring, fountain; a place irrigated with fountains |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4599 BDB #745 |
309. Verb: ʿûwph (ףע) [pronounced ģoof], to fly, to fly away, to fly to. Strong’s #5774 BDB #746. Possibly confounded with #5888 below. (See Strong’s #5774 BDB #733). (1Sam. 14:28)
310. Verb: ʿîyph (ףי.ע) [pronounced geef], which means to become weary, to faint. Zodhiates lists the reference in 1Sam. 14:28 to this, while the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance references Strong’s #5774. The possibilities are: (1) these are the same word and there are two very distinct meanings; (2) there are two words and the former has two very distinct meanings (one which is equivalent to this word); (3) there are two words and two meanings, but they have been confounded with one another either because they sound and/or look similar. Strong’s #5888 BDB #746. 1Sam. 14:28
ʿîyph (ףי.ע) [pronounced geef] |
to become weary, to faint |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5888 BDB #746 |
Zodhiates lists this word as Strong’s #5888; The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance lists this word as Strong’s #5774, claiming that Strong’s #5888 occurs only in Jer. 4:31 (and is in complete agreement with Gesenius with regards to these two words). BDB calls them the same word. Strong’s #5888 is ʿîyph (ףי.ע) [pronounced geef]; Strong’s #5774 is ʿûwph (ףע) [pronounced ģoof]. In the original Hebrew, when there were no vowel points, these two words could have sounded alike and it would have been an easy matter to confuse one with the other. There are several possibilities: (1) they could be the same word with two different meanings and Jer. 4:31 is simply an anomaly of the text; (2) they could be two different words such that Strong’s #5774 has two different meanings and Strong’s #5888 occurs but once in Scripture (this would be the view of The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance and Gesenius); (3) these could be two different words with two separate meanings such that Strong’s #5888 was occasionally miscopied and confounded with Strong’s #5774 4–5 times (Judges 4:21 1Sam. 14:29, 31 2Sam. 21:15 22:11; Job 11:17 and Ezek. 32:10 is the exception passage). This seems to be BDB’s take on this matter. That Strong’s #5774 means to fly has ample evidence: 25 passages and one unquestionable cognate. Strong’s #5888 has only one unquestionable reference in Scripture (BDB lists 5), but it possesses one unquestionable cognate. I am going to treat these as two separate words with two completely separate meanings and assume what we have here is Strong’s #5888. |
Now let me give you what I believe to be the correct explanation. The original word basically means to flutter; so it can take on several meanings: to fly, as wings flutter; and to sleep, as we have the REM of the eyelids. The closing of the eyelids brings on darkness (to the person who has them closed), allowing for a third meaning (which does exist). In other words, we begin with one word which branches out into three different meanings. An alternate spelling is developed for that word for one meaning, which shows up in Jer. 4:31 and for all instances of its similar word. Although it appeals to my mind to treat these as two separate words, it is most reasonable to assume that they arose from the same root. |
311. Adjective: ʿâyêph (חָיְף) [pronounced ģay-YAYF], which means tired, weary, faint, worn out, exhausted, languishing [from toil or thirst]. Strong’s #5889 BDB #746. Gen. 25:29, 30 The Doctrine of Tongues (Isa. 28:12) Judges 8:4 2Sam. 16:14 17:29 Psalm 63:1
ʿâyêph (חָיְף) [pronounced ģay-YAYF] |
famished; tired, weary, faint, worn out, exhausted, languishing [from toil or thirst]; knackered |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5889 BDB #746 |
312. Feminine_noun: ʿîyr (עִיר) [pronounced ģeer], which means encampment, city, town. This is used in the very widest sense of a group of people, from an encampment, to a village, to a city. Strong's #5892 BDB #746. Gen. 4:17 10:11 11:4 13:12 18:24 19:4, 25 23:10 24:10 26:33 28:19 33:18 34:20 35:5 36:32 41:35, 48 44:4 47:21 Exodus 1:11 9:29 Deut. 1:22 2:34 3:4, 5 4:41 20:10 21:2 22:23 34:3 Joshua 10:2 Judges 1:8, 35 10:4 11:26 1Sam. 1:3 5:9, 18 7:14 15:5 16:4 18:6 20:6 22:19 23:7, 10 27:5 28:3 30:3, 29 31:7 2Sam. 2:1 8:8 15:2 17:13 18:3 19:3 20:6 24:5, 7 1Kings 2:10 3:1 4:13 8:1, 16 9:11, 12 1Chron. 6:56 Psalm 55:9 59:6 60:9 Prov. 1:21
ʿîyr (עִיר) [pronounced ģeer] |
city, encampment, town; fortified height; a place of walking; a guarded place |
feminine singular construct |
Strong's #5892 BDB #746 |
ʿârîym (עָרִים) [pronounced ģaw-REEM] |
cities, towns, encampments |
feminine plural construct |
Strong's #5892 BDB #746 |
313. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #5898 BDB #746.
314. Proper Masculine_noun: Strong’s #5904 BDB #746.
315. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #5905 BDB #746.
316. Proper Masculine_noun: Strong’s #5893 BDB #746.
317. Masculine_noun: ʿayir (עַיִר) [pronounced ĢAH-yir], and it means male ass, male donkey (young and vigorous). Strong’s #5895 BDB #747. Gen. 32:15 49:11 Judges 10:4
ʿayir (עַיִר) [pronounced ĢAH-yir] |
male ass, male donkey (young and vigorous) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #5895 BDB #747 |
318. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÎyrâʾ (עִירָא) [pronounced ģee-RAW], which means watchful of a city, watchman; wakefulness; transliterated Ira. Strong’s #5896 BDB #747. 2Sam. 20:26 23:26, 38 1Chron. 11:28, 40
ʿÎyrâʾ (עִירָא) [pronounced ģee-RAW] |
watchful of a city, watchman; wakefulness; transliterated Ira |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5896 BDB #747 |
319. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÎyrâd (עִירָד) [pronounced ģee-RAWD], which means fleet; and is transliterated Irad. Strong’s #5897 BDB #747. Gen. 4:18
ʿÎyrâd (עִירָד) [pronounced ee-RAWD] |
fleet; and is transliterated Irad |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5897 BDB #747 |
320. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5900 BDB #747.
321. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿîyrâm (עִירָם) [pronounced ģee-RAWM], which means belonging to a city; transliterated Iram. Strong’s #5902 BDB #747. Gen. 36:43
ʿÎyrâm (עִירָם) [pronounced ģee-RAWM] |
belonging to a city; transliterated Iram |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5902 BDB #747 |
322. Feminine_noun: In the Massoretic text, the first constellation is written ʿâsh (ש ָע) [pronounced awsh] (Strong’s #5906 BDB #798), but it is probably a typo or the abbreviated form of the word ʿayish (ש ̣י ַע) [pronounced AH-yish or GAH-yish], which is a reference to a constellation—possibly the Great Bear. The Arabic equivalent is probably nash and this is a reference to Ursa Major, also known as the Big Dipper, the Wagon or the Plow. The Greek has here instead, Pleiada (Πλειάδα) [pronounced ply-AH-da], which we transliterated Pleiades. Strong’s #5906 BDB #747. Job 9:9*
323. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAkebôwr (עַכְבּוֹר) [pronounced ģahk-BORE], which means mouse; transliterated Achbor. Strong’s #5907 BDB #747. Gen. 36:38
ʿAkebôwr (עַכְבּוֹר) [pronounced ahk-BORE] |
mouse; transliterated Achbor |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5907 BDB #747 |
324. Masculine_noun: ʿakebâr (עַכְבָּר) [pronounced ģahke-BAWR], which means mouse. This gives new meaning to the proper noun Akbar. Strong’s #5909 BDB #747. 1Sam. 6:4
ʿakebâr (עַכְבָּר) [pronounced ģahk-BAWR] |
mouse |
masculine sngular noun |
Strong’s #5909 BDB #747 |
325. Masculine_noun: spider. Strong’s #5908 BDB #747.
326. Proper_noun/location: ʿAkkôw (ַע) [pronounced ģahk-KOH], which means to hem in; transliterated Acco and Accho. Strong’s #5910 BDB #747. The Doctrine of the City of Acco
ʿAkkôw (ַע) [pronounced ģahk-KOH] |
to hem in; transliterated Acco, Accho |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #5910 BDB #747 |
327. Proper_noun: ʿâkân (ן ָכע) [pronounced aw-KAWN or gaw-KAHN]. Strong’s #5912 BDB #747. Interestingly enough, it is spelled ʿâkâr (ר ָכ ָע) in 1Chron. 2:7, which has the exact same consonants as the words for trouble. Strong’s #5912 & 5917 BDB #747. Joshua 7:26 1Chron. 2:7
328. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #3275 BDB #747.
329. Masculine_noun: ʿekeç (עֶכֶס) [pronounced ĢEH-kehc], which means, anklet, bangle; ankle stocks, a fetter [for a criminal]. Strong’s #5914 BDB #747. Prov. 7:22
ʿekeç (עֶכֶס) [pronounced ĢEH-kehc] |
anklet, bangle; ankle stocks, a fetter [for a criminal] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5914 BDB #747 |
330. Feminine_proper_noun: ʿAkeçâh (ה ָסכ-ע) [pronounced ģahke-SAW], which means anklet, bangle; rattle; and is transliterated Achsah. Strong’s #5915 BDB #747. Judges 1:12
ʿAkeçâh (ה ָסכ-ע) [pronounced ģahke-SAW] |
anklet, bangle; rattle; and is transliterated Achsah |
feminine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #5915 BDB #747 |
331. Verb: ʿâkar (עָכַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR], which means to stir up, to disturb, to cause trouble. Strong’s #5916 BDB #747. [Joshua 6:18 7:25 Judges 11:35—fix pronunciation] Gen. 34:30 1Sam. 14:29
ʿâkar (עָכַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
to stir up, to disturb, to cause trouble, to afflict, to bring evil upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5916 BDB #747 |
ʿâkar (עָכַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
troubled, disturbed; disturbance, calamity |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #5916 BDB #747 |
ʿâkar (עָכַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
to be stirred up, to be disturbed, to be afflicted, to have evil brought upon [onself] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #5916 BDB #747 |
332. Masculine_noun: ʿâkôwr (רכ ָע) [pronounced aw-CORE], which means trouble, disturbance. Strong’s #5911 BDB #747. Joshua 7:25 1Chron. 2:7
333. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #5918 BDB #747.
334. Masculine_noun: asp, viper. Strong’s #5919 BDB #747.
335. Verb: ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH], which means to go up, to ascend, to rise, to climb. Here, in the Qal infinitive construct (in Job 5:26), it would mean a rising of, a coming up of, an ascending of, a climbing of, a springing up, a shooting forth of. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to go up, to lead up, to take up, to bring up. In the participle, this often can refer to the act of a person, or a person who is identified by his actions. Therefore, this could be rendered, the one bringing, the one taking, the one leading up. In the Qal active participle, it means going up, ascending, climbing. Strong's #5927 BDB #748. Gen. 2:6 8:20 13:1 17:22 19:15 22:2 24:16 28:12 31:10 32:24, 26 35:1, 3, 13 37:28 38:12, 13 40:10 41:2, 18, 27 44:17, 24 45:9, 25 46:4, 29 49:4 50:5, 6, 14, 24 Exodus 1:10 2:23 3:8 8:3, 5, 6, 7 10:12 12:38 13:18, 19 16:13 17:3, 10 19:3 24:1, 2, 5 25:37 27:20 30:8, 9 32:1, 6 33:1, 3 Deut. 1:21, 28 3:1, 27 5:5 17:8 20:1 34:1 Joshua 2:6 4:19 6:5 7:2,3, 24 8:11, 20, 31 12:7 14:8 19:12 22:12, 23 24:17 26:23 Judges 1:1, 3 2:1 6:3, 21 11:13, 31 13:5, 16 16:5 18:9 19:25, 31 20:38 Ruth 4:1 1Sam. 1:3, 11 2:6, 14, 19 (twice) 6:7, 14, 15, 20, 21 7:1, 8, 10 9:13, 19, 26 10:3, 18b, (20) 12:6 13:5 15:2 17:23 19:15 23:19, 29 (24:1) 25:5 27:8 28:8, 13, 15 29:9 2Sam. 1:25 2:1, 27 5:19 6:15, 18 15:24, 30 17:21 18:33 19:34 20:2 21:13 22:9 23:9 24:18, 19, 22 1Kings 1:35 2:34 3:4 5:13 6:8 8:1, 4 9:15, 16, 21 1Chron. 11:6 13:6 15:28 16:2 Job 1:5b 5:26 (9:7) 20:6 Psalm 24:3 42:9 51:19 104:8
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
to go up, to ascend, to come up, to rise, to climb |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
There appears to be a military component in the use of this verb in some contexts. That is, it sometimes does not mean to go up [in elevation] or to go up [in a northerly direction], but to go up against an enemy in battle or to go to a specific place in order to position oneself ready for war. |
All of the BDB meanings: to go up, ascend; to meet, visit, follow, depart, withdraw, retreat; to go up, come up (of animals); to spring up, grow, shoot forth (of vegetation); to go up, go up over, rise (of natural phenomenon); to come up (before God); to go up, go up over, extend (of boundary); to excel, be superior to. |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
go up, ascend, come up, rise, to climb |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
a rising of, a coming up of, an ascending of, a climbing of, a springing up, a shooting forth of |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
those going up, ascending ones, those coming up, ones climbing up; those leaping |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
going up, ascending, coming up, climbing |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
to cause to go up [to ascend], to lead up, to take up, to bring up |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
All of the BDB Hiphil definitions: to bring up, cause to ascend or climb, cause to go up; to bring up, bring against, take away; to bring up, draw up, train; to cause to ascend; to rouse, stir up (mentally); to offer, bring up (of gifts); to exalt; to cause to ascend, offer. |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
cause to go up, ascend, lead up, take up, bring up |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
the one bringing, the one taking, the one leading up |
masculine plural, Hiphil participle |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
ʿâlâh (עָלָה) [pronounced ģaw-LAWH] |
to be made to go up; to be made to depart, to be driven away; to be elevated or exalted [used of God] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #5927 BDB #748 |
336. Masculine_noun: ʿâleh (עָלֶה) [pronounced ģaw-LEH], which means leaf, leafage. Strong’s #5929 BDB #750. Gen. 3:7 9:11
ʿâleh (עָלֶה) [pronounced ģaw-LEH] |
leaf, leafage |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #5929 BDB #750 |
337. Masculine_noun: which means pestle. Huh? Prov. 27:22.* Strong’s #5940 BDB #750.
338. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊlîy (עֵלִי) [pronounced ģay-LEE], which is transliterated Eli. Strong’s #5941 BDB #750. 1Sam. 1:3 14:3 1Kings 2:27
ʿÊlîy (עֵלִי) [pronounced ģay-LEE] |
ascension; transliterated Eli |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #5941 BDB #750 |
339. Feminine_noun1: ʿôlâh (עֹלָה) [pronounced ģo-LAW], which means burnt offering, ascending offering. It is a word which is related to the word for climb, ascend and it can be consistently rendered burnt offering. It is what ascends to God; physically, it is the smoke, but spiritually, it is man reaching to God through the means which God has provided. Strong #5930 BDB #750. (I need to spend more time on this word). Gen. 8:20 22:2 Exodus 10:25 18:12 20:24 24:5 29:18 30:9 31:9 32:6 Lev. 1:2 Joshua 22:23 Judges 11:31 13:16 1Sam. 6:14, 15 7:9, 10 10:8 13:9 15:22 2Sam. 6:17 24:22, 24 1Kings 3:4 8:64 9:25 1Chron. 6:49 16:1 Job 1:5b Psalm 51:16
ʿôlâh (עֹלָה) [pronounced ģo-LAW] |
burnt offering, ascending offering |
feminine singular noun |
Strong #5930 BDB #750 |
340. Feminine_noun2: ʿôlâh (ה ָלֹע) [pronounced ģo-LAW], which means ascent, stairway. Exodus 40:26.* probably a mistake for a different word. Strong’s #5930 BDB #751.
341. Adjective: ʿillîy (י.̣ע) [pronounced ģihl-LEE], which means higher, upper. It is found only here (Joshua 15:19) and in the parallel passage in Judges 1:15; however, its numerous cognates fix its meaning. Strong’s #5942 BDB #751. Joshua 15:19 Judges 1:15
ʿillîy (י.̣ע) [pronounced ģihl-LEE] |
higher, upper |
feminine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5942 BDB #751 |
342. Feminine_noun: ʿălîyâh (עֲלִיָה) [pronounced ģuh-lee-YAW], which means roof-chamber, upper room; cool and secluded roof chamber; a ladder, a way of ascent. It is an enclosed area built upon a roof. I am envisioning a man’s study, or rec room or garage, if you will. That is, he’s got the whole house built and then he decides he needs a place just for himself, so he adds on a room on the roof. This comes directly from BDB, which reads: chamber on roof, cool and secluded. Strong’s #5944 BDB #751. Judges 3:19, 23 (1Sam. 9:24) 2Sam. 18:33 Psalm 104:3, 13—change spelling and pronunciation on all but 1Sam passage)
ʿălîyâh (עֲלִיָה) [pronounced ģuh-lee-YAW] |
roof-chamber, upper room; cool and secluded roof chamber; a ladder, a way of ascent |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5944 BDB #751 |
343. Adjective1: ʿeleyôwn (עֶלְיוֹן) [pronounced ģele-YOHN], which means high, higher, situated in a higher place. This word is used most often in connection with God (see below). Strong’s #5945 BDB #751. Gen. 40:17 1Kings 9:8
ʿeleyôwn (עֶלְיוֹן) [pronounced ģele-YOHN] |
high, higher, situated in a higher place |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #5945 BDB #751 |
344. Masculine_noun2: ʿEleyôwn (עֶלְיוֹן) [pronounced ģele-YOHN], which means Most High, highest, Supreme. The Phœnicians and the Carthaginians used the same word to refer to their gods. Strong’s #5945 BDB #751. Gen. 14:18 2Sam. 22:14 Psalm 7:17 57:2 73:11 89:27
ʿEleyôwn (עֶלְיוֹן) [pronounced ģele-YOHN] |
high, higher; Most High, highest, Supreme |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5945 BDB #751 |
345. Masculine_noun: which means lifting. Neh. 8:6.* Strong’s #4607 BDB #751.
346. Masculine_noun: maʿălêh (מַעֲלֵה) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LEH], which means ascent, a trail or road going up; a higher place [summit, stage, platform]; an acclivity, a hill. Strong’s #4608 BDB #751. Judges 1:36 8:13 1Sam. 9:11 2Sam. 15:30
maʿălêh (מַעֲלֵה) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LEH] |
ascent, a trail or road going up; a higher place [summit, stage, platform]; an acclivity, a hill |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4608 BDB #751 |
347. Adverb: maʿal (מַעַל) [pronounced MAH-ģahl ], which means the upper part. This adverb is only found with prefixes and suffixes, and here means from above (with min and lamed). So it is translated by NASB, Young and Rotherham. In Judges 7:13, it means upside down (with a lamed). So it is translated by Owen, NASB, and Rotherham; Young and literally from the NASB, we have the rendering upwards. With the locative hê at the end, it means upwards, above. Strong’s #4605 BDB #751. Gen. 6:16 Exodus 20:4 28:27 30:14 Deut. 4:39 5:8 Joshua 3:13 Judges 1:36 7:13 1Sam. 9:2 10:23 1Kings 7:3, 11, 20, 29 8:23 1Chron. 14:2 Job 3:4 Prov. 8:28
maʿal (מַעַל) [pronounced MAH-ģahl] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
adverb |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
maʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mawģe-LAW] |
higher, upward (s), taller, higher [than]; farther; more, onward |
adverb with hê local |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
maʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mawģe-LAW] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
adverb |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
With the preposition, this means upwards, over the head; beyond; over [anything]; in a higher degree, exceedingly. |
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
maʿal (מַעַל) [pronounced MAH-ģahl] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
preposition |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
With the preposition, this means from above, above, upon; near, by. |
348. Combo: Exodus 25:20
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
maʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mawģe-LAW] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
adverb with the hê local |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
With the lâmed preposition this means upwards, over the head; beyond; over [anything]; in a higher degree, exceedingly. With the hê local, it can mean upwards; farther; more. |
349. Combo: Gen. 6:16 7:20 Exodus 25:20, 21 26:14 1Kings 7:11, 25 8:7
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
maʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mawģe-LAW] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
adverb with the hê local |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
With the lâmed preposition this means upwards, over the head; beyond; over [anything]; in a higher degree, exceedingly. With the hê local, it can mean upwards; farther; more. Adding the min, the lâmed, the adverb and the hê local together, it means from above; above. |
350. Adverb: mâʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mawģe-LAW], which means higher, higher part, above, upon, forward. Probably identical to above, but a different (feminine?) spelling. Could be with the hê local (the difference is a vowel point, which was added much later). Strong’s #4605 BDB #751. 1Sam. 16:13 30:25 1Kings 7:31
maʿelâh (מַעְלָה) [pronounced mahģe-LAW] |
higher, higher part, above, upon, forward |
adverb; either feminine or with the locative hê |
Strong’s #4605 BDB #751 |
Either the feminine form of adverb; or the adverb with the locative hê. This appears to be identical to the masculine form. |
351. Feminine_noun: maʿălâh (מַעֲלָה) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LAW], which means what comes up; steps, stair, stories, ascent; degrees; an upper room. Strong’s #4609 BDB #752. 1Chron. 17:17 Psalm 132 inscription 133 inscription
maʿălâh (מַעֲלָה) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LAW] |
what comes up; steps, stair, stories, ascent; degrees; an upper room |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4609 BDB #752 |
352. Feminine_noun: which means water-course; healing. Strong’s #8585 BDB #752.
353. Substantive: ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl], which means, as a substantive: height, as an adverb: on high, upwards. Strong’s #5920 BDB #752. Gen. 27:39 2Sam. 23:1
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
as a substantive: height, as an adverb: on high, upwards, above |
substantive; adverb |
Strong’s #5920 BDB #752 |
This word is also used of God, meaning the Highest, the Most High. Hosea 11:7 |
354. Preposition: ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl], which means upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside. When ʿal is used in connection with something geographical, particularly water; it has the connotation of contiguity or proximity; so here, it means by or beside. When used with verse of covering or protecting, it means above, upon, even though the articles of clothing may be physically around the person. It can also mean on the ground of (or upon the basis) something is done (Deut. 17:11 Psalm 94:20) or, similarly, where the basis conveyed involves the ground; i.e., it involves the cause or the reason or the grounds for something (then, translated on account of, because of as in Gen. 20:2 21:12). It basically means upon; it is upon this definition that all its other shades of meaning are discerned. When not referring to the relationship between two physical objects, it can be variously rendered as on the ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, besides, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by on to, towards, to, against, in the matter of, concerning, as regards to. This is perhaps one of the most versatile prepositions in the Hebrew language. When rendering this, we do not get to just go and blindly pick out a preposition from above, but what should be on our minds is the relationship between the words in context and the idea of upon. Gesenius says that ʿal, followed by an infinitive, means although; however, he only quotes Job 10:7 and there is no infinitive here. Furthermore, when rendering the meaning of this preposition, we cannot just grab any one of these meanings and run with it. Our minds should first focus on the relationship of the words in this context and the concept of upon. What follows is your knowledge; therefore, it is reasonable to render this, according to, and understand that Job is simply referring to revealed divine truth. However, with the verbs ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced aw-MAHD] [Strong’s #5975 BDB #763] and nitsabv (ב ַצ ̣נ) [pronounced ni-TSAHBV] [Strong’s #5324 BDB #662], it means by. It is even given the renderings although, notwithstanding, in spite of, which is how we will understand it here. Strong’s #5920, #5921 BDB #752. (more could be done with this preposition). Gen. 1:2 2:5, 16 3:14 6:1 7:3 8:1 9:2 12:17 14:6 15:11 16:5 18:2, 19 19:4, 31 20:3 22:2 24:9, 15, 42 26:7 27:13 28:7, 9 29:2 30:3, 28 31:10, 50 32:11, 31 33:1, 4 34:3, 12 35:5 37:8 38:14 39:4 40:2 41:1, 13 42:6, 37 43:7 44:1 45:1, 20 46:4 47:26 48:2, 6 49:13 50:21 Exodus 1:8 2:3, 14 3:18 4:20 5:3, 8 6:26 7:5 8:3 9:9, 22 10:6, 12, 22 11:1 12:4 13:9 14:2 15:16, 24 16:2 17:1, 3 19:4 20:3 21:14 22:2 23:2, 13 24:6 25:11 26:4 27:2 28:8 29:3 30:4 31:7 32:1, 14 33:4 Lev. 5:13 Num. 6:20 Deut. 1:11 3:12 4:2, 10, 11 11:20 16:3 17:6, 10, 11 20:1 21:5 22:24 31:15 Joshua 2:7 3:16 9:5 10:5 12:2 13:25 14:6 18:5, 14 Judges 3:10, 18 5:15, 19 6:3, 25 9:17, 18, 49 9:22 11:38 16:14b 19:30 Ruth 4:7, 10 1Sam. 1:9, 13 4:1b, 12, 13, 19 5:4, 5, 7 6:12 8:7 9:6 11:2 12:12, 19 13:1 14:4, 10, 13 15:1, 3, 9 16:1 17:5, 20, 32 18:4 19:20 20:8, 24 21:13, 15 22:2 23:9 24:3, 5, 22 25:8, 13, 30, 36 26:1 27:10, 11 29:4 30:6 31:4 2Sam. 1:2, 9 15:2 16:1 18:1 1Kings 5:5 6:32 8:7, 43 1Chron. 5:10 6:32 10:13 Job 1:6 1:8 6:3 (with ref. to Strong’s #3651), 16, 27, 28 7:20 9:22 (w/ ref. to Strong’s #3651) 10:1, 3, 7 12:14 13:27 14:22 15:27 16:17 17:8, 16 18:20 19:8 21:31 2Sam. 1:18 3:30 4:2 6:7, 25 14:1 17:2, 11 18:1, 11, 18 19:1 20:8 22:11, 28 23:2, 8 24:4, 12 1Kings 1:13, 38 2:4, 18 3:4, 26 4:1, 7, 33 6:1, 8, 32 7:2 8:5 9:5, 26 1Chron. 12:17 13:2 16:21 17:17, 26 18:7 Job 1:6 2:1 3:4 Psalm 2:2 7 inscription, 7, 8 8 inscription 10:14 15:3 21:11 23:2 29:3 32:5 41:3 46 inscription 51:19 52:6 54:3 55:3 56 inscription 57:2 59:3 60 inscription 61 inscription 63:6, 10 62 inscription, 3 64:8 81 inscription 99:2, 8 103:10 105:14 106:7, 17, 22, 32 133:2 142:3, 7 Prov. 1:27 2:11 3:3, 29 6:21 7:3, 14 8:2, 17 9:3, 14 10:12 Eccles. 1:6, 13 2:17 Zech. 12:1, 2, 4, 9, 10
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside; because of, on account of |
preposition of relative proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
When not showing a physical relationship between two things, ʿal can take on a whole host of new meanings: on the ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, besides, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by on to, towards, to, against, in the matter of, concerning, as regards to. It is one of the most versatile prepositions in Scripture. This word often follows particular verbs. In the English, we have helping verbs; in the Hebrew, there are helping prepositions. |
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over; on the ground of, because of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, with, by, besides, in addition to, to, toward, together with, in the matter of, concerning, as regards to |
preposition of relative proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
BDB gives the following meanings for this verb: 1) upon, on the ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to, against (preposition); 1a) upon, on the ground of, on the basis of, on account of, because of, therefore, on behalf of, for the sake of, for, with, in spite of, notwithstanding, concerning, in the matter of, as regards; 1b) above, beyond, over (of excess); 1c) above, over (of elevation or pre-eminence); 1d) upon, to, over to, unto, in addition to, together with, with (of addition); 1e) over (of suspension or extension); 1f) by, adjoining, next, at, over, around (of contiguity or proximity); 1g) down upon, upon, on, from, up upon, up to, towards, over towards, to, against (with verbs of motion); 1h) to (as a dative); 2) because that, because, notwithstanding, although (conjunction). |
Gesenius breaks down the prepositional use of ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] into 4 categories: (1) It is used much like the Greek preposition ἐπὶ, when one thing is placed upon, over, on something else. This can be different things, when one is over the other; or it can refer to the top part of something being over the bottom part. This can refer to clothing being on a person; as well as something which is super-added to another thing. (2) This preposition can be used to express a relationship between two things that are not touching, with the idea of impending, being high, being suspended over something else. (3) ʿAl can be used to express neighborhood or continuity. It can be translated at, by, near. (4) Finally, ʿal can denote motion unto or towards something. One thing can rush upon, towards, to, against another thing. |
355. Compound preposition/adverb: See the preposition kên for ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl ] for being prefixed to the adverb kên (כֵּן) [pronounced cain] (kên = Strong's #3651 BDB #485).
356. Compound_preposition: See min for its being used with min. Strong’s #none BDB #577.
357. Compound_preposition/relative pronoun: See Strong’s #834 BDB #81.
358. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #5933 BDB #759.
359. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAlevân (עַלְוָן) [pronounced ģahl-VAWN], which means tall; and is transliterated Alvan, Alivan. Strong’s #5935 BDB #759.
ʿAlevân (עַלְוָן) [pronounced ģahl-VAWN] |
tall; and is transliterated Alvan, Alivan, Aljan |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5935 BDB #759 |
The wâw is occasionally replaced with a yodh (י). |
360. Verb: ʿâlaz (עָלַז) [pronounced ģaw-LAHZ], which means to exult, to rejoice; to triumph. Strong’s #5937 BDB #759. 2Sam. 1:20 Psalm 68:4 96:12 149:4
ʿâlaz (עָלַז) [pronounced ģaw-LAHZ] |
to exult, to rejoice; to triumph |
3rd person feminine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5937 BDB #759 |
361. Adjective: which means exultant, jubilant. Used as a noun. Strong’s #5938 BDB #759.
362. Adjective: which means exultant, jubilant. Strong’s #5947 BDB #759.
363. Feminine_noun: ʿălâţâh (עֲלָטָה) [pronounced uhl-aw-TAW], which means dusk, twilight; darkness; thick darkness. Strong’s #5939 BDB #759. Gen. 15:17
ʿălâţâh (עֲלָטָה) [pronounced uhl-aw-TAW] |
dusk, twilight; darkness; thick darkness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5939 BDB #759 |
364. Verb: ʿâlal (עָלַל) [pronounced ģaw-LAHL], which means to satisfy thirst [akin to satisfying lust]; to satisfy one’s mind [by doing what is in one’s mind, including causing pain to someone or by making sport of them]; to put forth all one’s power; to expend one’s power [in destroying another]; to act severely towards, to deal ruthlessly with, to act wantonly towards, to satisfy [sexual] thirst. These are Hithpael meanings when followed by the bêyth preposition. Strong’s #5953 BDB #759. Judges 19:25 1Sam. 6:6 31:4 1Chron. 10:4
ʿâlal (עָלַל) [pronounced ģaw-LAHL] |
to drink [after a drought]; to glean; to quench one’s thirst; to satisfy one’s desire, to gratify oneself; to perform [a work], to do a deed |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5953 BDB #759 |
ʿâlal (עָלַל) [pronounced ģaw-LAHL] |
to glean; to entirely destroy a people [figurative use]; to be petulant; to vex, to maltreat |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #5953 BDB #759 |
ʿâlal (עָלַל) [pronounced ģaw-LAHL] |
to satisfy thirst [akin to satisfying lust]; to satisfy one’s mind [by doing what is in one’s mind, including causing pain to someone or by making sport of them]; to act wantonly towards, to satisfy [sexual] thirst |
3rd person plural, Hithpael perfect |
Strong’s #5953 BDB #759 |
The original meaning was to have a great thirst and then to satisfy this thirst. It had come to mean to have a great desire or lust and then to satisfy that lust. When used of man, it means to satisfy one’s lust [by causing pain to or making sport of another]; when used of God, it means to satisfy all that is in His mind by doing something. Gesenius adds the definitions to put forth all one’s power; to expend one’s power [in destroying another]; but I don’t know that these are really accurate. They also suggest to act severely towards, to deal ruthlessly with, but these definitions really come more from the original meaning to satisfy one’s thirst [lust, desire, thinking] and then doing whatever one wants to do. |
ʿâlal (עָלַל) [pronounced ģaw-LAHL] |
to complete, to do a deed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #5953 BDB #759 |
365. Feminine_noun: ʿôwlêlôwth (תל̤לע) [pronounced ģoh-lay-LOHTH], which means gleaning, second harvesting of, the gathering [of grapes] after the harvesters. Strong’s #5955 BDB #760. Judges 8:2
366. Verb1: ʿâlal (ל-לָע) [pronounced aw-LAHL or gaw-LAHL], which means to glean, to harvest; and metaphorically to mock, to cut down. There are actually three homonyms found in BDB which match this verb. The first means to cut down, to harvest; the second means to act capricious, mischievous, like a child; and the third means to insert, to thrust in. The second use of this verb is not found in Scripture, but there are several cognates which would support its usage in this way. The third use is really found only here; and again, as we saw in the previous verse, that often is the result of tradition rather than careful scholarship. When it comes to the actual, previous translations of this verb, that is a whole other story. In the KJV, it is rendered defiled, hast done, affecteth, glean, children, is done, have wrought, mocked, wrought wonderfully, abuse, to practice. This verb is only found 20 times in the Bible! Since the concept of gleaning, cutting down, harvesting is so often found, that is what we will go with. Strong’s #5953 BDB #760. Judges 20:45 Job 16:15
367. Feminine_noun: ʿălîylâh (עֲלִילָה) [pronounced al-ee-LAW], which means actions, deeds; wanton acts. It is a difficult word to determine a meaning for. It is used to refer to actions of God in Psalm 9:11; so I will go with the more neutral rendering actions. It is followed by the word words. My guess is that the phrase actions of words is idiomatic for something like baseless charges. Strong’s #5949 BDB #760. Deut. 22:14 1Sam. 2:3 1Chron. 16:8 Psalm 99:8 103:7
ʿălîylâh (עֲלִילָה) [pronounced al-ee-LAW] |
actions, deeds, evil or bad deeds [actions, works]; wanton acts |
feminine plural noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5949 BDB #760 |
Since this word is used of God in Psalm 9:11, we may want to go with a more neutral connotation. |
ʿălîylâh (עֲלִילָה) [pronounced al-ee-LAW] |
actions, deeds, evil or bad deeds [actions, works]; wanton acts |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #5949 BDB #760 |
debârîym (דְּבָרִים) [pronounced dawb-vawr-EEM] |
words, sayings, doctrines, commands; things, matters, reports |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #1697 BDB #182 |
Several translators have rendered these two words baseless charges. |
368. Feminine_noun: which means deed. Strong’s #5950 BDB #760.
369. Masculine_plural_noun: maʿălîyl (מַעֲלִיל) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LEEL], which means acts, deeds, practices. It is a nonjudgmental word which can stand for evil practices (1Sam. 25:3 Psalm 28:4 Isa. 3:8 Hos. 9:15) or for good deeds (Psalm 77:12 78:7). However, this word is used much more often in the former sense than in the latter. In Psalm 105:1, this is a reference to all that God had done on behalf of Israel; not only the miracles and wonders of God’s acts which took them out of Israel, but everything which preceded that. Strong’s #4611 BDB #760. Judges 2:19 1Sam. 25:3 Psalm 78:7 105:1 106:29
maʿălîyl (מַעֲלִיל) [pronounced mah-ģuh-LEEL] |
acts, deeds, practices |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #4611 BDB #760 |
370. Masculine plural noun abstract: which means wantonness, capriciousness. Strong’s #8586 BDB #760.
371. Masculine_noun: ʿôwlâl (עוֹלָל) [pronounced ģo-LAWL], which means a child as opposed to an adult; it is sometimes in contrast to nursing children as well (1Sam. 15:3 22:19 Jer. 44:7), although the implication could be young children (Job 3:16 Hosea 13:16 Nahum 3:10). In Jer. 6:11 9:21, it refers to a boy playing in the streets, and in Lam. 4:4, a boy who is begging for bread. It is also used of an unborn child in Job 3:16. Strong’s #5768 BDB #760. 1Sam. 15:3 22:19 Job 3:16 Psalm 8:2
ʿôlâl (עוֹלָל or עֹלָל) [pronounced ģo-LAWL] |
infant; boy; a child as opposed to an adult |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5768 BDB #760 |
372. Verb2: ʿâlal (ל-לָע) [pronounced aw-LAHL or gaw-LAHL], which means to act like a child, to play the child. Strong’s #5953 BDB #760.
373. Verb3: ʿâlal (ל-לָע) [pronounced aw-LAHL or gaw-LAHL], which means to insert, to thrust in. Strong’s #5953 BDB #760. Job 16:15
374. Masculine_noun: ʿôl (עֹל) [pronounced ģohl], which means yoke. Strong’s #5923 BDB #760. Gen. 27:40 Deut. 21:3 1Sam. 6:7
ʿôl (עֹל) [pronounced ģohl] |
yoke |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5923 BDB #760 |
375. Masculine_noun: ʿălîyl (לי.לֲע) [pronounced guh-LEEL], which means furnace, crucible; workshop. Strong’s #5948 BDB #760. Psalm 12:6*
ʿălîyl (לי.לֲע) [pronounced guh-LEEL] |
furnace, crucible; workshop |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5948 BDB #760 |
376. Verb1: ʿâlam (עָלַם) [pronounced ģah-LAWM], which means to hide, to hide from the eyes, to turn away from. By application, it could also mean to conceal, to cover over. In the Hiphil, it is often used in conjunction with eyes or ears, and it can mean to hide one’s eyes from which means to disregard. In hiding the ear, it is similar to our expression to turn a deaf ear (Lam. 3:56). Here, it is found in the Hithpael stem (the intensive, reflexive stem). My guess is that this might be a shorthand idiom meaning essentially the same as turning a deaf ear to or simply disregarding. Strong’s #5956 BDB #761. [synonym: çâthar Strong's #5641 BDB #711]. Deut. 22:1 1Sam. 12:3 Psalm 10:1
ʿâlam (עָלַם) [pronounced ģaw-LAHM] |
secret; hidden |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5956 BDB #761 |
ʿâlam (עָלַם) [pronounced ģaw-LAHM] |
to be concealed, to be [lie] hidden; as a participle: concealed, dissemble |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5956 BDB #761 |
ʿâlam (עָלַם) [pronounced ģaw-LAHM] |
to hide [from anyone], to hide from the eyes, to turn away from; to neglect; to ignore; to cover over with words (to chide, to rebuke; the opposite of to throw light upon; to praise) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5956 BDB #761 |
ʿâlam (עָלַם) [pronounced ģaw-LAHM] |
to hide oneself, to hide one’s eyes, to turn oneself away from; to intentionally neglect or ignore |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5956 BDB #761 |
377. Feminine_noun: thaʿălûwmâh (הָמלֲע-) [pronounced tah-ģuh-loo-MAW], which means an hidden thing, something hidden, a secret. It is only found in Job 11:6 28:11 and Psalm 44:21.* Strong’s #8587 BDB #761. Psalm 44:21
378. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5960 BDB #761.
379. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #5963 BDB #761.
380. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Also a location. Strong’s #5964 BDB #761.
381. Masculine_proper_noun: Yaʿelâm (יַעְלָם) [pronounced yahģ-LAWM], which means concealed; transliterated Jalam, Jaalam. Strong’s #3281 BDB #761. Gen. 36:5, 14
Yaʿelâm (יַעְלָם) [pronounced yahģ-LAWM] |
concealed; transliterated Jalam, Jaalam |
masculine singular proper noun: |
Strong’s #3281 BDB #761 |
382. Verb2: ʿâlam (ם ַל ָע) [pronounced ah-LAWM], which means to be strong [sexually], to rejuvenate, to be mature [sexually]. Strong’s #none BDB #761.
383. Masculine_noun: ʿelem (ם∵ל∵ע) [pronounced ĢEH-lem], which means a young man. Strong’s #5958 BDB #761. 1Sam. 17:56
ʿelem (ם∵ל∵ע) [pronounced ĢEH-lem] |
a young man |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5958 BDB #761 |
384. Feminine_noun: ʿalemâh (עַלְמָה) [pronounced ģahle-MAW], which means virgin; girl of marriageable age; [possibly] a newly married woman, a young woman. Ripe sexually, maid or newly married. Strong’s #5959 BDB #761. Exodus 2:8 Isa. 7:14
ʿalemâh (עַלְמָה) [pronounced ģahle-MAW] |
virgin; girl of marriageable age; [possibly] a newly married woman, a young woman |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5959 BDB #761 |
385. Feminine_plural_noun: ʿălâmôwth (תמָלֲע) [pronounced guh-law-MOHTH], which means young women; soprano/falsetto singing. Strong’s #5961 BDB #761. 1Chron. 15:20 Psalm 46 inscription
ʿălâmôwth (תמָלֲע) [pronounced guh-law-MOHTH] |
young women; soprano/falsetto singing |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5961 BDB #761 |
This is simply the plural form of: |
ʿalemâh (הָמל-ע) [pronounced ģahle-MAW] |
virgin; girl of marriageable age; [possibly] a newly married woman, a young woman |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5959 BDB #761 |
386. Noun plural abstract: ʿălûwmîym (עֲלוּמִים) [pronounced uh-loo-MEEM], which means youth, youthful age, youthful, vigor. Strong’s #5934 BDB #761. Job 20:11 Psalm 89:45
ʿălûwmîym (עֲלוּמִים) [pronounced uh-loo-MEEM] |
youth, youthful age, youthful, vigor |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5934 BDB #761 |
387. Verb3: ʿâlam (ם ַל ָע) [pronounced ah-LAWM], which means to age. Dubious. Strong’s #none BDB #761.
388. Masculine_noun: ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM], a word indicating long duration, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity. It seems to be used as a word outside of time in terms of direction, but it occupies a long period of time. This is usually translated of old (Gen. 6:4 Deut. 32:7), always (Gen. 6:3), forever (Ex. 3:15 12:14), everlasting (Gen. 17:7 Exodus 40:15), perpetual (Num. 19:21). In Deut. 15:17, it does not mean forever per se, but for the entirety of the slave’s life. Context seems to determine the direction of the long time. Strong’s #5769 (& #5865 in one instance) BDB #761. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:12) [The Chaldean equivalent is Strong’s #5957]. Gen. 3:22 9:12 17:7, 8 21:33 48:4 49:26 Exodus 12:14 14:13 27:21 28:43 29:9 30:21 31:16 40:15 Deut. 5:29 15:17 Joshua 8:28 1Sam. 27:8 2Sam. 23:5 1Kings 8:13 (personal love) 1Chron. 16:15 Psalm 10:16 24:7 41:12 52:8 61:4 73:12 78:69 104:5, 31 106:48 (I need to spend more time on this word). Prov. 10:25
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
properly what is hidden [time]; of [in] times past, from ancient time, old, antiquity, long duration, everlasting, eternal, forever, perpetuity; for future time, futurity; of the world, worldly |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
ʿôwlâmîym (עוֹלָםִים) [pronounced ģo-lawm-EEM] |
properly what is hidden [time]; of [in] times past, from ancient time, old, antiquity, long duration, everlasting, eternal, forever, perpetuity; for future time, futurity; of the world, worldly |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
I am not sure the difference between the singular and plural nouns. |
389. Compound_preposition: ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM], a word indicating long duration, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity. With the lâmed preposition it means forever (Eccles. 1:4). Strong’s #5769 (& #5865) BDB #761. Gen. 3:22 6:3 Exodus 3:15 19:9 21:6 31:17 32:13 Deut. 5:29 Judges 2:1 2Sam. 7:29 1Kings 1:31 2:33 9:5 1Chron. 16:15 Psalm 12:7 15:5 29:10 33:11 44:8 52:9 55:22 73:26 106:1 110:4 118:1, 29 136:1 148:6 (see this passage for the long phrase) Prov. 10:30 Eccles. 1:4, 10 2:16
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
ʿôwlâm together with the lâmed preposition mean forever, always. |
This is treated as a single word leʿolâm (לְעֹלָֽם) [pronounced leh-ģoh-LAWM]; and it means forever, always. |
Barnes: Ever – The word does not here absolutely signify “eternity” (compare Eccles. 3:11 note), but a certainly short period (compare Exodus 21:6): here it might be paraphrased “as long as this world, this present order of things, lasts.” |
390. Compound_prep: Exodus 15:18
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
we (or ve) (וְ or וּ) [pronounced weh] |
and, even, then; namely; when; since, that; though |
simple wâw conjunction |
No Strong’s # BDB #251 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
progress, duration [of time]; perpetuity of time; eternity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5703 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] is also used as a preposition, meaning as far as, even to, up to, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
Together, these words literally mean for a long duration and perpetuity of time; but are generally translated forever and ever. To forever and beyond is a reasonable rendering of this phrase. |
391. Compound_preposition: ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] which means as far as, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723. It is followed by the masculine singular noun ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM], a word indicating long duration, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity (Strong’s #5769 BDB #761). Together, they mean and from everlasting to everlasting, from eternity past to eternity future or from antiquity to everlasting. Together, these words have been rendered to the age (Young), unto times age-abiding (Rotherham), and forever (The Amplified Bible, Owen, NASB). Gen. 13:15 Exodus 12:24 Joshua 14:5 1Sam. 1:22 2:30 3:13, 14 13:13 20:15 2Sam. 3:28 12:10 22:51 1Kings 2:33 9:3 1Chron. 15:2 Psalm 61:8 106:31 133:3
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
Together, they mean and from everlasting to everlasting, from eternity past to eternity future or from antiquity to everlasting, forever; for a lifetime (?); from a point in time to far into the future; to the end of this age. |
392. Compounded: Psalm 21:4
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
we (or ve) (וְ or וּ) [pronounced weh] |
and, even, then; namely; when; since, that; though |
simple wâw conjunction |
No Strong’s # BDB #251 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
progress, duration [of time]; perpetuity of time; eternity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5703 BDB #723 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] is also used as a preposition, meaning as far as, even to, up to, until. Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
Together, these words literally mean long duration and perpetuity of time; but are generally translated forever and ever. Forever and beyond is a reasonable rendering of this phrase. |
393. Compounded with prepositions: Psalm 148:6
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
forever, perpetuity, eternity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5703 BDB #723 |
Literally, this means to forever, to perpetuity. Owen claims that we have a definite article here as well. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
Together, these words mean to eternity to perpetuity; with regards to perpetuity to antiquity. It is possible that the idea here is that this means to eternity, with regards to antiquity; to eternity future to eternity past; for the future with reference to the distant past. |
394. Compound: Prov. 8:23
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
This is variously translated ages ago (Owen, ESV, The Scriptures 1998); at the outset of the ages (Rotherham); from everlasting (Green’s literal translation, WEB); from eternity (VW); from everlasting (MKJV, UPDV); from the eon (CLV); at the very first (CEV); and in the [very] beginning (GNB, ERV, CAB). |
Wesley: From the beginning - Before which, there was nothing but a vast eternity. |
James Rickard: “From everlasting” is the Preposition MIN with the Noun OLAM, עוֹלָם that means, “forever, eternity, perpetual, something everlasting, long duration, antiquity, etc.” It often refers to undefined time, such as the distant past of an ancient boundary marker. Therefore, the Word of God existed in eternity past, before the creation of the heavens and the earth. |
395. Compounded twice with a preposition: In Psalm 90:2, we have ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] (Strong’s #5769 BDB #761), which means long duration, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity, old, everlasting; the preposition ʿad (ד ַע) [pronounced ad ], which means as far as, until ( Strong’s #5704 BDB #723) and then ʿôwlâm is repeated. This would mean from everlasting to everlasting, from eternity past to eternity future or from antiquity to everlasting. I wonder if a case could be made for from age to age. In Psalm 104:4, we have ʿôwlâm followed by the wâw conjunction and the masculine singular of ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd], which means perpetuity (see Strong’s #5704 BDB #723). This phrase has been translated to the age and forever (Young), to times age-abiding and beyond (Rotherham), forever and ever (NASB, NJB), never (this is with the negation in the NAB, REB, NIV and NRSV), and forever (The Amplified Bible). Psalm 41:13 (with definite articles) 90:2 103:17
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
we (or ve) (וְ or וּ) [pronounced weh] |
and, even, then; namely; when; since, that; though |
simple wâw conjunction |
No Strong’s # BDB #251 |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
ʿôwlâm (עוֹלָם) [pronounced ģo-LAWM] |
long duration, forever, everlasting, eternal, perpetuity, antiquity, futurity; what is hidden, hidden time |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5769 BDB #761 |
Together, these words (going back as far as the min) mean from everlasting to everlasting, from eternity past to eternity future or from antiquity to everlasting. This phrase has been translated to the age and forever (Young), to times age-abiding and beyond (Rotherham), forever and ever (NASB, NJB), never (this is with the negation in the NAB, REB, NIV and NRSV), and forever (The Amplified Bible). |
396. Verb: ʿâlam (ם ַל ָע) [pronounced ģaw-LAHM] means to veil from sight, to conceal. Strong's #5956 BDB #761. [Synonym = çâchar (ר ַח ָס) [pronounced saw-KHAHR] and it means to hide, to conceal. The difference between these two words is that the first verb describes what is done behind closed doors, in a tent, under a veil—that is, an act which is concealed; and the second word is an act of concealment.] The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7) Num. 5:13 Job 6:16—add the ģ] 1Sam. 12:3 Psalm 10:1
397. Verb: ʿâlaç (עָלַס) [pronounced ģaw-LAHS], which means to rejoice, to be merry. This verb is only found in three places—Job 20:18 39:13 Psalm 7:18. We don’t have a great deal of reason other than Gesenius or BDB to take on this meaning. There is no additional cognatic evidence in its support. There is a very similar word for rejoice (Strong’s #5970), which could even be a different form of the same word. This would be reasonable. Strong’s #5965 BDB #763. Job 20:18 Prov. 7:18
ʿâlaç (עָלַס) [pronounced ģaw-LAHS] |
to rejoice, to be merry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5965 BDB #763 |
ʿâlaç (עָלַס) [pronounced ģaw-LAHS] |
to exult, to flap [wings] joyously [used of an ostrich]; moving about briskly |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5965 BDB #763 |
ʿâlaç (עָלַס) [pronounced ģaw-LAHS] |
to delight oneself, to enjoy [together], to rejoice |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5965 BDB #763 |
James Rickard: 1) In his rebuke of Job, Zophar insisted that those who obtain dishonest wealth ultimately do not “enjoy” the result of their effort, Job 20:18. 2) God cited the ostrich, an unwieldy part of his creation, which, although it can flap its wings, does not fly, Job 39:13. It leaves its eggs exposed and treats its young harshly. 3) Our verse (Prov. 7:18) where wisdom admonished the young man who spends the night with an adulteress. The adulteress exclaims, “Let us enjoy ourselves,” but her sins lead to death. |
398. Verb: which means drink [of blood]. What? Job 39:30. Strong’s #5966 BDB #763.
399. Verb: ʿâlaph (עָלַף) [pronounced ģaw-LAHF], which means to cover up oneself; to disguise oneself; to faint. Strong’s #5968 BDB #763. Gen. 38:14
ʿâlaph (עָלַף) [pronounced ģaw-LAHF] |
covered, encrusted |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #5968 BDB #763 |
ʿâlaph (עָלַף) [pronounced ģaw-LAHF] |
to cover up oneself; to disguise oneself; to faint |
3rd person feminine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #5968 BDB #763 |
400. Verb: ʿâlats (עָלַץ) [pronounced ģah-LAWTS], which means to rejoice, to be joyful, to show [exhibit or feel] a triumphant [and lively] joy. I was confused by the words exult and exalt; which means we should stick with rejoice. Strong’s #5970 BDB #763. 1Sam. 2:1b 1Chron. 16:32 Psalm 68:3
ʿâlats (עָלַץ) [pronounced ģah-LAWTS] |
to rejoice, to be joyful, to show [exhibit or feel] a triumphant [and lively] joy |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #5970 BDB #763 |
401. Feminine_noun: which means exultation. Strong’s #5951 BDB #763.
402. Verb: which means to hang, to be suspended, to adhere, to cleave to. Strong’s #none BDB #763.
403. Feminine_noun: which means leech. Strong’s #5936 BDB #763.
404. Verb: ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD], which means to take a stand, to stand, to remain, to endure, to withstand. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to stand, to station, to set, to place, to decree, to destine. However, when used with this unusual discoloration, it means that this discoloration has remained, it has taken a stand. In Joshua 18:5, Owen renders this will continue and Rotherham and young both render it stay. Strong's #5975 BDB #763. Gen. 18:22 10:17 24:30, 31 45:1 Exodus 8:22 Lev. 13:5 needs more work; only done for context of Lev. 13; see Gesenius Gen. 18:8 19:27 29:35 41:1, 3, 17 43:15 45:9 47:7 Exodus 3:5 9:10, 16, 28 14:19 17:6 18:13 20:18 21:21 26:15 32:25 33:9, 10 Deut. 1:38 4:10 5:4, 31 17:12 31:15 Joshua 3:8, 13, 17 10:8, 13, 19 11:13 18:5 20:4 21:44 23:9 30:9 Judges 2:14 3:19 4:20 6:31 16:25 20:28 Ruth 2:7 1Sam. 6:14 9:27 14:9 16:21, 22 17:3 19:3, 20 20:38 26:13 30:9 2Sam. 1:9 15:2, 17 17:17 18:4, 30 20:4, 11, 12 22:34 1Kings 1:2 3:15 7:25 8:11, 14 1Chron. 6:31, 32 15:16 Job 8:15 14:2 Psalm 10:1 19:9 33:9, 11 106:23, 30 147:17 148:6 Eccles. 1:4 2:9
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
to take a stand, to stand, to remain, to endure, to withstand; to stop, to cease |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
All Qal meanings given by BDB: 1a1) to stand, take one’s stand, be in a standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure, persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one’s ground; 1a5) to stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright; 1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one’s stand, be appointed, grow flat, grow insipid. |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
take a stand, stand, remain, endure, withstand; stop |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
taking a stand, standing, is remaining, enduring, withstand; stopping, ceasing |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
the one taking a stand, him standing [nearby]; the enduring one; the one waiting, the one remaining |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
the one taking a stand, him standing [nearby]; the enduring one; the one waiting, the one remaining |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
is taking a stand, is standing [nearby], stands; enduring; waiting, is remaining |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
those taking a stand, the ones standing [nearby], remaining ones; attendants; are standing, are remaining, are waiting; are enduring; standing, being upright |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
to cause to stand [firm], to maintain; to station, to cause to set up [place, raise up, erect], to establish, to preserve; to decree, to impose [a law, mandate]; to ordain, to appoint, to destine; to stand still; to present [one] before [a king] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
ʿâmad (עָמַד) [pronounced ģaw-MAHD] |
to be presented, be caused to stand; to be set, to be placed; to be stood before; to remain |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #5975 BDB #763 |
405. Masculine_noun: which means standing-place. Strong’s #5977 BDB #765.
406. Feminine_noun: which means standing-ground. Text dubious (Micah 1:11). Strong’s #5979 BDB #765.
407. Masculine_noun: ʿammûwd (עַמּוּד) [pronounced ģahm-MOOD], which means pillar, column; platform, scaffold. Strong’s #5982 BDB #765. Exodus 13:21 14:19 26:32 27:10 33:9 1Kings 7:2, 3 1Chron. 18:8 Psalm 99:7 Prov. 9:1
ʿammûwd (עַמּוּד) [pronounced ģahm-MOOD] |
pillar, column; platform, scaffold |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5982 BDB #765 |
408. Masculine_noun: which means office, station, post; function, service. Strong’s #4612 BDB #765.
409. Masculine_noun: which means standing-ground, foothold. Strong’s #4613 BDB #765.
410. Verb: which means to be united, to be associated with; to be kin to. Strong’s #none BDB #765.
411. Masculine_noun: ʿâmîyth (תי ̣מ ָע) [pronounced aw-MEETH] and it means associate, fellow. I have translated this neighbor, although coming up with an accurate rendering is difficult. This is a person who might be a neighbor, but not necessarily. They may know one another only through this one particular business transaction. The other person is probably a Jew, but not necessarily. It is someone else who also lives in the land. Found only in Leviticus and in Zech. 13:7. Strong's #5997 BDB #765.
412. Verb: ʿâmal (עָמַל) [pronounced ģaw-MAHL], which means, to labor, to toil, to work [hard]. Strong's #5998 BDB #765. Eccles. 1:3 2:11
ʿâmal (עָמַל) [pronounced ģaw-MAHL] |
to labor, to toil, to work [hard] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #5998 BDB #765 |
This verb is found primarily in the poetry of the Bible (Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes). It occurs one time in Jonah 4:1 (and just once in Psalm 127:1 and Prov. 16:26) but most of its occurrences are in Ecclesiastes. |
413. Masculine_noun: ʿâmâl (עָמָל) [pronounced ģaw-MAWL], which means intense labor, exhausting toil, exhaustion, miserable work, work and toil so tiring, you just want to cry; misery, travail; production from labor. It is incorrectly rendered misery, wickedness, trouble, mischief, perverseness, sorrow, travail, grievousness, grievances (although, there is a case to be made for this translation in Psalm 10:7). Context determines whatever sort of judgment should be laid upon this word. It is found sparingly in the Law (Gen. 41:51 Num. 23:21 Deut. 26:7 Judges 10:16) and in the prophetical books (Isa. 10:1 53:11 59:4 Jer. 20:18 Habbak. 1:3, 13) and quite often throughout the poetical books (Job through Ecclesiastes). However, it is translated perverseness, toil, misery, wickedness, trouble, mischief, sorrow, painful, labor, travail, grievousness, grievances. I am going to go with wearisome labor here, but this word could use some more examination. Context will decide whether this refers to wearisome labor or simple exhausting misery from living. Strong's #5999 BDB #765. Gen. 41:51 Num. 23:21 Judges 10:16 Job 3:10 5:6 7:3 15:35 16:2 Psalm 7:14 10:7, 14 73:5, 16 105:44 Eccles. 1:3 2:10
ʿâmâl (עָמָל) [pronounced ģaw-MAWL] |
intense labor, exhausting toil, exhaustion, miserable work, work and toil so tiring, you just want to cry; misery, travail; production from labor |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5999 BDB #765 |
414. Masculine_noun/adjective: ʿâmêl (עָמֵל) [pronounced ģaw-MALE], which means laborer, worker, workman; miserable, one who is exhausted and/or miserable from labor, sufferer, worn out, burnt out. It can refer to one who is miserable and tired due to his toil and labor and with just doing what it takes to get through life. It is used here as a substantive, so we could render this miserable, one who is exhausted and/or miserable from labor, sufferer, labourer, workman, worn out, burnt out. It is only found in Judges 5:26 Job 3:20 20:22 Prov. 16:26 Eccl. 2:18, 22 3:9 4:8 9:9.* Strong’s #6001 BDB #766. Judges 5:26 Job 3:20 20:22 Eccles. 1:18
ʿâmêl (עָמֵל) [pronounced ģaw-MALE] |
laborer, worker, workman; miserable, one who is exhausted and/or miserable from labor, sufferer, worn out, burnt out |
masculine plural noun; also used as an adjective |
Strong’s #6001 BDB #766 |
ʿâmêl (עָמֵל) [pronounced ģaw-MALE] |
toiling, working, doing, working until complete misery and exhaustion set in, worn out, tired out, burnt out |
masculine singular verbal adjective (also used as a noun) |
Strong’s #6001 BDB #766 |
415. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAmâlêq (עַמָלֵק) [pronounced ģah-maw-LAYK], which is transliterated Amalek. This can be used as an gentilic adjective. Strong’s #6002 BDB #766. Doctrine of the Amalek Gen. 36:12 Exodus 17:8 Judges 3:13 1Sam. 14:48 15:2 28:18 30:18 2Sam. 1:1 8:12
ʿAmâlêq (עַמָלֵק) [pronounced ģah-maw-LAYK] |
transliterated Amalek |
masculine proper noun; used infrequently as an gentilic adjective |
Strong’s #6002 BDB #766 |
416. Gentilic_adjective: ʿămâlêqîy (עֲמָלֵקִי) [pronounced ģuh-maw-lay-KEE], which is transliterated Amalekite. Strong’s #6003 BDB #766. Gen. 14:7 1Sam. 15:6 27:8
ʿĂmâlêqîy (עֲמָלֵקִי) [pronounced ģuh-maw-lay-KEE] |
people of lapping; transliterated Amalekite |
proper noun gentilic with the definite article |
Strong’s #6003 BDB #766 |
Although BDB identifies Amalekite as being a descendant of Esau, Esau is not yet born. |
417. Masculine_noun1: ʿam (עַם) [pronounced ģahm], which means people. It is not the specific word for Gentiles nor is it a word which stands for Israel. We find this word used prior to the formation of Israel (Gen. 11:6 14:16); it is used prophetically of Israel, in both the singular and the plural (Gen. 48:4, 19); and it is used to clearly stand for Israel (Ex. 20:20–21 1Sam. 2:29) and to clearly stand for groups of people who are not Israel (Ex. 21:8). This word can stand for Israel and for Gentiles in the very same context (Deut. 28:9–10). In general, when ʿam is In the singular, it tends to stand for Israel (Isa. 62:12 63:18 Dan. 8:24 12:7) or for a particular non-Israeli people (Ex. 21:8 Deut. 28:32 Ezek. 3:5). In the plural, 99% of the time it stands for Gentile nations (Deut. 4:19, 27 6:14 13:7) or for all nations of the earth (Deut. 7:6 32:8). Once and awhile it stands for Israel (Gen. 28:3 48:4 Judges 5:14 Hos. 10:14). In fact, the last two usages could refer to believers and unbelievers of Israel. It is pretty much equivalent to a race of men. Strong’s #5971 BDB #766. Gen. 11:5 14:16 17:14 19:4 23:7 25:8, 17 26:10 27:29 28:3 32:7 33:15 34:16 35:6 41:40 42:6 47:21 48:4, 19 49:10, 16 50:20 Exodus 1:9 3:7 4:16 6:7 7:4 8:1 9:1 10:3 11:2 12:27 13:3 14:5 15:13, 14, 16 16:4 17:1 18:1 19:5, 7 20:18 21:8 22:25 23:11 24:2 30:33 31:14 32:1 33:1 Deut. 1:28 2:4, 25 3:1 4:6 5:28 16:18 17:7 20:1, 16 21:8 [Deut. 33:3, 5 Joshua 10:7 11:4 Judges 1:16 2:12 4:13 9:29 Job 12:2 Psalm 33:10—fix pronunciation] 1Sam. 2:13 4:3 12:18 14:2 15:1 17:27 18:5 23:8 26:5 27:12 30:4, 21 31:9 2Sam. 1:4 12:28 13:34 14:13, 15 15:12 16:6 17:2 18:1 19:2 20:12, 15 22:28, 48 23:10 24:2 1Kings 1:39 3:2 4:34 5:7, 16 6:13 8:16, 43 9:7, 20 1Chron. 16:2 Psalm 7:8 56:7 57:9 59:11 62:8 68:7 96:7 99:1 105:1 106:4 110:3 149:4
ʿammîym (עַמִּים) [pronounced ģahm-MEEM] |
peoples, nations; tribes [of Israel]; relatives of anyone |
masculine plural collective noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5971 BDB #766 |
ʿam (עַם) [pronounced ģahm] |
people; race, tribe; family, relatives; citizens, common people; companions, servants; entire human race; herd [of animals] |
masculine singular collective noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #5971 BDB #766 |
This word can stand for Israel and for Gentiles in the very same context (Deut. 28:9–10). In general, when ʿam is In the singular, it tends to stand for Israel (Isa. 62:12 63:18 Dan. 8:24 12:7) or for a particular non-Israeli people (Ex. 21:8 Deut. 28:32 Ezek. 3:5). In the plural, 99% of the time it stands for Gentile nations (Deut. 4:19, 27 6:14 13:7) or for all nations of the earth (Deut. 7:6 32:8). Once and awhile it stands for Israel (Gen. 28:3 48:4 Judges 5:14 Hos. 10:14). In fact, the last two usages could refer to believers and unbelievers of Israel. It is pretty much equivalent to a race of men. |
418. Preposition: ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem], which means with, at, by, near. BDB allows for the generally concept of fellowship and coupling to be extended to a relationship of equality or resemblance, therefore allowing for the rendering like, as in the passages Job 9:26 37:18 40:15 Psalm 28:1 88:3 143:7. Re: Job 9:35: BDB gives the following confusing explanation concerning this passage: in one’s consciousness, whether of knowledge or memory or purpose...not so am I with myself (my consciousness—or conscience—does not tell me that I need dread him). You will not find the explanation of Gesenius to be any more satisfying: “not so (am) I with myself,” i.e., my mind is not such within me, sc that I should fear. I am going to get rather free with the second translation and render this as: because this is how the matter stands: I am not alone. However, it can also refer to authorship or origination, as in Gen. 41:32 1Kings 2:23 Isa. 8:18. Therefore, we can go with from in some instances, as we will in Job 10:13. This particular preposition is often found with the verb ʿâsâh. Strong’s #5973 BDB #767. Gen. 3:6 13:1 18:23 19:19 20:9 21:10, 22 22:5 23:4 24:12, 25, 54, 58 25:11 26:3, 29 27:44 28:15, 20 29:6 30:8 31:2, 32 32:4 33:1 35:4 39:7 40:14 42:38 43:34 46:3 47:29 48:1 50:9 Exodus 3:12 4:12 10:10 13:19 14:6 17:1 18:6 19:9, 24 20:19 21:3 23:1, 5 24:2, 14 33:9 Deut. 4:23 5:2 17:19 20:1 22:23 Joshua 7:2 9:2 22:7 Judges 1:22 (7:7) 8:35 9:6 16:3, 13b 18:3, 22 1Sam. 2:21, 26 3:19 5:7 9:5, 19 10:2, 6 12:24 13:2 14:2, 7, 21 15:6, 25 16:12 17:19 18:12 20:5 22:2 23:19 25:7 26:6 27:1 28:8, 19 29:2, 9 30:22 31:5 2Sam. 2:3, 5 5:10 10:2 13:11 14:17 15:19 17:24 19:16 20:8 22:26, 44 23:5 24:16 1Kings 1:7, 9 2:8 3:6 5:6 8:9, 57 9:27 Job 1:4 3:14 9:26, 35 10:12, 13 13:20 17:2, 3 18:2 21:4 Psalm 23:4 46:7 54 inscription 55:18 73:5, 22, 25 89:13, 38 106:5 Prov. 3:30 10:22 Eccles. 1:11 2:16
ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem] |
with, at, by, near; like; from |
preposition of nearness and vicinity |
Strong’s #5973 BDB #767 |
ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem] |
with, at, by, near; like; from; against; toward; as long as; beside, except; in spite of |
preposition of nearness and vicinity |
Strong’s #5973 BDB #767 |
The NET Bible: The preposition עִם (’im, “with”) may occasionally function in a comparative sense, meaning “together with; even as; like” (e.g., Eccl 1:11; 2:16; 7:11; Job 9:26; 1 Chr 14:10: 20:6; 25:8); see HALOT 839 s.v. עִם 2. When used to describe a common lot, it connotes “together with” (Gen 18:23, 25; 1 Chr 24:5; Job 3:14, 15; 30:1; Ps 26:9; 28:3; 69:29; Isa 38:11), hence “like” (Pss 73:5; 106:6; Eccl 2:16); see BDB 767–68 s.v. עִם 1.e. |
419. Combo: Exodus 17:4
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem] |
with, at, by, near; like; from |
preposition of nearness and vicinity |
Strong’s #5973 BDB #767 |
Literally, this is to with, for with; BDB meanings: together with, in spite of, notwithstanding. |
420. Compound_preposition: min (ן ̣מ) [pronounced min] (from, off) is combined with ʿîm, to give us ʿmêʿîm (ם ̣ע̤מ) [pronounced may-ĢEEM], and it means from with, beside, from being with, away from, far from, from the possession of, from the custody of. Min = Strong’s #4480 BDB #577. and ʿîm = Strong’s #5973 BDB #767. Together, they are BDB# 768. Gen. 13:14 24:27 25:6 26:16 31:31 41:32 44:29 48:12 Exodus 8:12 9:33 10:6 11:8 21:14 22:12 Judges 9:37 Ruth 4:10 1Sam. 1:17, 27 2:33 10:2, 9 14:17 16:13 18:12, 13 20:7 2Sam. 1:2 3:15 7:15 24:21 1Chron. 17:13 Psalm 89:33
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem] |
with, at, by, near |
preposition of nearness and vicinity; with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5973 BDB #767 |
Together, these prepositions mean: from with, beside, from being with, away from, far from, from among, from the possession of, from the custody of, from the house of, from the vicinity of, out of the power of, from the mind of. |
421. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿImmânûwʾêl (ל̤אנ ָ.ע) [pronounced ģihm-maw-noo-ALE], which means God with us; transliterated Immanuel. Strong’s #6005 BDB #769. Isa. 7:14
ʿImmânûwʾêl (ל̤אנ ָ.ע) [pronounced ģihm-maw-noo-ALE] |
God with us; transliterated Immanuel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6005 BDB #769 |
422. Masculine_noun2: ʿam (ם ַע) [pronounced ģahm], which means kinsman, relatives [on the father’s side]. Strong’s #5971 BDB #769. See above.
423. Feminine_noun: ʿummâh (עֻמָּה) [pronounced ģoom-MAW], which means juxtaposition, close by, side by side with, parallel to, along side; over-against; agreeing with, correspond to; close beside; equally with, even as, exactly as; in conjunction with, in communion with. Strong’s #5980 BDB #769. Exodus 25:27 28:27 2Sam. 16:13 1Kings 7:20
ʿummâh (עֻמָּה) [pronounced ģoom-MAW] |
juxtaposition, close by, side by side with, parallel to, along side; over-against; agreeing with, correspond to; close beside; equally with, even as, exactly as; in conjunction with, in communion with |
feminine singular noun but mostly with the force of a preposition |
Strong’s #5980 BDB #769 |
This is an unusual noun, inasmuch as it is mostly found in Exodus and Ezekiel. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿummâh (עֻמָּה) [pronounced ģoom-MAW] |
juxtaposition, close by, side by side with, parallel to, along side; over-against; agreeing with, correspond to; close beside; equally with, even as, exactly as; in conjunction with, in communion with |
feminine singular construct but mostly with the force of a preposition |
Strong’s #5980 BDB #769 |
These two together are various translated: . |
424. Combo: 1Kings 7:20
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿummâh (עֻמָּה) [pronounced ģoom-MAW] |
juxtaposition, close by, side by side with, parallel to, along side; over-against; agreeing with, correspond to; close beside; equally with, even as, exactly as; in conjunction with, in communion with |
feminine singular noun but mostly with the force of a preposition |
Strong’s #5980 BDB #769 |
According to Gesenius, this noun with the two prefixed prepositions means near. Owens has close beside. |
425. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿammôwn (עַמּוֹן) [pronounced ģahm-MOHN], which is transliterated Ammon. Strong’s #5983 BDB #769. Gen. 19:38 Deut. 2:19 3:11 Judges 3:13 1Sam. 11:11 14:47 2Sam. 8:12 10:3 12:9, 26 17:27
bânîym (בָּנִים) [pronounced baw-NEEM] |
sons, descendants; children; people; sometimes rendered men |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #1121 BDB #119 |
ʿAmmôwn (עַמּוֹן) [pronounced ģahm-MOHN] |
tribal [inbred]; transliterated Ammon |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #5983 BDB #769 |
This is often transliterated Bene-Ammon and is a common designation for this country. |
ʿAmmôwn (עַמּוֹן) [pronounced ģahm-MOHN] |
tribal [inbred]; transliterated Ammon |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #5983 BDB #769 |
426. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿammôwnîy (עַמּוֹנִי) [pronounced ģahm-moh-NEE], which means is transliterated Ammonite. Strong’s #5984 BDB #770. Deut. 2:20 1Sam. 11:1 23:37 1Chron. 11:39
ʿAmmôwnîy (עַמּוֹנִי) [pronounced ģahm-moh-NEE] |
tribal [inbred]; transliterated Ammonite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #5984 & #5985 BDB #770 |
427. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAmmîyʾêl (עַמִּיֵַל) [pronounced ģahm-mee-ALE], which means one of the family of God; my kinsman is God; transliterated Ammiel. Strong’s #5988 BDB #770. 2Sam. 9:4 17:27
ʿAmmîyʾêl (עַמִּיֵַל) [pronounced ģahm-mee-ALE] |
one of the family of God; transliterated Ammiel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5988 BDB #770 |
428. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿammîyhûwd (עַמִּיהוּד) [pronounced ģam-mee-HOOD], which means, my kinsman is majesty [glory]; people of glory [praise, renown]; transliterated Ammihud. Strong’s #5989&5991 BDB #770.
ʿammîyhûwd (עַמִּיהוּד) [pronounced ģam-mee-HOOD] |
my kinsman is majesty [glory]; people of glory [praise, renown]; transliterated Ammihud |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5989 BDB #770 |
Here, the text actually reads ʿammîychûwr (עַמִּיחוּר) [pronounced ģam-mee-KHOOR], which means people of majesty; one of the family [i.e., a relative] and it would be transliterated Ammichur. Strong’s #5991 BDB #770. |
429. Masculine_proper_noun: which means my kinsman has bestowed; transliterated . Strong’s #5990 BDB #770.
430. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAmmîynâdâb (עַמִּינָדָב) [pronounced ģahm-mee-naw-DAWBV], which means my kinsman is noble; people of liberality; people of the prince; my people are willing; transliterated Amminadab. Strong’s #5992 BDB #770. Exodus 6:23 1Chron. 15:10
ʿAmmîynâdâb (עַמִּינָדָב) [pronounced ģahm-mee-naw-DAWBV] |
my kinsman is noble; people of liberality; people of the prince; my people are willing; transliterated Amminadab |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5992 BDB #770 |
431. Masculine_proper_noun: which means my kinsman is Shaddai; transliterated . Strong’s #5996 BDB #770.
432. Verb2: which means to darken, to dim. I don’t know where verb #1 is. Strong’s #6004 BDB #770.
433. Verb: ʿâmaç (עָמַס) [pronounced ģaw-MAHS], which means to carry a burden, to carry a load, to take up, to lift up; it is especially used for a load which is lifted up onto a horse or mule. ʿÂmaç is the verbal cognate of the adjective which we just had. Strong’s #6006 BDB #770. Gen. 44:13 Psalm 68:19 Zech. 12:3
ʿâmaç (עָמַס) [pronounced ģaw-MAHS] |
to carry a burden, to carry a load, to take up, to lift up; it is especially used for a load which is lifted up onto a horse or mule |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6006 BDB #770 |
ʿâmaç (עָמַס) [pronounced ģaw-MAHS] |
to lay a burden or load upon anyone |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6006 BDB #770 |
434. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated Amos. Strong’s #5986 BDB #770.
435. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6007 BDB #770.
436. Feminine_noun/Adjective?: maʿămâçâh (ה ָס ָמ ֱע ַמ) [pronounced mah-ga-maw-SAW], and this word is found here only, and it means burdensome. I mention it, as it does have verbal cognate which is used more often. BDB says feminine noun only. Strong’s #4614 BDB #770. Zech. 12:2
437. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6008 BDB #770.
438. Verb: which means to be deep. Strong’s #6009 BDB #770.
439. Masculine_noun: ʿemeq (עֶמֶק) [pronounced ĢEH-mek], which means valley, vale, lowland, deepening, depth. Strong’s #6010 BDB #770. Gen. 14:3 37:14 Joshua 7:24 15:7 Judges 1:19 1Sam. 6:13 17:2 21:9 31:7 2Sam. 5:18 18:18 23:13 Psalm 60:6
ʿemeq (עֶמֶק) [pronounced ĢEH-mek] |
valley, vale, lowland, deepening, depth |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6010 BDB #770 |
440. Masculine_noun: ʿômeg (עֹמֶג) [pronounced ĢOH-mehg], which means depth. Strong’s #6011 BDB #771. Prov. 9:18*
ʿômeg (עֹמֶג) [pronounced ĢOH-mehg] |
depth |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #6011 BDB #771 |
441. Adjective: which means deep, unfathomable. Strong’s #6012 BDB #771.
442. Adjective: ʿâmôq (עָמֹק) [pronounced ģaw-MOHK] and it means deep; unsearchable, what cannot be sought out; possibly, what cannot be found. Strong’s #6013 BDB #771. Job 11:8 Psalm 64:6
ʿâmôq (עָמֹק) [pronounced ģaw-MOHK |
deep; unsearchable, what cannot be sought out; possibly, what cannot be found |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6013 BDB #771 |
443. Masculine_proper_noun: which means depth; transliterated . Strong’s #5987 BDB #771.
444. Masculine_plural_noun: which means depths. Strong’s #4615 BDB #771.
445. Verb1: which means to be abundant, to surpass, to overtop. Strong’s #none BDB #771.
446. Masculine_noun1: ʿômer (ר∵מֹע) [pronounced ĢOH-mer], which means sheaf, a row of fallen grain. This is found more often in that song than in the Bible. We find this about a dozen times in Scripture. It means sheaf or a row of fallen grain. Strong’s #6016 BDB #771. Ruth 2:7
447. Masculine_noun2: ʿômer (ר∵מֹע) [pronounced ĢOH-mer], which means, transliterated omer and refers to a small drinking cup, bowl and is used as a measure only in Exodus 16. Strong’s #6016 BDB #771. Exodus 16:16, 32
ʿômer (ר∵מֹע) [pronounced ĢOH-mer] |
transliterated omer and refers to a small drinking cup, bowl and is used as a measure only in Exodus. |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6016 BDB #771 |
448. Masculine_noun: which means a sweath, a row of fallen grain. Strong’s #5995 BDB #771.
449. Verb2: ʿâmar (עָמַר) [pronounced ģaw-MAHR], which means, to manipulate, to deal tyrannically with; to treat as a slave. and, although it is given two different meanings, I think we can narrow it down to bind, either actually or under tyranny (the two different text book—BDB—definitions are bind sheaves (Psalm 129:7) or to deal tyranically with (Deut. 21:14 24:7). Strong’s #6014 BDB #771. Deut. 21:14 24:7
ʿâmar (עָמַר) [pronounced ģaw-MAHR] |
to bind sheaves; to gather |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6014 BDB #771 |
ʿâmar (עָמַר) [pronounced ģaw-MAHR] |
to manipulate, to deal tyrannically with; to treat as a slave |
2nd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6014 BDB #771 |
The difference here what is being bound up, people or sheaves. |
450. Feminine_proper_noun: ʿĂămôrâh (עֲמֹרָה) [pronounced ģuhm-oh-RAW], which means submersion; and is transliterated Gomorrah. Strong’s #6017 BDB #771. Gen. 10:19 13:10 14:2 18:20 19:24
ʿĂămôrâh (עֲמֹרָה) [pronounced ģuhm-oh-RAW] |
submersion; and is transliterated Gomorrah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6017 BDB #771 |
451. Verb3: רמע, which means to live, to worship, to live long. Strong’s #none BDB #771.
452. Masculine_proper_noun: which means worship; long life; transliterated Omri. Strong’s #6018 BDB #771.
453. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAmerâm (עַמְרָם) [pronounced ahm-RAWM], which means high people, exalted people; transliterated Amram. Strong’s #6019 BDB #771. Exodus 6:18
ʿAmerâm (עַמְרָם) [pronounced ahm-RAWM] |
high people, exalted people; transliterated Amram |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6019 BDB #771 |
454. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6020 BDB #771.
455. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂmâsâʾ (עֲמָשָׂא) [pronounced ģum-aw-SAW], which means burden; the people of Jesse; transliterated Amasa. Strong’s #6021 BDB #771. 2Sam. 17:25 19:13 20:4 1Kings 2:5
ʿĂmâsâʾ (עֲמָשָׂא) [pronounced ģum-aw-SAW], |
burden; the people of Jesse; transliterated Amasa |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6021 BDB #771 |
456. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂmâsay (י-ָמֲע) [pronounced ģuh-maw-SAH-ee], which means burdensome; transliterated . Strong’s #6022 BDB #772. 1Chron. 12:18 15:24
ʿĂmâsay (י-ָמֲע) [pronounced ģuh-maw-SAH-ee] |
burdensome; transliterated Amasi |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6022 BDB #772 |
457. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Probably a textual error for foregoing. Strong’s #6023 BDB #772.
458. Masculine_noun: ʿênâb (עֵנָב) [pronounced ģay-NAWBV], which means grapes. Strong’s #6025 BDB #772. Gen. 40:10 49:11
ʿênâb (עֵנָב) [pronounced ģay-NAWBV] |
grape (s) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6025 BDB #772 |
Proper_noun/location: which means grapes; transliterated . Strong’s #6025 BDB #772.
459. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6036 BDB #772.
460. Verb: which means to be soft, delicate, dainty. Strong’s #6026 BDB #772.
461. Masculine_noun: which means daintiness, exquisite delight. Strong’s #6027 BDB #772.
462. Adjective: which means dainty, delicate, soft. Strong’s #6028 BDB #772.
463. Masculine_noun: taʿănug (תַּעֲנֻג) [pronounced tah-ģuhn-OOG], which means daintiness, delicate; a luxury, an exquisite delight; pleasant; comfort. Strong’s #8588 BDB #772. Eccles. 2:8
taʿănug (תַּעֲנֻג) [pronounced tah-ģuhn-OOG] |
daintiness, delicate; a luxury, an exquisite delight; pleasant; comfort |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8588 BDB #772 |
Also spelled taʿănûwg (תַּעֲנוּג) [pronounced tah-ģuhn-OOG] and taʿănugâh (תַּעֲנֻגָה) [pronounced tah-ģuhn-oog-AW] (this is the feminine form). |
464. Verb: ʿânad (עָנַד) [pronounced ģaw-NAHD], which means to bind [upon, around oneself], to tie [up]. Strong’s #6029 BDB #772. Prov. 6:21
ʿânad (עָנַד) [pronounced ģaw-NAHD] |
to bind [upon, around oneself], to tie [up] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6029 BDB #772 |
ʿânad (עָנַד) [pronounced ģaw-NAHD] |
bind [upon, around oneself], tie [up] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #6029 BDB #772 |
465. Feminine_noun: which means bonds, bands. Plural. Strong’s #4575 BDB #772.
466. Verb: ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH], which means to answer, to respond. It is found well over 300 times in the Bible: Gen. 18:27 Exodus 4:1 Deut. 1:14). It is reasonable to render this answer loudly, speak up [in a public forum], testify. This word occasionally has a very technical meaning of giving a response in court, as in Deut. 19:18, as well as for a judge giving a sentence (Ex. 23:2). It can be used as a legal term, meaning to give testimony, to act as a witness, to stand witness against someone in a trial (Deut. 31:21 Ruth 1:21 2Sam. 1:16 Job 15:6). This is perhaps its rarest usage in Scripture. It means to lift up one’s voice, to begin to speak as well as to signify, to imply anything by one’s words, to propose. It appears as though its proper but infrequent meaning is to sing. However, it can also mean to speak loudly and solemnly, to make a loud and/or solemn pronouncement. The key in this usage seems to be whether or not this is the answer to a question. The key in this usage seems to be (1) in context, this stands alone—it is not the answer to a question, and (2) a negative is associated with ʿânâh. The song is a witness against them in the appeal trial of Satan. The use of the word answered often begins a discourse when no particular question was asked (Deut. 26:5 27:14 Isa. 14:10 Zech. 3:4). This word is also used when it would have been apropos to ask a question, but one was not actually asked. The NT equivalent word is used in much the same way (Matt. 17:4, 17 28:5 Mark 9:5 10:51). In the Niphal, it means to be answered, to be refuted, to be heard and answered. Strong's #6030 BDB #772. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:9a) Gen. 18:27 23:5 24:50 27:37 30:33 31:14 34:13 35:3 40:18 41:16 42:22 45:3 Exodus 4:1 15:21 19:7 20:16 23:2 24:3 32:18 Deut. 1:14 5:20 20:11 21:7 (notice #6031 below). 31:21 Judges 5:29 18:14 19:28 Ruth 1:21 1Sam. 1:15 7:9 9:8, 17 12:3 14:12 16:17 18:7 20:10 21:3, 11 22:9 23:4 25:10 26:6 28:6 29:5 30:22 2Sam. 1:16 13:32 14:18 15:21 19:42 20:20 22:42 1Kings 1:28 2:22 3:27 1Chron. 12:17 Job 1:7 3:2 9:1, 32 13:22 15:2, 6 16:8 19:7, 16 20:3 Psalm 20:1 34:4 55:2, 19 99:6 118:5 132:1 Prov. 1:28
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to answer, to respond; to speak loudly, to speak up [in a public forum]; to testify; to sing, to chant, to sing responsively |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6030 BDB #772, #777 |
It is reasonable to render this speak [or, answer] loudly, speak up [in a public forum]. ʿânâh occasionally has a very technical meaning of giving a response in court, and could be rendered testify. in some contexts, this word can mean to sing. One source lists this as Strong’s #6030; another as #6031. In Exodus 32:18, this is a Piel infinitive construct. BDB lists this on p. 777. |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
the one answering (or, responding); the one speaking loudly, the one speaking up [in a public forum]; the one testifying; singing, chanting, singing responsively |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #6030 BDB #772, #777 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to make an answer, to be answered; to receive and answer |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6030 BDB #772, #777 |
467. Feminine_noun: ʿôwnâh (עוֹנָה) [pronounced ģoh-NAW], which means, cohabitation, conjugal rights marriage agreement, marriage duties. Strong’s #5772 BDB #773. Exodus 21:10*
ʿôwnâh (עוֹנָה) [pronounced ģoh-NAW] |
cohabitation, conjugal rights marriage agreement, marriage duties |
feminine singular noun, with the 3rd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #5772 BDB #773 |
468. Feminine_noun: which means time. There is a masculine form too. Strong’s #6256 BDB #773.
469. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6278 BDB #773.
470. Adverb: see below.... which means of time, now, at the time. Strong’s #6258 BDB #773.
471. Feminine_substantive: ʿêth (עֵת) [pronounced ģayth], which means time, the right time, the proper time. Strong’s #6256 BDB #773. Gen. 9:11 18:10 21:22 24:11 29:7 31:10 38:1, 27 Exodus 18:21 Deut. 1:9, 16 2:34 3:4 4:14 5:5 Joshua 8:29 10:27 11:10 Judges 3:29 11:26 13:23 21:22 Ruth 2:14a Judges 4:4 1Sam. 4:20 9:16 18:19 20:12 2Sam. 24:15 1Kings 8:65 1Chron. 12:22, 32 Psalm 10:1, 5 21:9 34:1 81:15 105:19 106:3 Prov. 5:19 6:14 8:30
ʿêth (עֵת) [pronounced ģayth] |
time, the right time, the time proper ; opportunity |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6256 BDB #773 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
Strong’s# none BDB #88 |
ʿêth (עֵת) [pronounced ģayth] |
time, the right time, the proper time; opportunity |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6256 BDB #773 |
With the bêyth preposition, this means at the right time, at the proper time. |
hîyʾ (הִיא) [pronounced hee] |
she, it; also used as a demonstrative pronoun: that, this (one) |
3rd person feminine singular, personal pronoun; sometimes the verb is, is implied |
Strong’s #1931 BDB #214 |
These three words together seem to mean at this time, at that time; during this same time, during this same time period. |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, upon, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #none BDB #88 |
kôl (כֹּל) [pronounced kohl] |
every, each, all of, all; any of, any |
masculine singular construct not followed by a definite article |
Strong’s #3605 BDB #481 |
ʿêth (עֵת) [pronounced ģayth] |
time, the right time, the proper time; opportunity |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6256 BDB #773 |
Based upon the best translators, these 3 words together can be translated, in all times, at all time; at every opportunity. |
472. Adverb: ʿattâh (עַתָּה) [pronounced ģaht-TAWH], which is an adverb of time meaning now, at this time, already. When this adverb is used with the imperative, it implies that the time has come for this exhortation or advice to be followed. Strong’s #6258 BDB #773. See kîy for the compound kîy ʿattâh (ה ָ ַע י ̣כ) [pronounced kee-ģaht-TAWH]. Gen. 19:9 26:22 31:13, 28 32:4 43:10 44:10 46:34 Exodus 5:5 6:1 9:15 18:19 Deut. 2:13 Joshua 1:1 Judges 13:12 1Sam. 8:5 9:6 9:12 12:12 Joshua 3:12 13:7 24:15, 23 1Sam. 2:30 12:2, 16 13:12 15:1 17:29 18:22 25:7 27:1 2Sam. 16:11 17:9 18:3 19:7 20:6 Job 16:19 Psalm 12:5 Prov. 5:19
ʿattâh (עַתָּה) [pronounced ģaht-TAWH] |
now, at this time, already |
adverb of time |
Strong’s #6258 BDB #773 |
473. Combo: Exodus 9:18
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, just as; according to, after; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison, resemblance or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
ʿattâh (עַתָּה) [pronounced ģaht-TAWH] |
now, at this time, already |
adverb of time |
Strong’s #6258 BDB #773 |
This preposition and adverb together mean, about this time, around this time. |
474. Adverb/conjunction (followed by an imperative or interrogative): ʿattâh (עַתָּה) [pronounced ģaht-TAWH], which is an adverb of time meaning now. Sometimes, the idea of time is lost when it is used as a word of incitement, especially when followed by an imperative; ditto for interrogative sentences; it can describe a present state with the wâw conjunction and be translated and so, thus, things being so, therefore. Literally, it is and now. Strong’s #6258 BDB #773. Gen. 3:22 11:6 12:19 20:7 21:23 24:49 27:3 30:30 31:30 32:10 37: 41:33 44:30 45:5 47:4 48:5 50:5 Exodus 3:9 4:12 5:18 9:19 10:17 18:11 19:5 32:10 33:5 Deut. 4:1 5:25 Judges 9:16 11:8 13:4, 7 17:3 18:14 1Sam. 2:30 6:7 8:8 9:13 10:19 12:7, 10, 13, 16 18:22 20:29, 31 21:3 23:20 24:20, 21 25:26 26:8 28:22 29:7 2Sam. 2:6 7:8 12:23 13:13, 33 14:15 15:34 17:16 18:3 19:7 24:10 1Kings 1:12 2:9 3:7 5:4 8:25 Psalm 2:10 Prov. 5:7 7:24 8:32
we (or ve) (וְ or וּ) [pronounced weh] |
and, even, then; namely; when; since, that; though |
simple wâw conjunction |
No Strong’s # BDB #251 |
ʿattâh (עַתָּה) [pronounced ģaht-TAWH] |
now, at this time, already |
adverb of time |
Strong’s #6258 BDB #773 |
When followed by an imperative or an interrogative, we + the adverb ʿattâh mean and so, thus, things being so, therefore, now therefore, now then, in conclusion. Sometimes, the concept of time is lost when this combination is used to incite another. |
475. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿAttay (י--ע) [pronounced ģaht-TAH-ee], which means opportune; transliterated Attai. Strong’s #6262 BDB #774. 1Chron. 12:10
ʿAttay (י--ע) [pronounced ģaht-TAH-ee] |
opportune; transliterated Attai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6262 BDB #774 |
476. Adjective: which means timely, ready. Strong’s #6261 BDB #774.
477. Preposition/conjunction: yaʿan (יַעַן) [pronounced yah-ĢAHN], which means on account of, because. It comes from an unused root which means to pay attention. BDB calls it properly a substantive (meaning purpose, intention], although it is always found as a preposition or a conjunction, and translated on account of, because. Strong's #3282 BDB #774. Gen. 22:16 Lev. 26:43 Deut. 1:36 Judges 2:20 1Sam. 15:23
yaʿan (יַעַן) [pronounced yah-ĢAHN] |
because, therefore, because that, in that, on account of (conjunction); because of, on account of (preposition); why (with interrogative pronoun) (preposition) |
preposition/conjunction |
Strong's #3282 BDB #774 |
478. Compound_preposition: Gen. 22:16 Deut. 1:36 1Sam. 30:22 1Kings 3:11
yaʿan (יַעַן) [pronounced yah-ĢAHN] |
on account of; because |
preposition |
Strong's #3282 BDB #774 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced uh-SHER] |
that, which, when, who |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Together, yaʿan ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר יַעַן) [pronounced yah-ĢAHN ash-ER] mean because that, because; in that, that. |
479. Masculine_noun: which means answer, response. Strong’s #4617 BDB #775.
480. Conjunction/preposition: lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn], which means for the sake of, on account of, to the intent of, to the intent that, to the purpose that, in order that. If we had just the lâmed preposition and the infinitive, this would be covered. However, the use of this preposition emphasizes the cause or purpose of the action. The substantive maʿan (מַעַן) [pronounced MAH-ģahn] means purpose, intent. It is found in Scripture only with the prefixed lâmed. Strong’s #4616 BDB #775. Gen. 12:13 18:24 37:22 50:20 Exodus 1:11 4:5 8:10, 22 9:16, 29 10:1 11:7 16:4 20:12 23:12 33:13 Deut. 2:30 3:26 4:1 5:14 9:5 16:20 17:16 20:18 22:6 29:9, 13 Joshua 1:7,8 4:6 11:20 Judges 3:2 1Sam. 15:15 17:28 2Sam. 13:5 1Kings 2:3 8:40 Job 18:4 19:29 Psalm 8:2 23:3 44:26 51:4 68:23 106:8 Prov. 2:20 Zech. 12:7
lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn] |
for the sake of, on account of, to the intent of, to the intent that, to the purpose that, in order that, in view of, to the end that; so that |
compound preposition and substantive which acts like a preposition |
Strong’s #4616 BDB #775 |
This is the substantive maʿan (מַעַן) [pronounced MAH-ģahn], which means purpose, intent, combined with the lâmed preposition (which is the only way that it is found in Scripture). |
From the NET Bible footnote for Psalm 51:4: The Hebrew term lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn] normally indicates purpose ("in order that"), but here it introduces a logical consequence of the preceding statement. (Taking the clause as indicating purpose here would yield a theologically preposterous idea - the psalmist purposely sinned so that God's justice might be vindicated!) For other examples of lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn] indicating result, see 2 Kings 22:17 Jer 27:15 Amos 2:7. |
481. Compound conjunction: lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn], which means for the sake of, on account of, to the intent of, to the intent that, to the purpose that, in order that. This preposition emphasizes the cause or purpose of the action. Strong’s #4616 BDB #775. This is followed by the relative pronoun ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced uhsh-ER], which generally means that, which, when or who. Strong's #834 BDB #81. Together, when followed by an imperfect, they mean to the end that. However, when they are followed by a perfect tense, we will render these words as because that. Gen. 18:19 Exodus 10:3 13:9 Deut. 20:18 Joshua 3:4 4:24 11:20 Judges 2:20
lemaʿan (לְמַעַן) [pronounced le-MAH-ģahn] |
for the sake of, on account of, to the intent of, to the intent that, to the purpose that, in order that, in view of, to the end that; so that |
compound preposition and substantive which acts like a preposition |
Strong’s #4616 BDB #775 |
This is the substantive maʿan (מַעַן) [pronounced MAH-ģahn], which means purpose, intent, combined with the lâmed preposition (which is the only way that it is found in Scripture). |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who, whom; where |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Together, when followed by an imperfect, they mean to the end that. However, when they are followed by a perfect tense, we will render these words as because that. |
482. Masculine_noun: ʿineyân (עִנְיָן) [pronounced ģihn-YAWN], which means employment, business, occupation, task, job; travail; a bad business, a bad affair, a bad business transaction?. Strong’s #6045 BDB #775. Eccles. 1:13 2:23
ʿineyân (עִנְיָן) [pronounced ģihn-YAWN] |
employment, business, occupation, task, job; travail |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6045 BDB #775 |
Possibly, this means a bad business, a bad affair, a bad business transaction. |
483. Verb2: ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW], which means to humble [humiliate], to mishandle, to afflict; to force; to oppress; to be humiliated; to weaken oneself. Strong’s #6031 BDB #81. Gen. 34:2 Exodus 1:11 Deut. 22:24 2Sam. 13:12 (Piel), 14 (Piel), 22 (Piel) 1Kings 2:26 (Hithpael)
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to put down, to become low; to be depressed [downcast]; to be afflicted [oppressed]; to stoop; to till the ground; to bring the earth into cultivation |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to be afflicted [humbled, humiliated]; to humble oneself, to bow down, to submit [oneself to another] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to humble [humiliate], to mishandle, to afflict; to force; to oppress [depress]; to be humiliated; to weaken [afflict] oneself [say, with fasting] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to be oppressed [afflicted, humbled, humiliate] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to afflict, to oppress, to depress |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAW] |
to humble [humiliate] oneself, to be afflicted; to submit oneself [especially to God] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6031 BDB #776 |
This is a homonym and the other set of meanings are very different. |
484. Feminine_noun: maʿănâh (הָ ֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-guh-NAW], which means a place for a task, a field for plowing. Strong’s #4618 BDB #776. 1Sam. 14:14
maʿănâh (הָ ֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-guh-NAW] |
a place for a task, a field for plowing, a furrow |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4618 BDB #776 |
This noun is only found in 1Sam. 14:14 Psalm 129:3. A furrow is the trench made when one is preparing the land to be planted. If the text can be accepted as is, we are dealing with half the length of a furrow in a typical section of land. We would expect such an estimation to be made by someone who has plowed fields before. Although we have no record of Jonathan as having done so, his father did; we could surmise that Jonathan at least joined him on occasion in the field. |
485. Verb: ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH], which means to humble, to be grace oriented, to be humbled, to be afflicted. It is used twelve times for men who have sexually forced themselves upon women (Gen. 34:2 Deut. 22:24, 29 Judges 19:24 20:5 2Sam. 13:12, 14, 22, 32 Lam. 5:11 Ezek. 22:10–11). That means this word is used about seventy times where rape is not involved. In the Piel, this means to oppress, to depress, to afflict. It is unfortunately translated afflict, exercised. It actually means to humble, to be grace-oriented, to be humbled (depending upon the stem), to afflict (in the Piel stem). It means that you recognize your significance and position before God and your dependence is upon God. ʿÂnâh is a very common word used in two entirely different ways (it also means to answer; it is used over 300 times in that manner). This same word is found in reference to afflicting slaves (Gen. 15:13 Exodus 1:11 Psalm 105:18), for afflicting those in war (Num. 24:24) and for God’s afflicting those under discipline (1Kings 11:39 2Kings 17:20 Nahum 1:12). In this context it is very clear how this woman was afflicted—her country was just defeated by the Israelites and her parents and brothers (if any) were also just killed. She has been taken by force to become a man’s wife who has been a part of those who just destroyed her family and country. It is in this way she was humbled. Strong's #6031 BDB #776. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:5, 10) Gen. 15:13 16:6 31:50 Exodus 22:22 Lev. 23:29 Deut. 21:14 Judges 16:5, 6, 19 19:24 20:5 2Sam. 7:10 19:21 1Kings 8:35 Psalm 55:19 105:18 132:1 Eccles. 1:13
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to humble, to be grace oriented, to be humbled, to be afflicted |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
This word is a homonym, the other use also being very common; it means to answer. Strong's #6030 BDB #772. |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to humble onself, to bow down; to be humbled, to be afflicted |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to oppress, to depress, to afflict; to persecute; to intimidate; to humble; to deal harshly [with someone]; to harangue [harass, provoke, hassle] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
I’ve added a number of meanings to BDB and Gesenius, which help to convey the meaning of the Piel of this verb. |
Also, this is a homonym with the verb to answer (Strong’s #6030 BDB #772) |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to oppress, to depress, to afflict |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
oppress, depress, afflict |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
Although I do not find this in BDB or in Gesenius, this appears also to mean submit yourself, humble yourself, put yourself under the authority of. |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to be oppressed, to be depressed, to be afflicted |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
oppression, sorrow |
Pual infinitive construct with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
ʿânâh (עָנָה) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH] |
to submit oneself, to humble oneself; to be afflicted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #6031 BDB #776 |
486. Masculine_noun: ʿânâv (עָנָו) [pronounced ģaw-NAWV] and it means humble, meek, grace-oriented and possibly poor or afflicted. This word is also used to denote grace-orientation, as we noticed when we studied this word before in Num. 12:3. Strong's #6035 BDB #776. Num. 12:3 Psalm 34:2 147:6 Prov. 3:34
ʿânâv (עָנָו) [pronounced ģaw-NAWV] |
humble, meek, grace-oriented and possibly poor or afflicted |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6035 BDB #776 |
487. Feminine_noun: ʿănâvâh (עֲנָוָה) [pronounced guhn-aw-VAW], which means grace orientation, humility, meekness. Strong’s #6037(ព) BDB #776. 2Sam. 22:36
ʿănâvâh (עֲנָוָה) [pronounced ģuhn-aw-VAW] |
grace orientation, graciousness, humility, meekness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6038 BDB #776 |
ʿavenâh (עַוְנָה) [pronounced ģahn-VAW], appears to be another form of this same noun. Strong’s #6037 BDB #776 |
488. Feminine_noun: which means affliction. Strong’s #6039 BDB #776.
489. Adjective: ʿânîy (עָנִי) [pronounced ģaw-NEE], which means poor, afflicted, humble; those in circumstances of humiliation and poverty. It is used as a substantive as well. Strong’s #6041 BDB #776. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7) Exodus 22:25 2Sam. 22:28 Psalm 10:2, 9, 12, 17 12:5 34:6
ʿânîy (עָנִי) [pronounced ģaw-NEE] |
poor, afflicted; humble, grace-oriented; those in circumstances of humiliation and poverty |
masculine singular adjective (functions here as a noun) |
Strong’s #6041 BDB #776 |
490. Masculine_substantive: ʿŏnîy (עֳנִי) [pronounced ģon-EE], which means affliction, poverty, humility, humiliation. Strong’s #6040 BDB #777. Gen. 16:11 29:32 31:42 41:52 Exodus 3:7 4:31 Deut. 16:3 Job 10:15 Psalm 44:24 1Sam. 1:11 2Sam. 16:12
ʿŏnîy (עֳנִי) [pronounced ģon-EE] |
affliction, poverty, humility, humiliation |
masculine singular substantive |
Strong’s #6040 BDB #777 |
491. Feminine_noun: which means humiliation. Strong’s #8589 BDB #777.
492. VerbIV: ʿânâh (הָנָע) [pronounced ģaw-NAWH], which means to sing. Go to Strong’s #6030 BDB #772 where it is already incorporated. Strong’s #6030 BDB #777.
493. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂnâh (עֲנָה) [pronounced ģuhn-AW], which means answer; transliterated Anah. Strong’s #6034 BDB #777. Probably out of order. Gen. 36:1, 20
ʿĂnâh (עֲנָה) [pronounced ģuhn-AW] |
answer; transliterated Anah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6034 BDB #777 |
494. Feminine_noun: ʿêz (עֵז) [pronounced ģayz], which means she-goat; in the plural, it can mean goat’s hair. Strong’s #5795 BDB #777. Gen. 15:9 27:9 30:32 31:38 32:13 37:31 38:17 Exodus 12:5 25:4 26:7 1Sam. 16:20 19:13 25:2
ʿêz (עֵז) [pronounced ģayz] |
female goat, she-goat, goat, kid; in the plural, it can mean goats’ hair |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #5795 BDB #777 |
ʿîzzîym (עִזִּים) [pronounced ģihz-ZEEM] |
female goat; in the plural, it can mean goats’ hair |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #5795 BDB #777 |
495. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿûnnîy (י.ֻע) [pronounced ģoon-NEE], which means afflicted; transliterated Unni. Strong’s #6042 BDB #777. 1Chron. 15:18
ʿûnnîy (י.ֻע) [pronounced ģoon-NEE] |
afflicted; transliterated Unni |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6042 BDB #777 |
Also spelled ʿûwnnîy (י.ע) [pronounced ģoon-NEE]. |
496. Masculine_proper_noun: which means don’t know and is transliterated . Strong’s #6043 BDB #777.
497. Gentilic_adjective: ʿĂnâmîym (עֲנָמִים) [pronounced ģun-aw-MEEM], which means affliction of the waters; transliterated Anamim. Strong’s #6047 BDB #777. Gen. 10:13
ʿĂnâmîym (עֲנָמִים) [pronounced ģun-aw-MEEM] |
affliction of the waters; transliterated Anamim |
gentilic plural noun/adjective |
Strong’s #6047 BDB #777 |
498. Noun: Strong’s #6048 BDB #777.
499. Verb: which means to cover, to present onself, to appear. Strong’s #none BDB #777.
500. Masculine_noun: ʿânân (עָנָן) [pronounced ģaw-NAWN], which means cloud (as a veiling over or covering of heaven). The rest of the time it is in the masculine. This word means cloud or cloud mass. Strong’s #6051 BDB #777. Gen. 9:13 Exodus 13:21 14:19 16:10 19:9, 16 24:15 33:9 Deut. 1:33 4:11 5:22 1Kings 8:10 Job 7:9
ʿânân (עָנָן) [pronounced ģaw-NAWN] |
cloud (as a veiling over or covering of heaven) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6051 BDB #777 |
501. Verb1: which means to bring clouds. See below. Piel Gen. 9:14.* Strong’s #6049 BDB #778.
502. Feminine_noun: ʿănânâh (עֲנָנָה) [pronounced ģuh-aw-NAW], which means cloud, cloudy. Feminine of above. Job 3:5.* Strong’s #6053 BDB #778. Job 3:5*
ʿănânâh (עֲנָנָה) [pronounced ģuh-aw-NAW] |
cloud, cloudy |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6053 BDB #778 |
503. Verb2: ʿânan (עָנַן) [pronounced ģaw-NAHN] which means, to bring clouds. (in the Poel) to practice astrology, although it is a tough call. Barnes renders this as regarders of times. We should examine where else it is found. Its first occurrence in Gen. 9:14 is likely a mistake and actually the word ʿânân. This is its actual first appearance in the Bible and it is associated with one who divines the future, but this would not be a synonym but a person in the same category. Deut. 18:10 contains an additional prohibition, linking a person who ʿânan's with one who interprets omens, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, a medium, a spiritist and one who calls upon the dead. These are all different types of demon activity, indicating that ʿânan is related but different from those activities. This word is also found in Judges 9:37 2Kings 21:6 2Chron. 33:6 Isa. 2:6 57:3 Jer. 27:9 Micah 5:12. This practice is associated in Isa. 2:6 with influences from the East and is related to the practices of the Philistines at that time. In Jer. 27:9 they are associated with those who foretell the future apart from God. Bowing to translations from before, I will go with Astrologer, recognizing that even if this is the actual sense, I would not classify it with those who produce and read astrology today for entertainment value; however, it is quite similar to those who read and take astrology seriously as a means of foretelling the future. Strong's #6049 BDB #778. Piel Gen. 9:14.* Lev. 19:26 Deut. 18:14 Judges 9:37
ʿânan (עָנַן) [pronounced ģaw-NAHN |
to bring clouds, to gather clouds, to make clouds appear, to produce clouds |
Piel infinitive construct with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong's #6049 BDB #778 |
ʿânan (עָנַן) [pronounced ģaw-NAHN |
to act covertly; therefore, to practice the dark [hidden] arts; to practice sorcery [magic, soothsaying, conjuring]; to observe times, practice soothsaying or spiritism or magic or augury or witchcraft |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong's #6049 BDB #778 |
ʿânan (עָנַן) [pronounced ģaw-NAHN |
soothsayer, enchanter, sorceress, diviner, fortuneteller, barbarian, Meonenim |
masculine singular, Poel participle |
Strong's #6049 BDB #778 |
504. Masculine_proper_noun: which means astrologer; transliterated . Strong’s #6052 BDB #778.
505. Masculine_proper_noun: which means astrologer; transliterated . Strong’s #6054 BDB #778.
506. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6055 BDB #778.
507. Masculine_noun: which means branches, boughs. Usually used as a collective noun. Strong’s #6058 BDB #778.
508. Adjective: which means full of branches. Strong’s #6058 BDB #778.
509. Masculine_noun: ʿĂnâq (עֲנָק) [pronounced ģuh-NAWK], which means long neck (s); and is transliterated Anak; and most Bibles render this same word as a proper noun throughout, which BDB indicates is a mistake. They indicate that it should mean long-neck(s). It is a general term referring to the stature of the people who occupied the land and it takes in most of the people who occupied the land of Canaan. We will proceed with that assumption and see if it gets us into any trouble. Strong’s #6061 BDB #778. Doctrine of the Anakim (more information found there). Deut. 1:28 Judges 1:20
ʿĂnâq (עֲנָק) [pronounced ģuh-NAWK] |
long neck (s); and is transliterated Anak |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6061 BDB #778 |
ʿĂnâqîym (עֲנָקִים) [pronounced ģuh-nawk-EEM] |
long necks; and is transliterated Anakim |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6062 BDB #778 |
Most Bibles render this as a proper noun throughout. However, BDB indicates that this is a descriptive noun which attributes height to the people occupying the Land of promise and does not refer to a particular people. However, with the definite article, it is more likely that this refers to a specific people. |
510. Masculine_noun: ʿănâq (עֲנָק) [pronounced ģuh-NAWK], which means, necklace, chains (around the neck), neck chain; pendant [worn around one’s neck]; collar. is found three times in the Bible referring to chains worn around one’s neck (Judges 8:26 Prov. 1:9 SOS 4:9). Strong’s #6060 BDB #778. The Doctrine of the Anakim (More information found there) Prov. 1:9
ʿănâq (עֲנָק) [pronounced ģuh-NAWK] |
necklace, chains (around the neck), neck chain; pendant [worn around one’s neck]; collar |
masculine singular noun: |
Strong’s #6060 BDB #778 |
511. Verb: ʿânaq (עָנַק) [pronounced ģaw-NAHK], which means, to encircle the neck with a necklace. It is found only here (twice) and in Psalm 73:6.* Barnes writes, you will adorn his neck with thy gifts. ʿânaq (ק ַנ ָע) [pronounced ģaw-NAHK], which means to serve as a necklace, to adorn with a neck chain or collar, to lay upon the neck. The NASB and Owen render these two forms of the verb as you shall furnish liberally. Deut. 15:14 reads: Serving as a necklace, you will adorn [his neck] for him from your flock and from your threshing floor and from your wine press which Yehowah your God has blessed you with, you will give to him. Psalm 73:6 reads: Therefore, pride will adorn them [around their necks]; violence, a garment, covers them. Strong’s #6059 BDB #778. The Doctrine of the Anakim Deut. 15:14 Psalm 73:6
512. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÂnêr (עָנֵר) [pronounced ģaw-NARE], which means necklace; transliterated Aner. Strong’s #6063 BDB #778. Gen. 14:13
ʿÂnêr (עָנֵר) [pronounced ģaw-NARE] |
necklace; transliterated Aner |
masculine singular proper noun: |
Strong’s #6063 BDB #778 |
513. Masculine_noun: which means indemnity, fine. Strong’s #6066 BDB #778.
514. Verb: ʿânash (עָנַש) [pronounced ģaw-NAHSH], which means to fine, to impose a fine; to punish; to amerce. Strong’s #6064 BDB #778. Exodus 21:22 Deut. 22:19
ʿânash (עָנַש) [pronounced ģaw-NASH] |
to fine, to impose a fine; to punish; to condemn, to amerce |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6064 BDB #778 |
ʿânash (עָנַש) [pronounced ģaw-NASH] |
to be fined, to receive a fine; to be punished; to be condemned |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6064 BDB #778 |
515. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÂnâth (תָנָע) [pronounced ģawn-AWTH], which means answer; indemnity, fine; transliterated Anath. Related to Strong’s #1042–43. Strong’s #6067 BDB #779. Judges 3:31
ʿÂnâth (תָנָע) [pronounced ģawn-AWTH] |
answer; answer [to prayer]; indemnity, fine; transliterated Anath |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #6067 BDB #779 |
516. Proper_noun/location: ʿĂnâthôth (עֲנָתֹת) [pronounced ģun-aw-THOATH], which means answers to prayer; transliterated Anathoth. Proper noun as well. Strong’s #6068 BDB #779. 1Kings 2:26
ʿĂnâthôth (עֲנָתֹת) [pronounced ģun-aw-THOTH] |
answers to prayer; transliterated Anathoth |
proper singular noun; location and a person’s name |
Strong’s #6068 (plural of Strong’s #6067) BDB #779 |
517. Gentilic_adjective: ʿAnnethôthîy (עַנְּתוֹתִי) [pronounced ģahn-ne-thoh-THEE], which means possibly affliction; poverty; answer to prayer; transliterated Anathoth, Anethothite, Anetothite, Antothite. Strong’s #6069 BDB #779. 2Sam. 23:27 1Chron. 11:28
ʿAnnethôthîy (עַנְּתוֹתִי) [pronounced ģahn-ne-thoh-THEE] |
possibly affliction, poverty; answer to prayer; transliterated Anathoth, Anethothite, Anetothite, Antothite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6069 BDB #779 |
This refers to an inhabitant of Anathoth. There are a couple of slightly different spellings for this proper noun. |
518. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6070 BDB #779.
519. Verb: which means to press, to crush. Strong’s #6072 BDB #779.
520. Masculine_noun: ʿâçîyç (עָסִיס) [pronounced ģaw-SEECE], which means sweet wine, wine, wine pressed from juice; new wine. Strong’s #6071 BDB #779.
521. Masculine_plural_noun: which means foilage. Strong’s #6073 BDB #779.
522. Verb1: ʿâphal (ל ַפ ָע) [pronounced ģaw-FAHL], which means to swell up. It is a word found only in Num. 14:44 and Habak. 2:4. It is actually given two different meanings in BDB and treated as two separate words, but that is unnecessary. It comes from the word which means tumour (see Deut. 28:27 1Sam. 5:6), which is a swelling up of a diseased portion of the body, an undisciplined, unregulated mass of cells—a cancerous growth. I have render this verb swelled up [with empty emotion]. Strong's #6076 BDB #779. Num. 14:44 which means to swell up. Strong’s #6075 BDB #779.
523. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6078 BDB #779.
524. Masculine_noun1: which means a mound, a hill. Strong’s #6076 & #6077 BDB #779.
525. Masculine_noun: ʿôphel (ל∵פֹע) [pronounced ĢOH-fell], which means [a visible] growth, tumor, a swelling up, a cancerous growth. Given that the related verb means to swell up, I would think that a tumor which is easy to see would be the more likely meaning. Strong's #6076 BDB #779. 1Sam. 5:6, 9, 12 6:4, (11)
ʿôphel (ל∵פֹע) [pronounced ĢOH-fell] |
[a visible] growth, tumor, a swelling up, a cancerous growth |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong's #6076 BDB #779 |
526. Verb2: which means to be heedless (?). Strong’s #6075 BDB #779.
527. Masculine_substantive: ʿâphâr (עָפָר) [pronounced ģaw-FAWR], which means dry earth, dust. Strong’s #6083 BDB #779. Gen. 2:7 3:14, 19 13:16 18:27 26:15 28:14 Exodus 8:16 1Sam. 2:8 16:13 2Sam. 22:43 Job 2:12 14:8 17:16 19:25 Psalm 7:5 44:25 103:14 Prov. 8:26
ʿâphâr (עָפָר) [pronounced ģaw-FAWR] |
dry earth, dust, powder, ashes, earth, ground, mortar, rubbish; dry or loose earth; debris; mortar; ore |
masculine singular substantive |
Strong’s #6083 BDB #779 |
528. Piel_verb: ʿâphar (עָפַר) [pronounced gaw-FAHR], which means to throw [dust]; to dust with dust; to pulverize. Strong’s #6080 BDB #780. 2Sam. 16:13
ʿâphar (עָפַר) [pronounced gaw-FAHR] |
to throw [dust]; to dust with dust; to pulverize |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6080 BDB #780 |
529. Masculine_noun: which means a young hart, a stag. Strong’s #6082 BDB #780.
530. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÊpher (עֵפֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-fer], which means a gazelle, a young hart, a stag; a calf; transliterated Epher. Strong’s #6081 BDB #780. Gen. 25:4
ʿÊpher (עֵפֶר) [pronounced ĢAY-fer] |
a gazelle, a young hart, a stag; a calf; transliterated Epher |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6081 BDB #780 |
531. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6084 BDB #780.
532. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . See below Strong’s #6085 BDB #780.
533. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿopherâh (הָרפָע) [pronounced gohph-RAW], which is transliterated Ophrah. This is probably a foreign word. Strong’s #6084 BDB #780. 1Sam. 13:17b
ʿopherâh (הָרפָע) [pronounced gohph-RAW] |
transliterated Ophrah |
proper noun, locale |
Strong’s #6084 BDB #780 |
534. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿEpherôwn (עֶפְרוֹן) [pronounced ģef-ROHN], which means fawn-like; transliterated Ephron. Used as a proper noun and as a location. Strong’s #6085 BDB #780. Gen. 23:8 25:9 49:29 50:13
ʿEpherôwn (עֶפְרוֹן) [pronounced ģef-ROHN] |
fawn-like; transliterated Ephron |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6085 BDB #780 |
535. Masculine_noun: ʿôphereth (עֹפֶרֶת) [pronounced ģoh-FEH-rehth], which means lead. Also written: ʿôwphereth (עוֹפֶרֶת) [pronounced ģoh-FEH-rehth]. Strong’s #5777 BDB #780. Exodus 15:10
ʿôphereth (עֹפֶרֶת) [pronounced ģoh-FEH-rehth]; also written ʿôwphereth (עוֹפֶרֶת) |
lead |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5777 BDB #780 |
536. Verb1: ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV], which means to labor, to toil with pain; to suffer, to be grieved; to put in pain, to afflict, to hurt, to pain, to grieve. It is given eight different meanings in 17 different passages. In the KJV, it is rendered grieve, displease, hurt, made, vexed, wrest, and worship. Unfortunately, we cannot separate these verbs simply by their stems. However, their noun cognates are quite helpful. ʿâtsâbv (ב ָצ ָע) [pronounced aw-TSAWBV or gaw-TSAWBV]means images, idols; it is always found in the plural (1Sam. 31:9 2Sam. 5:21 Psalm 106:36, 38) (Strong’s #6091 BDB #781). ʿêtsebv (ב ∵צ ֵע) [pronounced EH-tsaybv or GEH-tsaybv] can mean heavy, toilsome labor (Psalm 127:2 Prov. 5:10 10:22) or earthen vessel (Jer. 22:28) (Strong’s #6089 BDB #780). There are several other cognates which help to support the fact that ʿâtsabv is a verb with several meanings. It originally meant to carve, and it later came to be used to fabricate, to fashion (Job 10:8), on the one hand; and to inflict pain, to grieve (Gen. 6:6 34:7 1Kings 1:6 Neh. 8:10), on the other. It can also mean to toil, to labor, to serve (Jer. 44:19). Strong’s #6087 BDB #780. & 781. Gen. 6:6 34:7 45:5 1Sam. 20:3 2Sam. 19:2 1Kings 1:6 Job 10:8 Psalm 56:5
ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV] |
to labor, to toil with pain; to suffer, to be grieved; to put in pain, to afflict, to hurt, to pain, to grieve |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #780 |
ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV] |
to be pained [in pain], to be hurt, to be grieved, to be afflicted |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #780 |
ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV] |
to form [shape, fashion]; to labor, to toil in pain; to suffer; to put to grief [in pain], to afflict |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #780 (see #781) |
ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV] |
to labor, to serve, to serve an idol, to sworship; to grieve, to provoke to anger; to fashion, to make images [of something] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #780 (see #781) |
ʿâtsab (עָצַב) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHBV] |
to grieve [onself]; to become angry |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #780 |
537. Masculine_noun1: ʿêtseb (עֵצֶב) [pronounced ĢEY-tsehbv], which means pain, hurt, toil; hardship; offense; grief of mind, anger. Strong’s #6089 BDB #780. Gen. 3:16 Prov. 5:10 10:22
ʿêtseb (עֵצֶב) [pronounced ĢEY-tsehbv] |
[heavy and toilsome] labor; pain, hurt, toil; hardship; offense; grief of mind, anger |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6089 BDB #780 |
This word has a homonym which means earthen vessel. |
538. Masculine_noun1: which means pain. Strong’s #6090 BDB #780.
539. Masculine_noun: ʿâtsêbv (ב̤צָע) [pronounced gaw-TZAYBV], which means toilers, workers. Isa. 58:3.* Although this word only occurs here, the fact that it is in the plural and closely related to a verb which means to hurt, to pain, to grieve and to nouns which pain, toil, hurt, we can assume that this refers to slaves or to workers, with an emphasis upon the pain of their toil. Strong’s #6092 BDB #780. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:3)
540. Feminine_noun: ʿatstsebeth (עַצֶּבֶח) [pronounced ģahts-TSEHB-veth], which means pain, hurt, sorrow, injury, wound; sorrow. and it is translated sorrows (Job 9:28 Psalm 16:4 Prov. 10:10 15:13) and wounds (Psalm 147:3*) in the KJV. BDB gives the meanings as hurt, injury, pain. We will go with pain. Strong’s #6094 BDB #781. Job 9:28 Psalm 147:3 Prov. 10:10
ʿatstsebeth (עַצֶּבֶח) [pronounced ģahts-TSEHB-veth] |
pain, hurt, sorrow, injury, wound; sorrow |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6094 BDB #781 |
541. Masculine_noun: ʿitstsâbôwn (עִצָּבוֹן) [pronounced ģihts-tsaw-BOHN], which means pain, labor, hardship, sorrow, toil. Strong’s #6093 BDB #781. Gen. 3:16 5:29
ʿitstsâbôwn (עִצָּבוֹן) [pronounced ģihts-tsaw-BOHN] |
pain, labor, hardship, sorrow, toil |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6093 BDB #781 |
542. Feminine_noun: which means a place of pain. Strong’s #4620 BDB #781.
543. Piel_verb2: ʿâtsabv (ב ַצ ָע) [pronounced gaw-TSAHBV], which means to shape, to fashion. The Piel seemed to take on a life of its own. Examine sources before using. Strong’s #6087 BDB #781.
ʿâtsabv (ב ַצ ָע) [pronounced gaw-TSAHBV] |
to shape, to fashion |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6087 BDB #781 (see #780) |
544. Masculine_noun2: which means a vessel. Strong’s #6089 BDB #781.
ʿêtseb (עֵצֶב) [pronounced ĢEY-tsehbv] |
earthen vessel |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6089 BDB #780 |
This word has a homonym which means pain, hurt, toil; hardship; offense; grief of mind, anger. |
545. Masculine_noun2: which means an idol. Strong’s #6090 BDB #781.
546. Masculine_plural_noun: ʿătsabîym (עֲצַבִים) [pronounced ģuh-tzahb-VEEM], which means idols, images of idols. Strong’s #6091 BDB #781. 1Sam. 31:9 2Sam. 5:21
ʿătsabîym (עֲצַבִים) [pronounced ģuh-tzahb-VEEM] |
idols, images of idols, idol-images |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #6091 BDB #781 |
547. Masculine_noun: which means axe. Strong’s #4621 BDB #781.
548. Verb1: which means to shut. Strong’s #6095 BDB #781.
549. Masculine_noun: ʿêts (עֵץ) [pronounced ģayts], which means tree, wood; wooden post, [wooden] stake, gallows; [collectively for] a forest of trees. In the singular it can be used collectively for an whole host of trees (Gen. 2:16 3:1), in the singular for wooden post, stake, gallows, wood stake (Gen. 40:19 Deut. 21:22–23 Joshua 10:26 Esther 8:9); in the plural for trees felled for building (1Kings 5:20, 32),in the plural for lumber (Gen. 6:14 2Kings 12:13), sticks or logs for fuel (Gen. 22:3 Lev. 1:7). One of the reasons that I go into detail like this is that Jehovah’s Witnesses will take an iota of the Greek or Hebrew and they will warp the meaning. Strong’s #6086 BDB #781. Gen. 1:11 2:9 3:1 6:14 18:4 22:3, 6 23:17 40:19 Exodus 7:19 9:25 10:5 15:24 25:5 26:15 27:1 30:1 31:5 Deut. 4:28 16:21 20:19 21:2 22:6 Joshua 8:29 Judges 9:48 1Sam. 6:14 2Sam. 5:11 6:5 21:10 23:7 24:22 1Kings 4:33 5:6 6:10, 15, 23 9:11 Job 19:10 Psalm 06:12 148:9 Prov. 3:18 Eccles. 2:5, 6
ʿêts (עֵץ) [pronounced ģayts] |
tree, wood; wooden post, [wooden] stake, a staff; gallows; [collectively for] a forest of trees |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6086 BDB #781 |
ʿêtsîym (עֵצִים) [pronounced ģay-TSEEM] |
trees; trees felled for building (1Kings 5:20, 32), lumber (Gen. 6:14 2Kings 12:13), sticks or logs for fuel (Gen. 22:3 Lev. 1:7); vessels of wood [that hold water] (Ex. 7:19) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6086 BDB #781 |
550. Feminine collective noun: which means trees. Strong’s #6097 BDB #782.
551. Masculine_noun: which means spine, sacrum. Strong’s #6096 BDB #782.
552. Proper_noun: ʿEtseyôn (עֶצְיֹן) [pronounced ģehts-YOHN], which means, backbone of a man; transliterated Ezion Geber, Ezion Gaber. Strong’s #6100 BDB #702. Deut. 6:8 1Kings 9:26
ʿEtseyôn (עֶצְיֹן) [pronounced ģehts-YOHN] |
spine, backbone; transliterated Ezion |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #6100 BDB #702 |
Geber (גֶּבֶר) [pronounced GEHB-vehr] |
men, as separate from women and children; a male; a male [man]-child; a strong man |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #1397 (& #1399) BDB #149 |
Altogether, this ʿEtseyôn Geber (גֶּבֶר עֶצְיֹן) [pronounced ģehts-YOHN GEHB-vehr] means backbone of a man; transliterated Ezion Geber, Ezion Gaber. BDB describes this as the last station during the exodus of the Israelites before they came to the wilderness of Zin; located near Elath at the head of the Gulf of Akaba. |
553. Verb: ʿâtsel (ל∵צָע) [pronounced ģaw-TSEL], which means to be sluggish. This word is found only in this verse. Strong’s #6101 BDB #782. Judges 18:9*
554. Adjective: ʿâtsêl (עָצֵל) [pronounced ģaw-TSEHL], which means slothful, sluggish, lazy; sluggard. Strong’s #6102 BDB #782. Prov. 6:6 10:26
ʿâtsêl (עָצֵל) [pronounced ģaw-TSEHL] |
slothful, sluggish, lazy; sluggard, slacker |
masculine singular, adjective |
Strong’s #6102 BDB #782 |
The NET Bible: The sluggard (עָצֵל, ’atsel) is the lazy or sluggish person (cf. NCV “lazy person”; NRSV, NLT “lazybones”). |
555. Feminine_noun: which means sluggishness. Strong’s #6103 BDB #782.
556. Verb1: ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM], which means to be strong or mighty by virtue of numbers; to become numerous, to be great in size or in number. Strong’s #6105 BDB #782. Gen. 26:16 Exodus 1:7 Psalm 105:24
ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-ZAHM] |
to be strong [mighty, powerful] by virtue of numbers; to become numerous, to be great in size or in number |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6105 BDB #782 |
ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM] |
to be [to make] strong or mighty by virtue of numbers; to become numerous, to be [to make] great in size or in number |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6105 BDB #782 |
557. Masculine_noun: which means might, bones. Strong’s #6108 BDB #782.
558. Feminine_noun: which means might. Isa. 40:29.* Strong’s #6109 BDB #782.
559. Feminine_substantive: ʿetsem (עֶצֶם) [pronounced ģeh-TSEM], which means bone, substance, self. However, with the word day, it means self-same or in that very same day. The relationship here is the substance, or the greater portion of the day is what is in view. Re: Job 21:23: According to Gesenius, when followed by a genitive, it means itself, and, in the English, would follow that genitive (examples: Gen. 7:13 17:23, 26 Exodus 24:10 Job 21:23). BDB suggests that it be rendered in full prosperity but also offers the meaning remains and is often used of the dead, as in remains of the dead. Such a use in Job 21:23 would be both apropos and poetic. Keil and Delitzsch say that the bone denotes corporeality, duration, existence, and therefore identity. Strong’s #6106 BDB #782. Gen. 2:23 7:13 17:23 29:14 50:25 Exodus 12:17, 41, 46 13:19 24:10 Deut. 32:48 Joshua 5:11 10:27 Judges 19:29 1Sam. 31:13 2Sam. 5:1 19:12 21:12 Job 2:5 19:20 21:23, 24 Psalm 32:3 34:20 51:8 Prov. 3:8
ʿetsem (עֶצֶם) [pronounced ģeh-TSEM] |
bone, substance, self; self-same, (very) same; corporeality, duration, existence, and therefore identity |
feminine singular substantive |
Strong’s #6106 BDB #782 |
Perhaps it is the feminine plural which carries with it the meaning of bones, substance. So this is found in Exodus 13:19. |
560. Proper_noun/Location: Strong’s #6107 BDB #783.
561. Adjective: ʿâtsûwm (עָצוּם) [pronounced ģaw-TZOOM], which means powerful, strong, robust, mighty; numerous, great. In the masculine plural form, it would mean mighty men, numerous ones. Strong’s #6099 BDB #783. Gen. 18:18 Exodus 1:9 Deut. 4:38 Psalm 10:10 Prov. 7:26
ʿâtsûwm (עָצוּם) [pronounced ģaw-ZOOM] |
powerful, strong, robust, mighty; numerous, great |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6099 BDB #783 |
James Rickard: “Numerous” is the Adjective ATSUM, עָצוּם , that means “strong, mighty or numerous” and is a derivative of the verbal root ATSOM, which means, “to be strong, to be mighty or to be numerous.” |
562. Feminine_noun: which means might. Strong’s #8592 BDB #783. Psalm 68:32*
taʿătsumôwth (תמֻצֲע-) [pronounced tah-ģuh-tsoo-MOHTH] |
strength, might [based on a large population]; multitudinous |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8592 BDB #783 |
I based the meaning of this noun partially upon the verb from which taʿătsumôwth (תמֻצֲע-) [pronounced tah-ģuh-tsoo-MOHTH] was derived:ʿâtsam (םַצָע) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHM], which means to be strong or mighty by virtue of numbers; to become numerous, to be great in size or in number. This particular verb has 2 or 3 basic meanings, but only this one fits with the context of this psalm. Strong’s #6105 BDB #782. |
563. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #6111 BDB #783.
564. Verb2: ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM], which means to shut the eyes. See the Qal and Hiphil above. Qal (or Poel?): Isa. 33:15 Piel: Isa. 29:10 Jer. 40:17 Strong’s #6105 BDB #783.
ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM] |
to close [one’s eyes]; to bind, to tie up; to break; to gnaw bones |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6105 BDB #782 |
ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM] |
to close [one’s eyes]; to bind, to tie up; to break; to gnaw bones |
3rd person masculine plural, Poel imperfect (some list this as a Qal) |
Strong’s #6105 BDB #782 |
This appears to be a true homonym. However, it is used in one way in the Qal and the Hiphil, and a completly different way in the Piel. |
565. Verb3: ʿâtsam (עָצַם) [pronounced ģaw-TZAHM], which means to defend, to protect. Strong’s #6105 BDB #783. Not used.
566. Feminine_noun: which means defense. Strong’s #6110 BDB #783.
567. Masculine_noun: ʿêtsen (עֵצֶן) [pronounced ĢAY-tsehn], which means sharp, strong, spear; possibly a proper noun transliterated Eznite. Strong’s #6112 BDB #783. 2Sam. 23:8*
ʿêtsen (עֵצֶן) [pronounced ĢAY-tsehn] |
sharp, strong, spear; possibly a proper noun transliterated Eznite |
masculine singular noun; possibly a proper noun |
Strong’s #6112 BDB #783 |
568. Verb: ʿâtsar (עָצַר) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHR], which means to confine, to detain, to restrain, to refrain to shut, to surround, to enclose, to hold back, to restrain by rule. As a passive participle, it means confined, shut up, restrained, refrained. The KJV gives the following astonishing array of renderings: restrained, closed up, shut up, did recover, were able, retained, fast closed up, detain, keep still, withhold himself, stop, slack, prevail, kept, stayed. Let’s tried confined and see how it works. How about exiled? Strong’s #6113 BDB #783. Gen. 16:2 20:18 [Deut. 32:36 Judges 13:15 Job 12:15—fix pronunciation] 1Sam. 9:17 21:5, 7 2Sam. 24:21 1Kings 8:35 1Chron. 12:1 Psalm 106:30
ʿâtsar (עָצַר) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHR] |
to confine, to detain, to restrain, to refrain to shut, to surround, to enclose, to hold back, to restrain by rule |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6113 BDB #783 |
ʿâtsar (עָצַר) [pronounced ģaw-TSAR] |
confined, detained, restrained, exiled |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6113 BDB #783 |
ʿâtsar (עָצַר) [pronounced ģaw-TSAHR] |
to shut up; to be confined, to be detained, to be restrained, to be surrounded, to be enclosed; to be gathered together |
3rd person feminine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6113 BDB #783 |
569. Masculine_noun: ʿetser (ר∵צ∵ע) [pronounced ĢEH-tser], which means magistrate, leader, restraint. The problem is that this occurs in only one passage, this one; therefore, the text is considered dubious. Strong’s #6114 BDB #783. Judges 18:7*
570. Masculine_noun: which means restrain, coercion. Strong’s #6115 BDB #783.
571. Feminine_noun: ʿătsârâh (עֲצָרָה) [pronounced uts-aw-RAW], which means solemn assembly; assembly (sacred or festive meeting); assemblage, company, group. Strong’s #6116 BDB #783. Deut. 16:8
ʿătsârâh (עֲצָרָה) [pronounced ģuts-aw-RAW] |
solemn assembly; assembly (sacred or festive meeting); assemblage, company, group |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6116 BDB #783 |
Also spelled ʿătsereth (עֲצֶרֶת) [pronounced ģuhts-EH-rehth] |
572. Masculine_noun: maʿetsôwr (רצע-מ) [pronounced mahģe-TZOHR], which means restraint, hindrance. Strong’s #4622 BDB #784. 1Sam. 14:6*
maʿetsôwr (רצע-מ) [pronounced mahģe-TZOHR] |
restraint, hindrance |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4622 BDB #784 |
573. Masculine_noun: which means restraint, control. Strong’s #4623 BDB #784.
574. Masculine_noun: ʿâqêb (עָקֵב) [pronounced ģaw-KABV], which means heel, footprint, hinderpart, and therefore figuratively for a rear guard, troops in the rear. This word is found only 14 times in Scripture and is used only this once by Joshua. Moses never uses the word himself, although it is found four times in Genesis (Gen. 3:15 25:26 49:17, 19). From here, we find it only scattered in Scripture, David being the only author who might have used this word more than once (in the Psalms). Strong’s #6119(and#6120) BDB #784. Gen. 3:15 25:26 (27:36) 49:17 Judges 5:22 Joshua 8:13 Psalm 41:9 56:6 89:51
ʿâqêb (עָקֵב) [pronounced ģaw-KABV] |
heel, footprint, hinderpart, and therefore figuratively for a rear guard, troops in the rear |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6119 (and #6120) BDB #784 |
575. Verb: ʿâqab (עָקַב) [pronounced ģaw-KAHB], which means to supplant; to follow at the heel, to assail insidiously, to circumvent, to overreach. Strong’s #6117 BDB #784. Gen. 27:36
ʿâqab (עָקַב) [pronounced ģaw-KAHB] |
to supplant; to follow at the heel, to assail insidiously, to circumvent, to overreach |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6117 BDB #784 |
ʿâqab (עָקַב) [pronounced ģaw-KAHB] |
to hold back |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6117 BDB #784 |
576. Verbal_adjective: which means overreacher. Strong’s #6120 BDB #784.
577. Adjective: ‛âqôb (עָקֹב) [pronounced ģaw-KOHBv], which means deceitful, sly, insidious; slippery; foot-tracked; steep, hilly. Strong’s #6121 BDB #784.
578. Adjective: which means steep, hilly. Strong’s #6121 BDB #784.
579. Feminine_noun: which means insidiousness. Strong’s #6122 BDB #784.
580. Masculine_noun: ʿêqeb (עֵקֶב) [pronounced AY-kehb], which means consequence; gain, reward, end. Usually acts as an adverbial accusative and means as a consequence of, because [that]. Strong’s #6118 BDB #784. Gen. 22:18 26:5 2Sam. 12:6, 10
ʿêqeb (עֵקֶב) [pronounced AY-kehb] |
consequence; gain, wages, reward, end |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6118 BDB #784 |
ʿêqeb (עֵקֶב) [pronounced AY-kehb] |
as a consequence, consequently, because |
adverb |
Strong’s #6118 BDB #784 |
ʿêqeb (עֵקֶב) [pronounced AY-kehb] |
as a reward of, on account of, as a consequence of, because, because that; that |
conjunction |
Strong’s #6118 BDB #784 |
581. Combination: Gen. 26:5
ʿêqeb (עֵקֶב) [pronounced AY-kehb] |
as a reward of, on account of, as a consequence of, because, because that; that |
conjunction |
Strong’s #6118 BDB #784 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced uh-SHER] |
that, which, when, who, whom; where |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Together, these mean because (that), as a consequence of [the fact] that. |
582. Masculine_proper_noun: Yaʿăqôb (יַעֲקֹב) [pronounced yah-KHOHBV], which means supplanter; insidious, deceitful; to circumvent and is transliterated Jacob. Strong’s #3290 BDB #784. Gen. 25:26 27:6, 36 28:1 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:6 37:1 42:1 45:25 46:2 47:7 48:2 49:1 50:24 Exodus 1:1 2:24 3:6 6:3 19:3 33:1 Deut. 1:8 34:4 1Sam. 12:8 2Sam. 23:1 1Chron. 16:13 Psalm 24:6 59:13 99:4
Yaʿăqôb (יַעֲקֹב) [pronounced yah-ģuh-KOHBV] |
supplanter; insidious, deceitful; to circumvent; heel; and is transliterated Jacob |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #3290 BDB #784 |
Gary Everett: Gesenius says the Hebrew name “Jacob” “Ya’aqob” (יַעֲקֹב) (H3290) means, “taking hold of the heel, supplanter, layer of snares.” Strong says it means, “heel-catcher, supplanter.” Strong says it comes from the primitive root (עָקַב) (H6117), which means, “to seize by the heel, to circumvent.” One Hebrew derivative (עָקֵב) (6119) means, “heel, (figuratively) the last of anything.” |
583. Verb: ʾâqad (עָקַד) [pronounced ģaw-KAHD], which means to blind, to tie. Strong’s #6123 BDB #785. Gen. 22:5*
ʾâqad (עָקַד) [pronounced ģaw-KAHD] |
to blind, to tie |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6123 BDB #785 |
584. Masculine_noun: which means a binding. Strong’s #1044 BDB #785.
585. Adjective: ʿâqôd (עָקֹד) [pronounced ģaw-CODE], which means striped, banded; streaked. Strong’s #6124 BDB #785. Gen. 30:35 31:8
ʿâqôd (עָקֹד) [pronounced ģaw-CODE] |
striped, banded; streaked |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #6124 BDB #785 |
586. Masculine_noun: maʿăqeh (מַעֲקֶה) [pronounced mah-auk-EH], which means a parapet; a low wall at the edge of a balcony or roof; a battlment. Strong’s #4624 BDB #785. Deut. 22:8*
maʿăqeh (מַעֲקֶה) [pronounced mah-auk-EH] |
a parapet; a low wall at the edge of a balcony or roof; a battlment |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4624 BDB #785 |
587. Verb: which means to bend, to twist. Strong’s #6127 BDB #785.
588. Intensive_adjective: ʿăqaleqâl (ל ָקל-קֲע) [pronounced guh-kahle-KAWL], which means crooked, winding; torturous. Strong’s #6128 BDB #785. Judges 5:6
ʿăqaleqâl (ל ָקל-קֲע) [pronounced guh-kahle-KAWL] |
crooked, winding; torturous |
Intensive adjective |
Strong’s #6128 BDB #785 |
589. Adjective: which means crooked. Strong’s #6129 BDB #785.
590. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂqân (עֲקָן) [pronounced ģuh-KAWN], which means tortuous; sharp-sighted; transliterated Akan. Strong’s #6130 BDB #785. Gen. 36:27
ʿĂqân (עֲקָן) [pronounced ģuh-KAWN] |
tortuous; sharp-sighted; transliterated Akan |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6130 BDB #785 |
591. Masculine_noun: which means offshoot, member. Strong’s #6133 BDB #785.
592. Verb: ʿâqar (עָקַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR], which means to hamstring [horses]. Strong’s #6131 BDB #785. Gen. 49:6 2Sam. 8:4
ʿâqar (עָקַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
to pluck up [a plant], to root up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6131 (#5193?) BDB #785 |
ʿâqar (עָקַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
to be overthrown [as a city]; to be plucked up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6131 (#5193?) BDB #785 |
ʿâqar (עָקַר) [pronounced ģaw-KAHR] |
to hamstring [horses] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6131 BDB #785 |
593. Masculine_noun: ʿAqerâb (בָר ק-ע) [pronounced ahke-RAWBV], which means scorpion; scourge, knotted whip. Strong’s #6137 BDB #785. Judges 1:36
ʿAqerâb (בָר ק-ע) [pronounced ahke-RAWBV] |
scorpion; scourge, knotted whip |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6137 BDB #785 |
594. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿeqerôwn (ןרק∵ע) [pronounced ģeke-ROHN], which means nothing and is transliterated Ekron. Strong’s #6138 BDB #785. The City of Ekron Judges 1:18 1Sam. 5:10 17:52
ʿEqerôwn (ןרק∵ע) [pronounced ģeke-ROHN] |
transliterated Ekron |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #6138 BDB #785 |
595. Gentilic_adjective: ʿeqerôwnîy (י.נרק∵ע) [pronounced ģek-roh-NEE], which means Ekronite. Strong’s #6139 BDB #785. The City of Ekron 1Sam. 5:10
ʿeqerôwnîy (י.נרק∵ע) [pronounced ģek-roh-NEE] |
transliterated Ekronite |
masculine plural, gentilic adjective |
Strong’s #6139 BDB #785 |
596. Adjective: ʿâqâr (עָקָר) [pronounced ģaw-KAWR], and it means barren, sterile. Strong’s #6135 BDB #785. Gen. 11:30 25:21 29:31 Exodus 23:26 Judges 13:2 1Sam. 2:5
ʿâqâr (עָקָר) [pronounced ģaw-KAWR] |
barren, sterile; barrenness, sterility |
feminine singular, adjective/noun |
Strong’s #6135 BDB #785 |
597. Verb: ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH] means to twist, to make crooked; in the Hiphil, it means to declare one to be twisted or crooked. Strong’s #6140 BDB #786. Job 9:20 Prov. 10:9
ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH |
twisted, crooked, perverse |
Qal participle |
Strong’s #6140 BDB #786 |
ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH |
to be twisted, to be crooked, to be perverse |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6140 BDB #786 |
ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH |
to declare one to be twisted or crooked |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6140 BDB #786 |
ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH |
to pervert [one’s ways], to twist, to distort, to make crooked |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6140 BDB #786 |
ʿâqash (עָקַש) [pronounced ģaw-CASH |
perverting [one’s ways], twisting, distorting, making crooked |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #6140 BDB #786 |
598. Adjective: ʿiqqêsh (ׂשעִקֵּ) [pronounced ik-KAYSH], which means, twisted, distorted, crooked, perverse, perverted. Strong’s #6141 BDB #786. Deut. 32:5 2Sam. 22:27 Prov. 2:15 8:8
ʿiqqêsh (ׂשעִקֵּ) [pronounced ik-KAYSH] |
twisted, distorted, crooked, perverse, perverted |
masculine singular adjective; can act as a substantive |
Strong’s #6141 BDB #786 |
599. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÎqqêsh (עִקֵּש) [pronounced ģihk-KAYSH], which means twisted; perverse; transliterated Ikkesh. Strong’s #6142 BDB #786. 2Sam. 23:26 1Chron. 11:28
ʿÎqqêsh (עִקֵּש) [pronounced ģihk-KAYSH] |
twisted; perverse; transliterated Ikkesh |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6142 BDB #786 |
600. Feminine_noun: ʿiqqeshûwth (עִקֶּשוּת) [pronounced ģihk-kehsh-OOTH], which means crooked, crookedness, distorted, perverseness. When used with mouth, it means fraudulent, deceitful speech. Strong’s #6143 BDB #786. Prov. 4:24 6:12
ʿiqqeshûwth (עִקֶּשוּת) [pronounced ģihk-kehsh-OOTH] |
crooked, crookedness, distorted, perverseness |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #6143 BDB #786 |
This word is only found in Prov. 4:24 6:12. |
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
When used with mouth, it means fraudulent, deceitful speech. |
601. Masculine_noun: which means twisted, crooked place. Strong’s #4625 BDB #786.
602. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6144 BDB #786. Deut. 2:9
ʿÂr (עָר) [pronounced ģawr] |
enemy, adversary, foe; city; transliterated Ar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6144 & #5892 BDB #786 |
603. Masculine_noun2: ʿar (ר-ע) [pronounced ģahr], which means enemy, adversary; city. Uncertain here; one translator does not translate this. 1Sam. 28:16 Psalm 139:20.* Strong’s #6145 BDB #786. 1Sam. 28:16
ʿâr (עָר) [pronounced ģawr] |
enemy, adversary, foe; city |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6145 & #5892 BDB #786 |
604. Verb1: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to mix. See below. Strong’s #none BDB #786.
605. Verb: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to mix, to mingle, to intermingle; to take on a pledge, to give in pledge, to exchange; to be sweet, to be pleasing. It is listed in BDB as having three different Strong’s #’s and four different meanings. As Strong’s #6147, it is said to mean to mix; but it is not given a reference (it is listed, no doubt, because of the noun cognate which follows (Strong’s #6154). The second meaning (Strong’s #6148) is given as to take on a pledge, to give in pledge, to exchange. The third meanings is to be sweet, to be pleasing (Strong’s #6149). The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance does not give the first Strong number and combines the second two. The renderings in the KJV are as follows: to be sweet (Psalm 104:34 Prov. 3:24 13:19 Jer. 6:20), be a surety (Gen. 43:9 2Kings 18:23 Job 17:3 Psalm 119:122 Prov. 6:1 11:15 17:18 20:16 22:26 Isa. 36:8), engaged (Jer. 30:21), hast taken pleasure (Ezek. 16:37), to be pleasant (or pleasing) (Hosea 9:4 Mal. 3:4), to take a pledge (2Kings 18:23 Isa. 36:8), occupy (Ezek. 27:9, 27), to undertake (Isa. 38:14), to mingle (Ezra 9:2 Psalm 106:35), intermeddle (Prov. 14:10), meddle (Prov. 20:19 24:21), pleasing (Hos. 9:4), to mortgage (Neh. 5:3).* Obviously, this word is a total mess. Gesenius helps us somewhat at this point (what follows is taken, in part, from his work). This word properly means to mix. Hence, the use of it to mean to mingle, to intermingle. When two people are involved, sometimes an item of value is exchanged or given as a guarantee or as a surety; this item is mingled, you might say; hence, the meaning given as a guarantee. The tougher meaning for this word is sweetness; Gesenius suggests that this is derived from the notion of a dog-fly sucking blood, but I don’t quite see that. Strong’s #6148 & 6149 (& 6147) BDB #786–787. Gen. 43:9 44:32 Job 17:3 Psalm 104:34 106:35 Prov. 3:24 6:1
ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV] |
to mix, to mingle, to intermingle; to take on a pledge, to give in pledge, to exchange; to be sweet, to be pleasing |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6148 & #6149 (& #6147) BDB #786–787 |
James Rickard: “Surety” is the Hebrew Verb ARAB, עָרַב, pronounced (arav) in the Qal Perfect that means, “to pledge or be a surety or security” for someone or something. The security could be a guarantee of the safety of someone or for the repayment of someone’s debts. |
ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV] |
to mingle onself, to intermingle |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6148 & #6149 (& #6147) BDB #786–787 |
This word is identified variously as two or three different words. |
606. Masculine_noun1: ʿêreb (עֵרֶב) [pronounced ĢAY-rehb], which means mixture, mixed company, mixed people, heterogeneous body attached to a people. Also spelled ʿereb(עֶרֶב) [pronounced ĢEH-rehb]. Strong’s #6154 BDB #786.
ʿêreb (עֵרֶב) [pronounced ĢAY-rehb]; also spelled ʿereb(עֶרֶב) [pronounced ĢEH-rehb]. |
mixture, mixed company, mixed people, heterogeneous body attached to a people |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6154 BDB #786 |
607. Masculine_noun2: ʿêreb (עֵרֶב) [pronounced ĢAY-rehb], which means woof [as mixed or interwoven with warp]. Lev. 13:48.* Also spelled ʿereb(עֶרֶב) [pronounced ĢEH-rehb]. Strong’s #6154 BDB #786.
608. Masculine_noun: ʿârôb (עָרֹב) [pronounced ģaw-ROHBV], which means swarm; a swarm of flies, gnats and/or lice. ʿârôb is similar to the word for mixture and it comes from a word meaning incessant, involved motion. There were probably several kinds of insects here. Strong’s #6157 BDB #786. Exodus 8:21 Psalm 78:45 105:31
ʿârôb (עָרֹב) [pronounced ģaw-ROHBV] |
swarm; a swarm [multitude, mass] of flies, gnats and/or lice |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6157 BDB #786 |
ʿârôb is similar to the word for mixture and it comes from a word meaning incessant, involved motion. There was likely several kinds of insects here. |
609. Verb2: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to take on a pledge, to give in pledge, to exchange. See above. Strong’s #6148 BDB #786.
610. Feminine_noun: ʿărubbâh (הָֻרֲע) [pronounced guh-roob-BAW], which means thing exchanged, pledge, token. 1Sam. 17:18 Prov. 17:18.* Strong’s #6161 BDB #786. 1Sam. 17:18
ʿărubbâh (הָֻרֲע) [pronounced guh-roob-BAW] |
thing exchanged, pledge, token |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6161 BDB #786 |
611. Masculine_noun: ʿărâbôwn (עֲרָבוֹן) [pronounced ģuh-raw-BONE], which means pledge, something given as security, something given in exchange. Strong’s #6162 BDB #786. Gen. 38:17
ʿărâbôwn (עֲרָבוֹן) [pronounced ģuh-raw-BONE] |
pledge, something given as security, something given in exchange |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6162 BDB #786 |
612. Masculine_noun: which means articles of exchange, merchandise. A collective noun. Strong’s #4627 BDB #786.
613. Feminine_noun: which means pledge. Strong’s #8594 BDB #787.
614. Verb3: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to be sweet, to be pleasing. See above. Strong’s #6149 BDB #787.
615. Adjective: which means sweet, pleasant. Strong’s #6156 BDB #787.
616. Verb4: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to be arid, to be sterile. Arabic refers to a depression south of the Dead Sea. See above. Strong’s #none (related to #6152) BDB #787. Psalm (63 inscription)
617. Masculine_noun: ʿărâb (עֲרָוב) [pronounced ģuh-RAWBV], which means desert plateau, steppe. Strong’s #6152 BDB #787.
618. Masculine_noun: which means steppe-dweller. Adjective gentilic? Isa. 13:20 Jer. 3:2.* Strong’s #6163 BDB #787.
619. Masculine_proper_noun: which means steppe-dwellers. Transliterated Arab. Collective gentilic. Later refers to entire peninsula of the Arabs. Strong’s #6152 BDB #787.
620. Gentilic_adjective: which means Arabian. Strong’s #6163 BDB #787.
621. Feminine_noun: ʿĂrâbâh (עֲרָבָה) [pronounced guh-rawb-VAW], which means plain; transliterated Arabah. It is generally translated plain; and with the definite article, it often refers to the valley which runs from the Sea of Chinnereth (the Sea of Galilee) down to the Gulf of Aqaba. Strong’s #6160 BDB #787. Deut. 1:1 2:8 3:17 4:49 34:1 Joshua 11:16 1Sam. 23:24 2Sam. 2:29 17:16 1Chron. (11:32) Psalm (63 inscription) 68:4
ʿĂrâbâh (or, ʿărâbâh) (עֲרָבָה) [pronounced guh-rawb-VAW] |
plain; arid, sterile region; a desert; transliterated Arabah with the definite article |
sometimes a proper noun; feminine singular noun; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6160 BDB #787 |
With the definite article, ʿărâbâh often refers to the valley which runs from the Sea of Chinnereth (the Sea of Galilee) down to the Gulf of Aqaba. |
622. Verb5: which means to enter, to go in. Related to sunset. Strong’s #none BDB #787.
623. Masculine_noun: ʿereb (עֶרֶב) [pronounced ĢEH-rebv], which means evening, sunset. Strong’s #6153 BDB #787. Gen. 1:5 8:11 19:1 24:11, 62 29:23 30:16 49:27 Exodus 12:6 16:6 18:13 27:21 29:38 30:8 Deut. 16:4 1Sam. 14:24 20:5 30:17 2Sam. 2:12 1Chron. 16:40 Psalm 55:17 59:6 Prov. 7:9
ʿereb (עֶרֶב) [pronounced ĢEH-rebv] |
evening, sunset |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6153 BDB #787 |
624. Verb: ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV], which means to become evening, to grow dark. Strong’s #6150 BDB #788. Judges 19:9 1Sam. 17:16 finish def’s below:
ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV] |
to become evening, to grow dark; evening (in the Hiphil infinitive absolute) |
Hiphil infinitive absolute |
Strong’s #6150 BDB #788 |
ʿârab (עָרַב) [pronounced ģaw-RAHBV] |
to become evening, to grow dark; evening (in the Hiphil infinitive absolute) |
Hiphil infinitive absolute |
Strong’s #6150 BDB #788 |
625. Masculine_noun2: maʿărâb (בָרֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-guh-RAWBV], which means west; (merchandise, market). I cannot find the homonym in BDB, but it is in New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament. Strong’s #4628 BDB #788. 1Chron. 12:15 Psalm 103:12
maʿărâb (בָרֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-guh-RAWBV] |
west; (merchandise, market) |
masculine singular noun (this is a homonym) |
Strong’s #4628 BDB #788 |
626. Feminine_noun: ʿerevâh (עֶרְוָה) [pronounced ģer-VAWH], which means nakedness; lewdness, indecency. It is found twice (Deut. 23:14 24:1) with dâbâr (ר ָב ָ) [pronounced daw-BAWR],which means word, saying, doctrine, command. Together, BDB guesses that they mean indecency, improper behavior (see Gen. 9:22–23 42:9 Exodus 20:26 Lev. 18:6); in any case, we cannot tie down a precise meaning for these two words together. It is something which proceeds from the mouth and the context determines its exact parameters. Perhaps this is a way of saying, he has found in her some nakedness—of whatever. This would give it a broad interpretation (lack of this phrase elsewhere does not allow us to narrow its meaning down anymore). However this would work just as well in Deut. 23:14. This is found in Gen. 9:22–23 42:9, 12 Exodus 20:26. Why don’t I have those listed? Strong's #6172 BDB #788. Exodus 28:42 Deut. 24:1 1Sam. 20:30
ʿerevâh (עֶרְוָה) [pronounced ģer-VAWH] |
nudity, nakedness; shame; lewdness, indecency |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #6172 BDB #788 |
BDB definitions: 1) nakedness, nudity, shame, pudenda; 1a) pudenda (implying shameful exposure); 1b) nakedness of a thing, indecency, improper behavior; 1c) exposed, undefended (figuratively). |
627. Verb6: ʿârabv (ב-רָע) [pronounced aw-RAHBV], which means to be black. Means crow in Arabic. Strong’s #none BDB #788.
628. Masculine_noun: ʿôwrêb (עוֹרֵב) [pronounced ģoh-RAYBV], which means raven. Strong’s #6158–6159 BDB #788. Gen. 8:7 Psalm 147:9
ʿôwrêb (עוֹרֵב) [pronounced ģoh-RAYBV] |
raven |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6158 (= #6159) BDB #788 |
629. Proper_noun: ʿÔwrêb (ב̤רע) [pronounced ģoh-RAYB], which means raven; transliterated . Strong’s #6158–6159 BDB #788.
630. Feminine_noun: which means poplar. Strong’s #6155 BDB #788.
631. Verb: which means to long for, to bend or incline toward to ascend. Strong’s #6165 BDB #788.
632. Feminine_noun: which means garden. Strong’s #6170 BDB #788.
633. Proper_noun_location: ʿărâd (דָרֲע) [pronounced ģur-AWD], which means ; and is transliterated Arad. Strong’s #6166 BDB #788. Judges 1:16
ʿărâd (דָרֲע) [pronounced ģur-AWD] |
transliterated Arad |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6166 BDB #788 |
634. Verb: ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW], which means to be bare, be nude, uncover, leave destitute, discover, empty, raze, pour out. Strong’s #6168 BDB #788. Gen. 24:20
ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW] |
to be bare, be nude, uncover, leave destitute, discover, empty, raze, pour out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6168 BDB #788 |
ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW] |
to make naked, to uncover [bare], to lay bare; to lay bare by emptying [razing], empty; to pour out, to empty a vessel |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6168 BDB #788 |
ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW] |
to make naked, strip bare (of sexual offences); to pour out |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6168 BDB #788 |
ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW] |
to be poured out, to be exposed [made naked] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6168 BDB #788 |
ʿârâh (עָרָה) [pronounced ģaw-RAW] |
to expose oneself, to expose oneself, to make oneself naked; to pour oneself out, to spread oneself; pouring oneself, spreading oneself (participle) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6168 BDB #788 |
635. Feminine_noun: which means bare place. Strong’s #6169 BDB #788.
636. Feminine_noun: ʿerevâh (עֶרְוָה) [pronounced ģer-VAW], which means nakedness, nudity; indecency, improper behavior; shame, dishonor; pudenda; exposed; figuratively undefended. I seem to have this word listed twice, here and earlier. BDB #788. Strong’s #6172 BDB #788. Gen. 9:22 42:9
ʿerevâh (עֶרְוָה) [proounced ģer-VAW] |
nakedness, nudity; indecency, improper behavior; shame, dishonor; pudenda; exposed; figuratively undefended |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6172 BDB #788 |
637. Feminine_noun: which means nakedness. Strong’s #6181 BDB #789.
638. Masculine_noun: maʿar (מַעַר) [pronounced MAH-ģahr], which means, a naked place, an open space, a bare place; nakedness, pudenda (exposed in punishment). a noun that we only find here and appears to be related to open areas or to meadowlands. Strong’s #4626 BDB #789. 1Kings 7:36
maʿar (מַעַר) [pronounced MAH-ģahr] |
a naked place, an open space, a bare place; nakedness, pudenda (exposed in punishment) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4626 BDB #789 |
639. Masculine_noun: which means meadows; open areas. Could be equivalent to above; different spelling. Strong’s #4629 BDB #789. Judges 20:33*
640. Proper_noun_location: which means bare, naked place; and is transliterated . Strong’s #4638 BDB #789.
641. Masculine_noun: taʿar (תַּעַר) [pronounced TAH-ģahr], which means razor, sheath. Also a feminine form in here (Isa. 7:20). Strong’s #8593 BDB #789. 1Sam. 17:51 52:2 2Sam. 20:8
taʿar (תַּעַר) [pronounced TAH-ģahr] |
razor; sheath, case; sword |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8593 BDB #789 |
642. Masculine_noun: which means wild ass. Job 39:5.* Strong’s #6171 BDB #789.
643. Verb: ʿârake (עָרך׃) [pronounced ģaw-RAK], which means to prepare, to organize, to set in order, to arrange in order, to set in a row. The BDB definition is to set in order, to arrange in order; Strong's: to set in a row, to arrange in order. However, we only have one item here and presumably Aaron's responsibility is to see that the lamp will stay lit, although he may not do the lighting or the changing of the oil personally. The word is first found in Gen. 14:8 when the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah and two other areas set their men up in the valley for battle. This word is used to describe Abraham arranging the wood for the fire upon which he will offer his son Isaac. This verb and its substantive cognate are both found together for the first time in Exodus 40:4 where Moses is to see to the arrangement on the table of shewbread—he is to arrange the arrangement. We will stay with this rough definition until I can come up with a better word or set of words. A simpler, more modern rendering might be to prepare, to organize. Strong's #6186 BDB #789. The Doctrine of ʿÂrake [Lev. 24:3 Joshua 2:6 Judges 20:20, 22 Job 13:18—fix pronunciation] Gen. 14:8 22:9 Exodus 27:21 1Sam. 4:2 17:2 2Sam. 10:8 23:5 1Chron. 12:8, 33 Psalm 23:5 89:6 132:17 Prov. 9:2
ʿârake (עָרך׃) [pronounced ģaw-RAK] |
to arrange, to set in order, to place in a row, to place in a particular arrangement or order; to organize |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6186 BDB #789 |
ʿârake (עָרך׃) [pronounced ģaw-RAK] |
being arranged, set in order, placed in a row, being placed in a particular arrangement or order; having been organized |
feminine singular, Qal passive participle |
Strong's #6186 BDB #789 |
ʿârake (עָרך׃) [pronounced ģaw-RAK] |
to value, to estimate; to be valuable [valued]; to compare, to be compared; to equal, to be equal |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6186 BDB #789 |
ʿârake (עָרך׃) [pronounced ģaw-RAK] |
to value, to estimate; to tax |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6186 BDB #789 |
The other option is, this word began with a specific meaning which branched out in two directions: i.To arrange [place, set] in order, in a row [an arrangement] would be the basic meaning of this word. ii.When you arrange things together, in some sort of an order, you also are comparing them, to some degree; and in comparing them, you place a value or estimate the worth of the individual things. This would yield the second set of definitions: to value, to estimate; to be valuable [valued]; to compare, to be compared; to equal, to be equal. iii.When you compare things, then one is often seen as greater or more valuable than another; from this, we have the concept to be valued, to be estimated as valuable; to be seen as an expert. |
644. Masculine_noun: ʿêreke (עֵרֶ) [pronounced Ā-reke], which means order, row, estimate, arrangement; estimation, evaluation, determination of a value, price; assessment, taxation. It comes from a verb which means to arrange, to set in order. When used with clothing, it refers to a coordinated ensemble, a uniform. We have seen this same word used for order, row in Exodus 40:23. It also means determination of value. Strong's #6187 BDB #789. Lev. 27:2 Judges 17:10 Psalm 55:13
ʿêreke (עֵרֶ) [pronounced Ā-reke] |
order, row, estimate, arrangement; estimation, evaluation, determination of a value, price; assessment, taxation |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6187 BDB #789 |
645. Verb: which means to value, to tax. Hiphil of the word above. Strong’s #6186 BDB #790.
646. Masculine_noun: which means arrangement. Strong’s #4633 BDB #790.
647. Feminine_noun: maʿărekeh (ה∵כ∵רֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-reh-KEH], which means row, rank, battle line and this is often translated armies (1Sam. 17:36, 45). We find this word used many times in 1Sam. 4 and 17. Strong’s #4630 (which is found nowhere else) is thought to be written mistakenly for this word in 1Sam. 17:23 (more discussion can be found in the exegesis of that passage). Strong's #4634 BDB #790. Judges 6:26 1Sam. 4:2, 12, 16 17:8, 20, 23? 23:3 1Chron. 12:38
maʿărekeh (ה∵כ∵רֲע -מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-reh-KEH] |
row, rank, battle line; this is also translated armies |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #4634 BDB #790 |
648. Feminine_noun: which means row, line. Strong’s #4635 BDB #790.
649. Feminine_noun: ʿorelâh (עֹרְלָה) [pronounced ģohre-LAW], which means foreskin (uncircumcised); foreskin of a tree [fruit from the tree for the first 3 years]. Strong’s #6190 BDB #790. Gen. 17:11 34:14 Exodus 4:25 1Sam. 18:25 2Sam. 3:14
ʿorelâh (עֹרְלָה) [pronounced ģohre-LAW] |
foreskin (uncircumcised); foreskin of a tree [fruit from the tree for the first 3 years] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6190 BDB #790 |
650. Verb: which means to count as foreskin. Strong’s #6188 BDB #790.
651. Adjective/noun: ʿârêl (עָרֵל) [pronounced ģaw-RAYL], and, although it is consistently rendered uncircumcised in the KJV and elsewhere, it actually means having foreskins, foreskinned ones. It is a term of derision. Strong’s #6189 BDB #790. Gen. 17:14 Exodus 12:48 Judges 14:3 1Sam. 14:6 31:4 2Sam. 1:20
ʿârêl (עָרֵל) [pronounced ģaw-RAYL] |
having foreskins, foreskinned ones; generally rendered uncircumcised [ones, men] |
masculine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6189 BDB #790 |
Uncircumcised lips means slow, stammering speech, whose lips are closed, as with a foreskin. Uncircumcised ears or an uncircumcised heart is a person whose mind cannot be reached with divine precepts (Bible doctrine). |
652. Verb1: ʿâram (עָרַם) [pronounced ģaw-RAHM], which means to be heaped up. Strong’s #6192 BDB #790. Exodus 15:8
ʿâram (עָרַם) [pronounced ģaw-RAHM] |
to be heaped up, to be piled up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6192 BDB #790 |
Feminine_noun: ʿărêmâh (הָמ̤ר ֲע) [pronounced uh-ray-MAW], which means heap, pile. This is the first time this verb (?) occurs. Strong’s #6194 BDB #790. Ruth 3:7
653. Verb2: which means to strip flesh to the bone. Strong’s #none BDB #790.
654. Masculine_noun: ʿaremôwn (עַרְמוֹן) [pronounced ģahr-MOAN], which means stripped of bark; a tree or branch stripped of bark; a planed tree. Gen. 30:37 Ezek. 31:8.* Strong’s #6196 BDB #790. Gen. 30:37
ʿaremôwn (עַרְמוֹן) [pronounced ģahr-MOAN] |
stripped of bark; a tree or branch stripped of bark; a planed tree |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6196 BDB #790 |
655. Verb: ʿârôm (עָרֹם) [pronounced aw-ROHM], which means to be shrewd, to be crafty, to be naked, to uncover. Strong’s #6191 BDB #791. 1Sam. 23:22 Psalm 83:2
ʿârôm (עָרֹם) [pronounced aw-ROHM |
to be shrewd, to be crafty, to be naked, to uncover |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6191 BDB #791 |
656. Masculine_noun: The noun at the end of this verse is a cognate of the adjective ʿârûm (םר ָע) [pronounced aw-ROOM or gaw-ROOM] from above. So, although this is given the more malignant translation craftiness, subtlety, shrewdness; we will go with prudence. Strong’s #6193 BDB #791. Job 5:13*
657. Feminine_noun: ʿoremâh (עֹרְמָה) [pronounced ģor-MAW], which means craftiness, guile, cunning; prudence; with bêyth, craftily. Strong’s #6195 BDB #791. Exodus 21:14 Joshua 9:4 Prov. 1:4 8:5, 12
ʿoremâh (עֹרְמָה) [pronounced ģor-MAW] |
craftiness, guile, cunning; prudence; with bêyth, craftily |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6195 BDB #791 |
This word can be used in a good or bad sense. |
James Rickard: “Prudent” means to be wise in handling practical matters and exercising good judgment or common sense. It is to be careful in regard to your own interests and about your conduct, being circumspective and discreet. Therefore, “prudence” means to be careful, using good judgment in any given situation. It implies not only caution, but the capacity for judging in advance the probable results to your actions. The word discretion also suggests prudence but is coupled with self-restraint and sound judgment. |
658. Adjective: ʿârûwm (עָרוּם) [pronounced ģaw-ROOM], which means crafty, insidious, devious, shrewd; sensible, prudent, forethoughtful, farsighted, insightful, sagacious, prepared. It is translated in the KJV as subtle (Gen. 3:1), crafty (Job 5:12 15:5) and prudent (Prov. 12:16, 23 13:16 14:8, 15, 18 22:3 27:12).* Although an adjective, this is generally found as a substantive and what we need is a good definition which can be easily interpreted as an admirable trait. Let me suggest forethoughtful, precognitive, anticipatory, farsighted, sagacious, prepared. My leanings are towards a person who is both insightful and is farsighted. This is certainly Satan, who is the most brilliant of all created creatures; yet this could also apply to a man with great foresight and insight. This would be just the antithesis of a person who would act on impulse (like Peter of the New Testament). This is the passive participle of Strong’s #6191. Strong’s #6175(&6191) BDB #791. Gen. 3:1 Job 5:12 15:5
ʿârûwm (עָרוּם) [pronounced ģaw-ROOM] |
crafty, insidious, devious, shrewd; sensible, prudent, forethoughtful, farsighted, insightful, sagacious, prepared |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6175 (& #6191) BDB #791 |
This defines a person who is both insightful and is farsighted. This is certainly Satan, who is the most brilliant of all created creatures; yet this could also apply to a man with great foresight and insight. This would be just the antithesis of a person who would act on impulse (like Peter of the New Testament). This is the passive participle of Strong’s #6191. |
659. Masculine singular substantive: ʿôreph (עֹרֶף) [pronounced ĢO-ref], which means neck, back of neck. Strong’s #6203 BDB #791. Gen. 49:8 Exodus 23:27 32:9 33:3 Joshua 7:8 2Sam. 22:41
ʿôreph (עֹרֶף) [pronounced ĢO-rehf] |
neck, back of neck; back |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6203 BDB #791 |
To give the neck means to turn away from someone, to turn one’s back (that is, to flee). Hard of neck means obstinate, hard-headed. |
660. Verb: ʿâraph (עָרַף) [pronounced ģaw-RAHF], which means, (1) to break the neck of an animal (Ex. 13:13 34:20) and, (2) to drip, to drop, to ladle out water (Deut. 33:28). The primitive root of this verb means to slope down, to droop down, to bend downwards. It just diverged to two different meanings. We have only had this verb twice before in Exodus 13:13 34:20. This was related to the consecration of the firstborn. Actually, if the firstborn of a donkey has not been redeemed, then the neck of the firstborn donkey is broken. I don’t believe that beheading is the sense of this word. Strong’s #6202 BDB #791. Exodus 13:13 Deut. 21:4 32:2
ʿâraph (עָרַף) [pronounced ģaw-RAHF] |
to break the neck of an animal; figuratively to overthrow, to destroy; originally to pluck, to seize, to pull |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6202 BDB #791 |
This verb is a homonym; the other meanings are to drip, to drop [down]. This suggests the original meaning probably diverged into two branches. This word is not found very often in the Bible with either meaning. |
ʿâraph (עָרַף) [pronounced ģaw-RAHF] |
the one with the broken neck; figuratively the overthrown one, the destroyed one |
feminine singular, Qal passive participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #6202 BDB #791 |
661. Verb: which means to drip, to drop. Strong’s #6201 BDB #791.
ʿâraph (עָרַף) [pronounced ģaw-RAHF] |
to drip, to drop [down]; used metaphorically of speech |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6201 BDB #791 |
662. Masculine_noun: which means cloud. Strong’s #6183 BDB #791.
663. Masculine_noun: ʿărâphel (עֲרָפֶל) [pronounced ģur-aw-FEHLL], which means cloud, heavy or dark cloud, darkness, gross darkness, thick darkness. Strong’s #6205 BDB #791. Exodus 20:21 Deut. 4:11 5:22 2Sam. 22:10 1Kings 8:12
ʿărâphel (עֲרָפֶל) [pronounced ģur-aw-FELL] |
cloud, heavy or dark cloud, darkness, gross darkness, thick darkness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6205 BDB #791 |
664. Verb: ʿârats (עָרַץ) [pronounced ģaw-RAHTS], and it means to cause to tremble, to tremble, to terrify, to feel dread. BDB only. Strong’s #6206 BDB #791. Deut. 1:29 20:3 Joshua 1:9 Job 13:25 Psalm 10:18 89:7
ʿârats (עָרַץ) [pronounced ģaw-RAHTS] |
to cause to tremble, to tremble, to terrify, to feel dread |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6206 BDB #791 |
ʿârats (עָרַץ) [pronounced ģaw-RAHTS] |
to be awesome; to be terrified [by] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6206 BDB #791 |
ʿârats (עָרַץ) [pronounced ģaw-RAHTS] |
to regard or treat with awe, regard or treat as terrifying; to inspire with awe, terrify |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6206 BDB #791 |
665. Adjective: which means dreadful. Job 30:6.* Strong’s #6178 BDB #792.
666. Adjective: ʿârîyts (צי ̣רָע) [pronounced ģaw-REETS], and it means terrifying, horrifying, causing fear; very powerful; violent, fierce; awe-inspiring. This is often used to describe the Chaldeans. They were a terrifying nation to Israel. Strong’s #6184 BDB #792. Job 6:23 15:20 Psalm 54:3
ʿârîyts (צי ̣רָע) [pronounced ģaw-REETS] |
terrifying, horrifying, causing fear; very powerful; violent, fierce; awe-inspiring |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #6184 BDB #792 |
667. Feminine_noun: which means awful shock, crash. Isa. 10:33.* Strong’s #4637 BDB #792.
668. Verb: which means to gnaw. Job 30:3.* Strong’s #6207 BDB #792.
669. Gentilic_adjective: ʿArqîy (עַרְקִי) [pronounced ģahr-KEE], which means gnawing; inhabitant of the city Arka, and is transliterated Arkite. Strong’s #6208 BDB #792. Gen. 10:17
ʿArqîy (עַרְקִי) [pronounced ģahr-KEE] |
gnawing; inhabitant of the city Arka, and is transliterated Arkite |
gentilic singular noun/adjective |
Strong’s #6208 BDB #792 |
670. Feminine_noun: meʿârâh (מְעָרָה) [pronounced me-ģaw-RAW], and it means cave, and is primarily used as a place to temporarily stay or as a refuge. Strong’s #4631 BDB #792. Gen. 19:30 23:9 25:9 49:29, 32 50:13 Judges 6:2 13:6 1Sam. 22:1 24:3 2Sam. 23:13 1Chron. 11:15 Psalm 57 inscription 142 inscription
meʿârâh (מְעָרָה) [pronounced me-ģaw-RAW] |
cave, den, hole |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4631 BDB #792 |
671. Verb2: which means to strip oneself. Strong’s #6209 BDB #792.
672. Adjective: ʿărîyrîy (עֲרִירִי) [pronounced ģar-e-REE] which means, often translated childless, but it means bare, stripped, barren. Gen. 15:2 pretty much establishes this meaning of childless (this word is also found in Lev. 20:21 and Jer. 22:30). Strong's #6185 BDB #792. Gen. 15:2 Lev. 20:20
ʿărîyrîy (עֲרִירִי) [pronounced ģar-e-REE] |
often translated childless, but it means bare, stripped, barren |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong's #6185 BDB #792 |
673. Adjective: which means stripped, destitute. Strong’s #6199 BDB #792.
674. Masculine_noun: which means juniper? (Probably a tree or a bush of some sort). Jer. 17:6 48:5.* Strong’s #6176 BDB #792.
675. Proper_noun: ʿĂrôʿêr (עֲרֹעֵר) [pronounced ģuh-row-ĢAIR], which means juniper (or some kind of tree or bush) and is transliterated Aroer. The latter pronunciation matching the Greek of the Septuagint (the Septuagint sometimes renders the ayin with a g and sometimes without). Strong’s #6177 BDB #792. Deut. 2:36 3:12 4:48 Joshua 13:16 1Sam. 30:28 2Sam. 24:5
ʿĂrôʿêr (עֲרֹעֵר) [pronounced ģuh-row-ĢAIR] |
naked, bare; juniper (or some kind of tree or bush) and is transliterated Aroer |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #6177 BDB #792 |
676. Gentilic_adjective: ʿĂrôʿirîy (עֲרֹעִרִי) [pronounced ģuhr-oh-ģih-REE], which means destitute; inhabitant of Aroer; transliterated Aroerite. Reference to previous noun. Strong’s #6200 BDB #793. 1Chron. 11:44*
ʿĂrôʿirîy (עֲרֹעִרִי) [pronounced ģuhr-oh-ģih-REE] |
destitute; inhabitant of Aroer; transliterated Aroerite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6200 BDB #793 |
677. Feminine_noun: which means couch, divine. Strong’s #6210 BDB #793. Deut. 3:11 Psalm 41:3 132:3 Prov. 7:16
ʿeres (עֶרֶשׂ) [pronounced ĢEH-rehs] |
couch, divine, bed [often covered with a hanging curtain] |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6210 BDB #793 |
678. Verb: which means to bear fruit. Strong’s #none BDB #793.
679. Noun: ʿeseb (עֶשֶׂב) [pronounced EH-seb], which means herbs, herbage; grass, produce. However, this is not parsley, poppy seeds or oregano—cattle do not feed upon herbs. This is the produce of the ground which the cattle would eat. Grass is okay, but produce in this context is better. Strong’s #6212 BDB #793. Gen. 1:11 2:5 3:18 9:3 Exodus 9:22 10:12 Deut. 11:15 Psalm 105:35 106:20
ʿeseb (עֶשֶׂב) [pronounced EH-seb] |
herbs, herbage; grass, produce; plants [full-grown and in seed] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6212 BDB #793 |
680. Verb: ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] which means to do, to make, to construct, to fashion, to form, to prepare. As a participle, it means doing, making, fashioning, constructing, forming. Here (Job 4:17) it means Maker. In the Qal active participle, it can mean a doer, a maker, making, doing. What we would have expected is for this verb to be in the reflexive (the Hithpael), but this verb is not found in the Hithpael. However, that he should make himself strong is implied (it is in the imperative and not in the Niphal—which is the passive stem). The Niphal is the passive stem, meaning that the heavens were made, constructed or fashioned. Strong's #6213 BDB #793. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Gen. 1:7 2:2 3:1 4:10 5:1 6:6 7:4 8:6 9:6 11:4 12:2, 5 13:4 14:2 16:6 18:17 19:3, 8, 19 20:5, 9 21:1, 22 22:12 24:12, 49 26:10 27:1 28:15 29:22, 26 30:30 31:1, 12, 16 32:10 33:17 34:7 35:1, 3 37:3 38:10 39:3, 9, 22 40:14, 25 41:32 42:18, 20 43:11, 17 44:2 45:17, 21 47:29 50:10 Exodus 1:17 2:4 3:16, 20 4:15 5:8, 9, 16 6:1 7:6 8:7 9:5 10:25 11:10 12:12, 16 13:8 14:4 15:11, 26 16:17 17:4 18:1, 14 19:4 20:4, 6 21:9, 31 22:30 23:11 24:3 25:8, 19, 31, 40 26:1 27:1 28:2, 42 29:1, 38 30:1 31:4, 14, 15 32:1, 4, 8 33:5 Lev. 14:19 Deut. 1:14 2:12 3:2 4:1 5:1, 10 16:1 17:2, 4 20:12, 20 21:9 22:26 31:21 32:6 34:9 Joshua 2:12 4:23 5:10 7:9 9:4, 15 22:23, 26 Judges 1:7, 24 2:17 6:1, 19, 27 8:35 9:16, 27, 33 11:37 13:16 14:10 15:11 16:11 17:6 19:24 Ruth 1:8, 17 2:19a 4:11 1Sam. 1:7, 23 2:35 3:11, 17 5:8 6:2, 7 8:8, 16 10:2, 7, 8 11:7, 13 12:6, 17 13:11, 19 14:6 15:2 17:25, 26 19:5 20:1 22:3 24:4 25:17 26:16, 25 27:11 28:2, 9 29:7 30:23 31:11 2Sam. 2:5 3:8, 25 3:39 7:3 12:5 13:2 13:5, 7 14:15 15:1, 26 16:10 17:6, 23 18:4 19:13, 27 21:3 22:51 23:10 24:10 1Kings 1:5 2:3, 31 3:6 5:8, 16 6:4, 12 7:6 8:32, 45 9:1 1Chron. 14:1 16:12 Job 1:4 4:17 5:9, 12 9:10 10:8, 12 13:20 14:5, 9 15:27 16:3 Psalm 1:3 7:3 33:6 34:14, 16 52:2, 9 56:4 83:9 95:6 99:4 103:6, 10, 21 104:4, 19 106:3, 19 118:6 136:4 148:8 149:2 Prov. 2:14 3:27 6:3, 32 8:26 10:4, 23 Eccles. 1:9 2:2, 3, 8, 17
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
to do, to make, to construct, to produce, to fashion, to form, to prepare, to manufacture; accomplish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
The full set of Qal meanings from BDB: to do, work, make, produce; to do; to work; to deal (with); to act, act with effect, effect; to produce; to prepare; to make (an offering); to attend to, put in order; to observe, celebrate; to acquire (property); to appoint, ordain, institute; to bring about; to use; to spend, pass. It is possible that this ought to be to provide for. |
All of the BDB Qal meanings for this word are: 1a1) to do, work, make, produce; 1a1a) to do; 1a1b) to work; 1a1c) to deal (with); 1a1d) to act, act with effect, effect; 1a2) to make; 1a2a) to make; 1a2b) to produce; 1a2c) to prepare; 1a2d) to make (an offering); 1a2e) to attend to, put in order; 1a2f) to observe, celebrate; 1a2g) to acquire (property); 1a2h) to appoint, ordain, institute; 1a2i) to bring about; 1a2j) to use; 1a2k) to spend, pass. |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
do, make, construct, produce, fashion, form, prepare, manufacture |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
a doer, a maker, creator, one who constructs [fashions, preparers] |
masculine singular, Qal active participle; with the 1st person plural suffix |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
doers, makers, creators, those who construct [fashion, preparer] |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
the ones doing, the ones making, constructors, fashioners, preparers |
masculine plural, Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
a doer of, a maker of, a constructor of, a fashion of, a preparer of |
Qal active participle, masculine singular construct |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
the one doing, the one making, a constructor, a fashioner, a preparer |
feminine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
doing, making, manufacturing, constructing, fashioning, forming, preparing; producing |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
was done, was made, was manufactured, was constructed, having been fashioned, having been formed, was prepared; was produced |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
ʿâsâh (עָשָֹה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWH] |
to be done [made, produced]; to be offered, to be observed, to be used; was made [constructed, fashioned], to be formed, to be prepared |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6213 BDB #793 |
681. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂsâhʾêl (עֲשָׂהאֵל) [pronounced ģuh-SAW-HALEģuhs-aw-ALE], which means God has made; and is transliterated Asahel. Strong’s #6214 BDB #795. 2Sam. 2:18 23:24 1Chron. 11:26
ʿĂsâhʾêl (עֲשָׂהאֵל) [pronounced ģuh-saw-HALE or ģuhs-aw-ALE] |
God has made; transliterated Asahel |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #6214 BDB #795 |
682. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6221 BDB #795.
683. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿĂsâyâh (הָיֲָע) [pronounced ģuh-saw-YAW], which means Jah has made, made by Jehovah; transliterated Asaiah. Strong’s #6222 BDB #795. 1Chron. 15:6
ʿĂsâyâh (הָיֲָע) [pronounced ģuh-saw-YAW] |
Jah has made, made by Jehovah; transliterated Asaiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6222 BDB #795 |
684. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3299 BDB #795.
685. Masculine_proper_noun: Yaʿăsîyʾêl (יַעֲשִׂיאָל) [pronounced yah-ģuhs-ee-ALE], which means made of God; God is maker; transliterated Jasiel, Jaasiel. Strong’s #3300 BDB #795. 1Chron. 11:47*
Yaʿăsîyʾêl (יַעֲשִׂיאָל) [pronounced yah-ģuhs-ee-ALE] |
made of God; God is maker; whom God comforts; transliterated Jasiel, Jaasiel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3300 BDB #795 |
686. Masculine_noun: maʿăseh (מַעֲשֶׂה) [pronounced mah-ğa-SEH] and it means deed, work, production, that which is done. It is the substantive cognate of ʿâsâh, and it therefore refers to anything that a person makes or does, or to that which has been constructed or made; I have translated it craftsmanship in Num. 8:3. Maʿăseh has several classes of meanings (1) it is a noun of action of the verb; that which anyone makes or does. It is often rendered business (Gen. 47:3 Exodus 5:4 1Chron. 23:28) or a course of action. It is the opposite of that which is done on the Sabbath (Ezek. 46:1). It can refer to behavior (Ex. 23:24 18:20 Lev. 18:3 Micah 6:16). (2) It can refer to a deed or action of man or of God (Judges 2:10 Psalm 86:8). (3) It can be a work or that which one produces (Psalm 8:7 19:2 103:22). (4) It is that which is produced by labor, e.g., property, goods (Isa. 26:12), fruits, production (Ex. 23:16 1Sam. 25:2). When exegeting Psalm 33:4, Thieme rendered this as provision. Strong's #4639 BDB #795. [slight misspelling in the Hebrew: Gen. 4:29 20:9 40:17 44:15 46:33 Exodus 5:4 18:20 23:12 24:10 27:4 28:6 30:25 32:16 Lev. 18:3 Num. 8:3 Deut. 2:7 3:24 4:28 16:15 Judges 2:7 13:12 1Sam. 8:8 19:4 20:19 25:2 1Kings 7:8, 17, 26 Job 1:10 Psalm 8:6 33:4, 15 62:12 64:9 103:22 106:13 118:17 Eccles. 1:14 2:4, 11, 17] Exodus 26:1, 36
maʿăseh (מַעֲשֶׂה) [pronounced mah-ğa-SEH] |
deed, act, action, work, production, that which is done; that which is produced [property, goods, crops]; that which anyone makes or does; a course of action; a business |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #4639 BDB #795 |
maʿăsîym (מַעֲשִׂים) [pronounced mah-ğuh-SEEM] |
deeds, works, production, that which is produced or done [crops, property, goods]; profession, occupation |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #4639 BDB #795 |
687. Combo: Exodus 26:1
maʿăseh (מַעֲשֶׂה) [pronounced mah-ğa-SEH] |
deed, act, action, work, production, that which is done; that which is produced [property, goods, crops]; that which anyone makes or does; a course of action; a business |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #4639 BDB #795 |
châshab (חָשַב) [pronounced khaw-SHAHBV] |
thought out, planned, regarded, accounting, counting, determining, calculated, imputed, reckoned |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #2803 BDB #362 |
Also skillfully (ESV, Owen); skilled (-ful) workman (Green’s literal translation, WEB). |
However, these two words should be considered together; they are variously translated: (handiwork of) a designer (CLV); of quality workmanship (VW); the workmanship of a tapestry weaver (C. Thomson); of artistic work (Darby); the work of a fabricator (ECB); a skilled embroiderer (Niobi Study Bible); of artful work (RHB6); work of a skillful craftsman (TLV); and the work of a very skilled craftsman (ULLB). |
688. Masculine_proper_noun: Maʿăsêyâhûw (היֲ̤ע-מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-say-YAW-hoo], which means work of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Maaseiah. Strong’s #4640–4641 BDB #796. 1Chron. 15:18
Maʿăsêyâhûw (היֲ̤ע-מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-say-YAW-hoo] |
work of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Maaseiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4640 & #4641 BDB #796 |
Also spelled Maʿăsêyâh (היֲ̤ע-מ) [pronounced mah-ģuh-say-YAW]. |
689. Piel_verb2: which means to press, to squeeze. Strong’s #6213 BDB #796.
690. Masculine_noun: ʿÊsâv (עֵשָׂו) [pronounced ģay-SAWV], which means, handled, made, rough handling; hairy; transliterated Esau. Strong’s #6215 BDB #796. Gen. 25:25 26:34 27:1 28:5 32:3 33:1 35:1 36:1 Deut. 2:4
ʿÊsâv (עֵשָׂו) [pronounced ģay-SAWV] |
handled, made, rough handling; hairy; transliterated Esau |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6215 BDB #796 |
691. Verb: ʿâsaq (עָשַׂק) [pronounced ģaw-SAHK], which means to contend, to strive, to quarrel. Apparently in Hithpael only. Strong’s #6229 BDB #796. Gen. 26:20
ʿâsaq (עָשַׂק) [pronounced ģaw-SAHK] |
to contend, to strive, to quarrel |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael perfect |
Strong’s #6229 BDB #796 |
692. Proper_noun/location: ʿêseq (עקּשֶׂק) [pronounced ĢAY-sehk], which means strife, contention; transliterated Esek. Strong’s #6230 BDB #796. Gen. 26:20
ʿêseq (עקּשֶׂק) [proounced ĢAY-sehk] |
strife, contention; transliterated Esek |
proper singular noun/location: |
Strong’s #6230 BDB #796 |
693. Feminine_numeral: ʿasârâh (עַשָׂרָה) [pronounced ģah-saw-RAW], which means ten. Strong’s #6235 BDB #796. Gen. 16:3 18:32 24:10, 22 31:7, 41 32:15, 22 37:9 42:3 45:23 50:22 Exodus 18:21 26:1, 15 27:12 Deut. 1:15 4:13 Judges 1:4 2:8 3:29 4:6 1Sam. 1:8 15:4 17:17 25:5, 38 2Sam. 15:16 18:3, 11, 15 19:43 20:3 1Kings 4:23 5:14 6:3 7:10, 38
ʿeser (עֶשֶׂר) [pronounced ĢEH-ser] |
ten |
masculine numeral; construct form |
Strong’s #6235 BDB #796 |
ʿasârâh (עַשָׂרָה) [pronounced ģah-saw-RAW] |
ten |
feminine numeral |
Strong’s #6235 BDB #796 |
694. Masculine/Feminine_noun: ʿâsâh (עָשָׂה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWR], which means ten; –teen [resulting in numbers 11–19]. Strong’s #6240 BDB #797. Gen. 5:8 7:11 8:4 11:25 14:4, 14 17:20 31:41 35:22 37:2 42:13 46:18 47:28 49:28 Exodus 12:6 16:1 26:7 27:14 28:21 Deut. 1:2, 23 Judges 3:14 2Sam. 2:15, 30 8:13 19:17 1Kings 4:7 6:38 7:1 8:65 1Chron. 12:13 15:10
ʿâsâr (עָשָׂה) [pronounced ģaw-SAWR] |
ten; –teen [resulting in numbers 11–19] |
masculine/feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6240 BDB #797 |
695. Verb: ʿâsar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SAHR], which means to tithe, to take a tenth of, to take a tithe of, to decimate. Strong’s #6237 BDB #797. Gen. 28:22 1Sam. 8:16
ʿâsar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SAHR] |
to take a tenth of, to take a tithe of, to decimate, to tithe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6237 BDB #797 |
ʿâsar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SAHR] |
to give a tenth of, to pay a tithe, to tithe |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6237 BDB #797 |
ʿâsar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SAHR] |
to give a tenth of, to pay a tithe, to tithe |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6237 BDB #797 |
696. Masculine_noun: ʿâsôr (אָשֹׂר) [pronounced ģaw-SOHR], which means a ten, a decade; tenth; ten-stringed harp. Strong’s #6218 BDB #797. Gen. 24:55 Exodus 12:3
ʿâsôr (אָשֹׂר) [pronounced ģaw-SOHR] |
a ten, a decade; tenth; ten-stringed harp |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6218 BDB #797 |
Also spelled: ʿâsôwr (אָשׂוֹר) [pronounced ģaw-SOHR]. |
697. Undeclined_plural_noun: ʿeserîym (עֶשְׂרִים) [pronounced ģese-REEM], which means twenty. Strong’s #6242 BDB #797. Gen. 6:3 8:14 11:24 18:31 23:1 31:38 32:14 37:28 Exodus 12:18 26:2, 17 27:10 30:13 Deut. 34:7 Judges 4:3 1Sam. 7:2 14:14 2Sam. 3:20 8:4 18:7 19:17 21:20 1Kings 4:23 5:11 6:2, 16 8:63 9:10, 28 1Chron. 12:28, 30
ʿeserîym (עֶשְׂרִים) [pronounced ģese-REEM] |
twenty |
plural numeral adjective |
Strong’s #6242 BDB #797 |
698. Masculine/feminine adjective/numeral ordinal: ʿăshîyrîy (עֲשִירִי) [pronounced ģuh-shee-REE], which means tenth. Strong’s #6224 BDB #798. Gen. 8:5 Exodus 16:36 1Chron. 12:13
ʿăshîyrîy (עֲשִירִי) [pronounced ģuh-shee-REE] |
tenth |
masculine singular, numeral ordinal; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6224 BDB #798 |
699. Masculine_noun: ʿissârôn/ʿissârôwn (עִשָּׂרֹן/עִשָּׂרוֹן) [pronounced ihs-saw-ROHN], which means tenth part [of an ephah], a tithe. Strong’s #6241 BDB #798. Exodus 29:40
ʿissârôn/ʿissârôwn (עִשָּׂרֹן/עִשָּׂרוֹן) [pronounced ihs-saw-ROHN] |
tenth part [of an ephah], a tithe |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6241 BDB #798 |
There appear to be some very similar words to it which mean the same thing. This word is found 33 times in Scripture (and only in the Torah). |
700. Masculine_noun: maʿăsêr (מַעֲשֵׂר) [pronounced mah-ģuhs-AIR], which means tenth part, tithe, payment of a tenth part. Strong’s #4643 BDB #798. Gen. 14:20
maʿăsêr (מַעֲשֵׂר) [pronounced mah-ģuhs-AIR] |
tenth part, tithe, payment of a tenth part |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4643 BDB #798 |
701. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6220 BDB #798.
702. Verb: ʿâshên (עָשַן) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHN], which means, to smoke; figuratively it means to fume, to be wroth, to smoulder. It is found in Exodus 19:18 Psalm 80:4 74:1 104:32 144:5.* It Strong’s #6225 BDB #798. Exodus 19:18 Deut. 29:20
ʿâshên (עָשַן) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHN] |
to smoke; figuratively it means to fume, to be wroth, to smoulder |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6225 BDB #798 |
703. Masculine_noun1: ʿâshân (עָשָן) [pronounced ģaw-SHAWN], which means smoke; vapor, dust; anger. Strong’s #6227 BDB #798. Gen. 15:17 Exodus 19:18 1Sam. 30:30 2Sam. 22:9 Psalm 68:2 Prov. 10:26
ʿâshân (עָשָן) [pronounced ģaw-SHAWN] |
smoke; vapor, dust; anger |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6227 BDB #798 |
704. Adjective: ʿâshên (עָשֵן) [pronounced ģaw-SHANE], which means smoky, smoking. Strong’s #6226 BDB #798. Exodus 20:18 **
ʿâshên (עָשֵן) [pronounced ģaw-SHANE] |
smoky, smoking |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6226 BDB #798 |
705. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6228 BDB #798.
706. Verb: ʿâshaq (חָשַק) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHK] which means to exploit, to oppress, to wrong, to extort. Strong's #6231 BDB #798. Lev. 19:13 1Sam. 12:3, 4 1Chron. 16:21 Psalm 103:6 105:14 146:7
ʿâshaq (חָשַק) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHK] |
to exploit, to oppress, to wrong, to extort |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6231 BDB #798 |
ʿâshaq (חָשַק) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHK] |
the exploited, the oppressed ones, those who have been wronged [extorted from] |
masculine plural, Qal passive participle; with the definite article |
Strong's #6231 BDB #798 |
707. Masculine_noun: ʿôsheq (עֹשֶק) [pronounced ĢOH-shek], which means violence, injury; something taken away by force or fraud, oppression [of the poor], exploitation, extortion, defrauding; anguish. Strong’s #6233 BDB #799. Psalm 62:10 73:8
ʿôsheq (עֹשֶק) [pronounced ĢOH-shek] |
violence, injury; something taken away by force or fraud, oppression [of the poor], exploitation, extortion, defrauding; anguish |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6233 BDB #799 |
708. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6232 BDB #799.
709. Feminine_noun: which means oppression, distress. Strong’s #6234 BDB #799.
710. Masculine_noun: which means oppressor, extortioner. Strong’s #6216 (& #6233) BDB #799.
711. Noun plural abstract: which means oppression, extortion. Strong’s #6217 BDB #799.
712. Feminine_noun: which means extortionate act. Strong’s #4642 BDB #799.
713. Verb: ʿâshar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHR], which means to become rich, to be rich. In the Hiphil, it means to make rich, to cause one to be rich. Strong’s #6238 BDB #799. Gen. 14:23 1Sam. 2:7 17:25 Prov. 10:4
ʿâshar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHR] |
to become rich, to be rich |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6238 BDB #799 |
ʿâshar (עָשַר) [pronounced ģaw-SHAHR] |
to make rich [wealthy], to cause one to be rich |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6238 BDB #799 |
714. Masculine_noun: ʿôsher (עֹשֶר) [pronounced ĢOH-sher], which means riches. Strong’s #6239 BDB #799. Gen. 31:16 1Sam. 17:25 1Kings 3:11, 13 Psalm 52:7 Prov. 3:16 8:18
ʿôsher (עֹשֶר) [pronounced ĢOH-sher] |
riches; wealth; property |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6239 BDB #799 |
715. Adjective: ʿâshîyr (עָשִיר) [pronounced ģaw-SHEER], which means rich; wealthy; can be used as a substantive to mean the rich, the wealth, a rich man. Strong’s #6223 BDB #799. Exodus 30:15 2Sam. 12:1 Prov. 10:15
ʿâshîyr (עָשִיר) [pronounced ģaw-SHEER] |
rich; wealthy; can be used as a substantive to mean the rich, the wealth, a rich man |
masculine singular adjective; can be used as a substantive |
Strong’s #6223 BDB #799 |
716. Verb: which means to waste away. Strong’s #6244 BDB #799.
717. Masculine_noun2: which means moth. Strong’s #6211 BDB #799.
718. Verb1: which means to be smooth, to be shiny, to become rich. Meaning of word is doubtful, as is word. Jer. 5:28.* Strong’s #6245 BDB #799.
719. Masculine_noun: which means plate. This is because the plate is smooth and shiny? SOS 5:14.* Strong’s #6247 BDB #799.
720. Adjective: which means smooth. Again, this is uncertain, as are its cognates. Ezek. 27:19.* Strong’s #6219 BDB #799.
721. Verb2: which means to think, to fabricate, to manufacture. See Psalm 40:18(why?). Jer. 5:28 Jonah 1:6.* Strong’s #6245 BDB #799.
722. Feminine_noun: The feminine construct of a word which occurs only here and probably means thought, reasoning. It is from a Hebrew verb which occurs very little in Scripture, and given a rather long explanation. The verb means to shine or to make smooth, to make shiny; therefore, it means to manufacture, to fabricate; this came to mean to carefully fabricate a thought in the mind. Gesenius says that this word is found in the singular in most manuscripts, but in the plural in a few manuscripts and some early printed editions; he rejects the plural because he can find that usage nowhere else, even in the Aramaic. [see Verb: Strong’s #6245 BDB #799]. Noun: Strong’s #6248 BDB #799. Job 12:5
723. Feminine_noun: ʿeshetônôwth (תנֹ ש∵ע) [pronounced ģeshe-toh-NOHTH], which means thoughts, ideas; intentions; plans. Strong’s #6250 BDB #799. Psalm 146:4*
ʿeshetônôwth (תנֹ ש∵ע) [pronounced ģeshe-toh-NORTH] |
thoughts, ideas; intentions; plans |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6250 BDB #799 |
Although this noun occurs only here, it comes from a verb which means to manufacture, to fabricate; to carefully fabricate a thought in the emind. Therefore, these meanings are reasonable. |
724. Numeral: ʿashetêy (עַשְתֵּי) [pronounced ģahsh-TAY], which means one. Strong’s #6249 BDB #799. Exodus 26:7 Deut. 1:3
ʿashetêy (עַשְתֵּי) [pronounced ģahsh-TAY] |
one; eleven, eleventh |
numeral |
Strong’s #6249 BDB #799 |
This word appears to be used only in conjunction with Strong’s #6240. |
725. Feminine_proper_noun: ʿashtôreth (ת ∵רֹש ַע) [pronounced ģahsh-TOH-reth], which is transliterated Ashtoreth and is found in 1Kings 11:5, 33 2Kings 23:13. We studied her back in Judges 2:13; suffice it to say that she was a heathen goddess who represented sex and fertility (though not always). Strong’s #6253 BDB #800. The Doctrine of the Goddess Ashtoreth 1Sam. 7:3
726. Feminine_plural_noun: which means and is transliterated Ashteroth. The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament and Gesenius have this as meaning flocks, offspring, increase, as it is translated that way in these passages. Found only in the construct. Found in Deut. 7:13 28:4, 18, 51. Strong’s #6251 BDB #800.
727. Feminine_proper_noun: ʿAshetârôwth (עַשְתָּרוֹת) [pronounced ģahsh-taw-ROHTH], which means and is transliterated Ashtaroth, Ashtartes, Ashtaroths and is found in Judges 2:13 10:6 1Sam. 7:3–4 12:10 31:10 1Chron. 6:71 (56). These are apparently the figurines which represent the goddess Ashtoreth, although that may not be entirely accurate (see 1Sam. 7:3). BDB lists this as a location. See below. Strong’s #6252 BDB #800. The Doctrine of the Goddess Ashtoreth (Judges 2:13) Deut. 1:4 Judges 2:13 1Sam. 7:3 12:10 31:10
ʿAshetârôwth (עַשְתָּרוֹת) [pronounced ģahsh-taw-ROHTH] |
star; transliterated Ashtaroth, Ashtartes, Ashtaroths |
feminine proper noun; plural form |
Strong’s #6252 BDB #800 |
728. Feminine_proper_noun/location:ʿAshetârôwth (עַשְתָּרוֹת) [pronounced ģahsh-taw-ROHTH]) found in Deut. 1:4 Joshua 9:10 12:4 13:12, 31. Strong’s #6252 BDB #800. (The Doctrine of the Goddess Ashtoreth)
729. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated Ashtaroth-karnaim. Gen. 14:5* Strong’s #6255 BDB #800. Gen. 14:5
ʿAshetârôwth (עַשְתָּרוֹת) [pronounced ģahsh-taw-ROHTH] |
transliterated Ashtaroth, Ashtartes, Ashtaroths |
feminine proper noun; plural form |
Strong’s #6252 BDB #800 |
Qarenayim (קַרְנַיִם) [pronounced ker-nah-yihm] |
two horns, both horns, a pair of horns; flashes of lightning, rays of light |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #7161 BDB #901 |
Together, these works make up the location of the Rephaim. Strong’s #6255 BDB #800. |
730. Gentilic_adjective: ʿĂsheterâthîy (עֲשְתְּרָתִי) [pronounced ģush-ter-aw-THEE or ģush-traw-THEE], which means inhabitant of Ashtaroth, and is transliterated Ashterathite. Strong’s #6254 BDB #800. 1Chron. 11:44.*
ʿĂsheterâthîy (עֲשְתְּרָתִי) [pronounced ģush-ter-aw-THEE or ģush-traw-THEE] |
inhabitant of Ashtaroth, and is transliterated Ashterathite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6254 BDB #800 |
731. Verb: ʿâthad (ד-תָע) [pronounced ģaw-THAHD], which means, in the Piel, to make ready. In the Hithpael, it means to be ready, to be destined to be something (when followed by the lâmed). Only found in Job 15:28 (Hithpael) and in Prove. 24:27 (Piel).* Strong’s #6257 BDB #800. Job 15:28
732. Adjective: ʿâthîyd (עָתִיד) [pronounced ģaw-THEED], which means, ready, prepared; skilled; and, as a substantive, means those things which have been prepared; those who are prepared; a destiny prepared; skilled men; those with a skill. It is used as a substantive in Deut. 32:35. Strong’s #6264(&6259) BDB #800. Deut. 32:35 Job 3:8 15:24
ʿâthîyd (עָתִיד) [pronounced ģaw-THEED] |
ready, prepared; skilled; and, as a substantive, means those things which have been prepared; those who are prepared; a destiny prepared; skilled men; those with a skill |
masculine plural adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6264(&6259) BDB #800 |
733. Masculine_noun: ʿattûd (עַתֻּד) [pronounced ģaht-TOOD], which means ram; male goat; chief one. Strong’s #6260 BDB #800. Gen. 31:10
ʿattûd (עַתֻּד) [pronounced ģaht-TOOD] |
ram; male goat; chief one |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6260 BDB #800 |
734. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #6265 BDB #800.
735. Proper_noun_location: ʿătthâke (ָתֲע) [pronounced ģuh-THAWK], which means nothing; and is transliterated Athach. Only found in 1Sam. 30:30. Strong’s #6269 BDB #800. 1Sam. 30:30*
ʿătthâke (ָתֲע) [pronounced ģuh-THAWK] |
transliterated Athach |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6269 BDB #800 |
736. Feminine_proper_noun: which means exalted and is transliterated Athaliah. Maybe we are talking the masculine and feminine combined here? Strong’s #6270–71 BDB #800.
737. Verb: dubious. Burned by heat, scorched. Strong’s #6272 BDB #801.
738. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #6273 BDB #801.
739. Masculine_proper_noun: ʿÂthenîyʾêl (ל̤אי.נ תָע) [pronounced ģoth-nee-ALE], which means possibly lion of God; God is might; and is transliterated Othniel. Strong’s #6274 BDB #801. Judges 1:13 3:9
ʿÂthenîyʾêl (ל̤אי.נ תָע) [pronounced ģoth-nee-ALE] |
possibly lion of God; God is might; and is transliterated Othniel |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #6274 BDB #801 |
740. Verb: ʿâthaq (עָתַק) [pronounced ģaw-THAHK], which means to move, to advance, to advance in years. This appears at first to be a problem for us. BDB gives its Qal meanings as to move, to advance [in years], and its Hiphil meanings as to move forward, to proceed, to remove, to transcribe [to move the words from an old manuscript to a new one]. Gesenius gives similar, but not identical meanings. In the Qal, Gesenius says its means to be removed, to be transferred, to be stricken with age, to become old, to be manumitted, to be set free; its Hiphil meanings are given as to remove away, to take away, to transfer, to transcribe, to take away. One adjective cognate means bold, impudent, forward (Strong’s #6277). Another means shining, handsome, enduring (the former two are the general accepted meanings and the latter is Gesenius’ take on the matter—Strong’s #6276). Now, I know that this may seem like a little thing, but there is nothing which requires this verb to mean to remove; although it clearly means to move (Job 14:18 18:4 32:33). And when we have it used to mean transcribe; it is used more in the sense of moving words from one manuscript to another rather than the concept of removing words. Our meaning of forward (as in bold, aggressive) appears to have a Hebrew counterpart here; and the adjective is related to the verbal meaning of to move, to advance. The other adjectival meaning seems to line up quite well with the idea of enduring. Therefore, we can take the meaning of ʿâthaq as to move, to move forward, to advance; and, in Prov. 25:1, to transcribe. Strong’s #6275 BDB #801. Gen. 12:8 26:22 Job 14:18 18:4 21:7
ʿâthaq (עָתַק) [pronounced ģaw-THANK] |
to move, to advance, to advance in years, to be stricken with age, to become old; to be manumitted, to be set free |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6275 BDB #801 |
ʿâthaq (עָתַק) [pronounced ģaw-THANK] |
to remove away, to take away; to move forward, proceed, move on; to remove; to transform, to transcribe |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6275 BDB #801 |
741. Adjective: ʿâthâq (קָתָע) [pronounced ģaw-THAWK], which means forward, arrogant [of speech], at least, according to BDB. Gesenius gives its meanings as bold, impudent, impudently. It is actually a relative rare word in Scripture, being found only in 1Sam. 2:3 Psalm 31:19 75:6 94:4.* Its verbal cognate means to move, to proceed, to advance, to move forward. This word generally refers to speech or words which move straight ahead, which proceed with very little thought or restraint; the Arabic equivalent appears to mean unrestrained. Strong’s #6277 BDB #801. 1Sam. 2:3
ʿâthâq (קָתָע) [pronounced ģaw-THAWK] |
forward, arrogant [of speech]; bold, imputent, at least, according to BDB |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6277 BDB #801 |
742. Adjective: ʿâthêq (עָתֵק) [pronounced ģaw-THAKE], which means valuable, advanced, handed forward; eminent, surpassing; shining; handsome. Strong’s #6276 BDB #801. Prov. 8:18
ʿâthêq (עָתֵק) [pronounced ģaw-THAKE] |
valuable, advanced, handed forward; eminent, surpassing; shining; handsome |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6276 BDB #801 |
743. Adjective: which means eminent, surpassing, choice. Strong’s #6266 BDB #801.
744. Adjective: which means removed, old. Strong’s #6267 BDB #801.
745. Verb1: ʿâthar (אָתַר) [pronounced ģaw-THAHR], which means to pray, to supplicate, to appeal, to petition, to entreaty. This verb is always directed toward God. Here, in 1Chron. 5:20, it is used in the Niphal, which is the passive voice, meaning that they received an answer from their supplication to God. Young and the NASB render this: and He was entreated to them; Rotherham: and He suffered Himself to be entreated by them; God’s Word renders this: and he answered their prayers. Strong’s #6279 BDB #801. Gen. 25:21 Exodus 8:8, 9, 29, 30 9:28 10:17, 18 Judges 13:8 2Sam. 21:14 24:25 1Chron. 5:20
ʿâthar (אָתַר) [pronounced ģaw-THAR] |
to pray, to supplicate, to appeal, to petition, to entreaty |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6279 BDB #801 |
This verb appears to be used by pagans to mean to burn incense to a god. |
ʿâthar (אָתַר) [pronounced ģaw-THAR] |
to be supplicated, to be petitioned, to be entreated; to let oneself be supplicated; to hear and answer |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6279 BDB #801 |
ʿâthar (אָתַר) [pronounced ģaw-THAR] |
to make supplication, to plead; to be entreated for anyone |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6279 BDB #801 |
ʿâthar (אָתַר) [pronounced ģaw-THAR] |
make supplication, plead, entreat; be entreated for anyone |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #6279 BDB #801 |
746. Masculine_noun1: which means suppliant, worshiper. Strong’s #6282 BDB #801.
747. Verb2: which means to be abundant. Strong’s #6280 BDB #801.
748. Feminine_noun: which means abundance. Strong’s #6283 BDB #801.
749. Proper_noun_location: which means abundance; and is transliterated . Strong’s #6281 BDB #801.
750. Masculine_noun2: which means odor. Strong’s #6282 BDB #801.
17. , final ף Pêʾ [pronounced pay] Written and Spoken p
1. Letter: pê פ, , or ף [pronounced pay]. the 17th letter. Also used as a numeral.
2. Verb: which means to cleave in pieces, to split into pieces. Strong’s #6284 BDB #802.
3. Feminine_noun: pêʾâh (פֵּאָה) [pronounced pay-AWH] and it means corners, sides; and specifically is related to the boundaries of a something (Ex. 26:18, 20 38:9 Lev. 19:9); it can also refer to the corners of a non-geographical object (Ex. 25:26 37:13); and even to a portion of one's face (Lev. 13:41 19:27). Extremity might be a good all-purpose word which could fulfill these various contexts. Strong's #6285&6311 BDB #802. Exodus 25:26 26:18 27:9 Num. 24:17 Joshua 18:14 double check below
pêʾâh (פֵּאָה) [pronounced pay-AWH] |
corners, sides; and specifically is related to the boundaries of a something; or to the corners of a non-geographical object; or to a portion of one’s face |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #6285 & #6311 BDB #802 |
4. Verb: pâʾar (פָּאַר) [pronounced paw-AHR], which means to adorn; to bestow upon; to beautify, to glorify. In the Hithpael, it means to glorify (onself), to boast, to get glory, to be glorified. Strong’s #6286 BDB #802. Exodus 8:9 Judges 7:2 Psalm 149:4
pâʾar (פָּאַר) [pronounced paw-AHR] |
to adorn; to bestow upon; to beautify, to glorify |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6286 BDB #802 |
pâʾar (פָּאַר) [pronounced paw-AHR] |
to be adorned; to be bestowed upon; to be honored; to glorify oneself; to boast [against someone when followed by a ל-ע] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #6286 BDB #802 |
pâʾar (פָּאַר) [pronounced paw-AHR] |
be adorned; be bestowed upon; be honored; glorify oneself; boast [against someone when followed by a ל-ע] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperative |
Strong's #6286 BDB #802 |
5. Masculine_noun: which means head-dress, turban. Strong’s #6287 BDB #802.
6. Noun (feminine): tîphe’ârâh (תִּפְאָרָה) [pronounced tif-aw-RAW], which means splendor, beauty, ornament; glory, glorying. (the latter sometimes having a connotation of higher rank). Strong’s #8597 BDB #802. Exodus 28:2 Judges 4:9 Psalm 96:6 Prov. 4:9 Zech. 12:7
tîphe’ârâh (תִּפְאָרָה) [pronounced tif-aw-RAW] |
splendor, beauty, ornament; glory, glorying |
feminine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8597 BDB #802 |
7. Feminine_noun: which means bough. Strong’s #6288 BDB #802.
8. Feminine_noun: which means boughs. Collective noun. Strong’s #6288&6333 BDB #802.
9. Verb: which means to go over the boughs(?). Strong’s #6286 BDB #802.
10. Masculine_noun: which means a gathering. Meaning is dubious. Strong’s #6289 BDB #802.
11. Masculine_noun: pîyach (פִּיחַ) [pronounced PEE-ahkh], which means, soot, ashes, dirt. Strong’s #6368 BDB #802. Might be in the wrong place for BDB #802. Exodus 9:8
pîyach (פִּיחַ) [pronounced PEE-ahkh] |
soot, ashes, dirt |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6368 BDB #802 |
12. Proper_noun_location: Pâʾrân (פָּארָן) [pronounced paw-RAWN], which means (possibly) boughs; and is transliterated Paran. Strong’s #6290 BDB #803. Gen. 21:21 Deut. 1:1 1Sam. 25:1
Pâʾrân (פָּארָן) [pronounced paw-RAWN] |
(possibly) boughs; abounding in foliage [or caverns]; and is transliterated Paran |
proper noun/location |
Strong’s #6290 BDB #803 |
13. Feminine_noun: which means early fig. Strong’s #6291 BDB #803.
14. Verb: which means to be thick and soft, to be flaccid. Strong’s #none BDB #803.
15. Verb: pîggûwl (ל ̣) [pronounced pig-GOOL] and it means to stink, foul, refuse and is only found in Lev. 7:18 19:7 Isa. 65:4 Ezek. 4:14. There may be some confusion, as I do not find this word in BDB right now, although there is the cognate below (different passages are named for the occurrences of the word below). Strong's #6292 BDB #803. Lev. 19:7
16. Masculine_noun: which means foul thing, refuse. Lev. 7:18 19:7 Ezek. 4:14.* Strong’s #6292 BDB #803.
17. Noun: This is followed by a word which occurs only here in the Old Testament; however its verbal cognate is pânaʿ (ע ַנ ָ) [pronounced paw-NAH or paw-NAHG], and it means meet, encounter, reach in the Qal and to cause to light upon, to make entreaty, to interpose. It is from this that we derive the meaning of mark or target for the noun. Without explanation, Rotherham gives us the meaning your butt. Verb: Strong’s #6293 BDB #803. Noun: Strong’s #4645 BDB #803. Job 7:20*
18. Verb: pâgaʿ (פָּגַע) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ], which means to fall upon, to meet, to encounter, to reach in the Qal and to cause to light upon, to make entreaty, to interpose. This is a word of subtlety, which can imply violence. Pâgaʿ (ע-גָ) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ], a word which Gesenius and BDB define rather differently. Gesenius gives its primary meanings as to strike upon, to strike against, to rush against someone [in violence]; BDB gives the meanings to meet, to encounter, to reach, to light upon. When dealing with boundaries, it can mean reaches to or touches (it can be followed by a bêyth or by ʾel—Joshua 19:11,22). What is surprising is that, even though the latter half of Joshua is filled with a list of boundaries, this verb is only used this way in Joshua 16:7 17:10 19:11, 22, 26, 27, 34. It is too many times to be a mistranslation, but it would indicate that the boundaries in the north may have been different than those in the south. That is, in the north, the parcels of land were adjacent, and there would be some cities and areas where a city belonging to one tribe would be a border city for another. This verb is used where people meet or encounter one another where violence is not the intention or the result (Gen. 23:8 Isa. 64:5). This verb is used to meet, to encounter when violence would be the result; however, the violence is given with a separate verb (Num. 35:19, 21). Throughout the rest of Scripture, we find this word being used to strike (Judges 8:21 15:12 1Sam. 22:18 2Sam. 1:15). It may or may not be followed by a preposition. Although this word can imply violence, it does not necessarily do so (see Job 21:15). This particular verb is often followed by the bêyth preposition and it does not necessarily imply a violent confrontation [see Job 21:15] or lack thereof [see Ruth 2:22 1Sam. 22:17–18?]. It can mean to meet with [someone] or to reach to [someone]. Check synonym below (#6298). Strong’s #6293 BDB #803. Gen. 23:8 28:11 32:1 Exodus 5:3 23:4 Joshua 16:7 Judges 8:21 15:12 18:25 Ruth 1:16 2:22 1Sam. 10:5 22:17 2Sam. 1:15 1Kings 2:25, 29 Job 21:15
pâgaʿ (פָּגַע) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ] |
to fall upon, to meet, to encounter, to reach; to entreat [by request], to assail [with a petition], to urge; to strike, to kill, to slay; to touch out of boundary; to reach [to anyone]; to strike a covenant [with someone], to make peace |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6293 BDB #803 |
pâgaʿ (פָּגַע) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ] |
fall upon, meet, encounter, reach; entreat [by request], assail [with a petition], urge; strike, kill, slay, execute |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #6293 BDB #803 |
pâgaʿ (פָּגַע) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ] |
to cause (something, someone) to fall upon; to cause to supplicate; to invade; to assail [with prayers], to make intercession |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6293 BDB #803 |
pâgaʿ (פָּגַע) [pronounced paw-GAHĢ] |
assailant, enemy |
masculine singular, Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #6293 BDB #803 |
19. Masculine_noun: pegaʿ (פֶּגַע) [pronounced PEH-gahģ], which means occurrence, chance, happening, incident, event. Strong’s #6294 BDB #803. 1Kings 5:4
pegaʿ (פֶּגַע) [pronounced PEH-gahģ] |
occurrence, chance, happening, incident, event |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6294 BDB #803 |
20. Masculine_noun: which means thing hit, mark. Strong’s #4645 BDB #803.
21. Masculine_noun: which means Asherite. Num. 1:13 2:27 7:72, 77 10:26.* This must be a proper noun improperly noted in BDB. Strong’s #6295 BDB #803.
22. Verb: pâgar (ר-ָ) [pronounced paw-GAHR], which means to be exhausted, to lack strength, to be weak, to have become weak, to faint. Piel verb. Strong’s #6296 BDB #803. 1Sam. 30:10, 21*
pâgar (ר-ָ) [pronounced paw-GAHR] |
to be exhausted, to lack strength, to be weak, to have become weak, to faint |
3rd person plural, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #6296 BDB #803 |
23. Masculine_noun: peger (פֶּגֶר) [pronounced PEH-ger], which means corpse, carcass. Strong’s #6297 BDB #803. Gen. 15:11 1Sam. 17:46
peger (פֶּגֶר) [pronounced PEH-ger] |
corpse, carcass; monument, stele |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6297 BDB #803 |
24. Verb: pâgash (פָּגַש) [pronounced paw-GAHSH], which means to meet, to encounter. Have I confounded this with the similar verb above? It looks as though I did not. Qal: Gen. 32:17 33:8 Exodus 4:24, 27 1Sam. 25:20 2Sam. 2:13 Prov. 17:12 Isa. 34:14 Jer. 41:6. Niphal: Psalm 85:11 Prov. 22:2 29:13. Piel: Job 5:14. Strong’s #6298 BDB #803. Gen. 33:8 Exodus 4:24 1Sam. 25:20
pâgash (פָּגַש) [pronounced paw-GASH] |
to rush upon [anyone]; to attack; to meet, to encounter |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect with the 3rd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6298 BDB #803 |
pâgash (פָּגַש) [pronounced paw-GASH] |
to meet together, to meet each other, to meet [with anyone]; used in the reciprocal sense |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6298 BDB #803 |
pâgash (פָּגַש) [pronounced paw-GASH] |
to light upon [anything]; to meet, to encounter |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6298 BDB #803 |
25. Verb: pâdâh (פָּדָה) [pronounced paw-DAWH], which means to ransom, to purchase, to redeem; often time, it is used to purchase land, slaves, or to provide enough money so that a person is not killed. Strong's #6299 BDB #804. more work needs to be done Exodus 13:13 21:8 Lev. 19:20 Deut. 21:8 1Sam. 14:45 2Sam. 4:9 7:23 1Kings 1:29 Job 5:20 Psalm 34:22 44:26 55:18
pâdâh (פָּדָה) [pronounced paw-DAWH] |
to ransom, to purchase, to redeem; to let go [set free]; to preserve, to deliver [from danger] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6299 BDB #804 |
pâdâh (פָּדָה) [pronounced paw-DAWH] |
to be ransomed [redeemed, purchased] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6299 BDB #804 |
pâdâh (פָּדָה) [pronounced paw-DAWH] |
to cause to be ransomed [redeemed, purchased], to allow to be ransomed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6299 BDB #804 |
pâdâh (פָּדָה) [pronounced paw-DAWH] |
redeemed |
Hophal infinitive absolute |
Strong's #6299 BDB #804 |
26. Masculine_plural_abstract: Strong’s #6302 BDB #804.
27. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ransom; transliterated . Strong’s #6303 BDB #804.
28. Feminine_noun: peduth/pedûwth (פְּדֻת/פְּדוּת) [pronounced pehd-OOTH], which means redemption, a redeeming, ransom; something which has been redeemed; deliverance; distinction, division. Strong’s #6304 BDB #804. Exodus 8:23
peduth/pedûwth (פְּדֻת/פְּדוּת) [pronounced pehd-OOTH] |
redemption, a redeeming, ransom; deliverance; distinction, division |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6304 BDB #804 |
29. Masculine_noun: pideyôm/pideyôn (פִּדְיוֹם/פִּדְיֹן/פִּדְיוֹן/פִּדְיֹם) [pronounced pid-YOME/pid-YONE] which means ransom, a redemption, something which has been redeemed. Strong’s #6306 BDB #804. Exodus 21:30
pideyôm/pideyôn (פִּדְיוֹם/פִּדְיֹן/פִּדְיוֹן/פִּדְיֹם) [pronounced pid-YOME/pid-YONE] |
ransom, a redemption, something which has been redeemed |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6306 BDB #804. |
There does not appear to be any appreciable difference between this an its feminine counterpart. |
30. Masculine_proper_noun: which means God has ransomed; transliterated . Strong’s #6300 BDB #804.
31. Masculine_proper_noun: which means the rock has ransomed; transliterated . Strong’s #6301
32. Masculine_proper_noun: which means has ransomed; transliterated . Strong’s #6305 BDB #804. BDB #804.
33. Proper_noun/location: Paddân (פַּדָּן) [pronounced pahd-DAWN], which means to extend, a plateau; garden, field; transliterated Paddan, Padan. Strong’s #6307 BDB #804. Gen. 25:20 28:2 31:18 33:18 35:9 46:15 48:7
Paddân (פַּדָּן) [pronounced pahd-DAWN] |
to extend, a plateau; garden, field; transliterated Paddan, Padan |
proper singular noun/location with the directional hê |
Strong’s #6307 BDB #804 |
The directional hê is the âh (הַ] ending to a noun, usually found after a verb of motion. This is called the directive hê or the he locale, which often indicates direction and puts somewhat of an adverbial spin on the noun. Essentially, it answers the question where? The pronunciation of the word does not change. The directional hê indicates the direction in which something moves. It is often used with the noun heaven and the most literal rendering in the English would be heavenward. We can also indicate the existence of the hê directional by supplying the prepositions to or toward. |
ʾĂrâm (אֲרָם) [pronounced uh-RAWM] |
the highland, high region; exalted; and is transliterated Aram; sometimes rendered Syria, Mesopotamia |
singular proper noun |
Strong’s #758 BDB #74 |
Together, these words refer to the table land of Aram; Paddan or Paddan-Aram, a region of Syria. If there is a directional hê added to Paddan, then this means to [toward] Paddan-aram. |
34. Verb: which means not sure. Strong’s #6308 BDB #804.
35. Masculine_noun: which means suet. Strong’s #6309 BDB #804.
36. Masculine_noun: peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh], which means mouth. With the word word it might be reasonably translated rendered verdict (Deut. 17:10). Bullinger, although he is usually sensible and straight on what he covers, says that a sword with two mouths refers to a sword which has killed a lot of people. This simply refers to a sword with two blades or two edges, and accounts for the fact that many translators do not translate the word as mouth but as edge. Strong’s #6310 BDB #804. Gen. 4:11 8:11 24:57 25:28 29:2 41:40 42:27 43:12 44:1 45:12 Exodus 4:10 12:4 13:9 17:1 23:13 28:32 Deut. 1:26 17:6, 10 21:5, 17 34:5 Joshua 1:18 9:2, 14 Judges 1:8 3:16 1Sam. 1:12 12:14 13:21 14:26 15:8 17:35 22:19 2Sam. 1:16 14:3, 19 15:14 18:25 22:9 1Kings 7:31 8:15 1Chron. 16:12 17:5 Job 1:15 3:1 Psalm 34:1 51:15 54:2 55:21 59:7 62:4 63:5 73:9 105:5 133:2 Prov. 2:6 4:5, 24 5:4, 7 6:2 7:24 8:13 10:6
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
This word can be used metaphorically for a spokesman, a messenger, an orator; a commandment, expressed purpose. In 2Sam. 13:32, this is rendered command, intent, order, appointment by translators who are generally very literal in their translation. |
piyyôwth (פִּיּוֹת) [pronounced pee-YOHTH] |
2 [or more] edges; mouths [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; openings, orifices [of a river, well, etc.] |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
37. Compounded with a preposition: peh (ה∵) [pronounced peh], which means mouth. With the kaph preposition, it means according to the commandment of, according to the rate of, at the rate of; according to; like as, like according as, even a; so that; at the rate [proportion] of. Strong’s #6310 BDB #804. 1Chron. 12:23
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
as, like, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
Peh with the kaph preposition means according to the commandment [word] of, according to the rate of, at the rate of; according to; like as, like according as, even a; so that; at the rate [proportion] of. |
38. Compounded with a preposition: peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh], which means mouth. However, with a preposition, it generally becomes a particle. With lâmed, it means at the rate of, according to. Strong’s #6310 BDB #804. Gen. 34:26 47:12 Exodus 12:4 16:16 Joshua 18:4 Prov. 8:3
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to; belonging to; by |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
Sometimes the lâmed preposition and peh mean at the rate of, according to. These words are also translated with the mouth of, by the edge of, with the. Literally, this is to a mouth of; less literally, to the mouths of. |
39. Combo: Deut. 34:5
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over; on the ground of, because of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, with, by, besides, in addition to, to, toward, together with, in the matter of, concerning, as regards to |
preposition of relative proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
This combination of words literally means upon the mouth of, on the mouth of. These words are translated: at the bidding of, at the commandment of, according to the word of, according to the mouth of, according to the command of; upon the testimony of; on the basis of; as had said. |
40. Combo: Deut. 21:17
peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh] |
mouth [of man, animal; as an organ of speech]; opening, orifice [of a river, well, etc.]; edge; extremity, end |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6310 BDB #804 |
This word can be used metaphorically for a spokesman, a messenger, an orator; a commandment, expressed purpose. In 2Sam. 13:32, this is rendered command, intent, order, appointment by translators who are generally very literal in their translation. |
shenayîm (שְנַיִם) [pronounced shen-AH-yim] |
two, a pair; a second [time]; again; a repetition, a repeating; cognate of a verb which means to repeat |
dual numeral substantive |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
The Pulpit Commentary says that this means a double portion (literally, it is translated a mouth of two). They reference 2Kings 2:9 Zech. 13:8. |
41. Noun
42. Masculine_noun: pîyphîyôwth (תי.י.פ) [pronounced pee-fee-OHTH], which means two-edged, sharp, sharp edged. Strong’s #6374 BDB #805. Psalm 149:6
pîyphîyôwth (תי.י.פ) [pronounced pee-fee-OHTH] |
two-edged, sharp, sharp edged |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6374 BDB #805 |
There is considerable disagreement as to the spelling of this noun and its meaning. BDB presents it as a form of peh (פֶּה) [pronounced peh], which means mouth; opening; edge. Strong’s #6310 BDB #804. |
43. Adverb: pôh (פֹּה) [pronounced poe],which means here. This particular adverb is found surprisingly few times in Scripture (less than a half dozen times, and mostly in conjunction with another prefix). Strong’s #6311 BDB #805. Gen. 19:12 22:5 40:15 Deut. 5:3 Judges 4:20 1Sam. 16:11 21:8 23:3 2Sam. 20:4 1Kings 2:30 Psalm 132:14
pôh (פֹּה) [pronounced poe] |
here, in this place |
adverb |
Strong’s #6311 BDB #805 |
44. Masculine_proper_noun: Pûwʾâh (פּוּאָה) [pronounced poo-AW], which means a blast; transliterated Pua, Puah, Phuvah. Strong’s #6312 BDB #806. Gen. 46:13
Pûwʾâh (פּוּאָה) [pronounced poo-AW] |
a blast; transliterated Pua, Puah, Phuvah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6312 BDB #806 |
The name is also spelled Puvvâh (פֻּוָּה) [pronounced poov-VAW]. |
45. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6324 BDB #806.
46. Verb: pûwg (פּוּג) [pronounced poog], which means, to grow feeble, to be numb, to become rigid. Strong’s #6313 BDB #806. Gen. 45:26
pûwg (פּוּג) [pronounced poog] |
to grow feeble, to be numb, to become rigid |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6313 BDB #806 |
pûwg (פּוּג) [pronounced poog] |
to be or become numb |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6313 BDB #806 |
47. Feminine_noun: which means benumbing, cessation. Strong’s #6314 BDB #806.
48. Feminine_noun: which means benumbing, cessation. Strong’s #2014 BDB #806.
49. Verb: pûwach (פּוּחַ) [pronounced poo-AHKH], which means to breath [out], to blow, to exhale. Its secondary meanings include to breathe (the subject is day, and the day breathes—i.e., it grows cold); to exhale (the subject is garden and the garden exhales its odors; to blow against (in terms of the fire of God’s wrath to be blown against someone; to excite, to inflame (as would occur when one blows upon a fire); to breathe out, to puff out, to utter. Here, BDB says it means to blow against, to snort against. This is very close to the word nûwach, which means to breathe and also refers to one’s spirit. Strong’s #6315 BDB #806. Psalm 10:5 12:5 Prov. 6:19
pûwach (פּוּחַ) [pronounced poo-AHKH] |
to breath [out], to blow, to exhale |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6315 BDB #806 |
pûwach (פּוּחַ) [pronounced poo-AHKH] |
to blow [through, upon, against, out]; to utter; to pant, to hasten; to rail against, to reproach |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6315 BDB #806 |
50. Masculine_noun: which means soot. Strong’s #6268 BDB #806.
51. Gentilic_adjective: Phûwţ (פּוּט) [pronounced fut], which means a bow, transliterated Put, Phut; [probably] Libyans. Strong’s #6316 BDB #806. Gen. 10:6
Phûwţ (פּוּט) [pronounced ut] |
a bow, transliterated Put, Phut; [probably] Libyans |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #6316 BDB #806 |
52. Masculine_proper_noun: Pûwtîyʾêl (פּוּטִיאֵל) [pronounced poo-tee-ALE], which means afflicted of God, disparaged by God; transliterated Putiel. Strong’s #6317 BDB #806. Exodus 6:25
Pûwtîyʾêl (פּוּטִיאֵל) [pronounced poo-tee-LE] |
afflicted of God, disparaged by God; transliterated Putiel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6317 BDB #806 |
53. Masculine_proper_noun: Pôwtîyphar (פּוֹטִיפַר) [pronounced poh-tee-FAHR], which means belonging to the sun; transliterated Potiphar. Strong’s #6318 BDB #806. Gen. 37:36 39:1
Pôwtîyphar (פּוֹטִיפַר) [pronounced poh-tee-FAHR] |
belonging to the sun; transliterated Potiphar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6318 BDB #806 |
54. Masculine_proper_noun: Pôwţîy-pheraʿ (פֶרַע-פּוֹטִי) [pronounced POH-tee-FEH-rahģ], which means he whom Ra gave; transliterated Poti-pherah. Strong’s #6319 BDB #806. Gen. 41:45 46:20
Pôwţîy-pheraʿ (פֶרַע-פּוֹטִי) [pronounced POH-tee-FEH-rahģ] |
he whom Ra gave; transliterated Poti-pherah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6319 BDB #806 |
55. Masculine_noun: which means antimony, stibium. Strong’s #6320 BDB #806.
56. Masculine_collective_noun: pôl (פֹּל) [pronounced pohl], which means a bean, beans. Strong’s #6321 BDB #806. 2Sam. 17:28
pôl (פֹּל) [pronounced pohl] |
a bean, beans |
masculine singular collective noun |
Strong’s #6321 BDB #806 |
57. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6322 BDB #806.
58. Verb1: pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots], which means to be dispersed, scattered. There is a participial use which I need to add in here. Strong’s #6327 BDB #806. Gen. 11:4, 8 49:7 Exodus 5:12 Deut. 4:27 1Sam. 11:11 13:7 14:34 2Sam. 18:8 20:22 22:15 Job 18:11 Psalm 68:1 Prov. 5:16
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to break, to dash into pieces; to disperse [sometimes, to disperse themselves; to be dispersed], to scatter; to overflow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to be dispersed, to be scattered |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
dispersed, scattered, being scattered; being broken into pieces |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to break [smash] into into pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to be broken or dash into pieces; to be dashed [smashed] [against something] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to scatter, to send abroad; to agitate [harass] [anyone]; to pour out [used metaphorically of anger]; to spread oneself abroad; to cause [things] to be scattered [dispersed] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
pûwts (פּוּץ) [pronounced poots] |
to be broken [dashed] into pieces; to be scattered [like dust] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6327 BDB #806 |
59. Proper_noun_location: Strong’s #6325 BDB #806.
60. Feminine_proper_noun: Pûwʿâh (פּוּעָה) [pronounced poo-ĢAW], which means splendid; transliterated Puah. Strong’s #6326 BDB #806. Exodus 1:15*
Pûwʿâh (פּוּעָה) [pronounced poo-ĢAW] |
splendid; transliterated Puah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6326 BDB #806 |
61. Masculine_noun: which means a scatterer, a disperser. Strong’s #4650 BDB #807.
62. Verb2: which means to flow, to overflow. Strong’s #6327 BDB #807.
63. Verb1: which means to reel, to totter. Strong’s #6328 BDB #807.
64. Feminine_noun: pûwqâh (הָק) [pronounced poo-KAW], which means tottering, staggering. Strong’s #6330 BDB #807. 1Sam. 25:31*
pûwqâh (הָק) [pronounced poo-KAW] |
an obstacle in the way, a stumbling block; a tottering, a staggering |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6330 BDB #807 |
The verb cognate means to totter, to stagger, so a tottering or a staggering are probably correct renderings. |
65. Masculine_noun: which means tottering, staggering. Strong’s #6375 BDB #807.
66. Hiphil_verb2: pûwq (פּוּק) [pronounced pook], which means to bring out, to bring forth, to cause to come forth [from anyone], to get, to obtain [from someone], to furnish, to promote; to bring to an end, to let succeed. Strong’s #6329 BDB #807. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:10) Prov. 3:13 8:35
pûwq (פּוּק) [pronounced pook] |
to bring out, to bring forth, to cause to come forth [from anyone], to get, to obtain [from someone], to furnish, to promote; to bring to an end, to let succeed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6329 BDB #807 |
67. Masculine_noun: which means lot. Strong’s #6332 BDB #807.
68. Verb: which means to foam, to ferment, to boil. Strong’s #none BDB #807.
69. Feminine_noun: which means wine-press. Strong’s #6333 BDB #807.
70. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6334 BDB #807.
71. Verb: which means to spring about. Strong’s #6335 BDB #807.
72. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6335 BDB #807.
73. Masculine_noun: pârûwr (ררָ) [pronounced paw-ROOR], which means pot. This is only found in three passages: Num. 11:8 Judges 6:19 1Sam. 2:14. Strong’s #6517 BDB #807. Ancient Jewish Cooking Vessels Judges 6:19 1Sam. 2:14
pârûwr (ררָ) [pronounced paw-ROOR] |
pot |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6517 BDB #807 |
74. Verb1: which means to spring about. Strong’s #6335 BDB #807.
75. Verb2: which means to be scattered. Strong’s #6335 BDB #807.
76. Verb1: which means to refine. Hophal. Strong’s #6338 BDB #808.
77. Masculine_noun: pâz (פָּז) [pronounced pahz], which means refined, pure gold. This word is ony found in poetry. Strong’s #6337 BDB #808. Psalm 19:10 21:3 Prov. 8:19
pâz (פָּז) [pronounced pahz] |
refined, pure gold |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6337 BDB #808 |
78. Verb2: pâzaz (פָּזַז) [pronounced paw-ZAHZ], which means to be supple, to be agile, to be light on one’s feet. Strong’s #6339 BDB #808. Gen. 49:24 2Sam. 6:16*
pâzaz (פָּזַז) [pronounced paw-ZAHZ] |
to be supple, to be agile, to be light on one’s feet |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6339 BDB #808 |
pâzaz (פָּזַז) [pronounced paw-ZAHZ] |
to leap, to show agility |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6339 BDB #808 |
Gesenius comments on this verb: This root seems to have almost fallen into disuse among the Hebrews, and by many to have been forgotten, so that the writer of the Chronicles thought it necessary to interpret it in two places by other verbs which were better known. |
79. Verb: pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR], which means to scatter, to disperse; to bestow liberally. Strong’s #6340 BDB #808. Psalm 89:10 147:16
pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR] |
to scatter, to disperse; to bestow liberally |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6340 BDB #808 |
pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR] |
scattered, dispersed |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6340 BDB #808 |
pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR] |
to scatter, to disperse; to bestow liberally |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6340 BDB #808 |
pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR] |
to be scattered, to be dispersed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6340 BDB #808 |
pâzar (פָּזַר) [pronounced paw-ZAHR] |
to be scattered, to be dispersed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6340 BDB #808 |
80. Verb: pâchad (פָּחַד) [pronounced paw-KHAHD], which means, to fear, to be afraid, to dread, to shake with fear. This is not the word used for revering the Lord. Strong’s #6342 BDB #808. Job 3:25 Prov. 3:24
pâchad (פָּחַד) [pronounced paw-KHAHD] |
to fear, to be afraid, to dread, to shake [tremble] with fear |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6342 BDB #808 |
Although BDB includes the meanings to revere, to be in awe of, this is not the word used in fear of the Lord. |
pâchad (פָּחַד) [pronounced paw-KHAHD] |
to have great fear of, to be strongly afraid, to be in great dread of |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6342 BDB #808 |
pâchad (פָּחַד) [pronounced paw-KHAHD] |
to cause to fear, to make afraid, to cause one to dread, to make one shake with fear |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6342 BDB #808 |
81. Masculine_noun: pachad (פַּחַד) [pronounced PAH-khahd] means fear, terror, dread, a thing which is feared, that which is feared. Strong’s #6343 BDB #808. Gen. 31:42 Exodus 15:16 Deut. 2:25 1Sam. 11:7 1Chron. 14:17 Job 3:25 13:11 15:21 21:9 Psalm 64:1 105:38 Prov. 1:26 3:25
pachad (פַּחַד) [pronounced PAH-khahd |
fear, terror, dread, a thing which is feared, that which is feared |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6343 BDB #808 |
82. Verb: pâchaz (ז-חָ) [pronounced paw-KHAHZ], the meaning of which is given as to be wanton, to be reckless, to be lascivious, to be proud. It is properly used of water, referring to either boiling over or to the fact that it takes the shape of the object that it is placed in. Since this verb and its cognates occur in only Gen. 49:4 Judges 9:4 Zeph. 3:4. The translators know that the reference is negative; it is just that they don’t know how to render it for certain. Reuben is the key—he knew what was right and he allowed himself to be influenced by his brothers. Rather than taking the correct stance with regards to Joseph, Reuben was going to go along with his brothers and then come back later and make everything right. Therefore, we will go with the meanings easily influenced, easily bought, easily lead, procured. In other words, these men did not stand for any principles; they were paid and that convinced them. Strong’s #6348 BDB #808. Judges 9:4
83. Masculine_noun: pacha (פַּחַז) [pronounced pahk-AHZ], which means wantonness, recklessness, unbridled license, frothiness; unstable. Strong’s #6349 BDB #808. Gen. 49:4
pacha (פַּחַז) [pronounced pahk-AHZ] |
wantonness, recklessness, unbridled license, frothiness; unstable |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6349 BDB #808 |
84. Feminine_noun: which means recklessness, extravagance. Strong’s #6350 BDB #808.
85. Masculine_noun1: pach (פַּח) [pronounced pahkh], which means a snare, a trap, a bird-trap; a trap [into which one falls or one is taken to destruction]. There is a different plural meaning. Strong’s #6341 BDB #809. Joshua 23:13 Psalm 142:3 Prov. 7:23
pach (פַּח) [pronounced pahkh] |
a snare, a trap, a bird-trap; a trap [into which one falls or one is taken to destruction] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6341 BDB #809 |
pachîym (פַּחִים) [pronounced pah-KHEEM] |
snares; lightning [bending like snares]; a serpent; plates of metal |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6341 BDB #809 |
86. Verb: which means to trap, to ensnare. Hiphil. Strong’s #6351 BDB #809.
87. Masculine_noun2: which means plate of metal. Strong’s #6341 BDB #809.
88. Masculine collective noun: which means coal. Strong’s #6352 BDB #809.
89. Masculine_noun: pachath (פַּחַת) [pronounced PAHKH-ahth], which means pit, hole. Strong’s #6354 BDB #809. 2Sam. 17:9 18:17
pachath (פַּחַת) [pronounced PAHKH-ahth] |
pit, hole |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6354 BDB #809 |
90. Feminine_noun: which means boring, eating out. Strong’s #6356 BDB #809.
91. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6355 BDB #809.
92. Feminine_noun: piţedâh (פִּטְדָה) [pronounced piht-DAW], which means topaz, chrysolite. Strong’s #6357 BDB #809. Exodus 28:17
piţedâh (פִּטְדָה) [pronounced piht-DAW] |
topaz, chrysolite |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6357 BDB #809 |
93. Masculine_noun: which means forge-hammer. Strong’s #6360 BDB #809.
94. Verb: pâţar (פָּטַר) [pronounced paw-TAHR], which means to split, to cleave; to cause to burst out; to let go free, to let out, to slip away, to depart. Strong’s #6362 BDB #809. 1Sam. 19:10
pâţar (פָּטַר) [pronounced paw-TAHR] |
to split, to cleave; to cause to burst out; to let go [set] free, to let out, to remove [oneself], to escape; to slip away, to depart |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6362 BDB #809 |
pâţar (פָּטַר) [pronounced paw-TAHR] |
to split the lip [i.e., to open the mouth wide], to scorn |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6362 BDB #809 |
95. Verb: pâţûwr (פָּטוּר) [pronounced paw-TOOR], which means, opened. Strong’s #6358ᣚ BDB #809. 1Kings 6:18, 29
pâţûwr (פָּטוּר) [pronounced paw-TOOR] |
opened |
Qal passive participle of Strong’s #6362; used as an adjective; here, a masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #6358 & #6362 BDB #809 |
96. Adjective: pâţîyr (פָּטִיר) [pronounced paw-TEER], which means open, unoccupied; free [to work]. Strong’s #6359 BDB #809.
97. Masculine_noun: piţerâh (פִּטְרָה) [pronounced piht-RAW], which means that which separates, that which first opens, firstborn, firstling; opens; fissure. Also spelled peţer (פֶּטֶר) [pronounced PEH-tehr]. Strong’s #6363 BDB #809. Exodus 13:2
piţerâh (פִּטְרָה) [pronounced piht-RAW]; also spelled peţer (פֶּטֶר) [pronounced PEH-tehr] |
that which separates, that which first opens, firstborn, firstling; opens; fissure |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6363 BDB #809 |
98. Feminine_noun: which means that which separates, that which first opens. Strong’s #6363 BDB #809.
99. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6364 BDB #809.
100. Proper_noun/location: Pîy Hachirôwth (הַחִרֹת פִּי) [pronounced pee-hah-khee-ROWTH], which means mouth of the gorges; place where sedge grows; transliterated Pi-hahiroth, Pi-ha-Chiroth. Strong’s #6367 BDB #809. Exodus 14:2, 9
Pîy Hachirôwth (הַחִרֹת פִּי) [pronounced pee-hah-khee-ROWTH] |
mouth of the gorges; place where sedge grows; transliterated Pi-hahiroth, Pi-ha-Chiroth |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #6367 BDB #809 |
101. Masculine_noun: ruin, disaster. Strong’s #6365 BDB #810.
102. Proper_Masculine_noun: Pîykôl (פִּיכֹל) [pronounced pee-KOLE], which means strong; the mouth of all; ruling all; and is transliteration Phichol, Phicol. Strong’s #6369 BDB #810. Gen. 21:22 26:26
Pîykôl (פִּיכֹל) [pronounced pee-KOLE] |
strong; the mouth of all; ruling all; and is transliteration Phichol, Phicol |
proper masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6369 BDB #810 |
103. Verb: to fill, to make wide. Strong’s #6370 BDB #810.
104. Feminine_noun: pîymâh (הָמי.) [pronounced pee-MAW], which means fat, superabundance. This word is only found in this verse, and the only reason we make the assumption as to what it means is (1) the context of this verse, and, (2) there is a verb, not found in Scripture, which appears to mean to fill, to make wide, to become full (as per its Arabic equivalent); Gesenius defines the verb as meaning to have the mouth full, to swallow down. Job 15:27*? Strong’s #6371 BDB #810. Job 15:27
105. Masculine_proper_noun: phîynechâç (פִינְחָס) [pronounced pheene-KHOSS], which possibly means Negro in Egyptian, and is transliterated Phinehas. There are two of them: the grandson of Aaron and the son of Eli. Strong’s #6372 BDB #810. Exodus 6:25 1Sam. 1:3 2:34 14:3 Psalm 106:30
Phîynechâç (פִינְחָס) [pronounced pheene-KHOSS] |
which possibly means Negro in Egyptian, a mouth of brass; and is transliterated Phinehas |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #6372 BDB #810 |
106. Proper Masculine_noun: Pîynôn (פִּינֹן) [pronounced pee-NOHN], which means darkness; transliterated Pinon. Strong’s #6373 BDB #810. Gen. 36:41
Pîynôn (פִּינֹן) [pronounced pee-NOHN] |
darkness; transliterated Pinon |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #6373 BDB #810 |
107. Proper_noun: Pîyshôwn (פִּישוֹן) [pronounced pee-SHOWN], which means increase; water poured forth, overflowing; and is transliterated Pison, Pishon. Strong’s #6376 BDB #810. Gen. 2:11
Pîyshôwn (פִּישוֹן) [pronounced pee-SHOWN] |
increase; water poured forth, overflowing; and is transliterated Pison, Pishon |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6376 BDB #810 |
108. Proper Masculine_noun: Strong’s #6378 BDB #810.
109. Masculine_noun: pake (-) [pronounced pahk], which means vial, flask. It is only found three times in Scripture (1Sam. 10:1 2Kings 9:1, 3). Strong’s #6378 BDB #810. 1Sam. 10:1
pake (-) [pronounced pahk] |
vial, flask |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6378 BDB #810 |
According to Edersheim, this word indicates a narrow-necked vessel from which the oil would come by drops. The related verb means to trickle. |
110. Verb: trickle. Strong’s #6379 BDB #810.
111. Proper Masculine_noun: Strong’s #6380 BDB #810.
112. Masculine singular substantive: pîyd (די ̣) [pronounced peed] and it means disaster, calamity, ruin. According to BDB, this word is found in Job 12:5 21:20 30:24 31:29 Prov. 24:22.* According to The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance this is found in the latter three passages. According to NEHC, this is the word lapîyd (די ̣ ַל) [pronounced lap-PEED], which means a torch, a lamp. The most ancient translators (Targums, Vulgate, Luther) favored the latter rendering. Keil and Delitzsch said that modern expositors more happily take the former meaning. Strong’s #6365 BDB #810. (lapîyd is Strong’s #3940 BDB #542) Job 12:5
113. Proper_noun: phîynehâç (סָח ני.) [pronounced peen-KHAWS], and BDB gives this as equivalent to Pe-nehasi, which is Egyptian for Negro. Strong’s #6372 BDB #810. Joshua 6:13
114. Masculine_noun: peleʾ (פֶּלֶא) [pronounced PEH-leh], which means wonder, marvel; wonder (extraordinary, hard to understand thing); wonder (of God’s acts of judgment and redemption). BDB definitions only. Strong’s #6382 BDB #810. Exodus 15:11 Psalm 89:5
peleʾ (פֶּלֶא) [pronounced PEH-leh] |
wonder, marvel; wonder (extraordinary, hard to understand thing); wonder (of God’s acts of judgment and redemption) |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6382 BDB #810 |
115. Verb: pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW], which means, in the Hiphil imperfect, to separate (it is only found in Lev. 27:2 Num. 6:2*); in the Hiphil perfect, it means to do that which is extraordinary, to act or to do that which is distinguishing (Deut. 28:59 2Chron. 26:15 Psalm 31:21 Isa. 28:29*); it also appears to have that meaning in the Hiphil infinitive (1Chron. 2:9 Isa. 29:14 Joel 2:26*) and in the Hiphil participle (Judges 13:19*). It is usually used in the Niphal in conjunction with God performing or doing marvelous and miraculous things (e.g., Exodus 3:20 34:10). In the Hiphil (the causative stem) the KJV usually translates as something occurring wondrously, marvelously but here we have the Piel stem (also found in Num. 13:3). Since these two instances are accomplished by man and not God and since there does not appear to be anything miraculous occurring, we will translate this perform [a wonderful (difficult?)] thing. It means to do that which is extraordinary, extraordinary phenomenon (-na is plural), to do that which is unusually difficult; the standard pansy rendering being marvels. In the participle, it means that which is extraordinary, that which is unusually difficult, wonders, miracles, admirable things. This is often used to describe God’s most unusual works (Ex. 3:20 34:10 Joshua 3:5). In Job 10:16, the emphasis is upon God’s omnipotence. God would not just hunt Job like a lion, He would return with His overpowering works to be done against Job. In the participle, this becomes a substantive (Ex. 3:10 Neh. 9:17 Job 37:14) or a predicate nominative (with the implied verb to be) (2Sam. 1:26 Psalm 118:23 Prov. 30:18). The greatest difficulty that we have with this verb is that we do not have a corresponding verb in the English, and therefore it requires several words to translate it as a verb. Strong's #6381 BDB #810. more work needs to be done Gen. 18:14 Exodus 3:20 Lev. 22:21 Deut. 17:8 28:59 30:11 Joshua 3:5 Judges 6:13 13:19 2Sam. 1:26 1Chron. 16:9 Job 5:9 9:10 10:16 Psalm 105:2 106:7, 21 118:23 136:4 each different aspect of verb needs to be done below; Niphal and Piel taken directly from BDB!
pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to do that which is extraordinary [marvelous, incredible], to do that which is unusually difficult [which may or may not be a miracle], to do an extraordinary thing |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6381 BDB #810 |
The Niphal also includes the following meanings, if the context does not point to a particular action: to be beyond one’s power, be difficult [nearly impossible] to do; to be difficult to understand; to be wonderful, be extraordinary. |
pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
things done wonderfully; therefore, incredible works, miracles, extraordinary acts |
feminine plural, Niphal participle with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6381 BDB #810 |
pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to separate [an offering]??? |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6381 BDB #810 |
pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to do extraordinary or hard or difficult thing; to make wonderful, do wondrously |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6381 BDB #810 |
pâlâʾ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to show oneself wonderful or marvelous |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #6381 BDB #810 |
116. Masculine_proper_noun: Pallûwʾ (פַּלּוּא) [pronounced pahl-LOO], which means, distinguished; transliterated Pallu, Pharllu. Strong’s #6396 BDB #811. Gen. 46:9 Exodus 6:14
Pallûwʾ (פַּלּוּא) [proounced pahl-LOO] |
distinguished; transliterated Pallu, Pharllu |
masculine singular proper noun: |
Strong’s #6396 BDB #811 |
117. Masculine_proper_noun: Piledâsh (פִּלְדָּש) [pronounced pihl-DAWSH], which means a flame of fire; steely; and is transliterated Pildash. Strong’s #6396 BDB #811. I am confused here. I may need to double-check this. Gen. 22:22
Piledâsh (פִּלְדָּש) [pronounced pihl-DAWSH] |
a flame of fire; steely; and is transliterated Pildash |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6396 BDB #811 |
118. Adjective gentilic: of previous. Strong’s #6394 BDB #811.
119. Adjective: phîleʾîy (י.א ל ̣) [pronounced pil-EE], which means wonderful, incomprehensible, extraordinary. It is only found here and in Psalm 139:6, where it is a reference to God’s knowledge and being too high for the author of the psalm. This comes from the verb, which means to be surpassing, to be extraordinary, which is a verb often applied to God. Strong’s #6383 BDB #811. Judges 13:18
120. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6411 BDB #811.
121. Feminine_noun: a wondrous work. Job 37:16*? Strong’s #4652 BDB #811.
122. Verb: pâlag (פָּלַג) [pronounced paw-LAHG], which means to divide, to split up. Strong’s #6385 BDB #811. Gen. 10:25 1Chron. 1:19 Psalm 55:9
pâlag (פָּלַג) [pronounced paw-LAHG] |
to be divided, to be split up |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6385 BDB #811 |
pâlag (פָּלַג) [pronounced paw-LAHG] |
to divide, to split up |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative |
Strong’s #6385 BDB #811 |
123. Masculine_noun: peleg (פֶּלֶג) [pronounced PEH-lehg], which means a [manmade] channel, a canal; a river, a stream; a cleft, a division. Strong’s #6388 BDB #811. Psalm 46:5 Prov. 5:16
peleg (פֶּלֶג) [pronounced PEH-lehg] |
a [manmade] channel, a canal; a river, a stream; a cleft, a division |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6388 BDB #811 |
124. Masculine_proper_noun: Peleg (פֶּלֶג) [pronounced PEH-lehg], which means stream, river; transliterated Peleg. It refers to the son of Eber. It means to divide. Strong’s #6389 BDB #811. Gen. 10:25 11:16 1Chron. 1:19
Peleg (פֶּלֶג) [pronounced PEH-lehg] |
a [manmade] channel, a canal; a river, a stream; a cleft, a division; transliterated Peleg |
proper masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6388 BDB #811 |
125. Feminine_noun: pelaggâh (הָ-ל) [pronounced pelahg-GAW], stream, division. This word is found only in Judges 5:15–16 Job 20:17. There are some very similar Hebrew words which mean streams, channels, canals (see Strong’s #6388); and there is a very similar word which varies only by a vowel point that means division (Strong’s #6391). It is not unreasonable that this word is used in these two different ways—streams dividing up a country into smaller territories. Bullinger does not treat this as an additional noun, but as a modifying word. He renders it flowing and applies it to both of the nouns in this verse. However, its use in Judges 5 has nothing to do with water and everything to do with divisions of the tribe of Reuben. Strong’s #6390 BDB #811. Job 20:17
126. Feminine_noun: pelûggâh (הָֻל) [pronounced peloog-GAW], which means (BDB def’s) division, section. Strong’s #6391 BDB #811. Judges 5:15
pelûggâh (הָֻל) [pronounced peloog-GAW] |
division, section; possibly a class |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #6391 BDB #811 |
127. Feminine_noun: Strong’s #4653 BDB #811.
128. Feminine_noun: pîylegesh (פִּילֶגֶש) [pronounced pee-LEH-gesh], which means mistress, paramour, illicit lover, live-in lover, concubine. A concubine, or mistress, was not too unlike a wife in the ancient world. She had fewer rights and privileges. My thinking is, a mistress then was more like a live-in woman today. This is not a Semitic word in origin; however, we do not know its etymology. Strong’s #6370 BDB #811. Gen. 22:24 25:6 35:22 36:12 Judges 8:31 19:1 2Sam. 3:7 15:16 16:21 19:5 20:3 21:11 1Chron. 1:32 7:14
pîylegesh (פִּילֶגֶש) [pronounced pee-LEH-gesh] |
mistress, paramour, illicit lover, live-in lover, concubine |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6370 BDB #811 |
129. Feminine_noun: iron, steel. Strong’s #6393 BDB #811.
130. Proper Masculine_noun: Strong’s #6394 BDB #811.
131. Verb: pâlâh (פָּלָה) [pronounced paw-LAW], which means, to be separated, to be distinct. This word is found only in Exodus 8:22 9:4 11:7 33:16 Psalm 4:5 17:7 139:14. It means distinct, distinguishable, sever, set apart. In two of those passages, it is possible that there was a mistake made (in Psalm 17:7 139:14—I am guessing here) and mixed the word up with pâlâ (פָּלָא) [pronounced paw-LAW], which means doing marvelous works. Strong’s #6395 BDB #811. Exodus 8:22 9:4 11:7 33:16
pâlâh (פָּלָה) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to be separated, to be distinct, to be distinguished; to be wonderful |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6395 BDB #811 |
pâlâh (פָּלָה) [pronounced paw-LAW] |
to make separate, to make distinct, to cause to be distinguished; to set apart |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6395 BDB #811 |
132. Pronoun: pêlônîy (י.נֹל ) [pronounced peloh-NEE], which means such a one, a certain one. This is always followed by the adjective ʾalemônîy (י .נֹמ ל-א) [pronounced ahl-moh-NEE]. This has a pleasant, almost goofy, alliteration going on. Together, they are translated variously as such a one, such a one (Young); my friend (NIV); a certain one [or, friend] (NASB). I am thinking that this is a friendly greeting, along the lines of buddy, my buddy or friend, o friend. This phrase is only found here and in 1Sam. 21:3 2Kings 6:8.* Strong’s #6423 BDB #811. [see Strong’s #492 BDB #48]. Ruth 4:1 1Sam. 21:2
pêlônîy (י.נֹל ) [pronounced peloh-NEE] |
such a one, a certain one |
pronoun |
Strong’s #6423 BDB #811 |
ʾalemônîy (י.נֹמל-א) [pronounced ahl-moh-NEE] |
some one, a certain one |
adjective |
Strong’s #492 BDB #48 |
These two words are almost always found together and they have this rhythmic alliteration going on. Together, they mean a certain [person or place]; a specific [person or place]; such and such. The person or place is specific and known to the speaker but not to those whom he is speaking to. |
133. Verb: pâlach (פָּלַח) [pronounced paw-LAHKH], which means to cleave, to cleave open; to plow; to cause to cleave open. In the Piel, it means to pierce, to cut up. Strong’s #6398 BDB #812. Job 16:12b–13 Prov. 7:22
pâlach (פָּלַח) [pronounced paw-LAKH] |
to cleave, to cleave open; to plow; to cause to cleave open |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6398 BDB #812 |
pâlach (פָּלַח) [pronounced paw-LAKH] |
to cleave, to pierce; to cut up; to cause [young ones] to cleave to the womb and break forth, to bring forth |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6398 BDB #812 |
134. Feminine_noun: pelach (פֶּלַח) [pronounced PEH-lahkh], which means a piece, a part [cut off], a slice; millstone. The KJV consistently renders this with the word piece. Gesenius calls it either a piece cut off or a mill-stone. Strong’s #6400 BDB #812. Judges 9:53 1Sam. 30:12 2Sam. 11:21
pelach (פֶּלַח) [pronounced PEH-lakh] |
a piece, a part [cut off], a slice; millstone |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6400 BDB #812 |
135. Masculine_proper_noun: Paleţîyʾêl (ל̤אי.טל-) [pronounced pahle-tee-ALE], which means God delivers; transliterated Paltiel. Strong’s #6401 BDB #812. 2Sam. 3:15
Paleţîyʾêl (ל̤אי.טל-) [pronounced pahle-tee-ALE] |
God delivers; transliterated Paltiel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6401 BDB #812 |
136. Verb: pâlaţ (פָּלַט) [pronounced paw-LAHT], which means to be smooth and sleek, and therefore to slip away or to escape. In the Piel, this can mean to slip away altogether, to cause to escape. Strong’s #6403 BDB #812. 2Sam. 22:2, 44 Job 21:10
pâlaţ (פָּלַט) [pronounced paw-LAHT] |
to be smooth and sleek, and therefore to slip away or to escape |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6403 BDB #812 |
pâlaţ (פָּלַט) [pronounced paw-LAHT] |
to bring into security; to deliver; to cause to escape; to cast forth; to be delivered; to slip away |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6403 BDB #812 |
pâlaţ (פָּלַט) [pronounced paw-LAHT] |
a deliverer; one who causes you to escape |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #6403 BDB #812 |
pâlaţ (פָּלַט) [pronounced paw-LAHT] |
to bring into security, to bring to safety |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6403 BDB #812 |
137. Masculine_noun: pallêţ (פַּלֵּט) [pronounced pahl-LAYT], which means deliverance. Strong’s #6405 BDB #812. Psalm 32:7 56:7
pallêţ (פַּלֵּט) [pronounced pahl-LAYT] |
a deliverance, an escape; a casting forth |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6405 BDB #812 |
In Psalm 56:7, Zodhiates has this as the Piel imperative verb: pâlaţ (ט-לָ) [pronounced paw-LAHT], which means to be smooth and sleek, and therefore to slip away or to escape. In the Piel, it means to slip away altogether, to cause to escape; to cast forth [as in a cow calfing]. Strong’s #6403 BDB #812. Owen and the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament have this as a masculine noun. Gesenius says that this is the infinitive of the Piel used as a masculine noun (at least for Psalm 32:7). |
138. Masculine_proper_noun: Peleţ (ט∵ל∵) [pronounced PEH-leht], which means deliverance; an escape; and is transliterated Pelet. Strong’s #6404 BDB #812. 1Chron. 12:3
Peleţ (ט∵ל∵) [pronounced PEH-leht] |
deliverance; an escape; and is transliterated Pelet |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6404 BDB #812 |
139. Masculine_noun: pâlîyţ (פָּלִיט) [pronounced paw-LEET], which means escaped one, fugitive, refugee. Strong’s #6412 BDB #812. Gen. 14:13 Joshua 8:22 Judges 12:4
pâlîyţ (פָּלִיט) [pronounced paw-LEET] |
escaped one, fugitive, refugee |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6412 BDB #812 |
140. Feminine_noun: pelêyţâh (פֶּלֵיטָה) [pronounced pehl-ay-TAW], which means escape; deliverance; escaped remnant; who or what has escaped. Strong’s #6413 BDB #812. Gen. 32:8 45:7 Exodus 10:5 2Sam. 15:14
pelêyţâh (פֶּלֵיטָה) [pronounced pehl-ay-TAW] (there is an alternate spelling) |
escape; deliverance; escaped remnant; who or what has escaped |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6413 BDB #812 |
141. Masculine_proper_noun: Paleţîy (י.טל-) [pronounced pahl-TEE], which means an escape, a deliverance and is transliterated Palti. Strong’s #6406 BDB #812. 1Sam. 25:44
Paleţîy (י.טל-) [pronounced pahl-TEE] |
an escape, a deliverance and is transliterated Palti |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #6406 BDB #812 |
142. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6408 BDB #812.
143. Masculine_proper_noun: which means escape?; transliterated . Strong’s #6409 BDB #812.
144. Masculine_proper_noun: which means escape?; transliterated . Strong’s #6410 BDB #812.
145. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3310 BDB #812.
146. Gentilic_adjective: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3311 BDB #812.
147. Masculine_noun: miphelâţ (מִפְלָט) [pronounced mihf-LAWT], which means escape, place of escape, shelter. Strong’s #4655 BDB #812. Psalm 55:8*
miphelâţ (מִפְלָט) [pronounced mihf-LAWT] |
escape; place of escape, shelter |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4655 BDB #812 |
148. Verb: which means to be round, to be hemispherical. Strong’s #none or #6411 BDB #813.
149. Masculine_noun: peleke (∵ל∵) [pronounced PEH-lehk], which means the whirl of a spindle, district, circle, circuit; a staff, a crutch. The connection between the first and last definitions is, a crutch or staff might be produced on a spindle? Maybe I should look this up before including it. Strong’s #6418 BDB #813. 2Sam. 3:29
peleke (∵ל∵) [pronounced PEH-lehk] |
the whirl of a spindle, district, circle, circuit; a staff, a crutch |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6418 BDB #813 |
150. Verb: pâlal (פָּלַל) [pronounced paw-LAHL], which means, in the Piel to judge and in the Hithpael to pray, to intercede, to make intercession for, to ask for a favorable determination. It means to pass sentence (Gen. 48:11), then to arbitrate, to settle a dispute as an arbitrator (Psalm 106:30 Ezek. 16:52). In the Hithpael, it means to act as mediator, hence to entreat. We find this only in the Piel four times in Scripture: Gen. 48:11 1Sam. 2:25 Psalm 106:30 Ezek. 16:52.* In the Piel, it appears to mean that one has examined the facts, has thought over the situation, and has made a judgment call or a determination based upon this examination of the facts. When one man sins against another, God reviews the facts and makes a determination concerning the outcome. Several translations, as you can observe, when with mediate, which is a reasonable translation here, but does not square with its used in Gen. 48:11 or Psalm 106:30. Neither of these are the common words for judge (as a verb or noun). Strong’s #6419 BDB #813. Gen. 20:7 48:11 (Deut. 32:31) 1Sam. 1:10, 12 2:1, 25 7:5 12:19 2Sam. 7:27 1Kings 8:28, 29 Psalm 32:6 106:30
pâlal (פָּלַל) [pronounced paw-LAHL] |
to pray, to intercede, to make intercession for, to ask for a favorable determination |
2nd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6419 BDB #813 |
pâlal (פָּלַל) [pronounced paw-LAHL] |
praying, interceding, making intercession for, asking for a favorable determination |
Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #6419 BDB #813 |
pâlal (פָּלַל) [pronounced paw-LAHL] |
to judge, to execute judgment; to think, to suppose |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6419 BDB #813 |
151. Feminine_noun: tephillâh (תְּפִלָּה) [pronounced te-phil-LAWH], which means prayer, intercession, supplication for any one; prayer or supplication in general; a hymn or inspired song. This word is consistently rendered prayer in the Authorized Version. Surprisingly enough, although this word is found once in Job (Job 16:17), it is not found in the Pentateuch, or in Judges or Joshua; in fact, we first find it in 2Sam. 7:27 (however, the verbal cognate is found several times in the books of Moses). BDB gives its meaning as prayer. However, Barnes notes that it means: intercession, supplication for any one; prayer or supplication in general; a hymn or inspired song. So, prayer is quite an excellent rendering. Noun: Strong’s #8605 BDB #813. 2Sam. 7:27 1Kings 8:28 9:3 Job 16:17 Psalm 54:2 55:1 61:1 90:intro. (The related verb is found above) 142 inscription
tephillâh (תְּפִלָּה) [pronounced te-phil-LAWH] |
prayer, intercession, supplication for any one; prayer or supplication in general; a hymn or inspired song |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8605 BDB #813 |
152. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6420 BDB #813.
153. Masculine_noun: pâlîyl (פָּלִיל) [pronounced paw-LEEL], which means, judges, magistrates. It is found only in Exodus 21:22 Deut. 32:31 Job 31:11.* And, although the NRSV indicates that the meaning of this word is uncertain, there is the corresponding verb pâlal (ל ַל ָ) [pronounced paw-LAHL], which means, in the Piel to judge and in the Hithpael to pray. We find this only in the Piel four times in Scripture: Gen. 48:11 1Sam. 2:25 Psalm 106:30 Ezek. 16:52.* Neither of these are the common words for judge (as a verb or noun). Strong’s #6414(ᤓ) BDB #813. Exodus 21:22 Deut. 32:31
pâlîyl (פָּלִיל) [pronounced paw-LEEL] |
judges, magistrates |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6414 (& #6419) BDB #813. |
154. Feminine_noun: which means office of judge. Strong’s #6415 BDB #813.
155. Adjective: which means for a judge, calling for a judgement. Strong’s #6416 BDB #813.
156. Feminine_noun: which means the rendering of a decision by a judge. Strong’s #6417 BDB #813.
157. Masculine_proper_noun: which means has interposed; transliterated . Strong’s #6421 BDB #813.
158. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #654 BDB #813.
159. Gentilic_adjective: Pelôwnîy (פְּלוֹנִי) [pronounced pehl-oh-NEEorploh-NEE], which means a certain one; separate; transliterated Pelonite. Possibly erroneous. Strong’s #6397ᥝ? BDB #813. 1Chron. 11:27, 36
Pelôwnîy (פְּלוֹנִי) [pronounced pehl-oh-NEE or ploh-NEE] |
a certain one; separate; transliterated Pelonite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6397 & possibly #6493 BDB #813 |
160. Masculine_noun: which means balance, scale. Strong’s #6425 BDB #813.
161. Verb: pâlaç (פָּלַס) [pronounced paw-LAHÇ], which means, to weigh [out], to balance; to make level, to make smooth. Strong’s #6424 BDB #814. Psalm 78:50 Prov. 2:26 5:6, 21
pâlaç (פָּלַס) [pronounced paw-LAHÇ] |
to weigh [out], to balance; to make level, to make smooth |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6424 BDB #814 |
pâlaç (פָּלַס) [pronounced paw-LAHÇ] |
weigh [out], balance; make level, make smooth |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative |
Strong’s #6424 BDB #814 |
pâlaç (פָּלַס) [pronounced paw-LAHÇ] |
weighs [out], balances; makes level, makes smooth |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #6424 BDB #814 |
162. Masculine_noun: which means a swaying, a poising. Strong’s #4857 BDB #814.
163. Verb: to go with pillars means shudder and it occurs only here in the Hithpael (the reflexive intensive). Once the earth is shaken from her place, her pillars shake themselves. Strong’s #6426 BDB #814. Job 9:6
164. Feminine_noun: pallâtsûwth (פַּלָּצוּת) [pronounced pahl-law-tzooth], which means a trembling, a shuddering; less literally, a fright, a horror, a scare. Job 21:6 Psalm 55:6 Isa. 21:4 Ezek. 7:18.* Strong’s #6427 BDB #814. Job 21:6 Psalm 55:5
pallâtsûwth (פַּלָּצוּת) [pronounced pahl-law-tooth] |
a trembling, a shuddering; less literally, a fright, a horror, a scare |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #6427 BDB #814 |
165. Feminine_noun: which means a horrid thing. Strong’s #4656 BDB #814.
166. Feminine_noun: which means a shuddering, a horror. Jer. 49:16.* Strong’s #8606 BDB #814.
167. Verb: which means the act of mourning, to mourn by rolling in the dirt. Strong’s #6428 BDB #814.
168. Proper_noun;location: Phelesheth (פְּלֶשֶת) [pronounced pe-LEH-sheth], which means land of sojourners [wanderers, temporary residents]; transliterated Palestine, Philistia, Philistines, Palestine. I could not locate the corresponding Greek noun in any of my Greek dictionaries. Strong’s #6429 BDB #814. The Doctrine of the Philistines (Judges 14:4) Exodus 15:14 Psalm 60:8
Phelesheth (פְּלֶשֶת) [pronounced pe-LEH-sheth] |
land of sojourners [wanderers, temporary residents]; transliterated Palestine, Philistia, Philistines, Palestine |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #6429 BDB #814 |
Whereas the gentilic adjective is found well over 200 times in Hebrew Scripture, this noun is found but eight times. |
169. Adjective-Gentis: Pelishetîy (פְּלִשְתִּי) [pronounced pe-lish-TEE], and it stands for Philistine. We obviously transliterate this Philistine. Strong’s #6430 BDB #814. [See the corresponding Greek noun in the Septuagint: Strong’s #246 Arndt & Gingrich #40]. Gen. 10:14 21:32 26:1 Exodus 13:17 23:31 The Doctrine of the Philistines (Judges 14:4) Judges 3:3 1Sam. 4:1b 13:3 14:19 17:1 19:5 21:9 22:10 23:1 27:1, 7 28:1 29:1 30:16 31:1 2Sam. 1:20 3:18 8:1 19:9 21:12 23:9 1Kings 4:21 1Chron. 11:13 12:19 Psalm 56 inscription
Pelishetîy (פְּלִשְתִּי) [pronounced pe-lish-TEE] |
land of sojourners [wanderers, temporary residents]; transliterated Philistines |
masculine plural gentilic adjective (acts like a proper noun); with the definite article |
Strong’s #6430 BDB #814 |
Here, this is spelled Pelishetîym (פְּלִשְתִּים) [pronounced pe-lish-TEEM]. |
170. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6431 BDB #814.
171. Masculine_noun: Pelêthîy (פְּלֵתִי) [pronounced pe-lay-THEE], which means couriers; messengers; transliterated Pelethites. Strong’s #6432 BDB #814. 2Sam. 8:18 15:18 20:7 1Kings 1:38
Pelêthîy (פְּלֵתִי) [pronounced pe-lay-THEE] |
a collective noun which means couriers; messengers (which could be its primary meanings); transliterated Pelethites |
masculine singular noun; possibly a gentilic adjective used as a proper noun; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6432 BDB #814 |
172. Preposition/depreciating conjunction: pen (פֶּן) [pronounced pen], which means lest, peradventure, or else, in order to prevent, or, so that [plus a negative]. In Strong’s Hebrew portion of his Concordance, this is pên (ן ֵ) [pronounced payn], unfortunately best translated with the Old English lest, peradventure, the former of which is so dated that most people are uncomfortable with it. I tend to prefer the more modern so that + a negative. It could also be translated simply else, or for the aversion of, for the avoidance of, so that [you] avoid, in order to prevent. This can be simply rendered or with the negative result of a matter then stated. Strong's #6435 BDB #814. Gen. 3:3, 22 11:4 19:15 24:6 26:7 31:24 32:11 38:11, 23 42:4 44:34 45:11 Exodus 1:10 5:3 13:17 19:21 20:19 23:29 33:3 Deut. 4:9, 16 8:11 20:5 22:9 32:27 Joshua 6:18 Judges 7:2 14:15 15:12 Ruth 4:6 1Sam. 4:9 9:5 13:19 15:6 20:3 27:11 31:4 2Sam. 1:20 12:28 15:14 17:16 20:6 Psalm 2:12 7:2 59:11 Prov. 5:6 9:8
pen (פֶּן) [pronounced pen] |
lest, peradventure, or else, in order to prevent, or, so that [plus a negative] |
conjunction |
Strong's #6435 BDB #814 |
173. Masculine_noun: which means some kind of food. Ezek. 27:17.* Strong’s #6436 BDB #815.
174. Verb: pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH], which means to turn, to turn away from, to turn toward, to turn one’s face away from, to turn one’s face to. The key to this verb is the face and what the face does. It means to turn (in the Qal stem). It can mean to turn away from, which is a type of abandonment (Deut. 30:17 Judges 18:20 2Kings 5:12) but it can also mean to turn toward (Ex. 16:10 Deut. 31:18). Sometimes, such as this passage, turning toward someone indicates favor, blessing, concern and/or regard (Num. 16:15 Judges 6:14 2Kings 13:23). In the Piel stem, it means prepare. (Gen. 24:31 Psalm 80:9). The key to this verb is what occurs with the face; it turns away, it turns toward. Since this is related to the face, look [at something] would be a reasonable rendering. Strong's #6437 BDB #815. Gen. 18:22 24:31, 49, 62 Exodus 2:11 7:23 10:6 14:27 16:10 32:15 Lev. 26:9 Deut. 1:7, 24, 40 2:1, 2 3:1 16:7 31:18 Joshua none Judges 6:14 15:4 19:26 20:40 1Sam. 10:9 13:17 14:47 2Sam. 1:7 2:20 9:8 1Kings 2:3 7:25 8:28 Job 5:1 6:28 8:20 21:5 Psalm 46:5 90:9 Eccles. 2:11
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
to turn, to turn away from, to turn toward, to turn one’s face away from, to turn one’s face to; to look back [at, after, for] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
facing, looking [toward]; turning, turning away from, turning toward, turning one’s face away from (or to) |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
turn, turn away from, turn toward, turn one’s face away from, turn one’s face to |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
to turn away, put out of the way, make clear, clear away |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
to turn, to go away from, to flee; to turn the back, to turn oneself [around, back] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
pânâh (פָּנָה) [pronounced paw-NAWH] |
to turn the back, to turn around; to look in any direction |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #6437 BDB #815 |
175. Masculine_noun: pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] is generally in the plural (even though it refers to one face, as the face has several features—we similarly use the word pants when we are speaking of a singular object). However, we do have a adverbial temporal use of this noun in Joshua 11:10 (and in Gen. 19:21 31:21 38:15 40:7 41:56 46:30 Exodus 3:6 10:28 Deut. 2:12, 20 Judges :1:10, 11, 13); it means formerly. Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. [need to be sorted out: Deut. 1:17 9:3 16:19 27:9 30:1 31:18 Joshua 1:5, 14 6:7 10:14 11:10 15:15 Job 8:12 13:10 Psalm 114:7] Gen. 1:2 2:6 4:5 8:13 9:23 30:40 31:2 32:20, 30 33:10 43:3, 31 44:23 48:11 49:30 Exodus 10:10 23:15 25:20 26:9 28:25 33:14 1Sam. 13:12 14:25 21:6 (expanded definition here) 25:35 2Sam. 2:22 3:13 10:9 14:20 17:11 19:4 21:1 1Kings 2:15 7:48 8:14 Job 1:11 Psalm 34:4, 16 51:9 89:14 95:1 105:4 Prov. 6:35 7:13 8:27
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence; person; surface |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
When found by itself, pânîym, without a preposition preceding it and with a personal possessive pronoun, can be used for doing or saying something to someone, in front of someone or in their presence. |
The full set of BDB definitions: 1) face; 1a) face, faces; 1b) presence, person; 1c) face (of seraphim or cherubim); 1d) face (of animals); 1e) face, surface (of ground); 1f) as adverb of loc/temp; 1f1) before and behind, toward, in front of, forward, formerly, from beforetime, before. |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
formerly |
temporal adverbial use |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
176. Compound: Gen. 32:30 Exodus 23:17 2Sam. 14:22
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced ehl] |
unto; into, among, in; toward, to; against; concerning, regarding; besides, together with; as to |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence; person; surface |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Literally, this means, unto faces of; it is translated, before, in the presence of, into the presence of, upon the surface of. |
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced ehl] |
unto; into, among, in; toward, to; against; concerning, regarding; besides, together with; as to |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence; person; surface |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, ʾel pânîym (פָּנִים אֶל) [pronounced ehl-paw-NEEM] mean into his presence, before, in his presence; upon the surface of something. |
177. Compound: Exodus 33:11 Deut. 34:10
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence; person; surface |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced ehl] |
unto; into, among, in; toward, to; against; concerning, regarding; besides, together with; as to |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence; person; surface |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Literally, this means faces unto faces; most translate this face to face. |
178. Compound: Deut. 4:37
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
No meaning has been assigned to this combination yet. |
179. Compound: 2Sam. 3:13
kîy (כִּי) [pronounced kee] |
for, that, because; when, at that time, which, what time |
explanatory or temporal conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
ʾîm (אִם) [pronounced eem] |
if, though; lo, behold; oh that, if only; when, since, though when (or, if followed by a perfect tense which refers to a past event) |
primarily an hypothetical particle |
Strong's #518 BDB #49 |
The particle ʾîm (ם ̣א) can be used as a demonstrative (lo, behold), an interrogative (usually expecting a negative response and often used with other particles and rhetorically), and as a conditional particle (if, though); an indication of a wish or desire (oh that, if only; this is a rare usage). |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, they mean upon the face of, before, before the face of, in the presence of, in the sight of, in front of. When used with God, it can take on the more figurative meaning in the judgment of. This can also mean forwards; the front part [or, the edge of a sword]. Lepânîym (םי.נָפל) can take on a temporal sense as well: before, of old, formerly, in the past, in past times. |
These two particles plus pânîym do not have a specific meaning. Few translators rendered them literally; most rendered them as follows: unless (ESV, the Message, MKJV, NIV, NKJV, the Tanakh); except (KJV, LTHB, Rotherham, WEB, Young); before (Douay Rheims). This was taken from 2Sam. 3:13; this grouping may not occur again. |
180. Compound_direct_object/noun: ʾeth penêy (י̤נ ת∵א) [pronounced eth peNAY], is the combination of ʾêth (ת ֵא) [pronounced ayth], which is the untranslated mark of a direct object. Strong's #853 BDB #84. And the masculine plural noun pânîym (םי ̣נ ָ) [pronounced paw-NEEM], which means face. Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. Together, they mean before, in presence of. Gen. 19:13, 27 33:18 Exodus 32:11 Deut. 16:16 1Sam. 1:11, 22 2:17 22:4 Psalm 21:6
ʾêth (אֶח) [pronounced ayth] |
generally untranslated; sometimes translated to, toward (s) |
mark of a direct object; indicates next word is the object of the verb |
Strong's #853 BDB #84 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Pânîym preceded by the generally untranslated ʾêth means before You, in Your presence. It can simply mean you, your person. |
Pânîym preceded by the generally untranslated ʾêth means before me, in my presence. It can simply mean me, my person. |
ʾêth (אֶח) [pronounced ayth] |
generally untranslated; sometimes translated to, toward (s) |
mark of a direct object; indicates next word is the object of the verb |
Strong's #853 BDB #84 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Pânîym preceded by the generally untranslated ʾêth means before, in presence of. |
181. Compound_preposition/noun: bepânay (י-נָפ) [pronounced bepaw-NAY],which literally means in [the] faces, against [the] faces. It’s meaning is to stand before someone in opposition or to stand up to someone. = Strong’s #none BDB #88. םי.נָפ = Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. Job 16:8
182. Compound_preposition/noun: Deut. 5:4
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
This phrase literally means faces in faces; it is translated face to face. |
183. Compound noun/preposition/noun: pânîym ʾel pânîym (פָּנִים) ל∵א םי.נָ) [pronounced paw-NEEM el paw-Neem], which means, literally faces to faces; we would render it face to face. Pânîym = Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. and ʾel = Strong’s #413 BDB #39. Judges 6:22
184. Compound_preposition/noun: the preposition lâmed (to, for), and the masculine plural noun pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM], which means faces (usually referring to one face, however). Together, they mean in the sight of, in the presence of, before the face of, in front of. When used with God, it can take on a figurative meaning, e.g., in the judgment of. Literally, they mean to the faces of. The most simple rendering of this pairing is before; however, there is also a temporal meaning of these two used together (particularly when this is not found in the construct): before, formerly, previously. Lâmed = Strong’s #none BDB #510. Pânîym = Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. Note whether it is a noun or a construct! Gen. 6:11, 13 7:1 10:9 13:9, 10 17:1, 18 18:22 20:15 23:12, 17 24:7, 12, 40 27:7, 20 29:26 30:30, 33 32:3, 16, 17, 20 33:14 34:10, 21 36:31 41:43, 46 43:9, 14, 33 44:14 45:5 46:28 47:2, 6 48:12, 20 50:16, 18 Exodus 4:21 6:12 7:9 8:20 9:10 10:14 11:10 13:21, 22 14:2, 9, 19 16:9 17:5 18:12 19:7 21:1 23:20 25:30 27:21 28:12 29:10 30:6 32:5, 34 33:2 Deut. 1:8, 42 2:10, 31, 33 3:18 4:8, 10 16:11 Judges 1:10 3:2 4:14 6:18 11:9 Ruth 4:7 1Sam. 1:12, 15 3:1 9:9, 12, 15 10:5, 19 14:13 15:33 16:8 17:7, 31 18:13 19:7 20:1 21:7 23:18, 24 25:19 26:19 28:22 29:8 30:20 2Sam. 2:14, 17 3:13 5:20, 24 14:33 15:1 16:19 18:7, 14 19:8, 13 20:8 21:8 24:4 1Kings 1:2, 23, 25 2:4, 26 3:6, 12, 15, 16 6:17, 20 7:49 8:5, 25, 28 9:6 1Chron. 12:17 14:8 16:1 17:13 Job 3:24 21:8 Psalm 19:14 23:5 34 inscription 41:12 51:11 56:13 57:6 61:7 62:8 68:3 96:6 106:23, 46 142:2 Prov. 4:3 8:25, 30 Eccles. 1:16 2:7, 26
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, they mean upon the face of, before, before the face of, in the presence of, in the sight of, in front of, which faces. When used with God, it can take on the more figurative meaning in the judgment of. This can also mean forwards; the front part [or, the edge of a sword]. Lepânîym (לְפָּנִים) can take on a temporal sense as well: before, of old, formerly, in the past, in past times. Literally, this means to faces of. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, they mean before them, before their faces, in their presence, in their sight, in front of them. |
Together, they mean before him, before his face, in his presence, in his sight, in front of him. Literally, this reads to his faces. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, they literally translate to, to your faces. However, they properly mean before you, before your face, in your presence, in your sight, in front of you. When used with God, it can take on the more figurative meaning in Your judgment. |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 1st person plural suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, they mean before us, before our faces, in our presence, in our sight, in front of us. |
Literally, this would be translated to faces of me, to my faces. Together, these words mean before me, before my face, in my presence, in my sight, in front of me; before me (in the sense of, before my time), prior to my being here. |
185. Compound preposition: Psalm 21:9
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
ʿêth (עֵת) [pronounced ģayth] |
time, the right time, the proper time; opportunity |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6256 BDB #773 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Often, when we find pânîym associated with a preposition, there is a meaning which is not always the same as its literal rendering. However, here, I was unable to come up with a proper definition from BDB or Gesenius. Literally, this means to [for] a time of your faces, in regards to a time of your face. Translators have variously rendered this phrase when you appear, at the time of your appearing, in [at] the time of your presence, in a time of your anger, in the era of your presence, in your day. My problem with all of these renderings is they would have rendered this phrase exactly the same had there been the bêyth preposition here rather than the directional/relational lâmed preposition. However, this is somewhat mollified by the use of the word presence, which is often the gist of lâmed and pânîym together. Therefore, the most proper meanings, in my estimation, are when you appear, in [at] the time [era] of your appearing [appearance]. |
186. Compound_preposition/noun: min preposition, which usually means from (Strong’s #4480 BDB #577) and the masculine plural construct of the noun pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM], which means faces (usually referring to one face, however). Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. Together, they generally mean from before your face, out from before your face. However, together, they can also mean of the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of, because that. Note whether it is a noun or a construct! Gen. 3:8 6:13 7:7 16:6, 8 27:46 31:35 35:1 36:6 41:31 45:3 47:10 Exodus 1:12 2:15 3:7 4:3 8:24 9:11, 30 10:3 14:19, 25 19:18 23:21, 29 Deut. 1:17 2:12, 25 4:38 5:5 20:19 Judges 2:3, 21 5:5 6:2 1Sam. 7:7 17:24 18:11 21:10 23:26 25:10 31:1 2Sam. 7:9, 23 15:14 23:11 1Kings 1:50 2:7 3:28 5:3 8:11 1Chron. 12:1 Psalm 55:3 57 inscription 60:4 61:3 68:1, 8 89:23
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, min pânîym mean from before the face of; out from before the face, from the presence of; from behind. However, together, they can also be a reference to the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of, because that; by. Literally, this means from faces of. |
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, min pânîym and a suffix mean from before their face, out from before their face, from them, from behind them, from one’s presence, before them. However, together, they can also be a reference to the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of them, by them. Literally, this would be translated, from their faces. |
Together, min + pânîym and the suffix mean from before your face, out from before your face, from one’s presence, from behind you, before you. However, together, they can also be a reference to the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of, because that; by. Literally, this is translated, from your faces. |
Together, min pânîym and a suffix mean from before his face, out from before his face, from him, from behind him, from one’s presence, before him. However, together, they can also be a reference to the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of him, by him. Literally, this would be translated, from his faces. |
Together, min pânîym and a suffix mean from before my face, out from before my face, from me, from behind me, from my presence, before me. However, together, they can also be a reference to the cause, whether near or remote, and can therefore be rendered because of me, by me. Literally, this means from my faces. |
187. Compound: Exodus 19:18
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who, whom; where |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Literally, this means, from the faces of which. This phrase is variously translated, because (ESV, LITV, Webster, WEB); in view of the fact that (CLV); from the presence of (UTV). |
188. Compound: Gen. 27:29 43:34 Exodus 10:11 Job 2:7
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʾêth (אֶח) [pronounced ayth] |
with, at, near, by, among, directly from |
preposition (which is identical to the sign of the direct object) |
Strong's #854 BDB #85 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, the two prepositions and pânîym mean from being with, from being before, from the presence of, from with; from among [a person or object]. I have not investigated these in BDB or in Gesenius, but have come up with them based upon the words used. Literally, this means from with faces of... |
189. Compound_preposition/noun: millipenêy (י̤נפ̣̣מ) [pronounced mil-lipe-NAY], which is the min preposition, followed by the lâmed preposition, all affixed to the plural construct of pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM], which means faces (usually referring to one face, however). Together, they mean from before, from the presence of, a from a position before a person or object, from before a place. However, this also expresses source or cause, and is also rendered because of, on account of. Min (from, out from) is Strong’s #4480 BDB #577. Lâmed (to, for) is Strong’s #none BDB #510. Pânîym (faces) is Strong’s #6440 BDB #815. Note whether it is a noun or a construct! Gen. 4:16 41:46 Exodus 23:28 Deut. 17:18 22:17 1Sam. 8:18 18:12 21:6 2Sam. 7:15 1Kings 6:29 8:25, 54 1Chron. 16:33 Eccles. 1:10
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, the two prepositions and pânîym mean from before, from the presence of, from a position before a person or object, from before a place. However, this also expresses source or cause, and is also rendered because of, on account of. Literally, this is from to faces of... |
With the 2nd person masculine plural suffix, this means, from before you. |
190. Compound_preposition: 1Sam. 26:20
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
neged (נֶגֶד) [pronounced NEH-ged] |
what is conspicuous when it is a substantive and, as a preposition, in front of, in the sight of, opposite to, before (in the sense of being in front of) |
preposition |
Strong’s #5048 BDB #617 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Although neither BDB nor Gesenius give us these three words together, BDB tells us that min + neged = from the front of, away from, from before, at a distance from, from before; therefore, we will assume this means from before the presence of, away from the presence of, at a distance from the presence of. |
191. Compound_preposition: Gen. 4:14 6:7 7:4 8:8 23:3 32:12 1Kings 9:7
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl ] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5920, #5921 BDB #752 |
Together, they mean from upon, from over, from by, from beside, from attachment to, from companionship with, from accompanying [in a protective manner], from adhesion to, from. Some translators rendered this away from. |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Gesenius suggests that this means in front of a thing; before a thing. However, various translators rendered this as from upon the face [surface] of, from the face [surface] of, on, from over. This literally means, from upon faces of. |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Literally, this means, from upon my faces; it should be translated, in front of me, before me; from beside me; from against me; away from my presence (face, sight), out of my presence (face, sight). |
192. Compound_preposition: This combination is not found in Gesenius or in BDB. 1Sam. 20:15 Job 1:12
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
ʿîm (עִם) [pronounced ģeem] |
with, at, by, near |
preposition of nearness and vicinity |
Strong’s #5973 BDB #767 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular); with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, these all mean: from with you, from before you; from being with you, away from you, far from you, from among you, from your possession, from your custody. |
Together, these all mean: from with you, from before you; from being with you, away from you, far from you, from among you, from your possession, from your custody. |
Together, the two prepositions and pânîym mean from before, from the presence of, a from a position before a person or object, from before a place. However, this also expresses source or cause, and is also rendered because of, on account of. |
193. Compound_preposition: ʿal (ל ַע) [pronounced ahl ], which means, primarily, upon, against, above. When ʿal is used in connection with something geographical, particularly water; it has the connotation of contiguity or proximity; so here, it means by. Strong’s #5920, #5921 BDB #752. This is followed by the masculine plural construct of pânîym (םי ̣נ ָ) [pronounced paw-NEEM], which means face. This word is in the plural, referring to the several features of the face. With ʿal, it means facing, in front of, before (as in preference to), in addition to, overlooking. Also, the idea of surface might be involved. Strong’s #6440 . Gen. 1:2, 20 6:1 8:9 7:3 11:4 16:12 18:16 19:28 23:19 25:9 32:21 49:30 50:1 Exodus 20:3 32:20 33:16, 19 Deut. 5:7 21:16 34:1 Joshua 13:25 18:14 19:11 1Sam. 14:25 15:7 17:49 24:2 25:23 26:1 30:16 2Sam. 2:24 9:6 14:7 15:18 18:8 1Kings 6:3 7:6, 42 8:8, 40 Job 16:14 21:31 Psalm 21:12
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 2nd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural noun (plural acts like English singular) with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, ʿâl and pânîym mean upon their face, against the face of; facing them, in front of them, before (as in preference to) them, in addition to them, overlooking them. |
Together, ʿâl and pânîym mean upon your face, against the face of; facing you, in front of you, before (as in preference to) you, in addition to you, overlooking you. Owens translates this before your eyes in Exodus 20:20. Literally, this is translated, upon your faces. |
Together, ʿâl and pânîym mean upon his face, against the face of; facing him, in front of him, before (as in preference to) him, in addition to him, overlooking him. |
Together, ʿâl and pânîym mean upon my face, against my face; facing me, in front of me, before (as in preference to) me, in addition to me, overlooking me. |
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
pânîym (פָּנִים) [pronounced paw-NEEM] |
face, faces, countenance; presence |
masculine plural construct (plural acts like English singular) |
Strong’s #6440 BDB #815 |
Together, ʿâl and pânîym mean upon the face of, towards the face of, facing, in front of, before (as in preference to), in addition to, overlooking; before; east of; on [upon, over] the surface of; above; besides; over-against. Literally, they would be translated upon faces of. |
Here, mostly we are looking at being in opposition to; being against. These meanings come from the context and the meaning of the preposition; they were not taken out of Gesenius. |
194. Adverb: penîymâh (פְּנִימָה) [pronounced pehn-EE-maw], which means indoors, within, in, towards the inside; to wall of the house; a room or court which is opposite the door [thus meeting the eyes of those entering the door]. Strong’s #6441 BDB #819. 1Kings 6:18
penîymâh (פְּנִימָה) [pronounced pehn-EE-maw] |
indoors, within, in, towards the inside; to wall of the house; a room or court which is opposite the door [thus meeting the eyes of those entering the door] |
adverb of location |
Strong’s #6441 BDB #819 |
Although Owens speaks of this having a locative hê; that is a part of the spelling of this word and thus taken into account when its meaning is given. |
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
penîymâh (פְּנִימָה) [pronounced pehn-EE-maw] |
indoors, within, in, towards the inside; to wall of the house; a room or court which is opposite the door [thus meeting the eyes of those entering the door] |
adverb of location |
Strong’s #6441 BDB #819 |
Although Owens speaks of this having a locative hê; that is a part of the spelling of this word and thus taken into account when its meaning is given. |
Owens translates from indoors simply as indoors. |
195. Adjective: penîymîy (פְּנִימִי) [pronounced pehn-ee-MEE], which means inner, innermost, interior. Strong’s #6442 BDB #819. 1Kings 6:27 7:12
penîymîy (פְּנִימִי) [pronounced pehn-ee-MEET] |
inner, innermost, interior |
masculine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6442 BDB #819 |
196. Adjective: which means anterior. Strong’s #3942 or 6440? BDB #819.
197. Proper_noun: Penîyʾêl (פְּנִיאֵל) [pronounced pehn-ee-ALE], which means facing God; transliterated Penuel, Peniel. Strong’s #6439 BDB #819. Gen. 32:30, 31
Penîyʾêl (פְּנִיאֵל) [pronounced pehn-ee-ALE] |
facing God; transliterated Penuel, Peniel |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #6439 BDB #819 |
Penûwʾêl (פְּנוּאֵל) [pronounced pehn-oo-ALE] |
facing God; transliterated Penuel, Peniel |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #6439 BDB #819 |
This is also spelled Penîyʾêl (פְּנִיאֵל) [pronounced pehn-ee-ALE] Penûwʾêl (פְּנוּאֵל) [pronounced pehn-oo-ALE]. |
198. Masculine_proper_noun: Yephunneh (יְפֻנֶּה) [pronounced yef-oon-NEH], which means he will be prepared; he will be facing; transliterated Jephunneh. Strong’s #3312 BDB #819. Deut. 1:36
Yephunneh (יְפֻנֶּה) [pronounced yef-oon-NEH] |
he will be prepared; he will be facing; transliterated Jephunneh |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3312 BDB #819 |
199. Masculine_noun: pên (נ̤) [pronounced payn], which means corner. Found only in Prov. 7:8 Zech. 14:10.* Strong’s #6434 BDB #819. None
200. Feminine_noun: phînâh (פִנָה) [pronounced pin-NAW], which means corner. It is used figuratively for a chief, ruler; a man who is a support or a cornerstone of a people. Strong’s #6438 BDB #819. Exodus 27:2 Judges 20:2 1Sam. 14:38 1Kings 7:34 Job 1:19 Psalm 118:22 Prov. 7:8
phînâh (פִנָה) [pronounced pin-NAW] |
corner, cornerstone; figuratively for a chief, ruler, a cornerstone of a people |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #6438 BDB #819 |
201. Feminine_noun: phenîynîym (פְּנִינִים) [pronounced pheh-nee-NEEM], which means precious stones, possibly rubies, pearls, corals. Plural noun. Strong’s #6443 BDB #819. Prov. 3:15 8:11
phenîynîym (פְּנִינִים) [pronounced pheh-nee-NEEM] |
precious stones, possibly rubies, jewels; pearls, corals |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6443 BDB #819 |
202. Feminine_proper_noun: Peninnâh (הָ̣נפ) [pronounced pen-in-NAW], which means not sure and is transliterated Peninnah. Strong’s #6444 BDB #819. 1Sam. 1:2
Peninnâh (הָ̣נפ) [pronounced pen-in-NAW] |
transliterated Peninnah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6444 BDB #819 |
Barnes tells us the Peninnah means pearl and that the name has the same significance as the name Margaret. |
203. Feminine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6444 BDB #819.
204. Piel_verb: which means to indulge, to pamper. Strong’s #6445 BDB #819.
205. Verb: which means to pass between. Possibly dubious. Strong’s #6448 BDB #819.
206. Proper_noun: Piçegâh (פִּסְגָּה) [pronounced pihs-GAW], which means cleft; transliterated Pisgah. Strong’s #6449 BDB #820. Deut. 3:17 4:49 34:1
Piçegâh (פִּסְגָּה) [pronounced pihs-GAW] |
cleft; transliterated Pisgah |
proper singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6449 BDB #820 |
ʾashedôth (אַשְדֹּת) [pronounced ahsh-DOTH] |
foundation; slopes, mountain slopes; cliffs; transliterated Ashdoth |
feminine plural noun; possible a proper noun |
Strong’s #794 & #798 BDB #78 |
It is unclear whether this is a proper noun, or a descriptor for a proper noun. It is not used anywhere else as a noun. Although Owens lists this as BDB #78, it is only located in my BDB #820. #798 is the plural of Strong’s #794 BDB #78, where all of its locations and forms are found. |
Piçegâh (פִּסְגָּה) [pronounced pihs-GAW] |
cleft; transliterated Pisgah |
proper singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6449 BDB #820 |
These words appear to occur together three times: Deut. 3:17 Joshua 12:3 13:20. |
207. Verb1: pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH], which means to pass over, to spring over; to spare; to pass by. Strong’s #6452 BDB #820. Exodus 12:13
pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH] |
to pass over, to spring over; to spare; to pass by |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6452 BDB #820 |
pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH] |
to skip; to pass over |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6452 BDB #820 |
This verb also came to mean to be wrenched, to be dislocated; to hesitate; to halt [between two things]; to limp. The initial idea is roughly the same: to skip over [something]; but this verb branched out into two sets of meanings, each with its own cognates. Both BDB and Gesenius differentiate between these two sets of meanings. |
208. Masculine_noun: Peçach (פֶּסַח) [pronounced PEH-sahkh] which means Passover; sacrifice of Passover; animal victim of the Passover; festival of the Passover; exemption; offering. Strong's #6453 BDB #820. Exodus 12:11 Deut. 16:1, 2
Peçach (פֶּסַח) [pronounced PEH-sahkh] |
Passover; sacrifice of Passover; animal victim of the Passover; festival of the Passover; exemption; offering |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6453 BDB #820 |
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge: This word comes from the Hebrew verb pasach, to pass, to leap or skip over. |
Whedon: The term passover, in its primary meaning, is applied to the lamb or kid; but the word was also used in an extended meaning for all the offerings of the feast. |
209. Proper_noun/location: Tiphesach (תִּפְסַח) [pronounced tihf-SAHKH] which means cross over; transliterated Tiphsah, Tiphsach. Strong’s #8607 BDB #820.
Tiphesach (תִּפְסַח) [pronounced tihf-SAHKH] |
cross over; transliterated Tiphsah, Tiphsach |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #8607 BDB #820 |
BDB: a place at the northeast limit of Solomon’s empire; located on the Euphrates river; a place in the northern kingdom of Israel which king Menahem attacked and where he ripped open all the pregnant women. |
210. Verb2: pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH], which means to be wrenched, to be dislocated; to hesitate; to halt [between two things]; to limp. Strong’s #6452 BDB #820. 2Sam. 4:4
pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH] |
to be wrenched, to be dislocated; to hesitate; to halt [between two things]; to limp |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6452 BDB #820 |
pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH] |
to be wrenched, to be dislocated; to hesitate; to halt [between two things]; to limp |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6452 BDB #820 |
pâçach (פָּסַח) [pronounced paw-SAHKH] |
to be made lame; to cause a dislocation |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6452 BDB #820 |
This verb also means to pass over, to spring over; to spare; to pass by. The initial idea is roughly the same: to skip over [something]; but this verb branched out into two sets of meanings, each with its own cognates. Both BDB and Gesenius differentiate between these two sets of meanings. |
211. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6454 BDB #820.
212. Adjective: piççêach (פִּסֵּחַ) [pronounced pihs-SAY-ahkh], which means lame. Strong’s #6455 BDB #820. 2Sam. 5:6 10:13 19:26
piççêach (פִּסֵּחַ) [pronounced pihs-SAY-ahkh] |
lame |
masculine singular adjective [used here as a substantive]; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6455 BDB #820 |
213. Verb: pâçal (פָּסַל) [pronounced paw-SAHL], which means to hew, to hew into shape, to carve [wood or stone]; to quarry. Strong’s #6458 BDB #820. 1Kings 5:18
pâçal (פָּסַל) [pronounced paw-SAHL] |
to hew, to hew into shape, to carve [wood or stone]; to quarry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6458 BDB #820 |
214. Masculine_noun: peçel (פֶּסֶל) [pronounced PEH-cell] , which means sculpted image, carved image, graven image, engraved image. It comes from a verb which means to hew into a shape, so graven image is a good translation; however, if that is too Old English, then sculpted image is more accurate. This word occurs a lot in the time of the judges and in the time of Isaiah, both times of great apostasy in the nation Israel. It is associated with trust in Isa. 42:17 and idolatry in this passage, indicating that this is more than just a mere sculpture. We first find this word in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:4. A peçel is an idol which is a carved or engraved image; it can possibly refer to a molten image which would have had the finishing touches put upon it by a chisel. The word found in this verse is listed under a different Strong's number (#6456) but it might just be the plural form of a word which may or may not be Hebrew originally. The NIV Study Bible suggests that this is a carved, wooden image, overlaid with silver. Strong's #6459 BDB #820. [Also see Strong’s #4541 BDB #651]. Exodus 20:4 Lev. 26:1 Deut. 4:15–17 5:8 7:5 Judges 17:3 18:14
peçel (פֶּסֶל) [pronounced PEH-cell] |
sculpted image, carved image, graven image, engraved image |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6459 BDB #820 |
215. Masculine_plural_noun peçîylîym (םי ̣לי ̣ס׃) [pronounced pesee-LEEM], which means carved images, graven images, idols; sculpted stones; strone quarries; carved stones. Gesenius suggest that these might be stone quarries. (Owen renders this sculptured stones as does the NRSV). The REB goes with carved stones. Its verb cognate means to carve, to cut, to hew into a shape. I would tend to disagree, as Moses tells the Israelites to burn the peçîylîym back in Deut. 7:5. Strong’s #6456 BDB #820. Judges 3:19
peçîylîym (םי ̣לי ̣ס׃) [pronounced pesee-LEEM] |
carved images, graven images, idols; sculpted stones; stone quarries; carved stones |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6456 BDB #820 |
I do not think that this word necessarily needs to refer to stone anything, as Moses tells the Israelites to burn the peçîylîym back in Deut. 7:5. |
216. Masculine_noun: paç (פַּס) [pronounced pass], which means extremity; flat [of hand or foot], palm; of a tunic reaching to the palms and soles. Strong’s #6446 BDB #821. Gen. 37:3 2Sam. 13:18
paç (פַּס) [pronounced pass] |
extremity; flat [of hand or foot], palm; of a tunic reaching to the palms and soles |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6446 BDB #821 |
217. Feminine_noun: which means abundance, plenty. Dubious. Strong’s #6451 BDB #821.
218. Verb: pâçaç (ס-סָ) [pronounced paw-SASS], which means to cease, to leave off; to disappear, to vanish; to fail; to spread oneself abroad. Strong’s #6461 BDB #821. Psalm 12:1*
pâçaç (ס-סָ) [pronounced paw-SASS] |
to cease, to leave off; to disappear, to vanish; to fail; to spread oneself abroad |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #6461 BDB #821 |
219. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6462 BDB #821.
220. Verb: which means to groan. Strong’s #6463 BDB #821.
221. Strong’s #660 BDB #821.
222. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6464 BDB #821.
223. Masculine_noun: ʾepheʿeh (ה∵עפ∵א) [pronounced efe-ĢEH], which means a kind of viper. It is only found here and in Isa. 39:6 59:5.* Barnes suggests that this is the most common and venomous of the serpents to be found in Northern Africa and South-western Asia. They are two feet long, about as thick around as a man’s arm, had have quick and penetrating poison, known to cause death within 15 minutes. They are beautifully spotted with yellow and brown, and sprinkled over with blackish specks. They have a large mouth and will inhale a large quantity of air, which they eject, which makes a very loud sound. Strong’s #660 BDB #821. Job 20:16
224. Verb: pâʿal (פָּעַל) [pronounced paw-ĢAHL], which is the poetical equivalent of ʿâsâh (see Strong’s# 6213 BDB# 793), and it means to do, to make, to construct, to fabricate, to prepare. Strong’s #6466 BDB #821. Exodus 15:17 Deut. 32:27 Job 7:20 11:8 Psalm 7:13, 15 15:2 44:1 59:2 64:2 Prov. 10:29
pâʿal (פָּעַל) [pronounced paw-ĢAHL] |
to do, to make, to construct, to fabricate, to prepare |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6466 BDB #821 |
pâʿal (פָּעַל) [pronounced paw-ĢAHL] |
doers, makers, those constructing (fabricating, preparing) |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6466 BDB #821 |
This word is the poetical equivalent of ʿâsâh (which means to do, to make, to construct). Strong’s# 6213 BDB# 793) |
225. Masculine_noun: pôʿal (פֹּעַל) [pronounced POH-ģahl], which means work, deed, act, doing; that which is made; acquisition; that which is produced by working (wages). The KJV renders this work 90% of the time. Strong’s #6467 BDB #821. Ruth 2:12 2Sam. 23:20 Psalm 44:1 64:6 95:9
pôʿal (פֹּעַל) [pronounced POH-ģahl] |
work, deed, act, doing; that which is made; acquisition; that which is produced by working (wages) |
masculine singular noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #6467 BDB #821 |
226. Feminine_noun: peʿullâh (פְּעֻלָּה) [pronounced peh-ool-LAW], which means work, recompense, wages; occupation; reward. In the plural, the pursuits of man. Strong’s #6468 BDB #821. Prov. 10:16
peʿullâh (פְּעֻלָּה) [pronounced peh-ool-LAW] |
work, recompense, wages; occupation; reward |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6468 BDB #821 |
227. Masculine_noun: mipheʿâlâh (מִפְעָלָה) [pronounced mihfe-ģaw-LAW], which means work, a thing made, deed. Strong’s #4659 BDB #821. Psalm 46:8 Prov. 8:22
mipheʿâl (מִפְעָל) [pronounced mihfe-ĢAWL] |
work, act; a thing made, deed |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4659 BDB #821 |
mipheʿâlâh (מִפְעָלָה) [pronounced mihfe-ģaw-AW] |
work, act; a thing made, deed |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4659 BDB #821 |
228. Verb: which means to thrust, to impel. Strong’s #6470 BDB #821.
229. Feminine_noun: paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-gahm], which means beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time; obviously a pretty unusual array of meanings. The gender of this noun is a curiosity; I could not find a rule that would fit it to indicate that it is feminine, although BDB and Gesenius both list it as being feminine (my problem here is that the verb is in the masculine plural). The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance does not list this as either masculine or feminine. Owen lists it as masculine. This appears to mean steps (of men or, apparently, of horses). Then connection here is that you have a succession of events which indicates that time is passing. For us and the movies for many years, it was the ticking of a clock. For the ancients, it might be the sound of footsteps or horse clomps or the banging of an anvil. Strong’s #6471 BDB #821. Gen. 2:23 18:32 27:36 29:34 30:20 33:3 41:32 43:10 46:30 Exodus 10:17 23:14 25:12 Deut. 1:11 16:16 Joshua 6:3 Judges 5:28 6:39 15:3 16:18, 20 20:30 [I may have to check on the pronunciation and the long â which needs to be a short a in the scriptures (except for 1Samuel and forward)]. 1Sam. 18:11 26:8 2Sam. 17:7 24:3 1Kings 7:4 9:25 Job 19:3 Psalm 57:6 106:43 Prov. 7:12
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
James Rickard: Interestingly, “now” is used twice in this verse, which is PAAM, פַּעַם , a noun in the Hebrew that means, “foot, step or time”, where its root means to “thrust, impel or beat persistently.” It differs from the more common word for “time”, ETH that indicates an event occurring in a particular setting. PAAM then often implies a recurring occasion...PAAM sometimes refers to a person’s walk or lifestyle before God, Psa 17:5; 119:133. |
The NET Bible: The repetition of the noun “time, step,” usually translated “now, this time,” signifies here “at one time…at another time” (BDB 822 s.v. פַּעַם 3.e). |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time; possibly now, at this time; finally |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
Based upon the usage of this word in Gen. 30:20, we might translate it now, at this time. |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
two times, two beats, two feet, two occurrences, two steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
peʿâmîym (פְּעָמִים) [pronounced peh-ģaw-MEEM] |
times, beats, feet, occurrences, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
1Kings 7:4 is an unusual usage of this particular word, as it is generally related to time. The ESV and Owens translate this tiers; Green’s Literal translation renders this rows; and Webster and WEB render this ranks. Are the windows set up in such a way as to reveal the time? |
230. Common phrase: Deut. 1:11 2Sam. 24:3
mêʾâh (מֵאָה) [pronounced may-AW] |
one hundred, a hundred, hundred |
feminine singular numeral |
Strong’s #3967 BDB #547 |
peʿâmîym (פְּעָמִים) [pronounced peh-ģaw-MEEM] |
times, beats, feet, occurrences, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
Together, these two words probably mean a hundredfold. |
ʾeleph (אֶלֶף) [pronounced EH-lef] |
thousand, family, (500?); military unit |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #505 (and #504) BDB #48 |
peʿâmîym (פְּעָמִים) [pronounced peh-ģaw-MEEM] |
times, beats, feet, occurrences, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
These two words together could probably be reasonably translated as a thousandfold. |
231. Common_phrase: Exodus 8:32 9:14 2Sam. 17:7
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
zôʾth (זֹאת) [pronounced zoth] |
here, this, this one; thus; possibly another |
feminine of singular zeh; demonstrative pronoun, adverb; with the definite article |
Strong’s #2063 (& 2088, 2090) BDB #260 |
Together, these appear to mean at this time. |
232. Common_phrase: The phrase, as time in time or as time against time or as time with time means as usual, as formerly, as in times past, as at other times, previously, as in previous times. We find this same phrase in Judges 20:30. 1Sam. 3:10 20:25
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison, resemblance or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, upon, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #none BDB #88 |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
The phrase, as time in time or as time against time or as time with time means as usual, as formerly, as in times past, as at other times, previously, as in previous times, customarily. We find this same phrase in Judges 20:30. |
233. Combo: 2Sam. 23:8
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
paʿam (פַּעַם) [pronounced PAH-ģahm] |
beat, foot, anvil, occurrence, time, steps; the connotation is the passage of time |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6471 BDB #821 |
ʾechâd (אֶחָד) [pronounced eh-KHAWD] |
one, first, certain, only; each, every; but it can also mean a composite unity; possibly particular; anyone |
numeral adjective |
Strong's #259 BDB #25 |
Together, these 3 words probably mean at one time, at the same time. |
234. Verb: pâʿam (פָּעַם) [pronounced paw-ĢAHM], which means to compel, to impel, to stir. In the Niphal it means to be troubled, to be agitated, to be disturbed. Its root meaning is to strike, to beat; as its noun cognate is anvil. Because of the noun cognate, I would think that compel is a stronger word and more accurate. This is the only time this verb is found in the Qal and it is the only time the Holy Spirit is the subject of the verb (although spirit is the subject of the verb in Gen. 41:8 Daniel 2:1, 3). Strong’s #6470 BDB #821. Gen. 41:8 Judges 13:25
pâʿam (פָּעַם) [pronounced paw-ĢAHM] |
to compel, to impel, to stir |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6470 BDB #821 |
pâʿam (פָּעַם) [pronounced paw-ĢAHM] |
to be troubled, to be agitated, to be disturbed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6470 BDB #821 |
pâʿam (פָּעַם) [pronounced paw-ĢAHM] |
to be troubled, to be agitated, to be disturbed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6470 BDB #821 |
235. Proper_noun/location: Pâʿûw (פָּעוּ) [pronounced paw-ĢOO], which means bleating; screaming; transliterated Pau, Pai. Strong’s #6464 BDB #821. Gen. 36:39
Pâʿûw (פָּעוּ) [pronounced paw-ĢOO] |
bleating; screaming; transliterated Pau, Pai |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #6464 BDB #821 |
This is also spelled Pâʿîy (פָּעִי) [pronounced paw-ĢEE]. |
236. Masculine_noun: paʿămôn (פַּעֲמֹן) [pronounced pah-ģum-ONE], which means bell (s). Strong’s #6472 BDB #822. Exodus 28:33
paʿămôn (פַּעֲמֹן) [pronounced pah-ģum-ONE] |
bell (s) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6472 BDB #822 |
237. Verb: phâʿar (ר-עָ) [pronounced faw-ĢAHR], which means to open wide. The verb peor means to open wide [the mouth or other chasm]; figuratively, to have voracious greed, to have an eager desire. Strong’s #6473 BDB #822. (Psalm 106:28) Job 16:10
238. Masculine_proper_noun: Paʿăray (פַּעֲרַי) [pronounced pah-guhr-AH-ee], which means, yawning, gaping; voracious; transliterated Paarai. Strong’s #6474 BDB #822. 2Sam. 23:35*
Paʿăray (פַּעֲרַי) [pronounced pah-guhr-AH-ee] |
yawning, gaping; voracious; transliterated Paarai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6474 BDB #822 |
239. Masculine_proper_noun: Peʿôwr (פְּעוֹר) [pronounced peh-ĢOHR], which means, cleft; transliterated Peor. Strong’s #6465 BDB #822. Deut. 3:29 4:3
Peʿôwr (פְּעוֹר) [pronounced peh-ĢOHR] |
cleft; transliterated Peor |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6465 BDB #822 |
240. Verb: pâtsâh (פָּצָה) [pronounced paw-TSAW], which means to part, to open [a mouth]; to snatch away; to set free; to deliver. Strong’s #6475 BDB #822. Gen. 4:11
pâtsâh (פָּצָה) [pronounced paw-TSAW], |
to part, to open [a mouth]; to snatch away; to set free; to deliver |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #6475 BDB #822 |
241. Verb: which means to cause to break, to cause to burst forth, to break forth with. Strong’s #6476 BDB #822.
242. Verb: pâtsal (פָּצַל) [pronounced paw-TSAHL], which means to strip off bark; to peel. Strong’s #6478 BDB #822. Gen. 30:37
pâtsal (פָּצַל) [pronounced paw-TSAHL] |
to strip off bark; to peel |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6478 BDB #822 |
243. Feminine_noun: petsâlôwth (פְּצָלוֹת) [pronounced pets-aw-LOHTH], which means peeled spots, peels, strips, stripes. Strong’s #6479 BDB #822. Gen. 30:37
petsâlôwth (פְּצָלוֹת) [pronounced pets-aw-LOHTH] |
peeled spots, peels, strips, stripes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6479 BDB #822 |
244. Verb: pâtsam (פָּצַם) [pronounced paw-TSAHM], which means to split (crack, break) open; to break off; to finish. Strong’s #6480 BDB #822. Psalm 60:2*
pâtsam (פָּצַם) [pronounced paw-TSAHM] |
to split (crack, break) open; to break off; to finish |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #6480 BDB #822 |
245. Verb: pâtsaʿ (פָּצַע) [pronounced paw-TSAH], which means bruise, wound, crushed; it is only found here and in 1Kings 20:37 SOS 5:7. Strong’s #6481 BDB #822. There is its noun cognate petsaʿ (ע ַצ ∵) [pronounced peh-TSAH], which means wound. Strong’s #6482 BDB #822. Deut. 23:1(2)
246. Masculine_noun: petsaʿ (פֶּצַע) [pronounced peh-TSAH], which means bruise, wound. Strong’s #6482 BDB #822. Gen. 4:23 Exodus 21:25
petsaʿ (פֶּצַע) [pronounced peh-TSAH] |
bruise, wound |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6482 BDB #822 |
247. Verb: which means to break. Strong’s #6327 BDB #822.
248. Masculine_proper_noun: which is transliterated Aphexin?. Strong’s #6483 BDB #823.
249. Verb: pâtsar (פָּצַר) [pronounced paw-TSAHR], which means to push, to press, to urge. When followed by the bêyth preposition, it means to press upon, to urge. In the Hiphil, it means to strike [on the mind], and therefore to be dull, to be stubborn. Infinitive is used as a noun meaning stubbornness. Strong’s #6484 BDB #823. Gen. 19:3, 9 33:11 Judges 19:7 1Sam. (13:21) 15:23 2Sam. 13:25
pâtsar (פָּצַר) [pronounced paw-TSAHR] |
properly, to beat, to make blunt; but means, to push, to press, to urge |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #6484 BDB #823 |
This is commonly followed by the bêyth preposition, which indicates the person being pressed or urged. |
pâtsar (ר-צָ) [pronounced paw-TSAHR] |
to strike [on the mind], and therefore to be dull, to be stubborn; defiant; to be insolent [arrogant, presumptive] |
Hiphil infinitive construct |
Strong’s #6484 BDB #823 |
250. Feminine_noun: petzîyrâh (הָרי.צ) [pronounced petsee-RAW], which means file. The word and/or meaning is dubious. There is no philological ground for stating a meaning. Strong’s #6477 BDB #823. 1Sam. 13:21*
petzîyrâh (הָרי.צ) [pronounced petsee-RAW] |
file; BDB and Gesenius give the meaning bluntness |
feminine singular noun (with a definite article) |
Strong’s #6477 BDB #823 |
251. Verb: pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD], which means, in the Qal, to go to a person, to visit, to have personal contact with, to sort out, to visit a person, to commit, to charge to the care of, to fall upon, to attack. The key is personal contact and the context determines what sort of personal contact is being referred to and whether this should be taken in a positive or a negative sense. In the Hiphil, the causative stem, it is translated appoint, set, make, committed, laid up. This is a sovereign act by Yahweh to place something on or over someone else. I would go with the more modern authorize, delegate, designate, or install. Authorize carries with it a causative rather than a direct sense. This is the word that we have used in taking a census; we have translated it number. What is being done is that each component part is being assigned or matched to a different person, just as each person was numbered in the census. In the Niphal (the passive stem) imperfect here and in the Niphal it is translated lacking, missing, wanting, appointed, visited. The basic definition given by BDB is attend to, visit, muster. The latter word is also translated number. The sub-definitions are (in the Qal): pay attention to, observe, attend to, seek (with interest or desire), to seek in vain (therefore, to need to miss, to lack), to visit (for different purposes), to appoint and possibly inspect, examine; (in the Niphal): to be sought, missed, to be lacking, visited, to be visited upon, to be appointed. Now, let me tell you what you will never hear from any lexicon: the key to all of these definitions is personal contact of some sort. Person A is in contact with person B in order to bless them, to discipline them, to number them, to appoint them, to look for them (and therefore, find them lacking or missing); in the Niphal, the passive stem, this is to be on the receiving end of such visitations. The British have a very similar colloquialism which may help some of you to grasp the meaning: sort; as in, I need to sort him out. Here, personal contact is required in order to achieve a desired result. The final given definition can be words which seem to be entirely unrelated to one another. To give you some examples (and we will look at only the Niphal): Num. 31:49b reads, "You servants have taken a sum of the men of war who are in charge and no man of us is missing." This means that there was no man who was not in personal contact with the census taker. A similar usage is found in Judges 21:3 1Sam. 20:18 2Kings 10:19. In Neh. 7:1, it reads Now it came to pass when the wall was rebuilt and I had set up the doors, and the gatekeepers and the singers and the Levites were appointed. What is occurring is that Nehemiah (or his servants) have come into personal contact with the gatekeepers, singers and Levites into order to get a head count and get them appropriately assigned to their duties. Nehemiah is not the subject of the verb here, but those he got into contact with are; therefore, it is in the passive voice. The Hithpael is the reflexive of the Piel; they do this to themselves and it can be intensified. The Hithpael definition is to muster, which is old English word meaning to compel [to go to war], to conscript, to enlist, to draft. Since this is in the reflexive, the tribe of Benjamin is doing this to themselves. But notice how the key is personal contact. Strong's #6485 BDB #823. Gen. 21:1 39:4 40:4 41:34 50:24 Exodus 3:16 4:31 13:19 20:5 30:12 32:34 Lev. 26:16 Num. 4:32 Deut. 5:9 20:9 Joshua 10:18 Judges 15:1 20:15 21:9 Ruth 1:1 1Sam. 2:21 11:8 14:17 15:2, 4 17:18 20:6, 18 25:7, 15 25:21 29:4 2Sam. 2:30 3:8 18:1 24:2, 4 Job 5:24 7:18 Psalm 8:4 59:5 106:4
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to go to a person, to visit, to have personal contact with, to sort out, to visit a person, to commit; to charge to the care of; to fall upon, to attack, to number, to take a census |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
This word can be used for the threat of evil (Ex. 20:5 Psalm 59:5) or for the promise of good (Gen. 50:24 Exodus 4:31 Ruth 1:6). |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
go to a person, visit, have personal contact with, sort out, visit a person, commit, charge to the care of; fall upon, attack, number, take a census |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
going to a person, visiting, having personal contact with, sorting out, visiting a person, committing; charging to the care of; falling upon, attacking, numbering, taking a census |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
being visited, having been personally contacted, being sorted out; being fallen upon, being attacked, a numbering of, taking a census |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to set over, to make overseer, to appoint an overseer; to commit, to entrust, to commit for care, to deposit; to appoint, to set, to make |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to be visited; to be deposited; to be made overseer, be entrusted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to be numbered; to number |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to be numbered; to number |
3rd person masculine singular, Hothpael imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
pâqad (פָּקַד) [pronounced paw-KAHD] |
to be sought, missed, to be lacking, visited, to be visited upon, to be appointed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6485 BDB #823 |
It is very difficult to give pâqad one or two English translations. (1) It can be used in a good sense to go to someone or to a place. (a) to visit; (b) to go in order to inspect and/or explore; hence to search; (c) to review, to number, to inventory; also, therefore, to miss, to find wanting (in this review or inventory); (d) to go to someone to take care of them; hence, to look after; also, to look to another for help. (2) Pâqad can be used in a causal sense (generally, then found in the Hiphil): (a) to set (someone over anything); (b) to commit, to charge to the care of; (c) to deposit anywhere. (3) The third set of meanings center around going to someone in a bad sense. Hence: (a) to fall upon, to attack; (b) used of God to chastise [the wicked]. There are further considerations depending upon the preposition which follows. |
252. Feminine_substantive: pequddâh (ה ָ ֻק ׃) [pronounced p'kood-DAWH] is the noun cognate for pâqad (ד ַק ָ) [pronounced paw-KAHD], which is translated appoint, set, make, committed, laid up, authorize, delegate, designate, number or install. We find pequddâh used to mean visitation in Jer. 8:12 10:15 and it appears to be a time when God has particular contact with someone, whether it be a positive or a negative visitation (recall the verb is used to visit and to punish in Lev. 18:25 Isa. 13:11 26:14; but also it has been used to visit and to bless or to take care of in Gen. 50:24–25). What is implied here is direct or personal contact with God. This is reasonably rendered case, providence, visitation, oversight. What appears to be implied in Numb. 4:16 is direct contact with God; so in this context, Eleaszer will have direct contact with the items name; that is, they will be under his oversight or under his visitation. This is reasonably rendered case, providence, visitation, oversight. This can also be rendered charge, something entrusted to someone, commission, trust, responsibility, as in Num. 4:16. Strong's #6486 BDB #824. Num. 4:16 Job 10:12 Spend more time on these last two!
253. Masculine plural abstract noun: which means musterings, expenses. Exodus 38:21.* Strong’s #6485 BDB #824.
254. Masculine_noun: pâqîyd (פָּקִיד) [pronounced paw-KEED], which means commissioner, deputy, overseer, officer. Strong’s #6496 BDB #824. Gen. 41:34
pâqîyd (פָּקִיד) [pronounced paw-KEED] |
commissioner, deputy, overseer, officer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6496 BDB #824 |
255. Feminine_noun: which means oversight. Strong’s #6488 BDB #824.
256. Masculine_plural_noun: piqqûwdîym (םי.ד ̣) [pronounced pik-koo-DEEM], which means commandments, mandates, precepts. This word is only found in the psalms. These are rules given by God which may be used to guide one’s life. Strong’s #6490 BDB #824. Psalm 19:8 103:18
piqqûwdîym (םי.ד ̣) [pronounced pik-koo-DEEM] |
commandments, mandates, precepts |
masculine plural noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6490 BDB #824 |
This word is found only in the psalms. In Psalm 103:18, it is spelled with a mem (which, according to Owen and the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament, is not a preposition here). |
257. Masculine_noun: pîqqâdôwn (פִּקָּדוֹן) [pronounced pik-kaw-DOHN], which means deposit, store, supply, reserve; a reserve held in protective storage. The dagesh in the pe makes it p rather than ph. The dagesh with the qof doubles the letter. We are given a good idea of its meaning in Gen. 41:36—it is a reference to grain which had been stored under guard, brought by the people to the government of Egypt to be sold back to them in times of famine. In other words, it is something stored for protection which will be needed at another date. A reasonable, but wordy rendering might be a reserve held in protective storage. It is also found in Lev. 6:2 and 6:4 Strong's #6487 BDB #824. Gen. 41:36
pîqqâdôwn (פִּקָּדוֹן) [pronounced pik-kaw-DOHN] |
deposit, store, supply, reserve; a reserve held in protective storage |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6487 BDB #824 |
258. Masculine_noun: mipheqâd (מִפְקָד) [pronounced mihf-KAWD], which means number; census; muster, appointment; appointed place; mandate, command. Strong’s #4662–4663 BDB #824. 2Sam. 24:9
mipheqâd (מִפְקָד) [pronounced mihf-KAWD] |
number; census; muster, appointment; appointed place; mandate, command |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4662 BDB #824 |
259. Proper_noun:
Mipheqâd (מִפְקָד) [pronounced mihf-KAWD] |
number; census; muster, appointment; appointed place; mandate, command; transliterated Miphkad |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4663 BDB #824 |
One of the gates of Jerusalem. Word is identical to Strong’s #4662 BDB #824. |
260. Verb: pâqach (פָּקַח) [pronounced paw-KAHKH], which means to open [one’s eyes and ears]; to restore sight; to enable [someone] to see [things which are hidden from the eyes of mortals]. Strong’s #6491 BDB #824. Gen. 3:5, 7 21:19 Psalm 146:8
pâqach (פָּקַח) [pronounced paw-KAHKH] |
to open [one’s eyes and ears]; to restore sight; to enable [someone] to see [things which are hidden from the eyes of mortals] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6491 BDB #824 |
pâqach (פָּקַח) [pronounced paw-KAHKH] |
opening [one’s eyes and ears]; restoring sight; to enabling [someone] to see [things which are hidden from the eyes of mortals] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6491 BDB #824 |
pâqach (פָּקַח) [pronounced paw-KAHKH] |
to be opened; receiving opening |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6491 BDB #824 |
261. Adjective: which means seeing. Strong’s #6493 BDB #824. Exodus 4:11 23:8
piqqêach (פִּקֵּחַ) [pronounced pihk-KAY-ahkh] |
seeing, clear-sighted; informally, intelligent, wise |
adjective |
Strong’s #6493 BDB #824 |
Owens translates this the officials in Exodus 23:8. |
262. Masculine_noun: which means opening [of the eyes]. Strong’s #6495 BDB #824.
263. Masculine_plural_noun: peqâʿîym (פְּקָעִים) [pronounced PEH-kawģ-eem], which means an architectural term: knob-shaped or ball-shaped or gourd-shaped carved wood or metal ornament. Strong’s #6497 BDB #825. 1Kings 6:18 7:24
peqâʿîym (פְּקָעִים) [pronounced PEH-kawģ-eem] |
an architectural term: knob-shaped or ball-shaped or gourd-shaped carved wood or metal ornament |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6497 BDB #825 |
264. Feminine_plural_noun: which means gourds; maybe wild cucumbers. Strong’s #6498 BDB #825.
265. Masculine_noun: pereʾ (פֶּרֶא) [pronounced PEH-reh], which means wild ass; a wild running animal. Strong’s #6501 BDB #825. Gen. 16:12
pereʾ (פֶּרֶא) [pronounced PEH-reh] |
wild ass; a wild running animal |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6501 BDB #825 |
Also spelled pereh (פֶּרֶה) [pronounced PEH-reh]. |
266. Verb1: pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD], which means to divide, to separate; to be divided, to be separated. I might be able to tighten down these definitions. Strong’s #6504 BDB #825. Gen. 2:10 10:4 13:9 25:23 30:40 Deut. 32:8 Judges 4:10, 11 Ruth 1:17 2Sam. 2:23
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to divide, to separate; to break off, to break in pieces, to separate by breaking; to expand; to scatter |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
dividing, separating, breaking off [forth]; dispersing, scattering, expanding |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to divide, to separate; to be divided, to be separated; to separate oneself |
3rd person singular, Niphal perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to be separated; to go aside; to go outside |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to be divided [separated]; to be singular |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to divide, to separate, to make a division; to disperse |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
pârad (פָּרַד) [pronounced paw-RAHD] |
to be divided [separated]; to separate oneself; to be put asunder; to be dispersed |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6504 BDB #825 |
267. Feminine_noun: which means grain of seed. Strong’s #6507 BDB #825.
268. Verb2: which means to flee, to run away. Strong’s #6514 BDB #825.
269. Masculine_noun: pered (פֶּרֶד) [pronounced PEH-red], which means mule. Strong’s #6505 BDB #825. 2Sam. 13:29 18:9 1Chron. 12:40 Psalm 32:9
pered (פֶּרֶד) [pronounced PEH-red] |
mule |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6505 BDB #825 |
270. Feminine_noun: piredâh (פִּרְדָה) [pronounced pihr-DAW], which means mule, she mule; mule ridden upon by a king. Ridden by a king. Strong’s #6506 BDB #825. 1Kings 1:33
piredâh (פִּרְדָה) [pronounced pihr-DAW] |
mule, she mule; mule ridden upon by a king |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6506 BDB #825 |
271. Masculine_noun: pardêç (פַּרְדֵּס) [pronounced pahr-DAYÇ], which means preserve, park, forest, orchard, enclosed garden. Strong’s #6508 BDB #825. Eccles. 2:5
pardêç (פַּרְדֵּס) [pronounced pahr-DAYÇ] |
preserve, park, forest, orchard, enclosed garden |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6508 BDB #825 |
272. Verb: pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW], which means to bear fruit, to be fruitful; to bear young, to have lots of children. In the Hiphil, this means to cause to become fruitful, to make fruitful. Strong’s #6509(6500) BDB #826. Gen. 1:22 8:17 9:1, 7 17:6 26:22 28:3 35:11 41:52 47:27 49:22 Exodus 1:7 23:30 Deut. 29:18 Psalm 105:24
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
to bear fruit, to be fruitful; to bear young, to have lots of children |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6509 (& #6500) BDB #826 |
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
bearing fruit, being fruitful; bearing young, having lots of children |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6509 (& #6500) BDB #826 |
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
bear fruit, be fruitful; bear young, have lots of children |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #6509 (& #6500) BDB #826 |
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
to cause to become fruitful, to make fruitful; to increase with offspring |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6509 (& #6500) BDB #826 |
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
causing one to become fruitful, making fruitful; increasing with offspring |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #6509 (& #6500) BDB #826 |
This can also be spelled pârâʾ (פָּרָא) [pronounced paw-RAW]. This spelling is only found in Hosea 13:15. Strong’s #6500 BDB #826. |
273. Masculine_noun: perîy (פְּרִי) [pronounced peree], which means fruit. Strong’s #6529 BDB #826. Gen. 1:11 3:2 4:3 30:2 Exodus 10:15 Deut. 1:25 Psalm 21:10 132:11 148:9 Prov. 1:31 8:19 Eccles. 2:5
perîy (פְּרִי) [pronounced peree] |
fruit, produce (of the ground); fruit, offspring, children, progeny (of the womb); fruit (of one’s actions, labor), yield |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6529 BDB #826 |
274. Masculine_noun: which means structure. Strong’s #6503 BDB #826.
275. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6513 BDB #826.
276. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6516 BDB #826.
277. Masculine_noun: pârâz (ז ָר ָ) [pronounced paw-RAWZ], which means either villages or leaders. Strong’s #6518 BDB #826. (Judges 5:7)
278. Feminine_noun: It is also similar to the word which means country, villages, open region. Strong’s #6519 BDB #826. (Judges 5:7)
279. Masculine_noun: which means hamlet-dweller. Strong’s #6521 BDB #826.
280. Masculine_noun: perâzôwn (ןז ָר ׃) [pronounced peraw-ZOHN], which means rule, dominion; rural expansion; true leadership. This word is speculated to mean peasantry (NASB, Owen), villages (Young), rulers (Rotherham), mighty men (Septuagint) and village life (NIV). We might could get away with the rendering rural expansion. In examining this in context, I think I will render this as true leadership. Strong’s #6520 BDB #826. Judges 5:7, 11*
perâzôwn (ןז ָר ׃) [pronounced peraw-ZOHN] |
rule, dominion; rural expansion; true leadership |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6520 BDB #826 |
This word is very similar to the masculine noun perâzîy (י ̣ז ָר ׃) [pronounced peraw-ZEE], which means villages, hamlets, country area, country dweller. (Strong’s #6521 BDB #826). It is also similar to the word which means country, villages, open region (Strong’s #6519 BDB #826). However, it is also similar to the word pârâz (ז ָר ָ) [pronounced paw-RAWZ], which means either villages or leaders. (Strong’s #6518 BDB #826). |
281. Masculine_noun: perâzîy (פְּרָזִי) [pronounced peraw-ZEE], which means country, rural. It is found only three times in the Old Testament (here and 1Sam. 6:18 Esther 9:19) and each time translated differently in the Authorized Version: unwalled, country, villages. It should be translated country or rural. With the wide application of the word ʿar, the change of the English translation of the word is acceptable. Strong's #6521 BDB #826. The Doctrine of the Perizzites Deut. 3:5 (Judges 5:7) 1Sam. 6:18
perâzîy (פְּרָזִי) [pronounced pehr-aw-ZEE] |
country, rural; open region; unwalled; villager, rural dweller, hamlet-dweller, country folk |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6521 BDB #826 |
This is also spelled perôzîy (פְּרֹזִי) [pronounced pehr-oh-ZEE]. |
282. Gentilic_adjective: Perizzîy (פְּרִזִּי) [pronounced per-ihz-ZEE], which means belonging to a village; rural population, rustics; and is transliterated Perizzite. Strong’s #6522 BDB #827. Gen. 13:7 Doctrine of Perizzites Gen. 15:20 34:30 Exodus 3:8 23:23 33:2 Deut. 20:17 Judges 1:4 1Kings 9:20
Perizzîy (פְּרִזִּי) [pronounced per-ihz-ZEE] |
which possibly means belonging to a village; rural population, rustics; and is transliterated Perizzite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6522 BDB #827 |
I realize that these appear to be almost contradictory definitions: BDB tells us that Perizzite means belonging to a village and Strong says it means inhabitants of the open country. |
283. Verb1: pârach (פָּרַח) [pronounced paw-rahkh], which means to bud, to sprout, to bloom, to shoot. This is obviously not a thing that the plant does consciously—it is caused to bud or caused to sprout. Strong’s #6524 BDB #827. Gen. 40:10 Exodus 9:9 Job 14:9
pârach (פָּרַח) [pronounced paw-rahkh] |
to bud, to sprout, to bloom, to shoot; to break out [of leprosy]; to fly |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6524 BDB #827 |
pârach (פָּרַח) [pronounced paw-rahkh] |
budding, sprouting, blooming, shooting up; breaking out |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6524 BDB #827 |
pârach (פָּרַח) [pronounced paw-rahkh] |
to cause to bud, to make sprout, to cause to bloom, to show buds, to show sprouts |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6524 BDB #827 |
284. Proper_noun: Pârûwach (פָּרוּחַ) [pronounced paw-ROO-ahkh], which means, blossomed, sprout; transliterated Paruach, Paruah. Strong’s #6515 BDB #827. 1Kings 4:17
Pârûwach (פָּרוּחַ) [pronounced paw-ROO-ahkh] |
blossomed, sprout; transliterated Paruach, Paruah |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #6515 BDB #827 |
285. Masculine_noun: perach (פֶּרַח) [pronounced PEH-rahkh], which means bloom, blossom, bud, flower; sprout. Strong’s #6525 BDB #827. Exodus 25:31 1Kings 7:26, 49
perach (פֶּרַח) [pronounced PEH-rahkh] |
bloom, blossom, bud, flower; sprout |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6525 BDB #827 |
286. Masculine collective noun: which means brood. Strong’s #6526 BDB #827.
287. Masculine_noun: ʾepherôach (אֶפְרֹחַ) [pronounced ehf-ROW-ahkh], which means young bird; young one. In plural, young ones, young. Strong’s #667 BDB #827. Deut. 22:6
ʾepherôach (אֶפְרֹחַ) [pronounced ehf-ROW-ahkh] |
young bird; young one |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #667 BDB #827 |
ʾepherôchîym (אֶפְרֹחִים) [pronounced ehf-ROW-eem] |
young birds; young, young ones |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #667 BDB #827 |
288. Verb2: which means to break out [in leprosy-type eruptions]. Strong’s #6524 BDB #827.
289. Verb3: which means to fly. Strong’s #6524 BDB #827.
290. Masculine_noun: which means the broken off [i.e., fallen grapes]. Strong’s #6528 BDB #827.
291. Masculine_noun: perek (פֶּרֶ) [pronounced PEH-rehk], which means harshness, severity, cruelty; crushing; oppression, tyranny. Strong’s #6531 BDB #827. Exodus 1:13
perek (פֶּרֶ) [pronounced PEH-rehk] |
harshness, severity, cruelty; crushing; oppression, tyranny |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6531 BDB #827 |
292. Feminine_noun: pôreketh (פֹּרֶכֶת) [pronounced poh-REH-keith], which means curtain, veil. Strong’s #6532 BDB #827. Exodus 26:31 30:6
pôreketh (פֹּרֶכֶת) [pronounced poh-REH-keith] |
curtain, veil |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6532 BDB #827 |
293. Verb: which means to tear, to rend, to rip [a garment]. Strong’s #6533 BDB #827.
294. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nada and is transliterated . Strong’s #6534 BDB #828.
295. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nada and is transliterated . Strong’s #6535 BDB #828.
296. Masculine_proper_noun/territory: which is transliterated Persia. Strong’s #6539 BDB #828.
297. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated Persian. Strong’s #6542 BDB #828.
298. Verb: pâraʿ (פָּרַס) [pronounced paw-RAHS], which means to break in two, to divide. This is an interesting word found mostly in Lev. 11 and Deut. 14 in reference to animal’s whose hooves are divided. By application, when something is divided, the purpose is to evenly distribute it. Strong’s #6536 BDB #828. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7)
299. Masculine_noun: which means bearded vulture, ossifrage. We’re guessing on the type of bird. Strong’s #6538 BDB #828.
300. Feminine_noun: parsâh (פַּרְסָה) [pronounced pahr-SAW], which means hoof [of ruminants, horses]. Probably a reference to a divided hoof; however, Strong’s #6541 BDB #828. Exodus 10:26
parsâh (פַּרְסָה) [pronounced pahr-SAW] |
hoof [of ruminants, horses] |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #6541 BDB #828 |
It appears to be used of horses, who do not have a divided hoof. |
301. Verb1: which means to go over the top, to excel. Strong’s #none BDB #828.
302. Masculine_noun1: which means a leader. See below. Strong’s #6545 BDB #828.
303. Verb: pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ], which means to let go, to let loose, to let alone. It is found in Prov. 1:25 4:15 8:33 13:18 15:32 29:18 and we have seen this word in Exodus 32:25 and it has to do with the removal of something (this is the only way it will jive with its use in Exodus 5:4 and Prov. 13:18 15:32). In this context, it is the removal of the hood from the head (head, by the way, is the literal translation, and not hair). This verb is also found in (this is a complete listing) Lev. 10:6 21:10 Num. 5:18 Judges 5:2 2Chron. 28:19 Prov. 1:25 4:15 8:33 29:18 Ezek. 24:14. Strong's #6544 BDB #828. Exodus 5:4 32:25 Lev. 13:45 more work could be done here; does this mean to act like a leader? Prov. 1:25 4:15 8:33
pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ] |
to let go, to let loose, to let alone; to unbridle, to let one’s reins loose |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6544 BDB #828 |
This verb appears to have a plethora of meanings: 1) to let go of, to let loose of in the sense of to remove, to take off, to uncover; 2) to let go of, to unleash [vengeance]; 3) to let go of, to take [from oneself] [learning, counsel, doctrine]; 4) to let go of, to let loose [of someone]; to let the reins loose; to unbridle; to become lawless, unrestrained. |
To be quite frank with you, I am not all that happy with this set of definitions which I have put together; however, I find it to be a superior handling of this verb than I find in Gesenius or in BDB. |
pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ] |
let go [of], let loose [of], let alone; avoid; unleash, unbridle |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #6544 BDB #828 |
pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ] |
were let go, letting loose, letting alone; being unrestrained, unbridled, lawless |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #6544 BDB #828 |
pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ] |
to let go, to let loose [of one’s inhibitions, training, morals], to become unbridled, to be lawless |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6544 BDB #828 |
pâraʿ (פָּרַע) [pronounced paw-RAHĢ] |
to let go of [someone], to let loose [of someone], to make unbridled, to make lawless |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6544 BDB #828 |
304. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #6552 BDB #828.
305. Gentilic_adjective: Pireʿâthôwnîy (פִּרְעָתוֹנִי) [pronounced pihr-ģaw-thoh-NEE], which means height; he makes lofty, transliterated Pirathonite. Strong’s #6553 BDB #828. 2Sam. 23:30
Pireʿâthôwnîy (פִּרְעָתוֹנִי) [pronounced pihr-ģaw-thoh-NEE] |
height; he makes lofty, transliterated Pirathonite |
Gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6553 BDB #828 |
306. Verb2: which means to sprout [as hair on the head]. Strong’s #none BDB #828.
307. Masculine_noun2: The word for locks (as in locks of hair) is peraʿ (ע ַר ∵) [pronounced PEH-rah], which is found in Num. 6:5 Ezek. 44:20 Strong’s #6545 BDB #828.
308. Feminine_plural_noun: perâʿôwth (תעָר ׃) [pronounced peraw-ĢOATH], which means long-haired leaders; warriors [with shaved heads]. This word is found only here and in Judges 5:2.* After the construct of head, we have the interesting word Strong’s. Owens translates this as from the long-haired heads of; Young as from the head of the freedman of; The Emphasized Bible renders this: with the chief leader [= head of the leadership] of; NASB: from the long-haired leaders of; The Amplified Bible translates this the long-haired heads of. The word for locks (as in locks of hair) is peraʿ (ע ַר ∵) [pronounced PEH-rah], which is found in Num. 6:5 Ezek. 44:20 (Strong’s #6545 BDB #828). BDB, in fact, places Deut. 32:42 under Strong’s #6545. Apparently, as it this is one explanation found in BDB, there would be a vow taken by the soldiers, when in war, not to cut their hair. I prefer to think that the men involved were degenerate and one of the exterior signs of degeneracy was their long-hair. In the book of Judges, we are either dealing with men who have made a vow not to cut their hair until victory has been achieved, or with men who have cut all of their hair off (i.e., they let loose of their locks) as a sign of going to war. Strong’s #6546 BDB #828. Deut. 32:42 Judges 5:2*
perâʿôwth (תעָר ׃) [pronounced peraw-ĢOATH] |
long-haired leaders; warriors [with shaved heads]; military types |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6546 BDB #828 |
The difficulty of this word is related to the difficulty of understanding the verb above (from which it is derrived). We may be reasonably certain that this refers to military types, leaders, warriors; as pharaoh is derived from the same root verb. The word for pharaoh was probably the original word; but, since the Pharaoh of Egypt let the Israelites go, a verb was possibly constructed in the common vernacular, so that one might say He pharaoh-ed me; i.e., he let me go; or, he pharaoh-ed my hair; i.e., he let go of [cut] my hair. A vow might be taken by soldiers to not cut one’s hair; or to begin with one’s head shaved (as is done in our military); the word to represent these men who were military types would be perâʿôwth, which had the connotation of the removing of one’s hair for military service; and at the same time, infer that the rank of such of one was similar to the ranking of pharaoh. |
This is, to be sure, all conjecture; however, it is just as reasonable if not more so than anything which I have read in BDB or in Gesenius. |
309. Verb: see above⇑ pâraʿ (ע ַר ָ) [pronounced paw-RAH or paw-RAHG], which is translated variously as naked, uncover, avenging, avoid, perish, refuseth (these are translations from the KJV). BDB offers let go, let alone, let loose. When we let loose of some clothing, we remove that clothing. When we let loose of a person, we avoid that person; when we let loose of a thing, we refrain from or we neglect that thing. Gesenius, who seems to be better organized than Brown, Driver or Briggs, gives the overall meaning as to loose, to let go. Then he gives the various applications: to remit (or, to let loose of) a penalty (Ezek. 24:14); to let go of the reigns, hence, to be unbridled (and out of control) (Ex. 32:25); to overlook, to reject as counsel (Prov. 1:25 4:15); to make naked (i.e., to let go of one’s garments) (Lev. 13:45 Num. 5:18). However, neither BDB nor Gesenius offer a satisfactory explanation for this passage. Gesenius suggests that here it means to begin, to go before, which is fine for the context, but not really satisfactory insofar as the word itself goes. Now there are a lot of related words, some of them referring to head, hair of the head and pâraʿ is not really all that different from the word pharaoh. Strong’s #6544 BDB #828. Judges 5:2
310. Masculine_proper_noun: pareʿôh (פַּרְעֹה) [pronounced pahre-ĢOH], which means and is transliterated Pharaoh. In Egyptian, there is a similar noun which means great house; in the Hebrew, the similar nouns refers to hairy head, referring to one with great age and therefore wisdom and authority. Strong’s #6547 BDB #829. Gen. 12:15 37:36 39:1 40:2 41:1 42:15 44:18 45:2, 8 46:5 47:1 50:4 Exodus 1:11 2:5 3:10 4:21 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 12:29 13:15 14:3 15:4 18:4 Deut. 34:11 1Sam. 2:27 1Kings 3:1 7:8 9:16
pareʿôh (פַּרְעֹה) [pronounced pahre-ĢOH] |
great house; possibly hair head (indicating one of great age and therefore with wisdom and authority); transliterated pharaoh |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6547 BDB #829 |
311. Masculine_noun: parʿôsh (שֹע-) [pronounced pahr-ĢOHSH], which means flea. Strong’s #6550 BDB #829. 1Sam. 24:14 26:20
pareʿôsh (שֹער-) [pronounced pahre-ĢOHSH] |
flea |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6550 BDB #829 |
312. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6551 BDB #829.
313. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6554 BDB #829.
314. Verb: pârats (פָּרַץ) [pronounced paw-RATS], which means to break through, to break over the limits, to break out, to scatter, to disperse. Job has so much in the way of ancient world wealth that his possessions are breaking forth out of his space. He just doesn’t have enough room for all that he owns and part of this superabundance is land. My feeling is that this word is used as an idiom in the ancient world for tremendous wealth; that, or this is an exaggeration by Satan. This is a pent up quantity of water which has suddenly and forcefully burst forth out of its dam. Strong’s #6555 BDB #829. Gen. 28:14 30:30 38:29 Exodus 1:12 19:22 1Sam. 3:1 25:10 28:23 2Sam. 5:20 1Chron. 4:38 13:1 Job 1:10 16:14 Psalm 106:29 Prov. 3:10
pârats (פָּרַץ) [pronounced paw-RATS] |
to break, to break down, to destroy; to break asunder, to scatter, to disperse, to spread abroad; to break forth upon, to produce by breaking through; to act violently; to break through [negative volition, a bad attitude, a mindset, or whatever]; to spread, to distribute |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6555 BDB #829 |
pârats (פָּרַץ) [pronounced paw-RATS] |
to be broken, to be scattered (or, dispersed); to be spread abroad, to spread out, to be spread out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6555 BDB #829 |
pârats (פָּרַץ) [pronounced paw-RATS] |
to break off, to separate oneself [from anyone] |
3rd person feminine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6555 BDB #829 |
pârats (פָּרַץ) [pronounced paw-RATS] |
to be broken down, to be destroyed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6555 BDB #829 |
315. Masculine_noun: perets (פֶּרֶץ) [pronounced PEH-rets], which means a bursting forth, a breach, a break, a rupture [in a wall]. Because this is used in conjunction with breaking through the wall of an enemy, it figuratively means a dispersal of [one’s enemies], a slaughtering of [one’s enemies], an invasion of, a doing of violence to. Obviously, this is the noun cognate of the previous verb. This word can be used for the dispersal [of one’s enemies], the slaughter of one’s enemies (Judges 21:15 Psalm 144:14), an eruption, an invasion, violence (Job 16:14); a rupture, a breach [of a wall], a break [in a wall] (1Kings 11:27Isa. 30:13 Amos 4:3 Job 30:14); finally, it can refer to the place in battle which is the most dangerous, as in standing in the breach (Ezek. 22:30 Psalm 106:23). Strong’s #6556 BDB #829. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:12) Gen. 38:29 39:28, 29 Judges 21:15 2Sam. 5:20 Job 16:14 Psalm 106:23
perets (פֶּרֶץ) [pronounced PEH-rets] |
a bursting forth, a breach, a break, a rupture [in a wall], gap; an outburst |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6556 BDB #829 |
316. Proper_noun: A last name as well as used in locations. Gen. 38:29 46:12 2Sam. 6:8 1Chron. 13:11
Perets (פֶּרֶץ) [pronounced PEH-rets] |
a bursting forth, a breach, a break, a rupture [in a wall], gap; an outburst; transliterated Perez, Pharez |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6557 BDB #829 |
317. Masculine_noun: which means a violent one. Strong’s #6530 BDB #829.
318. Verb2: which means to make a notch, to make a mark by notching. Strong’s #none BDB #829.
319. Masculine_plural_noun: mipherâts (ץָרפ.מ) [pronounced mihfe-RAWTS], which means a break in the shore, a haven, a landing place. Strong’s #4664 BDB #830. Judges 5:17*
mipherâts (ץָרפ.מ) [pronounced mihfe-RAWTS] |
a break in the shore, a haven, a landing place |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4664 BDB #830 |
This word found only here, and variously rendered landing places (BDB), creeks (NASB and Rotherham), landings (Owen and Young), and ports (NJB). |
320. Verb: pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK], which means to tear apart, to tear away, to separate; to break, to break off, to break [or crush bones]; to break away, to liberate, to rescue. It is often used in the sense of rescue, redeem. Strong’s #6561 BDB #830. Gen. 27:40 Exodus 32:2, 3 Psalm 7:2 136:24
pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK] |
to tear apart, to tear away, to separate; to break, to break off, to break [or crush bones]; to break away, to liberate, to rescue |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6561 BDB #830 |
pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK] |
to tear off, to tear away |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6561 BDB #830 |
pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK] |
tear off, tear away, break off (away) |
2nd person masculine plural, Piel imperative |
Strong’s #6561 BDB #830 |
pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK] |
to tear off (away) from oneself, to be broken off, to be broken into pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6561 BDB #830 |
pâraq (פָּרַק) [pronounced paw-RAHK] |
tear off (away) from oneself, break off, break into pieces |
2nd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperative |
Strong’s #6561 BDB #830 |
321. Masculine_noun: which means a parting of the ways. Strong’s #6563 BDB #830.
322. Masculine_noun: which means a fragment. Strong’s #6564 BDB #830.
323. Feminine_noun: maphereqeth (ת∵ק∵רפ -מ) [pronounced mahf-REH-keth], which means neck. This word is only found here and there are no easily discernable cognates, which brings its meaning into question. However, the context would reasonably allow neck as the translation. Strong’s #4665 BDB #830. 1Sam. 4:18*
maphereqeth (ת∵ק∵רפ -מ) [pronounced mahf-REH-keth] |
neck |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4665 BDB #830 |
This word is only found here and there are no easily discernable cognates, which brings its meaning into question. However, the context would reasonably allow neck as the translation. |
324. Verb: pûwr (פּוּר) [pronounced puwr], which means to break, to crush; to violate; to frustrate, to make ineffectual. Strong’s #6331 BDB #830. Psalm 89:33
pûwr (פּוּר) [pronounced uwr] |
to break, to crush; to violate; to frustrate, to make ineffectual |
1st person singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6331 BDB #830 |
Gesenius and Strong both list this as its own verb. BDB lumps it in with Strong’s #6565, where some of the meanings are the same. I have taken some of the meanings from Strong’s #6565 and placed them here. |
Taken as a separate verb, this is found in only 3 passages (pûwr will be in bold): Psalm 33:10: The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing. He makes the thoughts of the peoples to be of no effect (HNV). Or: The LORD frustrates the counsel of the nations; He thwarts the plans of the peoples (HCSB). Psalm 89:33: ...but I will not remove from him my steadfast love or be false to my faithfulness (ESV). But I will not withdraw My faithful love from him or betray My faithfulness (HCSB). Ezek. 17:19: Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: As I live, surely it is my oath that he despised, and my covenant that he broke. I will return it upon his head (ESV). Interestingly enough, my unpointed Tanach from the Masoretic text with embedded Strong's Numbers (from e-sword) lists this as Strong’s #6331, as does my 1769 King James Version of the Holy Bible (also known as the Authorized Version) with embedded Strong's Numbers (also from e-sword). My King James Version of the Holy Bible (1850 revision) with embedded Strong's Numbers (from e-sword) lists this as Strong’s #6565. |
As you can see, the use here, in Psalm 89:33 is not easily reconciled with its use in Psalm 33:10 or Ezek. 17:19. The only difference—and this may be significant—is the preposition which follows the verb in Psalm 89:33, which is from, out from, away from; off. |
325. Verb1: pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR], which means to break, to break into pieces, to make void, to make of no effect, to declare void, to bring to nothing, to take away, to avert, to violate (a covenant), to frustrate in the Hiphil; to be made ineffective, to be frustrated in the Hophal; to be split or divided in the Hithpoel; and to divide in the Poel. I left out to avert in the Hiphil. The Pilpel stem is equivalent in meaning to the Piel, but there is a different pattern. Therefore, this would mean to break into pieces, to shatter, to crush, to crumble into pieces. [BDB gives this as two different verbs, the second meaning to split, to divide; however, there is no reason to split them like that; there is a 3rd which has to do with cows and is never used]. Strong’s #6565 BDB #830. Gen. 17:14 Judges 21:1 2Sam. 15:34 17:14 Job 5:12 15:4 16:12b Psalm 33:10
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to break, to break into pieces, to split, to divide; to frustrate; to crack through |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to break, to make [or, declare] void, to make of no effect, to bring to nothing, to make ineffectual; to take away, to violate (a covenant), to frustrate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to make void, to break; to be broken; to be made ineffective; to be frustrated |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to break apart, to divide |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to be split, to be divided; to be cracked through; to be broken |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
pârar (פָּרַר) [pronounced paw-RAHR] |
to shake |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #6565 BDB #830 |
326. Masculine_noun: par (פַּר) [pronounced pahr], which means bull, [especially a] young bull, steer. Although this term was often used of a yearling (Ex. 29:1 Lev. 4:3, 14 8:2, 14), it is also used of a 7-year old bull (Judges 6:25). Strong’s #6499 BDB #830. Gen. 32:15 Exodus 24:5 29:1, 10 1Sam. 1:24 1Chron. 15:26 Psalm 51:19
par (פַּר) [pronounced pahr] |
bull, [especially a] young bull, steer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6499 BDB #830 |
Although this term was often used of a yearling (Ex. 29:1 Lev. 4:3, 14 8:2, 14), it is also used of a 7-year old bull (Judges 6:25). |
This is also spelled pâr (פָּר) [pronounced pawr] in pausal form and with a disjunctive accusative. |
327. Feminine_noun1: pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW], which means heifer, cow. This is an interesting word found 25 times in Scripture—21 of those times in three chapters (Gen. 32 Num. 19 1Sam. 6). Strong’s #6510 BDB #831. Gen. 32:15 41:2, 18 1Sam. 6:7 Job 21:10
pârâh (פָּרָה) [pronounced paw-RAW] |
heifer, cow, kine |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6510 BDB #831 |
328. Proper feminine noun location2: pârâh (הָרָ) [pronounced paw-RAW], which is transliterated Parah? and means heifer, cow. Joshua 18:23.* Strong’s #6511 BDB #831. Joshua 18:23
329. Verb: pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced faw-RAHS], which means to spread out, to disperse. spread, to display; it is used to spread out a garment; and it is used to display, insofar as you spread something out so that it can be seen. This is not the same verb used in the phrase to stretch out your hands. We have similar phrasing in Psalm 143:1, 5–6; see also Isa. 1:15 25:11 65:2 Lam 1:17 Jer. 4:31 Zech. 2:6. Strong’s #6566 BDB #831. Exodus 9:29 25:20 Deut. 22:17 Ruth 3:9b 2Sam. 17:19 1Kings 6:27 8:7, 22 Job 11:13 Psalm 44:20 68:14 105:39
pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced paw-RAHS] |
to break, to break into pieces; to expand; to spread [out, over], to disperse; to display |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6566 BDB #831 |
pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced paw-RAHS] |
breaking into pieces; expanding; spreading [out, over], dispersing; displaying |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6566 BDB #831 |
pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced paw-RAHS] |
being broken into pieces; expanding; being spread out, being dispersed; being displayed |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6566 BDB #831 |
pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced paw-RAHS] |
to be dispersed, to be scattered, to be spread out |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6566 BDB #831 |
pâras (פָּרַשׂ) [pronounced paw-RAHS] |
to spread out, to disperse, to scatter |
Piel infinitive construct |
Strong’s #6566 BDB #831 |
330. Masculine_noun: which means a spreading out, a thing which has been spread out. Strong’s #4666 BDB #831.
331. Verb: which means to spread out. This is the Pilel of Strong’s #6566. Strong’s #6676 BDB #831.
332. Verb1: which means to make clear, to make distinct, to declare. I think this has been covered previously. Strong’s #6567 BDB #831.
333. Feminine_noun: which means exact statement. Strong’s #6575 BDB #831.
334. Verb2: which means to pierce, to string. Strong's #6567 BDB #831.
335. Feminine_noun: which means exact statement. Strong’s #6575 BDB #831.
336. Verb: which means to pierce, to string. Strong’s #6567 BDB #831.
337. Verb3: which means to cause to break out, to cause to burst forth. Strong's #none BDB #831
338. Masculine_noun: peresh (פֶּרֶש) [pronounced PEH-rehsh], which means fecal matter [from the intestines], excrement, dung. Strong's #6569 BDB #831. Exodus 29:14
peresh (פֶּרֶש) [pronounced PEH-rehsh] |
fecal matter [from the intestines], excrement, dung |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6569 BDB #831 |
339. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated Manassite. Strong’s #6570 BDB #831.
340. Verb4: which means one that breaks the ground. Strong’s #none BDB #831.
341. Masculine_noun1: which means horse, steed. Strong’s #6571 BDB #832.
342. Masculine_noun2: pârâsh (פָּרָש) [pronounced paw-RAWSH], which means horse, steed; horseman. Strong’s #6571 BDB #832. Gen. 50:9 Exodus 14:9 15:19 1Sam. 8:11 13:5 2Sam. 1:6 8:4 1Kings 1:5 4:26 9:19
pârâsh (פָּרָש) [pronounced paw-RASH] |
horse, steed; horseman |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6571 BDB #832 |
343. Masculine_noun: which means copy. A loan word. Ezra 7:11.* Strong’s #6572 BDB #832.
344. Masculine_noun: pareshedôn (נֹד ׃ש ׃רַ) [pronounced par-sheDOH], which means excrement, feces; waste from the intestines. It is found only here and the word for feces appears to be peresh (ש ∵ר ∵) [pronounced PER-resh]. There are two problems here: (1) although this is given as a masculine noun and the verb is in the masculine singular, the ah ending often refers to a feminine noun; and, (2) Gesenius believes that the h ending requires this to refer to a place where something came out; the something, Gesenius explains, is the blade (which is in the masculine singular and nearby); and Gesenius delicately renders this between his legs, although I am thinking that Gesenius is thinking anus, but he just doesn’t want to say that. However, his statement that the verb is far from the noun is patently false. If peresh does means feces, then it would not be a long leap to say that this word meant anus. However, there is no preposition and there is no sign of the direct object; furthermore, the next mostly likely subject is sword, which is a feminine noun; and the next mostly likely subject is therefore blade, which is in the masculine singular, but is not used as the subject anywhere else in this verse. Therefore, this is more likely the subject of the verb (which does bring us back to the problem of whether this is really a feminine noun. First mostly likely reading: And so came out the feces. Strong’s #6574 BDB #832. Judges 3:22
pareshedôn (נֹד ׃ש ׃רַ) [pronounced par-she-DOHN] |
excrement, feces; waste from the intestines |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6574 BDB #832 |
345. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #6577 BDB #832.
346. Masculine_proper_noun: Pherât (פְּרָת) [pronounced fe-RAWT], which means to break forth, rushing; transliterated Euphrates. Strong’s #6578 BDB #832. Gen. 2:14 15:18 Deut. 1:7 (2Sam. 8:3)
Pherât (פְּרָת) [pronounced fe-RAWT] |
to break forth, rushing; transliterated Euphrates |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6578 BDB #832 |
347. Masculine_plural_noun: which means nobles. Loan word from Persians. Esther 1:3 6:9 Daniel 1:3 Strong’s #6579 BDB #832.
348. Verb: which means to spread. Strong’s #6581 BDB #832.
349. Verb: which means to march, to step. Strong’s #6585 BDB #832.
350. Masculine_noun: pesaʿ (ע-∵) [pronounced PEH-sahģ], which means a step, a stride. Strong’s #6587 BDB #832. 1Sam. 20:3*
pesaʿ (ע-∵) [pronounced PEH-sahģ] |
a step, a stride |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6587 BDB #832 |
351. Feminine_noun: which means a stepping-region of body, hip or buttock. 2Sam. 10:4 1Chron. 19:4.* Strong’s #4667 BDB #832.
352. Verb: which means to part, to open wide. Strong’s #6589 BDB #832.
353. Masculine_noun: which means folly. Strong’s #6580 BDB #832.
354. Piel_verb: which means to tear in pieces. Strong’s #6582 BDB #832.
355. Verb: pâshaţ (פָּשַט) [pronounced paw-SHAHT], which means to remove one’s clothing, to flay, to remove the skin; in war, it is used to indicate a vicious attack, along the lines of flaying the skin off an animal. It means to spread out [in hostile array]; as well as to flay. BDB gives the meanings to strip off, to make a dash, to make a raid. In the KJV, they translate different verbs fell upon; and the NKJV tries to fix this by rendering these two different verbs as raided. Strong tells us that this comes from the ancient root to spread out (i.e., to deploy in a hostile array) and therefore to strip, to flay, to plunder, to unclothe. This verbs use in terms of an army coming and spreading itself out in a hostile array can be found in Judges 9:33, 44 1Sam. 27:8. The relationship to removing one’s clothing is that when clothing is put on, it is bound together and when it is removed, it is spread out. This word can also be used to flay a victim; that is, the remove their skin (Lev. 1:6 2Chron. 29:34 35:11). In the Hiphil, this means to cause someone to strip off their garments, to flay [a victim]. Strong’s #6584 BDB #832. Gen. 37:23 Judges 9:33, 44 20:37 1Sam. 18:4 19:24 23:27 27:8 30:1 31:8, 9 2Sam. 23:10 1Chron. 10:9 14:9 Job 1:17 19:9
pâshaţ (פָּשַט) [pronounced paw-SHAHT] |
to spread out; to strip, to plunder, to unclothe; to flay, to remove the skin; in war, means, to raid, to invade, to make a vicious attack; along the lines of flaying the skin off an animal |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6584 BDB #832 |
pâshaţ (פָּשַט) [pronounced paw-SHAHT] |
to strip, to strip off; to plunder, to spoil; to flay, to remove the skin |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6584 BDB #832 |
pâshaţ (פָּשַט) [pronounced paw-SHAHT] |
to cause someone to strip off their garments, to strip off; to flay [a victim] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6584 BDB #832 |
pâshaţ (פָּשַט) [pronounced paw-HAHT] |
to remove one’s clothing, to remove some of one’s own clothing |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6584 BDB #832 |
The Hithpael is the reflexive of the Piel (intensive stem). So this is some that he does to himself (and therefore, pâshaţ simply means to remove one’s own clothing or to remove some of one’s own clothing. |
356. Verb: pashaʿ (פָּשַע) [pronounced paw-SHAHĢ], which means to rebel, to revolt, to transgress. Strong’s #6586 BDB #833. 1Kings 8:50 Psalm 51:13
pashaʿ (פָּשַע) [pronounced paw-SHAHĢ] |
to fall away; to break away; to rebel, to revolt; to transgress, to sin |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6586 BDB #833 |
pashaʿ (פָּשַע) [pronounced paw-SHAHĢ] |
rebels, transgressors; sinners |
masculine plural, Qal participle |
Strong’s #6586 BDB #833 |
pashaʿ (פָּשַע) [pronounced paw-SHAHĢ] |
to be rebelled [revolted] against; to be at odds with one another; to be discordant with one another |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6586 BDB #833 |
Definitions for Niphal my impression from Gesenius. |
357. Masculine_noun: peshaʿ (פֶּשַע) [pronounced PEH-shahģ], which means violation, infraction, disobedience, insubordination, rebellion, transgression, trespass. It is pretty uniformly rendered transgression throughout the KJV, with a few exceptions of trespass and rebellion. Strong’s #6588 BDB #833. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:1) Gen. 31:36 50:17 Exodus 22:9 23:21 Joshua 24:19 (? Not 23) 24:11 25:28 1Kings 8:50 Job 8:4 Psalm 19:13 32:1, 5 51:1 59:3 89:32 103:12 Prov. 10:12, 19
peshaʿ (פֶּשַע) [pronounced PEH-shahģ] |
violation, infraction, disobedience, insubordination, rebellion, transgression, trespass |
masculine plural noun with the 1st person plural suffix |
Strong’s #6588 BDB #833 |
I am not sure about the difference between the singular and the plural. |
358. Masculine_noun: which means solution, interpretation. Loan word. Eccles. 8:1.* Strong’s #6592 BDB #833.
359. Masculine_noun: pisheteh (פִּשְתֶּה) [pronounced pishe-TEH], which means flax, linen, cotton. Flax is a plant grown in Palestine from which linen is made. BDB spells this somewhat differently. Feminine in Isa. 19:9. Strong’s #6593 BDB #833. Deut. 22:11 Judges 15:14
pisheteh (פִּשְתֶּה) [pronounced pish-THE] |
flax, linen, cotton |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6593 BDB #833 |
360. Feminine_noun: pishtâh (פִּשְתָּה) [pronounced pihsh-TAW], which means flax [the plant]; flax used for the wick of a lamp. Strong’s #6594 BDB #834. Exodus 9:31
pishtâh (פִּשְתָּה) [pronounced pihshe-TAW] |
flax [the plant]; flax used for the wick of a lamp |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6594 BDB #834 |
361. Feminine_noun: pôth/pôthâh (פֹּתָה/פֹּת) [pronounced pohth/poh-THAWH], which means sockets, hinges [equivalent to modern door hinges]; secret parts [meaning dubious]. Strong’s #6596 BDB #834. 1Kings 7:50
pôth/pôthâh (פֹּתָה/פֹּת) [pronounced pohth/poh-THAWH] |
sockets, hinges [equivalent to modern door hinges]; secret parts [meaning dubious] |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6596 BDB #834 |
362. Masculine_noun: which means a portion [of food]. Strong’s #6598 BDB #834.
363. Masculine_noun: which means edict, decree. Strong’s #6599 BDB #834.
364. Feminine_noun: pethayyûwth (פְּתַיּוּת) [pronounced perth-ah-YOOTH], which means, simplicity, naivete. Strong’s #6615 BDB #834. Prov. 9:13*
pethayyûwth (פְּתַיּוּת) [pronounced perth-ah-YOOTH] |
simplicity, naivete; foolish, foolishness |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6615 BDB #834 |
365. Verb1: pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW], which means to be spacious, wise, to be open. I wonder if this is a form of #6605? Strong’s #6601 BDB #834. Gen. 9:27 29:31 30:22 42:27 Exodus 21:33 1Kings 8:29
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to spread out, to open; to be open; to be open and ingenuous in mind [like children and young people] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
There also appears to be a homonym for pâthâh, which means to entice, to beguile, to deceive, to delude. There may be a connection here, where the idea is, your mind is so open, that you are deceived or beguiled. This could also be a slightly different form of the verb pâthach (Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 & #836), which can also mean to open, but it has a host of additional meanings as well. BDB lists these as separate verbs; Gesenius lists the meanings under the same verb, but in two sets of meanings (which overlap, to make things more confusing). |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
being spread out, being opened; having been opened and ingenuous in mind [like children and young people] |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to make spacious, to cause to be open |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
366. Adjective: pethîy (פֶּתִי) [pronounced PEH-thee], which means simple, easily-led, foolish; or, possibly, open-minded, receptive, suggestible. After looking at a few of the passages where this is found, I will go with the latter meaning. Strong’s #6612 BDB #834. Psalm 33:7 Prov. 1:4, 22 7:7 8:5 9:4, 5, (13), 16
pethîy (פֶּתִי) [pronounced PEH-thee] |
simplicity, naivete (feminine noun); simple, easily-led, foolish; open-minded, receptive, suggestible (feminine singular adjective) |
masculine singular adjective, acting as a noun |
Strong’s #6612 BDB #834 |
pethîy (פֶּתִי) [pronounced PEH-thee] |
simple, easily-led, foolish; or, possibly, open-minded; receptive ones |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #6612 BDB #834 |
Clarke says these are the ones who have been seduced and deceived. |
This word is found 15 times in Proverbs, 3 times in the Psalms and once in Ezekiel. |
367. Feminine_noun: which means simplicity. Strong’s #6612 BDB #834.
368. Verb2: pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW], which means to entice, to beguile, to deceive, to delude. It appears to be a rather difficult verb to deal with. BDB gives its means variously as to be simple, to be open minded, to be enticed, to be deceived (Qal stem); to be enticed into, to be deceived (Niphal); to persuade, to entire, to seduce, to deceive (Piel); and to be deceived, to be persuaded (Pual). The KJV gives as wide a variety of meanings to this word, even allowing for the participle to be rendered silly ones and flattereth. I think that we could live with to entice (through whatever means are necessary), to beguile. Barnes suggests that the verb is applied to one whose lips or mouth is open and is, therefore, open-hearted, ingenuous (not ingenious), unsuspicious; one who is easily influenced by others. I think that we could get away with one who has been deceived and possibly self-deluded one. Strong’s #6601 BDB #834. Exodus 22:16 Judges 14:15 2Sam. 3:25 Job 5:2 Psalm 78:35 Prov. 1:10
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to entice, to beguile, to deceive, to delude |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
There also appears to be a homonym for pâthâh, which means to spread out, to open, to be open [and ingenuous]. There may be a connection here, where the idea is, your mind is so open, that you are deceived or beguiled. This could also be a slightly different form of the verb pâthach (Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 & #836), which can also mean to open, but it has a host of additional meanings as well. BDB lists these as separate verbs; Gesenius lists the meanings under the same verb, but in two sets of meanings (which overlap, to make things more confusing). |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
simple, foolish; beguiled, deceived, deluded |
Qal passive participle (check if this doesn’t fit) |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to let oneself be persuaded [enticed, beguiled, deceived, deluded] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to persuade [anyone]; to beguile [with words], to deceive [delude] [anyone]; to entice, to seduce |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
pâthâh (פָּתָה) [pronounced paw-THAW] |
to let oneself be persuaded [enticed, beguiled, deceived, deluded] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6601 BDB #834 |
369. Masculine_proper_noun: Yepheth (יֶפֶתּ) [pronounced YEH-fehth], which means open, spacious; simple foolish, beguiled; and transliterated Japheth. Strong’s #3315 BDB #834. Gen. 5:32 6:10 7:13 9:18 10:1
Yepheth (יֶפֶתּ) [pronounced YEH-fehth] |
open, spacious; simple foolish, beguiled; and transliterated Japheth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3315 BDB #834 |
370. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; and transliterated . Strong’s #6602 BDB #834.
371. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6604 BDB #834.
372. Verb: pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH], which appears to be a true homonym. Its first meaning is to open (Gen. 8:6 Joshua 10:22). In the Piel, this can mean to engrave (Ex. 28:9 2Chron. 3:7); but it can also mean to loosen (Job 12:18 38:31 Psalm 116:16). This latter meaning tends to be found in poetry. Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 & #836. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:6) Gen. 7:11 8:6 24:32 41:56 43:21 44:11 Exodus 2:6 Deut. 20:11 Joshua 8:17 Judges 3:25 1Sam. 3:15 1Kings 7:36 Job 3:1 Psalm 51:15 105:20, 41 106:17 118:19
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to open, to open up; to let loose [as in, to draw (a sword]; to begin, to lead in |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
being opened, opening up; letting loose [as in, to draw (a sword]; having begun, being lead in |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to be opened, to open up onself; to be loosed, to be set free |
3rd person feminine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to free; to loosen; to open, to open onself; to open the ground, to plow; to open wood [to engrave, to carve] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to free oneself; to loosen onself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to open, to open onself up, to be opened; to open the ground [with a plough], to plough; to engrave, to carve; to let loose |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #836 (& #834) |
I placed this definition down at BDB #836. See below for another set of meanings. |
373. Masculine_noun: pethach (פֶּתַח) [pronounced PEH-thahkh], which means opening, doorway, entrance, gate [for a tent, house, or city]; metaphorically, gate [of hope, of the mouth]. Strong’s #6607 BDB #835. Gen. 4:7 6:16 18:1 19:6 38:14 43:19 Exodus 12:22 26:36 29:4 33:8 Deut. 22:21 Judges 4:20 19:26, 27 1Sam. 2:22 2Sam. 10:8 1Kings 6:8 7:5 Psalm 24:7 Prov. 1:21 5:8 8:3, 34 9:14
pethach (פֶּתַח) [pronounced PEH-thahkh] |
opening, doorway, entrance, gate [for a tent, house, or city]; metaphorically, gate [of hope, of the mouth] |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6607 BDB #835 |
374. Masculine_noun: which means an opening, an unfolding. Strong’s #6608 BDB #836.
375. Masculine_noun: which means an opening. Strong’s #6610 BDB #836.
376. Feminine_noun: pethîychôwth (פְּתִיחוֹת) [pronounced pehth-ee-KHֹOHTH], which means swords, drawn swords. Strong’s #6609 BDB #836. Psalm 55:21*
pethîychôwth (פְּתִיחוֹת) [pronounced perth-ee-KHֹOHTH] |
swords, drawn swords |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6609 BDB #836 |
377. Masculine_proper_noun: which means a drawn sword; transliterated . Strong’s #6611 BDB #836.
378. Proper_noun: Yiphetâch (ח ָפ̣י) [pronounced yif-TAWHKH], which means he [God] opens and is transliterated Jephthah. Strong’s #3316 BDB #836. Judges 11:1 1Sam. 12:11
Yiphetâch (ח ָפ̣י) [pronounced yif-TAWHKH] |
he [God] opens and is transliterated Jephthah |
proper masculine noun |
Strong’s #3316 BDB #836 |
379. Proper_noun/location: which means God opens; transliterated . Strong’s #3317 BDB #836.
380. Masculine_noun: which means an opening, an utterance. Strong’s #4669 BDB #836.
381. Masculine_noun: maphetêach ( ַח ֵ ׃פַמ) [pronounced mahf-TAY-ahkh], which means, literally, opener, as its verb cognate means to open. We may render this word key. Strong’s #4668 BDB #836. Judges 3:25
maphetêach ( ַח ֵ ׃פַמ) [pronounced mahf-TAY-ahkh] |
literally, opener, as its verb cognate means to open |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4668 BDB #836 |
382. Piel_verb: which means to engrave. See below. Strong’s #6605 BDB #836.
383. Proper_noun/location: which means key?; transliterated . Strong’s #5318 BDB #836.
384. Verb2: pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH], which means to engrave; to bore, to penetrate. Strong’s #6605 BDB #836. Exodus 28:9, 11
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to engrave, to carve |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
pâthach (פָּתַח) [pronounced paw-THAHKH] |
to be engraved; engraved |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6605 BDB #834 (& #836) |
385. Masculine_noun: pittuach (פִּתֻּחַ) [pronounced piht-TOO-ahkh], which means carved work, engraving; statue. Strong’s #6603 BDB #836. Exodus 28:10 1Kings 6:29
pittuach (פִּתֻּחַ) [pronounced piht-TOO-ahkh] |
carved work, engraving; statue |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6603 BDB #836 |
Also spelled pittûwach (פִּתּוּחַ) [pronounced piht-TOO-akhk]. |
386. Masculine_noun: which means rich robe. Strong’s #6614 BDB #836.
387. Verb: pâthal (פָּתַל) [pronounced paw-THAHL], which means, to be twist; to wrestle. Therefore, we can render this the twisted ones, or simply, the twisted. Strong’s #6617 BDB #836. Gen. 30:8 2Sam. 22:27 Job 5:13 (I wonder if this is related to snakes below). Prov. 8:8
pâthal (פָּתַל) [pronounced paw-THAHL] |
to be twisted; to wrestle; to be crafty, to be deceitful |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6617 BDB #836 |
pâthal (פָּתַל) [pronounced paw-THAHL] |
twisted, crafty, deceitful, perverse; wrestled |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #6617 BDB #836 |
The NET Bible: The verb פָּתַל (patal) means “to twist.” In the Niphal it means “to wrestle” (to twist oneself). It was used in Gen 30:8 for the naming of Naphtali, with the motivation for the name from this verb: “with great struggling.” Here it describes speech that is twisted. It is a synonym for the next word, which means “twisted; crooked; perverse.” |
Clarke: [Niphal participle meanings:] tortuous, involved, or difficult. |
pâthal (פָּתַל) [pronounced paw-THAHL] |
to be twisted; to twist oneself; to act perversely; to act deceitfully |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6617 BDB #836 |
388. Masculine_noun: pâthîyl (פָּתִיל) [pronounced paw-THEEL], which means, cord, thread; lace; line, ribbon, wire. Strong’s #6616 BDB #836. Gen. 38:18 Exodus 28:28 Judges 16:9b
pâthîyl (פָּתִיל) [pronounced paw-THEEL] |
cord, thread; lace; line, ribbon, wire |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6616 BDB #836 |
389. Adjective: which means torturous. Strong’s #6618 BDB #836.
390. Masculine_plural_noun: naphetûwlîym (נַפְתּוּלִים) [pronounced nahf-too-LEEM], which means striving, contentions; battles; wrestlings. Strong’s #5319 BDB #836. Gen. 30:8*
naphetûwlîym (נַפְתּוּלִים) [pronounced nahf-too-LEEM] |
striving, contentions; battles; wrestlings |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #5319 BDB #836 |
391. Masculine_proper_noun: Naphetâlîy (נַפְתָּלּי) [pronounced nahfe-taw-LEE], which means cord, thread; twisted; transliterated Naphtali. Strong’s #5321 BDB #836. Gen. 30:8 35:25 46:24 49:21 Exodus 1:4 Deut. 34:2 Judges 1:33 4:6 1Kings 4:15 7:14 1Chron. 12:34 Psalm 68:27
Naphetâlîy (נַפְתָּלּי) [pronounced nahfe-taw-EE] |
wrestling; possibly cord, thread; twisted; transliterated Naphtali |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #5321 BDB #836 |
392. Proper_noun/location: Pîthôm (פִּתֹם) [pronounced pee-THOHM], which means city of justice; transliterated Pithom. Strong’s #6619 BDB #836. Exodus 1:11*
Pîthôm (פִּתֹם) [pronounced pee-THOM] |
city of justice; transliterated Pithom |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #6619 BDB #836 |
393. Masculine_noun: pethen (ן ∵ת ∵) [pronounced PEH-then]; these are poisonous snakes, likely asps (Egyptian cobras). Even though their name lacks an s, it is almost an onomatopoetic name. Strong’s #6620 BDB #837. Deut. 32:33 Job 20:14
394. Masculine_noun: miphetân (ןָפ̣מ) [pronounced mif-TAWN], which means threshold. Strong’s #4670 BDB #837. 1Sam. 5:4
miphetân (ןָפ̣מ) [pronounced mif-TAWN] |
threshold |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4670 BDB #837 |
395. Substantive: pethaʿ (פֶּתַע) [pronounced PEH-thahģ], which means suddenly, suddenness, in an instant. Strong’s #6621 BDB #837. Prov. 6:15
pethaʿ (פֶּתַע) [pronounced PEH-thahģ] |
suddenly, suddenness, in an instant |
adverb, substantive |
Strong’s #6621 BDB #837 |
396. Adverb/substantive: pitheʾôm (פִּתְאֹם) [pronounced pihth-OHM], which means suddenness, suddenly; in a moment. Strong’s #6597 BDB #837. Psalm 64:4 Prov. 3:25 6:15 7:22
pitheʾôm (פִּתְאֹם) [pronounced pith-OHM] |
suddenness, suddenly; in a moment, in an instant; at that instant |
adverb/substantive |
Strong’s #6597 BDB #837 |
397. Verb: pâthar (פָּתַר) [pronounced paw-THAHR], which means to interpret [a dream]; to explain [a dream]. Strong’s #6622 BDB #837. Gen. 40:8, 16 41:8, 12, 15
pâthar (פָּתַר) [pronounced paw-THAR] |
to interpret [a dream]; to explain [a dream] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6622 BDB #837 |
pâthar (פָּתַר) [pronounced paw-THAR] |
interpreting [a dream]; explaining [a dream]; interpreter [of dreams] |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6622 BDB #837 |
398. Masculine_noun: pitherôwn (פִּתְרוֹן) [pronounced pihth-RONE], which means interpretation. Strong’s #6623 BDB #837. Gen. 40:5 41:11
pitherôwn (פִּתְרוֹן) [pronounced pith-RONE] |
interpretation, meaning |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6623 BDB #837 |
There is another, very similar spelling. |
399. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6624 BDB #837.
400. Gentilic_adjective: Patherucîym (פַּתְרֻסִים) [pronounced pahth-roo-SEEM], which means region of the south; in habitants of Pathros transliterated Pathrusim, Pathrusites. Strong’s #6625 BDB #837. Gen. 10:14
Patherucîym (פַּתְרֻסִים) [pronounced path-roo-SEEM] |
region of the south; in habitants of Pathros transliterated Pathrusim, Pathrusites |
gentilic plural noun/adjective |
Strong’s #6625 BDB #837 |
401. Masculine_noun: which means copy. Strong’s #6572 BDB #837.
402. Verb1?: tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tsoor], which means to break up, to crumble. Strong’s #6696 BDB #837. Deut. 2:9 20:12, 19 2Sam. 11:1 1Kings 7:15
tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tsoor] |
to bind, to besiege, to confine (shut up, cramp, enclose) |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6696 BDB #837 |
Tsûwr has 2 other sets of meanings: to show hostility toward, to be an adversary to, to treat as a foe; and to form, to fashion, to delineate. |
403. Feminine_noun: path (פַּת) [pronounced pahth], which means a fragment, a morsel, a piece [of bread]. Strong’s #6595 BDB #837. Gen. 18:5 Judges 19:5 Ruth 1:14a 1Sam. 2:36 28:22 2Sam. 12:3 Psalm 147:17
path (פַּת) [pronounced pahth] |
a fragment, a morsel, a piece [of bread] |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6595 BDB #837 |
404. Masculine_noun: which means fragment, morsel, piece [of bread]. Strong’s #6595 BDB #837.
18. צ, final ץ Tsâdêy [pronounced tsaw-DAY] (90) Written pronounced ts
1. צ, final ץ Tsâdêy [pronounced tsaw-DAY]; 18th letter in the Hebrew alphabet; used for the numeral 90.
2. Masculine_plural_noun: a kind of a lotus. Strong’s #6628 BDB #838.
3. Collective_feminine_noun: tsôʾn (צֹאן) [pronounced tzohn], which means small cattle, sheep and goats, flock, flocks. This is a collective noun which stands for a group of things. Flock is a good translation which conveys that. Strong’s #6629 BDB #838. Gen. 4:2 12:16 13:5 20:14 21:27 24:35 26:14 27:9 29:2 30:31 31:4, 38 32:5 33:13 34:28 37:2, 12 38:12 45:10 46:32 47:1, 3 50:8 Exodus 2:16 3:1 9:3 10:9 12:21 20:24 22:1 Deut. 16:1 1Sam. 8:17 14:32 15:9 16:11 17:15 24:3 25:2 27:9 30:20 2Sam. 7:8 12:2 17:29 24:17 1Kings 1:9 4:23 8:5, 63 1Chron. 12:40 Job 1:3 21:11 Psalm 95:7 Eccles. 2:7
tsôʾn (צֹאן) [pronounced tzohn] |
small cattle, sheep and goats, flock, flocks |
feminine singular collective noun |
Strong’s #6629 BDB #838 |
Also spelled tseʾôwn (צְאוֹן) [pronounced tseh-OWN]. |
4. Verb: tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tzaw-VAW], which means to assemble [by troops or in groups], to go forth [in war], to wage war, to serve. This is an interesting verb which occurs a dozen times or so, but not where we would expect it to (Joshua or Judges). This verb is used in relation to women serving at the Tent of Jehovah in Exodus 38:8 (twice) 1Sam. 2:22. It is used for the Levites assistance in serving the Tent of Jehovah in Num. 4:23 8:24. On the other hand, this word is used clearly for warring with one’s enemies in Num. 31:7, 42. This word is also used for the assembling of one’s troops for war in 2Kings 25:19 Jer. 52:25. In Isa. 29:7–8 31:4 Zech. 14:12, it could be taken to either mean the assembling of troops or the waging of war. Given this information, we should take this to mean to assemble [men or women for some type of service]. It can be extrapolated to mean to serve [in war or at the Tent of Meeting], depending upon the context. Strong’s #6633 BDB #838. 1Sam. 2:22
tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tzaw-VAW] |
to assemble [by troops or in groups], to go forth [in war], to wage war, to serve |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6633 BDB #838 |
tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tzaw-VAW] |
to cause to assemble [by troops or in groups], to cause to go forth [in war], to wage war, to cause [or make] to serve |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6633 BDB #838 |
5. Masculine_noun: tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tsawb-VAW], which means army, war, or warfare. It is usually translated hosts in the KJV, which often is sort of a pansy translation, as you do not realize that we are speaking of war and warfare when you hear the word host. Most people seem to think that we are speaking of a band of angels carrying harps and singing sweet hymns. However, the picture is more of a huge army of angels ready to do battle. This can refer to an organized group or (better) organized groups. This same word is used for Israel’s captivity and exile under Babylonia. When found in Job, this word should be rendered warfare, and it is figuratively used for a wretched, miserable condition of life (see Job 7:1 10:17 Isa. 40:2 Dan. 10:1). Strong's #6635 BDB #838. Gen. 2:1 21:22 26:26 6:26 Exodus 7:4 Num. 1:3 33:1 4:19 Deut. 17:3 Joshua 5:14 22:12 Judges 4:2 1Sam. 1:3 12:9 14:50 17:55 26:5 28:1 2Sam. 2:8 17:25 19:13 20:23 1Kings 1:19 2:5, 32 4:4 1Chron. 7:11 12:8 Job 7:1 10:17 14:14 Psalm 33:6 44:9 68:11
tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tsawb-VAW] |
army, war, or warfare |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6635 BDB #838 |
tsâbâʾ (צָבָא) [pronounced tsawb-VAW] |
that which goes forth, army, war, warfare, host; army, host; host (of organized army); host (of angels); of sun, moon, and stars; of whole creation; war, warfare, service, go out to war; service |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6635 BDB #838 |
See below for proper noun usage of this word. I may want to develop the plural meanings. |
6. Masculine_proper_noun: tsebâʾôwth (צְבָאוֹת) [pronounced tze- bvaw-OHTH], which means armies, wars. is simply the plural of tsâbâʾ. It is actually not given a separate listing in BDB. As a part of the above work, a use of this word is given in a title for God and some take that as a proper noun. There is no difference in the spelling between the plural noun and the title use; it is listed under a subheading of tsâbâʾ as a technical use of the word, so to speak. Owen simply lists it as a proper noun, and references tsâbâʾ even though, again, there is no separate proper noun listing for this word in BDB. Now, in terms of meaning, there really is no change—it means Jehovah of the Armies. About the only difference that we might notice in the English is that we might capitalize armies, because it is used in a title for God. [Now, in case you want to interpret this as Yehowah of the Sabbath, the word Sabbath is shâbbath (ת ָ ַש) [pronounced shahb-BATH]. The two words both have the bêyth and the same tâv at the end, but they have a different beginning and tsebâʾôwth as an additional wâw at the end as well (this is a part of the plural form). And if this were just one isolated passage, we might make a case that one should be the other. However, both of these words are found in abundance throughout Scripture, correctly pointed and spelled, and those different from one another. Shâbbath = Strong's #7676 BDB #992]. Strong’s #6635 BDB #838. Exodus 12:17 Deut. 20:9 1Sam. 1:3 4:4 15:2 17:45 2Sam. 6:18 7:8 1Kings 2:5 Psalm 59:5 89:8 103:21 148:2
tsebâʾôwth (צְבָאוֹת) [pronounced tzeb-vaw-OHTH] |
armies, hosts; wars |
masculine plural noun, simply the plural of Strong’s #6635, but often used in titles |
Strong’s #6635 BDB #838 |
7. Masculine_noun1: litter. Strong’s #6632 BDB #839.
8. Masculine_noun2: lizard (as unclean). Strong’s #6632 BDB #839.
9. Masculine_proper_noun: tsôbvêbvâh (הָב̤בֹצ) [pronounced tsoh-vay-VAW], which is transliterated Zobebah. Strong’s #6637 BDB #839. 1Chron. 4:8
10. Verb: to swell up. Strong’s #6638 BDB #839.
11. Adjective: swollen, swelling. Strong’s #6639 BDB #839.
12. Masculine_noun1: tsebîy (צְבִי) [pronounced tseb-VEE], which means beauty, glory, honor; roebuck, gazelle. Strong’s #6643 BDB #840. 2Sam. 1:19 2:18 1Kings 4:23 1Chron. 12:8 Prov. 6:5
tsebîy (צְבִי) [pronounced tseb-VEE] |
glory, splendor, honor; beauty; roebuck, gazelle |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6643 BDB #840 |
Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge: Tzevee, in Arabic zaby, Chaldee and Syriac tavya, denotes the gazelle or antelope, so called from its stately beauty, as the word imports. In size it is smaller than the roe, of an elegant form, and it motions are light and graceful. It bounds seemingly without effort, and runs with such swiftness that few creatures can exceed it – 2Sam. 2:18. Its fine eyes are so much celebrated as even to become a proverb; and its flesh is much esteemed for food among eastern nations, having a sweet, musky taste, which is highly agreeable to their palates – 1Kings 4:23. If to these circumstances we add, that they are gregarious, and common all over the East, whereas the roe is either not known at all, or else very rare in these countries, little doubt can remain that the gazelle and not the roe is intended by the original word. |
13. Masculine_noun2: which means gazelle. See above. Strong’s #6643 BDB #840.
14. Feminine_noun: which means gazelle. Strong’s #6646 BDB #840.
15. Verb: It is reasonably assumed that he passed the food to her; this verb is found only here and has no nearby cognates (Strong’s #6642 BDB #840). Ruth 2:14b
16. Proper_noun/location: Tsebôyiyim (צְבֹיִיִם) [pronounced tsehb-oh-yih-YIM], which means gazelles; transliterated Zeboim, Zeboiim. Strong’s #6636 BDB #840. Gen. 10:19 14:2
Tsebôyiyim (צְבֹיִיִם) [pronounced tsehb-oh-ih-YIM] |
gazelles; transliterated Zeboim, Zeboiim |
plural proper noun/location |
Strong’s #6636 BDB #840 |
There are several different spellings of this noun, and the one above is what we find in Gen. 10:19; but it is not listed among the 3 other spellings by Strong. |
17. Masculine_noun: tsebaʿ (עַב∵צ) [pronounced TSEHb-vahģ], which means finger-dyed material; and is translated finger-work (Young), dyed stuffs (Owen), dyed work (NASB) or divers coloured rainment (Rotherham). This word is found only in this verse, but is closely tied to the word for variegated or colored and to the word for finger. For this reason, it is variously rendered as finger-work (Young), dyed stuffs (Owen), dyed work (NASB) or divers coloured rainment (Rotherham). We will render this finger-dyed material. Freeman goes into some detail on this material, claiming that it was colored either from dye or from embroidery, both of which had been in existence in Egypt for some time. Strong’s #6648 BDB #840. Judges 5:30*
tsebaʿ (עַב∵צ) [pronounced TSEHb-vahģ] |
finger-dyed material; and is translated finger-work (Young), dyed stuffs (Owen), dyed work (NASB) or divers coloured rainment (Rotherham) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6648 BDB #840 |
18. Adjective: which means colored, variegated. Strong’s #6641 BDB #840.
19. Feminine_noun: ʾetsebaʿ (אֶצְבַּע) [pronounced etze-BAHĢ], which means finger, forefinger, finger used for dipping. Strong’s #676 BDB #840. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:9b–10) Exodus 8:19 29:12 31:18 2Sam. 21:20 Prov. 6:13 7:3
ʾetsebaʿ (אֶצְבַּע) [pronounced etze-BAHĢ] |
finger, forefinger, finger used for dipping; toes |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #676 BDB #840 |
ʾetsebaʿôwth (אֶצְבַּעוֹת) [pronounced etze-bah-ĢOHTH] |
fingers [of the hand], forefingers; a measurement [across the fingers]; toes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #676 BDB #840 |
20. Verb3: which means to limp. The meaning is guessed at. Strong’s #none BDB #840.
21. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsibeʿôwn (צִבְעוֹן) [pronounced tsihb-ĢOHN], which means colored, dyed; speckled; transliterated Zibeon. Strong’s #6649 BDB #840. Gen. 36:2
Tsibeʿôwn (צִבְעוֹן) [pronounced tsihb-ĢOHN] |
colored, dyed; speckled; transliterated Zibeon |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6649 BDB #840 |
22. Masculine_proper_noun: tsebôʿîym (םי.עֹבצ) [pronounced tze-voh-ĢEEM], which possibly means hyenas and is transliterated Zeboim. Strong’s #6650 BDB #840. 1Sam. 13:18
tsebôʿîym (םי.עֹבצ) [pronounced tze-voh-ĢEEM] |
which possibly means hyenas (according to BDB) and is transliterated Zeboim) |
proper noun locale (with the definite article) |
Strong’s #6650 BDB #840 |
23. Verb: tsâbar (צָבַר) [pronounced tsaw-BAHR], which means to heap up, to lay up, to pile up; to gather [together], to aggregate [grain, corn; dust; silver]. Strong’s #6651 BDB #840. Gen. 41:35 Exodus 8:13
tsâbar (צָבַר) [pronounced tsaw-BAHR] |
to heap up, to lay up, to pile up; to gather [together], to aggregate [grain, corn; dust; silver] |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6651 BDB #840. |
24. Masculine_noun: which means a heap. Strong’s #6652 BDB #840.
25. Masculine_plural_noun: which means bundles of grain. Strong’s #6653 BDB #841.
26. Verb: which means to turn away, to shun, to alienate. Strong’s #none BDB #841.
27. Masculine_noun: tsad (צַד) [pronounced tzahd], which means side. With the min preposition, it means at the side of. Strong’s #6654 BDB #841. Gen. 6:16 Exodus 25:32 26:13 30:4 Deut. 31:26 Joshua 3:16 Judges 2:3 Ruth 1:14b 1Sam. 6:8 20:20 2Sam. 2:16
tsad (צַד) [pronounced tzahd] |
side |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6654 BDB #841 |
tsadîym (צַדִים) [pronounced tzahd-EEM] |
sides; adversaries |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6654 BDB #841 |
28. Noun+preposition: Judges 2:3
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to, belonging to |
directional/relational/ possessive preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
tsad (צַד) [pronounced tzahd] |
sides; adversaries |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6654 BDB #841 |
The phrase to [for] sides is rather unclear here. Some interpret this as they will be to you [as thorns] in your sides. Others loosely render this they will be to you [those] belonging to your adversaries. |
29. Noun+preposition: Exodus 25:32 1Sam. 6:8 20:25 23:26 2Sam. 13:34
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
tsad (צַד) [pronounced tzahd] |
side |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6654 BDB #841 |
The phrase from a side means at the side of, to the side of, on the side of, beside. |
30. Noun+preposition:
ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ģahl ] |
upon, beyond, on, against, above, over, by, beside |
preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #5921 BDB #752 |
tsad (צַד) [pronounced tzahd] |
side |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6654 BDB #841 |
The phrase upon [or against a side means at the side of, against the side, along the side. This would be used of a mother carrying a child on her side. |
31. Verb1: tsâdâh (צָדָה) [pronounced tzaw-DAW], which means to lie in wait. Strong’s #6658 BDB #841.
32. Feminine_noun: which means lying-in-wait. Strong’s #6660 BDB #841.
33. Verb2: tsâdâh (צָדָה) [pronounced tzaw-DAW], which means to chase; to desolate, to destroy, lay waste; to hunt, to lie in wait. Strong’s #6658 BDB #841. Exodus 21:13 1Sam. 24:11
tsâdâh (צָדָה) [pronounced tzaw-DAW] |
to lie in wait for; to hunt, to chase; to lay desolate, to destroy, to lay waste; to hunt |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6658 BDB #841 |
tsâdâh (צָדָה) [pronounced tzaw-DAW] |
to be laid desolate, to be destroyed, to be laid waste to; to be hunted |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6658 BDB #841 |
34. Verb: which means to speak the truth, to favour, to endow. Strong’s #6722 BDB #841.
35. Masculine_substantive: tsedeq (צֶדֶק) [pronounced TZEH-dehk], which means righteousness, rightness, vindication. Strong’s #6664 BDB #841. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Deut. 1:16 16:18 Job 6:29 8:3 Psalm 7:8 15:2 23:3 51:19 52:3 96:13 118:19 Prov. 1:3 2:9 8:8
tsedeq (צֶדֶק) [pronounced TZEH-dehk] |
justice, rightness, straightness; what is right and just; righteousness, rightness, vindication |
masculine singular substantive |
Strong’s #6664 BDB #841 |
BDB gives the definition set: 1) justice, rightness, righteousness; 1a) what is right or just or normal, rightness, justness (of weights and measures); 1b) righteousness (in government); 1b1) of judges, rulers, kings; 1b2) of law; 1b3) of Davidic king, Messiah; 1b4) of Jerusalem as seat of just government; 1b5) of God’s attribute; 1c) righteousness, justice (in case or cause); 1d) rightness (in speech); 1e) righteousness (as ethically right); 1f) righteousness (as vindicated), justification (in controversy), deliverance, victory, prosperity; 1f1) of God as covenant-keeping in redemption; 1f2) in name of Messianic king; 1f3) of people enjoying salvation; 1f4) of Cyrus. Gesenius adds liberation, welfare, felicity. |
36. Masculine_proper_noun: which means righteousness, justified; transliterated . Strong’s #3072 BDB #842.
37. Feminine_noun: tsedâqâh (צְדָקָה) [pronounced tsedaw-KAW], which means righteousness, executed righteousness and justice, righteous vindication. In the plural, this means righteousnesses, executed righteousnesses and justice, righteous acts, righteous vindication. Strong’s #6666 BDB #842. Gen. 15:6 18:19 30:33 Judges 5:11 1Sam. 12:7 26:23 2Sam. 19:28 22:21 1Kings 3:6 8:32 Psalm 33:5 51:14 89:16 99:4 103:6 106:3 Prov. 8:18 10:2
tsedâqâh (צְדָקָה) [pronounced tsedaw-KAW] |
rectitude, right; justice; righteousness, executed righteousness and justice, righteous vindication |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6666 BDB #842 |
tsedâqâh (צְדָקָה) [pronounced tsedaw-KAW] |
righteousnesses, executed righteousnesses and justice, righteous acts, righteous vindication |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6666 BDB #842 |
38. Verb: tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK], and it means to be righteous, to be just, to be justified; to have a just cause; to be in the right; to be vindicated; to conduct oneself with integrity. It can also mean to have a just cause, to speak the truth, to be vindicated. Strong’s #6663 BDB #842. Gen. 38:26 44:16 Exodus 23:7 2Sam. 15:4 1Kings 8:32 Job 4:17 9:2, 15, 20 11:2 13:18 15:14 Psalm 19:9 51:4
tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK] |
to be righteous, to be just, to be justified; to have a just cause; to be in the right; to be vindicated; to conduct oneself with integrity |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6663 BDB #842 |
tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK] |
to be made righteous, to be declared just, to be justified; to be vindicated [from wrongdoing] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6663 BDB #842 |
tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK] |
to justify; to make one appear righteous, to make [declare] someone righteous; to absolve, to acquit; to make a [righteous] cause prevail |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6663 BDB #842 |
tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK] |
to do or bring to justice (in administrating the law); to declare righteous [just, innocent]; to justify; to vindicate the cause [of someone]; to make [someone] righteous (just); to turn to (toward) righteousness and integrity |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6663 BDB #842 |
tsâdaq (צָדַק) [pronounced tsaw-DAHK] |
to justify oneself; to declare oneself to be righteous; to clear oneself; to purge oneself [from suspicion] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6663 BDB #842 |
39. Adjective: tsaddîyq (צַדִּיק) [pronounced tsahd-DEEK], which means just, righteous, justified. This adjective is used of man and God. I use the latter English translation when referring to man, as it is a reference to someone who has been saved or justified (Gen. 6:9 18:23). This word can also refer to a nation with a pivot of believers (Gen. 20:4). It can also refer to a state which is not absolute, but relative, meaning someone who is spiritually mature or more correct or more righteous (Gen. 9:6 1Kings 2:32). When used as a substantive, it would mean righteous ones, justified ones. When used of God, this means absolute or perfect righteousness. Strong’s #6662 BDB #843. Gen. 6:9 7:1 18:23 20:4 Exodus 9:27 23:7 Deut. 4:8 16:19 32:4 1Sam. 24:17 2Sam. 4:11 23:3 1Kings 2:32 8:32 Job 17:9 Psalm 7:8 32:11 33:1 34:15, 19 52:6 55:22 64:10 68:3 118:15 142:7 Prov. 2:20 4:18 9:9 10:3, 24
tsaddîyq (צַדִּיק) [pronounced tsahd-DEEK] |
just, righteous, justified, vindicated; absolute or perfect righteousness [if applied to God] |
masculine singular adjective, often used as a substantive |
Strong’s #6662 BDB #843 |
tsaddîyqîym (צַדִּיקִים) [pronounced tsahd-dee-KEEM] |
just ones, righteous ones, justified ones; [those who have been] vindicated |
masculine plural adjective, often used as a substantive |
Strong’s #6662 BDB #843 |
40. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsâdôq (צָדֹק) [pronounced tzaw-DOHK], which means just, righteous; transliterated Zadok. Usually spelled קד ָצ in Strong’s #6659 BDB #843. 2Sam. 8:17 16:24 17:15 18:19 19:11 20:25 1Kings 1:8 2:35 4:2 1Chron. 12:28 16:39
Tsâdôwq or Tsâdôwq (צָדֹק or צָדוֹק) [pronounced tzaw-DOHK] |
just, righteous; transliterated Zadok |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6659 BDB #843 |
41. Masculine_proper_noun: which means Yah is righteousness; transliterated . Strong’s #6667 BDB #843.
42. Masculine_noun: tsôhar (צֹהַר) [pronounced TZOH-hahr], which means light; windows; midday, noon, noonday [in the dual]. Strong’s #6672 BDB #843. Gen. 6:16 43:16 The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:10) 2Sam. 4:5 Job 11:17 Psalm 55:17
tsôhar (צֹהַר) [pronounced TZOH-hahr] |
light, daylight; window; opening |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6672 BDB #843 |
Although some suggest this means a roof, that seems less likely to me, given the other meanings. |
tsâhorayim (צָהֳרַיִם) [pronounced TZAW-ho-rah-YIHM] |
midday, noon, noonday; metaphorically for very great happiness (Job 11:17 Psalm 37:6) |
masculine dual noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6672 BDB #843 |
43. Feminine_noun2: which means roof. Probably. Strong’s #5672 BDB #844.
44. Masculine_noun: which means fresh oil. Strong’s #3323 BDB #844.
45. Verb: which means to press out oil. Job 24:11.* Strong’s #6671/5671 BDB #844.
46. Masculine_proper_noun: yitsehâr (יִצְהָר) [pronounced yihts-HAWR], which means shining oil; transliterated Izhar. Strong’s #3324 BDB #844. Exodus 6:18
yitsehâr (יִצְהָר) [pronounced yihts-HAWR] |
shining oil; transliterated Izhar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3324 BDB #844 |
47. Verb: which means to be foul, to be polluted. Strong’s #none BDB #844.
48. Feminine_noun: which means human excrement. Ezra 4:12. Strong’s #6627 BDB #844.
49. Feminine_noun: which means filth. Strong’s #6675 BDB #844.
50. Adjective: which means filthy. Strong’s #6674 BDB #844.
51. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsôwbâh (צוֹבָה) [pronounced tzohb-VAW], which is transliterated Zobah. Also tsôwbvâʾ (אָבצ) [pronounced tzohb-VAW]. Some relationship to Strong’s #2578. Strong’s #6678 BDB #844. 1Sam. 14:47 2Sam. 8:3 23:36 10:6 Psalm 60 inscription
Tsôwbâh (צוֹבָה) [pronounced tzohb-VAW] |
transliterated Zobah |
Proper noun, territory |
Strong’s #6678 BDB #844 |
52. Verb1: which means to hunt. Strong’s #6679 BDB #844. Gen. 27:3 Prov. 6:26
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to hunt; to catch birds; to lay snares; to stalk |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
hunt; take |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative; with the voluntative hê |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to hunt [eagerly, keenly, enthusiastically]; to lay snares |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel (Gesenius) Poel (BDB) imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to take provision, to furnish oneself with food (or game) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
53. Masculine_noun1: which means hunting, game. Strong’s #6718 BDB #844. Gen. 10:9 25:28 25:27 27:3 Psalm 132:15
tsayid (צַיִד) [pronounced TSAH-yihd] |
hunting; game [prey] hunted; provisions [especially for a journey], food |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6718 BDB #845 |
The NET Bible: The word for "game," "venison" is here the same Hebrew word as "hunter" in the last verse. Here it is a metonymy, referring to that which the hunter kills. |
54. Masculine_noun: which means hunter. Strong’s #6719 BDB #844.
55. Feminine_noun: metsâd (ד ָצ ׃מ) [pronounced me-TSAWD], which means the top or summit [of a mountain]; a fortress, a mountain castle; a stronghold; a secure hiding place. This can refer both to where hunters to go to seek their prey and to where prey might flee to as a safe retreat from those hunting them. Strong’s #4679 BDB #844. Judges 6:2 1Sam. 23:14, 29 (24:1) 1Chron. 12:8, 16
metsâd (ד ָצ ׃מ) [pronounced me-TSAWD] |
the top or summit [of a mountain]; a fortress, a mountain castle; a stronghold; secure hiding place |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4679 BDB #844 |
This can refer both to where hunters to go to seek their prey and to where prey might flee to as a safe retreat from those hunting them. |
56. Masculine_noun: mâtsôwd (מָצוֹד) [pronounced maw-TZOHD], which means siege works, hunting implement, net. It is found in Prov. 12:12 Eccles. 7:26 9:14. In Job 19:6, it is mâtsûwd (דצָמ) [pronounced maw-TZOOD]. It appears that the meaning as stronghold or siege works is dubious, due to the problems of the text in Eccles. 9:14. Therefore, we can probably go with net and feel comfortable. I have actually oversimplified the problem with this word. Strong’s #4685 BDB #844. [Masada (1Sam. 24)]
mâtsôwd (מָצוֹד) [pronounced maw-TZOHD] |
net; capture; fortress, castle, stronghold; defense |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4685 BDB #845 |
57. Masculine_noun1: mâtsûwd (מָצוּד) [pronounced maw-TZOOD], which means net, prey. Strong’s #4686 BDB #845. [Masada (1Sam. 24)] 2Sam. 22:2 Job 19:6
mâtsûwd (מָצוּד) [pronounced maw-TZOOD] |
net; capture; fortress, castle, stronghold; defense |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4686 BDB #845 |
58. Feminine_noun2: metsôwdâh (מְצוֹדָה) [pronounced metzoh-DAW], which means net, capture; fastness; castle, defense, stronghold. Recheck. Strong’s #4685 BDB #845. [Masada (1Sam. 24)] 1Chron. 11:5
metsôwdâh (מְצוֹדָה) [pronounced metzoh-DAW] |
net, capture; fastness; castle, defense, stronghold |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4685 BDB #845 |
59. Feminine_noun: metsûwdâh (מְצוּדָה) [pronounced metzoo-DAW], which means fortress, stronghold, top of a mountain; capture, prey, hunted; snare, net. This word may be transliterated Masada. Strong’s #4686 BDB #845. Masada (1Sam. 24) 1Sam. 22:4 24:22 2Sam. 5:7 23:14 1Chron. 11:16
metsûwdâh (מְצוּדָה) [pronounced metzoo-DAW] |
fortress, stronghold, top of a mountain; capture, prey, hunted; snare, net; transliterated Masada |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4686 BDB #845 |
60. Masculine_noun: which means provisions, food. Strong’s #6718 BDB #845.
61. Noun: tseydah (צֶידַה) [pronounced TSAY-dah], which means provisions [taken on a journey]. We find this word in Gen. 27:3 42:25 45:21 Exodus 12:39 Joshua 1:11 9:11 Judges 7:* 20:10 1Sam. 22:10 Psalm 78:25* Does this have a masculine form? Strong’s #6720 BDB #845. Gen. 45:21 Exodus 12:39 Joshua 1:11 1Sam. 22:10 Psalm 78:25
tseydah (צֶידַה) [pronounced TSAY-dah] |
provisions [taken on a journey] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6720 BDB #845 |
62. Verb: tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed], which means to hunt. supply oneself with provisions, to take as provisions. Strong’s #6679 BDB #845. Gen. 27:5, 33 Joshua 9:4, 12
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to hunt |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
the one hunting, the hunter, the hunter of... |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to hunt (eagerly, keenly, with enthusiasm) |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
tsîyd (צִיד) [pronounced tseed] |
to take provision |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #6679 BDB #845 |
63. Piel_Verb: tsâvâh (צָוָה) [pronounced tsaw-VAW], which means to commission, to mandate, to lay charge upon, to give charge to, charge, command, order; to instruct [as in, giving an order]. This is a verb found only in the Piel. In Judges 13:14 and in Deut. 4:23, it refers to that which God commanded someone not to do. Strong's #6680 BDB #845. [Lev. 25:21 Deut. 4:23 31:14 34:9 Joshua 1:9 11:15 Judges 13:14 Ruth 1:15 (3:5) Psalm 33:9 change W to V—maybe not?] Gen. 2:16 3:11 6:22 7:5 12:20 18:19 21:4 26:11 27:8 28:1 32:4 42:25 44:1 45:19 47:11 49:29 50:2 Exodus 1:22 4:28 5:6 6:13 7:2, 6 12:28 16:16 18:23 19:7 23:15 25:22 27:20 29:36 31:6 32:8 Deut. 1:3 2:4 3:18, 28 4:2, 5, 13 5:12 17:3 20:17 Judges 2:20 1Sam. 2:29 13:14 17:20 18:22 20:29 21:2 25:30 2Sam. 4:11 13:28 14:8, 19 17:14 18:5 21:14 24:19 1Kings 1:35 2:1 5:6, 17 8:58 9:4 1Chron. 15:15 16:15 Psalm 7:6 133:3 44:4 148:5
tsâvâh (צָוָה) [pronounced tsaw-VAW] |
to commission, to mandate, to appoint; to ordain; to lay charge upon, to give charge to, to charge [command, order]; to instruct [as in, giving an order] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect, 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6680 BDB #845 |
The full list of BDB meanings for the Piel stem: to lay charge upon; to give charge to, give command to; to give charge unto; to give charge over, appoint; to give charge, command; to charge, command; to charge, commission; to command, appoint, ordain (of divine act). Gesenius adds, to commission. In Gen. 50:16, this is translated to send a messenger [r] (ESV, Green, KJV, Owens, Webster, WEB). |
tsâvâh (צָוָה) [pronounced tsaw-VAW] |
commission, mandate, appoint; ordain; lay charge upon, give charge to, charge [command, order]; instruct [as in, giving an order] |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative |
Strong's #6680 BDB #845 |
tsâvâh (צָוָה) [pronounced tsaw-VAW] |
commanding, commissioning, mandating, appointing; ordaining; laying charge upon, giving charge to, charging, ordering; instructing [as in, giving an order] |
Piel participle |
Strong's #6680 BDB #845 |
tsâvâh (צָוָה) [pronounced tsaw-VAW] |
to be commanded [mandated, appointed]; to be commissioned, to be ordained |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect, 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6680 BDB #845 |
64. Masculine_noun: which means sign post, monument. Strong’s #6725 BDB #846
65. Feminine_noun: mitsevâh (מִצוָה) [pronounced mitse-VAH], which means prohibition, commandment, precept, that which is forbidden, constraint, proscription, countermand. Strong’s #4687 BDB #846. Gen. 26:5 Exodus 15:26 16:28 20:6 24:12 Deut. 4:2, 40 5:10, 31 17:20 Judges 2:17 1Sam. 13:13 1Kings 2:3, 43 3:14 6:12 8:58 9:6 Psalm 19:8 89:31 Prov. 2:1 3:1 4:4 6:20, 23 7:1 10:8
mitsevâh (מִצוָה) [pronounced mitse-VAH] |
prohibition, precept, that which is forbidden, constraint, proscription, countermand; commandment |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #4687 BDB #846 |
mitseôwth (מִצוָה) [pronounced mitse-OHTH] |
prohibitions, precepts, those things which are forbidden, constraints, proscriptions, countermands; commandments |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4687 BDB #846 |
66. Masculine_singular_noun: tsav (ו-צ) [pronounced tsahv], which means precept, command, commandment. This word only occurs in this passage and in Hosea 5:11, so its meaning is uncertain. Strong’s #6673 BDB #846. The Doctrine of Tongues (Isa. 28:11)
67. Verb: which means to cry aloud. Strong’s #6681 BDB #846.
68. Feminine_noun: which means outcry [when in distress, grief]. Strong’s #6682 BDB #846.
69. Feminine_noun: which means ocean deep. Isa. 44:27.* Strong’s #6683 BDB #846.
70. Feminine_noun: metsûwlâw () [pronounced mets-OO-law], which means depth, deep; the deep sea. Strong’s #4688 BDB #846. Exodus 15:5 Psalm 68:22
metsôlâh (מְצֹלָה) [pronounced mets-oh-LAW] |
depth, deep; the deep sea |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #4688 BDB #846 |
This word is also spelled metsôwlâh (מְצוֹלָה) [pronounced mets-oh-LAW]; metsûwlâh (מְצוּלָה) [pronounced mets-oo-LAW]; metsulâh (מְצֻלָה) [pronounced mets-oo-LAW]. |
71. Feminine_noun: which means basin, hollow, valley-bottom, shadow. Dubious. Zech. 1:8.* Strong’s #4699 BDB #847.
72. Verb: tsûwm (צוּם) [pronounced tzoom], which means to abstain from food, to fast. Surprisingly enough, this word is not found anywhere in the Law of Moses, and makes its first appearance in Judges 20:26 when the tribe of Benjamin was all but wiped out. Here we find the word again, making its second appearance in Scripture, still during the time of the judges. Although this verb is found 21 times in Scripture, this amounts to a total of 12 incidents, some incidents whose spiritual merit is questionable. Strong’s #6684 BDB #847. The Doctrine of Fasting (intro and Isa. 58:3) 1Sam. 7:6 31:13 2Sam. 1:12 12:16, 23
tsûwm (צוּם) [pronounced zoom] |
to abstain from food, to fast |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6684 BDB #847 |
73. Masculine_noun: tsôwm (צוֹם) [pronounced tzohm], which means a fast, a fasting, fasting. This word occurs 23 times in the Old Testament. Strong’s #6685 BDB #847. The Doctrine of Fasting 2Sam. 12:16
tsôwm (צוֹם) [pronounced tzohm] |
a fast, a fasting, fasting |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6685 BDB #847 |
74. Masculine_plural_noun: which means things formed, images [of cherubim]. 2Chron. 3:10.* Strong’s #6816 BDB #847.
75. Verb: which means to flow, to overflow, to float. Strong’s #6687 BDB #847.
76. Masculine_noun: tsûwph (ףצ) [pronounced tzoof], which means honeycomb. This is obviously an onomatopoetic word—it sounds like a glop of honey dripping to the ground. We only find this word in Psalm 19:10 Prov. 16:24.* Strong’s #6688 BDB #847. Psalm 19:10.
77. Proper_masculine_noun: tsûwph (ףצ) [pronounced tzoof], which means honeycomb; and is transliterated Zuph. Strong’s #6689 BDB #847. 1Sam. 1:1 1Chron. 6:25–27
tsûwph (ףצ) [pronounce tzoof] |
honeycomb; and is transliterated Zuph |
Proper singular masculine noun |
Strong’s #6689 BDB #847 |
78. Adjective gentilic: tsôwphay (י-פצ) [pronounced tzoh-PHAH-ee], which is taken to be the gentilic adjective of Zuph; however, that would seem unlikely, since we also have son of in this context. In any case, it is given the same Strong’s number as Zuph. Strong’s #6689 BDB #847. 1Chron. 6:22–24, 25–27
79. Feminine_noun: which means out-flow. Strong’s #6824 BDB #847.
80. Verb1: tsîyts (צִיץ) [pronounced tzeets], which means to blossom, to flourish. It also means to shine, to sparkle. Could it have something to do with to break forth, to come out, to cast aside? Strong’s #6731 BDB #847. ????? Psalm 90:6 103:15
tsûwts (ץצ) [pronounced tzoots] |
to blossom, to flourish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6731 BDB #847 |
81. Masculine_noun: tsîyts (צִיץ) [pronounced tzeetz], which means blossom, flower; a shiny thing [e.g., the plate of gold worn by the High Priest]; a wing. Strong’s #6731 BDB #847. Exodus 28:36 1Kings 6:18 Psalm 103:15
tsîyts (צִיץ) [pronounced tseets] |
blossom, flower; a shiny thing [e.g., the plate of gold worn by the High Priest], tiara, turban; feather, wing |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6731 BDB #847 |
Also spelled tsits (צִץ) [pronounced tseets]. |
tsitstsîym (צִצִּים) [pronounced tseets-TSEEM] |
blossoms, flowers |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6731 BDB #847 |
82. Verb2: tsûwts (ץצ) [pronounced tzoots], which means to gaze, to peep. SOS 2:9.* See verb1 above. Strong’s #6692 BDB #847. Psalm 132:18
tsûwts (ץצ) [pronounced tzoots] |
to blossom, to flourish; to shine, to sparkle, to gleam |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6692 BDB #847 |
83. Verb: tsûq (קצ) [pronounced tzook], which is a verb, when found in the Hiphil (as here), means to cause distress, to cause to be oppressed. We will find it in Deut. 28:53, 55 and 57. Strong’s #6693 BDB #847. Deut. 28:53 Judges 14:17
84. Masculine_noun: tsôwq (צוֹק) [pronounced tsohk], which means constraint, distress; anguish. Also see below. Strong’s #6695 BDB #848.
85. Feminine_noun: tsûqâh (צוּקָה) [pronounced tsoo-KAW], which means pressure, distress. Also see above. Strong’s #6695 BDB #848. Prov. 1:27
tsûqâh (צוּקָה) [pronounced tsoo-KAW] |
pressure, distress |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6695 BDB #848 |
86. Masculine_noun: mûwtsaq (קָצמ) [pronounced mootz-AHK], which means constraint, distress. Strong’s #4164 BDB #848.
mûwtsaq (קָצמ) [pronounced moo-TZAHK] |
constraint, distress |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4164 BDB #848 |
87. Masculine_noun: mâtsôwq (מָצוֹק) [pronounced maw-TZOHK], which means stress, distress. It is found in the three aforementioned verses, as well as 1Sam. 22:2 Psalm 119:43 Jer. 19:9* Strong’s #4689 BDB #848. Deut. 28:53 1Sam. 22:2 I may want to examine the definitions
mâtsôwq (מָצוֹק) [pronounced maw-TZOHK] |
stress, distress |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4689 BDB #848 |
88. Feminine_noun: metsûwqâh (הָקצמ) [pronounced metzoo-KAW], which means distress, straits, stress. Strong’s #4691 BDB #848. Job 15:24
89. Verb2: which means to pour out, to melt. Strong’s #6694 BDB #848.
90. Masculine_noun: mâtsûwq (קצָמ) [pronounced maw-TZOOK], which means molten support, pillar. Gesenius concurs, translating this word column. We only find this word in 1Sam. 2:8 and 14:5 (you won’t find it in the English). In 1Sam. 14:5, it is used figuratively for an abrupt, high rock, which is like a column. The closest word to this means distress (Strong’s #4689). Strong’s #4690 BDB #848. 1Sam. 2:8 14:5
mâtsûwq (קצָמ) [pronounced maw-TZOOK] |
molten support, pillar, peak |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4690 BDB #848 |
We only find this word in 1Sam. 2:8 and 14:5 (you won’t find it in the English). In 1Sam. 14:5, it is used figuratively for an abrupt, high rock, which is like a column. The closest word to this means distress (Strong’s #4689). |
91. Masculine_noun: tsavvâʾrîym (צַוָּארִים) [pronounced tzahv-vawr-EEM], which means neck, back of neck. Strong’s #6677 BDB #848. Gen. 27:16, 40 33:4 45:14 46:29 Judges 5:30 Job 15:26
tsavvâʾr (צַוָּאר) [pronounced tzahv-VAWR] |
neck, back of neck |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6677 BDB #848 |
There are three alternate spellings. |
tsavvâʾrîym (צַוָּארִים) [pronounced tzahv-vawr-EEM] |
neck, back of neck |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #6677 BDB #848 |
There are likely several alternative spellings for the plural. |
92. Masculine_noun: tsavvâr (צַוָּר) [pronounced tsahv-VAWR], which means neck; back of neck. Strong’s #6677 BDB #848. Why this???? Gen. 41:42
tsavvâr (צַוָּר) [pronounced tsahv-VAWR] |
neck; back of neck |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6677 BDB #848 |
There are 3 other alternate spellings of this noun; at least one of which appears to be feminine. |
93. Verb2?: tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor], which means to bind together; to press [with a siege], to besiege [a city]; to urge, to press upon [anyone in pursuit]; to cut, to divide; to form. Strong’s #6696 BDB #848. Exodus 32:4 1Sam. 23:8 2Sam. 20:15
tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor] |
to bind together; to press [with a siege], to besiege [a city]; to urge, to press upon [anyone in pursuit]; to cut, to divide; to form |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6696 BDB #848 |
94. Masculine_noun: mâtsôwr (מָצוֹר) [pronounced maw-TSOHR], which means distress; siege, besieged; a mound; a bulwark, citadel; entrenchment, rampart. Strong’s #4692 BDB #848. Deut. 20:19, 20 Psalm 60:9
mâtsôwr (מָצוֹר) [pronounced maw-TSOHR] |
distress; siege, besieged; a mound; a bulwark, citadel; entrenchment, rampart; fortification |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4692 BDB #848 |
95. Feminine_noun: which means siege-works, rampart. Strong’s #4694 BDB #849.
96. Verb II&III&IV: tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tsoor], whose meanings are given variously as to confine, to bind, to besiege, to shut in, to incite against, to show hostility to, to treat as an enemy, to fashion, to delineate. Because of the noun cognates (see Strong’s #4692 and 4694), it definitely means to besiege. Strong’s #6696 BDB #848. BDB #849. Exodus 23:22 Deut. 2:19 Judges 9:31
tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor] |
to show hostility to, to treat as an enemy, to be an adversary to, to treat as a foe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6696 BDB #848 & #849 |
There are several related meanings, which are treated as homonyms; and there is a masculine noun with this same spelling as well. |
tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor] |
being hostile towards, those treating as an enemy, adversaries, foes |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6696 BDB #848 & #849 |
97. Feminine_noun: which means form, fashion. Strong’s #6699 BDB #849.
98. Masculine_noun: which means image. Strong’s #6736 BDB #849.
99. Masculine_noun: tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor] means rock, cliff. Strong’s #6697 BDB #849. Exodus 17:6 33:21 Deut. 32:13 1Sam. 2:2 24:2 2Sam. 21:10 22:3 23:3 Job 18:4 Psalm 61:2 62:2, 7 73:26 95:1 105:41 114:8
tsûwr (צוּר) [pronounced tzoor] |
rock, pebble; cliff; edge, sharpness; form |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6697 BDB #849 |
These disparate meanings come from its verb cognate, which has 5 different meanings. |
100. Adjective: which means parched. Strong’s #6704 BDB #850.
101. Verb: which means to be dazzling, to be polished. Strong’s #6705 BDB #850.
102. Adjective: which means dazzling, glowing, clear. Strong’s #6703 BDB #850.
103. Masculine_noun: which means shining, glaring surface. Strong’s #6706 BDB #850.
104. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsîybâʾ (צִיבָה) [pronounced tsee-BAW], which means statue, post; strength; transliterated Ziba. The meaning is disputed. This might not be in the correct order. Strong’s #6717 BDB #850. 2Sam. 9:2 16:1 19:17
Tsîybâʾ (צִיבָה) [pronounced tsee-BAW] |
statue, post; strength; transliterated Ziba |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6717 BDB #850 |
105. Feminine_noun: tsechîychâh (הָחי.חצ) [pronounced tseh-khee-KHAW], which means scorched [parched] land, an arid region. Strong’s #6707 BDB #850. Psalm 68:6*
tsechîychâh (הָחי.חצ) [pronounced tseh-khee-KHAW] |
scorched [parched] land, an arid region [area] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6707 BDB #850 |
106. Feminine_noun: tsachetsâchâh (הָחָצח-צ) [pronounced tzahkhe-tzaw-KHAW], which means scorched region. This particular noun is only found here and its cognate evidence is not overwhelming, but it is reasonable. Its cognate verb can mean to shine upon, which can result in a shiny surface or in a parched and dry surface. Isa. 58:11.* Strong’s #6710 BDB #850. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:11)
107. Feminine_noun: which means stench. Strong’s #6709 BDB #850.
108. Verb: tsâchaq (צָחַק) [pronounced tsaw-KHAHKH], which means to laugh; to mock; to play. Strong’s #6711 BDB #850. Gen. 17:17 18:12 19:14 21:5, 9 26:8 39:14 Exodus 32:6
tsâchaq (צָחַק) [pronounced tsaw-KHAHKH] |
to laugh; to mock; to play |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6711 BDB #850 |
When followed by the lâmed preposition, this means with [someone]. |
tsâchaq (צָחַק) [pronounced tsaw-KHAHKH] |
to jest; to make sport of; to toy with; to make a toy of; to play; to laugh with, to reveal intimacy with shared humor; possibly to laughingly enjoy sexual intimacy with; possibly to insult |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6711 BDB #850 |
tsâchaq (צָחַק) [pronounced tsaw-KHAHKH] |
jesting; making sport of; toying with; making a toy of; playing; laughing with, revealing intimacy with shared humor |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #6711 BDB #850 |
The final couple of definitions are based upon the wording of Gen. 26:8. |
When followed by the bêyth preposition, this means emphatically to mock, to make fun of [someone]. |
109. Masculine_noun: tsechôq (צְחֹק) [pronounced tsehkh-OAK], which means laughter, sport, laughingstock. Strong’s #6712 BDB #850. Gen. 21:6
tsechôq (צְחֹק) [pronounced tsehkh-OAK] |
laughter, sport, laughingstock |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6712 BDB #850 |
110. Masculine_proper_noun: Yisechâq (יִשְׂחָק) [pronounced yihse-KHAWK], which means he laughs; laughing; transliterated Isaac. Is it related to Strong’s #3446. Strong’s #3327൶ BDB #850. Gen. 17:19 21:3 24:4 25:5 26:1 27:1 28:1 31:18, 42 32:9 35:12 46:1 48:15 49:31 50:24 Exodus 2:24 3:6 6:3 32:13 33:1 Deut. 1:8 34:4 1Chron. 16:16 Psalm 105:9
Yisechâq (יִשְׂחָק) [pronounced yihse-KHAWK] |
he laughs; laughing; transliterated Isaac |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3327 & #3446 BDB #850 |
Here spelled Yitsechâq (יֹצְחָק) [pronounced yihyse-KHAWK]. |
This is also spelled Yitsechâq (יֹצְחָק) [pronounced yihyse-KHAWK]. When you hear about manuscript discrepancies in the Old Testament, many of them simply involve alternate spellings. |
111. Masculine_noun: Strong’s #6713 BDB #850.
112. Adjective: found in Judges 5:10 [its noun cognate is found in Ezek. 27:18, differing only in vowel points—Strong’s #6715]. It means tawny, reddish-gray. Young and the NIV have white instead; the NASB has both. One commentator, whose name I can’t recall, but whose comments were generally worthless, spoke of all white asses; whereas Keil and Delitzsch, whose opinions I respect, claim that no such animal exists and that these were donkeys spotted with white (although, they claim the word means dazzling white). James Freeman, whom I generally trust, says that these were white asses, and therefore quite expensive and ridden on only by the very wealthy. And certainly, another possibility is that they could have been a very light tan. We do not have enough references to this word to tie it down any better than that. Strong’s #6713 BDB #850. Judges 5:10
113. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsôchar (צֹחַר) [pronounced TSOH-khahr], which means reddish-gray, tawny; transliterated Zohar. Strong’s #6714 BDB #850. Gen. 23:8 25:9 46:10 Exodus 6:15
Tsôchar (צֹחַר) [pronounced TSOH-khahr] |
reddish-gray, tawny; transliterated Zohar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6714 BDB #850 |
114. Verb: which means to dry up. Strong’s #none BDB #850.
115. Adjective: tsâchôr (רֹחָצ) [pronounced tsaw-KHOHR], which means white, tawny. Strong’s #6715 BDB #850. Judges 5:10*
tsâchôr (רֹחָצ) [pronounced tsaw-KHOHR] |
white, tawny; possibly light-colored or reddish brown with lighter spots? |
masculine plural, adjective |
Strong’s #6715 BDB #850 |
116. Masculine_noun1: which means ship. Strong’s #6716 BDB #850.
117. Masculine_noun2: which means wild beast, desert dweller. Strong’s #6728 BDB #850.
118. Proper_noun/location: Tsîydôwn (צִידוֹן) [pronounced tsee-DOHN], which means hunting, fishing, catching fish; transliterated Sidon or Zidon. It is found in Gen. 10:15, 19 49:13 Joshua 11:8 19:28 Judges 1:31 10:6 18:28 2Sam. 24:6 1Kings 17:9 1Chron. 1:13 Isa. 23:2 4:12 Jer. 25:22 27:3, 47:4 Ezek. 27:8 28:21–22 Joel 3:4 (4:4) Zech. 9:2. Strong’s #6721 BDB #851. The Doctrine of the Sidonians—Old Testament (Judges 18:7) Gen. 10:15, 19 49:13 Judges 1:31 2Sam. 24:6
Tsîydôwn (צִידוֹן) [pronounced tsee-DOHN] |
hunting, fishing, catching fish; transliterated Sidon or Zidon |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6721 BDB #851 |
119. Proper_noun/gentilic_adjective: Tsîydônîy (צִידֹנִי) [pronounced tsee-doh-NEE], which means hunting, fishing, catching fish; translated inhabitants of Sidon; transliterated Sidonians. This is found in Deut. 3:9 Joshua 13:4, 6 Judges 3:3 10:12 18:7 1Kings 5:6 (20) 11:5, 33 16:31 2Kings 23:13 1Chron. 22:6 Ezra 3:7 Ezek. 32:30. Strong’s #6722 BDB #851. The Doctrine of the Sidonians—Old Testament Deut. 3:9 (4:48) (Judges 18:7) Judges 3:3 1Kings 5:6
Tsîydônîy (צִידֹנִי) [pronounced tsee-doh-NEE] |
hunting, fishing, catching fish; translated inhabitants of Sidon; transliterated Sidonians |
proper noun/gentilic; singular adjective |
Strong’s #6722 BDB #851 |
120. Feminine_noun: tsîyyâh (הָ̣צ) [pronounced tzee-YAWH], which means dry, dry place, aridity, drought. This is a word found in Job (24:19 30:3) and in the Psalms (63:1 78:17 105:41 107:35) and in some of the prophets, but never in any book previous to Job (i.e., with respect to the English ordering of the Old Testament). Strong’s #6723 BDB #851. Psalm 63:1 78:17
tsîyyâh (הָ̣צ) [pronounced tzee-YAWH] |
dry, dry place, aridity, drought |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6723 BDB #851 |
121. Masculine_noun: tsâyôwn (ןיָצ) [pronounced tzaw-YOHN], which means dryness, dry, parched ground. Strong’s #6724 BDB #851. 2Sam. 5:7 Psalm (133:3) 146:10
Tsâyôwn (ןיָצ) [pronounced tzaw-YOHN] |
dry, parched ground; and is transliterated Zion |
feminine singular, Proper noun/location |
Strong’s #6726 BDB #851 |
122. Proper_noun_location: Tsîyyôwn (צִיּוֹן) [pronounced tzee-YOHN], which means dry, parched ground (in the Hebrew), and is transliterated Zion. ZPEB suggests that it means to protect, from the ancient Semitic root word tzîyn (ןיצ), which I could not confirm that with BDB or with Gesenius. ZPEB gives a whole host of additional possible meanings, e.g., structure, ridge, brook. However, since this was probably a name which was given by the Jebusites, its actual meaning has probably been lost to us, and is highly unlikely to be found in the Hebrew language. Strong’s #6726 BDB #851. The Doctrine of Zion Deut. (4:48) 1Kings 8:1 Psalm 2:6 20:2 51:18 99:2 110:2 133:3
Tsîyyôwn (צִיּוֹן) [pronounced tzee-YOHN] |
dry, parched ground; and is transliterated Zion |
Proper noun/location |
Strong’s #6726 BDB #851 |
123. Masculine_noun: which means wings. Meaning is dubious. Strong’s #6731 BDB #851.
124. Feminine_noun: tsîytsîth (צִיצִת) [pronounced tsee-TSEETH], which means tassel, lock, feather, flower; forelock of the hair; borders; the fringed edges. Strong’s #6734 BDB #851. (Deut. 22:12)
125. Verb: which means to become, to attain to, to go. Strong’s #none BDB #851.
126. Masculine_noun: tsîyr (רי ̣צ) [pronounced tseer], which means messenger, ambassador. The second word is given in BDB asAs you can see, the words differ in the last letter, which could be a dă̷leth (ד) or a rêysh (ר). Both meanings seem to be apropos, although I find the former to be the most logical. However, other translations have translated that word as pretending to be ambassadors (The Amplified Bible); set out as envoys or traveled as envoys (NASB); made as if they had been ambassadors (KJV); feign to be ambassadors (Young). Owen, the NRSV and The Emphasized Bible translate this as I have. (See Strong’s #6679 above). Strong’s #6737 BDB #851. Joshua 9:4
127. Verb2: which means to turn, to revolve. Strong’s #none BDB #852.
128. Masculine_noun3: which means pivot [of a door], hinge. Strong’s #6735 BDB #852.
129. Masculine_noun4: tsîyr (רי.צ) [pronounced tzeer], which means labor pains, pangs [of childbirth]. Strong’s #6735 BDB #852. 1Sam. 4:19
tsîyr (רי.צ) [pronounced tzeer] |
labor pains, pangs [of childbirth] |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6735 BDB #852 |
This is a homonym with two additional meanings: ambassador (probably the mistake of one letter); pivot [of a door], hinge. |
130. Verb: tsâlâw (הָלָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAW], which means to roast [animal flesh]. This rare word is only found in 1Sam. 2:15 Isa. 44:16, 19.* Strong’s #6740 BDB #852. 1Sam. 2:15
tsâlâw (הָלָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAW] |
to roast [animal flesh] |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong’s #6740 BDB #852 |
131. Adjective: tsâlîy (צָלִי) [pronounced tsaw-LEE], which means roasted, roast. Strong’s #6748 BDB #852. Exodus 12:8, 9
tsâlîy (צָלִי) [pronounced tsaw-LEE] |
roasted, roast |
Used as a masculine noun or as an adjective; construct form |
Strong’s #6748 BDB #852 |
132. Verb1&2: tsâlach (צָלַח) [pronounced tsaw-LAHCH], which means to come upon, to rush upon, to prosper, to be prosperous. These two seemingly divergent meanings are related by the fact that when some people advance in life, they are prospering. Tsâlach (ח ַל ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-LAHCH]; it is also given as tsâlêach (-ח̤לָצ) [pronounced tsaw-LAY-ahkh], which, according to the lexicons (BDB and Gesenius), means to penetrate, to rush, to advance, to come upon, to attack, to fall upon, to be successful, to prosper; it means to penetrate then advance. This almost appears to be one of those words that you simply close your eyes, reach into a hat, and then take out the meaning that you like. However, it is not that way. When followed by the preposition ʿal (ל-ע) [pronounced al] (Strong’s #5921 BDB #752), it means to come upon, to fall upon, to rush upon. Context then determines the nuances of meaning. Most of the time, it simply means to be prosperous, to be successful. The relationship is: the result of falling upon someone is a successful attack. In the Hiphil, it means to make successful, to prosper, to accomplish prosperously, to finish well. Barnes likens this more to a fire which breaks out and spreads, as the word is so used in Amos 5:6. Strong's #6743 BDB #852. Gen. 24:21, 40, 42 39:2 Num. 14:41 Joshua 1:8 Judges 14:6 15:14 18:5 1Sam. 10:6, 10 11:6 16:13 18:10 2Sam. 19:17
tsâlach (צָלַח) [pronounced tsaw-LAHCH] |
to come upon, to rush upon, to prosper, to be prosperous |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6743 BDB #852 |
Tsâlach means to go over, to go through [a river, for instance] when followed by an accusative. To prosper, to be prosperous generally followed by a lâmed preposition; to come upon, to rush upon generally followed by the prepositions ʿal or ʾel. Barnes likens this verb more to a fire which breaks out and spreads, as the word is so used in Amos 5:6. |
tsâlach (צָלַח) [pronounced tsaw-LAHCH] |
to make successful, to prosper, to make prosperous; to accomplish prosperity, to finish well, to be successful; to bring to a successful [conclusion] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6743 BDB #852 |
tsâlach (צָלַח) [pronounced tsaw-LAHCH] |
making successful [prosper], accomplishing prosperity, finishing well, being successful; bringing to a successful [conclusion] |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #6743 BDB #852 |
133. Not_sure: which means flat dish. Strong’s #none BDB #852.
134. Feminine_noun: tsêlâchâh (הָחָל̤צ) [pronounced tzay-law-KHAW], which means a pot for cooking, a pan and is only found in 2Chron. 35:13. Strong’s #6745 BDB #852. Ancient Jewish Cooking Vessels
135. Feminine_noun: which means dish. Strong’s #6747 BDB #852.
136. Feminine_noun: which means jar. Strong’s #6746 BDB #852.
137. Verb1: tzâlal (לַלָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL] and it means to buzz, to tingle, to quiver. This word is found in 1Sam. 3:11 2Kings 21:12 Jer. 19:3 Habak. 3:16.* There are at least 2 other verbs which are homonyms. Strong’s #6750 BDB #852. Deut. (28:42) 1Sam. 3:11
tzâlal (לַלָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL] |
to buzz, to tingle, to quiver |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6750 BDB #852 |
138. Masculine_noun1: tzelâtzâl (לָצָל׃) [pronounced tze-law-TZAWL] and it is given the various meanings buzzing, whirring; the sound of the wings of locusts; locusts. It is a reference mostly to the sound of the wings of the locusts when they are en masse. It is found in 2Sam. 6:5 Job 41:7 Psalm 150:5 Isa. 18:1.* It is the onomatopoetic word. Strong’s #6767 BDB #852. It is found in 2Sam. 6:5 Job 41:7 Psalm 150:5 Isa. 18:1.* The corresponding verb is tzâlal (ל ַל ָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL] and it means to buzz, to tingle, to quiver. Strong’s #6750 BDB #852. This word is found in 1Sam. 3:11 2Kings 21:12 Jer. 19:3 Habak. 3:16.* Deut. 28:42
tzelâtzâl (לָצָל׃) [pronounced tze-law-TZAWL] |
buzzing, whirring; the sound of the wings of locusts; locusts |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6767 BDB #852 |
This is obviously an onomatopoetic word, the word itself mimicking the sound of the locusts. The plural version of this noun apparently refers to a musical instrument. |
139. Masculine_noun2: which means spear. Strong’s #6767 BDB #852.
140. Masculine_noun3: which means whirring locust. Strong’s #6767 BDB #852.
141. Masculine_plural_noun: tzeletzelîym (םי.לצל∵) [pronounced tzele-tze-LEEM] which means musical instrument (cymbals?). Strong’s #6767 BDB #852. 2Sam. 6:5 Psalm 150:5
tzeletzelîym (םי.לצל∵) [pronounced tzele-tze-LEEM] |
musical instrument (cymbals?); possibly fish spears (which make a clinking noise?) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6767 BDB #852 |
The singular version of this noun refers to the buzzing or whirring of locusts, and sometimes to the locusts themselves. In the Bible, the plural version, as we have here, refers either to musical instruments or to things which make a clinking or clanging noise. |
142. Feminine_noun: which means bell. Strong’s #4698 BDB #853.
143. Feminine_dual_noun: metsiletayim (מִצֹלְתַּיִם) [pronounced mets-ihl-TAH-yihm], which means cymbals. Strong’s #4700 BDB #853. 1Chron. 16:5
metsiletayim (מִצֹלְתַּיִם) [pronounced mets-ihl-TAH-yihm] |
[a pair of] cymbals |
feminine dual noun (only found as a dual noun) with the definite article |
Strong’s #4700 BDB #853 |
144. Verb2: tsâlal (צָלַל) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL], which means to sink, to be submerged. Strong’s #6749 BDB #853. Exodus 15:10
tsâlal (צָלַל) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL] |
to sink, to be submerged |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6750 BDB #852 |
145. Verb3: tzâlal (ל ַל ָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL], which means to be dark, to grow dark. Strong’s #6751 BDB #853.
tzâlal (לַלָצ) [pronounced tzaw-LAHL] |
to be dark, to grow dark |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6750 BDB #852 |
146. Feminine_noun: which means bell. Strong’s #4698 BDB #853.
147. Feminine_dual_noun: metsêleth (ת∵ל̤צמ) [pronounced mets-Ā-leth], which means cymbals. Strong’s #4700 BDB #853. 1Chron. 13:8
metsêleth (ת∵ל̤צמ) [pronounced mets-Ā-leth] |
[a pair of] cymbals |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #4700 BDB #853 |
148. Verb2: which means to sink, to be submerged. Strong’s #6749 BDB #853.
149. Verb3: which means to be dark, to grow [become] dark. Strong’s #6751 BDB #853.
150. Masculine_noun: tsêl (צֵל) [pronounced tzale] and it means shadow (and all the words similar to it are somehow related to the concept of a shadow). We find a similar word in Gen. 1:26–27, when God creates us in His shadow-image. However, this particular word is only previously found in Gen. 19:8. In that passage, shadow was related to protection, preservation and responsibility. As has been so many times pointed out, we can often employ the first usage of a word in Scripture to ascertain its general meaning and implications. The degenerate peoples of Sodom had come to Lot to rape and ravish the male strangers which had come to Lot and were now under the shadow of his roof. What is being said here is whatever protection and preservation which was afforded these peoples had now been removed. Strong's #6738 (and #6751) BDB #853. Gen. 19:8 Num. 14:9 Job 17:7 Psalm 57:1 63:7
tsêl (צֵל) [pronounced tzale] |
shadow; shade; metaphorically, when combined with a word like roof, it means protection, shelter, care |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6738 BDB #853 |
This can refer to something which is fleeting or transient as well. |
151. Feminine_proper_noun: Tsillâh (צִלָּה) [pronounced tsihl-LAW], which means shade [transitory?], shadow [protection?]; and is transliterated Zillah. Strong’s #6741 BDB #853. Gen. 4:19
Tsillâh (צִלָּה) [pronounced tsihl-LAW] |
shade [transitory?], shadow [protection?]; and is transliterated Zillah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6741 BDB #853 |
152. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsillethay (י-ת.צ) [pronounced tzihl-leth-AH-ee], which means dark; transliterated Zillethai. Strong’s #6769 BDB #853. 1Chron. 12:20
Tsillethay (י-ת.צ) [pronounced tzihl-leth-AH-ee] |
dark; transliterated Zillethai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6769 BDB #853 |
153. Masculine_noun: tsalemâveth (צַלְמָוֶת) [pronounced tzal-MAW-veth], which means deep darkness, death-shadow, deep shadow. The KJV consistently renders this shadow of death, as it is a compound word made up of shadow and death. It can characterize extreme danger (Psalm 23:4 44:20 Jer. 2:6), distress (Psalm 107:10, 14 Jer. 13:16) and could perhaps signify the world of the dead (Job 10:11). The Bible uses this work death shadow a great deal and it is often used to denote the world of departed spirits of fallen man and disobedient angels. Job is the first author in the Old Testament to use this word (Job 3:5) and he uses this more extensively in the Old Testament than any other author (ten times). This word properly refers to the abode of the dead. Strong’s #6757 BDB #853. Job 3:5 10:21–22 16:16 Psalm 23:4 44:19
tsalemâveth (צַלְמָוֶת) [pronounced tzal-MAW-veth] |
deep darkness, death-shadow, deep shadow |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6757 BDB #853 |
Barnes: The Hebrew word צלמות tsalmâveth is exceedingly musical and poetical. It is derived from צל tsêl, “a shadow,” and מות mâveth, “death;” and is used to denote the deepest darkness...[This word] used to denote the abode of departed spirits, described by Job as “a land of darkness, as darkness itself; of the shadow of death without any order, and where the light is as darkness;” (Job 10:21-22). |
From the NET Bible: The translation of צַלְמָוֶת (tsalmavet, “shadow of death”) has been traditionally understood to indicate a dark, death shadow (supported in the LXX), but many scholars think it may not represent the best etymological analysis of the word. The word may be connected to an Arabic word which means “to be dark,” and an Akkadian word meaning “black.” It would then have to be repointed throughout its uses to צַלְמוּת (tsalmut) forming an abstract ending. It would then simply mean “darkness” rather than “shadow of death.” Or the word can be understood as an idiomatic expression meaning “gloom” that is deeper than חֹשֶךְ (khoshekh; see HALOT 1029 s.v. צַלְמָוֶת). Since “darkness” has already been used in the line, the two together could possibly form a nominal hendiadys: “Let the deepest darkness….” There is a significant amount of literature on this; one may begin with W. L. Michel, “SLMWT, ‘Deep Darkness’ or ‘Shadow of Death’?” BR 29 (1984): 5-20. |
154. Masculine_noun: which means death-shadow, deep shadow. Forms of word above? Strong’s #6738 BDB #853.
155. Feminine_proper_noun: which means darkness; gives shade; turns to me; transliterated . Strong’s #6753 BDB #853.
156. Verb4: (ללצ) which means to bake unleavened bread. It possibly has something to do with unleavened bread. Strong’s #none BDB #853.
157. Masculine singular construct of a word found only here and guessed to mean a round loaf. The verbal cognates (Strong’s #6749–51) are of no help to us here. Keil and Delitzsch go into great detail as to what it doesn’t necessarily mean, but they have no strong conclusions either. Strong’s #6742 BDB #853. Judges 7:13
158. Verb: which means to cut off [an ear or nose]. Strong’s #none BDB #853.
159. Masculine_noun: tselem (צֶלֶם) [pronounced TSEH-lem], which means image, likeness, resemblance, semblance; mere, empty. Strong’s #6754 BDB #853. Gen. 1:26 5:3 9:6 1Sam. 6:5, 11 Psalm 73:20 Prov. (3:18)
tselem (צֶלֶם) [pronounced TSEH-lem] |
image, likeness, resemblance, shadow-image, semblance; mere, empty |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6754 BDB #853 |
160. Proper_noun: Tsalemôwn (צַלְמוֹן) [pronounced tsahle-MOHN], which means shady; to cut off; transliterated Zalmon, Tsalmon. Strong’s #6756 BDB #854. 2Sam. 23:28 Psalm 68:14
Tsalemôwn (צַלְמוֹן) [pronounced tsahle-MOHN] |
shady; to cut off; transliterated Zalmon, Tsalmon |
proper masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6756 BDB #854 |
161. Masculine_proper_noun: which means to cut off; transliterated . Strong’s #6756 BDB #854.
162. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6757 BDB #854.
163. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6759 BDB #854.
164. Verb: which means to decline, to deviate, to curve. Strong’s #none BDB #854.
165. Feminine_noun: tsâlêʿ (צָלֵע) [pronounced TSAY-lawģ], which means rib, side; plank, board; leaves [of a door]. Strong’s #6763 BDB #854. Gen. 2:21 Exodus 25:12, 14 26:20 27:7 30:4 2Sam. 16:13 1Kings 6:8 7:3 Job 18:12
tsâlêʿ (צָלֵע) [pronounced TSAY-lawģ] |
rib, side; plank, board; leaves [of a door] |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6763 BDB #854 |
There are two different spellings of this word. |
BDB full set of definitions: side, rib, beam: rib (of man); rib (of hill, ridge, etc); side-chambers or cells (of temple structure); rib, plank, board (of cedar or fir); leaves (of door); side (of ark). |
Perhaps in the plural, this means side [rooms], side chambers; annexed rooms. |
166. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsêlaʿ (צֵלַע) [pronounced TZAY-lahģ], which is transliterated Zelah. We find this word in Joshua 18:28 and 2Sam. 21:14.* Selah means rib, side, which word is found in Gen. 2:21–22. Might be equivalent to the proper noun in 1Sam. 10:2. Strong’s #6762 BDB #854. Joshua 18:28 (1Sam. 10:2) 2Sam. 21:14
Tsêlaʿ (צֵלַע) [pronounced TZAY-lahģ] |
rib, side; limping, stumbling; transliterated Zela, Zelah |
masculine proper noun; found in Joshua 18:28 2Sam. 21:14 |
Strong’s #6762 BDB #854 |
This could be equivalent to Zelzah in Benjamin, in 1Sam. 10:2. Strong’s #6766 BDB #854. |
167. Verb: tsâlaʿ (צָלַע) [pronounced tsaw-LAHĢ], which means to limp; to be lame. Qal only. Strong’s #6760 BDB #854. Gen. 32:31*
tsâlaʿ (צָלַע) [pronounced tsaw-LAHĢ] |
limping; being lame |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6760 BDB #854 |
168. Masculine_noun: tselaʿ (ע-ל∵צ) [pronounced TZEH-lawģ], which means a limping, a stumbling. The KJV renders this as a halting. Strong’s #6761 BDB #854. (Job 18:12)
169. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6764 BDB #854.
170. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6765 BDB #854.
171. Masculine_proper_noun: Tseletsach (צֶלְצַח) [pronounced tzele-TZAHKH], which means stumbling greatly; and is transliterated Zelzah. The Septuagint renders this leaping mightily or exulting greatly. This could just as reasonably mean stumbling greatly. Strong’s #6766 BDB #854. 1Sam. 10:2*
Tseletsach (צֶלְצַח) [pronounced tzele-TZAHKH] |
possibly stumbling greatly; is transliterated Zelzah |
masculine proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6766 BDB #854 |
Assigning that particular meaning is really quite a stretch and is probably unwarranted. |
172. Proper_noun: Tselek (צֶלֶכ) [pronounced TSEH-lehk], which means fissure; and is transliterated Zelek. Strong’s #6768 BDB #854. 2Sam. 23:37 1Chron. 11:39
Tselek (צֶלֶכ) [pronounced TSEH-lehk] |
fissure; and is transliterated Zelek |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6768 BDB #854 |
173. Verb: tzâmêʾ (צָמֵא) [pronounced tzaw-MAY], which means to thirst, to be thirsty; [metaphorically] to desire, to strongly desire, to desire eagerly. Strong’s #6770 BDB #854. Exodus 17:3 Judges 4:19 15:18 Psalm 63:1
tzâmêʾ (צָמֵא) [pronounced tzaw-MAY] |
to thirst, to be thirsty; [metaphorically] to desire, to strongly desire, to desire eagerly |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6770 BDB #854 |
174. Masculine_noun: tsâmâʾ (צָמָא) [pronounced tsaw-MAW], which means, thirst (literally or figuratively). Strong’s #6772 BDB #854. Exodus 17:3
tsâmâʾ (צָמָא) [pronounced tsaw-MAW] |
thirst (literally or figuratively) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6772 BDB #854 |
175. Adjective: tsâmêʾ (צָמֵא) [pronounced tsaw-MAY], which means,. Strong’s #6771 BDB #854. Deut. 29:19 2Sam. 17:29
tsâmêʾ (צָמֵא) [pronounced tsaw-MAY] |
thirsty, parched; when preceded by the definite article, it means the state of being thirsty; in a parched condition |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6771 BDB #854 |
176. Feminine_noun: which means parched condition. Strong’s #6773 BDB #854.
177. Masculine_noun: which means thirsty ground. Strong’s #6774 BDB #855.
178. Verb: tsâmad (צָנַד) [pronounced tzaw-MAHD], which means to bind, to join, to fasten. Strong’s #6775 BDB #855. 2Sam. 20:8 Psalm 106:28
tsâmad (צָנַד) [pronounced tzaw-MAHD] |
to bind, to join, to fasten |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6775 BDB #855 |
tsâmad (צָנַד) [pronounced tzaw-MAHD] |
to be bound, to be joined, to be fastened |
3rd person masculine plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6775 BDB #855 |
tsâmad (צָנַד) [pronounced tzaw-MAHD] |
bound, joined, fastened |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #6775 BDB #855 |
tsâmad (צָנַד) [pronounced tzaw-MAHD] |
to combine, to fit together, to hitch up |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6775 BDB #855 |
179. Masculine_noun: tsemed (צֶמֶד) [pronounced TZEH-med], which means a couple, a pair. Strong’s #6776 BDB #855. 1Sam. 11:7 14:14 2Sam. 16:1 Job 1:3
tsemed (צֶמֶד) [pronounced TZEH-med] |
a couple, a pair; a yoke of |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6776 BDB #855 |
180. Masculine_noun1-2: tsâmîyd (צָמִיד) [pronounced tsaw-MEED], which means a bracelet; cover [covering] [of a vessel]. Strong’s #6781 BDB #855. Gen. 24:22
tsâmîyd (צָמִיד) [pronounced tsaw-MEED] |
a bracelet; cover [covering] [of a vessel] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6781 BDB #855 |
181. Verb: tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH], which means to sprout, to spring up, to spring forth. It means to grow when used of a man’s hair or beard (Lev. 13:37 1Chron. 19:5). It is used of plants and trees (Eccl. 2:6) and even of a man’s hair or beard (Lev. 13:37 1Chron. 19:5). Strong’s #6779 BDB #855. Gen. 2:5, 9 3:18 41:6 Exodus 10:5 Judges 16:22 2Sam. 10:5 23:5 Psalm 104:14 132:17 The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:8)
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
to sprout, to spring up, to spring forth |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
sprouting, springing up, springing forth |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
the one sprouted, the one springing up, the one springing forth |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
sprouted, springing up, springing forth |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
to grow; to sprout, to spring up, to spring forth [often used of a man’s hair and beard in the Piel] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
tsâmach (צָמַח) [pronounced tsaw-MAHKH] |
to cause [make] to sprout [up, forth]; metaphorically: to cause righteousness [or, deliverance] to exist or to spring up |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6779 BDB #855 |
Perhaps the idea is to bring something into existence or to bring something to fruition. |
182. Masculine_noun: tsemach (צֶמַח) [pronounced TSEH-mahkh], which means a sprout, a growth; things which sprout from the ground; [the process of[ growth, vegetation. Strong’s #6780 BDB #855. Gen. 19:25
tsemach (צֶמַח) [pronounced TSEH-mahkh] |
a sprout, a growth; things which sprout from the ground; [the process of[ growth, vegetation |
masculine singular noun; used as a collective |
Strong’s #6780 BDB #855 |
183. Verb: which means to draw together, to bandage a wound, to be compact. Strong’s #none BDB #855.
184. Feminine_noun: which means a woman’s veil. Strong’s #6777 BDB #855.
185. Masculine_noun: tsammîym (םי.-צ) [pronounced tzam-MEEM], which means a snare, a trap. BDB calls the meaning doubtful and the word is found only in Job 5:5 18:9.* It appears as though it is a typo in Job 5:5 and correctly rendered in Job 18:9. Strong’s #6782 BDB #855. Job 5:5 18:9
186. Verb: which means to dry up, to shrivel. Strong’s #6784 BDB #855.
187. Masculine_noun: tsammûwq (צַמּוּק) [pronounced tsahm-MOOK], which means a bunch of raisins, dried grapes. This is only found in the plural? Strong’s #6778 BDB #856. 1Sam. 25:18 30:12 2Sam. 16:1 1Chron. 12:40
tsammûwq (צַמּוּק) [pronounced tsahm-MOOK] |
a bunch of raisins, a dried grape |
masculine singular noun if this is found in the singular |
Strong’s #6778 BDB #856 |
tsimmûwqîym (צִמּוּקִים) [pronounced tzim-moo-KEEM] |
raisin clusters, a bunch of raisins, clusters of dried grapes; cakes of grapes |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6778 BDB #856 |
188. Masculine_noun: tsemer (צֶמֶר) [pronounced TSEH-mer], which means wool [from sheep, in clothing]; whiteness. Strong’s #6785 BDB #856. Deut. 22:11 Psalm 147:16
tsemer (צֶמֶר) [pronounced TSEH-mer] |
wool [from sheep, in clothing]; metaphorically: whiteness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6785 BDB #856 |
189. Feminine_noun: which means tree-top. Strong’s #6788 BDB #856.
190. Gentilic_adjective: Tsemmârîy (צְּמָרִי) [pronounced tsehm-aw-REE], which means double woolens, transliterated Zemarite. Strong’s #6786 BDB #856. Gen. 10:18
Tsemmârîy (צְּמָרִי) [pronounced tsehm-aw-REE] |
double woolens, transliterated Zemarite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6786 BDB #856 |
191. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6787 BDB #856.
192. Verb: tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MAHTH], which means to bring to silence; to be silent, to leave off speaking; to cut off, to destroy. to put an end to, to exterminate; in the passive stem: to be annihilated, to be exterminated. Strong’s #6789 BDB #856. 2Sam. 22:41 Job 6:17 Psalm 54:5 73:27
tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MATH] |
to bring to silence; to be silent, to leave off speaking; to cut off, to destroy |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6789 BDB #856 |
tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MATH] |
to bring to silence; to be silent, to leave off speaking; to cut off, to destroy [or causal forms of these meanings] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6789 BDB #856 |
tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MATH] |
to be extinguished; to be silenced; to be exterminated [annihilated, destroyed, cut off] |
3rd person masculine singular, Nipahl imperfect |
Strong’s #6789 BDB #856 |
tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MATH] |
to put an end to |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect no meanings in Ges |
Strong’s #6789 BDB #856 |
tsâmath (צָמַת) [pronounced tzaw-MATH] |
to be exterminated, to be anhilated |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel imperfect |
Strong’s #6789 BDB #856 |
193. Masculine_noun: which means flocks. Strong’s #6792 BDB #856.
194. Verb: tsânach (חַנ ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-NAHKH], which means to descend, to let oneself down, to go down [into]. Strong’s #6795 BDB #856. Joshua 15:18 Judges 1:14 4:21
tsânach (חַנ ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-NAHKH] |
to descend, to let oneself down, to go down [into] |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6795 BDB #856 |
195. Verb: tsânam (צָנַם) [pronounced tsaw-NAHM], which means to dry up, to harden. Strong’s #6798 BDB #856. Gen. 41:23
tsânam (צָנַם) [pronounced tsaw-NAHM] |
to dry up, to harden |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6798 BDB #856 |
tsânam (צָנַם) [pronounced tsaw-NAHM] |
dried up, hardened, withered |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6798 BDB #856 |
196. Masculine_noun: which means thorn, barb. Strong’s #6791 BDB #856.
197. Feminine_noun: which means hook, barb. Strong’s #6793 BDB #856.
198. Masculine_noun: which means thorn, prick. Strong’s #6796 BDB #856.
199. Feminine_noun1: which means coolness. Strong’s #6793 BDB #856.
200. Feminine_noun2: tsinnâh (הָ̣צ) [pronounced tzin-NAW], which means large shield. Strong’s #6793 BDB #857. 1Sam. 17:7 1Chron. 12:8
tsinnâh (הָ̣צ) [pronounced tzin-NAW] |
large shield |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6793 BDB #857 |
201. Feminine_noun: tsinetseneth (צִנְצֶנֶת) [pronounced tzin-TZEH-neth], which means jar, vessel, pot; receptacle. It is only found in Exodus 16:33* and probably was not a cooking vessel. Strong’s #6803 BDB #857. Exodus 16:33
tsinetseneth (צִנְצֶנֶת) [pronounced tzin-TZEH-neth] |
jar, vessel, pot; receptacle |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6803 BDB #857 |
202. Verb: which means to be modest, to be humble. Strong’s #6800 BDB #857.
203. Adjective: modest. Strong’s #6800? BDB #857.
204. Verb: which means to wrap, to wind up together. Strong’s #6801 BDB #857.
205. Masculine_noun: which means turban. Strong’s #6797 BDB #857.
206. Feminine_noun: which means a winding (like of a turban?). Strong’s #6802 BDB #857.
207. Feminine_noun: mitsenepheth (מִצְנֶפֶת) [pronounced mits-neh-FETH], which means turban (of a high priest), diadem, mitre. Strong’s #4701 BDB #857. Exodus 28:4 29:6
mitsenepheth (מִצְנֶפֶת) [pronounced mits-neh-FETH] |
turban (of a high priest), diadem, mitre |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4701 BDB #857 |
208. Verb: which means to shut up, to shut in, to hedge about. Strong’s #none BDB #857.
209. Masculine_noun: which means pillory. Strong’s #6729 BDB #857.
210. Masculine_noun: tsinnûwr (ר.צ) [pronounced tsihn-NOOR], which means pipe, spout, conduit, water conduit. Strong’s #6794 BDB #857. 2Sam. 5:8
tsinnûwr (ר.צ) [pronounced tsihn-NOOR] |
pipe, spout, conduit, water conduit |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6794 BDB #857 |
211. Masculine collective noun: which means pipes (feeding lamps with oil). Strong’s #6804 BDB #857.
212. Verb: tsâʿad (צָעַד) [pronounced tzaw-ĢAHD], which means to step, to march; to mount up. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to march, to make march. Strong’s #6805 BDB #857. Gen. 49:22 Judges 5:4 2Sam. 6:13 Job 18:14 Psalm 68:7 Prov. 7:8
tsâʿad (צָעַד) [pronounced tzaw-ĢAHD] |
to step, to go on slowly; to march; to mount up [slowly]; to cause to go up |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6805 BDB #857 |
Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary: went, moved leisurely, sauntered. |
tsâʿad (צָעַד) [pronounced tzaw-ĢAHD] |
to cause someone to step, to cause one to quicken their steps; to chase; to persecute |
Hiphil infinitive construct with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6805 BDB #857 |
213. Masculine_noun: tsaʿad (צַעַד) [pronounced TZAH-ģahd], which means a step, pace; figuratively: steps of life. Strong’s #6806 BDB #857. 2Sam. 6:13 22:37 Prov. 4:12 5:5
tsaʿad (צַעַד) [pronounced TZAH-ģahd] |
a step, pace; figuratively: steps of life |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6806 BDB #857 |
tseʿâdîym (צְעָדִים) [pronounced tseh-ģawd-EEM] |
steps, paces; figuratively for the course of life |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6806 BDB #857 |
I am not completely sure of the plural spelling. |
214. Feminine_noun: tseʿâdâh (הָדָעצ) [pronounced tseh-ģaw-DAW], which means marching, steps. Strong’s #6807 BDB #857. 2Sam. 5:24
tseʿâdâh (הָדָעצ) [pronounced tseh-ģaw-DAW] |
marching, steps |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6807 BDB #857 |
This word is only found in two parallel passages, so its meaning is rather difficult to ascertain. However, its cognates all are related to marching, stepping, or walking; actually or metaphorically. |
215. Masculine_noun: tsaʿad (ד-ע-צ) [pronounced TZAH-ģahd], which means a step. Tsaʿad can be used figuratively for one’s course of life, walk through life or fortune. Strong’s #4703 BDB #857. Job 18:7
216. Feminine_noun: tseʿâdâh (הָדָעצ) [pronounced tseh-ģaw-DAW], which means armlet, band clasping upper arm. Plural only? 2Kings 11:12 Isa. 3:20 Strong’s #6807 BDB #857.
217. Feminine_noun: ʾetseʿâdâh (הָדָעצ∵א) [pronounced ehts-ģaw-DAW], which means leg chain [iron]; armlet, bracelet. Strong’s #685 BDB #858. 2Sam. 1:10
ʾetseʿâdâh (הָדָעצ∵א) [pronounced ehts-ģaw-DAW] |
leg chain [iron]; armlet, bracelet |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #685 BDB #858 |
Context usually makes it quite clear whether this is an armlet, anklet or leg chain. |
218. Verb: which means to stoop, to bend, to incline. Strong’s #6808 BDB #858.
219. Verb: which means to wander, to travel. Strong’s #6813 BDB #858.
220. Proper_noun/location: which means to wander, to travel; transliterated . Strong’s #6814 BDB #858.
221. Proper_noun/location: Tsaʿănannîym (םי.-נֲע-צ) [pronounced tsah-guh-nahn-NEEM], which means removals, things removed; transliterated Zaannannim, Zaanaim. There are two spellings of this proper noun. Strong’s #6815 BDB #858. Judges 4:11
Tsaʿănannîym (םי.-נֲע-צ) [pronounced tsah-guh-nahn-NEEM] |
removals, things removed; wanderers; transliterated Zaanannim, Zaanaim |
masculine plural, proper noun/location |
Strong’s #6815 BDB #858 |
There are two spellings of this proper noun. |
The translation oaks of the wanderers is given by Easton; but not suggested by BDB or Gesenius. Furthermore, we do not have a construct here, but a preposition instead. For this reason, I believe that Zaanaim should be seen as a proper noun, referring to a city or an area; and the oak in Zaanaim as a specific location in that area or city. |
222. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #6815 BDB #658.
223. Masculine_noun: tsâʿîyph (צָעִיף) [pronounced tsaw-ĢEEF], which means [a woman’s] veil; a wrapper, a shawl. Strong’s #6809 BDB #858. Gen. 24:65 38:14
tsâʿîyph (צָעִיף) [pronounced tsaw-ĢEEF] |
[a woman’s] veil; a wrapper, a shawl |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6809 BDB #858 |
224. Verb: tsâʿaq (צָעַק) [pronounced tsaw-ĢAHK], which means to cry, to cry out, to call, to summon. In the Niphal, it means to be called, to be summoned, to be drafted. Strong’s #6817 BDB #858. Gen. 4:10 27:34 41:55 Exodus 5:8, 15 Exodus 8:12 14:10, 15 15:25 17:4 22:23, 27 Deut. 22:24 Judges 4:3 10:17 12:1 1Sam. 10:17 13:4 Job 19:7 Psalm 34:17
tsâʿaq (צָעַק) [pronounced tsaw-ĢAHK] |
to cry, to cry out [for help; when in distress], to call, to summon; to make an outcry |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6817 BDB #858 |
tsâʿaq (צָעַק) [pronounced tsaw-ĢAHK] |
crying [out], calling [out], summoning |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6817 BDB #858 |
tsâʿaq (צָעַק) [pronounced tsaw-ĢAHK] |
those crying [out], the ones calling [out], those summoning |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6817 BDB #858 |
tsâʿaq (צָעַק) [pronounced tsaw-ĢAHK] |
to be called, to be summoned, to be drafted |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6817 BDB #858 |
225. Feminine_noun: tseʿâqâh (צְעָקָה) [pronounced tze-ģaw-KAW], which means outcry, cry, a crying out. Strong’s #6818 BDB #858. Gen. 18:21 19:13 27:33 Exodus 3:7 11:6 12:30 22:23 1Sam. 4:14 9:16
tseʿâqâh (צְעָקָה) [pronounced tze-ģaw-KAW] |
outcry, cry, a crying out |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #6818 BDB #858 |
226. Verb: tsâʿar (ר ַע ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-AHR ortsaw-GAHR], which means to be insignificant, to become insignificant, to be small, to be despicable. Strong’s #6819 BDB #858. Job 14:21
227. Proper_noun/location: Tsôʿar (צֹּעַר) [pronounced TSOH-ģahr], which means to be small, to be insignificant; transliterated Zoar. Strong’s #6820 BDB #858. Gen. 13:10 14:2 19:22 Deut. 34:3
Tsôʿar (צֹּעַר) [pronounced TSOH-ģahr] |
to be small, to be insignificant; transliterated Zoar |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #6820 BDB #858 |
228. Adjective: tsâʿîyr (צָעִיר) [pronounced tzaw-ĢEER], which means little, insignificant, young, youngest, least. Strong’s #6810 BDB #859. Gen. 19:31 25:23 29:26 43:33 48:14 1Sam. 9:21 Psalm 68:27
tsâʿîyr (צָעִיר) [pronounced tzaw-ĢEER] |
little, insignificant, young, youngest, least |
feminine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6810 BDB #859 |
229. Proper-Noun/location: Strong’s #6811 BDB #859.
230. Feminine_noun: tseʿîyrâh (צְעִירָה) [pronounced tseh-ee-RAW], which means youth. Strong’s #6812 BDB #859. Gen. 43:33*
tseʿîyrâh (צְעִירָה) [pronounced tseh-ee-RAW] |
youth |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6812 BDB #859 |
231. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6686 BDB #859.
232. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6730 BDB #859.
233. Masculine_noun: mitseʿâr (מִצְעָר) [pronounced mihts-ĢAWR], which means smallness, little, few; a small thing, a little while. Strong’s #4705 BDB #859. Gen. 19:20
mitseʿâr (מִצְעָר) [pronounced mihts-ĢAWR] |
smallness, little, few; a small thing, a little while |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4705 BDB #859 |
234. Masculine_proper_noun: which means small thing; transliterated . Strong’s #4706 BDB #859.
235. Verb: which means to draw together, to contract. Strong’s #6821 BDB #859.
236. Verb: tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW], which means to look out, to view, to look about, to spy, to keep watch. It has several important sub-meanings (see Gesenius). The Piel is the intensive stem, meaning that Eli is watching with great concern. In the Piel, it means to overlay with gold or silver (the Arabic equivalent means to shine, to be bright, which explains that Piel meaning). Strong’s #6822 BDB #859. The Cities of Mizpeh Gen. 31:49 1Sam. 4:13 14:16 2Sam. 13:34 18:24 Job 15:22
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
to look out, to view, to look about, to spy, to keep watch |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6822 BDB #859 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
the one keeping watch; the look-out, the spy, the watcher, the watchman |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #6822 BDB #859 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
look-out, spy, watcher, watchman |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6822 BDB #859 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
look outs, spies, watchers, watchmen |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6822 BDB #859 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
to watch or to look out [with great concern], to [carefully, intently] look about, to [faithfully] keep watch |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6822 BDB #859 |
237. Proper_noun: Tsephôw (צְפוֹ) [pronounced tsehf-OH], which means watch-tower; and is transliterated Zepho. Strong’s #6825 BDB #859. Gen. 36:11
Tsephôw (צְפוֹ) [pronounced tsehf-OH] |
watch-tower; and is transliterated Zepho |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #6825 BDB #859 |
This is also spelled Tsephîy (צְפִי) [pronounced tsehf-EE]. |
238. Feminine_noun: which means lookout post, watchtower. Strong’s #6836 BDB #859.
239. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsipheyôwn (צִפְיוֹן) [pronounced tsihf-YONE], which means watchtower; transliterated Ziphion, Tsifphion. Strong’s #6837&1189&6827 BDB #859. Gen. 46:16*
Tsipheyôwn (צִפְיוֹן) [pronounced tsihf-YONE] |
watchtower; transliterated Ziphion, Tsifphion |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6837 & #1189 & #6827 BDB #859 |
I do not know why BDB lists the other Strong’s #’s, as this proper noun is only found here in Gen. 46:16. Perhaps an equivalent name shows up elsewhere. |
240. Adjective_gentis: which means , and is transliterated . Strong’s #6831 BDB #859.
241. Masculine_noun: mitsepeh (ה∵צ̣מ) [pronounced mitze-PEH], which means watchtower, lookout point, outlook point. This noun is only found in Isa. 21:8 2Chron. 20:24 Strong’s #4707 BDB #859. The Cities of Mizpeh
242. Proper_noun: Mitsepâh (מִצְפָה) [pronounced mitze-PAW], which means outlook point, watchtower. ZPEB lists as man as six different Mizpah’s, three of them west of the Jordan. This would not be unusual, given the name. One of the important things to a city as a line of defense is knowing ahead of time if they might be under attack. With a watchtower or a lookout point, they can see their enemies approaching. There were probably many areas and sites known as Mizpah. This could be just as easily rendered land of the lookout post. Strong’s #4708ብ) BDB #859. Gen. 31:49 Joshua 11:3 1Sam. (4:13) 7:5 22:3
Mitsepâh (מִצְפָה) pronounced mitze-PAW] |
outlook point, watchtower; transliterated Mizpah |
proper noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4708 (& #4709) BDB #859 |
This is equivalent to the proper noun Mitsepâh (מִצְפָה) [pronounced mitze-PAW], which is transliterated Mizpah. |
Mitsepêh (מִצְפֵה) pronounced mitze-PAY] |
outlook point, watchtower; transliterated Mizpeh |
proper noun |
Strong’s #4708 (& #4709) BDB #859 |
243. Verb: tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW], which means to lay out [over], to cover over; to make an overlay; to plate; to stud. Strong’s #6823 BDB #860. Exodus 25:11 26:29, 32 27:2 30:3 1Kings 6:15
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
to lay out [over], to cover over; to make an overlay; to plate; to stud |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #6823 BDB #860 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
to be laid out [over], to be covered over; to be overlain; to be plated |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual perfect |
Strong’s #6823 BDB #860 |
tsâphâh (צָפָה) [pronounced tsaw-FAW] |
being laid out [over], being covered over; being overlain; being plated |
masculine plural, Pual participle |
Strong’s #6823 BDB #860 |
244. Masculine_noun: which means metal plating. Strong’s #6826 BDB #860.
245. Feminine_noun: which means rug, carpet. Strong’s #6844 BDB #860.
246. Feminine_noun: which means plated capital [of a pillar]. Strong’s #6858 BDB #860.
247. Feminine_noun: tsapachath (ת-ח--צ) [pronounced tzahp-PAH-khahth], which means jar, jug [flat or broad shape], cruse [for holding water]. Strong’s #6835 BDB #860. 1Sam. 26:11
tsapachath (ת-ח--צ) [pronounced tzahp-PAH-khahth] |
jar, jug [flat or broad shape], cruse [for holding water] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6835 BDB #860 |
248. Feminine_noun: tsappîychith (צַפִּיחִת) [pronounced tsap-pee-KHEETH], which means, flat thin cake, wafer. Strong’s #6838 BDB #860. Exodus 16:31*
tsappîychith (צַפִּיחִת) [pronounced tsap-pee-KHEETH] |
flat thin cake, wafer |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6838 BDB #860 |
249. Masculine_proper_noun: which means don’t know and is transliterated . Strong’s #6690 BDB #860.
250. Verb: tsâphan (צָפַן) [pronounced tsaw-FAHN], which means to lay up [in storage]; to hide, to conceal, to store (as treasure), to treasure up. This is generally used in a very positive sense, as in Prov. 2:7a: He [God] stores up sound wisdom for the upright. Psalm 31:19a: How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who revere You. (see also SOS 7:13). The work which God has done in Job and the prosperity which God has laid upon Job has been stored up in God’s heart—it is out of sight from his associates. This is generally used in a very positive sense, and here it refers to those that God has protected, concealed, and hidden. For in the day of trouble, He will conceal me in His tent; in the secret place of His tent, He will hide me; [then], He will lift me up on a rock (Psalm 27:5). Hide me from the secret counsel of evildoers, and from the tumult of those who do iniquity (Psalm 64:2). Strong’s #6845 BDB #860. Exodus 2:2, Job 10:13 14:13 15:20 17:4 20:26 21:19 Psalm 10:8 56:6 83:3 Prov. 1:11 2:1, 6 7:1 10:14
tsâphan (צָפַן) [pronounced tsaw-FAHN] |
to hide, to conceal; to lurk; to lay up [in storage], to store (as treasure), to treasure up; to restrain |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6845 BDB #860 |
tsâphan (צָפַן) [pronounced tsaw-FAHN] |
to be hidden [concealed]; to be laid up [in storage], to be stored (as treasure); to be destined |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6845 BDB #860 |
tsâphan (צָפַן) [pronounced tsaw-FAHN] |
to hide, to hide from discovery; to lie in wait |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6845 BDB #860 |
251. Masculine_noun: which means treasure. Strong’s #6840 BDB #860.
252. Feminine_singular_noun: tsâphôwn (צָפוֹן) [pronounced tsaw-FOHN], which mean north. Strong’s #6828 BDB #860. Gen. 13:14 28:14 Exodus 14:2 26:20 27:11 Deut. 3:27 Joshua 8:11 24:30 Judges 2:9 7:1 (12:1) 1Kings 7:25 Psalm 89:12 Eccles. 1:6
tsâphôwn (צָפוֹן) [pronounced tsaw-FOHN] |
north, northern, northward; north wind |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6828 BDB #860 |
When preceded by min and followed by a lâmed, it means northward, north of any place. |
With the directional hê, this means northward. |
253. Feminine_noun: tsâphôwnâh (צָפוֹנָה) [pronounced tsaw-foh-NAW], which is very similar to the simple word for north, which is tsâphôwn (ןפָצ) [pronounced tsaw-FOHN], which simply means north. The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance does not differentiate between these two words, nor does BDB, Gesenius or Strong. However, Gesenius notes that with the âh ending, this word means northward. This appears to be nothing more than the he locale (to be covered later in Judges 12:9). Strong’s #6828 BDB #860. Deut. 2:3 Judges 12:1 1Kings 7:25
tsâphôwnâh (צָפוֹנָה) [pronounced tsaw-foh-NAW] |
north, northward, towards the north |
feminine singular noun with the directional hê |
Strong’s #6828 BDB #860 |
254. Adjective: which means northern, northernmost. Strong’s #6838 BDB #861.
255. Masculine_noun: which means northern one, northerner, invader from the north. Identical to above. Strong’s #6838 BDB #861.
256. Proper_noun/location: tsâphôwn (ןפ ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-FOHN], which means north, northern; transliterated . Strong’s #6829 BDB #861.
257. Masculine_proper_noun: which means northern, north; transliterated . Strong’s #6846 BDB #861.
258. Masculine_noun: which means hidden treasure, treasure. Strong’s #4710 BDB #861.
259. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsâphenath-Paʿenêach (פַּעְנֵחַ-צָפְנַת) [pronounced tsof-NAHTH-pahģ-NAY-ahkh], which means the God speaks and He lives; treasury of the glorious rest; transliterated Zaphnath-paaneah, Tsophnath-Paneach. Strong’s #6847 BDB #861. Gen. 41:45*
Tsâphenath-Paʿenêach (פַּעְנֵחַ-צָפְנַת) [pronounced tsof-NATH-pahģ-NAY-ahkh] |
the God speaks and He lives; treasury of the glorious rest; transliterated Zaphnath-paaneah, Tsophnath-Paneach |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6847 BDB #861 |
260. Verb1: which means to hiss. Strong’s #none BDB #861.
261. Masculine_noun: which means poisonous serpent, poisonous snake. Onomatopoetic. Strong’s #6848 BDB #861.
262. Masculine_noun: which means poisonous serpent, poisonous snake. different spelling from above. Onomatopoetic. Strong’s #6848 BDB #861.
263. Verb2: which means to excrete, to take a dump. Strong’s #none BDB #861.
264. Masculine_noun: which means dung [of cattle]. Strong’s #6832 BDB #861.
265. Feminine_noun: which means offshoot. Strong’s #6849 BDB #861.
266. Verb: tsâpheph (ף-פָצ) [pronounced tsaw-FAHF], which means to chirp, to peep. This onomatopoetic word is used of birds (Isa. 10:14) and of the ventriloquist demon (Isa. 8:19 29:4). Here, it should be rendered the chirpers or the chirping ones. Thieme says that this means speaking in a high, falsetto voice. Strong’s #6850 BDB #861. The Doctrine of Tongues (Isa. 8:19)
267. Feminine_noun: which means willow, kind of a willow. Strong’s #6851 BDB #861.
268. Verb1: which means to return, to depart; to put to the test. Meaning is very uncertain. Strong’s #6852 BDB #861.
269. Verb: which means to peep, to twitter, to whistle. Onomatopoetic word. Strong’s #6852 BDB #861.
270. Feminine_noun: tsippôwr (צִפּוֹר) [pronounced tsihp-POOR], which means small bird, sparrow; bird [singular, collective sense]; fowl, birds. Strong’s #6833 BDB #861. Gen. 7:14 15:10 Deut. 4:17 22:6 Psalm 148:10 Prov. 6:5 7:23
tsippôwr (צִפּוֹר) [pronounced tsihp-POOR] |
small bird, sparrow; bird [singular, collective sense]; fowl, birds |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6833 BDB #861 |
271. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsippôwr (ר.צ) [pronounced tsihp-POOR], which means bird, sparrow and is transliterated . Father of Balak, king of Moab. Strong’s #6834 BDB #862.
272. Feminine_proper_noun: Tsippôrâh (צִפֹּרָה) [pronounced tsihp-poh-RAW], which means bird and is transliterated Zipporah. Wife of Moses. Strong’s #6855 BDB #862. Exodus 2:21 4:25 18:2
Tsippôrâh (צִפֹּרָה) [pronounced tsihp-poh-RAW] |
bird, lady-bird and is transliterated Zipporah, Tzipporah, Tsipporah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6855 BDB #862 |
273. Feminine_noun: which means plait, chaplet, coronet, diadem. Strong’s #6843 BDB #862.
274. Masculine_noun: tsippôren (צִפֹּרֶן) [pronounced tsip-POH-ren], which means, nail [of a finger]; stylus-point, finger-nail; with the point of a diamond. Strong’s #6856 BDB #862. Deut. 21:12
tsippôren (צִפֹּרֶן) [pronounced tsip-POH-ren] |
nail [of a finger]; stylus-point, finger-nail; with the point of a diamond |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6856 BDB #862 |
275. Masculine_noun: which means male goat, he-goat [for a sin offering]. Late. Strong’s #6842 BDB #862.
276. Masculine_proper_noun: Tsôwphar (צוֹפַר) [pronounced tsoh-FAHR], which means sparrow; departing; goat; and is transliterated Zophar. Job’s third friend. Strong’s #6691 BDB #862. Job 2:11
Tsôwphar (צוֹפַר) [pronounced tsoh-FAHR] |
sparrow; departing; goat; and is transliterated Zophar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6691 BDB #862 |
277. Feminine_noun: tsepharedêaʾ (צְפַרְדֵּעַ) [pronounced tse-fahre-DAY-ahģ], which means frogs [collective]; hoppers; leapers. Strong’s #6854 BDB #862. Exodus 8:2 Psalm 105:30
tsepharedêaʾ (צְפַרְדֵּעַ) [pronounced tse-fahre-DAY-ahģ] |
frogs [collective]; hoppers; leapers |
feminine plural noun; often used in the collective sense in the singular |
Strong’s #6854 BDB #862 |
278. Proper_noun_location: Tsephâth (תָפצ) [pronounced tsef-AWTH], which means watchtower; and is transliterated Zephath. Canaanite city. Strong’s #6857 BDB #862. Judges 1:17
Tsephâth (תָפצ) [pronounced tsef-AWTH] |
watchtower; transliterated Zephath |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6857 BDB #862 |
279. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . In Judah. Strong’s #6859 BDB #862.
280. Proper_noun_location: tsiqelag (ג-לק̣צ) [pronounced tzihke-LAHG], which means nothing; and is transliterated Ziklag. Philistine city given to David. There are several alternative spellings. Strong’s #6860 BDB #862. 1Sam. 27:6 30:1, 26 2Sam. 1:1 1Chron. 12:1, 20
Tsiqelag (ג-לק̣צ) [pronounced tzihke-LAHG] |
transliterated Ziklag |
Proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6860 BDB #862 |
281. Masculine_noun: which means garment. Doubtful word. Strong’s #6861 BDB #862.
282. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . In Naphtali. Strong’s #6863 BDB #862.
283. Proper_noun_location1: Tsôr (צֹר) [pronounced tsohr], which means rock; knife; and is transliterated Tyre or Tyrus. Phœnician city. Strong’s #6865 BDB #862. 2Sam. 5:11 24:7 1Kings 5:1 7:13 9:11
Tsôr (צֹר) [pronounced tsohr] |
rock; knife; and is transliterated Tyre or Tyrus |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #6865 BDB #862 |
Also spelled Tsôwr (צוֹר) [pronounced tsohr], and is identical to Strong’s #6864 (which means flint, hard pebble; knife). |
284. Masculine_noun2: tsôr (צֹר) [pronounced tsohr], which means flint, knife. Strong’s #6864 BDB #863. Exodus 4:25
tsôr (צֹר) [pronounced tsohr] |
flint, hard pebble, rock; knife |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6864 BDB #862 |
Also spelled tsôwr (צוֹר) [pronounced tsohr], and is identical to Strong’s #6865 (which is transliterated Tyre, Tyrus). |
285. Gentilic_adjective: Tsôrîy (צֹרִי) [pronounced tsoh-REE], which means, to distress; reference to an inhabitant of Tyre, Syrian, a Tsorite; transliterated Tyrian. Strong’s #6876 BDB #863. 1Kings 7:14
Tsôrîy (צֹרִי) [pronounced tsoh-REE] |
to distress; reference to an inhabitant of Tyre, Syrian, a Tsorite; transliterated Tyrian |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #6876 BDB #863 |
286. Verb: which means to burn, to scorch. Strong’s #6866 BDB #863.
287. Adjective: which means burning, scorching. Strong’s #6867 BDB #863.
288. Feminine_noun: which means scab, scar. Oneo f these Strong’s is wrong. Strong’s #6867 BDB #863.
289. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Home of Jeroboam. Strong’s #6868 BDB #863.
290. Masculine_noun: which means of a vein, run blood, bleed; gum from a tree, sap from tree. Strong’s #6869? BDB #863.
291. Masculine_noun: tserîy (צְרִי) [pronounced tsehr-EE], which means balsam, a kind of balsam [as merchandise]; medicament; a salve, a resin, gum of mastic-tree. Strong’s #6875 BDB #863. Gen. 37:25 43:11
tserîy (צְרִי) [pronounced tsehr-EE] |
balsam, a kind of balsam [as merchandise]; medicament; a salve, a resin, gum of mastic-tree |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6875 BDB #863 |
This is also spelled tsôrîy (צֹרִי) [pronounced tsohr-EE]. |
292. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . A musician. Strong’s #6874 BDB #863.
293. Feminine_proper_noun: Tserûwyâh (צְרוּיָה) [pronounced tzeroo-YAW], which means and is transliterated Zeruiah. Mother of Abishai, Joab and Asahel. Strong’s #6870 BDB #863. 1Sam. 26:6 2Sam. 2:13, 18 8:16 14:1 16:9 17:25 19:21 21:17 1Kings 1:7 2:5 1Chron. 11:6, 12, 39
Tserûwyâh (צְרוּיָה) [pronounced tzeroo-YAW] |
balsam; transliterated Zeruiah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6870 BDB #863 |
294. Verb1: which means to cry, to roar, to cry aloud; to bitterly roar?, to utter a roar. Strong’s #6873 BDB #863.
295. Verb2: which means to cleave to the ground, to rend open; sepulchral chamber. Strong’s #6873 BDB #863.
296. Masculine_noun: tserîyach (-חי.ר צ) [pronounced tze-REE-akh], which means underground chamber, excavation, stronghold, basement. It is only found a handful of times in Scripture (Judges 9:46, 49 1Sam. 13:6*), so we are making educated guesses about the meaning. Strong’s #6877 BDB #863. Judges 9:46, 49 1Sam. 13:6
tserîyach (-חי.ר צ) [pronounced tze-REE-akh] |
underground chamber, excavation, stronghold, basement |
masculine plural noun (with the definite article) |
Strong’s #6877 BDB #863 |
297. Verb: which means to have need of, to be needy. Strong’s #none BDB #863.
298. Masculine_noun: which means need. Strong’s #6878 BDB #863.
299. Feminine_noun: tsâraʿath (ת ַע ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-RAH-ahth] found primarily here and Lev. 14. Other than its twenty appearances in these two chapters, it is only found in six more places in the Bible (Deut. 24:5 2Kings 5:3, 6–7, 27 2Chron. 19). These words are usually translated leper, leprous, leprosy; fungus mold, but this encompasses several epidermal disorders and I have so translated it throughout. Strong’s #6883 BDB #863
300. Verb: tsâraʿ (צָרַע) [pronounced tsah-RAWĢ], which means to have an epidermal disorder [or, skin condition]; to be a leper, to be leprous; to have a bruised area. found more often throughout the Bible, several times in the next two chapters, and in Exodus 4:6 Num. 5:2 12:10 2Sam. 3:29 2Kings 5:1, 11, 27 7:3, 8 15:5 2Chron. 26:20–21, 23. Even though it is a verb, it occurs only in the Qal and Puel participles and acts like an adjective in most, if not all, of those passages. These words are usually translated leper, leprous, leprosy, but this encomapsses several epidermal disorders and I have so translated it throughout. When found on its own, it is translated leper. My guess is that it refers to the disease when accompanied by negaʿ (ח ַג ∵נ) [pronounced NEH-gah], which I have translated bruised area. I’m not sure I see a difference between the Pual and the Qal. Therefore, I have rendered them identically. Strong's #6879 BDB #863. Exodus 4:6 2Sam. 3:29
tsâraʿ (צָרַע) [pronounced tsah-RAWĢ] |
to have an epidermal disorder [or, skin condition]; to be a leper, to be leprous; to have a bruised area |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6879 BDB #863 |
tsâraʿ (צָרַע) [pronounced tsah-RAWĢ] |
an epidermal disorder [or, skin condition]; a leper, leprous; a bruised area |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #6879 BDB #863 |
tsâraʿ (צָרַע) [pronounced tsah-RAW] |
to have an epidermal disorder [or, skin condition]; to have leprosy; to have a bruised area |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #6879 BDB #863 |
tsâraʿ (צָרַע) [pronounced tsah-RAWĢ] |
an epidermal disorder [or, skin condition]; a leper, leprous; a bruised area |
Pual participle |
Strong's #6879 BDB #863 |
301. Feminine_collective_noun: tsireâh (צִרְעָה) [pronounced tsihr-AW], which means, hornets, wasps. Strong’s #6880 BDB #864. Exodus 23:27
tsireâh (צִרְעָה) [proounced tsihr-AW] |
hornet (s), wasp (s) |
feminine singular collective noun; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6880 BDB #864 |
302. Proper_noun: Zareathites or tsârêʿâthîy (י.תָע רָצ) [pronounced tzor--aw-THEE], found in 1Chron. 2:53), which is Strong’s #6882 BDB #864. This is also given as Zorites or tsorêʿîy (י.ע רָצ) [pronounced txohr-EE], which is also Strong’s #6882 BDB #864. (1Chron. 2:54); and Zorathites, which is the same word as we find in 1Chron. 2:53 (1Chron. 4:2). Judges 18:2
303. Verb: tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF], which means to smelt, to refine, to assay, to test [the purity and the genuineness of a metal]. Joseph’s purity and genuineness were both being tested here. According to Rotherham, this means to smelt, to refine, to assay. According to Barnes, this is more accurately a word which connotes the separating of a metal from the dross; it is the final step in the refining of a metal. As a participle, this means metal-smith, smelter, refiner, silversmith, goldsmith metal-worker. The same word is rendered goldsmith in Isa. 40:19 and Jer. 10:9. Strong’s #6884 BDB #864. Bible Translations Judges 7:4 17:4 2Sam. 22:31 Psalm 12:6 105:19
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
to smelt, to refine, to assay, to test [the purity and the genuineness of a metal] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
is smelted, is refined, has been tested [the purity and the genuineness of a metal]; proven true |
feminine singular, Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
metal-smith, smelter, refiner, silversmith, goldsmith metal-worker |
masculine singular, Qal participle |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
to be refined, to be tested [the purity and the genuineness of a metal] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
to refine, to be a refiner |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
tsâraph (צָרַף) [pronounced tzaw-RAHF] |
a refiner |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #6884 BDB #864 |
304. Masculine collective noun: which means goldsmiths. Strong’s #6885 BDB #864.
305. Verb1&2: tsârar (צָרַר) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR], which means to bind, to tie up, to be restricted, to be cramped, to lay hold of, to shut up. It does have a passive meaning although tsârar is not found in the Niphal stem. It also has an intransitive sense: to be pressed, so be straitened, to be distressed. In the Pual, it means to be mended by tying. In the Hiphil, it means to press upon, to besiege, to bring into distress, to afflict, to vex. Strong’s #6887 (and #3334) BDB #864. The second meaning is to show hostility toward, to vex, to oppress, to persecute. When the verb is used in this second way, we need to have some sort of an object—either an accusative or a dative. It is closely tied to the noun for adversary, for—the cognate is tsar (ר ַצ) [pronounced tsawr] (Strong's #6887 BDB #865)—therefore, it means show hostility toward, treat as an enemy. As a masculine plural participle, it means oppressors, enemies, persecutors. Strong’s #6887 BDB #865. Gen. 32:7 Exodus 12:34 23:22 Num. 25:17 (2) Joshua 9:4 (1) Judges 2:15 (2) 10:9 (2) 1Sam. 25:29 30:6 2Sam. 20:3 1Kings 8:37 Job 18:7 20:22 (2) Psalm 7:4, 6 8:2 (2) 23:5 Prov. 4:12
tsârar (צָרַר) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR] |
to press, to compress; to bind up, to bind together; to lay hold of; to shut up; to oppress, to persecute, to treat with hostility; intransitive meanings: to be distressed [stressed, in anguish] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect; probably a homonym |
Strong’s #6887 BDB #864 and #865 |
tsârar (צָרַר) [pronounced tsaw-AHR] |
to bind, to tie up, to be restricted, to be cramped, to lay hold of, to shut up; to show hostility toward, to treat as an enemy |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6887 & #3334 BDB #865 |
tsârar (צָרַר) [pronounced tsaw-AHR] |
are bound, are tied up, are restricted, are laid a hold of, are shut up; are shown hostility toward, are treated as an enemy |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6887 & #3334 BDB #865 |
tsârar (צָרַר) [pronounced tsaw-AHR] |
oppressors, enemies, persecutors, those who are hostile, the ones oppressing |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #6887 BDB #865 |
tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-AHR] |
to be bound together |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6887 & #3334 BDB #865 |
tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-AHR] |
to press upon; to besiege; to bring into distress, to afflict, to cause great problems to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6887 & #3334 BDB #865 |
306. Adjective1: tsar (צַר) [pronounced tzahr], which means narrow, tight. In the singular, it generally seems to mean distress, tribulation, trouble (1Sam. 2:32 Job 15:24 Psalm 3:1); in the plural it means enemies, adversaries, those who would cause distress and trouble (Gen. 14:20 Deut. 33:27 33:7 Job 19:11). Strong's #6862 BDB #865. Deut. 4:30 Psalm 105:24
307. Masculine_noun2: tsar (צַר) [pronounced tsahr], which means an adversary, an enemy, distress, affliction. This noun has three sets of meanings: ➊ an adversary, an enemy (except for Num. 10:9, it is found used this way only in poetry—Job 16:9 Deut. 32:27 Psalm 81:15 Lam 1:7 Isa. 9:10—and in the later writings—Esther 7:4 Neh. 9:27; generally in the plural without a definite article). ➋ It also means distress, affliction (Psalm 18:7 66:14 106:44 102:3 —generally in the singular with a definite article). ➌ A stone (Isa. 5:28). These correspond to the slightly different meanings of its verb cognate. BDB lists these under two separate headings, with a third for the adjective. Strong’s #6862 BDB #865. Gen. 14:20 Deut. 4:30 Judges 11:7 1Sam. 2:32 13:6 28:15 2Sam. (2:16) 22:7 24:13 1Chron. 12:17 Job 15:24 16:9 Psalm 32:7 44:5, 10 59:16 106:11 136:24
tsar (צַר) [pronounced tsar] |
an adversary, an enemy; narrow, tight and therefore, distress, affliction, intense distress [caused by an adversary] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6862 BDB #865 |
Owen lists this as a masculine singular noun, which matches the spelling of this word in his Analytical Key. The Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament lists this as the Qal perfect of the verb cognate of tsar. |
Generally speaking, when tsar means enemy, adversary, it is found in poetry, in the plural, and without a definite article. When in prose, in the singular, and with a definite article, it usually means distress, oppression, affliction. This word can also mean hard pebble, flint. |
308. Feminine_noun: tsârâh (צָרָה) [pronounced tzaw-RAW], and it means anguish, adversity, affliction, travail, trouble and distress in the singular; in the plural it means troubles, distresses, disasters, afflictions, adversities. I mention that, as the masculine seems to have a slightly different meaning in the singular as opposed to the plural. Strong’s #6869 BDB #865. Gen. 35:3 42:21 1Sam. 1:6 10:19 26:24 1Kings 1:29 Job 5:19 Psalm 46:1 54:7 142:2
tsârâh (צָרָה) [pronounced tzaw-RAW] |
anguish, adversity, affliction, travail, trouble, distress; a female enemy |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6869 BDB #865 |
tsârâh (צָרָה) [pronounced tzaw-RAW] |
troubles, distresses, disasters, afflictions, adversities |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #6869 BDB #865 |
309. Verb3: tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR], which means to suffer distress. This is simply the Hiphil of above. Strong’s #6887 BDB #685.
310. Masculine_noun: tserôr (צֵרוֹר) [pronounced tseh-ROHR], which means bundle, parcel, pouch, bag; pebble. See below: Strong’s #6872 BDB #865. Job 14:17 Prov. 7:20
tserôr (צֵרוֹר) [pronounced tseh-ROHR] |
bundle, parcel, pouch, bag; pebble |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6872 BDB #865 |
311. Masculine_noun: mêtsar (ר-צ̤מ) [pronounced may-TSAHR], which means distress, pain, straits. Strong’s #4712 BDB #865. Psalm 118:5
mêtsar (ר-צ̤מ) [pronounced may-TSAR] |
distress, pain, straits |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4712 BDB #865 |
312. Verb2: tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR], which means to show hostility toward, to persecute, to vex. Already covered above (different BDB #). Strong’s #6887 BDB #865. Psalm 10:5
313. Masculine noun3: tsar (ר ַצ) [pronounced tsahr], which means adversary, foe. Covered above under Masculine noun2. Strong’s #6862 BDB #865. Job 16:9 19:11
314. Feminine_noun: tzârâh (צָרָה) [pronounced tsaw-RAW], which means distress, anguish, affliction, travail, trouble. Strong’s #6869 BDB #865. 1Sam. 1:6* (listed separately in BDB even though it is the same as above) Psalm 20:1 Prov. 1:27
tsârâh (צָרָה) [pronounced tzaw-RAW] |
distress, adversity; anguish, affliction, travail, trouble; possibly, rival, vexer, rival-wife; female adversary, enemy |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6869 BDB #865 |
Although this verb is found about 70 times in Scripture, this is the only place where it is rendered rival, rival wife, adversary. The idea is, what Peninnah is to Hannah transcends rivalry; she is Hannah’s constant anguish and affliction. |
315. Verb4?: tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR], which means to make a rival-wife. Lev. 18:18 only. Covered above. Strong’s #6887 BDB #865.
316. Verb5?: tsârar (ר ַר ָצ) [pronounced tsaw-RAHR], which means to be sharp. Possibly a sharp-edged stone. Strong's #none BDB #866.
317. Masculine_noun: which means hard pebble, flint. See above. Strong's #6862 BDB #866.
318. Masculine_noun: which means hard horse's hooves. Strong's #6864 BDB #866.
319. Masculine_noun: which means knife, knife of flint, flint of sword, blade. Strong's #6864 BDB #866.
320. Masculine_noun: tserôwr (צְרוֹר) [pronounced tzer-OHR], which means pebble. Strong's #6872 BDB #866. Gen. 42:35 2Sam. 17:13 Job 14:17
tserôwr (צְרוֹר) [pronounced tzer-OHR] |
bundle, parcel, pouch, bag (as packed); pebble |
masculine proper noun |
Strong's #6872 BDB #866 |
321. Masculine_proper_noun: Tserôwr (צְרוֹר) [pronounced tzer-OHR], which means pebble; to show hostility toward; to bind, to tie up; and is transliterated Zeror. Strong's #6872 BDB #866. 1Sam. 9:1
Tserôwr (צְרוֹר) [pronounced tzer-OHR] |
pebble; to show hostility toward; to bind, to tie up; and is transliterated Zeror |
masculine proper noun |
Strong's #6872 BDB #866 |
322. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Thought to be corrupt here. Strong's #6886 BDB #866.
323. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . In Judah. Strong's #6889 BDB #866.
324. Proper_noun_location: Tsârethân (צָרְתָן) [pronounced tsaw-reth-AWN], which means their distress; and is transliterated Zarthan, Zaretan. In the Jordan valley. Somehow related to the noun below? Strong's #6891 BDB #866. 1Kings 4:12 7:46
Tsârethân (צָרְתָן) [pronounced tsaw-reth-AWN] |
their distress; and is transliterated Zarthan, Zaretan |
proper singular noun location |
Strong's #6891 BDB #866 |
325. Proper_noun: tserêrâthâh (הָתָר̤ר צ) [pronounced tseray-RAW-thaw]. It is suggested by the Syriac, Arabic and various manuscripts that the second rêhsh should be a dâleth (the second r should be a d). Strong’s #6888 BDB #866. Judges 7:22*
19. ק Kofh or qôwph [pronounced cofe] (100) Written q and pronounced k
1. Letter:
2. Feminine_noun: which means bird, pelican?. Strong's #6893 BDB #866.
3. Masculine_noun: which means valted tent, dome. Strong's #none BDB #866.
4. Masculine_noun: which means a measure of capacity (dry measure); 2 liters?. Strong's #6894 BDB #866.
5. Feminine_noun: which means large, vaulted tent. Strong's #6898 BDB #866.
6. Verb: qâbab (קָבַב) [pronounced kawb-VABV], which means, to curse, to blaspheme. Check the definitions again; I may have screwed up here. This particular word is found only in Num. 22–25 and nowhere else in the Bible. The word translated curse in v. 6 is ’ârar (ר ַר ָא) [pronounced aw-RAHR] is the word commonly used for curse as far back as Gen. 3:14, 17 4:11 12:3 and all the way to Mal. 3:9. My educated guess is that qâbvabv is perhaps the Hebrew equivalent of the Balaam's word for curse. Strong's #6895 BDB #866. (see also Strong #5344 BDB #666) Lev. 24:11 (?) Num. 22:11 Job 5:3
7. Verb: which means to collect, to contain water; to have a disease where fluids are in the body (the lungs?). Strong's #none BDB #866.
8. Feminine_noun: qêbâh (ה ָב ֵק) [pronounced kayb-VAWH] and it is found only here, making its meaning rather abstruse. Strong’s #6896 BDB #867. However, there is a very similar word, qôbvâh (ה ָבֹק) [pronounced koeb-VAWH] which possibly means belly but it is found only in Num. 25:8. Strong’s #6897 BDB #867. However, what I think is the key is the word qâbvabv (ב ַב ָק) [pronounced kawb-VAHV], possibly a foreign word for curse (Num. 23:8, 27). Strong’s #6895 BDB #866. The primary difference between these words (and there is another similar word) is the vowel points (and curse ends in a bv., not an h. I would think that we have a relationship here—the cursed, inner portion. This would make sense to us today, as Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, Cursed is every one who hanges on a tree (Gal. 3:13 Deut. 21:23). Deut. 18:3
9. Feminine_noun: qubbâh (ה ָ ֻק) [pronounced koob-BAWH] is said to mean a large vaulted tent in BDB. The NASB and The Amplified Bible give the alternate rendering inner rooms. Strong's #6898 (6895) BDB #866. The word often translated belly or stomach is qôbvâh (ה ָבֹק) [pronounced koeb-VAWH]. Strong's #6897 (6895) BDB #867. Whereas these words look somewhat different, in the original Hebrew, where there were no vowel points, these were spelled identically (QBH, or הבק). Num. 25:8
10. Verb: qâbal (קָבַל) [pronounced kaw-BAHL], which means to receive, to take. Piel verb. Strong's #6901 BDB #867. Exodus 26:5 1Chron. 12:18 Job 2:10
qâbal (קָבַל) [pronounced kaw-BAHL] |
to receive, to take, to accept; to choose; to assume |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6901 BDB #867 |
The Hiphil form of this verb appears to have a completely different meaning. |
qâbal (קָבַל) [pronounced kaw-BAHL] |
to be opposed to, to stand over against [one another]; to correspond; to receive one another |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6901 BDB #867 |
qâbal (קָבַל) [pronounced kaw-BAHL] |
being opposed (opposite) to, standing over against [one another]; those corresponding to; receiving one another |
feminine plural, Hiphil participle; construct form |
Strong's #6901 BDB #867 |
11. Masculine_noun: which means something in front, an attacking engine. Strong's #6904 BDB #867.
12. Masculine_noun: which means being before people, being in front of people, speaking publically. Strong's #6905 BDB #867.
13. Verb: which means to rob. Dubious. Strong's #6906 BDB #867.
14. Feminine_noun: which means cup, goblet. Strong's #6907 BDB #867.
15. Verb: qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS], which means to gather, to grasp with the hand, to seize, to collect and this is the common word used for the gathering of God’s dispersed people. Interestingly enough, unlike one of its synonyms, qâhal, this is not a call to gather; i.e., David, for instance, did not summon his men, they were attracted to him (1Kings 11:24). In the Hithpael, it means to gather oneself or to gather themselves. The Hithpael is the reflexive Piel. Strong’s #6908 BDB #867. Gen. 41:35, 48 Deut. 30:4 Joshua 9:2 10:6 1Sam. 7:5, 6 8:4 22:2 25:1 28:1, 2 29:1 2Sam. 2:25, 30 1Chron. 11:1 13:2 Psalm 41:6 106:47
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
to take, to grasp with the hand; to gather, to collect; to assemble, to congregate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
to take with the hand, to take hold of, to receive; to collect, to congregate; to gather [to oneself], to draw in, to withdraw |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative with the 1st person plural suffix |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
to be gathered, to be collected, to be congregated, to congregate selves |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
be gathered, be collected, be congregated, congregate yourselves |
2nd person masculine plural, Niphal imperative |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
to be gathered together |
3rd person masculine plural, Pual participle |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
qâbats (קָבַץ) [pronounced kaw-BATS] |
to gather selves together, to be gathered together, to be collected |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #6908 BDB #867 |
16. Masculine_noun: which means a heap. Strong’s #6899 BDB #868.
17. Feminine_noun: which means a gathering. Strong’s #8910 BDB #868.
18. Proper_noun/location: Qabetseʾêl (קַבְצְאֵל) [pronounced keb-tseh-ALE], which means a gathering of Ēl, Ēl gathers; transliterated Kabzeel. Strong’s #3343&6909 BDB #868.
Qabetseʾêl (קַבְצְאֵל) [pronounced kehb-tseh-ALE] |
a gathering of Ēl, Ēl gathers; transliterated Kabzeel |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #3343 & #6909 BDB #868 |
There is a slightly different alternative spelling: Yeqabetseʾêl (יְקַבְצְאֵל) [pronounced yeh-kehb-tseh-ALE]. |
19. Proper_noun/location: which means two heaps; transliterated . Strong’s #6911 BDB #868.
20. Verb: qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR], which means to bury. Its noun cognate means gravel, sepulcher. Strong’s #6912 BDB #868. Gen. 15:15 23:4 25:9 35:8, 19, 29 47:29 48:7 49:29, 31 50:5, 6 Deut. 21:23 34:6 Joshua 24:30 Judges 2:9 1Sam. 25:1 28:3 31:13 2Sam. 2:4 17:23 21:14 1Kings 2:10, 31, 34
qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR] |
to bury, to heap up a mound |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6912 BDB #868 |
qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR] |
bury, heap up a mound |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #6912 BDB #868 |
qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR] |
is buried, to be buried |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6912 BDB #868 |
qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR] |
to bury [several bodies], to heap up mounds |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6912 BDB #868 |
qâbar (קָבַר) [pronounced kaw-BAHR] |
to be buried |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6912 BDB #868 |
21. Masculine_noun: qeber (קֶבֶר) [pronounced KEHb-VEHR], which means grave, sepulcher, tomb; burial place. There is also a feminine form, which is not the same as the word below. Strong’s #6913 BDB #868. The Doctrine of Sheol Gen. 23:4, 6 49:30 50:5, 13 Exodus 14:11 2Sam. 2:32 17:23 19:37 21:14 Job 3:22 17:1
qeber (קֶבֶר) [pronounced KEHb-VEHR] |
grave, sepulcher, tomb; burial place |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6913 BDB #868 |
22. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #6914 BDB #869.
23. Feminine_noun: qebûwrâh (קְבוּרָה) [pronounced keb-voo-RAW], which means grave, tomb, sepulcher; burial. Strong’s #6900 BDB #869. The Doctrine of Sheol Gen. 35:19 47:30 Deut. 34:6 1Sam. 10:2
qebûwrâh (קְבוּרָה) [pronounced keb-voo-RAW] |
grave, tomb, sepulcher; burial |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6900 BDB #869 |
24. Verb: qâdad (קָדַד) [pronounced kaw-DAHD], which means to bow down, to worship. Gesenius also mentions to cleave, which does not seem correct. Strong’s #6915 BDB #869. Gen. 24:26 43:28 Exodus 4:31 12:27 1Sam. 24:8 28:14 1Kings 1:15
qâdad (קָדַד) [pronounced kaw-DAHD] |
to bow down, to worship, to prostrate oneself [out of honor or reverence] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6915 BDB #869 |
25. Masculine_noun: qodeqôd (קָדְקוֹד) [pronounced kode-KOHD], which means head, crown of head, tope of one’s head, hairy part of head. Strong’s #6936 BDB #869. Gen. 49:26 2Sam. 14:25 Job 2:7 Psalm 7:16 68:21
qodeqôd (קָדְקוֹד) [pronounced kode-KOHD] |
head, crown of head, top of one’s head, hairy part of head |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6936 BDB #869 |
Barnes writes: More literally, “the top of the hair.” The Hebrew word used here for “scalp” means the vertex, the top, the crown, as of the head, where the hair “divides itself;” and the idea is properly, “the dividing of the hair.” Gesenius, Lexicon. The allusion is to the top of the head; that is, the blow would descend on the top of the head, producing death. |
26. Feminine_noun: qiddâh (קִדָּה) [pronounced kihd-DAW], which means cassia (bark) (a spice). Strong’s #6916 BDB #869. Exodus 30:24
qiddâh (קִדָּה) [pronounced kihd-DAW] |
cassia (bark) (a spice) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6916 BDB #869 |
27. Verb: which means to be kindled, to kindle. Strong’s #6919 BDB #869.
28. Feminine_noun: which means fever. Deut. 28:22 Lev. 26:16.* Strong’s #6920 BDB #869.
29. Masculine_noun: which means fiery glow, sparkle. Meaning uncertain. Strong’s #688 BDB #869.
30. Verb: which means to be before, to be in front of. Strong’s #none BDB #869.
31. Masculine_noun: qedem (קֶדֶם) [pronounced KEH-dem] and it means eastward, east, ancient, antiquity, front, aforetime. The connection between these words is that the beginning of things is thought to be in the east, as that is where the sun rises and that is where civilization began (although east is obviously a relative term). That which is the beginning is also old, antiquious and ancient. Strong’s #6924 BDB #869. Gen. 2:8 3:24 4:16 10:30 11:2 12:8 13:11, 14 25:6 28:14 29:1 Exodus 27:13 Deut. 33:15 Judges 8:11 1Kings 4:30 Job 1:3 Psalm 44:1 55:19 68:33 Prov. 8:23
qêdem (קֶדֶם) [pronounced KAY-dem] |
east, antiquity, front, that which is before, aforetime; in front, mount of the East; ancient time, aforetime, ancient, from of old, earliest time; anciently, of old ; beginning, a commencement; eastward, to or toward the east |
noun/adverb |
Strong’s #6924 BDB #869 & #870 |
32. Verb: qâdam (קָדַם) [pronounced kaw-DAHM], which means to precede, to go before; to get before; to anticipate; to do before; to rush on; to meet, to go to meet anyone. It is one of the more interesting words as it is rendered both to prevent and to come. Contrast 2Sam. 22:6 Job 3:12 30:27 Psalm 18:18 (prevent) with Deut. 23:4 Psalm 89:14 Micah 6:6 (to come before). In all cases, we are dealing with the Piel stem. The connection between the two seemingly disparit meanings is that when you stand before someone or move in front of them, you are preventing them from moving forward. You are right in their face. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as we are enjoined to do so by the psalmist in this verse. We are to get right in front of God, as it were, right before His face (literally). He cannot go to the left or to the right because we are right there in front of Him. Barnes explains this word as a reference to the provision of God; as meaning to anticipate, to make arrangements beforehand. He is standing right before us, not necessarily to prevent us from going anywhere, but anticipating our needs (God did that in eternity past) and making arrangements beforehand for these needs. When a mother is about to give birth and she is assisted by a mdwife, they are making preparations before hand for the birth. The midwife is right there in front of the mother giving birth. Strong’s #6923 BDB #869. 2Sam. 22:6 Job 3:12 Psalm 59:10 68:25 95:2
qâdam (קָדַם) [pronounced kaw-DAHM] |
to precede, to go before; to get before; to anticipate; to do before; to rush on; to meet, to go to meet anyone; to bring when followed by a bêyth preposition |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #6923 BDB #869 |
If you use a KJV, to prevent is no longer a correct rendering for this verb. At one time, to prevent meant to go before, to precede; it no longer means this. |
33. Adverb: qedem (קֶדֶם) [pronounced KAY-dem], which means, from the front; from the east, eastward, toward the east; front; that which is before; antiquity; beginning; aforetime. The Englishman’s Concordance of the Old Testament has it as kedem (ם ∵ד ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-dem]. In the passage before us, it is actually kêdemâh (ה ָמ ∵ד ֵק) [pronounced KAY-deh-maw]. Strong’s #6924 BDB #870. Joshua 15:5 1Kings 7:39 Prov. 8:22
qedem (קֶדֶם) [pronounced KAY-dem] |
from the front; from the east, eastward, toward the east; front; that which is before; antiquity; beginning; eternity past; aforetime |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6924 BDB #870 |
qedem (קֶדֶם) [pronounced KAY-dem] |
anciently, from old, of old; before |
adverb |
Strong’s #6924 BDB #870 |
This is also spelled qêdmâh (קֵדְמָה) [pronounced KAYD-maw], which may be the noun and the locative hê. Then it would mean toward the east, toward the front. |
34. Feminine_noun: which means antiquity, former state, beginning, before. Strong’s #6927 BDB #870.
35. Feminine_noun: qidemâh (קִדְמָה) [pronounced kide-MAW], which means front, East. Strong’s #6926 BDB #870. Gen. 2:14 1Sam. 13:5
qidemâh (קִדְמָה) [pronounced kide-MAW] |
front, East, to the east of; beginning, origin |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #6926 BDB #870 |
36. Masculine_proper_noun: Qêdemâh (קֵדְמָה) [pronounced KAYD-maw], which means original; precedence; transliterated Kedemah. Strong’s #6929 BDB #870. Gen. 25:15
Qêdemâh (קֵדְמָה) [pronounced KAYD-maw] |
original; eastward; precedence; transliterated Kedemah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6929 BDB #870 |
37. Masculine_noun: qâdîym (קָדִים) [pronounced kaw-DEEM], which means East, east wind. Strong’s #6921 BDB #870. Gen. 41:6 Exodus 10:13 14:21
qâdîym (קָדִים) or qâdîm (קָדִם) [pronounced kaw-DEEM] |
east, east wind |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6921 BDB #870 |
38. Masculine_plural_noun: qâdûwm (םד ָק) [pronounced kaw-DOOM], which means onrushing; horrendous storm of a river; ancient. In the second line, there is another word unique to this verse which is a descriptor of torrent. It falls between several words for east, and would indicate a storm out from the east. Owen renders this onrushing, NASB ancient, Young most ancient. Its a plural noun. Strong’s #6917 BDB #870. Judges 5:21*
qâdûwm (םד ָק) [pronounced kaw-DOOM] |
onrushing; horrendous storm of a river; ancient; eastern |
masculine plural, Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #6917 BDB #870 |
This word is probably the passive participle of to hasten, to flee; to lead; to meet, to confront (Strong’s #6923). This substantive form is found only once in Scripture; the verb is found 26 times in Scripture. This should explain the variety of meanings which has been assigned to this word. |
39. Masculine_plural_noun: Strong’s #6917,6923 BDB #870.
40. Adjective: which means eastern. Strong’s #6930 BDB #870.
41. Adjective: Qademônîy (קַדְמֹנִי) [pronounced kade-moh-NEE], which means former, ancient, eastern. Strong’s #6931 BDB #870. Gen. 15:18 1Sam. 24:13 Job 18:20
Qademônîy (קַדְמֹנִי) [pronounced kade-moh-NEE] |
former, ancient, eastern; transliterated Kadmonite |
singular gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #6931 BDB #870 |
42. Gentilic_adjective: Strong’s #6935 BDB #870.
43. Proper_noun/location: Qedêmôth (קְדֵמוֹת) [pronounced kehd-ay-MOHTH], which means beginnings, eastern; transliterated Kedemoth. Strong’s #6932 BDB #870. Deut. 2:26
Qedêmôth (קְדֵמוֹת) [pronounced kehd-ay-MOHTH] |
beginnings, eastern; transliterated Kedemoth |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #6932 BDB #870 |
44. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #6934 BDB #870.
45. Verb: qârar (ר ַר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAHR], which means to be dark. The subjected, mourners, is a Qal participle of a verb which means to mourn. As a participle, this verb acts as a substantive. Barnes gives us some insight on this particular word: The word rendered “those which mourn”... —qâdar (ר ַד ָק) [pronounced kaw-DAHR] means be turbid or foul as a torrent, Job 6:16; hence to go about in filthy garments, like mourners, to mourn. The general sense of the Hebrew word, as in Arabic, is to be squalid, dark, filthy, dusky, obscure; and hence it denotes those who are afflicted, which is its sense here. In Job 6:16, this literally is the darkened ones; it acts as a substantive, referring back to the torrent river beds. I should point out that Barnes does disagree here, and gives the renderings turbid, muddy, foul; rather than just darkened. However, there are times darkened is the simple rendering when the reference is to the sun being obscured, as in Joel 2:10 3:15. I believe the key here is the next phrase. Strong’s #6937 BDB #871. [The next couple words are by reason [or, out from] ice; which explains why the bottom was darkened. Although most translators place over them with the second line, I will leave it with the first, due to the fact that it has a masculine plural suffix. The preposition is ʿal (עַל) [pronounced ahl] and it means over, upon, against, because, on the grounds of, on account of. Strong’s #5921 BDB #752.] Job 5:11 6:16
46. Feminine_noun: which means darkness, gloom. Strong’s #6940 BDB #871.
47. Adverb: which means as mourners. Strong’s #6941 BDB # 871.
48. Gentilic_adjective: Qêdâr (קֵדָר) [pronounced kay-DAWR], which means black, swarthy, black tinted, dark-skinned, transliterated Kedar, Qedar. Strong’s #6938 BDB #871. Gen. 50:13
Qêdâr (קֵדָר) [pronounced kay-DAWR] |
black, swarthy, black tinted, dark-skinned, transliterated Kedar, Qedar |
proper noun; gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #6938 BDB #871 |
49. Masculine_proper_noun: Qiderôwn (קִדְרוֹן) [pronounced kihd-ROHN], which means dark, obscure; turbid; making black [or sad]; transliterated Kidron. Strong’s #6939 BDB #871. 2Sam. 15:23 1Kings 2:37
Qiderôwn (קִדְרוֹן) [pronounced kihd-ROHN] |
dark, obscure; turbid; making black [or sad]; transliterated Kidron |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6939 BDB #871 |
50. Verb: which means to separate, to divide, to withdraw. Strong’s #none BDB #871.
51. Noun: qôdesh (קֹדֶש) [pronounced koh-DESH], which means holiness, sacredness, apartness, that which is holy, holy things. In the singular, it often means sacred dwelling place, sanctuary, inner room [reserved for spiritual things]. We are not referring to the furniture of the tabernacle here or the utensils of the various pieces of furniture because this is in the masculine singular. Some Bible render this holy things, holy objects and some sanctuary; however, they were not in charge of the sanctuary, per se, but they were in charge of the most holy item of all, the ark, and that is what this passage references. In Deut. 33:2, we are not referring to holy ones, as this is in the singular. Nor is this not holy one; this word is not ever correctly translated as holy one or holy ones. The adjective is used for that translation. This simply means the myriads of sacredness or the myriads of holiness or, very freely, the myriads of elect [angels]. Strong's #6944 BDB #871. Exodus 3:5 12:16 15:11 16:23 22:31 26:33 28:2, 38 29:6, 37 31:10 Num. 7:9 Deut. 33:2 (noun) 1Sam. 21:4, 5 1Kings 6:16 7:50, 51 8:4 Psalm 15:1 29:2 51:11 63:2 48:17 78:54 (noun) 99:9 103:1 106:47 110:3 114:2
qôdesh (קֹדֶש) [pronounced koh-DESH] |
holiness, sacredness, apartness, that which is holy, a most holy thing; possibly, a sacred [holy, set apart] place |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6944 BDB #871 |
In the singular, it often means sacred dwelling place, sanctuary, inner room [reserved for spiritual things]. |
This noun also seems to function as an adjective at times (Lev. 16:4, 32 1Sam. 21:4 1Chron. 16:10). |
qôdâshîym (קָדֶשִים) [pronounced koh-daw-SHEEM] |
holiness, sacredness, apartness, that which is holy, holy things; holy offerings |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #6944 BDB #871 |
52. Combo: Exodus 29:37 30:10, 29
qôdesh (קֹדֶש) [pronounced koh-DESH] |
holiness, sacredness, apartness, that which is holy, a most holy thing; possibly, a sacred [holy, set apart] place |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #6944 BDB #871 |
qôdâshîym (קָדֶשִים) [pronounced koh-daw-SHEEM] |
holiness, sacredness, apartness, that which is holy, holy things; holy offerings |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #6944 BDB #871 |
The word combined with itself in the plural generally refers to the most sacred portion of the Tabernacle (and Temple) and is translated Holy of Holies; the Most Holy Place. This combination may also be translated, most holy. |
53. Adjective: qâdôwsh (קָדוֹש) [pronounced kaw-DOWSH], which means sacred, holy, set apart, sacrosanct. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of modern synonyms for this word. Set apart to God is wordy, but probably communicates best what is meant. When this adjective stands by itself, it functions like a substantive. It should be rendered holy ones, set-apart ones, sacred ones, consecrated ones, those set apart to God. Although here, in Job 15:15, it refers to God’s angels, it also can refer to believers (Deut. 33:3 Psalm 106:16). Strong's #6918 BDB #872. [The antonym is Strong's #2490] Exodus 19:6 29:31 Lev. 19:2 Deut. 33:3 Joshua 24:19 1Sam. 2:2 21:5 Job 15:15 Psalm 2:6 34:9 89:18 99:3, 9 106:16 Prov. 9:10
qâdôwsh (קָדוֹש) [pronounced kaw-DOWSE] |
sacred, holy, set apart, sacrosanct |
masculine singular adjective construct |
Strong's #6918 BDB #872 |
qâdôwsh (קָדוֹש) [pronounced kaw-DOWSE] |
holiness, saint, holy one, set-apart one, sacred one, consecrated one, one set apart to God |
masculine singular adjective here, used as a noun construct |
Strong's #6918 BDB #872 |
qedôshîym (קְדֹשִים) [pronounced kaw-DOWSH] |
saints, holy ones, set-apart ones, sacred ones, consecrated ones, those set apart to God; holy [set-apart] things [principles] |
masculine plural adjective/noun, with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #6918 BDB #872 |
54. Verb: qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH], which means to be [make] pure [clean, holy, separate, sacred]; to consecrate [sanctify, dedicate, hallow, set apart]. The Hiphil means to declare something holy, to consecrate [or, set apart to God] [something, e.g., a priest], to regard [something or someone] as holy. Any of these words are good translations, particularly consecrate, however, unless you have been going to church for a long time or speak old English fluently, it doesn't mean much to you. This verb means that something is set apart to God; this something takes on the quality of being sacred, holy, different from that which is tied to the earth. The Hithpael imperative of qâdash means cause yourselves to be cleansed, purify yourselves, cause yourselves to become consecrated. The idea is that, people or things are set apart for the service of God, and that these things are then forbidden to used for profane (or common) purposes. It is also spelled qâdêsh (קָדֵש) [pronounced kaw-DAYSH]. Strong's #6942 BDB #872. The Doctrine of Sanctification Gen. 2:3 Exodus 13:1 19:10, 22 20:8 28:3, 38 29:1, 21, 43 30:29 31:13 Lev. 21:8 Deut. 5:12 22:9 Joshua 3:5 7:13 20:7 Judges 17:3 1Sam. 7:1 16:5 21:5 2Sam. 8:11 1Kings 8:64 9:3, 7 1Chron. 15:12, 13 Job 1:5a
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to be pure, to be clean; to be holy, to be sacred; to set apart, to consecrate, to sanctify, to dedicate, to hallow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to be regarded as holy; to be consecrated, to receive sanctification; to show oneself holy [or set apart] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to regard as holy, to declare holy or sacred; to consecrate, to sanctify, to inaugurate with holy rites |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
regard as holy, declare holy or sacred; consecrate, sanctify, inaugurate with holy rites |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
regarded as holy, declaring holy or sacred; consecrating, sanctifying, inaugurating with holy rites |
Piel participle |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to be consecrated, consecrated, dedicated |
2nd person masculine plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to regard [treat] as holy, to declare holy or sacred; to consecrate [to God] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
to cleanse [purify, consecrate, sanctify] onself; to cause onself to be [become] cleansed [purified, consecrated, sanctified] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
qâdash (קָדַש) [pronounced kaw-DAHSH] |
cleanse [purify, consecrate, sanctify] yourselves; cause yourselves to be [become] cleansed [purified, consecrated, sanctified] |
2nd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperative |
Strong's #6942 BDB #872 |
55. Proper_noun: Qedesh (ש∵ד ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-desh], which means sanctuary; set apart; transliterated Kedesh. It obviously comes from the verb to set apart, to consecrate, to sanctify. Strong’s #6943 BDB #873. The Doctrine of the Three Kedesh’s Joshua 20:7 Judges 4:6
Qedesh (ש∵ד ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-desh] |
sanctuary; set apart; transliterated Kedesh |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #6943 BDB #873 |
56. Noun: qâdêsh (שקָדֵ) [pronounced kaw-DAYSH] means male temple prostitute (Strong’s #6945 BDB #873) and qedêshâh (ה ָש ֵד ׃ק) [pronounced ked-ay-SHAW] means female temple prostitute. Strong’s #6948 BDB #873. There are some translations which render this Sodomite, but it has nothing to do linguistically with Sodom. The male cult prostitute is also found in 1Kings 14:24 15:12 23:46 2Kings 23:& Job 36:114.* The female cult prostitute is found also in Gen. 38:21–22 and Hosea 4:14.* See below: Deut. 23:17
57. Masculine_noun: which means male temple prostitute; a Sodomite. Strong’s #6945 BDB #873.
58. Feminine_noun: qedêshâh (קְדֵשָה) [pronounced kehd-ay-SHAW], which means prostitute, harlot; female temple prostitute. Strong’s #6948 BDB #873. Gen. 38:21
qedêshâh (קְדֵשָה) [pronounced kehd-ay-SHAW] |
prostitute, harlot; female temple prostitute, cult prostitute |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6948 BDB #873 |
59. Proper_noun_location: Qâdêsh (שקָדֵ) [pronounced kaw-DAYSH], which means sacred, holy, set apart; and is transliterated Kadesh. Strong’s #6946–6947 BDB #873. Gen. 14:7 16:14 20:1 Deut. 1:2 Psalm 29:8
Qâdêsh (שקָדֵ) [pronounced kaw-DAYSH] |
sacred, holy, set apart; sanctuary; transliterated Kadesh, Kedesh |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6946 and #6947 BDB #873 |
This city is in the extreme southern portion of Judah and is the same as Kadesh-barnea. |
60. Proper_noun_location: Deut. 1:2 2:14
Qâdêsh (שקָדֵ) [pronounced kaw-DAYSH] |
sacred, holy, set apart; sanctuary; transliterated Kadesh, Kedesh |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6946 and #6947 BDB #873 |
Barenêaʿ (בַּרְנֵעַ) [pronounced bahr-NAY-aģ] |
desert of a fugitive; transliterated Barnea |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #6947 BDB #873 |
Together, they mean holy place in the desert of wandering; and they are transliterated Kadesh-barnea; Kadesh of [the] Wilderness of Wandering. |
61. Masculine_noun: mîqeddâsh (מִקְדָּש) [pronounced mik-DAWSH], which means sanctuary, sacred place. Immediately, I would think of the tabernacle of God. In fact, this word is used for both the temple and its precincts (1Chron. 22:19 Psalm 74:7 Isa. 63:18) and for the tabernacle and its precincts (Ex. 25:8 Lev. 16:33). Our concern is has the tabernacle been moved from Shiloh to Shechem; who did that and then who moved it back? That is, in this book of Joshua, it is clear that the tabernacle is in Shiloh (Joshua 18:1) and that the tabernacle is still there in the near future from the time of Joshua (Judges 21:19 1Sam. 1:3). The key to understanding this word is that it is used primarily to refer to the temple or to the tabernacle, but not exclusively. This word can also mean (or, imply) asylum (Isa. 8:14 Ezek. 11:16), as temples amongst the Hebrews, as amongst the Greeks, had the right of asylum...(compare 1 Ki. 1:50; 2:28). Personally, I would feel better if I could find an early use of this word which did not refer directly to the temple or to the tabernacle, which we find in Num. 18:29, where we refer to a thing which is holy or set apart. This is consistently rendered sanctuary in the KJV from Exodus to 2Chronicles. Strong’s #4720 BDB #874. Exodus 15:17 25:8 Joshua 24:26 Psalm 68:35 73:17 96:6
mîqeddâsh (מִקְדָּש) [pronounced mik-DAWSH] |
sanctuary, sacred place; possibly a synonym for the Tabernacle of God |
masculine plural noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #4720 BDB #874 |
62. Verb: which means to be blunt, to be dull. Strong’s #6949 BDB #874.
63. Masculine_noun: which means bluntness, dullness. Strong’s #5356 BDB #874.
64. Masculine_noun: qâhâl (קָהָל) [pronounced kaw-HAWL], which means an organized assembly, a called convocation; this is not just a crowd of people milling about, but people who were assembled for a reason. Strong's #6951 BDB #874. (see also Strong's #5712). Gen. 28:3 35:11 48:4 49:6 Exodus 12:6 16:3 Num. 14:5 Deut. 5:22 Judges 20:2 1Sam. 17:47 1Kings 7:14 8:22 1Chron. 13:2 Psalm 89:5 149:1 Prov. 5:14
qâhâl (קָהָל) [pronounced kaw-HAWL] |
an organized assembly, a called convocation; this is not just a crowd, but people who were assembled for a reason |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #6951 BDB #874 |
65. Verb: qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL], which means to assemble, to call together, to summon an assembly [for war, judgement or a religious purpose]. It is only found in the Niphal and the Hiphil. Barnes: Gather together the parties for trial; or rather call the individual into court for trial. The word means properly to call together, to convoke, as a people; and is used to denote the custom of assembling the people for a trial—or, as we would say, to “call the court,” which is now the office of a crier (Job 11:10). Strong’s #6950 BDB #874. Exodus 32:1 Deut. 4:10 31:12, 28 Joshua 18:1 22:12 Judges 20:1 1Kings 8:1, 2 1Chron. 13:4 Job 11:10 (Eccles. 1:1)
qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL] |
to assemble, to be assembled, to be called together, to be summoned an assembly [for war, judgement or a religious purpose] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6950 BDB #874 |
qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL] |
to assemble, to call together, to summon an assembly [for war, judgement or a religious purpose] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6950 BDB #874 |
qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL] |
gather [up, together], assemble, call together, summon an assembly [for war, judgement or a religious purpose] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #6950 BDB #874 |
66. Verb: qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL], which means to assemble, to be assembled. Strong’s #7035 BDB #874. 2Sam. 20:14
qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL] |
to assemble, to be assembled |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7035 BDB #874 |
This word is incorrectly spelled in all my e-sword references. |
qâhal (קָהַל) [pronounced kaw-HAHL] |
to assemble, to call for an assembly, to summon a gathering |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7035 BDB #874 |
67. Feminine_noun: qehillâh (הָ ̣הק) [pronounced kehil-LAW], which means assembly, congregation. Deut. 33:4 1Sam. 19:20 (see Strong’s #3862 BDB #530) Neh. 5:7.* Strong’s #6952 BDB #875. 1Sam. 19:20
68. Masculine_noun: qôheleth (קֹהֶלֶת) [pronounced ko-HEH-leth], which means collector (of sentences), preacher, public speaker, lecturer, speaker in an assembly, transliterated, Qoheleth. BDB & Strong’s only. Strong’s #6953 BDB #875. Eccles. 1:1
qôheleth (קֹהֶלֶת) [pronounced ko-HEH-leth] |
collector (of sentences), preacher, public speaker, lecturer, speaker in an assembly, transliterated, Qoheleth |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6953 BDB #875 |
69. Proper_noun/location: which means assembly; transliterated . Strong’s #6954 BDB #875.
70. Masculine_noun: which means assembly, choirs. Strong’s #4721 BDB #875. Psalm 68:26
maqehêlôwth (תל̤הק-מ) [pronounced mahke-hay-LOHTH] |
assemblies, congregations [particularly, those which praise God], choirs |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #4721 BDB #875 |
Although this word occurs only here, we have the masculine plural form in Psalm 26:12 and this word has enough cognates to insure the accuracy of this translation. |
71. Proper_noun/location: which means place of assembly; transliterated . Strong’s #4722 BDB #875.
72. Masculine_proper_noun: Qehâth (קְהָת) [pronounced keh-HAWTH], which means to ally onself, allied; assembly; transliterated Kohath. Strong’s #6955 BDB #875. Gen. 46:11 Exodus 6:16, 18 1Chron. 15:5
Qehâth (קְהָת) [pronounced keh-HAWTH] |
to ally onself, allied; assembly; transliterated Kehath, Kohath, Qehath |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6955 BDB #875 |
73. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6956 BDB #875.
74. Masculine_noun: qôwbvâʿ (עָבק) [pronounced KOHB-vawģ], which means helmet. Strong’s #6959 BDB #875. 1Sam. 17:38
qôwbvâʿ (עָבק) [pronounced KOHB-vawģ] |
helmet |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6959 BDB #875 |
75. Proper_noun/territory: miqeveh (מִקְוֶה) [pronounced mihk-VEH], which means, expectation, confidence, hope, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome; a collection, a collected mass, a congregation. Strong’s #4723 BDB #875.
miqeveh (מִקְוֶה) [pronounced mihk-VEH] |
expectation, confidence, hope, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome; a collection, a collected mass, a congregation; transliterated |
proper noun; territory |
Strong’s #4723 BDB #875 |
76. Verb1: qâvâh (קָוָה) [pronounced kaw-VAW], which means to wait for, to wait expectantly for, to look for. The connotation of this verb is generally a good one; that is, whatever is being waited on or waited for is truly expected (see Psalm 25:3 27:14 37:9 40:1). Qâvâh may also mean to collect in the Niphal (Gen. 1:9 Jer. 3:17). In the Piel, this means to eagerly look for, to wait for eagerly. Strong’s #6960 BDB #875. (for wait) [see below for Strong’s #6960 BDB #876. (to collect)]. Gen. 49:18 Job 3:9 7:2 17:13 Psalm 52:9 56:6
qâvâh (קָוָה) [pronounced kaw-VAW] |
properly to twist, to bind; therefore to be strong, robust (the twisting or binding giving great strength); to expect, to await (which perhaps comes from enduring, remaining, a type of strength?) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6960 BDB #876 |
qâvâh (קָוָה) [pronounced kaw-VAW] |
to wait for, to wait expectantly for, to look for, to lie in wait for |
3rd person plural, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #6960 BDB #876 |
qâvâh (קָוָה) [pronounced kaw-VAW] |
to be gathered together; to be bound or wound together, to expect [one another |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6960 BDB #876 |
77. Masculine_noun: qav (ו-ק) [pronounced kahv], which means line, cord; measuring line. Strong’s #6957 BDB #876. 1Kings 7:23 Psalm 19:4a
qav (ו-ק) [pronounced kahv] (spelled with both a long and short a) |
line, cord; measuring line |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6957 BDB #876 |
78. Masculine_noun: which means might. Strong’s #6979 BDB #876.
79. Masculine_noun: miqeveh (מִקְוֶה) [pronounced mihk-VEH], which means, expectation, confidence, hope, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome; a collection, a collected mass, a congregation. Strong’s #4723 BDB #876. Gen. 1:10 Exodus 7:19
miqeveh (מִקְוֶה) [pronounced mihk-VEH] |
expectation, confidence, hope, ground of hope, things hoped for, outcome; a collection, a collected mass, a congregation |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4723 BDB #876 |
There are 3 spellings for this noun: miqve מּקוא / miqveh מקוה / miqvêh מקוה |
80. Feminine_substantive1: tîqevâh (ה ָו ׃ק.) [pronounced tike-VAW] and it usually means hope, expectation, that which is waited for, that which is expectantly looked for. Here, it is a cord; at least, according to BDB and Gesenius. However, since we do not have a reason beyond tradition to render this cord, I am going to render it hope-cord as it is rendered hope or expectation 30+ times in Scripture (Ruth 1:12 Job 4:6 Psalm 9:18). We will find this word by itself in Joshua 2:21, also rendered cord by most translators. In any case, their hope is tied (no pun intended) to this thread of scarlet; which goes hand-in-hand with the parallels which I have drawn. Strong’s #8615 BDB #876. Joshua 2:18
81. Feminine_substantive2: tîqevâh (תִּקְוָה) [pronounced tike-VAW], which means hope, expectation, confidence; that which is waited for, that which is expectantly looked for; an outcome hoped for; the basis or ground for hope. It can mean cord (Joshua 2:18, 21), an outcome hoped for (Job 8:13 17:15 Prov. 10:28 Ezek. 19:5); or the basis or ground for hope (Job 4:6 Psalm 71:5). Strong’s #8615 BDB #876. Job 6:8 7:6 11:18 14:7 14:19 17:15 19:10 Psalm 62:5 Prov. 10:28
tîqevâh (תִּקְוָה) [pronounced tike-VAW] |
hope, expectation, confidence; that which is waited for, that which is expectantly looked for; an outcome hoped for; the basis or ground for hope |
feminine singular substantive |
Strong’s #8615 BDB #876 |
82. Verb2: qâvâh (ה ָו ָק) [pronounced kaw-VAW], which means to collect. Strong’s #6960 BDB #876.
83. Masculine_noun: which means a collection, a collected mass. Strong’s #4723 BDB #876.
84. Feminine_noun: which means reservoir. Isa. 22:11.* Strong’s #4724 BDB #876.
85. Verb: qûţ (קוּט) [pronounced koot], which means to loath, to nauseate, to be disgusted with. However, this occurs very few times in the Old Testament. It is found in the Qal perfect in Ezek. 16:47, the Niphal in Ezek. 6:9 20:43 26:31 and in the Hithpolel in Psalm 119:158 139:21. [However, in the Qal, in Job 8:14, this makes little or no sense—a passive meaning might, where the confidence of a godless man is loathed. Furthermore, generally following this verb, we would find the bêyth preposition , which is not here. BDB suggests an intransitive use of the verb, giving its meaning as break, snap; but this is the account for its use in this one place. Gesenius gives this verb a second meaning, in this passage only, as to cut off, from an Arabic word. Dr. Good (as often quoted by Barnes) says that this first portion of the verse has never been understood and translates it thus shall his support rot away. Noyes: whose expectation shall come to naught. Keil and Delitzsch were no help here. Barnes goes along with Dr. Good, and gives the sense that something rots and becomes putrid causing that something to be vile and loathesome. Barnes: The rigure is continued from the image of the paper-reed and the flag, which soon decay; and the idea is, that as such weeds grow offensive and putrid in stagment water, so shall it be with the hope of the hypocrite. For some reason, several translations render this as a noun, thread, gossamer or gossamer thread (NRSV, NAB, NEB, NJB, REB, TEV). NASB goes with is fragile, The Amplified Bible and the KJV go with to break off, to cut off., and Rotherham and Young both go with the passive use of loathsome. Contextually, the gossamer thread sounds good; however, I don’t know where they get this translation from.] In Job 10:1, this word it is also given as the Qal perfect of nâqaţ (ט ַק ָנ) [pronounced naw-KAHT], in which case this is the only place that we find this verb (if that is the case, there are several cognates and the meaning genrally given is cut off. Gesenius lists the meaning to loathe, and points out that only the Qal perfect of this word is found here and all of the rest of the roots are found in qûţ. (Strong’s #5354 BDB #876). Rather than find a new meaning, let’s just go with to loathe. Strong’s #6962 (see also Strong’s #5354) BDB #876. Job 8:14 10:1 Psalm 95:10
qûţ (קוּט) [pronounced koot] |
to loath, to nauseate, to be disgusted with |
1st person singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6962 BDB #876 |
Generally followed by the bêyth preposition. |
qûţ (קוּט) [pronounced koot] |
to loath, to detest; to feel loathing against self; to nauseate, to be disgusted with |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #6962 BDB #876 |
qûţ (קוּט) [pronounced koot] |
to loath, to loath oneself; to nauseate, to be disgusted with |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpalel imperfect |
Strong’s #6962 BDB #876 |
86. Verb: which means to snap, to break. Possibly dubious. Strong’s #6962 BDB #876.
qûţ (קוּט) [pronounced koot] |
to |
1st person singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6962 BDB #876 |
87. Masculine_noun: qôwl (קוֹל) [pronounced kohl], which means sound, voice. Strong’s #6963 BDB #876. Gen. 3:8 4:10 16:2 21:12, 16 26:5 27:8 29:11 30:6 39:14 45:2 Exodus 3:18 4:1 5:2 9:23 15:26 18:19 19:16 20:18 23:21 24:3 28:35 32:17 Deut. 1:34, 45 4:12 5:22 21:18 Judges 2:2 5:11 13:9 18:3 1Sam. 1:13 2:25 4:6, 14 7:10 12:1, 17 15:1 19:6 24:16 25:35 26:17 28:10 [singular or plural in chapter 28?] 30:4 2Sam. 3:32 12:18 13:14 15:10, 23 19:4, 35 22:7 1Kings 1:40 8:55 1Chron. 15:16 Job 2:12 3:18 15:21 21:12 Psalm 19:4a 29:3 44:16 46:6 55:3 64:1 95:7 103:20 106:25 118:15 142:1 Prov. 1:20 2:3 5:13 8:1
qôwl (קוֹל) [pronounced kohl] |
sound, voice, noise; loud noise, thundering |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6963 BDB #876 |
qôlôt (קֹלֹת) [pronounced kohl-OHT] |
sounds, voices, noise; loud noises, thunderings |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #6963 BDB #876 |
88. Word combo: Not sure if we will find this construction used elsewhere. Deut. 5:28
qôwl (קוֹל) [pronounced kohl] |
sound, voice, noise; loud noise, thundering |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6963 BDB #876 |
debârîym (דְּבָרִים) [pronounced dawb-vawr-EEM] |
words, sayings, doctrines, commands; things, matters, affairs; reports |
masculine plural noun with the 2nd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong's #1697 BDB #182 |
Literally, this is translated, a sound of your words, the voice of your words. Possibly, this means, what you said. |
qôwl (קוֹל) [pronounced kohl] |
sound, voice, noise; loud noise, thundering |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #6963 BDB #876 |
debârîym (דְּבָרִים) [pronounced dawb-vawr-EEM] |
words, sayings, doctrines, commands; things, matters, affairs; reports |
masculine plural construct |
Strong's #1697 BDB #182 |
Possibly, this could mean what was said. Literally, this reads, the sound of the words of; a voice of the words of. |
89. Verb: qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom], which means, in the Qal stem, to stand, to rise up (Gen. 37:7 Exodus 33:10 Prov. 28:12). It also means to establish a vow, to cause a vow to stand, to confirm or to fulfill a vow (Num. 24:17 30:4 Jer. 44:29). In the Hiphil stem it means, to cause to raise up, to cause to stand, to establish, to fulfill, to cause to stand, to perform a testimony, a vow, a commandment, a promise (Gen. 6:18 17:7 26:3 Num. 30:14). In the Hiphil, it is translated variously as support and give assent (The Amplified Bible), confirm (KJV, NASB, Owen), uphold (RSV, NIV), establish (The Emphasized Bible, Young). In Psalm 78:5, we find it rendered established (Owen), raiseth up (Young) and set up (The Emphasized Bible). These are all good renderings of this word. Qûwm, in the Hiphil infinitive construct, as in Deut. 29:13, can be translated as our infinitive when preceded by the inseparable lâmed preposition; however, this is not the case here. The infinitive is rarely translated strictly as a verb with a subject and an object, but that is how it is used here, which gives its used great emphasis. As a masculine plural, Qal active participle, this should be rendered withstanders, those rising up [against, those standing [against]. We may understand it to mean adversaries. It is said here (where? Job 1:20?) that Job arose or got up. According to Barnes, this does not mean that Job was sitting and now he is standing, but that this word indicates that he is about to do something or that he is about to begin to do something. This has nothing to do with moving to a higher elevation or with going north on a map. Barak is told to rise up and to take a stand. I do not know exactly how to take into account the voluntative hê in Psalm 10:12, but this imperative simply means stand up, take a stand, rise up, arise. Strong’s #6965 BDB #877. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:12) Gen. 4:8 6:18 9:9 1 13:17 17:7 18:16 19:1, 14 21:18 22:3 23:3 24:10 25:34 26:3 27:19, 31 28:1 31:13, 17 32:22 35:1, 3 37:7 38:8, 19 41:30 43:8, 13 44:4 46:5 49:9 Exodus 1:8 2:16 6:4 10:23 12:30, 31 15:7 21:19 24:13 26:30 32:1, 6, 25 33:8 Deut. 2:13 9:5, 12 16:22 17:8 22:4, 26 27:26 29:13 31:16 33:11 34:10 Joshua 2:11 3:16 4:9 7:10, 12–13 8:19 Judges Intro 2:10, 16 3:15 4:14 7:19 9:32, 33 18:8 19:5, 27 20:5 Ruth 4:5, 7 1Sam. 1:9, 23 2:35 3:6, 12 4:15 9:3, 26 13:14, 15 15:11, 13 16:12 17:35 18:27 20:25 21:10 22:8, 13 23:4 24:4 25:1 26:2 27:2 28:23 31:12 2Sam. 2:14 3:10 7:12, 25 12:17 14:7 15:9 17:1, 21 18:31, 32 22:39, 40 23:1, 10 24:11, 18 1Kings 1:49 2:4, 19 3:12 6:12 7:21 8:20 9:4 Job 1:20 8:15 (9:7) 11:17 15:29 16:8 19:8 Psalm 7:6 10:12 24:3 41:8, 10 44:5, 26 54:3 59:1 78:5 Prov. 6:9
qûwm (קוּם) koom[pronounced ] |
to stand, to rise up, to get up; to establish, to establish a vow, to cause a vow to stand, to confirm or to fulfill a vow |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
those standing, the ones rising up, the ones getting up; the ones establishing [themselves] |
masculine plural, Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
stand, rise up, arise, get up |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
to fulfill; to confirm, to make valid, to ratify, to establish; to impose, to cause something to be imposed; to preserve alive |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
fulfill; confirm, ratify, make valid; establish; impose; preserve alive |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
to cause to raise up, to cause to stand, to establish, to fulfill; to uphold, to perform [a testimony, a vow, a commandment, a promise] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
cause to raise up, cause to stand, establish, fulfill; uphold, perform [a testimony, a vow, a commandment, a promise] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
raising up, causing to raise up [stand]; establishing; fulfilling; upholding; performing [a testimony, a vow, a commandment, a promise] |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
to rise up, to cause oneself to stand |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel (Hithpael) imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
qûwm (קוּם) [pronounced koom] |
to be raised up, to be caused to stand |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #6965 BDB #877 |
90. Feminine_noun: qôwmâh (קוֹמָה) [pronounced koh-MAW], which means stature of a man, tallness, height. Strong’s #6967 BDB #879. Gen. 6:15 Exodus 25:10 27:1 30:2 1Sam. 16:7 28:20 1Kings 6:2 7:2
qôwmâh (קוֹמָה) [pronounced koh-MAW] |
stature of a man, tallness, height |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6967 BDB #879 |
91. Feminine_noun: qâmâh (קָמָה) [pronounced kaw-MAW], which means standing grain, standing corn, stalks of grain prior to maturity and prior to harvesting. Strong’s #7054 BDB #879. Exodus 22:6 Deut. 16:9 Judges 15:5
qâmâh (קָמָה) [pronounced kaw-MAW], |
standing grain, standing corn, stalks of grain prior to maturity and prior to harvesting |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7054 BDB #879 |
92. Masculine_noun: which means adversary; uprising, insurgent. Strong’s #7009 BDB #879.
93. Feminine_noun: which means a rising up. Strong’s #7012 BDB #879.
94. Feminine_noun: which means uprightness. Used as an adverb. Strong’s #6968 BDB #879.
95. Masculine_noun: yeqûwm (יֶקוּם) [pronounced YEHK-oom], which means living substance, that which stands or exists, whatever is living on the earth; existence. Strong’s #3351 BDB #879. Gen. 7:4
yeqûwm (יֶקוּם) [pronounced YEHK-oom] |
living substance, that which stands or exists, whatever is living on the earth; existence |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #3351 BDB #879 |
96. Feminine_noun: which means standing, power to stand. Strong’s #8617 BDB #879.
97. Masculine_noun: mâqôwm (מָקוֹם) [pronounced maw-KOHM], which means place; for a soldier, it may mean where he is stationed; it might be where the ark is situated or placed; for people in general, it would be their place of abode (which could be their house or their town). Strong’s #4725 BDB #879. The Doctrine of Inspiration Gen. 1:9 12:6 13:3 18:24 19:12 20:11 21:31 22:3 24:23 26:7 28:11 29:3 30:25 31:55 32:2 33:17 35:7 36:40 38:21 39:20 40:3 Exodus 3:5 16:29 17:7 18:23 20:24 21:13 23:20 29:31 33:21 Deut. 1:31 16:2 17:8 21:19 Joshua 1:3 Judges 2:5 11:19 18:10 19:13 1Sam. 2:20 3:2 5:3, 11 7:16 9:22 14:46 20:19 21:2 23:22 26:5, 13 27:5 29:4 30:31 2Sam. 2:16 7:10 16:27? 15:19 17:9 19:39 1Kings 4:28 5:9 8:6 Job 2:11 9:6 14:18 16:18 18:4, 21 20:9 Psalm 24:3 44:19 103:22 Eccles. 1:5
mâqôwm (מָקוֹם) [pronounced maw-KOHM] |
place, situated; for a soldier, it may mean where he is stationed; for people in general, it would be their place of abode (which could be their house or their town) |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #4725 BDB #879 |
98. Proper_masculine_noun: Strong’s #3359 BDB #880.
99. Masculine_proper_noun: which means may kinship establish; transliterated . Strong’s #3360 BDB #880.
100. Proper_noun/location: Yoqemeʿâm (יָקְמְעָם) [pronounced yok-meh-AWM], which means gathered by the people, a people will be raised; let the people be established; transliterated Jokmeam. Strong’s #3361 BDB #880. 1Kings 4:12
Yoqemeʿâm (יָקְמְעָם) [pronounced yok-meh-AWM] |
gathered by the people, a people will be raised; let the people be established; transliterated Jokmeam |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #3361 BDB #880 |
101. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #6970 BDB #880.
102. Masculine_noun: which means ape. Strong’s #6971 BDB #880.
103. Feminine_noun: teqûwphâh (הָפק ) [pronounced tekoo-FAW], which means a circuit, an orbit, a course, a revolution, a coming round; a coming about, a return [as one might speak of the seasons or a year]. Barnes gives the meanings a coming about, a return, as the seasons or the year would be spoken of. Strong’s #8622 BDB #880. 1Sam. 1:20 Psalm 19:6
teqûwphâh (הָפק) [pronounced tekoo-FAW] |
a circuit, an orbit, a course, a revolution, a coming round; a coming about, a return [of the seasons or of a year] |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8622 BDB #880 |
104. Verb1: qûwts (קוּץ) [pronounced koots], which means to loath, to abhor [due to an undercurrent of dread), to feel a sickening dread. Strong’s #6973 BDB #880. Gen. 27:46 Exodus 1:12 Prov. 3:10
qûwts (קוּץ) [pronounced koots] |
to be weary of something; to loath, to abhor [due to an undercurrent of dread), to feel a sickening dread; to be weary [of something] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6973 BDB #880 |
qûwts (קוּץ) [pronounced koots] |
to cause loathing, to make someone abhor; to cause a sickening dread, to cause great fear |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6973 BDB #880 |
105. Masculine_noun: qôwts (קוֹץ) [pronounced kohts], which means thorns; used collectively for thorn bushes, thorns, briers. Strong’s #6975 BDB #881. Gen. 3:18 Exodus 22:6 Judges 8:7 2Sam. 23:6 Psalm 118:12
qôwts (קוֹץ) [pronounced kohls] |
thorn; used collectively for thorn bushes, thorns, briers |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6975 BDB #881 |
106. Proper_masculine_noun: Strong’s #6976 BDB #881.
107. Feminine_noun: which means locks of hair. Plural. Strong’s #6977 BDB #881.
108. Verb: which means to bore, to dig. Strong’s #6979 BDB #881.
109. Masculine_noun: which means spring, fountain; source of monstrous blood; flow of blood; figuratively of eye. Strong’s #4726 BDB #881. Psalm 68:26 Prov. 5:18 10:11
mâqôwr (מָקוֹר) [pronounced maw-KOHR] |
spring, fountain; source of monstrous blood; flow of blood; figuratively of eye |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4726 BDB #881 |
110. Verb: which means to turn, to twist. Strong’s #none BDB #881.
111. Masculine_noun: which means thread, film. Strong’s #6980 BDB #881.
112. Verb: which means to lay bait, to lure. Strong’s #6983 BDB #881.
113. Masculine_proper_noun: Qûwshâyâhûw (הָיָשק) [pronounced koo-shaw-YAW-hoo], which means entrapped of [by] Yah [Jehovah]; bow of Jehovah; transliterated Kushaiah. Possibly equivalent to Kush or to Kushi. Taken from the passive participle of Strong’s #6983 and combined with Strong’s #3050. Strong’s #6984 BDB #881. 1Chron. 15:17
Qûwshâyâhûw (הָיָשק) [pronounced koo-shaw-YAW-hoo] |
entrapped of [by] Yah [Jehovah]; bow of Jehovah; transliterated Kushaiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #6984 BDB #881 |
Possibly equivalent to Kush or to Kushi. Taken from the passive participle of Strong’s #6983 and combined with Strong’s #3050. |
114. Masculine_noun: qeţebv (ב ∵ט ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-tebv], which means destruction. We only find this word in two or three other places. Psalm 91:6 reads: Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. Isa. 28:2: “Observe, a strong and mighty one is to Yehowah as a storm of hail, a tempest of destruction. Like a storm of mighty overflowing waters, He has cast it down to the earth with His hand.” Finally, we have what is likely the same word (it differs by a vowel point) in Hos. 13:14: I will ransom them from the power of Sheol; I will redeem them from death. O Death, where are your thorns? O Sheol, I will be your destruction. Repentance will be hid from My eyes. Strong’s #6986 (& 6987) BDB #881. Deut. 32:24
115. Verb: qâţal (ל ַט ָק) [pronounced kaw-TAHL], which means to slay, and it is found only in this passage, Job 24:14 and Psalm 139:19.* We have a similar verb in the Chaldean, with a slight change in the vowel pointing (Strong’s #6992 BDB #1111). Strong’s #6991 BDB #881. Job 13:15
116. Masculine_noun: which means slaughter. Strong’s #6993 BDB #881.
117. Verb: qâţôn (קָטֹן) [pronounced kaw-TOHN], which means to be small, to be little, to be insignificant, to be of little worth. Strong’s #6994 BDB #881. Gen. 32:10 2Sam. 7:19
qâţôn (קָטֹן) [pronounced kaw-TOHN] |
to be small, to be little, to be insignificant, to be of little worth |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6994 BDB #881 |
118. Adjective: qâţân (קָטָן) [pronounced kaw-TAWN], which means small, young, unimportant. Strong’s #6996 BDB #881. Gen. 9:24 19:11 27:15 42:13, 15 44:12 48:19 Exodus 18:22 Deut. 1:17 Judges 15:2 1Sam. 9:21 14:49 16:11 2Sam. 9:12 12:3 8:64 1Kings 2:20 3:7 Job 3:19
qâţân (קָטָן) [pronounced kaw-TAWN] |
small, young, unimportant, insignificant |
feminine singular adjective; with the definite article |
Strong’s #6996 BDB #881 |
119. Masculine_proper_noun: which means the small; transliterated . Strong's #6997 BDB #882.
120. Adjective: qâţôn (קָטֹן) [pronounced kaw-TOHN], which means small, insignificant; a word particularly used for youth, younger. Strong’s #6996 BDB #882. Gen. 1:16 29:16 43:29 44:2, 20 Joshua 15:17 (for Judges 1:13) Judges 1:13 1Sam. 2:19 5:9 9:21 15:17 17:14 20:2 22:15 25:36 30:2 1Chron. 12:14
qâţôn (קָטֹן) [pronounced kaw-TOHN] |
small, insignificant, unimportant; lesser; a word particularly used for youth, younger |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #6996 BDB #882 |
Also spelled qâţân (קָטָן) [pronounced kaw-TAWN]. |
121. Masculine_noun: which means little finger. Strong’s #6995 BDB #882.
122. Verb: which means to pluck off, to pluck. It is in the Niphal (passive) stem. Strong’s #6998 BDB #882. Job 8:12
123. Masculine_noun: qîyţôwr (קִיטֹר) [pronounced kee-TOHR], which means clouds, dark clouds [which precede a storm]; vapor; thick smoke. This word is used to refer to the dark clouds of a storm. Strong’s #7008 BDB #882. Gen. 19:28 Psalm 148:8
qîyţôwr (קִיטֹר) [pronounced kee-TOHR] |
clouds, dark clouds [which precede a storm]; dark overcast sky; vapor; thick smoke |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7008 BDB #882 |
124. Masculine_noun: which means smoke of a sacrifice. Strong’s #6988 BDB #882.
125. Feminine_proper_noun: Qeţûwrâh (קְטוּרָה) [pronounced keht-oo-RAW], which means perfume; incense, smoke of sacrifice; transliterated Keturah. Strong's #6989 BDB #882. Gen. 25:1
Qeţûwrâh (קְטוּרָה) [pronounced keht-oo-RAW] |
perfume; incense, smoke of sacrifice; transliterated Keturah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong's #6989 BDB #882 |
126. Feminine_noun: qeţôreth (קְטֹרֶת) [pronounced keht-OH-reth], which means incense, smoke (or, odor) [from a burning sacrifice]. Strong's 7004 BDB #882. Exodus 25:6 30:1 31:8 Num. 7:32 1Sam. 2:28 1Chron. 6:49
qeţôreth (קְטֹרֶת) [pronounced keht-OH-reth] |
incense, smoke (or, odor) [from a burning sacrifice] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's 7004 BDB #882 |
127. Verb: qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAHR], which means to burn incense, to make sacrifices smoke. Strong’s #6999 BDB #882. Exodus 29:13 30:7 1Sam. 2:15, 16, 28 1Kings 3:3 9:25 1Chron. 6:49
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAHR] |
to burn [or offer] incense, to offer up an odor; to make sacrifices smoke |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
This word is usually, but not always, associated with idolatrous worship. |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAHR] |
incense |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
to cause (incense) to burn, to make smoke, that is, to turn into fragrance by fire, to make smoke upon (especially as an act of worship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
In other words, whatever is burned is caused to smoke. It might not really catch fire and burn, but it can be caused to decompose, the smoke being a sign of that chemical decomposition. |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAHR] |
burning incense, making sacrifices smoke |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAHR] |
to be burned as incense; [as a participle: incense] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
to burn (incense), to smoke, that is, turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
to make sacrifices smoke, to sacrifice (especially as an act of worship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
to smoke a sacrifice (especially as an act of worship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
to be made to smoke (especially as an act of worship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
incense |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
qâţar (קָטַר) [pronounced kaw-TAR] |
incense-altar |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6999 BDB #882 |
I messtup here; #773 should be #882; the rest is okay. |
128. Proper_noun/location: Qiţerôwn (ןרט̣ק) [pronounced kiht-ROHN], which means incnese; transliterated Kitron. Probably equivalent to below. Strong's #7003 BDB #883. Judges 1:30
Qiţerôwn (ןרט̣ק) [pronounced kiht-ROHN] |
incense; transliterated Kitron |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong's #7003 BDB #883 |
129. Proper_noun_location: which means ; transliterated . Probably equivalent to above. Strong's #7005 BDB #883.
130. Feminine_noun: which means incense. Strong’s #7002 BDB #883.
131. Masculine_noun: miqeţâr (מִקְטָר) [pronounced mihk-TAWR], which means place of sacrificial smoke, altar, hearth, incens. Strong’s #4729 BDB #883. Exodus 30:1*
miqeţâr (מִקְטָר) [pronounced mihk-TAWR] |
place of sacrificial smoke, altar, hearth, incens |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4729 BDB #883 |
132. Masculine_noun1: which means incense. Strong’s #6999 BDB #883.
133. Feminine_noun: which means censer. Strong’s #4730 BDB #883.
134. Feminine_noun2: which means incense-altar. Strong’s #6999 BDB #883.
135. Verb: which means shut in, enclose. It is a dubious word. Strong’s #7000 BDB #883.
136. Verb: which means to vomit up, to spue out, to disgorge. Strong’s #6958 BDB #883.
137. Masculine_noun: which means that which is vomited up, vomit. Strong’s #6892 BDB #883.
138. Verb: qôwʾ (אק) [pronounced koh], which means to vomit. Strong’s #6958 (& #7006) BDB #883. Job 20:15
139. Verb: which means to fit together, to fabricate. Strong’s #none BDB #883.
140. Masculine_noun: qayin (קַיִן) [pronounced KAH-yin], which means spear. Strong’s #7013 BDB #883. 2Sam. 21:16
qayin (קַיִן) [pronounced KAH-yin] |
spear |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7013 BDB #883 |
141. Masculine_proper_noun: Qayin (קַיִן) [pronounced KAH-yin], which means spear; transliterated Cain; Kenite. Used as a gentilic and as a location. No idea why this is separated from BDB #884 below. Strong's #7014 BDB #883. Gen. 4:1, 5
Qayin (קַיִן) [pronounced KAH-yin] |
spear; to acquire and is transliterated Cain, Qayin, Kain; Kenite |
masculine singular, proper noun (BDB #884); also used as a gentilic adjective (BDB #883) |
Strong’s #7014 BDB #883–884 |
142. Proper_noun/location: which means to acquire; transliterated . Strong’s #7016 BDB #884.
143. Masculine_proper_noun3: Qayin (ן ̣י ַק) [pronounced KAH-yin], which means spear; to acquire; transliterated Cain. No idea why this is given separately from BDB #883 above. BDB strictly uses this for the Cain of Gen. 4. Strong’s #7014 BDB #884.
Qayin (ן ̣י ַק) [pronounced KAH-yin] |
spear; to acquire and is transliterated Cain, Kain |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #7014 BDB #884 |
144. Gentilic_adjective: In the Hebrew, Kenite in the Adjective-gentilic is Qêynîy (קֵינִי) [pronounced kay-NEE] (Strong’s #7017 BDB #884) and, as a proper noun is Qayin (ן ̣י ַק) [pronounced KAH-yin] (Strong’s #7014 BDB #884), which you may or may not recognize as being the Hebrew for Cain. The latter word is transliterated Cain in Gen. 4, Kain in Joshua 15:57 (referring to a city), and Kenite in Num. 24:22 and Judges 4:11. The adjective-gentilic is found everywhere else. Strong’s #7017 BDB #884. Doctrine of the Kenites Gen. 15:19 Judges 1:16 1Sam. 15:6 27:10 30:29
Qêynîy (קֵינִי) [pronounced kay-NEE] |
to acquire and is transliterated Kenite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7017 BDB #884 |
Also spelled Qîynîy (קִינִי) [pronounced kee-NEE]. |
145. Proper_noun: Qêynân (קֵינָן) [pronounced kay-NAWN], which means possession; and transliterated Kenan, Cainan. Strong’s #7018 BDB #884. Gen. 5:9
Qêynân (קֵינָן) [pronounced kay-NAWN] |
possession; and transliterated Kenan, Cainan |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #7018 BDB #884 |
146. Feminine_noun2: qîynâh (הָני.ק) [pronounced kee-NAW], which means a mournful song, a lamentation, an elegy, a dirge. Strong’s #7015 BDB #884. 2Sam. 1:17
qîynâh (הָני.ק) [pronounced kee-NAW] |
a mournful song, a lamentation, an elegy, a dirge |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7015 BDB #884 |
147. Verb: qûwn (ןק) [pronounced koon], which means to sing, to chant; to wail, to lament. Strong’s #6969 BDB #884.
qûwn (ןק) [pronounced koon] |
to sing, to chant; to wail, to lament |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #6969 BDB #884 |
Also spelled qîyn (ןי.ק) [pronounced keen]. |
qûwn (ןק) [pronounced koon] |
to sing a mourning song, to lament |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel imperfect |
Strong’s #6969 BDB #884 |
148. Hiphil_verb1: qîyts (קִיץ) [pronounced keets], which means to be aroused out of sleep, to be aroused from the slumber of death, to be awakened. This verb is found only in the Hiphil. Strong’s #6974 BDB #884. [Synonym: Strong’s #5782 BDB #734] 1Sam. 26:12 Job 14:12 Psalm 44:23 59:5 73:20 Prov. 6:22
qîyts (קִיץ) [pronounced keets] |
to be aroused out of sleep, to be aroused from the slumber of death, to be awakened |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative with the voluntative hê |
Strong’s #6974 BDB #884 |
Also spelled qûwts (קוּץ) [pronounced koots]. |
149. Verb: which means to be hot, to be vehement, to be vehemently hot. Strong’s #none BDB #884.
150. Masculine_noun: which means summer, summer-fruit. Strong’s #6972 BDB #884.
151. Masculine_noun: qayitz (קַיִץ) [pronounced KAH-yits], which means summer; harvest of fruits; summer-fruit, fruits, ripe fruit. Strong’s #7019 BDB #884. Gen. 8:22 2Sam. 16:1 Psalm 32:4 Prov. 6:8 10:5
qayitz (קַיִץ) [pronounced KAH-yits] |
summer; harvest of fruits; summer-fruit, fruits, ripe fruit |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7019 BDB #884 |
152. Masculine_noun: which means a plant. Strong’s #7021 BDB #884.
153. Masculine_noun: qîyr (קִיר) [pronounced keer], which means the wall [of a city], a wall; a side. Strong’s #7023 BDB #885. Exodus 30:3 1Sam. 18:11 19:10 20:25 25:22 2Sam. 5:11 1Kings 4:33 6:15 Psalm 62:3
qîyr (קִיר) [pronounced keer] |
the wall [of a city], a wall; a place fortified with a wall [i.e., a fortress]; a side |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7023 BDB #885 |
154. Masculine_proper_noun: Qîysh (שקִי) [pronounced keesh], which is transliterated Kish. Strong’s #7027 BDB #885. 1Sam. 9:1 14:51 2Sam. 21:14 1Chron. 12:1
Qîysh (שקִי) [pronounced keesh] |
bent; transliterated Kish |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #7027 BDB #885 |
From BDB: 1) a Benjamite of the family of Matri, father of king Saul 2) an ancestor of Mordecai 3) son of Gibeon and brother of Abdon, Zur, Baal, Ner, Nadab, Gedor, Ahio, Zechariah, and Mikloth; uncle of Kish the father of king Saul 4) a Merarite Levite, son of Mahli and grandson of Merari the progenitor of the family 5) a Merarite Levite, son of Abdi in the time of king Hezekiah of Judah |
155. Proper_noun: qîyshôwn (ןשי ̣ק) [pronounced kee-SHOWN], which means winding, curving, twisted; torturous transliterated Kishon. ZPEB says it means curving, but I could not confirm that in my Hebrew Lexicon. Strong’s #7028 BDB #885. Judges 4:7
qîyshôwn (ןשי ̣ק) [pronounced kee-SHOWN] |
winding, curving, twisted; torturous transliterated Kishon |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #7028 BDB #885 |
156. Verb1: which means to roast, to parch. Strong’s #7033 BDB #885.
157. Masculine_noun: qâlîy (קָלִי) [pronounced kaw-LEE], which means roasted corn, roasted grain. It was some sort of a prepared food which is found a half dozen times in Scripture. According to Freeman, this was prepared from grains of wheat which were not completely ripe. They could be roasted in a pan or on an iron plate; sometimes the stalks were tied together and the grain portion was held over a fire (I imagine, quite carefully). It was eaten with or without bread. See Freeman’s p. 128 for more information. Strong’s #7039 BDB #885. Ruth 1:14b 1Sam. 17:17 25:18
qâlîy (קָלִי) [pronounced kaw-LEE] |
roasted corn, roasted grain |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7039 BDB #885 |
158. Niphal_verb2: qâlâh (הָלָק) [pronounced kaw-LAW], which means to be lightly esteemed, to be diminished; to be despised, to be contemned; to be swift. Strong’s #7034 BDB #885. 1Sam. 18:23
qâlâh (הָלָק) [pronounced kaw-LAW] |
to be lightly esteemed, to be diminished; to be despised, to be contemned; to be swift |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7034 BDB #885 |
qâlâh (הָלָק) [pronounced kaw-LAW] |
to be lightly esteemed, to be of little account; to be swift |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7034 BDB #885 |
159. Masculine_noun: qâlôwn (קָלוֹן) [pronounced kaw-LOHN], which means shame; ignominy (of nation); dishonour, disgrace (personal). It is generally rendered shame in the KJV. I don’t think that we are dealing with the idea of shame because of guilt here, but shame due to Job’s financial and physical condition. Job is ashamed of how he appears to his friends. It appears as though God has just chosen to crush him. Let’s see if I can illustrate that. If you were thrown in jail, unjustly, and endured all of the humiliation and suffering pertaining to your time in jail, you might feel shame to speak to those whom you love, despite being innocent, because you will appear guilty no matter what you do or what you say. Job is filled with shame before his friends. Strong’s #7036 BDB #885. Job 10:15 Prov. 3:35 6:33 9:7
qâlôwn (קָלוֹן) [pronounced kaw-LOHN] |
shame; ignominy (of nation); dishonour, disgrace (personal) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7036 BDB #885 |
160. Feminine_noun: qallachath (ת-ח--ק) [pronounced kal-lah-KHAHTH], which means pan; caldron. This word is only found in 1Sam. 2:14 and Micah 3:3. The verbal cognate of this means to roast, to fry. BDB renders this caldron. Strong’s #7037 BDB #886. Ancient Jewish Cooking Vessels 1Sam. 2:14
qallachath (ת-ח--ק) [pronounced kal-lah-KHAHTH] |
pan; caldron |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7037 BDB #886 |
161. Masculine_noun: miqelâţ (ט ָל ׃ק ̣מ) [pronounced mik-LAWT], which means refuge, asylum. To differentiate this from the other several words also rendered refuge, we will render this asylum. This word is used exclusively in Num. 35, Joshua 20 and 21 and 1Chron. 6 to refer to these cities. We do not find this particular word used in conjunction with anything else. Strong’s #4733 BDB #886. Num. 35:intro Joshua 20:2
162. Verb2: which means to be stunted. It says overgrown or stunted. Strong’s #7038 BDB #886.
163. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7042 BDB #886.
164. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7041 BDB #886.
165. Verb: qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] and it means to treat something lightly, in a trifling manner in the Niphal (1Sam. 18:22 Isa. 49:6); to curse, to despise, to be accursed in the Piel (Lev. 20:9 Deut. 23:4), Pual (Job 24:18 Isa. 65:20). Qâlal means to be light, and figuratively, it has three uses in the Qal stem: ➊ to be diminished (note the passive meaning); ➋ to be despised, to be contemned (again, a passive meaning); ➌ to be swift, to be fleet (this verb is rarely so used). The connection is simple; you may treat something as unimportant; and when that is intensified, you curse it. However, in the Qal stem, swift, moving quickly, moving aside seem to be the meaning (Gen. 8:8 2Sam. 1:23 Job 7:6). In the Hiphil, it means to make light, to lighten, to treat with contempt, to bring contempt, to bring dishonor [on someone]. The Hiphil is a mixture of these meanings (Ex. 18:22 Isa. 23:9 Jonah 1:5). I include several passages so that you can see in many cases the same author will use this word in several ways. In Job 3:1, this is is translated variously as to make light of (Owen), revileth (Young) and cursed (Rotherham). Rotherham offers us the additional meanings to belittle, to revile. Strong's #7043 BDB #886. [Antonym = Strong's #3513 BDB #457]. Gen. 8:8, 21 12:3 16:4 Exodus 18:22 21:17 22:28 Lev. 24:11 Joshua 24:9 Judges 9:27 1Sam. 2:30 3:13 6:5 13:43 18:23 2Sam. 1:23 6:22 16:5, 7 19:21, 43 1Kings 2:8 Job 3:1 7:6 Psalm 62:4
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
➊ to be diminished (note the passive meaning); ➋ to be despised, to be contemned (again, a passive meaning); ➌ to be light, to be trifling, to be of little account; ➍ to be swift, to be fleet; ➎ to be lightly esteemed |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to be a trivial matter; to be light; to be of little account, to be lightly esteemed; to be despised; to be swift; to show oneself to be swift |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to be made light; to lighten; to be a minor (trivial) matter; to treat with contempt, to bring contempt or dishonor |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to curse, to revile, to execrate; to see as despicable; to make despicable; to curse onself; to bring a curse upon oneself; to revile |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
cursing, execrating; seeing as despicable; making despicable |
Piel participle |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to be accursed [cursed]; participle: one who is accursed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to make light, to lighten; to reckon lightly; to despise, to treat with contempt, to bring to contempt |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to move to and fro, to shake (together); to smooth, to polish; to sharpen |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
qâlal (קָלַל) [pronounced kaw-LAL] |
to be moved (to and fro); to be shaken together; to shake oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpalpel imperfect |
Strong's #7043 BDB #886 |
The final two meanings are probably incorrect; see the notes below: [Information from the emendations of the Sopherim are inserted at this point in 1Sam. 3:13]. Does this note apply to the Piel above??? |
166. Adjective: qal (ל-ק) [pronounced kahl], which means light, swift, quick, fleet. Strong’s #7031 BDB #886. 2Sam. 2:18
qal (ל-ק) [pronounced kahl] |
light, swift, quick, fleet |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7031 BDB #886 |
qal (ל-ק) [pronounced kahl] |
quickly, swiftly |
adverb |
Strong’s #7031 BDB #886 |
167. Masculine_noun: which means lightness, frivolity. Strong’s #6963 BDB #887.
168. Adjective: which means burnished. Strong’s #7044 BDB #887.
169. Feminine_singular_noun: qelâlâh (קְלָלָה) [pronounced ke-law-LAWH], which means cursing; vilification, execration, imprecation. Qelâlâh seems to be onomatopoetic, as in almost a taunt to go with the cursing. I saw the pronunciation in Strong’s, which just didn’t look right to me; and then went to my New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance and found a different pronunciation altogether. Although it is obvious that we do not know how these words were pronounced exactly, as the vowel points were added thousands of years later and since we have so few tape recordings or CD’s from that era, the pronunciations given by both references were quite different. The word means cursing. Strong’s #7045 BDB #887. Gen. 27:12 Deut. 21:23 28:15 Joshua 8:34 2Sam. 16:12 1Kings 2:8
qelâlâh (קְלָלָה) [pronounced ke-law-LAWH] |
cursing; vilification, execration, imprecation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7045 BDB #887 |
Qelâlâh is onomatopoetic, as in almost a taunt to go with the cursing. I saw the pronunciation in Strong’s, which just didn’t look right to me; and then went to my New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance and found a different pronunciation altogether. Although it is obvious that we do not know how these words were pronounced exactly, as the vowel points were added thousands of years later and since we have so few tape recordings or CD’s from that era, the pronunciations given by both references were quite different. |
170. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7040 BDB #887.
171. Masculine_noun: which means a disgrace. Strong’s #7022 BDB #887.
172. Verb: which means to mock, to scoff. Strong’s #7046 BDB #887.
173. Masculine_noun: qeleç (ס∵ל∵ק) [pronounced KEH-lehs], which means derision. Strong’s #7047 BDB #887. Psalm 44:13
174. Feminine_noun: which means derision. Strong’s #7048 BDB #887.
175. Verb1: qâlaʿ (קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ], which means to sling, to hurl forth, to throw. Piel and Qal have the same meanings. Strong’s #7049 BDB #887. Judges 20:16 1Sam. 25:29
qâlaʿ (קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ] |
to sling, to hurl forth, to throw |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7049 BDB #887 |
qâlaʿ (קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ] |
slinging, slinger; hurling forth, throwing |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7049 BDB #887 |
qâlaʿ (קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ] |
to sling, to hurl forth, to throw |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7049 BDB #887 |
176. Masculine_noun1: qelaʿ (קֶלַע) [pronounced KEH-lahģ], which means a sling. Strong’s #7050 BDB #887. Exodus 27:9 1Sam. 17:40 25:29
qelaʿ (קֶלַע) [pronounced KEH-lahģ] |
a sling; sling stones; curtain, drape, hanging |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7050 BDB #887 |
177. Masculine_noun: which means a slinger. Strong’s #7051 BDB #887.
178. Masculine_noun2: which means a curtain, a hanging. Always in the masculine plural. Strong’s #7050 BDB #887. 1Kings 6:34
qelâʿîym (קְלָעִים) [pronounced KEH-lahģ-eem] |
curtains, hangings, drapes, draperies |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7050 BDB #887 |
179. Verb2: qâlaʿ (קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ], which means to carve. Strong’s #7049 BDB #887. 1Kings 6:29
(קָלַע) [pronounced kaw-LAHĢ] |
to carve |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7049 BDB #887 |
180. Feminine_noun: miqlaʿath (מִקְלַעַת) [pronounced mihk-LAH-ģahth], which means a carving, a sculpture; possibly a bas relief. Strong’s #4734 BDB #887. 1Kings 6:18, 29 7:31
miqlaʿath (מִקְלַעַת) [pronounced mihk-LAH-ģahth] |
a carving, a sculpture, a figure; possibly a bas relief |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4734 BDB #887 |
181. Masculine_noun: qileshôwn (ןשל̣ק) [pronounced kile-SHOHN], possibly means a fine point. I Sam. 13:21.* Strong’s #7053 BDB #887. 1Sam. 13:21*
qileshôwn (ןשל̣ק) [pronounced kile-SHOHN] |
a fine point |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7053 BDB #887 |
182. Masculine_proper_noun: Qemûwʾêl (קְמוּאֵל) [pronounced kehm-oo-ALE], which means raised of God, God has raised up; God has established [him]; God’s mound; transliterated Kemuel, Camuel. Strong’s #7055 BDB #887. Gen. 22:21
Qemûwʾêl (קְמוּאֵל) [pronounced kehm-oo-ALE] |
raised of God, God has raised up; God has established [him]; God’s mound; transliterated Kemuel, Camuel |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7055 BDB #887 |
183. Verb: which means to crush, to grind. Strong’s #none BDB #887
184. Masculine_noun: qemach (קֶמַח) [pronounced KEH-mahkh], which means flour, meal. The word is found only 14 times in Scripture and only once in the sacrifices (Num. 15:5). When the Angel of Jehovah came to Sarah and Abraham, Abraham asked Sarah to make bread cakes from this flour; this was when the Angel announced to Abraham (and to Sarah, who was hiding behind a tent flap) that they would have a child the following year, causing Sarah to laugh within herself. This particular word for flour is also used by Gideon to make unleavened bread for the Angel of God when Gideon had been chosen to deliver Israel (Judges 6:19). Strong’s #7058 BDB #887. Gen. 18:6 1Sam. 1:24 28:24 2Sam. 17:28 1Kings 4:22 1Chron. 12:40
kemach (קֶמַח) [pronounced KEH-mahkh] |
flour, meal |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7058 BDB #887 |
185. Verb: qâmaţ (ט-מָק) [pronounced kaw-MAHT], which means to seize, to snatch, to grasp, to seize firmly with the hands. Found only in Job 16:8 22:16.* The reason this meaning was settled upon was there are three similar words, but not cognates, which have to do with the hand, or grasping with the hand. It also seems to be related to an Arabic word which means to bind. Obviously, by the variety of translations, there is no complete agreement on this. However, this particular meaning works with both passages. Strong’s #7059 BDB #888. Job 16:8
186. Verb: which means to be decayed. Strong’s #7060 BDB #888.
187. Verb: which means to enclose with the hand, to grasp. Strong’s #7061 BDB #888.
188. Masculine_noun: qômets (קֹמֶץ) [pronounced KOH-mets], which means a closed hand, a fist; a handful. Strong’s #7062 BDB #888. Gen. 41:47
qômets (קֹמֶץ) [pronounced KOH-mets] |
a closed hand, a fist; a handful |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7062 BDB #888 |
qemâtsîym (קְמָצִים) [pronounced keh-MAW-tseem] |
handfuls |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7062 BDB #888 |
189. Masculine collective noun: which means thistles, nettles. Strong’s #7057 BDB #888.
190. Feminine_noun: qineʾâh (קִנְאָה) [pronounced kin-AWH], which means, passion; zeal, jealousy, ardour, envy. Allow me to suggest the rendering passion. As long as this is understood in more of the legal sense (e.g., a crime of passion) as opposed to the sexual connotation, this would be a very accurate translation which could replace these other terms. It means passion, if one understands this apart from any sexual connotation. An artist is passionate about his art; a dedicated teacher is passionate about his subject matter; a classical musician shows a passion for his music. Strong’s #7068 BDB #888. Deut. 29:20 Job 5:2 Prov. 6:34
qineʾâh (קִנְאָה) [pronounced kin-AWH] |
passion; zeal, jealousy, ardour, envy |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7068 BDB #888 |
191. Verb: qânâʾ (קָנָא) [pronounced kaw-NAW], which means to be jealous, to be envious, to become intensely red or black from dye. It is found only in the Piel and Hiphil. The verb for jealous is in the Hiphil; therefore it is rendered caused to become jealous, stirred up to jealousy, provoked to jealousy. Strong’s #7065 BDB #888. Gen. 26:14 30:1 37:11 2Sam. 21:2 Psalm 73:3 106:16 Prov. 3:31
qânâʾ (קָנָא) [pronounced kaw-NAW] |
caused to become jealous, stirred up to jealousy, provoked to jealousy |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7065 BDB #888 |
qânâʾ (קָנָא) [pronounced kaw-NAW] |
to be jealous, to be envious; to be zealous for; to excite jealous anger; to become intensely red or black from dye |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7065 BDB #888 |
192. Adjective: qannâʾ (קַנָּא) [pronounced kahn-NAW], which means jealous. Strong’s #7067 BDB #888. Exodus 20:5 Deut. 4:24 5:9
qannâʾ (קַנָּא) [pronounced kahn-NAW] |
jealous |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7067 BDB #888 |
193. Adjective: qannôwʾ (א ַק) [pronounced kan-NOH], which means jealous, and is only used twice in Scripture, (Joshua 24:19 Nahum 1:2 and maybe Deut. 6:15*) although it is quite similar to a more common adjective, the difference only being the vowel points and one letter. Strong’s #7072 BDB #888. Joshua 24:19
194. Verb: qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH], which means to purchase, to redeem, to buy, to get, to acquire. In Gen. 1:19, when God is called a possessor of heaven and earth (the Qal participle of qânâh), He possesses these because He bought them. This adds new meaning to the verse “I have gotten a man [from] the Lord.” (Gen. 4:1b), which is totally incorrect. It should read: “I have purchased a man—the Lord.” There was blood, there was pain—she endured the first labor and no one knew exactly what was occurring. She felt as though she had brought forth the Redeemer in all her pain and blood. Although the woman was wrong in what had occurred, she did understand that there was a purchasing which took place with blood and pain which was related to the Redeemer, Who would come through her. Strong’s #7069 BDB #888. +somewhere Gen. 4:1 14:19 25:10 33:19 39:1 47:19, 20 49:30 50:13 Exodus 15:16 20:2 Deut. 32:6 Ruth 4:4a 2Sam. 12:3 24:21, 24 Job (1:3) Psalm 78:54 Prov. 1:5 4:5 8:22 Eccles. 2:7
qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] |
to get, acquire, obtain; [of God] to found, to originate, to create; to possess; to redeem [His people]; [of Eve] to acquire; to acquire [knowledge, wisdom]; to buy [purchase, redeem] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7069 BDB #888 |
There is a far greater emphasis on this verb in the realm of possessing, buying or purchasing than there is in the realm of creating. There are some scholars who would eliminate the meanings to found, to originate, to create. However, the NET Bible believes this to be simply another set of meanings (not unheard of in the Hebrew). |
The NET Bible: There are two roots קָנָה (qanah) in Hebrew, one meaning “to possess,” and the other meaning “to create.” The earlier English versions did not know of the second root, but suspected in certain places that a meaning like that was necessary (e.g., Gen 4:1; 14:19; Deut 32:6). Ugaritic confirmed that it was indeed another root. The older versions have the translation “possess” because otherwise it sounds like God lacked wisdom and therefore created it at the beginning. They wanted to avoid saying that wisdom was not eternal. Arius liked the idea of Christ as the wisdom of God and so chose the translation “create.” Athanasius translated it, “constituted me as the head of creation.” The verb occurs twelve times in Proverbs with the meaning of “to acquire”; but the Greek and the Syriac versions have the meaning “create.” Although the idea is that wisdom existed before creation, the parallel ideas in these verses (“appointed,” “given birth”) argue for the translation of “create” or “establish” (R. N. Whybray, “Proverbs 8:22-31 and Its Supposed Prototypes,” VT 15 [1965]: 504-14; and W. A. Irwin, “Where Will Wisdom Be Found?” JBL 80 [1961]: 133-42). |
qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] |
get, acquire, obtain; possess; acquire [knowledge, wisdom]; buy [purchase, redeem] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7069 BDB #888 |
qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] |
redeemer, purchaser, possessor |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7069 BDB #888 |
qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] |
to be acquired; to be bought [purchased, redeemed] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7069 BDB #888 |
qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] |
to cause to possess; to cause to buy [purchase, redeem] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7069 BDB #888 |
195. Masculine_noun: qineyân (קִנְיָן) [pronounced kine-YAWN], which means acquisition, possession; getting, substance, purchase, riches, goods. BDB gives its meaning as a thing got or acquired, acquisition. When God created the earth and all that is in it, He set the process in motion, so that, through the reproduction of His creatures, He has acquired a great deal. It is like the rancher who begins with a few head of cattle and they multiply into a thousand head of cattle; the rancher acquires them through the breeding of his own cattle. I think that we will go with acquisition, possession. This is one of the many examples where we seem something as plural, but the Hebrews expressed it as a singular (similarly, there are words like face, which we express in the singular and the Hebrews saw as plural). Strong’s #7075 BDB #889. Gen. 31:18 34:23 36:6 Joshua 14:4 Job 1:3 Psalm 104:24 105:21 Prov. 4:7
qineyân (קִנְיָן) [pronounced kine-YAWN] |
acquisition, possession; getting, substance, purchase, riches, goods |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7075 BDB #889 |
196. Masculine_(collective)_noun: mîqeneh (מִקְנֶה) [pronounced mik-NEH], which means cattle, livestock (specificallysheep, cows and goats). Strong’s #4735 BDB #889. Gen. 4:20 13:2 26:14 29:7 30:29 31:9 33:17 34:5, 23 36:6, 7 46:6, 32 47:6, 16 (49:32) Exodus 9:3 10:26 12:38 17:3 Deut. 3:19 Judges 6:5 18:21 1Sam. 23:5 30:20 Job 1:3 Eccles. 2:7 The Doctrine of mîqeneh (Job 1:3)
mîqeneh (מִקְנֶה) [pronounced mik-NEH] |
cattle, livestock (specifically sheep, cows and goats); herds, flocks |
masculine singular (collective) plural noun |
Strong’s #4735 BDB #889 |
This noun is built on the verb qânâh (קָנָה) [pronounced kaw-NAWH] which means, to get, acquire, obtain; [of God] to found, to originate, to create; to possess; to redeem [His people]; [of Eve] to acquire; to acquire [knowledge, wisdom]; to buy [purchase, redeem]. Strong’s #7069 BDB #888. Furthermore, wealth in the ancient world was defined by the number of animals a person had, so such a word could reasonably come to mean wealth, possessions, acquisition, substance. |
197. Feminine_noun: miqenâh (מִקְנָה) [pronounced mihk-NAW], which means a purchase, a buying; a document of purchase; cost, price, a purchase-price. Strong’s #4736 BDB #889. Gen. 17:12 23:18 49:32 Exodus 12:44
miqenâh (מִקְנָה) [pronounced mihk-NAW] |
a purchase, a buying; a document of purchase; cost, price, a purchase-price; that which is purchased; a possession [gained by purchase] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4736 BDB #889 |
198. Masculine_proper_noun: Miqenêyâhûw (הָי̤נ ק .מ) [pronounced mihke-nay-YAW-hoo], which means possession of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Mikneiah. Strong’s #4737 BDB #889.
Miqenêyâhûw (הָי̤נ ק .מ) [pronounced mihke-nay-YAW-hoo] |
possession of Yah [Jehovah]; transliterated Mikneiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4737 BDB #889 |
Also spelled Miqenêyâh (הָי̤נ ק .מ) [pronounced mihke-nay-YAW]. |
199. Masculine_noun: qâneh (קָנֶה) [pronounced kaw-NEH] which means a stalk, a reed. Strong’s #7070 BDB #889. Exodus 25:31 Psalm 68:30 Gen. 41:5 Exodus 25:32 30:23
qâneh (קָנֶה) [pronounced kaw-NEH] |
a stalk [of corn], a reed, bone, balances; water-plant, calamus (aromatic reed); derived meanings: measuring-rod; reed (as unit of measure - 6 cubits); beam (of scales - for scales themselves); shaft or branches [of Lampstand]; higher bone of an arm, shoulder-joint |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7070 BDB #889 |
200. Masculine_proper_noun: Qenaz (קְנַז) [pronounced keNAHZ], which means possibly side, flank; is transliterated Kenaz. Scripture: Gen. 36:11, 15, 42 Joshua 15:17 Judges 1:13 3:9, 11 1Chron. 1:36, 53 4:13, 15.* Strong’s #7073 BDB #889. Gen. 36:11 Judges 1:13 1Chron. 4:13
Qenaz (קְנַז) [pronounced keNAHZ] |
hunter; possibly side, flank; is transliterated Kenaf |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #7073 BDB #889 |
201. Adjective_gentilic: Qenizzîy (קְנִזִּי) [pronounced keni-ZEE], which means, descendant of Kenaz; and is transliterated Kenizzite. Found only in Gen. 15:19 Num. 32:12 Joshua 14:6, 14.* Strong’s #7074 BDB #889. Gen. 15:18 1Chron. 4:13
Qenizzîy (קְנִזִּי) [pronounced keni-ZEE] |
descendant of Kenaz; and is transliterated Kenizzite |
singular gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7074 BDB #889 |
202. Masculine_noun: qinnâmôwn (קִנָּמוֹן) [pronounced keen-naw-MOHN], which means cinnamon; fragrant bark used as a spice. Strong’s #7076 BDB #890. Exodus 30:23 Prov. 7:17
qinnâmôwn (קִנָּמוֹן) [pronounced keen-naw-MOHN] |
cinnamon; fragrant bark used as a spice |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7076 BDB #890 |
Barnes: The Hebrew word is identical with the English. The spice imported by the Phoenician traders from the further East, probably from Ceylon, has kept its name through all changes of language. |
203. Masculine_noun: qên (קֵן) [pronounced cane], which means nest, metaphorically abode; possibly cells, chambers, rooms. This word is found 13 times in the Old Testament; and the KJV translates it nest 12 of those times (for instance, Num. 24:21 Deut. 22:6 Job 29:18 Jer. 49:16). The implication is that these will be places designed for animal inhabitation. Strong’s #7064 BDB #890. Gen. 6:14 Deut. 22:6
qên (קֵן) [pronounced cane] |
nest, metaphorically abode; possibly cells, chambers, rooms |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7064 BDB #890 |
This word is found 13 times in the Old Testament; and the KJV translates it nest 12 of those times (for instance, Num. 24:21 Deut. 22:6 Job 29:18 Jer. 49:16). The implication is that these will be places designed for animal inhabitation. |
204. Verb: which means to make a nest, to nest. Strong’s #7077 BDB #890.
205. Masculine_noun: qenets (ץ∵נ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-nets], which means a snare, a net. Strong’s #7078 BDB #890. Job 18:2
206. Verb: which means to assign, to distribute, to divide. Strong’s #none BDB #890.
207. Verb: qâçam (םַסָק) [pronounced kaw-SAHM], which means to divine, to determine by divination, to practice divination; to contact the spirits of the dead [this can be real or faked]. We render this diviners, the ones divining when found as a masculine plural, Qal active participle. One who practices divination (in Deut. 18:10) comes from two Hebrew words, the Qal active participle of qâçam (ם ַס ָק) [pronounced kaw-SAHM] followed by its noun cognate. I don’t know why BDB lists the noun first here. Strong’s #7080 BDB #890. From the Doctrine of Divination (more details are there). Joshua 13:22 1Sam. 6:2 28:8
qâçam (םַסָק) [pronounced kaw-SAHM] |
to divine, to determine by divination, to practice divination; to contact the spirits of the dead [this can be real or faked] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7080 BDB #890 |
qâçam (םַסָק) [pronounced kaw-SAHM] |
diviners, the ones divining, those practicing divination |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7080 BDB #890 |
208. Masculine_noun: qeçem (ם ∵ס ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-sem], which means divination. It is a word usually associated with an apostate prophet foretelling the future, as well as (in this context) bringing curses and blessings upon other entities. We see this word used in a negative sense in Deut. 19:10 1Sam. 15:23 2Kings 17:17 and in a neutral or positive sense in this passage and in Prov. 16:10. In this passage, it is more named from the standpoint of Balak, the heathen king. Balaam is a prophet of God, not some guy who just hung out his shingle for a buck. Balak doesn't really recognize any sort of difference between Balaam and any other religious guy (it is like confusing Billy Graham with the Pope). For some, such a confusion is preposterous; and to others, they are both big religious guys or something. Balak means no disrespect by calling Balaam a diviner; he just doesn't know. This can be used in good sense, such as an oracle from a king’s lips (Prov. 16:10). Strong’s #7081 BDB #890. Num. 22:7 1Sam. 15:23
qeçem (ם ∵ס ∵ק) [pronounced KEH-sem] |
divination |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7081 BDB #890 |
210. Masculine_noun: which means divination. Strong’s #4738 BDB #890.
211. Verb: which means to strip off. Only in the Poel? Strong’s #7082 BDB #890.
212. Masculine_proper_noun: qeʿîylâh (הָלי.עק) [pronounced ke-ģee-LAW], which means not sure and is transliterated Keilah. Strong’s #7084 BDB #890. 1Sam. 23:1
qeʿîylâh (הָלי.עק) [pronounced ke-ģee-LAW] |
an inclosing, a citadel (this is uncertain); transliterated Keilah |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #7084 BDB #890 |
213. Masculine_noun: which means incision, imprinting, tattoo. Strong’s #7085 BDB #891.
214. Feminine_noun: qeʿârâh (קְעָרָה) [pronounced keh-ģaw-RAW], which means, dish, platter; bowl. Strong’s #7086 BDB #891. Exodus 25:29
qeʿârâh (קְעָרָה) [pronounced keh-ģaw-RAW] |
dish, plate, platter; bowl |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7086 BDB #891 |
This word first occurs in Exodus 25:29 and is only found in Exodus and Numbers. |
215. Feminine_noun: which means depression, hollow. Strong’s #d8258 BDB #891.
216. Verb: qâphâʾ (קָפָא) [pronounced kaw-FAW] which means to thicken [as unracked wine, curdled milk, clouded sky, frozen water], to condense, to congeal. Strong’s #7087 BDB #891. Exodus 15:8
qâphâʾ (קָפָא) [pronounced kaw-FAW] |
to thicken [as unracked wine, curdled milk, clouded sky, frozen water], to condense, to congeal |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7087 BDB #891 |
qâphâʾ (קָפָא) [pronounced kaw-FAW] |
to make thicken [as unracked wine, curdled milk, clouded sky, frozen water], to cause to condense [congeal] |
3rd person plural, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #7087 BDB #891 |
qâphâʾ (קָפָא) [pronounced kaw-FAW] |
something which has been thicken [as unracked wine, curdled milk, clouded sky, frozen water], what has been condensed or congealed |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7087 BDB #891 |
217. Masculine_noun: which means congelation, jelling. Strong’s #3368 and #7087 BDB #891.
218. Verb: which means to gather together. Piel verb. Strong’s #7088 BDB #891.
219. Masculine_noun: which means porcupine. Strong’s #7090 BDB #891.
220. Feminine_noun: which means a shuddering. Strong’s #7089 BDB #891.
221. Verb: which means to leap, to spring. Strong’s #none BDB #891.
222. Feminine_noun: which means arrow-snake. Strong’s #7091 BDB #891.
223. Verb: which means to draw together, to shut, to collect. Strong’s #7092 BDB #891.
224. Verb: which means to cut off, to shear. Strong’s #7094 BDB #891.
225. Masculine_noun: qetseb (קֶצֶב) [pronounced KEH-tsehb], which means a cut, a shape, an extremity; form; base. Strong’s #7095 BDB #891. 1Kings 6:25 7:37
qetseb (קֶצֶב) [pronounced KEH-tsehb] |
a cut, a shape, an extremity; form; base |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7095 BDB #891 |
226. Verb: which means to cut off. Strong’s #7096 BDB #891.
227. Masculine_noun: qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH], which means end, extremity. With regards to a city, outskirts is a good rendering. Listed twice on this page with different vowel pointing. Strong’s #7097 BDB #892. Gen. 19:4 23:8 Exodus 13:20 16:35 19:12 26:28 Deut. 4:32 (Joshua 3:2, 15 9:16 13:27) 18:16 Judges 6:21 7:11 Ruth 3:7 1Sam. 9:27 14:2, 27 Psalm 19:6 46:9
qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH] |
end, extremity, border, outskirts; the whole [which includes the extremities]; at the end of [a certain time]; the sum |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7097 BDB #892 |
228. Masculine noun with preposition: qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH], which means end, extremity. With the min preposition, it means at the end of, after. Strong’s #7097 BDB #892. Gen. 8:3 47:2, 21 Joshua 15:1 18:15 (both with min) 2Sam. 24:8 (with min) 1Kings 9:10 Psalm 46:9 (with ʾad) 61:2 (min)
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH] |
end, extremity, outskirts; the whole, the sum |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7097 BDB #892 |
With the min preposition, it means from the end of; at the end of; after. |
ʿad (עַד) [pronounced ģahd] |
as far as, even to, up to, until |
preposition |
Strong’s #5704 BDB #723 |
qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH] |
end, extremity, outskirts; the whole, the sum |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7097 BDB #892 |
This is rendered variously as to the end of..., unto the end of..., and less literally as all over, throughout, to an end all over..., over all. |
229. Combo: Exodus 26:28
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH] |
end, extremity, border, outskirts; the whole [which includes the extremities]; at the end of [a certain time]; the sum |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7097 BDB #892 |
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced ehl] |
unto; into, among, in; toward, to; against; concerning, regarding; besides, together with; as to |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
qâtseh (קָצֶה) [pronounced kaw-TSEH] |
end, extremity, border, outskirts; the whole [which includes the extremities]; at the end of [a certain time]; the sum |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7097 BDB #892 |
This phrase is variously translated: from end to end, the full length of, from the one side to the other side, from one corner to the other, from one end to the other. The first translation is the one most often found. |
230. Feminine_noun: qâtsâh (קָצָה) [pronounced kaw-TSAW], which means end, extremity, the uttermost part [tip]; from the whole of, from among. Strong’s #7098 BDB #892. Exodus 25:18, 19 26:4 27:4 28:7 Judges 18:2 1Kings 6:24
qâtsâh (קָצָה) [pronounced kaw-TSAW] |
end, extremity, the uttermost part [tip]; from the whole of, from among |
feminine singular noun (sometimes masculine) |
Strong’s #7098 BDB #892 |
qetsôwth (קָצוֹת) [pronounced kaw-TSOHTH] |
end (s), extremities, the uttermost parts [tips] |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #7098 BDB #892 |
End of the earth can refer to the most remote people. |
Not sure if there is any appreciable difference from Strong’s #7097 BDB #892. |
231. Masculine_noun: which means end, boundary. Psalm 43:10 65:5 Isa. 26:15.* Strong’s #7099 BDB #892.
232. Feminine_noun: which means end. Neh. 7:70 Dan. 1:2, 5, 15, 18.* Strong’s #7117 BDB #892.
233. Masculine_noun: qâtsîyn (קָצִין) [pronounced kaw-TSEEN], which means captain, ruler, prince. It is similar to the words meaning end, extremity and it might mean that the buck stops here. This word has only been used one time previously and that in Joshua 10:24 of his high ranking generals. Therefore, this is not necessarily, at least at this time, a word for a man with complete and total authority. In using this word, the men of Gilead are making it clear to Jephthah that they would like him to lead the troops in battle—period. There is nothing else implied after that. Strong’s #7101 BDB #892. Judges 11:6 (11:9) Prov. 6:7
qâtsîyn (קָצִין) [pronounced kaw-TSEEN] |
captain, ruler, prince |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7101 BDB #892 |
234. Masculine_noun: which means black cummin. Strong’s #7100 BDB #892.
235. Verb: which means to scrape, to scrape off. Strong’s #7106 BDB #892.
236. Feminine_noun: which means cassia (a powdered bark like cinnamon). Strong’s #7102 BDB #893.
237. Feminine_noun: which means scraping tool (used to fashion idols). Strong’s #4741 BDB #893.
238. Masculine_noun: which means place of corner-structure, corner buttress. Strong’s #4740 BDB #893.
239. Verb: which means to be cornered, or to set in a corner. Strong’s #7102 (& #4742) BDB #893.
240. Masculine_noun: mequtseʿâh (מְקֻצְעָה) [pronounced mehk-oots-ĢAW], which means, place of corner structure, corner buttress, inner corner-buttress; corner post. Strong’s #4742 BDB #893. Exodus 26:23
mequtseʿâh (מְקֻצְעָה) [pronounced mehk-oots-ĢAW] |
place of corner structure, corner buttress, inner corner-buttress; corner post |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #4742 BDB #893 |
241. Verb: qâtsaph (קָצַף) [pronounced kaw-TSAF], which means to be wroth, to be angry, to be in a rage. Strong’s #7107 BDB #893. Gen. 40:2 41:10 Exodus 16:20 Deut. 1:34 9:19 1Sam. 29:4 Psalm 106:32
qâtsaph (קָצַף) [pronounced kaw-TSAF] |
to be wroth, to be angry, to be in a rage |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7107 BDB #893 |
qâtsaph (קָצַף) [pronounced kaw-TSAF] |
to provoke, to provoke to wrath |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7107 BDB #893 |
In the Greek of Psalm 106:32, we have the direct object Him (or, him). The lexicons do not give us a definition for the intransitive use of this verb. The Hiphil is the causative stem, so we might settle on they sowed contention, they were antagonistic, they were insolent, they were exasperating and embittering, they were infuriating. |
qâtsaph (קָצַף) [pronounced kaw-TSAF] |
to put oneself into a rage |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7107 BDB #893 |
242. Masculine_noun1: which means wrath. Strong’s #7110 BDB #893.
243. Feminine_noun: which means a snapping, a splintering. Strong’s #7111 BDB #893.
244. Masculine_noun2: which means a splinter. Strong’s #7110 BDB #893.
245. Verb: qâtsats (ץ-צ ָק) [pronounced kaw-TSAHTS], which means to cut off, to amputate; to divide; to cut away, to cut loose. Prior to this, this particular word has only been found in Exodus 39:3 and Deut. 25:12; it is only found a dozen times in Scripture. Strong’s #7112(& #7113) BDB #893. Judges 1:6, 7 2Sam. 4:12 Psalm 46:9
qâtsats (ץ-צ ָק) [pronounced kaw-TSAHTS] |
to cut off; to cut away, to cut loose |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7112 (& #7113) BDB #893 |
qâtsats (ץ-צ ָק) [pronounced kaw-TSAHTS] |
to cut off, to amputate; to divide, to cut up; to cut away, to cut loose |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7112 (& #7113) BDB #893 |
qâtsats (ץ-צ ָק) [pronounced kaw-TSAHTS] |
to be cut off, to have something amputated |
3rd person masculine plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7112 (& #7113) BDB #893 |
246. Masculine_noun: qêts (ץ̤ק) [pronounced kayts], which means end (usually of time). Strong’s #7093 BDB #893. Gen. 4:3 6:13 8:6 16:3 Judges 11:39 2Sam. 14:26 15:7 Job 18:2
qêts (ץ̤ק) [pronounced kayts] |
end [usually of time]; end [of space] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7093 BDB #893 |
247. Combo: Gen. 16:3 41:1 Exodus 12:41 1Kings 2:39
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
qêts (ץ̤ק) [pronounced kayts] |
end [usually of time]; end, extremity [of space] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7093 BDB #893 |
With min, qêts means at the end of, after. |
248. Proper noun locative: Strong’s #7104 BDB #894.
249. Adjective: qîytsôwn (קִיצוֹן) [pronounced kee-TSONE], which means, at the end, the outmost, outer. Strong’s #7020 BDB #894. Exodus 26:4
qîytsôwn (קִיצוֹן) [pronounced kee-SONE] |
at the end, the outmost, outer |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7020 BDB #894 |
250. Verb: qâtsar (קָצַר) [pronounced kaw-TSAHR], which means to be short, to come short of, to cut off [with regards to grain], to reap, to harvest. When this word is used of a hand, e.g., as a hand being shortened, it is a reference to powerlessness or lack of strength. When the subject is spirit, as we have here, it refers to one’s patience wearing thin, being short of spirit is equivalent to being impatient. Strong’s #7114 BDB #894. Judges 10:16 16:16 21:4 1Sam. 6:13 8:12 Psalm 89:45 Prov. 10:27
qâtsar (קָצַר) [pronounced kaw-TSAR] |
to be short, to come short of, to cut off [with regards to grain], to reap, to harvest; to be impatient [vexed, grieved] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7114 BDB #894 |
qâtsar (קָצַר) [pronounced kaw-TSAR] |
to shorten, to cut short, to abbreviate |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7114 BDB #894 |
qâtsar (קָצַר) [pronounced kaw-TSAR] |
to cause to be cut short; to shorten, to cut short, to abbreviate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7114 BDB #894 |
251. Adjective: qâtsêr (קָצֵר) [pronounced kaw-TSAIR] is one of those adjectives with almost as many meanings as occurrences in the Old Testament. However, all of the meanings are related. The official meaning given by BDB is short, but this does not apear to work well with the five passages wherein this word is found (2Kings 19:26 Job 14:1 Prov. 14:17, 29 Isa. 37:27). Short of hand is used to represent a lack of military power in 2Kings and Isaiah. Short of nostrils represents one who is quickly and easily angered. Short of days does not refer here to the end of daylight savings time, but rather to the relatively few of days that we spend here on this earth. Strong’s #7116 BDB #894. Job 14:1
252. Masculine_noun: qôtser (קֹצֶר) [pronounced KOH-tser], which means impatience, anguish, shortness. Strong’s #7115 BDB #894. Exodus 6:9.*
qôtser (קֹצֶר) [pronounced KOH-tser] |
impatience, anguish, shortness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7115 BDB #894 |
253. Verb2: qâtsar (קָצַר) [pronounced kaw-TSAHR], to reap, to harvest. See above. Strong’s #7114 BDB #894.
254. Masculine_noun1: qâtsîyr (קָצִיר) [pronounced kaw-TZEER], harvesting, harvest. Strong’s #7105 BDB #894. Gen. 8:22 30:14 45:6 Exodus 23:15 1Sam. 6:13 8:12 12:17 2Sam. 21:9 23:13 Prov. 6:8 10:5
qâtsîyr (קָצִיר) [pronounced kaw-TZEER] |
harvesting, harvest; process of harvesting; crop, what is harvested or reaped; time of harvest |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7105 BDB #894 |
255. Masculine_noun2: qâtsîyr (רי.צָק) [pronounced kaw-TZEER], which is a collective plural for boughs or branches. That is, it is in the singular, but refers to that which is plural. The reason for the disagreement in the translation is that this same word is primarily used for harvest, harvesting, that which is harvested. It is given the meaning of branches only in Job. Strong’s #7105 BDB #894. Job 14:9 18:16
256. Verb1: qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] which simply means to call, to proclaim, to read, to call to, to assemble, to summon. This word is found approximately 800 times in God's Word. It often means to name something (Gen. 21:31 25:30) or to call something into being, so to speak. To all the Jews, this will be a holy convocation. When followed by a lâmed, as it is here, it means to give a name to. In the Niphal, which is the passive stem, it means to be called, to be named, to be read aloud, to be recited. The gist here is that he will be well-known. Strong's #7121 BDB #894. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:1, 5, 9a, 12) Gen. 1:5 2:19, 23 3:9 4:17 5:2 11:9 12:8 13:4 16:11 17:5, 15 19:5 20:8 21:3, 12, 31, 33 22:11 24:57 25:25 26:9 27:1 28:1 29:32 30:6 31:4 32:2 33:17 35:7, 10 38:3 39:14 41:8, 14 45:1 46:33 47:29 48:16 49:1 50:11 Exodus 1:18 2:7, 20 3:4 4:27 7:11 8:8 9:27 10:16 12:21 15:23 16:31 17:7 19:3 24:7, 16 31:2 32:5 33:7, 19 Lev. 23:21 Deut. 2:11 3:9, 13 4:7 5:1 17:19 20:10 31:7 Joshua 7:26 21:9 22:1, 34 Judges 1:17 6:31 14:15 18:12 Ruth 4:11, 14, 17 1Sam. 1:20 3:4 4:21 6:2 7:12 9:9, 13, 24, 26 12:17 15:12 16:3 17:8 19:7 20:37 22:11 23:28 24:8 26:14, 20 28:15 2Sam. 1:7 6:2 12:24 13:17 14:33 15:2, 11 17:5 18:18, 25 20:16 21:2 22:4 1Kings 1:9, 28, 32, 41 2:36 7:21 8:43 9:13 1Chron. 6:65 16:8 Job 1:4 13:22 Psalm 34:6 55:16 56:9 57:2 61:2 99:6 105:1, 16 118:5 Prov. 1:21 2:3 7:4 8:1, 4 9:3, 18 Isa. 7:14
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to call, to proclaim, to read, to call to, to call out to, to assemble, to summon; to call, to name [when followed by a lâmed] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7121 BDB #894 |
When followed by a lâmed, as it is here, it means to give a name to. |
When this is followed by the bêyth preposition, and then the name of God (in whatever form), it means to celebrate, to praise God; to implore His aid. Let me suggest that the speaker is doing both the work of an evangelist and of a teacher when this phrasing is found. |
When followed by the bêyth preposition and then an audience, this possibly means, to read. |
This is a homonym; the other qârâʾ means to encounter, to befall, to meet, to assemble. |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
call, proclaim, read, call to, call out to, assemble, summon |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #7121 BDB #894 |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
the called ones, the assembled [summoned] ones; the chosen ones; those who have been invited; guests |
masculine plural, Qal passive participle |
Strong's #7121 BDB #894 |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to be named; to be called, to be proclaimed; to be called together [assembled, [summoned]; to be read aloud, to be recited |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7121 BDB #894 |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to be called, to be chosen; to be named |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7121 BDB #894 |
257. Verb2: qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW], which means to encounter, to befall, to meet. There is a second meaning of this word: it means to assemble for the purpose of encountering God for the purpose of exegeting His Word, or learning His will. Here (Deut. 31:29), evil is the subject of the verb and evil encounters or befalls them. In Deut. 29:7, it refers to the two kings assembling against the Israelites for the purpose of war. It is often used in the negative sense (but not in all instances). Strong's #7122 & 7125 BDB #896. Gen. 14:17 15:10 18:2 19:1 24:17 29:13 32:6 33:3 42:4, 38 46:29 49:1 Exodus 1:10 4:14 5:3, 20 7:15 14:27 18:7 19:17 Num. 24:1 Deut. 1:44 2:32 3:1 22:6 31:29 Joshua 8:14 11:20 Judges 4:18 14:5 19:3 1Sam. 4:1b, 2 9:13, 14 13:10 17:2, 21, 55 21:1 23:28 25:20, 32 30:21 2Sam. 6:20 15:32 16:1 18:6, 9 19:15 20:1 1Kings 2:8 Job 13:22 Psalm 59:4 Prov. 7:10
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to encounter, to befall, to meet; to assemble [for the purpose of encountering God or exegeting His Word]; to come, to assemble |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7122 & #7125 BDB #896 |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to meet; to meet unexpectedly; to have been met, to have encountered |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7122 & #7125 BDB #896 |
qârâʾ (קָרָא) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
to cause to encounter, to cause to meet; to make assemble [for the purpose of encountering God or exegeting His Word] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7122 & #7125 BDB #896 |
This is a homonym; the other qârâʾ means to call, to proclaim, to read, to assemble. |
This is also spelled qîreʾâh (קִרְאָה) [pronounced keer-AW], which is the spelling in this passage. |
258. Masculine_noun: qôrêʾ (א̤רֹק) [pronounced koh-REH], which means partridge. Strong’s #7124 BDB #896. 1Sam. 26:20
qôrêʾ (א̤רֹק) [pronounced koh-REH] |
partridge |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7124 BDB #896 |
259. Adjective: qârîyʾ (אי ̣ר ָק) [pronounced kaw-REE] is found only here and in Num. 16:2 26:9. The corresponding verb is qârâʾ (א ָר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW] which we find many times throughout the Bible; it means to read, to proclaim, to summon, to call. In order to differentiate this from the words called, and elected, we will translate the adjective summoned [by popular demand]. It is an organic process where these are practically self-proclaimed leaders and men of reknown who stand before their tribe and are popularly affirmed. The word translated famous in the KJV is qârîyʾ (אי ̣ר ָק) [pronounced kah-REE] is only found in Num. 1:16 16:2 26:2. It comes from the two-meaninged verb which we have studied: qârâʾ (א ָר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW], which means call, proclaim, read. This is a reference to the called ones, the proclaimed ones—those who were chosen by popular demand; the elected ones is an good rendering if you bear in mind this refers to a democratic choice (which, in the Bible, is not necessarily good). Thieme renders this as chosen by popular demand and I will follow his lead. Strong's #7148 BDB #896. Num. 1:16 16:2 26:9
260. Masculine_noun: mîqerâʾ (א ָר ׃ק ̣מ) [pronounced mik-RAW] and we need to look at Neh. 8:8 to understand this word. During the time of Moses, they understood the meaning of the word. Subsequently, the meaning is not fully contained in the passages where this word occurs (Ex. 12:16 Lev. 23:2–4, 7–8, 21, 24, 27, 35–37 Num. 10:2 28:18, 25–26 29:1, 7, 12 Isa. 1:13 4:5). From the those passages we understand that there is a gathering of some sort. However, in Neh. 8:8 the meaning is fully revealed. And all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which Yahweh had spoken to Israel. Then Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men, women, and all who listened with understanding, on the first day of the seventh month. And he read from it before the square which was in front of the Water gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of men and women, those who could understand; and all the people were attentive to the Book of the Law. And Ezra stood at a wooden podium which they had constructed for this [lit., the] purpose...and Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up. Then Ezra blessed Yahweh the great God. And all the people answered, "Amen Amen!" while lifting up their hands; then they bowed low and worshiped the Lord with faces to the ground...and they read from the book, from the Law of God, exegeting to give sense so that they understood the reading (Neh. 8:1–8). Our word, mîkerâʾ is that last word. The verbal cognate is qârâʾ (א ָר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW] which means to encounter. Obviously, the translation, convocation, assembly does not fully convey what is meant. Mîkrâʾ means an assembly for the purpose of encountering God through the exegeting of His Word. Qârâʾ means to befall, to encounter, to come upon, to come out against. Qârav means to approach in a positive sense and qârâʾ means to have been overtaken or approached in a negative way. Strong’s #7122, #7125 (qârâʾ) BDB #896. Lev. 10:19, 4744 (mîkerâʾ) Lev. 23:2
261. Masculine_noun: mîkerâ (מִקְרָא) [pronounced mihk-RAW], which means convocation, assembly; an assembly for the purpose of encountering God through the exegeting of His Word. Strong’s #4744 BDB #896. Exodus 12:16
mîkerâ (מִקְרָא) [pronounced mihk-RAW] |
convocation, assembly; an assembly for the purpose of encountering God through the exegeting of His Word |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4744 BDB #896 |
262. Verb: qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV], which means to come near, to approach, to draw near in the Qal stem; in the Niphal, it means to bring near, to be brought near; in the Hiphil, it means to bring, to come near, to be brought near, to approach. The vowel points are different in BDB. In the Hiphil, it is often translated bring, offer. However, there is no way one can get that meaning from Gen. 12:11 and Exodus 14:10, where the Hiphil perfect clearly means to be brought near. At this point, I am going to go out on a limb and not translate this word offer, as most translators have done throughout the book of Leviticus and Numbers, but retain the meaning approach [with], come near or brought near. BDB seems to support this notion by not giving offering as one of their primary definitions. Strong #7126 BDB #897. The Doctrine of Rules of Exegesis and Interpretation Gen. 12:11 20:3 37:18 47:29 Exodus 3:5 12:48 14:10, 20 16:9 28:1 29:3 32:19 Lev. 1:2 2:8 27:41 Num. 25:6 Deut. 1:17, 22 2:19 4:11, 27 5:23, 27 20:2 22:14 Joshua 7:14 8:5 Judges 3:17–18 20:23 1Sam. 10:20 14:36 17:48 2Sam. 15:5 20:16, 17 1Kings 2:1, 7 1Chron. 16:1 Psalm 32:9 55:18 Prov. 5:8
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
to come near, to approach, to draw near |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
come near, approach, draw near |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
to come near, to approach |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
to cause to approach; to admit, to receive, to bring [two things] near |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
to cause to approach, to bring [draw] near, to bring, to offer; to bring together; to cause to withdraw, to remove |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
qârab (קָרַב) [pronounced kaw-RABV] |
cause to approach, bring [draw] near, offer, bring together; cause to withdraw, remove |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong #7126 BDB #897 |
263. Adjective: qârêb (קָרֵב) [pronounced kaw-RAYBV], which means approaching, coming near, drawing near. Strong’s #7131 BDB #898. Deut. 20:3 1Sam. 17:41 2Sam. 18:25 1Kings 4:27 Psalm 68:30 (?)
qârêb (קָרֵב) [pronounced kaw-RAYBV] |
approaching, coming near, drawing near |
adjective |
Strong’s #7131 BDB #898 |
264. Masculine_noun: battle, war, hostile approach. Strong’s #7128 BDB #898. 2Sam. 17:11 Psalm 55:18?, 21 68:30
qerâb (קֶרָב) [pronounced ker-AWBV] |
battle, war, hostile approach |
generally a masculine singular noun; here in feminine plural form |
Strong’s #7128 BDB #898 |
265. Feminine_noun: qerâbâh (הָבָרק) [pronounced kerab-VAW], approach. Strong’s #7132 BDB #898. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Psalm 68:30 (?) 73:28
qerâbôwth (תבָרק) [pronounced kraw-BOHTH] |
an approach; a drawing near; nearness |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7132 (#7138?) BDB #898 |
266. Adjective: qârôb (קָרֹב) [pronounced kaw-ROBV], which means near [in place or time], contiguous, imminent; near in relation, intimate acquaintance; that which is familiar to us; one who brings aide to another; short, shortness. It is often rendered nigh in the KJV. Strong’s #7138 BDB #898. Gen. 19:20 45:10 Exodus 12:4 13:17 32:27 Lev. 25:25 Deut. 4:7 21:3 22:2 32:17 Ruth 2:20b 2Sam. 19:42 1Kings 8:46, 59 1Chron. 12:40 Job 17:12 19:14 20:5 Psalm 15:3 34:18 148:14 Prov. 10:14
qârôb (קָרֹב) or qârôwb (קָרוֹב) [pronounced kaw-ROBV] |
near [in place or time], contiguous, imminent, within a short pace; short, shortness; near in relation, intimate acquaintance; that which is familiar to us; one who brings aide to another; soon, presently |
masculine adjective; can be used as a substantive |
Strong’s #7138 BDB #898 |
qerôbâh (קְרֹבָה) [pronounced ke-rohb-VAW] |
near [in place or time], contiguous, imminent, within a short pace; short, shortness; near in relation, intimate acquaintance; that which is familiar to us; one who brings aide to another; soon, presently |
feminine adjective; can be used as a substantive |
Strong’s #7138 BDB #898 |
267. Noun: qorbân (קֹרבָן) [pronounced kor-BAWN], which means that which is brought near. Because of the cognate verb, I would rather translate this an approach, a means of approach. This word is found almost exclusively in Leviticus and Numbers (the conspicuous exceptions being Ezek. 20:28 40:43). This appears to refer to an animal brought to be offered to God as a blood sacrifice or as a burn offering. This is the animal before it is sacrificed (Lev. 1:3, 10 3:7, 12 Num. 4:28, 32). We could get away with rendering this [animal] offering most of the time and be safe. Although used very little in the Old Testament, this word was taken by the Jews, changed somewhat, and used as a gimmick in New Testament times. It came to mean given to God and certain personal items could be declared corban, meaning that they did not have to be shared with anyone else. Some errant adult children would not help support their parents because the things that they owned were declared corban and therefore could not be given away to just anybody (which included their parents). Strong’s #7133 BDB #898. Num. 28:1 The Doctrine of Devoting to God
268. Masculine_noun: qereb (קֶרֶב) [pronounced KEH-rebv], which means midst, inward part. Strong’s #7130 BDB #899. Gen. 18:12 41:21 Exodus 12:9 29:13, 17 Deut. 2:14 4:3 22:24 Joshua 1:11 3:2 Psalm 62:4 64:6 103:1
qereb (קֶרֶב) [pronounced KEH-rebv] |
midst, among, from among [a group of people]; an [actual, physical] inward part; the inner person with respect to thinking and emotion; as a faculty of thinking or emotion; heart, mind, inner being; entrails [of sacrificial animals] |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7130 BDB #899 |
269. Feminine_noun:
270. Preposition+Masculine_noun: qereb (ב∵ר∵ק) [pronounced KEH-rebv], which means midst, inward part. With the bêyth preposition, it means in the midst of, among, into the midst of (after a verb of motion). Strong’s #7130 BDB #899. Gen. 24:3 25:22 45:6 48:16 Exodus 3:20 8:22 10:1 17:7 23:21 33:3 Deut. 1:42 4:5 16:11 17:2 21:8 Joshua 4:6 18:7 Judges 1:29, 32 3:3 1Sam. 4:3 16:13 25:37 46:5 1Kings 3:28 Job 20:14 Psalm 51:10 55:4 62:4
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, upon, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
Strong’s #none BDB #88 |
qereb (קֶרֶב) [pronounced KEH-rebv] |
midst, among, from among [a group of people]; an [actual, physical] inward part; the inner person with respect to thinking and emotion; as a faculty of thinking or emotion; heart, mind, inner being; entrails [of sacrificial animals] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7130 BDB #899 |
With the bêyth preposition, it means in the midst of, among, into the midst of (after a verb of motion). |
271. Combo: Exodus 31:14 Deut. 4:3, 34 17:7, 15
min (מִן) [pronounced min] |
from, off, out from, of, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
qereb (קֶרֶב) [pronounced KEH-rebv] |
midst, among, from among [a group of people]; an [actual, physical] inward part; the inner person with respect to thinking and emotion; as a faculty of thinking or emotion; heart, mind, inner being; entrails [of sacrificial animals] |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7130 BDB #899 |
This appears to mean, from among you, from your midst. |
This appears to mean, from among, from a midst of. |
272. Masculine_noun: qaredôm (םֹ ר-ק) [pronounced kahre-DOHM], which is a double sided hoe; one side can be used for apparently digging or hoeing and the other for chopping wood. An ax-hoe. Strong’s #7134 BDB #899. Judges 9:48 1Sam. 13:20, 21
qaredôm (םֹ ר-ק) [pronounced kahre-DOHM] |
ax-hoe (a double-sided hoe; one side digs and the other cuts wood) |
masculine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7134 BDB #899 |
273. Verb: qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH], which means to encounter, to meet, to go to meet; to happen, to befall. However, in this word is just the slight hint of chance; something just might happen. There is that tinge of probability which is implied, as we see in its noun cognate, mîqereh (ה ∵ר ׃ק ̣מ) [pronounced mike-REH], its meaning, by BDB, is accident, chance, fortune. The Niphal imperfect of qârâh (ה ָר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW] and means to encounter, to meet and not to come. Sometimes there is the implication of a chance or accidental meeting. The Niphal, which is generally the passive stem, and sometimes a stem referring to a continuous sense of action (being) refers here to a meeting which was not prearranged. The preposition to goes with this verb, but we do not have a reasonable corresponding English verb which allows for that preposition. Colloquially, we could translate this, And so God happened to run into Balaam or God ran into Balaam. and such a rendering would allow for the preposition and the implication of a meeting which was not prearranged (by Balaam). Strong's #7136 BDB #899. (See Strong’s #4745 BDB #899 for noun). Gen. 27:20 42:29 44:29 Exodus 3:18 Num. 11:23 23:4 more could be done Ruth 2:3 1Sam. 28:10 2Sam. 1:6 Eccles. 2:14
qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] |
to encounter, to meet, to go to meet [this can be taken in a hostile sense]; to happen, to befall |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7136 BDB #899 |
qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] |
the encounters, the meetings; the things which happen, what has befallen [him, them] |
feminine plural, Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #7136 BDB #899 |
qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] |
to meet, to be made to meet; to be by chance, to happen |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7136 BDB #899 |
qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] |
to lay beams or joists [to make beams and joists meet one another]; to frame, to build |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7136 BDB #899 |
qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] |
to cause to meet, to cause to happen; to make opportune, to choose [for oneself] what is opportune or convenient |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7136 BDB #899 |
274. Noun: qâreh (ה ∵ר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAY or kaw-REH] and it is the noun cognate of qârâh (ה ָר ָק) [pronounced kaw-RAWH], which means encounter, meet, befall. Gesenius adds the additional meanings to choose [for oneself] what is opportune or convenient. The verb is found throughout Scripture and this particular noun cognate (there is another) is found only here and Lev. 15:16, which reads: “Now if a man has a seminal emission, he will bathe all his body in water and be unclean until evening.” It is in the construct and followed by the word night. Whatever it is, it is a chance occurrence at night which causes a soldier to be unclean. My semi-educated opinion would say that a nocturnal emission would be one of several possible accidents which would cause a soldier to become unclean. My feeling is that this word takes in a greater area than that. Noun: Strong’s #7137 BDB #899. Deut. 23:10
275. Masculine_noun: opposition, contrariness. Strong’s #7147 BDB #899.
276. Masculine_noun: mîqereh (מִקְרֶה) [pronounced mike-REH], which means accident, chance, fortune, an unforseen incident, a random occurrence, a fortunate or unfortunate incident. Strong's #4745 BDB #899. [See Strong's #7136 qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] meaning encounter, meet, befall]. Num. 11:23 Ruth 2:3 1Sam. 6:9 20:26 Eccles. 2:14
mîqereh (מִקְרֶה) [pronounced mike-REH] |
an accident, a chance event, fortune, an unforseen incident, a random occurrence, a fortunate or unfortunate incident; fate |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #4745 BDB #899 |
From the verb qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH] which means to encounter, to meet, to befall. |
277. Feminine_noun: qôwrâh (קוֹרָה) [pronounced koh-RAW], which means rafter, beam, joist. Strong’s #6982 BDB #900. Gen. 19:8
qôwrâh (קוֹרָה) [pronounced koh-RAW] |
rafter, beam, joist |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6982 BDB #900 |
278. Verb: qârâh (קָרָה) [pronounced kaw-RAWH], which means to lay wooden rafters, to furnish with beams, to install rafters. The noun for beams or rafters does not have to occur here. The corresponding noun means rafters, beams. Strong’s #7136 BDB #900. Psalm 104:3
279. Masculine_noun: which means beam-work. Strong’s #4746 BDB #900.
280. Feminine_substantive: qireyâth (קִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-YAWTH], which means city, town. It is often used in conjunction with a proper noun. Strong’s #7151 BDB #900. The Doctrine of Hebron The City of Kiriath-jearim Deut. 2:36 3:4 Judges 1:10, 11 1Kings 1:41 Prov. 10:15
qireyâth (קִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-YAWTH] |
city, town |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7151 BDB #900 |
qireyâthayim (קִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-yaw-THAHN-yim] |
2 cities, two towns |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #7151 BDB #900 |
281. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #7156 BDB #900.
282. Proper_noun: Hebron was originally called Kiriath-arba (Joshua 14:15). Kiriath is actually the word qireyath (פִרְיַת) [pronounced kir-YAHTH], which comes from the Hebrew Feminine_substantive qireyâth (פִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-YAWTH], which simply means city, town. Strong’s #7151 BDB #900. This is followed by the word ʾarebbaʿ (אַרְבַּע) [pronounced ahre-BAHĢ], which is related to the Hebrew word to lie in wait, to ambush (Strong’s #693 BDB #70). Strong’s #7153 BDB #900. Gen. 23:2 35:27 The Doctrine of Hebron.
Qireyâth (פִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-YAWTH] |
city, town |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7151 BDB #900 |
ʾArebbaʿ (אַרְבַּע) [pronounced ahre-BAHĢ] |
related to the Hebrew word to lie in wait, to ambush (Strong’s #693 BDB #70); or to the numeral four (Strong’s #702 BDB #916) |
Proper noun; location |
Strong’s #none BDB #916 |
Together, these are transliterated Kiriath-arba, Kirjatharba and the word probably means city of Arba; city of the four (giants?); the four-fold city. Strong’s #7153 BDB #900. |
283. Proper_noun/location: Strong’s #7155 BDB #900.
284. Masculine_proper_noun: Qireyâth Yeģârîym (םי .רָעי_תָי ׃ר ̣ק) [pronounced KIR-yahth_yeģaw-REEM], which means city of the Forests [Wood, Thicket]; and is transliterated Kiriath-jearim (or, Kiriath-jearim). It comes from two Hebrew words: qireyâth (ת ָי ׃ר ̣ק) [pronounced kir-YAWTH], which simply means city, town. Strong’s #7151 BDB #900. The second is the masculine noun yaģar (ר-ע-י) [pronounced YAH-gahr], which means wood, forest, thicket. The im ending in the Hebrew simply makes this word plural. So, it means City of the Forests. Strong’s #3293 and #3264 (plural form) BDB #420. Strong’s #7157 BDB #900. 1Sam. 6:21 7:1 1Chron. 13:5
Qireyâth Yeģârîym (םי .רָעי תָי ׃ר ̣ק) [pronounced KIR-yahth yeģaw-REEM] |
City of the Forests [Wood, Thicket]; and is transliterated Kiriath-jearim (or, Kiriath-jearim) |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #3293 and #3264 (plural form) BDB #420 Strong’s #7157 BDB #900 |
285. Proper_noun/location: Qireyâth-Çêpher (ר∵פ ̤סֿתָי ׃ר ̣ק) [pronounced kir-YAWTH-SAY-fer], which means city of the Scribes and is transliterated Kiriath-Sepher. Strong’s #7158 BDB #900. Judges 1:11
Qireyâth (תָי ׃ר ̣ק) [pronounced kir-YAWTH] |
city, town |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7151 BDB #900 |
Çêpher (ר∵פ ̤ס) [pronounced SAY-fur] |
missive, book, document, writing, scroll, tablet |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #5612 BDB #706 |
Together, these words are transliterated as Kiriath-Sepher, and it means the City of Scribes; the City of Scrolls; the City of Writing; the City of Books (Strong’s #7158 BDB #900). |
286. Feminine_noun: qereth (קֶרֶת) [pronounced KEH-rehth], which means town, city. Late poetic. Strong’s #7176 BDB #900. Prov. 8:3 9:3
qereth (קֶרֶת) [pronounced KEH-rehth] |
town, city |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7176 BDB #900 |
287. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #7177 BDB #900.
288. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #7152 BDB #901.
289. Verb: which means to make bald, baldness. Strong’s #7139 BDB #901.
290. Adjective: which means bald, balding. Strong’s #7142 BDB #901.
291. Feminine_noun: which means baldness, bald spot. Strong’s #7144 BDB #901.
292. Feminine_noun: which means baldness of the head. Strong’s #7146 BDB #901.
293. Masculine_proper_noun: which means bald one and is transliterated . Strong’s #7143 BDB #901.
294. Masculine_noun: qôrach (ח-רֹק) [pronounced KOH-rahkh], which means ice, hail; bald. Strong’s #7140 BDB #901.
295. Masculine_proper_noun: Qôrach (קֹרחַ) [pronounced KOH-rahkh], which means ice, hail; bald and is transliterated Korah. Strong’s #7141 BDB #901. Gen. 36:5 Exodus 6:21 Psalm 46 inscription
Qôrach (קֹרחַ) [pronounced KOH-rahkh] |
ice, hail; bald; transliterated Korah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7141 BDB #901 |
296. Gentilic_adjective: Qârechîym (קָרְחִי) [pronounced kohr-KEEM], which means sons of Korah son of Levi; and is transliterated Korhites. Strong’s #7145 BDB #901. Exodus 6:24 1Chron. 12:6
Qârechîym (קָרְחִי) [pronounced kohr-KEEM] |
these are sons of Korah (son of Levi) or sons of Korach; transliterated Koraheem; Korhites, Korahites, Korathites |
plural gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7145 BDB #901 |
To account for the o in the transliteration, Seow tells us that, in a closed, unaccented syllable, ָ is almost always [pronounced] o. My pronunciation is only by way of a guide; I impose consistency upon a language which is not. |
297. Masculine_noun: qerach (קֶרַח) [pronounced KEH-rahkh], which means frost, ice; hail; crystal; cold. Strong’s #7140 BDB #901. Gen. 31:40 Psalm 147:17
qerach (קֶרַח) [pronounced KEH-rahkh] |
frost, ice; hail; crystal; cold |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7140 BDB #901 |
This is also spelled qôrach (קֹרַח) [pronounced KOH-rahkh]. |
The vowel points for this word are slightly different from place to place. |
298. Verb: which means to spread, to lay something over. Strong’s #7159 BDB #901.
299. Feminine_noun: qeren (קֶרֶן) [pronounced KEH-ren], which means horn. This word often refers to one’s strength. The origin of this connotation is that the horn refers to the ox, a powerful animal, whose power, in part, is in his horn. Strong’s #7161 BDB #901. Gen. 22:13 Exodus 27:2 29:12 30:2, 10 1Sam. 2:1b, 10 16:1 2Sam. 22:3 1Kings 1:39, 50 2:28 Psalm 89:17 118:27 148:14
qeren (קֶרֶן) [pronounced KEH-ren] |
horn; [used figuratively] of strength; flask (container for oil); horn (as musical instrument); horn (of horn-like projections on the altar); of rays of light; hill |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7161 BDB #901 |
qarenayim (קַרְנַיִם) [pronounced ker-nah-yihm] |
two horns, both horns, a pair of horns; flashes of lightning, rays of light |
feminine dual noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7161 BDB #901 |
qerîym (קֶרִים) [pronounced keh-REEM] |
horns; flashes of lightning, rays of light |
feminine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7161 BDB #901 |
300. Verb: which means to send out rays, to display horns. Strong’s #7160 BDB #902.
301. Verb: which means to bend down, to stoop, to crouch. Strong’s #7164 BDB #902.
302. Masculine_noun: kereç (קֶרֶס) [pronounced KEH-rehç], which means hook, on edge of curtains; knob. Strong’s #7165 BDB #902. Exodus 26:6
kereç (קֶרֶס) [pronounced KEH-rehç] |
hook, on edge of curtains, clasp; knob |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #7165 BDB #902 |
303. Feminine_noun: qareçôl (קַרְסֹל) [pronounced kahr-SOLE], which means ankle. Strong’s #7166 BDB #902. 2Sam. 22:37
qareçôl (קַרְסֹל) [pronounced kahr-SOLE] |
ankle |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7166 BDB #902 |
304. Verb: qâraʿ (קָרַע) [pronounced kaw-RAHĢ], which means to tear. Strong’s #7167 BDB #902. Gen. 37:29 44:13 Exodus 28:32 1Sam. 4:12 15:27 28:17 2Sam. 1:2, 11 13:19, 31 15:32 Job 1:20 2:12
qâraʿ (קָרַע) [pronounced kaw-RAHĢ] |
to bend, to tear apart; to tear out, to tear away; to cut in pieces [with a knife]; to cut out; to tear with words [i.e, to curse] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7167 BDB #902 |
qâraʿ (קָרַע) [pronounced kaw-RAHĢ] |
bent; torn [in pieces]; cut into pieces |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7167 BDB #902 |
qâraʿ (קָרַע) [pronounced kaw-RAHĢ] |
to tear, to be born |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7167 BDB #902 |
305. Masculine_noun: which means torn piece of garment. Strong’s #7168 BDB #902.
306. Verb: qârats (קָרַץ) [pronounced kaw-RAHTS], which means to tear, to cut off; to destruct; to tear [with the teeth], to bite off; to nip, to pinch; to compress [the eyes], to wink; used of a wicked, crafty or malicious man. Strong’s #7169 BDB #902. Prov. 6:13 10:10
qârats (קָרַץ) [pronounced kaw-RAHTS] |
to tear, to cut off; to destruct; to tear [with the teeth], to bite off; to nip, to pinch; to compress [the eyes], to wink; used of a wicked, crafty or malicious man |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7169 BDB #902 |
What appears to tie all these meanings together is, something is being compressed (one’s teeth, lips or eyes). |
qârats (קָרַץ) [pronounced kaw-RAHTS] |
tearing off, cutting off, nipping off; biting; winking |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7169 BDB #902 |
qârats (קָרַץ) [pronounced kaw-RAHTS] |
to be torn off, to be cut off, to be nipped off; to be formed; used of a potter taking off a piece of clay of a larger mass |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7169 BDB #902 |
307. Masculine_noun: which means nipping, stinging insect. Dubious. Strong’s #7171 BDB #903.
308. Masculine_noun: qareqaʿ (קַרְקַע) [pronounced kahr-KAHĢ], which means floor, bottom; ground. Strong’s #7172 BDB #903. 1Kings 6:15 7:7
qareqaʿ (קַרְקַע) [pronounced kahr-KAHĢ] |
floor, bottom; ground |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7172 BDB #903 |
309. Proper_noun: Karkor (more correctly, qareqôr (רֹק ר-) [pronounced kahr-KOHR], does not sound like an Israelite city and my guess is that we are dealing with troops on the run who return to their own city east of the Jordan. Strong’s #7174 BDB #903. I would further guess that this is how the name sounded to the Israelites (if you have noticed that the words in most languages that you don’t understand sound very similar). This place may not have had this name, but this was the way it sounded to the average Israelite. Judges 8:10*
310. Verb: which means to be cold. Strong’s #6979 BDB #903.
311. Masculine_noun: qôr (קֹר) [pronounced kohr], which means cold. Strong’s #7120 BDB #903. Gen. 8:22*
qôr (קֹר) [pronounced kohr] |
cold |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7120 BDB #903 |
This word occurs only here and it is a homonym. However, there is a feminine form of this noun which means cold, coldness. |
312. Feminine_noun: qârâh (הָרָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW], which means coldness, cold. Strong’s #7135 BDB #903. Psalm 147:17
qârâh (הָרָק) [pronounced kaw-RAW] |
coldness, cold |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7135 BDB #903 |
My guess is, this word simply stands for the storm of hail which comes down or to a winter storm; as opposed to meaning simply cold. This word occurs in the following passages: Job. 24:7 37:9 Psalm 147:17 Prov. 25:20 Nah. 3:17 and none of these passages could be unequivocally interpreted in that way (apart from Psalm 147:17). |
313. Feminine_singular_noun: meqêrâh (הָרֵק ׃מ) [pronounced mekay-RAW], which means coolness, refreshing. This is the only place where it is found, but there are several cognates from which we can derive its meaning. Strong’s #4747 BDB #903. Judges 3:20, 24*
meqêrâh (הָרֵק ׃מ) [pronounced mekay-RAW] |
coolness, refreshing |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4747 BDB #903 |
314. Verb: which means to tear down. Strong’s #6979 BDB #903.
315. Masculine_noun: qeresh (קֶרֶש) [pronounced KEH-resh], which means board, boards; slab; plank; frame. Strong’s #7175 BDB #903. Exodus 26:15
qeresh (קֶרֶש) [pronounced KEH-resh] |
board, boards; slab; plank; frame |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7175 BDB #903 |
316. Feminine_noun: qasevâh/qâsâh (קַשְׂוָה/קָשָׂה) [pronounced kahs-VAW/kaw-SAW], which means, jugs, jars, cups. does not mean covers as the KJV has, nor does it mean basins, as implied by The Emphasized Bible; they are simply cups or jugs and this word is found only here and in Exodus 25:29 37:16 1Chron. 28:17. Strong's #7184 BDB #903. Exodus 25:29 Num. 4:7
qasevâh/qâsâh (קַשְׂוָה/קָשָׂה) [pronounced kahs-VAW/kaw-SAW] |
jugs, jars, cups |
feminine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #7184 BDB #903 |
317. Feminine_noun: which means pot, inkhorn. Strong’s #7183 BDB #903.
318. Feminine_singular_noun: qesîyţâh (קְשִיטָה) [pronounced qess-ee-TAW], which means, an ingot; a stamped coin; a silver piece; something weighed out; money of a specific weight. refers to some unknown measure of money, probably a measure by weight. It is found only in gen. 33:19 Joshua 24:32 Job 42:11. These two nouns together are translated variously as a hundred pieces of money (NASB footnote—actually, qesitah, Owen and Rotherham), a hundred kesitah (NASB and Young). I should mention that those who translated the REB suggested that this word meant sheep. Since there already is a word for sheep in the Hebrew language which is used on a regular basis, the idea that this word means sheep is highly unlikely. Strong’s #7192 BDB #903. Gen. 33:19 Joshua 24:32
qesîyţâh (קְשִיטָה) [pronounced qess-ee-TAW] |
an ingot; a stamped coin; a silver piece; something weighed out; money of a specific weight |
feminine singular noun: |
Strong’s #7192 BDB #903 |
319. Feminine_noun: qaseqeseth (ת∵ש∵קש-ק) [pronounced kase-KEH-seth], which means scale of a fish; scale armor. Strong’s #7193 BDB #903. 1Sam. 17:5
qaseqeseth (ת∵ש∵קש-ק) [pronounced kase-KEH-seth] |
scale of a fish; scale armor |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7193 BDB #903 |
320. Feminine_noun: which means cucumber. Strong’s #7180 BDB #903.
321. Feminine_noun: which means place or filed of cucumbers. Strong’s #4750 BDB #903.
322. Verb: qâshab (קָשַב) [pronounced kaw-SHAHBV], which means incline, attend to, give attention to, be caused to attend to. Strong’s #7181 BDB #904. 1Sam. 15:22 Job 13:6 Psalm 10:17 55:2 61:1 142:6 Prov. 1:24 2:2 4:1, 20 5:1 7:24
qâshab (קָשַב) [pronounced kaw-SHAHBV] |
to incline, to attend to, to give attention to, to be caused to attend to |
Hiphil infinitive construct |
Strong’s #7181 BDB #904 |
qâshab (קָשַב) [pronounced kaw-SHAHBV] |
inclining, attending to, giving attention to, being caused to pay attention to |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7181 BDB #904 |
qâshab (קָשַב) [pronounced kaw-SHAHBV] |
incline, attend to, give attention to, be caused to attend to |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative; with the voluntative hê |
Strong’s #7181 BDB #904 |
323. Masculine_noun: which means attentiveness. Strong’s #7182 BDB #904.
324. Adjective: which means attentive. Strong’s #7183 BDB #904.
325. Adjective: which means attentive. Why does BDB list this separately? Strong’s #7183 BDB #904.
326. Verb: qâshâh (קָשָה) [pronounced kaw-SHAWH] means harden, be severe, stiffen, to be fierce; to become inflexible, unyielding and self-willed; to become obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed and unalterable. This verb is used both with the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart (Ex. 7:3, only—it is found in Exodus 13:15) and often with stiffening the neck (2Kings 17:14 Jer. 7:26). In more modern language, this means to become inflexible, unyielding and self-willed; to become obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed and unalterable. Double-check Qal and add in other definitions. Strong’s #7185 BDB #904. Gen. 35:16 49:7 Exodus 7:3 13:15 Deut. 1:17 2:30 10:16 1Sam. 5:7 2Sam. 19:43 Job 9:4 Psalm 95:8
qâshâh (קָשָה) [pronounced kaw-SHAWH] |
to harden, to be severe, to stiffen, to be fierce; to become inflexible, unyielding and self-willed; to become obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed and unalterable; to be hard [difficult, severe] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7185 BDB #904 |
qâshâh (קָשָה) [pronounced kaw-SHAWH] |
to be harshly treated; to be ill-treated; to be hard-pressed; afflicted with a heavy lot |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7185 BDB #904 |
qâshâh (קָשָה) [pronounced kaw-SHAWH] |
to have hard labor in birth |
3rd person feminine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7185 BDB #904 |
qâshâh (קָשָה) [pronounced kaw-SHAWH] |
to [cause to] make hard [stiff], to harden [the neck]; to be obstinate [stubborn, obstinate, stubborn, pig-headed, self-willed]; to make [a yoke] heavy; to make [something] difficult [severe, burdensome] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7185 BDB #904 |
Often used with one’s heart. Possibly this means to cause to strengthen. |
There is a second use of this word which apparently is, too peel off bark; to turn [in a lathe?] |
327. Adjective: qâsheh (קָשֶה) [pronounced kaw-SHEH], and it means hard, severe, difficult, fierce, intense, vehement, stiff, stubborn. Strong’s #7186 BDB #904. Gen. 42:7 Exodus 1:14 6:9 18:26 32:9 33:3 Judges 2:19 4:21, 24 1Sam. 1:15 20:10 25:3 2Sam. 2:17 3:39
qâsheh (קָשֶה) [pronounced kaw-SHEH] |
hard, severe, difficult, fierce, intense, vehement, stiff, harsh, hardened, stubborn; heavy; powerful, strong |
adjective/noun |
Strong’s #7186 BDB #904 |
328. Masculine_noun: which means stubbornness. Strong’s #7190 BDB #904.
329. Masculine_noun: which means an artistic hair arrangement, turner’s work. Strong’s #4748 BDB #904.
330. Feminine_noun: miqeshâh (מִקְשָה) [pronounced mihk-SHAW], which means, hammered work, shaped [molded] by hammering; possibly made from one piece. Uncertain; used only of metals. Strong’s #4749 BDB #904. Exodus 25:18
miqeshâh (מִקְשָה) [pronounced mihk-SHAW] |
hammered work, shaped [molded] by hammering; possibly made from one piece |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4749 BDB #904 |
331. Verb: which means to make hard. Hiphil. Strong’s #7188 BDB #905.
332. Masculine_noun: qesheth (קֶשֶת) [pronounced KEH-sheth], which means bow; bowman, archer; strength, power; rainbow. Strong’s #7198 BDB #905. Gen. 9:13 21:16 27:3 48:22 1Sam. 2:4 18:4 31:3 2Sam. 1:18 22:35 1Chron. 8:40 Psalm 7:12
qesheth (קֶשֶת) [pronounced KEH-sheth] |
bow; bowman, archer; strength, power; rainbow |
masculine/feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7198 BDB #905 |
For whatever reason, this is listed as a masculine singular noun in 1Sam. 31:3; however, the identical noun is found as a feminine singular noun in Gen. 21:16 48:22 1Sam. 18:4. My guess is, this is properly a feminine singular noun. |
333. Masculine_noun: qôsheţ (קֹשֶט) [pronounced KOH-sheht], which means truth; bow. Prov. 22:21—possibly a gloss. Strong’s #7189 BDB #905. Psalm 60:4
qôsheţ (קֹשֶט) [pronounced KOH-sheet] |
truth; bow |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7189 BDB #905 |
This noun is only found in Psalm 60:4 and Prov. 22:21; in the latter passage, it appears to mean balanced, truthful. According to BDB, this comes from an unused root which means to be balanced. |
334. Verb: qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] which means to bind together, to league together, to conspire. Strong’s #7194 BDB #905. Gen. 30:41, 42 38:28 44:30 1Sam. 18:1 22:8 2Sam. 15:31 Prov. 3:3 6:21 7:3
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
to bind; to conspire; a state of being compact and firm [and therefore] robust |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
bind [together], tie, attach; be in league with, conspire; be in a state of being compact and firm [and therefore] robust |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
conspirators; those who conspire; those who are bound [joined to]; those in a compact |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
being bound together; being in a conspiracy; strong, firm [and therefore] robust |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
was bound, to be bound together; compacted [and therefore] finished |
3rd person feminine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
to bind together, to bind to oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
robust, vigorous |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
qâshar (קָשַר) [pronounced kaw-SHAHR] |
to conspire |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael perfect |
Strong’s #7194 BDB #905 |
335. Masculine_noun: qesher (קֶשֶר) [pronounced KEH-sher], which means conspiracy, treason, unlawful alliance. Strong’s #7195 BDB #905. 2Sam. 15:12
qesher (קֶשֶר) [pronounced KEH-sher] |
conspiracy, treason, unlawful alliance |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7195 BDB #905 |
336. Masculine_plural_noun: which means bands, sashes. Strong’s #7196 BDB #905.
337. Verb: which means to be old, to be dried up. Strong’s #none BDB #905.
338. Noun: qash (קַש) [pronounced kahsh], which means stubble, chaff, that which is flammable(?), worthless and harmless. Strong’s #7179 BDB #905. Exodus 5:12 15:7 Job 13:25
qash (קַש) [pronounced kahsh] |
stubble, chaff, that which is flammable(?), worthless and harmless |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7179 BDB #905 |
339. Verb: qâshash (קָשַש) [pronounced kaw-SHASH], which means to gather, assemble, collect. Strong’s #7197 BDB #905. Exodus 5:7
qâshash (קָשַש) [pronounced kaw-SHASH] |
to gather, assemble, collect |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7197 BDB #905 |
qâshash (קָשַש) [pronounced kaw-SHASH] |
to gather [assemble, collect] straw, stubble and/or sticks |
3rd person plural, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #7197 BDB #905 |
qâshash (קָשַש) [pronounced kaw-SHASH] |
to gather oneself together, to collect oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #7197 BDB #905 |
340. Feminine_noun: qesheth (קֶשֶת) [pronounced KEH-sheth], which means bow. Strong’s #7198 BDB #905. Gen. 49:24 1Sam. 18:4 1Chron. 12:2 Job 20:24 Psalm 44:6 46:9
qesheth (קֶשֶת) pronounced KEH-sheth] |
bow; bowmen, archers; rainbow; [used figuratively for] might, strength |
feminine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7198 BDB #905 |
341. Masculine_noun: qashshâth (קַשָּת) [pronounced kahsh-SHAWTH], which means bowman, archer. Strong’s #7198 BDB #905. Gen. 21:20*
qashshâth (קַשָּת) [pronounced kahsh-SHAWTH] |
bowman, archer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7198 BDB #905 |
End of ק’s
20. ר Rêhsh (200) Written and Spoken r
1. Verb: râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH], which means to see, to look, to look at, to view, to behold; to perceive, to understand, to learn, to know. In the imperative, it means look, see, behold, view. It would be reasonable to render this as to perceive. The Niphal is the passive voice, and it means to appear. There seems to me is the 3rd person, masculine singular Niphal perfect of verb râʾâh (ה ָאָר) [pronounced raw-AWH] (which means to see), followed by the lâmed preposition (to) and the 1st person suffix. In the imperative, it means look, see, see here. There is also a use of this verb which means to see [so as to know or so as to learn]. This would not be unlike our colloquialism listen up! The Niphal is the passive stem, and we are speaking of appearances or what something seems to be. In the Niphal, it can mean appearing. Whereas, this verb occurs over 1200 times in the Qal, it only occurs less than 100 times in the Hiphil. This means that God has caused Abraham to see; in other words, this was a supernatural event. Strong's #7200 BDB #906. Gen. 1:4, 9 2:19 3:6 6:2 7:1 8:5, 8 9:14, 16 11:5 12:1, 7, 12 13:10, 14 16:4, 13 18:1–2 19:1 20:10 21:9 22:4, 8, 14 24:30 26:2, 8, 24, 28 27:1, 27 28:6 29:2 30:1 31:2, 5, 12, 43, 50 32:2 33:1 34:1 35:1, 9 37:4, 14 38:2 39:3, 14 40:6 41:19, 33, 41 42:1 43:3 44:23 45:12, 13 46:29, 30 48:3, 8, 11 49:15 50:11 Exodus 1:16 3:2 4:1, 14, 21 5:19 6:1, 3 7:1 8:15 9:16, 34 10:5, 10 13:7, 17 14:13 16:7, 10, 29 18:14 19:4 20:18 22:10 23:5, 15 25:40 26:30 27:8 31:2 32:1 33:10, 12, 18, 23 Lev. 14:35 Deut. 1:8, 19, 21, 33 2:24 3:21, 24, 25, 27 4:3, 5, 9, 12, 35, 36 5:24 16:4 20:1 21:7 22:1 30:15 31:11 34:1, 4 Joshua 6:2 8:4, 8 22:28 23:4 Judges 1:24 4:22 5:8 6:12, 22 7:17 13:19, 21 16:5 1Sam. 1:11, 22 3:21 9:9 12:17 14:16 15:35 16:1 17:23 18:15 19:3 20:29 21:14 22:9 23:15 24:10, 11 25:17, 35 26:3, 12, 16 28:5 31:5 2Sam. 1:7 6:2 7:2 12:19 13:28 14:24, 30 15:3, 25, 27 16:12 17:17, 18 18:10, 27 20:12 22:11 24:3, 13, 17 1Kings 1:48 3:5 6:18 8:8 9:2, 12 Job 2:13 3:9, 16, 28 7:8 Psalm 33:13 34:8, 12 41:6 52:6 54:7 55:9 59:4, 10 63:2 64:5 95:9 106:5, 44 118:7 142:4 Prov. 6:6 7:7 Eccles. 1:8, 10 2:1, 3, 24
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to see, to look, to look at, to view, to gaze; to behold; to observe; to perceive, to understand, to learn, to know |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
The full set of Qal meanings from BDB: to see, perceive; to see, have vision; to look at, see, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; to look at, gaze at. |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
look, see, watch; behold, view, see here, listen up; observe |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
In the imperative, this can also mean, regard, look after, see after, learn about, observe, watch, look upon, look out, find out; to see, observe, consider, look at, give attention to, discern, distinguish; to look at, gaze at. |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
seeing; observing; understanding; a seer, perceiver |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
those seeing; the ones observing; those with understanding; seers, those who perceive |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to cause to see, to cause to look; to show; to cause to see [with pleasure]; to cause to know, to cause to learn; to cause to experience [evil or good] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
cause to see, cause to look; show; cause to see [with pleasure]; cause to know, cause to learn; cause to experience [evil or good] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
causing to see [to look at]; showing; causing one to know [to learn]; causing to experience [evil or good] |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to be seen, to be visible; to let oneself be seen, to appear; to present oneself; to be provided [cared] for (i.e., looked after) |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
being seen, being visible to; letting oneself be seen, appearance |
Niphal participle |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
the one being seen, the one being visible to; letting oneself be seen, the one of appearance |
Niphal participle with the definite article |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to be seen, to be looked at, to be observed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to be caused to see, to be caused to look, to be caused to view, to be shown; to be exhibited to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
being caused to see, were caused to look, being caused to view, being shown; being exhibited to |
Hophal participle |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
râʾâh (רָאָה) [pronounced raw-AWH] |
to see each other, to look at each other, to face, to view each other |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #7200 BDB #906 |
2. Proper_noun: Yireʾeh (יִרְאֶה) [pronounced yihr-eh], which means he will see. Strong’s #3070 BDB #907. Gen. 22:14*
Yireʾeh (יִרְאֶה) [pronounced yihr-eh] |
he will see; transliterated Jireh, Yireh |
proper singular noun, which is the 3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect of to see |
Strong’s #3070 BDB #907 |
YHWH (יהוה) [pronunciation is possibly yhoh-WAH] |
transliterated variously as Jehovah, Yahweh, Yehowah |
proper noun |
Strong’s #3068 BDB #217 |
Yireʾeh (יִרְאֶה) [pronounced yihr-eh] |
he will see; transliterated Jireh, Yireh |
proper singular noun, which is the 3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect of to see |
Strong’s #3070 BDB #907 |
Together, this means Yehowah sees; Yehowah will see. The Strong’s # belongs to the entire title. |
3. Adjective: the masculine singular adjective construct from the verb to see; and therefore, means seeing, appearing, an appearance of, an appearing of. There is some disagreement here and it is thought that there might be a different word which belonged here. This word is found only here in the OT. Strong’s #7202 BDB #909. Job 10:15
4. Masculine_noun: which means seer; prophetic vision. Strong’s #7203 BDB #909.
rôʾeh (רֹאֶה) [pronounced row-EH] |
seeing, visions, prophet, seer |
active participle of the verb to see (Strong’s #7200) |
Strong’s #7203 BDB #909 |
5. Feminine_noun: which means a look. Strong’s #7212 BDB #909.
6. Masculine_noun: which means mirror. Strong’s #7209 BDB #909.
7. Masculine_noun: rôʾîy (רֹאִי) [pronounced row-EE], which means looking, seeing, sight; vision, appearance; spectacle, example, gazing-stock. Strong’s #7210 BDB #909. Gen. 16:13 24:62 1Sam. 16:12 this might be spelled differently elsewhere
rôʾîy (רֹאִי) [pronounced row-EE] |
looking, seeing, sight; vision, appearance; spectacle, example, gazing-stock |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7210 BDB #909 |
8. Feminine_noun: mareʾâh (מַרְאָה) [pronounced mahre-AWH], which means vision [as a means of revelation]; looking glass, mirror. That word is in the feminine and is used less often than its masculine counterpart mareʾeh (ה ∵א ׃ר ַמ) [pronounced mahre--EH]. In Num. 12:6, we used the word mareʾâh (ה ָא ׃ר ַמ) [pronounced mahre-AWH] (Strong's #4759) and it strictly means vision. Strong's #4759 BDB #909. Gen. 46:2 Num. 8:3? 12:6? 1Sam. 3:15
mareʾâh (מַרְאָה) [pronounced mahre-AWH] |
vision [as a means of revelation]; looking glass, mirror |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #4759 BDB #909 |
9. Feminine_noun: which means mirror. Strong’s #4759 BDB #909.
10. Masculine_noun: mareʾeh (מַרְאֶה) [pronounced mahr-EH], which means the act of seeing, sight, vision; appearance, that which is seen. I stretched things somewhat here to use the word blueprint. See Gen. 46:2 Ezek. 1:1 8:3 40:2 Dan. 10:7–8. Strong's #4758 BDB #909. Gen. 2:9 12:11 24:16 26:7 29:17 39:6 41:2 Exodus 3:3 24:17 Num. 8:3? 12:6? Joshua 22:10 Judges 13:6 1Sam. 16:7 17:42 2Sam. 11:2 14:27 23:21
mareʾeh (מַרְאֶה) [pronounced mahr-EH] |
the act of seeing, sight, vision; appearance, that which is seen; fair of form, handsome, attractive |
masculine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #4758 BDB #909 |
Perhaps when speaking of a soldier, this refers to a man who looks like a soldier; he appears well-armed, professional and ready (in 2Sam. 23:21). |
11. Masculine_proper_noun: Reʾûwbên (רְאוּבֵן) [pronounced reoo-BANE], which means behold a son; and is transliterated Reuben. Strong’s #7205 BDB #910. Gen. 29:32 30:14 35:22 37:21 42:22 46:8 48:5 49:3 Exodus 1:2 6:14 Judges 5:15
Reʾûwbên (רְאוּבֵן) [pronounced roo-BANE] |
behold a son; transliterated Reuben |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7205 BDB #910 |
12. Gentilic_adjective: Reʾûwbênîy (רְאוּבֵנִי) [pronounced reoo-bay-NEE] which means behold a son; one from the tribe [territory] of Reuben; transliterated Reubenite. Strong’s #7206 BDB #910. Deut. 3:12 4:43 1Chron. 11:42 12:37
Reʾûwbênîy (רְאוּבֵנִי) [pronounced reoo-bay-NEE] |
behold a son; one from the tribe [or territory] of Reuben; transliterated Reubenite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7206 BDB #910 |
13. Verb: which means to rise. Strong’s #7213 BDB #910.
14. Masculine_noun: reʿêm (ם̤אר) [pronounced reaim], which means fierce untamed wild animal; wild ass [ox, antelope]. Strong’s #7214 BDB #910.
reʿêm (ם̤אר) [pronounced reaim] |
fierce untamed wild animal; wild ass [ox, antelope] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7214 BDB #910 |
Apparently a fairly common wild animal during Old Testament times. |
15. Feminine_proper_noun: Reʾûwmâh (רְאוּמָה) [pronounced reh-oo-MAW], which means elevated, lofty; sublime; and is transliterated Reumah. Concubine of Nahor. Strong’s #7208 BDB #910. Gen. 22:24*
Reʾûwmâh (רְאוּמָה) [pronounced reh-oo-MAW] |
elevated, lofty; sublime; and is transliterated Reumah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7208 BDB #910 |
16. Feminine_plural_noun: which means corals. Strong’s #7215 BDB #910.
17. Masculine_noun: rôʾsh (רֹאש or רֹאֶש) [pronounced rohsh], which means head, top, chief, front, choicest. It is from an unused root verb that means shake, and it generally means head as the head is easily shaken. With the word nâsâʾ (א ָ ָנ) [pronounced naw-SAW] (which means to lift, carry, take) it means to take a head count. This idiom is reasonable since the word head has a variety of meanings (e.g., top, chief, front, choicest, leading division). The word for head can also mean chief, top, company, choicest. It is used for the division of an army (Judges 7:16, 20 9:34, 37). In the plural, this can mean divisions of an army, detachments, companies, bands. Strong's #7218 BDB #910. Gen. 2:10 3:15 8:5 11:4 28:12 47:31 48:14 49:26 Exodus 6:14 12:2, 9 17:9 18:25 19:20 24:17 26:24 28:32 29:6 30:12, 23 Num. 1:2 31:26 40:13 Deut. 1:13 3:27 5:;23 20:9 21:12 33:15 34:1 Joshua 14:1 22:14 Judges 5:26, 30 7:16, 19, 25 8:28 9:34 11:9, 11 1Sam. 1:11 4:12 9:22 13:17 14:45 15:17 17:5 25:39 26:13 28:2 29:4 31:9 2Sam. 1:2 5:24 12:30 14:26 15:30 16:1 18:9 20:21 22:44 23:8 1Kings 2:32 7:16, 17 8:1, 8, 32 1Chron. 8:10 11:6 12:14 16:5, 7 Job 1:17, 20 2:12 12:24 Psalm 7:16 23:5 24:7 110:6 118:22 133:2 Prov. 1:9 4:9 8:2, 23 10:6 Eccles. 2:14
rôʾsh (רֹאש or רֹאֶש) [pronounced rohsh] |
head [of a man, city, state, nation, place, family, priest], top [of a mountain]; chief, prince, officer; front, choicest, best; first; height [of stars]; sum, census |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #7218 BDB #910 |
All of the BDB definitions: 1) head, top, summit, upper part, chief, total, sum, height, front, beginning; 1a) head (of man, animals); 1b) top, tip (of mountain); 1c) height (of stars); 1d) chief, head (of man, city, nation, place, family, priest); 1e) head, front, beginning; 1f) chief, choicest, best; 1g) head, division, company, band; 1h) sum. |
râʾshîym (רָאשִים) [pronounced raw-SHEEM] |
heads, princes, officers, captains, chiefs; company, band, division |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #7218 BDB #910 |
BDB’s full set of meanings: head, top, summit, upper part, chief, total, sum, height, front, beginning; head (of man, animals); top, tip (of mountain); height (of stars); chief, head (of man, city, nation, place, family, priest); head, front, beginning; chief, choicest, best; head, division, company, band; sum. Gesenius lists 5 sets of meanings, which includes what is first and foremost, the beginning, the commencement. |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
rôʾsh (רֹאש or רֹאֶש) [pronounced rohsh] |
head [of a man, city, state, nation, place, family, priest], top [of a mountain]; chief, prince, officer; front, choicest, best; first; height [of stars]; sum |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7218 BDB #910 |
BDB says this means at first. It is variously rendered at first (none that I could find); first (The Amplified Bible, NASB, NCV, NKJV, TNIV, and almost all other translations); the first time (CEV, God’s Word™, NIRV). The NLT ignores this phrase. This is for 1Chron. 16:7. |
18. Feminine_noun: which means beginning-time, early time. Strong’s #7221 BDB #911.
19. Feminine_noun: which means top. Strong’s #7223 BDB #911. Gen. 8:13 25:25 28:19 33:2 38:28 41:20 Exodus 4:8 12:2 Deut. 4:32 2Sam. 20:18 1Chron. 11:6 Eccles. 1:11
rîʾshônâh (רִאשֹנָה) [pronounced ree-show-NAW] |
first [in time, in degree], chief, former [in time], past, ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning |
feminine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
20. Adjective: rîshôwn (ןש̣ר) [pronounced ree-SHOWN], and it can be rendered first, chief, former, beginning. [see below!] Strong’s #7223 BDB #911. Gen. 26:1 32:17 40:13 Exodus 12:15 Deut. 16:4 Ruth 3:10 1Sam. 17:30 18:27 19:20 2Sam. 21:9 1Chron. 12:15 18:17 Job 8:8
rîʾshôwn (רִאשוֹן) [pronounced ree-SHOWN] |
first [in time, in degree, chief, former [in time], ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning; as an adverb: formerly, at first, first |
masculine singular adjective; also used as an adverb |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
rîʾshôwn (רִאשוֹן) [pronounced ree-SHOWN] |
formerly, at first, first |
adverb |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
This is identical to the masculine singular adjective of the same Strong’s number. |
21. Adjective+prepositions: rîshôwn (ןש̣ר) [pronounced ree-SHOWN], which means first, chief, former, beginning. In the feminine with prepositions, its meaning is narrowed further. With bêyth, it means before, formerly, previously. With reference to time, it refers to what has passed (when used with kahph) and what is done first (with bêyth); with reference to rank, it can refer to being pre-eminent. Strong’s #7223 BDB #911. Gen. 13:4 Deut. 17:7 Joshua 8:5, 33 Judges 20:32 2Sam. 7:10 1Chron. 11:6 Zech. 12:7
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
rîʾshônâh (רִאשֹנָה) [pronounced ree-show-NAW] |
first [in time, in degree, chief, former [in time], ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
With the bêyth preposition, rîshôwnâh means first, in front, in the first rank; before, formerly, previously, aforetime. |
kaph or ke ( ׃) [pronounced ke] |
as, like, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
rîʾshôwn (רִאשוֹן) [pronounced ree-SHOWN] |
first, chief, former, beginning |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
The kaph preposition and rîshôwn together mean as at the first, as before. |
22. Combo: Gen. 28:19
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
rîʾshônâh (רִאשֹנָה) [pronounced ree-show-NAW] |
first [in time, in degree, chief, former [in time], ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
I will translate these two words at the first, in the beginning, originally. |
23. Combo: Eccles. 1:11
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
rîʾshônîym (רִאשֹנִים) [pronounced ree-show-NEEM] |
first [in time, in degree, chief, former [in time], ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
I will translate these two words regarding the former things. I will see what others do with this phrase. |
24. Adjective + prepositions: 2Sam. 7:10 1Chron. 15:13
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, according to; about, approximately |
preposition of comparison or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשוּר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who, whom; where |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
Together, kaʾăsher (כַּאֲשֶר) [pronounced kah-uh-SHER] means as which, as one who, as, like as, just as; because; according to what manner. Back in 1Sam. 12:8, I rendered this for example. |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
rîʾshônâh (רִאשֹנָה) [pronounced ree-show-NAW] |
first [in time, in degree, chief, former [in time], ancestors, former things; foremost; beginning |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7223 BDB #911 |
With the bêyth preposition, rîʾshônâh means first, in front, in the first rank; before, formerly, previously, aforetime. |
These four words together are rendered as before, as formerly, as at the first, as in the beginning; as in the past and more informally as as they have done, as they used to do. |
25. Feminine adjective/preposition: rîʾshôwn (רִאשוֹן) [pronounced ree-SHOWN], which means first, chief, former, beginning. With the lâmed prefixed preposition, it means at the first, formerly. See above. Strong’s #7223 BDB #911. Judges 18:29 1Chron. 15:13
26. Adjective: which means first. Jer. 25:1.* Strong’s #7224 BDB #912.
27. Feminine_noun: rêʾshîyth (רֵאשִית) [pronounced ray-SHEETH], which means first fruit, firstling, first of one’s kind, beginning, a former state. We find this in Gen. 1:1 (In the beginning...) and it is associated with the first fruits offered in the tabernacle (Lev. 2:12). Strong’s #7225 BDB #912. Gen. 1:1 10:10 49:3 Exodus 23:19 Deut. 21:17 1Sam. 2:29 15:21 Psalm 105:36 Prov. 1:7 3:9 4:7 8:22
rêʾshîyth (רֵאשִית) [pronounced ray-SHEETH] |
first fruit, firstling, first of one’s kind, first, chief; a beginning, a former state; former times |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7225 BDB #912 |
Inexplicably, Owens (upon whom I depend to parse my verbs for me) lists this as a feminine singular construct, which makes little sense because this is a plural noun (always found in the plural form). |
Inexplicably, Owens (upon whom I depend to parse my verbs for me) lists this as a feminine singular construct, which makes little sense because (1) this is a plural noun (always found in the plural form) and (2) there is no noun for this to affix itself to as a construct. |
This does not have a singular form. There is an aleph thrown in there, but without a corresponding vowel. Gesenius says that aleph was not there originally. |
28. Feminine_plural_noun: meraʾăshôth (מרַאֲשֹת) [pronounced merah-uh-SHOHTH], which means place at the head, head-place. Strong’s #4761#4763 BDB #912. 1Sam. 19:13 26:7
meraʾăshôth (מרַאֲשֹת) [pronounced merah-uh-SHOHTH] |
place at the head, at the head of [anyone or anything]; head-place; pillow, bolster [a long, cylindrical pillow or cushion] |
feminine plural noun sometimes used as a preposition |
Strong’s #4763 (and #4761) BDB #912 |
29. Proper_masculine_noun: Strong’s #7220 BDB #912.
30. Gentilic_adjective: Rôʾsh (שרֹא) [pronounced rohsh] which means head; transliterated Rosh. Strong’s #7220 BDB #912.
Rôʾsh (שרֹא) [pronounced rohsh] |
head; transliterated Rosh |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7220 BDB #912 |
This is equivalent to Strong’s #7219. |
31. Masculine_noun2: rôʾsh (שרֹא) [pronounced rohsh] and it is translated gall in the KJV. It is a bitter and poisonous herb. Let me give you Barnes’ description: It is the name of a plant of intense bitterness, and of quick growth; and is therefore repeatedly used in conjunction with “wormwood” (cp, Jer. Ix. 15; Lam. Iii. 19; Amos vi. 12), to express figuratively the nature and effects of sin...The herb is probably the poppy. Hence the “water” (i.e., juice) “of gall” (Jer. Viii. 14, xxiii. 15) would be opium. This would explain its employment in the stupefying drink given to criminals at the time of execution (cp. Ps. Lxix. 21; Matt. Xxvii. 34), and the use of the word as synonymous with poison (cp. Xxxii. 33; Job xx. 16). Rôʾsh is a bitter and poisonous herb, often translated gall, although it is not the same gall which we find in Matt. 27:34, which was probably a bitter herb which was mixed with the cheap wine given to our Lord on the crucifix. Strong’s #7219 BDB #912. Deut. 29:18 32:32 Job 20:16
32. Verb1: râbab (רָבַב) [pronounced rawb-VAHBV], and it means to become many, to become great in number, or to be great in number. Strong's #7231 BDB #912. Gen. 6:1 18:20 (30:30) 1Sam. 25:10 Psalm 104:24
râbab (רָבַב) [pronounced rawb-VAHBV] |
to become many, to become great in number, to be great in number, to increase |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong's #7231 BDB #912 |
râbab (רָבַב) [pronounced rawb-VAHBV] |
to be multiplied into myriads |
3rd person plural, Pual perfect |
Strong's #7231 BDB #912 |
33. Adjective1: rab (רַב) [pronounced rahbv], which means many, much, great (in the sense of large or significant, not acclaimed; Gen. 6:5 7:11 21:34 50:20 Exodus 19:21). Several translations went with too many. This is followed by the prefixed preposition lâmed (to, for, in regard to) with the second person masculine plural. Literally, we have much for you [all]. We might interpret this as we have had too much of you, we have had enough of you, you have gone on long enough, you are too much (spoken ironically). We have a similar idiomatic usage in Gen. 45:28 Exodus 9:28. This idiom expresses great dissatisfaction. I realize that does not make a great deal of sense; however, according to BDB, with the min preposition, it means too much for (Joshua 19:9 1Kings 19:7; Prov. 26:10 is hopelessly corrupt) or greater than (Deut. 7:1, 17 9:12 20:1). Strong's #7227 BDB #912. Gen. 6:5 7:11 13:6 21:34 24:25 25:23 30:43 33:9 36:7 37:34 45:28 50:20 Exodus 1:9 2:23 5:5 9:28 12:38 19:21 23:2, 29 Num. 16:3 Deut. 1:6 2:1 3:19, 26 20:1 Joshua 11:4 19:9 22:3 Judges 7:2, 4 9:40 1Sam. 2:5 12:17 14:6, 19 26:13 2Sam. 3:22 13:34 14:2 15:12 22:17 23:20 24:14 1Kings 2:38 3:8 4:20 5:7 1Chron. 5:22 Job 1:3 16:2 Psalm 19:10, 13 29:3 32:6 34:19 55:12 56:2 62:2 68:11 78:15 103:8 104:24 106:43 110:6 Prov. 7:26 10:21 Eccles. 2:21
rab (רַב) [pronounced rahbv] |
many, much, great (in the sense of large or significant, not acclaimed); enough; a multiplication of |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong's #7227 BDB #912 |
rab (רַב) [pronounced rahbv] |
elder; great man; leader, captain, chief; one who is masterful or skillful |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #7227 BDB #912 |
rabbîym (רַבִּים) [pronounced rahbv-BEEM] |
a multitude, many [men]; great ones, elders; darts, arrows; archers; the many [as in a band of soldiers] |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #7227 BDB #912 |
rabbâh (רָבָּה) [pronounced rahb-BAW] |
many, much, great (in the sense of large or significant, not acclaimed) |
feminine singular adjective |
Strong's #7227 BDB #912 |
The BDB definitions are much, many, great; much; many; abounding in; more numerous than; abundant, enough; great; strong; greater than; much, exceedingly; [as a masculine noun] captain, chief. |
34. Combo: Deut. 2:3 3:26
rab (רַב) [pronounced rahbv] |
many, much, great (in the sense of large or significant, not acclaimed) |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong's #7227 BDB #912 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to, with reference to, as to, with regards to; belonging to; by |
directional/relational preposition with the 2nd person masculine plural suffix |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
Literally, we have much for you [all]. We might interpret this as we have had too much of you, we have had enough of you, you have gone on long enough, you are too much (spoken ironically). We have a similar idiomatic usage in Gen. 45:28 Exodus 9:28. This idiom expresses great dissatisfaction. |
35. Masculine_noun: which means chief. Strong’s #7227 BDB #913.
36. Proper_noun/location: which means great of population; transliterated Rabbah, Rabba. Strong’s #7237 BDB #913. Deut. 3:11 2Sam. 11:1 12:26 17:26
Rabbâh (רָבָּה) [pronounced rahb-BAW] |
many, much, great (in the sense of large or significant, not acclaimed); transliterated Rabbah, Rabba |
a proper, locative noun |
Strong’s #7237 BDB #913 |
37. Masculine_substantive_(or_adjective): rôb (רֹב) [pronounced rohbv], which means multitude, abundance, greatness. Gesenius suggests that pârats is the infinitive of it verbal cognate, which, considering the lâmed prefix, makes sense. The verb means to become much, to be many, to increase. Here, in 1Chron. 4:38, it would be rendered to an abundance. Strong’s #7230 BDB #913. Gen. 16:10 27:28 30:30 32:12 48:16 Exodus 15:7 Deut. 1:10 Joshua 9:13 11:4 Judges 6:5 7:12 1Sam. 1:16 2Sam. 17:11 1Kings 1:19 3:8 4:20 7:47 1Chron. 4:38 12:40 (with the lâmed preposition) Psalm 33:16, 17 51:1 52:7 106:7, 45 150:2 Prov. 5:23 7:21 10:19 Eccles. 1:18
rôb (רֹב) [pronounced rohbv] |
multitude, much, abundance, greatness; plenty |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7230 BDB #913 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
rôb (רֹב) [pronounced rohbv] |
multitude, abundance, greatness; plenty |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7230 BDB #913 |
In 1Chron. 4:38, Gesenius suggests that pârats is the infinitive of it verbal cognate, which, considering the lâmed prefix, makes sense. We have the same construction here. The verb means to become much, to be many, to increase. Here (1Chron. 4:38 12:40), we might render this, to increase, to become great in number; or let me suggest to an abundance; in great abundance. In 1Chron. 12:40, ESV, HCSB and NRSV moved this further back into the verse and rendered it abundant provisions of (in combination with a previous noun); so did The Amplified Bible rendering it abundant supplies of; God’s Word™ also moved it further back in the verse, rendering it plenty of; so did the NASB (great quantities of) and NAB (in great quantity of). Others have rendered this as follows: abundantly (MKJV, NKJV); in abundance (HNV, Rotherham, Tanakh, WEB); abundant (Owen); to great plenty (LTHB). |
38. Feminine_noun: rebâbâh (רְבָבָה) [pronounced rebvaw-BVAW], which means multitude, myriad, ten thousand. Strong’s #7233 BDB #914. Gen. 24:60 1Sam. 18:7 21:11 29:5
rebâbâh (רְבָבָה) [pronounced rebvaw-BVAW] |
multitude, myriad, ten thousand |
feminine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7233 BDB #914 |
39. Feminine_noun: ribbôthayim (ם.י-תֹ.ר) [pronounced rihb-boh-thah-YIHM], which means twenty thousand. Strong’s #7239 BDB #914. Psalm 68:17
ribbôw (.ר) [pronounced rihb-BOH] |
ten thousand |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7239 BDB #914 |
Also spelled ribbôwʾ (א.ר) [pronounced rihb-BOH]. |
ribbôthayim (ם.י-תֹ.ר) [pronounced rihb-boh-thah-YIHM] |
twenty thousand |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #7239 BDB #914 |
myriad |
feminine noun |
Strong’s #7239 BDB #914 |
tens of thousands |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7239 BDB #914 |
40. Masculine_plural_noun: which means copious showers. Strong’s #7241 BDB #914.
41. Masculine_proper_noun: which is transliterated Jeroboam. Strong’s #3379 BDB #914.
42. Verb2: râbab (רָבַב) [pronounced rawb-VAHBV] which means to shoot. Strong’s #7232 BDB #914. Gen. 49:23 Psalm 18:14*
râbab (רָבַב) [pronounced rawb-VAHBV] |
to shoot |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong's #7231 BDB #912 |
This verb is also translated to become many, to become great in number, to be great in number, to increase. Strong's #7231 BDB #912. |
43. Masculine noun3: rabv (ב-ר) [pronounced rahbv], which is often translated here arrows or archer. This word actually has a couple of different meanings, the primary one being many (it is an adjective). Therefore, it is reasonable to render this as His many, understanding it to refer to a band of soldiers. That the verbal cognate for this means to shoot is debatable. In fact, in Scripture, we have this particular word rendered many or the many or words to that effect nearly 500 times. How many times is this rendered archer or arrows? Twice—here and in Jer. 50:29. Now, you may wonder why I sometimes beat this Hebrew to death like this. I want you to understand what is really here. The main reason to suppose that Job is talking about being surrounded by archers is tradition. The common meaning for this Hebrew word is many, and nothing is lost by taking it in that way and understanding it to refer to archers, those bearing swords or spears or to soldiers in general. Strong’s #7228 BDB #914. Job 16:12b–13
44. Verb1: which means to confine. Strong’s #none BDB #914.
45. Masculine_noun: râbîyd (רָבִיד) [pronounced raw-BEED], which means chain, ornament for the neck. Strong’s #7242 BDB #914. Gen. 41:42
râbîyd (רָבִיד) [pronounced raw-BEED] |
chain, ornament for the neck |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7242 BDB #914 |
46. Verb2: râbad (רָבַד) [pronounced raw-BAHD], which means to be spread out [over a bed or couch], to deck, to show patches of color, to become clouded. Strong’s #7234 BDB #914. Prov. 7:16*
râbad (רָבַד) [pronounced raw-BAHD] |
to be spread out [over a bed or couch], to deck, to show patches of color, to become clouded |
1st person singular suffix, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7234 BDB #914 |
47. Masculine_noun: marebaddîym (מַרְבַדִּים) [pronounced mahr-bahd-DEEM], which means coverings [of tapestry];cushions spread out. Strong’s #4765 BDB #915. Prov. 7:16
marebaddîym (מַרְבַדִּים) [pronounced mahr-bahd-DEEM] |
coverings [of tapestry]; cushions spread out |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4765 BDB #915 |
48. Verb: râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH], which means to become much, to become many, to multiply, to increase in population and in whatever else. In the Piel, it means to multiply, to increase, to acquire much. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to become many, to make much, to multiply, to increase, to enlarge, to cause to greatly increase. Strong’s #7235 BDB #915. Gen. 1:22 3:16 7:17 8:17 9:1 15:1 16:10 17:2 21:20 22:17 26:4 28:3 34:12 35:11 38:12 41:49 43:34 47:27 48:4 Exodus 1:7 7:3 11:9 16:17 30:15 32:13 Deut. 1:10 3:5 17:16 30:5 Joshua 13:1 22:8 Judges 9:29 16:24 20:38 1Sam. 1:12 2:3 7:2 14:30 26:21 2Sam. 1:4 8:8 12:2, 30 18:8 22:36 1Kings 4:29, 30 1Chron. 5:23 8:40 Job 10:17 Psalm 44:12 78:38 Prov. 4:10 6:35 9:11 Eccles. 1:16 2:7
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
to become much, to become many, to multiply, to increase in population and in whatever else; to become [or grow] great |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
be (become) much, become many, multiply, increase in population and in whatever else; become [or grow] great |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
to multiply, to increase [in population and in whatever else]; to bring up |
3rd person feminine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
to make [do] much; to multiply, to increase; to give much; to lay much; to have much; to make great; many [as a Hiphil infinitive construct] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
making [do] much; multiplying, increasing; giving much; laying much; having much; making great; many [as a Hiphil infinitive construct] |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
When the Hiphil is followed by an infinitive and gerund—or by a finite verb—, it can mean much. |
The Hiphil infinitive absolute is often used as an adverb: in doing much, very much, exceedingly great (the latter two with the adverb meʾôd). |
meʾôd (מְאֹד) [pronounced me-ODE] |
exceedingly, extremely, greatly, very |
adverb |
Strong’s #3966 BDB #547 |
Together, they are translated exceedingly much, exceedingly great, a tremendous (incredible) amount; a [staggeringly] large quantity, in great abundance, great many, very many. |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
make [do] much; multiply, increase; give much; lay much; have much; make great; many [as a Hiphil infinitive construct] |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
râbâh (רָבָה) [pronounced rawb-VAWH] |
to make great, to exalt |
3rd person feminine singular, Pael imperfect |
Strong’s #7235 BDB #915 |
49. Negative_plus_verb: It appears as though râbvâh (ה ָב ָר) [pronounced rawb-VAWH], (which means to become much, to become many, to multiply, to increase in population and in whatever else.) Combined with a negative means to stop [doing whatever]. Strong’s #7235 BDB #915. 1Sam. 2:3
50. Masculine_noun: ʾarebeh (אַרְבֶּה) [pronounced ahr-BEH], which means locust, a locust swarm, a kind of locust. BDB adds some odd definitions: (CLBL); 2a) sudden disappearance (figuratively); 2b) insignificance (figuratively); 2c) activity (figuratively). Strong’s #697 BDB #916. Exodus 10:4 1Kings 8:37 Psalm 105:34
ʾarebeh (אַרְבֶּה) [pronounced ahr-BEH] |
locust, a locust swarm, a kind of locust; figuratively: sudden disappearance, insignificance, activity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #697 BDB #916 |
51. Masculine_noun: which means abundance, increase. Strong’s #4766 BDB #916.
52. Feminine_noun: which means much. Strong’s #4767 BDB #916.
53. Feminine_noun: marebîyth (תי.ר-מ) [pronounced mahre-BEETH], which means multitude, magnitude; increase, greatest part, great number; progeny; interest, usury. Strong’s #4768 BDB #916. 1Sam. 2:33 1Chron. 12:29
marebîyth (תי.ר-מ) [pronounced mahre-BEETH] |
multitude, magnitude; increase, greatest part, great number, majority; progeny; interest, usury |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #4768 BDB #916 |
54. Feminine_noun: which means increase, brood. Strong’s #8635 BDB #916.
55. Feminine_noun: tarbbîyth (תי ̣ ׃ר ַ) [pronounced tarb-beeth] and it is built on the word for increase, and it means usury. Strong's #8636 BDB #916. Lev. 25:36
56. Verb2: which means to shoot. Strong’s #7235 BDB #916.
57. Verb: which means to mix, to stir. Strong’s #7246 BDB #916.
58. Masculine_noun: ʾarebaʿ (אַרְבַּע) [pronounced ahre-BAHĢ], which means four. Also in feminine as well. Strong’s #702 BDB #916. Gen. 2:10 11:13 14:5, 9 15:13 23:15 31:41 32:6 33:1 46:22 47:24 Exodus 12:6, 40 22:1 25:12, 34 26:2, 32 27:2, 16 28:17 Deut. 3:11 22:12 1Sam. 4:2 22:2 25:13 27:7 30:10 2Sam. 12:6 (15:7) 21:20, 21 1Kings (4:26) 6:1 7:2, 19 8:65 9:28 1Chron. 12:25 Job 1:19
ʾarebaʿ (אַרְבַּע) [pronounced ahre-BAHĢ] |
four |
masculine singular noun; numeral |
Strong’s #702 BDB #916 |
ʾarebâʿâh (אַרְבַּעָה) [pronounced ahre-baw-ĢAW] |
four |
feminine singular noun; numeral |
Strong’s #702 BDB #916 |
ʾarebaʿetayim (אַרְבַּעְתַּיִם) [pronounced ahre-bah-TAH-yim] |
fourfold, four times |
adverb; dual of Strong’s #702 |
Strong’s #706 BDB #916 |
59. Undeclined_plural_noun: ʾarebâʿîym (אַרְבָעִים) [pronounced are-BAW-ĢEEM], which means forty. Strong’s #705 BDB #917. Gen. 5:13 7:4, 12 8:6 18:28 25:20 26:34 32:15 47:28 50:3 Exodus 16:35 24:18 26:19 Deut. 1:3 2:7 Judges 3:11 1Sam. 4:18 17:16 2Sam. 2:10 5:4 15:7 1Kings 2:11 4:26 6:17 7:3 1Chron. 12:37 Psalm 95:10
ʾarebâʿîym (אַרְבָעִים) [pronounced are-BAW-ĢEEM] |
forty |
undeclinable plural noun |
Strong’s #705 BDB #917 |
60. Piel_Verb: râbaʿ (רָבַע) [pronounced raw-BAHĢ], which means squared, to square. Strong’s #7251 BDB #917. Exodus 27:1 28:16 30:1 1Kings 7:5
râbaʿ (רָבַע) [pronounced raw-BAHĢ] |
to square |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7251 BDB #917 |
râbaʿ (רָבַע) [pronounced raw-BAHĢ] |
being squared, making square, squaring [up] |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7251 BDB #917 |
râbaʿ (רָבַע) [pronounced raw-BAHĢ] |
[being] squared |
Pual passive participle |
Strong’s #7251 BDB #917 |
This is identical in spelling to Strong’s #7250, which means to lie stretched out, lie down. The idea may be related to sprawling out on all fours. |
61. Masculine_noun: rebaʿ (רֶבַע) [pronounced reb-VAHĢ], which means a quarter, a fourth part; a side [i.e., one of four sides]. In the Aramaic, it means four sides. Strong’s #7253 BDB #917. Exodus 29:40 1Sam. 9:8
rebaʿ (רֶבַע) [pronounced reb-VAHĢ] |
a quarter, a fourth part; a side [i.e., one of four sides] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7253 BDB #917 |
62. Masculine_noun: rebîyʿîy (רְבִיעִי) [pronounced re-bee-ĢEE], which means a fourth. Also feminine. Ordinal numeral. Used much more often that two words above. Strong’s #7243 BDB #917. Gen. 1:18 2:14 15:15 Exodus 28:20 29:40 2Sam. 3:4 1Kings 6:1, 33 1Chron. 12:10
rebîyʿîy (רְבִיעִי) [pronounced re-bee-ĢEE] |
a fourth |
masculine singular adjective; numeral; with the definite article |
Strong’s #7243 BDB #917 |
rebîyʿîyth (רְבִיעִית) [pronounced re-bee-EETH] |
a fourth |
feminine singular adjective; numeral; with the definite article |
Strong’s #7243 BDB #917 |
63. Adjective: ribbêʿîym (רִבֵּעִים) [pronounced rihb-bay-ĢEEM], which means pertaining to the fourth (in a series), a fourth [generation]. Strong’s #7256 BDB #918. Exodus 20:5 Deut. 5:9
ribbêʿîym (רִבֵּעִים) [pronounced rihb-bay-ĢEEM] |
pertaining to the fourth (in a series), a fourth [generation] |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #7256 BDB #918 |
64. Verb2: which means to lie stretched out, to lie down. Strong’s #7250 BDB #918.
65. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7254 BDB #918.
66. Verb: râbats (רָבַץ) [pronounced rawb-VAHTS], which means to stretch oneself out, to lie down, to recline, to settle upon. We first saw this verb in Gen. 4:7, when God told Cain that sin was laying at his door. This verb is mostly use for animals lying down and making their lair (Job 11:19 Isa. 13:21 17:2 Ezek. 19:2). In Num. 22:27, it appears in the English if the mule suddenly falls over; however, it suddenly settles in to rest. I’ll render it in Job 11:19 as “And you will lie down [and settle in].” Strong’s #7257 BDB #918. Gen. 29:2 49:9, 14, 25 Exodus 23:5 Deut. 22:6 29:20 Job 11:19 Psalm 23:2
râbats (רָבַץ) [pronounced rawb-VAHTS] |
to lie down, to lie in wait; to recline, to stretch oneself out, to settle upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7257 DB #918 |
râbats (רָבַץ) [pronounced rawb-VAHTS] |
is lying down, lying in wait; reclines, is stretching out, settles upon; sitting |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7257 DB #918 |
râbats (רָבַץ) [pronounced rawb-VAHTS] |
to make to lie down, to cause to to lie down; to lay [down stones] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7257 BDB #918 |
67. Masculine_noun: which means a place of lying down, a place where one may rest. Strong’s #7258 BDB #918.
68. Masculine_noun: which means a resting place (for animals, indicating desolation). Strong’s #4769 BDB #918.
69. Masculine_noun: marebêq (ק̤ר -מ) [pronounced mahre-BAYK], which means a stall (for animals). Strong’s #4770 BDB #918. 1Sam. 28:24
marebêq (ק̤ר -מ) [pronounced mahre-BAYK] |
a stall (for animals) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4770 BDB #918 |
70. Feminine_proper_noun: Ribeqâh (רִבְקָה) [pronounced rihb-KAW], which means ensnarer; a noose; fat, fattened; a quarrel appeased; which is transliterated Rebekah, Rebekkah, Rebecca. Strong’s #7259 BDB #918. Gen. 22:23 24:15 25:20 26:7 27:5 28:5 29:12 35:8 49:31
Ribeqâh (רִבְקָה) [pronounced rihb-KAW] |
ensnarer; a noose; fat, fattened; a quarrel appeased; which is transliterated Rebekah, Rebekkah, Rebecca |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7259 BDB #918 |
71. Masculine_noun: regebv (ב∵ג∵ר) [pronounced REH-geBV], which means a clod [of earth]. Strong’s #7263 BDB #918. Job 21:33
72. Masculine_noun: which means a heap, a mound. Strong’s #68 & #5045 BDB #918.
73. Masculine_proper_noun: ʾAregôb (אַרְגֹּב) [pronounced ahr-GOHB], which means heap, region of clods; transliterated Argob. A district or area in Bashan (noun proper locative); one of king Pekah’s officers (noun proper masculine). Strong’s #709 BDB #918. Deut. 3:4 1Kings 4:13
ʾAregôb (אַרְגֹּב) [pronounced ahr-GOHB] |
heap, region of clods; transliterated Argob |
masculine singular proper noun; location |
Strong’s #709 BDB #918 |
74. Verb: râgaz (רָגַז) [pronounced rawg-GAHZ], which means to be agitated, to quiver, to quake, to become excited, perturbed, disquieted. In the Hiphil, to become enraged, to be caused to disquieted, to be caused to quake, to provoke. You will notice quite a difference between the meanings to be caused to be disquieted and to provoke. The difference is the subject and the verb; here is it found with the direct object God; no matter who it is, there is no disquieting of God. In other portions of Scripture, this has God as the subject (1Sam. 28:15 Job 9:6 Isa. 23:11). Strong’s #7264 BDB #919. Gen. 45:24 Exodus 15:14 Deut. 2:25 1Sam. 14:15 28:15 2Sam. 7:10 18:33 22:8 Job 12:6 Psalm 99:1
râgaz (רָגַז) [pronounced rawg-GAHZ] |
to be agitated, to quiver, to quake, to become excited, perturbed, disquieted; moved with anger, fear, guilt or joy; to fear, to tremble |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7264 BDB #919 |
râgaz (רָגַז) [pronounced rawg-GAHZ] |
to cause to quake [or be disquieted]; to disturb, to disquiet; to provoke to anger, to irritate, to provoke; to cause to fear, to make tremble |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7264 BDB #919 |
râgaz (רָגַז) [pronounced rawg-GAHZ] |
to act with anger, to be tumultuous; |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7264 BDB #919 |
75. Masculine_noun: rôgez (רֹגֶז) [pronounced ROW-ghehz], which means [great] agitation, excitement, raging; rage; vibrating [trembling] in fear. Strong’s #7267 BDB #919. It also means great agitation. It is the verbal cognate which gives us the more precise understanding of this word. Strong’s #7267 BDB #919. Job 3:17, 26 14:1
rôgez (רֹגֶז) [pronounced ROW-ghehz] |
[great] agitation, excitement, raging; rage; vibrating [trembling] in fear |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7267 BDB #919 |
This is a person who has almost completely given into their old sin nature—their primal rage, if you will—and are on the verge of acting without any self-control or limits. In some passages (like Job 3:26), I don’t think that we are dealing with a word which is equivalent to emotional instability, but to physical shaking and tremors instead. |
76. Adjective: which means quivering, quaking. Strong’s #7268 BDB #919.
77. Masculine_noun: ʾargâz (זָ ר -א) [pronounced ahr-GAWZ], which means box, chest, coffer. At first glance, when looking at this verse alone, this appears to be a synonym for ark and is only found in this chapter of 1Samuel. However, in v. 11, it is clear that this is something other than the Ark. Because this word is found only this chapter, speculation has arisen as to whether it is a Semitic word or not and if perhaps it means bag or pouch. Strong’s #712 BDB #919. 1Sam. 6:8, 11
ʾargâz (זָ ר -א) [pronounced ahr-GAWZ] |
box, chest, coffer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #712 BDB #919 |
78. Feminine_noun: regel (רֶגֶל) [pronounced REH-gel], which means foot, feet. I don’t think it means ankles, legs. With reference to 1Sam. 17:6: Although many translations have this armor on the legs, I don’t know that regel can be used that way. It is found numerable times in the Old Testament and rendered almost each and every time feet. I think that what we have is armor above the feet, which is the same as having armor on the legs or shins. Strong’s #7272 BDB #919. Gen. 8:9 18:4 19:2 24:32 29:1 30:30 33:14 41:44 43:24 49:10 Exodus 3:5 4:25 12:11 21:24 24:10 25:26 29:20 30:19 Deut. 2:5 Judges 1:6 3:24 4:10, 19 1Sam. 2:9 14:13 17:6 23:22 24:3 25:24, 41 2Sam. 2:18 9:3 14:25 15:16 19:24, 27 21:20 22:10, 33 1Kings 2:5 5:3 Job 2:7 18:11 Psalm 56:13 99:5 110:1 Prov. 1:15, 16 3:23 4:26 5:5 6:13, 18 7:11
regel (רֶגֶל) [pronounced REH-gel] |
foot, leg; metaphorically step, gait, pace; turn |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7272 BDB #919 |
BDB offers up the following definitions: foot, leg; of God (anthropomorphic); of seraphim, cherubim, idols, animals, table; according to the pace of (with preposition); three times (feet, paces). |
ragelayim (רַגְלַיִם) [pronounced RAHG-lah-yim] |
feet, [two] feet, [two] legs; metaphorically for steps taken in one’s life |
feminine dual noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7272 BDB #919 |
regâlîym (רְגָלִים) [pronounced reh-gaw-LEEM] |
feet, legs; metaphorically steps, beats [of the feet], times |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7272 BDB #919 |
79. Combo: Gen. 30:30
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
regel (רֶגֶל) [pronounced REH-gel] |
foot, leg; metaphorically step, gait, pace; turn |
feminine singular noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7272 BDB #919 |
Owens renders this combination wherever I turned. This same idiom is found in Isa. 41:2 (Who stirred up one from the east whom victory meets at every step? He gives up nations before him, so that he tramples kings underfoot; he makes them like dust with his sword, like driven stubble with his bow.). |
This is also translated wherever I turned (CGV, Exp. Bible); wherever I worked (the NET Bible); with my coming (Kaplan); since my coming (NKJV). |
Gill: [Or,] since my coming; or "at my foot" (n); ever since he set foot in his house. |
Poole: [Or,] Since my coming; Heb. at my foot, i.e. upon my coming; since my feet entered into thy house: or, by my foot, i.e. by my ministry and labour, as this phrase is used. |
Whedon: Since my coming — Hebrew, at my feet; as if the blessings of Jehovah had broken forth and followed Jacob’s footsteps wherever he went. |
80. Verb: râgal (רָגַל) [pronounced raw-GAHL], and it means to move the feet, to foot it, to tread, to go about, to go about as an explorer, to go about as a spy, to go on foot to scope something out. Strong’s #7270 BDB #920. Gen. 42:9 Deut. 1:24 Joshua 2:1 7:2 Judges 18:2 1Sam. 26:4 2Sam. 10:3 15:10 Psalm 15:3
râgal (רָגַל) [pronounced raw-GAHL] |
to move the feet, to foot it, to tread, to go about; to be a tale-bearer, to slander |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7270 BDB #920 |
râgal (רָגַל) [pronounced raw-GAHL] |
to teach to walk |
3rd person masculine singular, Tiphel imperfect |
Strong’s #7270 BDB #920 |
râgal (רָגַל) [pronounced raw-GAHL] |
to move the feet, to foot it, to tread, to go about, to go about as an explorer, to go about as a spy, to go on foot to scope something out; to slander |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #7270 BDB #920 |
râgal (רָגַל) [pronounced raw-GAHL] |
spies, explorers; those who move about by foot; secret messengers; slanderers |
masculine plural, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7270 BDB #920 |
A more modern take on this word might be propagandists, revolutionaries, political operatives. |
81. Adjective: ragelîy (רַגְלִי) [pronounced rahge-LEE], which means on foot, footmen. Strong’s #7273 BDB #920. Exodus 12:37 Judges 20:2 1Sam. 4:10 5:4 2Sam. 8:4
ragelîy (רַגְלִי) [pronounced rahge-LEE] |
on foot, footmen; foot soldier |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7273 BDB #920 |
82. Feminine_plural_noun: which means place of the feet, feet. Strong’s #4772 BDB #920.
83. Proper_noun_location: Rôgelîym (רֹגְלִים) [pronounced row-gel-EEM], which means feet, place for feet; place of fullers and is transliterated Rogelim. Strong’s #7274 BDB #920. 2Sam. 17:27 19:31
Rôgelîym (רֹגְלִים) [pronounced row-gel-EEM] |
feet, place for feet; place of fullers and is transliterated Rogelim |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #7274 BDB #920 |
BDB says this is a place in the highlands east of the Jordan. |
84. Verb: râgam (ם ַג ָר) [pronounced raw-GAHM], which means to execute by stoning. It is found first in the Bible in Lev. 20:2, 20. Gesenius gives the meanings as to bring together, to heap up, to pile, to pile up stones, to cast stones, to stone, to colour, to paint (in the sense of throwing something on paper). In the Bible, this appears to only be used to mean to execute by stoning. Strong's #7275 BDB #920. (Lev. 2:2 or 20?). Joshua 7:25 (and synonym Strong’s #5619)
85. Feminine_noun: which means heap [of stones]; crowd [of people]. Evolved meaning? Strong’s #7277 BDB #920. Psalm 68:27
rigemâh (הָמג .ר) [pronounced rihge-MAW] |
heap [of stones]; crowd [of people]; a band, a company; execution stones; means of execution; means of control |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #7277 BDB #920 |
The meaning of this word is more difficult to ascertain; it is based upon the verb which means to execute by stoning. Strong’s #7275 BDB #920. Perhaps this means execution stones or means of execution or means of control. |
Although the NET Bible® has in their robe and the NJB has in their bright-coloured robes, I am unable to find any Hebrew words for robes or for garments which are closer than having one consonant in common. The Greek and Latin render this as their leaders; and, again, I cannot find a Hebrew word which means leader, ruler which is at all similar to rigemâh (הָמג .ר) [pronounced rihge-MAW]. However, I took this word to possibly mean means of control, which is not a far distance from leader, ruler. At the very least, David does impress us with his extraordinary vocabulary. |
86. Feminine_noun: which means sling. Strong’s #4773 BDB #920.
87. Masculine_proper_noun: which means friend, stone, heap of stones and is transliterated . Strong’s #7276 BDB #920.
88. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #7278 BDB #920.
89. Verb: râgan (רָגַן) [pronounced raw-GAHN], which means to murmur, to whisper, to backbite, to slander. Strong’s #7279 BDB #920. Deut. 1:27 Psalm 106:25
râgan (רָגַן) [pronounced raw-GAHN] |
to murmur, to whisper, to backbite, to slander |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7279 BDB #920 |
90. Verb: râgaʿ (ע ַג ָר) [pronounced raw-GAHĢ], and it means to disturb in the Qal; possibly to twinkle in the Hiphil; to be at rest or to be in repose in the Niphal and the Hiphil. This is all according to BDB, and several translations, as is also the idea that in this one place alone, this word in the Qal means to harden. When looking up this word in Gesenius, it is like a different world. Their definition: to terrify, to restrain by threatening, to be afraid, to shrink back, to be still; in the Niphal, it is said to mean to be still; in the Hiphil, it means to found, to establish, to still, to make still; in the Hiphil intransitive, it is said to mean to rest, to dwell quietly; it can mean to wink in the Qal. To shrink back (in fear) could be easily applied to the skin tightening back on Job. I really don’t see many ways of doing this other than a verse-by-verse study of the occurrences of râgam. It’s other occurrence at Prov. 12:19* needs to be exegeted; there it is probably Strong’s #7281 and not #7280. Now, I realize that I probably beat this to death, but there is no reason to translate this word anything but to rest, to cause to be at rest, to be in a state of peaceful repose. So, certainly I recognize that this word can mean something different in Job 7:5; however, there is no reason to change its meaning here other than it might sound better. Strong’s #7280 BDB #920, #921 Job 7:5
Râgaʿ Chart |
Passage |
Verse text |
Stem |
Job 26:12 |
“By His power, He has râgaʿ-ed the sea, and by His understanding He has struck down the proud.” |
Qal perfect |
Isa. 51:15 |
“And I am Yehowah, your God, râgaʿ-ing the sea, when its billows roar; Yehowah of Hosts [is] His name.” [Jer. 31:35 is very similar] |
Qal participle |
Jer. 31:35 |
“Ho, sword of Yehowah, till when will you are removed unto your sheath, râgaʿ and cease.” |
Niphal imperative |
Isa. 34:14 |
And Ziim has met with Alim, and the goat for its companion calls; only there the night owl has râgaʿ-ed and has found for herself a place of rest. |
Hiphil perfect |
Jer. 50:34 |
Their redeemer is strong; Yehowah of Armies [is] His name, He thoroughly pleased their cause, so as to cause the land to râgaʿ. |
Hiphil perfect |
Jer. 31:2 |
Thus said Yehowah, “Found grace in the wilderness has a people remaining from the sword; going to cause it to râgaʿ—Israel. |
Hiphil infinitive |
Deut. 28:65a |
And among those nations you will not râgaʿ; in fact, there is no resting-place for the sole of your foot; (Isa. 51:4 Jer. 49:19 50:44 are similar) |
Hiphil imperfect |
91. Masculine_noun: regaʿ (רֶגַע) [pronounced REH-gahģ], which means moment, instant, a wink [of an eye], space, suddenly. Strong’s #7281 BDB #921. Exodus 33:5 Job 7:18 20:5 21:13 Psalm 73:19
moment, instant, a wink [of an eye], space, suddenly |
masculine singular noun; or an adverb |
Strong’s #7281 BDB #921 |
BDB definitions: 1) a moment (noun masculine); 2) for a moment, at one another moment (adverb); 3) in a moment (with preposition). |
92. Verb2: which means to be at rest, to repose. Strong’s #7280 BDB #921.
93. Adjective: which means restful, quiet. Strong’s #7282 BDB #921.
94. Masculine_noun: which means rest. Poetry. Strong’s #4771 BDB #921.
95. Feminine_noun: which means rest, repose. Poetry. Strong’s #4774 BDB #921.
96. Verb3: which means to harden; to coagulate, to congeal. Strong’s #7280 BDB #921.
97. Verb: râgash (ש-גָר) [pronounced raw-GAHSH], which means to rage, to be in tumult, to be in commotion. [The Aramaic equivalent is found in Daniel 6:7, 11, 15, where it means to assemble; to assemble in a commotion. Strong’s #7284 BDB #1112]. Strong’s #7283 BDB #921. Psalm 2:1
râgash (ש-גָר) [pronounced raw-GASH] |
to rage, to be in tumult, to be in commotion, to gather [in commotion] |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7283 BDB #921 |
98. Masculine_noun: regesh (רֶגֶש) [pronounced REH-ghesh], which means a crowd, in company; a throng. Strong’s #7285 BDB #921. Psalm 55:14 64:2
regesh (רֶגֶש) [pronounced REH-ghesh] |
a crowd, in company; a throng |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7285 BDB #921 |
Barnes: The word used here - רגשה rigshâh - means properly a “noisy crowd, a multitude.” The allusion is to such a crowd, such a disorderly and violent rabble, as constituted a mob. He was in danger not only from the secret purposes of the more calm and thoughtful of his enemies who were plotting against him, but from the excited passions of the multitude, and thus his life was in double danger. If he escaped the one, he had no security that he would escape the other. |
We also find this word used in Psalm 55:15. |
99. Feminine_noun: which means throng. Strong’s #7285 BDB #921.
100. Verb: râdad (רָדַד) [pronounced raw-DAHD], which means to beat out; to beat down, to prostrate to the ground, to subdue. Strong’s #7286 BDB #921. 1Kings 6:32
râdad (רָדַד) [pronounced raw-DAHD] |
to beat out; to beat down, to prostrate to the ground, to subdue |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7286 BDB #921 |
râdad (רָדַד) [pronounced raw-DAHD] |
to beat out; to extend, to spread out; to overlay with gold |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7286 BDB #921 |
101. Masculine_noun: which means wide wrapper, large veil. Strong’s #7289 BDB #921.
102. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . 5th son of Jesse. Strong’s #7288 BDB #921.
103. Verb: râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW], which means to tread with the feet; to rule, to have dominion over, to subdue; to take possession of. The imperfect will drop the hê’ (ה) and throw in a yohd (י) at the beginning. The vowel points would be different, however; but they were added long after the fact. Both Young and Zodhiates connect the verb of Judges 5:13 to this word. Strong’s #7287 BDB #921. Gen. 1:26 Judges 5:13 1Kings 4:24 5:16 9:23 Psalm 110:2
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
to tread with the feet; to rule, to have dominion over, to subdue; to take possession of |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #921 |
When used with the bêyth preposition, this means to tread [with the feet]; to rule over, to have dominion over, to subdue. |
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
treading with the feet; ruling, having dominion over, subduing; taking possession of |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #921 |
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
those treading with the feet; the ones ruling, those having dominion over, the ones who are subduing; the ones taking possession of |
masculine plural, Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #921 |
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
to cause to rule, to cause [one] to have dominion over, to cause to subdue |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #921 |
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
to break up; to tread upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #921 |
104. Feminine_noun: which means dominion. Strong’s #4783 BDB #922.
105. Verb: râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW], which is found only in Judges 14:9, which means to scrap out, to draw off, to take out. Strong’s #7287 BDB #922. Its homonym = Strong’s #7287 BDB #921. Judges 14:9 did this box by mistake
râdâh (רָדָה) [pronounced raw-DAW] |
to scrap out, to draw off, to take out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7287 BDB #922 |
106. Verb: râdam (רָדַם) [pronounced raw-DAHM], which means to be in a heavy sleep, to fall into a heavy sleep; to be unconscious. Niphal. Strong’s #7290 BDB #922. Judges 4:21 Prov. 10:3
râdam (רָדַם) [pronounced raw-DAHM] |
to be in a heavy sleep, to fall into a heavy sleep; to be unconscious |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7290 BDB #922 |
râdam (רָדַם) [pronounced raw-DAHM] |
being in a heavy sleep, falling into a heavy sleep, sleeping; being unconscious |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7290 BDB #922 |
107. Feminine_noun: tareddêmâh (תַּרְדֵּמָה) [pronounced tahre-day-MAW], which means deep sleep. Strong’s #8639 BDB #922. Gen. 2:21 15:12 1Sam. 26:12
tareddêmâh (תַּרְדֵּמָה) [pronounced tahre-day-MAW] |
deep sleep |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8639 BDB #922 |
108. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated Rhodes. Strong’s #1719? BDB #922.
109. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated Rhodians. Strong’s #1721? BDB #922.
110. Verb: râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF], which means to pursue, to follow after, to chase with hostile intent. It is occasionally translated persecute because that indicates the mental attitude of those doing the pursuing. Strong’s #7291 BDB #922. Gen. 14:14, 15 31:23 35:5 44:4 Exodus 14:4, 8 15:9 Deut. 1:44 16:20 30:7 Judges 1:6 3:28 1Sam. 7:11 17:52 23:25 24:14 25:29 26:18, 20 30:8, 10 2Sam. 2:19 17:1 18:16 20:6, 7 22:38 24:13 Job 13:25 19:22, 28 Psalm 7:1, 2, 5 23:6 34:14 142:6
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
to pursue, to follow after; to chase with hostile intent, to persecute |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
pursue, follow after; chase with hostile intent, persecute |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
pursuing, persecuting; pursuer, persecutor |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
to be pursued, to follow after; to be chased with hostile intent, to be persecuted; that which is past |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
pursued, persecuted, driven away, chased away |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
râdaph (רָדַף) [pronounced raw-DAHF] |
to pursue, to follow after; to chase with hostile intent, to persecute [only in poetry] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7291 BDB #922 |
111. Masculine_noun: which means persecution. Strong’s #4783 BDB #923,
112. Verb: râhab (רָהַב) [pronounced raw-HAHB], which means to rage against, to act fiercely, to act stormily, to act boisterously, arrogantly, to act insolently; to storm against; to press upon, to urge on; to beset; to tremble, to fear; to make inopportune. Strong’s #7292 BDB #922. Prov. 6:3
râhab (רָהַב) [pronounced raw-HAHB] |
to rage against, to act fiercely, to act stormily, to act boisterously, arrogantly, to act insolently; to storm against; to press upon, to urge on; to beset; to tremble, to fear; to make inopportune |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7292 BDB #922 |
All of these meanings were culled from BDB and Gesenius; there appear to be too many overall. |
râhab (רָהַב) [pronounced raw-HAHB] |
rage against, act fiercely towards, act stormily, be boisterous, be arrogant, act insolently; storm against; press upon, urge on; tremble, to fear; to make inopportune |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7292 BDB #9233 |
The NET Bible: Heb “be bold.” The verb רָהַב (rahav) means “to act stormily; to act boisterously; to act arrogantly.” The idea here is a strong one: storm against (beset, importune) your neighbor. The meaning is that he should be bold and not take no for an answer. Cf. NIV “press your plea”; TEV “beg him to release you.” |
James Rickard: “Importune” is the Hebrew Verb RAHAB, רָהַב , pronounced (rahav), that means, “to assail, or confuse.” This too is used hyperbolically. When a man is caught in a pledge which he cannot repay, wisdom dictates that he immediately press his case with his creditor. |
râhab (רָהַב) [pronounced raw-HAHB] |
to disturb, alarm, awe, confuse, make bold or proud; to render fierce; to make courageous |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7292 BDB #923 |
The Hiphil meanings are not closely related to the Qal meanings; I may have to do a word study here. |
113. Adjective: which means proud, defiant. Strong’s #7295 BDB #923.
114. Masculine_noun: which means pride, object of pride. Strong’s #7296 BDB #923.
115. The first thing which passes away is their rôhabv (ב ַהֹר) [pronounced ROH-habv], a word found only here. However, the verb means to act boisterously, stormily, arrogantly; and the adjective means proud, defiant. Therefore, the noun would mean loud (or, verbal) defiance. Râhabv (ב ַה ָר) [pronounced raw-HAHBV], which is listed as a verb which means to act boisterously, to act stormily. It has a corresponding noun and adjective, which have slightly different vowel points. Change the vowel points, which were added long after the time of Christ on earth, and you have helpers of [the] defiant [or, proud]. However, there appears to be a strong oral tradition favoring this rendering of Rahab as a proper name. We find this same rendering in Job 9:13 26:12 Psalm 87:4 89:11 Isa. 30:7. So let’s examine those passages (see Job 9:13 for chart). What we find is that Rahab is associated primarily with the enemies of God, with the sea, with God’s anger and lastly with Egypt. Therefore, Rahab is either a name which is representative of demonic powers or a poetic name for Egypt or Babylon. The third identification is with a sea-monster (except, insofar as, again, being representative of existent demonic powers). Some sources indicate that Rahab is the mythical Babylonian female monsters of chaos. In this context, we must accept this as a reference to well-known myths of that day and time. Some mythology is rooted in the truth of the pre-millennial giants who walked the earth and some is directly related to demons. Here, as the mythical creature who is related to the chaos of the seas, God has her and all of her demon underlings under Him. But this imagery in the Old Testament is usually transferred from the creation story to the narrative of the redemption of Israel from Egypt, when God again showed His mastery over the sea and other forces opposed to His will; it is the Exodus that is indicated by reference to the smiting of Rahab [in later passages]...From this usage Rahab comes to be employed quite generally as a poetic synonym for Egypt [in Psalm 87:4 and Isa. 30:7]. Verb: Strong’s #7292 BDB #923. Noun: Strong’s #7296 BDB #923. Psalm 90:10 Adj. Strong’s #7295 BDB #923.
116. Proper_noun: Rahab (רַהַב) [pronounced RAH-hahbv], which means storm, arrogance;a mythical sea creature; emblematic name for Egypt; transliterated Rahab. Strong’s #7293–7294 BDB #923. Job 9:13
Rahab (רַהַב) [pronounced RAH-hahbv] |
storm, arrogance;a mythical sea creature; emblematic name for Egypt; transliterated Rahab |
proper masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7294 (and 7293) BDB #923 |
117. Masculine_noun: which means storm, arrogance. Strong’s #7293-7294 BDB #923.
rahab (רַהַב) [pronounced RAH-hahbv] |
storm, arrogance;a mythical sea creature; emblematic name for Egypt; transliterated Rahab |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7293 and 7294 BDB #923 |
118. Feminine_noun: which means boisterous, raging behavior. Strong’s #4062 BDB #923.
119. Verb: which means to rasie [dust, a tumult, a conflict]. Strong’s #none BDB #923.
120. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #7303 BDB #923.
121. Verb: which means to fear. Dubious. Strong’s #7297 BDB #923.
122. Verb1: which means to collect, to gather; to be collected, to be congregated. Strong’s #none BDB #923.
123. Masculine_noun: rahaţ (רַהַט) [pronounced RAH-haht], which means watering trough, hollow; ringlets, curls (because they are flowing down?). Strong’s #7298 BDB #923. Gen. 30:38 Exodus 2:16
rahaţ (רַהַט) [pronounced RAH-haht] |
watering trough, hollow; ringlet curl (because they are flowing down?) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7298 BDB #923 |
rehâţîym (רְהָטִים) [pronounced reh-haw-TEEM] |
watering troughs, ringlets, curls (because they are flowing down?) |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7298 BDB #923 |
124. Verb2: which means to flow, to run. Strong’s #none BDB #923.
125. Masculine_noun: which means lock [of hair flowing down]. Dubious. See above. Strong’s #7298 BDB #923.
126. Masculine_coolective_noun: which means rafters, boards. Strong’s #7351 BDB #923.
127. Verb: rûwd (רוּד) [pronounced rood], which means to wander [about, restlessly], to roam [ramble]; to inquire after, to seek [by running about]; to follow after. Strong’s #7300 BDB #923. Gen. 27:40 Psalm 55:2
rûwd (רוּד) [pronounced rood] |
to wander [about, restlessly], to roam [ramble]; to inquire after, to seek [by running about]; to follow after |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7300 BDB #923 |
rûwd (רוּד) [pronounced rood] |
to wander [about, restlessly], to roam [ramble]; to inquire after, to seek [by running about]; to be restless, to show reslessness |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7300 BDB #923 |
128. Masculine_noun: mârûwd (דר ָמ) [pronounced maw-ROOD], which means restlessness, straying. It is possible that this could mean homeless. Isa. 58:7 Lam. 1:7 3:19.* Strong’s #4788 BDB #924. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7)
129. Verb: râvâh (רָוָה) [pronounced raw-VAW], which means to be drunk, to become intoxicated; to drench, to water abundantly, to saturate. drink a lot; to be satisfied with drink. Several other meanings in other stems. Strong’s #7301 BDB #924. Prov. 5:19 7:18
râvâh (רָוָה) [pronounced raw-VAW] |
to take one’s fill, to drink in, to be satiated with drink |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7301 BDB #924 |
râvâh (רָוָה) [pronounced raw-VAW] |
to be drunk, to become intoxicated; to drench, to water abundantly, to irrigate; to be irrigated, to saturate |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7301 BDB #924 |
râvâh (רָוָה) [pronounced raw-VAW] |
to water, to saturate; to satiate; to cause to drink |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7301 BDB #924 |
130. Masculine_noun: which means moisture. Strong’s #7377 BDB #924.
131. Adjective: râwâh (ה ָו ָר) [pronounced raw-WAWH or raw-VAWH], which means watered, saturated. Here is BDB’s take on this: “apparently of herbage, in proverbial expression for everything.” This adjective is found only in Deut. 29:19 Isa. 58:11 and Jer. 31:12*, and in the latter two verses, it is used in a good sense. It is used to mean a watered garden, in the sense of blessing and fruitful prosperity. Therefore, I am going to go with saturation here, rather than something like drunkenness. Strong’s #7302 BDB #924. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:11) Deut. 29:19
132. Feminine_noun: revâyâh (הָיָור) [pronounced revaw-YAW], which means saturated, running over, an abundance [of drink]; a drinking of one’s fill. Strong’s #7310 BDB #924. Psalm 23:5
revâyâh (הָיָור) [pronounced revaw-YAW] |
saturated, running over, an abundance [of drink]; a drinking of one’s fill |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7310 BDB #924 |
133. Verb: which means to breath, to blow. Possibly equivalent to Strong’s #7304 below. Strong’s #none BDB #924.
134. Feminine_substantive: rûwach (רוּחַ) [pronounced ROO-ahkh], which means wind, breath, spirit, apparition. Here, it stand for both their breath and for the electrical impulses running through their brain. When God removes those, they are dead. Although Barnes quotes a few scholars for Job 6:26 who give different interpretations at this point, wind is certainly the best option. Strong’s #7307 BDB #924. Gen. 1:2 3:8 6:3, 17 7:15, 22 8:1 26:34 41:8, 38 45:27 Exodus 6:9 10:13 14:21 15:8 28:3 31:3 Deut. 2:30 34:9 Joshua 2:11 Judges 3:10 9:23 14:6 15:19 1Sam. 1:15 10:6 16:13 18:10 19:9 30:12 2Sam. 22:11, 16 23:2 1Chron. 12:18 Job 1:19 4:9, 15 6:26 8:2 9:18 15:2 16:3 17:1 19:17 Psalm 32:2 33:6 34:18 51:10 55:8 103:16 104:29 106:33 142:3 146:4 148:8 Prov. 1:23 Eccles. 1:6 2:11
rûwach (רוּחַ) [pronounced ROO-ahkh] |
wind, breath, spirit, apparition |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7307 BDB #924 |
The entire list of BDB meanings: 1) wind, breath, mind, spirit; 1a) breath; 1b) wind; 1b1) of heaven; 1b2) quarter (of wind), side; 1b3) breath of air; 1b4) air, gas; 1b5) vain, empty thing; 1c) spirit (as that which breathes quickly in animation or agitation); 1c1) spirit, animation, vivacity, vigour; 1c2) courage; 1c3) temper, anger; 1c4) impatience, patience; 1c5) spirit, disposition (as troubled, bitter, discontented); 1c6) disposition (of various kinds), unaccountable or uncontrollable impulse; 1c7) prophetic spirit; 1d) spirit (of the living, breathing being in man and animals); 1d1) as gift, preserved by God, God’s spirit, departing at death, disembodied being; 1e) spirit (as seat of emotion); 1e1) desire; 1e2) sorrow, trouble; 1f) spirit; 1f1) as seat or organ of mental acts; 1f2) rarely of the will; 1f3) as seat especially of moral character; 1g) Spirit of God, the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son; 1g1) as inspiring ecstatic state of prophecy; 1g2) as impelling prophet to utter instruction or warning; 1g3) imparting warlike energy and executive and administrative power; 1g4) as endowing men with various gifts; 1g5) as energy of life; 1g6) as manifest in the Shekinah glory; 1g7) never referred to as a depersonalized force. |
135. Masculine_noun: rêyach (רֵיחַ) [pronounced RAY-akh], which means scent, odor, pleasant smell. this is the only time we find this word in Job, but it is found throughout the Bible, particularly in the Torah and in Song of Solomon. Rêyach (ַחי ֵר) [pronounced RAY-ahkh]. We find it used primarily with a modifier (Gen. 8:31 Exodus 29:18); however, it does occur apart from a modifier (Gen. 27:27 Exodus 5:21). In Gen. 27:27, it speaks of old, blind Isaac smelling the smell of who he thought was Esau. This odor may have been offensive to some, pleasing to others; and it was quite pleasing to Isaac. In Exodus 5:21, however, the Jews are castigating Moses because he has made their smell displeasing to Pharaoh, a phrase meaning Pharaoh came to be very displeased with the Jews. Because this word can be used in both a positive and negative sense, using odor, savor or fragrance to translate tend to slant its meaning; smell or scent are good neutral translations. Strong’s #7381 BDB #926. Gen. 8:21 27:27 Exodus 5:21 29:18 Lev. 1:9 Job 14:9
rêyach (רֵיחַ) [pronounced RAY-akh] |
scent, odor, pleasant smell |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7381 BDB #926 |
136. Verb: rûwach (רוּחַ) [pronounced ROO-ahkh], which means to smell, to perceive an odor. Hiphil verb. Strong’s #7306 BDB #926. Gen. 8:21 27:27 Exodus 30:38 Deut. 4:28 Judges 16:9b 1Sam. (16:23) 26:19
rûwach (רוּחַ) [pronounced ROO-ahkh] |
to smell, to perceive an odor; to smell [and be delighted in] to smell with pleasure; to delight in |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7306 BDB #926 |
This spelling is according to Gesenius, New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance; BDB renders this as rîyach (-חי .ר) [pronounced ree-AHKH]. |
137. Verb: râwach (ח-ו ָר) [pronounced raw-WAHKH], which means to breathe, to take a deep breath, to breathe comfortably. BDB and Gesenius gives us the definition to be wide, to be spacious; perhaps, to have a feeling of spaciousness; figuratively to enlarge, to give relief, to be relief. Possibly equivalent to the unused Qal verb from which we get the word spirit, breath; and also possibly equivalent to the Hiphil verb to smell, which is Strong’s #7306. See explanation below. Strong’s #7304 BDB #926. 1Sam. 16:23
râwach (ח-ו ָר) [pronounced raw-WAHKH] |
to breathe, to take a deep breath, to comfortably breathe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7304 BDB #926 |
We find râwach (ח-ו ָר) [pronounced raw-WAHKH] twice in the Qal—here and in Job 32:20. The official definition of this verb is to be wide, to be spacious; perhaps, to have a feeling of spaciousness; figuratively to enlarge, to give relief, to be relief. Actually, BDB defines râwach as be wide, spacious; and Gesenius defines it as to be airy; hence, to be spacious, ample, loose. If you examine this word in these two passages, such a translation makes little sense. Notice how similar this is to the word for spirit (or breath): rûwach (ַחר) [pronounced ROO-ahkh]; the only difference is the vowel points, which were added over a thousand years later. Rôwach is based upon an unused Qal verb rwch (חור), which means to breath. We have a very similar verb found only in the Hiphil, which is rûwach, which is obviously spelled exactly the same as the Hebrew word for breath, spirit (as per Gesenius and the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance; BDB spells it with a yodh). Strong’s #7306 BDB #926. Furthermore, all of these words are onomatopoetic; they all sound like breathing. Therefore, I think that we can comfortably conclude that this verb should be the Qal verb to breathe, to take a deep breath, to breathe comfortably, which set of meanings are more in keeping with its cognates and with its context. The Pual form of this verb is found only in Jer. 22:14, and here it means spacious, having breathing room. |
138. Masculine_noun: revach (רֶוַח) [pronounced REH-vahkh], which means space, interval; respite, relief. This word only occurs in Gen. 32:16 and Esther 4:14. Strong’s #7305 BDB #926. Gen. 32:16
revach (רֶוַח) [pronounced REH-vahkh] |
space, interval; respite, relief |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7305 BDB #926 |
139. Feminine_noun: revâchâh (רְוָחָה) [pronounced rehv-aw-KHAW], which means respite, relief. Strong’s #7309 BDB #926. Exodus 8:15
revâchâh (רְוָחָה) [pronounced rehv-aw-KHAW] |
respite, relief |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7309 BDB #926 |
There is a masculine form of this word, and it is not clear to me the difference between the masculine and feminine forms. |
140. Verb: rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room], which means to exalt, to raise, to lift up and even to offer up. In the Hiphil, it means to lift up, to elevate, to exalt, to take away, to offer sacrifices. As a masculine plural, Qal active participle, it means exalted ones, lifted up ones, those who are lifted up. Strong's #7311 BDB #926. Gen. 7:17 14:22 31:45 39:15 41:44 Exodus 7:20 14:8, 16 15:2 16:20 17:11 29:27 Lev. 2:9 Num. 15:19 Deut. 1:28 2:10 17:20 1Sam. 2:1b, 7, 10 2Sam. 22:28, 47, 48 1Chron. 15:16 Job 17:4 21:22 Psalm 34:3 57:6 61:2 89:13, 17 99:2, 5 110:7 118:16 148:14 Prov. 3:35 6:17
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
to lift up, to rise, to arise, to raise up, to grow; to be exalted, to become high, to become powerful; to be high and lofty; to be remote, to be in the far distance |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
rising up, arising, raising up, growing; being exalted, becoming high, becoming powerful; being high and lofty; being remote, being in the far distance |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
those rising up, the ones arising, those who are growing; ones who are being exalted, those becoming high, those becoming powerful; ones being high and lofty; those being remote, ones being in the far distance |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
to raise, to lift up [something], to make high; to elevate, to exalt; to erect, to build a house; to take away; to offer sacrifices |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
are raising, lifts up [something], making high; elevating, exalting; erecting, is building a house; takes away; offers sacrifices |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
raise, lift up [something], make high; elevate, exalt; erect, build a house; take away; offer sacrifices |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
to raise, to lift up, to make high; to build a house; to bring up children; to put in safety; to raise up, to exalt [in victory or with praise] |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel (Polal?) imperfect (is this passive?) |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
to be raised [up], to be lifted up, to be make high; to be elevated, to be erected, to be offered as a sacrifice; to be taken [off, away]; to be abolished |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
rûwm (רוּם) [pronounced room] |
to raise (lift) oneself up, to exalt oneself; to magnify oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect
Strong's #7311 BDB #926 |
141. Masculine_noun: which means height, haughtiness, loftiness. Strong’s #7312 BDB #927.
142. Adjective: which means on high [of direction]. Strong’s #7315 BDB #927.
143. Masculine_proper_noun: which means haughty? and is transliterated . Strong’s #7316 BDB #928.
144. Adverb: which means haughtily. Strong’s #7317 BDB #928.
145. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated Ram. Strong’s #7410 BDB #928.
146. Feminine_noun: Râmâh (הָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAW], which means height, high place. We actually only find this noun not used as a proper noun in Ezek. 16. Strong’s #7413 BDB #928. (The Doctrine of the High Places) Judges 4:5 (15:17) 1Sam. 1:19 15:34 16:13 19:18 20:1 22:6 25:1 28:3 (Except for Judges 4:5, I may have the Strong’s # messtup on the others).
râmâh (הָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
height, high place; possibly shrine; also transliterated Ramah |
feminine noun used primarily as a proper noun |
Strong’s #7413 (equivalent to Strong’s #7414) BDB #928 |
Râmâh (הָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
height, high place; transliterated Ramah |
feminine noun used primarily as a proper noun; with the directional hê |
Strong’s #7414 (equivalent to Strong’s #7413) BDB #928 |
Râmâth (ת ָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAWTH] |
height, high place; transliterated Ramah |
feminine noun used primarily as a proper noun; with the directional hê |
Strong’s #7414 BDB #928 |
Also spelled Râmâth (ת ָמָר) [pronounced raw-MATH] or Râmâh (הָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAW]. |
147. Gentilic_adjective: which means height; and is transliterated Ramathites. Strong’s #7435 BDB #928.
148. Feminine_proper_noun_(location): râmath (ת-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHTH], which is the construct of the word râmâh (הָמָר) [pronounced raw-MAW], which means height, high place. Strong’s #7413 BDB #928. Lehi, as you recall, means jawbone. The two together are often taken as the proper noun Strong’s #7437 BDB #928. Ramoth-Lehi: Judges 15:17 Ramoth-negeb: 1Sam. 30:27
Râmôwth (רָמוֹת) [pronounced raw-MOHTH] |
height, high place; transliterated ramath |
feminine construct used primarily as a proper noun in conjunction with another noun |
Strong’s #7413 BDB #928 |
this means jawbone; transliterated Lehi |
Strong's #BDB # |
What we have here is the plural or the construct form of Ramah (Strong’s #7413 BDB #928) combined with Lehi (Strong’s # BDB #) to yield Ramoth-Lehi (Strong’s #7437 BDB #928). |
Râmôwth (תמָר) [pronounced raw-MOHTH] |
height, high place; transliterated ramath |
feminine construct used primarily as a proper noun in conjunction with another noun |
Strong’s #7413 BDB #928 |
negeb (ב ∵ג ∵נ) [pronounced ne-GHEBV] |
south, south-country; often transliterated Negev or Negeb |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #5045 BDB #616 |
Whereas, we might have the name South Philly to indicate a particular portion of a city; here, the addition of negeb can indicate a different city altogether from Ramah. What we have here is the plural or the construct form of Ramah (Strong’s #7413 BDB #928) combined with negeb (Strong’s #5045 BDB #616) to yield Ramoth-Negeb (Strong’s #7418 BDB #928). |
149. Proper_noun/location: Râmôwth (רָמוֹת) [pronounced raw-MOHTH], which means heights and is transliterated Ramôth. Strong’s #7216 BDB #928. Deut. 4:43
Râmôwth (רָמוֹת) [pronounced raw-MOHTH] |
heights and is transliterated Ramôth |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7216 BDB #928 |
150. Proper_noun_location: 1Kings 4:13
Râmôwth (רָמוֹת) [pronounced raw-MOHTH] |
height, high place; transliterated ramath |
feminine construct used primarily as a proper noun in conjunction with another noun |
Strong’s #7413 BDB #928 |
Gileʿâd (גִּלְעָד) [pronounced gil-ĢAWD] |
rocky region; transliterated Gilead |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #1568 BDB #166 |
Together, these make up the proper noun Râmôth gileʿâd (גִּלְעָד רָמֹת), which means heights of Gilead; and is transliterated Ramoth-gilead, Ramoth-gilad. Strong’s #7433 BDB #928. |
151. Proper_noun_location: Râmâthayim-Tsôwphîm (םי.פצ-ם̣י-תָמָר) [pronounced raw-maw-THAH-yim-tzoh-FEEM], which means heights of the Zophim; and is transliterated Ramathaim-zophim. Strong’s #7414 & #7436 BDB #928. 1Sam. 1:1*
Râmâthayim Tsôwphîm (םי.פצ ם̣י-תָמָר) [pronounced raw-maw-THAH-yim tzoh-FEEM |
heights of the Zophim; and is transliterated Ramathaim-Zophim |
Proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #7414 & 7436 BDB #928 |
152. Feminine_noun: which means height, lofty stature. Strong’s #7419 BDB #928.
153. Masculine_noun: which means extolling praise, a song of praise. See below Strong’s #7318 BDB #928.
154. Feminine_noun: rôwmemâh (הָממר) [pronounced roh-mem-AW;rohme-MAW], which means exaltation, celebration; uplifting, arising. Strong’s #7319 (ᴃ) BDB #928. Psalm 149:6
rôwmemâh (הָממר) [pronounced roh-mem-AW;rohme-MAW] |
exaltation, celebration; uplifting, arising |
feminine singular noun |
#7319 (possibly equivalent to #7318 & #7427) BDB #928 |
This appears to be the feminine singular, active participle of râmam (ם-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHM]., which means to be high [lofty, exalted] Strong’s #7426. Owen calls this a masculine plural construct, as he identifies this with Strong’s #7318. |
155. Masculine_noun: mârôwm (מָרוֹן) [pronounced maw-ROHM], which means height, that which is high. It is used chiefly in poetry and has other related meanings as well. Strong’s #4791 BDB #928. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:4) Judges 5:18 2Sam. 22:17 Job 16:19 Psalm 7:7 10:5 56:2 68:18 73:8 148:1b Prov. 8:2 9:3, 14
mârôwm (מָרוֹן) [pronounced maw-ROHM] |
height, that which is high; the Most High; a lofty fortified place; high-mindedness, pride; collectively for leaders, princes |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4791 BDB #928 |
156. Verb: terûmâh/terûwmâh (תְּרֻמָה/תְּרוּמָה) [pronounced tehr-oo-MAW], which means, contribution, offering, an offering [of grain, money]. Terûmâh is related to several words which mean to lift up, to raise, height. This word is first used with regards to bringing things to Moses for the purpose of building the tabernacle (Ex. 25, 29, 30). This word is often translated heave offering in the KJV because it was lifted up before God (this is the word's relation to height) (Ex. 29:28 Lev. 7:34 Num. 31:41). We find this word primarily in Exodus and Numbers, a few times in both Leviticus and Deuteronomy, throughout several other books, and quite often in Ezek. 45 and 48. Most of the passages infer money and it is found in conjunction with the word tithe, meaning that it is not a tithe (2Chron. 31:12 Mal. 3:8). Although most of the time, terûmâh refers to an offering to God, it can refer simply money which is given as a bribe (Prov. 29:4). Although I have not examined every passage in which this word occurs, this word could be reasonable translated contribution consistently without doing damage to the meaning of the passages. Barnes leans more toward translating this as a levy. (p. 254 Vol. 2). Strong’s #8641 BDB #929. Exodus 25:2 29:27 30:13 Lev. 1:2 Num. 31:29 2Sam. 1:21
terûmâh/terûwmâh (תְּרֻמָה/תְּרוּמָה) [pronounced tehr-oo-MAW] |
contribution, offering, an offering [of grain, money], heave offering |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8641 BDB #929 |
Possibly, the priests’ portion, the priests’ offering. Both Owens and ESV use this translation. Heave offering is the most common translation. |
157. Feminine_noun: which means what belongs to a contribution, attendant or secondary contribution, subdivision. Strong’s #8642 BDB #929.
158. Verb: which means to overcome. (To shout?). Strong’s #7442? BDB #929.
159. Verb: rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ], which means to shout, to raise a shout, to cry out, to give a blast. It can be a war-cry shout or an alarm (Judges 7:21 1Sam. 17:52), a sound which signals a war or a march (Num. 10:7, 9), a triumphal shout (Psalm 41:12 Zeph. 3:14), a shout of applause (1Sam. 10:24), a shout in worship or under religious impulse (1Sam. 4:5 Psalm 47:2), or a cry of distress (Isa. 15:4 Micah 4:9). This verb is found primarily in the Hiphil and not in the Qal, so our application of the causal meaning of the Hiphil is to be inferred only inasmuch as the people are caused to shout based upon what is in their souls. In other places where this indicates a shout of victory, a shout of exaltation, etc., this is more clearly understood. Strong’s #7321 BDB #929. Joshua 6:5 Judges 15:14 1Sam. 4:5 10:24 Psalm 41:11 47:1 60:8 81:1 95:1
rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ] |
to make a loud noise, to shout, to cry out; to be evil, to be envious |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7321 BDB #929 |
This verb seems to have the same meanings exactly as Strong's #7489 BDB # |
rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ] |
to become evil, to be made worse; to suffer evil, to receive injury |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #7321 BDB #929 |
rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ] |
to shout, to raise a shout, to cry out, to give a blast, are caused to shout |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil perfect |
Strong’s #7321 BDB #929 |
rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ] |
to be shouted for joy |
3rd person masculine plural, Palel perfect |
Strong’s #7321 BDB #929 |
rûwaʿ (רוַּע) [pronounced roo-AHĢ] |
to shout for joy, to cry out loudly in happiness; to cry out in distress |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpalel perfect |
Strong’s #7321 BDB #929 |
One of the Hiphil meanings is to cry out in distress, and I believe that is the sense of this verb here. |
160. Verbal_noun?: rêaʾ (רֵעַ) [pronounced RAH-ahģ], which means shouting, roar; noise. Dubious. Strong’s #7452 BDB #929. Exodus 32:17 ***
rêaʾ (רֵעַ) [pronounced RAH-ahģ] |
shouting, roar; noise |
verbal noun |
Strong’s #7452 BDB #929 |
Although BDB says that this meaning is dubious, there is a verbal cognate and a feminine noun cognate, which are both fairly common words. The verb, for instance, occurs 45 times in the Old Testament. Therefore, this seems like a reasonable meaning to me. |
161. Feminine_noun: terûwʿâh (תְּרוֹעָה) [pronounced t'rū-AWH], which means a shout, a cry; a tumult, a loud noise; a joyful noise, rejoicing; a war cry, a cry for battle; the blast [of war, alarm or joy]. It is found Lev. 23:24 in the Bible here for the first time. In the book of Job, which either predates Leviticus or is coterminous with it, this word is used for a shout of joy (Job 8:21 33:26); however, this word can also be associated with the very loud sounds of battle, as in Jer. 4:19 Amos 1:14 2:2 Zeph. 1:16. As this word seems to be used in the latter sense most often, it would be reasonable to take it in that sense here. We know that following the rapture, there will be a time of great apostasy and, although it appears as though some areas will enjoy a relatively peaceful state, at least for awhile, many other areas would be involved in war during the tribulation and the instructions given to the Jews alive at that time deal directly with their persecution and fate in battle. I would like to unequivocally state that this involves a trumpet or does not, but there is strong evidence that it might (Lev. 23:24 25:9 Num. 10:5–6 31:6) and that it might not (Joshua 6:5 Ezra 3:11–13 Job 8:21). Therefore, I would have to go with this word referring to a very loud noise, its source derived by context or direct statement. Strong’s #8643 BDB #929. Lev. 23:24 Num. 29:1 1Sam. 4:5 2Sam. 6:15 1Chron. 15:28 Psalm 33:3 47:5 89:15 150:5
terûwʿâh (תְּרוֹעָה) [pronounced t'rū-AWH] |
a shout, a cry; a tumult, a loud noise; a joyful noise, rejoicing; a war cry, a cry for battle; the blast [of war, alarm or joy] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8643 BDB #929 |
162. Feminine_noun: which means healing. Ezek. 47:12. Strong’s #8644 BDB #930.
163. Verb: rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots], which means to run. Strong’s #7323 BDB #930. Gen. 18:2, 7 24:17 29:12 33:3 41:14 Joshua 8:19 1Sam. 3:5 4:12 10:23 17:17, 22 20:6 22:17 2Sam. 15:1 18:19 22:30 1Kings 1:5 Job 15:26 16:14 Psalm 59:4 68:31 Prov. 1:15 4:12 6:18
rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots] |
to run, to hasten to; to move quickly [and with purpose]; to rush upon [in a hostile manner] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7323 BDB #930 |
rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots] |
running, hastening to, moving towards, rushing upon; a runner, one running; those running, ones who run |
masculine plural, Qal participle |
Strong’s #7323 BDB #930 |
rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots] |
to run swiftly, to dart |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel (Polel in BDB) imperfect |
Strong’s #7323 BDB #930 |
rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots] |
to cause to run; to hastily lead up, to cause to hasten; to bring quickly |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7323 BDB #930 |
rûts (רוּץ) [pronounced roots] |
cause to run; hastily lead up, cause to hasten; bring quickly |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #7323 BDB #930 |
I confirmed in the Hebrew text that this is a feminine singular; most of the time I simply take Owen’s word for it. |
Several literal translations rendered this hastened to stretch out, in Psalm 68:31; however, this is based upon the idea the Cush is the subject and his hand is the object. |
The NET Bible® notes: The Hebrew reads “causes its hands to run,” which must mean “quickly stretches out its hands” (to present tribute). |
164. Masculine_noun: which means running, race. Strong’s #4793 BDB #930.
165. Feminine_noun: merûwtsâh (מְרוּצָה) [pronounced mer-oo-TSAW], which means running, course of life; runner. Strong’s #4794 BDB #930. 2Sam. 18:27
merûwtsâh (מְרוּצָה) [pronounced mer-oo-TSAW] |
running, course of life; runner |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4794 BDB #930 |
166. Verb: rûwsh (רוּש) [pronounced roosh], which means to be in want, to be needy, to be poor. Strong’s #7326 BDB #930. 1Sam. 18:23 2Sam. 12:1 Psalm 34:10 Prov. 10:4
rûwsh (רוּש) [pronounced roosh] |
to be in want, to be needy, to be poor |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7326 BDB #930 |
rûwsh (רוּש) [pronounced roosh] |
to be in want, to be needy, to be poor |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7326 BDB #930 |
As a Qal active participle, this can be translated the poor, the needy. |
rûwsh (רוּש) [pronounced roosh] |
one impoverishing himself; feigning to be poor |
Hithpolel participle |
Strong’s #7326 BDB #930 |
167. Masculine_noun: rêysh (רֵיש) [pronounced raysh], which means poverty. Strong’s #7389 BDB #930. Prov. 5:11 10:15
rêysh (רֵיש) [pronounced raysh] |
poverty |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7389 BDB #930 |
There are several spellings of this word. |
168. Verb: which means to be lean, to become lean. Strong’s #7329 BDB #930.
169. Adjective: which means lean. Strong’s #7330 BDB #931.
170. Masculine_noun: which means leanness, wasting. Strong's #7334 BDB #931
171. Masculine_noun: râzôwn (רָזוֹן) [pronounced raw-ZOHN], which means leanness, wasting, scantness. Strong's #7332 BDB #931. Psalm 106:15
râzôwn (רָזוֹן) [pronounced raw-ZOHN] |
leanness, wasting, wasting disease, scantness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #7332 BDB #931 |
The verbal cognate means to make thin, to cause to waste away, to destroy; the idea is that it wastes away and causes great weight loss in the body through disease. |
172. Masculine_noun: which means cry. Strong’s #4797–4798 BDB #931.
173. Verb: râzam (ם-זָר) [pronounced raw-ZAHM], which means to wink, to flash [the eyes]. Because this verb is only found here, we can only guess at its meaning. Strong's #7335 BDB #931. Job 15:12*
174. Verb: râzan (רָזַן) [pronounced raw-ZAHN], which means to be weighty, to be judicious, to be commanding; prince, ruler [in the participle]. This is only found as a participle. Strong's #7336 BDB #931. Judges 5:3 Psalm 2:2 Prov. 8:15
râzan (רָזַן) [pronounced raw-ZAHN] |
to be weighty, to be judicious, to be commanding; princes, rulers [in the participle] |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #7336 BDB #931 |
This word is only found as a participle. |
The NET Bible: The verb רָזַן (razan) means “to be weighty; to be judicious; to be commanding.” It only occurs in the Qal active participle in the plural as a substantive, meaning “potentates; rulers” (e.g., Ps 1:1-3). Cf. KJV, ASV “princes”; NAB “lawgivers.” |
James Rickard: “Rulers” is the Qal Active Participle Verb RAZAN, רָזַן , that means “to be weighty, be judicious, or be commanding.” It occurs only as a participle and is used as a substantive referring to a “dignitary or ruler.” |
175. Masculine_noun: which means potentate. Prov. 14:28.* Strong's #7333 BDB #931.
176. Verb: râchab (רָחַב) [pronounced raw-KHAHBV], which means to become large, to grow, to be wide. Strong's #7337 BDB #931. 1Sam. 2:1b 2Sam. 22:37 (Check pronunciation in these two instances)
râchab (רָחַב) [pronounced raw-KHAHBV] |
to become large, to grow, to be wide [spacious] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong's #7337 BDB #931 |
râchab (רָחַב) [pronounced raw-KHAHBV] |
making wide, making spacious; a roomy pasture |
Niphal participle |
Strong's #7337 BDB #931 |
râchab (רָחַב) [pronounced raw-KHAHBV] |
to make large, to enlarge, to cause to grow [to be wide]; to be expanded |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil perfect |
Strong's #7337 BDB #931 |
177. Masculine_noun: which means breadth, broad expanse. from some reason it reads not feminine. Strong's #7338 BDB #931.
178. Masculine_noun: rôchab (רֹחַב) [pronounced ROH-khabv], which means breadth, width, expanse. Strong's #7341 BDB #931. Gen. 6:15 13:17 Exodus 25:10 26:2 27:1, 12 28:16 30:2 Deut. 3:11 1Kings 4:29 6:2, 6 7:2
rôchab (רֹחַב) [pronounced ROH-khabv] |
breadth, width, expanse |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #7341 BDB #931 |
179. Adjective: râchâb (רָחָב) [pronounced raw-KHAVB], which means, wide, broad, space, roomy. Strong’s #7342 BDB #932. Gen. 34:21 Exodus 3:8 Judges 18:10 1Chron. 4:40 Psalm 104:25
râchâb (רָחָב) [pronounced raw-KHAVB] |
wide, broad, space, roomy |
feminine singular adjective; construct form |
Strong’s #7342 BDB #932 |
180. Feminine_proper_noun: Râchâb (בָחָר) [pronounced raw-KHAVB], which means wide, broad, spacious and is transliterated Rahab. Strong's #7343 BDB #932. 1Sam. 10:2
181. Proper_noun: The name Rahab is actually râchâbv (ב ָח ָר) [pronounced raw-KHAWBV], which means stormy, arrogant, proud, defiant. Strong’s #7343 BDB #932. (see Strong’s #7292 BDB #923). Joshua 2:1
182. Feminine_noun: rechôwb (רְחוֹב) [pronounced rekh-OHBV], which means broad open place, plaza, open square. Strong’s #7339 BDB #932. Gen. 19:2 Judges 19:15 2Sam. 21:12 Psalm 55:11 Prov. 1:20 5:16 7:12
rechôwb (רְחוֹב) [pronounced rekh-OHBV] |
broad open place, plaza, open square |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7339 BDB #932 |
rechôbôwth (רְחֹבוֹת) [pronounced rekh-oh-BOATH] |
wide places, wide streets, broad open place; markets; courts of justice; public places |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7344 (plural of #7339) BDB #932 |
Jamieson, Fausset and Brown: "wide places" [can refer to] markets, courts of justice, and any public place. |
183. Masculine_proper_noun: Rechôwb (רְחוֹב) [pronounced rekh-OHBV], which means broad, open place and is transliterated Rechob, Rehob. Strong's #7340 BDB #932. Judges 1:31 2Sam. 8:3 10:8
Rechôwb (רְחוֹב) [pronounced rekh-OHBV] |
broad, open place and is transliterated Rechob, Rehob |
masculine singular proper noun; location |
Strong's #7340 BDB #932 |
Also spelled Rechôb (רְחֹב) [pronounced rekh-OHBV]. |
184. Proper_noun_location: Rechôbôwth (רְחֹבוֹת) [pronounced rekh-oh-BOATH], which means wide place, wid streets, broad open place; and is transliterated Rehoboth. Strong's #7344 BDB #932. Gen. 10:11 26:22 36:37
Rechôbôwth (רְחֹבוֹת) [pronounced rekh-oh-BOATH] |
wide place, wid streets, broad open place; and is transliterated Rehoboth |
proper singular noun location |
Strong's #7344 BDB #932 |
185. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong's #7345 BDB #932.
186. Masculine_proper_noun: which means broad open place and is transliterated Rehoboam. This noun is a word play. Strong's #7346 BDB #932.
187. Masculine_noun: merechâb (מְֶחָב) [pronounced mere-KHAWBV], which means broad or roomy place, wide expanse, large and open area; [metaphorically] freedom, liberty, welfare. These latter meanings refer to having many options in a large area. Merechâb can be used in a negative sense, as a lamb in a large area, insofar as the lamb may stray from the herd (Hosea 4:16). Strong's #4800 BDB #932. 2Sam. 22:20 Psalm 118:5
merechâb (מְֶחָב) [pronounced mere-KHAWBV] |
broad or roomy place, wide expanse, large and open area; [metaphorically] freedom, liberty, welfare |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #4800 BDB #932 |
These latter meanings refer to having many options in a large area. Merechâb can be used in a negative sense, as a lamb in a large area, insofar as the lamb may stray from the herd (Hosea 4:16). |
By the way, we have two unusual nouns in this verse; this particular one is found in two Davidic psalms (Psalm 18:19 31:8). |
188. Masculine_noun: rêcheh (רֵחֶה) [pronounced ray-KHEH], which means handmills; a pair of millstones for grindingband mill, common household utensil. Strong's #7347 BDB #932. Exodus 11:5
rêcheh (רֵחֶה) [pronounced ray-KHEH] |
handmills; a pair of millstones for grindingband mill, common household utensil |
masculine dual noun |
Strong's #7347 BDB #932 |
189. Feminine_noun: râchêl (רָחֵל) [pronounced raw-KHALE], which means ewe. Strong's #7353 BDB #932. Gen. 31:38 32:14
râchêl (רָחֵל) [pronounced raw-KHALE] |
ewes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong's #7353 BDB #932 |
190. Masculine_proper_noun: Râchêl (רָחֵל) [pronounced raw-KHALE], which means ewe and is transliterated Rachel. Strong's #7354 BDB #932. Gen. 29:6 30:1 31:4, 14 33:1 35:16 46:19 48:7 1Sam. 10:2
Râchêl (רָחֵל) [pronounced raw-KHALE] |
ewe and is transliterated Rachel |
feminine proper noun |
Strong's #7354 BDB #932 |
191. Verb: which means to be soft. meaning dubious. Strong's #none BDB #933.
192. Masculine_noun: rechem (רֶחֶם) [pronounced REH-khem], which means womb; inner parts. This word is consistently translated womb (Gen. 20:18 29:31 30:22). Rechem would be the correct medical term for womb, whereas beţen would be the less precise, but well-understood term for the same [See also Strong's #990 BDB #105]. It’s interesting that this word in the Hebrew for womb is a masculine word (its synonym is feminine). See below. Strong’s #7358(and#7356) BDB #933. Gen. 20:18 29:31 30:22 Exodus 13:1 Judges 5:30 1Sam. 1:5 Job 3:11 Psalm 110:3
rechem (רֶחֶם) [pronounced REH-khem] |
womb; inner parts; poetically used to mean a girl, a woman |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7358 (and #7356) BDB #933 |
193. Masculine_plural_noun: rachămîym (רַחֲמִים) [pronounced rah-khuh-MEEM], which means tender affections; pity, grace, favor; compassion, mercies. Absolute plural intensive? Strong's #7356 BDB #933. Gen. 43:14, 30 49:25 2Sam. 24:14 1Kings 3:26 8:50 Psalm 51:1 103:4 106:46
racham (רַחַם) [pronounced RAHK-ahm] |
womb, bowels, inner parts |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #7356 BDB #933 |
rachămîym (רַחֲמִים) [pronounced rah-khuh-MEEM] |
tender affections; pity, grace, favor; compassion, mercies; literally, bowels, inner parts |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #7356 BDB #933 |
194. Verb: râcham (רָחַם) [pronounced raw-KHAHM], which means to love, to cherish, to soothe. In Piel, to have compassion, to behold with tenderest affection. In the Pual, to obtain mercy, to receive compassion. Strong's #7355 BDB #933. Exodus 33:19 1Kings 8:50 Psalm 103:13
râcham (רָחַם) [pronounced raw-KHAHM] |
to love, to cherish, to soothe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7355 BDB #933 |
râcham (רָחַם) [pronounced raw-KHAHM] |
to have compassion, to be compassionate; to show mercy; to behold with the tenderest affection |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7355 BDB #933 |
râcham (רָחַם) [pronounced raw-KHAHM] |
to obtain mercy, to receive compassion |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7355 BDB #933 |
195. Adjective: rachûwm (רַחוּם) [pronounced rah-KHOOM], which means compassionate, merciful. Strong's #7349 BDB #933. Deut. 4:31 Psalm 103:8
rachûwm (רַחוּם) [pronounced rah-KHOOM] |
compassionate, merciful |
adjective |
Strong's #7349 BDB #933 |
196. Adjective: which means compassionate women. Lam. 4:10.* Strong's #7362 BDB #933.
197. Masculine_proper_noun: which means girl-like and is transliterated . Strong's #7357 BDB #933.
198. Masculine_proper_noun: which means compassion; softness, gentleness and is transliterated . Strong's #7348 BDB #933.
199. Masculine_proper_noun: yerôchâm (םָחֹרי) [pronounced ye-roh-KHAWM], which means may he be compassionate; and is transliterated Jeroham. Strong’s #3395 BDB #934. 1Sam. 1:1 1Chron. 6:25–27 8:27 12:7
Yerôchâm (םָחֹרי) [pronounced ye-roh-SHAWM] |
may he be compassionate; and is transliterated Jeroham |
Masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3395 BDB #934 |
200. Masculine_proper_noun: yerachemeʾêl (ל̤א מח-רי) [pronounced yer-akhe-meh-AYL], which means may El have compassion; whom God loves; and is transliterated Jerahmeel. Strong’s #3396 BDB #934.
Yerachemeʾêl (ל̤א מח-רי) [pronounced yer-akhe-meh-AYL] |
may El [God] have compassion; whom God loves; and is transliterated Jerahmeel |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #3397 BDB #934 |
201. Gentilic_adjective: yerachemeʾêlîy (י.ל̤א מח-רי) [pronounced yer-akhe-meay-LEE], which means may El [God] have compassion; whom God loves; and is transliterated Jerahmeelites. According to BDB, the gentilic adjective is found much earlier than the proper noun above; as a tribal name perhaps. Strong’s #3397 BDB #934. 1Sam. 27:10 30:29
Yerachemeʾêlîy (י.ל̤א מח-רי) [pronounced yer-akhe-meay-LEE] |
may El [God] have compassion; whom God loves; and is transliterated Jerahmeelite |
gentilic adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #3397 BDB #934 |
202. Masculine_noun: which means carrion-vulture. Strong’s #7360 BDB #934.
203. Feminine_noun: which means carion-vulture. Dubious; BDB calls this masculine. Deut. 14:17.* Strong’s #7360 BDB #934.
204. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8647 BDB #934.
205. Verb: which means to grow soft, to relax. Strong’s #7363 BDB #934.
206. Piel_verb: râchaph (רָחַף) [pronounced raw-KHAHF], which means, to hover over, to flutter over; to brood over; to move gently [over]; to cherish. It is a picture of care and protection. This verb only occurs three times in the Old Testament; here, Jer. 23:9 and Gen. 1:2.* In Gen. 1:2, the picture is of God hovering over the earth. Strong’s #7363 BDB #934. Gen. 1:2 Deut. 32:11
râchaph (רָחַף) [pronounced raw-KHAHF] |
to hover over, to flutter over; to brood over; to move gently [over]; to cherish |
feminine singular, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7363 BDB #934 |
207. Verb: râchats (רָחַץ) [pronounced raw-KAHTS], which means to wash, to bathe, to wash off. Strong’s #7364 BDB #934. No home concordance. Gen. 18:4 19:2 24:32 43:24, 31 Exodus 12:5 29:4 30:18 Deut. 21:6 Ruth 3:3 1Sam. 25:41 2Sam. 11:2, 8 12:20 Psalm 73:13
râchats (רָחַץ) [pronounced raw-BAHTS] |
to wash, to bathe (oneself), to wash off (away); possibly to declare oneself innocent |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7364 BDB #934 |
râchats (רָחַץ) [pronounced raw-KAHTS] |
washing, bathing (oneself), washing off (away); a female bather (bathing) |
feminine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7364 BDB #934 |
râchats (רָחַץ) [pronounced raw-KAHTS] |
to be washed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7364 BDB #934 |
râchats (רָחַץ) [pronounced raw-KAHTS] |
to wash [bathe] (oneself) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7364 BDB #934 |
208. Masculine_noun: rachats (רַחַץ) [pronounced RAHK-ahtz], which means washing; wash pot. Strong’s #7366 BDB #934. Psalm 60:8
rachats (רַחַץ) [pronounced RAHK-ahtz] |
washing; wash pot |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7366 BDB #934 |
209. Feminine_noun: which means washing [of sheep]. Strong’s #7367 BDB #934.
210. Verb: râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK], which means to thrust away, to repel; to go away far, to be afar off, to be distant, to be remote. râchaq (ק ַח ָר) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] means to become far, to become distant, to be distant, to move a far off from, to abstain from, to send far away. In the Hiphil, we have a transitive use of this verb (found here): to remove, to go far off, to place far off; and there is also the intransitive meaning: to go away far. And, in the Hiphil, it means to put at a distance, to remove, to place far away from oneself. In the Hiphil infinitive absolute, we have a verb in the active voice with causative action, used as a verbal noun, generally used as a complement of affirmation. God has caused the waters to stand in a heap afar off. Young renders this far, Rotherham, a way off; NASB, a distance away. With the adverb and the prepositional phrase to follow, this is rendered: ye go not very far off from the city (Young); do not go very far from the city (The Amplified Bible, NASB, Rotherham). Strong’s #7368 BDB #934. Gen. 21:16 44:4 Exodus 23:7 Joshua 3:16 8:4 Job 5:4 11:14 13:21 19:13 21:16 Psalm 55:7 103:12 Prov. 4:24 5:8
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
to thrust away, to repel; to go away far, to be afar off, to be distant, to be remote |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
to be removed, to be placed at a distance; to be repelled |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
to move far off; to remove |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
to remove, to cause to remove; to go far off, to take far off; to go away far |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
put far, remove, cause to remove; go far off, take far off; go away far |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
râchaq (רָחַק) [pronounced raw-KHAHK] |
a removing, a removal, going afar off, going away [from, far]; being a distance from; being removed from [remote] |
Hiphil infinitive absolute, acting as an adverb |
Strong’s #7368 BDB #934 |
211. Verb: which means to remove, to depart. Psalm 73:27. Used as an adjective. Strong’s #7369 BDB #935.
212. Noun/adjective: râchôwq (רָחוֹק) [pronounced raw-KHOHK], which means as an adjective, distant, far; as a noun, it means distance (which can be a reference to time or space). Here, when used as a substantive with the 2nd person masculine suffix, it means Your far-away ones; Owen renders this one word those who are far from thee. I’m not making fun of Owen, as the Greek uses six words to render this one Hebrew word as well. Strong’s #7350 BDB #935. Gen. 22:4 37:18 Exodus 2:4 20:18 24:1 Deut. 20:15 Joshua 3:4 Judges 18:7, 28 1Sam. 26:13 2Sam. 7:19 1Kings 8:41 Job 2:12 Psalm 10:1 56 inscription 73:27 Prov. 7:19
râchôwq (רָחוֹק) [pronounced raw-KHOHK] |
distant, far; as a noun, it means distance (which can be a reference to time or space) |
Noun/adjective |
Strong’s #7350 BDB #935 |
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, off, out from, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than, greater than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
râchôwq (רָחוֹק) [pronounced raw-KHOHK] |
distant, far; as a noun, it means distance (which can be a reference to time or space) |
Noun/adjective |
Strong’s #7350 BDB #935 |
Min + râchôwq mean from afar off, far away; from an emotive distance. |
213. Proposition/noun_combination: 2Sam. 7:19
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, off, out from, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
The lâmed prefixed preposition and min together almost always form what BDB calls a terminus a quo, which means a starting point, the earliest possible date, or end from which. We can render the two together as for from, even from, from. |
râchôwq (רָחוֹק) [pronounced raw-KHOHK] |
distant, far; as a noun, it means distance (which can be a reference to time or space) |
Noun/adjective |
Strong’s #7350 BDB #935 |
The two prepositions along with râchôwq mean from afar off, from a great distance; possibly, for a great while to come, for a long time to come, in the far future, far into the future, in the distant future. |
214. Masculine_noun: merechâq (מֶרְחָק) [pronounced mehr-KHAWK], which means distant place, distance, far country, a place far off. Strong’s #4801 BDB #935. 2Sam. 15:17
merechâq (מֶרְחָק) [pronounced mehr-KHAWK] |
distant place, distance, far country, a place far off |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4801 BDB #935 |
215. Verb: which means to keep moving, to stir; to stew, to boil; to creek, to move, to flutter. Strong’s #7370 BDB #935.
216. Feminine_noun: which means stew-pan, sauce pan. Strong’s #4802 BDB #935.
217. Verb: which means winnowing shovel. Strong’s #7371 BDB #935.
218. Verb: to moisten, to be moist. Strong’s #7372 BDB #936.
219. Adjective: A word found once in the Old Testament, variously translated green, lush, thrive, moist; BDB gives the meanings moist, juicy, fresh. We have a related verb, also found but once in Job 24:8. Strong’s #7373 BDB #936. Job 8:16*
220. Verb: râţâh (הָטָר) [pronounced raw-TAW], to wring out. Probably dubious. Strong’s #3399 BDB #936. Job 16:11
221. Masculine_noun: trembling, panic. Strong’s #7374 BDB #936.
222. Verb: to grow fresh. Strong’s #7375 BDB #936.
223. Verb: to dash in pieces, to cast away, to reject. Piel. Strong’s #7376 BDB #936.
224. Verb: rîyb (רִיב) [pronounced reebv], which means to debate, to contend, to dispute; to conduct a case or suit [against someone], to make a complaint [against someone]; to find fault. This word appears to have legal connotations, which is apropos, as God is the Judge of the world. This word properly means to toss, to grapple; except, apparently, it is with words that one grapples (notable exception: Exodus 21:18). This word is translated to strive (Gen. 26:22 Job 33:13), to plead (Psalm 35:1 Jer. 50:34), to contend (Neh. 13:11 Micah 6:1), to debate (Prov. 25:9 Isa. 27:8), to chide (Ex. 17:2 Judges 8:1). This also has a legal meaning, which would be apropos in Job: to conduct a case or suit against someone; to make a complaint against one; and, in the abstract, to find fault with someone. According to Gesenius, the Hiphil meanings are the same and that the Hiphil is only found in the participle. After masculine plural, Owen has a question mark, although I don’t know why. With the masculine singular suffix, this would be rendered those striving [with] Him, those disputing Him. Strong’s #7378 BDB #936. Gen. 26:20 31:36 Exodus 17:2, 7 21:18 Judges 6:31 8:1 11:25 1Sam. 2:10 (15:5) 24:15 25:39 Job 9:3 10:2 13:8, 18 Psalm 103:9 Prov. 3:30
rîyb (רִיב) [pronounced reebv] |
to strive [physically or with words]; to quarrel, to debate, to contend, to dispute; to conduct a case or suit [against someone], to make a complaint [against someone]; to find fault |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7378 BDB #936 |
rîyb (רִיב) [pronounced reebv] |
those contending [or, striving], disputers; ones conducting a case or suit [against someone], those making a complaint [against someone]; fault finders |
masculine plural, Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7378 BDB #936 |
225. Masculine_noun: rîyb (רִיב) [pronounced reebv] and it means strife, dispute, controversy, legal contention, forensic cause; an argument used in a public discussion or debate. These are all the legal disputes which the Jews brought before Moses. Strong's #7379 BDB #936. Gen. 13:7 The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:4) Exodus 17:7 23:2 Deut. 1:12 17:8 21:5 Judges 12:2 1Sam. 24:15 25:39 2Sam. 22:44 Job 13:6 Psalm 55:9
rîyb (רִיב) [pronounced reebv] |
strife, dispute, controversy, legal contention, forensic cause, a suit, a lawsuit; an argument used in a public discussion or debate |
masculine singular noun with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong's #7379 BDB #936 |
Rîyb can also mean, litigation, lawsuits. |
226. Masculine_proper_noun: Rîybay (רִיבַי) [pronounced ree-BAH-ee], which means whose cause Jehovah pleads, pleading with Jehovah; contentious; transliterated Ribai. Strong’s #7380 BDB #937. 2Sam. 23:29 1Chron. 11:31
Rîybay (רִיבַי) [pronounced ree-BAH-ee] |
whose cause Jehovah pleads, pleading with Jehovah; contentious; transliterated Ribai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7380 BDB #937 |
227. Masculine noun epith.: Strong’s #3377 BDB #937.
228. Masculine_noun: opponent, adversary. Strong’s #3401 BDB #937.
229. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #3402 BDB #937.
230. Masculine_proper_noun: Yerîybay (יְרִיבַי) [pronounced yer-eeb-Ā], which means my contentions; and is transliterated Jeribai. Strong’s #3403 BDB #937. 1Chron. 11:46*
Yerîybay (יְרִיבַי) [pronounced yer-eeb-Ā] |
my contentions; and is transliterated Jeribai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3403 BDB #937 |
231. Feminine_noun1: merîybâh (מְרִיבָה) [pronounced mereeb-VAW], which means strife, contention. Strong’s #4808 BDB #937. Gen. 13:8 See below, as these are identical nouns.
merîybâh (מְרִיבָה) [pronounced mereeb-VAW] |
strife, contention, provocation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4808 BDB #937 |
Identical to the proper noun which is transliterated Meribah. Strong’s #4809 BDB #937. |
232. Proper_noun/location2: Merîybâh (מְרִיבָה) [pronounced mereeb-VAW], which means strife, contention, and is transliterated Meribah. Strong’s #4809 BDB #937. Exodus 17:7 Psalm 95:8 106:32
Merîybâh (מְרִיבָה) [pronounced mereeb-VAW] |
which means strife, contention, provocation, and is transliterated Meribah. |
feminine singular noun; also used as a proper noun |
Strong’s #4808 and #4809 BDB #937 |
Strong’s #4808 is the feminine singular noun; and Strong’s #4809 is the proper noun. They are identical. |
233. Proper_noun: Yerubbaʿal (ל-ע-ֻר י) [pronounced ye-roob-bah-AHL], which means let Baal contend with him; and is transliterated Jerubbal. is supposed to be a transliteration, but it is not correctly transliterated. His name was derived from the verb which Joash used in the previous verse, which meant to contend, to dispute, to grapple. The couple Bibles which report that this means let Baal plead or let her plead miss the context entirely. Strong’s #3378 BDB #937. Judges 6:32 1Sam. 12:11
Yerubbaʿal (ל-ע-ֻר י) [pronounced ye-roob-bah-AHL] |
let Baal contend with him; and is transliterated Jerubbaal |
proper noun; masculine |
Strong’s #3378 BDB #937 |
Since there is no j in the Hebrew, Jerubbaal would be bettered rendered Yerubbaal. |
234. Masculine_proper_noun: Yerûbbesheth (יֶרֻבֶשֶת) [pronounced yer-oob-BEH-sheth], which means, shame will contend; transliterated Jerubbesheth. This is a variant name of Jerubbaal (the other name of Gideon Strong’s #3378) substituting the word ‘shame’ for the name of the pagan god. BDB Definition only. This may be out of order. Strong’s #3380 BDB #937. 2Sam. 11:21
Yerûbbesheth (יֶרֻבֶשֶת) [pronounced yer-oob-BEH'-sheth] |
“shame will contend; transliterated Jerubbesheth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3380 BDB #937 |
235. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #4807 BDB #937.
236. Masculine_proper_noun: Mephîybôsheth (מְפִיבֹשֶת) [pronounced mehf-ee-BOH-shehth], which means dispeller of shame; an advocate of shame; exterminating an idol; transliterated Mephibosheth. Strong’s #4648 BDB #937. 2Sam. 4:4 9:6 16:1 19:24 21:7
Mephîybôsheth (מְפִיבֹשֶת) [pronounced mehf-ee-BOH-shehth] |
dispeller of shame; an advocate of shame; a shameful thing from the mouth; exterminating an idol; transliterated Mephibosheth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4648 BDB #937 |
The alternate form of this proper noun is Merib-baal. |
238. Feminine_noun: rîyphâh (רִיפָה) [pronounced ree-FAW], which means, wheat (or corn) grain or fruit [which is spread out to dry or to pound]. Strong’s #7383 BDB #937. 2Sam. 17:19
rîyphâh (רִיפָה) [pronounced ree-FAW]; also spelled without the yôhd (י) |
wheat (or corn) grain or fruit [which is spread out to dry or to pound] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7383 BDB #937 |
239. Proper_noun_gentilic: Rîyphath (רִיפַת) [pronounced ree-FAHTH], which means, spoken; transliterated Riphahth. Strong’s #7384 BDB #937. Gen. 10:3 (1Chron. 1:6)
Rîyphath (רִיפַת) [pronounced ree-FAHTH] |
spoken; transliterated Riphahth |
proper singular noun |
Strong’s #7384 BDB #937 |
240. Verb: rûwq (רוּק) [pronounced rouk], which means, to empty, to make empty, to make hungry; to pour [out, down]; to empty out. Hiphil. Strong’s #7324 BDB #937. Gen. 14:14 42:35 Delving into Rûwq (Gen. 14:14) Exodus 15:9
rûwq (רוּק) [pronounced rouk] |
to empty, to make empty, to make hungry; to pour [out, down]; to empty out |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7324 BDB #937 |
When this verb is used with a sword, it means to draw out, to take out, to unsheathe. In the Hiphil (which is the normal stem for this verb), a causative sense may be applied (to cause to draw out, to make unsheathe). See Exodus 15:9 Lev. 26:33 Psalm 35:3 Eze. 5:2, 12 12:14 28:7 30:11. |
rûwq (רוּק) [pronounced rouk] |
emptying, making empty, making hungry; pouring [out, down]; emptying out |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7324 BDB #937 |
rûwq (רוּק) [pronounced rouk] |
to be emptied out, to be make empty, to be poured [out, down] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7324 BDB #937 |
241. Adjective: rêq (רֶק) [pronounced rake] means empty, vain, worthless. Strong’s #7386 BDB #938. Gen. 37:24 41:27 Deut. 32:47 Judges 9:4 11:3 2Sam. 6:20
rêq (רֶק) [pronounced rake] |
empty, vain; worthless; wicked; idle; impoverished, poor |
masculine plural adjective with the definite article (here used as a substantive) |
Strong’s #7386 BDB #938 |
242. Masculine_noun: rîyq (קי.ר) [pronounced reek], which means empty, vain. Strong’s #7385 BDB #938. Psalm 2:1 73:13
rîyq (קי.ר) [pronounced reek] |
emptiness, something vain, vanity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7385 BDB #938 |
rîyq (קי.ר) [pronounced reek] |
empty, vain |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7385 BDB #938 |
rîyq (קי.ר) [pronounced reek] |
in vain, fruitlessly |
adverb |
Strong’s #7385 BDB #938 |
243. Adverb: rêyqâm (רֵיקָם) [pronounced ray-KAWM], which means empty, empty-handed; in vain, to no purpose; without cause, rashly. Strong’s #7387 BDB #938. Gen. 31:42 Exodus 3:21 23:15 Deut. 16:16 Ruth 3:16 1Sam. 6:3 2Sam. 1:22 Psalm 7:4
rêyqâm (רֵיקָם) [pronounced ray-KAWM] |
empty, empty-handed; in vain, to no purpose; without cause, without purpose, rashly |
adverb |
Strong’s #7387 BDB #938 |
244. Verb: which means to flow [like slime]. Strong’s #7325 BDB #938. None
245. Masculine_noun: rîyr (רי.ר) [pronounced reer], which means saliva, drool, spit. The next word is remarkable, as we only find it in this verse and in 1Sam. 21:13, where David allows drool or spit to drip down into his beard. I say that because the word ţaʿam from above shows up in those two verses as well. In other words, this word means spittle. Strong’s #7388 BDB #938. 1Sam. 21:13 Job 6:6
rîyr (רי.ר) [pronounced reer] |
saliva, drool, spit |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7388 BDB #938 |
246. Verb: râkab (רָכַב) [pronounced raw-KAHBV] means to mount and ride, to ride. However, we miss some of the significance in this word by such a literal translation. This riding over the high places of the earth in somewhat of a royal procession of honor and of dominance. Those who controlled the high places of the land controlled the land. Isaiah, a great student of Deuteronomy, refers back to this passage in Isa. 58:14. In Zech. 12:4, the participle is used as a noun to describe the person riding the horse by his primary function. This could be rendered the one riding or, more simply, rider. Strong’s #7392 BDB #938. Gen. 24:61 41:43 49:17 Exodus 4:20 15:1 Deut. 32:13 Judges 5:10 1Sam. 25:20 30:17 2Sam. 16:2 18:9 19:26 22:11 1Kings 1:33 Psalm 68:4 Zech. 12:4
râkab (רָכַב) [pronounced raw-KAHBV] |
to mount, to mount and ride [sit], to ride; to ride in a chariot |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7392 BDB #938 |
râkab (רָכַב) [pronounced raw-KAHBV] |
is riding |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7392 BDB #938 |
râkab (רָכַב) [pronounced raw-KAHBV] |
the one riding, rider; horsemen |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7392 BDB #938 |
râkab (רָכַב) [pronounced raw-KAHBV] |
to cause to ride, to cause to [mount and] ride, to cause to draw, pull along]; to cause to ride upon; to place in a chariot [cart]; to fasten to [an animal] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7392 BDB #938 |
247. Masculine_noun: rekeb (רֶכֶב) [pronounced REH-khebv], which means chariot, mill-stone, rider. Strong’s #7393 BDB #939. Gen. 50:9 Exodus 14:6 15:19 Deut. 20:1 24:6 Judges 1:19 4:3 9:53 1Sam. 8:12 2Sam. 8:4 1Kings 1:5 9:19 Psalm 68:17
rekeb (רֶכֶב) [pronounced REH-khebv] |
riders, cavalry; chariot; horses; the upper millstone [riding on a lower millstone] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7393 BDB #939 |
Apparently, the Jew saw this chariot as one unit comprised of 3 parts: the chariot, the rider and the horse. This word could refer to any of the 3 or to the unit as a whole. |
These may seem like very divergent concepts, however, they are all related to the wheel. A person might refer to his car as my wheels; their circular objects would also be given a similar name. It is usually rendered chariot(s) (Gen. 50:9 Exodus 14:6–7, 9 Deut. 11:4). My guess is that this could have been a word which had its origins in Egypt. There is another usage which apparently has to do with day to day life in the ancient kitchen, although millstone may not be correct (Deut. 24:6 Judges 9:53 2Sam. 11:21). Context makes it easy to distinguish the two divergent meanings. |
This may refer to the act of riding? |
248. Feminine_noun: which means the act of riding. Strong’s #7396 BDB #939.
249. Masculine_noun: which means charioteer, horseman. Strong’s #7395 BDB #939.
250. Masculine_noun: which means chariot. Strong’s #7398 BDB #939.
251. Masculine_proper_noun: Rêkâb (בָכ̤ר) [pronounced ray-KAWBV], which means band of riders; rider; transliterated Rechab. Strong’s #7394 BDB #939. 2Sam. 4:2
Rêkâb (בָכ̤ר) [pronounced ray-AWBV] |
band of riders; horseman, rider; transliterated Rechab |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7394 BDB #939 |
252. Gentilic_adjective: which means band of riders; rider, transliterated . Strong’s #7394? BDB #939.
253. Masculine_noun: merekâb (מֶרְכָּב) [pronounced mehr-KAWB], which means, chariot, also: riding seat, covering saddle. Strong’s #4817 BDB #939. 1Kings 4:26
merekâb (מֶרְכָּב) [pronounced mehr-KAWB] |
chariot, also: riding seat, covering saddle |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4817 BDB #939 |
254. Feminine_noun: merekâbâh (מֶרְכָּבָה) [pronounced mere-kawb-VAW], which means chariot, war chariot. A good modern translation might be army tank. Strong’s #4818 BDB #939. Gen. 41:43 46:29 Exodus 14:25 15:4 1Sam. 8:11 13:5 2Sam. 1:6 15:1 1Kings 5:33
merekâbâh (מֶרְכָּבָה) [pronounced mere-kawb-VAW] |
chariot, war chariot |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4818 BDB #939 |
255. Proper_noun_location: Strong’s #7397 BDB #939.
256. Verb: râkake (רָכַ) [pronounced raw-KAHK], which means to be tender, to be weak, to be soft [delicate]; to be softened, to be weakened; to be contrite [penitent] [in one’s mind, soul]; to be timid, fearful. Strong’s #7401 BDB #939. Deut. 20:3 Psalm 55:21
râkake (רָכַ) [pronounced raw-KAHK] |
to be tender, to be weak, to be soft [delicate]; to be softened, to be weakened; to be contrite [penitent] [in one’s mind, soul]; to be timid, fearful |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7401 BDB #939 |
râkake (רָכַ) [pronounced raw-KAHK] |
to be softened |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7401 BDB #939 |
râkake (רָכַ) [pronounced raw-KAHK] |
to cause to be weak [soft, delicate, softened, weakened]; to make contrite [penitent] [in one’s mind, soul]; to be made timid [fearful] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7401 BDB #939 |
râkake (רָכַ) [pronounced raw-KAHK] |
to be tender |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7401 BDB #939 |
257. Adjective: rake (רַ) [pronounced rahkh], and this word means tender, delicate, soft; infirm; weak, weak of heart, timid. Strong’s #7390 BDB #940. Gen. 18:7 29:17 33;13 (An examination of the word rake (רַ) [pronounced rahkh]) Deut. 20:8 28:54 2Sam. 3:39 Prov. 4:3
rake (רַ) [pronounced rahkh] |
tender, delicate, soft; infirm; weak, weak of heart, timid |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7390 BDB #940 |
As a substantive, this means soft, gentle words. |
258. Masculine_noun: which means tenderness, delicacy. Strong’s #7391 BDB #940.
259. Masculine_noun: The word translated faintness is found only in this verse, but it is very similar to the adjective for tender, delicate, soft. The word here is môreke ( ∵רֹמ) [pronounced MOE-reke] and it very likely came from rake ( ַר) [pronounced rahke] a word found more often (Gen. 18:7 33:13 Deut. 20:8 2Chron. 13:7 Prov. 15:1 25:15). Strong’s #4816 BDB #940. Lev. 26:36
260. Verb: which means to go about, from one to another [to trade or to gossip]. Strong’s #7402 BDB #940.
261. Feminine_noun: which means traffic, merchandise. Strong’s #7404 BDB #940.
262. Proper_noun_location: Râcâl (לָכָר) [pronounced raw-KAWL], which means trader?; and is transliterated Racal. Strong’s #7403 BDB #940. 1Sam. 30:29*
Râcâl (לָכָר) [pronounced raw-KAWL] |
trader; and is transliterated Racal |
Proper noun; location |
Strong’s #7403 BDB #940 |
263. Masculine_noun: which means slander, tale-bearer, informer. Strong’s #7400 BDB #940.
264. Feminine_noun: which means place of trade, market place [probably]. Strong’s #4819 BDB #940.
265. Verb: râkaç (רָכַס) [pronounced raw-KAÇ], which means to bind, to tie. Strong’s #7405 BDB #940. Exodus 28:28 **
râkaç (רָכַס) [pronounced raw-KAÇ] |
to bind, to tie |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7405 BDB #940 |
266. Masculine_noun: which means roughness of ground. Word or definition is dubious. Strong’s #7407 BDB #940.
267. Masculine_noun: which means snare, band, a banding together, a league, a conspiracy. Word or definition dubius. Strong’s #7407 BDB #940.
268. Verb: râkash (רָכַש) [pronounced raw-KAHSH], which means to collect [gather, get], to gather property. Strong’s #7408 BDB #940. Gen. 12:5 31:18 36:6 46:6
râkash (רָכַש) [pronounced raw-KAHSH] |
to acquire, to gain; to collect [gather, get], to gather property |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7408 BDB #940 |
269. Masculine_collective_noun: rekesh (רֶכֶש) [pronounced REH-kesh] which means steeds, horses; a relay of animals on a post route (as stored up for that purpose); by implication a courser; dromedary, mule, swift beast. Strong’s #7409 BDB #940. 1Kings 4:28
rekesh (רֶכֶש) [pronounced REH-kesh] |
steeds, horses; a relay of animals on a post route (as stored up for that purpose); by implication a courser; dromedary, mule, swift beast |
masculine singular collective noun |
Strong’s #7409 BDB #940 |
Clarke: The word רכש rechesh, which we translate thus, is rendered beasts, or beasts of burden, by the Vulgate; mares by the Syriac and Arabic; chariots by the Septuagint; and race-horses by the Chaldee. The original word seems to signify a very swift kind of horse, and race-horse or post-horse is probably its true meaning. To communicate with so many distant provinces, Solomon had need of many animals of this kind. |
Ellicott: [These are] swift beasts; probably the horses of the royal messengers, as distinguished from the war horses. |
Keil and Delitzsch: רֶכֶש probably denotes a very superior kind of horse, like the German Renner (a courser or race-horse). |
270. Masculine_noun: rekûwsh (רְכוּש) [pronounced rehk-OOSH], which means [moveable, transportable] property, goods; possessions. Strong’s #7399 BDB #940. Gen. 12:5 13:6 14:10 15:14 31:18 36:7 46:6
rekûwsh (רְכוּש) [pronounced rehk-OOSH] |
that which is acquired; substance, wealth; [moveable, transportable] property, goods; possessions; livestock |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7399 BDB #940 |
271. Verb1: râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW], which means to cast, to shoot. With the word bow, BDB suggests bow-shooters, bowmen. Strong’s #7411 BDB #941. Exodus 15:1 Psalm 78:9
râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
to throw; to cast, to shoot |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7411 BDB #941 |
râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
bow-shooters, bowmen |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7411 BDB #941 |
râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
to throw down; to cast, to shoot |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7411 BDB #941 |
272. Piel_verb2: râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW], which means to beguile, to deceive, to mislead, to deal treacherously with, to betray. It is found only in the Piel. This is a homonym with the same verb which means to shoot, to cast. Strong’s #7411 BDB #941. Gen. 29:25 Joshua 9:22 1Sam. 19:17 28:10 1Chron. 12:17
râmâh (רָמָה) [pronounced raw-MAW] |
to beguile, to deceive, to mislead, to deal treacherously with, to betray |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7411 BDB #941 |
273. Feminine_noun1: remîyyâh (רְמִיָּה) [pronounced re-mee-YAW], which means, a letting down or relaxing of [the hands], indolence, slothful; deception, deceit, fraud. It is rendered by BDB as treachery, deceit. The verbal cognate allows for the rendering misleading, deception. Young and Rotherham both go with deceit, which seems quite reasonable. The KJV generally goes with deceit, although we have a couple of times where it is rendered slothful in Proverbs 12:24, 27. Strong’s #7423 BDB #941. Job 13:7 Psalm 32:2 52:2 Prov. 10:4
remîyyâh (רְמִיָּה) [pronounced re-mee-YAW] |
a letting down or relaxing of [the hands], indolence, slothful; deception, deceit, fraud |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7423 BDB #941 |
274. Masculine_proper_noun: Yiremeyâh (הָימר ̣י) [pronounced yireme-YAW], which means to loosen (the womb?); Jah will rise; whom Jehovah has appointed transliterated Jeremiah. There is an alternate spelling as well. Strong’s #3414 BDB #941. 1Chron. 12:4, 10, 12
Yiremeyâh (הָימר ̣י) [pronounced yire-me-YAW] |
to loosen (the womb?); Yah will rise; whom Jehovah has appointed transliterated Jeremiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3414 BDB #941 |
Yiremeyâhûw (הָימר ̣י) [pronounced yire-me-YAW-hoo] |
to loosen (the womb?); Yah will rise; whom Jehovah has appointed transliterated Jeremiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3414 BDB #941 |
275. Masculine_proper_noun: which means has been loosened and is transliterated . Strong’s #7422 BDB #941.
276. Feminine_noun: miremâh (מִרְמָה) [pronounced mire-MAW], which means deceit, deception, duplicity, evil cunning, treachery. Strong’s #4820 BDB #941. Gen. 27:35 34:13 Job 15:35 Psalm 10:7 24:4 34:13 52:4 55:11, 23
miremâh (מִרְמָה) [pronounced mire-MAW] |
deceit, deception, duplicity, evil cunning, treachery |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4820 BDB #941 |
277. Feminine noun(questionable): be thâremâh (הָמ רָת ) [pronounced bê-thaw-re-MAW], which could mean in treachery, but the form is found only here and does not really fit the passage. This is the reading which is found in the text. Compare Strong’s #4820. Much more information fo be found in Judges 9:31. Strong’s #8549 BDB #941. Judges 9:31
278. Feminine_noun: which means deceitfulness. Strong’s #8649 BDB #941.
279. Feminine_noun2: which means laxness, slackness. Strong’s #7423 BDB #941.
280. Masculine_noun: rimmôwn (רִמּוֹן) [pronounced rihm-MOHN], which means pomegranate. Strong’s #7416 BDB #941. Exodus 28:33 1Kings 7:18, 20
rimmôwn (רִמּוֹן) [pronounced rihm-MOHN] |
pomegranate; pomegranate tree; ornaments in the temple shaped like pomegranates |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7417 BDB #941 |
Rimmôwn is also used as a proper noun as the name of a person, a location and a Syrian deity. |
281. Proper_noun/deity: Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN], which means pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon. Strong’s #7417 BDB #942.
Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN] |
pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon |
masculine singular proper noun; also refers to a location and to a Syrian deity |
Strong’s #7417 BDB #942 |
282. Masculine_proper_noun: Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN], which means pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon. Strong’s #7417 BDB #942. 2Sam. 4:2
Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN] |
pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon |
masculine singular proper noun; also refers to a location and to a Syrian deity |
Strong’s #7417 BDB #942 |
283. Proper_noun/location: Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN], which means pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon. Strong’s #7417 BDB #942.
Rimmôwn (ן .ר) [pronounced rihm-MOHN] |
pomegranate; transliterated Rimmon |
masculine singular proper noun; also refers to a location and to a Syrian deity |
Strong’s #7417 BDB #942 |
284. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7428 BDB #942.
285. Masculine_noun: romach (ח-מֹר) [pronounced ROH-mahkh], which means spear, lance, javelin. Strong’s #7420 BDB #942. Judges 5:8 1Chron. 12:8
romach (ח-מֹר) [pronounced ROH-mahkh] |
spear, lance, javelin |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7420 BDB #942 |
286. Feminine_noun: which means herd of [animals]. Meaning is dubious; this is a foreign word. Strong’s #7424 BDB #942.
287. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7425 BDB #942.
288. Verb1: râmam (ם-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHM], which means to be high [lofty, exalted]. Strong’s #7426 #7311 in Niphal or Poel?) BDB #942.
289. Verb2: which means to be rotten, to decay. Does this occur in Scripture? Strong’s #7426 BDB #942.
290. Feminine_noun: rimmâh (רִמָּה) [pronounced rim-MAW], which means, worm (s). The Hebrews tended to used this noun in the collective sense, so we would often translate it worms, even though it should literally be rendered worm. Strong’s #7415 BDB #942. Exodus 16:24 Job 12:26
rimmâh (רִמָּה) [pronounced rim-MAW] |
worm (s) |
feminine singular noun; often used in the collective sense |
Strong’s #7415 BDB #942 |
291. Verb: which means to be wormy. Strong’s #7426 BDB #942.
292. Verb: râmaç (ס-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHS], which means to tread [with the feet], to trample, to walk over anything. Strong’s #7429 BDB #942. Psalm 7:5
râmaç (ס-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
to tread [with the feet], to trample, to walk over anything |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7429 BDB #942 |
râmaç (ס-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
a treader down, one who treads down (or tramples), an oppressor |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7429 BDB #942 |
râmaç (ס-מָר) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
to be trod upon, to be trampled, to be walk over |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7429 BDB #942 |
293. Masculine_noun: which means trampling place, a trampling. Strong’s #4823 BDB #942.
294. Verb: râmas (רָמַשׂ) [pronounced raw-MAHS], which means, to creep, move lightly, move about, to glide; to bustle [about]; to be animated, to be active. I was hoping to find a less creepy word than creep, perhaps bustling, animated, active What is good with the word creep, is that in it, it carries the implication of surreptitiously moving about, which is perhaps also a good, albeit, wordy, rendering. Strong’s #7430 BDB #942. Gen. 1:21 7:8, 14 8:17 9:2 Deut. 4:18 Psalm 104:20
râmas (רָמַשׂ) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
to creep, move lightly, move about, to glide; to bustle [about]; to be animated, to be active; it carries the implication of surreptitiously moving about. |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7430 BDB #942 |
râmas (רָמַשׂ) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
creeping, moving lightly, moving about, gliding; bustling [about]; being animated, being active; it carries the implication of surreptitiously moving about. |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7430 BDB #942 |
râmas (רָמַשׂ) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
the creeping thing, that moves lightly, moving about, that glides [bustles [about]; is animated], the active [thing, creature]; it carries the implication of surreptitiously moving about. |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7430 BDB #942 |
râmas (רָמַשׂ) [pronounced raw-MAHS] |
creeping things, that which moves lightly, thing which move about, gliders; to bustlers, active creatures |
feminine singular, Qal active participle; with the definite article |
Strong’s #7430 BDB #942 |
295. Collective/Masculine_noun: remes (רֶמֶשׂ) [pronounced REH-mes], which means active life forms, animated and active organisms, lively creatures, animated things, bustling creatures, reptiles. It is usually rendered creeping things. We are dealing with the smaller creatures who have four feet or more and are close to the ground, e.g., lizards, snakes, worms, mice, crabs, etc. Strong’s #7431 BDB #943. Gen. 1:24, 25 6:7 7:14 8:17 9:3 1Kings 4:33 Psalm 104:25 148:10
remes (רֶמֶשׂ) [pronounced REH-mes] |
active life forms, animated and active organisms, lively creatures, animated things, bustling creatures, reptiles; sea animals; land animals |
collective masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7431 BDB #943 |
We are dealing with the smaller creatures who have four feet or more and are close to the ground, e.g., lizards, snakes, worms, mice, crabs, etc. It is used at least once of a sea animal in Psalm 104:25. |
296. Verb: which means to rattle. Strong’s #7439 BDB #943.
297. Verb: rânan (רָנַן) [pronounced raw-NAHN], which means to give a ringing cry, to emit a tremulous sound, to vibrate the voice. In the Piel, it means to shout for joy, to rejoice. The listener is enjoined to shout or to sing aloud to God—this is the Hiphil imperative of rânan (ן ַנ ָר) [pronounced raw-NAHN], and it means to give a ringing cry either in joy (Isa. 12:6 24:14) or in distress (Lam. 2:19) or in wisdom (Prov. 1:20 8:3). In the Hiphil, the listener is told to cry out aloud, but the Hiphil means that there is motivation involved—that is, they are motivated to sing aloud from their souls. This verb can be followed by various prepositions (see Gesenius). Strong’s #7442 BDB #943. Psalm 32:11 33:1 51:14 59:16 63:7 81:1 90:14 95:1 96:12 149:4 Prov. 1:20 8:3
rânan (רָנַן) [pronounced raw-NAHN] |
to give a ringing cry, to emit a tremulous sound, to vibrate the voice |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7442 BDB #943 |
The NET Bible: The cry is a very loud ringing cry that could not be missed. The term רָנַן (ranan) means “to give a ringing cry.” It is often only a shrill sound that might come with a victory in battle, but its use in the psalms for praise shows that it also can have clear verbal content, as it does here. For wisdom to stand in the street and give such a ringing cry would mean that it could be heard by all. It was a proclamation. |
Although these are the meanings given by BDB and Gesenius, this final verb is translated: shouts (CEV, JPS 1985); calls out (EXP); cries aloud (ESV, NEV, NKJV, Young); cries out (NET, The Voice); cries aloud (for joy) (Wolf). |
Rickard: “She cries out” is the Qal Imperfect 3fp of RANAN, רָנַן, that means, “to rejoice, to shout for joy.” It underscores that she speaks fervently with conviction, not dispassionately as in a learned discourse. |
rânan (רָנַן) [pronounced raw-NAHN] |
to shout for joy, to celebrate with shouting; to celebrate in a loud voice |
1st person singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7442 BDB #943 |
rânan (רָנַן) [pronounced raw-NAHN] |
to cause to shout for joy; to shout for joy, to rejoice |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7442 BDB #943 |
This shout can be a ringing cry for joy (Isa. 12:6 24:14); of distress (Lam. 2:19); or of wisdom (Prov. 1:20 8:3). |
298. Masculine_noun: rôn (רֹן) [pronounced rohn], which means a shout; a cry of joy; a ringing cry. Strong’s #7438 BDB #943. Psalm 32:7
rôn (רֹן) [pronounced rohn] |
a shout; a cry of joy; a ringing cry |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7438 BDB #943 |
299. Feminine_noun: renânâh (רְנָנָה) [pronounced renaw-NAW], which means joyful singing, shouting for joy, exultation. It is the kind of shouting that men do after a victory or the close of a harvest. Strong’s #7445 BDB #943. Job 3:7 20:5 Psalm 63:5
renânâh (רְנָנָה) [pronounced renaw-NAW] |
joyful singing, shouting for joy, exultation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7445 BDB #943 |
300. Feminine_noun: rinnâh (רִנָּה) [pronounced rin-NAW], which means shouting for joy; a mournful cry, wailing; a ringing cry [in an entreaty or supplication]. Strong’s #7440 BDB #943. 1Kings 8:28 Psalm 47:1 61:1 106:44 118:15 142:6
rinnâh (רִנָּה) [pronounced rin-NAW] |
shouting for joy; cry, loud cry, a mournful cry, wailing; a ringing cry [in an entreaty or supplication] |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #7440 BDB #943 |
301. Proper_noun/masculine: Strong’s #7441 BDB #943.
302. Masculine_plural_noun: a bird of piercing cries. Strong’s #7443 BDB #943.
303. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7446 BDB #943.
304. Masculine_noun: reçen (רֶסֶן) [pronounced REH-sehn], which means something that restrains; bridle, curb, halter; inner part of the mouth, jaw. Strong’s #7448 BDB #943. Psalm 32:9
reçen (רֶסֶן) [pronounced REH-sehn] |
something that restrains; bridle, curb, halter; inner part of the mouth, jaw |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7448 BDB #943 |
305. Proper_noun/location: Reçen (רֶסֶן) [pronounced REH-sehn], which means something that restrains; bridle, curb, halter; inner part of the mouth, jaw; transliterated Resen. Strong’s #7449 BDB #944. Gen. 10:12
Reçen (רֶסֶן) [pronounced REH-sehn] |
something that restrains; bridle, curb, halter; inner part of the mouth, jaw; transliterated Resen |
proper singular noun/location: |
Strong’s #7449 BDB #944 |
306. Verb: which means to moisten. Strong’s #7450 BDB #944.
307. Masculine_noun1: which means a drop [of dew]. Strong’s #7447 BDB #944.
308. Masculine_noun2: which means fragment. Strong’s #7447 BDB #944.
309. Verb: râʿab (רָעַב) [pronounced raw-ĢAWBV], which means to hunger, to be hungry. Strong’s #7456 BDB #944. Gen. 41:55 Psalm 34:10 Prov. 6:30 10:3
râʿab (רָעַב) [pronounced raw-ĢAWBV] |
to hunger, to be hungry |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #7456 BDB #944 |
râʿab (רָעַב) [pronounced raw-ĢAWBV] |
to allow to be hungry, to allow hunger |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7456 BDB #944 |
Could this mean to make hungry, to cause hunger? |
310. Masculine_noun: râʿâb (רָעָב) [pronounced raw-ĢAWBV], which means famine, hunger; used figuratively for a lack of God’s Word. Strong’s #7458 BDB #944. Gen. 12:10 41:27 42:5 43:1 45:6 47:4 Exodus 16:3 2Sam. 21:1 24:13 1Kings 8:37 Psalm 105:16
râʿâb (רָעָב) [pronounced raw-ĢAWBV] |
famine, hunger; scarcity of grain; used figuratively for a lack of God’s Word |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7458 BDB #944 |
311. Adjective: râʿêb (רָעֵב) [pronounced raw-ĢAYBV], which means hungry, stricken with hunger. As a masculine plural adjective, it acts like a substantive and means those who are hungry, the hungry ones, the ravenous, the starving, the hungry. Verbal adjective Strong’s #7457 BDB #944. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:7) 1Sam. 2:5 Job 18:12 Psalm 146:7
râʿêb (רָעֵב) [pronounced raw-ĢAYBV] |
hungry, stricken with hunger |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7457 BDB #944 |
râʿêb (רָעֵב) [pronounced raw-ĢAYBV] |
those who are hungry, the hungry ones, the ravenous, the starving, the hungry |
masculine plural adjective/substantive |
Strong’s #7457 BDB #944 |
312. Masculine_noun: reʿâbôwn (רְעָבווֹן) [pronounced reh-ģaw-BONE], which means hunger, lack of food. Strong’s #7459 BDB #944. Gen. 42:19
reʿâbôwn (רְעָבווֹן) [pronounced reh-ģaw-BONE] |
famine, hunger, lack of food |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7459 BDB #944 |
313. Verb: which means to tremble, to quake. Strong’s #7460 BDB #944.
314. Masculine_noun: raʿad (רַעַד) [pronounced RAH-ģahd], which means fear, trembling. Strong’s #7461 BDB #944. Exodus 15:15 Psalm 55:5
raʿad (רַעַד) [pronounced RAH-ģahd] |
fear, trembling |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7461 BDB #944 |
315. Feminine_noun: reʿâdâh (רְעָדָה) [pronounced re-ģaw-DAW], which means trembling, fear. Strong’s #7461 BDB #944. Psalm 2:11
reʿâdâh (רְעָדָה) [pronounced re-ģaw-DAW] |
trembling, fear |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7461 BDB #944 |
316. Verb: râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH], which means to shepherd, to pasture, to tend to graze, to feed. Young translates this as rule, but I don’t believe that really is the correct connotation. Strong’s #7462 BDB #944. [See also BDB #946]. Gen. 4:2 13:7 26:20 29:7, 9 30:31, 36 36:24 37:2, 12, 13 41:2, 18 46:32, 34 47:3 48:15 Exodus 2:17 3:1 1Sam. 16:11 17:15, 34 21:7 25:7 2Sam. 5:2 Job 1:14 Psalm 2:9 23:1 78:72 Prov. 10:21
râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH] |
to shepherd, to pasture, to tend to graze, to feed; to rule? |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7462 BDB #944 |
râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH] |
shepherd, pasture, tend, graze, feed |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7462 BDB #944 |
râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH] |
is shepherding, pasturing, is grazing, feeding, tending to; keeping (in the sense of tending to) |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7462 BDB #944 |
râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH] |
shepherding, tending [a flock]; a shepherd, herdsman, one who tends sheep |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7462 BDB #944 |
râʿâh (רָעָה) [pronounced raw-ĢAWH] |
are shepherding, those tending [a flock]; shepherds, herdsmen, those who tend sheep |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7462 BDB #944 |
The masculine plural, Qal active participle is used to designate those who are habitually involved in the action of the verb; i.e., shepherds, herdsmen. |
317. Masculine_noun: reʿîy (רְעִי) [pronounced reh-ĢEE], which means pasture; pasture-fed; free range. Strong’s #7471 BDB #945. 1Kings 4:23*
reʿîy (רְעִי) [pronounced reh-ĢEE] |
pasture; pasture-fed; free range |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7471 BDB #945 |
318. Masculine_noun: mireʿeh (מִרְעֶה) [pronounced meer-ĢEH], which means fodder for cattle; feeding place [for wild beasts]; pasturage, pasture. Strong’s #4829 BDB #945. Gen. 47:4
mireʿeh (מִרְעֶה) [pronounced meer-ĢEH] |
fodder for cattle; feeding place [for wild beasts]; pasturage, pasture |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4829 BDB #945 |
319. Feminine_noun: mareʿîyth (מַרְעִית) [pronounced mahre-ĢEETH], which means pasture; pasturing, shepherding; and the metonym, flock. Strong’s #4830 BDB #945. Psalm 95:7
mareʿîyth (מַרְעִית) [pronounced mahre-ĢEETH] |
pasture; pasturing, shepherding; and the metonym, flock |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4830 BDB #945 |
320. Verb: which means to associate with, to be a neighbor to. Huh? Maybe the answer is found in its noun cognate which follows. Strong’s #7462 BDB #945.
321. Masculine_noun: rêaʿ (רֵעַ) [pronounced RAY-ahģ], which means associate, neighbor, colleague, fellow, acquaintance. It is a person with whom you come into contact. Associates or acquaintances best conveys the meaning here. They might live next door, you might do business with them, you run into them in a store, a restaurant, etc. It is not necessarily, in this context, a fellow Jew or a fellow believer, a friend or your next-door neighbor, although these could possibly be included. In Job 12:4, we will go with the rendering associates. Luke 10:29–37 clears up who a neighbor is for us. This is not the word for friend; Job cannot bear to look at these men who have verbally torn him limb from limb and call them friends. [I have noticed in 1Sam. 10:11 that along with the wâw suffix (for the 3rd person masculine singular suffix), there is also a hê, which makes this spelling much closer to Strong’s #7463 (below). There must be some kind of rule involved with the suffix (and we are not dealing with a plural)?]. Strong’s #7453 BDB #945. Gen. 11:3, 7 15:10 31:49 38:12 43:33 Exodus 2:13 11:2 18:7 20:16 21:14 32:27 33:11 Lev. 19:13 22:7 Deut. 4:42 5:20 22:24 Judges 6:29 7:13 Ruth 3:14 4:7 1Sam. 10:11 14:20 15:28 20:41 28:17 30:26 2Sam. 2:16 12:11 13:2 16:16, 17 1Kings 4:5 8:31 Job 2:11 12:4 16:20 19:21 Psalm 12:2 15:3 Prov. 3:28 6:1
rêaʿ (רֵעַ) [pronounced RAY-ahģ] |
associate, neighbor, colleague; companion, friend; beloved; fellow, acquaintance; fellow citizen; another person; one, another [in a reciprocal phrase] |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7453 BDB #945 |
James Rickard: “Neighbor” is the Hebrew noun REA, רֵעַ , which means, “kinsman, fellow countryman, friend or anyone you know.” Here the context is anyone you know as it is linked with ZAR or ZUR, זוּר , meaning “stranger, foreigner” in the second half of the verse. |
rêʿîym (רֵעִים) [pronounced RAY-ģeem] |
associates, neighbors, colleagues; companions, friends; beloved one; acquaintances; fellow citizens; other people; others [in a reciprocal phrase] |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7453 BDB #945 |
ʾîysh (אִיש) [pronounced eesh] |
a man, a husband; anyone; a certain one; each, each one, everyone |
masculine singular noun (sometimes found where we would use a plural) |
Strong's #376 BDB #35 |
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than, greater than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
rêaʿ (רֵעַ) [pronounced RAY-ahģ] |
associate, neighbor, colleague; companion, friend; beloved; fellow, acquaintance; fellow citizen; another person; one, another [in a reciprocal phrase] |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7453 BDB #945 |
We might understand this to mean, each man from the other. Gen. 31:49. |
322. Masculine_noun: rêʿeh (רֵעֶה) [pronounced ray-ĢEH], which means, friend, friend of the king [in the technical sense], companion; confidant. 2Sam. 15:37 16:16 1Kings 4:5.* Strong’s #7463 BDB #946. 2Sam. 15:37
rêʿeh (רֵעֶה) [pronounced ray-ĢEH] |
friend, friend of the king [in the technical sense], companion; confidant |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7463 BDB #946 |
323. Verb: râʿâh (הָעָר) [pronounced raw-ĢAW], which means to be a friend, to be a companion, to be a best man. We find this used only here in Scripture in the Piel. Elsewhere, in the Qal, it means to feed, to shepherd. In fact, BDB, treats it as three separate verbs. Strong’s #7462 BDB #946. [See also BDB #944]. Judges 14:20
324. Feminine_noun: companion, attendant. Strong’s #7464 BDB #946.
325. Feminine_noun: companion. Strong’s #7474 BDB #946.
326. Feminine_noun: fellow woman. Strong’s #7468 BDB #946.
327. Proper noun feminine: rûwth (תר) [pronounced rooth]. Strong’s #7327 BDB #946. Ruth Introduction.
328. Proper_noun_masculine: Reʿûw (רְעוּ) [pronounced reh-ĢOO], which means, (his) friend; his shepherd; transliterated Reu. Strong’s #7466 BDB #946. Gen. 11:18
Reʿûw (רְעוּ) [pronounced reh-ĢOO] |
(his) friend; his shepherd; transliterated Reu |
proper singular masculine noun |
Strong’s #7466 BDB #946 |
329. Proper_noun_masculine: Reʿûwʾêl (רְעוּאֵל) [pronounced reh-ģoo-ALE], which means, friend of God; transliterated Reuel, Raguel. Strong’s #7467 BDB #946. Gen. 36:4 Exodus 2:18
Reʿûwʾêl (רְעוּאֵל) [pronounced reh-ģoo-ALE] |
friend of God; transliterated Reuel, Raguel |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #7467 BDB #946 |
330. Proper_noun_masculine: Rêʿîy (רֵעִי) [pronounced ray-ĢEE], which means social, friendly; transliterated Rei. Strong’s #7472 BDB #946. 1Kings 1:8*
Rêʿîy (רֵעִי) [pronounced ray-ĢEE] |
social, friendly; transliterated Rei |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7472 BDB #946 |
331. Masculine_noun: mêrêaʿ (מֵרֵעַ) [pronounced may-RAY-ahģ], which means friend, companion, confidential friend. Strong’s #4828 BDB #946. Gen. 26:26 Judges 14:20 2Sam. 3:8
mêrêaʿ (מֵרֵעַ) [pronounced may-RAY-ahģ] |
friend, companion, confidential friend |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4828 BDB #946 |
332. Masculine_noun: purpose, aim. Strong’s #7454 BDB #946.
333. Feminine_noun: reʿuwth (רְעוּת) [pronounced reh-ĢOOTH], which means, longing, striving; grasping after; a vexation. Strong’s #7469 BDB #946. Eccles. 1:14 2:11
reʿuwth (רְעוּת) [pronounced reh-ĢOOTH] |
longing, striving; grasping after; chasing after; a vexation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7469 BDB #946 |
334. Masculine noun idiom: raʿyôwn (רַעְיוֹן) [pronounced rahģ-YOHN], which means, longing, striving, desire. Strong’s #7475 BDB #946. Eccles. 2:22
raʿyôwn (רַעְיוֹן) [pronounced rahģ-YOHN] |
longing, striving, desire |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7475 BDB #946 |
This word is only found 3 times and only in the book of Ecclesiastes. |
335. Verb: quiver, shake. Nahum 2:3.* Strong’s #7477 BDB #947.
336. Masculine_noun: reeling. Strong’s #7478 BDB #947.
337. Feminine_noun: veil (probably). Strong’s #7479 BDB #947.
338. Feminine_noun: tarʿêlâh (תַּרעֵלָה) [pronounced tahr-ay-LAW], which means reeling [from drunkenness], staggering. Strong’s #8653 BDB #947. Palm 60:3
tarʿêlâh (תַּרעֵלָה) [pronounced tahr-ay-LAW] |
reeling [from drunkenness], staggering |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8653 BDB #947 |
339. Proper noun masculine: Strong’s #7480 BDB #947.
340. Verb?: move violently, thunder. Strong’s #7485? BDB #947.
341. Masculine_noun: thunder. Strong’s #7482 BDB #947.
342. Verb: râʿam (רָעַם) [pronounced raw-ĢAHM], which means to thunder, to roar from heaven; to rage, to roar [as the sea; as thunder]; to provoke to anger, to cause to be angered. The Hiphil is generally used of God, but the idea is that He causes the thunder. Strong’s #7481 BDB #947. 1Sam. 1:6 2:10 7:10 2Sam. 22:14 Psalm 29:3 96:11
râʿam (רָעַם) [pronounced raw-ĢAHM] |
to thunder, to roar from heaven; to rage, to roar [as the sea; as thunder]; to provoke to anger, to cause to be angered |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7481 BDB #947 |
râʿam (רָעַם) [pronounced raw-ĢAHM] |
to thunder, to roar from heaven; to provoke to anger, to cause to be angered |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7481 BDB #947 |
343. Feminine_noun: raʿemâh (רַעְמָה) [pronounced rahģ-MAW], which means, trembling, vibration? Strong’s #7483 BDB #947.
344. Masculine_proper_noun: Raʿemâh (רַעְמָה) [pronounced rahģ-MAW], which means trembling, horse mane; transliterated Raamah. Strong’s #7484 BDB #947. Gen. 10:8
Raʿemâh (רַעְמָה) [pronounced rahģ-MAW] |
trembling, horse mane; transliterated Raamah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7484 BDB #947 |
345. Feminine noun?: thunder? Strong’s #7480, 7485 BDB #947.
346. Proper_noun/location: Raʿameçêç (רַעַמְסֵס) [pronounced rah-ģahm-SAUCE], which means child of the sun; and is transliterated Ramses, Raamses, Rameses. Strong’s #7486 BDB #947. Gen. 47:11 Exodus 1:11 12:37
Raʿameçêç (רַעַמְסֵס) [pronounced rah-ģahm-SAUCE] |
child of the sun; and is transliterated Ramses, Raamses, Rameses |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7486 BDB #947 |
There is at least one alternative spelling for this word (see Exodus 1:11). |
347. Verb: to be or to grow luxuriant. Strong’s #none BDB #947.
348. Adjective: raʿănân (ןָנֲע-ר) [pronounced rah-ģuh-NAWN], which means green; luxuriant, fresh. Strong’s #7488 BDB #947. Psalm 52:8
raʿănân (ןָנֲע-ר) [pronounced rah-ģuh-NAWN] |
green; luxuriant, fresh |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7488 BDB #947 |
349. Masculine_noun: rôaʿ (רֹעַ) [pronounced ROW-ģah], badness, evil, bad quality, wilfulness; evil, badness (ethical); sadness. Strong’s #7455 BDB #947. Gen. 41:19
rôaʿ (רֹעַ) [pronounced ROW-ģah] |
badness, evil, bad quality; wilfulness; evil, badness (ethical); sadness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7455 BDB #947 |
350. Masculine_adjective/noun: raʿ (רַע) [pronounced rahģ], which means evil, bad. Rotherham suggests calamitous for Joshua 23:15. This is the masculine adjective; the feminine seems to put a softer spin on the meaning. Strong’s #7451 BDB #948. Gen. 2:9 3:5 6:5 8:21 13:13 24:50 31:24 38:7 40:7 41:3, 4, 19 44:34 48:16 Exodus 5:19 32:22 33:4 Deut. 1:35 4:25 17:1 21:21 22:14, 24 Joshua 23:15 Judges 2:11 9:23 1Sam. 15:19 17:28 23:9 29:7 30:22 2Sam. 12:9 13:22 14:17 19:35 1Kings 2:44 3:9 5:4 Job 1:1 2:7, 10 21:30 25:3 Psalm 7:3 10:6, 15 23:4 34:13, 14, 16 41:5 51:4 52:3 54:5 56:5 64:5 73:8 Prov. 1:16 2:12 3:7 4:14, 27 5:14 6:14 8:13 Eccles. 1:13 2:17
raʿ (רַע) [pronounced rahģ] |
evil, bad, wicked; evil in appearance, deformed; misery, distress, injury; that which is displeasing [disagreeable, grievous, unhappy, unfortunate, sad] |
masculine singular adjective/noun |
Strong’s #7451 BDB #948 |
The full set of BDB definitions are: 1) bad, evil (adjective); 1a) bad, disagreeable, malignant; 1b) bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery); 1c) evil, displeasing; 1d) bad (of its kind - land, water, etc); 1e) bad (of value); 1f) worse than, worst (comparison); 1g) sad, unhappy; 1h) evil (hurtful); 1i) bad, unkind (vicious in disposition); 1j) bad, evil, wicked (ethically); 1j1) in general, of persons, of thoughts; 1j2) deeds, actions; 2) evil, distress, misery, injury, calamity (noun masculine); 2a) evil, distress, adversity; 2b) evil, injury, wrong; 2c) evil (ethical); 3) evil, misery, distress, injury (noun feminine); 3a) evil, misery, distress; 3b) evil, injury, wrong; 3c) evil (ethical). |
raʿîym (רַעִים) [pronounced rah-ĢEEM] |
evil [men], bad [men], wicked [men]; those who are evil in appearance, those who are deformed |
masculine plural adjective/noun |
Strong’s #7451 BDB #948 |
351. Feminine_adjective/noun: râʿâh (רִַעַה) [pronounced raw-ĢAW], which means evil, misery, distress, disaster, injury, aberration, iniquity, that which is morally reprehensible. In language, as in all real life, defining just what evil is, is difficult and often contradictory. There is the adjective for evil (which could be masculine or feminine), and then, possibly, a masculine noun and a feminine noun. Pretty much all of my sources are in disagreement here, taking several different positions. We will go with BDB on this, and call this use the feminine noun, although Strong’s groups all three under the same Strong’s number. Strong’s #7451 BDB #949. Gen. 6:5 19:19 26:29 28:8 31:52 37:2, 20 39:9 41:3 44:4, 29 50:15, 17,20 Exodus 10:10 (21:8) 23:2 32:12 Judges 2:15 20:3, 12, 34 1Sam. 2:23 6:9 10:19 12:17 16:14 18:10 19:9 20:7 24:9, 11, 17 25:17, 21 26:18 29:6 2Sam. 3:39 12:11 13:16 15:14 16:8 17:14 18:32 19:7 24:16 1Kings 1:52 2:44 9:9 1Chron. 7:23 Job 2:11 20:12 Psalm 15:3 21:11 34:19 41:1 52:1 55:15 Prov. 1:33 3:29 6:18 Eccles. 2:21
râʿâh (רִַעַה) [pronounced raw-ĢAW] |
evil, misery, distress, disaster, injury, iniquity, aberration, that which is morally reprehensible |
feminine singular adjective/noun |
Strong’s #7451 BDB #949 |
352. Feminine_noun?: râʿaʿ (רָעַע) [pronounced raw-ĢAHĢ], which means the evil, bad, displeasing, morally reprehensible. Strong's #7489 BDB #949. Might be totally messtup. Num. 11:10 Judges 15:3 Job 8:20 spend more time here! I know that I have covered the masculine (Strong's #7451) and the feminine of the noun cognate somewhere; it seems as though the feminine is a softer version of the masculine. The masculine refers to moral evil while the feminine refers to physical evil. (Like, calamity, distress, mischief, hurt); i.e., the results of the effects moral evil. I have not used the last few sentences yet!
353. Verb: râʿaʿ (רָעַע) [pronounced raw-ĢAHĢ], which means to be evil, to be bad, displeasing, injurious. Originally, this word meant to make a loud noise and various roots refers to crushing or breaking. It came to mean to be evil from the idea of raging and tumultuous, which is the result of having a bad disposition. In the Hiphil, it means to make evil, to do evil, to do ill, to cause to do evil, to cause something injurious to be done. Strong’s #7489 BDB #949. Gen. 19:7, 9 (21:11) 31:7 38:10 43:6 44:5 48:17 Exodus 5:22 21:8 Joshua 24:15, 20 Judges 19:23 Ruth 1:21 1Sam. 1:8 8:6 18:8 25:34 26:21 2Sam. 19:7 20:6 1Chron. 16:22 Psalm 2:9 15:4 44:2 105:15 106:32 Prov. 4:16
râʿaʿ (רָעַע) [pronounced raw-ĢAHĢ] |
to make a loud noise; to be evil [from the idea of raging or being tumultuous]; to be bad, to displease; possibly to be unpleasant and embittering; to break, to shatter; to be worse |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7489 BDB #949 |
râʿaʿ (רָעַע) [pronounced raw-ĢAHĢ] |
to make evil, to do evil, to do ill, to cause to do evil, to cause something injurious to be done, to do harm |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7489 BDB #949 |
râʿaʿ (רָעַע) [pronounced raw-ĢAHĢ] |
those doing evil, ones doing ill, those causing evil to be done, those causing injury or harm |
masculine plural, Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7489 BDB #949 |
354. Verb: râʿaph (רָעַף) [pronounced raw-ĢAHF], which means to drop down; to trickle, to drip. Strong’s #7491 BDB #950. Prov. 3:20
râʿaph (רָעַף) [pronounced raw-ĢAHF] |
to drop down; to trickle, to drip |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7491 BDB #950 |
râʿaph (רָעַף) [pronounced raw-ĢAHF] |
to trickle, to let drop down |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7491 BDB #950 |
355. Verb: râʿats (רָעַץ) [pronounced raw-ĢAHTS], which means to shatter, to break into pieces; to crush; figuratively to harass. Strong’s #7492 BDB #950. Exodus 15:6 Judges 10:8
râʿats (רָעַץ) [pronounced raw-BAHTS] |
to shatter, to break into pieces; to crush; figuratively to harass |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7492 BDB #950 |
356. Verb: râʿash (רָעַש) [pronounced raw-ĢAHSH], which means to quake, to tremble, to shake; to be moved [shaken]. Strong’s #7493 BDB #950. Judges 5:4 2Sam. 22:8 Psalm 46:3 40:2
râʿash (רָעַש) [pronounced raw-ĢAHSH] |
to quake, to tremble, to shake; to be moved [shaken] |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #7493 BDB #950 |
râʿash (רָעַש) [pronounced raw-ĢAHSH] |
to be quaking, to be trembling, to be shaken, to be moved |
3rd person feminine singular, Niphal perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #7493 BDB #950 |
râʿash (רָעַש) [pronounced raw-ĢAHSH] |
to move, to shake, to cause to tremble; to terrify; to cause [a horse] to leap |
3rd person feminine singular, Hiphil perfect; pausal form |
Strong’s #7493 BDB #950 |
357. Masculine_noun: which means a quaking, a shaking. Strong’s #7494 BDB #950.
358. Verb: râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW], which means to heal. Strong’s #7495 BDB #950. Gen. 20:17 Exodus 15:26 21:19 1Sam. 6:3 Psalm 41:4 60:2 103:3 147:3
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to heal, to make healthy, to restore to health; figuratively used of nations undergoing suffering (to restore favor) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
healing, making healthy, restoring to health; figuratively used of nations undergoing suffering (restoring favor) |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
one who heals, healer, physician |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
those who heal, healers, physicians |
masculine plural, Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to be healed, to be restored to health; can be used figuratively of healing a nation undergoing suffering, or of people in distress |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
In the Niphal, râphâʾ is also used of making undrinkable water or saltwater fresh (2Kings 2:22 Ezek. 47:8, 9, 11); of fixing, repairing or restoring broken or damaged pottery (i.e., to make whole—Jer. 19:11) |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to heal, to have healed; to repair [restore, fix]; used figuratively of a nation undergoing suffering |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
râphâʾ (רָפַא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
in order to get healed [or, receive healing] |
Hithpael infinitive |
Strong’s #7495 BDB #950 |
359. Masculine_proper_noun: Benjamin tribe. Strong’s #7498 BDB #951.
360. Masculine_proper_noun: Saul’s line. Strong’s #7498 BDB #951.
361. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7505 BDB #951.
362. Feminine_noun: which means a remedy, medicine. Strong’s #7499 BDB #951.
363. Feminine_noun: ripheʾûwth (רִפְאוּת) [pronounced rihf-OOTH], which means a healing. Strong’s #7500 BDB #951. Prov. 3:8*
ripheʾûwth (רִפְאוּת) [proounced rihf-OOTH] |
a healing, health |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7500 BDB #951 |
364. Masculine_proper_noun: Levite Strong’s #7501 BDB #951.
365. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7509 BDB #951.
366. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3416 BDB #951.
367. Masculine_noun: marepêʾ (מַרְפֵא) [pronounced mahr-PAY], which means, a healing, a cure; health, profit, sound (of mind). Strong’s #4832 BDB #951. Prov. 4:22 6:15
marepêʾ (מַרְפֵא) [pronounced mahr-PAY] |
a healing, a cure; health, profit, sound (of mind) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4832 BDB #951 |
With a negative, it means incurable, without a remedy. |
368. Verb: râphad (ד-פָר) [pronounced raw-FAHD], which means to spread [something out for support or comfort]. Strong’s #7502 BDB #951. Job 17:13
Râphad |
Location |
Morphology |
Passage: |
Job 17:13 |
Piel perfect |
In darkness, I have râphad’ed my bed. |
Job 41:30 |
Qal imperfect |
Under him, sharp points of clay; He râphad’s [like?] gold on the mire. |
SOS 2:5 |
Piel imperative |
Sustain me with grape cakes, râphad me with citrons, for I [am] sick. |
SOS 3:10 |
Noun cognate |
It’s pillars made of silver, its rephîydâh of gold, its seat of purple, its midst lined [in] love... |
Râphad—selected translations |
Greek |
Rotherham |
Young’s |
Job 17:13 |
has been made |
have made |
make |
make [lit., spread out] |
have spread out |
spread out |
Job 41:30 |
under? |
spreadeth |
spreads |
spreads out [or, moves across] |
spreadeth out |
spreadeth |
SOS 2:5 |
sustain |
comfort |
refresh |
refresh |
refresh |
support |
SOS 3:10 |
bottom |
bottom |
back |
back [or, support] |
couch or couch covering |
bottom |
Conclusion: As you see, there is more agreement in each individual passage than there is by any particular translation (although Young was relatively consistent). What appears to be the case, is the verb refers to something which is spread out for support (e.g., a bed); and the noun refers to the larger piece of something at the bottom, which is a support. I am not thrilled with this conclusion and would have rather come up with something simpler and of a more widespread usage, but that is all I’ve got. |
369. Feminine_noun: rephîydâh which means support. Not really sure. See above. Strong’s #7507 BDB #951. SOS 3:10* (maybe....)
370. Proper_noun/location: rephîydîym (רְפִידִים) [pronounced ref-ee-DEEM], which means rests, stays, resting places; transliterated Rephiydiym, Rephidim. Strong’s #7508 BDB #951. Exodus 17:1 19:2 *****
Rephîydîym (רְפִידִים) [pronounced ref-ee-DEEM] |
rests, stays, resting places; transliterated Rephiydiym, Rephidim |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7508 BDB #951 |
371. Verb: râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW], which means to sink, to relax, to loosen and let drop, to let down, to cast down, to let fall in the Qal. In the Niphal, it means to be idle. In the Hiphil is means to lose interest in a person or a project and therefore abandon that person or project, to forsake (it means leave me alone in the Hiphil imperative). Gesenius gives the Hithpael meanings as to show oneself remiss, to be lazy, to lose one’s courage. BDB suggests it means to shew onself to be slack (big help, here). Here, the difference of the stems makes a difference in the meaning of the verb. In Judges 19:9, it is rendered waned (Owen), hath fallen (Young), and hath sunk down (Rotherham). Strong’s #7503 BDB #951. (See synonym Strong’s #5800 BDB #736). Exodus 4:26 5:8 Deut. 4:31 31:6 Joshua 1:5 18:3 Judges 8:3 11:37 19:9 1Sam. 11:3 15:16 2Sam. 4:1 24:16 Job 7:19 12:21 Psalm 46:10 Prov. 4:13
râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to sink, to relax, to loosen and let drop, to let down, to cast down, to let fall, to withdraw, to abate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7503 BDB #951 |
râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to let drop, to abandon, to relax, to refrain, to let go [let alone, lose interest] [in a person or project] and abandon [that person or project], to forsake [something]; to be still, to be quiet |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7503 BDB #951 |
râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
lose interest [in a person or project] and abandon [that person or project], forsake [something]; let down, stop, desist, leave off; be still, be quiet |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative, apocopated form |
Strong’s #7503 BDB #951 |
râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
to be slack, to be remiss, to be idle |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7503 BDB #951 |
râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
slackers, idle ones; they are being idle [or slacking off]; being idle, slacking off |
masculine plural, Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7503 BDB #951 |
372. Adjective: râpheh (רָפֶה) [pronounced raw-FEH], which means slack; remiss; infirm, feeble; hanging down?; discouragement, fear. Strong’s #7504 BDB #952. 2Sam. 17:2
râpheh (רָפֶה) [pronounced raw-FEH] |
slack; remiss; infirm, feeble; hanging down?; discouragement, fear |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7504 BDB #952 |
râpheh (רָפֶה) [pronounced raw-FEH] |
slack; remiss; infirm, feeble; hanging down?; discouragement, fear |
masculine singular adjective; construct form |
Strong’s #7504 BDB #952 |
yâdayim (יָדַיִם) [pronounced yaw-dah-YIHM] |
[two] hands; both hands figuratively for strength, power, control of a particular person |
feminine dual noun |
Strong's #3027 BDB #388 |
Together, these words mean weak-handed; both hands hanging down; discouraged, feeble, weak. |
373. Masculine_noun: which means sinking [into a helpless terror]. Strong’s #7510 BDB #952.
374. Masculine_proper_noun: Râphâʿ (רָפָא) [pronounced raw-FAW], which means tall, giant; transliterated Rapha. Strong’s #7498 BDB #952. 2Sam. 21:16
Râphâʿ (רָפָא) [pronounced raw-FAW] |
tall, giant; transliterated Rapha |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7498 BDB #952 |
This is also spelled Râphâh (רָפָה) [pronounced raw-FAW]. Some translations simply translate this word. |
375. Masculine_noun: repha’îym (רְפַאִים) [pronounced refaw-EEM] which means spirits, shades, ghosts [of the dead]; shades living in Hades; flaccid, feeble, weak, languid. Only in the plural. Identical to below. Strong’s #7496 BDB #952. Prov. 2:18 9:18
repha’îym (רְפַאִים) [pronounced refaw-EEM |
spirits, shades, ghosts [of the dead]; shades living in Hades; flaccid, feeble, weak, languid |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7496 BDB #952 |
James Rickard: “Dead” is the Noun RAPHAIM, רְפָאִים that means, “dead spirits,” cf. Prov 2:18; 21:16, and refers to the corpses in her banquet hall. Occurring eight times in the OT, it refers to “dead spirits” in Sheol, Job 26:5. In most other places, it is nearly equivalent to a proper noun, referring to “the dead”, Psa 88:10; Prov 2:18; Isa 14:9; 26:14. |
376. Masculine_plural_noun: Repha’îym (רְפַאִים) [pronounced refaw-EEM], which means giants; transliterated Rephaim. Here, it is in the plural and without a definite article. We first find mention of this word in Gen. 14:5 where it appears to be a proper noun (it is also lacking a definite article and is found in the plural). It occurs next in Gen. 15:20, with a definite article and in the plural. The context of these verses lends itself to its use as a proper noun. However, here, it does not necessarily refer to a particular race, but to the concept of being really large people, like the Anakim. This word is used as opposed to the inflammatory Nephalim, which is specific reference to half-angel half-man beings. Strong's #7496-7497 BDB #952. (this word also means dead ones). Gen. 14:5 15:20 Deut. 2:11 3:11 2Sam. 5:18 23:13 1Chron. 11:15
Repha’îym (רְפַאִים) [pronounced refaw-EEM] |
giants; transliterated Rephaim |
masculine plural proper noun |
Strong's #7496-7497 BDB #952 |
377. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7506 BDB #952.
378. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7509–7520 BDB #952.
379. Verb: which means to stamp, to tread; to foul by stamping [stomping, treading]. Strong’s #7511#7515 BDB #952. Psalm 68:30
râphaç (רָפַס) [pronounced raw-FAWS] |
to tread [stomp, trample]; to foul/disturb [water] by stamping [stomping, treading]; to foul with feet |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7511 (& #7515) BDB #952 |
râphaç (רָפַס) [pronounced raw-FAWS] |
to be foul [by tramping, stomping, treading in]; to be tread [stomped] upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7511 (& #7515) BDB #952 |
râphaç (רָפַס) [pronounced raw-FAWS] |
to let oneself be trampled [stomped, tread upon]; to prostrate oneself; to be submissive |
person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7511 (& #7515) BDB #952 |
The NET Bible: In the Hitpael the verb רָפַס (rafas) means “to stamp oneself down” or “to humble oneself” (cf. KJV, NASB, NIV). BDB 952 s.v. Hithpael suggests “become a suppliant.” G. R. Driver related it to the Akkadian cognate rapasu, “trample,” and interpreted as trampling oneself, swallowing pride, being unremitting in effort (“Some Hebrew Verbs, Nouns, and Pronouns,” JTS 30 [1929]: 374). |
râphaç (רָפַס) [pronounced raw-FAWS] |
be humbled, submit yourself; let oneself be trampled [stomped, tread upon]; prostrate yourself; be submissive to |
2nd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperative |
Strong’s #7511 (& #7515) BDB #952 |
380. Masculine_noun: which means fouled [water] [by stamping]. Strong’s #4833 BDB #952.
381. Feminine_noun: which means raft. Strong’s #7513 BDB #952.
382. Verb: which means to shake, to rock. Strong’s #7322 BDB #952.
383. Verb: which means to support oneself, to lean. Strong’s #7514 BDB #952.
384. Verb: which means to talk obscenely; to talk obscenely. Strong’s #none BDB #952.
385. Masculine_noun: which means mire. Strong’s #7516 BDB #952.
386. Masculine_noun: which means stable, stall. Strong’s #7517 BDB #952.
387. Verb: which means to run. Strong’s #7519 BDB #952.
388. Verb: râtsad (ד-צָר) [pronounced raw-TSAHD], which means to watch [stealthily; with envious hostility]; to observe insidiously. Strong’s #7520 BDB #952. Psalm 68:16*
râtsad (ד-צָר) [pronounced raw-TSAHD] |
to watch [stealthily; with envious hostility]; to observe insidiously |
2nd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7520 BDB #952 |
This verb occurs only here and it has no cognates, making its meaning difficult to ascertain. |
389. Verb: râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH], which means to be acceptable, to be pleased with, to enjoy. Owen indicates that it literally means to be satisfied with a payment; however, that does not appear to be the way it is used in the Bible. To be pleased with seems to be the primary meaning, as found in Gen. 33:10 Deut. 33:11 Job 34:9 Prov. 16:7. Job 20:10 appears to be the only place where this is found in the Piel stem, and Gesenius gives the meaning as to make anyone well pleased, to ask or to seek someone’s favor, to conciliate or reconciles oneself to someone else. The context here appears to indicate that they appropriated their wealth from those whom they made poor and they return it to the poor. Strong's #7521 BDB #953. [Lev. 26:34 33:11 Job 14:6 20:10—two possible grammatical errors] Gen. 33:10 1Sam. 29:4 2Sam. 24:23 Psalm 44:3 51:16 62:4 149:4 Prov. 3:12
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to accept; to be delighted [with a person or thing], to be pleased with [something]; to receive [graciously], to delight [in someone, something]; to enjoy; to make acceptable; to satisfy, to pay off |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to be pleasant, to be agreeable [to anyone] |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to satisfy, to pay off |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to be graciously accepted; to be paid off |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to make anyone well pleased, tp please; to ask [or seek] favor; to reconcile to |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
râtsâh (רָצָה) [pronounced raw-TSAWH] |
to make oneself pleasing, to ingratiate oneself [to someone else]; to obtain anyone’s favor or grace |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #7521 BDB #953 |
390. Masculine_noun: râtsôwn (רָצוֹן)[pronounced raw-TSOWN], which means own will, free will, favour, accepted, desire, pleasure, delight. There are actually three sets of meanings for this word: (1) goodwill and favor; (2) acceptance (of persons or of a sacrifice); and (3) will, desire, pleasure. Râtsôwn is given a variety of renderings in the KJV: self-will, accepted, voluntary will, good will, favor, desire, as they would, pleasure, delight, desire. The verbal cognate, râtsâh, means to be acceptable, to be pleased with, to enjoy. What appears to be involved is free will, acceptance, and even pleasure on the part of the recipient. This is why the CEV and the JPS both add to You, to indicate that the volition of the recipient is a part of this. What seems to be a common thread is the concept of free will and this being a good or a favorable thing. Strong's #7522 BDB #953. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:5) Gen. 49:6 Exodus 28:38 Psalm 19:14 51:19 103:21 106:4 Prov. 8:35 10:32
râtsôwn (רָצוֹן) [pronounced raw-TSOWN] |
own will, free will, favour, grace, accepted, acceptable; to be pleased with, to enjoy; desire, pleasure, delight |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #7522 BDB #953 |
What appears to be involved is free will, acceptance, and even pleasure on the part of the recipient. This is why some translations follow this word with to you, to indicate that the volition of the recipient is a part of this. The common thread is the concept of free will and this being a good or a favorable thing. |
391. Feminine_proper_noun/location: which means pleasure, beauty; transliterated . Strong’s #8656 BDB #953.
392. Verb: râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH], which means to murder, to slay. In the Qal active participle, the proper translation is murderer and manslayer when the death was unintentional. The Niphal is the passive stem and it refers to the one who was murdered. Strong's #7523 BDB #953. Contradictions in the Bible (Ex. 20:13) Exodus 20:13 Num. 35:16 Deut. 4:42 5:17 22:26 Joshua 20:5 Judges 20:4 Psalm 62:3
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
to murder, to kill, to slay [premeditated, accidental, as a slayer]; to break, to dash in pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
manslayer, intentional killer (slayer) |
masculine singular, Qal participle |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
to be killed, to be slain |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
to murder, to assassinate; to kill iteratively, to kill many; to dash in pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
murderer, assassin |
masculine singular, Piel participle |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
râtsach (רָצַח) [pronounced raw-TSAHKH] |
to be killed [murdered, slain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7523 BDB #953 |
393. Masculine_noun: which means a shattering. Strong’s #7524 BDB #954.
394. Masculine_proper_noun: which means a shattering; transliterated . Strong’s #7525 BDB #954.
395. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7526 BDB #954.
396. Verb: râtsaʿ (רָצַע) [pronounced raw-TSAHĢ], which means, to bore [through], to pierce. Strong’s #7527 BDB #954. Exodus 21:6
râtsaʿ (רָצַע) [pronounced raw-TSAHĢ] |
to bore [through], to pierce |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7527 BDB #954 |
397. Masculine_noun: maretsêaʿ (מַרְצֵעַ) [pronounced maht-TSAY-aģ], which means, a boring instrument, an awl. Strong’s #4836 BDB #954. Exodus 21:6 **
maretsêaʿ (מַרְצֵעַ) [pronounced maht-TSAY-aģ] |
a boring instrument, an awl |
masculine singular noun: |
Strong’s #4836 BDB #954 |
398. Verb: which means to fit together. Strong’s #7528 BDB #954.
399. Feminine_noun: which means pavement. Strong’s #7531 BDB #954.
400. Feminine_noun: which means pavement. Strong’s #4837 BDB #954.
401. Feminine_noun: which means pavement. Strong’s #4837 BDB #954.
402. Feminine_noun: ritsephâh (הָצ .ר) [pronounced rits-PAW], which means a hot stone [coal], a live coal; a glowing stone. Strong’s #7531 BDB #954.
403. Proper_noun/location: which means a glowing stone; transliterated . Strong’s #7530 BDB #954.
404. Feminine_proper_noun: Ritsephâh (רִצְפָה) [pronounced rits-PAW], which means a hot stone [coal], a live coal; a glowing stone; transliterated Rizpah. Strong’s #7532 BDB #954. 2Sam. 3:7 21:8
Ritsephâh (רִצְפָה) [pronounced rits-PAW] |
a hot stone [coal], a live coal; a glowing stone; transliterated Rizpah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7532 BDB #954 |
405. Verb: râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS], which means to crush, to bruise, to oppress. This is a reference to an act of violence which a person in power might be able to get away with. In the Piel, it means to break in pieces, to treat with great violence, to oppress with great violence. As a masculine plural, Qal passive participle, this would mean those who are crushed, those who are oppressed, the bruised ones, the oppressed ones. This was the verb used of the woman crushing the skull of Abimelech. Strong’s #7533 BDB #954. Gen. 25:22 The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:6) Judges 9:53 10:8 1Sam. 12:3, 4 (2Sam. 22:30) Job 20:19
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to crush, to bruise, to oppress; to break [in, down]; to treat violently |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to be crushed [bruised], to be broken; to be oppressed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to crush [break] into pieces, to grievously oppress (figuratively) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to oppress (figuratively); to treat violently |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to crush, to break in pieces; to cause to bruise |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
râtsats (רָצַץ) [pronounced raw-TSAHTS] |
to crush [bruise] one another [each other]; to struggle together |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpoel imperfect |
Strong’s #7533 BDB #954 |
406. Masculine_noun: which means a piece, a bar. Strong’s #7518 BDB #954. Psalm 68:30*
rats (ץ-ר) [pronounced rahts] |
a piece, a bar; a fragment |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #7518 BDB #954 |
The meaning of this noun is dubious; it is only found here in this verse |
407. Feminine_noun: which means a crushing, oppression. Jer. 22:17.* Strong’s #4835 BDB #954.
408. Verb: râqêb (רָקֵב) [pronounced raw-KAYBV], which means to rot. Notice that there is the resh (ר) instead of the daleth (ד), and that the bêyth (ב) and the qârâ (ק) are switched. Strong’s #7537 BDB #955. Job (19:20) Prov. 10:7
râqêb (רָקֵב) [pronounced raw-KAYBV] |
to rot |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7537 BDB #955 |
409. Masculine_noun: a rare word used of rottenness and decay; it is used of the decay of bones and the decay caused by worms. Strong’s #7538 BDB #955. Job 13:28
410. Masculine_noun: which means rottenness, decay. Job 41:19.* Strong’s #7539 BDB #955.
411. Verb: râqad (רָקַד) [pronounced raw-KAHD], which means to skip about, to leap, to run with leaps and bounds. It refers to the quaking of Mount Sinai when the law was given. This word can refer to a rather dramatic even, e.g. the quaking of Mount Sinai when the Law was given (Psalm 114:4) as well as to the skipping about of children, as we have here. Strong’s #7540 BDB #955. 1Chron. 15:29 Job 21:11 Psalm 29:6 114:4
râqad (רָקַד) [pronounced raw-KAHD] |
to skip about, to leap, to run with leaps and bounds |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7540 BDB #955 |
râqad (רָקַד) [pronounced raw-KAHD] |
to spring, to dance; to be knocked about [used figuratively of a chariot traveling over rough ground] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7540 BDB #955 |
râqad (רָקַד) [pronounced raw-KAHD] |
to cause to leap; to cause to skip; to cause to tremble |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7540 BDB #955 |
412. Verb: râqach (רָקַח) [pronounced raw-KAHKH], which means to mix, to compound oil or ointment; perfumer; apothecary. Strong’s #7543 BDB #955. Exodus 30:25, 32
râqach (רָקַח) [pronounced raw-KAHKH] |
to mix, to compound oil or ointment |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7543 BDB #955 |
râqach (רָקַח) [pronounced raw-KAHKH] |
perfumer, perfume mixer, compounder; apothecary |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7543 BDB #955 |
râqach (רָקַח) [pronounced raw-KAHKH] |
mixed, compounding |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #7543 BDB #955 |
râqach (רָקַח) [pronounced raw-KAHKH] |
to [cause to] mix, to compound oil or ointment |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7543 BDB #955 |
413. Masculine_noun: which means spice, spiced wine. Strong’s #7544 BDB #955.
414. Masculine_noun: rôqach (רֹקַח) [pronounced ROH-kahkh], which means a spice mixture, a perfume, an aromatic, confection, ointment. Strong’s #7545 BDB #955. Exodus 30:25, 35*
rôqach (רֹקַח) [pronounced ROH-kahkh] |
a spice mixture, a perfume, an aromatic, confection, ointment |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7545 BDB #955 |
415. Masculine_noun: which means an ointment maker, a perfumer. Neh. 3:8.* Strong’s #7546 BDB #955.
416. Feminine_noun: raqqâchâh (הָח ָ -ר) [pronounced rahk-kaw-KHAW], which means a female perfumer, a female ointment maker. Strong’s #7548 BDB #955. 1Sam. 8:13.*
raqqâchâh (הָח ָ -ר) [pronounced rahk-kaw-KHAW] |
a female perfumer, a female ointment maker |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7548 BDB #955 |
417. Masculine_noun: which means a perfumery. Isa. 57:9.* Strong’s #7547 BDB #955.
418. Masculine_noun: which means spice, perfume. SOS 5:13.* Strong’s #4840 BDB #955.
419. Feminine_noun: which means ointment-pot, spice seasoning(?). Job 41:23.* Strong’s #4841 BDB #955.
420. Feminine_noun: mireqachath (מִרְקַחַת) [pronounced meer-KAHKH-ahth], which means ointment mixture, an aromatic unguent; an unguent pot. Strong’s #4842 BDB #955. Exodus 30:25 ***
mireqachath (מִרְקַחַת) [pronounced meer-KAHKH-ahth] |
ointment mixture, an aromatic unguent; an unguent pot |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4842 BDB #955 |
421. Verb: râqam (רָקַם) [pronounced raw-KAM], and it simply means to variegate, embroider, needlework, weaving in colors. Strong's #7551 BDB #955. Exodus 26:36 27:16 28:39 Lev.??
râqam (רָקַם) [pronounced raw-KAM] |
to variegate, to embroider, to do needlework, to weave with colors |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7551 BDB #955 |
râqam (רָקַם) [pronounced raw-KAM] |
variegating, embroidering, doing needlework, weaving with colors |
Qal active participle as a substantive |
Strong's #7551 BDB #955 |
râqam (רָקַם) [pronounced raw-KAM] |
to be skillfully done, to be expertly woven |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7551 BDB #955 |
422. Feminine_noun: rikemâh (הָמק.ר) [pronounced rihke-MAW], which means variegated garment; a woven fabric [of several colors]; something with several colors. Strong’s #7553 BDB #955. Judges 5:30
rikemâh (הָמק.ר) [pronounced rihke-MAW] |
variegated garment; a woven fabric [of several colors]; something with several colors |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7553 BDB #955 |
423. Masculine_proper_noun: which means variegated; transliterated . Strong’s #7552 BDB #955.
424. Verb: râqaʿ (רָקַע) [pronounced raw-KAH or raw-KAHG], which means to beat, to stamp, to beat out, to spread out, to consolidate, to tread down. Strong’s #7554 BDB #955. 2Sam. 22:43 Psalm 136:6
râqaʿ (רָקַע) [pronounced raw-KAĢ] |
to beat, to stamp, to beat out, to spread out, to consolidate, to tread down |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7554 BDB #955 |
râqaʿ (רָקַע) [pronounced raw-KAĢ] |
to overlay, beat out (for plating) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7554 BDB #955 |
râqaʿ (רָקַע) [pronounced raw-KAĢ] |
beaten out |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #7554 BDB #955 |
râqaʿ (רָקַע) [pronounced raw-KAĢ] |
to spread out [clouds] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7554 BDB #955 |
425. Masculine_noun: râqîyaʿ (רָקִיעַ) [pronounced raw-KEE-aģ], which means atmosphere, extended surface, expanse, the first heaven; extended surface (solid); firmament. It is that which has been beat down and spread out above the earth and refers to the earth’s atmosphere. The related verb is used to overlay something with a thin plate. The precision of this term is amazing. The earth itself is 3960 miles in radius. 99% of the atmosphere is within 100 miles of the surface of the earth. I, with the rudimentary understanding of the earth and its atmosphere, if I had to choose the best noun from the Hebrew for this word, I would have chosen râdîyaʿ myself. The writer of Genesis and the psalmist David, not having the resources and background that I have, chose the same word. The NRSV suggests the word dome (Psalm 19:1). Strong’s #7549 BDB #956. Gen. 1:6 Psalm 19:1 150:1
râqîyaʿ (רָקִיעַ) [pronounced raw-KEE-aģ] |
atmosphere, extended surface, expanse, the first heaven; extended surface (solid); firmament; that which is spread out like a hemisphere above the earth |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7549 BDB #956 |
Although BDB speaks of the Hebrews considering this to be a solid and held up the waters above, I think the idea is, they recognized that there was some sort of reality to the atmosphere; that the atmosphere was not empty. Now, I cannot say whether or not ancient peoples believed that there was some sort of solid like thick saran wrap, above the earth, that held the waters above at bay. |
The corresponding verb means to beat, to stamp, to beat out, to spread out by beating. This describes, for instance, what a goldsmith might to in order to beat gold into a flat sheet. Strong’s #7554 BDB #955. |
It is that which has been beat down and spread out above the earth and refers to the earth’s atmosphere. The related verb is used to overlay something with a thin plate. The precision of this term is amazing. The earth itself is 3960 miles in radius. 99% of the atmosphere is within 100 miles of the surface of the earth. I, with the rudimentary understanding of the earth and its atmosphere, if I had to choose the best noun from the Hebrew for this word, I would have chosen râdîyaʿ myself. The writer of Genesis and the psalmist David, not having the resources and background that I have, chose the same word. The NRSV suggests the word dome (Psalm 19:1). |
426. Masculine_noun: which means expansion. Strong’s #7555 BDB #275. What is this doing here?
427. Adjective: Gen. 41:19
raq (רַק) [pronounced rahk] |
thin, lean, emaciated |
adjective (identical in spelling to an adverb) |
Strong’s #7534 BDB #956 |
428. Adverb: raq (רַק) [pronounced rahk] means only, provided, altogether, surely—it carries with it restrictive force. I am conflicted here as to how to interpret this. Are they expressing a desire or a limitation on their obedience—that is, as long as God is with you; or, are expressing a wish or a desire—we wish only that God is with you: or, are they acknowledging what they believe to be true—surely God is with you? I have gone with the latter rendering and understanding, but I am expressing my other thoughts, as I don’t feel 100% positive about this interpretation. The verb which follows is the Qal imperfect of the absolute status quo verb hâyâh (ה ָי ָה) [pronounced haw-YAW] simply means to be. Strong's #1961 BDB #224. Owen’s expresses that as though this is a desire upon the part of the tribe leaders: Only may be Yahweh your God with you as he was with Moses. Young records this as an observation, as I have: surely Jehovah thy God is with thee as He hath been with Moses. Rotherham, the NASB and the NIV also render this as a wish or desire. The KJV and NKJV lean toward that (only the Lord your God be with you as He was with Moses). However, Gesenius helps us here and says that this adverb generally implies restrictive force, and may also be rendered provided; this gives us probably the best understanding of what they were actually saying. “We will listen to you, provided that Yehowah your God is with you as He was with Moses.” Raq is followed by the negative construct and then the word for word: dâbâr (ר ָב ָ) [pronounced daw-BAWR]; literally, what we have is: only no word. This is an idiom; a few years prior to my writing these words, the young idiom would have been certainly this is no biggie. The adverb raq has restrictive force, as BDB puts it. In Joshua 6:18, it is affixed to the wâw conjunction, which I am certain has some affect on its meaning, but BDB and Gesenius do not mention this. Therefore, let me show you how others have rendered this combination: but (Owen, The Amplified Bible); and surely (Young); any wise (KJV); all means (NKJV); but in anywise (Rotherham). Obviously, we have little consensus here. In the less literal translation, I think I will go with and, in any case. Let me show you how others have rendered this word in Joshua 11:14: but (KJV, NKJV, Owen, The Amplified Bible); only (Young) nevertheless (Rotherham). Strong’s #7534 & #7535 BDB #956. Gen. 6:5 14:23 19:8 20:11 24:8 26:29 41:19, 40 47:22 50:8 Exodus 8:9 9:26 10:17 21:19 Num. 20:19 Deut. 2:28, 35 3:11 4:6 10:15 17:16 20:14 Joshua 1:17 , 18 6:15, 18 8:2 11:13 13:6 22:5 Judges 3:2 11:34 14:16 19:20 1Sam. 1:13 5:4 1Kings 3:2 8:9, 25 Job 1:12 Psalm 32:6
raq (רַק) [pronounced rahk] |
only, provided, altogether, surely; in any case; but; nevertheless |
adverb of limitation or of restrictive force |
Strong’s #7534 & #7535 BDB #956 |
It is also a prefix to a sentence to add a limitation to something previously expressed, in which case it is rendered only. It is used to emphasize single words, especially adjectives, in which case it can be only but also nought but, nothing but. After a negative, it can be rendered save, except. I used however in Exodus 21:19, in order to set up a contrast with the word acquitted. |
429. Masculine_noun: râqîyq (רָקִיק) [pronounced raw-KEEK], which means a thin cake, wafer. Strong’s #7550 BDB #956. Exodus 29:2
râqîyq (רָקִיק) [pronounced raw-KEEK] |
a thin cake, wafer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7550 BDB #956 |
430. Feminine_noun: raqqâh (ה ָ-ר) [pronounced rahk-KAW], which means temple, side of head. Strong’s #7541 BDB #956. Judges 4:21 5:26
raqqâh (ה ָ-ר) [pronounced rahk-KAW] |
temple, side of head |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7541 BDB #956 |
431. Verb2: which means to spit. Strong’s #7556 BDB #956.
432. Masculine_noun: which means spit, spittle. Strong’s #7536 BDB #956.
433. Masculine_noun: which means permission. Strong’s #7558 BDB #957.
434. Verb: which means to inscribe, to note. Strong’s #7559 BDB #957.
435. Adjective: râshâʿ (רָשָע) [pronounced raw-SHAWĢ], which means malevolent, lawless, corrupt, criminal. It is usually translated wicked, wicked ones; however, a more up-to-date rendering would be malevolent ones, lawless ones, criminals, the corrupt. Râshâʿ can also refer to the wicked in terms of a collective whole—a singular noun which stands for a group of people. A good modern rendering would be the corrupt. We see this usage in several places: Gen. 18:23, 25 Num. 16:26 Psalm 1:5. Strong’s #7563 BDB #957. Gen. 18:23 Exodus 2:13 9:27 23:1 1Sam. 2:9 24:13 2Sam. 4:11 Job 3:17 8:22 9:24 10:3 15:20 16:11 18:5 20:5, 29 21:7, 16, 28 1Kings 8:32 Psalm 7:8 10:2, 12, 15 12:8 32:10 34:21 55:3 73:3, 12 104:35 106:18 Prov. 1:22 3:25 4:14 5:22 9:7 10:3, 6, 16
râshâʿ (רָשָע) [pronounced raw-SHAWĢ] |
unrighteous; malevolent, lawless, corrupt, wicked (hostile to God); criminal; guilty [of sin] [against God or man]; having an unrighteous cause |
masculine singular adjective; can act like a substantive |
Strong’s #7563 BDB #957 |
James Rickard: “Wicked man” is the noun RESHA, רֶשַע that means, “wicked or criminal.” It embodies the character that is opposite the character of God, being in opposition to the just and righteous characteristics of God (see Job 34:10; Psalm 5:4; 84:10). |
reshâʿîym (רְשָעִים) [pronounced re-shaw-ĢEEM] |
malevolent ones, lawless ones, criminals, the corrupt; wicked, wicked ones |
masculine plural adjective (here, it acts like a noun) |
Strong’s #7563 BDB #957 |
436. Masculine_noun: reshaʿ (רֶשַע) [pronounced REH-shahģ], which means malevolent, corrupt, maleficent, wickedness, evil, malfeasance. Strong’s #7562 BDB #957. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:4, 6) 1Sam. 24:13 Psalm 10:15 Prov. 4:17 8:7 10:2
reshaʿ (רֶשַע) [pronounced REH-shahģ] |
malevolent, corrupt, maleficent, wickedness, evil, malfeasance |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7562 BDB #957 |
437. Verb: râshaʿ (רָשַע) [pronounced raw-SHAHĢ], which means, in the Qal, to be wicked, to act wickedly, to be guilty of acting wickedly. However, wicked is such an old fashioned word. We might want to go with a more modern, but wordy, behave in a reprehensible manner, to act in malevolence, to commit corrupt acts, to be guilty of same. In the Hiphil, this word has a judicial edge to it, which helps to define the other use: it means, in the context of rendering judicial decision, to condemn as guilty (Ex. 22:9). Strong’s #7561 BDB #957. Exodus 22:9 Deut. 25:1 1Sam. 14:47 2Sam. 22:22 1Kings 8:32, 47 Job 9:20, 29 10:1, 7 15:6 Psalm 106:6
râshaʿ (רָשַע) [pronounced raw-SHAHĢ] |
to act in malevolence, to behave in a reprehensible manner, to commit corrupt acts, to be guilty of same, to be wicked, to act wickedly, to be guilty of acting wickedly |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7561 BDB #957 |
râshaʿ (רָשַע) [pronounced raw-SHAHĢ] |
in the Hiphil, this word has a judicial edge to it, and means to declare guilty, to declare unrighteous, to condemn, to overcome [as the righteous over the wicked]; intransitive use: to act unrighteously, to act wickedly |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7561 BDB #957 |
438. Rîsheʿah (ה ָע ׃ש ̣ר) [pronounced rishe-AWH], which means malevolence, corrupt nature, reprehensiveness, wickedness. However, that word has become Old English, and means less to us today. Therefore, let’s update this translation with malevolence, corrupt nature, reprehensiveness. There is a masculine and feminine side to this which I need to deal with eventually. Strong’s #7564 BDB #958. Deut. 9:4 (somewhere I dealt with the #7563?)
439. Feminine_noun: which means wickedness, malevolence. Strong’s #4849 BDB #958.
440. Masculine_noun: resheph (ף ∵ש ∵ר) [pronounced REH-shef ] and this is given several related renderings in the KJV: burning heat, thunderbolts, lightnings, coals, burning coals. I will go with just burnings. Although we have had burnings with fire and burnings with snake bites (not this word), my guess would this would be the burning of a fever due to disease. In Psalm 78:48, this is rendered thunderbolts, lightning, burning flames, pestilent fevers. Since most of this poem is set up where we have a repetition of thoughts or a parallel repetition or a similar situation, the first line deals with their animals and a phenomenon of nature, it would make sense that the second line would deal with their animals and a phenomenon of nature. Therefore, thunderbolts or lightning is perhaps the best rendering in this context. It means flame, spark, fire-bolt. Strong’s #7565 (8313) BDB #958. Deut. 32:24 Job 5:7 Psalm 78:48
441. Verb: which means to beat down, to shatter. Poel. Strong’s #7567 BDB #958.
442. Verb: which means to boil. Strong’s #7570 BDB #958.
443. Masculine_noun: which means a boiling. Strong’s #7571 BDB #958.
444. Verb: which means to bind, to attach. Strong’s #7573 BDB #958.
445. Masculine_noun: which means a kind of broom-shrub, broom plant, retem. Strong’s #7574 BDB #958.
446. Verb: which means to bind. Strong’s #7576 BDB #958.
447. Feminine_noun: rattôwq (רַתּוֹק) [pronounced raht-TOKE], which means chain. Strong’s #7569 BDB #958. 1Kings 6:21
rattôwq (רַתּוֹק) [pronounced raht-TOKE] |
chain |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7569 BDB #958 |
448. Masculine_noun: which means trembling. Strong’s #7578 BDB #958.
449. End
21a. Sîyn [pronounced seen] (300) Written and Spoken s
1. Letter: 21st letter. Strong’s #none BDB #959.
2. Verb: which means to leaven?. Strong’s #none BDB #959.
3. Masculine_noun: seʾôr (שְׂאֹר) [pronounced seh-ORE], which means leaven; swelling 9by fermentation); yeast cake. Strong’s #7603 BDB #959. Exodus 12:15 13:7 Deut. 16:4
seʾôr (שְׂאֹר) [pronounced seh-ORE] |
leaven; swelling by fermentation); yeast cake |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7603 BDB #959 |
4. Verb: which means to interweave, to insert. Strong’s #none BDB #959.
5. Masculine_noun: sôwbek (שׂוֹבֶ) [pronounced SOH-behk], which means thick branches, entangled branches, a network [of boughs]. Strong’s #7730 BDB #959. 2Sam. 18:9*
sôwbek (שׂוֹבֶ) [pronounced SOH-behk] |
thick branches, entangled branches, a network [of boughs] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7730 BDB #959 |
6. Masculine_noun: sâbâk (שָׂבָךְ) [pronounced saw-BAWK], which means network, lattice-work, net, netting; lattice; net-ornament (on pillars); toils (for catching animals). Strong’s #7638 BDB #959. 1Kings 5:17*
sâbâk (שָׂבָךְ) [pronounced saw-BAWK] |
network, lattice-work, net, netting; lattice; net-ornament (on pillars); toils (for catching animals) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7638 BDB #959 |
7. Feminine_noun: sebâkâh (שְׂבָכָה) [pronounced sebv-aw-KAW], which means a lattice work, something woven, a net, a network. Strong’s #7639 BDB #959. 1Kings 7:17 Job 18:8
sebâkâh (שְׂבָכָה) [pronounced sebv-aw-KAW] |
a lattice work, something woven, a net, a network |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7639 BDB #959 |
This is a woven something or something put together as a lattice. Context tells us what is being referred to. |
8. Verb: sâbaʿ (שָׂבַע) [pronounced sawb-VAHĢ], which means to satisfy, to fill, to satiate. The contention is that this should be in the Hiphil (the causative stem) rather than the Piel (the intensive stem). As we have seen, the use of the Piel extends back into the times of Moses; the use of the Piel with this verb is only found in one other place—in Ezra 7:19, but that does not automatically place these two sets of writings as contemporary with one another. Strong’s #7646 BDB #959. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:10, 11) Exodus 16:8 Job 7:4 9:18 19:22 Psalm 59:15 63:5 90:intro. 103:5 104:16 Prov. 1:31 5:10 Eccles. 1:8
sâbaʿ (שָׂבַע) [pronounced sawb-VAHĢ] |
to satisfy, to satisfy [with food or drink], to fill, to satiate; to saturate [land with rain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7646 BDB #959 |
sâbaʿ (שָׂבַע) [pronounced sawb-VAHĢ] |
to satisfy, to satisfy [with food or drink], to fill, to satiate |
Hiphil participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7646 BDB #959 |
This word can also mean to saturate [the ground]. In Psalm 103:5, we have a soul which is saturated. |
sâbaʿ (שָׂבַע) [pronounced sawb-VAHĢ] |
to satisfy |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7646 BDB #959 |
9. Masculine_noun: sôbaʿ (שׂבַע) [pronounced SOH-bahg], which means, satiety, the act of being sated, abundance, satiation. It is the act of being satiated or the act of being sated. Strong’s #7648 BDB #959. Exodus 16:3 Ruth 1:18 Psalm 78:25
sôbaʿ (שׂבַע) [pronounced SOH-bahg] |
satiety, the act of being sated, abundance, satiation |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7648 BDB #959 |
10. Feminine_noun: satiety. Strong’s #7653 & 7654 BDB #960.
11. Masculine_noun: sâbâʿ (שָׂבָע) [pronounced saw-BAWĢ], which means, plenty, abundance [of food]; satiety. Strong’s #7647 BDB #960. Gen. 41:29 Prov. 3:10
sâbâʿ (שָׂבָע) [pronounced aw-BAWĢ] |
plenty, abundance [of food]; satiety; prosperity |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7647 BDB #960 |
12. Adjective: sâbêaʿ (שָׂבֵעַ) [pronounced saw-bVAY-ahģ], which means sated, satisfied, surfeited, filled, full of; abounding. As a masculine plural, this means those fill with, those who are satiated. Strong’s #7649 BDB #960. Gen. 25:8 35:29 1Sam. 2:5 Job 10:15 14:1
sâbêaʿ (שָׂבֵעַ) [pronounced sawb-VAY-ahģ] |
sated, satisfied, surfeited, filled, full of; abounding |
adjective |
Strong’s #7649 BDB #960 |
sâbêaʿ (שָׂבֵעַ) [pronounced sawb-VAY-ahģ] |
those fill with, those who are satiated |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #7649 BDB #960 |
13. Verb(I): sâbar (ר-בָ) [pronounced sahb-VAWR], which means to inspect, to examine. Strong’s #7563 BDB #960. None
14. Verb(II—Piel): sâbar (ר-בָ) [pronounced sahb-VAWR], which means to wait, to hope, to wait for, to hope for. Strong’s #7563 BDB #960. Ruth 1:13a
15. Masculine_noun: sêber (ר∵ב̤) [pronounced SAY-behr], which means hope. Strong’s #7664 BDB #960. Psalm 146:5
sêber (ר∵ב̤) [pronounced SAY-behr] |
hope |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7664 BDB #960 |
16. Verbs: sâgâh (ה ָג ָ) [pronounced saw-GAW] [= Strong’s #7685; found in Job 8:&, 11 Psalm 73:12 92:12*], which appears to be equivalent to sâgâ’ (א ָג ָ) [also pronounced saw-GAW] [= Strong’s #7659; found in Job 12:23 36:24*], which means to multiply, to increase, to grow, to flourish, to cause to flourish; and which appears to be equivalent to segâ’ (א ָג ׃) [pronounced s’GAW] [= Strong’s #7680, Chaldean; found in Ezra 4:22 Dan. 4:1*]. These word occur seven times in total, and are variously rendered to multiply, to increase, to grow. These words are all obviously related, but it is frustrating to find one word which seems to cover all of the meanings. However, I think to flourish should do the trick. Strong’s #7685 BDB #960. Job 8:7, 11 Psalm 73:12 Strong’s #7679 BDB #960. Job 12:23 Strong’s #7680 BDB #960(?)
17. Adjective: great. Used of God. Strong’s #7689 BDB #960.
18. Verb: sâgab (שָׂגַב) [pronounced saw-GAHBV], which means to be high, to be lifted up, to be exalted, to be set securely on high. Strong’s #7682 BDB #960. Deut. 2:36 Job 5:11 Psalm 59:1 148:13
sâgab (שָׂגַב) [pronounced saw-GAHBV] |
to be high, to be excessively high; to be too high [to capture]; to be high [in terms of great prosperity] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7682 BDB #960 |
sâgab (שָׂגַב) [pronounced saw-GAHBV] |
to be high, to be lifted up, to be exalted, to be set securely on high, to be safely protected; to be the Most High; to be hard to understand (lofty thoughts?) |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7682 BDB #960 |
sâgab (שָׂגַב) [pronounced saw-GAHBV] |
to be set on high, to exalt [lift up] [when in trouble]; to protect safely |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7682 BDB #960 |
sâgab (שָׂגַב) [pronounced saw-GAHBV] |
to exalt onself, to show yourself to be exalted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7682 BDB #960 |
19. Masculine_proper_noun: exalted. Strong’s #7687 BDB #960.
20. Masculine_noun: misgâb (מִשׂגָב) [pronounced mis-GABV], which means height, secure height, retreat; a high place, a rock; hence a refuge, secure place. Strong’s #4869 BDB #960. 2Sam. 22:3 Psalm 59:9, 16
misgâb (מִשׂגָב) [pronounced mis-GABV] |
height, secure height, retreat; a high place; a stronghold; a rock; hence a refuge, secure place |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4869 BDB #960 |
21. Proper locative noun: perhaps located in Moab. Jer. 48:1.* Strong’s #4869 BDB #960.
22. Verb: to grow, to increase. Strong’s #7685 BDB #960.
23. Piel verb: to harrow. Strong’s #7702 BDB #961.
24. Masculine_plural_noun_in_proper/locative_noun: Siddîym (שִׂדִּים) [pronounced sihd-DEEM], which means field, plain; transliterated Siddim. Strong’s #7708 BDB #961. Gen. 14:3
Siddîym (שִׂדִּים) [pronounced sihd-DEEM] |
field, plain; transliterated Siddim |
proper masculine plural noun; location |
Strong’s #7708 BDB #961 |
25. Masculine_noun: sâday/sâdeh (שָׂדַי/שָׂדֶה) [pronounced saw-DAH-ee/saw-DEH], which means field, land; cultivated field; of home of wild beasts; plain (opposed to mountain); land (opposed to sea). Used less often than below; probably the same word. Strong’s #7704 BDB #961.
26. Masculine_noun: sâdeh (שָׂדֶה) [pronounced saw-DEH], which means field, land, open field, open country. Owen renders this country; however, since this is in the plural construct, it is more properly rendered [the] fields of. Strong’s #7704 BDB #961. Gen. 2:5 3:1, 14 4:8 14:7 23:9 24:62 25:9, 27 27:3 29:2 30:14 31:4 32:3 33:19 34:5, 28 36:35 37:7 39:5 41:48 47:20 49:29 50:13 Exodus 1:14 8:13 9:3 10:5, 15 16:25 22:5, 31 23:11 Deut. 5:21 20:19 21:1 22:25 Joshua 24:32 Judges 5:4 20:31 Ruth 1:1 1Sam. 4:2 6:14 , 18 8:14 14:14–15, 25 17:44 19:3 20:5, 11 22:7 25:15 27:5, 7 30:11 2Sam. 1:21 11:11 14:6 17:8 18:6 20:12 21:10 23:11 1Kings 2:26 1Chron. 6:56 8:8 Psalm 96:12 103:15
sâdeh (שָׂדֶה) [pronounced saw-DEH] |
field, land, country, open field, open country; an unpopulated area |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7704 BDB #961 |
sâdîym (שָׂדִים) [pronounced saw-DEEM] |
fields, land, country, open country; an estate |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7704 BDB #961 |
27. Masculine_noun: seh (שֶׂה) [pronounced seh], which means one of a flock, a sheep, a goat. Although the KJV renders this lamb on occasion, that is not a meaning given by BDB or Gesenius. Given passages like Gen. 22:7, 8 Exodus 13:13 Num. 15:11, it would be worthwhile to examine this. A larger doctrine which deals with the various animals used in sacrifices should be pursued. Strong’s #7716 BDB #961. Gen. 22:7 30:32 Exodus 12:3 13:13 22:1, 9 Deut. 17:1 22:1 1Sam. 14:34 15:3 17:34 22:19
seh (שֶׂה) [pronounced seh] |
one of a flock, a lamb, a sheep, a goat; young sheep, young goats; collectively for a flock |
masculine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7716 BDB #961 |
28. Verb: sâhad (ד-הָ) [pronounced saw-HAHD], which means to bear witness, to be an eyewitness. This is an unused root borrowed from the Arabic. It is listed in Gesenius, but not in BDB. Strong’s #none BDB #none. (Job 16:19)
29. Masculine_noun: sâhêd (ד̤הָ) [pronounced saw-HAYD], which means a witness, record. Strong’s #7717 BDB #962. Job 16:19*
30. Masculine_plural_noun: sahărônîym (םי.נֹר ֲה-) [pronounced sah-huh-roh-NEEM], which means crescent, moon, which were ornaments for camels, kings and women. Strong’s #7720 BDB #962. Judges 8:26
31. Verb: which means to swerve, to fall away. Strong’s #7750 BDB #962.
32. Verb: sûwach (שׂוּחַ) [pronounced SOO-ahkh], which means to meditate, to muse, to commune, to speak, to complain. Strong’s #7742 BDB #962. Gen. 24:63*
sûwach (שׂוּחַ) [pronounced SOO-ahkh] |
to meditate, to muse, to commune, to speak, to complain |
Qal infinitive construct |
Strong’s #7742 BDB #962 |
We only find this word here. BDB places this word, without a definition, in p. 962, and also places it as a possible form of the word Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001 (on p. 1002). Gesenius suggests that he was out there with friends or out there to tend the herds. Gesenius also mentions other interpretations, e.g., to take a walk (especially as this relates to religion). |
33. Masculine_noun: which means one who swerves, a revolter, deeds that swerve. Strong’s #7846 BDB #962.
34. Verb1: sûwk (שׂוּ) [pronounced sook], which means to hedge, to fence up, to fence about. Strong’s #7753 BDB #962. Job 1:10
sûwk (שׂוּ) [pronounced sook] |
to hedge, to fence up, to fence about |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7753 BDB #962 |
35. Feminine_noun: sôwkâh (הָכ) [pronounced soh-KAW], which means hedge, branch. I mention this as, even though this word is only found in this verse and the next (in the feminine), it has a verbal cognate in Job 1:10. Strong’s #7754 BDB #962. Judges 9:48
36. Verb2: which means to branch. Unused. I don’t know that there needs to be a separate listing here. Strong’s #7753 BDB #962.
37. Masculine_noun: which means a branch, brushwood. Strong’s #7754 BDB #962.
38. Feminine_noun: sôwkâh (הָכ) [pronounced soh-KAW], which means a branch, brushwood. This word found only in Judges 9:45. Strong’s #7754 BDB #962. The Three Socoh’s
39. Proper_noun_location: sôkôh (הֹכֹש) [pronounced soh-KOH], which means branch, brushwood and is transliterated Socoh. There are several different spellings. Strong’s #7755 BDB #962. The Three Socoh’s 1Sam. 17:1 1Kings 4:10
Sôwkôh (שׂוֹכֹה) [pronounced soh-KOH] |
bushy, branch, brushwood and is transliterated Socoh, Shocho, Shochoh, Sochoh, Soco |
Proper noun/location |
Strong’s #7755 BDB #962 |
There are 3 spellings of this proper noun, including Sôwkô (שׂוֹכוֹ). This refers both to a town in the lowlands of Judah and to a town in the mountain district of Judah. |
40. Masculine_proper_noun: which means branch, brushwood and is a family of scribes, transliterated . Strong’s #7756 BDB #962.
41. Verb: sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem], which means to put, to place, to set, to make. This is also written sûm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom]. To appoint is also a reasonable rendering under certain circumstances. It also can mean to render, to make anyone so (Ex. 4:11 Psalm 39:9). It also can mean to make, to transform into (Psalm 104:3). The verb in Psalm 105:27 is translated wrought by Owens, performed (NASB, NIV, NRSV), showed (KJV) and worked (NAB, NJB); but it does not mean perform, show, work or wrought. This one word is given 59 different renderings by the KJV alone. In Job 5:8, this is rendered: commit by [Owens, KJV, REB and NRSV), place (NASB), lay (NIV, NJB), and would state (NAB); Lay or place are both acceptable in this context. However, we have a problem here in Joshua 24:25. We don’t have something which can be placed or laid, and the verb is followed by the lâmed preposition. So it makes little sense to translate this he placed [or, laid] for them statutes... An additional meaning of this word is to make, to render, particularly when followed by lâmed (used for a genitive) or kaph (used for an accusative). It can be rendered to make [for] or to prepare [for] when followed by dative (often indicated by the lâmed preposition). In Judges 8:31, we have this translated he named him; but this use is different than simply he named him Bob. In fact, I can only find this use of the verb in two other places: Neh. 9:7, where God appoints for Abram the name Abraham; and then in 2Kings 17:34, where God appoints the name Israel for Jacob. The point is that Abimelech was not his given name. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to set up. Strong's #7760 BDB #962. [What do I think about the translation displayed? Probably not—see Job 1:8]. Gen. 2:8 4:15 6:16 9:23 13:16 21:13, 14, 18 22:6 24:2, 33, 47 27:37 28:11 30:35 31:21, 37 32:12 33:2 37:34 40:15 41:42 43:22, 31, 43 44:1, 2 45:7 46:3 47:6, 26, 29 48:17, 20 Exodus 1:11 2:3, 14 3:22 4:11 5:8 8:12 9:5, 21 10:2 14:21 15:25 17:12, 14 18:21 19:7 21:1 22:25 24:6 26:35 28:12 29:6 32:27 33:22 Num. 24:23 Deut. 1:13 4:44 17:14 22:8, 14 32:46 Judges 1:28 8:31, 33 9:24 18:31 19:30 Joshua 7:19 8:2, 12, 28 24:7, 25 Judges 1:28 1Sam. 2:20 7:12 8:5 11:2 15:2 17:40 18:5, 13 19:5 21:6 22:7, 15 25:18 28:2 30:25 31:10 2Sam. 7:10 12:20 13:19, 33 14:3 15:4 17:25 18:1, 3 19:19 23:5, 23 1Kings 2:5, 19 5:9 8:21 9:3 Job 1:8, 10, 17 4:18, 20 5:8 7:20 13:14 17:3, 11 18:2 21:5 Psalm 44:13–14 46:8 52:7 54:3 56:8 78:5, 43 104:3 105:27 147:14 Prov. 8:29 Zech. 12:2
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
to put, to place, to set; to make; to appoint |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
All of the BDB meanings: to put, set, lay, put or lay upon, lay (violent) hands on; to set, direct, direct toward; to extend (compassion) (figuratively); to set, ordain, establish, found, appoint, constitute, make, determine, fix; to set, station, put, set in place, plant, fix; to make, make for, transform into, constitute, fashion, work, bring to pass, appoint, give. Gesenius adds: to direct, to turn [in any direction]; to make, to prepare. I have used the translation to designate, to designate. |
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
put, place, set; make; appoint |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
putting, placing, setting; making; appointing |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
is put [placed, set]; is make; is appointed |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
to put, to set [in place]; to attend; to make [for a sign] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
sîym (שִׂים) [pronounced seem]; also spelled sûwm (שׂוּם) [pronounced soom] |
to be put, to be placed, to be set |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #7760 BDB #962 |
42. Feminine_noun: which means a pledge; security; a deposit. Strong’s #8667 BDB #965.
43. Feminine_noun: sûwmâh (שׂוּמָה) [pronounced soom-AW], which means a token of unluckiness; a scowl. Strong’s #7760 BDB #965. 2Sam. 13:32
sûwmâh (שׂוּמָה) [pronounced soom-AW] |
a token of unluckiness; a scowl |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7760 BDB #965 |
This is a very unusual feminine singular noun. It is listed in the BDB, but not in Gesenius. Although BDB suggests that it is related to Strong’s #7740 and #7757, it shares the Strong’s # of the verb to place, to put, to set, to appoint. This would suggest the meaning of placed, appointed, set and perhaps even planned, a plan. |
Literal translators in 2Sam. 13:32 render this word appointed, determined, put in place, settled, to become set. |
44. Verb: which means to saw. Strong’s #7787&4883&5493&8323 BDB #965.
45. Masculine_noun: which means grain. Not sure. Strong’s #7795 BDB #965.
46. Verb: sûws (שׂוּשׂ) [pronounced soos], and it means to leap, to spring [in joy], to leap [for joy]; to rejoice, to be glad, to display great happiness, to display joy. I believe that we are dealing with a word which is very demonstrative. Strong’s #7797 BDB #965. Job 3:22 Psalm 68:3
sûws (שׂוּשׂ) [pronounced soos] |
to leap, to spring [in joy], to jump [for joy]; to rejoice, to be glad, to display great happiness, to display joy |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7797 BDB #965 |
47. Masculine_noun: sâsôwn (שָׂשׂוֹן) [pronounced saw-SOHN], which means joy, gladness, happiness, exultation, rejoicing. Strong’s #8342 BDB #965. Psalm 51:8, 12 105:43
sâsôwn (שָׂשׂוֹן) [pronounced saw-SOHN] |
joy, gladness, happiness, exultation, rejoicing |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8342 BDB #965 |
48. Masculine_noun: which means exultation, rejoicing, joy. Strong’s #4885 BDB #965.
49. Verb: which means to swim. Strong’s #7811 BDB #965.
50. Masculine_noun: which means swimming. Strong’s #7813 BDB #965.
51. Verb: sâchaţ (שָׂחַט) [pronounced saw-KHAHT], which means to squeeze out, to press out. Strong’s #7818 BDB #965. Gen. 40:11
sâchaţ (שָׂחַט) [pronounced saw-KHAHT] |
to squeeze out, to press out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7818 BDB #965 |
52. Adjective: which means paneled, wainscoted, with wood. Meanings uncertain. Strong’s #7824 BDB #965.
53. Verb: sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK], which means to laugh; by extension, it means to sport, to play, to jest. In the Piel, it means to joke, to jest, to laugh repeatedly, to play, to amuse, to dance. Strong’s #7832 BDB #965. Hebrew Word: Sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] (in the Piel Stem) (in Prov. 8:30) Judges 16:25 1Sam. 18:7 2Sam. 2:14 Psalm 52:6 59:8 104:26 Prov. 1:26 8:30
sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] |
to laugh; by extension, it means to sport, to play, to jest; to mock, to hold in derision |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7832 BDB #965 |
sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] |
to celebrate [with musical instruments], to rejoice; to joke, to jest, to laugh repeatedly, to entertain, to amuse; to sing, to play [instruments]; to dance |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7832 BDB #965 |
sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] |
celebrating, rejoicing; joking, jesting, laughing, playing [musical instruments]; to dance [to music] |
feminine plural, Piel participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7832 BDB #965 |
Possibly used here to mean to compete (2Sam. 2:14). Perhaps this means to celebrate with musical instruments (2Sam. 6:5)? |
sâchaq (שָׂחַק) [pronounced saw-KHAHK] |
to laugh mockingly [in scorn] [repeatedly], to deride |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7832 BDB #965 |
54. Masculine_noun: sechôwq (שְׂחוֹק) [pronounced seKHOHK], which means laughter, mocking, derision; an object of derision; a dupe, a laughingstock; laughter; sport. Strong’s #7814 BDB #966. Job 12:4 Prov. 10:23 Eccles. 2:2
sechôwq (שְׂחוֹק) [pronounced seKHOHK] |
laughter, mocking, derision; an object of derision; a dupe, a laughingstock; laughter; sport |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7814 BDB #966 |
55. Masculine_noun: which means object of derision. Strong’s #4890 BDB #966.
56. Verb: sâţân (שָׂטָה) [pronounced saw-TAW], which means to turn aside, to go aside, to turn, to decline. Strong’s #7847 BDB #966. Prov. 4:15 7:24
sâţâh (שָׂטָה) [pronounced saw-TAW] |
to turn aside, to go aside, to turn, to decline |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7847 BDB #966 |
sâţâh (שָׂטָה) [pronounced saw-TAW] |
turn [aside], go aside, decline |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7847 BDB #966 |
This unusual verb is found in Prov. 4:15 7:25, in the book of Numbers and once in the Psalms. |
James Rickard: SATAH, שָׂטָה...has a slightly different emphasis than what we saw in NATAH...(to entice, turn aside). NATAH is the enticement to turn away while SATAH is the actual turning away itself. We could say that NATAH is the enticement to enter into sin compared to SATAH which is taking the exit ramp off of the highway you were on and heading toward sin. |
Samuel Chandler: satah has a much stronger and more significant meaning than that of mere turning aside; and that it is used of an unruly horse, that champs upon the bit through his fiery impatience; and when applied to a bad man, denotes one impatient of all restraint, of unbridled passions, and that is headstrong and ungovernable in the gratification of them, trampling on all the obligations of religion and virtue. Such...[will not] will cleave to them; they will not harbour the love of, or inclination to them, nor habitually commit them, or encourage the practice of them. |
57. Verb: sâţam (שָׂטַם) [pronounced saw-TAHM], which means to hate; to oppose; to bear a grudge, to retain [or, cherish] animosity, to be against; to lay snares [for someone], to lay a trap, to follow with hostility. Strong’s #7852 BDB #966. Hatred Gen. 27:41 49:23 50:15 Job 16:9 Psalm 55:3
sâţam (שָׂטַם) [pronounced saw-TAHM] |
to hate; to oppose; to bear a grudge, to retain [or, cherish] animosity, to be against; to lay snares [for someone], to lay a trap, to follow with hostility |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7852 BDB #966 |
Owens translates this, harassed [him] sorely in Gen. 49:23. |
58. Feminine_noun: which means animosity. Strong’s #4895 BDB #966.
59. Masculine_noun/Proper_noun: Sâţân (שָׂטָן) [pronounced saw-TAWN], which means an adversary, an accuser; enemy; one lying in wait; transliterated Satan. A word, because of being used with the definite article, is not really a proper noun, but is a simple designation for one who is an adversary. It means to lie in wait, an adversary, an accuser. We find such a usage in Num. 22:22, 32 1Sam. 29:4 1Kings 11:14 (among several other passages). It is often transliterated Satan, as though a proper noun, in 1Chron. 21:1 Job 1, 2 Psalm 109:6 Zech. 3:1–2. Satan has opposed God from the very day that he said, "I will be like the Most High." However, by the time we get to 1Chron. 21:1, the definite article is no longer used, as it has become a proper noun designation for the evil one. Strong’s #7854 BDB #966. 1Sam. 29:4 2Sam. 19:22 1Kings 5:4 Job 1:6 2:1
sâţân (שָׂטָן) [pronounced saw-TAWN] |
an adversary, an accuser; enemy; one lying in wait |
masculine singular noun (also used as a proper noun); with the definite article |
Strong’s #7854 BDB #966 |
Sâţân (שָׂטָן) [pronounced saw-TAWN] |
an adversary, an accuser; enemy; one lying in wait; transliterated Satan |
proper masculine noun (also used as a masculine singular noun) |
Strong’s #7854 BDB #966 |
Sâţân refers to one who is an adversary or an accuser in a court of law (Psalm 109:6–7). Throughout the book of Job, sâţân is preceded by a definite article. |
60. Verb: which means to be an adversary, to act as an adversary. Strong’s #7853 BDB #966.
61. Feminine_noun: which means accusation. Strong’s #7855 BDB #966.
62. Masculine_proper_noun: siţnâh (שָׂטְנָה) [pronounced siht-NAW], which means hostility, adversarial; transliterated Sitnah. Strong’s #7856 BDB #966. Gen. 26:21
siţnâh (שָׂטְנָה) [pronounced siht-NAW] |
hostility, animosity, adversarial; transliterated Sitnah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7856 BDB #966 |
63. Verb: sîybv (בי.) [pronounced seebv], which means to be hoary, to be old, to grow a lot of white hair. Strong’s #7867 BDB #966. 1Sam. 12:2 Job 15:10
sîybv (בי.) [pronounced seebv] |
to be hoary, to be old, to grow a lot of white hair |
1st person singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7867 BDB #966 |
64. Masculine_noun: which means aged, hoary. Strong’s #7869 BDB #966.
65. Feminine_noun: sêybâh (שֵׂיבָה) [pronounced sayb-VAW], which means age, old age, gray hair. Strong’s #7872 BDB #966. Gen. 15:15 25:8 42:38 44:29 Judges 8:32 Ruth 4:15 1Kings 2:6
sêybâh (שֵׂיבָה) [pronounced sayb-VAW] |
age, old age, gray hair |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7872 BDB #966 |
66. Masculine_noun: According to BDB, this plaster is the lime gotten by burning bones and they also render it whitewash. It is only found in this passage, Isa. 33:12 and Amos 2:1. Strong’s #7875 (the verb is #7874) BDB #966. Deut. 27:2
67. Verb: which means to whitewash. Strong’s #7874 BDB #966.
68. Verb: which means to speak, to communicate. Strong’s #none BDB #966.
69. Masculine_noun: sîyach (שִׂיחַ) [pronounced SEE-ahkh], which means, complaint, communication, musing, mediation, talk, anxiety, trouble. Barnes goes into some detail about this word coming from a verb which means to bring out, to put forth, to produce—as buds, leaves, flowers; however, this is in relation to words. However, in going through the use of the verb and similarly spelled verbs in BDB, I don’t find any such implications. Strong’s #7879 BDB #967. The Doctrine of Sîyach 1Sam. 1:16 Job 21:4 Psalm 55:2 64:1 104:34 (See above) 142:2
sîyach (שִׂיחַ) [pronounced SEE-ahkh] |
complaint; concern, voiced concern; communication, declaration, talk; mediation, study, contemplation |
masculine singular noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7879 BDB #967 |
Although we could probably get away with generally rendering sîyach as a voiced concern, even that seems a bit too weak for the passages in Job. My thinking would be that this noun (and verb) went through a transformation over the years. In Job’s day, sîyach meant complaint; however, this became a vocalized concern and then simply a communication. Since communication works both ways, this also has a more passive sense, where the person receives the communication; in other words, he studies or meditates. |
70. Feminine_noun: sîychâh (ה ָחי.) [pronounced see-KHAW], which means, meditation, prayer, complaint, communication. This word is only found here and in Psalm 119:97, 99. In Psalm 119, there is no way that this means complaint or prayer. Its verbal cognate means to communicate, therefore, some form of communication is involved. However, the psalmist calls God’s Law and His testimonies his sîychâh all day long—therefore, it would be reasonable for this to mean meditation, study, Bible study—it is God’s communication to man. Strong’s #7881 BDB #967. The Doctrine of Sîyach Job 15:4
sîychâh (ה ָחי.) [pronounced see-KHAW] |
meditation, study, Bible study; communication |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7881 BDB #967 |
71. Verb1: sîyach (שִיַח) [pronounced SEE-ahkh], which means, to communicate, to declare, to speak of, to talk about; to meditate; and possibly to complain; and this word is found primarily in poetry (Judges 5:10 Job 7:11 Psalm 119:15, 23, 27). Strong’s #7878 BDB #967. The Doctrine of Sîyach (Judges 5:10) Judges 5:10 Job 7:11 12:8 Psalm 55:17 105:2 (See below) Prov. 6:22
sîyach (שִיַח) [pronounced SEE-ahkh] |
to communicate, to declare, to speak of, to talk about; to meditate, to study |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7878 BDB #967 |
Although we could probably get away with generally rendering sîyach as to voice a concern, that seems too weak for this verb’s cognate in Job. My thinking would be that this verb (and noun) went through a transformation over the years. In Job’s day, sîyach meant to complain; however, this became to vocalize a concern and then simply to communicate. Since communication works both ways, this also has a more passive sense, where the person receives the communication; in other words, he studies or meditates. |
sîyach (שִיַח) [pronounced SEE-ahkh] |
communicate, declare, speak of, talk about; meditate, study |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7878 BDB #967 |
72. Masculine_noun: which means thought. Strong’s #7808 BDB #967.
73. Masculine_noun: sîyach (שִׂיחַ) [pronounced SEE-ahkh], which means bush, shrub, plant. Strong’s #7880 BDB #967. Gen. 2:5 21:15
sîyach (שִׂיחַ) [pronounced SEE-ahkh] |
bush, shrub, plant |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7880 BDB #967 |
74. Verb2: which means to shoot out, to sprout, to grow. Strong’s #none BDB #967.
75. Verb: which means to look out, to hope. Strong’s #none BDB #967.
76. Masculine_noun: which means celestial appearance, phenomenon. Strong’s #7907 BDB #967.
77. Feminine_noun: which means watchtowers (?). Strong’s #7914 BDB #967.
78. Feminine_noun: masekkîyth (תי ̣ ׃ ַמ) [pronounced mah-s'k-KEETH] is a tough word. It is found in only six passages (Lev. 26:1 Num. 33:52 Psalm 73:7 Prov. 18:11 25:11 Ezek. 8:12). BDB gives its meanings as showpiece, figure, imagination. In Lev. 26:1, it accompanies with word stone, perhaps indicating a stone cut according to one's imagination. In context, it obviously has something to do with idolatry and with stone. According to Gesenius, it means image, figure in Lev. 26:1 Ezek. 8:12. It means imagination, opinion in Psalm 73:7 Prov. 18:11. The use of this word in Psalm 73:7 and Prov. 18:11 seem to indicate that thinking or imagination are involved. My educated opinion is that this is a stone sculpted according to one's imagination of the unseen world. In Psalm 73:7, we will guess that it means imagination. Strong's #4906 BDB #967. Lev. 26:1 Psalm 73:7
79. Masculine_noun: which means knife. Strong’s #7915 BDB #967.
80. Proper_noun_location: sêkûw (כ̤) [pronounced say-KOO], which means lookout point; and is transliterated Secu. Strong’s #7906 BDB #967. 1Sam. 19:22*
sêkûw (כ̤) [pronounced say-KOO] |
lookout point; bare hill top; and is transliterated Secu, but perhaps it should be Sephi |
proper singular noun singular location |
Strong’s #7906 BDB #967 |
According to ZEPB, Lagarde’s LXX and B read ἔν τ ζέφει, “on the bare hill-top,” attesting a possible Hebrew original of יפש “bare hill.” This textual variant is easily possible in Hebrew cursive or square Aramaic script. The Peshitta reads “the end.” Other Greek manuscripts and Vulgate support the Masoretic text. A cistern at the site would be a well-known gathering place where information could be secured. I thought that my LXX was β, but perhaps it is not. It reads Σεφ, which is transliterated Sephi, which supports ZPEB’s point (and perhaps they got the Greek spelling wrong?). This proper noun is found only here; and I am not able to find the supposed Hebrew equivalent (bare hill) anywhere. |
81. Verb: çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe], which means, to weave, to intertwine [like a screen]; to fence in, to make [a fence, hedge]; to protect, to guard; to cover over. I thought that this was also found in BDB as sâkake (שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] (Strong’s #7918 BDB #968), but that appears to be a different word. I cannot even find this particular word listed in the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance for Job 10:11. Zodhiates identifies it as Strong’s #5526, BDB lists it with the sîyn’s on p. 968. We find this rendered fence (KJV, Young), interweave (Rotherham), intertwine (Keil and Delitzsch), knit (NIV, NKJV, NRSV, REB, NAB, NASB) and weave (NJB). The other meanings for these words found in other passages are quite dissimilar: pacified, assuaged, appeased (Strong’s #7918) and covered, hedged, protected (Strong’s #5526). Only under Strong’s #5526, do we find some similar meaning in Isa. 9:11 and 19:2, where the meaning is given as mingled, joined together. We will go with knit in this passage. Strong’s #5526 BDB #692,696,697. Exodus 25:20 33:22 Job 3:23 10:11
çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] |
to weave, to intertwine [like a screen]; to screen; to fence in, to make [a fence, hedge]; to protect, to guard; to overshadow, to cover over |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697 |
There are some very confusing aspects to this word. BDB gives two sets of meanings (to hedge, to fend about and to weave together). However, one can reasonably follow the original meaning to its applications, thus blurring the distinction between the homonyms. The second problem is, there are two spellings for this word; but are they really different words? Strong gives both spelling, but without differentiating between the words; BDB gives both spellings and two sets of definitions (but not tied to a specific spelling). |
çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] |
protector, guard; fence |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697 |
çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] |
overshadowing, covering; protecting, guarding |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697 |
çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] |
to screen, to cover, to defecate (euphemism) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697 |
çâkake/sâkake (סָכַ/שָׂכַ) [pronounced saw-KAHKe] |
to weave (together) |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilpel imperfect |
Strong’s #5526 BDB #692, 696, 697 |
82. Verb2: which means to weave. Strong’s #5526 & #7918 BDB #968.
83. Masculine_noun: which means booth, pavilion. Strong’s #7900 BDB #968.
84. Verb3: which means . Strong’s #5526 & #7753 BDB #968.
85. Feminine_noun: which means hedge. Strong’s #4881 BDB #968.
86. Verb4: which means to pierce, to transfix. Strong’s #5526 BDB #968.
87. Masculine_noun: which means thorn. Plural Num. 33:55.* Strong’s #7899 BDB #968.
88. Feminine_noun: which means barb, spear. Plural Job 40:31.* Strong’s #7905 BDB #968.
89. Verb1: sâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL], which means to be prudent. There are problems with determining its exact meaning, it does not mean to prosper as it is found in the KJV, the NASB and the NIV. The first time this word is found is in Gen. 3:6 where the woman sees the Tree of Knowledge in the midst of the garden and sees that it would be a tree to be desired to make wise. We find this word as a part of the title of several Psalms (Psalm 32, 41, 42, 44, 47, etc.). It is often transliterated Maschil or Maskil, but it means giving instruction, to give instructions. Moses uses this word again in Deut. 32:29 and it is translated to understand. All of these examples come from the Hiphil of this verb. What has happened is they behave wisely as those who have been properly instructed. It is the word of God which will give them the proper instruction to act wisely. Strong’s #7919 BDB #968. [Deut. 29:9 Joshua 1:7 1Sam. 18:5, 14 Psalm (44 inscription)—pronunciation incorrect] Gen. 3:6 48:14 1Sam. 18:5, 14, 30 1Kings 2:3 Psalm 2:10 32:8 41:1 64:9 106:7 (Psalm 142 inscription) Prov. 1:3 10:5, 19
sâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to look at, to behold; to be prudent, to behave wisely [as one who has been properly instructed] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7919 BDB #968 |
sâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to look at, to attend to, to turn the mind to; to be or become understanding, to be prudent; to be successful, to act prosperously; to instruct, to teach, to make prudent; possibly, to acknowledge, contemplate, consider |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7919 BDB #968 |
All of the Hiphil meanings, according to BDB, are: to look at or upon, have insight; to give attention to, consider, ponder, be prudent; to have insight, have comprehension; insight, comprehension (substantive); to cause to consider, give insight, teach; the teachers, the wise; to act circumspectly, act prudently, act wisely; to prosper, have success; to cause to prosper. Gesenius has: to look at; to attend to, to turn the mind to; to be [become] understanding or prudent; to be successful; to act prosperously; to make prudent, to teach; to give succcess. As a substantive: intelligence, prudence. |
sâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
looking at, attending to, turning the mind to; being or becoming understanding, being prudent; being successful, acting prosperously; instructing, teaching, making prudent |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7919 BDB #968 |
sâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL] |
to lay crosswise, to cross (hands) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7919 BDB #968 |
90. Masculine_noun: sekel (שֶׂכֶל) [pronounced SEH-kel], which means understanding, prudence, insight. Sêkel (ל∵כ̤) [pronounced SAY-kel], is an alternative spelling. Strong’s #7922 BDB #968. 1Sam. 25:3 Job 17:4 Prov. 3:4
sekel (שֶׂכֶל) [pronounced SEH-kel] sêkel (שֵׂכֶל) [pronounced SAY-kel] |
understanding, intelligence, prudence, insight; cunning |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7922 BDB #968 |
91. Masculine_noun: masekîyl (מַשְכִיל) [pronounced mahse-KEEL], which means (according to BDB) contemplative poem, and is found in several of the psalm titles (32, 42, 44, 45, 52–55, 74, 78, 88, 89, and 142, as well as in Psalm 47:8.* It comes from the verb sâkal (ל ַכ ָ) [pronounced shaw-KAHL], which means to be prudent, to be wise. We may better render this [A psalm of] wisdom [or, instruction]. Strong’s #4905 BDB #968. Psalm 44 inscription 47:7 52 inscription 54 inscription 55 inscription 89 inscription 142 inscription
masekîyl (מַשְכִּיל) [pronounced mahse-KEEL] |
an instructive psalm; a contemplative poem; transliterated maskil |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4905 BDB #968 |
Gesenius lists this as the Hiphil participle of sâkal (שָׂכַל) [pronounced saw-KAHL], which means (in the Hiphil) to look at, to attend to, to turn the mind to; to be understanding, to become understanding, to be prudent; to be successful, to act prosperously; to make prudent, to teach. In any case, masekîyl comes from sâkal. Strong’s #7919 BDB #968. |
92. Verb2: which means to lay crosswise. Piel. Strong’s #7919 BDB #968.
93. Verb: sâkar (שָׂכַר) [pronounced saw-KAHR], which means to hire; to recompense; to bribe. The Niphal is the passive stem, meaning to be hired out, to have been hired, to be recompensed. Strong’s #7936 BDB #968. Gen. 30:16 Judges 18:4 1Sam. 2:5 2Sam. 10:6
sâkar (שָׂכַר) [pronounced saw-KAHR] |
to hire; to recompense; to bribe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7936 BDB #968 |
sâkar (שָׂכַר) [pronounced saw-KAHR] |
to be hired out, to have been hired, to be recompensed |
3rd person plural, Niphal Hithpael perfect |
Strong’s #7936 BDB #968 |
94. Masculine_noun: which means hire, wages. Strong’s #7938 BDB #969.
95. Masculine_noun: sâkâr (שָׂכָר) [pronounced saw-KAWR], which means remuneration, hire, wages. Strong’s #7939 BDB #969. Gen. 15:1 30:18, 28 Exodus 2:9 1Kings 5:6 Exodus 22:15 1Chron. 7:1
sâkâr (שָׂכָר) [pronounced saw-KAWR] |
remuneration, hire, wages |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7939 BDB #969 |
96. Masculine_proper_noun: Sâkâr (שָׂכָר) [pronounced saw-KAWR], which means wages, recompense; payment of contract; transliterated Sacar, Sakar. Strong’s #7940 BDB #969. 1Chron. 11:35
Sâkâr (שָׂכָר) [pronounced saw-KAWR] |
wages, recompense; payment of contract; transliterated Sacar, Sakar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7940 BDB #969 |
97. Adjective: sâkîyr (שָׂכִיר) [pronounced saw-KEER], which means hired or hireling. Although employee is a good up-to-date rendering, subordinate might better communicate Job’s inference here. Hired servant, which is the word sâkiyr (שָׂכִיר) [pronounced saw-KEER]. This is actually an adjective which functions as a substantive (see Lev. 22:10 25:40). Strong’s #7916 & #7917 BDB #969. Exodus 12:45 22:15 (Lev. or Num.?) Job 7:1
sâkîyr (שָׂכִיר) [pronounced saw-KEER] |
hired or hireling, employee, hired servant, hired laborer; mercinary |
masculine singular adjective |
& #7917 BDB #969 |
98. Feminine_noun: masekôreth (מַשְׂכֹּרֶת) [pronounced mahs-KOH-rehth], which means wages. The noun is only found three other times in Scripture (Gen. 29:15 31:7, 41) and it means wages [of a servant] or reward [for faithfulness to God]. Strong’s #4909 BDB #969. Gen. 29:15 31:7 Ruth 2:12
masekôreth (מַשְׂכֹּרֶת) [pronounced mahs-KOH-rehth] |
wages; reward |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4909 BDB #969 |
99. Feminine_noun: śelâv/śelâyv (שְׂלָיו/שְׂלָו) [pronounced sel-AWV] which means, 1) quail. Thayer and Strong definitions only. Strong’s #7958. selav (ו-ל) [pronounced selahv], which me ans quail. Strong’s #7958 BDB #969. Exodus 16:13 Psalm 105:40
śelâv/śelâyv (שְׂלָיו/שְׂלָו) [pronounced sel-AWV] |
quail; quails |
feminine singular noun; always used in the collective sense |
Strong’s #7958 BDB #969 |
100. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8012#8009#8007 BDB #969.
101. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8014#8073 BDB #969.
102. Verb: which means to kindle, to burn. Strong’s #5400 BDB #969.
103. Masculine_noun: semôʾl (שְׂמֹאל) [pronounced seMOHL], which means the left, the left hand, the left side; north [when facing east]. Actually, here, in 1Sam. 6:12, Owen calls it a feminine noun, whereas BDB calls it masculine all the time. There are two forms of this noun, the second being semôʾwl (שְׂמֹאול) [pronounced seMOHL], which is the spelling that we find here. Strong’s #8040 BDB #969. Gen. 13:9 14:15 48:13 Exodus 14:22 Deut. 2:27 5:32 17:11 Joshua 23:6 Judges 3:21 16:29 1Sam. 6:12 2Sam. 2:19 16:6 1Kings 7:39 Prov. 3:16 4:27
semôʾl or semôʾwl (שְׂמֹאל) (שְׂמֹאול) [pronounced seMOHL] |
[to] the left, the left hand, the left side; north [when facing east] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8040 BDB #969 |
104. Verb: sameʾal (שַמְאַל) [pronounced sahme-AHL], which means to go [turn] to the left; to take the left; to be left-handed, to use the left hand. Strong’s #8041 BDB #970. Gen. 13:9 2Sam. 14:19 1Chron. 12:2
sameʾal (שַמְאַל) [pronounced sahme-AHL] |
to go [turn] to the left; to take the left; to be left-handed, to use the left hand |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8041 BDB #970 |
105. Adjective: semâlîy (שְׂמָאלִי) [pronounced sehm-aw-LEE], which means left (side), on the left. Strong’s #8042 BDB #970. 1Kings 7:21
semâlîy (שְׂמָאלִי) [pronounced sehm-aw-LEE] |
left (side), on the left |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #8042 BDB #970 |
In 1Kings 7:21, Owens translates this on the north. |
106. Verb: sâmach (שָמַח) [pronounced saw-MAHKH], and it means to rejoice, to be glad. Strong’s #8055 BDB #970. Exodus 4:14 Deut. 16:11 Judges 9:19 19:3 1Sam. 2:1b 6:13 11:9, 15 19:5 2Sam. 1:20 1Kings 5:7 Job 21:12 Psalm 32:11 33:21 34:2 46:4 63:11 64:10 89:42 90:14 106:5 118:24 Prov. 5:18 10:1
sâmach (שָמַח) [pronounced saw-MAHKH] |
to rejoice, to be glad, to be joyful, to be merry |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8055 BDB #970 |
sâmach (שָמַח) [pronounced saw-MAHKH] |
rejoice, be glad, be joyful, be merry |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #8055 BDB #970 |
sâmach (שָמַח) [pronounced saw-MAHKH] |
to make joyful, to cause one to rejoice, to gladden, to make one happy |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8055 BDB #970 |
sâmach (שָמַח) [pronounced saw-MAHKH] |
to make joyful, to cause one to rejoice, to gladden, to make one happy |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8055 BDB #970 |
107. Adjective/verb: sâmêach (שָׂמֵחַ) [pronounced saw-MAY-ahkh], which means glad, joyful, merry; one who rejoices; rejoicing, joyful. Strong’s #8056 BDB #970. Deut. 16:15 1Kings 1:40 4:20 8:66 Job 3:22 Prov. 2:14 Eccles. 2:10
sâmêach (שָׂמֵחַ) [pronounced saw-MAY-ahkh] |
to be glad, to be joyful, to be merry; to find pleasure |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #8056 BDB #970 |
In Eccles. 2:10, Owen has that this is a verb, which appears to be what is called for by the sentence structure. The BHSE — Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced) — lists this as a masculine singular adjective in Eccles. 2:10. BDB lists this only as a verbal adjective. |
sâmêach (שָׂמֵחַ) [pronounced saw-MAY-ahkh] |
glad, joyful, merry; one who rejoices; rejoicing, joyful |
masculine plural, verbal adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #8056 BDB #970 |
sâmêach (שָׂמֵחַ) [pronounced saw-MAY-ahkh] |
those who are glad, those who are joyful, ones who are merry; those who rejoice |
masculine plural, verbal adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #8056 BDB #970 |
108. Feminine_noun: simechâh (שִמְחָה) [pronounced sime-KHAW], which means joy, gladness, mirth. Strong’s #8057 BDB #970. Gen. 31:27 1Sam. 18:6 2Sam. 6:12 1Kings 1:40 1Chron. 12:40 Job 20:5 Psalm 51:8 68:3 106:5 Prov. 10:28 Eccles. 2:1, 10
simechâh (שִמְחָה) [pronounced sime-KHAW] |
joy, gladness, mirth, great joy, rejoicing, enjoyment, pleasure |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #8057 BDB #970 |
Dr. Bob Utley: Pleasure (BDB 970) is used in Ecclesiastes in two different senses: 1. gaiety, laughter (Eccles. 2:1–2; Eccles. 2:10; Eccles. 7:4), where periods of pleasure briefly dull the mind and heart of humanity's existential existence in a fallen world, but it does not last; it does not satisfy! 2. daily pleasure in life's personal relationships and activities (Eccles. 8:15; Eccles. 9:7). Here pleasure is not the goal, but the result of a regular attitude of trust in God (cf. Eccles. 2:26; Eccles. 5:19) and thankfulness about common life experiences (food, drink, family, friends, work, cf. Eccles. 2:24; Eccles. 3:12–13; Eccles. 3:22; Eccles. 5:8; Eccl. 8:15,19; Eccles. 9:7–9). |
109. Feminine_noun: semîykâh (שֶׂמִיכָה) [pronounced sehm-ee-KAW], which means a rug, a thick coverlet, a blanket, a quilt. It has the same root as the word for a large over garment (which is Strong’s #8071 BDB #971). I would think that thick blanket is probably the best rendering. Strong’s #8063 BDB #970. Exodus 12:34 Judges 4:18*
semîykâh (שֶׂמִיכָה) [pronounced sehm-ee-KAW] |
a rug, a thick coverlet, a blanket, a quilt; wrapper, mantle, covering garment, garments, clothes, raiment, a cloth |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8063 BDB #970 |
In Exodus 12:34, this appears to be something of a knapsack, rucksack made of sturdy cloth that one would carry on one’s shoulders. |
110. Feminine_noun: salemâh (שַׂלְמָה) [pronounced sahle-MAW], which means, mantle, outer garment; in the plural (as it is found here), it means [nice] clothes, rainment. The implication may mean that this is a really nice set of clothes. Strong’s #8071 I think this is Strong’s #8008 BDB #971. Exodus 22:9, 25, 27 Ruth 3:3 (I’ve got the other noun here)
salemâh (שַׂלְמָה) [pronounced sahle-MAW] |
mantle, outer garment; in the plural (as it is found here), it means [nice] clothes, rainment |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8008 BDB #971 |
111. Feminine_noun2: sîmelâh (שִׂמְלָה) [pronounced sime-LAW], which means garment, clothing, cloth. In the plural, this means clothes, clothing, garments. Strong’s #8071 BDB #971. Gen. 9:23 35:2 37:34 41:14 44:13 45:22 Exodus 3:22 12:35 19:10 Deut. 5:10 21:12 22:3, 5 1Sam. 21:9 2Sam. 12:20
sîmelâh (שִׂמְלָה) [pronounced sime-LAW] |
[covering, outer] garment, mantle, clothing, cloth |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8071 BDB #971 |
semâlôth (שְׂמָלֹת) [pronounced smaw-LOTH] |
[covering, outer] garments, clothing, clothes |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8071 BDB #971 |
112. Masculine_proper_noun: Samelâh (שַׂמְלָה) [pronounced sahm-LAW], which means garment; transliterated Samlah. Strong’s #8072 BDB #971. Gen. 36:36
Samelâh (שַׂמְלָה) [pronounced sahm-LAW] |
garment; transliterated Samlah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8072 BDB #971 |
113. Verb: sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] and this verb means to hate; in the participle, it is the ones hating. The explicit desire is to have no relationship with the other. Strong’s #8130 BDB #971. Gen. 24:60 26:27 29:31 37:4 Exodus 1:10 18:21 20:5 23:5 Deut. 4:42 5:9 16:22 21:15 22:13 30:7 Joshua 20:5 2Sam. 5:8 13:15 19:6 22:18 22:41 Psalm 34:21 41:7 44:7, 10 55:12 68:1 83:2 89:23 105:25 106:10, 41 118:7 Prov. 1:22 5:12 6:16 8:13, 36 9:8 Eccles. 2:17
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
to hate, loath; to be hateful, to be filled with animosity |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
ISBE gives the meanings as: A feeling of strong antagonism and dislike, generally malevolent and prompting to injury (the opposite of love); sometimes born of moral resentment. |
The NET Bible: The verb translated “hate” has the basic idea of rejecting something spontaneously. For example, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” (Mal 1:2b, 3a). It frequently has the idea of disliking or loathing (as English does), but almost always with an additional aspect of rejection. To “hate evil” is not only to dislike it, but to reject it and have nothing to do with it. |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
to hate; in the participle, it is hating, being at enmity, despising; the ones hating |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
haters, those who are at enmity, the ones despising; those who hate |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
to hate; in the participle, it is the ones hating; in the passive: those being hated by |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
hating ones, the ones hating, the haters, enemies |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
to be hated, to receive hatred; to be an enemy |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
hating, having animosity; the one hating, the hater; an enemy |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
sânêʾ (שָׂנֵא) [pronounced saw-NAY] |
hating ones, the ones hating, the haters; enemies |
masculine plural, Piel participle |
Strong’s #8130 BDB #971 |
114. Adjective: sânîyʾ (שָׂנִיא) [pronounced saw-NEE], which means hated, disliked; held in aversion. Strong’s #8146 BDB #971. Deut. 21:15
sânîyʾ (שָׂנִיא) [pronounced saw-NEE] |
hated, disliked; held in aversion |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #8146 BDB #971 |
115. Feminine_noun: sineʾâh (שְִׂאָה) [pronounced sihn-AW], which means hate, hating, hatred. Strong’s #8135 BDB #971. Hatred Deut. 1:27 2Sam. 13:15 Prov. 10:12
sineʾâh (שְִׂאָה) [pronounced sihn-AW] |
hate, hating, hatred |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8135 BDB #971 |
116. Proper_noun: Senîyr (שְׂנִיר) [pronounced sehn-EER], which means snow mountain; and is transliterated Senir, Shenir. Strong’s #8149 BDB #972. Deut. 3:8 (4:48)
Senîyr (שְׂנִיר) [pronounced sehn-EER] |
snow mountain; and is transliterated Senir, Shenir |
proper singular noun; location |
Strong’s #8149 BDB #972 |
This is also spelled Shenîyr (שְנִיר) [pronounced sheen-EER]. This is the Amorite name for Mount Herman. |
117. Masculine_plural_noun: seʿiphîym (מי.̣ע) [pronounced seģip-PEEM], which means disquieting thoughts, thoughts, agitated thoughts. There are two slightly different spellings for this word (see New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance pp. 880, 1212). The thoughts mentioned by Eliphaz are thoughts which divide and distract the mind; this is not clear, linear thinking, but the kind of thinking which takes one off on tangents. It means disquietings, disconcerting thoughts. These are not the thoughts which are the reflections of a cool, calm and collected thinking process, but thoughts which divide and distract the mind. These are thoughts which are disturbing and disconcerting. Strong’s #5587 BDB #972. Job 4:13 20:2
118. Masculine_plural_noun: which means disquieting or disconcerting thoughts. Strong’s #8312 BDB #972.
119. Verb: which means to be hairy. Strong’s #none BDB #972.
120. Masculine_noun: sêʿâr (שֵׂעָר) [pronounced say-ĢAWR], which means hair, hairs; hair brisling up. There is a different form of this word in Isaiah with possibly a slightly different meaning. Strong’s #8181 BDB #972. Gen. 25:25 2Sam. 14:26 Psalm 68:21
sêʿâr (שֵׂעָר) [pronounced say-ĢAWR] |
hair, hairs; hair brisling up |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8181 BDB #972 |
121. Feminine_noun: saʿărâh (שַׂעֲרָה) [pronounced sah-ģuh-RAW], which means hair. Strong’s #8185 BDB #972. 1Sam. 14:45 2Sam. 14:11 1Kings 1:52
saʿărâh (שַׂעֲרָה) [pronounced sah-ģuh-RAW] |
hair, a single hair |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #8185 BDB #972 |
122. Verb: which means to bristle [with horror]. This last verb is listed in three different places on two different pages with several words between them. Sâʿar (ר ַע ָ) [pronounced saw-AHR] is defined as bristle with horror on p. 972; as sweep, whirl away in the middle of p. 973 and as be acquainted at the bottom of p. 973. This is not the word normally given as fear-respect in the Bible. The connection with the various meanings is the high winds cause one to shake from being cold and blown upon; the rendering found in Keil and Delitzsch of shudder is quite reasonable. There is no respect associated with this word; simply fear. Strong’s #8175 BDB #972. & 973. Deut. 32:17
123. Masculine_noun: saʿar (ר-ע-) [pronounced SAH-gahr], which means horror, bristling. Strong’s #8178 BDB #972. Job 18:20
124. Adjective1: sâʿîyr (שָׂעִיר) [pronounced saw-ĢEER], which means hairy; shaggy. Strong’s #8163 BDB #972. Gen. 27:11
sâʿîyr (שָׂעִיר) [pronounced saw-ĢEER] |
hairy; shaggy; rough |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #8163 BDB #972 |
This is also spelled without the yodh. |
125. Masculine_noun2: sâʿîyr (שָׂעִיר) [pronounced saw-ĢEER] which means male goat, buck. Strong’s #8163 BDB #972. Gen. 37:31
sâʿîyr (שָׂעִיר) [pronounced saw-ĢEER] |
he goat; buck; a sacrificial animal; wood demons (carved like goats); a satyr; a demon-possessed goat (like the swine of Matt. 8:30–32) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8163 BDB #972 |
This is also spelled without the yodh. |
126. Feminine_noun1: sheʿîyrâh (הָרי.ע ש) [pronounced se-ģee-RAW], which means female goat; rough. Strong’s #8156 BDB #972.
127. Proper_noun/location: Sheʿîyrâh (הָרי.ע ש) [pronounced se-ģee-RAW], which means she-goat; rough; transliterated Seirath. Strong’s #8167 BDB #972. Judges 3:27
Sheʿîyrâh (הָרי.ע ש) [pronounced se-ģee-RAW] |
she-goat; rough; transliterated Seirath |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #8167 BDB #972 |
128. Masculine noun3: which means satyr, demon. Strong’s #8163 BDB #972.
129. Feminine_noun: seʿôrâh (שְׂעֹרָה) [pronounced soh-ĢRAW], which means barley. In the plural, it can mean cooked or measured barley or it can refer to barley grains. Strong’s #8184 BDB #972. Exodus 9:31 Judges 7:13 Ruth 1:22 2Sam. 14:30 17:28 21:9 1Kings 4:28 1Chron. 11:13
seʿôrâh (שְׂעֹרָה) [pronounced seh-ģoh-RAW] |
barley |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8184 BDB #972 |
seʿôwrîym (שְׂעוֹרִים) [pronounced seh-ģoh-REEM] |
barley grain; barley fields; sheaves of barley, barley harvest; cooked or measured barley |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8184 BDB #972 |
130. Masculine_proper_noun: which means barley; transliterated . Strong’s #8188 BDB #972.
131. Proper_noun: Sêʿîyr (שֵׂעִיר) [pronounced say-ĢEER], which means hairy, shaggy; transliterated Seir. Strong’s #8165 BDB #973. Gen. 14:6 32:3 33:14 36:8 Deut. 1:2, 44 2:1 Judges 5:4
Sêʿîyr (שֵׂעִיר) [pronounced say-ĢEER] |
hairy, shaggy; transliterated Seir |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #8165 BDB #973 |
132. Verb2: sâʿar (ר ַע ָ) [pronounced saw-AHR], which means to sweep away, to whirl away. Strong’s #8175 BDB #973.
133. Masculine_noun: which means storm. Strong’s #5591 & #8178 BDB #973.
134. Feminine_noun: seʿârâh (ה ָר ָע ׃) [pronounced se-aw-RAW or se-gaw-RAW], which means tempest, storm. This word has several different spellings and the difference in meaning are hard to determine. One of the spellings begins with a çâmek [pronounced SAW-mek] = ç = ס. Strong’s #8183 BDB #973. Job 9:17 Without the “âh” ending = Strong’s #8178 BDB #973. [With the “ç” with or without “âh” Strong’s #5591 BDB #704]
135. Feminine_noun: sâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-FAWH], which means lip, speech, edge. Let me go with Rotherham’s work: lip (1Sam. 1:13 Psalm 22:7); mouth, speech, language (Gen. 11:1 Isa. 19:18 33:19); the border of a garment (Ex. 28:32); the boundary of land (Judges 7:22); the shoreline or a bank (Gen. 22:17 41:3 Exodus 14:30). These are all tied together as the edge or brink of something (the lips are the edge of the mouth); and language and dialect comes from this. In this case, I would go with speech or dialect. It actually has two related, but different meanings: ➊ a person's lip or lips, including that which emanates therefrom; therefore, it means lip, speech, words, tongue, dialect, language; and ➋ it can refer to the lip, edge, border of a vessel, a garment, of a river, sea or land. Strong’s #8193 BDB #973. Gen. 11:1 22:17 41:3, 17 Exodus 2:3 6:12 7:15 14:30 26:4 28:26 Deut. 2:36 4:48 Joshua 12:2 13:9 1Sam. 1:13 1Kings 4:29 7:23 9:26 Job 2:10 12:20 Psalm 12:4 21:2 34:13 51:15 59:7, 12 63:3 81:5 89:34 106:33 Prov. 4:24 5:2, 3 7:21 10:8
sâphâh (שָׂפָה) [pronounced saw-FAWH] |
lip, tongue; words, speech; dialect, language; edge, brim, border [or, lip] [of something], shore |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8193 BDB #973 |
sephâtayim (שְׂפָתַיִם) [pronounced sefaw-tah-YIHM] |
[two] lips; words; speech |
feminine dual noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8193 BDB #973 |
136. Masculine_noun: sâphâm (שָׂפָם) [pronounced saw-FAWM], which means moustache. Strong’s #8222 BDB #974. 2Sam. 19:24
sâphâm (שָׂפָם) [pronounced saw-FAWM] |
moustache possibly beard, lips |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8222 BDB #974 |
137. Verb2: which means to suffice. I don’t know where verb I is. Strong’s #5606 BDB #974.
138. Masculine_noun: çêpheq (ק∵פ̤ס) [pronounced SAY-fehk], which means sufficiency, plenty. Although this word is only found here, it appears to have reasonable cognatic support. Strong’s #5607 BDB #974. Job 20:22
139. Verb: which means to bind on. Doubtful? Strong’s #8244 BDB #974.
140. Masculine_noun: saq (שַׂק) [pronounced sahk], which means a [corn] sack, sackcloth [worn by mourners], thick cloth [especially made of hair). Strong’s #8242 BDB #974. Gen. 37:34 42:25 2Sam. 3:31 (12:16) 21:10
saq (שַׂק) [pronounced sahk] |
a [corn] sack, sackcloth [worn by mourners], thick cloth [especially made of hair) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8242 BDB #974 |
141. Verb: which means to ogle, to look at anything, to look with envy or hatred. Piel. Strong’s #8265 BDB #974.
142. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8272 BDB #974.
143. Verb: which means to be intertwined. Pual. Strong’s #8276 BDB #974.
144. Masculine_noun: sârîyg (שָׂרִיג) [pronounced saw-REEG], which means branch, shoot, tendril, twig. Strong’s #8299 BDB #974. Gen. 40:10
sârîyg (שָׂרִיג) [pronounced saw-REEG] |
branch, shoot, tendril, twig |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8299 BDB #974 |
145. Masculine_proper_noun: Serûwg (שְׂרוּג) [pronounced sehr-OOG], which means branch, descendant; transliterated Sergu. Strong’s #8277 BDB #974. Gen. 10:20
Serûwg (שְׂרוּג) [pronounced sehr-OOG] |
branch, descendant; transliterated Serug |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8277 BDB #974 |
146. Verb1: which means to escape. Strong’s #8277 BDB #974.
147. Masculine_noun: sârîyd (שָׂרִיד) [pronounced saw-REED], and it means survivor, remnant, the one remaining, those who are left. The KJV usually renders this as some form of the word remain, often remaining; and occasionally as left. Strong’s #8300 BDB #975. Deut. 2:34 3:3 Joshua 8:22 Judges 5:13 Job 18:19 20:21, 26
sârîyd (שָׂרִיד) [pronounced saw-REED] |
survivor, remnant, the one remaining, those who are left |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8300 BDB #975 |
148. Location: Strong’s #8301 BDB #975.
149. Verb2: which means to plait, to braid. Strong’s #none BDB #975.
150. Masculine_noun: serâd (שְׂרָד) [pronounced s'RAWD], which means plaited work, braided work. This is because this word's origins are unknown, some even (mistakenly) thinking that it might be a loan word from the Aramaic. Strong's #8278 BDB #975. Exodus 31:10
serâd (שְׂרָד) [pronounced s'RAWD] |
plaited work, braided work |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #8278 BDB #975 |
This word is only found in four passages (Exodus 31:10, 35:19, 39:1, 41), and it is always used in the same way. Because it is always used in conjunction with the word for clothing, garments, rainment and only for the clothing in used at the tabernacle, let me sugges that these two words be translated: clothing of [tabernacle] service, garments of office. |
151. Masculine_noun: which means a marking tool for wood, a stylus. Meaning taken from context. Strong’s #8279 BDB #975.
152. Verb1: sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW], which means to contend [with]; to persist, to exert oneself, to persevere. Strong’s #8280 BDB #975. Gen. 32:28
sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW] |
to contend [with]; to persist, to exert oneself, to persevere |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8280 BDB #975 |
153. Masculine_proper_noun: Yiserâʾêl (יִשְׂרַאֵל) [pronounced yis-raw-ALE], and it is obviously transliterated Israel. Strong’s #3478 BDB #975. Gen. 32:28 33:20 34:7 35:10 36:31 37:3 42:5 43:6 45:21 46:1 47:27 48:2 49:2 50:2 Exodus 1:1 2:23 3:9 4:22 5:1 6:5 7:2 9:4 10:20 11:7 12:3 13:1 14:2 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:22 24:1 25:2 27:20 28:1 29:28 30:12 31:13 32:4 33:5 Deut. 1:1 2:12 3:18 4:1 5:1 17:4 20:3 21:8 22:19 34:8 Joshua 11:16 Judges 1:1 1Sam. 1:17 12:1 13:1, 13 14:12, 21 15:1 16:1 17:2 18:6, 16 19:5 20:12 23:10 24:2 25:1 26:2 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:25 31:1 2Sam. 1:3 12:7, 12 13:12 14:25 15:2 16:3 17:4 18:6 19:8 20:1 21:2 23:1 24:1 1Kings 1:3 2:4 3:28 4:1, 20 5:13 6:1 8:1 9:5 1Chron. 16:3, 13 Psalm 41:13 59:5 73:1 103:7 105:10 106:48 118:2 Prov. 1:1 Eccles. 1:12
Yiserâʾêl (יִשְׂרַאֵל) [pronounced yis-raw-ALE] |
God prevails; contender; soldier of God; transliterated Israel |
masculine proper noun; God-given name to Jacob; and national name for the Jewish people |
Strong’s #3478 & #3479 BDB #975 |
The NET Bible: The name Israel means "God fights" (although some interpret the meaning as "he fights [with] God"). See Gen 32:28. The NIV Study Bible understands his name to mean, he struggles with God. See Gen. 32:22–30. |
154. A tiny bit about Baal-gad. Joshua 11:17
155. Gentilic_adjective: Yisereʾêlîy (יִשְׂרְאֵלִי) [pronounced yish-reh-ay-LEE], which means, God prevails; refers to a descendant of Israel, inhabitant of Israel; transliterated Israelite. Masculine and feminine (#3482) forms. Strong’s #3481 BDB #976. 2Sam. 17:25
Yisereʾêlîy (יִשְׂרְאֵלִי) [pronounced yish-reh-ay-LEE] |
God prevails; refers to a descendant of Israel (Jacob), inhabitant of nation Israel; transliterated Israelite |
masculine singular gentilic adjective |
Strong’s #3481 BDB #976 |
156. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #3482 BDB #976.
157. Masculine_proper_noun: Serâyâh (שֶׂרָיָה) [pronounced sehr-aw-YAW], which means Jehovah is ruler and is transliterated Seraiah. Strong’s #8304 BDB #976. 2Sam. 8:17
Serâyâh (שֶׂרָיָה) [pronounced sehr-aw-YAW] |
Jehovah is ruler and is transliterated Seraiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8304 BDB #976 |
158. Feminine_noun: which means rule, dominion. Isa. 9:5,6.* Strong’s #4951 BDB #976.
159. Feminine_proper_noun: Serach (שֶׂרַח) [pronounced SEH-rahkh], which means the prince breathed; superfluity; and is transliterated Serah, Sarah, Serach. Strong’s #8294 BDB #976. Gen. 46:17
Serach (שֶׂרַח) [pronounced SEH-rahkh] |
the prince breathed; superfluity; and is transliterated Serah, Sarah, Serach |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8294 BDB #976 |
160. Verb: sâraţ (ט ַר ָ) [pronounced saw-RAHT], which means to incise, to scratch, to lacerate; this was used by mourners making cuts on their own body to illustrate the extent of their pain and suffering due to the loss of a loved one (Lev. 21:5). Strong’s #8295 BDB #976. Zech. 12:3
161. Masculine_noun: which means incision. Strong’s #8296 BDB #976.
162. Feminine_noun: which means incision. Strong’s #8296 BDB #976.
163. Proper_noun_location: Sireyôn (שִׂרְיֹן) [pronounced sire-YOHN], which means ; and is transliterated Sirion. The Sidonian name for Mount Hermon. Strong’s #8303 BDB #976. Deut. 3:9 (4:48) Psalm 29:6*
Sireyôn (שִׂרְיֹן) [pronounced sire-YOHN] |
Sidonian name for Hermon; transliterated Sirion |
proper_noun/location |
Strong’s #8303 BDB #976 |
164. Verb: which means to twist; to entangle. Strong’s #8308 BDB #976.
165. Masculine_noun: serôwke (שְׂרוֹ) [pronounced sehr-OAK], which means [sandal] thong, latchet of a shoe. It is twisted around the foot. Strong’s #8288 BDB #976. Gen. 14:23
serôwke (שְׂרוֹ) [pronounced sehr-OAK] |
[sandal] thong, latchet of a shoe |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #8288 BDB #976 |
166. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #8310 BDB #976.
167. Verb: which means to extend, to stretch out, to make straight; to dispose, to arrange. Strong’s #8311 BDB #976.
168. Verb: sâraph (שָׂרַף) [pronounced saw-RAHF], which means to suck in, to absorb, to drink in, to swallow down; to absorb or consume [with fire], to burn; to bake [bricks]. It appears as though this means to completely decimate. Strong’s #8313 BDB #976. [synonym = Strong’s #1197 BDB #128]. Gen. 11:3 38:24 Exodus 12:10 29:14 32:20 Judges 15:6 1Sam. 30:1 31:12 2Sam. 23:7 1Kings 9:16 1Chron. 14:12 Psalm 46:9 Prov. 6:27–28
sâraph (שָׂרַף) [pronounced saw-RAHF] |
to suck in, to absorb, to drink in, to swallow down; to absorb or consume [with fire], to burn; to bake [bricks]; to cremate |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8313 BDB #976 |
sâraph (שָׂרַף) [pronounced saw-RAHF] |
burner; burning |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #8313 BDB #976 |
sâraph (שָׂרַף) [pronounced saw-RAHF] |
to be burned [with fire]; to be consumed [by fire]; to be baked |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8313 BDB #976 |
sâraph (שָׂרַף) [pronounced saw-RAHF] |
to be burned, to be burnt up [Pual] |
3rd person masculine plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8313 BDB #976 |
169. Masculine_noun: sârâph (ף ָר ָ) [pronounced saw-RAWF] and this has two or three different meanings. The corresponding verb means to burn—sâraph (ף ַר ָ) [pronounced saw-RAHF]. The noun, sârâph, is found only in Num. 21:6, 8 Deut. 8:15 Isa. 6:2, 6 14:29 and 30:6. It appears to have two partially divergent meanings: BDB relates it to beings mythically conceived with serpents' bodies (serpent-deities); a personification of lightning. In Isa. 6:2, 6, these would be majestic angelic beings with six wings and human hands and voices. I had hoped that having two different meanings would not be necessary—however, in trying to cause the uses to coincide, they diverged instead. This word unquestionably refers to some kind of animal in Isa. 14:29 30:6 and probably in Deut. 8:15 (it is in the singular in all three verses; and it could be representative of something else in the first passage). In the plural, in Isa. 6:2, 6, we are definitely dealing with angelic beings. A reasonable hypothesis would be that we are referring to some kind of reptile when found in the singular, and some kind of angel in the plural; however, sârâph is in the singular in Deut. 8:15 and that passage refers right back to this passage where it is in the plural——meaning the animal found in Deut. 8:15 and in our passage are the same animal and singular or plural is not the issue. What I would have originally liked to have done is shown that these are demon-possessed snakes; however, the use of the word elsewhere precludes such an interpretation. What we have here instead is two words for roughly the same thing—one referring to snakes in general and the other to venomous snakes, sort of a clarification. Strong's #8314 BDB #977. Num. 21:6
170. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #8315 BDB #977.
171. Feminine_noun: serêphâh (שְׂרֵפָה) [pronounced sehr-ay-FAW], which means burning [with fire], setting on fire. Strong’s #8316 BDB #977. Gen. 11:3
serêphâh (שְׂרֵפָה) [pronounced sehr-ay-FAW] |
burning [with fire], setting on fire |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8316 BDB #977 |
172. Feminine_noun: which means a burning. Strong’s #4955 BDB #977.
173. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #4956 BDB #977.
174. Verb1: which means to comb; to slit a sheep’s ear; to pluck fruit. Strong’s #none BDB #977.
175. Adjective: which means carded, combed. Strong’s #8305 BDB #977.
176. Verb2: which means to shine brightly; to show redness, to become red. Strong’s #none BDB #977.
177. Adjective1: which means sorrel; a ruddy tinge over white. Strong’s #8320 BDB #977.
178. Masculine_noun2: which means vine-tendrils; clusters. Strong’s #8291 BDB #977.
179. Masculine_noun: sôrêq (שׂרֵק) [pronounced soh-RAKE], which means a choice vine, a species of vine; a very reddish or purple grape vine. Strong’s #8321 BDB #977. Gen. 49:11
sôrêq (שׂרֵק) or sôwrêq (שׂוֹרֵק) [pronounced soh-RAKE] |
a choice vine, a species of vine; a very reddish or purple grape vine |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8321 BDB #977 |
The feminine form of this word is sôrêkâh (שׂרֵקָה) [pronounced soh-ray-KAW]. |
180. Proper_noun_location: Maserêqâh (מַשְׂרֵקָה) [pronounced mahs-ray-KAW], which means vine, vineyard of noble vines; and is transliterated Masrekah. Strong’s #4957 BDB #977. Gen. 36:36
Maserêqâh (מַשְׂרֵקָה) [pronounced mahs-ray-KAW] |
vine, vineyard of noble vines; and is transliterated Masrekah |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #4957 BDB #977 |
181. Verb: which means to rise in splendor. Strong’s #none BDB #977.
182. Masculine_noun: sar (שַׂר) [pronounced sar], which means chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince, leader, commander. This is a term primarily used of soldiers. In the Hebrew, prince is sar (ר ַ) [pronounced sar]; in the plural, it is sârîym (םי ̣ר ָ); in the plural construct it is sârêy (י ֵר ָ); and the plural with the 1st person singular suffix is sâray (י ַר ָ). You will note that in the latter two cases, the difference is in the vowel point. Strong’s #8269 BDB #978. (Compare Strong’s #8269 BDB #710, Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 and Strong’s #4428 BDB #572). Gen. 12:15 21:22 26:26 37:36 39:1, 21 40:2 41:9 47:6 Exodus 1:11 2:14 18:21 Deut. 1:15 20:9 Joshua 5:14 Judges 4:2 5:15 7:25 8:6 1Sam. 8:12 12:9 14:50 17:18 18:13 22:2, 7 26:5 29:3 2Sam. 2:8 10:3 18:1, 5 19:6 23:19 24:2 1Kings 1:19 2:5 4:2 5:16 9:22 1Chron. 11:6 12:21 Job 3:15 Psalm 148:11 Prov. 8:16
sar (שַׂר) [pronounced sar] |
chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince, leader, commander |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #8269 BDB #978 |
James Rickard: “Princes” is the plural Noun SAR, שָׂר, that means, “prince, ruler, leader, chief, chieftain, official, captain or official” whether political, military or religious. |
183. Verb: sârar (שָׂרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR], which means to be prince, to act as a prince; to rule over, to reign, to govern, to hold dominion over. In the Hithpael, or reflexive, stem, it means to make oneself a ruler or a prince. This is not the strongest word for to rule, to reign over. It refers to princes ruling over something in Prov. 8:16 Isa. 32:1 Hosea 8:4. Strong's #7786&8323 BDB #979. Num. 16:13 Judges 9:22 Prov. 8:16
sârar (שָׂרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR] |
to be prince, to act as a prince; to rule over, to reign, to govern, to hold dominion over |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8323 & #7786 BDB #979 |
James Rickard: “To rule” means exercising an authoritative direction for conduct or procedure; a principle of conduct observed by a person or group; an established standard or habit of behavior; and keeping in proper limits and constraints. |
sârar (שָׂרַר) [pronounced saw-RAHR] |
to lord it over someone; to act as a prince; to rule without proper authority |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #8323 & #7786 BDB #979 |
184. Feminine_noun: sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW], which means princess, noble woman. You may recognize as the name of Abraham’s wife; it means princesses. Strong’s #8282 BDB #979. Judges 5:29
sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW] |
princess, noble woman |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8282 BDB #979 |
185. Feminine_proper_noun: Sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW], which means princess, noble woman; transliterated Sarah. Strong’s #8283 BDB #979. Gen. 17:15 18:6 20:2 21:1 23:1 24:36 25:10 49:31
Sârâh (שָׂרָה) [pronounced saw-RAW] |
princess, noble woman; transliterated Sarah |
proper noun; feminine singular |
Strong’s #8283 BDB #979 |
186. Feminine_proper_noun: Sâray (שָׂרַי) [pronounced saw-RAYsaw-RAH-ee], which means princess, noble woman; transliterated Sarai. Strong’s #8297 BDB #979. Gen. 11:29 12:5 16:1 17:15
Sâray (שָׂרַי) [pronounced saw-RAY or saw-RAH-ee] |
my prince; my princess, nobility; transliterated Sarai |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8297 BDB #979 |
187. Verb: çâtham (סָתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM], which means to stop up, to shut out; to keep closed; to obstruct; to hide. Lam. 3:8.* Strong’s #5640 BDB #979. Gen. 26:15, 18 Psalm 51:6
çâtham (סָתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM] |
to stop up, to shut out; to keep closed; to obstruct; to hide |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #5640 BDB #979 |
This is also spelled sâtham (שָׂתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM]. |
çâtham (סָתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM] |
hidden, secret [part, area] |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #5640 BDB #979 |
çâtham (סָתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM] |
to be stopped up, to be shut out; to be obstructed; to be hidden |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #5640 BDB #979 |
çâtham (סָתַם) [pronounced saw-THAHM] |
to stop up, to shut out; to keep closed; to obstruct; to hide |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #5640 BDB #979 |
188. Verb: sâthar (ר-תָ) [pronounced saw-THAHR], which means to burst out, to break out. This is used of tumors, and we find this word here only. Strong’s #8368 BDB #979. 1Sam. 5:9*
sâthar (ר-תָ) [pronounced saw-THAR] |
to burst out, to break out |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8368 BDB #979 |
21b. ש Shîyn [pronounced sheen] (300) Written and Spoken sh
1. Letter: ש = sîyn, 21st letter, means 300 in post Biblical literature. Strong’s #none BDB # 979.
2. Relative_particle: she– (–ֶש) [pronounced sheh], which means who, which, that. It can be used as a pronoun (who, which, whom) or as a conjunction (that). Seems to be a synonym with ʾăsher. Strong’s #834 BDB #979. Gen. 6:3 Judges 5:7 Psalm 133:2 146:3 Eccles. 1:3 2:7
she– (–ֶש) [pronounced sheh] or shel (שֶל) [pronounced shehl] |
who, which, that |
relative particle |
Strong’s #7945 (from #834) BDB #979 |
This is spelled shel (שֶל) [pronounced shehl], but apparently is shortened further and affixed to a word or set of words. This relative particle appears to be a form of or a synonym of the relative pronoun ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced uhsh-ER], which means that, which, when, who or how. Strong's #834 BDB #81. Although BDB says that Its usage appears to be confined to later Hebrew and passages with a northern Palestine coloring; it occurs as early as Gen. 6:3. |
3. Verb: shâʾab (שָאַב) [pronounced shaw-AHBV], which means to draw [water]; to take from the surface. Strong’s #7579 BDB #980. Gen. 24:11, 13 1Sam. 7:6 9:11 2Sam. 23:16
shâʾab (שָאַב) [pronounced shaw-AHBV] |
to draw [water]; to take from the surface |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7579 BDB #980 |
shâʾab (שָאַב) [pronounced shaw-AHBV] |
those drawing [water]; water-drawing women |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7579 BDB #980 |
4. Masculine_noun: masheʾâb (בָא ש-מ) [pronounced mahshe-AWBV], which means a drawing place for water; a channel; a place to water cattle. Plural only. Strong’s #4857 BDB #980. Judges 5:11*
masheʾâb (בָא ש-מ) [pronounced mahshe-AWBV] |
a drawing place for water; a channel; a place to water cattle |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #4857 BDB #980 |
5. Verb: which means to roar. Strong’s #7580 BDB #980.
6. Feminine_substantive: sheʾâgâh (שְאָגָה) [pronounced sheaw-GAWH], which means a human cry of distress; a mournful cry; the roar of a lion. It is the roar of a lion (Job 4:10 Isa. 5:29 Ezek. 19:7 Zech. 11:3) as well as the human cry of distress, mournful cry (Job 3:24 Psalm 22:2 32:3). Strong’s #7581 BDB #980. Judges 14:5 Job 3:24 Psalm 32:3
sheʾâgâh (שְאָגָה) [pronounced sheaw-GAWH] |
a human cry of distress; a mournful cry; the roar of a lion |
feminine singular substantive |
Strong’s #7581 BDB #980 |
7. Verb1: shâʾâh (ה ָא ַש) [pronounced shaw-AWH] and it means to waste, to be in ruins, to be desolate. However, its uses are so varied, that it is hard to pin it down to a particular meaning. BDB and Gesenius below. Strong's #7582 BDB #980. Num. 24:17b
shâʾâh (שָאָה) [pronounced shaw-AW] |
to crash into ruins, to make a crash; to make a noise; to lay in ruins, to be laid waste |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7582 BDB #981 |
shâʾâh (שָאָה) [pronounced shaw-AW] |
to be ruined; to crash; to be left (a desolation); to make a noise |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7582 BDB #981 |
shâʾâh (שָאָה) [pronounced shaw-AW] |
to cause to crash; to cause to be desolated; to lay waste |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7582 BDB #981 |
8. Feminine_noun: which means devastating storm. Strong’s #7584 BDB #981.
9. Feminine_noun: which means ruin. Strong’s #7591 BDB #981.
10. Masculine_noun: which means crash, roar, uproar. Strong’s #7588 BDB #981.
11. Feminine_noun: which means devastation. Doubtful word. Strong’s #7612 BDB #981.
12. Hithpael_verb2: shâʾâh (שָאָה) [pronounced shaw-AW], which means to gaze, to contemplate; to study. Strong’s #7583 BDB #981. Gen. 24:21*
shâʾâh (שָאָה) [pronounced shaw-AW] |
to gaze, to contemplate; to study |
Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #7583 BDB #981 |
13. Verb: shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL], which means to ask, to petition, to request, to inquire, to question, to interrogate. When this is followed by a lâmed, the lâmed acts as an identifier of the accusative and together they should be rendered inquire of. The lâmed can also indicate about what the inquiry is being made. In the Hiphil, it means to ask [a favor], to ask for temporary use, to borrow, to lend, to grant, to inquire of. Since the meanings are so different, one would wonder if we don’t have an error in the verse. However, we find the same word in the Hiphil meaning the same thing in Exodus 12:36. Keil and Delitzsch object to this use on theological and linguistic grounds. One does not lend his or her son to God for service; nor does one lend himself to service to God. They believe the only support for the rendering to lend is a faulty Septuagint translation. As a masculine plural, Qal active participle, it means the ones asking. Strong’s #7592 BDB #981. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Gen. 24:47, 57 26:7 32:17, 29 37:15 38:21 40:7 43:7 44:19 Exodus 3:22 11:2 12:35, 36 13:14 18:7 22:14 Deut. 4:32 18:11 Joshua 9:14 Judges 1:1 8:14, 24 13:6 18:5, 15 1Sam. 1:17, 20, 28 2:20 8:8 10:4, 22 12:13, 17 14:37 17:22 19:22 20:6 22:10 23:2 25:5, 8 28:6 30:8, 21 2Sam. 2:1 3:13 8:10 14:18 16:23 20:18 1Kings 2:16, 20, 22 3:5, 10 1Chron. 10:13 Job 21:29 Psalm 2:8 105:40 Eccles. 2:10
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
to ask [petition, request, inquire]; to demand [require]; to question, to interrogate; to ask [for a loan]; to consult; to salute |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
ask [petition, request, inquire]; make a request [petition]; demand [require]; question, interrogate; ask [for a loan]; consult; salute |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
asking, petitioning, requesting, inquiring; demanding; questioning, interrogating |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
asked [petitioned, requested, inquired] of; demanded of; questioned, interrogated; loaned, lent; borrowed from; consulted |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
to enquire, enquire carefully; to beg, practice beggary; to question |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
to ask [a favor]; to ask for temporary use, to borrow, to lend, to grant; to inquire of |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
shâʾal (שָאַל) [pronounced shaw-AHL] |
to ask for oneself, to ask leave |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7592 BDB #981 |
14. Masculine_proper_noun: Shâʾûwl (שָאוּל) [pronounced shaw-OOL], which is transliterated Saul. Shâʾûwl means asked for, according to Gesenius (the words are relatively close). This has caused some to suppose that Saul was either the firstborn or an only child. That is, his parents prayed for a son and they got Saul. This is a reasonable supposition, as the other word that shâʾûwl is similar to means hades. Two parents are more likely to name their son [the one] asked for rather than hades. Strong’s #7586 BDB #982. Gen. 36:37 46:10 Exodus 6:15 1Sam. 9:2 13:1 15:1 16:1 17:2 19:1 20:25 21:7 22:6 23:7 25:44 26:1 27:1 28:3 29:3 31:2 2Sam. 2:1 7:15 12:7 19:17 21:1 22:1 Psalm 52 inscription 54 inscription 57 inscription 59 inscription
Shâʾûwl (שָאוּל) [pronounced shaw-OOL] |
which is transliterated Saul; it means asked for |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #7586 BDB #982 |
15. Feminine_noun: sheʾêlâh (שְאֵלָה) [pronounced shay-LAW], which means a petition, a request, a thing asked for. Strong’s #7596 BDB #982. Judges 8:24 1Sam. 1:17 2:20 1Kings 2:16 Psalm 106:15
sheʾêlâh (שְאֵלָה) [pronounced shay-LAW] |
a petition, a request, a thing asked for |
feminine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #7596 BDB #982 |
16. Feminine_noun: mîsheʾâlâh (מִשְאָלָה) [pronounced meesh-aw-LAW], which means a request, a petition; desire; prayer. Strong’s #4862 BDB #982. Psalm 20:5
mîsheʾâlâh (מִשְאָלָה) [pronounced meesh-aw-LAW] |
a request, a petition; desire; prayer |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4862 BDB #982 |
17. Proper_feminine_noun: Sheʾôl (שְאוֹל) [pronounced sheohl ], which means a word for the underworld, for the unseen world of souls which have passed away and it is a reference to the underworld for both believers and unbelievers. It is obviously transliterated Sheol. Hades is the Greek equivalent. Barnes allows for this to stand either for the region of departed spirits or the grave. There are two verbs which are very similar to Sheol; one which means to ask; and another which means to hollow out. Although, it is possible that neither verb is the origin of Sheol, the latter verb may refer to a hollow area (so to speak) in the earth. It has been suggested that the former meaning refers to asking the dead for information, something forbidden by Scripture. Strong’s #7585 BDB #982. The Doctrine of Sheol Gen. 37:35 42:38 44:29 Num. 16:33 1Sam. 2:6 2Sam. 22:6 1Kings 2:6 Job 7:9 17:13 Psalm 55:15 89:48 Prov. 1:12 5:5 7:27 9:18
Sheʾôl (שְאוֹל) [pronounced Sheol] |
Hades, hell; underworld, grave; [properly] a hollowed out place; transliterated Sheol |
proper singular feminine noun |
Strong’s #7585 BDB #982 |
Sheol is the underworld, for the unseen world of souls which have passed away and it is a reference to the underworld for both believers and unbelievers |
18. Verb: shâʾan (שָאַן) [pronounced shaw-AHN], which means to be at ease, to be at peace, to rest securely; to be quiet. Strong’s #7599 BDB #983. Prov. 1:33
shâʾan (שָאַן) [pronounced shaw-AHN] |
to be at ease, to be at peace, to rest securely; to be quiet |
3rd person plural, Pilel (Palel) perfect |
Strong’s #7599 BDB #983 |
Owen has Palel; BDB lists this as a Pilel. I assume these are the same tense. |
19. Adjective: shaʾănân (ן ָנ ֱא ַש) [pronounced shah-uh-NAWN], which means at ease, one who is at ease, secure, removed from misfortune. Strong’s #7600 BDB #983. [see Strong’s #7946 BDB #1016]. Job 12:5 (21:23)
20. Verb: shâʾaph (שָאַף) [pronounced shaw-AHF], which means to grasp, to pant; to crush, to trample down. and this word is listed in BDB with two divergent meanings. On the one hand, BDB lists the meanings to gasp, to pant (as a woman in labor); and also to crush, to trample down (Isa. 42:14). Gesenius renders this word to breath hard, to pant and adds that it is spoken of an enraged person in Isa. 42:14; of a person in haste (Eccl. 1:5), therefore meaning to hasten. Gesenius also offers to catch at with open mouth, as the air (Jer. 2:24 14:6). Poetically, Gesenius offers that this word is a noose or a trap lying in wait for anyone. Finally, Gesenius claims that panting after can also be a reference to thirsting for a person’s blood, a metaphor taken from wild beasts (see Psalm 56:2, 3; 57:4 Amos 8:4). This verb is only found in the Qal stem and only in 14 passages, so we might be able to get a grasp of its meaning by looking at each passage:
Job 5:5 (perfect) ...and thirsty ones shâʾaph-ed their wealth.
Job 7:2 (imperfect) a slave shâʾaph’s shade...
Job 36:20 (imperfect) Do not shâʾaph the night.
Psalm 56:1–2 (perfect) Be gracious to me, O God, for men have shâʾaph-ed me; all day long those opposing me oppress me. My enemies have shâʾaph-ed me all day long; for many fight against me proudly.
Psalm 57:3 (participle) He will send from heaven and deliver me. He will put to shame those shâʾaph-ing me.
Psalm 119:131 (imperfect) I will open my mouth then I will shâʾaph, because I long for Your commandments.
Eccl. 1:5 (participle) And the sun rises and the sun goes down and from its place shâʾaph-ing where rising.
Isa. 42:14 (imperfect) I have held my peace for a long time; I have kept still and restrained myself. Like a woman in travail, I will cry out, I will gasp and I will shâʾaph now.
From these renderings, I think that it would be safe to say that the root of shâʾaph is to breath heavily, to pant; and, by way of application, the many things which breathing heavily might point to. Women breathe heavily when giving birth, men and women breathe heavily in sexual union (implying the meaning desire); people breathe heavily while running and after running (see Eccl. 1:5 here). In context of Job 5:5, desire is the likely derived meaning. Strong’s #7602 BDB #983. Job 5:5 Psalm 56:1, 2 57:3 Eccles. 1:5
shâʾaph (שָאַף) [pronounced shaw-AHF] |
to gasp, to pant, to breathe heavily; to run, to hurry, to hasten; to crush, to trample down |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect with a 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7602 BDB #983 |
shâʾaph (שָאַף) [pronounced shaw-AHF] |
gasping, panting, breathing [heavily]; hurrying, running, hastening; crushing, trampling down |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7602 BDB #983 |
From examining the 14 times this word is used, I think that it would be safe to say that the root of shâʾaph is to breath heavily, to pant; and, by way of application, the many things which breathing heavily might point to. Women breathe heavily when giving birth, men and women breathe heavily in sexual union (implying the meaning desire); people breathe heavily while running and after running (see Eccl. 1:5 here). In context of Job 5:5, desire is the likely derived meaning. |
One possible understanding of this verb is that David’s pursuers are so close behind him, he can hear them breathing heavily. Another understanding is that, his oppressors are so close that he can hear their heavy breathing. |
21. Verb: shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR], which means, in the Hiphil, to let remain, to leave over, to leave behind; in the Niphal, to remain, to be left over. In the participle, it means the ones remaining, those remaining, the leftovers, the survivors, the part remaining, the thing remaining, that which remains. It is only found in the Niphal and the Hiphil. Strong’s #7604 BDB #983. Gen. 7:23 14:10 32:8 47:18 Exodus 8:9 10:5, 12, 19 14:28 Deut. 2:34 3:3, 11 4:27 28:62 Joshua 8:17, 22 11:14 13:1, 12 23:4 Judges 4:16 6:4 Ruth 1:3 1Sam. 5:4 9:24 11:11 14:36 16:11 25:22 2Sam. 14:7 1Chron. 13:2 Job 21:34 Zech. 12:14
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
to be left, to remain |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
to let remain, to leave over, to leave behind |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
to remain, to be left over |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
remaining, being left over |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
the ones remaining, those remaining, the leftovers, the survivors, the part remaining, the thing remaining, that which remains |
masculine plural, Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
shâʾar (שָאַר) [pronounced shaw-AHR] |
the remaining one, the one that is left over; the leftover, the surviving |
Niphal participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7604 BDB #983 |
22. Masculine_noun: sheʾâr (שְאָר) [pronounced she-AWR], which means rest, remainder, residue, remnant. Strong’s #7605 BDB #984. 1Chron. 11:8 16:41
sheʾâr (שְאָר) [pronounced she-AWR] |
rest, remainder, residue, remnant |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7605 BDB #984 |
23. Feminine_noun: sheʾêrîyth (שְאֵרִית) [pronounced sheay-REETH], which means rest, residue, remnant, remainder; survivor. Strong’s #7611 BDB #984. Gen. 45:7 2Sam. 14:7 1Chron. 12:38
sheʾêrîyth (שְאֵרִית) [pronounced sheay-REETH] |
rest, residue, remnant, remainder; survivor |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #7611 BDB #984 |
sheʾêrîyth (שְאֵרִית) [pronounced sheay-REETH] |
survivors, those remaining; rest, remnant |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7611 BDB #984 |
24. Masculine_noun: sheʾêr (שְאֵר) [pronounced sheair], which means flesh, body; meat; food, as food; for physical power (figuratively); kin, near kin, near kinswoman; flesh relation, blood relation; self. To understand the relationship, we often refer to our kin as being of the same blood; they referred to their kin as being of the same flesh. The unusual word sheʾêr, which can be found in only the following passages: Exodus 21:10 Lev. 18:6, 12, 13 20:19 21:2 25:49 Num. 27:11 Psalm 73:26 78:20, 27 Prov. 5:11 11:17 Jer. 51:35 Micah 3:2–3. Some marginal references read remainder because it is similar to the word sheʾêryth (which means remnant, remainder). In the passages in Leviticus (but, significantly, not in Num. 27:11), this word occurs with the word flesh—bâsar (ר ַ ָ) [pronounced baw-SAHR] where she’er is in the construct state. This is a word which indicates a close relationship; and when used with bâsar, an even closer relationship. However, it is also used for meat or flesh in the passages in the Psalms. The connection here is that this is a less-used word which is a synonym for flesh (for bâsar), and, where we can either see the word flesh as describing some sort of meat that we are about to eat or we can see the exact same word as someone who is a close relative (our own flesh, if you will), so it was with the Hebrews. Strong's #7607 BDB #984. Exodus 21:10 Lev. 18:6 Psalm 73:26 Prov. 5:11
sheʾêr (שְאֵר) [pronounced sheair] |
flesh, body; meat; food, as food; for physical power (figuratively); kin, near kin, near kinswoman; flesh relation, blood relation; self |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong's #7607 BDB #984 |
25. Proper_noun: Shebâʾ (שְבָא) [pronounced sheb-VAW], which means seven; an oath; transliterated Sheba, Sebean. By examining the groups of people the book of Job mentions might help to place this book in time. Unfortunately, we will get no help from this group of people. (1) The first Sheba mentioned was a son of Raamah, who was a descendant of Cush, son of Ham (Gen. 10:7 1Chron. 1:22). Since we are dealing with a raiding party of Sheba, this takes us at least four generations (and more likely at least five or six) out from the flood. (2) The second Sheba is a son of Joktan, a descendent of Shem (Gen. 10:28 1Chron. 1:9). (3) The third Sheba that we will mention was a son of Jokshan, a descendant of Abraham and Keturah (Gen. 25:3 1Chron. 1:32). I believe that this third Sheba places us too far past the time of Job. ZPEB mentions that the three named here could be one, two or three persons. All three are associated with Arabia; (1) and (3) have brothers with the name of Dedan; (2) and (3) are in the line of Shem. It would be my logical guess that (3) is too far removed in time to be identical to the other two. Furthermore, it would seem strange to mention the same person twice in the same genealogical portion of Scripture, meaning that (1) and (2) would not be one and the same. What all of this means is that using this name to determine the time of Job is a wash, except that it takes us at least four to six generations away from the flood. We find Sabbeans (Shebva) everywhere from Gen. 10:25 to Ezek. 38:15. This is likely an area in northern Arabia (according to BDB; Barnes identifies Shebvâ’ as being in Southern Arabia and ZPEB calls it southwest Arabia). Strong’s #7614 BDB #985. Gen. 10:7, 28 25:3 Job 1:15 6:19
Shebâʾ (שְבָא) [pronounced sheb-VAW] |
seven; an oath; transliterated Sheba, Sabæan, Sebean, Sebæan, Sebæa |
feminine singular, proper singular noun |
Strong’s #7614 BDB #985 |
26. Masculine_plural_noun: probably means splinters. Strong’s #7616 BDB #985.
27. Masculine_plural_noun: shâbvîybv (בי.בָש) [pronounced shawb-VEEBV], which probably means spark, fire flame. Strong’s #7632 BDB #985. Job 18:5
28. Verb: shâbâh (שָבָה) [pronounced shawb-VAW], which means to lead away captives, to take captive. Strong’s #7617 BDB #985. Gen. 14:14 31:26 34:29 Exodus 22:10 Deut. 21:10 Judges 5:12 1Sam. 30:1, 3 1Kings 8:46, 47 Psalm 68:18 106:46
shâbâh (שָבָה) [pronounced shawb-VAW] |
to lead away captives, to take captive |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7617 BDB #985 |
shâbâh (שָבָה) [pronounced shawb-VAW] |
their captors, those taking them captive |
masculine plural, Qal active participle with a 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #7617 BDB #985 |
shâbâh (שָבָה) [pronounced shawb-VAW] |
captives, those taken captive |
feminine plural, Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7617 BDB #985 |
shâbâh (שָבָה) [pronounced shawb-VAW] |
led away as captives, taken away captive |
3rd person plural, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #7617 BDB #985 |
29. Masculine_noun: shebîy (שְבִי) [pronounced sheb-VEE], which means captives, captivity. Strong’s #7628 BDB #985. Exodus 12:29 Deut. 21:10, 12 Judges 5:12 Psalm 68:18
shebîy (שְבִי) [pronounced sheb-VEE] |
captives, captivity |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7628 BDB #985 |
30. Adjective: which means captive. Strong’s #7628 BDB #985.
31. Feminine_noun: shibeyâh (שִבְיָה) [pronounced shibe-YAW] which means, exiles, captivity, captives; state of captivity. It does not mean fortunes, as it is found in the KJV and the NIV. Strong’s #7633 BDB #986. Deut. 21:11 30:3
shibeyâh (שִבְיָה) [pronounced shibe-YAW |
exiles, captivity, captives; state of captivity |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7633 BDB #986 |
32. Feminine_noun: which means captivity, captives. Strong’s #7622 BDB #986.
33. Feminine_noun: shebûw (שְבוּ) [pronounced shehb-OO], which means a flame; a gem (from its sparkle), probably the agate; a precious stone [of some kind]. Strong’s #7618 BDB #986. Exodus 28:19
shebûw (שְבוּ) [pronounced shehb-OO] |
a flame; a gem (from its sparkle), probably the agate; a precious stone [of some kind] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7618 BDB #986 |
34. Masculine_proper_noun: Shôbîy (שֹבִי) [pronounced show-BEE], which means captor; glorious; a precious stone of some kind; transliterated Shobi. Strong’s #7629 BDB #986. 2Sam. 17:27
Shôbîy (שֹבִי) [pronounced show-BEE] |
captor; glorious; a precious stone of some kind; transliterated Shobi |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7629 BDB #986 |
35. Masculine_proper_noun: which means a precious stone; transliterated . This appears to be identical to above? Strong’s #7630 BDB #986.
36. Verb1: which means to soothe, to still. Piel verb. See below. Strong’s #7623 BDB #986.
37. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7619 BDB #986.
38. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8664 BDB #986.
39. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Identical to above? Strong’s #8664 BDB #986.
40. Verb2: shâbach (שָבַח) [pronounced shawb-VAHKH], which means to laud, to praise. Not found in Qal. Strong’s #7623 BDB #986. Psalm 63:3 106:47 147:12
shâbach (שָבַח) [pronounced shawb-VAHKH] |
to still [the waves]; to praise, to soothe with praises; to pronounce happy; to laud, to praise, to commend, to congratulate |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7623 BDB #986 |
shâbach (שָבַח) [pronounced shawb-VAHKH] |
to still [the waves] |
Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7623 BDB #986 |
shâbach (שָבַח) [pronounced shawb-VAHKH] |
to still [the waves]; to praise, to soothe with praises; to pronounce happy |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7623 BDB #986 |
shâbach (שָבַח) [pronounced shawb-VAHKH] |
to boast in |
3rd person masculine plural, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7623 BDB #986 |
41. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #3431 BDB #986
42. Verb: which means to smite, to slay. Strong’s #none BDB #986.
43. Masculine_noun: shêbeţ (שֵבֶט) [pronounced SHAYB-vet], which means rod, staff, club, scepter and figuratively for a tribe, subdivision of a tribe or family. Interestingly enough, there are two words which appear to be synonyms, the other which is found everywhere except in the book of Deuteronomy and Judges; shêbveţ is the word behind the English word tribe throughout the entire book of the Judges (and Deuteronomy) and it appears to be the word most favored in later Scripture (although it is not exclusively used). The explanation for this double-usage is probably along the lines of, we speak of a portion of a family as a branch of that family; not unlike the use of the word tribe in the Old Testament. Since our word branch performs double duty, there is no reason why this Hebrew word cannot function in a similar way. Strong’s #7626 BDB #986. (Synonym: Strong’s #4294 BDB #641) Gen. 24:15 49:10, 16 Exodus 7:9 21:20 24:4 28:21 Deut. 1:13, 23 3:13 5:23 16:18 Judges 5:14 20:12 21:17 1Sam. 2:28 9:21 10:19 15:17 2Sam. 5:1 7:7, 14 15:2 18:14 19:9 20:14 23:21 24:2 1Kings 8:16 Job 21:9 Psalm 2:9 23:4 105:37 Prov. 10:13
shêbeţ (שֵבֶט) [pronounced SHAYB-vet] |
rod, staff, club; spear; scepter and figuratively for a tribe, subdivision of a tribe or family and for a ruler (scepter-bearer), governor |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7626 BDB #986 |
44. Masculine_noun: which means sceptre. Strong’s #8275 BDB #987.
45. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7627 BDB #987.
46. Masculine_noun: which means flowing skirt, train. Strong’s #7640 BDB #987.
47. Feminine_noun: shibbôlîyth (שִבֳּלִית) [pronounced shihb-BOH-leeth], which means, flowing stream and ears of grain. It is found in Psalm 69:2, 15 Isa. 27:12 (as well as in Gen. 41:5–7 Ruth 2:2). Strong’s #7641 BDB #987. Gen. 41:5 Judges 12:6 Ruth 2:1
shibbôlîyth (שִבֳּלִית) [pronounced shihb-BOH-teeth] |
flowing stream or ears of grain |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7641 BDB #987 |
There are at least two other spellings of this word; this is the spelling from Gen. 41. |
48. Masculine_noun: which means way, path. Related to flowing along in the stream of life. Strong’s #7635 BDB #987.
49. Masculine_proper_noun: Shôwbâl (שוֹבָל) [pronounced show-BAWL], which means flowing; transliterated Shobal. Strong’s #7732 BDB #987. Gen. 36:20
Shôwbâl (שוֹבָל) [pronounced show-BAWL] |
flowing; transliterated Shobal |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7732 BDB #987 |
50. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7644 BDB #987.
51. Masculine_proper_noun: Shebaneyâhûw (הָינ-בש) [pronounced sheb-ahne-YAW-hoo], which means Yah [Jehovah] has grown [prospered], increased by Yah; transliterated Shebaniah. Strong’s #7645 BDB #987. 1Chron. 15:24
Shebaneyâhûw (הָינ-בש) [pronounced sheb-ahne-YAW-hoo] |
Yah [Jehovah] has grown [prospered], increased by Yah; transliterated Shebaniah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7645 BDB #987 |
Also spelled Shebaneyâh (הָינ-בש) [pronounced sheb-ahne-YAW]. |
52. Masculine_noun: which means front band, neck ornament. Strong’s #7636 BDB #987.
53. Masculine/feminine_noun: shebaʿ (שֶבַע) [pronounced sheb-VAHĢ] means seven. Strong's #7651 BDB #987. Gen. 5:7, 24, 26 7:2, 4, 11 8:14 11:21 21:28 23:1 25:17 29:18, 19, 27 31:23 33:3 37:2 41:2, 18 46:25 47:28 50:10 Exodus 2:16 6:16, 20 7:25 12:15, 19 13:6 22:30 23:15 25:37 29:30 Lev. 25:8 Deut. 16:3 1Sam. 2:5 6:1 10:8 11:3 13:8 16:10 31:13 2Sam. 2:11 8:4 21:6, 9 23:39 24:13 1Kings 2:11 6:38 7:17 8:65 1Chron. 12:25, 27 Job 1:2 2:13 Prov. 6:16 9:1
shebaʿ (שֶבַע) [pronounced sheb-VAHĢ] |
seven |
numeral masculine construct |
Strong's #7651 BDB #987 |
shibeʿâh (שִבְָה) [pronounced shibve-ĢAW] |
seven |
numeral feminine construct |
Strong's #7651 BDB #987 |
Although Owen lists this as BDB #988, mine begins on p. 987. |
54. Feminine_proper_noun: Shibeʿâh (שִבְעָה) [pronounced shihb-ĢAW], which means, an oath; seven. Strong’s #7656 BDB #988. Gen. 26:33
Shibeʿâh (שִבְעָה) [pronounced shihb-ĢAW] |
an oath; seven; transliterated Sheba, Shebah, Shiba, Shibah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7656 BDB #988 |
55. Numeral: shibeʿîym (שִבְעִים) [pronounced shibv-ĢEEM], which means seventy. This word actually occurs about 100 times in the Old Testament, and, according to Gesenius, it is often used as an approximation. Strong’s #7657 BDB #988. Gen. 4:24 5:12 11:26 12:4 25:7 46:27 50:3 Exodus 1:5 15:27 24:1 Judges 1:7 1Sam. 6:19 2Sam. 24:15 1Kings 5:15
shibeʿîym (שִבְעִים) [pronounced shibv-ĢEEM] |
seventy |
numeral |
Strong’s #7657 BDB #988 |
56. Adjective/Numeral_ordinate: shebîyʿîy (שְבִיעִי) [pronounced she-bee-EE], which means seventh. Both feminine and masculine forms. Strong’s #7637 BDB #988. Gen. 2:2 8:4 Exodus 12:15 16:26 20:10 21:2 23:11 24:16 31:15 Deut. 5:14 16:8 2Sam. 12:18 1Kings 8:2 1Chron. 12:11
shebîyʿîy (שְבִיעִי) [pronounced she-bee-EE] |
seventh |
masculine singular adjective; numeral ordinate with the definite article |
Strong’s #7637 BDB #988 |
57. Huh? Job 42:13.* Strong’s #7658 BDB #988.
58. Feminine_dual_noun: shibeʿâthayim (שִבְעָתַיִם) [pronounced shib-ģaw-THAH-yihm], which means seven-fold, seven times. Strong’s #7659 BDB #988. Gen. 4:14, 24 Psalm 12:6 Prov. 6:31
shibeʿâthayim (שִבְעָתַיִם) [pronounced shib-ģaw-THAH-yihm] |
seven-fold, seven times [as much] |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #7659 BDB #988 |
59. Masculine_noun: shâbûaʿ (שָבֻעַ) [pronounced shab-VOO-ahģ], which means, seven, period of seven (days or years), heptad, week; Feast of Weeks. is the Hebrew word for seven [things] is and the word for cease, rest (because everything is finished) is shâbvath (ת ַב ָש) [pronounced shaw(b)-VATH]. Shâbbath (ת ָ ַש) [pronounced shahb-BAWTH] is the Hebrew word for Sabbath, their day of rest once everything had been accomplished or everything had been completed. Strong's #7620 BDB #988. Gen. 29:27 Exodus Or Lev.?? Deut. 16:9
shâbûaʿ (שָבֻעַ) [pronounced shab-VOO-ahģ] |
seven, period of seven (days or years), heptad, week; Feast of Weeks |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #7620 BDB #988 |
There are 3 ways for this word to be spelled: shâbuwʿâh (שָבוּעַ) [pronounced shaw-BOO-ģah]; shâbuaʿ (שָבֻעַ) [pronounced shaw-BOO-ahģ]; shebuʿâh(שְבֻעָה) [pronounced shehb-oo-ĢAW]. |
60. Verb: shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ], which means to swear, so seven oneself, to imprecate, to curse, to swear an oath, to take a solemn oath, and often to extract an oath (from someone else). It is usually found in the Niphal, although its meaning is active. It is very close to the word seven and could be translated to seven oneself, to take an oath seven times, to bind oneself seven times (or, by seven things). Shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAH] may be recognizable to some because it looks so close the word for Sabbath and seven. It is a verb which literally means to seven oneself or to bind oneself with seven things. It is a verb for swearing to something, binding yourself to something, giving your word on something, even taking an oath. It is found primarily in the Niphal stem, which is known as the passive stem. However, this is not always the case. Several verbs in the Hebrew (fought, swore, remained, entered) are found in the Niphal stem, although their action in the English carries a simple active connotation. Shâbaʿ is one of these words—it is found in the Qal stem one time (Ezek. 21:23), approximately 150 times in the Niphal and about 30 times in the Hiphil. In the Niphal perfect, God is the subject and in the Niphal imperfect, man is the subject. Strong's #7650 BDB #989. Gen. 21:23 22:16 24:3, 7, 37 25:33 26:3, 31 31:53 47:31 50:5, 24 13:5, 19 32:13 33:1 Lev.? Num. 5:21 Deut. 1:8, 34 2:14 4:21 6:23 29:13 34:4 Joshua 1:6 2:12 6:26 9:15 15:12 Judges 2:1 21:1 1Sam. 3:14 19:6 20:3, 17, 42 24:21 28:10 30:15 2Sam. 2:9 19:7 21:2, 17 1Kings 1:13 2:8, 42 Psalm 15:4 63:11 95:11 110:4
shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ] |
to swear, to seven oneself, to imprecate, to curse, to swear an oath, to take a solemn oath, and often to extract an oath (from someone else) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7650 BDB #989 |
shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ] |
to swear, to imprecate, to curse, to swear an oath, to take a solemn oath, to swear allegiance |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7650 BDB #989 |
shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ] |
swear, imprecate, curse, swear an oath, take a solemn oath, swear allegiance |
2nd person masculine singular, Niphal imperative |
Strong's #7650 BDB #989 |
shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ] |
to swear, to cause to swear, to bind by an oath; to adjure, to charge solemnly, to extract an oath (from someone else) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7650 BDB #989 |
61. Combo: 2Sam. 19:7
shâbaʿ (שָבַע) [pronounced shawb-VAHĢ] |
to swear, to imprecate, to curse, to swear an oath, to take a solemn oath, to swear allegiance |
1st person singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7650 BDB #989 |
kîy (כִּי) [pronounced kee] |
for, that, because; when, at that time, which, what time |
explanatory or temporal conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
In this case, these two words together seem to mean, I will guarantee you that... |
62. Feminine_noun: shebûʿâh (שֶבֻעָה) [pronounced sheb-voo-ĢAH], which means a solemn oath, a curse. It is not a synonym for ʾâlâh (BDB #46); although they are obviously related words as we find the former in Gen. 24:8 (with its verb cognate in v. 9) and the latter in Gen. 24:4. Obviously cursing has nothing to do with either of these passages. Abraham first makes his servant solemnly agree to not take a wife for Isaac from the Canaanites (Gen. 24:2–3, 7). Strong's #7621 BDB #989. (more work needs to be done here!) Gen. 24:8 26:3 Lev.? Exodus 22:11 1Sam. 14:26 2Sam. 21:7 1Kings 2:43 1Chron. 16:16 Psalm 105:9
shebûʿâh (שֶבֻעָה) [pronounced sheb-voo-ĢAH] |
a solemn oath, a curse |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7621 BDB #989 |
63. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #7652 BDB #989.
64. Proper_noun/location: Shebaʿ (שֶבַע) [pronounced SHEH-bahģ], which means seven; swearing an oath; transliterated Sheba. Strong’s #7652 BDB #989. 2Sam. 20:1
Shebaʿ (שֶבַע) [pronounced SHEH-bahģ] |
seven; swearing an oath; transliterated Sheba |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7652 BDB #989 |
65. Verb: shâbats (שָבַץ) [pronounced shaw-BATS], which means to weave in chequer or plaited work; to weave in. Strong’s #7660 BDB #990. Exodus 28:20, 39
shâbats (שָבַץ) [pronounced shaw-BATS] |
to weave in chequer or plaited work; to weave in |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7660 BDB #990 |
shâbats (שָבַץ) [pronounced shaw-BATS] |
woven, interwoven; plaited; being set in |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #7660 BDB #990 |
66. Masculine_noun: shâbâts (ץָבָש) [pronounced shaw-BAWTS], which means pain, agony; vertigo, giddiness, confusion of the senses. More info in 2Sam. 1:9. Strong’s #7661 BDB #990. 2Sam. 1:9*
shâbâts (ץָבָש) [pronounced shaw-BAWTS] |
pain, agony; vertigo, giddiness, confusion of the senses; breastplate, coat of mail |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7661 BDB #990 |
This noun is found only here; the only cognate verb has to do with weaving. Therefore, we can only guess at its meaning from the context. |
67. Feminine_noun: mishebetsâh (מִשְבְּצָה) [pronounced mish-bets-AW], which means reticulated setting of a gem; checkered work, plaited work. Strong’s #4865 BDB #990. Exodus 28:11
mishebetsâh (מִשְבְּצָה) [pronounced mish-bets-AW] |
reticulated setting of a gem; checkered work, plaited work |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4865 BDB #990 |
68. Masculine_noun: tashebêts (תַּשְבֵּץ) [pronounced tash-BATES], which means embroidered, woven work, checkered material, chequered or plaited work. Strong’s #8665 BDB #990. Exodus 28:4*
tashebêts (תַּשְבֵּץ) [pronounced tash-BATES] |
embroidered, woven work, checkered material, chequered or plaited work |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8665 BDB #990 |
69. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7733 BDB #990.
70. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishebâq (יִשְבָּק) [pronounced yihsh-BAWK], which means he will leave; he releases; transliterated Jishbak, Yishbak. Strong’s #3435 BDB #990. Gen. 25:2
Yishebâq (יִשְבָּק) [pronounced yihsh-BAWK] |
he will leave; he releases; transliterated Jishbak, Yishbak |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3435 BDB #990 |
71. Verb: shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR], which means to be broken, to break [one’s limbs, mind or heart]; to be torn to pieces; to be broken down, to be destroyed, to perish. In the Piel, it means to shatter, to break into pieces (as in Exodus 32:19). In the Niphal (the passive stem), it means to be broken. Strong’s #7665 BDB #990. Gen. 19:9 Exodus 12:46 22:10, 14 23:24 25:25 32:19 1Sam. 4:18 Psalm 10:15 29:5 34:18 46:9 51:17 104:11 105:16, 33 147:3 Prov. 6:15
shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to break, to break into pieces; to tear [anyone; to break down, to destroy; to measure off, to define; to buy or sell [corn] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7665 BDB #990 |
shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
broken [into pieces]; torn down; broken down; destroyed; measured off, defined |
masculine plural construct, Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7665 BDB #990 |
shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to cause to break through [the womb]; to cause to break; to buy or sell corn |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7665 BDB #990 |
shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to be broken, to break [one’s limbs, mind or heart]; to be torn to pieces; to be broken down, to be destroyed, to perish |
3rd person feminine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7665 BDB #990 |
shâbar ( ָבַרש) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to break altogether, to thoroughly break, to break into pieces [teeth, statues, altars] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7665 BDB #990 |
72. Masculine_noun: shêber (שֵבֶר) [pronounced SHAY-ber], which means a breaking, fracture, breach [of a wall]; the breaking open [of a dream], an interpretation or solution [of a dream]; destruction (ruin, shattering) [of a kingdom; of men]; a breaking [of the mind], terror; quarries; a crushing [of corn, grain]; corn, grain [which has been crushed or threshed]. Strong’s #7667&7668 BDB #991. Gen. 42:1 43:2 44:2 47:14 Psalm 60:2
shêber (שֵבֶר) [pronounced SHAY-ber] |
a breaking, fracture, breach [of a wall]; the breaking open [of a dream], an interpretation or solution [of a dream]; destruction (ruin, shattering) [of a kingdom; of men]; a breaking [of the mind], terror; quarries; a crushing [of corn, grain]; corn, grain [which has been crushed or threshed] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7667 & 7668 BDB #991 |
Also spelled sheber (שֶבֶר) [pronounced SHEH-ber]. |
73. Noun: shebârîym (םי ̣ר ָב ׃ש) [pronounced she- bvaw-REEM], which is either a proper name or it means the quarries. It is found no where else in the Bible and BDB groups it with the verb to crush, to break, to fracture. Strong’s #7671 BDB #991. Joshua 7:5
74. Masculine_proper_noun: which means a breaking, a crushing; a breach; transliterated . Strong’s #7669 BDB #991.
75. Masculine_noun: which means a breaking, a crushing. Strong’s #7670 BDB #991.
76. Masculine_noun: which means the place of a breach; mouth of the womb. Strong’s #7670 BDB #991.
77. Masculine_noun: mishebârîym (מִשְבָרִים) [pronounced mihsh-bawr-EEM], which means waves, breakers [of a sea]; metaphorically for calamities, disasters. Strong’s #4867 BDB #991. 2Sam. 22:5
mishebârîym (מִשְבָרִים) [pronounced mihsh-bawr-EEM] |
waves, breakers [of a sea]; metaphorically for calamities, disasters |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #4867 BDB #991 |
78. Masculine_noun3: sheber (שֶבֶר) [pronounced SHEH-behr], which means corn, grain. See Strong’s #7667 above. Strong’s #7668 BDB #991. Gen. 42:2
sheber (שֶבֶר) [pronounced SHEH-behr] |
corn, grain |
masculine singular noun (3) |
Strong’s #7668 BDB #991 |
79. Verb: shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR], which means to purchase, to buy [grain]. Strong’s #7666 BDB #991. Gen. 41:56 42:2, 3 43:4 44:25 47:14 Deut. 2:6, 28
shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to purchase, to buy [grain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7666 BDB #991 |
shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
the ones purchasing, those buying [grain] |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7666 BDB #991 |
shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
purchase, buy [grain] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7666 BDB #991 |
shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
to sell [grain] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7666 BDB #991 |
shâbar (שָבַר) [pronounced shawb-VAHR] |
the seller [vendor, trafficker] [of grain] |
Hiphil participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7666 BDB #991 |
80. Verb: shâbath (שָבַת) [pronounced shawb-VATH], which means, to rest, to keep a day of rest, to celebrate the Sabbath day, to cease, to decease, to rest [because something has been completed]. You will note how close this is to the word Sabbath. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to rest, to cause a work to cease, to cause to cease, to remove, to take away. Why is this listed twice? Here and below? Strong's #7673 BDB #991. Lev.? Joshua 5:12 22:24 Psalm 8:2
81. Feminine_noun: shebeth (שֶבֶת) [pronounced SHEB-veth], which means cessation, rest, interruption, loss of time. Homonym to Strong’s #7675 (the infinitive of Strong’s #3427). Strong’s #7674 BDB #992. Exodus 21:19 (Psalm 133:1)
shebeth (שֶבֶת) [pronounced SHEB-veth] |
cessation, rest, interruption, loss of time |
feminine singular noun with the 1st person singular suffix |
Strong’s #7674 BDB #443 |
82. Feminine/Masculine_noun: shâbbath (שָבַּת) [pronounced shawb-BAHTH], which means ceasing, resting; desisting; transliterated Sabbath. It is the Hebrew word for Sabbath, their day of rest once everything had been accomplished or everything had been completed. This is obviously a transliteration, which is a place where meanings are often lost or distorted. This comes from the word shâvath (ת ַב ָש) [pronounced shaw-VAHTH, which means to cease, to desist. It is a time when normal life, particularly work, ceases. Strong's #7676 BDB #992. More work to be done here Exodus 16:23 20:8 31:13 Lev.? Deut. 5:12 1Sam. (1:3)
shâbbath (שָבַּת) [pronounced shawb-BAHTH] |
ceasing, resting; desisting; transliterated Sabbath |
feminine/masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7676 BDB #992 |
83. Verb: shâbath (שָבַת) [pronounced shaw-BAHTH], which means to rest, to keep a day of rest, to celebrate the Sabbath; to sit down [still]; to cease, to desist, to leave off, to discontinue. Strong’s #7673 BDB #992. Gen. 2:2, 3 8:22 Exodus 5:5 12:15 16:30 23:12 31:17 Psalm 46:9 89:44
shâbath (שָבַת) [pronounced shaw-BAHTH] |
to rest, to keep a day of rest, to celebrate the Sabbath; to sit down [still]; to cease, to desist, to leave off, to discontinue |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7673 BDB #991 & #992 |
shâbath (שָבַת) [pronounced shaw-BAHTH] |
to cease, to desist, to leave off, to discontinue |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7673 BDB #992 |
shâbath (שָבַת) [pronounced shaw-BAHTH] |
to cause to rest, to cause a work to cease; to sit down [still]; to cause to cease, to put an end to something; to exterminate, to destroy; to cause to fail; to remove, to take away |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7673 BDB #992 |
84. Masculine_noun: shabbâthôn (שַבָּתוֹן) [pronounced shab-baw-THONE], which means Sabbath observance, Sabbatism, a rest. Thayer: 1a) of weekly sabbath; 1b) day of atonement; 1c) sabbatical year; 1d) of Feast of Trumpets; 1e) of the 1st and last days of the Feast of Tabernacles. Strong’s #7677 BDB #992. Exodus 16:23 31:15
shabbâthôn (שַבָּתוֹן) [pronounced shab-baw-THONE] |
Sabbath observance, Sabbatism, a day of solemn rest, rest |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7677 BDB #992 |
85. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7678 BDB #992.
86. Masculine_noun: which means cessation, annihilation. Strong’s #4868 BDB #992.
87. Verb: shâgag (ג-גָש) [pronounced shaw-GAHG], which means to go astray, to wander, to commit a sin or error. Qal active participle of shâgag (ג ַג ָש) [pronounced shaw-GAHG], which means ➊ to wander, to go astray (Ezek. 34:6); ➋ to reel, to become intoxicated (Prov. 5:14 20:1); ➌ to err, to transgress inadvertently (1Sam. 26:21). Strong’s #7683 BDB #992. Job 12:16 Psalm (19:12)
88. Feminine_noun: shegâgâh (ה ָג ָג ׃ש) [pronounced sh'gaw-GAWH], found in this passage for the first time in God's Word. This is a noun which modifies either the word sin (Lev. 5:15 Num. 15:27) or a particular sin (Num. 35:11, 15). Unknowingly is a good translation, but not exactly fit several passages, such as Num. 35:11, 15 Joshua 20:3, 9. When we speak of unintentional manslaughter (as the passages named do), a good translation is unwittingly, unintentionally. However, we should stick with unknowingly when dealing with committing sins when we do not realize that they are sins. You may wonder why I have taken this stance when my preference is to go with a consistent and accurate translation whenever possible. This is because when it comes to committing a sin, we intend to commit that sin, whether we recognize that it is a sin or not. Our volition is involved. Some force of evil does not cause us to sin against our own volition. What is unintentional, at times, are the results of the sin. Some people, because of pre-marital sex, become involved in an horrible abusive marriage where both the husband and the wife are unhappy and the children are caused daily grief do to their parent's behavior. At the time of committing sex outside of marriage, their intetnion was some self-satisfaction, either sexual or emotional; or it was a pay back or a reward. In any case, the results were unintentional, although the sin which precipitated the results was very intentional (even if the people involved did not realize that pre-marital sex is wrong in all instances). The point that I am trying to make in the translation of this word is that volition should not be removed from the picture in all instances by using the word unintentional except with regards to some of the results being unintentional. See Lev. 4:13–14 for support with meaning. BDB #993. Strong's #7684. Lev. 4:2 Joshua 20:3, 9
89. Verb: shâgâh (שָגָה) [pronounced shaw-GAWH] which means to err, to go astray; the context of this verse (see Lev. 4:14), it implies that this is an unknown sin; hence the translation. Therefore it means commit a sin unknowingly. In the Hiphil, it means to lead astray, to mislead. Strong's #7686 BDB #993. Lev. 4:14 1Sam. 26:21 Job 12:16, 23 19:4 Prov. 5:19, 20, 23
shâgâh (שָגָה) [pronounced shaw-GAWH] |
to wander, to go astray; to err, to transgress; to commit a sin unknowingly; to reel through wine, to be intoxicated |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7686 BDB #993 |
Owen translates this he is lost in Prov. 5:23. |
shâgâh (שָגָה) [pronounced shaw-GAWH] |
to cause to wander, to cause to go astray; to lead astray, to mislead |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7686 BDB #993 |
90. Feminine_noun: which means error. Strong’s #7691 BDB #993. Psalm 19:12*
91. Masculine_noun: mishegeh (מִשְגֶּה) [pronounced mihsh-GEH], which means oversight, mistake. Strong’s #4870 BDB #993. Gen. 43:12
mishegeh (מִשְגֶּה) [pronounced mihsh-GEH] |
oversight, mistake |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4870 BDB #993 |
92. Masculine_proper_noun: Shâgêh (שָגֵה) [pronounced shaw-GAY], which means erring; transliterated Shage. Strong’s #7681 BDB #993.
Shâgêh (שָגֵה) [pronounced shaw-GAY] |
erring; transliterated Shage |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7681 BDB #993 |
This is also spelled Shâgêʿ (שָגֵא) [pronounced shaw-GAY], in BDB and Strong’s, but not in this text. |
93. Hiphil verb: shâgach (ח-גָש) [pronounced shaw-GAHKH], which means to gaze, to look at. Strong’s #7688 BDB #993. Psalm 33:14
94. Noun: shiggâyôwn (ןיָ ̣ש) [pronounced shig-gaw-YOHN], which means to go astray, to reel; and it is a reference to a wild, passionate song. It is transliterated Shiggaion. Strong’s #7692 BDB #993. Psalm 7 inscription
shiggâyôwn (ןיָ ̣ש) [pronounced shig-gaw-YOHN] |
to go astray, to reel; and it is a reference to a wild, passionate song; transliterated Shiggaion |
Possibly a noun |
Strong’s #7692 BDB #993 |
BDB calls this a doubtful word. It is found in Psalm 7 inscription and Habak. 3:1 (title). |
95. Verb: which means to violate, to ravish. Strong’s #7693 BDB #993.
96. Feminine_noun: which means queen consort. Strong’s #7694 BDB #993.
97. Verb: shâgaʿ (שָגַע) [pronounced shaw-GAH] mens to rave, to act a madman. In Deut. 28:34, the verb is in the Pual participle; the Pual is the passive intensive stem. BDB offers driven to despair for this rendering. 1Sam. 21:16 2Kings 9:11 Jer. 29:26 Hos. 9:7 Strong’s #7696 BDB #993. Deut. 28:34 1Sam. 21:14 Mental Attitude Sins
shâgaʿ (שָגַע) [pronounced shaw-GAHĢ] |
to be done with divine fury; to be insane, to be psychotic; to be mad, to be a madman; as a participle, it can mean madman, fanatic |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong's #7696 BDB #993 |
The root of this word means to be vigorous, to be brave, to be fierce; however, the primary understanding appears to be that of any impetuous excitement. |
shâgaʿ (שָגַע) [pronounced shaw-GAHĢ] |
to be mad, to be a madman |
Hithpael participle |
Strong's #7696 BDB #993 |
98. Masculine_noun: shiggâʿôwn (שִגָּעוֹן) [pronounced shig-gaw-ĢYONE], which means a wild and helpless panic and is found in Deut. 28:28 Zech. 12:4 2Kings 9:20 (an adverb?).* Strong’s #7697 BDB #993. Deut. 28:28 Zech. 12:4
99. Feminine_noun: sheger (שֶגֶר) [pronounced SHEH-gehr], which means offspring, young [of beasts]. From an unused verb which appears to mean eject. Strong’s #7698 BDB #993. Exodus 13:12
sheger (שֶגֶר) [pronounced SHEH-gehr] |
offspring, young [of beasts] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7698 BDB #993 |
100. Masculine_noun: shêd (שֵד) [pronounced shayd], which means demons, destroyers. The word for demons here is a borrowed word and found only here and in Psalm 106:37, where this word is closely aligned with child sacrifice. Although BDB calls it possibly a protective spirit, Barnes gives a better concept of the meaning of this word: The application of the word to the false gods points to the trait so deeply graven in all heathen worship, that of regarding the deities as malignant, and needing to be propitiated by human sufferings...render [this word] destroyers. Strong’s #7700 BDB #993. Deut. 32:17 Psalm 106:37
shêd (שֵד) [pronounced shayd] |
demons, destroyers |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7700 BDB #993 |
101. Verb: The subject of the verb is the word tents, a metonym [pronounced MET-ə-nim] for one’s family and possessions. This is followed by the lâmed preposition and the Qal active participle of shâdad (ד ַד ָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD], which means to deal violently with, to despoil, to devastate, to ruin; as a participle, it refers to one who would commit these acts. A one word rendering of this would not be inclusive enough—this could be a thug, a revolutionary, a criminal, a mugger, a thief. This is someone whose own personal wants or desires, whose political ideology, far outweighs, in his own mind, the sanctity of your home and family. This is the person that if you have a car, a stash of several thousand dollars, or even a $10 that he wants, then he will trade your life, security and home for that which he wants. If it makes some kind of a political statement, then he will trade your life to make that statement. Strong’s #7703 BDB #994. Ruth (1:20) Job 12:6
102. Verb: shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD], which means to be strong, to be powerful; to oppress, to destroy, to lay waste, to deal violently with, to ruin, to despoil, to devastate. Strong’s #7703 BDB #994. Judges 5:27 Job 15:21
shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD] |
to be strong, to be powerful; to oppress, to destroy, to lay waste, to deal violently with, to ruin, to despoil, to devastate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7703 BDB #994 |
shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD] |
devastator, destroyer, devastated, destroyed, laid waste to |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7703 BDB #994 |
shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD] |
to be destroyed, to be laid waste to, to be devastated |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7703 BDB #994 |
shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD] |
to destroy, to lay waste, to deal violently with, to ruin, to despoil, to devastate |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel/Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #7703 BDB #994 |
shâdad (דַדָש) [pronounced shaw-DAHD] |
to be destroyed, to be laid waste to, to be devastated |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual/Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7703 BDB #994 |
103. Masculine_noun: shôd (דש or דֹש) [pronounced shohd], which means havoc, (domestic) violence, devastation, ruin, national disaster [unrest]; intense unrest [street rioting, looting]; general lawlessness; oppression; desolation, destruction. Strong’s #7701 BDB #994. Psalm 12:5 Job 5:21
shôd (דש or דֹש) [pronounced showd] |
havoc, (domestic) violence, devastation, ruin, national disaster [unrest]; intense unrest [street rioting, looting]; general lawlessness; oppression; desolation, destruction |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7701 BDB #994 |
My feeling is that this would refer to intense national unrest, such as street rioting and looting, and general lawlessness. This works well with Isa. 51:19 Ezek. 45:9 Joel 1:15 Habak. 1:3, and less well with Psalm 12:5 Prov. 24:2. To grasp why it works with one and not another, civil unrest and strife was not as often the cause in the old world for rioting, looting and rape. These things usually accompanied attacks from without. |
The homonym means breast, bosom, teat. Strong’s #7699 BDB #993 & #994. |
104. Verb: which means to moisten, to breast [feed?]. Strong’s #none BDB #994.
105. Masculine_noun: shad (ד ַש) [pronounced shahd], which means breast. Strong’s #7699 BDB #993Ϣ. Gen. 49:25 Ruth (1:20) Job 3:12 (12:6)
shôd (וֹדש or שֹד) [pronounced showd] |
female breast, bosom, teat |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #7699 BDB #993 & #994 |
shâdayim (שָדַיִם) [pronounced shaw-dah-YIHM] |
female breasts, bosom, teats |
masculine dual noun |
Strong’s #7699 BDB #993 & #994 |
The homonym for this word means havoc, destruction, ruin; lawlessness, oppression; desolation. Strong’s #7701 BDB #994. |
106. Masculine_proper_noun: which is transliterated Shidah. It means Flame? Strong’s #7707 BDB #994.
107. Feminine_noun: shiddâh (שִדָּה) [pronounced shihd-DAW], which means wife; mistress of the house; harem; a musical instrument [generally speaking?]; and many suggest that the meaning is unknown. Strong’s #7705 BDB #994. Eccles. 2:8
shiddâh (שִדָּה) [pronounced shihd-DAW] |
wife; mistress of the house; harem; a musical instrument [generally speaking?]; and many suggest that the meaning is unknown |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7705 BDB #994 |
shiddôwth (שִדֹּֽות) [pronounced shihd-DOHTH] |
wives; mistresses of the house; harem; musical instruments [in general]; and many suggest that the meaning is unknown |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #7705 BDB #994 |
108. Masculine_noun: Shadday (שַדַּי) [pronounced shahd-DAH-ee], which means the many-breasted one; and is generally translated Almighty, the Almighty One. There is reason to believe that this means the many-breasted one as the word for breast in the Hebrew is shad (שַד) [pronounced shahd] (Strong’s #7699 BDB #994) and there are two or three other words in the Hebrew related to breast which have the same root. What is involved here is provision, ability to provide, care and love. However, let me also point out that the word for to do violence to is shâdad (שָדַד) [pronounced shah-DAHD] (Strong’s #7703 BDB #994). Therefore, we have the inference of dealing violently; and this would make sense. A mother will provide and protect her own, to the point of committing serious violence, if necessary. God does the same. For those who constantly reject him, for those who put their hands on His people—those are on the receiving end of His violence. This is a most marvelous name for God, revealing two important, yet superficially contradictory, characteristics. Interestingly enough, this name for God occurs 31 times in the book of Job and only 17 more times throughout the rest of Scripture (beginning in Gen. 17:1). Strong’s #7706 BDB #994. The Doctrine of the Old Testament Names for God Gen. 17:1 28:3 35:11 43:14 48:3 49:25 Exodus 6:3 Ruth 1:20 Job 5:17 15:25 21:15 Psalm 68:14
Shadday (שַדַּי) [pronounced shahd-DAH-ee] |
the many-breasted one; and is generally translated Almighty, the Almighty One |
proper noun |
Strong’s #7706 BDB #994 |
ʾÊl (אֵל) [pronounced ALE] |
God, god, mighty one, strong, hero; transliterated El |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #410 BDB #42 |
Shadday (שַדַּי) [pronounced shahd-DAH-ee] |
the many-breasted one; and is generally translated Almighty, the Almighty One; Omnipotent [One] |
proper noun |
Strong’s #7706 BDB #994 |
Together, these two nouns are often transliterated ʾEl Shaddai. |
The NET Bible: The name אֵל שַדַּי (’el shadday, “El Shaddai”) has often been translated “God Almighty,” primarily because Jerome translated it omnipotens (“all powerful”) in the Latin Vulgate. There has been much debate over the meaning of the name. For discussion see W. F. Albright, “The Names Shaddai and Abram,” JBL 54 (1935): 173-210; R. Gordis, “The Biblical Root sdy-sd,” JTS 41 (1940): 34-43; and especially T. N. D. Mettinger, In Search of God, 69-72. Shaddai/El Shaddai is the sovereign king of the world who grants, blesses, and judges. In the Book of Genesis he blesses the patriarchs with fertility and promises numerous descendants. Outside Genesis he both blesses/protects and takes away life/happiness. The patriarchs knew God primarily as El Shaddai (Exod 6:3). While the origin and meaning of this name are uncertain (see discussion below) its significance is clear. The name is used in contexts where God appears as the source of fertility and life. |
The NET Bible continues: In Gen 17:1-8 he appeared to Abram, introduced himself as El Shaddai, and announced his intention to make the patriarch fruitful. In the role of El Shaddai God repeated these words (now elevated to the status of a decree) to Jacob (35:11). Earlier Isaac had pronounced a blessing on Jacob in which he asked El Shaddai to make Jacob fruitful (28:3). Jacob later prayed that his sons would be treated with mercy when they returned to Egypt with Benjamin (43:14). The fertility theme is not as apparent here, though one must remember that Jacob viewed Benjamin as the sole remaining son of the favored and once-barren Rachel (see 29:31; 30:22-24; 35:16-18). It is quite natural that he would appeal to El Shaddai to preserve Benjamin’s life, for it was El Shaddai’s miraculous power which made it possible for Rachel to give him sons in the first place. |
The NET Bible continues: In 48:3 Jacob, prior to blessing Joseph’s sons, told him how El Shaddai appeared to him at Bethel (see Gen 28) and promised to make him fruitful. When blessing Joseph on his deathbed Jacob referred to Shaddai (we should probably read “El Shaddai,” along with a few Hebrew mss, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the LXX, and Syriac) as the one who provides abundant blessings, including “blessings of the breast and womb” (49:25). (The direct association of the name with “breasts” suggests the name might mean “the one of the breast” [i.e., the one who gives fertility], but the juxtaposition is probably better explained as wordplay. Note the wordplay involving the name and the root שָדַד, shadad, “destroy”] in Isa 13:6 and in Joel 1:15.). |
The NET Bible continues: Outside Genesis the name Shaddai (minus the element “El” [“God”]) is normally used when God is viewed as the sovereign king who blesses/protects or curses/brings judgment. The name appears in the introduction to two of Balaam’s oracles (Num 24:4, 16) of blessing upon Israel. Naomi employs the name when accusing the Lord of treating her bitterly by taking the lives of her husband and sons (Ruth 1:20-21). In Ps 68:14; Isa 13:6; and Joel 1:15 Shaddai judges his enemies through warfare, while Ps 91:1 depicts him as the protector of his people. (In Ezek 1:24 and 10:5 the sound of the cherubs’ wings is compared to Shaddai’s powerful voice. The reference may be to the mighty divine warrior’s battle cry which accompanies his angry judgment.). |
The NET Bible concludes: Finally, the name occurs 31 times in the Book of Job. Job and his “friends” assume that Shaddai is the sovereign king of the world (11:7; 37:23a) who is the source of life (33:4b) and is responsible for maintaining justice (8:3; 34:10-12; 37:23b). He provides abundant blessings, including children (22:17-18; 29:4-6), but he can also discipline, punish, and destroy (5:17; 6:4; 21:20; 23:16). It is not surprising to see the name so often in this book, where the theme of God’s justice is primary and even called into question (24:1; 27:2). The most likely proposal is that the name means “God, the one of the mountain” (an Akkadian cognate means “mountain,” to which the Hebrew ש ַד, shad, “breast”] is probably related). For a discussion of proposed derivations see T. N. D. Mettinger, In Search of God, 70-71. The name may originally have depicted God as the sovereign judge who, in Canaanite style, ruled from a sacred mountain. Isa 14:13 and Ezek 28:14, 16 associate such a mountain with God, while Ps 48:2 refers to Zion as “Zaphon,” the Canaanite Olympus from which the high god El ruled. (In Isa 14 the Canaanite god El may be in view. Note that Isaiah pictures pagan kings as taunting the king of Babylon, suggesting that pagan mythology may provide the background for the language and imagery.). |
109. Feminine_noun: which means field. Plural only. Strong’s #7709 BDB #995.
110. Verb: shâdaph (שָדַף) [pronounced shaw-DAHF], which means to scorch, to blight. Strong’s #7710 BDB #995. Gen. 41:6
shâdaph (שָדַף) [pronounced shaw-DAHF] |
to scorch, to blight |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7710 BDB #995 |
shâdaph (שָדַף) [pronounced shaw-DAHF] |
scorched, blighted |
feminine plural, Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7710 BDB #995 |
111. Feminine_noun: shedêphâh (שְדֵפָה) [pronounced shehd-ay-FAW], which means blighted thing, blasted thing. Strong’s #7711 BDB #995.
shedêphâh (שְדֵפָה) [pronounced shehd-ay-FAW] |
blighted thing, blasted thing |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7711 BDB #995 |
112. Masculine_noun: shiddâphôwn (שִדָּפוֹן) [pronounced shihd-daw-FOHN], which means a blight [of crops]; blasted (by the hot, east wind). Strong’s #7711 BDB #995. 1Kings 8:37
shiddâphôwn (שִדָּפוֹן) [pronounced shied-daw-FOHN] |
a blight [of crops]; blasted (by the hot, east wind) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7711 BDB #995 |
113. Masculine_noun: shishshâh (שִשָּה) [pronounced shish-SHAW], which means six. Masculine and feminine forms. Strong’s #8337 BDB #995. Gen. 7:6 8:13 16:16 30:20 31:41 46:18, 26 Exodus 12:37 14:6 16:26 20:9 21:2 23:10 24:16 25:32 26:22 31:15 Deut. 5:13 16:8 Judges 3:31 1Sam. 13:5, 15 14:2 17:4, 7 23:13 27:2 30:9 2Sam. 2:11 15:18 21:20 1Kings 6:6 1Chron. 12:24 Prov. 6:16
shêsh (שֵש) [pronounced shaysh] |
six |
masculine form of numeral |
Strong’s #8337 BDB #995 |
shishshâh (שִשָּה) [pronounced shish-SHAW] |
six |
feminine form of numeral |
Strong’s #8337 BDB #995 |
114. Masculine/feminine_numeral_ordinal: shishshîy (שִשִּי) [pronounced shihsh-SHEE], which means sixth. Strong’s #8345 BDB #995. Gen. 1:31 30:19 Exodus 16:5 2Sam. 3:5 1Chron. 12:10
shishshîy (שִשִּי) [pronounced shish-SHEE] |
sixth |
masculine singular numeral ordinal; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8345 BDB #995 |
shishshîyth (שִשִּית) [pronounced shish-SHEETH] |
sixth |
feminine singular numeral ordinal; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8345 BDB #995 |
115. Indeclinable_noun: shishshîym (שִשִּים) [pronounced shish-SHEEM], which means sixty. Strong’s #8346 BDB #995. Gen. 5:15 25:26 46:26 Deut. 3:4 2Sam. 2:31 1Kings 4:13 6:2 1Chron. 16:38
shishshîym (שִשִּים) [pronounced shish-SHEEM] |
sixty |
indeclinable plural noun |
Strong’s #8346 BDB #995 |
116. Piel_verb: which means to give a sixth part of. Strong’s #8341 BDB #995.
117. Masculine_noun: shôham (ֹהַםש) [pronounced SHOW-hahm], which means a precious stone, a gem [probably onyx, sardonyx, chrysoprasus, beryl, malachite]. Identification is dubious. Strong’s #7718 BDB #995. Gen. 2:12 Exodus 25:7 28:9, 20
shôham (ֹהַםש) [pronounced SHOW-hahm] |
a precious stone, a gem [probably onyx, sardonyx, chrysoprasus, beryl, malachite] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7718 BDB #995 |
118. Masculine_proper_noun: Levite. 1Chron. 24:27.* Strong’s #7719 BDB #996.
119. Masculine_proper_noun: Shevâʾ (שְוָא) [pronounced sehv-AW], which means Jehovah contends; false; transliterated Sheva. Calebite. Strong’s #7724 BDB #996. 2Sam. 20:25
Shevâʾ (שְוָא) [pronounced sehv-AW] |
Jehovah contends; false; transliterated Sheva |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7724 BDB #996 |
120. Masculine_noun: shâveʾ (שָוְא) [pronounced shawve ], which means wickedness, iniquity; destruction, calamity; falsehood, a lie, false report; vanity, emptiness, unsubstantial, worthlessness. It does not mean false. It means vain, empty, worthless. See Gesenius for additional meanings and more stuff, if necessary. It is that which furnishes no support, that which cannot uphold or sustain, and will give away when any trust is placed in it. I may want to examine this word in detail. Strong's #7723 BDB #996. Exodus 20:7 23:1 Deut. 5:11, 20 Job 11:11 15:31 Psalm 24:4 41:6 89:47
shâveʾ (שָוְא) [pronounced shawv] |
wickedness, iniquity; destruction, calamity; falsehood, a lie, false report; vanity, emptiness, unsubstantial, worthlessness |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong's #7723 BDB #996 |
It is that which furnishes no support, that which cannot uphold or sustain, and will give away when any trust is placed in it. |
121. Masculine_noun: shôwʾ (שוֹא) [pronounced show], which means destruction, devastation, ruin, ravage, waste. Psalm 35:17.* Strong’s #7722 BDB #996. Prov.
shôwʾ (שוֹא) [pronounced show] |
destruction, devastation, ruin, waste |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7722 BDB #996 |
122. Feminine_noun: shôwʾâh (שוֹאָה) [pronounced show-AW], which means a storm, a tempest; destruction, devastation, ruin, waste; desolation. Strong’s #7722 BDB #996. Psalm 63:9 Prov. 1:27 3:25
shôwʾâh (שוֹאָה) [pronounced show-AW] |
a storm, a tempest; destruction, devastation, ruin, waste; desolation |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7722 BDB #996 |
123. Feminine_noun: meshôwʾâh (הָאשמ) [pronounced me-show-AW], which means ruin, desolation. Job 30:3 38:27 Psalm 73:18 74:3 Zeph. 1:15.* Strong’s assigns it a different number in the plural (#4876). BDB claims that there is a slight spelling error (the difference between the plural for this word and the word that we find in this context is a tiny dot inside the shîyn, which doubles the sh sound). The corresponding meaning for this word is deceptions, which is not apropos for either passage found in the psalms (the two passages in question). Two other explanations: (1) That this was simply the spelling that the word acquired, and that it falls outside the normal Hebrew words for the spelling of the plural. (2) This is a slightly different word, correctly spelled in the psalms, and essentially meaning the same thing (meaning the BDB assigned and then rejected meaning is bogus from the get-go). Strong’s #4875 BDB #996. Psalm 73:18
124. Feminine_noun: noise. Strong’s #8663 BDB #996.
125. Verb: shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv]; which means to return, to turn, to turn back, to reminisce, to restore something, to bring back something, to revive, to recover something, to make restitution. Primarily we see a man's possession (in this context, his property) returned to him. In fact, the way it reads most of the time is that he is returned unto his possession. In the Hiphil stem, it means to be caused to return, to bring, to be caused to turn back mentally, reminisce, to return something, to restore, to bring back, to regain, to recover, to make restitution, reconsider, think again, or to be caused to return. Shûwbv (בiש) [pronounced shoobv] is found over a thousand times in the Old Testament. In the simple Qal stem, it just means to turn back, to return, to turn around (Gen. 16:9 Josh. 2:23 Judges 15:19); or, to turn back mentally, reminisce (Num. 11:4); however, in the Hiphil (the causative) stem, it can mean to be caused to return (2Sam. 19:11 2Chron. 6:25), to bring (Gen. 14:16 28:15), to be caused to turn back mentally, reminisce (Deut. 30:1) to return something, to restore, to bring back, to regain, to recover, to make restitution (Neh. 5:11 Prov. 24:12 Lam. 3:64), reconsider, think again (Job 6:29), or to be caused to return (Psalm 78:38). The Polel appears to be another construction of the Piel (or intensive) stem. In the participle, this means the one restoring, the one reviving. Strong's #7725 BDB #996. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:12) Gen. 3:19 8:2 14:7, 16 15:15 16:9 18:10 20:7 21:32 22:5 24:5, 6 26:18 27:44 28:15, 21 29:3 30:31 31:3, 13, 55 32:6, 9 33:16 37:22, 29 38:22 40:13 41:13 42:24, 28 43:2, 10, 12, 13, 18 44:8, 13, 25 48:21 50:5, 14 Exodus 4:7, 19 5:22 13:17 14:2 15:19 19:8 21:34 22:26 23:4 24:14 32:12, 27, 31 33:11 Lev. 25:intro Num. 4:7 11:4 Deut. 1:22, 45 3:20 4:30, 39 5:30 17:16 20:5 22:1 28:68 30:1–3 32:41 10:8 Joshua 2:19 5:2 10:38 14:7 19:12 22:16 23:12 Judges 2:19 5:29 6:18 9:56 11:9, 13, 35 15:19 Ruth 4:15 1Sam. 1:19 3:5 5:3 6:3, 21 7:3, 14 12:3 17:15, 30 18:6 23:23 24:1 25:12, 21 26:21, 23 27:9 29:4 30:12, 19 2Sam. 1:1 3:11, 16 12:23 14:13, 21 15:8, 19, 20, 25, 27 16:3 17:3, 20 18:16 19:9, 14, 15 20:22 22:21, 38 23:10 24:13 1Kings 2:16, 33 8:33, 34 9:6 Job 1:21 6:29 7:7 9:12, 18 10:16 11:10 13:22 14:13 15:13, 22 17:10 20:2, 10, 18 Psalm 7:7 19:7 23:3, 6 44:10 51:12, 13 54:5 56:9 59:6 68:22 78:38 90:2, 13 106:23 132:10 Prov. 1:23 2:19 3:28 Eccles. 1:6, 7
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
to return, to turn, to turn back, to turn away (aside); to reminisce, to restore something, to bring back something, to revive, to recover something, to make restitution |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
BDB Qal meanings for this verb: 1a1) to turn back, return; 1a1a) to turn back; 1a1b) to return, come or go back; 1a1c) to return unto, go back, come back; 1a1d) of dying; 1a1e) of human relations (figuratively); 1a1f) of spiritual relations (figuratively); 1a1f1) to turn back (from God), apostatize; 1a1f2) to turn away (of God); 1a1f3) to turn back (to God), repent; 1a1f4) turn back (from evil); 1a1g) of inanimate things; 1a1h) in repetition. |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
returning, turning [back, away, aside); reminiscing; restoring something, bringing back something, reviving, recovering something, making restitution |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
the returning, the turning, the turning back (away, aside), the reminiscent, the restoration of something, the bringing back something, the revival, the recovering of something, the making of restitution |
Qal participle with the definite article |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
those returning, the ones turning [back, away, aside); those reminiscing; those restoring [bringing back] something, the ones reviving, those recovering something, those making restitution |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
return, turn, turn back (away, aside), reminisce, restore something, bring back something, revive, recover something, make restitution |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
to cause to return, to bring, to be caused to turn back mentally, reminisce, to return something, to restore, to bring back, to send back, to regain, to recover, to make restitution, reconsider, think again, to be caused to return |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
causing to return, bringing, being caused to turn back mentally, reminiscing, returning something, restoring, bringing back, sending back, regaining, recovering, making restitution, reconsidering, thinking again, being caused to return |
Hiphil participle |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
cause to return, bring, be caused to turn back mentally, reminisce, return something, restore, bring back, send back, regain, recover, make restitution, reconsider, think again, be caused to return |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
All of the BDB Hiphil definitions are: to cause to return, bring back; to bring back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; to bring back, refresh, restore; to bring back, report to, answer; to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; to turn away (face), turn toward; to turn against; to bring back to mind; to show a turning away; to reverse, revoke. |
The BDB lists the following definitions: 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to return, bring back; 1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give back, restore, relinquish, give in payment; 1d2) to bring back, refresh, restore; 1d3) to bring back, report to, answer; 1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense); 1d5) to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder, reject, refuse; 1d6) to turn away (face), turn toward; 1d7) to turn against; 1d8) to bring back to mind; 1d9) to show a turning away; 1d10) to reverse, revoke. |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
restored |
Pual participle |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
to bring back, to convert [to God]; to restore, to refresh; to turn away |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel imperfect |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
Apparently the Polel as per Owen is equivalent to the Pilel of Gesenius (Zodhiates lists this as a Piel imperfect). |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
to be brought back; to be restored, to be returned |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
that which is brought back; the thing restored, being returned |
Hophal participle with the definite article |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
shûwb (שוּב) [pronounced shoobv] |
to be brought back; i.e., rescued, delivered [from power of one’s enemies] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pulal imperfect |
Strong's #7725 BDB #996 |
No #997–999126.Feminine_noun: which means retirement, withdrawal. Strong’s #7729 BDB #1000.
127. Feminine_noun: which means restoration. Strong’s #7870 BDB #1000.
128. Adjective: which means back turning, apostate. Strong’s #7726 BDB #1000.
129. Masculine_proper_noun: Shôwbâb (בָבש) [pronounced show-BAWBV], which means rebellious, back turning, recusant, apostate; transliterated Shobab. Strong’s #7727 BDB #1000. 2Sam. 5:14
Shôwbâb (בָבש) [pronounced show-BAWBV] |
rebellious, back turning, recusant, apostate; transliterated Shobab |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7727 BDB #1000 |
130. Adjective: which means back turning, apostate. Strong’s #7728 BDB #1000.
131. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3437 BDB #1000.
132. Gentilic_adjective: which means ; transliterated . Of foregoing. Strong’s #3432 BDB #1000.
133. Masculine_proper_noun: Yâshâbeʿâm (יָשָבְעָם) [pronounced yaw-shawbe-ĢAWM], which means the people will return; transliterated Jashobeam. Strong’s #3434 BDB #1000. 1Chron. 11:11 12:6
Yâshâbeʿâm (יָשָבְעָם) [pronounced yaw-shawbe-ĢAWM] |
the people will return; transliterated Jashobeam |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3434 BDB #1000 |
To account for the o in the transliteration, Seow tells us that, in a closed, unaccented syllable, ָ is almost always [pronounced] o. My pronunciation is only by way of a guide, to impose consistency upon a language which is not. |
134. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #3142 BDB #1000.
135. Feminine_noun: meshûbâh (מֶשוּבָה) [pronounced mehsh-oo-BAW], which means, defection; turning away, turning back, apostasy, backsliding. Strong’s #4878 BDB #1000. Prov. 1:32
meshûbâh (מֶשוּבָה) [pronounced mesh-oo-BAW] |
defection; turning away, turning back, apostasy, backsliding |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4878 BDB #1000 |
136. Feminine_noun: teshûwbâh (תְּשוּבָה) [pronounced te-shoob-VAW], which means a return; a replay, an answer. Strong’s #8666 BDB #1000. 1Sam. 7:17 2Sam. 11:1 Job 21:34
teshûwbâh (תְּשוּבָה) [pronounced te-shoob-VAW] |
a return; a replay, an answer |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8666 BDB #1000 |
137. Masculine_proper_noun: which means a turning back, apostasy?. Strong’s #4877 BDB #1000.
138. Feminine_noun: which means return, answer. Strong’s #8666 BDB #1000.
139. Masculine_proper_noun: Shôwbâk (שוֹבָך׃) [pronounced show-BAWK], which means your bonds, your chains; expansion; transliterated Shobach. Strong’s #7731Ṥ BDB #1000. 2Sam. 10:16
Shôwbâk (שוֹבָך׃) [pronounced show-BAWK] |
your bonds, your chains; expansion; transliterated Shobach |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7731 & #7780 BDB #1000 |
Strong’s #7780 is an alternate spelling. There is little agreement on the meaning of Shobach’s name; most sources do not reference a meaning. |
140. Feminine_noun: which means an error. It is only found in this passage and there are a couple of similar words which mean apostate, turning back (see Strong’s #7728, 4878). This along with the rendering in the Septuagint is how we determine the meaning of this word. Strong’s #4879 BDB #1000. Job 9:4
141. Verb1: shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW], which means to be even, to be smooth, to agree with, to be like, to resemble. BDB only. Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000. 2Sam. 22:33 Prov. 3:15 8:11
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to be even, to be smooth; to be equal (equivalent) to, to be compared to; to agree with, to be suitable; to be like, to resemble |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
being equivalent to |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to level, to smooth; to still |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
making level, making smooth; making [or, being] still |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to make like |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to be like |
3rd person masculine singular, Nithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1000 |
Have I ever seen a Nithpael before? |
142. Masculine_noun: which means level plain. Strong’s #7741 BDB #1001. Gen. 14:5
Shâvêh (שָוֵה) [pronounced shaw-VAY] |
level plain; transliterated Shaveh |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7740 BDB #1001 |
Qireyâthayim (קִרְיָת) [pronounced kir-yaw-THAHN-yim] |
2 cities, two towns; transliterated Kirjathajim, Kirjathayim, Kiriathaim |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #7151 BDB #900 |
Together, these make up the dual cities Shaveh Kiriathaim. Together, they mean plain of the two cities; plain of the double cities. Strong’s #7741 BDB #1001. |
143. Proper_noun/location: Shâvêh (שָוֵה) [pronounced shaw-VAY], which means level plain; transliterated Shaveh. Strong’s #7740 BDB #1001. Gen. 14:17*
Shâvêh (שָוֵה) [pronounced shaw-VAY] |
level plain; transliterated Shaveh |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #7740 BDB #1001 |
144. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishevâh (יִשְוָה) [pronounced yihsh-VAW], which means he will resemble; he will level; transliterated Ishuai, Isuah; Jishvah, Ishvah, Isvah. Strong’s #3438 BDB #1001. Gen. 46:17
Yishevâh (יִשְוָה) [pronounced yihsh-VAW] |
he will resemble; he will level; transliterated Ishuai, Isuah; Jishvah, Ishvah, Isvah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3438 BDB #1001 |
145. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishevîy (יִשְוִי) [pronounced yishe-VEE], which means he resembles me; level; which is transliterated Jishvi, Ishvi, Ishui, Ishuai, Isui, Jesui. Ishvi is the same as Ishbosheth (2Sam. 2:8) and Eshbaal (1Chron. 8:33). Strong’s #3440 BDB #1001. Gen. 46:17 1Sam. 14:49
Yishevîy (יִשְוִי) [pronounced yishe-VEE] |
he resembles me; level; transliterated Jishvi, Ishvi, Ishui, Ishuai, Isui, Jesui |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #3440 BDB #1001 |
146. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Of foregoing. Strong’s #3441 BDB #1001.
147. Verb2: shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW], which means to set, to place. BDB meanings only. Strong’s #7737 BDB #1001. 2Sam. 22:33 Psalm 89:19
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to set, to place |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1001 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
setting |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1001 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
to set, to place, to make |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1001 |
shâvâh (שָוָה) [pronounced shaw-VAW] |
setting, placing, making |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #7737 BDB #1001 |
148. Verb: shûwach (שוּחַ) [pronounced shoo-AHKH], which means to sink down; to be bowed down, to be humble. Strong’s #7743 BDB #1001. Psalm 44:25 Prov. 2:18
shûwach (שוּחַ) [pronounced shoo-AHKH] |
to sink down, to subside; metaphorically: to be bowed down, to be humble |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7743 BDB #1001 |
shûwach (שוּחַ) [pronounced shoo-AHKH] |
to be bowed down, to be humble |
3rd person feminine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7743 BDB #1001 |
149. Feminine_noun: which means pit. Strong’s #7745 BDB #1001.
150. Feminine_noun: shîychâh (ה ָחי.ש) [pronounced shee-KHAW], which means pit. Strong’s #7882 BDB #1001. Psalm 57:6
shîychâh (ה ָחי.ש) [pronounced shee-KHAW] |
pit |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7882 BDB #1001 |
151. Feminine_noun: shachath (שַחַת) [pronounced SHAH-kahth], which means pit; corruption, grave; death. It is rendered pit, corruption and grave in the KJV. This word literally means pit (it is used of the pit or the snare designed to capture animals—Psalm 7:15 9:15). It is used for a cistern, in which there is mud (Job 9:31), for an underground prison (Isa. 51:14); for graves or sepulcher’s (Job 17:14 33:18, 30 Psalm 30:10); and it is used in the sense of going down to the grave (Job 33:24 Psalm 55:24). The Greek word used to translate this in Job 17:14 is death. Gesenius, apparently, said that this word did not have the connotation of corruption; however, Luke, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, gives this word the sense of meaning corruption (Acts 2:27 13:35). For this reason, perhaps, Barnes, Schultens and Rosenmüller take it in the sense of corruption, putrefaction. Strong’s #7845 BDB #1001. The Doctrine of Sheol Job 9:31 17:14 Psalm 7:15 55:23 103:4
shachath (שַחַת) [pronounced SHAH-kahth] |
pit, cistern; underground prison; sepulcher, grave; corruption, destruction; grave; death |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7845 BDB #1001 |
In the ancient world, the pit simply referred to either a hole dug in the ground designed to capture animals (Psalm 7:15 9:15); a cistern [which could be filled with mud] (Job 9:31); an underground prison (Isa. 51:14); or to a sepulcher or grave (Job 33:24 Psalm 55:24). By the time of the New Testament, it came to mean corruption and was so translated from the Hebrew into the Greek. |
152. Proper_masculine_noun: Shûwach (שוּחַ) [pronounced SHOO-ahkh], which means wealth; pit, ditch; transliterated Shuah, Shuach. The term Shuite is found only in Job 2:11 8:1 18:1 25:1 42:9 and it is spelled in two different ways. It is the adjective genitive of shûwach ( ַחש) [pronounced SHOO-ahk] and this was the name of a son of Abraham and Keturah, whom Abraham married after the death of Sarah. Strong’s #7744 BDB #1001. Gen. 25:2 Job 2:11b
Shûwach (שוּחַ) [pronounced SHOO-ahkh] |
wealth; pit, ditch; transliterated Shuah, Shuach |
proper masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7744 BDB #1001 |
153. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7746 BDB #1001.
154. Gentilic_adjective: Shûwchîy (שוּחִי) [pronounced shoo-KHEE], which means wealth; a descendant of Shuach; transliterated Shuhite. Strong’s #7747 BDB #1001. Job 2:11
Shûwchîy (שוּחִי) [pronounced shoo-KHEE] |
wealth; a descendant of Shuach; transliterated Shuhite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #7747 BDB #1001 |
155. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7748 BDB #1001.
156. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Of foregoing. Strong’s #7749 BDB #1001.
157. Verb: shûwţ (שוּט) [pronounced shoot], which means to go, to rove about, to quickly go to and fro. Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001. 2Sam. 24:2, 8 Job 1:7b
shûwţ (שוּט) [pronounced shoot] |
to go, to rove about, to quickly go to and fro, to run quickly, to run about, to run to and fro |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001 |
Dr. Good writes, the word imports, not so much the act of going forwards and backward, as of making a circuit of circumference; of going round about. Two things are implied by this verb: alacrity and circuity; that is, a circuit is kept to and it is done quickly. |
shûwţ (שוּט) [pronounced shoot] |
go, rove about, quickly go to and fro, run quickly, run about, run to and fro |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001 |
shûwţ (שוּט) [pronounced shoot] |
to go to and fro, to go eagerly [or quickly] to and fro; running through the earth; running through a book [carefully reading] |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel (Pilel) imperfect |
Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001 |
shûwţ (שוּט) [pronounced shoot] |
to [quickly, eagerly] run to and fro |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect |
Strong’s #7751 BDB #1001 |
158. Masculine_noun: shôwţ (טש) [pronounced shoht] and it means scourge, whip. It literally means to stir about and beat. The word scourge means whip. This is the same word that is used when God scourges men through calamities and punishment (Isa. x.26 Job ix.23). Strong’s #7752 BDB #1002. Job 5:21 9:23
159. Masculine_noun: which means scourge. Strong’s #7850 BDB #1002.
160. Masculine_noun: which means rowing. Strong’s #7885 BDB #1002.
161. Verb: which means to row. Strong’s #7751 BDB #1002.
162. Masculine_noun: which means oar. Strong’s #4880 BDB #1002.
163. Verb: which means to despise, to treat with contempt. Strong’s #7590 BDB #1002.
164. Masculine_noun: which means despite, contempt. Strong’s #7589 BDB #1002.
165. Masculine_noun: shûwl (שוּל) [pronounced shool], which means hem [of a skirt] [of a robe]; figuratively, of God’s train, city as woman, ignominy, defilement. Strong’s #7757 BDB #1002. Exodus 28:33
shûwl (שוּל) [pronounced shool] |
hem [of a skirt] [of a robe]; figuratively, of God’s train, city as woman, ignominy, defilement |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7757 BDB #1002 |
166. Gentilic_adjective: which means skirt, robe; and is transliterated Shulammite. Strong’s #7759 BDB #1002.
167. Masculine_noun: which means garlic. Strong’s #7762 BDB #1002.
168. Masculine_proper_noun: Shûwnîy (שוּנִי) [pronounced shoo-NEE], which means rest, quiet; fortunate; and is transliterated Shuni. Strong’s #7764 BDB #1002. Gen. 46:16
Shûwnîy (שוּנִי) [proounced shoo-NEE] |
rest, quiet; fortunate; and is transliterated Shuni |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7764 BDB #1002 |
169. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated . Strong’s #7765 BDB #1002.
170. Proper_noun_location: shûwnêm (ם̤נש) [pronounced shoo-NAYM], which means ; and is transliterated Shunem. Strong’s #7766 BDB #1002. 1Sam. 28:4
Shûwnêm (ם̤נש) [pronounced shoo-NAYM] |
transliterated Shunem |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #7766 BDB #1002 |
171. Gentilic_adjective: Shûwnammîyth (שוּנַמִּית) [pronounced shoo-nahm-MEETH], which means, a female inhabitant of Shunem; Shunem means double resting place; transliterated Shunammite, Shunammitess. Strong’s #7767 BDB #1002. 1Kings 1:3 2:17
Shûwnammîyth (שוּנַמִּית) [pronounced shoo-nahm-MEETH] |
a female inhabitant of Shunem; Shunem means double resting place; transliterated Shunammite, Shunammitess |
feminine singular, gentilic adjective, with the definite article |
Strong’s #7767 BDB #1002 |
172. Piel_verb: shâraʿ (ע-רָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHĢ], which means to call out for help, to cry out for help. The second portion of Job 19:7 indicates that help is not what Job calls for, but for a proper judicial decision. Strong’s #7769 (& #7773) BDB #1002. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:9a) Job 19:7
173. Masculine_noun2: which means a cry, perhaps a cry for help or a war-cry. Strong’s #7771 BDB #1003.
174. Feminine_noun: shaveʿâh (שַוְעָה) [pronounced shahve-ĢAW], which means a cry for help. Interestingly enough, this is the only time this word is found in the book of 1Samuel (it is only found once in Exodus, when the children of Israel cry out to God; it is found once in 2Samuel, several times in the psalms, and twice in the writings of Jeremiah). Strong’s #7775 BDB #1003. Exodus 2:23 1Sam. 5:12 2Sam. 22:7 Psalm 34:15
shaveʿâh (שַוְעָה) [pronounced shahve-ĢAW] |
an outcry, a crying out, a cry for help |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7775 BDB #1003 |
175. Proper_noun: which means to cry out, to call out; and it is transliterated . Strong’s #7772 BDB #1003.
176. Verb: shûwph (ףש) [pronounced shoof], which means to bruise, to crush; [to lie in wait to] to attack, to fall upon. is found four times in the Old Testament and translated bruise, break, cover, in Gen. 3:15 Job 9:17 Psalm 139:11, respectively. BDB gives the meaning as bruise, to rub off, to grind away, pointing out that these meanings for Psalm 139:11 are unsuitable. Gesenius gives a different slant on this. He gives the meaning as to lie in wait for someone in order to attack or to fall upon them. Strong’s #7779 BDB #1003. Gen. 3:15 Job 9:17
shûwph (ףש) [pronounced shoof] |
to bruise, to crush; [to lie in wait to] to attack, to fall upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect; with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7779 BDB #1003 |
177. Verb1: which means not really certain here. Strong’s #7780 (& #7781) BDB #1003.
178. Feminine_noun: shôwq (קש) [pronounced shohk], which means leg (when referring to man, it is the lower portion of the leg—the calf; when referring to a sacrificial animal, it is the upper portion of the leg, or the thigh). Don’t ask me why; this is all according to BDB. Strong’s #7785 BDB #1003. Exodus 29:22 Judges 15:8 1Sam. 9:24 Psalm 147:10
shôwq (קש) [pronounced shohk] |
leg (when referring to man, it is the lower portion of the leg—the calf; when referring to a sacrificial animal, it is the upper portion of the leg, or the thigh) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7785 BDB #1003 |
179. Feminine_noun: which means leg, thigh. Strong’s #7785 BDB #1003.
180. Masculine_noun: shûwq (שוּק) [pronounced shūk], which means street. Strong’s #7784 BDB #1003. Prov. 7:8
shûwq (שוּק) [pronounced shūk] |
street |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7784 BDB #1003 |
181. Verb2: which means to be abundant. Strong’s #7783 BDB #1003.
182. Verb3: which means to attract, to impel, to desire, to drive. Strong’s #none BDB #1003.
183. Feminine_noun: teshûwqâh (תֶּשוּקָה) [pronounced tesh-oo-KAW], which means desire, craving, longing; a longing [of a woman for a man or a man for a woman]. Strong’s #8669 BDB #1003. Gen. 3:16 4:7
teshûwqâh (תֶּשוּקָה) [pronounced tesh-oo-KAW] |
desire, craving, longing; a longing [of a woman for a man or a man for a woman] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8669 BDB #1003 |
184. Verb1: shûwr (רש) [pronounced shour], which means to travel, to journey. Strong’s #7788 BDB #1003.
185. Feminine_noun: teshûwrah (ה-רש ) [pronounced teshoo-RAH], which means a gift, a present. Unfortunately, this occurs only here and there are no cognates. BDB calls the meaning dubious and suggests a thing brought [on a journey]. Strong’s #8670 BDB #1003. 1Sam. 9:7*
teshûwrah (ה-רש ) [pronounced teshoo-RAH] |
a gift, a present |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8670 BDB #1003 |
Unfortunately, this occurs only here and there are no cognates. BDB calls the meaning dubious and suggests a thing brought [on a journey]. |
186. Verb2: shûr (רש) [pronounced shour], which means to behold, to regard, to observe, to watch. The idea is that someone is watching over carefully, from whence comes the meaning to regard. Strong’s #7789 BDB #1003. Job 7:8 17:15 20:9
187. Noun1: which is a dubious word in Psalm 92:12. Strong’s #7790 BDB #1004.
188. Masculine_noun: which means watcher; insidious. See below: Strong’s #8324 BDB #1004.
189. Verb: shârar (ר-רָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHR], which means to twist, to twine; to be firm, hard; to press together; to oppress; in the participle, adversary, enemy; observer, watcher. Strong’s #8324 BDB #1004. Psalm 54:5 56:2 59:10
shârar (ר-רָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHR] |
to twist, to twine; to be firm, hard; to press together; to oppress; in the plural participle, adversaries, enemies; [evil] observers, [insidious] watchers |
masculine plural, Qal active participle (possibly a Poel participle) |
Strong’s #8324 BDB #1004 |
There are several problems with this word. Owen lists it simply as a masculine plural noun. BDB also lists it as a masculine plural noun, rendering it [insidious] watcher. The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance of the Old Testament and Gesenius both consider this to be a masculine plural, Qal (or possibly Poel) active participle which only occurs in this form in Scripture (the Hebrew Concordance lists the passages Psalm 5:8 54:5 56:2 59:10; BDB adds Psalm 27:10 (11) 92:11(12)). The relative plethora and variety of meanings are due to disagreeing Hebrew scholars, rather than because there are many meanings that we could attach to this word. There appears to be a disagreement as to how this word is spelled, which would of course affect how we read it. The verb as listed by Gesenius and the Hebrew Concordance is found nowhere else. The renderings [insidious] watcher, [evil] observer; oppressor, adversary, enemy are all apropos to the passages where shârar occurs. |
190. Verb: shûr (רש) [pronounced shour], which means to become raised, to become excited, to leap, to spring. Strong’s #none BDB #1004.
191. Masculine_noun: shôwr (שוֹר) [pronounced shohr], which means an ox, a bull, a head of cattle. I guess that I should admit to something, as there are areas where I am painfully inadequate—at reading this, I really did not know the difference between an ox or a bull. Apparently, oxen are a family, taking in such groups as domestic cattle, water buffalo, bison, muskoxen, brahman, yak, and banteng. Certainly, there are several breeds of cattle as well (Hereford, Brahman, Angus, etc.). Some are bred for milk producing and others are bred for their meat. Strong’s #7794 BDB #1004. Gen. 32:5 49:6 Exodus 21:28 22:1 23:4 Deut. 5:14 17:1 22:1 1Sam. 12:3 14:34 15:3 22:19 2Sam. 6:13 1Kings 1:25 Job 21:10 Psalm 106:20 Prov. 7:22
shôwr (שוֹר) [pronounced shohr] |
an ox, a bull, a head of cattle, oxen |
masculine singular noun with a 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7794 BDB #1004 |
192. Masculine_noun2: shûwr (שוּר) [pronounced sher], which means a wall. Strong’s #7791 BDB #1004. (Gen. 49:6) 2Sam. 22:30
shûwr (שוּר) [pronounced sher] |
a wall |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7791 BDB #1004 |
193. Proper_noun_location: Shûwr (שוּר) [pronounced sher], which means wall, fortification, fortress and is transliterated Shur. Strong’s #7793 BDB #1004. Gen. 16:7 20:1 25:18 Exodus 15:22 1Sam. 15:7 27:8
Shûwr (שוּר) [pronounced sher] |
wall, fortification, fortress and is transliterated Shur |
proper noun, location |
Strong’s #7793 BDB #1004 |
A place southwest of Palestine on the eastern border or within the border of Egypt; the Israelites passed through the wilderness of Shur after crossing the Red Sea |
194. Feminine_noun: which means a row of olives or vines. Strong’s #7791 BDB #1004.
195. Masculine_proper_noun: Shaveshâʾ (שַוְשָא) [pronounced shahve-SHAW], which means joyful; nobility; transliterated Shavsha. Strong’s #7798 BDB #1004. 1Chron. 18:16
Shaveshâʾ (שַוְשָא) [pronounced shahv-SHAW] |
joyful; nobility; transliterated Shavsha |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7798 BDB #1004 |
196. Masculine_noun: shûwshan (שוּשַן) [pronounced shoo-SHAHN], which means lily, lily-like flower. Strong’s #7799 BDB #1004. 1Kings 7:19 Psalm 60 inscription
shûwshan (שוּשַן) [pronounced shoo-SHAHN] |
lily, lily-like flower |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7799 BDB #1004 |
shôwshan (שוֹשַן) [pronounced shoh-SHAHN] |
lily, lily-like flower |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7799 BDB #1004 |
shôwshannâh (שוֹשַנָּה) [pronounced shoo-shahn-NAW] |
lily, lily-like flower |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7799 BDB #1004 |
197. Location: Strong’s #7800 BDB #1004.
198. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7803 BDB #1004.
199. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #8364 BDB #1004.
200. Verb: shâzaph (ף-זָש) [pronounced shaw-ZAHFF], which means to catch sight of, to look on. It is a rare verb found only twice in Job and once in Song of Solomon. Strong’s #7805 BDB #1004. Job 20:9
201. Verb: shâzar (שָזַר) [pronounced shaw-ZAHR], which means to twist, to be twisted. Strong’s #7806 BDB #1004. Exodus 26:1, 31 27:9 28:6
shâzar (שָזַר) [pronounced shaw-ZAHR] |
to twist, to be twisted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7806 BDB #1004 |
shâzar (שָזַר) [pronounced shaw-ZAHR] |
twisted |
Hophal participle |
Strong’s #7806 BDB #1004 |
202. Verb: shâchad (ד ַח ָש) [pronounced shaw-KHAHD], which means to bribe, to offer a bribe ,to give a present; and it is only found twice in the Old Testament: Job 6:22 and Ezek. 16:33. BDB points out that Isa. 47:11* probably is this verb. Strong’s #7809 BDB #1005. Job 6:22
203. Masculine_noun: shôchad (שֹחַד) [pronounced SHOW-khahd], which means a present, a gift; a bribe; bribery. Strong’s #7810 BDB #1005. Exodus 23:8 Deut. 16:19 1Sam. 8:3 Psalm 15:5 Prov. 6:35
shôchad (שֹחַד) [pronounced SHOW-khahd] |
a present, a gift; a bribe; bribery |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7810 BDB #1005 |
shachad (שַחַד) [pronounced SHAH-khahd] |
a present, a gift, a bribe |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7810 BDB #1005 |
204. Verb: shâchah (שָחַה) [pronounced shaw-KHAH], which means to bow down, to prostrate oneself, to do obeisance to. The Hithpael is the reflexive stem. This verb is found primarily in the Hithpael and once each in the Hiphil and Qal. Strong’s #7812 BDB #1005. Gen. 18:2 19:1 22:5 23:7 24:26 27:29 33:3 37:7, 9 42:6 43:26 47:31 48:12 49:8 Exodus 4:31 11:8 12:27 18:7 20:5 23:23 24:1 32:8 33:10 Deut. 4:19 5:9 17:3 29:26 Joshua 5:14 Judges 2:12 1Sam. 1:3 2:36 15:25, 31 20:41 24:8 25:23 28:14 2Sam. 1:2 9:6 12:20 14:4 15:5, 32 16:4 18:21 1Kings 1:15 2:19 9:6 Job 1:20 Psalm 10:10 29:2 96:9 99:5 106:19
shâchah (שָחַה) [pronounced shaw-KHAW] |
to bow oneself down; to sink down; to be depressed |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7812 BDB #1005 |
shâchah (שָחַה) [pronounced shaw-KHAW] |
to depress (figuratively) [the heart]; bow down, to prostrate oneself, to do obeisance to; to honor [with prayers]; to do homage to, to submit to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7812 BDB #1005 |
shâchah (שָחַה) [pronounced shaw-KHAW] |
to bow down, to prostrate oneself, to do obeisance to; to honor [with prayers]; to do homage to, to submit to |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7812 BDB #1005 |
shâchah (שָחַה) [pronounced shaw-KHAW] |
bowing down, prostrating oneself, doing obeisance to; honoring [with prayers]; doing homage to, submitting to |
Hithpael participle |
Strong’s #7812 BDB #1005 |
205. Feminine_noun: which means a pit. Strong’s #7816 BDB #1005.
206. Feminine_noun: which means a pit. Strong’s #7825 BDB #1005.
207. Verb: shâchach (ח ַח ָש) [pronounced shaw-KHAHKH], which means to bow, to bow down. It is found in the Hithpael (which is the reflexive intensive) imperfect, and I have interpreted the reflexive intensive stem to involve personal motivation. It just means that they are make themselves bow low; and that it involves motivation, grace-orientation, authority-orientation and doctrine. In this context, this means likely to prostrate oneself completely on the ground, as was the common mode of worship. Strong’s #7817 BDB #1005. Judges 7:15 1Sam. 1:3, 19 Psalm 95:6
208. Adjective: which means low, lowly, humble. Job 22:29.* Strong’s #7807 BDB #1006.
209. Verb: shâchaţ (שָחַט) [pronounced shaw-KHAT], which means to slaughter [animals]. It is used primarily for slaughtering animals for a sacrificial offerings (Gen. 37:31 Exodus 12:6 Lev. 3:2). There are a couple of noteworthy exceptions, however. When Abraham is about to kill Isaac, shâchat is used (Gen. 22:10). God did not murder the Exodus generation, He slaughtered them in the desert (Num. 14:16). When Elijah has the prophets of Baal killed, they are slaughtered as with a sacrificial knife (1Kings 18:40). We also find it used for humans in Judges 12:6 2Kings 25:7 Isa. 9:8 Jer. 39:6 49:37 52:10 Ezek. 16:21 23:39 40:41–42 Hos. 5:2. This word is also used in two passages in the Qal participle to refer to beaten gold (1Kings 10:16–17 2Chron. 9:15–16). There is a distinction between this word and the words for kill, execute and murder. This was not simple manslaughter; although the men were being executed, they were not given much of a trial; and, this was not murder, as these were enemies in war. This is not unlike taking a surrendering group of enemies in war and gunning them down, as you have no provisions for dealing with enemy prisoners. It is simply an act of war which at times must take place. Strong's #7819–7820 BDB #1006. Gen. 22:10 37:31 Exodus 12:6, 21 29:11 Lev. 8:15 Judges 12:6 1Sam. 1:25 14:32
shâchaţ (שָחַט) [pronounced shaw-KHAT] |
to slaughter [animals], to ceremonially sacrifice, to kill [with a sacrificial knife] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7819 and 7820 BDB #1006 |
shâchaţ (שָחַט) [pronounced shaw-KHAT] |
slaughter [animals], ceremonially sacrifice, kill [with a sacrificial knife] |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #7819 and 7820 BDB #1006 |
210. Feminine_noun: which means slaying, the act of slaying. 2Chron. 30:17.* Strong’s #7821 BDB #1006.
211. Feminine_noun: which means a slaughter, a slaughtering. A doubtful word. Hos 5:2.* Strong’s #7819 BDB #1006.
212. Verb: which means to call, to proclaim. Strong’s #none BDB #1006.
213. Masculine_noun: shachal (ל ַח ַש) [pronounced SHAH-khahl], which means lion, fierce lion. It’s the poetical word for lion. Often rendered fierce lion. This comes from the verb to roar. Bochart is of the opinion that this is a reference to the lion of Syria, which is of a much darker color. Job 4:10 10:16 28:8 Psalm 91:13 Prov. 26:13 Hosea 5:14 13:7* Strong’s #7826 BDB #1006. Job 4:11
214. Feminine_noun: shechêleth (שְחֵלֶת) [pronounced sheikh-AY-lehth], which means the aromatic mussel, onycha, onychaan, an ingredient of the holy incense. Strong’s #7827 BDB #1006. Exodus 30:34*
shechêleth (שְחֵלֶת) [pronounced sheikh-AY-lehth] |
the aromatic mussel, onycha, onychaan, an ingredient of the holy incense |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7827 BDB #1006 |
215. Verb: which means to be hot, to be inflamed. Strong’s #none BDB #1006.
216. Masculine_noun: shechîyn (שֶחִין) [pronounced shehkh-EEN], which means boil, boils [collective], an inflamation, an eruption [of the skin]; exterior sores/growths; black leprosy. Strong’s #7822 BDB #1006. Exodus 9:9 Job 2:7
shechîyn (שֶחִין) [pronounced sheikh-EEN] |
boil, boils [collective], an inflamation, an eruption [of the skin]; exterior/external sores/growths; black leprosy |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7822 BDB #1006 |
217. Verb: which means to pare, to peel off; to affect with consumption of the lungs. Strong’s #none BDB #1006.
218. Masculine_noun: which means sea-mew, gull. Strong’s #7828 BDB #1006.
219. Verb: which means to act proudly, to be insolent; to rise, to be elevated. Strong’s #none BDB #1006.
220. Masculine_noun: which means dignity, pride. Strong’s #7830 BDB #1006.
221. Verb: shâchaq (שָחַק) [pronounced shaw-KHAHK], which means to rub away, to beat until fine, to pulverize. This word is used of incense, stones and enemies. Strong’s #7833 BDB #1006. Exodus 30:36 2Sam. 22:43
shâchaq (שָחַק) [pronounced shaw-KHAHK] |
to rub away, to beat until fine, to pulverize; This word is used of incense, stones and enemies. |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7833 BDB #1006 |
222. Masculine_noun: shachaq (שַחַק) [pronounced shaw-KHAWK], which means dust, fine dust; cloud, thin cloud. Strong’s #7834 BDB #1007. 2Sam. 22:12 Psalm 89:6 Prov. 3:20 8:28
shachaq (שַחַק) [pronounced shaw-KHAWK] |
dust, fine dust; cloud, thin cloud; metaphorically, the sky, the heaven, the firmament of the heaven |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7834 BDB #1007 |
shechâqîym (שְחָקִֽים) [pronounced sheh-khawk-EEM] |
clouds, thick clouds; metaphorically, the skies, the heavens, the firmament of the heaven |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7834 BDB #1007 |
Keil and Delitzsch: We have...translated שחקים...[with the] poetic name of the firmament, [as] the fine transparent strata of air above the hanging clouds is called. |
Institute of Creation Research: The word for “clouds” is also the word for “sky,” and means “thin vapor.” This seems to be a reference to the “waters above the firmament” in the original creation (Genesis 1:7), most likely an extensive canopy of water vapor. |
223. Verb: which means to be black. Strong’s #7835 BDB #1007.
224. Masculine_noun: which means blackness. Lam 4:8.* Strong’s #7815 BDB #1007.
225. Adjective: which means black. Used for skin, hair or horses. Strong’s #7838 BDB #1007.
226. Feminine_noun: which means blackness [of hair]; prime of life; dawn of youth. Strong’s #7839 BDB #1007.
227. Adjective: which means blackish. Strong’s #7840 BDB #1007.
228. Masculine_noun: shachar (שַחַר) [pronounced SHAH-khahr], which means dawn, morning; felicity [a dawning after misery]. Strong’s #7837 BDB #1007. Gen. 19:15 32:24 Judges 19:25 1Sam. 9:26 Job 3:9 Psalm 57:8
shachar (שַחַר) [pronounced SHAH-khahr] |
dawn, morning; felicity [a dawning after misery] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7837 BDB #1007 |
229. Verb: shâchar (שָחַר) [pronounced shaw-KHAHR], which means to seek early, to look for diligently, to diligently seek. It often has the connotation of seeking someone diligently because you are going to discipline them. However, Strong’s #7836 BDB #1007. Job 7:21 8:5 Psalm 63:1 78:34 Contradictions Prov. 1:28 7:15 8:17
shâchar (שָחַר) [pronounced shaw-KHAHR] |
to break, to break forth [as the dawn]; to break in, to pry in; to seek, to look diligently for |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7836 BDB #1007 |
Barnes makes this word most clear as he explains that shâchar means to make this your first business of the morning—before you plan on doing anything else. More than time or diligence, the emphasis of shâkar is upon relative importance. “Make this your first order of business because this is the most important thing that you will do.” Barnes quotes several verse in support of this: Job 24:5 Psalm 63:1 78:34 Prov. 7:15 8:17 13:24 Isa. 26:9 Hos. 5:15. |
shâchar (שָחַר) [pronounced shaw-KHAHR] |
to diligently seek, to look for diligently, to seek early; to long after; to turn towards |
1st person singular, Piel imperfect, with the 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #7836 BDB #1007 |
shâchar (שָחַר) [pronounced shaw-KHAHR] |
[those] diligently seeking, the ones looking diligently for, those seeking early; the ones longing after |
masculine plural, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7836 BDB #1007 |
230. Masculine_noun: mishechâr (רָחש̣מ) [pronounced mishe-KHAWR], which means dawn, morning. Possibly a misspelling and probably equivalent to Strong’s #7837 BDB #1007. Strong’s #4891 BDB #1007. Psalm 110:3*
mishechâr (רָחש̣מ) [pronounced mishe-KHAWR] |
dawn, morning |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4891 BDB #1007 |
Possibly a misspelling and probably equivalent to Strong’s #7837 BDB #1007 (which lacks the mem). |
231. Verb: shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH], which means to decay, to go to ruin, to corrupt. In the Hiphil, it means to cause themselves to fall into spiritual corruption. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to fall, to cause to fall into spiritual corruption. Here, in Psalm 78:38, where God is the subject, it is in the Hiphil, so it means to cause one to go to ruin, to spoil, to ruin, to corrupt, to destroy. The connection is that when one causes the ruin of a land, they destroy it. The NASB renders this jeopardize in Ruth 4:6. Strong's #7843 BDB #1007. Gen. 6:11, 12, 17 9:11 13:10 17:28 19:13, 14 38:9 Exodus 8:24 12:23 21:26 Deut. 4:16, 25 4:25 20:19 31:29 Judges 2:19 6:4 20:21, 35 Ruth 4:6 1Sam. 6:5 13:17 14:15 23:10 26:9, 15 2Sam. 1:14 11:1 20:15, 20 24:16 Psalm 57 inscription 59 inscription 78:38 106:23 Prov. 6:32
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
to decay, to go to ruin, to corrupt; to destroy |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
a destroyer |
Hiphil participle with the definite article |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
to destroy, to lay waste to, to cause one to go to ruin, to spoil, to ruin; to corrupt [morally], to pervert |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
the one causing one to go to ruin, the one spoiling, ruining, destroying; corrupting [morally], perverting |
masculine singular, Hiphil participle |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
those causing one to go to ruin, the ones spoiling, ruining, destroying; corrupting [morally], perverting |
masculine plural, Hiphil participle |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
to destroy, to ruin, to lay waste [to]; to spoil, to corrupt; to deal corruptly [with]; to act wickedly |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
spoiled, ruined, corrupted |
Hophal participle |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
to be corrupted |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
shâchath (שָחַת) [pronounced shaw-KHAHTH] |
to be corrupted [marred, spoiled, injured, ruined, rotted]; to be lain waste |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #7843 BDB #1007 |
232. Noun: sâkâr (ר ָכ ָ) [pronounced saw-KAWR] and it means wages, hire, reward, remuneration. Strong’s #7939 BDB #1007. Deut. 15:18
233. Masculine_noun: mashechîyth (מַשְחִית) [pronounced mahsh-KHEETH], which means ruin, destruction; corruption; trap, snare. Strong’s #4889 BDB #1008. Exodus 12:13
mashechîyth (מַשְחִית) [pronounced mahsh-KHEETH] |
ruin, destruction; corruption; trap, snare |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4889 BDB #1008 |
234. Masculine_noun: which means ruin, destruction. Strong’s #4892 BDB #1008.
235. Masculine_noun: which means disfigurement [of face]; [ritual] corruption. Strong’s #4893 BDB #1008.
236. Feminine_noun: shiţţîym/shiţţâh (שִטִּים/שִטָּה) [pronounced shiht-TEEM/shiht-TAW], which means acacia wood; acacia trees; sticks of wood. Strong’s #7848 BDB #1008. Exodus 25:5 26:15 27:1 30:1
shiţţîym/shiţţâh (שִטִּים/שִטָּה) [pronounced shiht-TEEM/shiht-TAW] |
acacia wood; acacia trees; sticks of wood |
feminine plural noun (only found in the plural) |
Strong’s #7848 BDB #1008 |
237. Shiţţîym (םי ̣ ̣ש) [pronounced shit-TEEM] and it is the plural of acacia (a particular kind of tree, only found in the plural in the Bible—Strong's #7848); and it is also used as a proper noun (Shittim—Strong's #7851) for a city near the recently established border of Moab following their loss the the Amorites. The rule of thumb followed by most translators is this is translated acacia when it is combined with the construct of the word for wood (Ex. 25–27 30 35–38 Deut. 10:3 Isa. 41:19) and as a proper noun when lacking that word (Num. 33:49 Joshua 2:1 3:1 Joel 3:18 Micah 6:5). See above and below. BDB #1008. Num. 25:1*
238. Proper_noun/Location: Shittim is a transliterated word which means acacia trees and it is across the Jordan from Jericho. Strong’s #7851 BDB #1008. Joshua 2:1
239. Verb: shâţach (שָטַח) [pronounced shaw-TAHKH], and it means to spread, to spread abroad, to expand. In this context, this means that God has caused a nation to extend its boundaries. Strong's #7849 BDB #1008. 2Sam. 17:19 Job 12:23
shâţach (שָטַח) [pronounced shaw-TAHKH] |
to spread, to spread abroad, to expand; possibly to scatter, to cover over |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #7849 BDB #1008 |
shâţach (שָטַח) [pronounced shaw-TAHKH] |
spreading [out], spreading abroad, expanding |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #7849 BDB #1008 |
shâţach (שָטַח) [pronounced shaw-TAHKH] |
to spread, to spread out [one’s arms] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #7849 BDB #1008 |
240. Masculine_noun: which means a place for spreading out things [like, for drying figs]. Two spellings for this noun. Strong’s #4894 BDB #1008.
241. Verb: shâţaph (ף ַט ָש) [pronounced shaw-TAHF], which means to overflow, to rinse off, to wash off; its substantive cognate means flood (literally or metaphorically). Strong’s #7857 BDB #1009. Job 14:19
242. Masculine_noun: sheţeph (שֶטֶף) [pronounced SHEH-tehf], which means an effusion, an outpouring; an inundation, a downpour; a flood. Can be used both literally and metaphorically. Strong’s #7858‱ BDB #1009. Psalm 32:6
sheţeph (שֶטֶף) [pronounced SHEH-tehf] |
an effusion, an outpouring; an inundation, a downpour; a flood |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7858 BDB #1009 |
This word can be used both literally and metaphorically. There is a slightly different spelling: shêţeph (שֵטֶף) [pronounced SHAY-tehf]. There appears to be another alternative spelling, listed by Strong’s as a separate word: shetseph (שֶצֶף) [pronounced SHEH-tsehf] and it appears to be used by Isaiah principally as a paronomasia (Isa. 54:8). Strong’s #8241 BDB #1009 |
243. Masculine_noun: shôţêr (שֹטֵר) [pronounced show-TARE], which means, official, commissioned officer, officer. It means official, officer who is not the highest in command, but holds a subordinate position. These officers organized the armies of Israel (Joshua 1:10 3:7). This same word is used for the overseers of Israel under Egyptian slavery (Ex. 5:14). Strong’s #7860 BDB #1009. Deut. 1:15 16:18 20:5, 8 Joshua 1:10 3:2 (maybe 3:wenty something?) 5:6 Deut. 20:5 Prov. 6:7
shôţêr (שֹטֵר) [pronounced show-TARE] |
official, commissioned officer, officer; this word refers to an official or an officer who is not the highest in command, but holds a subordinate position |
masculine singular noun (this is actually a masculine plural, Qal active participle) |
Strong’s #7860 BDB #1009 |
244. Verb: shâţar (ר ַט ָש) [pronounced shaw-TAR] is a verb, but it is found as a participle throughout the Old Testament and therefore used as a noun, first in Exodus 3:6, 10, 14–15, 19 and through to 2Chron. 19:11 26:11 34:13 Prov. 5:7. These would be officers or officials, in this context, associated with the judicial court system. These would be messengers, servants, advisors, secretaries and scribes to the courts. The NKJV translates this as Acacia Grove. Strong’s #7860 BDB #1009. Deut. 16:18
245. Masculine_proper_noun: which means officer, official; transliterated . Strong’s #7861 BDB #1009.
246. Masculine_noun: which means rule, authority. Strong’s #4896 BDB #1009.
247. Masculine_noun: which means gift [offered as homage]. Strong’s #7862 BDB #1009. Psalm 68:29
shây (יָש) [pronounced shay] |
gift, present; a gift [offered as homage] |
masculine singular noun; pausal form |
Strong’s #7862 BDB #1009 |
248. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7866 BDB #1009.
249. Verb: which means the Rock which begot you, you forgot?. Deut. 32:18* Strong’s #7876 BDB #1009.
250. Masculine_proper_noun: Shîyzâʿ (שִיזָא) [pronounced shee-ZAW], which means splendor; transliterated Shiza. In Reuben. Strong’s #7877 BDB #1009. 1Chron. 11:42
Shîyzâʿ (שִיזָא) [pronounced shee-ZAW] |
splendor; transliterated Shiza |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7877 BDB #1009 |
251. Masculine_proper_noun: Shîychôwr (רחי .ש) [pronounced shee-KHOHR], which means dark, turbid; transliterated Shihor. Strong’s #7883 BDB #1009.
Shîychôwr (רחי .ש) [pronounced shee-KHOHR] |
dark, turbid; transliterated Shihor; refers to canal or river of Egypt; possible to the Brook of Egypt |
feminine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #7883 BDB #1009 |
252. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7884 BDB #1009.
253. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7887–7888 BDB #1009.
254. Masculine_noun: Shîylôh (שִילֹה) [pronounced shee-LOW], which means he whose it is, that which belongs to him; tranquility; transliterated Shiloh; possibly a reference to Messiah. Strong’s #7886 BDB #1010. Gen. 49:10*
Shîylôh (שִילֹה) [pronounced shee-LOW] |
he whose it is, that which belongs to him; tranquility meanings uncertain; transliterated Shiloh; possibly a reference to Messiah |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7886 BDB #1010 |
255. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7889 BDB #1010.
256. Masculine_noun: which means urine. Strong’s #7890 BDB #1010.
257. Verb: shâthan (ן-תָש) [pronounced shaw-THAHN], which means to urinate, to piss. In Hiphil only. Strong’s #8366 BDB #1010. 1Sam. 25:22
shâthan (ן-תָש) [pronounced shaw-THAHN] |
to urinate, to piss |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #8366 BDB #1010 |
258. Masculine_noun: shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer], which means song or, perhaps singing or music. Strong’s #7892 BDB #1010. Gen. 31:27 Exodus 15:1 Judges 5:12 2Sam. 22:1 1Kings 4:32 1Chron. 6:31–32 13:8 15:16 Psalm 46 inscription 96 inscription
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
song, singing; music |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7892 BDB #1010 |
259. Feminine_noun: shîyrâh (שִירָה) [pronounced shee-RAW], which means song, singing. Strong’s #7892 BDB #1010. Psalm 133 inscription
shîyrâh (שִירָה) [pronounced shee-RAW] |
song, singing |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7892 BDB #1010 |
260. Verb: shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer], which means to sing. We first encountered this verb when Moses and the sons of Israel sang a victory song to Jehovah in Exodus 15:1. We will find it many times throughout the psalms (e.g., Psalm 7 title 13:6 33:3 21:13), as well as scattered throughout the Old Testament (1Sam. 18:6 1Chron. 16:9 Eccles. 2:8 Isa. 5:1). Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010. Exodus 15:1, 21 Judges 5:1, 3 1Sam. 18:6 1Chron. 15:16 16:9 Psalm 7 inscription 33:3 57:7 59:16 68:25 105:2 106:12 Eccles. 2:8
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
to sing |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
sing |
2nd person masculine plural, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
male singers, a male choir; professional male singers; musicians |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
female singers, a female choir; professional female singers; musicians |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
to sing |
3rd person masculine plural, Pilel/Polel imperfect |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
shîyr (שִיר) [pronounced sheer] |
singers, choir; professional singers; musicians |
masculine plural, Pilel/Polel participle |
Strong’s #7891 BDB #1010 |
Given that we have a list of musical instruments to follow, I think the rendering of this participle as musicians is apt. |
261. Masculine_noun: which means alabaster. Strong’s #7893 BDB #1010.
262. Masculine_noun: sheshîy/shêsh (שְשִי/שֵש) [pronounced shesh-EE/shaysh], which means, something bleached white, byssus, linen, fine linen; alabaster, similar stone, marble. Strong’s #8336 BDB #1010. Exodus 25:4 26:1, 31 27:9
sheshîy/shêsh (שְשִי/שֵש) [pronounced shesh-EE/shaysh] |
something bleached white, byssus, linen, fine linen; alabaster, similar stone, marble |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8336 BDB #1010 (& #1058?) |
263. Masculine_proper_noun: Shîyshâʾ (שִישָא) [pronounced shee-SHAW], which means Jehovah contends; whiteness; transliterated Shishaw. Strong’s #7894 BDB #1010.
Shîyshâʾ (שִישָא) [pronounced shee-SHAW] |
Jehovah contends; whiteness; transliterated Shishaw |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7894 BDB #1010 |
264. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7895 BDB #1010.
265. Verb: shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth], which means, according to BDB, to put, to set, place; to appoint; to arrange, to set in order; to found; to lay snares, to set snares; to station. The KJV gives such diverse renderings as lay (Gen. 48:14, 17 Job 9:33) or make (Psalm 21:6 10:1). How this differs from the other Hebrew words which mean roughly the same thing, I don’t know. Strong’s #7896 BDB #1011. Gen. 3:15 4:25 30:40 41:33 46:4 48:14 Exodus 7:23 10:1 21:22, 30 23:1, 31 33:4 1Sam. 4:20 2Sam. 13:20 19:28 22:12 Job 7:17 10:20 14:13 Psalm 12:5 21:3 62:10 73:9, 28 83:13 104:20 110:1
shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth] |
to put, to set, place; to appoint; to arrange, to set in order; to found; to station |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7896 BDB #1011 |
shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth] |
having put, being set, having been placed; being appointed; having been arranged, being set in order; being found; being stationed |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7896 BDB #1011 |
shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth] |
to be imposed upon; to be set upon; to be laid upon |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7896 BDB #1011 |
Gesenius tells us that shîyth means ➊ to set up that which is supposed to be upright; ➋ to place or to put something where it properly belongs; to arrange, to set in order [in an array]; ➌ to put in the sense of directing or turning in some direction, ➍ to make or to render when followed by an accusative or an accusative with the lâmed or bêyth prepositions; ➎ to constitute, to appoint [anyone to be a prince]; ➏t found; ➐ more rarely to make, to prepare (for someone) when followed by a dative and even to give. My thinking is that with this verb you are placing something or doing something to something to make it the way it is supposed to be. Something should properly be upright, so you set it upright. Something should be turned in a specific direction, so you turn it in that direction. |
Quite frankly, this looks like I need to examine this word more completely sometime. |
266. Masculine_noun: shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth], which means attire, garment, dress, clothing. Strong’s #7897 BDB #1011. Psalm 73:6 Prov. 7:10
shîyth (שִית) [pronounced sheeth] |
attire, garment, dress, clothing |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7897 BDB #1011 |
267. Masculine_proper_noun: Shêth (שֵת) [pronounced shayth] is the third son of Adam through whom came Jesus Christ. Had the name of Cain been used in this context, we could have taken it metaphorically as the destruction of all unbelievers. However, the only logical metaphorical use of the word Shêth would be for the believer, as through him came Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David, Jeremiah and Jesus Christ. Therefore, context would dictate that we either have a misprinting or another meaning. In the Chaldean, this means six; however, we are too early to be using the Chaldean language. Furthermore, that would make litle or no sense. I have explored a couple of possibilities; the misplacement of the dot over the shîyn (making it sîyn), and the mistaken replacement of the last letter, thâv, by similarly formed letters hê or chêyth (or a combination of those) as well as examine the possibility of other vowel points. This led me nowhere. I do not know where the translation tumult came from. Strong's #8351 or #8352? (& #7582?) BDB #1011 It is quoted, as you have seen, from several different sources. Shêth also means buttocks or butts (it is in the singular, although we find it used in the plural in the English). This gives a reasonably graphic description of the unbeliever and the degenerate believer. Strong's #8357 (and 7896?) BDB #1059 The other solution is that this is a form of the verb shâʾâh (ה ָא ַש) [pronounced shaw-AWH] and it means to waste, to be in ruins, to be desolate. However, its uses are so varied, that it is hard to pin it down to a particular meaning. Strong's #7582–7583 BDB #980. Gen. 4: 5:3 Num. 24:17b I need to do more work on the last couple words!
Shêth (שֵת) [pronounced shayth] |
appointed; transliterated Seth, Sheth, Shet |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8352 BDB #1011 |
268. Masculine_noun: which means foundation. Strong’s #8356 BDB #1011.
269. Masculine noun collective: which means thorn brushes. Strong’s #7898 BDB #1011.
270. Verb: shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV], which means to lie down, to lie down [to sleep, to have sexual relations, to die; because of sickness or humiliation]; to relax. Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011. Gen. 19:4, 32 26:10 28:11, 13 30:15 34:2, 7 35:22 39:7, 10 47:30 Exodus 22:16, 27 Lev. 15:24 Deut. 22:22, 23, 29 Joshua 2:1 Judges 5:27 1Sam. 2:22 3:2, 3, 5, 9 2Sam. 4:5 7:12 12:3, 16 13:5, 11 1Kings 1:2, 21 2:10 3:19, 20 Job 3:12 14:12 20:11 21:26 26:5, 7 Psalm 41:8 57:4 Prov. 3:24 6:9, 22 Eccles. 2:23
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
to lie down, to lie down [to sleep, to have sexual relations, to die; because of sickness or humiliation], to rest, to sleep; to relax |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
lie down, lie down [to sleep, to have sexual relations, to die; because of sickness or humiliation], rest, sleep; relax |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
the one lying down [to sleep, to have sexual relations, to die; because of sickness or humiliation]; the one relaxing |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
This verb can have several different connotations. It can mean to lie down with the intention of lodging for the night (Joshua 2:1 2Kings 4:11); to have sexual relations (Gen. 30:11, 14 Exodus 22:15); to lie down in death (Deut. 31:16 Isa. 14:8 Ezek. 31:18); lying down due to being diseased (1Kings 41:9); to lying down due to humiliation (Jer. 3:25); for a nap (2Sam. 4:7); lying down for sexual relations (Gen. 19:33 30:15–16); and there is the figurative use to relax (Job 30:17 Eccles. 2:23). |
This can be used with an accusative (which would be my soul in Psalm 57:4). |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
lying down [to sleep, to have sexual relations, to die; because of sickness or humiliation]; relaxing |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
to be lain with, to be ravished, to have sex with, to be raped? |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
to be lain with, to be ravished, to have sex with, to be raped? |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
to make [cause] [anyone] lie down, to prostrate; to lay down; to cause to rest; to pour out a vessel |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
shâkab (שָכַב) [pronounced shaw-KAHBV] |
to be prostrated; to be laid [down]; to lie [down?] see 2Kings 4:32 Ezek. 32:19, 32 |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7901 BDB #1011 |
271. Feminine_noun: shekâbâh (שְכָבָה) [pronounced shek-aw-BAW], which means act of lying, layer, coating; the act of lying down (sexual relations are implied). Strong’s #7902 BDB #1012. Exodus 16:13
shekâbâh (שְכָבָה) [pronounced shek-aw-BAW] |
act of lying, layer, coating; the act of lying down (sexual relations are implied) |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7902 BDB #1012 |
272. Feminine_noun: which means copulation. Strong’s #7903 BDB #1012.
273. Masculine_noun: mishkâb (מִשכָב) [pronounced mish-KAWBV], a word for bed, couch; bier; laying down, the act of lying down . Strong's #4904(7901) BDB #1012. [Somewhere] Gen. 49:4 Exodus 8:3 21:18 Judges 21:11 2Sam. 4:5, 7 11:2 13:5 17:28 1Kings 1:47 Psalm 41:3 149:5 Prov. 7:17
mishkâb (מִשכָב) [pronounced mish-AWBV] |
bed, couch; bier; laying down, the act of lying down |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #4904 (from #7901) BDB #1012 |
274. Verb: which means roaming stallions (?). Strong’s #7904 BDB #1013.
275. Verb: shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH], which means to forget; to forget and leave. Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013. Gen. 27:45 40:23 41:30 Deut. 4:9, 23 Judges 3:3 1Sam. 1:11 Job 9:27 19:14 Psalm 10:11–12 44:17, 24 59:11 103:2 106:13, 21 Prov. 2:17 3:1 4:5
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
to forget; to forget and leave; to forsake, to abandon |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
I added to forsake, to abandon, which would occur when one discontinues the study of truth. |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
forgetting; forgetting and leaving |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
to be forgotten; to be forsaken or abandoned |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
forgotten; forsaken; abandoned |
Niphal participle |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
to cause to forget; to make one forget and leave; to cause to forsake or abandon |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
to make or cause to forget; to cause to forsake, to cause to abandon |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
shâkach (שָכַח) [pronounced shaw-KAHKH] |
to be forgotten; to be forsaken or abandoned |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7911 BDB #1013 |
276. Adjective: which means forgetting, forgetful. Strong’s #7913 BDB #1013.
277. Verb: shâkak (שָכַ) [pronounced shaw-KAHK], which means to subside, to decrease, to abate. Strong’s #7918 BDB #1013. Gen. 8:1
to subside, to decrease, to abate, to recede |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7918 BDB #1013 |
to allay |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7918 BDB #1013 |
278. Verb: shâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL], which means to be bereaved. In the Hiphil participle, this refers to a miscarrying womb (Hoseah 9:14). Strong’s #7921 BDB #1013. Gen. 27:45 31:38 42:36 43:14 Exodus 23:26 1Sam. 15:33 Job 21:10
shâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
to be bereaved [of children], to be childless |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #7921 BDB #1013 |
shâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
to bereave, to make childless, to cause barrenness; to make abort, to cause an abortion, to miscarry; used of a sword which causes the death of young men |
3rd person feminine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #7921 BDB #1013 |
shâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
bereavement, making childless, causing barrenness; making one abort, causing an abortion, miscarrying; barrenness; used of a sword which causes the death of young men |
feminine singular, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7921 BDB #1013 |
shâkal (שָכַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
miscarrying |
3rd person feminine singular, Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #7921 BDB #1013 |
279. Masculine_noun: which means a bereavement, a loss of children. Strong’s #7908 BDB #1013.
280. Adjective: shakkûwl (שַכּוּל) [pronounced shahk-KOOL], which means, childless; barren; bereaved [robbed] of children [cubs]. 2Sam. 17:8 Isa. 49:21.* Strong’s #7909 BDB #1014.
shakkûwl (שַכּוּל or שַכֻּל) [pronounced shahk-KOOL] |
childless; barren; bereaved [robbed] of children [cubs] |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7909 BDB #1014 |
281. Adjective: bereaved, robbed of offspring. Strong’s #7909 BDB #1014.
282. Masculine plural noun abstract: bereavement, childlessness. Isa. 49:20.* Strong’s #7923 BDB #1014.
283. Feminine noun abstract: barrenness. 2Kings 2:21.* Strong’s #7921 BDB #1014.
284. Masculine_noun: shekem (שְכֶם) [pronounced shekem], which means shoulder; upper part of back below neck; back; [elevated] track of land. Strong’s #7926 BDB #1014. Gen. 9:23 21:14 24:45 48:22 49:15 Exodus 12:34 1Sam. 9:2 10:9, 23
shekem (שְכֶם) [pronounced shek-EHM] |
shoulder; upper part of back below neck; back; [elevated] track of land |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7926 BDB #1014 |
285. Feminine_noun: feminine form of Strong's #7926 BDB #1014. Strong's #7929 BDB #1014.
shikemâh (שִכְמָה) [pronounced shihk-MAW] |
shoulder; upper part of back below neck; back |
feminine singular noun (feminine of Strong's #7926) |
Strong’s #7929 BDB #1014 |
286. Proper_noun/location: Shechem (שֶחֶם) [pronounced shehkh-EHM], which means shoulder; upper part of back below neck; back; [elevated] track of land, transliterated Shechem. A district in northern Palestine. Strong’s #7927 BDB #1014. Gen. 12:6 33:18 35:4 37:12 Psalm 60:6
Shekem (שְכֶם) [pronounced shek-EHM] |
shoulder; back; [elevated] track of land; transliterated Shechem |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7927 BDB #1014 |
A district in northern Palestine. |
287. Masculine_proper_noun: Shekem (שֶכֶם) [pronounced SHEH–kehm], which means, back, shoulder; transliterated Shechem. Strong’s #7928 BDB #1014. Gen. 33:19 34:2 Num. 26:31 Joshua 17:2 1Chron. 7:19
Shekem (שֶכֶם) [pronounced SHEH–kehm] |
back, shoulder; transliterated Shechem |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7928 BDB #1014 |
288. Adjective gentilic: Num. 26:21.* Strong’s #7930 BDB #1014.
289. Verb: shâkam ( ָכַםש) [pronounced shaw-KAHM], which means to start, to rise, to rise early, to make an early start. This verb was originally used for leading the backs of beasts for a day’s journey and came to mean arising early. This verb is found only in the Hiphil. Strong’s #7925 BDB #1014. Gen. 19:2, 27 20:8 21:14 22:3 26:31 28:18 31:55 Exodus 8:20 9:13 24:4 32:6 Joshua 3:1 8:14 Judges 6:28 9:33 19:5 1Sam. 1:19 5:3 9:26 15:12 17:16 29:10 2Sam. 15:2 Job 1:5
shâkam ( ָכַםש) [pronounced shaw-KAHM] |
to start, to rise, to rise early, to make an early start; morning (in the Hiphil infinitive absolute) |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7925 BDB #1014 |
shâkam ( ָכַםש) [pronounced shaw-KAHM] |
start, rise [up], rise early, make an early start |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #7925 BDB #1014 |
290. Verb: shâkan (שָכַן) [pronounced shaw-KAHN], which means to tabernacle, to pitch a tent; to dwell, to reside, to live in, to domicile at, to settle, to settle down, to encamp. Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014. Gen. 3:24 9:27 14:13 16:12 25:18 26:2 35:22 49:13 Exodus 24:16 25:8 29:45 Num. 9:17 Deut. 16:2 33:12 Joshua 18:1 Judges 5:17 8:11 2Sam. 7:10 1Kings 6:13 8:12 Job 3:5 4:19 15:28 18:15 Psalm 7:5 15:1 55:6 68:6 104:12 Prov. 1:33 2:21 7:11 8:12 10:30
shâkan (שָכַן) [pronounced shaw-KAHN] |
to tabernacle, to pitch a tent; to dwell, to reside, to live in, to domicile at, to settle, to settle down, to encamp |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014 |
shâkan (שָכַן) [pronounced shaw-KAHN] |
dwelling, residing, living; settling [in, down]; encamping; pitching one’s tent |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014 |
shâkan (שָכַן) [pronounced shaw-KAHN] |
to lay, to lay down, to set [place, fix or establish]; to cause anyone to dwell, to place [a tent] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014 |
shâkan (שָכַן) [pronounced shaw-KAHN] |
to cause to dwell, to make settle down, to establish |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014 |
This is the word whose cognate is tabernacle, which is a reference is to a semi-permanent residence. The idea here is to dwell in a semi-permanent state with the option of leaving. |
291. Masculine_noun: dwelling. Deut. 12:5.* Strong’s #7933 BDB #1015.
292. Adjective: shâkên (שָכֵן) [pronounced shaw-KAYN], which means inhabitants, neighbors, those living nearby; dwellers. As a feminine plural with a definite article, it means neighbor women, women from the neighborhood, female neighbors. Strong’s #7934 BDB #1015. Exodus 3:22 12:4 Deut. 1:7 Ruth 4:17a Psalm 44:13 89:41
shâkên (שָכֵן) [pronounced shaw-KAYN] |
inhabitant, neighbor, one living nearby |
masculine singular adjective used here as a substantive |
Strong’s #7934 BDB #1015 |
shâkên (שָכֵן) [pronounced shaw-KAYN] |
inhabitants, neighbors, those living nearby; dwellers |
masculine plural adjective used here as a substantive |
Strong’s #7934 BDB #1015 |
shâkên (שָכֵן) [pronounced shaw-KAYN] |
neighbor women, women from the neighborhood, female neighbors |
feminine plural adjective with the definite article; used here as a substantive |
Strong’s #7934 BDB #1015 |
293. Masculine_noun: mîshekân (מִשְכָן) [pronounced mishe-KAWN], which means residence, dwelling place, tabernacle, portable sanctuary, tent, abode; semi-permanent structure, semi-permanent tent, temporary dwelling place. I contrasted these two word early on (Leviticus?) and in Psalm 15:1. Strong's #4908 BDB #1015 (See Strong’s #7931 BDB #1014 for verbal cognate; see also Strong's #168 BDB #13). Exodus 26:1 27:9 Lev. 26:11 Num. 24:5 2Sam. 7:6 1Chron. 6:32 (chart comparison) 16:39 Job 18:21 21:28 1Kings (1:39) Psalm (15:1) 46:4 78:60
mîshekân (מִשְכָן) [pronounced mishe-KAWN] |
residence, dwelling place, tabernacle, portable sanctuary, tent, abode; semi-permanent structure, semi-permanent tent, temporary dwelling place |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #4908 BDB #1015 |
This is the word translated tabernacle throughout the end of Exodus. This is the word used more often for the tabernacle of God, as well as for temporary dwelling place (2Chron. 29:6 Job 18:21 Jer. 9:19), as found in Exodus 26, 36, 40 Num. 1, 3, 9 (yet, interestingly enough, rarely in Leviticus). The two words occur together in Exodus 40:2 Num. 3:25. The latter word seems to be more of a permanent structure, yet still based on the concept of a tent. It is less than a house, but more than a tent. Semi-permanent structure, semi-permanent tent, temporary dwelling place all give a sense as to the meaning of mîshekân. It is a tent, nonetheless and can be taken up and pitched again (Num. 1:51). This appears to be a semi-permanent structure, like our modern day trailer home in function. You will note that Keil and Delitzsch render this pavilion. This threw me for a bit, so I looked it up. The first definition, a light, usually open building used for shelter, concerts, exhibits, etc. is what I thought of. However, one of the secondary meanings of this word is a large and elaborate tent. This is how we should understand this word. Keil and Delitzsch add: Even in the present day, a Beduin, as he approaches an encampment, knows the tent of the sheikh immediately; it is denoted by its size, often also by the lances planted at the door, and also, as is easily imagined, by the rich arrangement of cushions and carpets. |
294. Masculine_proper_noun: which means Yah has taken up abode; transliterated . Strong’s #7935 BDB #1016.
295. Verb: shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR], which means to become drunk [inebriated], to be drunk. Strong’s #7937 BDB #1016. Gen. 9:21 43:34 1Sam. 1:14 2Sam. 11:13
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to drink to the full, to drink to hilarity, to become drunk [inebriated], to be drunk; to make oneself drunk; to be merry (happy) while drinking |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7937 BDB #1016 |
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to make drunk [inebriated], to cause one to be drunk |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7937 BDB #1016 |
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to cause to be drunk [inebriated], to make drunk |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7937 BDB #1016 |
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to become drunk [inebriated], to be drunk; to behave drunkenly |
2nd person feminine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #7937 BDB #1016 |
296. Masculine_noun: shêkâr (רָכ̤ש) [pronounced shay-KAWR], which means strong alcohol, potent liquor, intoxicating drink, strong drink. Strong’s #7941 BDB #1016. 1Sam. 1:15
shêkâr (רָכ̤ש) [pronounced shay-KAWR] |
strong alcohol, potent liquor, intoxicating drink, strong drink |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7941 BDB #1016 |
297. Adjective: shikkûwr (ר̣ש) [pronounced shik-KOOR], which means drunk, inebriated, stoned, blotto, drunken. Strong’s #7910 BDB #1016. 1Sam. 1:13, 14 25:36
shikkûwr (ר̣ש) [pronounced shik-KOOR] |
drunk, inebriated, stoned, blotto, drunken |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #7910 BDB #1016 |
298. Masculine_noun: drunkenness. Strong’s #7943 BDB #1016.
299. Proper_noun/location: which means drunkenness?; transliterated . Strong’s #7942 BDB #1016.
300. Masculine_noun: gift. Strong’s #814 BDB #1016.
301. Adjective: shaleʾănân (ןָנֲאל-ש) [pronounced shahl-uh-NAWN], which is found only here, has no real cognates, and appears to be equivalent to shaʾănân (ן ָנ ֱא ַש) [pronounced shah-uh-NAWN], which means at ease, one who is at ease, secure, removed from misfortune. Strong’s #7600 BDB #983. Strong’s #7946 BDB #1016. [Appears to be equivalent to Strong’s #7600 BDB #983]. Job 21:23*
302. Masculine_noun: shal (ל-ש) [pronounced shahl], which means error, fault. Strong’s #7944 BDB #1016. 2Sam. 6:7
shal (ל-ש) [pronounced shahl] |
error, fault |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7944 BDB #1016 |
Either the meaning of the word or the fact that we find it here is disputed. There is a verb with divergent meanings that shal is derived from, and one of those meanings is to wander, to sin from ignorance or inadvertently. Strong’s #7952 BDB #1017 this looks to be in the wrong place? . |
303. Verb: shâlab (שָלַב) [pronounced shaw-LAHB], which means, to be bound, to be joined; to be set equidistance [from one another], equally distant, set in order. In Pual. Strong’s #7947 BDB #1016. Exodus 26:17
shâlab (שָלַב) [pronounced shaw-LAHB] |
to be bound, to be joined; to be set equidistance [from one another], equally distant, set in order |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7947 BDB #1016 |
shâlab (שָלַב) [pronounced shaw-LAHB] |
being bound, being joined; being set equidistance [from one another], those being equally distant, things set in order |
feminine plural, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7947 BDB #1016 |
304. Masculine_plural_noun: shâlâb (שָלָב) [pronounced shaw-LAWBV], which means, a ledge; a raised interval; joints at the corners; ledges, borders; joinings of bases. Strong’s #7948 BDB #1016. 1Kings 8:28
shâlâb (שָלָב) [pronounced shaw-LAWBV] |
raised intervals; joints at the corners; ledges, frames, borders; joinings of bases |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7948 BDB #1016 |
305. Masculine_noun: sheleg (שֶלֶג) [pronounced SHE-leg], which means snow. Strong’s #7950 BDB #1017. Exodus 4:6 2Sam. 23:20 1Chron. 11:22 Psalm 51:7 147:16 148:8
sheleg (שֶלֶג) [pronounced SHEH-leg] |
snow |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7950 BDB #1017 |
306. Verb: shâlag (ג-לָש) [pronounced shaw-LAHG], which means to snow; to cause to snow, to make snow; to be as snow. Strong’s #7949 BDB #1017. Psalm 68:14
shâlag (ג-לָש) [pronounced shaw-LAHG] |
to snow; to cause to snow, to make snow; to be as snow |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect; apocopated form |
Strong’s #7949 BDB #1017 |
307. Verb: shâlâh (שָלָה) [pronounced shaw-LAW], which means to be quiet, to be at ease, to be tranquil, carefree, thoughtless, content [due to prosperity]; to prosper. The KJV also gives the rendering to prosper. It appears at first that we find this verb but five times in the OT: Job 3:26 12:6 Psalm 122:6 Jer. 12:1 Lam. 1:5.* However, there are several other words with different Strong’s #’s which are the same verb. Therefore, this verb is also found in 2Kings 4:28 2Chron. 29:11 Job 27:8 Dan. 3:29 4:4 My first thought would be that this is contentment partially due to prosperity. Strong’s #7951,7952–7955 BDB #1017. Job 3:26 12:6 21:23
shâlâh (שָלָה) [pronounced shaw-LAW] |
to be quiet, to be at ease, to be tranquil, carefree, thoughtless, content [due to prosperity]; to prosper |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7951, #7952–7955 BDB #1017 |
An alternate spelling is shâlav (שָלַו) [pronounced shaw-LAWV]. |
308. Masculine_noun: ease, prosperity. Strong’s #7959 BDB #1017.
309. Masculine_proper_noun: Shêlâh (שֵלָה) [pronounced shay-LAW], which means a petition; transliterated Shelah. Strong’s #7956 BDB #1017. Gen. 38:5 46:12
Shêlâh (שֵלָה) [pronounced shay-LAW] |
a petition; transliterated Shelah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7956 BDB #1017 |
310. Masculine_noun: shelîy (י.ל∵ש) [pronounced shehl-EE], which means quiet, quietness; private, privacy; silence, tranquility. Strong’s #7987 BDB #1017. 2Sam. 3:27
shelîy (י.ל∵ש) [pronounced shehl-EE] |
quiet, quietness; private, privacy; silence, tranquility |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7987 DB #1017 |
311. Adjective: shâlêv (ו̤לָש) [pronounced shaw-LAYV], which means safe, secure, living in tranquility and security, quiet, at ease. It does have a negative connotation in Ezek. 23:42 of being so at ease and secure as to be careless. Strong’s #7961 BDB #1017. 1Chron. 4:40 Job 16:12a 20:20 Psalm 73:12
312. Feminine_noun: shalevâh (שַלְוָה) [pronounced shahl-VAW], which means, [living in] security (genuine or false); abundance, prosperity; peace, quietness, ease; all of these can be apparent, but not real. Strong’s #7962 BDB #1017. Prov. 1:32
shalevâh (שַלְוָה) [pronounced shahl-VAW] |
[living in] security (genuine or false); abundance, prosperity; peace, quietness, ease; all of these can be apparent, but not real; possibly complacency |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #7962 BDB #1017 |
313. Verb: which means to draw out, to extract. Strong’s #7952, 7953 BDB #1017.
314. Feminine_noun: which means after-birth. Strong’s #7988 BDB #1017.
315. Proper_noun_locale: Shilôw (שִלוֹ) [shi-LOH] which means to be quiet, to be at ease, to be prosperous; Shilôw is transliterated Shiloh. Strong’s #7887 BDB #1017. 1Sam. 1:3 3:21 14:3 1Kings 2:27
Shilôw (שִלוֹ) [shi-LOW] |
quiet, relaxed, prosperous; transliterated Shiloh |
proper noun locale |
Strong’s #7887 BDB #1017 |
316. Gentilic_adjective: Strong’s #7888, 8023 BDB #1018.
317. Verb: shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAHKH], which means to send, to send for, to send forth, to send away, to dismiss, to deploy. The idea is that someone issues an order or a request, and this is complied with. It is found in association with hands in the Qal stem in Gen. 3:22 8:9 19:0 22:10, 12 37:22 48:14 Exodus 3:20 4:4, 13 9:15 22:8, 11 24:5, 11 Deut. 25:11 Judges 3:21 5:26 15:15 1Sam. 22:17 24:6, 10 26:9, 11, 23 2Sam. 1:14 15:5 18:12 24:16 1Kings 15:4 2Kings 6:7 Esther 2:21 3:6 6:2 8:7 9:2, 10, 15–16 Neh. 13:21 Job 1:11, 12 2:5 28:9 30:24 Psalm 55:20 125:3 138:7 144:7 SOS 5:4 Jer. 1:9 Ezek. 2:9(?) 10:7 Dan. 11:42. In the Piel: Prov. 31:19–20. In the Piel it means to send off, to send away, to dismiss, to give over, to cast out, to let go, to set free, to shoot forth [branches], to shoot [an arrow]. Shâlach is used in the sense of shooting forth branches or roots, in terms of spreading out and growing, in Psalm 80:11 Jer. 17:8 Ezek. 17:6–7 (these are all instances of the Piel stem). It is obvious that there is no sending when it comes to the use of the hand. BDB also gives the meanings to send to inquire, to commission, to send out on a mission and even to let go, to set free. It is possible, and I am only theorizing here, that the subject of the verb is not directly involved in the action but commissions someone else to do what they require to be done. Now this is certainly not the case when it comes to stretching out the hand but is very likely the case and when formal invitations were delivered to the sisters. It is not unlike our current expression reach out and touch someone, reach out to, a fine contemporary rendering. When found in association with hands in the Qal stem, shâlach means to reach forth, to reach out, to put out. The Pual is the passive of the Piel, which is the accomplished intensive stem. We could render this he was sent forth, he had been sent forth; he has been cast away, cast aside; he has been dismissed; he has been let go, set free. According to Keil and Delitzsch, the Pual tells us that the subject of the verb is not just betrayed into but driven into [the net], quoting Judges 5:15 to support their view. Generally speaking, we would render a 3rd person masculine plural, Piel participle of shâlach as dismissers, those who set free, those casting out, those giving over, ones sending away. Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018. The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:6, 9b–10) The Doctrine of the Stretching Forth of the Hands Gen. 3:22, 23 8:7, 9 12:20 18:16 19:10, 13 20:2 21:14 22:10 24:7, 54, 59 25:6 26:27 27:42 28:5, 6 30:24 31:4, 27 32:3, 18, 26 37:13 38:17 41:8, 14 42:4, 16 43:4, 8, 14 44:3 45:7 46:5 48:14 49:21 Exodus 2:5 3:10, 20 4:4, 13, 21, 22 5:1, 2, 22 6:1 7:2, 16 8:1, 2, 21 9:1, 2, 7, 14, 19 10:3, 4, 7 11:1 12:33 14:5 15:7 18:27 21:26 22:5, 8 23:20, 27, 28 24:4, 11 33:2 Deut. 1:22 2:26 21:14 22:7, 29 32:24 34:11 Joshua 8:3, 9 22:6 25:28 Judges 1:8, 25 2:6 3:15, 21 5:15, 26 6:21 15:15 19:25 1Sam. 4:4 5:8, 10 6:3, 6 9:19, 26 11:3, 7 13:2 14:27 15:1 16:1 17:49 18:5 19:11, 17 20:5, 12, 13 21:2 22:11 24:6, 19 25:5 26:4, 11 30:26 31:9 2Sam. 1:14 3:22 11:12 13:7, 16, 17 14:2 15:5 17:16 18:2, 12 19:10, 31 22:15 24:13, 16 1Kings 1:43 2:25 5:1 7:13 8:44, 66 9:7, 13 1Chron. 8:8 12:19 Job 1:4, 5a, 11 2:5 8:4 12:15 14:20 Psalm 44:2 55:20 57:3 59 inscription 81:12 106:15 110:2 Prov. 6:14 9:3 10:26
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
to send, to send for [forth, away], to dismiss, to deploy, to put forth, to stretch out, to direct, to extend; to reach out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect; what is sent (messengers, a message) is implied |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
am sending, sending for [forth, away], dismissing, deploying, putting forth, stretching out, directing, extending; reaching out |
Qal active participle; what is sent (messengers, a message) is implied |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
the one sending [for, forth, away], the one dismissing, the one deploying, one who puts forth, one who stretches out, one who reaches out |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
the ones sending [for, forth, away], the ones dismissing, the ones deploying, those who puts forth, those who stretch out, those reaching out |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
being sent [for, forth, away], being dismissed, being deployed, being put forth, being stretched out |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
send, send for [forth, away], dismiss, deploy, put forth, stretch out, reach out |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
to be sent, to be sent off [away], to be dismissed, to be given over, to be cast out, to be let go, to be set free |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal perfect |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
to send, to send off, to send away, to dismiss, to give over, to cast out, to let go, to set free, to shoot forth [branches], to shoot [an arrow] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
sending [off, away], dismissing, giving over, casting out, letting go, setting free, shooting forth [branches], shooting [an arrow] |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
the one sending [off, away], the one dismissing, the one giving over, one casting out, one letting go, one setting free, the one shooting forth [branches], one shooting [an arrow] |
masculine singular, Piel participle |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
send, send off, send away [back], dismiss, give over, cast out, let go, set free, shoot forth [branches], shoot [an arrow] |
2nd person masculine singular, Piel imperative |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
he was sent forth, he had been sent forth; he has been cast away, cast aside; he has been dismissed; he has been let go, set free |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
to send, to cause to send [for, forth, away], to cause one to be dismissed, to deploy |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect; what is sent (messengers, a message) is implied |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
shâlach (שָלַח) [pronounced shaw-LAKH] |
sending, causing to send [for, forth, away], causing one to be dismissed, deploying |
Hiphil participle; what is sent (messengers, a message) is implied |
Strong’s #7971 BDB #1018 |
318. Masculine_noun: which means missile, weapon; sprout. Strong’s #7973 BDB #1019.
319. Masculine_proper_noun: Shelach (שֶלַח) [pronounced SHEH-lahk], which means sprout; and is transliterated Shelah, Shelach, Salah. Strong’s #7974 BDB #1019. Gen. 10:24 11:12
Shelach (שֶלַח) [pronounced SHEH-lahk] |
petition; sprout; and is transliterated Shelah, Shelach, Salah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #7974 BDB #1019 |
320. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #7977 BDB #1019.
321. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #7978 BDB #1019.
322. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #7975 BDB #1019.
323. Masculine_plural_noun: shilluachîym (שִלֻּחִַים) [pronounced shihl-loo-KHEEM], which means a sending away, a parting gift. Also spelled shillûwchîym (שִלּוּחִַים) [pronounced shill-loo-KHEEM]. Strong’s #7964 BDB #1019. Exodus 18:2 1Kings 9:16
shilluachîym (שִלֻּחִַים) [pronounced shill-loo-KHEEM] |
a sending away, a parting gift |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7964 BDB #1019 |
This noun is always found in the plural and it is also spelled shillûwchîym (שִלּוּחִַים) [pronounced shill-loo-KHEEM]. |
324. Feminine_noun: which means a shoot, a branch. Strong’s #7976 BDB #1020.
325. Masculine_noun: mishelach (ח ַל ׃ש ̣מ) [pronounced mish-LAHKH] which means an outstretching; a place of letting loose. It is associated with hand(s) is found in Deut. 12:7, 18 15:10 23:20 28:8, 20 Isa. 11:14 (without hands in Esther 9:12, 22 Isa. 7:25. Strong’s #4916 BDB #1020. The Doctrine of the Stretching Forth of the Hands
326. Masculine_noun: which means an outstretching, a sending. Slightly different spelling from above. Strong’s #4916 BDB #1020.
327. Feminine_noun: which means a discharge, a deputation. Strong’s #4917 BDB #1020.
328. Masculine_noun: shulechân (שֻלְחָן) [pronounced shoole-KHAWN], which means a table; a skin or leather mat laid on the ground. Strong’s #7979 BDB #1020. Exodus 25:23 26:35 30:26 31:8 Judges 1:7 1Sam. 20:29 2Sam. 9:7 19:28 1Kings 2:7 4:27 7:48 Psalm 23:5 Prov. 9:2
shulechân (שֻלְחָן) [pronounced shoole-KHAWN] |
a table; a skin or leather mat laid on the ground |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7979 BDB #1020 |
329. Verb: shâlaţ (שלט) [pronounced shaw-LAHT], which means to domineer, to be a master of, to exercise power over, to dominate, to have mastery, to lord it over. Strong’s #7980 BDB #1020. Eccles. 2:19
shâlaţ (שלט) [pronounced shaw-LAHT] |
to domineer, to be a master of, to exercise power over, to dominate, to have mastery, to lord it over |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7980 BDB #1020 |
There are instances of vocabulary in Ecclesiastes which seems to come from later writings. This is found in Esther and Nehemiah. However, this might be explained, given that Solomon has been doing a lot of reading from the philosophies of foreign writers. |
shâlaţ (שלט) [pronounced shaw-LAHT] |
to give power to; to gain mastery of |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7980 BDB #1020 |
330. Adjective: shallîyţ (שַלִּיט) [pronounced shahl-LEET], which means having mastery, domineering; imperious; as a substantive, ruler, governor, master. Strong’s #7989 BDB #1020. Gen. 42:6
shallîyţ (שַלִּיט) [pronounced shahl-LEET] |
having mastery, domineering; imperious; as a substantive, ruler, governor, master |
masculine singular adjective; used here as a substantive; with the definite article |
Strong’s #7989 BDB #1020 |
331. Masculine_noun: which means mastery. Strong’s #7983 BDB #1020.
332. Masculine_noun: sheleţ (שֶלֶט) [pronounced SHEH-leht], which means a shield; arms, equipment; quivers, arrows, darts. Strong’s #7982 BDB #1020. 2Sam. 8:7
sheleţ (שֶלֶט) [pronounced SHEH-leht] |
a shield; arms, equipment; quivers, arrows, darts |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7982 BDB #1020 |
The different meanings represent differing opinions as to the meaning of this word. However, of the 7 times this word is found in the Old Testament, it could be reasonably rendered shield (s) every time (2Sam. 8:7 2Kings 11:10 1Chron. 18:7 2Chron. 23:9 SOS. 4:4 Ezek. 27:11). Furthermore, shield is the only meaning offered by BDB and Gesenius. |
333. Verb: shâlake (שָלַך׃) [pronounced shaw-LAHKe], which means to throw, to cast, to fling, to throw off, to cast away; to reject; to cast about; to cast down, to overthrow. It is found only in the Hiphil and the Hophal and, surprisingly enough, is consistently rendered in the KJV. Strong’s #7993 BDB #1020. Gen. 21:15 37:20, 22 Exodus 1:22 4:3 7:9, 10 15:25 22:31 32:19 Judges 9:17 1Sam. (10:20) 2Sam. 18:17 20:12, 21, 22 Job 15:33 18:7 Psalm 2:3 51:11 55:22 60:8 147:17
shâlake (שָלַ) [pronounced shaw-LAHKe] |
to throw, to cast, to fling, to throw off, to cast away [off]; to shed; to reject; to cast about; to cast down, to overthrow |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7993 BDB #1020 |
shâlake (שָלַ) [pronounced shaw-LAHKe] |
throw, cast, fling, throw off, cast away [off]; shed; reject; cast about; cast down, overthrow |
2nd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #7993 BDB #1020 |
shâlake (שָלַ) [pronounced shaw-LAHKe] |
to be thrown, to be cast, to be flung, to be cast away; to be rejected; to be cast down, to be overthrown |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7993 BDB #1020 |
334. Masculine_noun: which means bird of prey; a cormorant (probably). Strong’s #7994 BDB #1021.
335. Feminine_noun: which means the felling [of a tree]. Strong’s #7995 BDB #1021.
336. Feminine_proper_noun: which means west side Temple gate and is transliterated . Strong’s #7996 BDB #1021.
337. Verb: which means to draw out. Strong’s #7997 BDB #1021.
338. Adjective: shôlâl (ל ָלש) [pronounced show-LAWL], which is rendered stripped, barefoot, spoil. According to Keil and Delitzsch, this means stripped of their clothes with violence (Isa. 20:4), and stripped, in particular, of their insignia of power. God leads them half-naked into captivity. God destroys not just their power but their prestige. Strong's #7758 BDB #1021. Job 12:17
339. Verb: shâlal (ל-לָש) [pronounced shaw-LAHL], which means to spoil, to plunder, to loot, to pillage. Strong’s #7997 BDB #1021. Ruth 2:16
340. Masculine_noun: shâlal (שָלַל) [pronounced shaw-LAWL], which means booty, spoil, plunder; all of which are old King James’ words, and, because of the culture that we live in, we might think of it as recompense or their reward for believing God and carrying out His plan. It is found nearly 100 times in the Bible. It refers to that which was taken directly in war (Gen. 49:27 Exodus 15:9 Judges 8:24–25 Isa. 55:12). Strong's #7998 BDB #1021. Gen. 49:27 Exodus 15:9 Num. 31:12 Deut. 2:35 3:7 20:14 Joshua 8:27 11:14 Judges 5:30 1Sam. 14:30 15:19 30:16, 20 2Sam. 3:22 8:12 12:30 Psalm 68:12 Prov. 1:13
shâlal (שָלַל) [pronounced shaw-LAWL] |
booty, spoil, plunder, recompense, reward; wealth [taken as spoil] |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #7998 BDB #1021 |
341. Verb: shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] and it means to recompense, to repay, to restore, to complete, to make perfect, to requite. The verb translated complete, repay, recompense, reward, restore is a two-edged sword. People are recompensed or rewarded for evil as well as for good. Shâlêm cuts both ways. God rewards those who have done evil to their faces; and He rewards those who have participated in divine good to their faces. In the Piel, this means to make secure, to keep safe, to complete, to finish, to restore, to requite, to recompense. Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022. Gen. 44:4 Exodus 21:34 22:1, 3 Lev. 24:18 Deut. 7:10 20:12 Job 21:31 Judges 1:7 Ruth 2:12 1Sam. 22:19 2Sam. 3:39 12:6 15:7 20:19 1Kings 7:51 9:25 Job 8:6 21:19 Psalm 41:10 56:12 61:8 62:12 Prov. 6:31 7:14
The other set of meanings is below (BDB distinguishes between these sets of meanings and Gesenius does not): |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
to be whole (sound, safe, uninjured); to be completed (finished) [of a building]; to be at (have) peace (friendship) |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
one in a covenant of peace |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
be made whole (sound, safe, uninjured); being completed (finished) [of a building]; being at (having) peace (friendship) |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
to make secure, to keep safe; to complete (finish); to make good; to restore, to requite, to recompense (pay) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
to be performed; to be repaid, to be requited |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
one in a covenant of peace |
Pual participle |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
to make peace with; to cause to be at peace; to complete, to perform; to make an end of |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
shâlêm ( ׂשָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM |
to live in peace |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1022 |
342. Masculine_noun: shâlôwm (שָלוֹם) [pronounced shaw-LOHM], which means completeness, soundness, welfare, peace, safe, secure, tranquil, undisturbed, unagitated. Thieme often rendered this prosperous or prosperity. This is not the only noun cognate for the verb, by the way. Strong’s #7965 BDB #1022. Gen. 15:15 26:29 28:21 29:6 (33:18) 37:4, 14 41:16 43:23 44:17 Exodus 4:18 18:7, 23 Deut. 2:26 20:10 29:19 Joshua 10:21 Judges 4:17 6:23 11:13 18:6 18:15 19:20 1Sam. 1:17 9:14 10:4 16:4, 5 17:18 20:7 25:5 29:7 30:21 2Sam. 3:21 8:10 15:9, 27 17:3 18:28 19:24 20:9 1Kings 2:5, 13 4:24 5:12 1Chron. 12:17 Job 5:24 15:21 21:9 Psalm 34:14 41:9 55:18, 20 73:3 147:14 Prov. 3:1
shâlôwm (שָלוֹם) or shâlôm (שָלֹם) [pronounced shaw-LOHM] |
completeness, soundness, health and welfare, well, in good health; peace, prosperity, safe, secure, tranquil, undisturbed, unagitated |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7965 BDB #1022 |
343. Masculine_noun: shelem (שֶלֶם) [pronounced SHEH-lem], which means peace-offerings, sacrifice for alliance or friendship. Strong’s #8002 BDB #1023. If you know no other word of Hebrew, you likely know shâlôwm (םל ָש) [pronounced shaw-LOHM], a word for peace and prosperity. Other than the vowel points and the , which acts like a vowel, we have the same word, which often means that the meanings are closely related. Since we find this word used nowhere else except with regards to specific offerings, it is reasonable to translate shelem as peace-offering. However, this word is more encompassing than simple peace with God. It refers to prosperity, as in prosperity from God; to an alliance, as in an alliance with God; to an alliance, as in an alliance with God; and fellowship, because through the blood of our Lord, we have fellowship with God. Peace offering can imply all of that; unfortunately, it rarely does to the average reader. Strong’s #8002 BDB #1023. Exodus 20:24 24:5 29:28 32:6 Lev. 3:1 Joshua 8:31 22:23 1Sam. 10:8 11:15 2Sam. 6:17 24:24 1Kings 3:15 8:63, 64 9:25 1Chron. 16:1 Prov. 7:14
shelem (שֶלֶם) [pronounced SHEH-lem] |
peace-offerings, sacrifice for alliance or friendship |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8002 BDB #1023 |
344. Verb: shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM], and it means to be whole (sound or safe); to be completed, to be finished; to have peace (or friendship) [with anyone], to be in a covenant of peace, to have a peace treaty with, to be at peace with (Qal meanings), to live in peace with (Hophal), to cause to be at peace with, to make peace with (Hiphil). Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023. Job 5:24 9:4 2Sam. 10:19 Psalm 7:4
shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] |
to be whole (sound or safe); to be completed, to be finished; to have peace (or friendship) [with anyone], to be in a covenant of peace, to have a peace treaty with, to be at peace with |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023 |
shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] |
to complete, to execute, to make an end [to a thing]; to make peace [with anyone]; to consent to a treaty; to make one a friend |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023 |
shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] |
to be a friend |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023 |
shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] |
to make secure, to keep safe; to complete, to finish; to restore, to pay [vows], to impart [comfort]; to recompense (reward or pay) |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023 |
shâlam (שָלַם) [pronounced shaw-LAHM] |
to be paid, to be performed [a vow]; to be recompensed (paid or rewarded); to live friendly, to be friendly |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #7999 BDB #1023 |
345. Adjective: shâlêm (שָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAIM],which means whole; complete, completed, finished; safe, at peace; cherishing peace and friendship. Shâlêm (ם ֵל ָש) [pronounced shaw-LAME] and it is given the meanings complete, safe, at peace in BDB. We first find this adjective used in Gen. 15:16 when the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet complete. We saw this word used just recently concerning the perfect and just weights that were to be used by the Israelites (Deut. 25:15). These are whole and complete stones, much like the animal sacrifice, which was to be without spot and without blemish. The altar was not to be constructed out of a portion of stone or from a broken piece of rock. Strong’s #8003 BDB #1023. Gen. 15:15 33:18 34:21 Deut. 27:6 Joshua 8:31 Ruth 1:12 1Kings 6:7 8:59 1Chron. 12:38
shâlêm (שָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAIM] |
whole; complete, completed, finished; safe, at peace; cherishing peace and friendship |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #8003 BDB #1023 |
346. Proper_noun/location: Shâlêm (שָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAIM],which means whole; complete, completed, finished; safe, at peace; cherishing peace and friendship; transliterated Salem. Strong’s #8004 BDB #1024. Gen. 33:18
Shâlêm (שָלֵם) [pronounced shaw-LAIM] |
whole; complete, completed, finished; safe, at peace; cherishing peace and friendship; transliterated Salem |
masculine singular proper noun/location |
Strong’s #8004 BDB #1024 |
347. Masculine_noun: which means recompense. Strong’s #8005 BDB #1024.
348. Masculine_proper_noun: Shillêm (שִלֵּם) [pronounced shihl-LAME], which means recompense; transliterated Shillem. Strong’s #8006 BDB #1024. Gen. 46:24
Shillêm (שִלֵּם) [pronounced shill-LAME] |
recompense; transliterated Shillem |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8006 BDB #1024 |
349. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #8016 BDB #1024.
350. Masculine_noun: which means reward, bribe. Strong’s #8021 BDB #1024.
351. Masculine_noun: which means requital, retribution, reward, bribe. Strong’s #7966 BDB #1024.
352. Feminine_noun: which means requital, retribution. Strong’s #8011 BDB #1024.
353. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7967 BDB #1024.
354. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #7968 BDB #1024.
355. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4918 BDB #1024.
356. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4919,4921 BDB #1024.
357. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4920 BDB #1024.
358. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #4922 BDB #1024.
359. Proper_noun: Shelômôh (שְלֹמֹה) [pronounced shel-oh-MOH], which means peace, peaceful; transliterated Solomon. Possibly misplaced. Strong’s #8010 BDB #1024. 2Sam. 5:14 12:24 1Kings 1:10 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 1Chron. 18:8 Prov. 1:1 10:1
Shelômôh (שְלֹמֹה) [pronounced shel-oh-MOH or shloh-MOH] |
peace, peaceful; transliterated Solomon |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #8010 BDB #1024 |
360. Feminine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8019 BDB #1025.
361. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8015 BDB #1025.
362. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8017 BDB #1025.
363. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8018 BDB #1025.
364. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8020 BDB #1025.
365. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8022 BDB #1025.
366. Verb: shâlaph (שָלַף) [pronounced shaw-LAHF], which means to draw out, to draw off. Strong’s #8025 BDB #1025. [Probably includes Strong’s #7888, 8023, 8024, which aren’t even listed in the Hebrew Concordance]. Judges 3:22 8:10 Ruth 4:7 1Sam. 17:51 31:4 2Sam. 24:9 Job 20:25
shâlaph (שָלַף) [pronounced shaw-LAHF] |
to draw out, to draw off, to take out |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8025 BDB #1025 |
shâlaph (שָלַף) [pronounced shaw-LAHF] |
drawing [out, off], taking out |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8025 BDB #1025 |
367. Masculine_proper_noun: Sheleph (שֶלֶף) [pronounced SHEH-lehf], which means a drawing forth [out]; transliterated Sheleph. Strong’s #8026 BDB #1025. Gen. 10:26
Sheleph (שֶלֶף) [pronounced SHEH-lehf] |
a drawing forth [out]; transliterated Sheleph |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8026 BDB #1025 |
368. Feminine_noun: shelôwshâh (שְלוֹשָה) [pronounced sheloh-SHAW], which means a three, a trio, a triad, a threesome. Identical to below except feminine. Strong’s #7969 BDB #1025. Gen. 6:10 7:13 9:19 18:2 29:2 30:35 40:10 42:17 Exodus 2:2 3:18 5:3 8:27 10:22 15:22 19:15 23:14 25:32 27:1 32:28 Deut. 16:16 17:6 Judges 1:20 1Sam. 1:24 2:21 9:20 10:3 13:2, (5), 17, 21 17:13, 14 20:20 24:1 25:2 26:2 30:12, 13 31:6 2Sam. 2:18 14:27 18:14 20:4 21:1 23:9, (18) 24:13 1Kings 4:32 5:16 6:36 7:4 1Chron. 11:11 Job 1:2–4 2:11
shelôwshâh (שְלוֹשָה) [pronounced shiloh-SHAW] |
a three, a trio, a triad, a threesome |
feminine numeral construct |
Strong’s #7969 BDB #1025 |
shelôshâh (שְלֹשָה) [pronounced shiloh-SHAW] |
a three, a trio, a triad, a threesome |
feminine numeral construct |
Strong’s #7969 BDB #1025 |
369. Masculine_noun: shâlôwsh (שָלֹש) [pronounced shaw-LOWSH], which means a three, a trio, a triad. Identical to above except masculine. Strong’s #7969 BDB #1025. Gen. 5:22 6:15 9:28 11:13 14:4 17:25 18:6 38:24 45:22 46:15 Exodus 6:18 7:7 21:11 23:14 Deut. 4:41 1Sam. 2:13 11:8 20:41 2Sam. 2:31 13:38 21:16 23:18 24:12 1Kings 5:16 7:1, 4 9:25 Job 1:2
shâlôsh (שָלֹש) [pronounced shaw-LOHSH] |
a three, a trio, a triad, a threesome |
numeral; masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7969 BDB #1025 |
370. Piel_verb: shâlash (שָלַש) [pronounced shaw-LAHSH], which means to do a third time, to divide into three parts, to do on the third day. Investigate the Pual more thoroughly. Strong’s #8027 BDB #1026. Gen. 15:9 1Sam. 20:19
shâlash (שָלַש) [pronounced shaw-LASH] |
to do a third time, to divide into three parts, to do on the third day |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8027 BDB #1026 |
shâlash (שָלַש) [pronounced shaw-LASH] |
threefold, of the third year |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8027 BDB #1026 |
371. Masculine/feminine adjective/ordinal numeral: shelishîym (ִיםשְלִש) [pronounced sheli-SHEEM], which means third. There are several forms of this ordinal; this is the feminine plural. Strong’s #7992 BDB #1026. Gen. 1:13 2:14 6:16 22:4 31:22 32:19 34:25 40:20 42:18 Exodus 19:1, 11 28:19 1Sam. 3:8 17:13 19:21 20:5, 12 30:1 2Sam. 1:2 3:3 18:2 23:18 1Kings 3:18 6:6, 8 1Chron. 12:9
shelîyshîy (שְלִישִי) [pronounced sheli-SHEE] |
third, a third part, a third time; chambers [of the third story] |
masculine/feminine adjective/ordinal numeral with the definite article |
Strong’s #7992 BDB #1026 |
shelishîym (ִיםשְלִש) [pronounced sheli-SHEEM] |
third, a third part, a third time; chambers [of the third story] |
masculine/feminine adjective/ordinal numeral with the definite article |
Strong’s #7992 BDB #1026 |
372. Adverb: shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM], which means three days ago, the day before yesterday. Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026. Joshua 3:4 4:18 1Sam. 14:21
shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM] |
three days ago, the day before yesterday |
adverb |
Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026 |
373. Undeclinable noun: shelôwshîym (שְלוֹשִים) [pronounced shelow-SHEEM], which means thirty. Strong’s #7970 BDB #1026. Gen. 5:3, 5 6:15 11:12 18:30 25:17 32:15 41:46 46:15 47:9 Exodus 6:16, 18 12:40 21:32 26:8 Deut. 2:14 34:8 1Sam. 4:10 9:22 11:8 13:5 2Sam. 5:4 23:13, (18) 1Kings 2:11 4:22 5:13 6:2 7:2 1Chron. 11:11 12:4, 34 15:7
shelôwshîym (שְלוֹשִים) [pronounced shelow-SHEEM] |
thirty |
masculine plural numeral |
Strong’s #7970 BDB #1026 |
shelôshîym (שְלֹשִים) [pronounced shelow-SHEEM] |
thirty |
masculine plural numeral |
Strong’s #7970 BDB #1026 |
374. Masculine_noun1: shâlîysh (שָלִיש) [pronounced shaw-LEESH], which means a third part. Strong’s #7991 BDB #1026.
shâlîysh (שָלִיש) or shâlîsh (שָלִש) [pronounced shaw-LEESH] |
a third part; perhaps a third of an ephah |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7991 DB #1026 |
This is also spelled shâlôwsh (שָלוֹש) and shâlôsh (שָלֹש) [pronounced shaw-LOHSH]. |
There are 3 sets of meanings for this noun. |
375. Masculine_plural_noun2: shâlîysh (שָלִיש) [pronounced shaw-LEESH], which means three-stringed? Three-barred? Three-cornered? Perhaps the musical instrument the triangle. Strong’s #7991 BDB #1026. 1Sam. 18:6
shâlîysh (שָלִיש) or shâlîsh (שָלִש) [pronounced shaw-LEESH] |
three-stringed, three-stringed instrument: three-barred, three-cornered; perhaps the musical instrument the triangle |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7991 DB #1026 |
This is also spelled shâlôwsh (שָלוֹש) and shâlôsh (שָלֹש) [pronounced shaw-LOHSH]. |
There are 3 sets of meanings for this noun. |
376. Masculine noun3: which means an adjutant, an officer, a third man. Strong’s #7991 BDB #1026. Exodus 14:7 15:4 2Sam. 23:8 1Kings 9:22 1Chron. 11:11
shâlîysh (שָלִיש) or shâlîsh (שָלִש) [pronounced shaw-LEESH] |
an adjutant, an officer, a third man |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7991 DB #1026 |
shâlîyshîym (שָלִישִים) [pronounced shaw-leesh-EEM] or shâlîshîy (שָלִשִי) [pronounced shaw-leesh-EE] |
an noble rank of soldiers; 3 captains, 3 highly ranked officers; warriors in a chariot [possibly manned by 3 soldiers?] |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7991 DB #1026 |
This is also spelled shâlôwsh (שָלוֹש) and shâlôsh (שָלֹש) [pronounced shaw-LOHSH]. |
Although there are 3 sets of meanings for this noun, this seems to be its primary use. This word is very close to the words for 3, 30 and ⅓. |
377. Adjective: shillêsh (שִלֵּש) [pronounced shihl-LAYSH], which means pertaining to the third, a third [generation]. Strong’s #8029 BDB #1026. Gen. 50:23 Exodus 20:5 Deut. 5:9
shillêsh (שִלֵּש) [pronounced shill-LAYSH] |
pertaining to the third, a third [generation] |
masculine plural adjective |
Strong’s #8029 BDB #1026 |
378. Masculine_proper_noun: which means pertaining to the third; and is transliterated Shelesh. Strong's #8028 BDB #1026.
379. Proper_noun_location: Shâlishâh (הָש̣לָש) [pronounced shaw-lih-SHAW], which means the third, the third part; and is transliterated Shalishah. Strong's #8031 BDB #1027. 1Sam. 9:4
Shâlishâh (הָש̣לָש) [pronounced shaw-lih-SHAW] |
the third, the third part; and is transliterated Shalishah |
proper noun; location |
Strong's #8031 BDB #1027 |
380. Masculine_proper_noun: which means the third, the third part; and is transliterated Shileshah. Strong's #8030 BDB #1027.
381. Masculine_proper_noun: which means the third, the third part; and is transliterated . Strong's #7597 BDB #1027.
382. Adverb: shâm (שָם) [pronounced shawm], which means there, thither, whither. Shâm actually has three sets of meanings: ➊ it is a preposition of place and means there. When preceded by a relative pronoun, it means where. After verbs of motion, it means to what place, to or toward [a particular place or point]. ➋ Shâm is also used of time and can be rendered at that time, then. ➌ Finally, it is used to mean therein, in that thing. However, in poetry, it can point to a spot in which a scene is localized vividly in the imagination. [There’s more]. Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027. Gen. 2:8, 10 10:14 18:16, 22 3:23 10:14 11:2 12:8 13:3 19:20 20:1 21:17 22:2 23:13 24:5, 6 25:10 26:8, 17 27:9 28:2 29:1, 3 31:13, 46 32:13 33:19 35: 38:2 39:1, 11 40:3 41:12 42:2 43:25 44:14 45:11 46:3 48:7 49:31 50:5, 10 Exodus 8:22 10:26 12:13, 30 15:25, 27 16:33 17:3, 6 19:2 20:21, 33 24:12 25:22 26:33 29:42 30:6 Deut. 1:28, 38 3:21 4:5, 14 5:15 16:2 17:12 21:4 34:4, 5 Joshua 6:22 7:3 22:10 Judges 1:7, 11 17:7 18:10 20:22 1Sam. 1:3 3:3 4:4 5:11 9:10 10:5 14:11 17:49 19:3 20:6 21:6 (expanded meaning at this point) 22:1 23:22, 29 (24:1) 26:5 27:5 29:4 30:31 31:12 2Sam. 1:21 6:2 13:38 14:2 15:21 16:14 17:12 18:7 20:1 21:12 23:9 24:25 1Kings 1:14 2:3, 36 3:4 4:28 5:9 6:19 7:8 8:8, 21 9:3, 28 1Chron. 11:4 16:37 Job 1:21 3:17 Psalm 133:3 Prov. 8:27 9:18 Eccles. 1:5
shâm (שָם) [pronounced shawm] |
there; at that time, then; therein, in that thing |
adverb of place |
Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027 |
Shâm actually has three sets of meanings: ➊ it is a preposition of place and means there. When preceded by a relative pronoun, it means where. After verbs of motion, it means to what place, to or toward [a particular place or point]. ➋ Shâm is also used of time and can be rendered at that time, then. ➌ Finally, it is used to mean therein, in that thing. |
shâm (שָם) [pronounced shawm] |
there; at that time, then; therein, in that thing |
adverb with the directional hê |
Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027 |
This simply means there; hê acts almost like a demonstrative. Owens calls this a locational hê. |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשוּר) [pronounced ash-ER] |
that, which, when, who |
relative pronoun |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
shâm (שָם) [pronounced shawm] |
there; at that time, then; therein, in that thing |
adverb |
Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027 |
shâm (שָם) [pronounced shawm] |
there; at that time, then; therein, in that thing |
adverb with the directional hê |
Strong’s #8033 BDB #1027 |
This simply means there; hê acts almost like a demonstrative. Owens calls this a locational hê. |
The two words ʾăsher + shâm can be rendered where, in what place, to what place when found together in the same phrase. Sometimes, the addition of the verb to be might be appropriate to smooth out the phrasing. |
The combination ʾăsher + shâm, whether together or not, means where, in what place, to what place. Min + shâm mean from that thing, from whence, out of which; possibly, in which. |
383. Combination:
384. Masculine_noun: shêm (שֵם) [pronounced shame], which means name, reputation, character. Strong’s #8034 BDB #1027. Gen. 2:11 3:20 4:17 5:2 6:4 10:25 11:4 12:2 13:4 16:1 17:4 19:22 21:3 22:14 24:29 25:1, 13 26:18 27:36 28:19 29:16, 32 30:6 31:48 32:2, 27 33:17 35:8 36:10, 40 38:1 41:45 46:8 48:6 (49:24) 50:11 Exodus 1:1 2:10 3:13 5:23 6:3, 16 9:16 15:3, 23 16:31 17:7 18:3 20:7 23:13 28:9, 21 31:2 33:12 Lev. 24:11 Deut. 3:14 5:11 16:2 21:5 22:14 Judges 1:10, 17 8:31 Ruth 4:11 1Sam. 1:1 8:2 12:21 14:4 17:4 18:30 20:42 21:7 22:20 24:21 25:3 2Sam. 3:7 12:24 13:1 14:7 16:5 17:25 18:18 20:1, 21 22:50 23:8, 18 1Kings 1:47 3:2 4:8, 31 5:3 7:21 8:16 9:3 1Chron. 6:65 12:30 16:2 Job 1:1, 21 Psalm 7:17 23:3 29:2 34:4 41:5 52:9 54:1 61:5 63:4 83:18 99:3 103:1 106:8 118:10 142:7 Prov. 10:7 Isa. 7:14
shêm (שֵם) [pronounced shame] |
name, reputation, character; fame, glory; celebrated; renown; possibly memorial, monument |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8034 BDB #1027 |
385. Combo: 2Sam. 20:1
we (or ve) (וְ or וּ) [pronounced weh] |
and, even, then; namely; when; since, that; though; as well as |
simple wâw conjunction |
No Strong’s # BDB #251 |
shêm (שֵם) [pronounced shame] |
name, reputation, character; fame, glory; celebrated; renown; possibly memorial, monument |
masculine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8034 BDB #1027 |
These two words can be reasonably translated whose name is, and whose name is. The verb to be is implied. |
386. Masculine_proper_noun: Shêm (שֵם) [pronounced shame], which means name, reputation, character; and is transliterated Shem. Strong’s #8035 BDB #1028. Gen. 5:32 6:10 7:13 9:18 10:1 11:10
Shêm (שֵם) [pronounced shame] |
name, reputation, character; and is transliterated Shem |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8035 BDB #1028 |
387. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemeʾêbêr (שֶמְאֵבֵר) [pronounced shem-AY-ber], which means lofty flight; transliterated Shemeber. Strong’s #8038 BDB #1028. Gen. 14:2
Shemeʾêbêr (שֶמְאֵבֵר) [pronounced shem-AY-ber] |
lofty flight; transliterated Shemeber |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8038 BDB #1028 |
388. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemûwʾêl (שְמוּאֵל) [pronounced she-moo-ALE], which most say means his name is El [God] or the name of El [God]. Wrong! It is transliterated Samuel. McGee correctly says it means heard of God, which makes more sense, and is a reasonable interpretation of the Hebrew, as to hear has the sîym mem base. Strong’s #8050 BDB #1028. 1Sam. 1:20 3:1 12:11 13:8 15:1 16:1 19:18, 20 25:1 28:3 1Chron. 6:26 11:3 Psalm 99:6
Shemûwʾêl (שְמוּאֵל) [pronounced she-moo-ALE] |
which means heard of El [God]; it is transliterated Samuel |
proper masculine noun |
Strong’s #8050 BDB #1028 |
389. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8061 BDB #1029.
390. Adjective gentilic: Strong’s #8062 BDB #1029.
391. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemîyrâmôwth (שְמִירָמוֹת) [pronounced shem-ee-raw-MOHTH], which means a name of heights; transliterated Shemiramoth. Strong’s #8070 BDB #1029. 1Chron. 15:18 16:5
Shemîyrâmôwth (שְמִירָמוֹת) [pronounced shem-ee-raw-MOHTH] |
a name of heights; transliterated Shemiramoth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8070 BDB #1029 |
Also spelled Shemârîymôwth (שְמָרִימוֹת) [pronounced shem-aw-ree-MOHTH]. |
392. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8039 BDB #1029.
393. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8043 BDB #1029.
394. Masculine_proper_noun: Shamgar (ר-מ-ש) [pronounced shahme-GAHR], which means sword; transliterated Shamgar. Strong’s #8044 BDB #1029. Judges 3:31
Shamgar (ר-מ-ש) [pronounced shahme-GAHR] |
sword; transliterated Shamgar |
masculine singular, proper noun |
Strong’s #8044 BDB #1029 |
395. Verb: shâmad (שָמַד) [pronounced shaw-MAHD] means to be exterminated, to be destroyed in the Niphal; to destroy, to lay waste, to annihilate, to exterminate in the Hiphil. This word is found only in the Niphal or the Hiphil, so a causal relationship may or may not exist. Strong's #8045 BDB #1029. Gen. 34:30 Deut. 1:27 2:12 4:3, 26 7:23 Joshua 7:12 11:14, 20 23:15 Judges 21:16 1Sam. 24:21 2Sam. 14:7, 11 21:5 22:38 1Chron. 5:25 Psalm 106:23 Zech. 12:9
shâmad (שָמַד) [pronounced shaw-MAHD] |
to destroy, to lay waste, to annihilate, to exterminate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect, with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong's #8045 BDB #1029 |
shâmad (שָמַד) [pronounced shaw-MAHD] |
to be laid waste to, to be annihilated [destroyed, devastated, exterminated] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8045 BDB #1029 |
396. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8106 BDB #1029.
397. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8126 BDB #1029.
398. Adjective gentilic: Strong’s #8126 BDB #1029.
399. Masculine_noun: shâmayîm (ם̣י ַמ ָש) [pronounced shaw-MAH-yim], which means heavens, skies. This verb is found only in the plural (according to BDB and Gesenius; The New Englishman’s Concordance says the dual), and is written The unused singular is shâmay (י ַמ ָש) [pronounced shaw-MAH]. When preceded by the letter hê (ה), it means toward heaven or towards the heavens. Strong’s #8064 BDB #1029. Gen. 1:1 2:1 6:7 7:3 8:2 9:2 11:4 14:19 19:24 21:17 22:11 24:3 26:4 27:28 28:12 49:25 Exodus 9:8, 22 10:21 16:4 17:14 20:4 24:10 31:17 32:13 Deut. 1:10 2:25 3:24 4:11, 19 5:8 17:3 Joshua 8:20 Judges 5:4 1Sam. 2:10 17:44 18:9 2Sam. 21:10 22:8 1Kings 8:22 Job 1:16 2:12 Psalm 2:4 8:3 57:3 96:4 103:11 Prov. 3:19 8:27 Eccles. 1:13 2:3
shâmayîm (שָמַיִם) [pronounced shaw-MAH-yim] |
heaven, heavens, skies; the visible heavens, as in as abode of the stars or as the visible universe, the sky, atmosphere, etc.; Heaven (as the abode of God) |
masculine dual noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8064 BDB #1029 |
When followed by the letter hê (ה), it means to heaven, heavenward, toward heaven or towards the heavens. |
400. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8049 BDB #1030.
401. Verb: shâmaţ (שָמַט) [pronounced shâ-MAHT], which means to release, to let [something] drop; to grant a release, a letting drop of exaction; to cast, to throw down; to fall, to let lie; to desist from anything and it is found only in this chapter (vv. 1, 2, 9) and in Deut. 31:10.* V. 2 will explain what it means, meaning that this is possibly a coined word. It is taken from a verb which will be found twice in this chapter, and a handful of times throughout the rest of the Old Testament. Strong’s #8059 BDB #1030. Shâmâţ (ט ָמ ָש) [pronounced shaw-MAWT] means granting this release; letting something drop. Strong’s #8058 BDB #1030. The Doctrine of Shâmaţ Exodus 23:11 Deut. 15:1 2Sam. 6:6 1Chron. 13:9
shâmaţ (שָמַט) [pronounced shâ-MAHT] |
to release, to let go [drop]; to throw down; figuratively to let rest, to remit [a debt]; to [temporarily] abandon, to forgo, to relinquish [use, ownership, an obligation] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8058 BDB #1030 |
shâmaţ (שָמַט) [pronounced shâ-MAHT] |
to cause to let drop, to let drop, to release; to remit |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8058 BDB #1030 |
shâmaţ (שָמַט) [pronounced shâ-MAHT] |
to be made to fall down; to be thrown [cast] down |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8058 BDB #1030 |
402. Feminine_noun: shemiţâh (הָט.מש) [pronounced she-mih-TAW], which means a letting drop; remittance [or, release] [from a debt]; a suspension [from work]; dropping [of something]; a throwing down [of something]. Found only in Deut. 15:1-2 31:9-10. Strong’s #8059 BDB #1030. Doctrine of Shâmaţ
403. Verb: shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM], which means to be desolate, deserted; to be appalled, awestruck. These meanings are not confined to particular stems, but can be found in all stems. Shâmêm (ם ̤מ ָש) [pronounced shaw--MAME] also means to devastate, to be devastated, to stupefy (usually used in the passive sense). All the definitions below are from BDB; Gesenius was not consulted. Strong's #8074 BDB #1030. Lev. 26:32, 43 Num. 21:30 1Sam. 5:6 2Sam. 13:20 1Kings 9:8 Job 16:7 17:6 18:20 21:5
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to be desolate, deserted; to be appalled, awestruck, astonished |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
desolate, deserted, made desolate; laid waste [to]; appalled, awestruck; deflowered |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to be desolate, deserted; to be made desolate; to be appalled |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to be stunned; appalling, causing horror (as a participle); horror-causer, appalled (as a substantive) |
3rd person masculine singular, Polel imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to devastate, to ravage; to make desolate, deserted; to appal, to show horror |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to be desolated, deserted, to lay desolate |
3rd person masculine singular, Hophal imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
shâmêm (שָמֵם) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] |
to cause to be desolate; to be appalled, be astounded; to cause oneself desolation, cause oneself ruin |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpolel imperfect |
Strong's #8074 BDB #1030 |
404. Adjective: which means devastated. Strong’s #8076 BDB #1031.
405. Feminine_noun: shemâmâh/shimâmâh (שִמָמָה/שְמָמָה) [pronounced shem-aw-MAW/she-mahm-AW], which means, desolate, desolation; a devastation, a waste. Very similar spelling to below; don’t know if it is different or not. Strong’s #8077 BDB #1031. Exodus 23:29
shemâmâh/shimâmâh (שִמָמָה/שְמָמָה) [pronounced shem-aw-MAW/she-mahm-AW] |
desolate, desolation; a devastation, a waste |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8077 BDB #1031 |
406. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8037 BDB #1031.
407. Feminine_noun: shammâh (הָ ַש) [pronounced shahm-MAWH], which means waste, devastation, destruction; desolation; astonishment; horror. It is typically translated, in the KJV, astonishment, waste, desolation (2Chron. 29:8 Jer. 2:15 49:13). The related verb, shâmêm (ם ֵמ ָש) [pronounced shaw-MAIM] has two distinct meanings: to be desolate and to be appalled. These meanings are not confined to particular stems, but can be found in all stems. Strong's #8074 BDB #1030. This noun also has two similar meanings: waste, devastation or horror, appalment. The first is used when the thing described is land or a house (Isa. 5:9 Jer. 2:15 48:9 49:17); however, this would not make any sense when referring to a person(s) or to things (e.g., Jer. 5:30 51:37). Strong’s #8047 BDB #1031. Deut. 28:37 Joshua 8:28 Psalm 46:8 73:19
shammâh (הָ ַש) [pronounced shahm-MAWH] |
waste, devastation, destruction; desolation; astonishment; horror |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8047 BDB #1031 |
408. Masculine_proper_noun: Shammâh (שַמָּה) [pronounced shahm-MAW], which means waste, devastation, appalment and is transliterated Shammah. Strong’s #8048 BDB #1031. Gen. 36:13 1Sam. 16:9 17:13 23:11, 25 23:33
Shammâh (שַמָּה) [pronounced shahm-MAW] |
waste, devastation; astonishment, appalment and is transliterated Shammah |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #8048 BDB #1031 |
409. Masculine_proper_noun: Shammôwth (שַמּוֹת) [pronounced shahm-MOHTH], which means desolations, waste, appalling, devastation and is transliterated Shammoth. Strong’s #8054 BDB #1031. 1Chron. 11:27
Shammôwth (שַמּוֹת) [pronounced shahm-MOHTH] |
desolations, waste, appalling, devastation; astonishment; and is transliterated Shammoth |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8054 BDB #1031 |
410. Masculine_proper_noun: which means waste, appalment, devastation and is transliterated . Strong’s #8060 BDB #1031.
411. Masculine_noun: which means appalment, horror. Strong’s #8078 BDB #1031.
412. Feminine_noun: which means devastation, waste. Strong’s #4923 BDB #1031.
413. Verb: shâmên (ן ֵמ ָש) [pronounced shaw-MAIN] and it means to grow fat. It is a reference to Israel growing prosperous and arrogant. It is found twice in this verse: the first time with Yeshurun as the subject and the second time with the 2nd masculine singular subject. This verb is found in the Qal stem in Jer. 5:28 and in the Hiphil stem in Neh. 9:25 Isa. 6:10.* Strong’s #8080 BDB #1031. Deut. 32:15
414. Adjective: shâmên (שָמֵן) [pronounced shaw-MAYN], which means fat, stout, robust. Apparently, the ancient world and the time of King James had something in common when it came to describing that which was attractive. When someone was fat, that meant that they had prosperity enough to overeat. You will recall the paintings of the women from the 1500–1800’s (Rubens and Goya, among others)—they were voluptuous and well-rounded, and that, in the ancient world and into the 1800’s, was seen as attractive. Similarly, an animal about to be slaughtered who was large in bulk was considered to be a good thing (as it is today). Why slaughter some bony old thing with no meat? The adjective literally means fat; however, it connotes attractiveness, richness, desirability, abundance, opulence, plentiful, over-sufficient, ample, bountiful, fertile. Today, there is even the slang word phat, which actually means somewhat the same thing. Strong’s #8082 BDB #1032. Gen. 49:20 Judges 3:29 1Chron. 4:40
shâmên (שָמֵן) [pronounced shaw-MAYN] |
fat; fertile, plentiful, opulent, bountiful; stout, robust; well-fed |
masculine singular adjective used as a noun |
Strong’s #8082 BDB #1032 |
This word is used primarily to describe land as being fertile; however, the verb cognate means to be fat, to make fat. I don’t think that we can apply this to men to mean brave, ferocious or anything like that; but well–fed, stout, big. This is not an insult, not does this mean that these men are slow and weak (give what follows). Given how this word is used to describe the land (Num. 13:20 1Chron. 4:40 Neh. 9:25, 35 Ezek. 34:14), we must take this as a complimentary term. These are big men who had become prosperous on the backs of the Israelis. |
415. Masculine_noun: which means fat, fertile, place. Strong’s #4924 BDB #1032. [Why is this separate from Strong’s #4924 below? Why is this not spelled with an mem?]
416. Masculine_noun: shemen (שֶמֶן) [pronounced SHEH-men], which means fat, oil. Strong’s #8081 BDB #1032. [feminine noun in SOS 1:3] Gen. 28:18 35:14 Exodus 25:5 27:20 29:2, 7 30:24 31:11 1Sam. 10:1 16:1 2Sam. 1:21 14:2 1Kings 1:39 5:11 6:23 1Chron. 12:40 Psalm 23:5 55:21 133:2 Prov. 5:3
shemen (שֶמֶן) [pronounced SHEH-men] |
fat, fatness; oil, olive oil; spiced oil, ointment; oil as staple, medicament or unguent; for anointing; fat (of fruitful land, valleys) (metaphorically) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8081 BDB #1032 |
check Gesenius here |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8081 BDB #1032 |
417. Masculine_noun: which means desolate places. What is this doing here? Strong’s #820 BDB #1032.
418. Masculine_noun: misheman (מִשְמַן) [pronounced mishe-MAHN], a word which means fatness; however, we would see this word as meaning choicest. See Gen. 27:28, 39 Psalm 78:31 Isa. 10:16 17:4 Dan. 11:24*. Strong’s #4924 (& #8080) BDB #1032. Psalm 78:31
419. Masculine_noun: mashemân (מַשְמָן) [pronounced mashsh-MAWN], which means fat piece, fatness; olive oil, oil; a luscious tidbit; stout, vigorous; fertile [piece of ground]. Again, why is this separated from above? Strong’s #4924 BDB #1032. Gen. 27:28
mashemân (מַשְמָן) [pronounced mashsh-MAWN] |
fat piece, fatness; olive oil, oil; a luscious tidbit; choice, choicest; stout, vigorous; fertile [piece of ground]; fertility, richness; abundance |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4924 BDB #1032 |
This is identical to misheman (מִשְמַן) [pronounced mishe-MAHN]. Only the vowel points are different. Strong’s #4924 (& #8080) BDB #1032. |
420. Masculine_proper_noun: Mishemannâh (הָ-מש ̣מ) [pronounced mishe-mahn-NAW], which means fatness, fat piece; transliterated Mishmannah. Strong’s #4925 BDB #1032. 1Chron. 12:10*
Mishemannâh (הָ-מש ̣מ) [pronounced mishe-mahn-NAW] |
fatness, fat piece; transliterated Mishmannah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4925 BDB #1032 |
421. Feminine_numeral: shemônâh ( ׂשְמֹנָה) [pronounced shemoh-NAW], which means eight. Strong’s #8083 BDB #1032. Gen. 5:4, 7 14:14 17:12 21:4 22:23 Exodus 26:2 Deut. 2:14 Judges 3:8, 14 1Sam. 4:15 2Sam. 23:8 24:9 1Kings 7:10, 15 1Chron. 12:24, 31
shemônâh ( ׂשְמֹנָה) [pronounced shemoh-NAW] |
eight |
feminine singular numeral |
Strong’s #8083 BDB #1032 |
shemôneh ( ׂשְמֹנֶה) [pronounced shemoh-NEH] |
eight |
masculine singular numeral |
Strong’s #8083 BDB #1032 |
422. Adjective_numeral: shemîynîy (שְמִינִי) [pronounced she-mee-NEE], which means eight. Strong’s #8066–8067 BDB #1033. Exodus 22:30 1Kings 6:38 8:66 1Chron. 12:12 Psalm 12
shemîynîy (שְמִינִי) [pronounced she-mee-NEE] |
eight, eighth, eight key; 8th octave |
masculine singular adjective numeral; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8066 & #8067 BDB #1033 |
shemîynîyth (שְמִינִית) [pronounced she-mee-NEETH] |
eight; eighth key; octave; transliterated sheminith |
feminine singular adjective numeral; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8066 & #8067 BDB #1033 |
423. Adjective: 1Chron. 15:21
shemîynîyth (תי.ני.מש) [pronounced she-mee-TEETH] |
eight; eighth key; octave |
feminine singular adjective numeral; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8066 & #8067 BDB #1033 |
Translators either guess at the meaning here or they transliterated this sheminith. |
424. Indeclinable_plural_noun: shemônîym (שְמֹנִים) [pronounced she-moh-NEEM], which means eighty. Strong’s #8084 BDB #1033. Gen. 5:25 16:16 35:28 Exodus 7:7 Judges 3:30 1Sam. 22:18 2Sam. 19:32 1Kings 5:15 6:1 1Chron. 15:9
shemônîym (שְמֹנִים) [pronounced she-moh-NEEM] |
eighty |
indeclinable plural numeral; adjective |
Strong’s #8084 BDB #1033 |
425. Verb: shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ], which means to listen, listen intently, to listen and obey, to listen and act upon, to listen and give heed to, to hearken to, to be attentive to, listen and take heed to, listen and take note of, listen and be cognizant of. It is the simple word for listen and we find it used in that way throughout Scripture (Gen. 3:10 16:11 Psalm 6:8). However, it is also used in the sense of: to listen intently, to listen and obey, to listen and give heed to, to hearken to, to be attentive to, listen and take heed to, listen and take note of, listen and be cognizant of (Gen. 3:17 39:10 Exodus 3:18). It is by the context that we can determine whether it is the simple act of listening or the act of listening attentively to and obeying. Unfortunately, the very best single word for the latter meaning is the archaic hearken. When followed by the bêyth preposition, the bêyth can point to the object of the action; we might render the bêyth as to. In the Qal active participle, this would be listening, hearkening, hearing, a hearer, a listener, and a less than literal rendering might be a witness. In the Hiphil, it means to cause to hear, to let hear, to announce, to tell [anything] (the latter two is when this is followed by an accusative as it is here); or, to call, to summon. Strong's #8085 BDB #1033. Gen. 3:8, 17 11:6 14:14 16:2 17:20 18:10 21:6, 17 22:18 23:16 24:30 26:4 27:5, 6, 7 28:7 29:13 30:6 31:1 34:5 35:22 37:6, 17 39:10 41:15 42:2, 23 43:25 45:2, 16 49:2 Exodus 2:15 3:7 4:1 5:2 6:5 7:4 8:15 9:12 11:9 15:14, 26 15:7 18:1, 18 19:5 20:19 22:23 23:13, 21, 22 24:7 28:35 32:17, 18 33:1 Deut. 1:16 2:25 3:26 4:1, 6, 9, 10, 12, 32, 36 5:1, 27 17:4 20:3 21:18 30:2 32:1 34:9 Joshua 1:17 2:10 9:1 22:2 Judges 2:2, 17 5:3 6:10 11:10 13:9, 23 18:25 1Sam. 1:13 (1:20) 2:22 3:9 4:14 8:7, 8, 22 9:33 13:3 14:22 15:1, 4 16:2 17:11, 31 19:6 22:1 23:8, 10 24:9 25:4 26:19 28:18, 22 30:24 31:11 2Sam. 12:18 13:14 14:16 15:2 16:21 17:5, 9 18:5 19:2, 35 20:16, 17 22:7, 45 1Kings 1:11 2:42 3:9, 11 4:34 5:1 6:7 8:28 9:3 1Chron. (6:28) 15:16 16:5 Job 2:11 3:18 5:27 13:6, 13 16:2 21:2 Psalm 10:17 19:3 34:2, 11 51:8 54:2 55:17 59:7 61:1, 5 62:11 64:1 95:7 103:20 106:2, 25 Prov. 1:5, 8, 33 4:1 5:7, 13 7:24 8:6, 32, 34 Eccles. 1:8
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
to listen [intently], to hear, to listen and obey, [or, and act upon, give heed to, take note of], to hearken to, to be attentive to, to listen and be cognizant of |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
The BDB Qal meanings for shâmaʿ are 1a1) to hear (perceive by ear); 1a2) to hear of or concerning; 1a3) to hear (have power to hear); 1a4) to hear with attention or interest, listen to; 1a5) to understand (language); 1a6) to hear (of judicial cases); 1a7) to listen, give heed; 1a7a) to consent, agree; 1a7b) to grant request; 1a8) to listen to, yield to; 1a9) to obey, be obedient. |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
listen [intently], listen up, pay attention; hear [me, my words], listen and obey, [or, listen and act upon, give heed to, take note of], hearken to, be attentive to, listen and be cognizant of |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
hearing, listening; one who listens [hears]; one paying attention; to listening [and agreeing] |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
the hearer, the listener; the one being attentive to; to one taking cognizance of; hearing, listening; being attentive |
Qal active participle with the definite article |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
to cause to hear, to let hear; to announce, to tell; to call, to summon; to sing; to play [instruments] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
to cause to hear, to call, to summon |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
to be heard; to be regarded, to be cared for; to be heard and answered; to render obedience, to obey; to be understood |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
426. Combination: Gen. 21:11 22:18 Exodus 19:5
shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ] |
listen [intently], hear, listen and obey, [or, and act upon, give heed to, take note of], hearken to, be attentive to, listen and be cognizant of |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #8085 BDB #1033 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, at, by, near, on, with, before, against, by means of, among, within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
qôwl (קוֹל) [pronounced kohl] |
sound, voice, noise; loud noise, thundering |
masculine singular noun with the 2nd person feminine singular suffix |
Strong’s #6963 BDB #876 |
What is suggested here is, one is listening to what another is saying, and to obey him; or, do as he says. |
427. Masculine_noun: shêmaʿ (שֵמַע) [pronounced SHAY-mahģ], which means a report; a hearing; speech; fame; singing, music; a sound. I should examine this word in depth to eliminate some of the meanings. Strong’s #8088 BDB #1034. Gen. 29:13 Exodus 23:1 Deut. 2:25 Psalm 150:5
shêmaʿ (שֵמַע) [pronounced SHAY-mahģ] |
a report; a hearing; speech; fame; singing, music; a sound; news, tidings |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8088 BDB #1034 |
This word is derived from shâmaʿ (שָמַע) [pronounced shaw-MAHĢ], which means to listen, to hear; to listen and obey; to give heed to; to pay attention to. Strong’s #8085 BDB #1033. Gesenius lists this as one word, but with several meanings; BDB separates this into two words. |
428. Masculine_proper_noun: shemaʿ (ע-מ∵ש) [pronounced sheh-MAHĢ], which means to hear and is transliterated Shema. Strong’s #8087 BDB #1034. 1Chron. (8:21)
429. Masculine_noun: which means hearing, a report. See above. Strong’s #8088 BDB #1034.
430. Masculine_noun: shômaʿ (ע ַמֹש) [pronounced SHOW-mahģ], which means fame, reputation, report, news, tidings, notoriety. This is a very unusual word for Joshua to use for two reasons: (1) it is not found in the writings of Moses; and, (2) it is only found in three other places in Scripture (Joshua 9:9 Esther 9:4 Jer. 6:24*). It is very unusual for Joshua to use words which are not found all over. However, there is a very similar feminine noun and this has a very common verbal cognate, making it more likely that Joshua used this word. Since these men used this word, and since Joshua wrote the book of Joshua after it all took place, and since we find this word in Esther, my guess would be that it is a loan word. In any case, Joshua first heard the word here, liked it, and used it later in Joshua 6:24 (which he wrote later). (see Strong’s #8034 BDB #1027 for synonym). Strong’s #8089 BDB #1035. Joshua 6:27 9:9
431. Proper_noun_location: which means report, fame, reputation; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8090 BDB #1035.
432. Masculine_proper_noun: Shâmâʿ (שָמָע) [pronounced shaw-MAWĢ], which means obedient; report, fame, reputation; and is transliterated Shama. Strong’s #8091 BDB #1035. 1Chron. 11:44*
Shâmâʿ (שָמָע) [pronounced shaw-MAWĢ] |
obedient; report, fame, reputation; and is transliterated Shama |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8091 BDB #1035 |
433. Masculine_proper_noun: which means report, fame, reputation? and is transliterated Somea, Sama, Saman, Samau. Strong's #8092 BDB #1035.
434. Masculine_proper_noun: Shimeʿâh (שִמְעָה) [pronounced shihm-ĢAW], which means report, fame, reputation and is transliterated Shimeah. Strong’s #8092–8093 BDB #1035. 2Sam. 13:3 21:21
Shimeʿâh (שִמְעָה) [pronounced shim-ĢAW] |
report, fame, reputation and is transliterated Shimeah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8092 & #8093 BDB #1035 |
Hitchcock gives the alternate meanings that hears, or obeys; perdition. The alternate spelling for this proper noun is Shimeʿâʾ (שִמְעָא) [pronounced shim-ĢAW]. Strong’s #8092. |
435. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemâʿah (הָעָמש) [pronounced shem-aw-ĢAW], which means the rumor; and is transliterated Shemaah. Strong’s #8094 BDB #1035. 1Chron. 12:3*
Shemâʿah (הָעָמש) [pronounced shem-aw-ĢAW] |
the rumor; and is transliterated Shemaah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8094 BDB #1035 |
436. Feminine_proper_noun: which means whatever and is transliterated . Strong’s #8100 BDB #1035.
437. Gentilic_adjective: which means huh, and is transliterated . Strong’s #8101 BDB #1035.
438. Feminine_noun: shemûʿâh (שְמֻעָה) [pronounced sh-moo-ĢAW], which means message, tidings, a report; instruction, teaching, doctrine; rumor. Strong’s #8052 BDB #1035. 1Sam. 2:24 4:19 2Sam. 4:4 13:30 1Kings 2:28
shemûʿâh (שְמֻעָה) [pronounced sh-moo-ĢAW] |
message, tidings, a report; news; instruction, teaching, doctrine; rumor |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8052 BDB #1035 |
439. Masculine_proper_noun: Shammûwaʿ (-ע-ש) [pronounced shahm-MOO-ahģ], which means reknown and is transliterated Shammua. Strong’s #8051 BDB #1035. 2Sam. 5:14
Shammûwaʿ (-ע-ש) [pronounced shahm-MOO-ahģ] |
reknown and is transliterated Shammua |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8051 BDB #1035 |
440. Masculine_proper_noun: Shimeʿôwn (שִמְעוֹן) [pronounced shime-ĢOHN], which means hearing, one who hears and is transliterated Simeon. Strong’s #8095 BDB #1035. Gen. 29:33 34:25 35:23 42:24 43:23 46:10 48:5 49:5 Exodus 1:2 6:15 Judges 1:3 1Chron. 12:25
Shimeʿôwn (שִמְעוֹן) [pronounced shime-ĢOHN] |
hearing, one who hears and is transliterated Simeon |
masculine proper noun |
Strong’s #8095 BDB #1035 |
441. Gentilic_adjective: which means huh, and is transliterated . Strong’s #8099 BDB #1035.
442. Masculine_proper_noun: Shimeʿîy (שִמְעִי) [pronounced shime-ĢEE], which means hear me and is transliterated Shimei. Strong’s #8096 BDB #1035. Exodus 6:17 2Sam. 16:5 19:16 1Kings 1:8 2:8 4:18 1Chron. 8:21
Shimeʿîy (שִמְעִי) [pronounced shime-ĢEE] |
hear me and is transliterated Shimei |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8096 BDB #1035 |
443. Gentilic_adjective: which means huh, and is transliterated . Strong’s #8097 BDB #1035.
444. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemaʿeyâh (הָיע-מש) [pronounced she-mahģe-YAW], which means Yah has heard; heard by Jehovah; and is transliterated Shemaiah. Strong’s #8098 BDB #1035. 1Chron. 15:8
Shemaʿeyâh (הָיע-מש) [pronounced she-mahģe-YAW] |
Yah has heard; heard by Jehovah; and is transliterated Shemaiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8098 BDB #1035 |
This is also spelled: Shemaʿeyâhûw (הָיע-מש) [pronounced she-mahģe-YAW-hoo]. |
445. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishemâʿêʾl (יִשְמָעֵאל) [pronounced yish-maw-ĢALE], which means whom God hears; God is hearing and is transliterated Ishmael. Strong’s #3458 BDB #1035. Gen. 16:11, 15 17:18 (21:17) 25:9 28:9 36:3
Yishemâʿêʾl (יִשְמָעֵאל) [pronounced yish-maw-ĢALE] |
whom God hears; God is hearing and is transliterated Ishmael |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3458 BDB #1035 |
446. Gentilic_adjective: Yishemâʿêʾlîy (יִשְמָעֵאלִי) [pronounced yish-maw-ģay-LEE], which means God will hear, and is transliterated Ishmaelite, Ishmaelites, Ishmaeliy. Strong’s #3459 BDB #1035. Gen. 37:25 39:1
Yishemâʿêʾlîy (יִשְמָעֵאלִי) [pronounced yish-maw-ģay-LEE] |
God will hear, and is transliterated Ishmaelite, Ishmaelites, Ishmaeliy |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #3459 BDB #1035 |
Yishemâʿêʾlîym (יִשְמָעֵאלִים) [pronounced yish-maw-ģay-LEEM] |
God will hear, and is transliterated Ishmaelites, Ishmaeliy |
masculine plural, gentilic adjective |
Strong’s #3459 BDB #1035 |
447. Masculine_proper_noun: Yishemaʿerâh (יִשְמַעְרָה) [pronounced yishe-mahģe-RAW], which means Jehovah will hear; transliterated Ishmaiah. Strong’s #3460 BDB #1036. 1Chron. 12:4*
Yishemaʿerâh (יִשְמַעְרָה) [pronounced yishe-mahģe-RAW] |
Jehovah will hear; transliterated Ishmaiah |
Masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #3460 BDB #1036 |
448. Feminine_noun: which means a causing to hear. Ezek. 24:26.* Strong’s #2045 BDB #1036.
449. Masculine_noun: which means a thing heard. Isa. 11:3.* Strong’s #4926 BDB #1036.
450. Masculine_proper_noun: Mishemâʿ (מִשְמָע) [pronounced mish-MAWĢ], which means a hearing, a thing heard; obedience band and is transliterated Mishma. Strong’s #4927 BDB #1036. Gen. 25:14
Mishemâʿ (מִשְמָע) [pronounced mish-MAWĢ] |
a hearing, a thing heard; obedience band and is transliterated Mishma |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #4927 BDB #1036 |
451. Feminine_noun: mishemaʿath (מִשְמַעַת) [pronounced mishe-MAH-ģahth], which means guard, command, council, bodyguard, obedient band, a body of subjects. Strong’s #4928 BDB #1036. 1Sam. 22:14 2Sam. 23:23 1Chron. 11:25
mishemaʿath (מִשְמַעַת) [pronounced mishe-MAH-ģahth] |
guard, command, council, bodyguard, obedient band, a body of subjects |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #4928 BDB #1036 |
452. Masculine_noun: which means whisper, whisper of a word. What the ear of Eliphaz received was a whisper. What he received was less than an audible voice; but he clearly had some kind of religious experience. Gesenius gives this word’s meaning as a sound quickly uttered, a transient sound. This is only found again in Job 26:14. Strong’s #8102 BDB #1036. Job 4:12
453. Feminine_noun: shimtsâh (שִמְצָה) [pronounced shim-TSAW], which means scornful whispering (of hostile spectators); shame; whisper, derision. Strong’s #8103 BDB #1036. Exodus 32:25*
shimtsâh (שִמְצָה) [pronounced shim-TSAW] |
scornful whispering (of hostile spectators); shame; whisper, derision |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8103 BDB #1036 |
This word is only found here. Its masculine noun cognate means to whisper. |
454. Verb: shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR], which means, to keep, to guard, tp watch [over], to preserve. It is used for observing or keeping Yahweh's commandments in Exodus 15:26 Deut. 5:29 Psalm 119:55. It is used for observing certain days as required by Yahweh in Exodus 12:17 23:15. It means to know the law, the precepts, the Word of God, to observe it and to obey it and to guard it. This word occurs approximately 500 times in the Old Testament. Shâmar comes from a primitive root word which means to hedge about with thorns; although it is often translated keep, I believe that a better translation would be to guard, watch, preserve. In the Niphal—used far less than the Qal stem—it is translated in the Authorized Version take heed. Such a rendering has little or no meaning to us today, so I have translated this take responsibility. Although the Niphal is generally the passive stem, it is also used to stress the individual effect upon the group. The Niphal has several different meanings, depending upon sentence structure and context; here it would mean take heed, take care, be careful to. The Niphal also describes an action in progress, so the verb is accompanied by the word being; in this verse, due to the imperative, I used the addition of continue to. This is followed by the lâmed prefixed preposition and the 2nd masculine singular suffix. Instead of rendering this to you I inserted the word personal. Here, God has clearly set the limits in Job 2:6 that whatever Job is to endure, Satan will preserve Job’s life (although not necessarily the knowledge that he will continue living). This can also be rendered charge, something entrusted to someone (Num. 4:16). Here, in the Qal active participle, masculine plural, it is used as a noun to describe the ones keeping guard and it could be rendered those watching, those guarding. Strong's #8104 BDB #1036. Gen. 2:15 3:24 4:9 17:9 18:19 24:6 26:5 28:15 30:31 31:24, 29 37:11 41:35 Exodus 10:27 12:17 13:10 15:26 16:28 19:5, 12 20:6 21:29 22:7 23:13, 15, 21 31:13 Lev. 8:35 18:4 Deut. 2:4 4:2, 9, 15 5:1, 10, 12 7:11 8:11 16:1 17:10 24:8 Joshua 1:7, 8 6:18 22:2, 3, 5 24:17 Judges 1:24 2:22 7:19 13:4 1Sam. 1:12 9:24 13:13 17:20 19:2, 11 21:4 25:21 26:15 28:2 30:23 2Sam. 15:16 16:21 18:12 20:3, 10 22:22, 23, 44 23:5 1Kings 2:3 3:6 6:12 8:23, 24, 25 9:4, 6 1Chron. 10:13 12:29 Job 2:6 10:12, 14 13:27 14:16 23:11 Psalm 34:20 41:2 56:6 59 inscription, 9 89:28 99:7 103:18 106:3 146:6, 8 (9) Prov. 2:8 3:26 4:4, 6 5:2 6:22 7:1, 4 8:32 10:17
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
to keep, to guard, to protect, to watch, to preserve |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
All of the BDB Qal definitions: to keep, have charge of; to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life; watch, watchman (participle); to watch for, wait for; to watch, observe; to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory); to keep (within bounds), restrain; to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or covenant or commands), perform (vow); to keep, preserve, protect; to keep, reserve. |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
keep, guard, protect, watch, preserve |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
a keeper of, a guard of, a watcher of, a preserver of |
masculine singular construct, Qal active participle |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
keepers, those who guard, watchers, spies; the ones watching [guarding]; preservers |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
keeping, guarding, protecting, watching, preserving |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
kept, guarded, protected, watched, preserved |
Qal passive participle |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
to be kept, to be preserved; to be careful; to abstain oneself [from anything]; to beware [of anything]; to care [for something]; to take heed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
be kept, be preserved; be careful; abstain yourself [from anything]; beware [of anything]; care [for something]; take heed, give heed |
2nd person masculine singular, Niphal imperative |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
to keep, to pay heed to |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
shâmar (שָמַר) [pronounced shaw-MAR] |
to keep oneself from, to guard oneself from, to preserve oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #8104 BDB #1036 |
455. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated Shemer (?). Strong’s #8106 BDB #1037.
456. Feminine_noun: which means guard, watch. Psalm 141:3.* Strong’s #8108 BDB #1037.
457. Masculine_proper_noun: which means guard, watch and is transliterated Shimer (?). Strong’s #7763 BDB #1037.
458. Masculine_proper_noun: Shimerîy (שִמְרִי) [pronounced shihm-REE], which means vigilant, watchman; and is transliterated Shimri. Strong’s #8113 BDB #1037. 1Chron. 11:45
Shimerîy (שִמְרִי) [pronounced shim-REE] |
vigilant, watchman; and is transliterated Shimri |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8113 BDB #1037 |
459. Feminine_noun: which means eyelid. Psalm 77:5.* Strong’s #8109 BDB #1037.
460. Masculine_noun: shimmur (שִמֻּר) [pronounced shim-MOOR], which means a night watch, watching, vigil. Strong’s #8107 BDB #1037. Exodus 12:42
shimmur (שִמֻּר) [pronounced shim-MOOR] |
a night watch, watching, vigil; an observation |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8107 BDB #1037 |
461. Masculine_proper_noun: Shemareyâh (הָי ר-מש) [pronounced shem-ahre-YAW], which means Yah has kept [guarded or preserved]; transliterated Shemariah. Strong’s #8114 BDB #1037. 1Chron. 12:5
Shemareyâh (הָי ר-מש) [pronounced shem-ahre-YAW] |
Yah has kept [guarded or preserved]; transliterated Shemariah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8114 BDB #1037 |
462. Proper_noun_location: which means watching, guarding; and is transliterated Shimeron (?). Strong’s #8111 BDB #1037.
463. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated Samaritans. Only in the plural. Strong’s #8118 BDB #1038.
464. Proper_noun_location: Shimerôwn (שִמְרוֹן) [pronounced shihm-RONE], which means confinement, prison; watch; and is transliterated Shimron. Strong’s #8110 BDB #1038.
Shimerôwn (שִמְרוֹן) [pronounced shim-RONE] |
confinement, prison; watch, guard and is transliterated Shimron |
masculine singular proper noun/location |
Strong’s #8110 BDB #1038 |
465. Masculine_proper_noun: Shimerôwn (שִמְרוֹן) [pronounced shihm-RONE], which means watch, guard and is transliterated Shimron. Son of Issachar. Strong’s #8110 BDB #1038. Gen. 46:13
Shimerôwn (שִמְרוֹן) [pronounced shim-RONE] |
watch, guard and is transliterated Shimron |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8110 BDB #1038 |
466. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated Simrite. Strong’s #8117 BDB #1038.
467. Feminine_noun: ʾashemûwrâh (אשְמוּרָה) [pronounced ash-moo-RAW], which means watch, part of the night, division of time. Strong’s #821 BDB #1038. Exodus 14:25 1Sam. 11:11 Psalm 63:6
ʾashemûwrâh (אשְמוּרָה) [pronounced ash-moo-RAW] |
watch, part of the night, period of time; a division of time |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #821 BDB #1038 |
468. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . In Benjamin. Strong’s #3461 BDB #1038.
469. Masculine_noun: mishemâr (מִשְמֱר) [pronounced mihsh-MAWR], which means, place of confinement, prison, guard, jail, guard post, watch, observance, that which is observed, rite. Strong’s #4929 BDB #1038. Gen. 40:3 41:10 42:17 Prov. 4:23
mishemâr (מִשְמֱר) [pronounced mihsh-MAWR] |
place of confinement, prison, guard, jail, guard post, watch, observance, that which is observed, rite |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4929 BDB #1038 |
470. Feminine_noun: mishemereth (מִשְמֶרֶת) [pronounced mishe-MEH-reth], which means custody, guard, watch; a charge, a responsibility; a keeping; an observance; that which is observed [a rite, a law], a keeping at one’s side. It can refer to something which someone has been given charge of or responsibility for. It may be something simple which someone is simply responsible to take care of or to maintain or simply something to keep (Ex. 16:23). Sometimes it is something more ethereal, such as a responsibility (Habak. 2:1 Zech. 3:7). Sometimes it is translated as ordinance or something similar; however, the Law itself, as written form of doctrine, could be considered something that they were given the responsibility for; however, ordinances as a translation evades the meaning. In the feminine, it is a reference to that which is watched (a charge, a responsibility, a commission); however, since charge is so old-English, we will use the rendering supervision, direction, management would be relatively good renderings, except for the fact that mishemereth is often preceded by the possessive pronoun his. Better would be delegated authority and commission, holy orders, appointment, conferment, investiture [pronounced in-VES-ti-chur]. In the feminine, it can be a reference to that which is watched (a charge, a responsibility, a commission); in the masculine, it is a reference to those who are doing the watching (Gen. 40:3 41:10 Neh. 4:9). Strong's #4931 BDB #1038. Gen. 26:5 40:3, 4 Exodus 12:6 16:23, 32 Lev. 18:30 Deut. 11:1 Joshua 22:3 Judges 7:19 1Sam. 11:11 22:23 2Sam. 20:3 1Kings 2:3 1Chron. 12:29
mishemereth (מִשְמֶרֶת) [pronounced mishe-MEH-reth] |
custody, guard, watch; a charge, a responsibility; an obligation; a service; a keeping; an observance; that which is observed [a rite, a law] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #4931 BDB #1038 |
The complete meanings as given by BDB: guard, charge, function, obligation, service, watch; guard, watch, house of detention or confinement; keeping, preserving; charge, injunction; office, function (ceremonial). Some more updated translations might be: supervision, direction, management, delegated authority and commission, holy orders, appointment, conferment, investiture. In the feminine, it can be a reference to that which is watched (a charge, a responsibility, a commission); in the masculine, it is a reference to those who are doing the watching (Gen. 40:3 41:10 Neh. 4:9). |
mishemereth (מִשְמֶרֶת) [pronounced mishe-MEH-reth] |
custody, guard, watch; a charge, a responsibility; a keeping; an observance; that which is observed [a rite, a law], a keeping at one’s side |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #4931 BDB #1038 |
471. Verb2: which means to be tawny, to be dark in color. Strong’s #none BDB #1038.
472. Masculine_noun2: shemârîym (שְמָרִים) [pronounced shehm-aw-REEM], which means a fine aged wine; lees, dregs. Only in the plural. Strong’s #8105 BDB #1038.
473. Masculine_noun3: which means diamond. Strong’s #8106 BDB #1038.
474. Masculine_noun: which means thorns, adamant, flint. Strong’s #8068 BDB #1038.
475. Proper_noun_location: which means thorny, sharp, hard; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8069 BDB #1039.
476. Masculine_noun: which means . A Levite. Strong’s #8053&8068 BDB #1039.
477. Feminine_noun: shemesh (שֶמֶש) [pronounced SHEH-mehsh], which means sun. Strong’s #8121 BDB #1039. Gen. 15:12 19:23 28:11 32:31 37:9 Exodus 16:21 17:12 22:2, 26 Deut. 4:19, 41 16:6 17:3 Joshua 1:4 8:29 23:4 Judges 1:35 5:31 11:18 19:14 1Sam. 6:14 2Sam. 2:24 12:11 23:4 Psalm 89:36 148:3 Eccles. 1:3, 5 2:11
shemesh (שֶמֶש) [pronounced SHEH-mesh] |
sun; sunrise, sun-rising, east, sun-setting, west (of direction); openly, publically |
masculine or feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8121 BDB #1039 |
478. Proper_noun: Shîmeshôwn (ןש מ ̣ש) [pronounced shim-SHOHN], which we simply call Samson. Rotherham suggests that it means hero, although the word that it is closest to is the word for sun (Strong’s #8121 BDB #1039). This name is variously thought to mean distinguished hero, solar, like the sun. The NIV Study Bible suggests that this might even be a reference to the nearby town of Beth Shemesh (which means House of the sun-god). I doubt that, given the background information that we have concerning Manoah’s wife that she would have named Samson with any intention of indicating a relationship between him and any heathen god. Barnes suggests that this might have something to do with the verb to minister, relating Samson to his Nazirite vows; however, the word for minister only has one letter in common with Samson. In the Greek, the name is spelled Sampsôn (Σαμψών) [pronounced samp-SOHN] and our English transliteration is obviously closer to the Greek version. Strong’s #8123 BDB #1039. Judges 13:24 (1Sam. 12:11)
479. Masculine_proper_noun: which means . Strong’s #8125 BDB #1039.
480. Masculine_proper_noun: Shineʾâb (שִנְאָב) [pronounced shihn-AWBV], which means splendor of the father; transliterated Shinab. King of Admah Gen. 14:2.* Strong’s #8134 BDB #1039. Gen. 14:2
Shineʾâb (שִנְאָב) [pronounced shin-AWBV] |
splendor of the father; transliterated Shinab |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8134 BDB #1039 |
481. Masculine_proper_noun: which means . Uncle of Zerub Strong’s #8137 BDB #1039.
482. Masculine_noun: ʾeshenâb (אֶשְנָב) [pronounced ehshe-NAWBV], which means window lattice. Strong’s #822 BDB #1039. Judges 5:28* Prov. 7:6
ʾeshenâb (אֶשְנָב) [pronounced ehshe-NAWBV] |
window lattice, casement |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #822 BDB #1039 |
483. Verb: shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW], which means to change, to vary; to transfer to another place; to deform (in the Piel). The BDB adds that it can mean the withering of a face, naming this passage in particular. Strong’s #8138 BDB #1039. Gen. 41:32 1Sam. 21:13 26:8 2Sam. 20:10 Job 14:21 Psalm 34 inscription 89:34
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
to repeat, to do a second time; to be other, to be diverse; to be changed [particularly for the worst]; to change |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8138 BDB #1039 & #1040 |
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
changing, of changing opinion, those who change, changeable |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8138 BDB #1039 & #1040 |
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
to be repeated, to be changed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8138 BDB #1039 & #1040 |
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
to change, to alter, to vary; to transfer to another place; to deform |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8138 BDB #1039 & #1040 |
484. Feminine_noun: shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW], which means year. More specifically, this refers to the course of the sun over the period of a year and the change of the four seasons. Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040. Gen. 1:14 5:3, 14 6:3 7:6, 11 8:13 9:28 11:10, 13, 20 12:4 14:4 15:13 16:1, 16 17:1, 21 21:5 23:1 25:7, 17 26:12, 34 29:18 31:41 35:28 37:2 41:1, 26, 46 45:6 47:9, 28 50:22 Exodus 6:16 7:7 12:2 16:35 21:2 23:10, 14 29:38 30:10 Deut. 1:3 2:7 16:16 34:7 Judges 2:8 1Sam. 1:7 4:15 7:2, 16 13:1 29:3 2Sam. 1:20 2:10, 11 13:23, 38 14:28 15:7 19:32, 34 21:1 24:13 1Kings 2:11 4:7 6:1, 38 7:1 9:10, 25 Job 3:6 15:20 16:22 Psalm 61:6 95:10 Prov. 3:2 4:10 5:9 9:11 10:27
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
year |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040 |
shenâthayim (שְנָתַיִם) [pronounced shֶeh-naw-thah-yihm] |
two years |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040 |
shânîym (שָנִים) [pronounced shaw-NEEM] |
years |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040 |
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
year |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040 |
Shânâh repeated with the bêyth preposition in between indicates a circle or a return; the idea is, this means yearly, year by year. See Deut. 15:20 1Sam. 7:16. |
485. Combo: Prov. 3:2 4:10
shânîym (שָנִים) [pronounced shaw-NEEM] |
years |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8141 BDB #1040 |
chayyîym (חַיִּים) [pronounced khay-YEEM] |
life, lives, living, being alive, having life, immortality, a long life, sustenance, sustaining life; refreshment; being vigorous; prosperity, welfare, happiness, living prosperously |
masculine plural substantive |
Strong's #2416 BDB #313 |
Literally, this means years of lives or years of life. The concept is a life of happiness, a life of prosperity, a full life, a refreshing life. Whereas the phrase earlier refers to quantity of life, this one refers to quality of life. |
The NET Bible: Heb "length of days and years of life" (so NASB, NRSV). The idiom "length of days" refers to a prolonged life and "years of life" signifies a long time full of life, a life worth living (T. T. Perowne, Proverbs, 51). The term "life" refers to earthly felicity combined with spiritual blessedness (BDB 313 s.v. חַיִּים). |
486. Verb2: which means to shine, to be beautiful. Strong’s #none BDB #1040.
487. Masculine_noun: shânîy (שָנִי) [pronounced shaw-NEE], which means crimson, scarlet; scarlet clothing. Properly, the insect ‘coccus ilicis’, the dried body of the female yielding colouring matter from which is made the dye used for cloth to colour it scarlet or crimson. Strong’s #8144 BDB #1040. Gen. 38:28 Exodus 25:4 26:1 27:16 28:5 2Sam. 1:25
shânîy (שָנִי) [pronounced shaw-NEE] |
crimson, scarlet; scarlet clothing |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8144 BDB #1040 |
Properly, the insect ‘coccus ilicis’, the dried body of the female yielding colouring matter from which is made the dye used for cloth to colour it scarlet or crimson. This came from BDB. |
488. Verb3: shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW], which means to repeat, to do a second time, to do again; to be other, to be diverse; to be changed [usually for the worst]. Strong’s #8138 BDB #1040. Use above⇑
shânâh (שָנָה) [pronounced shaw-NAW] |
to repeat, to do a second time, to do again; to be other, to be diverse; to be changed [usually for the worst] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8138 BDB #1040 |
489. Dual Feminine_substantive: shetayîm (שְתַּיִם) [pronounced sheTAH-yim], which means simply two, two of, a pair of, a duo of. Here it means two things. With this is the masculine plural suffix, which, despite the fact that it is masculine, refers to Rachel and Leah. It means they two; although most render this as both or both of them. See below. Strong’s #147 BDB #1040. Gen. 1:16 2:25 4:19 6:18 7:2, 15 9:22 10:25 14:4 17:20 19:1, 15 21:27 22:3, 6 24:22 25:16, 23 27:9, 45 29:16 31:33, 37 32:7 33:1 34:25 35:22 40:2 41:50 42:13, 37 44:27 46:27 48:1, 13 49:28 Exodus 4:9 12:7 18:3 22:4, 9, 11 25:12, 18 26:19 27:7 28:7 29:1, 3, 13, 38 30:4 31:18 32:15 Deut. 1:23 3:8 4:13 5:22 17:6 21:15, 17 22:23 Ruth 4:11 Judges 3:16 1Sam. 1:2 2:21 3:11 5:4 6:7 10:4 13:1 18:21 27:3 30:4 2Sam. 2:10 4:2 8:2 10:6 13:6 15:27 17:1, 18 18:24 21:8 23:20 1Kings 2:5 3:16, 18 4:7, 26 5:12 6:23 7:15 8:9, 63 9:10 Job 13:20 Psalm 62:11
shenayîm (שְנַיִם) [pronounced shen-AH-yim] |
two, a pair; a second [time]; again; a repetition, a repeating; cognate of a verb which means to repeat |
dual numeral substantive |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shenêym (שְנֵים) [pronounced she-NĀM] |
two, two of, a pair of, a duo of; both of |
dual numeral construct |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shenêy (שְנֵי) [pronounced shen-Ā] |
two, two of, a pair of, a duo of; both of |
dual numeral construct |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shetayim (שְתַּיִם) [pronounced shet-TAH-yim] |
two, a second [time]; again; a repetition, a repeating; cognate of a verb which means to repeat |
feminine numeral substantive |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
The reason that this particular substantive seems to be a problem for so many translators is that it is generally found as a construct, so that meaning is well-established. However, this noun is a cognate of the verb to repeat which therefore yields a simple and reasonable substantive meaning. |
shetayim (שְתַּיִם) [pronounced shet-TAH-yim] |
two, two of, a pair of, a duo of |
feminine numeral construct |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
Spelled here shettêy (שְתֵּי) [pronounced sheht-TAY]. |
490. Masculine_noun: shenayim (ם̣י-נ ש) [pronounced sheNAH-yim], which means two of, a pair of, a duo of. Identical to above, except masculine gender. See above. Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040. Exodus 2:13 15:27 22:9 24:4 1Sam. 1:3 2:34 3:11 4:4 9:26 11:11 14:11 20:11 23:18 25:18 28:8 2Sam. 1:1 17:1 1Kings 5:12, 14 1Chron. 12:28
shenayim (שְנַיִם) [pronounced sheNAH-yim] |
two (the cardinal number); both, double, twice; second; (the ordinal number); [and with other numbers]: both |
masculine plural numeral |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shenayim (שְנַיִם) [pronounced sheNAH-yim] |
two of, a pair of, both of, a duo of |
masculine plural numeral; construct form |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shenêyhem (שְנֵיהֶם) [pronounced sheh-NAY-hehm] |
two of them; both of them; they both; together |
masculine plural numeral with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
shenêym (שְנֵים) [pronounced she-NAME] |
two of, a pair of, both of, a duo of |
masculine plural numeral; construct form |
Strong’s #8147 BDB #1040 |
ʿâsâr (עָשָר) [pronounced ģaw-SAWR] |
ten; –teen [resulting in numbers 11–19] |
masculine/feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #6240 BDB #797 |
These two numerals together mean 12. |
491. Adjective_numeral_ordinal: shênîy (שֵנִי) [pronounced shey-NEE], which means second, the second. When only two items are named, it can be rendered [the] other. Strong’s #8145 BDB #1041. Gen. 1:8 2:13 4:19 6:16 7:11 8:14 22:15 30:7 32:19 41:5, 52 47:18 Exodus 1:15 2:13 16:1, 22 25:12, 32 26:4, 20 27:15 28:10 29:19, 39 Ruth 1:4 1Sam. 1:2 2:34 20:27 30:12 2Sam. 4:2 14:29 16:19 1Kings 6:1, 24, 34 7:15, 16 9:2 1Chron. 6:28 8:1 12:9
shênîy (שֵנִי) [pronounced shay-NEE] |
second, the second; two, both, double, twice; secondly; in addition, again; another. When only two items are named, it can be rendered [the] other, following, next |
adjective singular numeral ordinal; masculine form |
Strong’s #8145 BDB #1041 |
shênîyth (שֵנִית) [pronounced shay-NEETH] |
second, the second; two, both, double, twice; secondly; in addition, again; another. When only two items are named, it can be rendered [the] other, following, next |
adjective singular numeral ordinal; feminine form |
Strong’s #8145 BDB #1041 |
492. Masculine_noun: misheneh (מִשְנֶה) [pronounced mishe-NEH], which means double, copy, second. We found the same noun back in Exodus 16:22 when describing the amount of manna which was to be gathered on Friday in preparation for the Sabbath (Ex. 16:5, 22). This same word is used in Deut. 17:18 for writing a copy of the Mosaic Law. Strong’s #4932 BDB #1041. Gen. 41:43 43:12 Exodus 16:5, 22 Deut. 15:18 17:18 1Sam. 8:2 15:9 17:13 23:17 2Sam. 3:3 1Chron. 15:18 16:5
misheneh (מִשְנֶה) [pronounced mishe-NEH] |
double, copy, second, twice [as much] |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4932 BDB #1041 |
mishenîym (מִשְנִים) [pronounced mishe-NEEM] |
double, copy, second [rank, order, grouping] |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #4932 BDB #1041 |
493. Masculine_noun: shineʾân (ןָאנ.ש) [pronounced shihn-AWN], which means a repetition, a repeating, an iteration, a myriad. Strong’s #8136 BDB #1041. Psalm 68:17*
shineʾân (ןָאנ.ש) [pronounced shin-AWN] |
a repetition, a repeating, an iteration, a myriad |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8136 BDB #1041 |
This noun is found only here, and appears to come from the verb to repeat, to do again; to change, to alter. Strong’s #8138 BDB #1040. |
494. Verb: shânan ( ׂשָנַן) [pronounced shaw-NAHN], which means to whet, to sharpen. Strong’s #8150 BDB #1041. Psalm 64:3 73:21
shânan ( ׂשָנַן) [pronounced shaw-NAHN] |
to whet, to sharpen |
3rd person plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #8150 BDB #1041 |
shânan ( ׂשָנַן) [pronounced shaw-NAHN] |
to be sharpened [of a weapon] |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #8150 BDB #1041 |
shânan ( ׂשָנַן) [pronounced shaw-NAHN] |
to sharpen; to teach incisively |
3rd person plural, Piel perfect |
Strong’s #8150 BDB #1041 |
shânan ( ׂשָנַן) [pronounced shaw-NAHN] |
to be pierced [through]; to be wounded |
3rd person plural, Hithpolel perfect |
Strong’s #8150 BDB #1041 |
495. Feminine_noun: shên (שֵן) [pronounced shayn], which means tooth, a sharp rock. Strong’s #8127 BDB #1042. Gen. 49:12 Exodus 21:24 1Sam. 2:13 14:4, 5 Job 19:20 Psalm 57:4 Prov. 10:26
shên (שֵן) [pronounced shayn] |
tooth [of man, lex talionis, beast], a sharp pointed rock; tine (of fork); ivory [= tooth of an elephant] [as material, of commerce] |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #8127 BDB #1042 |
shinnayim (שִנַּיִם) [pronounced sheen-nah-yihm] |
teeth [two rows of teeth] |
feminine dual noun |
Strong’s #8127 BDB #1042 |
According to both BDB and Owen, the noun is masculine here in 1Sam. 14:5, but feminine in v. 4. I don’t see a dime’s worth of difference between them. They are spelled exactly the same. |
496. Feminine_proper_noun: Shên (ן̤ש) [pronounced shayn], which means tooth, sharp rock; and is transliterated Shen and is found only in 1Sam. 7:12.* Strong’s #8129 BDB #1042. 1Sam. 7:12*
Shên (ן̤ש) [pronounced shayn] |
tooth, sharp rock; and is transliterated Shen |
feminine proper noun |
Strong’s #8129 BDB #1042 |
497. Feminine_noun: shenîynâh (שְנִינָה) [pronounced she-nee-NAWH] and it means sharp (cutting) word, taunt, gibe; byword. What Jew has not heard derogatory terms in reference to his race? Strong’s #8148 BDB #1042. Deut. 28:37 1Kings 9:7
shenîynâh (שְנִינָה) [pronounced she-nee-NAWH] |
sharp (cutting) word, taunt, gibe; byword |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8148 BDB #1042 |
498. Masculine_plural_noun: which means ivory. Strong’s #8143 BDB #1042.
499. Verb: which means to gird up, to bind. Strong’s #8151 BDB #1042.
500. Proper_noun: Shineʿâr (שִנְעָר) [pronounced shine-GAWR], and means country of two rivers; land of Babylon; transliterated Shinar. Dan. 1:2, which identifies this with the place of exile makes that almost a certainty. Strong’s #8152 BDB #1042. Gen. 10:10 11:2 14:1 Joshua 7:21
Shineʿâr (שִנְעָר) [pronounced shine-GAWR] |
country of two rivers; land of Babylon; transliterated Shinar |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #8152 BDB #1042 |
501. Verb: shâçâh (ה ָס ָש) [pronounced shaw-SAW], which means to plunder, to spoil, to pillage, to loot during war. In the participle, it means looter, pillager, plunderer. Strong’s #8154 BDB #1042. Judges 2:14 1Sam. 14:48 23:1 Psalm 44:10
shâçâh (ה ָס ָש) [pronounced shaw-SAW] |
to plunder, to spoil, to pillage, to loot during war |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #8154 BDB #1042 |
shâçâh (ה ָס ָש) [pronounced shaw-SAW] |
plundering, spoiling, pillaging, looting during war |
Qal active participle with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8154 BDB #1042 |
502. Verb: shâçaç (שָסַס) [pronounced shaw-SAHS], which means to rob, to steal from; to spoil, to plunder. Strong’s #8155 BDB #1042. Psalm 89:41
shâçaç (שָסַס) [pronounced shaw-SAHS] |
to rob, to steal from; to spoil, to plunder |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #8155 BDB #1042 |
503. Feminine_noun: which means booty, plunder. Strong’s #4933 BDB #1042.
504. Verb: shâçaʿ (ע -סָש) [pronounced shaw-SAHĢ], which means to divide, to cleave, to tear apart, to tear in pieces. To tear in pieces, to tear apart is the Piel connotation. Strong’s #8156 BDB #1042. Judges 14:6 1Sam. 15:53 24:7
shâçaʿ (ע -סָש) [pronounced shaw-SAHĢ] |
to divide, to cleave, to tear apart, to tear in pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8156 BDB #1042 |
shâçaʿ (ע -סָש) [pronounced shaw-SAHĢ] |
to cleave; to divide, to tear apart, to tear in pieces; to tear apart [verbally] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8156 BDB #1042 |
505. Masculine_noun: which means cleft. Strong’s #8156 & #8157 BDB #1043.
506. Verb: shâçaph (ף-סָש) [pronounced shaw-SAHF], which means to hew in pieces. Strong’s #8158 BDB #1043. 1Sam. 15:33
shâçaph (ף-סָש) [pronounced shaw-SAHF], |
to hew in pieces |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8158 BDB #1043 |
507. Verb: shâʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced shaw-ĢAW], which means to gaze at [steadily, with interest]; however, when followed by the min preposition, it means to look away from, to turn the eyes from, to avert the eyes from anything (Job 7:19 14:6 22:4). Strong’s #8159 BDB #1043. Gen. 4:4 Exodus 5:9 2Sam. 22:42 Job 7:19 14:6
shâʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced shaw-ĢAW] |
to look, to look around [for help]; to gaze at [steadily, with interest]; to look at [with approval or interest], to regard; to behold |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8159 BDB #1043 |
Often, key in translating this word is the preposition which follows it. |
However, when followed by the min preposition, it means to look away from, to turn the eyes from, to avert the eyes from anything (Job 7:19 14:6 22:4) |
shâʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced shaw-ĢAW] |
to look, to look around [for help]; to gaze at [steadily, with interest]; to look at [with approval or interest] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8159 BDB #1043 |
The Hiphil with the min preposition means to look away from, to turn one’s eyes away from. |
shâʿâh (שָעָה) [pronounced shaw-ĢAW] |
to look about; to gaze about [in dismay]; to look upon [one another], to look around |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #8159 BDB #1043 |
508. Feminine_noun: which means a stamping [of hooves]. Strong’s #8161 BDB #1043.
509. Masculine_noun: shaʿaţenêz (שַעַטְנֶז) [pronounced shah-aht-NAZE], which means mixed stuff, fabric of mixed weave, a kind of cloth forbidden for garments; cloth made by weaving linen and wool together. Strong’s #8162 BDB #1043. Deut. 22:11
shaʿaţenêz (שַעַטְנֶז) [pronounced shah-aht-NAZE] |
mixed stuff, fabric of mixed weave, a kind of cloth forbidden for garments; cloth made by weaving linen and wool together |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8162 BDB #1043 |
510. Masculine_noun: which means hollow hand, handful. Strong’s #8168 BDB #1043.
511. Masculine_noun: which means hollow way. Strong’s #4934 BDB #1043.
512. Masculine_noun1: shûwʿâl (לָעש) [pronounced shoo-ĢAWL], which either means foxes or jackals or both. Strong’s #7776 BDB #1043. Judges 15:4 Psalm 63:10
shûwʿâl (לָעש) [pronounced shoo-ĢAWL] or shûʿâl (לָעֻש) [pronounced shoo-ĢAWL] |
foxes or jackals or both |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #7776 BDB #1043 |
BDB seems to think this refers to foxes in Neh. 3:25 and SOS 2:15 and that it refers to jackals in Judges 15:4 Psalm 63:11 Ezek. 13:4 Lam. 5:18. |
513. Proper_noun_locale2: Shûwʿâl (לָעש) [pronounced shoo-ĢAWL], which either means foxes or jackals or both; and is transliterated Shual. Also a proper noun for one in Asher. Strong’s #7777 BDB #1043. 1Sam. 13:17b
Shûwʿâl (לָעש) [pronounced shoo-ĢAWL] |
it means foxes or jackals; and is transliterated Shual |
proper noun locale |
Strong’s #7777 BDB #1043 |
514. Proper_noun_locale: Shaʿalebîym (םי.בל-ע -ש) [pronounced shah-ģahb-VEEM], which means a place of foxes; and is transliterated Shaalbim. Strong's #8169 BDB #1043. Judges 1:35 1Kings 4:9
Shaʿalebîym (שַעַלְבִים) [pronounced shah-ģahbl-BEEM] |
a place of foxes, fox holes; and is transliterated Shaalabbin, Shaalbim |
proper singular noun; locale |
Strong's #8169 BDB #1043 |
Also spelled shaʿălabbîyn (שַעֲלַבִּין) [pronounced shah-ģul-ahb-BEEN]. |
515. Gentilic_adjective: Shaʿalebônîy (שַעַלְבֹנִי) [pronounced shah-ģahl-boh-NEE], which means a haunt of foxes, and is transliterated Shaalbonite. Of previous. Strong's #8170 BDB #1043. 2Sam. 23:32 1Chron. 11:33
Shaʿalebônîy (שַעַלְבֹנִי) [pronounced shah-ģahl-boh-NEE] |
a haunt of foxes, and is transliterated Shaalbonite |
gentilic singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong's #8170 BDB #1043 |
516. Proper_noun_location: Shaʿelîym (םי.לע-ש) [pronounced shahģe-LEEM], which means foxes; and is transliterated Shaalim. Strong's #8171 BDB #1043. 1Sam. 9:4*
Shaʿelîym (םי.לע-ש) [pronounced shahģe-LEEM] |
foxes, fox holes; and is transliterated Shaalim |
Proper_noun/location |
Strong's #8171 BDB #1043 |
517. Verb: shâʿan (שָעַן) [pronounced shaw-ĢAHN], and it means to lean against, to support oneself against; it can be used figuratively for faith. This verb is only found in the Niphal. Strong’s #8172 BDB #1043. Gen. 18:4 Judges 16:26 2Sam. 1:6 Job 8:15 Prov. 3:5
shâʿan (שָעַן) [pronounced shaw-ĢAHN] |
to lean [rest] upon [against], to support oneself against; to trust in, to rely upon it can be used figuratively for faith or confidence in someone |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8172 BDB #1043 |
This verb is generally found with a preposition of some sort. |
518. Masculine_noun: misheʿên (מִשְעֵן) [pronounced mihsh-ĢAYN], which means support staff, support, staff. 2 different spellings. Strong’s #4937 BDB #1044. 2Sam. 22:19
misheʿên (מִשְעֵן) [pronounced mihsh-ĢAYN] |
support staff, support, staff |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4937 BDB #1044 |
This is also spelled misheʿân (מִשְעָן) [pronounced mihsh-ĢAWN]. |
519. Feminine_noun: misheʿeneth (ת∵נ∵עש ̣מ) [pronounced mishe-ĢEH-neth], which means staff; political support, support staff, support and staff. 2 spellings (Isa. 3:1 has the oddball spelling). Strong’s #4938 BDB #1044. Exodus 21:19 Psalm 23:4
misheʿeneth/misheʿenah (מִשְעֶנֶת/מִשְעֵנָה) [pronounced mishe-ĢEH-neth (nah)] |
staff; political support, support staff, support and staff |
feminine singular noun with a 2nd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #4938 BDB #1044 |
520. Verb: which means to be smeared over, to be blinded. Strong’s #8173 BDB #1044.
521. Verb: which means to sport, to take delight in, to delight. Strong’s #8173 BDB #1044.
522. Masculine_plural_noun: shaʿeshuʿîym (שַעְשֻעִים) [pronounced shahģ-shu-ĢEEM], which means delight, enjoyment; object of delight. Intensive. Strong’s #8191 BDB #1044. Prov. 8:30
shaʿeshuʿîym (שַעְשֻעִים) [pronounced shahģ-shu-ĢEEM] |
delight, enjoyment; object of delight |
masculine plural intensive noun |
Strong’s #8191 BDB #1044 |
523. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8174 BDB #1044.
524. Masculine_noun: shaʿar (שַעַר) [pronounced SHAH-ģahr], which means gate. Strong’s #8179 BDB #1044. Gen. 19:1 22:17 23:10 24:60 28:17 34:20 Exodus 20:10 27:16 32:25 Deut. 5:14 16:5 17:2 21:19 22:24 Judges 5:8 [Ruth 3:11—fix pronunciation] 1Sam. 4:18 9:18 17:52 21:13 2Sam. 3:27 15:2 18:4 19:8 23:15 1Kings 8:37 1Chron. 16:42 Psalm 24:7 118:19, 20 Prov. 1:21 8:3
shaʿar (שַעַר) [pronounced SHAH-ģahr] |
gate [control of city can be implied]; area inside front gate; entrance |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #8179 BDB #1044 |
shaʿar (שַעַר) [pronounced SHAH-ģahr] |
gates [control of city can be implied]; entrance [through the gates]; gates can be a metonym for cities |
masculine plural construct |
Strong’s #8179 BDB #1044 |
525. Masculine_noun: shôʿêr (שֹעֵר) [pronounced shoh-ĢAIR], which means gatekeeper, doorkeeper, porter. Strong’s #7778 BDB #1045. 2Sam. 18:26 1Chron. 15:18 16:38
shôʿêr (שֹעֵר) [pronounced shoh-ĢAIR] |
gatekeeper, doorkeeper, porter |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #7778 BDB #1045 |
Also spelled shôwʿêr (שוֹעֵר) [pronounced shoh-ĢAIR]. |
526. Masculine_proper_noun: which means gate? and is transliterated . Strong’s #8187 BDB #1045.
527. Proper_noun_location: shaʿărayim (ם̣י -ר ֲע -ש) [pronounced shah-ģuh-RAH-yim], which possibly means gate of the sea; and is transliterated Shaaraim. Strong’s #8189 BDB #1045. 1Sam. 17:52
shaʿărayim (ם̣י -ר ֲע -ש) [pronounced shah-ģuh-RAH-yim] |
gate of the sea; and is transliterated Shaaraim |
proper singular noun location |
Strong’s #8189 BDB #1045 |
528. Verb: shâʿar (שָעַר) [pronounced shaw-ĢAHR], which means to split open; to reason [out], to calculate, to reckon, to estimate. Strong’s #8176 BDB #1045. Doctrine of the Heart (Prov. 23:7)
529. Masculine_noun: shaʿar (שַעַר) [pronounced SHAH-ģahr], which means [unit of] measure, 100 measures; –fold. Strong’s #8180 BDB #1045. Gen. 26:12
shaʿar (שַעַר) [pronounced SHAH-ģahr] |
[unit of] measure, 100 measures; –fold |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8180 BDB #1045 |
530. Adjective: which means horrid, disgusting. Strong’s #8182 BDB #1045.
531. Feminine_noun: which means horror, horrible thing. Various spellings. Strong’s #8186 BDB #1045.
532. Masculine_noun: which means not sure. Personal masculine noun. Strong’s #8190 BDB #1045. Esther 2:14
533. Verb: which means to sweep bare. Strong’s #8192 BDB #1045.
534. Feminine_noun: shâphâh (שָפָה) [pronounced shaw-FAW], which means cheese [strained from whey]; cream. Dubious meaning or noun. Strong’s #8194 BDB #1045. 2Sam. 17:29*
shâphâh (שָפָה) [pronounced shaw-FAW] |
cheese [strained from whey]; cream; meaning uncertain; found only in this verse |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8194 BDB #1045 |
535. Masculine_noun1: sephîy ( which means bareness, smooth or bar [treeless] height. Strong’s #8205 BDB #1046.
536. Masculine_proper_noun: Shephôw (שְפוֹ) [pronounced shehf-OH], which means bold; transliterated Shepho, Shephi. Strong’s #8195 BDB #1046. Gen. 36:23
Shephôw (שְפוֹ) [pronounced shehf-OH] |
bold; transliterated Shepho, Shephi |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8195 BDB #1046 |
The alternate spelling of this word allows for the transliteration Shephi. |
537. Verb: which means to set [on a fire]. Strong’s #8239 BDB #1046.
538. Masculine_noun: ʾashepôth (תֹש-א) [pronounced ash-POHTH], which means dung-heap, refuse heap, shit pile. It does not mean ash-heap. Strong’s #830 BDB #1046. 1Sam. 2:8
ʾashepôth (תֹש-א) [pronounced ash-POHTH] |
dung-heap, refuse heap, shit pile |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #830 BDB #1046 |
539. Dual_masculine_noun: mishpâth (מִשְפָּת) [pronounced mishe-PAWTH], which means fire-places, ash-heaps; sheepfolds; saddlebags. Strong’s #4942 BDB #1046. Gen. 49:14 Judges 5:16
mishpâth (מִשְפָּת) [pronounced mishe-PATH] |
fire-places, ash-heaps; sheepfolds; saddlebags |
masculine dual noun |
Strong’s #4942 BDB #1046 |
This word found only here and in Gen. 49:14, both poetical portions of God’s Word. We are given several guesses as to what this means, including fire-places, sheepfolds, ash-heaps. However, I think the key to this word is its dual number and its use in Gen. 49:14: Issachar is a strong donkey, lying down between the [two whatever’s]. The NASB suggests saddlebags, which seems the most logical. Other renderings include sheepfolds (or, saddlebags) (NASB); pens (as in, sheep pens) and folds (Rotherham); saddlebags and campfires (NIV); and folds and boundaries (Young). My thinking is that the saddlebags are removed from the donkeys and used as sort of a makeshift pillow/bed in between which a person might lie for some comfort. |
This may be the noun found in Psalm 68:13 (see Strong’s #8240 BDB #1052 below). |
540. Verb: which means to pour out water, to shed blood. Strong’s #none BDB #1046.
541. Feminine_noun: shiphechâh (שִפְחָה) [pronounced shif-KHAW], which means maid, maid-servant. Strong’s #8198 BDB #1046. Gen. 12:16 16:1 20:14 24:35 25:12 29:24 30:4 32:5, 22 33:1 35:25 Exodus 11:5 1Sam. 1:18 8:16 25:27 28:21 2Sam. 14:6 17:17 Eccles. 2:7
shiphechâh (שִפְחָה) [pronounced shif-KHAW] |
maid, maid-servant, household servant, handmaid, female slave |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8198 BDB #1046 |
shephâchôwth (שְפָחֹות) [pronounced shef-awkh-OHTH] |
maidens, maid-servants, household servants, handmaids, female slaves |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8198 BDB #1046 |
542. Feminine_substantive: mishepâchâh (מִשְפָּחָה) [pronounced mish-paw-KHAWH], which means family, clan, sub-tribe, class (of people), species (of animals), or sort (of things). In Joshua 7:17, we might think of this as being a sub-tribe. Strong's #4940 BDB #1046. (?) Gen. 8:19 10:5, 18 12:3 24:38 28:14 36:40 Exodus 6:14 12:21 Joshua 6:23 7:17 Judges 1:25 9:1 Ruth 2:1 1Sam. 9:21 10:21 18:18 20:6 2Sam. 14:7 16:5 Psalm 96:7
mishepâchâh (מִשְפָּחָה) [pronounced mish-paw-KHAWH] |
family, clan, tribe, sub-tribe, class (of people), species [genus, kind] [of animals], or sort (of things) |
feminine singular construct |
Strong's #4940 BDB #1046 |
543. Verb: shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT], which means to judge, to govern. This is often found as
a masculine plural, Qal active participle, and it is written shôpheţîym (םי.ט פֹש) [pronounced showf-TEEM].
The Qal active participle is often used to refer to one’s occupation or activity in life; so the proper rendering
is those judging, judges, governors. These are political rulers who are not necessarily absolute rulers.
Shâphaţ is the most general term for a leader or ruler. Therefore, this could have just as easily have been
rendered governor and this book could have been called governors. We must look beyond our
understanding of someone who settles disputes and maintains justice in the land, to one who also liberates
or delivers. We first find this word applied to Jehovah God in Gen. 18:25. The Greek word used in the
Septuagint is κριται and the Latin word used in the Vulgate is liber judicum; in both instances, the emphasis
is upon justice, although the Hebrew allows for a wider application. The NIV uses the verb led. The Niphal
can (1) indicate that the verb is to be used in the passive sense (to be judged); however, the Niphal can also
(2) refer to an action in a state of progress or development; therefore we add in the word being. Finally, the
Niphal (3) can express adjectival ideas and, in plural forms, stress the individual effect upon each member
of the group. According to Gesenius, shâphaţ in the Niphal, means to litigate. According to BDB, in the
Niphal, shâphaţ means to enter into controversy, to plead. Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047. Gen. 19:9 The
Doctrine of the Responsibilities and Requirements of the Judges Gen. 16:5 18:25 31:53 Exodus 2:14
5:21 18:13 Deut. 1:16 16:18 17:9 21:2 Joshua 8:33 Judges Intro 2:16, 18 3:10 4:4 1Sam. 3:13 4:18
7:6, 15 8:1, 2, 20 12:7 24:11 2Sam. 7:11 15:4 18:19 1Kings 3:9 7:7 8:32 Job 9:24 12:7 21:22
Psalm 2:10 7:8 10:18 51:4 96:13 148:11 Prov. 8:16
shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT] |
to judge, to condemn, to punish; to defend [especially the poor and oppressed], to defend [one’s cause] and deliver him from his enemies; to rule, to govern |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 |
shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT] |
judging, governing; a judge, governor |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 |
shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT] |
the one judging [governing]; a judge, governor; one set up to temporarily guide and rule Israel |
masculine singular, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 |
shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT] |
those judging, the ones judging [governing]; judges, governors |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 |
James Rickard: “Judge” is the Qal Active Participle Verb of SHAPHAT, ש ָפַט , that means, “to judge, to rule, govern or decide.” Here we have both the ruler and the authority. The basic meaning of this verb in the Qal stem is “to make decisions” as a community leader, mainly in disputes between community members. Used as a noun it means “to act like a law-giver or judge or governor.” |
Rickard adds this bit of information: There was no separation of the judicial branch of government from the executive or legislative branch in the ancient Near East. Judging was a function of all kinds and levels of leadership, including the king. The Participle is used of judges in general, who could be various rulers or leaders, but especially those elders or officials who decided cases between God’s people. So this verb summarizes the functions of a ruler or leader as judge over others, Ex 2:14; 1 Sam 4:18; 2 Chron 1:10. |
shâphaţ (שָפַט) [pronounced shaw-FAHT] |
to be judged; to litigate, to contend; to enter into controversy [with], to plead [a case, or with] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8199 BDB #1047 |
544. Masculine_plural_noun: shephâţîym (שְפָטִים) [pronounced she-faw-TEEM], which is a masculine noun,
always in the plural, which means judgements, judicial decisions, judicial renderings, divine decisions based
upon God’s judicial requirements. This is a term which is used exclusively for judicial decisions and actions
which are made by God or in accordance with His will (Ex. 6:6 7:4 12:12 Num. 33:4 2Chron. 24:24
Prov. 19:29 Ezek. 5:10, 15 11:9 14:21 16:41 25:11 28:22, 26 30:14, 19*). Strong’s #8201 BDB #1048.
Doctrine of the Responsibilities and Requirements of the Judges Exodus 6:6 7:4 12:12 24:3
shephâţîym (שְפָטִים) [pronounced she-faw-TEEM] |
judgements, judicial decisions, judicial renderings, divine decisions based upon God’s judicial requirements; acts of judgment |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8201 BDB #1048 |
545. Masculine_noun: which means judgment, act of judgment. Strong’s #8196 BDB #1048.
546. Masculine_proper_noun: which means he has judged; transliterated . Strong’s #8202 BDB #1048.
547. Masculine_noun: mîshepâţ (מִשְפָּט) [pronounced mishe-PAWT], which means judgment, a verdict [rendered
by a judge], a judicial decision, a judicial sentence, a verdict, the judgement of the court; as well as the act
of deciding a case, the place where a judgement is rendered. It can also mean manner, custom, fashion.
It is a judgement or a verdict rendered by a judge (Ex. 21:31 Ezek. 44:24) (God can be the judge in
context). It can also mean the act of deciding a case (Deut. 1:17 Prov. 16:33), or the place where a
judgement is rendered (Deut. 25:1 1Kings 7:7). It can also refer to one’s legal right, or one’s privilege or
due (Deut. 18:3 21:17 Jer. 5:28) (I guess words which begin with m's are placed with the second letter?).
We might shortcut this in Job 19:7 with the translation justice; but the idea is that no proper judgment has
been rendered concerning Job and his situation. He is being treated as though he was convicted of
something, but there was never a trial and never a proper verdict handed down. Also, it can mean manner,
custom, fashion, kind, place. and this is very consistently translated judgement throughout the KJV, with
a several notable exceptions (Gen. 18:25 40:13 Exodus 15:25 21:9 26:30 Lev. 5:10 9:16 Num. 9:3, 14
15:16, 24); one of these notable exceptions being when this word is used as an attribute of God (Job 40:8
Isa. 30:18), in which case, this word should be rendered just, justice, right, rightness. Early on in the Old
Testament, this word is translated right, manner, ordinance, fashion, manner of law, ceremonies; however,
following the books of Moses, this is translated almost exclusively judgment. There is no evidence that this
word means judge as found in the NIV. Gesenius has the most organized way of dealing with this:
(1) judgement; (a) the act of judging; (b) the place of judgment; (c) a forensic cause, the setting forth of a
cause, to appeal a judgment; (d) the sentence of a judge; (e) the fault or crime one is judged for; (2) a right,
that which is just, lawful according to law; (a) a law, a statute; a body of laws; (b) that which is lawfully due
a person, a privilege, a legal privilege, the right of redemption, the right of primogeniture; (c) a manner, a
custom; (d) a fashion, a kind, a plan. None of these exactly hit the nail on the head; we might go with laws,
responsibilities and privileges in 1Sam. 10:25. The key to the choice of meaning here is the fact that Job
is not the one judging, but he is the one under judgment; therefore, to him, this word means appeal.
Strong's #4941 BDB #1048. more work needs to be done Maybe Ex?? The
Doctrine of the
Responsibilities and Requirements of the Judges The Doctrine of Fasting (Isa. 58:2) Gen. 18:19, 25 40:13
Exodus 15:25 21:1, 9 23:6 28:15 29:30 Num. 27:5 Deut. 1:17 4:1 5:1 16:18 17:8 18:3 21:17, 22 32:4
Joshua 6:15 Judges 4:5 13:12 18:7 1Sam. 2:13 8:3, 8, 9, 11 10:25 27:11 30:25 2Sam. 15:2 22:23
1Kings 2:3 3:11 4:28 6:12, 38 7:7 8:45, 58 1Chron. 6:32 15:13 16:12 Job 9:15 13:18 19:7 Psalm 7:6
10:5 19:9 33:5 89:14 99:4 103:6 105:5 106:3 147:20 Prov. 1:3 2:8 8:20
mîshepâţ (מִשְפָּט) [pronounced mishe-PAWT] |
judgement, justice, a verdict rendered by a judge, a judicial decision, a judicial sentence, a verdict, a judgement of the court |
masculine singular noun |
Strong's #4941 BDB #1048 |
Gesenius organizes the meanings as follows: (1) a judgement; including: (a) the act of judging; (b) the place of judgment; (c) a forensic cause, the setting forth of a cause, to appeal a judgment; (d) the sentence of a judge; (e) the fault or crime one is judged for; (2) a right, that which is just, lawful according to law; which set of meanings would include: (a) a law, a statute; a body of laws; (b) that which is lawfully due a person, a privilege, a legal privilege, the right of redemption, the right of primogeniture; (c) a manner, a custom; (d) a fashion, a kind, a plan. We could possibly add the meanings for the plural: laws, responsibilities, privileges. From the standpoint of the one under judgment, mîshepâţ could mean appeal. |
mîshepâţîym (מִשְפָּטִים) [pronounced mishe-paw-TEEM] |
laws; judgements; appeals; responsibilities; privileges; customs; justice; verdicts rendered by a judge, judicial decisions, judicial sentences |
masculine plural noun |
Strong's #4941 BDB #1048 |
548. Proper_masculine_noun: Shephaţeyâh (הָיט-פש) [pronounced shef-ahţe-YAW], which means Yah has judged, Yah has vindicated; transliterated Shephatiah. Strong’s #8203 BDB #1049. 2Sam. 3:4 1Chron. 12:5
Shephaţeyâh (הָיט-פש) [pronounced shef-ahţe-YAW] |
Yah is judge; Yah has judged, Yah has vindicated; transliterated Shephatiah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8203 BDB #1049 |
549. Masculine_proper_noun: which means judgment; transliterated . Strong’s #8204 BDB #1049.
550. Verb: shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe], which means to pour, to pour out, to shed. This is the word used for murder in Gen. 9:6a (“Whoever sheds a man’s blood, by man his blood will be shed.” Qal participle; Niphal imperfect; see also Lev. 17:4 2Kings 21:16 Joel 3:19); the word for the pouring of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28–29 Qal imperfect); and for the pouring out of God’s fury and wrath (Ezek. 36:18 Hosea 5:10 Zeph. 3:8). This is an interesting word because it helps us to differentiate between the perfect tense (when a man sheds another man’s blood, that is almost always in the perfect tense—Gen. 9:6 1Kings 2:31; occasionally, it is found in the infinitive—1Sam. 25:31 Ezek. 22:9, 21) and the imperfect tense, which is used for the capital punishment of the person who has shed innocent blood (Gen. 9:6) or is told not to shed innocent blood (i.e., no act has been committed yet; Jer. 7:6). Similarly, the difference between the Qal stem (the normal action of a verb) and the Niphal stem (the passive action of a verb) is also well-illustrated by this verb in Gen. 9:6. Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049. Gen. 9:6 37:22 Exodus 4:9 29:12 Deut. 21:7 1Sam. 1:15 7:6 25:31 2Sam. 20:10, 15 1Kings 2:31 Job 16:12b–13 Psalm 62:8 73:2 106:38 142:2 Prov. 1:16 6:17 Zech. 12:10
shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe] |
to pour, to pour out, to shed; to heap up [on a mound] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049 |
shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe] |
shedding, pouring, pouring out, a shedder [of blood], a murderer |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049 |
shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe] |
to be poured [out], to be shed; metaphorically for, to be profusely expended, to be poured out like blood or water |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049 |
shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe] |
to be poured [oiut], to be shed |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049 |
shâphake (שָפַ) [pronounced shaw-FAHKe] |
to be poured out; to pour out oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #8210 BDB #1049 |
551. Masculine_noun: which means a place of pouring. Lev. 4:12.* Strong’s #8211 BDB #1050.
552. Feminine_noun: which means male organ. Deut. 23:2.* Strong’s #8212 BDB #1050.
553. Verb: shâphêl (שָפֵל) [pronounced shaw-FAIL], which means to be depressed, to be or become low; to become low, to be abased. In the Hiphil, this means to depress, to [be] cast down, to be brought low, to be made low. Strong’s #8213 BDB #1050. 1Sam. 2:7 2Sam. 22:28, 48 Psalm 147:6
shâphêl (שָפֵל) [pronounced shaw-FAIL] |
to be depressed, to be or become low; to become low, to be abased |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8213 BDB #1050 |
shâphêl (שָפֵל) [pronounced shaw-FAIL] |
to depress, to [be] cast down, to be brought low, to be made low |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8213 BDB #1050 |
shâphêl (שָפֵל) [pronounced shaw-FAIL] |
depressing, casting [ed] down, bringing low, making low |
Hiphil participle |
Strong’s #8213 BDB #1050 |
554. Masculine_noun: shêphel (ל ∵פ ֵש) [pronounced SHAY-fel], which means a low state, a low condition. It is only found here and in Eccles. 10:6. Strong’s #8216 BDB #1050. Psalm 136:23
555. Feminine_noun: which means humiliation. Strong’s #8218 BDB #1050.
556. Adjective: shâphâl (לָפ ָש) [pronounced shaw-PHAWL], which means low (in height); humiliated, lowly, debased, modest. I believe that this word became a technical word for grace-oriented types. Strong’s #8217 BDB #1050. 2Sam. 6:22 Job 5:11
shâphâl (לָפ ָש) [pronounced shaw-PHAWL] |
low (in height); humiliated, lowly, debased, modest |
masculine singular adjective |
Strong’s #8217 BDB #1050 |
It is possible that this later became a technical word for grace-oriented types. |
557. Feminine_singular_noun: shephêlâh (שְפֵלָה) [pronounced she-fay-LAW], which means lowland, valley, plain; a strip of land west of the Judæan mountains; a strip of land near the coast of Carmel; transliterated Shephelah. The Scofield KJV transliterates that word here and in Deut. 1:7, considering it to describe a particular area, whereas the KJV gives it a cacophony of renderings (low country, low plain, plain, vale, valley). The NIV renders is as the western foothills. The Shephelah is often rendered valley, plain or lowland. It is bounded on the north by the Valley of Aijalon, on the west by the Maritime Plain, on the east by the Central Plateau, and on the south by Beersheba. It is characterized by low, rounded chalk hills divided by several broad valleys. Strong’s #8219 BDB #1050. Deut. 1:7 Joshua 9:1 15:33 Judges 1:9
shephêlâh (שְפֵלָה) [pronounced she-fay-LAW] |
lowland, valley, plain; a strip of land west of the Judæan mountains; a strip of land near the coast of Carmel; transliterated Shephelah |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8219 BDB #1050 |
558. Feminine_noun: which means sinking. Strong’s #8220 BDB #1050.
559. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8223 BDB #1050.
560. Proper_noun_location: which means nothing; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8221 BDB #1050.
561. Proper_noun_location: Siphemôwth (תמפ̣) [pronounced sihfe-MOHTH], which means nothing; and is transliterated Siphmoth. Strong’s #8224 BDB #1050. 1Sam. 30:28
Siphemôwth (תמפ̣) [pronounced sihfe-MOHTH] |
transliterated Siphmoth |
proper masculine noun; location |
Strong’s #8224 BDB #1050 |
I had originally thought that this is one of the very few words which is messed up in the Brown, Driver, Briggs Lexicon and that this word belongs on BDB #974. However, some of the Hebrew manuscripts read Shiphmoth. |
562. Gentilic_adjective: which means and which is transliterated . Strong’s #8225 BDB #1050.
563. Masculine_noun: which means rock-badger, hyrax. Strong’s #8227 BDB #1050.
564. Masculine_proper_noun: which means rock-badger, hyrax and is transliterated . Strong’s #8227 BDB #1051.
565. Masculine_proper_noun: which means and is transliterated . Strong’s #3473 BDB #1051.
566. Verb: which means to flow abundantly. Strong’s #none BDB #1051.
567. Masculine_noun: which means abundance. Deut. 33:19.* Strong’s #8228 BDB #1051.
568. Feminine_noun: which means abundance, quantity. Strong’s #8229 BDB #1051.
569. Masculine_proper_noun: which means abundance and is transliterated . Strong’s #8230 BDB #1051.
570. Masculine_noun: shephîyphôn (שְפִיפֹן) [pronounced shehf-ee-FONE], which means a horned snake; possibly an adder, a horned adder. Strong’s #8207 BDB #1051. Gen. 49:17
shephîyphôn (שְפִיפֹן) [pronounced shehf-ee-FONE] |
a horned snake; possibly an adder, a horned adder |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8207 BDB #1051 |
571. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8197 BDB #1051.
572. Gentilic_adjective: which is transliterated . Strong’s #7781 BDB #1051.
573. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8197 BDB #1051.
574. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Strong’s #8206 BDB #1051.
575. Verb: which means to be beautiful, to be fair, to be comely. Strong’s #8231 BDB #1051.
576. Masculine_noun: shepher (שֶפֶר) [pronounced SHEH-fehr], which means beauty, goodness, goodliness. Strong’s #8233 BDB #1051. Gen. 49:21*
shepher (שֶפֶר) [pronounced SHEH-fehr] |
beauty, goodness, goodliness |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8233 BDB #1051 |
577. Proper_noun_location: which means beauty, goodliness; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8234 BDB #1051.
578. Feminine_noun: which means fairness, cleanness. Strong’s #8235 BDB #1051.
579. Feminine_proper_noun: Shipherâh (שִפְרָה) [pronounced shihf-RAW], which means fairness, clearness and is transliterated Shiphrah. Strong’s #8236 BDB #1051. Exodus 1:15*
Shipherâh (שִפְרָה) [pronounced shihf-RAW] |
fair, fairness, clearness and is transliterated Shiphrah |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8236 BDB #1051 |
580. Proper_noun_location: which means nothing; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8208 BDB #1051.
581. Masculine_noun: shôwphâr (שוֹפָר) [pronounced shoh-FAWR], which means horn. Both the curved horn of a goat or ram; also the horn used for blowing into. Strong’s #7782 BDB #1051. Exodus 19:16 20:18 Judges 3:27 1Sam. 13:3 2Sam. 2:28 15:10 18:16 20:2 1Kings 1:34 1Chron. 15:28 Psalm 47:5 150:3
shôwphâr (שוֹפָר) (also שֹפָר) [pronounced shoh-FAWR] |
horn, trumpet; transliterated shophar |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #7782 BDB #1051 |
582. Masculine_noun: which means splendor, spread out, royal pavilion, canopy or carpet. The meaning is doubtful. Strong’s #8237 BDB #1051.
583. Masculine_noun: shephathâyim (ם.יָת-פש) [pronounced sheh-phah-thaw-YIHM], which means stalls, folds; hook-shaped pegs, hooks. Doubtful word. Strong’s #8240 BDB #1052. Psalm 68:13
shephathâyim (ם.יָת-פש) [pronounced sheh-phah-thaw-YIHM] |
stalls, folds; hook-shaped pegs, hooks |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8240 BDB #1052 |
We don’t really have any idea what this word means. Its verbal cognate means to place, to put; to give. The noun is found in only one other place: Ezek. 40:43 (this is a small portion of his vision of the Millennial Temple): And the double hooks, one span, were fastened in the house all around; and on the tables was the flesh of the offering. |
So, what we know is: (1) there are two of them; (2) they may have the meaning that which is placed, that which is put [wherever]; and (3) it is conceivable that someone could lie down between them. |
Gesenius lists this as a masculine noun and Owen as a feminine noun. |
BDB suggests that we have the wrong word here in Psalm 68:13, and that this should be Strong’s #4942 BDB #1046, a masculine dual noun which means fire-places, ash heaps, sheepfolds. |
584. Verb: shâqad (שָקַד) [pronounced shaw-KAHD], which means to be sleepless; to watch; to guard; to wake, to be awake; to be alert; to lie in wait for. Strong’s #8245 BDB #1052. Job 21:32 Prov. 8:34
shâqad (שָקַד) [pronounced shaw-KAHD] |
to be sleepless; to watch; to guard; to wake, to be awake; to be alert; to lie in wait for |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8245 BDB #1052 |
585. Masculine_noun: shâqêd (שָקֵד) [pronounced shaw-KADE], which means almond; almond tree. Strong’s #8247 BDB #1052. Gen. 43:11
shâqêd (שָקֵד) [pronounced shaw-KADE] |
almond; almond tree |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8247 BDB #1052 |
sheqîdîym (שְקִדִים) [pronounced sheh-kihd-EEM] |
almonds; almond trees |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8247 BDB #1052 |
586. Verb: shâqad (שָקַד) [pronounced shaw-KAHD], which means to be almond shaped; made/shaped like almonds; cups shaped like almond blossoms. Huh? Strong’s #8246 BDB #1052. Exodus 25:33–34
shâqad (שָקַד) [pronounced shaw-KAHD] |
to be almond shaped; made/shaped like almonds; cups shaped like almond blossoms |
masculine plural, Pual participle |
Strong’s #8246 BDB #1052 |
587. Verb: shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW], which means to water, to irrigate in the Qal; to give drink to, to furnish drink, to cause to drink; to water [cattle, land]; to irrigate [land]. Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052. Gen. 2:6, 10 19:32 21:19 24:14, 43 29:2, 3, 7 Exodus 2:16, 17 32:20 Judges 4:19 21:24 1Sam. 30:11 2Sam. 23:15 Psalm 60:3 104:11 Eccles. 2:6
shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW] |
to water, to irrigate |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052 |
I am not sure if the Qal is even used. |
shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW] |
to give drink to, to furnish drink, to cause to drink, to make drink; to water [cattle, land]; to irrigate [land] |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052 |
shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW] |
give drink to, furnish drink, cause to drink, make drink; water [cattle, land]; irrigate [land] |
2nd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperative |
Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052 |
shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW] |
to be watered, to be given a drink; to be irrigated |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052 |
shâqâh (שָקָה) [pronounced shaw-KAW] |
to be watered, to be moistened; to be made fresh [or, vigorous] |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8248 BDB #1052 |
588. Masculine_noun: shiqqûwy (שִקּוּי) [pronounced shihk-KOO-ee], which means drink, refreshment; a moistening. Strong’s #8250 BDB #1052. Prov. 3:8
shiqqûwy (שִקּוּי) [pronounced shirk-KOO-ee] |
drink, refreshment; a moistening |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8250 BDB #1052 |
589. Feminine_noun: shôqeth (שֹקֶת) [pronounced SHOW-kehth], which means watering [drinking] trough. Strong’s #8268 BDB #1052. Gen. 24:20 30:38
shôqeth (שֹקֶת) [pronounced SHOW-keith] |
watering [drinking] trough |
feminine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8268 BDB #1052 |
shiqăthôwth (שִקֲתוֹת) [pronounced shi-kuh-THOHTH] |
watering [drinking] troughs |
feminine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8268 BDB #1052 |
590. Masculine_noun: masheqeh (מַשְקֶה) [pronounced mahsh-KEH], which means irrigation, well-watered; drink; drinking vessels; butlership (office of butler); butler, cup-bearer. Strong’s #4945 BDB #1052. Gen. 13:10 40:1 41:9
masheqeh (מַשְקֶה) [pronounced mahsh-KEH] |
irrigation, well-watered; drink; drinking vessels; butlership (office of butler); butler, cup-bearer |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4945 BDB #1052 |
591. Verb: shâqaţ (שָקַט) [pronounced shaw-KAHT], which means to be quiet, to be undisturbed, to be inactive; to rest. The second verb, in the Qal imperfect, is a continued state: and I would continue to be quiet. It means to rest, to lie down, to have quiet. It is used of one who is never troubled, harassed, or infested by others, Judg. iii.11; v 31; viii 28; and of one who has no fear or dread, Ps. lxxvi 9. The meaning is, that he would not only have lain down, but would have been perfectly tranquil. In the participle, it would mean quiet. Strong’s #8252 BDB #1052. (See synonym Strong’s #5117 BDB #628). Joshua (23:1) Judges 5:31 8:28 (12:7) 18:7, 27 Ruth 3:18 Judges 3:11 1Chron. 4:40 Job 3:13, 26 Psalm 83:1
shâqaţ (שָקַט) [pronounced shaw-KAHT] |
to be quiet, to be undisturbed, to be inactive; to rest |
3rd person feminine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8252 BDB #1052 |
It means to rest, to lie down, to have quiet. It is used of one who is never troubled, harassed, or infested by others, Judges 3:11 5:31 8:28; and of one who has no fear or dread, Psalm lxxvi 9. The meaning is, that he would not only have lain down, but would have been perfectly tranquil. |
shâqaţ (טַקָש) [pronounced shaw-KAHT] |
quiet, resting, undisturbed |
Qal participle |
Strong’s #8252 BDB #1052 |
shâqaţ (טַקָש) [pronounced shaw-KAHT] |
to cause to be quiet; to make tranquil; to keep onself quiet; to show quietness; quietness, display of quietness; to quiet, be quiet; to cause quietness, to pacify, allay |
3rd person feminine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8252 BDB #1052 |
As a substantive, it can mean rest, quiet; unmoved. As an infinitive???? |
592. Masculine_noun: which means quietness. Strong’s #8253 BDB #1053.
593. Verb: shâqal (שָקַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL], which means to weigh [out]; to pay out; to grieve. Strong’s #8254 BDB #1053. Gen. 23:16 Exodus 22:17 2Sam. 14:26 18:12
shâqal (שָקַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
to weigh [out]; to pay out; to grieve |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8254 BDB #1053 |
shâqal (שָקַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
weighing [out]; paying out; a grieving |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8254 BDB #1053 |
shâqal (שָקַל) [pronounced shaw-KAHL] |
to be weighed [out] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8254 BDB #1053 |
594. Masculine_noun: sheqel (שֶקֶל) [pronounced SHEH-kehl], which means 0.4 ounces or 11 grams and is transliterated shekel. Given is cognates, this is likely a measure of weight. Strong’s #8255 BDB #1053. Gen. 23:15 Exodus 21:32 30:13 1Sam. 9:8 17:5 2Sam. 14:26 24:24
sheqel (שֶקֶל) [pronounced SHEH-kehl] |
0.4 ounces or 11 grams and is transliterated shekel |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8255 BDB #1053 |
595. Verb: is the Qal infinitive absolute of weigh. Strong’s #8254 BDB #1053. Job 6:2
596. Masculine_noun: which means heaviness, weight. Strong’s #4946 BDB #1054.
597. Masculine_noun: misheqâl (מִשְקָל) [pronounced mishe-KAWL], which means weight. Strong’s #4948 BDB #1054. Gen. 24:22 43:21 1Sam. 17:5 2Sam. 12:30 21:16 1Kings 7:47
misheqâl (מִשְקָל) [pronounced mishe-KAWL] |
weight, heaviness; the act of weighing |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #4948 BDB #1054 |
598. Feminine_noun: which means leveling instrument, level. Strong’s #4949 BDB #1054.
599. Feminine_noun: which means sycamore tree. Strong’s #8256 BDB #1054.
600. Verb: shâqaʿ (ע ַק ָש) [pronounced shaw-KAH] and it means to sink down, to drown although it is a relatively rare word in the Old Testament (Job 41:1 Jer. 51:64 Ezek. 32:15 Amos 8:8 9:5). Strong's #8257 BDB #1054. Num. 11:2
601. Masculine_noun: which means what has settled, what is clarified. Strong’s #4950 (& #8257) BDB #1054.
602. Verb: shâqaph (שָקַף) [pronounced shaw-KAHF], which means to look out and down, to overhang. Strong’s #8259 BDB #1054. Gen. 18:16 19:28 26:8 Exodus 14:24 Judges 5:28 1Sam. 13:18 2Sam. 6:16 24:20 Prov. 7:6
shâqaph (שָקַף) [pronounced shaw-KAHF] |
to look out [forth, down], to lean over and look; to overhang, to hang over |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8259 BDB #1054 |
This has a metaphorical sense, as in calamity impends from the north (Jer. 6:1). |
shâqaph (שָקַף) [pronounced shaw-KAHF] |
to look out [forth, down] [from a window], to look down upon |
3rd person masculine plural, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8259 BDB #1054 |
603. Masculine_noun: sheqeph (שֶקֶף) [pronounced SHEH-kehf], which means a [window] frame; framework, casing of doors, lintel. Strong’s #8260 BDB #1054. 1Kings 7:5
sheqeph (שֶקֶף) [pronounced SHEH-kehf] |
a [window] frame; framework, casing of doors, lintel |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8260 BDB #1054 |
604. Masculine_noun: shâquph (שָקֻף) [pronounced shaw-KOOF], which means [window] frame, casing of windows; beams laid over; an opening [with a beveled jam]. Strong’s #8261 BDB #1054. 1Kings 6:4 7:4
shâquph (שָקֻף) [pronounced shaw-KOOF] |
[window] frame, casing of windows; beams laid over; an opening [with a beveled jam] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8261 BDB #1054 |
605. Masculine_noun: masheqôwph (מַשְקוֹף) [pronounced mahsh-KOHF], which means, the lintel of a door, header of a door, overhead portion of the frame for a door. Strong’s #4947 BDB #1054. Exodus 12:7, 22
masheqôwph (מַשְקוֹף) [pronounced mahsh-KOHF] |
the lintel of a door, header of a door, overhead portion of the frame for a door |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4947 BDB #1054 |
606. Masculine_noun: shekets (ץ ∵ק ∵ש) [pronounced she-KETZ] and it is an abomination, a detestable thing. Both renders are perfectly good, although the latter for reasons of uniformity and to tie it to its verb cognate would be preferable. Strong's #8263 BDB #1054. Lev. 11:12
607. Verb: shâqats (ץ ַק ָש) [pronounced shaw-KATS] is found only in Lev. 1:11, 13, 43 20:25 Deut. 7:26 Psalm 22:24. It is variously translated as detest, despised, is an abomination to you. Any one of these are good translations, the first two being preferred for a more uniform translation as they better fit both the passages in and out of Lev. 11. Strong's #8262 BDB #1055. Lev. 11:12
608. Masculine_noun: which means a detested thing. Strong’s #8251 BDB #1055.
609. Verb: which means to run, to run about, to rush. Strong’s #8264 BDB #1055.
610. Masculine_noun: which means a running, a rushing [of locusts]. Strong’s #4944 BDB #1055.
611. Masculine_noun: sheqer (שֶקֶר) [pronounced SHEH-ker], which means a deception, a disappointment, a falsehood. Barnes is even stronger and calls it a lie. Strong’s #8267 BDB #1055. Exodus 5:9 20:16 23:7 1Sam. 25:21 2Sam. 18:13 Psalm 7:14 33:16 52:3 63:11 Prov. 6:17, 19 10:18
sheqer (שֶקֶר) [pronounced SHEH-ker] |
a lie, lying words, deception, falsehood; a liar; whatever deceives, fraud, vanity; falsely [absolute used as adverb] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8267 BDB #1055 |
612. Verb: shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR], which means to deal falsely, to do falsely, to deceive. It means to break [a covenant] when followed by the bêyth preposition and the word covenant. Strong’s #8266 BDB #1055. Gen. 21:23 1Sam. 15:29 Psalm 44:17 89:33
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to lie, to deceive, to deal falsely, to do falsely; to trick, to cheat |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8266 BDB #1055 |
shâkar (שָכַר) [pronounced shaw-KAHR] |
to lie, to deceive, to deal falsely, to do falsely |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8266 BDB #1055 |
613. Masculine_noun: which means a burning heat, parched ground. Strong’s #8273 BDB #1055.
614. Verb: which means to let loose, to set free, to let [it] loose. Strong’s #8281 BDB #1056.
615. Feminine_noun: which means juice. Strong’s #4952 BDB #1056.
616. Feminine_noun: which means a lance, a javelin [or weapon of some sort]. Strong’s #8302 BDB #1056.
617. Masculine_noun: shireyôwn (ןיר̣ש) [pronounced shire-YOHN], which means body armor. Strong’s #8302 BDB #1056. 1Sam. 17:5, 38
shireyôwn (ןיר̣ש) [pronounced shire-YOHN] |
body armor |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #8302 BDB #1056 |
618. Proper_noun_location: which means nothing; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8287 BDB #1056.
619. Proper_noun_location: which means nothing; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8289–8290 BDB #1056.
620. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nothing and is transliterated . Foreign wife of EzraStrong’s #8298 BDB #1056.
621. Verb: shârats (שָרַץ) [pronounced shaw-RATS], which means to creep [crawl]; to swarm, to infest [with]; to teem [with]; to multiply themselves, to be multiplied. It is translated creeping; however this is used of fish and other aquatic creatures (Gen. 1:21), animals which are on the earth (Gen. 8:17), frogs which breed in the waters (Ex. 8:3), and even for mankind (Gen. 9:7). In all of these passages the key seems to be a population increase, if not an explosion. Gen. 1:21a reads: And God created the great sea creatures, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed [or, the waters brought forth abundantly] after their kind... Infest is a good word for this, except that it carries with it a negative connotation and it will be difficult to come up with a similar noun cognate in order to preserve continuity. Thrive is an excellent rendering of this, as it does not connote over-population, crowding, or anything negative; and it can be made into the adjective thriving. The word permeate seems to indicate too much or too concentrated of a population; and the words teem and teeming are wonderful translations, but they sound a bit archaic. The noun cognate for this verb is the very similar sherets (ץ ∵ר ∵ש) [pronounced SHEH-rets] and can be rendered thriving thing, teeming thing; although many Bibles go with swarming thing, creeping thing. The connotation is an animal in very close contact with the earth in this context due to the preposition (and the nearby Lev. 11:29); however, we cannot infer this in Gen. 1:20–21 because we do not have anything in close contact with the earth. Strong's #8317 BDB #1056. Gen. 1:20 7:21 8:17 9:7 Exodus 1:7 8:3 Psalm 105:30
shârats (שָרַץ) [pronounced shaw-RATS] |
to creep [crawl]; to swarm, to infest [with]; to abound [teem] [with]; to multiply themselves, to be multiplied |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal perfect |
Strong's #8317 BDB #1056 |
622. Masculine_noun: sherets (שֶרֶץ) [pronounced SHEH-rehtz], which means swarmers, swarming [teeming] things, swarmers, creepers [of insects, small reptiles, aquatic animals]. A singular collective noun. Strong’s #8318 BDB #1056. Gen. 1:20 7:21
sherets (שֶרֶץ) [pronounced SHEH-rehtz] |
swarmers, swarming [teeming] things, swarmers, creepers [of insects, small reptiles, aquatic animals] |
masculine singular noun; a singular collective noun |
Strong’s #8318 BDB #1056 |
623. Verb: shâraq (שָרַק) [pronounced shaw-RAHK], which means to hiss [possibly in scorn, or to signal], to whistle, to pipe. Strong’s #8319 BDB #1056. 1Kings 9:8
shâraq (שָרַק) [pronounced shaw-RAHK] |
to hiss [possibly in scorn, or to signal], to whistle, to pipe |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8319 BDB #1056 |
Several possibilities come to mind: to whisper; to make a noise which represents scorn or amazement. |
624. Feminine_noun: which means hissing, object of derision. Strong’s #8322 BDB #1056.
625. Feminine_noun: sherîyqâh (הָקי.רש) [pronounced sheree-KAW], which means hissing, shrieking, piping, whistling. It occurs here only, but very likely means hissing. Strong’s #8292 BDB #1057. [See Strong’s #8319 BDB #1056 and Strong’s #8322 BDB #1056] Judges 5:16
sherîyqâh (הָקי.רש) [pronounced sheree-KAW] |
hissing, shrieking, piping, whistling |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8292 BDB #1057 |
This word is onomatopoetic and is pronounced shree-KAW, which indicates the noise of the flocks. |
626. Masculine_noun: shôr (שֹר) [pronounced shohr], which means umbilical cord, navel, naval-string. Strong’s #8270 BDB #1057. Prov. 3:8
shôr (שֹר) [pronounced shohr] |
umbilical cord, navel, naval-string |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8270 BDB #1057 |
627. Feminine_noun: which means bracelet. Strong’s #8285 BDB #1057.
628. Masculine_proper_noun: Shârâr (שָרָר) [pronounced shaw-RAWR], which means enemy, hostile; transliterated Sharar. Strong’s #8325 BDB #1057. 2Sam. 23:33
Shârâr (שָרָר) [pronounced shaw-RAWR] |
enemy, hostile; transliterated Sharar |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8325 BDB #1057 |
629. Masculine_noun: which means sinew, muscle. Strong’s #8306 BDB #1057.
630. Feminine_noun: sherîyrûth (שֶרִירוּת) [pronounced sher-ee-RUTH], which means firmness, hardness, stubbornness. Strong’s #8307 BDB #1057.
631. Feminine_noun: shareshâh (שַרְשָה) [pronounced shar-SHAW], which means, chain. Strong’s #8331 BDB #1057. Exodus 28:22*
shareshâh (שַרְשָה) [pronounced shar-SHAW] |
chain |
feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8331 BDB #1057 |
632. Feminine_noun: sharsherâh (שַרְשְרָה) [pronounced shahr-sher-AW], which means [a small] chain. Strong’s #8333 BDB #1057. Exodus 28:14 1Kings 7:17
sharsherâh (שַרְשְרָה) [pronounced shahr-sher-AW] |
[a small] chain |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8333 BDB #1057 |
633. Verb: which means root, fibre, muscle. I don’t even know if this is a verb. Strong’s #none BDB #1057.
634. Noun: shôresh (ש∵רֹש) [pronounced SHOH-resh], and it means root; figuratively: root (of people involving firmness or permanence); root, bottom (as lowest stratum). Strong’s #8328 BDB #1057. Judges 5:14 Job 13:27 19:28
shôresh (ש∵רֹש) [pronounced SHOH-resh] |
root; figuratively: root (of people involving firmness or permanence); root, bottom (as lowest stratum) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8328 BDB #1057 |
We often use the expression that is where we put our roots down; we are using the word just as the Greeks did. |
635. Piel_verb: shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH], which means to root out, to pull up by the roots; to take root. Although I really like the translation of the Revised English Bible here in Job 5:3 (uprooted), apparently, taking root is more accurate, as per the same usage of the verb in the Hiphil in Psalm 80:9 Isa. 27:6. Take root is the Hiphil participle of Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057. Job 5:3 Psalm 52:3
shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH] |
to root out, to pull up by the roots; to take root |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057 |
shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH] |
to be rooted out, to be pulled up by the roots; to take root |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057 |
shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH] |
to take root; to make or produce roots |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057 |
shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH] |
to take root; to make or produce roots? |
3rd person masculine singular, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057 |
shârash (שַרָש) [pronounced shaw-RAHSH] |
to take root; to make or produce roots; metaphorically, to flourish, to be prosperous |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8327 BDB #1057 |
636. Proper_masculine_noun: Strong’s #8329 BDB #1058.
637. Piel_Verb: shârath ( ׂשָרַת) [pronounced shaw-RAHTH], which means to serve, to minister. This verb is found only in the Piel and the masculine plural, Piel participle can mean ministering ones. Barnes tells us that this word is used three ways in Scripture: (1) to refer to the service or ministration of both priests and Levites rendered to the Lord (Ex. 28:35, 43); (2) of the ministrations of the Levites as rendered to the priests, to aid them in their Divine service (Num. 3:6); and (3) of any service or ministration in particular rendered to a man of God, such as Joshua’s service to Moses (Num. 11:28). Strong’s #8334 BDB #1058. Gen. 39:4 40:4 Exodus 24:13 28:35 29:30 30:20 33:11 Deut. 17:12 21:5 1Sam. 2:11, 18 13:17 1Kings 1:4 8:11 1Chron. 6:32 15:2 16:4 Psalm 103:21 104:4
shârath ( ׂשָרַת) [pronounced shaw-RAHTH] |
to serve, to minister; to attend |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8334 BDB #1058 |
shârath ( ׂשָרַת) [pronounced shaw-RAHTH] |
serving, ministering; servant, minister |
Piel participle |
Strong’s #8334 BDB #1058 |
638. Masculine_noun: which means religious ministry. Strong’s #8335 BDB #1058.
639. Numeral: shishshâh/shêsh (שִשָּה/שֵש) [pronounced shish-SHAW/shays], which means six (cardinal number); sixth (ordinal number). Strong’s #8336–8337 BDB #1058. Exodus 25:33 26:9 28:10
shishshâh/shêsh (שִשָּה/שֵש) [pronounced shish-SHAW/shays] |
six (cardinal number); sixth (ordinal number) |
numeral; masculine feminine construct form |
Strong’s #8336 #8337 BDB #1058 |
640. Masculine_noun: shêsh (שֵש) [pronounced shaysh], which means byssus, which is apparently fine, Egyptian linen; alabaster, similar stone, marble. Strong’s #8336 BDB #1058. Gen. 41:42 Exodus 38:5
shêsh (שֵש) [pronounced shaysh]; also spelled sheshîy (שֶשִי) [pronounced shehsh-EE] |
byssus, which is apparently fine, Egyptian linen; alabaster, similar stone, marble |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8336 BDB #1058 |
641. Verb: which means to lead on. Strong’s #8339–8340 BDB #1058.
642. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #8329 BDB #1058.
643. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #8343 BDB #1058.
644. Masculine_proper_noun: Shêshay (י -ש̤ש) [pronounced shay-SHAH-ee], which means not sure and is transliterated Sheshai. Strong’s #8344 BDB #1058. Judges 1:10
Shêshay (י -ש̤ש) [pronounced shay-SHAH-ee] |
transliterated Sheshai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8344 BDB #1058 |
645. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8347 BDB #1058.
646. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #8348 BDB #1058.
647. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #8349 BDB #1059.
648. Masculine_noun: which means red color, vermilion. Strong’s #8350 BDB #1059.
649. Verb1: shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW], which means to drink [actually or metaphorically]; to drink together [at a banquet]. Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059. Gen. 9:21 24:14, 18, 54 25:34 26:30 27:25 30:38 43:34 44:5 Exodus 7:18 15:23 17:1, 6 24:11 32:6 Deut. 2:6 1Sam. 1:9 30:12 2Sam. 11:13 12:3 16:2 19:35 23:16 1Kings 1:25 4:20 1Chron. 11:18 12:39 Job 1:4 Psalm 110:7 Prov. 4:17 5:15 9:5 Eccles. 2:24
shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW] |
to drink [actually or metaphorically]; to drink together [at a banquet]; to feast; to sit |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059 |
shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW] |
drink [actually or metaphorically]; drink together [at a banquet]; feast; sit |
2nd person masculine singular, Qal imperative |
Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059 |
shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW] |
drinking [actually or metaphorically]; drinking together [at a banquet]; feasting; sitting |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059 |
shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW] |
the ones drinking [actually or metaphorically]; those drinking together [at a banquet]; the ones who are feasting; those sitting |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059 |
shâthâh (שָתָה) [pronounced shaw-THAW] |
to be drunk |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8354 BDB #1059 |
650. Masculine_noun: which means drinking, drinking bout. Strong’s #8358 BDB #1059.
651. Feminine_noun: which means drinking [mode or amount]. Strong’s #8360 BDB #1059.
652. Masculine_noun: mishteh (מִשְתֶּה) [pronounced mishe-TEH], which means a feast, a drink, a drinking bout, a party. Strong’s #4960 BDB #1059. Gen. 19:3 21:8 26:30 29:22 40:20 1Sam. 25:36 2Sam. 3:20 1Kings 3:15 Job 1:4
mishteh (מִשְתֶּה) [pronounced mishe-TEH] |
a feast, a drink, a drinking bout, a party, a banquet |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #4960 BDB #1059 |
653. Verb2: which means to sit. Strong’s #none BDB #1059.
654. Masculine_noun: shêth (שֵת) [pronounced shayth], which means seat, buttocks. Strong’s #8357 BDB #1059. 2Sam. 10:4
shêth (שֵת) [pronounced shayth] |
seat, buttocks |
masculine plural noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #8357 BDB #1059 |
655. Verb3: which means to set the warp. Strong’s #none BDB #1059.
656. Masculine_noun: which means warp, set of threads drawn lengthwise in loom. Strong’s #8359 BDB #1059.
657. Verb: which means to transplant. Strong’s #8362 BDB #1060.
658. Masculine_noun: which means a transplanted shoot. Strong’s #8363 BDB #1060.
659. Verb: which means to open. Dubious. Strong’s #8365 BDB #1060.
660. Verb: which means to be quiet. Strong’s #8367 BDB #1060.
661. Masculine_proper_noun: which means nada and is transliterated . Strong's #8369 BDB #1060.
662. Verb: which means to set, to appoint. Use in poetry. Strong’s #8371 BDB #1060.
22. Tâv (or tâw) [pronounced tawv or taw] (400?) Written and spoken t
Attaching this to the beginning of a verb often forms a related noun (?)
1. Letter: ת (th) or (t). Means 400 as well.
2. Masculine_noun: which means chamber. Strong’s #8372 BDB #1060.
3. Verb: which means to long for, to desire. Strong’s #8373 BDB #1060.
4. Feminine_noun: which means a longing. Strong’s #8375 BDB #1060.
5. Verb: which means to loathe, to abhor. Strong’s #8374 BDB #1060.
6. Verb: which means to mark out, to place a boundary. Very dubious. Piel only. Strong’s #8376 BDB #1060.
7. Masculine_noun: which means antelope. Strong’s #8377 BDB #1060.
8. Masculine_noun: tôwʾim (תוֹאִם) [pronounced toh-IHM], which means twins. Strong’s #8380 BDB #1060. Gen. 25:24 38:27
tôwʾim (תוֹאִם) [pronounced toh-IHM] |
twins |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8380 BDB #1060 |
9. Verb: tâʾam (תָּאַם) [pronounced taw-AHM], which means, to double, to duplicate, to be doubled; to be coupled together. Strong’s #8382 BDB #1060. Exodus 26:24
tâʾam (תָּאַם) [pronounced taw-AHM] |
to double, to duplicate, to be doubled; to be coupled together |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8382 BDB #1060 |
tâʾam (תָּאַם) [pronounced taw-AHM] |
a doubling, duplicating, being doubled; being coupled together |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8382 BDB #1060 |
Owen translates this separate in Exodus 26:24. |
tâʾam (תָּאַם) [pronounced taw-AHM] |
to bear twins |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8382 BDB #1060 |
10. Feminine_noun: teʾênâh (תְּאֵנָה) [pronounced teh-ay-NAW], which means fig tree. Strong’s #8384 BDB #1061. Gen. 3:7 1Kings 4:25 Psalm 105:33
teʾênâh (תְּאֵנָה) [pronounced teh-ay-NAW] |
fig, fig tree |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix |
Strong’s #8384 BDB #1061 |
11. Proper_noun_location: which means fig tree; and is transliterated . Strong's #8387? BDB #1061.
12. Verb1: tâʾar (ר ַא ָ) [pronounced taw-AHR], which apparently means incline (BDB); to be marked out, to describe (Gesenius, Young); goes in another direction (Owen), extended (NASB). This is a word found rarely in Scripture (Qal: Joshua 15:9, 11 18:14, 17; Piel: Isa. 44:13; Pual: Joshua 19:13). Meaning uncertain. Strong’s #8388 BDB #1061. Joshua 18:14
13. Masculine_noun: tôʾar (תֹּאַר) [pronounced TOH-ahr], which means a striking figure, an eye-catching form or, simply, a form. It is a word used of males (Gen. 39:6 1Kings 1:6), cattle in dreams (Gen. 41:18), children (Judges 8:18) and of women (Gen. 29:17). Generally speaking, it is a form which stands out, which catches your eye, which gets your attention. BDB refers to is as something gazed at. Strong’s #8389 BDB #1061. Gen. 29;17 39:6 41:18 Deut. 21:11 Judges 8:18 1Sam. 25:3 28:14 1Kings 1:6
tôʾar (תֹּאַר) [pronounced TOH-ahr] |
a striking figure, an eye-catching form, a form which stands out, which catches your eye, which gets your attention; a form |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8389 BDB #1061 |
14. Verb2: which means to draw in outline. Piel. Strong’s #8388 BDB #1061.
15. Feminine_noun: têbâh (תֵּבָה) [pronounced tayb-VAW], which means an ark, a chest. This is used both of the ark which Noah built (Gen. 6–8) and the ark in which Moses was placed as an infant (Ex. 2:3, 5). Strong’s #8392 BDB #1061. (The Ark of God) Gen. 6:14 7:1 8:1 9:10 Exodus 2:3
têbâh (תֵּבָה) [pronounced tayb-VAW] |
an ark, a chest |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8392 BDB #1061 |
16. Proper_noun_location: Tâbôwr (תָּבוֹר) [pronounced taw-BOHR], which means mound; and is transliterated Tabor. A proper name and a location. Strong's #8396 BDB #1061. Judges 4:6 1Sam. 10:3 Psalm 89:12
Tâbôwr (תָּבוֹר) [pronounced taw-BOHR] |
mound; and is transliterated Tabor |
Proper noun/location |
Strong's #8396 BDB #1061 |
17. Masculine_noun: teben (תֶּבֶן) [pronounced TEB-ven], which means straw, fodder; possibly chaff for building material. Strong’s #8401 BDB #1061. Gen. 24:25 Exodus 5:7 1Kings 4:28 Job 21:18
teben (תֶּבֶן) [pronounced TEB-ven] |
straw, fodder; possibly chaff for building material |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8401 BDB #1061 |
18. Masculine_noun: which means straw heap. Strong’s #4963 BDB #1062.
19. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8402 BDB #1062.
20. Proper_noun/location: Têbêts (תֵּבֵץ) [pronounced tay-BATES], which means, conspicuous; transliterated Thebez. BDB Definition only. Might be out of order. This is a town near Shechem Strong’s #8405 BDB #1062. 2Sam. 11:21
Têbêts (תֵּבֵץ) [pronounced tay-BATES] |
conspicuous; possibly brightness; transliterated Thebez |
locative singular noun |
Strong’s #8405 BDB #1062 |
21. Proper Masculine_noun: Tiglath-Pileser. Strong’s #8407 BDB #1062.
22. Proper_noun/location: Tôgaremâh (תֹּגַרְמָה) [pronounced toh-gar-MAW], which means you will break her; transliterated Togarmah. Strong’s #8425 BDB #1062. Gen. 10:3
Tôgaremâh (תֹּגַרְמָה) [pronounced toh-gar-MAW] |
you will break her; transliterated Togarmah |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #8425 BDB #1062 |
There is an alternative but similar spelling for this name. |
23. Proper_noun/location: (תַּמֹּר) [pronounced tahm-MOHR] which means palm tree, palm city; transliterated Tammar, Tadmar. Strong’s #8412 BDB #1062. 1Kings 9:18
(תַּמֹּר) [pronounced tahm-MOHR] which |
palm tree, palm city; transliterated Tammar, Tamar, Tadmar |
Proper singular noun/location: |
Strong’s #8412 BDB #1062 |
This is also spelled Tademôr (תַּדְמֹרo) [pronounced tahd-MOHR]. |
24. Masculine_proper_noun: Tideʿâl (תִדְעָל) [pronounced tihd-ĢAWL], which means great son; transliterated Tidal. Strong’s #8413 BDB #1062. Gen. 14:1
Tideʿâl (תִדְעָל) [pronounced tihd-ĢAWL] |
great son; transliterated Tidal |
masculine proper singular noun |
Strong’s #8413 BDB #1062 |
25. Masculine_noun: tôhûw (תֹּהוּ) [pronounced TOE-hoo] is the word used in Gen. 1:2—and the earth became a waste-place; this word could be rendered desolate, an empty waste, chaos, trashed. When a nuclear weapon is detonated, the immediate area becomes tôhû. It also means formlessness, confusion, unreality, nothingness, emptiness. However, in Job 6:18, the torrent peters off into nothingness. Strong’s #8414 BDB #1062. Gen. 1:2 Deut. 32:10 1Sam. 12:21 Job 6:18 12:24
tôhûw (תֹּהוּ) [pronounced TOE-hoo] |
desolate, an empty waste, chaos, trashed, formlessness, confusion, unreality, vain, nothingness, emptiness |
masculine singular noun with a definite article |
Strong’s #8414 BDB #1062 |
26. Feminine_noun: which means error. Strong’s #8417 BDB #1062. What is placed in His angels is a word found only here. Strong’s #8417 BDB #1062. The closest word in meaning is the word for praise, which has the same consonants, but different vowel points. Strong’s #8416 (and 1984) BDB #239. Job 4:18
27. Feminine_noun: tehôwm (תְּהוֹם) [pronounced te-HOME] and it means ocean depths, a surging mass of water, either a sea or a subterranean water-supply. I will translate it deep waters. In the plural, it means bursts of water. The same word is used for the abyss, the primeval oceans, the vast depths. Strong's #8415 BDB #1062. Gen. 1:2 7:11 9:2 49:25 Exodus 15:5, 8 Deut. 8:7 Psalm 78:15 106:9 148:7 Prov. 3:20 8:24, 27, 28
tehôwm (תְּהוֹם) [pronounced te-HOHM] |
ocean depths, a surging mass of water, deep waters, a sea, a subterranean water-supply, abyss, primeval oceans, the vast depths |
feminine singular noun |
Strong's #8415 BDB #1062 |
tehôwmôwth (תְּהוֹמוֹת) [pronounced te-hohm-OHTH] |
ocean depths, [great] depths, a surging mass of water, bursts of water, deep waters |
feminine plural noun |
Strong's #8415 BDB #1062 |
The NET Bible: The summary statements just given are now developed in a lengthy treatment of wisdom as the agent of all creation. This verse singles out “watery deeps” (תְּהֹמוֹת, tÿhomot) in its allusion to creation because the word in Genesis signals the condition of the world at the very beginning, and because in the ancient world this was something no one could control. Chaos was not there first – wisdom was. |
Institute for Creation Research: “Depths” is the same word as “deep;” this is a reference to the primeval “fountains of the great deep,” which provided the antediluvian water supply before they were “broken up” at the Flood (Genesis 7:11). |
28. Proper_noun/territory: Tûbâl (תֻּבָל) [pronounced too-BAWL], which means, you will be brought; transliterated Tubal. Strong’s #8422 BDB #1063. Gen. 10:2
Tûbâl (תֻּבָל) [pronounced too-BAWL] |
you will be brought; transliterated Tubal |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8422 BDB #1063 |
This is also spelled Tûwbal (תּוּבַל) [pronounced too-BAHL]. |
29. Masculine_proper_noun: Tûwbal-qayin (תּוּבַל_קַיִן) [pronounced too-BAHL-KAH-yihn], which means you will be brought of Cain; transliterated Tubalcain, Tubal-cain. Strong’s #8423 BDB #1063. Gen. 4:22
Tûwbal-qayin (תּוּבַלקַיִן) [pronounced too-BAHL-KAH-yihn] |
you will be brought of Cain; transliterated Tubalcain, Tubal-cain |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8423 BDB #1063 |
30. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Same word as above. Strong’s #8422 BDB #1063.
31. Masculine_noun: which means mark. Strong’s #8420 BDB #1063.
32. Feminine_noun: which means boundary. Strong’s #8379 BDB #1063.
33. Verb: tâwâh (הָו ָ) [pronounced taw-WAWH], which means to mark a boundary line, to set a limit, to limit; to make a mark, to set a mark. It is found only here in 1Sam. 21:14 Psalm 78:41 Ezek. 9:4.* The last verb in Psalm 78:41 is a difficult one, being rendered provoked but maybe pained (Owens), limited (Young), caused sorrow but possibly set the limits (Rotherham), pained (NASB), vexed (atypically Old English rendering for the NIV), incensing (The Amplified Bible) and limited (KJV). The problem is that this verb, tâwâh (ה ָו ָ) [pronounced taw-WAWH] occurs only here and in 1Sam. 21:14 and Ezek. 9:4*, where it is generally rendered to make a mark. Strong’s #8428 BDB #1063. However, we have several similar words. There is a similar noun which means mark (Job 31:35 Ezek. 9:4, 8*); Strong’s #8420 BDB #1063. Another similar noun means boundary (Gen. 49:26); Strong’s #8379 BDB #1063. What ties all of these things together is the visible boundary or visible mark used to denote something; often a boundary. Therefore, the verb can mean to make a mark; but it can also mean to place boundaries around, to limit. Strong’s #8427 & #8428 BDB #1063. 1Sam. 21:13 Psalm 78:41
tâwâh (הָו ָ) [pronounced taw-WAWH] |
to mark a boundary line, to set a limit, to limit; to make a mark, to set a mark |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8427 & #8428 BDB #1063 |
This is not a homonym, as presented by Strong, but actually two aspects of the same word. It’s primary meaning is to make a mark, which is substantiated by its substantive cognates. However, often a mark is made in order to set or mark a boundary, so it also can mean to place a boundary around; from this, we can derive the less concrete meaning to limit. |
34. Masculine_proper_noun: tôwach (-ח) [pronounced TOH-ahkh], and transliterated Toah. It probably means pain, wound. Strong’s #8430 BDB #1063. 1Chron. 6:25–27
35. Masculine_proper_noun: Tochûw (חֹ) [pronounced TOH-khoo], which means ; and is transliterated Tohu. Although Strong’s lists it separately, BDB and Gesenius consider it to be equivalent to Strong’s #8430 BDB #1063. Strong’s #8459 BDB #1063. 1Sam. 1:1 1Chron. 6:25–27 (gentilic adjective?)
Tochûw (חֹ) [pronounced TOH-khoo] |
transliterated Tohu |
Masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8459 BDB #1063 |
36. Adjective gentilic: tôchûw (חֹ) [pronounced TOH-khoo]. Although Strong’s lists it separately, BDB and Gesenius consider it to be equivalent to Strong’s #8430 BDB #1063. Strong’s #8459 BDB #1063. 1Chron. 6:25–27
37. Masculine_noun: tâveke (תָוֶך׃) [pronounced taw-VEKE], which means midst. It is often preceded by the prefixed bêyth preposition, which means in. We find this continually throughout the Pentateuch in connection with Yahweh dwelling in the midst of the Jews in the tabernacle (Ex. 25:8 29:45 Lev. 15:31); we also find this word in Gen. 3:8, when our Lord walked in the midst of the garden. Strong's #8432 BDB #1063. Gen. 1:6 15:10 Exodus 11:4, 23 Lev. 26:12 Deut. 3:16 21:12 22:2 Joshua 4:9 1Sam. 7:3 9:13, 18 15:6 18:10 25:29 2Sam. 1:25 20:12 23:20 Psalm 57:4, 6
tâveke (תָּוֶ) [pronounced taw-VEKE] |
midst, among, middle |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #8432 BDB #1063 |
38. Preposition+noun: Gen. 2:9 3:3 9:21 18:24 23:6 35:2 37:7 40:20 41:48 42:5 Exodus 2:5 9:24 12:49 14:16 15:19 24:18 25:8 26:28 29:45 1Sam. 9:14 10:23 2Sam. 6:17 23:11 24:5 1Kings 3:8 6:13 1Chron. 16:1 Job 2:1, 8 Psalm 68:25 Prov. 1:14 5:14 8:20
be (בְּ) [pronounced beh] |
in, into, through; at, by, near, on, upon; with, before, against; by means of; among; within |
a preposition of proximity |
No Strong’s # BDB #88 |
tâveke (תָּוֶ) [pronounced taw-VEKE] |
midst, among, middle |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #8432 BDB #1063 |
With the bêyth preposition, tâveke can mean in the middle of, in the midst of; into, among. In the Hebrew, this is spelled בְּתוֹ. With the 1st person plural suffix, it means in our midst. With the 2nd person masculine plural suffix, it can mean in your midst, among you. With the 3rd person masculine plural suffix, it can mean in their midst, among them. |
39. Preposition+noun: Gen. 19:29 Exodus 3:2 7:5 12:31 24:16 28:1 33:11 Deut. 4:12 5:4 1Kings 8:51 Prov. 5:15
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, off, out from, out of, away from, on account of, since, than, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
tâveke (תָּוֶ) [pronounced taw-VEKE] |
midst, among, middle |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #8432 BDB #1063 |
With the min preposition, this can mean from the midst [of anything]; out from, out of, from, away from. |
40. Preposition+noun: 1Kings 6:27
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced el] |
unto; into, among, in; toward, to; against; concerning, regarding; besides, together with; as to |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
tâveke (תָּוֶ) [pronounced taw-VEKE] |
midst, among, middle |
masculine singular construct |
Strong's #8432 BDB #1063 |
With the preposition ʾel, this can mean into the middle of a thing, into the midst of a thing. |
41. Adjective: tîykôwn (תִּיכוֹן) [pronounced tee-KOHN], and it means middle, central midst. Strong’s #8484 BDB #1064. Exodus 26:28 Judges 7:19 1Kings 6:6, 8
tîykôwn (תִּיכוֹן) [pronounced tee-KOHN] |
middle, central midst |
feminine singular adjective with the definite article |
Strong’s #8484 BDB #1064 |
There is a very similar, alternate spelling for this word. |
42. Masculine_noun: which means they that wasted us, they that made us wail. Meaning doubtful and actually word is doubtful. Psalm 137:3.* Strong’s #8437 BDB #1064.
43. Feminine_noun: tôpheth (ת∵פֹ) [pronounced TOH-feth], which means the act of spitting. The KJV simply transliterates this word. Strong’s #8611 BDB #1064. Job 17:6*
44. Verb: tûwr (תּוּר) [pronounced toor] means to spy, to search out, to explore; to go about. The same word was used when the spies went into the land. The Hiphil: to make a search, make a reconnaissance. Strong's #8446 BDB #1064. Num. 15:39 Judges 1:23 Eccles. 1:13 2:3
tûwr (תּוּר) [pronounced toor] |
to spy, to search out, to explore; to go about |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8446 BDB #1064 |
tûwr (תּוּר) [pronounced toor] |
explorer, spies; merchant, trader |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #8446 BDB #1064 |
tûwr (תּוּר) [pronounced toor] |
to make a search, make a reconnaissance |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #8446 BDB #1064 |
45. Masculine_noun: tôwr (תוֹר) [pronounced tohr], which means circlet, plait, turn (of hair or gold), that which goes in a circle; succession, order; custom, manner, mode. Strong’s #8447–8448 BDB #1064. 1Chron. 17:17
tôwr (תוֹר) [pronounced tohr] |
circlet, plait, turn (of hair or gold), that which goes in a circle; succession, order; custom, manner, mode |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8447 & 8448 BDB #1064 |
46. Masculine_noun: which means a searching. Job 39:8.* Strong’s #3491 BDB #1064.
47. Verb: which means to strike away. Strong’s #8456 BDB #1064.
48. Feminine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8472 BDB #1065.
49. Masculine_noun: tachărâh (תַּחֲרָא) [pronounced tahkh-ahr-AW], which means breastplate; a [linen] corselets (which have been found in Egypt); possibly, a coat of mail corselet, habergeon. Strong’s #8473 BDB #1065. Exodus 28:32
tachărâh (תַּחֲרָא) [pronounced tahkh-ahr-AW] |
breastplate; a [linen] corselet (which has been found in Egypt); possibly, a coat of mail, corselet, habergeon |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8473 BDB #1065 |
This word denotes a military garment strongly and thickly woven and covered with mail around the neck and breast. Is this a synonym for the ephod? |
50. Masculine_noun: tachash (תַּחַש) [pronounced TAHKH-ash], which means a kind of leather or skin; reference perhaps to the animal yielding the skin—perhaps antelope, badger, dugong, dolphin, or sheep. Strong’s #8476 BDB #1065. Exodus 25:5 26:14
tachash (תַּחַש) [pronounced TAHKH-ash] |
a kind of leather or skin; reference perhaps to the animal yielding the skin—perhaps antelope, badger, dugong, dolphin, or sheep |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8476 BDB #1065 |
Yes, BDB suggests dolphin; Strong suggests some species of antelope. Owen translates goats in Exodus 26:14. |
51. Masculine_proper_noun: Thachash (תַּחַש) [pronounced TAHKH-ahsh], which means dugong, a badger; one that makes haste; one that is silent; transliterated Thahash, Tahash, Tachash. Strong’s #8477 BDB #1065. Gen. 22:24*
Thachash (תַּחַש) [pronounced TAHKH-ahsh] |
dugong, a badger; one that makes haste; one that is silent; transliterated Thahash, Tahash, Tachash |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8477 BDB #1065 |
This is exactly the same word as the one for badger. |
52. Preposition: tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth], which means underneath, below, under, beneath. It means instead of; although there is much more to this word than that. Since this is followed by the relative pronoun which, we will render this whereas. It can also mean because, because that. Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065. Gen. 2:21 4:25 7:19 16:9 18:4 21:15 22:13 24:2 30:2 35:4 36:33 41:35 44:4, 33 47:29 49:25 50:19 Exodus 10:23 16:29 17:12, 14 18:10 21:20 22:1 23:5 24:4 25:35 26:19 27:5 32:19 Deut. 2:12, 25 3:17 4:11 21:14 28:62 29:30 Joshua 2:14 5:7 6:5 11:3 12:3 Judges 1:7 3:30 7:21 1Sam. 2:20 14:2, 9 21:3 22:6 24:19 25:21 26:21 31:13 2Sam. 2:23 3:12 10:1 16:8 17:25 18:9 19:21 22:10 1Kings 1:30 2:35 3:7 5:1, 3 8:20 1Chron. 5:22 Job 16:4 Psalm 10:7 47:3 106:42 Prov. 1:29 Eccles. 1:3 2:3
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath; instead of, in lieu of; in the place [in which one stands]; in exchange for; on the basis of |
preposition of location or foundation |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
Examples of the latter usage: Exodus 16:29 Judges 7:21 1Sam. 14:9 2Sam. 2:23 7:10 1Chron. 17:9 Job 36:16 (given that this preposition has such a specific meaning and that I give it an entirely different spin here, I believe that it would be better to include passages which are in agreement with this other rendering). |
All of the BDB definitions: 1) the under part, beneath, instead of, as, for, for the sake of, flat, unto, where, whereas; 1a) the under part (noun masculine); 1b) beneath (adverbial accusative); 1c) under, beneath (preposition); 1c1) at the foot of (idiom); 1c2) sweetness, subjection, woman, being burdened or oppressed (figuratively); 1c3) of subjection or conquest; 1d) what is under one, the place in which one stands (noun masculine); 1d1) in one’s place, the place in which one stands (idiom with reflexive pronoun); 1d2) in place of, instead of (in transferred sense); 1d3) in place of, in exchange or return for (of things mutually interchanged); 1e) instead of, instead of that (conjunction); 1f) in return for that, because that (conjunction); 1g) in, under, into the place of (after verbs of motion) (in compounds); 1h) from under, from beneath, from under the hand of, from his place, under, beneath. |
53. Compound prepositions: ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced el], which denotes direction and means in, into, toward, unto, to, regarding. Strong's #413 BDB #39. This precedes the preposition tachath (ת ַח ַ) [pronounced TAH-khahth], which means underneath, below, under beneath. Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065. Together, they simply mean under. Judges 6:19 1Sam. 21:4 1Kings 8:6
ʾel (אֶל) [pronounced el] |
in, into, toward, unto, to, regarding, against |
directional preposition (respect or deference may be implied) |
Strong's #413 BDB #39 |
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath; instead of, in lieu of; in the place [in which one stands]; in exchange for; on the basis of |
preposition |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
Together, these two prepositions simply mean under. |
54. Compound: Deut. 4:37
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath; instead of, in lieu of; in the place [in which one stands]; in exchange for; on the basis of |
preposition |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
kîy (כִּי) [pronounced kee] |
for, that, because; when, at that time, which, what time |
explanatory or temporal conjunction; preposition |
Strong's #3588 BDB #471 |
Translators suggest together, these prepositions mean, because, for inasmuch. |
55. Combo: 1Kings 5:32
56. Compound_preposition: tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth], which means underneath, below, under, beneath. When preceded by the min prefix, it becomes an adverb which means below, beneath, under. The two together as a preposition mean from under, from beneath and it is used of those that were under anything and came out from there. Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065. Gen. 1:7 6:17 35:8 Exodus 6:6 17:14 18:10 20:4 30:4 Deut. 4:18, 39 5:8 Judges 3:16 1Kings 4:12 7:24, 29 8:23
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath; instead of, in lieu of; in the place [in which one stands]; in exchange for; on the basis of |
preposition |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
Min + tachath together mean below, beneath, from under, from beneath and it is used of those that were under anything and came out from there. |
57. Compound_preposition: tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth], which means underneath, below, under, beneath. When preceded by the min prefix and followed by a lâmed preposition, it means below or under anything. Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065. 1Sam. 7:11
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of, since, above, than, so that not, beyond, more than |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath; instead of, in lieu of; in the place [in which one stands]; in exchange for; on the basis of |
preposition |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
lâmed (לְ) [pronounced le] |
to, for, towards, in regards to |
directional/relational preposition |
No Strong’s # BDB #510 |
Min + tachath + the lâmed preposition together all mean below, beneath or under [anything]. |
58. Compound: Deut. 21:14 22:29
tachath (תַּחַת) [pronounced TAH-khahth] |
underneath, below, under, beneath, in the place [in which one stands] [when found in accusative position] |
preposition |
Strong’s #8478 BDB #1065 |
ʾăsher (אֲֹשֶר) [pronounced uh-SHER] |
that, which, when, who, whom; where |
relative pronoun; sometimes the verb to be is implied |
Strong's #834 BDB #81 |
When followed by the relative pronoun, tachath means whereas, because, because that. |
59. Adjective: tachetôwn (תַּחְתּוֹן) [pronounced tahkh-TONE], which means lower, lowest, bottom (most). Strong’s #8481 BDB #1066. 1Kings 5:6 13:17
tachetôwn (תַּחְתּוֹן) [pronounced tahkh-TONE]; also tachêtôn |
lower, lowest, bottom (most) |
feminine singular adjective |
Strong’s #8481 BDB #1066 |
60. Adjective&Substantive: tachetîy (תַּחְתִּי) [pronounced tahkhe-TEE], which means lower, lowest [places], deepest; hidden. Strong’s #8482 BDB #1066. Gen. 6:16 Exodus 19:17 The Doctrine of Sheol Judges 1:15 Psalm 63:9
tachetîy (תַּחְתִּי) [pronounced tahkhe-TEE] |
lower, lowest [places], deepest; hidden |
adjective & substantive; feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8482 BDB #1066 |
61. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8480 BDB #1066.
62. Masculine_proper_noun: Strong’s #8483 BDB #1066. 2Sam. 24:6*
Tachetîym (תַּחְתִּים) [pronounced tahkhe-TEEM] |
lower, lowest [places], deepest; hidden |
adjective & substantive; feminine plural construct |
Strong’s #8482 BDB #1066 |
châdôshîy (חָדְֹשִי) [pronounced khohd-SHEE] |
new moon, month; monthly; first day of the month |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #2320 BDB #294 |
Together, these words make up the proper noun: Tachetîym châdôshîy (חָדְֹשִי תַּחְתִּים) [pronounced tahkhe-TEEM-khohd-SHEE]. Strong’s #8483 BDB #1066. |
63. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8436 BDB #1066.
64. Masculine_proper_noun: Têymâʾ (תֵימָא) [pronounced tay-MAW], which means desert; transliterated Tema. As has been mentioned before, one of the primary problems with placing the book of Job back too far into time is the use of the proper noun têymâʾ (א ָמי ֵ) [pronounced tay-MAW], and the first time we hear of this proper name is as a son of Ishmael (Gen. 25:15). For someone to be known as a Temanite (like Eliphaz), or for a place to be known as then this would have had to occurs several generations after Ishmael. Our other options are that this is a different Tema or this name is anachronistic—i.e., it was inserted by a later editor to indicate from what area Eliphaz came. This word is found in 1Chron. 1:30 Isa. 21:14 Jer. 25:23. However, if we take this as the Tema that is found throughout the Bible, then this is an area in the northern part of Edom. Strong’s #8485 BDB #1066. Gen. 25:15 Job 6:19
Têymâʾ (תֵימָא) [pronounced tay-MAW] |
desert; transliterated Tema |
masculine singular proper noun; also a location (the land settled by the Tema) |
Strong’s #8485 BDB #1066 |
65. Gentilic_adjective: Tîytsîy (תִּיצִי) [pronounced tee-TSEE], which means you will go forth, an inhabitant of Tiz; transliterated Tizite. Strong’s #8591 BDB #1066. 1Chron. 11:45*
Tîytsîy (תִּיצִי) [pronounced tee-TSEE] |
you will go forth, an inhabitant of Tiz; transliterated Tizite |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #8591 BDB #1066 |
66. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8493 BDB #1066.
67. Proper_noun/location: Tîyrâç (תִּירָס) [pronounced tee-RAWSE], which means desire; transliterated Tiras. Strong’s #8494 BDB #1066. Gen. 10:2
Tîyrâç (תִּירָס) [pronounced tee-RAWSE] |
desire; transliterated Tiras |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #8494 BDB #1066 |
68. Masculine_noun: tayish (תַּיִש) [pronounced TAH-yeesh], which means he-goat. Strong’s #8495 BDB #1066. Gen. 30:35 32:14
tayish (תַּיִש) [pronounced TAH-yeesh] |
he-goat |
masculine plural noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #8495 BDB #1066 |
69. Verb: which means were led, were assembled. Meaning dubious. Strong’s #8497 BDB #1067.
70. Masculine_noun: which means peacocks. Strong’s #8500 BDB #1067.
71. Masculine_noun: tôke (תּוֹ) [pronounced tohke], which means injury, oppression oppressor; fraud, deceit; deceitful. The NIV renders this threats, which is apropos to the context of Psalm 10:7. Strong’s #8496 BDB #1067. Psalm 10:7 55:11
tôke (תּוֹ) [pronounced tohke] |
injury, oppression oppressor; fraud, deceit; deceitful |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8496 BDB #1067 |
72. Feminine_noun: tekêleth (תְּכֵלֶת) [pronounced tek-AY-lehth], which means violet, violet thread, violet fabric, purple stuff. Strong’s #8504 BDB #1067. Exodus 25:4 26:1 27:16 28:5
tekêleth (תְּכֵלֶת) [pronounced tek-AY-lehth] |
violet, violet thread, violet fabric, purple stuff; translated blue by KJV |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8504 BDB #1067 |
73. Verb: tâkan (ן-כָ) [pronounced taw-KAHN], which means to make even, to level; to weigh; regulate, to measure, to estimate. Strong’s #8505 BDB #1067. 1Sam. 2:3
tâkan (ן-כָ) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to make even, to level; to weigh; to regulate, to measure, to estimate |
3rd person plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8505 BDB #1067 |
tâkan (ן-כָ) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to be made even, to be leveled; to be weighed; to be regulated; to be measured |
3rd person plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8505 BDB #1067 |
tâkan (ן-כָ) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to weigh; to measure; to prove, to examine; to set up, to fix |
3rd person plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8505 BDB #1067 |
tâkan (ן-כָ) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to be weighed out |
3rd person plural, Pual imperfect |
Strong’s #8505 BDB #1067 |
74. Masculine_noun: which means measurement. Strong’s #8506 BDB #1067.
75. Proper_noun/location: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8507 BDB #1067.
76. Feminine_noun: which means measurement, proportion. Strong’s #8508 BDB #1067.
77. Feminine_noun: mathkôneth/mathkûneth (מַתְכֻנֶת/מַתְכֹנֶת) [pronounced math-ko'-neth/math-koo'-neth], which means number, tally; measurement, tale, proportion. Strong’s #4971 BDB #1067. Exodus 5:8 30:32
mathkôneth/mathkûneth (מַתְכֻנֶת/מַתְכֹנֶת) [pronounced math-KO-neth/math-KOO-neth] |
number, tally; measurement, tale, proportion |
feminine singular construct |
Strong’s #4971 BDB #1067 |
78. Verb: tâlâʾ (תָּלָא) [pronounced taw-LAWH], which means to hang, to hang to, to cling to. Strong’s #8511 BDB #1067. 2Sam. 21:12
tâlâʾ (תָּלָא) [pronounced taw-LAWH] |
to hang, to hang to, to cling to |
3rd persons plural, Qal perfect |
Strong’s #8511 BDB #1067 |
79. Verb: tâlâh (תָּלָה) [pronounced taw-LAWH], which means to hang [up], to suspend; to put to death by hanging; to hang on a stake, to crucify. We have seen this verb used already in Gen. 40:19, 22 41:13 and we find a similar verb in Deut. 28:66. However, in the Torah, this is found only in this passage, here in the Qal perfect and in v. 23 in the Qal passive participle. Although this word is found two dozen times throughout Scripture (e.g., Joshua 8:29 10:26 2Sam. 4:12 21:12 Psalm 137:2 SOS 4:4), nowhere in the Law of Moses are the Israelites ever told to hang anyone for any offense or to hang someone up after being executed for some offense. Strong’s #8518 BDB #1067. Gen. 40:19 41:13 Deut. 21:22 2Sam. 4:12
tâlâh (תָּלָה) [pronounced taw-LAWH] |
to hang [up], to suspend; to put to death by hanging; to hang on a stake, to crucify |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8518 BDB #1067 |
tâlâh (תָּלָה) [pronounced taw-LAWH] |
hanging [up], suspended |
Qal passive participle |
Strong’s #8518 BDB #1067 |
tâlâh (תָּלָה) [pronounced taw-LAWH] |
to be hung [up], to be suspended; to be put to death by hanging; to be hung on a stake, to be crucified |
3rd person masculine plural, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8518 BDB #1067 |
tâlâh (תָּלָה) [pronounced taw-LAWH] |
to hang [up], to suspend; to put to death by hanging; to hang on a stake, to crucify |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8518 BDB #1067 |
80. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8515 BDB #1067.
81. Masculine_noun: telîy (תְּלִי) [pronounced tehl-EE], which means quiver (with its arrows) (hanging from one’s shoulder). Strong’s #8522 BDB #1068. Gen. 27:3
telîy (תְּלִי) [pronounced tehl-EE] |
quiver (with its arrows) (hanging from one’s shoulder) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8522 BDB #1068 |
82. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #3494 BDB #1068.
83. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #8520 BDB #1068.
84. Masculine_noun: têl (ל ֵ) [pronounced tale], which means to put, to place, to set. It also can mean to make, to transform into. Strong's #7760 BDB #962. & 965. What Joshua made Ai into was the masculine singular construct of têl (ל ֵ) [pronounced tale], which means mound, ruins, heap; it can mean the mound or hill where a city stood. Although we have seen this word quite a number of times as attached to the names of present mountains and sites, it is only found twice in Joshua, once in Deuteronomy and twice in Jeremiah. The corresponding Arabic word is tell. The use of this word would imply that Hazor had been burned to the ground before, which puts us at a later date (assuming that the archeologists are accurate about their dates). Given where Hazor probably is, it would seem more likely that Egypt would have conquered and burn Hazor to the ground prior to the attack of Israel and that Hazor had been rebuilt by the time that Israel invaded the land. However, Joshua does not actually use the word têl with Hazor, but with the surrounding cities, the ones which he allowed to remain standing. Furthermore, one could argue that because of the destruction of these cities built upon hills and because another city was built upon the ruins of the former city, that têl came to mean ruins, heap, where it first began to simply mean mound. Strong’s #8510 BDB #1068. Joshua 8:28 11:13
85. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8512 BDB #1068.
86. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8521 BDB #1068.
87. Proper_noun_location: which means ; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8528 BDB #1068.
88. Adjective: which means heaped up; exalted, lofty. Passive participle of the verb below. Strong’s #8524 BDB #1068.
89. Feminine_noun: which means heaps, piles; waving palm-branches; figurative of a woman’s locks. Plural noun. Strong’s #8534 BDB #1068.
90. Verb: tâlal (תָלַל) [pronounced taw-LAHL], which means to deceive, to mock, to trifle [with]. This is not a word that necessarily means two different things, it refers to someone whose deception is so foolish as to mock the person who is being deceived. Here, Job says that his friends would mock God by their attempted deception of Him. Strong’s #8524 BDB #1068 (and Strong’s #2048 BDB #251). Judges 16:10 Job 13:9
91. Verb: which means to break the edge of, to make a breach or gap. Strong’s #none BDB #1068.
92. Masculine_noun: which means furrow. Strong’s #8525 BDB #1068.
93. Masculine_proper_noun: Talemay (תַּלְמִַי) [pronounced tahle-MAH-ee], which means not sure and is transliterated Talmai. Strong’s #8526 BDB #1068. Judges 1:10 2Sam. 3:3 13:37
Talemay (תַּלְמִַי) [pronounced tahle-MAH-ee] |
furrowed, ridge; transliterated Talmai |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8526 BDB #1068 |
94. Verb: which means possibly to gnaw. Strong’s #none BDB #1068.
95. Masculine_noun: masculine_noun tôlâ‛/tôlê‛âh/tôla‛ath (תּוֹלָע/תֹּלַעַת/תּוֹלַעַת/תּוֹלֵעָה) [pronounced to-LAW, to-lay-AW,to-LAH-ath] which means, maggot, worm, grub; the dye obtained from the worm; red, crimson scarlet [dye, cloth, thread]. Thayer: 1) worm, scarlet stuff, crimson; 1a) worm — the female ‘coccus ilicis’; 1b) scarlet stuff, crimson, scarlet; 1b1) the dye made from the dried body of the female of the worm “coccus ilicis”; 2) worm, maggot; 2a) worm, grub; 2b) the worm “coccus ilicis”. Perhaps it is the plural which refers specifically to the worm or grub? Thayer and Strong definitions only. Strong’s #8438 BDB #1068. Exodus 16:20 (F) 25:4 (F) 26:1 (F) 27:16 (F) 28:5 (F)
tôlâ‛/tôlê‛âh/tôla‛ath (תּוֹלָע/תֹּלַעַת/תּוֹלַעַת/תּוֹלֵעָה) [pronounced to-LAW, to-lay-AW, to-LAH-ath] |
maggot, worm, grub; the dye obtained from the worm; red, crimson scarlet [dye, cloth, thread] |
masculine singular noun; the feminine noun appears to refer to the worm only |
Strong’s #8438 BDB #1068 |
tôlâ‛/tôlê‛âh/tôla‛ath (תּוֹלָע/תֹּלַעַת/תּוֹלַעַת/תּוֹלֵעָה) [pronounced to-LAW, to-lay-AW, to-LAH-ath] |
maggot, worm, grub; the dye obtained from the worm; red, crimson scarlet [dye, cloth, thread] |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8438 BDB #1068 |
96. Feminine_noun: which means worm. Strong’s #8438 BDB #1069.
97. Masculine_proper_noun: Tôwlâʿ (תּוֹלָע) [pronounced toh-LAWĢ], which means worm; transliterated Tola. Strong’s #8439 BDB #1069. Gen. 46:13
Tôwlâʿ (תּוֹלָע) [pronounced toh-LAWĢ] |
worm; transliterated Tola |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8439 BDB #1069 |
98. Gentilic_adjective: which means , transliterated . Strong’s #8440 BDB #1069.
99. Pual Verb: which means clad in scarlet. Strong’s #8529 BDB #1069.
100. Feminine_plural_noun: which means teeth, gnawers, incisors. Strong’s #4459 & #4973 BDB #1069.
101. Feminine_plural_noun: which means fatal things. Use poetically for weapons. Strong’s #8530 BDB #1069.
102. Verb: tâmahh (תָּמַהּ) [pronounced taw-MAH], which means to be amazed, astonished, astounded; to be stunned; to be dumbfounded. Strong’s #8539 BDB #1069. Gen. 43:33
tâmahh (תָּמַהּ) [pronounced taw-MAH] |
to be amazed, astonished, astounded; to look in amazement; to be stunned; to be dumbfounded |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8539 BDB #1069 |
tâmahh (תָּמַהּ) [pronounced taw-MAH] |
to astonish yourself, be astounded, be astonished at one another |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #8539 BDB #1069 |
103. Masculine_noun: timmâhôwn (ןה ָ ̣) [pronounced tim-maw-HONE] refers to being in a state of bewilderment, stupefaction, dumbfounded astonishment. It is found only in Deut. 28:28 and Zech. 12:4. which means bewilderment. Strong’s #8541 BDB #1069. Deut. 28:28 Zech. 12:4
104. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ; transliterated . Strong’s #8547 BDB #1069.
105. Verb: tâmake (תָּמַ) [pronounced taw-MAHK], which means to take hold of, to grasp; to obtain, to acquire; to hold fast; to hold up, to support; to take hold of [one another], to hold together, to adhere. Strong’s #8551 BDB #1069. Gen. 48:17 Exodus 17:12 Psalm 41:12 63:8 Prov. 3:18 4:4 5:5, 22
tâmake (תָּמַ) [pronounced taw-MAHK] |
to take hold of, to grasp; to obtain, to acquire; to hold fast; to hold up, to support; to take hold of [one another], to hold together, to adhere |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8551 BDB #1069 |
With the bêyth preposition, tâmake means to hold up, to support. |
tâmake (תָּמַ) [pronounced taw-MAHK] |
those taking a hold of, those who are grasping; the ones obtaining, those acquiring; the ones holding fast [holding up, supporting]; those who take a hold of [one another], the ones who hold together, those adhering |
masculine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8551 BDB #1069 |
tâmake (תָּמַ) [pronounced taw-MAHK] |
to be taken hold of, to be held, to be grasped |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8551 BDB #1069 |
106. Adverb: temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL], which means yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly. Strong’s #8543 and Strong’s #865 BDB #1069. Gen. 31:2 Exodus 4:10 5:7 Deut. 4:42 Joshua 3:4 1Sam. 20:27 2Sam. 15:20
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #8543 (and #865) BDB #1069 |
ʾethemôwl (אֶתְמוֹל) [pronounced ethe-MOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #865 (and #8543) BDB #1069 |
ʾethemûwl (אֶתְמוּל) [pronounced ethe-MUHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #865 (and #8543) BDB #1069 |
107. Compound: 2Sam. 3:17 5:2
gam (גַם) [pronounced gahm] |
also, furthermore, in addition to, even, moreover |
adverb |
Strong’s #1571 BDB #168 |
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #8543 (and #865) BDB #1069 |
gam (גַם) [pronounced gahm] |
also, furthermore, in addition to, even, moreover |
adverb |
Strong’s #1571 BDB #168 |
shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM] |
three days ago, the day before yesterday |
adverb |
Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026 |
Literally, these adverbs read also yesterday, even three days ago or both yesterday and three days ago. The idea is formerly, so formerly, so more recently. The more literal translators in 2Sam. 3:17 render this in times past (HNV, MKJV, NASB, NKJV, the Tanakh—1917, WEB); in the past (HCSB); before now (LTHB); for some time now (God’s Word™, NLT); for some time past (ESV); all along (the Tanakh—1985); for a long time (NAB); for a long time now (NJB); heretofore (Young). I think the idea is recently and persistently (or, continuously). Let me add the translation, for awhile now. |
108. Compound: Exodus 5:14
gam (גַם) [pronounced gahm] |
also, furthermore, in addition to, even, moreover |
adverb |
Strong’s #1571 BDB #168 |
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #8543 (and #865) BDB #1069 |
gam (גַם) [pronounced gahm] |
also, furthermore, in addition to, even, moreover |
adverb |
Strong’s #1571 BDB #168 |
yôwm (יוֹם) [pronounced yohm] |
day; time; today or this day (with a definite article); possibly immediately |
masculine singular noun with the definite article |
Strong’s #3117 BDB #398 |
This is variously translated (in Exodus 5:14): both yesterday and today (ARV 2005, CGV, ISV); formerly as today (ASB); as yesterday, so today (WikiBible). |
109. Compound Adverbs: the kaph preposition and two adverbs. The first is temôl (למ ׃) [pronounced teMOHL], which means yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly. Strong’s #8543 and Strong’s #865 BDB #1069. The second is shileshôwm (םש ׃ל ̣ש) [pronounced shil-SHOHM], which means three days ago, the day before yesterday. See alternate spellings above. Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026. Together, they simply mean as before (see Gen. 31:2 2Kings 13:5). Gen. 31:2 Exodus 5:7 Joshua 4:18 1Sam. 4:7 14:21 19:7 21:5
kaph or ke (כְּ) [pronounced ke] |
like, as, according to; about, approximately; combined with an infinitive, it can also take on the meaning as, often, when, as soon as |
preposition of comparison, resemblance or approximation |
No Strong’s # BDB #453 |
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #8543 (and #865) BDB #1069 |
shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM] |
three days ago, the day before yesterday |
adverb |
Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026 |
Together, this preposition and two adverbs mean as before, previously, formerly, heretofore. |
110. Compound Adverbs: two adverbs: the first is temôl (למ ׃) [pronounced teMOHL], which means yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly. Strong’s #8543 and Strong’s #865 BDB #1069. The second is shileshôm (םש ׃ל ̣ש) [pronounced shil-SHOHM], which means three days ago, the day before yesterday. Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026. Together, they simply mean before, previously, afore time, hitherto, heretofore (see Gen. 31:2 2Kings 13:5). Gen. 31:2 Exodus 5:8 Deut. 4:42 Ruth 2:11 1Sam. 4:7
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #8543 (and #865) BDB #1069 |
shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM] |
three days ago, the day before yesterday |
adverb |
Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026 |
Together, these two adverbs mean before, previously, afore time, hitherto, heretofore (see Gen. 31:2 2Kings 13:5). |
111. Compound adverbs: The preposition is min (from, out from, out of) and the first word is the adverb temôl (למ ׃) [pronounced teMOHL], which means yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly. Strong’s #8543 and Strong’s #865 BDB #1069. The last word is shileshôm (םש ׃ל ̣ש) [pronounced shil-SHOHM], which means three days ago, the day before yesterday. Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026. Literally, we have from yesterday three days ago; figuratively, we might say the last couple of three days; it is idiomatic for at any time before, in the past, heretofore, before, from before. Exodus 21:29 Joshua 3:4 1Sam. 10:11
min (מִן) [pronounced mihn] |
from, away from, out from, out of from, off, on account of |
preposition of separation |
Strong's #4480 BDB #577 |
temôwl (תּמוֹל) [pronounced teMOHL] |
yesterday; and is used figuratively for recently, formerly |
adverb |
Strong’s #865 (and #8543) BDB #1069 |
shileshôwm (שִלְשוֹם) [pronounced shil-SHOHM] |
three days ago, the day before yesterday |
adverb |
Strong’s #8032 BDB #1026 |
Literally, min plus the two prepositions should be rendered from yesterday three days ago; figuratively, we might say the last couple of three days; it is idiomatic for at any time before, in the past, heretofore, before, from before. |
112. Verb: tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm], which means to be complete, to be finished, to complete, to come to an end, to cease; to be consumed [exhausted, spent; destroyed]; to be sound [unimpaired, upright]; to completely cross over. This is also written tâmam (ם ַמ ָ) [pronounced taw-MAHM]. See below. Strong’s #8552 BDB #1070. Gen. 47:15 Deut. 34:8 Joshua 3:16, 17 5:6 8:24 10:20 2Sam. 20:18 22:26 1Kings 6:22 7:22 Psalm 104:35
tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm] |
to be finished, be completed; completely, wholly, entirely (as auxiliary with verb); to be finished, come to an end, cease; to be complete (of number); to be consumed, be exhausted, be spent; to be finished, be consumed, be destroyed; to be complete, be sound, be unimpaired, be upright; to complete, finish; to be completely crossed over |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8552 BDB #1070 |
tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm] |
to be consumed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8552 BDB #1070 |
tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm] |
to finish, complete, perfect; to finish, cease doing, leave off doing; to complete; to cause to complete [finish], sum up, make whole; to destroy (uncleanness); to make sound |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8552 BDB #1070 |
tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm] |
to deal in integrity, to act uprightly; show oneself to have integrity |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong’s #8552 BDB #1070 |
113. Adjective: tâm (תָּם) [pronounced tawm], is an adjective and it refers to one who has personal integrity; perfected, completed, finished, innocent, blameless; having no intention to do evil. This means Job was both saved and that he was a mature believer. This particular word occurs only once prior to Job 1:1, and that is in Gen. 25:27 in reference to Jacob. This says a lot about Jacob in his early life. It means perfected, completed, finished, innocent, blameless. Sometimes, this word has been translated innocent. This word was first found in Gen. 20:5–6, where Abram has lied to Abimelch and Abimelech has taken Abram's wife Sarah as his wife. God comes to him in a dream and God and Abimelech both agree that Abimelech did this in the innocence of his heart. A very similar use is found in 2Sam. 15:11. We found the plural of this word used for Urim and Thumim (Lev. 8:8). This word is found in several places where it describes the spiritual walk of a person (Psalm 26:1 Prov. 2:7). The early use of this adjective indicates that it refers to integrity in terms of intending to do no evil, innocence, blameless, upright. The corresponding verb means to complete, to consume, to finish up. When you have sinned, you have a defect, you are incomplete before God. Therefore, the adjective has to do with remaining in fellowship without evil intentions. We find this particular adjective used several times in the book of Job (1:1, 8 2:3 8:20 9:20–22) and then scattered throughout Scripture (Gen. 25:27 Psalm 37:37 64:4 SOS 5:2 6:9).* Unfortunately, this word and related words are often rendered perfect in the KJV. That has led to no end confusion for some believers (like the translation tongues). There is no perfection in this life. We all possess an old sin nature. We may go from sinning every three minutes to sinning once a day or so, but there is no perfection in this life. A similar word (but not the same word) is used to describe Noah in Gen. 6:9 and is commanded of Abram in Gen. 17:1 (Strong’s #8549 BDB #1071). Strong’s #8535 BDB #1070. Gen. 25:27 Job 1:1b, 8 8:20 9:20 Psalm 73:4
tâm (תָּם) [pronounced tawm] |
one who has personal integrity; perfected, completed, finished, innocent, blameless; having no intention to do evil |
masculine singular adjective; substantive |
Strong’s #8535 BDB #1070 |
The complete set of BDB meanings: 1) perfect, complete; 1a) complete, perfect; 1a1) one who lacks nothing in physical strength, beauty, etc; 1b) sound, wholesome; 1b1) an ordinary, quiet sort of person; 1c) complete, morally innocent, having integrity; 1c1) one who is morally and ethically pure. |
114. Masculine_noun: tôm (תֹּם) [pronounced tohm], and it means integrity, completeness, innocence; safety, prosperity; fulness [for number and measure]. In the plural, this is the word that is transliterated Thummim, and I wonder if it shouldn’t be a different word (see #8550 below; BDB kind of differentiates; Strong’s does; the New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance does not). Strong’s #8537 BDB #1070. Gen. 20:5, 6 2Sam. 15:11 1Kings 9:4 Job 2:3b 21:23 Psalm 7:8 41:12 78:72 Prov. 2:7 10:9
tôm (תֹּם) [pronounced tohm] |
integrity, completeness, innocence; safety, prosperity; fulness [for number and measure] |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8537 BDB #1070 |
Various translators, in 2Sam. 15:11, suggest these alternate meanings: unsuspectingly, naively, in good faith. |
115. Masculine_proper_noun: tûmmîym (תֻּמִּים) [pronounced toom-MEEM], which means completeness, integrity, perfections; transliterated Thummim. Strong’s #8550 BDB #1070. Exodus 28:30 1Sam. 14:41
tûmmîym (תֻּמִּים) [pronounced toom-MEEM] |
completeness, integrity, perfections; transliterated Thummim |
masculine proper plural noun; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8550 BDB #1070 |
116. Verb: tâmam (תָּמַם) [pronounced taw-MAHM], which means to completely use up, to complete, to finish, to consume, to exhaust, to accomplish, to spend, to be (spiritually) mature. The meanings are all related, but it is difficult to come up with a word which can be used consistently. It is used when strength or money has been completed used up (Gen. 47:15, 18 Lev. 26:20 Jer. 37:21). This word is used in connection with war, or any disaster, when a group of people have been completely killed (or consumed by war or disaster—Num. 17:13 Joshua 5:6 Jer. 44:12, 18). This word is used in connection with finishing, completing or accomplishing something (Lev. 25:29 Joshua 4:1, 10 Job 31:40). It is finally used to describe reaching maturity (2Sam. 22:26 Psalm 18:25). Finally, there does not seem to be a well-defined correlation between these meanings given and the stem of the verb (most of these meanings occur in the Qal stem). Obviously, this is a word which can be used in a positive or negative sense, depending upon the context. In Psalm 73:19, the sense is negative. Strong's #8552 BDB #1070. Deut. 2:14 Lev. 26:20 Num. 14:33 1Sam. 16:11 Psalm 19:13 64:6 73:19
tâmam (תָּמַם) [pronounced taw-MAHM] |
to complete, to finish, to consume, to completely use up, to exhaust, to accomplish, to spend; to be (spiritually) mature |
3rd person plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8552 BDB #1070 |
A fuller list of meanings: to be complete, to be finished, to complete, to be (spiritually) mature; to come to an end, to cease; to completely use up, to exhaust; to accomplish; to be consumed [exhausted, spent; destroyed]; to be sound [unimpaired, upright]; to completely cross over. |
This verb is also spelled tam (תַּם) [pronounced tahm]. |
tâmam (תָּמַם) [pronounced taw-MAHM] |
to be consumed |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8552 BDB #1070 |
tâmam (תָּמַם) [pronounced taw-MAHM] |
to finish, complete, perfect; to finish, cease doing, leave off doing; to complete, sum up, make whole; to destroy (uncleanness); to make sound |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong's #8552 BDB #1070 |
tâmam (תָּמַם) [pronounced taw-MAHM] |
to deal in integrity; to act uprightly |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpael imperfect |
Strong's #8552 BDB #1070 |
117. Feminine_noun: tûmmâh (תֻּמָּה) [pronounced toom-MAW], which means integrity; innocence. Strong’s #8538 BDB #1070. Job 2:3
tûmmâh (תֻּמָּה) [pronounced toom-MAW] |
integrity; innocence |
feminine singular noun with the 3rd person masculine singular suffix |
Strong’s #8538 BDB #1070 |
118. Adjective: which means complete, perfect; sound, wholesome, morally innocent, having integrity. Strong’s #8535 BDB #1070.
119. Adjective: tâmîym (תָּמִים) [pronounced taw-MEEM], which means complete, whole, entire, sufficient, without blemish. This adjective is used most often when referring to a sacrificial animal being without blemish (Ex. 12:5 29:1 Lev. 1:3, 10 3:1, 9 4:3). It is an adjective used of Noah (Gen. 6:9) and God ordered this of Abram (Gen. 17:1). This word refers to the completion of seven Sabbaths in Lev. 23:15. When spoken of a man, it means a man who operates on the basis of spiritual integrity; i.e., they are spiritually mature and in fellowship. When spoken of God, it is a reference to His character or His works being perfect integrity, which means perfect justice and perfect righteousness are key to what is being examined. Strong’s #8549 BDB #1071. Gen. 6:9 17:1 Exodus 12:5 29:1 Deut. 18:13 32:4 Joshua 10:13 24:14 Judges 9:16 1Sam. 14:41 2Sam. 22:24 Job (1:1) Psalm 15:2 19:7 Prov. 1:12 2:21
tâmîym (תָּמִים) [pronounced taw-MEEM] |
complete, whole, entire, sufficient, without blemish |
adjective |
Strong’s #8549 BDB #1071 |
The full set of BDB meanings are: 1) complete, whole, entire, sound; 1a) complete, whole, entire; 1b) whole, sound, healthful; 1c) complete, entire (of time); 1d) sound, wholesome, unimpaired, innocent, having integrity; 1e) what is complete or entirely in accord with truth and fact (neuter adjective/substantive). We may include blameless among these definitions. |
120. Masculine_noun: which means soundness, entirety, completeness. Strong’s #4974 BDB #1071.
121. Verb: which means to be erect. Strong’s #none BDB #1071.
122. Masculine_noun: which means palm-tree, post. Strong’s #8560 BDB #1071.
123. Masculine_noun: tâmâr (תָּמָר) [pronounced taw-MAWR], which means palm-tree, date-palm, Phoenix dactylifera. Strong’s #8558 BDB #1071. Exodus 15:27 Deut. 34:3 Judges 1:16 3:13
tâmâr (תָּמָר) [pronounced taw-MAWR] |
palm-tree, date-palm, Phoenix dactylifera; palms, palm trees |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8558 BDB #1071 |
124. Feminine_proper_noun: Tâmâr (תָּמָר) [pronounced taw-MAWR], which means palm-tree, date-palm and is transliterated Tamar. Strong’s #8559 BDB #1071. Gen. 38:6 2Sam. 13:1 14:27
Tâmâr (תָּמָר) [pronounced taw-MAWR] |
palm-tree, date-palm and is transliterated Tamar |
feminine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8559 BDB #1071 |
Interestingly enough, this, when used as a simple noun, is a masculine singular noun; however, as a name, it is considered a feminine singular noun, since it is applied to women. |
125. Proper_noun_location: which means palm-tree; and is transliterated . Strong’s #8559 BDB #1071.
126. Feminine_noun: timôrôth (תִמֹּרֹת) [pronounced tihm-moh-ROTH], which means palm trees, carvings or figures or ornaments of palm trees. Strong’s #8561 BDB #1071. 1Kings 6:29 7:36
timôrôth (תִמֹּרֹת) [pronounced tihm-moh-ROHTH] |
palm trees, carvings or figures or ornaments of palm trees |
feminine plural noun |
Strong’s #8561 BDB #1071 |
127. Feminine_noun: which means a [palm-tree-like] column. Strong’s #8470 BDB #1071.
128. Masculine_noun: which means sign posts. A doubtful word. Strong’s #8564 BDB #1071.
129. Verb1: tânâh (הָנָ) [pronounced taw-NAW], which appears to means both hire or procure [a prostitute]; and to recount, to celebrate, the difference being determined by context. See below. Strong’s #8567[ⅶ] BDB #1072 [Я].
tânâh (הָנָ) [pronounced taw-NAW] |
to hire or to procure |
3rd person masculine plural, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8566 [& #8567] BDB #1071 [& #1072] |
tânâh (הָנָ) [pronounced taw-NAW] |
to hire or to procure [a prostitute] |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8566 [& #8567] BDB #1071 [& #1072] |
130. Masculine_noun: which means the hiring of a prostitute, the hire of a prostitute. Strong’s #866 BDB #1071.
131. Masculine_proper_noun: which means not sure and is transliterated . Strong’s #3496 BDB #1072.
132. Verb2: tânâh (הָנָ) [pronounced taw-NAW], which appears to means both hire or procure [a prostitute]; and to recount, to celebrate, the difference being determined by context. See above. Strong’s #8567 [& #8566] BDB #1072 [& #1071]. Judges 5:11 11:40
tânâh (הָנָ) [pronounced taw-NAW] |
to recount, to celebrate |
3rd person masculine plural, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8567 [& #8566] BDB #1072 [& #1071] |
There is an entirely different meaning (to hire; to hire a prostitute), which is Strong’s #8566 BDB #1071. The other usage is only found in the Qal and Hiphil. |
133. Masculine_noun: tenûwke (תְּנוּךְ) [pronounced tehn-OOK], which means lobe [tip, extremity, pinnacle] of the ear. Strong’s #8571 BDB #1072. Exodus 29:20
tenûwke (תְּנוּךְ) [pronounced tehn-OOK] |
lobe [tip, extremity, pinnacle] of the ear |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8571 BDB #1072 |
134. Masculine_noun: tannûwr (תַּנּוּר) [pronounced tahn-NOOR], which means oven, furnace; portable stove, fire-pot; figuratively for God’s furnace, God’s wrath. Strong’s #8574 BDB #1072. Gen. 15:17 Exodus 8:3 Psalm 21:9
tannûwr (תַּנּוּר) [pronounced tahn-NOOR] |
oven, furnace; portable stove, fire-pot; figuratively for God’s furnace, God’s wrath |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8574 BDB #1072 |
BDB also has hunger [desire] for evil, but I found no evidence of those meanings. |
135. Masculine/feminine_noun: tan (ן-) [pronounced tahn] or tân (ן ָ) [pronounced tawn], which means jackal. In the plural, this is tannîym (םי. -) [pronounced tah-NEEM] or tannîyn (ןי.-) [pronounced tah-NEEN], the latter spelling is the same as what we have for the serpent, dragon or sea monster. Contextually speaking, what works in Psalm 44:19 is jackals. Strong’s #8565 BDB #1072. [See Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072 below]. Psalm 44:19
136. Noun: tannâh (הָ-ת) [pronounced tahn-NAW], which means habitation, jackal. Its meaning and even its actual occurrence is questionable. It appears to be deserted places where jackals howl. Strong’s #8568 BDB #1072.
137. Masculine_noun: tannîyn (תַּנִּין) [pronounced tahn-NEEM] is generally rendered dragon in the KJV. BDB defines this as a serpent (though not the same serpent is in the garden or as bit the people of Israel in the desert. BDB writes that this is a figurative mythological creature, symbolic of chaos. What is somewhat confusing is that there are two very similar words, treated by BDB and Strong’s as the same word, yet ZPEB and The New Englishman’s Concordance treats them as separate words (actually, the concordance lists them as three different words). The word found here is the same one found in Gen. 1:21, where God creates the great sea-monsters and found in Exodus 7, where the staffs are turned into tannîyn’s. This is more akin to our English word creature, which could stand for a myriad of different kinds of animals and even non-animals. The REB suggests waterspouts as an alternate rendering. Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072. [See Strong’s #8565 BDB #1072 above]. Gen. 1:21 Exodus 7:9 Deut. 32:33 Psalm (44:19) 148:7
tannîyn (תַּנִּין) [pronounced tahn-NEEN] |
jackal, hyena; crocodile; shark; a [deadly and poisonous] snake |
masculine singular noun (this noun appears to be used as a singular) |
Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072 |
tannîym (תַּנִּים) [pronounced tahn-NEEM] |
jackals, hyenas; crocodiles; sharks; [deadly and poisonous] snakes; kimono dragons |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072 |
BDB includes the translations dragon, dinosaur, river [or ea] monster; serpent. |
It is possible that the singular noun is tan (ן-) [pronounced tahn] or tân (תָּן) [pronounced tawn]. We never find the singular form of this noun in Scripture. Strong’s #8565 BDB #1072 (note the different Strong’s #). It is possible for the singular version to be tannîyn (ןי.-) [pronounced tahn-NEEN], which is not the normal singular/plural form for a noun. Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072. There is no way that we can confine this to being a land-only animal or to a sea-only creature, as it is clearly used in both ways. What these creatures seem to have in common is: they are deadly to man; they are feared by man; they tend to be hidden from man until they strike suddenly. Even though kimono dragons are not native to that area, I am suggesting that a similar animal may have existed then. |
I should point out that there are many words for snakes in the Hebrew, several words for serpents. In the KJV, this is the word (or set of words) generally rendered dragons. |
This is a very difficult word and there is no little controversy about it. See the Doctrine of Sea Monsters, Dragons, Jackals and Waterspouts. |
138. Masculine_noun: tannîynîym (םי.ני.-ת) [pronounced tahn-nee-NEEM], which means sea storm, water spout; hurricane; a [great] sea creature [with a discernable head?]. Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072. Psalm 148:7
tannîynîym (םי.ני.-ת) [pronounced tahn-nee-NEEM] |
sea storm, water spout; hurricane; a [great] sea creature [with a discernable head?] |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8577 BDB #1072 |
This is a very difficult word and there is no little controversy about it. See the Doctrine of Sea Monsters, Dragons, Jackals and Waterspouts. It is possible that this is the plural form of the word tannîyn (ןי.-) [pronounced tahn-NEEN]. If this is the case, then this should have the same set of meanings as tannîyn (ןי.-). That would suggest that the meanings sea storm, water spout, and hurricane are personifications applied to the sea, suggesting a weather phenomenon which is deadly to man, hidden from man, and one which strikes man suddenly (corresponding to the animals which tannîyn (ןי.-) represents: jackal, hyena; a poisonous snake; crocodile; shark; kimono dragon (or an extinct animal similar to the kimono dragon). |
139. Masculine_noun: which means hire of a harlot. Strong’s #866 (and #868, 869) BDB #1072
140. Feminine_noun: tôwʿêvâh (תּוֹעֵוָה) [pronounced to-ģay-VAWH], meaning disgusting act, an abomination, abhorrent, an abhorrent act. Since abomination sounds so King Jamsey, I will stick with the latter two renderings. Until this point in time, this word has been used rather sparingly, found only in Gen. 43:32 46:34 Exodus 8:26 (in all cases, this was a situation of what the Egyptians found to be abhorrent; this makes me wonder if this might be a loan word). We will find it used throughout the rest of this chapter, once in Lev. 20:13 and then often in Deuteronomy. If is often used of the abhorrent acts of heathen (2Chron. 28:3 33:2). Strong's #8441 BDB #1072. Gen. 43:32 46:34 Exodus 8:26 Lev. 18:22 Deut. 17:1, 4 20:18 22:5 Prov. 3:32 6:16 8:7
tôwʿêvâh (תּוֹעֵוָה) [pronounced to-ģay-VAWH] |
disgusting act, an abomination, abhorrent, abhorrence, an abhorrent act |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8441 BDB #1072 |
Originally, this word was used to describe how the Egyptians felt about the Jews (Gen. 43:32 46:34 Exodus 8:26). This same word was often used for the abominations committed by the heathen of the land which God told the Jews to destroy (Deut. 18:9, 12 20:18 2Kings 21:2 2Chron. 28:3 2Kings 21:11 2Chron. 28:3). Jews who did such an abhorrent act were to be cut off from their people (Lev. 18:29). People who committed abhorrent acts often stirred God up to anger (Deut. 32:16). This particular word was often associated with sexual degeneracy (Lev. 18:22 1Kings 14:24), with child sacrifice (Deut. 12:31 2Kings 16:3) and with the Jews going after other gods (Deut. 32:16). |
141. Niphal/Piel verb: tâʿab (תָּעַב) [pronounced taw-ĢAHBV], which means to be abhorred, to be corrupt, to regard as an abomination. Strong’s #8581 BDB #1073. Job 15:16 19:19 Psalm 106:40
tâʿab (תָּעַב) [pronounced taw-ĢAHBV] |
to make abominable, to make shameful, to cause to be abhorred |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8581 BDB #1073 |
tâʿab (תָּעַב) [pronounced taw-ĢAHBV] |
to abhor, to abominate; to cause to be abhorred; to make abominable; corrupt, to regard as an abomination |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8581 BDB #1073 |
tâʿab (תָּעַב) [pronounced taw-ĢAHBV] |
to be abhorred, to be corrupt, to regard as an abomination |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8581 BDB #1073 |
142. Verb: tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH], which means to err; to go astray [by sin], to [physically, mentally] wander [about]; to stagger [from intoxication]; to perish. This is the word found in Isa. 53:6: all we like sheep have gone astray. A word study might be in order here. Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073. Gen. 20:13 21:14 37:15 Exodus 23:4 Job 12:24 Psalm 95:10 Prov. 7:24 10:17
tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH] |
to err; to go astray [by sin], to [physically, mentally] wander [about]; to stagger [from intoxication]; to perish |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073 |
Tâʿâh refers to wandering without a guide, to sheep going astray without a shepherd, to a person acting without a moral compass. |
tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH] |
erring; going astray [by sin], [physically, mentally] wandering [about]; to staggering [from intoxication]; perishing |
Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073 |
tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH] |
erring; going astray [by sin], [physically, mentally] wandering [about]; to staggering [from intoxication]; perishing |
masculine plural construct, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073 |
tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH] |
to be led astray [by others, by sin], to be deceived; to be made to [physically, mentally] wander [about]; to be made to stagger [from intoxication] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073 |
tâʿâh (תָּעָה) [pronounced taw-ĢAWH] |
to cause to go astray [by sin], to cause to [physically, mentally] wander [about]; to cause to stagger [from intoxication]; to cause to err; to mislead [mentally, morally]; to err |
3rd person masculine singular, Hiphil imperfect |
Strong’s #8582 BDB #1073 |
143. Feminine_noun: which means a wandering, an error. Strong’s #8442 BDB #1073.
144. Masculine_proper_noun: Tôʿûw (תֹּעוּ) [pronounced TOH-ģoo], which means transliterated Tou, Thou, Toi. King of Ramath. Strong’s #8583 BDB #1073. 2Sam. 8:9
Tôʿûw (תֹּעוּ) [pronounced TOH-ģoo] |
transliterated Tou, Thou, Toi |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8583 BDB #1073 |
This is also spelled Tăʿîy (תֲּעִי) [pronounced TUH-ģee]. |
145. Proper_noun_location: Taʿenâke (תַּעֲנָךְ) [pronounced tah-ģuh-NAWK], which means ; and is transliterated Taanach. Strong’s #8590 BDB #1073. Judges 1:27 1Kings 4:12
Taʿănâke (תַּעֲנָךְ) [pronounced tah-ģuh-NAWK] |
sandy; transliterated Taanak, Tanak, Taanach, Tanach |
proper noun; location |
Strong’s #8590 BDB #1073 |
Also spelled Taʿenâke (תַּעְנָךְ) [pronounced tahģ-NAWK]. |
146. Verb: tâʿaʿ (תָּעַע) [pronounced taw-ĢAHĢ], which means to stammer; to mock; to deceive. Strong’s #8591 BDB #1073. Gen. 27:11
tâʿaʿ (תָּעַע) [pronounced taw-ĢAHĢ] |
to stammer; to mock; to deceive |
3rd person masculine singular, Pilel imperfect |
Strong’s #8591 BDB #1073 |
tâʿaʿ (תָּעַע) [pronounced taw-ĢAHĢ] |
stammering; mocking; deceiving |
Pilel participle |
Strong’s #8591 BDB #1073 |
tâʿaʿ (תָּעַע) [pronounced taw-ĢAHĢ] |
to scoff at; to ridicule; (as a participle) mocking, ridiculing |
3rd person masculine singular, Hithpalel imperfect |
Strong’s #8591 BDB #1073 |
147. Masculine_noun/plural_abstract: which means mockery. Strong’s #8595 BDB #1073.
148. Masculine_noun: which means baked pieces. This is a doubtful word found in the plural. Strong’s #8601 BDB #1073.
149. Verb: which means to not salt [fish]; to spit [out]. Strong’s #none BDB #1073.
150. Adjective: which means tasteless, unseasoned; unsatisfying [prophesies]; whitewash. Used for whitewash in Ezekiel’s vision. Strong’s #8602 BDB #1073.
151. Feminine_noun: tiphelâh (תִּפְלָה) [pronounced tife-LAWH], which means inordinate malfunction, inappropriateness, malfeasance; moral bankruptcy. which is given the meanings unseemliness, unsavouriness by BDB and folly by the KJV, are only slightly antiquated renderings. This word, found only in Job 1:22 24:12 Jer. 23:13, should be rendered inordinate malfunction, inappropriateness, malfeasance. Strong’s #8604 BDB #1074. Job 1:22 Jer. 23:13 (as a part of Gen. 19)
tiphelâh (תִּפְלָה) [pronounced tife-LAWH] |
inordinate malfunction, inappropriateness, malfeasance; moral bankruptcy; unsavory, foolish |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8604 BDB #1074 |
152. Proper_noun/location: Tôphel (תֹּפֶל) [pronounced TOH-fehl], which means white; tasteless, unseasoned; whitewashed; transliterated Tophel. Strong’s #8603 BDB #1074. Deut. 1:1
Tôphel (תֹּפֶל) [pronounced TOH-fehl] |
white; tasteless, unseasoned; whitewashed; transliterated Tophel |
proper singular noun/location |
Strong’s #8603 BDB #1074 |
153. Masculine_noun: tôph (תֹּף) [pronounced tohf], which means timbrel, tambourine; it is sort of a drum or tambourine and it is generally held in the hands of a dancing women (Ex. 15:20 Judges 11:34). Strong’s #8596 BDB #1074. Gen. 31:27 Exodus 15:20 Judges 11:34 1Sam. 10:5 18:6 2Sam. 6:5 Job 21:12 Psalm 149:3
tôph (תֹּף) [pronounced tohf] |
timbrel, tambourine; it is sort of a drum or tambourine and it is generally held in the hands of dancing women |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8596 BDB #1074 |
154. Verb: tâphaph (ף-פָ) [pronounced taw-FAHF], which means to sound the timbrel, to beat [play upon] [a drum]. It means twittering in the participle. Strong’s #8608 BDB #1074. Psalm 68:25
tâphaph (ף-פָ) [pronounced taw-FAHF] |
to sound the timbrel, to beat [play upon] [a drum] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8608 BDB #1074 |
tâphaph (ף-פָ) [pronounced taw-FAHF] |
sounding timbrels, beating [playing upon] [a drum]; timbrel players; percussionists |
feminine plural, Qal active participle |
Strong’s #8608 BDB #1074 |
tâphaph (ף-פָ) [pronounced taw-FAHF] |
to beat [one’s breast] |
3rd person masculine singular, Poel imperfect |
Strong’s #8608 BDB #1074 |
155. Verb: tâphar (תָּפַר) [pronounced taw-FAHR], which means to sew [together]. Strong’s #8609 BDB #1074. Gen. 3:7
tâphar (תָּפַר) [pronounced taw-FAHR] |
to sew [together] |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8609 BDB #1074 |
tâphar (תָּפַר) [pronounced taw-FAHR] |
to sew [together]; as a participle: sewing |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8609 BDB #1074 |
156. Verb: tâphas (תָּפַשׂ) [pronounced taw-FAHS], which means to lay a hold of, to manipulate, to seize. A secondary meaning is to enclose with gold. The Niphal, which is the passive stem, means to be taken a hold of. Strong's #8610 BDB #1074. Gen. 4:21 39:12 Num. 5:13 Deut. 20:19 21:19 22:28 Joshua 8:8, 23 1Sam. 15:8 23:26 Psalm 10:2
tâphas (תָּפַשׂ) [pronounced taw-FAHS] |
to lay a hold of, to grab; to arrest, to seize; to manipulate, to grasp, to wield, to handle skillfully |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong's #8610 BDB #1074 |
tâphas (תָּפַשׂ) [pronounced taw-FAHS] |
laying a hold of, arresting, seizing; grasping, handling skillfully, playing |
Qal active participle |
Strong's #8610 BDB #1074 |
tâphas (תָּפַשׂ) [pronounced taw-FAHS] |
to be taken, to be arrested, to be seized, to be caught [captured] |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong's #8610 BDB #1074 |
tâphas (תָּפַשׂ) [pronounced taw-FAHS] |
to lay a hold of, to catch, to seize, to grasp [with two hands] |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong's #8610 BDB #1074 |
157. Proper_noun/location: which means spitting; fire-place transliterated . Strong’s #8612 BDB #1075.
158. Proper_noun/location: which means a place of burning; judgement; transliterated . Strong’s #8613 BDB #1075.
159. Verb: tâqan (תָּקַן) [pronounced taw-KAHN], which means, to become straight; to arrange; to put right; to set in order; to be well-ordered; to be established, firm. Piel: to make straight, to put straight, to arrange in order. Possibly to fix, to arrange, to prepare; to erect. Strong’s #8626 BDB #1075. Eccles. 1:15
tâqan (תָּקַן) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to become straight; to arrange; to put right; to set in order; to be well-ordered; to be established, firm |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8626 BDB #1075 |
tâqan (תָּקַן) [pronounced taw-KAHN] |
to make straight, to put straight, to arrange in order, to set in order |
3rd person masculine singular, Piel imperfect |
Strong’s #8626 BDB #1075 |
This word may possibly mean, to fix, to arrange, to prepare; to erect. |
160. Verb: tâqaʿ (תָּקַע) [pronounced taw-KAHĢ], which means to fasten, to thrust, to clap, to give a blow, to give a blast. It is used a number of different ways in the Bible. The key to the verb is its direct object. Strong’s #8628 BDB #1075. Gen. 31:24 Exodus 10:19 Joshua 6:8 Judges 3:21, 27 6:34 16:14b Job 17:3 1Sam. 13:3 31:10 2Sam. 2:28 18:14 20:1 1Kings 1:34 Psalm 47:1 Prov. 6:1 Eccles. 1:15
tâqaʿ (תָּקַע) [pronounced taw-KAHĢ] |
to fasten, to thrust; to drive, to clap [or strike] [hands], to give a blow, to give a blast |
3rd person masculine singular, Qal imperfect |
Strong’s #8628 BDB #1075 |
The key to the meaning of this verb is context and the direct object. When the direct object is tent, it means to pitch, to peg down (Gen. 31:24 Jer. 6:3). The relationship here is, the tent pegs are fastened, thrust, driven into the ground. |
James Rickard: “Pledge” is the Verb TAQA, תָּקַע , “to pitch, to clap, to blow” with the noun KAPH, כַּף , that means, “hollow of the hand, or palm” Combined they are analogous to shaking hands. It was a sign of agreement or contract as it is today too. So it is like “signing on the dotted line.” |
tâqaʿ (תָּקַע) [pronounced taw-KAHĢ] |
to be blown; blast [of a horn]; to strike or pledge oneself |
3rd person masculine singular, Niphal imperfect |
Strong’s #8628 BDB #1075 |
161. Masculine_noun: têqaʿ (ע-ק̤) [pronounced tay-KAHĢ], which means blast or sound [of a horn]. Strong’s #8629 BDB #1075. Psalm 150:3*
têqaʿ (ע-ק̤) [pronounced tay-KAHĢ] |
blast or sound [of a horn] |
masculine singular construct |
Strong’s #8629 BDB #1075 |
162. Masculine_noun: which means blast of a [wind] instrument. Strong’s #8619 BDB #1075.
163. Proper_noun/location: Teqôwaʿ (תְּקוֹעַ) [pronounced tehk-OH-aģ], which means a pitching [of tents]; to thrust, to clap; to fasten; transliterated Tekoa, Tekoah. Strong’s #8620 BDB #1075. Gen. 14:2
Teqôwaʿ (תְּקוֹעַ) [pronounced tehk-OH-aģ] |
blast of a wind instrument (trumpet); a pitching [of tents]; a stockade; to thrust, to clap; to fasten; transliterated Tekoa, Tekoah |
proper singular noun/location; with the directional hê |
Strong’s #8620 BDB #1075 |
164. Gentilic_adjective: Teqôwʿîy (תְּקוֹעִי) [pronounced tehk-oh-EE], which means trumpet blast, blast of a horn; loud sound of an instrument, transliterated Tekoite. see above. Strong’s #8621 BDB #1075. 2Sam. 14:4 23:26 1Chron. 11:28
Teqôwʿîy (תְּקוֹעִי) [pronounced tehk-oh-EE] |
a pitching of tents; trumpet blast, blast of a horn; loud sound of an instrument, transliterated Tekoite |
gentilic singular adjective |
Strong’s #8621 BDB #1075 |
The meanings given by BDB for the city and the gentilic designation are very different. The trumpet blast appears to be the correct meaning. |
165. Verb: tâqêph (ף ֵק ָ) [pronounced taw-KAIF], and it means to overpower, to prevail over. Keil and Delitzsch make the argument that this means seize; however, the verses they quote (Job 15:24 Eccl. 4:12) do not justify that translation. Strong’s #8630 BDB #1075. Job 14:20 15:24
166. Masculine_noun: which means power, strength, energy. Strong’s #8633 BDB #1076.
167. Adjective: which means mighty. Strong’s #8623 BDB #1076.
168. Feminine_noun: tôr (תֹּר) [pronounced tore], which means dove, turtle dove. Onomatopoetic. Strong’s #8449 BDB #1076. Gen. 15:9
tôr (תֹּר) [pronounced tore] |
dove, turtle dove |
feminine singular noun |
Strong’s #8449 BDB #1076 |
There is a slight alternate spelling. |
169. Proper_noun_location: which means ?; and is transliterated . In Benjamin. Strong’s #8634 BDB #1076.
170. Verb: which means to interpret, to translate. Strong’s #8638 BDB #1076.
171. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ? and is transliterated . King of Egypt; of an Ethiopian dynasty. Strong’s #8640 BDB #1076.
172. Feminine_noun: which means a tree, a cypress. Dubious. Strong’s #8645 BDB #1076.
173. Masculine_proper_noun: Terach (תֶּרַח) [pronounced TEH-rahkh], which means delay; a tree and is transliterated Terah. Father of Abraham. Also a location in the Exodus. Strong’s #8646 BDB #1076. Gen. 10:24
Terach (תֶּרַח) [pronounced THE-rahkh] |
delay; a tree and is transliterated Terah |
masculine singular proper noun |
Strong’s #8646 BDB #1076 |
174. Masculine_noun: which means mast, a solitary standard pole, a flag staff. Strong’s #8650 BDB #1076.
175. Masculine_proper_noun: which means ? and is transliterated . A Kenite family. Strong’s #8654 BDB #1076.
176. Masculine_plural_noun: terâphîym (תְּרָפִים) [pronounced teraw-PHEEM], which means household idol, a kind of idol, an object of reverence, and a means of divination, and which is transliterated teraphim. They were small enough to carry in a hidden place (Gen. 31), in at least one case it was the size of and shaped like a man (1Sam. 19:13, 16); and they are used for divination (Ezek. 21:21). The NASB renders this household idols; the NIV as some idols; and Young, Owen and Rotherham transliterate this as teraphim. I personally picture these as a human counterfeit of guardian angels. Strong’s #8655 BDB #1076. Gen. 31:19 Judges 17:5 18:14 1Sam. 15:23 19:13
terâphîym (תְּרָפִים) [pronounced teraw-PHEEM] |
household idol, a kind of idol, an object of reverence, and a means of divination, often transliterated teraphim |
masculine plural noun |
Strong’s #8655 BDB #1076 |
177. Masculine_proper_noun: a eunuch at the court of Ahasuerus. Strong’s #8657 BDB #1076.
178. Masculine_noun: tareshîysh (תַּרְשִיש) [pronounced tahr-SHEESH], which means, perhaps the topaz, a beryl; a precious stone (yellow jasper?). Strong’s #8658 BDB #1076. Exodus 28:20
tareshîysh (תַּרְשִיש) [pronounced tahr-SHEESH] |
perhaps the topaz, a beryl; a precious stone (yellow jasper?) |
masculine singular noun |
Strong’s #8658 BDB #1076 |
179. Proper_noun_location: Tareshiysh (תַּרְשִיש) [pronounced tahr-SHEESH], which means breaking, subjection a region subjected; yellow jasper; and is transliterated Tarshish, Tharshish. A distant port; possibly Tartessus in Spain. Strong’s #8659 BDB #1076. Gen. 10:4
Tareshiysh (תַּרְשִיש) [pronounced tahr-SHEESH] |
breaking, subjection a region subjected; yellow jasper; and is transliterated Tarshish, Tharshish |
proper singular noun noun/location: |
Strong’s #8659 BDB #1076 |
180. Proper_masculine_noun: transliterated Tirshatha. Title of a Persian governor. Strong’s #8660 BDB #1077.
181. Masculine_noun: which means general, field marshal. The title of an Assyrian general. Strong’s #8661 BDB #1077.
182. Proper_noun_division: which means ?? and is transliterated . Huh? 2Kings 17:31* Strong’s #8662 BDB #1077.
183. Masculine_noun: tisheʿâh (תִּשְעָה) [pronounced tihshe-ĢAW], which means nine. Apparently a masculine and feminine form. Strong’s #8672 BDB #1077. Gen. 5:5, 8 9:29 11:19 Deut. 3:11 Judges 4:3 2Sam. 2:30 24:8
têshaʿ (תֵּשַע) [pronounced TAY-shahģ] |
nine, ninth |
masculine singular noun; ordinal or cardinal numeral |
Strong’s #8672 BDB #1077 |
tishaʿâh (תִּשְעָה) [pronounced tihshe-ĢAW] |
nine, ninth |
feminine singular noun; ordinal or cardinal numeral |
Strong’s #8672 BDB #1077 |
184. Feminine_adjective/numeral_ordinal: teshîyʿîy (י.עי.ש) [pronounced te-shee-ĢEE], which means ninth. Strong’s #8671 BDB #1077. 1Chron. 12:12
teshîyʿîy (י.עי.ש) [pronounced te-shee-ĢEE] |
ninth |
masculine singular adjective/numeral ordinal; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8671 BDB #1077 |
teshîyʿîyth (תי.עי.ש) [pronounced te-shee-TEETH] |
ninth |
feminine singular adjective/numeral ordinal; with the definite article |
Strong’s #8671 BDB #1077 |
185. Indeclinable_noun: tisheʿîym (תִּשְעִים) [pronounced tish-ĢEEM], which means ninety. Indeclinable noun; adjective; archaic plural. Strong’s #8673 BDB #1076. Gen. 5:9 17:1 1Sam. 4:15
tisheʿîym (תִּשְעִים) [pronounced tish-ĢEEM] |
ninety |
indeclinable noun; adjective; archaic plural |
Strong’s #8673 BDB #1077 |
Biblical Aramaic
(Daniel 2:4b–7:28 Ezra 4:8–6:19 7:12–26 Jeremiah 10:11 Gen. 31:47a Esther?)
אʾAleph [pronounced AW-lef]
1. Masculine_noun: which means fruit. Strong’s #3,4 BDB #1078.
2. Verb: which means to perish. Strong’s #6,7 BDB #1078.
3. Proper_name: Yegar Sâhăadûwthâʾ (שָׂהֲדוּתָא יְגַר) [pronounced yeh-GAHR-sah-had-oo-THAW], which means, heap of testimony; transliterated, Jegar-Sahadutha. Strong’s #3026 BDB #1094. Gen. 31:47*
Yegar Sâhăadûwthâʾ (שָׂהֲדוּתָא יְגַר) [pronounced yeh-GAHR-sah-had-oo-THAW] |
heap of testimony, witness-heap; transliterated, Jegar-Sahadutha |
Aramaic proper noun |
Strong’s #8673 BDB #1077 |