1972 David Series

1Sam. 28:10 Then Saul swore to her by the LORD: "As surely as the LORD lives, nothing bad will happen to you because of this."

Psalm 33:13 The LORD looks down from heaven; He observes everyone.

2Sam. 14:26 And when he cut the hair of his head (for at the end of every year he used to cut it; when it was heavy on him, he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels by the king's weight.

Notes from R. B. Thieme Jr.’s teaching.

1972 David Series 631 (496 Lessons):

This was begun as a Thanksgiving Special in 1972 and eventually completed 09/19/1980. Bob got as far as 2Sam. 19:8, then covered Psalm 33; and then did not pick up the series again. I personally arrived in Houston almost exactly a year earlier, and originally started with the David series when Bob picked it up again on 01/07/1979 with lesson #213 (2Sam. 10).

Doctrines                                                                                                                 Psalms

01 - 1Samuel 16:1-12 Failures of Saul and Samuel

02 - 1Samuel 16:13–23 Doc/ministry of the Holy spirit in the OT

03 - 1Samuel 17:1–7 Doctrine of mental attitude

04 - 1Samuel 17:8-12 Doc/maladjusted giant; meaning of David, Psalm 4:1–8

05 - 1Samuel 17:12-26/Psalm 23 Sheep Described; David's weapons

06 - 1Samuel 17:26–30 Doctrine of military establishment

07 - 1Samuel 17:31–40 Preparation precedes combat

08 - 1Samuel 17:41–47 Doctrine of the SuperGrace life

09 - 1Samuel 17:48-51 Psalm 33 Action/Supergrace believer/ode to Goliath's head

10 - 1Samuel 17:52–58 Psalm 84 Doctrine of the super Grace life

11 - 1Samuel 18: 1-14 Doctrine/category 3 love; jealousy

12 - 1Samuel 18:15–16, 30 Psalm 27 Prosperity and enemies of the SuperGrace believer

13 - 1Samuel 18 Psalm 37: Antagonism of Saul; MENTAL ATTITUDE SINS in reverse

14 - 1Samuel 18 Psalm 37: 9-22 Contrast/SPIRITUAL GIFT believer and reversionist

15 - 1Samuel 18:20 Michal

16 - Psalm 37: 23-40 Contrast/SPIRITUAL GIFT believer and reversionist continued

17 - 1Samuel 19:1–10 Doctrine of SuperGrace 12/24/1972

18 - 1 Sam. 19:18-24 20:1-8 Three flights of David 12/24/1972

19 - 1Samuel 20: 5 Psalm 120 doctrine of the arrows

20 - 1Samuel 20:24–21:2 12/26/1972 4th Flight

21 - 1Samuel 21:3-10, 22:6-22; The shewbread caper.

22 - Psalm 52:1-9; Reversionism & destruction

23 - 1Samuel 21:11-15; Psalm 34:1-7; David in Gath; Angel/Lord.	

24 - Psalm 34:7-22; Doctrine for refuge; training, respect, deliver.

25 - Psalm 56:1-13; 126:3-6; David's reversion recovery.

26 - Psalm 103:1-22; Inner resources of solitude

27 - Psalm 30:1012; Reversionism to Super-grace

28 - 1Samuel 22:1-2; Psalm 144; Leadership policy of David

29 - 1Samuel 22:1-2a; Psalm 141:1-5; Separation from reversionism

30 - 1Samuel 22:2b; 2Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 141:6-10; Occupation with Christ

31 - 2Samuel 23:8-9; 1Samuel 22:3-5; Psalm 57:1-3; Great generals

32 - 1Samuel 23:1-5; Psalm 16:1-11; Battle of Kulak

33 - 1Samuel 23:6-12; The ephod in Kulak

34 - Psalm 36:1-7; Reversionist of SuperGrace character.

35 - Psalm 36:8-12, 62:1-5; 1Samuel 23:13; Farewell to Kulak

36 - Psalm 62:5-12; Two doctrines of provision

37 - Psalm 101:1-2; David's lessons from Kulah disaster

38 - Psalm 101:3-4; Association with SuperGrace believer cf reversionist

39 - Psalm 101:5-8; 1Samuel 23:14-15; Doctrine of enemy-ship 01/10/1973 Ps. 101:1-2 David’s lessons from Keilah disaster

38 01/12/1973 Ps. 101:3, 4 Lessons David learned at Keilah. Association with

supergrace believer cf. association with reversionist

39 01/14/1973 1 Sam. 23:14;

Ps. 101:5-8

Doctrine of enemyship

40 - Psalm 70:1-5; Memory centre; Legitimate imprecatory prayers

41 - 1Samuel 23:16-18; 2Samuel 1:23; Last meeting/David & Jonathan

42 - 1Samuel 23:19-23; Psalm 54:1; Treachery of Ziphitus 01/14/1973 Ps. 70:1-5 Memory center; legitimate imprecatory prayers

41 01/19/1973 1 Sam. 23:16-18;

Ps. 133:1-3;

2 Sam. 1:23

Last meeting of David and Jonathan

42 01/21/1973 1 Sam. 23:19-23;

Ps. 54:1

Treachery of the Ziphites

43 - Psalm 54:2-7; 1Samuel 23:24-27; Tactics of grace.

44 - Psalm 40:1-5; Psalm of deliverance

45 - Psalm 40:6; Doctrine of the ears

46 - Psalm 40_8-12; Doctrine of association

47 - Psalm 40:12-17; Phil 3:13; Heb 12:15

48 - Psalm 138:1-8; Importance of categorical Bible doctrine.

49 - 1Samuel 24:1-4; Psalm 55:18-23; Assassination/revers victor.

01/25/1973 Ps. 40:12-17;

Phil. 3:13;

Heb. 12:15


48 01/29/1973 Ps. 138:1-8 Importance of categorical Bible doctrine

49 01/30/1973 1 Sam. 24:1-4;

Ps. 55:18-23

Assassination; reversionist victories

50 - 1Samuel 24:5-7; Laws of Divine establishment

51 - 1Samuel 24:8-20; James 4:1-10

52 - 1Samuel 24:20-22; Psalm 25:1-22; Prayer of super-grace believer

01/31/1973 1 Sam. 24:5-7 Laws of divine establishment

51 02/01/1973 1 Sam. 24:8-20;

James 4:1-10

Enemyship; unreliable reversionists

52 02/02/1973 1 Sam. 24:20-22;

Ps. 25:1-22

Prayer of a supergrace leader

53 - 1Samuel 25:1-3; Doctrine of death

54 - 1Samuel 25:4-20; Reversionistic Nabal; Control/men in military

55 - 1Samuel 25:20-23; persecution of U.S.; South by north

02/04/1973 1 Sam. 25:1-3 Doctrine of death (extensive coverage)

54 02/04/1973 1 Sam. 25:4-20 Reversionism of Nabal; control of men in the military

55 02/05/1973 1 Sam. 25:20-23 Persecution of the U.S. South by the North;

dissertation on “Yankeeism”

56 - 1Samuel 25:24-26; Doctrines of association & SuperGrace life

57 - 1Samuel 25:27-29; David's SuperGrace blessings

58 - 1Samuel 25:30-34; Power abuse; Persecution of the south

02/06/1973 1 Sam. 25:24-26 Doctrine of association; doctrine of the supergrace life

57 02/07/1973 1 Sam. 25:27-29 David’s supergrace blessings

58 02/08/1973 1 Sam. 25:30-34 Power abuse; persecution of the South

59 - 1Samuel 25:35-37; Doctrine of drinking; Psalm 14:1-3

60 - 1Samuel 25:36-38; Psalm 14:1-3; Nabal, the fool

61 - Psalm 14:4-7 end

02/09/1973 1 Sam. 25:35-37 Doctrine of drinking

60 02/16/1973 1 Sam. 25:36-38;

Ps. 14:1-3

Nabal the fool

61 02/18/1973 Ps. 14:4-7 Nabal’s psalm

62 - I Samuel 25:39 - to end of 25

63 - I Samuel 26:1-8 ; I Samuel 13:2

02/18/1973 1 Sam. 25:39-43 Doctrine of polygamy

63 02/25/1973 1 Sam. 26:1-8 Importance of G2, intelligence information and


64 - I Samuel 26:9-18a

65 - I Samuel 26:18-end of chapter

66 - Psalm 7:1 ff Psalm of Saul the Reversionist

02/25/1973 1 Sam. 26:9-17 Doctrine of the sin unto death

65 02/26/1973 1 Sam. 26:18-25 Last meeting of Saul and David; Gen. Patton’s speech

of 13 July 1945; categories of troublemakers

66 02/27/1973 Ps. 7:1-5;

2 Pet. 2:15-19

Psalm of Saul’s reversionism; Sherman’s march to


67 - Psalm 7 Psalm of Saul the Reversionist continues

68 - Psalm 7:9 - Doctrines. of the heart & The Emotion

69 - Psalm 7:9-13, Doctrine. Emotions, 2 Cor.6:11

02/28/1973 Ps. 7:6-9a Principles of justice

68 03/01/1973 Ps. 7:9 Doctrine of the heart; doctrine of emotions

69 03/02/1973 Ps. 7:9-14;

2 Cor. 6:11, 12

Doctrine of emotions (continued)

70 - Psalm 7:14 The pregnancy of reversionism

71 - 1Samuel 27:1-4; 1Samuel 13:19.

72 - I Samuel 27:5-11

73 - 1Samuel 27:10-12; 1Samuel 28:1-2, I Samuel 29:1-5

74 - I Samuel 29:6 and Psalm 13

75 - I Samuel 30:1-6 ; Psalm 22:1 {Start of Great Messianic Psalm}

76 - Psalm 22:2-18, A Psalm of Celebrityship of Jesus Christ

77 - Psalm 22:21; 1Samuel  30:6ff -

78 - I Samuel 30:11-15

79 - I Samuel 30:16-20 Conquest of the Amalekites

80 - 1Samuel 30:21-24 Moral courage and Grace Policies

81 - 1Samuel 30:24-31end ; Psalm 112 Doctrine of Association

82 - Psalm 112:1-7

83 - Psalm 112 8-10 Prosperity and character of SPIRITUAL GIFT believer/ frustration and reversionism

84 - Psalm 111 complete (acrostic psalm)

85 - Psalm 116:13, Doctrine of the Cup

86 - I Samuel 28:1;

87 - I Samuel 28:1-3 David's strap-on and results

88 - I Samuel 28:3,4 Hebrews 3:7-11

89 - I Samuel 28:5,6

90 - I Samuel 28:7-8a

91 - I Samuel 28:8b-10a

92 - I Samuel 28:10b-11 Séance of Endor

93 - 1Samuel 28:12-14 Doctrine of Necromancy

94 - 1Samuel 28:15,16 Doctrine Reversionism; Cat/enemies, Phil. 3:18,19

95 - 1Samuel 28 via Chapter 15:1-25

96 - 1Samuel 15:22-29, Saul loses the kingdom

97 - 1Samuel 28:17 Excuses Cancel Rebound

98 - 1Samuel 28:18-19

99 - I Samuel 28:20-21; 9:2

100 - 1Samuel 28:22-25 Evil Side of Altruism

101 - 1Samuel 31:1-4 Oblique Order of Battle

102 - 1Samuel 31:5-6 ; I Chronicles 10:13-14

103 - 1Samuel 31:7 Doctrines sin unto death; the military

104 - 1Samuel 31:8-10 Desecration of the Dead by Victors

105 - 1Samuel 11:1-4 Siege of Jabesh

106 - 1Samuel 11:5-7; 10:24, 27' Ephesians 4

107 - 1 Spiritual advance, 11:8-11 Saul's Tactical Double Envelopment

108 - I Samuel 11:12-15 Doctrine Reconciliation

109 - 1Samuel 31:11-13; Basis of Loyalty

110 - Psalm 26:1 - Psalm of Vindication

111 - Psalm 26:2 Doc/Emotions

112 - Psalm 26:3,4; The Doctrines of Grace; Separation

113 - Psalm 26:5-7

114 - Psalm 26:8-12 Refuge is Doctrine

115 - Psalm 11:1-2 Occupation w/Christ

116 - Psalm 11:3-7, Jesus Christ controls history

117 - Isaiah 51:1,7,9 Doc/Covenants; Vindication before others

118 - Isaiah 51:12, 17, 23; 52:7; Encouragement in life

119 - Isaiah 52:13a Doctrine / Resurrection

120 - Isaiah 52:13b-15; Doctrines of ascension and session and 2nd advent

121 - 04/15/1974 Isa. 53:1-3 Erroneous images of Jesus Christ

122 - 04/16/1974 Isa. 53:4-7 Doctrine of unlimited atonement

123 - 04/17/1974 Isa. 53:8, 9 Jesus Christ’s six trials and burial

124 - 04/18/1974 Isa. 53:10 Doctrines of the hands of Jesus Christ and ascension

and session

125 - 04/19/1974 Isa. 53:11, 12 Jesus Christ’s final statement on the cross

126 - 04/21/1974 2 Sam. 1:1, 2a Review of 1 Sam. 30

127 - 04/21/1974 2 Sam. 1:2-4 Military interrogation; profanity cf. expletives

128 - 04/26/1974 2 Sam. 1:5-9 False account of Saul’s death

129 - 04/28/1974 Isa. 53:12;

Matt. 27:50;

Mark 15:37; Luke

23:46; John

19:30; Ps. 31:5

Last exhale of Jesus Christ on the cross

130 04/28/1974 2 Sam. 1:10-12 Problem of being a success; doctrines of human

freedom and the importance of the military

131 04/29/1974 2 Sam. 1:13-16 Court-martial of the Amalekite private

132 04/30/1974 2 Sam. 1:17-19 David’s elegy to Saul and Jonathan (introduction)

133 05/01/1974 2 Sam. 1:19b, 20 Necessity of great leadership

134 05/02/1974 2 Sam. 1:21-23a Battlefield memorial

135 05/06/1974 2 Sam. 1:23a Doctrine of separation

136 05/07/1974 2 Sam. 23a via

Matt. 10:34-39

Separation by attitude toward doctrine

137 05/08/1974 2 Sam. 1:23b, 24 Doctrine of separation

138 05/09/1974 2 Sam. 1:25-27;

1 Sam. 23:16-18;

Ps. 133

Basis for category 3 love

139 05/10/1974 2 Sam. 2:1 Doctrine of divine guidance

140 05/12/1974 2 Sam. 2:2-4 Doctrines of polygamy and the importance of the


141 05/13/1974 2 Sam. 2:4-7a First acts of David as King of Judah

142 05/14/1974 2 Sam. 2:7-11;

Ps. 35:26

Evils of gun legislation; basic cause for civil war in


143 05/15/1974 2 Sam. 2:12-18 Pool of Gibeon battles

144 05/16/1974 2 Sam. 2:19-32 Death of Asahel

145 12/23/1974 1 Chron. 10:13-


Doctrine of the sin unto death; biography of Gen. Billy


146 12/24/1974 1 Chron. 11:2a Doctrine of the importance of Bible doctrine

147 12/25/1974 1 Chron. 11:2b-3 Doctrine of warfare

148 12/26/1974 1 Chron. 11:4;

Ps. 18:1-50;


David’s system of knighthood; principles of promotion

and policy

149 12/27/1974 1 Chron. 11:5 Doctrine of Zion (point 1)

150 12/29/1974 1 Chron. 11:6 (Introduction) Doctrine of Zion (continued)

151 12/29/1974 1 Chron. 11:6-9;

Ps. 30:1-12

Founding of Jerusalem

152 12/30/1974 2 Sam. 5:6-8;

23:8; Ps. 115:1-

3, 16-18

David’s G3, Adino

153 12/31/1974 2 Sam. 23:9-10 Eleazer, David’s drill instructor

154 12/31/1974 2 Sam. 23:11-17 David’s three knights and libation offering

155 01/01/1975 2 Sam. 23:18-


Doctrine of a thousand; The Doctrine of 1000; the second class knights; The Profile of Benaiah

156 01/02/1975 2 Sam. 23:20b-


Benaiah’s character and combat (summary of verses


157 01/03/1975 Ps. 15:1-5 Qualifications for the knights

158 01/05/1975 2 Sam. 5:17 Challenge to promotion; Philistine history

159 01/05/1975 2 Sam. 5:18–21 Doctrine of salt; principles of warfare

160 01/06/1975 Ps. 21:1-6a Psalm of promotion; doctrine of surpassing grace

(point 5)

161 01/07/1975 Ps. 21:6-7 Doctrine of surpassing grace (cont.)

162 01/08/1975 Ps. 21:8-11a Doctrine of evil (points 1-8)

163 01/09/1975 Ps. 21:11a Doctrine of evil (continued)

164 01/10/1975 Ps. 21:11b-13 Doctrine of evil (review); doctrine of revolution (revised)

165 01/12/1975 2 Sam. 5:22-25;

Ps. 20:1-2

Battle of the Mulberry Grove

166 01/12/1975 Ps. 20:3-7 Chariots in the Bible (11 points); doctrine of

propitiation; profile of Jesus Christ

167 01/17/1975 Ps. 20:8, 9 Doctrine of covenants to Israel (review of verses 1-7)

168 01/19/1975 2 Sam. 6:1-16 cf.

1 Sam. 14:49;

1 Sam.18:20-28

Michal’s tragedy

169 01/19/1975 1 Sam. 18:28;

19:11-17; 25:44;

2 Sam. 3:12-16,


Michal and pitiful Palti

170 01/20/1975 2 Sam. 7:1 Doctrine of covenants to Israel (amplified)

171 01/21/1975 2 Sam. 7:1-2 David remembers the Source

172 01/22/1975 2 Sam. 7:3 Nathan’s revelation

173 01/23/1975 2 Sam. 7:6-8a Original thinking

174 01/24/1975 2 Sam. 7:8b Doctrine of grace (points 1 & 3)

175 01/26/1975 2 Sam. 7:9-11 Davidic dynasty - permanent promotion

176 01/26/1975 2 Sam. 7:12;

5:12-13 Doctrines of David’s family; polygamy; concept of

David’s greatness

177 01/27/1975 2 Sam. 7:13 Doctrine of evil

178 01/28/1975 2 Sam. 7:14, 15 Doctrine of the fifth cycle of discipline (revised)

179 01/29/1975 2 Sam. 7:16, 17 Davidic covenant in the New Testament; separation of

temporal and spiritual authorities

180 01/30/1975 2 Sam. 7:18, 19 David’s grace response to the Davidic Covenant

181 01/31/1975 2 Sam. 7:19-21 David’s speechless response

182 02/07/1975 2 Sam. 7:22 Sin of evil in leadership

183 02/09/1975 Isa. 45:6b-7 Evil, light, and darkness

184 02/09/1975 Isa. 47:10-11 Doctrine of evil (review and points 18-20)

185 02/10/1975 2 Sam. 7 Doctrine of evil (review and points 20b-27)

186 02/11/1975 2 Sam. 7:23-26 David’s patriotic response and prayer

187 02/12/1975 2 Sam. 7:27-29 Problems of the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant

188 02/13/1975 Ps. 89:1-4;

1 Kings 14:25-28

Invasion of Shishak

189 02/14/1975 Ps. 89:5-9 Doctrine of revolution

190 02/16/1975 Ps. 89:10-14;

2 Chron. 12:1-12

Messianic anthropopathisms

191 02/16/1975 Ps. 89:15-17 Doctrine of happiness

192 02/23/1975 Ps. 89:18 Brass shields of Rehoboam and U.S.A.

193 02/23/1975 Ps. 89:19-24 Heroship based on Bible doctrine in the soul

194 02/24/1975 Ps. 89:25-31 Doctrine of the Mosaic Law (points 1-9)

195 02/25/1975 Ps. 89:32 Doctrine of the covenants to Israel

196 02/26/1975 Ps. 89:31b-37;

Hosea 4:1-6

Doctrine of the fifth cycle of discipline

197 06/29/1977 Eccl. 9:13–10:7 Forgotten military; summary of the integrity of God;

three adjustments to the justice of God

198 06/30/1977 Eccl. 10:1-12 Doctrine of the Priest (Client) Nation; the pivot

199 07/01/1977 Rom. 5:1 Interlude of blessing; principle of divine justice can only

bless +R

200 07/02/1977 Matt. 6:25-33 Five categories of blessing; worry; logistical grace;

postulates of integrity

201 07/02/1977 Rom. 5:2 Doctrine of eternal security; pipeline of blessing from

divine justice to imputed +R

202 07/02/1977 2 Sam. 8:1 Philistines; soldier nations; health of the commander

203 07/03/1977 2 Sam. 8:2 Benaiah; policy re POW’s; integrity of God produces


204 07/03/1977 2 Sam. 8:3-8 Leadership delegates authority; preventative war of

David; chariot horses

205 07/04/1977 2 Sam. 8:9-14a Basis of respect for a nation; justice of God is the

source of the uncorrupted mature believer’s fame

206 07/04/1977 2 Sam. 8:14b Military doctrine of Israel; military genius and divine

integrity vs. variables

207 07/05/1977 Ps. 60:1-12;

62:8, 9

Integrity of God overcomes the variables

208 07/06/1977 2 Sam. 8:15-16a Variables of capacity in jobs; policy making cf.


209 07/07/1977 2 Sam. 8:16b–

9:3; Ps. 68:1-6

Hymn of prosperity; bureaucracy; blessing by


210 07/08/1977 2 Sam. 9:4-13 Variables; attitude of the handicapped: profile of a

“Dead Dog”; justice of David

211 07/10/1977 2 Sam. 16:1-4;

19:24-30; 21:1-7

Trends; loyalty of Mephibosheth; moral courage; justice

of David

212 07/10/1977 Ps. 131:1-3;


1 Kings 11:4, 6

Historical and eternal impact of David, the standard

213 01/07/1979 2 Sam. 10:1a Dynamics for Disaster (lessons 213-237)

Historical background; Phoenician alphabet; “good ol’


214 01/07/1979 2 Sam. 10:1b-2 Ammonites; arrogant leadership: rejects grace and

assumes evil motivation in the giver

215 01/11/1979 2 Sam. 10:3a Humility, MacArthur; evil can’t understand grace;

Naziism; arrogant state department

216 01/12/1979 2 Sam. 10:3b State department flattery manipulates an arrogant king;

homosexualism; leadership; treaties

217 01/14/1979 2 Sam. 10:4 Irresponsible, arrogant, weak leaders under

unscrupulous men destroy a nation; violence; police

218 01/14/1979 2 Sam. 10:5 Great leadership re G2 and subordinates; teacher

attitudes toward students

219 01/15/1979 2 Sam. 10:6, 7 Cost of arrogance and impulsiveness; introduction to

Ammonite-Syrian war; universal military training

220 01/16/1979 2 Sam. 10:6, 7 Use of elite forces; nine principles of warfare,

application to Joab, business and the U.S.; Valley of


221 01/17/1979 2 Sam.10:8b, 9a Criminal mind; infantry; thinking under pressure;

humility; reality, rebound and reconnaissance

222 01/18/1979 2 Sam. 10:9b Somoza; policy and principle; privacy; personnel; nine

principles of leadership; chain of command

223 01/19/1979 2 Sam.10:9c,


U.S. foreign policy; blessing by association; delegation

of authority; teamwork

224 01/21/1979 2 Sam. 10:10b,


New era after the Trojan war; staff work and brains vs.

gung-ho; mobility & flexibility

225 01/21/1979 2 Sam. 10:12 General order of Joab; courage and motivation in

battle; victory depends on Jesus Christ

226 01/22/1979 2 Sam. 10:13 Mental attitude vs. proficiency; Jesus Christ controls

history; principles of offensive, MASS; treaties

227 01/23/1979 2 Sam. 10:14-


Rabbah; guerrilla warfare; factors in victory; freedom

and authority; Aram; motivation

228 01/24/1979 2 Sam. 10:16b Communist psychological warfare against the U.S. in

Vietnam & Korea; Aramaean history and threat to


229 01/25/1979 2 Sam.10:17,


Soviet threat; battle of Helam; necessity for teamwork

of civilians, staff and line

230 - 2Samuel 10:18 Psalm 20:6–9 Freedom and equality

231 - 2Samuel 10:19 Psalm 108:1 Jesus Christ controls history

232 - Psalm 108:1–6 Preparation for war

233 - Psalm 108:6–7

234 - Psalm 108:7–8

235 - Psalm 108:8–13

236 - Psalm 85:8–10

237 - Psalm 85:11–13 Imputed righteousness

238 - 2Samuel 11 introduction 7 subjects of David; interlocking systems of arrogance

239 - 2Samuel 11 introduction Polygamy, sexual arrogance, interlocking systems of arrogance

240 - 2Samuel 11:1–2 Polygamy

241 - 2Samuel 11:2–3

242 - 2Sam. 11:4 Prov. 5:1–23 6:20–35 David sends out the court pimps

243 - 2Samuel 11:5–6 Profile of Uriah the Hittite

244 - 2Samuel 11:6–7 David’s hypocritical actions; the Honor code

245 - 2Sam. 11:8

246 - 2Samuel 11:9 Integrity /David ;norm of evil of kings ;Hittites

247 - Matt 2:1-2 The Magi; Mongolian invasion ; Christmas trees Bible

248 - 2Samuel 11:10 Viol/honor code due to interlock systems/arrogance

249 - 2Samuel 11:11a Integrity vs loyalty

250 - 2Samuel 11:11b-13 Integrity of Uriah; results of David's arrogance

251 - 2Samuel 11:14-17 Uriah's dying grace with honor (Jan 1980)

252 - Psalm 33:1-2 Integrity & loyalty vs interlocking systems of arrogance

253 - Psalm 33:3-5 Integrity + loyalty=honor; integrity/client nation

254 - Psalm 33:6-10 Respect for Jesus Christ

255 - Psalm 33:11-12 Doctrine for all generations; happiness to client nation

256 - Psalm 33:13-17 Economic depression; omniscience of God

257 - Psalm 33:18-22 Pivot: basis for national deliverance, historical impact

258 - 2Samuel 11:18-21 Efficiency ;Joab's report 2 David/military ethics

259 - 2Samuel 11:22-24 Problem of military ethics life/Uriah

260 - 2Samuel 11:25 Evaluation of tragedy/ hypocrisy of self-righteousness

261 - 2Samuel 11:26-27 Bathsheba's lament; faith-rest dying grace rationale

262 - 2Samuel 12:1a Principals and authority vs personality and arrogance

263 - 2Samuel 12:1b-5 PASTOR-TEACHER Function Nathan gets David to judge self

264 - 2Samuel 12:6-8 Restitution compassion irresponsibility in IS/A

265 - 2Samuel 12:8b Sons of Saul executed; character of Rizpah; capacity

266 - 2Samuel 12:9 Indictment of David; preoccupation with self

267 - 2Samuel 12:10 Criminal arrogance Line of David; playing God

268 - 2Samuel 12:11 Personality changes, Ahithophe1; doctrine/revolution

269 - 2Samuel 12:12 IS/A abuse of power, use of poor advice

270 - 2Samuel 12:13 Principle of rebound; ends sin unto death. 01/18/1980

271 - 2Samuel 12:14 Unbearable cf bearable discipline

272 - Psalm 38:1-12 Psalm/pre-rebound unbearable suffering

273 - Psalm 38:13-18 32:1-4 Soul and body stress in David's pre-rebound

274 - Psalm 32:5-7 Divine Deliverance/historical disaster

275 - Psalm 32:8 GAP between installments/discipline: divine guidance

276 - Psalm 32:9 10a Learning the easy way cf to learn the hard way

277 - Psalm 32:10b,11 Aristocracy; David's problem family

278 - 2Samuel 12:15 Why the death of David's son? objectivity in discipline

279 - 2Samuel 12:16,17 Prayer, unbearable suffering; fasting; routine

280 - Doctrine of interlocking systems of arrogance; client nation arrogance

281 - 2Samuel 12:18 Legislation vs freedom; death b4 accountability

282 - 2Samuel 12:19,20 Obj +F-r3 out/ISA cleanliness ;routine organization

283 - David's return to normal, integrity when loyalty is confused

284 - 2Samuel 12:21 Integrity maintains loyalty; menial work

285 - 2Samuel 12:22 Distort/grace superimposition of your will over God's

286 - 2Samuel 12:23,24a Mourning; salvation of dead baby

287 - 2Samuel 12:24b: 25: Person singular 127:12 Names of Solomon; removal of conspiracy

288 - 2Samuel 12:26,27 Humility of Joab in victory maintain David's auth

289 - 2Samuel 12:28,29 Deut 20; Integrity of Joab gives divine credit

290 - 2Samuel 12:30,31 Siege rules, Amon; crown, cruelty, discipline

291 - 2Samuel 13 Arrogance and feuds of David's wives and princes

292 - 2Samuel 13:1 Codes/chivalry, inflexibility and arrogance; Amnon & Tamar

293 - 2Samuel 13:2-3 Frustration of sexual arrogance

294 - 2Samuel 13:4-5 Con artists, flattery, bad advice

295 - 2Samuel 13:6-8 Naiveté of David - abuse/authority regarding Tamar

296 - 2Samuel 13:9-12 Character of rapist

297 - 2Samuel 13:13 ruse of Tamar, doctrine of criminal arrogance

298 - 2Samuel 13:14a Faith rest, arrogant abuse and limitation of power. The concept of arrogance power and the removal of the wall of fire.

299 - 2Samuel 13:14b-15a Avoiding rape, fragmentation function of IS

300 - 2Samuel 13:15b Lust gratified results in hate

301 - 2Samuel 13:16 Tamar: discipline or testing?

302 - 2Samuel 13:17 Hate, self-righteous judging arrogance, and lies

303 - 2Samuel 13:18-20a Virgin dress; wall of fire of client nation

304 - 2Samuel 13:20b Wise Absalom; Tamar's refuge; preparation for future

305 - 2Samuel 13:21 Poise; Japanese Samurai; David fails

306 - 2Samuel 13:22 Courtesy hiding hate; vengeance is the Lord's

307 - 2Samuel 13:23 Loyalty; leave justice to proper authority; conspiracy

308 - 2Samuel 13:24-27 Integrity vs evil loyalty; protocol hides murder plot

309 - 2Samuel 13:28 Absalom; stage of murder of Amnon; potential ruined

310 - 2Samuel 13:29 Cowardice of David's sons; revenge evil; black rulers

311 - 2Samuel 13:30-31 Insensitivity of arrogance; recovery from failure

312 - 2Samuel 13:32 Class, ability; volition + BIBLE DOCTRINE vs genius; con artists

313 - 2Samuel 13:33-34a Con man promotes self-duty/public security

314 - 2Samuel 13:34b-36 Army stats - inordinate ambition and ISA Jonadab

315 - 2Samuel 13:37 Weeping; ISA: David cf Absalom, bitterness, blind to

316 - 2Samuel Separation church and state / ISA mental attitude sins

317 - 2Samuel Doctrine interlocking systems of arrogance 2-4; fluctuation/standards

318 - Matt 20-1-6 Doctrine ISA 5; labor arrogance set doctrine questions aside

319 - Doctrine Interlock Systems of Arrogance (ISA) conspiracy, crime exploits crusader

320 - Doctrine of ISA (9-13)

321 - 2Samuel 13:38,39 Crusaders; Grace vs justice; time out for GAP

322 - Hosea 4:1–3 Warning 4th 5th cycles/Lord's name in vain; murder. 03/16/1980 Carter “flip flops”

323 - 2Samuel 14:1 Patriot Joab; David's interlocking systems of arrogance and Absalom; the avenger of blood; Toland: leaders minus reality 03/20/1980

324 - Genius of Joab drama; cities of refuge; David's inconsistency re Absalom 03/21/1980

325 - 2Samuel 14:2 Actress of Tekoa; drama to teach arrogance Worry towards interlocking systems of arrogance; professional mourners; drama; the genius of Joab teaches arrogance and subjectivity 03/23/1980

326 - 03/23/1980 2Sam. 14:3; Num. 35:9-19 Arrogance re the origin and purpose of the drama and culture; motivation of Joab; Jewish law: avenger of blood, jails and distraction from criminal to civil law

327 - 2Samuel 14:4 03/24/1980 Teen Bible class and parental authority; drama of the helpless widow; results of the malfunction of justice.

328 - 2Samuel 14:5–6 03/25/1980 Teens; Joab’s genius of law; drama vs. law; referee with teenagers; authority; distraction of the judge

329 - 2Samuel 14:7a 03/26/1980 Capital punishment; Gen. Grigorenko: Soviet attack; the allegation and dilemma of the widow

330 - 2Samuel 14:7b 03/27/1980 Motivation of David’s sons; law of posterity; Absalom is tried in absentia; Soviet plan: South Africa

331 - 03/28/1980 Pertinency: criminal vs. civil law and justice vs. grace; doctrine of insidiousness of arrogance; sincerity; Soviet chemical war

332 - 2Samuel 14:8a 03/30/1980 Cancer analogy to interlocking systems of arrogance; obedience to parents; principles of pertinency; expediency; basis of grace = punishment; legal pardon vs. emotion.

333 - 2Samuel 14:8b-9a 03/30/1980 Non-pertinent law distracts from justice, freedom, and authority; accountability for use of volition

334 - 2Samuel 14:9b 03/31/1980 Woman of Tekoa confuses David; change of custodian of criminal requested; teens and the 4th cycle of discipline.

335 - 2Samuel 14:10,11 Num 35:16–19 04/01/1980 Restraining order on execution, liberal viewpoint; con letter; disobedient teen

336 - 2Samuel 14:12 04/02/1980 Criminal Personality; law vs. emotional appeal and public opinion re. Absalom; World War III cause

337 - 2Samuel 14:13 04/06/1980 Historical drama: tragedy, comedy and renaissance. Failure of socialism toward war; review verses 10-12

338 - 2Samuel 14:14a 04/06/1980 Eisenhower’s humility; Moliere; the GI dead and victims of crime forgotten by a degenerate nation

339 - 2Samuel 14:13 04/07/1980 Ike: Patton; doctrine of interlocking systems of arrogance (14) authority arrogance; rejection of temporal and spiritual authority; David incriminates himself

340 - 2Samuel 14:14b 04/08/1980 Eisenhower: faith, humor and death; meaning of pardon; criminal abuse of and volition; distortion of crime issue to emotion re. death; voice of the people

341 - 2Samuel 14:14c 04/09/1980 Doctrine of the five cycles of discipline; false claims re exile of Absalom; rebound vs. grace; no solicitation in Berachah

342 - 2Samuel 14:15a 04/10/1980 Eisenhower: Churchill; loyalty to the criminal; crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance toward revolution; fearing the people

343 - 2Sam. 14 04/11/1980 Eisenhower vs. Montgomery; crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance; revolution against David and hero of Absalom

344 - 2Samuel 14:15b-17 04/13/1980 Truth available before discipline; Doctrine of public opinion; law of posterity; conspiracy and revolution

345 - 2Samuel 14:18,19 04/13/1980 David’s suspicion; arrogant woman: accepts questions, flatters, blames and loses respect; F. Burnaby

346 - 2Samuel 14:20 04/14/1980 Twilight of Rome; stupid opinion of arrogant actors’ missions; implication of Joab; flattery to give David an out

347 - 2Samuel 14:21a 04/15/1980 David admits his bad decision; L. de Vega; suffering to turn subjectivity to objectivity to rebound from interlocking systems of arrogance

348 - 2Samuel 14:21,22 04/16/1980 Athanasius vs. Arius; personal vs. national honor; David’s failure and dilemma; principles of law; exuberance of Joab

349 - 2Samuel 14:22b 04/17/1980 Critics of business; distortion of grace; exuberance violating established authority

350 - 2Samuel 14:23 04/18/1980 News media re. USSR; distortion of grace; human good + self righteousness towards evil; impressive person steals authority

351 - 2Samuel 14:24a 04/20/1980 Holiness and love of God; co-equality of the Trinity; pertinency problems of David, pardon and half-forgiveness

352 - 2Samuel 14:24b 04/20/1980 Arrogance destroys the spirit of pardon; hazing; obedience is a cover for mental attitude sins; thought; history and Scripture

353 - 2Samuel 14:25; Proverbs 3:33-35; 04/21/1980 Use of Berachah as a front; legal and grace function for pardon; narcissus syndrome of Absalom; male long hair; the beauty of Absalom and his Narcissus Syndrome

354 - 2Samuel 14:25-26 04/22/1980 Narcissus syndrome; Narcissus and Echo; beauty: virtue and arrogance; flattery degeneracy of male long hair; long hair of Absalom

355 - 2Samuel 14:26 04/23/1980 The concept of long hair on males; the Nazarite vow in the Old Testament and the Church Age, beards and subservience; Dore Shary; arrogant actors

356 - 2Samuel 14:27-28 04/24/1980 “Sir and Ma’am”; authority orientation and freedom; David’s arrogance hangover

357 - 2Samuel 14:28 04/25/1980 U.S. Iran-hostage rescue attempt; David’s arrogance hangover refuses to forgive Absalom

358 - 2Samuel 14:29 04/27/1980 Pardon and David’s failure; Joab’s disillusionment with Absalom; forgiveness; volition and rehabilitation of criminals

359 - 2Samuel 14:30 04/28/1980 Ingratitude and implacability of Absalom, criminal act—burning Joab's property

360 - 2Samuel 14:31 04/29/1980 Doctrine of divine establishment (review); irresponsibility of the U.S. press; freed slaves; 6 requirements for client nation function. The coercion and manipulation of Joab

361 - 2Samuel 14:31 04/30/1980 Absalom rejects recovery from criminal arrogance; laws of divine establishment and freedom for evangelism; separation of Church and State; Establishment and authority (no revolution); Ten Commandments

362 - 2Samuel 14:31-32 04/30/1980 Environmentalists; Absalom coerces Joab and fails in the justice test to build responsibility. Absalom's demand to see David - Secondary Manipulation

363 - 2Samuel 14:32-33 05/01/1980 Development of the criminal personality and change; injustice; hard core revolutionaries; Absalom’s pseudo humility; a leader is to think, not do. Absalom and David 'kiss and make up'

364 - 2Samuel 15 Introduction : Eccles. 3:1–16; 05/02/1980 Arrogant David causes right and wrong decisions at the wrong time; doctrine of disciplinary timing; Professional prosperity after spiritual prosperity; God’s timing

365 - 2Samuel 15:1 Introduction : Doctrine of Revolution

366 - 2Samuel 15:1-2 Doctrine of Revolution

367 - 2Samuel 15:2-3a Doctrine of Revolution - Absalom's PR campaign to malcontents

368 - 2Samuel 15:3-4a Doctrine of Revolution - attack on legal system

369 - I Corinthians 1:19 RBT's 30 Anniversary special; Absalom's self-centeredness

370 - 2Samuel 15:4 Production should be low-key/ Establishment authority

371 - 2Samuel 15:5-6 Absalom's personality arrogance/False concept of equality

372 - 2Samuel 15:7-9 Revolution now Ripe/Criminality

373 - 2Samuel 15:10 Hebron Strategy For Revolution

374 - 2Samuel 15:11 Arrogance falls 200 no nothing aristocrats

375 - 2Samuel 15:11/Proverb 3:33-35 Cursing by Association/ Distractions in life

376 - 2Samuel 15:12a Ahithophel joins revolutionists at Hebron

377 - 2Samuel 15:12b/Psalm 39 Conspiracy Psalms (39,41,55)

378 - 2Samuel 15:13/Psalm 41 and 55 Conspiracy Psalms (39,41,55)

379 - 2Samuel 15:14a David's 1st great decision - flee Jerusalem

380 - 2Samuel 15:14b David's reason for fleeing- save Jerusalem

381 - Romans 8 How to handle a revolution/ riots/ WCC F-R3/ overcoming fear

382 - Romans 8:28a Concentration plus knowledge/ BIBLE DOCTRINE category 1 love

383 - Romans 8:28b Rationales of faith-rest drill stage 2

384 - Romans 8:29a How to handle a revolution F-R3 and suffering for discipline or blessing

385 - Romans 8:29b How to handle a revolution Decrees/Foreknowledge/ doctrine of divine decrees

386 - Romans 8:29c-30a Uniquely born JESUS CHRIST/ election to privilege

387 - Romans 8 :30b Justification with +R and election and client nation deliverance

388 - Romans 8 via Lamentations 3:20-25 Concept of Logistical Grace

389 - Romans 8 :30c-31 Attitude of PASTOR-TEACHER and congregation/ judicial imputation rationale

390 - Romans 8:32 via Psalm 43:1:5 Judicial imputations rationale

391 - 2Samuel 15:14/Psalm 61 and 62 Prayer in a revolution (ken note: beginning of what led to 9/11/01 disaster)

392 - 2Samuel 15:1-14 Review

393 - 2Samuel 15:15-18 Orderly exit from Jerusalem

394 - 2Samuel 15:19 Importance of Police Officers - Ittai the Hittite

395 - 2Samuel 15:20 Ittai commanded to return - principal of authority

396 - 2Samuel 15:21a Mature Ittai decides for himself

397 - 2Samuel 15:21b-22 Ittai stays and David ok's

398 - 2Samuel 15:23 Land weeps for what the lost as Estab Gov departs

399 - 2Samuel 15:24a Eucharist/Sons of Levi/3 Categories of Levitical service/Zadok

400 - 2Samuel 15:24b Doctrine of the Ark/Propitiation/people leaving city/Abiathar

401 - 2Samuel 15:25a Zadock ordered to return to Jerusalem with Ark

402 - 2Samuel 15:25b-26 David Failed Prosperity Test/In Hands of God

403 - 2Samuel 15:27-28 Prophet - writer of scripture type

404 - 2Samuel 15:29-30a Counter-intelligence/David leaves barefoot and veiled

405 - 2Samuel 15:30a Arrogance of Ignorance

406 - 2Samuel 15:30b-31/Psalm 3 and 63 and 64 David's thinking as he leaves Jerusalem

407 - 2Samuel 15:31-32/Psalm 64 reviewed/ Hushai the Archite introduced

408 - 2Samuel 15:33-34; 17:14 Hushai in Counter-Intelligence Frustrate counsel of Ahithophel

409 - 2Samuel 15:35-37 Doctrine of Unhappiness; Spirituality Hushai to Jerusalem/Meets Absalom

410 - Psalm 25:1 David's Victory Psalm Intro

411 - Psalm 25:1-4 Scientology; Prayer for deliverance/ guilt and martyr complex

412 - Psalm 25:5 Psychology of unhappiness/ doctrine of one day at a time

413 - Psalm 25:6a Divine essence/ helpless David seeks divine sympathy

414 - Psalm 25:6b-7a Love, appeal of David to grace and character of God

415 - Psalm 25:7b David's appeal to God to live to stabilize Israel

416 - Psalm 25:8-9 Knowledge authority/ ignorance and unhappiness arrogance

417 - Psalm 25:10-12a Freedom and society/ guilt complex and grace and truth

418 - Psalm 25:12b Big bang theory and creation/ choices for freedom or slavery

419 - Psalm 25:1-22 David's Victory Psalm25:13b-15 David's capacity and 2 scales of value

420 - Psalm 25:16-17 Jesus Christ and history

421 - Psalm 25:1-22 David's Victory Psalm

422 - Psalm 25:1-22 David's Victory Psalm

423 - 2Samuel 15 Review of Doctrine of Revolution before 15:38 (2Samuel 17-14)

424 - 2Samuel 15:31-31 Operation Hushai /prayer to frustrate advice of Ahithophel

425 - 2Samuel 15:33-34a Character of counter insurgency/ thoughtfulness of David

426 - 2Samuel 15:34-37/jump to 16:15-23 Operation Hushai - Part II Hushai 'Establishment Mole'

427 - 2Samuel 16:18 Operation Hushai - Honorable lying and deceit in counter-insurgency

428 - 2Samuel 16:19-20 Operation Hushai - Flattery of Deception Defeats Arrogance

429 - 2Samuel 16:20- Operation Hushai - Feet of Clay Syndrome/Iconoclastic arrogance

430 - 2Samuel 16:20- Operation Hushai - Feet of Clay Syndrome/Iconoclastic arrogance - II

431 - 2Samuel 16:20- Operation Hushai - Feet of Clay III/Instability of Arrogance

432 - 2Samuel 16:21- Operation Hushai - Ahithophe1in command/'no turning back' advice

433 - 2Samuel 16:21- Operation Hushai - Criminal Activity of Revolution

434 - 2Samuel 16:22- Operation Hushai - Beginning of Reign of Terror

435 - 2Samuel 16:21-23 Operation Hushai

436 - 2Samuel 17:1-2 Ahithophel's proposal and plan - Quick Pursuit of David

437 - 2Samuel 17:3 and Psalms 61 and 62 review Objective of Ahithophel's Plan

438 - 2Samuel 17:4-5 David's Mole Hushai is summoned

439 - 2Samuel 17:6-7 David's Mole Hushai's Effective Counter Insurgency Advice

440 - 2Samuel 17:8 David's Mole Hushai's Sabotage Plan Begins

441 - 2Samuel 17:9a David's Mole Hushai's Sabotage Continues

442 - 2Samuel 17:9b Iconoclastic arrogance/ feet of clay syndrome

443 - 2Samuel 17:10a arrogance instantly vulnerable to fear

444 - 2Samuel 17:10b-11 Victory of David would shock revolution back to reality

445 - 2Samuel 17:12a Appeal to the Arrogance of Absalom

446 - 2Samuel 17:12b-13 Arrogance of Hallucination/ Illusion

447 - 2Samuel 17:14 Divine Approbation of Clandestine Warfare

448 - 2Samuel 17:15-17 Transmission of Intelligence Information

449 - 2Samuel 17:18 Spies detected/ Place to hide

450 - 2Samuel 17: Review of Gates of Arrogance

451 - 2Samuel 17:Emotional Arrogance

452 - 2Samuel 17:19-20 Another Honorable Deception/Lie

453 - 2Samuel 17:20 - Courage is thinking - emotion must be under control of thinking

454 - 2Samuel 17:21 - 23 David's night-crossing of the Jordan/ Knowledge is the environment for thinking/ Ahithophel commits suicide

455 - 2Samuel 17:23 Emotional arrogance of suicide 08/07/1980

456 - 2Samuel 17:24-25 David's Battle headquarters at Mahanaim/ Amasa, David's bastard cousin made commander of revolutionary army against David's nephew Joab

457 - 2Samuel 17:25-26 Amasa/ Geographical Location of Battle of Civil War

458 - 2Samuel 17:27-29 Three Honorable Businessmen provide food and supplies to Refuges and David's Establishment army

459 - 2Samuel 17:27-29 Objective thinking of the Three Honorable men

460 - 2Samuel 17:27-29 Arrogance Complex

461 - 2Samuel 18:1 Introduction

462 - 2Samuel 18:1 Organization of the Army

463 - 2Samuel 18:2 Army Divided into Three Corps/ David wants to personally lead army

464 - 2Samuel 18:3a Army tells David not to personally lead

465 - 2Samuel 18:3b Defeatism of Army/ Lack of faith in officers/ Mistaken attitude of lack of trust in those who follow YOUR group/generation

466 - 2Samuel 18:4a David's last humble decision before his next failure

467 - 2Samuel 18:4b- 5a - Officer's Call - David's last General Order before Battle - Emotional Arrogance for David

468 - 2Samuel 18:5b Army hears David's Emotional Plea for Absalom's life to be spared

469 - 2Samuel 18:6-8 Battle of the Woods of Ephraim

470 - 2Samuel 18:9-10 Absalom Caught by hair in tree

471 - 2Samuel 18:10-12a Integrity of Patrol Leader

472 - 2Samuel 18:12b-14a Joab sees error of his way and will dispose of Absalom himself

473 - 2Samuel 18:14b-16 Joab and his men kill Absalom but allow rest of revolutionary army to escape

474 - 2Samuel 18:17 Criminal Burial of Absalom

475 - 2Samuel 18:18a-18b Absalom's Monument to Arrogance

476 - 2Samuel 18:18c-20 Race to Headquarters/ Organization humility/ Joab tries to protect Ahimaaz with permission denied

477 - 2Samuel 18:21-23 African takes off and Ahimaaz persists and Runs also and out runs African

478 - 2Samuel 18:24-28a Ahimaaz arrives and gives David 'good news of victory'

479 - 2Samuel 18:28b-33a African gives official report and his addendum/ David's emotional arrogance

480 - 2Samuel 18:33b David - divorced from reality

481- 2Samuel 19: Review of Arrogance

482 - 2Samuel 19: Review of Arrogance

483 - 2Samuel 19:1-3 Report given to Joab

484 - 2Samuel 19:4-5 David's breakdown and Joab's Greatness

485 - 2Samuel 19:4-7 Joab's harsh (yet out of love) 'threat' to David of revolt by the troops

486 - 2Samuel 19:8 (end of this section taught) and Psalm 33 1:4 Belated Victory March before King and Singing to the Lord in Praise

487 - Psalm 33:5 Holiness, integrity, grace

488 - Psalm 33:6-8 Client nation function/ Guest of the Lord

489 - Psalm 33:9-10 (review 1-8) JESUS CHRIST Created Universe

490 - Psalm 33:11 Plan of God Simplified and Identified /via Proverbs 8:1-36 'Doctrine Cries Out to you'

491 - Psalm 33: National Entity and the Plan of God

492 - Psalm 33:12a Happiness in a National Entity

493 - Psalm 33:12b Doctrine of Election/ Impeccability of JESUS CHRIST

494 - Psalm 33:13-16 Doctrine of election/ Only Lord Delivers

495 - Psalm 33:17-19a God delivers life from death

496 - Psalm 33:19b-22 God delivers from Famine/ Three stages of Faith Rest Drill













Psalm 32

Psalm 33



Psalm 51



Psalm 60



Psalm 84


Psalm 89




Psalm 108



Psalm 131

Psalm 132 (partial)



2Samuel 16:1–12                                 72David                                              631_0001

This morning begins a conference. I am uncertain as to which conference this is.

Lately, we have been studying the supergrace. God has the capacity to give and the assets to give. Under perfect character, God is qualified to give. God wants believers to be happy. He keeps us around in order to make us happy.

James and monetary reversionism. God is looking for a man with whom He can trust a million dollars or a billion dollars. The way that God would provide this is through capacity. The capacity is gotten through the supergrace life.

The believer moves into supergrace. They develop capacity for life, capacity for adversity, where God can express to the maximum His own capacity to give. God entrusted the Apostle Paul with more doctrine than anyone else.

God looks for one man in business, and He is willing to give billions of dollars.

David was a supergrace believer. He achieved this very early in life. God gave him 2 things that He had never given anyone else in human history. David, because of his intake of doctrine, succeeded in 2 great professions; he is one of the greatest military men who ever lived; great as a junior officer and as a battalion commander. He had a capacity for this. He was also a great king. He stands alone in the way that Moses and Jeremiah stand alone; as Paul stands alone. In our generation, there is no excuse for a large number of believers finding this capacity.

Men ought to have capacity for leadership; capacity for success in their chosen profession; capacity for happiness; etc.

When people think that Easter and Christmas are the times to come to church, they have no capacities. All of our capacities are related to Bible doctrine. There is no special Thanksgiving service. We regard every day alike. Every day is a day to be redeemed. A bunch of people standing up and saying why they are thankful, we are beyond that.

Bob remembers people going out weeping remarking about how good it was ot be there. This morning we begin the study of a young man who skipped all funsville of his day. He wasn’t stealing money from the teacher’s drawers, chasing after women, or behind the fence smoking reefer. He went all out in his youth that carried him throughout most of his life. David lived to about age 80 and he had a phenomenally happy life. He spent his youth with smelly sheep. This may have made him unique in certain areas, this smell. But he took in Bible doctrine every day. God made it available.

This is a story about Samuel, a mourning prophet. Saul, a reversionistic king, and David. This finds Israel where the United States is today. A reversionistic nation can only go in one of 2 ways. Never have so many parasites sucked so much freedom from hard working people. This is a nation of psychos running everything and bleeding hearts.

All 3 men are mentioned in v. 1. Samuel is the first great prophet in Israel since Moses. Whenever a nation has among its believers, those who are positive toward doctrine, God will provide communicators of doctrine.

1080 b.c. born to Hannah, and he is the first major prophet and last of the judges. King Saul had a talent for being clever and he had the ability to seem quite humble. When the chips were down, he always failed.

Samuel begins to think of Saul as the only hope; he is tall, he is handsome, he is clever. Samuel is in a state of reversionism; he thinks Saul is the only answer.

Let’s Look at the Grace Potential of Saul

1.       He was separated from the rest of Israel by divine appointment. The people wanted a ruler so that they could be like other nations. This was his grace potential.

2.       Encouraged by divine promises.

3.       He was changed by grace; he respond to doctrine. 1Sam. 10:9 Jesus Christ used to be first in your life; now you go for inconsequential persons. You are socially and sexually unfaithful to your rw. You have true friends, abut you are spending time with your false friends. When you reject the source of grace, which is Bible doctrine, then you have had it.

4.       He was assured by his circumstances. 1Sam. 10:9

5.       He was blessed and moved by the Holy Spirit. V. 10

6.       He was humbled by his prospects.

This means that Saul had a good. Discipline intensifies. All things that usually make you happy, now it makes you miserable. Everything is intensified. The final stage is dying. There are 2 areas where you can change you mind. God kept Saul alive for 40 more years in order to give him a chance to recover. He suffered from nearly every system of reversionism. He had everything going for him.

His Failure

1.       1Chron. 10:134–14 he died the sin unto death.

2.       He ignored the Word of God. He was told to kill the enemy and he did not kill one of them. He liked his personality. 1Sam. 13:9–14

3.       Therefore, King Saul ignored the will of God.

4.       Saul’s reversionism is summarized in 1Sam. 15

5.       He is therefore rejected by the Lord. 1Sam. 15:35 This is like a rapist feelling sorry for another rapist; a murderer feeling sorry for another murderer.

The divine view is, God has rejected Saul. God is fair and he can still recover. God’s plan goes on with you or without you. If you choose reversionism, then you lose all possibility for happiness in time. God is held up because we lack the capacity for love for freedom for life. That is what holds everyone up.

Saul will remain king for another 30 years or so, and God keeps him there to allow him to be blessed. We may love people on a meritorious basis, but God loves on the basis of His Own perfect character. Bible doctrine will so improve our own soul capacity that we will love those we ought to love.

God meets Saul in heaven and tells him, “You could have had heaven on earth, you stupid ass.” God only has the short time of our life as a believer to show us Who He is. Some of you will say, “I was in reversionism” when God was handing out blessing.

We have even more grace potential than Saul. We have permanently the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We have things going for us which are phenomenal. God is knocking on your door because you have gotten some lumps lately. And once you reach the sin unto death, you will be the most miserable person in the world. “I don’t go to bedsides.” “If you have doctrine, you don’t need me; if you don’t have doctrine, you don’t need me.”

God saw David asa king, and he is called a king here.

Psalm 78:70–72 He chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds; He brought him from tending ewes to be shepherd over His people Jacob--over Israel, His inheritance. He shepherded them with a pure heart and guided them with his skillful hands.

Sheep smell horribly. David is used to running things that smell bad. Sheep are stupid. If David can handle a flock of sheep, he can handle of flock of people. Sheep have to be fed and they are unable to take care of themselves when it comes to water. They must be led to water to drink. They cannot smell water like goats; they cannot find water when in great thirst. Sheep have no sense of direction; they wander under cactus or off cliffs. They need a shepherd to do the navigating. The shepherd wacks the sheep to get them back in line; they’re stupid and they do not know what is good for them. Although there are parallels, there is one thing that made David a great king. It also made him a great military man. He had Bible doctrine in his soul. That makes him great.

The secret is grace; the secret is Bible doctrine in the soul. David could have been anything in life and had done great, because he had great doctrine in the soul. And he could have been taken from anywhere. It was not what he was doing then; but it is what he had in his soul. There are great people without any experience and God is still preparing them. God chose these people because they are a supergrace believer.

Don’t stick your nose up in the air and say, “I’m too good to wash dishes;” etc. David was taking care of sheep. While he did this, he was taking in doctrine every day. That’s what happened to the sports team north of here. They used to be the Dallas Cowboys and now they are the Irving Sheepherders.

David used doctrine all the time. You can use doctrine in any job that you have. Isn’t being a general great? Being the president of a company great? No, not unless you are great. What is the experience for greatness? Doctrine in the soul.

It is the lowest time to be an ensign in the navy or a 2nd lieutenant in the army; worst time to be in the coast guard. Our services are in the lowest state for years under stupid civilian control; blacks are fragging their officers. There is dissention and problems because of civilian influence and it takes time. Officers carry .45's so that, if someone runs the wrong way, you shoot them. Bob made it a point to be an expert with a .45 auto. That is very Christian and it is doctrinal.

No one is more miserable than a believer in reversionism. You life does not depend upon idiots anyway.

2Sam. 7:8 This is what the LORD of Hosts says: I took you from the pasture and from following the sheep to be ruler over My people Israel. I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have destroyed all your enemies before you. I will make a name for you like that of the greatest in the land. Notice that God did all of this. God is able to take people from here and do whatever. When God promotes us, it is permanent. When God gives you something, it is permanent. When God provides you your rm or your rw, it is 40 years of happiness. But if it is you, it is a battle royale. Since Bob graduated from seminary, they have been getting involved in practical application. “Can you see me passing out tracks on a street corner?” Just think, I could give my glowing testimony today. It is ridiculous and stupid. Bob went to Dallas to get the languages. Even there, they think in terms of practical experience. If you get away from doctrine, the only experience you can have is reversionism. God sees souls; not overt experience.

1Sam. 16:1 The LORD said to Samuel, "How long are you going to mourn [feel sorry for yourself] for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go. I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem because I have selected a king from his sons."

In v. 1, Samuel had his eyes on man and circumstances in v. 2. Killing means to kill Apache style, with great pain and suffering.

1Sam. 16:2 Samuel asked, "How can I go? Saul will hear about it and kill me!" The LORD answered, "Take a young cow with you and say, 'I have come to sacrifice to the LORD.'

1Sam. 16:3 Then invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will let you know what you are to do. You are to anoint for Me the one I indicate to you."

1Sam. 16:4 Samuel did what the LORD directed and went to Bethlehem. When the elders of the town met him, they trembled and asked, "Do you come in peace?"

1Sam. 16:5 "In peace," he replied. "I've come to sacrifice to the LORD. Consecrate yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice." Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons and invited them to the sacrifice.

Then Samuel chooses the wrong man. Jesse had to haul all of his sons in, and Eliab looked pretty good. He was very handsome. He was striking in appearance. He was a 2nd lieutenant in the Jewish army, just back from ROTC. Eliab and the other brothers are reversionists; and they have the chance to grow spiritually, but did not. He has a sharp, vitriolic tongue.

1Sam. 16:6 When they arrived, Samuel saw Eliab and said, "Certainly the LORD's anointed one is here before Him."

You cannot truly respect a person unless you know their souls. They are not great because they look good, like Eliab. Most of you got off track because you are impressed by appearances. The content of your soul determines what you are really like. You learn that through conversation. The eyes are not the windows to the soul. A good gambler can fake you into the stands with his eyes. The mouth and what a person says reveals what is in the soul.

He is rejected on the basis of his soul. God does not see as we see; God looks upon the soul of the person.

What Makes Someone God’s Man

1.       Doctrine in the right lobe is the issue of happiness and grace blessing; not experience or appearance or some cleverness.

2.       Doctrine in the soul is the basis for divine promotion and protection from divine discipline.

3.       David was God’s man. This anticipates the rest of the chapter. It is not because of his experience as a shepherd, but the doctrine in his soul.

4.       Among the sheep, David learned doctrine and had doctrine tested. But being a shepherd did not make him great.

5.       David was a grace product all the way. No matter how great David became, only God could take the credit. Only God could take the credit. David succeeded as a soldier and a civilian. 1Chron. 17;7

6.       David passed the test of supergrace without human admiration or approbation. David killed a lion on his own. Afer killing the lion without a .375 H&H magnum. People always try to cash in on their little successes.

7.       When David passed the lion and the bear test, he was ready for anything. The giant was as good as dead.

It is doctrine in the soul that counts; man shall not live by turkey alone.

1Sam. 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or his stature, because I have rejected him. Man does not see what the LORD sees, for man sees what is visible, but the LORD sees the heart."

1Sam. 16:8 Jesse called Abinadab and presented him to Samuel. "The LORD hasn't chosen this one either," Samuel said.

1Sam. 16:9 Then Jesse presented Shammah, but Samuel said, "The LORD hasn't chosen this one either."

1Sam. 16:10 After Jesse presented seven of his sons to him, Samuel told Jesse, "The LORD hasn't chosen any of these."

Jesse did not call David in because he keeps the sheep. This is the low man on the totem pole. David is a red-headed Jew.

1Sam. 16:11 Samuel asked him, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," he answered, "but right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send for him. We won't sit down to eat until he gets here."

He had beautiful eyes. His eyes were unusually beautiful. David was handsome. God tells Samuel to anoint him, because he is the one.

1Sam. 16:12 So Jesse sent for him. He had beautiful eyes and a healthy, handsome appearance. Then the LORD said, "Anoint him, for he is the one."

1Samuel 16:13                                     72David                                              631_0002

Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Israel

“Someone called to find out how long the message was tonite, and I told them don’t bother to come. Someone asked if there is something new going on in Berachah, and I told them, not really. There will be no tour of T&P on Saturday.”

God told Moses, you are standing on holy ground. In this dispensation, our holy ground is the canon of Scripture.

Too bad, if you missed this morning. Too much to cover to review.

The commission in the ancient world was done by a horn of oil. This is God’s promise that some day, David would be king. God never left David in doubt of his future. David will have many tests and many chances to see the grace of God in action. David had many brothers; 8 boys total; one is in supergrace, and the rest of non-entities in reversionism. They are smart, talented and attractive, but no positive volition toward doctrine. Only one of these boys achieved greatness; they all had the same opportunity and the same background, but only one of them made it and that is David. David is about 18 years old here.

Tsalack means to descend upon; to produce prosperity. David has been a believer for a long time. He has personally received Christ as his Savior. He has been a supergrace believer and that means he’s been saved for 5 or 6 years. God Holy Spirit always resides in us. In the dispensation of Israel, the ministry of the Holy Spirit was much different then than it is now. This is because Jesus Christ had not yet come in the flesh.

1Sam. 16:13 So Samuel took the horn of oil, anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD took control of David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah.

Doctrine of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Israel

1.       The Holy Spirit indwelt some Old Testament believers in order to perform certain functions. This would be less than 1

          1)       Joseph

          2)       The artisans of the Tabernacle

          3)       The elders who assisted Moses.

          4)       Joshua

          5)       The Judges Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson,

          6)       Kings of Israel: Saul, David

          7)       Daniel

          8)       Post Exilic rulers Zech. 4

          9)       Old Testament writers 1Peter 1:11

2.       It was very rare for God the Holy Spirit to have a relationship with the average believer, like Jesse or Eliab.

3.       Believers with the Holy Spirit could lose the Holy Spirit. David, Saul,

4.       Believers of the Old Testament could obtain the Holy Spirit by request. 2Kings 2:9–10 Luke 11:9 Bob tells any holy roller that they are in the wrong pew. This is evil and holy rollers are not welcome in Berachah at any time. It is demonism which keeps this organization going. If you are a holy roller, you are in the wrong place. Jesus Christ want the disciples to know that they can receive the Holy Spirit on request and that Jesus Christ would give them the Holy Spirit. Jesus is telling the disciples, “You need the Holy Spirit.”

5.       Therefore, believers could get the Holy Spirit by asking; or God could give it to them because He has a reason for them.

6.       Just before the ascension, Jesus Christ gave the Holy Spirit to 10 of the disciples. John 20:22 God knew the disciples could not last 50 days without help. This was for the knuckle headed disciples.

7.       Once the Church Age begins, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. John 7 1Cor. 6:19–20

8.       All believers are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit. That requires the rebound technique.

9.       In the Church Age, the believer can only lose the filling of the Holy Spirit by sin.

10.     In the previous dispensation, the Holy Spirit regenerated at the point of salvation. Now God the Holy Spirit does 5 things at the point of salvation. People were saved in the same way Old and New Testaments.

          1)       John 3:5 Titus 3:5 regeneration There is only one system of birth; God the Holy Spirit performing the act of regeneration.

          2)       Baptism of the Holy Spirit; every believer put into union with Christ.

          3)       God the Holy Spirit stamps us with a seal. 2Cor. 1:22

          4)       Gives every believer one spiritual gift.

          5)       The Holy Spirit indwells every believer. 1Cor. 6:19–20

11.     John 20:22 the Holy Spirit was given under the conditions of the Old Testament. This was an Old Testament ministry.

1Sam. 16:13 So Samuel took the horn of oil, anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD took control of David from that day forward. Then Samuel set out and went to Ramah.

David was to be the key for the whole Messianic line. The primary source of power for any Old Testament saint was the content of doctrine in the soul. Here, the Holy Spirit deserted Saul; it was removed. This was a permanent thing. Saul is officially now in reversionism.

People do not just fall suddenly into mental illness. This is a matter of volition.

David knew about God’s ability and capacity to give. David as a born again believer had so much information on the essence box, that he did not need promises; he in fact stated many of the promises in the Bible.

There are many supergrace heroes, but only One Celebrity.

The people who are going to make it are those who come to Bible class every day.

Ruwach refers not to a person or to a demon, but inward depression leading to melancholy reversionism. He was filled with self-pity; this led him to psychosis. There are 3 phases of reversionistic discipline. There is knocking; then there is intense discipline; then there is dying discipline.

1Sam. 16:14 Now the Spirit of the LORD had left [departed from] Saul, and an evil [in terms of discipline] spirit from the LORD began to torment [terrify] him,

Saul’s servants would be high-ranking people in his government

1Sam. 16:15 so Saul's servants [officials, officers] said to him, "You see that an evil spirit from God is tormenting you.

They suggest music therapy.

1Sam. 16:16 Let our lord command your servants here in your presence to look for someone who knows how to play the harp skillfully. Whenever the evil spirit from God troubles you, that person can play the harp, and you will feel better."

1Sam. 16:17 Then Saul commanded his servants, "Find me someone who plays well and bring him to me."

One of David’s officers had observed someone. David learned to play this harp when among the sheep at night. Lions, wolves, bears are hovering near the flock, and the sheep sense this, and David would play to them to calm then down.

Being a valiant man meant that David was also a great warrior; brave, tough. David had never been to war; he had just been well-trained in certain aspects of military training. He was a well-trained reservist who might be called up. He has had military training. Rangers consider it to be an insult to kill with a conventional weapon. They like being able to strangle someone, or to break one’s back, etc. David is trained to fight. This is to remind you that there is no such thing as a conscientious objector. Some of you chaps could stand to cut off your hair and enlist.

Perhaps this guy went out for special training and he heard David play. Or he was involved in training David? This one man knew a lot about David.

1Sam. 16:18 One of the young men answered, "I have seen a son of Jesse of Bethlehem who knows how to play the harp. He is also a valiant man, a warrior, eloquent [constantly perceiving doctrine; strong for Bible doctrine], handsome, and the LORD is with him."

David was faithful in the little things. That indicates that he has great integrity. All of these things add up.

David has all of these things going for him, and yet, he is not out strutting himself. There are those out there who are real pushy. Some will hook up with a denomination; they have to get someone to sponsor them. So, who sponsored David? Jesse did not. Jesse put 7 sons through school, but he did not have anything left to spend on David.

Every time we see Jesse, he is either bribing a commander to promote Eliab, or he is sending something to the king to get covered.

Samuel weeping for Saul, a reversionist. The United States of America, for the first time, has become a horrible place. We have been infiltrate with reversionism. Everyone is kowtowing to a stupid government to get government contracts. Everyone is pushy and that is a terrible place to be. This breeds phonies and parasites.

You have so much shoe polish on your tongue, you can barely say thank you.

Bob once had 4 walls and a roach.

Worse than not having your rw is having the wrong one; those of you in single bliss, you have complete freedom.

Are you willing to go the supergrace first with your flock of sheep, and then get promoted from there?

God loved to give to David. Also to Paul. God could give to them in so many ways. Some of you are shaping up to have a horrible, miserable type of life.

David had a lot of alone time. He stayed with the sheep. He had a very clear perception of phase II. Do you know when something is from God and when something is? If you don’t know, then how can you learn? Bible doctrine gives discernment.

1Sam. 16:19 Then Saul dispatched messengers to Jesse and said, "Send me your son David, who is with the sheep."

1Sam. 16:20 So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a skin of wine, and one young goat and sent them by his son David to Saul.

David was being promoted by God. David has 2 other brothers who are professional soldiers. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. The capacity to carry rank in the military comes from doctrine in the soul. The greatest soldiers are MacArthur and Patton. With this kind of moral courage, many lives depend upon your choices. These men were as different as black and white, but they both had moral courage, where they made one slip, and thousands would die. Moral courage depends upon assets of the soul. When the chips are down, it is moral courage that makes a man great. Moral courage comes through Bible doctrine in the soul.

1Sam. 16:21 When David came to Saul and entered his service, Saul admired [loved] him greatly, and David became his armor-bearer.

1Sam. 16:22 Then Saul sent word to Jesse: "Let David remain in my service, for I am pleased with him."

Saul’s depression and mental problems would become soothed in hearing David’s music.

1Sam. 16:23 Whenever the spirit from God troubled Saul, David would pick up his harp and play, and Saul would then be relieved, feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

1Samuel 16:23 17:1–7                        72David                                              631_0003

Bob gives out the score between Texas and the Aggies.

1Sam. 16:23 Whenever the spirit from God troubled Saul, David would pick up his harp and play, and Saul would then be relieved, feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

Summary :Points

1.       At this time, David left the court of Saul and returned to the sheep. 1Sam. 17:15

2.       If God does not promote yiou, you are not promoted.

3.       David does not accept accept success from the world.

4.       Furthermore, his success was based upon aleviation of distress of a reversionistic believer. Many preachers do this.

5.       Therefore, David chose not to stay as the aide-to-camp to Saul.

6.       God was more important to David than the world. The only celebrity is Jesus Christ.

7.       The Lord must be the believer’s prosperity.

The Doctrine of Mental Attitude

1.       Isa. 55:7–9 My thoughts are not your thoughts.

2.       What you think is what you really are. Mental attitude determines the life and character of every person. Prov. 23;7

3.       The divine viewpoint is commanded to the believer. 2Cor. 10:4–5 this can only be fulfilled by the daily function of GAP.

4.       Since Bible doctrine is the mind of Christ, such intake of doctrine shapes the mental attitude. 1Cor. 2:16 2:5

5.       God’s plan, operation grace, demands a new mental attitude on the part of the believer-priest. That you may prove what the will of God is. 2Tim. 1:7 we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of sound mind. You don’t have to be a coocoo clock because you are a Christian. You don’t have to be a weirdo because you are saved. God has a sense of humor. The bats seem to fly through the local church. Women think they have to be one of the witches from MacBeth, or they are not really honoring the Lord. A lot of you had to work pretty hard at being a coocooo cluck. “Now that I am a fundy, I am the world’s worst weirdo; uhuhuhhuh.”

6.       Part of divine viewpoint is confidence through gap. 2Cor. 5:1, 6, 8

7.       Philip. 4:7 2Thess. 2:2 stability is a mental attitude.


9.       Giving is a mental attitude. 2Cor. 9:7 you give with your mental attitude; not with your month.

10.     Love is a mental attitude of the soul. 1Cor. 13:5

11.     Worldliness is a human viewpoint mental attitude, rather than overt activity. Rom. 12:2 Col. 3:2

12.     People are evil because of what they think, not because of what they do. You can look very saintly in church and be very evil Matt. 9:4 Gal. 6:3

13.     Mental attitude sins produce self-induced misery. Prov. 15:13

Introduction of 1sam. 17

1.       A national crisis is designed by God to introduce his candidate as the king of Israel. He will stand in the gap.

2.       Goliath, the giant of Gath, represents a military crisis which the Jews face in reversionism.

3.       No one in the army of Israel was willing to accept the giant’s challenge. A person can have battle courage but lack moral courage. Reversionism had neutralized the army of Israel.

4.       Only one man in Israel was prepared to meet the challenge. He was known only to God, but unknown to Israel and even his own family.

5.       The first step is the anointing of David.

6.       The second step is the crisis of Israel in the valley of Elah.

7.       National or individual crisis always introduces to the world who are who a supergrace hero is. God demonstrates what is in your soul.

Chapter Outline

1.       Military crisis 1–10

2.       Failure of the army 11–25

3.       Supergrace hero 26–40

4.       41–58

The Philistines. Palestine means the land of the Philistines. Someone got all fouled up with trying to name it. Bob was never very eager to to the Palestine. Bob could seeing going to battlegrounds and tombs, but not to Palestine. Bob will take his tour in the Millennium. He hears the weather is pretty good.

1Sam. 17:1 The Philistines gathered their forces for war at Socoh in Judah and camped between Socoh and Azekah in Ephes-dammim.

Ancient History Background

1.       Philistines are the Greek sea peoples who came to the middle east by Crete, which is Caphtorum. Gen. 10:14 Deut. 2:23 jer. 47:4 Amos 9:7

2.       The Greek sea peoples invaded Palestine during the time of Ramses III 1195 or so?

3.       The Dorian invasion of Greece 1200 b.c. This was one of the most cataclysmic times in all of human history. This turned the world upside down. An Island off of Crete was thrown into the sky and into the water and never seen again. One could write a paper entitled 1200 b.c. and use this as an outline. And the islands of the Agian. These are the cruel Greeks, the Apaches of the Helehistic world. They were cruel and vicious and almost eradicated the Micebanean civilization.

          1)       The Trojan War. The Trojans were invaded by the Micenean counterinsurgency

          2)       The Phrygian occupation of Anatolia and the fall of the Hittite. empire. The Phrygians were a part of the same Greek Sea peoples

          3)       1191 the Greek sea peoples attack Egypt. These things make up the greatest crises of the ancient world. The Dorians forced the people out and they hopped on boats and got out of there.

          4)       They attacked Egypt under the name of Philistine.

4.       Ramses III in a great sea and land battle defeated these great sea peoples. To commemorate this victory, he built a great temple near Thebes. He painted the scenes of his fight with the Philistines (he had someone do the painting). We have color pictures of these people, a story of the battle, the name of the Greek sea peoples, and the leading group is the Philistines. There is also the Tjaker who are the Achaian Greeks, and we call them Akkians. They went in large numbers to attack Egypt. They went further into the holy land and settled down with the Canaanite women and were absorbed into this land. Many of the heros of the Akkian civilization. The Shekolesh, the Daimelaim, the Weshesh; and the Tursha (in Egyptian); also Mycenaeans and they are called Etruscans. They lived where Rome is and south of Rome before the Romans did. They intermarried with the Sycals and they became a mysterious group. Ahiana who partially conquered the Hittites. The travels of Ulysses, which describe all of these tribes all over the world who go to places to settle down. The Philistines of the Bible are Greeks and they are as Greek as any other, and this explains their warlike character. They destroyed Troy, they conquered the Hittite empire and almost conquered Egypt. In 20 years, they turned the world upside down. They turned the Jewish army into a bunch of mewing kittens, making it possible for God to introduce a supergrace hero to Israel. They went all over the world. Under the name Tartashians as a part of the Greek sea peoples went to the Atlantic coast of Spain and they conquered the Neolithic peoples there. Jonah was going to pay them a visit instead of going to the Assyrians, whom he hated. Tarshish is mentioned throughout the Bible.

Cambridge Ancient History has a chapter on the Greek sea peoples. If you think you can understand this series, you can’t. This is not for imbeciles. You don’t need to know where I get this stuff. Bob quotes from Cambridge Ancient History. Typical European custom for a showdown like between David and Goliath.

There is a relationship between the gods of the Philistines and the gods of Mount Olympus.

So far, we have covered Philistines. The Philistines had observed the Jews and decided that they were weak and ready to be conquered. They mobilized their armies.

The Philistines in the Land of Promise

1.       As early as the time of Abraham, there were Philistines, Mycenaean Greeks who had settled in Palestine. Abimelech was a Greek king. The first settlements; the Mycenaean Greeks traveled all over. There were Greeks under Abimelech king of Gerar already there before Abraham.

2.       Ex. 13:17 there were Philistines in the land during the time of the Exodus.

3.       The Philistines are the Mycenaean Greeks here; they were a small nation but no one bothered them because they had a good army. They were always a militry power and used by God to discipline Israel during the time of the Judges.

4.       During the time of Gideon and Deborah this enlarged Philistia.

5.       They did not return to Crete, where the Dorians had taken over. So they had to move into the kingdom of Gerar.

6.       Instead of returning to Crete, they settled in the colony of Gerar, which became the 5 cities of the Philistines.

7.       Reenforced by warriors from their own race, the Philistines became very aggressive at various times, like in the reign of Saul.

8.       The Ark of the Covenant had been taken by the Philistines.

9.       At the beginning of the iron age, the Philistines had the control of the distribution of Iron, preventing the Jews of having iron weapons. The Jews had only bronze weapons. David would not even use the equipment of Saul, for several reasons.

10.     The gathering of forces in the valley of Elah.

11.     After the defeat of the Philistines at Mishmash, saul was anointed king.

12.     However, Saul’s reversionism + national reversionism led to a mobilization of the Philistines army and an invasion of the Philistines into Israel. They inaded into the southern kingdom; the reversionism King Saul will die the sin unto death around 1004 b.c. against the Philistines.

They began to maneuver, and this would be  b.c.1010 David is no longer a boy. David was 24 years old when he fought the giant; not a 15 year-old brat with a sling shot. Jesus Christ had a crew cut and no one has painted that right either.

Maneuvering is what occurs here. There are the 5 cities of Philistia. The Philistines had 5 regiments, combat teams. They would have a designated spot, and they are going northeast to Judah. The commanding general, probably the tyrant of Gath; and he would send out orders and he would have 25 or so Greek runners. He would send them out. This will have the date, the equipment to carry, the rations to carry; and where they will reandevous there are probably 2.5 brigades gathered here. The Gath battalion would go first into enemy territory. There will be a point platoon, with a point squad, with a point man. The next battalion is behind them. It sounds here like a few of the boys had a few beers and decided to go have a fight.

The rendevous point is Socoh. The Gath battalion is in place. This army is not just standing around in the valley. This shows that the Philistines, as a Greek people, knew how to fight. These are professionals; they know what they are doing.

Way in the back is a quartermaster, and there is a constant stream of those hauling in supplies for the boys. This is the first Jewish army and they are all scared to death.

The main army is at Socoh. To whip the enemy, you do not show your entire army; you show a small force. Lee did this, except in Gettysburg. The Philistine army has several battalions in the back and there are several ways they can approach. The Philistine army is maneuverable and the Jews are not; they are packed in. Gastolvas Adolphus would not allow his army to rape anyone. When a general is frightened, he puts all of his troops in danger.

1Sam. 17:1 The Philistines gathered their forces for war at Socoh in Judah and camped between Socoh and Azekah in Ephes-dammim.

1Sam. 17:2 Saul and the men of Israel gathered and camped in the Valley of Elah; then they lined up in battle formation to face the Philistines.

1Sam. 17:3 The Philistines were standing on one hill, and the Israelites were standing on another hill with a ravine between them.

He is a man of the middle. This is where Bob wants to remind us about, where have you heard in the ancient world about individual combat solving things? If you read the Illyad and there were individual contests between the Trojans and . Who but the Greeks have someone who comes out and challenges anyone to a fight. Middle man means that he will stand in the middle of the valley, in an arena between the two armies. This is for fun. His name is Golyath, which means exile. He was a descendant of the Rephaim. He is related to the Zamzumims of Deut. 2:20.

He is 6 cubits and a span. A cubit is the elbow to the fingers and is about 18 inches. A span is the difference between the thumb and middle finger. 9'9" tall. He could have played basketball for U of H.

1Sam. 17:4 Then a champion named Goliath, from Gath, came out from the Philistine camp. He was nine feet, nine inches tall

he has a bronze breastplate. It weights 125 lbs. he is pretty touch.

1Sam. 17:5 and wore a bronze helmet and bronze scale armor that weighed 125 pounds.

Shin guard. All Greeks carried 2 spears, one slung over the shoulder and one in his hands. The javelon of brass is slung over his shoulder.

1Sam. 17:6 There was bronze armor on his shins, and a bronze sword was slung between his shoulders.

There is one walking before him.

1Sam. 17:7 His spear shaft was like a weaver's beam, and the iron point of his spear weighed 15 pounds. In addition, a shield-bearer was walking in front of him.

1Samuel 17:8–12                     Psalm 4:1–8 72David                                   631_0004

Do what you can to cut down on the noise. Get everything that is loose tied down. This is not like the astrodome behind the glass.

The challenge of individual combat is common to the Greeks. Individual combat to settle something was common to the Akkians of the Mycenaean civilization. Examples from the Trojan war. Hector and Protoclus fought and Protocolus was killed. Someone else comes out of hiding and kills Hector.

Two men fighting over Helen; the gods intervened with a lot of tricky things going on. Menolaus kills Paris, eventually.

Individual combat for the Thebian throne.

Annias and Turis fight; and Annias is supposed to be the grandfather of the Roman people. Whether or not these are true, they are still Mycenaean tales of individual combat.

Goliath is from the tribe of Zamzumim individual combat. He is standing in the Valley of Elah. He is being quite sarcastic here. Why have you advanced this far to form ranks of battle? How did you work up the nerve to do that? Some were sitting behind their tents smoking pot; others were planning to frag their officers.

The Philistines have attacked because the Jews have gone soft. Reversionism causes a nation to go soft; and the Philistines knew this. Until Jesus Christ returns to establish His Millennial reign, the greatest deterrent to warfare is to have a strong military establishment. Prior to this, their military had been quite impressive. Jonathan by himself attacked on battalion of Philistines. Saul had some great wins under his belt. The Philistines returned home to think about it. However, G2 reported that the Jews had begun to go soft, so now, the Philistines knew it was time to strike.

David was a supergrace believer. While this giant is hurling insults toward the army of Israel, David is 24 years old and a mature believer.

Goliath presents himself as a greeat warrior.

Present imperative of bara means that Israel has lost the chance to fight against the Philistines. The Jews, since choosing Saul, went downhill.

Reversionism and Israel’s Army

1.       The day that you go into reversionism, your free will is destructive to everyone around you.

2.       Works against divine establishment.

3.       Israel chose the wrong man for king. God’s man is a supergrace hero. Saul is a reversionist with no concept of category #1 love.

4.       Goliath stands in the valley for 40 days and tells these Jews to send out a warrior. When reversionism impacts moral courage, men with battle courage become cowards. Reversionism is negative volition toward Bible doctrine. Scar tissue begins to build up on the right lobe. There is a frantic search for happiness and then the practice of reverse process reversionism.

5.       By the function of reverse process reversionism, the Jews have truly become the slaves of Saul, who is a reversionist.

6.       Only the supergrace status can make these believers servants of God once again. They do not have time here to build an edification complex. It is going to take them a couple of years to rebuild what they have lost spiritually.

The giant stays in the valley, and this might make him look smaller than he is. As a man would come down and approach him, Goliath is going to seem larger and larger. Goliath was certain that he could kill anyone in the Israeli army. He reminds Bob of Ajax, an Akkian hero. He was a gigantic man, but stupid. The gods made Ajax crazy for awhile. He was typical of all bullies, which has that type of confidence, who relies upon muscles entirely. There was always a guy in school who was stronger than anyone else and he would become a bully. The world is filled with those who rely on their muscles. Sooner or later, that kind of person loses out. They always get their comeuppance. It is a good idea to be strong and in good physical condition, but never let your body get ahead of your soul. His own strength will be the source of his own demise.

1Sam. 17:8 He stood and shouted to the battle formations [ranks]: "Why do you come out to line up in battle formation?" He asked them, "Am I not a Philistine and are you not servants [slaves] of Saul? Choose one of your men and have him come down against me.

Homer’s Iliad, 9th century b.c. has an almost identical challenge. 5th century b.c. Greek as well. Very similar challenge. Goliath has a kink in his soul. No imagination.

Goliath the Maladjusted Giant

1.       Goliath had true physical strength. There is nothing wrong with this. He is physically strong to the neglect of his soul. He neglects his soul.

2.       In his entire lifetime, in the neglect of his soul, he has used his strength to make him happy. He is in a society which appreciates strength and a beautiful strong body. There was always in that day the admiration of Ulysses, but he had soul abilities as well. Goliath lives on approbation lust. The neglect of the soul and when these are combined, you get a bully. Strength requires responsibility; particularly to keep your temper. To take more than other people would. Once your temper takes over, your strength is used to crush others. Goliath is a murderer to satisfy approbation and power lust. A failure of imagination. It never occurs to him that he would ever get whipped. He had great self-confidence. By this confidence, this is based upon total stupidity. He is truly an Ajax, a truly stupid person. A marine corps Sergeant. In combat, you want him there. He was so stupid, it never occurred to him to be afraid. A man with great courage is a man with imagination and he can envision himself being split open; but he can still do his job. A stupid person is not a courageous person. A courageous person has a great imagination and understands all the possible outcomes. This type of person is always self destructive. He is wearing 148 lbs of boiler plate. When a man of this type of strength, when he develops his soul, he also develops sensuality. This is what happened to Samson. He was the first person to recognize that the greatest erogenous zone is in his mind. Samson was one of the greatest chasers of all time. It never occurred to him that a woman could betray him. Neglect of soul for Samson was reversionism. He used to love to kill Philistines and he loved to chase women. He fornicated with every skirt that he passed by. Goliath was just a bully; and Samson was a woman-chaser. Goliath has confidence on the battlefield and Samson had great confidence in the bedroom. One of the strongest men we had in this country looked like a fat man, but he had great strength. If you are a man with great athletic ability, you have a very special trap. You can destroy yourself. Goliath destroyed himself. Goliath is standing there spending the last 40 days of his life calling for all comers.



1Sam. 17:9 If he wins in a fight against me and kills me, we will be your servants. But if I win against him and kill him, then you will be our servants and serve us."

I have reproached all Israel today. The way he says, “Send me a man” indicates that he does not believe that they have one. There is no involvement in his soul here.

1Sam. 17:10 Then the Philistine said, "I defy the ranks of Israel today. Send me a man so we can fight each other!"

We will now see the failure of the military. This challenge will go on for 40 days. Saul is a courageous soldier and he has proven himself in combat and he had a number of personal decorations from what he has done in battle.

Available Soldiers

1.       1Sam. 11:11 Saul was a great warrior. There were 4 areas where the Holy Spirit came upon him to make him a great military man. There was a time when he was a great military man.

2.       There is Jonathan who had his weapon carrier; he attacked and defeated and neutralized a Philistine outpost all by himself.

3.       There are 3 older brothers to David, and 3 of them are platoon leaders; they may all be in the same company.

Katath means to be a yellow-bellied coward; this was their condition for 40 days. Total self-confidence and total self-destruction is out there in the valley yelling to them. So there are many men who have distinguished themselves under David; and even they were afraid.

1Sam. 17:11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words from the Philistine, they lost their courage and were terrified.

Then we have the words now, David. There is a similar word which means to make love to a woman; then there is a similar word which means to caress or to have sex. “Sex-caresses” is David’s name. It means beloved. David received more things from God than any man who ever lived. A greater variety of things than any other man, from Adam to the end of time. Paul receive more doctrine than any man who ever lived. Moses received a great variety. There is one alluded to in James, a supergrace believer upon whom God could pour out money.

Whatever you might associate with glory or happiness, David had it. Military genius, success, money, women; and in any field, David had it more than anyone else in history.

1Sam. 17:12 Now David was the son of the Ephrathite from Bethlehem of Judah named Jesse. Jesse had eight sons, and during Saul's reign was already an old man.

Goliath kara’s toward Israel; David kara’s toward God. He has been enlarged means supergrace blessing from God. To receive you need soul capacity. Some of you have been endowed with many different things, abilities, talent, strength, beauty; but if you don’t have a soul filled with doctrine, it doesn’t mean a thing. It is the soul that counts.

The supergrace life after the completion of the edification complex. Which begins capacity for love, capacity for life, capacity for adversity, etc.

David will show up and he is ready to go. Everyone else is having a nervous breakdown. His soul immediately recognizes the problem. It is his capacity for pressure that will make him victorious in the valley of Elah.

David will have to fight off members of the Jewish army before he can get out to the battlefield with Goliath.

Psalm 4:1 For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A Davidic psalm. Answer me when I call, God, who vindicates me. You freed me from affliction; be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

Glory belongs to those who are in Israel. God’s glory is turned into shame. The Jews there love emptiness and they seek the lie. They are constantly trying to fake through it.

Psalm 4:2 How long, exalted men, will my honor be insulted? How long will you love what is worthless and pursue a lie? Selah

Psalm 4:3 Know that the LORD has set apart the faithful for Himself; the LORD will hear when I call to Him.

David was angry, and he walked up to the battlefield, and he was the only person who had a clue. What Goliath was doing was insulting the Living God. This is an anger that we ought to have against tyranny; against communism and socialism.

Bible doctrine is in David’s right lobe. He has doctrine in his norms and standards; he has doctrine on the launching pad. His mind thinks doctrine when he hears Goliath on the battlefield.

Don’t get into hassles with petty persons. Move on to things that are important.

Selah, stop working at it and let God carry the ball.

Psalm 4:4 Be angry and do not sin; on your bed, reflect [lit., speaks] in your heart and be still. Selah

 Here, this means to gap it daily. Batach is the faith-rest technique.

Psalm 4:5 Offer sacrifices in righteousness and trust in the LORD.

There are those in the tents of Israel saying, “Who will show us anything good?”

Psalm 4:6 Many are saying, "Who can show us anything good?" Look on us with favor, LORD.

The secret to success is putting gladness in his heart. Joy is the word for +H.

Corn is food and wine is wine. This is like milk and honey; an idiom for prosperity. Prosperity is multiplied. You keep going with gap and God multiplies it.

Psalm 4:7 You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and new wine abound.

David had a good night sleep before and after. Theh night after, he slept with the head of Goliath in his tent. The head is probably as big as his tent. Old loudmouth didn’t talk much that second night; he was quiet.

V. 8 is perfect peace. David sleeps with the celebrityship of Jesus Christ on his mind. He dwelt in safety and in prosperity. This is David before the battle.

Psalm 4:8 I will both lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, LORD, make me live in safety.

1Samuel 17:12–25                 Psalm 23:1–6 72David                                 631_0005

Some people are always out there looking for an angle. As long as you are doing that, you are not compatible with God’s plan. Jesse was a big fish in a small pond.

1Sam. 17:12 Now David was the son of the Ephrathite from Bethlehem of Judah named Jesse. Jesse had eight sons, and during Saul's reign was already an old man.

These older brothers of David were all platoon leaders. David had his head screwed on right for a long time. Now he is a supergrace believer, and he has had it all straight for a long time.

1Sam. 17:13 Jesse's three oldest sons had followed Saul to the war, and their names were Eliab, the firstborn, Abinadab, the next, and Shammah, the third,

1Sam. 17:14 and David was the youngest. The three oldest had followed Saul,

David returned home from his assignment. His father probably did not approve of it, but David’s gig in the palace was not what he wanted.

David and Saul as His Music Guy

1.       This was retrospective narrative.

2.       David’s head was not screwed on wrong; he was not turned by prosperity or being close to the king.

3.       The supergrace hero always passes the prosperity test.

4.       After a taste of court life, David returned to the position of a shepherd.

5.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. Some would think, “My success depends upon Saul.” David knows that he place is with God.

6.       Most people would have been too proud to return to the sheep after living in the palace.

1Sam. 17:15 but David kept going back and forth from Saul to tend his father's flock in Bethlehem.


1.       Sheep cannot guide themselves.

2.       They cannot cleanse themselves.

3.       The sheep is helpless when injured.

4.       The sheep is defenseless. Most animals have some provision for defense.

5.       Sheep cannot find food or water. He depends upon the shepherd.

6.       Sheep are easily frightened. They are calmed with music or with the tender voice of the shepherd.

7.       Sheep’s wool does not belong to the sheep. What it produces belongs to the shepherd, not to the sheep.

The supergrace believer never lacks anything. David had great capacity. When the shepherd says, I cannot lack. This is the testimony of a supergrace believer.

Psalm 23:1 A Davidic psalm. The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack [I cannot lack].

David is back with the sheep. The court cannot provide the things which he lacks. So, David returns to the place where God was prospering him.

Psalm 23:2 He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

Where David was, he had great spiritual blessing, something which he lacked with Saul.

David knew that, in the palace, that this was not a path of righteousness.

Psalm 23:3 He renews [restores] my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name's sake.

Death was not a reality to David; the Lord was. David was not afraid of Goliath or of a bear or of anything. He does not depend upon anything except Who and What the Lord is. A coward dies many times; a brave man but once.

Some people are not afraid of evil because they are twice as evil. They have mouths filled with evil. Evil people are not afraid of evil. Everyone is afraid of something; something more evil than they are.

If you have to leave before this series is over, T&P will send you the whole series. Bob figures to be done to 1Sam. 18 by a week.

The rod and staff are discipline and that is comfort. The hell they are. I just may say “Hell” again. David had a rod and a staff; he had 2 kinds of weapons and it was a comfort for him to carry them.

The comfort comes from Bible doctrine in the soul. When the believer has Bible doctrine in the soul, that is a weapon which he can use. David was not a yellow-bellied coward like the rest of Israel. David took comfort in his weapons.

In war, use your weapons. If your soul is filled with doctrine, then you kill the enemy. Stack them up high. Bob hopes to kill a commie or two before he dies. “You don’t like that and that’s Christianity. You don’t know anything about Christianity.”

the staff gets the sheep out of trouble.

Psalm 23:4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff--they comfort me.

Anointing Davi’d head with oil gives him purpose in life. When David walks into the valley of death, he is confident.

David is 24 and his cup is already running over. He will have the greatest cup that anyone has had under any circumstance.

David doesn’t even have a cup to drink out of....well, we almost slipped.

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

What always happens to the supergrace believer; divine good and grace pursue David.

David was pursued by grace all the days of his life.

He would dwell in blessing all the days of his life. This is phase III. This is not waiting for phase III happiness and blessing.

With this background, do you see why David is going to charge into battle? David will carry K rations and C rations to his 3 lieutenant brothers. The family provided the rations.

Psalm 23:6 Only divine good and grace will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live.

David charged Goliath.

This begins the normal combat day.

The Philistine moves closer each day. He did this consistently. He took a stand for 40 days. He issued this challenge for 40 days.

1Sam. 17:16 Every morning and evening for 40 days the Philistine came forward and took his stand.

Jesse thinks nothing of having David act as an errand boy. Jesse brown-noses the commander, Saul.

1Sam. 17:17 One day, Jesse had told his son David, "Take this half-bushel of roasted grain along with these loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp.

Get assurances that they are well. The human viewpoint comes out with the 10 cheeses.

1Sam. 17:18 Also, take these 10 portions of cheese to the field commander. Check on the welfare of your brothers and bring a confirmation from them.

Lachem means maneuvering to fight. They are learning to fall back and to regroup.

1Sam. 17:19 They are with Saul and all the men of Israel are in the Valley of Elah fighting [maneuvering from the Philistines] with the Philistines."

David rises up early. He left the sheep with a keeper. David shows great responsibility.

1Sam. 17:20 So David got up early in the morning, left the flock with someone to keep it, loaded up, and set out as Jesse had instructed him. He arrived at the perimeter of the camp as the army was marching out to its battle formation shouting their battle cry.

Israel and the Philistines a formed up to do battle.

1Sam. 17:21 Israel and the Philistines lined up in battle formation facing each other.

There is a quartermaster and David left his provisions for his brothers with him.

1Sam. 17:22 David left his supplies in the care of the quartermaster and ran to the battle line. When he arrived, he asked his brothers how they were.

David was talking with his brothers. On D+40, Goliath does something different. Every single day, he walked down to the valley and yelled at the troops. So, all buy himself, this time, he walks up closer to the troops. So, this time, he walked down the hill and then up the hill. Goliath by name. He shouted the same words that he had been shouting before.

This time, David hears with this Philistine has to say, and he listens very carefully.

1Sam. 17:23 While he was speaking with them, suddenly the champion named Goliath, the Philistine from Gath, came forward from the Philistine battle line and shouted his usual words, which David heard.

1Sam. 17:24 When all the Israelite men saw Goliath, they retreated from him terrified.

1Sam. 17:25 Previously, an Israelite man had declared, "Do you see this man who keeps coming out? He comes to defy Israel. The king will make the man who kills him very rich and will give him his daughter. The king will also make the household of that man's father exempt from paying taxes in Israel."

So, David now asks round, as to what will happen for the one who kills Goliath. David could smell the stench of the people of Israel and the reproach; the dishonor. “Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine.” No one had heard anything like that for 40 days. In the Hebrew, that is spitting out some pretty serious words.

David looks at this guy and he does not see a monster; he sees a man standing against the armies of the Living God.

1Sam. 17:26 David spoke to the men who were standing with him: "What will be done for the man who kills that Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy [bring dishonor to] the armies of the living God?"

David’s Mental Attitude in Facing Goliath

1.       David states his intention of killing Goliath from the very beginning.

2.       David considered this 40 time period as a reproach, disgrace, dishonor and defamation.

3.       David regarded the Philistine as an unbeliever, rather than as a powerful giant.

4.       David regarded God as living. This is occupation with Jesus Christ as the true hero. David puts this in the plural. Chayyim. This is plural. The armies of the livings Gods.

1Samuel 17                                          72David                                              631_0006

This passage states the attitude of the supergrace believer. There is no gap in his doctrinal concepts. David states several things.


1.       David states the certainty of killing Goliath.

2.       That this giant could insult the military for 40 days, this is a great disgrace, because this is the army of the Living God, Jesus Christ is their commander-in-chief. David considers this 40 day elapse as dishonor to all of Israel and to Jesus Christ.

1Sam. 17:26 David spoke to the men [Then David kept speaking to the soldiers] who were standing with him: "What will be done for the man who kills that Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy [bring dishonor to] the armies of the living God?"

The Doctrine of the Military Establishment

The timing of this conference is excellent. We had a communion; we had military types serve communion. Many men have died so that even yellow hippies can have freedom. The freedoms that we possess belong to us on the basis of the laws of divine establishment.

1.       The military establishment is designed, under the laws of God, to protect a national entity; to gain its freedom, to protect its laws, and all other establishment. Neh. 4:14, 15 and I inspected and I rose up and spoke to the generals, to the officers and to the rank and file of the army, “Be not afraid of them. Remember the Lord, a great and mighty warrior.” Jesus Christ has the record for the number of enemy killed. “Recall the Lord.” Believers are encouraged to remember that God is great in war. “Fight for your sons and daughters; your wives; and your houses.” These are the things for which you fight. These are the things which require you to kill the enemy.

2.       In spite of man’s efforts for peace, warfare will continue until the Millennium. Luke 21:9 war maintains national sovereignty and freedom.

3.       In both the struggle for and the perpetuation of the freedom of Israel, Jesus Christ became the commander-in-chief of the armies of Israel. Joshua 5:13 6:2

4.       Armies fight to defend their freedom or to enslave others. The Jewish army fought for their freedom and the Philistines fought to enslave the Jews. Jer 34:7

5.       Sovereignty and freedom depends upon which army wins. The victory of David over Goliath means that the Jews will maintain their freedom.

6.       God will use this to show the reversionism in the souls of the people today. The fact that Goliath stood up and made this challenge revealed the souls of the people there.

7.       Since the battlefield decides freedom, universal military training is an important function of any national entity. Luke  14:31 Num. 31:3–5

8.       Prov. 24:1–6 lack of military leadership is an index of a lack of national character.

Don’t be jealous of other people. Pettiness is a sign of weakness; you are a weak, unstable person. You are either in emotional revolt or you are an emotional cripple.

Evil ones are those who appear to be prosperous in some way. To envy these people is a sign of pettiness and weakness of character.

Prov. 24:1 Don't envy evil men or desire to be with them,

their right lobe lacks doctrine; so they study destruction; they study to be reversionists; they work at it. Their lips are involve in verbal sins.

Prov. 24:2 for their hearts plan violence, and their words stir up trouble.

The daily function of gap is wisdom; the house is the edification complex of the soul. While the believer is growing spiritually, he is preparing himself for life. David was building a house in his soul; the edification complex.

Prov. 24:3 A house is built by wisdom, and it is established by understanding;

Knowledge is gaping it to the edification complex. Once the chambers are filled, the edification complex is completed, and the believer is in supergrace.

Prov. 24:4 by knowledge the rooms are filled with every precious and beautiful treasure.

David was increasing in strength.

Prov. 24:5 A wise warrior is better than a strong one, and a man of knowledge than one of strength;

It is not a committee that is great. All cowards in the state department. MacArthur had the chinks on the run and he could have dusted their tail. Had he been able to chase down the Chinese, they would not be supplying Vietnam today. That was the turning of the time; that is when the Chicoms knew they were safe. Our military would have cleaned up the Chicoms all the way to Peking. “We might have been caught up in a war.” “Hell, we were in a war.” We could have crossed over the Yalu River and cleaned up on half of the Chinese army. Hanoi ought to be a hole in the ground now.

Fortifications are made for cowards. Aggressive action; what if you do clear out a village of civilians; they have been trained to lay mines. The communists trains children and women to kill the American. Cowardly civilian leadership neutralized the military. We are a reversionistic nation with reversionistic leadership. The civilians try to run the military, and they too often take the blow. Sometime, a supergrace believer has to walk into a filthy scummy situation and turn things around. This is the worst period in our history of our military. This is the greatest time for supergrace believers to step into the military.


9.       Therefore, the importance of military training. It takes a year to train an eager beaver. But you can never train a gold bricking, yellow-bellied hippie coward. In 1941, we had some people that could be worked with. Now we have a bunch of hippies and Black panthers who do not understand the flag or the concept of freedom.

10.     Part of divine judgment against a nation is the miltiary defeat which precedes the fifth cycle of discipline. This happened to Chaldea, to Judæa, to Assyria. When nations lose wars, they lose their freedom.

Prov. 24:6 for you should wage war with sound guidance--victory comes with many counselors [in the greatness of the generals is victory; greatness of the one who commands].

1Sam. 17:26 David spoke to the men who were standing with him: "What will be done for the man who kills that Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"

Saul had been manufacturing rewards in order to get someone. If you cannot get the people to fight for a principle, then dangle some bait in front of them. The rewards kept going higher until the 40th day. Saul kept raising the bounty to be given. When you represent your country in battle, you should be the greatest killer in your outfit. You never take prisoners unless you have to. They are just a nuisance. That’s the way to fight a war, ladies. This is why you do not suffer the mass rape as the Russians did in Germany, from age 4 to 80. Some of you Christian females who are feather-brained ought to get some doctrine. Who wants their children to be killed? Freedom is paid for by the finest young men in the war. Bruce Davis, who died in Korea, is a prince of a man. If any of you are dumb enough to see Jesus Christ Superstar; everyone in that thing ought to be drafted for life. Jesus freaks have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, our Savior; they are just yellow freaks. Someday, we will be in another big shooting war and this time, it will come to us. Because we have had such cowardly presidents. Some of you will have the chance to kill communists, so remember to rebound so that you do a good job.

The Bible talks about killing. Never in the history of the United States have so many people hated us. Some of the pettiest nations in the world have plans to conquer the United States. There are over 50 nations who have plans on getting in on the act if someone else conquers the United States. The time has come to recognize that the only good communist is a dead communist. The war is coming to this country next time. Only the grace of God will stop this.

1Sam. 17:27 The people told him about the offer, concluding, "That is what will be done for the man who kills him."

As soon as someone takes a hard-nosed stand against the enemy, there is always this petty nobody who tries to shut this down. David has to demonstrate the superiority of supergrace to any attitude of cowardice and mental attitude sins.

What Eliab says indicates what he was thinking. Eliab listened in on this entire conversation. He recognizes the courage of his brother. He recognizes that David was about to accept this challenge, and he could not stand his kid-brother to be successful. Eliab attacks with sarcasm; that is the sign of mental attitude sins which have rotted the soul of this eldest brother. He should be ahead of David spiritually, but he is not.

One mental attitude sins always leads to another. Eliab’s anger is developed. He nurses this anger for quite awhile. Jealousy always finds an excuse to get angry. People who are jealous have a tendency to become very angry. Judah is higher than where this battle is, so David came down in elevation to Eliab.

More sarcasm. You have a platoon of sheep; I have a platoon of soldiers.

Eliab’s Mental Attitude Sins and David

1.       Eliab has a command of a platoon and David has a command over a few sheep.

2.       God prepared David, and Eliab is not prepared for anything. Doctrinal content makes the difference.

3.       Eliab implies that he has not deserted his platoon, but that David deserted his sheep.

4.       The reversionist always ascribes to others his own failures and weaknesses. You want to know another’s weaknesses? Listen to how they put you down.

5.       All reversionists are subjective.

6.       Subjectivity becomes a mirage of the soul; a blackout; a mirror which reflects your own failures.

David, as an aid-de-camp, he had already received a higher rank than his brother. David was grace orientated. He was a captain while his brother was a 2nd lieutenant. David walked away from his rank.

“I know your deformity.” There is something wrong with him and Eliab just doesn’t want to say because he is his younger brother. “You’re just a kid; you came down to watch a battle.” His older brother rags on David for expressing divine viewpoint. If anyone was just there to watch, it was Eliab. For what reason did you come down?

Eliab the Reversionist and David

1.       Eliab is a reversionist with no concept of divine establishment and he does not know how a nation is blessed.

2.       David is not a spectator to a battle but a spectator to an embarrassing army.

3.       Eliab has had 40 opportunities to fight this giant and he has declined every one of them.

4.       Like so many reversionists, everything that Eliab ascribes to David is really all about him.


6.       In short, everything Eliab is guilty of, he has now accused David of being. Eliab is a coward in his own frame of reference, so that is how he sees everyone else. Eliab in his own frame of reference he is mental attitude sins; his norms and standards are mental attitude sins. All he can express on the battlefield are mental attitude sins. So a reversionist always turns his soul inside out so that you can see his sins and go vomit.

The Song of Solomon shows how Solomon missed his rw because of his own soul-defect.

1Sam. 17:28 David's oldest brother Eliab listened as he spoke to the men, and became angry with him. "Why did you come down here?" he asked. "Who did you leave [abandon] those few sheep with in the wilderness? I know your arrogance and your evil heart--you came down to see the battle!"

What will David do about this? “Is there not a word?” David does not get down in the lower levels with his brother. He does not go to insulting Eliab.

1Sam. 17:29 "What have I done now?" protested David. "It was just a question [Is this not a doctrinal issue?]."

It takes a great man to walk away from this. No doubt, David wanted to punch Eliab.

David Wins the First Battle

1.       First victory; turned away from his brother.

2.       David had to get into it with his own brother before facing the giant. That is the first attack against hiim. How many times have members of your family deterred you from spiritual growth? Some sarcastic jackass or some feather-brained woman with never a thought in her head.

3.       He does not have the courage to fight the giant, but he will discourage anyone else who tries.

4.       Eliab is blind of soul and deformed of his right lobe.

5.       By turning away from Eliab, David wins the first of a series of battles before reaching Goliath. This is the first battle for a person in supergrace. Pettiness from one’s own family. Pettiness from those close to him. Pettiness and vindictiveness. A supergrace believer rises above the mental attitude sins that would drown him. It is tempting to snap back.

6.       To win this battle, David must retreat. He turns away from his brother. He wins this first battle by retreating and he will win the next one by charging. A believer with moxie knows when to fight and when to pull back.

7.       Therefore, all battles in the spiritual life are not won the same way.

8.       If David had lost his temple and whipped his brother, he would nave lost the battle with Goliath. No one can be great without rising above the pettiness around him.

9.       Supergrace victory over pettiness today results in killing giants tomorrow.

10.     Victory in skirmishes means victory in great battles. Winning a skirmish today means winning a great battle tomorrow.

11.     David won a great victory by turning away from Eliab. His remarks were unfair, unjust and uncalled for. David did not stop to defend himself. A believer who spends all of his time defending himself will never get to supergrace.

12.     David recognizes that the issue is not muscle against muscle, spear against spear, etc. he recognizes that the issue is doctrinal; the issue is in the soul. “Is not this a doctrinal issue?” Eliab put David down; God put David up. We would have never heard about David if he turned around and punched his brother. Remember that the next time you are tempted to fight pettiness.

1Sam. 17:30 Then he turned from those beside him to others in front of him and asked about the offer. The people gave him the same answer as before.

1Samuel 17:31                                     72David                                              631_0007

Bob recommends Rebound and Keep Moving. “If you are not interested in the Word of God, but you just want to attend a religious organization, we can recommend some to you.”

Bob is not going to bring anyone up to date. 1Sam. 18 is the destination of this conference.

The Niphal stem here is passive and reflexive. There are a lot of people around listening. No one had much to say by day 40. The fact was, no one had the nerve to go out and take out the giant. David is the only person who has anything to say. The news that someone is willing to fight the giant is taken to Saul.

1Sam. 17:31 What David said was overheard and reported to Saul, so he had David brought to him.

David talks about his heart, and says, do not let anyone’s heart fall. This spiritual condition has made casualties of the entire Israeli army. David’s brother was quick to malign him and quick to judge; and he is not the man for the crisis.

The second attack will be another test; the attack of human viewpoint.

1Sam. 17:32 David said to Saul, "Don't let anyone be discouraged by him; your servant will go and fight this Philistine!"

Saul tells David that he does not have the ability now or in the future. Saul has completely surrendered at this point. He does not see David as being able to save him. David was 30 when he became king. At this time, David is 24 years old. Bob figured this out. A fallacy of this world is to think that you need experience to do this or that job. God uses supergrace believers; it does not matter if they are prepared or not.

David will receive a greater variety of things from God than any other man who has lived.

Supergrace is the person who first takes Bible doctrine into the soul. It is taken in to the left lobe, and then there is faith placed in the word, transferring it over to the right lobe. It is cycled into the human spirit by faith, and then it is cycled to the right lobe.

Then there is the construction of the edification complex of the soul. God always is looking for believers who can receive from Him the details of life. When he finds a believer with whom He can entrust success, a million or a billion dollars, God is looking for men and women today. There are so few who catch on.

God’s timing was perfect; Saul’s timing, to make David his aide-de-camp was bad timing. David must have the king’s permission to fight. He cannot just go out there.

1Sam. 17:33 But Saul replied, "You can't go fight this Philistine. You're just a youth, and he's been a warrior since he was young."

Now, David has to toot his own horn, in order for Saul to let him go out and fight Goliath.

There were quite a few lions at that time. They dressed out at 500 lbs and they could run the 100 yard dash in 5 seconds. A shepherd boy facing a lion is a rare event. David had a short club, a sling, a shepherd’s knife, and a shepherd’s hook.

The example of a person who hunts with a magazine rifle. You might get off the first shot and hurt the lion, but if he is still alive, it will be on you before you can eject the cartridge and shoot a second time. Lion’s have great strength. They can pick up a full grown calf with their mouth. A normal Jewish man would have sat on a rock and been happy that the lion did not come and take him as well.

David was a man who recognized the Celebrityship of Jesus Christ. It never occurred to him to be frightened or upset. To be alone is wonderful, but to be alone with sheep is horrible.

David goes after the lion.

1Sam. 17:34 David answered Saul, "Your servant has been tending his father's sheep. Whenever a lion or a bear came and carried off a lamb from the flock,

David grabs lion’s main. Bob hates to see people with long hair and hair on the face. He warns that someone could grab your beard, lift up your head, and cut your throat.

Bob can tell that many people in this conference came unawares. Some have mutton chops and sideburns and this is an advertisement that you are a loser.

This is a male lion, and David entered into combat with the lion. David is already majoring in miraculous feats with Bible doctrine in the soul. A few of you might go after a lion if pretty girls chanted, “Go, David, go.”

There is no attention getter like killing a lion with your bare hands and bringing him back into town to show it off. David does not do this. He does not carry the carcass of the lion into Jerusalem. This is the first time that he mentions this incident.

Few people can actually say this.

1Sam. 17:35 I went after it, struck it down, and rescued the lamb from its mouth. If it reared up against me, I would grab it by its fur, strike it down, and kill it.

Bears are quite vicious, and they can outrun a person, and they can slice you open with their claws.

David could have said a lot of things; but, instead, he went after the bear and he killed the bear. Nakah means to kill in combat.

He killed both of them. Some may have thought that David is too proud here.

7 Principles

1.       Supergrace believer does not need an audience or a crowd to cheer him on. Approbation lust is not necessary to motivate the supergrace believer.

2.       The supergrace believer does not rationalize. He could have said, “There was only one sheep taken. I can live with that.”

3.       The supergrace believer has a sense of responsibility. David goes to rescue the one sheep taken. That is in his responsibility sphere. David, as a supergrace believer, had a fantastic capacity.

4.       The supergrace believer is faithful in the little things. It is not based on pushing himself and he does not get shaken up.

5.       The supergrace believer finds doctrine to be more real than any danger in life.

6.       The supergrace believer is armed integrity the soul with Bible doctrine.

7.       The supergrace believer does not quit in the middle of a test. Having passed the test of the lion, he does not shirk from the test of the bear.

1Sam. 17:36 Your servant has killed lions and bears; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God."

David uses his feet to advance on the lion and the bear. He used his moxie in fighting both of them. He was caused to be delivered. Is this not a doctrinal issue? He has no concern about the strength of Goliath.

What Saul says is a typical reversionism. “Go and the Lord be with you.” He gives the command to allow David to go, and then he throws in a Fundies phrase. Doctrine in David’s soul will do the job. Fundy phrases cover the thin veneer.

David and His Victory over Goliath

1.       Pious phrases often cover a reversionistic soul.

2.       These are superficial hypocrisies by which the reversionist seeks to have a part of a supergrace victory.

3.       The lioin and the bear victories were true dress rehersals for Goliath. When the lion and the bear died, then Goliath was dead, and he did not know it.

4.       Unseen by human beings and without human encouragement, David defeated a lion and a bear in combat. David was not motivated by approbations.

5.       David has been prepared by God in secret for his tasks.

6.       God’s timing is perfect. “All of my friends are getting married” some fluttering female will say. They might all be divorced in 5 years. Wait on the Lord. You may have to wait a little longer because you are slow in taking in doctrine.

7.       The battle which will ensure was won long before it was fought.

The battle of Cnaai was won 15 years before? Hannibal’s father toughened him up to walk in the school and to toughen up his mind. He was prepared to win some of the most decisive victories in military history. Spartans drilled and learned tactics. They won that battle in miltary training before they marched to Thermopoly and stopped the Persians flat.

Some very dumb officers in WWII, but the kids were great; they were depression kids. They came up the hard way and WWII was won by the depression of the 1930's. They were filled with common sense and they like good music. They frowned on the use of drugs. You cannot take hippies and turn them into military types. The Romans learned this. Rome learned all of their wars long before they went to war. Universal military training was the order of the day. All the early Romans did exactly that.


8.       This was of Ophrys Damian was won by David when he began to grow spiritually long ago.

9.       God prepares his man in secret for public victory.

1Sam. 17:37 Then David said, "The LORD who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine." Saul said to David, "Go, and may the LORD be with you."

David has another test to face. Saul causes David to put on his armor. Saul thought that David might win, so he wanted his armor on David. Saul reasoned that he could take the credit because David was wearing his armor. This is a spiritual victory. It is an attack of worldliness because the armor represents a discounting of the spiritual victory.

More Points

1.       There is no substitute for the power of God. A worldly means is not the way to a spiritual victory.

2.       No weapons or armor forged by the world will outdo the power of God.

3.       Grace excludes human ability, human help, and human equipment.

4.       God’s Word had trained David to be independent of the cosmic system in any way. He is totally independent from Saul. David recognizes Saul’s position, and therefore, asks his permission to fight.

5.       David understands the doctrinal issues and he reject the worldly means. The armor did Saul not good. They key is the attitude of the soul. Divine viewpoint is the greater weapon than all the weaponry of Philistia

1Sam. 17:38 Then Saul had his own military clothes put on David. He put a bronze helmet on David's head and had him put on armor.

David gets into this armor and he tries it out. David refuses to go with all of this armor. He had not tested it.

1Sam. 17:39 David strapped his sword on over the military clothes and tried to walk, but he was not used to them. "I can't walk in these," David said to Saul, "I'm not used to them." So David took them off.

The weapons of supergrace. David will use a club and 5 smooth stones. Goliath is covered with all kinds of armor and a 17 lbs head for his sword.

David removes all of the armor of Saul, and he picks up the stick as well. His favorite weapon is a sling. These stones will have true trajectory. 2 leather thongs, a stick, and you pinch the stone tightly in the leathen, then you stretch your hands behind your head, and you advance, and when you get in range, you begin to swing your arm in large swings. Another point is, why 5 stones. There were 5 giants, which David probably is able to see.

The roster of giants. Goliath, his brother in 17:19 21:16, 18, maybe a son of Goliath is the next 21:20-22. A script is the ammunition pouch. He streadily approaches. He keeps on closing in. He moves in to the target area.

1Sam. 17:40 Instead, he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the wadi and put them in the pouch, in his shepherd's bag. Then, with his sling in his hand, he approached the Philistine.

Goliath will have a few last words, and there will be a short debate with Goliath at the end as well.

1Samuel 17         The Doctrine of the Supergrace Life 72David               631_0008

The Doctrine of the Supergrace Life

1.       This is the final stage of growth beyond the edification complex of the soul. It is the place of perfect happiness and perfect benefit from God’s grace.

2.       The supergrace life is the place of maximum happiness. 1Thess. 5:16

3.       The supergrace believer is the man for the crisis. 1Sam. 17

4.       The supergrace believer has capacity for freedom. Rom. 8:21 2Cor. 3:17

5.       The supergrace believer has capacity for life 1Sam. 18:5, 14, 30

6.       Capacity for love. 1John 2:5 Joshua 23:10–11 SOS 8:6–7

7.       The supergrace life provides capacity for happiness. Psalm 9:1–2 31:7 97:12 John 17:13

8.       The supergrace believer also has capacity for suffering. 2Cor. 12:7–10

9.       The supergrace life is characterized by occupation with Christ Heb. 12:2

10.     Characterized by maximum benefit from God’s grace.

This will be amplified upon later on in our study. This gives us something to study in anticipation.

When the Philistine realizes that he will fight David, he begins to close in. David has not fought a man one-on-one or as part of a military unit. This is the first time for this giant that anyone was not afraid of him.

Goliath died and went to hell. He heard human viewpoint all of his life, but, at the end of his life is, he heard some divine viewpoint.

Halak and yalak similarities and differences has been the source of great discussion between about 10 people. Halak involves the legs?

1Sam. 17:41 The Philistine came closer and closer to David, with the shield-bearer in front of him.

The bronze helmet that Goliath wears gives him limited vision. It is a heavy helmet. He moves his head about in order to scan the area, and he is quite shocked. It takes him awhile to move his head around because of the weight of the equipment that he carried. When Goliath sees David, human viewpoint rules the day.

All Achaian Greeks carried 2 javalans; one carried in their hand and one slung over the shoulder.

Goliath should have been alert to the fact that David comes out there with no observable weapons, and he should have realized that this young man was potentially very dangerous.

Bazar is the verb. One thing about Goliath; he lacked imagination on down to the last minute. It is the individual with no imagination who is inferior. Or, he wants Uncle Sugar to feed him; that Uncle Sugar owes him a living.

Those who demand to be called Blacks, when they ought to be called Americans and taught what it is all about.

Goliath probably had memorized most of the patches and rank; and he should have become alert when David walked onto the battlefield. Many people, because they lack imagination, walk into danger that they would have otherwise avoided. In your own self-analysis, that you lack imagination, that it might be worth is for you to develop some. Goliath had a very poor functioning soul. He was a human being, and now he is suffering in torments. He will be in the Lake of Fire forever. By that time, imagination will be useless. Goliath was a bully and he always pushed others around and people cultivated his friendship so that they would not be hurt by him. The problem was, he never knew what life was all about. He will have a very clear and lucid picture of what hell is all about.

D+40 is the day that he will die, with the same opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ as anyone else.

David was ruddy, admoni, which means readheaded. He was a natural redhead. He was redhaired and fair. This means very handsome.

It never occurred to Goliath that a pretty boy could be tough. Scars simply mean that you were unable to get away without a scar.

1Sam. 17:42 When the Philistine looked and saw David, he despised [disdained] him because he was just a youth, healthy [redheaded] and handsome.

Goliath did not try to be funny. It just turns out that way. In David’s view, Goliath is a dog. In David’s view, he is. Such people are very serious about themselves and about everyone else.

Bob would look at the analogies between Goliath and a dog if he was writing commentary on this. David is approaching him, and the giant notices the shepherd’s staff. People and dogs were not very friendly toward one another at that time. Bob recalls one person who left because he told her thrice that dogs would not be in heaven.

The Philistine cursed, and this word can mean 4 different things. Chalel; it means to be light, swift; to lightly esteem; to despise; to be shaken, to be moved; to remove a burden. The pilel stem means to revile, to vilify, to curse. He is a blasphemer. It never occurred to Goliath that cursing God would be a bad idea. It never occurs to him that anyone is greater than he is.

This man was merely a farce. He was ridiculous. Stupid. No capacity for life. What a tragedy that he is so lacking in imagination. It never occurred to him that anyone could dislike him. He is a great asset to the military victories of the Philistines.

He was probably pretty much of a pest. “Do you have a Goliath soul?” He has no imagination. This is not just dreaming up something; this is the orient to life to anticipate things which might occur. There are women with a Goliath soul; it never occurs to them that others may have opinions of them very different from what she thinks.

Goliath had his share of women; he had his share of successes.

Goliath had a psueo character. He was considered a great warrior, but he was uncontrollable. He never got away from the fact that he was stronger than everyone else. He would frag his officers if he did not realize what they were doing.

Even you even suspect that you have a Goliath complex, then you start gapping it daily to be rid of this complex.

1Sam. 17:43 He said to David, "Am I a dog that you come against me with sticks?" Then he cursed David by his Elohim.

People with imagination can here the threats of this Philistine and are intimidated when he makes these remakrs. When you find someone who is not intimidated by you, you need to give that person a wide berth.

Notice Goliath’s brilliance here. Goliath keeps telling David to keep advancing. This man was just a big, overgrown, smart ass.

The most distinctive thing that Goliath ever did was dying in combat with David. Apart from that, he would have faded into obscurity. His falling before David is Goliath’s only historic claim to fame. All Goliath has been doing since 1010 b.c. is suffering in torments all these years.

Goliath, like everyone else, has free will. He had a choice. He could have accepted Jesus Christ. How many times have you felt sorry for some hapless female who deals with everything that goes wrong.

As a saved reversionist, God will make your death so miserable, that you will realize just how much you missed the boat. Everyone must face the facts that we need doctrine daily. If you have a Goliath complex, God will see to it that you have a miserable death. Once you die, you are absent from the body, but face to face with the Lord.

Here are Goliath’s final words; he seems to have gone through life without needing much of a soul. Always going through life without settling an argument except with his fists.

1Sam. 17:44 "Come here," the Philistine called to David, "and I'll give your flesh to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts!"

Now we go to David. Here we go to someone with a supergrace soul. He will be the greatest king that man has known, and a great warrior; a great captain. He also has the spiritual gift of prophecy. David gives Goliath a Bible class lesson before he dies.

David gives this Philistine the proper view of things. He notes all of Goliath’s weapons. But David comes in the name of the Lord of the armies. David is occupied with the person of Jesus Christ. This further amplifies the role of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As a supergrace hero, David understands the issue. The battle is between the Lord and Goliath; Goliath does not know this; it does not occur to him. Goliath will die with his muscles in perfect condition.

1Sam. 17:45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with a dagger, spear, and sword, but I come against you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of Israel's armies--you have defied Him.

David recognizes that this day is the day Goliath has defied God. Every day is Christmas and every day is Thanksgiving. David does not take any credit to himself. He recognizes that the Lord is taking care of all of this.

David has this all straight in his soul. He understands the issues. David is not unusually strong; but he is strong. David says it very simply and very dogmatically. “I will cause you to die violently.”

David warns Goliath that he will take his head, which he will do and he will keep this head for a few days. The bodies of the Philistines will be food for the bird and for hyenas. This is so that all will continue to know that there is a God in Israel.

The supergrace believer always sees the crisis from divine viewpoint. Behind him is an army of cowards. They have been maneuvering; falling back and regrouping. They need to understand that God is the One delivering Israel. This is a grace victory.

God is always giving something to supergrace types.


1.       This is one of the greatest principles of life; the battle is the Lord’s this is the application of the celebrityship of Jesus Christ. Only true of the supergrace believer. David keeps his soul in shape.

2.       This dissertation which David gives to Goliath was given under maximum pressure. David is totally relaxed; there is maximum pressure.

3.       One man in supergrace is an army. One supergrace believer is an entire army.

4.       Furthermore, David is a visitor to the army this day. He resigned his commission to return to the sheep.

5.       Here is where all military training becomes useless; when the soul is weak. The communists understand this very well. They know the soul must be defeated. They have conquered the souls of liberals today.

6.       Only one man has enough doctrine to understand the crisis.

7.       Only one man has enough doctrine in the soul to meet the crisis. He understood it and met it.

8.       The phrase, the battle is the Lord’s means that victory belongs to Jesus Christ. It must belong to God. David will not try to take the credit. David has capacity for success.

9.       This is the thinking of a supergrace hero. He goes into action. They both have had their say, and the rest of it is action.

1Sam. 17:46 Today, the LORD will hand you over to me. Today, I'll strike you down [will cause you to die violently], cut your head off, and give the corpses of the Philistine camp to the birds of the sky and the creatures of the earth. Then all the world will know that Israel has a God,

1Sam. 17:47 and this whole assembly will know that it is not by sword or by spear that the LORD saves, for the battle is the LORD's. He will hand you over to us."

1Samuel 17:48-51 Psalm 33              72David                                              631_0009

This Philistine is armed and he has begun to advance. David moved forward, running swiftly, and he is loading the sling as he runs. Goliath is accustomed to the guy running the other way, and then he throws a javelin before he gets out of range. It has been probably a long time since anyone moved in on Goliath.

The Supergrace Believer and Combat

1.       The supergrace believer has no hangups, subjectivity or fear in the soul.

2.       Also note the concentration of the supergrace believer. You must be able to move rapidly and be able to still concentrate. You need to know your weapons well and you must be able to concentrate. Fear decentralizes concentration.

3.       The attempts to intimidate David have completely failed and the issue is, the battle is the Lord’s.

4.       David has no qualms about killing the enemy. He will cut off Goliath’s head and carry that head around with him for awhile. A born again believer filled with the Spirit will have no qualms about killing the enemy in battle. A British general was impressed by one group of soldiers who ate their K rations on the bodies of the dead Germans.

5.       David’s soul was prepared by doctrine for combat long before he walked onto the battlefield.

6.       The supergrace believer is a perfect integration of soul and body.

1Sam. 17:48 When the Philistine started forward to attack him, David ran quickly to the battle line to meet the Philistine.

You ladies who shudder when a bug lands on your white gloves. This is the kind of thing which keeps you safe, so you can go from tea party to tea party. In his soul, David knows the importance of the death of his enemy. He reaches into his sack and seizes with great purpose. You ladies don’t write to your congressmen because your son is not getting a glass of warm milk each night when in training. Training helps to overcome the great pressure that we face.

When David says, the battle is the Lord’s, he is talking about real combat—life and death.

If you are a little nervous, a sling shot is not your weapon. This requires great concentration and steel nerve. David had imagination. He knows what could happen here. This is the first time that David has ever killed a man. He has killed a lion and a bear; but this is the first time that he faces the issue of killing a man. David writes 2 psalms about this.

The giant is out, but he is not dead. David comes to an immediate decision based upon what happens here. The stone penetrated his forehead.

With a quick counter punch, Bob knew that some men were out. They fell forward.

1Sam. 17:49 David put [decisively thrust] his hand in the bag [ammo pouch], took out a stone, slung it, and hit the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.

A simple statement here. Qal imperfect of chazaq.

David won this battle via this sling, a weapon he learned how to use from his youth.

1Sam. 17:50 David defeated [established himself as superior to] the Philistine with a sling and a stone. Even though David had no sword, he struck down the Philistine and killed [caused the Philistine to die] him.

David is one of the greatest believers that ever lived. He was supergrace hero. His soul was loaded with Bible doctrine.

Goliath’s sword is sticking up in a way that David can grab it. He pulls it out of the sheath and decapitates Goliath with it. The Philistines must have been utterly stunned.

1Sam. 17:51 David ran [swiftly] and stood over him. He grabbed the Philistine's sword, pulled it from its sheath, and used it to kill him. Then he cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they ran.

David, who uses this decapitation, is fighting for his country; and there is nothing in the Bible which disparages a soldier from fighting for his country. Until the Millennium, killing the enemy in battle is the order of the day.

A psalm of national deliverance. The Philistines have suddenly discovered that Goliath bleeds like anyone else. The ones shouting are Jewish soldiers.

David is the only supergrace believer. Bob calls him the righteous one here.

Psalm 33:1 Rejoice in the LORD, you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful.

David probably praised God in his tent while looking into the blank stare of Goliath’s eyes. David could sing the benefits of grace in his tent that night.

Psalm 33:2 Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp.

Why can David sit in his tent with a monster head?

Psalm 33:3 Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.

David can do this because the Word of the Lord is right; straight. Bible doctrine kept David thinking straight. At the crisis moment, David stepped forward at D+40 and saved the day. The battle is the Lord’s.

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right, and all His work is trustworthy.

God keeps on loving righteousness. David has a +R that God loves. Justice is only for one who has the soul capacity for it.

Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD's unfailing love.

David uses the heavens as an illustration.

Psalm 33:6 The heavens were made by the word of the LORD, and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth.

Everything is orderly and organized.

Psalm 33:7 He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap; He puts the depths into storehouses.

Fear/respect are the same word in the Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew.

Psalm 33:8 Let the whole earth tremble before [respect] the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him [operate in the sphere of grace].

God decreed and it was. He commanded it and it came into existence.

Psalm 33:9 For He spoke, and it came into being; He commanded, and it came into existence.

God controls history some of us are in serious trouble. The specter of communism was greatly enlarged by FDR and others. There are a lot of cowards now. There is a grain ship in the port of Houston heading out to feed our enemies. Apart from God’s grace, there is little hope for our survival.

Where is supergrace today? God causes to frustrate the plans of the heathen nations. David does not sit in his tent and say, “I did it;” it is God Who did it. David was alone before God in his tent.

God blocks the plans of the people. Those students of Louisiana who got up in the face of their governor, God will thwart their plans; God blocks them.

God is looking for some believer to bless. He wants a believer to give a billion dollars to. Capacity for happiness and capacity for life etc. will allow God to give. God has an unlimited amount of blessing to give to us. God is looking for supergrace heroes and they are just not around. There is no problem with God to do this.

David will be made into a major general. God causes their plans to be hindered.

Psalm 33:10 The LORD frustrates the counsel of the nations; He thwarts the plans of the peoples.

Notice how long God’s plan will be in existence. The same word used to jump on Goliath is used here. God’s plan stands forever. It is wonderful to be in God’s plan, even if you are a reversionist. Spiritual growth means you will not have to wait for a long time to be blessed by God. However, God looks down and sees a lot of cock-eyed reversionists.

Psalm 33:11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.

Here are the Jews for 40 days, scared to death; and happinesses are poured upon them because of the supergrace believer David. The laws of divine establishment all contribute to the prosperity of a nation. As goes the believers, so goes the nation.

Psalm 33:12 Happy is the nation whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

God is caused to observe from heaven. He observes all the sons of man.

Psalm 33:13 The LORD looks down from heaven; He observes everyone.

From His headquarters, he gazes upon all the inhabitants of the earth.

Psalm 33:14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth from His dwelling place.

God sculpts or molds the hearts. He fashions their hearts alike.

Psalm 33:15 He alone crafts their hearts; He considers [discerns] all their works.

No king is saved by a large army. This is pretty clear by Saul and his army. The army did not bail out Saul; a supergrace believer did it. An army cannot compensate for the stupidity of a national leader. Only God can deliver from the colossal blunders of FDR and Truman. The only 2 people who had any sense, MacArthur and Patton. It is because of MacArthur said no, there are no communist bases in Japan.

Today, all we have are a bunch of long-haired hippies and you do not fight wars with the kind of soldier.

The mighty man is not deliver by his great strength; Goliath was no delivered by his great strength. Our deliverance is the Lord.

Psalm 33:16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.

Psalm 33:17 The horse is a false hope for safety; it provides no escape by its great power.

We need to trust under pressure.

Psalm 33:18 Now the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him--those who depend on His faithful love

our souls are snatched from danger. We are kept alive in famine.

Psalm 33:19 to deliver them from death and to keep them alive in famine.

David anticipates what he will get. David was blessed by great promotion; and he was the great military man of his time. He was the greatest ruler. He was a supergrace hero most of the time. David had so much wealth left over, that Solomon had all kinds of wealth, and became the riches man in the world.

God gave to David as He was unable to give to anyone else. David was a man after God’s Own heart. God gave a greater variety of things to David. God gave certain things to Moses; and He gave doctrine to Paul; but David had things like we cannot imagine.

David sat alone in his tent and sang, and there is this head with him.

The shield of David is God.

Psalm 33:20 We wait for the LORD; He is our help and shield.

We already studied the soul of Goliath. David had doctrine on the launching pad.

Psalm 33:21 For our hearts rejoice in Him, because we trust in His holy name.

Psalm 33:22 May Your faithful love rest on us, LORD, for we put our hope in You. Concerning David, when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech, who drove him out, and he departed.

We now come to v. 52 and one supergrace hero turns everything around. All of the cowards jump on the bandwagon.

1Samuel 17:52 Psalm 84                   72David                                              631_0010

The influence of a supergrace hero; the bandwagon theme. The dam is broken and now they are pursuing the Philistines. It is always blockers who make the difference in football. These Philistines are motivated to fight because of their anger. They were all convinced that they were cowards and could not accept the challenge of Goliath. However, seeing David kill Goliath, with what he says, that gives them extra power and ability.

You never defeat the enemy by running away from him. Anyone can shoot someone who is running away. The Philistines are on the run, so it is easy to chase them and kill them.

Many of the Philistines were mortally wounded as they attempted to escape.

1Sam. 17:52 The men of Israel and Judah rallied, shouting their battle cry, and chased the Philistines to the entrance of the valley and to the gates of Ekron. Philistine bodies were strewn all along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron.

The Jewish believers changed overnight; in a moment. It was all because of supergrace believer David. He is a supergrace hero.

1Sam. 17:53 When the Israelites returned from the pursuit of the Philistines, they plundered their camps.

David vigorously seizes the head of Goliath.

The city of Jerusalem is a series of hills. The Jebusites hold the hill there. The Jews and the Jebusites both held it together. The Jews have lived there since the days of Joshua, but could never take that hillside fortress. Joshua 15:63 Judges 1:8 2Sam. 5:6, 8 1Chron. 11:4–6 Jebusites and Jews lives there simultaneously. .

1Sam. 17:54 David took Goliath's head and brought [he was caused to bring] it to Jerusalem, but he put Goliath's weapons in his own tent.

Someone thought a portion of this was an insertion. And therefore, rejected all of it. There is no corruption of the text; Saul knows David. He wants to know who his parents are; he wants to know about his lineage.

Jesse was always playing the angles. He was always looking for an opportunity. He expected to get something going on here.

You may have been born a bastard; your family tree may be a stump and you may be highly discouraged; but you are a product of grace. God is your Father. What is your power? The Holy Spirit. What is your food? Bible doctrine. Give me some.

Bob told about his family tree by his grandmother; and she then said, “Every tub must stand on its own bottom.”

the Chinese worshiped their ancestors and people said communism would never conquer them; but it did. Where do you think your family will carry you? “Don’t tell me you have 3 Thanksgivings without some kind of a brawl.” When you become an adult, then the family is no longer able to help you.

There are some girls in the congregation who need the hide of their gluteus maximus beat off.

Saul will have a few words with his chief of staff. Abner is the uncle of Saul. He will later be killed in a vendetta thing by Joab.

1Sam. 17:55 When Saul had seen David going out to confront the Philistine, he asked Abner the commander of the army, "Whose son is this youth, Abner?" "My king, as surely as you live, I don't know," Abner replied.

Saul is finding out about David’s lineage; not who he actually is.

1Sam. 17:56 The king said, "Find out whose son this young man is!"

David comes in with the head of Goliath.

1Sam. 17:57 When David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul with the Philistine's head still in his hand.

Saul knows David; he does not know his father.

1Sam. 17:58 Saul said to him, "Whose son are you, young man?" "The son of your servant Jesse of Bethlehem," David answered.

The Doctrine of Supergrace

1.       Supergrace is the final stage of growth past the edification complex of the soul. It is the normal Christian life. It is the place of maximum benefits of God’s grace.

2.       This is the place of maximum happiness.

3.       The supergrace believer is the man for the crisis.

4.       The supergrace believer has capacity for freedom; Gal. 5:1 James 2:12 2Cor. 8:17

5.       Supergrace believer has capacity for life.

6.       Supergrace believer has capacity for love. Category #1 love, Joshua 23:10–11

7.       The supergrace life provides capacity for happiness. Psalm 97:12

8.       The supergrace life provides capacity for suffering. 1Cor. 12:7–10


10.     The supergrace life is characterized by maximum benefit of God’s grace.

11.     The supergrace psalm declares happiness and promotion for the supergrace believer.

Korah was the first cousin to Moses, but he joined the Dathan rebellion. His sons were preserved by grace; and his progeny were numbered with the Levites. They are doorkeepers in the House of the Lord.

They are famous as choir singers. They are a grace song, written by David, soon after overcoming Goliath.

Psalm 84:1 For the choir director: on the Gittith [harp?]. A psalm of the sons of Korah. How lovely is Your dwelling place, LORD of Hosts.

The Tabernacle was the place where Bible doctrine was being taught, in secure form. The secret to David’s life was doctrine in his soul. He begins by saying how much he loves the courts of the Lord, which is where doctrine is being taught.

The content of his soul is what is being discussed here. This describes a supergrace believer. Kasaph; which means to have intense desire. David is now a hero, and he is a supergrace believer. David is thinking about God, even though everyone else is thinking all about him. There are so few men in history which have been given so much by God. David is a supergrace believer.

David is fulfilled by the intake of Bible doctrine.

Psalm 84:2 I long and yearn for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh cry out [= to shout out from +H] for the living God.

In one day, you are the most famous person in Israel. And David compares himself to a sparrow.

Bob is not a bird lover, in the fight between the cats and birds, Bob is not for either one, although he slightly favors cats. Bob likes shooting birds.

Sparrows and swallows are helpless birds. Vultures, buzzards, eagles, hawks impress Bob; but these sparrows and swallows are nothing birds. Neither bird impresses Bob. Both birds are defenseless outside of their nests. If you take doctrine out of David, then he is just another dead soldier killed by Goliath. However, it is Bible doctrine in the soul which makes the difference. In their nest, they can put up a good fight; but they are defenseless elsewhere. In 3000 years of breeding, no one has come up with a super sparrow. Both of these birds live close to the ground. They are able to feed. They get their food from the ground. He is a real seed picker. This is how you are a supergrace hero; you keep picking away at doctrine.

David is not a self-effacing phoney. He sees himself as he really is. God, who sees David for what he really is; and God gives him something, which is everything.

It is amazing that the falcons and eagles and hawks are such strong and regal birds, and there are so few of them; but there are tons of sparrows. These birds live under grace. When you get to the point where you recognize that you are a nothing, God can really pour out blessing upon you.

Psalm 84:3 Even a sparrow finds a home, and a swallow, a nest for herself where she places her young--near Your altars, LORD of Hosts, my King and my God.

Now some details. The 2nd +H is supergrace happiness. Rejoice and again I say rejoice. The place of blessing is the supergrace life.

God is perfect; He is a perfect giver. The giant is dead, and David is praising the Lord.

Selah means, singers rest, musical instruments carry the ball; and David rests in supergrace.

Psalm 84:4 How happy are those who reside in Your house, who praise You continually. Selah

David’s strength comes by Bible doctrine in the soul.

Psalm 84:5 Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.

This is passing over the valley. David has certainly had his valley of tears. Meaan, which is a place of fountains and springs; the place of highest delight or greatest pleasure. It also refers to the Word of God. This has been a time of adversity for David, and yet he faced it without any problem at all. These springs are doctrine which came out of the Word and was transfered into your soul.

Rain is often used to speak of the grace of God.

Psalm 84:6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a source of springwater; even the autumn rain will cover it with blessings.

This is about a person in supergrace; he goes from one strong plateau to another. He continues to advance. He killed the lion; he killed the bear; he killed Goliath. Each advance, including walking past his brother and Saul. Zion stands for everyting which is powerful.

Psalm 84:7 They go from strength to strength; each appears before God in Zion.

This is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the confidence of the supergrace believer. He demands to be heard. O God of Jacob is a grace concept.

Psalm 84:8 LORD God of Hosts, hear my prayer; listen, God of Jacob. Selah

David went into combat without any visible shield. You have anointed me king; have respect for that. David expects God to keep him alive. God anointed him king, so He must keep David alive. David demands that God respect His Own anointing. God says it, and that is enough. So David tells God to have respect for His anointing.

Psalm 84:9 Consider our shield, God; look on the face [have respect for] of Your anointed one.

One day in Bible class is better than a thousand. David had 2 reversion periods in his life. So living all of that time, most of it as a believer. He had a fantastic life because he put doctrine before anything else. God provides a daughter of Saul. She winds up hating David’s guts. Whatever God brought David’s way, he had the capacity for it.

It is better to send a day in church than a 1000 anywhere else. He would rather be the doorkeeper in the house of the Lord than living in the tents of the wicked. How many people sing victory songs which last forever.

Psalm 84:10 Better a day in Your courts than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather be at the door of the house of my God than to live in the tents of the wicked.

God is the sun, which produces and sends light, which is doctrine; the shield provides protection. Glory is promotion here. David was promoted that day from shepherd to a high-ranking officer.

God will not keep back any good thing for those who are advancing step by step. They are walking with integrity. Happinesses to the one who continues to trust in God.

Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield. The LORD gives grace and glory; He does not withhold the good from those who live with integrity.

David is in this tent, occupation with Christ, in the tent with the head of Goliath.

Psalm 84:12 LORD of Hosts, happy is the person who trusts in You!

1Samuel 18:1–14                                 72David                                              631_0011

3 themes of this chapter

admiration of Jonathan

prosperity of David

antagonism of Saul which begins to develop

This is the sequel from the previous chapter.

There is apparently a longer conversation between David and Jonathan. It is not about Goliath and David defeating him, but what David said after the fact, which impressed Jonathan.

While your soul is a place of privacy between you and God, the window to your soul is open when you speak. We rarely here discussions between souls of men with great ideals and thoughts. Bible doctrine takes the lid off of this and makes it possible for us to have great capacity for love. Some people are so run by their bodies and unconstrained by the soul, that they are hard to distinguish from animals.

Qashar means to be chained to; Jonathan’s soul was chained to David’s soul. We have a country filled with fairies and it is a bad situation, and this indicates a very sick society. Whenever this is prevalent and the order of the day, so we live in a day when idiots read passages like this and snicker. This is not a physical love between two men. Homosexual love is abnormal love; and Bob would never believe it except a group of cadets were caught in a homosexual thing, and Bob headed the court marshall, and he doesn’t think they have yet come up from air.

Since you cannot tell the boys from the girls nowadays, you cannot completely blame a person for some honest confusion.

There is a bonafide love between Jonathan and David. This can include friendship between a man and a woman. This is a non-touching love. It is one of the great areas for capacity for love. It is a soul type of thing. In v. 1, we have the standard for category #3 love. This is given here.

Doctrine Category #3 Love

This is not about homosexuals; this is a soul-to-soul love

1.       While category #2 love, RM/RW, involves one of each sex, category #3 love can include both male and female friends. Prov. 17:17 18:24

2.       Category #3 love has great stability and power. 2Sam. 1:26 John 15:13 Prov. 27:9–10 Gal. 5:4

3.       Category #3 love provides pleasant and relaxing environment. Rom. 13:10 Prov. 10:12

4.       It is free from hypocrisy. Rom. 12:9 hypocrisy is a normal development when there is a pseudo-category #3 love; no capacity for love means hypocrisy is a natural result. The worst hypocrites are found in business and government and certain professions, like acting. Some of you are so stage struck, you would do anything to spend time with an actor or an actress. Bob lived around them all of his life. Clark Gable was a regular guy.

5.       Category #3 love is outgoing in objectivity rather than subjective and hypersensitive. If you are hypersensitive, then you do not have category #3 love. Gal. 5:13 2Sam. 1:26 this friendship lasted throughout the lifetime of Jonathan.

6.       Category #3 love among believers motivates to grace orientation and grace activity Philemon :9–12

7.       Therefore, category #3 love is motivated to give based upon capacity for love. 1Sam. 18:1, 3, 4 David does not have anything, apart from the head of Goliath and his armor. Jonathan is quite wealthy, and will initiate their friendship with gifts.

8.       Category #3 love has enemies and can be destroyed. Some of you teens will be surprised when friendship suddenly ends.

          a.       By mental attitude sins Job 19:19 Prov. 16:28

          b.       By sins of the tongue Prov. 16:28 17:9

          c.        By national catastrophe. The function Jer 6:221–23 19:8–9. 20:4, 6

9.       There is such a thing as pseudo friendship Prov. 19:6–7

10.     The removal of category #3 love can be a part of discipline. Psalm 33:11 88:8–18

11.     This is a non-touching love.

12.     Points from elsewhere:

          a.       A true friend loves at all times (Prov.17:17; 18:24).

          b.       A true friend tells you what you need to hear (Prov.27:6).

          c.        A true friend does not malign (Ps.15:3).

          d.       Category 3 love is used to illustrate category 1 love (Jn.15:14; 2Chr.20:7; Jam.2:23; 4:4).

          e.       A friend of the cosmos is not a friend of God (1Jn.2:15,16).

1Sam. 18:1 When David had finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan committed himself to David, and loved him as much as he loved himself.

If God doesn’t promote you, you are not promoted. Saul would not let David return. He recognized his value.

1Sam. 18:2 Saul kept David with him from that day on and did not let him return to his father's house.

This covenant is an agreement. Jonathan is the initiator of the action.

1Sam. 18:3 Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as much as himself.

Jonathan had the robe of the crown prince. He did not necessarily know that this was prophetic, that David was the true crown prince. God had recognized David as the next king, and Samuel had so anointed him.

1Sam. 18:4 Then Jonathan removed the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his military tunic, his sword, his bow, and his belt [military harness].

David is now a regular army officer. This is now his profession. This is the honorable profession of the military. He is getting some experience to match his capacity. From this time on, David is a military man.

God is now bringing to David great prosperity.

David’s promotion was based upon the preparation of his soul. Saul promoted him over others. Doctrine in the soul provide capacity for success and allows one to pass the prosperity test.

1Sam. 18:5 David marched out with the army, and was successful in everything Saul sent him to do. Saul put him in command [promoted him over] of the soldiers, which pleased all the people and Saul's servants as well.

There was apparently a great war which followed. Women are the victims always of military failure. These women are happy because their army is winning. When the military is weak, it is the women who are the victims. When the German vermach collapsed and when FDR’s treaty with Stalin was made, the Russians came into Germany and raped every woman from 6 to 60. Many of you idiotic females who write your congressmen about how tough it is for you little boy, you are just asking for it, and sister, you’re going to get it. Some are you so dumb, that you ridicule the uniform of this country. You will pay. You will pray for death. You will wonder, why don’t we fight and why don’t we win? This is because the women of this country are not behind the military. Dumb female carrying a sign saying, “We don’t want our sons to die.” A weak military means that the women will be the victims.

1Sam. 18:6 As David was returning from killing [the slaughter of] the Philistine, the women came out from all the cities of Israel to meet King Saul, singing and dancing with tambourines, with shouts of joy, and with three-stringed instruments.

These women are praising the military and this triggers the mental attitude sins of Saul. When Saul hears this, he becomes quite angry at all of this.

1Sam. 18:7 As they celebrated, the women sang: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands.

Skip to v. 14:

Now David continues to prosper. This is supergrace prosperity from God. This is a man upon whom God could pour our blessing. At this time, David undergoes this great period of prosperity.

1Sam. 18:14 and continued to be successful in all his activities because the LORD was with him.

Saul became enraged over all of this. He was displeased; this was evil in his eyes.

Who is calling what evil? David is not evil. David is anything but evil. David is great. An evil person is very sensitive with regards to his own ego. He calls something evil which is not evil at all. This is how Saul justifies his jealousy; this is how he rationalizes his jealousy.

1Sam. 18:8 Saul was furious and resented this song [they lyrics of the song were evil in his eyes]. "They credited tens of thousands to David," he complained, "but they only credited me with thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?"

1Sam. 18:9 So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward.

The Doctrine of Jealousy

1.       Jealousy is such a horrible sin, Num. 5:11–31 that there is a whole levitical code devoted to it. Jealousy is one of the most horrible of all the mental attitude sins. This attacks the pride and arrogance and the whole lack of capacity of the revist.

2.       Destroys any phase of love.

3.       Mental attitude sins generally are destructive to the soul of the believer. In the jealousy cluster, they lead to a breakdown of the soul. Job 5:2 prov. 13:14, 40? Behind every psycho is a set of mental attitude sins. Saul is already psychotic, and jealousy is the trigger which will lead to a psychotic episode.

4.       Strongest of mental attitude sins. Prov. 27:3–4

5.       Love precedes jealousy. Eccl. 9:6 not necessarily true love.

6.       Prov. 6:34 jealousy motivates revenge tactics. Therefore jealousy takes real or apparent wrongs out of the Lord’s hands and intrudes on the Lord prerogative Rom. 12:35 Deut. Vengeance is mine; I will repay.

7.       Jealousy split the nation Israel. Isa. 11:15

8.       Jealousy was the motivator of the religious leaders who crucified out Lord. Matt. 27:18 Mark 15:10

9.       Jealousy of the authority of Joseph caused his brothers to sell him into slavery. Acts 7:9

10.     Reversionism manifests itself in jealousy Rom. 1:28–29 James 3:14, 16 and it can destroy a great man. Greeat illustration of Hannibal, a great military genius of his day, and he made a trip from Spain over the alps and into northern Italy. He moved African troops who had never seen snow this route. He had all types in his army. This was a surprise envelopment of Rome, and no one thought he could do it. He did it in the winter. He fought in the mountains of Spain and he found a system for blasting powder. He figured out how to bust open rocks in order for the elephants to get through. He was one of the great leaders of all time. He began a system of maneuvers which defeated several armies. He showed how a smaller army could destroy a much larger army through double envelopment. He was a genius, keeping the Romans at bay. At home, the council of Carthage was very jealous of Hannibal, and they gave him no support; and this jealousy eventuated in the destruction of Carthage. Such men have their greatness neutralized. It neutralizes greatness.

11.     Jealousy rejects the teaching of Bible doctrine. It rejects the authority of the Bible teacher. Acts 16:35 (45?) 17:5?

12.     False doctrine It inevitably gives birth to jealous. 1Tim. 6:4.

the following doctrine comes from:


The Doctrine of Jealousy


A. Definition.

          1. Since jealousy is defined as unpleasant fear, suspicion, resentment from mistrust of another, it is obvious that the state of jealousy is a part of the three arrogance skills (self-justification, self-deception, and self-absorption). Envy is a synonym for jealousy. Envy is always an attitude or feeling of discontent. It is jealousy with regard to another's advantages or successes or possessions or how they have mistreated you in your imagination or in reality.

                     a. Jealousy is a part of the arrogance complex of sins related to bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, inordinate ambition and competition, revenge motivation, the function of vilification. Jealousy is an emotional sin generated by fear of rivalry, fear of losing another’s affections, or fear of unfaithfulness. Jealousy is a sin of great misery.

                     b. Jealousy and bitterness always go together. You cannot have one without the other. Both jealousy and bitterness are vindictive, implacable, slander others, etc.

                     c. Jealousy is self-centered. It is always related to self-pity, egotistical irritation, and irrationality.

                     d. Jealousy has two directions:

                                (1) Arrogance toward self, which is subjective arrogance. You think that you are always right. You justify yourself in jealousy. Jealous people spend a lot of time trying to justify their jealousy.

                                (2) Possessiveness of others, which is objective arrogance. You think you have the right to control another person's life. Jealousy intrudes into the privacy of others and becomes a system of destroying human personal freedom.

                     e. Jealousy as a sin of arrogance becomes a sin of emotion of the soul. Jealousy is related to the categories of the emotional complex of sins. As a sin of arrogance, jealousy motivates sins of emotion. As a sin of emotion, jealousy becomes irrational.

                                (1) The hysterical category of sins includes: fear—fear of rivalry, fear of losing someone's affection, fear of unfaithfulness in some form—worry, anxiety, trepidation, panic, consternation, irrationality, dissociation. Jealousy is irrational in its resentment and hatred of others.

                                (2) The hatred category includes: uncontrollable anger, implacable hatred, bitter resentment, malice, implacable vindictiveness, loathing, animosity, tantrums, violence, and murder.

                                (3) The self-centered category includes: self-pity, egotistical irrationality, certain expressions of dissatisfaction including judging others, gossip, slander, maligning, and other forms of vilification such as spreading a public lie about someone. This is arrogant preoccupation with self, irrationality, and the implacable attitude toward the object of jealousy.

                                (4) The reaction category combines the emotional sins with the arrogance complex of sins. Jealousy is related to both complexes of sins. Jealousy has a reaction factor called guilt. Jealousy is a part of revenge motivation.

                                (5) The guilt category. Jealousy results in irrationality of emotional sinning and then results in persistence of feelings of remorse and morbid self-reproach, which is a terrible swing to the function of the guilt syndrome. Guilt is failure to recognize your own sins and apply the right perspective of rebound. The right perspective is that Jesus Christ was judged for your sins on the Cross and that you are responsible to acknowledge or name those sins to God the Father for forgiveness. As a sin of arrogance, jealousy motivates sins of emotion. As a sin of emotion, jealousy is irrational.

                     f. Jealousy is a major factor in the function of self-righteousness and crusader arrogance, and therefore, a producer of Christian activism and Christian moral degeneracy. Morality can be distorted by jealousy and bitterness. Therefore, jealousy becomes both legalism and tyranny though possessiveness. Jealousy causes the believer to develop a facade of self-righteousness, which he uses as a system of legalism. He has a pseudo self-identity. Then he says that what he does is spirituality. He makes himself a role model for what Christianity should be. Then he tries to get others to accept his role model pseudo self-identity.

                     g. Jealousy is a self-justification system, and you cannot solve your problems as long as you are justifying yourself. The believer goes from self-absorption to self-deception, and then to self-justification.

                     h. Jealousy and the filling of the Holy Spirit are mutually exclusive. Jealousy keeps you from glorifying God.

                     i. Jealousy is a major factor in the failure to execute the unique spiritual life of the Church Age. There is no reciprocal love for God when a believer is jealous and bitter.

                     j. Eventually jealousy becomes a part of Christian psychosis.

          2. Jealousy destroys reciprocity (reciprocal love for God, 1 Jn 4:19, “We love because He first loved us.”) and the capacity of other people to love you.

                     a. Jealousy is fear of losing another's affection or love.

                     b. Jealousy is fear of rivalry, fear of unfaithfulness.

                     c. This is why jealousy is anti-freedom: jealousy does not permit people to love you from their own freedom and volition, because you use bitterness and jealousy to stifle that freedom in them. Love is a matter of freedom. You have to be free to love others. Jealousy intrudes into the privacy of others and becomes destructive of human freedom.

                     d. Jealousy stifles freedom, destroys freedom, maligns freedom, and wipes out freedom. Jealousy is a great evil. If you are jealous of someone, you are stifling their freedom to love you.

                     e. Jealousy demands love and attention based on its own volition, not on the volition of another. No one will love you if you are jealous of them. Jealousy is a possessiveness, which stifles the volition of another person; hence, jealousy is tyranny. Jealousy wants to be loved based on its volition. Jealousy is tyranny in its simplest form.

                     f. Therefore, you destroy the volition of the very person who you want to love you. You want them to use their volition to love you, but you destroy their volition with your bitterness and jealousy. You think you can force them to love you with your bitterness and jealousy.

                     g. Jealousy does everything to destroy any possibility of being loved by the person you want to love you.

                     h. What is even worse is that at the same time your fantastic spiritual life is destroyed by your jealousy and bitterness.

                     i. Therefore, jealousy, like bitterness is related to hatred. Since jealousy is both an arrogant and an emotional sin, it is irrational in its hatred and resentment of others.

                     j. Jealousy is a mood arrogance sin; hence, troubled by suspicion that a person's love has been diverted to a rival. Jealous people are always unhappy.

                     k. Jealousy becomes the motivator of hatred, anger, gossip, slander, maligning, judging, and revenge. You destroy the very love you want from another with jealousy.

                     l. With jealousy you destroy the capacity of a person that you love and that you want to love you.

                     m. How have you destroyed their capacity? You did it with bitterness, jealousy, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, gossip, slander, maligning, judging, and revenge.

                     n. They are not going to ever love you, and yet that is exactly what you want from them.

                     o. You destroyed the very thing you wanted. Christians do this every day in marriage, in human relationships, and eventually toward God.

          3. Jealousy is the basis for inordinate competition in love, in family relationships, business relationships, social life, athletics, professional life, and in your religious life.

          4. Jealousy plus power and approbation lust produces strife, conspiracy, and revolt against everything in life. Therefore you lose out completely because you destroy their capacity to love you.

          5. Jealousy is more than a mental attitude sin which demands exclusive devotion and is intolerant of rivalry; it is a complex of sins. It is total preoccupation with self.

          6. Jealousy is discontent with the blessings, successes, or status symbols of other people. It is resentment of the attractiveness or approbation that a person receives. It is total selfishness and is incapable of love. It is pseudo-love arrogance.

          7. In the old English it had the connotation of ardent devotion, “I [God] am jealous for My people.” This doctrine is confined to the mental attitude sins of jealousy.

          8. Scriptural illustrations.

                     a. Prov 14:30, “Happiness to the right lobe is life to the body, but jealousy is a rottenness to the bones.” Jealousy will cause loss of health.

                     b. Prov 27:4, “Wrath is fierce and anger is a flood, but who can stand before jealousy.” No one can stand against your jealousy, so they leave you.

                     c. Mk 15:10, “For He was aware that the chief priests had delivered Him over to the Romans because of jealousy.”

                     d. Acts 13:45, “But when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and began contradicting the doctrines spoken by Paul, and they began to revile him.”

                     e. 1 Cor 3:3, “For you are still carnal; for since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not carnal? In fact, are you not walking on the basis of the standards of men [unbelievers]?”

                     f. 1 Cor 13:4, “Virtue-love is not jealous.” This is true of both personal love for God and impersonal love for mankind. Jealousy assigns evil to the object of your jealousy. In reality you have destroyed their capacity to love you and have destroyed your ability to love God.

                     g. 2 Cor 12:20, “For I am afraid that perhaps when I come I may find you to be not what I wish and I may be found by you to be not what you wish; that perhaps there may be strife, jealousy, anger, flared tempers, disputes, slanders, gossip, arrogance, confusion.”

                     g. 1 Tim 6:3-4, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and does not concur with sound doctrine, he is arrogant, understanding nothing, but he has a morbid obsession about controversies and verbal conflicts from which originate jealousy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions.”

                     h. Jam 3:14, 16, “But if you have bitter-jealousy and strife in your right lobe, do not become arrogant and lie against the truth; ...for where jealousy and strife exist, there is unruliness and evil deeds.”

                     i. Gal 5:25-26, “If we live by means of the Spirit, let us also advance by means of the Spirit. Let us not become arrogant, challenging each other, being jealous of each other.”

          9. Principles.

                     a. Jealousy and the filling of the Spirit are mutually exclusive.

                     b. You cannot be filled with the Spirit and at the same time be in the status quo of jealousy.

                     c. Without the filling of the Spirit you cannot learn Bible doctrine and you cannot have reciprocal love for God.

                     d. Without epignosis doctrine and without motivation of reciprocity you cannot advance to the high ground of maximum glorification of God and become a winner believer and invisible hero. Reciprocity or reciprocal love for God is the only motivation for the advance to maturity. The only true motivation for spiritual advance is love for God, not being shamed or bullied by others.

                     e. Without execution of the unique spiritual life of the Church Age you cannot glorify God.

1Sam. 18:8 Saul was furious and resented this song [they lyrics of the song were evil in his eyes]. "They credited tens of thousands to David," he complained, "but they only credited me with thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?"

1Sam. 18:9 So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward.

1Sam. 18:10 The next day an evil spirit from God took control of Saul, and he began to rave inside the palace. David was playing the harp as usual, but Saul was holding a spear,

1Sam. 18:11 and he threw it, thinking, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David got away from him twice.

1Sam. 18:12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had left from Saul.

1Sam. 18:13 Therefore, Saul reassigned David and made him commander over 1,000 men. David led the troops

Saul noticed that David behaved wisely, despite his jealousy.

1Samuel 18:15–16, 30                Psalm 27 72David                                     631_0012

We have been studying the prosperity and the admiration of Jonathan under category #3 love. Now we are examining Saul’s dislike of David.

Saul kept on seeing the prosperity of David and he dreaded him. Sakal + meod = to be extremely prosperous. God can bless the supergrace believer because the supergrace believer has capacity. He has capacity for freedom, happiness, love. God has maximum ability to give.

1Sam. 18:15 When Saul observed that David was very successful, he dreaded him.

David went out to battle and returned having had great success. David was a highly successful officer in Saul’s army.

1Sam. 18:16 But all Israel and Judah loved David because he was leading their troops.

Psalm 27 describes David as a successful soldier.

Light refers to doctrine. Most of us would have a difficult time if we lived in the dark all of the time. Darkness of the soul is even a greater problem. David had light in his soul.

Salvation here refers to deliverance in combat. Therefore, David ought not fear enemy soldiers; he should have respect toward God.

In the supergrace status, there is nothing to fear. Jesus Christ is the only celebrity. God gave David many great things in his time.

Psalm 27:1 Davidic. The LORD is my light and my salvation--whom should I fear? The LORD is the stronghold [fortification] of my life--of whom should I be afraid [tremble, shake with fright]?

To cause others to be destroyed; broken into pieces.

Psalm 27:2 When evildoers came against me to devour [to eat up] my flesh, my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.

Even though I might fall into an ambush? He will keep his cool under great pressure.

Confident is batak, same word as was used with Goliath.

Psalm 27:3 Though an army deploy against me, my heart is not afraid; though war break out [rise against me from all sides] against me, still I am confident.

David had to hike a long distance for Bible class. He was willing to go all out in every possible way.

Beholding the beauty of the Lord. Dwelling in a place of prosperity. The Tabernacle was a teaching aide at this time. God also raised up a few prophets, who had direct information from God to pass along to the people. God also taught directly and through supernatural sources like angels. David had access to all of these methods of teaching. When David was out with the sheep, and received teaching there.

A woman who demanded God give her good teaching back in 1967, and then she heard a tape. She has cancer and will die, and she knows what is going on. She understands dwelling in a place of great blessing.

David did not want a day to pass without Bible doctrine. David did not ask for women, friends, success, or money; he just asked to dwell in blessing in the House of the Lord. Because of the capacity that came to him from doctrine, God prospered him. Many of us have a weird idea in the back of our souls that we get a little bit of a start or getting a little lucky by being exposed to doctrine. Others think that God is s cheap shot; that maybe, if we just give God a better attitude, a more pious face; so you can get something that you want. If you have what David has, he just wanted manna from heaven daily. We associate happiness with a beautiful home or with getting a ranch, or good food, or with a woman. He just wanted one thing in life; Bible doctrine. By concentrating on spiritual food, he got all of the other things. It never occurred to him to be someone that he was not in order to get this or that detail of life.

His purpose was to behold the beauty of the Lord. This is the reality of the celebrityship of Jesus Christ in his soul.

Baqash means to go all out for. It means to search out, to study diligently. This next word used to mean tent and was used later for temple?

Psalm 27:4 I have asked one thing from the LORD; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the LORD and seeking Him in His temple.

Psalm 27:5 For He will conceal me [hide me as treasure] in His shelter in the day of adversity; He will hide me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high on a rock.

He will promote me over my enemies. David became aware the Saul was his enemy as well as the Philistines. He has enemies all around him. Whenever you become prosperous, you will be surrounded by enemies. When that supergrace prosperity hits, up pops your enemies. It brings true relationships in life; and it brings out enemies as well. Put it down; when I get to supergrace, I will have enemies. They are one of the blessings of supergrace. There is something wrong when a supergrace person does not have enemies.

David never bucks the authority of Saul. On several occasions, David could have killed Saul or had someone else kill Saul. Had David lifted a finger to promote himself, he would not have been promoted.

If you partake of the elements and you have lots of doctrine, and Jesus is the only celebrity in your life, then it is meaningful.

Here, there is singing without accompaniment.

Psalm 27:6 Then my head will be high above my enemies around me; I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy. I will sing and make music to the LORD.

David has apparently walked into an ambush type situation here. He asks for God to be gracious to him. He still has a lot to learn about his profession. David is in a tactical jam, and he is calling upon God to bail him out of this jam. He is calling in a time of need for divine help. No matter how great you are in your profession; it can be medicine or law, but there comes a time when you need God’s grace as well as all of your training band background.

Psalm 27:7 LORD, hear my voice when I call; be gracious to me and answer me.

David is basing v. 8 on Deut. 4:29–32 But from there, you will search for the LORD your God, and you will find Him when you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul. When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, you will return to the LORD your God in later days and obey Him. He will not leave you [forsake you], destroy you, or forget the covenant with your fathers that He swore to them by oath, because the LORD your God is a compassionate God. "Indeed, ask about the earlier days that preceded you, from the day God created man on the earth and from one end of the heavens to the other: Has anything like this great event ever happened, or has anything like it been heard of?

If you turn to the Lord your God, He will not forsake you. David knew this passage. He understood the importance of seeking God’s face, which is Bible doctrine and God’s help. This is taking in doctrine day by day by day.

David learned this lesson a long time ago. The fact that this was fulfilled means that David went out to battle, but he always came back. No matter how much of a problem David got into, they would pull it off and escape. His casualty list was at an all-time low.

Psalm 27:8 In Your behalf my heart says, "Seek My face." LORD, I will seek Your face.

David asks God to deal with hin on the basis of grace. Not to veil His face from David.

Psalm 27:9 Do not hide [veil] Your face from me; do not turn Your servant away in anger [don’t stretch me out in Your anger until I break]. You have been my help; do not leave [desert] me or abandon [forsake] me, God of my salvation.

David’s parents never cared for David. When Samuel came to anoint a king in the household, and David’s father would not even call David in. David’s parents ignored him from early on. God has taken David unto himself. There is almost more Scripture about David than almost anyone else in the Bible. David is one of the great people of all times.

There were 8 sons born to the mother, so she was flat out worn out. From David’s youth on, he was deserted by his parents; but he had God. He never had Christmas or Thanksgiving. From the very beginning, he was sent out to deal with the sheep. He was a castoff.

Psalm 27:10 Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD cares for me.

David asked God to teach him His way. “Teach it to me and I will do it.” His father and his mother are against him, along with his 7 bothers; and the lion and the bear were against him as well. No one spoke a kindly word to David until Samuel came along.

Now who is David’s enemy? The king over Israel. All of David’s life, he had enemies. We are all children of God; let us love people. That is the attitude of liberals’ they are sick mentally and stupid in their outlook. Bob knew a preacher who wanted everyone to like him, and he couldn’t teach the Bible. He had to teach out of the hymn book.

Psalm 27:11 Because of my adversaries, show me Your way, LORD, and lead me on a level path.

When David had a chance to be disciplined by God or man, he chose God. A supergrace believer is protect from his enemies. The more your enemies try to destroy you, the more they hurt themselves. You might as well forget about being an enemy of a supergrace believer. Unless you want to be in pain for the rest of your life.

Psalm 27:12 Do not give me over to the will of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing violence.

Psalm 27:13 I am certain that I will see the LORD's goodness [grace] in the land of the living.

“Wait” here is to weave a small strand into a rope which cannot be broken because it is tied in with all the other strands.

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; be courageous and let your heart be strong [firm]. Wait for the LORD.

This is what was in David’s soul; what he was thinking.

1Sam. 18:16 But all Israel and Judah loved David because he was leading their troops.

David was successful even with the Philistines. He became more and more prosperous. When you impress the enemy, then you are amazing. MacArthur impressed his enemies; the Japanese and the Russians. Same for Patton. Bob does not believe that he died accidentally.

They were not impressed with Truman or George Marshall. The key is, what does the enemy think about you.

1Sam. 18:30 Every time the Philistine commanders came out to fight, David was more successful than all of Saul's officers. So his name became very famous.

1Samuel 18:8–28                    Psalm37:1–8 72David                                  631_0013

The antagonis m of Saul. Saul is a believer in reversionism. It is very easy for him to fly off the handle; it is easy for him to become enraged. Total concept of the mental attitude sins of the soul of King Saul. He turns on David with the idea of total...

1Sam. 18:8 Saul was furious and resented this song [they lyrics of the song were evil in his eyes]. "They credited tens of thousands to David," he complained, "but they only credited me with thousands. What more can he have but the kingdom?"

1Sam. 18:9 So Saul watched David jealously from that day forward.

Saul has a damaged soul. Blackout of the soul and an attack of the doctrine of demons on the soul and all aspects of the soul.

Demon influence is a part of the divine discipline here. The discipline is from God, but the demon is from Satan. The believer in Corinth was guilty of incest, and Paul turned him over to

Saul is not prophesying, which is the Qal stem. Here, he is raving; Hithpael stem.

1Sam. 18:10 The next day an evil spirit from God took control of Saul, and he began to rave [not prophesy] inside the palace. David was playing the harp as usual, but Saul was holding a spear,

Saul was psychotic, but not unable to function. David was able to dodge twice. There were 2 occasions when he had to do this. This is about the 4th time a javelin has been thrown at David in the palace.

1Sam. 18:11 and he threw it, thinking, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David got away from him twice.

Saul is afraid of David because the Lord was with him. The Lord was with David, but he had departed from Saul.

1Sam. 18:12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had left from Saul.

Saul took David out of the army out of jealousy, but later reassigned him back to the army. This was a promotion as a commander over 1000 men. This was in hopes that David would be killed.

1Sam. 18:13 Therefore, Saul reassigned David and made him commander over 1,000 men. David led the troops

we’ve already studied vv. 14–16.

Jealous people are petty people. He wants to hurt David. Merab means and the idea is stacked. David was supposed to be able to marry the king’s daughter. However, David noticed Merab.

Bob realizes just how stupid young people are. Reversionists always have the right language. “Fight the Lord’s battles.” He has the vocabulary but without the doctrine.

1Sam. 18:17 Saul told David, "Here is my oldest daughter Merab. I'll give her to you as a wife, if you will be a warrior for me and fight the LORD's battles." But Saul was thinking, "My hand doesn't need to be against him; let the hand of the Philistines be against him."

David responds with a grace attitude all the way. Saul in a jealous rage realizes that David loves Merab.

1Sam. 18:18 Then David responded, "Who am I, and what is my family or my father's clan in Israel that I should become the king's son-in-law?"

David gets a Dear John letter from home while he was on the front. Merab was given to Adriel.

1Sam. 18:19 When it was time to give Saul's daughter Merab to David, she was given to Adriel the Meholathite as a wife.

However, there is the younger daughter, and she has been watching David. Mee-CAHL and it means, who is like the Lord. She is charming and beautiful in her own way, but not the kind to catch your eye immediately.

She continued loving David, and they told Saul. 4 attempts now to kill David.

“This game plan junk is for the birds.” Fight plan? They don’t know from one minute to the next; they just luck out. It isn’t everyone who can play the piano while being shot out; you have to have supergrace for that.

He gets a promotion because Saul wants him to get killed. Saul doesn’t like David; he hates him. However, this gives him the big chance in his game plan.

1Sam. 18:20 Now Saul's daughter Michal loved David, and when it was reported to Saul, it pleased him.

Saul is speaking to his cronies or thinking to himself.

1Sam. 18:21 "I'll give her to him," Saul thought. "She'll be a trap for him, and the hand of the Philistines will be against him." So Saul said to David a second time, "You can now be my son-in-law."

Saul tells his servants that the king is pleased with him.

1Sam. 18:22 Saul then ordered his servants, "Speak to David in private and tell him, 'Look, the king is pleased with you, and all his servants love you. Therefore, you should become the king's son-in-law.'"

David knew he did not have the dowry to become the kings son-in-law.

1Sam. 18:23 Saul's servants reported these words directly to David, but he replied, "Is it trivial in your sight to become the king's son-in-law? I am a poor man who is common."

1Sam. 18:24 The servants reported back to Saul, "These are the words David spoke."

He was to cut off the genitals of 100 Philistines. This has been practiced even today. People in the middle east tend to do this. Turks and Arabs do this still today. This is not unusual.

1Sam. 18:25 Then Saul replied, "Say this to David: 'The king desires no other bride-price except 100 Philistine foreskins, to take revenge on his enemies.'" Actually, Saul intended to cause David's death at the hands of the Philistines.

The starting gate is the palace and he has to get into a firefight with the Philistines.

Saul is looking over this, and is gloating that he will never see David again.

1Sam. 18:26 When the servants reported these terms to David, he was pleased to become the king's son-in-law. Before the wedding day arrived,

Saul asked for 100 and David will give him 200. So Saul relents and gives David his daughter. Bob doesn’t know what he will call tonite’s lesson, but he has already eliminated “The Foreskin Special.”

1Sam. 18:27 David and his men went out and killed 200 Philistines. He brought their foreskins and presented them as full payment to the king to become his son-in-law. Then Saul gave his daughter Michal to David as his wife.

Saul recognized that God was with David. He kept on knowing this. Saul could be where David is, the great hero, but reversionism has ruined him.

Saul’s daughter loved David.

1Sam. 18:28 Saul realized that the LORD was with David and that his daughter Michal loved him,

Saul became David’s enemy continually.

The supergrace believer and the reversionistic believer both found in Psalm 37

Saul going from bad to worse; he is the wicket about whom David writes here. Any reversionist is also wicked here. The supergrace believer is described as righteous.

David wrote this psalm in his old age, but looking back to situations like this.

This is an acrostic psalm. He made notes and he is about to write about this year.

Aleph is the ox and it refers to prosperity under a agricultural economy. When Saul and David first met, Saul was the prosperous one. Saul once had a soul filled with doctrine.

Those who think that they will be great overnight. Like those new pastors who want to start with a taper’s ministry from the very beginning. He throws people out of his office when they are like that. They have a tendency to be ambitious and on the jealous side. Among members of the clergy, there is a tendency to be jealous. Although Bob has encountered very nice people. There is jealousy in the military, in the legal profession, in business, in women’s lib; it is everywhere. If you are really going to get with the supergrace life, it is best...

Chara do not be jealousy and resentful of successful reversionists. The evil-doer or the wicked. Saul once had what David had. David said to all people, don’t become jealous of reversionists and to those who are inferior to you (in your opinion) who have a lot of stuff.

Psalm 37:1 Davidic. Do not be agitated by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong.

They will be circumcised (cut down) like grass. When David came on the scene, Saul was very prosperous. He had plenty of everything that people found important in life. He was in the process of

Psalm 37:2 For they wither quickly like grass and wilt like tender green plants.

The house of God is Bible doctrine in the soul. Batak in the Qal imperative. It means that we must have ammunition. We need to have something to claim. It was a body slam in wrestling. It came to mean putting your problems on the Lord. Then to latch on the doctrine.

Our capacity comes from doctrine in the soul. The easiest thing is for God to give us success. It is more difficult to give to those who have the capacity for it.

The Qal imperative is a command to live in the land in prosperity? The land was associated with blessing for Israel. There is a spiritual and a national heritage in the land; and the same is true for the United States.

Emuna is the feminine word for doctrine. With doctrine in the soul, one responds like a rw to her rm. You want prosperity; then feed on doctrine. David learned to roll with the punch when he lost the older daughter; it caused him to bring in 200 male genitalia.

Psalm 37:3 Trust in the LORD and do what is good [manufacture the good; manufacture things which are good in your life]; dwell in the land and live securely.

This has to do with occupation with Christ. There is a recognition of the celebrityship of Jesus Christ. This has to do with flirting or acting coquettishly.

The deepest desires that we have ever had will be given to us. It is what is in the heart. Once you reach supergrace, you will have these things and you will enjoy these things. It is one thing to possess; it is quite something else to enjoy.

Psalm 37:4 Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires.

Gimel, which is a camel. We ar to take our problems and adversities and all of these things and roll them away; which means to put them in the Lord’s hands. To execute the faith rest life, that requires a lot of doctrine. God is in the business of manufacturing solutions.

Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act,

God will manufacture our righteousness on the basis of the light.

Psalm 37:6 making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday.

If you are going to learn Bible doctrine, you cannot be talking or even thinking about something else. We are to concentrate on Bible doctrine. We must transfer Bible doctrine from the Word and into our souls.

Chul means to whirl yourself around, and this refers to the rebound technique. Whirl yourself around toward Him; you get out of sorts and whirl yourself around to Him.

While you learn doctrine and grow, you will find yourself resenting things and people that you did not expect to. You keep associating good people inside of a church and lousy people on the outside, but all have sin natures.

Psalm 37:7 Be silent before the LORD and wait expectantly for Him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the man who carries out evil plans.

Cease from anger. It has to be motivated by something else. Other mental attitude sins cause a secondary mental attitude sins which causes anger.

When mental attitude sins break into your concentration, it always leads to evil. This means you are on the road to reversionism.

Psalm 37:8 Refrain from anger and give up your rage; do not be agitated [upset, resentful]--it can only bring harm.

We will look through the window of life and see the contrast. Notice that we have supergrace believers and reversionists throughout. A lot of reversionists are forsaken. Bob goes through all of the verses, referring to the wicked and to the supergrace believer.

1Samuel 18                            Psalm 37:9–22 72David                                 631_0014

All believers are moving toward reversionism or supergrace.

People need doctrine daily on the ICE principle. The pastor-teacher is a spiritual gift. This is the means of getting spiritual food to us. A doer of the word gets Bible doctrine into the heart or the right lobe. This has a frame of reference. This pulls doctrine from the human spirit into the right lobe. It must be cycled by faith. When doctrine is circulating in your soul, you develop new norms and standards and your conscience is filled with divine viewpoint. That is being a doer. Having doctrine in the conscience of the soul is being a doer of the Word.

This same doctrine is used for construction material. 2 is mastery of the details of life; 3 is the relaxed mental attitude of ἀγαπ love; capacity for love in all categories is 4. Then the believer continues to gap it into supergrace.

The vacuum goes into that same right lobe and it sucks in cosmic system and cosmic categories. Emotional revolt shuts down the valves to the right lobe. It is the reversionistic believer who is represented by King Saul. David is the supergrace believer.

David prospered in the military profession. The supergrace believer is motivated to do well. Because of his great capacity from Bible doctrine, he became the most successful captain of his day.

David returns from killing a bunch of Philistines, and women began singing to him, the #1 song on the hit parade.

David’s success is mentioned in v. 15. In v. 8, Saul was very angry, but he was also afraid of him.

The hê file begins v. 9. There is a contrast between supergrace and reversionism.

There is no dying grace in the sin unto death.

God has perfect essence and He has the perfect capacity to give and the wherewithal to give. There is no limitation of that which God can give.

When it came to blessing, David had it. Solomon inherited great things from David and a kingdom that was blessed to the maximum. He inherited his father’s handsomeness, etc. Solomon did not turn his life around until the end of his life.

“David, at the end of his life, was put into bed with a couple of virgins. How many people have you known who have gone out so gloriously?”

Bob hasn’t had a tree for Christmas for years. To hell with those false gods. Now, that just means he’s a little odd. But for some of you, with no Christmas tree, you’ve had it.

There is a place where Bob can go in Texas and be depressed; Waco. He used to go up to Baylor to speak, and it would depress him. But better Waco than many places in the North.

We think in terms of anniversaries, but David lived every day alike.

If you don’t have the capacity to enjoy the Word of God, you can have great misery.

Psalm 37:9 For evildoers will be destroyed [cut off], but those who put their hope in the LORD will inherit the land.

The waw file next, which is a nail or a peg. This is something upon which to hang life. The wicked refers to the reversionist again. By way of contrast, the wicked person.

The first time Bob saw a person killed, it shook him up a bit. What is done is, you spread out the parachute and picked up the pieces and throw them into the middle of the parachute.

Psalm 37:10 A little while, and the wicked will be no more; though you look for him, he will not be there.

The meek here is the supergrace believer. It is the grace oriented type. A healthy orientation to life. Not some phony system of self-effacement. This can refer to taking exquisite delight in some person; it is a lovemaking verb. This means to have prosperity and to enjoy it.

Psalm 37:11 But the humble will inherit the land and will enjoy abundant prosperity.

Zayim is a weapon; a sword. the wicked carefully thinks out ways to scheme against the righteous. Saul would send David out in dangerous areas, and David would always return, having been successful.

Saul decided to have David get 100 Philistine foreskins in 2 days. Saul figured he would be dead as a doornail from trying to do this. It did not work. Saul plotted against the just. It did not work. It backfired. God let David kill 200 Philistines. That was divine discipline toward Saul and blessing toward David. Saul found this to be very frustrating. For a long time, this was the story of Saul. He kept on gnashing his teeth.

Psalm 37:12 The wicked schemes against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him.

God has a great sense of humor. Saul is trying to come up with a new way to ruin David’s life, and God allows David to be prosperous. You are complimented by those who are your enemies.

God really enjoys blessing a supergrace believer. That is what the verb below means. God really enjoyed blessing David by letting him kill 200 Philistines. We might get the great blessing in war of being able to kill a huge number of communists.

God can mock the reversionist because his day is coming. For David, the day coming is a great blessing; for the reversionist, a great horror.

Psalm 37:13 The Lord laughs at him because He sees that his day is coming.

Cheth is a fence, with an opening at one end.

Psalm 37:14 The wicked have drawn the sword and strung the bow to bring down the afflicted and needy and to slaughter those whose way is upright.

The swords enter into their own hearts, and their bows will be broken. This is the dying by the sin unto death for Saul.

The weapons of the reversionism will be broken.

Psalm 37:15 Their swords will enter their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

Psalm 37:16 Better the little that the righteous man has than the abundance of many wicked people.

Psalm 37:17 For the arms of the wicked will be broken, but the LORD supports the righteous.

God knows the days of the supergrace in the sense of blessing and omniscience. God knew in eternity past what we would be like in time and all of the decisions that we would make.

The supergrace believer does not find the transfer from life to heaven quite as dramatic as the reversionist, who goes from great pain and discomfort to heaven.

Psalm 37:18 The LORD watches over the blameless all their days, and their inheritance will last forever.

The supergrace believer can handle adversity. In time of national disaster, the supergrace believer is still blessed in his life.

Psalm 37:19 They will not be disgraced in times of adversity; they will be satisfied in days of hunger.

Then we get the contrast. This is the slap. The wicked are the reversionists and they will perish. They will wander about until they are destroyed. He is unstable.

Psalm 37:20 But the wicked will perish; the LORD's enemies, like the glory of the pastures, will fade away--they will fade away like smoke.

The reversionist borrows money and never pays it back. He desires that which he cannot afford, and does not pay back. It is the supergrace believer who is gracious and he gives. The person who always borrows is the one without capacity.

The foreflusher goes into a game without enough funds, he tries to bluff to get more than he is able to bet. He is looking for some way to alleviate his own misery. He has no capacity for fun.

If you are going to have capacity for life, then you try to live it up, you are a foreflusher.

Psalm 37:21 The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous is gracious and giving.

The blessed of him is the supergrace believer. He will inherit and enjoy the land. This refers to phase II in the life of any believer.

Psalm 37:22 Those who are blessed by Him will inherit the land, but those cursed by Him will be destroyed.

This is the story of the rest of the book of Samuel; a contrast between supergrace David and reversionist Saul.

1Samuel 14:49 18:24–28 19:             72David                                              631_0015

The subject is Michal, or “Love is a very splintered thing.” “I will tell you when we are through with the David series.”

in the Hebrew, Michal means a brook; many think it is Michael, which means who is like God?

1Sam. 14:49 Saul's sons were Jonathan, Ishvi, and Malchishua. The names of his two daughters were: Merab, his firstborn, and Michal, the younger.

The character of the person who says, “I love you” is important. Michal had that overt love based upon physical attraction. Michal had every opportunity in life. She lacked the capacity for love because of reversionism.

When Saul heard about this, he was pleased. This is because he had the perfect trap to get David killed. It was his idea to get rid of David.

1Sam. 18:20 Now Saul's daughter Michal loved David, and when it was reported to Saul, it pleased him.

This leads us into operation foreskin.

1Sam. 18:21 "I'll give her to him," Saul thought. "She'll be a trap for him, and the hand of the Philistines will be against him." So Saul said to David a second time, "You can now be my son-in-law."

1Sam. 18:22 Saul then ordered his servants, "Speak to David in private and tell him, 'Look, the king is pleased with you, and all his servants love you. Therefore, you should become the king's son-in-law.'"

1Sam. 18:23 Saul's servants reported these words directly to David, but he replied, "Is it trivial in your sight to become the king's son-in-law? I am a poor man who is common."

1Sam. 18:24 The servants reported back to Saul, "These are the words David spoke."

we pick this story up in v. 27:

David kills in combat 200 Philistines, twice the number needed. He was caused to bring the foreskins. The fully tally indicates that David had Saul count these foreskins. This would have made Saul very frustrated.

Michal moves from being Saul’s daughter to being David’s wife, giving her a greater opportunity to grow spiritually.

1Sam. 18:27 David and his men went out and killed 200 Philistines. He brought their foreskins and presented them as full payment to the king to become his son-in-law. Then Saul gave his daughter Michal to David as his wife.

Saul recognized that God was with David. This was an awful realization for him to have. Her status as Saul’s daughter is repeated, and she loves him is a Qal perfect, which indicates a point in time that does not advance. Michal is the tragedy of no capacity of the soul. You have been a sucker all of these years, but this woman has no capacity for love. The man who keeps his woman from doctrine is the loser. This could have been the love of the century, but it was a total flop.

Bob is accused on the outside of giving bad advice; he gives good advice based on the Word of God. “Don’t be stupid, gentlemen. If your opposite number is not up for doctrine, then she is not the right person.”

Saul knew that God was with David and that Michal loved him.

David and Michal

1.       David could have been the rm, but was not. \

2.       Michal lacked capacity of soul.

3.       Michal had a greater thing than she could bear. Her whole lover was tied up in this man. It was a holy roller experience for her. Emotion is no good without capacity. Capacity is based upon Bible doctrine.

4.       For awhile, her love intensifies, and then fades in the stretch. Emotional love is unstable; unstable as never before in her life.

5.       It remains category #2 love.

6.       Michal has intensity of emotion without the capacity of cerebration. She just doesn’t have it. Once you women get Bible doctrine, your love life will change dramatically. You were designed only for one man, but you will never get close from emotion. You get is from mentality; from the right lobe; from the heart. This same Michal will look upon her beloved and despise him in her heart. She never loved him in her heart. If you only love with your emotion, then you despise with your heart.

1Sam. 18:28 Saul realized that the LORD was with David and that his daughter Michal loved him,

Being married to David could have been the end of David’s marriages.

High points and low points now revealed:

Saul will send out agents to kill David, watching him where he goes. He will be caused to die. Michal is emotionally involved. She will warn David.

This begins by calling her David’s wife. She gives him her advice. If you don’t escape, you will be dead.

1Sam. 19:11 Saul sent agents to David's house to watch for him and kill him in the morning. But his wife Michal warned David: "If you don't escape tonight, you will be dead [assassinated] tomorrow!"

She causes David to be lowered from the window. This is the story of 2 windows. David escapes. He flees undetected and he escapes detection. When her emotional love is negative, these emotions will be used against him. This is why so many men scratch their heads and say, “I don’t understand women.” Most women, no matter how deep they look, they can be very superficial; and if they operate on their emotions, then they are going to be unstable.

Some women strap on, even when it is not necessary to do so.

1Sam. 19:12 So she lowered David from the window, and he fled and escaped.

Michal has the goddess of love which she keeps at her home. She makes it appear as if David is there. The men are not going to attack until that morning. She lies because she likes to lie. She lives by deceit.

1Sam. 19:13 Then Michal took the household idol and put it on the bed, placed some goats' hair on its head, and covered it with a garment.

Now she sets up a deception which is unnecessary. David is 12 hours gone. This woman likes to lie.

1Sam. 19:14 When Saul sent agents to seize David, Michal said, "He's sick."

Saul sends these messengers in the morning to see David. Saul desires to kill him. He is emotionally unstable. Saul lives apparently on the 3rd flood and David on the 2nd floor. Saul asks his men to bring David in sick. That is fine with him.

1Sam. 19:15 Saul sent the agents back to see David and said, "Bring him on his bed so I can kill him."

The messengers find out.

1Sam. 19:16 When the messengers arrived, to their surprise, the household idol was on the bed with some goats' hair on its head.

Michal should have been honest; “I love deceiving you, daddy.” Michal is a classic answer, and it is a Qal perfect. It is a once and for all answer. She keeps saying it over and over. Michal gives a once and for all answer to her father. She is strapping it on her father. “I grabbed him and David kept saying, let me go, or I will kill you.” You might be sitting next to someone who is just like this. She straps it on David. They had sex; but she strapped him on then. He is an emotional build-up for him. She did not have to strap on her father. She lied to the assassins; she lies to her father.

1Sam. 19:17 Saul asked Michal, "Why did you deceive me like this? You sent my enemy away, and he has escaped!" She answered him, "He said to me, 'Let me go! Why should I kill you?'"

David thought everything was great. He escaped, but he received a deliverance that he did not even know about. As David was going down, he did not realize that God was delivering him from a reversionistic mess. After awhile, there would be Abigail and then Bathsheba. One woman is enough for any night.

David is going in the correct direction; he goes to Samuel. David does not mention Michal, not realizing that she is cut out of the same cloth. Saul was once a noble person.

1Sam. 19:18 So David fled and escaped [received deliverance] and went to Samuel at Ramah and told him everything Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel left and stayed [dwelt in blessing] at Naioth.

Saul gives away his daughter to someone else. Palti. It means delivered. David is the one delivered, but he doesn’t know it yet. God uses the wrath of man to praise Him.

If Saul was smart, he would have left things as they are or sent Michal to David.

As a supergrace believer, you will find that people will hit you with vindictiveness. Saul meant it for harm and God meant it for good.

1Sam. 25:44 But Saul gave his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Palti son of Laish, who was from Gallim. She does not say, “David is my love forever. I will never leave him.”

2Sam. 3:12–16 are next we have now advanced 5 years; and for this time, she was married to another man.

2Sam. 3:12 Abner sent messengers as his representatives to say to David, "Whose land is it? Make your covenant with me, and you can be certain I am on your side to hand all Israel over to you."

David will not make some kind of treaty with Abner until Michal was returned to him.

2Sam. 3:13 David replied, "Good, I will make a covenant with you. However, there's one thing I require of you: Do not appear before me unless you bring Saul's daughter Michal here when you come to see me."

2Sam. 3:14 Then David sent messengers to say to Ish-bosheth son of Saul, "Give me back my wife, Michal. I was engaged to her for the price of 100 Philistine foreskins."

The tragedy of true love; Paltiel.

2Sam. 3:15 So Ish-bosheth sent someone to take her away from her husband, Paltiel son of Laish.

He kept walking along side of her. He has a genuine love for Michal. He loves her and he won’t leave her. His capacity has no place to go. He is a man with capacity, but he hasto pay the vindictiveness of Saul and Michal.

Michal is able to fake this guy out and she will fake out David for awhile as well. This is how she entertains herself. Abner breaks it up; he has some sense. Eventually, he was delivered by the grace of God.

2Sam. 3:16 Her husband followed her, weeping all the way to Bahurim. Abner said to him, "Go back." So he went back.

Even returning to David, Michal, called Saul’s daughter, now. Michal is leaning way out of the window. She is looking way out onto the street. She leans way out and keeps staring. She keeps staring at the King David. David was leaping the verb means pizzazz. It means to leap up and down in a frenzy of ecstasy. Another descriptive word that means dancing. This was a mad, victorious dance. The Ark of the Lord had come home. David was doing this because Jesus Christ is the only celebrity of life.

Reversionism always seeks its own level. David does this before the Lord. David has category #1 love, and she despises David in her heart. She cannot stand for David to be happy about anything except with regards to her. In her memory center, she thinks of Palti. Her norms and standards go back to a man who adored her, not the Lord. She despises David. On her launching pad, she has hatred.

In emotional revolt, you can only love with your emotion. There is the expression of reversionism.

2Sam. 6:16 As the ark of the LORD was entering the city of David, Saul's daughter Michal looked down from the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.

2Sam. 6:17 They brought the ark of the LORD and set it in its place inside the tent David had set up for it. Then David offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings in the LORD's presence.

2Sam. 6:18 When David had finished offering the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the LORD of Hosts.

David gives out a loaf of bread, a big chunk of meat and a container of wine.

2Sam. 6:19 Then he distributed a loaf of bread, a date cake, and a raisin cake to each one of the whole multitude of the people of Israel, both men and women. Then all the people left, each to his own home.

Again, she is called Saul’s daughter. She comes out and speaks to David with great sarcasm. She calls him vain.

2Sam. 6:20 When David returned home to bless his household, Saul's daughter Michal came out to meet him. "How the king of Israel honored himself today!" she said. "He exposed himself today in the sight of the slave girls of his subjects like a vulgar person would expose himself."

David sees the real Michal, and right then and there, whatever he had for Michal is dead. She is on her self righteous high horse. No one can be more self righteous than a reversionist.

2Sam. 6:21 David replied to Michal, "I was dancing before the LORD who chose me over your father and his whole family to appoint me ruler over the LORD's people Israel. I will celebrate before the LORD,

David says he will take it even further.

2Sam. 6:22 and I will humble myself even more and humiliate myself. I will be honored by the slave girls you spoke about."

She never pulls out of reversionism.

2Sam. 6:23 And Saul's daughter Michal had no child [she had 5 children; but she never again had sex] to the day of her death.

She apparently died the sin unto death. Never again, would she have the love of any man. This is a woman who had everything going for her; and now she has nothing going for her. She manufactured most of her own problems here on earth.

1Samuel 18           The Doctrine of War Psalm 37:23 72David                 631_0016

This will be our last session on David until Christmas.

Stuffing party; if you want to come and feel like you are making points with God, or not...

This is the last increment of this portion of the David series.

The steps of a good man are ordered by God. There are as many ideas as to what a good man is, as many as there are women in this building. For some, this is the man you can put a ring in his nose and you can lead him around.

There is no good man here; this is a warrior; a soldier; the noblest of all human professions. Not everyone is a draft card burner. “Nothing should be left to an invaded people than their eyes for weeping.” “I am a peace-loving quaker, but when war breaks out, every man in my family is ready to go.” Alexander Hamilton, “To just from the history of mankind, the fiery passions of war burn in the human breast.” MacArthur “A war line spirit is necessary for nation defense and national security.” “Worse than war is the fear of war” by Seneca.

Liberty: “What is liberty without wisdom and virtue,” said Burke. “A nation can lose its liberty in a day and not miss them for a century.”

David has been blessed and promoted by his position as a warrior.

There is delight and blessing here. This refers to a military man. War is for adults; war requires the anhilation of the enemy, so that they think a long time before every trying to attack again. You need training to go to war. You need battle courage to go to war. In Prov. 24, the nation whose freedom is perpetuated must have great military leadership. Believers are protected during war. Peace propaganda is a weapon of war. War can be used for personal discipline. Bob, being a fundamentalist, can criticize the idiots who are fundies today. A great misnomer of war. They who take up the sword will perish by the sword, which refers to crime.

War brings out the most noble of people; it brings out the best that is there.

We are Anglo-Saxon in our outlook and heritage. Winston Churchhill was the last great man in Britain. They have fallen into a third rate power, economically and by the armed forces.

There is no glory in the welfare state. Put them in communist Russia and they will be executed or placed in a work camp.

The Doctrine of War

from verse by verse

1.       War will exist until the Millennium, Mt.24:4,6; Mk.13:7; Lk.21:9; Isa.2:4, in spite of man's efforts for peace. Exception: in the Millennium, peace is based on war Armageddon, Isa.2:4. Man will not bring in permanent world peace, Micah.

2.       Therefore, wars are a bona fide part of human history, Eccl.3:8; Num.21:14.

3.       War is for male adults, Num.1:3; 26:2; Deut.24:5; 21:10-14.

4.       Annihilation of the enemy is how to have long periods of peace, Jer.11:23; Ps.46:8-11; Josh.14:15.

5.       Just warfare is from God. A shark nation is countered with a strong defense.

6.       There is a time when it is a sin not to go to war, Num.32:5-23.

7.       War demands mental attitude courage, Deut.20.

8.       War demands military training, Num.31:35; Lk.14:31.

9.       The most important factor in war is Bible Doctrine in the soul, Ps.27:3.

10.     Bible Doctrine is also important in military leaders (i.e. do it by the book, let the Lord promote you), Prov.24:16,18.

11.     In war, God provides the training, 2Sam.22:35; Ps.18:34; 104:4.

12.     Believer's are protected in war, Job.5:20; 38:21-23.

13.     Certain nations plot war and seek to destroy freedom of others. Armies protect freedom and armies destroy freedom, Ps.55:20-21; 68:20; 140:1,2; Neh.4:8; Nah.3.

14.     Peace propaganda is an instrument of war, Micah.3:5-7.

15.     War is used as a national discipline, 2Chr.16:9; Jer.4:19-31.

16.     War is used for personal discipline, Job.10:1-17.

17.     The misnomer of war: refers to capitol punishment, Mt.26:52; Rom.13.

18.     Motivation for warfare, Neh.4:14. In times of privation, remember to fight for:

          1)       Divine Institution #1, nation

          2)       Divine Institution #3, family

          3)       Divine Institution #2, wife

19.     The concept of the military.

          1)       Under Divine Institution #4, all national freedom comes courtesy of the military.

          2)       There are two factors that protect a nation.

                     (1)      Spiritual factors doctrine, Neh.4:8,9.

                     (2)      Establishment factors good training, tactics, strategy, lack of mental attitude, etc.

          3)       Failure of the military indicates lack of:

                     (1)      Training

                     (2)      Self-discipline

                     (3)      Respect for authority

                     (4)      Spiritual incentive to fight, etc.

          4)       The military is an indicator of national character.

20.     The military image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

          1)       Christ fought for the Jews, Ex.14:14.

          2)       Joshua challenged by Christ, Josh.5:13, 6:2.

          3)       Armageddon campaign, Zech.14:3,4.

          4)       Assyrian campaign, Isa.37:36.

c Copyright 1999, Maranatha Church, Inc.

War and God

by Tod Kennedy, March 2003

1.       Three sources of war:

          1)       Man has a sinful nature (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 7:20; James 4:1-2)

          2)       Satan is the temporary ruler of this world (John 14:30; 16:11)

          3)       Satan has his own world system which he promotes (Ephesians 2:2; 1 John

2.       War is a continuing fact of life. Wars will continue to be fought and rumors of wars will continue to spread throughout the world until Jesus Christ personally rules the earth in the Millennial Kingdom (Matthew 24:4-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; Isaiah 2:4).

3.       Only spiritual peace is possible now. There will be no world peace before Christ returns, but there can be spiritual peace.

          1)       Eternal relationship between God and man because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and man's faith in Him (John 16:33; Ephesians 2:13-18).

          2)       Temporal fellowship between God and the believer and between believers based on Christ's death and brought into the daily life through the ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 14:27; Galatians 5:22).

4.       Preparation for war reduces warfare. War is an unwanted but real part of human history, and those who recognize this and prepare for war will have more freedom, more prosperity, and more peace than those who do not prepare and try to avoid war at any price (Numbers 10:9; Judges 3:1-2; Ecclesiastes 3:8; Nehemiah 4:7-22; Psalm 144:1; Proverbs 20:18; Proverbs 24:6).

5.       To kill in battle is not murder. The killing of the enemy in war is not murder, nor a sin of any kind. Exodus 20:13 refers to murder. The Hebrew word RATSACH (Strong #7523) means murder or manslaughter.

6.       Old Testament Biblical words for "Kill."

          1)       NAKAH (Strong #5221) legitimate killing in battle, to smite, sometimes with penalty (Genesis 14:5; Joshua 10:10; Exodus 3:20; 1Samuel 17:9; 18:7; Isaiah 37:36)

          2)       RATSACH (Strong #7523) command against murder. Also used for non-premeditated killing (Exodus 20:13; Numbers 35:16; Deuteronomy 4:42; 1 Kings 21:19

          3)       HARAG (Strong #2026) to kill by intention or accident (Exodus 2:14; Exodus 13:15; Judges 8:21; Psalm 135:10)

          4)       PHONEUO (Strong #5407) murder (Matthew 5:21; 19:18; Romans 13:9; James 4:2)

          5)       APOKTEINO (Strong #615) to kill, slay, put to death (Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5)

7.       God is not anti-war. God sponsors just wars, and He does so to.

          1)       Remove degenerate nations (Jericho - Joshua 5:13-Joshua 6; Ai - Joshua 8)

          2)       Defeat the enemies of Israel (Hagrites - 1 Chronicles 5:18-22)

          3)       Protect families and nations (Nehemiah 4)

          4)       Gain peace (Ehud and Moabites - Judges 3:26-30)

8.       Military service is necessary. It is necessary to gain national freedom, then to preserve national freedom (Numbers 1:2-3; 31:1-5; Joshua 1:6-11; 11:23; Judges 8:1; 1 Chronicles 5:22; Psalm 18:34; Luke 14:31).

9.       Military service is honorable. There is nothing in the New Testament prohibiting military service, training, or war. Christ, Luke, and Paul assume that military service is an honorable profession; they accept the normal function of the military for national readiness, defense, and waging of legitimate war. God even commends those who wage war against aggressors (Hebrews 11:22-34).

          1)       Christ (Matthew 8:5-10; Luke 14:31)

          2)       Luke (Acts 10:1-3, 22-25)

          3)       Paul (Acts 23:11-35; 1 Corinthians 9:7; 2 Timothy 2:3-4)

10.     Jesus Christ is a battlefield commander. Jesus Christ has in the past and will in the future serve as a battlefield commander. He is called "LORD of Hosts" or LORD of the Armies" and a Warrior." He has killed thousands of enemy soldiers and will do so in the future (Exodus 14:13-14, 25; 15:3; Isaiah 37:33-37; Zechariah 14:1-5; Revelation 19:11-15).

11.     Bully nations and aggressors use propaganda to persuade other nations not to resist their attacks. The propaganda appeals to the cowards and "peace at any price people" (Isaiah 36-37).

12.     Unjust aggression is wrong. The Lord is against unjust aggression (Psalm 68:30; 140:1-2; Jeremiah 50:17-18).

13.     Anti-war people misuse scripture. There are certain passages that anti-war people use to try to condemn all warfare. Each passage can be explained. None say that military service, war, or killing the enemy in battle is wrong. Exodus 20:13; Isaiah 2:4 with Joel 3:9-10; Matthew 5:9, 43-44

14.     Warfare and the New Testament. Why does the New Testament not emphasize physical warfare?

          1)       The New Testament is addressed primarily to believers, residents of God's spiritual kingdom, who engage in spiritual warfare.

          2)       The spiritual battle is still set within the context of nations in conflict, nations who continually replay the story, begun by Satan, of pride and rebellion (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 610-12; Acts 12 [Herod], Acts 16 [Paul], 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13; 1 Peter 2:11-17).

15.     Just war doctrine. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) gave three requirements for a war to be a just war.

          1)       The leader of a nation has the authority and responsibility to wage war to protect the citizens from external enemies.

          2)       A nation wages war to avenge an attack or a wrong inflicted.

          3)       A nation must wage war to advance good or to avoid evil.

16.     Protection of America. The leader or leadership of a nation must protect that nation. The king, president, premier, constitution, or other authority has the God-ordained responsibility to protect the people under his authority. If an aggressor makes plans or does attack, the leadership must take military action to protect his nation. Failure to do so is failure to fulfill his biblical mandate (Romans 13:1-6).

17.     Protection of America - United States Constitution. The United States Constitution gives the President the responsibility and the authority, as commander in chief of the military, to wage war for the protection of the nation and its citizens.

          U. S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, "The president shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States." Compare with Article I, Section 8, "The Congress shall have power. to declare war."

18.     So, what does this mean to me?

          1)       Military service is honorable.

          2)       It is not sin or wrong to kill the enemy in war; it is right and it is my duty.

          3)       Just wars must be fought to protect and preserve life and freedom.

          4)       Aggressors who threaten our life and freedom must be removed - most often by death in war.

          5)       Those who refuse to fight or support our military in just wars are either cowards or confused.

          6)       The President of the United States has a responsibility to seek out and kill those who attack us.

          7)       I am responsible to pray for my President and leaders.

19.     Just War Quotes

          1)       Aquinas, "It is their [civil government] business to have recourse to the sword of war in defending the common [welfare] against external enemies."

          2)       Augustine, "The natural order conducive to peace among mortals demands that the power to declare and counsel war should be in the hands of those who hold the supreme authority."

          3)       Aquinas, "A just cause is required."

          4)       Augustine, "A just war is apt to be described as one that avenges wrongs, when a nation or state has to be punished, for refusing to make amends for the wrongs inflicted by its subjects, or to restore what has been seized unjustly."

          5)       Aquinas, "[To be a just war it is] necessary that belligerents should have a rightful intention, so that they intend the advancement of good, or the avoidance of evil."

          6)       Augustine, "True religion looks upon as peaceful those wars that are waged not for motives of aggrandizement, or cruelty, but with the object of securing peace, of punishing evil-doers, and of uplifting the good."

          7)       Martin Luther, "Without armaments peace cannot be kept; wars are waged not only to repel injustice but also to establish a firm peace."

          8)       Protection of America and Just War Quotes, President George W. Bush, March 6, 2003: "We don't need anybody's permission [to defend our country]. I will not leave the American people at the mercy of the Iraqi dictator and his weapons." "But [Saddam should disarm] in the name of peace and the security of the world. If he won't do so voluntarily, we will disarm him." "I'm convinced that a liberated Iraq will be important for that part of the world." "My faith sustains me because I pray daily, I pray for guidance and wisdom and strength. If we were to commit our troops - if we were to commit our troops - I would pray for their safety, and I would pray for innocent Iraqi lives as well."

          9)       March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry addressed the Virginia legislature meeting at St John's Church in Richmond. "It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace! - but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me: Give me liberty, or give me death!

Psalm 37:23 A man's steps [the marching of a warrior] are established [ordered] by the LORD, and He takes pleasure in his way.

Psalm 37:24 Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the LORD holds his hand.

David looks back on his life as a young person, and considers his place as an older man. It is hard for you young people to look around at older people and realize that they were young at one time. Bob gets a kick out of seeing pictures of people when they are young.

David went into a military reversionism and into a monarchal reversionism. However, most of his life, he was a supergrace believer from age 18 on up.

In terms of eternal security, no believer is forsaken. But in life, God does not forsake His Own.

Solomon on his worst day was probably a billion dollars. He made 20 million a year from one source alone. He lived part of his life in supergrace and then reversionism and then he recovered at the end of his life. His secret was the umbrella of grace that God put over him.

Psalm 37:25 I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous [supergrace believer] abandoned or his children begging bread.

David continues to talk about the supergrace believer. The Lord helps the helpless. Always merciful and always helping. His seed is always a blessing. Only supergrace believers leave behind a heritage greater for their children. The supergrace believer has an influence in his own children down to one generation and his life is an umbrella to his children.

Psalm 37:26 He is always generous [gracious], always lending, and his children are a blessing.

The acrostics are still here, but we aren’t taking much account of them.

Dwell forever more is a command to believe in Christ.

Psalm 37:27 Turn away [swerve aside] from evil and do what is good, and dwell there forever.

God loves justice.

Eternal security here and He does not forsake a believer ever.

The children of the reversionist will be cut off. God will have to do it.

Psalm 37:28 For the LORD loves justice and will not abandon His faithful ones. They are kept safe forever, but the children of the wicked will be destroyed.

The supergrace believer is blessed in time and in eternity.

Psalm 37:29 The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it permanently.

Wisdom is doctrine in the human spirit. His mouth speaks of fairness and equity.

Psalm 37:30 The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom; his tongue speaks what is just.

The law here is doctrine. He has doctrine in his right lobe.

Psalm 37:31 The instruction of his God is in his heart; his steps do not falter.

The reversionist is always observing, wondering what is going on. Also, they look for a chance to ambush. Saul spent his time looking out, looking for an opportunity to take Saul down.

Psalm 37:32 The wicked lies in wait for the righteous and seeks to kill him;

God will not leave the supergrace believer in the hands of the reversionist.

Psalm 37:33 the LORD will not leave him in his hand or allow him to be condemned when he is judged.

The supergrace believer is to wait on the Lord. Once you reach supergrace, you must stay with doctrine. You must continue to gap it. David has always waited upon God to be blessed. David went back to the sheep when he was the aide to camp. He waited on God.

Some believers cannot stand living in reversionism. God will exalt the supergrace believer. This is the Lord promoting.

There are those who are reversionistic who do not like you. Don’t worry about it. Along the way, you will be promoted and the reversionist will be wiped out. Bob found out in his own life to just sit back and let them go. Bob liked the feeling of popping a few problem people, and that was a great feeling, but it was the closest he has been to being a holy roller.

David saw his enemies destroyed. He saw Goliath go down quickly; Doeg the Edomite; and Saul took 6 years. Bob would like to pick out Doeg as a person he could whip and he would make it last.

Psalm 37:34 Wait for the LORD and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land. You will watch when the wicked are destroyed.

Spreading himself like a flourishing native tree, which means this is a tree that does well in its own soil, and such a tree produces beautifully. When the reversionist gets his bag and does his thing, he spreads. A tree or a plan that is beautiful and suited for that particular place.

Psalm 37:35 I have seen a wicked, violent man [reversionist] well-rooted like a flourishing native tree.

However, despite this temporary flourishing, he passes off the scene. The believer dying the sin unto death, horribly. The beautiful tree becomes a stump. There was not even a stump after God got through with him. Look reversionist, that man is blessed.

Psalm 37:36 Then I passed by and noticed he was gone; I searched for him, but he could not be found.

Perfect means supergrace here. Upright means straight and level; this is a stability of life. Maximum doctrine means supergrace and that means maximum blessing. There is a future for the man or prosperity. He is the supergrace believer. The man God can trust a million dollars to. Some of you young people are on the edge of a great future; and some of you will peel off. Some of you blew a great future as soon as you walked away from doctrine.

Psalm 37:37 Watch the blameless and observe the upright, for the man of peace will have a future.

Future of the reversionist in v. 38. This is the other side of the fence. What kind of a future do they have? Their life on this earth will be destroyed. They will receive a destructive, desolate life. Some of you are miserable now; and you are too young to know what misery is.

The end means the future. The Niphal means the knocking stage of divine discipline. Then the intensive stage, when you are set in your negative ways. In the knocking stage, you can rebound; in the intensive stage, you need more than that.

A pastor in Arizona will come out and anoint those who are sick.

Psalm 37:38 But transgressors will all be eliminated; the future of the wicked will be destroyed.

A supergrace believer has strength from the Lord.

Psalm 37:39 The salvation of the righteous is from the LORD, their refuge in a time of distress.

The Lord will aid them and deliver them. Michal’s second husband is the noun from this, Palti. No idea if David was thinking about Palti at this time.

Palti was caused to be delivered. This was because they trust the Lord when you hurt. He is like the rabbit running away from the wolf and he gets into the cleft of the rock, and the wolf cannot get in there.

Psalm 37:40 The LORD helps and delivers them; He will deliver them from the wicked and will save them because they take refuge in Him.


1Sam. 18:29 and he became even more afraid of David. As a result, Saul was David's enemy from then on.

1Sam. 18:30 Every time the Philistine commanders came out to fight, David was more successful than all of Saul's officers. So his name became very famous.

1Samuel 19:1–                                     72David                                              631_0017

12/24/1972 1 Sam. 19:1-10 Doctrine of supergrace

This will be a special on David’s first entry into reversionism. The principle of the fork in the road.

This is David’s first reversionism. We have the principle of the fork in the road. The cross represents the point of eternal salvation for each of us. Radical changes between supergrace and entering into reversionism. David’s reversionism after his military prosperity.

and from these notes in David

Doctrine of Supergrace

1.       Supergrace has to be defined first: this is the final stage of spiritual growth beyond the edification complex of the soul. This is the place of maximum benefits. Doctrine has to be transferred from the left lobe to the right lobe by faith. There is a vacuum line from doctrine in the frame of reference. At the completion of the edification complex, the believer moves into supergrace. The believer enters into supergrace with a maximum amount of doctrine in the soul. Doctrine on the launching pad is the basis for the spiritual growth. Capacity for freedom, love, happiness, adversity and all of the activities of life. Supergrace is maximum blessing for a mature believer. No believer is maturre until they reach the supergrace area.

2.       The supergrace life is a place of maximum happiness.

3.       The supergrace believer is the man for the crisis.

4.       The supergrace believer has capacity for freedom. Rom. 8:21

5.       The supergrace believer has capacity for life. 1Sam. 18:5, 14

6.       Capacity for love.

          1)       category #1 love: Deut. 6:6

7.       Supergrace life provides capacity for happiness. 1John 1:4

8.       Supergrace life provides capacity for suffering.

9.       The supergrace life is characterized by occupation with Christ. Heb. 12:2

10.     The supergrace life is characterized by maximum benefit from grace.

11.     Supergrace psalm happiness for supergrace believer. Psalm 84

The doctrine below came from http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=595

The Doctrine of Supergrace

1.       Definition.

          1)       "Super-grace" (term derived from James 4:6 - "more grace," literally, "greater grace") is a synonym for Christian maturity. It defines the adult and initial stage of spiritual maturity beyond the edification complex of the soul. It is the sphere of the normal life and function of the Royal Priesthood; hence, the objective of the believer in Phase Two (in time) (Eph. 3:16-19).

          2)       Super-grace status is the place of maximum utilization of grace, either in adversityor prosperity; that area of life in which the believer reaps what God sows; i.e., the fulfillment of Romans 8:28.

          3)       Super-grace status and blessings are attainable by believers in every dispensation.

2.       Description of super-grace.

          1)       From the viewpoint of divine essence, super-grace is said to be "the surpassing magnitude of His omnipotence upon us, the believing ones" (expanded trans., Eph. 1:19).

          2)       From the viewpoint of the mature believer, the attendant blessings of supergrace status are termed "pursuing grace" (Eph. 1:6).

          3)       By means of the distribution of super-grace blessings to the Church in every generation, God is said to be glorified (Eph. 3:20, 21).

3.       Characteristics of the super-grace life.

          1)       The overflowing cup of Psalm 23:5, 6 constitutes both super-grace capacity for life and resultant super-grace blessings.

          2)       These blessings fall into two separate categories: spiritual and temporal.

          3)       Spiritual blessings include occupation with Christ, inner resources to cope with either prosperity or disaster in life, and dying grace.

          4)       Temporal blessings include promotion, success, wealth, prosperity (social, economic, sexual, material, technical, professional); stability and dynamics of living, which b. These blessings fall into two separate categories: spiritual and temporal.

          5)       Spiritual blessings include occupation with Christ, inner resources to cope with either prosperity or disaster in life, and dying grace.

          6)       Temporal blessings include promotion, success, wealth, prosperity (social, economic, sexual, material, technical, professional); stability and dynamics of living, which produce great leadership.

          7)       God is waiting to provide super-grace blessings (Isa. 30:18).

4.       Importance of Bible doctrine in relation to attainment of super-grace status (Heb. 11:1-3).

5.       Perspective of super-grace (Phil. 3:4-8).

6.       Command to advance to super-grace (Heb. 12:1-3).

7.       Importance of retaining the objective (Phil. 3:12-14).

8.       The Issue of Phase Two (believer in time).

          1)       God in justice maintains His relationship with every believer regardless of that believer's temporal status; viz., carnality or spirituality.

          2)       This permanent relationship is based on propitiation, the Godward work of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

          3)       God expresses His justice in one of two ways:

                     (1)      In blessing to the super-grace believer;

                     (2)      In discipline to the reversionistic believer (Heb. 12:6).

          4)       According to 1 John 4:19, it is possible for the believer to love God in time. This love begins with the recognition of and respect for God's justice.

          5)       Blessing from God's justice and love toward God are potential. They can be realized only when the believer comes to know God through the daily function of GAP.

          6)       The super-grace believer is capable of loving God to the maximum because maximum doctrine is resident in his soul (Rom. 8:28; Eph. 3:19; 1 John 4:19).

9.       Role of happiness in super-grace.

          1)       The key to super-grace is happiness. The same doctrine which provides supergrace also provides Plus-H or the sharing of God's perfect happiness. Therefore, the super-grace life is characterized by the total happiness spectrum, which ranges from tranquility on one end of the spectrum to ecstatic on the other.

          2)       The top floor or penthouse of the edification complex of the soul is the beginning of the super-grace life (cf. Phil. 4:4; 1 Thess. 5:16).

          3)       The accumulation of doctrine resident in the soul results in the fulfillment of Plus-H and signals the entrance into the super-grace status (1 John 1:4).

10.     Relationship of super-grace to other categories of grace.

          1)       Category Involvement

                     (1)      SALVATION GRACE - all that the Trinity did to save man; based on the strategic victory of the Cross (Phase One of grace). Non-meritorious volition - expressed by faith in Christ, the Living Word.

                     (2)      LIVING GRACE - divine provision to keep the believer alive in Phase Two for either blessing or discipline. No volition is involved on the part of the believer - a matter of the Sovereignty of God and the Plan of God.

                     (3)      SUPER-GRACE: - the tactical victory of the Royal Family of God; includes maximum growth and blessing, also DYING GRACE. Non-meritorious volition - expressed by positive volition toward Bible doctrine, the written Word.

                     (4)      SURPASSING GRACE (the "exceeding riches of His grace"; Eph. 2:7) - all that God will do for the believer in Phase Three or eternity No volition involved. At that time, the angelic conflict has been terminated.

          2)       God has designed for every believer both super-grace blessings for time, and surpassing-grace blessings for eternity.

          3)       Illustration: Abraham.

                     (1)      Super-grace blessings for time (Heb. 11:11,12; cf. Rom.4:17-21).

                     (2)      Surpassing-grace blessings for eternity (Heb. 11:9,10).

11.     Categories of super-grace, represented by Jewish heroes..

          1)       ABRAHAM - sexual super-grace prosperity; the foundation of a new race.

          2)       JOSEPH - super-grace promotion and prosperity in a Gentile periphery.

          3)       MOSES - super-grace leadership; the father of the Jewish nation.

          4)       DAVID - super-grace leadership in both military and national setting.

          5)       ISAIAH - super-grace leadership in communication of doctrine; the greatest prophet and Bible teacher in the period of the Southern Kingdom.

          6)       JEREMIAH - super-grace blessings in time of national disaster; a monument to the sufficiency of super-grace resources under maximum pressure.

          7)       DANIEL - super-grace promotion, leadership and blessing in a foreign land.

          8)       PAUL - super-grace blessing to a Jew in time of Israel's dispersion under the last administration of the fifth cycle of discipline in A.D. 70. The Jewish Age is interrupted, but Abraham's progeny, Paul, holds the all time record for doctrinal blessing and communication of divinely revealed truths.

12.     Promotion of super-grace.

          1)       The super-grace believer is God's man for the crisis (1 Sam. 17).

          2)       Unless God promotes the believer, he is not promoted (Ps. 75:6, 7)!

13.     Areas of super-grace capacity.

          1)       Freedom (Rom. 8:21; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 5:1).

          2)       Life (1 Sam.17:47;18:5,14).

          3)       Love.

                     (1)      Love toward God (Deut. 6:5;30:20; Josh. 23:10, 11; 1 John 2:5; 4:19).

                     (2)      Category Two - love toward RM or RW(Song of Sol.8:6, 7).

                     (3)      Category Three - friendship (2 Sam. 1:26).

          4)       Happiness (Ps. 9:1, 2; 21:1; 31:7; 43:4; 97:12; John 17:13; 1 John 1:4).

          5)       Suffering (2 Cor. 12:7-10).

14.     Reality of the celebrityship of Christ.

          1)       There are many super-grace heroes; but there is only one Celebrity in the Royal Family of God - the Lord Jesus Christ.

          2)       In super-grace status, the believer becomes occupied with Christ; he has maximum love for and appreciation of the Person of the Savior. The communion table constitutes a test of Category One love based on resident doctrine in the soul.

          3)       This attitude is expressed in Lamentations 3:21-25.

15.     Super-grace and the road to glory.

          1)       There is a relationship between the super-grace blessings of time and the surpassing-grace blessings of eternity.

          2)       The link between super-grace and surpassing grace is dying grace. Dying grace bridges the gap between super-grace status in time and surpassing-grace status in eternity. Thus the believer goes from grace to grace; from saving grace to supergrace; from super-grace to dying grace (Rapture generation excepted); from dying grace to surpassing grace.

          3)       Illustration: Abraham.

                     (1)      Salvation grace (Gen. 15:6).

                     (2)      Super-grace (Rom. 4:17-21); sign - circumcision (Heb. 11:11, 12).

                     (3)      Surpassing grace (Heb. 10:9, 10; Rev. 21:2, 10); sign - life in a tent.

                     (4)      Link (Heb. 11:13).

          4)       Summary principle on the road to glory: in time, it takes doctrine to see the invisible God; but once we cross the bridge of dying grace, we shall see Him face to face!

16.     Summary.

          1)       In eternity past, as a part of the divine decrees, omniscient God provided for every believer two special blessing paragraphs - one for time; the other for eternity.

          2)       Attitude toward doctrine in time determines the realization of all grace blessings in time or eternity. While the believer can never lose his salvation or his place in heaven, he can lose his blessings in time and his rewards in eternity.

          3)       Consistent negative volition toward Bible doctrine (after salvation) results in reversionism and its attendant losses: loss of super-grace blessing in time, loss of dying grace, loss of surpassing grace blessings in eternity.

          4)       Consistent positive volition leads to super-grace status and its subsequent rewards in time, dying grace and surpassing-grace blessings.

          5)       The attainment of super-grace is the attainment of the first objective - maturity. It calls for an immediate establishment of the next objective - the seizing and holding of the high ground of super-grace (Phil. 3:12-14).

          6)       Continued positive volition toward doctrine secures the believer's position and holds the super-grace status until death.

David will face great testing in his military life. They will stick with divine viewpoint. The military offers a variety very quickly. Things change rapidly and David came to the fork in the road when he faced this test. He started out with a battalion and he ended up with a brigade.

There is the feast of the New Moon, and David is supposed to show up and he will not.

How can a man who is so clearly blessed by the Lord, how can he neglect Bible doctrine? How can he neglect the basis for his prosperity; the basis of his happiness? This will lead to the loss of his edification complex. He becomes a coward where he is one of the most brave people in history.

Bible doctrine is not always available. There was an attack upon the dominant lobe. His vocabulary, norms and standards, suffering from emotional revolt of the soul. Reversionism and reverse process reversionism.

Fear and flight, and there are 6 flights of David; 4 will be studies as such. 19:1–10 and 3 more by chapter 20? The second stage is operation strap on and then operation madman, which both occur in 1Sam. 21

These next 10 verses are fear and flight.

Saul has began to rationalize David as a trader. Saul is in the wrong here. Hiphil infinitive means to cause the death of David. He is motivated to murder David based upon reversionistic jealousy. Jealousy is a mental attitude sins cluster which motivates other kinds of sins.

Jonathan likes David very much. This is a rapport between 2 men which is very rare in life. This is the basis for Rom. 8:28. The crown prince has such a great love for David that he is willing to set himself aside to move God’s plan forward. There is Jonathan, who is the eldest son and Saul’s successor. In reality, God has ordained that David should be king. Jonathan is willing to set himself aside. A category #3 friend is willing to set himself aside for his friend. Jonathan is the antithesis of his father.

It is totally impossible to love and to be jealous at the same time. Whatever the object of your jealousy is not a person that you love. Jealousy does not love.

The illustration of Saul and Jonathan. Saul is jealous and seeks to kill David; Jonathan is not and wants David to live. Jonathan is true nobility. He delights much in David, means that he has a category #3 love for David. Jonathan contributes to David’s prosperity and he is relaxed about it. He is noble. He is in supergrace himself.

1Sam. 19:1 Saul ordered his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David. But Saul's son Jonathan liked David very much,

Jonathan suggests that David hide out. There is a contrast between Jonathan and Saul. Saul seeks to kill David. Saul is in reversionism.

Saul cannot enjoy the feast of the new moon, the holiday, because he wants David to die. He has lost all capacity for life. It is the soul where capacity is developed.

Niphal imperfect not an imperative. Jonathan does not try to run David’s life. A good friend never seeks to impose his own standards upon David. This is what you ought to do, is Jonathan’s attitude.

1Sam. 19:2 so he told him: "My father Saul intends [seeks] to kill you. Be on your guard [Guard yourself (in this situation)] in the morning and hide in a secret place and stay there.

Jonathan will be in the field with his father. Jonathan is going to try to figure out if his father really intends to murder David. What he divulges, Jonathan will reveal. David was being prospered by God; he was being blessed. He is 26–28 and already a brigadier general.

1Sam. 19:3 I'll go out and stand beside my father in the field where you are and talk to him about you. When I see what he says, I'll tell you."

Jonathan shows great respect for his father, despite his father’s weirdness. Saul has misjudged David all the way around, and that is because of his mental attitude sins. David has been commendable in every way.

1Sam. 19:4 Jonathan spoke well of David to his father Saul. He said to him: "The king [authority orientation and respect for authority] should not sin against his servant David. He hasn't sinned against you; in fact, his actions have been a great advantage to you.

David as a supergrace believer has demonstrated great courage in his profession. Sun means to appoint. Many times David put his own life in danger and he killed Philistines.

The king has changed; Jonathan has emerged as another supergrace believer. Supergrace gives the capacity for great friendship. Bob used to go to clubs with his grandfathers; several floors of gyms and great food and a great library. Bob enjoyed going down there spending the day. It was called the Jonathan club.

You may be alone in the holidays and wallow in self-pity. Other people cannot have true friendship with you because they only feel sorry for you. You will never know what life is all about. You will think it is all their fault. Or you will drink, use drugs, or try to buy friends.

Jonathan has a great capacity for friendship. With sex, it is not difficult to have even pseudo love. This is more difficult with a friend. True love without sex calls for something from the soul. Category #3 friendship is a non-touching, no sex love. Saul is filled with hatred and instability.

1Sam. 19:5 He took his life in his hands when he struck down the Philistine, and the LORD brought about a great victory [the Lord has manufactured a great deliverance] for all Israel. You saw it and rejoiced, so why would you sin against innocent blood by killing David for no reason?"

Saul listens to Jonathan. He listens carefully. He is in the 1st stage of reversionism because otherwise, he would be implacable. This is a solemn promise. If you do business with reversionistic believers, then you have better have an army of lawyers there. Saul is filled with sincerity here. Sincerity in the soul of a reversionist is instability. To be impressed by such sincerity is to be a fool; it is to be stupid. Better to be cursed by a reversionist. His sincerely promises are meaningless.

1Sam. 19:6 Saul listened to Jonathan's advice and swore an oath: "As surely as the LORD lives, David will not be killed."

Jonathan passed it along that Saul was fine, he no longer hated David. Many of you men will have some sweet young thing tell you how much she loves you. The statement of her love is meaningless. Such a statement means very little.

Jonathan showed David that he had nothing to fear, that his father agreed not to persecute David.

1Sam. 19:7 So Jonathan summoned David and told him all these words. Then Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he served him as he did before.

David prospers under supergrace. The war intensified. We are at war right now and we don’t seem to know it. We should bomb out North Vietnam with all of our obsolete weapons. The Russians are ahead of us in all kinds of weapons, because of our weak-kneed president. Thanks to MacNamara, the B58 bomber is gone. We have conventional bombing going on in North Vietnam, which is a great tragedy. The Russian missiles hone in on the heat of the exhaust. Point it skyward toward the nearest heat and airmen are dying because we have a stupid, cowardly government and president. They are doing everything that they can to destroy the military.

Bob hopes that all of the hippies go into slavery and die in the salt mines. If you have long hair on your head because you think Jesus did, you are all mixed up. A man who is a man in his soul has short hair on his head.

War breaking out indicates that the war is intensified. It is necessary for him to be back. David’s brigade is the trouble-shooter; they went out and they are prepared. There is a tactical situation here; he kept fighting them in battle. When born-again believers are in the military, then they will kill gobs of enemy forces. Military men need to learn how to kill violently. A believer doing this is honoring the Lord. A male believer has to be in ultra super grace so that he can defeat the enemy. It is always kill the enemy. Many men here will be able to kill the enemy.

These enemies fear David, and they would run from him. “Retreat” is their command.

1Sam. 19:8 When war broke out again, David went out and fought against the Philistines. He defeated them with such a great force that they fled from him.

Saul’s intensive stage of discipline meant that Saul faced demonism, which attacked him in the right lobe.

David is playing the harp and Saul is sitting there in his palace with his spear. The Philistines had been pushed back. David is playing for those in the castle. The vacuum opens and the evil influence comes through, and there is another desire to kill.

1Sam. 19:9 Now an evil spirit from the LORD came on Saul as he was sitting in his palace holding a spear. David was playing the harp,

Saul decided to try to kill David right there. David dodged the javelin. Patar means to have a sudden burst of energy. David has great ability and agility.

The First Flight

1.       The first flight of David does not reveal any reversionism on his part.

2.       It does reveal the instability of Saul who said, “I will not kill David” and now he is trying to kill him.

3.       He will drag supergrace David down to his own level

4.       The hostility and antagonism of reversionism produces more converts to reversionism, if you stop taking in doctrine. David will get discouraged and bitter and this will bring David down to his own level.

5.       This time, David did not crack up. However, this continual pressure will eventually bring David down. Pressure of persecution brings out the best or the worst. It brings out doctrine or lack thereof.

6.       David’s neglect of doctrine is the only way that Saul’s persecution can get him down.

1Sam. 19:10 and Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear. As the spear struck the wall, David eluded Saul and escaped. That night he ran away.

1Sam. 19:11 Saul sent agents to David's house to watch for him and kill him in the morning. But his wife Michal warned David: "If you don't escape tonight, you will be dead tomorrow!"

1Sam. 19:12 So she lowered David from the window, and he fled and escaped.

1Sam. 19:13 Then Michal took the household idol and put it on the bed, placed some goats' hair on its head, and covered it with a garment.

1Sam. 19:14 When Saul sent agents to seize David, Michal said, "He's sick."

1Sam. 19:15 Saul sent the agents back to see David and said, "Bring him on his bed so I can kill him."

1Sam. 19:16 When the messengers arrived, to their surprise, the household idol was on the bed with some goats' hair on its head.

1Sam. 19:17 Saul asked Michal, "Why did you deceive me like this? You sent my enemy away, and he has escaped!" She answered him, "He said to me, 'Let me go! Why should I kill you?'"

1Samuel 18                                          72David                                              631_0018

12/24/1972 1 Sam. 19:18-24 20:1-8 Three flights of David

We have studied the first flight of David and we are about to study the 2nd flight of David.

David did not know about Rom. 8:28 how all things would work together for good for him. neglect doctrine and to fall away from thom to further neglect doctrine and to fall away from those things which are important.

David is fleeing Saul. The first time David escaped, it was because of the love of Jonathan and now it is the love of Michelle. David is beginning to crack, and he feels like he has to run and tell someone. The supergrace believer does not have to unload on someone else. There are 1000's of people who need to be weeping and wailing and falling apart.

David is beginning to crack. It will be obvious soon that he is in reversionism. He runs away and he ignores divine viewpoint. God has anointed him as king over Israel. He has learned all of the principles of grace. David runs to Samuel under the principle of operation crybaby. What Saul had done becomes a part of operation tattletale. “Saul was mean to me.”

God has separated David and Saul so that David does not follow him into reversionism. David himself is in danger of joining Jonathan and Saul in entering the sin unto death.


1.       Jonathan should have left his father the same time that David did. If you live with reversionism and if you associate with reversionistic people, the first time you neglect doctrine, you will join them. We are inferior to all Satanic power. If we do not separate from reversionism, reversionism will get us, sooner or later.

2.       Jonathan was a noble, supergrace believer and he will go into reversionism himself because of his relationship with his father.

3.       Failure of separation from reversionism leads to sharing the status of reversionism as well as sharing the discipline of reversionism.

4.       Saul has moved from knocking discipline to intensive discipline by his actions against David. He will eventually go into the sin unto death.

5.       Reversionistic Israel will also go down with Saul.

6.       Many supergrace believers will separate from Saul and join David in the cave of Addullem.

7.       David has also been separated from a pseudo-relationship with David. She has an idol, which she places in bed instead of David. She will go down. She does not separate from her father, so she will also go into reversionism.

8.       Some of the most disastrous events of our lives are really grace blessings in disguise. This separation for David is one of the good things.

1Sam. 19:18 So David fled and escaped and went to Samuel at Ramah and told him everything Saul had done to him. Then he and Samuel left and stayed at Naioth.

1Sam. 19:19 When it was reported to Saul that David was at Naioth in Ramah,

there is a company sent to get David. These are soldiers; they are not civilians. Samuel is the guest professor. The passive voice of nava means to be taught. Samuel standing means that he is the one teaching them.

The Holy Spirit acts as a restrainer here; this is the restraining ministry of God the Holy Spirit. The soldiers themselves are under the restraining ministry of God the Holy Spirit. Instead of seizing David, they begin to listen. These classes ran about 8 hours a shot and they completely lost track of what they are supposed to do.

Apparently, Bob has been warned that there were some who were coming to heckle them, black panthers and hippies.

1Sam. 19:20 Saul sent agents to seize David. However, when they saw the group of prophets prophesying with Samuel leading them, the Spirit of God came on Saul's agents, and they also started prophesying.

This is reported back to Saul, so he sends another group of soldiers. We now have 3 companies of Saul’s best men all now enjoying the teaching.

1Sam. 19:21 When they reported to Saul, he sent other agents, and they also began prophesying. So Saul tried again and sent a third group of agents, and even they began prophesying.

1Sam. 19:22 Then Saul himself went to Ramah. He came to the large cistern at Secu, looked around, and asked, "Where are Samuel and David?" "At Naioth in Ramah," someone said.

1Sam. 19:23 So he went to Naioth in Ramah. The Spirit of God also came on him, and as he walked along, he prophesied until he entered Naioth in Ramah.

Saul took off himself, but he did not think that God would work on him as well, just as He did on the previous companies which he sent. He became ecstatic. Saul himself receive information. Abel company hit the seminary, the Spirit of God was upon them and they listened. Same for Baker and Charley company. Saul was cut off at the pass, so he was babbling, and to show his enthusiasm, he took off all his clothes.

Taking off his clothes is after he got there.

Bob goes over the opinions of various theologians. It is amazing how prissy theologians are. They all go in for Saul stripping down to his skivvies or something like that.

When people get ecstatic, they want to get their clothes off. Girls, that is why that guy says, ‘Have another drink.’ When a believer is emotional without doctrine, his behavior is ludicrous. Such a person is an ass.

No one can worship God without doctrine. The purpose here is to restrain David from being killed by Saul. Saul is a vicious, powerful reversionist. A few people are leaving, and this bugged a few people, so if you walk out, don’t come back. This couple over here; very prissy.

Saul stayed in class and laid down naked all day and night. Everyone is sitting there taking notes, except for the King of Israel. But no one is paying any attention to him. He apparently fell down naked. 24 hours of classroom attendance.

Saul in Class

1.       All things work together for good. The Holy Spirit and the teaching of the Word restrains 3 companies of Saul’s soldiers and King Saul himself.

2.       David in his flight should have noted Rom. 8:28.

3.       David was delivered by Jonathan, and then by Michelle’s pseudo love, and this time by means of the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine.

4.       If a man’s love or a woman’s love did not convince David, then the love of God the Holy Spirit should have convinced him. This is the perfect combination of restrained. So restrained was the king that he removed all of his clothing.

5.       Saul was persuaded by Jonathan, deceived by Michel, and rendered helpless by the Holy Spirit, and held in place by Bible doctrine.

6.       For 24 hours, Saul was naked and helpless, and during this time, David made his 3rd flight and escaped.

7.       The David who leaves Ramah is not the same David.

8.       He is beginning to show restrained with...

9.       David ignored Rom. 8:28 in his deliverance.

The Jews had a marvelous sort of humor, and this is preserved in the Bible. They continually express this thought, “Is Saul also among the prophets?” They told this to their children and their children’s children. Saul took himself very seriously; all reversionists do. The song of David killing his 10's of thousands made Saul mad, because he took himself so seriously. He is now the biggest clown in Israel. Wherever he goes, people will look on Saul with this angry visage, in armor, and, they will remark to one another, “Is Saul among the prophets?” The idea is, they would look at him and say this, but think of him laying naked on the floor.

1Sam. 19:24 Saul then removed his clothes and also prophesied before Samuel; he collapsed and lay naked all that day and all that night. That is why they say, "Is Saul also among the prophets?"

David will now show his bitterness through what he says. David is all upset and he goes to Jonathan about it. He is being unjustly persecuted. No doubt about that. He is probably whining and his voice has gone up an octive or two. If you stay away from reversionism long enough, you will eventually get caught up with it all.

Jonathan is not a reversionist at this point.

David is bitter; a mental attitude sins. That is a sign of entering into reversionism. With Saul, it was jealousy; with David, it was bitterness. David lost his perspective of grace. David became a coward because he was not seeing doctrine from God’s viewpoint. People will die because of David’s reversionism. People will be hurt because of this reversionism. All that David had to do was recall Bible doctrine; to recall his anointing. He had to rmember that God tests every supergrace blessing. Under reversionism, David does not pass the adversity test. The supergrace believer should put it in the Lord’s hands. The reversionism believer will go to operation strap on as the 2nd stage. Then he goes to operation madman. Thousands will die; and operation madman will put his whole country at risk.

At this point, we pick up David’s 4th flight.

1Sam. 20:1 David fled from Naioth in Ramah and came to Jonathan and asked, "What have I done? What did I do wrong? How have I sinned against your father so that he wants to take my life?"

Jonathan said, definitely not. Jonathan is expressing the divine viewpoint that David ought to be thinking. He in his nobility. “My father is helpless on his own.” Jonathan will not assign to his father such a terrible thing. He cannot be persuaded that there is such a terrible danger. Saul told Jonathan that he would not kill David and Jonathan believes him. Reversionism changes people. What you are today, you will not be tomorrow. If your family ties are stronger than the Word of God, then you will go down with your family. Jonathan needed to separate from his family. Jesus said, “I have come to separate...” Family ties are not as important as the Word of God. There will bea time that will come when you must choose between your family and the Word of God. Death will be the result for the reversionist involved. Jonathan is blind to his father’s reversionism.

1Sam. 20:2 Jonathan said to him, "No, you won't die. Listen, my father doesn't do anything, great or small, without telling me. So why would he hide this matter from me? This can't be true."

David is still convinced that Saul is still determined to kill him. David wants to use their friendship to test Saul. He says, because of the friendship, Saul might not reveal this. This is a dialogue between 2 spiritually blinded people. Jonathan is blind with regards to his father. David is blind with regards to the power of God and the plan of God for his life. So we have the blind talking with the blind.

David is afraid of death at this moment, and he is normally not afraid of anything. David is so afraid now that he is running from death. He is in an almost psychopathic condition.

1Sam. 20:3 But David said, "Your father certainly knows that you have come to look favorably on me. He has said, 'Jonathan must not know of this, or else he will be grieved.'" David also swore, "As surely as the LORD lives and as you yourself live, there is but a step between me and death."

Jonathan tells David, whatever you ask me to do, I will do it. He has a true supergrace humility. Jonathan is a man with a great capacity for love. He is willing to accept the authority of David. However, he and David will soon be separated. However, after that, Jonathan will accept the authority of his father.

1Sam. 20:4 Jonathan said to David, "Whatever you say, I will do for you."

1Samuel  20:5-23                                 72David                                              631_0019

12/25/1972 Psalm 120:1-7 Doctrine of arrows

The New Moon feast occurred 12 times a year and animal sacrifices were offered followed by feasting. It lasted 1 to 2 days. Saul always specified 2 days. Worship on one day, then a banquet; and then on the 2nd day, social life and a banquet. It was a national holiday like Easter or Thanksgiving. It was all about God’s grace and God’s blessing for that month.

All of Saul’s officers were to meet with him on the feast day. David is expected and if he does not show, there is a problem. David asks permission to go and not attend; Jonathan will give him permission.

1Sam. 20:5 So David told him, "Look, tomorrow is the New Moon, and I'm supposed to sit down and eat with the king. Instead, let me go, and I'll hide in the field until the third night.

David is a supergrace believer and he is getting another believer to lie for him. That is not a good thing.

1Sam. 20:6 If your father misses me at all, say, 'David urgently requested my permission to quickly go to his town Bethlehem for an annual sacrifice there involving the whole clan.'

evil is doubled here.

1Sam. 20:7 If he says, 'Good,' then your servant is safe, but if he becomes angry, you will know he has evil intentions.

David is using the right vocabulary, but he is using it in the wrong way. When Jonathan went to his father and heard all of the wonderful things that David did, that was bonafide; however, after that a lie, that is a problem.

1Sam. 18:3 they entered into a covenant together as supergrace believers.

David tells Jonathan to kill him, himself; and this is strictly being childish. There is no grace here. A reversionistic believer has the vocabulary for awhile and this vocabulary is the last thing to go. This is strictly David’s energy of the flesh. People with the spiritual vocabulary sound right, but they are functioning in the energy of the flesh, and this vocabulary is misleading to others.

It is reasonable for David to be suspicious of Saul. He can still recognize character and correctly evaluate people. Psalm 8:4 In correctly reading Saul’s character, it is not necessary. Reversionistic believers do a right thing in a wrong way. They depend upon their own ability to handle a situation.

1Sam. 20:8 Deal faithfully with your servant, for you have brought me into a covenant before the LORD with you. If I have done anything wrong, then kill me yourself; why take me to your father?"

1Sam. 20:9 "No!" Jonathan responded. "If I ever find out my father has evil intentions against you, wouldn't I tell you about it?"

1Sam. 20:10 So David asked Jonathan, "Who will tell me if your father answers you harshly?"

Jonathan is making an oath to David. They go to a field. That is the importance of privacy. He emphasizes this by his actions.

1Sam. 20:11 He answered David, "Come on, let's go out to the field." So both of them went out to the field.

1Sam. 20:12 "By the LORD, the God of Israel, if I sound out [examined] my father by this time tomorrow or the next day and I find out that he is favorable toward you, and if I do not send for you and tell you,

Now the oath.

1Sam. 20:13 then may God punish Jonathan and do so severely. If my father intends to bring evil on you, then I will tell you, and I will send you away, and you will go in peace. May the LORD be with you, just as He was with my father.

The greatness of Jonathan. Jonathan is the crown prince. He is the successor of his father. But he does not quarrel with the plan of God.

1Sam. 20:14 If I continue to live, treat me [manufacture grace] with the LORD's grace, but if I die,


1.       Jonathan is saying that he will not quarrel with the plan of God, even though he will not receive an expected promotion. It takes a supergrace believer to adjust to a circumstance like this.

2.       Nor does Jonathan want David to kill him in order to take the crown. You don’t have to kill me to get the throne. God’s plan does not call for something to be accomplished in a wrong way. There is a right way and a wrong way to get there. Jonathan in his great nobility is teaching one of the great lessons in Scripture.

3.       This is a supergrace lesson that David takes to heart.

4.       He will be tempted to kill Saul, but he will remember not to force his own promotion. If David killed Jonathan and Saul to achieve the throne, he would be being pushy. If the Lord does not promote you, then you are not promoted. It does not matter to Bob if he has 1 or 1000 people. Bob has never gone anywhere in the last 10 years where the congregation was as large as Berachah. The problem is not numbers; it is just reaching others via face to face teaching. Many are spending Christmas in Houston. The numbers are not the issue. I have seen pushy people push themselves right off a cliff. Bob does not like pushy people.

5.       Furthermore, the Lord’s plan does not advance on human ability, human planning or human strength.

6.       So David will live by grace and spare the life of Saul as he would have spared the life of his dear friend Jonathan.

Jonathan turns this grace principle to his whole house. It is never God’s plan of grace for us to be advanced by the misery, unhappiness or disaster to someone else. If you are secretly jealous of someone, you are nowhere close to supergrace.

It is God’s purpose to remove the enemies of David. David will never lift a finger against anyone of the house of Saul. He will take in Mephibosheth who is lame. David functions as per Jonathan’s request here.


1.       Jonathan is supergrace capacity recognizes the future of the house of David. Here is Jonathan recognizing a point of doctrine. David is moving toward reversionism and he doesn’t even see this. Jonathan in supergrace can see this future.

2.       Therefore, in his own supergrace capacity, Jonathan declares peace between the dynasty of Saul and the house of David. His father declares war and he declares peace.

3.       Grace orientation understands the plan of God and understands it in the covenant of the next paragraph.

4.       The supergrace believer has the grace orientation and the application to step aside so that God’s man can come to the front.

5.       This is great nobility. It includes the relaxed mental attitude of supergrace. This believer recognizes the imporatnces of national prosperity over personal ambition.

6.       You cannot build your success, happiness and blessing upon the discomfort of others.

7.       Jonathan’s oath to David teaches the importance of the supergrace life, of grace orientation, the relaxed mental attitude of a man who is being set aside by God’s plan but moves along with God’s plan regardless. He is not unhappy; he is not falling apart. The plan of God of more important that Jonathan’s own personal ambitions.

8.       The difference between Saul and Jonathan at this time is the difference between reversionism and supergrace. Supergrace Jonathan is noble, magnanimous and self-effacing. Saul is petty.

1Sam. 20:15 don't ever withdraw your grace from my household--not even when the LORD cuts off every one of David's enemies from the face of the earth."

A covenant is cut into something like wood or metal so that it would last.

What Does it Mean?

1.       Jonathan sees that Saul’s dynasty is disinherited and replaced by David.

2.       Doctrine in the soul of Jonathan orients to the plan of God. David is in the ascendancy.

3.       Jonathan is supergrace is oriented to the fact that he will never be king in Israel.

4.       Consequently Jonathan in grace refuses to become the enemy of grace. He is the category #3 friend of David.

5.       Jonathan will not fight the Lord’s anointed. Jonathan should have separated from his family and put himself under David. David never got over the loss of Jonathan. He had a good chief of staff, but he never had a man he could depend upon like Jonathan. That is where he made his mistake.

6.       “So the Lord seek vengeance at the hand of David.” God would seek the destruction of David’s enemies, but Jonathan would not be one of them.

7.       Jonathan refuses to allow personal amibition to make him the enemy of God’s plan of grace.

8.       Therefore, Jonathan is taking a permanent grace stand even though this will costs him the throne. This will cost him his life since he does not separate from his father.

1Sam. 20:16 Then Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, "May the LORD hold David's enemies accountable."

An additional oath and this is because he loved him. Qal perfect of ahab; he loved him as his own soul.

1Sam. 20:17 Jonathan once again swore to David in his love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.

The message of the 3 arrows. Jonathan was going to use the arrows to warn David. David used this for the rest of his life.

The Doctrine of the Arrows

1.       David never forgot; he is a personal witness to this great supergrace believer, Jonathan. After this arrow warning, David was always impressed with arrows, which is seen in certain psalms. 5:13 21:12 45:5 57:4 58:7 64:3 144:6 every time that David alludes to an arrow, he is paying a high tribute to the dearest friend that he had.

2.       David uses the arrows for national disciplne. Deut. 32:42 maybe Jonathan had it in mind that the house of Saul was leading to national disciplne.

3.       More personal to David; arrows were used for divine discipline. Psalm 38:2

4.       Because this parting with Jonathan was a great tragedy in his lifle, h also associated arrows with disaster. Job 6:4

5.       David also remembered the danger involved, so he used the arrows to refer to sudden danger. Psalm 91:5 David was life few people in history. Terrible, sins of the tongue. Jer. 9:8 Prove 25:18

6.       Used to portray children. Posam 127:4–5 Jonathan’s surviving children were protected for the rest of their lives.

1Sam. 20:18 Then Jonathan said to him, "Tomorrow is the New Moon; you'll be missed because your seat will be empty.

The arrows portrayed in this paragraph are literal arrows.

1Sam. 20:19 The following day hurry down and go to the place where you hid on the day this incident began and stay beside the rock Ezel.

1Sam. 20:20 I will shoot three arrows beside it as if I'm aiming at a target.

1Sam. 20:21 Then I will send the young man and say, 'Go and find the arrows!' Now, if I expressly say to the young man, 'Look, the arrows are on this side of you--get them,' then come, because as the LORD lives, it is safe for you and there is no problem.

1Sam. 20:22 But if I say this to the youth: 'Look, the arrows are beyond you!' then go, for the LORD is sending you away.

1Sam. 20:23 As for the matter you and I have spoken about, the LORD will be a witness between you and me forever."

it is much better to treat those whom you love as good as possible so that you will never have any regrets. This will be David’s reversionism recovery.

Psalm 120:1 A song of ascents. In my distress [adversity] I called [cried aloud] to the LORD, and He answered me:

David met many people who tried to strap it on him. He compared them to Jonathan, who’s honest and nobility was a wonderful thing. You cannot always tell when people are lying. This is the worst bunch of malarkey in the world. Don’t think you are detecting a lie; this works on kids.

Psalm 120:2 "LORD, deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue."

David always went back and recalled his fiend the crown prince shooting arrows into the field.

Psalm 120:3 What will He give you, and what will He do to you, you deceitful tongue?

Sharp arrows always means the weapons are kept ready. Hot coals here are used for torture. The nobility of the son Jonathan. The burning coals of the broom.

Psalm 120:4 A warrior's sharp arrows, with burning charcoal!

The flight of David. He had to live like an Arab.

Psalm 120:5 What misery that I have stayed in Meshech, that I have lived among the tents of Kedar!

David left the presence of Jonathan as a reversionist.



Psalm 120:6 I have lived too long with those who hate peace.

The attitude of reversionism and the attitude of grace. There are some people to whom you may be attracted, but because of implacability in their souls, they can never be gotten along with. If you are smart, avoid implacable people. Their implaccabililty precludes any bonafide relationship.

Psalm 120:7 I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

1Samuel 20:24–21:2            4th flight of David 72David                             631_0020

American youth is not crazy about going to war; and only if there is light at the end of the tunnel. We had people who raped and robbed under duty.

We are going to pick this up at v. 30.

1Sam. 20:24 So David hid in the field. At the New Moon, the king sat down to eat the meal.

1Sam. 20:25 He sat at his usual place on the seat by the wall. Jonathan sat facing him and Abner took his place beside Saul, but David's place was empty.

1Sam. 20:26 Saul did not say anything that day because he thought, "Something unexpected has happened; he must be ceremonially unclean--yes, that's it, he is unclean."

1Sam. 20:27 However, the day after the New Moon, the second day, David's place was still empty, and Saul asked his son Jonathan, "Why didn't Jesse's son come to the meal either yesterday or today?"

1Sam. 20:28 Jonathan answered, "David asked for my permission to go to Bethlehem.

1Sam. 20:29 He said, 'Please let me go because our clan is holding a sacrifice in the town, and my brother has told me to be there. So now, if you are pleased with me, let me go so I can see my brothers.' That's why he didn't come to the king's table."

There is all kinds of insults and vindictive in this verse. Saul’s anger became intensified against Jonathan.

Saul’s Insult of Jonathan

1.       When the insult is offered to the mother, that is much greater an insult on the son.

2.       Saul ascribes to Jonathan his own condition. Rebellion and rejection of authority. This is Saul’s condition. This is all his frame of reference has in it. In reversionism, you are unable to go beyond your frame of reference. No one ever exceeds his own frame of reference when in reversionism.

3.       The reversionism believer judges one by his own standards. He judges everyone else by his own norms and standards.

4.       It is Saul who is rebellious and reversionistic and he applies these words to his own supergrace son.

5.       Mental attitude sins are ascribed to Jonathan. Anger is a complex that leads to implacability. There is also jealousy expressed.

bosheth is the object of the preposition and this refers to one’s own shame and the shame of his mother’s nakedness.

The Second Insult

1.       Copulation that refers to Jonathan.

2.       It is making the statement that it would have been better than Jonathan’s mother did not engage in the sex act that conceived Jonathan.

3.       This sex act is now considered to be an act of shame.

4.       Saul’s reversionism shames his own marital sexual anastomosis.

5.       Reversionism casts shame on all normal and beautiful relationships.

1Sam. 20:30 Then Saul became angry with Jonathan and shouted, "You son of a perverse and rebellious [woman]! Don't I know that you are siding with Jesse's son to your own shame and to the disgrace of your mother?

There is seizing here with great violence. David is doomed to die and Saul’s entire policy is to kill him. His policy is to make sure that David dies. He is already sentenced to death.

Things Which Saul Has Forgotten

1.        However, Saul has forgotten that, if God does not promote you, then you are not promoted. If Jonathan was to succeed his father, then it has to be in the plan of God.

2.       You cannot bypass the Lord’s man, which is David. David can’t either.

3.       You cannot knock down what God has set up.

Saul’s reversionism is now obvious to Jonathan.

1Sam. 20:31 Every day Jesse's son lives on earth you and your kingship are not secure. Now send for him and bring him to me--he deserves to die."

1Sam. 20:32 Jonathan answered his father back: "Why is he to be killed? What has he done?"

this takes place in front of all the generals and all of the family.

1Sam. 20:33 Then Saul threw his spear at Jonathan to kill him, so he knew that his father was determined to kill David.

Jonathan has great capacity, but he is unable to eat due to what took place.

We have already taken up the doctrine of the arrows and the psalm of the arrows.

1Sam. 20:34 He got up from the table in fierce anger and did not eat any food that second day of the New Moon, for he was grieved because of his father's shameful behavior toward David.

1Sam. 20:35 In the morning Jonathan went out to the field for the appointed meeting with David. A small young man was with him.

1Sam. 20:36 He said to the young man, "Run and find the arrows I'm shooting." As the young man ran, Jonathan shot an arrow beyond him.

1Sam. 20:37 He came to the location of the arrow that Jonathan had shot, but Jonathan called to him and said, "The arrow is beyond you, isn't it?"

1Sam. 20:38 Then Jonathan called to him, "Hurry up and don't stop!" Jonathan's young man picked up the arrow and returned to his master.

1Sam. 20:39 He did not know anything; only Jonathan and David knew the arrangement.

1Sam. 20:40 Then Jonathan gave his equipment to the young man who was with him and said, "Go, take it back to the city."

this will be a category 3 farewell. This is the highest honor one could give to another; bowing 3x to the ground. David recognized in Jonathan the greatest nobleman that had been seen.

This is a kiss of honor which is done at this time. The only general who has done this recognition of greatness would be General Patton, and he has kissed great military men on the cheek. It would never would be done by anyone.

The homosexuals ought to be wiped out. They ruin everything.

We cannot be critical of this verse. Some of us will never have true capacity for love. This is one of the great category #3 friendships of all time. There is nothing queer about this. They had a relationship that was wonderful and fine and it will never be the same after this. David will go into reversionism and Jonathan will stay in reversionism; and David will recover and Jonathan will go into reversionism, insofar as we know.

David here became the greater. This is the saddest thing that can be said for this great and noble person, Jonathan.

Some of you are filled with prissy ideas and David is too much for you. David rebounded and went into reversionism recovery and came back.

The extent to which you fail is the extent to which you have guilt reaction. Breast-beating belongs to the devil; you learn about breast-beating about penance from religion. Some of us have a very serious problem when getting to supergrace.

When Bob was saved, he was taken to a Bible school and his friend changed dramatically when on campus. It was phony. He spotted it right away. 99% of all preachers are prissy.

1Sam. 20:41 When the young man had gone, David got up from the south side of the stone Ezel, fell with his face to the ground, and bowed three times. Then he and Jonathan kissed each other and wept with each other, though David wept more.

We’re going to take up about 10 psalms throughout the rest of 1Samuel. David, in practice, understood grace more than anyone else, including Paul.

David’s failures were spectacular, but he was still a grace man.

Jonathan gives the command, “Go in the prosperity that the two of us have pledged in the name of the Lord.”

Jonathan recognizes that the Messiah, the future king, would come through David. Jehovah is coming in David’s line, is what this statement means. Jehovah is coming from the tribe of Judah and not from the tribe of Benjamin.

1Sam. 20:42 Jonathan then said to David, "Go in the assurance [prosperity (remembering)] the two of us pledged in the name of the LORD when we said: The LORD will be a witness between you and me and between my offspring and your offspring forever." Then David left, and Jonathan went into the city.

Now we move into operation strap-on. This will be a flight to the most significant city of that time. It was his intention and idea to go here and he made a direct trip to that place. This city was within sight of Jerusalem. Isa. Passage and Neh. 11:32 you could look down from Nob and see Jerusalem. Since the fall of Shiloh and the Philistines had been so successful, the Tabernacle and priests were moved to Nob.

1Sam. 21:1 David went to Ahimelech the priest at Nob. Ahimelech was afraid to meet David, so he said to him, "Why are you alone and no one is with you?"

This event occurred about 1010 b.c. It is unusual for someone to show up alone to a meeting like this. Ahimelech was afraid, and he showed it outwardly. It is very odd for David to show up alone. Ahimelech is alarmed that there is no military accompaniment. David has come alone, and he will talk about his men as though he is leading a reconnaissance patrol.

David Begins to Lie, Which Is a Sign That He Is Lying.

1.       He has broken up his troops and has them stationed here and there; and this is an out-and-out lie.

2.       The king has not sent him on a mission and there are no men with him. The king sent him on a mission with troops scattered all over; and this is exactly the opposite of what is true. Some strap on artists like to have some truth and some lies. A half-truth is just as much a lie. When David tells a lie, he is not even subtle.

1Sam. 21:2 David answered Ahimelech the priest, "The king gave me a mission [a top secret], but he told me, 'Don't let anyone know anything about the mission I'm sending you on or what I have ordered you to do.' I have stationed my young men at a certain place.

He tells the priest that his men have been broken down into various groups and that is why David is alone.

1Samuel 21:3-10 22:6–22        72David 12/27/1972                                    631_0021

The shewbread caper; David’s fifth flight

David has already implied that he has an entire patrol with him and that they are scattered throughout the countryside for recon. David is trying to scrounge up enough food to carry him. He needs food and he needs weapons.

Because of the lies, we know that David is no longer depending upon God, but upon his own wits and his lies. David has learned a lot from Samuel and from Nathan; and he has forgotten that God’s plan for his life calls for him to be king. He needs to stay in God’s will. Almost overnight, he became a great professional soldier. Even though Saul is trying to remove him, God promotes or demotes and there is nothing that we can do about it.

1Sam. 21:3 Now what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread or whatever can be found."

The priest has no reason to distrust David. He was taken aback by David coming alone and David asking for these consecrated loaves.


1.       This is shewbread and it does not connote the true facts of the table of shewbread. Ex. 25 Lev. 34

2.       The table was made of acacia wood overlaid with gold. Humanity and deity. Jesus Christ as God has all of the attributes of God. It is impossible for Him to go to the cross and die for the sins of the world. David knew about this table. He had studied the Old Testament.

3.       The bread on the table; 12 loaves, one for each tribe, speaks of Jesus Christ as the sustainer of all of the tribes. This is the principles of the edification complex of the soul.

4.       Doctrine is the thinking of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a type of the sustaining ministry and the capacity of the Holy Spirit.

5.       The priest held in his hand the Shewbread; the bread of His Person; the bread of His face.

6.       The bread was being removed because it was food for the priests. Lepers were not to eat. This represents sin and reversionism.

7.       David was a spiritual leper so he could not eat the bread.

8.       When the His plan mentions the bread of existence, this is the first of 3 warnings.

David now speaks of a patrol which does not exist. Ahimelech believes that these will be the rations for the patrol. You cannot eat the bread if you are fornicated or had legitimate sex.


1.       To be guarded from women means no fornication. This breaks down the analogy with Israel and God.


3.       Shewbread had been on the table; the supergrace believer is occupation with Christ.

4.       Fornication illustrates reversionism.

5.       You cannot eat bread that illustrates supergrace and at the same time engage in fornication which represents fornication and reversionism. So Ahimelech has to be careful here

1Sam. 21:4 The priest told him, "There is no ordinary bread on hand. However, there is consecrated bread, but the young men may eat it only if they have kept themselves from women."

David continues to pretend that he has a group of men with him. Now David is speaking of legitimate sex. A married man could not eat the shewbread is he has sex within 3 days. Ex. 19:15

so why does David get so far off as to discuss vessels here?

David is a desperate cornered animal. He looks for food and a weapon. He is an animal.

1Sam. 21:5 David answered him, "I swear that women are being kept from us, as always when I go out to battle. The young men's bodies [genitals] are consecrated [set apart to God] even on an ordinary mission, so of course their bodies [genitals] are consecrated today."

The Tabernacle is the secret place. The bread is the common way and it is common bread from the secret place. Ahimelech has just stepped out of the Tabernacle. Since it is outside of the Tabernacle, the bread is common, which is David’s reasoning.

David will eat the bread, but out of fellowship.

1Sam. 21:6 So the priest gave him the consecrated bread, for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence [Faces] that had been removed from before the LORD. When the bread was removed, it had been replaced with warm bread.

Doeg will not travel on the Sabbath day, even though he is in reversionism. He is a cabinet member, not a shepherd.

1Sam. 21:7 One of Saul's servants [from the staff of Saul], [being] detained before the LORD, was there that day. His name was Doeg the Edomite, chief of Saul's shepherds.

David will get his 3rd and last warning. David now seeks weapons. He is paying no attention to the plan of God. He is depending upon human ingenuity.

1Sam. 21:8 David said to Ahimelech, "Do you have a spear or sword on hand? I didn't even bring my sword or my weapons since the king's mission was urgent."

This is the 3rd warning. The colors of the ephod all represent something. The gold is His deity, the scarlet is the work on the cross and the purple His royalty. This indicates that Jesus Christ controls history.

David taking this sword is not the same David who took this sword from Goliath scabbard and stabbed him. When Goliath wore the sword, he was a reversionistic unbeliever. It did him no good. So the sword will no good for David. The safety is in the soul. It did not protect Goliath and it will not protect David.

1Sam. 21:9 The priest replied, "The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed in the valley of Elah, is here, wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod. If you want to take it for yourself, then take it, for there isn't another one here." "There's none like it!" David said. "Give it to me."

The worst place for David to go to with Goliath’s sword is Gath.


1.       In reversionism, David flees to the enemies of Israel. Reverse process reversionism.

2.       He tries to make friends with his enemies and attempts to make enemies of his friends. Reversionism is flighty and inconsistent.

3.       Only God can untangle the knot of reversionism.

4.       David in supergrace was not afraid of anything; not the lion, the bear, Saul, or Goliath. He is now afraid of death.

5.       He is afraid of people, afraid of death and afraid of life.

6.       Reversionism changes believers for the worst.

7.       Gath is the hometown of Goliath and he was their hometown hero until he was killed by David. Gath is the place where the people would like to destroy David.

1Sam. 21:10 David fled that day from Saul's presence [face of Saul] and went to King Achish of Gath.

Saul is very careful and his staff is made up of Benjamites. He is reminding the members of his cabinet....

1Sam. 22:6 Saul heard that David and his men had been discovered. At that time Saul was in Gibeah, sitting under the tamarisk tree at the high place. His spear was in his hand, and all his servants were standing around him.

He bribes those below him to get loyalty.

1Sam. 22:7 Saul said to his servants, "Listen, men of Benjamin: Is Jesse's son going to give all of you fields and vineyards? Do you think he'll make all of you commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds?

Saul then complains that no one told him that David and Jonathan are friends. And he is concerned that people do not feel sorry enough for him. He thinks that David is going to ambush him. Saul has an entire army; David is alone; and he is worried that David will ambush him.

1Sam. 22:8 That's why all of you have conspired against me! Nobody tells me when my own son makes a covenant with Jesse's son. None of you cares about me or tells me that my son has stirred up my own servant to wait in ambush for me, as is the case today."

Saul gets one man to stand up and speak.

1Sam. 22:9 Then Doeg the Edomite, who was in charge of Saul's servants, answered: "I saw Jesse's son come to Ahimelech son of Ahitub at Nob.

1Sam. 22:10 Ahimelech inquired of the LORD for him and gave him provisions. He also gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine."

1Sam. 22:11 The king sent messengers to summon Ahimelech the priest, son of Ahitub, and his father's whole family, who were priests in Nob. All of them came to the king.

1Sam. 22:12 Then Saul said, "Listen, son of Ahitub!" "I'm at your service, my lord," he said.

1Sam. 22:13 Saul asked him, "Why did you and Jesse's son conspire against me? You gave him bread and a sword and inquired of God for him, so he could rise up against me and wait in ambush, as is the case today."

1Sam. 22:14 Ahimelech replied to the king: "Who among all your servants is as faithful as David? He is the king's son-in-law, captain of your bodyguard, and honored in your house.

1Sam. 22:15 Was today the first time I inquired of God for him? Of course not! Please don't let the king make an accusation against your servant or any of my father's household, for your servant didn't have any idea about all this."

1Sam. 22:16 But the king said, "You will die, Ahimelech--you and your father's whole family!"

Jumped to here. There is a order to the military to attack the priests. Doeg has a small army with him and Doeg did not kill all of the priests; but he and his henchmen killed the priests

1Sam. 22:17 Then the king ordered the guards standing by him, "Turn and kill the priests of the LORD because they sided with David. For they knew he was fleeing, but they didn't tell me." But the king's servants would not lift a hand to execute the priests of the LORD.

They killed everyone there.

1Sam. 22:18 So the king said to Doeg, "Go and execute the priests!" So Doeg the Edomite went and executed the priests himself. On that day, he killed 85 men who wore linen ephods.

1Sam. 22:19 He also struck down Nob, the city of the priests, with the sword--both men and women, children and infants, oxen, donkeys, and sheep.

1Sam. 22:20 However, one of the sons of Ahimelech son of Ahitub escaped. His name was Abiathar, and he fled to David.

Abiathar comes to David.

1Sam. 22:21 Abiathar told David that Saul had killed the priests of the LORD.

David knew that Doeg would tell Saul. David is recovering, taking full responsibility for his failure.

1Sam. 22:22 Then David said to Abiathar, "I knew that Doeg the Edomite was there that day and that he was sure to report to Saul. I myself am responsible for the lives of everyone in your father's family.

1Sam. 22:23 Stay with me. Don't be afraid, for the one who wants to take my life wants to take your life. You will be safe with me."


1.       Because of David’s lying, 85 priests and their women and children killed.

2.       Saul’s own soldiers would not participate.

3.       Doeg had his own private army. He oversaw and executed the massacre.

4.       Saul in reversionism ordered the killing of everyone there.

5.       Note the inconsistency of Saul. Saul was told to kill and enemy king and he refused; and now, he is killing everyone.

6.       One live from reversionistic David and a great slaughter is the result.

The psalm of Doeg the Edomite tomorrow night.

1Samuel 21 Psalm 52:1–9                  72David                                              631_0022

12/28/1972 Doeg’s reversion and destruction

All we have is this psalm which tells us about Doeg.

Psalm 52 inscription For the choir director. A Davidic Maskil. When Doeg the Edomite went and reported to Saul, telling him, "David went to Ahimelech's house."

He boasts of this massacre. He thought was was a great thing.

Doeg attacks the Levitical priesthood. The priests taught the written word and they taught through ritual. The Shewbread spoke of the various of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 52:1 Why brag about evil, you hero! God's faithful love is constant [grace continues all the day].


1.       Operation grace excludes boasting in the human race

2.       Doeg regards himself as a hero. Reversionism creates pseudo heros.

3.       Doeg as a reversionism takes his lead from his master Saul. Reversionism is like a disease; it spread. Association with a reversionism moves you into reversionism. Jonathan with all his great nobility will still go down with his father. Reversionism is a sinking ship and everyone associated with King Saul would go down with him. Jonathan had 2 opportunities to break away, but he failed to do so. You cannot continue to associate with reversionism without falling prey to it.

4.       There is only one celebrity in life and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.

5.       This is only understood through grace.

6.       While Doeg continues to be filled with pride, the grace of God continues on the earth. Supergrace believers perpetuate God’s grace from day to day. This is where you live the normal Christian life. His compassions fail not; the grace of God continues every day; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Knocking discipline is the first stage of discipline; then there is intensive discipline, which requires repentance, rebound and gap; then dying discipline.

There will be a gathering at the cave of Addullem and bevy of supergrace believers. Great Bible teachers and 3 psalms based upon this meeting. 400 men came to the cave of Adullam, not all at one time, and David put together a small army out of them. They became the great military men of that day. Bible doctrine pulled them out of the doldrums and they became the great soldiers of their day. Under the principle of supergrace, God is looking for supergrace believers with supergrace capacity. It is God’s desire to give; God’s character to give. God cannot bless those who are not in supergrace. God wants to advance men in their profession. He has many wonderful things for the men in supergrace.


7.       Grace is the only basis for being a true hero. “Why do you board in yourself, O hero; grace of God continues all the day.

8.       Doeg has not basis for boasting. David will return to grace, and we will see what Doeg is really like.

The first problem was Doeg’s tongue. He tongue devised mischief. Doeg would destroy the entire city of Nob.

You cannot build your happiness on top of someone else’s unhappiness. When you cross the reversionist, then he looks to cause you harm.

Doeg knew that Saul’s one ambition in life is to wipe out David. The sharpened razor is Doeg; and King Saul is the one sharpening the razor.

Psalms are simple to those who have no concept. They are actually very difficult.

Psalm 52:2 Like a sharpened razor, your tongue devises destruction [purposes or plots destruction or catastrophes], working treachery [like a sharpened razor].

V. 3 will describe any believer in reversionism. Doeg, when he tells the truth, he would rather tell a lie. Such people always tell a lie when the truth would be easier. They lie for fun. They start this way in life. They are very two-faced in life. Their whole life becomes a lie.

Psalm 52:3 You love evil instead of good, lying instead of speaking truthfully. Selah

One more verse on the indictment of Doeg and his life. All devouring words refers to destruction. Saul ordered the execution of all the priests and Ahimelech.

Men become very feminine and women become very bitchy.

Psalm 52:4 You love any words that destroy, you treacherous tongue [tongue of deceit]!

The word used here is to tear down a building over a long period of time. It is tearing down a building brick by brick. Someday, you will wake up and find yourself dying of reversionism. Doeg went a brick at a time.

Psalm 52:5 This is why God will bring you down forever [and there is no return; He will tear you down bit by bit, and it is permanent]. He will take you [pick you up and shake you], ripping you out of your tent [from your dwelling place]; He will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah

the righteous are those who gathered at the cave of Addullem. These are supergrace believers. Everyone in the land will see Doeg go down. They will look on with awe based upon what God has done to him. The reversionist takes himself very seriously; so the worst thing you can do to a reversionist is to laugh at him. Doeg is being made fun of while he is dying.

Psalm 52:6 The righteous will look on with awe and will ridicule him:

behold the mighty warrior who did not make God his fortification. This is going all the way to the edification complex. Doeg is a reversionist and this describes a reversionist.

Instead, he depends upon the abundance of his own riches; having confidence in his own riches. Saul reward Doeg for what he had done. He depended upon the multiplication of his wealth. He tried to make himself strong, and this is why they laughed. He tried to make himself strong based upon the destruction of Nob. He tried to ingratiate himself to Saul.

He tried to build his whole life on the destruction of others. This is also a violation of privacy and the doctrine of live and let live.

Psalm 52:7 "Here is the man who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, taking refuge in his destructive behavior."

The supergrace response is now give; David now refrains from personally going after Doeg. He had some bave and reckless men. He could have gone after them at any time. David puts all of this in the hands of God.

The green olive tree is a symbol of great prosperity. SPQR established the wreath as a symbol of prosperity. David is in supergrace status when he writes this. In contrast to Doeg and Saul, he is a mature believer. David is prosperous on the basis of Bible doctrine in his soul. Doctrine is the one thing that Doeg could not destroy. The doctrinal content of the Tabernacle had been transferred to David’s soul and it could not be destroyed. All the days of Solomon’s life, he had things. He was one of the wealthiest men in the world. But he inherited this from his supergrace father.

Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes because he inherited all of this weath from God. David had more doctrine in his soul than almost anyone who ever lived, except for Jeremiah or Paul. God wants to take some believer and give him a billion dollars. Doctrine is the foundation. The Tabernacle was still standing at Nob. However, the teachers were dead. David’s prosperity was planted in Bible doctrine.

Doeg has Bible doctrine in his soul.

Bob goes to 2Sam. 12 and Nathan calling David on his sins. David, no matter what is was in life, God would give it to him. God’s attitude toward a supergrace believer is to give David whatever it is that he wanted. Under supergrace, there is nothing that God will not give. Capacity resides in the soul.

Psalm 52:8 But I am like a flourishing olive tree in the house of God; I trust in God's faithful love [grace] forever and ever.

David’s conclusion. He is caused to praise God forever. The supergrace believer cannot do anything else. As a supergrace believer, he is occupied with the Person of Christ. The Qal perfect indicates that this was accomplished in eternity past. God’s omniscience and perfect wisdom knew all about David. In the proper time in history, God knew all that David would do. God does not always bless every supergrace believer in the same way. God blessed Paul with the most doctrine of anyone in history. Paul did not have a lot of money or his rw or other things which we would associate with happiness; but he had great happiness.

David established the standards for kingship from thereon. If he was a good king, then he was like his father David; a bad king; he was unlike his father David. Most people are too damned unstable. They blow strong for awhile and then cold for awhile. It is just pitiful. Some of you are going more than you are coming.

Solomon was considered the richest man, but he inherited all of this. Solomon had to have the same doctrinal capacity in order to enjoy all the David left him.

People cannot even begin to imagine. A man who has everything, and if you knew David, you would not even bother to send him a birthday card. He had the capacity to enjoy these things. Most military generals are not great lovers. David had everything. He was the greatest king. No one sat on the throne as great as David.

The smartest tihng Solomon did was threaten to cut a baby in two with a knife. Now, there is nothing wrong with inheritance. The problem is, you need capacity to go with it. Most men who will leave a lot of money with their kids, but they have neglected to prepare their souls for real wealth. Their kids are spoiled in their souls. David prepared his son, and he learned and then he went astray. David was a better military man and a better love and he did not run around and talk about these things.

Psalm 52:9 I will praise You forever for what You have done. In the presence of Your faithful people [supergrace believers], I will put my hope in Your name, for it is good.

David retained supergrace friends long past Doeg passing from the scene.

1Samuel 21:11–15                               72David                                              631_0023

12/29/1972 Ps. 34:1-7 David in Gath; Angel of the Lord

David will move into operation madman. Rulers of the Roman empire were called Cæsar. Czars and tyrants as well. King and empower. Abimelech is the title of the rulers of the ancient city states. This one has the name Achish, and he has a marvelous sense of humor.

The gossip in the court of Gath has more faith in David they keep responding one to another.

Some cornball song leader, who has the men sing one set of lilnes and femails the other set. As soon as David is locked in the city, he realizes that he is in the wrong place.

1Sam. 21:11 But Achish's servants said to him, "Isn't this David, the king of the land? Don't they sing about him during their dances: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands?"

The adverb very and to fear. David realized that he had screwed up.

David in Gath.

1.       Reversionism David fled from Saul because of Saul’s anger and implacability. \

2.       David figured that a change of environment would solve his problems. But we take us to the environment. We will never solve our problems by simply a new environment.

3.       David was afraid of Saul and now he is afraid of Achish, king of Gath.

4.       Fear must have an object, so this object of fear changed.

5.       The principle: change of environment does not change one’s problems; just the intake of doctrine. The changes must occur in the soul. Some come to Houston, and they say it is for doctrine, but they are looking for a change and a solution. There is no solution in that manner.

6.       The only solution is Bible doctrine in the soul.

7.       A reversionist is always upset by someone. They can always find a reason. The person may vary, but the anger remains constant. Saul immediately becomes upset. If the change is not wrought in the soul, then there is no hope..

1Sam. 21:12 David took this to heart and became very afraid of King Achish of Gath,

If you are really in a jam, then you have to pretend something which does not exist. This illustration may fit, so play poker. If things are going bad for you, you can pretend to be ill, to have a delicate heart condition, etc. Some women may use this method. David is a man about to lose his life, insofar as he is concerned. David knew a custom of the Greek peoples. Bob has established that the Philistines are Greeks, and they have interseting customs. The individual combat idea belongs to all of the Greek races. They always had certain customs. When a person went mad in the ancient world, the Greeks took the position that such men are being dealt with by the God. This is found in Homer and Casandrra was afflicted by madness. The Philistines are Greeks. They follow the same customs exactly. David will change his behavior from a hero-warrior to a madman.

David altered his behavior and pretended insanity in their custody. He had been brought into the king and the king was going to determine how to execute him. Tawa means that David began to scratch on the walls. He cause spittle to fall down his mouth.

1Sam. 21:13 so he pretended to be insane in their presence. He acted like a madman around them, scribbling on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard.

Achish observes that David is behaving like a madman.

1Sam. 21:14 "Look! You can see the man is crazy," Achish said to his servants. "Why did you bring him to me?

Deficient of manmen am I? “Say, fellows, I can’t use another madman on my staff; all of those positions are filled. Should I employ another madman?” Those staffing positions have been filled.

1Sam. 21:15 Do I have such a shortage of crazy people that you brought this one to act crazy around me? Is this one going to come into my house?"

David will recover from this stint of reversionism.

1Sam. 23:1 It was reported to David: "Look, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and raiding the threshing floors."

Why Are They Attacking?

1.       The Philistines were restrained because David was in the land. But now, he is nuts, so they know they can attack.


3.       You have to remember the Philistines are Greeks and a warrior race. These Greeks are just like the Spartans; they think that agriculture is below them. Farming belongs to slaves and conquered people; and that no decent Greek would be involved in it. They are to eat, breed, and talk about the last campaign that they were on.

4.       Farming was considered work for women and slaves. Grain was one of the basic commodities. They fought many wars over grain. Let someone else grow the crops and we will come and take them. They were great seafarers and went all over the world via ships.

5.       Keilah was a grain town. Joshua 15

6.       It was the center of grain industry.

7.       This town was the #1 target for the Philistines because they need grain badly. David’s feigned madness caused these Philistines to decide to attack the Jews.

This psalm is written about this incident.

Psalm 34 inscriptions By David when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech; Abimelech threw him out, so David left

This is set up alphabetically.

Psalm 34:1 I will thank the LORD at all times. My mouth will always praise him.

The house file. David’s soul would boast about the Lord. Same verb as feigning madness, but in a different stem.

The time is coming, and it will be about 6 years; and there will be a lot of fighting and problems, but when David reaches supergrace, David will gather up all the oppressed. There will be a new birth of freedom.

Psalm 34:2 My soul will boast [celebrate] about the LORD. Those who are oppressed will hear it and rejoice.

David looks out at his army of 400 or 600. Many will become generals. When you plow and break open the ground, the seed dies, but then it sprouts up and grows. Under the tyranny of Saul, the Jews were oppressed in nearly every way.

David is saying that some would die when purchasing their freedom. He is speaking to his men of 400 and he loves these men. You have a tremendous espritdecorp with these men. There will be none of this bury the dead stuff. They will hit and run, hit and run; and many of these men would give their lives for freedom. David knows that many of these men would die.

God never gave these things to David until he was ready. Some of you are hipped to the opposite sex that you are spending all of your time chasing after your rm or rw. When you chase after the Lord, then these things are added to you.

When you believed in Jesus Christ, you did not know that this was something that you could not get out of.

If God dropped a billion dollars into everyone’s lap, then they might not show up again. There are a lot of people who will never reach supergrace; the dumb butts of Christianity. They might see in you someone to ride along with. Humble is the jackass, the idiot, the fool.

It was in the last century and the early part of this century that the groundwork was laid for the welfare state of today.

Psalm 141:7 As someone plows and breaks up the ground, so our bones will be planted at the mouth of the grave.

The rest are not covered?

Psalm 141:8 My eyes look to you, LORD Almighty. I have taken refuge in you. Do not leave me defenseless.

Psalm 141:9 Keep me away from the trap they set for me and from the traps set by troublemakers.

Psalm 141:10 Let wicked people fall into their own nets, while I escape unharmed.

There is the word humble here?

The supergrace believer is assigned to greatness.

Psalm 34:3 Praise the LORD'S greatness with me. Let us highly honor his name together.

Darash means to beat a path; to go down a road so often that you wear a path there.

David was delivered from the persecution of Saul. David has a perspective of life. They go to the Lord and look with pleasure toward Him.

Psalm 34:4 I went to the LORD for help. He answered me and rescued me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:5 All who look to him will be radiant. Their faces will never be covered with shame.

The poor man is the afflicted or the wretched. When David was thrown out of the gates of Gath, he realized how much he had screwed up. He took himself to this place and God will take him back. God then delivered him from his afflictions. This poor man is David at the bottom of his reversionism. We have no narrative to exactly what happened.

The people will gather to David because he is a new person.

Psalm 34:6 Here is a poor man who called out. The LORD heard him and saved [delivered] him from all his troubles.

Someone met David and the Angel of the Lord surrounded David, when he was at the lowest ebb of his life.

The Angel of the Lord

1.       Gen. 16 He is called Adonai Jehovah. 22 31 48 Ex. 3

2.       He is the member of the Godhead who always appears.

3.       He is distinct from the other members of the Trinity. He is distinct from Jehovah. Gen. 24:7 Num. Isa. 63:9

4.       Jesus Christ is the only minefest person of the Godhead. The angel of Jehovah disappears after the incarnation. The Angel of the Lord and Jesus are both sent by God the Father.

David is thrown out of Gath at this low point.

To bivouac; Jesus Christ was David’s military camp. This is what protected David. During this entire time, which was a few months. During the time, Jesus Christ re-taught these doctrines to David and he came back into spiritual maturity. Jesus Christ was seated at the right hand of the father. There must be somewhere under the teaching of the Word of God. You must take in doctrine to recover from reversionism.

God heard him and delivered him from all of his distresses. God bivouacs around those who respect His authority. He delivers these from danger.

Psalm 34:7 The Messenger of the LORD camps around those who fear him, and he rescues them.

A 10 minutes break and a 2nd session on the rest of this psalm.

1Samuel 22 Psalm 34:7-22               72David                                              631_0024

12/29/1972 Doctrine of refuge, training, respect, and deliverance

Psalm 34:7 The Messenger of the LORD camps around those who fear him, and he rescues them.

This happened to David, but also to Abraham, Isaac and even to Ishmael. David is one of many who has been in supergrace and has gone into reversionism and repented where Jesus Christ Himself went into action to bring that person back. There is the principle of authority.

Qal imperative begins this verse and tasting here means to gap it. David is back in supergrace so that he says blessed, which means happinesses. Taking refuge is to flee like a rabbit from a cayote and to find a clef tof a rock to stay in, that the cayote cannot get into.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him.

There is no deficiency to them who take in His Word.

Psalm 34:9 Fear the LORD, you holy people who belong to him. Those who fear him are never in need.

Young lion is analogous to human power and human strength and human ability. You should not depend upon human power, human plan, human promises, etc.

Psalm 34:10 Young lions [vigorous lions] go hungry and may starve, but those who seek the LORD'S help have all the good things they need.

With David, God was everything; wealth meant nothing. Solomon inherited these things on the basis of supergrace.

Then we go to the lamed file. The best time to learn doctrine is when you are young. This involves knowing a true scale of values and starting their children when they are young. The Piel stem means to teach by repetition. Your growth involves respect of the Lord. You cannot love a person until you first respect them. Respect comes from the intake of Bible doctrine. Anything else is superficial or emotional. You have to know; you have to respect; you have to love.

Psalm 34:11 Come, children, listen to me. I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

David is asking, do you really want to enjoy life? You aren’t normal if you don’t want to have fun in life. Some of you are Indian fakirs, half naked, on a bed of nails. David assumes that only the normal people will answer this. David is not saying that there is anything wrong with this having fun thing.

Everything overflows, into your business, profession, family, friends, social life. You can have a long life with great happiness. What you are seeing good in, is in the Lord. Seeing good is all of the blessing which come to the believer in supergrace.

Psalm 34:12 Which of you wants a full life? Who would like to live long enough to enjoy good things?

Keep your damn tongue from evil. When you have mental attitude sins throughout your soul, you are not in supergrace. All of these things lead to trying to hurt someone. People with no capacity for life live by the lie. They lie about the truth, and lie about inconsequential things.

This is taken from the Nob narrative.

Psalm 34:13 Keep your tongue from saying evil things and your lips from speaking deceitful things.

Seeing good is supergrace; doing good is gapping it to supergrace. You search for prosperity by doing good. You pursue doctrine, which is what he did when he bivouacked with the Angel of Jehovah.

David has a wonderful life ahead of him, despite the many mistakes that he made.

Psalm 34:14 Turn away from evil, and do good. Seek peace, and pursue it!

The righteous is the supergrace believer.

Psalm 34:15 The LORD'S eyes are on righteous people. His ears hear their cry for help.

A president who tries to do good after his presidency and the result can be high treason.

Psalm 34:16 The LORD confronts those who do evil in order to wipe out all memory [cut off from remembrance] of them from the earth.

Psalm 34:17 Righteous people cry out. The LORD hears and rescues them from all their troubles.

A heart was shattered into pieces.

Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to those whose hearts are humble [shattered]. He saves those whose spirits are crushed [bruised].

Many are the afflictions of the righteous.

David is going to face all kinds of deliverances. The beautiful woman who lays down in the middle of the road in front of him. David will go from being a fugitive in the cave of Addullem to being king in 6 chapters.

Psalm 34:19 The righteous person has many troubles, but the LORD rescues him from all of them.

This means that David’s body will be protected from broken bones. Jesus Christ will go to the cross and face no broken bones. David will move toward his mission and it will be accomplished without a broken bone.

God permits many a nation to go through great heartache and trial because this will bring many people to Jesus Christ. Things which demand ansers and cause distress in the souls of the people.

Psalm 34:20 The LORD guards all of his bones. Not one of them is broken.

Psalm 34:21 Evil will kill wicked people, and those who hate righteous people will be condemned.

The men here will be saved and afterward, they stayed with doctrine until they reached supergrace.

Psalm 34:22 The LORD protects the souls of his servants. All who take refuge in him will never be condemned.

1Sam. 22 Psalm 56:1-13 126:3-6      72David                                              631_0025

12/31/1972 David’s reversion recovery New Year’s Eve Service session 1

Only those who have been here for the past week will get anything out of this New Year’s Eve service. Jesus Christ personally brought him back into a supergrace status.

Psalm 56 is taking place when David is in Gath. David wrote 3 psalms on this time period. there was Psalm 34, his delivery from Achish; Psalm 39 si the beginning of his reversionism recovery, which would not be covered.

A person goes into reversionism by negative volition toward Bible doctrine. This puts scar tissue on the left bank of the soul. A vacuum opens up. A grace vacuum in gap and a disciplinary vacuum when in reversionism.

When the Philistines saw David feigning insanity, they attacked Israel. It is weakness which causes war, not strength.

David will describe what happened in Gath in more detail.

Psalm 56 title For the choir director: according to "A Silent Dove Far Away [upon the silent dove among the strangers]." A Davidic Miktam [psalm of great value]. When the Philistines seized him in Gath.

This describes David as a fugitive. Psalm 55:6–7 Oh, that I had the wings of a dove. I would fly away and find rest. How far away I would flee; I would stay in the wilderness. Selah David is like a silent dove with no protection; he wanted to get away but he couldn’t.

Jesus Christ is our blessing in life. He is our Savior but He is also the source of all of our blessings. Ecclesiastes describes how a person without capacity functions with a lot of things.

Warning discipline is that delivered to the reversionist at the beginning. God has worked this whole system worked out. David listened to the warning discipline and got out of it quickly. After David was brought back to supergrace, David was then led to the Cave of Addullem.

This is a Miktam of David; that is a golden psalm. It is that which is being written permanently. It is something of great value being written permanently. This could be called a psalm of great value.

This psalm was written when the Philistines seized him in Gath. He was wearing the sword of Goliath, and the Philistines saw him and grabbed him. This is not mentioned in the narrative.

In the first 2 verses, we have some knocking signals. David finds himself in a Philistine prison and begins to become concerned. This is warning discipline to David. David opens the door in this psalm and leaves reversionism.

Psalm 56:1 Be gracious to me, God, for man tramples me [swallows me; seeks to destroy me]; he fights and oppresses me all day long.

David possibly was being broken down by questioning. It is possible he was in prison for awhile and subject to some difficult interrogation. This same David is now in chains. The Philistines all have great pride while David is helpless.

Psalm 56:2 My adversaries trample me all day, for many arrogantly fight against me.

David is desperately afraid. He is in a helpless situation. This is a part of that knocking pressure.

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

God will preside God’s doctrine; and the word praise is the same word to feign madness but it is in a different stem. David is in a jam; and now he realizes that his trust needs to be in God. His fear can be turned around.

Psalm 56:4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

A description of what it is like in Gath. His words were distorted. Apparently he was questioned and whatever he said, was distorted and taken to the King of Gath. It is common for people to distort everything that you say.

It is very important in a relationship with your right pastor, you can never get in an attitude with him an attitude of implacability. We are not to be concerned if Bob teaches Gen. 1 as never before, there is nothing wrong with that.

Psalm 56:5 They twist my words all day long; all their thoughts are against me for evil.

They twisted David’s words and they violated his privacy. How many times have we tried to incite people against a bonafide authority or ministry.

There is all this evil gathering up against David.

Psalm 56:6 They stir up strife, they lurk; they watch my steps while they wait to take my life.

A believer faces reversionism and those in reversionism are nothing. Nothingness is David’s condition. Because of nothingness, there is no deliverance for them. This prayer will be fulfilled by David himself. Imprecatory prayers are legitimate.

Psalm 56:7 Will they escape in spite of such sin? God, bring down the nations in wrath.

David knows that coming out of Gath, that the grace of God would triumph. You cannot stop God’s plan.

David, after recovering, after Jesus Christ met him at the gate of Gath, he looks back on this, just as people do when looking back on New Year’s Eve.

1Sam. 19–28 is David recovering.

In the ancient world, you put your tears in a bottle and then placed the bottle on the grave. The Word of God records David’s failures and the knocking discipline.

Bob will pray for some of us to fall into apostasy and peel off to some other church.

There is no thanks to our presidents who have had disastrous foreign policies. We have survived nonetheless.

Psalm 56:8 You Yourself have recorded my wanderings [you have written down my fugitive life]. Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your records [book]?

Vv. 1–2 skipped.

Psalm 126:1 A song of ascents. When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.

Psalm 126:2 Our mouths were filled with laughter then, and our tongues with shouts of joy. Then they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."

God has manufactured out of His grace great things for us. We are filled with joy.

Psalm 126:3 The LORD had done great things for us; we were joyful.

Psalm 126:4 Restore our fortunes, LORD, like watercourses in the Negev.

They sow in their tears and they drown in these tears. The Bible doctrine that Jesus Christ gave to David when he was cast out of Gath.

Once you recover, then he will return again with rejoicing.

Psalm 126:5 Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.

Psalm 126:6 Though one goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed, he will surely come back with shouts of joy, carrying his sheaves.

Back to the passage. Only God can turn tears into blessing. The tears of his great disasters to turn into prosperity and blessing.

Psalm 56:8 You Yourself have recorded my wanderings [you have written down my fugitive life]. Put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your records [book]?

Psalm 56:9 Then my enemies will retreat on the day when I call. This I know: God is for me.

The supergrace believer knows that God is on their side.

Difference of 2 stems; one is reversionism and the other is supergrace. One is feigning madness and the other is praise for God.

Psalm 56:10 In God [the Trinity], whose word I praise [halal], in the LORD, whose word I praise,

David gaps it here; he trust in Elohim, which means to take in doctrine and to believe it.

Psalm 56:11 in God I trust; I will not fear. What can man do to me?

In Gath, David was afraid of every man; and now, outside of Gath, he fears no man. This is David’s reversionism recovery.

Psalm 56:12 I am obligated by vows to You, God; I will make my thank offerings to You.

The light here is the light of doctrine.

Psalm 56:13 For You delivered me from death, even my feet from stumbling, to walk before God in the light of life.

This is a transitional psalm and David goes from reversionism to supergrace. There is a series of psalms which explain what happened to David in between theses chapters.

1Samuel 22 Psalm 103:1-22             72David                                              631_0026

12/31/1972 Inner resources of solitude New Year’s Eve Service

There were probably 3000 people who were under arms who were David’s responsibility. A huge group came to David. Before the first person shows up, he needs to be a supergrace man.

This is one of the 2 psalms that David wrote while he was waiting for these other people to show up. David is alone, and he is occupied with the Person of Jesus Christ. This is a part of the celebrityship of Jesus Christ.

Piel stem of barak, which means, to adore. This is not possible except through doctrine in the soul. God taught David and David grew a great deal spiritually. This time in the cave of Addullem is one of the great times of his life. A person’s greatness depends upon that man when he is alone. God will put us, at some time or another, alone. When you are alone, you are tested as to what is most important to you. David passes this test.

David is alone and all he has at this time are memories. When you are alone. Our capacity for life is tes ted when we are alone. That is for military men as well.

Psalm 103:1 Davidic. My soul, praise the LORD, and all that is within me, praise His holy name.

David is not to disregard supergrace benefits. Why did he become a lower fugitive? He ignored al the things that came to him. Do not disregard all of His blessings. David was beginning to understand all that he had done.

Psalm 103:2 My soul, praise the LORD, and do not forget all His benefits.

David cannot spend time with a guilt complex.

Psalm 103:3 He forgives all your sin; He heals all your diseases.

The very fact that he is alive is a testimony to God’s grace. David has been crowned with grace. He is alive, sitting alone in the cave of Addullem. Mercy has been poured out upon him.

Psalm 103:4 He redeems your life from the Pit; He crowns you with faithful love and compassion.

God causes David to be satisfied. There was good provided, since he was cast out of Gath until this time. He speaks of the food first by principle.

The eagle’s plumage is renewed, which is what has happened to David, in this psalm of growth.

Psalm 103:5 He satisfies you with goodness; your youth is renewed like the eagle.

The principle; the Lord manufactures from supergrace righteousness. God took every bit of the phoniness out of David. He is in danger of being a shallow superficial man for the rest of his life, until he got this doctrine.

The righteousness of the supergrace capacity is spoken of here. Moses had his 40 years alone in the desert; and David had his time as well. They both went into reversionism and they came out greater than ever before.

Psalm 103:6 The LORD executes acts of righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.

His acts were revealed to the people, but the principles were revealed to Moses.

Psalm 103:7 He revealed His ways to Moses, His deeds to the people of Israel.

God has tender love and rapport.

David will go to one place and sit still. There is a parallel between Moses and David.

Psalm 103:8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and full of faithful love [grace].

Here, the reversionist is being reproved.

Psalm 103:9 He will not always accuse us or be angry forever.

Failures of Gad and Nob. God does not provide supergrace blessing while the believer is in reversionism.

Psalm 103:10 He has not dealt with us as our sins deserve or repaid us according to our offenses.

God’s grace toward those who have fear/respect for God.

Psalm 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His faithful love toward those who fear Him.

The sins we have committed are removed from us.

Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Here, the father has tender love and compassion toward his children. Jesus knows the pattern of our lives, billions of years before we knew it.

Psalm 103:13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.

God knows that we are dust; he knows that we are helpless. God made provision for David in the cave of Addullem, but this goes back to eternity past.

Psalm 103:14 For He knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust.

Man’s days are as grass. This refers to human prosperity. This refers to the things of this life. David is a man who broke out of the human success pattern. He is a supergrace believer who has not been enslaved to human success principles. When David sat in the cave of Addullem, he had no one to boss around, no one to take care of, etc. He did not even have the sword he won on the field of Esphri Damin. The world has no obligation to the supergrace believer and the supergrace believer has nothing for the world. God can put us out in front of everything in this world. God gives out a lot of appointments of one kind or another. And now we have everything. When he comes to the throne, David owes no one nothing. God took a man out of a cave and made him king over all Israel.

David was a product of supergrace. Never has God taken so little dust and made so much out of it.

Lawrence Welk, and the WWII generation had the greatest music of all.

Psalm 103:15 As for man, his days are like grass--he blooms like a flower of the field;

the winds of history just blows them away. No one knows about them ever more.

Psalm 103:16 when the wind passes over it, it vanishes, and its place is no longer known.

God knew that David would go all out for doctrine. There are thrilling and great things, and they were provided since time began. Doctrine is more important than anything in your life.

Psalm 103:17 But from eternity to eternity the LORD's faithful love [grace] is toward those who fear Him, and His righteousness toward the grandchildren

Doctrine is something of value and it therefore must be guarded.

Psalm 103:18 of those who keep His covenant, who remember to observe His instructions [His deposits].

The Lord has prepared His throne in the heavens. There is a greater king than David. There is no dynasty that compares with David’s; and none which compares with our Lord’s.

David is held up as an example of the greatest king, and all subsequent kings are compared to him. David has been taught so many things. He turns to the angels saying, “Turn to the Lord, all His works in all His places.

Psalm 103:19 The LORD has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all.

Psalm 103:20 Praise the LORD, all His angels of great strength, who do His word, obedient to His command.

Psalm 103:21 Praise the LORD, all His armies, His servants who do His will.

Psalm 103:22 Praise the LORD, all His works in all the places where He rules. My soul, praise the LORD!

1Samuel 22 Psalm 30:1-12               72David                                              631_0027

12/31/1972 Reversion to supergrace; the turning point

Second service for New Year’s Eve.

The small print of the psalms is the first verse.

Jebus is a name of the Jebusites for Jerusalem. David took the place and changed it into his castle. The castle he built is called castle Zion. He reconstructed the fortress into his home and it is the first time that he had an actual home.

Essentially, he had the cave of Addullem as his first home.

David sits down and reflects from his new house.

The turning point was when David met Jesus in the desert and he was schooled and then went to the Cave of Addullem.

David’s House

1.       The House of David does not refer to the Temple or to the Tabernacle.

2.       This refers to the fortress of Zion.

3.       When David became king, he captured the fort of the jebusites on a high hill.

4.       David lived in the fort and had it constructed into his paace. 2Sam. 5:9

5.       He came to retrospect, and he writes these words.

6.       At 2Sam. 5:12, the fortress of Zion had becomes his palace, but he reconstructed his whole lilfe, all the way back the turning point.

Psalm 30 inscription A psalm; a dedication song for the house. Davidic.

Pilel stem to raise a building. He just converted a fortress into a palace. What better home to have than a fort. This is his grace palace and it is known as castle Zion.

The palace is finished, but David would never stop building up the Lord in his own soul.

The Ziphitus were phoney two-faced people. They spoke about what a great ministry this is, and then cut it to pieces every time that they can. There is nothing worse than dishonest enemies. God bivouacked Himself around David.

Bob says, “I have one message for you; to hell with you. Make it a point to go and not come back.” Some of you are wanting to stay with it. If doctrine is first with you, you have it made. If it isn’t, then don’t come back.

Psalm 30:1 I will exalt You [I will build up in my soul], LORD, because You have lifted me up [built me up] and have not allowed my enemies to triumph over me.

In reversionism, David shouted for help, and said, “You have healed me.” You have brought me back from the grave. David is now at a peak of prosperity.

Psalm 30:2 LORD my God, I cried to You for help, and You healed me.

Psalm 30:3 LORD, You brought me up from Sheol; You spared me from among those going down to the Pit.

Psalm 30:4 Sing to the LORD, you His faithful ones, and praise His holy name.

God’s anger lasts a moment but His grace lasts a lifetime. We will all have hard times; but weeping will pass in the night and have joy in the morning. With supergrace, there comes a dawn.

Psalm 30:5 For His anger lasts only a moment, but His favor, a lifetime. Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy [a celebration of happiness] in the morning.

David is standing on a mountain, looking out through his palace.

Psalm 30:6 When I was secure, I said, "I will never be shaken."

David says that the Lord covered His face; he said that God disregarded him up to that point. When you disregarded me, I became neutralized with fear.

Psalm 30:7 LORD, when You showed Your favor [grace], You made me stand like a strong mountain; when You hid Your face, I was terrified. [neutralized with trouble and fear]

v. 8 is the great turning point. Chanan in the Hithpael, means that he personally sought God’s grace. He was at the bottom and he sought it. He was thrown out of Gath.

Psalm 30:8 LORD, I called to You; I sought favor [grace] from my Lord:

what advantage is there in killing me? When a believer dies under discipline, there is no glory to God. If David had died in Gath, that would have been the pit. When a believer dies, his body goes to dust and that dust cannot praise God’s doctrine.

Psalm 30:9 "What gain is there in my death, in my descending to the Pit? Will the dust praise You? Will it proclaim Your truth?

When Jesus showed up, David asked Him for graciousness.

Psalm 30:10 LORD, listen and be gracious to me; LORD, be my helper."

Dancing is supergrace happiness; David summarizes the whole thing.

Psalm 30:11 You turned [converted] my lament [reversionistic discipline] into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness [happiness],

There is only one honor in the Christian life; supergrace. There is one celebrity. Only the supergrace believer knows this.

No one glorifies God like a supergrace believer.

Psalm 30:12 so that I can sing to You and not be silent. LORD my God, I will [be caused to] praise You forever.

1Samuel 22:1, 2; Ps. 144:1-15           72David                                              631_0028

01/01/1973 Leadership policy of David; imprecatory prayer

God preserved David from the sin unto death and He met with David outside of the walls of Gath.

1Sam. 22:1 David therefore departed there, and escaped to the cave of Adullam: and when his brothers and all his father's house heard it, they went down there to him.

There were those who loved freedom and they came to David. Then rgwew ua rgw Nkxibrwbra,

we get David’s policy in this psalm. If he is going to mold these people into a small battalion, he must have a policy. Only supergrace believers who can carry out this policy.

1Sam. 22:2 Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented, gathered themselves to him; and he became captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

This first verse is David\s supergrace status. David has recovered from reversionism. He has lost nearly everything and he only has the things that Jesus Christ has provided. He has now maybe 2 or 3000 people.

The ephod is used to determined the intentions of Saul. Here, Jesus Christ is the G4, the Rock of Provision.

David must mold these men into a fighting force, those who have come to him. He must organize a fighting force. Teaching or training by discipline. David is the one who trains them to war.

Jesus Christ teaches David in hand to hand combat. He teaches them how to fight, how to maneuver; what to do before, curing and after the battle. He teaches them how to use their weaponry. The first thing that David must do with this crowd is train them.

Psalm 144:1 Blessed be Yahweh, my rock, Who teaches my hands to war, And my fingers to battle:

since Jesus Christ is the G1, G2, G3 and G4, Jesus Christ is his Gracious One. David is going to be a supergrace leader and he is under the command of a Gracious One. Jesus Christ is his fortress. The Cave of Addullem is a series of caves.

Taking refuge is a small animal running to the cleft of a rock and wedging in there, so that a larger predator cannot get to it. This is David’s agenda in planning.

The Rough Riders ran up the hill, just like infantry. You cannot build a fighting unit on brawling. Men have to learn how to fight together successfully. Jesus Christ will make certain that this unit is trained before they go into combat.

Psalm 144:2 My loving kindness, my fortress, My high tower, my deliverer, My shield [God’s protection], and He in Whom I take refuge [David will reach points of terrible exasperation, and God will rescue him]; Who subdues my people under me.

David is from West Point and these men are a bunch of hippies. He has to get them trained.

David asks, “Who are these guys?” He has the worst set of people and malcontents to try to mold an army out of. What is man that you look out for him?

Summary Points

1.       Without the Lord of the Armies, David would still be helpless. Each person is a bundle of trouble.

2.       David is constantly refreshed and amazed by the grace of God who keep track of the details of David’s motley army. Jesus Christ is personally interested in the details of our life.

3.       Many of the people who gather to David were hopeless, helpless and useless. Very impossible to train and whip into an army.

4.       These people are malcontents; they have been milked out of Israel. God gave Israel a squeeze and out came all of the malcontents, the screwballs and hotheads.

5.       Some came to doctrine because of doctrine. Most came to him as failures.

6.       To them, to these failures, David was a good luck charm; a talisman. David is the supergrace hero of that age. Under the celebrityship of Jesus Christ, these men will move into supergrace themselves.

Psalm 144:3 Yahweh, what is man, that you care for him? Or the son of man, that you think of him?

This group is like a shadow passing by. They are quite helpless and a motley crew. But this is David in fellowship and in supergrace.

Psalm 144:4 Man is like a breath. His days are like a shadow that passes away.

These are earth people; these are coocoo clocks. Lower your heaves and comes down. Touching the mountainis so that they will smoke means that David asks for God to be his artillary.

David and this Army

1.       A nation without a good army cannot survive. If David is going to rule the nation Israel, he has to control his own army. He will be brought into power by God with these men, the coocoo clocks, the dumb butts,

2.       Just as God can touch a mountain and make it go up in smoke, so God can touch a people and make an army of them. These men need spiritual impetus to go with this army. Many nations lack a strong army. You cannot depend upon the military establishment without believers positive toward the Word of God.

3.       Jesus Christ controls history. Unless Jesus Christ is in it, it will never go. David knows that God is in it. There are 400 men and their family and friends as well. And there must be a spiritual impetus in these men who are there with him. A man will fight for his woman; he will die for her; same for his aprents or children. This spiritual impetus must be in people.

4.       David will face treacherous enemies. He will need special wisdom that comes from grace. The men of Keilah, and David will deliver them. And he asks if these men will turn him over to Saul, and he was told that they would. David will protect Nabal, a very wealthy man; and he watched over his flocks. He will face all kinds of enemies; treacherous men; men who will betray him. He will have a great army at his back and he will face all kinds of treacherous people. Everyone who says I love you, it does not mean anything.

Psalm 144:5 Part your heavens, Yahweh, and come down. Touch the mountains, and they will smoke.

Cast out lightening. David is calling for artillery support. This is an Imprecatory prayer. How does this jive with sweetness and light, how does this jive with sweet things being said? Do you ever pray and Imprecatory prayer? Did you ever ask God to strike a man dead? Did you ever pray against a weak-kneed president and ask to pile up dead gook bodies. This is an Imprecatory prayer prayed by a person in supergrace status. These are legitimate prayers. They are a part of the laws of divine establishment. They are the spiritual impetus of existence. Imagine Congress getting excited because they stop bombing.

Bob gives a prayer to destroy the gooks.

Imagine Congress getting excited over the cassation of bombing. What is some of them are believers? That’s okay. God takes care of His Own. Maybe the person you find to sign the peace treaty will be a believer. Many of you have never heard anything else and did not know from where your freedom came. Japs were our enemy so we killed ajps; Krauts were are enemies so we killed them.

We fall for a lot of superficial nonsense. The idea without having military objectives.

Harry Truman was stupid and he let MacArthur go. He did not understand what to do. You go after the enemies and kill them. If Douglas MacArthur had his way, the Chinese would still be looking for their weapons. Harry Truman would have been the greatest president of all time had he stayed with Douglas MacArthur. The okay on the atomic bomb was a great choice. He was geared that way. But the sweetness and light got to him. He was an artillery officer in WWI. He understood all of this.

Bob said how the person who prayed before the game all this brotherhood stuff. Bob sees that we will have to study some Imprecatory prayer now and again.

Psalm 144:6 Throw out lightning, and scatter them. Send out your arrows, and rout them.

Qal imperative of patsah. Great waters are overwhelming odds against him. Strange children are his treacherous enemies. These are his opposition.

Psalm 144:7 Stretch out your hand from above, Rescue me, and deliver me out of great waters, Out of the hands of foreigners;

putting in the dagger into Amasseh. The right hand of deceit. 2Sam. 20:9–10 Saul pretended friendship with David, but offered up destruction instead. David will very shortly face his problem and face it with the men of Kelah.

Psalm 144:8 Whose mouths speak deceit [destruction, nothing], Whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

The new song is the song of supergrace blessing. This orients the believer to God’s plan and God’s blessing. He has 400 recruits and 2 or 3 thousand people.

Psalm 144:9 I will sing a new song to you, God. On a ten-stringed lyre, I will sing praises to you.

Football used to be the American spirit.

every victory in David\s life came from God’s grace. It is all grace. Capacity for victory comes from a supergrace status. The sword of evil is the sword of King Saul.

A psaltry is a 10 stringed instrument, to precede the harpsichord, which preceded to the piano.

There are many who will subtly attack David in many ways. The believer cannot advance in association with reversionism. David could never have ascended the throne of Israel while associating with reversionism. If you are associated with reversionism, reversionism will call the plays. Association with reversionism keeps the believer from doctrine and supergrace blessing. Many are held back by your social life, your sex lilfe or by a mad dash for happiness of some sort. Your friends and social life are reversionistic. Or many that pound of muscle called Samson. The person that you have sex with had an influence upon you. What makes up your sex life and social life can hold you back. It is doctrine that must take you to supergrace. Especially during the holidays and everyone has something planned.

Samson had no capacity for blessing and he lost his eyes. Without his eyes, he could not see another beautiful woman. If Samson had to choose between Bible class and a party, he would choose the party. We are influenced by the people with whom we are intimately related. Whatever keeps you from doctrine is not worth it.

You are going to fall for a Delilah some day; and she will hook you and move to another; because you are no longer a challenge to her.

Psalm 144:10 You are he who gives salvation [victory] to kings, Who rescues David, his servant, from the deadly sword.

Psalm 144:11 Rescue me, and deliver me out of the hands of foreigners, Whose mouths speak deceit, Whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood.

David anticipates fantastic blessing for Israel. Some of the social and economic prosperity are recognized.

Stay with doctrine. A nation which sticks with doctrine and has supergrace believers, high reared plants are handsome gentlemen with great souls and great strength.

A corner pillar holds up a house. The women run the house. A man is a fool to try to run the house. That is up to the woman.

Psalm 144:12 Then our sons will be like well-nurtured plants, Our daughters like pillars carved to adorn a palace.

Grain storage is overflowing from one to another.

Psalm 144:13 Our barns are full, filled with all kinds of provision. Our sheep bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our fields.

Oxen are associated with prosperity in the ancient world. There is no breaking in; no stealing. When establishment exists, there is a low crime rate.

Psalm 144:14 Our oxen will pull heavy loads. There is no breaking in, and no going away, And no outcry in our streets.

Happinesses to the people. Nothing greater to our own generation.

Psalm 144:15 Happy are the people who are in such a situation. Happy are the people whose God is Yahweh.

1Samuel 22:1-2a; Ps. 141:1-5            72David                                              631_0029

01/02/1973 Separation from reversionism

Introductory Points

1.       Until Christ returns, David will be the greatest monarch in human history.

2.       David pleased God.

3.       David’s love for God was unparalleled.

4.       David was put into the mold and tested.

5.       This is a supergrace test. David was tested as to his supergrace capacity for adversity. Adversity makes you grow up. Psalm 4:1 In pressure, you have enlarged me. Greatness is being able to handle adversity.

6.       In the mold of pressure, David learned 5 great lessons

          a.       He learned to take responsibility. This is a matter of moxie of the soul. 1Sam. 22:1–5 Responsibility is the hard work of leadership.

          b.       David learned the power of prayer. 1Sam. 23:2, 4, 9, 10

          c.        If you are not promoted by God, you are not promoted.

          d.       He learned to take good advice from a woman. Some of you think that is an affront to your masuclilnity.

          e.       David learned to use the Lord’s strength. 1Sam. 30:4, 6

          f.        David will come out of the mold and be the greatest ruler in history.

1Sam. 22:1 David therefore departed there, and escaped to the cave of Adullam: and when his brothers and all his father's house heard it, they went down there to him.

David would take all kinds of idiots, coocoo clocks and weirdos and whip them into a great army.

The cave of Addullem is lower than the mountains of Jerusalem?

David has taken responsibility for his family. David did not have any help from his parents. If you are an orphan or lack parents, one or both, that is no excuse. David’s parents do not have enough wisdom to love each child equally.

You need to show equal love to all children, but this was not the case for David.

David\s parents thought little of David. The first 3 were superficial asses and the father tried to bribe the military commander in order to advance them or to procure special favors, etc. in any case, it does not matter. Some parents do a phenomenal job and some do a lousy job. Jesse has spent his lfie trying to bribe commanders in order to get his sons ahead, and yet, Jesse is broke and running for his life, and he goes to David. One of the nicest things that happened with David is, he became the savior of his familiy even though he was the ugly duckling. He does not rub it in. “Well, here they are, my family. Do you remember when...?”

the worst thing is for momma to keep lassoing the boy with the umbilical cord in order to drag him back. There are mommas who never let go, and you have to let go. Bob thought of 25 nasty things David could have said.

David did not get all of the great people. He got the worst of the worst; they are phonies, liars and hypocrites. David gets a bunch of oddballs. Some examples given of the dregs being taken by a great leader who shapes them up.

David is the son who was rejected, who became the great one of the family. All of those who were rejected came to him and were made whole.

1Sam. 22:2 Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented [bitter of soul], gathered themselves to him; and he became captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

If you do not like the narratives or the psalms, etc., you might as well take a long vacation; we will be in the psalms and Old Testament for quite while.

David saw all of the oddballs coming to him and the first thing that he did was cry out to God. Addullem ended up being the gathering place for a bunch of coo coo clocks.

The words used here indicate that they are in a hopeless situation. Out of all these oddballs, there will come 37 generals and the greatest army of that day.

German soldiers were fantastic, the Vermach. There were 6 men who were geniuses. If not for American building, engineering and army, they would have ruled.

Psalm 141:1 Yahweh, I have called on you. Come to me quickly! Listen to my voice when I call to you.

David says, let this prayer count as a mincah. This is a propitiatory offering.

Psalm 141:2 Let my prayer be set before you like incense; The lifting up of my hands like the evening sacrifice.

David is recognizing his responsibility, which he should have understood before when all of those people were killed because of him.

David asks God to post a guard detail over the door of his lips. He has great responsibilities.

Psalm 141:3 Set a watch, Yahweh, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips.

Opened up a vacuum line that siucked in false doctrine and false information which destroyed his categories and standards. David was thinking only of his own personal survival when he went to Nob, and this psalm indicates that he is recovering.

The believer in reversionism becomes a monster; not the same person as he is in supergrace.

Doeg the Edomite was David’s enemy and he played right into his hands when he was in reversionism.

Summary of Theh Delicacies

1.       This refers to King Saul, as the ruler of Israel, who could promote those under him. 1Sam. 22:7–8 Saul said to his servants who stood about him, Hear now, you Benjamites; will the son of Jesse give everyone of you fields and vineyards, will he make you all captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me, or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day? Look, fellas, you are covering for David; can he promote you? Can he give you lands? Can he make you a general? Saul as a tyrant, used his power to get what he wants.

2.       David says he will not eat of their delicacies, and that means, he does not depend upon Saul for blessing. Saul asked David to bring back 100 genitals in order to marry his daughter. This is the story we tell the kiddies in Sunday School. David was promoted to son-in-law of the king.

3.       Saul states his ability to promote these; and Jews would desire to win his favor.

4.       But Saul is a reversionist. If God is going to promote David, then this must be done totally separate from Saul.

5.       The delicacies refer to promotion, compliments, flattery and praise.

6.       A believer associated with reversionism will do the work of reversionism. David was a supergrace believer and could not be promoted by Paul. You cannot advance by means of apostasy or catering to apostates. You may think you are in supergrace, but you will do the works of reversionism, whether in supergrace or reversionism.

7.       David in saying, don’t let me eat of their delicacies, indicates that his separation stance is based upon God’s grace.

8.       Those who are related to reversionism or are intimate with reversionism, will share the judgment of reversionism. We will see Jonathan once more, but he stayed under his father, and that is what will destroy him. There comes a time when even your own family gets in the way. Jonathan will die because he continued his ties with his father Saul. He dies at Mt. Gilboa.

9.       David has taken a clear stand of separation from reversionism.

Psalm 141:4 Don't incline my heart [do not let my right lobe be turned] to any evil thing [the doctrine of evil], To practice deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity. Don't let me eat of their delicacies.

This has nothing to do with nagging or leveling with your friends. If you level with your friends too often, then there will be just me and there.

David here is asking to be spanked by God; he does not want just anyone to discipline him. It always seems like people are really hard on you. The Lord can do this the right way; and when He whacks, it hurts.

David would rather be spanked by God than eat at the table with Saul. Let the Righteous One clobber me with grace. David is then straightened out. And he sees all of those oddballs and he has decided that God has blessed him with these people. If he oasses this test, then he will graduate and become King of Israel.

David is in the back of the cave and praying and he suddenly realizes that these oddballs are his battalion. If grace can take an oddball like David and make something of him, so it is true for the others.

David did not recognize his first blessing, which is all these people coming to him. He finally catches on to what God has done and he knows that he has been blessed and honored by all of these people.

David was starting to complain, but he snapped to before he got to the end of it.

Psalm 141:5 Let the Righteous One strike me, it is grace; Let Him reprove me, it is like oil on the head; Don't let my head refuse it; Yet my prayer is always against evil deeds [of reversionism].

David looks at these people and realizes that they mirror him in Gath and exiting Gath. And these are helpless and useless and messtup people. He will takes these people as a supergrace gift from God and work with them. He will fight reversionism in Israel untiil it is destroyed.

1Sam.  22:2b Ps. 141:6-10 2 Sam. 23:1-39 72David       631_0030

01/03/1973 Doctrine of occupation with Christ, doctrine of separation

David is about to win the civil war against Saul.

The judges were a system of rulers before the monarchy came about. The survivors are the innocent ones. There is going to be a new policy when David becomes king. He will begin at the cave of Addullem and end up being king over all Israel.

Psalm 141:6 Their judges [rulers] are thrown down by the sides of the rock. They will hear my words, for they are well spoken.

In the Hebrew, we begin with the analogy.

Ground is not prosperous until it is broken. David knows that many of these men would die. He does not know who is a casualty and who is not. There is no way this can be determined. These men, their lives have been useless and meaningless for a great deal of time. However, these men would fight for freedom and a new Israel would be born; a nation of freedom and prosperity. Freedom is born out of the death of those who die for the country.

Herbert Hoover did not cause the depression and he wrote a book in 1934. He was as great as FDR was sorry. The Challenge to Liberty. Intellectual freedom got the greatest variety of commodities known to all man. We have produced not only plenty for ourselves but a larger measure of comforts, the highest economic achievement of civilization. We lifted infinite drudgery from men and women. It is not as if this were a mere machine we are contemplating. In America, we are dealing with one of the last strongholds of freedom, which freedoms were paid for by the blood of soldiers.

A grave is open; a civil war breaks it open, but from it will spring new freedoms and a greater nation.


1.       The purpose of plowing and opening the ground is to plant seed with sprouts. It does not just die, but it rises anew.

2.       The ground developed by Saul is hard ground and worthless.

3.       The ground will be plowed and broken by civil war between the reversionistic house of Saul and the supergrace house of David.

4.       Many of David’s greaet soldiers will die, but this will bring freedom and prosperity to this nation.

5.       The bones of professional solders are the dead seeds sown in battle. Our freedom is based today on those who died in Korea and the World Wars. But professional soldiers never ask if it is in vain or not.

6.       Objective of David to provide blessings and prosperty from the battle field and from the execution of apostate believers. David, as the leader, has much plowing ahead of him. The nation will grown under him under a great tyranny. Without being depressed by the tyranny’s of the time. David must remain occupied with Christ.

This is going to be a time of great miliary training and a time of great spiritual training as well. During the time of the cave of addullem experience, there will be a great time, for these starting at zero.

Psalm 141:7 "As when one plows and breaks up [open] the earth [ground], Our bones are scattered at the mouth of Sheol."

Occupation with Christ

1.       The basis for occupation with Christ is the intake of Bible doctrine through the function of gap. Jer. 9:24 Eph. 4:20 there will be women living in tents for a long time, and that is tough on a woman. Woman, family, parents, children. Doctrine cycled in the human spirit. Doctrine in the memory center; doctrine in the norms and standards and doctrine on the launching pad. These people will be the backbone of the new nation and they are not that impressive apart from grace.

2.       With doctrine as being something in which one can place faith, the basis of their growth.

3.       The basis of honor in occupation with Christ.

4.       Occupation with Christ is the SOP for the Christian life. Heb. 12:1–2

5.       Illustrated by the doctrine of RM/RW. 1Cor. 11:7

6.       Responding to Christ’s love is the function of gap.

7.       The sealling of the Holy Spirit guarantees eternal life and the eternal love relationship between Jesus Christ and the believer.

8.       Occupation with Christ includes total dependence upon grace provision. Psalm 37:4–5

9.       Related to inner happiness.

10.     Basis for blessing and suffering. Occupation with Christ intesinfies blessing and mnimzes suffering.

11.     Occupation with Christ is based on the believer entering into the supergrace life.

The rabbit runs into the crack of the rock and is safe from the fox, because there is not enough room for the fox.

Saul will turn the siege of Keilah into a trap even though David rescued Keilah. People who tell you they love you; who tell you how great you are. You are an ass if you believe it.

Psalm 141:8 For my eyes are on you, Yahweh, the Lord. In you, I take refuge. Don't leave my soul destitute [uncover the nakedness of my soul].

Psalm 141:9 Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, From the traps of the workers of iniquity.

Let these people get caught up in their own nooses, while I just walk on by.

Psalm 141:10 Let the wicked fall together into their own nets, While I pass by.

David was not their captain; he was their prince. Here are all of these oddballs and David is going to make something of them. One guy joined the Rough Riders running from a poker game where he was behind.


1.       David is no longer an irresponsible reversionist.

2.       In reversionism recovery, David again is a supergrace hero.

3.       As a separated supergrace leader, those who are being oppressed and those who are just total failures gather themselves to it.

4.       Not one person ever gathered to David until he was separated from Saul, which God really caused. He became a separated supergrace believer. When David was alone in the cave of Addullem, he was in supergrace status and he became prince of these people.

5.       David could not help the downtrodden or the misfits or the hopeless in the court of Saul; he had to be separate from them. David was alone in that cave before anyone came to him.

6.       Without the separation of grace, no supergrace believer can be helpful to others. When grace is compromised by association with reversionism, we just cannot help other people.

7.       Therefore, the real way to witness is growing in grace and separation from apostasy. That is witnessing. How did he do it? He did not do this by teaching Sunday School in Gath; he did this by growing up and he did this on his own. No one is qualified to witness the day after he is saved.

That is ridiculous to teach them, “If they say this, then you say that.” Witnessing is a matter of spiritual growth. If it not a matter of jumping through some psychological hoop. Witnessing is a matter of communicating the gospel. Just because you are saved through the gospel don’t even know it. Until you understand propitiation, you are not even close to being able to witness.

As a fugitive, David started out poorly, and then got on his own guided by God, and he did a lot better. Now he is responsible for his own family and 400 brand new recruits.

Doctrine of Separation

1.       Separation from carnality. If you know believers guilty of this kind of fornication, then avoid them. 1Cor. 5:10–11

2.       Separation from believers who reject Bible doctrine.

3.       Separate from believers who make emotion the criteria. Holy rollers and girl who falls in love every other week.

4.       Separation from the fast crowd. Prov. `1:10–19

5.       The fast crowd; the superficial social crowd.

6.       Separation from unbelievers where doctrine is compromised. 2Cor. 6:14 doctrine is compromised when marrying an unbeliever. You are influenced by those with whom you have sex. What is wrong with this, some people ask? The unbeliever always influences the believer away from doctrine.

7.       Separation from human viewpoint. That is worldliness. It is what you think, not what you do.

8.       Separation from religion and apostasy.

9.       Separation from reversionism.

There are 400 men; this does not include wives and children.

David’s Men at the Cave of Adullam

1.       David had been in the cave of Adullam for quite a number of months. Eccles. 12:12 and by these be admonished of the making of many books, there is no end and much study is a weariness to the flesh. This was long enough for the 400 to become 600. He would increase his troop size.

2.       The 600 men would form the cadre for David’s great army of that day. Some of the terms are taken from the French.

3.       In the meantime, they are a bold battalion of reckless, brave, well-disciplined men.

4.       They will form the nucleus of that great army which will go all the way to the Euphrates; all the way to the borders of Arabia; they cut out a great chunk of land.

5.       The cave of addullem is beast barracks, a period of preparation for David and these soldiers and all of the camp followers. They will go from victory to victory.

6.       The greatest men in this battalion of 600 became a part of David’s military hall of fame.

7.       Some of the great events are mentioned as well. They ar related to the cave of addullem. The addullem alumni became the greatest soldiers.

8.       So great was the doctrinal teaching, at the cave, that in the days to come, it would be known throughout Israel, it is Micah who calls the teaching at the cave of addullem; this combination of doctrine and how to fight; and this is called the glory of Israel. Complete goofs became supergrace heroes and military heroes. 1Chron. 12:38

1Sam. 22:2 Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented [bitter of soul], gathered themselves to him; and he became captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.

2Sam. 23:1 Now these are the last words of David. David the son of Jesse says, The man who was raised on high says, The anointed of the God of Jacob, The sweet psalmist of Israel:

2Sam. 23:2 The Spirit of Yahweh spoke by me, His word was on my tongue.

2Sam. 23:3 The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: One who rules over men righteously, Who rules in the fear of God,

2Sam. 23:4 He shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun rises, A morning without clouds, When the tender grass springs out of the earth, Through clear shining after rain.

God made a covenant with David.

2Sam. 23:5 Most assuredly my house is not so with God; Yet he has made with me an everlasting covenant, Ordered in all things, and sure: For it is all my salvation, and all my desire, Although he doesn't make it grow.

In his dying words, he mentions reversionism. The sons of Belial are reversionist. They must be uprooted. If you associate with a thorn, then you get stuck. You get with a reversionism, then you are stuck with a reversionist. Sometimes the sin unto death. Jonathan was not a reversionist, but he was stuck with his father, a reversionist. This will cause suffering.

2Sam. 23:6 But the ungodly shall be all of them as thorns to be thrust away, Because they can't be taken with the hand

the man must provide himself with iron; a cutting weapon. If you associate with reversionism, then you are going down with them.

2Sam. 23:7 But the man who touches them Must be armed with iron and the staff of a spear: They shall be utterly burned with fire in their place

Next time the Addullem alumni.

1Samuel 22:3–5                                   72David                                              631_0031

01/04/1973 Psalm 57:1-3; 2Sam. 23:8–39 List of great generals

One more evening on the Cave of Addullem. We will break out of the David series in 2Sam. 5. David was responsible for about 3000 people. Best thing for a pastor is to spend time in military service. David took on the worst bunch of useless, worthless batch of people and he whipped them into shape.

30 out of this 400 became famous generals.

Chipoltacek. Robert E. Lee, McClennen, Picket, Johnson, Hill, Wilcox and a number of men in this raid, and every one of them became a well-known general or Officer in the Civil War.

20 men in one regiment became generals. Example of a Texas outfit that produced all of these generals, and they all fought against one another and they knew each other very well. Therefore, what happened with David is not an impossible situation.

The confederate army drew its best generals from West Point.

Alexander’s command produced a number of generals.

What we have here is the Addullem alumni. We have studied 2 psalms in this connection.

Mighty men here refers to general officers. David, in his dying roster, remembered every general officer who started with him in his famous battalion of 400 which would later increase to 600.

Joshes Beam, the Hachomite. You always hear of the political generals; they are well-known; and WWII had a bunch of jackass generals famous for doing nothing and being nothng. Fredericks is one of the most decorated general in WWII. He is the most stable of David’s officers, a divisional commander and later a corps commander. He was strictly a professional type. He did not try to gain in his profession by making friends in the right places. These men who played bridge with FDR relative and they got moved into their position for that reason. Yashobeam was a true hero with doctrine being put first. He was occupied with Christ. Some of you men will make it. There are some real prowlers in our congregation. Wolf disguised with a Bible in his hand. He was such a pro that he was unknown out of military circles.

As chief of captains, he was high ranking. He is “the one who waves the spear.”

Adino, is the one who raised the spear. On his way up, he killed 800 men with a spear. He held the record in a single combat situation. The more you advance, the greater you will be in killing the enemy.

2Sam. 23:8 These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb Basshebeth a Tahchemonite, chief of the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite, against eight hundred slain at one time.

These are the 4-star generals. He is of the tribe of Benjamin. You would think he wold be with Saul. Saul was a reversionist, so he would not serve out his military life under Saul.

2Sam. 23:9 After him was Eleazar the son of Dodai the son of an Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines who were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away.

2Sam. 23:10 He arose, and struck the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand froze to the sword; and Yahweh worked a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to take spoil.

The Philistines were there among the lentils, and this guy stood fast, and he defended this and killed the Philistines. The 3 highest ranking officers are all supergrace believers.

2Sam. 23:11 After him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. The Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the people fled from the Philistines.

2Sam. 23:12 But he stood in the midst of the plot, and defended it, and killed the Philistines; and Yahweh worked a great victory.

There are 36 here named altogether. All of these joined up with David at the Cave of Addullem. There was a standoff between the Philistines and David in Addullem.

2Sam. 23:13 Three of the thirty chief men went down, and came to David in the harvest time to the cave of Adullam; and the troop of the Philistines was encamped in the valley of Rephaim.

2Sam. 23:14 David was then in the stronghold; and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem.

David desired some water to drink from a well held by the Philistines.

2Sam. 23:15 David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me water to drink of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!

These 3 fought through armies of Philistines. Pouring out this water was an offering to the Lord.

2Sam. 23:16 The three mighty men broke through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but he would not drink of it, but poured it out to Yahweh.

David would have other men. These are those from the Addullem alumni.

2Sam. 23:17 He said, Be it far from me, Yahweh, that I should do this: shall I drink the blood of the men who went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.

Another group of Lt. Generals. Abishai, the brother of Joab is named next. He was also a very noble person; he was a greater believer than they. He was a rank behind them, but greater than they were as a believer. He stands for the nobility.

2Sam. 23:18 Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief of the three. He lifted up his spear against three hundred and killed them, and had a name among the three.

2Sam. 23:19 Wasn't he most honorable of the three? therefore he was made their captain: however he didn't attain to the first three.

2Sam. 23:20 Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man of Kabzeel, who had done mighty deeds, he killed the two sons of Ariel of Moab: he went down also and killed a lion in the midst of a pit in time of snow.

2Sam. 23:21 He killed an Egyptian, a goodly man: and the Egyptian had a spear in his hand; but he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and killed him with his own spear.

Benaiah is unusually courageous men. He killed a couple of hippies from Moab. He killed a lion and then went down and killed a man who had a weapon, a sword, when he did not.

2Sam. 23:22 These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and had a name among the three mighty men.

He was a lower rank than the first 3 but a greater believer. He was a provomarshal general.

2Sam. 23:23 He was more honorable than the thirty, but he didn't attain to the first three. David set him over his guard.

Joab became the chief of staff;

2Sam. 23:24 Asahel the brother of Joab was one of the thirty; Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,

2Sam. 23:25 Shammah the Harodite, Elika the Harodite,

2Sam. 23:26 Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite,

2Sam. 23:27 Abiezer the Anathothite, Mebunnai the Hushathite,

2Sam. 23:28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai the Netophathite,

2Sam. 23:29 Heleb the son of Baanah the Netophathite, Ittai the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the children of Benjamin,

2Sam. 23:30 Benaiah a Pirathonite, Hiddai of the brooks of Gaash.

2Sam. 23:31 Abialbon the Arbathite, Azmaveth the Barhumite,

2Sam. 23:32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,

2Sam. 23:33 Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar the Ararite,

2Sam. 23:34 Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai, the son of the Maacathite, Eliam the son of Ahithophel the Gilonite,

2Sam. 23:35 Hezro the Carmelite, Paarai the Arbite,

These are great men. Their names are not read and that is why Bob is reading their names here, and they are listed in the Word of God which lives and abides forever. They arrived at the cave of Addullem, and they were misfits and oddballs and all confused, the biggest bunch of nuts that you have ever seen.

2Sam. 23:36 Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,

2Sam. 23:37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Beerothite, armor bearers to Joab the son of Zeruiah,

2Sam. 23:38 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,

Uriah was from this cave of Addullem group.

2Sam. 23:39 Uriah the Hittite: thirty-seven in all.

Bearing a child requires absolutely nothing of a woman. It just happens. Having a child does not make you a great person. What you are is what you are in your soul, not what you are in your womb. You are messing around with the wrong cavity when you pat yourself on the back. It requires nothing special to be a mother. It takes something to be feminine and to be a noble woman, but pregnancy has not a thing in the world to do with it. David took care of his mother, father and brothers; and none of David’s brothers were in David’s army. That was a smart move.

1Sam. 22:1 So David left Gath and took refuge in the cave of Adullam. When David's brothers and his father's whole family heard, they went down and joined him there.

1Sam. 22:2 In addition, every man who was desperate, in debt, or discontented rallied around him, and he became their leader. About 400 men were with him.

The parents of David were in danger and David took care of them. He took them over to Moab because David is not 100% Jew; Ruth is a Moabite. So the King of Moab is a relative of David’s. He knew his parents would be safe in the mountains of Moab.

David goes and talks to the King of Moab.

Solomon inherited nearly everything from David; wealth, his looks, talents, ability, power and peace in his time; and Bible training.

1Sam. 22:3 From there David went to Mizpeh of Moab where he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother stay with you until I know what God will do for me."

David’s parents will be taken care of. Jesse will never know any problems. Jesse will never be concerned with any of the problems that David will have. Jesse is a reversionist and filled with human viewpoint, but he will have an easy nice time, and never know what it is all about.

Saul and Jesse are the father’s of great men, and they are reversionists. There are variations of reversionism. Jesse was an easy-going reversionist. Saul was a maniacal sort. Jesse was a promoter and a manipulator. If David would have stuck around Jesse, that would have hindered him.

Michel would have been a problem for David, because she is from Saul’s stock. The unbeliever more often influences the believer.

Matsuda here refers to Adullam. While David is training his army, God has him in this series of high mountain caves with narrow passes. Saul is not about to come up there, so David can easily train his troops. Once men are trained, they are trained to take the offensive.

The worst thing for the army and marines were to sit in defensive positions in South Viet Nam. Could not distinguish their enemies. We should never be in South Vietnam; only in North Vietnam. You cannot sit in defensive positions. Wars are never won from the defensive position. While you are in training, you are all right. The worst thing for military people is to depend upon fortification. Bible doctrine is the believer’s fortification.

1Sam. 22:4 So he left them in the care of the king of Moab, and they stayed with him the whole time David was in the stronghold.

It takes a teacher with doctrine. Bob has always liked Gad for his name. “Oh, Gad.”

The priest teaches the written word of God and Gad taught the spoken and written word of God and he was the chaplain.

Gad and David

1.       Adullam alumni is positive toward doctrine.

2.       Doctrine is communicated by Gad the prophet and Abiathar the High Priest, who joined the battalion at keilah.

3.       Gad is associated with David for the rest of his life. He is one of the 2 great prophets of that era.

4.       God through Gad offered David, and choice of 3 types of discipline.

5.       Gad wrote a book about David, called the Acts of David.

6.       Gad assisted David and Nathan with the music at the construction and celebration in the Temple; David and Gad set up the music for the next 1000 years. He and Gad sat down and set up the whole system of music for the next Millennium. 2Chron. 29:25

The training is over and it is time to move on. Training can only go on for so long.

David departed and went to the forest of Hereth, the only time this place is mentioned. The French depended upon the Maginal line, and they thought this was the greatest defensive system of all time. So the Germans went through the forest, and 2 armies came in from behind. France was conquered in 3 months. They were defense minded. This is why they were defeated. You must take the offense.

Our war is ludicrous. Hatfield wants to take money away from the president so that he cannot bomb North Vietnam. He is a stupid traitor to his country. They are tyring to appease a bunch of liberals and left-wing jackasses.

1Sam. 22:5 Then the prophet Gad said to David, "Don't stay in the stronghold. Leave and return to the land of Judah." So David left and went to the forest of Hereth.

We will complete the Cave of Addullem with Psalm 57. At the Cave of Addullem, it means, “Do not destroy doctrine.”

David is spoken of in the inscription as being associated with the Cave of Addullem and the Cave of Engeddi.

Aman means to lean up something as a foundation;batak is slamming your troubles upon the Lord, chasah means to take refuge in the cleft of a rock, jachel means to trust god in excruciating circumstances; kawa means to be a little string which can be snapped easily, but to be woven into a great rope, and to be unbreakable for that reason.

David carried his fort in his soul.

The shadow of wings is protection and defense. The wings have the concept of moving; the birds flapping along, with the new birds flapping underneath. The shadow of the wings, is God is going to block for them as they move on the offensive. Hawah is catastrophe.

Psalm 57:1 Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me, For my soul takes refuge in you. Yes, in the shadow of your wings, I will take refuge, Until disaster has passed.

Total victory is expected.

Psalm 57:2 I cry out to God Most High, To God who accomplishes my requests for me.

God has reproached King Saul, the one seeking to anihilate Saul.

The key is grace and doctrine. This is supply and ration of headquarters.

Psalm 57:3 He will send from heaven, and save me, He rebukes the one who is pursuing me. Selah. God will send out his grace and his truth.

Psalm 57:4 My soul is among lions. I lie among those who are set on fire, Even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword.

Psalm 57:5 Be exalted, God, above the heavens! Let your glory be above all the earth!

Psalm 57:6 They have prepared a net for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They dig a pit before me. They fall into the midst of it themselves. Selah.

Psalm 57:7 My heart is steadfast, God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises.

Psalm 57:8 Wake up, my glory! Wake up, psaltery and harp! I will wake up the dawn.

Psalm 57:9 I will give thanks to you, Lord, among the peoples. I will sing praises to you among the nations.

Psalm 57:10 For your great loving kindness reaches to the heavens, And your truth to the skies.

Psalm 57:11 Be exalted, God, above the heavens. Let your glory be over all the earth.

The following verses are not covered anywhere:

1Samuel 23:1–5                                   72David                                              631_0032

01/05/1973 Psalm 16:1-11 Battle of Keilah

David gets an intelligence report. One of the most important portions of military function is G2; you need proper information upon which to base your strategy, tactics and foreign policy decisions upon.

Robert E. Lee had Jeb Stuart as a great general. This broke down when Stuart went on a raid in the Gettysburg thing.

Nagad is used in this passage for intelligence reports. Keilah was a border city, and it had strong walls for that reason and an excellent gate system. They were a fairly impregnable system. They were reduced to a siege.

The Philistines always took what they needed, but left enough behind so that the farmers could survive and grow more for the next year. Philistines were a warrior race and would rather raid a city for food than grow it themselves.

This attack is a result of David’s feigned madness. He faces a serious problem. He has moved from the cave of Addullem to here. He originally intended to take the offensive against Saul, but was not doing it against the Philistines.

1Sam. 23:1 It was reported to David: "Look, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and raiding the threshing floors."

David is indecisive and goes to God in this situation. There is a tactical problem that David has not solved, so he goes to God over this. God puts this order in the perfect tense, because this end was assumed.

1Sam. 23:2 So David inquired of the LORD: "Should I launch an attack against these Philistines?" The LORD answered David, "Launch an attack against the Philistines and rescue Keilah."

Most of these men have not had combat experience with just a smattering of military training; and they are not hard core. “We’re afraid here in Judah.” And this is why God ordered them to leave. They needed to get out and fight. David’s army is in the forest of Hereto and they would be outnumbered if they went down into the plains.

1Sam. 23:3 But David's men said to him, "Look, we're afraid here in Judah; how much more if we go to Keilah against the Philistine forces!"

David went back to God because of the timidity of his troops. God tells him to go down to Keilah. They will need to use the best security measures to remain safe. This will be David’s first combat experience with this army. It is important to have victory right from the start.

David and His Army Going to Keilah

1.       The Lord says “Go” and human viewpoint says, “don’t.”

2.       David’s battalion is well-trained professionally but neutralized by human viewpoint.

3.       David is the spiritual and military leader of this battalion.

4.       David is learning the power of prayer. The ephod is not there; so David does not use the ephod. When they get to Keilah, there will be an ephod. Supergrace leadership expresses divine viewpoint. It is David versus 400. David will win out. Supergrace leadership offsets human viewpoint. Who won the battle? David does not let the army tell him what to do. The best leaders, pastors, professional men, military men, tell you what to do and you don’t need to know why. Some lieutenant tells his platoon to move out. A bad decision carried out with vigor is better than democracy. There is no democracy in the army. God’s Word does not advocate a democracy. God’s Word speaks of leadership, but of a democracy.

1Sam. 23:4 Once again, David inquired of the LORD, and the LORD answered him: "Go at once to Keilah, for I will hand the Philistines over to you."

David is still the leader. They go to Keilah. This is a battalion and they are safe up in the mountains, so they will now move into the plains where they are no longer safe. There will be a point man, a point, platoon, a point, etc. They need to have the best possible security. There must be obedience of orders and a well-trained outfit that responds well to discipline.

You cannot make a soldier out of a hippy. The military is a profession. Even when the army is bad, it is better than what is done on the outside.

1Sam. 23:5 Then David and his men went to Keilah, fought against the Philistines, drove their livestock away, and inflicted heavy losses on them. So David rescued the inhabitants of Keilah.

Now to Psalm 16, which tells us what David is thinking at this time:

David calls for God to guard him. Chasah means to find refuge. David is saying, in effect, “I must have a refuge, but I am totally dependent upon You.

Psalm 16:1 Preserve me, God, for in you do I take refuge.

I have said is what David is saying here. This is what David is saying. “My good not upon You.” This is an idiom that means I have no good but You. All that David has that is worthwhile is God.

Psalm 16:2 My soul, you have said to Yahweh, "You are my Lord. Apart from you I have no good thing."

Saints are supergrace believers. As doctrinal types, these men will make it.

Psalm 16:3 As for the saints who are in the earth, They are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight.

David is now thinking about the reversionists. Rabah; the reversionist go from sorrow to sorrow, from pressure to pressure. David sees the sorrow of the reversionist. Life is simple for those who are occupied with Christ. Those who move onto supergrace will have great blessing and prosperity.

Hasten helps to identify the reversionist here. This drink offerings are given to idols; this is the ritual of idolatry. David says that he will remain separate from reversionism. He will not associate with these people.

David will not call upon reversionism for hellp.

Some ecumenical group called Bob to get involved in some group effort. Kids are taught to hate America and to love Mother Russia. A lot of those people will sing hate America songs and hate America pageants while eating American wheat.

Psalm 16:4 Their sorrows shall be multiplied who give gifts to another god. Their drink-offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take their names on my lips.

David knows that he has a future and a cup. He knew that he was going to heaven. He knew he would be in phase III. The cup is blessing in phase II. This can be a wonderful life with your RM/RW. The cup is whatever you might associate with happiness. It runs over and splashes everywhere. David knows that he does not have much by way of materialistic things, but he knows that God maintains and holds together that which belongs to him.

Psalm 16:5 Yahweh assigned my portion and my cup. You made my lot secure.

For some of us, God will makes us millionaires and the money is floating around out there right now; and we will take possession when we have the capacity for them. When we have the capacity for them.

Psalm 16:6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Yes, I have a good inheritance.

David is occupied with God because He is advising David on this advance. The troops are on the move because that is God’s direction. David has emotions responding to the doctrine in his soul. He is enjoying the celebrityship of Christ. Every man should have the second blessing of going into combat to kill communists and to be thinking about God’s direction all the while.

Every time David fells a little trepidation, and this stuff all piles up. Leadership has all of this pressure.

Psalm 16:7 I will bless Yahweh, who has given me counsel. Yes, my heart instructs me in the night seasons.

David has set Yehowah before him. He is trained and ready and he will make the right decisions at the right time. There has been a custom in various armies that the senior officer walks on the right, the junior officer is on the left. Soldiers walk in rank ii that particular order. It was always that way, out in Austin on leave or whatever.

Jesus Christ is in charge and He is on David’s right. He is the senior officer. “I will not totter or shake.”

Psalm 16:8 I have set Yahweh always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

+H verb here; David is glad in a time of pressure, under great, great blessing. Glory stands for his supergrace status. David is probably ready to take his rest out on the stars and he is going to rest in safety.

Psalm 16:9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my tongue rejoices. My body shall also dwell in safety.

He looks down the corridors of time. He sees Jesus. He recieves this from Jesus Christ. “You will not leave my soul in Sheol.” The Spirit went to be with the Father and His soul goes into Sheol, Abraham’s bosom or Paradise. It is just like the greater Son of David. The soul left Sheol and joined the body in the tomb of Joseph of Aramathia.

This verse is quoted many times. Jesus is on David’s right hand, where the superior rank is. And Jesus will be there forever.

Psalm 16:10 For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Neither will you allow your holy one to see corruption.

Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life. In your presence is fullness of joy. In your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.

David delivered this city; they will praise him on one day and turn him into Saul on the next.

1Sam. 23:5 Then David and his men went to Keilah, fought against the Philistines, drove their livestock away, and inflicted heavy losses on them. So David rescued the inhabitants of Keilah.

1Samuel  23:6-12                                 72David                                              631_0033

01/07/1973 The Ephod in Keilah; sign of God’s authority & blessing

Bob’s ministry is not geared toward those who come in once a week. Bob knows what doctrine does on a once a week basis: nothing. You don’t belong here; you belong in some idiot church. A pastor in Arizona said he was only able to put together one message a week.

David had time to think of the greatest thing in his life, Bible doctrine. David looked down the corridors of times to see Jesus Christ, and wrote, “You will not leave My soul in Sheol.” I think that David wrote this of himself, but that God the Holy Spirit applied this to Jesus Christ.

As a result of David’s lie, the city of Nob was still destroyed. Their families, cities, animals were all killed. One person escaped the massacre of Nob. He brought with him the ephod.

The massacre of Nob apparently occurred the same time as the attack upon Keilah. The ephod is a sleeveless vest, and this was a garment that tapered down and have various things to which the breastplate was attached. That the ephod is with David indicates that God recognizes David as the true king of Israel.

Some of the Benjamites saw this and left Saul and joined David. This is why there are Benjamites in his list of heroes.

The ephod represents where Israel ought to go. It is the principle of spiritual discernment which comes from Bible doctrine. Follow the guide-on, which is the Holy Ephod. The terrible slaughter of Mount Gilboa, and those who join themselves with David will not suffer loss there.

The principle of following the ephod. Once the canon of Scripture is completed, we no longer need the Ephod.

The Urim and Thummim rocks provide the yes and no answers.

There is no longer the specialized priesthood in the Church Age. We are in a state of apostasy and reversionism today, just as in the time of Saul.

From this point on, the ephod will be with David. This is when Jonathan should have come to David and stayed. There are decisions that we make every day; and some that we make only once.

Next inquiry to the Lord will be through the ephod. While David is great, he recognizes authority of the High Priesthood. David immediately recognized that man’s authority.

Calling for the ephod means that David is calling for the high priest.

It is a part of God’s grace plan for David to go to Keilah.

1Sam. 23:6 Abiathar son of Ahimelech fled to David at Keilah, and he brought an ephod with him.

What happened after Saul slaughtered the city of Nob. Someone tells Saul that David is in Keilah. There is a series of spies and patrol reconnaissances. Reversionist Saul was destroying cities in Israel; David was saving cities in Israel.

The verb to say is in the imperfect tense, so he keeps saying this over and over again. Piel intensive stem. God advised David to go to Keilah; and Saul thinks that David is now fallen into a trap, being deserted by God.

Saul’s Wrong Understanding of the Situation

1.       The fact that David was in a precarious position causes Saul to think he is trapped. There are double gates and double bars. He is pinned down by the walls of the city.

2.       Reversionism always mistakenly assumes that God is on their side. They know how to use God and how to abuse God. Saul talks about God as if he has a good relationship with Him.

3.       Reversionism can never think straight. It has the wrong perspective. It is a minus doctrine perspective.

4.       God has not forsaken David. David’s precarious situation has a lesson to teach David and this is a lesson that David needs to understand quickly.

5.       The reversionist always judges the supergrace believer with pious phrases. Saul gets a second wind here. David is trapped, Saul thinks. God did this for me. Self righteous reversionism.

The people of Keilah are reversionism. They will act as if David is great and how thankful they are; but what is happening is, they will turn David over to Saul.

Double gates and double bars means that the city cannot be opened until morning; so Saul will get their quickly.


1.       Saul assumes that, once David enters into the city, that he can get him. When an army pins itself down to a defensive position, they are admitting defeat. Wonderful men going to Vietnam and being hindered from it by the president of the United States. Young men die because when you pin yourself down, you admit defeat and you give the enemy all the time that they need. The French allowed themselves to be pinned down as well. Their arms were taken from them and the North Vietnamese use these arms in South Vietnam.

2.       It is for this reason that David’s soldiers did not want to go to Keilah. This was a perfect trap. They would be gotten by Saul or by the Philistines.

3.       However, David is in command and he knows what he is doing. David knows what he is doing.

4.       David did the right thing in delivering the city from siege. This reveals his patriotism and love of Israel.

5.       While David appears to have walked into a trap, this is another opportunity for David to learn the grace and provision of God.

6.       David went down to Keilah as unto the Lord.

7.       Keilah appreciated it and expressed their gratitude; but man does not build his life upon the compliments of others. If this is required, then you have no capacity for life. If you live for the praise of others and recognition, then you have no capacity for life.

8.       Man’s gratitude is meaningless. Remember, you will be sucked in on this sooner or later. They will thank you for something today and tomorrow they will rip you to pieces. Bob hopes that they gave David a plaque of appreciation. You must take compliments and recognition with a grain of salt. Only the grace of God is meaningful.

1Sam. 23:7 When it was reported to Saul that David had gone to Keilah, he said, "God has handed him over to me, for he has trapped himself by entering a town with barred gates."

Saul does not go down to get the Philistines; he goes after David.

Saul as a Reversionist

1.       The motive for mobilization is personal vindictiveness. You cannot lead a nation and use your army to be vindictive.

2.       Reversionism always suffers from the blackout of the soul; and therefore, confused thinking.

3.       When people are confused, they strike out at others. When you start striking out at others, you are suffering from confused thinking.

4.       Reversionism is incapable of making a true estimate of the situation.

5.       Reversionistic believers are destructive; they take you down with them.

6.       We will see in the passages to come, the army under Saul will suffer one defeat after another. King Saul is defeated by his own reversionistic standards. In Blackout of the soul, you have a deterioration of the norms and standards. You go back to the mental attitude sins of the soul. Before there is even one order, there is a defeat in the soul of reversionistic standards.

7.       No one rises over the standards in their soul. They are fashioned by Bible doctrine or by reversionism. Human good in the old sin nature results in self-righteousness and sins of judging and sins of the tongue.

The greatest comfort given to our enemy is wheat being given to children who are being raised to hate us. Communism is of the devil himself. We will go the way of Jeremiah’s day or there will be a man raised up after God’s Own heart. We have elective representatives in office. Mark Hatfield is in the depths of reversionism.

In reversionism, Saul cannot improve on his standards. He is functioning under the norms and standards of reversionism. He is suffering from emotional revolt of the soul. There is no hope unless doctrine comes into the soul and changes these standards. A reversionistic believer continues to live by his standards. Saul has the world’s worst norms and standards. David was in reversionism but he has now recovered. He has the standards of divine viewpoint. You cannot live above your standards in your own soul. The only time that can occur is when you have an intimate relationship and you borrow their standards temporarily.

1Sam. 23:8 Then Saul summoned [mobilized] all the troops to go to war at Keilah and besiege David and his men.

1Sam. 22:7-8 Saul said to his servants who stood about him, Hear now, you Benjamites; will the son of Jesse give everyone of you fields and vineyards, will he make you all captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, that all of you have conspired against me, and there is none who discloses to me when my son makes a league with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who is sorry for me, or discloses to me that my son has stirred up my servant against me, to lie in wait, as at this day?

One of those words in there is keilah.

Saul will malign David; Saul has human viewpoint standards and is a reversionism. David has a true estimate of the situation. Saul will never understand why he is unable to get David. Many of us have neglected Bible doctrine. We don’t think that we need it. We judge people by our own low standards. We are in reversionism. We judge people by the standards that we have. We come up with fronts.

You are in hypersensitive reversionism. “I don’t know anything about you.”

David knew that Saul was planning evil against him.

David called to Abiathar to bring the ephod to him. This means to put it on and report to David.

1Sam. 23:9 When David learned that Saul was plotting evil against him, he said to Abiathar the priest, "Bring the ephod."

David goes through the general procedure. David knows that Saul intends to come to Keilah. Not sure if this is something that David knows through G2 or whatever. The verb then needs to besiege and destroy.

1Sam. 23:10 Then David said, "LORD God of Israel, Your servant has heard that Saul intends to come to Keilah and destroy the town because of me.

David will ask 2 questions. Will the leaders of Keilah hand me over to Saul? The idea here is, he will be betrayed to Saul; that is what David is asking. He wonders about these men, whom David suspects are two-faced.

David also asks if Sail will come down and God tells him “yes.” There is only one answer given, so David will have to repeat his question.

1Sam. 23:11 Will the citizens of Keilah hand me over to him? Will Saul come down as Your servant has heard? LORD God of Israel, please tell Your servant." The LORD answered, "He will come down."

Then asks again, will these citizens hand me over to Saul.

So, why is this question asked twice? People who are emotional are often very sincere in all that they do. To balance out sins and human good, they come up with sincerity. They meant it when they said just how great David was. They would toast him and congratulate him. People will all have this experience. You will hear all of these great things said about you. In this way, you destroy yourself.

1Sam. 23:12 Then David asked, "Will the citizens of Keilah hand me and my men over to Saul?" "They will," the LORD responded.

David is thinking something in particular at this time, and that is what we will study this next time. That will be next lesson; tonite we will pluck the pigeon.

1Samuel 23                                          72David                                              631_0034

01/07/1973 Psalm 36:1-7 Reversionist cf. supergrace character

The men of Keilah are two-faced. They are untrustworthy. A divine word within my heart concerning the defection of the reversionists. David has just heard to the men of Keilah were going to turn him over to Saul. They have told him that he is great and how appreciative they are, and they are about to betray him.

David leaves himself out of this. It is the people who have no respect for God. He sees the true issue immediately. All of these parties, all of this strap-on, it all clicks in David’s mind. No respect for David means no respect for God.

Introductory Points

1.       No respect of God means the reversionist is not occupation with Christ. No respect for Jesus Christ, you will not have respect for anyone who loves you. What ought to wake you up is, in this passage is your love life. You think some idiot can tell you that you will be loved forever and they don’t really give a damn about Jesus Christ. So you get the wild idea that Jesus Christ can be bypassed and that you can enjoy the love of the century apart from Jesus Christ.

2.       The reversionist has rejected or neglected Bible doctrine and has defected from any capacity from love or appreciation. The reversionist appreciates nothing. Bob was like any dumb ass who becomes a pastor. You listen to the bitchers bitch and the cry-babies cry. That is all wrong. All those for whom Bob beat his brains out for are gone now. They did not stick around. Find out what God wants and stick them with that. Some of you probably came here with the rosey glow. Someone maybe told you that you are the greatest thing ever. When people reject or neglect Bible doctrine, they have no capacity for love. This comes from the supergrace life.

3.       It is the reversionist who would betray David to Saul. They will betray David.

4.       Do not be shocked when some reversionist declares undying love to you and then becomes unfaithful to you in some way in no time at all. If doctrine won’t help a person, then nothing will. Bob got a call from Michigan and he wanted to ask some questions. He asked if someone could lose their salvation. He wanted to know if you could lose your salvation. He was quite impressed that he called Bob all the way from Michigan. Write down the question and turn it into T&P and they would send out the proper lessons.

5.       The pattern for Israel is no capacity for love. Some have no capacity to admire and respect. One thing reversionism cannot stand is a supergrace believer. The reversionist always takes credit to himself. There are this huge group of men under 40 who think they are God’s gfit to women. How could any woman resist them?

Psalm 36:1 An oracle is within my heart about the disobedience [defection] of the wicked [= reversionist]: "There is no fear [respect] of God before his eyes."

The men of Keilah were so taken with themselves that they had no idea that they were all messed up. These are all fat-headed wolves. They think of themselves as God’s gift to Israel.

Ego is not pride but ego + mental attitude sins = pride. It never occurs to the men of Keilah that David ought to be actually honored. They see themselves as being worthy of being delivered. They have not even discovered their own sins. Matsa and another Qal infinitive construct saney

David and the Men of Keilah

1.       David has discovered their sin. He was strapped on and now he recognizes who and what they really are. You canot understand what a strap-on artists is like by contact with them. They are very attractive people.

2.       Women have this problem with men; they look good and have a good personality and they are attracted to them.

3.       Ladies, you are fuel for his ego. He is just going to burn another love of God; you. You are fuel for his fat head. This just flatters the reversionist.

4.       David was taken in temporarily by the men of Keilah. They wined and dined him and offered him sanctuary.

5.       However, with the coming of Saul, they were ready to drop him and betray him to his death.

6.       Application to the men. A woman uses a man until something better comes along. It is a two-way street.

7.       In this passage, David is a man. The smart woman who loves as a supergrace woman will not let herself be taken advantage by those with weak egos. What makes the soul vulnerable makes the body vulnerable. The key is Bible doctrine. The Four Freshmen used to sing a song, with the line, “Don’t let the blues make you bad.” David is a lonely man; he is responsible for a few thousand people. He has lost his only category #2 love relationship. He thinks he is in love with Michel and they are separated at this point. David rescues Keilah as a lonely man and he could fall for strap-on and flattery. He had no idea that, after the victory, the greatest attack was coming; the spiritual attack that he must face and meet and win.

Bible doctrine in the soul fills the soul. No matter how lonely you are, your answer, security and protection is Jesus Christ in your soul.

No one in Keilah truly loves David. They would guard the ego of David. They would never do this to him. David realizes that those with capacity for love are few and far between. David will spend his time in cwc.

Psalm 36:2 For he flatters himself in his own eyes, Too much to detect and hate his sin [to find his sin is to hate his sin].

The instability of the reversionism. The translation begins to calm down a little. David is a hero in Keilah because he begins to deliver the city. He is personable and handsome and he gets a lot of attention; all kinds of flattering words, all designed to reach his emotion without reaching his right lobe. His status of reversionism puts him under the blues. He is occupation with Christ. He has the celebrityship of Jesus Christ in his right lobe.

There is a lack of capacity in the soul. His words are empty words. The words of his mouth are emptiness; vanity. David recognizes the superficiality of reversionism. David was actually deceived by the words of gratitude. The first time you heard, “I love you” or “I’ll never love anyone else” or “I’ll be faithful to you forever.” The valves are all shut down and emotion oozes something which passes for goodness; sincerity. The person who said it, at this moment is sincere. If you live by the Word of God and you say, “I love you” then these words are meaningful. The words uttered by the mouth are no stronger than the character of the person who utters these words. This all depends upon this individual’s capacity for love. If some declares undying love to your or just love—we have more adjectives than we have sense—and yet it is easy for them to crush your ego, then their love is not very meaningful.

There is a wonderful application. The person who goes out of his way to damage your ego has no capacity for love. The solution to any of it is still Bible doctrine.

The men of Keilah. They once had an edification complex, part or all of it; and they have lost all of it by neglect of doctrine. He has ceased to be pleasing to God. He is no longer in supergrace. No longer the capacity to please God.

Psalm 36:3 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit. He has ceased to be wise and to do good.

This is one who plots to hurt someone in bed. You usually go to bed to go to sleep; but the reversionist lies there and schemes on how they can hurt this person. Mischief is vanity, wickedness. He plans in bed how to use his reversionistic soul to hurt someone. These people at Keilah just gave David so much gratitude; and went to bed thinking about how they could harm him. How many people really love you or care for you? You hear words of love and praise expressed by others.

You are thinking that you are God’s gift to women, and there are enough silly women around here to let you think that. But how many people will go to bed thinking about how they can harm you. The woman who lies in bed, calls up a man and says, “I’m in the arms of another man” and then hang up on you. Someone tells you that you are handsome and you fall for it.

The proud are the easiest to fool. The person who does not take credit to himself is much harder to fool. David was not that way. God waited until David was ready for it, and then allowed this to happen.

When Bob first began inspecting bases in the south; a guy told him, “Southern women do not know how to say no.” they do not understand manners and saying no is fine. He takes a stand. This means to take a stand in a way that is not good. This describes the men of Keilah. They would tell a person what he wants to hear to his face, and yet talk about him to his back. Some of the nicest people you will ever meet are most lowdown that you will meet. Do not be concerned with human relationships until you get into supergrace. The kind of guy who is so stuck on himself that he is convinced that everyone else is stuck on him as well.

The person oozing success, oozing money, flashing teeth, bringing clippings about himself in case you don’t know him. This guy will go as far as he can go. These people will go as far as they can with David.

Psalm 36:4 He plots iniquity on his bed. He sets himself in a way that is not good; He doesn't abhor evil.

It is even better to be so occupied with Jesus Christ so that He is always your stabilizer. What has happened has come as a blow to David. What would David mention first? Grace.

The source of God’s plan is heaven ruled by God. David knows that he is ruled by grace; and the ruler of this world is Satan. Satan is in command of all these reversionist believers. Jesus Christ is still in heaven.

David knows that these men are horrendous. They treat David with malice.

What David Learns

1.       God’s faithfulness transcends all human standards.

2.       Beyond human understanding.

3.       Based upon His perfect character.

4.       Only the supergrace believer can comprehend the grace and faithfulness of God.

5.       David in this deliverance from Keilah will see the faithfulness and grace of God.

6.       There are at least 7 ways in which God expresses His faithfulness to us.

          1)       Rebound.

          2)       Testing.

          3)       In provision. 1Thess. 5:24

          4)       In protection.

          5)       In the believer’s unfaithfulness.

          6)       Faithful in keeping His promises and keeping His Word.

          7)       Faithful in fulfilling His plan to us.

Psalm 36:5 Your grace, Yahweh, is in the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to [as far as I can see in] the skies.

David goes from grace to righteousness. When you ask for grace, you want God to go easy on you. That is a bit of desperation. You are asking God to drop His character. God, at one time, did not have to be gracious, but He was always righteous. God cannot be righteous unless He has that perfect character. God found a way to retain His perfect righteousness. God’s righteousness is +R and He cannot change His righteousness. How could God have anything to do with the human race? He coats His righteousness in grace. Whenever you scratch grace, righteousness is underneath. You scratch down to grace and you are at perfect righteousness. Love sent Jesus Christ to the cross. The justice of God has to be satisfied. The formula is justice + love = grace. Scratching the surface of grace is +R. If Jesus had not gone to the cross, David could never say help. Propitiation is a doctrine of Christian experience. How do you know that God loves you even when you are out of line? Grace is the coating over God’s righteousness.

Righteousness is the base for grace. God’s righteousness is completely stable and completely coated by grace. The Son loved us and died for our sins. The Son is our substitute. The Son propitiated the justice of the Father. This is grace based upon authority and character.

Some of you need to go where there is a long and good song service.

Our authority is who and what God is. He has put it into writing for us. When this authority exists, it does not go around being mealy mouthed. Most of you need a kick in the butt.

Bob got one of those letters this week unsigned from some female. “I want you to talk about grace. I didn’t sign it because I want to maintain my privacy.” “Then don’t write me again; I want to maintain mine as well.”

Righteousness is perfectly stable. The mountains of God refers to perfect stability.

This goes with the previous verse. There is a parallel. Faithfulness as high as the sky, Your grace is in the heavens. You have delivered man and beast, O Jehovah. This principle of deliverance applies even in the animal kingdom.

Psalm 36:6 Your righteousness is like the mountains of God. Your judgments [just decress] are like a great deep. Yahweh, you preserve man and animal.

Precious and rare; more valuable than anything else. Chasah was used when David went to the cave of Addullem. He will take refuge under the shadow of God’s wings. This is the supergrace believer who gaps it to supergrace. Grace cannot be appreciated apart from consistent intake of doctrine. This person will be in perfect security.

David will continue under the shadow of God’s wings whereas the treacherous will fall off the cliff.

Psalm 36:7 How precious [valuable] is your grace, God! The children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings.

1Samuel 23:13                                     72David                                              631_0035

01/08/1973 Psalm 36:8-12; 62:1-5 Farewell to Keilah

The first of several messages from David to the men of Keilah.

Grace love is found here; God has the perfect freedom to reveal His character. We live for just a few years in this life as believers. In the devil’s world, under the most adverse of circumstances, God can bless the supergrace believer.

Psalm 36:7 How precious [valuable] is your grace, God! The children of men take refuge under the shadow of your wings.

Fat is a metaphor for being lazy and gross; but fat in the ancient world indicated prosperity. People who were fat were usually prosperous type people. We must interpret this passage in the time in which it was written.

The Tabernacle was a teaching aide, and it all had meaning; but the priests taught this. So the house is the Tabernacle, and that teaches Bible doctrine.

Sometimes, you pursue Bible doctrine, and the things that you wanted pursue you. This is the streams of pleasure. Put doctrine before everything else and learn it and move into that place of supergrace capacity, you develop the capacities and occupation with Christ. The abundance of life pursues you. When these things are dropped into your life, then you pursue doctrine. God wants to express His love in giving; He is free in grace to do this.

You have a child, but the child is spoiled. No matter what you give them, they are bored with it and spend 1 minute enjoying it, and they expect you to give them more right away. You don’t want to give to a child like this.

Psalm 36:8 They shall be abundantly satisfied [saturated] with the abundance of your house [doctrine]. You will make them drink of the river of your pleasures.

Introductory Points

1.       Jesus Christ is the source of this stream of pleasure.

2.       These living waters represent wealth and prosperity pursuing us.

3.       God has found a way to bless us in the Angelic Conflict.

4.       The fountain is a spring; it has living waters. This is wealth, success, RM/RW, etc. the believer occupied with Christ. Opens up a fountain and a stream opens up in your life. David had streams of pleasure beyond streams of pleasure.

5.       Living waters is Jesus Christ as the source of all blessing for the believer.

6.       Just as the spring is the source of the stream, so supergrace capacity and the Lord Jesus Christ acting opens up this new life.

David understands the men of Keilah now. Bible doctrine in the right lobe becomes a source of blessing and prosperity and also becomes the basis for discernment. You can spot such a person quickly.

Psalm 36:9 For with you is the spring of life. In your light shall we see light.

David now thinks of his own men. Scratch beneath the surface of grace and underneath it is righteousness, which provides the stabilization of it all.

Psalm 36:10 Oh continue [scatter, prolong] Your grace to those who know You, Your righteousness to the upright in heart.

Then we have the two-facedness of those who were rescued by David and now they have turned agasint him.

Psalm 36:11 Don't let the foot of pride come against me. Don't let the hand of the wicked drive me away.

The workers of iniquity are the men of Keilah. They have been thrust down. No believer can rise above the standards that they have in reversionism and the deeds of reversionism. The men of Keilah have been treacherous with David. And they will go down with Saul.

Psalm 36:12 There the workers of iniquity are fallen. They are thrust down, and shall not be able to rise.

The narrative comes from Samuel and the thinking comes from the psalms. David and his men need to separate from the men of Keilah, who are in reversionism. They are going into the unknown.

They went here and there, wherever they could find a place.

These men of Keilah saw a promotion from Saul slipping out of them. Such men have poor discipline. The rear guard is passing through the gates.

1Sam. 23:13 So David and his men, numbering about 600, left Keilah at once and moved from place to place. When it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, he [Saul] called off the expedition.

Now, as he leavens, David speaks to these men of Keilah. Ak opens each strophe; and it means only toward Elohim. They were moving in as if they may try to assassinate Him.

Only toward God; my soul will silently resign itself to God.

Psalm 62:1 My soul rests in God alone. My salvation is from Him.

David knows that he is delivered. He knows that these men cannot do a thing to him. “You can’t wipe me out; I am in the hands of my deliverer. If God does not deliver you, then you are not delivered.

These men want to destroy him, and he will die in a ripe old age in between 2 young dolls. David’s been rescued by the Lord already; so these men cannot be treacherous and betray David to Saul, if they understood this. The reversionist never appreciates grace action or grace function. The men of Keilah are reversionists. They cannot appreciate anything and are completely fouled up here. They want to kill the person God is supporting.

Only He my Rock and Deliverance. Rock, deliverance and security. The fortress refers to security. David is saying that he does not get shaken up.

Summary Points

1.       This is David’s testimony to those who are going to try tot take his life.

2.       David is occupied with Christ and so Jesus is more real to him that these men.

3.       David still faces these men, but he is delivered.

4.       David is not shaken by the treachery of these men.

Psalm 62:2 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress -- I will never [not] be greatly shaken.

David saved them and they repay him with this great betrayal. David also had the gift of prophecy. David does not even have to pull out a crystal ball.


1.       A bulging wall falls over of its own weight; a reversionist destroys himself with his own life and thinking.

2.       A tottering fence only takes a little pushing to turn it over.

3.       The reversionist is destroyed by his own momentum. His own momentum of soul; blackout of the soul.

4.       David was a true friend to the men of Keilah; Saul is their real enemy.

5.       Catering to Saul, they seek to kill David; reverse process reversionism.

6.       If you are a believer and reversionistic, you are like a bulging wall or a tottering fence; you will never have capacity for true friendship or true love.

7.       The reversionist destroys his true friends while catering to his enemies.

8.       Hypocrisy turns you against your real friends and turns you against your friends, and the bulging wall will fall flat. Hypocrisy and treachery destroy capacity for love.

Pray this is not true of your fm or your rw. This will be an education in two-facedness. Doctrine works, and there is nothing wrong with doctrine. It is the people and their principles. Opposite direction doctrine. This will keep you from falling apart and from being bitter.

Psalm 62:3 How long will you assault a man [how long will you attack a man unjustly?], Would all of you throw him down, Like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence?

Only from his exalted status. This means this phrase has great emphasis. David is occupied with the Lord. This requires them to have a certain type of negative character. They take great pleasure in falsehood; in him strapping it on. Many would prefer to tell a lie over telling the truth. A reversionist gets his kick out of strapping it on for others.

If she phases them out, she dear George’s them; tells them she needs to go back to grandmas house. They take pleasure in falsehood; in maligning David. They bless him with their mouth but they revile him inwardly.

They probably stopped David in the street and thanked him for saving them; and how he kept it safe for his business or kept his daughters from being raped.

Psalm 62:4 They fully intend to throw him down from his lofty place [they only plot to take him down (overthrow) from his exalted status]. They delight in lies [they take pleasure in strap-on]. They bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah.

In selah, David is resting in God’s plan, and things move in.


1.       This is not only the function of the men of Keilah, but this is their function from the beginning of time for all reversionists. Things have not changed. Only plumbing and air conditioning and television.

2.       The reversionist exchanges and says, “I’ll take your love and give you my hatred.” Ladies arise, freedom must be your choice. Many of you women are so stupid about men, you think marriage is sweetness and light. You will make one decision and find out that you are in slavery. You give him love and he gives you hatred. It works both ways. Lovely to work you head off all day long. Then you come home and you get an icy chunk of hatred. It can become a heavy barrage of nagging. That is the application of this verse. There is something worse than being single and lonely. Identify RM/RW and they are in reversionism. Marry that person and you too will be in reversionism. Bob hopes he saves one person from going to the altar tomorrow.

3.       To do this; to exchange your love for his hate, he has to be jealous; the men of Keilah were jealous of his supergrace honor.

4.       They must express jealousy, vindictiveness and maligning. They must learn the basic policy of reversionism. They call David a savior to his face and an SOB behind his back.

5.       He blesses you to your face and curses you behind your back.

6.       Reversionism cannot cope with grace. Impossible for reversionism to cope with grace. David is a supergrace believer. The men of Keilah cannot cope with it. David will walk out the gates unharmed. If any of the men of Keilah had any sense, they would follow David out the gate.

All spiritual victories occur in the soul. Self-consciousness; two frontal lobes; left lobe and the right lobe. Emotion and the old sin nature. All spiritual victories are won in the soul. When believers become apostate, they begin to redefine spiritual victory in terms of doing something. You cannot equate spiritual victroy on what you do. Spiritual victory is based upon what goes on in the soul. There is divine good production; but it begins in the soul. It is not doing something around the church, or coming to church, or following some program. Victor is in the soul. What does David say? Do you think I am a spiritual giant because I pray or witness or killed Goliath or saved Keilah?

David is not shook one bit over this. David is not to run around and do things or explain himself, but to be silent for God alone. This is when the men of Keilah should have all marched out. But they would not repent or change their attitude toward doctrine.

Psalm 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God alone [O my soul, be silent only to Elohim], For my expectation [confidence] is from Him.

1Samuel 23 Ps. 62:5-12                     72David                                              631_0036

01/09/1973 Two doctrines of provision

Wait here refers to submitting one’s soul to God.

Psalm 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God alone, For my expectation is from him.

David looks back at them, who want to kill him, and he says it all depends upon God. The rock refers to security. They stand upon a high rock and cannot be disturbed. Bob complains about a rifle and .30-.30's. Havalinah got mad and approached Bob, but he was on the rock and it saved his neck. Normally, they are docile, but when mad, they are mean critters. Being on the rock was the safe place. We are safe on this earth because of who and what Jesus Christ is. When the balloon goes up, do we go to Arizona? What do we do? God has different plans for different people. You cannot tell someone else what God’s will is for their lives. You cram them filled with doctrine and let them determine what to do.

Our security is not in some preconceived plan. The supergrace believer knows what to do when it comes down. The easiest thing in the world; you take in doctrine.

Jesus Christ is the only celebrity for the believer. There is not way that anyone could get to David because God has everything under control.

Psalm 62:6 He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress. I will not be shaken.

God is David’s fortress; he is not trapped by the men of Keilah or by the walls of Keilah.

Psalm 62:7 With God is my salvation and my honor. The rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Batak takes doctrine and cycles it into the human spirit. He tells the men of Keilah that they need to recover from their reversionism. There is a direct connection between the right lobe and personal health. The woman who whines about the man she marries, who was as clear-headed as she could be when she walked down the aisle with him. This is the worst bunch of whining, complaining, etc. The worst company for a woman is another woman. You develop the vocabulary of whining. This is the greatest contributor to women becoming lesbians. There is a lot of attrition in the pulpit because people unload all of the time.

This is the same as Casting all of your cares upon Him.

Selah; the orchestra continues to play and the singers rest. This is us resting in God.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, you people. Pour out your heart before him. God is a refuge for us. Selah.

The 3rd and last strophe. No place in the Christian way of life for snobbery or a superiority complex. Dogmatically; men of low degree, trashy men are empty.

White trash are empty; aristocrats are empty. There are some in the Christian life who have trouble with those who are successful. Sometimes, these are put on a pedestal and they are worshiped.

People have a tendency to put others on a pedestal. A person with some status who has been saved for 24 hours, and everyone wants to put them on a testimonial bandwagon. Shoved up in front of others as if he or she is a great Christian. They are a minor celebrity who just stepped into the Christian life. People who are highly successful are not necessarily great believers.

They haven’t done anything; they haven’t been anyplace. Maybe they ought to speak.

If God does not prosper you, you are not prospered; if God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

In the balances, they all go up together. God has supergrace greatness on one side. We put a man of low degree in here. See if he balances out. Because of emptiness, they go up in the balances. Human standards cannot be imposed upon the human race.

Ladies, do not impose human success standards or human standards of asceticism on the Christian way of life. We used to have a boy that went to this church; he’s a preacher-boy now, and I call him that because it is an insult. He is a real name-dropper about who he met and what a blessing it has been.

In the Christian life, there is one celebrity and many supergrace heroes. The reversionist never balances with grace. The treachery of the men of Keilah. The emptiness of human standards causes their end of the scale to go up.

Psalm 62:9 Surely men of low degree are just a breath, And men of high degree are a lie. In the balances they will go up. They are together lighter than a breath.

The other side of the fence now. Do not depend upon the oppressor. Treachery always forfeits freedom. We became treacherous and we sacrifices freedom at Yalta and Potsdam; a 3rd of the earth lost their freedom here. Our weak, vacillating foreign policy. You cannot compromise with tyranny. We squander American lives because of this sort of thing; 60,000 American lives were lost because of this.

The military fights for freedom and gains freedom; prosperity is gained through free enterprise. When the leeches are allowed to live, the society is dragged sown. To protect them from self-destruction, there must be a bottom dropping out to kill the parasites.

Doctrine in the soul means happiness. In this situation, wealth will pursue him. Do not become foolish about plunder-prosperity. Do not regard wealth as the basis of your happiness. The gains over reversionism do not produce happiness.

Maybe you get others out of your way by bad-rapping them. Do not ever try to get promoted by putting others down.

Psalm 62:10 Don't trust in oppression. Don't become vain in robbery [do not become foolish about plunder]. If riches increase [if wealth prosperity in creases], Don't set your heart on them [do not make wealth the center of your life].

If God promotes you, it is meaningful. You do not move up by displacing someone else. If the Lord promotes you, you are really promoted. There is no happiness from the gains of reversionism. The men of Keilah will enjoy no happiness over betraying David.

There are 2 doctrines which David will leave with them. First doctrine: power belongs to ELohim. Who has the power to promote you? Who has the power to drop a million dollars into your lap.

You can’t kill me now, even though you want to do it.

Psalm 62:11 God has spoken once [one thing Elohim has spoken], Twice I have heard this [2 doctrines I have heard], That power belongs to God.

The second point of doctrine is, grace belong to God. Here, the key is, upon whom do you concentrate? God wants to give us everything associated with happiness. And everything in the universe belongs to God. Happiness and prosperity can only be given to those who have the capacity for it. You need to have doctrine running throughout your soul. Bible doctrine is your capacity.

God does not cry; but He does, in a sense, because He is unable to pour out blessings upon us because we have no capacity for it.

Psalm 62:12 Also to You, Lord, belongs grace, For you reward every man according to his work [You have prospered everyone according to his occupation].

David reminds these men that God has the authority and God is grace; and God poured out grace upon David. There is nothing that God withholds from David. There are two things; God’s power and God’s grace. Jesus Christ is the one giving us these thing. Never in all of history has one man written so much about his own prosperity. Yet, not once did he take credit to himself for this.

God will bless us and God will prosper us.

1Sam. 23:13 So David and his men, numbering about 600, left Keilah at once and moved from place to place. When it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, he called off the expedition.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 101:1-2                72David                                              631_0037

01/10/1973 David’s lessons from Keilah disaster

This will be our last passage on the men of Keilah. We are learning what David got out of his Keilah situation. Any kind of a reversal or setback is an extra class. David learned from his Keilah experience. You, under difficulties, learn to develop a policy. We are creatures of habit and we all have a policy of life. We have principles under which we operate. The treachery of the men of Keilah taught David many lessons. His norms and standards are affected because he learns from this experience and he sets up policy based upon this experience.

Bob reads the psalm in the English. We will understand many of the lessons that David understood from Keilah. We can learn these lessons apart from being shafted. We do not have to have a Keilah experience.

Psalm 101 inscription A psalm of David.

Twice, David says I will sing. This suggests that David is on top. This means to sing when you are happy, to sing when you are enjoying blessing. The men of Keilah did not capture David; he spoke a few words to them and exited.

Grace is the source of every blessing that we will have in life.

Second word to sing is different and it is with musical instruments. All of the psalms were sung, but we do not know what the tunes were. The music does not mean a thing; the lyrics mean everything. You cannot think with music; you can only think with words.

One thing about percussion; they are not designed to bring out the melody. If you need the percussive instruments, you are probably on some kind of dope. To you, O Jehovah, I will make the music of praise.

This is a title, more or less for this psalm.

Psalm 101:1 I will sing of grace and justice. To You, Yahweh, I will sing [make music] praises.

David is in the Hiphil stem; causative active voice. Sakal means to have the smarts. Wisdom is the application of doctrine to experience.

derek here means a way of life and tamiym indicates a complete or satisfactory life. A life that is meaningful. The men of Keilah are stupid. Had they remained with David, they would have enjoyed great blessing. Those who identify with reversionism share the fate of reversionism. All you have to do is be identified with reversionism. David is not going to do this. These men will identify themselves with Saul.

People will be very disappointing to you. Those you love and have great feelings for. There is a difference which doctrine sets. These men were appreciative of David delivering him, but when faced with Saul and what he requires, they went with Saul. David makes his decision here. “I am going one way; they are going another.” These are ships which pass in the night. This is what you have to decide from time to time.

David was on the right road; the road to supergrace. We will meet a variety of people. If we stick with these people, we will share their reversionistic future. If we move on, then onto glory and blessing we go.

You cannot turn your back on people who are truly attractive to you unless you have Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine has to be more important than any form of reversionism.

Once you turn your back...the men of Keilah represent attractiveness and fun. You may go through a difficult time; you want to turn back; you want to go back. There is always loneliness which follows. You never make a decision to walk away from that kind of a person without having some sort of reaction. If it were not for Bible doctrine, you would turn back and share the oblivion of that person. You cannot make a good decision to separate yourself from reversionism without getting some emotional reaction. You may wonder, “Where will I get my prosperity, my success, my million dollars, my right person.” All you have is doctrine. God always puts you in a place where all you have is doctrine. The basic coat for your life is always doctrine. Prosperity is just the trim.

Walking away from a reversionism is like a woman waking up in the morning. Anywhere that you go from there will be an improvement. The woman needs the beautiful skin first. Thanks to cosmetics, you can have the great skin you want. You move from funsville and loneliness and all you have is doctrine. You just turn you back on reversionism. Some of you have squinty eyes, but there are ways to make them large. Everything that you have might be just the very basics; just doctrine. David has problems and people under his command; and he is a lonely person. By turning to doctrine, you have the basis for all prosperity. You cannot paint over all of your hills, wrinkles and discoloration until the foundation is smooth and beautiful. Bible doctrine is the basic for everything.

If the Lord does not provide it, it is not worth having. If the Lord does not promote you, you are not promoted.

David will not walk around but have a way of life in his palace. However, he does not have a house; he lives in caves and out in the open. The Jews live on an escarpment and there is this fort held for 400 years and David will take that fort and he will convert it to a beautiful castle. David will be able to look toward the Mediterranean, toward the Negev, toward the great plains of Jericho. David will have a wonderful life in this castle. He will have a great social life in this castle.

Solomon inherited all that he had and did not enjoy all that he inherited. David knows that he will have great prosperity in the future.

I will walk around in prosperity in the confines of my heart in my castle. He will enjoy this because he has Bible doctrine in his right lobe. He will become wise in a fulfilling life. He will always stay with supergrace. Doctrine is the basis for supergrace happiness. Bible doctrine in the right lobe.

The Men of Keilah and Their Use of People and Doctrine

1.       David has learned from Keilah that supergrace blessing from the Lord can be long in coming, but it is worth waiting for. It is a 6 year wait. If you’re 18, you cannot imagine waiting an hour for anything.

2.       Therefore, David will wiat on the Lord’s timing and he will get there on the Lord’s schedule.

3.       You cannot lose with the Lord’s schedule. You lose by getting behind or ahead. You don’t get pushy or impatient. Some of you get ahead by manipulation. You use people as rungs in the ladder that you are climbing. You used to have a veneer or self-righteousness. Some of you use doctrine the way that you used to use people. You are not really positive toward doctrine; you are positive toward prosperity. If doctrine is just a way for you to get prosperity, then you are in trouble.

4.       David learned a lesson from the men of Keilah. He knew they were impatient. They wanted everything now or awhile ago.

5.       When people push to get, or using people or doctrine to get ahead, you will lose out altogether. They were willing to trade David for Saul. They will lose everything. It is amazing that the pushy ambitious people are the ones to end up, he pushed his way to obscurity.

6.       David puts the horse in front of the cart. David will not push his way to prosperity, but we are to take in our manna day by day. Once you do’t fcaref. Once you are propertied,

7.       David will enjoy supergrace and then prosperity. He is occupied with Christ in between. We enjoy many things because of contrast. You might be unhappy cold and going into warmth is nice. Some people are in great pain and it comes to a point where they don’t hurt, and they like that. We derive happiness from going from something that is uncomfortable to something that is painless.

David will move to greater and greater prosperity as his life progresses. Now, maybe 23 years from now, he will go into reversionism, and he will retain his prosperity, but no longer enjoy all God gave him.

Bob survived a bad plane crash 30 years ago, but he does not retain happiness from that any more.

Bob was out in the Mojave desert and he was freezing at night about 5 miles from his car and he was freezing and he could finally build a fire and it was the greatest thing in the world. 20 years ago, you might have had a significant other in your life, and you werre quite happy; but that is no longer the case.

David here stays right on schedule with God.

Psalm 101:2 I will be careful to live a blameless life. When will you come to me? I will walk within my house with a blameless heart.

Verse 3 is next time.

1Sam. 23:13 So David and his men, numbering about 600, left Keilah at once and moved from place to place. When it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, he called off the expedition.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 101:3–4     72David 01/12/1973                                    631_0038

Lessons David learned at Keilah. Association with supergrace believer cf. association with reversionist

This is what David learned at Keilah. Bob learned something about Texas and that Dallas is north of the Mason-Dixon line. Bob was a student pastor in Dallas. When ice hits the streets of Texas, people just don’t know how to drive on ice. So, that is why Bible class was cancelled.

The men of Ziph in the upcoming chapter will perform the same treachery, but with greater efficiency. Dabar Belial. Most of the time Belial is transliterated.

Deut. 13:13, 1Sam. 1:16 2:12 25:17 are some of the passages where we have the phrase sons of Belial. Belial means reversionism. One of the first signs of reversionism is long hair on a man. The woman who goes along with this is a reversionist in her soul as well. The only men with long hair were Nazarites. No alcohol or women either for the Nazarites.

We have this affliction which is destroying our country. Long hair is the sign of the woman responding to the man. Emotional revolt reverses the role of the man and the woman. Blackout of the soul which leads toward reverse process reversionism. The men of Keilah had a true friend in David. Saul was a tyrant and in reverse process reversionism, the men of Keilah seek to ingratiate themselves to Saul instead.

This psalm is what David learned. Negative volition toward doctrine; to reject Bible doctrine as a believer is to reject the very capacity for freedom, for life and love, for all of the things that God would provide for you. Negative volition leads to a vacuum which sucks in false doctrine and anti-establishment thinking. David said, I learn from Keilah never to associate myself with reversionists. So David said, “I will not adhere to the doctrine of Belial.”

I have hated the production of the ones who turn aside.

Psalm 101:3 I will set no [or, I will not adhere to the] vile thing [lit., doctrine of Belial] before my eyes. I hate the deeds of faithless men [I hate the production of the ones who turn aside]. They will not cling [adhere] to me.

There were be great generals to come out of this and these would be some of the greatest generals in all time. Few outside of Alexander the Great, Napoleon and the Vermacht of the 2 world wars produced so many great generations.

Many people are associated with supergrace believers.

Suppose that Richard Nixon was a supergrace believer and that he instituted universal military training. Let’s say that they were given a year of college in their 3 years of military. And let’s say that there was a superbowl football thing. Let’s say that they could go into training for police work as well. All are given guns and so many rounds of ammunition. And suppose that poor white trash and Blacks who committed were crimes were hung on lampposts in front of their homes. Bob is doing a lot of supposing. Suppose he takes all of our obsolete bombs and leveled North Vietnam. Execute all drug dealers and homosexuals. These are supergrace viewpoints. All of this blessing and change would overflow. No longer take a census; no longer go into the personal life of any individual. Those who adhered would not be blessed. This would be greater than the period of the Antoinine Caesars.

This would take great moral courage. This would be what would happen in David’s day. Israel had a wonderful period of time.

You will never find a liberal who likes the reign of Queen Victoria.


1.       David learns the importance of separation; separation from reversionism and separation from doctrines of reversionism. This can only lead to policies of . God’s grace to remove David from the court of Saul. There will be separation from the people of Keilah and from Ziph.

2.       If David is going to be prospered, promoted and blessed, then God must receive the entire credit.

3.       Therefore, separation precedes such blessing. If any treacherous person sticks with David when David reaches the point of glory; anyone who is a reversionist will try to claim the credit.

4.       God was able to bless David as He was unable to bless any other man. If there are any reversionists who tag along, they will try to claim the credit. Every time some ass is interviewed by the press, they are asked, “To what do you attribute your success?” However, they wield some influence. Cleopatra was quite a woman, 99% evil and 1% human good. She was not an Egyptian; she was a Greek. Cæsar turned the world upside down. Cæsar put us back on time. Most people who are successful could not tell you why. When David is on the throne and his dynasty begins. 80 years under David and Solomon are the greatest periods of time of Israel; and no welfare state. No parasites.

5.       There must be on the part of the supergrace believer, who has potential for blessing, social separation from reversionists. You do not separate in business. You are influenced by those with whom you have sex, with whom you have social life with, and with those you are politically associated with. If you are associated in any of these 3 areas with a reversionist, they will affect you. Such people will try to take credit for you. Those with whom you have sex, political and social relationships will have influence upon you. No president in this land, even as a supergrace believer, can be beholden to, related to, or involved with a reversionistic set of believers and still advance. Our system precludes blessing unless there are a lot of supergrace believers. If our form of government ever changes, we won’t need as many.

6.       Otherwise, people will associate David’s blessings with reversionism rather than with the grace of God.

7.       This is important. This is something that you must remember. This is why you must separate from families, loved ones, etc. This is why David will be one of the richest and most successful believer in this age. Even John Calvin recognized depravity of man. Total depravity is a true doctrine; the sovereignty of God is a true doctrine, but they are hooked up by the free will of man.

8.       David is careful to preserve the Lord’s honor.

9.       Grace must never be compromised. \

10.     So it must be clear to anyone that anything which David has is from the Lord and because of the Lord.

God can dump a million dollars into your lap. Reversionists are on the devil’s side and if they are associated with you, they will attempt to take credit for it. God may limit what he gives us because of our associations. God has all of this stuff. He wants to give. It drives Him crazy that you cannot receive all of these things because of your associations. David is a classical illustration of all of this fantastic blessing and not one reversionist in the hookup.

Psalm 101:3 I will set no [or, I will not adhere to the] vile thing [lit., doctrine of Belial] before my eyes. I hate the deeds of faithless men [I hate the production of the ones who turn aside]. They will not cling [adhere] to me.

Then men of Keilah want blessing and prosperity; and they thought they could advance their cause by betraying David. Çur means to apostatize, to deviate, to turn away. God has His great blessing and all of the reversionists will turn away from David. He will reach the throne as a supergrace believer but without being associated with reversionists.

Absalom, his son, will lead a revolt, and Absalom will be destroyed. He was David’s favorite son. He was very attractive, but his soul did not match his physical attractiveness. He appeared to have everything, but Absalom in reversionism revolted against God. The deceitful heart will be turned away from me.

Psalm 101:4 A perverse [deceitful] heart will be far from me. I will have nothing to do with evil [I will not acknowledge the reversionist].


1.       The treacherous men of Keilah lost out on blessing by association. Here is a young man who founds a corporation. Say Jones gathers some capital and goes into gusiness as a supergrace believer. He has some business problems along the way, but he eliminates these things and he begins to expands and expand. God reaches him with supergrace prosperity. Those associated with him are also blessed. They all manage to have supergrace associations. He paid better wages and they never unionized and never went on a strike. God honors supergrace principles at work. Supergrace overflows in its blessing by association.

2.       God has designed a lot of people to be blessed in this manner. He blesses a nation based upon the supergrace gel. Coaches blessed; he turns out great kids. He does not run an animal farm. Supergrace corporation president. Those will share the blessing in association all the way up. Police officers in this area will be honest and run a good city. There is overflow of blessing all over the place; in the schools, police force, etc. This all overflows onto millions of people. Not all of us will be kings, presidents, corporation heads, etc. That New Orleans thing is related to all of this, and he would not be on top shooting people. Right now there is a shortage of supergrace believers. It is easy to say supergrace; but much harder to get there. Bob gets some of the weirdest calls in the world. I cannot even imagine some of the problems you have. You’re weird. But even weirdos get there. “Well, you taught that.” “The hell I did.” What books do I read? I real a good western now and then; or a good historical novel. Bob doesn’t read Christian books. “I don’t read that junk.”

3.       Reversionism keeps them from maintaining that association. Reversionism causes us to break off from someone who is going up.

The men of Keilah will slander David in v. 5, which is what we will study on Sunday.

1Sam. 23:13 So David and his men, numbering about 600, left Keilah at once and moved from place to place. When it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, he called off the expedition.

1Samuel 23:14 Psalm 101:5-8           72David                                              631_0039 01/14/1973 Doctrine of enemyship

This is all about what David learned from Keilah. The men of Keilah would have been blessed by association with David. Reversionism keeps them from enjoying the blessing that they would receive by being associated with David.

In 6 years, David will be the wealthiest man in the world; and his son will inherit this wealth from his father. God is probably gnashing His teeth because there is no believer to which He can give a billion dollars. This would be a man who, in supergrace, could appreciate this money.

Until Jesus Christ returns to the earth, David is the greatest ruler who would ever live. He had his right woman; he had everything. David received the maximum of every blessing available. However, he was impressed with the celebrityship of Jesus. In all of human history, no one was blessed as David was blessed. No one has had such great prosperity. There is the principle of association by prosperity.

Psalm 101:4 A perverse [deceitful] heart will be far from me. I will have nothing to do with evil [I will not acknowledge the reversionist].

There is some anachronism in the Old English. Whoever refers first to the men of Keilah, but now can be applied to many groups of men. In secret refers to two-facedness. The men of Keilah expressed their great gratitude for what David did; they would remember him everything, and they gave him plaques and great banquets; they strapped it on him good.

However, in secret, they looked to betray David to Saul to advance their own interests. They flatter to the face and slander him behind his back. This is a woman who late-dates you and triple dates you, while declaring undying love to you. The men of Keilah will say nice things to his face and slander him behind his back. If Jonathan had only lived, David would not have had problems with his chief of staff. Joab was treacherous and would slander David behind his back.

Tsamach means something different in every stem. Niphal stem here is the violent stem; they are made to be silent. Pilpel is to annihilate. Barmaid’s kill. The Piel stem softens this up a little; the violence is over; they are a heap on the floor. The Hiphil is causative. Suppose that Nixon was supergrace and he would get rid of the lousy politicians. It is polititcans who are honest with integrity who never get elected because they will not owe anyone anything.

Summary Points

1.       There is nothing worse than a two-faced person in a prosperous nation. Same in a prosperous social group or in a church.

2.       The two-faced person is a leech trying to steal prosperity apart from the supergrace capacities. A two-faced person always steals from God. They give all of their testimonies and this is an attempt to steal from God His glory and His grace.

3.       The two-faced person is the believer who would give some overt expression of love for doctrine, but just to gain his own ends. An arrogant person will use God.

These men were going to betray David to Saul in order to advance their own interests and ambitions from Saul. Many of you have friends who use us as a stepping stone. There are those who express love beautifully; and they appeal to your arrogance; and their arrogance is greater than yours. Some of us were used in marriage. Beware of being used by reversionism. This eliminates supergrace prosperity. If you have so-many reversionism, you will go their way. Reversionism will neutralized your own spiritual growth.

David and the People of Keilah Strapping it on Him.

1.       Keilah taught David that reversionists are not to be trusted. Some of you got hauled in here and you have no idea what I am talking about.

2.       They may declare allegiance to you or undying love, but there is a facade of hypocrisy behind their declaration.

3.       The real purpose in flattery is to use you for their own ambitions and selfish ends.

4.       The tragedy is, these people can break your heart because you associate your own personal integrity and love with them. You have capacity for love and you associate their words with your own integrity and capacity. When you say that, it is meaningful; and when they say it, it means nothing.

5.       Their words are false. They seek to usse you for their own happiness and prosperity. Promotion, security, social promotion, happiness and general prosperity are thing things they want out of this.

6.       David is a very lonely person and there will be 6 years of civil war in Israel. Loneliness makes him vulnerable to being strapped on. “Don’t let the blues make you bad” is a lilne from a Four Freshman song. African music is not American music.

7.       In this period of great loneliness, David does not become socially or sexually unfaithful. Michele is married to another general of Saul’s but David is faithful to her, despite being lonely.

8.       Occupation with Christ in supergrace kept David from many treacherous traps. The celebrityship of Jesus Christ is the answer to loneliness, to the advancement of pseudo=love. You haven’t lived until a person in reversionism is attracted to you.

Psalm 101:5 I will silence whoever secretly slanders his neighbor [lover, or alleged category #3 friend]. I won't tolerate one who is haughty and conceited [the one who has proud eyes and a ambitious heart].

David will eventually have great and wonderful friends in supergrace. He will operation for many years without a trusted assistant.

David will look to have a true friendship with those who would serve him. He wants a person with a doctrinal capacity from supergrace to serve under him.

Psalm 101:6 My eyes will be on the faithful [doctrinal ones] of the land, That they may dwell [have a social life] with me. He who walks [a way of life] in a perfect way, He will serve me.

This is manufacturing out of the blackout of the soul, or from scar tissue.

David will have the most beautiful place in the world where he will set his castle. This is the fort of the Jebusites and David will mount an attack against them. The Jebusites have held out for 400 years. David will turn this great fortress into a wonderful castle. The city will be built up and be filled in, and the Temple would also be located there as well. This will be the greatest home for any king.

Some people constantly lie, even when they can tell the truth. Not being established means that they will never be in David’s organization.

Integrity and Organization

1.       There must be some rapport from leaders to grunts. The infantry provides us our freedom.

2.       Prosperity in any organization depends upon honesty and integrity. You cannot lead unless someone tells you the facts. Robert E. Lee always had great intelligence from Jeb Stuart. When Jeb was gone or dead, Lee no longer had the facts. David will make certain he is surrounded by honesty and integrity.

3.       He has no place in his life for the men of Keilah.

4.       He has just learned from the men of Keilah that one dishonest assistant can destroy an entire organization. Women can be bored; and there is no man-eating tiger who is worse than a bored woman.

Psalm 101:7 He who practices [manufactures] deceit won't dwell [in blessing] within my house. He who speaks falsehood [habitual liars] won't be established before my eyes.

David will spend some time each day destroying reversionists in the land and in government. Reversionists will destroy the basis of divine prosperity.

Jehovah’s city is Jerusalem. The Jews have occupied a portion of it and the Jebusites occupied most of it. David will make this his capitol city. He has to rid it of reversionists.

Psalm 101:8 Morning by morning, I will destroy all the wicked of the land; To cut off all the workers of iniquity [the doers of vanity, which describes reversionism] from Yahweh's city.

Jonathan is one of the noblest men who ever lived; but he ended up identifying himself with Saul. At this point, David may not be as far along as Jonathan was in spiritual maturity. Jonathan is the crown prince, a supergrace believer. His tragedy is being identified with a reversionist. After death, Saul, a believer, will shed his reversionism, because he will be face to face with God.

David will give a message at their funerals. This will be a very subtle lesson that we will learn.

Once David separated himself from the men of Keilah, he enjoys a little prosperity.

There Are 7 Different Words Translated to Dwell.

1.       Gur = to dwell as a stranger.

2.       Dun = to live and be depressed.

3.       Dur = to live somewhere restlessly.

4.       Kanah = to bivouac, which means you are constantly moving.

5.       Lun = to come and spend the night and maybe longer.

6.       Shakan = to dwell permanently somewhere.

7.       Yasah means to dwell in blessing.

David is living in the high and dry desert area, like in New Mexico or northern Arizona or around ElPaso. Alpine, TX. Midbar is high desert area, and this is south of Jerusalem. Below Hebron is Ziph, which is on a high tableland, and it observes all of the places around. Down to the Negev, you have high desert country. David is living in happiness in the desert.

Metsuda and there is Metsoda. David found some natural fortifications in that area. It is natural as over-against constructed fortifications. David is in great happiness out in the desert of Ziph.

Those in Ziph are from David’s tribe. Saul sought him everyday. There are patrols.

Reversionist and the Plan of God

1.       This is a statement of grace deliverance. David’s safety and the safety of his followers depends upon who and what God is.

2.       As long as God’s plan calls for David to live, all the armies in the world cannot find him and kill him. The Philistines and the army of Israel are looking for David.

3.       The minute that God’s plan calls for David to die, all the armies in the world cannot save him. David will die at 70, which is 46 years from now.

4.       Reversionism is always antagonistic to God’s plan. The reversionist is the enemy of the cross, by which he is saved.

5.       The principle is the reversionist are oppose to the plan of God but their thought process is in constant opposition to God’s plan.

6.       There is no way a reversionist can destroy a supergrace believer. Only God can promote him and only God can remove him from this life.

7.       God’s plan operation grace is infinitely greater than any pressure which can be brought to bear on it.

The Doctrine of Enemy Ship

1.       The carnal believers is the enemy of God.

2.       Enemy of God.

3.       Reverse process reversionism produces enmity from God.

4.       Demons are enemies of God. Heb. 10:15

5.       Unbelievers are the enemies of God.

6.       The pastor who levels with reversionists in his congregation Gal. 4:16

1Sam. 23:14 David then stayed [dwelt in prosperity] in the desert-wilderness strongholds and in the hill country of the Wilderness of Ziph. Saul searched for him every day, but God did not hand David over to him.

David has friends and patrols out constantly and they inform David that Saul is moving toward him. There is the desire to violently destroy him.

David is in a thicket; there are beautiful forests there in this high desert area. David is bivouacking in such an area.

A principles of persecution.

1Sam. 23:15 David was in the Wilderness of Ziph in Horesh when he saw that Saul had come out to take his life.

Psalm 70 will be next.

Buddy Dano is still there.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 70:1-5                 72David                                              631_0040

01/14/1973 Memory center; legitimate imprecatory prayers

This is a psalm of persecution, which David went through for several years (6?). This is a time of great pressure and great adversity. Spiritual blessing that comes from a believer who has recovered his supergrace life. During this period of civil war, David suffered from depression, sorrow and loneliness; but, at the same time, it would be a fantastic part of David’s life.

At least 39 years of David’s life was great. There is always a period of testing before the gravy train pulls up. God sometimes gives us adversity all at one time; but our frustrations and heartaches last for a finite period of time. God can do all kinds of things; like give us all kinds of blessing and then he pulls everything out from under us except for doctrine and God. Some women do not get boy crazy until later on. There are some males who belong in a zoo.

Some of you want to be rich, and there is no problem if you don’t go about it in the wrong way. Some, when they realize what God can do, try to use doctrine in order to get God’s favor.

The ruler of this world does not want a Christian blessed in his economy. The devil says, “You will never find a person who doesn’t have an angle; who doesn’t have a price; and for some, it takes very little adversity to keep us away from doctrine.

We are getting out of the business of answering questions. The policy of T&P will be a book or a tape to answer your answer. Bob is about ready to get an unlisted number. He is tired of insulting people; “I really have a nice disposition....they think that’s funny.”

Some of you have compassion and sympathy all mixed up. You must live your own life. These churches are looking for some way to take a crack at Bob. What you need is Bible doctrine in your soul. You need to make your own decisions. When you have questions, put them aside and wait. Bob even has questions; and there isn’t any tape he can hear; or anyone else he can consult with. What did God bless David so wonderfully with a multiplicity of wives. Only very choice, beautiful Miss American’s with brains. Brigham Young couldn’t get away with it. It is contrary to the laws of divine establishment. Is David so supergrace that he had 3 right women? I don’t think so, but I don’t know yet. There is no quick answer to this. We will be there within the month. Bob might have to dig up some more psalms to postpone it.

Every title is a part of the Word of God. The titles are a part of the text and not simply added. The Lord always goes first class. The choir came along with the Roman Catholic choir. “They made sure that their boys stayed sopranos...ask your wife at home.”

We would be better off to go back to the early church with good hymns and congregational singing. 2 types of people think they can sing; choirs on Sunday and drunks at a party.

There is a very important function of the Christian life which is ignored. Memory, recalling, the function of the memory center is extremely important. Memory is a protector; it is a fantastic thing. It is a great restrainer. Memory center is a wonderful function in the human soul. It receives little or no proper cultivation. Psychotics destroy their memories and fill their minds with unreality. Drug addicts replace their memories with hallucinatory thinking.

We have a whole generation who have grown up under television has destroyed the concept of memory center. We lack inspiring, noble concepts with regards to romanticism. The rejection of establishment by the media. We have no concept among young people of patriotism and romanticism. A long-haired male is a typical illustration of the souls of people today.

The Roman Catholic church owes it allegiance to Italy rather than to America. The Masons were patriotic and the Catholics were not. Bob would love ot see the Aggie band do precision dancing. Bob’s memory center rejects all of the leg shows (which are the cheerleaders, I assume). Outside of a few perverted people, no one ought to be interested in a bunch of little girls running around with practically nothing on.

Lawrence Welk could bring up memories. What do you find in high schools today? They are filled with pushers. Drug pushers were an insult to the concept of learning. The druggies were fair game in Bob’s time. Everywhere you turn, it is a lousy stinking generation.

How many times does a television program sustain you in a disaster. Who thought of hijacking a plane? One weirdo; but then it is copied by everyone else, after the television talks all about it.

They ridicule the war, and patriotism and free enterprise. We have today a large percentage of parasites.

In Psalm 70, there is no make haste; it is all about stimulating memory. Years after these things happened, David could remember those 6 years of civil war and Saul was constantly pursuing him. We use our memory to remember our hopeless situations. We must know how useless we are and how helpless we are. Woe to the person who forgets how useless and hopeless we are.

We need to remember those early days of Valley Forge and the winter crossing, and the attacks on Trenton and Princeton. We need to recall how many times that we are a hopeless people. We won’t have out 200th national birthday until 1976.

We forget that we have had times of no social life and when we had no friends. Some of you could not concentrate on Jesus Christ during communion; you lacked the doctrine.

God is being called upon to rescue David. David wrote this after he was the king, but he was stimulated by memory. He was responsible for feeding and training all of these people who came to him. Apparently looking back.

Qal imperative of chush, which means hurry up. He is in the desert of Ziph and it is a desperate situation.

Psalm 70:1 For the choir director. A psalm of David. To bring [stimulate] remembrance. God, to deliver me. Hurry to help me, LORD!

V. 2 refers to Saul, to the men of Keilah and to the Ziphitus, who would betray him next.

There are Imprecatory implications, which is the opposite of the big love movement today. Loving the brothers today means to have a relaxed mental attitude in the soul. David is expressing things that are difficult for the left wing Christian movement. The administration of divine justice to be a matter of prayer. It is not a prayer of hate, but a prayer that his enemies be destroyed. No change of dispensation changes imprecatory prayers. Not everyone should pray these prayers; it is a supergrace privilege.

God calls a spade a spade. We are not commanded to love or hate with regards to the human race. We are commanded to be discerning. We all have blind sides or weak sides when it comes to some strapping us on. We all have a weak side; a blind side, to make us look like the Redskins on the offense.

Bible doctrine gives the believer enough wisdom to know when to pray an Imprecatory prayer. However, carrying out this prayer is a matter of putting the problem in the Lord’s hands.

Some of you don’t know what this is.

Psalm 70:2 Let those who seek my life be disgraced and confounded; let those who wish me harm [who delight in my disaster] be driven back and humiliated [dishonored].

His enemies say, “Nya, nya, nya.” It is onomatopoetic. This is an interjection of scorn; it is an exultation over a fallen enemy. It is the principle of gloating. Many of David’s enemies have been implacable, jealous. They have taken malignant satisfaction in David’s fall from Saul’s cabinet. This is their malicious evil. Their evil will boomerang and slap them in the face.

Psalm 70:3 Let those who say, "Aha, aha!" retreat because of their shame.

You link the desire for divine justice to be associated with a doctrine. You must relate this to the concept of grace. This is the prayer of a supergrace believer. Let all those who seek You. Baqash is a very intense verb. These are those who are positive toward God. This is in contrast to the gloating of the reversionists who are negative toward doctrine.

David is praying that his enemies be destroyed and that his friends be safe. There is a great display of joy and celebration. They continually love the deliverance of the Lord.

He leaves the blessing of his own crowd to the Lord; and the cursing of his enemies to the Lord. There are 2 sides to imprecatory prayers.

Psalm 70:4 Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let those who love Your salvation continually say, "God is great [Let God be magnified]!"

David is afflicted and helpless. He therefore finishes the prayer.

Psalm 70:5 I am afflicted and needy; hurry to me, God. You are my help and my deliverer; LORD, do not delay.

Here is David in the desert of Ziph. And who should spring out of the brush but Jonathan.

1Samuel 23:16-18 Psalm 133:1-3     72David                                              631_0041

01/19/1973 2 Sam. 1:23 Last meeting of David and Jonathan


Bob had a perfect audience in Dallas for 4 days. All ages, sizes, shapes and descriptions. One of the best organized conferences. One of the most responsive conferences. Herman was one of the organizers.

Category #3 love. Most of us have a social life. Many have a social life that is as phony as a lead nickel. People have learned the language of friendship without having the equipment in the soul. Category #3 friendship is one of the great aspects of life. It is nice to know people who aren’t easily shocked.

You get close to God through Bible doctrine.

Jonathan is a synonym for friend. This is the last meeting of 2 very close friends.

Qum means to arise. This indicates a personality; a real person. If David had an album of those who were truly his friends, Jonathan would be there. He was not a phoney. Some of your friends are as phoney as this fight against pollution in the air. You also need something in your frontal lobes. You must have the ingredients of character which are found in your norms and standards. Pseudo friends operate. Vocabulary means that they have an ability to think. Many do not have the ability to think. It takes character to be a friend. You need a soul rapport. You do not need to have a lot of things in common. There is a system of loyalty. A true friend is someone who cannot advance you or promote you. You cannot have true friendships if you are overly ambitious. If you use people in order to get ahead, that is not true friendship. It is possible to have love apart from sex. Lesbianism and homosexuality are forbidden in Scripture. Even wanton fornicators know this.

It is possible to have a category #3 friendship between a man and a woman. When it extends into touching. Men do not touch men unless they are real coocoo clocks or way out weirdos. When Bob sees to women run into one another and kiss, he goes out and vomits.

Sex was never designed for category #3 love, it was designed for category #2. A true friendship is a soul rapport. Anything that fouls up your soul fouls up friendship in that area. One of the greatest things is a friendship and to have true friends.

All of your friends are not your friends. Sometimes this is because you lack capacity to love. Whether a believer in reversionism or an unbeliever in reversionism, reversionism destroys the capacity for friendship. There are pseudo rapports. One of the keys to category #3 friendship is to share the enthusiasms of your friends.

Jonathan has a great friend in David. Jonathan also looks for David and finds David before his father does. David has just gone into the blues. Jonathan knows that David is very disturbed. Here David is handling this whole mess; he has no friends in this outfit; but he does have a friend in Jonathan. Jonathan goes by himself without a protection of patrol. Kum has to do with the vigor of soul; and yalak has to do with movement. The action from his thinking.

David is strengthened by Jonathan. This is encouragement. We do not know what is said. The Piel stem means they spent a few days together. All this time, Jonathan is the strong man; and he is perfect nobility in every way. Jonathan will never achieve any greatness that David will as a ruler. Jonathan is a true friend. David did not just get there by himself. He had great blockers. David was a quarterback; and he went through daylight when he saw daylight. Jonathan had the privilege of being an aggressor in a great friendship. The aggressor becomes to the servant to his friend.

Summary V. 16

1.       At a moment a great discouragement, God uses the noble Jonathan to minster to David. David receives the blessing of Jonathan. The roles could change. The woman in a man/woman relationship can be a secondary aggressor. As a result of Jonathan responding to their friendship, Jonathan becomes the aggressor. God uses Jonathan’s nobility to encourage David. The content of the encouragement is divine viewpoint.

2.       God had

3.       Jonathan the aggressor and David the responder.

4.       From this verse, we learn the principle of encouragement in a time of catastrophe.

1Sam. 23:16 Then Saul's son Jonathan came to David in Horesh and encouraged him in his faith in God,

This is just one of the things which Jonathan had to say to David. He probably spent several days with David. Jonathan takes the initiative in the conversation. David is under great pressure from Saul. Jonathan has the doctrines and Jonathan knows about David. He also knows about his father, Saul. He knows that David was anointed by God as the next king of Israel. Jonathan apparently made it very clear that there would be no conflict between the two of them. Jonathan was careful to indicate that he would not interfere with David and his future. Saul’s biggest objective is to search and destroy. This message is given by the crown-prince of Israel.

Jonathan recognizes the anointing of David into God’s plan. The supergrace believer never fights the plan of God. Jonathan will not fight the plan of God. His nobility shows up in a fantastic way. People are absolutely nuts. They think all there is to life is to have thousands of people kow-tow to you. Pushy ambitious and jealous of anyone else who seems to be doing a little bit better by other standards. You cannot have a true friendship with someone that you are jealous of. Jealousy precludes category #2 or 3 love. Nothing worse than pushiness in the soul. This passage is tragic because it is not duplicated enough.

David as the supergrace believer appears like he may be losing out; and Jonathan might lose out, by human viewpoint, if he puts himself under David’s authority. There is no one equal to Jonathan.

Jonathan had already planned to become David’s chief-of-staff.


1.       The one who rules, the one with the highest authority, needs trusted subordinates. Being a trusted subordinate is a good thing. No one is inferior because he is subordinate to another. Jonathan is a greater man here. From his own free will, he takes the place of subordination.

2.       To faithfully serve the Lord in a subordinate position rquires maximum use of Bible doctrine and supergrace status. We all have sin natures. The sin nature cranks out mental attitude sins which say, in effect, that we are subordinate. People are all sorts; some are flaky and some are brilliant. There is no such thing as equality. That only exists in slavery. There is no prison in the United States where there is not a hierarchy of prisoners. No matter where you go, there is inquiry. In Christianity and Bible doctrine, that works for everyone. Under the principle of discipline, subordination is not inferiority.

3.       Great leaders are often hamstrung by ambitious subordinates. This is the only tragedy in David’s rule. He had lousy subordinates.

4.       Sometimes, it takes more to be a subordinate than it does to be a leader. Leadership has an area that is way up in the atmosphere. To make a secidision

5.       Some want the glory without the work. So many think they can do just as good of a job as those who are in charge. Everyone thinks that it is easy until they get there. Big loudmouthed kid who thought he could pitch. He melted on the mound. Almst had a nervous breakdown.

6.       Jonathan is the most noble of supergrace believers. He will make a perfect dhief-of-staff for David; the most perfect assistant that any man would have. David and Jonathan would have made the greatest team ever. Jonathan failed in just one respet;

7.       When a supergrace believer associates with reversionism, it shares the destiny of reversionism. David will never have an assistant; a chief-of-staff as good as Jonathan.

8.       However, Jonathan sees the will of God for himself and he is willing to step out.

9.       This bloody civil war could have been avoided and David could have had a great chief-of-staff..

Even Saul is aware of all this. Saul knew that David would become king.

1Sam. 23:17 saying, "Don't be afraid, for my father Saul will never lay a hand on you. You yourself will be king over Israel, and I'll be your second-in-command. Even my father Saul knows it is true."

These two cut a covenant or made a contract. This is a confirmation of an agreement that, when David became king, Jonathan would be his assistant.


1.       This covenant was a triumph of grace.

2.       Jonathan did not live to fulfill his part of the contract. The tragedy is based upon a grace covenant. A grace contract demands that David and Jonathan are both in supergrace status without stings to either. Jonathan will be identified with Saul Jonathan identified himself with reversionism.

3.       Jonathan must choose identification with reversionism versus id with supergrace.

4.       Id with supergrace means future prosperity and blessing.

5.       Idenitifcation with reversionism means future misery and discipline.

6.       Jonathan suffered from a mistaken loyalty to his father and the tragedy is at the end of this verse.

Jonathan should have stayed with David; he should not have returned to the castle. Jonathan made one good decision and followed it with a bad decision. He was emotionally involved with his father. Saul was a good father to Jonathan. When Jonathan was a young boy, his father was in supergrace. This caused an emotional attachment; an emotional concept of loyalty that was wrong; and a reasonable concept of loyalty to David, which was true. The grace contract was good. How his father is doing; to hell with that noise. This would have been a different story of Jonathan had stayed with David.

Some of you will become holy rollers. They call themselves the tongues movement and they are a disgrace to Jesus Christ. They are under emotional revolt; yodeling and aypping with their tongues and calling it the spiritual life.

Jonathan did all the right things and then followed his emotion. Jonathan did everything right and then he started to emote.


7.       There comes a time when there is a problem with doctrine and emotion; between a human relationship and a doctrinal relationship.

1Sam. 23:18 Then the two of them made a covenant in the LORD's presence. Afterwards, David remained in Horesh, while Jonathan went home.

Bob is going to now cover an entire psalm because he does not want to break the continuity.

David’s psalm to Jonathan.

fragrance of memory for Jonathan’s category #3 love. Beautiful memory. It is related to norms and standards. It is related to vocabulary, to discernment. A song of degrees, a song which honors his friend.

Yashav David stayed in the forest, which is yashav. Halak for Jonathan going to the castle. This was Jonathan’s mistake. Jonathan emoted and went back to his father. David remembers Jonathan.

Psalm 133:1 A Davidic song of ascents. How good and pleasant it is when brothers can live [in a place of blessing] together!

First analogy; precious ointment is a reference to the holy anointing oil mixed with myhrr, and 3 other spices. These are listed somewhere in the Torah.

David wants Jonathan as 2nd in charge. Without Jonathan, there was always something missing. The oil is placed on the head of the anointed one and it flowed down. David is longing for his friend to be there in 2nd place with him. Jonathan will not be there ever.

When Aaron walked out, he had oil on his head, on his beard and on his clothes, and there would be a very pleasant smell to him. People would want to be around him because of this sweet smell.

Psalm 133:2 It is like fine oil on the head, running down on the beard, running down Aaron's beard, on his robes.

The second analogy is the dew on Mount Herman. Prosperity. This refers to the unity of the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel. Jonathan would have made the difference in keeping the harmony between the north and the south.

God has commanded blessing for the reign of David. This is a divine decree. God ordered blessing; national prosperity. David misses Jonathan in all of this.

This separation is like the north and south separation.

Psalm 133:3 It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has appointed the blessing--life forevermore.

Saul and Jonathan are both identified together. So great was David’s love for Jonathan that he would not rag on Saul. The tragedy is, they were not separated in life or in death. This is why Jonathan died. They remained connected, which explains why Jonathan never became a part of David’s life.

How the mighty have fallen is repeated in 2 verses after this.

Death dignifies the reversionistic believer. After death the reversionistic believer can never fail again.

2Sam. 1:23 Saul and Jonathan, loved and delightful, they were not parted in life or in death. They were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.

2Sam. 1:24 Daughters of Israel, weep for Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with luxurious things, who decked your garments with gold ornaments.

2Sam. 1:25 How the mighty have fallen in the thick of battle! Jonathan lies slain on your heights.

2Sam. 1:26 I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother. You were such a friend to me. Your love for me was more wonderful than the love of a woman for me.

2Sam. 1:27 How the mighty have fallen and the weapons of war have perished!

1Samuel 23:19-23 Psalm 54:1          72David                                              631_0042

01/21/1973 Treachery of the Ziphites

Bill Bell is doing a fantastic job today, teaching in a Bible school, in a college, and it is in a denomination. He has a course on the interpretation of the Bible. Major Ian Thomas wrote a book on Esther and uses this as an example of everything a person can do wrong in exegeting and interpreting the Word of God.

The Ziphitus go up to Saul, so that is going uphill.

Who are the Ziphites? Ziph is a city in Judah. South of Hebron is a table mountain, and on it is this city of Ziph, and they all have windows that they can look out of and see what is going on around them. Keilah was also a part of Judah. The people of Keilah also betrayed David.

The Ziphites

1.       About 4 miles from Hebron and they are from Judah.

2.       They are on a flat table mountain, 100 feet higher than anything around it. It affords a perfect view of the surrounding country.

3.       David could not move about this general area without them noticing.

4.       However, David has assumed their loyalty.

5.       Their treachery is similar to that of the men of Keilah. The Ziphites are reversionists.

6.       They use other people as a stepping stone. To them, Saul is the true king and he is the one who promotes; he is the one who prospers. People have a way of using people. No category #2 love or no category #3 friendship. They will use David to ingratiate themselves to Saul.

7.       Being promoted or exalted by a reversionist means no reward and no promotion. They use this opportunity to ingratiate themselves to Saul.

Gibeah is famous as the seat of government at this time. Saul had the worst castle and David the greatest. The Ziphites must climb uphill to get to Saul. There is beauitul high desert country with natural fortifications. This is a desert west of the Dead Sea. Hachilah is a lot like Tucson AZ. These people can all see David in bivouac.

1Sam. 23:19 Some Ziphites came up to Saul at Gibeah and said, "David is hiding among us in the strongholds in Horesh on the hill of Hachilah south of Jeshimon.

They invite Saul down; and they will hand David over to them. They will surrender David to Saul. This is the second group of people to betray David over to Saul. The men of Keilah first and now these people. Reversionism destroys natural loyalties. The reversionism is unstable and treacherous. If we have a communist invasion, you will be shocked how quickly members of your own family and your own friends will betray you to the communists. Reversionism is unstable. Reversionism leads to opportunism. They will get ahead on the basis of David’s misery.

Get rid of any friends who are in reversionism. Operation over think. Out of the thousands of words Bob says, you will try to find some way to get rid of your opposite number. My wife is a reversionism, so zap. He wants to move some people to the happy church of happy hollow.

1Sam. 23:20 Now, whenever the king wants to come down, let him come down. Our part will be to hand him over to the king."

Saul is the reversionist of reversionists. He is as low as low can be. But he knows how to strap it on a trader. A group of traders come up, Saul responds to their betrayal. Saul has a phoney front. So he pulls out a holy roller vocabulary. The last thing to go into reversionism is the vocabulary portion of the right lobe. “May you be blessed by Yehowah.” The Lord never blesses traitors. He has the vocabulary and he uses this vocabulary.

For passing a college course, you just have to regurgitate what the prof told you in the blue book, and that took care of the problem.

When reversionism attacks, the various parts of the soul are eroded, and the vocabulary is the last thing to go, but it is used to express human viewpoint.

Saul’s Self-pity

1.       Saul is a reversionist and all of them feel sorry for themselves from time to time. It is one of the functions of reversionism.

2.       Self pity becomes the basis for some relationships in psueo love.

3.       People who feel sorry for themselves exude an empathy which is unattractive. Some girls will find a character who feels sorry for himself and this will arouse the mother instinct in her. This is how chippie pick up on guys. They prey on self-pity.

4.       This is the child who brings home animals she feels sorry for. This attraction is based upon pity. Pseudo love is the sort of love that Saul can get.

5.       Therefore, self-pity merely arouses your emotions. All true love has to be in the frame of reference, and eventually on the launching pad. Emotions get their lead and stimulus from true love in the right lobe. The source of love is in the soul; in the right lobe. When you just feel sorry for someone, your emotions are just stimulated and your own free will is no longer involved in this love. You just let self-pity arouse you. There are a lot of guys who will look sad and tell you about their sad life. They do the same thing with other men. All of their friendships are built upon pity. This is the most hollow mockery of love. You need to get people smart and some common sense.

6.       Emotional relationship leads to instability and pseudo love.

7.       It also produces hypocrisy. Saul’s hypocrisy causes him to mention the Lord. Saul, like all reversionists, uses the Lord. If you use the Lord rather than let Him lose you, then you are a reversionism. People will use the Lord against you. To come to know Christ, that is the function of the supergrace believer. For the believer and the believer who does this, who is not in supergrace, he will use God against you. He will make it appear as though all that you have done to cross that person is evil.

8.       To use people is despicable; but to use the Lord is the ultimate in blasphemy.

The Principle of this Passage

1.       People full of self-pity always associate attention to themselves as meriting the Lord’s blessing. Saul cannot dispense the Lord’s blessing. Saul is under God’s cursing. Saul gives the impression that he has some great in with God, but he does not.

2.       This is the origin of the phrase, “God bless you, brother.” “Who in the hell can say, ‘God bless you, brother’?” God cannot bless Thieme because some idiot says that. This guy is too dumb to learn the Bible; and he calls Bob for hints and guidance. Who can say whether God will bless you or not? The sovereignty of God is the thing that blesses; we cannot and the Pope cannot. It is just an old phrase.

3.       Reversionist assume that any attention they receive should be rewarded with divine blessing.

4.       In reality, this is super arrogance in reversionism. Fat-headed people. Saul is very fat-headed.

5.       In other words, reversionists always take credit to themselves. How often does some fat, leering jackass say, “How about letting me take you out for a drink?” Men in Houston are the most fat-headed in the world.

6.       Lacking capacity for life and love, they associate divine blessing with people who feel sorry for them. This is pseudo love.

7.       Furthermore, the reversionist does everything possible to elicit sympathy from others. They arouse your emotions like the holy roller does when tarrying.

1Sam. 23:21 "May you be blessed by the LORD," replied Saul, "for you have taken pity on me.

Saul tells them to make certain and to make a reconnaissance. Yada means that here. Send a patrol to the place where his tracks are located. David is not the cunning one; it is Saul. People often superimpose their own standards and shortcomings upon others. Saul is cunning, sly and sneaky.

1Sam. 23:22 Go and check again. Investigate and watch carefully where he goes and who has seen him there; they tell me he is extremely cunning.

Saul wants them to watch David and observe where he goes into hiding. Then come to Saul with an intelligence report. Saul has great confidence in all of the treachery of the Ziphites.

In the previous verse, Saul has standards. He is sneaky and tricky; and he superimposes those standards on David. Then he assumes that these are the characteristics of the Ziphites, which is accurate.

Saul is very efficient in laying out this plan; but the Ziphites are not. They will prove to be inefficient. Saul has greater motivation. The Ziphites want to ingratiate themselves to Saul.

1Sam. 23:23 Look and find out all the places where he hides. Then come back to me with accurate information, and I'll go with you. If it turns out he really is in the region, I'll search for him among all the clans of Judah."

The psalm of the Ziphites. Anyone who has been around can flip to Samuel and then to Psalms with a flick of the index finger.

Psalm 54 inscription For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A Davidic Maskil. When the Ziphites went and said to Saul, "Is David not hiding among us?"

David goes to God, and calls for Him to deliver him. He appeals to God the Trinity. All 3 members of the Trinity have the same essence. This is an appeal to grace. Occupation with Christ leads to occupation with the other members of the Trinity. David understands the other members of the Trinity. He may have committed a terrible sin that day and he can still request God to deliver him.


1.       David has passed the point of propitiation. He bears our sins, satisfying the justice of the Father. Therefore, the righteousness and justice of the Father are satisfied at the cross. Sometimes David will be bad and sometimes he will be good. David knows that God has a maximum love for all believers. Righteousness and justice are not compromised.

This prayer will be answered. We will see something that will never come out in the English. He will send his main force around the hill and through a pass, and they are racing to this pass. The Philistines are closer to it. When the pass is blocked, that puts David in a difficult situation. Saul has further to go, but he has a flying column, which can move rather quickly. David has men, women and children and he is walking along a rougher terrain.

Treachery and betrayal.

David uses the imperative mood with God. “By Your Own character, deliver me.”

Psalm 54:1 God, save me by Your name [God’s essence or character], and vindicate me by Your might!


1.       The treachery of the Ziphites puts David in a helpless situation.

2.       Only the essence of God stands between David and disaster.

3.       His prayer recognizes divine essence in operation grace.

4.       This prayer recognizes the basis for divine power in delivering David. God is not compromises by delivering David.

5.       David is occupied with Christ, Who, in propitiating the Father, makes deliverance a reality.

David had the doctrine and God has the power. That is how he is delivered.

1Samuel  23:24-27 Psalm 54:2-70    72David                                              631_0043

01/21/1973 Tactics of grace

A testimony of a student, who received some high honors. We are beginning to get quite a series of young men who are getting a commission right out of college. Mostly they would come out of West Point; but these are being commissioned out of various colleges.

We are seeing a constant attack upon the military. Dallas Theological Seminary is allowing a man to write his masters against the military. There is one member in a faculty of 40 who has had some military service. It is too bad that such a wonderful seminary is falling apart. “Military is not for the Christian.” is the paper. Bob would love to quiz him on this thesis and tear him apart.

This prayer represents the deliverance of David, but without any compromise of God’s character. Deliverance cannot be a reality for any believer apart from the doctrine of propitiation. This is a prayer. Two imperatives. Qal imperative of shamah and the Hiphil imperative of azam. Before God will function, there will be a prayer where David will recognize his condition. This has to be totally God’s work, which is the case for grace.

You must be rational to pray. The real prayer warrior are always people who are rational. You must be in your right mind to pray consistently and effectively. David is not discouraged and he has not taken leave of his senses, and he has not flipped or split from God. With David, he knows that only God can bail him out.

Psalm 54:2 God, hear my prayer; listen to the words of my mouth.

Strangers is used as a noun. It will be always the one who is an enemy. In the feminine, this can refer to a prostitute. A person who is always a stranger who does not care about you is a prostitute. A reversionist is a spiritual whore. The Ziphites are whores; they have sold themselves to Saul. The Ziphites are from the tribe of Judah. The believer positive toward doctrine has nothing in common with the reversionistic believer. There is no rapport and no love. The Ziphites are looking to advance themselves. They are closely related to David. They are looking to get ahead; to advance. They have reject Bible doctrine and have had the blackout of the soul; and getting ahead in life is what they want out of life. Approbation and power lust always remain hungry.

The Ziphites have risen up against David. They, in the past, owed some allegiance to David. Just as with the men of Keilah, there was some loyalty which was owed. There should have been tribal loyalty as welll, as they are all Judahites. They are willing to sell their souls for a mess of pottage.

You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

Baqash is to seek and destroy; or to search and destroy.

They have no occupation with Christ. They are negative toward doctrine; and this is their status of reversionism.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ with a grain of sense, you know that unbelievers and believers in reversionism are meaningless. There is nothing dependable about them. They said they loved and appreciated David and they were on David’s side, but, when the chips were down, none of these things were true.

If you are associated with a reversionist, they will let you down. They will say, “I won’t betray you” or “I’ll be faithful to you” and they will let you down every time. Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm. Jonathan shared the curse of Saul. This is the psalm which tells us to beware of the reversionist.

Psalm 54:3 For strangers [whores] rise up against me, and violent men seek my life [have sought to destroy my soul]. They have no regard for God [they have not set Elohim before them]. Selah

God is the One assisting me; God is the One aiding me; God is the One helping me. Yehowah is the one supporting David’s soul.

Occupation with Christ sustains the believer in maximum pressure. This occurs at a time when David is occupied with the Person of Christ. He did not fall apart and he did not become disillusioned.

Psalm 54:4 God is my helper; the Lord is the sustainer of my life.

Shub is the first verb. David legitimate prays for operation boomerang. Samat with the 3rd person masculine plural suffix.

This is an Imprecatory prayer. God is the judge and God will administer doctrine. If you stop the sins of the tongue, you may end up removing about 70% of your discipline.

Bob is reading Gone with the Wind.

An Imprecatory prayer leaves the administration of justice in the hands of God. David does not look to administer justice to the people of Ziph, even though they are guilty. This is his relaxed mental attitude.

Psalm 54:5 He will repay [Let Him return (the jussive imperfect)] my adversaries for their evil [the evil to my enemies]. Because of Your faithfulness, annihilate them [in Your faithfulness, destroy them].

David expresses the fact that, if he had the responsibility of administering justice, he would cut these people up with a dull knife; however, instead, he uses a sharp knife to offer up a sacrifice to God. David wants to slaughter just one animal from his supergrace perspective. When David is delivered, there will not be anything that he needs to do. He will just be certain that God will get the credit. Grace is exclusive of human plans and human energy.

Yada is the verb upon which David’s tribe name was named.

Psalm 54:6 I will sacrifice a freewill offering to You. I will praise Your name, LORD, because it is good.

Psalm 54:7 For He has delivered me from every trouble [adversity or great pressure], and my eye has looked down on my enemies [has seen God’s vindication on my enemies].

The Ziphites are going back alone as if they are friendly. But they will become a trap. The came in innocent, but will leave as traitors to David. They of course went ahead of Saul. The Ziphites acted as a flying column for Saul. David’s G2 was very alert. It all looks too suspicious, so David moves out of there and goes into the desert of Maon, which is south of Ziph, only a few miles. David has moved about 4 miles further south. He is camped on the north side of a mountain.

This is an area of about 15x35 miles; it is what would be called the Badlands. West of there is the Dead Sea, which is barren and bad country. There are cliffs and caves at the Dead Sea, called Engedi. There is a desert in between this cliffs and caves and David.

Saul departed on his search and kill mission. They told David that he received intelligence reports that Saul is at the foot of the mountain, and he begins to send large columns around both sides of the mountain. The column going around the east side is the most important one. The west column is not as important. David has only one way out, which is a south pass, and there will be a race for the south pass. David will go over the mountain and Saul’s columns will go around the mountain. It is a race to the south pass.

1Sam. 23:24 So they went to Ziph ahead of Saul. Now David and his men were in the wilderness near Maon in the Arabah south of Jeshimon,

David’s patrols are acting as a screen. Saul starts around the east side of the mountain. Saul is at the foot of the mountain.

1Sam. 23:25 and Saul and his men went to look for him. When David was told about it, he went down to the rock and stayed in the Wilderness of Maon. Saul heard of this and pursued David there.

David is not going around the other side of the mountain, but he is actually going over the peak of the mountain, around the side, high on the mountain. Saul is going around the bottom. David can see the Saul is going to beat him to the pass and cut him off. David is moving around the top of the mountain and Saul near the bottom.

David was hurrying. David has women and children with him, which would slow him down. Saul is near the base of the mountain, with soldiers only. If Saul gets to the south part of the mountain before David, he can meet David David is in a jam even if he gets there first, because Saul has men coming around both sides. There are 2 hills, and the south pass. David must get there early enough for his battalion to be in place to protect the women and children.

1Sam. 23:26 Saul went along one side of the mountain [the east base] and David and his men went along the other side [higher up along the peak]. Even though David was hurrying to get away from Saul, Saul and his men were closing in on David and his men to capture them.

Here is where David’s prayer is made. This is the timely interruption. Saul is winning the race to the south pass, and suddenly a courier comes up. And Saul has to turn around immediately. He had to call off the whole thing.

1Sam. 23:27 Then a messenger came to Saul saying, "Come quickly, because the Philistines have raided the land!"

1Sam. 23:28 So Saul broke off his pursuit of David and went to engage the Philistines. Therefore, that place was named the Rock of Separation.

David can cross this desert because he is no longer being pursued. The high cliffs are filled with caves. They would be safe there. Engedi is a wild region west of the Dead Sea. He goes to these high cliffs. This means spring of the wild goats. The country is filled with wild goats, so we will leave David to enjoy carita in Engedi.

1Sam. 23:29 From there David went up and stayed in the strongholds of En-gedi.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 40:1-5                 72David                                              631_0044

01/22/1973 Psalm of deliverance

Saul was going over a longer route, but with soldiers and a better trail. David is going over the mountain, a shorter distance, but with women and children.

David can see what is going on, and he can tell that he is behind and that Saul will get there before he does. This is not the prayer which David offers, but what he prays after the fact.

Psalm 40 inscription For the choir director. A Davidic.

There is a great room for improvement for Christian music. Burnt offerings and sin offerings You no longer desire.

David was in a hurry; he did not wait patiently for anyone. He was trying to get their first. Here, we have the strongest word for faith; this is the one of the small string being wound up with the entire rope.

To extend the hand (to rescue someone). As he was going down the south slope, he was about to miss the south pass, and that the army of Saul would be there first.

The Philistines invade and this search and destroy column is turned back. So David recognizes that this is God doing that.

David is there and it is his own fault, and God is going to deliver him anyway.

Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently for the LORD [being confident, I have confidence in the Lord], and He turned to me and heard my cry for help.

David dug his own hole here. David did not earn or deserve to be delivered.

There are no swamps around there; this is a reference to a trap. He has uncertain footing in the swamp mire. The mire of a swamp is uncertain footing; and the rock is certain footing. He went from the pit to divine deliverance. David got himself into the jam and the Lord was getting him out of the jam. There is an image here of security of a supergrace believer. This is where God can find a way to deliver.

Psalm 40:2 He brought me up from a desolate pit [a pit of destruction], out of the muddy clay [mire of the swamp], and set my feet on a rock, making my steps secure.

This is something to sing about. A waw of consequence. Consequently, He has given me a knew song. Supergrace confidence under pressure is the new song. Saul had an enveloping course in his flying column.

The new song is supergrace security. David has seen again the unfaithfulness of man. He has seen his own tactic. 3 miles south is this hill. There were 3 ways to get off. The north is blocked off because that is where Saul’s base camp is. The west is out because that is where the high cliffs are. His only chance is south; and Saul knows this escape route as well.

God overrules the asininity of leadership. David has confidence and security in grace. In a grace deliverance, God gets the credit. David does not get the credit; he got them into this mess in the first place.

Liberals like to think of themselves as important, so it appeals to them that Jesus is outside knocking on the door to your heart.

David was going to fail and God knew this; so He bailed David out.

In plain English, you are a dumb butt. God always gets the credit. “Thanks for that amen.”

Notice the trust is in Yehowah. Our faith has to be directed to God the Son. There is a Yehowah in Whom we trust.

Psalm 40:3 He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear [respect], and put their trust in the LORD.

God is going to bless David as no man had been blessed before. To join up with David, they will have to get some doctrine. Spiritual happiness and normal human happiness.

The proud are the men of Keilah and the men of Ziph and Saul.

When the politicians lie, the military and police are hurt. We have been fed a whole bunch of lies. If the truth was told, we would build up our military and blast these people out of the area. Bob would slice up those who hijacked a plane so the runways would run red with blood.

Bob wants to take those who voted to build a hospital in Hanoi and to send them there. This is a reversionistic country.

We are not a democracy. A Republic depends upon the fiber of the people. The Bible does not advocate democracy. Democracy only proves that a majority of people are stupid. One of the greatest series of rulers, the Antoinine Caesars. Even good men are influenced by public opinion and public opinion is the consensus of stupidity.

Feminine plural refers to supergrace capacity and supergrace blessing. There will be a large number who will respond to doctrine.

Psalm 40:4 How happy is the man [soldier] who has put his trust in the LORD [who has established the Lord as his happiness] and has not turned to the proud or to those who run after lies!

God will manufacture prosperity out of grace.

Nothing can be a raid against You.

Psalm 40:5 LORD my God, You have done many things [out of grace]--Your wonderful works and Your plans for us; none can compare with You [nothing can be a raid against You]. If I were to report and speak of them [or, I would declare and speak it], they are more than can be told [they are too numerous to be written].

1Samuel 23 Ps. 40:6–7                      72David                                              631_0045

01/23/1973 Doctrines of Ears, Ritual without Reality, Slave and the Awl

This refers to 4 of the offerings; these are blood sacrifices. Burnt offering, propitiation with emphasis upon the Person of Christ. God’s essence. Jesus Christ made it possible for God to love man and still be consistent with His Own essence. In bearing our sins, Jesus frees up God to be able to love us. Once we are past the point of propitiation, we can be loved by God. None of this depends upon who and what we are but upon Who and What Jesus Christ is.

Psalm 40:6 You do not delight in sacrifice [a slaughtering] or a [food] offering; You have pierced my ears to listen. You do not ask for a whole burnt offering [an ascending offering] or a sin offering [rebound with an emphasis upon the unknown sins].

This also refers to the peace offering, which is the doctrine of reconciliation, the removal of the barriers between man and God. Sin is solved by redemption the penalty of sin paid for on the cross; minus R replaced by plus R; temporal life replaced by eternal life.

When Christ paid for our sins, we can confess them and have them forgiven temporally. That is the sin offering.

Trespass offering.

Offering is mincah, which should be translated mincah or food or offering. David says this, even though all of these offerings are commanded.

Ritual Without Reality

1.       Ritual without reality is meaningless.

2.       Ritual is used to teach doctrine.

3.       Believers who are reversionistic go through the ritual without transferring the doctrine to their souls.

4.       Since ritual is a teaching aid, if the believer is negative toward doctrine, then the teaching aid accomplishes nothing.

5.       Reversionism is guilty of ritual without reality of doctrine in the soul. Ritual is designed to stir up the memory center of the right lobe.

6.       Therefore, there is no merit in ritual but in the doctrine that is represents.

7.       This doctrine must be in the soul for the ritual to be meaningful.

As a slave to a master, some men liked the master. Many times, they would be free after 7 years; but he could remain as a slave if he chose to. The master went through the custom and his earlobe could be held next to a door, and an awl would be used drive a hole into the ear.

Once a person has been in service to the Lord, going from zero to supergrace, he wants to be in the Lord’s service as a slave forever.

The Piercing of the Ear of the Slave

1.       The piercing of the servant means that he will remain a slave forever to that master. Ex. 21:6

2.       The ear represents obedience and submission to discipline. \

3.       The piercing or boring of the ear indicates the slave’s desire to remain with his master when he might have his freedom. He chooses to remain a slave. Many slaves after the emmancipation proclamation refused to step into freedom. They chose to remain slaves.

4.       The piercing of the ear was an act of free will to become the slave of Jesus Christ. David was in supergrace.

5.       This is the function of the supergrace believer.

6.       David does so because he is occupt with the Person of Christ as a supergrace believer.

7.       All future deliverance depends upon the master Jesus Christ.

Doctrine of the Ears

1.       Most obviously, the ears are used for gap. “He who has ears, let him hear.” Prov. 18:15 the heart of the prudent keeps on acquiring doctrine. The ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Job 34:1–3 Then Elihu continued, saying: Hear my words, you wise men, and listen to me, you knowledgeable ones. Doesn't the ear test words as the palate tastes food? The ear is used for the daily function of gap.

2.       The ears are used for supergrace dedication. Psalm 40:6 Ex. 21:6 Deut 15:17 .

3.       Jer. 6:10 ear is used for negative volition toward doctrine.

4.       Reversionism leading to fifth cycle of discipline. Isa. 6:10

5.       The ear was part of the consecration of the priest. Blood is put on the tip of the ear, representing a life of studying and teaching. Ex. 29:20 Lev.

6.       The healed leper placed blood on his ear; he represents hopelessness and this is the solution for life’s problems. Lev. 17:17

7.       Anthropomorphism. God does not have ears. But there are passages which deal with the ears of God. This is an anthropomorphism. The jealousy of God, which God is not. Human terms are used so that we can understand it. Psalm 34:15 the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous; His ears are open to his cry. 34:7 The Angel of the Lord bivouacs around them.

8.       The ear as an anthropomorphism is used in the restoration of Israel in the fifth cycle of discipline. Neh. 1:6 Let Your ear now be attentive and Your eyes open.

9.       The ear is contrasted to idols who cannot here. Psalm 55;1 Isa. Even if they fashion ears on an idol, they cannot hear.

10.     Gossip. Prov. 17:4

God is not interested in ritual without reality.

Levitical Offerings

1.       This passage is quoted in Heb. 10:5–10 message of the incarnatino.

2.       Levitical offerings were shadows point toward the cross, but woul dnot take the place of the cross.

3.       Animal sacrifices will not take away sin.

4.       Animal sacrifices taught the cross but did not replace the cross.

5.       Note the difference between Psalm 40:6 and Heb. 

You have pierced my ears, is what David says. Jesus Christ repeated all that David said, except for piecing the earts. What is substituted is, “A body You have prepared for Me.” Jesus Christ quotes this verse exactly, but makes this change. In taking a body, Jesus Christ became the servant of God the Father and willingly, in this way, had His ear pierced. However, the parallel is, He takes upon Himself the human body, which represents being a servant to God.

The night before his attack upon the Philistines, a small battalion against a large Philistine division. You will not leave my soul in Hades was a vision of Jesus Christ which put David to sleep the night before the battle. In occupation with Christ, he had this vision. For Jesus, this is the night before the resurrection.

Psalm 40:6 You do not delight in sacrifice [a slaughtering] or a [food] offering; You have pierced my ears to listen. You do not ask for a whole burnt offering [an ascending offering] or a sin offering [rebound with an emphasis upon the unknown sins].

David here is occupation with Christ and Jesus will utter these words when coming into the world. Heb. 10:5–

Heb 10:1–4 Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come, and not the actual form of those realities, it can never perfect the worshipers by the same sacrifices they continually offer year after year. Otherwise, wouldn't they have stopped being offered, since the worshipers, once purified, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? But in the sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

God, as God, could not go to the cross. God is immutable. God is eternal life. David wrote this psalm dedicated to his coming down from this mountain. This also looked forward to Jesus Christ. He would come down and give these same words to do the Father’s will. David would escape; Jesus would not escape Golgotha; and we would escape our sins.

The Baby speaks as an adult.

Heb. 10:5 Therefore, as He was coming into the world [came into existence], He said: “You did not want sacrifice and offering, but You prepared a body for Me.

Heb. 10:6 You did not delight [approve] in whole burnt offerings and sin offerings.”

Isa. 7:14 and Mal. When this was written by David, the Bible was only up unto portions of Samuel. Thelêma is purpose, plan.

Heb. 10:7 Then I said, "See, I have come [arrived on the scene]--it is written about Me in the volume of the scroll [the entire Old Testament]--to do Your will [plan], O God!"

The abrogation of the shadows. Sacrifice and offerings refers back to our passage. Offering up animals was abolished in the Church Age. We are no longer looking backward.

Heb. 10:8 After He says above [going back to v. 5], You did not desire or delight in sacrifices and offerings, whole burnt offerings and sin offerings, (which are offered according to the law),

Heb. 10:9 He then says, See, I have come to do Your will. He takes away the first to establish the second.

We are separated unto God forever by means of the offering of the body of Jesus Christ.

Heb. 10:10 By this will, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.

 Jesus fulfills Psalm 40:6. The dynasty of David would last forever.

Psalm 40:6 You do not delight in sacrifice [a slaughtering] or a [food] offering; You have pierced my ears to listen. You do not ask for a whole burnt offering [an ascending offering] or a sin offering [rebound with an emphasis upon the unknown sins].

There is the desert and the south pass. Saul’s division was at the foot of the mountain. He put a holding force. When Saul was winning the race, God intervened with the Philistine invasion. Then refers to at this time.

David is saying, “I have come into this world to do Your will” to God the Father. His Son would say the same thing.

The written scroll refers to the Old Testament, as it was completed at the time of David. David has come to the point of service; the pierced ear.

Psalm 40:7 Then [at that time] I said, "See, I have come; it is [being] written about me in the volume of the scroll.

Closing Points

1.       The Old Testament is in the process of being formulated and there is more to be written before it is completed. The Old Testament was being written. The Old Testament was unfinished. We know more about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament than the faculty at Dallas Seminary. The Old Testament was written about Jesus Christ. The Old Testament is not written about David; it is written about Jesus Christ.

2.       Note that David’s occupation with Christ leads into this Messianic passage.

3.       David sees the day of the incarnation when, from his own line, Jesus Christ would become true humanity.

4.       The next verse is David’s supergrace testimony as well as that of Jesus Christ. It is the testimony of David and his Greater Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

1Samuel 23 Ps. 40:8-12                     72David                                              631_0046

01/24/1973 Doctrine of association

Bob notices that the natives are restless. Some of you are so flaky and flea-brained, you’ll spend the rest of the service figuring out what you’re going to do. “If you are so flaky that you don’t know where you are, then get the hell out at the silent prayer.”

we\re at the supergrace testimony by David. The same line is uttered by Jesus Christ when He comes into the world. The flying column of King Saul approaches the hill coming out of Ziph, from the north, which blocks off escape from that approach. There is a southeast pass going into the badlands and off the eastern side of the mountain going into the Dead Sea.

David wanted to go over the peak and come down the southeast passage, but Saul came around the passage and was about to catch him.

This is great testing for David here, as never before; and it will not happen against until David gets out of line.

David lived in the Age of Israel when there was doctrine in various things which he observed as well as through the Word of God. Here, doctrine is said to be in the bowels rather than in the heart. This refers to emotions.

When the emotions revolt, men start wearing long hair. When the man dominates in the soul of the woman, she is feminine, and in the other way, her soul becomes distorted and she becomes a dyke or a libber.

The emotion is designed to respond. David is stimulated by Bible doctrine and he is enjoying life in adversity. He is enjoy ing life in the cliffs of Engedi. Circumstances are bad but doctrine in his soul leads to doctrine in the emotions and his emotions are responding to do. He enjoys the fights; he enjoys living under the stars, he enjoys his position; he enjoys the people who are with him. There is a period of 6 years.


1.       It is the will of God that all believers reach supergrace status in phase II.

2.       To do this requires the daily function of gap leading to a saturation of Bible doctrine in all facets of the soul. The person is hereby

3.       So great must be the saturation of doctrine, that is overflows into the emotions, so that is gets the highest and noblest response to God’s grace.

4.       At the incarnation of Jesus Christ, He quoted the first half of this verse. Heb. 10:5–7

5.       At the time that David wrote this psalm, he used the entire verse to express his supergrace testimony.

6.       David has just been delivered from Saul’s persecutions under operation search and destroy.

7.       David has been betrayed by the members of his own tribe; Keilah and Ziph people.

8.       He just escaped the terrible tap on the mountain of escape. The first 8 verses are David’s supergrace testimony after God had delivered him.

9.       The next 2 verses tell how David preached a message to the Addullem alumni after reach supergrace. When Saul pulled away from the south pass and went north to meet the Philistines and David came off of the slope, down the slop, at the south pass, with Saul’s army going in the other direction, David stopped and preached a message to these 3000 people who are with him. Some are unsaved and many are immature believers.

Psalm 40:8 I delight [I take pleasure] to do Your will [manufacture from Your plan], my God; Your instruction [doctrine] resides within me [my bowels]."

In the Piel stem, this means to proclaim good news. There are a lot of people who are unbelievers with him. And some of them are wondering what has just happened. How did they get out of this trap. So David has to explain the gospel to them. God cannot compromise His righteousness. David made a mistake in his tactics; but God overruled. The gospel is grace. David does not earn or deserve deliverance. God overruled his mistakes.

David enunciated clearly; everyone understood him. He did not speak with an accent that many would not understand. Some people can never get rid of an accent and are not qualified to proclaim doctrine in some parts of the country. People who have accents always call attention to the speech rather than to the message. We have had a series of British public speakers come here and haul away tons of money. Ian Hunter and Ian Thomas and all of these idiots. People think they are geniuses and are impressed by the accent. Again, it is hard to follow.

This simply means that David is communicating this loud and clear. The people able to understand what is being said. David argues that God has observed him.

Psalm 40:9 I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly; see, I do not keep my mouth closed [I have not restrained my lips]--as You know, LORD [O Jehovah, You know it].

David did not hold back from teaching these people.

Psalm 40:10 I did not hide [have not concealed] Your righteousness in my heart [thinking]; I spoke about [I have communicated] Your faithfulness [doctrine] and salvation; I did not conceal [kept back] Your graciousness and truth [faithfulness?] from the great assembly.

As David was moving down the south slope, Saul was ahead of him moving toward the south pass. While losing this race to this escape ruote, these are David’s reflections. He did some thinking. He then decided it would be better to switch to praying. His praying is better than his thinking. Neither precedes the wonderful things that he thought. David is doing something that all leaders must do from time to time; he was kicking himself in the butt in v. 11.

The KJV makes David sound like a prissy legalist. Compassion is grace in action.

Psalm 40:11 LORD, do not withhold [You will not hold back from me] Your compassion from me; Your grace and truth [doctrine] will always guard me.

Innumerable troubles means evils beyond number. David must be on his toes; he cannot be wracked with a guilt complex. Saul has just about overtaken David. He has almost closed the trap on David. This is about as stupid as David could ever be. He is alive and in one piece; he has not even been wounded. And yet, he is weeping and wailing on the south slope. A guilt complex will turn a man into a jellyfish, and a man into a menace.

Bob remembers evangelists and how one would tell these stories. A well-developed gal at age 17 had been taken advantage of. The evangelist hit her in a guilt complex, and they are at a school house and these big wide windows. Aaron Hicks kissed me. Almost all of the boys in the congregation went out the windows. So, a guilt complex in a woman is a menace. There is someone back there who is not smiling. I hope your name isn’t Aaron Hicks. Believers tend to associate every problem in their life with some past sin. The sin may have been years ago. You think, in this catastrophe, that God is finally getting around to spanking you. God keeps short accounts. Now, this person had a guilt complex from what happened years ago.

The Doctrine of Association

1.       The believer is blessed by association with a supergrace leader. This can be in many areas. Many of you can have a supergrace boss in an industry and you prosper by being in the same company with this person. A supergrace general can change up an entire division. Supergrace leadership always overflows. The last grunt of the last platoon of the last battalion can be great blessed by the principle of overflow. The same thing for a football team.

2.       This principle works in reverse. The believer is cursed by association with the reversionist. Supergrace Jonathan cursed because of his association with Saul.

3.       The believer is blessed and prospered by association with Jesus Christ. This is blessing by occupation with Christ. This is what David had before he had emotion prosperity. Blessing from occupation with Christ.

4.       The believer associates disaster with past sins; cursing by guilt complex. Associating disasters in life with a past sin. Cursing by imagination. Through a guilt complex. This is what David is saying, when he claims, “My sins have overtaken me.” I don’t think that is correct. This is Scripture, so David is stating a fact.

5.       Rebound is the believer associating sins with the judgment on the cross. When we confess our sin, that is to identify it. It is associating that sin and it is judged at the cross. People think you have to feel sorry for your sin; associate it with penance.

6.       The believer is influenced by sexual association. The one with whom you have sex has a great influence on you. This is a great principle on David. The believer is influenced by sexual association.

7.       The believer is influenced by social association as well. A believer can be affected by the company that he keeps.

8.       Guilt by association. The innocent suffer because of their association with the guilty.

Psalm 40:12 For troubles without number have surrounded [enveloped, encircled] me; my sins have overtaken me; I am unable to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my courage leaves me.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 40:12-17             72David                                              631_0047

01/25/1973 Phil. 3:13; Heb. 12:15 Association

Down Memory Lane a demonstration was something you were supposed to watch when your chemistry teacher fooled around with a bunch of chemicals.

Evils have surrounded me is Saul’s flying column, which was about to beat David to the southern pass.

Doctrine of association repeated.

Psalm 40:12 For troubles without number have surrounded me; my sins have overtaken me; I am unable to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my courage leaves me.


1.       David fails to forget those things that are behind. A guilt complex takes a current disaster and related it back to past sins which shock you. The results in a guilt reaction. David is facing the disaster of beng cut off at the south pass by Saul.

2.       David’s sins of reversionism should be forgotten. There is a special quirk in the right lobe. He should draw on divine standards. He is operating under a guilt complex. You are sinning every time that you operate under a guilt complex.

3.       Impending disaster causes you to fail in an area of chain sinning.

4.       1Sam. 23:26 Saul went along one side of the mountain [the east base] and David and his men went along the other side [higher up along the peak]. Even though David was hurrying to get away from Saul, Saul and his men were closing in on David and his men to capture them.

5.       David was in panic palace because of his guilt complex.

6.       A guild complex is the enemy of the growing believer. When you learn what a terrible person you have been, you need to be careful not to react with terrible guil. David had not been preserved by God to be taken out on the mountain.

We’ll bef off on so many psalms.

Paul had offered up the sacrifice in Jerusalem, which was a mistake. David made this mistake, but Paul did not. The sins of reversionism are always terrible. David, when coming down that hill, kept looking back. Epilanthanomai is even stronger than forgetting. Sins related to scar tissue of the soul, sins related to emotional revolt of the soul, sins which must be laid aside and forgotten.

Philip. 3:13 Members of the family of God, I do not reckon myself to have laid hold; and now one thing--the things behind indeed forgetting, and to the things before stretching forth--

If you have a guilt complex, it is your own fault and failure. Once you recover from the reversionistic situation, then you cannot include this in your guilt. David failed on the basis of Philip. 3:13 and Heb. 12:15 that no one fails from the standard of the grace of God.


Guilt goes inward and bitterness goes outward. Sins of reversionism are broken down to the various areas of reversionism. The root of bitterness concept; a root comes from a dead seed. In bitterness, you go back and pick up a sin that involves someone else. Bitterness, you go back to something that should be forgotten, but it is not. For the root to sprout, the seed must die. Rebound is the last thing to go in reversionism.

Defiles means to dump the contents of a chamber pot onto someone down below.

Heb. 12:15 looking diligently over lest any one be failing [falling short] of the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up may give trouble, and through this many may be defiled [contaminated with the excrement of your soul]

Bob is bugged by attempts to cover up what is actually there. 1Sam. 24:3 bothers Bob. David and his men are way back in the recesses of this cave. This is a euphemism for defecation. Saul went into the cave to defecate. The reason why this was such a great temptation to kill him is, Saul is alone; no guards.

David crept up and cut off a corner of his robe. This adds up to be a wonderful study in a week, who was with Saul in the outhouse.

Keil and Delitzsch came close to giving what this meant, literally.

Now we are in the middle of v. 12. Saul comes in from the north with his flying column, at least 3000 men, with the Ziphites giving him the information. When Saul knows this, he starts the envelopment. David goes around the peak and begins to race him to reach the south pass. Saul beats him to the pass, and this is going through David’s mind.

A guilt complex produces many bad side effects. Disorientation to the plan of God. David’s guilt complex obscures Bible doctrine in David’s soul, but it is still there. The guilt complex obliterates Bible doctrine in the right lobe.

Psalm 40:12 For troubles without number have surrounded me; my sins have overtaken me; I am unable to see. They are more than the hairs of my head, and my courage leaves me.

David addresses God the Father, Who is the recipient of prayer.

David demands grace, which indicates that he has recovered from reversionism. God the Father knew years ago that David would be in this jam. And now, David is on the panic button. Every problem and every disaster, God knew about it billions of years ago. All of that weeping and wailing is unnecessary. You cannot think and have a guilt complex. Such a person is incapable of thought.

Psalm 40:13 LORD, be pleased to deliver me; hurry to help me, LORD.

Imperative in the previous verse to a jussive in this verse.

they have almost reached the pass when David prays this.

Psalm 40:14 Let those who seek to take my life be disgraced and confounded [ashamed and humiliated]. Let those who wish me harm be driven back and humiliated.


1.       You cannot build your happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness.

2.       Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others is a soul sickness.

3.       Such people face operation boomerang.

4.       Gloaters groan from gleaning garbage from the grave. Gloaters spend their lives feeding on the garbage of this life.

5.       Every attempt to be happy on the basis of someone else’s misery is another bite from the corpse of divine discipline.

6.       Only buzzards live on carrion, not human beings. The very unhappiness you seek to instill in others comes back to you.

7.       Each time Saul seeks to destroy David, this is another step toward his grave.

Deriving happiness from another’s unhappiness. This would lead to operation boomerang. Qal active participle is a supergrace capacity for love.

Psalm 40:15 Let those who say to me, "Aha, aha!" be horrified because of their shame.

Psalm 40:16 Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let those who love Your salvation continually say, The LORD is great!"

David says that he is afflicted and helpless. He can take no credit here. David was wrong to panic and to become upset.

Psalm 40:17 I am afflicted and needy; the Lord thinks of me [yet the Lord devises a plan for me]. You are my help and my deliverer; my God, do not delay.

1Samuel 23 Psalm 138:1-8               72David                                              631_0048

 01/29/1973 Importance of categorical Bible doctrine

Greatest northern California conference. Tragic when Bob thinks of the men from his generation who are dying off. Some short-haired guys described what they looked like before, and then Bob remembered them.

We left David at the cave of Engedi. The persecutions of Saul will continue and become even more intense. The darkness of a terrible civil war will be followed by a dawn of great prosperous period of time.

Only those with Bible doctrine can properly interpret contemporary history.

David will have a guest, King Saul, at his cave.

David has motivation to praise God. The heart refers to the right lobe. There is the memory center. He had a vocabulary of doctrine and the categories of doctrine. He has divine viewpoint norms and standards. He can appreciate the essence of God. On the launching pad, there is Bible doctrine.

His praise is not phoney; he does not wait until he is in a crowd and suddenly he says, “Praise God.” David is worshiping because he cannot do anything else. This is David’s natural response to Bible doctrine in his soul. The most important function of doctrine is listening, learning, absorbing.

Psalm 138:1 By David. I praise You, with all my heart, Before the God I do praise You.

There was no Temple at the time of David. This refers to David’s palace. David’s palace will be reconstructed from the famous palace of the Jebusites. He will appreciate his home.

David appreciates God’s essence; the love of God, His justice, and he is not caught off guard. He understands complete concepts so that he does not have to grab a particular promise. Everything worthwhile in David’s life will be from God’s provision. What God provides is permanent. It can only be perpetuated in eternity.

Someone has told you that you are getting too much doctrine and you need to get out and witness or knock on doors. God places more emphasis upon Bible doctrine than He places upon His Person; the most important function in the Christian life is the intake of doctrine. Worship is not you talking; worship is you listening. There will be plenty of time for you to talk later. Doctrine is more important than anything else in life.

Imrah means categorical doctrine. Doctrine in the Bible is grace. It is the doctrine that you understand that is helpful to you. It is not Bible doctrine in the Bible. Bob does not read idiotic dumb commentaries. He could straighten out our reading for pleasure.

Bob suggests that, if doctrine is not your life, then you need to find another church. This is no place for those who want to be entertained. It is impossible to know anything about God apart from the Word of God. The Bible is the thinking of God. The essence of God is revealed in the Word of God and it is the basis for Bible doctrine.

It is doctrine which gives you a scale of values. It is how God reveals Himself to us.

Psalm 138:2 I bow myself toward Your holy temple [palace], And I confess Your name [essence, character], For Your grace, and for Your truth [Bible doctrine], For You have made great Your Word above all Your name.

David really hit the panic button when he began to come over the mountain and realized that Saul was going to cut him off.

Psalm 138:3 In the day I called, when You dost answer me, You dost strengthen me in my soul with strength.

Psalm 138:4 O Jehovah, all kings of earth confess You, When they have heard the sayings of Your mouth.

They will sing of the ways of the Lord.

Psalm 138:5 And they sing in the ways of Jehovah, For great is the honour of Jehovah.

God being high means that He is beyond man in every way. High indicates superiority. God in His essence is superior to man in every way. God is infinitely superior to us, but He still looks upon us, the lowly.

Psalm 138:6 For high is Jehovah, and the grace oriented He sees, And the arrogant from afar He knows.

David will have an R&R for a short time. A month or so. He will be given a break. David recognizes that he is enjoying some temporary respite and he knows that the future holds a great thing for him.

Psalm 138:7 If I walk in the midst of distress You quickenest me, Against the anger of mine enemies You send forth Your hand, And Your right hand does save me.

For those of you who are young, you are most anxious for the prosperity or the rw. After all, you have been coming for a couple of months now. A girl came for 3 nights and said, “Doctrine doesn’t work; I’ve been here for 3 straight nights.” God will complete the plan concerning David and He will do the same for us.

David will have 40 years of being the greatest ruler of Israel and possibly of all time. This is all based upon God magnifying His Word above all His name.

Psalm 138:8 Jehovah does perfect for me, O Jehovah, Your kindness is to the age, The works of Your hands let not fall.

An article on communism by Robert Dresser. Communist nations are involved with trade with us, although they supply the weapons which kill our sons in battle. We have built up the economy of Soviet Russia.

There is no such thing as Soviet technology; 90 or 95% of it has come from America. All of their ships were designed from American ships. U.S. industry and technology shot down our planes in Vietnam. This guy listed the plants in the United States which provided trucks for the communists. Gorky was built by Ford Motor company.

Dean Rusk and someone else told us that the auto plant that we built in Russia which they said would not produce military vehicles, but they would produce military vehicles.

We help the reds to build better missiles. We have made their missiles more accurate.

We repatriated a whole bunch of communists; forced them to go back; it was an inhuman act. We shipped many of them to Stalin, who executed them or shipped them to labor camps. Operation Keilhall. Keelhaul? 16 million people have outwitted the United States in every way in Vietnam. The communists will look to take out any government that they can. We have been betrayed by the weakest, most spineless people of any country.

Moses, David and Jeremiah stand for a principle; we don’t know if we are about to go out under discipline or recover from such idiocies.

Without supergrace believers, we’ve had it as a nation.

1Samuel 24:1–4 Psalm 55:18-23      72David                                              631_0049

01/30/1973 Assassination; reversionist victories

We’re beginning in 1Sam. 24:1

There is a change in the narrative, which is why we have a new chapter. God uses the reversionism of Saul in order to defeat the Philistines; but this would be very temporary.

Points on Saul’s Victory over the Philistines

1.       Reversionistic Saul was victorious over the Philistines. Evil people can have great victories.

2.       Jesus Christ controls history is the overriding principle. God uses the wrather of man to praise Him.

3.       It was not time for Israel to be defeated, even thought there was a great deal of reversionism.

4.       God must keep His promise to David, and Israel must be protected until David arrives.

5.       The anointing of David is a divine promise as well as a divine commission. Saul’s life and the people of Israel were not at issue here.

6.       Therefore, when David is standing on the high cliffs of Engedi and he saw this column of men moving, should have been a great encouragement. When he sees Saul return, this means that the Philistines have been defeated and they have been knocked out of the land.

7.       This gives Saul time to continue his persecution of David, David should have been smart enough to recognize that Jesus Christ controls history here. Saul did not realize this that he was preserving the kingdom for David.

This is a beautiful view for David and David and these people need food.

1Sam. 24:1 And it cometh to pass when Saul hath turned back from [returned from pursuing] after the Philistines, that they declare to him, saying, `Lo, David is in the wilderness of En-gedi.'

Saul has 3000 of his best men and David has 600 men.

1Sam. 24:2 And Saul taketh three thousand chosen men out of all Israel, and goeth to seek [to search and destroy] David and his men, on the front of the rocks of the wild goats,

Saul approaches and David records his thoughts in Psalm 55:18–23

Not covered vv..1–17:

Psalm 55:1 To the Overseer with stringed instruments. --An instruction, by David. Give ear, O God, to my prayer, And hide not from my supplication.

Psalm 55:2 Attend to me, and answer me, I mourn in my meditation, and make a noise,

Psalm 55:3 Because of the voice of an enemy, Because of the oppression of the wicked, For they cause sorrow to move against me, And in anger they hate me.

Psalm 55:4 My heart is pained within me, And terrors of death have fallen on me.

Psalm 55:5 Fear and trembling come in to me, And horror doth cover me.

Psalm 55:6 And I say, `Who doth give to me a pinion as a dove? I fly away and rest,

Psalm 55:7 Lo, I move far off, I lodge in a wilderness. Selah.

Psalm 55:8 I hasten escape for myself, From a rushing wind, from a whirlwind.

Psalm 55:9 Swallow up, O Lord, divide their tongue, For I saw violence and strife in a city.

Psalm 55:10 By day and by night they go round it, on its walls. Both iniquity and perverseness are in its midst,

Psalm 55:11 Mischiefs are in its midst. Fraud and deceit depart not from its street.

Psalm 55:12 For an enemy reproacheth me not, or I bear it , He who is hating me Hath not magnified himself against me, Or I hide from him.

Psalm 55:13 But thou, a man--as mine equal, My familiar friend, and mine acquaintance.

Psalm 55:14 When together we sweeten counsel, Into the house of God we walk in company.

Psalm 55:15 Desolations are upon them, They go down to Sheol--alive, For wickedness is in their dwelling, in their midst.

Psalm 55:16 I--to God I call, and Jehovah saveth me.

Psalm 55:17 Evening, and morning, and noon, I meditate, and make a noise, and He heareth my voice,

Here is where we pick up the text: David’s soul has been preserved in tranquility. Saul is approaching with his special force and he knows that God will deliver him. He knows that God will preserve him, but he does not know if there will be a battle or not.

Psalm 55:18 He has ransomed [preserved, purchased] in peace [in tranquility] my soul From him who is near to me, For with the multitude [2500 camp followers and 600 soldiers] they were with me.

David’s prayers. David’s prayers begin now that he sees Saul’s men come across the desert. There is no panic; there are no bad moves. David will remove himself as a protagonist. David knows that God has a plan for his life. He sees the approaching troops of Saul, and God knew that David would pray, and that is when God answered this prayer.

There was never a time when God did not exist; never a time when God did not know about this incident. God has an answer and God would deliver him. Then the continuation of the orchestra means that God’s provision continues while we rest. God continues to work in our lives.

David recognizes that Saul has not changed; Saul is the same reversionist that he has been for some time. David realizes that this aspect of Saul would not change. There are no changes in Saul’s reversionism.

Qal perfect refers to a continuing situation from the past. Saul did not respect God before and he still does not. Therefore, there is no change.

What Does this Passage Tell Us So Far?

1.       This explains why Saul was blind and did not recognize God’s grace in delivering him in battle. As soon as the victory is won, Saul’s implacability sets in and he determines to kill David.

2.       The reversionist has no appreciation for grace in action.

3.       Furthermore, this verse explains why Saul continues to persecute David after enjoying a victory over the Philistines.

4.       As soon as the Philistines were driven out of Israel, Saul forms a search and destroy flying column to go get David.

5.       The next few verses describes Saul as he approaches with his flying column; and David can see him approach the high cliffs of Engedi.

Psalm 55:19 God does hear and afflicts [He answers] them, And He sits of old. Selah. Because they have no changes [in whom there are no changes to him], and fear not God,

David has no quarrel with Saul and he respects the king and obeys the laws of divine establishment. So David is not looking to take Saul’s place. David has never made an aggressive move to take over Saul’s authority.

Making a treaty with the communists is meaningless; they will break their word at some point in time. This is true of all communists; they have polluted their covenants. Only the liberal bleeding heart puts anything into a treaty with the communists.

Psalm 55:20 He hath sent forth his hands against his well-wishers, He hath polluted his covenant.

This explains the communists here. Starting with Truman, every president has been a jackass in dealing with the communists, all having learned this from FDR. All presidents have been stupid or dumb or both.

We gave the communists our technology about our missiles and silos. They are in better shape than we are missile-wise. His speech was smoother than butter, but war was in his thinking.

There has been no military buildup in world history like the Russians today. Our only break is, Russian generals do not have anything for brains. Just as in WWII, they had jackasses who could not even whip the Fins; but they don’t need brains with their military buildup.

Watch your step around these minorities today. A few of them can terrorize a bunch of them. The Black Muslims and Black Panthers are the most anti-American people today.

Psalm 55:21 Sweeter than honey hath been his mouth, And his heart is war! Softer have been his words than oil, And they are drawn swords .

This is our hope. Parasites who have been fed on welfare will have to be destroyed before we can return to divine establishment in the United States.

Psalm 55:22 Cast on Jehovah that which He has given you, And He does sustain you [He will uphold you no matter how much things fall apart all around you], He does not suffer [will not give] for ever the moving of the righteous [the righteous to be shaken].

We have a Congress made up of fools. They would take away your only defense, your gun. Even today, it is tough to get a police officer within 30 min. The Nixon administration says, “Just let the criminal rape, kill and/or steal. Don’t do anything about it.” Nice people should not have guns; only criminals should have guns.

We have had a series of Presidents and congresses whose idiocy is unprecedented. This proves that anything that smacks of democracy is messtup. The majority is never right about anything.

These men of violence and deceit will not live out half of their days, but I trust in You.

Psalm 55:23 And Thou, O God, dost bring them down To a pit of destruction, Men of blood and deceit reach not to half their days, And I--I do trust in You!

David has seen Saul enter into one of the wadis.

This is the call of nature to Saul. There is a rocky area where there are natural sheep pens. Saul is allowed the dignity to be removed from the eyes of his army.

Saul goes into the cave to take a dump. Covering his feet is a euphemism. A substitution for a phrase that might offend or seem unpleasant. This means Saul is going to defecate. Judges 3:24. Saul came to the sheepfolds where a cave was handy, and Saul entered the cave to defecate, and David and his men are in the recesses of the cave. Saul is in a totally helpless situation here. A person totally helpless because Saul is defecating; he is very human, but we do not associate him with being the king of Israel. It would be easy to rationalize that Saul is there by God so that he can be killed. It would be easy for David’s men to rationalize his killing.

1Sam. 24:3 and he comes in unto folds of the flock, on the way, and there is a cave, and Saul goes in to cover his feet; and David and his men in the sides of the cave are abiding.

For those who are in the ranks, you are not required to think. But those who have authority, that is why you have authority; to think.

God never condones a good thing done in a wrong way. This bad advice is erroneously conveyed to David. He tells David that God has delivered Saul to their cave to be killed. “The Lord has done this; He has delivered him to you.” God’s plan always calls for a right thing to be done in a right way; so that it is a right thing in the end done in a right way. How many times have you chortled when some liberal is assassinated? You’re out of line. 2 Kennedy’s and MLK are assassinated; the assassins are out of line. No matter what, it is wrong to assassinate them. The worst president ever is wrong to assassinate.

When it is time for God to take out this or that person, then He will do it. David controlled his men; he did not let them get out of hand. Good leadership does not let his men get out of hand. This is a great commentary on David’s leadership.

God’s way is never the wrong way; or it is never a wrong end. The men in ranks do not think in terms of leadership. So, they sound holy and they sound like they are making sense; but they are wrong. This is why David is a leader. God does not allow an evil means to achieve an illegitimate end.

God will deal with Saul’s end; and the Philistines will take him out of this world. If David killed Saul, this act would hang over him for the rest of his life. David will never betray the king.

No matter how bad or evil an elected representative is, it is still wrong to kill him. It is wrong to use violence to remove an incompetent person from office; it will never be right; it can never be justified.

1Sam. 24:4 And the men of David say unto him, “Lo, the day of which Jehovah said unto You, Lo, I am giving Your enemy into Your hand, and You have done to him as it is good in Your eyes;” and David rises and cuts off the skirt of the upper robe which is on Saul—gently.

1Samuel 24:5–7                                   72David                                              631_0050

01/31/1973 Laws of divine establishment

A continuation of the defecation devotional.

David’s men are suggesting that Saul be assassinated; they want to do a wrong thing in a right way. Rulers are in the hands of the Lord.

David was right with everything; and then, he got carried away and cut off a portion of Saul’s robe.

The king’s robe belongs to the king; and no one has a right to destroy the clothing or property of someone else. Remember that the next time you go to a party. There are so many people who deface property today that it is overwhelming.

David knew it was wrong to touch the king; but he himself did something that was very stupid and out of line. He had no right to touch the property or to cause problems with the property of the king. David as a supergrace believer understood the laws of divine establishment. Karath in the Qal perfect. David’s right lobe and his norms and standards convinced him that what he did was wrong. All this was put out on the launching pad of his soul.

1Sam. 24:5 And it came to pass afterwards that the heart of David struck him, because that he had cut off the skirt which is on Saul,

All of these things end up in the frame of reference. He immediately declares himself as being wrong. What David did is a very petty thing. Saul is persecuting David; David is not persecuting him. But David is clear on the laws of divine establishment here. He knows better than to do anything against Saul. Even cutting the hem of his garment was out of line. And it does not matter what kind of a ruler that Saul is.

Shalack connotes destructive or violent behavior. David realized that, by mutilating the garments of Saul, that his followers might take this to a greater extreme. Bob ran into people in northern California and some of these women are real coocoo clocks. These people hear what they want to hear; they do what they want to do; they are very extreme types.

Bob teaches RM/RW and some guy took this to an extreme and chased this woman all over the parking lot.

David makes it clear that he is out of line; good leadership will admit to their mistakes if it could affect those under them.

1Sam. 24:6 and he says to his men, “Far be it from me, by Jehovah; I do not do this thing to my lord—to the anointed of Jehovah—to put forth my hand against him, for the anointed of Jehovah he is .”

The Principles Which David Has Used

1.       The laws of divine establishment. Some people may have no clue as to what that is all about. All of the angels are either elect or lost. These are divine laws which are just as accurate as scientific laws. We can destroy ourselves in one generation. God found a way to keep the human race from destroying itself. These law are in effect from the fall of man to the 2nd advent of Jesus Christ. Since there are more than 2 people on the earth, there must be laws. These laws apply to believers and unbelievers alike. These laws are designed for blessing and the perpetuation of the human race.

2.       The first basic concept is the fact that, when God created man, He created man to function under freedom; under his own volition. Animals function under instinct and man functions under rational thought. All members of the human race are free, but there are great variations among the results of their freedom. Races that cannot stand prosperity get soft and fall apart. There is no such thing as a super race. There used to be a lot more genius in our government; but that is no longer the case. The parasites lives instead of dying off. We have the right to freedom of choice and to life; as long as we do not infringe on the freedom of others. All are free to believe in Jesus Christ. True evangelism. We do not get saved by some of the things which we are asked to do in a evangelistic situation. You do not invite Jesus into your heart. Freedom is the basis of true evangelism. You do not coerce, pressurize, etc. Do not push people; you are not a salesman; do not tell them a bunch of lines or have them sign something.

3.       Once you pass the principle of freedom, you move into a second principle, which is RM/RW. This preexists the fall of man. Marriage is generally one man living with one woman, whether there is a ceremony or not. They do not need the ceremony, provided that they understood the principle, to stick it out. The idea of a big fat ceremony is a decadent society. Ancient world, there was an agreement to give the son-in-law a certain amount of money to take her off the father’s hands. But there is also Jacob and Laban and Rachel. David got carried away with being such a leader of men that he figured he could lead a small platoon of women. 4 pregnant dolls under the same roof; that is something again. Was David right or wrong? We need to determine this; God does not come in here and tell him what to do. God does not come in and tell David, “You’ve got just a month to live.” 3 books on this: Adam’s Rib, Marriage and RM/RW (one of our weaker covers but one of our better books).

4.       The family, is the first organizational setup after marriage. The basic organizational system in the human race. We learn grace from a baby; a baby is helpless and useless and still, the baby is loved, by the parents and sometimes the grandparents. They have protection, provision and training. The parents have this responsibility. Article in the paper today that the happiest marriages are those without children. This is because the parents could devote more time to spontaneous sex. Next is those who just have one child. Goes in great detail on this. This is contrary to the laws of divine establishment. We all need a mother and a father. We all have to come into the world and the best chance we have is to be trained right from the start. While the parents love the baby, the baby does not love the parents. No baby loves its parents as a baby. Remember this, the baby doesn’t love you. That is grossly unfair. That levels off in about 22 to 25 years. Some of you in single bliss will someday be parents. Your job is to train the children. If you truly love them, you will train them. You will train them in some things just so that you can stand them. You toilet train them; why don’t you teach them other things? Teach them good grooming and they won’t be idiots. Don’t jump into parenthood until you are ready to do it. Some of your are still coddling the little things when they are 4, 5 or 6, you will regret it.

To touch Saul would be blasphemy against God. Saul was safer in that cave defecating than he was marching in front of his troops.

Don’t ever buck authority. What does David do? Supergrace always goes with establishment. A Spirit-filled believer always goes with establishment. Such a person separates himself from the anti-establishment types.

Saul thinks he has privacy here; and David does something that is very stupid; he becomes a sneak. Some learn this in the classroom; who threw the chalk or eraser in the classroom and they just congratulate themselves all over the place. There is a sneak in the congregation.

Bob hung out for a few nights with his .44 to shoot out his tires; he apparently is driving across the T&P lawn. David turned sneak for a moment. While Saul is defecating, David sneaks up and cuts off a piece of his robe. This was a failure of respect. David understood the big principle, but got caught up in the penny ante type things.

Bob learned in the 5th grade learned about not destroying the clothing of others. Some guy kept turning around and making faces, so Bob took out a fountain pen. Bob thought it was quite funny, but the vice principal pointed out that he was wrong, then the principal and finally his father, who made this very clear. This is an act of disrespect. A willful destruction of private property. David will recognize that he is an ass as well.

Bobby showed his fangs quite early and Bob proved that he was in pretty good shape. Once Bobby caught on to who was running the show, it was no problem. He did not have to touch him after age 10. “Yours is hard-headed? So is mine. Most hard-headed person I’ve known. His mother is hard-headed.”

Bleeding hearts raised the last generation of kids, and they are the worst bunch ever. You teach them respect for the rights of others and patriotism. Gospel training early on and from then on, you can teach basic Bible doctrine. Some of you have totally failed your kids. So many people got mixed up about love everyone, and they think that they ought to love their child all of the time. And the maladjustments are showing.

If you can train a dog; you can rear a child. Some of you can handle authority and responsibility, then you can train a child. Parents ran Bob down in front of their children, and they all left in the exodus; and the kids today have long hair. This whole bunch left in the conspiracy. Respect for the content of doctrine as taught by the pastor-teacher. The parents never taught them Bible doctrine, and their kids busted out of college and are hippie types today. Heb. 13:7, 17


5.       You are the member of a national entity. It demands your love and devotion and your honor. Our policies all stink. There is going to be a volunteer army. Every Swiss male serves in the army. Every male there knows how to shoot a gun and can fight at the drop of a hat; and every Swiss home has weapons in it; you take your weapons with you out of the army. If a nation is realistic, you teach every person how to fight. Everyone serves in Russia and in all of the satellite nations. Racial, geographical and linguistic define a nation.

          1)       There must be interior protection of a national entity. There must be respect for the law. There must be respect for the police officer.

          2)       Exterior protection.

          3)       There must be a principle of government which recognizes the freedoms and rights of its citizens and it must protect its citizens and not intrude upon their privacy; the census is immoral. Government agencies are breaking into homes in ways that have nothing to do with crime. Our government today has become immoral.

          4)       Free enterprise must exist; this is the basis for human prosperity in a nation and it eliminates parasites from a nation. Or catastrophe destroys them. This keeps up a nation’s purity and vigor going. This is how the Romans lasted for 1000 years.

          5)       There must be good law; not to encroach on the rights of the individual. You have the right to carry and bear arms. Local governments try to take these rights away. The law should not be subjective so as to steal your property. They try to correct an abuse of the law by passing some law which invades the privacy of individuals. Africans have a decadent culture and they have been a source of slaves for 1000 years. Their culture is a perfect example of what not to do ever. African culture is idiocy. Best thing for an African to come to the United States under any condition. They are the worst bunch of people in the world and this is why they are exploited. You give them self-government and they cannot deal with it. They do not have self-governing capabilities. Hop heads. Best thing was the rise of the British empire and the evangelism which took place. The worst thing that happened is when the European nations were thrown out by the UN. South Africa and Rhodesia treat their Africans well. Their government is so much better than any other government today. Those countries we ought to recognize. People are all mixed up because you have let some idiotic fundy do your thinking for you.

          6)       Literature art and the rest ought to reflect the beauty of the culture. Bob thinks of various battles, Gettysburg, new Orleans, etc. Or the western and indian paintings. He names some painters. You’ve only heard of borderline, psychotic surrealism. What literature or drama or art have come out of Africans? They have carved out of ebony a lot of phallic cult carvings.

          7)       A governmental system which collects tax and encourages genius of the people. What are they doing today? They are cutting off natural gas from being mined. American genius can always meet the challenge; just let nature take its course. Government taken out of our hip pockets; he will have to amputate it. Every man of genius has been stifled. Douglas MacArthur was betrayed in every way.

6.       Divine institutions make evangelism a bonafide function in every generation. They must separate religion and state. The state must not penalize for not believing in Christ or believing in Him, etc. This should be a matter of personal choice.

7.       Satan attacks the gospel and Bible doctrine. One of the great attacks on establishment has been the hippies.

8.       When national decline arises, alternate laws go into effect; the 5 cycles of discipline. This is preceded by degeneration. In Lev. 26.

David refused to let his men touch Saul, and he will now do something that is quite important. He will call out and talk to Saul.

1Sam. 24:7 And David constrained his men by words, and hath not permitted them to rise against Saul; and Saul hath risen from the cave, and goeth on the way;

1Samuel 24:8–20                                 72David                                              631_0051

02/01/1973 James 4:1-10 Enemyship; unreliable reversionists

The Defecational Devotional. Saul was defecating in the cave, throwing aside his robe; and David cut it.

Qum is for the 3rd time. Saul looks around behind him, and David salutes him, and then bows down toward Saul.

1Sam. 24:8 and David rises afterwards, and goes out from the cave, and calls after Saul, saying, “My lord, O king!” And Saul looked attentively behind him, and David bows—face to the ground—and does obeisance.

David calls out to Saul. Now, David stepping out of the cave should indicate to Saul that he did not try to kill him.

1Sam. 24:9 And David says to Saul, `Why do You hear the words of man [lies, propaganda], saying, Lo, David is seeking [search and destroy] your evil?

Saul can learn from observation that David could have killed him, but did not. David chose not to kill him and he appeals logically to Saul. This would be very embarrassing for a king to be killed while defecating. David would not use violence against the Lord’s anointed.

David rejects the bad advice; and he will take good advice in the next chapter.

1Sam. 24:10 Lo, this day have your eyes seen how that Jehovah has given You to-day into my hand in the cave; and one said to slay you [advised me to assassinate you], and mine eye has pity on You, and I say, I do not put forth my hand against my lord, for he is the anointed of Jehovah.

The Hebrew language does not have a father-in-law designation. David admits to cutting the robe, but that he did not kill Saul.

1Sam. 24:11 “And, my father [-in-law], see, yea see the skirt of your upper robe in my hand; for by cutting off the skirt of Your upper robe, and I have not slain you, know and see that there is not in my hand evil and transgression, and I have not sinned against you, and you are hunting my soul to take it!

This probably means, we know how God sees this matter; and David calls for God to avenge him over this probable. If you want God to judge a case, then you have to get out of it. You do not step in to help.

1Sam. 24:12 “Jehovah does judge between me and you, and Jehovah has avenged me of you, and my hand is not on you;

David is a supergrace believer operating on supergrace principles. It is found in James 4.

James is writing this to believers and they are not at war. This is about conflcts that they are in.

James 4:1 From where do wars [conflicts] and fightings among you come? Is it not from this, from your lusts which war in your members?

Sensual pleasures; a frantic search for happiness. You are jealous, you are vindictive and you are happy because they are discredited; you try to build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness. Contending in the soul is all about reversionism in the soul. Saul built his mental attitude sins upon jealousy for David. Even with correct information, your sins are wrong.

The lust here is mental attitude sins related to the old sin nature and it means to desire something. This illustrates frustration. There are all of these other sins which go along with it. Murder here is a mental attitude sin.

The righting is what comes when there is conflict and an attempt to bypass authority.

James 4:2 You desire, and do not have. You murder, and are jealous, and cannot obtain. You fight [quarrel and fight] and war, yet you have not because you ask not.

The reversionist is unable to be effective in prayer. You ask only for yourselves. You ask only in the state of reversionism. The frantic search for happiness through pleasure.

James 4:3 You ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it upon your lusts.

Males who are reversionistic in their souls are women. Reverse process reversionism.

James 4:4 Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever desires to be a friend [lover] of the world is the enemy of [alienation from] God.

The believer in reversionism is an enemy of God; Rom. 8:7–8 Demons are enemies of God. Unbelievers are the enemies of God.

Enemyship, Doctrine of

    * Carnal Believers Are Enemies Of God: RO 8.7-8

    * Backslidden Believers Are Enemies Of The Cross: PHIL 3.18

    * Anyone Who Loves The World Is An Enemy Of Christ: JA 4.4

    * Demons And Death Are Enemies Of Christ: 1 CO 15.25

    * Unbelievers Are Enemies Of Christ: RO 5.10

From: http://www.bibleteacher.org/BELIOUT.htm

David is a supergrace believer, and therefore, he will not attack God’s anointed, who is Saul.

Saul did not have a love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Saul was totally lacking in any kind of a love. God the Holy Spirit has a purpose for indwelling.

James 4:5 Do you think [presume] that the Scripture says in vain, The spirit that dwells in us yearns to envy?

David could not and would not permit the assassination of Saul.

This verse is why Saul went down and David went up. God opposes Saul, the reversionist; but He gives grace to the supergrace believer. Only the supergrace believer has a relationship with God that counts for anything.

James 4:6 But He gives more [greater] grace. Therefore He says, God resists the proud [opposes the arrogant], but He gives grace to the humble.

Aorist passive of hupotasso, and it means to be subordinate to. David recognizes the authority of Saul. Opposing the devil does not mean that you slug it out with him; you take in doctrine and you resist cosmic thinking. David opposed the devil by refusing to kill Saul.

James 4:7 Therefore submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Saul was hindered by emotion ruling his soul. King Saul was still alive and God had a purpose for his life. Saul will die the sin unto death because he refused to recover from reversionism. Saul has been preserved in the cave of Engedi. The holy rollers and the four square are vicious enemies of God; they are all emotion and no doctrine. When people get into this pentecostal thing, this knocks them out of the box.

Rebound becomes a very important function.

James 4:8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands [rebound], sinners; and purify your hearts [through doctrine], double-minded ones.

Saul would be depressed; horribly depressed at the end of his life.

James 4:9 Be afflicted, and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to heaviness.

God promoted David, who recovered; Saul did not recover and died the sin unto death.

James 4:10 Be humbled before the Lord, and He will lift you up.

1Sam. 24:13 as says the simile of the ancients, From the wicked goes out wickedness, and my hand is not on you.

1Sam. 24:14 “After whom has the king of Israel come out? after whom are you pursuing? —after a dead dog! after one flea!

Which way will Saul go?

1Sam. 24:15 And Jehovah has been for judge, and has judged between me and you, yea, he sees and pleads my cause, and does deliver me out of Your hand.”

Here, Saul reveals a change in attitude. It sounds great. “My son, David.” Saul is very sincere here. However, sincerity is a superficial characteristic; it is never a Christian virtue. It is based upon emotion ruling the soul. If emotion becomes the master, you have had it.

David will have to make a choice here. Does he go down to Saul and shake hands? Or does he take off? When someone tells Bob how great he is, then 30 days later, he will badmouth Bob to someone else. It is superificial. Saul is not equipped to handle this thing.

First Saul defecates and then he cries; he has a big day. Saul is sorry for what he has done. He is Willie the weeper.

Saul and Emotional Revolt of the Soul

1.       Emotional revolt of the soul leads to an emotional reaction.

2.       Saul’s emotions are out of control because he is wrong and David does not seek revenge. There are some visitors in Berachah right now.

3.       Reversionism lives by emotions rather than emotions responding to the right lobe. The Sunday morning breakfast; the yodeling behind the scenes. A normal soul has emotions which respond to the thinking. The other way means hippiism. The Nazarite vow had long hair, no liquor and no women. Long hair on a woman is responding to her man; long hair on a man is his responding to many women.

4.       Saul would come forward for anything; a reaffirmation of faith.

There is no way a reversionism has capacity for life. A person’s words are no stronger than what is in that person’s soul.

1Sam. 24:16 And it comes to pass, when David completes to speak these words unto Saul, that Saul says, “Is this Your voice, my son David?” and Saul lifts up his voice, and weeps.

Saul tells David that he is more righteous than Saul. David is more righteous because of doctrine and supergrace. David has doctrine in his soul. He has supergrace capacities. What Saul says is all true but very superficial.

1Sam. 24:17 And he says unto David, “More righteous you are than I; for you have done me good, and I have done You evil;

Saul can only see the surface of this issue.

1Sam. 24:18 and you have declared to-day how that you have done good with me, how that Jehovah shut me up into Your hand, and you didst not slay me,

Saul, at this point, sounds reasonable.

Louis XIV always defecated in public; what an oddball.

1Sam. 24:19 and that a man does find [discovers and takes by surprise] his enemy, and has sent him away in a good manner; and Jehovah does repay you good for that which you didst to me this day.

This is a proverb which has been around for a long time. Saul is saying, “You’ve done a great thing to let me go.”

Saul mixed up his sovereignty with God’s sovereignty. Bible class is not designed for you to scratch you head. The pope does the same thing. This is the way he functions; as a reversionist. No one has a right to infringe upon the sovereignty of God. There was never a Baptist preacher who could bless Bob. We do not have the sovereignty of God. “The Lord bless you brother.”

For salvation you cannot do anything. After salvation, you cannot do stuff for blessing. It is not what you’ve done; it is all what God has done.

Saul says he knows that David will be king; he sounds very sincere and very emotional. Being king, you will be king. The kingdom of Israel will be established in your hand. That means it will be stabilized and blessed.

1Sam. 24:20 “And, now, lo, I have known that you dost certainly reign, and the kingdom of Israel has stood in your hand;

1Samuel 24:20-22                 Psalm 25:1-22 72David                                631_0052

02/02/1973 Prayer of a supergrace leader

Saul goes into a cave to defecate and some of David’s men try to persuade him into killing Saul. David did not, but he ruined one of Saul’s robes.

Saul is speaking to David. Whatever is said is sincere, sweet, but meaningless. This does not mean that Saul loves his family; nor does this mean that Saul loves David. He is emotional. Bob has made a lot of friends and some of them are very heavy drinkers. Often Bob will get a call from one of them after drinking and saying, “Do you remember this and remember that?” David has revealed great supergrace thinking and capacity here. Saul begins o think about his family.

1Sam. 24:20 `And, now, lo, I have known that You certainly do reign, and the kingdom of Israel hath stood in thy hand;

Very important to perpetuate each family of a tribe. David knows that Saul is off on this emotional jag and that it does not mean anything. .

1Sam. 24:21 and, now, swear to me by Jehovah--You will not cut off my seed after me, nor dost You destroy my name from the house of my father.'

David has no faith in Saul. He goes to a high fortified area rather than to join Saul and go back to Gibeon

1Sam. 24:22 And David swears to Saul, and Saul goes unto his house, and David and his men have gone up unto the fortress.

David’s soul is lifted up because he does not trust Saul.

As a supergrace believer, David is not taken in by any of this stuff from Saul. David is exhilarated. David has true emotion here.

David has doctrine first, and then his emotion responds to the thinking in his soul.

Psalm 25:1 A Psalm of David. To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

David put his trus in God. However, he had no right to cut off that portion of Saul’s robe.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [blush], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Thye have a love of God in their eye and they are trying to get some litte spec out of their own eye. David does not want Saul to beat him down.

Saul promised David that he would not pursue him any more and yet he will come after David with his army again. His promises to David do not mean anything. A reversionism always operates on his own emotion; but what he says means nothing. Watch out for the people who emote.

Bob ministers unto God; never unto people; stupid-ass. There is not a person here tonite who could teach every day as he does; and he knows damn well that we cannot do it. The reversionistic believers makes his own misery. People are really stupid when it comes to anything related to the spiritual life. They can never quite get there.

The unstable person is the reversionist. He lives by means of his emotion; everything is emotion. Reversionism lives by emotion. Saul’s beautiful words were said in emotion and the emotion is all over. The adverb means that Saul is not a supergrace believer.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed; let them be ashamed who sin without cause.

David recognizes that this civil war is going to go on for a long time. David knows that he has a lot to learn. David knows that he can always learn something else. Lamad is close-order drill, which means he has to go over and over and over the material.

Psalm 25:4 Make me know Your ways, O Jehovah; teach me Your paths.

Darak means to walk in a certain place all the time; it means to tread, to trample. He has gapped it this far, and things are great. David never assumes that he knows it all. He is a supergrace believer but he never stops and assumes that he has it all figured out. David will have all kinds of great blessings but he also had the capacity.

David has just been delivered once again at the Cave of Engedi. David has perfect confidence in the Lord; and no confidence in Saul.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth, and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long.

Qal imperative here; telling God to remember something, even though we know that God knows everything. We cannot get lost in the shuffle. The Lord has a perfect way to keep track of us, as He has omniscience. God knows David; and He knows you too.

Zakar means to recall love. Many of the songs around WWII were about the function of love in the soul. David is asking God to think of him in terms of grace.

God’s grace and compassion existed in eternity past. David is recognizing that he does not have to yell help; God made provision for this billions of years ago.

“O God, help” is an insult to God. That is blasphemy. This is typical of an insecure believer; a believers who is a reversionist. Recall how Saul was beating David to the pass and that is the last time that David said, “Help.”

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your gracious acts; for they are from eternity.

David is only 24 or 25 now. “Remember the sins of my immature believer state.” This has to do with David in 1Sam. 21 or so. He has a right to say these things.

David is still talking about love memory here when he says, “Remember me.” Love has definite quality. Saying, “I love you” depends upon spiritual growth and spiritual advance. Without any character, such things are meaningless.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [transgressions]; according to Your mercy remember me for Your goodness' sake, O Jehovah.

Good refers to our Lord’s perfection. God is sovereignty. God with His perfect character can love any believer. God can love any member of the human race without destroying His perfect character. David has done all kinds of things that are out of line. God found a way to do it. Upright means that God retains His character even though He loves us. Spiritual death is a judgment from God; it is more than separation; it is judgment. When Jesus was dying for our sins, He was very much alive.

Animal sacrifices continued until Jesus was on the altar. God has given us a firm contract that Jesus would go to the cross. God had a firm contract with the human race. This contract began in Gen. 3:15.

God the Father loves Saul as much as He loves David; but Saul is under discipline and David is under blessing.

Hiphil imperfect of yarah; and this means to teach, to instruct. Saul doesn’t love anyone right now. So he judges God based upon his own thinking. A reversionist who is carried along by an obsession of hate despises everyone.

Psalm 25:8 Good and upright is Jehovah; therefore He will teach sinners in the way.

God will teach them the principles involved here; He will teach them the way. The meek is the believer who is positive toward doctrine. The meek is now moving in the right direction.

Psalm 25:9 The meek [grace oriented] He will guide in judgment; and the meek He will teach His way.

Mercy is God’s character. His revelation in doctrine is perfect. Testimonies is the categorical teaching of doctrine. Jehovah here refers to the Father.

Psalm 25:10 All the paths of Jehovah are mercy and truth to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

This is forgiven in the past.

Psalm 25:11 For Your name's sake, O Jehovah, pardon my iniquity; for it is great.

Adjective fear. It means respect. The person who respects the Lord can be taught. This requires positive volition toward doctrine.

He shall choose has to do with positive volition. God provides the doctrine; we just bring our positive volition.

Psalm 25:12 What man is he who fears Jehovah? He shall teach him in the way that he shall choose.

Lun means to dwell or pass a night in enjoyment or blessing. Blessing and happiness in this life. Those suffering for Jesus are crazy. They are idiots. You can have happiness in this life. God can promote and give success to these people. You do not have to wait to go to heaven for it. People think it is worldly to have fun. Some who think it is worldly to have sex; not too many, but a few.

Solomon had ever material thing in life; he inherited great things from his supergrace father. It overflows to his children.

Psalm 25:13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth [land].

Intimacy is based upon respect. Jesus Christ has provided the basis for the covenant of grace. He will cause them to know.

Psalm 25:14 The secret of Jehovah is with those who fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.

Saul will come back one more time; David has great confidence at this time that Saul will not be able to get him.

Psalm 25:15 My eyes are ever toward Jehovah; for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

Qal imperative is a demand here. Leadership is always lonely. He knows that Saul is coming back.

Psalm 25:16 Turn to me, and have mercy on me, for I am wasted and afflicted [lonely and under pressure].

David has a lot of pressures as a leader; he has many responsibilities; and his own followers are not aware of these or appreciative of them.

Psalm 25:17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged [extended; extensive]; bring me out of my distresses.

Forgive is in the Qal imperative; David will rebound at the proper time; he does not want his sins to hinder his leadership. He is smart about this. He does not want these things to hinder him. He is on that south slope of escape.

Psalm 25:18 Look on my affliction and my pain, and forgive all my sins.

He wants his enemies to be considered. This is the keep track of his enemies; to acts as his G2 force.

Psalm 25:19 Look on my enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.

He wants God to guard his soul. Perfect tense; so this means that God has done this.

Psalm 25:20 Keep my soul, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You.

David is going to have integrity and he is not going to make judgments based upon friendships.

Psalm 25:21 Let purity and uprightness keep me; for I wait on You.

Not like the doctrine of redemption here; it means to deliver into freedom. He is calling for Israel to be freed.

Psalm 25:22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

David sees many wars and fighting ahead and prays to God for deliverance for Israel and for himself as a leader.

1Samuel 25:1–3                                   72David                                              631_0053

02/04/1973 Doctrine of death (extensive coverage)

It was time for Samuel to go. He was a unique person. First of the prophet, a successor of Elil the priest. In the tribe of Levi, but not in Aaron’s line. All of the scripture given for this.

There will be 80 years of fantastic blessing with David and Solomon’s reigns. We have seen since FDR the antithesis. There is no longer any common sense. We now have a peace treaty that one of the provisions with North Vietnam is, we will start sending them foreign aid, which is giving comfort to the enemy. Common sense tells Bob that, whenever the North Vietnamese attack one of our ships, we ought to respond. To have peace, this comes from a strong military. We are in one of the worst jams that we have ever been in. The rise of long hair and homosexuality is a result of the feminization of male souls.

Samuel was a prophet, a priest, the last of the judges and a ruler; and, in this way, foreshadowed Jesus Christ.

There will be peace and free enterprise to come out of all this, by David and then Saul.

Samuel was such a great man that even his enemies came to his funeral. They gathered out of respect. It is always better to make yourself clear. Even Saul, going into reversionism, still came to this funeral.

An Homage to Samuel

1.       Samuel was the first great Bible teacher after the apostasy of the judges. The apostasy of the judges was a low point in Israel’s life.

2.       It was Samuel who led so many believers to supergrace through consistent doctrinal teaching; one of these is David.

3.       A great Bible teacher will be missed in Israel. This gathering indicates that Israel misses him.

4.       It will take Nathan and Gad to replace Samuel. 3 writers of 1and2Samuel; Samuel, Nathan and Gad. David will also be his replacement.

5.       Samuel’s ministry can be evaluated by the fact that apostasy in the life of Saul did not destroy the nation.

6.       The reason for national survival is, people acted as a preservative; they were the salt of the earth. This is the supergrace believer who preserves a nation.

7.       What did death mean to Samuel.

Let’s determine what death meant to Samuel, and therefore, what it means to us.

The Doctrine of Death

1.       7 kings of death in the Bible.

          1)       Physical death. Matt. 8:22 Rom. 8:38 when the soul departs from the body, we are officially dead. Physical death is the soul leaving the body; the soul either goes to heaven or to Hades.

          2)       Spiritual death is separation between man and God. It is judgment against the human race . Death pronounced in the garden is spiritual death. Spiritual death means judgment. God is sovereignty, justice and righteousness, and He must judge sin and failure. So spiritual death is a judgment. When Adam sinned, he died spiritually; not physically. He lost fellowship with God. We are born into this world with a soul that includes spiritual death. We are born physically alive; but spiritually dead. This is why we are born spiritually dead. Jesus Christ said, “Finished.” But He was still alive. Then He dismissed His spirit, which went into the presence of the Father; the soul into Hades and His body into the ground. He died twice so that we might be born twice. When Christ was on the cross, he paid for the sins but He rejected any form of human good. Human good is produced by the old sin nature. When a person rejects Christ, he depends upon his own human good. We have all been exposed to massive evangelism, which is often confused. Some get saved in spite of the evangelist. Charlie Brown committed some sins, but those were paid for on the cross. You cannot be judged for the same crime twice. All unbelievers go to hell on the basis of human good. No one goes to heaven based upon human good; they do so upon the basis of Jesus on the cross. Divine good versus human good. If you’re a good boy, you will get to heaven. The hell you will. If you are not sure if you are in or not, then you can believe in Jesus Christ in the privacy of your soul. There are no psychological hoops. Berachah does not even check up on the new believers. Privacy is the order of the day. “You will never sign any visitor cards. You will never get a phony card or letter saying, ‘it was good to have you here.’ I don’t know if it was good or not.


          4)       Positional death. We are identified with Christ in His death. Down with human good and up with divine good. You do not have to give the communists another grain of wheat; all you need to send them is a bullet right between the eyes.

          5)       Operational death. Faith without works is nonoperative. If you have Bible doctrine in your right lobe in your memory center and in your vocabulary. Occupation with Christ is maximum category #1 love. Primary production is found in the soul. James 2:26

          6)       Temporal death. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you are put into union with Christ. You sin, and you are out of fellowship. We cite a case that has already been judged. Every time we sin, we are out of fellowship. Rom. 8:6 James 1:15

          7)       Sexual death; and Abraham is the only person spoken of in this way. God revived their sexual apparatus.

2.       The Bible references to physical death.

          1)       Valley of the shadow of death. Samuel died and all the Israelites gathered to mourn him.

3.       The believer can enjoy physical death; it is going to be something great. It is a beautiful thought. We die because our work on earth is finished; others have a more prolonged purpose on earth. 2Tim. 4:7 some die to glorify God in a special way. God knew when we would be born and when we would be born again. After salvation, we are given just so many days on this earth. The Christian life is a day at a time. Suppose God has 50 years for us after salvation. But let’s say God has to take you home after 10 years for reversionism. Not good. A normal believer does not commit suicide; they have doctrine circulating in their souls. What about the believer who commits suicide? Does he lose his salvation? Nope. Status in heaven is the same as everyone else. There is no embarrassment in heaven. Cheer up, if you are in for any discipline, then you will get it now.


5.       The doctrine of dying. You have a living part of life and a dying part of life.

6.       What death meant to Samuel. No appointment with judgment. Death meant face to face with the Lord. Death means no more painful things. An eternal inheritance. Samuel went to the same eternal inheritance that we will go to. Our Lord will go to prepare a place for us. Samuel was buried in his own home as a memorial to the fact that his body would rot, but his soul was in a perfect home.

7.       A full realization of eternal life. Samuel is waiting for the resurrection. He will be in the resurrection of the Old Testament saints. Death means a 2nd resurrection. The 2nd death is the Lake of Fire forever. There is no excuse for that.

8.       What death means to the living. We have all lost loved ones. We are encouraged that the body goes into the grave to sleep. Who’s afraid to sleep; death is being at home with the Lord; who is afraid to go home. Death reminds us of the shortness of time. Mark 8:36–37

We now have a good picture of burial. Then Samuel is buried with great ceremony. Samuel lived by doctrine. He was interested in the welfare of the people. They came to him in life and they came to him in death. When people get positive, they will come to you. This is the basis upon which Samuel lived and died. The life of Samuel was one thing; Bible doctrine. Samuel had anointed David king of Israel, and he was the one person who could not be there.

Samuel taught David some doctrine, so he was discerning about people. He had to change his bivouac.

Samuel is gone and David is taking no chances.

1Sam. 25:1 And Samuel died. And all the Israelites were gathered, and lamented him and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose and went down to the wilderness of Paran.

We meet a new villian. Maon is about 7 miles south of where Hebron is. This is where Nabal hangs out. There are 4 ways to be great: greatness in doing; greatness in thinking, greatness in character, greatness in possessions, which may or may not be meritorious.

1Sam. 25:2 And a certain man was in Maon, and his work was in Carmel. And the man was very great, and had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. And he was shearing his sheep in Carmel.

Nabal means fool. Maybe his father had money before him, decided he was a fool who would lose it all, and gave him this name.

Abigail is a smart and beautiful woman who is a supergrace woman. Abigail is a fantastic woman. How did a smart doll like Abigail married a guy like Nabal. Abigail means a source of happiness.

God made women beautiful not men. Don’t think that you can just look good and stand around and pose. God never made a beautiful man. A man needs to be a giver; an initiator. A taker only looks to get whatever he can. Worse thing for a marriage is to have 2 mirrors. The man’s name was fool and the woman’s name was good times. She was the kind of a doll you wanted to be around.

She is a woman of great intelligence; she was a brilliant woman. She is fun to be around; she is brilliant. She could be dangerous or wonderful. Her face and body were both beautiful. Beautiful of appearance means body and figure. A bad combination here; a racehorse and a mule hooked together.

Abigail knows as much doctrine as David and is apparently a student of Samuel as well. Her husband was churlish. This word means harsh, rebellious, severe, obstantant, stubborn because one is stupid. He is stubborn, stupid and evil. He is a reversionist. Also, he is a Calebite. If descent made any difference, Nabal would have been great. His great grandfather was a hero in Israel. There was a great potential for greatness here. Family tree can be a form of decadence. You are what you are; not where you have come from.

Famous Ancestors

1.       Greatness of ancestry does not mean greatness.

2.       Every person must live from his own soul; not from the souls of famous ancestors or parents.

3.       Nabal was a reversionist because of his own negative volition toward Bible doctrine. His great grandfather was a great man and positive toward doctrine. Nabal had a very exclusive club; a social club; the sons of Nabal. Like all exclusive clubs, it became decadent. The Spanish monarchs could only marry cousins; and it destroyed them. Beware of trying to relate yourself to someone famous from your past. The truly great people never have a progeny that every rule. Greatness does not depend upon who and what your parents or grandparents were. Social megalomania.

4.       His ancestor Caleb was great because of Bible doctrine.

5.       Greatness is in the soul, not in the genes. Some people never get over their ancestors. Isn’t it stupid to be fatheaded about who your great grandparents were? Douglas MacArthur was a great man; and Robert E. Lee; but no progeny have been great who came from them. Caleb and Joshua were great heroes from that generation, but Nabal is not. Forget about the trash of the famous ancestry. Bob has all kinds of great soldiers in his family. It doesn’t mean a thing; it depends upon the soul of the individual. Bob had to wear tux, and tails, white gloves and black gloves by the time he was 12. What’s Nabal going to do? He’ll throw a party like that country has never known. He can really throw a wingding. You are what you are in your soul.

6.       No one can ride on the ability of another. Nabal lacks capacity for happiness.

1Sam. 25:3 And the man's name was Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail. And she was the woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful form. But the man was cruel and evil in his dealings. And he was of Caleb.

1Samuel  25:4-20                                 72David                                              631_0054

02/04/1973 Reversionism of Nabal; control of men in the military

Abigail is one of those rare individuals which contradicts the basic concepts of Christianity. The idea that there is no woman who is beautiful and Christian. However, there was never a time when there was not great physical beauty among believing women. The language indicates she is beautiful of face and body; and she has great intelligence. She is not hindered by her brains or beauty. Many beautiful women are rotten to the core; spoiled and useless in many ways. They consider themselves to be the last word in everything; they have a tyrant’s soul in a woman’s body.

How can a wonderful woman marry a guy like Nabal.

Nabal will be removed by God in an unusual way. Possession of wealth does not mean greatness of character or greatness of soul or of deeds; wealth is meaningful only when accompanied by capacity of the soul. Nabal was stupid and wealthy and he had the best protection for his flocks and his wealth and he made a very solemn obligation and he thinks that he can get out of it.

This is the time of the year when everyone gets paid. When the sheep shearing occurs, that means it is time to pay up.

1Sam. 25:4 And David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep.

David sends his men to collect. He is obviously prosperous; and the men came around and it was time to pay.

These are the Carmel mountains in the southern part of Judah. As long as they were with David, there was no problems. This is a legitimate business; this is how David earned money with his battalion. His protection business was very successful.

1Sam. 25:5 And David sent out ten young men. And David said to the young men, Go up to Carmel and go to Nabal, and greet him in my name.

1Sam. 25:6 And you shall say this, Long life and peace be to you, and peace to your house, and peace to all that you have.

David knows it is now payment time.

1Sam. 25:7 And now I have heard that you have shearers. And we did not hurt your shepherds who were with us; neither was there anything missing to them all the while they were in Carmel.

David asks for Nabal to check with his shepherds. This would confirm that David did his job well. They would give testimony to David’s protection.

David had hired out as a protection foreman. This will be food, clothing, money; the portion of profit could be in a number of different forms. Never mistake good manners for weakness. Good manners are a sign of poise; they are a sign of capacity in the soul some of the toughest people you will ever meet have good manners.

1Sam. 25:8 Ask your young men, and they will tell you. And let the young men find favor [discover grace] in your eyes, for we come in a good day. Please give whatever comes to your hand to your servants and to your son David.

These men came and spoke to David in his name. So their presentation was legitimate. Nabal is a reversionist. He keeps them waiting. They are calm and relaxed and Nabal keeps them waiting perhaps for hours. He intentionally keeps them waiting. He believes that he is showing his superiority by doing this.

There are a lot of asses running around. This is the kind of a person who comes in, plunks down some money, and tells you how to run things. Nabal is actually shortening his own life. He will not live out this chapter. Abigail’s problems are almost over.

1Sam. 25:9 And David's young men came, they spoke to Nabal according to all these words in the name of David, and stopped.

Nabal finally gets around to seeing them. “Who is David?” He will be the next king. The Arabs are a thieving bunch of people; they are wild and uncontrollable. David kept the Arabs away from these sheep.

He says son of Jesse? He thinks that Saul will kill David so he does not want to just give this money away. Nabal is describing himself as the son of dog. He has transferred his own true life.

1Sam. 25:10 And Nabal answered David's servants and said, Who is David? And who is the son of Jesse? The servants [dogs] who have broken away, each man from his master, have multiplied.

The word master means a master of animals. David is just a runaway slave running away from Saul. A stupid person always pretends that he does not know what you are talking about. This is instability of the soul; it is shiftlessness. Do you have a convenient memory? Many act as though they do not have to remember this or that failure. Nabal, if he got drunk with you and made promises, he would claim the next time, that he forgot. Convenient memory loss. Drunks know what happened. Of course they know what happened. They cannot face what happened.

He will find out just how close he came to having a one on one with David.

This introduces us to some of the things that we face in life.

1Sam. 25:11 Shall I then take my bread and my water and my meat that I have killed for my shearers, and give it to men about whom I know not where they come from?

These young men go back to David and tell him all about it. David has muscle; he has strength. He intented to hit Nabal’s organization and kill everyone who pissed against the wall.

A beautiful woman has the sense. She will put an end to all of this.

1Sam. 25:12 And David's young men turned their way and went again, and came and told him all those things.

David tells his men to pick up their swords. David is wearing his sword; he’d be killing a few men himself. David, although angry, was able to think. This is greatness. This is justified anger; not sinful anger. David is a dangerous fighter. He is a gentleman; he is polite; but when someone wrongs him, then it is clear in his mind. David has no shades of gray; it is clear in his mind; black and white. He would not take any guff off of these people (communists). They would learn poise and strength. David was able to think. These 200 will guard the women and children and their possessions. This same thing will come up again in 1Sam. 30 and he will make a bad decision here. David did not even have a gf in camp; 3000 people, but no one for David. He was thinking about their welfare and their loved ones; so he realizes at this time, he needs to guard the wives this time, and he forgets to do this in 1Sam. 30.

1Sam. 25:13 And David said to his men, Let each man gird on his sword. And they each one girded on his sword, and David also girded on his sword. And about four hundred men went up after David, and two hundred stayed by the stuff.

One guy working for Nabal had some sense, and he understood that there would be a problem. He knew that Nabal’s wife would be sensible. He gives a very clean and lucid picture.

Nabal treated those who came to him with great contempt. There would 10 men who were better in every way to Nabal.

1Sam. 25:14 And one of the young men told Abigail, Nabal's wife, saying, Behold! David sent messengers out of the wilderness to greet [bless] our master, and he [Nabal] screamed at them.

This young man gives the testimony. The men were very good to us. For months, among them, we were not harmed. David is a supergrace leader. He has control of his men. He would not allow his men to maltreat Nabal’s men. Hannibal was like that. Sherman was not. He attacked women and children; he killed all of their animals; destroyed their crops. He made war on women and children. This is one of the worst things our government ever did. He did not control his men. They burned down homes and starved the people.

David is a great general. He has control of his men. They do not insult Nabal or his people. We are famous for having bad generals; and bad generals cannot control their men. They make war on women and children. That is the tragedy in the hour that we live. A good general is like stonewall Jackson. One man got out of line and he would shoot them.

The objective in warfare is to eliminate the enemy army. The key is not destroyed the people. Jefferson Davis was in part responsible for destroying the confederacy. Lee would not let his men pillage anywhere at any time.

This may be a key to degeneracy. An honorable people will separate civilians from the military. Honorable people are looking to protect their children and women. Yankee government is bad government. We need a man like David today. A man in supergrace.

It is the press that thinks that taking towns are important. They emphasize stuff that means nothing. Annihilating the enemy force is what is key. Sherman is a blot on the military.

After Sherman, the government sent down carpetbaggers from the north and they teamed up with scallywags in the south. They used the yankee army against the south with great vindictiveness against the south. Better that we had 2 nations or even 3 nations than that vicious evil. Nabal would have made an excellent carpetbagger. David is a gentleman in every possible way. David made certain that the privacy, property of the individuals with the sheep were protected. All of these thousands of sheep owned by Nabal. He made certain that they were courteous in every possible way.

None of their personal property was taken. There was nothing stolen; there was no crime whatsoever. This is good leadership; this is what a supergrace believer can do. A good general can control his troops.

Admiral Zumwald has troops that are out of control. The nixon administration is so filled with blots to be almost blotted out. What a tragedy that a man who calls himself a believer is so confused about what the Word of God says about these things.

David had every ingredient of great leadership. His men did not rape any of the women; they did not mooch, they did not steal. They were great because they had great leadership.

Tranquility comes before prosperity; this small army protected them; they were a wall around these people to give them security and privacy, and the right to normal functions of life. They were out in the wilderness of Judæa, but they were completely and totally relaxed. These men were fantastic. They fulfilled the divine institution concept of the military. The military should be a wall to the nation.

1Sam. 25:15 But the men were very good to us, and we were not hurt, neither did we miss anything as long as we were going to and fro among them, when we were in the fields.

It was David’s military which gave them freedom to operate. Never did Nabal have such a strong profit column. He is about to throw a party to end all parties because he was so successful. Everything as profit.

1Sam. 25:16 They were a wall to us both by night and day all the while we were with them keeping the sheep.

Here is someone who can think on the Nabal family. This young man can speak intelligently to Nabal’s wife and she understands. Nabal has bought himself out of a few jams.

No one can reason with Nabal. They go to Abigail because she has common sense; she is loaded with common sense. She is beautiful and smart and loaded with supergrace thinking. Nabal is an SOB. Nabal is a worthless man; he is a reversionist.

Belial is always associated with reversionism. So son of Belial refers to a reversionism. It is found in many places throughout the Bible. Sounds like about 20 verses.

1Sam. 25:17 And now know and consider what you will do, for evil is determined against our master and against all his household. For he is a son of worthlessness, so that none can speak to [reason with] him.

Abigail moves quickly to make amends. She hurries. She wants them to be filled with food but not drunk. The sheep were already butchered.

1Sam. 25:18 And Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves, and two skins of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of roasted grain, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and laid them on asses.

When she told them what to do, they did it. She promised to come in behind them, and they believed that she would.

1Sam. 25:19 And she said to her servants, Go on before me. Behold, I am coming after you. But she did not tell her husband Nabal.

David is coming around the bend, and David is going to see something he cannot believe; a beautiful doll flat on her face in the dirt before him. Abigail is the secret weapon that Nabal did not know about.

1Sam. 25:20 And it happened, she was riding on the ass and coming down under cover of the mountain. And behold, David and his men came down across from her. And she met them.

1Samuel 25:20–23                     72David 02/05/1973                                    631_0055

Persecution of the U.S. South by the North; dissertation on “Yankeeism”

1Sam. 25:20 And it happened, she was riding on the ass and coming down under cover of the mountain. And behold, David and his men came down across from her. And she met them.

David is moving downhill at a canter bent on the destruction of Nabal Enterprises Limited, and vv. 21–22 are parenthetical

David had said, I did this all in vain.

David’s Decision and Nabal

1.       Obviously, Nabal is an ass. This setup is a Satanic trap.

2.       David spared Saul on the basis of doctrine. He must spare Nabal for the same reason. They have reversionism in common.

3.       Saul and Nabal are both reversionist. It is wrong for the believer to get involved in divine justice applied to reversionism.

4.       Furthermore, David is departing from a principle that he just learned. This principle applies to King Saul and Nabal.

5.       Supergrace must pass the Nabal test as David passed the test at Engedi.

6.       David resisted the temptation to assassinate the king. He understood with resisiting the temptation to try to take from the Lord’s plans.

7.       With Saul, the object of David’s graciousness is the Lord’s anointed. There is also another area.

8.       Supergrace blindness. A personality blindness. David understands that Saul is verboten. Nabal and Saul are quite different. They both have great authority. David had respect for Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him; but he despised Nabal because he was cheating. Saul had not cheated David out of anything but Nabal did, which affected David’s ability to pay his people and to take care of them. Since time immemorial, those who have welshed on a debt were hated and despised by all. Never be guilty of kiss and tell and never welsh on an obligation were the two things Bob learned in Beverly Hills.

Witch doctors always knew which direction anyone went in when they got up and left their hut in the morning, so they would put out poison dart to be stepped on to get them for welshing on an obligation.

Anger or some emotion controlling the soul sets up a blind spot in the born-again believer moving toward supergrace.

1Sam. 25:21 And David had said, Surely in vain I have kept all that belongs to this fellow in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that was his. And he has requited me evil for good.

This is David starting out in justified anger. David is saying, “Let God do it” but then he turns around and tries to do it himself. David will say the right thing and do the wrong thing. He is going down the road with 400 men at his back. He has the right words; but he takes the wrong action. This is the principle of blindness in the periphery of life. This constitutes blindness that all of us have. This is only overcome by a combination of the intake of doctrine and some hard knocks in life. You can be saying the right thing; but do the wrong thing; which indicates a blindness. David will be preserved from this bottom line.

David says the right thing and does the wrong thing. He never makes war against women and children. David is one of the great military leaders. They understood that the objective is to wipe out the army of the enemy. There are exceptions to this; where the civilians are trained to attacked the army.

Sherman was one of the greatest violators of this principle. What Sherman did was dastardly. “Use your sabers on the pigs. What you cannot eat, destroy. I don’t want to see any chickens, pigs, cattle; whatever you cannot eat, kill.” This was one of the most dastardly things done.

It is hard to find a liberal who writes a history book who will tell the truth; but things were still very bad as late as 1945 in the south. The centennial of that most bloody of wars is beginning to be observed, Bob reads from an article. The whole system of busing is a continuation of the war between the states.

George Washington owned many slaves during his lifetime and set them free in his will. Thomas Jefferson owned some slaves, saw it as a dying institution; and freed some. Political power shifted away from the farming south to the northern industrial complex. Tariff protected markets in the north. The south felt that they were being treated as colonies. Control of the Senate and House passed to the north. 11 states chose to leave the union. The south won the early battles and were superior. Cities, industries, laid waste. There was a scorched earth policy (which is an incorrect application of that term). Slaves were freed, which forced a revolution in the southern economy. After WWII some slack has been given to the south; but the government has been much nicer to our enemies than to the south. 2 standards in this country and has been since 1865. At the end of the civil war, the south was prostrate; and there was military throughout the south till 1870. The north grew under the war; the south did not? The government in Washington created a freeman’s bureau. Funds from the north were minuscule so there were great tax bills for those in the south. The people in the south were eating horse food to stay alike. Stories of women linked to plows. There was no help from the north but there was political rule. An international bank. Agents went south and took south and land and whatever was available. Hoards of carpet baggers stole all kinds of things. Yankees would beat the slaves unless they voted for the right people.

All kinds of money taken down there, but almost nothing to show for it. Rulers came from many northern states. Out of this came all kinds of attitude which has persisted for years. Negroes voted in the south for 25 years after the war. Negro votes first for Republicans and then for Democrats. Their votes were for sell to the highest bidder.

The stigma of being ruled by Republicans and Negroes has not been forgotten. Southern states had laws to keep the masters from teaching their slaves to read and write. The Negroes got all of the education after the war, but not the whites. Roosevelt called the south the nation’s the #1 economic problem. 3% of farms with indoor plumbing. A century later, the south is beginning to come out of their depression. Farms coming back; south forced out of the cotton business. The help that they needed came during WWII. This was the untold story of the civil war reconstruction.

Sherman’s march to he sea caused about a million people to die within a year. Taxes went up as high as 50% of the land, so Yankees ended up owning most of the land. The only kind thing done was by General U.S. Grant that the confederates could take home the horses that they had.

A bitterness grew up in the south. Liberalism has gotten everyone to put their hands out. The Yankee attitude of superimposing on the south their attitudes. What should have happened in history is 2 separate states. Yankees learned how to intrude upon the privacy of others from their actions after the war. This would turn into intrusion on all citizens.

A tyrant government always puts out a nice facade of all the nice things they are doing for others. Lincoln hired people from Europe to fight and they brought in a peasantry who is as stupid now as they are today. The shell of liberty that we have left is a farce.

David understood freedom; he was a great man. He is the kind of leader that we need today.

1Sam. 25:22 So and more also may God do to the enemies of David, if I leave [alive] to the light of the morning any that is his of one who urinates against the wall.

Abigail sees David first. She dismounts and fell on her face on the ground. This caught David’s attention. Nothing greater than a woman displaying such humility. She knew David was a gentleman. She knew that David would not ride over her and let his army drive over her. She was able to evaluate this man.

Parents have stopped teaching their daughters about males. Many women who come here are interested in the males and these girls knew nothing. More girls from finishing schools had divorces from marriages than any other group.

The first time they are on a wave of libido and a guy says, “Hello” and they think he is their right man. Abigail is great. Through doctrine, you learn something about men. She knows that she is dealing with a true tentlement. Someone sensitive and respects women. He has respect for womanhood; hippies are not like that. David stops all the horses and brings them all done. Abigail knew David. She is beautiful of face and body; she is smart; and she is a supergrace type; smart about men. She is a dangerous woman.

She operates on the basis of the laws of divine establishment. She is also a good business woman and she understands business policy. Bob could tell you volumes about that; and only one woman at T&P understands business procedures. She brought the whole debt coming in with her on loaded mules.

She is a supergrace believer loaded up with divine viewpoint in her right lobe. We’ll get a fantastic speech of divine viewpoint to David tomorrow.

Nothing stops an advancing force like a beautiful woman.

1Sam. 25:23 And Abigail saw David and hurried and dismounted from the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the ground.

Upon me, let this iniquity be, she tells David.

1Samuel 25:24-26                                72David                                              631_0056

02/06/1973 Doctrine of association; doctrine of the supergrace life

Biography of Robert E. Lee by J. B. Cook. We cannot take vengeance for the wrongs our people have suffered. There were proofs of the behavior of the South. Their cause aside, I’d rather have 30,000 confederates quartered on my land than 1000 Yankees.

Booker T. Washington was one of our great patriots. The Black man could not rise if he did not earn the respect of the whites and did not cause animosity. He walked humbly before his God.

Bob was read a speech of Washington’s which was one of the most lucid on the laws of divine establishment.

Abigail falls at the feet of David. Abigail was innocent. She had nothing to do with Nabal’s arrogance and his welshing on an obligation. Who would want to take it out on a beautiful woman. David does not war against women and children.

Nothing could be more startling than to have a woman in the dust waiting for David; and she calls herself twice his slave. She assumes great humility, which reveals fantastic humility.

Bob hates dealing with horsey women. There is nothing more unappealing than a horsey, pushy woman.

1Sam. 25:24 And she fell at his feet and said, “On me, my lord, on me let this iniquity be. And please let your handmaid [female slave] speak in your ears, and hear the words of your handmaid.

Do not pay attention to this reversionist. Business has continued normally in that part of the country because David is there. Various groups of Arabs would have come into this area and disrupted business and taken that which they wanted.

Then this woman comes up with a sense of humor. It is beautiful to see a sense of humor in a woman. This woman is relaxed and good humored and subservient.

Nâbâl means a male fool. His name is fool and he is a fool. David might be a little hot under the collar; so she repeats the line so that he gets it. He’s Nabal and nabalah is with him. This is the masculine and feminine form of the same word.

To marry a fool is the quintessence of folly. She is a fool for marrying him. She is with him; she is a part of Belial as his wife. Female fool is with him. She then makes it clear that she did not know what had happened; and that she did not meet these young men.

Nabal and Nabalah

1.       There is a play on words here called a Paronomasia. The masculine is nabal and the feminine is nabalah.

2.       Abigail recognizes that she married a fool. She is harnassed to a jackass.

3.       Picture Nabal as handsome, very wealthy and very popular as a young man.

4.       So the application is, half of the women here would rationalize that Nabal is their rm. That makes you a Nabalah. By the end of this chapter, David will have 2 wives. The Mormons have never been citizens of this country; their religion forbids it. In Utah and Idaho where they are in the majority, they are the greatest persecutors of fundamentalist churches; so they call the police and the chief of police is a Mormon. Polygamy is never right; it is always wrong. What about Jacob and his wives and mistresses? With this prosperity, Nabal was also a reversionist, which means that he had a feminine soul. He had emotional revolt of the soul. He acted like a woman when David’s men came to collect. He fist kept the 10 young men waiting; you don’t think that’s like a woman? Then he said, “David, who?” Women have been using that since time immemorial. He then studied insult. Old female Nabal got right with it. When he sobers up and he finds out what happened, he will go into shock. Bob thinks that Nabal had the longest hair of anyone in Judah.

5.       Another facet of reversionism; he had no capacity for love. He functioned under reverse process reversionism. Abigail was beautiful and intelligent, she became ugly and stupid, in her soul, being married to a reversionist. Is Nabal Abigail’s rm? Is David? Question, did David have a rw? If so, who?

6.       She became dull in her soul by association.

7.       Many of you will make the same mistake that Abigail did. Some of you girls think that you have had it rough and he cried yourself to sleep in the arms of your Teddy bear.

You never lose the smell of a fool.

Doctrine of Association

1.       We are blessed in association with a supergrace believer.

2.       The believer is cursed in association with a reversionist. Jonathan died a supergrace believer at the battle of Mount Gilboa because he is with his father. Abigail married a fool.

3.       A believer is blessed and prospered by being in association with Jesus Christ.

4.       The believer associates disasters with past sins. This is cursing by imagination. Operation guilt complex.

5.       Rebound is associating one’s sins with their judgment on the cross. It is a matter of association. This is why we do not have to feel sorry about sins in order to be forgiven. It was judged before we committed the sin.

6.       The believer is influenced by sexual association. The one with whom we have sex has great influence over us; which is why Michel was removed from David.

7.       A believer is influenced by social association. He can be influence for evil for good by the company that he keeps.

8.       Guilt by association; you are innocent, but you are associated with the guilty.

1Sam. 25:25 Please do not let my lord regard this man of worthlessness [Belial], Nabal. For as his name is, so he is. Nabal [fool] is his name, and foolishness [navalah; a female fool] is with him. And I, your handmaid, did not see the young men of my lord, whom you sent.

She appeals on the basis of Jesus Christ; and she appeals on the basis of her spiritual life. David is a supergrace believer.

Supergrace Life

1.       Supergrace is that stage of growth beyond the edification complex known as maturity. It is the place of perfect happiness and the place of occupation with Christ.

2.       The supergrace life is the place of maximum happiness. Philip. 4:4

3.       The supergrace believer is always the man for the crisis. 1Sam. 17

4.       The supergrace believer has capacity for freedom. James 1:25–2:12

5.       He has capacity for life in general.

6.       He has capacity for love in all 3 categories.

7.       The supergrace life provides capacity for happiness. Psalm 31:7

8.       The supergrace life provides capacity for suffering.

9.       It is characterized by occupation with Christ. Heb. 12:2

10.     Maximum benefit of God’s grace.

11.     There is a supergrace psalm which declares happiness and promotion.

She appeals on the basis of Jesus Christ and on the basis of David’s soul, which is supergrace.

The Lord has restrained you from coming to shed blood and from avenging yourself. David was going to kill all of the males and solve this problem. You never solve your problems with violence against those who have wronged you. You never solve your problems by punching out someone who has lipped off to you. Bob has been in his share of fights. He had the attitude not to take anything off of anyone. Bob developed 2 or 3 friends out of fights; but the rest ended with a great deal of animosity. You never solved anything by making someone’s life miserable by beating them up. Nothing good ever comes from that. Putting it into the Lord’s hands is the key. Some things are carnality; slipping down the ladder.

David will kill a lot of his enemies, which is legit. Only once that he kill someone who was wrong. Bob thinks maybe Bathsheba was not her rw because he had to murder her husband in order to have her. This did not solve anything.

Could Abigail be his rw? Bob will discuss this later. Ahinoam was not his rw; that name means “party doll.” Her son was Ammon, a low-down SOB. He raped his sister. That is low-down.

1Sam. 25:26 And now, my lord, as Jehovah lives and as your soul lives [by the life of Jehovah and by the life of your own soul], since Jehovah has withheld you from coming to shed blood, and from avenging yourself with your own hand, now let your enemies, and those that seek to do evil to my lord, be as Nabal.

Nabal is alive when she says this; and she does not know that he is going to die. She asks that David’s enemies remain untouched by him. David is the greatest supergrace believer in the land. When a man does not go after his enemies, that speaks well of him.

1Samuel 25:27-29                                72David                                              631_0057

02/07/1973 David’s supergrace blessings

Another member of our church is going to go to West Point. David someone. There is no school of college level whose system of education is better or more well-rounded than anywhere else in the United States. There was a time when many industries snapped up men from West Point to be executives.

1Sam. 25:26 And now, my lord, as Jehovah lives and as your soul lives [by the life of Jehovah and by the life of your own soul], since Jehovah has withheld you from coming to shed blood, and from avenging yourself with your own hand, now let your enemies, and those that seek to do evil to my lord, be as Nabal.

We’re in the middle of Abigail’s speech. David is a supergrace believer whose blessing extends to all of those in his company. Abigail understands this principle because she is a victim of cursing by association. She married a reversionist. She is able to recognize the antithesis of her own situation.

Men who will follow David will enjoy a great happiness because of their association with David. They will be loyal followers of David for the next half-century.

1Sam. 25:27 And now this blessing which your handmaid [female slave] has brought to my lord, let it even be given [distributed] to the young men who follow my lord.

She has all these presents, food, animals; and she asks to be able to give these things to David and his men. She is a woman who can think and apply doctrine during an intense situation. If David uses his military power now would be an abuse of that power. When God promotes a person, he is also give greater power. Therefore, on the way up, you need to learn not to abuse your power.

Tyranny and pettiness are both a part of the abuse of power. Abigail gets David back on track here. The battle is the Lord’s.

In v. 28, Abigail assumes complete responsibility for Nabal’s failure. She asks for David to treat her as the one who has cheated him, but she is looking to make this up to him.

A strong word for forgiveness; it means to lift up something and to remove it entirely. She assumes the responsibility for Nabal’s failure.

Grace and Consistency

1.       David must operate in supergrace at all times; his character will be determined from these chapters right now. We are learning that he will be a grace ruler; a supergrace ruler; a divine establishment ruler and a prosperous ruler. We learn from this, when he is inconsistent, Nathan and Gad will be there to advise him. In effect, this is criticism of David. He was about to misuse his power in an act of pettiness. A ruler must avoid pettiness and tyranny.

2.       Grace must be consistent. You must be consistent in your application of grace. You might have a little legalism mixed up in all of that. You might be drawn to or attracted to some people, so you are automatically gracious to them. Don’t assume that you are some sort of a grace guy or a grace gal simply because you are gracious toward people that you like. It was easy for David to be gracious to King Saul as compared to Nabal. Nabal was a surly jackass. David passed the Saul test but he failed the Nabal test.

3.       The objects of grace vary; but the principle of grace remains the same.

4.       Whether Saul or Nabal, David must use the same principle of grace toward both. When a believer begins to grow and becomes aware, he must be gracious toward those that he is attracted to, but then to those who are varmints. Consistency of grace indicates real growth.

Asah means to manufacture something out of something. Jehovah will manufacture out of supergrace. She knows that if David is ever going to fulfill the principles of greatness in leadership,

David’s dynasty will endure forever, even though no one has been on his throne since 586 b.c. A series of Niphal stems, which are all passive. Since the days of cave Addullem.

Abigail is using David’s own words; “The battle is the Lord’s” which became well-known throughout Israel. David is blind with hatred; he is about to abuse his power and authority. It ought to be a simple approach. David understood this in Epris Damem. The battle is the Lord’s in both cases, whether David is to kill Goliath or spare Nabal.

Abigail is beautiful and intelligent; and she is a supergrace believer and she knows when to speak up and when to do it. She starts from a humble position; she is not a women’s libber. You ladies never get anywhere by nagging, even if you are right. Nagging is never right. Abigail is down in the dust and it is “my lord this and my lord that.”

This is a woman who is objective in her supergrace. She lives with a drunken bum; with an SOB; and yet, she is not a nagger. She is very thoughtful of him. She has beauty, brains and supergrace; and her application of doctrine is impeccable. But, she chose of her own free will to marry this jackass. Bob takes time to ask the single females to meditate on Abigail; and with all her beauty and brains, she made a bad choice for a husband.

1Sam. 25:28 Please forgive the trespass of your handmaid. For Jehovah will certainly make [manufacture out of supergrace] a sure house [an enduring dynasty] for my lord, because my lord fights the battles of Jehovah, and evil has not been found in you all your days.

She warns David about Saul. The man risen to pursue David is Saul. Saul rose up to pursue David. Saul suffers from reversionistic obsession. We have a group of people who call themselves conservatives, but they hate the Jews. They believe that if we get rid of the Jews, our lives will be better. Antisemitism is the solution to nothing. Confused people come up with simple and unworkable solutions. Saul carries his own problems in his soul. This never occurs to Saul.

The imperfect tense indicates that Saul will do this again and again. The infinitive is purpose. He pursues and seeks. This means to search and destroy. Thought Saul rises up to pursue you and to seek and destroy your life...

We have excellent packaging today. What was the sword of Goliath wrapped in? These things were often wrapped up in a bundle of cloth. Mostly, people wore their own cloth. Things were bundled often with whatever was available to them. David is of value to the Lord because of supergrace. He has capacity for life. David is so great in his capacities that God will give him a variety of happinesses in his life. David will be the greatest military man of his age and the greatest conqueror of his time. He will have a great sex life. At this time, David is without these things and he is on the run. No matter what it is, you name it and David had it. David was one of the greatest people who ever lived. He had a great capacity of soul. What is valuable to the Lord is David’s soul. Money is nothing to God; He can give it to anyone; but God likes to give it to people who have the appreciation for it. There is great social life and a great sex life. God can provide these things for David; but it is occupation with Christ which puts David way out in front of everyone else.

The Lord wrapped up more gifts for David than anyone else. David had a phenomenal capacity for life. David wasn’t out for any of these things; he wanted doctrine and God gave him more and more. For us, doctrine is a talisman; it is our way of getting the cool things that we want.

Some people have peeled off from Berachah and they have what they want. When people get miserable enough, they will come back to Berachah. But Bob is intolerant of their stupidity. Bob cannot give us in an hour or two the whole realm of doctrine.

The bundle of lives is supergrace blessings. The Godhead are preserving David at this time to give him prosperity, his rw, great wealth, and a prosperous reign.

Now this woman uses a sling shot illustration to make a point. David’s enemies will be fired out of a sling; and this is the femininity of the enemies of David. These are feminine souls. David’s enemies will all die the sin unto death. To be hurled from the sling is to suffer the sin unto death.

1Sam. 25:29 Yet a man has risen to pursue you and to seek your soul. But the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life [lives] with Jehovah your God. And the souls of your enemies, He shall sling them from the hollow of a sling.

1Samuel 25:30-34                                72David                                              631_005802/08/1973 Power abuse; persecution of the South

1Sam. 25:25 Please do not let my lord regard [pay attention to] this man of worthlessness [Belial], Nabal. For as his name is, so he is. Nabal [fool] is his name, and foolishness [navalah; a female fool] is with him. And I, your handmaid, did not see the young men of my lord, whom you sent.

Psalm 14:1 comes from this verse.

Psalm 14:1 The fool [Nabal] has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good.

We will study this psalm a little later. He is also found in Psalm 53.

Nabal was an unbeliever; she was a believer. The most hard-headed thing in the world is a woman about to get married to a man whom she thinks she loves.

The female fool is with him.

1Sam. 25:26 And now, my lord, as Jehovah lives and as your soul lives [by the life of Jehovah and by the life of your own soul], since Jehovah has withheld you from coming to shed blood, and from avenging yourself with your own hand, now let your enemies, and those that seek to do evil to my lord, be as Nabal.

1Sam. 25:27 And now this blessing which your handmaid [female slave] has brought to my lord, let it even be given [distributed] to the young men who follow my lord.

1Sam. 25:28 Please forgive the trespass of your handmaid. For Jehovah will certainly make [manufacture out of supergrace] a sure house [an enduring dynasty] for my lord, because my lord fights the battles of Jehovah, and evil has not been found in you all your days.

1Sam. 25:29 Though a man has risen to pursue you and to seek your soul. But the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life [lives] with Jehovah your God. And the souls of your enemies, He shall sling them from the hollow of a sling. [the sin unto death applied to believers]

And it is begins a change of pace. Abigail expects that David will become ruler over all Israel. Perfect tense. David will be a dictator king; he will rule over all Israel. Dictatorship is an easy form of government. A good dictator can come up with the right decision. There has never been a dictatorship where liberals thrive. No liberals is second to the millennium. Whether this is a good or a bad dictator. Enlightened dictatorship is the best government and a tyrant dictatorship is the worst. Everything else is in between.

We have a limited monarchy, which is what Great Britain has. The House of Commons in Britain eventuall gained control. All republics eventually go sour, as happened in Rome, but that too 500 years; most go sour within 100 years.

Rome found out what it meant to feed the masses. This does not concern us with regards to

The concern is, David is in control of 600 men; if he cannot properly handle this sort of authority, how can he be in control of all Israel?

You do not have to address God with thee and thou. That is fundy scooping of the surface.

1Sam. 25:30 And it shall be, when Jehovah has done [manufactured] to my lord according to all the good that He has spoken concerning you, and commanded you to be ruler over Israel,

The murder of Nabal and all of the other men would become a stumbling block to him. If you develop the habit of killing people without a reason, and you do this with a small group of people; you will do this more often with a much larger army. There are things which, when you do them, make it easier to do them again.

David must be motivated to abuse his power; what he does is on the outside, but the motivation occurs on the inside. This comes from mental attitude sins or from lust. There is always an abuse of power which comes about from these various mental attitude sins.

Under our excellent constitution, we have a right to live and to pursue happiness; a right to have property; a right to contract. We have a right to own arms and to carry them; including Saturday night specials, sawed-off shotguns, etc. Only criminals do not have the right to carry or own a gun.

Whenever there is an assassination, there is all of this breast beating about gun ownership; clergymen would get on television and say, “It’s all out fault.” “It wasn’t my fault.”

Registration of guns will allow the government to come in and take the guns of those who have registered their gun. Criminals will not register their weapons, so they will get to keep their weapons.

We have the worst Congress since the Civil war. Guilt complex is one of the worst. Sincere do-goobers in Congress. A reversionist is incapable of doing anything that is good. He thinks that he is doing good, but he is committing evil. Did the government protect the property of the business owners in Watts? No; the thieves were not shot with guns, but with cameras. Gun legislation is an abuse of power and a perfect illustration of our country in reversionist.

A criminal is not going to break down your door and face an angry woman with a .12 gague shotgun. The north has been jealous of the south since 1850. The War between the states actually began after Appomattox. There was all kind of land stolen from the south and sold. Speculators came down on trains and bought up prime southern forest for 25 cents an acre. Northerners purchases southern railroads. For 80 years, the north continued to take advantage of the south. Southern churches were seized if they were used as hospitals. South turned over to the carpetbaggers. Carpetbagger governor in LA was a millionaire, even though he only got $8000 per year. The loss of the south was the greatest deterrent to freedom. Our freedom has been going down since then.

The freedman’s bureau set up 4000 schools for Negroes and none for the whites. Yankees controlled 88% of the cotton oil? Resources of the south? Oil. Who controls the oil today? The federal government.

We may exhaust our resources? We may or may not. We might not ever exhaust our resources; we don’t know. And the federal government has no right to the oil out in the gulf. The war between the states goes on today concerning petrochemicals; and we have the largest concentration of oil in the south, in the gulf, and the federal government is putting the lid on that. Northerners took over every industry. Great need for timber after the war, and the northerners took over that. The north did not take control over tobacco and cotton. It is a century after the war, and the south is just now coming out from recovery from the war and the intrusion by the north. The help the south needed finally got there in WWII. As industry began to move into the south, Yankee labor moved down. A new kind of carpetbagger; the Yankees coming down here. The war is still going on; it has just changed to hypocrisy. The federal government does not understand why they don’t stop shooting in Vietnam.

Bussing kids across town is another shot fired in the war between the states. This is in direct contrast to what we did to the Germans, the Italians, etc. No such rebuilding has not occurred in the south.

The war goes on and it is a war against women and children. It may be that God is punishing the federal government. Israel had its north and south too.

The lust pattern is the rest of the story. A flatterer goes into approbation lust and lowers the boom on the XX crowd (not sure I understood this?).

Abigail is trying to show David that he not shed blood without a cause. To use your power to take your vengeance on someone, that is wrong; that is an abuse of power. Abigail wisely points out this principle to David. So far, David has never done this.

She asks that God deal well with David and for him to remember his female slave. Great leadership never abuses the power that is in his hands. So she asks for David to remember what she had said to David, and God the Holy Spirit chose to record this in the Word of God.

It is also worthwhile to note that Abigail is one of the great women that David married, and that the women after her received very little attention. Might be good to do a comparison of David’s women.

She failed by marrying this ass; but she got with doctrine and she grew to spiritual maturity.

1Sam. 25:31 this shall be no [not become] stumbling to you, nor offense of heart to my lord, either that you have shed blood for nothing, or that my lord has delivered himself. And may Jehovah deal well with my lord, and you remember your handmaid.

“You are being blessed.” There is continual blessing. She keeps being blessed by Jesus Christ. No blessing by Nabal her husband. David realizes that God sent Abigail to him; God had a purpose for doing that. This is all things working together for good.

1Sam. 25:32 And David said to Abigail, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, who sent you today to meet me.

David was operating on the wrong principle to begin with. He had a right to being paid; but in subjectivity and legalism, he was going to solve the problem himself.

He should not bring any bad habits into this new power. This could set a bad precedent in his life. The battle is the Lord’s and cast your cares upon Him, were the two principles that David forgot.

1Sam. 25:33 And blessed is your advice [discernment], and blessed are you who have kept [restrained] me from coming to shed blood today, and from delivering myself with my own hand.

Then David gives a solemn oath. David, in killing Nabal, would have destroyed Abigail’s life and business.

David expresses his gratitude for Abigail coming to him. For every male that David killed, there would be a wife or children whose lives will have been devastated. It is worth noting that one of these men went to Abigail over this situation.

1Sam. 25:34 And truly, as Jehovah, the God of Israel lives, who has kept [restrained] me back from doing evil to you, for unless you had hurried and come to meet me, surely there would not have been left to Nabal by the morning light one who urinates against the wall.

1Samuel 25:35-37                                72David                                              631_0059

02/09/1973 Doctrine of drinking

He says we are beginning in v. 30.

David did not make war against women and children except one time when he was out of fellowship.

David receives the gift that Abigail brought him. David was smart enough to take good advice. Some men have thought that it is beneath them to take anything from a woman, advice or whatever. Such things are a challenge to their manhood. David can take advice from a woman, in front of his tough warriors, and he does not feel as if he has compromised himself. Never ignore the advice of an Abigail.

David Takes the Good Advice of Abigail

1.       Notice the greatness of David; he listened to good advice; and the greatness of Abigail, because she gave good advice. She was a supergrace believer.

2.       Abigail was famous for her beauty and brains, which are nothing compared to the greatness of her soul, filled with Bible doctrine.

3.       David recognized her expression of divine viewpoint. It takes a supergrace believer to recognize supergrace viewpoint.

4.       As a supergrace believer, her counsel to David, it was logical, doctrinal and lucid. She had great common sense.

5.       Abigail is the cool hand on the hot head. Devotional writer, F. B. Meyer, there are many beautiful women wholly destitute of good understanding, just as birds of the beautiful plumage are often lacking in the ability of song. It is remarkable how many Abigail’s get married to Nabal’s. If any young girl of good sense and earnest aspirations who reads these lines, secretly knows that, if she had the chance, she would marry a...irrespective of character. She will not raise him to her levell, but she will sink to his. Nobility in one person arouses nobility in another. This meeting brings out the nobility of both. Abigail and David are both supergrace nobility.

The place of humility is not the place of debasement.

1Sam. 25:35 And David received from her hand that which she had brought him, and said to her, “Go up in peace [and prosperity] to your house. See, I have listened to your voice and have accepted your person [lit., I have lifted up your face].”

Abigail goes home to the jackass. He tied one on. She was down in the dust on her face to David, but when she goes home, she avoids the party. She does not to the party, even though this is the biggest party of the year.

Bob driving down a dirtroad to a party; and indians in the back of a truck falling out because they are drunk. Supposed to be a big BBQ. Bob was as hungry as he could be, and gave up past midnight. BBQ never was served. People just tied one on.

Came is in the imperfect tense.

Nabal’s Party

1.       Nabal could put on a party like a king; he had a lot of money.

2.       Nabal had lots of money because he had just cheated David out of a lot of money.

3.       These profits were based upon the security provided by David’s battalion.

4.       David is having a company party.

5.       However, since Nabal has welshed on a debt, his hilarity is going to come to a sudden end.

Nabal was very drunk. She went in, saw Nabal drunk and partying. Abigail told David what to do; but she did not tell Nabal nothing. This is a gem of a woman; she knows when to speak and when not to speak. Behind her beautiful body and beautiful face is a wonderful brain. She knows how and what to speak to David; and the same for Nabal. She did not tell Nabal a thing; no long story; no short story. She waits until the light of the morning.

Abigail’s Greatness

1.       Abigail knew how to speak to men and when not to. She recognizes trash and treats it as such. Not all men are the same. No two men are alike. Abigail is a great woman. Some women can only deal with gentlemen; and others can only deal with trash.

2.       To angry David, she spoke many words; to her husband, she said nothing.

3.       This indicates common sense. She has beauty, brains, supergrace and common sense.

4.       Nabal had a treasure in hjis wife and was too stupid to know it. A fool is a man who cannot recognize the quality of a woman. He has been married her for a few years and still doesn’t know it.

1Sam. 25:36 And Abigail came to Nabal. And behold, he held a feast [drinking banquet; drinking orgy] in his house like the feast [drinking orgy] of a king. And Nabal's heart was merry within him, for he was very drunk. And she did not tell him anything, more or less, until the morning light.

15 mg of alcohol can be handled by the ordinary liver. You find that amount in a martini or a beer. One drink an hour can be processed by the liver; this is detoxification.

The Baptists are having the controversy, did Jesus turn the water into wine or into grape juice?

Stop becoming intoxicated by wine, which is dissipation. A Christian must detoxify and then rebound after drunk.

The Doctrine of Drinking

1.       Drunkenness is a sin. Not drinking. Bob personally cannot stand drunks. A woman loses her femininity when she drinks. Isa. 5:11 Rom. 13:13 Prov. 23:20 the Bible does not say that drinking is a sin. Born-again believers have been drinking since time immemorial.

2.       To add to these verses; drunkenness should be avoided by certain groups of people, like kings. Prov. 31:4–5 not pastors either; if Bob was drunk, you might get a sermon you’d never forget. Tit. 1:7 same for deacons.

3.       Drunkenness is also condemned in certain persons in the Bible. Noah (Gen. 9:21 he was involved in homosexual activity); Nabal in this passage; Lot, who fornicated with his daughters (Gen. 19). Isa. 28:1 for Ephraim.

4.       However, to present what the Bible says, you must give the other side. It is permitted for people to drink. Prov. 31:6–7 all over the world, all kinds of believers drink wine and beer. Martin Luther was a well-known beer drinker. Only in the U.S. is where we have gotten confused about Christianity and alcohol. Prohibition was nearly as bad as after the Civil War. This does not mean that, if you are a believer who does not drink, that you need to start drinking. 1Tim. 5:23 geritol was alcohol fixed up with a little fig juice and things like that. There appears to be some benefit to the stomach and it stimulates the appetite.

5.       Did Jesus turn water into an alcoholic beverage, and He did.

          a.       The miracle of turning water into wine does not condemn or condone drinking. Never try to use Jesus Christ as a patsy for your being a drunk.

          b.       The miracle called attention to Who and What Jesus is. No one but God could do this.

          c.        The 6 water pots were filled with water; which were turned into wine, which is +H.

          d.       The Greek words are for alcoholic beverage; not grape juice.

          e.       Alcoholism is a problem all over the world. The northern kingdom after the pslit in Israel. Joel 1:4 there were all kinds of problems which occurred because of drinking. Some men use their wives as punching bags when drunk. Children have been abused by drunken parents. Drunks all kinds of accidents. Ladies and old men are the other causes of auto accidents.

6.       Missed\

7.       Adverse affects of alcohol.

          a.       It leads to impulsive and abusive behavior. It begins as a stimulant, but then as a depressant.

          b.       Vernikes disease for too much alcohol. Paraleysis of the eyes and a final coma.

          c.        Markiafava something disease; cirossis of the liver. Delirium tremums. People who start screaming and see snakes and jump out of windows. Some tell a fantastic series of lies (Korsakof’s disease).

8.       Worse thing is drinking in young people. It demands good judgment, and young people lack this entirely. Moderate drinking is not prohibited; but there is a whole generation of kids today who cannot handle it. Very few parents properly teach their kids. Parents teach them all the stuff abotu it.

9.       Constrain because of the law of love; many of us have spent x number of hours with these kinds of idiots. Do not witness etc. when drunk. Law of supreme sacrifice is towards God.

10.     Principles:

          a.       Wine is used to represent the principle of sublimation in Proverbs and Jeremiah. When one rejects Bible doctrine

          b.       Drinking should always be in moderation. \

          c.        Never drink alone. \

          d.       Do not drink when you are upset.

          e.       Do not drink with strangers.

          f.        Do not drink because others drink.

          g.       Never drink when driving or flying.

          h.       Never drink when on dates with strange men or in an unknown crowd.

          i.         Teens should never drink; at least in this generation.

11.     Drinking is bonafide for adults. Giggling girl; no alcholo for her; a horse’s neck.

Doctrine of Drinking

From: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=83

1. The importance of objectivity in dealing with drinking:

A. In dealing with a subject such as drinking we are interested in what the Bible has to say.

B. Those who have personal problems because of drinking or are related to those who have drinking problems have a very difficult time approaching the subject of drinking with objectivity. But it is imperative to stick with the principle rather than your own personal background.

C. Those who have been reared in the atmosphere of Christian legalism are often shocked when they discover the overall teaching of the Word of God about alcoholic beverage.

D. Those who are looking for an excuse to get off the wagon use the overall teaching as their excuse.

E. No subject has more prejudice and less reason than the subject of drinking alcoholic beverage.

F. The objective of teaching the Doctrine of Drinking is not to get believers on or off the wagon. It is to teach the subject from the Biblical viewpoint.

2. Categories of alcoholic beverage available in the 20th century:

A. Medicinal alcohol: used in medicines.

B. Whiskey: distilled from cereal grains; classified by geographical location: Scotch, Irish, American.

C. Vodka: a Russian drink distilled from wheat, rye, potatoes.

D. Gin: distilled from the juniper berry.

E. Wine: fermented grape juice: table, fortified, sparkling, aperitif.

F. Brandy: fermented grape juice with other fruits added and aged in wood.

G. Liqueurs: perfumed in flavored spirits, and sweetened by the addition of sugar.

H. Beer: the oldest form of alcoholic beverage; fermented from malted cereal to which hops have been added; Babylonian beer is documented to 4,000 B.C.; Ramses III of Egypt consecrated to the gods of Egypt 466,303 jugs of beer.

Historians like Heroditus, Pliny, and Tacitus comment on beer in the ancient world and the art of brewing was known in Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

The Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock because the supply of beer and food on the Mayflower had been prematurely exhausted. A manuscript of 1622 says, "We could not take time for further search or consideration. Our Victuals were almost spent, especially our beer was about gone."

In 1637, the Massachusetts Bay Colony licensed a certain Captain Sedgewick and gave him the exclusive right of brewing beer.

William Penn, a believer and famous for his asceticism, set up a brewery in 1683 in Pennsbury Manor near Philadelphia. Investors in the business were Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Israel Putnam, and Benjamin Rush (some of our famous patriots).

3. The Bible condemns drunkenness as a sin: Isaiah 5:11, 22; 28:7-8; Proverbs 20:1.

Isaiah 5:11 Woe to those who rise up early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, who stay up late in the evening that wine may enflame them.

Isaiah 5:22 Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant men in mixing strong drink.

Isaiah 28:7-8 (Reversionism and drinking)

Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker. A strong drink is a brawler. Therefore, whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise.

Proverbs 23:20 Do not be with heavy drinkers of wine or with gluttonous eaters of food.

Romans 13:13 Let us walk properly as in the day, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in strife or jealousy, promiscuity and sensuality.

1 Corinthians 5:11 Now I wrote to you not to associate with any member of the royal family if he should be immoral, covetous, an idolater, a reviler, a drunkard, or a swindler.

Ephesians 5:18 Stop being drunken with wine.

Proverbs 31:4-5; 1 Timothy 3:3,8; Titus 1:7 Excessive drinking destroys one's judgment and therefore is to be avoided.

Genesis 9:21; 1Samuel 25:36-37; Genesis 19:32-36; Isaiah 28:1 Drunkenness is condemned in certain Bible characters respectively: Noah, Nabal, Lot, Tribe of Ephraim.

4. Drunkenness, or the excessive use of alcohol, leads to crime, suicide, divorce, traffic accidents, economic and industrial losses, loss of health, miserable circumstances, poverty, and national disaster.

Alcohol is not a stimulant, It is a depressant. It dulls reflexes, lowers inhibitions destroys common sense and good judgment, and stimulates mental attitude sins. A drunken driver kills, a drunken lover abuses, and the drunken leader loses integrity.

Drunkenness produces certain diseases: death, from chug-a lugging; brain disease; and liver disease.

The Bible gives no encouragement or no excuse for excessive drinking. While drinking in moderation is permitted, there are many believers who cannot do so and should avoid alcohol except as prescribed in medicine.

5. The proper and improper uses of alcohol:

Proverbs 31:4-7 (Wine attacks authority in leadership) 4) It is not good for Kings, O Lemuel: it is not good for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to desire strong drink, 5) Lest they drink, and forget policy, and pervert judgment to the afflicted. 6) Give strong drink to him who is dying, and wine to him to whom life is bitter (the correct use of medicinal alcohol). 7) Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his trouble no more.

1 Timothy 5:23 No longer be a water drinker but be making use of a small amount of wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

Benefits of wine in small amounts: 1) Depressant producing sedation; 2) Stimulates appetite; 3) Increases circulation in elderly.

Psalm 104:15 And the wine that makes man's heart glad makes his well nourished face radiant and food sustains man's right lobe.

John 2:1-11 Jesus attended and stayed at a wedding where alcoholic beverage was being served.

7. Drinking and the divine laws of function:

Under the law of liberty every believer has the right to drink moderated amounts of alcoholic beverage.

Under the law of expediency, it is expedient not to drink under certain circumstances where witnessing might be an issue and drinking becomes a form of antagonism toward the gospel (not frequently encountered). Under the law of love it becomes necessary to refrain from drinking when it means leading astray a weaker believer (causing drunkenness in the weak believer). Under supreme sacrifice, drinking is forbidden when it hinders some special leadership function in life.

8. Alcoholism is a part of national disaster: Jeremiah 13:12-17; Joel 1:4-6; Isaiah 28.

Jeremiah 13:12-17 12) Therefore you are to speak this word to them. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, every jug is filled with wine. Consequently, when they say to you, do we not know that every jug is filled with wine? 13) Then you say to them, Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I am about to fill the inhabitants of this land, the kings that sit for David on his throne, the priests, the prophets, and all

the citizens of Jerusalem with drunkenness. 14) And I will dash them each against the other, both the Father and the sons together, declares the Lord. I will not show them pity, nor will I be sorry, nor will I have compassion, but I should destroy them. 15) Listen and give heed, Do not be arrogant for the Lord has spoken (excessive drinking is often a sign of arrogance in the soul). 16) Give glory to the Lord your God before He brings darkness and before your feet stumble upon the dusky mountains, and while you are hoping for light he makes it into deep darkness and turns it into gloom (5th C.O.D.). 17) But if you will not listen to doctrine, my soul will sob in secret because of your blind arrogance. And my eyes will bitterly weep and flow with tears because the flock of the Lord has been taken captive (5th C.O.D.).

9. Common sense and drinking:

Alcohol is wasted on young people. They often pick-up the pitfalls and never derive the benefits.

1) Never drink with strangers in strange places.

2) Never drink on the job-any job.

3) Never drink alone.

4) Never drink while driving, flying, operating machinery.

5) Never mix hunting with alcohol. Never mix any form of gunpowder with alcohol.

This was a king’s party, so it was probably good stuff. The wine had gone out, which was a Qal infinitive construct. The alcohol had been processed out he was reasonably sober. So, now she tells him what happened. Hiphil imperfect means that she began to tell him.

His heart dies within him. He did not die, but his heart died. The heart is the part of the brain called the right lobe. This is working in Nabal right now. He remembers that he told David that he would not pay him. This information is taken into his thought process and he is not experiencing a true shock. He heard this and he passed out. He began to apply; he did not think that he was out of danger. He realizes that he could have been killed in the middle of his party. He had neurogenic breakdown. He could see David killing him at his own banquet. Neurogenic shock. He could not cope with it. He has an overdose of adrenalin. He just passed out and died.

He is in shock, but he is still alive. Maybe he was in a coma?

1Sam. 25:37 And it happened in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal and his wife had told him these things, his heart died within him and he became like a stone.

About 10 days later, God struck Nabal and he died. This means to strike him down with a disease or a calamity. We do not know the nature of the disease. This is not a stroke. He did go out with a disease. It is Nabal who dies; not his heart. This would be the sin unto death.

1Sam. 25:38 And it happened about ten days afterward Jehovah struck Nabal so that he died.

Next the Nabal psalm. He married a wonderful woman; he was a very wealthy man.

1Samuel 25:36-38                                72David                                              631_0060

02/16/1973 Psalm 14:1-3 Nabal the fool

The privacy of the priesthood is priceless. A few seconds in rebound, which is all of the privacy that we get for awhile.

This part of the Bible is a study of contrasts. Abigail and Nabal; David and Saul;

Bob turned down doing a wedding; the woman seemed to think he was just hanging around waiting to officiate a marriage. This is a function of the state.

Bob suspects that Abigail became a supergrace believer after she got married. Nabal was great because he was wealthy, but he is a very petty man. David gets 400 men to take it out of Nabal’s hide.

David spared Saul’s life but he was about to take Nabal’s for welshing on an obligation. David had nowhere to go to get the law enforced.

Abigail was married to Nabal for life; but she did not look to find an excuse to get out of it. She is beautiful and smart; but all of this is mitigated by being a supergrace believer. David takes good advice from her. She does not spend her life whining about her marriage. The woman who gets into every woman’s organization and goes across the street and complains to any woman who will listen. She is beautiful with brains and with supergrace. There are not too many in this category.

Bob has seen women that he would not trust with only the menial tasks. They have very ad judgment. This woman had great judgement. She made one very bad move by marrying Nabal, which is not all that unusual.

The very fact that Abigail returned is indicative that she was more influenced by Jesus Christ that about her own problems. She had a few words to say about her marriage and that was all. She did not take herself seriously. A relaxed woman is a fantastic thing.

Some people aren’t smart enough to have children. Some people when they have children, their children are smarter than they are the minute they are born. People telling you that you need to have children; that’s propaganda. Abortion has gone up, so maybe people aren’t falling for it.

Bob would have personally popped it to someone he saw on television talking about abortion; abortion is not murder. We have some stupid people around here.

Abigail was beautiful, but she was not depending upon her beauty. It was doctrine that made the difference. She was occupied with the Person of Jesus Christ. She returned to that fool, Nabal.

A mishta is a heavy drinking party. A blowout, a wing ding, a drinking banquet. Nabal lives in a palace of sorts.

His heart was not merry but it was tob, which means stimulated here. Of his own free will, he was tying one on. The second phrase indicates that he was quite drunk. Some people think that, because they have money, they are great. So, when the 10 soldiers came from David, he kept them waiting, and then he was snotty to them. Alcoholics are inferior people who try to prove they are something. Getting drunk is a sin; and it is a problem; it is a problem in the soul. They are uptight, trying to prove something. The heart of Nabal was good upon him. He became very intoxicated.

Abigail told Nabal nothing. You cannot talk to a drunk. You cannot deal with serious business with a drunk. She knew when to talk and when to shut up. That means great wisdom.

You reveal what a dumb soul you have by continuing to flap your mouth. It is a good idea to not say anything until you are 100% certain of what you are saying. Some women cannot stop talking and Bob ceases being polite with such types. You can’t knock their teeth down their mouth, but you can shut them up. There are women who are masters at maligning. Bob loves Abigail and will look her up when he gets to heaven.

A guy goes out and ties one on, and the women laying into him when he comes home is the worst time to do something like that. There is a time to speak to him and a time to let it go.

You will note that Abigail did not go to this party herself. The person who has to go to a drunken party is in trouble up to his ears. Capacity for pleasure is a part of capacity for happiness. You do not have to get skunk drunk in order to be happy.

1Sam. 25:36 And Abigail came to Nabal. And behold, he held a feast [a drinking banquet] in his house like the feast of a king. And Nabal's heart was merry [good] within him, for he was very drunk. And she did not tell him anything, more or less, until the morning light.

A big whistle or a foghorn would have been a good idea. She doesn’t do that. She isn’t cruel. The wine had gone out of him, and now he is sober and detoxified. When she told him what had happened, he got an overdose of adrenalin, which caused him to pass out.

1Sam. 25:37 And it happened in the morning, when the wine had gone out of Nabal and his wife had told him these things, his heart died within him and he became like a stone.

And God struck him with some disease and he died. Nabal probably suffered cardiac arrest.

1Sam. 25:38 And it happened about ten days afterward Jehovah struck Nabal so that he died.

Then we would be going into polygamy, which would be a lovely thing to teach Sunday morning.

David wrote a psalm about Nabal: he probably wrote the psalm probably a few years later, looking back at Nabal and people like him.

Willie the Weeper reminds Bob of Nabal.

While Nabal was alive, he used to say, “There is no God.” Long before he challenged David, he challenged God. The fact that he lived 35 years is a tremendous monument to the grace of God. Nabal could not think straight. His norms and standards were bad. He had no God in his right lobe. Nabal was a rich man and he did not believe in God. This expresses the negative volition of Nabal at God consciousness and gospel hearing.

Nabal, the Atheist

1.       Nabal is an atheist; and he is a reversionist unbeliever.

2.       The principles which describe this kind of reversionism are found in 2Peter 2.

3.       This is one of the problems of a wealthy person. Nabal is descended from Caleb and he possibly inherited the wealth of this family. One of the problems of a wealthy person; he cannot understand the importance of salvation.

These fools do, think abominable things. Nabal refuses to pay the debt to David, but wealthy reversionists do this all of the time. Such people cheat; they don’t need to cheat, and yet they do. Such people are lousy about paying bills. Don’t ever loan to a wealthy reversionist. They enjoy welshing on an obligation. Such a man will cheat you out of the gold in your teeth and he will enjoy it.

None refers to the wealthy reversionist. Nabal’s motives are wrong. He has no intention of paying his debt.

Psalm 14:1 The fool [Nabal] has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works [a detestable deed]. There is none who does good.

{Nabal's Foolish Thoughts}

1~~To the Chief Musician {a Psalm} of David. Nabal/'the fool' {name does mean 'fool'} has said in his 'right lobe'/heart {thought this in his very soul - an atheist}, "There is not Elohim/Godhead {negative volition at the point of God consciousness}." They {Nabal and other wealthy, unbelieving reversionists} have become 'perverted in their souls' {shachath - Hiphil stem}. They 'have done(s) a detestable deed' {ta`ab - is a plural verb - but aliylah' is a singular noun. The singular noun means it refers to Nabal's debt to David that he refused to pay. But the verb is plural and this is good Hebrew to indicate that wealthy reversionists do the same all the time - they are wealthy and do not need to Renege on debts - but do it for fun!}. there are none that manufactures {'asah} good {towb - divine good - no divine good production}.

{Note: Nabal was the very rich husband of Abigail who, upon Nabal's death became one of David's wives. See Nabal in I Samuel 25:25 where Abigail talks about this 'fool' of a husband. Abigail was a SuperGrace believer married to a stupid unbeliever whose very name means fool. Now here we find out in what area particularly he was a fool - 'there is no God'!}

God wants to find someone He can bless. God wants to bless believers. However, even though He wants to bless believers, God goes on a patrol, to find anyone that He can bless. Because of propitiation, He would like to find anyone that He can bless. However, God cannot bless legalistic fundies any more than He can bless Nabal.

Understand is the Hiphil participle of Sakal. He found one person, the wife of Nabal. To see if there was anyone who could cause to be wise. This would have been refreshing for God to see Abigail. Darash means God wants to know him. Every time you are on positive signals that you come to Berachah, that is seeking. No one can make you do it.

The Blessing of God and Nabal

1.       God’s grace demands an object. God cannot remain dangling. God’s grace must have a place to go. It has to go to the human race. Many of us are encrusted with the worst stuff in the world, suffering for Jesus. God intends for us to be blessed.

2.       The object in the human race must have reach God consciousness and then have positive volition.

3.       Nabal is a fool; Nabal is his name and he is a fool. There are a lot of new people out in the desert. Church seats about 800 and it was full every night.

4.       When he had gospel hearing, he went negative.

5.       God could have blessed Nabal is he had positive volition at God consciousness and positive volition at gospel hearing. Nabal could have had a great life with Abigail. He relied upon himself and he was nothing. There was nothing for him to lean upon. David was positive toward grace and Nabal was negative.

6.       Abigail called herself nabalah; she is the fool who married Nabal. She was positive toward God and Bible doctrine. She was the antithesis of her husband. She was positive at God consciousness and at gospel hearing. She made the big mistake of marrying Nabal and then she gapped it all the way to supergrace. Bob says she was married for 6 years.

7.       David was everything that Nabal was not. Abigail could have coped by drinking everyday; but, she went toward doctrine, and she had 6 rough years. She made a mistake and she moved forward according to Bible doctrine.

Psalm 14:2 Yahweh looked down from heaven on the children of men, To see if there were any who did understand [were caused to become wise], Who did seek after God.

2~~Jehovah/God out of the heavens 'looked down {for someone to bless}' {shaqaph} upon the children of men, to 'make a recognizance'/see {ra'ah} if there were any who had been caused to be wise {in SuperGrace status} {sakal - Hiphil stem - means GAPing to SuperGrace - intake of the Word}, and constantly kept on seeking after {darash - verb of positive volition - in salvation and thereafter in the intake of the Word} Elohiym/Godhead {God located David and Abigail in view here}.

Then we describe Nabal. This is a summary of the human race down to the end of time. They apostate; they deviate; all reversionists are apostates. Nabal was apostate. Abigail separated herself from this party reversionism. God designed sex to be something wonderful. He did not designed sex to solve problems. Sex is a fantastic thing, but sex does not solve problems.

There are no shortcuts; you must get doctrine in your soul.

Psalm 14:3 They have all gone aside. They have together become corrupt. There is none who does good, no, not one.

3~~They have deviated {from God's laws for Establishment}/ 'become perverted'/'become reversionistic'. {cuwr - perfect tense - means from beginning of human history to the end, wealthy, unbelieving reversionism will be like this}. They 'have become morally corrupt' {meaning 'have done detestable deeds'} {'alach - means filthy , here morally filthy - explains Nabal's drunken party in I Samuel 25:36 - his party was probably a Phallic cult event - with sexual degeneracy mixed in}. There is not one who manufactures {divine} good,

no, not even one {'echad}.

1Samuel 25 Psalm 14:4-7                 72David                                              631_0061

02/18/1973 Nabal’s psalm

we have been studying Nabal and David. David was broke when he came to Nabal. About 600 men and 3000 camp followers. Nabal was a very wealthy man at this time; and David was not (but his wealth would surpass Nabal’s greatly). No believer is normal when growing or in reversionism or standing still; it is the achievement of the edification complex. God is also able to provide for those people who are reached supergrace great blessings. God also promoted David.

David is in contact with Nabal. Nabal gave David’s men a very snotty answer when he said no. David goes to attack Nabal, and he is stopped by a beautiful women in the middle of the road in front of them.

Abigail waited for Nabal to sober up and she told him what had happened, and he went into neurogenic shock, and he died 10 days later.

Nabal has said in his right lobe, “There is no God.” Nabal rejected the Trinity and Bob says that the Trinity was understood in the Old Testament. God the Holy Spirit reveals the plan, God the Father determined the plan and Jesus Christ executed the plan.

Psalm 14:1 The fool [Nabal] has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They have done abominable works [a detestable deed]. There is none who does good.

God has billions of dollars and He can give this to anyone; but He does not because most people do not have the capacity for blessing. Money means nothing to God. God is constantly trying to express His love. God the Father wants to love the human race, but cannot do so, because mankind is sinful. God wants to express His love while mankind wants to express sin. God would like to drop a billion dollars into someone’s lap today; He would like to give us things associated with human happiness. However, God has to spend all of His time disciplining believers.

The problem is not God’s love for us; God must find recipients. God could express to David what He was unable to give to others. The celebrityship of Jesus Christ is key. At the time of Psalm 14, when it occurred historically, David had nothing and Nabal had it all. He had Abigail as a wife; and Nabal had no appreciation of this. Nabal liked putting people down, he liked throwing parties, he liked having a lot of money, and he liked getting drunk. In other words, no capacity for life.

Psalm 14:2 Yahweh looked down from heaven on the children of men, To see if there were any who did understand [were caused to become wise], Who did seek after God.

Psalm 14:3 They have all gone aside. They have together become [morally] corrupt. There is none who does good, no, not one.

Workers of emptiness; they have no capacity for life; no capacity for happiness. There was a lot of wine, women and song at these parties, and yet there was no capacity there. You spend time witnessing; you are a worker of emptiness. This is the reversionist with emphasis upon what he does. Nabal was an unbelieving reversionist. There are more reversionists among believers. Frantic search for happiness and the emotional revolt. Since all divine good is manufactured from grace, there is no true happiness here.

They key to life is knowledge of Bible doctrine. If people do not have Bible doctrine in the soul, they do not have capacity for life. Homosexuality is another sign of reversionism. It is abnormal and it is sinful. It is a degeneracy of the soul.

Our church has a great respect for the military, which has been discarded by many in our society. Even though our military is in disrepute because of degeneracy and cowardice, it is the key to our freedom. To have the very symbol of our freedom, nothing could be better. To see men with short hair, representing an attitude of soul, nothing could be better than that.

They destroy My people as if they are eating bread.

Chara to call upon God indicates faith. Jesus Christ died for our sins, spiritually, not physically. He died physically because our sins were paid for. He said, “It is finished” while alive physically; and then He died physically.

Adam was still alive physically after he sinned; but he had died spiritually. Spiritual death is God expressing His righteousness toward man. Christ died spiritually for our sins. The blood refers to the animal sacrifices. The animal is put on the altar and his carotid is severed.

Those who talk about the blood of Christ and the found of Immanuel’s blood; all of this stuff is said by people who do not have a clue. A lot of this stuff comes from Romanism.

We are all saved by believing in Jesus Christ. Inviting Christ into the heart is about works; and the context refers to believers.

Psalm 14:4 Have all the workers of iniquity [emptiness] no knowledge, Who eat up My people as they eat bread, And don't call on Yahweh?

4~~Have all the 'workers of emptiness'/reversionists {falling backward so human viewpoint is replacing divine viewpoint again} do not understand/know {yada'}? The ones destroying/devouring up my people . . . as they have eaten bread {illustration of the easy with which they destroy the followers of David}. Furthermore, they do not call upon Jehovah/God.

This is a generation of supergrace believers under David, a supergrace believer.

National Blessing

1.       National blessing can occur where there is supergrace leadership or where there is maximum supergrace believers. David illustrates one of these. Not one of the Atoinine Caesars was a believer, but there were so many supergrace types that Rome enjoyed great blessing because of the believers.

2.       A people who observe the laws of divine establishment and have respect for authority become a prosperous people. There is no degredation in respecting authority.

3.       A nation which respects authority will respect authority in the military, which means the military will succeed in protecting our freedom.

4.       Authority in business; no business succeeds without authority.

5.       A generation of the righteous can be a maximum number of supergrace believers or supergrace leadership. In the latter, there is prosperity by means of association; in the first, it is prosperity via the salt of the earth principle.

6.       Best of all possible worlds is both supergrace believers in leadership and as the people. Liberals and communists hate the British empire; and what they hate about the empire, they do themselves. There are millions of Indians, Chinese and Africans who are in heaven right now because of the British empire.

Psalm 14:5 There they were in great fear, For God is in the generation of the righteous.

5^^There is great awe/'respect {for the authority of} {pachad pachad - doubling is very strong} for Elohim/Godhead in the generation of the righteous/'SuperGrace believers' {tsaddiyq}.

You, Nabal, have brought shame to the afflicted. Jesus Christ was the security of David.

Psalm 14:6 You frustrate the plan of the poor, Because Yahweh is his refuge.

{David Speaks to Nabal}

6~~You {Nabal} have caused shame {refused to pay his debt for fun of it} to the plan/contract {David's agreement to protect Nabal's sheep} with the afflicted {David - he was under Saul's seek and destroy persecution}, because Jehovah/God is his {David's} security.

{Note: Nabal was an atheist. He knew that David proclaimed himself under the protection of God. So, he reneged on his debt so he can say crap like - 'oh what a great protector David has'. He got his 'reward' for this in I Samuel 25:37-38 directly from God.}

The fort of Jebus. There is Jerusalem and a valley and up a hill there is a fort, and the jebusites controlled this fort for 400 years. The man who takes this fort will deliver Israel. David took that fort and turned it into his palace.

Shub can mean restore, return. We look forward to Jehovah restoring the United States. God can do this through supergrace leadership or through supergrace believers or through a combination of the two.

Psalm 14:7 Oh that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion [Who will give from Zion the deliverance of Israel?]! When Yahweh restores the fortunes [adversity] of his people, Then Jacob shall rejoice [they will express great +H], and Israel shall be glad.

7~~Who shall give from Zion {name of the fortification}, the deliverance of Israel? {the prophecy was that whoever captures the fortress of the Zebucites (sp) will be the deliverer of Israel - David is the one who eventually takes the fort and made it his castle} When Jehovah/God restores {from} the adversity of His people, Jacob {used for Jews who are unbelievers} shall celebrate/'dance in a circle' {giyl}, and Israel {used for saved Jews} shall 'be joyful'/'express great inner happiness'/+H {samach}.

1Samuel 25:39-43                                72David                                              631_0062

02/18/1973 Doctrine of Polygamy

We return to Samuel. Bob acts as an usher. Apparently, Berachah is overcrowded. ”Another couple? I’ll be damned.” “Next week is all saint’s week.” This week begins the pastor’s conference. “No saved seats. None, zero. There will be a class on Monday morning, it was originally aborted; I will damn well use that phrase.” Schedule will change and a return to the New Testament and back to the Koine Greek starting tomorrow night.

David communes with Abigail first. Abigail follows David’s messengers.

Tonight, we will examine polygamy. Did Brigham Young get it right? A woman should have at least 5 servants when she gets married, especially when pregnant. Bob does not believe that it is right for women to have babies unless they have servants. If it wasn’t for the fact that there are mothers, we would really be in a jam. The welfare state has ruined servitude. We can no longer get domestic help.

“We have covered the big idea: the five damsels on their asses. Now let’s find out what the passage really teaches.”

David has a great G2 system. He has patrols out constantly looking for Saul’s men. Always looking for Saul’s army. David had a constant surveillance. So, therefore, David hears about Nabal.

At the beginning of this chapter, Samuel died. He was in a place face to face with the Lord; in a place of great happiness and great blessing. Nabal went to torments. Attitude toward Jesus Christ determines eternal status. Nabal was an unbeliever from Psalm 14.

David has something to say, and we will cover enough of the narrative until we come to this point. David, when he hears that Nabal has died, said, “Being blessed is Yehowah, Who has pleased the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal.” The Lord cannot help but be blessed. David cannot add anything to the essence of God. Being blessed is David. This ought to be: “Being blessed. The One, being the Lord, acts as my Attorney. The Lord who has pleaded or defended my reproach.” This was Nabal’s refusal to pay the debt that he owed David. Many of your lives would clear up instantly if you put your problems in the Lord’s hands. Quit trying to be a one-person vendetta.

Nabal was petty and small. He was filled with pride. All of these things mixed together makes a person very obnoxious. Thank God for obnoxious types; this is how we grow in time.

About thew time of the funeral, David is sending a proposal over to Abigail. As far as we can tell, David is filled with the Spirit, and her husband not yet in the ground, he proposes to Abigail. How many of you men would have the nerve to propose to a woman before her ex-husband was in the grave? That’s your devotional for the night.

David is interested in free enterprise; but he is not interested in little petty things of propriety. He is not going to go in for hypocrisy. David was a hypocrite in Gath; but that is something he gets over in a hurry. David breaks through that nonsense. He learned that honesty and hypocrisy cannot travel together. He wants this doll, she’s free, so he sends someone over to ask her to marry. I want this woman, I’m going to put it up to her, right now. David has capacity for life. The only propriety he observed is, he sent the servant. The servant goes directly to the woman. There is no father involved; no dowry.

1Sam. 25:39 And David heard that Nabal had died, and he said, Blessed is Jehovah who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and [therefore, He] has kept [restrained] His servant from evil. For Jehovah has returned the wickedness of Nabal on his own head. And David sent and spoke with [proposed to] Abigail, to take her [passionately] to him for a wife.

There is nothing ordinary about this doll.

1Sam. 25:40 And David's servants came to Abigail at Carmel, and spoke to her, saying, David sent us to you to take you to him for a wife.

She stood straight up. The first stands up, and then she bows herself on her face to the ground. “Behold, your servant and your female slave.” David was the man of her life and the man who was going to be her life. It is not degrading to get on your face to your rm. She is willing to wash the feet of the servants of her lord. She’s willing to take the place of a wife or a slave in David’s temporary tent. Michel preferred court life to being out by a bivouac fire. Some of you men in the military will have problems with some women who are not willing to follow the guide on just as her husband. A real women who loves a real man will follow the guide-on and love every minute of it. Thank God for women of this type; they follow their man and they make their man fantastically happy. We have a bunch of simpering idiotic females and they are concerned about their automobile. You have to hand it to Abigail. She didn’t even hesitate. She hurried to him.

Pastors may end up moving around; some assistant pastors bought homes here and they shouldn’t have. Because he may get moved off to somewhere else. Your first responsibility ought to be toward you man, even before your children. This is no matter where he goes.

1Sam. 25:41 And she arose and bowed herself on her face to the earth, and said, “Behold, let your handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.”

Would your servants go with you? In many cases, no. Servants are people; and if they have the right kind of a master, they will stay in this situation for the rest of their lives. Her servants love her as well. Our country needs to go back to having servants.

Abigail followed David’s messengers; and her servants followed her.

1Sam. 25:42 And Abigail hurried and arose, and rode on an ass, with five of her maidens who went after her. And she followed the messengers of David and became his wife.

David has 2 wives already. Are the Mormons right in having more than one wife? Is polygamy right or wrong?

David took Ahinoam; Qal perfect means that he already did this. This was done in the past. He has a wife in the camp, a wife in the court; and now he is taking on a 3rd wife.

Ahinoam means good times; she was a real fun gal. David probably enjoyed her more than any of his other wives. Both women became his wives. This presents a little problem; this is polygamy. Bob assumes that everyone has one wife.


1.       Polygamy violates RM/RW; the doctrine of Adam’s Rib. This is actually the only answer that we need. Therefore, David is wrong. The more wives a man has under polygamy. There were some fine Mormon pilots; but this was after the United States outlawed polygamy. It takes one man and one woman to properly guide a man.

2.       All great believers had one wife. Therefore, they understood the doctrine of RM/RW.

          a.       Noah.

          b.       Abraham lived in a day of polygamy.

          c.        Joseph. Joseph married an Egyptian woman; he lived with her all of his life.

          d.       Ephraim and Manasseh became 2 tribes.

          e.       Moses had one wife and divorced her; he took a second crack at it. He married the Ethiopian woman. His sister was jealous and got leprosy from it. Too bad people don’t get leprosy today from jealousy.

          f.        Joshua and Samuel.

3.       Exceptions:

          a.       Jacob was polygamous and he had 2 mistresses as well. They all lived under one roof. The 12 tribes of Israel came from 2 wives and 2 mistresses. Joseph received the double portion. He did not follow in the footsteps of his father.

4.       Polygamy not authorized by the Word of God.

          a.       Deut. 17:14 the king must be a Jew and he can only have one wife. David knows that he will be the next king of Israel and he is out of line.

5.       Polygamy is related to reversionism. Jacob married 2 wives and had 2 mistresses.

6.       This was a precedent that was not approve by God. A man or a woman is disciplined for this. The man can never know true happiness in marriage. All of David’s trouble in his lifetime came from his polygamy; it came from his women. This is the tragedy of David’s life. There were 2 candidates for David’s rw; Abigail and Bathsheba. They were both beautiful and brilliant women. Abigail was a supergrace woman and Bathsheba apparently became supergrace. They did not come to David’s life as virgins. We have women who are so flaky who would believe that a little experience is a good thing. David did not have a rw, ever. Polygamy eliminates a rw from David just as it did from his son Solomon. When a person is polygamous, he pays the piper. God wiped out Abigail’s husband and David wiped out Bathsheba’s husband. David murdered Uriah the Hitite. Bathsheba comes in about 23 years after Abigail and she was possibly dead at this point. Every time someone practices polygamy, his RM/RW situation is kaput. He destroys this by his own soul. That is why it is so important to stay with one woman.

7.       Therefore, polygamy is a form of self-induced misery. No one can have an intimate sexual relationship with more than one woman. The man is not designed for it and the woman is not designed for it. A man making the rounds to many women destroys his soul for RM/RW. Someone is writing his PhD on RM/RW. We are not to commit adultery. It is not that God is trying to keep back candy from us. Sex athletes; to hell with that noise. Polygamy has its own type of discipline. Some preachers say that God permitted polygamy because of the times. When God says “no polygamy” He does not change His mind.

8.       Monogamy is God’s orders under the laws of divine establishment.

9.       Polygamy is found in the Bible in the line of Lemech because of his reversionism.

10.     Gideon was an ass. He was one of the worst people in the Bible. He was non-patriotic; he had to be drafted and he needed to see a cople of miracles first. There never was a bigger ass than Gideon. Gideon did not do anything right. He went from one dummy thing to another dummy thing. Bob thinks that Gideon is an ass and when he wants to talk about grace, he will bring Gideon in.

11.     The concentration of jealousy under one roof is fElkanna’s 2 wives in the Dunghill Special.

12.     Lev. 18:18 has a series of sex prohibitions. Incest prohibited. These things are evil. It is rape. Incest is rape. If you marry a woman and then marry her sister, that is polygamy. It is mentioned in the same context with incest. Polygamy is used here for vengeance.

13.     David had 7 wives. 1Chron. 3:1–9 David’s wives and children. Ahinoam’s son was Amnon, who raped his sister and he was killed by Absalom. The problems of polygamy were carried into the family life. Maacah brought all kinds of children intot the world who turned David’s world upside down in his latter years. The discipline of polygamy is carried to the 2nd generation; it destroys the 2nd generation.

14.     Polygamy is never the permissive will of God. God never condones polygamy, from Genesis to the end of the Bible.

15.     Only man in reversionism or in human viewpoint condones polygamy.

16.     Polygamy is not justified in an oriental harem or in a Mormon home in the United States. Historically, the United States government was exactly right to crack down on the polygamy of the Mormons.

17.     Angels practiced polygamy and they had bodies in Gen. 6

1Sam. 25:43 David also took Ahinoam of Jezreel. And they became, both of them, his wives.

1Sam. 25:44 And Saul gave his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Phalti the son of Laish, who was of Gallim.

1Samuel 26:1–8                                   72David                                              631_0063

02/25/1973 Importance of G2, intelligence information and reconnaissance

These inhabitants of Ziph have betrayed David before. Ziph is built up on a table-mountain. At the end of the valley, more mountains and desert and way over here, the Dead Sea. They are in a city where it is easy to watch over other’s business.

They have ignored the principle of freedom, which is a two-way street. They want their freedom, but they want to curtail David’s. They watch for David so that they can have an opportunity to betray him.

David lives in the northern part of Jerusalem, in Bethlehem, very close to the tribe of Benjamin, and there is apparently quite a disagreement between David’s house and Saul’s.

They should have learned from David’s deliverance that they cannot pin him down. Gibeah has been excavated as recently as 1933. Judges mentions a castle. It has walls that are 6-8 ft. thick. It looked like a pill box; very utilitarian, but not much to look at. Gibeah is where Saul lived.

Hiding indicates that there is this hostile intent. This is a misrepresentation. Hachilah is a famous ridge where battles have been fought before and since. All of the surrounding country can be seen from there. You can see the enemy approaching from any direction.

1Sam. 26:1 And the Ziphites came to Saul at Gibeah, saying, Is not David hiding himself in the hill of Hachilah, on the edge of the desert?

Saul made some wonderful statements, but he made them from reversionism. They were sincere words, but they did not mean anything. He meant these things when he said them; he was unable to keep his own words.

Saul, in this interim, has not been taking in doctrine. He has no doctrine in his soul. He takes 3000 men with him, his regular army, a flying column.

The Jews had a universal military training. There were a few exceptions. Priests were not used.

Saul’s army can move in quickly to position themselves against David. They are on a search and destroy mission; and this is a military operation which is outside of the laws of divine establishment.

1Sam. 26:2 And Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him.

There were sentries all over. Officer of the day is there and the sergeant of the guard, who would make periodic rounds on these different posts. This was a regular sentry system which was used generally; but there will be some carelessness on the part of Abner.

This force is very poorly led at this time. They are in hostile country. David is in the desert; not in the same spot but in the same area. David observed the Saul came after him; and this is a reconnaissance patrol. David sees that he is outnumbered. 3000 men and there are about 400 men with him.

1Sam. 26:3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the edge of the desert, by the highway. And David was staying in the wilderness. And he saw that Saul came after him into the wilderness.

Saul has no patrols out himself. David sends out patrols and through the evaluation of intelligence reports that Saul had come.

David knows what he is doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, then you shouldn’t be doing it. The day of the good lover is gone. A man who does not know how to make love ought not to be doing it. You cannot rebound an unknown sin, but you will commit a known sin and you will get back into fellowship. Eve did not know that she had sinned. Just like a woman to be doing something, doesn’t know what she was doing, and she turned everything upside down. Even thyough you do something in ignorance, you are accountable for it.

David and Saul’s Approach to the Military

1.       David is an excellent field commander; he is constantly gathering intelligence and constantly keeping track of his enemy. It is good to keep track of the enemy at all times. David has a smaller force and he has patrols out in all directions.

2.       Saul is a weak man influenced by the Ziphites. The Ziphites aroused his suspicions. People influenced by the wrong people and miserable and implacable.

3.       Saul, in this status of suspicion, fails to observe the lapse of security in his own bivouac.

4.       Saul is constantly being upset by people who come to him with lies.

5.       Obviously, the Ziphites are jealous of David and have brought David down on him.

6.       This is a life and death point, if we face off the communists. If we don’t get another chance at communism, and stack their bodies as high as city hall; but to do this, we must know what is going on. All military victories are based on a good G2 force. Cæsar became great because he knew that he needed to keep track of what was going on at all times. He recognized the value of reconnaissance.

Someone extended his force; Napoleon had little of his army with him, but they were strung out. He had to determine if he would retreat or what. He had his neck out. He figured out that he would have to fight a strategic battle with these forces. Sugarloaf sort of a hill; and he looked and saw a long, high hill with villages around it. There was a valley and a stream and a famous town called Austerlitz, and the Pretzen Heights. He saw exactly how he could trap the enemy and defeat them. He noticed little areas along the way. He gave them some bait. He built fortifications and as the armies approach, he hid much of his army behind the hill. Then he put a small army which apparently attracted them. The Russians reported a small right wing. Russians planned to flank him, which is exactly what Napoleon wanted. He knew this ground perfectly. The Russians had a good map, but did not know the land precisely. Napoleon when one army hits this wing, they would be exposed, and there would be an army where they would open up the center and launch an attack and break them. A very small army defeated a very large army. The secret was, he knew the ground perfectly.

Men have been destroyed because they did not know what was coming. Similarly, many of you will be destroyed because you do not know the Word of God.

1Sam. 26:4 And David sent out spies and knew that Saul had come indeed.

3000 men in bivouac and David goes into the camp with only 2 men. David knew what he was doing so he could get away with this. He noticed that there were no sentries of any kind.


1.       Abner was a Benjamite, the brother is Saul’s father Kish.

2.       Commander of Saul’s army.

3.       Since saul became king, Abner became his chief of staff and he brought David in after he defeated Goliath.

4.       Abner successfully carried on a civil war with Ishbosheth as king. Abner was capable.

5.       However, when Abner did this, he was the real ruler behind the throne. He enjoyed this sort of power. He had ability but could not assume the responsibility in a tight spot.

6.       In pursuit of Abner, the brother of Joab, Abishai, was slain.

7.       Abner liked the power, but could not handle the responsibility. He was willing to be 2nd to Saul because Saul took on the responsibility. He wanted the power and praise and recognition, but he refused to take the responsibility. He was finally killed by Joab.

3000men and not a single sentry.

1Sam. 26:5 And David arose and came to the place where Saul had pitched. And David saw the place where Saul lay. And Abner the son of Ner, the captain of his army [i.e., the chief of staff], and Saul were lying within the barricade. And the people pitched all around him.

David has 2 men with him. Never volunteer for anything is a typical human viewpoint idea. That is a stupid-ass, human viewpoint attitude.

David’s sister Zeruiah must have been quite a gal because she has 3 boys who are all generals in David’s armies. She is always mentioned with regards to these 3 boys. She inculcated in them discipline. She is the kind of mother that we need more of. “Come back after acquitting yourself well; if you don’t, then don’t come back.” These are magnificent soldiers.

“Most of you mothers are mealy mouthed stupid idiots. Most of you instead of voting should be training your boys how to be great men. You don’t to vote on bond issues; you don’t know what’s going on anyway.”

These boys were trained properly by their mother. Zeruiah is a fantastic woman. She understood the military and she understood what a flank was and what...some of you simpering females don’t understand that you are protected because there are men who do understand these things. “You women who can’t take it; do us a favor, and just don’t come back.”

David asks for volunteers. Ahimelech the Hittite keeps his mouth shut. It takes 2 to go down. You never hear from Ahimelech again. He is through; he is a coward.


1.       Abishai and Ahimelech had the same opportunity in David’s army.

2.       Abishai has a great record; he will be one of the great records. He was a great deal like Patton; Joab was more like MacArthur.

3.       He stayed loyal to David in the Absalom revolution.

4.       David ordered Amasah to mobilize; but he was lethargic abvout it. 2Sam. 20:6–10

5.       David had been very sick and had been in a right with one of Goliath’s relatives and Abishai joined in and killed the giant.

6.       He is one of the 3 mighty men to give David water from the well at Bethlehem.

7.       He was the most honorable of all the generals.

8.       He was responsible for the famous victory over the Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

This is a fantastic military record. We need this kind of general officer in our army today. Abishai was a soldier’s soldier.

Abishai volunteered and Ahimelech did not; and we hear a lot about Abishai in the future; and we hear nothing about Ahimelech the Hittite ever again. Abishai volunteers to go with David and he will become a great general and he will defeat great peoples.

If God wants you to stay alive, hazardous duty is not going to harm you.

1Sam. 26:6 And David answered and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, the brother of Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to the camp to Saul? And Abishai said, I will go down with you.

David and Abishai infiltrated the bivouac of the troops where Saul was sleeping. The spearhead was reversed and thrown into the ground. This allowed others to find Saul easily.

They had too much confidence and no common sense. There were no sentries posted, no guard, no one was awake.

1Sam. 26:7 So David and Abishai came to the people by night. And behold, Saul lay sleeping in the tent, and his spear stuck in the ground at his head. But Abner and the people lay around him.

Abishai and David are both standing over Saul; Abishai could pull the spear out of the ground and he could put Saul to death. “God has delivered your enemy into your hand.”

It takes a great leader to keep a good leader in line. Sherman decided to go against women and children and march into Savannah. He was tired of fighting Sherman’s army. Grant gave the okay for this movement; and women and children starved to death because of this. David is the great man; Abishai is the good man. He is aggressive. The idea of killing the enemy is good. But David is senior over him. Abishai is a correct viewpoint for battle.

Assassination or violence is never the answer. The people never quite reach the solution to their problems when they go to assassination. David will have a great reign because he is able to properly apply doctrine in the correct situation.

Abishai would do it right the first time. “I won’t have to do this a 2nd time.” One thrust and Saul is a dead man.

1Sam. 26:8 And Abishai said to David, God has shut up your enemy into your hand this day. And please let me strike him with the spear even to the earth at once, and I will not repeat it to him.

David now has to make a decision. We will study these principles tonite.

1Samuel 26:9-18                                  72David                                              631_0064

02/25/1973 Doctrine of the sin unto death

There is just as many principles in narrative as elsewhere. David has phenomenal moral courage. Abishai is a great officer and he states his professional duty, to kill Saul with one strike of the spear. Most of the time. Abishai would be correct; but it is David who has made the correct call here. He only has to make the call once and Abishai obeys him.

What makes David a great leader is he knew when to apply the correct doctrine. David recognizes a higher principle of authority here, even though Saul is antagonistic toward David. David will keep the matter in the Lord’s hands. The Lord is the best judge of the situation; not him.

David could not allow anyone to kill Saul and walk away from this guiltless.

Principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and God

1.       The omnipotence of God the Father backs up the laws of divine establishment.

2.       In this way, God preserves and perpetuates the human race.

3.       The laws of divine establishment have as their source God’s omniscience enforced by His omnipotence observed by his omnipresence.

4.       Violators of these laws are subject to the discipline of God. At the beginning of Saul’s reign, he was a supergrace believer. God knew billions of years ago the status quo of Saul at any point in time. He was aware of this at any point in time.

5.       Immutability guarantees divine consistency throughout human history.

6.       Divine veracity guarantees the communication of these laws to mankind.

7.       These laws are attacked by rejection of doctrine, by reversionism, by assassination. This is never the solution to national or personal problems. Raunchy and good people have been assassinated in this country. The assassination of presidents is despicable. This is never God’s solution. Since the assassination of Kennedy, we have only prolonged our national problems. A person who is a true professional soldier but is misguided with his proper duty here.

8.       Believers are punished for the violation of the laws of divine establishment, just as they are punished for sin and carnality.

No one who assassinates will go unpunished.

1Sam. 26:9 And David said to Abishai, Do not destroy him. For who can stretch forth his hand against Jehovah's anointed and be guiltless [go unpunished]?

David will now lay it out for Abishai. This is a complex prohibition to a growing believer. As a future great leader, Abishai will need this explained to him. It is necessary that he understand the laws of divine establishment. First possibility is that the Lord strikes him, which refers to the administration of the sin unto death. The divine administration of the sin unto death, as it was administered to Nabal. This is a sudden death or a painful death apart from dying grace.

Sin unto Death

1.       While this can be administered to believers or unbelievers, the believer gets the sin unto death for negative toward doctrine and the unbeliever for being negative toward the laws of divine establishment. This is the maximum discipline given to a believer. This discipline is the exception to dying grace where the believer is concerned. Maximum pain and pressure ending in a difficult death. Psalm 118:17–18

2.       For the believer, this does not mean a loss of salvation.


4.       There are 4 general reasons why believers die. Work is finished; 2Tim. 4:7, special glorification of God; special discipline; suicide. Dying grace in the first 2 categories.

5.       Case histories.

          1)       Ananas and Saphira.

          2)       Phallic reversionism. Incestuous reversionism.

          3)       mental attitude reversionism in the cas of king Saul.

          4)       King Hezekiah.

          5)       Verbal reversionism in 1Tim. 

6.       Reversionism recovery can cancel out the sins and the discipline.

7.       Warning discipline, intensive discipline and sin unto death.

8.       The erection of the edification complex of the soul.

9.       The sin unto death takes you out of God’s plan before it is all over.

What follows is taken from http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=539

Doctrine of the Sin unto Death

1.       Introduction & Definition-1st John 5:16▴17

          1)       A Sin Not Unto Death. ?µα?τ????τα ?µα?τ?α? µ? π??? ???ατ?? (1st Jn. 5:16ax2,17).

          2)       A Sin Unto Death. ?µα?τ?α π??? ???ατ?? (1st Jn. 5:16b).

          3)       The context is a confident prayer ministry based upon our life in Christ (1st Jn. 5:13▴15).

                     (1)      Intercessory prayer is prescribed for brothers sinning non-leading-to-death sin.

                     (2)      We should never request that any brother is subject to the Sin Unto Death. Such a request is an ???τ?? request (1st Jn. 5:16b) rather than an α?τ?? request (1st Jn. 5:14,15x2,16a).

          4)       All unrighteousness is sin, but there is sin that is non-leading-to-death sin (1st Jn. 5:17 cf. Rom. 6:23).

                     (1)      The wages of sin is death.

                     (2)      The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

                     (3)      What is a sin that doesn't lead to death? A sin that is forgiven!

          5)       The antithesis of death as a purpose-consequence is the glory of God purpose-consequence (Jn. 11:4).

                     (1)      Unrepentant, unconfessed sin results in operational death and premature physical death.

                     (2)      Confessed sin restores operational life and extends physical life with the purpose-consequence of God's glory being achieved.

2.       Illustrations

          1)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death.

                     (1)      Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1▴2; 1st Chr. 24:1▴2). They're lines were ended, and Eleazar was not commanded to provide for their lines to be preserved.

                     (2)      Eli and his sons (1st Sam. 2:12▴17,22▴36; 3:1▴21; 4:4▴18).

                     (3)      Saul and his sons (1st Sam. 15:10▴35; 31:1▴7; 1st Chr. 10:13▴14).

                     (4)      Ananias and Saphira (Acts 5:1▴11).

                     (5)      Hymenaeus and Alexander (1st Tim. 1:20).

          2)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death judgment being stayed.

                     (1)      David's close call (2nd Sam. 12:13).

                     (2)      Hezekiah's close call (2nd Kgs. 20:1▴11; Isa. 38:1▴22).

                     (3)      The Corinthian man of incest (1st Cor. 5:5; 2nd Cor. 2:6▴11).

          3)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death judgment being stayed, then reinstated.

                     (1)      Moses' deferment (Ex. 4:24) and later judgment (Deut. 32:48▴52).

                     (2)      Balaam's deferment (Num. 22:31) and later judgment (Num. 31:8).

3.       Summary & Conclusion

          1)       The OT and the NT provide multiple illustrations for the Sin Unto Death.

          2)       Illustrations are provided as warnings (1st Cor. 10:1▴11).

          3)       The bottom-line cause of Sin Unto Death is idolatry (1st Jn. 5:21).

                     (1)      Ananias and Saphira pursued the idolatry of approbation-lust (Acts 5:1▴11).

                     (2)      Defiling the Lord's Supper is the idolatrous practice of eating the table of demons (1st Cor. 10:20▴22; 11:30).

                     (3)      Apostasy is the idolatrous practice of living the teachings of demons (Rev. 2:20▴24 cf. 1st Tim. 4:1).

His day will come simply indicates that Saul comes to the end of his life and dies. This is when a person dies, apart from discipline from God. This could be called an honorable death. David is avoiding judging here. Bob likes to think that Saul is snoring a little, just to make things intense.

This lesson is taking place in the midst of 3000 soldiers, and there are 2 in particular below them; what a perfect place for a Bible class.

So, David says, “We will let God decide when he is to die.” When a believer dies an honorable death, it is the best time of his life. God administers dying grace. No more pain, no more death after he dies.

Honorable death or dishonorable death. Then David throws in a special category, where Saul dies in battle, which, if he is in fellowship, can be glorifying to God. When Saul dies, it will be on a field of battle. This would be a special condition that would glorify God. David only states the way in which a believer can die. He does not include assassination as one way Saul will die. There is no judgment by David laid upon Saul.

1Sam. 26:10 And David said, As Jehovah lives, except Jehovah strike him, or his day shall come, and he dies, or he goes down to battle and is consumed,

David is saying that he wants to get as far away from the act as possible. It would be like saying, “Hell, no, I am not going to allow you to kill Saul.” There is no subjectivity here; there is no sensitivity training. All of the services are being brainwashed with the weirdest, most subjective stuff than you can imagine. Nothing can destroy a military man in his soul than the training they are getting in sensitivity training and race relations. A soldier is a soldier, no matter what the color of his skin. Blacks now can get away with murder. Bob is glad that Abishai and David never saw any of these films.

David tells Abishai to grab the water and David would carry the spear. There will be a time for killing, and Abishai will be great at it.

1Sam. 26:11 far be it from me by Jehovah, from putting forth my hand against Jehovah's anointed. And now, please take the spear at his head and the cruse of water, and we will go.

David tells Abishai to take these things; and instead, he takes them. Perhaps he just said, “Give them to me” or held out his hand for them.

There are no sentries; no one is awake. Even without a guard system, you would think that someone would wake up. God put a deep sleep on them.

David did not try to touch Saul in any way.

1Sam. 26:12 And David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's head. And they went away, and no one saw, and no one knew; and no one was awake; for all of them were sleeping, because a deep sleep from Jehovah had fallen on them.

It sounds as if David went to another mountain, went to the top of it. But David passes through the pass; the pass rises; there is a hill and this pass is between David and the bivouac. It is a chore for them to go down this path and then back up another hill. David is close enough to talk, but not close enough to be reached. This cannot be done in 2 minutes. David speaking can be heard; but there is no way he can be reached by any of Saul’‘s soldiers.

1Sam. 26:13 And David went over to the other side and stood on the top of a hill afar off, a great space between them.

There will be a very unusual reverie. He will have to call out loudly. David is smart. He is very close, enough to be heard; but he is safely a distance away. Being noble has not made David stupid. He still has common sense. David has doctrine and common sense.

David especially wants to chew out Abner. When Abner wakes up and hears his name called, he will get on his high horse and he will hide behind his rank now. He says, “Who are you? It isn’t even dawn and we have our own trumpeter.” He chews out what is disturbing him.

1Sam. 26:14 And David cried to the people and to Abner the son of Ner, saying, Do you not answer, Abner? And Abner answered and said, Who are you that cries to the king?

So David calls back, “Who are you?” Abner is not going to take this off of anyone. David gives him a court marshal here. It may have taken them a couple hours to get into the camp. This took some time. Qal active participle.

1Sam. 26:15 And David said to Abner, Are you not a man? And who is like you in Israel? But why have you not watched over your lord the king? For one of the people came in to destroy your lord the king.

3000 regular army coming from 3 different posts in Israel. It offends David to see Abner doing such a lousy job. He has no sentry set up; no G2 force watching out and looking about.

Telling Abner he is a “son of death” is telling him that he deserves a sentence of death. David now gives Abner evidence for his incompetence.

1Sam. 26:16 This thing that you have done is not good. As Jehovah lives, because you have not watched over your master, Jehovah's anointed, you also are worthy to die [a son of death]. And now see where the king's spear is, and the cruse of water that was at his head.

Saul knew David’s voice. David use to play music for him; and they talked regularly. Saul falls back on David as his son-in-law. However, Saul already gave Michel away to another man. David recognizes the laws of divine establishment and does not depart from them under these circumstances. He will razz Abner, but he will not show disrespect to the king.

1Sam. 26:17 And Saul knew David's voice and said, Is this your voice, my son David? And David said, It is my voice, my lord, O king.

David responds. David gives a graet message to King Saul. He was objective and great. He could think under any kind of pressure. He will give the sermon across the mountain to Saul.

1Sam. 26:18 And he said, Why does my lord pursue after his servant this way? For what have I done? Or what evil is in my hand?

1Samuel 26:18-25    72David David and Saul’s Last Meeting    02/26/73 631_0065

 Gen. Patton’s speech of 13 July 1945; categories of troublemakers

A believer in supergrace carrying on a conversation with a believer in reversionism, there is really not a lot that can be said. When David says, “What have I done?” he will make a lot of divine viewpoint statements. He has an edification complex. He has also entered into supergrace.

Saul has scar tissue on the left bank of the soul from the frantic search for happiness. All that is alive and functioning in Saul’s soul is emotion.

Pursuit is in the imperfect tense; done is in the perfect tense.

1Sam. 26:18 And he said, “Why does my lord pursue after [or, persecute] his servant this way? For what have I done? Or what evil is in my hand?

v. 19 is logical with good common sense; but this is a supergrace believer speaking to a reversionist. Saul is unable to take this in, possibly because he is simply thinking of a rebuttle.

David asks, why are you pursuing me? Did God cause you to do this or did men? Some people try to justify their actions by saying, God is telling them to do it.

The food offering emphasizes the importance of the person of Jesus Christ.

Sons of Adam simply refers to people. If that is the case, the fault is with Saul and not with David. They can be motivated by various lusts or mental attitude sins. Trouble-makers always get a certain amount of discipline. There can be trouble-makers in Saul’s cabinet; he might be jealous and have certain men under him who are jealousy. They can stir each other up. Saul hates David and there are certain of his court who hate David. Some people like others, because they dislike the same people. They develop a mutual admiration society based upon this. Good or bad, the pastor of a local church is the authority of that church. 2 or more people may find that they both hate the pastor, and they develop a friendship based upon this. God deals with such troublemakers, under principles of divine justic and via the laws of divine establishment.

David indicates that he will leave the land based upon what Saul has done and that he has allowed these troublemakers to drive David out. These allies of Saul are saying to David, in effect, “Get out and go serve other gods.”

What David Is Saying

1.       This is ostracism. There are 2 qal imperatives here.

2.       This does not mean that David will become idolatrous, but that he will be separated from the land of God. It makes it seem like David is a gentile in another country worshiping false gods.

3.       Saul’s continued persecution of David will cause him to move to Philistia.

4.       This possibility is a reality based on troublemakers.

5.       Reversionism makes a person weak and troublemakers influence such a one. This is like when Harry Hopkins who had too much influence over FDR.

6.       David recognizes that this brings divine discipline to those who are guilty.

7.       This leads David to seek security in another nation.

1Sam. 26:19 And now, please let my lord the king hear the words of his servant. If Jehovah has stirred [persuaded] you up against me, let Him accept an offering [a food offering]. But if it is the sons of men, they are cursed before Jehovah. For they have driven me out today from joining myself with the inheritance of Jehovah, saying, Go, serve other gods.

David asks that he not be killed before God. Saul has come to seek a nobody. David is asking not to be driven out of his country and die in a foreign land away from God.

Saul has mobilized his army to come out and seek a flea. Saul has taken them from lands which require protection from the Philistines and he leads this great force to kill a single flea. David sees himself as a completely insignificant creature.

David as a Flea

1.       David is not referring to himself as insignificant in the plan of God; he is insignificant as an enemy of Saul. He is not even an enemy of Saul.

2.       A flea hops from one plce to another and is hard to kill. Saul is running around after a flea, which is very hard to find. Saul is spending all of his time going after one flea. David twice uses flea with Saul, here and in another passage.

3.       A flea is also an irritant. Saul has added to his many problems an added irritant.

4.       We can all understand that one flea is a real problem and many fleas not so bad.

The partridge is a game bird and it makes a “curay” call and it is an excellent game bird. No shot guns or hunting dogs. The birds were pursued until the birds were tired. You needed people who could wear out the birds. Then the runners stop running and they point. Then the stalkers come in and get very close. They have a throw stick, a weapon, which they throw at the bird, which stuns the bird. There is the advantage that no one eats buckshot in the pan. They will come in for the kill, and there is too much time and manpower wasted on coming after David.

There is also some sarcasm in all of this.

1Sam. 26:20 And now, let not my blood fall to the earth before the face of Jehovah. For the king of Israel has come out to seek a flea, as when one hunts a partridge in the mountains.

Saul responds. We get the gist of what he says. “I have sinned.” Saul’s emotions are the result of emotional revolt. What he says sounds good; but it does not mean very much. David is a little leery of this.

Then Saul invites David to return. Come to the palace, and I will no longer cause you any evil.

Saul, His Sincerity and Emotional Revolt

1.       Saul is sincere in what he says. He is emotional sincerity and emotion are meaningless.

2.       Sincerity and emotion are meaningless, particularly is there is nothing which sustains them. The revolt in Saul’s soul is against his right lobe.

3.       No doctrine in the right lobe means reversionism.

4.       This means emotional revolt of the soul.

5.       Emotional revolt of the soul is an expression of sincerity and motivation which will not last until the sun goes down.

6.       People who live by their emotions are totally unstable and have no capacity for life or love. Some of you girls would like Saul. He was a big tall handsome man with a lot of power. Many of you would have fallen for Saul. Some of you men might have gotten into a business deal with Saul. You cannot rely upon those in emotional revolt. They are impulsive.

7.       Emotionalism is a sign of no capacity for life; Rom. 16:17–18 separate from them and the greatest Bible teaching in the world will not reach emotional people.

Just because a person says something you want to hear, doesn’t mean that it means anything.

Saul further says, “I have played the fool.” He says that he has erred, which means to fail through ignorance. The adverb means that he compounded his sin to the maximum.


1.       An impressive confession which loses its means through the instability of reversionism. Many of you want to hear this from someone who allegedly has wronged you. Both armies can hear this.

2.       Sincerity is a sign of emotional revolt.

3.       Therefore, while beautifully expressed, this sincerity cannot be trusted.

4.       Reversionism is characterized by impulsive behavior which causes the impulsive believer to sink back into his old ways.

5.       Before Saul’s words can have meaning, reversionism must be broken.

6.       Doctrine in the soul’s right lobe rather than sincerity must motivate stability. Reality and stability must reside in doctrine in the soul.

7.       Sincerity is not a virtue. Saul is a dishonest person. Such people are dishonest with themselves. What Saul says is beautiful but it is a strap on. If David went to the palace, he would be killed.

8.       This does not change anything about Saul. Only doctrine in the soul leads to reversionism recovery. You can see why David will not believe him and not trust him, but will flee from the land.

1Sam. 26:21 And Saul said, “I have sinned. Return, my son David, for I will never do you harm any more, because my life was precious in your eyes this day. Behold, I have acted foolishly, and have greatly erred.

There is a path down to the bottom, down a hill, and this might take 2 or 3 hours to get from one mountain to the next. Âbvar means to pass through the valley.

1Sam. 26:22 And David answered and said, Behold the king's spear! And let one of the young men come over and get it.

David is speaking and he uses the word shub, which he puts in the Hiphil, not in the Qal, as Saul used it.

David is essentially saying, let the Lord judge between us. David does not rationalize here. He has so much doctrine in his soul. Even when it looked like it was God’s will to kill, it was not. David understands the laws of divine establishment. He would not stretch out his hands against the Lord’s anointed. The supergrace believer is obedient to the laws of divine establishment. This is why a believer respects the authority of his pastor, a boss, or a ruler, or a leader. This is not degrading; this is nobility. David had to learn authority before he could exercise authority.

1Sam. 26:23 May Jehovah give [repay] to each his righteousness and his faithfulness. For Jehovah delivered you into my hand today, but I would not stretch forth my hand against Jehovah's anointed.

David asks for Saul to respect him and his life just as David respect his. It is wrong to assassinate.

1Sam. 26:24 And behold, as your life was precious in my eyes this day, so let my life be precious in the eyes of Jehovah, and let Him deliver me out of all tribulation.

Saul will take the last word. He does not have the ability to bless David. Only God can bless and God decides whom to bless. We cannot decide whom God ought to bless. No one has this right. God only has this right and He does so on the basis of His sovereignty. Bob sneezes. “And don’t say, God bless you.” Only God has the right to call the shots.

1Sam. 26:25 And Saul said to David, Blessed are you, my son David. You shall both do great things and also shall still prevail. So David went on his way, and Saul returned to his place.

Saul and David’s Last Meeting

1.       Saul and David will never see each other again in life.

2.       Next time they meet will be in heaven.

3.       The tragedy is that David’s supergrace made no impression on Saul. It impressed Saul’s emotions, but not on his volition.

4.       Saul was challenged by David’s gracious invite to return to supergrace.

5.       Saul only returned to his palace.

6.       Saul did not profit by association with a supergrace believer.

7.       Only Bible doctrine in Saul’s soul could rectify this situation. Saul was not so stimulated. Therefore, he will continue to ignore the laws of divine establishment and to do more foolish things until he dies at Mount Gilboa.

There are things which have been ignored in our day.

General Patton 13July 1945:

You men have just won a great war. You won it because you were better trained, better equipped, better clothed and better fed than any soldier in the history of the world. I wonder if you realize how great you really are. I spoke to every unit that I could reach. I taught you in Bible of the best way to defeat the enemy in every circumstance. We killed or wounded 10 Germans for every American killed or wounded. I would instruct you how to save your lives and the lives of your children. I realize that I will be criticized. My conscience will be clearer that I have done my duty. That was ingrained in his own conscience.

it is certain that the two world wars would not have occurred if we had been prepared. Adequate preparation would have kept us out of many wars or made them shorter. After each of our wars, there is this hew and cry that there will be no more wars. We think we can remove the fire department and, therefore, remove the fire. Wars are not produced by logical processes. Wars come from madmen. I do not say that there will be no more wars. The chances of avoiding future wars will be enhanced by having a strong military. A prepared America is a strong boy. A small boy gets into many fights. Preparedness must be mental, spiritual and physical. Our efforts can only be partially successful.

You know how difficult it was to adjust to war if you believed that there would be no more war. Twice in my lifetime that America has come from behind to win great wars. I know that progress in aircraft and self-propelled aircraft could result in an early knockout.

When I went to school, we were taught how to walk out of the building in an orderly manner. This did not cause fires. If we think that preparedness produces wars, then we ought not to have children learn the proper way to exit the school in case of a fire.

I am sure that you have found out that discipline, self-reliance and faith are necessary in the army. These are just as important in the civil life. Firemen are designed to protect from fires. You men are firemen and it is up to you to see that more fires do not occur.

I speak to you as an old man to young men. It is my profound hope that you, in times of peace, prepare for war, as Geo Washington said.

1Samuel 26                  Psalm 7:1-5; 2Peter 2:15-19 72David                       631_0066

02/27/1973 Psalm of Saul’s reversionism; Sherman’s march to Atlanta

This is the psalm of Saul the reversionist. Apparently, people want us to have a 2nd class military; this is why the dvid series is pertinent.

The Gurkhas are a famous group of Indians which the British have used for years. They have a special knife only they can use and they do not know the meaning of fear. There was an offer to jump out of a plane at 500 ft. and all but 6 came forward. Then they mentioned the parachutes and the other 6 stepped forward smiling broadly.

Sherman’s march was almost unopposed and it occurred during a time of great Confederate crisis. There was no army which opposed Sherman; only women and children. This represented federal power to smash things.

A graphic description of what Sherman did.

All of v. 1 is the title. Shiggaiown. This is based on the verb shaga, which means to wander around, to go astray; this could be called the going astray of King Saul. There are two concepts here; going astray and madness. Bob calls this a Dithyramb of madness. This is a perfect description of Saul.

The subject is Cush the Benjamite. This can mean black, terror and it can refer to the black heart of Saul. He is a reversionist who will not repent anymore than the Cush. This could be a play on words, as Cush is very similar to Kish.


1.       This refers to the false doctrines in the reversionist’s soul. The vacuum which sucks in false doctrine. No believer can be demon-possessed, but they can become demon-influenced.

2.       Saul’s reversionism has reached a point of psychosis. That is why we had madness in the title.

3.       Reversionism and the practice of reverse process reversionism often means the emergence of a psychopathic personality.

4.       This in turn leads to a definite psychosis or neurosis.

5.       Such reversionist lose their common sense and sense of humor and discernment. These are shed rapid.

6.       This principle has a counterpart in Baalim.

7.       The categories of reversionist:

          1)       Phallic reversionism. Eph. 4:19 5:5 Rev. 2:20

          2)       Phallic reversionism.

          3)       Monetary reversionism.

          4)       Drug addiction reversionism. From the word pharmacheia.

          5)       Anti-establishment reversionism. Hippy reversionism.

          6)       Mental attitude reversionism. James 4

          7)       Verbal reversionism. James 5:9, 12

          8)       Mental illness reversionism. Baalim and King Saul. They are both believers. Most commentators cannot explain away their psychotic behavior. 2Peter 2:15 By practice leaving behind (abandoning) [the] straight path (road; Way) they were (are) led astray (caused to wander), following out the path (road; way) of Balaam of Bosor [other MSS: Beor] who loved [the] wage of injustice (inequity; wrong-doing; unrighteousness; unobservance of the Way pointed out). But he had an exposure and rebuke leading to conviction regarding his own transgression of law: a voiceless yoke-animal, emitting a sound in a voice of a man, hindered (checked) the insanity (madness; being beside one's thinking) of the prophet. These are (exist being) waterless springs (springs without water), and clouds (mists; fogs) being constantly driven by (under) a storm (a squall), for whom the gloom of the darkness has been kept (being watched over and guarded). For, continuously uttering over-swollen (over-weighted; extravagant; pompous) things pertaining to emptiness (vanity; futility), they are constantly using bait to trap, in cravings (full passions) of flesh by outrageous (licentious) behavior, those scarcely [other MSS: actually] fleeing from the ones habitually twisting themselves up in deception (in wandering); while constantly promising freedom (liberty) to them, they themselves continuously subsist (originate below) being slaves of the corruption (the ruin; the decay) -- for by whom (or, by what) anyone has been, and now exists being, made inferior (less), to this one (by this thing) he has [some MSS +: also] been enslaved, and now exists as a slave. For if, fleeing from the stains (pollution; defilements) of the ordered system (world), within a full experiential knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but yet being interwoven (intertwined) back again in (by) these things, they are continuing to be inferior (less; or, they are repeatedly worsted), the last things (situations; conditions) have come to be (been birthed) for them (to them; in them) worse than the first ones.

Doctrine of Reversionism


1.       This doctrine must be viewed in harmony with other doctrines such as the SAJG, MAJG, Rebound, Eternal Security, Volition, etc.

2.       Failure to correctly understand these doctrines have led to many distortions concerning the concept of reversionism, to include those who say you can loose your salvation.

3.       The corresponding doctrine that relates directly to and parallel to reversionism is volition (free will that resides in the soul), which categorizes volition as being either:

          1)       Negative (-V): that soul which chooses to reject/deny the truth of God's plan, as it relates to the three adjustments required for men to have a relationship with God:

                     (1)      The Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God (SAJG), which requires faith/belief in the Person of Jesus Christ for salvation from eternal condemnation. Joh.1:12; 3:16,36; Rom.10:13

                     (2)      The Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God (RBAJG), which is the mechanics for the believer in time to deal with the continued issue of experiential sin in the life. 1Joh.1:9 cp. 1Cor.11:31

                     (3)      The Maturity adjustment to the Justice of God (MAJG), which is to be the believers most pressing responsibility and ultimate goal in life and an adjustment necessary to maximize their relationship with God and eternal niche. Eph.4:14-15; 1Pet.2:1-2; 2Pet.3:18

Positive (+V): that soul which chooses to believe the truth of BD and apply it as it relates to the three adjustments to God

4.       This doctrine deals with the principle of -V and their corresponding actions of regression/degeneration (sometimes referred to as "backsliding") as it relates to the Plan of God (POG).

B. Reversionism portrays a manifestation of -V sufficient to nullify continued spiritual advancements necessary for the individual to pursue making the adjustments to the Justice of God.

C. While volition is generally categorized as to its ultimate outcome i.e.:

1. All unbelievers by definition are -V;

2. All believers are positive (+V) at least once in their lifetime;

3. All believers who make the MAJG and hold to the end are +V believers;

4. All believers who do not make the MAJG and hold to the end are -V believers;

This doctrine dissects volition as to its degrees and fluctuations of expression of being +V or -V, as it relates to the exposure and reactions to the truth of BD during the individual's lifetime.

A. In other words, reversionism is a current spiritual state at any time during the individual's life that if perpetuated to the end of life, places that volition into one of the general -V categories of ultimate outcome.

B. Therefore it serves as the basis/foundation to view volition in the above general ultimate outcome categories.

C. But this does not mean that one who is in reversionism will ipso facto always result in an end state of -V.

D. That is because the nature of volition (free will) demands that one can change their mind (repent) at any time during their life and those who are -V can turn +V and vice versa.

E. Therefore one can be +V, enter into a state of reversionism more than once and in different categories of reversionism (manifesting -V to some degree), pull out and ultimately still be +V.

F. By definition, reversionism is simply a return, as to a former state.

G. For one to be a reversionist then, it obviously requires that they have been exposed to the truth of BD to some degree and have advanced their thinking in that regard.

H. It serves in part, to answer why there are believers who do not continue their phase two (Ph2) advance (RB and MAJG) in BD.

I. It also refutes the classical Calvinism's false doctrine of perseverance of the saints (all people who become believers will excel and pan out spiritually).

J. It must be understood that reversionism is sin (carnality) activity that is perpetuated and is differentiated from incidental/basic sinning as described in Jam.1:13-15; 3:2; cp. Ecc.7:20

K. Therefore, reversionism is distinct from carnality in that it pictures a specific state of perpetuated carnality.

L. It also must be understood that sin activity is not limited to the typical physical view of immorality (lying, lusting, adultery, murder, etc.), but also includes apostasy (rejection or distortion) of BD. Deu.6:14 (other systems of worship) cp. 12:30; 1Kgs.11:6; Psa.89:30-32; Joh.16:9 (sin of unbelief); 2Cor.4:2; 2Thess.2:3 (ref. to the anti-christ and his reign of spiritual rebellion)

I. The concept of reversionism in the Bible.

A. There is no specific or technical term for reversionism in either the Old or New Testament.

B. However, various terms and phrases are used to clearly express its concept.

C. Such terms and phrases include:

1. Turned aside. Job.23:11; 34:27; Mal.2:8; 3:7; 1Tim.1:6; 5:15

2. Turned away. 1Kgs.11:9; 2Chr.25:27; Isa.1:4; Jer.8:5

3. Turned back. 1Sam.15:11; Psa.44:18; 78:57; Jer.11:10; Zep.1:6; Act.7:39

4. Abandoned. 2Chr.24:18; Isa.1:4

5. Departed. Job.23:12; Psa.18:21; Jer.5:23

6. Forsake the Lord. Jos.24:16,20; Isa.1:28; Jer.2:19

7. Fall away. Psa.101:3; Mar.4:17; 1Tim.4:1; Rev.2:5

8. Wandered away. 1Tim.6:10

9. Fallen from grace. Gal.5:4

10. Comes short of grace. Heb.12:15

11. Lukewarm. Rev.3:16

12. Enemies of the cross. Phi.3:18

13. Uncircumcised heart. Jer.9:25,26

14. Tormented/tortured soul. 2Pet.2:7-8

15. Unstable souls. 2Pet.2:14

16. Leaving your first love. Rev.2:4


I. Reversionism and the unbeliever.

A. Reversionism is directly linked in some degree to -V.

B. In other words, all that are negative are in some form of reversionism and all who are in reversionism are negative to some aspect of BD.

C. All of mankind is exposed to the truth that God exists at the point and time of their God consciousness. Rom.1:18-21 (See Doctrine of God Consciousness)

D. It is at that point and time in the individual's life that they manifest their volition as negative or positive and become accountable before God.

E. Those who are negative at God consciousness choose not to have a relationship with God and will not even make the SAJG in time.

F. However, it is not because they don't understand that God exists, but reject the light for darkness i.e., they are negative. Rom.1:21 cp. Joh.3:19

G. Those who are negative at God consciousness therefore reject or distort the manifestation/revelation of God, stop any further spiritual advancement towards the three adjustments and revert to the cosmic system of belief. Rom.1:25

H. Because they are negative at God consciousness, they perpetuate the sin of unbelief throughout the entirety of their life.

I. In turn, they manifest reversionism to its ultimate degree of -V as seen in the unbridled STA activity they produce. Rom.1:24,26-32

J. Unbelievers by definition therefore, enter into reversionism at God consciousness, never to recover and inhibiting any advance to the adjustments of God.

K. Those unbelievers who are evangelized and hear BD in time become even more culpable after their rejection of the truth and enter into a higher degree of reversionism than even before. 2Pet.2:18:22

1. This chapter deals with the principle of false prophets and teachers. vs.1

2. Of the false communicators in the cosmos, there are those who are believers introducing destructive heresies and even unbelievers whom deny Christ.

3. In addition, the author is dealing with false communicators who are using some guise of Christianity/BD as their basis of heresy compared to Hinduism or other pagan religions as seen by the mention of Balaam. vs.15-16 cp. Num.22

4. The entirety of this chapter encompasses principles that exude an admixture of application to both types of false communicators that includes both temporal judgment (vss.5,6) and for the unbelievers, eternal judgment (vs.17 cp. Jud.1:13 where "black darkness" = eternal condemnation).

5. Vs.18 shows a distinction of the unbelievers from those who have barely escaped from their error (believers).

6. Vs.19 reflects the error of the unbeliever who thinks that operating under their STAs is freedom. (See Doctrine of the STA/OSN)

7. Vss.20-22 ends the chapter with language that can be applied equally to the unbeliever and believer, therefore tying all that he has said about false communicators together.

8. Vs.20 then, as applied to unbelievers, denotes those who have heard the truth of BD (the knowledge of the Lord to include the gospel and obviously promotes establishment principles and reveals their STA activity), and their rejection of the truth throws them deeper into their reversionism.

9. It can be equally applied to reversionistic believers.

10. Vs.21 explains that those unbelievers (and believers) who fall into this category can expect more severe wrath in time for their reversionistic activities due to their increased culpability.

11. That both believers and unbelievers are in view is brought out under the proverbs of vs.22.

12. What is noted is that the author states, "It has happened to them (false communicators) according to the true proverb/paroimi,aj - g/f/singular or one proverb" , however he quotes two proverbs.

13. This language is intentional to denote that each proverb has its appropriate application as to both the unbelievers and the believers.

14. It is the first proverb, "a dog returns to its own vomit", that is applied to the reversionistic unbeliever.

a. Dogs represent unbelievers. Psa.22:16; Mat.7:15; Rev.22:15

b. Of the two proverbs, it is the most disgusting and despicable.

c. The action of the dog vomiting and returning denotes one who by their own accord separate from STA activity and said separation was at best, very temporal and did nothing to truly abolish any of that activity.

d. Therefore, the dog regurgitation reflects the temporary stirring of the conscience and halt of STA activity that exposure to the truth produces.

e. The return to their former state reflects their -V to the truth, a return to the lies and a searing of the conscience. Cp. 1Tim.4:2

f. This proverb is compared to the 2nd proverb i.e., the sow that was washed and then returned to the mire.

g. The second proverb denotes a cleansing (salvation) action, and hence is applied to the reversionistic believer.

h. In either case, the temporal results and judgment for both reversionists are the same, though the eternal outcome is quite distinct.

I. Reversionism and the believer.

A. Reversionism as applied to the believer is one of the least pleasant doctrines that the adjusted +V believer must face.

B. Yet, it is key for the believer to apply discernment with regard to their own spiritual momentum and to applying important doctrines such as Separation. 1Cor.15:33

C. Reversionism for the believer in no way teaches or implies a loss of salvation.

D. However, it does teach that the believer is no longer advancing spiritually and is in fact in a state of spiritual regression.

E. While this does not affect the Ph1 salvation (1st adjustment to God) status of any believer, it does affect their Ph2 (2nd and 3rd adjustments to God), which ultimately affects their Ph3 (eternal) status. See Doctrine of Surpassing Grace/SG3.

F. Reversionism for the believer is paramount to reverting to the pre-salvation status quo lifestyle via failure to isolate the STA (Eph.4:22), as the Exodus generation serve as an example:

1. As believers (Cp. 1Cor.10:2), they were denied entry into spiritual maturity because of their rejection to the truth of BD and failure to apply. Heb.3:18-19 (rest = MAJG and holding to the end or maximum blessing in time cp. 4:5-6); cp. 3:9a

2. This allows the STA to consistently occupy the position of rulership. Heb.3:12-13

3. It places oneself on the retribution side of God's justice and leads into the SUD. Heb.3:17

A. Therefore, a reversionistic believer is one who fails to apply certain (one to all) dictates of Ph2 doctrine necessary to make the MAJG, perpetuates this failure in time, which produces a perpetual state of carnality (sin activity) in that area, thus placing himself in a position of God's judgment.

B. Again, reversionism is carnality perpetuated.

1. It is not incidental sinning as described by James. Jam.1:13-15

2. All believers continue to posses the I/STA and commit personal sins to include immorality, false doctrine and human good, after salvation. 1Joh.1:8-10

3. The divine provision to neutralize sin, based on the work of Christ, is the rebound (RB) technique that provides cleansing and restores the believer to fellowship. 1Joh.1:9

4. Because of the lack of adequate knowledge or rejection/distortion of BD and failure to apply, the believer fails to identify and deal with the STA and its activities resulting in a state of perpetuated carnality versus incidental sinning. Hos.4:6 cp. Ecc.7:20

A. Since RB is the only prescription provided by God for men to effectively deal with sin in the life, then all believers (and churches) who do not adhere to this principle are of necessity in reversionism.

B. The more complicated analysis of Christian reversionists comes from those who do apply RB and by virtue of are qualified to make the MAJG. Rom.8:3-8; Gal.5:16-18

C. As stated, the reversionist is on the judgment side of God's righteousness (+R) rather than the blessing side.

D. Therefore, the reversionist has ceased to advance and as long as they remain in that state, the MAJG is no longer possible for them to achieve.

E. Even those who have made the MAJG and fall into reversionism have neutralized any possibility of completing their course and obtaining the wreath (2Tim.4:7-8), though as with all believers who have engaged in Divine good production, will not forfeit whatever SG3 they've accumulated to date. Heb.6:10

F. To further analyze what constitutes reversionism (perpetuated state of carnality), we can defer to the law of leprosy under the Law that taught incidental sin versus reversionism as a type. Lev.13-14

1. Various skin disorders were possible due to such things as swelling, scabs/scaling, boils, burning of the skin, skin discoloration or even simple infections. 13:2,18,24,29

2. Not only was the human epidermis an issue under this law, but also the individuals clothing and homes. 13:47; 14:34,55

3. The priests were responsible to monitor such problems and make decisions with regard to the subject in question. 13:3,8,10,20,25,30,39, etc.; 14:37,39,etc.

4. He was to determine if the disorder was something as simple as eczema or a dirty stain or something more serious such as leprosy/mold.

5. Leprosy on the human skin could be readily recognized in some cases and the individual was immediately rendered unclean, pronouncement of that fact was made and separation occurred as long as he/she remained in that condition. 13:45-46

6. However, there is a case of "sleeping/old/chronic leprosy" that though it renders the individual unclean, it is not grounds for isolation. 13:9-17

7. In the cases of the clothing and homes, even if the affected area is declared as leprosy, it always was quarantined first to determine if it would spread before further action was taken. 13:47 cp. 50-51; 14:35 cp.37-38

8. In the cases of skin disorders not clearly leprosy, in all cases the priest was not to rush through the process of declaring it unclean, but was to give it a prescribed time of observance to determine the true nature of the case before him. 13:4-8, etc.

9. In the cases of clothing and homes, if the mold spreads the garment is burned and the infected area of the home is replaced with a thorough cleansing of the rest of the house. 13:51-52; 14:39-42

10. In the case of the home, if the leprosy reappears, the house is immediately destroyed. 14:43-45

11. Anyone who came into contact with a leper or leprous house contracted ceremonial uncleanness. 14:46

12. There was no human method for healing the leper, but God could and did cure people of this malady. 14:1-9; etc.

13. The significance explained regarding leprosy:

a. The priest is a typical +V-advancing believer who possesses discernment in spiritual matters.

b. Leprosy is a type of reversionism and renders the believer unclean and off limits to other +V believers. 13:36

c. While some leprosy is immediately obvious (believers who forsake their assembly in the local church as example), there are some potentially leprous cases not readily discernable as noted by the common skin disorders.

d. Though they may be superficial (incidental sinning) and there is no immediate cause for alarm, the adjusted believer is to remain aloof and wary when repetitive sin activity manifests itself, as to its ultimate direction. Rom.16:17

e. That is because incidental sinning can easily become a full-blown STA problem, an area which, we can never be too careful. Heb.12:1

f. The case of the "sleeping" leprosy points to the fact that there are some forms of reversionism that though they render the individual unclean and individually we are to separate/remain aloof from them, it is not grounds for corporate separation. 2Thess.3:6,14

g. One could contact leprosy through various means:

1. The basic bodily problems speak of the individual entering reversionism of their own accord.

2. The infectionous skin and scabs teaches that STA activity can arise at any time due to just simple failure of succumbing to any temptation the believer may face in life. 13:3-8

3. The raw flesh denotes that there are specific STA patterns that though may lie dormant for a period, can salivate at any time and cause reversionism. 13:9-17

4. Divine discipline (DD) could cause one to react and go off into reversionism as taught by the boil. 13:18ff

5. The skin being burned by fire teaches that believers can react to their testing and become a reversionist. 13:24ff

6. Leprosy that occurred on the face or forehead symbolized reversionism due to arrogance and rejection of authority. 13:29,42

7. In these cases, when reversionism is not clear, the adjusted believer is to be wary and put the situation in God's hands and let time reveal the ultimate outcome.

8. Leprosy in clothing represented reversionism due to the pursuit of the details of life (legitimate things).

9. In this type of reversionism, the infected believer is obviously not adhering to MPR due to the pursuit of the details in life, and the adjusted believer is to bring this to their attention as God opens the door. 13:50-54

10. The adjusted believer should continue to monitor their assembly and if it deteriorates further, separate and turn them over to God until their return to Bible class. 13:55

11. They then deal with the believer according to their continued or discontinued attendance in the future. 13:56-58

12. The leprosy in the house represents God's judgment on a family for maximum violations of reversionism. 14:33

13. Those who are engaged in gross reversionism and part of the household of the faith (the local church) are to be given opportunity to clean up their act and if they do not, the church corporately is to separate and turn them over for their destruction. 14:34ff cp. ex. of the incestuous Corinthian 1Cor.5:1-7

14. The particulars of the cleansing process speak of RB via the person and work of Christ. 14:1ff

A. Though the law of leprosy gives insight that some reversionism is immediately obvious compared to incidental sinning that only need to be watched, some primary causes for reversionism and the appropriate measures of separation that are to occur, full discernment comes from recognizing the categories of reversionism.

I. Categories of reversionism.

A. There are as many possible categories of reversionism as there are areas of sinning.

B. For purposes of this doctrine, a list of the most prevalent and major areas of reversionism, common among believers, will be addressed.

C. Mental attitude sin (MAS) reversionism:

1. While mental attitude sins are the least obvious, it is readily recognized that they are the basis for various verbal and overt sin activity.

2. MAS's explain why some believers who may not overtly look as if they are in reversionism (go to church, do good, establishment oriented, etc.), are indeed reversionists.

3. Any believer who fails to recognize and deal with MAS that plagues them can become a reversionist.

4. Such sins include:

a. Anger. Gen.49:6-7

b. Bitterness. Act.8:23

c. Deceit. Gen.29:25 cp. 31:41

d. Envy/jealousy. Act.7:9 cf. Gen.37

e. Fear/worry. Mat.10:28 cp. 6:27

f. Hatred. Gen.37:4-8

g. -R Judging. Rom.14:3-13 cp. Joh.7:24

h. Pride/arrogance. 2Chr.26:16 cp. 4-5

i. Lust. Mat.5:28

j. Rebellion. 1Sam.15:22-23

A. Verbal sin (V/S) reversionism:

1. Verbal sinning does not exist apart from some MAS that prompts it.

2. Believers who fail to deal with MAS are likewise candidates to become V/S reversionists.

3. Areas of verbal sinning include:

a. Lying. Act.5:3

b. Flattery. Pro.26:28; Rom.16:18

c. Gossiping/busybodies. 1Tim.5:13

d. Slandering/maligning. 1Cor.5:11

e. Boasting. Jam.3:5; Dan.7:8,20

f. Cursing (not idiomatic language)/desire for revenge. Jam.3:8-10

g. Blasphemy (distortion of BD). 1Tim.1:20

h. Grumbling/complaining. Phi.2:14; Jam.5:9

A. Overt forms of reversionism:

1. These areas of reversionism are usually the most immediately perceptible among Christians.

2. While the areas mentioned could take on numerous forms of manifestation, we categorize them under the primary form of purpose of reversionism.

3. This would include:

a. Monetary. 1Cor.5:11 (swindler); 1Tim.6:9-10

b. Sexual/Phallic. 1Cor.5:11; 6:9

c. Addictive (drug addicts/alcoholics). 1Cor.5:11; Gal.5:20 (sorcery/farmakei,a/drug activity)

d. Criminal and anti-establishment (wanna be hippies/gangsters). Rom.13:1-7; 1Pet.4:15

e. Religious (includes those who follow traditions of men, denominationalism, liberals, legalists, ritualists, etc.). Mar.7:6-8; 1Cor.5:11; Rom.16:17-18; 1Tim.4:1ff; 2Tim.2:16-18; 3:5-8; 4:3-4; 2Pet.2; Rev.17

I. The process and stages of reversionism.

A. There are certain factors that contribute to reversionism.

1. Lack of an adequate frame of reference with regard to the STA and what constitutes personal sinning. Hos.4:6; Pro.1:1-6, 32-33; 2:10-22; 1Tim.1:8-9

2. Failure to deal with the STA with RB. 1Joh.1:9

a. Failure to RB produces darkness. 1Joh.1:6-7; Psa.32

b. Failure to RB is only rationalization and deception of the STA. 1Joh.1:8,10

1. Other factors that cause us to react to BD, testing, one's niche, etc., known as reactor factors:

a. Frustration (comes from impatience and failure to faith-rest).

b. Boredom (maladjusted to one's niche).

c. Self-pity (this is blasphemy because you are saying God is not taking care of the situation).

d. Loneliness/four walls test.

e. Discouragement (reflects self-pity and seeks for a change of environment).

f. Disillusionment (approaches BD with preconceived human viewpoint).

g. MAS's of jealousy, fear, revenge, hatred, etc.

h. Social rejection (pressure that comes from applying separation, MPR and other doctrine).

i. Rebellion (reacting to authority because they put you in your place and insist your obedience).

1. These can occur in any area of our life including: RM/RW, family, friends, job, finances, social life, details, etc.

2. One must identify these tendencies and deal with them expediently with BD and RB rather than taking the next step toward reversionism.

3. Bible class is a definite must during times of difficulty in order that one continually be confronted with the truth and forced to deal with the STA.

4. Understand that reversionism can befall any believer with no regard for the amount of time that he/she has been exposed to the truth. Mar.4:16-19; Heb.6:4-8

A. If these factors dig in and are not dealt with, the next step for the reversionist is the frantic search for happiness.

1. Upon reaction to one's situation(s), a common STA alternative is for one to seek relief through some source other than doctrine.

2. They abandon their position of humility and waiting on God and begin to pursue things in order to bring happiness to themselves. 1Pet.5:6-7

3. They further rationalize their reactions with such ideas as:

a. Indifference/don't care syndrome.

b. I deserve more in life than this.

c. Is all this sacrifice and pressure worth it?

d. If God were for me, things would be better.

e. Why can't I ever get what I want?

f. What I am pursuing isn't sinful and therefore legitimate.

g. What I am doing isn't rewarding me the way I think it ought to.

h. Fighting the fight is too hard, so I'm too tired for Bible class.

i. I have everything I need physically in life so I'm going to go out and enjoy it (can't handle prosperity test).

j. Conflict with other believers and rationalization in that regard.

k. It's too damn cold in Cleveland to serve God.

A. God intervenes on the believer's behalf under the principle of Divine discipline (DD).

1. The frantic search for happiness (FSH) (which goes along with CHPs - common human problems), manifests a move to arrogance under the STA and brings DD into the life. Jam.4:4-7 cp. Heb.12:5-13

2. The believer begins to suffer various reversals in his personal life such as family life and business ventures. Note the pattern of Jacob. Gen.29, 30

3. The first stages of DD are called warning discipline, which will continue to intensify if the believer does not begin to move toward recovery. Heb.12:12-13

4. The intensification of DD continues for the believer who does not reject the STA path they are on, move back to the doctrinal approach to life, ultimately ending with the sin unto death (SUD). Rev.2:21-22 cf. Lev.26:14-39; Mic.2:1-3; 1Joh.5:16

5. The SUD occurs when God kills the offending believer because they will not recover. Rev.2:23 cp. Gen.35:16-20; 1Chr.10:13-14

A. There is continued intensification of the process.

1. If the believer does not heed the warning signs and DD and deal with their problem, this pattern repeats and intensifies.

2. Further sinning under the STA brings further discipline.

3. This can further irritate and provoke the believer under their STA, hence intensifying the reactions.

4. During this time, one may observe a believer engaging in activities once they previously considered repugnant. 1Sam.28:7ff

5. Those whom they previously considered off-limits as God's enemies now become the associates of the reversionist. Gen.13:12-13

A. During this period, one will experience emotional control/revolt of the soul.

1. The believer who embarks upon the path of reversionism yields control of the soul to the STA more and more during the decline.

2. When the STA is in the position of rulership (versus the other potential ruler - H.S.), the body rules the soul resulting in STA reactions becoming the norm to various stimuli.

3. The emotions are ruled and colored by the STA and come to have priority over doctrine, rejecting the authority of God and ruling the soul.

4. This emotional revolt results in wide emotional swings and the believer becomes a slave to their emotions, which now dictate policy. Rom.16:18

5. Manifestations of emotional control of the soul include:

a. Rejection of authority (anger) (Ex. Exodus generation).

b. Blaming God (anger). Exo.16:7-8

c. Lack of faith rest (fear). Exo.14:10ff

d. Living in the past (sadness/depression). Exo.14:12

e. Severe mood swings (women). Num.14:1,39-40

f. Complaining (most of us - self-pity). Exo.16:3

A. Rejection of Bible doctrine becomes automatic as the process unfolds.

1. During the process of reversionism, one can readily observe that the reversionist is not as positive to doctrine as they had previously manifested (the zeal diminishes). Heb.10:32ff

2. They rationalize their indifference with regard to intake and application of BD with various excuses.

3. Their priorities are skewed and so they do not have time to come to class, make up the tape, apply under their gift, etc.

4. However, they sure as hell have the time to read, watch TV, attend sports events, concerts, shop, work themselves to death, go to the movies, engage in other Biblically non-essentials, hang out with other reversionists, etc.

5. During this time they will manifest problems with +V adjusted believers and/or the P-T and will gravitate to other -V.

6. While all of these stages are prevalent with the reversionists, they may not be glaring by manifesting total antagonism to BD or engaging in blatant immorality, but rather are subtle and hence fall under the lukewarm type reversionism. Rev.3:16

I. The ramifications of reversionism.

A. They will experience hardening of the heart.

1. This process begins with the believer who will not respond to the DD that comes upon them for their activity. Jer.5:3,23

2. The hardened heart indicates a refusal to change their minds with regard to the issues before them. Psa.95:8ff

3. Believers who entrench themselves in their pursuits with disregard for the truth and the DD upon them will eventually face the ultimate discipline. Pro.28:14; 29:1

4. God judicially begins to harden the heart of the believer who will not turn back. Exo.7:13,22; 10:1,20,27

5. God commands the believer to not harden his heart and when he does it provokes God to anger. Heb.3:8,15

6. While DD is designed to soften +V and get him/her to repent regarding reversionism, it has a hardening effect upon those who choose to go or are -V ultimately. Heb.12:11

A. The hardening of the heart leads to scar tissue on the soul.

1. The hardening process leads to other problems for both the believer and unbeliever. Eph.4:18; Heb.3:13

2. The conscience is that area of the soul/BC that is programmed with the norms and standards of righteousness. Rom.2:14-15

3. Following the dictates of BD that reinforces the conscience and living by those standards produces those said to have a good conscience. 1Tim.1:19

4. Scar tissue of the soul comes about as a result of a believer who rejects BD and the good conscience and rationalizes their pursuit of that which is forbidden. Eph.4:19

5. As one violates a norm of God on a repeated basis without compunction/apprehension, they build up a callus or scar tissue over that standard and eventually that standard no longer functions or has it purposed effect. Ti.1:15

6. This can progress to such a degree that individuals can engage in heinous sins such as murder and yet have absolutely no remorse.

7. Each norm is likened to a spiritual nerve ending and sin irritates that nerve, however repetitive disregard to the irritation and consistent exposure of the nerve to sin eventually desensitizes it and it no longer functions as a pain receptor. 1Tim.4:1-2

8. For the ultimately +V believer in reversionism with scar tissue that wants to get back with the program, the scar tissue is removed, a painful procedure called lu,ph/sorrow. 2Cor.2:6-7 of the incestuous Corinthian.

A. Objects become reversed for the reversionist.

1. Those who engage in the reversionism process will eventually find that objects become reversed in their thinking.

2. That which used to be acceptable and right to the positive believer becomes unacceptable and rejected by the reversionist. Psa.36:4; 52:3

3. They fall into the good is evil and evil is good syndrome. Isa.5:20

4. They become antagonistic to +V adjusted believers in some fashion. Mic.3:2

5. Such activity is obviously an affront to the Lord. Mal.2:17

A. Under reversionism the believer opens wide the door to false teachings.

1. As this process continues to intensify and escalate, the believer is exposed to teachings and concepts other than sound Divine viewpoint.

2. Just as nature abhors a vacuum and eventually fills that void, so spiritual vacuums that are produced by the rejection of the light are eventually filled with darkness. Rom.1:21

3. As the believer pursues his self-chosen course away from the Lord, he is plunged deeper and deeper into the darkness of error. Pro.2:13

4. The soul sucks in the human viewpoint darkness and the doctrines of demons that desire to enslave mankind under darkness. Eph.6:12; 1Tim.4:1ff

5. False doctrines that at one point would have been rejected and ridiculed are now accepted and embraced, bringing further discipline and misery.

6. They truly are as the proverb states, a sow washed and then returns to wallow in the mud. 2Pet.2:22

A. The reversionist will experience mental instability.

1. Logically, spiritual instability will result in various forms of mental instability.

2. Reversionists eventually enter into various forms of psychosis and mental aberrations/abnormalities, depending upon the degree and type of spiritual insanity that rules their lives.

3. God promised this for those who take the road of reversionism. Deu.28:28

4. Mankind overall is basically insane due to -V and only the principles of doctrine deliver us from the same mental derangement(s) that falls upon them. Ecc.9:3

5. The insanity of the reversionist is demonstrated by:

a. The Exodus generation.

b. Balaam. 2Pet.2:15-16

c. Saul. 1Sam.16:14,23; 18:8-11; etc.

d. Nebuchadnezzar (unbeliever who became a believer). Dan.4:30-32,34

I. The two possible outcomes of reversionism.

A. Reversion recovery.

1. The directive will of God is for the believer to avoid this status; however, for those who are in reversionism and if one might fall into reversionism, the will of God is for them to recover spiritually and resume their position on the glory road.

2. This is obvious due to the various ways that believers are commanded to avoid reversionism.

a. Let us not sleep. 1The.5:6

b. Let us be sober. 1The.5:8

c. Make straight paths. Heb.12:13

d. Let us fear. Heb.4:1; 10:31

1. Similarly, there are calls to recover from this state.

a. Calls to return. Gen.31:3,13; 1Sam.7:3; Isa.55:7; Joe.2:13

b. Wake up. Eph.5:14; Rev.3:2-3

c. Repent. Rev.2:5,16; 3:3,19

d. Jam.4:7-10 gives a series of commands related to reversion recovery.

1. God promises mercy for those who will return to Him. Isa.44:21-22; Jer.24:4-7; Hos.6:1

2. Some believers go through a period of reversionism and the attendant discipline and then make a full recovery.

a. Jacob. Gen.31:4

b. Samson. Jud.16:28ff; Heb.11:32

c. David. Psa.38, 51 Operation Bathsheba. Note: The incidental sins of adultery and murder placed David into the state of carnality, but that state was perpetuated through refusal to RB, not a continuation of the previous sins. Cp. Psa.32:3,5

d. Solomon. Ecclesiastes.

e. The Jews. Jer.31:17-19

f. The incestuous Corinthian. 2Cor.2:5-8

1. The means to reversion recovery include:

a. First and foremost the believer must separate from his/her particular form or reversionism.

b. There is no spiritual recovery for anyone (believer or unbeliever) that continues in their STA activity that got them into this state.

c. It requires a change of mind (repent). Rev.3:19 cp. 2Cor.12:21

d. RB must be applied. 1Joh.1:9

e. One must orient to residue DD. Heb.12:3ff

f. An intensification of the intake and application of BD must ensue. Heb.12:12ff

g. Call for spiritual support if necessary. Jam.5:13ff

h. Pray!

A. Reversionism without recovery is the only other alternative.

1. One very real danger of reversionism is that the believer may always assume that they can or will recover.

2. Another danger is that one may deceive themselves that they are not in reversionism when they are. Rev.3:16-17

3. There is a point beyond which, if the believer travels, one will not recover. Hos.5:4; Mic.2:3; Heb.6:6ff

4. It appears that at least three factors impact on the potential for spiritual recovery or not. Heb.6:4-8

a. The length of time one has been exposed to the truth.

b. The level and consistency of the truth one has received.

c. The degree of rejection of the truth involved in their reversionism.

1. The more doctrine one receives and the degree of repudiation of BD going into reversionism is paramount in determining whether one will recover or not.

2. Contextually in Heb.6:4-8, it is the Hebrew Saints in Jerusalem that are potentially in danger to succumbing to the pressures of Judaism and throwing in the towel.

3. Those who do, serve as an example of the consequences for a type of reversionism one may fall into.

4. These Christians are extremely culpable because of the amount of sound doctrine they have received and previously adhered to. Heb.5:12 cp. 6:4-5

5. The potential for them is to fall back into Judaism and into a religious system that denies the person and work of Christ.

6. These then would reflect once +V believers who have made strong advancements under the MAJG and then go -V, to such a degree, that they openly repudiate the truth to include denial of faith in Christ and His work on the cross as necessary for salvation.

7. In their case it would result in adhering to a religion that practices an extreme form of legalism.

8. Those who go into this form of reversionism are of such a mind-set (having gone -V), having hardened their hearts with accompanying scar tissue of the soul to such a degree, that it is not possible to renew them (no manner or amount of any additional exposure to BD would succeed in this case) for a change of mind (repentance) leading to reversion recovery.

9. And that is because in their own thinking they are rejecting Christ's work on the cross as necessary for their spiritual well being in the face of the immense amount of truth they have received that teaches otherwise.

10. The spiritual reality of the false doctrine they now adhere to in their reversionism is in essence viewing the cross again ("..they again crucify to themselves the Son of God..") just as unbelieving Judaism views it i.e., public shame that comes upon the religious blasphemer/heretic ("..and put Him to open shame."). Heb.6:6

11. That has now become their battle cry regarding Christianity and they are so -V that they have determined for themselves to be in the "no 2nd chance category" for reversion recovery.

12. This passage relates a danger inherent in those who go into reversionism because of repudiating the truth after much exposure to it, versus reversionism due to immorality from simple weakness of the flesh or ignorance.

13. Indeed, to whom much is given, much is required. Luk.12:48

14. The writer of Hebrews also points out another reality that faces the believing reversionist who is not willing to recover. Heb.10:26-27

15. These verses too imply that culpability via exposure to the truth plays a part in one's reversionism, "..after receiving the knowledge of the truth.". Heb.10:26

16. The phrase, "For if we go on sinning willfully.." refers to the believer who is engaged in the process of reversionism and is not willing to repent of their action(s).

17. It makes clear that their reversionism is due to their own choices.

18. The difficulty does not exist on God's part, it exists in the person who chooses darkness over light and continues to perpetuate it. Mat.19:26; 2Tim.2:13

19. The issue that reversionists need to understand is that as long as they remain in reversionism, in some sense, the efficacious work of Christ on the cross is no longer effective, (".there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins."). Heb.10:26c

20. That experiential sins and the ramifications from them in time are in view is brought out in vs.27 that denotes judgment in time that will occur upon Israel in 70 AD for their corporate reversionism.

21. Since Christ died for all sins (except unbelief), the focus is not on our position in Him (positional truth), but rather it is on the effect of His work on the cross as it applies to RB (experiential truth), which is the basis for God's forgiveness for believer's experiential sins in time. 1Joh.1:9

22. It does not mean that the reversionist cannot RB their sins of reversionism, but in the process of perpetuating that sin leading into reversionism, they come to a point that they are not or cease rebounding that particular sin(s).

23. To continue "sinning willfully" reflects the process that produces a hardening of the heart and scar tissue of the soul.

24. It is at some point in the process of sinning willfully that they enter technically into reversionism.

25. This is because reversionism occurs first and foremost due to one's rejection of the truth or some aspect of it.

26. The immediate example of context given for this are those who are in reversionism due to rejecting the necessity of being in bible class. Heb.1:25

27. Because they reject/forsake that principle of doctrine, they obviously have rationalized it (it is a habitual practice), ultimately will not regard it as sin and hence there is no cleansing action of RB, since obviously they come to a state that they don't or discontinue RB of it ("..go on sinning willfully/with cognizance/knowingly by choice..").

28. An example of rationalizing the principle of MPR is brought out in Jam.4:13-15

29. Because of the blindness of their STA activity due to their rejection of BD, they disregard the reality of their sin and its ramifications, or otherwise they would make reversion recovery. Mar.4:12

30. Another example of this reality is David, who entered into reversionism due to operation Bathsheba, but remained in reversionism due to his failure to RB that particular sin(s). Psa.32:3-5

31. This points out the critical issue of RB as it pertains to the Christian life.

32. It is the unrepentant sin(s) that are committed due to rejection of doctrine and/or failure to RB that the reversionist engages in that produce a situation where there exists no forgiveness for those sins.

33. This is the nature of reversionism.

34. And in that sense, Christ's sacrifice for the unrepentant believer who may even continue to RB, their RB becomes a ritual without reality.

35. Therefore, for the period of reversionism, to include its perpetuation to the SUD, there remains no experiential cleansing of their sins (failure to repent and RB), which is what the "no longer a sacrifice" phrase pictures.

36. Hence, the complexity and severity of reversionism for those who have heard the truth as they become more privy to all the things that can cause reversionism. (You can be doing a lot of things right, but rejecting one doctrine causing reversionism can mess up your spiritual life entirely. 1Cor.5:6)

37. And to that degree of culpability lies the increased chances for non-reversion recovery, due to rejection of any of the many principles of Ph2 doctrine they have heard.

38. The principle is that it is easier for one to repent of reversionism, who is ignorant of BD, than for one who is extremely culpable that then begins to reject/repudiate doctrine. (It is easier for someone who has never known to acknowledge they are wrong than for someone who has acquired knowledge but purposely starts to reject some doctrine. Their rejection of a doctrine(s) comes from a more complex rationalization for rejection via the STA and is therefore more ingrained/entrenched in their thinking. The arrogance factor is increased [Jam.4:16-17]. Reed's Spiritual Psychology 101.)

39. This is why God prefers believers to be "cold or hot" rather than lukewarm, since lukewarm believers are those who are exposed to the truth of BD but are rejecting aspects of it and rationalizing their rejection via the STA. Rev.3:15-17

40. The question then arises, is it possible for one to RB other incidental sins that may occur during reversionism and can fellowship be obtained and maintained for Divine good production?

41. The key to that answer lies in the concept of repentance (change of mind), which is the antidote for reversion recovery as well as making the adjustments to God.

42. Scripture teaches that repentance precedes acts necessary to obtain forgiveness. Mar.1:4; Luk.3:3; Act.2:38 as applied to the SAJG; cp. Luk.17:3-4; Act.8:20-23 for examples that an act of repentance is required for those who engage in offences towards others or God experientially. (RB is a mental acknowledgment of repentance.)

43. Therefore, since one who remains in reversionism is unwilling to repent of their sin(s) leading to reversionism, there is no forgiveness applied to them for their offense(s) to God experientially and they fall under His wrath in time.

44. That again is the sense and force of "no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" for the reversionist not willing to repent of their sin(s) of reversionism.

45. Hence, fellowship with the Father is not possible under these conditions since they perpetuate unrepentant sin(s), thus there is no spiritual advancement and production of Divine good for reversionists.

46. Christ Himself taught that it is possible to engage in certain sin activity that nullifies our RB, bringing about judgment in time. Mat.6:15; Mar.11:26 cp. Mat.18:21-35

47. Again, the principle is that peace/reconciliation must be made before our offerings of Divine good production are acceptable before God (Mat.5:23-24).

48. And the only avenue for the believer in time to make peace with God for our sins is to recognize our failures/rejection of His word and RB it.

49. While it may seem that some of those we have placed in reversionist categories do not come under a lot of DD and they claim they RB, any levity/lightness of DD can be explained otherwise.

50. Due to the fact they are indeed keeping tabs of other sins, they therefore are with effort seeking to refrain from violations that would bring about heavier DD (mental control of the STA). (The same can be true for an unbeliever who seeks to keep the 10 commandments. The can apply principles of BD in their reversionism and avoid certain wrath in those areas, but it is of no spiritual benefit to them.)

51. Also, just because someone is in reversionism for rejection of one or some doctrine(s) does not mean that they automatically will succumb to other areas of STA activity or reject other doctrines that might bring about additional or more severe DD.

52. But be rest assured that DD will come to match the area of reversionism they are engaged in ultimately ending with the SUD.

53. Examples of believer reversionists who did not recover:

a. Lot. Gen.19:30ff

b. King Saul. 1Chr.10:13

c. Joab. 1Kgs.2:28-34

d. The Exodus generation. Num.14:29ff

e. Ananias and Sapphira. Act.5:1-11


I. Conclusions:

A. All unbelievers are reversionists and all believers who are not advancing under the MAJG and/or not holding to the end, are reversionists.

B. Therefore, any believer that is not under consistent face to face teaching in an adjusted local church and applying RB on a regular and consistent basis is in reversionism.

C. There are glaring reversionists (those who don't go to church at all/hell-raisers/sexpots/etc.) or subtle reversionists (those of the lukewarm ilk/crust of human good).

D. Reversionism stems from a rejection/disregard of BD that consequently perpetuates a state of carnality in some area.

E. Reversionism is an expression of -V to some degree.

F. While reversionism is evidence/a symptom of -V, it is not the cause of -V and may or may not determine the final outcome of one's volition.

G. Rather, it is a basis for evaluation of the discerning +V believer regarding the spiritual state of him/herself and others at any given point in one's life.

H. +V adjusted believers must refrain from reacting to the seemingly prosperity or freedom of reversionists. 2Pet.2:19

I. This comes from understanding that Satan prospers those who align themselves to the cosmos, but in reality all reversionists are undergoing the process of reversionism as described in this doctrine and will experience to some degree all of the symptoms.

J. There is grace for any reversionist who will pull out of their tailspin in time.

K. As adjusted believers, we must be careful and not overreact and pre-title other believers as reversionists in any adjusted local church who have STA problems, since all of us do.

L. Fighting the good fight is an everyday battle and we all fail at times.

M. However, this does not mean necessarily that someone is in reversionism.

N. With discernment of BD, we can correctly evaluate ourselves and others in this regard, and with prayer God will reveal reversionists when appropriate.

O. Areas that we are to be sensitive to regarding the potential for reversionism is:

1. Attendance in Bible class.

2. One's attitude toward the P-T and the teaching.

3. Any exposed consistent STA activity that obviously is never checked with RB. (The tell-tell sign for the P-T is the content of his studies and teaching.)

A. Reversionism neutralizes advancement in the POG and ultimately kills.

B. The most dangerous type of reversionism for believers that carries with it the most potential for non-recovery, are those who have sat under sound teaching for a period of time and go into reversionism based on rejection of (1st step) and repudiation of (2nd step) some doctrine they have heard.

C. The higher level of culpability for the believer, a higher level of expectation from God for their actions can be anticipated.

D. In fact, Christ prayed for leniency of judgment upon those ignorant of their actions. Luk.23:34

E. This does not in any way however, totally absolve them of their actions as reversionists.

F. The critical issues for the adjusted believer to avoid reversionism are to maintain a high level of application of RB and to not reject/disregard any truth of doctrine.

G. Reversionism, as it relates to -V expressed in believers, can be categorized in the following way:

1. Primary -V reflects those who do not assemble.

2. Secondary -V reflects those who fail to RB.

3. Tertiary/thirdly -V reflects those who reject BD.

A. The prescribed application for adjusted believers towards reversionists is the doctrine of Separation.

B. Failure to separate is a symptom of reversionists, but does not necessarily mean one is a reversionist.

C. It just means that the believer has spiritually suicidal/reversionistic tendencies and are playing spiritual roulette (emotional control of the soul). Num.16:20-35 Even a blind man can see the repercussions of association with reversionists!

From: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=490

". `No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back

is fit for the kingdom of God'".


Psalm 7 inscription A song of David [A dithyramb of madness by David], which he sang to Jehovah, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite.

He calls to be delivered from all those persecuting him.

Psalm 7:1 O Jehovah my God, in You I put my trust; save me from all who pursue me, and deliver me [cause me to be snatched from danger],

David could have saved 4 years of his life at this point. I guess by not going to Philistia? Once the lion gets you, there is no rescuing you.

This is why David is going to Philistia.

Psalm 7:2 lest he tear [to bits] my soul like a lion, tearing it in pieces, and there is no one to deliver.

To manufacture something out of something. David is objective enough to recognize all of the possibilities. 2 proteseses here; if I have manufactured this; it iniquity clings to my hands.

Psalm 7:3 O Jehovah my God, if I have done this [if I have caused this persecution]; if there is iniquity in my hands;

More conditionals. David is providing different things which would have been justified reasons for Saul to seek after David; but none of these things are true.

Psalm 7:4 if I have rewarded [repaid] evil to my friend, or if I have delivered [plundered him] one oppressing me [the one who is my enemy] without cause;

If any of these things are true, then David suggests what his enemy ought to do.

Psalm 7:5 let the enemy [one hating me] persecute [pursue] my soul and take [overtake] it; yea, let him trample down my life on the earth and lay my honor [and cause my honor to dwell] in the dust. Selah.

The entire thought covers 3 verses.


1.       David’s honor is the supergrace life.

2.       These things are not true.

3.       Saul’s persecutions of him are totally unprovoked.

4.       This is just the first strophe. This is ambic mete which is often used for satire. This is sanctified sarcasm. This is also anapaestic meter; 3 syllables, first 2 are short and unaccented; the last is long and accented. Putting these together is a wild, irregular strain and it is called a dithyramb. That is the type of poetry sung to Dianicis (or Bachus). You composed poetry after drinking a lot. This tells us about the weirdness of Saul chasing David all over the countryside.

5.       The interspersing explains what is meant by shiggayam. Wild meter, which matches Saul’s thinking.

6.       Selah is used to end the first strophe. The voices stop singing and the orchestra goes into tremendous crescendo. This emphasizes David’s innocence and the fallacy of Saul’s madness.

1Samuel 26 Psalm 7:6-9a                 72David                                              631_0067

02/28/1973 Principles of justice

David is bringing a court case against Saul with God as the judge and the people of Israel as those who would judge. David demands this because he is innocent and he wants vindication from God. In the ancient world, there would be a judgment dias. There would be a judgment throne and this would take place outside. So, David asks God to judge here.

Saul is motivated by pride and arrogance. In his pride, he took offense at David being glorified over him as to the number of enemies that David killed. David defended himself with the greatest possible logic.

Iambic meter portrays the satirical approach. David made a good case for being innocent.

Qal imperative of ur; Saul is to awaken, arouse himself on David’s behalf.

A judge must be only interested in the facts. David appeals to the supreme court of Israel. Not anything but the facts of the case; who is right; David or Saul? A witness can only say what he has observed, but he cannot interpret what it is that he observed.

Heresay introduces the opinions of others. God Himself is omnipresent. David is asking God the Father to judge the case between him and Saul. David has the legitimate complaint.

There are only 2 people who can hinder the decision of the supreme court. Saul thinks that he will be vindicated is for David to be eliminated. Saul is trying to kill David and Saul will be killed.

We do not have the right as believer priests to judge others. A pastor-teacher can judge with regards to members of the congregation, where this type of thing is warranted.

Do not try to run down someone by associating sins and weakness with them. When writing a letter of recommendation, you need to be honest in your evaluation. In our lives with others, we function under live and let live; and judge not that you be not judged.

David calls Jehovah the Father to judge the case because Saul has done a lousy job judging the case. Saul has the prerogative as the king; but he has botched this. He has tried to execute David without properly trying the case.

David will go into a 2nd reversionism. Until David gets back into supergrace, God would be judging between two reversionists. David would be muddying up the water. David has polygamy in his home, which leads to problems in his own life. You cannot have 2 wives under the same roof without entering into reversionism. We have 5 extra chapters in 1Samuel because of David entering into reversionism. We have already studied the evils of polygamy, and Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were wrong; but so was David. It is polygamy which led David into reversionism. It would be a year before David’s case is adjudicated. This is because he is in reversionism.

Some females have a carry nation complex. If someone came through the congregation with some crusade, they would peel off a bunch. A female crusader is like bourbon and lemon juice.

David was right by refusing to slay Saul and refusing to slay the Lord’s anointed; but he was wrong to go to Philistia and seek refuge under Achish.

The highest justice in the land was corrupted, so David appeals to God. It is as if Israel is at a standstill until this case is judged.

Psalm 7:6 Arise, O Jehovah, in Your anger; lift up Yourself because of the rage [arrogance or pride] of my enemies, and awake for me [arouse yourself for my benefit] to the judgment which You have commanded [you have ordained justice].

The civil war is the time when the court is in session and David has prolonged it. God will execute Saul in settling this case. But David has to come out of reversionism in order for God to make His judgment.

There are a bunch of interesting passages which come out of all this. Saul will go to the witch of Endor for a solution to his problems. David will recover from his reversionism. So there is a woman connected with Saul going out. God brought up Samuel. The gal was going to fake Samuel’s voice; but God takes over the seance and brings up Samuel. The night before his death; picks up a woman. David before the battle, lost a woman. David gets his woman back and Saul lost his life.

Psalm 7:7 And the congregation of the peoples shall surround [gathered around] You; and over it You will return on high [then above them (in heaven) return (and give us a decision)].

Jehovah will judge; He will try the case, make a decision on the case, and punish where necessary, and then rule over His people. Trial, decision, punishment, government. God the Father is the supreme court. David will become the ruler and God will rule through David.

David’s righteousness is supergrace righteousness. Completeness and fullness.

Summary of V. 8

1.       Doctrine in the soul is the basis for the vindication of David.

2.       This is a principle of the angelic conflict. God initiates blessing to those who have capacity in the soul.

3.       The blessings of supergrace capacity and prosperity.

4.       David will be promoted to king and God would promote him and that is permanent. He will rule as king for 40 years. There will be periods of great happiness.

5.       The doctrine in David’s soul will therefore be vindicated.

Psalm 7:8 Jehovah shall judge the people; judge [vindicate] me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness, and according to my integrity [fullness] on me.

V. 9 is a very lengthy verse, that we will begin. Polygamy caused David’s emotion to get out of kilter. This postpones the judgement. He becomes hounded by 2 women. For awhile, David was not his own man. This is why he lived a whole year in Gath; and he finally gave David another city to live at, possibly because of the two wives arguing. Bob suspects that this was the time that David had long hair. David was probably better built than the jackass who sculpted David.

No man can please 2 women. David was trying to please 2 women; he was living with 2 women. The emotion had to take over. It was during this period when David got very depressed. Polygamy is never right. Jacob is no spiritual giant. God changed his name to Israel so his progeny would think that there was hope for them.

Jacob died making a prophecy that was great. Polygamy is never right. This is the reason for the delay of the supreme court here.

How does God test the heart and the kidneys? God is not interested, as such, in the kardio vascular system and the function of your kidneys. This is a reference to parts of the soul.

Psalm 7:9 O let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the just. For the righteous God tries the minds and hearts.

1Samuel 26 Psalm 7:(8), 9                 72David                                              631_0068

03/01/1973 Doctrine of the heart; doctrine of emotions

David asks for God to judge between him and Saul.

Psalm 7:8 Jehovah shall judge the people; judge [vindicate] me, O Jehovah, according to my righteousness, and according to my integrity [fullness] on me.

Negative volition which builds up scar tissue and this opens up the vacuum which sucks in false doctrine. This causes a man to have a woman’s soul and a woman to have a man’s soul. Frustration is intensified. David will become a strap on artist.

Psalm 7:9 O let the evil of the guilty one [the wicked one] come to an end [be terminated], but establish the just [let the righteous be vindicated]. For the righteous God tries the minds and hearts.

The heart is the rm in the soul. The emotion of the soul is designed to respond to the thinking, to the heart, to the right lobe. A believer can like opera and he has certain frame of reference in his thinking. This frame of reference causes a person to respond to certain things. You cannot enjoy the opera if you only know about other kinds of music. Everyone in life must function on their own frame of reference. We must function on our own capacity for life. If there is anything in our frame of reference, they we will have a normal response to specific things in life. Your emotion is responding to something in your norms and standards. You cannot use some else’s frame of reference and get your emotions to respond. So 2 people can sit together in the opera and one can enjoy it and one hates it.

You can have 2 people in Bible class; one gets something out of it and there other does not. You must function on your own frame of reference. If you use someone else’s, your emotion will not respond. You cannot borrow someone else’s heart. David has a normal response the various things.

When David took on a 2nd wife, this messed up his soul. He is designed to concentrate on one woman. His soul elicits a response from one woman, and it makes him a great lover. However, when he is concentrating on 2 women, then this whole thing blows up. He has to emote with one.

No two women are alike. Some seem to be alike, but that is only to a desperate unperceptive man. No two women are alike; and the man is only able to concentrate on one of these women.

The holy roller cultivates their emotions. If they have an emotional experience, then emotion takes over. Everyone thinks with vocabulary. If you are not thinking and talking, then everything is coming from emotional revolt. All holy rollers are stupid. No holy roller can be a good love. His emotions are all out of kilter. A good lover must be able to think.

2 people can watch a football play, and one can have a great emotional response to the play; and the other person is unimpressed. Emotion is a responder.

The Doctrine of the Heart

1.       The heart in the Bible always refers to the thinking part of the brain. There is the ηους and the καρδια.

          a.       Norms and standards, conscience, a vocabulary area. You must have words with which to think. Grammar, etymology, exegesis. Sentences become paragraphs and paragraphs become concepts and concepts become categories.

2.       GAP and the heart.


4.       The heart is the dominant lobe; it carries the authority. It has categories. The very essence of the heart causes it to be the authority of the soul. Reversionism destroys the authority of the right lobe of the soul. It neutralizes or violates the norms and standards of the soul. The woman of the soul is the emotion and the emotion takes over. The heart and the reins are linked throughout Scripture and this would be the thinking and the emotion of the soul.

5.       Capacity for life would be emotion responding to the frame of reference. Your capacity for life is limited by what is in you right lobe.

6.       Mental attitude sins come from the heart. This is a tied up between the old sin nature and the right lobe. Revenge comes from mental attitude sins and ends up with mental attitude sins. The deceitful heart of Jeremiah is a revolution in the soul. The authority of the right lobe is set aside. Cowardice is involved here. Discouragement.

7.       The heart is the way of life for mankind. What you really are is what is in your thinking. The heart is related to grace function. It is related to stability in a crisis. It is related to happiness.

8.       The heart is related to motivation in life. Spiritual life and temporal life.

9.       The heart is used as an Anthropopathism. The heart of God. This explains God’s thinking or action in terms that man can understand.

10.     The heart is always related to nonmeritorious positive volition. There is no such thing as head and heart belief.

11.     The heart is related to negative volition. The hardening of pharaoh’s heart. He was a reversionist.

12.     The merry heart. Whenever there is an adjective, all of these are used to describe that the heart is the basic area of happiness in human life. Neurotics and psychotics cannot have a happy life. They cannot be in emotional revolt.

From http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=163

In John 13:2 is the Greek word KARDIA that is translated "heart". This leads us to another important doctrine, the Doctrine of the Heart. We are studying this topic because it is the place of influence inside a man's soul. The Old Testament verse says, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he, Proverbs 23:7. Well the fact is, we do our thinking through what the Bible calls the heart.

We have already studied Satan and his tactics in the deception of man, and we have noted Demon Influence. So with this doctrine, we will understand the place within man that is the target of Satan's tactics and demon influence. But, let us also not forget that the heart of the soul is the place that God targets too. Our heart is the place where we store and retain the Word of God that gives us functionality in the spiritual life and protection from Satan's tactics and demon influence.

1. A Physiological Analogy of the Spiritual Life.

The physiological heart is used rarely in the Bible but it makes for a great analogy. Some facts concerning the heart are; it is estimated that the heart pumps five quarts of blood every minute, seventy-five gallons an hour, seventy barrels a day, and about eighteen million barrels in seventy years. The heart's anatomy and relation to the circulatory system includes a double pump: two atriums and two ventricles. The thick muscular walls of the ventricles are primarily responsible to pump the blood. Used blood is low in oxygen and high in CO2. To be cleansed, the used blood enters the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava. (When you think of used blood, think of it like the false ideas and thinking we pick up in life inside Satan's Cosmic System.) The right ventricle then pumps blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where it discharges CO2 and picks up oxygen from the alveoli. Then the blood travels through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, which in turn pumps the oxygen-refreshed blood out through the aorta to the entire body. (So to is it with metabolized doctrine in your soul; it is pumped through various valves and circulates through the brain giving you a dynamic mental attitude. Likewise, the CO2 of the soul, i.e., all the false and erroneous ideas we've learned, must be replaced by the oxygen of Bible doctrine.)

The Bible also uses another anatomical filtration analogy for the inner workings of the soul in Revelation 2:23 where NEPHROS or kidneys is the analogy for the mind and emotions, while KARDIA reference the right lobe of the soul.

As we have noted in our doctrines of Satanology and Demon influence, John 12:40 tells us, "He has blinded their eyes and He hardened their heart, so that they would not see with their eyes and perceive with their heart, and be converted and I heal them."

The function of the blood is to bathe tissues with fluid, preserving their slight alkaline condition, supplying tissues with food and oxygen, to provide building material for their growth and repair, distribute heat generated by cells in order to equalize body temperature, carry hormones which coordinate and stimulate the activities of various organs, and convey antibodies and white blood cells which fight infection. Blood cannot support life unless it keeps circulating.

Bible doctrine circulating in the soul as a result of the function of the Grace Apparatus for Perception (GAP) provides these same functions. This begins and is accomplished in the heart, or what we call the right lobe of your soul.

The energy used by the heart is fantastic. Many tissues of the body use as little as one-fourth of the oxygen brought to them by the blood. The heart uses eighty percent of the oxygen brought to it by the blood. Therefore, the amount of blood supplied to the heart is extremely important, especially when its activity raises its demand for oxygen. That is analogous to positive volition in spiritual warfare.

The heart transforms chemical energy into the mechanical energy of contraction through a series of electrical ignitions much like a car's engine does. Likewise, our spiritual heart transfers academic thought into spiritual energy inside your soul.

Until the atomic age, nothing man made ever came close to the efficiency of energy transfer compared to the heart.

All of these statements provide fantastic analogies to the heart or right lobe of the soul as the circulator of Bible doctrine into the thinking part of the soul. When Bible doctrine reaches the heart, Bible doctrine is converted into spiritual energy, (i.e., the Ten Problem Solving Devices, Divine Viewpoint, and the Momentum of the Spiritual Life). No one can grow spiritually except through perception of Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness of the Heart.

Psa139:13-14, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."You have formed my inner parts; I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

The Biblical nouns for heart always refer to the right lobe of the soul. The Hebrew LEBH and the Greek KARDIA are both translated "heart." Both are used outside the Bible for the literal heart, but never anatomically in the Bible.

So clearly from these and other verses, as we will see, this word is used for the mentality of the soul, which we call the right lobe of the soul and not the blood-pumping organ in your chest.

2. The First Mention of Heart in the Bible, Genesis 6:5.

Gen 6:5, "Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart."

This tells us that in the days leading up to the flood man stopped taking in and applying the Word of God. He was not cycling the Word within his soul. As a result, God's heart was grieved by man's predicament.

Here the word heart is used of both man and God. As for God this is both an anthropomorphism and an anthropopathism, as we know God is not built like man and is instead a spiritual being without the blood pumping organ or brain as we have, nor does He think the way we do, or have the emotions we have.

Anthropomorphism is a physical attribute of man ascribed to God, which He does not literally possess in order for man to understand something about God and His policy toward man by the use of language of accommodation. Likewise an anthropopathism ascribes to God mental characteristics found in man to describe God's thinking and God's planning in human terms.

3. The First Mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:8.

Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

This verse tells us that when we have the cleansing of our soul through the circulation of the Word of God through our heart, we will come to have knowledge and understanding of who and what God is and our relationship with Him.

Hebrews 10:22, "Let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."

4. The Second Mention is in Matthew 5:28.

Matthew 5:28, "But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

The second mention tells us that our heart can also be a place of sin influence over our soul when we allow temptation from our Sin Nature to circulate through our heart/soul.

Just as the first two mentions of "heart" in the Old Testament had the meaning of sinfulness verses the thinking of God, the New Testament's first two mentions show the same potential dichotomy in man's heart but in reverse order.

5. "The Heart of Man" is the Place Where Wickedness Flourishes or is Eliminated in Parable Relationship to the Body's Metabolization System, Matthew 15:11, 15-20.

Matthew 15:15, "Peter said to Him, "Explain the parable to us." 16Jesus said, "Are you still lacking in understanding also? 17"Do you not understand that everything that goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and is eliminated? 18"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. 19"For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders. 20"These are the things which defile the man.""

6. Our Lord Uses this Word (5) Times in the Upper Room Discourse.

He first uses the heart in our text of John 13:2, then He uses it in:

John 14:1, "Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.

John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

In these two verses the heart is the originator of fear from within. If we do not circulate the Word of God through our heart, we will instead circulate fear, worry, and anxiety.

John 16:6, "But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you."

John 16:22, "Therefore you too have grief now; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you."

In these two verses, we see the heart as the initiator of emotions which come from another part of the soul. We will see more of this a little later but we note that our emotions are to be led by the thinking in our heart and not vice versa.

7. The Usage of "Heart" is a Basis for Analogy.

Just as the physical heart is the pump that circulates blood throughout the body and thereby supports physical life, so the right lobe of the soul circulates Bible doctrine supporting the spiritual life of the believer. Bible Doctrine is actually perceived and understood in the left lobe of the soul, but it is in the right lobe where it is actually circulated and utilized.

The mentality of the soul is divided into two lobes: The left lobe, called the NOUS, meaning mind or thought; and the right lobe, called KARDIA, meaning heart. This is noted in Job 38:36, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Who endowed the heart with wisdom, or who gave understanding to the mind?"

The right lobe is the dominant lobe designed by God to dominate the entire soul. Whenever you are logical, analytical, or categorical in your thinking, you are using your heart, 1Samuel 16:7.

1Samuel 16:7, "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

Proverbs 23:7,This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On. "As a man thinks in his right lobe [heart], so he is."

The Hebrew word for "thinks" is oòÇLÜ - sha'ar [shaw-ar']..

SHAAR means to split open, reason out, calculate, reckon, or estimate. It is a primitive root that literally means to act as gatekeeper (compare to SHOER); figuratively it means to estimate or think.

So again we see the dichotomous action of the heart choosing for or against the ways of God through discernment based on what he has received in his heart, cosmic demon influence or the Word of God.

8. The Bible Never Uses the Heart for Emotion.

Emotions are designed to respond to thinking that comes from the heart of your soul, never the other way around. Faith too comes from the heart because faith is thinking, not emotion.

2 Corinthians 6:11, "Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart is opened wide. 12You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own affections (emotions)."

Notice that emotions and heart are in contrast in this passage. Therefore, emotions are not a part of the function of the heart/right lobe of the soul.

Romans 1:21, "For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened."

This is a reference to the person who is negatively influenced and led by their emotions.

Romans 6:17, "But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, 18and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness."

This is a reference to the person who has rejected emotional control of the soul and is instead led by the Word of God circulating in their soul which causes them to build upon their souls with more and more Bible Doctrine.

9. True Happiness Emanates from the Word of God Circulating in the Heart of Your Soul.

Proverbs 17:22, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.Having a joyful heart means you share God's happiness (+H) in your right lobe, which is Problem Solving Device #9.

Proverbs 15:13-15, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge, but the mouth of a fool feeds on folly. All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast."

That reminds me of a story I received via email last week:

A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like."

The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering.

The Lord said, "You have seen Hell."

They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew, which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well-nourished and plump, laughing and talking.

The holy man said, "I don't understand."

"It is simple", said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."

Now from Proverbs 15:13-15 we also note:

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

a) "God's +H in the heart makes for a cheerful face", means you will have a marvelous life with vibrancy and animation when you have the Word of God in your right lobe.

b) But the "spirit is broken" meaning the heart is sad, down, or complaining when you do not have the Word in your right lobe.

c) "The heart of the intelligent seeks knowledge," means that your motivation for learning more Bible doctrine comes from the Bible doctrine you already have in your right lobe.

d) "The continual feast" means continuous circulation of Bible doctrine in the heart with never ending supply and sustenance.

10. The Heart is a Part of the Essence of the Soul.

The soul is composed of at least four invisible but real parts:

Self-consciousness, Acts 20:10,

Mentality, Proverbs 19:2,

Volition, Acts 3:23,

Emotion, Luke 12:19.

The Mentality of the soul is divided into two parts: The left and right lobes.

According to scientists, one lobe is verbal and analytical, while the other is mute and mysterious. Scientists say that the right hemisphere has language ability and is analytical; and the left hemisphere is artistic and talented. In most people one side is more dominant than the other is. Talented people tend to live using mostly the non-thinking part of their brain.

In the Bible we classify the mute side as the left lobe (Mind) and the verbal hemisphere as the right lobe (Heart).

The right lobe is where you do your thinking, analyzing, applying of knowledge, and is the seat of common sense.

The left lobe is your place of assimilating information, and the area where your talent functions.

The Bible says the heart is part of the essence of the soul; it is the thinking, reasoning part. It is designed to dominate the soul. Therefore, it must be the target for doctrinal teaching, 1 Kings 3:9,12; Psalms 119:11, 19:14.

To reach its target (the right lobe / Heart), the Word of God must pass through two staging areas: The left lobe and the human spirit.

11. The Essence of the Biblical Heart.

There are six compartments to the Heart of your soul including: the Frame of Reference, Memory Center, Vocabulary, Categorical Storage, Conscience; Launching Pad. We begin by noting the Frame of Reference.

A. Frame of Reference.

Definition, Webster Dictionary (1897), "An arbitrary set of axis with reference to which the position or motion of something is described or physical laws are formulated. A set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understood."

The Frame of Reference provides the basis for effective communication of ideas in conversation, in professional functions, in witnessing, in social interaction, and in the exchange of ideas.

In application to the soul, it is the conceptual structure to which the Word of God, its principles and categories of Scripture are related. It is the entrance of the heart as the first place where Bible doctrine goes. This is because knowledge is built upon knowledge; truth is built on truth. Isaiah 28:10

In the Frame of Reference, information comes in and is processed out to the other parts of the soul.

Throughout this doctrine, we will utilize the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. It is the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. It is the reference for entering new information and removing old information, just as you enter new files into the filing cabinet and remove old ones when they are no longer useful.

1) The Frame of Reference retains metabolized Bible doctrine under the principle that doctrine is built upon doctrine. You must learn from the simple to the complex.

The simple things are the foundation in the Frame of Reference for building systematic theology. In essence, spiritual growth is systematic theology in your soul.

2) The Frame of Reference retains previously learned metabolized doctrines and becomes the entrance for new ones.

The Frame of Reference is the location or area of retention of EPIGNOSIS doctrine.

1) The Frame of Reference is the location of all concepts related to the Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age, which explains the Plan of God, i.e., God's will, plan, and purpose for your life.

2) The Frame of Reference is the seat of the inventory of metabolized doctrine, from which application of Bible doctrine or wisdom is performed. For example the Frame of Reference stores the information pertaining to the Ten Problem Solving Devices for the Church Age.

3) Metabolized doctrine in the Frame of Reference is the basis for the construction of the Edification Complex of the Soul.

4) Metabolized doctrine in the Frame of Reference is the basis for the execution of the Plan of God; therefore, it is the basis for the glorification of God and for the manufacturing of invisible heroes.

5) Metabolized doctrine in the Frame of Reference increases your Spiritual I.Q. and provides the basis for learning more advanced doctrines. The amount of doctrine you have in your Frame of Reference is what really determines your Spiritual I.Q.

6) Metabolized Bible doctrine in your Frame of Reference provides your first divine viewpoint, and it begins to shape your mental attitude for the conflict between divine and human viewpoint, which is a constant struggle until you reach spiritual adulthood.

7) Metabolized Bible doctrine in your Frame of Reference provides the right motivation for the Plan of God. It creates motivation for learning more doctrine and so results in increased momentum. Metabolized doctrine is the momentum factor that keeps you moving in the spiritual life and eventually leads to execution of God's Plan for your life.

Proverbs 4:4, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Then He taught me and said to me, `Let your heart [right lobe] hold fast My doctrines, keep My mandates, and live.'"

Your heart is the source of concentration. Your ability and motivation for concentration starts with your Frame of Reference.

1 Corinthians 2:9, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard, and have not entered into the heart of mankind all that God has prepared for those who love Him."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

1) There is no way you can understand all that God has prepared for you apart from your Frame of Reference being saturated with the Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age. You can only understand all that God has done for you when Bible doctrine enters the right lobe of the soul.

2) To come to love God indicates spiritual progress. Personal love for God the Father is the 7th Problem Solving Device (PSD) and is the motivation for the Christian way of life.

Occupation with the Person of Christ, PSD #10, is the priority solution to problem solving in life, which is only accomplished if you have the Word of God in your Frame of Reference.

We do not have a human Frame of Reference for the perception of God's Word, but a spiritual Frame of Reference for spiritual phenomena (PNUEMAKITOS). 1 Corinthians 2:13

The Frame of Reference constructs an instant reaction force or a red-alert system from metabolized doctrine, so that you can tell what is true and what is false in the communication of the Word. 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 1:9-11

2 Corinthians 10:5, "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ."

Philippians 1:9, "And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, 10so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; 11having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."

Certain doctrines form your instant reaction force to solve the problems of life and cosmic involvement.

This is how the construction of the PSD's for the Christian way of life is started. Metabolized Bible doctrine in the Frame of Reference is the basis for the manufacture and the function of all ten PSD's.

Many baby believers have been delivered from many false doctrinal areas because, from their Frame of Reference, they had certain instincts and knew something was wrong with false ideas, emotional activity, ritual, and the like. So the Frame of Reference is where you get your first protection in life.

The Frame of Reference's alert system is so necessary in the Christian life because you must learn to avoid error, con artists in the spiritual realm, false teachers, and phony Christian service which is used to con believers.

Metabolized Bible doctrine in your Frame of Reference produces recall in various stages and circumstances of life. Lamentations 3:20-25

Lamentations 3:20-25, "Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down (humbled) within me. 21 This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. 22 The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. 24 "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "Therefore I have hope in Him." 25 The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

The Frame of Reference provides capacity for life, happiness, blessing, success, prosperity, and promotion.

Psalms 119:16, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."I delight in Your Bible doctrine; I shall not forget Your Word."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.That leads to the next compartment in our Heart, which is the Memory Center.

B. Memory Center.

We now focus on the second compartment of the Heart, the Memory Center.

As we have noted in our analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. The Frame of Reference is the location for the classification of Bible doctrine. Now the Memory Center is the actual files you place within a filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul.

The Memory Center is also the place of recall within our soul. It is the place where we bring back into remembrance all of the Bible doctrine we have learned and stored within our souls. All of this, of course, is accomplished through the power and filling of God the Holy Spirit. This is analogous to taking out a file within the filing cabinet and reading what is in the file.

Recall is necessary for the application of the Word of God to experience for worship, training the Christian reflexes, and the function of the Problem Solving Devices.

The Memory Center circulates Bible doctrine into the various parts of the right lobe producing recall. It recalls information like a computer. You associate things in your Frame of Reference and then remember them from the function of the Memory Center. After a lot of repetition, the Memory Center stores the doctrines you have learned so that you can recall them in the future.

Recall is synonymous with the application of Bible doctrine to experience and is therefore a part of wisdom (EPIGNOSIS and SOPHIA).

For example, recall becomes the basis for structuring the Problem Solving Devices within your soul.

It may take only one verse to apply recall of a Doctrine such as 1 John 1:9, or one word such as Rebound or several verses and words combined to recall a Biblical principle of application.

More complex recall occurs after we learn about the Plan of God, including our Portfolio of Invisible Assets, the Unique Spiritual Life, Suffering for Blessing, and the Life Beyond GNOSIS. It all depends on how your Frame of Reference is developed.

Recall is the basis for the function of all three stages of the Faith-Rest Drill. 1) Establish a relaxed mental attitude and claim promises of God. 2) Concentrate on pertinent doctrine in a logical order [doctrinal rationale]. 3) Reach doctrinal conclusions.

We can not apply faith without information to believe in. When we recall information from the Word of God, we now have the opportunity to apply faith rest towards that information, but without information we have no basis for applying faith. We will see more of this in our Sunday studies on the PSD's.

Recall is the application of the doctrinal rationales to the circumstances of life. The principle of Doctrinal Rationale is when we combine various bits of knowledge from the Word of God together to form categories of doctrines in our soul. Once we have the doctrines stored in our souls, we can then recall and apply them logically and rationally to the situations of life. So Doctrinal Rationale is the recall and application, in faith, of the Word of God in our lives. For example, the essence of God rationale, the Plan of God rationale, the POLITEUMA rationale, the grace of God rationale, the logistical grace rationale, etc.

Recall has nothing to do with whether or not you have a good memory as a human being. It has everything to do with the intake of the Word of God and the building of our Spiritual IQ by God the Holy Spirit.

Repetition is the key. You must hear a doctrine over and over again. The more you hear a doctrine, the quicker your spiritual IQ is built up and the sooner you will apply it to life.

You haven't learned a doctrine until you can't forget it! You cannot use what you cannot recall. You can't look up the pertinent principles and doctrines in your notebook when you're being tested. It must already be in your Memory Center. You can only apply what you have learned.

Therefore, recall is the application of EPIGNOSIS doctrine in the right lobe to the circumstances of life. When EPIGNOSIS doctrine is applied, it is called wisdom (SOPHIA).

Lamentations 3:20-25, "Surely my soul remembers and is bowed down (humbled) within me. 21 This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. 22 The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. 24 "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, [Frame of Reference and Memory Center]; "Therefore I have hope in Him."

What memory brings about humility as the basis for function in the spiritual life? Verse 21 answers the question; the memory of Bible doctrine.

In Jeremiah's case, he had both Doctrinal Orientation and Grace Orientation, PSD's 3 and 5, operating in his soul because he saturated his Memory Center with the Word of God.

Psalms 119:16, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."I delight in doctrine; I shall not forget Your word."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Psalm 119 was the thinking of those young people on that long march from Jerusalem to Babylon as they were terribly treated and abused. They had learned much about the Word of God and recalled it under the most awful circumstances.

Psalms 119:109, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."My life is continually in my hand (an idiom for "in constant danger"), but I do not forget Your law (doctrines)."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

The Frame of Reference plus the Memory Center equals the recall of Bible doctrine.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6, "For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete."

The context of this passage is the angelic conflict, and the issue is your weaponry. You must have the right weapons. You come to Bible class to arm yourself spiritually. God provides the weaponry which is all in one arsenal, God's power system.

The phrase in verse six "we are ready" is better translated "holding in readiness" and refers to EPIGNOSIS doctrine in the Frame of Reference and in the Memory Center.

C. Vocabulary Storage.

Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. Then we noted the Memory Center as the actual files placed within the filing cabinet. It is the actual storage and retrieval of information within your soul. Now we have Vocabulary Storage. This is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on the files as a technical reference to the information within the file. We have information in the file but we must put a heading on it for easy access and recall.

Vocabulary Storage is the place where thinking develops and where technical words are stored which develop new ideas. You cannot think beyond your vocabulary.

Vocabulary begins in the NOUS / mind / left lobe of your soul and is developed as a result of learning new things and new information. Once you learn new things and accept or believe them, it is then transferred to the KARDIA / heart / right lobe of you soul.

Concepts are first learned in the left lobe where they are meaningless until we accept them; then they are transferred to the right lobe where they have form and meaning.

Often our capacity for life is related to our vocabulary. If our vocabulary is limited, our experience and thinking is limited. If our vocabulary is expansive, our experiences and thinking will be expansive.

After salvation, the believer must learn an entirely new vocabulary, including technical words for theology which is tantamount to learning a new language for thinking, for application, and for expression of their spiritual life.

Just as at physical birth a baby must learn a language and the meaning of words, so after regeneration the believer must learn an entire new language.

Cognizance of technical language is necessary to understand and apply Bible doctrine to your life. The plan of God, of necessity, is couched in technical, theological terms.

For example:

Soteriology = the doctrine of salvation

Harmartiology = the doctrine of sin

Eschatology = the doctrine of end times/kingdom of God

Bibliology = the understanding of the Bible's design and development

Theology = the doctrine of God.

Christology = the doctrine of Jesus Christ

Pneumatology = the doctrine of the Holy Spirit

Angelology = the doctrine of Angels

Anthropology = the doctrine of man

Ecclesiology = the doctrine of the Church

Hypostatic Union = Jesus Christ is 100% God while being 100% man


Jeremiah 15:16, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Your words were discovered and I ate [metabolized] them, and Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Deuteronomy 8:3, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."And He humbled you [the Exodus generation] and He let you be hungry and He fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your ancestors know that He might cause you to understand that mankind does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually., quoted in Matthew 4:4 by our Lord at the temptation by Satan.

Psalms 119:103 "How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 104 From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way."

Psalms 119:130, "The unfolding of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. 131I opened my mouth wide and panted, For I longed for Your commandments."

D. Categorical Storage.

Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within a filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the information within the files giving us easy access and recall. Next is Categorical Storage, which is the organization system we use to file our files. For example we file alphabetically, by date, by topics, by projects, etc. Categorical Storage is the systematic grouping together of similar information.

Categorical Storage, coordinated within the Frame of Reference, classifies Bible doctrine. This is the storage area of any technical concepts or categorical information in any area of life. It is related to recall from both the Memory Center and Vocabulary. You remember principles and technical words, and you finally put them all together.

By comparing Scripture with Scripture, certain subjects are brought together in the divisions of doctrine for the purpose of classification. In the various parts of Scripture, many ideas are covered from different viewpoints but are still part of the same subject. For example Christ spoke from the viewpoint of fishing, farming, tax collecting, shepherding, etc. but conveyed the same overall message of salvation and living the spiritual life.

Categories are fundamental concepts of doctrine to which all knowledge of doctrine can be reduced.

Categories are the divisions of doctrine formed for the purpose of classification of subjects and subject matter in the Word of God.

Categorical Storage is the basis for conceptualism in the Perception, Metabolization, and Application (PMA) of Bible doctrine post salvation.

Both Vocabulary and Categorical Storage are essential to spiritual growth and the execution of God's plan for your life.

Proverbs 2:2, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Make your ear attentive to (concentrate on) wisdom; apply your heart (right lobe) to understanding.This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually." Only you can make your ear concentrate; no one can do it for you.

You are to concentrate on wisdom, which is CHOKMAH in the Hebrew. CHOKMAH is the Word of God resident within your soul that is applied to life. It is a combination of the Greek EPIGNOSIS plus SOPHIA. Wisdom is the basis of spiritual growth.

By applying your right lobe to understanding the Word of God by the power of God the Holy Spirit, you develop Categorical Storage of Bible Doctrine in your soul.

The heart pumps EPIGNOSIS doctrine through the Frame of Reference, Memory Center, Vocabulary, and Categorical Storage areas. Without concentration and positive volition to what is taught, you will not develop Vocabulary or Categorical Storage of doctrinal information.

Proverbs 2:10, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge (God's Word) will be pleasant to your soul.This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually."

Proverbs 3:3, "Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

Proverbs 15:14-15, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."The mind of the intelligent seeks knowledge;.a good heart has a continual feast."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Proverbs 18:15, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."The heart of the wise acquires knowledge (of Bible doctrine); the ear of the wise seeks knowledge (of Bible doctrine).This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually."

The "heart of the wise" is spiritual growth. It acquires knowledge through PMA.

The "ear of the wise" is positive volition. With positive volition everything falls into place. Positive volition continually seeks the Word of God.

Categorical Storage is the putting together of words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs, paragraphs into chapters, chapters into books, etc. It is cognizance of the various doctrinal categories used to communicate information to the believer.

Knowledge is built on knowledge. Simple categories of doctrine lead to the more complex categories of knowledge in the classification of Biblical categories.

The study of doctrines categorically becomes the basis for greater and greater application. It is very easy to mix the promises with faith in the simple form of the Faith-Rest Drill. But to take a complicated Problem Solving Device in your life and apply various concepts and rationales of Bible doctrine to it requires a greater use of your right lobe.

Eventually, the greatest Problem Solving Devices in spiritual adulthood are resolved by categorical application. In the Faith-Rest Drill, instead of claiming a promise, you begin to claim doctrinal rationales. It is from categories that you get stronger application of doctrine to your experience.

Both vocabulary and categorical storage are essential for renewing your mind, Romans 12:2. Cognition of a technical vocabulary of Biblical theology is necessary for the fulfillment of the Plan of God.

Every term, including Rebound, Faith-Rest Drill, Hope 1, 2, and 3, Spiritual Self-Esteem, Virtue-Love, Problem Solving Devices, the Plan of God, God's Power System for our life, the Portfolio of Invisible Assets, Escrow Blessings, Logistical Grace blessings, Election, Predestination, etc., all have extensive doctrinal explanations. They must be stored in both the Vocabulary and Categorical compartments of the soul's right lobe for your reference.

E. Conscience.

Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the information within the files giving us easy access and recall. Categorical Storage is the systematic grouping of reference material for application. For example we categorized files alphabetically, by date, by topics, by projects, etc. Next we have the Conscience which is the scanning of information within a file to use as reference material. It is the actual reference material within a file that is applied in our lives.

The word and meaning of Conscience comes from a combination of Greek and Latin terms. The Greek word SUNEIDESIS means, "to know with." The equivalent Latin CONSCIENTIA means joint knowledge, i.e., to know with a standard. From these two terms we understand the Conscience to be "the joining of knowledge together to from standards within your soul".

Psalms 119:103, "How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 104From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way" (norms and standards).

The Conscience is the heart's (right lobe of your soul) storage compartment for your norms and standards and priorities in life, Romans 9:1, 2 Corinthians 5:11; Titus 1:15; Hebrews 9:14.

Romans 9:1, "I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, 2that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart." This was Paul's attitude towards the Jews for rejecting Christ as the Messiah. He had the knowledge of God in his heart and through the ministry of the Spirit was able to express sorrow towards the unbeliever.

So you see you have to know something to have a Conscience. The Conscience extrapolates from whatever you put into your soul; the norms and standards for life. When you know something, whether it is good or bad, you develop standards from that knowledge. Whatever you learn in the right lobe becomes a part of your norms and standards.

2 Corinthians 5:11, "Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest to God; and I hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences."

That is why it is so important to be careful about what you put into your soul and to take every thought captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5, 12-13

1 Corinthians 3:10, "According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. 11For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 5:15, "Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16making the most of your time, because the days are evil."

Ezekiel 36:27, "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances."

Joshua 1:8, "This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success."

In the development of your Conscience, you must have vocabulary and thought to establish norms and standards. It is first built on one word, no or don't, negative words, which forbid doing something. Later on there is explanation and reason in both positive and negative terms to go along with the prohibition, but it begins simply.

So too does the Conscience develop in the spiritual realm; first with simple adherence to God's ordinances; later with knowledge, obedience to His Plan for your life.

Romans 2:15, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."the law printed [written] in their hearts [right lobes], their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Once you have norms and standards, you orient to whether you are doing something right or wrong. Therefore, the Conscience becomes the residency of the priorities of your soul, Daniel 1:8.

Daniel 1:8, "But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king's choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself."

Your Conscience is Divided into Two Parts:

a) The place for norms and standards developed from the Word of God resident in your soul.

b) The carnal norms and standards developed from your Old Sin Nature and cosmic living.

The decisions you make as a believer are generally based on your conscience inspired by either the Word of God or your Sin Nature. Unbelievers can only make decisions from their Sin Nature.

If your decisions are based on your doctrinal norms and standards, then your decisions are divine good decisions (fruit of Spirit) from a position of strength, (gold, silver, and precious stones).

If your decisions are based on your carnal norms and standards, then your decisions are bad decisions from a position of weakness (wood, hay and straw, 1 Corinthians 3:12;

2 Corinthians 5:10).

1 Corinthians 8:7, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Not all men have this knowledge [about food offered to idols], but some being accustomed to idol worship until now [when saved] eat the food as if it were sacrificed to idols, and their conscience, being weak, is defiled."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Our norms and standards determine our priorities in life. Your priorities form your scale of values. If you have false standards in your Conscience they cause spiritual weaknesses in your soul.

"Some of the best food in Corinth had been offered to idols and then sold as the choicest meat in the temple market. Food is food and meat is meat. So it was alright to eat that food, once you sanctified it. But for those with an idolatrous background and a cosmic conscience, eating food offered to idols was very offensive. Likewise those with a legalistic Conscience from a religious background did not understand the grace policy of God and had a warped sense of conscience. So there is a conflict between those with a strong Conscience based on the principles found in the Word of God and those with a weak Conscience based on demon influence. A strong Conscience has Biblical standards from EPIGNOSIS and SOPHIA. A weak Conscience lives by standards acquired from its cosmic background, which may or may not be good, or which may be distorted in the spiritual life. Eating is a physical issue, and has nothing to do with the spiritual life. The weak Conscience assumes he's strong, because legalism always assumes it is strong. Yet legalism is really weak." R.B. Thieme, Jr.

The Conscience is a very sensitive thing. It can be erroneous in its concepts apart from Bible doctrine. If the Word of God does not feed the Conscience, instinct will quickly develop into legalism.

The norms and standards located in the Conscience are directed toward both God and man, but primarily toward mankind until you become aware of the existence of God and what He has done for you.

Acts 24:16, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."In view of this, even I myself keep practicing to maintain even a blameless conscience, both before God and before men."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

True strength is to develop your standards toward both God and man from the Biblical standards of doctrine.

2 Corinthians 4:2, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."But we have renounced the things hidden because of shame [false doctrine and apostasy], not walking in craftiness, not adulterating the Word of God, but by the manifestation of truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.Paul is saying that there is a legitimate mode of operation that goes with the spiritual life. You will build up norms and standards related to it from Bible doctrine, and at the same time set aside false norms and standards related to legalism or any other Cosmic thinking.

Principles Related to the Conscience:

a) The believer's Conscience demands that he submit to establishment authority.

Romans 13:5, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Therefore, it is necessary to be in subordination, not only because of wrath [law enforcement], but also for conscience sake."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.In other words, the Christian doesn't refrain from criminal activity because he's afraid of going to jail, but because, with a strong conscience, his norms and standards refuse to let him even consider any criminal or sinful activity. The Conscience in the soul is far stronger than any fear of punishment from law enforcement.

b) The Conscience is a motivator within our soul to live in the Righteousness of God under His grace.

2 Timothy 1:3, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."I thank God whom I serve with a clear conscience, the way my ancestors did, as I constantly remember you in my prayers day and night."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

We also see that the Conscience has something to do with your effectiveness in prayer. Paul's Conscience demanded that he prays for certain people, and he did so. Paul didn't pray for people because he liked them, but for conscience sake, which is the strongest possible motivation.

c) The Conscience is tested and trained when confronted with unjust and unfair treatment.

1 Peter 2:18-19, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle masters, but also to the perverse and unreasonable ones; for this is grace, if for the sake of conscience toward God anyone bears up under sorrows when suffering unjustly."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

"Though originally addressed to slaves, this verse came to refer to anyone who is under the authority of someone else. Some people in authority are perverse, but you are just as responsible to submit to their authority. You serve them and do your best job as unto the Lord. Such a believer has a strong conscience. The weak believer complains and rejects authority, and so becomes a loser (of rewards). So it is very important to have a Conscience based on EPIGNOSIS doctrine so that you can handle unjust treatment in the same manner that you handle fair treatment." R.B. Thieme Jr.

d) When going through suffering for blessing a good Conscience is a witness to others and causes the accuser to reflect upon their own Conscience. 1 Peter 3:14-16

1 Peter 3:14-16, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, 15but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; 16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

All three categories of suffering for blessing are in view here, Providential Preventative Suffering, Momentum Testing, and Evidence Testing. Regardless of the category of suffering you are under, you will be sustained by applying the Word of God resident within your soul, (Occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ). When you are faced with adversity, such as slandering, your Conscience refrains you from retaliating. Instead you turn the matter over to God, (the Supreme Court of Heaven), in faith and rest in Him.

e) Reversionism and apostasy in a believer's life is related to a Conscience that has been destroyed through neglect of Bible doctrine and absorption of Cosmic thinking, resulting in scar tissue upon their soul.

1 Timothy 4:1-2,This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On. "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 2by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, (scar tissue as a result of reversionism)."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

f) The Conscience is purified from built up scar tissue and dead works through the substitutionary spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Hebrews 9:14

Hebrews 9:14, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

We are cleansed at the moment of Salvation. That is true. But if we perform dead works (works performed in carnality absent the power of God the Holy Spirit) post salvation, the cross remains effective for cleansing through the confession of sin, 1 John 1:9. With a cleansed conscience you are now able to truly and righteously serve and glorify God.

Divine omnipotence and human power are mutually exclusive. Serving God and fulfilling His Plan cannot be accomplished by human power. Human power, including legalism, destroys the Conscience and results in dead works.

Serving God means the utilization of divine power and the cognition of Bible doctrine, which establishes the norms and standards for the right lobe / heart of your soul.

So the Conscience in the Heart (right lobe) of Our Soul:

a) Demands the believer submit to establishment authority.

b) Motivates him to live in the Righteousness of God under grace.

c) Tests and trains the soul under unjust and unfair treatment.

d) Is a witness to and causes self-reflection in others when suffering for blessing.

e) Is destroyed through neglect of Bible doctrine and absorption of Cosmic thinking, resulting in scar tissue upon the soul when in reversionism and apostasy.

f) Is purified from scar tissue and dead works through the substitutionary spiritual death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

F. The Launching Pad.

Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / heart of the soul works, the overall Heart is the filing cabinet. Then there is the Frame of Reference which are the various draws within the filing cabinet that provide first access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls. The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul. Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the information within the files giving us easy access and recall. Categorical Storage is the systematic grouping of reference material for application. The Conscience is the scanning of information within a file to use as a basis of reference regarding the situations of life. Finally we arrive at the Launching Pad. The Launching Pad is the gathering together of things stored within the filing cabinet. It is the animated process of removing a file and utilizing what is in that file.

The Launching Pad is the final and critical compartment of the Heart of your soul.

This is the compartment that when confronted with an issue or situation, gathers information from the other five compartments of the Heart and sets it in motion.

It is the staging and application of metabolized Bible doctrine resident in your soul and/or Problem Solving Devices to the various experiences of life.

Applying the Word of God that you have learned to the situations of life is called Wisdom.

The Launching Pad is the staging area for EPIGNOSIS (complete knowledge) Bible Doctrine and setting it in motion to become SOPHIA (wisdom) as you apply it to life.

Wisdom should be the natural outpouring of your soul as a result of learning the Word of God.

If it is not, then arrogance has or will set in.

Unfortunately many believers don't take in the Word of God after salvation and do not receive EPIGNOSIS. That is problem #1.

Problem #2 is that some believers with EPIGNOSIS Bible doctrine do not apply it in faith.

The most common cause of Problem #1 and #2 is that arrogance (i.e. independence and self-reliance emanating from the Sin Nature) has taken up residence in the soul in the place of EPIGNOSIS.

Without wisdom applied from your soul, there is arrogance.

The Greek word for wisdom, SOPHIA and the Hebrew equivalent, CHOKMAH means the ability to relate metabolized Bible doctrine in the Heart (right lobe) to life.

Therefore, it is the ability to deal sagaciously (keen and farsighted judgment, acute discernment) with life from the accumulated facts and knowledge of the Mystery Doctrine of the Church Age.

The Launching Pad is an entrance hall or conduit for EPIGNOSIS Bible Doctrine to be applied. It works as follows:

Your are faced with a situation in life. The Frame of Reference sends first some general reference points that are related to the situation. Then the Memory Center sends in recalled details and data regarding those reference points. This is followed by the Vocabulary sending technical specifications that can be used for the situation. Next the Categorical Storage compartment sends supporting data from multiple reference points. Then the Conscience brings forth reasoning based on all the norms and standards built in your soul from accumulated Bible Doctrine that has flowed through it. And finally the Launching Pad gathers together all supporting materials, stages them for launch, and thrusts them forward within your soul so that the Wisdom of God flows throughout your soul and can be applied to the situation you are faced with.

This all occurs under the function of your very own Royal Priesthood through the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit working within your soul.

You cannot apply what you do not know. You can only apply Bible doctrine for yourself; the Pastor cannot apply Bible doctrine for you.

John 16:13, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears (EPIGNOSIS), He will speak (Launch Pad); and He will disclose to you what is to come (Wisdom)."

The Launching Pad is where thought is converted into action.

The standards from your Conscience are applied to life and all of the other parts of the Heart come together to make an application.

As you apply more and more Bible doctrine to life, you develop greater and greater wisdom.

In the Launching Pad all the Bible doctrine in the right lobe of your soul comes together for its application.

This is where virtue love, hope, and the other Problem Solving Devices have a phenomenal impact.

1 Corinthians 2:13, "Which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.

This means application of EPIGNOSIS Bible doctrine to your experiences in the privacy of your Royal Priesthood.

Under the Royal Family Honor Code, we are not to apply our own norms and standards to others (unless you are a parent).

But in grace and virtue (unconditional) love, we teach and train others with the hope that they will develop EPIGNOSIS and wisdom within their own soul to the glory of God.


1 Corinthians 1:30, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."But you are from Him in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, both righteousness and sanctification and redemption."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

1 Corinthians 2:7-8, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."For we communicate God's wisdom in a mystery which has been hidden, which God predestined before the ages for the purpose of your glory, [divine wisdom] which none of the rulers of this age have understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

James 3:17, "This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On.But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and divine good production, impartial, without hypocrisy."This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.

Philippians 4:8, This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - On."Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is integrity, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if there is any virtue, if there is anything worthy of praise, concentrate on these things."

This was Font/Pitch 2,12 - Off.Note: The change to pitch (12) and font (1) must be converted manually.12. Summary of the Six Compartments of the Heart.

Throughout this doctrine we have been utilizing the analogy of a "filing cabinet" to explain how the KARDIA / HEART of the soul works. Basically the Heart is the overall filing cabinet. It is the central resource center of your soul, the place where information is entered, stored, and available for recall and application. As we have noted in this doctrine, there are six compartments in the heart of your soul so we will use the "filing cabinet" analogy to describe the six compartments.

1) The Frame of Reference is analogous to the various drawers within the filing cabinet. The drawers provide initial access to the central resource center for storing and finding information within our souls.

2) The Memory Center is the actual files you place within the filing cabinet. It is the actual storage of information within your soul.

3) Vocabulary Storage is analogous to the tabs or headings we put on files as a technical reference to the information within the files providing us easy access and recall.

4) Categorical Storage is the order and arrangement of files, the systematic grouping of reference material for application.

5) The Conscience is the scanning of information within a file to use as a basis of reference, establishing guidelines regarding the situations of life.

6) Finally, we arrive at the Launching Pad. The Launching Pad is the place where the things stored in the filing cabinet are gathered together for use and application. It is the animated process of removing a file and utilizing what is in that file.

For example, you are faced with a disastrous situation in life. The Frame of Reference sends initial general reference points that are related to the situation. Then the Memory Center sends in recalled details and data regarding those reference points. This is followed by the Vocabulary sending technical specifications that can be used for the situation. Next, the Categorical Storage compartment sends supporting data from multiple reference points. Then the Conscience brings forth reasoning based on all the norms and standards built in your soul from accumulated Bible Doctrine that has flowed through it. Finally the Launching Pad gathers together all supporting materials, stages them for launch, and thrusts them forward within your soul so that the Wisdom of God flows throughout your soul and can be applied to the situation you are faced with. This all occurs under the function of your very own Royal Priesthood through the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit working within your soul.

13. Spiritual Growth is the Result of Building Up Your Heart with the Word of God.

As a result of having Bible doctrine in the Frame of Reference, moving it into the Memory Center, Vocabulary and Categorical storage, developing Norms and Standards in the Conscience coupled with faith application from the Launching Pad, we then have a growth factor from metabolized Bible doctrine which moves us to spiritual maturity.

This is the status in which spiritual growth is obtained as a result of momentum inside God's power system for your spiritual walk. This is accomplished through the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit and momentum from the Word of God metabolized within your soul. Learning God's Word provides momentum and motivation to learn more of God's Word. This is the momentum factor of spiritual phenomenon resulting in God's wisdom applied to your life.

There are two categories of spiritual growth.

1) Normal spiritual growth that comes from the renewing of your mind post-salvation.

Ephesians 4:23, "And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, 24and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth."

Romans 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

This is accomplished through the Grace Apparatus for Perception (GAP) which includes the three R's by means of the enabling power of God the Holy Spirit.

a) Receptive comprehension, faith upon hearing.

b) Retention, the metabolization of Bible doctrine, converting GNOSIS into EPIGNOSIS doctrine and storing it within the Heart of your soul.

c) Recall, the application of the Word resident within your soul from the Launching Pad of the Heart resulting in Wisdom.

2) Accelerated spiritual growth as a result of Suffering for Blessing.

The acceleration of your spiritual growth comes from the application of metabolized Bible doctrine and the function of the Problem Solving Devices when you are faced with pressure and adversity in life.

As is the general rule, we tend to learn at an accelerated rate when we are faced with difficulties or perceived failures within our lives. This is in contrast to the times of success and prosperity when we are comfortable, think we are all set and "have it all down pat". In the latter the trend is to not turn to God, His wisdom or power.

But in times of difficulty and pressure, we find ourselves in a position of hopelessness and helplessness when it comes to human solutions and our human resources. In these times, like no other, we are narrowed in our application to utilize the power of God, His Word and Spirit.

This is called Suffering for Blessing, which is facing difficulties, disasters, or pressure when we are walking with God. This is in contrast to divine discipline, when due to our negative volition, God allows discipline to come into our lives to wake us up.

You can learn from divine discipline, punitive suffering, the law of volitional responsibility, and self-induced misery. But that is a slow process and does not necessarily advance you to Spiritual Self-Esteem. In those instances, if you wake up and get back in fellowship with God, the discipline is turned into Suffering for Blessing.

Suffering for Blessing has three categories related to three stages of spiritual adulthood, which moves us forward and provides momentum to achieve further spiritual growth in spiritual adulthood.

1 Corinthians 9:24, "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. 25Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. 26Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; 27but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified."

a) Spiritual Self-Esteem plus Providential Preventative Suffering (P.P.S.) equals Spiritual Autonomy. P.P.S. insulates against the arrogance complex of sins. This means you begin to eliminate jealous, self-pity, bitterness, vindictiveness, hatred, inordinate ambition, inordinate competition, and all the other mental attitude sins in the arrogance complex.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10; 1 Peter 1:6-8; Philippians 1:29

b) Spiritual Autonomy plus Momentum Testing equals Spiritual Maturity. Momentum Testing includes People, Thought, System, Disaster, and Prosperity testing.

1 Corinthians 15:33; Proverbs 13:20, Colossians 3:12-4:1; Matthew 9:4; Romans 12:2-3; Galatians 6:3; Philippians 4:12-13

Philippians 4:12, "I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. 13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

c) Spiritual Maturity plus Evidence Testing equals Maximum Glorification of God. Evidence testing is Satan's cross-examination of every witness presented by God in the historical trial of all fallen angels. Zechariah 3:1; Romans 12:10, Ephesians 6:10-12; Revelations 2:8-11

Two categories of Evidence Testing.

1. The Relationship to the Plan of God Test, illustrated by our Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 4:1-11

2. The Relationship to Life Test, illustrated by Job.

No matter what stage of Spiritual growth you are in, keep in mind 1 Corinthians 10:13.

1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it."

So in relation to our verse, John 13:2 in the Upper Room Discourse, we understand why it is so important to fill the Heart of our Soul with the Word of God, so that we are not deceived and influence by demons and doctrines of demons. In review we have noted:

The Heart is the target within man for storing and applying the Word of God and the target for demon influence.

Doctrine of the KARDIA/Heart Summary

1. A physiological analogy of the spiritual life.

2. The first two mentions of Heart in the Bible, Genesis 6. - The dual nature of wickedness and righteousness of the heart.

3. The first mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:8. - The righteousness of the heart.

4. The second mention in the New Testament, Matthew 5:28 - The wickedness of the heart.

5. "The Heart of Man" is the place where wickedness flourishes or is eliminated. Matthew 15:11, 15-20

6. Our Lord used this word (5) times in the Upper Room Discourse. John 13:2; 14:1; 14:27; 16:6-7; 22

7. The usage of "heart" is a basis for analogy.

8. The Bible never uses the heart for emotion.

9. True happiness emanates from the Word of God circulating in the heart of your soul.

10. The Heart is a Part of the Essence of the Soul.

11. The Essence of the Biblical Heart.

12. Summary of the Heart - Our filing cabinet for the Word of God.

13. Spiritual Growth is the result of building up your Heart with the Word of God.

The Emotion of the Soul

1.       The soul and the body have things which are used, one to describe the other. Belly is used to describe emotion. Bowels are used as well. Reins (or kidneys) is another common word for the emotions.


3.       Emotions are tested by God. This means that God is the judge. David lied to Achish and claimed that he was stealing from the Jews and he was not leaving anyone still alive. This was a great con game.

4.       Emotions can be destroyed just as kidneys can be destroyed.

5.       Emotional revolt is the emotion having an affair with the old sin nature. It is the emotion rejecting its rm, the heart.

6.       Purging of the soul. All Greeks had a frame of reference for the dramas. It was like rebound for them. It purged their souls.

7.       Emotion is the appreciatory of love. Gen. 43:30

8.       The emotion stimulates happiness in all areas. In memory center; in the communion table, in the frame of reference.

9.       Emotions in spiritually in the Church Age and in the Millennium.

From: http://makarios-online.org/notes/pdf/Emotions.pdf

I. Preliminary considerations.

A. Emotions are complex phenomena of which we are all aware and which we all

experience, but to which we likely do not devote much consideration.

B. It is evident that emotions are somehow linked to the body, due to the physiological

changes that are associated with their function.

1. The pulse changes during certain emotional events, as does the respiration,

perspiration, adrenaline production, body temperature, etc.

C. This has led some in the scientific community to explain emotions strictly in

terms of the physical body stating that:

1. Hormones are being released by specific endocrine glands into the blood

stream to change things like heart rate, blood sugar level, endorphin levels,

even white blood cells and oxidants in body tissues.

2. Electrical impulses move across nerve pathways to anchor emotional

events into biological memory.

3. Emotions are processing trauma in the human body, whether it is physical

or psychological trauma.

4. Therefore, no emotions are ever bad or wrong since they are based on

complex chemical interactions we cannot control.

D. Those who do so typically, although not exclusively, tend to be unbelievers

that reject the entire concept of the soul and the dual nature of mankind.

E. They attempt to explain emotions strictly on the physical level, suggesting that

the only reason for emotions is found in the complex chemical and hormonal

interactions and fluctuations.

F. We would agree that several factors can affect and influence the emotions, we

would suggest that emotions generally cause the chemical changes in the

body, rather than vice versa.

1. This is not to say that physical changes in the body, like blood sugar fluctuations,

do not cause certain emotional responses.

2. Hormonal fluctuations, which occur regularly in women (and probably

men too), also have an effect on the emotions.

G. Others recognize that emotional responses to a given event are due to differing

belief systems, and our beliefs determine the meaning we attach to events and

how we respond emotionally to them.

H. This at least acknowledges the relationship between what we believe and how

we respond, something that is very clearly correct.

I. If the group that states that emotions are strictly the work of the body is correct,

one immediate conclusion is that people should not be held accountable

for their emotional responses since they are caused by factors over which they

have no control.

II. Vocabulary.

A. There is no vocabulary in either the Hebrew or Greek for our word emotions.

Doctrine of Emotions 2

B. The Bible uses anatomical, bodily parts to describe the existence and function of


C. The Old Testament includes:

1. mymix]r; (rachamiym) This word is translated bowels or inner parts, and is

akin to the word mx,r, (rechem) womb. It refers to the seat of the tender

emotions such as pity, mercy, compassion, etc.

2. twOyl'K. (kelayoth) This word means the kidneys, and is always used in the

plural, referring to the emotions in general.

3. !j,B, (beten) This word is the term for belly or stomach, and is occasionally

used to express the emotion of contentment or satisfaction.

4. mc,[, (‘etsem) This is the term for bones and is used to denote fear and

possibly other emotions. Job 4:14

D. Greek terms include:

1. koili,a (koilia) this word is the Greek counterpart of the Hebrew

!j,B,, belly or stomach, and is used sparingly to refer to the emotions.

2. spla,gcnon (splanchnon) This word is equivalent to the Hebrew

mymix]r and refers to the bowels or intestines. The Greeks regarded

the bowels as the seat of the more violent or aggressive emotions, such

as anger and love, whereas the Hebrews thought this to be the seat of

the more benevolent emotions of compassion or mercy.

3. nefro,j (nephros) This word is used only one time and refers to the

kidneys, being the counterpart of the Hebrew term for kidneys.

III. Definition and description.

A. The term emotion is derived from the term motion, and means “after motion


B. Hence, an emotion is a response to a stimulus that comes into one’s periphery.

C. The emotions are properly responders, they are not designed by God to rule

the soul or to dictate policy.

D. The emotions themselves do not contain any doctrinal content, and are not capable

of making good, clean decisions.

E. Webster defines emotion as “any departure from the normal state of calm,

producing a particular feeling, either pleasant or unpleasant, producing bodily

changes in respiration, circulation, glandular actions, etc., which may prompt

one to an overt response.

F. Emotions are definitely a subjective phenomenon and are clearly affected by

one’s environment, history, frame of mind, belief system and likely other factors

as well.

IV. The origin and place of the emotions.

A. God created mankind with emotions as part of the human condition, designing

them to be the appreciators and responders of the soul.

B. Emotions were originally a part of God’s perfect creation and were, like all

things, pronounced very good. Gen. 1:31

Doctrine of Emotions 3

C. To imply that emotions are evil, or wrong in some way, is to impugn the creation

of God and is totally incorrect.

D. In the original creation, the emotions could only respond to a perfect situation;

therefore, what we consider the unpleasant emotions did not exist.

E. In the perfect environment of Eden, with man and woman in a state of perfection,

only the emotions of contentment, happiness, joy, pleasure, etc. existed.

The name Eden means delight.

F. The emotions are part of the real you, the soul, placed there to appreciate God

and His creation, His plan, etc.

G. Animals, which do not possess souls, do not truly possess conscious emotional

responses in the temporal realm and certainly do not possess responses

in the spiritual realm. Skippy does not appreciate a sunset, a stirring musical

piece, love, compassion, etc.

V. The function of the emotions.

A. The emotions are designed to be responders and appreciators of the soul, and

are not designed at all to rule our life.

B. As there exists two kidneys, so there also exists two general realms of emotions,

the pleasant and the unpleasant.

C. The kidneys primarily secrete waste products from the body, but also provide

a system by which certain necessary products are reabsorbed by the body.

D. This illustrates the fact that most emotions are not to be retained, but eliminated,

while a few have a good effect on the body. Eph. 4:31ff; Prov. 17:22

E. Emotions are the external means by which the soul can express overtly the internal

state of affairs, and thus, are not generally to be suppressed.

F. People that consistently suppress their emotions are often not dealing with the

underlying issues or problems that prompted those emotions in the first place.

1. It may be that the emotions stem from some external problem that must be

acknowledged and with which one must deal.

2. It may be that the emotions stem from some internal problem that one

does not know exists or that one does not want to acknowledge.

G. While believers have the capacity to appreciate temporal things as well as

spiritual things, the unbeliever can only experience emotions related to the

temporal realm.

VI. Emotional control of the soul.

A. It is clear that God designed humanity to possess and express emotions, but

He did not design the emotions to be placed in the position of rulership in the


B. The believer should acknowledge the fact that he possesses certain emotions

since suppressing emotions can be psychologically and physically dangerous.

C. However, he must recognize that the emotions are not to rule his existence

and so must overrule this tendency when he becomes aware of it. Job 1:20-

22, 2:9-10; IThess. 4:13

D. The analysis center in the soul is designed to evaluate the input it receives

from all sources and then to make a proper decision based on these factors.

Doctrine of Emotions 4

E. Certainly, the input the analysis center is not to give more weight to the input

from the emotions that it is from the conscience or from Bible doctrine.

F. When believers possess doctrine and bring that doctrine to bear on issues, it

has a moderating and stabilizing influence.

G. The purpose of Bible doctrine in the soul is not to suppress or eliminate the

emotions, but to keep them in their proper place and keep them in correct perspective.

Gal. 5:22-23

H. The suggestion that “I feel this way and cannot do anything about it” is

strictly human viewpoint since emotions were not designed to control you.

I. Even human viewpoint, cosmic types recognize that gaining control of your

emotions is paramount if we are to lead pleasant, productive lives.

1. The negative emotions, such as anger, sorrow, depression, etc. must be

controlled or they can ultimately destroy us.

2. The positive emotions must also be controlled or they may lead us away

from rational, doctrinal decisions.

3. The ultimate goal would be to experience your emotions while remaining

completely in control of them, something the person without doctrine cannot


J. Evidences of emotional control of the soul.

1. Rejection of authority. Ex. 15:24, 16:2-3; Num. 12:1-5

2. Blaming God or others. Ex. 16:7-8; Job 1:22

3. Lack of faith-rest. Ex. 14:10ff; Num 14:10ff

4. Maladjusting to your niche, characterized by complaining. Ex. 16:3;

Num. 11:1-3,10-15

5. Continual yearning for the past or future. Ex. 14:12, 16:3; Num. 14:2

6. Severe mood swings, producing bizarre behavior. Num. 14:1,39,40

7. Religious reversionism. Ex. 32:1-6; Rom. 16:17-18

8. Pursuing the frantic search for happiness. Eph. 4:19

VII. The STA and its impact on the emotions.

A. At the point of the fall and the introduction of the STA into the genetics of

humanity, spiritual death was the immediate result. Rom. 5:12

B. In the realm of spiritual death, the realm into which all men are born, the STA

became the sole ruler of life. Rom. 5:21

C. Whatever genetic alterations occurred at the fall would also have an impact on

the realm of the emotions since the soul is interfaced with the body.

D. The emotions would then be capable of responding to the new ruler of the

world, Satan, via his access through the indwelling sin nature.

E. Obviously, when one is influenced by an evil genius like Satan, or when he

accepts faulty information in the form of STA input into the soul, the emotions

can be adversely affected.

F. In other words, those under the influence of evil will find it difficult, if not

impossible, to have a normal emotional reaction to the many things that occur

in life.

Doctrine of Emotions 5

G. Further, those that are negative and reject the light they are given will manifest

even more bizarre emotional responses to what they confront in the world.

Rom. 1:19-21,28,32

VIII. The rulership of the soul and the content of the soul as related to the emotions.

A. With the introduction of the genetic sin nature into humanity, the emotions are

capable of responding to the STA, and their legitimate function was corrupted.

B. Those unbelievers living under the control of the genetic sin nature manifest a

glaring number of inappropriate emotional responses. Consider the liberal

unbeliever that displays more emotional concern for the criminal than for the


C. Further, believers lacking the stabilizing influence of Bible doctrine often fall

prey to the lies and misinformation in the Devil’s world.

D. Although one may be a believer and possess some measure of doctrine in the

soul, there still exists the possibility of responding to the corrupt influences of

the world, the flesh or the Devil.

E. Therefore, unbelievers, or maladjusted believers under the influence of the

STA, the cosmos or false doctrine are going to fell much differently about issues

than those characterized by the F/HS and sound doctrine.

F. Typically, the emotional responses of the maladjusted will be in sharp contrast

to those of the adjusted. Prov. 1:22, 8:36, 9:7-9; ICor. 5:2

G. Therefore, believers are commanded to be on the alert for those that demonstrate

emotional control of the soul and separate from them, be they believers

or unbelievers. Prov. 22:24-25; Rom. 16:17-18

H. When one responds to God via sound doctrine under the filling of the Holy

Spirit, the correct emotional response will be forthcoming. Matt. 5:3-7

I. Conversely, when one responds to Satan via false doctrine under the rulership

of the sin nature, he will likely produce an inappropriate emotional response.

ICor. 5:2

J. Believers must recognize that emotional responses that arise when the STA

rules the life are undesirable and completely unreliable. Gal. 5:17-21

K. Although emotions that arise from resident doctrine under the F/HS are both

appropriate and acceptable nevertheless, they are not designed to rule the soul.

IX. The positive and negative emotions.

A. The “positive” emotions are generally classed as those that are pleasurable

and the “negative” emotions are generally considered to be those that produce

an unfavorable feeling.

B. Since God is the creator of the emotions, it should be evident that the full

spectrum of emotional responses is necessary in human existence.

C. Some have espoused the strange idea that the adjusted believer will experience

only the positive side of God’s plan and will enjoy only the “positive”


D. This generally is taught by the “name it and claim it” crowd that teaches believers

that God wants all believers to be rich, happy, healthy, etc.

Doctrine of Emotions 6

E. It is entirely incorrect to tell believers that if they are in fellowship and applying

doctrine that they will be exempt from the “negative” emotions and will

always be upbeat and happy. Mk. 3:5; Matt. 26:38

F. There are very clear examples in the Old and New Testament of the “negative”

emotions being the absolutely correct response.

1. Anger. Gen. 30:2; Matt. 18:34; Eph. 4:26

2. Hate. Ps. 119:113,128; Lk. 14:26; Rom. 7:15; Jude 23; Rev. 2:6

3. Fear. Prov. 1:7; Matt. 10:28; Rom. 11:20; Heb. 4:1; IPet. 1:17

4. Jealousy. Prov. 6:34; IICor. 11:2

5. Sorrow. Rom. 9:2; IICor. 2:1-9

a. Initially, the Corinthians demonstrated their maladjustment by rejoicing

when they should have been sorrowful. ICor. 5:2

b. Paul wrote the first epistle to the Corinthians, causing them sorrow.

IICor. 2:3

c. Paul was sorrowful about the fact that the situation existed, and sorrowful

that the Corinthians were so disoriented. IICor. 2:4

d. The purpose of the stern words recorded in I Corinthians was to orient

them to the truth, not to cause them sorrow. IICor. 2:4

e. They finally experienced the legitimate emotion of sorrow when they

recognized they were at odds with their authority and Bible doctrine.

IICor. 2:5

f. The incestuous Corinthian was made sorrowful when other believers

separated from him. IICor. 2:6

g. This produced the desired effect, a change of mind, orienting to Bible

doctrine. IICor. 7:10

G. Although Job was not under Divine discipline, God permitted some very severe

testing in his life that devastated him emotionally. Job 16

1. Job reproves his “comforters”. Vs 1-5

2. He recognizes what they do not, that God has allowed this testing in his

life and he is not some sort of a secret sinner. Vs 6-11

3. Job expresses his emotional devastation since he does not understand why

God is doing this to him. Vs. 12-17

4. However, he knows that these men are wrong and that God is still his only

hope. Vs. 18-22

5. Job finds out what we all must learn; God’s plan is beyond our ability to

grasp at certain times and we have to maintain our confidence that God

knows what He is doing. Job 42:1-6

X. Emotions and God.

A. As deity, God does not possess emotions that change or fluctuate since He resides

in a state of complete glory at all times. Ps. 61:2, 62:2 The term rock

implies total stability, immutability.

B. However, anthropopathically, human emotions are attributed to Him in the


Doctrine of Emotions 7

C. It is from these anthropopathisms that we readily observe that even the “negative”

emotions are necessary and legitimate when based on the perfect standards

of God.

D. Bible doctrine provides the necessary frame of reference for the emotions to

operate in a manner that is consistent with the essence of God.

E. Emotions attributed to God include:

1. Anger. Num. 22:22, 25:3; IKings 11:9; Isa. 5:25

2. Jealousy. Ex. 20:5, 34:14; James 4:5

3. Disgust. Ezek. 23:18

4. Sorrow. Gen. 6:6

5. Hate. Prov. 6:16; Amos 5:21; Zech. 8:17

6. Regret. ISam. 15:11,35

7. Surprise. Isa. 5:7

8. Longing. Isa. 30:18

9. Compassion. Ex. 34:6; IIChron. 30:9; Ps. 103:8

10. Joy. Ps. 104:31

F. These anthropopathisms are not employed to suggest that God actually experiences

the emotion rather, they are employed to indicate the function of

some attribute of the Divine essence.

G. Emotions and the God/man.

1. As perfect deity, the eternal Son did not possess emotions anymore than

the Father did.

2. However, in His humanity He possessed and experienced all the same

emotions that normal humans experience. Heb. 2:17, 4:15

3. This is observed in His display of:

a. Sorrow. Matt. 23:37, 26:38; Jn. 11:35

b. Anger. Mk. 3:5; Jn. 2:13

c. Surprise. Matt. 8:10; Lk. 7:9

d. Joy. Matt. 11:25

e. Love. Mk. 10:21; Jn. 11:5, 13:23

f. Compassion. Matt. 15:32, 20:34; Mk. 6:34

g. Frustration. Mk. 7:17-18, 8:14-21

h. Rejection. Matt. 26:31; Lk. 22:47-48

i. Repugnance. Heb. 12:2

j. Loneliness. Jn. 16:32

4. He demonstrated, at all times, that the emotions He experienced did not

have to rule the soul and He never allowed His emotions to dictate policy

to His soul.

5. No matter what situation He faced, or what emotion He was experiencing,

He always made Bible doctrine the issue. Matt. 11:25; Mk. 6:34, 10:21

6. The fact that all His emotional responses were devoted to God was taught

in the Levitical offerings. Lev. 3:15-16

H. Anthropopathically, emotion is attributed to the Holy Spirit as well. Eph. 4:30

XI. Conclusions.

Doctrine of Emotions 8

A. The emotions are part of the human experience and were provided by God as

the appreciators of the soul.

B. Like every other creation of God, the emotions were perfect until the introduction

of sin into human history.

C. At that time, the sin nature caused the emotions to respond in a markedly different


D. It is only through proper content in the soul (Bible doctrine in the inner man)

and consistent rulership by the Holy Spirit that one may have some measure

of confidence in his emotions.

E. Even then, the emotions were not designed by God to be in the position of rulership

over the soul.

F. An understanding of Bible doctrine and acclimation to the same will cause us

to manifest appropriate emotional responses to the various situations we face

in our niche.

G. We must be willing to submit “how we feel” at any given time, on any given

subject to the Word of God and take every thought captive to Bible doctrine.

IICor. 10:5

H. Since emotions are related to the body, and bodily changes can certainly effect

the emotions, believers are wise to take proper care of the body and not place

unnecessary pressure on the soul. ICor. 6:12-13,19-20

1. Proper rest.

2. Appropriate exercise.

3. Avoid excesses in food or drink.

4. Excessive hours on the job.

I. One should recognize when the body is adversely influencing the emotional

responses and overrule these things with doctrine.

J. Be aware that cosmic stimulation of the emotions is one of Satan’s regular

tools and avoid those things that cause you to stumble.

K. For single people, the emotion of love allows men and women to recognize

RM/RW but the overriding consideration must be the precepts of doctrine.

L. Generally speaking, those in fellowship with doctrine in the soul are not going

to react the same way emotionally as their unbelieving or carnal counterpart.

Jn. 16:20; Rev. 18:15,20

M. Positive volition coupled with the F/HS and doctrine in the soul will cause

your emotional responses to be much more accurate and more in line with

how God “feels”.

N. However, all this will not exempt you from the pressure of the angelic conflict

but it will cause you to experience emotions unique to positive believers. IICor.

4:8-9, 6:7-10, 7:4-5

Psalm 7:9 O let the evil of the guilty one [the wicked one] come to an end [be terminated], but establish the just [let the righteous be vindicated]. For the righteous God tries the minds and hearts.

1Samuel 26                Psalm 7:9-14 2Cor. 6:11, 12 72David                     631_0069

03/02/1973 Doctrine of emotions (continued)

We are still in the doctrine of emotion.

God the Father tests the right lobe and the emotion.


8.       How emotions relate to this dispensation. During this dispensation, Jesus Christ is absent from the earth and seated on the right hand of the Father. Whatever you do in life, however you make a living, that is your full-time Christian service. There is no double standard, one for the clergy and one for the layman. There are no laymen. The filling of the Holy Spirit is minus emotion. The purpose of the filling of the Holy Spirit is to gap it to supergrace. Emotion is not designed to produce character. It has no thought content. Emotion has no virtue; it is strictly a responder; it responds to whatever is in the right lobe. It cannot produce character or thinking; it can only respond to such things.

9.       Emotion and ecstatics has no spiritual content in the Church Age. The emotional response to speaking gibberish is meaningless.

10.     David came to the throne when Israel reached a great time in its history. All of the nations were going from the bronze to the iron age; and this was occurring throughout all of the nations. The Philistines had the superiority here for awhile.

11.     2Cor. 6:11–12 Our mouth is opened to you, Corinthians, our heart has been made larger. You are not restrained in us, but you are restrained in your own affections. How can a church have some of the best Bible teaching and get off the track? Paul probably coined more words in the Greek than any other individual. Enlarged heart means he had a lot to communicate to them. Their mouth being open, indicates a lot of teaching. Emotion needs to be hooked up to something good in order for it to be any good. The emotion cannot dominate.

12.     Women have souls.

13.     David was allowing his emotion to take over; this was related to being married to two women. David went through a period of time without a woman and he was woman starved. So he picks up on two women. He was very fond of Michele.

14.     The fun isn’t worth it in the long haul. The Corinthians got emotional about something; and whatever they got emotional about, that was it. David got emotional about having 2 women and that led to emotional revolt of the soul; which made him negative toward doctrine. He will become a great con artist. It is women with David; but it can be anything which makes you emotional. Athletics could turn on your emotions.

David has doctrine in his soul; his appeal to the supreme court is, David has doctrine and Saul does not; however, David will be a lot like Saul. He will be reversionistic very soon. God has a bonafide system of testing. We need to make sure that we are in supergrace. Make certain that you are not in danger of falling into reversionism.

Any traumatic experience can also set up emotional revolt. You can have a shock and become jealous and vindictive. You can get scar tissue of the right bank, go into emotional revolt, and then scar tissue on the left bank.

Psalm 7:9 O let the evil of the guilty one [the wicked one] come to an end [be terminated], but establish the just [let the righteous be vindicated]. For the righteous God testing the minds and hearts.

David leaves the supreme court of heaven. He begins to point out that, for the supergrace believer, God is his defense. In his soul, he has Bible doctrine and he takes it wherever he goes.

Doctrine can be attacked by a pipeline that comes in. There is demon influence. A more common attack is emotional revolt of the soul. This pipe contaminates. David is attacked from the emotion. The Members of the Trinity are David’s shield.

Psalm 7:10 My defense [lit., shield] is from God, who saves the upright [integrity] in heart.

God renders a judicial decision based upon accurate facts. The reversionist is carnal too, but there are other things besides his sins. When a reversionist is carnal, he stays that way.

Zaam means righteous indignation. God does discipline the supergrace believer when he gets out of line. God always spanks the believer in supergrace when he is carnal.

The rest of this psalm is about the carnal believer? Or the reversionist? The reversionist is in trouble every day. He carries his own trouble with him every day.

Psalm 7:11 God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

This is going from negative to positive. Discipline for the reversionist. He skins alive with a whip every son He receives. In the warning stage, you can rebound and get out of the deal. The last stage, dying discipline; you have to be strong on the repent, rebound what you can remember, and start gapping like hell.

Sharpening the sword indicates that we are talking about the sin unto death. Bending the bow to make it ready means that the person is still in the intensive stage of discipline. God is getting ready to apply the sin unto death. So, we are not quite there yet.

Psalm 7:12 If he does not turn [repent, turn around, go back], He will whet [sharpen] His sword; He has bent His bow and made it ready.

If God wants to take us out of this world out as a reversionist, He will not use the exact same method each time. We will die in a way that is totally painful to us. The person in dying grace has a wonderful time. No two reversionist goes out the same way. God will pick the manner in which we will die, which will be painful. Dying grace versus a dying hell via the sin unto death. When a reversionist dies, it is horrible; but the believer can get out of it, like Hezekiah.

When God shoots an arrow at you, it is a burning one; it hurts. God has no use for amateur archers. Don’t try to malign other people. David stayed out of this whole thing. He’s not going to shoot Saul.

Psalm 7:13 Yea, He has fitted him for instruments of death; He has made His arrows hotly pursue.

The next strophe is all about what a reversionist is really like. Behold is to get your attention focused upon what is being said. This doll has all kinds of pain when in labor. a reversionist is in pain when under discipline. Bobby was born without any pain. Being in pain from getting pregnant. To be pregnant, delivering, and in all kinds of pain. What is being born is nothingness.

Saul is so miserable that he tries to get a spiritual abortion. We have not found out how he got pregnant yet; that comes at the end of the passage.

Becoming Pregnant and Conceiving

1.       W

2.       This is reversionistic evil.

3.       There must be a pregnancy before there is a birth.

4.       The pregnancy comes from negative volition toward doctrine or from emotional revolt.

5.       Whichever way you go, emotional revolt or sewage system, always there follows a frantic search for happiness. The first thing you do is to look for happiness in a very frantic way.

6.       This results in blackout of the soul. Each one of these is its own separate labor pain.

7.       At the point of the practice of reverse process reversionism, there is the birth of a life of great deceit.

The road to reversionism is paved with mental attitude sins and sins of the tongue and overt sins.

David is talking about himself and he doesn’t even know it. David is going to become a strap-on artist.

Psalm 7:14 Behold, he labors in pain with iniquity [nothing], and he has conceived mischief [pregnant with sin], and has brought forth falsehood [give birth to a life of deceit].


1.       This verse describes every step of reversionism from negative volition to whatever trend reversionism takes. All reversionism does not start with negative volition; but all roads to reversionism leads to negative volition toward doctrine. Emotional revolt can do it. You can be a holy roller first and gt there; or be a polygamist and get there. Or you can be involved in a frantic search for happiness. No born again believer can be demon-possessed. Demon influence is almost worse, however. Eventually, everything goes to negative volition no matter how you get there. You can be socially unfaithful. That can lead to negative volition. The pregnancy is the frantic search for happiness or mental attitude sins expressed or taking revenge. The birth pains can be next; you carry around your own misery. Giving birth is reversionism full-blown.

2.       Every reversionist lives a lie; deceit and superificiality.

3.       No reversionism has capacity for love, life, happiness, promotion, etc. the reversionist digs his own hole. No one every gets into reversionism accidentally. Ignorance is no excuse. When you get out of fellowship.

1Samuel 18                            Psalm 7:14-17 72David                                 631_0070

03/04/1973 The pregnancy of reversionism

pregnancy is the topic and apparently there are babies making noise which can be heard in the auditorium.

At a point of negative volition, a person can go into negative volition toward Bible doctrine or they might get into emotional revolt. The laboring is the painful end. Usually when a woan gets pregnant, there is no pain involved; it is generally related to pleasure.

The child has to breathe once before the child is a child.

Laboring with Emptiness

1.       Reversionism rarely begins with negative volition toward doctrine. It may start in the soul at that point, but something has to cause negative volition toward doctrine.

2.       Generally it begins with one of several forms of vanity. The 2 most common forms are emotional revolt of the soul and a frantic search for happiness. Apathy; suddenly, you are totally indifferent. Self-pity. Boredom, especially dangerous in a woman. A frustration, or disappointment in one’s social life within a church. They think everyone at church is perfect or near perfect and are quite disappointed when it turns out that they are not. One of these things will cause Operation fish; frantic search for happiness. Either way, this is the pregnancy period. The fun. Whatever it is, an emotional experience or frantic search for happiness, the pregnancy begins. Some form of sublimation leads to negative volition leads to reversionism. This opens up the vacuum, which sucks in false doctrine. Through your own volition, you build up the pain. Emotional revolt and a frantic search for happiness are both associated with feeling good, but they lead to sharp pangs. It was much more painful then to give birth then.

You become pregnant because you are bored or frustrated and then sends you into emotional revolt or a frantic search for happiness. You carry on until you have pain.

In 1Sam. 27, David will become a great strap on artist. Start out with apathy; or self-pity, and you graduate to much greater apathy and self-pity. You begin with a small amount of frustration, and then you bear a lot of frustration.

Stage one is pregnancy, which might begini with boredom, apathy, disillusion. This leads to emotional revolt of the soul of frantic search for happiness. This results in negative volition toward doctrine. You don’t go immediately to negative volition toward doctrine; you begin with something else, social life or whatever, because you are bored or frustrated; and so you go with that, and eventually turn negative toward doctrine. In the labor pain period of time, you are spending all of your time with one of those things. They give birth to deceit. Through your own negative volition, the reversionism digs his own grave.

When a woman becomes pregnant, her physiology changes somewhat. If you get like this, you have to change some habits; you can’t reach the table, so you balance the cup on your own table. When you become pregnant, you develop habits that you did not have before. As long as you are pregnant, this is how you drink coffee.

When reversionism goes, you lose this; but you still have the bad habit. You do not balance to coffee on your tummy but on the table, once you have given birth. Habits you develop in reversionism are broken by getting back into supergrace.

Psalm 7:14 Behold, he labors in pain with iniquity [vanity, emptiness], because he has conceived mischief [anguish, misery, wearisome labor; early stages of emotional revolt, frustration], and has brought forth falsehood.

The next verse is the volitional side of all of this. Every time you decide, through boredom or apathy or disillusion or indifference or frustration that you are going to go out and have some fun or assuage your self-pity, you put yourself in a position where you are negative toward doctrine. Frantic search for happiness means negative volition toward doctrine. As the pregnancy develops and you go through the various stages, you, of your own free will, develop these things. Knocking is the warning stage; you pass that and you get into the intensive stage. No matter how disillusioned you are no matter how much frustration is in your soul, you bring it on yourself.

Emotionalism and a frantic search for happiness appear to solve your problems of boredom or whatever. Once negative volition toward doctrine is established, operation frantic search for happiness starts up. These are reactions against your frustration and your self pity and in this you begin to develop scar tissue. Then you are pregnant. You go through the stages and you eventually get into labor pains. The expiration means you end up in reversionism or reverse process reversionism. Exploring the pit is the life of the believer who has rejected doctrine. He was fallen into the pit. That is the dying stage. This is the pit that he himself has constructed. You manufacture your own torture via your own unhappiness.

Psalm 7:15 He dug a pit and bored [explored] it, and has fallen into the ditch which he made.

What began as a big or boredom or frustration eventually becomes a ghastly, horrible nightmare. The frantic search for happiness. These things return on his own head. There is a paronomasia here.

David, who would never think of committing war against women and children, will suddenly begin to make war against women and children. Violent oppression will come down on David’s head, rather than the crown. The first part of this chapter had to be postponed.

In David’s frantic search for happiness, this had to return on his own head. Every believer needs to take responsibility for his own decisions. God will take responsibility for positive volition toward Bible doctrine; for that which is in adherence to His plan. God took responsibility for David’s good decisions and He backed David all the way. When the reversionist makes his own deicisions, he takes the responsibility for his own choices.

The supergrace believer sows what he does not sow; he sows what God sows; only the reversionist reaps what he sows. The decisions of the supergrace believer multiply blessings upon blessings; he reaps what he cannot sow and what he does not deserve. He reaps God’s blessing. David is the richest man in his day. David reaps what he could not sow. When he is in reversionism, then he reaps what he sows. Supergrace blessing is beyond earning and deserving. If you are in supergrace, thumb your nose at the next jackass legalist.

Psalm 7:16 His mischief shall return on his own head, and his violence [violent oppression] shall come on his own crown.

David will snap out of this completely. That is what v. 17 is all about. You cannot sow and reap occupation with Christ or supergrace capacity or supergrace blessing. Going to Bible class is not sowing. You are the ground that God throws the seed into; God is sowing in us the very framework in which He will bless us.

A famous guy Robt Muldave wine grower in CA. You cannot take wine and age it in steel vats. You age the wine in the very wood of the forest. He developed a great quality wine because he knew CA grapes were every bit as good as Italian grapes. He has the most successful business in the United States with regards to wine.

We all sin each and every day. When the victors came to Rome, the spoils of the victory belong to the supergrace believer. No supergrace believer reaps what he sows; he reaps what God sows for him.

Saul will go out under 3 stages of discipline; David will be graced out. Our souls must be lined with grace capacity. David will be the beneficiary of maximum grace that he did not earn and what he did not deserve.

David will even fall into reversionism and yet he will reap what God sows.

We will see David as a strap on artist, and he will go through boredom and self-pity and into reversionism. David will now dig a hole for himself.

Psalm 7:17 I will [be caused] praise Jehovah according to His righteousness, and will sing [in celebration] praise to the name of Jehovah most high.

1Samuel 27                                          72David                                              631_0071

71 03/04/1973 1 Sam. 27:1-4; 13:19 Doctrine of idolatry

This marks the beginning of trouble for David. God has done many things on behalf of David.

What God Is Doing for David

1.       God saw David in eternity past and called David at that time into His plan. Many nations would be quite shocked and surprised about David being the king of Israel in 1000 b.c.

2.       1445 b.c., the Jews were pulled out of slavery and given 400 years worth of wages. 1405 crossing the Jordan to take the land.

3.       1400 after the Jews crossed the border, the Hittites discovered iron in the mountains of Armenia and bring the bronze age to an end around 1200.

4.       The Egyptians also a great empire.

5.       Kingdom of Matani. This kept the Hittites from going south into Palestine; and keep the Babylonians from geoing west into Palestine and Egypt from going northeast into Palestine. Natani finally eliminated by the Hittites.

6.       They will gain an iron monopoly after the collapse of the Hittites.

7.       The Hittites will expand and move down into Palestine and frighten the Egyptian.

8.       A group of people in 1200 which turn the world upside down. The first of these events is the fall of Troy. Troy was a buffer state. When it was destroyed, things changed everywhere. This was the last great activity of the Achaian Greeks. Soon after this, north of Greece in Macedonia and east of that is Thrace. These are all cousins. Area occupied by the Dorian Greeks. Phrygians, Lydians, Likians all moving into Turkey.

9.       Achaians hop into the ships and travel about.

10.     Dorians conquer many little areas. This forces the Carrians, Phrygians, Lydians and Likians to move into the Hittite empire and to destroy them floding into the north are these barbarian Greeks. Achaians get into the ships and leave.

11.     The sea peoples made up of some Carrion, Lydians, Dorians, etc. set off on adventures for 200 years. They move with their bronze age weapons.

12.     Egypt’s 20th dynasty beginning.

13.     The people who invaded and stayed there were the Philistines and they established 5 great cities and they stopped the Egyptians. The Egyptians would not go into Palestine because of the Philistines. Amalek are Arab or bedouine robbers and raders. They are south of Philistia.

14.     The emergence of some new peoples. The Aramæans, the modern syrains. They will act as a buffer and keep everyone out of Palestine from the north. The great empire of Lydia, previously an empire of the Hittites. Also called the Phrygian empire. Side by side, apparently. The rise of the Aramæans stopped the neo-Hittites, the Lydians, the Chaldeans, the Phyrigians from coming down into Palestine.

15.     Philistines kept the egyptians out of Palestine. 1200 to 1000 Assyrians, neo-Hittites and the Philistines, and the Etruscans knew how to smelt iron. But this is not a universal age; just for a few of these.

16.     The Philistines had a great monopoly on iron. Sword of Goliath was iron. 1Sam. 14 is talking bout an iron monopoly. They had nothing with which to cope against the Philistines, who had iron weapons. However, even people with superior weapons cannot conquer those with Bible doctrine in their soul.

1Sam. 13:19 And there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make swords or spears.

Iron sharpens bronze because it is stronger.

1Sam. 13:20 And all Israel went down to the Philistines, each man to sharpen his plowshare, and his mattock, and his axe, and his plowshare.

The Philistines had iron; the Jews did not.

1Sam. 13:21 And the sharpening charge was a pim for the plowshares, and for the mattocks, and for the three pronged forks, and for the axes, and for setting the plowshares.

Jonathan will go to attack the Philistines to take some of their weapons.

1Sam. 13:22 And it happened in the day of battle that there was neither sword nor spear in the hand of any of the people with Saul and Jonathan. But one was found with Saul and with his son Jonathan.

1Sam. 13:23 And the fort of the Philistines went out to the pass of Michmash.

One Jews with Bible doctrine in his soul and a bronze weapon is superior to an army of Philistines with iron weapons.

David fought Goliath with a stone-age weapon. Jesus Christ overrules where there is Bible doctrine in the souls of the army.

David was discouraged and despondent because of Saul’s attacks on him. He has entered into polygamy; and this does not solve his problems. That is a frantic search for happiness. Scar tissue is developing on the right bank of his soul. He is lonely and bored and he wants stimulation. Doctrine stopped functioning in the soul of David. He begins to think in terms of human viewpoint. He became disinterested in doctrine. Negative volition toward doctrine. The opening up the vacuum, which began to suck in false doctrine.

What God does not remove, He means for us to endure. God expects David to endure Saul’s harassment. While David was great; he could have been even greater. He will make 3 or 4 mistakes which can go back to not gutting it out right here.

Disillusion, boredom, frustration, discouragement, self-pity all seeping into David’s soul. But what God does not remove, God expects for us to endure. David has a divine promise that he is going to be the king. David should remain in Judah.

When David says, there is not good, indicates that David has tried it God’s way and is unhappy with that. He is going to try it his way. These 5 things have made David pregnant. He reacts to these 5 things in his life. The first thing is to start a frantic search for happiness. This leads to emotional revolt of the soul. When these seesaw back and forth, doctrine is rejected. The believer thinks, I’ve got to go somewhere where things are better. David decided that he needed to go to Phylisita. He thought a change of environment would solve his problem.

David assumes that he will have security in Philistia. He thinks of security. He will have security in Philistia. Ahinoam, because of her name, was probably a lot of fun. David figures a change in environment means happiness. He marries Abigail; Ahinoam. But he is still bored, disillusion, bored, lonely, frustrated and discouraged.

Philistia at that time, it was as safe as any other place in the world. These cities are near the Mediterranean; and there are great views to the ocean and the mountains from Gath. David will get this in Ziklag. He knows it is beautiful and the climate is great. He recalls that Achish has a great sense of humor. There is something very attractive about the city-state of Gath. Achish rules for 50 years. Gath is a beautiful city. The Greeks constructed their homes to be air conditioned. They had ducts to pull in the cool air. They knew about entertaining. Put all of this into a nice climate, and David buys into it.

David is tired of Saul on his back all the time; he is tired of putting up with this. He is discouraged and bored; he is filled with self-pity. Today, it might be, “on to California.”

Now, these women might not be getting along at this time; and they are living in tents and probably at too close quarters; so maybe a place they could call home is the key, so David thinks.

Saul won’t go into the land of the Philistines to get David, because he does not want to battle the Philistines. He will if he has to; but he will no go on the offensive against them.

A Few of David’s Problems

1.       The Qal imperfect begins this verse. David says this over and over again; and this is him thinking. He is thinking apart from Bible doctrine. This is operation over-think. This excludes any divine viewpoint. He has begun to look at life from the human viewpoint.

2.       Human viewpoint thinking adds fuel to the fire; panic, depression, insecurity.

3.       The action of Saul should not dictate to David; what David should think about is the will of God. If you as a believer are being persecuted, bullied and pushed around; that pressure should not dictate your direction in life.

4.       The will of God is constantly available to David in his soul.

5.       Negative volition toward doctrine results in no doctrine in the memory center or in the right lobe.

6.       Samuel, Jonathan, Abigail and even Saul all know that David is the next king.

7.       Reversionism will not listen to the truth. Reversionism rejects the truth. Reversionism is not interested in Bible doctrine.

8.       Reversionism must invariably be dictated to by self-pity, panic, give up itius, boredom and disillusionment. Therefore, David will make a run for it.

9.       Reversionism always seeks to solve problems through change of faces. Change of geographical location. Some change of the environment. A new environment does not solve problems. Problem solving comes from inside the soul.

1Sam. 27:1 And David said in his heart, I shall now perish [will be destroyed] one day by the hand of Saul. Nothing is better [lit., there is not good] for me than that I should speedily escape [deliver myself] into the land of the Philistines. And Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any border of Israel, and so [therefore] I shall escape out of his hand.

Only David, in reversionism, is blind to God’s will. His thinking is shallow and superficial, and this will intensify his problems; when you seek to change a person, a church, your job or a geographical location in order to solve a problem, then you postpone the solving of the problem.

Obviously, you may take a better job. You might change one bf for another. But this should be based upon Bible doctrine, not based upon human viewpoint solutions. You can move from one house to another. Moving for a legitimate reason, that is one thing. You may have a horrible car and you may try to solve that problem is buying a ‘73 model; but that worst bunch of junk was built to fit to hippy standards and these cars are piles of junk.

It is okay to get something new, to go to a new job, to move to California, to go to a new church; provided that you do not do this in order to solve a problem. David is in great trouble here; and Achish will face a buttload of problems because David comes into Philistia.

The Amalekites live in the southern area; they won’t go into Philistia, however. They go to Edom, Moab or the Jews; but they do not go into Philistia. When brother David moves there, he will slaughter the Amalekites.

David will strap it on Achish. There are 7 ways that you can’t lose, apart from being a believer. You’ll want to save a page for that doctrine. He will strap it on Achish.

Kum is a verb of action. David has made a decision and he is going to go with it. He will change his environment to solve his problems. Problem solving will be based upon geographical location rather than by doctrine in the soul. Your problems follow you wherever you go. These problems are in your soul.

Last time David was in Gath, he developed a great appreciation for Achish. “I already have a staff filled with madmen; I don’t need another one. I am not accepting any new applicants.” David knew he would be accepted in Gath.

1Sam. 27:2 And David arose and passed over, he and the six hundred men with him to Achish the son of Maoch, king of Gath.

David sat down and enjoyed himself in Gath. There are the phallic cults and the heathen temples and they worshiped the gods of Mount Olympus. David is enjoying himself to the utmost. How can he solve problems by intensifying the situation? Achish worships Neptune, like all of the Greek sea pirates did.

The Doctrine of Idolatry

1.       Idolatry is forbidden. Gath is a large and prosperous city; and a great city of idolatyr. Ex. 20:3 Deut. 7:16 You cannot have compatibility with Achish King of Gath without entering into the phallic cult.

2.       Idolatry is spiritual adultery. Jer. 3:8–10 Jesus Christ is the object of category #1 love.

3.       Idolatry of mind precedes idolatry of practice. Mental idolatry occurs first. Judges 2:1–18 Saul is a reversionism. Achish is a reversionist. Saul is a believer; Achish is an unbeliever reversionist. David is the ping pong ball between them. David is an honorable, honest man. But he will become a great strap on artist after this. He will go right along with Achish in all of his practices.

4.       Idolatry for the believer involves the rejection of Bible doctrine. The vacuum opens up and false doctrine has entered into the soul of David. He knew what was going on there. Idolatry would once shock him. Now, he is okay with it.

5.       Demons function through idols and practice idolatry. David can be demon influenced. We will see possible examples of this.

6.       Idolatry is the devil’s communion table. The passover was the communion table of David’s day. This is used for David going into Egypt.

7.       Since idolatry is related to emotional revolt of the soul, it produces psychotic conditions.

8.       Related to sexual sins. Ezek. 22, 23

9.       Idolatry leads to national judgement of the fifth cycle of discipline. Isa. 2 Jer. 4


I. Idolatry is a satanic attempt to substitute false gods and concepts for God’s Person

and plan. His purpose is to blind mankind with respect to God’s plan. He does

this by setting up a series of counterfeits. 2Cor.4:3,4 cp.11:14

II. Idolatry results in negative volition to the gospel. Rom.1:18-25

A. This produces false concepts introducing soul idolatry. Rom.1:18-21

B. This leads to overt idolatry. Rom.1:22-23

III. The development of idolatry in postdiluvian civilization:

A. Whatever form of idolatry that pre-existed the Noahic flood was wiped out

leaving only believers in Noah and his family.

B. The first recorded clear example of idolatry is found in Gen.11:1-9

C. The time: immediately after the flood.

D. The place: historical Babylon. Gen.10:8-10; 11:9

E. The human instigators: Cush, Nimrod and Samerimus and the Samarians

(Shinar). Gen.10:8-12; Gen.11:1-9

F. The images of idolatry: the city and the tower. Gen.11:4

G. The city = political idolatry; the tower = religious idolatry.

H. The concept: One world order and a one-world religion.

I. The one world political order is further depicted in Jer.51:7 and Rev.18

under the code name Babylon.

J. The one world religion is further depicted in Rev.17 esp. vss.1,4,5 under

the code name Babylon.

K. The distinctive characteristics of the cult: mother son. She was known as

the goddess of love (Ashtarti, Isis, Diana, Venus, Mary, the queen of

heaven). Nimrod (Baal, Brahma, Osirus, Jupiter, Bacchus). Salvation by

works, many holidays, prayers for the dead and purgatory, false

priesthoods; this organization sponsored the phallic cult.

IV. Both the political and religious systems of idolatry are carried over into the

Church Age. Rev.17-18 cp.2The.2:7

A. Christian titles and terminology were adopted.

B. Responsible for the death of millions. Rev.17:6; 18:24

C. Its concept and philosophy under religiosity dominates the world.


D. The separated political and religious system’s entities/heads will be

destroyed in the middle of the Great Tribulation (Rev.17:8-17; 18:8-21) to

be united under the antichrist (Rev.17:13).

V. Idolatry will continue to exist in the last half of the Tribulation. Rev.13

A. It centers on the unholy trinity of Satan, the beast and false prophet.

B. It promotes a system of economic coercion.

C. Will include mass murder of many.

D. It is inclusive of miracles as deluding influences. Rev.13:13,14; 2The.2:9-


E. It includes overt idolatry. 2The.2:4

Doctrine of Idolatry

Lake Erie Bible Church

P-T Ken Reed

May 2003


VI. “The lie” is the descriptive title for this system. Rom.1:25; 2The.:11

VII. The first and second commandments prohibit mental and overt idolatry.

Exo.20:3,4; 23:24 cp. Deu.4:28; 5:7; 6:14; 7:16; 8:19

VIII. Idolatry was a crime and those involved in occults were to be punished by death.

Exo.22:18 cp.18:9-14

IX. Idolatry begins in the mental attitude in rejection of truth always preceding overt

idolatry. Ex. The Exodus generation Exo.32:1ff cp. vs.8

X. Demons operate through idols. Zech.13:2; Rev.18:2 cp. 1Cor.10:19-20

XI. Therefore, idolatry is the devil’s communion table. 1Cor.10:21-22

XII. Idolatry results in national disintegration and judgment. Jer.2:27-30; 3:6-11;

7:17-20; Eze.6:2-7

XIII. Idolatry in the New Testament:

A. It is degeneration from true worship. Rom.1:16-28

B. The phallic cult is a form of religion/idolatry. Eph.5:5

C. Monetary reversionism is also a form of idolatry. Eph.5:5

D. Believers are commanded to separate from idolatry and those that practice

it. Gal.5:19-21 (idolatry that stems from lusts of the flesh); 1Joh.5:21

(Philosophical/intellectual/religious idolatry); Rev.18:4 (Political idolatry)

XIV. The local church is to be separate from the local religious idolatrous environment.

From: http://www.lakeeriebiblechurch.org/doctrine/pdf/IDOLATRY.pdf

For David to live in Gath, there must be some compatibility. Gath will influence some of his men will become SOB’s because of this. 1Sam. 30:22 these are reversionists. These are some who went with David. David has, during this 14 months in Ziklag and however long he lived in Gath before that, that some of his men will become reversionists.

There is a pseudo love here; it is phoney. David does not put God first. This is reverse process reversionism. He becomes a pseudo-love type. That is the result of reversionism. That is also pseudo security.

There are about 3000 people with David at this time. David brought his problem with him. He will not solve his problem in Philistia. He has his 2 wives with him. The change of environment does not solve this problem. If either of these women were his rw, then he would not be bored or lonely. The wrong wife means he would be lonely. You will take your problem with you. It is in the soul.

God does not condone polygamy. All the great believers in the Bible have one wife or no wives. RM/RW; Noah, Abraham, Joseph all had rw. Joseph tempted into adultery. He had all of the romanticism; and he saw the daughter of the high priest of Egypt and he married this woman. The 2 sons of this marriage became 2 tribes. Joseph went in the right direction; Jacob in the wrong. Polygamy brought great trouble to Gideon, to Solomon, to Elkane in the Dunghill special. There are special disciplines for this kind of thing.

1Sam. 27:3 And David lived with Achish of Gath, he and his men, each one with his household; David with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal's former wife.

Saul succeeded in reducing David to his own status. As Saul bats the ping pong ball over the net to Achish, he turns away and he is all through. Saul is a reversionist. David as another reversionist becomes uninteresting to Saul. David is wacked over the net and no longer important to him. You may be persecuted in the worst way in supergrace, and all you need to do is get into reversionism, and no more attacks from reversionists. Saul has reduced David to his status in reversionism. Saul has no quarrel with a human viewpoint reversionist. Polygamy is the basis for David’s panic.

Saul gets an intelligence report. David is out of Israel; he is in Gath. Once that happened, Saul was no longer interested in David and his movements. This will mark the end of Saul seeking after David.

David’s Flight from Samuel

1.       The satanic influence on King Saul. He is not demon-possessed.

2.       Once David is discredited by his flight, once he ignores the Word of God, Saul no longer seeks to destroy him.

3.       Saul fights David as a supergrace believer, but no interst in a reversionist.

4.       A believer cannot be cp he can be demon influenced.

5.       Saul’s madness did not carry him into Philistia.

6.       David is more discredited through his flight than he would be through his death.

Saul is no longer concerned about, “Saul has slain his thousands and David has slain his tens of thousands.”

1Sam. 27:4 And Saul was told that David had fled to Gath. And he never again looked for him.

1Samuel 27:5-11                                  72David                                              631_0072

72 03/09/1973 David as strap-on artist; seven ways a strap-on artist functions

Tulsa, OK was very encouraging. Bob had an ecstatic experience and fell down and hit his head on the table. Great gym that Bob was in it. He wondered about it. One guy who was a heavyweight lifter; and there was a special team from Campus Crusade; and he was on tapes. Gary Glenny has a great deal to do with that club. He is the US champion in the heavyweight division. A bunch of Christians in this gym. Many have been in Berachah Church. You sure have to watch your step these days. Bob is now a chief in the chawkataw tribe. Bob was called Jehovah’s warrior; and he has a bonnet as well as a chief. He’s got it there. He doesn’t wear that without his war paint.

David is beginning his 2nd reversionistic lapse. There is disillusion sometimes followed by boredom or discouragement. With some believers, you wonder; “Jesus keeps, He saves, He satisfied.” Are they trying to convince us or themselves? Is it a ham hypocrisy?

There is a reaction and many go off on a frantic search for happiness. Everyone has different things which they go after.

1Sam. 27:1 And David said in his heart, I shall now perish [will be destroyed] one day by the hand of Saul. Nothing is better [lit., there is not good] for me than that I should speedily escape [deliver myself] into the land of the Philistines. And Saul shall despair of me, to seek me any more in any border of Israel, and so [therefore] I shall escape out of his hand.

David reacts and he becomes negative toward doctrine and that is the pregnancy; and he decides to make a change of place and that will fix things.

1Sam. 27:2 And David arose and passed over, he and the six hundred men with him to Achish the son of Maoch, king of Gath.

Achish is king over Gath, which appears to be preeminent over the other Philistine cities. David crosses over with 600 soldiers.

David brought his 2 wives, which means, his trouble will follow him.

1Sam. 27:3 And David lived with Achish of Gath, he and his men, each one with his household; David with his two wives, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail of Carmel, Nabal's former wife.

Once David is in reversionism, there is no difference between David and Saul. Saul will only bother with David if he is a supergrace believer.

1Sam. 27:4 And Saul was told that David had fled to Gath. And he never again looked for him.

There are many Greek temples; they have idolatrous religious practices. David recognizes that there could be problems living in a wild city with all of the family men who are with him.

David, in reversionism, is a great strap on artist. It helps to be attractive to be a strap-on artist. Much easier when you are attractive. David is handsome and brilliant with a great personality. He is very personable and attractive. David explains why he wants to live outside of Gath. He is strapping it on Achish. David implies that he is a person of no consequence and he should not be living in the presence of a Greek royalist. Many Christians would buy this, thinking that David is being humble. David is showing brotherly love and international friendship.

Gath is the city of Goliath. The Philistines are Greeks, a part of a very unusual set of circumstances. Widespread movement of Greeks due to a set of circumstances. They conquered the world, and the world never knew it; long before Alexander the Great. The Thracians called by different names; Lydians, Trojans, etc. They moved into all parts of the world. They were bold. The fought in smaller groups. The Philistines makes up a great nation at this time. The Egyptians are afraid to move toward Palestine because of the Philistines in the land. It was another Athens or Corinth; it was not some dump in the desert. It is a truly royal city of the Greeks.

They practiced idolatry. David can see the danger to his entourage. David is using Achish. A strap-on artist must use someone else and he must create an image that is pleasing to this other person. He needs to seem anti-Jewish, a true fugitive from Egypt; and he is bitter enough to do this. He must seem pro-Greek, but there are certain things which the Greeks do that do not sit well with him. Therefore, he needs to move out of Gath, but without arousing suspicion. He will make it seem as if he cannot live in the presence of such a great man. He wants Achish to have a blind side where he is concerned. If you have a great voice, you can get away with a lot, because smart people are tone conscious. They can very easily strap it on. David knows that he must get out of there. He has to first create an image of inferiority. Most strap-on artists move into a crowd of superior people. David wants to create the concept of inferiority.

If you ever go to a Bible college, you may find yourself as the skunk at the picnic unless you develop a deceptive image of being humble. You will need to talk about the people you have witnessed to and how many times you agonize in prayer. David is creating the inferiority image.

David is not antisemitic, but he has to give that impression; and that he is inferior to Achish and not worthy to live in the royal city.

1Sam. 27:5 And David said to Achish, If I have now found grace in your eyes, let them [the other kings] give me a place in some town in the country so that I may live there. For why should your servant live in the royal city with you?

Ziklag is a very beautiful sight for a city. Mediterranean and a high plateau and you can see the beach from there. You can see the peaks of Mount Herman. You can see the beautiful desert area in Judah. Beautiful oases and caves. 3 Arab tribes; land pirates. They live there in great safety because Philistia protects them. They will raid these camel caravans. They will take the booty and the dancing girls from the Egyptian caravans. They move up into Israel, and they raid Ammon and Moab and they even raid Aram. This is why Ziklag was empty. It is a beautiful city and it is way too close to these Arab raiders. They are nott adverse to slipping over the border and slitting a throat or two. Now this would be an area that would act as a buffer for the Philistines. The climate is like Southern California. This was possibly a deserted area because of these raiding pirates. This is a beautiful place; a great city.


1.       Ziklag is actually one of the cities which was assigned to the Jews when they crossed over the border. It was given to Simeon and then given to Judah.

2.       In the southwest corner of the Negev and it was later conquered by the Philistines.

3.       David got along well with Achish and this is a nice gift; well constructed city, a key city, it is a very beautiful and strategic spot. \

4.       Only David in reversionism could compromise with the enemies of Israel this much.

1Sam. 27:6 And Achish gave him Ziklag that day. Consequently, Ziklag belongs to the kings of Judah to this day.

1Sam. 27:7 And the number of days that David lived in the field of the Philistines was a year of days and four months.

David is no longer getting his food from Achish and he has 3000 mouths to feed. They are voracious in this wonderful climate. So, where can he find food in all of this desert? He sends out patrols and discovers that these Arab tribes left their oases unguarded because the Philistines lived there, and that was their protection.

In supergrace, God has great promotion and money and blessing for David; but he is in reversionism, so there is none of this blessing for David in reversionism. He will try to figure out this dilemma of his rw. Both of thse women will get pregnant in Ziklag.

He is building a kingdom on operation strap-on.

David mounts a series of attacks against the Geshurites, Gezrites and Amalekites. These is stealing property, raping women, and carrying off slaves. David wiped out the Geshuriy. The people of David are in Philistine dress. David would kill them all, rape the women, and all of their possessions were taken into Ziklag. This is reversionistic David. He is no different from that great monster, Sherman. This was a war against women and children.

The Gezerites were next and then the Amalekites. Saul made war on the Amalekites, but he refused to kill Agag. Saul and David. Saul was told to go to war against them; but Saul would not wipe them all out, even though God called for it. It would be right for Saul to kill them all and for David to show mercy; but the opposite occurred.

Recall Nabal where no one was harmed and they were protected. However, this approach is entirely different. This is the same gruop. They killed all of the children and women. We are 2 people, entirely different in reversionism and in supergrace. How did this happen? Just one man guided them into reversionism.

1Sam. 27:8 And David and his men went up and invaded the Geshurites, and the Gezrites, and the Amalekites. For they were the inhabitants of the land from the past days, as you come into Shur, even into the land of Egypt.

Striking the land. He did not keep men or women alive; but he kept all of their wealth; clothing, artifacts and animals. Any group of people with camels are wealthy and successful people. The apparel is any kind of artifacts.

David returned and came to Achish. David was not able to kill all of each tribe; because other groups would be elsewhere. They would come back and find these villages destroyed. Their children were dead; no one was left alive. It took them 16 months to find out what had happened, and they struck back with a vengeance. These people came back to camps with everything gone and all the people dead.

These people are under the protection of the Philistines and have treaty with the Philistines; but dead men tell no tales. The most awful things happen.

so David brings this stuff to Achish. Achish asks him, where did this stuff come from? David cannot say, “I wiped out all of these people you were friends with.”

1Sam. 27:9 And David struck the land, and did not keep alive man nor woman, and took away the sheep and the oxen and the asses and the camels and the clothing, and returned and came to Achish.

Instead, David says he struck Jews. He gives areas where he claims to have killed Jews. Now, it was true he killed without allowing prisoners. But he was not killing Jews, but Arab tribes that Achish was allied with. He hit them because they did not expect it.

A good strap-on artist always has nerve. A strap-on artist destroys his own conscience. His wives want new clothes. The Amalekites have all of this great jewelry that they have been stealing for 500 years. Diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

David in Reversionism in Ziklag

1.       Reversionism makes war on women and children. Saul and David both did it in reversionism.

2.       David made frequent reports to Achish, to explain how he got all of this stuff; he practiced perpetual deceit. Achish thought that David loved him and he was going to make David his bodyguard.

3.       For 16 months, David is in this fortified city, they had beauty nature, sex life and all kinds of material goods.

4.       David in reversionism and his men are miserable. They probably had parties as well, liberating some Amalekite wine. They have all things but they do not have the happiness that goes with them. You need the capacity in order to be happy. That requires Bible doctrine in the soul. They are living in deceit.

Achish sees all of this stuff and he asks where did you raid today? David mentions 3 tribes, 2 are Jewish and 1 tribes is a friend of the Jews.

How the Strap-on Artist Functions; 7 Ways to Be a Con Man

1.       Victim: the strap-on artist locates a victim. David uses Achish, kind of Gath; he is the victim. David uses Achish to get security, wealth, etc. and all of this stuff that he has not had during this time that he has been running from Saul. David has a terrible case of the wants; the gimmies. The strap-on artist has a victim; he uses others. The girl who was yawning before is now paying attention.

2.       The strap-on artist must deceive his victim. The one he will use, he must deceive. When Achish and David must depart, Achish is going to act as if he has lot his best friend. Achish will part with David and he will hate it. Bob hates to be used and deceived.

3.       The strap-on reversionist must hide or cover over any damaging evidence in order to make the lie stick. It is not like David to slaughter women and children, even Arab ones. He must do so to make the lie stick.

4.       A strap-on reversionist must do something to ingraciate himself to his victim. This can involve inferiority; pretend to be superior, to know something he does not know or pretend to reflect his image.

5.       Strap-on reversionist must give the impression that he hates everyone his victim hates and that he thinks more of his victim than anyone else in the world. David loves the Jews and he must pretend to hate them. Where did I get all of these sheep? I have been attacking the Jews. He must appear to love the Arabs to the south because Achish has a treaty with them. No strap-on artist succeeds unless he can give the impression that his victim wants. A doll wanted to get interested in Bob so she pretended to like football in order to get acquainted. David made it a point to know about Achish and his likes and dislikes. This is all human viewpoint; and some of you are getting carried away. Some of you look ready to go into reversionism.

6.       To be a good strap on artist, you must cultivate certain mental attitude sins; you must be filled with pseudo love compliments. You must know how to lie, telling one lie, but with all kinds of refinements related to that one life. Telling 2 lies ends up being impossible for most people. The lie was, David went against the Jews reather than against the Arabs.

7.       The strap on artist lives to regret his actions. He lives long enough to regret his function as a strap on artist. David will live long enough to regret these actions. This will come back and their camp will be struck as well. They will cry like crazy over this. They will all blame David for this. Let’s stone him; let’s kill him. David then calls for the ephod. This is the most important point. You will say, “It wasn’t worth it.”

1Sam. 27:10 And Achish said, Where have you made a raid today? And David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the Jerahmeelites, and against the south of the Kenites.

David did not preserve a man or woman alive. Two “saying’s” here. After the 2nd saying is what they would tell Achish. What some Arab might tell Achish. This is David’s lifestyle. He has killed dozens of villages; maybe hundreds.

1Sam. 27:11 And David did not keep alive man or woman to bring news to Gath, saying, Lest they should tell on us, saying, So David did, and so has been his custom all the days he lived in the fields of the Philistines.


1.       David practices, dead men tell no tales.

Abruptly ends the lesson


1Samuel 27:10-12 28:1-2 29:1-6       72David                         03/11/1973 631_0073

Deceiver reaps boomerang; supergrace reaps what God sows; pseudo-friends abuse you

David was first under disillusion; Saul persisted. David had been delivered many times. David had other pressures and he possibly suffered from boredom. He also had 3000 people depending upon him. Discouragement involved here. Self-pity. All of these things add up to frustration. He went in for a frantic search for happiness. He decided to change his geographical location. He also went into emotional revolt which also leads to a frantic search for happiness. Negative volition toward doctrine and scar tissue built up. Then an opening up of the sewer line. David is now in reversionism. His besetting sin is strap on. He strapped it on the high priest of Israel and Nob was massacred.

David had asked for a city and he was given Ziklag, and he raided Arab raiding tribes; but he tells Achish that these are Jewish tribes instead, because there was an alliance between Philistia and these raiders. They were perfectly safe until David moved in next to them. David cornered the market on all of these things. At some point, someone might go to Achish and tell him, so David killed everyone; all men, women and children.

He had to bring some of his stuff to Achish, and he is going to ask where it comes from. David tells him that it came from the Jews.

Strap on Artist Principles Reviewed

1.       Victim: the strap-on artist locates a victim. You have to use someone.

2.       The strap-on artist must deceive his victim will part with David and he will hate it. Bob hates to be used and deceived.

3.       The strap-on reversionist must hide or cover over any damaging evidence in order to make the lie stick. David slaughters men, women and children, even Arab ones.

4.       A strap-on reversionist must do something to ingratiate himself to his victim.

5.       Strap-on reversionist must give the impression that he hates everyone his victim hates and that he thinks more of his victim than anyone else in the world. David loves the Jews and he must pretend to hate them. Women will do this to men and probably 75% of men have had this done to them.

6.       To be a good strap on artist, you must cultivate certain mental attitude sins; you must be filled with pseudo love compliments. You must know how to lie, telling one lie, but with all kinds of refinements related to that one life. Telling 2 lies ends up being impossible for most people. A good strap-on artist sticks with one lie and all of the related stories to that lie. David had one lie. A good strap-on artist must have a good voice and it must not betray his lies. The best way to detect a lie is the tone of a person’s voice.

7.       The strap on artist lives to regret his actions. He lives long enough to regret his function as a strap on artist. David will live long enough to regret these actions. This will come back and their camp will be struck as well. They will cry like crazy over this. They will all blame David for this. Let’s stone him; let’s kill him. David then calls for the ephod. This is the most important point.

1Sam. 27:10 And Achish said, Where have you made a raid today? And David said, Against the south of Judah, and against the south of the Jerahmeelites, and against the south of the Kenites.

David did not allow anyone to live. The problem was to keep them from going to Achish. Dead men tell no tales. Achish believed that David had killed many Jews because he was angry with Saul and with Jews turning him in.

Association with the Philistines has not improved David. Beware of your associations because this can have a dramatic affect on your actions.

They all have a lot of wealth at this time. And there is no happiness in David’s camp. Happiness in his home and battalion are gone. Some of you think that living in California with wealth would make you happy; but it would not.

1Sam. 27:11 And David did not keep alive man or woman to bring news to Gath, saying, Lest they should tell on us, saying, So David did, and so has been his custom all the days he lived in the fields of the Philistines.

Achish took the Philistines to the top of their empire. He leans on David for a friendly relationship and for many other things. He does not know it, but he is being used. People change when they use other people. David is not noble; he is an evil man. He has developed the skill of lying. He is a master at the art of strap on. He is the most miserable person in the world.

Achish drew some false conclusions. He believes that David will be forever Achish’s assistant because David has made himself odious to all

1.Achish Is Deceived; He Thinks Israel Hates David.

1.       How deceived he is, is obvious. He has no concept of what David is like. True friend Jonathan and false friend Achish. David pretends to have a great love for Achish but he does not; however, what David will do will allow for Achish to attack Israel and his true friend, Jonathan, will be killed. If you really want to be a sucker, all you have to do is be fat headed. If that is true, then you will have a radar that will pick up any thing that you think is flattery.

2.       You cannot use someone and love them at the same time.


4.       Strap on destroys your soul. You can destroy your own soul. Therefore, you destroy your capacity for love and capacity for freedom.

5.       When you being to destroy your own soul, you make yourself miserable. God also provides discipline. However, prior to this, you have your own misery; and God knocks on the door of your soul to get your attention. You cause your own misery and God will add to that. He adds to these things so that your soul hurts, so the reversionist is a totally miserable person.

6.       All of the time that you practice deceit, you are a totally miserable person.

13, 22, 66, 69 are the 4 psalms written about this situation.

1Sam. 27:12 And Achish believed David, saying, He has made himself to be hated [stink] among his people Israel, and has become my servant forever.

Now we go back to national and international events. We go back to the days when David was slaughtering Arab tribes and while he was lying to Achish. At this same time, the Philistines gathered. This is a total mobilization for an all-out warfare. Saul is not chasing David all over the Negev. But the Philistines are aware the David is not in Israel at this time and no longer defending Israel.

In this mobilization, David is considered to be a part of the Philistine force. David is a part of Philistia now, so he is responsible to go to war with Philistine against their enemies.

A twixt? Bob used this term twice. This is embarrassing, but Jonathan, Abigail, Saul, God and Samuel all told David that he would become king over Israel; and now David is about to attack Israel.

You cannot live a lie without it eventually backfiring on you. David seems perfect to Achish; he kills Jewish women and children.

1Sam. 28:1 At that time, the Philistines brought their military units together into one army to fight [destroy] against Israel. So Achish said to David, "You know, of course, that you and your men must march out in the army with me."

David’s reply is as obscure as Achish’s request was clear. David gives a very abstruse answer. As a strap-on artist, David is filled with double-talk. What he says means nothing; it does not even mean that David is going to be there.

You send this woman a twixt and say. “After I get back, we’ll meet at such an such a place.” After getting married, she will send him a twixt to say, “Now you will know what I can do.” Achish is a smart man and he is taken in by this. Operation strap-on is completely successful. Achish is blinded by David’s sincerity.

David has put himself into a jam where he cannot get out without revealing his reversionism. David has worked his way into a jam. God never brings us suffering that we can’t take; but when we get ourselves into our own jam, that is another thing.

What a reversionist sows, he reaps. He has lied and deceived and he has done such a good job here, that he is now the chief bodyguard of the king. The king is the hereditary enemy of the Jews. David has worked himself into being the permanent bodyguard for the enemy of the Jews.

In supergrace, you do not reap what you sow; you reap what God sows. David is getting to a point where he will change his mind. He will be a low as he can be. It will be time for him to stop and to let grace take over.

Only God can help.

1Sam. 28:2 David replied to Achish, "Good, you will find out what your servant can do." So Achish said to David, "Very well, I will appoint you as my permanent bodyguard."

Now we go to a place where only God can help. There is a total mobilization of the Philistines against the Jews.

There is a concentration point. When you mobilize an army for a war, you must have a concentration point. They will gather in Aphek. The army of Israel is also mobilized. Saul is up in the north. The Philistines assemble and bivouac in Aphek, then they march to Jezreel. These events take place just outside of Aphek. There is a war between the two nations.

The Greeks have a typical line of march.


1Sam. 29:1 The Philistines brought all their military units together at Aphek while Israel was camped by the spring in Jezreel.

Hundreds are the companies; and the thousands are the battalions. David passed on behind Achish. These are rulers of Gaza. There are 5 lords of the Philistines here. The 5 city-states will be held together for 50 years by Achish, who is a little green at this time.

1Sam. 29:2 As the Philistine leaders were passing in review with their units of hundreds and thousands, David and his men were passing in review behind them with Achish.

A different name is used here for the leaders. We would call them princes or generals. They ask, “What are these Hebrews doing here?” And they are in the rear of the army, which is even more of a problem. This would put the Philistines in between two sets of Jews.

Achish makes a big thing of the time that David has been with him. David has been with Achish since he deserted, which is how Achish took it.

1Sam. 29:3 Then the Philistine commanders asked, "What are these Hebrews doing here?" Achish answered the Philistine commanders, "That is David, servant of King Saul of Israel. He has been with me a considerable period of time. From the day he defected until today, I've found no fault with him."

The Philistine commanders were unhappy with this. They are upset; David is one of the greatest warriors of their day...an enemy warrior. They reason this out. This could allow David to reconcile himself to Saul. They do not really understand what is going on between Saul and David. They just see this as some kind of personal thing that David would solve by turning against the Philistines.

David is a reversionist. As the bodyguard of Achish, David could really wreak havoc in this war.

1Sam. 29:4 The Philistine commanders, however, were enraged with Achish and told him, "Send that man back and let him return to the place you assigned him. He must not go down with us into battle only to become our adversary during the battle. What better way could he regain his master's favor than with the heads of our men?

Even the Philistines know the hit song about David. They are not afraid of Saul; but they are afraid of Saul backed up by David. This is a Rom. 8:28 All things work together for good to those who love God. Supergrace believers harvest what God sows. Under reversionism, we reap what God sows. All things do not work together for good for the reversionist. Not every believer loves God. David sows and reaps all the way down to zero; so he throws himself at the Lord’s mercy. Only God could have gotten David out of this jam. When you sow and you are in reversionism, you will reap a harvest of bitterness and misery.

Rom. 8:28 is for all supergrace believers. Only supergrace believers are in the plan related to blessing.

David is at a low point here; only God can take you to a high point.

1Sam. 29:5 Isn't this the David they sing about during their dances: Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands?"

Achish disagrees with his generals here, but he has tremendous common sense. David meant the deceit for the harm of Achish. Achish is a born-again believer at the time of this separation. He is in heaven right now because of David. He talks like a Jew occupation with Christ.

God even used this deception for the blessing of Achish. You men may have been suckers and deceived, some people in Berachah are in Berachah because some doll strapped it on them. God has a blessing for the victim. The victim is Achish, and he says, “By the life of Jesus Christ.”

God is about to separate Achish from this great strap-on artist. Jesus Christ is doing Achish a favor as well as David. God will get David out of a jam and remove Achish from a strap-on artist.

1Sam. 29:6 So Achish summoned David and told him, "As the LORD lives, you are an honorable man. I think it is good to have you working with me in the camp, because I have found no fault in you from the day you came to me until today. But the leaders don't think you are reliable.

1Samuel 29:6-11 Psalm 13:1-6          72David                        03/11/1973 631_0074

74 Deliverance of Achish from the deceiver; reversion misery and recovery of David

Achish calls David. It can mean to shout, to be disturbed. Achish says, “By the life of Jehovah,” which suggests that he is a believer. The princes of the Philistines are correct and Achish has misjudged David.


1.        Achish is obviously a believer and a growing believer.

2.        He has been blessed by association with David, even though he has been deceived by David.

3.        He swore to be faithful and he has bee.

4.        In association with David, Achish has become a growing believer.

5.        David strapped it on to Achish. Achish has a true category #3 love for David and David is using Achish.

For all we know, Achish never found out that David strapped it on him.

Rom. 8:28 never applies to the reversionist; it only applies to the supergrace believer. Reversionists do not love God. The deliverance of Achish and David will begin his recovery from reversionism.

The princes do not trust David and they are right to feel this way. The sovereignty of God in grace will take him back from zero to 100.

1Sam. 29:6 So Achish summoned David and told him, "As the LORD lives, you are an honorable man. I think it is good to have you working with me in the camp, because I have found no fault in you from the day you came to me until today. But the leaders don't think you are reliable.

Achish asks David to go in peace. The more you have strapped it on, the more you will protest. David is trying to bring something out of the shadows of the true love that Achish has for him. God has just opened the door so that David can walk away from all this; but David is dilly-dallying around to retain his relationship with Achish.

Achish has truly been David’s friend; he has been honest with him; he does not want to leave Achish thinking ill of him. He wants to leave with Achish thinking well of him.

1Sam. 29:7 Now go back quietly and you won't be doing anything the Philistine leaders think is wrong."

The lords of the Philistines see right through him; and Achish is loyal to a fault. He wants to leave with a noble image in Achish’s eyes. David walks out, but he has a great respect for Achish.

1Sam. 29:8 "But what have I done?" David replied to Achish. "From the first day I was with you until today, what have you found against your servant to keep me from going along to fight against the enemies of my lord the king?"

Achish gives the final approach. Achish must be very close to supergrace because he understands the Angelic Conflict. He has the right vocabulary for that.

This is Rom. 8:28; believers reap what God sows; for supergrace believers.

1Sam. 29:9 Achish answered David, "I'm convinced that you are as reliable as an angel of God. But the Philistine commanders have said, 'He must not go into battle with us.'

Pre-dawn revely and move out.

1Sam. 29:10 So get up early in the morning, you and your masters' [Lord’s] servants who came with you. When you've all gotten up early, go as soon as it's light."

1Sam. 29:11 So David and his men got up early in the morning to return to the land of the Philistines. And the Philistines went up to Jezreel.

What happens between these chapters is Psalm 13:

two verse in each stanza. It is not clear in the English; each strophe has a different number of lines; 5 lines; 4 lines; 3 lines.

David reaps what God sows; God’s deliverance. First 5 lines, David reaps what David sows. The next 4 lines, David repents and comes back under grace. In the final 3 lines, David reaps what God sows.

Psalm 13 inscription For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

How long introduces 4 or the 5 lines.

David realizes that he does not want to spend the rest of his life in Philistia being a bodyguard for a person that he has been strapping it on for months. Achish used it on him and David tries to use it on God. Same word. A good strap-on artist uses a word he learned from Achish. This is real sarcasm.

David sowed change of environment; operation strap-on, and he does not like this harvest at all. He is quite displeased with what he has done.

Psalm 13:1 LORD, how long will You continually forget me? How long will You hide Your face from me?

The 3rd how long. David is not lining up troops. He is lining up worries in his own soul. He is so good at reversionism that he manufactures his own worries. Instead of gapping it, he is lining up worries in his soul. He planted all of these crops and all that came up is worry weeds. You will not like what it is that you have sown. And God says, “What the hell do you expect?” You cannot rise up over your ability. David looks like he will be the lifetime bodyguard of Achish and go to war against his own people, the people God says he will rule over.

David has been acting against the guidance of God, and that means this is all of his fault. He has no one else to blame. It is all David’s fault. The worries continue their march every single day.

David’s enemy is Saul. He is getting drunk every night toasting David. David has enough trouble, but Saul is at the top of the hole dropping dirt in.

Psalm 13:2 How long will I store up anxious concerns within me, agony [maximum misery] in my mind every day? How long will my enemy dominate me?

David’s repentance; Aphek to Ziklag. David is demanded that God have respect for him. He has just awakened to the fact of grace. David is drilling Rom. 8:27. Decrees; all in. When God does something, He has to vindicate what He has done. “God, this is Your plan; You must vindicate what You do.” Whatever God sows, He reaps. He sows and grace and He reaps in grace. God sows doctrine in the soul. But the ground must be open. God can only sow where there is doctrine.

David only had a few days to get back into Ziklag, so he wants the doctrine in a hurry.

Psalm 13:3 Consider [respect] me and answer, LORD, my God. Restore brightness to my eyes [cause my eyes to be enlightened]; otherwise, I will sleep in death,

For 16 months, Saul has been gloating. He chased David out of Israel.

David has not fallen because he did not die; he is tottering. David will repent and recover; Saul will eventually go into the grave. While you gloated over the tottering of someone else,

Psalm 13:4 my enemy will say, "I have triumphed over him," and my foes will rejoice [to dance around in a circle] because I am shaken.

Now we get into David’s recovery. Batach means that repentance is non-meritorious. This is a verb used for faith rest.

It is better to be the greatest king who ever lived rather than be the bodyguard of a pretty good king. Doctrine in the soul demands divine vindication.

The Recovery

1.       Recovery and reentrance into the supergrace life.

2.       Doctrine in the soul must be vindicated; this is David’s growth. Doctrine in the Bible is vindicated. Doctrine in the soul of the believer is

3.       Now David repents and God’s grace delivers him from the jam and God delivers Achish as well.

4.       No more strap-on for David. No more lying to Achish.

5.       Both men are delivered.

Psalm 13:5 But I have trusted in Your grace; my heart will rejoice [dance around in circles] in Your deliverance.

David will sing in celebration. David reaches the point of supergrace recovery.

Psalm 13:6 I will sing to the LORD because He has treated me generously [compensated me in grace].

David is reaping deliverance now. He goes into Ziklag as a believer ready for disaster he is a believer operating under grace. He will reap what God sows. It is David’s recovery that makes the deliverance of his people possible.

1Samuel 30:1-6 Psalm 22:1              72David                                              631_0075

75 03/18/1973 From disaster to occupation with Jesus Christ

Aphek is on the northern border of Philistia. Ziklag is further south. The various Philistine armies were gathered at Aphek. There is a council made up of the leaders of the 5 Philistine city-states. They asked for David to give up his commission as allied with them and as a permanent bodyguard for Achish.

Ziklag is close to Judah and very close to the negev of the Amalekites. 3 day march to Aphek. By the time David gets to Ziklag, he will be recovered enough to deal with the crisis.

There is a rapid and sudden change of events. They made 3 days of forced marches and this will be a great test of David’s men.

The Amalekites are a mysterious group of people, but they are just another group of Arabs. They are related to the Jews through Esau. Others are descended from Abraham. About a half-dozen different ways they are related to the Jews. There is a fantastic difference between Arabs and Jews, even though they are simply cousins of the Jews.

These are land pirates. 400 years previous, these people kept the Jews out of the land. It was the Amalekites that stopped the Jews at Kadesh Barnea. The Jews wandered around for 40 years and then they entered into the land from the east. All Arab groups are at enmity with the Jews.

There was a great concentration of wealth in the negev. They attacked the caravans traveling north to south or south to north; and they go from Egypt or to Egypt. The negev is where there are great Arab raiding parties. The Apaches use to lie in wait and attack anything that came across the desert.

There is a great valley in the midst of these mountains. There is a beautiful valley for cattle; the pleasant valley cattle wars. I guess this is in the US. It is difficult to get into and it is very well hidden. This is why the Amalekites have been so successful. David had never

the Amalekites were from Esau but they apparently were in the land already even when Esau was alive. They are the subject of Baliim’s prophecy. They were once a great empire. In the time of Chedarlaomer, controlled the land in Canaan down to the Negev. Baalim called them on of the great nations. They used to join the Midianites in order to do raids. Psalm 83:7

David is about to reap some of the wages of reversionism. A reversionist reaps what he sows. David has been sowing the devastation of Amalek. He is going to recover and reap what God sows. He will operate under Rom. 8:28. The Amalek wealth will soon be David’s.

Negev means south country and sometimes means the high desert country out in front of mountains. David had been hitting the oases where there were no defenses put up because of a mutual defense pact between the Philistines and the Amalekites.

1Sam. 30:1 Then it happened, when David and his men arrived in Ziklag on the third day. The Amalekites had raided the Negev and attacked [had hit] and burned down Ziklag.

V. 2 gives a retrospective. This is what David did not know what happened at the time. In David’s group of 3000 camp followers, some were ladies and some are children; and they are all taken. All of the females are taken by Amalek. This word is also used for sick women. They will be marched for several days to get them far away. They will then rape, torture or abuse the women they have taken while they tie one on. Every woman taken is a very unhappy woman. They are captured women and in deep trouble. The great disaster belongs to the women. The Amalekites were fond of children and treated them well. The children will have an easy time of it. It is like being kidnaped and allowed to do whatever they want to do. The Amalekites must travel fast. The women would become the toys of the Amalekites.

There are no women so ugly that they are slain. This indicates that this is a great collection of women. David took his battalion of 600 and went off to war, leaving his women behind defenseless, which is poor security. David in reversionism is guilty for the very thing that he accused Abner of doing. The Bedoine raiders did not make war on the women and children as David did; but the women would become the sex toys of the people of the desert. Many children which were taken in war were raised as their own children.

They moved them off very rapidly. The great and the small were carried off; and, so far, unharmed.

1Sam. 30:2 They also had kidnapped the [distressed] women and everyone in it from the youngest to the oldest. They had killed no one but had carried them off as they went on their way.

When v. 3 begins, David does not have a clue as to what has happened. This is much like this week in Houston; a celebration for St. Patrick’s Day. Many are married. Patrick was a born-again believer and a protestant 1000 years before the reformation. He was born in Scotland near Glasgow. His grandfather was a married Catholic priest, which was frowned upon. The Scots were so independent. They did not care much about the Catholics and the pope. They taught salvation by faith in Christ and was clear on doctrines pertaining to salvation. Irish pirates hit the coast and Patrick was taken and made into a shepherd. He got back to Scotland and he got back into doctrine and he began to think about these Irish people and how slovenly they lived and how clean the Scots were. This burdened him; so he decided to evangelize them. The Irish were under some sort of druid system. He would go out in the open fields and he would teach. There were a number of Irish who were on positive signals at that time. Patrick knew very little about the pope; and he set up some independent schools. He had a ministry that lasted over a half century and he led so many Irishmen into supergrace that the whole island changed. He was a saint, as all believers are. Try to tell that to anyone who is Irish or to a Polack who admires the Irish, or to anyone connected to it. Notre dame are blue and gold, not green and white. They are called the fighting Irish but they ought to be called the fighting Polacks.

Again, this is the Catholics trying to reach out and claim everything. People are ignorant about things. David was as ignorant about what happened in Ziklag as we are about St.Patrick’s Day. We ought to have St.Columbo’s Day. An Irishman named Columbo who was saved, 100 years later, from the great St.Patrick revival and he set up missions in Scotland. He was truly Irish and he converted the Scots.

David did not have a clue as to what happened to Ahinoam and Abigail. He just knows that there are no bodies left behind. Lots of signs of struggle and everything has been burned out.

They arrive and this is a very dramatic incident. 3 days later, things are still burning. Qal active participle. It was still burning. Again, David does not know what had happened. They were looking forward to seeing their wives, girl friends, children or whatever, and there was a dramatic reaaction.

1Sam. 30:3 When David and his men arrived at the town, they found it burned down. Their wives, sons, and daughters had been kidnapped.

There was some real loud screaming. They were very unhappy, upset, panicking. They were hysterical. These were tough men; great troops. They kept on weeping and weeping. They were shocked and frustrated. Maximum lamentation. They wept until they had no more strength to weep.

1Sam. 30:4 David and the troops with him wept loudly until they had no strength left to weep.

David’s two wives were taken as well. David does not know exactly what happened yet. He has an equal loss to his troops. David is the leader and he has 600 grunts. He is suffering from loss as they are, but he is truly a great leader.

1Sam. 30:5 David's two wives, Ahinoam the Jezreelite and Abigail the widow of Nabal the Carmelite, had also been kidnapped.

David is very distressed and he has the additional pressure that everyone wants to kill him. He is blamed for what occurred. He is distressed for having a great imagination. Many men do not have as great of an imagination. Their children are off and gone; but David is distressed over imagination, because he is thinking that they might be raped and tortured and suffering all kinds of humiliations. David and his grief must blame himself. He is suffering from loss and he is suffering because of his great imagination. He is also under pressure because his troops want to stone him to death. This puts an incredible amount of pressure upon David. The people are unable to deal with this.

Leadership of David

1.       Solutions are simple to people who are not leaders. Leaders cannot be killed in order to solve a problem. Some women over at T&P have no idea how to run the place. Bob has never seen a woman who could run this or that. Many of these women are pitiful. He has an organization to weed out their goofy ideas so that he does not gnash his teeth. Many times, their idea is the fire somebody else. That’s stupid. Women in control of things had stupid solutions. The solution to this problem is not to wipe out the leadership. Leadership is responsible, but destroying it does not fix problems. For a woman, destroying one’s husband does not fix everything.

2.       Suppose that David left behind 200 men. There were 1000 or 2000 Amalekites in this raid and they might have killed off any residual force. Robert E. Lee on the 3rd day of Gettysburg took responsibility for what happened, the loss. One of the greatest writings on leadership who was a military observer with the confederate army. When the confederates came back from Picket’s Charge (should be Longstreet’s dragging his butt’s charge). Leadership must assume responsibility in great disaster. People often want the aprobatioin that goes with leadership but not the responsibility.

3.       David’s real mistake was in not leaving security for the women and children.

4.       However, stoning their leader will not solve this problem. If they are to recover anything, this will be based upon David’s leadership.

5.       David is reaping what he sowed; the wages of reversionism. The Amalekites would never attack Ziklag under normal circumstances. They avoided one another. Dav id sowed by attacking the Amalekites. Now, he is reaping by an attack of the Amalekites. The wages of reversionism is misery and disaster and heartaches of all kinds.

David makes a rapid recovery; in 3 days, he recovers. The answer is to reap what God sows. The principle of Rom. 8:28. While David recovers from reversionism, he has the harvest of strap-on reversionism.

Self-induced misery and divine discipline. The supergrace believer reaps what God sows. The people are bitter over what happened. First they grieve and then they are bitter. Each person is bitter about his sons and daughters. All who are followers all who are sheep all benefit from good leadership. They often lose sight of all of the benefits under pressure.

However, David encouraged himself in the Lord. Hithpael stem here. David, almost overnight, has to seize his leadership and God’s strength. He is showing himself courageous in something. Here is where reversionism recoery begins to pay off. He has recovered some of the doctrine in his soul.

Leadership cannot afford to be emotional too. He is very upset, but he cannot lead from emotion. Emotional has blotted out the right lobe. David regains his composure and his poise. In his vocabulary, he began to talk doctrine and doctrine was put on his launching pad.

1Sam. 30:6 David was in a difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him, for they [the souls of his men] were all very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

David has recovered from reversionism; Saul, simultaneously, is in a panic, and he goes to the witch of Endor. David goes back to Jesus Christ.

Hithpael imperfect of kazk, which leads us to Psalm 22. From the burning ruins of Ziklag we get the psalm of the celebrityship of Jesus Christ.

The name is a title of the Lord Jesus Christ in His helplessness on the cross. David has imagination and the gift of prophecy. This gift of prophecy and David’s imagination gives us the Doe of the Dawn, one who is unmercifully persecuted. At dawn, the deer hunt begins.

Bobby and Bob went deer hunting early in the morning. They sat back to back and they both fell asleep and all around them were deer tracks. A half dozen or more deer had gone through and possibly even sniffed them. Deer tracks all over the place. The deer are always hunted at dawn. This is the emblem of someone who is under maximum pressure.

Psalm 22 starts with all of the horrible things which happened to Jesus on the cross; and it goes to the resurrection and the 2nd advent.

God the Father converted the terrible thing which happened to Jesus into great eternal happiness for us. David will find his situation turned complete around as well. He will go from this great disaster converted to great blessing.

Psalm 22: inscription For the choir director: according to "The Deer of the Dawn." A Davidic psalm

David in supergrace will reap what God sows. The cursing is turned to blessing.

21 verses to the death of Christ; then the glorification of Christ in 22–26 and something for the final ones.

David calls out to God. This describes David’s great grief as we saw when David arrived and found his wives to be missing. There is a desertion or a forsaking. My God, My God, me, why have you forsaken? This is what David said when he came to the ruins of Ziklag. Everything that he posses is gone. It is all taken from him. There is nothing left. This very same phrase would be uttered by David’s Greater Son. Matt. 27:2 is the same thing. First time to the Father and second time to the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ utters this because the sins of the world were poured out upon Christ. Since Christ was being judged for our sins, the Father had forsaken Him and so the Holy Spirit.

David recognizes what he said in Ziklag; God will take him at this lowest point of his life, and turn this cursing into blessing. The cursing of Jesus on the cross is converted into blessing, just as it will be to David. Every ruler in all of Judah became a wealthy man over this. He will share it with everyone.

Jesus Christ will reign forever and we will share in this reign. In this great disaster, we will have cursing turned into blessing. Jesus Christ Who knew no sin was made sin for us.

Psalm 22:1 My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from my deliverance and from my words of groaning?

1Samuel 27 Psalm 22:1-19               72David                                              631_0076

76 03/18/1973 A psalm of celebrityship

David is under incredible pressure. The pressure is the greatest in all of the human race when Jesus bore our sins in His Own body on the tree.

To understand this scream of Jesus Christ, we have to understand a few points of doctrine. The day you eat, dying, you will die. This is judgment, spiritual death. Spiritual death is judgment from God, the greatest judgment that God gives outside of the second death. Gen. 2:17 for spiritual death and the 2nd death are the two great judgments from the justice of God.

Gen. 3:6 Adam dies spiritually. However, he dies physically 930 years later. Physical death can be said to be the result of spiritual death. The wages of sin is judgment. Isa. 53:9, Jesus went to the cross and he died twice for our sins. Τετελεστι and this is how the psalm will end. The psalm will end, “It is finished.” After that, physical death occurred. It is the spiritual death of Jesus Christ that is connected to our salvation. The first death on the cross was a spiritual death and the second was a physical death.

The issue of the gospel today is, what think ye of Christ? The Father and the Spirit, in the judgment of Jesus Christ on the cross, forsook Him and deserted Him. Having completed the mission of the incarnation, Jesus Christ dismissed His Spirit. When He dismissed his spirit, He was death; His body went into the grave and His soul went into Hades. The spirit and the soul rejoined the body and Jesus arose from the dead 3 days later.

, Psalm 22:1 My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from my deliverance and from my words of roaring [cry of distress]?

The suffering of David becomes the suffering of David’s Greater Son. David suffered these things to a lesser degree; David is speaking from Ziklag. Oh, my God, I scream out to You. All Jesus said and David said this.

David in the ruins screamed until dark. This also speaks of the supernatural darkness of Golgotha when Jesus was bearing out sins on the cross. Why did Jesus bear our sins and stay under this pain and disciplne; how did he hang in there until all of our sins were judged. Jesus Christ was a supergrace Person.

David will get supergrace blessings just before he gets the throne of Israel. It is doctrine in the human spirit that got Jesus through this. There has never been so much concentrated suffering and pain placed on One Person at any one time. David could completely comprehend just exactly what the Lord would endure prophetically.

Psalm 22:2 My God, I cry [scream out] by day, but You do not answer, by night, yet I have no rest.

The reason for David being unders such adversity is given in v. 3. Because God is justice and righteousness, there is divine discipline to David, from the righteousness and holiness of God. David is reaping what he sowed under the ruins of Ziklag. This was pain and suffering to David for about the same time that Jesus was on the cross. David should have been guarded.

David calls God Kedesh; holy. The faith rest life.

Psalm 22:3 But You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.

David recognizes deliverance in the past. The Lord Jesus Christ recognized the same thing on the cross. Jesus Christ, while He recognized deliverance in Jewish history, it was based upon doctrine.

God the Father judged Jesus Christ for 3 hours, and Jesus continued to cry out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus Christ could not be delivered from the cross, even though, in His humanity, He was perfect.

Psalm 22:4 Our fathers trusted in You; they trusted, and You rescued them.

All of the cries in Jewish history; dual prophetical concept. Every time. In grace, they trusted and they were not put to shame.

Psalm 22:5 They cried to You and were set free; they trusted in You and were not disgraced.

Being a worm indicates that he is totally a helpless person in this situation. He has completely and totally failed. David is as helpless as anyone has ever been. His own troops were thinking about stoning him; killing him.

The worm here is the worm which was put into vats and crushed and made into a crimson dye. Jesus would be crushed under the load of our sins and judged for them. We, who are totally undeserving, would reap eternal life. We would wear the robe forever and ever. No one faced the pain and suffering that Jesus did. When He was put up on the cross, He had the pain and agony of suffering and it was intense.

The wine that soldiers had were issued was offered to Jesus. Jesus refused it to keep His senses about Him; He had to keep thinking doctrine at all times. He had to be alert at all times.

David was a reproach from his men. His men looked at David with great disdain because of the destruction of the camp and taking of their wives and children.

Psalm 22:6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by men and despised by people.

David recalls some of the ridicule that he has received as a fugitive. When David would move through a town and people would laugh at him and shoot out the lip and shake the head. These are the dirty signs of people 3000 years ago. Everywhere David went in Philistia, they laughed at him and give him the finger; and the same is true of Jesus Christ while He was on the cross. He took more ridicule on the cross than any person has ever taken.

They have given Him the finger. I always knew I could read some of you vulgar types in some way.

The devil was at the cross and demon-possessed people were making the must vulgar ridicule of Jesus.

The Hiphil indicates that they were motivated. Shooting out the lip is referring to an obscene gesture.

Psalm 22:7 Everyone who sees me mocks me; they sneer and shake their heads:

these are the remarks made about David in his day; and these remarks were also made about Jesus going to the cross.

Could this psalm have been written when David was on the run? There was this guy who laughed at David and ridiculed him.

David went through the ridicule of those around him; and our Lord suffered this to the maximum.

Psalm 22:8 "He relies on the LORD; let Him rescue him; let the LORD deliver him, since He takes pleasure in him."

God had a plan for David, which begins to dawn on him. God took David from the womb and He had a purpose for David from the very beginning.

You motivated me to hope. From the time he was weaned, David was out on his own. He had almost no family life, which knocks psychology right on its butt. We have some bad experience in childhood. David totally was rejected by his family, just as our Lord was rejected on the cross.

The last close contact David had with his family was milk from his mother’s breast. When Samuel came to anoint David, and he was not home and no one brought him in because they did not think he was worthwhile.

David had less family life than you have ever had. You might have had a bad home life or divorced parents or whatever, and that does not mean a thing. Self-pity is reaping what you sowed and it is time to reap what God sows.

God found David in the sheepcoat. Or the sheepfolds, which gets closer. This is where the sheep eat and stand around. This is where they eat and have sheep excrement around as well. God took the person with the worst childhood and kept his family alive for a long time to bug him and to make life miserable for him.

Psalm 22:9 You took me from the womb, making me secure while at my mother's breast.

David was given over the God at birth. God has been David’s God out from his mother’s womb. We have all gone through a place of not being real and God stuck us with neshema when we are born.

When did David have his last family hook up? When we was weaned, he was gone.

David’s testimony leads to the testimony of the virgin birth. David knows why he was born. When you get to v. 10, you get our Lord’s testimony. V. 9 was David and v. 10 is Jesus.

From the moment of the virgin birth, Jesus was under God’s authority from the beginning. Mary and Joseph were both sinners. We all have sin natures. The father passes along the sin nature. The man willfully sins. Therefore, copulation cannot be the means for bringing Jesus into the world. He needed to be born of a virgin. He needed to by minus a sin nature and minus personal sin. V. 10 is unique. This belongs to Jesus only.

Psalm 22:10 I was given over to You at birth; You have been my God from my mother's womb.

There is no one helping David. He is in trouble. He is helpless. This is a transitional verse; from here, David begins to reap what God sows. David was reaping what David had not sown but what God had sown. Operation strap on; raids against the Amalekites; and David reaped that. That was the basis of his reaping.

Jesus Christ on the cross is God sowing that we might be reap what he sowed.

Psalm 22:11 Do not be far [stay away] from me, because distress is near and there is no one to help.

Now we have the sufferings of the cross. Bulls are wild bulls here; famous for their horns. This can refer to evil power. He is abhorred. The emphasis has to be on the bulls and their horns. All of the sins of the world are goring Jesus Christ. This is like a bull goring someone. Those are the sins being lined up to gore Jesus.

Psalm 22:12 Many bulls surround me; strong ones of Bashan encircle me.

They tear apart with their mouths. This means to tear to pieces with the mouth like a roaring lion. The sins of cross are tearing Him to pieces. This is like a plane without a prop being shaken to pieces.

Psalm 22:13 They open their mouths against me--lions, mauling and roaring.

Being poured out means that Jesus is dehydrated and has lost His strength; He lacks vitality. So bad is it that all of His bones are separated. They are pulling apart. While He is physically enduring the cross, He is also bearing our sins. There is the extreme pain of the body along with the pain of all of the sins.

He cannot even move His tongue in His mouth.

Psalm 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are disjointed; my heart is like wax, melting within me.

David is physically dying while bearing our sins in physical death. Jesus realizes that He is moving toward death.

Psalm 22:15 My strength is dried up like baked clay; my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. You put me into the dust of death.

Dogs refers to the gentiles. The assembly of the wicked are the religious Jews. They have encircled Him.

Psalm 22:16 For dogs have surrounded me; a gang of evildoers has closed in on me; they pierced my hands and my feet.

Jesus’ bones are separating and poking out of the skin.

Psalm 22:17 I can count all my bones; people look and stare at me.

The Roman soldiers part his garments among them. They began to cast lots for Jesus’ clothing. This is David occupied with Jesus Christ on the cross. He is focused on Jesus.

Psalm 22:18 They divided my garments among themselves, and they cast lots for my clothing.

1Samuel 30:6-10 Psalm 22:21-31     72David                                              631_0077

77 03/19/1973; Psalm of celebrityship (continued); supergrace 2 aggressiveness

What do you reap in reversionism? Boredom or some kind of mental attitude sins, which sets up negative volition toward doctrine. Scar tissue begins to build up. Reaping what you sow means self-induced misery. Divine discipline in 3 spheres, warning, intensive and dying discipline.

The principle of Rom. 8:28. All believers are called according to the plan of God. Only those who love God are the supergrace believers. The cursing was David reaping what he sowed. The camp followers, loved one and friends all disappeared.

David made his first billion when recovering all of the wealth from the Amalekites.

Psalm 22:19 But You, LORD, don't be far away. My strength, come quickly to help me.

Psalm 22:20 Deliver my life from the sword, my very life from the power of the dog.

Bob backtracks to v. 21. He calls for deliverance from the lion’s mouth, in the previous verse. That is a deliverance from His physical death. He will not be delivered from death, but out from death. When you wound a water buffalo, he goes off into the woods and hides and waits for you, to ambush you.

Psalm 22:21 Save me from the mouth of the lion! You have rescued [answered] me from the horns of the wild oxen [water buffalo].

We resume with v. 22; previous verses skipped. David will write this down because he will delivered from this situation. Doctrine is taking hold at this point.

Out of great cursing will come great blessing. God the Father will be praised, which is Who is spoken of in v. 22.

There will be a great concentration of wealth and David is going to be in control of it.

Psalm 22:22 I will proclaim [write] Your name to my brothers; I will praise You in the congregation.

Grace finds us when he was helpless and useless.

Psalm 22:23 You who fear the LORD, praise Him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor Him! All you descendants of Israel, revere Him!

Piel intensive; God has not ignored David’s disaster just as God the Father did not ignore Jesus on the cross. Dual experience; David in great pain and Jesus Christ on the cross.

Psalm 22:24 For He has not despised or detested the torment of the afflicted. He did not hide His face from him, but listened and [concentrated] when he cried to Him for help.

Psalm 22:25 I will give praise in the great congregation because of You; I will fulfill my vows before those who fear You.

Let your right lobe refresh itself forever.

Psalm 22:26 The humble will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the LORD will praise Him. May your hearts live [shall be refreshed] forever!

David is past history and was the greatest king who ever lived. The reign of his son was great because of David’s reign. Jesus Christ will be the greatest ruler of human history.

The curse of Coniah, which meant the Davidic line would not be completed in his line, which is the line that leads to Joseph.

The ends of the earth are the universal worship of the Lord in the Millennium. The same thing applies to communion as applies to Rom. 8:28.

Return to the Lord really means to convert to the Lord; which would occur in the Millennium.

Psalm 22:27 All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD. All the families [nations?] of the nations will bow down before You,

Jesus Christ will rule forever; and yet, there will still be national entities.

Psalm 22:28 for kingship belongs to the LORD; He rules over the nations.

All the fat ones refers to the wealthy. God is tapping His foot, waiting to bless us. All the great ones, wealth ones, successful ones have eaten. Qal perfect. They are already in supergrace; so they are in the status of occupation with Christ.

God pours and he keeps on pouring. David has seen this vision of Jesus Christ reigning forever. David will now reap what God has sown. The very fact that David is alive means that David will reap what God sows. The Seed of the Woman is the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. It shall be written about the Lord to a generation.

Psalm 22:29 All who prosper on earth will eat and bow down; all those who go down to the dust will kneel before Him--even the one who cannot preserve his life.

Psalm 22:30 Descendants will serve Him; the next generation will be told [written] about the Lord.

Those named here will assemble themselves to tell about His righteousness. Supergrace believers beginning with David will come and be motivated to relate His righteousness.

This ends with the Qal perfect of asah.

Psalm 22:31 They will come and tell a people yet to be born about His righteousness--what He has done [finished].

This is what David was thinking when it reads and David encouraged himself. David has a vivid imagination. A catastrophe is blamed on David.

The souls of the men were all very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters; but David encouraged himself.

Hithpael Imperfect

1.       Here is where David begins to reap what God sows.

2.       David has recovered a lot of the doctrine in his soul which he lost through reversionism. Therefore, the 22nd psalm.

3.       At this point, Saul, in total disaster, seeks the witch on Endor. This is the night before the battle of Gilboa. Saul continues his reversionism; David recovers. Saul goes to a demon-possessed woman.

4.       This is why Saul will die in the next chapter and David will go on to become king over all Israel.

1Sam. 30:6 David was in a difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him, for they [the souls of his men] were all very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

Now David goes into action. Not more than 150 miles away, Saul is going into the tent of the witch of Endor. David calls for the ephod. There is great silence; the men have lost their voices from great weeping. David calls for Abiathar.

This is the first order. He calls for the ephod. This is the garment of the high priest. There is this outfit of gold and blue and affixed to this is the breastplate of the high priest, on each shoulder is urim and Thummim. One is yes and the other is no. It was a system of determining the will of God. A precious stone arrangement on the front; 12 stones, each represents a tribe. David calls for the ephod in order to determine the will of God. David gives a command and there is obedience. David does whatever is necessary to get them moving. This keeps them busy, gets their mind off their sorrows; and everyone is quiet and listening; and only David and Abiathar are talking. Abiathar straps on the ephod and marches into the presence of David. Problem-solving always involves recognition of authority and obedience to authority. Bible doctrine is authority. We recognize it as our authority and we obey it as our authority.

1Sam. 30:7 David said to Abiathar the priest, son of Ahimelech, "Bring me the ephod." So Abiathar brought it to him,

David asks if he should pursue the raiders and will he catch them. At this point, only David is thinking. This is why David is the leader and 600 men are grunts. Anyone can think without pressure; but only great men can think when there is pressure.

In closing in, the Lord assures David that he would overtake. He is also told that he would rescue all of the people. David, with a series of moves, gets everything rolling again. The final verb is doubled, which indicates that he would rescue everyone. God only shows us a little at a time. David moved out. He and his 600 men moved out.

1Sam. 30:8 and David asked the LORD: "Should I pursue these raiders? Will I overtake them?" The LORD replied to him, "Pursue them, for you will certainly overtake them and rescue the people."

They came as far as the brook Besor. This loops all over; and it is a river. This is a small battalion. 200 men are stragglers at Besor. These men can go no further. He will run into several thousand soldiers. 4000 or 5000 soldiers.

1Sam. 30:9 David and the 600 men with him went as far as the Wadi Besor, where 200 who were to remain behind would stop.

Summary Points

1.       David’s battalion was out of shape. Some armies can make a forced march and then right a battle. But these men are out of shape. You get this way when you stop going to the gym. To stay in condition, you must be consistent. When you stop doing that, you’ve had it. Ony Roger Lewis has been consistent in this; he doesn’t work out. When a battalion starts training and reaches its peak, then you have to keep it there. When they joined the Philistines, they were out of shape. Too many parties and picnics. Too much easy living and nice living. The worst thing is to get a fat head from being spiritually out of shape. You brain turns to fat, and you become fat-headed, when you allow your doctrinal growth to stop.

2.       They have not been training, so there is a high percentage of stragglers.

3.       Combat effectiveness is reduced by a third. The Amalekites are not demoralized; they are very happy about this whole thing.

4.       David’s battalion would all be on the rockpile. David’s battalion will reap what God sows. A third stragglers is poor training and a lousy outfit; that is as gross as it can get. The fact that they are down this way indicates that they are helpless.

5.       David is through reaping what David sows and he will now reap what God sows.

6.       There is a great deal of wealth. David is still doing a little reaping from what he has sown. Grace is the overruling factor at this point.

7.       If the battalion had depended upon the 200 stragglers, no one would have been rescued.

8.       The dropouts of the Brook Besor will be used to smoke out reversionism in David’s battalion.

200 are too exhausted to go on, but David pursues. God must vindicate doctrine in David’s soul no matter how lousy a person David has been. David has no clue as to where to find them yet. No matter how black or how dark the situation may be, it is always darkest before the dawn. Doctrine pushes David. It is David’s goal to get this raiding party. David has great concentration; and this is great in sports and sex and social life. This is great in driving and learning doctrine and business; it is the key. It is doctrine which gives him this concentration; it gives him focus.

The men left behind are all pagar-ed out. They were too exhausted to cross the brook

David takes them across that river with no food and no water and only weapons. And David has no trace of anything to follow.

1Sam. 30:10 They stopped because they were too exhausted to cross the Wadi Besor. David and 400 of the men continued in pursuit.

1Samuel 30:10-15                                72David                                              631_0078

78 03/23/1973 David pursuing the Amalekites

Bob has been in Mexico a few times? David began his recovery process. Rom.8:28 requires supergrace believers; God must vindicate His Word. The reason we are alive is so that God can vindicate His Word.

God wants to pour; He is anxious to pour; but we must have a cup. When we have a cup, then God starts pouring; and He pours and He pours. First thing you know, David is a hero and a general at age 24. He becomes the son of the king through marriage; God is pouring. When David became a fugitive and lying to the high priest, then he was in reversionism and he began to reap what God sows.

God gave David 400 of the biggest misfits and brought them all to the cave of Addullem and that is Psalm 141, 144 when David said, “God, help.”

David eventually began reacting and in a frantic search for happiness and emotional revolt. David later straps it on Achish, king of Gath.

God later poured money out on David. He made his first million when he finds and conquers these Amalekites. We need to get our heads back into doctrine; it’s getting to be like Rebecca of Sunny brook farm.


1.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

2.       If you don’t have a cup, then God cannot pour. God is not impressed with merit badges. God isn’t impressed with doing works or with being good looking.

3.       God is impressed with doctrine and He must vindicate doctrine in the soul of the believer. . God is impressed with doctrine.

4.       As David is down in the dust, God in heaven is having a great laugh? God sees Psalm 22 in David’s soul. God must vindicate Bible doctrine in the soul of the worst jackass who ever came to the cross.

David is on the road now; he hasn’t a clue as to who struck him and he is moved out, looking for them. David will recover all of this and he will hit one of the greatest treasures of the world. When pirates have been attacking successfully for hundreds of years, they have a great amount of treasure. This is why they did not want the Jews walking through their land.

1Sam. 30:10 They stopped because they were too exhausted to cross the Wadi Besor. David and 400 of the men continued in pursuit.

Only 400 make it over the river of his 600. We already took up the principle of staying in shape. That is what happens when you let your battalion get out of shape. They get to sit by the stuff and nurse their blisters.

You don’t pour a gallon of water down someone’s throat when they are dying of thirst; that will kill them.

First man on the point calls for a halt and everyone freezes. They find this bird in the brush. They have all halted. You always move your new point up and halt them. Then your column up in bivouac. They discovered an Egyptian. They are now reaping what God has sowed. There are hundreds of places where this Egyptian could be dying, and he just happens to be in David’s path.

Can you imagine if God said, out in that desert, there is a needle in the haystack; there is a dying Egyptian that you must find before he dies. God puts him in David’s path. David reaps what God sows. The Amalekites have been raiding for a long time, including the Egyptians. They just picked him up and hauled him in.

They have the imperfect and that means they nurse him back to health. David is being very patient. They give him a little time to recover. They did not want to rush his revival. This will be in contrast to how the Egyptian was treated by the Amalekites. David is thinking; he is calm. He uses his common sense. You bring in common sense into Bible class and you develop more of it.

1Sam. 30:11 They found an Egyptian in the open country and brought him to David. They gave him some bread to eat and water to drink.

David’s 400 men are pursuing 1500 or so. The fig cakes are baked in camp and then it is easier to carry with them. The same thing with the raisins. All troops that are successful eat while they march. These are very sustaining rations for a force march.

The Qal imperfect of to eat took a few hours. David had to restrain his troops. David knew when someone like this was in his path, then he needed make use of him.

Ruwach means the Holy Spirit or the human spirit. It can also refer to wind or air; and it can also mean life.

1Sam. 30:12 Then they gave him some pressed figs and two clusters of raisins. After he ate his life revived, for he hadn't eaten food or drunk water for three days and three nights.

David is one of the great believers of all time. There are those who want this one-shot deal that give them great spiritual power. There is no substitute for the daily intake of doctrine. You take in doctrine tonite, that is pretty much what you need. When things go well for you, that is the time to get doctrine in your souls. Those who file their nails in Bible class and spend their time thinking about what they do tomorrow, those are people who cannot deal with a crisis.

David knows what to do and he does it. The grunts with him are followers; and many of them are in bad shape spiritually. All of those grunts will be millionaires someday, but that is because of obedience ot authority. That is the issue. The laws of divine establishment.

David interrogates this Egyptian. David does not leave this to G2; he handles this himself. David’s questions are simple, and it could be because this is an Egyptian. David looks over this guy carefully for a long time before he begins questioning him. David is concentrating on this guy, which is one of the great successes in life. David could see that he is a slave; therefore, David asks “To whom do you belong?” That question came from observation.

Just because you are a Christian, this doesn’t mean that you don’t go first class. You are to observe and pay attention and use this. 400 men are going to attack several thousand.

When this guy names an Amalekite master, he knows that he is with the attacking Amalekites. The Amalekites liked slaves. This man would not abandon his slave means that the Amalekites were in a hurry. They were racing to their valley where they would be safe from attack. They also picked up some beautiful women, and they wanted to get them back to camp in order to enjoy them. However, they learned through the years to raid and get back to their headquarters before doing anything.

The Amalekites loved children and they wanted to get them back to a place of safety.

1Sam. 30:13 Then David said to him, "Who do you belong to? Where are you from?" "I'm an Egyptian, the slave of an Amalekite man," he said. "My master abandoned me when I got sick three days ago.

The Cherethites. This may not thrill anyone. There is an area in front of a mountain range. El Paso is built in front of a mountain range.

This is a group of Philistines in the southeast corner. The Philistines were originally sea pirates. Some Achaians and others. There is one group that still goes to sea to raid. There was a treaty between Amalek and the Philistines. They did the same things.

These Amalekites probably figured out who were attacking them; and these are the people who they attack. The Cretes are synonymous with the Philistines. They originally came from the Isle of Crete. The Philistines are Achaian Greeks.

These Cherethites became David’s bodyguard. It was customary for a ruler to have a foreign body of bodyguards, so they are only loyal to him.

They moved south of Judah, which kept them out of Ziklag. They more or less missed Ziklag altogether. This required a big loop.

1Sam. 30:14 We raided the south country of the Cherethites, the territory of Judah, and the south country of Caleb, and we burned down Ziklag."

now we get to the application of this interrogation. Going down here means that David wants to be in a position to pounce upon these Amalekites. The Egyptian makes a deal with David. He asks for a solemn promise.

This slave knows where the Amalekites are hiding out. He knows their route. This is a large valley with many castles and ranches. This Egyptian knows where they go to divide the spoils, and to party and enjoy their spoils.

1Sam. 30:15 David then asked him, "Will you lead me to these raiders?" He said, "Swear to me by God that you won't kill me or turn me over to my master, and I will lead you to them."

all of this time, God is pouring for David. The strap-on artist is gone. Bible doctrine is back in his soul. He is now reaping what God sows.

1Samuel 30:16-20                                72David                                              631_0079

79 03/25/1973 Conquest of the Amalekites

A lot of surprises in store this evening and Bob wants to have the young people up close today. He is going to show that athletes are not animals (not all of them). World’s Weight lifting champion is there, pressing about twice his weight. Gary Glenny is also a member and he is the heavyweight champion of the United States in weight lifting. His wife is a famous track star. Mike Camping, who is still a growing boy. He is in the super-heavyweight division; and he is 6'7".

There are no solutions to the problems of life apart from Bible doctrine. There are many counselors and advisors today and all types of therapy; but the only solution is in the souls of individuals. The principle that God must vindicate His Word in the souls of individuals. God is not impressed with people; He is not a respecter of persons; but He does vindicate His Word. This is true of David and true of us today. David tried to solve his own problems; he tried running away. A change of environment; he needed to move to southern California. This change of environment was a result of his soul, his thinking, his frustration, disillusionment, and in a state of self-pity. He thought changing his environment would solve his problems. Being a man, he develops some feminine attributes. You must feminine your soul to get into operation strap-on. David is in reversionism at this time, so that he will reap what he sows. As a supergrace believer, he will reap what God sows.

When he returned to Ziklag, his city was still burning after 3 days. He has almost gone through his reversionism recovery. Rom. 8:28 is applicable only to a supergrace believer. It does not apply to a believer in reversionism.

God wants us to be ready for Him to pour. He has infinite wealth. He has far more than we can understand and He wants to pour this out. He is a good host. But we are standing around without a cup. The question is, what is the cup and how to we get it.

Self-consciousness distinguishes us from animals. Bob has shown Balderdash photos of himself and it does not impress him at all. He was not even impressed by an Alpo ad. Animals do not have self consciousness. This puts us way above animals and a little below the angels. Emotion is designed to enjoy your life. There is a system there to respond and to enjoy what goes into the soul. The Bible always uses heart for a part of the brain; it is never used for the pump.

There are component parts to your heart. There are many songs about remembering things, some good and some bad. Articles are brought into Bob, because their souls respond to the information.

Bob read a newspaper article about Rhodesia and South Africa getting tired of the Black nations around them, and China and Russia are arming many of these other countries. The UN is getting ready to stir up a great war in Africa.

The food, Bible doctrine, is in the canon of Scripture. It must be transferred into the soul. David communicated because he had the gift of prophecy. God will make every believer he can, a RM/RW and a million dollars or more. He wants them to have wonderful friends; social life. When God puts anything into our cup. There are wonderful blessings which come out of adversity.

3 day march, a force march, from Aphec to Ziklag. He arrived in Ziklag to still be reaping what he sowed. He began to encourage himself in the Lord. This means he began believing what God has told him.

1Sam. 30:6 David was in a difficult position because the troops talked about stoning him, for they [the souls of his men] were all very bitter over the loss of their sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

David got his people in line and they went out after the Amalekites. However, he lost a third of his men due to lack of training and exhaustion.

The Amalekites want children because David has killed off their children, as he wiped out entire populations. David revived this man and now he is moving forward.

The Egyptian led them to the correct spot. “Down” refers to being surreptitious rather than to direction. A pass that came in from the north and a high ridge of mountains; David went up to this pass and he saw this great valley that is 30 or 40 miles long. Various hills feed into this valley and there are this houses and castles all over; and the Amalekites had been operating from here for a long time. When the Jews came up this direction, the Amalekites had 100 years of accumulated wealth at this time, in the Exodus generation. By the time of David, we are talking 500 years of wealth accumulation. They had been hitting caravans all over and living off of these caravans. They are in a spot from which they can move and hit caravans in all directions. David and this Egyptian and a small patrol look down into this valley and they see all of the accumulated wealth. He will recover billions of dollars of loot; and everyone associated with David will become wealthy. David is on the verge of seeing God pour. His cup is about to run over. David married the daughter of the king, killed Goliath, was the great military hero of that time; and his cup was running over.

Then David is given 3000 unruly types in order for him to learn how to rule over people. If he can rule over these men, then he can rule over all Israel. When David goes into reversionism, he loses his cup. When he gets out of reversionism, then he gets back the cup and God pours. When you have problems, you know how to handle them.

What you need is doctrine in the soul, which is the doctrine in your soul which forms the cup into which God can pour. Fundies today have gone right off their rockers; psychological activity, and they have people going out and doing stuff. These are legitimate activity.

God must vindicate His Word in your soul; He magnifies His Word above His name.

The raiding party has already arrived at their hideout and they have spread out; and they have been back for awhile, since they are having a great party. You can hear the screams and the parties and the music occurring in the valley. They are eating, drinking and celebrating. These are in the participles; this is party eating; celebration eating. Some are happy because they now how children, since David has killed their children and wives (for many of them). There is this sensuous type dancing; this is dancing which will eventuate in sex. This party is 40 miles long. It is a real bash.

It appears as though this chapter stands in contrast to 29 and 31. David is in contrast to Saul; and the results of their wars as well.

David slaughtered them. In the Hiphil stem; it indicates that you might find a guy who has taken your wife, and you might cut off a few extremities before they kill them. This is not a Sunday school picnic. They hacked the Amalekites to pieces.

A good outfit can march 30 miles a day, but it is difficult. They had 5 days of force march and they fought for 24 to 48 hours.

1Sam. 30:16 So he led him, and there were the Amalekites, spread out over the entire area, eating, drinking, and celebrating [dancing, staggering] because of the great amount of plunder they had taken from the land of the Philistines and the land of Judah.

There were 400 men who escaped. Maybe out of 3000 warriors.

David’s Attack and Advantages

1.       From the men who escaped, this was the headquarters of Amalek.

2.       The number who escaped are equal to the number of men David brought in.

3.       David has a decimated force.

4.       David has a smaller force but he can attack with great surprise and mobility.

5.       Many Amalekite soldiers are looped; so they are not nearly as good as they are most of the time. They are caught in the act of fornicating or they were stoned.

6.       The raiders are spread out. There are at least 3 or 4000 men spread out in this valley. David is able to strike them in various groups. David will suffer no casualties, and he strikes them at their most vulnerable moment.

7.       David concentrates his force at a spot where his smaller numbers counts. There might be 100 here, or 400 there; and only a few can stand on their feet. He has an advantage where he attacks. It is not the size of the force, but how it is utilized tactically.

8.       In this way, David had the most men concentrated at the point of contact. So this small force could defeat a large force. This is called defeating in detail.

David struck them from sundown to the evening of the next day. That is at least 24 hours; probably 26 minimum.

1Sam. 30:17 David slaughtered them from twilight until the evening of the next day. None of them escaped, except 400 young men who got on camels and fled.

David recovered everything.

David’s Recovery

1.       Were David’s wives molested. David is late to this party. What as David’s attitude toward them? When Absalom went in and raped David’s mistresses, David would not touch them again. You have to do something to indicate that you are revolting. David took care of these women, but he never touched them again. David has great imagination and a man of great IQ. So, someone who has no imagination, it makes no difference to him. It makes a difference to David. We do not know the status of David’s two wives in this passage. We will analyze this because of something will come up later.

2.       David continued to have sex with both of his wives. David is going back to Ziklag and spend 3 days there, and he will hear that Saul is dead. Then he will go to Hebron, where he will be made king of Judah. After this time, he had children by both of his wives. 2Sam. 2:2–3

3.       When Absalom fornicated, he had sex with 10 of David’s mistresses. 2Sam. 16:22

4.       When David returned from putting down the Absalom revolution, he did not touch these mistresses.

5.       Apparently David would not touch a woman who gave her body to another. 2Sam. 16:2 20:3

6.       His wives were rescued before being raped; or David correctly evaluated the situation that his wives were helpless.

1Sam. 30:18 David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken; he also rescued his two wives.

There was nothing missing to them, whether small or great. David recovered everything. When David was in the ruins of Ziklag and encouraged himself in the Lord, he stopped reaping what he sowed and began to reap what God sowed.

1Sam. 30:19 Nothing of theirs was missing from the youngest to the oldest, including the sons and daughters, of all the plunder the Amalekites had taken. David got everything back.

He seizes all of the cattle and sheep. The people shouted, “This is David’s plunder.”

1Sam. 30:20 He took all the sheep and cattle, which were driven ahead of the other livestock, and the people shouted, "This is David's plunder!"

It was all recovered and all of the wealth of Amalek, minus 400 camels. He has a great amount of treasure. No one has tapped so much wealth. Romans hitting Corinth made off with a lot and in Carthage. The Goths took all the treasures of Rome, and set sail for North Africa and were hit with a storm, and this took all of the treasure into the deep seas. This is somewhere out in the Mediterranean, and this is one of the greatest treasures in world history.

Most of the Assyrian treasure taken by the Scythians and spread all over the world.

There will be a slight reversionistic revolt. Success destroys some of the men in David’s battalion, but it does not destroy David.

1Samuel 30:21-24                                72David                                              631_0080

80 03/25/1973 Moral courage and grace policies

This is a very short lesson. 38 minutes.

Anyone who wants to dead lift any weights on the platform, to come down and give it a shot.

God wants to bless us, but we must have a cup in our soul. We can go toward blessing or toward reversionism. The daily intake of the Word of God leads to blessing. He was disillusioned and ran away to Philistia and he was bitter and he entered into a frantic search for happiness. His soul went into emotional revolt. He became negative toward Bible doctrine. False doctrine sucked into his right lobe and he went into reversionism, when he bagan to reap what he sowed. He got divine discipline which came to a dramatic climax in the ruins of Ziklag. Doctrine taken into the left lobe and cycled in the human spirit. This began to be circulated throughout the thinking of the soul. The top floor is +H. Believer goes into supergrace.

Then we have the supergrace capacities. Capacity for love, happiness, adversity, freedom. This is the cup and God begins to pour blessings. The first time, God poured. Death of Goliath and his rapid promotion. He had professional blessing as a general. He was given a wife and his cup was running over. He was in reversionism. He lied at Nob and Nob was massacred. He lied and Gad and had to leave in humiliation.

He got many of the throwaways and he whips them into a great fighting force. He falls again, and leaves Judah. He took out 500 years of loot from the Bedouins.

A third of his battalion became stragglers. They were worn out. This is the long valley where all of these castles and houses were built.

These men were totally exhausted and they were out of shape. 3 day force march and they had to move out again, and they were too exhausted to move on. 400 were strong enough to go on. The 200 are undeserving and they are stragglers. They lacked the self-discipline to stay in shape.

There is some mumbling as all of this treasure is being led out of the valley.

The 200 inquired or asked about how it went. This is the stragglers who are making the inquiry.

Rom. 8:28 applies only to those who love God; those who are in supergrace. This begins with ἑπίγνωσις doctrine in the human spirit.

Occupation with the Person of Christ is the basis for the supergrace life.

There is self-righteousness in those who are coming across to the Wadi Besor. They defeated the Amalekites. God made the difference. 200 men were out of shape. The secret to success resides in Who and What God is.

Amalek was scattered in ranches and castles all across the valley.

1Sam. 30:21 When David came to the 200 men who had been too exhausted to go with him and had been left at the Wadi Besor, they came out to meet him and to meet the troops with him. When David approached the men, he greeted them [they greeted him; they inquired of them],

They were helpless to help, but they wanted to know how it all came out. The 400 have already made up their minds not to share the gain with the 200 who remained behind. These are reversionists. They are called sons of Belial here, which means sons of wickedness.

1Sam. 30:22 but all the worthless men among those who had gone with David retorted, "Because they didn't go with us, we will not give any of the plunder we recovered to them except for each man's wife and children. They may take them and go."

They would allow one thing. They could have their wives and children. They would not get anything else. They don’t even get their furniture back. They would be able to take these wives and children and leave.

50 or 60 people left Berachah because they wanted to make a policy that was contrary to God’s grace. The 400 made their non-grace decison.

Summary of V. 22

1.       This is a challenge of David’s leadership. Is he oriented to grace enough to see the issue? This is legalism versus grace. God has graced all of them out.

2.       Some of the men are in reversionism and they have not yet recovered.

3.       Reversionism goes to a merit system; you must earn and deserve my friendship or my love. You must do something to earn this or that. Reversionism has a terrible self-righteousness.

4.       Whoever shares in the grace must earn it, according to the 400.

5.       Reversionism ignores God’s grace and places everyone on a merit system.

6.       Reversionism becomes a policy-making group or individual. They defy their authority. This is a revolt against David. This ignores David’s leadership and authority.

7.       Reversionism rejects true authority.

8.       The reversionistic believer, having just benefitted from the grace of God, wants to deny this grace to other believers.

David will not let them get away with instituting policy over him. David has tremendous moral courage. David clearly understands the principles here. This tells us that David is in fellowship and functioning in doctrine. David calls them brothers, which indicates that they are also believers. The key is what God has given.

David kept the Egyptian alive so that his knowledge could be exploited. They would know nothing without this Egyptian sitting right in front of them. One set of zeroes complain about the zeroes left behind. It is God’s grace that makes all of the difference.

Do not criticize those who do not measure up to your natural abilities and natural strengths. Gary Glenny has strength and training; would he say you have no deserving of anything if you cannot dead lift 600 lbs? The 200 men were weak in one way; 400 were weak in another. It is God’s grace that makes the difference.

The entire battalion survived this. All 600 men came out of this without a scratch. David tells them that God gave them into their hands.

Legalism Versus Grace in this Situation

1.       We see the spiritual factor and how he uses Bible doctrine here.

2.       David applies grace, divine viewpoint and doctrine. This gives him the moral courage to handle the challenge to his authority. He stands up against the reversionists. He lives by the principles of doctrine and fairness and justice.

3.       Legalism puts a lot of pressure on leadership. Good leadership never allows themselves to be pressured by the sons of Belial.

4.       The entire battalion was helpless, hopeless and useless.

5.       This same group of reversionists had previously sought to stone David at Ziklag.

6.       Therefore, David establishes a grace policy.

1Sam. 30:23 But David said, "My brothers, you must not do this with what the LORD has given us. He protected us and handed over to us the raiders who came against us.

David is elated at recovering everything. However, David’s head is not turned because he has been successful. Many in supergrace will face success and this will knock them out. You think you have all of this blessing because of your merit, and you will be wiped out. Others will be blessed and can take it all in stride. Many will have RM/RW and success in their profession, and success in adversity; but the key is, the giver is more important than the gift.

1Sam. 30:24 Who can agree to your proposal? The share of the one who goes into battle is to be the same as the share of the one who remains with the supplies. They will share equally."

1Samuel 30:24-31 Psalm 112:1a       72David                                              631_0081

81 03/26/1973 Doctrine of Association

A pastor Bob used to listen to. God is not a respectable Person; and the gifts gold, Frankenstein and myhrr.

Supergrace capacities: capacity for love, life, adversity, promotion, etc. God cannot pour until you have a cup. You do not have a cup until you have supergrace capacities. David had it all. Jeremiah lived under the time of the fifth cycle of discipline which was reserved for his old age. He settled down in Babylon at about age 65.

David, by the time he was 23, he had a cup. The first pouring was when he fought Goliath. His first fall was getting people killed in Nob and having to feign madness in Gath.

But God gave David the worst people around and he was to whip them into shape. Then he went back to Philistia, where he went down and then got back up again. No one has had such a cup running over as David did. But God has designed for all of us to have a cup and one that runs over.

Rom. 8:28 is for supergrace believers only. The reversionist always reaps what God sows. David leaves Ziklag, gets to the River Besor, crosses over; finds an Egyptian, and he leads them to a valley of ranches and palaces. 400 Arabs escaped on 400 camels.

There were 200 who stayed behind and David left them at the River Besor. David would not let the reversionists make the policy. All would share in the take. Grace is the policy.

1Sam. 30:24 Who can agree [listen and support] to your proposal? The share of the one who goes into battle is to be the same as the share of the one who remains with the supplies. They will share equally."

This became the established policy from that day forward. He set up a grace policy which went into their army manual. Every member of his battalion will get a share. They will become very wealthy men.

1Sam. 30:25 And it has been so from that day forward. David established this policy as a law and an ordinance for Israel and it continues to this very day.

David and Friendships

1.       David will reap what God sows. God is sowing for David some lifetime friends. To have such friends is a sign of stability of character. Changing friends constantly is a sign in instability. Do you have friends that go way back? If you change friends, you can count on it; you are an unstable person.

2.       The wealth was distributed to these 200 stragglers; that is grace. They did not earn it or deserve it. He gave great wealth to every friend that he had made in those years of persecution. These will be true friends. These will be lifetime friendships. True friends are often very scarce. You must have something in your soul. You must have something to offer in a friendship. If you have a dried up soul, you have nothing to offer.

3.       David gives in a true sense; he give with no strings attached. He gives from a supergrace attitude, which is no strings. He is not trying to bribe anyone. The people of Judah cannot make David king over all Israel. Giving without strings is a sign of true love. You do not have to give with strings. Giving of love and materialistic things is a sign of true love.

4.       Contrary to the undeserving commentators, David was not giving to those people of Judah, he was not giving to campaign. Commentaries do not have a great deal to say about Samuel. Some say that David uses this to pay his campaign expenses.

5.       David did not give to ingratiate himself with the judges of Judah.

6.       3 days after David returned to Ziklag, the news of Saul’s death will come to him. He will have already sent these gifts. In fact, it is likely that his men simply took these things to these various cities right from the valley, so they are not covering the same ground twice with all this merchandise.

1Sam. 30:26 When David came to Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to his friends, the elders of Judah, saying, "Here is a gift [behold, to you a blessing] for you from the plunder of the LORD's enemies."

David and His Wealth and Blessing

1.       The friends of David did not deserve this blessing. Mountain areas, cities on a side of a hill. God wants to pour; he does not want to take some jackass and pour blessings on him. He would not appreciate it. Solomon was not a businessman. He inherited his money from David. He didn’t worry about taxes; he was the tax collector.

2.       God was following David and pouring. God chased him all over the countryside to pour. He fell into the sewer of Ziklag he came up smelling like a rose.

3.       God must vindicate doctrine in the soul. God is impressed with doctrine; He is impressed with His Word.

4.       Under grace, the believer reaps what God sows. Under legalism, the believer reaps what the believer sows. The difference between cursing and blessing in our lives.

5.       These next verses describe those who shared adversity with David. When Saul pursued David, these people gave to David without strings. They gave him cattle, sheep, etc. they helped him out with food of all kinds. David was a fugitive. Now David has all of the dough.

6.       They share his adversity; now they share his prosperity. This is the doctrine of association.

The Doctrine of Association

1.       The believer is blessed by association with supergrace leadership. That is the first principle. Take a nation; a supergrace king; a supergrace ruler of some kind. Rome was blessed by the leadership of Cæsar. Under TR we were strong in our military and had a sustained peace. Free enterprise paid off; and big business was doing well. When they opened up the vote to women, that was bad. Women shouldn’t vote about anything. You end up with a lot of women’s lib and a lot of homosexuality. Industry provides more illustrations. The way he treats his employees is something fantastic. Bob’s grandfather was an executive in a set of mills, and they never unionized, because he gave them a good deal. The prosperity overflows.

2.       The believer is cursed by association with reversionism. Jonathan is a supergrace believer, but he remained in association with his father, King Saul; and because of this, he died at Gilboa. Cursing overflowed even to supergrace believers.

3.       The believer is blessed and prospered by association with Jesus Christ. The concept of Heb. 12:2

4.       Believers often associate disaster with their past sins. This is a monster to associate a present disaster; and you link it with a past sin due to a guilt complex. This is associated with a past failure. God keeps short accounts. Do not go way back into your closet and pull our things from a long time ago. Don’t be stupid. A guilt complex is a heinous sins. It leads to pseudo associations.

5.       Rebound is also a principle of association. You commit a sin or sins and you get out of fellowship. Those sins were all judged on the cross. God the Father judged those sins when they were poured out on God the Son. You simply name a sin. Bob usually names sins that he enjoys doing. If he doesn’t want to do it, then why mess with it? Association alwlays has a link. When you name or confess a sin, that sin was paid for on the cross and you are forgiven.

6.       The believer is influenced by sexual associations. The person that you have sex with, that person as a great deal of influence over you. Samson and Delight-ya.

7.       The believer is influenced by social association. He can be influenced for evil or good by the company that he keeps.

8.       There is guilt by association. The innocent suffer because of their association with the guilty.

9.       Prov. 11:11 the mouth of a righteous one is a well of life. When doctrine is communicated so that you can understand it. By the blessing of the upright, the city is exalted. This refers to a city-state. It is overthrown by the mouth of the reversionist.

1Sam. 30:27 He sent gifts to those in Bethel, in Ramoth of the Negev, and in Jattir;

Then there are desert towns scattered all over Palestine.

1Sam. 30:28 to those in Aroer, in Siphmoth, and in Eshtemoa;

The Kenites were a tribe very friendly to Israel and Moses married a Kenite.

1Sam. 30:29 to those in Racal, in the towns of the Jerahmeelites, and in the towns of the Kenites;

1Sam. 30:30 to those in Hormah, in Bor-ashan, and in Athach;

1Sam. 30:31 to those in Hebron, and to those in all the places where David and his men had roamed.

The prosperity of the supergrace believer. Psalm 112. This is an acrostic psalm. The next step will be a civil war followed by rulership. David pulls something from every file on this subject.

The aleph file this is an ox, and an ox is prosperity. The more that you have, the greater your prosperity. The subject of this psalm is the prosperity of the supergrace believer. God fills the cup; this is what the Hallelujah is. However, this is really the title of this psalm.

Ashere is the actual first word. When the edification complex of the soul is completed, there are multifarious blessings. When God takes some zero and makes him absolutely wealthy, it makes demons upset.

Fear is occupation with, Celebrityship of the Lord, etc.

Psalm 112:1 Hallelujah! Happinesses is the man who fears [is occupied with] the LORD, taking great delight in His commandments.

1Samuel 30 Psalm 112:1-7                72David                                              631_0082

82 03/27/1973 Prosperity and character of the supergrace believer

The collective opinion of the human race means nothing. It is what God thinks of you that matters.

Psalm 112 title Hallelujah [Praise you the Lord]!

Supergrace capacities; capacities for life, love, happiness, adversity, etc. Supergrace blessings are secondary to occupation with Christ. All things only work together for good for those who love God.

Happinesses in the plural refers to the various blessings which are given to the supergrace believer. God must vindicate His Word, whether in the canon of Scripture or in the soul of the believer.

The beyth file, which is a house, and the house refers to the place of the intake of doctrine. The basic principle of this verse is the basis for life, the intake of Bible doctrine. Bemitsotaw means in his doctrine; principles extracted from a text. In his doctrine, he delights to the maximum.

That show where a bunch of libs vote for the best actor, best actress, etc. That industry is as tied up with the conspiracy as any other. We have some real weak sisters and we ought to do something very special for them; that is liberal thinking.

God pours in an unusual way; he got all the crooks, con artists, psychopaths and malcontents all joined him at the cave of Addullem. He accepts this commission and whips these men into a great fighting force.

Psalm 112:1 Happy is the man who fears the LORD, taking great delight in His commandments [categories of doctrine].

2 files in v. 2; beginning with the gimel file. It is a camel running. The camel indicates travel and trade. It is another word for the concept of prosperity in the field of trading. Bible doctrine produces greatness and promotion. Gibbowr means mighty warrior. Bible doctrine guarantees that a believer will be blessed of God. God blessing doctrine and recognizes doctrine in the Word, which is why we have the canon of Scripture today. God must vindicate doctrine in your soul. You can be the worst person in the world and He will still vindicate the doctrine in your soul. The thing you can leave behind for your children is Bible doctrine. This is the best heritage to leave behind. However, each generation must make its own way. Each generation will produce might heroes, valiant soldiers.

The we have the daleth file, which refers to a door; the next generation walks through

the door; one generation leaves the scene and the next comes on the scene. Jashar is different from tsadiq. This does not mean righteous but upright, noble. You are not born a gentleman, noble, a good lover; these things are taught; they are not instinctive; they must be inculcated in the next generation. This is the only way to make a gentlmen out of a sow’s ear. Nobility is based on doctrine; moral courage is based on doctrine; being a good lover is based on doctrine. This will all come up in a few weeks.

If parents are animals or parents are stupid or pseudo intellectuals; then they are unable to train their children. They will lavish great love on their children and they indulge them; when you are itching to tear their butt off. Bob has a paddle at home that Bobby as signed.

True nobility is not a matter of family relationship or a matter of birth; it is a matter of training. No one is born a gentleman. Just to prove that you are not born a gentleman, they wrap diapers around you to hide the fact that you cannot behave like a gentleman. Nobility is trained, not born.

Psalm 112:2 His descendants will be powerful [valiant] in the land; the generation of the upright ones will be blessed.

If you pass on the heritage of Bible doctrine to the next generation, then they will be noble and they will be blessed, which is v. 3.

What does God say that He wants us to have? Does he want you out of money and suffering for Jesus and complaining that the devil is after you? God wants us to be prosperous. God has all the money trees. Wealth and riches are in His house.

Fallen angels look in and see all of that wealth that God is willing to lay on us. Every generation has different standards for wealth. When David arrives in the wilderness of Ziklag, he just has his sword and tired feet and his men wanted to stone him to death. But he encouraged himself in the Lord.

When they recover all of their own stuff, they also gather up all that the Amalekites had looted over the past 400 or more years. David took this around to the various cities and gave them a bunch of wealth without strings. After this is all over, David sits around in the midst of all his wealth, a few million dollars or so. Solomon will get twenty million in gold each year from one investment.

The wealth of the soul which leads to wealth all around him. David looked out the window toward God and God began to pour because David has a cup. Now all of the demons are looking in David’s window and they see all of this wealth.

The waw file is next; a hook or peg on which the plan of God hangs. God must provide in His plan. You might say that God has a plan for us, but this is a pretty wide circle. However you an also go for reversionism. Whichever way you go, God guarantees you a reward. You go one way and you reap what you have sown; you go another direction and you reap what God sows.

Many of you have probably had someone who has vowed undying love to you. When people say they love you, it can mean a number of things. It can be interpreted 137 different ways. It really depends upon what goes on in the soul of the individual.

God says, “I will bless you on the basis of My righteousness” rather than on basis of love. It was love that sent Jesus Christ to the cross; and love that He died for us. But it is His propitiation of the Father than saves us. God keeps His righteousness and He saves us.

Emotion isn’t the basis for love. What makes a man’s word count is the righteousness in his soul. What makes God’s love so important that, He can love us and retain His integrity. God gives on the basis of His righteousness.

Our own righteousness is not going to be the basis for us getting anything. God will be righteousness tomorrow; and He will be righteous a month from now; and 2 years from now.

2 years from now, will you be righteous? Some people who say, “Pride goeth before a fall” and that is enough to make you lose your righteousness right there.

Psalm 112:3 Wealth and riches are in His house, and His righteousness endures forever.

The zayin file is a weapon; it is a sword, and Bob likes weapons. The Bible is a sword. When we begin this thought, we begin with a sword. Zarach and darkness is the condition of our country today. We live in darkness, insofar as our national entity is concerned. God looks upon the heart. Doctrine in the norms and standards and on the launching pad. This is the light for a dark world. There arises in this a dark light. David was in all darkness; and now it is all light. David had lost everything. It was David’s fault. He was reaping what he sowed.

The characteristics are given of those who are light in a dark world.

Psalm 112:4 Light shines in the darkness for the upright. He is gracious, compassionate [merciful; full of compassion], and righteous.

David continues. Relationship or association. A good man keeps on being gracious. The context of this passage is being a supergrace believer. Qal active participle of chanan, which means to be gracious.

The yod file refers to the hand. God has a lot of doctrine on judgment. David now describes his trips into reversionism. He is getting out of it.

Psalm 112:5 Good will come to a man who lends generously [keeps on being gracious] and conducts his business fairly.

The kaph is the hollow of the hand. There is great stability. He takes every thing in stride.

Then the lamed, which is the ox goad to cause the animal to work. David had tottered when he went to Nob and then to Gad. When God can pour, there is a permanent memory of it. There is the blessing and the enjoyment of this in time.

Psalm 112:6 He will never be shaken [he will not totter, forever]. The righteous will be remembered forever.

When God pours disaster, we do not fall apart. Mem represents water. When you get adversity, there is still blessing. All suffering is designed for blessing. All such suffering comes in supergrace. With Job, Satan told him, stop pouring and Job will turn against You. The supergrace believer can take any disaster in life and deal with it.

The nun file, which is the tail of the fish; this is divine provision from Bible doctrine.

Psalm 112:7 He will not fear bad news; his heart is confident [stabilized], trusting [he will keep on being confident] in the LORD.

1Samuel 28                                          72David                                              631_0083

83 03/28/1973 Ps. 112:8-10 Reversionist frustrated

“We’re getting down to the homestretch on David; a couple more days and we will write him off for awhile.”

Psalm 112:1a Happinesses to the man who is occupied with Christ in his categories of doctrine. He delights exceedingly. The first Christian millionaire that Bob met tried to hide it and tried to keep others from knowing what he was worth, and figured that they would not think well of him. He thought this was the spiritual approach. We will be in the lap of luxury for a long period of time and we have some wonderful phrases to describe what eternity is like. Eternity is mostly described in terms of a lack of negatives. The devil controls a number of things. But, God can make any believer successful or a millionaire. He wants to when we are able to appreciate it. No one has exceeded David’s blessings in so many ways.

God is not trying to withhold anything from us; too many people simply lack cups. Bob forgot to go out and get a workout today because he ran into a fascinating passage in Habakkuk. It is a real hair-curler. The translator was scared to death and he really shied off this one.

This is a test; repeat; this is a test.

Habak. 2:15 Woe to him [someone on a frantic search for happiness] who gives his neighbors [his female companion for the evening] drink, pouring [pours for her sexual heat and passion] out your wrath and even making them drunk, in order to look at their nakedness! They have barely met and he is already undressing her.

Habakkuk is in this Bible and no one has ever questioned it—until now.

Habak. 2:16 You will be filled [saturated] with disgrace [reversionism] instead of glory. You also--drink, and expose your uncircumcision [let your genitals be uncovered]! The cup in the LORD's right hand will come around to you [this is am empty cup that will be turned upside down and placed over this guy fornicating; he is now surrounded by an empty cup], and utter disgrace will cover your glory. You have destroyed your honor by what you are doing.

This will come up in the revised doctrine of the cup. Once a cup is put over you, you are isolated from everything; you are completely disconnected from everything.

Psalm 112:1– 7 Happinesses to the man who is occupied with Christ in his categories of doctrine. He delights exceedingly. David went into reversionism and the cup disappeared. God gave David a chance with 3000 misfits as the chance to prepare himself to rule over Israel. David in reversionism was something else. Nobility or disgrace; but not so when it comes to God. God looked upon the heart of David. David is writing the story of his own life. Here, he is talking about himself. A supergrace believer is the best kind of a parent. Noble in the land is his progeny; a generation of noble ones....wealth and riches are in his house this is the post-Ziklag psalm His righteousness stands forever. A light rises in the darkness to the righteous ones the supergrace types, and graciousness, mercy and righteousness are the result. Grace righteous type of person is relaxed; a self righteous person is not. A good man keeps on being gracious and clings friend of God in James 1 is the same as the Rom. 8:28 type. David had not reached supergrace in Ziklag, but he was on his way. He will not totter forever; in memory will be the righteousness. There is some kind of history book or album which records these great victories. From bad news you will not be afraid; being stabilized in his right lobe, being confident in the Lord.

The tsamek file, which is a fulcrum; and the concept is, the lever and the pressures and the adversities of life. Here, the leverage concept comes into play.

Psalm 112:8 His heart is established [or, being sustained]; he will not fear. In the end he will look in triumph on his foes. The destruction of his enemies.

Pê This is what David will do when returned to Ziklag. David gave without strings.

Tsade is a reaping hook. David recognizes that he is being blessed by the absolute righteousness of God. Jesus Christ was absolute righteousness, and He was free to give to us and the basis of His justice. God’s righteousness was propitiated by the Lord Jesus Christ. God is free to bless us from material blessings.

Koph file; when God can bless you because you are a supergrace believer, then God is glorified. This blessing glorifies God. It is God’s plan to bless us. This is His only chance to show how He can provide for us in suffering, so the blessing is not every moment of the day. Why was David a man after God’s Own heart? When God found a cup where He could pour and pour, God did. Just think what God could do if He could pour and pour for 43 years to us?

Psalm 112:9 He distributes freely [without strings] to the poor; his righteousness endures forever. His horn [power/ability] will be exalted in honor [glory].

Resh; for the reversionist, the frontal lobe is dedicated to evil. The reversionist always thinks of us in negative terms.

Michal could not stand for David to be greatly blessed and hated to see him dancing. God is pouring and pouring, and Michal did not keep up with his spiritual growth.

Sheen file; the tooth file.

The lust of the reversionist.

Psalm 112:10 The wicked man [reversionist] will see it and be angry [irritation and frustration]; he will gnash his teeth in despair [in frustration]. The desire [lust, frantic search for happiness] of the wicked [reversionist] will come to nothing.

When you are transferred, you take your records with you. The reversionist fades out completely. The principle is a contrast between blessing and reversionism. Not only does the reversionist gets self-induced misery, but when God turns the cup upside down, he can no longer see. He gets frustrated, irritated, and finally fades. This is how the verse and the passage both end.

24 hours after David penned this passage, David will die. Saul was exalting about David’s failures; and he will die. No supergrace believer ever goes very long without arousing the ire of someone.

1Samuel 28                           Psalm 111:1-10 72David                                631_0084

84 03/29/1973 God must vindicate the doctrine in the supergrace soul

No more saving a seat at Berachah Church and bibles and stuff go home. In order to have reserved seats, you need 95% ladies and gentleman. Bob is disgusted to see Bibles in seats and no people there. Enough of you have had abused that type of prosperity. No clipboards, walking desks, etc. Doug’s going to go through this place and haul out all the stuff and dump it.

“I heard a little clapping when this thing started; it all came from the back.”

This psalm and one more principle and we are done with David for awhile. Bob has learned something about sequential continuity. Rather than do a different book every night, just start on a book, go through that, then another and another, and then the rapture occurs. Bob is thinking of going to that system. Bob does not feel sorry for those who can’t get here every night.

David developed the supergrace status and the slaying of the giant was the beginning of God pouring. David in Nob and Gath was falling spiritually; but started on the right track when he left Gath.

After Amalek, God will pour and pour and pour.

Piel stem demands intensity.

Psalm 111 title Hallelujah! Praise the Lord.

Aleph file, which is the ox, and it means prosperity under an agricultural economy. It depends upon positive volition toward doctrine. Faith cycles the doctrine into the human spirit. It is one thing to be just a hearer of the Word; but to be a doer of the Word is a believer with doctrine in his right lobe. Doctrine in that right lobe means that God must vindicate His Word. He must vindicate doctrine in that right lobe.

God then pours and God is glorified when He can pour. He has all of the wealth of the universe and He therefore pours when He can. The aleph file.

The beyth file is the house and it is in connection with the house of worship. David had his worship in the tabernacle, so says Bob.

David has a great many material things but it has not spoiled David. He still has the right perspective and he is a millionaire many times over.

Psalm 111:1 I will praise [be grateful to] the LORD with all my heart in the assembly of the upright and in the congregation.

The gimmel file, which is the camel. Rom. 8:28 is a promise of favor and blessing. A new believer cannot really claim this verse; this verse is for those in supergrace.

Joseph was a supergrace believer and 10 of his brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt. They meant this for evil. He was hauled out and sold into slavery. He was in jail then out of jail and then promoted to prime minister. Joseph reaped what God sowed. The sooner you get there the better. You learn to feed on God’s Word.

V. 2 is the attitude of the supergrace believer. God divine institution not provide for us just now but billions of years ago. Some of you will never claim what God has provided for us; He has provided these things and we will never claim them. Some of you will never claim RM/RW and you will lose out there and everywhere else as well.

How do you put the Lord first? There were always places in California to have a variety of outdoor services to burn faggots on a fire or whatever. It was a whole lot of, um, malarkey. Once God stops pouring, your cup will run over and run over. There is always an overflow when speaking of supergrace.

Darash. You are sought by pleasure; you don’t seek pleasure. This is the door file.

Psalm 111:2 The LORD's works are great [great are the deeds of the Lord], studied by all who delight in them.

Then we go to the window file, which is a new perspective. The perspective of life changes for the supergrace believer. You are not aware of being in full-time Christian service until you reach supergrace. You must reach that plateau, which is the normal place for the believer.

Waw file, a peg, nail or a hook; and the plan of God hangs upon a hook. Everything that God provides must jive with His righteousness. God’s righteousness is the basis for everything that God will do for us. God does not simply give from love; His righteousness must be involved and that provides the stability to love.

Psalm 111:3 All that He does is splendid and majestic; His righteousness endures [stands] forever.

Zayin file, which is a sword. God has manufactured His Word to be marvelous. The Word of God is the greatest treasury of all times. Just as David tapped the valley of the Amalekites, we have that treasure.

Then we are at the fence; the kaph? The fence is grace and grace in action. All of God’s plan is tied up in one word; grace. God does the work and we reap what God sows.

Psalm 111:4 He has caused His wonderful works to be remembered [a memorial he has manufactured to be marvelous]. The LORD is gracious and compassionate.

Teth is the next letter. Food He has given. The supergrace life is maintained by the intake of doctrine.

The yodh file, which is the hand; and God pours as the perfect Host. God keeps on pouring. There was never a believer who reached the supergrace status for whom God has not poured.

Psalm 111:5 He has provided food for those who fear Him; He remembers His covenant forever.

Kaph, which is the hollow of His hand. The power of His works is revealed by His people. God never runs out of success, money, RM/RW, or any other types of blessings.

The lamed is the ox goad, the 12th letter, and this pushes us along. This keeps the oxen moving along in the fields. When David moves back into the land, he will move out the various enemies of Israel. He will move out these angry people.

Psalm 111:6 He has shown His people the power of His works by giving them the inheritance of the nations.

Mêm file, you choose doctrine or judgment. You have a choice; doctrine or judgment. Various levels of discipline. Positive and negative volition. You reap what you sow or what God sows.

Nun file which is a fish. Believers, God will do something for you. If your choose doctrine, then He will bless; if you choose to reject doctrine, then He will judge. We are in His hands, so from there, He will bless us or curse us. You can always count on doctrine.

Psalm 111:7 The works of His hands are truth and justice [judgement]; all His instructions [categories of doctrine] are trustworthy [faithful].

Being sustained forever and ever. Under this, we are sustained by the Word of God. It is so great that it takes all of our levers and all of our adversities.

Psalm 111:8 They are established [sustained] forever and ever, enacted [being manufactured] in truth [from doctrine] and uprightness.

Pê represents a mouth. David recognizes from this point that he has been delivered. He was delivered from the jam he was in, in Ziklag.

tsade is a reaping hook.

Psalm 111:9 He has sent redemption to His people. He has ordained [decreed forever] His covenant forever. His name is holy and awe-inspiring.

Qoph is the back of the head. In supergrace, we automatically become occupation with Christ. Holy and being revered.

Resh is the front lobe, which is the beginning of wisdom. Doctrine really pays off at the point of occupation with Christ.

Good perception means that your life is based upon doctrine. God is glorified in time and in eternity by the supergrace believer. He has chosen for man to be a part of this.

Psalm 111:10 The fear [reverence; occupation with Christ] of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His instructions have good insight [perception]. His praise endures forever.

A conclusion coming up with this set of Davidic studies. However, in looking ahead, this appears to be a constant daily study soon.

1Samuel 28 Ps. 116:13                       72David                                              631_0085

85 03/30/1973 Doctrine of the cup

Back on a regular schedule tomorrow. No saved seats in Berachah Church any more. Half stunned; half clapping.

Doctrine of the Cup

1.       The cup is used in an analogy for salvation. I will lift up the cup in salvation. We are either looking at content or something being empty. Therefore, I will call upon the name of the Lord. The ability to assimilate liquid is specifically non-meritorious. Breathing and eating and breathing is all done automatically.

2.       The cup represents supergrace blessing based upon supergrace capacities. Psalm 16:5 LORD, you give me stability and prosperity; you make my future secure. Hearing is the first stage of gap. You must be not only a hearer of the Word but a doer of the Word; which takes place in the soul. It is not overt; it takes place in your soul, This is your cup. God does not pour unless you have a cup. The simplest choice in the world after salvation. If you go the route of supergrace, then you reap what God sows. David, here, was on his first supergrace blessing; he built the cup in his soul and God began to pour. Death of Goliath and a year later, David is a general and a member of the royal family. God gave David all kinds of things. He poured and poured. Bob spent the whole day on Heb. 4:1. Faith rest is the supergrace life. Any idiot can claim a promise and often it is the wrong one, but God has a sense of humor and often allows for that anyway. Bob has used this verse dozens of times for faith rest and now it turns out that he missed 15 things. “Some of you got the same seats; I’ve been wondering about that.” It takes a couple thousand people to keep a battalion functioning. God is going to pour the next day like you wouldn’t believe. This is David’s 2nd cup. Occupation with Christ is the concept of this phrase. David is in supergrace again. That is the significance of that phrase. So he writes, “The Lord is my inheritance.” David doesn’t want any land; he doesn’t want any people. He just wants the Lord. David is confident of victory because the Lord is pouring. Therefore, the cup is the concept of supergrace blessing. David has failed but David has recovered; he will deliver the city of Keilah. That is a Rom. 8:28 situation. Psalm 23:5 You prepare a feast before me2 in plain sight of my enemies. You refresh3 my head with oil; my cup is completely full. Food is served categorically. Things have to be separated. They are found in the Word and they have to be separated and identified and related to other things in Scripture. David would make a set of enemies and God would wipe them out. No enemies would survive David. The concept is, you can take in doctrine sitting next to someone whose shaving lotion or soap or deodorant that you don’t like. You can take in doctrine under any condition. David took in doctrine in the presence of his enemies. Cæsar was a genius. We have a totally weak group of leaders. In the conflict society, you are born in a time when people are taught to hate; blacks hate the whites, tenants hate the landlords, it is not a united society. Everyone is brought up as a minority group and they are to get up some negative feeling about another minority group. There is a wide-spread desire for handouts to their minority group. The man who promises the most things is the person more likely to give the most stuff. Inflation is a chosen path of a government. When we reach maximum limit of taxation, new means must be found to finance, unbacked currency, deficit spending. In a society built on envy, covetousness, other ways must be found to fund giveaways. Inflation will be a way of life and the long lines for handouts is growing longer. No matter who you send to Washington, they often give in to minority demands. If you balance the budget and cease the welfare state... Fiat money, inflation and France, which was a blueprint for the future. It tells you who made it and who lost. Inflation destroys the middle class. Continued inflation. Unbacked currency destroys the savings of the middle class and those on fixed pensions. Debtors lose and creditors win. Our national debt is around 450 billion. The state is to become the source of all earthly blessings. The welfare society increases and there is a widespread dependence. You will continue moving from crisis to crisis and cheap printing press money while the U.S. erects barriers about going into other currencies. And here you sit as if the United States was not going to hell. As long as God wants you on this earth, you will stay here and you will always know that doctrine is available to those who are positive. The first thing that happened to David. He had a cup when he was out there with the sheep. “You anoint my head with oil.” God poured and made David king. God’s Word was in his soul. My cup runs over. He concludes that grace and mercy pursue him all the days of my life. If you have a cup, grace pursues you. Psalm 73:10 the waters of overflow are drained on them.

3.       Habak. 2:15–16 the cup is related to a frantic search for happiness. Hab 2:15 Woe to him who gives his neighbor [his female target for the evening] drink, pouring out your wineskin, and also making him [her?] drunk, that you may look [to take sexual pleasure in looking at someone; deriving sensual pleasure from looking on her nakedness] on their nakedness! You are filled [satiated with shame] with shame instead of glory; drink also, and be seen as one uncircumcised! The cup of Jehovah's right hand shall turn on you, and disgrace shall be your glory. A lot of people think they have just discovered sex as a frantic search for happiness. The frantic search for happiness leads to negative volition toward doctrine. They are set up with a drink; they set up the doll for fornication. He is in his frantic search and he is using sex. This isn’t a bottle; this is a noun. Sexual heat. The one pouring in her sexual heat and passion. Little girls are almost too dumb when they are sober. Most girls are just going somewhere to happen. And most girls are stupid when it comes to boys. You figure that he is just a sweet boy and what he wants is a little fellowship. If a guy says, “How about a drink with me after work” he is asking you to go to bed after the drink. Any smart operator can set you up. You are just as vulnerable as you can be. Beware with whom you drink and wait until you are 30. There never was a woman who, with a snootful, wasn’t a pigeon for someone. A frantic search for happiness in sex. When a woman ties one on, she is a pigeon for someone. Don’t ever get up and go to the powder room and leave your coke glass there. Or when you return, don’t drink it. Order another. Bob’s father taught him both sides. “You may want to protect a girl and this is what you tell her; you may want to seduce her, and this is what you tell her.” Bob’s dad’s advice to him. Here, the cup is related to the frantic search for happiness binge through sex. The cup is used to set up his pigeon. The doll who is innocent or stupid or both. The seducer is saturated with shame because he is reaping what he has sowed. He ought to be protecting this woman because she is someone else’s right woman. The pigeon will be filled with shame because she is two different people. A Jeckle and Hyde sort of thing. The frantic search for happiness does not work out for this guy. If he doesn’t have shame, then he will have something down the line. She will have shame as well. Shame is reaping what you sow. You have been saturated with shame, rather than with honor. This is addressed to the seducer; “You drink too. You set up the pigeon; now you drink too; you drink from your cup of frantic search for happiness.” This is the Qal imperative of sarcasm. “Drink and expose your phallus.” You will add shame to shame. He has undressed his victim. It may be a slut. He is ready for fornication. Go ahead and belt one down and expose your ready phallus. The cup of the Lord’s right hand. Now we have a new cup; the cup of divine discipline. It is the cup of the right hand of Jehovah. Beyth is pronounced like a “v” in a word. This is the cup in the soul. When you go into reversionism, this cup disappears. God pours out discipline and He pours our discipline and it surrounds the recipient, who is in there in the midst of it. He is in the intense stage. Shameful spewing. And the spewing of your seduction will cover your honor. You will cause God to pour out from the right hand. Your frantic search for happiness. Sex became a shame instead of an honor. The capacity for sex is phenomenal. It must be with the right one. Anything to which they agree is normal. Abnormalities come with homosexuality, incest or bestiality. Sex has many facets, and the agreed upon volition is what is allowable between those two people. The capacity when both cups are running over is fantastic.

4.       The cup is used for the discipline of reversionism. Psalm 11:6 On the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone; and a horrible tempest shall be the portion of their cup. This is the discipline of reversionism. He will cause to rain upon the reversionist live coals and the burning wind.

5.       The cup is used for the discipline for a national entity. Psalm 75:8 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. Jerusalem has drunk the cup of fury.

6.       The content of the cup are the sins of the world poured out on Jesus Christ on the cross. Mark 10:38

7.       The cup is used to remember the cross. 1Cor. 11:25–27

8.       Under reversionism, the believer develops a cup capacity for satanic doctrine. The doctrine of demons is linked to the cup of demons.

9.       The content of the cup of the Tribulation is anti-Semitism. This has almost destroyed anti-Semitism. The content of cup is the system of religion and the false doctrine of the beast. Rev. 14:9–11 18:4

Psalm 116:13 I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the LORD.

1Samuel 28:1a                                     72David                                              631_0086

86 03/08/1974 Doctrine of Demonism; introduction to the witch of Endor

Apparently this is lesson on demonism.

There is a little game that Bob and Bobby play from time to time. Bob asked, who changed the program, and Bobby said, “The woman made me do it.” Once the fall occurred, the fallen angels rallied to a fighting force, and from then until now, demonism is on this earth. Many of the bleeding heart crusades are related directly to demonism.

At first demons enjoyed a different type of relationship with the human race. When the demon controls the woman, it doesn’t always follow that there is abnormal behavior. When a demon possesses a man, more obvious evil enters into the picture. The demons involved or the fallen angels from Gen. 6 are all in jail. The demon can only control the body or the soul of a person of the human race since that time. There must be some volitional assent to become involved in demon-possession. This is a part of the witch of Endor, but we will not see the kind of stuff that we normally associate with demon-possession. Some women who are possessed are more normal than women we would call normal. She starts with a seance but ends up cooking Saul’s last meal on this earth.

In the Greek pantheon, there is Zeus and his wife and sister. Incest was considered a normal function. These people did not exist. These are physical representations and mental images of demons. All of the ancient people who were anti-doctrine and anti Lord Jehovah, offered human sacrifices to these demons. Still, Kali is worshiped in India, and still, violent deeds are done in the name of Kali.

All heathen that practice animal sacrifice, they also practiced human sacrifice. In order to get something, like crops or a love life or whatever, by sacrifice a loved one to Kali or to whomever in order to get this.

The witch of Endor is different from most of our demon concepts. Some appear to be totally acceptable to society and their behavior seems quite normal. Some movies. Demon possession wreaked havoc on some societies; and sometimes whole groups of women are offered up to appease the gods.


1.       Demon-possession was punishable by death. Lev. 20:27

2.       Methods of demon-possession:

          a.       Passive submission to demons through idolatry.

          b.       Dedicating one’s body to demonism; psuchra and monty.

          c.        Drug abuse and addiction

          d.       Vapors of the oracle of Delphi.

          e.       The whirling dervishes; the dancing.

          f.        The phallic cult was used.

          g.       Those who claim to have hypersensitivity in the arena of the psyche.

3.       Demons were the gods of nations. Psalm 96:5

4.       Ex. 12:12 Isa. 19;3

5.       Child sacrifices.

6.       Canaanite nations destroyed because of demonism. Deut. 18 Mayan civilization was a demon civilization. Many of the Indian civilizations destroyed because they were involved in demonism. Many of the great volcanoes that destroyed people the basis of this was demonism. Krakatoa. The Dutch brought Christianity into that area. One of the island blew up because there was a concentration of demonism.


8.       Necromancy can be a sign of demonism.

9.       Demonism can bring the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation. They have received some attention in movies like the Exorcist; but Bob would not go across the street to see it. The one basic true fact is, demon possession is a true fact. The Agamemnon is a story of demon-possession. He offered his daughter a beautiful woman as a sacrifice and this became a classical background for demon-possession. The whole basis for WWII was demonism, which was a part of the personage of Hitler, and he got into it via astrology.

10.     Evil is associated with the rule of demon-possessed kings, like Manasseh Jer. 27:6–10

11.     Systems of demonism. Nebuchadnezzar was demon-possessed when he first came to Jerusalem. This is a very dangerous thing. There were 7 demons in Mary Magdalene, sex demons. Many of the hippy murders were associated with demonism. Heb. 2:14–15 demons under command to cause Cain to kill Abel and to kill the children of Job. Satan is a killer and he delegates this authority as well.

12.     Satan is a source of disease and utilizes demons for this purpose as well. When demons are a cause of disease, when they are removed, the disease leaves. Instantaneous healing. Many who claim to be healers are the representatives of Satan; demons are removed and there is instant healing.

13.     Satan is the cause of many deaths and disease in the human race. He can be used as an instrument of discipline. Satan is not bashful. He asks for Peter to tear him up and he wanted to give him the sin unto death. Satan always wanted to get his hands on Peter. 2Tim. Example of Satan used for discipline.

14.     There are 3 excellent books on demonology. The best is “Earth’s Earliest Ages” published in 1876 and Bob found it on his grandmother’s book shelf. G. H. Pember. One of the best books of demonism and spiritism. Stuart Edward White involved in demonism and necromancy. Arthur Conan Doyal was involved in demonism. He wrote the Sherlock Holmes books. Unger’s book “Biblical Demonology.” First edition is better. In later editions, he tries to show that believers can be demon-possessed. John L Nevis “Demon-possession and Allied Beings.” The concept covers many areas of life.

15.     2Chron. 11:15

16.     of all the classical cases Mark 5:1... He has a loss of individuality; he lived in tombs; society could not solve his problem. Abnormal behavior. Constantly screaming and he would run through town naked. We are now having that occur on some of our campuses. He wanted to get rid of the demons and the demons took over his vocal cords and Jesus spoke to the demons and not to the man. They went into pigs and they all ran off of a cliff. Demons indwell animals as well as people. Convulsions, violence, abnormal strength, raving, shrieking and screaming, self-mutilation, foaming at the mouth, nakedness, living in abnormal circumstances, grinding the teeth.

17.     The engathromuthos demon, which is a very excellent and talented demon. They have a way of throwing their voice like a ventriloquist. He is a very busy demon in the United States today. The entire tongues movement is related to the engathromuthos demon. Isaiah prophesied that the Jews would go out in another dispensation. The Jews would get a warning; they would be evangelized in gentile languages. Someone would speak to the Jews and give them the gospel in gentile languages. This is fulfilled in 1Cor. 14. The gift of tongues was discontinued. Tongues is a cheap substitute for gap and is a system of demonism for unbelievers involved in the tongue movement. It is not a bonafide experience except during the non-canon period of the church.

The woman will fall into a trance and the demon will speak through her. She is a young attractive woman.

There is the crisis in vv. 1–6

Saul’s expediency

Seance for the dead, and such a thing is not possible. Your friends are in perfect tranquility. There is no contact between the living and the dead. Ventriloquist demons are super demons. The demon takes over and he may throw his voice out of a wall behind the bereaved person. Generally, they like to have it out of the ground. Or through the vocal chords of the medium. She is a calm, quiet person. She only screams once. She does not throw up green soup and act weird. She doesn’t know who this was. Saul thinks the whole thing is routine. He had not attended any seances before. The demon is paralyzed and hauls Samuel up. God, in His great sense of humor, will actually bring Samuel up. It appears to Bob that the witch of Endor becomes the woman of Endor, and she returns to being a normal woman, cooking some guy a meal before he goes to battle. This is how God worked out everything to put David on the throne.

Bob will get us started and then continue next Friday.

It is a habit or a custom to call Israel Palestine; but that means the land of the Philistines. The Philistines who are named here only occupy a small southwestern section on the Mediterranean. There are 5 cities which are a confederation of city-states.

The Akkians are a part of the Miceneans, and they are called the Greek Sea peoples, and they conquered areas all around them up to 1000 miles away. They are not the same as the Athenians or the Spartans. Some of them are offshoots.

There is no difference between Achish King of Gath and Agamemnon, or Hector, or Ajax. They are called Akkians and Micenians because of their culture.

So we understood that the people


1.       The Greek sea peoples came by way of Crete. Caphtorim is the Semitic word for it. And the testaments are written in these 2 different languages as well. Philistine is Semitic. In the Greek, they are called Akkians. They occupy Greece and great portions of the earth before the Spartans and they were the toughest people who had come along until the Romans.

2.       The Greek sea peoples invaded Palestine in the time of Ramses III. 1195 1164 b.c., which is one of the most unusual moments of history. The planet earth was turned upside down by historical events. The Greek peoples went all over the world and they were being pushed right out by the Dorians; cousins, but very different. Tough, rugged. This Dorian invasion caused the Greeks to take to their boats. They carved out areas of Phrygia and Lydia. Many went all the way to Spain and to Tarshish. They moved to Troy and they moved to Anatolia. They attacked Italy and Spain and the Middle East. They went everywhere but north. They went south into Egypt. They destroyed the Hittite empire. The Dorians were coming down out of the north. They came down through Greece out of the north. The Hittites the Akkians. Achaians. Also called Tjker. Also called Tersha by the Sycles who were in and they were also called the Polescet. They were the same people wherever they went. British would call us Yanks and we aren’t Yanks. The only thing that saved Ramses III was that there weren’t too many. He had an army of 60,000. Overwhelming numbers defeated these people and forced them back and the Egyptians were glad to push them back out of Egypt. The fell back to Gaza and moved there. But they also went to the Valley of Esdraelon. Many settled in the Pass of Jezreel. Saul had impregnable fortifications. So Achish got his compatriots to go and meet in Aphek. All of the fighting took place; Saul is near the well of Jezreel. Behind Saul the Gilboa range, are steep cliffs and he cannot bring up reserves and he has no place but one to retreat. He placed his troops in the wrong place. He was also frightened. 10 miles away on the herman mountain range is a little town called Endor. It never occurred to him to put a holding force here. He could have outmaneuvered the Philistines. But Saul is in reversionism. When Samuel came up, Saul said, “Don’t be afraid” and then he took charge of the seance. He takes a two man patrol and zips through their lines. He is brave to do this, and yet he will be cowardly. His troops will be disorganized. He is frightened one minute and courageous the next. The Philistines are Greek by race; they intermarried with the Canaanites. Some real freaks came out of it.

The Philistines gather, which mean they mobilize. There are 5 armies that the Philistines. They brought together 5 separate armies, and they are well-trained and well-prepared and they will win. As early as the time of Abraham, there were Micenian Greeks who settled in Crette and in Palestine. When Abram came into contact with Abimelech, that was a Micenian Greek, but before they were powerful.

The Philistines are like the Apaches; get them all together and they are tough and formidable. In the time of deborah and Barrack, the Philistines were built up. They were aggressive in the time of Samson.

Jewish army, Beth-shean has a temple of Aphrodite and a temple of Dagon, half fish and half man. The Argonauts were Philistines. Jason was a Philistine. Philistines wandered all over. The Philistines loved to roam. They were curious about everything.

This very well is where Gideon tested his men. Hostilities with the Philistines were sporadic until the time of Saul. Until this time, no battles had been fought in northern Israel. The Philistines were great military types and they had iron weapons. They would not allow the Jews to have iron weapons, not even in the time of Saul. The Philistines had superior weapons to the Jews. David’s weapons were not as good, but he was a supergrace believer when he defeated the Philistines. Because of Saul’s reversionism, the Philistines had invaded. They had been stopped before by David. But this time, the Philistines did something diffeent. They used a strategic single envelopment to draw Saul out of his lair. They went up further north and the Philistines had cousins who lived up there who acted as their eyes and did reconassaince for them.

1Sam. 28:1 At that time, the Philistines brought their military units together into one army to fight against Israel. So Achish said to David, "You know, of course, that you and your men must march out in the army with me."

1Samuel 28:1–3                                   72David                                              631_0087

03/08/1974 Foreign bodyguard of the ruler; promotions may deviate from the divine plan

Birmingham conference and Bob was met at the airport with a Bear Bryant protegee. Rick Hughes met Bob? Sam Hankins came in that night; Gary Horton was there. Bill Kessler.

The Philistines were a part of the Greek sea peoples and they upset the world in their day. They did some phenomenal things in their day. They were being driven out of Greece by the Dorians. Ramses III ran them out of Egypt. The Philistines settled in the 5 cities of Palestine. Part of the valley narrows down to a small neck, the valley of Jezreel. These Philistines of mobilized their armies. There has been warfare with the Jews and the Philistines for a long period of time. Saul has been fairly successful much of the time. There was general success in Saul’s defending of Israel. In Gibeah, Saul has great fortifications and as long as he was there, the Philistines could not get Saul out of his lair. They did a strategic stingle envelopment, which pulled Saul into an area where he was unfamiliar. There were many Canaanites up in this general area who were more sympathetic with the Philistines.

It was Achish who had a great sense of humor. Achish sends word to David, after he has recovered all of his stuff and has become greatly enriched by the Amalekites. Knowing, you will know...” means “red alert” “be definitely alerted” so that David understands clearly that he is expected to go along. David knows that he is the future king of Israel, and now he is reporting in for duty.

1Sam. 28:1 At that time, the Philistines brought their military units together [mobilized their armies] into one army to fight against Israel. So Achish said to David, "You know, of course, that you and your men must march out in the army with me."

David is now in a real jam as a result of previous problems. When a believer goes into reversionism, 2 things can happen. He can stay in reversionism or he can recover. What he has done in reversionism can bounce up to haunt him. He David has recovered, God will deliver him from the jam. The consequences will produce disaster and he will not be delivered from them, if he does not recover. God will deliver him from the jam of fighting his own people. Saul does not recover and he does not get with Bible doctrine. So, as a result, Saul will get into a jam and it will end up in his defeat. Reversionism is the status where the believer reaps what he sows. Supergrace is where the believer reaps what God sows. God will deliver David and God will execute Saul. This ought to be a strong reason for reversionism recovery. We can go one of two ways. We can reap what we sow or reap what God sows.

David is in a jam and he finds himself in a difficult position. He was generally a very honest person and reversionism always changes a person’s and their qualities. Reversionism turned David into a monster. David was involved in lying and deceiving. The worst thing is for David to have to strap it on to Achish, who was always honest, honorable and noble in his treatment of David. Achish is honorable and David is dishonorable.

David gives an interesting reply. He uses the verb that Achish did, twice. Kên means therefore. This suggests an honorable reply, but it is not. It is using words as a smokescreen. The principle is, in life, people will tell you one thing, but mean something entirely different. We all, in our lifetimes, have been taken in. Bob has had this happen to him a few times by a pathological liars. You will find out sometimes that you will be ripped to shreds if you miss this or that meeting.

When people begin to use words for a disguise, you are in serious, serious trouble. This is David realizing that he is in a jam, and he just tries to give some meaningless tripe. David is trying to be honest, but he ends up being sincere and deceitful. David’s policy is to be ambiguous and abstruse. He couches his decision in nebulous verbosity. Words should communicate a true decision.

1Sam. 28:2 David replied to Achish, "Good, you will find out what your servant can do." So Achish said to David, "Very well, I will appoint you as my permanent bodyguard."

Summary of V. 2a

1.       David’s answer is ambiguous and deliberately abstruse.

2.       Part of the strap on is to assure Achish that his confidence is properly placed. Bob watches his own back when someone says, “I’m behind you 100%.”

3.       David is being alerted to fight his own nation, his own people and his own friends.

4.       He must therefore come up with a strap on. This is a jam which he has placed himself in because of his previous reversionism.

5.       The strap on was covered by an ambiguous answer. Achish was impressed just like people here are impressed by politician double-talk.

Achish says, I will appoint you keeper of my head, which means guarded of my head which refers to a bodyguard. This is a place that David would fulfill for life.

1Sam. 28:2 David replied to Achish, "Good, you will find out what your servant can do." So Achish said to David, "Very well, I will appoint you as my permanent bodyguard."

David’s Promotion by Achish

1.       Achish is wise. The Philistines are under the command of Achish king of Gath. There is a lot of competition between the various city-states of the Philistines. Achish is looking for someone that he can trust. He cannot trust his own people. He is too smart to do that. Too many would like to assassinate him and take over. He knows his own people. Many are suffering from power lust and approbation lust. Hannibal always had a foreign bodyguard that he knew he could trust. This is customary for a strong monarch to use a foreign bodyguard. It is a smart idea. Basically, David is an honorable and noble person.

2.       David’s Jewish battalion is not involved in the politics of Philistia. General Frederick started the special forces and he was a young general in WWII. He became the victim of petty politicians after WWII. MacArthur was the victim of Truman. The Russians assassinated Patton. It was no accident.

3.       David’s strap on has worked so well, that he is in trouble with his conscience and with his own nation. His strap on worked so well because Achish admired David and took this duplicity as ascent.


5.       David has just received from Achish king of Gath a great promotion and honor.

6.       The promotions of the world are often designed to deviate from the plan of God. How can the next king of Israel be fighting his own people?

7.       The plan of God calls for David to be king of Israel and not the lifetime boydgaurd of a heathen king.

8.       The world can legitimately reward and promote individuals under the principles of divine establishment. Only God can promote and reward believers. This does not mean that all promotions are illegitimate. For the believer in the supergrace status, promotions are from God. You are successful in sports; that is blessing from God. The military is God’s plan for some people’s lives. For some of us, it is God’s plan to make us a millionaire. We have to be careful.

9.       David has recovered from reversionism and has entered supergrace. He is suffering from the backwash of divine discipline. He is a recovery person. Only God’s grace can work out this problem of him going to war against those people that he will rule over.

Now we have a change of scenery. Samuel had died. All of his lifetime, Samuel had been a leader of Israel, a communicator of doctrine. It was Samuel who was involved with the kings and he was the last legitimate political ruler until David. Saul was the people’s choice; we have suffered from the people’s choice since FDR. The people’s choice is not Saul’s choice. The ruler of the people was Samuel and would be David. They are both chosen by God.

1017 b.c.

Samuel was the last and greatest of the judges. Acts 13:20; 3:24 unique as Eli’s successor in the priesthood. Samuel’s father was . Samuel wrote Samuel. Nathan and Gad completed Samuel. He was one of the greatest men in God’s plan. Death meant that he had succeeded and completed God’s plan. Samuel was the last of the judges. He was one of the most unusual who had ever lived. We all have weaknesses; we all had sin natures. When it comes to true greatness, Samuel was there. He was a prophet, priest, and as a judge. He worked constantly. He will complain about having to come back.

This is a peer rating. All Israel lamented him. They all appreciated him. There is an overt noisy kind of mourning. Samuel was missed. He was the first great Bible teacher after Moses, after the apostate period of the judges.

Two high priests to take the place of Samuel; 2 prophets to take his place. 2 political rulers, Saul and David, also take his place. Behind these statements is the greatness of a truly great man.

Apostasy did not ruin Israel; he kept them from going out under the fifth cycle. Even David grew spiritually under Samuel. No one went to heaven until Jesus Christ ascended.

The funeral was an occasion to remember the departed person and the real importance is one where Bible doctrine is clearly taught.

The name of the city means “lift up” or “height.” There are several Ramah’s; Rama of Gilead, of Naphtali. From Ramah, Samuel went on a yearly circuit. It is all related to doctrine. Ramah was in the center of Bethel, Gilgal, etc. The emphasis was based upon Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine survived his death. Samuel was dead; and doctrine went on.

There will be some discussion on the mediums and spiritists and the witch of Endor.

1Sam. 28:3 By this time Samuel had died, and all Israel had mourned for him and buried him in Ramah, his city, and Saul had removed the mediums and spiritists from the land.

1Samuel 28                                          72David                                              631_0088

88 03/10/1974 1 Sam. 28:3b-4 Doctrine of necromancers and mediums

Phase II was designed to work on grace. This is the 3rd in the series of the new David series and it will be handled every day from hereon in.

Saul started out strongly. He was handsome and good looking. Samuel was one of the great triple threat men of all time. God set aside the family of Aaron. Samuel was the official communicator of doctrine. He was the political ruler of the land. The people chose Saul. God’s choice was for Samuel to rule until David became of age.

1Sam. 28:1–2 At that time, the Philistines brought their military units together [mobilized their armies] into one army to fight against Israel. So Achish said to David, "You know, of course, that you and your men must march out in the army with me." David replied to Achish, "Good, you will find out what your servant can do." So Achish said to David, "Very well, I will appoint you as my permanent bodyguard."

Both David and Saul were in reversionism, and David recovers, but Saul does not. Both men have created problems for themselves. David is going to war against his own people. God will work this out. Saul’s latter reign was misery and he will die losing a battle; he will die in disgrace.

The wisdom of Achish to trust David more than his own people. It is common for ancient world kings to choose bodyguards from outside the realm of local politics. David has been promoted by Achish. The only legitimate promotion in this life is either by God or in conjunction with the laws of divine establishment. Only God’s grace can work out the problem that David faces here. He cannot go to war with his own people and later lead them. It would never happen. This is Satan moving chess pieces around the chess board.

Haobatch which comes from the noun obh. It is a rare masculine noun with a feminine ending. A masculine noun with a feminine ending means that this demon always enters into a woman. Only a woman is used by this demon. If he is going to assimilate the gift of tongues, then he will involve himself with males and females.

A wizard is a male medium. The holy rollers are under demon influence or demon possession. There is no bonafide speaking in tongues recognized by God after the fall of Jerusalem. This was to give the Jews a chance to be evangelized and to get out of Jerusalem before it was taken down.

Satan uses tongues to make suckers out of those in the tongues movement. There are no exceptions.

The use here is to imitate the dead. The python is named after a demon Puthon. Here, we have a woman indwelt by an obh demon. The best way to translate this is necromancer. This is a woman indwelt by a demon in order to contact the dead. The ob demon can bring the sound from the floor or the ceiling or from wherever.

Hitler was so indwelt by a demon. Louis XI had astrologers to face off his enemies. A lot of idiots... There are many cases where Chaldean kings and others who predicted things based upon astrology. Nebuchadnezzar came to Jerusalem after his priest threw arrows up in the air . He used hepatology and some other.

Creasis, king of Lydia, thought of money as a medium of exchange. There was a phrase, “rich as Creasis.”

Cyrus would conquer the world in 25 years and he had one big problem with the Kingdom of Lydia.

he was told to cross over a river and a greqt empire would be destroyed. He did and his empire was destroyed. Demons do not die. They continue still alive as they were centuries ago. The demons for the medium of Endor are still around.

A necromancer is a female + a demon. The wizard is a man who is demon-possessed. The demon imparts information through several systems. The person can go into a trance. This thing of contacting the dead and foretelling the future is quite common for thousands of years. These demon-involed people were removed from the Land of Promise. This is where the Jews lived. During this time, Saul had no interest in contacting necromancers.

Necromancers and Mediums

1.       This contact was forbidden by the Word of God. Lev. 19:31 this is still true today; we are not to consult fortune tellers, seances, people involved in astrology or anything of this sort. This is getting your information from Satan.

2.       Lev. 20:6 contact with such was a evidence of reversionism.

3.       Necromancers and mediums were to be apprehended and subjected to stoning. God wants us to have no contact with demon-possessed people. Demon-possessed people destroy the society in which they are. This is why India is filled with cows and starving people. People suffer because of demonism. Demons are starving people in India. The idol is nothing; it is the demons behind it.

4.       The iniquity of the Amorites was not quite yet full in the time of Abram but later they were. Deut. 5

5.       Saul killed for contact with a witch necromancer.

6.       One of the most evil kings 2Kings 21:6 was based upon demonism.

7.       Josiah was famous for outlawing demons. Very detailed account.

8.       Isaiah warned Israel to consult the Word of God rather than necromancers.

9.       Fifth cycle of discipline administered to Judah Isa. 29:8

Principle of the holy roller movement; they may destroy the United States. Believer versus believer. Unbeliever with common sense versus others. Wheaten college takes money from the tongues people. Harold Lindsay has gotten soft on the tongues crowd. That is destructive to our nation and to the spiritual life of the individual. They represent the evils of self-indulgence.

The believer in supergrace protects the nation. For 13 years, 1017 b.c.Samuel died and 13 years elapsed. There are no wizards and necromancers in the land. Saul has done from being a strong believer all the way into reversionism. The 13 year lapse.

1Sam. 28:3 By this time Samuel had died, and all Israel had mourned for him and buried him in Ramah, his city, and Saul had removed [caused the removal of] the mediums and spiritists from the land.

Now we are at troop concentration where they have moved to the place where they can destroy the enemy. The Qal imperfect indicates that they did a lot of marching to get there. There is the great fortification of Saul and they were looking to draw Saul out from his lair. Be-Shunem is a specific spot. The valley goes to the Jordan Rivef, but it does some strange things. Moreh is in front of Little Herman. On the slopes of Mount Moreh to the well of Jezreel is a narrow valley called Megido or Armageddon. The Philistines race up to get to the higher place. The Philistines are fast and they are well-oganized. Saul is disorganized and he gets there last. A shorter distance to cover but the Philistines beat him to the battleground. The Philistines have cousins up in this area and this population is friendly to the Philistines. They will have the advantage of reconnaissance and they can pick their own terrain. Saul knew one area where he had chased David. So the Philistines will not challenge Saul in land that he knows, so they will get him to land that they know but he doesn’t. The idea is to get Saul farther north. Saul is facing north and they are facing south. He is pulled out of the heavily fortified area of Gibea.


1.       It is important to learn your terrain. This great plain called the Plain is Esdralan. It narrows down as it moved toward the Jordan River. It narrows to a pass where it is 4 miles wide close to the Jordan. Most of it is much wider, 30 to 60 miles wide. The Endor village is behind Philistine lines. The big key to this whole area is always this valley. Gideon fought the Midianites here.

2.       On the southern side is a mountain rainger, very steep, includes Mount Gilboa. A famous well, the well of Jezreel, where Gideon eliminated many of his troops.

3.       On the norther side is the little Herman range and Mount Morah; gentle slopes. Gentle slopes where the Philistines are; but where Saul’s army is, it is steep and it cannot be maneuvered and there is no place to put reserves.

4.       The area where the battle was fought is the Greek sea peoples. There was information constantly fed to the Philistines.

5.       There is a town not too far away called Beth Shean over off the flank. This is a Greek sea people town. There is dagon, 120 miles away from Philistia and a temple of Aphrodite called Ashtoreth. Sauls’ body placed in one place and his head in another. Both belong to heathen Micenean Greeks. Samson destroys the temple of Dagon.

Shunem is located on the little Herman range and this is the area where the Schulumite woman will come from. This will be the concentration of the Philistine troops. It is a village today surrounded by. In bivouacking here, they cannot be approached except by coming up the gradual slope of the hill. You can run patrols so that they cannot be attacked from the rear very easily.

Saul is on the other side of the valley. There was plenty of water around the spring of Jezreel. Saul concentrated his army in Gilboa.

1Sam. 28:4 The Philistines came together and camped [both marched and bivouacked] at Shunem. So Saul gathered all Israel, and they camped at Gilboa.


1.       Picture two armies 4 miles apart in plain sight of one another. Jewish army is in the south.

2.       Each amry has a mountain behind it. The mountains behind the Philistines is to their advantage. Not that behind the Jewish army.

3.       Endor is behind the Philistine lines on the eastern side of the mountain and the Philistines are on the southern side. Saul is afraid of the Philistines and yet, he penetrates these lines in order to get to the witch of Endor. Inconsistency of reversionism.

4.       The terrain favors the Philistines. Just because you are a believer, that does not mean that you must be stupid. A believer in business does not have to be stupid. Bob met a believer with a good record but he is mixed up confused and he is a legalist. Just because you are a believer, it does not mean you should be stupid about the opposite sex. A reversionistic general can get his outfit wiped out. There is nothing that says a person has to be stupid as a believer. Achish is a smart man who knows how to guide his forces. \

5.       The ground slopes gradually from Shunem to mount Gilboa. It keeps going slowly down, but the Jews are trapped with high mountains behind them.

6.       Behind the Jewish camp, the mount Gilboa rises sharply.

7.       Saul’s army will be defeated and they will try to retreat by the right flank.

8.       Therefore, Saul made a poor choice when it comes to his bivouac. The reversionism is not just in trouble spiritually, but in all areas of life. Saul shows boldness to penetrate the Philistine lines. Saul could have moved his entire army over on that side, because there were not many troops and not many eyes; so Saul had the perfect setup to deal with his situation. He saw the way to make an attack but he was blinded by reversionism. Reversionism destroys business ability; your business judgment will fall flat.

1Sam. 28:4 The Philistines came together and camped [both marched and bivouacked] at Shunem. So Saul gathered all Israel, and they camped at Gilboa.

This is all original and, if you hear this information again, you know where they got it from. This verse marks the first for a number of mistakes.

Tonite the drama begins.

1Samuel 28                                          72David                                              631_0089

89 03/10/1974 1 Sam. 28:5-6 Doctrines of Saul’s stages of reversionism and fear

Many times, knowledge of various items helps us to understand Scripture. Saul saw indicates reconnaissance. The same mental attitude sin hit Saul at the Well of Jezreel, where there was enough water for a large army. 22,000 men dropped out of Gideon’s army at this point. Judges 7:1–3 Here, we have the fear of King Saul. The Midianites were located in the same spot as the Philistines.

The 2 armies are 4 miles apart. Saul does a reconnaissance, and he is filled with fear. Saul needed to remember the messages Samuel gave on the judges. He forgot or he was absent. He needed this information on the spot. 22,000 cowards were ferreted out by a simple test. Saul should have been standing there meditating on these cowards. Fear immobilizes the thinking process. The heart is the real you.

Rick Hughes was in charge of the Birmingham conference. Article; halves of the brain are different, science discovers. The 2 halves of the brain think in different ways and they tend to turn off the part of the brain that is responsible for man’s richest experiences. They knew that there were 2 lobes there.

The new research may make it possible to dramatically improve learning. The brain is divided into two halves or hemisphere. The left side of the brain thinks rationally, logically and sequentially, good with mathematics. The right hemisphere thinks in a completely different manner. It is responsible for insight tand patterns of recognition. The so-called mystical experiences. It is the right half of the brain that gets turned off and dominated by the left side. As a result, the right hemisphere is not terribly well-educated. This is why so many people have turned to drugs and experiences. For the first time in our culture, we have the ability to bring the two sides together. A lot of psychiatrists are not going to figure this out. This is Dr. Orenstein, that Bob went to school with; but Bob called him a number of other names.

Stages of Reversionism

1.       Reactor factors. Saul was jealous of David. Jealousy led to great hatred of David. Saul would never forgive David and continued to persecute David. Vindictiveness and implacability. These things were not handled by rebound; instead, they were allowed to fester.

2.       Then he went in for the frantic search for happiness. For King Saul, he tried to eliminate David from this life. He tried to build his happiness on David’s unhappiness. He asked for the testicles of 100 Philistines. Saul did not expect David would return; but David brought back 200; Saul never departed from this stage of reversionism.

3.       Operation boomerang. Saul chases David all over the land and eventually out of the land. Saul attempted to build his happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.

4.       Emotional revolt of the soul; the emotion revolts against the right lobe. Saul is no longer a rational person; he is no longer a great military man; he wipes out a whole generation of priests. This emotional revolt would also serve

5.       Saul began to neglect assembling with the people of the nation to hear the messages of Samuel the prophet; negative volition toward doctrine. He became indifferent toward doctrine. He was angry because Samuel anointed David as the next king. No one turns his back on Bible teaching without regretting his action.

6.       Blackout of the soul; which sucks in the doctrine of demons. The approach is to kill David; to get rid of David. That is exactly Satan’s plan. He is on a revenge kick.

1Sam28:5 When Saul saw the Philistine camp [army of the Philistines], he was [became] afraid and trembled violently.

The Doctrine of Fear

This is a hasty doctrine.

1.       Fear is described as a mental attitude sin, which is the worst type.

2.       Fear is a sign of reversionism.

3.       Lack of fear is a part of mental attitude dynamics. Heb. 11:27 13:6

4.       There is also a legitimate fear. This is failure to utilize the faith rest technique. Believers should be afraid not to employ faith rest. Heb. Legitimate fear is directed toward not doing something right or the way it ought to be done.

5.       Love is said to be the absence of fear. 1John 4:18

6.       Fear is not a part of God’s plan for the believer. Ex. 14 Deut. 31:8 1Chron. If you cater to fear long enough, there will be patterns of the soul which will disintegrate.

7.       Courage or lack of fear is a sign of the supergrace status. Psalm 3:6 56:3, 11

8.       Fear is also used in the Bible for occupation with the Person of Christ. It can be used to refer to awe and respect. Neh. 5:9, 15 Job 28:28 Psalm 19:9 111:10 Prov. 1:7

we must anticipate several things in v. 6. Saul’s fear is a part of his reversionism. He definitely was a man of courage at one time. This was his lifetime habit and characteristic. Reversionism changes you; it converts you into something that is evil and ignoble. The reversionist never thinks about God. He never associates it with God. He is not thinking about God. The reversionistic believer, in times of disaster, will turn to God for help. He will start shouting, “Oh, God, oh, God.” You can tell the reversionist is hurting because they return to Berachah.

Saul is in a jam and he inquires of God, but God did not answer him. God the Holy Spirit will show His sense of humor here. And, asking, asked Saul.... This is Saul’s name 3 times. Saul saul’ed of the Lord. He is in a jam, and for the first time, he is thinking of the Lord.

Thummim is the checkerboard of the 12 squares and the Urim is the 2 shoulder pads that lit up to mean yes or no. Saul had made a substitute one with a fake high priest. This won’t work. The true high priest and the Urim and thummim is with David.

Saul is not guided by the prophets. Either Saul has no prophet around him or he has hired someone who is a fake prophet. Samuel is dead; he is in paradise enjoying his frist vacation.

David has Gad and Nathan; Saul has no one. Samuel is dead. Where is all the doctrine being taught. There are no prophets but false prophets for Saul. Maybe some devotional type thing or “Sir, have you tried loving the Philistines?”

A vision finds the person awake and generally in ecstatics. In a dream a person is asleep; and Saul could not sleep.

God does not speak to us via dreams or visions anymore. There are no true prophets teaching doctrine anymore with Saul. When the reversionist needs doctrine the most, he has it the least. Divine answers and guidance when under pressure, come to believers who have doctrine stored in their souls. The reversionist who always wants his answers in the form of a miracle. Reversionism seeks miracles. They always both those whom they think has the answer. They want you to stop and show them how miracles work. Reversionists are selfish and self-centered. Sensitivity training was developed for reversionist only.

There is no verse which allows us to take reversionists and line them up against the wall and knock them out. If you slap the female reversionist, she cries or faints, then she is well. Bob would get his slapping bag out. There is no one-shot answer. Reversionists always come in whining. They have no common courtesy toward others. They want their misery to overflow to you. They want you to suck the pus out of their wounded soul. You know that they have the same chance at doctrine that we have. They have the same shot at doctrine as anyone else. “Don’t speak to me; don’t whine. And you’ll think I am only speaking to you. But I’m not. You’ll take it personally and you’ll vibrate and just keep coming back.”

only believers with doctrine, growing believers, and supergrace believers can survive the pressures, disasters and catastrophes of comos diabolic us.

Note that Saul is unable to assess the crisis. The ephod is with Abiathar, the high priest in David’s camp, that Saul sent running. God has a great sense of humor, will stop the seance, and bring Samuel back for the last sermon, and he will preach it to King Saul.

1Sam. 28:6 He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer [had not answered] him in dreams or by the Urim or by the prophets.

Instead of a tactical maneuver, Saul and two men will go past the Philistines lines, risking his life to do this. He is not afraid to go to Endor, which is the clue to a single envelopment on the east side.

Saul has lost the spiritual battle first; and he will lose in war because of that.

1Samuel 28:7-8                                    72David                                              631_0090

90 03/11/1974 Dangerous disguises

We will find pseudo rebound in this chapter, which is hidden in the Hebrew; what he says in the English just doesn’t make sense.

The military is going to bring out of a lot of spiritual lessons in this chapter.

Oscar Johnson Congressional medal of honor recipient citation read. 25 German soldiers came up and surrendered to him. 5 companies tried to take his position for 2 days and they failed. He acted as a one-man platoon.

We began with the war with Philistia and how the Greek sea peoples almost upset the entire world. Unbelievers do have a sense of humor. V. 2 was operation strap-on. Bob knew a person who, by the obscurity of his language, strapped it on; but only when he gossiped and maligned others, was it clear how he felt.

The Philistines are preparing a war with Israel, and Achish sends a message to David to get him prepared to work with the Philistines. David sends back an abstruse message; in part because he has no idea what he is going to do.

Samuel dies in v. 3; he was a prophet, a priest and a ruler. We spend time on where he was buried and why. So, Saul got rid of the necromancers; so Saul had trouble getting a hold of anyone to give him guidance.

The bivouac of the opposing armies in v. 4, which was detailed in Scripture. Plain of Esdralon narrows down as it moves inland. It narrows down to 4 miles across where Saul and the Philistines are. Saul is in the south by the well of Jezreel, but with steep mountains behind him.

Vv. 5–6 we get the panic of a reversionist. Saul inquires of God, but God is not speaking to Saul. So, there is a point at which, God no longer answers when you say, “Help, God.”

vv. 7–10 is the Road to Endor. Saul is consulting with his staff. The servants are Saul’s staff and Saul is interested in cranking up his intelligence. Now, if Saul cannot talk to God, in his mind, he migh tas well talk to a medium. This is how far he is gone.

Generals, in the middle of a battle, often have a blank out period of time; often from exhaustion. Saul wants to make a reconnaissance, but not for the purpose of G2 information.

Summary Points for V. 7

1.       Saul could have repented and changed his mind and gone through reversionistic recovery. However, at some point the sin unto death takes over.

2.       The doors of divine revelation are closed to him in these final stages of reversionism.

3.       A reversionist believer has no common sense with regards to his own profession; Saul seeks help from a demon-possessed woman. The Philistines, 4 miles away, have a perfect set up. They have a great G2 system. They picked a great place on a sloping hill where they can hide their reserves and bring them out to achieve a surprise.

4.       Saul ought to be making a reconnaissance and recognize that he is in a difficult position. Very dangerous to advance across the enemy’s front. This is the most dangerous of all maneuvers. The second most dangerous is, when the enemy advances, to retreat across the front of the enemy, which will happen here.

5.       Saul’s real objective is not stated in the next phrase, but it will come out in v. 11. He wants to talk to Samuel for advice. He is so confused, that he is going to a medium to have a seance to bring up Samuel.

6.       Saul is under emotional revolt. He thinks a medium can bring Samuel up from the dead. There is a vacuum in his soul and his soul has sucked in demon-influence, which leads to blackout of the soul. He has hardness of heart. Doctrines he previously understood no longer understands. He does not even understand rebound any more.

7.       Reversionism reverts to superstition, as a part of human viewpoint. Saul is reduced to a mere frightened, superstitious person.

Saul knows that the female medium is used for necromancy; and that male wizards do other things. The sacrifice of women and children. The only medium that can be found is 6 miles behind the Philistine lines. They found a necromantic witch.

144 years before this, Gideon had been in this same place. You never know when studying the Word when you might get something which is necessary for later. Some of the least significant principles suddenly become life-saving. If Saul remembered what Samuel taught about Gideon would have saved his life and saved Israel.

Saul should have advanced on the Philistines. Saul and a two-man patrol will make that same move, moving through the enemy lines. Reversionists are unstable. Saul, taking only 2 men walks through the enemy lines and he is not frightened at all. Frightened one moment courageous the next. There is no power in instability. The instability will tear you apart. Another principle: in reversionism, Saul sought to use the Lord for his own ends. However, when God is silent, Saul turns to Satan and demonology and becomes an enemy of the cross. Only a believer can be called an enemy of the cross. Delusion, deception and superstition mark the believer in the blackout of the soul.

Saul’s G2 reports to him. A mistress with a ventriloquist demon is in Endor, along Little Herman, behind the flanks of the Philistine lines. Later, his staff reports to him that there is such a woman in Endor.

1Sam. 28:7 Saul then said to his servants, "Find me [make a reconnaissance for] a woman [a female mistress of] who is a medium [ventriloquist demon], so [that—purpose clause] I can go and consult her." His servants replied, "There is a woman at Endor who is a medium."

Saul always has patrols moving through Endor. The first verb has very different meanings elsewhere. Saul no longer appears as the commanding general of the Jewish army. So he apparently worse some civilian clothes.

Saul Disguises Himself

1.       To hide his identify, Saul put on civilian clothes to hide himself from the medium. Out of uniform meant, if he is captured, he is dead.

2.       This disguise hides his own instability and inconsistency. The disguise here is clothes. The second disguise and more subtle is personality. Now Saul is embarrassed, because he wants to contact a medium, a person he got rid of. They are all hiding from him in these mountains. So, a medium is going to be suspicious of him. He is inconsistent. The most dangerous reversionists are those who change their personalities and try to fake you into the stands. Yesterday, they despised you, but today, they may want something from you. Some gal may decide that she needs to get married. So you end up being her victim. A man can be fooled by a woman who dresses up and hides her real personality. Her anger and tantrums she hides. The worst disguise we face in life are personality disguises. This involves the soul; where you think. The clothes just cover the body.

3.       Saul was the king who had prohibited divination and necromancy. Yet, in the final stages of reversionism, he seeks help from divinatory.

4.       What has happened to Saul in reversionism, he began with doctrine, he is sound and conservative, and he is courageous; but lip service changes such people. We undergo physical and mental change and spiritual change as well. A believer undergoing change is in the worst or the best, but never in between. This is why we can see such dramatic changes in the same person. All of the good changes are based on doctrine and the worst changes based on lack of doctrine or rejection of doctrine. You may not see someone for a month and suddenly, they are different.

5.       Reversionism always changes believers for the worst. It destroys the believer and everyone else connected with him.

How would 3 men do such a thing? One goes out ahead. Then motions for the other 2 to come ahead. One goes through, checks and clears each place. They are crawling; hitting the deck; creeping and walking and running. This is not an easy movement; it is moving undercover. This is how a reconnaissance works. Saul is afraid and this is what motivates him. But cowards do the wrong brave things. All cowards do the wrong brave things. Saul is still afraid, but he is able to do brave things. Moving through 6 miles of enemy territory; Saul needs to be in one spot where anyone can find him. No one can find Saul if important decisions need to be made. It is wrong and it is stupid. His objective is wrong; his objective is to get into a seance. Had he been out there with a patrol. Cowards are always cowards, but very inconsistent. They are brave in weird circumstances. The most dangerous people in the world are cowards. They endanger themselves and endanger those who love them and trust them. Anyone in reversionism becomes a coward. Saul has done some very valiant things in battle. He is already dead because he is in reversionism. Always watch the cowards so that, if trouble develops, you can take it from there. If you know any cowards, you need to avoid them like the plague. They will talk behind your back. Never depend upon them. You know they are yellow and you know that they are cowards. They have this sweet personality front. If you know they are a coward, then do not associate with them in the name of grace. Such people are sneaky and dangerous and they use their mouths to destroy people. Bob has made the mistake of trusting some of them even.

Summary of V. 8a

1.       Saul faces a fantastic dilemma divided into many categories. There is the problem of establishment. Under the divine laws of establishment, freedom is provided by the government. There are a few good troops that Saul has deployed in chasing David. He is minus a good military organization. A nation needs all good men in the service. The marines do not like it if they get a man sometimes. Tim Horton; they couldn’t make a man out of him because he was already a man. It killed them because he was already a man. They didn’t like it. They could not break him. The marines like to think that they can make a man out of everyone. But you need to be able to take men from all kinds of situations and train them. Some are already men. The army needs men and training. Bob with a free hand with any kind of men and he will make an army out of them. He will take all kinds; Mexicans, blacks, whites; just anything. And Bob does not want good men. No such thing when you start your military life. The Marines don’t want a few good men; they are the ones building them into men. While a few men are being trained, but what saves a country is millions of men being trained properly. All need to do their job. Goofy VOLAR posters; and goofy pitches that all the services are giving. What you need is bodies and the strictest, toughest beast barracks the world has ever seen. Untrained men in a military situation pay with their lives.

2.       Saul used the military for a personal vendetta against David. Saul used them wrongly.

3.       The result is a military with a lack of training. The Jewish troops are no match for the Philistines. Saul had a nucleus of well-trained men, but he had a whole army. 2000 British and 6000+ Americans at Bladensberg. A lot of men with little or no training. The British clobbered the American army. All of them need to be well-trained. The British marched into Washington D.C. and burned it into the ground. Some of the most dangerous politicians are Christians; those who are anti-military. Bob believes the president is saved but that he doesn’t know straight up from straight down. Bob met a brother type, praise-God who was a Green Beret who left the army because his wife didn’t like it. To hell with his wife; who’s running the show? Bob could not be paid enough for him in his outfit. Worst platoon leaders in the world are Christians and the best are Christians. Saul was born again; he was a child of God. How would you like your son serving under that ass? The Jewish troops would be no match for the Philistines. Personal courage will not take up the slack for poorly trained troops. All kinds of people need to work as a team, so that they all do their jobs. The greatest fighting organizations have a whole platoon of well-trained, well-disciplined men. You don’t need heroes; you just need good soldiers. The military is all about people with brains who just go ahead and do what they are supposed to do.

4.       In addition, Saul had a personnel problem. A reversionist repels good officers. The good officers are all with David. One of the greatest officer corps of all time are in David’s battalion. Good leaders cannot thrive or function under reversionism. If you have no doctrine, you will drive away good officers. Jonathan and his sons stuck it out because of loyalty to dad. He was good until the battle of Mishmash. Reversionism changed all of this.


6.       Good leaders like Jonathan are scarce, so they are poorly led.

7.       The Jewish people have reached a point of apostasy and degeneracy. It no longer has discipline and patriotism.

8.       Most important of all, Saul has a great spiritual problem related to reversionism. Therefore, the battle is the Lord’s, that basic principle, does not apply here.

9.       The Lord will not answer or guide a reversionism. Saul is now under the sin unto death. When a reversionist leader is under the sin unto death, all those he leads die with him. People die by association with a reversionist leader.

10.     Consequently, Saul is desperate, confused and neutralized by human viewpoint. Hardness of heart and reverse process reversionism.

Now they came. They yalacked it for 10 miles. They completed it and now they are 6 miles behind enemy lines. Under cover of darkness, the duplicity is completed. This is the night before the battle of Gilboa. The darkness of night matches Saul’s soul in reversionism.

1Sam. 28:8 Saul disguised himself by putting on different clothes and set out with two of his men [soldiers]. They came to the woman at night, and Saul said, "Consult a spirit for me. Bring up for me the one I tell you."

1Samuel 28:8b-10a                              72David                                              631_0091

91 03/12/1974 High and low IQ demons

Saul disguising himself; which is an unusual word that means so many other things except in this particular stem. Instability is disguised by clothing and the other is by personality.

There was a 10 mile trip, 6 of it behind enemy lines.

In the first 7.5 verses, Saul faces the problem of establishment, where the nation is protected by the military; and he used the military to exercise a personal vendetta. He also has personnel problems and he lacks officers to deal with troops in battle. The Jewish people have a spiritual problem at this time as well. Na is used for respectful entreaty at the end of the verb; it means please, if you please. At this stage of his life, Saul is not a gentleman; he is a reversionist. When a reversionist tries to disguise himself as a gentlemen, things are getting dangerous. Desperate people use other people; and they disguise the true condition of their own soul. He gles frm cruel vindictiveness to polite entreaty; he disguises his soul with good manners in asking for a favor.

Beware of those who use good manners to merely use you. Saul knows that this woman has a demon; but he thinks that the demon can go down to Hades, tap someone on the shoulder, and bring them back.

1Sam. 28:8 Saul disguised himself by putting on different clothes and set out with two of his men. They came to the woman at night, and Saul said, "Consult, please, a spirit for me. Bring up for [cause to come up to] me the one I tell you."


1.       Saul believed that the demon could go down to Hades and bring Samuel back up.

2.       Ingredients for this verse:

          1)       Disguising the body.

          2)       Disguising the soul, being very polite.

          3)       Demanding counseling.

          4)       He could have said to Samuel, “I know that you’re busy, but...” Samuel was a prophet, a priest, a ruler and a judge. God’s choice was Samuel to rule; the people’s choice was Saul. The people’s choice could have gone to Bible class. He refused to come to learn. This is typical of a believer who refuses to come when class is in session; and then, when they need to doctrine for growth, come to you and demand all of your time, in order to deal with a problem. They want to deal with the problems of their life with the doctrine in your soul. Bob thinks that counseling stinks and the minister who spends his time in counseling is a failure. We are not hear to lean on everyone.

3.       Saul had the chance to grow spiritually; God made that possible for him. He chose not to. What Saul could be doing now is a reconnaissance that would destroy the enemy. But he is out looking for a spiritist.

4.       Saul, as a reversionist, is under delusion. He is wrong to think that a demon will go down and get Samuel. He lacks doctrine. The demon can throw his voice from anywhere, from the ground or the ceiling; or through her vocal cords; to get whatever effect that he wants.

5.       Saul had rejected doctrine in every way.

Bob gets calls from all over the nation and when he asks, “Why are you calling me? Why not your pastor?” “I don’t trust him?” “Then why are you going to that church?” God did not call Bob to be a crutch.

The woman is skeptical. She suspects a trap. Witches and mediums were often trapped by people requesting a seance. Death was the punishment for being such a person. A recent extermination of witches added to her suspicion. She did not recognize Saul. This woman is demon-possessed. However, the demon does not tell her that Saul is right there. There is no communication from this demon to her.

People are crazy when it comes to demonism. Demons aren’t that smart. Especially ventriloquists. They cannot be too smart; they are always imitating someone else. The demon inside the woman does not tell her that this is Saul. This is the first clue that all of this stuff is fakery. Most ESP is just fakery and you fall for it. If you took half as much interest in doctrine as you do with all this idiotic claptrap going on in this country today, you’d be much better off. You would think that somehow this demon would know that this is King Saul. Satan’s messenger is a little late in getting there.

Mediums are smart. If there is anyone who is stupid and on a binge, it is a person like Saul. The woman here has the advantage. This woman says that Saul knows what Saul has done. Here, this is the execution of a law or a decree.

The prouder you are as a man, the easier it is for a woman to take him down. The more credit that you take to yourself, the more you have had it. You might as well bore a hole right through your nose, so that any woman can just pull you around. To the extent that he is filled with pride, to that extent he can be defeated by a woman. Such a man is a sucker; he is stupid.

We think of demons in Africa or India; but they are all over the place. The woman is demon-possessed, and yet she gives credence to establishment and government. She appears on the surface to be law-abiding.

The genius of Satan. This is a demon-possessed woman; she is giving credence to the laws of divine establishment. She gives the appearance of being law-abiding. This will be the story of demonism in the United States right at this very moment. Demon-possessed people obey the law; they operate under establishment as long as Satan has the better hand. This woman has out-disguised Saul. We have 2 phoney people here conversing. Satan very wisely hides demon-possession. He uses demon influence on believers, and this works better than any other method. What the devil uses in the United States today is the sincere, born-again believer who has rejected doctrine and has ignored doctrine.

There are angels who about as dumb as some of the people around here. King Saul is lawless and the woman is lawful. If we neglect Bible doctrine, then we are in the same boat. Note that the witch of Endor does not follow what we have seen with demon-possessed types. She is not lawless, crazy, wild, foaming; she is a very attractive woman. Only women can be indwelt by the Engathramuthos demon. These are the stupidest of the demons. The smartest demons indwell men with the power. The woman is always under the authority of the man; and this woman can only submit to the dumbest of demons.

This is why archangels are protecting...?

This woman will end up exercising her voice for compassion; and cooking. Right now, she is demon-possessed. In the last 5 verses, there is no way that she can be demon-possessed.

All demon-possessed women are not raving lunatics vomiting green soup. Apparently some saw The Exorcist. Bob like John Wayne. You’ll never see him vomiting up green soup.

No believer under demon influence is going to be nice. A wizard is one with superior knowledge; but this can also be a demon-sorcerer. This would be a male-medium. Demons cannot be destroyed. Demons on the battlefield in Gilboa may be here in Houston even tonite. However, they will burn forever in the Lake of Fire.

When Saul made this law, he was in good shape, spiritually. This was the right thing to do.

Then the woman accuses Saul of setting a trap for her soul. The Angelic Conflict is all about the soul. If you do not have doctrine in your soul, you will get demon doctrine in your soul. Demon-doctrine in the soul is much greater than anything else. Demon doctrines can go right into our soul as a part of the 5th stage of reversionism.

 She does not realize that this is Saul. She thinks that this is someone else who is possibly trying to entrap her. She is a young and attractive woman; and she is clever. She is people-smart. Bob has known males of the species who were clever. They had enough to brown-nose people. The demon could not communicate to the woman except perhaps in a trance.

1Sam. 28:9 But the woman said to him, "You surely know what Saul has done [accomplished, decreed], how he has killed the mediums and spiritists [male mediums] in the land. Why are you setting a trap for me [my soul] to get me killed [to cause me to die]?"

We will learn some principles of immunity of the witch. Saul is 12 hours away from death and he makes a solemn oath to the woman by the Lord.

Saul Invoking the Name of the Lord.

1.       Saul used his two best men to go with him. He wants to use the woman; but he has to use the Lord to get the woman to do what he wants her to do. Reversionistic people always use others. They know how to use others. They are clever and know how to manipulate you. Reversionistic Saul was using the Lord.

2.       Saul is using the Lord. Some deacon wants something to be done a certain way so he climbs up and says, “It’s the Lord’s will for this or that to be done.” That man is in reversionism. When you vote for deacons, you send me people that just drive me up the wall. Many of you just vote for some nice, sweet person. “I’m the one that lives with those people; you don’t.“ There were people who kept saying “It’s the Lord’s will for us to stay downtown; we need church on Lamar and Brazos.” People who use people do not love them.

3.       Believers who love the Lord and depend upon Him grow up to supergrace. They love the Lord. You never use the one you love. A mature believer would not use God in order to get their way.

4.       If you find yourself using someone, then you do not love them.

5.       Saul, as a reversionistic believer does not love the Lord, so it is no problem for him to use the Lord for his own desperate ends.

6.       Imagine using God to get a medium to practice necromancy. The concept of total inconsistency. A reversionist cannot be stable or consistent. Instability leads to inconsistency.

7.       Many fundies today use the name of the Lord as a self righteous disguise. A means to reach their own selfish ends. This does not make what someone says true. People use God’s name in order to further their own ends.

8.       Believers with Bible doctrine who keep on taking in doctrine, become people smart. We can learn from Saul’s reversionism that people who use the name of the Lord are not necessarily true, honest, spiritual, or dependable.

1Sam. 28:10 Then Saul swore to her by the LORD: "As surely as the LORD lives, nothing bad will happen to you because of this."

1Samuel 28:10b-11                              72David                                              631_0092

92 03/13/1974 Seance of Endor

2 citations read. This one forces 32 Germans to surrender, and he does this with a .45 automatic.

2 armies lined up, 4 miles apart.

Review of points above and placed with the points above.

Saul’s Violation of the 3rd Commandment

1.       Saul actually said, “As the Lord lives...” This violates the 3rd commandment. This vow is executed simply to get his own way. Ex. 20:7 Most people think of this commandment as profanity; it is using God, like saying, “It is God’s will for me to marry you.” This is using the Lord’s name in vain. He said, “The hell it is.”

2.       You will not lift up the Lord’s name in vain is what this verse reads. The use of expletives is not using the Lord’s name in vain. Hell and damn are not violating this commandment. Using God’s name as an expletive is blasphemy.

3.       In vain means to use God to sponsor your own projects.

4.       The 3rd commandment prohibits using the Lord or His name for unworthy projects or to gain a false goal.

5.       It is using His name to cover a lie.

6.       Using His name to get your own way; to bully others to get your won way.

3 members of the Trinity have the same essence. This is using God’s veracity to get your own way. You do not use God or people to get your own way.

Saul made a vow to her by the Word of the Lord. He guarantees that this is what it will be.


1.       Ventriloquist demons only indwell women; they are stupid demons. Anyone who surrenders their bodies to demons must believe that which is false in order to do so. Once you start believing what is false, people can and will use you, sucker. It is one thing to do something for someone because you love them, because you have been misled or deceived. All cases of demon-possession demands that people believe a lie.

2.       This concept of believing the false until the demon is removed.

3.       The witch in Endor believes this vow made by Saul in the name of the Lord; and she does not know it is Saul, even being indwelt by a demon.

4.       But, the promise of Saul is no greater than the character of Saul. He is unstable, selfish, vindictive, unstable, unreliable, reversionistic. When dealin with the reversionist, you cannot trust them. When living a lie, it is easier to speak a like.

5.       Demon-possessed people will always depend upon the false, the evil and the vindictive. Therefore, demon-possessed people come to a very bad end, apart from the solution to their problems, with is personal faith in Jesus Christ.

6.       Their life is filled with misery under demon-control. There is no pleasure for them in life or in death.

7.       If they remain as a demon-possessed person and unregenerate, they will spend eternity with this fallen demon.

8.       It is obvious in life that every person has a soul with his very own volition as a part of it. Self consciousness and 2 frontal lobes, volition, emotion and the old sin nature. As long as there is bonafide volition, every person is held responsible for their own decisions. Babies, when they die as babies, are automatically saved, without any use of their own volition. God does not hold anyone accountable until they reach accountability. God never holds anyone accountable until they have the normal function of free will. This woman is old enough to be accountable.

9.       One person can influence the volition of another.

          a.       There is thought transference. The dynamics of their thinking or the persuasiveness of their thinking. There are some pseudo-thought transference systems. Communication, debate and teaching are legitimate. Mind-reading, mental telepathy, hypnosis, hyper sensory or extra-sensory perception are not bonafide. They do not look to appeal to the volition, but to gain power or to use someone else. ESP is highly overrated. Much of it is psychological predictability or knowing your victim. Some people can be easily hypnotized and they easily and passively allow their volition to be taken over.

10.     Demons and fallen angels can do the same. They can, with the doctrines, influence those in the 5th and 6th stage of reversionism.

11.     However, no believer can be demon-possessed since his body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

12.     However, unbelievers can be demon-possessed. It always involves some act of will, like idolatry. These people can very easily be demon-possessed. Certain activities and certain people that lend themselves to demonism. Whores are accustomed to yielding and setting aside their normal responses to make money. They are either maladjusted to normal sex or abnormal in their sexual proclivities. Demonism and human-sacrifice can be a part of this. The breakdown of establishment due to degeneracy can be a part of this.

Not all demon-possession is shown by weird activity, exhibitionism, etc. The witch of Endor gives overt credence to the law. There is no frothing at the mouth or rolling in the aisles. She is very different from the demon-possessed streaker in Mark 5. This is why the witch of Endor was neither executed or banished. She appears outwardly to be a normal, obedient member of society.

Arthur Colonel Doyle wrote the Sherlock Holmes series and there was some connection to demonism? Many people went to demonistic people for guidance.

1Sam. 28:10 Then Saul swore to her by the LORD: "As surely as the LORD lives, nothing bad [punishment for violating the law] will happen to you because of this word."

A new paragraph; and this is the Seance at Endor. The woman replied at some length; imperfect tense. There was a lot of conversation; which is summarized here. “Whom shall I cause to come up for you?” This woman is a liar. She cannot bring up anyone from the dead. Bible doctrine is the truth; the Satanic lie is the means by which so many are deceived. This is the dumbest of all the demons. This demon did not tip her off. No ESP. “Oh, you’re King Saul.” There is no way. A messenger demon could have come to warn the woman. But, interestingly enough, God froze the demons on the outside. No one gets through. This is several people confusing each other.

Saul is a huge guy. She is a faker. He is the king; disguised. There is no way that she can contact the dead. Nothing more interested than two people trying to deceive each other across the table. The objective is a lied; why does Satan command his demons to possess people? Why is there a demonic... They are both fakers.

At this point, the woman has gone into a trance. She has gone into her mumbo-jumbo, but God the Holy Spirit does not speak of this.

This Woman and Her Demon

1.       This statement is made in the middle of a trance

2.       The witch begins this seance by her customary procedure so that the demon takes over. Demon activity demands that the person submit to the demon in order for the demon to function. The demon does not control the person under some situations; the trance is designed to allow the woman to be put under the control of the demon. At this point, the ventriloquist demon takes over.

3.       Whom shall I have come up, occurred at the beginning of the trance.

4.       It was not true that there was control over the dead by demons.

5.       Instead of causing someone to come up from the dead, the demon imitates the dead through throwing his voice.

6.       The entire practice of necromancy is a fake. Only God can bring up the dead.

7.       Satan is therefore claiming divine power through the medium, which power the demon does not have.

8.       The question of the witch of Endor indicates the use of doctrine when possible. This borders on Bible doctrine because God does bring back people from the dead. Satan knows about all those brought back from the dead. Satan uses doctrine only against the reversionistic believer.

9.       Departed souls in Old Testament times go into the heart of the earth. Only God can bring anyone back from the dead.

The woman asks Saul, “Whom shall I call up from the dead.” The demon has now taken over the body of witch.

Saul kept saying, “Cause Samuel to appear.”

Saul’s Disguise

1.       it would be hard to disguise Saul. He was 7' tall, very handsome, a head taller than everyone else. You cannot disguise a 7' tall person if he’s the only one.

2.       It is hard to deceive a demon-possessed person. IQ differs in angelic beings as it does for people. Just being invisible gives them an advantage.

3.       To disguise himself and to get away with it, Saul was a grea actor. He is a well-known person; and he is able to act and deceive those around him.

4.       This is the possibility that the witch was not deceived, but v. 10 seems to negate that option.

What Saul asks for cannot occur. Fallen angels cannot haul Samuel out of paradise. This is Samuel’s first vacation and he is enjoying it greatly. The seance is a total fakeout. The demon part is real. Only God can fulfill such a request and He does it because God has a sense of humor.

This woman has a smile on her face and it is frozen; the demon is confused because Samuel is brought up. It is Samuel because he is wearing his prophet’s robe.

1Sam. 28:11 "Who is it that you want me to bring up for you?" the woman asked. "Bring up Samuel for me," he answered [kept saying].

The woman and the demon are frozen; and Samuel comes up. The woman screams bloody murder and the demon is not saying a thing. She is expressing great fear and the demon is not going to do any voice throwing that night.

To Saul, this is routine 6; he thinks this is just how it happens; and the witch is in a twitter and the demon is frozen; and that is it. So when God in His great sense of humor, Saul just figures, “This is what I came for.” He doesn’t know that everything is wacked out. He just assumes that Samuel will be brought back.

1Samuel 28:12-14                                72David                                              631_0093

93 03/14/1974 1 Sam. Doctrine of Necromancy

Two Texan medal of honor winners.

1Sam. 28:11 "Who is it that you want me to bring up for you?" the woman asked. "Bring up Samuel for me," he answered [kept saying].

Suddenly, there is a dramatic moment. The woman calls for Samuel to come up, and then he does, and she screams. God has honored Saul’s final choice. The demon actually leaves the woman. She is free of her demon, possibly for the first time in many years.

The imperfect tense indicates a series of screams. This means something has gone wrong and the demon is now forced out of the woman. Some power has arrived that is greater than the demons and this woman. Her scream indicates terror. She is frightened; the shock is too much for her. When she comes out of the shock, she will be a free unbeliever. She is now under the control of the demon; but she will be free of the demon.

Demons are great bullies and in this case, there is no way to explain it.

This is not the routine that is helping. There are psychotic demons, like the streaker of Mark 5. The ventriloquist demon. There is the indwelling and the filling. The demon must control her and that occurs in the trance. She goes to a lace where she completely relaxes her vocal cords, and the demon can take over. But her screams take back the control of her own vocal cords.

The demon and the witch are now in a jam; the dead has appeared. Only God can bring people back from the dead. He has done so on several occasions. Sometimes it will be back to give a message; Moses and Elijah will return.

In our era, no contact with the dead and no one coming back from the dead. Necromancy is still taking place today. These days in England, they used to try to contact loved ones; but, these days, they are contacting their former pets. The shriek indicates fear and a loss of poise.

The woman now speaks, and this means the demon is gone. She screamed the demon out of existence.

She says she has been betrayed or deceived.

The Demon-possessed Woman Being Deceived

1.       When a woman becomes distraught, her first instinct, if hysterical, is to blame anyone around her for her problems. She blames everything on Saul.

2.       It is obvious in this question that the divine interruption has taken this woman out of her trance and away from her demon filling.

3.       However, she is still upset. She is acting and thinking like an upset and irratable female; so she will blame the closest person.

4.       No woman likes to be tricked or deceived. If a demon-possessed woman doesn’t like being deceived, what about a normal woman?

Wa attah means and you, Saul. She has now penetrated the disguise of the king of Israel.

How did this woman figure out that this is Saul? As a demon-possessed person, she had lost her perceptive abilities about life. No demon-possessed person is normal. She could not and did not recognize Saul. He is about 7 ft. tall and he is very tall and very handsome. So it is hard to disguise such a man. So, he has to speak. With the demon gone, the woman recovers her perceptive abilities. She is now perceptive and catching on to the seance.

At this moment, the woman sees Samuel. She had a highly sensitive mentality. She has strong ESP. She is a very hypersensitive woman in her soul. Without a demon, she is very sensitive to others. She is also sensitive to demons as well. There are many ways she could have been entrapped in a demon possession.

She doesn’t know Samuel; but she did figure out who Saul is. It is the Bible which tells us that is Samuel. She is an unbeliever without doctrine and she had no interest in doctrine; and Samuel is the greatest Bible teacher of his age.

At this point, the demon is gone. Samuel and Saul are two real people. Samuel is in some sort of a spirit form, but with a visible body. The woman’s problem is Saul; Saul’s problem is being without doctrine. Saul comes to her with a problem.

Reversionists are selfish and only thinking of their own; but they can sometimes benefit others indirectly. This woman is free to be saved and free to go her way. She calls out, “Why have you deceived me? You, Saul.” The seance did not follow the normal procedure. The ob demon never went into his act. In fact, the demon was driven out of the woman. The best the medium could do is lose her demon.

1Sam. 28:12 When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed [several times], and then she asked Saul, "Why did you deceive me? You are Saul!"

this is the first time Saul is called the king in the narrative. The Holy Spirit recognizes that he is still a king.

Saul has heard a number of hysterical screams and he is drawn out and he begins to calmly speak to the woman. He kept telling her not to be afraid. To Saul, there is nothing out of the ordinary occurring. God has interrupted this seance; what the witch could not do, what the demon could not do. He has finally found something which has gotten his attention.

However, Saul hasn’t seen Samuel. The woman has. Perhaps, Saul just wants the woman to calm down and do her job.

The woman says, “I see God.” It is really Samuel; God the Holy Spirit has already told us this. Whatever has happened, it is stronger than the demon; stronger than the woman; so she figures that this must be God.

This woman is aware of others to an unusual extent. But she allows the trials and difficulties to affect her in an unusual way. But now, she is free of the demon and she is hypersensitive to others. Now, she is sensitive to the fact that someone is there who is greater than the demon. Her reasoning is good; it is logical. She logically puts it together.

This is an unbeliever woman. She can be demon-possessed; we cannot be. However, we can be influenced by demons, as Saul was. The doctrines of demons of 1Tim.4:1 can get into our soul. These doctrines will give us the same fuzzy thinking. When a believer is without doctrine, he cannot think clearly or objectively or put things together properly.

It will be King Saul who will put things together logically. They are both at this seance, but the demon is gone and there is a cloaked figure approaching. And these 2 people are now thinking. She is frightened by this interrupter than she calls Elohim. But it is Samuel. God the Father and the Holy Spirit are never visible to the human eye.

In the other room are two soldiers who risked their lives to go behind enemy lines.

When God interrupts anything in life, it gives those involved the chance to think; the freedom to think; the ability to think. The ability to see catastrophe from divine viewpoint.

God interrupts. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. That knocking is interruption. There is nothing more important than Bible doctrine. Saul cannot see the interrupter yet; but the woman can. She is in a semi-clairvoyant state. She can see and describe him. She calls him Elohim, which is incorrect and Saul will know that he is Samuel. He can make the identification immediately.

Mediums and Necromancy

1.       The medium assumes that the form coming up must be God because she and her medium consort lost control here. She logically assumes that Elohim has come.

2.       She accurately assumes that God is stronger than the demons and Satan.

3.       Because of her assumption, she is afraid. Anyone related to demons will have a real fear of God. She is afraid of the truth. All people in demonism are afraid of the truth. The entire practice of necromancy is fake. They use mechanical devices or demons to imitate the dead.

1Sam. 28:13 But the king said to her, "Don't be afraid [stop being afraid]. What do you see?" "I see God form coming up out of the earth," the woman answered.


1.       This is defined as a system of divination or a way of determining information about the future. It contacts the dead for such information. The word comes from two Greek words: nekros and monteia with is dead + divination. This employs the ventriloquist demon or it employs mechanical devices to represent the dead.

2.       This is prohibited by the Word of God.

3.       There are other forms of divination, which are related to Satan and demons or to some mechanical or chemical ability.

          a.       Astromancy. This uses the stars for information. Astrology is sometimes psychological. It uses predictive psychological factors found in the life of most people. However, it can be demon-related. Astrology brings them into contact with super demons called cosmos krautos in the Greek. Find in China, Burma, the Orient, Indonesia. There has been some attempt to copy this, but it has been unsuccessful. Nebuchadnezzar was strong for this in his day. He decided to turn off to Jerusalem on the basis of belanmancy and herotasotamy or some damn thing. Hepatoskamy taking out the liver while the person is alive and making a determination of the future by the liver.

          b.       Rod-domancy is divination by the use of rods. There were divination rods and we do not know exactly how they were used. Hos. 4:12

          c.        Teraphim are figurines of your ancestors; or of what you think your ancestors were and they are related always to demonism. Nebuchadnezzar consulted his teraphim as well. The images were often likened to ancestors and they were raised to the position of household gods.

          d.       Sorotilogy is divination by lot; Lev.16:7–10 25:8 and several others. These can all be related to demonism and to emotional revolt and to hypersensitive imagination. Eventually to hallucination.

4.       The four questions of necromancy.

          a.       Can you communicate with the dead? The Bible says no; they cannot communicate with you or return from the dead. This is the only exception in human history. This was divine intervention concerning a reversionist. Saul refused doctrine all of his life; and now, he desires Samuel to be there. He could have had Samuel for decades. So he got him on a face to face basis at his death. Bob wouldn’t mindn comeing back and saying, “You SOB, you are going to die.”

          b.       Is communication with the dead necessary? No. If there was no for doctrine, there would be a great desire to know about loved ones in eternity. The dead loved ones are not watching us. They cannot see what is going on, on the earth. In heaven, they have no more contact with the earth, visually or otherwise.

          c.        Is communication with the dead permitted? The answer is no. No seance and no necromancy. Whether mechanical or psychological, it is forbidden.

          d.       Who do people communicate with? Ventriloquist demons; they impersonate the dead.

5.       Any believer who practices this is involved in reversionism. These people are definitely in reversionism. If you read that astrology malarkey, you do not care enough for doctrine. You are a reversionist.

6.       2 famous passages. Ahaz and Manasseh.

There is an actual crisis and Saul is calm and he calms the woman. The medium describes what Saul cannot see. You can tell that this woman has calmed down. She describes him as an old man.

Saul finally recognizes the authority of Samuel; too late. If he had recognized Samuel’s authority prior to this, he would never be in this mess. He would be free from vindictiveness and he would be free from all of this. But it was too late. For most of us, Bob is our right pastor-teacher. He is our authority. It is an authority we must use daily. When he is teaching, we need to be there as well. This would avoid the worst thing that cold happen to us; what King Saul faces here; the sin unto death. Bob’s ministry is not to the living dead, but to those in supergrace and those who are moving in that direction.

Samuel will complain. Why the hell are you calling me back?

Saul gets all the way down on his face. He cannot get any lower. He is a big man; his face is on the ground. Samuel closes in. Recognition of authority does not require kow towing. Bob does not expect to walk over prostrate bodies when he leaves. It demands concentration on the Word of God. Good manners.

1Sam. 28:14 Then Saul asked her, "What does he look like?" "An old man is coming up [closing in]," she replied. "He's wearing [wrapped in] a robe [a prophet’s robe]." Then Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed his face to the ground and paid homage [prostrated himself].

Closing Points

1.       Even in reversionism, Saul recognized the authority of Samuel.

2.       The importance of doctrine is learned by the absence of doctrine and the consequence of this absence.

3.       The reversionists wants help from doctrine after many years of rejecting it.

4.       As a last resort, the reversionist comes to doctrine when it is too late.

5.       Saul wants help from doctrine; but Samuel can only pronounce the sin unto death over Saul.

6.       Saul cannot recover. He will die the sin unto death.

7.       Those who reject Bible doctrine are always ready to inconvenience anyone to get doctrine when it is too late.

8.       Anticipating the next verse, Saul complains about being disturbed; but reversionists are insensitive to the feelings of others.

9.       Pastors have the same problem in the Church Age. Those who reject their teaching regularly expect instant attention when they are in a jam. “I know you’re busy, but give me 5 minutes of you time.”

1Samuel 28:15-16 Phil. 3:18, 19       72David                                              631_0094

94 03/15/1974 Doctrine of reversionism; category of enemies

Another citation for the Congressional Medal of Honor; a Texan. This is a Texan Penalton in Korea. An Hawaiian is named next. Also in Korea. More than 40 enemy were counted dead around his body. This is probably the only time that their names will be remembered for the rest of our history. Their names too often just disappear. Their names ought to be found throughout our history books rather than those of politicians who seeks to shackle us and bring us down.

We are building up to one of the great battles in history insofar as tactics are concerned. This is the first time in history that the oblique order of battle was used.

Samuel had a lot to say to Saul, as the imperfect tense indicates. God has interrupted the seance and brings Samuel up. Saul, for once, had his way. He gets to have Samuel speak to him. This is a strong expletive, and it has sort of a what the hell sort of a connotation, which is apropos to Samuel being brought out of Hades. He was unhappy from coming out of Hades. Saul grabs Samuel by the robe on a previous period of time and Samuel walked away, tearing the robe, and Samuel said, “That’s how much kingdom you have left, sonny boy.”

Here, the verb means to cause a disturbance.

Saul’s Reversionism and Reversion Recovery

1.       Saul’s reversionism is typical of all reversionistic types; they are totally thoughtless and self-centered.

2.       In the intensification of reversionistic discipline, the reversionist becomes even more thoughtless than usual. They are very self-centered and very unpleasant to be around.

3.       The reversionistic has no capacity for thoughtfulness and capacities

4.       It is also the reversionist who takes up so much time of the communicator’s time. The pastor-teacher has trouble from the reversionist. He is a pain in the neck; he wants you to wave a magic wand. He is not interested in doctrine. He wants you to take up the slack.

5.       There is no solution apart from repentance. Rebound, this is not accmoplilshed by counseling.

6.       Repetence must be directed toward Bible doctrine. Psychotic reversionist and drug addiction are not one shot deals.

7.       Repentance and a chance of mind include exposure on a consisten amount of time on Bible doctrine.

8.       Samuel was not descended from Aaron, but he was a priest. He was also a prophet like Moses. He was the judge, just like the judges in that book. He was the legitimate political ruler of the land. He was replaced by Saul the people’s choice. Saul never recognized Samuel as his spiritual superior and he was totally negative toward the doctrine that he taught. He gave only overt lip service to him as a priest. Because of all of this, he rjected God’s man and God’s authority.

9.       Saul wants to be the typical thoughtless reversionist and take up Samuel’s time. Saul is thoughtless enough to want to bring Samuel back.

Saul caused Samuel to be brought up. Saul did not listen to Bible teaching when Samuel was alive. Samuel was alive long enough for Saul to have gone to supergrace many times over. He rejected the authority of Samuel. Saul was filled with pride; and that turned to jealousy and implacability and vindictiveness. He turned away from Samuel as the object of his scorn to David as the object of his scorn. If Saul had listened to Samuel, he would not have been in this jam. It is important to listen to Bible teaching now. It is not for you to wait until you become interested when you decide to listen. Now is the time to get it. Bob will not go over the witch of Endor again. Bob never expects anyone to call him up and ask for some points on the witch of Endor. Bob is not interested in when we develop interest in this or that subject. Our personal interest is of no consequence to Bob. Bob can hardly wait until we get to this battle. The oblique order of battle was taught at West Point and the Spartans outnumbered him 2 to 1. The Philistines 700 years before the first time this maneuver was thought to happen used it against Saul.

It is important to listen to Bible teaching now. If Bob was teaching RM/RW, you’d be in here an hour and a half early. Others have other interests. You need to have a general interest in Bible doctrine.

“Pressure, adversity, great, to me” is what Saul says. “I am under terrible pressure” might be a good translation of this. He knew that this war was coming, but he did not pay attention. He was spending all of his time trying to kill David. He ignored the fact that he was on the verge of a war.

Since FDR, we have had a series of presidents who have used their office for some personal reason, for their power lust or approbation lust or for their family. We have not had anyone since TR who has fulfilled the true concept of leadership. We had one president who was dumber than anyone else here tonite; and he is a military man who has a nice personality but no moxie at all.

He ignores the fact that he is on the verge of a great military disaster. One present after another gets rid of our missile sites. Our strategic air command is at its lowest place ever. We do not even have a good basic military weapon. We have the poorest weapons that we have ever had. M16's are worthless. It is a .22 with a toy wood stock.

Saul’s pressure comes from him and his own personal attitude. He wants to share his pressure with the greatest Bible teacher of his time.

And God is departed from me, he complains. As if, somehow, this is all God’s fault. God has not answered Saul for a long time. Not by prophets or by dreams.

Saul’s Lack of Logic

1.       Note the instability and inconsistency of reversionistic thinking. He contradicts himself. Saul logically should expect no contact from Samuel. God has let me down, but Samuel would not. All of Samuel’s greatness is because of God. “God let me down, but you won’t.”

2.       If God will not answer Saul, then how can he expect to get a response from a demon-possessed woman.

3.       There is no logic or reason in the soul of a reversionist.

4.       If no living prophet can answer, then how does Saul expect a dead one to do it.

5.       Divine viewpoint principles of doctrine always elude the reversionism.

6.       Furthermore, obvious divine discipline can only increase and intensify. Saul violates divine prohibition here.

7.       The panic of reversionism is incapable of logical thinking or of any observation of divine viewpoint.

8.       Divine viewpoint has long left Saul’s launching pad. He rescued Jabesh Gilead; this was an act of greatness.

They cannot exhibit the simplest form of manners, consideration.

Saul says that he is under terrible pressure. He rejected Samuel’s teaching for all of his life; and now he wants Samuel to teach him what to do. He wants to know what course of action he can take in order to turn his life around. The only answer to reversionistic Saul is the sin unto death.

The reversionist cannot cope with pressure. He cannot be happy. He flounders in a sea of discipline until he dies. When you are under the sin unto death, you cannot take up the slack for years of missed Bible teaching. This is 18 years of rejection of doctrine. People do recover, but not this type. He is under the principle of strong delusion.

1Sam. 28:15 "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" Samuel asked Saul. "I'm in serious trouble," replied Saul. "The Philistines are fighting against me and God has turned away from [deserted] me. He doesn't answer [Qal perfect] me any more, either through the prophets or in dreams. So I've called on you to tell [teach] me what I should do."

the Holy Spirit probably cut out some of the expletives. Why do you Saul me? This is a play on words. Quit sauling me. These questions are to bring Saul to himself. He was thoughtless and discourteous to try to bring up Samuel in the first place. The person who is negative cannot get it for himself. You either accept or you reject authority. It is that simple. Life is filled with authority. You cannot go through life without facing various authorities.

The status of the believer in reversionism is described by the Lord departing from that person. Saul is a vain, implacable, self-centered, selfish, poor-mannered man without poise. In the Old Testament, the Lord merely departed from them. This is a part of divine discipline. It is associated with all stages of reversionism.

The Doctrine of Reversionism

1.       Definition: reversionism is the status quo of the believer in phase II who is negative toward Bible doctrine. As a result of being negative toward Bible doctrine, he is in a spiritual recession. He is moving in the opposite direction from growth. He is moving away from supergrace. Carnality is a believer out of fellowship for a relatively short time. The carnal believer is always positive toward doctrine. He gets out of fellowship, but he rebounds and gets back with doctrine. If he goes unchecked, he will end up like King Saul under the sin unto death.

2.       Stages

          a.       Stage 1: reactor factors and a lack of interest in doctrine. The reactor stage with Saul is pride. Pride always leads to jealousy. Pride or self-righteousness. There is only a slight hairline in distinction. They cause a person to be jealous, implacable, vindictive, etc. other reactor factors; discouragement, disillusion, self-pity, mental attitude sins, operation vengeance. Saul tried to build his happiness on killing David.

          b.       Frantic search for happiness. Reacting to the reactor factors and trying to have some pleasure in life. They can be lascivious or they can be not.

          c.        Operation boomerang. There is an intensification of the original reactor factors. The more that David was kind to Saul, the more Saul became hateful and tried to kill him again and again. His pride and jealousy continued.

          d.       Emotional revolt of the soul. The emotion takes over from the heart or the right lobe. The mentality is the rm of the soul and the emotion is the rw; and the emotion chooses to run the show. It closes down all of the valves in the right lobe.

          e.       Negative volition toward doctrine. This is what Samuel had emphasized up to this point. Indifference or apathy toward Bible teaching. Saul was antagonistic toward David and occasionally toward Samuel. He was vengeful against David. Saul could not handle prosperity. These all add up to a strong antagonism toward doctrine meaning a complete and total rejection of doctrine.

          f.        Mataiotis or the vacuum opens up. The person suffers from blackout of the soul.

3.       Divine discipline

          a.       Warning stage of discipline. James Rev. 3:20

          b.       Intensive. Psalm 38:1–14 repentance required; a change of mind

          c.        The sin unto death. The dying stage. 1John 5:16 Jer. 9:16

4.       The principle of reversionism is found in Gal. 5:4 you have become unprotitable from the ultimate source of Christ; you have drifted off course from grace.

5.       Rejection of good Bible teachers. Samuel, Paul, Moses all rejected.

6.       In reversionism, person uses mental attitude sins to perpetuate his carnality. Heb. 12:15 so that there is no failing the grace of God. Not one root of bitterness sprouting upward. Saul is bitter toward everyone.

7.       Many descriptions: failing from the ultimate source of God, the Uncircumcised heart, a tortured soul, drifting off grace, an unstable soul, lukewarm, an enemy of the cross, leaving your first love, fallen.

8.       The recipients of Hebrew were involved in reversionism.

9.       Reversionism recovery is impossible apart from the daily function of gap.

10.     Reversionism recovery is impossible when one is practicing religion or functioning under the various cults. No one can recover when persisting in the same course of action.

11.     Reversionism leads to reverse process reversionism. Doeg the Edomite is an example of a false friend.

12.     1Peter 2:15–19 related to mental illness.



15.     Categories:

          a.       Phallic reversionism.

          b.       Legalistic reversionism.

          c.        Monetary reversionism. James 4:13–14

          d.       Drug addiction or alcoholic reversionism. Gal. 5:20 Isa. 28

          e.       Anti-establishment reversionism.

          f.        Mental attitude reversionism. Includes mental illness reversionism. His jealousy leads Saul to near insanity. He has aken an insane attitude as the ruler of a nation.


17.     Profile for a reversionist

Samuel points out the God has departed from him. God has become Saul’s enemy. That is a sign of reversionism and the sin unto death. Therefore, God can become your enemy.


1.       Carnal believer.

2.       Reversionistic believer.

3.       Reverse process reversionism in category #1 love which produces enmity with God.

4.       Demons are the enemies of God.

5.       Unbelievers are the enemies of God.

6.       The pastor who levels with the reversionist becomes his enemy.

1Sam. 28:16 Samuel answered, "Since the LORD has turned away from you and He has become your enemy, why are you asking me?

Now to Philip. 3:18 for this same principle.

Philip 3:18 For many walk as hostile to the cross of Christ, of whom I often told you [dative of advantage], and now even weeping I say it,

many are those who are Paul’s own converts who have become enemies of the cross. They were saved by the cross, and yet they are enemies of the cross. The basis for being royal family forever.

Philip 3:19 whose end is destruction, whose god is the belly, and who glory in their shame, the ones thinking earthly things.

All of these things have made Saul and emotional wreck.

1Sam. 28:16 Samuel answered, "Since the LORD has turned away from you and He has become your enemy, why are you asking me?


1.       The answer to Saul’s problem is the Word of God. A muscular body takes a period of time via much exercise. It is not done overnight. The believer reaches maturity over a period of time as well.

2.       The believer in reversionism has run out of time.

3.       Saul had rejected the only solution to reversionism; Bible doctrine.

4.       Apostasy or reversionism cannot be rectified by consulting a Bible teacher or a medium or a witch. The problem is not on the exterior. The problem is on the interior.

5.       No communicator of Bible doctrine can help by consultation and counseling.

6.       Only a person is helped through the daily function of gap.

7.       An hour or two of counseling will never take up the slack for months or years of the neglect of doctrine.

1Samuel 28                                          72David                                              631_0095

95 03/17/1974 1 Sam. 28 via 1 Sam. 15:1-25 Saul’s pseudo-rebound

this will be a flashback to see how Saul got into this mess.

Demands dynamics of divine viewpoint; demands that we function under divine viewpoint. We cannot pick up the Bible, read it for ourselves and derive spiritual benefit from it. Samuel consistently communicated Bible doctrine and saul consistenly rejected it. At this point, Samuel is going to talk of something from the past. Separation from apostasy and reversionism as well as doctrine in the soul preserves the person.

1Sam. 28:16 Samuel answered, "Since the LORD has turned away from you and He has become your enemy, why are you asking me?

Bob goes through the verses quite quickly.

1Sam. 15:1 Samuel told Saul, "The LORD sent me to anoint you as king over His people Israel. Now, listen to the words of the LORD.

1Sam. 15:2 This is what the LORD of Hosts says: 'I witnessed what the Amalekites did to the Israelites when they opposed them along the way as they were coming out of Egypt.

1Sam. 15:3 Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.'"

1Sam. 15:4 Then Saul summoned the troops and counted them at Telaim: 200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men from Judah.

1Sam. 15:5 Saul came to the city of Amalek and set up an ambush in the wadi.

1Sam. 15:6 He warned the Kenites, "Since you showed kindness to all the Israelites when they came out of Egypt, go on and leave! Get away from the Amalekites, or I'll sweep you away with them." So the Kenites withdrew from the Amalekites.

1Sam. 15:7 Then Saul struck down the Amalekites from Havilah all the way to Shur, which is next to Egypt.

1Sam. 15:8 He captured Agag king of Amalek alive, but he completely destroyed all the rest of the people with the sword.

1Sam. 15:9 Saul and the troops spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, cattle, and fatlings, as well as the young rams and the best of everything else. They were not willing to destroy them, but they did destroy all the worthless and unwanted things.

1Sam. 15:10 Then the word of the LORD came to Samuel:

1Sam. 15:11 "I regret that I made Saul king, for he has turned away from following Me and has not carried out My instructions." So Samuel became angry and cried out to the LORD all night.

1Sam. 15:12 Early in the morning Samuel got up to confront Saul, but it was reported to Samuel, "Saul went to Carmel where he set up a monument for himself. Then he turned around and went down to Gilgal."

Saul was filled with all of this holy language. He is hiding his loot in Carmel.

1Sam. 15:13 When Samuel came to him, Saul said, "May the LORD bless you. I have carried out the LORD's instructions."

1Sam. 15:14 Samuel replied, "Then what is this sound of sheep and cattle I hear?"

Saul already had thought of an excuse. God said, “Destroy” but Saul had the excuse that he would save some of them.

1Sam. 15:15 Saul answered, "The troops brought them from the Amalekites and spared the best sheep and cattle in order to offer a sacrifice to the LORD your God, but the rest we destroyed."

Samuel tells him to stop and listen.

1Sam. 15:16 "Stop!" exclaimed Samuel. "Let me tell you what the LORD said to me last night." "Tell me," he replied.

1Sam. 15:17 Samuel continued, "Although you once considered yourself unimportant [with grace orientation], have you not become the leader of the tribes of Israel? The LORD anointed you king over Israel

1Sam. 15:18 and then sent you on a mission and said: 'Go and completely destroy the sinful [degenerate] Amalekites. Fight against them until you have annihilated them.'

1Sam. 15:19 So why didn't you obey the LORD? Why did you rush on the plunder and do what was evil in the LORD's sight?"

Saul objects; he did obey the Lord.

1Sam. 15:20 "But I did obey the LORD!" Saul answered. "I went on the mission the LORD gave me: I brought back Agag, king of Amalek, and I completely destroyed the Amalekites.

He blames this on the people. He is not ruling if they overrule him.

1Sam. 15:21 The troops took sheep and cattle from the plunder--the best of what was set apart for destruction--to sacrifice to the LORD your God at Gilgal."

He disobeys God in order to sacrifice to Him.

Because He was disobeyed, God repented about Saul. Saul kept repeating the excuse that these animals would be used for sacrifice.

Samuel gives the gist; does God take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices? It is a pleasure to Jehovah. Do you think that God will be pleased by burnt offerings and sacrifices of animals that you were supposed to destroy?

Since Saul is unable to answer this question, he will die the sin unto death. God is only interested in the believer with Bible doctrine in his soul.

If you are shocked by the language of people, then you are way off base. You are filled with all of that superficial nonsense. Which is most important; sacrifices or gap, is what Samuel is asking.

Ritual without reality. When you are gathering doctrine, you will be like the squirrel gathering nuts for winter. To concentrate on doctrine is better than the fat of rams. This principle is important now. Some of you miss the rituals that you think have to do with spiritually, but they mean nothing. You can genuflex with an empty soul, and it is totally meaningless.

The emphasis on ritual impresses even those who are degenerate. But Bible doctrine is more important than any form of worship.

1Sam. 15:22 Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention [which means, to listen to Bible doctrine] is better than the fat of rams.

Chesem is all forms of divination. The fortune teller, the crystal ball, the tea leaves, etc. Rejecting Bible doctrine is a negative stupid thing; and divination is a positive stupid thing.

Patsar and the infinitive is used as a substantive, and here is refers to the rejection of the authority of the right communicator of doctrine.

1Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness [an idol is nothing; it is a vapor] and idolatry [a teraphim is a form of ancestor worship; little figurines]. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.

Saul completely rejected the Word of God, and this negative binge will continue until the day that he dies.

1Sam. 15:26 Samuel replied to Saul, "I will not return with you. Because you rejected the word of the LORD, the LORD has rejected you from being king over Israel."

Saul Rejecting the Word of God

1.       Saul has rejected the Word and the authority of the communicator of the Word. Samuel is his right prophet. Saul rejected both Samuel and his message.

2.       Saul has turned to Samuel, to the witch of Endor, to get help from the person who’s authority that he rejected before. There will come a time that, if you reject the authority of your right pastor, that you will want his help in the future. Having rejected Samuel’s help, Saul cannot expect help in a crisis situation. It is doctrine in the soul that would help.

3.       Too late to gap it back to reversionism recovery. Saul is in a helpless situation in 1Sam. 28.

4.       He has gone too far into reversionism for a comeback. Samuel can only tell him that he will die.

Now back to v. 24. This looks as if Saul is rebounding. He tells Samuel that he has sinned. He is saying that he has transgressed a law; this appears to be a correct case of rebound. The words of Saul will indicate pseudo rebound, which is not rebound. In the Jewish Age, you confess the sin; and then you offer a rebound offering. These must line up. The confession and the rebound must line up. We don’t have to feel sorry for it. We first name the sin; then we add to it, and that is not rebound. We simply name the sin and we are forgiven. However, breast beating and promising to make it up to God does not help. You will never make it up to God. It is pseudo-rebound. That is the whole system of the Catholic church. First the reality and then the ritual. So Saul confesses his sin; but he does not follow it up. Saul will go into rebound ritual and he has no doctrine in his soul. He will pick the wrong offering.

In self-righteousness, Saul will try to make his sin appear as an unknown sin, so that he does not lose face with the people.

1Sam. 15:24 Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the LORD's command [I ignored the message of the Lord] and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them.

Saul was pressured by public opinion to spare Agag and the best of the animals. It is believer without doctrine who is swayed by public opinion, which may be right and it may be wrong. The cattle represented phenomenal wealth.

It appears that this public opinion may simply be a smokescreen; maybe it did not happen.

King Saul and Richard Nixon are very similar. Teddy Roosevelt is the last president to have doctrine in his soul and he expressed this. Woodrow Wilson was a terrible president; one of the worst. He went the wrong way on everything. He was a history professor. Right now the oil companies are being blamed. For years, the federal government has been taxing and regulating the oil company. And everyone is trying to blame the oil company for an oil crisis that does not exist in the first place.

Steel is hard to get. We will suffer in the field of flour; the wheat crop looks bad, and we had a 50 year supply until Nixon gave much of it to the communists.

Saul chose human viewpoint over divine viewpoint. He lacked Bible doctrine and he had no moral courage to tell the people what to do.

He will try to rationalize away his sin. Sin offering in Lev. 4 and the trespass offering in Lev. 5; he should have offered a trespass offering, which is a known sin. He knew what he was doing, but he asks for the unknown sin offering.

1Sam. 15:24 Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the LORD's command [I ignored the message of the Lord] and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them.

1Sam. 15:25 Now therefore, please forgive [lift up, away] my sin [offering] and return with me so I can worship the LORD."

He is looking to do penance to solve this.


1.       This refers to lifting up an animal on the altar.

2.       What Saul is requesting is that Saul use one of the spare animals as a rebound offering. \

3.       The Hebrew noun, chattah, refers to the rebound offering of Lev. 4; which emphasizes unknown sins. This would have been an offering for a sin that he did not know was a sin. He should have confessed his sin and then went for a rebound offering. This makes Saul a liar. This is pseudo rebound.

4.       He would not admit that his disobedience was known to him.

5.       He wants to categorize this as an unknown sin.

6.       If Saul had merely said, “Please lift up my trespass offering” he would have been forgiven. Reversionism distorts rebound. The reversionism wants to feel sorry for the sin.

7.       Grace in rebound is rejected.

8.       What Saul did in his dispensation is like the believer in the Church Age trying to be forgiven by adding some legalistic gimmick. Pseudo rebound is not rebound at all. So Saul did not rebound at all. In attempting to rationalize his sin, he used the wrong nomenclature. No one is forgiven for penance, sincerity, promising never to do it again, or to feel sorry for it.

One more time to go over this verse.

1Samuel 28 1Sam. 15:22-29              72David                                              631_0096

96 03/17/1974 Saul loses the kingdom

This is the first of 2 flashbacks.

1Sam. 15:22 Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention [which means, to listen to Bible doctrine] is better than the fat of rams.

1Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness [an idol is nothing; it is a vapor] and idolatry [a teraphim is a form of ancestor worship; little figurines]. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.

1Sam. 15:24 Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the LORD's command [I ignored the message of the Lord] and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them [listened to their voice].

Summary Points

1.       King Saul was supposed to kill all of Amalek, their animals, women and children.

2.       Saul did not come anywhere close to doing this; but David obeyed this order, to a greater degree (I think?). Agag was the only person that they had contact with who was not killed; but a greater portion was slain.

3.       Samuel confront Saul about lying and Saul said, it was the people who made me do it.

4.       Saul will be involved in a pseudo rebound.

5.       Propitiation emphasizes the person of Christ in Lev. 2; the peace offering in Lev. 3. Lev. 4 is the sin offering, called chattah, for unknown sins only. Jesus Christ died for all of our sins; known and unknown.

6.       Lev. 5 is for known sins. Trespass offering for known sins.

1Sam. 15:22 Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention [which means, to listen to Bible doctrine] is better than the fat of rams.

Recognizing the authority of the one who teaches and recognizing the authority of the one who teaches. The phrase to listen means you recognize the message of the communicator; you recognize the authority of the communicator; first comes the person of the communicator, then comes the message of the communicator. First authority is the issue and the recognizing authority of the communicator.


1.       The authority of the communicator and the authority of the message are necessary to resonate.

2.       This assumes that the communicator teaches Bible doctrine.

3.       Samuel taught Bible doctrine; Saul ignored it.

4.       Bible doctrine in the soul is more important than ritual and worship forms.

5.       Ritual and worship forms at best represent doctrine but, at worst, replace doctrine. They become a substitute for doctrine.

6.       Ritual is often a cover for negative volition toward doctrine.

7.       Ritual is not an issue for..

8.       Only a reversionist makes an issue out of ritual.

9.       Saul does not understand the meaning of ritual because he tries to use the wrong sacrifice.

Negative volition toward doctrine sets up an interest in pseudo religion. Stubbornness. Used as a substantive here for the rejection of authority. There is nothing worse than rejecting Bible doctrine. All of Saul’s problems came from the rejection of Bible doctrine.

1Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness [an idol is nothing; it is a vapor] and idolatry [a teraphim is a form of ancestor worship; little figurines]. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.

Saul has been negative for a long time. The rejection by God is future and has not come to pass yet at this time. Perfect tense indicates incomplete action?

Summary Points, Apparently Repeated

1.       Continuation in reversionism means loss of kingship.

2.       Saul reject Samuel as the communicator and samuel’s message.

3.       When Saul went to the witch of Endor, he turns back to Samuel, whose ministry he rejected.

4.       It is too late for Samuel to help Saul.

5.       Saul should have listened while Samuel was alive.

6.       Saul cannot recover in one night in 18 years of negative volition. Typical of a reversionist to reject doctrine all their lives and then want to make up for it overnight.

You too may be a serial pseudo-rebounded.

Perfect tense of chattah means that Saul actually sinned in the past. Saul should have stopped right there. Saul fiddled around with it, trying to justify himself.

Saul’s Pseudo Rebound

1.       I have sinned; the Qal perfect of chattah is tantamount to the use of the rebound technique in the Church Age.

2.       Pseudo rebound is no rebound at al.

3.       Pseudo rebound in Saul’s day demands that he match the proper sacrifice with the proper sin.

4.       We must distinguish between reality and ritual. We live in the dispensation of the church and there are no animal sacrifices in the Church Age. Reality and ritual. On the reality side, all Saul had to do is confess his sin. On the ritual side, his known sin required the trespass offering of Lev. 5.

5.       The sin offering of Lev. 4 was for an unknown sin; or for a period of time when you think maybe you committed some unknown sins.

6.       Saul will seek to save face by glossing over his sin. Saul bowed to public opinion. He allowed public opinion to sway him.

1Sam. 15:24 Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the LORD's command [I ignored the message of the Lord] and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them [listened to their voice].

Saul following the people would be enough of a reason to remove Saul from being king; the people are to follow him; not vice versa. The idiom means that he ignored the message of the Lord and Samuel’s words. “I feared the people and I listened to their voice.”


1.       King Saul was the people’s choice, not God’s.

2.       King Saul became king by the permissive will of God. He should have depended upon the Lord more than anyone who lived.

3.       Saul is a believer in reversionism. He will cater to public opinion because of this when he holds office or panders to the public. Bob knew commanders who were more concerned about public opinion than about making good soldiers of their men.

4.       The supergrace believer in authority or holding office will do his job as unto the Lord. Col. 3:16 regardless of what the public may think or anyone thinks.

5.       The subtotal or consensus of human viewpoint is public opinion unless the public is made up of supergrace believers, which happens every 700 or so years. The Gallup poll; so what, who cares what they think? They represent human viewpoint; not divine viewpoint.

6.       Saul was pressured by public opinion to confiscate their cattle rather than to destroy it; and Saul did not annihilate all thep pole.

7.       Saul could have gone with God’s command or human viewpoint. He succumbed to public opinion in violation of God’s command.

8.       Saul allowed public opinion to supercede the plan of God.

9.       He lacked doctrine in the soul when he needed doctrine most in his soul.

10.     Now because of public opinion, Saul

Let’s anticipate v. 25; confession required ritual and reality for completion. Confession of sin means that a person knows that sin. When you confess a known sin, the only kind that you can confess, a ritual which is the trespass offering of Lev. 5.

the ritual pointed out God’s faithfulness and justice in forgiving sin. If he crosses over from the trespass offering to the sin offering, then he is covering up. The trespass offering portrays the basis. The ritual portrays that the body of Christ cleanses from all sin. Ritual, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Unknown sin was forgiven at the same time, but there was no offering until a future time, either a periodic time or when the unknown sin was realized. Jesus Christ died for all sins. To mix up the offerings is pseudo rebound. We have pseudo rebound in the Church Age. Reality is confess and if you put anything with confess, it is legalism and pseudo. If you put penance or feeling sorry for sin or burning candles or doing something, then it is pseudo confession.

isa. 53 uses the same word for Christ being lifted up on a cross. Now, therefore, please offer my sin offering. Saul wants the people to like him. He wants the people to think that it was all a mistake and not really an act of disobedience. Saul is strictly a public relations type.

Saul’s Mistake

1.       Now, therefore, offer up my sin offering; Saul is requesting the Samuel use one of these spared animals as a rebound offering.

2.       He specifies the rebound offering that emphasizes the unknown sins from Lev. 4; he is suggesting the routine offering that anyone might offer up in coming back from a battle or a campaign. This covers up Saul’s favor.

3.       This makes Saul guilty of pseudo rebound. He would not admit his disobedience as a known sin. Saul rebounded without reality. He added something. The offering of the unknown sin.

4.       If Saul just said, “Please offer up my rebond offering, that would be enough.

5.       This is a case of distortion; he is distorting the rebound technique.

6.       What Saul did in his dispensation is like the believer in the Church Age trying to be forgiven; public confession for instance.

7.       Saul was guilty of pseuo rebound so he had not rebounded at all.

8.       Saul uses the wrong nomenclature.

9.       He contends the it is a matter of semantics, but this is true vocabulary versus false vocabulary.

10.     Saul did not use grace rebound.

Saul wanted Samuel to return with him to Gilgal where all of the offerings would be done. The different offering would vindicate Saul in front of the people. Saul tells them that he would not return with them. Saul had tried to excuse his own sin on the basis of being a sin of ignorance. In reality, this is a known sin that requires the trespass offering. Saul is trying to deceive the Lord. People like to get on their phoney high horse and bring out Scripture which is out of context. That is what Saul is doing.

1Sam. 15:25 Now therefore, please forgive [lift up, away] my sin [offering] and return with me so I can worship the LORD."

Samuel will not go back with Saul. God has rejected him as being king over Israel.

1Sam. 15:26 Samuel replied to Saul, "I will not return with you. Because you rejected the word of the LORD, the LORD has rejected you from being king over Israel."

Saul is 7' tall and he is big and tall and powerful. This is a woolen robe; the prophet’s mantel. It was ripped.

Saul Tries to Stop Samuel

1.       Saul in his desperation was using his physical strength to stop Samuel.

2.       He used his strength to grab Samuel’s robe.

3.       Samuel kept walking away.

4.       Saul was left holding a piece of the prophet’s mantle or robe.

1Sam. 15:27 When Samuel turned to go, Saul grabbed the hem of his robe, and it tore.

Now we get to the phrase which necessitated us going back and looking at this. Samuel speaks to him one more time. The next time that Samuel says these words, he will insert the name David. The next time that Samuel says this to Saul, he will return from paradise. He says exactly this, except he adds in David’s name.

1Sam. 15:28 Samuel said to him, "The LORD has torn the kingship of Israel away from you today and has given it to your neighbor [friend] who is better than you.

God never lies and God does not change His mind. So what Samuel is saying here will stand. Put this into your brain and think about it. Saul’s weakness is in his soul where he has no doctrine.

A Few Summary Points

1.       God is perfect and His plan is perfect.

2.       God’s plan depends upon God’s character or essence.

3.       His essence is perfect strength so there is no place for man’s efforts in God’s plan.

4.       The principle of grace emerges. In grace, God will administer

5.       God does this on the basis of His perfect character.

6.       The difference of Saul and Samuel is doctrine.

7.       David will be promoted because he is grace oriented. He is not in God’s way.

8.       Saul without doctrine is reversionistic. He must be eliminated before he gets in God’s way more.

1Sam. 15:29 Furthermore, the Eternal One [strength] of Israel does not lie or change His mind, for He is not man who changes his mind."

Not covered:

1Sam. 15:30 Saul said, "I have sinned. Please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel. Come back with me so I can bow and worship the LORD your God."

1Sam. 15:31 Then Samuel went back, following Saul, and Saul bowed down to the LORD.

1Sam. 15:32 Samuel said, "Bring me Agag king of Amalek." Agag came to him trembling, for he thought, "Certainly the bitterness of death has come."

1Sam. 15:33 Samuel declared: As your sword has made women childless, so your mother will be childless among women. Then he hacked Agag to pieces before the LORD at Gilgal.

1Sam. 15:34 Samuel went to Ramah, and Saul went up to his home in Gibeah of Saul.

1Sam. 15:35 Even to the day of his death, Samuel never again visited Saul. Samuel mourned for Saul, and the LORD regretted He had made Saul king over Israel.

1Samuel 28:17 15:22-28 reviewed    72David                                              631_0097

97 03/22/1974 excuses cancel rebound

This flashback is absolutely necessary to understand the battle. Saul was told to kill off all of the women, cattle, children of Amalek. He kept Agag and all of the wealth (the cattle). Samuel confronted Saul about this, and Saul said the people made me do it and, besides, these animals are going to use for sacrifices.

On the cross, all of our sins have been judged. All of our sins have been judged on the cross, and whether we know something is a sin or not is not an issue. Ignorance is not an excuse. That is only an excuse to the stupid. Christ bore the unknown sins as well as the known sins. You cannot confess an unknown sin. Offering a sin offering is like trying to be forgiven for penance or sincerity. However, in rebound, all we do is judge ourselves; we do not take it any further. For us, all we have to do is start making excuses. If we apologize, it is pseudo rebound; if we say we will never to it again, it is pseudo rebound.

All Saul needs to do at this point is, “I have done wrong; I allowed Agag and the animals to remain alive.” When you are braced in the military, your answer is always, “No excuse, sir.” The more excuses that Thieme heard, the more that added fuel to the fire; and he just kept it up. When someone said, “No excuse, sir” they got chewed out, and then Bob and he forgot it and moved on.

When you commit a sin, you do not go into detail and explain yourself and give excuses for the commission of the sin. Samuel was Saul’s right pastor, so to speak. King Saul neglected the Word, and ignored his spiritual authority. Ritual and worship forms are superficialities. Ritual, even bona fide ritual today, is no good without the reality.

King Saul will confess and then fill in the middle with excuses. That sin was judged on the cross; so that last thing in the world that God is interested in is excuses.

They think that Bob is a prophet up in Ohio, as he told him it was going to snow.

1Sam. 15:22 Then Samuel said: Does the LORD take pleasure in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? Look: to obey is better than sacrifice, to pay attention [which means, to listen to Bible doctrine] is better than the fat of rams.

Rebellion is like the sin of divination, which is what Saul would commit 15 year later. Samuel levels with Saul. He is honest and honorable.

1Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and defiance is like wickedness [an idol is nothing; it is a vapor] and idolatry [a teraphim is a form of ancestor worship; little figurines]. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has rejected you as king.

If Saul was smart, he would have stopped at “I have sinned.” Saul, as a reversionist, gets at least one thing straight. You do not give excuses for sin. There is not excuse for sin. When it comes to sin, we are all free spirits. We commit every sin that we commit from our own free will.

When you fear people, you are out of the grace life. Like Nixon, he was elected by the people, but not by God. Samuel was the ruler of the people under God. Saul was tall and very, very handsome. He was the people’s choice. This is the worst time in America’s history. It is such a tragedy that there are so many parallels between today and then.

Saul superceded the will of God, because he lacked doctrine in the soul. He could not make a human viewpoint decision.

The reality is confessing your sin; legalism is offering penance or offering up promises or trying to feel sorry for your sin. Whatever you add to rebound is pseudo rebound.

1Sam. 15:24 Saul answered Samuel, "I have sinned. I have transgressed the LORD's command [I ignored the message of the Lord] and your words. Because I was afraid of the people, I obeyed them.

Here, Saul wants to use Samuel and use God. If you want something so badly, you want to use God. So you can get married? There are many millions of dollars for many men and blessing for many men in this congregation. There is great blessing for us; but it is in a paragraph of divine decrees. We will never see if apart from doctrine.

1Sam. 15:25 Now therefore, please forgive [lift up, away] my sin [offering] and return with me so I can worship the LORD."

1Sam. 15:26 Samuel replied to Saul, "I will not return with you. Because you rejected the word of the LORD, the LORD has rejected you from being king over Israel."

Saul grabs him, and ends up with a piece of torn cloth; and Samuel tells him, that is all you will have, a piece of torn cloth.

1Sam. 15:27 When Samuel turned to go, Saul grabbed the hem of his robe, and it tore.

We got into this flashback back in v. 16. 15 years later, Samuel will be brought back from the dead, and he will utter these words, but he will add one word; David. Samuel tells him that God will take the kingship of Israel and give it away to someone who is better than you. Bible doctrine is the soul is the only thing that God can use in your life. He cannot use your looks, your personality, your charm. Stop thinking of God in the way that you think of people. You think of God as a super-person; a little better than everyone else. He is not the man upstairs, the pie in the sky.

God’s Plan and Saul and David

1.       God is perfect; His plan is perfect.

2.       God’s plan depends upon God’s character or essence; it does not depend upon us or upon our sincerity, our excuses, our moral life, or anything else at all.

3.       Therefore, there is no place for man’s efforts in God’s plan. No place for excuses, no place for sincerity, no place for bleeding heart do-goobers.

4.       Therefore, the principle of God’s plan is grace. Grace emerges as the principle of God’s plan. In grace, God will administer discipline to Saul, and He will do that same to anyone at anytime.

5.       God does everything on the basis of His perfect character. Discipline of Saul and blessing of David. No one else can do it.

6.       Therefore, the difference between Saul and David is one of doctrine. They both have muscles; they are both attractive men; they are both handsome, personable, charismatic, military men, kings, with great opportunities. One went down and one went up.

7.       David with doctrine willl be promoted he will not get in God’s way.

God cannot use ur abilities or our excuses. Rebound indicates whether we are grace oriented or not.

1Sam. 15:28 Samuel said to him, "The LORD has torn the kingship of Israel away from you today and has given it to your neighbor who is better than you.

Now we get to Samuel speaking to Saul. Samuel reminds Saul of what he already said. He already told Saul all about this.

Imperfect tense means that the kingdom was taken away from Saul as a process; the tense of grace. God did it step by step. David was not suddenly promoted; David had to learn some things as well. David went into reversionism and God had to get him back to supergrace.

Samuel remembers 15 years later his sermon to Saul.

Bob’s ministry does not depend upon him; it depends upon God’s grace. Bob is the pariah dog of Dallas Seminary.

1Sam. 28:17 The LORD has done [has accomplished something for Himself; idiom for now the Lord has carried out His purpose] exactly what He said through me: The LORD has torn the kingship out of your hand and given it to your neighbor David.

1Samuel 28:18, 19                               72David                                              631_0098

98 03/24/1974 Doctrines of negative volition and anthropopathisms

Samuel repeated the same message that he gave to King Saul 15 years previously. The reason for Saul’s discipline and failure is his negative volition toward Bible doctrine. God is perfect righteousness and how He treats us comes out from abundant fairness. He always blesses when He can. Saul did not listen. Negative volition is the worst thing that can happen with any believer.

Greek tragedies are all based upon the tragic flaw of the hero. That is the system followed by the Greeks.

We are here to assimilate grace and to develop the supergrace capacity.

The Doctrine of Negative Volition

This is the tragic flaw of every believer who goes out on the sin unto death.

1.       Primary negative volition is refusing to assemble; to listen to your pastor.

2.       Secondary is refusing to believe the message. Failure to be filled with the Spirit means no doctrinal transfer.

3.       The refusal of the faith-rest technique.

4.       Refusal to be consistent; you only gap it when you are under pressure. He wants something from God or he is in a jam.

5.       Negative vulnerability. Gaps it to supergrace, but reacts to something negative in his life. This is what happened to Saul. He was jealous of David. Operation vengeance.

6.       Negative emotionalism; the believer becomes negative toward doctrine and he uses emotion as his criterion for everything. If he feels good; it is good; if he fells bad, then he is disappointed.

Saul had no doctrine in his soul. God is not angry with Saul, but we have wrath here to explain to us the thinking of Saul. God does not repent; and He is not angry.

Doctrine of Anthropopathisms

1.       Human feelings, passions and thoughts are ascribed to God using language of accommodation. This is done in man’s vocabulary in man’s frame of reference. This helps us to understand His divine policy. Some of these are listed.

2.       Repentance; which is a change of mental attitude. There is no emotional involvement. There is nothing sacred about the King James English. God does not change His mind. It is a change of policy.

3.       Divine hatred; but God does not hate anyone. He has no antagonism toward anyone. This is just so that man can understand divine rejection. God was not made at Saul; God did not hate Saul. God’s anger is another system of anthropopathism. Saul made a heroic trip behind enemy lines and he could have enveloped the enemy army. Sheer cliffs; no place where they can withdraw and regroup. He can only go back on the right flank; and they will be pursued all the way to Bethshan. No training of the men. The Jews will eventually regain their freedom. The long valley all the way down to Gilgal. Saul lost out in every possible way. His reversionism means that the only 3 good officers will be killed; his sons.

4.       God is scornful of those who reject Bible doctrine.

5.       Others, as benevolence, love, which is often used to explain God’s motivation. Language of accommodation takes divine love and uses the words used by us for human love. In Ohio there was this Christian who walked around saying praise the Lord, also cheated a number of men at a Christian businessman’s meeting. Love and eternal life come to man via the grace pipe. All believers have a relationship with God.

6.       Compassion is a human concept used of God Lam. 3:33 Col. 1:24 expresses God’s wonderful attitude toward us, whereby we are made successful and blessed. This can explain a lapse of time in history without divine judgement. It can explain why God does not strike people dead from time to time. Longsuffering. Blessedness is another example. God wants to share with us His happiness.

Why did the south lose? The real issue was not emancipation but union versus succession. Riots in Detroit because they did not want the Black man to be free because they would go to Detroit and be a problem. Those are the thoughts of Yankees back then.

Saul was told to kill all of the men, and their women, children and cattle. He failed to execute these Aram marauders of the Negev. The Amalekites lived by plundering others, which included the Jews. They attacked the Jews at Rephidim during the exodus? They attacked David’s camp; and David got them and got his monetary supergrace blessing.

David will get over 20 million a year in gold from one source alone. Ha dabar means this doctrine, this word.

1Sam. 28:18 You did not obey the LORD and did not carry out His wrath [execute the heat of His anger] against Amalek; therefore the LORD has done this [doctrine; the sin unto death] to you today.

We will see the oblique order of battle in the last chapter of 1Sam. 31.

Divine law; a demonstration of the faithfulness of God; are the so-called scientific laws. Science cannot make these laws work; science can only make observations. All of the freedom that we enjoy comes through WWII. Our officer corps today is filled with socialists and liberal ideas. We have lost concepts of authority and every concept that counts. We have lost contact with reality when it comes to the military. Combat is an abnormal set of circumstances and pressure. The men who command other men must have a devotion to duty and understand their job.

Our whole concept today is setting up a defensive perimeter; there is nothing worse than setting up a defense. The only reason for defense is to be able to launch an offense. However, doing this in Vietnam gave our enemies time to think about how to attack. You do not sit on defense; you go on the offense. MacArthur’s move across the Pacific was brilliant, even though he had very few troops. He moved across the Pacific with very few troops and equipment.

The Old Testament saints were in Hades, in the heart of the earth; and when Jesus was raised, they were transferred to heaven. While Samuel was saying these things, Achish was setting things up. They knew the terrain and they knew that Saul put his army with their backs to cliffs. They had to move out, exposing their flanks to the advancing enemy, while retreating, which meant that they would be defeated.

Saul’s sons will all die with their father, even though Jonathan is a great man. But he and his brothers are associated with Saul; and this association is what killed them. They died for staying with Saul. There will be a high casualty list. There are no supergrace believers in this casualty list. There is a brilliant officer, Abner, and he will fight his way out of this trap. The defeat suffered by Israel indicates a maximum number of reversionists. The laws of divine establishment had been rejected by failure to train and moblize a large army. There was no real national army. The Jews lack motivation to fight. They had rejected Bible doctrine. They were more interested in sensitivity training. The problem is spiritual as well as a military one. All the supergrace remnant is in David’s battalion (and remember, these originally were a bunch of losers).

1Sam. 28:19 The LORD will also hand Israel over to the Philistines along with you. Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me, and the LORD will hand Israel's army over to the Philistines."

Now we will have the reaction of Saul.

1Samuel  28:20, 21                              72David                                              631_0099

99 03/24/1974 Saul’s shock

Many strange things happened in the Fredericksburg campaign. They advanced rapidly. Two from the opposite site were loading and firing at each other and they could not hit each other and they kept getting more and more angry and yelled at each other, and finally, came and fought hand to hand. This let off a lot of steam, and they were encircled; and they were badly battered, their fight was seen as a tie, and they shook hands and then returned to the battle.

Yankee yelled across the lines at the confederates, saying that they had no uniforms. So, a confederate said, “We don’t dress up to a hog killing.” Then a shot was fired. So the band was brought out to stop them from fighting; the union brought out the band and played union sons for awhile; and then the confederates say, “Why not play some of our songs” so they did. They closed with “home sweet home” and “auld lang syne.” After that, sentries did not shoot at one another for awhile. These were the armies which clashed at Chancellorsville.

Saul, when he hears about him dying, Saul falls down on the ground. The biggest surprise that a boxer has is, when you knock someone out, they often fall forward. This is what happens to Saul. The imperfect tense of to fall means it took a long time to get there. There was no doctrine in his soul and there was no internal means by which he could be prepared for this. If you are in reversionism, there is nothing that can be of any help to you. Saul is in the position of knowing that he will die and it will be a miserable death because he is under the sin unto death. Being without doctrine means that Saul is unprepared and the shock is causing him to faint. Only doctrine can help a person prepare for difficulties in life. Saul could have done better had he exposed himself on a daily basis to the teaching of Samuel. Saul was not prepared in his soul for a disaster. His self-consciousness was related to the mental attitude sins of fear. Saul is in this state of fear. Saul is frightened to the point of fainting. He was extremely frightened by the doctrines of Samuel. This indicates his reversionism; that he cannot face life; that he is self-centered and selfish and childish. The person who neglects doctrine and rejects doctrine will always find that doctrine is the basis of his misery if he rejects it. The lack of doctrine produces fear in the soul of the reversionism. The soulish reason first; he is frightened. He is upset and he cannot eat. He has neglected his rations.

Saul has gone 24 hours without food. He had not had any rations for one day and one night. This indicates that he is nervous and he neglects food for 24 hours, causing him to be weak. Shock and fear shake his body up. Saul has moved in on Endor during the daytime. He could have learned something about enveloping the Philistine army. It was a 10 mile trip and he had to do a lot of zig-zagging. Saul could have developed a plan to fight against the enemy here; but he was not thinking; he was self-centered.

1Sam. 28:20 Immediately [literally, he hurried up], Saul fell flat on the ground. He was terrified by Samuel's words and was also weak because he hadn't had any food all day and all night.

Summary Points on V. 20

1.       When it says that Saul fell his full length to the ground, that means he is a very tall person. He is described in 1Sam. 9:2 he was a choice and very handsome man, and he was a head taller than everyone else.

2.       It is difficult to think of this vindictive and jealous king as him being handsome, welp-built and personable.

3.       Reversionism has changed him. Reversionism will make you look old before your time. You will be frustrated and upset. Bible doctrine is your only hope and your only answer.

4.       Saul’s fantastic physique is laying out flat on the ground. No matter how attractive you think you are or how smart you think you are or how well you think you are built; and some of you cling to these things like flotsam and jotsam. These things are no good when the chips are down.

Saul’s face is on the ground; his strength has failed him. Many of you younger people think you can get by with your looks and personality and your physique. Saul had fantastic muscles and they are all on the ground. He had a great personality; but it has crashed to the ground. All of the human abilities and human assets that we have are useless in the crisis. You cannot think your way out, you can’t talk your way out; you cannot bat your eyes out of it. There is no way that you can handle life apart from Bible doctrine. With all of Saul’s power, physical beauty and physique, he cannot get out of this problem. And no one cares much for Saul throughout the land. He is an object of pity throughout the land. This is the spiritual narcissist complex.

Bob has never found anything wrong with a beautiful feminine body, or a good face; as long as these things do not conflict with grace. The narcissist complex makes you a totally selfish person.

No one has a narcissist complex without becoming jealous of someone else. There is always someone else with a better looking face and a better body. When this happens, jealousy is always the next step. This puts a coating on the soul. Saul had this in his soul and we will see when we look at another flashback.


5.       No human asset or ability can take up the slack for the lack of doctrine in the soul

6.       Divine discipline brings Saul to the place of total helplessness. This is a legalistic believer when all the chips are down. This is the most helpless. All of the legalistic gimmicks that they have do not work. Legalism in every form is a sham and it never helps you in a jam. Legalism is spiritual BO. It is that malodor that must be corrected in the plan of God. Legalism is like being a skunk. What you have to get rid of is legalism. Bible doctrine in the soul can correct and remove the legalistic tendencies. Saul is under this divine discipline. This brings him to a point of total helplessness. He can be a candidate at this point for God’s grace or God’s discipline. What kind of a hand God deals us depends upon the doctrine in our soul at the time of the disaster. Saul has a brilliant mind and he did have a great personality. He was very well liked at one time; he was the people’s choice. Saul’s body and soul are both completely helpless. The sin unto death has brought him to a point of complete helplessness. The soul fainted because it was without spiritual food. No food for energy of the body and no doctrine for energy of the soul knocks Saul off of his feet. The Holy Spirit saw fit to record Saul’s fainting. This tells us that there is a relationship here. Lack of spiritual food in the soul began the shock and the body followed suit. The soul took the full shock. Physical food can only provide energy and strength for the body. It is the soul that cannot cope.

1Sam. 28:20 Immediately [literally, he hurried up], Saul fell flat on the ground. He was terrified by Samuel's words and was also weak because he hadn't had any food all day and all night.

This brings us to the witch of Endor herself. She is a witch turned women. God the Holy Spirit has not seen fit to tell us what became of her. We know a little about her before she became demon-possessed. Her sensitivity went overboard because her emotion took over her soul. Maybe she became involved in the phallic cult or to hashish, she surrendered her body to the engathramuthos demon. Under sophisticated demon-possession, she was a nice and pleasant person. Mostly in Texas we have sophisticated possession. In a trance, she became possessed by the demon. In a trance, she would become demon-filled. At the point that the seance was interrupted, the demon was removed from the woman. God removed that demon and now she is what she was before, a beautiful, charming, altruistic type of woman. There is no record of her believing in Jesus Christ. The unbeliever can be a fine noble, generous thoughtful person.

We will all have the chance in our lifetimes of meeting an unbeliever who is fine and noble and this puzzles and upsets some people. Some might have said the same thing about the witch of Endor. She may seem wonderful and by nature, she may seem kind and pleasant. However, they revert to a satanic smokescreen. They seem nice. Some of you girls will run into a nice unbeliever and he will seem to turn you on and he is everything that you could ever imagine, except that he is not saved. You might even marry him as an unbeliever, even though this is contrary to the Word of God. You are the victim of a satanic smokescreen. You meet someone in a business deal and you like them and they become a part of your social life and, pretty soon, you are no longer in Bible class. Unbelievers can be attractive, and some can be quite noble. This woman is all of that and more.

She is now called ha isha, which she was not called before. This is our first clue that she is no longer demon-possessed. She used to be called the mistress of a demon. It appears to me as ha ishshah is what she is called several times in this chapter.

Qal imperfect of bo; and she kept coming toward him. I wonder if the imperfect tense simply does not indicate the next thing that happens. Qal imperfect + the wâw consecutive would simply say, this is what happened next.

She is building up a strong, womanly compassion, thinking about the problems of Saul, and she is filled with compassion; and she notices that Saul is troubled. She is extremely agitated. Saul is disturbed in his soul. He is suffering from hardness of heart. She speaks to him. She is filled with compassion and tenderness toward him.

Saul and How God Is Dealing with Him

1.       This is compassion for a totally forsaken man. This is courageous compassion.

2.       Even in reversionism, Saul is surrounded by those who have compassion toward him. Bible doctrine would have made him a great leader. He is a total wipe out; a total wreck.

3.       However, note that God no longer speaks to Saul as a part of divine discipline. God is fair and His compassion and love must be expressed throughout righteousness and justice. Saul has messed things up on this earth.

4.       Omniscience has all of the facts, so God must take Saul home to be with him.

5.       Divine compassion seems to have come to an end. God has given warning and appeal; and here, his compassion changes form. God brings up only Samuel to tell him that he will not be in heaven tomorrow.

6.       Saul is on his way to the Old Testament heaven, which is Sheol.

7.       God permits some to remain with him who are truly compassionate. Very sympathetic people. The woman and the two soldiers have risked their lives for Saul as a reminder of what could have been, had Saul been positive. This loyalty of a few could have been multiplied into such a response from the entire nation.

You may think that you have found a new road other than Bible doctrine; but what a waste; and the difference is your attitude toward doctrine. The loyalty of a few could have been multiplied into the loyalty of an entire nation.

The woman sees that Saul is very agitated. She tells him that she risked her life on his behalf. She is telling Saul that he owes her a favor. She asks him to be able to feed him a meal. This is a compassionate woman. This is a woman of great beauty. They are filled with their own self-importance. They lose so much. Most women never really grow up. There only hope is Bible doctrine. They have been told by those who flatter how beautiful and charming they are; or by those who want to use them. This way, most women are little girls. They are adult bodies and female souls of a child.

A guy that was engaged to Elizabeth Taylor and said, that she was the soul of the child in the body of a woman. The woman who goes from the shelter of her own home to the shelter of another home. She never grows up. With Bible doctrine, you learn how to function as an adult woman. There are many young men who are exactly the same way; they are selfish; self-centered. This is where the problem comes.

We may have a soul that has never come out of childhood. But if everyone in the United States had an adult soul, there would be no place for psychiatry and sensitivity training.

Bob describes this as a helluva woman because she is an adult body housing an adult soul. That is glamor. It is very rare.

1Sam. 28:21 The woman came over to [approached] Saul, and she saw that he was terrified [agitated] and said to him, "Look, your servant [female slave] has obeyed you. I took my life in my hands and did what you told me to do.

1Samuel  28:22-25                               72David                                              631_0100

100 03/25/1974 Evil side of altruism

1Sam. 28:21 The woman came over to [approached] Saul, and she saw that he was terrified [agitated] and said to him, "Look, your servant [female slave] has obeyed you. I took my life in my hands and did what you told me to do.

Summary 1Sam. 28:21

1.       The woman is free to express herself because the ob demon is not inside of her.

2.       The true character of the woman now comes out.

3.       She is revealed as compassionate, thoughtful, sensitive to the needs of others.

4.       She wants to help Saul, although he is beyond help.

5.       Her altruistic nature made her responsive to all kinds of people

6.       She was responsive to demon-possession.

7.       Sincere do-gooders may be well-meaning, but they open up themselves to all sorts of forms of evil.

8.       At this point, the woman’s altruism is expressed in deep compassion for a miserable man.

She is requesting that Saul listen to her. She politely makes this request. Using Jesus Christ as profanity is typical of Yankees. You rarely hear someone in the south use His name in this way. O God is also profanity. But hell and damn are not profanities.

There is nothing more frustrating to a woman who wants to help and has no way to do that. Fear and shock is the inability to think. Saul is unable to really think at this point; and she tries to get his attention. She goes ahead with the only thing that she can do to help, make him a meal. She is trying to approach this wisely, and it sounds like she is just preparing a small amount, but she is going to make a wonderful meal for Saul. The man is weak and the woman is strong. The weaker the man, the stronger the woman’s compassion. The stronger her compassion. You need to take a good look at yourself is a woman is telling you what to do. She is carried away by her do-goodisms. Bob hates to hear a buzzer when he doesn’t use his seat belt.

To be a good do-gooder, a person must have power. They will pass laws to make it mandatory that they do what that want you to do. Our inertia guidance system is in the hands of Russia right now. This means they can hit something with their missiles because the WH gave this to them. The inertia guidance system was the greatest system for finding and hitting a target.

In the name of doing good, everyone is trying to destroy your rights, your freedoms and your privacy. This woman hasn’t gone that far yet, because she has no power. However, she is filled with compassion. She is wasting all of her do-goodism on a week sister. A weak sister always brings out the best and worst in a woman. All of you ladies have the mothering instinct. You cuddled your dolls and you slept with your teddy bear. The old sin nature needs to have a place to go; when a weak sister is spotted, that’s it. Worst thing in the world for a man is one who has lost his manhood. This woman had a mother instinct. She offers to cook him a meal. She didn’t caress him. She comforts him with food. He does need food, by the way. She has gone from being a charming, sweet wonderful woman to being a nag. The difference between being compassionate and . Xantippe comes into the picture (she is a raging bitch).

She uses the imperative; eat; and the reason for this is, so that Saul will be strong. The first sentence is fine; then she orders Saul as to what to do.

Summary of 1sam. 28:22

1.       This is a woman without a demon and very compassionate. An unbeliever who is thoughtful.

2.       She makes a request with represents the spiritual problem of King saul.

3.       Saul has neglected food for 24 hours; he has lost strength.

4.       The real problem is, Saul has robbed him of his spiritual strength and he is about to die the sin unto death.

5.       In effect, the woman suggests that Saul should have been doing all of these years, and that this is what he should have been doing all of these years. If a little food each day is important, how much more spiritual food each day. Saul has actually lost his manhood. When a woman uses and imperative, obviously he is not longer a man. Man lives by every word which comes from the mouth of God.

6.       This crisis brings out Saul’s weakness.

7.       The woman is an unbeliever. Her advice is practical, helpful and within her framework of her ability to provide. She can cook; she does have food.

8.       Note that the woman does not suggest anything outside of her own frame of reference. Altruism in a sin nature never goes beyond their frame of reference. All of this goofy stuff that we have on automobiles and Congress telling auto dealings how they must build these autos. Bleeding heart do-gooders. They want laws against everything. Altruism without doctrine equals evil. This will lead to a loss of freedom. Government tries to take over industry in order to make it better and it is a disaster. The do-gooder tries to enslave the general population. They screw things up.

9.       She can cook so she will provide food. She has no doctrine to provide; and no suggestions to make. She stays within the framwork of his ability to help. She doesn’t try to tell Saul what to do. She offers him no advice at all. No advice, spiritual or military and she asks for no reward. So she is quite a woman.

1Sam. 28:22 Now please listen to your servant. Let me set some food in front of you. Eat and it will give you strength so you can go on your way."

When she used the imperative, Saul bowed his neck. He keeps refusing. Piel stem shows the intensity. He is bull-headed about it. He has constantly refused Bible doctrine; and now he is implacable and selfish and he does what he does best; he refuses. He is good at saying “no.”

however, Saul’s soldiers helped to urge Saul to get off the ground and eat. They keep on urging him. He is enjoying 3 people begging him to do something. He likes the sound of all of this pity. There are people who feed off of pity. He finally responds. All of this time, he has been laying on the ground. So he finally gets up off of one elbow and looks up.

What he sits on is mitzah. This is a bench that goes along the length of the wall. The ladies sow different types of cushions and put it on the bench, which runs the length of the wall, and the wall is the backstop.

Saul has developed a little self pity and he finally gets up and he sits on the divan. The worst thing for a person who is down is sympathy and attention. Men will often do things to get sympathy. Bandage up a perfectly well hand. They moan and groan and they act like selfish children trying to extract from us all of this attention.

1Sam. 28:23 He refused, saying, "I won't eat," but when his servants and the woman urged him, he listened to them. He got up off the ground and sat on the bed Divan.

The fat calf is not in the house; but at her house. She has a fathead in the house. She is called Ishshah now. This veal was being saved for a special occasion; and this is the special occasion. She quickly slaughters this calf. She won her first battle and he is up and now she is bustling and hustling around. She doesn’t look back. She takes the most expensive and she prepares it.

This is not Bob’s favorite passage. The value of the food and the rapidity of her actions indicates her thoughtfulness. She has altruistic nature. This will be the last kindness shown to King Saul. Food in his stomach; but tomorrow he will have arrows in his bowels. It is fitting that an unbeliever, a former demon-possessed medium, should have the honor of serving Saul his last meal. The woman was delivered from her ventriloquist demon. She is without the demon and on her way up; he is on his way out, because he is dying the sin unto death. Saul is minus doctrine. She is minus the demon. She reverts to her true, compassionate self. This is the last kindness shown to Saul.

For her, the meal is a celebration of her freedom; for Saul, it is his last meal. She is entering into freedom and he is going into battle to die.

You ladies know what it means to knead. You kind of work it around and what not. She did not have time to put leaven in, so this will be a flat bread. This is the most expensive of all the animal sacrifices. Unleavened bread reminds us who and what Jesus Christ is. This all speaks of grace. The calf is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The unleavened bread is fellowship with God. Saul has been to places where these animals are offered up. So this is all about what could have been. Saul could have exploited his salvation by faith in Jehovah Elohim; and by fellowship with God; but he did not.

1Sam. 28:24 The woman had a fattened calf at her house, and she quickly slaughtered it. She also took flour, kneaded it, and baked unleavened bread.

She was motivated to do this. She served him cheerfully and happily. Then Saul and the soldiers got up and they went out in the night. Bible doctrine is our light; we are in total darkness apart from Bible doctrine. If we watch televsion, we are aware of the stupidity of the day. Our country will stand until God sees fit to remove it. So we live in times of confusion. We live when the mind of the believer is in terrible darkness. All of these idiotic plans that sound good, but are far from doctrine. Saul is a believer and Saul is going into the night. We will describe the night into which Saul went.

Saul became a reactor. He was jealous toward David, which led to implacability and vindictiveness. His hatred for David became an obsession. In this way, Saul became totally insensitive himself. There is antagonism and frustration together. Scar tissue of the soul and reverse process reversionism. This is a tragedy. We believers might go out into the night of confusion and despair and selfishness.

Echo would try to get someone’s attention; and mimic the attention of another. Echo thought she caught his attention; and she went to a cave and wasted away, so in a cave, you can hear what is remaining of Echo.

This woman is one of the two Echo’s in Saul’s life. This one is the first. He is miserable; he is bitter; and everything in his soul hurts. He leaves behind his own Echo. We hear no more about her; but we will hear about Saul.

1Sam. 28:25 She served it to Saul and his servants, and they ate. Afterwards, they got up and left that night.

1Samuel 31:1-4                                    72David                                              631_0101

101 03/26/1974 Oblique order of battle

Another citation. Kumra, Korea.

We understand that things are really bad out there in our country. No matter how bad things get, Jesus Christ still controls history. A letter upset about all of the freaks and weirdos in the country today. If attacked, he is in a place where their life expectancy is 72 hours. Lucky for us that Jesus Christ controls history.

What we are studying has never really been taught. This is a passage long neglected and longer overlooked.

1400 b.c. is where we will start. Those in the mountains of the area now knwon of Armenia and the central area of Turkey, the Hittites discovered iron (might have been a different group). Between the empire of Egypt and the Hittites were the Matani. The Assyrians gained their freedom and built an empire. The Hittites would have an empire that is driven back.

Iron came into its own in 1400 b.c. and since then, iron has been a factor in warfare.

In 1200 b.c. something startling happened. A number of unusual events that have no explanation. The Dorians invaded Greece and the famous Achaians, the Greeks of Homer’s time, were driven out or began to move out. Known historically as the Great Sea Peoples. They went to Troy is 1184 b.c. (?) They destroyed the Hittite empire, the Cretian empire; Troy; they conquerd and intermingled with ? And formed the Estrucans. One Greek people settled down in the Matitine plane of Palestine, who are Achaian Greeks then there was the rise of Assyria. 1200 b.c. rise of the Philistines. 200 years later they will conquer much of the Jewish nation. 1200 down to 371 b.c. and Apamdinomis who lived a short time before Alex the Great. He was a philosopher and military genius and a professional soldier of the Biotia nation Thebes. He broke the back of the great Spartan military action. The Spartans had 11,000 men. They were opposed by the 6000 Thebans. When Apaminobdis saw the Spartans advancing, he put 1000 on each wing; and 4000 came in and destroyed the 1000 and this was known as the oblique order of battle; he rolled up the Spartans and they were all but wiped out. He did this to the Spartans again. Philip of Macedonia learned from this. Alexander is said to learn more from his father about battle, and he learned it from Apamiopdis.

The Philistines would act as God’s whip. In 1200 b.c. they were brought into contact with the people of Palestine. A Theba n Greek was gven credit for... Frederick the Great in Brandenburg, Prussia. He had a fine well-trained army. Austria, France and Russia all went to war against him at the same time. He stole a peice of coal mind. The French crossed the boarder than he defeated them. The Austrians had a line for 5 miles. The village of Luthan was in the middle of their line. 80,000 Austrians in this 5 mile line. He hit them with the oblique order of battle. The battle of Luthen. Said that he learned this from Apamalondis. 1757 we learned that Jesus Christ controls history.

French and Indian war; and we were not even a nation yet.

How are these related? Since Jesus Christ controls history, the real story of how these things all came together is found in one phrase. The Philistines were eager to fight; they had come to fight. They outmaneuvered Saul already. The came into the valley of Esdraelon and marched in and forced Saul out of Gibea and his great fortifications there, and forced him to march into this narrow valley. The Philistines have strategically out-maneuvered Saul and now, tactically, they will launch the oblique order of battle; the Philistines fought against Israel. This is the end of our strategical study and brings us to the tactical study where the Philistines take the offensive. The Philistines did not have an unusually large army.

It does not take a larger army to destroy a smaller. It is the ability and training of the soldiers and of their commanders. Saul did not know the terraine nearly as well as the Philistines did. This was the area where the Philistines had cousins. Greek sea peoples lived there already. King Abimelech live there; he was a Greek. There were reports always going into Nob to Achish.

There are the range of mountains called Mount Gilboa. There is a high hill where Bethshan was constructed. The Jewish army in the typical set up. Achish put a gigantic right wing out there, just as Frederick did. There is a center to keep the Jews occupied. Enough to keep them off another flank. There are no place for reserves for Saul’s army. There can be no withdrawal to the rear. The withdrawal can only go off to Bethshan. No way to withdraw or to regroup or to utilize reserves in a counterattack. Saul essentially put himself in a trap when he placed his men with their backs to the high mountain. They advance across the valley with calvary and chariots. Saul could not see the true disposition of the enemy until they make contract and they will destroy the Jewish left wing. The people could not run back, they could only withdraw to their right. That is what Achish wants them to do; to retreat on their own center. They are looking for a slow advance on the center. The Philistines hist on their flank. And soon, Jews are sunning down this bottleneck and the first part of the battle probably lasted 30 minutes. They descend in a disorderly mass down the slopes of Gilboa.

They are all in full retreat; but the Philistines can hit them on their flanks and pin them against the mountains. This is the oblique order of battle. The very way in which the Jews moved out, they were victims of this same system. The entire army of the Philistines is now in a complete jam? The Philistines refused their center and their left flank. They allow a few to flee, which messes up the center. Jews are running madly down the bottleneck. There are individual acts of courage. They are rolling them up like a carpet.

Naphel means at various stages men fell down dead. The battle was strung out for quite a few miles. The valley opens up. The Philistines keep herding them toward Bethshan. Some Jews would get on some slopes, so the archers would come out when there were pockets who would hold out to fight. The Philistines maintained their pursuit and detailed off troops there to hold them in place and to take them out.

Many of them did not die immediately; but were killed and tortured later on; sometimes a day or two later.

The entire Jewish army was forced into a bottleneck. The Jordan valley and Bethshan and jabesh Gilead. The Philistines are constantly on the flank of the Jews forcing them in one direction only. As they move into the valley, the Philistines chariots can pick them up. Saul’s troop dispositions are a part of the problem. Saul has lost his professional ability as his spiritual life declines. When you spiritual life declines, so will your professional ability. There is a definition relationship. There is nothing wrong with Jewish troops. They were sought all over the world because they make the finest infantry in the world. They are terrible calvary, but the greatest infantry. The Jews and the Greeks were hired out to more nations than any other people. Every great king would have a Greek and a Jewish battalion. A courageous people poorly led are like animals going to the slaughter. Our finest leadership. We had pitiful general officers, but great field and company grade officers. 2nd lieutenants are where we hit some of the greatest casualties. Platoon leaders tend to get wiped out. Saul’s troop dispositions were faulty. A reversionistic general cannot think. Same can be true of a typist or engineer or a lawyer or a doctor or whatever; and you cannot think.

1Sam. 31:1 The Philistines fought against [attacked] Israel, and Israel's men fled from them. Many were killed [fell wounded or killed] on Mount Gilboa.

The Philistines then engage in vigorous pursuit. Saul and his 3 sons were the best part of their army. They organized rear guard defenses as they moved on to allow others time to get away.

A battle can be won but without any important results because they did not pursue the enemy vigorously. The implications are that Saul took a group and then Jonathan took a group, and each son took a group and tried to hold off the pursuit. Saul tries to stop them; then Jonathan tries to stop them, etc. Each son demonstrated tremendous courage at this point. Jonathan organized a rear guard and they got him. In each case, as they ran, Jonathan organizes a rear guard to try to stop them. They pin hiim back against the side of the mountain and the archers would stand back and shoot at them. Jonathan is the noblest of all distinguishing himself by killing 250 Philistines. He was gracious to David. He is a noble person tried to form a rear guard. The Philistines kept bypassing this pocket and then Abinadab organized a rear guard. They would pin each son with his rear guard agasint the wall and take them out.

1Sam. 31:2 The Philistines overtook [pursued vigorously] Saul and his sons and killed his sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua.

Saul is the last one to be gotten. The archers did not have to get close. They could stand back and shoot arrows. The order in which the sons are killed is given.

The story of the wounding of Saul. Only 4 professional soldiers. How Abner got away is not discussed here.

Saul is completely routed. Kabadh. The battle goes heavily against Saul. Matsa is used with the archers and this means to discover and here it means to find the range; so they know how far their arrows can travel to reach Saul. Saul is pinned down against the mountain. He cannot move backwards.

Saul writhes in horrible pain because of the archers. The LXX adds a sentence missing here. Kai ethramisthon eis ta hupokondria. Saul was gunshot with arrows. He has a gut filled with arrows and he is writing in pain. He is in extreme pain. It is excruciating pain. This is the final stage of the administration of the sin unto death. The Holy Spirit puts all of this in for a reason. If you choose to neglect doctrine in life, count on a miserable, painful death. The born-again believer does not have an easy time of death. There is no dying grace for the reversionistic believer. Saul watches himself die. He can see the arrow in his guts. He is writhing in pain. It is horrible and miserable and slow. God always takes the reversionist out with maximum pain and misery. Next time you want to skip out on doctrine, just remember Saul writhing in pain from being gut shot.

1Sam. 31:3 When the battle intensified against Saul, the archers caught up with him and severely wounded him.

When pain is extreme and no one is passing out any pills. A professional soldier is going to see a lot of men die. He got sick the first time he saw someone step on a mine or someone running a few steps with his head gone; but Saul is a professional. He has seen this a lot. He always has to face the fact of dying in any way but in bed. A good professional soldier would even prefer dying honorably on a battlefield. His soul and body are both in great pain and we are to the point of suicide.

Saul kept speaking to his armor bearer. He keeps saying, “Kill me.” When a person is under great soul agony, as Saul has been, as he did going to the witch of Endor, he wants to die quickly. He has seen too many peopled die. He is hurting. One of the great shocks in the military to see your friends come in for a forced landing and have them trapped inside. The screaming only lasts for 20 or 30 seconds; but it is horrible to hear. That is what Saul is doing. This is no picnic. His soul and spirit will be in paradise. King Saul and his sons are in heaven. At this moment, Saul is suffering as he has never suffered before

one wonders what the agitant was doing with his sword in his scabbard. He didn’t say “Therewith.” Soul and body pain is totally compatible with the sin unto death.

Daqar is in the Qal perfect. Hithpael perfect of alal. Saul can foresee that these things can take a longer time than it is taking.

being the king of Israel, Saul believed they would capture and torture him slowly. He believed that being killed righ then will keep him from suffering a long and prolonged death. There were 4 cases that Bob was aware of of believers who committed suicide. Their mind is always affected before choosing to superimpose their will over God’s will. It is typical; he will do it one more time and then go to heaven. Reversionist to the last, Saul seeks to superimpose his will over God’s. In life, Saul did this; and in dying, he will do the same thing. The aggitant disobeys the order. He absolutely refused. He is extremely frightened. He was petrified by fear and even immobilized his body. No matter how much it hurts, Saul pulls out the sword and then fell on it.

1Sam. 31:4 Then Saul said [screamed] to his armor-bearer, "Draw your sword and run me through with it, or these uncircumcised men will come and run me through and torture me." But his armor-bearer would not do it because he was terrified. Then Saul took his sword and fell on it.

The sin unto death is next, its meaning, etc.

1Samuel 31:1-6                    1Chron. 10:13,14 72David                               631_0102

102 03/27/1974 Reason why Saul died; doctrine of divine discipline

there are no accidents in history and Jesus Christ controls history. The oblique order of battle was passed down by many generals. It is what is occurring here. Gilboa range with a northern face and an eastern face. 4 miles away is little Herman, another mountain range with a southern and an eastern face; Mount Moreh has the city Schunem. Saul made the mistake of putting his troops with their backs to high mountains. The Philistines has cavalry, chariots and infantry. Saul only has infantry. The Philistines built up a strong right wing. They would come into contract with the left wing of the Jewish army and crush it. The left wring of the Philistine army kept the Jews in place. All of the Jews were running down the valley. Jonathan formed a rear guard and was pinned and dispatched. They are running for Bethshan.

1Sam. 31:1 The Philistines fought against [attacked] Israel, and Israel's men fled from them. Many were killed [fell wounded or killed] on Mount Gilboa.

1Sam. 31:2 The Philistines overtook [pursued vigorously] Saul and his sons and killed his sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua.

Jonathan went first because he put up a rear guard. He found a slope, held with some troops, and he was taken down fighting. Same with the rest of his brother. Each son tried to protect the Jewish army by establishing a rear guard.

1Sam. 31:3 When the battle intensified against Saul, the archers caught up with him [found the range] and severely wounded him [Saul was gunshot with several arrows].

This begins the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline.

1Sam. 31:4 Then Saul said to his armor-bearer, "Draw your sword and run me through with it, or these uncircumcised men will come and run me through and torture me." But his armor-bearer would not do it because he was terrified. Then Saul took his sword and fell on it.

Saul knew that he would get special attention, being the king of Israel. He was frozen with fear. Saul was in terrible pain, so he seized the sword, but it was difficult for him to grab. There was a soldier in the army of Saul, an Amalekite; and David has just completed his victory over the Amalekites. This Amalekite soldier was hiding and he watched the suicide of Saul; and he stole some personal items of Saul and he is an opportunist and he will attempt to use David.

Summary Points

1.       Saul in reversionism is a poor personnel man. His adjutant was frightened and unable to follow orders.

2.       The adjuitant could not think or act; he was paralyzed with fear.

3.       Obviously, the adjutant represents the junior officer type in personnel. This is the result of 15 years of reversionism. Saul’s sons were splendid officers; but the rest of the Jews were not. Saul can still think; and he uses his thinking to commit suicide.

4.       Saul even explained why he would commit suicide. God wants a reversionist dying the sin unto death to know why he is dying and why he is dying horrible. The poor adjutant was probably only half way.

5.       But Saul is talking to someone who is so frozen with fear that he can do nothing; so Saul spends the rest of his time trying to kill himself.


7.       For the last time, Saul has superimposed his volition over God’s; dying as he lived; a reversionist acting in opposition to God. Samuel tells Saul that he and his sons would be with Samuel. The most pompous and proud people in the world think that they can do something to lose their salvation.

The adjutant suicide; he removes himself from the military in a very hasty manner. He is frozen with fear. The adjutant is unscathed and he is frightened out of his wits. While all of this battle is going on, Saul kills himself and then his adjutant also killed himself. The imperfect indicates that he adjutant did a bad job of it. He is the most inefficient military type that Bob has ever known. The Qal imperfect indicates that he finally made it and he died as well.

Saul and His Adjutant

1.       The adjutant was a victim of Saul’s reversionism. Saul had appointed him as his adjutant; incompetent but appointed.

2.       Saul did not use his personnel observation abilities to recognize that this guy would freeze under pressure.

3.       Saul, because of his reversionism, is incompetent in his field, which is military. He was once a brilliant field commander. If you are in reversionism, then you are going to be incompetent in whatever field you find yourself in. As a believer, you are in full-time Christian service at your job. Neither of these men had personal spiritual assets in their souls.

4.       When people are dependent upon others, e.g., a military team or as in a business and they lack the spiritual assets of doctrine in the soul, they share the disasters of those upon whom they depend. If you have doctrine, you are going to come through it. Abner survived this. He is fair on logistics; a bad paper general and a good combat general. Not strong on tactics but he loves the actual fighting. He got out of there; and his outfit is still intact when he runs into David. The letter from the man in Germany—72 hours with 100% casualty rate. The neglect of military training; the failure to train properly is the most disastrous thing to happen to us. Only men with Bible doctrine in the soul will be able to survive that military. We are dismantling our nikki sites. We can put a missile in the hole of the donut and we gave that info to the Russians. Freedom through military victory. Hundreds of thousands of people will lose their freedom; or they will lose their shirts. As long as God has a plan for your life, all the demons cannot take you out of it. The government is going to buy up all the beef and put it into school lunches. To hell with the school lunches, but they won’t be there without a military. God has designed the believer to be spiritually independent and self-sustaining. You can use your head; you can pull out or right with your wits about you.

1Sam. 31:5 When his armor-bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also fell on his own sword and died with him.

So Saul dies. Jonathan was begged by David to separate, but he didn’t do it. It is it a difference between loving and respecting your father and Bible doctrine, then dad’s got to go. No family tie is as great as Bible doctrine in the soul. Bible doctrine is more important than any family tie. Because of this, Jonathan died with his father and with his brothers.

Only doctrine in the soul can cause a believer to see the issue; the importance of Bible doctrine versus the family. Some people never get away from their families until the day that they die. Grandparents can’t live under the shadow of grand children. The reason so many people lean on relatives is because they lack doctrine and they need a crutch to lean on.

Jackson was never sweet; but Lee was and his orders were sweet and “if you please” sort of orders. There is always a challenge of some kind. There is always someone that you have a high regard for, and they tell you that you’re taking in too much doctrine. It is spiritual maturity that God uses; not hotdogging.

1Sam. 31:6 So on that day, Saul died together with his three sons, his armor-bearer, and all his men.

All of Saul’s men is not every soldier. Some were simply neutralized.

1Chron. 10:13 And Saul dies because of his trespass that he trespassed against Yahweh [he was unfaithful to the Lord], against the word of Yahweh that he kept not, and also for asking at a familiar spirit--to inquire, -.

Saul was jealous about David and he tried to build his happiness on David’s unhappiness. This set Saul’s vindictiveness on fire. He tried to destroy David by anyway possible. Then there was the opening of the vacuum into his left lobe. Blackout of the soul. This is all treachery against God. Every believer who is not consistent in his intake of doctrine makes him a saved Judas Iscariot. The only thing that keeps any of us from being treacherous toward God is Bible doctrine. In the soul.

You cannot return the love of the Lord without Bible doctrine in your soul. Supergrace means that you have His Word in your soul.

He also asked counseling from a demon-possessed medium. Saul spent his time searching for this woman; and not for the Lord.

1Chron. 10:14 and he inquired not at Yahweh, and He puts him to death [imperfect tense; he died slowly], and turns round the kingdom to David son of Jesse.

Saul did not search for the Lord; this was for 16 years. He fought a battle against the Ammonites, Nahash, which means snake. He did not search for the Lord. In one night, Saul wanted to make up for the whole thing. He wanted all of the information that he had missed gotten to him in one night. God does not counsel with reversionists. Counseling is a waste of time for a minister. Bob had 3 telephone calls, one from a crying woman, after she had read RM/RW. This interrupted Bob in the middle of a verse; and she didn’t care about that. You cannot take up the slack for missing doctrine.

It rains in Houston all the time, and some think they can’t make it to Bible class while it is raining. This is the high ground at Berachah Church.

David’s campaign against the Amalekites, which turns his battalion into a bunch of millionaires. The difference between these armies; David is in supergrace and Saul is in reversionism. The transference of the kingdom; two battles 300 miles apart, as the crow flies. The defeat of the Amalekites began the rise of David. As God took Saul out, He promoted David.

There needs to be security on both flanks all the time. Saul died for his treachery because he did not inquire of the Lord.

Closing Points

1.       Unfaithfulness to the Word is tantamount to unfaithfulness to the Lord.

2.       The written word and the Living Word must always go together; they cannot be divorced in phase II.

3.       You cannot love the Living Word unless you love the written Word, Bible doctrine.

4.       The inhale of the written Word results in maximum love for the Living Word.

5.       Saul did not neglect military security but he did neglect doctrine. So Saul’s indifference to Bible doctrine resulted in his indifference to the Lord.

6.       This resulted in his reversionistic status to fail to anhilate Amalek.

7.       Saul was seeking counsel from a demon-possessed medium; and he searched for her and not for the Lord.

8.       Notice that the Lord caused Saul to die at the end from the sin unto death. The kingdom was transferred to David.

9.       If the Lord does not promote you, you are not promoted. The last thing God can do to the reversionist is the execution of the sin unto death.

Tomorrow night, a dispossessed people.

Divine Discipline

1.       Divine discipline is punitive action from God for the believer only and administered in love. The righteousness and justice expressed in the love of God. Heb. 12:5

2.       Based on God’s love for the believer and it is always related to justice and righteousness. All minus doctrine types are under discipline. Heb. 12:6 Rev. 3:19

3.       There is no loss of salvation.

4.       Discipline is related to the grace principle of turning cursing into blessing. The exception is found in the last two stages of reversionism. Recovery depends upon rebound, repentance rebound, and/or taking in doctrine consistently.

5.       If suffering continues after, then that is for blessing.

6.       All divine discipline is confined to time. Rev. 21:4

7.       There is an intensified type of discipline known as triple compound discipline. Mental attitude sins promote sins of the tongue. These are the basis for further discipline. When you malign someone else, you name their sins, real or alleged, but no matter, means that you will get the discipline for those sins. Matt. 7:1–2

8.       There are 3 categories of discipline; warning, intensive, sin unto death. Rev. 3:20 James 5:9 intensified stage serious illness, extreme types of discipline; strong delusion of the believer. It demands a change of attitude toward doctrine. It is changing one’s mind about doctrine, but not consistently. There is no instant repentance. Dying stage, which is a sphere of time.

9.       Persistence in reversionism results in the sin unto death.

1Samuel 31:7                         Sin unto Death 72David                                 631_0103

03/28/1974 Doctrine of the importance of the military; Sherman’s march through Georgia


Doctrine of the Sin unto Death

1.       Maximum discipline for the believer in reversionism. This is the physical death of the believer before his time.

2.       But the sin unto death does not mean the loss of salvation. 2Tim. 2:12–13

3.       Reversionism is always the spiritual cause for the administration of the sin unto death. The mechanics vary greatly. In principle, it is the reversionism that dies the sin unto death. Jer. 9:16

4.       There are 4 causes for the death of any believer. 2 categories: dying grace; or sin unto death. 2 principles of dying. Under dying grace, we always have the growing believer; he dies because his work is finished. 2Tim.4:7 If you are a believer growing in grace; taking in doctrine; then God’s plan is here which keeps you alive until your time id done. When it is your time to go, then you will die. You will depart when it is your time. As long as God wants to keep you here, you will be here. Captain disemboweled and he was observed to be pulling them back in; he soon had them in a pile on top of him. A surgeon came by and said, “There is nothing we can do.” He came back around and instructed the surgeon to put everything back in. Yet, general Isaac Richardson, one of the best of the Yankee generals. He was leading the charge across Bloody Lane. Another wound that looked simple and he dies within 48 hours. For the believer, it is work finished on this earth. A special occasion type death, to glorify God in some special way. Philip.

5.       Reversionism recovery removes the sins and the discipline involved. The first concept is repentance. It means to change your attitude toward doctrine. Back to the daily function of GAP.

Doctrine of the Sin unto Death

1.       Introduction & Definition-1st John 5:16▴17

          1)       A Sin Not Unto Death. ?µα?τ????τα ?µα?τ?α? µ? π??? ???ατ?? (1st Jn. 5:16ax2,17).

          2)       A Sin Unto Death. ?µα?τ?α π??? ???ατ?? (1st Jn. 5:16b).

          3)       The context is a confident prayer ministry based upon our life in Christ (1st Jn. 5:13▴15).

                     (1)      Intercessory prayer is prescribed for brothers sinning non-leading-to-death sin.

                     (2)      We should never request that any brother is subject to the Sin Unto Death. Such a request is an ???τ?? request (1st Jn. 5:16b) rather than an α?τ?? request (1st Jn. 5:14,15x2,16a).

          4)       All unrighteousness is sin, but there is sin that is non-leading-to-death sin (1st Jn. 5:17 cf. Rom. 6:23).

                     (1)      The wages of sin is death.

                     (2)      The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

                     (3)      What is a sin that doesn't lead to death? A sin that is forgiven!

          5)       The antithesis of death as a purpose-consequence is the glory of God purpose-consequence (Jn. 11:4).

                     (1)      Unrepentant, unconfessed sin results in operational death and premature physical death.

                     (2)      Confessed sin restores operational life and extends physical life with the purpose-consequence of God's glory being achieved.

2.       Illustrations

          1)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death.

                     (1)      Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10:1▴2; 1st Chr. 24:1▴2). They're lines were ended, and Eleazar was not commanded to provide for their lines to be preserved.

                     (2)      Eli and his sons (1st Sam. 2:12▴17,22▴36; 3:1▴21; 4:4▴18).

                     (3)      Saul and his sons (1st Sam. 15:10▴35; 31:1▴7; 1st Chr. 10:13▴14).

                     (4)      Ananias and Saphira (Acts 5:1▴11).

                     (5)      Hymenaeus and Alexander (1st Tim. 1:20).

          2)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death judgment being stayed.

                     (1)      David's close call (2nd Sam. 12:13).

                     (2)      Hezekiah's close call (2nd Kgs. 20:1▴11; Isa. 38:1▴22).

                     (3)      The Corinthian man of incest (1st Cor. 5:5; 2nd Cor. 2:6▴11).

          3)       Illustrations of the Sin Unto Death judgment being stayed, then reinstated.

                     (1)      Moses' deferment (Ex. 4:24) and later judgment (Deut. 32:48▴52).

                     (2)      Balaam's deferment (Num. 22:31) and later judgment (Num. 31:8).

3.       Summary & Conclusion

          1)       The OT and the NT provide multiple illustrations for the Sin Unto Death.

          2)       Illustrations are provided as warnings (1st Cor. 10:1▴11).

          3)       The bottom-line cause of Sin Unto Death is idolatry (1st Jn. 5:21).

                     (1)      Ananias and Saphira pursued the idolatry of approbation-lust (Acts 5:1▴11).

                     (2)      Defiling the Lord's Supper is the idolatrous practice of eating the table of demons (1st Cor. 10:20▴22; 11:30).

                     (3)      Apostasy is the idolatrous practice of living the teachings of demons (Rev. 2:20▴24 cf. 1st Tim. 4:1).

Taken from http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=539

now we move into v. 7. First time this word is used, it means civilians; and here, it means the military. The military guards the freedom of the civilians; and the military has no freedom. They lead an abnormal life.

Every fence and every tree was cut down; houses as well. The Yankee army turned it into a desert. They were commanded by Ambrose Burnside. He blamed everyone else and wrote a letter about this and handed it to Lincoln. Lincoln relieved him immediately.

Between 1946 and 1965, SAC kept the Russians under control. SAC officers on leave had to be where they could report in at any time. Bob talks about SAC officers and their lives; and they are fighting the worst kinds of politicians. They are dedicated, discouraged, with ridiculous orders, and bombarded with far too much paperwork. Some Blacks who are great soldiers and some niggars who aren’t. Streets are not safe in Germany because of these hoodlums.

Those in the Jordan valley on the other side of are these civilians. The entire northern Israel was taken over by the Philistines. The army corps had fled or were dead on the battlefield.

We are not accustomed to fighting on our own soil. But in 1862, there were people who had lived there for 100 years and there was furniture that was 100 to 300 years old. They had the finest wines of the old world. It was a place where wonderful place to live. The Yankees moved in and they began to steal these things. The provo marshall did not seem to exist. The civilians suffer when the military is not there.

The Philistines advanced and they began to take over all of these cities. They settled in these cities. This is the typical function of the Greek sea peoples to settle down in the cities that they conquer.

It is difficult for us to realize what it means to lose a battle; or to lose a war. Johnston was a brilliant strategist; but Hood was not. A good divisional commander but a horrible army commander. He did not go into Georgia; he looped back up into Tennessee. When Sherman decided that he would take it out on the civilian population. There was no army between Savannah and Atlanta, and he took 60,000 men to wage war against the civilians. This is documented by the diaries of the Yankee officers. What the south had to say is generally unprintable.

Sherman burnt Atlanta to the ground, after making the civilians leave in the rain in the winter. Many died from exposure on the roads to Jonesboro. The thoroughness with which the Yankees stripped the food out of a home and if there was nothing to steal, they simply burned it down to the ground. They would ask the Blacks where things were; if they did not tell them, they would be bayoneted. Dolly Birge with her daughter and 100 slaves. She told her slaves to hide. The Yankees came in, taking everything. Animals shot in her yard. Then gave Birge a lot of trouble. The Yankees forced her slaves from the home at the end of a bayonet.

One soldier in Mrs. Glass’s house took everything they could, and then smash all that was left that they could not carry.

They dressed up the slave women in the mistresses clothes and then sent them on their way on horses.

60,000 hardened soldiers were let loose on the Georgian women who lived, for the most part, in unprotected homes. Material damage could be repaired; but spiritual wounds left scars of hate for generations yet unborn. About 30,000 people died of starvation after Sherman’s march.

it is inevitable that civilians will get caught. All the Russians have to do is to drop 5 battalions, rope off Houston, and then they could do what they want. This sort of thing always goes along with warfare. So great are the orientals with rape, torture and plunder that they destroy whole civilizations. Some of these areas inhabited since Alexander the Great, and they are destroyed.

Richard Nixon going over the China. Some of our missionaries were kicked out of Africa after Nixon went to China. You cannot do that to the Mongolian peoples. Russians are partially oriental.

Bob’s tip: make sure that you live with doctrine in your soul; that way you can function in any catastrophe.

1Sam. 31:7 When the men [civilians] of Israel on the other side of the valley and on the other side of the Jordan saw that Israel's men [army] had run away and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned the cities and fled. So the Philistines came and settled in them.

The Doctrine of the Importance of the Military

1.       The protection of a national entity is two-fold. The exterior lines by the military and the interior by the police.

2.       Warfare will continue to the Millennium, despite the attempts for peace. National sovereignty and freedom purchased on the battlefield.

3.       In the struggle for and perpetuation of freedom, this occurs on the battlefiled and God is called Lord of the Armies.

4.       Armies defend freedom; armies destroy freedom.

5.       It all depends upon which army wins. When the Chaldeans won, the Jews lost.

6.       God uses the military inaction to demonstrate the degeneracy of the nation. There was a spiritual and moral decline reflected in the military when Israel went out under the fifth cycle of discipline.

7.       Luke 41

8.       Importance of military leadership Prov. 24:1–6

9.       The importance of military training. Saul’s army was untrained and lost at Mount Gilboa.

10.     Military defeat which precedes the fifth cycle of discipline is God’s discipline on a nation. When a nation loses a war, they lose their freedom. Athens in the Peloponnesian war.

1Samuel 31:8–10                                 72David                                              631_0104

03/29/1974 Desecration of the dead by the victors; testimonies of Jerry Jones, Gabe Dominguez, and Rick Hughes

Testimonies; Jerry Jones first. Gabe came in from 8 weeks of Ranger school. 4 Berachah guys in the Rangers. Rick has been a believer for 7 years; and he knew that he has the gift of evangelism.

Last time, it was, what happens to civilians when the military breaks down.

1Sam. 31:7 When the men [civilians] of Israel on the other side of the valley and on the other side of the Jordan saw that Israel's men [army] had run away and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned the cities and fled. So the Philistines came and settled in them.

Bruce Katten’s series on the army of the Potomac. The civilians are just as much at war as the military. One man, King Saul, and the loss of the war, the battle and the campaign added up to a tremendous tragedy insofar as the nation Israel is concerned. The Jews lost under the oblique order of battle. His 3 sons nobly attempted to set up a rear guard. We will learn why the military and warfare are a definite part of human history. War will be the testing ground; Bible doctrine is more real and more important and more vital than anything else in life.

The wounded were often left on the battlefield and then tortured by the Philistines. We will need to cover a flashback after the next 3 verses. He was a nobler man 16 years ago than he is here.

There has to be a reason that God the Holy Spirit included these 3 verses into the Bible. We understand that, once a person dies, his soul and spirit leave the body. What happens to the body is not important. It does not make any difference where your body is disposed; a battlefield, cremated. The ashes can be scattered wherever. We will get a resurrection body. We have no further use of the body that we leave at the point of death.

The Philistines made a great to do about the body and head of Saul. They tortured a dead body like a live one. This is typical of heathenistic ancients. What we have here is twofold. There were many treasures to be taken from the dead and their camps. However, these soldiers got their kicks out of mutilating dead bodies. All of the military heroes were found in the south; Judah and Benjamin. Bob, in the past 2 years, has discovered that Yankees with Bible doctrine are wonderful people. This may be hard for us to take.

Imagine getting your kicks by torturing a dead body? There was a crafty Amalekite and apparently there were Amalekites in the Jewish army. There was one who was hiding and he stole he crown and several other articles. He is going to take this to David’s camp in Ziklag.

It is hard to kill men in battle using swords. You are very tired if you have killed 100 men or so. There is no attempt to go back that night and recover any of the loot. In modern armies, there is a provo marshall. He is responsible to the commanding general concerning the behavior of the troops. There was no such thing in the ancient world. Soldiers were paid by being turned loose on a city to rape, kill and steal. Plunder is their salary. Saul’s sons’ bodies were spread out. In discovering these people, they were recognized by their armor; Saul is easy to identify, as are his sons.

1Sam. 31:8 The next day [after the battle] when the Philistines came to strip [and plunder and destroy] the slain, they found Saul and his three sons dead on Mount Gilboa.

Many would love to put their heads on the end of a spear and carried around. Saul’s head could remain on his shoulders if it had been filled with doctrine. The king’s armour would look quite incredible. Anything of any value was stripped off of Saul’s corpse.

It was good news to the Philistines that Saul was dead. Having his head on the end of a spear was a tremendous victory for the Philistines.

The idol temples of Philistia are of two types. The Dagon temple; the head of a man and the trunk of a fish. All of their sacrifices and phallic activity were related to him. There is the temple of Ashtarte as well, which is where the phallic cult took place. Saul’s skull put in the temple of Dagon. This way the Philistines could see the dead head of Saul.

1Sam. 31:9 They cut off Saul's head, stripped off his armor, and sent messengers throughout the land of the Philistines to spread the good news in the temples of their idols and among the people.

His armor was placed in the temple of Ashtoreth. This is the addendum. Even the lowest of believers; Satan can do nothing to him. These Philistines can ridicule and chant over the corpose; but Saul is with God. There is nothing that they can do to Saul except drag his body around. However, the means noting. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. Demons are helpless and powerless in the presence of God.

The worst type of believer in the Church Age, and Satan cannot touch him. He can mess with the body and nothing else.


1.       The temple of the phallic cult; temple of Ashtoroth. There was an expedition to Bethshan (or Beth shean). It was discovered by the University of Pennsylvania. They found a temple 80x62'. There was a sign of life in one hand and something in the other. People always said these were Philistine gods; and here they were in the northern part of Israel. They found the other temple of Dagon as well. They discovered that the city was destroyed in 1000 b.c., which is 4 years after this battle. That was David who beat them down.

2.       They hung their bodies on the wall of Bethshean. This is a challenge. Is there any man in Israel who could come and take these bodies down? The Philistines knew that they were safe as long as those bodies stayed up on the wall.

3.       The men in Jabesh Gilead would take these bodies down.



1.       Up until this time, the center of power was between Gaza and Joppa. This is about a 20 mile wide strip.

2.       It was during the reign of Saul that the Philistines became a great enough power to defeat Saul. They decided to go up and take the whole of the north.

3.       While there were scattered groups that had settled around; this was the first time that the Philistines completely conquered this portion of Israel.

4.       They had destroyed Shiloh and taken the Ark of the Covenant.

5.       Only Judah and Benjamin in the south were free of Philistine power. There are a few pockets of freedom in the north.

The communist world, beginning with FDR, who gave them a third of the earth. It is difficult to still find people who think like Americans. People think in terms of liberalism and socialism. Minding other peoples’ business is an evil and is done often today.

1Sam. 31:10 Then they put his armor in the temple of the Ashtoreths and hung his body on the wall of Beth-shan.

Bob wants to point out a few things to take with us so that we don’t lose heart.

Closing Principles

1.       Jesus Christ controls history. Nothing can touch you.

2.       God uses human leadership in history. God raises up men, believers and unbelievers both, to lead a nation; someone as the man of the hour.

3.       Cyrus the Great, Cyrus the Persian, conquered the world in 25 years. This was a believer living in the high hills of Asia. He was thirsty for doctrine and he swept down and destroyed the apostasy of . Cyrus made it possible for the Jew to come back into the land.

4.       He is the servant of the Lord.

5.       Many references to him. Dan 10:1 Ezra 1:2

6.       Very little is known about Cyrus, but Holy Spirit potentially the greatest man of that era. War is often related to one man; one man emerges as the man of the hour. It is beautiful when that man is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

7.       Thru Cyrus the Great, Jesus Christ reversed the trend of history which had become reversionistic.

8.       In every critical period of history, God has been faithful and he raises up a man or a people. Sometimes God will use supergrace believers scattered throughout the world. In God’s control of history, we see the manifestations of His grace.

9.       The Jews are at an all-time low at this time.

10.     There is a supergrace believer on the horizon; His man is David. Saul was the people’s choice and David was God’s choice. So Saul is dead, and God is raising up David.

11.     As members of the royal family of God, as believers in a disastrous, critical time, we must be prepared for catastrophe by the intensification of the instake of Bible doctrine. It must be the center of our lives.

12.     There is a supergrace believer on the horizon; God’s man is David.

13.     God’s man David has passed Saul; Saul is down and David is advancing. We, as believers, are moving into a disaster period of history. We are moving rapidly toward a disaster period. The believer will go down with the civilization if he lacks doctrine. We must consider what we are doing now and we must be looking toward the near future.

14.     There were many men who had doctrine; not just the men of Jabesh Gilead. Bible doctrine now means that we, as believers, can stand in the gap, when our country is crashing.

Jabesh Gilead represent the ordinary men who have honor; and there will be David, who is a supergrace believer that God raises up. We will study a flashback, then the 3 final verses, and then we will study David, in several psalms. David is a boy who began as a shepherd and became the greatest king in human history.

Out of the worst disasters in life, God converts them into the blessings of grace.

1Samuel 12:12–13 11:1–4                  72David                                              631_0105

105 03/31/1974 Siege of Jabesh

A people who advanced to the supergrace status and they are in the center of the storm; and they had performed great deeds of courage and valor. National catastrophe always sets aside reversionist believer; and God uses the supergrace believer. Catastrophe brings out the best and the worst.

This is our second flashback. There were valorous deeds with regards to the remnant. We must understand Saul and his relationship to the men of Jabesh-Gilead. Men like this will preserve the freedom of Israel. Saul was not always an evil man. There was a time when he was a great military ruler.

Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River running down the Jordan Valley. One of the highest hills and about 12 miles from the Sea of Galilee is a mountain and the city of Beth-shan. The Jews scattered when the Philistines took the central part of Israel. The Ammonites were hever able to get to the Jordan; they could never get past Manasseh. The people of Jabesh-Gilead were of the tribe of Manasseh.

Nahash the Ammonite. Nahash means the snake. Maybe he was treacherous and struck when not expected. Or maybe he hid out well. The Ammonites are relatives of Abram. Lot impregnated his two daughters, and Moab and Ammon came from these two. Moab from the eldest daughter. All true Arab races of Semitic; the Egyptians are Hamitic.

The Ammonites were a warlike people and Molech was their god, and he required human sacrifice. There were also phallic orgies; and this was the basis for their worship. Their second blessing was watching a friend of theirs burn up on an altar.

The Semitic peoples are the most warlike of peoples. The Chaldeans, the Assyrians, the Jews, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the Edomites. All of these are very warlike people. Arabs in the 7th century looked as if they were going to conquer the world. They were stopped by Charles Martel in the 8th century.

Most of the people that we are talking about are cousins to the Jews. Syrian desert which is fed by the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. The Ammonites were never good to the Jews. Solomon had an Ammonite wife and he built a small temple to Molech outside a valley called Tophet, which means drums. This made it impossible to hear the human scarifices outside of that area. Tophet became a word for hell for this reason.

Conquered the Zanzumim, a race of giants; that the Ammonites fought and drove them out of the mountains. The Ammonites were now looking to take over the Jordan River. Gilead was inhabited by Reuben and Gad in the southern part; and Manasseh was north of them. They settled right on the Jordan River; they lived a rugged outdoor life and they were tough. Therefore, they managed to hold a beautiful piece of land there. They held their own and they managed to stay where they were. Nearly all of the tribes of Israel had men who was unusual as fighting men. The Jews made up the greatest infantry of that day.

Tough Jews on one side, tough Ammonites, Edomites, Moabites on the other side. The Jews never lost their territory except when they were reversionistic. These people were never successful unless the Jews were in reversionism. This reminds the Jews that they are in very difficult straits if they are in reversionism.

The people kept saying that they wanted a king like Nahash; a king that they could see; not God. Jehovah Elohim was their King.

1Sam. 12:12 But when you saw that Nahash king of the Ammonites was coming against you, you said to me, 'No, we must have a king rule over us'--even though the LORD your God is your king.

They kept begging for Saul. Therefore, God gave them Saul as their king; he was the people’s choice. He was a fine believer when he started out. At this time, Saul seemed great.

1Sam. 12:13 "Now here is the king you've chosen, the one you requested. Look, this is the king the LORD has placed over you.

Bob remembers when Eisenhower was elected and everyone thought it was great; but no one who knew Ike knew he was going to run a crony presidency. Others were very enthusiastic about Kennedy. But nothing changed. The idea that one man can become the president and solve anything is ludicrous. This would require a man of genius who would become a dictator. TR should have been elected rather than Woodrow Wilson and we have had nothing but mediocrity in the office since then. No one who could really cut it as a leader.

A nation of beggars will be destroyed. The government has been using money against various people and states since Abraham Lincoln. Indiana was for the confederacy and they were against the emancipation and they were for states’ rights. Lincoln kept Morton, the governor of Indiana, functioning with hundreds of thousands of dollars; but the legislature was against him. Lincoln cut out their legislators. This has been used by the federal government against the states. The very concepts are the same concepts that existed in the days of David and Saul. Different time and nations. Surrounded by enemies; problems with reversionism. We have strayed from out fundamental principles. The War Between the States changed that because Lincoln used federal funds to get his way with the states.

Lincoln turned the state armies into a federal army. There is no such thing as federal funds; these are taxes.

Nahash invaded and encamped against Jabesh-Gilead.

Some Background

1.        The original inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead are from

2.        They were destroyed when they refused to punish Benjamin in Judges 21. The Jews wiped them out, and there were maybe 1000 Benjamites who were still alive. They destroyed Jabesh Gilead and took 400 virgins and brought them to Benjamin. Saul’s great grandmother came from Jabesh Gilead.

3.        Jabesh Gilead people are tough. At the time of this invasion, they were just recovering from the punishment of Judges 21. They were not yet prepared to do any fighting.

4.        Nahash was trying to recover what once belonged to the Ammonites but Jephthah took it from them. The population was weak and their area is defendable. All the men of Jabesh spoke with Nahash; they saw that they were in trouble.

1Sam. 11:1 Nahash the Ammonite came up and laid siege to Jabesh-gilead. All the men of Jabesh said to him, "Make a treaty with us, and we will serve you."

the people come out and they bargain for slavery. They decided that it was better to be alive under the Ammonites. This is occurring 60 years previous to this. Or is it 16 years? They are the only ones with any courage. Bible doctrine can change a whole population of people in a relatively short time. The tribe of Manasseh and Gad were very tough. Here, they are ready to give up. Now we are giving up to the communists; we are sending wheat into Russia. We lost face all over the world when Nixon went to China. That caused many missionaries to be forced out of Africa. The official government stand of Jabesh Gilead was for the government to surrender and become slaves.

These people are saying that they will be the slaves of Nahash. The warlike men of Manasseh and Gad had not recovered from the devastation of Jabesh from the Jews. Snake is vindictive and he is filled with great pride. When the people come out to make a treaty, he sees this as a failure.

There are spiritual problems for these men of Manasseh and Gad.

The fact that we have negociated with the communists and we keep backing off and bowing down; they see this as a sign of weakness, just as snake the Ammonite understands this of the people of Jabesh.

So Nahash agrees to this on the condition that all of their right eyes be gouged out. He wants to do something that will make all of the Jews afraid of him. Why did he select the right eye? This would disqualify them to fight. Most people are right handed, and this would make it impossible for them to fight. They carried the shield in the left hand. So, this would keep them from functioning in battle.

This would be made a reproach on all of Israel. Snake is avenging the Ammonites from the days of Jephthah from 85 years ago. This king is cruel and evil and vain; and with these things, he is also stupid.

1Sam. 11:2 Nahash the Ammonite replied, "I'll make one with you on this condition: that I gouge out everyone's right eye and humiliate all Israel."

they ask for a 7 day cease fire. They asked if they could send out for some savior to save them. This tells us that, if they have to send messengers all over Israel; there is no central government in Israel. Nahash does not think that there are 5 men who could come and rescue them. He may need the time to get his troops concentrated there. They might be having a party at this time as well after their recent plundering.

1Sam. 11:3 "Don't do anything to us for seven days," the elders of Jabesh said to him, "and let us send messengers throughout the territory of Israel. If no one saves us, we will surrender to you."

they don’t go to Saul; they go to his hometown. There is a relationship between these tribes. They probably had not heard of Saul’s election. They arrived in the early morning hours. They told a very sad and intense story; and they would all break down and begin crying. This affected them emotionally. They have no ability to do anything about it. They are all relatives. The only response here is, weeping and crying. Some of you are whiners and when disaster strikes, you will just cry. You will never think to blame yourself for your lack of Bible doctrine. You fall apart very quickly and very easily. Willie the ‘Weeper is a song that Bob recalls. These people will do nothing about it.

Saul is not in town; but, tonite, Saul is in town, and he will do something about it.

1Sam. 11:4 When the messengers came to Gibeah, Saul's hometown, and told the terms to the people, all wept aloud.

1Samuel 11:)1–4)5–7 10:24, 27          72David                                              631_0106

03/31/1974; Eph. 4:26 Doctrine of the ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the Age of Israel

national disaster in the closing days of Saul’s life. God raises up men for the house in time of catastrophe and disaster. The Philistines have conquered most of Israel. There are some pockets of resistence. We are now studying our second flashback. The purpose is to explain 1Sam. 31. Our story being 16 years before.

When the Amonites besieged their city, they were not prepared spiritually. Being caught without doctrine found them trying to make some kind of treaty with the enemy. We find that the enemy is implacable.

1Sam. 11:1 Nahash the Ammonite came up and laid siege to Jabesh-gilead. All the men of Jabesh said to him, "Make a treaty with us, and we will serve you."

1Sam. 11:2 Nahash the Ammonite replied, "I'll make one with you on this condition: that I gouge out everyone's right eye and humiliate all Israel."

1Sam. 11:3 "Don't do anything to us for seven days," the elders of Jabesh said to him, "and let us send messengers throughout the territory of Israel. If no one saves us, we will surrender to you."

Nahash had been briefed by his intelligence and he knew that there was little or no chance of this. The Israelites were in bad shape. At one time the Jewish nation exterminated the Benjamites and Jabesh Gilead for not coming to fight with them. Women were gathered to make wives for the Benjamites and this repopulated them.

1Sam. 11:4 When the messengers came to Gibeah, Saul's hometown, and told the terms to the people, all wept aloud.

When action is called for, they have no actions to make. They are whining and complaining.

At this time, Saul is a believer on the verge of supergrace. He will go from supergrace to the sin unto death under reversionism. These are ships that pass in the night.

Saul had been out working in the field all day and he had not heard about the news from Jabesh. He says, “What’s with the people?” He has no idea what is going on. The people laid out all that happened.

Saul and His Spiritual Growth

1.       At this time, Saul has reached his spiritual peak as a believer. This is Saul with Bible doctrine in his soul.

2.       He is grace oriented and he functions on the basis of doctrine here.

3.       He is engaged in agriculture even though he has been already anointed as king.

4.       In 1Sam. 10:27, there were those who disparaged him. These are the anti-establishment types. Since the people were not behind him, he kept to his farming. This is what he had always done. He knew enough not to get pushy about his anointing. But some wicked men said, "How can this guy save us?" They despised him and did not bring him a gift, but Saul said nothing.

5.       Saul is positive toward the Word of God. 1Sam. 9:27 As they were going down to the edge of the city, Samuel said to Saul, "Tell the attendant to go on ahead of us, but you stay for awhile, and I'll reveal [i.e., teach you] the word of God to you." So the attendant went on. Yesterday’s doctrine will not carry you tomorrow. This is Saul at his best in this flashback. He refused to stay with the power of the Word of God; and when you do that, down you go.

6.       1Sam. 10:6 Saul was indwelt by the Spirit and he was turned into another man. 1Sa 10:10 When Saul and his attendant arrived at Gibeah, a group of prophets met him. Then the Spirit of God took control of him, and he prophesied along with them. Saul taught a group of prophets.

7.       He has no illusions about himself. He is a man of grace orientation. Saul was hiding around a stack of wheat in 1Sam. 10:22; it seems like too much to him to be able to exercise authority. This seemed quite foreign to him. He was a man of no illusions.

8.       1Sam. 10:26 supergrace believers were attracted to him. They were rallying about him.

Remember these things about Saul; he is a great man with doctrine. The key difference is having doctrine in the soul or not. When the Bible says something nice about Saul, it is worth noting.


1.       In this passage, Saul has reached his spiritual peak as a believer.

2.       He was grace oriented and he functioned on the basis of Bible doctrine.

3.       He was engaged in agricultural pursuits rather than as king. He did not accept this position at first.

4.       Saul was positive toward the Word of God. 1Sam. 9:27

5.       Filled with the Spirit


7.       Supergrace believers attracted to him.

This makes him a man of honor; a man of doctrine.

He refused the kingdom when it was first offered to him at Mizpah. He is a believer under the control of God the Holy Spirit. He is a man of grace orientation. Because all of these things are true, we find him plowing.

1Sam. 11:5 Just then Saul was coming in from the field behind his oxen. "What's the matter with the people? Why are they weeping?" Saul inquired, and they repeated to him the words of the men from Jabesh.

When the messengers came in the morning, they told of this siege and what would happen and the people had a feeling of hopelessness. Their emotions took over. Their emotions were in control; not their right lobe. Divine viewpoint does not occur to them. No one really knows what to do. However, Saul does not begin to weep with the people. There has been an all-day crying affair. Crying never gets anything done. Weepers usually do not have solutions; this is a form of complaint or self-pity; and they are getting no help whatsoever from those they are appealing to.

This crying means that they have already given up. They have a tendency to become implacable. Great leadership is required here and Saul will provide this leadership by being under the control of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of God controlled Saul. In that dispensation, God the Holy Spirit did not indwell all believers.

Doctrine of the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the Age of Israel

1.       In the Old Testament dispensations and specifically in the age of Israel, the Holy Spirit would come and go. There was no permanent indwelling of the Spirit. The Spirit filled only specific people for specific reasons. Joseph, artisans, the 70 elders who assisted Moses; like certain judges (Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson), certain kings in Israel (Saul), Daniel, some post-exilic rulers; Old Testament writers (1Peter1:11). No indwelling of the Holy Spirit during this time period. This was generally for believers who were growing, positive or in supergrace.

2.       The Holy Spirit’s ministry with any Old Testament saint was temporary. After the task was completed, the Spirit was withdrawn. David prayed for the Spirit not to be taken from him. Both filling and indwelling in this dispensation only.

3.       In this dispensation, we are given a gift by the Holy Spirit; we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Ours is a perfect grace relationship. Then, the filling of the Spirit was temporary.

4.       Believers in the Old Testament could obtain upon request the filling of the Spirit. 2Kings2:9–10

5.       Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the 10 disciples to hold them over. Thomas was not there. This would sustain them for the 50 days. John 20:22. This was the filling of the Spirit; not the indwelling.

6.       Once the Church Age begins, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. John7:27–29

7.       We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

8.       The believer cannot lose the residency of the Holy Spirit in the Church Age. Members of the royal family have the Holy Spirit in the Church Age.

To be indwelt with doctrine is doctrine in the left lobe. To get it into the right lobe is God the Holy Spirit. That is a grace transfer. It is the filling of doctrine that counts. Doctrine just being heard makes us hearers of the Word only. A doer doesn’t mean that you hustle around doing Christian things. Saul has doctrine in his left lobe transferred to his right lobe. In order to use this doctrine properly, he will need the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will activate the doctrine in the right lobe. This gives them something to activate the doctrine in their soul.

What does the Holy Spirit gin up in Saul? He becomes angry. The first thing he says is, “What’s this all about?” God the Holy Spirit comes inside of Saul and activates the proper doctrine for the proper attitude. He gets angry; rough tough anger.

Saul had the doctrine but he did not have the Spirit. When the Spirit controlled him, his anger burned to the maximum.


9.       Only once and awhile did the Holy Spirit fill some believer to motivate to utilize the doctrine. The filling of the Spirit in the Old Testament stirred up the proper doctrine for action. That was the catalytic agent to stir up doctrine. The Holy Spirit could do nothing for a person who had no doctrine. The person needed enough doctrine to work with. Some of you think that you need to be all sweetness and light. Idiotic, stupid, superficial people.

10.     In John 7:39 Jesus Christ gives the Holy Spirit to the disciples under conditions that would exist in the Church Age. He told them in Luke 11 to ask for the Spirit.

11.     Eph. 4:26 be angry and do not sin. This is the iterative present, describing what would be true at various intervals. Permissive middle which represents the agent as voluntarily yielding to the results of the action. So there is a legitimate anger; a legitimate righteous indignation. The pseudo is the pathological liar. So you can be filled with the Spirit and you can be angry.

Under the filling of the Spirit, King Saul goes all out with a very strong anger. The proper attitude is maximum anger.

1Sam. 11:6 When Saul heard these words, the Spirit of God suddenly took control of him, and his anger burned furiously.

Saul has a big investment in oxen. He goes into the house and grabs his sword and comes out and starts cutting up his oxen into pieces. Action based upon doctrine is based upon divine good. These oxen are big; and he does this quickly and efficiently.

Saul grabbed the different crybabies and gave them pieces of oxen and told them that they had better come out to war. This is a military draft; the first national army in a long time.

Saul has been selected and anointed, but he had not yet accepted the kingship. So Samuel is still the judge, insofar as Saul is concerned. The filling of the Spirit develops respect for authority. This is good recruiting. It is easier to hack up a man than it is to hack up an ox. Saul includes Samuel as a part of the authority. So, everyone should recognize the authority.

This is the first time that Saul used his authority to move the people. And this is the first time that authority had been used in that nation for a long time.

So they enlisted as one man. For the first time, everything is straight. There is authority in the land.

1Sam. 11:7 He took a team of oxen, cut them in pieces, and sent them throughout the land of Israel by messengers who said, "This is what will be done to the ox of anyone who doesn't march behind Saul and Samuel." As a result, the terror [respect] of the LORD fell on the people, and they went out united [as one man].

Nahash believed that Israel could not gather into an army because there was no king who had them under control.

Closing Points

1.       Saul does not exercise his authority as a king but under Samuel.

2.       Saul mobilizes the others as an army under Samuel.

3.       He takes the responsibility for this military move.

4.       He cuts up his expensive oxen.

5.       In dramatizing this, it is clear that the Ammonites will not stop with Jabesh. An enemy might lay off a year or two, but he will not stop.

6.       Saul regards this attack as a danger to the entire nation, even though this is on the other side of the Jordan.

7.       When a man exercises authority through Bible doctrine, the people respect the Lord.

8.       There must be authority in a nation for respect of the Lord to exist in this nation.

9.       Just as there must be doctrine in the soul of the believer for respect for the Lord, so there must be doctrine in the soul for occupation with the Person of Christ, which is supergrace.

10.     Enlisting as one man indicates that there is unity among the people. This unity does not come through love; it comes through authority.

11.     This passage further reveals the importance of the mental attitude in military life. There must be a desire in training as well as in combat to close in on the enemy.

1Samuel 11:8–11                                 72David                                              631_0107

107 04/01/1974 Saul’s tactical double envelopment

We are still in flashback mode.

Medal of Honor recipient. Treadwell. Singlehandedly captured 18 men or pillboxes. Colonel Jack Treadwell is the most decorated soldier.

The occasion is the disaster at Jabesh Gilead.

1Sam. 11:1–7 Nahash the Ammonite came up and laid siege to Jabesh-gilead. All the men of Jabesh said to him, "Make a treaty with us, and we will serve you." Nahash the Ammonite replied, "I'll make one with you on this condition: that I gouge out everyone's right eye and humiliate all Israel." "Don't do anything to us for seven days," the elders of Jabesh said to him, "and let us send messengers throughout the territory of Israel. If no one saves us, we will surrender to you." When the messengers came to Gibeah, Saul's hometown, and told the terms to the people, all wept aloud. Just then Saul was coming in from the field behind his oxen. "What's the matter with the people? Why are they weeping?" Saul inquired, and they repeated to him the words of the men from Jabesh. When Saul heard these words, the Spirit of God suddenly took control of him, and his anger burned furiously. He took a team of oxen, cut them in pieces, and sent them throughout the land of Israel by messengers who said, "This is what will be done to the ox of anyone who doesn't march behind Saul and Samuel." As a result, the terror of the LORD fell on the people, and they went out united.

Some of you will need to change the tone of your voice because you are always out whining. That would be a great relief to those who are around you.

Under the doctrine of residency, no Old Testament believer was indwelt by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit was used to activate the doctrine in the soul of a person with the result that they produced divine good. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit in the Church Age. The Spirit-filled life for Saul made him tough. He cut up the oxen into pieces, who took these pieces throughout Israel. The people responded.

For the first time in a long time, there is a national army. They reorganized in Bezek. Jabesh Gilead is right across the river. 11 tribes gave 300,000 and Judah gave up 30,000.

What Is Being Taught Here?

1.       The Holy Spirit differentiates between the 11 tribes and Judah. The Holy Spirit makes a point out of this. It does not simply say, “There are 33000 troops.

2.       If each tribe mustered 30,000 like Judah, there would have been some more troops. The 11 tribes were slightly inferior to Judah. Judah was under a great deal of pressure from the Philistines; so they were motivated by Bible doctrine in the soul. Judah had the strongest muster even though they were fighting on two fronts in the south.

3.       This is not the only reason Judah is separated out. Judah is the royal tribe. All of the kings of Israel will come out of Judah.

4.       While many of the men of Judah are in David’s battalion, the tribe is still patriotic and they still offer up the largest contingent. During this time, David was persona non grata, out of the loop and on the run.


6.       The tribe of Judah in having the largest muster set aside their personal prejudice to fight their common enemy, the Ammonites.

7.       Judah contributed as many to the relief situation which indicates that they are nobler than any of the other tribes. The men of Judah are called Ish. The 11 tribes are called benay Israel instead. Only one portion of this contingent are called men; the rest are called children; sons.

8.       The northern kingdom, which are 20 tribes, will go out under the fifth cycle of discipline in 782 b.c. and the southern kingdom will go down in 586 b.c. This is prophetical of what is to come. This is illustrative. God the Holy Spirit makes this distinction. The souther kingdom stayed with doctrine longer.

The difference between these are men and boys; the men are positive and the boys are negative. This principle is later proved out historically. These people stayed with doctrine. Doctrine was more important to them in the south.

1Sam. 11:8 Saul counted them at Bezek. There were 300,000 Israelites and 30,000 men from Judah.

They are organizing their army; and they send messengers back to Jabesh to tell them, help is coming. In the afternoon, the army would show up. The people are quite enthusiastic about this. They were celebrating. As far as they were concerned, that’s it. They were jubilant.

They took this attack by Nahash as a warning that they were negative and needed to become positive toward doctrine. Under a warning which they heeded. 16 years later, after the War of Mount Gilboa, the are supergrace believers, and they step in and take down the corpses of Saul and his sons off the wall, where the Philistines place them.

They were celebrating their deliverance and they were deciding that they will get with doctrine. They are the reversionists here and Saul is mature. However, 16 years later, they will be the supergrace believers and Saul will be the one in reversionism. Those ready for the crisis are those with doctrine in the souls. The supergrace believer can face the crisis.

Principles on Saul’s Spiritual Place in All of this

1.       It is refreshing to see that Saul, 16 years earlier, he has doctrine. In 1020 b.c. at Bezek, Saul is with doctrine and filled with confidence. He looks at these 30,000 people from Judah and 300,000 from the rest, and he knows that he has it made.

2.       If you have confidence, then you inspire confidence in others. The men of Jabesh are confidence because they have faith in this deliverance.

3.       The contrast 15 years later. In 1004 b.c., just a few kilometers away, everything has turned around. In 1020 b.c. Saul has doctrine and in 1004 he is without doctrine. It takes consistency to go in either direction.

4.       Doctrine in the soul is the decisive factor of phase II.

5.       Without doctrine, the believer cannot function in this life and he has no confidence and he cannot stay out of the Lord’s way.


7.       The Lord is perfect, His plan is perfect.

8.       A perfect plan excludes the actions, plans, cerebrations of imperfect people.

9.       This exclusion means that grace excludes the principle of God’s plan.

10.     Grace demands that we stay out of God’s way.

11.     This demands a constant grace orientation from the residency of Bible doctrine in the soul.

12.     Already, they are celebrating in Jabesh, and deliverance is 12 hours away.

I am a little confused on the timeline. I thought that Saul was ruling over Israel for 40 years?

1Sam. 11:9 He told the messengers who had come, "Tell this to the men of Jabesh-gilead: 'Deliverance will be yours tomorrow by the time the sun is hot [the afternoon].'" So the messengers told the men of Jabesh, and they rejoiced [were jubilant; they celebrated].

Therefore, the men of Jabesh will have to stall Nahash. It will keep the Ammonite army from being alert. They tell them that they will come out and surrender. “We will come out and you can do all that seems good in your eyes.” The people are happy and relaxed about this. Snake the Ammonite should have realized that something was up when they said this. Save that corn for when things are better.

The idea here is to relax the security and readiness of the Ammonite army. He will pull in his patrols and start celebrating with a little bit of partying.

1Sam. 11:10 Then the men of Jabesh said to Nahash, "Tomorrow we will come out, and you can do whatever you want to us."

Saul will have a night march and his soldiers will have to do some climbing as well. The idea here is, one man will change everything. Saul with doctrine in his soul as a leader, he will change the life of this city. One man pulls this army together, one man gets them across the river. This isn’t the same man as we find on Mount Gilboa. People change. Count on it. Bob has noticed how much people change over 24 years. He has seen people he thought would never get with doctrine; and they are gung ho. And just the opposite.

Bob reads a letter about teaching once the basics; and now he studies for himself and teaches. John Hince is doing a good job. Signed Ron Brightwell. He says that Bob would be very much like a prophet in his era.

The principle is, if you stay with doctrine long enough, the changes that are made are great. Things never stay the same. Look at yourself in the mirror tonight. Some of you change fast; you rot in a hurry.

Saul goes from his greatness here down to defeat. These same men will turn around after this and be the heroes of the hour 16 years later. We can thank God they we have been free of a communist invasion for all of these years. Even the Supreme Court who indicted the men of the national guard who shot down students; they should be decorated; not indicted. We are inviting invasion. Thank God for every day of freedom that we have to take in Bible doctrine. Resident in our soul is God the Holy Spirit.

It came to pass advances the historical context. Under the cover of darkness, Saul gets the troops across the Jordan; he has made a reconnaissance probably before dawn.

They are divided into 3 corps (not companies, as this is 110,000 in each corps). The attack is going to be a wedge and trap. A tactical double-envelopment. The holding force occupies the enemy at the front; and a closing force on each side, going all the way around them.

Operation Barbarosa in 1941 was the greatest use of this in recent time. Von Lieb had 4 armies. Von Ronstadt has 3 armies. The Germans had 11 full armies on the Russian border. 5 were Panzer armies. A 2000 mile front with 3 million Russians and 2 million Germans. You cannot handle armies like this without some great knowledge. Only Patton and MacArthur.

The idea of 3's, the same thing that King Saul used. The battle of Biallestak Minsk. Huge numbers of German prisoners are captured. Double-envelopment was used 3 times on the same armies.

Von Rischenow kept the Russians occupied at the front and Von Klisht brought his army around to close the trap. 660,000 prisoners were the result.

Hitler relieved a number of men; Germans lost 800,000 and the Russians lost millions. The Russians were out of everything but people. FDR came to their rescue. The Russians

were rearmed by the United States, which is what saved them. At the same time, Hitler removes 8 men of genius ability. He kicked them all out. He brought them back from time to time.

They come into the midst of the host, which means the army. J2 corps is working on envelopment as is J3. The army the comes in front of them is what catches their attention. The idea was to suck everyone into their direction. They charged into the midst of the bivouack of the Jewish army. Saul organized the army into 3 corps and hit the enemy early in the day. A full 8 hour day of slaughtering. They probably started around 6 am. They were running around without organization; in a panic.

They began to scatter and they 2nd and 3rd corps began to hit them. Ammonites only escaped via single-man infiltration. Complete and total victory.

1Sam. 11:11 The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions. During the morning watch, they invaded the Ammonite camp and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. There were survivors, but they were so scattered that no two of them were left together.

Samuel now comes into the picture.

1Samuel 10:27 11:(11), 12–15            72David                                              631_0108

108 04/02/1974 Doctrine of reconciliation

We are still in flashback mode.

Staff Sergeant Jonah E. Kelly. He was doing house to house, leading; and only had one good army to work with. Fired a rifle with that good arm. Never left to seek medical attention, even going on to the next day. His name will probably never be publically mentioned every again in our history.

King Saul separated his army into 3 corps. Dallas theological seminary don’t like military terms and often send master’s theses back to be re-written without military terms.

1Sam. 11:11 The next day Saul organized the troops into three divisions. During the morning watch, they invaded the Ammonite camp and slaughtered them until the heat of the day. There were survivors, but they were so scattered that no two of them were left together.

This was single man infiltration breaking through and escaping. 1020 b.c. King Saul was a brilliant tactician and a supergrace believer. 16 years later, he was a reversionism and he used bad tactics in 1004 b.c. Someone asked if Bob was mixed up on the dates because he was running backwards on them.

When someone is winning and popular, people want to use that person and ingratiate themselves to them. Bob’s old seminary tends to do that with former students who are successful and well-regarded.

The people here get on the bandwagon. Samuel is still technically the ruler. Saul just won the great victory but he has not taken over yet.

1Sam. 10:27 But certain worthless fellows said, How shall this man save us? They despised him, and brought him no present. But he held his peace.

These are the ones that are alluded to in v. 12. Saul is now riding a wave of great enthusiasm. He is now like the quarterback who does nothing wrong for a week, so he is a great hero for that reason. He is riding the crest of the wave.

The victory over Snake the Ammonite is a great victory to the people. From 1020 down to 1004, these men of Jabesh will gap it to greatness.

Saul’s admirers have great enthusiasm. People love to use successful people to sharpen up their vindictiveness. Vindictive petty people always use a successful person; they are name droppers. They are always trying to get on someone’s gravy train; on someone’s bandwagon. These are petty people.

There is some opposition to Saul and various types of opposition. “Saul is the people’s choice; go ahead and crown him.” Then men of Belial are simply reversionists. It is this crowd that someone is attempting to eliminate.

Later, there is will loyal opposition in David. There is the disloyal opposition who told David to kill Saul, when he could be killed.

There are those who just dislike you. It doesn’t matter to them. People use a hero. Heroes often think that everyone is sincere as they are sincere. Or that people are sincere as they are. One of the great tragedies of life is the exploitation of your success on the part of others. Doctrine will save you from that.

Petty people are tattle tales. Russians believe that you should be a tattle tale. If you see someone going against the Russian law, then it is your civic duty to turn them in. They have the same smallness of attitude.

Get on a bandwagon with whomever is in power, and then use that to kill off your enemies. Vindictiveness is something that you cannot have and enjoy success at the same time. What is the use of being promoted if you are going to mess it up?

People don’t like to be used. Everyone with a sin nature has the possibility of pride. Some people know they have the disease but they do not know what to call it.

1Sam. 11:12 Afterwards, the people said to Samuel, "Who said that Saul should not reign over us? Give us those men so we can kill them [may put them to death]!"

Saul steps in here and does the answering, even though it was Samuel who was approached. Saul would not let his success be used as a means of killing innocent people. Opposition can be a very healthy thing.


1.       There is no jealousy here, no implacability, no desire for vengeance.

2.       These things slipped into Saul’s character as he became jealous toward David. In his frantic search for happiness, he sought to kill David.

Each one of us is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It all depends upon the content of residency. We are royal family; and God the Holy Spirit is resident in us and He was not in the average believer in the Old Testament. When the Spirit came to help them, then they were filled with the Spirit at that time. We won’t always be here but Bible doctrine will be. We won’t last long. There is a taper down in the valley. Bob’s 56 and he’s 93. Doctrine is in his soul. Just as it is in May’s soul. It makes no difference how much longer that we live; it is doctrine that makes the difference. There are too many believers who don’t want it and fake it. Saul is Dr. Jekyll on this occasion; but 16 years later he will be Mr. Hyde. It all depends upon doctrine.

1Sam. 11:13 But Saul ordered, "No one will be executed this day, for today the LORD has provided [accomplished] deliverance in Israel."

There is no phoney attitude here in Saul.

Samuel considers that Saul is showing promise. The renewal is to reconfirm Saul as ruler over all of the tribes and to reinstall him. We have no leadership in our land today; so there is disunity. From 1st Manesseh to Appomattox there was no real issue. It was all about states’ rights. Garrison was one of the most legalistic men in history. Joe Hooker could care less about black people. He just wanted to command these troops.

1Sam. 11:14 Then Samuel said to the people, "Come, let's go to Gilgal, so we can renew the kingship there."

There were a number of sacrifices offered up to celebrate Saul’s renewal. Saul is reconfirmed.

There are no rebound offerings and no propitiation offerings. Just peace offerings. There are no propitiation offerings because that means that God is satisfied, and God is not satisfied. Saul is the hero of the moment and He is a great general; but not a great king. Saul has not don’t anything wrong, so no rebound.

1Sam. 11:15 So all the people went to Gilgal, and there in the LORD's presence they made Saul king. There they sacrificed fellowship offerings in the LORD's presence, and Saul and all the men of Israel greatly rejoiced.

Doctrine of Reconciliation

1.       Reconciliation is the removal of the barrier between God and man. It means peace between God and man. The peace offering means that God has removed the obstacles so that the people can have their way.

2.       The cross is the basis for reconciliation.

3.       In reconciliation, the unbeliever is regarded as the enemy of God. Since Christ died, He did the most for His enemies. Now that we are His children, He will do much more than the most for us.

4.       Believers are given the responsibility for the ministry of reconciliation. This is the true basis for witnessing. You have stepped over the line; and you offer to someone else. You explain that the barrier is gone.

5.       Reconciliation denotes peace between God and man.

6.       The peace offering portrays reconciliation.

7.       The mechanics of reconciliation. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Various problems; position in Adam, personal sin, sin nature, imputation of Adam’s original sin. Position in Adam is replaced by position in Christ. These mechanics indicate that God has to handle a large number of facets. There are multiferous concepts that must be taken care of. God had to handle a large number of details before Saul coming to the throne could occur.

Doctrine of Reconciliation

I. Reconciliation is a Phase 1 (salvation) doctrine emphasizing the removal of the barrier between God and man that resulted from the fall. Eph.2:1417 "For He Himself is our peace (reconciliation) who made both parties one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh (Phase 2) the enmity, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that in Himself (positional truth) He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them (potential positive volition) both in one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. And He came (incarnation) and preached peace (Doctrine of Reconciliation) to you who were far away (gentiles outside the Mosaic Covenant), and peace to those who were near (Jews)."

II. The concept of reconciliation.

A. In reconciliation, mankind is viewed as the enemy of God, Rom.5:10 "For if while we were enemies (evcqro,j, echthros) we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son."

B. The barrier between God and man is called "enmity" (evcqra,, echthra), Eph.2:15,16.

C. The removal of the barrier is known Biblically as "reconciliation", 2Cor.5:18; Eph.2:16; Col.1:20,21.

III. Greek vocabulary.

A. Noun, katallagh,, katallage: reconciliation.

B. Verb, katalla,ssw, katallasso: to reconcile.

C. Verb, avpokatalla,ssw, apokatallasso: to reconcile.

D. Noun, eivrh,nh, eirene: peace (Phase 1 context).

E. Noun, e;cqra, echthra: enmity, a technical word for the barrier.

F. Noun, evcqro,j, echthros: enemy.

IV. The doctrine of reconciliation was portrayed in the Old Testament through the peace offerings, Lev.3; 6:30; 7:37,38; 8:15.

V. The basis of reconciliation is the Cross, Eph.2:16 "and might reconcile them both to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity"; Col.1:20.

VI. The person of reconciliation is Jesus Christ, 2Cor.5:18,19.

VII. The mechanics of reconciliation involves the removal of the barrier and faith in Christ.

A. The barrier consisted of personal sins, Rom.3:23.

B. Christ's death for the sins of all men removed this barrier, 1Jn.2:2.

C. With the barrier removed, what stands between God and man is Christ, who removed it, Jn.3:18; 10:9; 14:6.

D. Acceptance of the work of Christ on the Cross (faith in Christ) secures reconciliation for the individual, Jn.3:16,18; cp. 2Cor.5:19a; Col.1:20.

VIII. The ministry of reconciliation, 2Cor.5:18-20a "Now all things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation .therefore we are ambassadors for Christ."

IX. The message of reconciliation is the gospel, 2Cor.5:19 "and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation."

X. The challenge of reconciliation is Phase 2 reconciliation, wherein the believer must respond to God's initiative and reconcile himself to God by isolating his STA (sinful trend of Adam) and acclimating to doctrine in Phase 2, 2Cor.5:20b "be reconciled to God."

From: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=476

1Sam. 11:15 So all the people went to Gilgal, and there in the LORD's presence they made Saul king. There they sacrificed fellowship offerings in the LORD's presence, and Saul and all the men of Israel greatly rejoiced.


1.       Because of this great victory, it appears as if things are great.

2.       This is the people’s election; not God’s.

3.       Consequently, there is a strong, emotional connotation, which will not survive the coming disasters; the degeneration of Saul and the people.

4.       You cannot build anything on the emotion of people. That is why there is not all of that cornball stuff around here. That is why Berachah doesn’t allow holy rollers in there. Many of you had the problem that you never felt saved; and you wanted to feel something; and you didn’t feel anything. You do not build on emotion. You build on mentality. That is why the military is have a hard time lately. They are trying to build their esprit decorps on emotion but it is discipline. You build a church on the same thing. Doctrine is the major factor for the church. Business groups do not hold together because of great emotion. Nor can they be built on great parties. You cannot build even a good love life on emotion. We may be scattered someday and you will have a tough time figuring how to find a church; and pastors will compliment you, etc. Bob’s life is simple. He either studies for hours or he doesn’t. Then he stands up and teaches. Then some idiot wants me to talk to his friend. Then Bob growls and then hangs up.

5.       The only permanent building comes from Bible doctrine resident in the soul.

6.       The enthusiasm of the moment will fade away. There will be no authority and just an empty shell is left.

7.       You cannot build a solid government on the people’s choice. Rarely is God’s choice that same as the people’s. The Supreme Court is just a group of men looking to change the government into socialism.

8.       Saul has reached his peak here. Approbation and power lust will destroy his love of doctrine.

9.       He will suffer from a narcissus complex. Only the men of Jabesh Gilead will be his echo.

Next, we will go back to the future; and we will study Saul’s dying echo.

1Samuel 31                                          72David                                              631_0109

109 04/03/1974 1 Sam. 31:11-13 Basis of loyalty

1Sam. 31:10 Then they put his armor in the temple of the Ashtoreths and hung his body on the wall of Beth-shan.

San Berdo, CA dude medal of honor recipient. This is the only time that these men will be named again. The freedom of evangelism exists as a courtesy of the military services.

In the actual flashback, the men of Jabesh Gilead were under siege in 1020 b.c. They were all torn up about it; when Saul did all of this, he was the supergrace believer. The men of Jabesh-gilead picked up the warning that they were under and went from reversionism, to recovery and into supergrace.

God the Holy Spirit did not reside in the bodies of believers. We are the only believers in all time who have the Holy Spirit in our bodies. We are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This activates whatever doctrine that we have in the right lobe. The filling of the Spirit activates doctrine in phase II.

What the Philistines did to Saul was known to the people of Jabesh-gilead. The Philistines were Greek sea peoples and they had the same background as the Miceneans. They chopped up bodies; they carried the heads around, sometimes on swords or spears.


1.       Saul’s 2 echos; with the witch of Endor and with these men of Jabesh Gilead. The witch of Endor represents an unbeliever and her kindness. The men of Jabesh Gilead remember what Saul did for them 16 years ago and are responding to that. Bible doctrine in the soul allows for their capacity for life. Even though Saul is dead, they are willing to risk their lives. Their attitude is, Saul did something for them, and they had a loyalty to Saul. They never bothered to count the cost. It is very difficult to form permanent or real friendships in the United States because people do not have the capacity or loyalty to sustain such relationships. There is a great shallowness of the American people. We are in a low point of American history. These men live by principle; and such men live in every generation and for a short time, they live on this earth. They have a wonderful, marvelous life. They are not involved with a phoney life. It is a tragedy that we live in a time when there are so many superficial people.

2.       Saul had a narcissist complex; he was a totally self centered person. You can only do this in the way that Echo loved Narcissist.

3.       No one can competre with a self-centered person. When a person loves himself, all competition winds up with the echo in the cave.

4.       Here and there, there are persons who have such capacity for life, that it doesn’t make any difference whether their love is returned or not. This is one of the aspects of that. It does not matter to these men whether Saul thinks about them, cares about them, or anything like this. Saul is self-centered and egotistical. Those in Jabesh-gilead do not show a change in their thinking. The principle of loyalty based upon capacity for life. Most people think of love only in terms of emotional response. Constancy and loyalty together mean faithfulness to the one you love. So the men from Jabesh-gilead never cease to be loyal to Saul. They are not guilty of flim flam.

5.       In the north at Jabesh gilead, there were a group of men who never forgot. They defied the Philistines, the conquerors of the land; the witch of Endor, who represents a burst of compassion and thoughtfulness; and way down in the south is David, who had capacity for love. He was loyal to King Saul. This will be our next study is David’s attitude toward Saul after he hears of his death. These 3 remain faithful to Saul. This is the truth of auld lang syn.

6.       Those who have capacity for life live by the principle of auld lang syn. Memories are pleasant they are grateful.

7.       There are isolated pockets of Jews here. They were not afraid of the Philistines who now controlled the land.

8.       The people did not change in their thinking toward Saul simply because he was defeated. All of us will experience some form of success in our lives and that will bring out the fleas. With doctrine, you can distinguish between true friendship and those who would only flatter you.

Many of us have liked those who are successful and then, when they lost that success, we became embarrassed by them. You might have had a casual relationship with them because they were celebrities of sort; and when they fell, you ditched them.

Bob’s dad had some actor friends like John Barrymore. One guy who was down and out from drinking, and he encountered someone who used to flatter him. His friend, instead of appreciating him for what he had done, was embarrassed by him and got out of there as soon as possible.

Suppose that Nixon was a great personal friend of yours and you would drop his name. Do you still drop his name? Bob can see a lot of parallels between Saul and Nixon. There is something wrong with you if you drop your friends because they lose some of their success.

1Sam. 31:11 When the residents of Jabesh-gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul,

These are valiant men. They rise up and they go all night. This word means virtue, valor, strength, integrity. Chayil. These are men of integrity. And they are wealthy. But they risk their wealth and status by doing this, and yet they do it. They are supergrace believers. They continue in Bible doctrine.

The women may have told them, “This isn’t your fight. Saul is dead; the Philistines will come after us. I don’t want to lose you.” “If I die, it’ll be great in heaven and no more nagging.” They were willing to loose everything that they got in supergrace to stand up for Saul. The one with doctrine in the soul must live by that doctrine. The Lord is the source of security and safety; and you live by the principle of doctrine. These were fat cats but they did not mind jeopardizing their wealth because of Saul and what he had done.

When doctrine is resident in your soul, this means there will come a time when you will live by that doctrine. Some of you will stand up to do what is right, even if it costs you your rw, your treasure, your blessings. You take it on yourself to live by principle. These are men of integrity. They live by chayil. Much better than charisma. All then men of integrity go

they would make this trek at night up a hill, and this is 12 miles, 20 clicks, and they seize the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons. The Philistines are Greek sea peoples and this was an added insult to a warrior. They believed that these warriors felt pain after death. They wanted to keep the Philistines from desecrating the bodies any more. They understand the doctrine that the souls are gone. But they do this to defy the Philistines. Putting these bodies on the wall say to the Jews that they are cowards.

They burn the bodies to erase the humiliation and insults. This indicates that they would fight the Philistines at any time. This would be for a clean burial.

1Sam. 31:12 all their brave men set out, journeyed all night, and retrieved the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan. When they arrived at Jabesh, they burned the bodies there.

This is the last verse until we go through a couple of psalms. Once these bones are cleaned of flesh, they then bury the bones. In doing this, they have an echo. The burial is important. Even though Saul died in disgrace; even though he died as low as anything, these are men of integrity. They are not embarrassed. What Saul does does not change their love and loyalty. What Saul did is based upon whatever; but what they did was based on principle. They were not embarrassed.

Bob has done a little hell raising. He has embarrassed a few of his friends. He dropped those friends. Bob had a roommate who would always get him into fights. He would get them into fights. You cannot be embarrassed by your friends. Many of you are attracted to people because they are some kind of a celebrity. You want a name that you can drop. These men are valorous and spiritual and great men.

They even pick a great spot. It is not a tree here; Bob is bugged because there are flowers or trees or something. This is a tamarisk tree/bush; and they can be both. It makes no difference. The fact that there is a tamarisk is a shocking thing.

This is dry desert valley; but there is a tamarisk tree. If this tree can tough it out after all these years in this dry desert. This tree has defied everything. There should be no tamarisk tree; all we should see is brush and tumbleweeds. Whoever planted that tamarisk was either dumb or an optimist. The sand over many years buried Bethshan. You just can’t imagine any tree living there and surviving. Before Saul died, he passed the baton. The baton is Bible doctrine. 16 years before, Saul was with doctrine. Now he was without it. However, they picked up the baton 16 years ago and they ran with it. Men come and go but Bible doctrine goes on and on. The person who picks up the baton will be as strong as the person who picks it up. God turned the death of a reversionist into something great.

They went without food as a tribute fast to Saul. Sometimes without food, you begin to see things; there is a tendency to be able to reflect and to think. No one ate anything for 7 days. They defied the Philistines and they took Saul’s body. They paid their respects to their king. He was buried with full royal honor buried by men of integrity.

1Sam. 31:13 Afterwards, they took their bones and buried them under the tamarisk tree in Jabesh and fasted seven days.

We are going to study supergrace vindication. There are a cluster of supergrace believers. No matter how bad things get, if someone picks up the baton, things will move. We will see the supergrace vindication in times of disaster.

1Samuel 31                                          72David                                              631_0110

110 04/04/1974 Ps. 26:1 Psalm of vindication; doctrines of walking and faith (partial)

we have apparently completed 1Sam. 31 and these psalms help us with going from in between these two chapters.

This is a supergrace vindication psalm. Bob reads the entire psalm:

Psa 26:1–12 Vindicate me, Yahweh, for I have walked in my integrity. I have trusted also in Yahweh without wavering. Examine me, Yahweh, and prove me. Try my heart and my mind. For your loving kindness is before my eyes. I have walked in your truth. I have not sat with deceitful men, Neither will I go in with hypocrites. I hate the assembly of evil-doers, And will not sit with the wicked. I will wash my hands in innocence, So I will go about your altar, Yahweh; That I may make the voice of thanksgiving to be heard, And tell of all your wondrous works. Yahweh, I love the habitation of your house, The place where your glory dwells. Don't gather my soul with sinners, Nor my life with bloodthirsty men; In whose hands is wickedness, Their right hand is full of bribes. But as for me, I will walk in my integrity [my supergrace status]. Redeem me, and be merciful to me. My foot stands in an even place. In the congregations I will bless Yahweh.

Preparation for this Psalm

1.       The vindication psalm is written by David during the battle of Mount Gilboa. This sets up a contrast between Saul and David.

2.       It emphasizes that God is perfect and His plan is perfect.

3.       A perfect God can only devise a perfect plan.

4.       Grace emerges as a principle of God’s plan.

5.       Under grace, there is no place for human merit, human ability, human thinking or human divisiveness.

6.       Therefore, Saul must be set aside as king because reversionism is filled with gimmicks and contrivances of the flesh.

7.       As a supergrace believer, David is ready for promotion; and God will promote him at the lowest ebb of history of Israel. The secret of staying out of God’s way is the constant, persistent intake of Bible doctrine, without having ulterior motives, without trying to work God for something.

8.       David as a supergrace believer is ready for supergrace promotion and supergrace blessings.

9.       David has already been blessed with God’s happiness, success, embarrassment from fighting against his own people. He has had social and sexual prosperity. Next in line is God’s promotion of God’s man in a critical time in Israel.

David demands vindication. God cannot overlook or ignore doctrine in the soul of any believer; no matter how much you appear to be out of it, overlooked, or how humble your circumstances or how much life seems to have passed you by, God always vindicates doctrine resident in the soul.

Qal imperative of shaphat. He demands vindication not on the basis of the Philistine controlling the land but because he has doctrine in his soul. He does not demand to be promoted on the basis of his own human abilities, including his military ability. David’s only plea to the Lord is based on the fact that Bible doctrine is something that God must honor. God honors doctrine in the Bible. The Bible is the most attacked and the most distorted thing in human history. Satan has done everything to try to remove it from human history. God preserves it because the Word of God lives and abides forever; and God must honor His Word, this is compatible with His essence and His grace. So, whenever a believer goes all out to take in doctrine and has a maximum amount of doctrine in his soul, then God is obligated to vindicate the doctrine in that believer’s soul. David asks to be vindicated based upon the doctrine in his soul. If you have a soul filled with doctrine, God vindicates your life. God will promote when you have doctrine in your soul.

Vindication is a great subject. There is justification by works or vindication by works. Rom. 5 is justification by faith. Vindication is a more modern word; justification is a more ancient term. Removing the barrier between us and God. Phase II vindication is Bible doctrine resident in the soul via the daily intake of Bible doctrine.

David knows exactly what his status is. Grace knows what you status is. If you use the imperative mood to speak to God, then you must either know what you are saying or you are speaking blasphemies. Tamiym refers to great prosperity because you have matured in your life to where you are a stabilized person. Completeness is a basic meaning, but there is prosperity and integrity.

When you reach supergrace, there is a change in your status and a change in your soul.

Many of you were shocked that there was a group of thunderstorms suddenly hit and killed 300 people. When these things hit, they hit fast. Some of you aren’t going to make it. Bob has seen fundies walk out of Berachah in a huff; and they will sit there in shock until the roof falls in. Those with doctrine will be the ones who stand in the gap; we will be the ones that the Lord promotes.

One person said he wasn’t interested in advancing to the supergrace stuff and he was going to do his humble best for the Lord and he didn’t want to be recognized. When God can take a jackass like that windbag and promote him on the basis of grace, God certainly deserves a great deal of credit. His humility is much worse than the devil’s pride.

There are things that you enjoy; clothing, homes, money or wealth. This is prosperity of things. There is nothing wrong with a believer being prosperous. If it is prosperity provided by God, then there is everything right about it. You glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by letting Him work with the doctrine in your own soul. That is the cup and God will pour money, success, promotion or whatever into your cup. God is glorified. David is complete.

In your soul, you are never the same. You are better or worse. Yesterday, you might have been little Pollyanna crying over Black Beauty; and the next day, you are something else. Physical change is generally slower than soul change. People do not realize how other people change because they hide behind the same face.

The silliest thing in the world is to ask for money. God will pour it out because He is glorified by it. We thank the Lord for our two prunes and the half piece of shredded wheat. And then God dumps great wealth into your lap. God loves to make people wealthy. Social prosperity; David now has the greatest men of the age and he made them out of this group of neer do wells.

The Doctrine of Walking

1.       The mechanics of walking depict analogies to the Christian way of life. Rarely does walking in the Bible speak of going from point A to point B. Most of the time, this represents the spiritual life. Walking is one step at a time, moving one step forward at a time.

2.       Walking is also used for being consistent; integrity of soul. Resident in each one of us is God the Holy Spirit. He did not indwell anyone in Old Testament times; but now all believers are indwelt by God.

3.       In our dispensation, this is related to the intensification of the Angelic Conflict. Balance is lost for a moment and then it is regained when our foot goes down again; which is stabilization. The believer is stabilized with consistency.

4.       The Greek word for walking depicts the pattern and function of the royal family in phase II.

5.       Walking describes the lifestyle of the reversionistic unbeliever.

6.       Walking use dto describe the modus operandi of the reversionism.

7.       3 spheres of walking; in the Spirit, by faith, and walking in doctrine.

The Doctrine of Walking (The Spiritual Life)

1. Lexical:

a. peripateo, used literally of the forward step by step motion. Or used figuratively: "To conduct oneself or behave in a particular manner; to live." The metaphorical meaning represents the entire panorama of a person's life, including both thought life and overt action. Physically, walking is one of the best forms of exercise, it works more muscles than any other activity, it develops circulation, improves breathing, supports regular elimation of waste, strengthens the heart. Thus, spiritual walking works all the spiritual skills, the "muscles" of the spiritual life, increases circulation of doctrine in the soul, improves the application of Bible doctrine, eliminates the waste of Human Viewpoint (HVP) in the soul as it is replaced by Divine Viewpoint (DVP) in the soul, and edifies or "strengthens" the soul through the construction of the soul-fortress which protects and defends the soul from the outside pressure of adversity and prosperity.

b. stoicheo, to walk in a straight line, used metaphorically to march in step, to march in ranks, to walk in agreement with, to walk forward in an orderly manner, to live in line with certain precepts and principles. This is used for advancing in the spiritual life under the filling of the Holy Spirit in relation to the mandates given in the Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

c. orthopedeo, to walk straight, to walk in a straight path, used in Gal. 2:14 to refer to a course of conduct

d. poreuo, to walk, to go about one's daily activities, to proceed, to travel, to live.

2. Walking is a crucial term to describe the characteristics of the believer's life. The overall mandate is to walk worthy, (Eph. 4:1; Col. 1:10; 1 Thess. 2:12)

a. Walk in a sphere or realm, the use of en plus the dative of sphere or just the dative of sphere without the preposition.

in the day (Rom. 13:13) or in the light (Eph. 5:8, 1 John 1:6), not in darkness (1 John 1:7)

walk in newness of life, Rom. 6:4 in Him (Col. 2:6)

in love (Eph. 5:2; 2 John 6)

in good works, (Eph. 2:10)

in wisdom (Col. 4:5)

in truth (2 John 4; 3 John 3,4)

NOT in the emptiness of minds, like the Gentiles, (Eph. 4:17)

Not in craftiness 2 Cor. 4:2, panourgia, deceitful cunning; utilizing teaching for your own gain, power, money, approbation.

b. en plus the instrumental dative of means:

by means of faith, 2 Cor. 5:7 not by means of sight

by means of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 25)

c. According to a norm or standard (kata plus the accusative):

walk according to the norm of the Spirit and not the flesh, Rom. 8:4

according to love (Rom. 14:15)


according to the norms and standards of the sin nature, Rom. 8:4

according to the standard of men, 1 Cor. 3:3

according to non- apostolic tradition, 2 Thess3:6 which is disorderly, unruly, in a licentious or antinomian manner.

according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience (Eph. 2:2)

3. In Gal 5:16 walking by means of the Spirit is contrasted with walking according to the flesh, the sin nature. Throughout Galatians and the New Testament walking is used of one of two states. The believer is in one or the other. The one is in the Spirit, according to the Spirit, also characterized by the light, promise, grace, the true Gospel; this is in contrast to the Law, morality, immorality, religion, antinomianism, the flesh, the sin nature.

4. The basis for the believer's walk is his new position in Christ, Rom. 6:4

Rom. 6:1 & What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace might increase?

Rom. 6:2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? (spiritual, physical, sexual, positional, carnal or temporal, operational, eternal) This is not talking about the eradication of the sin nature, this is a pernicious heresy known as perfectionism. This idea was first promoted by John Wesley then picked up in the various holiness movement in the 19the Century, referred to a "entire sanctification" a second work of grace subsequent to the cross. THE NEXT VERSE EXPLAINS

Rom. 6:3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Baptism signifies identification. At the instant of salvation every believer is identified with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Rom. 6:4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. [aor act subj, peripateo, expressing the contingency of the believer's volition]

Rom. 6:5 For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection,

Rom. 6:6 knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin;

a. The basis for walking, i.e., the Christian way of life, is our identification with Christ's death, this is positional death, which happens at the instant of salvation.

b. Positional death frees us from slavery to the sin nature (6:6), but does not free us from the presence of the sin nature. Realization and implementation of this freedom is the course of the Christian life which is a supernatural way of life based on a supernatural means, the filling of the HS.

c. The potential is there for every believer but is activitated only by his volition, to carry out the mandates of walking.

d. The goal or purpose is to no longer obey the dictates of the sin nature to advance spiritually.

5. Another key verse is that the believer is to walk as a child of light because positionally he is already light. Eph. 5:8

Eph. 5:8 for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light

Eph. 5:9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth),

a. Light represents absolute perfection, darkness represents all that has been tainted by sin. Light represents the absolute righteousness of God.

1 Tim. 6:15 He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords;

1Tim. 6:16 who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.


1John 1:5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

How much sin does it take to violate the Righteousness of God? Only one, small, big, short, long, mental, overt,

Now what happens at salvation.

a. We become sons of light, that is a description of our basic character, light, i.e., we have positional righteousness.

John 12:36 "While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may become sons of light." These things Jesus spoke, and He departed and hid Himself from them.

b. We are transferred positionally into light.

1Pet. 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Acts 26:18 to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, in order that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.'

Col. 1:13 For He delivered us from the domain [exousia, authority, power] of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,

We are born in darkness. At salvation we are transferred into light. This is positional truth. We have that phrase right here in Christ.. In Christ is synonymous with being In the light. But this is not always our experience.

c. Scripture clearly affirms that believers still possess sin natures and thus still performs works of darkness and even though they are Sons of the Light they can live in darkness.

Rom. 13:12 The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Laying aside, apotithemi, means: "to put or take something away from its normal location, to remove, take off, expunge. The hortatory subjuntive is a form of command that emphasizes the potential determined by the use of volition, the middle voice indicates the believer participates in the results of the action. The hortatory subjunctive indicates that a believer has the option to not obey the command and continue to live in darkness. This guarantees a life of misery in divine discipline and a loss of eternal rewards.

This indicates that though the believer is light, positional truth, this does not necessitate his living as light.

Eph. 4:22 that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside (apotithemi) the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit,

Eph. 4:25 Therefore, laying aside (apotithemi) falsehood, speak truth, each one of you, with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.

Col. 3:8 But now you also, put them all aside (apotithemi): anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.

Heb. 12:1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside (apotithemi) every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,

James 1:21 Therefore putting aside (apotithemi) all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.

1Pet. 2:1 Therefore, putting aside (apotithemi) all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander,

d. **Light and darkness are absolutes. You are either light or darkness and you either walk in light or walk in darkness. You can't be walking with one foot in both. Why not? " What fellowship has light with darkness? 2 Cor. 6:14.

How much sin violates the Righteousness of God? Any sin violates the Righteousness of God of God and wipes out fellowship.

2Cor. 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.

What effect does this have on our relationship with the Holy Spirit?

1. We quench the Holy Spirit 1 Thess 5:19; how first by despising prophetic statements, today this applies in terms of rejecting Bible doctrine.

2. Eph. 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

3. Therefore, at the moment of sin we lose fellowship with God the Holy Spirit, and thus God the Trinity.

1John 1:3 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.

1John 1:4 And these things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.

1John 1:5 And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

1John 1:6 If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth;

1John 1:7 but if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.

Two types of punishment for sin,

P1 Eternal, this is spiritual death, eternal separation from God. This is resolved through justification, reconciliation, redemption, atonement is is tantamount to Phase one salvation. P1 is resolved by S1, at which time all presalvation sins are forgiven. The cross provides the basis for forgiveness of all post salvation sins, "continually cleanses," thus the believer cannot lose salvation. So P1 is resolved by S1 which provides F1 and the basis for F2. But there are also temporal consequences for sin.

P2 Consequences in space-time history. When Adam sinned, he instantly died spiritually. However, there were also immediate and long lasting consequences for all creation, (Gen 3:15-19; Rom. 8:20-22). Thus, the cross provides the basis for forgivenss of all unrighteousness. This is applied to presalvation sins at the instant of faith alone in Christ alone, and to post salvation sins at confession.

If forgiveness of postsalvation sins came automatically because of our position in Christ, then verse 9 would not only be unnecessary but would contradict verse 7. Verse 7 establishes the basis, and then verse 9 articulates the precise methodology for realization of forgiveness for postsalvation sins. Those who argue that verse 7 overrides verse 9 substitute their own subjective, allegorical opinion and violate ever rule of historical, grammatical interpretation.

1. The subjunctive mood is the mood of potentiality, we may or may not walk in the light.

2. Walking in the light is experiential sanctification.

3. Walking in the light is not equivalent to being a believer.

4. When we walk in the light this is tantamount to walking by the spirit, to having a life temporarily free from sin, Because of experiential righteousness, the result is fellowship with God and with other believers.

5. Second result is cleansing but which kind. Judicial, forensic related to type P1 punishment, sp death, or P2. Type 1 is in view here, type 2 in 1 John 1:9.

1John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1John 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

1John 2:1 My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;

The Connection between 1 John 1 and Eph. 5 is found in the principle of walking in the light. Those that walk in the light of Eph. 5 are filled with the Spirit (5:18), those that walk in the light in 1 John 1 are those that have acknowledged their sins in privacy to God the Father. Thus, the acknowledgment of sins is the key for transferring the believer from an experiential walk in darkness to an experiential walk in the light and being filled by means of the HS.


1) Walking in the light refers to the Christian living His life in fellowship with God applying Bible doctrine.

2) Just as the darkness is incompatible with light, so sin patterns, whether overt, mental, or verbal are incompatible with fellowship with God.

3) When we sin we quit walking in the light and begin walking in darkness; we reject grace, and we reject Bible doctrine.

4) Walking in darkness is an absolute that is compared to other absolutes in Eph. 5, foolish vs wise, drunk vs filled with the Spirit.

5) The command to be filled with the Spirit is tantamount to the mandate to walk.

6) The continuous light metaphor in Eph. 5 and 1 John 1 shows a connection between fellowship with God and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

7) Conclusion: Recovery from the darkness is through the use of 1 John 1:9. But the emphasis in walking, continuous residence in the light under the filling of the Holy Spirit, is on movement, progression, spiritual growth. Confession merely restores the believer to a position where He can advance, now he must remain in fellowship, learn and apply doctrine, this is the walk by means of the Spirit.

6. The precedence for walking in the light is found in 1John 2:6 the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. Jesus Christ walked in continual dependence on God the HS and thus established the precedent for the believer's walk by means of God the HS>

7. The Christian Walk is based on the Faith Rest Drill, 2 Cor. 5:7, with Col. 2:6: "As we received Him," how did we receive Him, faith alone in Christ alone.

From http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=309

batak refers to the function of the faith-rest technique.

Psalm 26:1 Davidic. Vindicate me, LORD, because I have lived with integrity [walked with my completeness] and have trusted in the LORD without wavering.

Let’s look of the principle of faith:

The Doctrine of Faith

1.       Definition: faith is thinking. Those who believe in evolution have a great deal of faith. Without rationalism or empriacism, they accept a great complex mess in order the try to think God Holy Spirit not involved. Faith is non-meritorious thinking. This is thinking without any merit being imputed to them. Christ has all of the merit when we believe in Him.

2.       The adjective means dependable, faithful, believing.

3.       There is no place for someone to yell out, “Amen, brother; preach on.” This is rude; this is poor manners. This breaks the concentration of others. Emeth, patak, and other words for faith. One of these words refers to a thread being wound into a rope that cannot be broken. It means to bind or twist strands together.

4.       Biblical definition of faith is Heb. 11:1; the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. In Corinthians, We look not at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen.

5.       Faith rest is mixing the promise of God with faith. The ministry of God the Holy Spirit did not occur until the Church Age.

6.       Faith rest has a boomerang in it; you reach out with your faith and reach into your soul. You latch onto a promise and you claim it, but this gives you peace of mind and relaxation. Faith rest is the principle of spiritual victory. Faith rest always is a factor in every dispensation so far as every dispensation is concerned.

Doctrine of Faith

I. Definition and description.

A. Faith is a system of thinking common to all mankind (Mt.3:9 "and do not think that you can say to yourselves, `we have Abraham for our father'"; the reversionistic unbeliever's faith is in an erroneous view of salvation, cp. Jn.5:39).

B. Faith is one of three systems of perception, along with rationalism (Rom.2:3; Prov.14:12 "there is a way which seems right") and empiricism (2Cor.5:7 "for we walk by faith, not by sight"; 2Cor.4:18).

C. Faith is the most basic system of perception (Mk.9:42 "these little ones who believe"; cp. Mk.9:36).

D. Faith is the only non-meritorious mode of thinking and is, therefore, chosen by God as the means of response to His plan, Phases 1 and 2 (Rom.3:27 "where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by [the] law of faith [di,a nomou. piste,wj, dia nomou pisteos]"; cp. Rom.4:14; Col.2:12 "through faith in the working of God"; 1Tim.1:4).

E. Faith is the only system equally accessible to all men and compatible with grace (Rom.4:16; 5:2; Eph.2:8,9).

F. The efficacy of faith resides in its object (1Cor.2:5 "that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men [human viewpoint rationalism], but on the power of God [sanctifying power based on response to doctrine]"; 1Cor.15:14 "and if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain, your faith also is vain"; 1Cor.15:17; cp. Mt.24:23,26 "do not believe [false Messiah reports]"; 2Thess.2:11 "that they might believe the lie"; 1Jn.4:1 "do not believe every spirit"; cp. Jn.6:29 "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent"; Acts.4:12; 16:31).

G. Faith has a two-fold application in the experience of the individual.

1. Inhale faith, or faith at the point of initial perception (Gal.3:2,5 "hearing with faith"; cp. Rom.10:17 "So faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ").

2. Exhale faith, or faith at the point of applying what was initially believed, also called Faith-Rest (Mt.21:22 "And everything you ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive"; Heb.11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him").

II. Greek and Hebrew vocabulary of faith.

A. Pisteu,w, pisteuo: a transitive verb, having a subject (stated or implied) and an object (stated or implied), used 248X.

B. Pi,stij, pistis: a fem. sing. noun, used for faith and as a synonym for Bible doctrine, used 244X.

C. The hiphil of !m;a' , aman: used of saving and Ph2 faith (Gen.15;6; Isa.28:16; Jonah.3:5; cp. Ps.78:22,32).

III. Five uses of faith in the Bible.

A. Misplaced faith, as in 2Thess.2:11; 1Jn.4:1.

B. Saving faith (Jn.3:15-18,36; 1Jn.5:1).

C. Inhale faith (Heb.4:2).

D. Exhale faith (Mk.9:24 "I do believe; help my unbelief"; Lk.8:50 "Do not be afraid any longer; only believe").

E. Bible Doctrine as the object of faith in Ph2 (Eph.4:5 "one faith"; 2Thess.3:2 "not all have faith"; 1Tim.1:2 "child in the faith"; 1Tim.4:1 "depart from the faith").

III. Faith is classified as a basic doctrine (Heb.6:1 "Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God").

IV. Observations on saving faith.

A. Christ is the object (Jn.1:12 "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name"; Jn.3:15-18,36; 6:40,69; 7:38,39; Acts.11:17; 22:19; 24:24; Rom.3:22; 4:5; 10:11,14; Gal.3:22; Phil.1:29; 1Tim.1:16; 3:16; 1Pet.2:6; 1Jn.3:23 "And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ"; 1Jn.5:1,5; 5:3; cp. Jn.20:31).

B. It is called obedience in Jn.3:36; Acts.6:7; Rom.1:5.

C. The amount necessary is compared to a grain of mustard seed in Mt.17:20.

D. It always results in the imputation of righteousness (Ph1 justification, Rom.3:25-31; 4:3; 5:1; Gal.2:16; 3:6,8).

E. It results in the imputation of eternal life (Jn.3:15-18,36; 5:24; 6:47; 20:31; 1Tim.1:16).

F. It is totally apart from works, but by grace (Rom.3:27,28; 9:32; Acts.15:11).

G. The gospel supplies the content (Acts.15:7; Mk.1:15; Rom.1:16).

H. Abraham is the pattern (Rom.4:9,12; Gal.3:9, quoting Gen.15:6).

I. Old Testament salvation was the same (Gen.15:6; cp. Rom.4:3; Gal.3:6; Isa.28:16; cp. Rom.9:33; 10:11; 1Pet.2:6).

J. It results in sonship (Jn.1:12; Gal.3:7,26).

K. It is the basis for our victory over the cosmos (1Jn.5:1,4,5).

L. It knows no cultural or racial barriers (Mt.2l:32 [the religious crowd rejected Him; there was a greater response from the immoral crowd]; Jn.4:39 [Samaritans]; Acts.14:1 [Jews and Greeks]; Rom.3:30; 9:30-32; 1Cor.12:13; Gal.3:28; Acts.13:8,12 [proconsul Sergius Paulus]).

M. Eternal life in a resurrection body is secured by saving faith alone (Jn.6:39,40; 1Thess.4:14ff).

N. It will not eventuate in disappointment (Isa.28:16; cp. Rom.10:11; 1Pet.2:6).

O. The negative volition of "the many" cannot neutralize the positive volition of "the few" (Rom.3:3,4).

P. The Acts record clearly demonstrates that salvation is by faith alone (Acts.2:44 "all those who had believed"; Acts.4:4 "who had heard the message believed"; Acts.5:14 "believers.were added"; Acts.6:7 "priests were becoming obedient to the faith"; Acts.8:12,13; 9:42; 10:43; 11:17,21; 13:12,39,48; 14:1,23; 15:5,7,9,11; 16:31,34; 17:12,34; 18:8,27; 19:2,4,18; 21:20,25; 22:19; 24:24; 26:18; cp. those who are said to have believed throughout the course of Christ's ministry: Jn.2:23 "at Passover.many believed in His name"; 4:41; 7:31; 10:42; 11:42,45,48; 12:11).

V. Observations on Ph2 faith.

A. Bible Doctrine is the object (Heb.4:2 "the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not mixed together with faith in those who heard"; Eph.3:17 "so that Christ [cp. 4:20] might dwell in your hearts through faith"; Col.1:23 "if indeed you continue in the faith").

B. The body of doctrine is, therefore, called "the faith" (Eph.4:5 "one faith"; Eph.4:13; 6:16 "the shield of faith"; 1Tim.1:2,19; 3:9,13 "the faith that is in Christ Jesus"; cp. 2Tim.1:13 "the faith.in Christ"), or doctrine as the mind of Christ (2Tim.4:1,6; 5:8,12; 6:10,21; 2Tim.3:8; 4:7; Ti.1:4,13; 2:2; Philm.6; Jd.3,20).

C. We are expected to grow in faith (2Cor.1:24; 5:7; 10:15; Col.1:23; 2:5,7; 2Thess.1:3).

1. The mustard seed analogy teaches this (Lk.17:5,6; cp. Mk.11:22,23).

2. Few believers pursue Ph2 faith to maturity (Lk.17:11-19).

3. Faith is a product of the filling of the Holy Spirit (Gal.5:22).

D. Jesus praised or rebuked the presence or absence of faith.

1. Praise: Mt.8:10 - the centurion; Mt.15:28 - the Canaanite woman.

2. Rebuke: Mk.4:40; Lk.24:25 "O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken".

E. God's righteousness is known by faith (Rom.1:17 "the righteousness of God is revealed from faith [saving] to faith [Ph2]; as it is written, `But the righteous man shall live by faith'").

F. Our faith is tested (Jam.1:3; 1Pet.1:7).

G. It is rewarded (Heb.6:22; 1Pet.1:9).

H. Abraham is the pattern (Rom.4:16-22; Jam.2:21-23).

I. The Faith-Rest of others is a source of encouragement (Rom.1:12; 1Thess.3:2,7; Col.1:4; 2:5; Philm.5).

J. Faith and love (FHS).

1. Faith to move mountains, minus love, is worthless (1Cor.13:2).

2. Faith operates through love (Gal.5:6).

3. Those who are stronger in faith should not cause the weak to stumble (Rom.14:1,22,23).

K. Faith and production.

1. Faith minus production is vain (Jam.2:14-26).

2. God evaluates the local church in this regard (1Thess.1:3; 2Thess.1:11; Rev.2:13,19).

L. Spiritually mature heroes are examples of faith (Heb.6:12; 11:3-39; 13:7; 1Tim.4:12; 2Tim.3:10; Rev.13:10).

M. Faith and Ph3.

1. Few are oriented eschatalogically (Lk.18:8).

2. We Faith-Rest our future (Gal.5:5).

3. Faith will not be an issue in heaven (1Cor.13:12,13).

N. Prayer and faith.

1. Faith is a key to answered prayer (Mt.21:22; Mk.11:24; Jam.5:15).

2. Pray for doctrine as the muscle of faith (Jam.1:5,6).

Hab.2:4 "Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; but the righteous will live by his faith."

Heb.11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him."

From: the same website as above.

When you get to the point where you do not vassilate or waver, you cut back on friction. The worst friction in the world is in the soul. When your car makes clunk, clunk, clunk sound means that friction has taken over your engine. Worse than a woman not putting oil in a car is friction in the soul, as there is no oil for that.

The worst thing; you are miserable when you cannot make up your mind about this or that. You burn out bearings all the time and throw rods.

David is demanding vindication and it isn’t arrogance at all; it is spiritual maturity. David isn’t arrogance; he is totally grace oriented.

Psalm 26:1 Davidic. Vindicate me, LORD, because I have lived with integrity [walked with my completeness] and have trusted in the LORD without wavering.

{A SuperGrace Vindication Psalm}

1~~{a Psalm} of David. Vindicate {shaphat} me, O Jehovah/God for I have walked 'in SuperGrace'/'without blame'/'in integrity' {tom}. Likewise, I have trusted in Jehovah/God without vacillation/ faltering {ma`ad}.

{Note: From I Samuel Chapter 31, the battle of Mount Gilboa has just finished. David knows he is a mature believer that God is going to use. David is in the south and David is ready to serve the Lord and therefore serve his country.}

1Samuel 31                                          72David                                              631_0111

111 04/05/1974 Ps. 26:2 Doctrine of emotions

Bob does not like people coming in late and he does not like the office looking like crap; so the lost and found is moved to the foyer.

The Philistines now control the land, with the exception of a few pockets like Jabesh-gilead and the southern portion of Israel.

David will reunite the land and he will apply faith rest and he knows more promises and doctrine than anyone else in the land. He demonstrated great leadership potential when he stops crying with the rest of his troops and gets them moving toward God’s plan.

In v. 2, he shows great spiritual growth. He is demanding a test here. This is a word used for testing metals in the ancient world. They often tested things by fire.

Kiljay means emotions, kidneys. He is asking for vindication on the basis of testing his emotion. Most people fail emotional tests they base everything upon how they feel. We have a tremendous number of emotional rejects in Christianity today. David is actually asking for an emotional test, which we will find in the 2nd chapter of 2Samuel.

Psalm 26:2 Test me, LORD, and try me [give me a vigorous examination]; examine my heart and mind.

Doctrine of Emotions

1.       The parts of a soul. Self-consciousness; the thinking part of the soul; there is a vocabulary problem. There is no word in the Greek or Hebrew that means emotion.

          a.       Belly usually refers to emotion.

          b.       Bowels

          c.        Reins or kidneys.

2.       The right lobe to the emotion is like the RM/RW.

3.       2 parts to the emotions.

4.       Emotional revolt is when the emotions control the soul.

5.       Magazine which shows that women have been great failures in the business world as executives. There is all of this emotional claptrap. A long-haired male is a soul in emotional revolt.

6.       God has designed the right lobe to dominate the soul. By function, the emotion responds to whatever is in your right lobe. We all have emotions and they respond to specific things which are very different from others. Bob thinks there ought to be football all year round; and to eliminate basketball and other sports. Bob never got worked up over tennis. He was raised around tennis, in California. You cannot respond to what someone else likes. Bob cannot responds to what is called music. Your emotions merely respond to what you have in your right lobe. Oil companies and breweries get taxed the most.

7.       Emotions are tested by God. I would guess that this test is to make certain that one’s emotions and lusts do not control the person. Are we emotionally stable. Can we enjoy something to the maximum but are not overly influenced by that thing. Emotion does not think. Thinking feels; but feeling does not think. That is the issue in emotion. If you are a supergrace believer, then your emotions are under the control of the Word of God. The more doctrine in the right lobe, the greater the blessing in your emotional response.

8.       Emotions can be destroyed. Just like when you reflux; the emotion is the same deal. Emotions backing up is like the bladder backing up. Pride, jealousy, etc. are sins that are related to emotional revolt. This is what happened to King Saul; this is why he tried to kill David. The man that comes to David with a false story does this in order to get something from David.

9.       Emotions react to tragedy. Emotions do not have doctrine; they cannot think; they cannot respond to doctrine or to reason.

10.     Emotion and romance.

11.     Emotion stimulates happiness. It intensifies it.

12.     Two dispensations are in view; the Church Age and the Millennium.

13.     Emotion is not designed to make or form character; it can respond to character. Spiritually is without emotion. Emotion is merely a responder. Emotion is never spiritually. You can feel good or feel lousy and still be filled with the Spirit. Emotions cannot determine one’s spiritual state. Emotion can react to the filling of the Spirit but it is not the filling of the Spirit. The best you can have is emotional revolt to the filling of the Holy Spirit, which may or may not occur. God made perfect environment.

14.     The filling of the Holy Spirit in the Millennium will include emotion. This is because He is present on the earth and therefore, He is appreciated.

15.     Emotion of the negative volition believer hinders him from learning doctrine.

16.     Believers are commanded to separate from other believers who suffer emotional revolt of the soul.

17.     This is taught as a doctrine. This is the 6th stage of reversionism.

18.     Good reference: http://www.biblenews1.com/emotion/emotion1.htm

19.     Better reference http://www.gbible.org/index.php?proc=tvw&tid=5927

The Doctrine of Emotions

1.       Emotion is defined as a complex, biological, physiological process or function concerned with somatic expression or feeling. Emotion can be normal or abnormal. The purpose of normal emotion is to respond to various thoughts in our souls by way of norms and standards.

2.       Emotion is what is experienced as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness. The frame of reference, memory center, viewpoint, norms and standards, and doctrine exist in the right lobe only. None of these exist in the emotions that are designed to respond to thoughts that emanate from them.

3.       Emotions can respond to thoughts, but emotions can also function without thoughts. When emotions function without thoughts, it is abnormal emotional activity called emotional instability. It comes and goes with extreme rapidity.

4.       Emotions contain no thinking, therefore they are not adequate guides for motives, decisions, and actions of the believer.

5.       Normal emotional experience results in subordinating the emotion to the intellect. Abnormal emotional experience results in the soul subordinating the intellect to the emotion, or the emotion bypassing the norms and standards.

6.       Positive response to the heart produces the spectrum of happiness in the emotions from tranquility to ecstatic. Happiness is there because of doctrine. But ho do you know its there? Emotions tell you, because of all of the responses from the whole spectrum of emotions.

7.       There is no divine power in emotions. The power is in thought, and that thought must be Bible doctrine. Emotion has no spiritual connotation. Emotions are a stimuli for action, and therefore must be regarded as a form of human energy.

          a.       Emotional stress, for example, causes people to act on impulse. The emotion of fear, also a sin, causes flight. The emotion of disgust causes repulsion. The emotion of anger causes violence.

          b.       Instincts are reflex behavior based on emotion rather than thought. Emotion does not contain thought. Therefore, emotion is physiological and not spiritual.

8.       Emotion does not contain the ability to reason. It does not contain common sense. It does not contain vocabulary as a tool for mental function. It has no doctrinal content. Emotion is related to human power and influence, but never to divine power and the mystery doctrine of the church.

          a.       Such believers make a god of their emotions, Phil.3:18

          b.       Such believers’ emotional patterns distract them from the execution of the plan of God, Rom.16:17-18

          c.        Emotion hinders spiritual growth and application of Bible doctrine, 2Cor.6:11-12.

          d.       Such believers’ unrestrained or uncontrolled emotional patterns are the basics for criminality, violence, hatred, anger, total involvement in the arrogance complex, which means bitterness, vindictiveness, jealousy, implacability, and self-pity.

9.       Ignorance of Bible doctrine causes people to say things like, “You are not saved unless you feel saved; you are not spiritual unless you feel spiritual. Under some conditions, the use of doctrine in recall or application often causes an emotional response, and that is normal, but not necessary.

10.     From: http://www.gbible.org/index.php?proc=tvw&tid=5927

David is saying that he can stand up under any pressure or difficulty in life. When you face a difficulty, the first place that you get hit is in your emotions. So this is where people collapse; their fall prey to their emotions.

David uses imperatives al the way through this passage. Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in completeness of soul. This is integrity of the soul; and David has also been greatly prospered.

David tells God to test him.

Charlie Clough said, he was teaching David from the Hebrew and there were 5 families that just up and left. The time is coming when fundamentalism will be split right down the middle; grace versus legalism. The son of the bond woman always persecutes the free woman. We will see more and more of this great split. There will be a splil between legalism on one hand and grace on the other.

Psalm 26:2 Test me, LORD, and try me [give me a vigorous examination]; examine my heart and mind.

Examine me {other way of saying test me - I want MORE Grace}, O Jehovah/God, and test/prove me. Test/prove my emotions {kilyah - idiom: literally means kidneys}

and my 'right lobe'/heart {leb}.

{Note: David is saying he is ready for full capacity to enjoy life! Please give me even more grace! He has doctrine in his soul and 'his cup runnith over'. This is for our benefit - God always knew this!}

1Samuel 31 Psalm 26:(1–2), 3–4         72David                                              631_0112

112 04/07/1974 Doctrines of grace and separation

Psalm 26:1–2 Vindicate me, LORD, because I have lived with integrity [walked with my completeness] and have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Test me, LORD, and try me [give me a vigorous examination]; examine my heart and mind. Vindicate me, LORD, because I have lived with integrity [walked with my completeness] and have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Test me, LORD, and try me [give me a vigorous examination]; examine my heart and mind.

Completeness is integrity of soul; and a lack of vacillation. At a time of the lowest ebb of the monarchy, the next king would be promoted and become the greatest king of all Israel.

Psalm 26:3 Because Your grace is before my eyes, and I live [have walked] by [in, by means of] Your truth.

The Doctrine of Grace

this is the principle by which we have functioned in the plan of God. We all function as full-time believers.

1.       Grace is all that God is free to do for man on the basis of the cross. Grace is God’s plan and His policy with regards to phase II with regards to our life on this earth.

2.       The concept of grace follows the definition. Grace depends upon the essence and character of God. Grace never depends upon Who God is. It is grace that takes us from babyhood to spiritual maturity. God has made David a millionaire; God has provided social prosperity and sexual prosperity; and God has removed him from some very big jams. David has a right to demand certain things from God. He demands divine vindication. Fundamentalists have broken into the grace camps and into the legalist camps. There is a great split coming where the Legalists will line up and be very strange bedfellows; the holy rollers along side the very most formal groups. Every invitation to believe in Jesus is graciousness. Faith is a totally non-meritorious system of perception. That is grace. Eph. 2:8–9 Christian education stuff, which is goofy and does not belong in a church. Grace rejects the energy of the flesh. Man’s works count for nothing. The greatest thing that God can do for any believer is to make him like Jesus, His Son. The first Adam lost the victory through the fall; and the last Adam won the victory through His Own free will. When we are saved, God gives us 36 things permanently. We share His righteousness and His election and His destiny. We share in the future, His kingship. We are in the palace forever. David became a king. We will see how he entered into royalty. When he died, he was simply a member of the family of God. We are royal family forever. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, being a part of the strategic victory. Positionally, we are higher than angels. God is able to have a royal family because Jesus sits on the right hand of God. Grace and sanctification meet at the cross in phase I. However, never before in history has God taken up residence within man. Phase III is where we receive a resurrection body.

3.       Every believer has tasted the grace of God at least once, the moment that we believed in Jesus Christ. The Father planned it and the Son executed the plan of God. All there is left for us to do is to believe in our Lord. We did not impress God by something that we have given up; we did not impress Him with anything that we have done. The problems come with the inconsistencies which have occurred afterwards. God is free to give us right now a wonderful life in the devil’s world. We have heard braga monies about those who are mixed up about Jesus Christ. They think they have done something to gain God’s grace. The big switch is after the person has believed in Jesus Christ and whether they move toward legalism or towards grace. None of these legalistic things have anything to do with God’s plan. Bob got a letter from a theologian awhile ago, and he is all mixed up on the body of Christ. “There is something mysterious about the body of Christ.” There certainly is; he hasn’t studied the Bible for some time. When we take communion, we don’t think that we are drinking in the blood of Christ.

4.       The divine attitude is, God has set up great blessing for us in eternity past; and He is the One to do it; we do not do this ourselves. God is our host in the devil’s world and He only pours when we have a cup to pour into.

5.       All grace begins at the cross. The issue in our psalm is the phase II concept.

From the internet:

Doctrine of Grace

I.        Introduction.

          A.       Grace is all that God has done to bring fallen and sinful man into a just, perfect, and eternal relationship with Himself, without compromising His divine attributes and totally apart from human merit and works.

          B.       Grace is the policy of God and the title of God's plan, (2Tim.1:9).

          C.       Grace completely excludes human merit and works as the basis of access to divine blessing, Rom.11:6 "But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace"; Rom.4:4 "Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited according to grace but as what is due."

          D.       Grace benefits are bestowed on the basis of faith, Rom.5:1,2 "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God."

          E.       Faith must always be directed toward the teachings of Scripture to secure the grace benefit, Rom.10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ."

          F.       All three adjustments to God are according to grace by faith apart from works.

                     1.       SAJG (salvation adjustment to the justice of God; Gal.2:16; Eph.2:8,9).

                     2.       RBJG (rebound adjustment to the justice of God; 1Jn.1:9).

                     3.       MAJG (maturity adjustment to the justice of God; Jam.1:21,22; 2Pet.3:18; see Doctrine of GAP).

          G.       Bible Doctrine is called "the word of His grace" (Act.20:32).

          H.       Grace can be rejected, which brings divine judgment, Heb.10:29 "has insulted the Spirit of grace".

          I.        However, grace always precedes divine judgment.

          J.        Certain phrases show the primacy of grace.

                     1.       "the grace of God" (Act.11:23; 13:43; 2Cor.1:12).

                     2.       "the word of His grace" (Act.20:32).

                     3.       "the true grace of God" (1Pet.4:12).

                     4.       "riches of His grace" (Eph.1:7; 2:7).

                     5.       "grace to you and peace" (2Cor.1:3).

          K.       Mercy is a synonym for grace (2Cor.1:3, grace in action).

          L.       Greek vocabulary.

                     1.       Verb, carizo,mai, charizomai, used 23X: grant, give, bestow on, deal generously or graciously with, forgive.

                     2.       Noun, ca,rij, charis, used 155X: grace, favor, gift, blessing.

                     3.       Verb, carito,w, charitoo, used 2X: to bestow on freely (Eph.1:6; Lk.1:28).

                     4.       Noun, ca,risma, charisma, used 17X: gift; used of salvation and spiritual gifts.

          M.      The Hebrew equivalent is !xe , chen, a noun: grace, favor, charm, etc. (Gen.6:8; Ex.33:12 in an expression "found grace").

          N.       Grace exists in five general categories: saving, living, maturity, dying, and surpassing grace.

II.       Saving grace is all the Godhead has done to provide eternal salvation (Eph.2:5,8,9).

          A.       We were called by grace (Gal.1:15).

          B.       We were justified by grace (Ti.3:7).

          C.       All mankind are candidates for this grace (Ti.2:11; Heb.2:9).

          D.       This grace is realized only by faith (Rom.4:16).

          E.       This grace is not received by works (Rom.3:20,24; 5:15,16; 2Tim.1:9; Ti.3:7; cf. vs.5).

          F.       The SAJG is our access into all other spheres of grace (Rom.5:2).

          G.       This grace is called positional grace to the Royal Family (Eph.1:6).

III.      Living grace includes the believers physical and spiritual provision to make the MAJG.

          A.       The physical provision includes food, shelter, clothing, etc. (Mt.6:25-33; cf. 6:11; Phil.4:19).

          B.       Living grace includes deliverance and protection so that we can finish our course (2Tim.3:11; 4:7,8,17,18). We will be persecuted, but our enemies cannot keep us from the adjustments.

          C.       Living grace will be tested as with the Exodus generation. They flunked the test (Ex.17:2,7; Num.14:22; Ps.78:18,41,56; 95:9; Heb.3:9; Abraham in Canaan, Gen.12:10).

          D.       Living grace is provided for all men (sometimes called common grace; Mt.5:45; Act.14:17).

          E.       Living grace also covers all of the special spiritual assets associated with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to the Church (Act.2:38; 10:45; Eph.4:7).

          F.       The completed canon, the local assembly, and the pastor-teacher are the grace heritage of the royal priesthood (1Cor.2:6-16; Eph.4:11).

          G.       We are to be content with our allotment (1Tim.6:8).

IV.      Surpassing grace blessings in Phase 2 (SG2) are the blessings, privileges, tests, and Phase 3 blessings associated with seizing and holding maturity.

A. SG2 results from maximum application of Bible Doctrine (BD) over the years (Lk.8:15; cf. vs.14).

B. Temporal (overt) prosperity will vary greatly from believer to believer (as illustrated from the extremes in Heb.11).

C. SG2 has been distorted into a "riches equals godliness" formula (1Tim.6:5; cf. 9,10). All mature believers will not have great wealth, perfect health, sexual prosperity, etc.

D. Passages like Mk.10:28-30 and 1Tim.4:8 clearly indicate the promise of temporal blessing for faithfulness.

E. The temporal blessings (beyond the living grace needs) will be tested. Example: Abraham in Gen.22.

V. Dying grace is the blessings associated with the believer's promotion into heaven (Phase 3). (Means of death is not an issue.)

A. It includes the spiritual stimulation associated with having a clear conscience regarding Most Pressing Responsibility (MPR; 2Tim.1:3).

B. It includes the fragrance of memories on the glory road (2Tim.1:3-5).

C. It includes the proper doctrinal perspective concerning Phase 3 (Ph3; 2Tim.4:7,8).

D. It includes the grace apparatus for perception (GAP) and divine good to the end (Paul executing his apostolic duties).

E. The alternative is the sin unto death (Prov.8:36; cf. 1Jn.5:16), which can be cancelled with reversion recovery (incestuous Corinthian).

VI. Surpassing grace blessings in Phase 3 (SG3) refers to the special blessings and rewards reserved for us in Ph3 (1Pet.1:4).

A. The terminology is taken from Eph.1:19.

B. It is available to all believers, but not all believers will receive it (1Cor.3:14,15; 9:24-27; Lk.8:14; Jn.15:5,6; 2Tim.2:5; Heb.6:7,8; Rev.3:11).

C. That which is done apart from the filling of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.13 "love") is rejected as human good (1Cor.3:12-15).

D. Bible Doctrine prepares us for every good work (2Tim.2:21).

E. There is a special category of SG3 for those who stick with MPR to the end (Heb.10:32-39; cf. 3:6,14; 6:11; Rev.2:26).

F. As the conflict intensifies, follow 1Pet.1:13.

VII. The Church Age is called the dispensation of the grace of God because of our positional truth (grace; Eph.3:1-9).

A. Union with Christ guarantees every grace blessing for Phases 1, 2, and 3 under the three adjustments (SAJG, RAJG, MAJG; 1Cor.1:4).

B. Each Church Age saint has access to this grace (Eph.4:7).

C. Paul (the worst sinner, and the twelfth apostle) received this grace in abundance (1Tim.1:12-16; 1Cor.3:10; Gal.2:9).

VIII. Old Testament saints were under Phase 1, 2, and 3 grace as illustrated by Abraham in Rom.4 (cf. Heb.11).

IX. Right woman is a grace provision (Prov.18:22). The Hebrew word ]x, chen, is translated "favor" in the New American Standard, but should be translated grace (cf. 31:30, where ]x is correctly translated "charm").

X. Grace orientation:

A. Is commanded (2Pet.3:18).

B. Is associated with correct prayer (Heb.4:16, "the throne of grace").

C. Should characterize the sacrifice of praise (Col.3:16).

D. Should characterize the sacrifice of giving (1Cor.16:3; 2Cor.8:1-9,19; 9:8).

E. Should characterize the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Heb.12:28; 13:15).

F. Should characterize all our speech (Col.4:6).

G. Paul demonstrates his grace orientation as the super apostle (1Cor.15:10).

XI. "Greater grace" is provided for the believer who puts the application of Bible Doctrine over personal interests, Jam.4:6 "But He gives a greater grace (mei,zona ca,rin, meizona charin.)"

A. The believer who refuses to compromise his norms and standards with the cosmos comes under severe attack and pressure to conform (Jam.4:4).

B. As he/she sticks with the divine viewpoint, refusing to quench and grieve God the Holy Spirit, relying on God for vindication, he/she is up for "greater grace" (the only time the word grace occurs in Jam.).

C. Such a believer, who refuses to conform to societies' STA (sinful trend of Adam) standards and who bears up under testing, is called "humble".

D. To that believer, God gives grace (Prov.3:34).

E. The arrogant man rejects and rationalizes divine viewpoint, hoping to get along, but misses "greater grace".

F. When you opt for the indwelling STA (flesh) over the indwelling Holy Spirit , you are arrogant and miss "greater grace".

G. If you have been playing the arrogant world-ling by refusing to apply, implement Jam.4:7-9.

H. And the promise of "greater grace" will be yours (vs.10; 1Pet.5:6).

XII. Misapplications of grace.

A. Sin so grace may abound. This is a distortion (Rom.6:1,2).

B. Legalism distorts salvation and spirituality (Gal.1:6-9; 2:21; 3:1-3).

C. The substitution of ritual for reality (Heb.10:29).

D. Liberals who label homosexual perversion along with right man/right woman as grace (Jd.4).

XIII. A description of believers who reject true grace (1Pet.5:12).

A. Receive the grace of God in vain (2Cor.6:1; cf. Gal.2:2; 3:4; 4:11).

B. Fallen from grace (Gal.5:4, legalism).

C. Come short of the grace of God (Heb.12:15, mental attitude sin reversionism).

D. Insult the Spirit of grace (Heb.10:29).

XIV. The Lord is the supreme example of grace because He was totally aware of, and committed to, all truth (Jn.1:14,17); the First Advent epitomizes grace orientation under the hypostasis and is the example for grace giving (2Cor.8:9).

XV. Israel's election is based on grace (Rom.11; cf. vs.5, "election of grace".

XVI. New Testament exhortations related to grace.

A. We are to grow in grace and knowledge (2Pet.3:18). This is the highest Biblical imperative, (MPR).

B. We are to be strong in the grace of God that is in Christ Jesus (2Tim.2:1).

C. We are to continue in the grace of God (Act.13:13, of the Galatian churches before reversionism).

D. Stand firm in it (1Pet.5:12). Believers are under persecution from the cosmos.

XVII. The salutations and benedictions in the epistles emphasize both the external provisions as well as the mental attitude.

A. Salutations include: Rom.1:7; 1Cor.1:3; 2Cor.1:2; Gal.1:13; Eph.1:2; Phil.1:2; Col.1:2; 1Thess.1:1; 2Thess.1:2; 1Tim.1:2; 2Tim.1:2; Ti.1:1; Philm.3; 1Pet.1:2; 3Jn.3; Rev.1:4.

B. Benedictions include: Rom.16:20,24; 1Cor.16:23; 2Cor.13:14; Gal.6:18; Eph.6:24; Phil.4:23; Col.4:18; 1Thess.5:28; 2Thess.3:18; 1Tim.6:21; 2Tim.4:22; Ti.3:15; Philm.25; Heb.13:25.

C. The last verse in the Bible deals with grace, Rev.22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all.

From: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=152

The 7 Axioms of Grace

1.       God is perfect and His plan is perfect.

2.       Since God’s plan is perfect, then it must function outside of our own limitations. God must do the working and we must stay out of his way.

3.       If man can do anything meritorious in the plan of God, then the merit of the individual cannot be a part of it.

4.       A plan is not stronger than its weakest link. All human merit is eliminated. Any bleeding hard is in reversionism.


6.       The work of human righteousness has no place in the plan of God.

7.       Therefore, all human good is associated with the greatest of all mental attitude sins.

The pride of the believer who rejects eternal security. Such a person thinks that his sins are greater than the plan of God; and God did something to save him, but he can out think God in order to cancel out all that God has done. Rationalistic super pride. He is so arrogant that he thinks what he does is more important than what God does. Or the person who succumbs to outside pressures and personal sufferings. The pride of pseudo-spiritually. Some system of speaking in tongues or some asceticism assumes that he is making some contribution to the plan of God.

He has pursued us with grace in the Beloved. Under grace, the believer always reaps what God sows.

Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in completeness, for I have trusted in the Lord without vacillation. You can trust my emotions; I am ready for it. Your grace is always before my eyes. Your grace is my perspective.

For your 'grace in action'/lovingkindness {checed} . . . {is} before my eyes {meaning your grace is my constant perspective} . . . because I myself have walked in Your Doctrine/Truth {'emeth}!

{Note: Doctrine in your soul is the only way you can respond to God's love for you! You are not rewarded because you have doctrine. You are only rewarded WHEN you have the capacity to enjoy what God wants to give to you as His grace gift - you never earn it or deserve it! It is a grace operation all the way!}

Men of emptiness; they are empty of doctrine; so this is a technical term for reversionism.

The key to this verse is showal, which refers to the reversionist believer. The worst problem that we will ever have is to associate with a reversionist.


1.       God the Holy Spirit is resident in the body and this overflows to the soul. The filling of the Holy Spirit results in the proper function of the royal priest. The filling of the Spirit is God the Holy Spirit controlling the soul. The Holy Spirit is the missing link. He puts the correct doctrine on the launching pad.

2.       Separation must be understood in terms of believers first. From certain kinds of carnal believers first. Separation from reversionistic believers. From various forms of emotional reversionism.

3.       Separation related to our social life. From the fast crowd. The superficial social life.

4.       Separation from unbelievers. Believers are in the world but not of the world.

5.       Separation from worldliness; which is a mental attitude only. It is not something that people do.

6.       Separation from religion and apostasy.

7.       PDF of this: http://dikaosune.com/documents/DoctrineofSeparation3.pdf

Psalm 26:4 I do not sit with the worthless [evil ones; reversionists] or associate [go] with hypocrites [phoney hypocrites].

Doctrine of Separation

1. Separation is the technique of switching from personal love to impersonal

love when dealing with friends or loved ones in the cosmic system.

2. It is a necessary application of doctrine by which one maintains the right

priorities in life by disassociating himself with anyone who becomes a

hindrance to his spiritual momentum.

3. It has nothing to do with your feelings about another person.

• Some people fail to separate when they should because they allow

their strong feelings about the other person to get in the way.

• Others separate when they shouldn’t because they allow their

animosity towards a person influence their decision.

4. Separation is applied to both unbelievers and believers in the cosmic

system who seek to influence the believer in a negative way. Therefore,

there must be separation from reversionistic loved ones (but it does not

have to be physical separation).

There are two categories of separation from people.

Mental separation

1. In mental separation, there is oneıway antagonism from those in the

cosmic system toward you. Your application of unconditional love protects

you from becoming antagonistic toward them..

2. In the context of Mt 10:34-38, certain loved ones or friends become

involved in the cosmic system. You have the alternatives to allow your

relationship with them take priority over your relationship with Lord, or you

can take up your cross (mental separation) and follow the Lord.

3. Their influence can be so great on the believer that he is tempted by their

love to join them in the cosmic system.

4. To avoid this negative influence, the believer must maintain the right

priorities by mental separation, switching from personal love to

unconditional love.

5. Mental separation emphasizes the integrity, honor and doctrinal

application of the believer residing inside the divine domain.

6. Unconditional love is immune to those who are residing in the cosmic

system, who are reversionistic and antagonistic to doctrine.

7. It functions on its own integrity and perpetuates its own objectivity from

the intake of doctrine.



8. It emphasizes personal love for God while setting aside the functions of

personal love for friends or loved ones.

9. Mental separation, in contrast to physical separation, is therefore a

separation which avoids maligning, judging, hating, criticizing, seeking

revenge, hurting those with whom you've been intimate in the past.

10. Mental separation avoids destruction of the spiritual life.

Physical separation

1. There are some cases where switching from personal love to

unconditional love is not enough. For example, getting false information in

the local church. You must leave physically as well as under the principle

of unconditional love. Another example, when a woman is used as a

punching bag by her husband, she should leave.

2. When some form of tyranny says, "No you cannot go to church," then

physical separation is demanded.

3. Physical separation means to avoid any personal contact with a person

under nearly any circumstances. You regard that person as dead.

4. This means severance of all relation with that person of any kind.

5. Physical separation is sometimes needed to maintain one's priorities and

to use one's volition to keep his spiritual momentum moving forward.

The Function of Separation

1. You may avoid people or hate people due to mental attitude sins (MAS)

but you are not practicing Biblical separation as taught by the Word of


2. True separation is impossible without the filling of the Holy Spirit, doctrine

in the soul, and the consistent intake of Bible doctrine.

3. 2 Tim 3:5, "They [believers and unbelievers in the cosmic system] hold to

external forms of godliness, but have renounced the power of that same

godliness; you also be turning yourself away from these men."

4. 2 Thes 3:6, "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord

Jesus Christ, that you separate from every believer who leads an

undisciplined life [wrong priorities], that is not according to the tradition you

have received from us."



5. 2 Thes 3:14, "If anyone does not obey our doctrinal teaching in this

epistle, take special note of that person and do not associate with him, so

that he may be put to shame."

6. Rom 16:17-18, "Turn away from them" is physical separation from


Discernment in separation

1. When to separate and when not to. I Cor. 5: 9-1 3

2. Rom 12:1-3. If you fail in the matter of separation, you will think about

self in terms of arrogance.

3. Separation is thinking about yourself in relation to others apart from


4. The first prerequisite for proper separation is a good sense of humor. By

switching from personal love to unconditional love you must let go of your

illusions about people you have loved.

5. Separation demands understanding permanent priorities Jn 2:15-17.

Your permanent priority is your daily function inside the divine domain,

while avoiding at all costs any prolonged stay in the cosmic system.

6. Separation from unbelievers inside the cosmic system Taught in 2

Cor.6:14:17. Every time you hook up with something or someone in the

cosmic system, you are in partnership with the cosmic system. This is

why you are given the order: "Therefore come out from among them."

7. Separation is important in social life Jer.15:16:17; 1 Pet.4:3-4, Eph.5: 6-


8. The believer is to separate from a superficial social life, the fun crowd.

The party crowd always has a false scale of values. They emphasize the

details of life and non-essentials as most important.

9. The believer is to separate from the "fast crowd." There comes a time

when the believer grows spiritually, and his first function is to separate

from the crowd that use to lead him in the wrong direction.

10. Separation from those who embrace false doctrines. 2 Jn.1: 7-10

11. The believer is to separate from violence and criminal activity, Prov.1:10-


• Separation from carnal believers - I Cor. 5:10-11

• Separation from believers who are indifferent to or reject Bible

doctrine - 2 Thes. 3:6, 14 & 15

• Separation from believers who make their emotions the criterion for

life - Rom. 16:17-18

• Separation from the fast crowd - I Peter 4:4, Prov. 1:10-19

• Separation from human viewpoint thinking - Rom. 12:1-2

• Separation from unbelievers where doctrine is compromised 2

Cor. 6:14, Heb. 13:13

• Separation from religion and apostasy - 2 Cor. 6:17, 2 Tim. 3:5, 2

John 1:7-10

from: http://dikaosune.com/documents/DoctrineofSeparation3.pdf where there is more information.

Psalm 26:4 I do not sit with the worthless [evil ones; reversionists] or associate [go] with hypocrites [phoney hypocrites].

4~~I do not sit/consort/'have social life'/ 'dwell in prosperity' {yashab} with scoundrels/'men of evil'/reversionistic believers {shav' math - idiom: literally 'empty of content in their speech' people}, and I do not go with phony hypocrites {`alam}.

1Samuel 31 Ps. 26:(4), 5-7                 72David                                              631_0113

113 04/07/1974 Review of the doctrine of separation; doctrine of rebound

Psalm 26:4 I do not sit with the worthless [evil ones; reversionists] or associate [go] with hypocrites [phoney hypocrites].

Doctrine of Separation

1.       Separation is a decision or an action that stems from maximum doctrine in the soul. It is a decision, an attitude or an action which comes from the doctrine of residency. Filling of the Spirit + the application of the proper doctrines.

2.       Separation which involves other believers. This is important because there is an emphasis of separation from unbelievers.

          a.       Separation from certain types of abnormal carnality. Incest; homosexuality, or being a traitor.

          b.       Separation from the reversionistic believer.

          c.        Separation from the various forms of emotional reversionism like holy rollers; emotional legalists, do-gooders, etc. the emotional crowd.

3.       Separation when it comes to social life. Bob tries to couch this with some obscurity. These points are a combination of obscurity and clarity.

          a.       Separation from the fast crowd. You have to dig this out a little bit for yourself.

4.       Separation from the unbeliever. This must be predicated on the concept of the believer being in the world but not of the world. We have contact with unbelievers all the time. There are unbelievers in your platoon, your flight, your squadron, you class, etc. You do not separate yourself from your business. You live with and among unbelievers. The royal family separates from unbelievers where doctrine is compromised. This means a believer does not marry an unbeliever. This would exclude some business partnerships, some fraternities and some social organizations. It is whenever doctrine is compromised.

5.       Separation from worldliness is not an action or a deed. Worldliness is something that you think. Rom. 12:1–2 it is the phrase the renewing of your mind that is important. This takes place firstly in the soul. The believer must separate from any group of people that keep him from getting doctrine from his right pastor. This can even be a service organization. They have nothing to do with the local church. Whatever keeps you from doctrine you should separate from.

Psalm 26:4 I do not sit with the worthless [evil ones; reversionists] or associate [go] with hypocrites [phoney hypocrites].

Some pastor teachers think they need to lean on something, like a service organization. That should not be the mental attitude sins of a preacher. As a rule, a pastor should avoid joining organizations.

Qal perfect of sana, which is righteous indignation.

Psalm 26:5 I hate a crowd of evildoers [those who cause or plot evil], and I do not sit with the wicked.

Vindictive organizations, when they get into power, look to take out this or that group of people.

The Roman Catholic church empowered Torquemada. He set up an inquisition to destroy the Jews. It is a disastrous thing for a politician; and some spend much of their time paying off political debts. We consequently face the serious problem that no one comes into office free, as David comes into office. He comes in free from entanglements. When he becomes king, the people with have true freedom and they will be free from proscription. History is filled with men who have had great leadership abilities, but if they have some sort of responsibility to this or that organization, that organization can ruin their leadership. This is what happened to the iron brigade. The general in charge of that brigade was a political appointee. Thousands of men died because of this principle. When a man comes to power, he must be free from prejudice.

A new executive takes over and he as these cliques and the old clique is set aside, and the new one might be filled with mediocre types. A man who becomes gthe head of a large company, he must be unhindered with owing people this or that. More local churches have suffered from female dictatorships. This is why women are not supposed to be in charge of anything. They always cater to a clique or a group. Nothing is worse than henhouse-ocracy. You should ask yourself, do you have the tendancies to be a dictator.

Some of you think of yourselves as easy-going and happy-go-lucky; but, suddenly, out steps the tyrant monster (e.g., when you have to discipline and control your children). Some of you might be the neo neo nazi party when you get enough power.

I have detested/hated the company/assembly of those who plot and execute evil, furthermore, I will not sit/consort/'have social life'/ 'dwell in prosperity' {yashab} with the wicked ones {rasha`}.


1.       David has refused to build his happiness on someone else’s unhappiness. He had 2 opportunities to kill Saul and yet, he chose not to. The other part of this is to have thoughtfulness; to recognize that other people have feelings and sensitive to others problems.

2.       David refuses to be used by the pettiness and vindictiveness of others.

3.       He has separated himself from those who are vindictive or thsoe who would use him or those

4.       David has chosen not to step on others for his success. Chase in Lincoln’s cabinet wanted to be president more than anyone else. He once hooked himself up with General Hooker, who was lousy with an army. Disaster resulted. When people are ambitious and greedy and they have great power lust and they suffer from egomania, only Julius Cæsar matched this. He was a fantastic person in this area of leadership. David will be the greatest ruler of all time. We have true greatness in the making here. David does not depend upon others for his promotion or success so he has no debts to pay when he becomes king.

5.       He does not use the influence or power of evil men to get ahead. Therefore, he is not obligated to them. This has trapped every president from Woodrow Wilson to today. When men have wealth they often want to exert their influence in another way, so they try to influence those in power, like the president. In effect, many presidential candidates do sell their souls to get their position. David did not use wicket men to get ahead.

6.       David can say with a clear conscience that only God can and will promote him. David has not compromised the principles of his life.


8.       David separates from those who plot and practice evil. He will therefore never be guilty by association.

The worship of David is more important than the other things. V. 4 is the principle of separation.

Here, we get to an entirely different principle. Washing the hands comes from the brazen laver, which was out with the altar out in front of the tabernacle. The priest washed his hands before he did anything. The speaks of rebound just as the altar speaks of the cross.

Doctrine of Rebound

1.       Rebound is a technical term for a whol principle of theology. In this dispensation it is the recovery of fellowship and the filling of the Spirit.

2.       The concept; rebound must be understood in the light of relationship with God. We can live with a sin nature that takes control of the life; and yet we can still function. Our concept of rebound is more than restoration of fellowship; it is also restoring the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.

3.       The frame of reference is the efficacious death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. Jesus bore our sins in His Own body on the tree. Christ was judged for known sins and unknown sins on the cross. When we name our sins, the unknown sins are also forgiven.

4.       The principle is we can commit a sin tonite, name it and be forgiven. This is because it was forgiven 1900 years ago on the cross. \

5.       Rebound means restoration of fellowship with God; but in this dispensation, it also has to do with filling of the Holy Spirit. Prov. 1:23

6.       Eternal security is always a prerequisite for understanding the rebound technique. Such sin is carnality; not a loss of salvation.

7.       Mechanics are specified in 2 verses 1John 1:9 1Cor. 11:31 how you feel about your sin is not the key. You are forgiven because you name it. There is no breast beating or self-flaggelation that is involved. Self judgment is another way to describe this.

8.       Once you have confessed a sin, then you are commanded to forget it. You are not to look back. You will have others who might remind you, but you keep moving forward. You need to make certain that you do not ruminate on that sin.

9.       Carnality and reversionism result in divine discipline. Heb. 12:6 if you don’t rebound, God will discipline you; it is a different way that He expresses His love.

10.     The principle of discouragement to rebound. Legalism discourages rebound. Many people think that rebound is for believers in this dispensation only. It is also in the Old Testament as well. Prov. 28:13 with the OT types, it means that they are back in fellowship.

11.     Biblical synonyms:

          a.       Confess.

          b.       Judge yourself.

          c.        Yield in the aorist tense.

          d.       Lay aside every weight.

          e.       Be in subjection to the father of lights.

          f.        Lift up the hands that hang down.

          g.       Make straight paths for your feet.

          h.       Arise from the dead.

          i.         Put off the old man.

          j.         Acknowledge your iniquity.

12.     Helping others to rebound is a grace function. Gal. 6:1 you must be in fellowship yourself. Grace orientation applied; reward to help others to rebound.

Compassing the altar? The idea is to surround the altar with offerings. It refers to the Levitical offerings. Sin offering for an unknown sin.

Psalm 26:6 I wash my hands in innocence and go around Your altar, LORD,

6~~I will wash my hands in purity/innocence {niqqayown}. and, O Jehovah/God I will surround {with rebound offerings} Your altar.

David now gives us a reason for all of this. This is a purpose clause. You have to be in fellowship to praise the Lord. Saphar usually means to write or engrave. In the Piel, as here, it means to recount. Kala in the Niphal means something above and beyond. Extraordinary. It is all the provisions of grace in eternity past.

Psalm 26:7 raising my voice in thanksgiving and telling about Your wonderful works [God’s grace provision].

7~~That I might proclaim with a voice of praise/thanksgiving. That I might recount all of your 'extraordinary grace provisions' { pala'}

would this be embarrassing for David to be the king of Israel and still on the side of the Philistines who went to attack King Saul?

One must be in fellowship to function in worship.

What does v. 8 mean? There is no Temple and the tabernacle is scattered.

1Samuel 31 Ps. 26:8-12                     72David                                              631_0114

114 04/08/1974 Refuge is doctrine

Private Kelly and the medal of honor. He converted mortar shells into grenades. Great ingenuity.

Psalm 26:1–7 Vincdiate me, O Jehovah, for I have walked in my integrity [completion]; I also have trusted in Jehovah; I shall not slide. Examine me, O Jehovah, and prove me; prove [or test] my reins and my heart. For Your mercy is before my eyes; and I have walked in Your truth. I have not sat with lying men; and I will not go in with hypocrites; I have hated the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. I will wash my hands in innocency [rebound]; so I will go around Your altar, O Jehovah, to cause to hear with the voice of thanksgiving and recount all Your wonderful works [grace provision].

David will get out of fellowship; he will sin and he will fail; but he has an attitude which he will keep. Psalm 90, 91 have this same word. This has nothing to do with the Temple; but it is related to Bible doctrine. The parts of the Tabernacle are pretty much scattered a tthis point. The Philistines have the Ark of the Covenant? There is no assembled Tabernacle.

Even the most obnoxious of us will have a friend. Most of our illusions in life are delusions; and what straightens everything out and makes life worthwhile is Bible doctrine in the soul; that changes everything.

Bob had a wonderful, well-adjusted childhood. He did not go without meals except being licked so bad he didn’t fell like eating. Came from a wealthy situation. Grew up in the #1 city in the country and the #a high school, academically. He had every advantage of life.

David took his lumps and had a variety of experiences; but he knows that doctrine is the key. The house here is really doctrine. That is where he takes his refuge. This is something that he carries with him. Survival classes; but the true kind of survival is doctrine in the soul. That is the real survival pack. You can ask yourself, just what kind of a pack are you carrying? It is your emergency kit. No one can reach into your soul and take it from you. You can take you doctrine with you. Once doctrine is more important in your life than anything else, then you have reached the right place. It is imperative that you understand that it is not everyone who loves doctrine.

Doctrine is usually much easier to get than the things that you want. Your pack or your kit is the Bible doctrine in your soul. The habitation of His glory. After salvation, if you want to enjoy life, you must get doctrine. Unbelievers can have fun without it.

David lost everything, along with everyone else. But he had doctrine in his soul and he reaches into his soul and pulled out Bible doctrine. All of these great future generals were laying about whining.

You have exposed yourself to doctrine, so you can demand from God, as David did, “Vindicate me, O Lord.” The attitude expressed in this verse is David in the Ziklag operation. David lost everything momentarily. He lost his wives, his children and even his clippings. He recovers without any damage being done. None of his children were harmed and none of his wives were raped. And he gained a great deal more. He liberated a great deal of wealth. Solomon’s wealth was one of the greatest fortunes in history. We do not have men of wealth today like David and Solomon. David recovers all that he lost and had the basis of a great fortune. At this time, because David gave much of this away and is probably worth $10 million. Solomon will buy all kinds of things; but they will not bring him any great happiness. Solomon can’t enjoy it. If you want to enjoy anything in life, you need doctrine. You can dump a few million dollars into the laps of some believers and they can enjoy it; however, the same may not be true of the believer. The believer cannot have all of these things without doctrine and be happy. The unbeliever can be happy with these things; and unhappy after awhile and unhappy if he loses them.

God has a great sense of humor. Some of you women are here to get a man. You heard that there is are a lot of great guys in Berachah. However, even with your RM, you can be miserable, if you lack Bible doctrine. You take your good times with you because you have doctrine in the soul.

David is about to go from one supergrace blessing to another. He is about to be promoted. A messenger will come to him with the tragic news of Mount Gilboa. Saul was without doctrine and he died the sin unto death; David had doctrine in his soul and he would be promoted.

Psalm 26:8 LORD, I love the house [refuge, habitation, place of security] where You dwell, the place where Your glory resides.

Oh Jehovah/God, I love the refuge of Your House . . . even the place of the habitation of Your glory.

Because of Bible doctrine in his soul, David is associated with those who love Jesus Christ but are in the world. In dying, David will want the same. He is actually thinking about dying. He does not want to die the way that Saul has died. David will die in between two teenaged girls in bed. Don’t try to read ahead. Charlie Clough called Bob up about that passage and said, he lost a couple of church members over it. David is very impressed with the horrible death of Saul. Bob recalls the first dead person he had to deal with, someone whose chute didn’t open. Bob knew the guy before he was just spleen and guts. One moment he is a handsome, personable young man, and the next, he is splattered all over the landscape.

You may think, “Don’t let me die in that way” but all David is concerned with is, “Don’t let me die like a reversionist.” So David is impressed by Saul’s horrible death. Believers without doctrine will eventually go out in a horrible way. David wants no association with them in life or in death. You may think that it is great to be associated with all of these phoney hypocrites, but it is disastrous.

David is no doubt thinking of Jonathan as well, who died in association with Saul.

Psalm 26:9 Do not destroy me along with sinners, or my life along with men of bloodshed [bloods, violence]

You live with the scars of the thing that you did. David does not want to be identified with this kind of a person in life and in death. The men who died, many of them were lawless men. People sometimes get involved in mass rioting; sometimes, they have no interest in this sort of thing on their own, but they become involved when they are with a mob.

They use bribery to get away from justice. David does not want to hang out with such a group. Lawless, rape is used; lawful, bribery is involved. The two go hand in hand when a nation is in reversionism.

Saul has seen a rise of crime, murder and rape. The judges have been bribed to give light sentences to criminals. So the judicial system in Israel has been corrupted. Bribery is an illustration of this. When a nation become apostate and reversionistic, the judicial system to control crime becomes corrupt, which increases the crime. There is a complete breakdown in the function of the laws of divine establishment. This is demonstrated by and reflected in the military disaster which overtook the military on mount Gilboa.

Psalm 26:10 in whose hands are evil schemes [is rape], and whose right hands are filled with bribes.

9-10~~Do not take away my soul { nephesh} along with sinners, nor . . . {snuff out}my life {chay} with 'men of bloods' {murderers} 10~~ . . . in whose hands is rape {zimmah},

and their right hand has been filled of bribes.

Now we get to the tactical victory of the supergrace life. Halak means his modus operandi for the future. David walks in integrity, completeness and prosperity. David recognizes that only in supergrace status does he function as the head of the Jewish army. However, Jesus Christ is the commander-in-chief of the Jewish army.

David knows that he is the next king, but he does not want to end up like the previous king. The principle is, grace promotion demands grace function. To be promoted by grace is the challenge to function on the basis of grace. David is challenged to function as a king by means of grace.

Will success destroy David, is the question he asks right here. David uses the Qal imperative of to preserve; he is asking to be preserved from having to die a horrible death because he is without doctrine. David is referring to himself. He anticipates pressures and difficulties. You either go forward or backward in the spiritual life. No believer with integrity can afford to fall into reversionism. The request has Saul in mind. The more you are promoted, the greater are the demands of doctrine from your soul. God’s sense of humor manifests itself again. The maintenance of the supergrace life.

Some Closing Points

1.       The higher the promotion, the more you need grace consciousness to miss the traps of reversionism.

2.       The believer without this is finished.

3.       David has Saul in mind. Saul switched to his own human resources.

4.       David recognizes every aspect of grace in the office of king given to him by God.

5.       A gracious promotion demands grace function; and this demands more and more doctrine.

6.       This second request indicates David’s application of doctrine to his promotion. He cannot be king of Israel without graciousness from God.

7.       He has no illusions about himself or his ability.

8.       It must be grace or God’s grace provision. Human scintillation will not meet the demands of high office.

Psalm 26:11 But I live with integrity; redeem me and be gracious to me.

11~~But as for me, I will walk 'in my SuperGrace status'/ 'without blame'/'in integrity' {tom}.

Preserve me and be gracious to me!

David’s foot stands on a level place; in a secure place. He is conscious of what he has in his soul by means of doctrinal assets. He stands at a level place because he has been promoted by God.

Psalm 26:12 My foot stands on level ground; I will praise [Piel stem means to celebrate] the LORD in the assemblies.

David is ready to take office.

12~~My foot stands in a level place. In the public convocations, I will celebrate {Who and What} Jehovah/God {is}.

Translation reviewed.

1Samuel 31 Psalm 11:1, 2                   72David                                              631_0115

115 04/09/1974 Doctrine of occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ

Lt. Richard Shay.

This is the 2nd psalm on our way to 2Sam. 1. This is a record of what David thought before he became king in Judæa.

It takes a lot to be a choir director; this takes a tough leader who knows more than all of his musicians. Learning to play a musical instrument requires a great deal of dedication and concentration. Great self-discipline. However, they cannot bring this over to group discipline.

Easter cantata, which is a mess; the choir goes on and on and the preacher stands up and gives a 15 minute gospel message.

This actually reads, to the one who excels, to David. David is exhibiting great confidence and confidence is not arrogance. David was in supergrace in Psalm 26 and here, the country is in crisis, and he knows that he is the man for the job. David is saying, “I have been practicing and practicing and I am ready.” When the crisis hits, the person ready for the crisis is the one with doctrine in his soul. The women used to come out and greet their bf’s, who come from other nations with all of these things that they got; but now, the enemy armies are coming into these towns and raping the women. David’s army is the last thing between the survival of the nation and total disaster.

{Note: The psalms often begin 'to the chief musician'. But here, RBT says natsach in the piel stem means to the 'one who excels' meaning David himself. He is not boasting - this is the confidence of David. Instead he is recognizing the fact that he has bible doctrine in his soul. The country is in a mess and David knows he is the man for the job of fixing it all up!}

Psalm 11 inscription For the choir director. Davidic.

David has been faithful in the function of gap. We have a verb for faith here.

these are the only 2 military organizations in the land which can provide any protection for the people.

there is a vast difference between arrogance and occupation with Christ.

Occupation with Christ

1.       This is the maximum expression of category #1 love toward God. David had great capacity for love. He could be occupied by the Person of Christ and he could make permanent lifetime friends. Deut. 6:5 God is the object of our attention as the only celbrity.

2.       Occupation with Christ is related to the function of gap. It is impossible to respond to God’s love without odc in the soul. It is one thing to be saved and another thing to be occupied with God. Eph. 3:18–19

3.       Occupation with Christ is the motivator for the preacher.

4.       Illustration of occupation with Christ. RM/RW

5.       Occupation with Christ is related to the strategic victory.

6.       The permanence of category #1 love is based upon God the Holy Spirit. This guarantees and eternal love relationship between the believer and Jesus Christ.

7.       The title here is friend of God; maximum category #1 love. Abraham was called this. James 2:21–23 You cannot love what you do not see, do not know, or that which is abstruse and nebulous. The harder some people work, the less that they love God. You need doctrine in the soul to love God. Running around doing things is not what love is. Without knowledge of God, you cannot love Him. It is easy to love God in heaven; it is much more difficult to love God when we are here on earth.

8.       Characteristics:

          a.       Supergrace believer contributes to national blessing. David will contribute as a supergrace believer. At the right time, David goes into action.

          b.       Provides courage and victory in battle. Joshua 23:10–11 you can have a great courageous army, but they can lose in battle because they lack good leadership. The army has taken all of their aviators and has put them into civil Courageous men can be killed in battle if they lack good tactics. Saul, by bad tactics, squandered the manpower of Israel. If we go to war right now, there will be mistakes like you cannot believe. Just give an army a stupid leader and they will be wiped out. Burnside was the worst. And he grew sideburns. He was the worst man to put on a uniform. He just made a frontal attack and caused the decimation of. Hooker froze up under pressure. Great battles do not depend upon sergeants, lieutenants and captains; it depends upon brigade commanders. We have the dumbest generals ever. Stupidity rises to the top; so men who are very courageous are wiped out by terrible superior officers. Gates was terrible and he was promoted over the greatest general at that time. Benedict Arnold was the smartest general that we had. You cannot have stupid leadership with brave men. Lee had a great officer shortage. He said the confederate army men were the greatest soldiers on earth. Lee and Jackson were the greatest when it came to strategy and tactics. When you destroy the vitality of youth, then all that is left is the scum and many nations never recover that that.

          c.        Leadership ability.

          d.       It leads to preservation and prosperity.

          e.       Occupation with Christ in the area of prosperity; and the rise of our industries is often based upon believers. Eli Whitney invented the revolver. First person to find out that you don’t have to ram a ball into a flintlock pistol.

          f.        Associated with stability and happiness.

          g.       With supergrace blessing.

          h.       Minimizes suffering.

          i.         Glorifies Christ.

          j.         Occupation with Christ begins at the believer’s entrance into the supergrace life.

The basis of David excelling is his confidence in the Lord. Occupation with the Person of Christ

David gets bad advice. How can you all say to my soul. Don’t get your loot mixed up with your doctrine. If you have a lot of doctrine, you will get mixed up about your loot.

David knows tha there must be a time when he stops running. If God can provide wealth, then certainly God can provide protection as well. All these liberals in school; but then when they became rich, they became very conservative.


1.       At this time, all Israel is running away. 1Sam. 3`:7

2.       The Philistines have conquered much of northern Israel.

3.       David receives some advice with a temptation to secure his wealth and flee to the mountains.

4.       But God is the source of this supergrace prosperity. Therefore, you cannot secure wealth by running away.

5.       God gave prosperity and wealth to David and God can take it away as well. The giver is the source of the security for that which he has given.

6.       David is tempted by human viewpoint to get his eyes onthe blessings of supergrace rather than on the author of supergrace.

7.       It is the giver who counts; not the gift. David will not retain his wealth by running away.

8.       Therefore, David recognizes human viewpoint and identifies it as bad advice. Bad advice was based on fear of losing this wealth. In the next verse, bad advice will be based on losing one’s life.

Psalm 11:1 I have taken refuge [I have confidence] in the LORD. How can you say to me, "Escape to the mountain like a bird!

{Title} To the one who excels . . . to David.

I have confidence {chacah - a grace orientation verb - faith in the sense of having a strong form of confidence} in the Jehovah/God.

How can you all say/'make comments' {David's 'human viewpoint' advisors telling David to run and hide} to my soul {referring to the intellect of the soul here}, "retreat/flee as a bird to your mountain?"

{Note: Chacah was the Hebrew word used to describe the situation where a rabbit would run into a crack in a rock to get out of the reach of the fox! It means to protect from danger. God is David's rock.}

{Note: At this point in time, David's advisors are now rich men. They don't want to risk losing it to Saul or even dying now that they are rich! They advise David to run and hide when David knows now is the time to stand and fight!}

The bad advice continues with loss of wealth and property and loss of life. They started out by advising because they were afraid of losing their property. Make a person successful and the occupational hazard is, they become afraid of losing what they have. The supergrace believer is a gainer; he is not a loser. Only God can take away. They don’t have to be afraid of the enemy. Therefore, they need the fear/awe/respect of God. The only thing you need to be concerned about is occupation with Christ and category #1 love. Whether God gives money, wealth, promotion, or whatever, the retention of these things does not depend upon man’s ingenuity or plans. It always depends upon God’s grace. God gave it and only he can take it away.

Divine blessings are retained on the basis of grace; who and what God is. Therefore, everything depends upon God as the giver. Disaster and catastrophe bring out the weakness of the weak believer.

What is a strong believer? This is a supergrace believer. He has maximum doctrine in his soul. He has the maximum application of doctrine in his soul. He has the maximum use of the divine viewpoint in life and of the faith-rest technique. He produces maximum divine good.

What is a weak believer? A weak believer must not be confused with a new believer. New believer has not had a chance yet. He is a reversionist. He uses his own norms and standards. He lives by his feelings, his traditions, by his prejudices, rather than by Bible doctrine. He is disoriented to grace. He is fettered by taboos. He is loaded with them. Taboos are things that people say are wrong and they come from religious customs. As soon as the weak believer has anything, he pulls up in a state of terrible fear and by human means; and holding onto what he has becomes an obsession. He always persecutes the strong believer. He rejects doctrine and he rejects rebound. God the Holy Spirit has not control over his soul. He is guilty of being egocentric. He is not interested in doctrine, but he is interested in ecstatic experiences. He has superficial opinions that take the place of doctrine. He has solid prejudice where he ought to have solid doctrine. He is a meddlesome troublemaker.

The wicked ones here describes the Philistines. They had a great infantry and a graet archer infantry. They found the range on Saul and filled his abdomen with arrows. They can zero in on the target. They are so good, they can hit a target in darkness. “The Philistines will pluck us dry.” They knew how great these archers were. They could hit their targets in the dark. They are good tactically. Mental attitude sins of fear. Fear of the loss of wealth and fear of the loss of their lives. They are worried that they will either die or they will lose their wealth. If you have capacity for life, you could care less.

We are here as the guests of God. Therefore, why should we worry about dying. We are here as long as God wants us here and we will go when He wants us gone.


1.       Fear of death is a strong motivator for doing the wrong thing.

2.       David’s counselors are afraid of death.

3.       If you die, you lose your wealth.

4.       David is the man of the hour. He has already rejected this bad advice.

Psalm 11:2 For look, the wicked string the bow; they put the arrow on the bowstring to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.

2~~For, behold, the wicked ones {the Philistines} prepare/bend their bow, they sight their arrow upon the string, to shoot in the darkness

at the True of heart/'right lobe' {referring to the Jews with doctrine in their right lobes} .

1Samuel 18 Psalm 11:3-7                  72David                                              631_0116

116 04/10/1974 Jesus Christ controls history

Private Kessler; pretty amazing medal of honor recipient.

Psalm 11:2 For look, the wicked string the bow; they put the arrow on the bowstring to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.

Don’t mess with the archers of the Philistines. They are quite amazing.

The pillars being torn down are the defeat of the Jewish army. Enslavement, robbery, rape, torture, disaster for all involved.

The pillars being torn down refer to the government being destroyed.

What can the righteous do, refers to the believers who are not soldiers. When there is a wartime disaster, only those with doctrine can stand in the gap and do that job.

David asks, the righteous person, what can he do about this? Tsedek, which means vindicated one. The idea is not that this person is a goody two-shoes, but that they have been vindicated. We have the residency of God the Holy Spirit in our bodies. The filling of the Spirit + doctrine means that we stand in the gap at a time of disaster. Preparation for disaster is Bible doctrine in the soul.

We are coming close to a depression in this country. The vindicated person has doctrine in the soul. Human viewpoint is only offset by Bible doctrine in your soul. Doctrine in the Bible does not offset human viewpoint in any generation. Bible doctrine is resident in the Bible itself; but it must be transferred to the soul of the believer for it to be meaningful.

It is just like in salvation, Jesus is in the Bible. However, He must be in our soul in order for us to be saved.

Psalm 11:3 When the foundations [pillars; the foundation of government] are destroyed, what can the righteous do?"

Jesus Christ controls history and God the Father has a plan for his life. We live in the Church Age, and God has a purpose for each one of us. Each member of the Trinity has exactly the same essence.

Hekal means palace. There is no Temple in Israel at this time. Jehovah the Son is in the palace of His holy abode.

Jesus Christ Controls History

1.       God the Father has given God the Son the prerogative of controlling history, so Jesus Christ controls history as a part of the Father’s plan.

2.       Both the Father and the Son are in the palace; they have not been overthrown by any revolution in heaven. They have always been there in this palace.

3.       As long as God is on the throne, Jesus Christ controls history.

4.       The overthrow of a government; the conquest of a nation does not change the plan of God.

5.       Catastrophe cannot change the plan of God for your life. The only thing that changes the plan of God for your life is the lack of doctrine in your soul.

6.       David recognizes that national disaster does not change the Father’s plan for him.

7.       David will not hide in the mountains like a bird. The One who gave David his fortune can take it from him.

8.       Jesus Christ, not Satan, controls history. God uses these disasters to introduce His man to the people. The people’s choice is Saul; God’s choice is David.

9.       The people’s choice, Saul, is dead; and God’s choice, the man of the hour, is David.

10.     God uses the disaster of Goliath’s challenge to introduce David to Israel’s military. This 40 day crisis introduces David to the military of Israel. God uses this Philistine conquest of northern Israel.

11.     God uses the Philistine conquest to remove the people’s choice and to replace him with God’s choice.

12.     God’s choice must be a man of doctrine occupied with doctrine.

13.     Only the supergrace believer can step into the gap during a crisis. David is God’s man for the hour.

Anthropopathism. Bob went to the football hall of fame in Ohio. Someone went with him, and they saw what Bob and the rest saw. God sees history and He understands. We see history and we do not necessarily understand what is going on. No detail of our life is missing from God’s view.

The female of the species does a little eye batting; sometimes she is thinking and that makes her eyelids bat.

Your eyes get closer and closer together sometimes when you concentrate on something. God does not have eyelids or eyelashes. This is an anthropomorphism and an anthropopathism. These things are designed for a divine policy to be explained. God is constantly testing men’s souls.

Psalm 11:4 The LORD is in His holy temple; [in the palace of His holiness] the LORD's throne is in heaven. His eyes watch [God sees everything that is going on]; He examines everyone [God is constantly testing the human race].

The Principle of History

1.       The Father’s plan calls for Jesus Christ to control history.

2.       Not only does Jesus Christ control history, but He is the focal point of history as well. His death, resurrection, ascension and session.

3.       His strategic victory of the Angelic Conflict and His rising again from the dead; this is the critical point of history.

4.       David, as the man for the crisis, has a true perspective of history. Before he made history, he had the perspective of history. Only Bible doctrine gives the key to the interpretation of history.

5.       David’s counselors are frightened; they are intimidated by disasters of history. Now these are wealthy and successful men and they are now afraid of losing this wealth.

6.       Human viewpoint relates to disaster; divine viewpoint relates to the one who controls history, Jesus Christ.

7.       Therefore, David is not frightened and he will not run away. He is not looking over his shoulder now that he is prosperous. His security is in God, not in his possessions. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed is the name of the Lord.

8.       The anthropomorphisms remind David that God has not lost track of him. We will think, from time to time, that God has forgotten us. “Oh, God” and then, “Where the hell are You, God?” People accuse God of forgetting them. You can renounce your salvation until you are blue in the face and you cannot lose it. God has not lost track of David.

9.       David is tested by catastrophe and passes it with doctrine in his soul. He does not pass the test with his success or money. Some wealthy people try to solve their problems with money.

10.     Those who God has enriched have their eyes on money. They are worried of being stripped of their wealth. David has his eyes on the source of these blessings.

11.     Doctrine in the soul makes the difference. Disaster intensifies blessing. Prosperity and disaster can both intensify blessings from God.

12.     The remainder of this psalm sets up a contrast between the supergrace believer and the reversionist.

God tests for purity and reality; it is the reality of Bible doctrine in the soul. Jehovah tests the righteous person; the supergrace believer. David is a supergrace believer. He has now reached maturity with doctrine in his soul. Evil comes from Satan and the old sin nature. But God, in controlling history often uses evil to destroy evil. He uses the evil of the Philistines to destroy the evil of the reversionistic believer King Saul.

Saul loved violence. He was jealous of David. In trying to get rid of David, vindictiveness and implacability destroyed any possibility of his ever loving anyone. Revenge obsession means this person is unable to love. This is a lost cause. You are beating a dead horse. Jonathan loved his father but he will die in association with his father. Saul was incapable of love toward Jonathan. Violence was the means of getting rid of David. Using violence to gain an objective. This applies to people involved in kidnaping; those who plunder and attack other nations and peoples.

Saul tried to find his happiness in violence. He tried to kill David. He used violence to try to kill David. His reversionistic obsession began with jealousy toward David. He became a reversionist. He rebelled against God, God’s order.

When it says the God’s soul has hated, this is righteous indignation. God uses violence to remove Saul, who used violence to keep his own promotion. Saul tried to hold on to his kingdom through unnecessary violence; God then used violence to remove Saul from his power.

Psalm 11:5 The LORD examines the righteous [the supergrace believer] and the wicked. He hates the lover of violence.

The cup of the reversionist in contrast to the cup of the supergrace believer. A snare which destroys that which is caught. The reversionist with his own mental attitude sins plunges himself into revenge tactics. Every snare that Saul sets for David, and God provided means of escape for David again and again. The snares that Saul set continued to backfire in him.

it is never clear whether brimstone can be crude oil on top of the ground. The chemical destruction of Saul. The whole chemical structure of Saul’s body is affected here. People not prepared for disaster are caught up by the disaster and ensnared by this disaster. When any nation saturated with reversionists lacking the salt preservative, it goes down. Too many reversionists take a national entity down.

Psalm 11:6 He will rain burning coals and sulfur on the wicked; a scorching wind will be their portion.

The principle by which the supergrace believer survives a national disaster. God is perfect in His essence; and the essence of God is perfect. So when He vindicates, this must be compatible with his justice, love, and the rest of His character. God can only vindicate a believer with doctrine in his soul. This is why the legalist is always upset. Because God is righteous, He Himself loves righteousness. A righteous person will see God’s face, meaning that he will understand God in his soul through maximum doctrine in his soul.

Psalm 11:7 For the LORD is righteous; He loves righteous deeds. The upright will see His face.

The entire psalm is reviewed: to the one who excels, to David. I have confidence in the Lord. How can you say, retreat to your mountain like a bird. Behold the wicked ones, the Philistines, who bend the bow, who shoot in the darkness at the sure of heart. Because the pillars of government are being overthrown, the righteous person, what can he do about it? God in the heavens; his eyes see what is going on; His eyelids test. He tests a vindicated believer by the fire of national catastrophe. The one who loves violence, his soul God has hated. God will bring snares, fire, brimstone and a burning wood to such type. God loves grace vindication. A supergrace believer shall see His face.

1Samuel 18 Isa. 51:1, 7, 9                 72David                                              631_0117

117 04/11/1974 Doctrines of the covenants and vindication before others

moved to other computer temporarily for integration into 2Sam. 13.


1.       4 unconditional covenants to Israel:

          a.       Abrahamic in Gen. 12, 15, 26 Ex. 6:2–8 God agrees to provide for Abram in grace.

          b.       The Palestinian covenant Gen. 15:18 34:1–12 Joshua 1:3–4 larger area than Israel has ever occupies.

          c.        Davidic in Psalm 89 and 2Sam.  David will have a son to rule forever and a kingship that will be forever.

          d.       The New Covenant; the Mosaic Law was temporary and designed to be replaced and only to carry Israel through the dispensation of Israel.

2.       The covenants and the Messianic Line

          a.       Adamic covenant: Gen. 2:15 3:15

          b.       Noahic Covenant Gen. 6:18 seed of the woman through the line of Noah.

          c.        Abrahamic covenant

          d.       Davidic covenant

          e.       Messianic covenant David will be at a very low ebb in the time of Saul and it weill be repeated before the Tribulation.

3.       The New covenant to the church Heb. 9:15–20 Matt. 26:28 1Cor. 1:25 it recognizes the dramatic interruption to the Age of Israel. The death, burial, resurrection, ascension all interrupt the Age of Israel so that Jesus Christ may have a royal family forever.

4.       The Mosaic Law is a covenant which is not pertinent to this study.

5.       Jehovah says to My Jehovah, sit down at My right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. Easter is a typical american holiday and people approach it feeling quite blue. It is imperative that we understand david’s greater Son, and that is the subject of Isa. 51–52

The function of gap is the basis for our encouragement. The only ones who will appreciate this Easter week are those who appreciate Jesus Christ on any given day. They can appreciate any significant day. This is a good time to pause and see how much David’s Greater Son has done for us. David on earth was a king and his royal line will last forever.

Isaiah 51:1 Hear Me, pursuers of righteousness, seekers of Jehovah: Look to the rock from which you were cut, and to the hollow of the pit from which you were dug.

We are all related to David’s Greater Son. It is fitting that we take the time to look at David’s Greater Son. The Jewish race is the newest race; it is a grace race. Encouragement by the Word. Isa. 51:4–8

again, we have that word hearken. It means to concentrate, to listen, to pay attention to the authority of. You may have been criticized or maligned and you found yourself in a pressure situation because of the people in your area. You may have this experience that you do something right or the first time that you make some real effort to do something right and well. Then you were amazed to find out that people did not agree with what you did or how you did it or if it was any good.

John B. Hood and he was an excellent and courageous officer and tops as a brigaid commander in the civil war. When Lee heard that Hood had been killed, Lee said he lost his greatest generals, Hood, Jackson and someone else who is essentially unknown.

He was a man who knew good tactics. Had he been allowed to do what he suggested, about going around, there would have been a great victory on the 2nd day. The onlyl way his men could stay away is to chew tobacco and put the juice in their eyes. No one paid attention to him. He came under great criticism for one battle; and he spent 10 years trying to proves that he was not a bad general. He wrote hundreds of letters and these 1200 or 1300 are thought to be the greatest collection of information.

Criticism from legalism has turned many a grace believer into a legalist. People cannot stand criticism. There is a small group of legalists in Berachah. Unless the Bible forbids something, either directly or by principle, it is not forbidden to us. Why is it so easy to convert people to legalism? Criticism. When people doe this long enough or often enough, people either rebel completely or they knuckle under. Don’t run around and try to justify yourself. If we live right, we live as unto the Lord. Some of you think my job is to make you live a certain way, but it’s not. It is to crank out Bible doctrine. You cannot live your life as unto the Lord if you are being bullied or you submit to legalism.

It is justification or vindication. You never have to prove anything to anyone. David has been criticized by many; by the Philistines, by Saul, by Doeg; and everyone seems to be jealous or vindictive toward him.

Some expect that Berachah will be the Millennium. You can take any promise under the faith-rest technique and structure it out under the essence box.

Isaiah 51:7 Hear Me, those knowing righteousness [you who understand vindication; righteousness], the people of My Law [doctrine] in their heart [right lobes]; do not fear the reproach of man, and do not be bowed from their blasphemings.

Next phrase, “WAKE UP!” Isaiah is shouting to God to wake up. We are taling about God’s essence and Isaiah calls for God to wake up. The idea is to shock his audience and to get them focused on this message. If God went to sleep, then there would be no grace plan.

God is always omnipotent. He cannot change any of His characteristics and He knows Himself and He knows he has these characteristics.

Arm of the Lord refers to David’s Greater Son, Jesus Christ. People read about these things and they want to see these things occur for them. They want fire to come down out of heaven.

Rahab here is a poetical word; and these are short a’s. This is a poetical word for Egypt as in Psalm 89:10. Piercing the dragon is the Hebrew word taniym and it means crocodile, and it refers to the pharaoh of the exodus. The Jews were delivered because of this. Ezek. 29:1–3 This is the name for pharaoh in that passage.

Isaiah 51:9 Awake! Awake! Arm of Jehovah, put on strength. Awake, as in days of old [the generations of the past; God’s omnipotence revealed during the Exodus generation], everlasting generations. Was it not You cutting in pieces Rahab, and piercing the sea monster?

We go into God’s essence and how He is a comfort and blessing to the Exodus generation. This is a message of encouragement from David’s greater Son.

Isa. 51:12, 17, 23; 52:7, 10                   72David                                              631_0118

118 04/12/1974 Encouragement in life

We are encouraged by the foundation of the Jewish race (vv. 1–3). We are simply covering some representative verses. We are encouraged through the Word (vv. 4–8). You are freed from spiritual bullying by learning Bible doctrine. One more verse dealing with the topic of encouragement. The troops are restless tonite; maybe Good Friday has affected that. Not much genuflexing and very few hot cross buns this time around.

David’s greater Son is answering the wake up paragraph from the night before. When God provides comfort, it is perfect comfort. The essence of God is perfect and the essence of his comfort is perfect.

If you are being comforted by someone and you still are neutralized by your fears, then you are not fully comforted. Fear has no place in the believer’s life. Fear is incompatible with our status as members of the royal family of God. We have a permanent relationship with the perfect God. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

We have divine provision for every need. We have perfect love. Fear is another mental attitude sins. It indicates failure insofar is the function of the Christian life. God has provided victory over death; so why should we fear man, who will die.

It is appointed unto man to die once and then the judgment. His omnipotence is related to the Red Sea in v. 10; v. 11 is about His deliverance in the end times. Encouragement by the Word; and the final is courage by disasters and tragedies. This is the only chance that we can be under maximum pressure and learn that God’s deliverance is greater than the disaster. No disasters in heaven,

Isaiah 51:12 I, I am He comforting you. Who are you, that you should fear from man? He shall die! And from the son of man? He is given as grass.

Rouse yourselves; get on your feet; stand up. It also means to become alert. General Gordon became a Senator. He comforted soldier who appears that he would die. Barlow. He had his wife come through and she nursed him back to health; and they ran into each other years later. They were both believers and they both had a lot of Bible doctrine. Barlow said that it was like God dropping a man out of heaven to comfort him; which led to his eventual recovery.

Isaiah 51:17 Awake! Awake! Rise up, O Jerusalem, who drank the cup of His fury from the hand of Jehovah; you drank the bowl of the cup of reeling; you fully drained it.

God delivers. They have converted minus doctrine into plus doctrine. God never condones antisemitism.

“Bow down” means that someone has made a slave out of someone else. Historically, the Jews are still here; and Jews have been persecuted as we have never seen in this country. Israel has suffered like no people on earth; and yet, they are still here. This ought to tell us that God spanks Israel; but, when they get with doctrine, God moves on against their persecutors. Israel will remain here until the 2nd advent. It is a miracle of the grace of God that Jews are still alive today. Satan wants to remove them.

Isaiah 51:23 But I will put it into the hand of those oppressing you, who have said to your soul, Bow down that we may cross, and, Put your back to the ground, and as the street to those who cross.

The 6th paragraph comes in v. 7 and in that area. 6. How beautiful is a verb in the Pilel stems. Something it is not necessarily beautiful but becomes beautiful. The mountains are used as a hindrance to getting out the Word. To be able to keep on teaching is what is key. Bob has to make a decision to study and teach every day. Just looking at everyone is enough to make Bob want to quit.

Good news is either the gospel or news that is encouraging. Bob is in pain because of his back and he used his feet the entire time. The feet are beautiful because they represent the volition of the communicator of Bible doctrine. It is the volition to keep teaching the Word, no matter what. It is disappointing to see the instabilities of people; the frustration, the sorrows, the difficulties; but, no matter how you feel, you keep moving. Even though the people were indifferent; what is important is, he kept right on doing it. Isaiah used his volition. His job was not to make people listen but to present the material. In this dispensation, it is the job of the pastor-teacher. This is, whether anyone comes or not or anyone cares or not. A communicator actually becomes inhuman if he does his job right. That is the meaning of the beautiful feet here. He does it as unto the Lord. He sticks with it. Bob just happens to have perfect feet; Bobby’s feet are as flat as can be. But, nothing to do with the actual way the feet look; it is all about the communicator.

Those who complain are unstable. Those who come every night are faithful and stable. We have to be consistent together. God wants the consistency; not those who have the magnetic and exciting personality, who get people whipped up with enthusiasm. The regathering of Israel is taught in every dispensation down to the crucifixion and during the Church Age, and during the Tribulation and to the very night that Jesus Christ comes back in the 2nd advent. There will always be a man with a spiritual gift and it will be no good unless it is doctrine that is the key. The gifted man must hook up with doctrine.

Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him proclaiming good news [of the Millennium], making peace heard, bearing tidings of good, making heard salvation, saying to Zion, Your God [Jesus Christ] reigns.

Next, we move to v. 10. Psalm 19:1 is finger work when it comes to the creation. Using the arm is heavier work, and the arm of the Lord is Jesus Christ in His hypostatic union. So far, 6 paragraphs dealing with encouragement.

Isaiah 52:10 Jehovah has revealed His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation [deliverance] of our God.

Up to this point, we have just introduced the context; with a representative verse; which reveals who Jesus Christ is. David is getting ready to become king over Israel. David’s Lord is also his Son. The Son of David is the unique Person of the Universe. Beginning with v. 13, we have the concept of David’s Greater Son, the only source of blessing and encouragement.

1Samuel 18 Isa. 52:13a                       72David                                              631_0119

119 04/14/1974 Doctrine of the resurrection

we are studying David’s greater Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ became a man with a soul, a spirit and a human body. He is the Savior of David, the Lord of David and the Son of David.

We are encouraged through divine essence or the character of God. We are encouraged by disaster and we are encouraged by divine deliverance.

Bob reads the next 4 verses. Jesus Christ is absolutely unique. The principle, is Jesus Christ worth considering or not. The facts must be considered in the light of the Bible. He is either a liar or a faker; or He is the Son of God.

The whole matter of expletives needs to be reexamined. Hell or damn are not profane words; they are minor expletives.

A demanding expletive; like “Ten hut.” Here, “Hinnêh” means that your attention is being required for an important topic. He is eternal life and we share His life. He is the Son, and we share His sonship. He has a destiny and we share His destiny. He was elected in eternity past; we share His election.

There is no such thing as clergy and laymen. We are all in full-time Christian service. The word servant always applies to Jesus Christ in hypostatic union. God the Son agreed to become true humanity and to take our place on the cross and to be judged in our place. Calling Him a servant points out what Jesus had to give up in order to save us.

Sakal means that He will be caused to prosper and others will be caused to prosper.

Summary Points

1.       If God does not promote you, then you are not promoted.

2.       As God the Father promoted David to king, so he promoted Jesus as King of Kings.

3.       People believed in Jesus before the cross, and this was still the method of salvation. Christ our Passover was given for us. Abraham is the patriarch of the Jewish race and not royal family.

4.       The baptism of the Holy Spirit enters every believer into union with Christ. Christianity is where God seeks man. Man has no merit by searching for God.

5.       We are iin union with royalty.

6.       Jesus is the only celebrity.

7.       Not only does Christ prosper, but He causes us to prosper in supergrace status. When we reach maturity, we are occupied with the Lord Jesus Christ. God is the host and God pours. There is sharing the happiness of God. You cannot have God’s blessings until you have a cup. God as the host is waiting for us so He can pour.

8.       The next 3 verbs indicate the manner in which Christ prospered. There is no place for human good in the plan of God. Our good is as filthy rags in His sight. Our only approach to God is by means of faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is thinking; believing is thinking. Faith is non-meritorious thinking. The merit when it comes to faith is in the object of faith. Even rationalists will believe that. If we are taught something that they approve of, and we believe it, that is thought to be a good thing.

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Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My Servant shall rule wisely; He shall be exalted and lifted up and be very high.

The Doctrine of Resurrection

1.       Not the same is bringing back someone from the dead temporarily. Like Lazarus. Resuscitation. We was resuscitated from the dead and he retained his corrupt body. The soul does not die and is not subject to death.

2.       Resurrection is a part of the gospel. The limits of the gospel are given in Corinthians. His spiritual death pays for our sin. When this is all over, He said, τετελεστι, which means “it has been finished in the past with results that continue forever.” He will rise up; and that is the resurrection.

3.       There are 2 technical words in Biblical theology: theophany and Christophany. A Theophany is any appearance by Jesus Christ before the 1st advent. Christophany is a resurrection appearance of Jesus Christ, after the crucifixion and burial.

4.       The resurrection of Christ is a part of the strategic victory of the Angelic Conflict. The resurrection is part of the strategic victory. He breaks through the opposition and is seated at the right hand of the Father when is soul, spirit and body are all regathered and unified. Many of you have trouble identifying with Jesus Christ; but there will come a time through aches and pains and miseries where you realize that your human body is wearing out and your resurrection body at that time will become quite important to you.

5.       The resurrection is necessary to perpetuate the Davidic line Tim.2:8 David’s Lord is David’s son. The oldest is Solomon and Nathan is the youngest of David’s 4 sons with Bathsheba (the eldest died). The promises to David were unconditional.

6.       The resurrection of Christ are the basis for the believer’s in the future. 1Peter1:21 it should be obvious that one cannot live in this body forever. Philp1:21

7.       There is a serious problem with God saving anyone because God is absolute righteousness. He cannot change any of these characteristics. God cannot just say, “Well, I just love mankind, no matter what. He’s okay.” Because this violates His character. God cannot compromise any characteristic. Love with compromise is human love. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we come under maximum love from God, regardless of our failures. Regardless of that, God loves us with a maximum love. Jesus Christ bearing our sins on the cross, dying for us, taking our place, satisfies these characteristics. Therefore, God can love us, because His righteousness has been satisfied. Jesus Christ is accepted in heaven. He sits down at the right hand of the Father and since He is accepted in the beloeved, we are as well. We are vindicated by faith in Jesus Christ. There is a relationship between the resurrection body of our Lord Jesus Christ and our vindication. We are justified by faith. The resurrection of Jesus Christ indicates the complete ministry of Jesus Christ.

8.       Identification with Jesus Christ and His resurrection is the motivation for the tactical victory of the supergrace life. Through the baptism of the Spirit. This motivates the supergrace life. The moment that we believe in Christ, we are entered into union with Christ. At that point, we are in the palace forever. We are motivated to act like royalty. Jesus Christ takes on those characteristics of royalty. This is the heritage of the believer priest. In effect, it is God’s desire to give us billions of dollars; it is His desire to bless us greatly in some way; with rm or promotion or riches or whatever. This recognizes that the strategic victory has been accomplished. Somehow, we morphed into Lee flanking Grant; strategically the war was won, but tactically, there was a problem. He left the tactics to his men. Lee had the advantage on the first day; the most troops concentrated on the first day, where the Union forces were scattered all over. If it wasn’t for Hancock, the union army would have retreated. Lee should have had one of his generals attacking, they could have gone through their line and exploited their advantage. Their strategic victory lacked the tactics to back them up. Just because you are a believer, the strategic victory is yours; it has been accomplished. The tactical victory depends upon your attitude toward Bible doctrine. Many of your are here once a year. For some of you, this will be your last time here. You can find another church. I don’t care if you come back here for not. Bob’s ministry is to those who are interested in doctrine daily. I bet you had hot cross buns yesterday too. Next year, Bob wants it said that there was not a large crowd. Bob can tell that there are many who are uncomfortable. Next time, don’t come to the closest church. Bypass this and use the single envelopment and perhaps you will hear some more singing.

9.       2 general categories: for believers only; a resurrection for believers only in Dan.12:2 1Cor.15:20-22. Unbelievers have their own resurrection. Rev.20:5–15 this will include a lot f nice people an religious people. Maybe not too many town drunks, because they will stumble into a meeting somewhere and get saved. Evangelists are shocked by adultery and drining; but not usually about gossiping, implacability, and self-righteousness. None of your sins will be mentioned at the final judgment. The law of double jeopardy. These sins have been paid for. It is your human good that will be the basis for your condemnation. You cannot be judged twice for that which was already judged. Your good deeds will be brought up. You have accomplished 2734 good deeds, and you think that is good enough. You think that God will add them up and be extra proud of you. But you refused God’s solution so you must accept God’s alternative. These good deeds are not good enough. At the judgment bar of God, no bad deeds will be mentioned. Spending eternity in the Lake of Fire is the penalty for ignoring grace.

10.     1Cor.15:20-24 gives us the battalions which are going out. These are under strength battalions. There are only 4 companies. The reviewing stand. Alpha company is Jesus Christ and He is the only one resurrected. The dead in Christ is the royal family. Believers in bravo company. Charley company is made up of the Old Testament saints and the Tribulation martyrs.

11.     Agents in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. God the Father and the Holy Spirit. The entire trinity is involved in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Two weather people in Berachah; from channel 2 and 39 and they predicted good weather, but it did not turn out that way. Jesus Christ has been glorified and He has been seated on the right hand of the Father and He is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool. He will rule forever and seated at the right hand of the father is like Adam in the garden. God said, “Not good that Adam should be alone.” The last Adam is seated on the right hand of the Father in a resurrection body; and it is not good for the last Adam to be alone. He will have a royal family as well.

Easter is being members of the royal family of God and as long as we are in this life, we are guests of the Lord with a purpose. Men like Cyrus the Great and David. We did not earn this or deserve us and many of us do not appear to be royalty. This means that we must have wealth, promotion, great happiness, success; and this only happens when we take in doctrine regularly.

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My Servant shall rule wisely; He shall be exalted and lifted up and be very high.

1Samuel 18 Isa. 52:13b-15                72David                                              631_0120

120 04/14/1974 Doctrines of ascension and session and Second

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My Servant [Jesus Christ] shall rule wisely [prosper]; He shall be exalted and lifted up [resurrection] and be very high [ascension].

The context of this passage is encouragement to the people of God. By the foundation of the Jewish race 51:1-3 by the Word of God 4-8 divine deliverance; regathering of Israel 52:1-12 occupation with Christ vv.13-15. The prosperity of David’s Greater Son, Jesus Christ.

David’s Greater Son will rise up and He will be lifted up.

The Doctrine of Ascension and Session

1.       The change of residency of Jesus Christ from earth to the 3rd heaven. This is accomplished in a resurrection body.

2.       The resurrection body capabilities. Verified by the Lord Jesus Christ and what happened after He was resurrected. Unlimited space travel. It goes horizontally and vertically.

3.       The reception and acknowledgment of the Son. Seated at the right hand of the Father, confirmed and acknowledges that all those who believe in Jesus Christ are accepted in the Beloved.

4.       Celebrityship of Christ. The glorification of David’s Greater Son. Philp.2:9 He is preeminent; He is unique. He is the nobleman in eternity with an illustrious celebrityship. His greatness defies hyperbole; King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

5.       This is the basis for the strategic victory Heb.1:10-14

6.       The ascension and the royal family. Jesus Christ will be alone at the right hand of the Father. The Father says, “Not good that the Last Adam should be alone.” The baptism of the Spirit occurred on the Day of Pentecost. For the first time, God the Holy Spirit lived in the body of a believer (all believers).

7.       The ascension and the new priesthood. This sets aside the Levitical priesthood. Jesus Christ at the right hand of the Father is the new High Priest and He makes intercession for us.

8.       The ascension and the ultimate defeat of Satan are perfectly related. The 2nd advent will terminate operation footstool. Rev.20:1-3

 The Doctrine of the Ascension

from: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=913 The Ascension of Christ was the vertical transfer of our Lord's true humanity from planet earth to the third heaven in a resurrection body. It demonstrates the vertical travel capability of the resurrection body through the earth's atmousphere, the galaxies of the stellar universe, and billions of light years in an instant, and then entering the third heaven where the throne of God is. The original languages of Scripture teach that there are 3 levels of heaven. (1) 1st heaven: Earth's atmousphere. (2) 2nd heaven: Stellar universe. (3) 3rd heaven: Abode of God, the angels and the dead believers. This multiplicity of heavens is indicated in Hebrews 4:14 where our Lord at His Ascension is said to have "passed through the heavens" (accusative masculine plural noun ouranos). The 1st and 2nd heaven are not specifically mentioned but the 3rd heaven is discussed in 2 Corinthians 12:2. Logically speaking, it is evident that there cannot be a 3rd heaven without also a 1st and 2nd heaven. The 1st heaven is the earth's atmousphere which surrounds the earth and is composed of the following 7 layers: (1) Troposphere (2) Stratosphere (3) Mesosphere (4) Thermosphere (5) Exosphere (6) Ionosphere (7) Magnetosphere. Our Lord at His Ascension passed through the earth's atmousphere, i.e., the 1st heaven (Acts 1:9-11). An invisible war is taking place in the Church Age between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness throughout the 7 layers of the earth's atmousphere as part of the angelic conflict (Dan. 10:20; Eph. 2:2; 6:11-17) and will visibly manifest itself during the Tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). Satan is called in the Greek, "ton archonta tes exousias tou aeros, "the ruler of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2). He has tes exousias, "the authority or the power" over the earth's atmousphere. He is archon tou kosmou toutou, "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). The 2nd heaven is the stellar universe or space which consists of a vast array of stars, moons, suns, galaxies and solar systems. Angelic beings populate the stellar universe. The pre-historic battleground of the angelic conflict stretches into this region known as the 2nd heaven. In astronomy the stellar universe is referred to as the cosmos. The cosmos contain the entire physical universe consisting of all objects and phenomena observed and postulated as well invisible angelic beings. The principal components of the universe are the galaxies, stars and stellar groupings, and nebulae. Substantially smaller components include the solar system and any other assemblage of planets, satellites, comets, and meteoroids revolving around a central stellar body that may exist among the millions of galaxies. The universe also contains gravitational fields and various forms of radiation. The 3rd heaven was also created by the Lord Jesus Christ (Psa. 102:25; 115:15; 124:8; 134:3; Isa. 45:12; 51:13; Jer. 32:17; Zech. 12:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:10). The Scriptures teach that the 3rd heaven is the abode of the Trinity (Gen. 14:19, 22; 23:3, 7; 1 Kings 8:30, 49; 2 Chron. 6:21, 30; Neh. 1:4-5; 2:4, 20; Psa. 11:4; 20:6; 33:14; 103:19; Isa. 63:.5; 66:1; Matt. 5:34; Luke 16:9; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; 7:56; 2 Cor. 12:2; Heb. 2:10; Rev. 19:14). The 3rd heaven is located billions and billions of light years away from the earth above the 1st and 2nd heavens. A light-year in astronomy is the distance traveled by light moving in a vacuum in the course of 1 year, at its velocity of 186,282 miles per second. A light-year equals about 5.878 x 10,000,000,000,000 miles, or 63,240 astronomical units. Therefore, the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union travelled billions and billions of light years passing through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heavens by means of divine omnipotence in order to arrive at the right hand of God the Father in order to receive power, rank and authority over all creation and its intelligences. The ascension of Christ occured 40 days after His resurrection. He remained on earth for 40 days in order to confirm the fact that He had indeed risen from the dead as He prophesied many times in His earthly ministry during His 1st Advent. The ascension of Christ was a visible event and in a public place. It took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where He will again return at His 2nd Advent which occurs at the end of the Tribulation period. Luke is the only 1 of the NT writers who gives a detail description of the event. Our Lord's ascension brought to a conclusion His earthly ministry and not the resurrection. The dispensation of the hypostatic union concludes with the resurrection, ascension and session of Christ. There are 2 Christocentric Dispensations: (1) Hypostatic Union: The Birth of Christ to His death, resurrection, ascension and session. (2) The Church Age: Day of Pentecost in 32 A.D. to the Rapture. It was our Lord's ascension is the 3rd major event in relation to the appeal trial of Satan. There are 5 major events in relation to the appeal trial of Satan: (1) Spiritual Death of Christ (2) Resurrection (3) Ascension (4) Triumphal Procession (5) Session. A trial has 3 phases: (1) Formal presentation of the case: Prosecution presents its case, followed by the defense. (2) Rebuttal Phase: The rebuttal arguments of the prosecution followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense. (3) Closing argument and summary: By the prosecution and the defense. The Formal trial in Satan's appeal trial corresponds to Old Testament history. The Rebuttal phase of the Proscecution (God) includes the Christocentric dispensations: (1) The First Advent, Hypostatic Union: Virgin Birth of Christ to His death, 1 resurrection, ascension and session (B.C. 4-30 A.D.), New Testament Gospels (2) The Church Age, Pentecost to the Rapture (30 A.D.-Rapture): Pre-canon period-Book of Acts until John wrote Revelation (A.D. 30-96); Post- Canon Period-Completion of the canon of Scripture, New Testament epistles, (96 A.D.-Rapture). Our Lord's voluntary substitutionary spiritual death on the cross as an impeccable human being on behalf of all fallen creatures (both men and angels) earned Him the Title of the "Faithful and True Witness" in the appeal trial of Satan (Rev. 3:14). Satan's Rebuttal takes place during the 1st of the 2 Eschatalogical dispensations called the Tribulation period which goes from the Rapture to the 2nd Advent of Christ, 7 years from the Rapture to the 2nd Advent of Christ, Prophesied in the Old Testament, Matt. 24-25 and Rev. 6-19. The Closing argument by God as the Prosecution takes place during the 2nd Eschatalogical dispensation called the Millennium which is the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth following Satan's imprisonment. God's closing argument goes from the 2nd Advent of Christ to the end of human history, prophesied throughout Old Testament and Revelation 20. Satan's closing argument is his release from prison after the Millennium & the Gog revolution (Rev. 20:7-9), resulting in the execution of his sentence and being cast into the eternal Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10). The ascension of Christ is the visible manifestation that God the Father promoted the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union to the highest position of power, rank and authority in all of creation. The ascension of the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union declares His enthronement as cosmic ruler with authority over all creation. Our Lord's Ascension was a visible manifestation before the angels and mankind that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union was granted authority by God the Father over the following: (1) Creation (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:15-17; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22). (2) Church as the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16). (3) Israel as the Son of David (Matt. 1:1; 20:30; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 1:32; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 3:7; 5:5; 22:16). The Ascension of Christ also denotes that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union has been promoted to the position of authority in order to conduct the following 5 jugdments: (1) Bema Seat: This takes place at the Rapture and is actually an evaluation rather than a judgement of the Church Age believer's "works" in order to determine if they were done by means of divine omnipotence from the use of the 2 power options (Filling of the Spirit and Metabolized Doctrine) resulting in divine good and rewards or whether they were accomplished in the power of the old sin nature resulting in loss of rewards and shame and embarrassment (Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 John 2:24). The believer sins will not be brought since they were already judged at the Cross. (2) Israel: This will take on earth at the 2nd Advent of Christ taking place at the end of the Tribulation and its for the purpose of removing unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30). (3) Gentiles: This judgement will also take place at the end of the Tribulation at the 2nd Advent of Christ following the judgement of Israel and preceding the Millennial reign of Christ and is for the purpose of removing unregenerate, anti-Semetic Gentiles from the earth who lived during the Tribulation from those who were regenerate and pro-Israel (Matt. 25:31-46). (4) Fallen Angels: This is the judgment of all fallen angels at the end of human history by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church for their rebellion against God in eternity past and will result in them being cast into the Lake of Fire (1 Cor. 6:3; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 20:10). (5) Great White Throne: This is the judgment of all unregenerate humanity at the end of human history for their rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior resulting in them also being cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Their sins will not be brought up since they were judged at the Cross. These individuals trusted in the themselves and their own good works done in the flesh rather than on the perfect Person and Work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Lord received His third royal title as "King of kings and Lord of lords, the bright morning star" which is a direct result of His execution of the Father's Incarnation Plan. The ascension of the humanity of Christ was another demonstration of divine omnipotence which characterized the dispensation of the hypostatic union. The Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union refers to that particular dispensation when the unique Person of our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the power of God by dying for the sins of the world and rising from the dead. This resulted in the execution of the salvation plan of God for mankind and s strategic victory over Satan in the Angelic Conflict. The Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union is the 1st of the Christocentric Dispensations. Each of the Christocentric dispensations end in resurrection. Christocentric means Christ centered. A dispensation is a period of time and is God's viewpoint of human history. A dispensation is a period of time during which a specific revelation concerning God's mind, will, purpose and plan is manifested and in which man is tested as to his obedience to it. The term Great Power refers to divine omnipotence in 2 categories which are Lord in His impeccable humanity employed to execute the plan of God for His life: (1) Spirit of God (Heb. 9:14). (2) Word of God (John 1:14). Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines omnipotence, "an agency or force of unlimited power." God has unlimited power or He is all powerful. Our Lord's life was a life of power (Luke 1:35; 4:36). Our Lord in 2 3 His humanity always relied upon the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit and Bible Doctrine resident in His soul. He did not rely upon His deity to solve His problems or to execute the Salvation Plan of God for His life. Nor, did He rely upon His own deity to defeat Satan. The same Divine Omnipotence that the Lord Jesus Christ relied upon to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for His life, we are also to rely upon to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for our lives here in the Church Age. There were 2 ascensions that took place: (1) Immediate: On the day He rose from the dead (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). (2) Final: 40 days after the resurrection (Acts 1:8-11). The Scriptures indicate that there was an immediate ascension of our Lord. The doctrine of an immediate ascension appears when 2 passages of Scripture are compared (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). It is recorded in John 20:17 that when Christ came out of the tomb He was met by Mary, who in ecstatic devotion would have embraced His feet and held her Lord. Christ told her not to touch Him since He had not yet ascended to present Himself to the Father. Yet in Luke's account of the resurrection it is asserted that the same day in which He arose and at evening He not only appeared in the midst of the frightened disciples, but requested that they touch Him where the nails were driven into His hands and feet. Therefore, a comparison of Scripture reveals that He ascended to the Father during the day that He arose from the dead. The ascension for Christ was a glorious triumphal procession into heaven ( Col. 2:15).

Encouragement comes through occupation with Christ.

Isaiah 52:13 Behold, My Servant [Jesus Christ] shall rule wisely [prosper]; He shall be exalted and lifted up [resurrection] and be very high [ascension].

There is an analogy here, which is continued in the next verse. This would be Jews shocked over the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The shock comes from how the Lord Jesus Christ appears. He appears disfigured. People are shocked just from looking at Him.

An officer waking around after the battle of Gettysburg and the horror of it all. This officer went into shock for about a day over this. But seeing the Lord Jesus Christ after all of this, the shock is even greater. No one has ever appeared to be more shocking. There is torture and abuse. Religion is the cruelest motivator in life.

Isaiah 52:14 Just as many were astonished over You, so much was the disfigurement from man, His appearance and His form from sons of mankind.

This shock will be even less than the shock of seeing the return of Jesus Christ. They were totally shocked by the disfigurement of Jesus prior to the cross; but this is to be contrasted with how great He looks at the return. This is a shock based upon His glamor and glory. He will cause shock and astonishment. Many gentiles will be totally shocked over the look of Jesus Christ at the 2nd advent.

Before getting to the cross, Jesus had to wade through all of the power of evil to take Him out. So great was the abuse, the torture, the punishment; He was so badly beaten up that He could not carry His Own cross. This was the most shocking scene in human history. There is no scourge of the earth that was worse than this. This was shocking and awful. It was almost a relief to get to the cross, so horrible and excruciating was the pain. Without a sin nature, He could hang from the cross and receive our sins.

They will see it with their own eyes. What they will see and what they see is shocking\

Isa. 52:15 So shall He startle many nations, over Him shall kings shut their mouths, for they to whom it had not been related concerning Him, see, and what they had not heard, they consider." CLV and Thieme.

Isaiah 52:15 So He sprinkles from many nations. At Him kings shall shut their mouths; for they will see that which was not told to them; yea, what they had not heard, they will understand. Most other translations.

The Doctrine of the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ

1.       Jesus Christ returns to earth in a resurrection body. She returns with all the glamor and glory of his royalty in a body of incorruption. We will have a view of this of Jesus landing on the Mount of Olives. “There are people on the back row who have been talking. Get out of here and do not come from. Imagine having to stop on Easter Sunday lecturing someone on manners.”

2.       Jesus Christ will return to destroy the armies of those surrounding Israel. The first thing that Jesus does is destroy the armies. Ruins it for liberals. He kills 85,000 people in one battle. And he will break this record on the 2nd advent. He will return in a white uniform but it will be soaked in blood.

3.       The analogy of the 2nd advent is the day of Noah.

4.       The second advent will remove all of the unbelievers from the earth.


6.       This is not the rapture of the church. They are not the same. Believers disappear and it is almost private. The 2nd advent is very public; every eye will see Hiim.

          a.       The rapture takes place in the air. The second advent occurs on the earth.

          b.       The church goes to heaven in the rapture; it returns with Christ in the 2nd advent.

          c.        Judgment of the works of believers. At the 2nd advent, the baptism of fire judgment.

          d.       Our bodies are changed at the rapture to be incorruptible; the earth is changed in the 2nd advent.

          e.       Jesus is the groom in the rapture and the Messiah in the 2nd advent.

          f.        Israel’s covenants are not fulfilled in the rapture; all fulfilled in the 2nd advent.

          g.       End of church age verses end of the Jewish age.

          h.       Believers are caught away at the rapture; unbelievers are taken off the earth in the 2nd advent.

          i.         The rapture is comfort; the 2nd advent is a terror to the inhabitants of the earth.

          j.         The rapture is part of the mystery doctrine; the 2nd advent has been well-known for a long time.

7.       Perfect environment on the earth when our Lord returns.

Doctrine of Second Advent of Christ

from: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=524

The 2nd Advent is the visible return of Christ to planet earth with the elect angels and the Church in order to save the nation of Israel from her enemies and establish His 1000-year millennial reign resulting in the fulfillment of the 4 unconditional covenants to Israel. The 2nd Advent of Christ is well documented in both the Old and New Testaments (Dan. 2:44-45; Zech. 14; Mt. 24:29-31; Rv. 1:7; 19:11-21). The Lord and His armies will orbit the earth before landing on the Mount of Olives, which was the site of His Ascension (Acts. 1:9-11). There will be a great earthquake when our Lord's foot touches the Mount of Olives (Zech. 14:1- 8). It will be a unique day having neither day nor night (Zech. 14:7). The 2nd Advent is distinct from the Rapture of the Church. The Rapture delivers the Church while the 2nd Advent delivers Israel. The Rapture is seen only by the Church and is therefore; invisible while the 2nd Advent is the visible manifestation of Christ on the earth. The Lord meets the Church in the earth's atmosphere at the Rapture, whereas the Lord physically lands on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem at the 2nd Advent. Signs do not precede the Rapture whereas visible signs precede the 2nd Advent. The Lord claims His Bride at the Rapture but He returns with her at the 2nd Advent. The Rapture completes God's program for the Church while the 2nd Advent is related to God's program for Israel. The Rapture is a mystery, not known to Old Testament saints whereas the 2nd Advent is prophesied throughout the Old Testament canon. The Rapture leaves creation unchanged whereas the 2nd Advent entails a change in creation. The Rapture does not fulfill God's covenants to Israel whereas the 2nd Advent marks the beginning of their fulfillment. The Rapture precedes the Tribulation whereas the 2nd Advent follows it. The Rapture affects only the Church Age believer whereas the 2nd Advent will affect all mankind. The Rapture marks the beginning of the worst period in all of human history whereas the 2nd Advent marks the beginning of the greatest time of prosperity and peace in human history. The Rapture removes only believers from the earth whereas the 2nd Advent removes all unbelievers from the earth. Satan remains on the earth after the Rapture while he is removed and thrown into prison at the 2nd Advent. The Rapture precedes the appearance of the anti-Christ on the earth whereas the 2nd Advent precedes his removal. Religion remains active on the earth after the Rapture whereas after the 2nd Advent it no longer exists. The Rapture precedes the marriage of the Lamb whereas the 2nd Advent follows it. The exact time of the Rapture cannot be determined because it is imminent whereas the exact time of the 2nd Advent can be determined once the anti-Christ sets himself up in the Jewish Temple to claim himself to be God at the middle of the 7 years period called the Tribulation.

The Rapture precedes the Bema Seat Judgment of the Church before Christ whereas the 2nd Advent precedes the judgment of Israel before the Lord. The Rapture marks the beginning of the rulership of anti-Christ on the earth whereas the 2nd Advent marks the end of his rule and the beginning of our Lord's millennial reign. Evil flourishes after the removal of the Church at the Rapture whereas evil no longer exits on the earth after the 2nd Advent. The Rapture marks the end of God's Rebuttal in the Appeal Trial of Satan whereas the 2nd Advent marks the end of Satan's Rebuttal in the Trial. The Rapture marks the exit of the Church from the earth while the 2nd Advent marks the entrance of regenerated Israel into the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. While Christ takes the church off planet earth, Michael and the elect angels of God defeat Satan. A great war in heaven will take place between the elect angels of God, led by Michael and the fallen angels, led by Satan. Rev 12:7-9, "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." The Lord Jesus Christ prophesied the defeat of Satan. Luke 10:18, "And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning." As this war is taking place, Christ is taking the church off planet earth in order to deliver them from Satan who will be cast to the earth by Michael and his legions and to deliver them from the judgments recorded in Revelation chapters 6-19 upon a Christ rejecting world. After the church receives their resurrection bodies at the Rapture, each member of the church will be evaluated to determine who will get rewards. This is called the Bema Seat where Christ evaluates each member of the body of Christ to see if they shall receive a reward as a result of good works. 1 Cor 3:11-15, "For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is {to be} revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work, which he has built on, it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire." Members of the church who were overcomers on planet earth and received rewards from Christ at the Bema Seat Evaluation will be presented to the Father. Rev 3:5, "He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." Immediately after the Bema Seat Evaluation, the church will be taken into heaven and the marriage of the Lamb of God will then take place in heaven. Rev 19:6-9, "Then I heard {something} like the voice of a great multitude and like the sound of many waters and like the sound of mighty peals of thunder, saying, "Hallelujah. For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright {and} clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, "Write, "Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb."` And he said to me, "These are true words of God." Simultaneously, while the church is married to Christ in heaven, the Great Tribulation period is taking place on planet earth. Tribulation period is also described as: (1) Jacob's trouble (2) Great Tribulation (3) Daniel's 70th Week (4) Satan's desperation.

The Tribulation is characterized by: (1) Wrath (Zeph. 1:15, 18; 1 Thess. 1:9-10; Rev. 6:16-17; 14:10, 19; 15:7; 16:1, 15, 19). (2) Judgment (Rev. 14:7; 15:4; 16:5- 7; 19:2). (3) Indignation (Isa. 26:20-21; 34:1-3). (4) Hour of trial (Rev. 3:10). (5) Punishment (Isa. 24:20-21). (6) Hour of trouble (Jer. 30:7). (7) Destruction (Joel 1:15). (8) Darkness (Joel 2:2; Zeph. 1:14-18; Amos 5:18).

The Tribulation period is also called the 70th prophetic week of Daniel. A Biblical week is 7 years. God owes Israel one more 7-year period. The first 69 weeks of Daniel's prophecy have been literally fulfilled, but because of the nation of Israel's rejection of Christ as their Messiah, God has postponed the fulfillment of the 70th week. During this postponement, God has inserted the church age where He is forming the future Bride of Christ. Once the church is raptured, then the fulfillment of this 70th week will take place. The Tribulation period or Daniel's 70th week as it is sometimes called in theology is divided into 2 3 ½ year sections. The first 3 ½ years there will be great peace and prosperity but there will be rumors of war. Matt 24:6, "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for {those things} must take place, but {that} is not yet the end." Dan 11:44, "But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb him, and he will go forth with great wrath to destroy and annihilate many." Once anti-Christ displays himself in the rebuilt Jewish temple, the war of Armageddon will commence and will culminate with the 2nd Advent of Christ. Inthe middle of this 7-year period, antichrist will stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt Jewish temple and will declare himself to be God. Dan 9:24-27, "Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy {place.} So you are to know and discern {that} from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince {there will be} seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress. Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end {will come} with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations {will come} one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate." Compare this with what Paul writes. II Th 2:3-4, "Let no one in any way deceive you, for {it will not come} unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God." These last 3 ½ years will be the most terrible time in human history because God will be pouring out judgment upon a Christ rejecting world. Israel will be caught in the midst of this onslaught. Many in Israel will become believers in Jesus Christ during this time. This is the greatest period of crisis evangelism in the history of the world. Many Jews in Israel will turn to Christ at this time and accept Him as Savior. Revelation 12:1-8 says that 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each tribe will become believers in Jesus Christ. There will be 2 Jewish witnesses proclaiming the Gospel for the first 3 ½ period. Rev 11:1-12, "Then there was given me a measuring rod like a staff; and someone said, "Get up and measure the temple of God and the altar, and those who worship in it. Leave out the court which is outside the temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations; and they will tread under foot the holy city for forty-two months. And I will grant {authority} to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies; so if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way. These have the power to shut up the sky, so that rain will not fall during the days of their prophesying; and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with every plague, as often as they desire. When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them, and overcome them and kill them. And their dead bodies {will lie} in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations {will} look at their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb. And those who dwell on the earth {will} rejoice over them and celebrate; and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. But after the three and a half days, the breath of life from God came into them, and they stood on their feet; and great fear fell upon those who were watching them. And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." Then they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies watched them." Revelation, chapters 6-19 describe this awful period in human history. Fallen angels will become visible on planet earth and kill a third of mankind (Rev. 9). Antichrist will persecute Israel and will put to death anyone who does not have the mark of the beast. Rev 13:16-17, "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead and {he provides} that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, {either} the name of the beast or the number of his name." The Lord Jesus Christ describes the Tribulation period in detail and His 2nd Advent. Matt 24:3-39, "As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, `Tell us, when will these things happen, and what {will be} the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?' And Jesus answered and said to them, `See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, `I am the Christ,' and will mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for {those things} must take place, but {that} is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are {merely} the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days. But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, `Behold, here is the Christ,' or `There {He is}' do not believe {him.} For false Christ's and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, `Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, {or} `Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe {them.} For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other. Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; So, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, {right} at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.'"

The 2nd Advent of Christ is further described in Zechariah and Revelation. As we noted earlier in this article, Zechariah 14:1-4 makes it clear that the events of the 2nd Advent are included in the program of the Day of the Lord. The prophecies of Zechariah appear in the Major Prophets in the Old Testament Hebrew canon.

The Old Testament was divided into 3 sections: (1) The Torah (2) The Prophets (Nabhiim) (3) The Writings (Kethubim). The 1st section is called the Torah meaning "the Law" contained: (1) Genesis (2) Exodus (3) Leviticus (4) Numbers (5) Deuteronomy. The 2nd section was the Prophets which were divided into 2 sections: (1) The Former Prophets (2) The Latter Prophets. The Former Prophets: (1) Joshua (2) Judges (3) Samuel (4) Kings. The Latter Prophets were divided into 2 categories: (1) Major (2) Minor. Major Prophets: (1) Isaiah (2) Jeremiah (3) Ezekiel. The Minor Prophets were also called the Twelve because they were all contained 1 Book: (1) Hosea (2) Joel (3) Amos (4) Obadiah (5) Jonah (6) Micah (7) Nahum (8) Habakkuk (9) Zephaniah (10) Haggai (11) Zechariah (12) Malachi. The 3rd and last section was called the Writings: (1) The Poetical Books: Psalms, Proverbs and Job (2) The Five Rolls (Megilloth): Song of Solomon, Ruth, Ecclesiastes, Esther and Lamentations (3) The Historical Books: Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah (1 book) and Chronicles! According to Nehemiah 12:1, 16 the prophet Zechariah was born a Levite in Babylon. He was the son of Berekiah and the grandson of Iddo the priest according to Zechariah 1:1. Ezra and Nehemiah referred to him as "a descendant of Iddo" (Ezra 5:1; 6:14; cf. Neh. 12:4, 16). Thus, implying perhaps that his father had died young and Zechariah became the successor of his grandfather (cf. Neh. 12:4, 16). So, like Jeremiah and Ezekiel before him, Zechariah was both a prophet and a priest. Zechariah's name, which he shared with about 30 other men in the Old Testament, means, "Yahweh remembers." He was a contemporary of Haggai the prophet, Zerubbabel the governor, and Joshua the high priest (Ezra 5:1-2; Zech. 3:1; 4:6; 6:11). Zechariah returned to Jerusalem from Babylon with almost 50,000 other Jewish exiles. He was probably a relatively young man at the beginning of his prophetic ministry according to Zechariah 2:4. According to Jewish tradition, Zechariah was also thought to be one of the members of the Great Synagogue, a body, which is thought to have gathered and preserved the sacred writings and traditions of the Jews after the exile.

The book of Zechariah has been called the apocalypse because of the presence of a number of visions. He dwells on the Person and Work of Christ more fully than all the other Minor Prophets combined. Zechariah 14 concludes the 2nd division of the last section of the Book of Zechariah. This last section, chapters 9-14, deals with prophecy concerning the 1st Advent of Christ (chapters 9-11). In the 2nd and last division, chapters 12-14, we have the prophecies concerning the 2nd Advent of Christ. Chapter 14 is entirely prophetic and eschatological in scope from the standpoint of the rapture of the church. Zech 14:1, "Behold, a day is coming for the LORD when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you." This summary verse announces the last future siege of Jerusalem in the "day of the Lord,' which is during the Great Tribulation period that is also known as Daniel's 70th week. Zechariah 14:2-4, "For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the LORD will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south." The Mount of Olives will be split in half by the return of our Lord to the Mount of Olives. If you recall in Acts 1:9-11 upon our Lord's ascension the angels told the disciples of our Lord that He would return in the same manner to the Mount of Olives in the future. The statement that the Lord will stand "on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east" is a significant statement. This is not a casual statement. You will notice throughout Scripture that help for Israel is coming from the east. This is the reason the Jews pay great attention to that eastern gate, which some call the golden gate. The Lord will come through the eastern gate at His 2nd Advent in the rebuilt Jewish temple. Zechariah 14:5, "You will flee by the valley of My mountains, for the valley of the mountains will reach to Azel; yes, you will flee just as you fled before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Then the LORD, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with Him!" _When the Lord lands upon the Mount of Olives at His 2nd Advent to personally and bodily deal with His enemies and those of His people, the Jews, the Mount of Olives, dislodged by a severe and terrible earthquake, will dissolve into "an exceedingly great valley." Therefore, there will be a vast alteration of the geography in Jerusalem in order that it might be the center of blessing to the world during the millennial reign of Christ. According to Isaiah 2:2-3, Jerusalem will be the capital of the entire earth during the Millennium. Zechariah 14:6-7, "In that day there will be no light; the luminaries will dwindle. For it will be a unique day, which is known to the LORD, neither day nor night, but it will come about that at evening time there will be light." The 2nd Advent of Christ will be unique because Jesus Christ is unique since He is undiminished deity and true humanity in 1 Person forever, the God-Man. Zechariah 14:8, "And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea (Dead Sea) and the other half toward the western sea (Mediterranean); it will be in summer as well as in winter." Jerusalem, who throughout her history has been an inland city, will become a seagoing city, or port town at the 2nd Advent of Christ. Zechariah 14:9-10, "And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one. All the land will be changed into a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem; but Jerusalem will rise and remain on its site from Benjamin's Gate (North wall) as far as the place of the First Gate (Northeastern corner of the city) to the Corner Gate (northwestern extremity), and from the Tower of Hananel (at the opposite extremity of the "corner gate," in the northeastern part of the city, Jer. 31:38) to the king's wine presses." The 2nd Advent of Christ will cause a severe earthquake that will change the entire central highland ridge from Geba of Benjamin (Josh. 18:24; 2 K. 23:8), located some 6 miles northeast of Jerusalem, to Rimmon south of Jerusalem, located 33 miles southwest of Jerusalem, an inhabited site in Zechariah's day. All the land of Palestine specified here in verse 10 shall be transformed so as to become, like the Arabah. The Arabah is the deep depression that extends from the Sea of Galilee, 652 feet below sea level to the Gulf of `Aqaba, and only 300 feet above sea level just west of Petra in Edom, making the Arabah the deepest depression on the surface of the earth. But the depth of the terrain was only one element that prompted the comparison by Zechariah to the Arabah. Another was its level character. Josephus twice mentions "the Great Plain" in describing the Ghor or Rift, from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea (Wars 8.2; Antiquities 6.1). Hence, Zechariah used the simile "like the Arabah" to stress the of Jerusalem in emphasizing the depression of the surrounding hills and their being made as level as a plain. Jerusalem shall be elevated and exalted instead of being imbedded in the midst of mountainous rough terrain that it is presently surrounded by. Zechariah 14:11-16, "People will live in it, and there will no longer be a curse, for Jerusalem will dwell in security. Now this will be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth. It will come about in that day that a great panic from the LORD will fall on them; and they will seize one another's hand, and the hand of one will be lifted against the hand of another. Judah also will fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be gathered, gold and silver and garments in great abundance. So also like this plague will be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, the donkey and all the cattle that will be in those camps. Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths (Feast of Tabernacles)." The Feast of Tabernacles contains an interesting feature that makes it prophetic from the standpoint of the Millennium. The solemn 8th day, "the last and great day of the feast" when Israel no longer dwelt in booths but returned to their homes, looks beyond the millennial kingdom to the eternal state, when time will merge into eternity and the millennial kingdom will merge into the eternal kingdom (1 Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 21:1, 3). Zechariah 14:17-21, "And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, there will be no rain on them. If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the LORD smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. This will be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. In that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, `HOLY TO THE LORD.' And the cooking pots in the LORD'S house will be like the bowls before the altar. Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to the LORD of hosts; and all who sacrifice will come and take of them and boil in them. And there will no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts in that day." Rev 19:11-21, "And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it {is} called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes {are} a flame of fire, and on His head {are} many diadems; and He has a name written {on Him} which no one knows except Himself. {He is} clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white {and} clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice, saying to all the birds which fly in midheaven, "Come, assemble for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men, both free men and slaves, and small and great." And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh."

1Samuel 31                                          72David                                              631_0121

04/15/1974 Isa. 53:1-3 Erroneous images of Jesus Christ; Easter Special

8 different principles dealing with Jesus Christ and the cross.


V. 10 resurrection and the cross

v. 11 Soteriology and the cross

v. 12 His glorification and the cross.

You should make a decision based upon information. The arm of the Lord is the humanity of Jesus Christ; Lord stands for the deity of Jesus Christ. Used in many passages in Isaiah. 59:6 63:5 creation was finger work; but salvation is arm work.

Isaiah 53:1 Who has believed our report [doctrinal teaching]? And to whom is the arm of Jehovah revealed?

Now e move into the doctrinal teaching that Isaiah is speaking of.

What is a tender plant? Joneq actually means a suckling, a sucker plant. This is a technical word used for a plan which derives its nourishment from its own roots and from its stalk. Very different from the male sucker today. So Jesus derives His nourishment from His Own roots. He learned doctrine and He drew upon it throughout His lifetime. God the Father provides from His deity that which is necessary. Doctrine is resident in his soul and the root that God the Father just started He became spiritually self-sustaining very early on in His life. He will be caused to grow up like a sucking plant. He received Bible doctrine in His soul. Luke 2:40, 52 He was in the supergrace life before He was in his teens; but He held the world together even in the cradle.

Sheresh refers to a root shoot; a root that has sprouted a little. It is both a root and a shoot. Jesus is both the source of David as well as from David. Rev. 5:5 22:16 Isa. 11 here, He is said to come out of dry ground. Israel is dried up by religionism, and legalism; as they lived then under the 4th cycle of discipline. Jesus did not find his nourishment from the religious groups them; He does not get any nourishment from the ground itself.

Physically, He was unattractive. There was nothing about Him that caught a person’s eyes. Ghasty monstrous pitiful job for the Greatest Story Ever Told. Jesus did not have long hair; He was not a hippie. This is a sign of effeminacy. It means the woman runs everything. A man with long hair means that a woman is running him; or of emotional revolt of the soul. Jesus did not have long hair and He did not have an effeminate face. Neither is Jesus some kind of a superstar; pitiful piece of junk that operetta.

Jesus grew up being nourished from His Own soul. So, such a man could grow up and be unattractive physically, but be very attractive overall because of what is in his soul.

A word for being handsome in an aristocratic way. You might see a person like this and think that they are arrogant. Noble. They look set apart. But Jesus was not this way. He was not ostentatious in His looks. He did not look like a king to Israel. Saul looked like a king to the people of Israel; Jesus did not. Jesus was tall and powerful, but He did not look like a king.

Jesus came without the pomp and the haughty demeanor of royalty; nothing like the Roman aristocrats r the religious leaders. They did not see Him as King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

Some guy who came up to Bob and said, “You don’t look at all like your picture; you used to have a lot of hair.” It wasn’t that Bob was repulsive; he just wasn’t what this guy expected.

Many a guy would order a bride in the catalogue, and the picture looked one way; and she looked another.

The Jews were influenced by the facade of the Roman leaders; we estimate a great man by virtue and not success is the motto, but not what the Jews looked at.

The Jews of the first advent generally rejected Christ, but the gentiles did not.

This simply did not see in Jesus the picture of a Roman leader.

Isaiah 53:2 For He comes up before Him as a tender plant [sucking plant], and as a root out of dry ground. He has no [ostentatious] form nor magnificence that we should see Him; nor form that we should desire Him.

No one in all of history has been more loved by a few and hated by the majority than our Lord Jesus Christ. How do you go about despising a perfect man? He has every fight to the throne of Israel, but birth, by background; how do you despise someone like that?

The Jews were able to pull this off because they were very religious and very stuck on the superficialities of life. There was a strong opposition to Him and He has a record of being so incredibly hated. He had a zero peer rating; and peer ratings are meaningless. The peer rating of the military men is meaningless and a bad idea.

The opposition of man did not keep Jesus from fulfilling the Father’s plan. He was despised and rejected. Men were against Him and men plotted to kill Him, but none of these things could stop the plan of God. There is nothing which can stop the plan of God. Just make certain that you are operating under the plan of God.

Closing Points

1.       Not only was Jesus despised by the religious and reversionistic unbelievers, but He was forsaken by the disciples who claimed to love them.

2.       The infidelity did not hinder the Son of David from fulfilling the will of the Father. The other disciples, except John, all deserted. Let’s say you stand alone; the only thing that can keep you steady is Bible doctrine in your soul. You will go right on doing the right thing; the plan of God. Men are stupid here. Most men assume, when they are young, that they are God’s gift to women. The worst thing that can happen to him is have a woman claim to love you while she despised you.

3.       Public opinion was against Jesus. Today, people think that if public opinion is against you, that you ought to pull up your tent a pull out. Who cares about public opinion. How cares about public opinion.

4.       Criticism and antagonism were constant pressures to Him.

5.       Rejection of the unbelievers and the implacability of loved ones and the hatred of religious types was a fountain of opposition that He waded through.

6.       He became a man of sorrows.

This comes up next. He is a man of sorrows. This actually means a man of adversities; grief, pain, pressure.

Every catastrophe, every disaster, every betrayal that we have faced, Jesus faced to the maximum.

When a leper went by, you cover your face; so when Jesus went by, they covered their faces, as if He is a leper. It means to razz, to disdain, to make fun of.

The final verb means to evaluate.

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and abandoned of men, a Man of pains [pressures and adversities], and acquainted [to know; and knowing] with sickness [catastrophe, grief]. And as it were hiding our faces from Him, He being despised, and we did not value Him.

Jesus was totally excluded and banished by the Judaistic religion; the repudiation was total, as it clear by the cross.

Closing Points.

1.       The facts regarding Jesus Christ indicate rejection.

2.       The judaizers had distorted the Scriptures and they merged the majesty of His 2nd advent with the humility of His 1st advent. They bypassed the cross entirely. They ignored this part. They wanted glory, majesty, glamous. They wanted patitians like the SPQR types.

3.       They ignored the strategic victory of the cross which must precede His 2nd advent, before His could be revealed in His aristocratic demeanor.

4.       The mission of the cross had to be accomplished.

5.       The incarnation was lost of the generation who met Jesus. He could not simply be a good man. He had to be God or a liar.

Know the time in which you live. The Jews did not know their time. They tried to skip the cross and take the crown. The Romans had a proverb at this time: in excessive altercation the truth is lost. That was the tragedy of the1st advent.

1Samuel 18                                          72David                                              631_0122

04/16/1974 Isa. 53:4-7 Doctrine of unlimited atonement

A conclusion is demanded here. In spite of the ostracism and the rejection, Jesus Christ went to the cross and died for the sins of the world. He died for the sins of those who rejected Him and for those who despised Him. Human opposition has never stopped the plan of God. No one is going to stop God’s plan. It is based upon Bible doctrine resident in the souls of believers. Even though God the Son met every type of opposition, He moved right on. This is grace; we did not earn it or deserve it.

Sinful afflictions are failures on our part; and most of the time, no one helps us to get into this hole. We dig that hole ourselves. While on the cross, all of the sins were poured out on Him; He was made sin for us; He bore our sins in His Own body on the cross.

The time to judge our sins had now come. In the past, God had overlooked or winked at our sins.

Isaiah 53:4 Therefore, He has borne [carried] our sicknesses [sinful afflictions], and He carried our pain; yet we esteemed Him plagued [evaluated by judgment], smitten by God, and afflicted.

Man’s guilt as related to the cross. Many people do nice things because they have a guilt complex or a guilty conscience. Many people try to live their lives to make up for some sin that they committed a long time ago. If you understand the cross, you understand efficacious atonement.

Any time that you are motivated by guilt or you are nice to someone because you feel guilty about something because you feel guilty, you have lost track of the grace of God. The proleptic pronoun, and pronoun in the emphatic position.

In this middle section of the chapter; our sins are not judged by God on us, but are judged by God in Jesus Christ. He and only He is the One being pierced by our transgressions. The guilt that accompanies these sins is also removed. This is why we just name our sins and we are forgiven. This is a free way where we are forgiven. There is no penance, no feeling sorry; it means to name them privately. If someone else pays, then it is obviously free to us. If we try to pull this guilt complex on God, the problem is, we are dealing with the sins twice. When Jesus died for our sins, that was the end of it. Christ has already paid for our sins, so there is no guilt that ought to accompany these sins. The judgment was total. Jesus left no part of it for us. You are not entitled to any sort of guilt for any reason. Some work around the church in order to work your guilt off.

Jesus was judged for us; the judgment that we deserved was poured out on Him.

The bruise is Jesus Christ; He was one massive bruise when He took upon Himself our punishment. Completely and totally bruised. To restore; to pardon.

Summary Points

1.       when Jesus Christ was on the cross, He was judged for us.

2.       This was provided by His spiritual death.

3.       Jesus was alive physically when He took the punishment for our sins.

4.       He was alive and screaming. “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

5.       He was not bleeding to death.

6.       Jesus screamed on the cross, not from physical pain, but from bearing out sins.

7.       He was forsaken by God and punished because He was made sin for us.

8.       All of this time, while Jesus was taking our place, providing for us this efficacious sacrifice of Himself, He was very much alive. He was still alive when He had completed dying for our sins. Jesus was alive when He proclaimed, finished. He did not bleed to death.

9.       Salvation was entirely completed before Jesus Christ died physically. He died physically by an act of His Own volition. He dismissed His Own Spirit. His blood was still in His body.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for [by] our transgressions; He was bruised [crushed] for our iniquities [punishment for sin]; the chastisement of our peace [the punishment which produced our peace] was upon Him; and with His wounds [bruise, scar] we ourselves are healed [forgiven].

The Doctrine of Unlimited Atonement

1.       Jesus Christ died for the entire world, not just the elect.

2.       Rom. 5:6 1Tim. 2:6, 4:10 1John2:2

3.       Jesus died for the sins of the world on the cross. The area of weakness of the sin expresses itself in the production of sins and the area of strength produces human good. Human good is judged at the final judgement. Rom. 6:6

4.       The unbelievers sins are not mentioned at the final judgment; law of double jeopardy. When a person is thrown into the Lake of Fire, only his human good will be mentioned.

5.       The unbeliever is present at the last judgment because he has rejected Jesus Christ as Savior.

6.       His indictment will be based upon human good. The unbeliever cannot be judged for his sins; he was judged on the cross and his sins were dealt with there.

7.       Christ did not die for human good; He died for our sins.

8.       Therefore, the doctrine of unlimited atonement deal with sin only.

Here, we have sheep that are wayward sheep; they are confused and wandering and not able to find their way back. Some people can do the right thing without thinking about it, just based upon instinct. That is what we have on this situation. Sheep are stupid and they have no instincts. They cannot smell; they cannot find the nearest water hole. Most animals can, but not sheep. They cannot find food for themselves. Sheep are typically bull headed about their own ignorance. They wander in and wander off. A fox can kill a sheep. Bites their nose and they just stand there; then bites their stomach and pulls the contents out. They are helpless and stupid. We are the sheep in all of the analogies which are found in the Bible.

Sheep have no sense of direction. You can take the sheep anywhere, give them perfect instructions and they will get lost.

Sheep are completely and totally helpless and without direction. They cannot defend themselves and are totally disoriented. We as members of the human race are totally disoriented. We do not know what to do about sin. We always do the wrong thing. In fact, we often try everything but the right thing. If not for the grace of God, we’d have no idea. We have to know about the gospel in order to believe.

All of us are like sheep. Thumb goes to me, finger goes to you. For the sake of the tapers, I was pointing my index finger.

Isaiah 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have each one turned to his own way; and Jehovah made meet in [has caused for fall upon] Him the iniquity of [punishment for] all of us.

There is Satanic pressure on Jesus; direct and indirect (through human media). All of the pressure was to keep Him from going to the cross.

Summary Points

1.       Jesus Christ, as the servant of God the Father, was doing His will

2.       But to do the Father’s will required wading through a tremendous amount of pressure.

3.       Every form of government that Jesus had contact wanted to abuse and torture Him.

4.       From the very start of His public ministry, he was oposed by every form of religion.

5.       Never once did Jesus lose His poise. Yet the pressure seemed to intensify as He moved toward the cross.

6.       One of the pressures is, Jesus was lied about. Falsejkl

7.       Another attack upon His poise is, hundreds spit on Him. The saliva was all over His face and body.

8.       In trhe Jewish courtroom, where violence is prohibited, He was slugged on many occasions. His face was slapped thil s. He was tied to a whipping post and He was scourged, where there are bits of metal and bones and it is designed to remove the skin from the back. His body was lacerated at this time. Whatever pain was involved, was intensified by the spiritual forces of evil.

The people were trying to do whatever they could in order to make Him feel pain. He resisted a fantastic temptation, when the evil snarling pharisees challenged Him to come down off the cross. The temptation was the get off the cross and beat the hell out of them. Every kind of attack was brought against our Lord. All the way through, there was emphasis, He was oppressed, He was the One being humbled.

When David walked out into the field in Ephresdonia, he asked, who is this uncircumcised Philistine? His brother began to make fun of David. “Hey, David, where are your sheep?” But David did not once open his mouth. It is not easy to kill a giant; you have to wade through all of the fundies first.

Isaiah 53:7 He was oppressed [abuse, harassment], and He was afflicted, but He did not open His mouth. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a ewe before her shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.

Next verse is very technical.

1Samuel 31                             72David/Easter Special                                 631_0123

04/17/1974 Isa. 53:8, 9 Jesus Christ’s six trials and burial

He Was Taken Away by Oppression and by Judgment

1.       Jesus faed 6 unjust trials before the cross.

2.       These trials were used to get rid of the only perfect Person; the One causing extreme embarrassment to the religious types.

3.       He was brought before Annas, the father-in-law to the high priest. More abuse; no indictment, no testimony; just abuse.

4.       The law of Israel and the law of Rome were great systems of law and they were distorted to put Jesus on the cross.

Summary of Trials

1.       Before Annas, who was no longer a high priest; but he was powerful. He was a great ganster and he could cover his actions with law or hide behind the law. The office of high priest owas held by 5 sons and a son-in-law, controlling one of the highest offices in the land for a quarter century. As a sadducee, he was not troubled by the religious aspects. He owned the concessions in the Temple. Jesus drove them out and kept them out for awhile. This thing had to be cleared with Annas. John 18 and this violated Jewish law in all respects.

2.       A legal trial before Caiphas John 18 Matt. Holding court at night was illegal but they wanted an immediate disposition. There was no defense attorney at any trial. The nearest thing to this was Pontius Pilate, who said Jesus was innocent of all charges. To try a capital case, there must be 23 members of the Sanhedrin. There had to be an ellapse of 24 hours between a guilty verdict and sentencing. However, both occurred at the same night without any evidence. Usually, the younger members give their votes first and the high priest last, so he did not influence them. Here, he gave his decision first.

3.       3rd trial held at dawn. Luke 22 Matt. 27:1 only refers to it the idea was to prepare a case that would hold water instead of establish the facts. All the laws of evidence were set aside. They wanted Jesus to seem as if He were a revolutionists and a rival to Cæsar. It is now daylight and it is the day after the Passover. 8 straight holy days and trials cannot be held for these days. In their hypocrisy, they insist of having a very legal sounding trial. The members of the sanhedrin has not observed the Passover yet.

4.       John 18 this is the only trial to come up with an honest verdict. Pilate examines the witness for the defense and found Him to be an honest and credible witness. The Jews could not put someone to death; only Rome could do this.

5.       The 5th trial was political expediency. Before Herod. Pilate was looking for an out and he sent Jesus to Herod, who was seeing the holy days in Jerusalem. Herod was the ruler of Galilee in the north and Jesus was a Galilean, so he put them together. He wanted to be entertained and Jesus did not. No way that Herod as a gentile would have gotten a miracle. He sent Jesus back to Pilate without any directive order.

6.       John 18:39–19: Pilate tries to release Jesus by offering Him or a murderer to be released. Matt. 27 washing his hands and saying that this was judicial murder; he renounced the sentence and said this would be on the Jews. This is found in Deut. 21:6–9 and this should have shocked the Jews and gotten their attention. Pilate hoped that the horror of scourging Jesus would move to people to call for His release. He thought he could bluff them to call for our Lord’s release, but he was wrong.

After the physical death, we have because of the transgression of My people. The punishment was poured out on the Lord Jesus Christ. The distortions of the best systems of human justice.

The Injustice of the Trials

1.       S

2.       Jewish and Roman laws were the best systems of law in that day. When you get a generation of bleeding hearts, they try to undo the system out of guilt.

3.       God the Father used in justice as a means of providing our salvation; maximum human injustice got Jesus Christ on the cross. He poured out our sins on Him.

4.       In the middle of v. 8 there is the question, “Who gave thoughtful consideration to the fact that He was cut off from the land of the living?” Who realized the true significance of the cross in our Lord’s generation. But there was hardly a person in all of Israel who was unaware of what Jesus did and all of His miracles. Some of you think all you need is to see a true miracle and you would be impressed. However, only Bible doctrine in the soul is the only thing that you have to make discernment.

5.       Legal procedure brought Jesus to the cross, the judgement for sin occurs on the cross.

6.       Christ was judged in our place and man was reconciled to God as a matter of grace.

7.       This passage was being ready by a royal treasurer from Ethiopia and he was reading Isa. 53:8 and Philip explained salvation by this passage.

The idea is, Jesus was not deserving of death; He did not deserve the sins being poured out on Him, just as He was mistried and given a bad sentence.

Isaiah 53:8 He was taken from prison and from justice [was taken away by oppression and by judgment]; and who shall consider His generation? For He was cut off out of the land of the living; from the transgression of My people, the stroke was to Him.

There are 2 doctrines in Christology that are never explained. Jesus dying on the cross and why there is so much on the burial of our Lord. There is other information.

Nathan means to give. It has other related meanings. It means to assign, to appoint. Jesus was identified with criminals on the cross. Therefore, He was supposed to be buried in obscurity. If Jesus is buried in obscurity, there is no proof in resurrection. He must be buried in a prominent place. There must be no question as to the meaning of the empty tomb.

Josephus tells us that it was the custom to bury blasphemers in obscure place. However, Jesus was to be assigned to death with the rich. Though Jesus was crucified with criminals and died with criminals, He was assigned to a rich man’s grave. God the Father took over the control of history during this time. Maximum injustice is practiced. God turns it into salvation by striking Him with our sins. Because of the crucifixion, His burial is supposed to be obscure, But God assigned Him a prominent tomb. His body was turned over to some of His disciples; and an obscure burial would had obfuscated the resurrection.

Deaths is in the plural. 2 deaths on the cross. There was His spiritual death, with started at noon and lasted for 3 hours. This is where He cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” At 3 pm, He died physically. “Father, into Your hands, I deposit My spirit.” And having said this, He expired. His physical death followed because His work was finished. When the first Adam sinned, He died spiritually. He died physically 935 years later. So His physical death followed His spiritual death. Same pattern with the first and last Adam. To the one born twice, he can only die once; and vice versa.

Violence here refers to wrong of any kind. This summarizes His entire life. He was absolutely perfect.

Isaiah 53:9 And He appointed Him His grave with the wicked [while His burial would be assigned with criminals], but He was [associated] with a rich man in His deaths; though He had done no violence [no wrong of any sort], and deceit was not in His mouth.


1.       His burial is not covered well.

2.       His burial is a part of the gospel. It is a link between death and resurrection. One fight of confederates with a mostly black held fort; and they pretended to be dead, until they were buried.

3.       The importance of this doctrine relies on the fact that burial for 3 days means death without question.

4.       This avoids all of the false views of resurrection from resuscutation to the swoon theory.

5.       Burial in a prominent place guarded by Roman soldiers removes all problems with regards to the validity of our Lord’s death. There was a Roman seal on the tomb.

6.       Since Jesus Christ truly died physically, He was truly resurrected physically.

7.       The burial established the validity of a literal, bodily resurrection.

8.       The end of this verse establishes impeccability with regards to all sins. Deceit emphasizes the inner sins. The burial of our Lord means God the Father would permit no additional indignities to the body of our Lord.

Doctrine of resurrection next time.

1Samuel 31 Isa. 53:10           72David/Easter Special                                 631_0124

04/18/1974 Doctrines of the hands of Jesus Christ and ascension and session

Bob went through the cycle of slavery, to prosperity, to apathy to dependence and then slavery again.

We are a free people based upon military victory. A medal of honor recipient read.

He carried the guilt of our sinful afflictins. Consequently, He was the One being pierced for our transgressions. Because of divine judgment of My people, the stroke of judgment was upon Him.

Yet Jehovah the Father purposed to crush Him.

Tolaaf is a worm whose blood made an excellent dye. It made a beautiful crimson color. Jesus was crushed like a worm, as it were. Because Jesus was crushed with the weight of our sins. We wear the king’s robe.

Psalm 22:6 But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people.

Jehovah the Father made a command decision to crush Him (Jesus Christ). The Father had to cause the cross, and He made this decision in view of the great temptation not to make it. The corruption of the Roman administration and the vituperation of the pharisees, who scoffed at Him and maligned Him while on the cross.

Isaiah 53:10 But Jehovah pleased to crush Him, to make Him sick, so that If He should put His [when You will appoint Him an offering for sin; a trespass offering] soul as a guilt offering, He shall see His seed; He shall prolong His days; and the will of Jehovah shall prosper in His hand.

Lev. 12:5–6 the trespass offering is a rebound offering. The one who is wronged is the one Who gains. Jesus gains a royal family. No matter what kind of a life we live, we are still counted as gain. Lev. 5:16 emphasis is upon the one who is wronged. God the Father gains because Jesus dies for our sins; and there is an entire family because of this which God the Father acquires. Man is also a gainer; man gains more than was lost in the fall.

Man did not have eternal life in the garden. You cannot argue from silence. If the antithesis is not stated, then it does not exist. We think in terms of antithesis because of Hegel, who hatched the egg from which communism sprung.

Jesus Christ is the point in history where all of these gains come together. There is no great sets of laws than Jewish and Roman and both still prosecuted Jesus. The two greatest systems of law met and conspired to put Jesus on the cross. Still, God gains and man gains.

Isaiah 53:10 But Jehovah pleased to crush Him, to make Him sick, so that If He should put His [when You will appoint Him an offering for sin; a trespass offering] soul as a guilt offering, He shall see His seed; He shall prolong His days; and the will of Jehovah shall prosper in His hand.

After His death, there must be a gain. The Levitical offering, found in Lev. 5 and 6. God is the gainer in 5:16 man is the gainer; God is the gainer in 6:5. We gain by being royalty. Were self-discipline, no matter what our human abilities, these things are inconsequential.

Apparently, we are on the verge of a recession. A recession means loss. If Christ bears our sins on the cross, then He must die physically. He had to die spiritually first. The spiritual death is as important as the physical death. Jesus was alive and speaking when He said, “Finished.” The peace offering was accomplished on the cross, that is not is what is in view here. There is a barrier and this removes the barrier. Gain can occur on the cross when our sins have been judged.

Zero to 100 occurs with salvation. Gain occurs with resurrection. The sin here is a particular sin offering and that is the key. From His resurrection comes a seed and from the seed comes a harvest.

Isaiah 53:10 But Jehovah pleased to crush Him, to make Him sick, so that If He should put His [when You will appoint Him an offering for sin; a trespass offering] soul as a guilt offering, He shall see His seed; He shall prolong His days; and the will of Jehovah shall prosper in His hand.

Gain is profit; we use gain because it sounds more theological. Jesus planted the seed in death (1Cor.15:41-44). This one seed yielded billions of acres of harvest. One royal son went forth on the virgin birth.

Prolonging the days. Hiphil stem here. David’s Greater Son will prolong His days.

The Empty Tomb and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

1.       He shall prolong His days, means that David’s greater Son will reign forever.

2.       This emphasizes the duration of the resurrection; forever.

3.       This is why God did not permit an obscure and ignominious burial as with the 2 thieves. The tomb had to be prominent.

4.       The tomb was sealed and guarded by Roman guards. The dead could not leave and the living could not go inside.

5.       The empty tomb means that Jesus had a literal, physical bodily resurrection after a literal bodily death.

6.       If the tomb had not been empty, then the religious types would have produced the corpse to stifle the religious hysteria. They lacked a corpse. They could not produce it and say, “Here’s His corpose.”

7.       In view of the sealed tomb and the Roman guard, the disciples would have no desire or ability to steal the body.

8.       Assume the disciples stole the body. They could not proclaim His resurrection with a hidden corpse.

9.       If the enemies of Christ had stolen the body, they would have produced it.

10.     Therefore, the empty tomb is a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

By His resurrection, God brings many sons into glory. The resurrection means that Israel has a ruler forever.

Therefore the plan of Jehovah the Father will advance by the hand of Jesus Christ. This is used to make a point.

The Hands of Jesus Christ

1.       The hands of Jesus Christ are the hands of the Creator. Psalm119:2

2.       The hands of Christ are also the hands of our Savior. The hands nailed ot the cross are the hands of the Creator and Savior.

3.       The hands of security. Psalm 37:24

4.       Therefore the plan of Jehovah the Father will advance in His hand.

Resurrection advances the plan of God the Father so that one Seed planted will bring forth a harvest of billions. We are the harvest. Change from the 3rd person to the 2nd person, and that gives you a parenthesis in the Hebrew.

Closing Points

1.       The Father’s plan was designed to include the two deaths of Christ on the cross.

2.       The physical death of Jesus Christ as a trespass offering seems to be the end of the plan. However, in the middle of this verse, “He shall prolong His days.” That is the impace of the resurrection. The plan does not end with His physical death. Death of Christ on the cross makes no impact on the Angelic Conflict? The plan must advance in the Angelic Conflict and that requires the resurrection.

3.       The seed is the royal family of God.

4.       The prolongation of days emphasizes the importance of Israel, as David’s Greater Son will rule over forever.

5.       C

6.       The necessity of the resurrection from the standpoint of Christ Himself. No resurrection no strategic victory. The glorification of Jesus Christ depends on His resurrection. No session means no victory in the Angelic Conflict.

Isaiah 53:10 But Jehovah pleased to crush Him, to make Him sick, so that If He should put His [when You will appoint Him an offering for sin; a trespass offering] soul as a guilt offering, He shall see His seed; He shall prolong His days; and the will [plan] of Jehovah shall prosper [advance; move forward] in His hand.

The resurrection is necessary to advance the plan of God the Father. It is necessary for a seed to die and from it, a great harvest.

Doctrines of Ascension and Session

1.       Change of residency from earth to the 3rd heaven; so this occurs after the resurrection of the dead.

2.       The resurrection body of Jesus Christ could move vertically or horizontally. It could go through solid objects and it moves through space, through all 3 heavens.

3.       The reception and acknowledgment of the Son is very important in this doctrine. He had to get up there ein order to be seated.

4.       The celebrityship of Christ. As God, Jesus Christ is preeminent. Jesus Christ is unique on the right hand of the Father. He has illustrious celebrityship.

5.       The strategical victory of the Angelic Conflict. The ascension and session of Christ begin a new sphere of the Angelic Conflict. This means the Church Age believer is involved in the intensified stage of the Angelic Conflict.


7.       The new priesthood

8.       The ascension and the ultimate defeat of Satan; this begins operation footstool. The resurrection will terminate.. In His resurrection body, Jesus will break the record of killing His enemies.

The Doctrine of the Ascension

from http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=913 The Ascension of Christ was the vertical transfer of our Lord's true humanity from planet earth to the third heaven in a resurrection body. It demonstrates the vertical travel capability of the resurrection body through the earth's atmousphere, the galaxies of the stellar universe, and billions of light years in an instant, and then entering the third heaven where the throne of God is. The original languages of Scripture teach that there are 3 levels of heaven. (1) 1st heaven: Earth's atmousphere. (2) 2nd heaven: Stellar universe. (3) 3rd heaven: Abode of God, the angels and the dead believers. This multiplicity of heavens is indicated in Hebrews 4:14 where our Lord at His Ascension is said to have "passed through the heavens" (accusative masculine plural noun ouranos). The 1st and 2nd heaven are not specifically mentioned but the 3rd heaven is discussed in 2 Corinthians 12:2. Logically speaking, it is evident that there cannot be a 3rd heaven without also a 1st and 2nd heaven. The 1st heaven is the earth's atmousphere which surrounds the earth and is composed of the following 7 layers: (1) Troposphere (2) Stratosphere (3) Mesosphere (4) Thermosphere (5) Exosphere (6) Ionosphere (7) Magnetosphere. Our Lord at His Ascension passed through the earth's atmousphere, i.e., the 1st heaven (Acts 1:9-11). An invisible war is taking place in the Church Age between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness throughout the 7 layers of the earth's atmousphere as part of the angelic conflict (Dan. 10:20; Eph. 2:2; 6:11-17) and will visibly manifest itself during the Tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). Satan is called in the Greek, "ton archonta tes exousias tou aeros, "the ruler of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2). He has tes exousias, "the authority or the power" over the earth's atmousphere. He is archon tou kosmou toutou, "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11). The 2nd heaven is the stellar universe or space which consists of a vast array of stars, moons, suns, galaxies and solar systems. Angelic beings populate the stellar universe. The pre-historic battleground of the angelic conflict stretches into this region known as the 2nd heaven. In astronomy the stellar universe is referred to as the cosmos. The cosmos contain the entire physical universe consisting of all objects and phenomena observed and postulated as well invisible angelic beings. The principal components of the universe are the galaxies, stars and stellar groupings, and nebulae. Substantially smaller components include the solar system and any other assemblage of planets, satellites, comets, and meteoroids revolving around a central stellar body that may exist among the millions of galaxies. The universe also contains gravitational fields and various forms of radiation. The 3rd heaven was also created by the Lord Jesus Christ (Psa. 102:25; 115:15; 124:8; 134:3; Isa. 45:12; 51:13; Jer. 32:17; Zech. 12:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:10). The Scriptures teach that the 3rd heaven is the abode of the Trinity (Gen. 14:19, 22; 23:3, 7; 1 Kings 8:30, 49; 2 Chron. 6:21, 30; Neh. 1:4-5; 2:4, 20; Psa. 11:4; 20:6; 33:14; 103:19; Isa. 63:.5; 66:1; Matt. 5:34; Luke 16:9; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; 7:56; 2 Cor. 12:2; Heb. 2:10; Rev. 19:14). The 3rd heaven is located billions and billions of light years away from the earth above the 1st and 2nd heavens. A light-year in astronomy is the distance traveled by light moving in a vacuum in the course of 1 year, at its velocity of 186,282 miles per second. A light-year equals about 5.878 x 10,000,000,000,000 miles, or 63,240 astronomical units. Therefore, the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union travelled billions and billions of light years passing through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heavens by means of divine omnipotence in order to arrive at the right hand of God the Father in order to receive power, rank and authority over all creation and its intelligence. The ascension of Christ occured 40 days after His resurrection. He remained on earth for 40 days in order to confirm the fact that He had indeed risen from the dead as He prophesied many times in His earthly ministry during His 1st Advent. The ascension of Christ was a visible event and in a public place. It took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where He will again return at His 2nd Advent which occurs at the end of the Tribulation period. Luke is the only 1 of the NT writers who gives a detail description of the event. Our Lord's ascension brought to a conclusion His earthly ministry and not the resurrection. The dispensation of the hypostatic union concludes with the resurrection, ascension and session of Christ. There are 2 Christocentric Dispensations: (1) Hypostatic Union: The Birth of Christ to His death, resurrection, ascension and session. (2) The Church Age: Day of Pentecost in 32 A.D. to the Rapture. It was our Lord's ascension is the 3rd major event in relation to the appeal trial of Satan. There are 5 major events in relation to the appeal trial of Satan: (1) Spiritual Death of Christ (2) Resurrection (3) Ascension (4) Triumphal Procession (5) Session. A trial has 3 phases: (1) Formal presentation of the case: Prosecution presents its case, followed by the defense. (2) Rebuttal Phase: The rebuttal arguments of the prosecution followed by the rebuttal arguments of the defense. (3) Closing argument and summary: By the prosecution and the defense. The Formal trial in Satan's appeal trial corresponds to Old Testament history. The Rebuttal phase of the Proscecution (God) includes the Christocentric dispensations: (1) The First Advent, Hypostatic Union: Virgin Birth of Christ to His death, 1 resurrection, ascension and session (B.C. 4-30 A.D.), New Testament Gospels (2) The Church Age, Pentecost to the Rapture (30 A.D.-Rapture): Pre-canon period-Book of Acts until John wrote Revelation (A.D. 30-96); Post- Canon Period-Completion of the canon of Scripture, New Testament epistles, (96 A.D.-Rapture). Our Lord's voluntary substitutionary spiritual death on the cross as an impeccable human being on behalf of all fallen creatures (both men and angels) earned Him the Title of the "Faithful and True Witness" in the appeal trial of Satan (Rev. 3:14). Satan's Rebuttal takes place during the 1st of the 2 Eschatalogical dispensations called the Tribulation period which goes from the Rapture to the 2nd Advent of Christ, 7 years from the Rapture to the 2nd Advent of Christ, Prophesied in the Old Testament, Matt. 24-25 and Rev. 6-19. The Closing argument by God as the Prosecution takes place during the 2nd Eschatalogical dispensation called the Millennium which is the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth following Satan's imprisonment. God's closing argument goes from the 2nd Advent of Christ to the end of human history, prophesied throughout Old Testament and Revelation 20. Satan's closing argument is his release from prison after the Millennium & the Gog revolution (Rev. 20:7-9), resulting in the execution of his sentence and being cast into the eternal Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10). The ascension of Christ is the visible manifestation that God the Father promoted the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union to the highest position of power, rank and authority in all of creation. The ascension of the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union declares His enthronement as cosmic ruler with authority over all creation. Our Lord's Ascension was a visible manifestation before the angels and mankind that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union was granted authority by God the Father over the following: (1) Creation (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:15-17; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22). (2) Church as the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16). (3) Israel as the Son of David (Matt. 1:1; 20:30; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 1:32; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 3:7; 5:5; 22:16). The Ascension of Christ also denotes that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union has been promoted to the position of authority in order to conduct the following 5 jugdments: (1) Bema Seat: This takes place at the Rapture and is actually an evaluation rather than a judgement of the Church Age believer's "works" in order to determine if they were done by means of divine omnipotence from the use of the 2 power options (Filling of the Spirit and Metabolized Doctrine) resulting in divine good and rewards or whether they were accomplished in the power of the old sin nature resulting in loss of rewards and shame and embarrassment (Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 John 2:24). The believer sins will not be brought since they were already judged at the Cross. (2) Israel: This will take on earth at the 2nd Advent of Christ taking place at the end of the Tribulation and its for the purpose of removing unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30). (3) Gentiles: This judgement will also take place at the end of the Tribulation at the 2nd Advent of Christ following the judgement of Israel and preceding the Millennial reign of Christ and is for the purpose of removing unregenerate, anti-Semetic Gentiles from the earth who lived during the Tribulation from those who were regenerate and pro-Israel (Matt. 25:31-46). (4) Fallen Angels: This is the judgment of all fallen angels at the end of human history by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church for their rebellion against God in eternity past and will result in them being cast into the Lake of Fire (1 Cor. 6:3; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 20:10). (5) Great White Throne: This is the judgment of all unregenerate humanity at the end of human history for their rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior resulting in them also being cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Their sins will not be brought up since they were judged at the Cross. These individuals trusted in the themselves and their own good works done in the flesh rather than on the perfect Person and Work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Lord received His third royal title as "King of kings and Lord of lords, the bright morning star" which is a direct result of His execution of the Father's Incarnation Plan. The ascension of the humanity of Christ was another demonstration of divine omnipotence which characterized the dispensation of the hypostatic union. The Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union refers to that particular dispensation when the unique Person of our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the power of God by dying for the sins of the world and rising from the dead. This resulted in the execution of the salvation plan of God for mankind and s strategic victory over Satan in the Angelic Conflict. The Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union is the 1st of the Christocentric Dispensations. Each of the Christocentric dispensations end in resurrection. Christocentric means Christ centered. A dispensation is a period of time and is God's viewpoint of human history. A dispensation is a period of time during which a specific revelation concerning God's mind, will, purpose and plan is manifested and in which man is tested as to his obedience to it. The term Great Power refers to divine omnipotence in 2 categories which are Lord in His impeccable humanity employed to execute the plan of God for His life: (1) Spirit of God (Heb. 9:14). (2) Word of God (John 1:14). Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines omnipotence, "an agency or force of unlimited power." God has unlimited power or He is all powerful. Our Lord's life was a life of power (Luke 1:35; 4:36). Our Lord in 2 3 His humanity always relied upon the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit and Bible Doctrine resident in His soul. He did not rely upon His deity to solve His problems or to execute the Salvation Plan of God for His life. Nor, did He rely upon His own deity to defeat Satan. The same Divine Omnipotence that the Lord Jesus Christ relied upon to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for His life, we are also to rely upon to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for our lives here in the Church Age. There were 2 ascensions that took place: (1) Immediate: On the day He rose from the dead (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). (2) Final: 40 days after the resurrection (Acts 1:8-11). The Scriptures indicate that there was an immediate ascension of our Lord. The doctrine of an immediate ascension appears when 2 passages of Scripture are compared (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). It is recorded in John 20:17 that when Christ came out of the tomb He was met by Mary, who in ecstatic devotion would have embraced His feet and held her Lord. Christ told her not to touch Him since He had not yet ascended to present Himself to the Father. Yet in Luke's account of the resurrection it is asserted that the same day in which He arose and at evening He not only appeared in the midst of the frightened disciples, but requested that they touch Him where the nails were driven into His hands and feet. Therefore, a comparison of Scripture reveals that He ascended to the Father during the day that He arose from the dead. The ascension for Christ was a glorious triumphal procession into heaven ( Col. 2:15).

Doctrine of the Session of Christ

From http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=526

1.       Definition The Session of Christ pertains to the glorification of our Lord's humanity at the right hand of God the Father when our Lord received His third royal title from God the Father as "King of kings and Lord of lords. the bright morning star." Vocabulary Hupsos (noun), "height, measurable height, a height that is too great to leap over." Hupsoo (verb), "to exalt, to raise high, to lift up, to promote." Huperupsoo (verb), "to promote to the highest position of authority, rank and power." Hupsoma (noun), "height, stronghold, obstacle, exaltation, something elevated." Hupsistos (adjective), "the highest, the Most High, highest position, highest of heights."

2.       Documentation Psalm 110:1 Daniel 7:13-14 Matt. 22:44; 26:64; 28:18 Mark 12:36; 14:62; 16:19 Luke 20:42; 22:69 Acts 2:25, 33-34; 5:31; 7:55-56 Romans 8:34 1 Corinthians 15:27 Ephesians 1:20; 2:6; 4:9 Philippians 2:9 Colossians 3:1-4 1 Timothy 6:15 Hebrews 1:3, 13; 2:8; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2 1 Peter 3:22 Revelation 3:21; 4:2; 17:14; 19:16

3.       Authority Our Lord's Session points to the fact that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union has been granted authority by God the Father over the following: (1) Creation (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:15-17; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22). (2) Church as the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16). (3) Israel as the Son of David (Matt. 1:1; 20:30; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 1:32; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 3:7; 5:5; 22:16).

4.       The Session of Christ also denotes that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union has been granted authority to conduct the following 5 judgments: (1) Bema Seat: This takes place at the Rapture and is actually an evaluation rather than a judgment of the Church Age believer's "works" in order to determine if they were done by means of divine omnipotence from the use of the 2 power options (Filling of the Spirit and the Word of God) resulting in divine good and rewards or whether they were accomplished in the power of the old sin nature resulting in loss of rewards and shame and embarrassment (Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 John 2:24). The believer sins will not be brought since they were already judged at the Cross. (2) Israel: This will take on earth at the 2nd Advent of Christ taking place at the end of the Tribulation and its for the purpose of removing unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30). (3) Gentiles: This judgment will also take place at the end of the Tribulation at the 2nd Advent of Christ following the judgment of Israel and preceding the Millennial reign of Christ and is for the purpose of removing unregenerate, anti-Semitic Gentiles from the earth who lived during the Tribulation from those who were regenerate and pro-Israel (Matt. 25:31-46). (4) Fallen Angels: This is the judgment of all fallen angels at the 1 end of human history by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church for their rebellion against God in eternity past and will result in them being cast into the Lake of Fire (1 Cor. 6:3; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 20:10). (5) Great White Throne: This is the judgment of all unregenerate humanity at the end of human history for their rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior resulting in them also being cast into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Their sins will not be brought up since they were judged at the Cross. These individuals trusted in themselves and their own good works done in the flesh rather than on the perfect Person and Work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

5.       Our Lord received His third royal title as "King of kings and Lord of lords, the bright morning star" which is a direct result of His execution of the Father's Incarnation Plan. Deity of Christ Matthew 26:64-65, "But kept silent. And the high priest (Caiaphas) said to Him, `I adjure You by the living God, that You tell us whether You are the Christ, the Son of God.' Jesus said to him, `You have said it yourself; nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.'" Our Lord's response to Caiaphas demand to know whether or not our Lord was the Son of God indicates that our Lord's session at the right hand of God the Father is directly related to His deity.

6.       The Lord Jesus Christ as Theanthropos (God-Man) possesses all the attributes of deity by which He was entitled to divine honor and was qualified to exercise absolute and universal dominion. Philippians 2:5-11, "Everyone keep on thinking this (according to humility) within yourselves, which was also in (the mind of) Christ Jesus, Who (Christ Jesus) although existing from eternity past in the essence of God never regarded existing equally in essence with God an exploitable asset. On the contrary, He denied Himself of the independent function of His deity by having assumed the essence of a slave when He was born in the likeness of men. In fact, although He was discovered in outward appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by having entered into obedience to the point of spiritual death even death on a Cross. For this very reason in fact God the Father highly exalted Him and granted to Him the title above every title that at the title of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue will acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord for the glory of God the Father." The Lord Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal God (John 1:1-2; John 8:58; 10:30a; Col. 2:9a; Rev. 1:8). The titles assigned to His deity are as follows: (1) "The Son of God" (Luke 1:35) (2) "The Son of the Most High" (Luke 1:32) (3) "Mighty God" (Isaiah 9:6) (4) "Eternal Father" (Isaiah 9:6) (5) "His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity" (Micah 5:2). (6) "Lord" (Rom. 15:30; Eph. 1:22; Phil. 2:11). (7) "God" (Titus 2:13). He has the same divine essence as God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. He possesses all the attributes of deity: (1) Sovereignty (Matt. 28:18a; Col. 2:10b). (2) Perfect righteousness (John 8:46a; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 2:21b). (3) Justice (John 8:16a; 2 Tim. 4:8; Psa. 9:8; Deut. 32:4; Rev. 15:3b). (4) Love (John 13:34; Rom. 5:8; Eph. 3:19; 1 John 4:9-10). (5) Eternal life (1 Tim. 1:17; 1 John 5:11). (6) Omniscience (Luke 11:17; John 2:24-25; 6:64; 21:17). (7) Omnipresence (Matt. 18:20; Prov. 15:3) (8) Omnipotence (John 1:3, 10; 5:21; 1 Cor. 1:23-24; Phil. 3:21; Heb. 1:3; Rev. 1:8). (9) Immutability (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 1:10-12; 13:8). (10) Veracity (John 1:14; 14:6a; 1 John 3:16). He is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (John 1:3, 10; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:3, 10). The Lord Jesus Christ has authority to forgive sins (Matt. 9:6; Luke 5:24; Col. 3:13). The Lord Jesus Christ has the power to raise the dead (John 5:21; 6:40; 11:25). All judgment belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:22; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:11-14), and receives worship from both men and angels (Psa. 99:5; Phil. 2:10; Rev. 5:13-14). In His Deity always occupied a place of equality and fellowship with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The Lord Jesus Christ as God was equal with the Father (John 10:30, 37-38; 14:9; 17:5, 24-25).

7.       Kingship The Lord Jesus Christ session at the right hand of the Father points to His kingship (Rev. 4:2). Our Lord acknowledged to Pilate at His 5th trial and 2nd civil trial that He was indeed a king but that His kingdom was not of this world. John 18:33-37, "Pilate therefore entered again into the Praetorium and summoned Jesus, and said to Him, `Are You the King of the Jews?' Jesus answered, `Are you saying this on your own initiative, or did others tell you about Me?' Pilate answered, `I am not a Jew, am I? Your own nation and the chief priests delivered You up to me; what have You done?' Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting, that I might not be delivered up to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.' Pilate therefore said to Him, `So You are a king?' 2 Jesus answered, `You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness (for the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan's appeal trial) to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.'" When our Lord arrived in heaven and was seated at the right hand of God the Father He received a new royal warrant, a 3rd royal title as the "King of kings and the Lord of lords" (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16). This title has been granted to Him by the Father indicating His rulership over the Church of which He is the Head. The Tribulation saints in heaven when singing the song of Moses proclaim our Lord as the "King of the nations" which He will assume at His 2nd Advent. Fulfillment of Messianic Prophecies David prophesied in Psalm 110:1 that the Son of God would be seated at His right hand. Our Lord repeated this prophecy to the Jews in Matt. 22:44. Our fulfilled this prophecy when He was seated at the right hand of God the Father in heaven. This prophecy is quoted several times in the Scriptures indicating its importance (Acts 2:34; Heb. 1:13; 10:12-13). Our Lord's present session in heaven thus fulfills the Messianic prophecy of David in Psalm 110:1. As our Lord stated to the Jews, "If David then calls Him `Lord,' how is He his son?'" (Matt. 22:45). They could not answer Him a word. The answer is that David's descendant would have to be God incarnate in order to fulfill the Davidic prophecy. Ascension The session of Christ also is directly related to our Lord's 2nd and final ascension (Acts 2:34). There were 2 ascensions that took place: (1) Immediate: On the day He rose from the dead (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). (2) Final: 40 days after the resurrection (Acts 1:8-11). The Scriptures indicate that there was an immediate ascension of our Lord. The doctrine of an immediate ascension appears when 2 passages of Scripture are compared (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). It is recorded in John 20:17 that when Christ came out of the tomb He was met by Mary, who in ecstatic devotion would have embraced His feet and held her Lord. Christ told her not to touch Him since He had not yet ascended to present Himself to the Father. Yet in Luke's account of the resurrection it is asserted that the same day in which He arose and at evening He not only appeared in the midst of the frightened disciples, but requested that they touch Him where the nails were driven into His hands and feet. Therefore, a comparison of Scripture reveals that He ascended to the Father during the day that He arose from the dead. The ascension for Christ was a glorious triumphal procession into heaven (Col. 2:15).

8.       The Ascension of Christ was the vertical transfer of our Lord's true humanity from planet earth to the third heaven in a resurrection body. The ascension of Christ occurred 40 days after His resurrection. He remained on earth for 40 days in order to confirm the fact that He had indeed risen from the dead as He prophesied many times in His earthly ministry during His 1st Advent. The ascension of Christ was a visible event and in a public place. It took place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where He will again return at His 2nd Advent which occurs at the end of the Tribulation period. Our Lord's ascension brought to a conclusion His earthly ministry and not the resurrection. The dispensation of the hypostatic union concludes with the resurrection, ascension and session of Christ.

9.       The ascension of Christ is the visible manifestation that God the Father promoted the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union to the highest position of power, rank and authority in all of creation. The ascension of the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union declares His enthronement as cosmic ruler with authority over all creation. The ascension of the humanity of Christ was another demonstration of divine omnipotence which characterized the dispensation of the hypostatic union. Eternal Rewards The session of Christ points to the Church Age believer's rewards and Escrow Blessings in eternity for becoming a winner (nikao) and invisible hero in time (Rev. 3:21). The term Escrow Blessings is an analogy based upon a Bible Doctrine describing what God the Father in eternity past did as the Grantor when He deposited greater blessings for both time and eternity for every believer with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Depository and Escrow Officer and the release of these blessings takes place when the believer fulfills the conditions of the Escrow Contract which is the attainment of spiritual maturity in time. Just as the Father rewarded the humanity of Christ by promoting Him to the highest position of rank, power and authority in the universe so also will Christ promoted the believer a position of rank, power and authority in the Millennium and eternal state. The believer will be rewarded for following in the footsteps of their Savior. Winners will receive the conveyance of their Escrow Blessings at the Bema Seat Judgment of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10). The Bema Seat Judgment of Christ is an evaluation of the believer's 3 works after salvation and does not determine salvation. Losers will suffer loss of their Escrow Blessings due to their negative volition to Bible Doctrine. The believer who advances to spiritual maturity will have confidence that they will receive the conveyance of their Escrow Blessings (1 John 2:28; 1 John 4:17). It is their confidence. Only mature believers receive the conveyance of Escrow Blessings for the eternal state (Rev. 22:12). Losers experience temporary embarrassment (Rom. 5:5; Phil. 1:20; Phil. 3:18-19; 1 John 2:28). Loss of Escrow Blessings and rewards for eternal state does not imply loss of salvation (1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Tim. 2:11-13). Invisible Heroes will receive the "crown of righteousness" (2 Tim. 4:7-8). The Pastor-Teacher who is faithful in communicating Bible Doctrine will receive a "crown of glory" (1 Pet. 5:4; 1 Thess. 2:19-20; 1 Cor. 9:24-27). Invisible Heroes will receive the "order of the morning star" which is a translucent uniform of glory over the resurrection body (Rev. 3:4). Our Lord had this uniform of glory at His Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-13). Invisible Heroes will receive the order of the new Knighthood. Invisible Heroes will receive a new title in the Lamb's Book of Life. They will rule with Christ in the Millennium (Rom. 5:17; 2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 3:21; 2:26). The Invisible Heroes name will be recorded in the permanent historical record section of heaven (Rev. 3:12). The Invisible Hero will be remembered forever throughout all of eternity as someone who executed God's plan for their life while on planet earth. Extension of the Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union Ephesians 1:19-21 indicates that our Lord's session is directly related to the extension of the great power demonstration of the hypostatic union. The same divine omnipotence that our Lord used during His 1st Advent in order to execute the Father's Plan for the Incarnation is now available to every Church Age believer through the Baptism of the Spirit which occurs at the moment of personal faith in Jesus Christ. The believer can now execute the Plan of God for the Church Age by utilizing the same divine power that the humanity of Christ used in order to execute the Father's plan for the incarnation which was to provide salvation for all mankind and defeat Satan in the angelic conflict. The believer through current positional truth is now seated with Christ at the right hand of God the Father. Christ is the Head and the Church is His body (1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 5:23). 100% divine omnipotence has been made available to every Church Age believer at the moment of salvation because of our Lord's session for 10 days after He was seated in heaven, the Church Age began with the Baptism of Spirit which places the believer in union with Christ forever.

10.     The Church Age believer is the beneficiary of 3 categories of sanctification as a result of the Baptism of the Spirit which is a direct result of our Lord's session: The 3 categories of sanctification are as follows: (1) Positional: The entrance into the Plan of God for the Church Age resulting in eternal security as well as 2 categories of positional truth (1 Cor. 1:2, 30; 1 Pet. 1:2; 1 Thess. 5:23; Eph. 5:26-27; Heb. 2:11; 10:10; Acts 20:32; 26:18; Rom. 6:3, 8; 2 Thess. 2:13). ) (a) Retroactive: The Church Age believer's identification with Christ in His death (Rom. 6:3-11; Col. 2:12). (b) Current: The Church Age believer's identification with Christ in His resurrection, ascension and session (Col. 3:1-4). (2) Experiential: The function of the Church Age believer's spiritual life in time through the consistent application of the Word of God resulting in the execution of the Plan of God for the Church Age (John 17:17; Rom. 6:19, 22; 2 Tim. 2:21; 1 Pet. 3:15; 1 Thess. 4:3-4, 7; 1 Tim. 2:15). (3) Ultimate: The perfection of the Church Age believer's spiritual life at the exit-resurrection or Rapture of the Church which is the completion of the Plan of God for the Church Age (1 Cor. 15:53-54; Gal. 6:8; 1 Pet. 5:10; John 6:40). The Church Age believer has at their disposal the 2 power options (Eph. 5:18; John 4:24). They have the indwelling of the Trinity (Eph. 4:6; Rom. 8:11; Col. 1:27). They have been created a new spiritual species in order to utilize divine power (2 Cor. 5:17). The Church Age believer can now utilize the operational type spiritual in order to execute the Plan of God for the Church Age whereas the humanity of Christ utilized the prototype. All of this is a result that the Theanthropos (God-Man), the Lord Jesus Christ is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. Positional Truth The session of Christ is also related to the believer's position in Christ. At the moment of salvation the believer is placed in union with Christ through the Baptism of the Spirit. Sanctification is the direct result of the Baptism of the Spirit. Positional sanctification is defined as the Church Age believer's eternal union with Christ through the Baptism of the Spirit which occurs at the moment of salvation. There are 2 categories of positional sanctification: (1) Retroactive: The Church Age believer's identification with Christ in His death (Rom. 6:3-11; Col. 2:12). (2) Current: The Church Age believer's identification with Christ in His resurrection, ascension and session (Col. 3:1- 4 4). The purpose of positional sanctification is for the Church Age believer to execute the Plan of God for the Church Age (Rom. 6:11-13, 19). The Church Age believer's identification with Christ in His Resurrection, Ascension and Session (Col. 3:1-4). The believer is identified with Christ as He is currently seated in heaven. The believer is now positionally higher than angels (Heb. 1 and 2). Intercessory Ministry Romans 8:34 states that our Lord intercesses for the believer as a part of His session at the right hand of God the Father. He intercedes for the believer in prayer and when Satan accuses the believer of sin (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25). The intercessory ministry of Christ is a part of His Priesthood (Heb. 2:17; 8:1). He is our faithful High Priest (Heb. 2:17). He is the believer's High Priest who intercedes for them at the right hand of the Father. This could not be possible if it were not for the fact that our Lord has now been seated at the right hand of God the Father. Our Lord's High Priesthood is permanent (Heb. 7:24).

11.     Every Church Age believer has been made a royal priest because of their union with their High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord holds 3 offices: (1) Prophet (2) Priest (3) King. His priesthood is superior to the Levitical priesthood in that He does not have to offer a sacrifice for Himself since He is impeccable. Instead He offered Himself as a substitute and became the Mediator of a New Covenant which was based upon His spiritual death on the cross. Power to Save and Forgive Sin Peter and the apostles proclaimed to the Sanhedrin in Acts 5:30-31, "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, Whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross. He is the One Whom God the Father has exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant a change of mind concerning Christ to Israel (salvation) and forgiveness of sins."

12.     The session of Christ makes possible for Christ to provide salvation and the forgiveness sins. Peter again proclaims of Jesus to the Sanhedrin in Acts 4:12, "There is salvation in no one else (Jesus); for there is no other title under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved." God the Father forgives us sin because of His Son Jesus Christ Who sits at His right hand intercessing for us (1 John 1:9). Rebound is possible because of our Lord's session with the Father. Our sins are forgiven because of Jesus Who sits at the right hand of God the Father intercessing for us. He is our Advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1). Hypostatic Union Hebrews 1:3 indicates that the session points to the hypostatic union. The Lord Jesus Christ is Theanthropos. He is undiminished deity and true humanity in 1 Person forever. Our Lord has 2 natures: (1) Human nature (2) Divine nature. John 1:14, "And the Word (The Lord Jesus Christ) became flesh (a Man), and dwelt ("tabernacled") among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only uniquely born One from the Father, full of grace and truth." Romans 8:3, "For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh (humanity), God did: sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and an offering for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh (in His humanity)." Philippians 2:6-8, " Who (Christ Jesus) although existing from eternity past in the essence of God never regarded existing equally in essence with God an exploitable asset. On the contrary, He denied Himself of the independent function of His deity by having assumed the essence of a slave when He was born in the likeness of men. In fact, although He was discovered in outward appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by having entered into obedience to the point of spiritual death even death on a Cross." Colossians 2:9, "For in Him (The Lord Jesus Christ) all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form." 1 Timothy 3:16, "And by common confession great is the mystery of godliness: He (The Lord Jesus Christ) who was revealed in the flesh, was vindicated in the Spirit, beheld by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory." Hebrews 2:14-15, "Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives." 1 John 1:1-3, "We announce to you what was from eternity past, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld, and what our hands touched, regarding the Word of Life and the Life was manifested, and we have seen, and we bear witness, and we announce to you the Eternal Life which was with the Father, and was manifested to us. We announce to you what we have seen, and what we have heard, that you also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ." He was infinite and eternal God, the 2nd Member 5 of the Trinity in eternity past as God the Son and he assumed a human nature through the virgin birth approximately 2000 years ago (Phil. 2:6-8). He is the unique theanthropic Person in the universe. He is different from God in that He is a human being. He is different human beings in that He is God and does not have an old sin nature due to the virgin pregnancy. This union is personal. He is 1 Person with 2 natures which are in union with each other. This union does not compromise the attributes of His humanity nor His deity. He assumed a human nature in order to execute the Father's plan for the incarnation which was 2-fold: (1) To provide salvation for all mankind. (2) To defeat Satan in the angelic conflict. After the God-Man executed the Father's plan He sat down at the right hand of God the Father. High Priesthood The session of Christ also points to His High Priesthood (Heb. 8:1). He performs His intercessory ministry for the believer in the Holy of Holies in heaven (Heb. 8:2). Our Lord's high priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 5:9-10; 6:20). Our Lord is a high priest forever. He entered into the veil in heaven as High Priest (Heb. 6:20). His ministry is superior to the Levitical high priests on earth during the dispensation of Israel since He did not have to offer sacrifices for Himself since He was impeccable (Heb. 7:26). In fact, He offered Himself up as a substitute for the entire human race as our High Priest (Heb. 7:28). As our High Priest He is a mediator of a superior covenant for the 1st covenant with Israel under the Law has been abolished and He has replaced it with a new and superior one. The Levitical conducted their ministry under the Law whereas our Lord's High Priesthood is conducted under the policy of grace which is superior to the Law in every respect. Our Lord as High Priest fulfilled the Mosaic Law in every detail during His incarnation. Our Lord put away sin with His substitutionary spiritual death on the cross thus laying the foundation for the dispensation of grace called the Church Age (Heb. 9:26). The Church is a kingdom of priests (1 Pet. 2:6, 9) of which Christ is the High Priest. Efficacy of His Work on the Cross The session of Christ also points to the efficacy of our Lord's substitutionary spiritual death on the cross (Heb. 10:12). He offered Himself as the one and only sacrifice to pay the price for the sins entire of the world. Once the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union as our High Priest had executed the Father's plan through His substitutionary spiritual death on the cross as an impeccable Person He had earned the right to sit at the right hand of God the Father. His sacrifice was perfect because He was perfect whereas the Levitical offerings could only merely portray the true sacrifice of Christ since the Levitical priests were sinners themselves. The humanity of Christ in hypostatic union could not be seated at the right hand of God the Father until He had died a substitutionary spiritual death on the cross. This qualified Him to sit at the right hand of God the Father. The cross had to come before the crown. The obedience of the humanity of Christ to the Father's will earned Him the right to sit at the right of the Father as our High Priest (Heb. 5:7-10).

13.     Occupation with Christ The session is related also to the Church Age believer's occupation with Christ (Col. 3:1-4; Heb. 12:2). Occupation with Christ is the 10th Problem Solving Device. Occupation with Christ involves understanding the pertinent doctrines as related to the Great Power Experiment of the Hypostatic Union: Hypostatic Union (John 1:14; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3; 1 John 1:1-2); Deity of Christ (John 1:1-2; John 8:58; 10:30a; Col. 2:9a; Rev. 1:8); Humanity of Christ (John 1:14; Heb. 10:5; 1 John 1:1; 1 John 4:2-3); Virgin Birth (Isa. 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; Luke 1:30-35); Impeccability of Christ (John 8:46a; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 7:26; 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5); Kenosis (2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:5-8); Prototype Unique Spiritual Life (Matt. 4:1-11; Phil. 2:5-8); Mediatorship of Christ (1 Tim. 2:5); Resurrection of Christ (1 Cor. 15:4); Ascension of Christ (Eph. 4:8); Session of Christ (Heb. 1:13; Col. 3:1-4). Occupation with Christ involves understanding the doctrines as related to His finished work on the Cross: (1) Redemption (Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19) (2) Unlimited Atonement (2 Cor. 5:14-15; 1 Tim. 4:10) (3) Expiation (Col. 2:14) (4) Regeneration (John 3:1-18) (5) Imputation (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 5:21) (6) Justification (Rom. 4:1-5; Gal. 2:16) (7) Propitiation (Rom. 3:22-26; 1 John 2:2) (8) Position in Christ (1 Cor. 15:22b; 2 Cor. 5:17) (9) Strategic Victory over Satan (Col. 2:15; Heb. 2:14; 1 John 3:8) (10) Reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18; Eph. 2:14-16; Col. 1:20- 21). Occupation with Christ is the ultimate problem solving device for the Church Age believer. The Lord's Supper is a time that the Church Age believer is to be occupied with the unique person of our Lord Jesus Christ and His 6 saving work on the Cross. Hebrews 12:2 is a reminder for the believer to not be overcome by adverse circumstances but to concentrate upon the humanity of Christ Who endured more suffering in human history than any other member of the human race (spiritual death as a sinless person on behalf of sinners) in order to fulfill the will of the Father and as a result of His obedience was promoted to the highest position of rank, power and authority in the universe. Trip to Hades Ephesians 4:9 is a reminder that our Lord's session is a result of His trip to Hades where He released OT saints in Paradise and proclaimed His death on the cross to the unbelievers in Torments. There are 2 compartments in Hades: (1) Paradise (Luke 16:19-31; 23:43). (2) Torments (Luke 16:19-31). Paradise is where OT saints resided before the death of Christ on the cross. Torments is where unbelievers in every dispensation including the Church Age now reside. Paradise is now empty as a result of our Lord's trip to Hades which occurred when He voluntarily died physically on the cross.

14.     Our Lord's death was a unique trichotomous separation: (1) His physical body went to the grave (Luke 23:50-53). (2) His human spirit went to heaven (Luke 23:46; John 19:30). (3) His human soul went into Paradise a compartment of Hades (Luke 23:43; Acts 2:27; 2:31; Eph. 4:9). When His soul went to Hades He proclaimed to those in Torments that He had died in fulfillment of the Scriptures and He also released the OT saints in Paradise and led them to heaven (Eph. 4:8-10). Those who remain in Torments will be transferred at the end of human history to the Great White Throne Judgment and then will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever (Rev. 20:11-15). Those who were in Paradise are now in heaven awaiting the time at the end of the Tribulation when they will receive their resurrection bodies and will then enter the Millennial reign of Christ. All this was possible because of our Lord's trip to Hades.

15.     Strategic Victory Over Satan In The Angelic Conflict The session of Christ is a public affirmation that our Lord is the victor in the angelic conflict (Heb. 1:13; 2:8). Colossians 2:15 states that there was a triumphal procession by our Lord in heaven declaring Him publicly as Victor in the angelic conflict. Satan was publicly shown in heaven to be defeated when the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union sat down at the right hand of God the Father and was granted the power, rank and authority over the entire universe as ruler of the cosmos. An impeccable human being defeated the greatest angel ever created by the hand of God. The humanity of Christ was able to do so because He depended upon the divine omnipotence of the prototype spiritual life provided by God the Father. Satan lost because he chose to remain independent of God thus he was defeated. Although the humanity of Christ became inferior to Satan for a little while during the incarnation, our Lord still was able to defeat him and receive glory and honor as Victor in the angelic conflict (Heb. 2:9). The humanity of Christ did not use His deity to defeat Satan but rather the prototype spiritual life with the Spirit of God and the Word of God. He functioned under a self-imposed kenosis in order to defeat Satan and the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, the humanity of Christ's strategic victory over Satan in the angelic conflict earned Him the right to sit at the right hand of God the Father, receiving the highest position of rank, power and authority in the universe. 3rd Royal Title When our Lord sat down at the right hand of God the Father He received His 3rd royal warrant as "King of kings and Lord of lords.the bright morning star" (1 Tim.6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16; 22:16). Our Lord has 3 royal titles in heaven: (1) Son of God: 2nd Person of the Trinity (John 1:34, 49; 3:18; 20:31; Matt. 4:3; 27:54; Luke 1:32, 35; 2 Cor. 1:19; 1 John 1:3; 5:10; 5:20; 2 John 1:3; Rev. 2:18). (2) Son of David: Ruler of Israel (Matt. 1:1; 20:30; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 1:32; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 3:7; 5:5; 22:16). (3) King of kings and Lord of lords: ruler of the Church (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16). Our Lord's strategic victory over Satan in the angelic conflict earned Him this 3rd royal title.

16.     Every Church Age believer becomes royalty at the moment of salvation. Church Age believers are the only group in history to be called Royal Family. Church Age believers are a spiritual Royal Family for our Lord Jesus Christ. Each member of the Royal Family of God is to function under the Plan of God, which says that a right thing must be done in a right way. Every Church Age believer is born again into the Royal Family of the King of kings and Lord of lords. The Lord Jesus Christ has 3 Royal Families: (1) Son of God: God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are the Lord Jesus 7 8 Christ's family members within the Trinity (2) Son of David: The Davidic Dynasty (3) King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Church Age believers. Our Lord Jesus Christ defeated Satan at the Cross in the Angelic Conflict. For this strategic victory, God the Father gave Him the title above all titles. God the Father also seated the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ at His right hand. Our Lord's victory over Satan is the source of our Royalty. The founding of the Royal Family took place at the Cross. Christ's Royalty is eternal. Our Lord's spiritual dynasty will last forever

1Samuel 31 Isa. 53:11, 12     72David/Easter Special                                 631_0125

04/19/1974 Jesus Christ’s final statement on the cross

Who has believed our doctrinal teaching? He shall grow up like a sucking plant, nourished from the root and the stem. He had neither ostentation or appearance that we should stare at Him. Therefore, He Himself carried the guilt of our sinful afflictions. Because of the transgression of My people, the stroke of judgment fell upon Him. Jehovah the Father purposed to crush Him. He caused the affliction of Christ when You appoint His soul to be a trespass offering. Therefore, the plan of God the Father wi advance in His hand.

As the Romans themselves later admitted, with regards to the cross, the cross is the touchstone to faith.

This verse begins with from the sorrow of His soul. God is not unhappy; there is no sorrow in His soul. This teaches us what God the Father is thinking.

God the Father is satisfied with the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. God will see Jesus on the cross and he will be satisfied with his sacrifice.

Certain things accomplished on the cross. When a person believes in Christ, +R is imputed to him and God the Father looks at him and says “Satisfied.”

Isaiah 53:11 He shall see the fruit of the travail of His soul; He shall be fully satisfied. By His knowledge the righteous One, My Servant, shall justify the many, and He shall bear their iniquities [punishment for sin].

Distribution of the Plunder

1.       The spoils or plunder are given to God the Son to give to us. Eph. 4;8–12

2.       For Israel, this is a transfer from the 3rd heaven to paradise.

3.       The Old Testament saints wait here for the resurrection.

4.       The distribution of the spoils has a great meaning to the church.

5.       Part of the distribution of the spoils is the formation of the royal family.

6.       This is accomplish mechanically by the baptism of the Holy Spirit whereby every believer is entered into union of Jesus Christ.

7.       This includes the gift of pastor-teacher in the Church Age as the only authority in communicating doctrine in the Church Age.

8.       It means plunder and it includes honors and promotions, always given after a great victory. Battlefield promotion for the Church Age believer.

God the Father gives the gain of victory to the Lord Jesus Christ and then He gives it to His royal family.


1.       The distribution of spoils includes the gift of the pastor-teacher.

2.       Under this principle, the spoils of victory means that doctrine prevails. Jesus Christ is holding plunder for us as members of the royal family. It is all appropriated through doctrine.

3.       Ths distribution means having your own pastor-teacher to communicate doctrine.

4.       Do not look for some person molded into whatever concept you might have. Look for the teaching of Bible doctrine.

5.       It is through Bible doctrine in the soul that the believer learns to enjoy the plunder of our Lord’s victory. The strategic victory is the overall victory enjoyed by our Lord, which puts Him at the right hand of God the Father. The plunder is there. A piece of this plunder belongs to us. The tactical victory is getting that piece of the pie that belongs to us.

6.       Therefore, our attitude toward doctrine determines our blessing in time. Doctrine is afraid of nothing but concealment.

Christ died by an act of His Own volition. Matt. 27:50. Bob is upset because many are not taking notes.

Isaiah 53:12 Because of this I will divide [therefore, I will distribute to Him] to Him with the great, and with the strong He shall divide the spoil; because He poured out His soul to death; and He was counted with those transgressing; and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for those transgressing.

Mat 27:50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up [dismissed, sent away] his spirit.

Mar 15:37 And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last.

This time an aorist active participle, and there is a portion of the phrase given. Jesus quotes one verse from the psalms.

Luk 23:46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit [deposit] my spirit!" And having said this he breathed his last.

GI issued wine is present. The perfect tense is where the action is completed and the results go on forever. The declarative indicative. This is the 6th cry from the cross. Salvation is completed, so finished is in the perfect tense.

John 19:30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave [delivered] up his spirit.

Jesus the Last Few Minutes of the Cross

1.       All 4 gospel accounts indicate that Jesus died from His Own free will and He was able to do so. No reason to remain on this earth.

2.       He is said to have deposited or to delivered up or sent up His spirit. 3 different verbs are used.

3.       The human spirit of Jesus is emphasized because His human spirit went up to the Father.

4.       However, only John emphasizes that Jesus bows His head. Prior to this, His head was erect for 6 hours.

5.       The fantastic physical strength and stamina of our Lord.

6.       It took more than physical strength and stamina to keep His head up. He looked up at His judge, all that time. There was no weakness and swooning; Jesus was lucid and He knew what He was doing at all times. He had doctrine in His soul and held up His head.

We are going to finished this up with Psalm 31:5 Into Your hand I commit [deposit] my spirit; you have redeemed [delivered] me, O LORD, faithful God [the God of doctrine].

Prior to His physical death, Jesus fulfilled the Levitical offerings. He lifted or carried the sin of many.

Isaiah 53:12 Because of this I will divide [therefore, I will distribute to Him] to Him with the great, and with the strong He shall divide the spoil; because He poured out His soul to death; and He was counted with those transgressing; and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for those transgressing.

Who has believed our doctrinal teaching? And the arm of the Lord, to whom has it been revealed. He shall grow up before Him. Like a rootshoot, He had no appearance...He was despised and...by men...furthermore, we did not value Him. He himself carried the...the one being struck down by God, the one being degraded...by His bruise, we have been forgiven. All of us like sheep have gone astray; all of us have gone his own way...He was oppressed, He was the one being humbled...He was taken away...who considered that he was cut off from the land of the living. While His burial would be assigned with criminals...He had done no wrong....He shall see a seed and he shall prolong days. From the sorrow of His soul, He shall see Christ bearing our sins. My righteous servant Christ will vindicate the many believers....therefore, I will distribute the plunder...because He has poured out His soul to physical death...because He carried the sin of the many.

2Samuel 1                                            72David                                              631_0126

04/21/1974 2Sam. 1:1, 2a Review of 1 Sam. 30

This verse brings us back into the chronology of what has been happening. David has been introduced as God’s man. He was constantly promoted by God. Saul turned all of his anger into reversionism. Then there was some parting of the ways.

David was assigned a special village in southern Philistia, he was having a very wonderful life. However, Saul is at war with the Philistines and he is not prepared for this war. The Bible has been following Saul separately. Now we are going to fuse the narratives together.

God poured out a great deal of wealth upon David, which was increased to Solomon. This continued for 4 or 5 generations. It takes a lot of time and ingenuity to spend a few billion dollars. Before David became a politician, he was wealthy first. A statesman is great if he already has wealth; so that he does not use his political position to amass wealth. We have so many people today who use their political position in order to become richer.

If David killed Saul, he would have become king and poor at the same time. God’s time required that David be wealthy.

Napoleon was great in the field of organization and administration.

Accumulate your doctrine now and let God handle the timing. His judgement is perfect; ours is not. Whenever a man is going to rule, he must have human maturity. The Kennedy’s were too young to assume office. That should be the criticism of their regime.

However, it takes more than older age; older people can mess things up as well.

The next 5 chapters will bring out many of these principles.

2Samuel 1:1 And it happened after the death of Saul, David returned from the slaughter [anihilation] of the Amalekites, and David stayed [this means to dwell in happiness] two days in Ziklag,

David is given a 48 hour R&R. So David did some wonderful relaxing. He still has some things to do. He has a tremendous amount of wealth to distribute. He determined that it was no no good to hold on to all of this money. He kept maybe 50 or 60 million.

How does the believer share the wealth? Men with a lot of wealth invest in things. Those who want to work can work. This is one way in which David shares. The men of Judah gave David a lot of cover during his years of hiding out from Saul. He will just give money to some people that he knew in Judah. David is having a ball with his great fortune. He is not aware of the fact that Saul is dying. He is not buying an office. He is trying to restore the economy of Judah. Commentators criticize David for buying his office, but if that were true, he would have distributed money to the north. However, he just sent this money to those of his own tribe. This would get their economy started. It is best to have a good economy first before having a great fuler.

A supergrace believer cannot have too long of a vacation.

While he is relaxing in Ziklag, we’re going to go back to 1Sam. 30 to review what happened there. David had the embarrassing responsibility to protect the ruler of the Philistines. Gath is up north. He comes down on a forced-march, but Ziklag had been destroyed with fire. The Amalekites are Arab raiders in the southern regions. They took all of people of Ziklag captive. They took them by surprise and took them off, along with all of David’s accumulated wealth. When David and his men returned to camp, they did not realize that their loved ones were still alive. They were suffering great sorrow; and these men were breaking down and crying. David himself was greatly distressed, because of maximum pressure. And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God. David called for Abiathar to bring the ephod. David makes inquiry of God based on Urim and Thummim. And David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I pursue after this band? Shall I overtake them?" He answered him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake and shall surely rescue."

This army had been beat down in their souls. They were discouraged and they quit. 200 men stayed behind. They were too exhausted to go any further. They get a man who was left behind, an Egyptian slave; he was sick and dehydrated. So David was careful not to give him too much water and too much food, which would have killed him. David is great under pressure. He is able to think under pressure. So he makes certain that he does not kill this man with kindness. He had gone 3 days without food and water.

The Egyptian tells how he had been a slave. David asks for him to lead them to this raiding party, and he agrees, as long as David will swear by Elohim not to kill him or to give him into the hand of his master.

The camp is found and they had all kinds of stuff. They were right on the Negev highway where nearly every trading party went. David killed these men and it took them a day or so to do this. About 400 got away, so this was obviously the headquarters for the Amalekites. These raiders were spread out; the battalion of David was concentrated; so he always had the superior force at the point of contact. He would attack each ranch and he kept his men concentrated and he killed maybe 6000 or 7000 men.

David also rescues two wives. It is likely that some women were possibly raped; but David did continue to have sex with these wives, since they had children later on. David recovered everything. Millions of dollars of loot had been recovered.

They return to the stragglers; and the reversionists did not want to share any of what they got. These were called SOB’s. A technical word for reversionism. 400 went along with David. About 20 or 30 stirred everyone up. This was a non-grace policy. “Give them their wives and property back and nothing else.” But David is a supergrace believer. Therefore, he functions in grace. He countermands their orders. Jehovah has protected us. So we will all share. This was a great step and his policy. In fact, this became a principle, which we even use it today in our armed forces. Officers in transportation corps get paid the same as the infantry. This is an old principle that we have today in the United States. Apparently hazard duty pay has been taken away, at least at this time. Statute means that this became an army regulation.

David sends some of the plunder to the elders of Ziklag; and to elders and friends in Judah. Behold, a blessing to you from the enemies of the Lord. David knew how to give; and he was a true giver; he gave without strings. He gave under the principle of grace. He did not give for himself.

Sends this stuff to Hebron, which will come up in our study tonite.

2Samuel 1:1 And it happened after the death of Saul, David returned from the slaughter [anihilation] of the Amalekites, and David stayed [this means to dwell in happiness] two days in Ziklag,

Now we pick up with his third day of R&R. The man who came to David was an Amalekite who was with the Jewish army. David passed every test with the Amalekites. This man is actually a deserted, which will come out later in the passage. To get Jewish citizenship, he joined the Jewish army. This is common to get citizenship in another country by joining their army.

This Amalekite

1.       He is an opportunist. He thinks coming to David with this info, he can write his own ticket.

2.       He carries the crown of King Saul and his golden armband. His acurdiments of rulership. He took this off the dead body of Saul.

3.       He hoped to turn this plunder into promotion and reward. He is going to use this plunder for self-promotion.

4.       He hoped to turn this plunder into promotion and reward; but if God does not promote you, then you are not promoted. You cannot bless yourself; only God can bless you. \

5.       This Amalekite was a reversionist. He has not gotten his justice yet.

6.       He deserted under fire and hid in the rocks and slopes of Gilboa.

7.       He tries to use personal circumstances to promote himself and he will try to work David by lying. He thinks that David will promote him based on these lies. He thinks that this crown and arm band are his meal tickets. He assumes that everyone is like he is. But if you assume that, you will misjudge others. If you are false and dishonorable, do not think that everyone else is the same way. You will compound your problems to the point of death. What he did was, he saw Saul commit suicide. Saul was in terrible pain with arrows in his stomach and he tried to get his adjitant to kill him and he would not. God is not going to promote someone like this. David is God’s man; this Amalekite is clever, dishonest, an opportnist, a coward, and a deserter. He will not confuse David.

There is no such thing as social security. It is a farce. It is not true financial security. But true security is doctrine in the soul. Whatever you depend upon makes Bob laugh at them. Bob knows the Lord of Glory. “I laugh at you, you’re an ass.” You carry your security with you. You carry doctrine in your soul or you have nothing. He thought with this crown and armband that he was in great shape. Blessing by God does not come with duplicity and manipulation of others.

2Samuel 1:2 on the third day, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes torn and earth upon his head. And it happened when he came to David, he fell to the earth and bowed to him.

We will study the rest of this, this evening.

2Samuel 1                                            72David                                              631_0127

 04/21/1974 2 Sam. 1:2-4 Military interrogation; profanity cf. expletives

David’s supergrace blessing included great wealth. During this time he was distributing a tremendous amount of wealth. This was a part of his plan to reestablish the economy of Judah. It was David’s objective to share this wealth in a manner that would build up the economy of Judah. He is doing this without trying to bribe them into leadership. Long before socialism was socialism, “to accept a benefit is to sell your liberty” was a saying in ancient Rome.

Socialism and Today’s Society

1.       Socialism caters to insecure people who sell their freedom for a mess of pottage, political baksheesh.

2.       Socialism removed freedom and creates parasites in a free society.

3.       These leeches multiply until they destroy the courage, moral, nobility and productivity of a free people.

4.       They suck up the vitality of a free people. While sucking up economic vitality, they are sucking up the moral fiber of a people. We’ve had socialism for some time in our culture. We have had a change in our movies, in our culture. Some asinine Britisher was telling us on television how fragile the western European civilization and how we should get rid of weapons and tear gas.

5.       Therefore, the whol picture is like an insecure woman. There is not enough love to satisfy and insecure woman. She cannot be satisfied by anything that she sets up for the male victim to do. New policy one day to the next. She sucks the vitality out of the male. She illustrates socialism. Insecure people always drain from the strong; socialism drains from the strong. Leeches who sit around and take money rather than take a lesser amount to work. They lose their strength. We were the greatest nation in the world after WWII and today, we are a second rate nation. If it came to a clash of arms today with another 2nd grade nation, we would lose. We use our taxpayer money for leeches. All of the love in the world from all of the people in the world could not satisfy an insecure woman.

6.       The weak have systems for draining the power of the strong. This means a loss of freedom for everyone. The leech has sucked his soul dry.

7.       A secure woman allows a man to charge his battery. When she loves a man, she gives him his freedom and privacy. An insecure and weak woman demands and demands until there is nothing left of either of them. The socialized medicine and social security and other benefits will suck the taxpayer dy; and that is the direction that we are going in today.

8.       This is like a low-grade infection that never gets cured and eventually saps the strength of the vigor of the victim. So it is in the socialist state. The parasite sucks up the treasury until it is dry.

9.       David’s gift was made to the men of Judah without taking freedom from these men. 1Sam. 30:26–31. No strings attached. This is a case of spontaneous bounty.

David was a supergrace believer so he gave to the men of Judah in grace. This was to promote free enterprise. This was to advance capitalism. It was not given to the needy. It was not charity and it was not a bribe for public office. David had the means to give and sought the opportunity to give well.

The first was to the battalion after taking out some for himself. We are dealing with billions of dollars here from the Amalekites, a desert pirate group. They raided for 400 years and this was the first time anyone had tapped into their plunder. If a battalion spends a night with you, you can be broke. David and his battalion had a beans and bullets company. These were men with great business ability; they had great businesses and farms and this would restore the economy of Judah.

On the 3rd day of David’s R&R, God had David go back to work. This is caused by the arrival of a treacherous messenger.

The Opportunist

1.       This Amalek was from the army of Saul.

2.       His race had been destroyed.

3.       He was in Saul’s army.

4.       He was an opportunist seeking to gain from Saul’s death.

5.       He had Saul’s armband and his crown.

6.       He hoped to turn this plunder into advancement and reward.

7.       An Amalekite by race but a spiritual reversionist. Most reversionist had been killed there.

8.       He escaped by being a coward to hid himself.

9.       Like Ananas and Saphira, he tried to create a false impression so that he might be rewarded for it. He hopes that David will like his story and reward him for it. He assumes that David desires the death of Saul.

Do not ever capitalize on the death of another. Some of you want relatives to die so that you can inherit from them. That is the same kind of thinking. If you want, in your soul, some enemy to die, or some relative so that you can make some money, you are spiritually out of kilter and mentally ill. To want someone else to die to benefit you is a great soul distortion. Right now, and maybe this week, it has entered your mind, if old Uncle so-and-so would just die, then I could inherit from them. You cannot play God. It is a very bad game to play. To the extent that you enter into this kind of thinking or activity, you demonstrate that there is something wrong in your thinking.

it is just as bad to be vindictive and implacable to hope for someone to die for your happiness as it is to be a holy roller. You cannot build your happiness by titillating your emotion. You cannot built your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.

Right at this time, there is some happiness going on, and this guy is walking through all of this wealth to get to David. They have several hundred thousands cattle. No townhouse concept here. They are all spread out because of their wealth and this guy thinks that he has the key to that. He could not pawn any of these things and get much money, but he figured he could take this stuff to David and be rewarded for it.

Out of the Camp from Saul

1.       Here is the truth of the matter clearly stated. He was in the bivouac, so he was an enlisted man from another race.

2.       The Jewish army always had others from other races in it.

3.       He was with Saul but he deserted Saul and hid under fire. He will claim to have a conversation with Saul, but that will be false. He hid out; he did not try to fight.

4.       He overheard the conversation between Saul and his adjutant, and the Philistines did not come back until the next day before they came back for the booty. He was alone on the battlefield with the dead. He took the crown and the armband that showed he was the king. As he came out of this camp with Saul, he came with his clothes torn.

He did not want to show any ostentatiousness himself, because he is walking into a place where everyone is partying and there is so much wealth and there is celebration. He has a tunic and he puts some sand on his head.

He ingratiated himself by falling on his face to the ground before David. He fell to the earth and did obeisance. He got down on his knees and kept going up and down bowing before David. That would impress many people. He thought that David would be impressed, but when he saw all of this.

Phony Obeisance

1.       This is pseudo overt recognition of authority in order to gain something from David. Therefore, he gives David this overt flattery of obeisance.

2.       People who show respect often use it as mere flattery. They have something in mind; they want to gain something. All the phony things in order to flatter David.

3.       Reversionism and hypocrisy go together. The treacherous deserter tears up his tunic and puts dust on his head as a sign of being worn out from a disastrous trip, from fighting.

4.       This was designed to create a favorable impression with David. He has figured out all of the angles.

5.       Then he bows down as if he had accepted David’s authority completely. This is phony.

6.       He is an opportunist using the misfortune of others to further his own fortune.

7.       It runs counter to the principle that you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness; you cannot be promoted unless God promotes.

8.       But David knows how to deal with the Amalekites, as illustrated by operation recovery. He destroyed the Amalekite nation and took 400 years of plunder.

9.       Therefore, this treacherous traitor will be properly dealt with. God delivers us from this kind of person.

10.     David is not impressed by this man’s appearance. The supergrace believer is protected from flattery and never falls for operation obsequiousness.

2Samuel 1:2 on the third day, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes torn and earth upon his head. And it happened when he came to David, he fell to the earth and bowed to him.

David’s interrogation will get to the bottom of everything. David needs to get this guy to start talking. This is important. This guy does not give his name rank and serial number. Interrogation is a bonafide means of getting true information out of a liar. It is extracting true information out of a liar. This is one that made Hannibal famous. A good interrogator often appears dumb, even though he may be much smarter than the person he is interrogating. For principle of interrogation, get the victim to talk.

“Where did you come from?” The Qal imperfect indicates that he has been on the road for a great deal of time. That seemed obvious to David. He should be executed for sneaking out of Saul’s camp.

He mixes the true and the false together. He watches his words very carefully and we will pay attention to see where he slips up. He did depart from the army; he was in uniform; it was all torn up; he was AWOL from his organization. In reality, he is a cowardly deserter and an opportunist. He is trying to give the impression that he fought until the end. And he will claim to kill Saul, which would make David king.

2Samuel 1:3 And David said to him, Where do you come from? And he said to him, I have escaped [been delivered] out of the camp of Israel.

David comes back with some counter questions. The Qal imperfect indicates that there is more here than is said. David will persist in the interrogation until all of the facts are in his mind. He will persist in interrogation. The communists have learned this to interrogate day after day after day. You keep it up. You make them go over the same story over and over again. The same thing is done in good police work. If someone talks enough, the facts will come out. Or the facts will come out in constant repetition. Or David will know that the messenger is lying. It will come out what is true and what is false.

This is why so many in the congressional hearings stand on the 5th amendment.

There is an expletive and an extra word added to fill up the sentence with some excitement. You don’t need the expletive; it does not add to the narrative. Profanity; and Bob uses the profanity. Hell and damn are not profane; they are expletives.

The exclamatory expletive, would be shucks, beans, dammit, and hell and other 4 letter words. Mild exclamatory expletives and dirty exclamatory expletives. Also a category of satisfactory exclamatory expletives; he is satisfied with what he says.

For years, you wonderful Christians have used expletives. If you please, please; this is another category. They are polite expletives. An expletive can be the difference between good and bad manners. The interrogator does not say to this Amalekite, “Tell me the truth, or I will beat the hell out of you.” However, David here says, “If you please.” David is getting this man relaxed, so that his guard is down. David is listening carefully.

This man gives some truth. The people fled. This is the word he should have used of himself. The people ran away in a disgraceful way, and it was just the antithesis.

Many from the battle were wounded; that is what the “fallen” means. The army is in shambles; lots of casualties. Whenever you look at military casualties, you look at the dead, wounded and unaccounted for. Before you think this army was completely destroyed, we will meet Abner in the next chapter, who pulls together his remnant on the other side of the Jordan and built up his army to attack the Philistines. He is a deserter. Jonathan and Saul are now dead.

2Samuel 1:4 And David said to him, How did the matter go [lit., how was the word?]? Please tell me. And he answered, The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead. And Saul and his son Jonathan are dead also.

Saul’s other sons have also died, but this guy mentions Jonathan specifically.

What More Will Be Asked

1.       This messenger will be interrogated in detail on these deaths.

2.       He will explain about Saul but not about Jonathan. He doesn’t really know what happened with Jonathan. This guy deserted and there was fighting all over. Abner actually pulled the troops out. On a battliefield, you only see your own area. He can’t say anything about Jonathan, because this would give away that he is a liar. He has no material here that he can twist and turn to his advantage.

In this next verse, this man’s rank is given. He is a private in the army. Then David will begin to ask some very specific questions. The end result will be that this man will be executed.

Here we have a passage in the Word of God about military interrogation. Why does God the Holy Spirit bother to give us this story of military interrogation? Why bother with it? Why include it? Why not just say, David interrogated this man and killed him. God the Holy Spirit has a reason for including such things, even though there might not be an obvious reason for it.

One of the most important functions in the miltiary is the function of honor. Everyone in the military needs to have an honor code. Without it, you are inches away from disaster. Behind this is the principle of the importance of the military. Great periods of freedom have existed in the past. Great cultural expression. When Augustus followed Caesar, there was great freedom. There were great writers and great drama. Western European civilization expressed itself this way.

Napoleon freed up Beethoven, who was imprisoned? Beethoven did not like Napoleon, but he allowed him to express his thinking. Great periods of freedom are based upon military victory. No military can succeed without an honor code. For example, men who graduate from West Point, even up to the present time, have a great honor code. Bob studied it when he was stationed there in 1943. This inculcates honesty. Miltitary must run on honesty. When a man is dishonest in the military, thousands die. Longstreet in Gettysburg, and Lee lost in Gettysburg. The troops did not get down there soon enough. This was Longstreet as the problem; he dragged his feet and did not follow Lee’s direction to move more quickly. The honor code is best represented by George Patton, men at the top.

The British army had no army code, as demonstrated by that dishonest ass at al Alamaine; that Montgomery was two-faced and dishonest. Americans died because of his dishonesty. Honesty existed in other armies and other ranks. MacArthur is the essence of the honor code. No army succeeds without an honor code. Some of the veterans were great soldiers, but this did not have the honor code. Abner did not have an honor code; Jonathan had an honor code. We are at the lowest ebb of the honor code in the United States military history, from the politicians. This means that there must be strong spiritual life, Bible doctrine resident in the souls of men who will fight for their country and for freedom.

There are other reasons God the Holy Spirit included this. This indicates that a liar has no capacity for life. A person who uses lies often. A sign of mental illness and instability is such lying. He can use all kinds of phrases that sound right, but a congenital liar is only made honorable by the Word of God.

He is an enemy and he must be destroyed. Under the principle of leadership, David stops all of the fun that he is having. David stops to interrogate this man because David is in authority. David must be just and fair. He must deal properly with this man. No one can maintain a position of leadership without being fair and just. These things demand interrogation. The higher a person goes the less he knows about the rank and file.

Many of you men are heads of businesses and corporations and you must interrogate people from time to time to get the facts. You need to be objective and such people ltend to be happier. Subjectivity tends to go with reversionism and such types are not happy.

2Samuel 1                                            72David                                              631_0128

 04/26/1974 2 Sam. 1:5-9 False account of Saul’s death

Captain Howard will possible become the only man in history to have 2 Congressional medals of honor. He might bring a 10 man ranger team to Berachah Church as well.

God would use the catastrophe of Israel being defeated by the Philistines in order to put David on the throne.

David gave aide to good businessmen and to friends of his and to members of his battalion. Latin saying, “To accept a benefit takes away your liberty.”

Socialism Versus What the Bible Teaches

1.       The Bible condemns socialism.

2.       The purpose of socialism as a Satanic system is to cater to an insecure pole.

3.       Socialism removes freedom and creates parasites.

4.       These leeches multiply until they destroy the charcater and moral fibre of a free people.

5.       These multiplications of parasites suck up the vitality of a free people.

6.       Socialism and those who benefit from it are like an insecure woman. The women keeps demanding love until she has drained the strength from her man.

7.       The drain and destroy the strong; in the analogy, this is capitalism. David distributed to those in capitalism. David and Solomon did not interfere with industry. They allowed it to work on their own. David ruled for 40 years and Solomon for 40 and not once did they try to tax an industry. You might as well learn it is impossible to tax a corporation. They cannot be taxed. People may vote for someone believes we tax only corporations. This has to be passed along to the consumer. Corporate taxation cannot and does not exist.

8.       The analogy to the secure woman. She allows the man to recharge his battery. We have unstable and weak government. There is no group of government more insecure today than those involved in our legislative and executive branches of the government. The judicial branch does not even understand what law is.

9.       The parasites suck up money until the treasury is dry.

10.     David’s gift is without taking money from the men of Judah. He gave money with no strings attached.

2Samuel 1:2 on the third day, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes torn and earth upon his head. And it happened when he came to David, he fell to the earth and bowed to him.

2Samuel 1:3 And David said to him, Where do you come from? And he said to him, I have escaped [been delivered] out of the camp of Israel.

2Samuel 1:4 And David said to him, How did the matter go [lit., how was the word?]? Please tell me. And he answered, The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead. And Saul and his son Jonathan are dead also.

We discover for the first time that the bearer of the bad news is a private. The word young man gives us his rank. Naʾar usually refers to a newborn infant Ex. 2:6 Judges 13:7 but it is also used for a boy not fully grown. Also used for Isaac when he was almost to be sacrificed by Abraham. It also means a private, someone who does not advance; a total goof off in the armed forces. 1Kings 20:19 and several other places. David said to the private reporting to him. He is beginning to think that the private is manufacturing a report for his own advantage. It is unusual for a private of another army to completely kowtow to general of another army. You can always smell when someone wants to use you. You know what you’re really like. David knew that this man was an unmitigated liar and one thing you cannot have in the military is falsehood. David continues to interrogate until he determines that he is consistent or until he prove himself to be a liar. David will persist in the interrogation. We are merely given the gist of this.

Sooner or later, the liar, can get away with it for awhile, but they will trip themselves up permanently eventually. People mature when they take responsibility for their own decisions; and when they look at the character of the person who is speaking.

This question will put it all together for David.

How Does this Explain it to David

1.       He knows that Saul was dead because he was hiding in the rocks.

2.       He was guessing when it comes to Jonathan. He reports this as if he knew it for a fact, but it is not a fact to him. When people start telling you what they assume, they begin to tell you what the interrogator wants to know.

3.       The private is an opportunish; therefore, his motivation for lying.

4.       This Amalekite private is doing what David refuses to do; he is trying to advance himself on another’s death; to build his happiness on another’s unhappiness.

5.       People even use another’s death to advance themselves, as this Amalekite. Be careful about those you wish to die, like wishing a relative who will die because they are going to leave you money. That person will never know what the word happiness means. You can’t build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.

6.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. This man is tring to promite himself.

7.       Therefore the Amalekite private has missed the boat. Blessing, happiness, success and emotion. We will study something about this coming up on Sunday.

8.       If David needs an illustration of how gross it is to use a dead person to promote yourself, this is it. David sees the distorted soul in this man. This is a bedouine race that lived in the negev.

9.       This will strengthen David’s resolve to wait on the Lord. The promise must be fulfilled God’s way and only God’s way. The means never justifies the end. This Amalekite would lie or even murder in order to be promoted.

2Samuel 1:5 And David said to the young man who told him, How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?

The falsified report. Here, naʿar means private again. He has no discharge on his person so he has not been discharged. He will find himself on the edge of a court marshal. He gives a lengthy report to answer David’s question.

When telling a lie it is always good to have some truth around it. Bob love’s angel food cake, but he hates it with effeminate frosting, like orange and pink. But a good heavy thick chocolate frosting. Some people are very adept at taking a bit of truth and then inserting the lie somewhere in the middle of it.

He had run away when under fire and he found a place to hide when the Philistines weren’t looking. From his hiding place, he could see Saul and where he was killed. He saw something that made him think that he could use this to advance his own career. He did hear Saul and his adjutant talking about this.

This Amalekite used an expletive to slip in the falsehood. This is a transitional expletive. When you are telling the truth, you can get a very sincere look on your face. Then, you can slip in some falsehood, and, at that time, they will look off at something, or up in the air, just for an instant. This is where they slip in the word behold. It is by chance that he was on Mount Gilboa. He has to make the transition from the truth to false, and he uses this transition expletive.

Saul did not have a spear. He had a sword and it was hard to get out because he was gut shot with arrows. Saul was not resting on a spear, but he did not carry a spear. He did keep javelins around the house and he rested on the spear. He might do this from exhaustion or to catch one’s breath. When the gun goes off, you are holding your breath.

Saul is a general and not a soldier. The true account we have already studied and he only had a sword. He was supposed to be thinking; not using a weapon. He is supposed to think and make commands and decisions. So this man is lying.

The chariots and the cavalry are pursuing him. The Philistines had both of these but this was erroneous. The true account indicates that Saul was under fire by archer infantry.

2Samuel 1:6 And the young man who told him said, As I happened to be upon Mount Gilboa [by chance], behold, Saul leaned upon his spear. And, lo, the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him.


1.       The only true part was this Amalekite witnessing the killing of Saul.

2.       The Philistines were pursing the Jews and that is where the cavalry and chariots were going; to head them off at the flank. Any S2 could figure this out. He saw the chariots and cavalry go by first; then he saw Saul. So Saul had been there for hours and this man was too and he did not fight at all.

3.       The chariots and horses were moving to cut off the army.

4.       Saul was not resting on a spear or he would have committed suicide with it. If Saul wanted to commit suicide, he could do so easily with a spear


6.       The true account makes it clear that Saul only spoke to his adjutant.

7.       Saul did not have a dialogue with this Amalekite private. King Saul would never do what the Amalekite has said. He thinks he is the prime minister of this new country.

Saul turns around to see this Amalekite. Liar.

Let’s say Saul did turn around and see a private. He would not chit chat. He would send them back onto the field. He claims that Saul looked behind him and saw this man, and he says hinneni. This idea is to David to respond to, “Behold me.”

This is a flim flam of pathological lying. Anyone can look at a uniform and understand who the person is and what his responsibilities are. Saul would never turn around and look at a private during this battle and say, “Who are you?” He would have told the private what to do. But this private is making it seem like this is a sweet conversation taking place. Robt E. Lee was sweet and he should have taken Longstreet out and kicked him to ribbons.

2Samuel 1:7 And when he looked behind him, he saw me, and called to me. And I answered, Here am I.

He says, “Who you?” And he answers, “Amalekite.” When you see the uniform of your country, you begin to order them around. Saul is the general and he should next order this man around.

This last answer is the truth; this man is an Amalekite.

2Samuel 1:8 And he said to me, Who are you? And I answered him, I am an Amalekite.

He says a second time, “Stand over me and kill me.” When would a general say to a private, “If you please.” This is a nicety and he says Saul is using use this in the midst of a battle.

2Samuel 1:9 He said to me again, Please stand over me and kill me, for anguish has come upon me, because all my life is still in me.

Since this is a lie, this guy just makes up this conversation. Saul was not a polite man. Saul did not have polite manners; and not on the battlefield. David knows Saul and this is not Saul.

Anguish here is cramps of some sort, which makes sense because Saul has all of these arrows in him.

He claims to be seized with the cramps. This guy has used all of his rope and he has hung himself here. You do not lean on a spear and writhe on the ground at the same time. David has spotted the problem but he lets this guy go on.

This guy came out of his hiding place when the Philistines moved on, as they went after the rest of Saul’s army.

2Samuel 1   Isa. 53:12 Matt. 27:50 Mark 15:37 Luke 23:46 72David       631_0129

04/28/1974 John 19:30; Ps. 31:5 Last exhale of Jesus Christ on the cross

We will spend some time on the last breath our Lord exhaled on the cross; the last sentence of our Lord on the cross.

Bob is assuming that we are all believers in Jesus Christ.

We begin with the distribution of spoils, which was understood in the ancient world. Greatest empire in western civilization was SPQR, which is the Senate and people of Rome. It is inevitable that time will be spend in victories. There could be up to 50 days to celebrate their victories. Cæsar returning from Gaul had 50 days of celebration. There were rewards to the soldiers, some getting $150,000 up to $200,000 as a reward for their function as soldiers. This verse deals with the strategic victory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The preposition and the adverb forces a strong conclusion. A royal family is called out by the last Adam. God the Father will distribute great spoils to the many. The spoils would be divided in two directions. There are the saints in the Old Testament, who are in Abraham’s bosom, and they will receive their rewards. Our Lord’s final exhale on the cross resulted in our plunder.

The greater part of the blessing. Spiritual maturity is the place where the spoils in time are realized. God’s plan predates us by billions of years. Whenever God can promote you or provide something special for you, this glorifies Him. God the Father will distribute the gain, the plunder, because of the many believers, which includes us as believers.

The great ones below refers to believers who are spiritually mature. It is the responsibility of the pastor-teacher to teach his own flock. Study and teach. Herman Mattox is on the platform; he completed Dallas Theological Seminary, as a matter of miracles.

Doctrine conquers all. That is the principle by which our Lord exhaled His final breath. Do not look for a sweet person as a pastor. That is not a pastor, a person who is dominated by the deacons and the ladies missionary society. You think the pastor ought to be a handyman, there when you need him and to make the proper clucking noises like, “It will all be alright.” We are members of the royal family and we should not use anyone as a crutch.

All of this is possible because He has poured out His soul to death. Jesus provided doctrine by His physical death. So we need to remember this phrase, that He poured out His soul to death. This refers to His final exhale. What he said becomes the key to the royal family.

Isa 53:12 Therefore I will distribute spoils to Him a portion because of the many, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong [the great ones], because He poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.

“Why don’t you read the hymn book while we look up these passages?” “Once and awhile, we feel sorry for those in here and we provide them some reading material; a gun book or something.”

kradzô emphasizes the sound that is made. This is an aorist tense. Jesus will have His final exhale. Jesus will utter a sentence and He spoke in a very loud voice, so that this could be heard by many. Crying out with a loud voice means that this could be heard; also this indicates that He is not exhausted, physical ready to die. That is, He was not physically destroyed, where His death was a natural occurrence.

The culminative aorist tells us that this was loud. Body into the grace, soul to Abraham’s bosom and spirit to God the Father.

Mat 27:50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.

Mark has something to say about this as well. Mark tended to be brief. He did not waste words. He concentrated on actions. There is a different word here for to cry out. He uses απιημι which means to send away. The idea here is breath control. There is the sound and there is the breath. The length of a to x is however long it took Jesus to exhale this sentence. Mark does not tell us the content. Matthew tells us that this was loud and Mark tells us that it was controlled and given in one breath. Jesus exhales His last. Neither Matt. Or Mark lets us know the content.

This is the last breath of our Lord. Jesus exhaled these words as an act of His Own volition. We cannot die by exhaling our breath and then not breathing back in.

Mar 15:37 And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed His last [expired].

Now to Luke. The translator of the KJV messed this up. It is this same constantive aorist and we are now going to hear what he said. We have what Jesus said, but only part of what He said.

Christ is the agent producing the action Himself. This is a dogmatic assertion and this is exactly what was said in this famous last exhale.

Luk 23:46 Then Jesus, calling out [aorist active participle of φονεω] with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit [deposit] my spirit!" And having said this he breathed his last [He expired].

All 3 synoptic writers mention that Jesus speaks at the end of His time on the cross. Each one had something to say about what transpired. This is the last exhale of our Lord. Each writer of the Synoptics describes our Lord’s final moments in the aorist tense. They all use different verbs. Sound, breath and words. All are involved anytime a person speaks.

The culminative aorist; and there is something that all 4 of them said. Mark and Luke use εκπνεω which means to expire. You don’t need breath unless you are going to say something. John uses παραδιδιμε for this culminative aorist. This means to deliver over. Jesus utters one verb in the perfect tense. He receives the sour wine. When He had completely came back from bearing our sins, the Roman soldiers offered him sour wine. It would be put on a sponge and lifted up to His mouth. Perfect passive indicatve of τελεω; τετελεσται. Jesus has not bled to death. He has finished bearing our sins and He states this. He is very much alive. This is a dogmatic or absolute statement. His blood is still in His body. John does not give us the final sentence. He goes to finished. Up until this point, our Lord kept His head erect. Crucifixion makes a person very weak; but our Lord’s was erect. He was not weak; He was not nauseous. He knew exactly what He was doing. He was our substitute taking our place.

Joh 19:30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

What does this all mean? Why did Jesus say this? He had breath control; His head was erect; He was not bleeding to death. Luke gives us a partial content of what Jesus said.

What Jesus said before He died physically is very important. Luke gave us enough of the sentence. Jesus in His last exhale spoke this entire verse. The rest of this is in the Hebrew.

“I deposit My spirit into Your hand.” Then He adds You have delivered Me; this does not mean to redeem. It is padah. For 3 hours, Jesus screamed; and he had Bible doctrine in His soul which sustained Him; it sustained His humanity. Therefore, Bible doctrine is designed to sustain us. This is designed for the distribution of the spoils.

After our Lord uttered these words, there was nothing else to say. There was no more inhale that would be required. The spoils of victory depend upon Bible doctrine.

Psa 31:5 Into Your hand I commit My spirit; You have delivered Me, O LORD, faithful God.

2Samuel 1:10–12        72David Doctrine of Human Freedom                      631_0130

04/28/1974 Problem of being a success; doctrine of the importance of the military

the erroneous report of Saul’s death; he was leaning on a spear but he did not have a spear. A report with some true and some false information.

2Samuel 1:9 He said to me again, Please stand over me and kill me, for anguish has come upon me, because all my life is still in me.

The indication is that Saul wanted him to do this and he thinks that he will gain favor with David because of this.

A Few Points on V. 10a

1.       The Amalekite manufactured a mental attitude for Saul that fit in with this Amalekite’s story. These were not Saul’s words at all. The purpose of this lie and the lies that came before are this Amalekite trying to ingratiate himself with David.

2.       He is playing politics and hopes to be rewarded and promoted as the slayer of Saul, although he did not kill Saul.

3.       This is a case of medacious incantation. A case of treachery. Ingandation. He did desert in the face of the enemy, which truth he hides.

4.       David is a supergrace believer and as such, is people-smart. Many believers came to Berachah Church with problems of one kind or another. Many came from not necessarily a spiritual problem, but they were just stupid about people and themselves. David is a supergrace believer and even not in supergrace, he was people-smart. He picks up on what this guy is trying to sell and what kind of a guy this person is. Life is too short to hook up with dumb butts. In your lifetime, it will take a long time to cultivate real friendships; and real friendships need to be made with real people. Most fundies are not real people at all. They are out in the rain without any clue as to what to do, standing around looking for a counselor.

5.       David will not be deceived by this audacious fabrication.

6.       We are half way through this verse, and the remainder of this verse is true.

7.       By mixing the true and the false, this Amalekite hopes to deeive David with his approval.

8.       Any approval based upon deceit will come to nothing. Any promotion based upon deceit will come to nothing. This man’s life is based upon deceit so it will come to nothing. When you mix the truth with the false, it is always false.

A simple gold band that fit around the helmet. This was his battle crown. It is one of those things you cannot hock anywhere; everyone knows who it belongs to. This is the badge of Saul’s rank in Israel. The armband is often worn; and it said, perhaps, melek. This indicates that he was the king. It too was made of gold. He was in a hurry; he was a coward; he dashed out of the rocks and grabbed these things, and then made a run for it.

The final word in this verse is an adverb, henah, and at this point, he took them out and displayed them, putting them, perhaps, at David’s feet. David would have recognized these immediately. He knew when he saw these things, that Saul was dead. He knows that the story of the Amalekite was filled with inconsistencies; but he believed this to be true. The very system by which you promote yourself will be the very system by which you defeat yourself. Only God can promote us.

2Samuel 1:10 And I stood over [by] him and killed him, because I was sure that he could [would] not live after he had fallen [his defeat in battle]. And I took the crown on his head, and the bracelet on his arm, and have brought them here to my lord.

He will be held accountable for what he says. He did not kill Saul; but he will be held responsible for it., because he confessed that he did it. Some of you may wonder why God put so much information like this in the Bible. Some of you are sitting here because you think that you are duty-bound to listen. This is a tragedy.

Many of you women have used flattery to gain everything that you needed in this life. A flatterer always underrates the object of her flattery. They assume that the person is exactly like she is. This man did not kill Saul, but he judged David to be just like himself. This will remove a problem for David, in this man’s mind. If the situation was reversed, he would do it. He has no strength of soul; no doctrine in his soul. He has no capacity for life; he had simple conceit in his life. He is as easily subject to flattery as those they are attempting to flatter.

David is a celebrity; a national success. But there is one true celebrity in life, Jesus.

There is a problem with being a success. Some of you will stay with doctrine long enough to be a success. Many of you will be classified as human celebrities. David is a success; he is a celebrity, humanly speaking. He faces some problems with this fact. Celebrities have specific problems with being celebrities. Bob enjoys hearing about what various people have done; how we have prospered and moved ahead in various places in life.

Problems with Being a Success

1.       Once a person becomes successful, that person become vulnerable to being used by others. That is the great tragedy of celebrityship, is people use you as a rung in a ladder of moving up in their own lives. You have to face many phony people. Success has its problems just as vulnerability has its problems. This is exactly what will happen when you enjoy some measure of success.

2.       One problem is people use your status to titrate their own ambitions.

3.       He is often confused about who loves him and who is using him to gratify his own ends. Or to further their own ends; to gratify their own lusts.

4.       Successful and prosperous people get trapped in that with parasites and sycophant. You do not even have to be a successful pastor in order to get this. People has put people on the worldwide map who are the worst phonies that he has ever known.

5.       Bible doctrine resident in the soul protects the believer from this trap. It is designed to make us people smart.

6.       The supergrace believer is protected from this hazard by doctrine in the soul. If not immediate discernment, it is will eventually be the discernment to know that they are phoney. You just have to be people smart to advance.

7.       The supergrace believer has capacity for life and love; they can also spot the phoney, the sycophant, the flim flam artist.

8.       Success and prosperity demand that the supergrace believer be surrounded by those who appreciate him as a person. He often finds himself by those who use him as a stepping stone...to promote themselves.

9.       David, in supergrace, has the ability, of being to spot the phony, the fraudulent, the con artist. This is a perfect illustration of it.

There is only one thing that is obvious to David at this point, and that Saul and Jonathan are both dead. Lamentation first of all.

There is a break off of interrogation. We will come back to him. David has a genuine response. David is overtaken by grief so he is not called to do anything at this time. David wanted to make Jonathan his prime minister. He will always lack someone for that slot. This means that David has lost by physical death one of his greatest friends. There will be a tremendous elogy for Saul and Jonathan. He is satisfied for the moment.

Now they begin their lamentation. His soul is overcome with great emotion. He will never see him again as his close friend. He is so overcome that he does whatever he does vigorously. If you ever have a true friend and they precede you into heaven, you will be overcome with grief. David stops right here and now and laments his great friend. A true friend is one of the rarest gems in life. You will have very few of them. When you lose them, you will be overcome with a type of grief that will never leave. Robert E. Lee strongly missed Stonewall Jackson; he was irreplaceable. This meant that the army of Virginia would eventually lose. The army in northern Virginia was doomed that evening that Jackson was shot by his own pickets.

Jonathan was David’s Stonewall Jackson. He never had fits of jealousy and pride; he represents the purest type of nobility of soul. We have a part of a eulogy written in the book of Jaser?

Some idiot female dragged you in here hoping something that would rub off; don’t bother to come back. One of you bored people here is old enough where you could stand to have a close friendship like that. The most important thing that you would ever possess is the true friendship of that even surpasses the love of a woman. It is possible for such a thing to exist; it is a rare thing. The Philistines now control most of Israel. A lot of fellows citizens have lost their freedom. With a few exceptions, like Judah in the south and Benjamin, who moved their headquarters across the Jordan, are safe, but the rest of Israel is under the slavery of the Philistines.

2Samuel 1:11 And David took hold on his garments, and tore them. And likewise all the men with him did so.

The whole day elapses after the interrogation. The mourning is continued. Bakah is the word for mourning; these are strong, powerful men who are weeping; there is nothing wrong with it.

This battalion will conquer the world; but right now they are crying. They are weeping and fasting. This is not a spiritual function. There was a spiritual fasting where time is set aside for Bible study rather than having a meal. Charlie Clough used to fast in a spiritual sense; he worked all day at the weather station and would come to Berachah for a long time without food, since he spent time on the bus going to Galveston. They are disturbed in their souls, so there is no desire for food. David’s fantastic supergrace attitude and supergrace leadership.

Jonathan was a national hero. The great battle of Mishmash. He attacked 250 Philistines and defeated them. The fasting and weeping here is respect for him.

The people of Jehovah is a technical term for the army of Israel. It has suffered one of its worst disasters of history. The loss of freedom is obvious.

The nation is now mostly in slavery. Military defeat and military disaster for northern Israel.

2Samuel 1:12 And they mourned and wept and fasted until evening, for Saul, and for his son Jonathan, and for the people of Jehovah, and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

The people had fallen by the sword; and so did the soldiers. Sometimes, the first farm they hit, they killed all the people. Many soldiers suffered blood lust and they would slaughter and butcher the citizens.

Final Points

1.       Military defeat affects everyone. There are those in Congress whose reversionism is so bad, they are anti-military and they have all but destroyed us. Mark Hatfield from Oregon, born-again believer, who needs doctrine; he is a mixed up fundy. It will be men like Bobby who will have to stand in the gap for these jackasses; these confused liberals. Some have fought in two wars and they are suddenly dropped from the military. The stupidity of Congress borders on being traitorous.

2.       The defeat at the Battle of Gilboa meant a loss of government over Israel, loss of military heroes, a standing army, loss of national freedom and the function of free enterprise. It also meant a loss of dear friends and loved ones.

3.       Saul’s defeat affects the entire nation.

let’s notice a few doctrines

The Doctrine of Human Freedom

1.       Human freedom is the heritage of human birth; it is an extension of the various functions of the soul.

2.       Areas of human freedom: freedom as the heritage of physical birth and freedom as the heritage of regeneration.

3.       The necessity of human freedom. Free will is the one thing that man has in common with angels. We are an extension of the Angelic Conflict. We were designed to perpetuate the Angelic Conflict. Therefore, it is necessary for human freedom to exist on planet earth.

4.       Therefore, there are laws designed to protect human freedom. This way, evangelism and Bible teaching can take place. The Decalogue is fundamental for the law of human freedom.

5.       Non-meritorious human freedom. God’s plan of grace. Salvation is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The function that leads to supergrace; the positive volition toward Bible doctrine, which relates the believer to the tactical victory of the Angelic Conflict.

6.       The relationship of human freedom to authority and human discipline. Christ was free to accept or to reject the cross. He became obedient to the death on the cross.

7.       The military represents the freedom of Christ going to the cross. The military man gives up his freedom to die for his country.

8.       Freedom demands responsibility. Believers and unbelievers alike are to adhere to the laws of divine establishment. Morality protects human freedom. Morality demands waiting for RM/RW. Good manners that protects people we love. True love cannot be coerced. It must be freely given. There is a need for morality and good manners in order for freedom to exist.

9.       The relationship of human freedom to maturity. The adult must be free to have his own successes or for his own failures and he must take responsibility for it.

10.     All sin involves the action of human volition. Neither the man nor the woman possessed a sin nature at the fall. Ignorance of the fact of sin does not change anything; that is still a matter of volition.

11.     Doctrine is related to freedom. Jesus Christ provided freedom to serve God and to move toward supergrace. Believers have a glorious freedom. The royal family freedom is a glorious freedom. We are born again and live as royalty on this earth.

12.     This freedom is related to God the Holy Spirit. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

13.     The Word of God is called the Law of Liberty or freedom; our freedom to glorify God.

14.     Positive volition toward doctrine is the basis of freedom. I will walk in freedom for I seek your doctrines.

15.     Freedom is a part of our national heritage. Give me liberty or give me death. No matter where you turn, to the constitution or all that led to it, there is the principle of freedom.

16.     The perpetuation of freedom demands respect for authority and great self-sacrifice when that freedom is threatened. Some of our freedoms have been stolen from us by the politicians. We may have to fight the entire communist world to preserve our freedom.

17.     National freedom is maintained my military victory. Neh. 8:14

18.     It is the army of Israel that led to the loss of freedom.

One more principle:

The Importance of the Military

1.       The military protects the national entity and the principles of establishment. It is ordained of God for the military to do this for any national entity. The military defends the nation.

2.       In spite of man’s efforts for peace, warfare will continue to the end of time.

3.       It is a bonafide part of human history. No congress or mixed up president is going to abolish war. That will just invite invasion and disaster. This is like the law of gravity.

4.       In the struggle to maintain Jewish freedom, we have many examples of the importance of the Jewish military. Military loss means the loss of civilian freedom. When the Jews were getting ready to invade the law, Joshua made a reconnaissance across the Jordan; and Jesus Christ met him and that He belonged to the army of Israel. He is the God of the armies. This put Joshua to chief-of-staff. The Lord Jesus Christ, known to liberals as turn the other cheek, holds the record for killing in battle.

5.       The Jewish army under Saul lost freedom; but it will be recovered by David’s army.

6.       The preservation of national sovereignty always depends upon which side wins. There is a good army under Abner, who pulled out of Mount Gilboa and he saved a great portion of Saul’s army. He was able to do this by the delaying actions of Saul and his sons. He made Ishbosheth the next king, but he only had a small spot on the other side of the Jordan. Armies always protect the freedom and integrity and sovereignty of a nation.

7.       God uses the military to show the reversionism of a nation. Battle brings out the best or the worst.

8.       Since the battlefield decides freedom, universal military training is important.

9.       Military leadership is an index to national character. Two great military leaders will emerge; Abner and David; and under them will be great general officers.

10.     Therefore, it is important that no matter how great a citizenry is, there must be military training. It is useless if the men of the nation are apostate or addicted to drugs.

11.     Part of divine judgment against a nation is military defeat that precedes the 4th or 5th cycle of disciple. We will see these principles to emerge as we continue to study this.

The court marshal tomorrow night of the Amalekite soldier.

2Samuel 1:13–16                                 72David                                              631_0131

04/29/1974 Court-martial of the Amalekite private

We are studying the falsified reports by the Amalekite.

2Samuel 1:12 And they mourned and wept and fasted until evening, for Saul, and for his son Jonathan, and for the people of Jehovah, and for the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.

The court marshal will not reconvene until the time of mourning is over.

David begins the questioning again. Why do we have a passage like this in the Word of God? What is its spiritual value? Why do we have it? Why is it important? The fact that this is in Word of God, it must be analyzed. A chapter like this is summarized by 3 sentences in most commentaries. They often just pass over the fact that David performs specific functions or they mention this in a sentence and simply move out.

This young man is carefully examined. He is a private in the Jewish army and the Hebrew noun means a number of different things, like a newborn infant, for a teenaged boy, for a boy who is nearly 20 and for a private. Here, it refers to an enlisted man in the Jewish army. 2Sam. 1:5 the purpose of this report and what he was up to and how he intended to use these things.

David knows that he is in the Jewish army but also that he is not a Jew. Most people are born again and then they enter into Israel on that basis. They want to be a part of the citizenship of this country.

David had just fought against the Amalekites, so they keep popping up in his life. Because David had been very antagonistic against the Amalekites, he is leaning toward being prejudice against them. This is a big challenge to try this man fairly, despite the strong feelings that David has.

Prejudice is a latent or real antagonism, but not necessarily based upon a lot of information but more upon irritation. How David handles this man is indicative of how he will function as king. When God promotes someone, then his motivations and actions must be carefully watched.

Benishgar is what this man says. Son of a man who is a stranger, or son of a man, a foreigner. They lived in this country in order to become citizens of this country. There was a racial problem in Saul’s army. This man deserted while under. This is a lack of discipline and a lack of training. Where strong discipline exists, there are no racial problems. There is objectivity of justice and fairness from leadership. Where you have a soft attitude and a belief that you can solve problems through legislation, then you have problems. Mandatory seat belt laws.

Liberals think that if anyone dies for any reason, this is an attack upon their panaceas. There were riots on an aircraft carrier and they should have been shot.

David now has to deal with 2 kinds of Amalekites; those hostile in the negev and those who immigrated to Israel to become a part of Israel. David will amalgamate Jews and people of many different races. In David’s own background, there are many gentiles. So race is never an issue except to bleeding hearts and left wing wacky thinking. There will be no racial problem in David’s kingdom. They will all be a part of his kingdom. Uriah the Hittite is an example.

This man should have set aside his self-seeking opportunism. He is innocent of killing Saul. The truth would have saved his life. Well, I don’t think so; not as a deserter. He maintains the characteristics of the Amalekites. The cave of Addullem alumni have a strong honor code. Dishonest people have no place in a progressing organization, in an organization with great prosperity. Such organizations should be kept free of dishonesty and duplicity.

Because this guy is a Jewish soldier, he is under court marshal proceedings. He needs to use the truth in his own behalf. Best he could do is to be honest and throw himself at the mercy of the court. However, he is setting himself up to be executed for murdering the King of Israel. He will stick with his story, hoping to advance himself. It is his lie that convicts him. He really did not kill Saul, but he claimed to do so in order to ingratiate himself to David. He became entangled in his own web of deceit and hanged himself with his own lies.

2Samuel 1:13 And David said to the young man who told him, From where are you [David is asking for a background profile here]? And he answered, I am the son of a stranger, an Amalekite.

The main issue is the killing of a king. So, it is possible that David does not really know the truth; that he is simply accepting this man’s testimony. This Amalekite is assuming that David is just like he is; and that he will be glad to hear that his political foe was killed.

No army today has any mercy for someone who kills a superior officer, except for us. In other places, they have an execution quickly and a file by.

The Court Marshal of this Amalekite

1.       When this private enlisted in the Jewish army, he became acquainted with the articles of war. Killing the commanding general meant death.

2.       The worst insubordination a Jewish soldier could commit is to kill his own commanding officer.

3.       This Amalekite thought he would be able to bring David to the throne. The idea is, the ends justify the means.

4.       The Amalekite figured that he could escape punishment because David would appreciate what he does. As an opporutinsh, he can only assume that other people are the same way.

5.       So, he claimed to kill Saul when he did not actually kill Saul.

6.       He confesses to a crime that he did not commit to advance his own cause.

7.       His confession represented human viewpoint. Even though his confession is a lie, he paid the penalty for that crime.

8.       People mus take the responsibility for their own words and actions. Our government treats us like we are in the play pen. Bob had seat belts installed even before they were required. It supplies stability when it comes to offensive fast driving. You get out of jams with acceleration and steering, Bob’s philosophy since 1930. When the government decides to tell Bob what to do, Bob will do what he damn will pleases. And if he loses his life because of a seatbelt, that his choice. We should be able to choose the safety features in the automobile that we own.

9.       People must take the responsibility for their own words and actions. That is what it means to be an adult in a society. The government ought not to try to make a criminal out of everyone in society. No government ought to be able to act as if every citizen is immature and needs guidance. If people don’t like the exhaust from his car, they ought to go elsewhere. Too many have grown up in a conditioned society, brought up to think that Uncle Sam can do no wrong and that legislation ought to be achieving the greatest good for the greatest number. We have at this moment to assemble ourselves. What has happened in the whole automobile thing is that people hate big business and profit. Profit is not an evil. You our conditioned to think that GM is out to run the country. It is a sin to be smart today; you are an enemy of government if you understand freedom. Increasing the population of a national entity, it was easier to preserve freedom. It is now becoming a serious problem. We have an immoral government; all branches including the judicial branch.

10.     This Amalekite private had free will, and he is free to tell the truth or free to lie; as a free man, he mus take responsibility for his statement. If he sticks with his lie, then he must pay the penalty under the articles of war. David is not an opportunist like this Amalekite. He could have killed Saul twice.

11.     He had to take the responsibility for his words and he did; he was executed.

2Samuel 1:14 And David said, Why were you not afraid to stretch forth your hand to destroy Jehovah's anointed?

The execution. The sentence was pronounced. There was a sentence, but this was to make the end closer to the Jewish trial. V. 16 is retrospective and actually occurred before v. 15. David summons one of to the soldiers; one from among his soldiers. He tells him to approach. This is a command to move face to face with this Amalekite. Paga means to attack. You may think this is a mean command. The whole objective of being a soldier is to kill. This is the job of the military. You have babies in a free world because the job of military personnel is killing. It is legitimate to kill one of their own when he has violated military lie. The indictment is read then he is killed. This sort of thing would cure many problems. Most of the civilians, the innocent ones, will be because of riots in the streets. Many will be abused. No nation can survive without discipline, authority and objectivity of law.

Summary Points

1.       Regicide is always punishable by death; killing a superior officer. The Amalekite private has admitted to killing the king and he brought the incriminating evidence. He took this off the dead king.

2.       He reached for a great reward and promotion and he ended up being executed. A deceitful life is being dead anyway.

3.       The evidence that he did this is his own verbal evidence plus having Saul’s stuff, this all condemns him. He did not have to admit to this.

4.       It must have been frustrating for the Amalekite to die for a crime that he did not commit. However, he should have thought about this before unloading these lies to advance himself. That is the wrong approach. No capacity for life.

5.       Not only do those who violate the law die by the law. Jewish justice is perfect at this point. This takes care of those who violate the law die by the law. This man ignored the law. He thought he could get away with it. It was not technically a violation in his own thinking. He ignored the law; he set aside the law. He looked only to advance himself.


7.       The law is fair and God is fair. The law is clear and God’s Word is clear.

8.       David will not share complicity in the death of Saul. David has been very careful not to advance himself on someone else’s misery on someone else’s unhappiness.

9.       David will not condone violations of the law of regicide or the Jewish articles of war.

10.     To permit the Amalekite to live would violate the law. On the basis of these two verses, David cannot let anyone live who claims to have killed Saul. David must try them and punish them. His objectivity and total fairness and adherence to the law and the purpose of the law. Because he is a supergrace believer, the purpose of the law is fulfilled as well.

And this man was stuck so that he died. Hiphil indicates that the executioner was motivated to kill them. The result is that he died. That is the meaning of the waw.

Why Did He Die?

1.       The Amalekite rationalized that he would be rewarded for receiving credit for killing Saul.

2.       The credit became debit.

3.       David gave him credit for killing Saul.

4.       By his own words, he alleged that he did it.

5.       No man can continue to live in Israel making such a claim; otherwise, lawlessness would reign in Israel. This is why there is capital punishment. People are executed so that people might maintain freedom. The criminal dies and this discourages others from committing this crime.

6.       It would be a problem, allowing this man to live.

2Samuel 1:15 And David called one of the young men and said, Go near [approach]; fall on him. And he struck him so that he died.

Waw conversive and a Qal imperfect; making it a perfect tense. The sentence was given before the execution was carried out.

Seems reasonable that David could have said this while the man was writhing and dying. You need to take responsibility for your own guilt and your own crime. The plural of blood here means blood-guiltiness. This is your confession. The man stuck by his court marshal. He admitted to killing the Lord’s anointed; he used these words and he claimed to kill Saul in a violent manner.

2Samuel 1:16 And David said to him, Your blood be upon your head, for your mouth has testified against you, saying, I have slain Jehovah's anointed.

This is his literal confession.


1.       No one confessing to regicide could be allowed to live without destroying the country. Keeping so many people alive in jails is the reason for the rise in crime. Eisenhower brothers investigated the rise in crime and came up with all kinds of left-wing approaches. There will be no crime waves in David’s kingdom.

2.       This would destroy the authority of law, leadership and the discipline of David’s great battalion.

3.       This corps of future generals will be like Alexander’s generals who would rule the world after his death.

4.       Or life the confederate generals who served as junior officers in the Mexican War.

5.       Or the famous German generals in WWII. When you have the emergence of an entire group, there is tthe superior leader to train them.

6.       The wisdom of David’s decision is only questioned by those who are ignorant of doctrine and incapable of living by principle.

7.       The recon quest of the land, driving out the Philistine oppressors, depends upon this one decision. It looks innocuous. If David made a bad decision now, there would be no reconquest of the land and the Jews would have stayed under slavery to the Philistines. Suppose David was a stupid bleeding heart like our President today?

8.       It is the little things in life that make or break you. You are waiting around for big thing to come and it is all these little things that make the difference.

9.       Freedom comes through military victory without authority and discipline.

10.     This Amalekite private came at a critical time in Jewish history. He failed to cause problems in their state.

2Samuel 1:17-19                                  72David                                              631_0132

04/30/1974 David’s elegy to Saul and Jonathan (introduction)

Bob does not like to be deceived and he does not like to be asked for anything. Moocher preachers. Hangdog look to get you to give to them. The bane of Bob’s existence is that preachers are put in a place where they have to beg. He despises making announcements. That is #3. Bob has to announce a stuffing party. “Let’s rebound and hope to hell everything goes okay tonite.”

There is a lamentation for a number of men here who have died in combat. V. 18 suddenly goes into talking about teaching how to shoot a bow. Sort of odd. An elegy is a poem. A song or poem of mourning. It is not really a dirge. An anomatpoetic word.

David’s Feelings Toward Saul

1.       David was truly Saul’s friend and he never changed his attitude toward Saul. David never changed his attitude. When he writes an elegy and mourns over Saul, it is genuine. David truly misses Saul.

2.       Bible doctrine gave David the capacity for category #3 love. David never stopped appreciating Saul or his wonderful friendship with Jonathan.

3.       Even though Saul sought to kill David, David remained his friend. He loved his enemies.

4.       This is what Samuel told Saul at the seance, “And God has given your kingdom to your friend, David.”

2Samuel 1:17 And David chanted [composed] this death dirge [elegy] over Saul and over his son Jonathan.

Certain songs were taught in school; we learned about America; the Star Spangled Banner. “God Bless American” is tripe. The Methodists just turn gleeful with that one. Learning songs of the American heritage was standard then.

The title comes from v. 22, where the bow of Jonathan did not turn back, even when facing the enemy. He went down firing, like Davy Crocket and Travis and Bowie. Patriotic songs; songs about killing the enemy. The whole thing was written in the book of Jasher.

2Samuel 1:18 And he said [ordered] to teach the sons of Judah The Song of the Bow. Behold, it is written in the Book of Jasher [righteous or heroes]:

The Book of Jasher

1.       Whoever wrote this portion of Samuel extracted part of this psalm.

2.       This same book of heroes is also mentioned in Joshua 10:13

3.       It is apparently a series of odes to national heroes.

4.       The two references here specify military heroes.

5.       This book has not survived; only these 2 references to it.

6.       This is apparently a chronicle of national heroes.

Summary of These Two Verses

And David chanted [composed] this death dirge [elegy] over Saul and over his son Jonathan. And he said [ordered] to teach the sons of Judah The Song of the Bow. Behold, it is written in the Book of Jasher [righteous or heroes]:

1.       This is a demonstration of David’s grace attitude.

2.       Saul had been trying to kill David for years and David still instructs the men of Judah to learn it.

3.       He makes certain that the reputation of Saul stands. Saul is still a national hero and he had still done some great things as their ruler. Grace does not forget the great things that a man does in the power of the Spirit and in the power of the Word of God. If you had spent time in supergrace, these things are preserved as are rewards for them. David wants Saul in the record books as a hero; the same thing for Jonathan. This is because both were heroes.

4.       On David’s part, this is an act of grace; an act of nobility. David is a supergrace believer and it is nice to leave behind supergrace believers who remember you in a kindly way.

5.       There is no attempt to wipe our Saul’s name or memory.

Only 3 of the stanzas are found here; the rest would be in the Book of Jasher. How the brave soldiers have fallen. The subtitle and the superscription are the same thing here, which is this first sentence. Each strophe begins with “How the mighty have fallen.” The glorious past we know how Saul failed and how his own left flanks was rolled up in the oblique order of battle.

The king has the most power and authority; Abner is not mentioned here. He got out of there with one of Saul’s sons. 3 of Saul’s sons were heroes; another was a yellow-bellied coward. There is no reference to Abner or to Ishbosheth, the 4th son of Saul. Saul has the highest authority; he is the commanding authority of the king.

All glory in life must be related to authority in life. The supergrace status is said to be glory; the rw responding to her rm is glory; there is the glory in the executive branch of business; glory in military authority. Authority means hard work. Think twice before you reach out to grab some glory.

The Amalekite private was not mortally wounded; he was executed. He died here last night. He did not die bleeding to death.

All glory is related to authority and there is no glory related to the Christian life apart from doctrine in the soul. For anyone having authority, there must be tons of self-discipline.

A Few Points on V. 19

1.       Mountains of Gilboa, a range.

2.       Saul’s killing is noted but his suicide is not mentioned. Suicide is a scandal; and David leaves it alone. The scandals of a man in high authority has no affect on his ability to function as a leader.

People are often destroyed with sexual scandals, but their private lives are not issues. Julius Ceasar had quite a vibrant sex life; but this did not affect his decisions with regards to SPQR. As a leader, he was without parallel. Every great leader in history did not keep him from doing his job. Moral people are necessarily the best leaders. Catherine the Great was the greatest person since Peter the Great, and she had the morals of an alley cat, but she got out more often. Frederick the Great was one of the greatest men of history, but he was a homosexual. He could not be a dog catcher in Washington. We have a weak form of government because we vote on people based upon the person with the least amount of dirt attacked to them. It is rare for a goody two-shoes to be a great leader. The man in the White House is a nice guy, but he does not have the knack of being a great leader. This president may or may not be impeached; but there is nothing wrong with the man. He’s a believer; he’s moral; he has Billy Graham in the White House. Commies have really worked on trying to discredit him. His tax problems are nothing. All of this hullabaloo about Watergate just proves that American is stupid. We allow the media to do our thinking for us when it comes to Watergate. Some of the greatest men of history have incredible skeletons in their closets. Legions of skeletons came out of Caesar’s closet. Napoleon had the best organized army in history with a procurement corps. He sampled the local belles wherever he went. He was still a political genius and he changed all of European history. A private life is much different than political power. Too many of us come from a religious background and people judge everyone based upon whether they are sweet or not. We need to be people-smart. God has raised up hell-raisers. People can have moral courage and strength and leadership; and still be great even with moral shortcomings. People are not kidding when they say that George Washington is the father of our country. That did not keep him from being a good general or a great president. Today, morality is an issue for high office. When writing an elegy about Bathsheba, do you think Solomon would tell anything tawdry about her? The relationship between her and David was great. If we judged by... One of the last great men who lost the vote by less than 7000 votes, Windfield Hancock (I think) who made no mistakes as a general. He had tremendous leadership and abilities. He could have been our greatest president. He was sent to Texas and he refused to followed the wishes of the radical Republicans and what they wanted to happen in the south. He had love and respect and honor for the confederacy. He lost to that ass Garfield.

Warren in the Supreme Court was a goody two shoes. He made the decision to round up the Japs and steal their farms and put them into camps. Many of them even received their draft notices after they have been rounded up. This was one of the most cowardly evil decisions in American history. Nixon is also a goody two shoes.

You have to evaluate someone based upon their ability. George Patton might have wild celebrations in between. He saved everyone’s bacon in Europe.

It takes a certain type of person to do a certain type of job. Saul did drive out the Philistines and he raised 3 great sons and one coward who survived and he pulled the people together in a great way. He lost out through reversionism. He had arrows sticking out the front side of his bowels. Not one reference to suicide here, even though we know that Saul


3.       The suicide was not an issue.

4.       Grace would be the dominant theme of this requiem.

5.       Saul has been disciplined with the sin unto death; but you go right on with grace. The person who stops to look at the sin unto death in someone else to do some gloating has stopped living, because our lives our grace. We do not make snide remarks about those who are taken out under the sin unto death. That is petty and ungracious. It is over. Once Saul is removed, he will be sang about as a hero. Whoever quoted what is written here, he would not talk about Saul’s discipline. That is God’s job, not ours. When we stop to smirk or to make snide remarks, we have lost touch with grace. We move on. David does not have one unkind thing to say about Saul.

6.       Saul is dead, but Bible doctrine goes on. It is the doctrine that counts.

7.       The living must go on living under doctrine so that they do not miss the grace of God.

2Samuel 1:19 The beauty [glory] of Israel is slain [mortally wounded] upon your high places [mountains]! How are the mighty fallen!

2Samuel 1:19-20                                  72David                                              631_0133

05/01/1974 Necessity of great leadership

David knew the Saul had committed suicide and that the bodies had been shown around in various cities. David was not ignorant of these things; he ignored these things.

Glory is a title of authority. The glory of a woman is her rm; glory of a nation is its leadership; all glory is related to its leadership. The heights here refer to Mount Gilboa. Saul was disciplined via the sin unto death; but grace goes right on. Death terminates discipline. The living must go on living and David marches on, ignoring the manner of Saul’s death. Bob, when someone commits suicide, ignores that fact in the funeral. Once a person has died, that suicide is of no consequence. What is important is, this person is now in heaven. Death means, you need to be honest with people. For unbelievers, it means hell; for believers, it means heaven. People get their thinking all messed up because we have been thinking so much in human viewpoint. Your problem, you are too interested in the details of someone’s life.

A man’s personal life has nothing to do with his ability to lead, and most of your are confused about this because you think in terms of the good fairly and miss goody two-shoes. We can’t really use “good fairy” anymore; this word has been taken from us.

We have elected to the Congress people who are baby kissers and other kissers as well. They are great in public with few problems; and this does not make a person a good leader.

Each stanza begins with the word how. It is also an exclamation of grief. It is a word that is untranslatable.

2Samuel 1:19 The beauty [glory] of Israel is slain [mortally wounded] upon your high places [mountains]! How are the mighty [valiant, brave soldiers] fallen!

A Good Army Requires Good Tactics and Good Leadership

1.       Although the Jewish army lost the battle, it was not because of lack of courage. This is accurate. There were many brave men on the battlefield and yet, they still lost the battle. We tend to think that all it requires is bravery. You must be behind your division in order to direct it. It takes more than courage to fight in war. There is this deserter, but that is true of every war.

2.       The Jewish army lost this battle because of poor tactics. He made incorrect troop dispositions. The problems with an army are tactics and support.

3.       Therefore, there emerges a principle, courage without good tactics and without good administration will not win. Courage in the ranks + poor tactics + poor administration = loss. Courage is essential, but it requires good tactics and good administration (beans and bullets).

4.       There must be good tactical choices and great leadership.

5.       Poor leadership neutralizes the courage of good soldiers. The British had great courage and tenacity, but lousy leadership for the most part.

6.       The best illustration is the army of the Potomac. The rank and file was very good but they had terrible leadership. Pope was a loudmouth who got himself into a terrible jam in Manasseh. Hooker and Burnside were two more lousy leaders.

2Samuel 1:19 The beauty [glory] of Israel is slain [mortally wounded] upon your high places [mountains]! How are the mighty [valiant, brave soldiers] fallen!

How the Mighty Have Fallen

1.       Many Jewish soldiers fought bravely in the battle and in the retreat.

2.       Many established perimeters in Mount Gilboa, only to be overrun.

3.       This was a terrible loss of valiant fighting men.

4.       Saul had 4 sons; 3 fought valiantly and one ran away. Saul destroyed everything with his poor tactics.

5.       Poor tactics lost the battle. This repeats itself many times. Liberals who write history ignore the battles and battles are the decisive factor. These battles mean freedom for a people and subjugation for others.

The spiritual life is inevitably related to the military of a nation. The function of the military is underrated by many, including those who teach the Bible. Courage of the men in ranks and great leadership; and all of this is motivated by the spiritual life of a people. After the terrible disasters in the Civil War, many soldiers found Jesus Christ as their Savior. Great revivals in the army of northern Virginia. There is a close relationship between the spiritual life and military life. Few congregations where this information is taught and understood. Even the ladies can appreciate what is being taught here.

The defeat of Custer; they were defeated by poor tactics. The men in his regiment were some of the greatest. Many had been officers in the Civil War. Individual courage must have good leadership. This is the story of Mount Gilboa. Even men of great courage can be defeated and even slaughtered when there is good leadership on the other side. When it comes to training general officers, we have no system of training. This is because the civilians run the military and they foul it up. We have always been plagued by a large number of men who are not commensurate with their rank. The air force may be an exception.

Vietnam, we find a good defensive system and stay there until the enemy comes and takes us out. You cannot think in terms of defense. An army functions in offense. We really have had no system. The Germans used to have corps maneuvers.

One more thing that we must learn; people who reject professional military become a nation of weepers. Thousands of young men are sacrificed on the altar of governmental stupidity. Some of the finest Americans have never lived to perpetuate their wonderful genes; they are killed because of political stupidity and folly.

The excuse given is being afraid of a miliary coupdetat.

This next verse is dedicated to the fourth estate. They are being told to exercise some wisdom. The fourth estate often give comfort to the enemy by their own stupidity and they are the greatest traitors of all; like the Patton slapping incident. Most of news reporters are liberal by education and they think of themselves as pen and ink crusaders.

Here, David says, “Do not publish this information throughout Israel. Do not give the Philistines courage and confidence.” The enemy can take this information and exploit it.

Achish was the king of Gath. As long as David lived, Ziklag was his. It was given to him.

A news reporter must have patriotism. When you report the facts you get one type of news; and when you slant them, you get a different kind of news. They can be slanted in a dozen different ways. This is where immorality in the function of the fourth estate occurs.

A Senator sent a letter out to news media and told them to blame the oil companies for the oil shortage at this time if they want to have their licenses renewed. The shortage is due to government bungling. A news reporter needs to be moral and patriotic. They need to be careful about what they report. A communist spy said he got the best information from American newspapers and magazines. They got tremendous amounts of classified information in this way. They just set up subscriptions to Russia.

Askelon is another of the 5 main Philistine cities.

The news media brought great comfort to our enemies during Vietnam. The reporter in The Green Beret is not normal. They are not easily converted like that.

If our people were well-trained in the use of arms, it would decrease crime dramatically. Daughters of the uncircumcised means enemies. Only crude people circumcise their women. African cultures do that.

Uncircumcised means no relationship with Israel and no relationship with God.

2Samuel 1:20 Tell it not [do not publish this information] in Gath, do not let it be known in the streets of Askelon, lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice [celebrate], lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph [exalt, crow].

Why Is Their Difference?

1.       David distinguishes between the celebration of the women in different cities. Why?

2.       The daughters of the uncircumcised will dance and celebrate because they do not know any of the Israelites.

3.       The ladies of Gath know the Jews, but they will celebrate in a different way. The difference is how much they knew about their enemies. The daughters of the Philistines gloat in Ashkelon, because they do not know the enemy; but in Gath, there is celebration, but not as much. They have respect for their enemies.

How Celebration Can Differ

1.       believers and unbelievers celebrate victory differently.

2.       Grace and compassion for believers; reckless abandon with unbelievers.

3.       David anticipates the celebrations in Philistia.

4.       David knows that there are born again Philistines in Gath. He will hire people from Gath as his bodyguard. He knows that as believers, their celebration will be mixed with compassion and grace; good winners, you might say.

5.       David’s life in Philistia; news media in times of emergency; and David knows the Philistines. He has lived among them.

6.       God the Holy Spirit allows this observation from David’s past; apart from doctrine, we are under the influence of our environment and our past and of the news media

7.       We are influenced by our past. We have all made mistakes by not having all of the facts. God the Holy Spirit sees to it that we have this information.

We are not yet into the actual requiem.

2Samuel 1:21–23                                 72David                                              631_0134

05/02/1974 Battlefield memorial

This is David’s elegy for Saul and Jonathan.

This is important because it is found in the Word of God.

In Anticipation

1.       This verse is actually addressed to the battlefield.

2.       In contrast to the celebration of the enemy, David wants the battlefield to remain barren as a memorial to the loss and to the soldiers who died their. Poor leadership can lead valiant men to their deaths. David wants this battlefield to remain in barren condition. This is in deference to the rank and file. Bob has stood on many battlefields. He is always struck with their great beauty. The terrain is wonderful to see; they all have some particular beauty to them. Beautiful rocks and cactus. David wants this battlefield to be ugly and unfertile and a reminder of the tragedy that book place here.

He wants the battlefield to remain scarred and that every nation must seek to find the best possible means to encourage training the leaders. The people in congress who have sought to interfere with the military is such a petty way. In going through all of our wars, all of these, including Korea and the recent fiasco in French Indo-China, all of these have demonstrated that the American soldier is great as any soldier in the world, but he has been the poorest led; especially in general rank. It is not necessarily the fault of the men who are poorly equipped. There are men with leadership ability but there is no way to bring that to the front. West Point trains a man to be a junior officer and it is filled with liberals. Even men who graduate from the academy call it whoopie U. They are not prepared to handle any more than a battalion or a brigade. We have not seen this in other professions until the rise of socialism. In medicine, we probably have the most qualified men to do a great job. We have perfect medicine in the United States far beyond any other nation; but socialism is in the process of changing that. Everyone wants something for nothing. In the military, we expect something for less than nothing. Other professions also suffer. Everyone is trying to get something for nothing; and trying to become a parasite in someway. We need a strong, well-qualified leadership corps. We have a bunch of 2nd rate politicians; the civilian foot on the throat of the military is destroying it. Those who make fun of the officers are destroying our freedom.

No nation survives the failure of its military leadership. Saul failed even though he had been great in the past. There is always a need for men who have the ability.

No dew or rain would make this a desert; an eyesore. But what about, no fields of offerings. He is praying that these fields not produce; may they be an eyesore; may they not produce any grain that can be used as a wave offering.

Today, every area around this battlefield is very nice; but right now, this battlefield is sterile and barren right now. Bob saw a picture of this on the slopes of Mount Gilboa, and it is fertile everywhere, but not on Mount Gilboa. The eyesore, the barrenness, the nakedness of these hills.

The noun shield refers to one shield only, and that is Saul’s? A plural adjective, gibbowr. There, the shield of the valiant soldiers has been defiled. This means the shedding of their blood and their defeat;

the shield of Saul was not polished with oil. This refers to the cleaning of a shield after a battle. Each man took some polishing oil and cleaned off the blood and flesh. But this is only done when an army is victorious. The unpolished shield is a sign of defeat. His was covered by blood, dirt and rust.

2Samuel 1:21 Mountains of Gilboa, let not dew or rain be on you, nor fields of offerings [for the firstfruits]. For there the shield of the mighty has been evilly cast away, the shield of Saul not being anointed [polished] with oil.

Summary Points

1.       This mount Gilboa has remained barren land 3000 years. This commemorates the fact that the military must not be forgotten.

2.       This marks those who fought who lost, not because they lacked bravery, but because they were poorly led.

3.       Only 2 areas still free in all of Israel at this time. Judah is still free. No one is fooling around with Judah. The Philistines came down the Jordan valley and took everything but Judah. There is the remnances of Saul’s army being rallied by Abner, who is very capable. He rescued Saul’s last son, Ishbosheth. Abner will conquer Jezreel, Benjamin, and some place else. The country will all be reconquered. David will become king over all of this. They will recoup their losses in about 10 years. God will overrule all of the bad decisions of Saul. This scarred up hillside stands barren even today as a memorial.

Now to the courage of one great leader, Jonathan. The blood of the casualties. There were many enemies who were killed. Lots of Philistines died in this battle. They could not exploit this great victory. It cost them too much to win.

The bow is apparently Jonathan’s favorite weapon. Saul preferred the sword. Both were personally effective. Saul is the commander-in-chief; and Abner is his chief of staff and Jonathan is his high ranking officer. The high-ranking officer should not be killing directly but directing his army to do the killing. His rank and file needs to kill the enemy. You cannot operate this way in a church, in big business, or in the army. Executives, if they are doing the best possible job, they should be able to put their feet on their desks.

As personal men of courage, Saul and Jonathan were both courageous warriors; but it takes more than courage. It takes brains in high places. It takes mentality. Some of those who used to flunk out of Ranger school; they tried to do too much themselves.

Achish, like a good general, is using his brains; Saul is using his brawn. He went down firing. The bow was his favorite weapon and he shot it out until he was killed. The same for Saul. When he was organizing rear guard, he was also killing at the same time.

Bob says that there were 4 separate rear guard defense that allowed Abner to get away.

The Jews were short-haired soldiers; they were not effeminate. Only the Nazarites had long hair. I will make my arrows drunk with blood and with the blood of the slain and the captives of the long-haired leader. Saul and Jonathan made it very expensive for the Philistines to win. They stood their ground courageously. They failed to think; it was easier for them to fight with courage. They did not think their way out; they fought instead of thinking.

2Samuel 1:22 From the blood of the slain, from the fat [flesh] of the mighty [brave Philistines], the bow of Jonathan did not turn back, and the sword of Saul did not return empty.

In Death and in Life, Father and Son Were Not Divided

1.       Not divided in life or death.

2.       This is because of the nobility of Jonathan and his loyalty to his father. We will note his error later in this. Generals do not get out and set good examples they get out there and think. We all know that Saul committed suicide. We also understand that Saul died the sin unto death as a reversionist. He was terrible during the last half of his rule. But grace marches on. The grace principles are picked up here.

3.       This phrase refers to their life and then to their death. Jonathan always encouraged David. Saul persecuted David.

4.       David will not separate Jonathan and Saul in this verse. Grace marches on; grace does not stop for the death of anyone. The bad things are ignored and set aside. David does not separate them nor does David insult Saul. This is grace identification.

5.       The character of Jonathan; the nobility of Jonathan is identified with Saul.

6.       Saul once had the same great nobility of soul. However, he lost it all in reversionism. His reversionism is not mentioned even once. The file is closed, the punishment is over.

7.       All of this is brought together. Saul’s nobility from the past is connected with Jonathan’s nobility from recent.

we must go back to the characteristics of Saul when he was influenced by doctrine.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were loved and agreeable [amiable] in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions.

Closing Points

1.       This is illustrated by the echos in Saul’s life; the sunset of Saul’s life. The men of Jabesh Gilead still loved him; they pulled down the bodies and gave them an honorable burial. These people loved Saul. They did not stand around there are men in life who’s ability and capacity for life give them a true love for someone. The fact that this person is disgraced does not influence them in the least.

2.       Jonathan was also loved. David loved him. Both of these men were loved.

3.       The grace greatness of David is noted in the linking of Saul and Jonathan together.

4.       While Saul hated David and sought to kill him, David did not hate Saul nor did he look to retaliate against Saul in life. Therefore, David is not going to retaliate against Saul in death. David knew that Saul committed suicide. How he died made no difference. David is not commissioned to teach the sin unto death from Saul’s death. He ignores that whole thing. The ability of a man in leadership is not related to his personal life. History has illustrated this. Julius Cæsar had the morals of an alley cat, but he was a great leader. He even forgave his enemies and let them return to the Senate and then they assassinated him. His son Brutus participated in his killing. He was a great governor. We think that a person must be nice and sweet; and our rulers are nice, sweet, loving and moral; and they are terrible leaders. When you start running down a believer who died because of whatever reason, you are low in your soul as well. David wrote this requiem with full knowledge of these facts. David knew that Jonathan used a bow and Saul was using a sword. He was writing about details of the battle. So David had people look into this; he had a great G2 force. He did not learn this from the Amalekite private and his report was erroneous.

5.       Note the lack of gloating; the lack of maligning.

6.       To supergrace David, there is no malignant satisfaction in the end. No, I told you so.

7.       David ignores the maltreatment, the persecution, the malevolence of Saul over these past 20 years.

8.       Saul’s implacability were met with total graciousness. David is a supergrace man who writes this elegy.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were loved and agreeable [amiable] in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions.

This leads to something that will take a lot of sleep and a great mentality.

2Samuel 1:23                                       72David                                              631_0135

05/06/1974 Doctrine of separation

Bob has heard about 15 times, how did you get along with those Yankees? Bob arrived in time for the end of the first sesson. You could hardly notice that they were Yankees at all. They filled up the school auditorium in the New England states. Great response by the people there. Daniel Decater Emmet, born in Ohio. Apparently he got an original set of lyrics of Dixie. It’s been in Yankee land all this time. He’ll put it into the Confederate museum in Berachah Church.

The state of Indiana was the strongest state for state’s rights before the Civil War.

Don’t ever sell brains short. Today, people are body oriented. This is the work of television and the cinema and printing presses exist in large numbers. Also true of some ancient civilizations because there were great artists. If you have brains today, you often have to acts dumb in order to move ahead. For a woman to get married, she has to downplay her brains. People who are smart are sometimes beat down for being arrogant. But just acting within your own personality is not arrogance.

Father and son were not divided. Jonathan did not separate from his father, even though his father was in reversionism. At different times, these were both noble men. When Saul delivered the men of Jabesh Gilead, he was very noble. His reversionism is ignored in this requiem. Whatever their failures and discipline were, they are dead. David is exhibiting graciousness.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were being loved and pleasant [respected] in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions.

Loved and Respected in Their Lives

1.       Saul was still loved by many, despite being in reversionism. He was respected as well. Even though he died the sin unto death and by suicide, that was not the issue to them. Only the person who is suffering has to deal with the sin unto death. If you have a friend you think has died the sin unto death, it is none of your business. They are no longer under discipline. Death terminates all discipline, and you are trying to continue the discipline with your tongue, and that is evil. You have no right to run down the dead. Their discipline is over. You lack the most basic floor of the edification complex of the soul if you beat up on someone who has died. David respected the Lord’s anointed. He respected authority even though that authority was being used against him. He is speaking for himself here. David loved and respected both of them.

2.       The grace greatness of David is noted by him linking Saul and Jonathan in life and death. All the time that Saul attempted to kill David, David had no bitterness.

3.       Saul hated and despised David. Saul’s jealousy of David led to rancourous persecution.

4.       David is grace oriented. There is no retaliation in life; he refused to let anyone touch Saul as the Lord’s anointed. What a great man that David was. He did not, in any way, retaliate or gloat, whether in life or death.

5.       To supergrace David, there was no malignant satisfaction in the death of Saul. No condescension, no I told you so.

6.       David ignores the past maltreatment from Saul.

7.       Therefore, the vindictiveness and implacability of Saul was met by love, graciousness, nobility etc. from David.

8.       As in life, so in death, David demonstrates respect and veneration; even deference for the Lord’s anointed. You must be mature and free from pride. People who cannot stand authority exercised over them are the ones who have the pride and the arrogance; this is a lesson that takes great pride and maturity.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were being loved and pleasant [respected] in their lives, and in their death they were not separated. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions.

Bob has done a number of series on RM/RW and this has been taken and distorted. One asking “Should you kiss on the first date” and Bob asks, “Kiss or a French kiss?” 15 things to do on a date or not to do on a date. These people are not teaching the Word of God; they are being a crutch. There is a place for application.

If someone Bob was going to marry said, “What do I do after the wedding?” Bob would cancel the wedding.

Jonathan and Saul Did Not Separate

1.       Jonathan and Saul remained together in life.

2.       Family loyalty blinded Jonathan to Saul’s disturbing behavior. His loyalty blinded him from his need for separation. David does not criticize Saul wither. Jonathan should have gone with David. Family loyalty has confused a lot of people about Bible doctrine.

3.       David will be most hurt by Jonathan’s failure to separate. David always needed a chief-of-staff; he never had anyone in the area and this hurt David by not having Jonathan as his #1. David does not mention Jonathan’s failure any more than Saul’s.

4.       Under the principle of failure to separate, Jonathan died on the field of Mount Gilboa. If Jonathan had separated from his father and from his family, he would have been the greatest prime minister in history.

5.       David suffered from not have a great prime minister.

6.       Jonathan is not reversionistic but he will die with his father.

7.       Failure to separate from reversionism can only bring misery, unhappiness and discipline by association.

The Doctrine of Separation

1.       Separation is a decision that stems from Bible doctrine in the soul. It comes from the balance of residency of doctrine in the soul. We have the Holy Spirit indwelling the body and the Holy Spirit controlling the soul; the filling of the Spirit. In carnality, the sin nature takes over. The filling of the Spirit is absolutely necessary. +doctrine is absolutely necessary. This forms the basis for experiential sanctification. Separation is produced by the activation of pertinent Bible doctrine in the right lobe. When there is a balance of residency, separation always occurs.

2.       There are 3 areas of separation from certain believers. There are types of believers who are very evil. The incestuous believer. There are certain types of carnality

          a.       From reversionistic believers.

          b.       From the emotional believers.

3.       It is related to social life.

          a.       Separate from the fast crowd.

          b.       Separate from the superficial type social life and the apostate fun crowd. Fun is a superficial activity and has little stimulation. It is a great trap.

4.       Separate from the unbeliever. The believer is in the world but not of the world. We live among unbelievers. We separate from unbelievers where doctrine is compromised. We all have contact with unbelievers. That is by necessity. A believers does not marry an unbeliever. This has to do with business partnerships and some fraternities and social groups. However, you don’t leave a corporation for this.

5.       Separation from worldliness. This is a mental attitude; this is human viewpoint.

6.       Separation from religion and apostasy. 2Tim. 3:5 you must separate from these people if you are ever going to grow up.

7.       There are conditions under which a person should separate from his family and never have contact with them again. Matt. 10:34–39


September 25, 1991

From: http://www.versebyverse.org/doctrine/separation.html

1.Preliminary considerations.

2.The Doctrine of Separation (i.e., the necessity to remain aloof from certain types) is clearly advocated by the Word of God (cf. Ps.1; Prov.14:16; 16:17; 23:17-21,26-28; 24:1,2).

            a.Doctrine in the brain/soul gives the believer the necessary discernment to separate from reversionists (Prov.2; 4:10-27; 5:1-14).

            b.Failure to separate denies the realities which govern the Angelic Conflict as seen in the five rhetorical questions of 2Cor.6:14,15a.

            c.Failure to separate drags the believer down to the level of the reversionist he associates with (cp. Prov.22:24,25).

3.Israel was responsible to stay aloof from their Gentile neighbors as God's priest nation, Ex.19:5,6; Neh.9:2; Lev.20:7 "'You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the Lord your God.'"

            a.When they separated from pagan culture, religion, and practices they were blessed (Deut.28:1-14), but when they did not separate, they brought on themselves cursing (Deut.28:15-68).

            b.The doctrine was taught in the ceremonial code of the Mosaic Law, where physical association with designated items rendering one ceremonially unclean shadowed spiritual defilement (Lev.15:31).

            c.Under the spiritual code (ritual), they had the law of the clean versus the unclean, which further taught the need to separate (Lev.20:24-26).

            d.Capital punishment was used to separate reversionists from the nation (Lev.20; human sacrifice, sexual perversion, and occult practices).

            e.They were prohibited from marrying pagan wives (Ezr.10:11).

            f.Ultimately, failure to separate led to expulsion (separation) from the land of promise (Lev.20:22,23; 26:27-30; Deut.28:63-68; 29:22-28; 31:15-22; cp. Deut.32, a song of Israel's history).

4.Israel will be challenged to separate during the third restoration, 2Cor.6:16b-18 "'I will dwell in them and walk among them; And I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,' says the Lord. 'And do not touch what is unclean; and I will welcome you. And I will be a Father to you. And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,' Says the Lord Almighty."

            a.Biblical prophecy projects a Zionist state in the Middle East prior to the Rapture of the Church.

                        i.In fact, the presence of an Israeli state is the control sign of the Rapture generation (see Doctrines of the Rapture and Fig Tree).

                        ii.Prophecy pictures a gradual restoration of scattered Jewry to their land during an era of international antagonism (cf. Ezek.34:11-31; 36:16-21; 37:1-14; Jer.16:16).

                        iii.Ezekiel makes it quite clear that the return will begin in unbelief (Ezek.36:22).

                        iv.He further teaches that the physical restoration of the land (Ezek.36:1-15) and the people (Ezek.36:16-21) will precede their spiritual restoration (Ezek.36:22-32).

            b.Following the Rapture of the Church, Jews will convert to Christianity, and the restoration process (already in progress) will take on a new impetus and complexion.

                        i.Jews (and Gentiles) left behind will receive evangelization by an angel (Rev.14:6,7), the 144,000 (Rev.7), and the two witnesses (Rev.11).

                        ii.Those who make the salvation adjustment to the justice of God (SAJG) are to migrate to Zion to join the Jews already there (Rev.18:4; Isa.52:11; Jer.50:8; 51:5,6,9,45).

                        iii.The principal nation they will exit is America, since most of world Jewry resides in the U.S.A., known in Biblical prophecy as Babylon (see Doctrine of the U.S. in Prophecy).

                        iv.Gentile converts will also have to separate from America or die in the nuclear holocaust.

                        v.So wherever Jews are, it is God's will for them to separate from their geographical environs, like Russia. (Zech.2:6) or the U.S.A. (Zech.2:7).

                        vi.They are also responsible to separate from the spiritual uncleanness that characterizes the last days (2Cor.6:17; Rev.16:15).

                        vii.Jews who fail to make the SAJG in the Tribulation will be forcibly separated from the Earth by the Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ) at the Second Advent (Mt.25:1-13).

5.Unbelievers. The believer is to separate from unbelievers (2Cor.6:14-18). Stop being unequally yoked together with unbelievers.

            a.Conditions of being unequally yoked together are evident in:

                        i.Regular social life with unbelievers.

                        ii.Business partnerships, but not working for or employing unbelievers.

                        iii.Membership in clubs, societies, etc., where either the goals or the activity compromises Bible Doctrine.

            b.Whenever a believer is unequally yoked with an unbeliever, he violates the fundamental issues of the Angelic Conflict as seen in the five rhetorical questions of 2Cor.6:14-16a.

                        i.Being under the principle of righteousness, he ties himself to a person who is under the principle of lawlessness. How can he pursue righteousness and maintain his obligations to his partner whose daily conduct is not so governed?

                        ii.As light and darkness are opposites, how can the unequally yoked believer have any meaningful fellowship with darkness and still remain light?

                        iii.Since One greater than the believer (Christ, the head of the plan of God) has no ground of compromise with His archenemy, Satan (Belial), how does the believer expect to find harmony with one of Satan's own?

                        iv.Being unequally yoked, he violates the fact that the believer and unbeliever have no common part in the plan of God in Phase 3. To so associate in time violates the principles governing the Angelic Conflict.

                        v.And finally, to intimately associate with unbelievers' leads to a compromise of one's own "temple" by associating it with idols. All the unbeliever can do for you is to bring you into contact with idols.

            c.Separation from unbelievers does not involve total dissociation since:

                        i.To do so, you would have to die and go to heaven (1Cor.5:9-10).

                        ii.To do so, you would cease to be a fragrant aroma to them (2Cor.2:14-17).

            d.Conclusions on separation and the unbeliever.

                        i.When considering if a given situation constitutes being "unequally yoked", first ask yourself if you have to compromise doctrine in order to maintain the association.

                        ii.Secondly, pray about the matter, seeking God's will, and He will bless your desire to please Him.

                        iii.You will suffer ridicule when you separate from them (1Pet.4:4 "And in all this, they are surprised that you do not run with them into the same excess of dissipation, and they malign you"). Chalk it up to undeserved suffering and rejoice.

6.Believers. The believer is to separate from believers (1Cor.5:9-13 "I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters; for then you would have to go out of the world. But actually, I wrote you not to associate with any so-called brother if he should be an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man from among yourselves")

            a.You are to sever all social ties with any believers who practice any of the items in Paul's list, including: sexual immorality, monetary reversionism (covetousness), dishonesty in financial dealings (swindler), religious reversionism (idolaters), verbal reversionism (reviler), and addictive reversionism (alcohol or drugs).

            b.Disassociate yourself from all believers who do not adhere to categorically sound Bible Doctrine, including all false teachers (2Thess.3:6 "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep aloof from every brother who leads an unruly life and not according to the tradition which you received from us"; 2Thess.3:14 "And if anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of that man and do not associate with him, so that he may be put to shame"; Rom.16:17,18 "Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissentions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from them. For such men are slaves, not of the Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting"; 2Tim.3:5,6 "holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; and avoid such men as these. For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses")

            c.The local church is to separate from any member who, by his/her life style, brings public reproach on the local body of Christ (the illustration is Paul's instructions regarding the incestuous Corinthian, 1Cor.5:1ff).

            d.The separation is designed by God to produce sorrow in the reversionist which, as a result of fellow believers remaining aloof, stimulates reversion recovery (again, the example is the incestuous Corinthian who experienced "Godly sorrow" when believers separated from him, 2Cor.2:6 "Sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority" [cp. 2Thess.3:14b above]. Also cp. 2Cor.7:8-10; when you fail to separate, you negate this important factor called "sorrow").

            e.When the reversionist begins reversion recovery, you are responsible to forgive and forget (even if you were personally victimized by him) and to provide comfort and encouragement toward him as he seeks to establish new momentum and ride out whatever discipline remains (2Cor.2:7-11; the incestuous Corinthian is in view here. Corinthians that had failed to separate initially, then separated, were reticent in accepting him back when he initiated reversion recovery).

            f.If there is any contact with the reversionist during the period of separation, you should warn him (2Thess.3:15 "And yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother"). A combination of warning and encouragement with respect to Most Pressing Responsibility (MPR) is what he needs.

            g.Do not separate from believers just for incidental sin (incidental evil).

            h.Beware of close friends who violate Heb.10:25, MPR.

7.Family. The believer is to separate from family members who are negative (compatible with other doctrinal constraints).

            a.Jesus taught this in Mt.10:34-39 "'Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of me. He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake shall find it.'" (The sword is a figure for the Word of God.) Lk.14:25ff.

            b.Jesus practiced this with regard to His own mother, brothers, and sisters, who sought to interfere with His ministry, Mt.12:46-50 "While He was still speaking to the multitudes, behold, His mother and His brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak to Him. And someone said to Him, 'Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to You.' But He answered the one who was telling Him and said, 'Who is My mother and who are My brothers?' And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, 'Behold, My mother and My brothers! For whoever shall do the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.'" (Mk.3:31-35; Lk.8:19-21.)

            c.Jesus promised to more than repay those who forsook father, mother, brother, and sister for the plan of God (Mk.10:28-31 "Peter began to say to Him, 'Behold, we have left everything and followed You.' Jesus said, 'Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel's sake, but that he shall receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the world to come, eternal life. But many who are first, will be last; and the last, first'").

            d.Abraham is an example of a believer who separated from family; look at his blessings (Gen.12:1-3 "Now the Lord said to Abram, 'Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father's house, To the land which I shall show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families on the earth shall be blessed'"; Gen.13:11). He gave up nation, family, etc.

            e.Jonathan is an example of a believer who failed to separate from his father (Saul) and it cost him dearly. (He was otherwise a great believer.)

            f.Separation does not negate the responsibility to honor your father and mother (cp. Jn.19:27 "Behold, your mother!")

8.Marriage and separation.

            a.Never marry an unbeliever or a negative believer. (The example is Abraham's intervention in the selection of a wife for his son Isaac from his family, which indicates they were believers, unlike the general Canaanite population, Gen.24.)

            b.If you are waiting on the Lord to provide the right woman, remember Prov.11:22 "As a ring of gold in a swine's snout, So is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion"; Prov.21:9 "It is better to live in a corner of a roof, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman"; Prov.21:19 "It is better to live in a desert land, Than with a contentious and vexing woman"; cp. Prov.19:12; 27:15.

            c.And remember Prov.19:14 "House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the Lord", and Prov.16:13 "Righteous lips are the delight of kings, And he who speaks right is loved."

            d.If you are married to a spouse who is negative and permits you to fulfill Heb.10:25, then remain married (see 1Cor.7:10-16 for the details).

            e.But if the negative party makes it impossible to fulfill 2Pet.3:18, then you are free to separate and not incur guilt before the Lord. (Get the tapes on 1Cor.7 if this applies to you, before you make any decisions!)

9.Concluding applications and observations.

            a.Failure to separate neutralizes your ambassadorship and the witness of the life.

            b.Separation sometimes entails geographical relocation in order to get with the best face-to-face teaching.

            c.Avoid all associations that compromise Bible Doctrine.

            d.In questionable situations, pursue God's will through prayer and divine guidance. He will bless your mental attitude to please Him.

            e.When separating from people under the influence of evil, remember Prov.24:19,20 "Do not fret yourself because of evildoers, Or be envious of the wicked; For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out."

            f.When you separate, remember the promises you come under (Ps.1:1-3; Mk.10:28-31; 2Cor.6:16-18 "Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, 'I will dwell in them and walk among them; And I will be their God, And they shall be My people. Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,' says the Lord. 'And do not touch what is unclean; And I will welcome you. And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me', Says the Lord Almighty").

10.Concluding observations.

            a.Reasons to separate.

                        i.To protect yourself from bad influences (1Cor.15:33).

                        ii.To set in motion the lupe (sorrow) factor in the maladjusted (1Cor.2:7).

                        iii.To fulfill the commandment of Scripture (1Cor.9ff; 2Cor.7:14).

            b.Objections to this doctrine.

                        i.Separation is only from unbelievers.

                        ii.Answer: Abraham finally separated from Lot (a believer) who was not openly hostile, but who held no interest in the plan of God as centered in the promises to Abraham (see Gen.13:5-18).

                        iii.Separation is only if the association hurts you.

                        iv.Answer: the example above indicates otherwise.

                        v.We should not separate over doctrinal differences.

                        vi.Answer: Rom.16:17 and 2Thess.3:14.

Finally, remember Jam.4:4 "You adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."

Reviewed: May 1, 1994

© Copyright 1998, Maranatha Church, Inc.

Closing Points

1.       David, in grace orientation, does not speak against Saul or Jonathan. Never malign a dead person. God is through spanking them; they are dead. You simply bring down terrible discipline on yourself. They are with the Lord. This is why god is not through disciplining you. Remember that Saul said, “There is no one like you” and he said all of those nice things about him.

2.       Grace greatness has the ability to remember and to emphasize the good human attributes. It also has the ability to avoid maligning the dead.

3.       Jonathan’s failure brings into focus the problem of a family split caused by doctrine.

4.       Family dissension and schism over doctrine has been a source of confusion to many believers who are confused by the false ideas of love and responsibility. The family must stick together.

5.       Jesus is the best authority on family schism. That means split, donnybrook.

2Samuel 1:23 Matt. 10:34-39            72David                                              631_0136

05/07/1974 Separation by attitude toward doctrine

Saul and Jonathan were loved and respected in their lives; and David’s great grace by linking Saul and Jonathan in death, without any mention of their failures. Jonathan died by his association with a reversionist. Saul hated and despised David and this led to a obsession with David and his capture and killing. But David does not respond to Saul with any anger, exaggeration or gloating. Once a believer dies, he is no longer subject to divine discipline ever again. So no one is to malign him as one maligns or emphasizes his suicide or his sin unto death. We do not take the place of God and there is great discipline reserved for people who run down those who have died. David will be hurt the most by Jonathan’s failure to separate from his father. If Jonathan had separated, he would have been associated with David and he would have been the greatest prime minster. Joab, as his chief of staff, was close to this. Jonathan needed to break from his family; it is easy for us to look back and see this principle. Jonathan is the eldest son. There is often a very good relationship between the father and the first son. David never had a #1 upon whom he could fully depend.

Family dissension over doctrine confuses many generations of believers. That some believe in Jesus Christ and some don’t; or even more confusing when all are believers but they are still separated in their thinking.

Most families have their problems and their differences. Some are a lasting nature and some are not. Some try to insert their own failures and the failures of their family in this passage, and claim they are right and their family members are wrong. It would be easy to misapply this passage.

Jesus is teaching that there is something greater than family ties. Family ties are great and this is normal. Family dissension is one of the strongest dissensions in life. Family bickering can be very tough. Every family is composed of people with sin natures. This is not to explain family and family donnybrooks.

Bob does not have to tell us to “think not;” we do this all the time. The word is νομιζω means that your thinking is over and you are making up your mind erroneously. It means to presume. Ingressive aorist; it looks at the action from the beginning. We are beginning to presume in a certain way. Presumption is to make a decision without thinking. Do not make a decision without the facts.

Hoti tells us what is erroneously concluded or thought. Jesus Christ came the first time and He became the most controversial figure in history. All of these various organizations need money. Bob is on some mailing lists for many of these. They all need money and they all ask for money. They do not want to be involved in anything controversial. Some tongues people support them, so they do not want to offend them, so they try not to be controversial. Jesus is the most controversial Person in history. He became the center of the greatest controversy in history. The constantive aorist gather up everything into one ball of wax. The action of the verb is contemplated in its entirety.

I am apparently part way through this study. Βαλλω means to throw, to hurl. In the 2nd advent, Jesus will come into the world and bring peace. God came to divide families and friendships; He would split up various groups; we live in the devil’s world, so such separation would be expected.

Bob got a form letter from his sister. A Thieme family motto, eat in pieces. So he is an expert on family controversy.

Jesus says He has come to hurl a sword into our midst. Doctrine divides people; we are so full of all this stuff we hear about sweetness and light. Sometimes, we can stand 1000 miles away and love the brethren; and sometimes, that is much easier to do.

Have you ever seen fundies who prayer together and get on their knees when they can easily pray from their chairs. The family that prays together does not necessarily stay together.

This sword that Jesus hurled to the earth still divides the earth. Bible doctrine splits believers and the gospel splits believers and unbelievers. A sword that splits, divides and separates.

Jesus Christ Divides Families.

1.       Our Lord is a splitter of families; He says so. This is where Jonathan went wrong; he should have allowed Jesus Christ to separate him from his family; from Saul.

2.       This rift is no respecter of families.

3.       Jonathan failed to separate from his reversionistic father. This hurt him in life.

4.       It was a case of, those things which are similar are not the same. Jonathan and Saul had the same genes, but they were different when it comes to doctrine. They were both tall and very handsome. It was Saul’s good looks that first got him into trouble.

5.       Saul and Jonathan were father and son but they were not the same; and they wer divided by that sword that Jesus hurled into the world. Saul is negative toward doctrine; Jonathan is positive toward doctrine. Family reconciliation the right way. Jonathan influences Saul to get positive toward doctrine and to recover. But there is reconciliation the wrong way, and that is to simply remain with his father Saul. This sword draws a line; and it is important as to which side of the sword you stand. Had Jonathan separated from Saul, Saul would have had to make the decision and Jonathan would have been free and clear. Some people are only alive because God is not through spanking them yet.

6.       Doctrine is always a divider of a family unless that family is all positive. If you are a believer in your family,... How do you get along with someone who is nuts? You have to be a little nuts on your own.

Matt. 10:34 "Do not [begin to] presume that I have come to bring [hurl, thrust] peace to the earth. I have not come to bring [hurl, thrust] peace, but a sword.

Jesus explains further. Bob’s critics who rarely listen to what he says, claim that Bob is divisive and controversial and that he breaks up this and that. When people learn doctrine, they realize that there is some importance to dividing up. To set a man in variance is δικαζω, which means to disunite, to cause to turn against. This is the sword which our Lord hurls into the world. One member of the family is going for doctrine, and another is not. That will cause a split.

Matt. 10:35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

Marriage can unite in-laws; but doctrine can separate it.

Division of Families.

1.       Impact of the 1st advent is to divide families.

2.       The basis of this is Bible doctrine.

3.       This is related to the final words of Jesus on the cross.

4.       The family schism comes from the variation of doctrine in the souls of the family. Attitude determines if you are growing or not.

5.       The believers who fails to separate becomes identified with divine discipline.

6.       Doctrine always causes strong long for members of a family as well as separation from their reversionism and apostasy. If Jonathan would have separated from Saul, his love for his father would have been stronger. If you separate from your family; you are positive and they are negative, you will develop a stronger love for them. There is nothing better than for love to exist for other family members, even though there is a separation. It is better to be loved from afar than not to be loved at all. It is better to be loved because you are still positive toward doctrine and the family is negative toward doctrine. The family schism comes because of attitude toward doctrine and to the gospel.

Jonathan, as well as any believer positive toward doctrine, had Saul as his enemy; and possibly his brothers. He was blinded by emotional love; that blocked the doctrine in his soul.

Matt. 10:36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

Φιλεω is a strong word for love. Jonathan loved David more than anyone in life, but he still went back to his father. Loving people doesn’t help them to make the right decisions. Only Bible doctrine helps you to make the right decision. It is doctrine, not loving someone to death.

Matt. 10:37 Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.


1.       What is most important; family ties or Bible doctrine?

2.       Families are details of life.

3.       Details of life include money, success, pleasure, sex, status symbols and family.

4.       All of these details should be put aside for doctrine.

5.       When one is consistent in the function of gap, the details of life become a part of the supergrace life; and if you put them first, they will bring you no happiness.

6.       Once you believe in Jesus Christ, you will never be able to enjoy materialistic things without doctrine in the soul. Things that you enjoyed as an unbeliever are not necessarily possible for you as a believer.

Many a mixed-up and confused devotional is based upon this verse. Descriptive or pictorial present. This is a potential indicative, which indicates an obligation. We have an obligation to pick up our cross. This was a year and a half before our Lord went to the cross. What Jesus spoke of here was understood throughout the Roman empire. That covered a huge chunk of land and everyone understood a crucifixion. It was a Roman custom. Slaves, non-citizens and criminals, were executed by the cross. No Roman citizen would be executed in this manner. Carrying one’s cross was a matter of humiliation. The privilege of being a Roman was being beheaded. A person carrying his cross was a matter of great disgrace.

Out of these 3 systems of execution and the most disgraceful one involved picking up one’s cross. This is a matter of going against all society and being disgraced in order to take in doctrine.

Picking up the Cross

1.       Life is filled with issues which hinder the taking in of doctrine. Or conflict with the consistent intake of doctrine. Maybe someone screamed and threatened not to be there when you return.

2.       The indwelling presence of God the Holy Spirit in our bodies.

3.       God the Holy Spirit only resides in the soul through the filling of the Spirit.

4.       The missing link in our lives is the residency of Bible doctrine in the soul. God the Holy Spirit dwells inside our body no matter what kind of a believer we are. Filling of the Spirit without doctrine gives us a lopsided residency.

5.       The spoils of Christ’s victory on the cross come from Bible doctrine.

6.       The plunder of His strategic victory is first of all spiritual.

7.       Therefore, in dividing the plunder, God has provided the pastor-teacher for the royal family.

8.       In this congregation, we pick up our cross every time we come to Bible class.

Matt. 10:38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

This final verse explains it well insofar as Jonathan is concerned. Hurisko means to make an search and discovery of something through a variety of methods.

The word life here is actually soul. The filling of the Holy Spirit is balanced out from having doctrine. The one having discovered his soul...gaining doctrine in the soul—will lose it? It means to destroy, to nullify.

Matt. 10:39 Whoever finds [makes an intellectual discovery] his life [soul] will lose [destroy, nullify] it [the soul], and whoever loses his life [soul] for my sake will find it.

Doctrine resident in your soul makes you an entirely different person. It removes the details of life as being the most important thing to you. Only through learning doctrine can you follow Christ. You destroy your old human viewpoint which filled up your soul before.

The one who voids his soul, which is going from A to Z will find it. You have cancelled the old you; the old thoughts and you now have new ways. You will discover it. This seems to be a very tortured explanation to me. Discovery one’s soul is capacity for life.

Summary on this Verse

The real life of the soul is discovered by the person who is positive toward doctrine. This means going against normal life. Then you will discover something that you never had before. Whatever it is. Somewhere in Jonathan’s life was a breakdown in his life. When he left David in the forest of Ziph, it was a wrong decision. He should have joined David in his exile. Both Saul and Jonathan are both dead now, so their shortcomings are not mentioned in this requiem. Bob does not feel any need to run down a believer at his funeral. There is no need for it. This is non-Biblical. It is not necessary; it is totally erroneous.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were being loved and pleasant [respected] in their lives, and in their death they were not separated. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger than lions.

2Samuel 1:23–24                                 72David                                              631_0137

05/08/1974 Doctrine of separation

Medal of Honor recipients read.

Tacitus quote. The tranquility of a nation is not to be preserved without an army. Troops have to be paid and therefore, society must be taxed.

The entire Southern Baptism movement shows that, praying together does not mean that you stay together.

Jonathan dies because of his association with Saul. He dies with his reversionistic father. Failure to separate from reversionism can shorten your life.

Doctrine of Separation

1.       Separation

2.       Separation from believers and unbelievers.

          a.       From certain carnal types. Incestuous. A believer having relations with his mother.

          b.       Separation from reversionistic believers. 2Thess.3:14–16

          c.        Holy roller types; the emotional types. Rom.16:17–18

          d.       Separation from the fast crowd. 1Peter4:4

          e.       Separation from the superficial social life and fun crowd. Jer. 15:17

3.       Separation from the unbeliever. We are in the world but not of the world. We are not in this worlds to be hermits. Only when doctrine is compromised. Heb. 13;13

          a.       Some business partnerships should not be pursued.

          b.       Marriage between believers and unbelievers is not good.

4.       X

5.       Separation from worldliness. This is not somthing that you do but what you think. It is human viewpoint in the right lobe. Rom. 12:1–2

6.       Separation from religion and apostasy. 2Tim. 3:5

7.       Separation from family because of doctrine. Doctrine in the soul is more important than family relationships.

David says nothing about Saul’s suicide or about Jonathan’s failure to separate.

Speed and agility in a soldier who has made a top score on the obstacle course. The eagle represents combat effectiveness. Speed in movement with whatever weapon you employ. Deut. 28;49 where long-haired hippy type leaders were killed. A description of the Chaldean soldiers and their cavalry: Habak. 1:8 their horses are swifter than leopards (figurative language) and keener than wolves in the evening. (The wolf smells to see if there is any food out there). Their horses paw the ground (horses are not gun shy; they move forward in battle). Their riders come from afar; they fly like an eagle swooping down (agility in combat).

Saul and Jonathan were quick and courageous. That is the eagle and lion reference. Once the battle started, Saul was very courageous. However, Saul is a general and the troops are neutralized by a lousy leader, even if they are very courageous.

The army of the Ptomnic was very courageous. 79% and 83% casualties in various groups in Gettysburg. The number of casualties indicates that these men were very brave, but their leadership led them to take such heavy casualties.

The Duke of Marborough. He was the greatest gigolo of his day. He was kept by a woman who bought him a commission. He became a great officer. They had another brilliant officer. Montgomery, on the other hand, was a farce.

Saul left their left wing open, allowing Achish to defeat him by the oblique order of battle.


1.       Saul and Jonathan as great military men.

2.       The importance of physical fitness in the military as well as spiritual fitness.

3.       Agility and speed are the result of good self-discipline and training.

4.       Saul and Jonathan made top scores in the obstacle course; but Saul’s reversionism destroyed him as a great man and general. Reversionism destroys the best in any profession. Many men who have had great potential have lost out because of reversionism in the soul. Success is related to the soul.

5.       As military men, Saul and Jonathan were respected and they fought courageously in battle.

6.       The requiem emphasizes their personal lives insofar as being loved and respected.

7.       The second sentence indicates that they died in battle, and taking many with them. It is better to die in battle and taking out many of the enemy, if you are going to die anyway.

8.       Their military characteristics and they were compared to the lion and the eagle.

9.       These are the facts which cannot be ignored. The importance of the spiritual and the importance of the soul; the importance of self-discipline and physical fitness. The defeat comes from the reversionism in Saul’s soul as commander in chief of the army.

Benedict Arnold was one of our greatest generals. There has always been jealousy of those who have been great in their achievements. Gauge was promoted over him. This was by Congress. When the civilians are in charge, sycophants rise to the top, but not men who are great soldiers.

2Samuel 1:23 Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant [loved and respected] in their lives, and in their death they were not divided. They were swifter than eagles; they were stronger [more courageous] than lions.

We finally get to the women. The clothes on their back came from Saul’s military victories. Do not bite the hand that feeds you. Bob no longer has hand; he has stumps. Bob is starting his 25th year; it is the day after now. In his 24 years of being a pastor. “Why does God the Holy Spirit see fit to give us certain information? What do we have this kind of information and how is it related to the Word of God?”

Women have a way of being critical. No more critical person in the world than a woman who gets their back up. They seem to get out of hand. The last 10 incidents of bad behavior in Berachah have been women. They ought to know better and their manners are extremely poor.

Bob is not a woman-hater. He appreciates women in many ways; he can’t say that about males. Women are designed to be responders. If they are not responding, then they are out of hand. The women are complaining about Saul. When battles are lost, campaigns are lost, it is the woman who suffers the most. It is easy to die in battle than for the woman to be raped continually.

We are not in Europe and not involved in Western civilization. There are a group of countries that have been fighting there under the balance of power for centuries. Also, many coupdetat’s over a long period of time.

Women, when armies march through, are raped. One group, Koneirgsburg or something, some women cut off their hair and put mud all over themselves. It is very difficult for the woman.

When Saul drives the enemy out of the land, and he blows one battle, the women then begin to complain like you would not believe. It is tragic that those who have great words of appreciation suddenly change their minds.

Bob has delayed getting to this verse. However, he cannot wait any longer.

David did not write this song the next day after hearing the news. This requiem came some time later after David noted the results.

Women are those who get the most out of freedom and sometimes appreciate it the least. There was great freedom and blessing for women in the Roman empire. The same is true in the United States. In many nations, women have no rights or freedoms. They are treated as cattle. It is difficult to teach this verse in Houston because we have lived in a great land of freedom where women have been given great freedoms. Women’s lib is destroying us today.

Introductory Principles

1.       Women suffer from military disaster and they benefit from military victory.

2.       David writes the elegy at a time when the Philistines have taken over much of Israel. Complaints have begun to filter through.

3.       This military disaster affects the women even more than the men.

4.       They lose freedom and become slaves to their environment that they become slaves to those who have conquered them.

5.       They lose personally and they lose their male population; who are killed, enslaved or simply removed. Replaced by a conquering army or representatives of the conquering company.

Abner will form a puppet kingdom in Manahaim and this will eventually lead to a civil war. This loss does not just affect the leadership, who have mostly died, but we now deal with the ladies.

Baka means to weep because there is nothing in their souls to be stimulated. Without their men, there is nothing which stimulates them. A man does not realize that his emotions are being stimulated by football. It does not occur to this male bump on the love of God that his woman has a soul. She has mentality and she has some culture. She is past the stage of sitting home reading Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

The woman is very sealed up in her soul. She is commanded to weep because she is womanhood in slavery. Women, do not denigrate the military. Apart from the military, you could be a weeper for the rest of your life. Raping, torture and abuse. Woman can be the plunder of the conquering army.

The masculine gender is used for the clothing here for this participle? Saul is the one who clothed them. The suffix is in the masculine gender as well. When women are conquered, they are removed from their gender, they are not appreciated for being women and they are like animals to the conquering army. They are simply used. Women lose their human identity when they are conquered. This is why you ladies should appreciate the reading these medal of honor recipients. All freedom comes from military victory is every bit as important as the law of gravity.

David reminds them of the protection of the military. In the ancient world, the army would collect their clothing from the enemy. Their finest styles came when their armies were winning and bringing in the plunder and the booty.

David, in this time frame, has conquered the Amalekites, and he has 400 years of plunder and the women of Judah are very appreciative of this.

Bright crimson in the ancient world was considered to be the noblest of colors then. At a wedding, a woman might even wear red, which indicates that you are wearing very expensive designer clothes.

Saul’s victories resulted in great material prosperity and great pleasures for the women. When people have beautiful clothing, they also like to cluster together in order to be seen. So that also stimulates social life. Saul’s victories did many wonderful things.

2Samuel 1:24 Daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet and with delights [pleasures]; who put [caused to bring] ornaments [jewelry] of gold on your clothes.


1.       Note David’s gracious attitude toward Saul. Saul tried to destroy him and David has a great attitude toward Saul.

2.       David emphasizes to the ladies the benefits to them of Saul’s past victories.

3.       David mentions those things that ladies prize the most, clothing and jewelry.

4.       This will stop the ladies from maligning and judging. Saul is dead, so his discipline is over; and maligning is of no help to anyone.

5.       Now that Saul is dead, he can no longer make any more mistakes.

6.       Saul failed in life because of reversionism, but death puts him apart from this.

7.       Now Saul is associated with supergrace Jonathan. They are associated together.

8.       It was Jonathan’s association with Saul that caused Jonathan to die at Mount Gilboa instead of him becoming prime minister under David.

The ladies are alerted as to the importance of marching on under the importance of grace. God’s plan is always grace. David’s grace greatness will now rub off on all the ladies of the land.

2Samuel 1:25-27 1Sam. 23:16-18; Ps. 133 72David                                     631_0138

05/09/1974 Basis for category 3 love

Medal of Honor recipients both from Texas. Conclusion here; the requiem of David. Last night was ladies night. The subject changes this time.

The Jews did not lose this war due to a lack of valiant soldiers. The David series is not for the fainthearted.

Jewish Soldier and Leaders

1.       When the Jewish soldiers lost the war, it was not due to lack of bravery.

2.       It was tactics guided by King Saul.

3.       Poor leadership with brave men still leads to a disaster.

4.       Saul was the source of these bad tactics.

5.       Courage without good leadership is wasted. Courage alone cannot win battles. You must have brains in leadership. We almost hold the record for poor leadership in our armed services. There must be in every nation a system for promoting men of merit; men who have great leadership ability and brains; highly intelligent. There is no such system in the American army; this did exist in Germany. It is time and grade for a person to work there way up. It takes a congressional appointment for a Lieutenant colonel.

6.       The rank and file can have great courage, but they must be properly led. Many Jewish soldiers were quite brave at Mount Gilboa.

Jonathan died by association with his father. David recalls Jonathan’s honor.

2Samuel 1:25 How are the mighty [heroes; valiant brave soldiers] fallen in the midst of the battle! Jonathan is slain on your high places.

Jonathan is a professional soldier. He is in a profession; and he has a job.

1Sam. 23:16 And Jonathan, Saul's son, rose and went to David at Horesh, and strengthened his hand in God.

What Jonathan will say will be very encouraging. He recognizes that David will be the king. He already recognizes the plan of God because he has Bible doctrine in his soul. He knows that David, not him, is the crown prince. The supergrace believer never fights the plan of God. It is nice to be able to relax and not to constantly fight it.

David suffered all of his life because Jonathan not going with him. There are problems when a leader does not have excellent subordinates. Jonathan would have been a great subordinate. The top executive must have moral courage.

When a supergrace believer associates with reversionism, he shares the fate of that reversionist. If Jonathan had lived, the bloody civil war that we will study would never have occurred. David will never be able to trust any of his subordinates. He will have to fire them and court marshal them.

Both Jonathan and Saul knew that Saul’s successor would be David.

1Sam. 23:17 And he said to him, "Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you. You shall be king over Israel, and I shall be next to you. Saul my father also knows this."

David stayed in the woods and Jonathan went home. This covenant was never carried out. Failure, misery and discipline was a part of Jonathan’s life because he stay with his father. He went with the troops to mount Gilboa.

1Sam. 23:18 And the two of them made a covenant before the LORD. David remained at Horesh, and Jonathan went home.

Ex. 30 tells us what is in this oil. It was used for the consecration of priests and therefore a beautiful analogy for God the Holy Spirit in category #3 love

Psalm 133:1 A Song of Ascents. Of David. Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Aaron was so anointed, and this information was passed down from one generation to another. The beard indicates the personality and character. Moses and Aaron are both presented with beards. Unsure whether Moses had one or not.

Psalm 133:2 It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!

2nd analogy to Mount Hermon (her-MOAN). The snow is melted into water and it is the basis for the great agricultural prosperity. Jonathan did understand. He understood that Israel in association with David would be blessed; and cursed in association with Saul.

Psalm 133:3 It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

Jonathan is not a reversionist, but he remains with Saul; and in this association, he would die with his father in battle.

2Samuel 1:25 How are the mighty [heroes; valiant brave soldiers] fallen in the midst [middle] of the battle! Jonathan is slain on your high places [Mount Gilboa].

David is no doubt thinking about Jonathan as a true friend, as the best friend that he ever had; and never had anyone to function as his prime minister. All that Jonathan had to do was separate himself from Saul, but he chose not to.

A group that left Berachah had high hopes of doing all these great things; a choir and a young people’s thing. They would get a preacher they could control, and they did control him. In many cases, these people walked away from Bob, their right pastors. They made the wrong decision like Jonathan, and they are all sharing in discipline. They did not get reversionism; they left after the Angelic Conflict. There is only one way they can go, and that is down. They need a pastor to get ahold of them and straighten them out. Several when they left said that they knew as much as Bob did anyway. You can make one decision, and that can affect you for the rest of your life. One decision shoots you down.

To move in the right direction, you are making all kinds of decisions; and you must continue to make the right decisions; but it is worth it to get there and to stay there.

There was a great capacity for love in the soul of Jonathan. David will have sex with about 25 women. You knock out the sex angle with these women, and there is little else going for them. The same is true of males. Women can often get away with this because they are very attractive. She can get away with a lot as long as her body stays in some sort of symmetry. Most people think of love in terms of sex rather than in terms of souls. This is a very noble, pure and wonderful friendship. David is saying, what woman would ever say this? What woman would be as devoted as Jonathan. Jonathan’s love was free of jealousy, implacability, etc. Jonathan was the one man David knew who was free from these things. Some men fall short of this because they are jealous, implacable; they are easily hurt and easily turned away.

Joab was a man’s man. He never let David down, although he failed after David died. Joab was highly aggressive and sharp-witted. One of his two brothers became a great general as well. His brother, Abishai, was very much like Frederick. A general officer always up where the fighting was, but able to control his troops. Joab is more like Patton or MacArthur. Joab is not the noble person that Jonathan is. Jonathan is the epitome of nobility.

2Samuel 1:26 I am distressed [I grieve] for you, my brother Jonathan. Very pleasant [kind] you have been to me. Your love to me was wonderful [extraordinary], more than the love of women.

Defeat is a waste of the nation’s manpower. Often the finest men of a country are fighting for their country. Defeat means a maximum loss of life. France never recovered from a loss of manpower in WWI and the Napoleonic era. They simply took too many casualties.

The woman doesn’t want her son to go to war and be killed; and this is understandable. However, the way to keep from war is universal military training. “Bring back the swamps; bring back realistic training.” We have so many killed because we are the most poorly prepared nation on the fact of the earth.

The instruments of battle are the men in rank.

2Samuel 1:27 How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons [instruments] of war perished!

2Samuel 2:1                                         72David                                              631_0139

05/10/1974 Doctrine of divine guidance

Bob makes us read the first 7 verses while he goes for his glasses.

Some people think that the Old Testament has no part in the life of the New Testament believer. However, all Scripture is God-breathed and therefore, it all has meaning. There are almost no preachers teaching verse by verse anymore. We had the opportunity to read this and ask ourselves, why?

300 years ago, they had a literary language; they would say, “Damn there.” Once the king was dead, many would march right into whatever capital city there was and take it over. He waits on God. There will be 7.5 years before he gets to the throne. David will come to the throne God’s way. There is a right way and a wrong way for David to become king of Israel.

David operates under divine guidance. Hayah simply indicates sequence; this takes place after the Amalekite private claimed to kill Saul. David did not move after these incidents. He was being a little cautious here.

We are dealing with Urim and Thummim; and this gave him God’s will. When we need to use God’s will, we use the system available during our dispensation. Believers in every generation must be guided by God through the vehicle provided by God during that dispensation. There was a time that God used a voice to lead people, and dreams and visions. David goes to an established vehicle for learning the will of God.

Urim is a couple of stones on the shoulders; thummim is a checkerboard with 12 rocks, each representing a tribe of Israel. This was the fastest way to learn the will of God. We know that David is to be the king of Israel; he was already anointed. However, he will not yet seize the throne, nor will he even enter into Israel. He is not bothered by the normal problems of power lust. He is properly motivated.

People call Bob all the time to find out how to get a tape ministry going. No need to get ambitious and to run it. God’s timing is perfect. Man’s timing is imperfect. God knows everything that will happen before it will happen. Therefore, it makes His timing doubly perfect. Our timing is no good; we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.

Our news sources are the blind leading the blind, and the ditch gets wider every day. There is no capitol at this time for Israel. Jerusalem is Jabez right now.

When we fought for our country, there was no Washington D.C. By moving Washington, there are at least 4 major powers who would change all of their plans. They do not want to destroy Washington; they want to get in there and find out who had guns and who does not. God has perfect timing. There are questions likes, “Is this the right time to advance this or that candidate for our party?” Timing is a big deal today. David has no worries about timing at all. He waits for divine guidance, so that he can do it God’s way rather than David’s way God’s timing is 7.5 years from that time. David still operates on the principles, when God promotes you, then you are promoted; but not until then. There may have been a number of no’s first; and we break in at the time when there is a yes answer. The answer comes from Urim on the ephod. He is not to stay and rebuild Ziklag. It will belong to David’s family forever and a place to go and get away from it all.

2Sam. 2:1 After this David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?" And the LORD said to him, "Go up." David said, "To which shall I go up?" And he said, "To Hebron."

David asks “Where do I go up?”


1.       Hebron is halfway between Beersheba dn Jerusalem.

2.       It was previously known as Kirjaph Arba, then it was known as Mamry; and it is an excellent place for David to make his residence because it is in the center of Judah. The altitude is 2800 ft. it has climate like Tuscon or ElPaso.

3.       This is the place where Sarah died.


5.       Isaac and Jacob spent a lot of time there.

6.       This is where Jacob sent Joseph to seek his brothers.

7.       There is a cave called the Cave of McPheala. All the patriarchs and their wives are buried there except Rachel. It si sort of a sacred ground to Israel.

8.       Caleb conquered Hebron and took it away from the giants.

9.       The priestly city is also located there and set aside for the Kohathite Levites and a city of refuge as well.

10.     As a fugitive, David was befriended by the citizens of Hebron.

11.     This will become the capitol city of Judah for awhile until David takes Jerusalem. He took a beautiful fort on a high hill and converted it into a home and palace.

2Sam. 2:1 After this David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?" And the LORD said to him, "Go up." David said, "To which shall I go up?" And he said, "To Hebron."

Hebron means intimate relationship.

Divine Guidance

1.       There are 3 categories of will or volition in history; the will of God, the will of man and the will of angels. The sovereignty of God says that there will be other forms of will in history. This is why people who blaspheme God do not die immediately.\

2.       Divine guidance is a subject for believers because each believer is in the pot. While divine guidance includes the laws of divine establishment and unbelievers benefit from the laws of establishment and follow it. What we would have to do, if we studied this, is to disband the federal income tax and tax everyone a flat 5%. They would have to abolish all forms of corporate tax and destroy all of the things devised to destroy our country, like HEW. The cardinal principle of divine guidance is, God has a plan for man, and divine guidance begins at the cross. 1John 3:23 for human volition to function, God has provided the laws of divine establishment. This is to provide maximum freedom for evangelism, so that a group of people can say yes to the gospel without being persecuted. It is the sovereign will of God that people have the ability to choose for or against God. God does not harass or coerce. The fact that people say “no” proves that man was given free will.

3.       The unique case of Jesus Christ and the free will of His humanity. John Calvin was not a hyper-Calvinist; his disciples went overboard, as some of Bob’s disciplines have gone overboard. The sovereignty of God wants nothing to do with sin. His humanity spoke up for His deity.

4.       The types of the will of God. Taken from the life of Baalim.

          1)       What God has planned; the directive will of God. It is always compatible with the character of God. Don’t go.

          2)       Permissive will of God; God permits human volition to do something not compatible with His plan. God allows man to follow his own free will even though it is outside of God’s plan.

          3)       The overruling of God. Numb. 23:5, 6 God did not allow Israel to be cursed. God overruled every time that Baalim tried to have some sort of curse against Israel.

          4)       These are repeated with nations with lots of believers.

5.       Principles of the will of God. The mechanics by which God guides us.

          1)       Today, since the canon of Scripture has been completed, God does not guide by holy rollers, other people telling you what to do (except for the pastor-teacher telling you from the pulpit when speaking to a group.

          2)       God guides us through Bible doctrine in the soul. The is our urim and thummim. Prov. 3:1–6 Rom. 12:2 Psalm This is the age of the royal family of God. We do not hear God’s voice.

          3)       The filling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit resides in our bodies and, when filled, He resides in our souls. The term is found in yieldedness.

          4)       Spiritual growth. 2Peter 3:18 as we grow, the will of God becomes more lucid and more understandable and unfolds in our relationship to growth.

6.       The phase II categories of the will of God.

          1)       The viewpoint will of God. What does He want me to think. Our thinking is based on the intake of doctrine.

          2)       The operational will of God; what does He want me to do.

          3)       The geographical will of God, where does God want me to be?

Divine Guidance: Doctrine of

From: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=75

1.       Definition and description:

          1)       Divine guidance is a basic doctrine dealing with the determination of the will of God for one's life. God has had a plan for each one of us from eternity past. Divine guidance is doing the will of God because a person knows the will of God. Divine guidance results when the will of God is communicated. God's will is communicated to us in this dispensation ONLY through the Canon of Scripture.

          2)       Principle: You cannot know the will of God apart from knowing the Word of God.

          3)       Principle: The will of God must be consistent with His attributes. The will of God comes from the sovereignty of Go

          4)       The sovereignty of God or the will of god is manifest in the decree of God.

2.       The Divine Will of God

          1)       The difference between God's decree and God's laws:

                     (1)      Decrees are the ACTION and the PLAN of God. Laws regulate human conduct and function.

                     (2)      The laws of God are completely revealed in the Scripture. The decrees are partially revealed.

                     (3)      The laws of God can be broken by human volition. The decrees of God cannot be broken or frustrated by man's volition or angelic volition.

          2)       All things depend on God's will and nothing is certain apart from God's will.

          3)       The will of God is the reflex of the mature believer, i. e., the mature believer can apply doctrine to every situation of life.

          4)       Distinguish between the decrees of God and the desires of God:

                     (1)      Examples:

Desire: His perfect will be done by humans and angels.

Decree: Human and angelic volition violating His perfect will

Desire: Not to cast humans or angels into the Lake of Fire.

Decree: All who reject Christ will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Desire: Not to discipline believers

Decree: Believer's dominated by the OSN will be disciplined.

                     (2)                What God decrees may not be what He desires.

Decreed: Your acts of sin, human good, and acts of evil.

Not desire: Your acts of sin, human good, and evil.

                     (3)      When human volition lines-up with divine desire, the result is divine guidance.

                     (4)      When human volition lines-up with divine decrees, this is not necessarily divine guidance.

                     (5)      There is much in the divine decrees that is not God's desire.

                     (6)      Divine desire is what God wants to happen. Divine decrees are what really happens. (Both desires and decrees come from the sovereignty of God.)

                     (7)      What is desired by God is not always decreed by God.

Example: All be saved; all will not be saved.

What is decreed by God is not always desired by God. Example: Everyone commits sin, human good, and evil, but God does not desire it.

What is desired by God is sometimes decreed by God. Example: The desire for the believer to reach maturity. Some actually reach maturity.

What is decreed by God is sometimes desired by God. Example: The believer rebounding when guilty of sin.

We will deal with the problems of polygamy on Mother’s Day.

2Samuel 2:2–4                                     72David                                              631_0140

05/12/1974 Doctrines of polygamy and the importance of the military

We went through this verse last time.

2Sam. 2:1 After this David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?" And the LORD said to him, "Go up." David said, "To which shall I go up?" And he said, "To Hebron."

Mother’s Day, so Bob make s few comments. We always think that mothers should hear a lot of Bach on Mother’s Day.

Our passage may help to remind of us motherhood. He will go from Ziklag to Hebron. He obeys his orders to move; and he has more than one wife. This is David’s last step before becoming king over southern Israel.

The PCS psalm, but it is hard for us to understand and we will not study it. Psalm 18 is what we ought to study, but Bob is 2 weeks behind on his schedule.

The question arises, obviously, is what about polygamy. Deut. 17:17 it is against the will of God. David has an oriental type harem and he will collect 6 or 7 wives; and Solomon will take this much farther. David is definitely a bigamist. This bigamy would cause some dissensions and constant family brawls. His children will have 6 different mothers. There will be rape and murder in his family because of all this; and then even after his death, two of his sons will fight it out over the throne. When Israel splits up into 2 nations, it will be directly attributable to David’s polygamy.


1.       Definition: this is a state of having a plurality of wives; you could call it a state of idiocy. Most find that it is difficult to deal with just one wife. SPQR was monogamous nation. They did not look well upon bigamy as was practiced around them in other nations. There are few disputes in life which cannot be eventually traced back to a woman, was what Juvenile said.

2.       Polygamy is prohibited by the Word of God. Deut. 17:14–17 Lev.

3.       Violates RM/RW.

4.       The Bible records polygamy examples, but it is always related to apostasy.

          a.       Jacob had 2 wives and 2 mistresses. Leah and Rachel are his wives; and their personal maids, who are his mistresses. There was some inherent antagonism among the Jews which can be traced to the polygamy of Jacob. In fact, this has carried on for 3000 years.

          b.       Lamech was a hippy and revolutionist and a polygamist. Gen. 4:19

          c.        Gideon is overrated and he was the prized jackass of his day. He was a coward. He objected to getting into battle. He was afraid to get hurt. He was discovered by the Lord Jesus Christ. One of his confessions was, “I am the last person of the least tribe of Israel.” He failed in many ways. He did have some doctrine, which allowed him to run an army. He also was a polygamist. Judges 89

          d.       Elkannah and bigamy upset his household in the Dunghill special.

          e.       Solomon himself. He got bored and started to collect women. 1Kings 11

5.       Polygamy and culture. Many people think that students at college level are bettered by studying Indians, Chicanos and Negros. African culture is the most asinine excuse for culture that ever existed. The reason so many Black men have been slaves all over the world is because their culture was stupid and ludicrous. Their culture also had polygamy. The Arabs were smarter than the Africans, as they limited the number of wives to 4. Much of their confusion is, women have been suppressed there, and women are never a motivator for these men. The Arabs have been pseudo hippies for thousands of years. People of India were polygamists. They finally abolished polygamy because it destroyed the strength of a nation. Monogamy gave the Japanese great vigor. The ancient Irish were polygamous, and they had a matriarchal society, which is why they are often divorced from reality and troublemakers. Charlamain had 2 wives. Frederick embarssed the Prussians with his bigamy. You do not have to be a student of the Word of God to know it won’t work.

6.       Polygamy and the will of God.

          a.       Polygamy is not the directive or permissive will of God.

          b.       God does not condone polygamy.

          c.        Polygamy is one of the best known areas of self-induced misery. If a person wants to make himself miserable, polygamy is a good way to do it.

          d.       No man is designed physically for polygamy. It destroys the very rhythm for which he was designed for one rw. It destroys his sex life.

          e.       Monogamy is God’s order under the laws of divine establishment.

          f.        No one should have understood the evil of polygamy more than Solomon. It almost destroyed his kingdom. He faced trouble from a half-brother, which was the problem for Solomon.

          g.       Polygamy is not allowed in a Mormon harem.

          h.       The United States government has observed this and passed laws against it in 1862 and it was reviewed by the Supreme court.

7.       Conclusion:

          a.       It is never condoned in the Word of God. Noted, but not condoned.

          b.       In fact, it is specifically forbidden.

          c.        Therefore, those who practice it were never free from discipline or misery.

          d.       Rivalries of the children into the next few generations.

          e.       Many of the great believers were monogamous.

          f.        Polygamy can result in murder, rape and violence.

          g.       The greatest nation in all human history is Rome and it conquered the world as a monogamous nation.

          h.       Laws of divine establishment and the principles of Bible doctrine and RM/RW is always related to monogamy and not to polygamy.

2Sam. 2:2 So David went up there, and his two wives also, Ahinoam of Jezreel and Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel.

David will have a legion of honor with 30 men and then there will be an ultra group of 6. It is absolutely necessary that an army be established. The key to the freedom of France is the military; he took over a ragtag army as very young. He had an alumni from Italy the basis for a great military organization. Same was true of Alexander. He began with 5000 men with which to conquer the world. Of his 30 great leaders, 7 became kings and several of those became the heads of ruling lines for 1000 years.

David has his favorite men as well. He has such fantastic leadership ability so that they will continue to follow him. De-Mobilization almost destroyed us. The French despise us and we liberated them from the Germans. 4 million Russians were casualties in 1942, but FDR rearmed them and preserved them. We rebuilt the industry of northern Italy and France and West Germany. When the Korean conflict came along, we sent troops to Korea will ill-fitting, old uniforms and a lack of guns and ammunition. This would be the nucleus for Judah’s security and later for all of Israel. The entire battalion is quartered in and around Hebron. They went into quarters where they could be quickly reconstituted and taken in many directions.

2Sam. 2:3 And David brought up his men who were with him, everyone with his household, and they lived in the towns of Hebron.

The Doctrine of the Importance of the Military

1.       God has designed a set of laws; these laws are just as important as the law of gravity or any natural law. They are designed to protect freedom and privacy and they give blessing and prosperity to a nation. It is twofold; interior protection from objective type law; and guilt must be established on bonafide laws of evidence. So there must be an incorruptible system of courts. Proper police procedures to punish the guilty and to protect the innocent.

2.       The protection of the exterior. Neh. 4: the military is designed by God to do a certain job. The Jews were about to be attacked from the north by the Samaritans, the Philistines, the Moabites, the Edomites and the Arabs. Nehemiah is a brilliant military man. Neh. 4:14–22 And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes." When our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work. From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah, who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me. And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "The work is great and widely spread, and we are separated on the wall, far from one another. In the place where you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us." So we labored at the work, and half of them held the spears from the break of dawn until the stars came out. I also said to the people at that time, "Let every man and his servant pass the night within Jerusalem, that they may be a guard for us by night and may labor by day." There job is to kill; and he tells them their motivation. They must fight for their nation; their sons and daughters. Whether single or married, God designed for them a rw. Their home is their freedom, privacy and property. A prepared military protects from attack.

3.       Man is always dreaming of peace; liberals are always very divorced from reality and they speak in terms of dreams and fantasies and utopian visions. The tranquilty of a nation cannot be maintained without a military which requires taxes (Tacitus). Rome had very long periods of peace because they were so strong, militarily.

4.       In the struggle for and perpetuation of Jewish freedom, Jesus became the commander-in-chief of the Jewish armies, under the title of Adonai Sobato, or Jehovah of the Armies. Jesus Christ was the commander-in-chief and Joshua found this when he crossed the Jordan and made a reconnassaince; he ran into a solder, Jesus Christ; “Make up you mind, you are my general, my chief of staff, or you will die.” Joshua 5:13ff.

5.       Armies defend freedom. We have freedom today because of military victory. We still enjoy the benefits of our military.

6.       Armies also destroy freedom. Jer. 33:7?

7.       National sovereignty depends upon which army wins. Their integrity and freedom depends upon this. Jer. 40:1

8.       God uses the military to illustrate the degeneracy of a nation. God will remove such a nation from the world scene due to their degeneracy. Imagine the hippies forming into an army to defend us? How would you like these unstable people defending us? How would you like to command such a platoon. Bobby runs with his platoon 10 miles a day. His sergeant has a trademark move in a fight; he always bites off the ear of someone he whups; it reduces the number of fights. It is that caliber of man that gives us our freedom. The military and the way it functions is a definite index as to the state of a nation. We have been hamstrung by the politicos who run this country, who won’t even given them ammunition and won’t let them shoot, as they might kill a communist.

9.       Universal training maintains freedom. Num. 1:3–5 Luke 4?

10.     For many years, the United States has produced great businessmen and leadership and our prosperity is based upon the rise and function of capitalism. We have fantastic professional leadership. 3 areas for great leadership: professional, military and business. The state legislature of Indiana wanted to secede. Political incompetence today, especially in the legislative branch. Incompetence to almost insanity, when it comes to legislation. They have attacked big business, in many ways. You destroy big business and you destroy the goose the lays the golden egg. Socialized medicine has been the destruction of great leadership in medicine. Military and teaching is being destroyed by the government. Or will crime take us over because of our mediocrity of our government. Prov. 24:1–6

11.     Military training is useless if the men of a nation are apostate and filled with scar tissue and addicted to drugs. Their self-discipline and respect for authority is destroyed.

12.     Military defeat precedes the fifth cycle of discipline. This is what has taken out all great nations.

David knows these principles and he is very pro-military.

It is reported to David that the men of Jabesh-gilead buried Saul. David had a great intelligence system. Where is this intelligence system in 2Sam. 13. David sends out his G2 to get the correct and accurate details of what happened.

2Sam. 2:4 And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. When they told David, "It was the men of Jabesh-gilead who buried Saul,"

David’s Intelligence and Acts Accordingly

1.       David has sent out reconnaissance teams to determine the truth of Saul’s death. You need to have facts. Businesses and police have intelligence organizations. They are all trying to find out all the things that they need to know.

2.       Since the facts were previously studied, they are not repeated here. The brave act of Jabesh-gilead is basically covered.

3.       David now has correct and accurate information.

4.       David is impressed with the chivalrous function of these men.

5.       These men are great and David makes an alliance with them. They are noble and honorable people. If this was us, we would ally ourselves with South African and Rhodesia. Our immoral government would rather buy platinum at a nigher price from Russia. David is a supergrace believer.

6.       David executed the man who claimed to kill Saul.

2Samuel 2:4–7a                                   72David                                              631_0141

05/13/1974 First acts of David as King of Judah

Jack Loomis, a Texan, Medal of Honor Recipient.

The leaders of the tribe of Judah indicates that they were functioning under a Republic type of government, and they are changing over to government ruled by a king. This will be a coronation 1004–998 b.c. will be the 7.5 years that he rules over Judah. In effect, the tribe of Judah will eventually be the southern kingdom. He first step as a king will reveal his great wisdom. His preparation began in the sheepfold as a young boy. He was faithful on the intake of doctrine. David really lived; he lived in a way that was truly fantastic.

He will take his battalion of 600 men and they will become his officer corps for the entire national army. He used his battalion as a training cadre and he drafted an entire army from Judah. David has put millions of dollars of capital into Judah. The government will stay out of business. Business is in the hands of those capable of handling it.

There will be a great ministry as Nathan and Gad as prophets and the priest Abiathar. The army will provide for the stability of the nation. People will come to Judah from all over Israel, fugitives from the Philistine aggression. They will find homes and jobs.

There is no such thing as the 10 lost tribes; British Israelism is absolutely wrong. They have tried to claim that the British people are descended from the Jews. This is wrong. The British Empire was great for Jews to live. The Jew Disraeli was a much greater ruler than Gladstone, the Christian. He was a total jackass when it came to foreign policy. He was too much to the left in his domestic policy. Gladstone liked to back down and let the natives kill a few missionaries. Disraeli said, you kill a British missionary and we will kill thousands of you. Ethiopia imprisoned a few missionaries, and Brits went in there, freed them, and killed many of them.

Mary Slesher had a great missionary activity in Africa and she could do this because the natives knew that she could walk all over Africa in relative safety. Disraeli was a Jew and a British citizen and a great prime ministry. Disraeli sent the British army everywhere, and the missionaries went before or after them. There are millions of believers in heaven today because of these missionaries.

David had a draft and drafted a national army. He had free enterprise. He liberated the plunder of the desert pirates, the Amalekites.

God the Holy Spirit wants this part of David’s government revealed to us. David has a moral government with true principles of justice and freedom. No government can be just and at the same time penalize law-abiding citizens. The idea that if we do not drive a 55 mph speed limit, then federal funds will be withheld from us. Federal funds are from us; busing is stupid and insane. It would be comic if it were not so tragic. There is no such thing as federal funds. It is taxpayer money used to bribe the states.

David will establish morality in government. Jabesh-gilead are unpopular in the north. They defied the Philistine conquerors for taking down the bodies of Saul and his sons and giving them a proper burial. The White House would join everyone today and say, “We must boycott the people of Jabesh-gilead.” If we were an honest and moral nation, we would have an alliance with Rhodesia and south Africa. South Africa is one of the finest nations in the world and they treat the Blacks perfectly. They cannot come into the cities unless they have jobs. We have been cruel to our Blacks. Most of them are not ready to be treated like first class citizens.

It is like flirting with some guy, and you make him think that you are interested, but you are not.

We could learn a great deal from South Africa. They have handled their Blacks in such a way as to keep them alive, to keep them alive. South Africa has the greatest Christian groups. Reform theology has its weaknesses, but there are great applications to government.

Some of you who are under 20 have no concept of what it means to be free. You do not understand states’ rights. You probably have never studied our constitution. The south has had freedom and an understanding of freedom. Texas is one of the few states where business and free enterprise can still function. Outside of Alaska, Texas is the only state to represent true freedom. Most of your freedoms have been taken from of you.

There was an immoral Ted Kennedy gun law that almost passed but for 10 votes.

Finding moral government. Woodrow Wilson was an ass, a history professor from Princeton, and he set the theme for the presidency. Almost any history professor was better than Wilson. He was a nothing. He wasn’t a good professor or a good anything.

Bob likes our passage. We begin with the facts. David always had facts. He lacked Jonathan as his prime minister, but he had a great G2 system. His intelligence officer was one of the greatest men ever. We do not have the name here. You cannot function in leadership without good intelligence. This is what hurt Lee at Gettysburg.

David and Jabesh-gilead

1.       David sent out a reconnaissance team to determine the results of the Philistine war.

2.       The facts have already been studied.

3.       David now has correct and accurate information about thei deaths, the battle, and the end result.

4.       David is impressed with the men of Jabesh Gilead. They are chivalrous and noble and they have nobly defied the Philistines as intruders. They took Saul’s body and buried it.

5.       The men of Jabesh-gilead are men of honor and courage and grace.

6.       David makes an alliance with this moral group of people. He executed the Amalekite deserted, but he has nothing but praise and commendation for the men of Jabesh-gilead.

Too long we have had everything sucked out of us from the nations of western European civilization. The Marshall Plan was a mess. Great Britain would have nothing today if we did not support them. Britain is beginning to nationalize all of its industries and we are copying them. We have not had a great secretary of state for years. When the British wanted to give up Egypt, we should have taken it. Same for North Africa when the French gave them up.

2Sam. 2:4 And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah. When they told [reported to] David, "It was the men of Jabesh-gilead who buried Saul,"

David sends an embassy to the people of Jabesh-gilead and speaks to them of an alliance. David has the stronger nation, so he tells them that he would protect them. David asks for God to bless them; we do not have the power to bless others. Last time Bob heard “bless you” was from his sister, to get his goad.

David does not pronounce the blessing, but he recognizes the blessing by grace. David does not hope for their blessing but recognizes blessing from Jehovah the Father.

What they did was gracious. It showed respect to Saul and David recognizes this.

David, His Foreign Policy and the Men of Jabesh-gilead

1.       David correctly identifies the action as a grace function. David can see things as they really are. He can wade through all of the intelligence reports and see what is going on.

2.       He recognizes that divine blessing has come to Jabesh-gilead. It is the doctrine that motivated the deed. That is what counts. David recognizes both. They rescued the corpses because doctrine was in their souls.

3.       He recognizes and applies the principle of doctrine. Blessing thru the residency of doctrine in the soul. David has a little 2x4 country and he is setting up an alliance with a small city-state. The Philistines control much of the land. There will be a false puppet government ruled by Ishbosheth and David will not seek an alliance with them. David demonstrates great moral courage. He ignores the powerful people around him. Hezekiah did not understand these things; he made an alliance with Egypt. Some of the worst demons are in Cairo today and they have been there for thousands of years. Hezekiah was a typical, fundamentalist ass. He was saved but he did all the things that he shouldn’t have. David doesn’t go to Egypt or to the Philistines. David had divine viewpoint with regards to foreign policy. Divine viewpoint all the way.

4.       Then men of Jabesh-gilead carry around Bible doctrine in their souls.

5.       David recognizes the principles of authority and loyalty. David can appreciate the value of loyalty. The men of Jabesh-gilead were loyal to Saul. Everyone else was down on Saul, but these men were loyal to him even after death. David admires loyalty.

6.       David also recognizes that he may face reprisals from the Philistines. He wants to assure them that he will use his power to protect them. This will be noted

7.       Therefore, David will warn the men of Jabesh-gilead. He will warn them to maintain a standing army.

8.       These noble people are in danger of reprisal, so they must have a national army. David is putting them on red alert; I guess his army? David is very practical. He tells them that they must have a small standing army to hold off any enemies.

2Sam. 2:5 David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh-gilead and said to them, "May you be blessed by the LORD, because you showed this grace to Saul your lord and buried him.

God will provide the two things that Jabesh-gilead will need these things; grace and truth.

Men who do things to get sympathy from a woman is weak. Love is respect and admiration. Some people come to Bob from kindness and sweet talk. He kicks them around the office and then kicks them out. If he every started passing out sweet epigrams, there would be a line around the office 40 times.

David, Grace and Doctrine

1.       The spiritual necessities for the maintenance of spiritual growth are always related to grace and doctrine.

2.       All grace is administered through doctrine. When we respond to the gospel, we are saved by grace.

3.       David recognizes that positive volition toward doctrine will be consistent and it will continue.

4.       The soul hungry for doctrine is there. When the soul is hungry for doctrine, God will provide the spiritual nourishment.

5.       No one ever runs short of grace and doctrine. God has an unlimited supply of both.

6.       David, therefore, is confident of their continuation under the function of gap. He can make correct applications.

David’s first act as king is to establish a protective alliance with Jabesh-gilead. They are vulnerable being alone in the northern portion of Israel. These men have manifested loyalty toward Saul. They were courageous to find these corpses, to take them down, and to give them honorable burials. Doctrine in the soul. Grace people gravitate to grace people.

2Sam. 2:6 Now may the LORD show [manufactory; provide] steadfast love [grace] and faithfulness [truth] to you. And I will do good to you because you have done this thing.

Here, he will give them the practical advice to put together their own standing army. God administers grace and doctrine. He is in the south and he has to be practical. He cannot just zip on over to them to their rescue.

When Bob taught RM/RW, he never saw so many idiots. Some of us got very goofy. Don’t give up; just keep taking in doctrine. 50,000 cc of doctrine may only produce 2 cc of common sense, but it is a beginning.

David uses the imperfect here as an imperative, not as a jussive. This means that they must be prepared militarily. They must be practical. David warns them to maintain a military alert. All freedom is maintained by military preparedness and military victory.

David is telling them to maintain a standing army, which is great practical advice.

2Sam. 2:7 Now therefore your hands will be strong, and be valiant [sons of the army], for Saul your lord is dead, and the house of Judah has anointed me king over them."

2Samuel 2:7–11 Psalm 35:26             72David                                              631_0142

 05/14/1974 Evils of gun legislation; basic cause for civil war in Israel

Minimum casualties are important.

Law enforcement is always understaffed. They are not usually ready for riot type conditions. David is explaining that he is only ruling over Judah. And he tells them that it will take time for him to come to their aid.

David’s Honest Declaration of His Own Limitations

1.       David is giving these men an honest appraisal of how much he will be able to help them.

2.       David, as the king of Judah, will soon have a very strong army.

3.       But even when David develops an army, it will not be a national army.

4.       David will soon be involved in a great civil war.

5.       We will help them all that he can, but these men must be ready to help themselves.

6.       Principle of doctrine that every free man has the right to protect himself, his family, his property his property, his privacy from enemies or criminals.

7.       Too often lack of such protection means rape, robbery, torture, abuse, death of innocent victims.

8.       The attempt to pass gun legislation is designed to destroy the freedoms and rights of law-abiding citizens. The federal government should provide ranges and instructors how to shoot a .45 automatic and an M1. Then they are given the weapon and 1000 rounds of ammunition, free. The Swiss has done this for a long time. Every home in Switzerland has weapons and ammunition. We ought to have that here.

Laws and Guns

1.       When laws protect the criminal and not the law-abiding citizen, these laws are distorted. Religious people are often strong for anti-gun legislation.

2.       Our law is best described by Tacitus. “There still remains the traces of freedom.”

3.       Many states like California; criminal must be asked to leave your home; if not, then you leave the home. Imbecilic.

4.       The law prosecutes those who defend themselves against criminals in too many states. NY City in the Sullivan laws, protecting yourself with a gun will result with you going to jail. Some gal went to jail in NY for this; a man came in to rape and steal, so she killed him, and she went to jail.

5.       The law should protect the life, the freedom, the privacy and the property of the law-abiding citizen.

6.       The distortion of the law today is always preceded by the distortion of the soul in reversionism. Gun legislation illustrates the point. Gun legislation thinks that private citizens should not have weapons. They should submit weakly to violence if there is no one there to protect you. Gun are dangerous, they should be. Bob would not have an unloaded gun. Waving an unloaded gun at someone invites disaster.

Libs think we need to remove the mortality from life.

2Sam. 2:7 Now therefore let your hands be strong, and be valiant [maintain a standing army], for Saul your lord is dead, and the house of Judah has anointed me king over them."

the basic cause for civil war; the puppet government of Ishbosheth. Abner is a fascinating villain. You will boo him, and he will suddenly do something noble and then, when you like him, he does something evil. He is very vain and ambitious. He is truly an egotistical, arrogant, ambitious type person.

Abner’s name means father of Ner and he is so named by his father Ner. He is the uncle of Saul. Ner and Kish were brothers. Abner and Saul are cousins. He always thought he was better than Saul and he had an egotistical arrogant attitude. He never got over thinking that he was a better man than his cousin.


1.       Abner was a great soldier.

2.       Abner met David first at Ephresdamin.

3.       He sat on Saul’s cabinet. Saul leans on Abner’s brains.

4.       Abner is egotistical; Saul has a tendency towards jealousy. Smart people tend to be egotistical; dumb tend to be jealous.

5.       Abner escaped in the battle of Mt. Gilboa, so he must have had the right flank of the army; Saul would have the left and Jonathan would have the center. The left blank folded in battle. He saw how it was going to be, so he got out of there with a portion of Saul’s army. He went out in the valley; he did not even get a drink in Bethshan, he crossed the Jordan, and he went to Mahanaim.

Ishbosheth means man of shame. That was not his original name; that was Eshbaal; fire of Baal. He is the youngest son of Saul.


1.       Eshbaal is his original name.

2.       The false God Baal is also called Bosheth. Zerubbabel became Jerobosheth.

3.       Ishbosheth is the younges son of Saul.

4.       Not being present, he still intact after the battle and Abner goes to get him. The Philistines control all of northern Israel, so Abner takes him across the border to Mahanaim.

5.       It took 5 years to set up this government and Ishbosheth will be assassinated.

2Sam. 2:8 But Abner the son of Ner, commander [chief-of-staff] of Saul's army, took Ish-bosheth the son of Saul and brought him over to Mahanaim,

It became a border town for Gad, Manasseh and Bashan. A citiy of the Levites. And Abner knew this to be a safe city.

You can put up men there with rocks and keep out everyone else. Bethron means a narrow pass. 5 years later, Abner made him king. He will rule for 2 years and be assassinated. 999 to 998 b.c. is when he ruled. The first 5 years, David is organizing the southern kingdom; Abner is organizing the northern kingdom. Only when Ishbosheth becomes the puppet king, then there is war.

V. 9 would be year 5. There are 5 years of fighting. Abner is ambitious and capable.

Gilead is a strip down the east side of the Jordan, on the right bank. There are Philistine patrols on the Jordan and Abner takes care of them.

Ashur is the tribe of Abner. They are in the extreme north. Jezreel is where the Mount Gilboa was fought. That was next. It was the strong point for the Philistines. Then he got Ephraim, south of Jezreel then Benjamin, their traditional home, but they did not move back there.

The Phoenicians are up north and there is a rising power called Syria or Aram. He did not conquer all Israel; it was just over that amount of Israel. Abner has done a great job in setting up an army and setting up a puppet kingdom.

2Sam. 2:9 and he made him king over Gilead and the Ashurites and Jezreel and Ephraim and Benjamin and all Israel.

The rival kingdoms. This is a summary. The civil war occurs during these 2 years.

Abner and Ishbosheth and David

1.       Abner was the true dictator of the northern kingdom until 5.5 years after the battle of Mount Gilboa. He was keeping Saul’s harem and a lot of other people. He brought over everyone that he wanted. He wanted to make sure that they gave him no problem.

2.       Psalm 35:25–26 is David’s attitude: Let them not say in their hearts, "Aha, our heart's desire!" Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up." Let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether who rejoice [gloating] at my calamity! Let them [they will] be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me! “Remember...anything” indicates that the enemy struck a target and we should have been ready for them, but we were not. Bosh means shame and bosheth means shame. They will be ashamed and brought to confusion. This refers to Abner and Ishbosheth. They are sitting around gloating and members of the harem are dancing. They are gloating over the calamity.

3.       He is a man of shame so he will wear shame. Abner and Ishbosheth will be clothed with shame and dishonor, who gloated over David’s calamity.

2Sam. 2:10 Ish-bosheth, Saul's son, was forty years old when he began to reign over Israel, and he reigned two years. But the house of Judah followed David.

Abner was the interim dictator or a rival kingdom.

2Sam. 2:11 And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months.

Tomorrow night, we will see a good civil war.

2Samuel 2:12-18                                  72David                                              631_0143

05/15/1974 : Pool of Gibeon battles

We are able to study this because of the laws of divine establishment. Abner had enjoyed some success in driving back the Philistines from the northen and central Israel. The king was a puppet ruler; and the power was really in Abner.

Gibeah is the old stronghold of Saul, but they went to Gibeon, where there is a great water supply.

Summary of What Is Going on

1.       Gibeon is located 8 miles north of Jerusalem.

2.       It is the same as al-yiv. Excavated by the University of Pennsylvania.

3.       An anciet city existed there 3000to 2500 b.c..

4.       Rebuilt around 1200 b.c. This was a strong fortified area with a great circular wall and a very excellent pool cut out of the native rock. There is a top part and a circular stairway made out of solid rock. As recent as the last 10 years, the top part was 37 feet in diameter and 35.5 feet deep. A tunnel down there. It makes a circular trip cut out of rock that goes to a giant reservoir. It protects the people of Gibeon when they are under siege. The steps of the tunnel go down 44 feet to the reservoir.

5.       This move to Mahanaim is an act of aggression. Abner’s army is up to something.

6.       Joab sends a recon force to follow what they are doing.

Joab is one of the 3 sons of Zeruiah; and she is the most famous of David’s family and her children.

2Sam. 2:12 Abner the son of Ner, and the servants of Ish-bosheth the son of Saul, went out [advanced] from Mahanaim to Gibeon.

The verbiage suggests that this is a fanciful meet. Apparently \Abner is outnumbered.

Summary of What Is Going on

1.       The accidental meeting was based on a need for water. They both converge at the esame time on logistical needs.

2.       The meet by accident. \

3.       These are well-trained armies, alert and obediedn


5.       Abner feels trapped and he wants to get out of this jam.

6.       He comes up with a sly plan. He wants to equalize the odds by setting up 12 southerners and 12 northerners. The Benjamites of the Spartans of Israel. What offsets the traditions, heritage and ability of great warriors and that is hard work. You may not be as smart as those around you, but self-discipline and hard work can offset the brilliance of others.

7.       David has ghe best troops.

8.       The southern army is in better spiritual condition. That is much moe important. Professional side and spiritual side will make the difference.

Many battles have occurred as a result of a chance encounter. AP Hill. He heard there were some shoes down there, so he heads on down.

They are 7.5 ft. apart. They are good marches; there are no stragglers. Abner’s outfit is srallgej Abner is thinking and he must hae a strategy to overcome his small army.

The Meet up

1.       These armies had not come into contact prior to this.

2.       Dave has been busy organizing the kingdom of Judah. He has restored law and order.

3.       The first real act of aggression has just taken place with the northern army being on ghe word of Judah.

4.       Abner proposes personal combat, which neutralizes the fact that his army is smaller.

2Sam. 2:13 And Joab the son of Zeruiah and the servants [army] of David went out [advanced] and met them at the pool of Gibeon. And they sat down, the one on the one side of the pool, and the other on the other side of the pool.

Abner’s speech is very careful because he is in a weak position. In the Qal stem to have a good time; to have a party. But in the Piel, it means a brawl; a skirmish. These are those who have not had combat experience; those are the ones who are going to fight. He wants to gain the advantage; and he thinks that one man from the tribe of Benjamin is any day better than a man from Judah. Joab is a younger man and he is smarter and he likes this idea with combat experience.

2Sam. 2:14 And Abner said to Joab, "Let the young men arise and compete before us." And Joab said, "Let them arise."

The first stage of the battle; the battle of the arena of the swords and the battle of the pool. There is the first one-on-one battle. Qum means appointed? Bob says that twice. All the men who had combat experience wanted to get into the act. These are trained men who have never been in combat before.

God the Holy Spirit did not choose to write this as, “They met and started the civil war.” Things were better when Bob was a boy.

Article about showbiz stars saying what they miss about the good old days. Normal stuff. Walter Brennan; if a thing was worth having, it was worth working for. Bing Crosby, somewhere, honesty has gotten lost. A handshake could begin a lifetime business partnership. Another, “I remember when you knew your next-door neighbor.”

These men are eager to do this. They are anxious to go.

The Prelim

1.       The number selected is related to the size of the arena and Abner is outnumbered.

2.       Therefore, the combat is 12 against 12 in the arena.

3.       So the 12 men of Abner will buy time so that more troops can be brought in by Abner and concentrated.

4.       The tribes of Judah and Benjamin projected the great warriors.

5.       It is going to be a vicious and horrible battle down there in the arena. Their anger supplies them with weapons.

2Sam. 2:15 Then they arose and passed over by number, twelve for Benjamin and Ish-bosheth the son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of David.

Hiphil stem of kazak. They went at it viciously; it was vigorous. It worked to get a person’s head down so they could not see. They were taught this for close quarters. Abner and David used the same training manuel for hand-to-hand combat.

They grabbed one another by the heads and stabbed the other in the kidney. Each man did the same thing and they all died; all 24 died right there. No one survived this arena. They all died. In time of emergency or war, it is healthy to kill the enemy; but all good fighting is done without a loss of temper or without being emotional. The idea is the kill the enemy without being killed. None of these men were smart and thinking. The best heroes in military do their jobs cooly and scientifically as taught. To be an eager beaver and to lose track of how to do it right means that you are dead.

This battle came out to be a draw. 100% casualties. The fight occurred in the top half of the pool, which is called the Arena of the Swords.

2Sam. 2:16 And each caught [grabbed vigorously] his opponent by the head [by ears, hair or helmet] and thrust his sword in his opponent's side, so they fell down together. Therefore that place was called Helkath-hazzurim [the arena of the swords], which is at Gibeon.

There was a fierce battle that followed. Vv. 30–31 will give the summary of this battle. The army of the north will make a break and run for it.

Abner’s army was defeated. There was a general battle that followed this matchup.

2Sam. 2:17 And the battle was very fierce that day. And Abner and the men of Israel were beaten before the servants of David.

This will explain why Abner finally died; and why Joab took the side of Adonijah over Solomon. And why his brother refused to take the side of Adonijah. Several things are explained by this.

David’s family produced many military types, but none were greater than these two nephews. Zeruiah is the part of David’s family who came to him at the cave of Adullam. She came with her 3 sons.

Abishai Was a Part of the Adullam Alumni

1.       Abishai volunteered to go with David on this mission into Saul’s camp. He was his coolest soldier; the best he had. David selected this one above all the others.

2.       David had to restrain Abishai from killing Saul. That is why Abishai believed that they were there.

3.       Abishai will become a great field commander. He will be a 3 star general, a corp commander.

4.       He became famous as the second in command in the Ammonite campaign.

5.       He was more loyal to David than any other soldier. Loyal in the Absalom revolution. 2Sam. 18:2, 12

6.       Amasah; Abishai put down this revolt.

7.       Abishai is one of the 3 greatest soldiers in David’s army. He rescued David in a combat situation. 2Sam. 21

8.       He broke through the Philistine lines to fill David’s canteen with water.

9.       He was famous for opposing 300 men and killing them all.

10.     He was responsible for winning the victory over the Edomites in the Valley of the Salt.

11.     Abishai was a soldier’s soldier. Best combat record with mo...

12.     Of all the people around David, Abishai was the most loyal of all the generals. He would not join Joab and Adonijah to revolt against Solomon.

He was great because of his combat ability; he was a great general; he had stability of character; and he had great loyalty. One loyal person is worth thousands of disloyal and unstable types. One loyal person is much better than a gallery of sycophants.

He manufactured from these qualities a great spiritual life.

2Sam. 2:18 And the three sons of Zeruiah were there, Joab, Abishai, and Asahel. Now Asahel was as swift of foot as a wild gazelle.

Asahel is a great soldier, the youngest and he is among the greatest of David’s men. He is a divisional commander and he will be killed in this pursuit.

3 sons are there. Asahel was speedy, like a gazelle of the field. This pursuit would exploit the victory. Abner is the old man running fast. This becomes a personal footrace and this will have a great deal to do with the history of Israel.

2Samuel 2:19–32                                 72David                                              631_0144

05/16/1974 Death of Asahel

Asahel is the only one is who fast enough to pursue Abner; he concentrated on one person, which is Abner. He would not stop to pursue anyone else. To kill Abner is to end the civil war before it gets started. Nothing caused him to deviate in either direction.

The Pursuit

1.       Asahel knew that, by killing Abner, the civil war would be over, because there is no longer a leader.

2.       Therefore, by killing Abner, the victory would be decisive and the civil war would be over before it started.

3.       So Asahel concentrated on getting one man and killing him.

4.       Asahel is a veteran of David’s Addullem battalion.

5.       Asahel’s concentration is based upon the realization of the importance of killing Abner.

6.       He is well-informed on the political affairs of Israel. A good military man knows who it is fighting for and who he is fighting against.

7.       One good leader is worth thousands of troops.

8.       Ishbosheth was a mere puppet in the hands of Abner and he would be helpless without Abner.

9.       The northern army is running and the southern army is pursuing. The battle around Gibeon. The northern army is scattered all over the countryside retreating east. Joab’s army is pursuing. The idea is to get to the Jordan River and cross it quickly.

2Sam. 2:19 And Asahel pursued Abner, and as he went, he turned neither [did not deviate] to the right hand nor to the left from following Abner.

Abner was becoming curious about what is going on. They had a file on everyone who was of note and Abner knew him. Asahel is using his wind for running, so he doesn’t want to carry on a conversation.

If Abner is running here and he can turn around and talk, he is in excellent shape. Soldiers who are good know about the soldiers in the opposing army. Abner is most anxious to avoid combat with Asahel. Killing him would start a blood feud with the toughest men in the opposite army. Abner knows that he can kill Asahel. Joab and Abner had been friends, it appears, and they may have been commissioned together. They certainly had mutual respect.

Abner would prefer to have a verbal truce. He is confident that he could kill Asahel at any time.

2Sam. 2:20 Then Abner looked behind him and said, "Is it you, Asahel?" And he answered, "It is I."

“Turn aside, either to the right or the left, and take one of the young men for your spoil. Find an easy man to kill and take his spoil.”

Abner is a cool customer; he can think; he is strong. With his great strength, he has speed. On top of that, Abner is brilliant and he can do his best thinking when under pressure. This is how he got out of the Battle of Mt. Gilboa. He represents the finest sort of combat leadership.

These words are all imperatives. He orders this boy to turn aside. He orders him to take some other young man and to take his spoil.

Asahel knows that Abner is the key; and Asahel is also arrogant. He assumes that his great speed makes him superior to Abner. Having a great talent has made him arrogant. He is assuming that he has picked on an old man. He would like this personal glory of killing Abner. This would be the greatest reputation. Abner is as tough as anyone in the world. He greatly overestimates his own ability. Abner tries to talk him out of it, which is kind. Abner knows that Joab will never rest until one of them dies. Abner is smart. Never assume that, because he keeps talking, that he can’t fight. He is remaining cool and unemotional. You cannot fight when emotional.

If you are egotistical or arrogant, then you cannot think under pressure. You can only do the instinctively wrong thing. The fatheaded cannot think under pressure. Pride or arrogance keeps you from doing the job right. Too many football teams get emotional and it ties them up in knots.

Asahel and Abner

1.       Abner was unable to dissuade Asahel from pursuing him.

2.       It is obvious that Abner is in better shape than Asahel; he is doing most of the talking. He is stronger and smarter. While Abner is ambitious, he does not have the problem of pride. Abner has several advantages. He has great upper body strength and he is faster than Asahel or about as fast. He knows all the tricks of hand-to-hand combat; and he is much better in such a battle.

2Sam. 2:21 Abner said to him, "Turn aside to your right hand or to your left, and seize one of the young men and take his spoil [kill him and appropriate his armor]." But Asahel would not turn aside from following him.

“Turn aside and stop pursing me” is what Abner repeats. Then he adds something. “Why should I kill you?” There is no question in Abner’s mind that he will have to kill Asahel.

Abner and Asahel

1.       This last phrase suggests that Abner and Joab are good friends and possibly fellow cadets in earlier days.

2.       This would destroy their friendship and begin a blood-feud.

3.       Abner is trying to avoid further bloodshed. He would like to stop this.

4.       Abner has a conscience. That is what this phrase means. Asahel is a good warrior but he is not a great warrior. He is nowhere close to Abner.

5.       Do not assume that, because someone is cool, that he is a coward or afraid of you.

6.       Abner will be left with no option but to kill Asahel.

Abner lays it on the line. He even tells him that he will strike him to the ground.

2Sam. 2:22 And Abner said again to Asahel, "Turn aside from following me. Why should I strike you to the ground? How then could I lift up my face to your brother Joab?"

Piel imperfect of maan. Before, he was encouraged that he could keep up with Abner. Pride blinded Satan; pride began the whole angelic conflict. He is convinced that he will become the great hero by killing Abner.

In the ancient world, the point of the spear was some kind of metal. The butt end of the spear was sharpened. It would be sharpened wood. Abner is carrying his spear at a 45 degree angle with the metal part pointing toward the sky. He is strong. He running. When he lilfts up his left foot, he right arms goes back. He slows just a little. He lets Asahel catch up; Asahel probably thinks that Abner is running out of steam. This butt end goes through Asahel. This is an old Arab trip. All he has to do is drop his arm. Your thrust plus his speed impales him. You can only pull this trick on a fatheaded Asahel.

The spear comes out his back. Asahel’s run, Abner’s sudden stop, and Abner’s thrust is enough to run this spear all the way through. Imperfect tense; Asahel died for awhile.

Asahel’s Death

1.       This is an old trick to suddenly thrust this spear into Asahel.

2.       He turned his back on Asahel, allowing Asahel to move in on him.

3.       The spear is at a 45 degree angle.

4.       The spear is sharpened so that it can stick in the ground.

5.       The power of his thrust and the speed of Asahel, causes Asahel to be impaled in his bowels.

6.       Asahel is mortally wounded. He falls right there, writhing in agony. He moves and twists on the spear. By wiggling on this spear he spilled his guts all over the ground.

Asahel was pinned to the ground. He ran into the spear, Abner let it go, and the spear went into the ground and held, and Asahel kept on moving forward.

The first few men, and they are running all over, and provomarshal unit will save them all. He forms his troops. They have to stop running at some point and Abner knew this. The pursuing army comes up and they see Asahel laying on the ground dead.

Those who came upon him stopped and were in total shock.

2Sam. 2:23 But he refused to turn aside. Therefore Abner struck him in the stomach with the butt of his spear, so that the spear came out at his back. And he fell there and [slowly] died where he was. And all who came to the place where Asahel had fallen and died, stood still.

Giah is the town in front of the hill. The exact location is lost. The northern army is forced to get on this one highway and go through this one pass.

2Sam. 2:24 But Joab and Abishai pursued Abner. And as the sun was going down they came to the hill of Ammah, which lies before Giah on the way to the wilderness of Gibeon.

Abner set up his provomarshal and collected all of his men as they came into the bottleneck, and he picked a defensive position. To go further, Joab would be taking heavy casualties.

This is a good place for a defending army to make their stand, where there is a small pass to go through for the pursing army. They form a defensive line at the top of a hill.

Abner’s Tactics

1.       Abner can think under the most adverse of conditions. He was thinking of a place where he could rally the troops and save their lives. He could extricate himself from a disaster by using his mind. He has great brawn. Saul had his brawn; Abner uses his brains. He will drive the Philistines out of this land. He can think under pressure, which is one of the greatest abilities that any man can have. It comes naturally to Abner. It also comes as a spiritual endowment.

2.       Abner is a skilled tactition and an expert in hand-to-hand combat. He uses the old Arab upswing.

3.       Also note that Abner uses his great conditioning to outdistance both armies so that he can rally his own army. He is not concerned about his own life; he can beat almost anyone. He is concerned for his own army.

4.       This emphasizes his combat ability. Asahel is human arrogance and pride. He had no change with Abner. He should have taken Abner’s advice.

5.       While Asahel was an excellent soldier, we was no match for Abner.

6.       Abner picks the perfect terrain for rallying his army. A bottleneck. Everyone has to get back on the highway, and there is this bottleneck, and he knows where they will concentrate. He stops his own troops as they come through and organizes them. This terrain is rugged on both sides, so Joab’s army cannot go around. Abner is smart all the way.

7.       The MP’s direct the troops to the Hill of Alma. They become an organized body of men.

8.       Abner’s wisdom should be noted. He was cool and competent under fire. He was weak with Saul’s women.

2Sam. 2:25 And the people of Benjamin gathered themselves together behind Abner and became one group and took their stand on the top of a hill.

His weakness was not in pride; but he could not get his mind off a particular woman in Saul’s harem. He will lose out when it comes to power and approbation lust.

Abner calls out to Joab and asks if the sword will devour everyone. Will there be no end to this slaughter? Joab will now succeed without losing so many of his men. Joab says, “You have now won a battle; do you want to press your luck?” 20 dead in the souther army and 360 dead in Abner’s army.

Joab saw his brother’s corpse with his guts all over the ground; and Joab is a thinking general. He has to be realistic here. Abner’s speech calls for a truce. Joab knows that Abner puts his men first. Abner knew exactly what to say. The bitterness will be from the fact that he has now won a battle, but he could lose it. Joab actually had the smallest force here. Abner has a much larger army, even with his casualties. But there would be a lot of bitterness in the end. “How long before you sound recall?”

Brothers here mean that they are all Jews. Abner is dishonest in one thing. His weakness is, he started the whole thing. He was caught at the pool of Gibeon, so he made a suggestion to get out of a jam, and that got him into a greater jam. Abner is trying to manipulate everything.

2Sam. 2:26 Then Abner called to Joab, "Shall the sword devour forever? Do you not know that the end will be bitter? How long will it be before you tell your people to turn from the pursuit of their brothers?"

This is profanity. It is not, “As God lives.” It is an interjection + profanity. It is all in one package here. Bob goes through all the different types of interjection, including, “Whoopee” in a high voice. What is the difference between profanity and interjection? One excludes the name of God and the other has the name of God. The “kiy” is equivalent to our “hell” or “dammit.” He is saying, “Dammit to hell, by God, had you not spoken, this wouldn’t have happened.” Charlie Clough translated a similar phrase correctly and 10 people left his church.

It was Abner’s suggestion that set this up. Joab is saying, there would have been no battle; the troops would not have fought one another.

A Few Points

1.       If you hadn’t opened your big mouth, then there would have been no battle.

2.       Joab agreed to this. He was blind to it. He could have said, “Let’s both water up and move along.” Two volitions are involved. Abner says, “I’m not your patsy; you agreed to this.” When people are looking for a patsy, they never think to blame themselves. A person is not mature until he takes the responsibility for his own decisions. Joab is the commander and he is in part responsible. Joab made a bad decision and so did Asahel.

3.       Abner said, “Why should I kill you; I have nothing to gain and everything to lose in that.” Joab will have to explain this to David and to his mother. To David, it is okay; 20 casualties to 360 casualties.

2Sam. 2:27 And Joab said, "As God lives [By the life of God; By God], if you had not spoken, surely the men would not have given up the pursuit of their brothers until the morning."

So often people with a great disaster turn stupid.

This trumpet blowing is Joab sounding recall. Armies get their commands by trumpet. Self-discipline can be a real dynamic in the rise of a nation.

Reason replaces battle lust. He has won a battle at a terrible personal cost. Continuing the battle would change everything. Asahel figured he was superior to Abner, and that was a deadly mistake.

2Sam. 2:28 So Joab blew the trumpet, and all the men stopped and pursued Israel no more, nor did they fight anymore.

Abner is on this hill, and he comes down to the Jordan valley. He is in the northern Arabah. He crosses and marches all night.

Abner gives careful attention to his retreat. In this decisive defeat and being demoralized, Abner makes a night march of this, so that there is no organized pursuit. He selects the Arabah because it is wide open. Once he gets to the gorge, he is safe. That is the best way to extract his army.

2Sam. 2:29 And Abner and his men went all that night through the Arabah. They crossed the Jordan, and marching the whole morning, they came to Mahanaim.

Joab’s casualties are numbered here. 12 were at the pool of Gibeon.

2Sam. 2:30 Joab returned from the pursuit of Abner. And when he had gathered all the people together, there were missing from David's servants nineteen men besides Asahel.

The army of David caused many casualties on Abner’s army.

2Sam. 2:31 But the servants of David had struck down of Benjamin 360 of Abner's men.

They marched all night. He marched by Jebus, a great fortress, and he stopped at Bethlehem, and buried his brother, and they he got to Hebron at dawn. This is a 26 mile march, 15 miles on the last leg. They are in phenomenal shape. An army that can fight and then march like this, is an amazing army.

2Sam. 2:32 And they took up Asahel and buried him in the tomb of his father, which was at Bethlehem. And Joab and his men marched all night, and the day broke upon them at Hebron.

1Chron. 10:13- 11:1                             72David                                              631_0145

12/23/1974 Doctrine of the sin unto death; biography of Gen. Billy Mitchell

It is 7 months later, and Bob goes into 1Chronicles. This is a Christmas special, or Happy Monica to you.

We are momentarily skipping the civil war. We are going to look at the promotions of David. But we have to back up first and see a demotion. Saul’s demotion is, he was killed. This will be the demotion of a reversionist. Stay in reversionism long enough and you will be demoted. You never stand still; you go forward or backward.

Sin unto Death

1.       The sin unto death is the means by which the reversionistic believer is transferred from time to eternity in disgrace. This is demotion; maximum discipline and the dying is miserable and painful. It is a series of the most ghastly soul and physical pains. Dying by way of demotion is the worst thing that can happen to a believer. You need to be so upset about dying that you get back onto doctrine. The sin unto death is a misnomer; it is not a particular sin.

2.       Documentation: Psalm 118 1John 5:16 you have to live on Bible doctrine; you cannot live on the tripe that is peddled today. There is no such thing as committing a sin that will kill you.

3.       The cause for the sin unto death. It is prolonged and unchecked reversionism. Jer. 9:13–16 wormwood and poison water means a horrible, monstrous death. God will send the sword after them. Jer. 44:12

4.       Philip. 3:18–19 Rev. 3 the lukewarm; God would vomit them out of His mouth.

5.       The sin unto death is terrible beyond description; but it does not mean a loss of salvation. 2Tim. 2:

6.       4 ways to go from time to eternity sin unto death for reversionism, dying grace, pcs under surpassing grace (If I disappear one day and you can’t find me, that’s the way I went); the rapture generation.

7.       Case histories:

          a.       It is always some brand of reversionism. Monetary reversionism of Acts 5

          b.       Incest

          c.        Ritual reversionism

          d.       Mental attitude reversionism. 1sam. 13

          e.       Verbal reversionism Hymanneus and Alexander

          f.        Anti-establishment reversionism. The reign policy of Hezekiah.

8.       Rebound is a factor in reversionism recovery. 1Cor. 11:31 James 5:20

9.       Consistent function of gap is necessary for reversionism recovery. “Hey, smarty, you in the back, you don’t talk when I am talking! You’re new around here; I can tell that about your long hair. If you don’t like it, then get the hell out.” Come near to Him and He will come near to you.

Saul died a reversionist. He was treacherous; he was jealous; he was arrogant. You cannot have those characteristics without being reversionistic. Arrogant people are in trouble all the way. He never got over his jealousy. The worst thing that could happen to anyone is being unfaithful to the Word of God. With doctrine in the soul, you are an island to yourself. If you lose it, then you have not guarded it; that is what happened to Saul.

Saul also asked counsel of a demon-possessed medium.

1Ch 10:13 Therefore, Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD in that he did not keep the command of the LORD, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance.

Saul did not seek guidance from the Lord, so the Lord killed him. Hiphil stem means, God caused him to die. He transferred the kingdom to David.

Promotion by God

1.       God demotes reversionist and promotes the supergrace believer. Saul tried to be great and never made it. David relied up God and God promoted him.

2.       Reliance on doctrine promotes one believer and demotes another. You cannot change evil; evil can change you. You cannot change doctrine; doctrine can change you.

3.       God’s grace operates on God’s ability. God demotes the reversionistic believer and promotes the supergrace believer. God’s grace operates on God’s ability; it does not depend upon human ability.

4.       Jesus Christ controls history.

5.       Part of this divine function in controlling history is to demote the reversionist and to promote the believer with doctrine.

6.       David’s response to his promotion is found in many passage. 2Sam. 22 Psalm 18

we will look at David’s military, personal promotion and political promotion.

1Ch 10:14 He did not seek guidance from [search for] the LORD. Therefore the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.

In Feb. 1936, one great military general was buried without honor. This is often the way that this country treats its heroes. Benedict Arnold was originally a great hero. This man inspected every airfield of the allies. He flew in combat in innumerable missions. He had just completed training, an infantry division that he would drop behind German lines. No one had ever thought of this before; it was his idea. Born in 1879 in Wisconsin, son of a Senator? He became an expert shot and horseman. One of the youngest men to enter George Washington University. He went through the Spanish-American war and he won a commission in the United States army. Stationed in Alaska. Holds the world’s record for a 24 hour dog sled. He was the youngest captain in the United States army. He learned how to fly on his own. He saw the tragic neglect of air power after WWI. His name was Billy Mitchell. He advocated for a new branch of the military. Congress would not spend any money on the aviation corp. He challenged the Navy, saying that a plane to take out a ship. 3 were sunk to show that it was true. On the last one, there were bombs all near misses and it sunk in 20 min. Congress continued to cut; and Mitchell wrote magazine articles and Germans and Japs agreed with him, and they built up their air. Mitchell was demoted to colonel and moved to Texas. He made a strong statement to the press, and he was court marshaled. Only one man voted for his acquittal, Douglas MacArthur, who used every one of Mitchell’s ideas. Mitchell resigned and continued to crusade for air power and he predicted a Japanese attack against Hawaii, the Philippines and Alaska. He predicted planes traveling 1000 mph, air to air refueling, and several other things. He died of a heart attack at age 56 a demoted person. After he died and after the attack on Pearl Harbor, they recognized that he was one of the greatest men every lived and he was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor. They presented it to Mitchell posthumously. He was eventually promoted; promoted 3 times and ended up a Lieutenant General. The promotion does not mean a damn thing. This vindication, this promotion after his death, indicates that we aren’t very bright. If it were not for the grace of God Who protects the stupid, we’d be destroy.

God never had hindsight; God always has foresight. God’s promotions come in a person’s lifetime. We know about SG3 based upon what happens in life. The promotion of David is God’s grace and wisdom. God knew that David would be a grace product.

Introductory Points

1.       The promotion begins here in v. 1. David was promoted while Saul was being demoted. The entire nation was now united. When God promotes, everyone knows about it. God rubs this in the noses of those who did not like David. Worst thing in the world is to be jealous of a believer that God has promoted. Nothing worse than to be jealous of a person promoted by God. To be jealous of someone God promoted is ludicrous. It is the closest thing to being psycho without being there.

2.       This occurs after the death of Ishbosheth, which we have not studied yet.

3.       The chronology of this promotion

4.       The civil war where Abner led the forces of Saul against David is discussed in this area.

5.       The story includes Abner’s desertion of David, the final murder of Ishbosheth and abner, which brings the war to a close. This civil war demonstrated the incompetency of anyone in Saul’s dynasty to rule.

6.       Chronicles omits the civil war. It opts to teach certain doctrines. It is not to teach the entire life of David.

Every town and city sent representatives to Hebron, where David had his capitol. Of their own free will, they began to talk it up; the only hope of Israel was David as their king. They began to recognize that Saul was no good. This was a divine promotion. When God gets ready to promote you, no matter how much the average weak sister disagrees with you, they will still go along with you when it is time. That is a part of divine promotion. They were not all in agreement with David. Bob got into a one-arm pushup contest with Gary Horton last night.

Men in Berachah Church have actually been persecuted by superior officers because of their short hair. That happens when you have libs and gutless wonders. When God promotes, it sticks. God’s men are always in the minority. They are always holding ideas that are right and often disparaged.

When God gets ready to promote, there is no one who can stop them. Bobby’s talk that southern gentlemen are the backbone of the officers. Stay with principles and your time will come. God opens up things in the most remarkable ways.

Hebron is David’s headquarters. This group spoke by a representative. The assembled representatives of all the tribes recognized that the civil war was fought between men of the same race. They recognized that thou cannot become a great nation when there is disunity. It takes at least 3 generations for a country to recover from a civil war.

“Bone and flesh” also recognizes the laws of divine establishment. They must have their freedom and freedom without security is not freedom. There needs to be a strong nation with a strong military to secure the freedom. You never get your security from a government check. It is from being a free people living under establishment.

They must have freedom. The adversities of the civil war. To be a free people, there must be authority. There are God-given authorities in history. They recognized David as that authority from God. They are requesting an absolute monarchy.

1Ch 11:1 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh.

2Samuel 2 1Chron. 11:2a                   72David                                              631_0146

12/24/1974 Doctrine of the importance of Bible doctrine

Someone dropped something, and the name inside says, “Bah, humbug.” Obsolete hat? Can you imagine anyone wanting to go anywhere behind reindeer?

1Ch 10:13–14 Therefore, Saul died for his breach of faith. He broke faith with the LORD in that he did not keep the command of the LORD, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from [search for] the LORD. Therefore the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.

Saul was demoted through reversionism.

It is God’s desire to promote, in history, particular believers from time to time.

Our happiness resides in our soul because of Bible doctrine in the soul. It does not depent upon material things, promotion or people. David’s response to his promotion in Psalm 18 and 2Sam. 22.

Military promotion in vv. 4–9. David had a great deal of magnetism; but that just means that people love you or hate you. We call that, today, a controversial figure. However, when promoted, even those who oppose you go along with it.

The gist of what they said was this, “In times past, even when Saul was king, David came into their attention.”

Some Points On: in Times Past, Even When Saul Was King,...

1.       This phrase speaks first of all about lost opportunity for Saul. The concepts that went into our government were phenomenal. Saul was very tall and handsome, and therefore, a very shy person. He was also quite wise. When he came to power, he was criticized by the SOB’s. This is a reminder of lost opportunity. Do not lose your opportunities. By the consistent intake of Bible doctrine, you grow and make use of the time given you. Day in and day out, preparation; taking in doctrine every single day. When the opportunity comes, be like Eleazar ben Dodo. He say his opportunity and he took it. He took his sword and say, “Ranger,” and moved out. When he was through, his hand was cramped on his sword, and all around him were all of these dead bodies. He was surrounded by wealth, because the Philistines carried their wealth on them. It was just like Christmas.

2.       The second lesson is, Saul was a product of grace, but he did not appreciate grace. He neglected doctrine.

3.       Only Bible doctrine resident in the soul provides appreciation for and orientation to the grace of God.

4.       The absence of doctrine in the soul and lack of grace orientation, creates a vacuum filled with arrogance, pride, mental attitude sins.

God cannot use a reversionist. He can only discipline such a one. However, during this time, there was someone that Saul was preparing. The subject is leadership here. There are two Hiphil, to lead and to bring in. This is a reference to David. “You, as a military commander, exercised military command over Israel.” Saul require 100 testicles in order to marry Michel; and David brought him 200; sort of a Christmas present.

Military service is one of the greatest preparations for anything in life. Every nation ought to have universal military training. David has all kinds of military training. He was first in Saul’s army; then he had the Addullem battalion, and then he had the Judæan army; finally, the entire army of Israel.

1Ch 11:2 In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'"

David’s preparation for greatness.

The Importance of Bible Doctrine

1.       Bible doctrine is the content of the Bible communicated by teaching and instruction. Bible doctrine is what is in the Bible; it is what is taught from the Bible. Bob cannot grill in; he cannot inculcate enough. Military training is the worst thing in the world for a woman; it defeminizes her; but it is great for the man.

2.       Words for doctrine:

          a.       Emeth, chachmah

          b.       ἑπίγνωσις. Sunêsis; sophia, and there are others.

3.       The legacy of the believer is Bible doctrine. Psalm 138:2 I will worship toward the Temple and praise. Yadav is the use of Bible doctrine toward God. Praise is the expression of category #1 love.

4.       Because of Your grace and your doctrine and celebrate Your Person, because You have magnified your Word above Your name. This is establishing a command post in your soul.

5.       Last sentence of Jesus, “Into Your hands, I have delivered My spirit for You have delivered Me, O God of doctrine.”

6.       Bible doctrine preexisted the human race. Prov. 8. Evil was here before we got here and it will be here after we’re gone; evil is communism and liberalism. Evil always says that there is a solution to man’s problems apart from God. There is no solution ever apart from God. Many of us will be involved in all kinds of trash. To clear up the air or to destroy all the factories. But you waste a whole life charging windmills. You cannot change evill, but evil can change you. Doctrine stands; always will. What you are tonite is what you are all year. Women love the humidity in Houston; it is not how they feel, it is how they look. Good for the skin.

7.       Doctrine preexisted the human race. You cannot change doctrine; doctrine can change you. If doctrine has not changed you, then evil has.

8.       Attitude toward doctrine determines whether the believer is blessed or disciplined in time. Prov. 8:33 if you reject doctrine, then evil will change you.

9.       Therefore, doctrine is the basis for the distribution of supergrace blessings.

10.     Basis for surpassing grace blessings in eternity.

11.     Bible doctrine is more real than empiracle knowledge. If there is a conflict between Bible doctrine and what you see, hear or think, then doctrine is right.

12.     Lack of Bible doctrine destroys a nation.

13.     Bible doctrine is part of the principle of living grace in phase II. Temporal factors; spiritual factors;

14.     The plan of God is both advanced and vindicated through Bible doctrine. God the Father made a decision to crush Him on the cross. When You will appoint His soul as a trespass offering. You are God the Father’s Christmas present to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was alone seated at the right hand of the Father; but He will not be alone based upon the cross.

15.     The pastor or the communicator of doctrine establishes the balance of residency in your soul.

16.     Therefore, the importance of the consistency of the intake of Bible doctrine. Heb. 10:35–36 the promise is the special blessing. David carried off all of these blessings because he was a prepared man with doctrine in the soul.

17.     Establishment of the command post in the soul.

18.     Confidence is a result, as is divine viewpoint, orientation to God’s plan and therefore orientation to history. Stability of mind,

19.     Basis for divine guidance. You must have the command post of doctrine in the soul.

20.     Occupation with Christ principle; loving God to the maximum. Attaining the surpassing grace blessings into eternity.

21.     Synonyms for doctrine in the soul; command post of the soul (Eph.); crucifixion synonym of taking up one’s cross; priestly building the altar in one’s soul; the theological synonym of more grace; putting on the armor of God; redeeming the time; salt of the earth. Bible doctrine in the soul is the means of promotion.

1Ch 11:2 In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of My people Israel, and you shall be prince over My people Israel.'"

because he was a prepared man and because he had an extensive life of military training. God said to David, “You will shepherd My people Israel and you will be a prince over My people.” Psalm 78:70 summarizes it.

Spiritual preparation; he gapped it to supergrace. Establishment training is military training. No more unusual testing in the world than an army wife. Adjusting to each base and when her husband comes back, and she is the duchess of Marlborough, giving him first class treatment. That is a great woman. She will make that man her home, her life, her everything. The army wife has been pushed around more than any other group in our society.

Abigail said to him, “And shall appoint you ruler over Israel.” If God does not prepare you, then he does not promote you.

1Chron. 11:2b-3                                   72David                                              631_0147

12/25/1974 Doctrine of warfare

2Sam. 22 and Psalm 18 are all about David’s promotions. Representatives came to Hebron. Abner led the forces of Ishbosheth against Joab. The murder of Ishbosheth shut down the civil war.

1Ch 11:1 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh.

Leading them out and bringing them in is simply an execution of military commands.

David followed the colors to the high ground and then he stayed on the high ground. David has been a millionaire now for 6.5 years, but his focus is upon the command post of the soul. David has maximum doctrine in his soul and he has 20 years of military service. Even if you do not stay in the military, it prepares you for life. Discipline, unfairness, great sacrifice, misery. All kinds of people, failure, success, exposure to the elements, etc.

You are not here to raise hell, to make conversations with some doll, to be ill mannered; if that is what you want, then skip this part.

Doctrine of Warfare

1.       The concept of warfare:

          a.       In spite of man’s efforts for peace, warfare will exist until the Millennium. You cannot abolish war with peace treaties.

          b.       The Millennium will be the exception. Isa. 2:4

          c.        Man will not accomplish in the Church Age or the Tribulation was only Jesus can do.

          d.       War is a legitimate part of history and God brings to the front those ready for the crisis. War can be used to kill of the leeches. Those who come in for various government checks. Sometimes God kills off the great people and allows the leeches to live. History is made up of war and peace.

          e.       Peter was all blow and no go. He did not know how to handle his sword. If a criminal picks up a weapon to use it, he will be executed. The person living by the sword is the criminal. Jesus never petitioned Rome for sword legislation.

2.       Under the laws of divine establishment pertaining to divine institution #4, all national freedom comes through spiritual and establishment factors. Neh. 4:8–9 God tells them not to be afraid. Fight for your brothers, your sons and daughters, your wives, your homes. Failure of the military indicates a lack of character or stability of a people. It demonstrates the degeneracy or nobility of a people.

3.       The military image of Jesus Christ. In Jewish history, it is obvious. It began at the Exodus at the Great Sea? Joshua discovered that he did not succeed. God let him know that He was in charge of the armies and not Joshua. Jesus holds all of the battle records including killing 185 thousand.

4.       The principle of universal military training. God said that there would be universal military training. For a portion of every man’s life, he went into Israel’s army. Only way to get out of it is one year of being married. A census is taken for an army. Num. 31 everyone was mobilized but only 1000 from each tribe was chosen. Mobilize everyone, but only take the best. God wanted to make certain that Israel stqyed in shape so that he learned to fight. This was done to test Israel.

5.       1Chron. 5:19 tribes of Arabs and very warlike Arab tribes. The war was from God.

6.       Num. 32:6ff draft dodgers are considered to be sinful.

7.       The maintenance of peace via the military deterrent. Joshua 11:23 Psalm 46:7–9 peace through military victory. God makes wars to cease from the end of the earth. God protects from the evil warlike nations. They will try to get us to disarm so that they can attack us. But You, O God, will bring them down to the pit of destruction...but I will trust in you.

8.       God scatters the nations who desire to attack.

9.       There is the nation which sounds like they are for peace but they are for war. Jer. 6:13–14

10.     The supergrace believer has a role in warfare. Heb. 11:34 Psalm 27:3 the supergrace believer is protected in combat

11.     Leadership in warfare for another time.

12.     Warfare demands moral and battle courage. Judges 5:8 there were not shields or spears. God’s overruling power; Ethiopians and Libyans both delivered into the hand of Israel. God provides support for those whose heart is continuously.

13.     Women have suffer when the military is weak. Isa. 3:16–26 all their great jewelry and perfume and wardrobes will be lost. Jer. 6:22ff give the cruelness of an invading army. It is against the daughter of Zion.

14.     Principels of warfare.

15.     Warfare and the civilian

16.     Warfare and spiritual growth.

17.     Warfare and the military is the means of preparing people for life and future greatness. 2Sam. 5:2

Doctrine of War

July 21, 2010 from http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=313

1.       War will continue to exist until the Millennium in spite of man's efforts for peace; man will not bring in permanent world peace (MATTHEW 24:4,6,7; MARK 13:5,7,8; LUKE 21:10; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:3; ISAIAH 2:1-4).

2.       We are not to be terrified by these things (LUKE 21:9).

3.       There is a time for war (ECCLESIASTES 3:8).

4.       War is for adult males, not women and children (NUMBERS 1:3,26; DEUTERONOMY 24:5).

5.       A strong defense is sanctioned by God. Predator nations are best countered with a strong defense (NUMBERS 2:1-32; NEHEMIAH 4:15-23).

6.       There is a time when it is a sin not to go to war (NUMBERS 31:1-8; 32:1-23).

7.       War demands mental attitude courage (DEUTERONOMY 20:1-14).

8.       The most important asset in war is Bible doctrine in the soul (PSALM 27:3).

9.       God provided strength and training for David the military man (PSALM 18:34).

10.     Military men are cited as super grace heroes of the faith (HEBREWS 11:32-34).

11.     War demands planning (LUKE 14:31; PROVERBS 24:1-6).

12.     Certain nations plot war and seek to destroy freedom of others (PSALM 104:1,2; NEHEMIAH 4:1-8).

13.     War is sometimes used as a national discipline (2 CHRONICLES 16:9; DANIEL 1:1,2).

14.     The believer is to fight for:

          a.       Divine Institution #4 nation.

          b.       Divine Institution #3 family.

          c.        Divine Institution #2 wife.

          d.       Divine Institution # 1: volitional freedom.

15.     The concept of the military:

          a.       Under Divine Institution #4, national freedom comes courtesy of the military.

          b.       There are two factors which protect a nation:

                     i.         Spiritual factor: doctrine (GENESIS 14:17-20; NEHEMIAH 4:8).

                     ii.        Establishment factors: good training, tactics, strategy, the courage of the military.

          c.        Failure of the military may be caused by:

                     i.         Lack of courage.

                     ii.        No self-discipline.

                     iii.       Poor military discipline; no respect for authority.

                     iv.       Lack of spiritual incentive to fight.

                     v.        Unrighteous cause.

          d.       The status of the military is an indicator of national character.

16.     The military image of the Lord Jesus Christ:

          a.       He fought for the Jews of the Exodus generation (EXODUS 14:13,14).

          b.       He fought for the conquest generation (JOSHUA 10:8-14).

          c.        He fought for Israel during the Assyrian campaign (ISAIAH 36:1-37:38).

          d.       He will fight for Israel at Second Advent (ZECHARIAH 14:1-3; REVELATION 19:11-21).

1Ch 11:2 In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'"

God told David and He would promote him. Psalm 78: tells about this. God shepherds them and guides them will skillful hands. If you are not prepared, God will not promote you.

People can be stupid in groups; and sometimes they need a shepherd to lead them and to provide protection. Free enterprise and security. One is the economy and the other is the exterior program of the military to protect the people.

Some of you are just beginning to wake up and enjoy life. You are beginning to enjoy your life. You are learning that your spiritual life must precede your social life.

The laws of the land must punish the criminal but allow for free enterprise. There must be business, supply and demand. There should be no government telling you who to hire and fire and there ought to be a minimal number of regulations.

God only promotes prepared people; to us, that is supergrace. We are preparing ourselves in Bible class to have capacity for life.

You can’t pass a law to make people to be nice to someone; you must have them next door; you must associate with them, you must like them. The lib is insane. He is without knowledge of doctrine or historical perspective.

He will be a prince, indicating that the people will love and respect him. William was such an ass that he made it easy for the communists? Not sure on the name. A religious family man.

1Ch 11:2 In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be [become] shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be [become] prince over my people Israel.'"


1.       The people of Israel got around to recognizing that David was their proper ruler. David was the only man who was great and qualified to be a ruler. Saul was tall, dark and handsome; he was nice and sweet and shy.

2.       There are 2 ways to do anything; the hard way and the easy way. Israel did it the hard way. That is accomplished through reversionism. The easy way is accomplished through doctrine. There is always doctrine and evil. Evil is the sum total of Satan’s plan; evil is a system of taxing industries and social security and our erroneous system of income tax, our inability to recognize great nations like Rhodesia and South Africa. You cannot change evil but evil and change you. Saul was changed by evil. David was changed by doctrine.

3.       There had been violence, assassinations, civil war, the invasion of the Philistines, and, as a result, there was chaos.

4.       Chaos can only be diminished by the restoration of authority and leadership.

5.       David is God’s man for the crisis of Israel as he was at Ephrys-damim.

6.       David must have his own command post, doctrine in the soul.

Local rulers came to David. There is no election necessary. They are recognizing God’s will. David cut a covenant with them. They chisled it into stone. This was the magna carta of the kingdom. This included David’s responsibility. David has the authority and will become their ruler; every person with maximum authority is also a servant. He was their servant to protect their freedom and privacy. He protects their freedoms from criminals on the inside and enemies on the outside. He has doctrine in his soul and this is the follow through of supergrace living.

The people confirm what Samuel did many years ago. David made a contract or a covenant with them before the Lord. Whatever the details were of this covenant, this was the magna carta of Israel. This was the basis by which they became a great nation. This was the means by which good government prevailed. David had the authority and he surrendered to them certain privileges of freedom. They had a constitution. No nation can exist without a clearly defined system of authority and freedom.

David followed those policies, which we will study tomorrow.

1Chron. 11:3 So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD. And they anointed [appointed by unction] David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel.

2Samuel 2              1Chron. 11:4; Ps. 18:1-50; 101:1-8 72David                  631_0148

12/26/1974 David’s system of knighthood; principles of promotion and policy

The Principle of Promotion

1.       God demotes the reversionist and He promotes the supergrace believer.

2.       The reversionist is influenced by evil; the supergrace believer is influenced by doctrine.

3.       Doctrine and evil are absolutes; they were here before we came and they will be here after we are gone.

4.       Evil includes sin and human good, economic panaceas, socialism, internationalism, religion, social panaceas for the improvement of the world. Satan’s policy is evil. Sin is a small part of evil. Using law to solve social problems and economic problems. The enslavement of the American people; bribery by federal funds. Our foreign policy is evil; our domestic policy is evil. Attempt to raise the level of the Black man by bringing down whites. The military is no one’s laboratory.

5.       You cannot change evil but evil can change you. No one has ever made a dent in evil. No one has ever solved the social problems of life or the economic problems of life. Even though the devil is a genius, he cannot solve the problems which he created himself. You cannot change evil; you cannot get involved in social action and the social gospel and change evil. Evil can change you.

6.       You cannot change doctrine, but doctrine can change you.

7.       Promotion from God depends upon being changed by doctrine rather than by evil. It is being changed by doctrine resident in your soul.

8.       Therefore, attitude toward doctrine promotes one believers and demotes another. Like King Saul

9.       God’s grace must operate on God’s ability. Therefore, there is no room for human ability, human talent, or human schemes. There is only room for doctrine in the human soul and grace blessing from God.

10.     Jesus Christ controls history and history is made up of individuals. The principle of demotion and promotion.

The Principle of Policy and Promotion

1.       When God promotes a supergrace believer, he must have a policy to go with his promotion. Even if you are simply looking to find your rm. Whenever you are promoted by God you must have a policy to go with it.

2.       This policy must be guided by Bible doctrine in your soul.

3.       In being promoted, the believer advances in the sphere of his daily activity. It may be a profession, a business, a job, as a student.

4.       During the process of moving up, share in his advance or blessing.

5.       David began formulating policy to advance others as well as himself.

6.       David established a military knighthood. What a way to

David’s System for Knighthood

1.       David had a policy to create a military knighthood, based on the Jewish heroes under Saul, those from the Cave of Addullem and the army of Judah. Napoleon did this at a much later date in history. He created a new one. The British had a similar thing; they created a military nobility. These are decorations for military officers, and these decorations included great stipends as well. Bob gives several examples from Napoleon and from Britain. God promoted David had a policy based upon doctrine.

2.       Supreme rank; David is king; chief rank, which belong to Joab; 3rd rank is called knights of the first class; 4th order, the knights of the 2nd class; finally, the knights of the 3rd class, 30 men. 37 in all. 30, 2, 3, 1 and 1 going backwards.

3.       The promotion of David meant the promotion of those who stood by him; supergrace blessing overflows to others. A supergrace believer becomes a source of blessing to others.

David had an attitude in this promotion, found in Psalm 18:

Psalm 18:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who addressed the words of this song to the LORD on the day when the LORD rescued him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul. He said: I love you, O LORD, my strength.

Rock is stability and fortress refers to the importance of the military. There is constantly a military analogy. When God promotes us, He is the shield.

Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Even David’s enemies went along with making David king.

Psalm 18:3 I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

V. 4 is all about Saul’s persecution of David and other problems that he face.

Psalm 18:4 The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me;

Psalm 18:5 the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me.

God heard David call to him.

Psalm 18:6 In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears.

God’s wrath against Saul and his kingdom.

Psalm 18:7 Then the earth reeled and rocked; the foundations also of the mountains trembled and quaked, because he was angry.

Psalm 18:8 Smoke went up from his nostrils, and devouring fire from his mouth; glowing coals flamed forth from him.

This is God.

Psalm 18:9 He bowed the heavens and came down; thick darkness was under his feet.

Still appears to be God?

Psalm 18:10 He rode on a cherub and flew; he came swiftly on the wings of the wind.

Or these are fallen angels, who were attacking while David was at the cave of Addullem.

Psalm 18:11 He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him, thick clouds dark with water.

Human and angelic enemies were what David faced.

Psalm 18:12 Out of the brightness before him hailstones and coals of fire broke through his clouds.

Psalm 18:13 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered his voice, hailstones and coals of fire.

Psalm 18:14 And he sent out his arrows and scattered them; he flashed forth lightnings and routed them.

Psalm 18:15 Then the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were laid bare at your rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.

These are the terrible jams that David was in last year.

Psalm 18:16 He sent from on high, he took me; he drew me out of many waters.

God rescued him.

Psalm 18:17 He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me.

This was David’s own Addullem rebellion.

Psalm 18:18 They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the LORD was my support.

Psalm 18:19 He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.

This is supergrace righteousness. Perhaps, experiential righteousness.

Psalm 18:20 The LORD dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he rewarded me.

Psalm 18:21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God.

David stayed with the principles of doctrine.

Psalm 18:22 For all his rules were before me, and his statutes I did not put away from me.

David did not compromise with evil.

Psalm 18:23 I was blameless before him, and I kept myself from my guilt.

David in fellowship?

Psalm 18:24 So the LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight.

Psalm 18:25 With the merciful you show yourself merciful; with the blameless man you show yourself blameless;

Psalm 18:26 with the purified you show yourself pure; and with the crooked you make yourself seem tortuous [astute; this is with Saul?].

Psalm 18:27 For you save a humble people, but the haughty eyes you bring down.

This is promotion.

Psalm 18:28 For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness.

Combat experience.

Psalm 18:29 For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.

Psalm 18:30 This God--his way is perfect; the word of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.

Psalm 18:31 For who is God, but the LORD? And who is a rock, except our God?--

Psalm 18:32 the God who equipped me with strength and made my way blameless.

David is fast.

Psalm 18:33 He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights.

David is prepared for war by God.

Psalm 18:34 He trains my hands for war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

Psalm 18:35 You have given me the shield of your salvation, and your right hand supported me, and your gentleness [grace] made me great.

God does not promote reversionists.

Psalm 18:36 You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip.

David completes the destruction of his enemies.

Psalm 18:37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and did not turn back till they were consumed.

David killed the enemies in battle.

Psalm 18:38 I thrust them through, so that they were not able to rise; they fell under my feet.

Psalm 18:39 For you equipped me with strength for the battle; you made those who rise against me sink under me.

His enemies retreated.

Psalm 18:40 You made my enemies turn their backs to me, and those who hated me I destroyed.

Reversionists cry.

Psalm 18:41 They cried for help, but there was none to save; they cried to the LORD, but he did not answer them.

David wiped them out.

Psalm 18:42 I beat them fine as dust before the wind; I cast them out like the mire of the streets.

David was delivered from bitchy and nagging and contentious people.

Judah and the northern kingdom.

Psalm 18:43 You delivered me from strife with the people; you made me the head of the nations; people whom I had not known served me.

Foreigners submitted to David. They either surrendered or worked for David.

Psalm 18:44 As soon as they heard of me they obeyed me; foreigners came cringing to me.

Psalm 18:45 Foreigners lost heart and came trembling out of their fortresses.

Psalm 18:46 The LORD lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be the God of my salvation--

Psalm 18:47 the God who gave me vengeance and subdued peoples under me,

Psalm 18:48 who delivered me from my enemies; yes, you exalted me above those who rose against me; you rescued me from the man of violence.

David wanted to build a Temple; he first established a permanent peace; then, with Solomon and peace, a Temple could be established. Unconditional surrender or death. David gave the next generation peace. Solomon had an army but it was never used. No one wanted to fight. Peace in our time means, we slaughter the enemy today. Enemies are impressed by seeing their own people dead.

The communists have enslaved most of the world because we allowed this. But we did not exercise our power and strength.

Psalm 18:49 For this I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations, and sing to your name.

David’s promoted.

Psalm 18:50 Great salvation he brings to his king, and shows grace to his anointed, to David and his offspring forever.

David’s policy on promotion is found in Psalm 101. God promotes the supergrace believer, the one changed by doctrine and not changed by evil. If you are trying to solve the world’s problems through legislation, you are evil and God will not promote you. Bussing is an evil concept; the social gospel; reducing the military; anyone trying to fight crime by taking guns away from law abiding citizens. God promotes the person who is motivated by doctrine.

Evil has been here before us. Evil will be here after we die. All religion is evil. Evil influences the reversionist. If that is the case, there is no promotion.

People sing to have fun, to worship, because they are musical, some because they are arrogant. Of all the words mistranslated, grace is the one most often in the KJV.

David could have killed Saul, but he didn’t. David recognizes the volition of Saul and of God and allowed them to play out.

Psalm 101:1 A Psalm of David. I will sing of grace and justice; to you, O LORD, I will make music.

David is motivated toward a policy of wisdom; he has doctrine in his soul. He will become wise in a mature way. The Hiphil can refer to motivation. David’s home is a castle. David has learned that, once God promotes you, you must utilize the doctrine in your soul. David’s command post becomes policy.

Psalm 101:2 I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;

David places or appoints. David will not be influenced by the sons of Belial.

Psalm 101:3 I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.

Psalm 101:4 A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.

When God promotes you, there will be those who are jealous, vindictive; they will disagree with your policies, and they will spend time working against you.

For slander, you cut out their tongue. The arrogant and the ambitious would be removed from government.

Psalm 101:5 Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.

David’s eyes would be on the doctrinal ones. David set up a wonderful social life. He castle is called Zion on the southern end of a high ridge. He will build a great forth on the north end called Milo, and Jerusalem would spring up in between. A castle, a garrison and a lot of relaxed people.

Psalm 101:6 I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.

The person who is deceitful will have no place in David’s government.

Psalm 101:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

This is the policy of David, one which belongs in a situation like this.

Psalm 101:8 Morning by morning I will destroy all the evil ones in the land, cutting off all the evildoers from the city of the LORD.

Now we go back to 1Chron. 11. David is now the king of Israel. David used to have a capitol at Hebron, but he has moved. David would not use Hebron and he would not use Bethlehem; so he would move the capitol. Jebus was an eyesore; these people were so warlike that they had not been conquered for 400 years. They are a great race; a warrior race; and David decides that would be his capitol. David as the king would set up a capitol; a king needs a permanent home and David has not yet had a real permanent home.

The national army always has 12 divisions, but not necessarily matching up with the tribes. There are 12 months in the Jewish year, and each month, a division goes on red alert. There will be 12 generals, and 12 of those 37 knights will be chose, and they will run the divisions. Each month, one will be on full red alert. We have something like this.

There is supposed to be an IRF for Europe; and there is one in the Pacific. Bob tells us who the IRF is here or there. Apparently several battalions. 4 battalions is not enough. The system exists. The Marine corps has a tremendous system. These were the right kind of divisions.

You cannot send an infantryman against the enemy without having a massive amount of artillery support. The end result would be the slaughter of thousands of well-trained men.

Aggression is the key to military success. Urusalem was the original name for this place, which is a Chaldean name, which means the city of peace. Still this during the time of Ramses II. Hittites had moved the Chaldeans out, but then the Jebusites captured it under Adonai Zedek, defeated by Joshua. They were a mountaineering branch of the Canaanites. Joshua burned them out and they went back in and rebuilt. No one defeated them until David.

David figures this is the most secure plac ein Judah, because it has not been conquered except once. So David now gives the command to move out, and they are on their way to this area north of them.

1Chron. 11:4 And David and all Israel went [advanced as a military unit] to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land.

2Samuel 2 1Chron. 11:5                    72David                                              631_0149

12/27/1974 Doctrine of Zion (point 1)

Announcements: the Marines have thrown down a challenge to play football against the Rangers at Lee High School. We only have one Ranger, but that’s all we need.

The inhabitants of Jebus are tough mountaineers; they have lived there twice as long as our national history.

We have had two wars for independence in our nation, both misnamed by liberals.

They remind Bob of the Afghans in the mountains near India? Being tough, they are also cocky, and their cockiness will be their end. David has been in training for 20 years. He was the boy general, the hero of the Addullem battalion. That professional army included Jews, Philistines, and many others. David developed this smaller army into a larger army. He is preparing to use it to find himself a new capitol.

The Jebus had won too many battles and they were cocky. Arrogance + greatness = ruin. The more that you win, the more difficult it is to maintain that correct mental attitude. True humility is the attitude. Of grace. There are hundreds of things that can turn the momentum of a battle, and the enemy being overconfident is one of them. No matter how well you are trained and use your weapons or no matter what your superiority is, you can lose it all.

Many times, Lee would write to Jefferson Davis, and he attributed his victories to the Lord. He could concentrate on killing the enemy.

What the Jebusites say at this time, the time is about to change. They are about to meet the greatest supergrace believer in that time in combat. David was at the top of his profession; and on the cusp of being promoted.

They are a mountain branch of the Canaanites; and as tough as the valley Canaanites were decadent. “Thou shalt not come hither.” Does that sound like what a military man would say? When David was in hearing distance, they said, “No further.”

Sunday, we will study the lame and the blind. When two armies of equal abilities clash, the army with the greatest soul wins. What is true of the military is true of life.

The greatest army in Europe and the greatest Bible teaching; in northern German. Brandenburg.

Frederick moved here and started the French and Indian war? They know it as the 7 Years war. Great Prussian discipline. He was outnumbered by the French 2 to 1 and he wiped them out. Everyone recognized that there was a new kingdom in Europe at this time, and it was called Prussia; it became Germany.

The Russians are not a scientific people; as stupid as any Mongolian people, but they have captures German brains. FDR went along with this because he was stupid and he did not understand all of the issues. It takes more than just discipline and training; it takes a mental attitude. Many of these men were supergrace believers. When the Roman Catholics tries to destroy the Protestants in France, Frederick the Great. His army had a soul; Bible doctrine in their soul. Their success was a spiritual factor as well as excellent training. The whole trend of modern history began here. David had the same spiritual ingredients that gives an army a soul and the training to endure.

David captured the castle of Jebus; Castle Zion. Milo was the fort that guarded the northern ridge. In between would be build Jerusalem, out of the ashes of the city which would be taken from the Jebusites. Doctrine and a great military is what made the difference here.

David and the Jebusites

1.       The Jebusites challenged David, but they did not realize that he had a greatness which exceeded their 400 years of victory. They did not realize that in eternity past, God the Father had designed for David his very own special paragraph SG2. It included the spiritual blessings, which David was now enjoying. Occupation with Christ; sharing the happiness of God, maximum doctrine in the soul; he had been given great temporal blessings as well. He was now about to be promoted the fortification or castle of sunshine; fort mount sunshine. A beautiful scene in those days; great terrain like the state or Arizona.

2.       David stood there looking at that great fort and listening to this chant, “You will not come in here” and he could see that this was his new fort. That citadel was called by his great, great grandfather Abraham to see, as Abraham offered up his son Isaac on the southern hill. The holy city in time and forever would be right there.

3.       The formality would be the vigorous fighting of David’s well-trained army. David would have 37 knights and he has to pick one man out of them to promote. He needs a chief of staff for that entire nation.

4.       On this hill, at a later time, Solomon would build a temple. David will build Fort Milo up there and the great city in between. Most beautiful panoramic view that you could imagine. In 40 years, David will bring peace to Israel. There would be peace in his time. Bob would rather fight for the peace than simply live in peace and never be in a battle. You can’t have a temple or spiritual blessing until you have the freedom to have it. Valley of Kidron and another and some day, the Temple would stand there. Some day, across the street was Fort Mark Anthony. The Romans would come out and save Paul. Out from Mark Anthony barracks. During the time of Antiochus Epiphanies, he came and desecrated the temple. He grabbed up Jewish men and killed hundreds of them. The Jews won their freedom and they began on 25Dec. And they had lights; everyone lit up lights, the temple was cleansed, and they had a celebration and parties for a week; and they called it Hanukkah.

David’s out there with his generals, and he tells them, that will be my new home. There would be so much activity there. The first Hanukkah and the Roman legions; to the vermin of the earth, the Arabs, using that piece of ground. David will have a whole lifetime of wonderful history. There was fighting there, and in the future, there will be a lot of fighting in the future; and Jesus Christ will come down and great his record when it comes to killing the enemy. Jesus Christ will finish up what David started.

Zion becomes the basis of grace theology. Zion is associated with Jewish blessing and it is a Bible word and a whole system of doctrine. This is based on the military. No such thing as a conscientious objector.

The Baptists sing vigorously, “We’re marching to Zion” and they don’t even know what the hell it is.

1Chron. 11:5 The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.

The Doctrine of Zion

1.       Zion teaches that Jesus Christ controls history. Zion is a word for the whole system of grace theology in Israel. Zion means grace. Psalm 2:4–6 Jesus Christ controls history. It epitomizes the whole system of grace theology. Israel will exist forever and it represents the great principle that Jesus Christ will control history. He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and terrifies them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set My King upon my holy mountain of Zion (Psalm 2:4–6). They people in government are power mad and this is why Rockefeller is in power right now. Even Nebuchadnezzar went up that mountain at one time. People are slaughtered on the mountain. But that mountain is the holy mountain of the Lord. Jesus Christ controls history and even though David was facing any enemy with superior numbers, David would assault and take that mountain. Zion means the grace of God.

2.       Zion commemorates grace deliverance.

2Samuel 2 1Chron. 11:6                    72David                                              631_0150

12/29/1974 (Introduction) Doctrine of Zion (continued)

Bob played in the Berachah bowl. No broken bones outside of one Marine officer who broke his nose. A lot of mud and a lot of blood on the ground. The Marines had the best score, but Bob’s team had the best on age.

1Ch 11:1–5 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh. In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'" So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD. And they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel. And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land. The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.

Zion is one of those words that has just fallen into our vocabulary; it is just some abstruse word. It is up to us to find out just what this Zion is. We think of all these impregnable forts which were nearly impossible to take over. None is better known than Zion.

There is this high ridge between Benjamin and Judah and it runs from north west to southeast. It is a little slant; not a true north-south ridge. Kidron valley on one side and another on the other side. High ground of the terrain of that area. The Jebusites were burned out in Joshua’s day and they went back to fortify it and keep it. Fortification on the northern end which David reconstructed and call Fort Milo. There was no Jerusalem at this time. It was called by the Chaldeans, Urusalem, and by the Canaanite Yebus. The Jebusites were the toughest of the Canaanites. A tough, hardy people.

Zion is more meaningful than that to us.

9 Principles Connected to Zion

1.       Zion is the key to Jewish grace theology. Sinai is all about the law and Zion is about grace and promotion.

2.       Zion unlocks grace theology for the Old Testament.

3.       However, it should be understood that the word specifies a fortified system. Many of us think of bliss as a state of happiness. Bob thinks of it as his first duty station. It is a fort, not a state of happiness. Great posts; one of the best. Zion is first a place and then a concept. Zion is the hill where Abraham offered Isaac. That was a grace function all the way around. The whole thing at that time was called Mount Mariah.

4.       Zion was a hill fortification held by the jebusites for 400 years. They maintained their national sovereignty 400 years longer than any of the other Canaanite nations. Zion was a castle captured by David and then made into his own home. David change dthe name to Jerusalem. It eventually became the holy city. There is a little dump in the desert called Mecca.

5.       For the next 33 years, David fought many military campaigns and established peace for his son Solomon. Solomon had the chance to build the Temple.

6.       When the land was secure, all freedom and peace comes through the military. Then Solomon could build the Temple. The Temple portrayed the whole system of Jewish theology.

7.       In time of supergrace prosperity, Zion was associated with blessing. All things were created by Him and for Him.

8.       Zion is associated with the discipline of the fifth cycle of discipline. The Chaldeans stormed up that hill at a later time and administered the fifth cycle of discipline at a different time. It has seen many military actions. Jesus Christ will break His Own record for killing in the Tribulation end.

9.       A millennial temple on Zion in the future.

These all pale in significance to the doctrinal key of Zion. Zion is all about grace.

1Chron. 11:6 David said, "Whoever strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief and commander." And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief.

The Doctrine Zion

1.       Zion teaches that Jesus Christ controls history. Psalm 2:4–6 the Lord Jesus Christ laughs at the piddling attempts of Satan to control history. Zion teaches us this great lesson; the power of man and angels is totally insignificant compared to the power of God.

2.       Zion commemorates grace deliverance. Psalm 9:9–14 The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. Sing praises to the LORD, Who sits enthroned in Zion! Tell among the peoples His deeds! For he who avenges blood is mindful of them; he does not forget the cry of the afflicted. Be gracious to me, O LORD! See my affliction from those who hate me, O You who lift me up from the gates of death, that I may recount all Your praises, that in the gates of the daughter of Zion I may rejoice in Your salvation. Bob is really happy to be bruised up with football playing. It was a touch game, but Bob thought it might be tackle, and so he did. Once you pass through the gates of Zion, then you are safe; you have been delivered.

3.       Zion personifies the restoration of Israel. Psalm 14:7 Israel today is scattered under the fifth cycle of discipline. Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad. That same concept exists even today. Our preservation depends upon Who and What Christ is. He recognizes and honors the salt principle. Bob doubts that we will sing “Marching to Zion.” Bob got a kick out of everyone singing this hymn and they did not know where Zion was or what marching was.

4.       Zion is associated with supergrace happiness and blessing. It means you are gapping it to supergrace. Psalm 48:1–3 Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised in the city of our God! His holy mountain, beautiful in elevation [the high ridge], is the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, in the far north, the city of the great King. Within her citadels God has made himself known as a fortress. The northern most tip of the land of Judah is Zion; this is the northern part of Judah. When Jesus Christ personally reigns, it will be a castle or a fortification. A tower in the ancient world was a high point; it was the most impregnable area of the wall. David’s army had doctrine in the soul; and they made their assault with doctrine in the soul. Blessing in paragraph SG2; and there ar temporal blessings as well. It means for us the construction of the altar of the soul; the command post of the soul. We may see the great prosperity.

5.       Zion emphasizes the essence of God. The principle of God’s character. Sovereignty. His humor and His perfect happiness. His happiness cannot change. Nothing can destroy His happiness or His sense of humor. Psalm 99:1–5 Psalm 50:1–2 The Mighty One, God the LORD, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. People would come from hundreds of miles and they would look up at this high hill and its battlements and high towers. Zion means “beauty in the sunlight.” In the same way, we hold our breath in the beautfy of the Lord.

6.       Psalm 69:35–36 Israel has a future; they are all over the world. There will be a time when they are all gather. For God will save Zion and build up the cities of Judah, and people shall dwell there and possess it; the offspring of his servants shall inherit it, and those who love his name shall dwell in it. Zion is not really built up today; and there is a Mohammedan mosque on top of it; and that will be removed and there will be no Arabs in a stinking burnous. Zion represents the restoration of Israel and the fulfillment of the unconditional covenants of Israel.

7.       Psalm 76:1–3 In Judah God is known; his name is great in Israel. His abode has been established in Salem, his dwelling place in Zion. There he broke the flashing arrows, the shield, the sword, and the weapons of war. Selah military victory is related to the concept of Zion. Everything that we have ever had that is worthwhile came through military victory. When that great castle system was taken, David broke the shield and sword of the Jebusites. A great freedom came to the land. This freedom will be restored when David’s Greater Son reigns.

8.       Psalm 78:68 but he chose the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which he loves.

We riffted our army before the Battle of 1812.

More stuff about Billy Mitchell. “One bomber can sink a battleship.” They did not like that. He sank an obsolete battleship and cruiser. They got the toughest battleship they could find, surrendered to us by the Germans, and Mitchell dropped 2000 lb. Bombs, note hit the ship; but it still went down. He foretold where the Japs would attack us. He said it would be a Sunday attack. He was demoted and they gave him command of Randolf Field; but he published articles constantly. Only Douglas MacArthur voted for his acquittal. He continued to crusade for air power. He wrote an article about how German air power rules the world. Then Russia and the Japs were making all kinds of advances in these areas. He won more decorations than anyone else, but he was kicked around by our stupid services. He died obscurely and only a few hundred attended his funeral. After Pearl Harbor and after the war began to develop, everything that he said came to pass just as he said. Those who kept quiet were moved up in rank. He was dead and Congress kept promting him and giving him the Congressional Medal of Honor. “What the hell does it matter after he is dead?” He advocated for a separate air force and it created a great furor. God is gracious and He has infinite wisdom.

David established a military peerage. David was rosch, Sar and melech. There is a system of knighthood that we will study later. Divided into 5 ranks of greatness. David was promoted by God and David promoted everyone else.

Then the knights of the 1st class, knights of the 2nd and 3rd class. The last are called the 30. God allowed David to establish his own peerage. These are all military; not one civilian is named here. Jews would administer the Persian empire; and the Chaldeans had Jews administer their empire (I think?).


8.       Zion is associated with David’s promotion.

9.       Zion is associated with prayer. The power of prayer, the ability of prayer. Psalm 102:16–17 For the LORD builds up Zion; he appears in his glory; He regards the prayer of the destitute and does not despise their prayer. God built up Zion from zero and it was based upon prayer to some degree.

10.     Zion is associated with the second advent. Psalm 110:1–2 The LORD says to my Lord: "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." The LORD sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter. Rule in the midst of your enemies! Zion always connotes grace; God providing victory; God providing national blessing. Zion is the key to the entire system of the Old Testament.

11.     Zion is associated with the entire nation of Israel. No one has destroyed the Jew and no one every will associated with the preservation of the Jews. Mt. Zion will not be moved, for this time forth and forever; the Lord surrounds His people.

12.     Zion is associated with the curse on anti-semitism. Psalm 129:4–5 The LORD is righteous; he has cut the cords of the wicked. May all who hate Zion be put to shame and turned backward! Conservatives have been destroyed because of their attitude toward Israel. This is what has kept them from going anywhere. While we admire conservative policies and politicians, we cannot put up with antisemitism.

13.     Zion is associated with the perpetuation of the Davidic dynasty: Psalm 132:13–14 "This is my resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provisions; I will satisfy her poor with bread. God has chosen Zion; He has established it for His habitation. Jesus Christ is called the fruit of David’s body. Zion is our Lord’s capitol forever. The whole concept of Christmas is tied up in Zion.

14.     Zion is remembered by the Jews under the fifth cycle of discipline. Psalm 137:1 By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when we remembered Zion. they wept; their reversionism brought them to tears. Weeping last for a night but joy comes in the morning. The Jews had their regrets. Isn’t it nice to have a song that has so much meaning. To look back on our lives and have no regrets. As these people in their shackles and they have arrived in Babylon and they sat down and wept. They had been led there in chains and the wept over what they lost.

15.     Zion is associated with maximum happiness and the return from captivity. Psalm 126:1–6 When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like streams in the Negeb! Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. It is all feast or it is all famine for the believer. It is all feast for the supergrace believer. Those who sow in tears will reap with joyful shouting. Here they have returned to the land. They are carrying a bag of seed. Our bag of seed is doctrine resident in our soul. Many of us walk into church in disaster; it took a lot of trouble, a lot of misery. You were sitting down by the River weeping, as it were.

15 principles related to Zion. Zion teaches that Jesus Christ controls history. It commemorates grace deliverance. Restoration of Israel. Emphasizes the essence of God. Reminded of military victory. Associated with prayer effectiveness, preservation of Israel, with a curse on antisemitism., with the perpetuation of the Davidic dynasty. Maximum happiness on the return from captivity.

All in the Addullem battalion received great material wealth. David received the wealth and it overflowed to those associated with him.

1Chron. 11:6 David said, "Whoever strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief and commander." And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief.

2Samuel 2 Psalm 30:1-12   1Chron. 11:6-9 72David                                 631_0151

12/29/1974 Founding of Jerusalem

1Chron. 11:1–5 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh. In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'" So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD. And they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel. And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land. The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.

We studied briefly the promotion of David. There are several principles to study. The promotion of David results in the promotion of those who were faithful to him over the years. David was seen as persona non grata, and still, these people stuck with him, which involved difficulties and adversities. The one who is blessed has the capacity for such blessing. Joab attached himself to David and remained faithful to him. We will note the promotion of Joab and he was one of the more stable people. When they failed or sinned, they did so magnificently. Therefore, it is always necessary to pick yourself up and move forward.

David is the king of Israel now, but he has yet to appoint the various categories of knighthood.

David is at the bottom of the hill. They are shouting down to him, “Lo bo” (you will not come in here).

There is a noun here instead of a verb. David will promote anyone who kills a Jebusite first. The first man who would kill an enemy shouting imprecations from the wall.

1Chron. 11:6 David said, "Whoever strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief [rosh=hear] and commander [sar=prince]." And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief.

This would be chief of staff. Joab goes up first. Zeruiah is David’s sister and she raised her 3 sons to be fierce military men. They were great military heroes. If Bob were a textual preacher, he would preach this passage on Mother’s day. She encouraged her boys to become military men. Women, in good times, encourage their sons in this way. This was when the British Empire, and the sun did not set on the Union jack, because everywhere in the world, there would be the British flag flying.

Magnificent women; women who are truly honorable; and they understand that men must go to war. And great army wives, who, when their husbands come home, they make their lives as wonderful as possible. Zeruiah was this kind of a woman.

Her son charges up the hill. He becomes David’s chief of staff for life. There was pettiness and there were failures in his life. He did not follow out David’s instructions at the end of David’s life, as did his brother.

The Profile of Joab

1.       Joab was a great military leader with fantastic professional ability. His background was almost unparalleled. His training, spiritual life, and ability all made him a great man in the military. He made it possible for Solomon to build a Temple and for warfare to skip a generation or two.

2.       Joab’s executive officer in the Addullem battalion.

3.       He was also David’s nephew. David could be prouder of his nephews than his sons. All of David’s sons were from different mothers and they were always playing push pull. David said one thing and the mothers would go off in other directions. Zeruiah was one mother with 3 sons. They played with soldiers and played war. When they became older, they moved to killing the enemy. Joab, Asahel and Abishai were the 3 brothers. All of them entered into David’s knighthood.

4.       Joab had a tendency to be petty once and awhile. This involved him in some interesting schemes. He killed Abner in revenge. He killed Uriah; but he did protest David taking a census.

5.       Joab is famous as a general officer as well as a private soldier. Famous for defeating the following:

          a.       Ammonite-Syrian coalition and protected the northern and wester borders of Isarel.

          b.       The destruction of Edom.

          c.        The Ammonites in the first battle of Rabbah.

          d.       Another one...

6.       Other characteristics; faithful to David all of his life. From the time that he was a little boy, he was faithful to David, for as long as a half-century.

7.       Joab was a man of spiritual discernment and sought to dissuade David from doing the wrong thing. When David wanted to number of the people, David was being influenced by evil. David’s pride and ego were tied, apparently to this census. Joab was generally a man of divine viewpoint of life.

8.       He was famous in the military realm, as a tactition and as a trainer of soldiers.

9.       His weakness was pettiness. After David’s death, he supported Adonijah in his revolt against Solomon.

These men all had a great spiritual life but with some vacillation. The castle is on one end of the ridge; Millo castle on the other, and Jerusalem would be the city in between.

1Chron. 11:7 And David lived [to dwell in great blessing] in the stronghold; therefore it was called the city of David.

This is a song at the dedication of Fort Zion, the fort he has just captured from the Jebusites. We are explaining to dwell in blessing. David started his life from down at the bottom of a well; and he went from the bottom of the well to the top. He was at the bottom of a hill; at the top was the great fortification. David is at the bottom of the hill, and David tells his men to take it, and the first one up there would be promoted.

In the battlements, his enemies ridiculed David. But David recognizes that God did not allow his foes to rejoice over him.

Psalm 30:1 A Psalm of David. A song at the dedication of the temple. I will extol you, O LORD, for you have drawn me up and have not let my foes rejoice over me.

David shouted to God for help.

Psalm 30:2 O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.

Psalm 30:3 O LORD, you have brought up my soul from Sheol; you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.

David is surrounded by his friends; and he recognizes the rebound technique.

Psalm 30:4 Sing praises to the LORD, O you his saints, and give thanks to his holy name.

The was discipline; but there is a lifetime of grace benefit. He recalls his reversionism and what his life would be. Weeping for the mistakes that he made. Celebrating happiness comes with the dawn.

Psalm 30:5 For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

David would not go back to instability.

Psalm 30:6 As for me, I said in my prosperity, "I shall never be moved."

this mountain if Mount Zion.

Psalm 30:7 By your favor, O LORD, you made my mountain stand strong; you hid your face; I was dismayed.

David seeks grace for himself.

Psalm 30:8 To you, O LORD, I cry, and to the Lord I plead for mercy:

What profit will it be for God to take him out? David wants to live to promote Bible doctrine.

Psalm 30:9 "What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness?

David asks for graciousness from God. He asks for God’s help.

Psalm 30:10 Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me! O LORD, be my helper!"

His mourning is turned to dancing. Whatever he is wearing, he now has happiness on the inside.

Psalm 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,

David is a promoted person. He is thankful.

Psalm 30:12 that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever!

We return to our passage. The city is taken and it will become the new capitol of Israel. The new part will be rebuilt and the old will be refurbished.

David started out with a defense line and he built a perimeter. Then he moved out from there. Consolidate and move out; the city was built on a military principle. Bob loves that. This city came into existence as a freedom principle based upon military conquest. Even in the construction of the city, it began as a perimeter and constructed out from there.

The southern ridge protected by David’s palace; Millo protected the northern ridge. Jerusalem was in between them. A round or perimeter type fort was what was being built. Jerusalem is a holy city because it was born from the principle of military victory. It is based upon Bible doctrine. Doctrine in the soul and freedom through military victory.

Religion despises grace. Jesus Christ sets up the pattern for history here. This freedom is carved out by military victory which can be maintained and exploited by Bible doctrine in the soul. That means faith in Christ to begin with.

For years, the British headquarters was called the horse guard; ours is called the squirrel cage or the Pentagon; and David’s was called the perimeter or Millo.

Nehemiah was a general’s report. I mobilized troops in the lower slopes by the walls as a mobile reserve. In the higher places, I placed men with swords and bows. I said, to them, “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord, the Hero Warrior. Fight for your sons and daughters and your wives and property.” An attack was called off because of this.

Joab was sent into the older part of the city and he renovated that.

The Holy Spirit began with Bible doctrine in the souls of men. Then there is the attack and the attacking forces and then the construction of the new city.

1Chron. 11:8 And he built the city all around [from a perimeter] from the Millo in complete circuit, and Joab repaired the rest of the city.

Bob goes over this word by word. Therefore David went going and great is the literal rendering of this. Consequently, David kept going (or, advancing spiritually) David never let up on doctrine; no matter how successful his life was, he kept taking in the Word of God. He also determined what he ought to do with regards to Edom and the Ammonites and the raiding Arabs in the south, etc. [and] walking and [he is] great. David kept moving spiritually. The first verb is his spiritual advance and the second is his advance as a king, as a professional.

Success and prosperity did not destroy David. This is a true measure of his greatness. Be became greater spiritually and professionall.

1Chron. 11:9 And David became greater and greater, for the LORD of hosts [the armies] was with him.

Bob says that we will begin with v. 10 next time; but that is not what the schedule says.

Not sure if the rest of these verses are covered....

1Chron. 11:10 Now these are the chiefs of David's mighty men, who gave him strong support in his kingdom, together with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of the LORD concerning Israel.

1Chron. 11:11 This is an account of David's mighty men: Jashobeam, a Hachmonite, was chief of the three. He wielded his spear against 300 whom he killed at one time.

1Chron. 11:12 And next to him among the three mighty men was Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite.

1Chron. 11:13 He was with David at Pas-dammim when the Philistines were gathered there for battle. There was a plot of ground full of barley, and the men fled from the Philistines.

1Chron. 11:14 But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and killed the Philistines. And the LORD saved them by a great victory.

1Chron. 11:15 Three of the thirty chief men went down to the rock to David at the cave of Adullam, when the army of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of Rephaim.

1Chron. 11:16 David was then in the stronghold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then at Bethlehem.

1Chron. 11:17 And David said longingly, "Oh that someone would give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem that is by the gate!"

1Chron. 11:18 Then the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate and took it and brought it to David. But David would not drink it. He poured it out to the LORD

1Chron. 11:19 and said, "Far be it from me before my God that I should do this. Shall I drink the lifeblood of these men? For at the risk of their lives they brought it." Therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.

1Chron. 11:20 Now Abishai, the brother of Joab, was chief of the thirty. And he wielded his spear against 300 men and killed them and won a name beside the three.

1Chron. 11:21 He was the most renowned of the thirty and became their commander, but he did not attain to the three.

1Chron. 11:22 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two heroes of Moab. He also went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.

1Chron. 11:23 And he struck down an Egyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits tall. The Egyptian had in his hand a spear like a weaver's beam, but Benaiah went down to him with a staff and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

1Chron. 11:24 These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and won a name beside the three mighty men.

1Chron. 11:25 He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard.

1Chron. 11:26 The mighty men were Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,

1Chron. 11:27 Shammoth of Harod, Helez the Pelonite,

1Chron. 11:28 Ira the son of Ikkesh of Tekoa, Abiezer of Anathoth,

1Chron. 11:29 Sibbecai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite,

1Chron. 11:30 Maharai of Netophah, Heled the son of Baanah of Netophah,

1Chron. 11:31 Ithai the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the people of Benjamin, Benaiah of Pirathon,

1Chron. 11:32 Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,

1Chron. 11:33 Azmaveth of Baharum, Eliahba the Shaalbonite,

1Chron. 11:34 Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shagee the Hararite,

1Chron. 11:35 Ahiam the son of Sachar the Hararite, Eliphal the son of Ur,

1Chron. 11:36 Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the Pelonite,

1Chron. 11:37 Hezro of Carmel, Naarai the son of Ezbai,

1Chron. 11:38 Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Hagri,

1Chron. 11:39 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai of Beeroth, the armor-bearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah,

1Chron. 11:40 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,

1Chron. 11:41 Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ahlai,

1Chron. 11:42 Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a leader of the Reubenites, and thirty with him,

1Chron. 11:43 Hanan the son of Maacah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite,

1Chron. 11:44 Uzzia the Ashterathite, Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite,

1Chron. 11:45 Jediael the son of Shimri, and Joha his brother, the Tizite,

1Chron. 11:46 Eliel the Mahavite, and Jeribai, and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam, and Ithmah the Moabite,

1Chron. 11:47 Eliel, and Obed, and Jaasiel the Mezobaite.

2Samuel 5:6-8;23:8;            Ps. 115:1-7, 16-18 72David                              631_0152

12/30/1974 David’s G3, Adino

Rodney Maxwell Davis citation read. Another of Lance De laGarza.

1Chron. 11:1–9 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh. In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'" So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD. And they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel. And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land. The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David. David said, "Whoever strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief and commander." And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief. And David lived in the stronghold; therefore it was called the city of David. And he built the city all around from the Millo in complete circuit, and Joab repaired the rest of the city. And David became greater and greater, for the LORD of hosts was with him.

Every young man ought to serve in a military outfit. Like that yellow-bellied Mohammed Ali. He ought to be on the rock pile. Bob wants to scrap all professional teams and put everyone into the military.

There are two parallel passages. We move to 2Sam. 5 because it gives us a little bit better understanding of what goes on. Supreme knights was David; the chief knight would be Joab, then knights of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes.

This is how Joab will become 2nd only to David in the entire military.

A military must be aggressive in order to move forward. This requires character, coordination, wisdom, strength. You canot win a baseball game unless you go on the offensive; same for football.

There was no Jerusalem at that time; no idiot tourists walking around taking photos of where Jesus walked. The people there were tough, rugged and they had not been defeated for 400 years. 37 men were involved in this, who became the greatest peerage in military history.

“You will never take our fort; we will put the lame at the wall and the blind; and you will never take us. You will retreat.” The lame and the blind were drafted; this is how the Jebusites lasted for so many years. They said that there battlements were so strong, that even blind and lame men could defend it.

Every few feet, there would be a war god; and David would call them the lame and the blind. That is what David called these gods on the wall. David would walk by these gods and yell up at them. He’d go by with his patrol. The Jebusites figures that these war gods would protect their city.

2Sam. 5:6 And the king and his men [army] went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who said to David, "You will not come in here, but the blind and the lame will ward you off"--thinking, "David cannot come in here."

David seized the castle by force.

2Sam. 5:7 Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.

These Jebusites worshiped things that could not move. So, their war gods are thrown off the battlements and the walls are breached. Destroying the blind and the lame were hated by David’s soul. The soul of David always hated these idols; he despised idolatry. It was taking their city and it would show them that gods of stone and wood are worthless.

David is going to launch an attack right where the gods are poised. Josephus says that Joab led the rangers right up the wall.

There was a proverb to come out of this. And Joab threw down the gods of these Canaanites. Demonism cannot stop the Lord Jesus Christ, Who controls history.

2Sam. 5:8 And David said on that day, "Whoever would strike the Jebusites, let him get up the water shaft to attack 'the lame and the blind,' who are hated by David's soul." Therefore it is said, "The blind and the lame shall not come into the house."

Psalm 115 is where the background is. David rebuilt this as his home, minus the gods, who were thrown down into the valley. Doctrine and grace are the keys to any kind of a victory. All victories are won by means of Bible doctrine.

David and those with him went right up the battlements and took this the hard way.

Psalm 115:1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your grace and your faithfulness [doctrine]!

This is the Jebusites who have been depending upon their false gods.


Psalm 115:2 Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?"

Jesus Christ controls history.


Psalm 115:3 Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.

their idols are made out of silver and gold.

Psalm 115:4 Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands.

These war gods blind and they cannot speak.

Psalm 115:5 They have mouths, but do not speak; eyes, but do not see.

These gods have nothing.

Psalm 115:6 They have ears, but do not hear; noses, but do not smell.

They cannot move or feel.

Psalm 115:7 They have hands, but do not feel; feet, but do not walk; and they do not make a sound in their throat.

The idols are dead and the people will be dead.

Psalm 115:8 Those who make them become like them; so do all who trust in them.

Psalm 115:9 O Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield.

Psalm 115:10 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield.

Psalm 115:11 You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield.

Psalm 115:12 The LORD has remembered us; he will bless us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron;

Psalm 115:13 he will bless those who fear the LORD, both the small and the great.

Psalm 115:14 May the LORD give you increase, you and your children!

Psalm 115:15 May you be blessed by the LORD, who made heaven and earth!

Psalm 115:16 The heavens are the LORD's heavens, but the earth he has given to the children of man.

These gods will not praise god.

Psalm 115:17 The dead do not praise the LORD, nor do any who go down into silence.

Psalm 115:18 But we will bless the LORD from this time forth and forevermore. Praise the LORD!

David then turned everything over the Joab. Joab would be the great military leader. The southern frontier was secured in the war against Edom.

Amasa had a short tour as chief of staff. He died for his incompetence and Joab returned to his post.

2Sam. 5:8 And David said on that day, "Whoever would strike the Jebusites, let him get up the water shaft to attack 'the lame and the blind,' who are hated by David's soul." Therefore it is said, "The blind and the lame shall not come into the house."

the historical appointment of the knights of the first class. This begins with an inscription, which is “These are the names of the made men whom David had.” Ha gibboriym are the knights.

Bob bets in all of our lives that we never read any of these passages and just skipped over them. Rom. 15:4 this was written for our spiritual benefit. These passages have spiritual benefit. It is a long list of names and it may not look like much, but there is meaning to them.

The 7 Lessons That We Are about to Learn

1.       The importance of authority. Freedom does not function apart from authority. There is not freedom and security apart from the military and authority. Bob says means things about gals who dear John their bf in the military under the idea, that they are a free spirit. A football team is successful because they take their freedom and throw it out. Our freedom today is very insecure. We are cutting back on the military. We have a lot of imbeciles in the world. People who believe that the Russians will get rid of all of their missiles if we are nice to them, and we believe it. Freedom and authority must be intertwined. The importance of security in connection with freedom. What brings them together is freedom and authority. Liberalism of every type has removed authority as a dirty word.

2.       David’s supergrace promotion is blessing by association to those who hung with him during the lean years. Some of you young ladies may have stayed with a man in the lean years. This list of names includes that principle of blessing by association.

3.       This glorifies God. The pouring into the cup. His cup over flows because God is able to bless him with paragraph SG2. God is glorified when He can bless a supergrace hero.

4.       This list represents the concept of freedom through military victory. These men fought for their nation. Their names are listed permanently in the Word of God. There are a variety of ways that their names are listed, with their father’s name or their mother’s name, or in some other way. The principle of the home. It is great to have a list of military names and to recognize forever that this stands forever to honor those who fight for one’s country.

5.       The Bible honors the military. The military is the oldest and most honorable of the professions.

6.       This list emphasizes the fact that Bible doctrine challenges the lives and honors the faithfulness of those who are so challenged. Most of these heroes come from the Addullem alumni. Doctrine and evil will both be here until we are gone. Evil includes every system of panaceas, through social action or liberal or religious action; all that we learn in our educational system is evil. These people can be very nice. Doctrine can change us. We cannot change doctrine.

7.       Great men stimulate greatness in a nation. Great people can rise in many areas. When Ceasar’s nephew came to the throne, there are great musicians, soldiers, engineers, and many others rise to the surface. Herod the Great. When you have a weak sister leader, then you have the idiocy of a bureaucracy. One great man can bring out bring any field. Art and literature and music are all at an all-time low. Mediocre leadership means that mediocrity rises to the top. 18 of Alexander’s soldiers became kings. One man brought to the front the genius of others.

8.       One great man surfacing in history means there will be many great men who came to the top; and a mediocre leader will bring many mediocre types to the top (and the great people will be submerged).

John Brown Gordon founded the KKK and great Christian and soldier. One mediocre man brings out all of the mediocre people at the bottom.

Tachmoni is the Kathiv reading. The Kareh reading is ha Chachmoniy, which means the wise man. The first person after Joab is called the wiseman; the wise one. He is probably the man who put together the strategy to determine the borders of Israel.

Then we have Adino the Esnite or Adino the spear. This is an honorary title given to him. We wounded 800 in one battle. No machines guns; no BAR’s, he is known as Adino the Spear. This is the same person. V. 8 is one man, and his name is given in the final sentence.

The habits of the junior officer will become the habits of those below him. Adino was proficient as a private. He knew had to field strip a spear quicker than anyone in the army; he slept with the spear and he was always practicing, throwing from so many different positions.

When in the military, you must concentrate on it. The mission comes first. There is that principle of concentration. The secret is motivation; you must be motivated to concentrate. When he reached supergrace, 800 men were dead in battle. He was the best man with the spear. He was not caught up in the legalistic trash of thinking killing in the military is murder. He loved to kill the Philistines because they had long hair. He had everything it took. He would be the first of all of the knights of the first class. He is #3. This is a combination of things: doctrine in the soul; intensity of concentration to learn a job and to do it well. The plodding and the advancing. He breaks through. A combat hero becomes the brains of the Jewish army.

David fought from interior lines for 33 yeas. No nation every attack Israel during the time of Solomon. Adino could fire his spear from any position. He would strike and hit the Edomites and then the Moabites and then the Syrians, in all directions.

Adino started with one GI spear, just as David began with the sheep.

The dailly self-discipline and consistent gap is the right training for life. The daily function of gap is preparation for any situation in life.

2Sam. 23:8 These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb-basshebeth a Tahchemonite [the wise one] [sitting in a chair]; he was chief [the senior officer of his class] of the three. He wielded his spear against eight hundred whom he killed at one time.

2Samuel 23:9–10                                 72David                                              631_0153

12/31/1974 Eleazer, David’s drill instructor

This is New Year’s Eve 1974.

1Chron. 11:1–9 Then all Israel gathered together to David at Hebron and said, "Behold, we are your bone and flesh. In times past, even when Saul was king, it was you who led out and brought in Israel. And the LORD your God said to you, 'You shall be shepherd of my people Israel, and you shall be prince over my people Israel.'" So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD. And they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the LORD by Samuel. And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus, where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land. The inhabitants of Jebus said to David, "You will not come in here." Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David. David said, "Whoever strikes the Jebusites first shall be chief and commander." And Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first, so he became chief. And David lived in the stronghold; therefore it was called the city of David. And he built the city all around from the Millo in complete circuit, and Joab repaired the rest of the city. And David became greater and greater, for the LORD of hosts was with him.

2Sam. 23:8 These are the names of the mighty men [knights] whom David had: Josheb-basshebeth a Tahchemonite [the wise one] [sitting in a chair]; he was chief [the senior officer of his class] of the three. He wielded his spear against eight hundred whom he killed at one time.

David has to be careful not to go too far north or too far south. The holy city was found by military action; and by Bible doctrine in the soul. It became the capitol city of Israel from this time forward. The greatest knight is Joab; then below him is Adino the Spear. Knights of the 2nd class and then 30 knights of the 3rd class.

We are looking at the names of the knights who belong to David.

Adino the Spear

1.       Adino the Spear was a man of genius, but self-discipline must be a part of his genius to harness and guide that genius. This made him the great planner. There will be many wars over the next few decades. He became a mature believer in part because his genius was mated to his self-discipline.

2.       The daily function of gap may be plodding but it always produces the most fantastic results. Results are always in the hand of God.

3.       As Adino matured spiritually, so he became proficient with his spear. He became the record-holder for what could be done with one spear.

4.       Therefore, he advanced both spiritually and professionally.

5.       After be spend many years in self-discipline, God gave him an unusual test; the great test of combat. He accomplished the impossible; but after years and years of self-discipline and years of plodding.

6.       So with supergrace believers. Tactical victory of the Angelic Conflict becomes a reality. God is glorified while the believer is blessed.

7.       The time arrives when it all fits together; all the pieces of the puzzle; all of the times what you turned down the parties in order to come to Bible class. We want to recognize Adino one more time.

8.       The supergrace believer is God’s spear in this phrase of the Angelic Conflict. The spear became David’s spear. He fought out of interior lines. Adino practiced for hours. Drop and thrust; drop fake and thrust. When he went into combat, you never knew where that spear would be. A tremendous wrist and forearm. He became the greatest in his day with this spear. So there are all of these other countries beginning to close in. Israel was an outnumbered army. 24,000 men divided into 12 different divisions. The spear became the great genius of his day. Strategic genius is rare; tactical genius is much more common. Douglas MacArthur was the greatest strategical genius in our history.

In the same sense, us believers assembling ourselves day in and day out prepare ourselves for the combat tests of life. We will all be tested sooner or later. We have a command post in the soul. Are you God’s spear or are you a bent pin? Doctrine was here before you came and it will be here after you are gone; evil was here before you got here and it will be here after you are gone.

Now, on to Eleazar ben Dodo. Dodo means lover. How do you think he got here in the first place? A woman is never required to love a man; a man is required to love the woman. Some of you men, Bob knows, have plans for after midnight. Just remember this, someone in a year may call you dodo. So don’t laugh at Dodo.

Eleazar means God is my help. Ahoa is one of the tribes of Benjamin, and this is one of the fighting tribes of Israel. Most of the great soldiers came from Benjamin and Judah. In these men, some of the tribes were better than others. In some tribes, you had your name stricken from the rolls if you did not join the military. Ahoa is a very famous family. They only lived to fight on battlefields and to perpetuate the family. They are a dedicated military family, generation after generation. Not sure how Bob knows this about about the Ahoites. There was just a family of military men for Eleazar; his father, grandfather and great grandfather.

Robert E. Lee was offered the armies of the Yankees by Lincoln. While he was on leave, Lincoln called him into the White House and offered him the general over all the union army. Each state had their own army. He did all of the logistic of first Manasseh, but he was not there. He is the original D.I. of the Addullem battalion. He did not work with a spear; he carried a sword.

The killing of Goliath was the beginning of a great battle, the battle of Ephes-Dammim. This is where Eleazar and David first met at this battle. Eleazar was a hero and David was a hero for killing Goliath. We do not know when Adino killed 800.

1Chron. 11 means that what we find here is Ephes-dammim. Israel withdrawing is a retreat.

2Sam. 23:9 And next to him among the three mighty men [knights of the 1st class] was Eleazar the son of Dodo, son of Ahohi. He was with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel withdrew.

After Goliath fell dead, Eleazar arose and started to kill Philistines. Eleazar’s hand here is not weary, but it is cramped. He had held onto this sword for so long that he had a cramp in his hand. After this battle, there had to be strong men to separate his hand from his sword.

Eleazar was a professional soldier from birth. He was an army brat. This was the beginning of a great career in this battle. He was not influenced by cowardice. When some start running, that causes others to run. Generally, panic spreads.

This man had enough Bible doctrine in his soul not to panic. Eleazar was not influenced by the majority. In supergrace, you must never cater to the majority. The minority is right and the majority is wrong. One man with God can chase 1000 away. As a supergrace believer, we will always be in the minority. So we will never join the rabble. We will not panic.

Wyatt Earp against 2000 people who wanted the lynch a Mexican and he called out to them and asked, “Which one of you sunavabitches wants to die first?” They backed down.

How do you know these men had doctrine in their souls? Every knight in David’s peerage was a supergrace believer.

David had 3 men as a backup out of the entire Israeli army. Eleazar and Adino. Eleazar did with the sword that Adino did with the spear. These were two of the best men with their weapons. They had confidence from Bible doctrine in the soul. This means that you train with your weapons. Hard training always pays off. There is a spiritual and professional proficiency in Eleazar. He was molded into one of the great soldiers of his age.

Jesus Christ controls history and He uses prepared believers. He brought out the men of the future at Ephes Dammim.

You cannot ever neglect the Word of God, not in a moment. You may be a good military type, but if you neglect Bible doctrine, you’ve had it. It is easy to let doctrine slip when you are in the military. If you get a bitch, crybaby wife; you are distracted from doctrine and the intake of Word of God.

Bobby’s commander keeps his troops in the field for 14 hours because he hates his wife. What a tragedy because he married a whining bitch. With Bible doctrine, you will be prepared for life and you will be the honorable service wife who will make her man feel like a king in their little cracker box quarters. It makes more to be a service wife than anyone else in the country.

The cowards returned to strip the bodies of their goodies. 4 men defeated the Philistines; and the army came in behind him. They came back for the spoils. They came to strip and plunder the dead. They are such great soldiers, they can plunder the dead.

The lion kills the and the jackals come in to feast afterwards. Forget about the jackals; they aren’t worth a damn. Some of you this past year have gotten involved with the jackals; they come in to share the plunder. They are great against the dead.

Holy rollers come into Berachah; they are jackals.

One man with doctrine can influence the majority rather than the majority influencing one man.

Cowards run away out of fear, but they will return to share in the plunder.

2Sam. 23:10 He rose and struck down the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clung to the sword. And the LORD brought about [manufactured] a great victory that day, and the men returned after him only to strip the slain.

2Samuel 23:11-17                                72David                                              631_0154

12/31/1974 David’s three knights and libation offering

Shammah means desolation; and perhaps he was a loner. Peer ratings are absolutely meaningless. No one can reasonably evaluate their peers; they are too close. There are all kinds of personality types in the military. It does not mean that they are any less a man or any less a person. Here is Shammah, the son of Agee. He is different from the others; he is no one of the boys; he is not out there doing what they others are doing.

Hararite means mountaineer. Mountaineers are often loners. He was one of the great soldiers of all time. He was the 4th ranking generals of all time. The mountaineer, just like anyone else, has the chance to prove himself.

There was a plot of ground made of lentils. This is one of those cases where this is a staple food for the Jews. It was very nutritious. It was made into a soup on some occasions and a pottage on others.

Saul apparently dispatched a group to watch over this land. However, the Jewish soldiers did not believe that they had a chance here, so they fled from before the Philistines.

2Sam. 23:11 And next to him was Shammah, the son of Agee the Hararite. The Philistines gathered together at Lehi, where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the men [Jewish detachment] fled from the Philistines.

However, one man stood in the midst of this plot and he defended it against the Philistines. He stood fast in the middle of the field. He is contrasted with the rest of the detachment. He stayed, stood his ground and he fought.

He was a loner and his spiritual and professional training made him the made for the criusis, so he delivered the farm and preserved the food for that area.

There are 5 wâw’s in this verse. An adversative wâw, a causal wâw, and 3 other meanings for this one connective word.

2Sam. 23:12 But he took his stand in the midst of the plot and defended it and struck down the Philistines, and the LORD worked [manufactured] a great victory [slaughtered the enemy in great numbers].

Now they are lumped together in the Adullam battalion, and they were great here.

Adino, Eleazar and Shammah. This is an exploit in the past where all 3 of these men came together in the past. All in a combat situation. They are the first class knights and the lieutenant generals under David.

These 3 descended during the harvest time. There is a regiment of Philistines in the Valley of Rephaim. David can look down the hill of the city and he can see a well that he has drunk from all of his life. As he is waiting there, and he sees the gate of Bethlehem and the well next to it.

2Sam. 23:13 And three of [over] the thirty chief men went down and came about harvest time to David at the cave of Adullam, when a band of Philistines was encamped in the Valley of Rephaim.

The stronghold could be a field fortification, a command post or a permanent fortification. He is looking out and he can see his own hometown and he can see the north gate. There is this garrison of Philistines at the Bethlehem gate.

2Sam. 23:14 David was then in the stronghold, and the garrison of the Philistines was then at Bethlehem.

David longed for this water that he remembers so well. He has a deep desire.

2Sam. 23:15 And David said longingly, "Oh, that someone would [cause to] give me water to drink from the well of Bethlehem that is by the gate!"

there were 2 Philistine forces; one was garrisoned. David looks down. He looks to his right and sees Bethlehem and he looks west and there is a Philistine force. In Bethlehem, there was a Philistines force that was dug in.

Getting to Bethlehem would involve going through these 2 Philistine forces. Baqa; they moved and they fought. They had to kill the Philistines around the well, at the gate; and 2 would fight while the 3rd dipped a canteen into the well. All of this is involved.

Summary of the Water Incident

1.       The exact details, how they fought, how they dealt with 2 Philistine forces, is not given to us. We see the problems that they faced, but we do not know how they overcame them.

2.       Only the briefest information is given; that they did something wonderful is told, but not what it was. Some of the greatest things have been done by soldiers that will never be known.

3.       So great is David’s leadership that 3 officers were willing to risk their lives for David. They were willing to die so he could drink water.

4.       This is their devotion to David going back to him being out with not prospects for the future.

5.       David never forgot what these men did. They stand alone.

6.       When God promoted David, then David promoted these 3 men.

7.       At the time David was so touched that he poured out the canteen of water. He never tasted a drop. He was deeply moved by their sacrifice, courage and devotion.

8.       The heroes caused the canteen to be brought in, indicating their modesty; they were truly great men. They were not seeking emotion or credit to themselves. They had others bring the canteen in.

And David would not drink. He pours it out as an offering to the Lord. David fully recognizes how graced out he is to have such men under him. David is nothing without officers like this.

Has anyone ever respected your sacrifice? No one would ever come to their ranks. He never forgot the day that the 3 of them fought the Philistine army and brought him the water. It must have been a thrill for him to realize that these men would love and respect him so much as to do this.

The Water Libation

1.       Such a gift from heroes was too expensive and too valuable to drink himself; that water was not just water from the well in Bethlehem; that was water for which men were willing to sacrifice their lives. This water belonged to the Lord. David did something greater than drinking it. He honored these men by making it a water sacrifice to the Lord.

2.       The libation the water poured out commemorated the heroism, valor and intrepidy a sacrifice as no medal could do. This is the Davidic order of the canteen.

3.       David honored the courage of his men and he honored the Lord by his libation. It reflected the Bible doctrine in their souls.

4.       David could not honor himself on this occasion. Had he drunk from the canteen, then he would not be recognizing what they did.

5.       Only the Lord had such love, courage and devotion and fidelity.

2Sam. 23:16 Then the three mighty men broke through the camp of the Philistines and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem that was by the gate and carried and brought [caused it to be brought] it to David. But he would not drink of it. He poured it out to the LORD

kali laleel is sort of an expletive here. It means “Never dammit, never” although it is usually translated “God forbid.” This is a strong expletive not to touch that water himself. “Never will I drink this water.”

If he drank the water of the canteen, it would be like drinking the blood of these men after they had died in battle. This is an idiom in the Hebrew at the risk of their lives.

2Sam. 23:17 and said, "Far be it from me, O LORD, that I should do this. Shall I drink the blood of the men who went at the risk of their lives?" Therefore he would not drink it. These things the three mighty men did.

These 3 heroes manufactured this out of the doctrine in their souls. They were prepared and God promoted these prepared men.

The Principle of These 3 Knights

1.       Drinking this water would be like drinking the blood of these men who nobly got this for David. Bethlehem means house of bread; a reference to the Word of God. A pastor devotes his energy and lifetime to Bible doctrine so that his congregation can be refreshed. From the ground springs his own spiritual victory.

2.       The audacious victory emphasizes the importance of Bible doctrine in the soul.

3.       There are always the giants to try to keep you from getting the Word. These are the many things that stand in between us and taking in doctrine.

David pours out the libation of our supergrace status, rewards and blessing for all eternity.

2Samuel 23:18-20a                              72David                                              631_0155

01/01/1975 Doctrine of a thousand; the second class knights

2Sam. 23:8–17 These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb Basshebeth a Tahchemonite, chief of the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite, against eight hundred slain at one time. After him was Eleazar the son of Dodai the son of an Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines who were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away. He arose, and struck the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand froze to the sword; and Yahweh worked a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to take spoil. After him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. The Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the plot, and defended it, and killed the Philistines; and Yahweh worked a great victory. Three of the thirty chief men went down, and came to David in the harvest time to the cave of Adullam; and the troop of the Philistines was encamped in the valley of Rephaim. David was then in the stronghold; and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me water to drink of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! The three mighty men broke through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but he would not drink of it, but poured it out [as a libation offering] to Yahweh. He said, Be it far from me, Yahweh, that I should do this: shall I drink the blood of the men who went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.

David is the supreme knight; Joab is the chief of staff, the knight under David. Then there are the 3 great men, Adino the spear, Shammah, the loner.

There are 3 people mentioned in v. 18. Zeruiah was the daughter of Jesse, the sister of David; all of these sons became great knights under David. 2Sam. 2:32 the father was buried in Bethlehem; he died many years earlier.

Abishai and David were together in the Cave of Addullem. Abishai wanted to drop his spear into Saul when they found Saul there asleep. David was completely respectful of authority and did not kill Saul and did not allow Abishai to do either. Abishai was very loyal to David and he stayed with David during the Absalom revolution.

When David retreated from Jerusalem, Abishai wanted to shut the mouth of Shimmia permanently. He cursed David. He told David off. He is the pettiest sort of person to every exist. Abishai wanted to tear out his tongue and cut off his head. David had to restrain Abishai and his loyalty.

Sheba was from Benjamin and he got Ephraim on his side and he revolted against David. He did this because David has fired Joab, temporarily. He got Amasah as his general. Joab executed Amasah on the spot.

Victory over the Edomites was due to Abishai; in Chronicles, Abishai is given the credit for the battle.

It is more difficult to be an assistant or a subordinate. “Little female idiot, shut up and don’t bother to come back here. Your manners are atrocious.”

He was a man of unswerving character and ability. It is tough to be in second position. Adonijah tried to supercede Solomon and Joab went with him; but Abishai stayed with David and Solomon.

A second class knight, who was not overly ambitious but highly competent. He was loyal to the Lord and loyal to David. The corrected understanding is below, over the 30, not over the 3. Abishai was superior to the 30 knights.

Abishai was also famous for the way he used his spear. Here he was outnumbered, 300 to one. Prov. 28:1 one righteous man is as bold as a lion. Psalm 27:3 though an army surround me, I will not be afraid.

The Doctrine of 1000

1.       Definition: the number 1000 is used literally and figuratively in Scripture. It can be used for spiritual concepts.

2.       The literal use of 1000.

          a.       As a literal number to the last dispensation, known as the Millennium. The duration is a literal 1000 years. Rev. 20:

          b.       In the war against Midian, 1000 men were contributed by the Jewish army. Numbers The Jews have an oversized regimen of 1000.

          c.        Used for casualties. Judges 9:49 15:16

          d.       Solomon offers up 1000 burnt offerings.

          e.       Solomon had 1000 women, wives and mistresses.

3.       Figurative use.

          a.       Used to represent impossibility of debating with God. Job 

          b.       It is used to express great wealth. Psalm 50:10

          c.        It us used for the importance of the function of gap. Psalm 84:10

          d.       To represent the divine concept of time. Psalm 90:4 2Peter3:8

          e.       Used to describe faithfulness in category #3 love Eccles.  The male reversionist is arrogant and he just a stupid ass, even though he thinks all women are taken by him. I discovered more bitter thand eath the woman...adding one thing to another to find the explanation, which I am still seeking, but I have not found. 1 man out of a thousand is a true friend; not so with women.

          f.        Used to describe the feminine beauty of the neck. It is a part of female beauty. Your neck is like the tower of David built with bricks of shields. In Houston, we have a natural mud pack in the air.

          g.       To describe millennial blessings. The smallest child will become 1000 years old.

          h.       Used to describe reversionism. Isa. 30:15–17 you are not willing and you said, “no, for we flee on horses.”

          i.         Protection in combat. Psalm91:7 death will not approach you.

          j.         To describe military disaster in the fifth cycle of discipline. Deut. 32:28–30

          k.        It is also used for military victory in combat. One man will put to flight 1000.

Abishai became chief over the 30 knights because he wielded his spear against the 300.

Doctrine of Abishai

1.       X

2.       Spiritual factor, disciplinary factor in Abishai’s life.

3.       He was consistent in learning doctrine and training for battle.

4.       He was a prepared man and god uses prepared men.

5.       The test is combat.

6.       Abishai is outnumbered and he defeats his enemies.

7.       God promotes prepared men.

2Sam. 23:18 Now Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief of the thirty. And [because] he wielded his spear against three hundred men and killed them and won a name beside the three.

Niphal participle here. It means he became more famous.

Abishai was not equal in rank to those of the 1st class, but he was superior to those of the 3rd class. So there is an order of knights between them. Men whose character and spiritual life required the creation of this rank.

2Sam. 23:19 He was the most renowned of the thirty and became their commander [to them for a prince], but he did not attain to the three.

Benaiah is the next one. It means constructed by the Lord. Jehoiada is Jehovah knows. Jehoaiada is one of the chief priests of Israel. He was faithful to David and he provided great doctrinal teaching. 1Chron. 27:5 he was a priest and a Bible teacher. He was involved in the levitical offerings and in the teaching of the Word. A spiritual man has a son who becomes a great soldiers. Pk’s today are famous for turning out badly. Moody’s son died and went to hell. Dwight L. Moody was one of the greatest evangelists in the United States; yet his son did not get it. Perhaps he was neglected?

Benaiah was a man of intense loyalty. When Adonijah revolted and Joab betrayed him, the two knights of the 2nd class stayed loyal to David and supported Solomon, saving the kingdom for Solomon. He court marshaled Joab and executed him.

The Profile of Benaiah

1.       He represents the principle of good training in the home and an honorable heritage. Heritage is not always meaningful. There comes a time when it does. Every tub must stand on its own bottom and blood will tell.

2.       He is said to be the son of Ish Chayil, the son of a man of power. A man of spiritual greatness. Jehoiada was a man of great spiritual power and heritage. Environment as a factor is a type of evil. What is key is Bible doctrine and discipline.

3.       According to this context, he was appointed to the military peerage of David and appointed to the knights of the 2nd class. He could have been a chief priest, but he chose the military.

4.       He was appointed to the honorable position of the commander of David’s bodyguards. 1Chron. 18:17 and 3 other passages associate him with these two special groups. The Cherethites. These are Philistines, a whole battalion of Philistines, and not a Jew among them. Only their commanded is Jewish. They almost conquered Egypt? They settled in Palestine. The Philistines admired a great soldier and many Philistines asked to join his army. After David became very wealthy, he then enlisted a battalion of Philistines. He enlisted a whole battalion of them. They were excellent soldiers. These are the sea-going Philistines. So they knew the seas, and they were David’s cloating army.

5.       The Pelethites are the 2nd battalion; the land-type Philistines. They believed in Jesus Christ and they admired David. A good military man will utilize the best talents and will not constrain himself to one race. The Philistines did nothing but fight. They did not farming of their own, so they did raids at harvest time.

6.       These 2 battalions formed a great brigade and there was no deserting no rebelling and they were one of the greatest brigades of guards of history. Napoleon’s old guard, or the guard that Frederick placed around himself, the Welsh guards, the Scots guards, but David’s is one of the most famous in history. Benaiah had to be tops in every way.

7.       Benaiah was in command of the 3rd division.

8.       When Adonijah revolted against Solomon, Benaiah became chief of staff in Joab’s place. 1Kings 4:4 he was loyal to David in all of David’s lifetime, even while David was dying. He is more responsible than any other man to get David’s son Solomon to the throne.

There is something which ought to be added to this verse. He was a man who performed great deeds. It is doctrine in the soul that counts; not genes.

He is from Kabzeel. This is a city in the southern part of Judah in the negeb. Abishai would be called impetuous; and Benaiah would be titled as the greatest hand-to-hand expert of his day. He could kill the enemy in hand-to-hand combat with anything he could grab in order to kill with. He had tremendous nerve and courage. He had wonderful nerve and great courage. He could bring it into hand-to-hand combat. Doctrine in the soul made him a great man. 3 examples will be given.

2Sam. 23:20 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two ariels of Moab. He also went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.

2Samuel 23:20b- 23  and summary of verses 24-39 72David                     631_0156

01/02/1975 Benaiah’s character and combat

He keeps saying 2Sam. 5. Recognition of the laws of divine establishment. 2 medal of honor recipients.

Reading the passage that has been covered.

2Sam. 23:8–19 These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: Josheb Basshebeth a Tahchemonite, chief of the captains; the same was Adino the Eznite, against eight hundred slain at one time. After him was Eleazar the son of Dodai the son of an Ahohite, one of the three mighty men with David, when they defied the Philistines who were there gathered together to battle, and the men of Israel were gone away. He arose, and struck the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand froze to the sword; and Yahweh worked a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to take spoil. After him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. The Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a plot of ground full of lentils; and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the plot, and defended it, and killed the Philistines; and Yahweh worked a great victory. Three of the thirty chief men went down, and came to David in the harvest time to the cave of Adullam; and the troop of the Philistines was encamped in the valley of Rephaim. David was then in the stronghold; and the garrison of the Philistines was then in Bethlehem. David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me water to drink of the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate! The three mighty men broke through the host of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was by the gate, and took it, and brought it to David: but he would not drink of it, but poured it out [as a libation offering] to Yahweh. He said, Be it far from me, Yahweh, that I should do this: shall I drink the blood of the men who went in jeopardy of their lives? therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men. Now Abishai, the brother of Joab, the son of Zeruiah, was chief of the thirty. And [because] he wielded his spear against three hundred men and killed them and won a name beside the three. He was the most renowned of the thirty and became their commander [to them for a prince], but he did not attain to the three. He was the most renowned of the thirty and became their commander [to them for a prince], but he did not attain to the three.

2Sam. 23:20 And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man [a man of spiritual deeds] of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two ariels of Moab. He also went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen.

Jehoiada was a chief priest.


1.       The secret to the rearing of a child is discipline and training. His father did a fantastic job in training him. One of the few from the tribe of Levi to distinguish himself in military service. Jehoiada is one of the great parents. He came from a family where Bible doctrine was taught in the home and discipline was strict and fair.

2.       Appointed to the military peerage of David.

3.       David did something for him that he did for no one else. His great spiritual life added up to the honorable position to overseeing the personal guards of David. The Pelethites are Acheans. The Spartans probably had the toughest training of anyone.

4.       He commands the brigade of guards and one of David’s divisions, the 3rd division.

5.       During the Adonijah revolt Benaiah remained faithful to David and they put down the Adonijah. He was responsible for Solomon making it to the throne. Each man is characterized by something. The spear, the loner, etc. They all had distinctive personalities. The personality is meaningless; it is not as important as their proficiency.

Joab was a lot like MacArthur and the swordsman, Eleazar was a lot like Patton.


1.       Each type of combat involved great proficiency.

2.       There was great sacrificial training.

3.       Benaiah kept working at this.

4.       He illustrates greatness through stability.

5.       He also illustrates of doctrine.

6.       Great training and great self-discipline. Animals much more difficult to kill but he killed a lion in the cistern.

7.       He fought against an unarmed assassin.

8.       He waited; he did not panic.

2Sam. 23:21 And he struck down an Egyptian, a handsome man. The Egyptian had a spear in his hand, but Benaiah went down to him with a staff and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian's hand and killed him with his own spear.

2Sam. 23:22 These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and won a name beside the three mighty men.

All of these hand-to-hand combat situations required nerve and timing.

Leon Gray played guard on Arizona; he was a light heavyweight and he fought both heavyweight and light heavyweight.

His character was such that he did not have to act tough. He was a perfect gentleman. The man who runs the royal guard is a gentleman. Good manners makes a man much more a man; a loud-mouthed bullying jackass is never tough; Bob has never seen one who couldn’t be wrecked. The proper treatment of ladies goes with being tough. He was a supergrace believer. He starts out great and ends up great. When Solomon is on the throne, Benaiah is still there and still great.

The great thing here is being honorable. That is being stable, a gentleman. He was more honorable than the 30.

2Sam. 23:23 He was renowned [kabab, honorable] among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard [brigade of guards].

Asahel received this honor posthumously. This was David’s courtesy and thoughtfulness of others. Asahel died being a jackass. He was a fool.

Elhanan means God is gracious. All of these men received their promotions based upon grace. It is their attitude toward Bible doctrine.

2Sam. 23:24 Asahel the brother of Joab was one of the thirty; Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,

These are the names of the knights that belong to David. And whatever was written in olden times, was written for our edification.

Two knights from the same hometown, Harod. They come from one of the sorriest, laziest tribes, all show and no go, Issachar. Issachar is an ass crouching between two burdens. He has the strength the lift them up but he does not.

2Sam. 23:25 Shammah of Harod, Elika of Harod,

2Sam. 23:26 Helez the Paltite, Ira the son of Ikkesh of Tekoa,

2Sam. 23:27 Abiezer of Anathoth, Mebunnai the Hushathite,

2Sam. 23:28 Zalmon the Ahohite, Maharai of Netophah,

There are Benjamites who supported David.

2Sam. 23:29 Heleb the son of Baanah of Netophah, Ittai the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the people of Benjamin,

2Sam. 23:30 Benaiah of Pirathon, Hiddai of the brooks of Gaash,

2Sam. 23:31 Abi-albon the Arbathite, Azmaveth of Bahurim,

2Sam. 23:32 Eliahba the Shaalbonite, the sons of Jashen, Jonathan,

2Sam. 23:33 Shammah the Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite,

2Sam. 23:34 Eliphelet the son of Ahasbai of Maacah, Eliam the son of Ahithophel of Gilo,

2Sam. 23:35 Hezro of Carmel, Paarai the Arbite,

2Sam. 23:36 Igal the son of Nathan of Zobah, Bani the Gadite,

2Sam. 23:37 Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai of Beeroth, the armor-bearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah,

There are two Ithrites, and David made their parents millionairs.

2Sam. 23:38 Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,

Uriah was another gentile in David’s army.

2Sam. 23:39 Uriah the Hittite: thirty-seven in all.

We Have a List like this Because....

1.       This is how God reminds the human race and believers that He promotes the supergrace believer.

2.       Therefore, David’s supergrace promotion was their promotion.

3.       The emergence of these heroes glorifies God.

4.       They represent the concept of military victory provides freedom for a nation.

5.       In presenting this list of heroes, the Bible honors the military as a great profession.

6.       God honors faithfulness.

7.       God’s grace to one man means prosperity and blessing to many. The principle of the salt preservation.

8.       The rise of great men stimulates the rise of other great men. The entire history of Alexander before his death is the history of the monarchies. Ptolemy. Cleopatra was a Greek; not an Egyptian; a descendant of Ptolemy.

We are not yet done with this chapter. There was a total of 37 in his peerage.

Joab the chief knight; 3 knights of the 1st class; knights of the 2nd class; and then 30 knights of the 3rd class.

2Samuel 23 Psalm 15:1-5                  72David                                              631_0157

01/03/1975 Qualifications for the knights

Sun Tsu wrote on this, as have many others. Leadership has been the a subject written about by many people in the past.

Psalm 15 lists 7 qualifications for davidic knighthood.

Planning or policy, it is God the Father; if it is energy or power, it is God the Holy Spirit; if it is the revealed member of the Trinity, it is God the Son.

There were 37 knights and what are the qualifications for these men? David seeks the advice of God the Father.

Psalm 15:1 A Psalm of David. O LORD, who shall sojourn [abide, dwell temporarily, as a stranger or as a guest] in your tent? Who shall dwell [permanently] on your holy hill?

The tent here is the military peerage. This is not the tent in the sense of the Tabernacle. This is just a large tent. We know that only the sons of Aaron dwell in the Tabernacle. These things are known.

Who is qualified to command? The holy mountain is the permanent station. We have recently used the horse guards, which is the headquarters for the British War Center, equivalent to the Pentagon. For David, this is the holy mountain or Zion. David is considering the problem of a military peerage here. Who is qualified to be a general officer in the field or someone being on general staff.

There will be 7 qualifications given. We do a lousy job with this. We have no idea how to figure out who ought to be promoted. David required that his knights be believers and that they be spiritually mature.

Tamiym means mature, complete. Doctrine and evil were here before we came and they will be here after we are gone. If you are changed by doctrine, but you cannot change doctrine. Doctrine is God’s plan. You can be changed by evil, but you cannot change evil. Evil is Satan’s plan.

Politicians are always trying to work on changing evil or they are functioning in evil.

None of the knights are politicians. We would expect the spiritual life to be the first consideration. We live in a very unstable time of life. Loyalty is the 2nd characteristic. It is a manifestation of capacity for life, Loyalty is one thing that David had.

Psalm 15:2 He who walks blamelessly and does [practices] what is right and speaking truth [doctrine] in his heart [right lobe];

3 phrases, all related to loyalty. A gossiping person is generally arrogant and has no stability. He tries, at the expense of others, promote himself. He is trying to ingratiate himself. Around a church, such types push a pseudo spirituality.

We will studying the doctrine of evil at some time in the future. He does not manufacture evil toward his friend.

Charpa means slander. He is loyal to his friends. He does not slander or put down a lover or a friend.

Psalm 15:3 who does not slander [gossip] with his tongue and does no [does not manufacture] evil to his neighbor [a lover, a category #3 friend], nor takes up [does he lift up] a reproach [slander] against his friend [someone with whom you are intimate];

Then we have divine viewpoint about social life. Evil is only part sin. It is also human good and religion and whatever is anti-doctrine.

Bob bumps into people all the time who miss Bible class for social life. They have a bad viewpoint. Bob does not believe that we ought to be out running around. Bible class must come first.

He honors those who have respect and fear for the Lord; this is occupation with Christ.

The knight must be spiritually mature. The knight must be loyal avoiding gossip and slander of friends. The knight must put Bible doctrine first, and social life second.

He had integrity of word. He is a man of his word. A man of integrity. He makes a solemn promise to a despicable person and does not go back on his word. Or perhaps he makes a promise that ends up working against him. He stays with his word.

Psalm 15:4 in whose eyes a vile person is despised [in his sight, a reprobate is rejected], but who honors those who fear the LORD; who swears [to take an oath 7 times; to make a solemn promise] to his own hurt and does not change;

3 characteristics in this verse. Freedom from cupidity and greed. Greed is an attitude and cupidity is the action. Is it legitimate to be in the loan business? Yes. So, what does this mean? Beshek means an exorbitant rate of interest; it is taking advantage of the person who needs the money and charges high interest. Money cannot be a source of dishonesty. You cannot do your job in the miliary if you have money problems hanging over your head.

Bob lost respect for a great general who simply left for more money.

Psalm 15:5 who does not put out [give] his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved [shaken].

Bob has never known a medical doctor who is greedy for money. It takes them years to learn the things which they have learned. They went through very difficult years to learn these things. So, if you don’t like what a surgeon charges you, find someone who is good with a knife and have them carve on you. People do not understand the sacrifice; the academic discipline. The only tragedy is, we are moving into an era of socialized medicine and it is an evil. It is just as evil as communism killing 20 million people in a year.

Taking a bribe is the sixth thing. He is incorruptible in the field of justice. Anyone who holds authority in the military must never be influenced by anything other than the facts of the case. Administration must be fair.

#7 is somewhat of a summary of these. He is not avaricious; he does not take a bribe; he remains stable.

O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Who is qualified on your holy mountain? The one waling in maturity and practicing integrity and pseaking doctrine with the right lobe. He does not gossip with his tongue, he does not...and will never go back on his word. He does not loan money at an exorbitant interest. He is a stable person.

The Characteristics of Knighthood

1.       The knight must have spiritual maturity. He must maintain this status.

2.       The knight must be loyal, avoiding gossip and slander.

3.       The knight must possess divine viewpoint in social life, rejecting those influenced by evil and honoring those influenced by doctrine.

4.       His word must be his bond.

5.       The knight must be free from cupidity and greed.

6.       He must be just and fair. His administration of justice must be free from corruption and bribery.

7.       He must be stable, consistent, steadfast and incorruptible.

These things must be true of the knights of the 3rd class. This are a must for anyone that you marry. If your rm does not have these, then forget it. A woman can be a slob, but a man has to have this. Ladies can whine, bitch, lack character and a total idiot but have a great marriage because the man has these characteristics. If you are still single, put this on your list. If you hire people, these are characteristics that are a must.

These apply to hiring and firing. Most of your would like to have a friend. Maybe you are tired of reading. And Bob knows you are tired of television. These are necessary in a friend.

2Samuel 5:17                                       72David                                              631_0158

01/05/1975 Challenge to promotion; Philistine history

Bob has decided that only a man can choose his own tie, although that is not the illustration that he expected to make.

Too often you move ahead and suddenly, it is challenged. This event occurs between 1000 and 995 b.c.

Who are the Greek sea peoples? Who are the Greeks and who are the Philistines?

Most of us think about 5th century b.c. Greeks, which is really the Ionian Greeks? Attica was a very small portion of history.

There are 4 types of Greeks.

The Greeks were all barbaric peples at one time. The Achaians, the Ionians (with a branch of Attic Greeks); Aolian Greeks came from and are the least known, the most numerous and most warlike were the Dorians; they influence history in many directions. Spartans comes from them and others.

Achaian Greeks dominated. We get from them the Greek mythology, all of which may have some basis of truth. The old and young heroes is accepted as having a true foundation.

The half angel/half people in Genesis; and Zeus was always having affairs with women on the earth. Greeks wandered all over the earth and became the most famous of the Gentiles people.

The most famous is the affair between Zeus and.

Hyksos dynasty was a rule of Greeks over Eypgt. They went back to Greece and Persias is from this group who returned to Greece.

1200 b.c. something devasting turned the world upside down. The Hittite empire defeated, the Micenian civilization was completely destroyed. The Dorian Greeks were the most barbaric and the greated warriors. They were living in Macedonia for a time, and came from the north and began to conquer Crete then Roads. They forced the Achaian Greeks as the Dorians came in. The Dorians were divided into many groups.

The Thracians came down into Asian minor. The Trojan war is a key event in history which is the end of the Achaian civilization.

The Dorian Thrust

1.       The Dorians who stayed behind became the Greeks who were left behind. Macedonians and Thracians.

2.       Phrygians, Lydians, Carrians, Trojans, all of these groups advanced into Asia minor and they destroyed the Hittites. Behind the Hittites came Assyrian and then the Chaldeans and then the Persians; and all of these stopped them and the Persians took them over. This is the Dorian thrust. It was postponed for 600 years. It moved in and took over all of Asia. Alexander went in and conquered Asia, he was a Dorian.

3.       The dorian advance into Crete and Rhodes succeeded. Many took to the seas, and they became the great sea peoples.

4.       The Dorian advance conquered much of Greece, with the exception of some areas. They did not conquer Boatia, Accadia?, and ?

The Achaian retreat. Ionians retreated and form Attica? Another group joined the Dorians and sacked . About the same time, the Greek sea peples come from the Dorians or Achaians? Ramses III found himself confronted by the Sea peoples. They almost conquered Egypt. They were driven back into the Maritime plain, which became the formation of Philistia. They are a Greek people; not Canaanites not Semitic. Greek migrations which affected human history for hundreds of years.

Settlements all over the world. Greek cities in Turkey and SMyrna (founded by Greeks). Ephesus founded by the Ionian Greeks, Miletus. They went to Sicily. Corinth originally an Ionian city but the Dorians took over. The Dorians followed the Ionians all over the world. There is no empire of the ancient world that was not affected by the Greeks or the Jews. They were the most vigorous races in the ancient world. The whole history of the ancient world revolves around these people.

If the Greeks had united, they would have formed the greatest empire in history. But they were very independent. 200 years before David, some Greeks united into Philistia, which is after Greeks. Palestine recognizes the importance of the Greeks.

They became 5 colonies. On their 200th anniversary they heard that the one man that they feared over all others became king over all Israel. It shocked them into action and caused them to go to war.

1195 b.c. was their greatest attack. They attacked Troy and Egypt. Agigmemnon attacked Troy and we do not know the one who attacked Egypt. 1720 to 1550 b.c. but they did not succeed this time. Ramses III drove them off. They had ruled Egypt before. Alexander had a general who ruled over Egypt. Cleopatra was the last of the Greeks to rule over Egypt. When the Hyksos were driven off, then backed off and founded Micenai. The great castle of Agamemnon. The next time they were driven off, they moved into the maritime plain and they founded Philistia. The Romans were still dumb shepherds when the Greeks and Jews had great civilizations.

The king of Gerar was a Greek and they were very moral. The dominating tribe was called the Polesed. This is the name the Jews picked up. Philistines are Greeks; similar to the Greeks of Attica. They are the same general classification as the Spartans.

David’s rule would be challenged by Satan himself. It was God’s will that all Jews be ruled by one man. Satan understood who God’s choice was, so he had to pull together a people to attack; the idolators, the Greek idolators. He stirred up the Philistines.

David has applied the laws of divine establishment to his new kingdom. He understood maintaining a military peerage. Benaiah the most loyal man to David ever.

The qualifications of David’s knights in Psalm 15.

Now we begin Satan’s challenge to God’s plan. There are great victories which will be followed by 2 psalms. There is a huge amount of ancient history covered in a very short amount of time. Greeks settled in North Africa, South Agian, Lesbos, Macedonia, etc. Phrygians, Carrians, and quite a number of others.

The Greeks, now called Philistines, had been a nation for 200 years. There were primarily Achaians but there were some Dorians mixed in with them. Pelishtim but Paleshed is the basic tribe. They are called by this wherever they went. Even the Etruscan code is still being broken. They intermarried with the Sycles.

Tarshish is a number of settlements made by the Greeks. It was famous in the time of Jonah, a very famous area. Phœnicians went there to get iron. People in Tarshish knew how to smelt iron. They learned this from the Hittites whom they conquered. They had an iron monopoly. The Jews could only get such weapons by killing Philistines. The Philistines had an iron monopoly.

The Philistines are Micenean Greeks who first reached Gerar in the time of Abraham. The Dorian invasion They were forced to move out of Crete, Cyprus and Greece and they became the wandering sea peoples. They became the Caphtoreem. 5 passages give us the background for these people. Gen 10:14 and 4 other passages Deut. Amos

The Atogmemnon aroused the ire of the Dorians. The invasion of the Greek sea peoples . Tarshish was their nation eventually and they were called the Tartisians.

Driven off by Ramses III and 200 years later they go to war to fight the Jews, the other most vigorous face in the world.

The ruler of Gath is the leader of the Philistine armies at this time. They were an advanced Greek race; a brilliant Greek peoples. Sense of humor when David was caught in Gath; their honor when Abraham was in Gerar.

The Philistines had a great intelligence system. They heard that David became anointed king and they moved out immediately. They recognized David is one of the greatest men of that day. All over the world, David was recognized as the greatest man of his day.

As Greeks, these people are smart and they have a tremendous IQ. They have a total mobilization; they have a complete understanding of what David was able to do.

They were a tall people; the Greeks were very tall. 5'10" and up. The average Roman was 5'4" to 5'6". They represent the good side of evil; the pleasant side of evil. David fought evil; he did not try to change evil. Part of David’s army are Philistines. Doctrine has changed David; it made him one of the greatest men of his day.

The Philistines were motivated to invade. They were motivated to go up to seek. Baqash in the Piel means to search and destroy; the verb is intensive.

The Matsuda is David’s headquarters. This is his military HQ. Fort Milo in the north, Fort Zion in the south, and Matsudo is somewhere in between? All of these policy principles are to be tested by Philistia. They were not interested in the land; they liked to fight. They had slaved to work the land or they attacked those around them and took what they had.

Every harvest period, the Philistines would come down and raid certain farms and grain storage cities. They knew that these good old days of raiding Israel for food would fade away unless they could take out David.

2Sam. 5:17 And the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel. And all the Philistines [were motivated to] come up to seek David. And David heard, and went down to the stronghold [his personal headquarters].

Jesus Christ controls history and any advance that we make as a church or a nation will involve testing. As the salt of the land, David and the people were there to preserve. This was not the Jewish nation that came out of slavery from Egypt. There was this great vigor with truth in their souls and obedience to God. It is not genes but doctrine in the soul and training. God taught the Jews that you cannot neglect doctrine. We think that we can live on the strength of the WWII generation. They came out of terrible economic disaster. They were a very self-disciplined generation. They danced to beautiful music. They worked hard. They had trouble putting up enough money for a date. Many great men taught the Word of God verse-by-verse. It was expository teaching of the Word of God. Men loved the military. They spent summers at their own expense to become future soldiers and officers. A time of competitiveness. Football players played 60 min. of football and went both ways. Everyone said yes, sir and no, sir. An entire civilian population became a great military population, despite the terrible leadership. We carved out for ourselves a name that we immediately lost.

But the generation today are soft, revolutionary and liberal and mixed up. They do not know what the score is. David had policies that had to be tested. When any nation makes any kind of advance spiritually, then they will be tested. A decadent nation will also be tested. Psychology says first of all it’s environment and then it is genes; but it is doctrine and free will.

This people will be tested and blessed by this testing.

2Samuel 5:(17) 18–21                          72David                                              631_0159

01/05/1975 Doctrine of salt; principles of warfare

2Sam. 5:17 And the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel. And all the Philistines [were motivated to] come up to seek David. And David heard, and went down to the stronghold [his personal headquarters].

The Philistines were a very vigorous race, but they lacked something in their souls, so that Satan could influence them. All kinds of testing was taking place during the time of David. There are more supergrace believers and more salt in the land now.

All kinds of believers are being tested now, the many teachers, the knights, the women of the land, the priests. They are great people and they have taken up the rigors and disasters and have faced Bible doctrine.

The Honeycomb by Adelle Rodgers. She talks about what California was like before WWII. To cheat on a man was low, shabby and unsportsmanlike. This did not happen until WWII and the wives became problems to the generals. They spoke of infidelity lightly like a “roll in the hay.” “Crawling bitches in heat” said George Patton. He said the writers of the dear John letters ought to be shot as traitors. It takes more to be great and honorable as a woman.

The true women are the Zeruiah, those who follow their husbands in the military.

We are now in the aggressive action of the Philistines. There is more here than meets the eye. The Philistine invasion creations the crisis and testing.

This is the valley of the Rephaim, the valley of the giants; it connects Jerusalem with Bethlehem. The Zuzim, the Zanzumim, the Rephaim all lived here. This valley for time immemorial, there is another valley that runs into this valley. It is an easy way to move, for the Philistines to travel through this valley of theirs into the Valley of Rephaim.

We will soon see the purpose of these doctrines that we have studied and the concept of promotion. We will look at the entire concept of evil.

David is in his headquarters at this time. He will offer up a battle prayer prior to going on up. His prayer is broken down into God’s will and the battle.

2Sam. 5:18 And the Philistines came [invaded] and spread [concentrated] themselves in the Valley of the Giants.

David pulls out a map and tries to figure out where his enemies are, what their intentions are, what his own resources are; and what the logistical and support situation is.

G3 who is available, G4 what can he put together? G1 and G2....

We have already seen how David has become a millionaire.

This prayer is broken down into various categories, and we see the inquiry portion of it. He asks if he should attack and if the enemies will be delivered into his hand.

2Sam. 5:19 David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up against [attack] the Philistines? will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to David, “Go up; for I will certainly deliver the Philistines into your hand.”

So many of the war passages in the history of David are quite obscure. Most of the commentaries are terrible. So many jackasses braying about something that they do not understand.

The Principle of Objective.

1.       The purpose is to attain an assigned objective with a designated force. This has been violated in the past 2 wars. We did not lack courage, character or leadership; but we lacked good policy.

2.       This objective constitutes the guide for the formulation of decisions and the correct deployment. Without this clearly laid out, you just sacrifice men until we have clear objectives. The generation of young people today are afraid of war; they are yellow; they are cowards.

3.       The nation, its military powers have specific objectives. Every branch of service has an objective. The Cherethites and the Pelethites have objectives; each tribe had an objective. The same things have been used for thousands of years. Only weapons have changed. The souls of the men and the women stay the same. We do not have an objective because we have no foreign policy. We have troops all over, but without an objective. They are all over the world without objectives. We are totally without policy. The War of 1812, at least the nation had objectives even with a decimated military.

4.       The selection of a national objective and strategy depend on the nation variables.

5.       The first objective is the neutralization and power of the opposing forces. If you are invaded or attacked, you neutralize them first.

6.       Decisive defeat of the enemy armies.

7.       The second objective is to possess localities that contribute to the national objectives. This must be compatible with the national objectives.

2Sam. 5:19 David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up against [attack] the Philistines? will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to David, “Go up; for I will certainly deliver the Philistines into your hand.”

David’s first question is “Shall I attack the Philistines?” He goes to God first. Then, “Will You give them into my hand?” God tells David, “Attack.”

The Principle of Offensive

1.       Offensive is the only action by which a decision is gained.

2.       Offensive brings victory and defensive can only avoid defeat.

3.       The only effective way to wage war is to act on the offensive to destroy the enemy\s armies.

4.       The offensive increases the effectiveness of the army using it. It increases morale,

5.       The defensive should only be used to assist offensive action elsewhere. To gain time or to utilize good terrain, to compensate for weakness, or when the military is weak.

6.       The offensive should be used when there is any chance for success.

The Philistines fortified themselves on a ridge that juts out and they are waiting for David to come to attack.

The principle of Mass: Mass is combat power and the concentration of combat power, numbers weapons, morale, leadership. This is concentrating one’s forces where they believe the most good will be achieved. Mass or combat power means numbers. There is some tactical skill. The discipline is excellent in the Jewish army. They have great fighting ability. There is resolution, morale and leadership. David’s whole system of knighthood.

When is the proper time and where is the proper place? That is what David wants to know. Baal Perazim is the place where they are to attack. The employment of the mass in a main effort. The principle of movement and the principle of surprise.

The next is economy of force. We utilize these same concepts.

The principle of movement; the maneuver of combat elements. It is to bring the mass to the enemy in order to bring about the objective with the least number of casualties; and movement is best when hidden.

Surprise for tactics weapons, movement, concentration.

The principle of security. The Philistines are in the heart of the southern part of Israel. David must have troops in order to secure and protect Bethlehem, the Negev, the southern and northern parts of the kingdom. Universal military training is key here. Once you turn the Philistines loose on the civilians, it is a disaster.

Simplicity; orders and planning should be as simple as possible. Unity of command is key and alternate approaches and contingencies are to be avoided or reduced.

2Sam. 5:19 David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up against [attack] the Philistines? will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to David, “Go up [attack]; for I will certainly deliver the Philistines into your hand.”


1.       David, in his battle prayer, asks for permission to attack. This is the way to test and exploit the great training.

2.       Therefore, David in his HQ checks with higher HQ’s before attacking.

3.       The national army which remains on the defensive jeopardizes the objective. One of the great problems in Vietnam was being on the defensive all of the time. We did not take the offensive. The defensive army. Artillery is needed to go on offensive and you need brigade and regiment artillery.

4.       The French remained on the defensive in 1940 behind the maginal line and they were beat down in 40 days 90?

5.       The French stayed on the defensive until 1954 and they lost Indochina. Those that the Chinese kept alive are now rabid communist DI’s. The Chinese army became great when the French foreign army members were kept alive to work for China.

6.       The failure of the United States to take the initiative and destroy North Vietnam.

7.       David knew that he had to attack. David must get his orders from higher headquarters. God gave him the green light.

2Sam. 5:19 David inquired of Yahweh, saying, “Shall I go up against [attack] the Philistines? will you deliver them into my hand?” Yahweh said to David, “Go up; [attack] for I will certainly [emphatically] deliver the Philistines into your hand.”

The principle of attack and divine protection. It takes more to attack than it ever will to be on the defensive.

David and his men were prepared spiritually. They were supergrace believers. The supergrace life of the knights. They were men who were professionally trained. They all saw combat as junior officers or an enlisted men.

This battle prayer emphasizes the importance of the spiritual life and aggressiveness in battle. When a person begins to advance spiritually, then they become more aggressive in their spiritual life. The system of Berachah Church is aggression. Bob studies harder over the holidays with a bug, with sickness, and even after a football game with the Marines; and people have continued to come. The whole thing is aggressiveness of grace. And you have to tell your nice friends to go to hell and you have to get with it. This is why spiritual life and athletic life is so good in Berachah. And the loners are growing as well. This is an aggressive church and we will fulfill the principle of salt.

The Doctrine of Salt

1.       Definition: NaCl combining NaOH with HCl. It was used to express faithfulness, a system of integrity; and to preserve foods. It was used to sow the ruins of captured cities.

2.       Salt seasons food. Job 6:6–7 is there any taste in the white of an egg? We have a white of the egg generation. They have no capacity for life. They have lost out altogether with capacity for life. It comes with lack of doctrine. David does not want to hang around someone with no flavor. Who wants to hang with a party pooper; if they have nothing in their souls.

3.       Salt is used in the Levitical offerings to portray eternal security. God’s faithfulness and the principle of eternal security.

4.       To portray judgment; Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt. Deut. 29:23 temporal judgment. Carthage sowed with salt by the Romans. The Salt Sea even today to show the destruction of these horrible nations. Used for eternal judgment. Everyone will be salted with fire.

5.       Salt is analogous to the supergrace believer as the preserver or the nation. Matt. 5:13. The noble woman in Zeruiah. Spiritual men like Nathan, Gad and Jehoiada. Mark 9:50 salt preserves a nation. All problems in life dealt with by Bible doctrine.

6.       Unsaltiness is analogous to reversionism and portrays discipline of reversionist. Salt that is no good; no seasoning ability, then it is not good for the soil or for a manure pile. When a nation becomes saltiness, it is not good for the soil, for the manure pile and Jesus Christ throws it out.

7.       Salt is analogous to the supergrace believer having been seasoned with salt.

8.       In birth procedures, salt used for babies. Babies were rubbed with salt.

9.       The salt of the covenant. The eternal relationship between God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Num. 18:19. The Davidic covenant. A covenant of salt.

We have come right up to v. 20, the battle of Baal Perazim.

The Philistine army is at the top of the hill, and David is at the bottom of the hill. This gives the Philistines the advantage of the high ground. The Philistine army was entrenched there. There was a frontal assault. David uses tactical penetration.

David does a full-frontal assault. He names that battlefield, the Lord breaks through. God is given credit for the victory.

2Sam. 5:20 David came to [advanced] Baal Perazim, and David struck them there; and he said, Yahweh has broken [through the line of] my enemies before me, like the breach of waters [like waters through a dam]. Therefore he called the name of that place Baal Perazim.

These Philistines abandon something of value, their idols. They had little battle gods that they take with them and their battle idols. The attack was vigorous.

David and his army picked up these images and carried them away. They were eventually burned, according to Chronicles. 1Chron. 14:12 they were collected and then burned.

This ended the first invasion of the Philistines. They were not tempted to pick up these idols to keep them. These are men who knew better. This indicates their spiritual maturity.

2Sam. 5:21 They left their images there; and David and his men took them away.

The rest of these verses not covered here.

2Sam. 5:22 The Philistines came up yet again, and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim.

2Sam. 5:23 When David inquired of Yahweh, he said, You shall not go up: make a circuit behind them, and come on them over against the mulberry trees.

2Sam. 5:24 It shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then you shall bestir yourself; for then is Yahweh gone out before you to strike the host of the Philistines.

2Sam. 5:25 David did so, as Yahweh commanded him, and struck the Philistines from Geba until you come to Gezer.

2Samuel 5 Psalm 21:1-6a                 72David                                              631_0160

01/06/1975 Psalm of promotion; doctrine of surpassing grace (point 5)

Bob said we may be getting nearer to a war. The time for a world war is near.

Barry Goldwater saying that we have the lowest amount being spent on national defense as a percentage of our production. There is a Soviet presence with ours as well.

We don’t have a foreign policy or a domestic policy, except one that could be described as insnatiy.

David has just become the king of a united people and they are united once again. But David is not thinking in terms of human greatness. He is thinking about how great God is. He is not arrogance; his thoughts are all related to God.

David’s policies are full military conscription and free enterprise. His new policies are functioning very well.

David suggests that he will always dance in celebration.

Psalm 21:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation [victory or deliverance] how greatly he exults [dances in a circle]!

David has received his paragraph SGII. David tapped the entire wealth of the Amalekites and they had no idea that they were saving this wealth up for David. Doctrine means that they will pass the prosperity test.

Philistia attacked Israel on many occasions in order to continue to steal from their agricultural wealth. The impact of any generation does not come from its genes but from Bible doctrine in the soul.

Selah, the singer stops and the orchestra allows them to stop; and the band played. The orchestra never ceases.

Psalm 21:2 You have given him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah

we all have an SGII. It is our very own. There are spiritual blessings. A command post in the soul. Spiritual self sustaining. David had a great number of blessings; many categories, as a part of his supergrace paragraph 2.

The crown of gold here is David’s crown as king. Once God does something, it is permanent. He will remain king for another 33 years.

David refers to himself in the 3rd person because this can be applied to all believers throughout history in supergrace.

Psalm 21:3 For You meet [go before him] him with rich blessings [blessings of divine good]; You set a crown of fine gold upon his head.

This next verse is welfare, prosperity, happiness, recreation. He asked for these things when he was in the cave of Addullem. Extension of days is a long life.

Concluding Points on V. 4

1.       David wanted the prosperity of grace.

2.       God gave it to him. What made David great? Doctrine in his soul.

3.       Prosperity in time became his portion.

4.       Prosperity forever and ever, which is paragraph SGIII.

Psalm 21:4 He asked life [lives; and Bob teaches this as prosperity] of You; You gave it to him, length [extension] of days forever and ever.

Great is God’s glory. While we study this psalm, the Philistines are getting reading for another invasion. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. God took David from the sheepfolds and place him in the palace. God is glorified and the believer is blessed.

David passed the prosperity test with flying colors. We will all have a prosperity test. More people flunk prosperity tests than the adversity test. If prosperity comes before supergrace, then you have already flunked. If you pass your first prosperity test, then you will probably flunk your super prosperity test.

Doctrine and Evil

1.       God promotes the supergrace believer and demotes the reversionist.

2.       He will determine whether this is a promotion or a demotion.

3.       Doctrine will be here after we leave this world; the same is true of evil. There are all sorts of social gospel to get involved. You never change doctrine or evil. They are unchangeable absolutes.

4.       Evil includes sin, human good, altruism, self-righteousness, panaceas, religionism, international brotherhood.

5.       You cannot change evil but evil can change you. To be changed by evil is demotion because of reversionism.

6.       To be changed by doctrine is the promotion of supergrace. You cannot change doctrine but doctrine can change you.

7.       However, only the doctrine in your soul can change you. Doctrine in the Bible is no good to you.

8.       The attainment of supergrace through the daily function of gap means promotion. We receive the blessing and God is victorious in the Angelic Conflict. We get promoted and God is glorified.

9.       In this way, God demonstrates that the presence of evil in the world can change you. The presence of evil in the world cannot change the believer with doctrine.

10.     The presence of evil is not as strong as the presence of Bible doctrine in the soul.

11.     The supergrace believer demonstrates that doctrine is greater than evil.

12.     By so doing, there is tactical victory in the Angelic Conflict.

Psalm 21:5 His glory is great through your salvation [deliverance, victory]; splendor and majesty [majesty and honor] You bestow on him.

This is a reference to the blessings of paragraph SGIII.

Psalm 21:6 For You make him most blessed forever; You make him glad with the joy of Your Presence.

The Doctrine of Surpassing Grace

1.       The basis for blessing by God. 2 blessing paragraphs for believers in time and believers in eternity. Both are the result of believer’s growth in time. Dying is the high golden bridge taking us from this life to the next. Blessings above being saved and being in heaven. These are above and beyond all the normal blessings.

2Samuel 5 Psalm 21:6-7                   72David                                              631_0161

01/07/1975 Doctrine of surpassing grace (cont.)

2 citations read.

Psalm 21:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. O LORD, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation [victory or deliverance] how greatly he exults [dances in a circle]!

Psalm 21:2 You have given him his heart's desire and have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah

Psalm 21:3 For You meet [go before him] him with rich blessings [blessings of divine good]; You set a crown of fine gold upon his head.

Psalm 21:4 He asked life [lives; and Bob teaches this as prosperity] of You; You gave it to him, length [extensioin] of days forever and ever.

Psalm 21:5 His glory is great through your salvation [deliverance, victory]; splendor and majesty [majesty and honor] You bestow on him.

Surpassing Grace

1.       Definition:

2.       Heb. 11:9–10 1:23

3.       Crowns designate various rewards. These represented high decorations and/or lifetime stipends. The stephanos. Rev. 2:10 the wreathe or the crown of life. The pastor-teacher is given a special crown. Anyone who studies long enough, hard enough, consistently enough, will be given such a crown. Bob gets calls from other pastors, and if they are not screened, then they might get through. They usually never call again. About a million booklets are sent out in a year. Bob is only surprised that the tapes never reach that level. It takes a consistent ministry for a person to grow up. The Antisemitism has a wide distribution. Ditto for the tongues book. People often get the booklet in order to win a debate with someone. However, getting tapes consistently is the key to growth. The stephanos crown, which we do not know a lot about it. It is a crown for making it to supergrace and staying there. It is for continued positive volition toward doctrine. 2Tim. 4:7–8

          a.       Life, glory and righteousness.

          b.       There will be variations in heaven, although there will be no unhappiness.

4.       Pleasing God in time is key. Before being transferred to SG3. When one is occupied with God, he must be convinced that God is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. Some people say, “I don’t want a reward; I just want to be with Jesus.”

5.       There is a time when ER’s will be completed. The efficiency rating. That each one may be rewarded for that which is done in the body, whether divine or worthless. The Judgment Seat of Christ eliminates us from trying to rate another believer. God says that peer ratings are out. We are not qualified to and we are not commanded to evaluate other believers. Gossips and maligners must go. Bob can recommend 3 churches where they will be welcome. James 1:25 2:5, 13 1Cor. 3 Heb. 6:7–12 producing a harvest of crops and rain comes down on every believer. We are to become imitators of them in supergrace status from Heb. 11.

6.       The reversionistic believer can lose his rewards but not his salvation. Denial is of surpassing grace blessings. Everyone who competes in the games do it for a perishable reward; but we do it for an imperishable reward. Paul keeps punching as one not beating the air.

The Doctrine of Surpassing Grace (Sg3)

Taken from: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=599

I.        Definition and Preliminary Considerations

          A.       Surpassing Grace (SG3) refers to the special blessings and rewards for the believer in eternity (Phase 3), which are above and beyond the universal blessings for believers.

                     1.       universal blessings include:

                                a.       a resurrection body - 1Jn 3:2B ". We know that, when He appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him just as He is."

                                b.       the total absence of pain, crying, sorrow, tears, or death - Rev 21:4 "and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."

                                c.        experiencing the presence of the Lord, face to face - Phi 1:23 "But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better"

          B.       The nomenclature is taken from Eph 2:7: "so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus"

                     1.       other vocabulary used to describe SG3 includes:

                                a.       do,xa - doxa = glory, majesty, excellence, splendor; emphasizes the source of SG3, the Essence or glory of God, which He desires to share with us - Rom 8:17-18

                                b.       evlpij - elpis = hope, expectation, or confidence; it views SG3 as a future reality, which provides motivation to apply in time - Col 1:5; Eph 1:18

                                c.        evpaggeli,a - epangelia = a promise, that which is promised; points out that the veracity of God is at stake in the matter of SG3 - Heb 6:11, 17-18

                                d.       qhsauro,j - thesauros = treasure or valuables; emphasizes the true value of SG3 - Mt 6:19-21; Lk 12:33

                                e.       klhronomi,a - kleronomia = inheritance, property received upon the bequest of another; deals with the fact that God the Father has personally determined we should have SG3, and has made us co-inheritors with Jesus Christ, the Heir of all things - Col 3:24A; Heb 1:2

                                f.        misqo,j - misthos = what one is paid for work, wages that one earns; points out that Ph2 works are required to obtain SG3 - Mk 9:40; 1Cor 3:8

                                g.       misqapodosi,a - misthapodosia = payment of wages; we receive a just recompense for our loyalty to God under testing - Heb 10:35, 11:26

                                h.       plou/toj - ploutos = riches, wealth; stresses that SG3 is the true treasure, without compare in this present life - Eph 2:7

                                i.         the phrase "eternal life" is sometimes used as an expression for SG3, focusing on the fact that as life is made more enjoyable by possession of certain accoutrements, so those who possess SG3 will enjoy heaven to a greater degree - 1Tim 6:12 cp 17-19

                                j.         "a better resurrection"; demonstrates that the believer with SG3 will have more than just the normal/universal blessings of heaven - Heb 11:35

                                k.        "the kingdom of God", in certain contexts, refers to full realization of its benefits - 2Th 1:5 Doctrine of Surpassing Grace 2

          C.       Every aspect of God's Plan is based on grace, as opposed to works.

                     1.       Ph1 - Rom 3:24 "being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus"

                     2.       Ph2 - Rom 5:1-2 "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God."

                     3.       Ph3 - Eph 2:7

          D.       Once one believes and accesses the grace of God, they should attempt to order their lifestyle according to the dictates of Scripture, embarking on a course of works with the aim of pleasing God. Col 1:10; 1Th 4:1

                     1.       it must be observed that these Ph2 works are produced from the source of faith, which is in accordance with the principle of grace - 1Th 1:2-3

                     2.       although our works are based on faith and proceed from the principle of grace, God has clearly revealed that He will reward appropriate activity, just as He will judge unrighteous activity - Mt 16:27; Jn 5:28-29

                     3.       since we walk according to the standards of grace and faith, God's works produced reward system is still a system compatible with, and dependent upon, grace. 2Cor 5:7 "for we walk by faith, not by sight"; Heb 10:38

II.       The Judgment Seat of Christ (bh/ma - bema) is the place of administration of SG3 to the Royal Family. 2Cor 5:10

          A.       The basis for SG3 is our accumulated Divine Good Production (DGP) in time.

                     1.       DGP is defined as the activities performed by the believer based on an understanding of and faith in the Word of God; these works must be done under the Filling of the Holy Spirit - cp Rom 8:3-4

                     2.       works of any kind are not admitted in Ph1 salvation - Rom 3:28 "For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law."

                     3.       works are an issue in Ph2 salvation (sanctification), and the lack of acceptable works demonstrates a lack of orientation to BD - Js 2:14-20

                     4.       each increment of BD that we correctly apply accrues an increment of reward (no matter how insignificant it may seem) - Mt 10:40-42

                     5.       human good, which proceeds from fleshly activity and power, is not recognized, and will not be rewarded, by God - Jn 15:5 ".he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

                     6.       failure to apply BD is tantamount to a denial of the Truth, and Christ denies us reward - 2Tim 2:12-13

                     7.       if a believer accumulates some SG3, but then enters reversionism, God will still bestow any reward achieved prior to their defection - Heb 6:10

          B.       Considerations of the Bema

                     1.       in the Greco-Roman world, the Bema consisted of a raised platform at which an official sat to pass judgment on applicants - Jn 19:13; Ac 18:12f

                     2.       at the Rapture, the Church Universal will be assembled at a meeting of the Lord - 1Th 4:13-17

                     3.       at this time each believer will have their Ph2 evaluated: all human good will be destroyed, all DGP will be rewarded - 1Cor 3:10-15; 2Cor 5:10 Doctrine of Surpassing Grace 3

                     4.       Christ states explicitly that He is bringing His reward with Him when He returns - Rev 22:12 cp Isa 40:10

                     5.       some believers will not have any rewards, and will be ashamed at this ceremony - 1Cor 3:15 "If any man's work will be burned up (1ST CL), he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire."; 1Jn 2:28

                     6.       due to differences in volitional response to the Word of God and differences in applications, there will be differences in rewards, resulting in class distinctions in heaven - Mk 9:35; Lk 19:12-17

                     7.       there are two distinct reactions among believers when the Lord returns:

                                a.       shame, humiliation, and disgrace awaits the negative believer, who did not prepare for this event - 1Jn 2:28

                                b.       ecstatic happiness will be the response of those that saw and embraced the importance of DGP and SG3 in time - 1Pet 4:13

III.      DGP must have the necessary components to qualify for reward:

          A.       The believer must be in fellowship, with the STA isolated - Jn 15:4, 6

          B.       They must assemble regularly, with the day of reward in view - Heb 10:25

          C.       They must be receiving the correct teaching - 1Cor 3:10-15

                     1.       technically, this passage is to be interpreted as relating to communicators and their building/teaching of individual churches

                     2.       by application, it is applied to all believers and their approach to the CHRISTIAN WAY OF LIFE

                     3.       Paul, as the founder of the church in Corinth, laid a foundation that is analogous to the gospel - vs 10 cp Lk 6:48 & Mt 16:18

                     4.       he instructs all future communicators to respect his work and be very careful as to how they build upon it

                     5.       the two distinct categories of building materials refer to doctrinal teachings

                                a.       gold, silver, and precious stones are categories of sound doctrine, taught by adjusted communicators, that enable believers to adjust to God and His Plan, understand the issues involved, and produce Divine Good

                                b.       wood, hay, and straw refers to unsound doctrines (traditions of men, human viewpoint, or doctrines of demons), that do not advance believers, but keep them disoriented to the true issues of the CWL - Eph 4:14

                     6.       those that build with the correct materials are assured of eternal rewards, those that build with incorrect materials will suffer loss of reward

                     7.       this passage also reinforces the supreme importance of the communicator in the lives of believers - 1Th 5:12-13

                     8.       again, while this verse is, strictly speaking, interpreted as regarding pastor teachers, each believer is responsible before the Lord for their own priesthood and the type of doctrine to which they expose themselves

          D.       They must personally believe the BD - Js 1:21 "Therefore putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls."

          E.       They must have the correct motivation/mental attitude orientation - Mt 6:1

          F.       Receipt of SG3 is based only on one's own applications - 1Cor 3:8 "Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor." Doctrine of Surpassing Grace 4

IV.      SG3 totally surpasses anything this world has to offer. 1Cor 2:9 "but just as it is written, "things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that god has prepared for those who love him."

          A.       Though SG3 is described in humanly understandable terms (the prize; gold, silver, precious stones; riches), we must understand it is of such a nature that it cannot be truly appreciated in our frame of thinking, and that the language used is only to provide insight into its impact for eternal posterity.

          B.       Peter offers a four-fold description in 1Pet 1:4 - "an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you"

                     1.       imperishable - not capable or liable to be reduced to a worse or lessened state, not subject to the law of entropy, not subject to the aging process

                     2.       undefiled - not able to be stained, polluted, or contaminated, not able to be deformed, broken, or reduced to any less-than-perfect condition

                     3.       will not fade away - will never lose its newness, glamour, or luster, will always provide stimulation and enjoyment

                     4.       reserved in heaven - attended carefully, guarded by God Himself, guaranteeing SG3 is not subject to being misplaced, lost, or overlooked

V.       SG3 and the Millennium

          A.       Saints from the OT and Daniel's Seventieth Week (DSW) are rewarded at the 2nd Advent. Dan 12:13 cp Isa 40:10

          B.       The twelve Apostles will rule over the twelve tribes of restored Israel. Mt 19:28

          C.       Faithful members of the Royal Family will rule over the nations. Rev 2:26-27

VI.      The wreath (commonly known as the crown) represents the supreme category of SG3 the Lord bestows upon believers.

          A.       Paul relates it to finishing one's course. 2Tim 4:7-8 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing."

          B.       Not everyone will receive a crown; in fact, the prize can be forfeited via negative volition. 1Cor 9:24-27; Rev 3:11

          C.       This "crown" (Greek ste,fanoj - stephanos , not dia,dhma - diadema) is called by four names:

                     1.       the "crown of life"; full enjoyment of heaven is available to those who desire it - Jam 1:12; Rev 2:10

                     2.       the "crown of righteousness"; emphasizes that righteous activity is necessary to receive it, and verification of that activity - 2Tim 4:8

                     3.       the "crown of glory"; this reward, like all others, comes from the Essence of God - 1Pet 5:4

                     4.       the "crown of boasting/exultation"; sanctified proof of the believer's accomplishments - 1Th 2:19

          D.       It is also seen under the figure of "the prize" in 1Cor 9:24-27.

                     1.       the background for this athletic analogy is the Isthmus games that were held in Corinth Doctrine of Surpassing Grace 5

                     2.       the "race" refers to the CWL, and all believers are runners - cp Heb 12:1

                     3.       the fact that many run in the race and only one wins teaches the reality that the vast majority of believers will not complete their course; only a small minority will make it successfully to the end

                     4.       the race is run on a specific course, with specific rules to which the believer must adhere, if they are to win

                     5.       the goal of any contest is to win, and the human viewpoint that just competing is sufficient makes a mockery of the event

                     6.       this race demands a consistent exercise/training regimen that involves "self-control in all things", and "buffeting the body", teaching the necessity of isolating the STA and consistent application of resident BIBLE DOCTRINE

                     7.       the believer must recognize and have legitimate fear that they can be disqualified at any time during their Ph2 marathon, by:

                                a.       failing to deal with the STA - Gal 6:8

                                b.       not maintaining the priority of MPR - Heb 10:25

                                c.        allowing non-sinful things to interfere with training - 1Cor 8:12-13

                                d.       ceasing to run - Heb 10:36 "For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised."

VII.     The incredible nature of SG3 is such that it will more than surpass the nature of any suffering we may face in Ph2. 2Cor 4:17 "For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison"

          A.       This is designed to motivate us in the face of testing. Js 1:2-3

          B.       Suffering, when kept in perspective, has little influence in the believer's overall continuation with God's Will. Rom 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

VIII.    SG3 is one of the primary motivators in the CWL, since it glorifies God for all eternity, as well as the obvious personal benefit it brings. 1Tim 4:10 "For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers." cp vs 7

IX.      Areas in which the believer can maximize their SG3 include:

          A.       Enduring persecution - Mt 5:11-12

          B.       Prayer - Mt 6:6

          C.       Giving - Phi 4:17

          D.       Hospitality - Mt 10:41

          E.       Suffering for the sake of Christ - Mt 19:29; 1Pet 4:13

          F.       Evangelization - 1Cor 9:16-17 cp vs 23

          G.       Passing the tests associated with the physical body and its inevitable deterioration - 2Cor 4:16-17

          H.       Proper function under employment - Col 3:22-24

          I.        Applying BD under testing - 1Pet 1:6-7

          J.        Diligence/perseverance - Heb 6:11 Doctrine of Surpassing Grace 6

X.       Things that negate SG3 include:

          A.       Wrong motives

                     1.       seeking to please men - Gal 1:10

                     2.       approbation lust - Mt 6:1-2, 5, 16

          B.       Not being in fellowship - Jn 15:4

          C.       Unrepentant STA activity - 1Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:21

          D.       Lack of diligence regarding BD - 2Jn 8

          E.       Not completing one's course - Rev 2:10

          F.       Altering the Word of God - Rev 22:19

XI.      Concluding observations:

          A.       The heroes of the faith were motivated to apply BD in their niche based on their understanding of this doctrine.

                     1.       Noah - Heb 11:7

                     2.       Abraham - Heb 11:8

                     3.       Moses - Heb 11:24-26

                     4.       anonymous, though known to God, believers - Heb 11:35

                     5.       Jesus Christ - Heb 12:2

          B.       Our knowledge of the reality of SG3 should motivate us to follow their example. Heb 12:1-2

                     1.       the believer should have accumulation of SG3 as their priority, not focusing on the temporal blessings of life, but the eternal - Col 3:1-2; 1Pet 1:13

                     2.       recognize our time on earth is insignificant compared to the eons of eternity - 2Cor 4:16-17

          C.       The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the earnest, or down-payment, of our inheritance. Eph 1:14

          D.       The adjusted PT desires those under his charge to fully appreciate, understand, and achieve this doctrine. Eph 1:18; 2Jn 8 "Watch yourselves, that you might not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward."

XII.     Shame awaits those who fail to attain to full SG3. 1Jn 2:28 "And now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming." "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life;" Gal 6:7-8

Now we go back to v. 6

Psalm 21:6 For You make him most blessed [You will appoint Him blessings] forever; You make him glad with the joy [happy with happiness] of Your Presence.

Here, we apply any doctrine from our soul. Because David trusts in God, he is stable.

David’s trust in the Word of God have given him stability in his life. Perpetuation of the supergrace life produces stability. Many people are nice, but they are unstable. They never seem to level off. There is nothing more beautiful than a stabilized person. David did not waiver in his dedication to doctrine. Doctrine was here before we came and doctrine can change us; doctrine changed David.

Bob repeats the translation for the first strophe, which is the first 6 verse. It is all about great happiness; David has capacity for life. He is truly a happy person.

Bob wants to go back and look at the Davidic covenant and the Davidic dynasty.

Psalm 21:7 For the king trusts in the LORD, and through the steadfast love [grace] of the Most High he shall not be moved.

God’s grace is the basis for our stability in time. Doctrine protects us from being changed by evil. Supergrace in the soul produces stability. Believer with stability has capacity for life.

2Samuel 5 Psalm 21:8-11a               72David                                              631_0162

01/08/1975 Doctrine of evil (points 1-8)

“This is no place for you to talk; this is where I talk.” Bob notices some strangers. Bob reviews the verses that we will study.

The famous battle of the valley of salt. David is already a famous person; everyone has already heard about him. He has already made a name for himself. The UN created for the communist world the greatest system of spying for the world. The UN is a spy corp. the idea of putting together a UN today.

Army intelligence today is a laugh, even though we have great people in it.

Psalm 21:8 Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you.

The hand of David is some form of intelligence corp. David’s system for getting information about his enemies. These are enemies on the outside; the hostile nations with which David must deal. He needs to know what the Ammonites are doing and the Syrians, and the Philistines. Everyone has malintention. They are talking about David all over the world. All of these people must be watched. The UN created for the communist world the greatest system of intelligence that it ever had. The representatives and their staff are simply spies in the United States. Our intelligence today is in very bad shape. Army intelligence today is a laugh. An interrogator is brilliant who can speak Asian languages. So the army sent him to intelligence school. Women passed the class with flying colors and he flunked it; and they could not interrogate a flea.

The application of Bible doctrine to experience demands good intelligence for the enemies within and without. So you can clobber them before they get cranked up.

David has almost a perfect government. There will be perfect government under Jesus Christ, and there will be a revolution at the end against it. This is why Satan must be put under lock and key in torments.

There are two boys in the palace right now who will revolt against David: Absalom and Adonijah. Adonijah will revolt when David is dying.

Revolutions at this Time

1.       Furnace of fire is an analogy. The furnace destroys that which is thrown into it.

2.       Solomon’s son will lose most of his kingdom.

3.       Rehoboam was a weak sister and he had his coronation in Shechem, which is catering to them, which caused them to revolt.

4.       The principle of revolution from Ephraim.

5.       Jeroboam leads a revolt against Rehoboam.

6.       Conspirators against Solomon were suppressed until he died.

7.       These revolts were kept down during David and Solomon.

Psalm 21:9 You will make them [David’s enemies] as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them [interior and exterior enemies].

Absalom, Shimmea, and several others are internal enemies.

Pruning Humanity

1.       Evil is Satan’s policy; and God has to constantly prune the human race.

2.       Revolutionaries and their descendants must be destroyed.

3.       The fiery furnace of history must destroy certain families, certain lines, and certain races.

4.       God has many systems of human pruning so that the human race will continue to live.

5.       God prunes the human race by warfare, famine and pestilence. Depression takes the scum of a nation and destroys it. Warfare and disease takes the evil and the noble. If you eliminate capital punishment from the justice system, then you lose this needed pruning effect.

vigorous exercise of capital punishment. Our justice system is a joke; we should go and execute about 5 out of 7 of our prisoners. Once Adam sinned and the garden was a thing of the past, then the laws of divine establishment needed to control the sin nature of man and the evil policies of Satan.

We cannot change evil; but evil can change us; we cannot change doctrine, but doctrine can change us.

Whenever there is a saturation in history of evil, certain races, nations and families are destroyed.

Psalm 21:10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth, and their offspring from among the children of man.

Primitive particle kiy

Psalm 21:11 Though they plan [stretched out] evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed.

The Doctrine of Evil

God will deliver from evil in various ways in the laws of divine establishment.

1.       Definition:

          a.       Evil is the modus operandi of Satan as the ruler of this world. His policy as the ruler of this world is evil.

          b.       Evil includes sin and a great deal more than sin.

          c.        Evil includes sins and human good and any attempt to solve problems apart from doctrine and God.

          d.       Evil includes altruism, philanthropy, humanitarianism, socialism, sociology. Any sort of bleeding heart-ism. Evil in college is sociology.

          e.       Evil includes social action, social gospel, the restriction of human freedom for the so-called greater good, the distortion of law. Liberalism. Liberalism is a political term and social gospel is a theological one.

          f.        Evil is religionism, reversionism, apostasy, every deviation from Bible doctrine and the law of establishment. Evil is hippies; evil is black power. The various types of unions.

          g.       Bob left sin out of this; although evil certainly includes sin.

2.       Evil has a Bible vocabulary. 5 Hebrew words and 7 Greek ones.

          a.       Awen in the sense of nothingness or vanity.

          b.       Adjective ra means evil, bad, worthless.

          c.        Feminine adjective. The strongest word for evil in Hebrew is in the feminine.

          d.       Roa means evil in the sense of bad quality; Satan’s bad policy.

          e.       Raʾa to be evil.

          f.        Adjective kakos evil, bad, worthless. Kakôs is the adverb.

          g.       Ponyros means evil, worthless, degenerate. Also used as a noun, meaning, the evil one; Satan.

          h.       Poneria means sinfulness.

          i.         Phallos

3.       A relatively extensive vocabulary. The supergrace believer is protected from evil, the Satanic policy. They tried to smother David with evil. Prov. 12:12 the evil desire; the plunder of evil men. Prov. 12:21 no evil happens to the supergrace believer. The righteous. Gen. 50:20 Joseph was a victim of evil. “And as for you, you intended evil against me, but God meant it for good, for this present result.” Even Jacob recognized that he had been preserved from evil. Psalm 37:16 better than the little of the righteous than the abundance of the wicked. The arms of the evil will be broken. The Lord knows the days of the mature believer. They will not be ashamed in a time of evil. The time of evil is when Satanic policies are dominant. Socialism; the intrusion upon the privacy of the individual. In the days of famine, they will have abundance. Evil often is a part of socialism. Taxpayer money is used to advance the power of evil men. They could care less about who starves. Give these people money and they have votes. Psalm 91:10 no evil will befall you. I have restrained my feet from every evil way that I may guard Your doctrine. The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will guard your soul from evil. He that listens to doctrine will be at ease in security and at ease from evil. Wisdom or doctrine will enter your right lobe and knowledge of doctrine will be pleasant in your soul. From those who lead the paths of righteousness, who delight in doing evil and find happiness in the distortion of evil. Do not be wise in your own eyes; be occupied with the Lord and turn away from evil. In all of these passages, evil is the Satanic policy; and this is more than sinfulness. All forms of human good; it means socialism. Protection from evil; our best protection is maximum doctrine in the soul. Psalm 91:10 119:101 121:7 Prov. 1:33 2:10–13 Gen. 50:20 are some of the passages quoted. They all say that the supergrace believer is protected from evil.

4.       Negative volition toward doctrine causes the believer to be changed by evil. No matter what a goody-two-shoes you are, you can be affected by evil. Some of the greatest adherents to evil are believers. Some of our Christian presidents have been great supporters of evil. “I have not listened to the voices of my teachers or to the words of their instruction.” Are you influenced by doctrine or by sin. Prov. 5:13–14

5.       The issue of the royal family. Are you influenced by evil or by doctrine? The reversionist earns deceptive wages. He who is persistent in supergrace to life but he who pursues evil, his own death is his portion. There is a bona fide good in this world; divine good. Grace and doctrine to those who devise good. They eyes of the Lord are in every place watching the evil and the good. By grace and doctrine, one recovers from reversionism. By occupation with Christ one keeps away from evil. The wise sees the evil and hides himself; but the stupid goes on and is punished for it. Prov. 24:1–4 redeeming the time because the days are evil. Time is only purchased via a command post in the soul. That we may be delivered from perverse and evil men. Doctrine neutralizes evil. The evil will return and lie in wait for me. Do not be overcome with evil but overcome the evil with good. Prov. 11:18–19 15:3 16: Eph. 5:16

6.       Doctrine neutralizes evil.

7.       Evil distorts grace. My enemies are vigorous and numerous. Those who repay evil with good. Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man. Psalm 52;1 1Cor. 15:22

8.       Evil distorts establishment. What right do you have to distort My laws? You hate authority and you cast My words behind you. You see a thief and you are pleased with him. You send you mouth loose on evil. Your tongue claims deceit. You slander your own mother’s son.

2Samuel 5                                            72David                                              631_0163

01/09/1975 Ps. 21:11a Doctrine of evil (continued)

Plate tectonics; continents move. Congress, perhaps the greatest collection of dimwits at any time. Brilliant ideas like plastic bumpers on cars to save gasoline; massive trucks to blow us off the road, destruction of our national security intelligence operations.

Balderdash had an eye operation today and Bob forgot to put him on the prayer list. When he came in, he was drunk. Congress is a great thing, but it has had too much anesthetic called liberalism.

Psalm 21:10 You will destroy their descendants from the earth, and their offspring from among the children of man.

God removes certain segments of the population. God thins out the human population. God, in His grace, must constantly prune the human race. God must keep the human race alive by removing life. The fiery furnace of history must devour and destroy large segments of the human population. You often wonder why God has not done some pruning as of late.

The Cocky Cactus where Bob used to have a wonderful meal in San Bernardino, which will drop 1000 ft. into the ground when the San Andreas Fault goes. There are 3 supergrace believers that Bob knows there, which is what is probably preserving them.

Liberals always want to send food and supplies to various places, but wherever God is pruning, we need to respect God’s decisions.

To have a correct opinion of life, you must understand the cross and God’s system of judgments. There is a place for life and there is a place for death. Famine, warfare and depression is used by God to prune out human life.

Here is where Christian missions are important. People who will turn to a Christian mission have some sort of positive volition toward God.

Bob likes wolves; right male and female wolves that mate for life. Male wolf is very gentle with the female; same with the children. Herds of caribou, and wolves go with them; and the wolves take out the weak caribou, which strengthens the caribou herd. An hour documentary on wolves that Bob watched and he apparently really liked it. Narrated by Robert Redford. Only the strong survive. What the wolf does to the caribou is what God does to the human race.

God removes the souls of liberals, weak, communists, etc. Racial Islamists. Great earthquake in Africa or whatever, this is God pruning out the human race. Jesus Christ controls history. Such people have every chance to be saved and to be delivered. Your whole capacity for life. The starving people of India have cattle all over the place. There is no excuse for anyone in India for starving. Bob does not feel sorry for these starving Indians. They are suckers for the evil. Buddha always got plenty to eat. Your perspective is all wrong.

Since the fall of man and the sovereignty of evil, doctrine and evil have remained in the world as absolutes. Evil portrays the genius of Satan trying to rule the world. Evil and doctrine were both here before we came and they will be here after we are gone. If evil influences you, then it is reversionism and the sin unto death.

Bob doesn’t think that people should go to school unless they are motivated. Public education is the greatest spreader of evil. They learn all kinds of goofy things and all discipline is removed. There is all this brotherhood and bleeding hearts; which will give us a whole generation of people who cannot think straight.

Let’s not talk about the military; let’s just have everyone have a guaranteed income of $10,000/year. Everywhere you turn, laws are helping evil and criminals advance. We are in the throes of evil. If everyone in America stopped sinning tonight, and no one sinned until next New Year’s Eve, we would have the most concentrated evil you have ever seen. You think of evil in terms of 3 or 4 sins; maybe half of the Ten Commandments. Evil is the policy of Satan. If everyone stopped sinning, evil would continue. Sin just complicates a thing. Sin has a quick solution in rebound; but evil does not have a quick solution.

We are not as smart as Satan and we never will be in this life.

The individuals that God destroys includes believers who are immersed in evil. He takes them out by the sin unto death. This is not a loss of salvation. Were it not for God’s grace and God’s grace pruning, none of us would be here. No Angelic Conflict means there is no solution to the problem at all.

Psalm 21:8–11 Your hand will find out all your enemies; your right hand will find out those who hate you. You will make them [David’s enemies] as a blazing oven when you appear. The LORD will swallow them up in his wrath, and fire will consume them [interior and exterior enemies]. You will destroy their descendants from the earth, and their offspring from among the children of man. Though they plan [stretched out] evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed.

Bob reviews the doctrine of evil from before; so I have gone back and appended those notes. Also, I have added two doctrines of evil from other doctrinal sources.

The Doctrine of Evil continued from the previous lesson:

9.       Reversionists are influenced by evil. There is no respect of God before his eyes. He flatters himself from his own eyes. The words of his mouth are evil and deceit. This is describing little Lord Fauntlaroy. He plans evil on his bed. He does not despise evil. He talks against sin, but not evil. John 3:19 their deeds are evil. When a government of a nation is captured by evil, then government policy is evil. Less response to the gospel as well. This is why there is not much of a response to the gospel in China. This is the problem; men love darkness rather than light.

10.     Evil also rationalizes. Isa. 5:20 woe to them who call evil good. This is anyone who is a socialist or is soft on communism. Building a trucking plant for the Russians is calling evil good. These same people call good evil. Freedom, privacy and RM/RW you do not get into subjectivity. But most teachers are subjective and psychological problems themselves. They substitute darkness for light. The language that ought to be taught is English. Bob is not against Spanish; that is what got him turned on to the whole language thing. No one should go to school to learn classes in something other than English. Bob then wants equal time; let’s teach half of every class in Greek .

11.     Conspiracy and revolution is a manifestation of evil. Bob a pastor for 25 years and there were about 9 definite conspiracies. Bob is the duly constituted authority at Berachah. He is the final authority. He is the policy maker. Sometimes people that you cannot stand are the best administrators that you have ever seen. Psalm 64:3–5 to shoot from concealment at the blameless. They might be reticent to use violence at first; but they will suddenly. They do not fear; they hold fast to themselves an evil purpose and conspiracy to law a snare and say,”...” Karl Marx is evil. Das Kapital is evil. The French revolution was evil as well. The Bourbons were dimwits after Louis XIV. Evil to overthrow that authority. There is nothing good about revolution. You can be under generals who are numbskulls, does not mean that authority is problematic. This one got to the top by guarding his back. Nice politician it is not the person; it is the authority that counts. In basic training, and your D.I. may be difficult to you. “I’m in authority.” Revolution always wants to overthrow establishment. They conspire to lay snares secretly. Prov. 17:11

12.     Evil is self-destructive. Psalm 34:21 evil will slay the wicket and those who hate the righteous will be condemned. The moderates who begun he french Revolution. Do not fret yourself because of evil-doers.

13.     They try to build happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness. You haven’t lived until you have been good to someone, kind to them, and they repay you with bereavement to your soul.

14.     Rom. 13:3–4 rulers are not a cause of fear; for good behavior but for evil behavior. Stay within the framework of establishment. It does not bear to sword for nothing. Satan knows that evil is self-destructive; he pursues a course to destroy the human race.

15.     There is not evil in God. Psalm 5:4 you are not a God Who takes pleasure in wickedness; no evil is found in You. There is evil in self-righteousness. Only God is free from evil. Man can stand about as much power as he can be free from evil. This is why some of us will have no authority in our lives. David exercised power without evil. He is everywhere without evil. He knows what we are thinking without evil on His part. Nothing that God has ever communicated is evil. God is free from evil. Let no one says, when tempted, that I am being tempted by God. God is not the source of sin or evil. Satan is the source of all evil. There is no evil in God.

16.     To the contrary God judges evil. Psalm 34:16 the face of the Lord is against evil-doers, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. The key to evil is arrogance. Arrogance is pride and pride is arrogance. People are proud of the human good. Panaceas are arrogant. “I will advocate laws to solve our problems.” There is no pollution problem in the universe; God has already solved that. Arrogance and human panaceas. Bob never saw a bleeding heart that wasn’t sweet. Politicians are arrogant. Their arrogance is colossal. Health welfare mess; arrogance in Congress; arrogance in the judicial branch. Liberals are the most arrogant people in the world. When they disagree with someone, they use name-calling devices against them. Religion is arrogant; the Roman Catholic church is arrogant. The pope is arrogant. He walks down the street and blesses you with his hands; that’s arrogance. You don’t see Bob walking about holding his hands out. Religion, Legalist is a wonderful thing.

17.     So in spite of evil, Jesus Christ controls history. Prov. 16:3–4 commit your plans to the Lord.

Two other doctrines of evil follow.

Doctrine of Evil

Tod Kennedy, April 2, 2001

From: http://www.spokanebiblechurch.com/study/Bible%20Doctrines/evil.htm

1.       Evil has resulted from the fall of Satan and the fall mankind. Evil sums up the worldview which Satan, the evil one (John 17:15; Ephesians 6:16; 1 John 3:12), has sponsored.

2.       Evil refers to the ungodly presuppositions, mind-set, attitudes, plans, sayings, actions, and goals of life that stand apart from God's will, direction, and influence because of a rejection of and a lack of God's Word. Evil includes liberal theology, the social gospel, salvation by works, preoccupation with self, one-world government apart from the physical rule of Christ, ecumenism and one-world religion, moral relativity, rejection of absolute truth and the ability to know absolute truth, emotional control of the soul, rejection of authority, self-esteem based upon human good, the redistribution of wealth, the theory of evolution, post-modernism, naturalism-materialism, do-it-yourself spirituality, and many others ideas, projects, programs, and activities that Satan and fallen man believe and promote. Rebellion against proper authority is evil; laziness is evil; self-centeredness is evil; religion, defined as human works to gain something from God, is evil; emotionalism is evil; crime is evil; some wars are evil; and human good activity that ignores or seeks to replace God's will is evil.

3.       Evil includes human viewpoint, human good, and sin. Evil is sometimes a synonym for sin, but evil is more comprehensive than sin (Genesis 2:17; Genesis 3:5; Proverbs 6:14; Proverbs 8:13 Ecclesiastics 5:13-14; Matthew 15:19; Romans 7:21; 12:9, 21; 2 Corinthians 6:8; Galatians 1:4; Hebrews 5:14).

4.       The love of money is, in the human realm, a root or beginning of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:8-10).

5.       What do we do about evil? Proverbs 3:7 advises us to fear the Lord and turn away from evil; Hebrews 5:14 teaches that by learning and practicing the Word of God we are able to discern good from evil; Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:22, tells us to stay away from every kind of evil; Peter, in 1 Peter 3:11, tells us to shun evil and, in its place, do divine good; we learn in Romans 12:21, that divine love, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, overcomes evil, and in 1 Corinthians 13:5, divine love does not think evil. Therefore in answer to the question of what to do about evil, we need to grow up in the Word of God so that we take possession of Bible doctrine and the biblical worldview. As we do this we will recognize evil as that which contradicts Bible doctrine and the biblical worldview and be able replace it with God's word, God's thinking, and God's way of life. In short, we make biblical choices-choices for God and his Word and against evil.

6.       There are a number of biblical words that are translated "evil": the Old Testament often uses the adjective [r' (bad, evil, unpleasant, harmful, wicked; Genesis 6:5; Deuteronomy 9:18), the noun [r' (evil, distress, injury, misery, calamity; Job 28:28; Proverbs 12:20; Strong 7451b), the noun h[;r; (evil misery, distress, injury; Psalm 35:12; Strong 7463a), and the verb [['r; (be evil, bad, be displeasing, do wickedly; Isaiah 1:16; Strong 7489a).

7.       Evil in the New Testament is a translation of the Greek adjective, kakov" (unserviceable, incapable, morally evil, bad, weak, ruinous; Matthew 24:48; 1 Peter 3:9; Strong 2556) and the noun, kakia; (depravity, wickedness, vice, malice, ill-will, malignity, trouble, misfortune; Romans 1:29; 1 Peter 2:16; Strong 2549). Another Greek word for evil is ponhrov" (in the physical sense poor, sick, painful and in the ethical sense wicked, bad, evil, base, worthless, degenerate, viscious; Acts 17:5; Hebrews 10:22; Strong 4190).

The Bible Doctrine of Evil


The principal ideas for this study were derived from notes taken from taped messages by Pastor R. B. Thieme, Berachah Church, Houston, Texas.

From: http://www.realtime.net/~wdoud/topics/evil.html

God's plan is that the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified during the Church Age. One important reason for this is that every human being will have an opportunity to make a decision to accept Christ as Savior. Therefore, when we say that Christ is glorified during the Church Age, we are saying that Christ is the celebrated Person of the Church Age, the focus of attention.


For this reason, one of the Holy Spirit's main functions during the Church Age is to glorify Christ and to make Him known to all people.


John 16:13,14, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you.


It is also the responsibility of Christians to glorify Christ by their own lives; and the Holy Spirit provides the power for us to be able to do that. The believer's body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and this glorification occurs on the inside of the believer.


1 Cor. 6:19,20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.


And the Church (the Body of Christ) participates in bringing glory to God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Eph. 3:20,21 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.


But, Satan is Christ's enemy and is completely opposed to any activity that glorifies Christ. Satan's strategy has always been to oppose Christ at every turn and to turn human beings away from Christ whenever possible. Satan has specific strategies in his campaign against both unbelievers and Christians.


The unbeliever is made blind to gospel information by being distracted by Satan and by exercising negative volition toward the Word of God. While Satan does not force anyone to be lost, he uses every means to steer the unbeliever away from the truth. His ultimate weapons in this are religion and humanism. He tries to promote the glorification and deification of mankind while downgrading the Lord Jesus Christ.


Satan doesn't give up when a person accepts Christ as Savior. He has a strategy regarding believers which is very subtle and far-reaching. Satan accuses believers before God. The sins of the Christian are observed by the fallen angels and reported. Satan tries to keep the believer from the Word of God. He encourages Christians to ignore the Word and accept false teaching so that they will revert to their former manner of life.


In short, Satan does everything possible to keep people from being saved; or, if a person does get saved, Satan tries to keep that person from being effective in the Christian life.


Satan's total plan, or strategy, is known as Evil. In the Bible, "Evil" is the technical term used for Satan's world strategy. As such, "Evil" is an objective term and has specific meaning and implication. The word "Evil" is capitalized in this paper to show that it is the title of Satan's plan.


Definition of Evil


1 Thess. 5:22, "Abstain from every form of Evil."


To obey this command it is necessary to learn what Evil is and what forms it takes...


The word "Evil" has a distinct technical and categorical meaning in the Word of God. It is not simply a generic word referring to anything that is bad or sinful.


The word "Evil" refers specifically to the policy of Satan as the ruler of this world. Evil is the modus operandi of Satan from the time of his fall throughout the angelic revolution and down to the point when be became the ruler of the world.


Satan is directly opposed to anything involving the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan's is devoted to distorting or obscuring any truth related to Christ.


2 Cor. 4:3,4 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.


Evil is Satan's system by which he administers the rulership of this world. He uses his world rulership to try to bring about the downfall of Jesus Christ. Failing that, Satan tries to turn as many people away from Christ as possible.


Through Evil, Satan brings about two major consequences on earth: sin and human good (the motivation of Evil), both of which are based on errors in thinking. The sin of self-righteousness combined with human good or sincerity produces a saturation of Evil in a nation.


One of the main reasons for learning about Evil from the Bible is to learn that man cannot solve his problems by human solutions. Any effective solution to a human problem is a divine solution. And there is an answer in the Bible for every human need or problem.


Anything that is outside of the plan of God is part of Satan's strategy of Evil. Therefore, any person who is consistently involved in the cosmic (Satanic) system is directly involved with Evil.


Evil results in the destruction of society, the malfunction of society. Evil causes the removal of legitimate authority and its function under the laws of divine establishment. Just as grace and doctrine represent the genius of God in relationship to the human race, so Evil represents the genius of Satan in relationship to the human race.


Therefore, what you and how you think is very important.


There are two ways of thinking:


*Divine viewpoint is thinking doctrine, which glorifies Christ.


*Human viewpoint is thinking Evil, which dishonors Christ.


Therefore, the issue is thought vs thought.


Evil attempts to produce a human good panacea which is expected to solve the problems of life apart from doctrine and divine establishment. So, Evil is often a distortion of doctrine or a distortion of the laws of divine establishment. Satan's original sin was a distortion of doctrine.


Evil comes in many forms:


*Altruistic humanitarianism











    *Political internationalism

    *Government interference

    *Distortion of the law

    *Bribery in government

    *Reducing the military


    *Public welfare


Evil produces the erroneous concept of "brotherly love." The whole idea of government trying to abolish sickness, mental illness, economic problems, frustrations, and human problems by legislation and human solutions is Evil.


The world's problems can never be solved apart from Bible doctrine and the laws of divine establishment.


Evil also includes:


*Social action


*Restriction of human freedom for the greater good


*Distortion of law to solve social and economic problems


*Interference of government in business and free enterprise


*Government quotas


Satan: The Originator of Evil


Evil originated and existed before human history. The means by which it was transmitted from previous creature existence to human history is Satan himself.


The origin of Evil is Satan's genius to devise a system to oppose God.


Evil originated in angelic creation in the greatest creature to ever come from the hand of God.




Satan controls most of Christianity through his cosmic system. The thing that makes people function in the cosmic system is arrogance.




Satan's plan is related to beating Christ to the Millennium with his own attempt to produce a perfect world. The more the world follows his plan, the greater the degeneracy which occurs.


Satan's plans always look good to the stupid, but it always results in degeneracy.


Refer to L. S. Chafer, Systematic Theology, Vol. 2, pp. 100-101, 108-111.


1 John 3:8, "When anyone commits a sin, he has become the agent of the devil."


*The sin nature is usually the source of temptation; volition is the source of sin.


*Your decision to sin puts you immediately into the cosmic system, making you the agent of Satan.


*The works of the devil can only be destroyed by functioning inside the plan of God. We are the products of our own decisions; therefore, we bring disaster on ourselves.


Biblical Conclusions About Evil


*The mature believer should be able to distinguish between sin and Evil.


    Heb 5:13-14 For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is a babe.

    But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and Evil.

    *Motivating Evil exists in the thought pattern of the soul. Evil and degeneracy start with a thought. It takes lots of doctrine to reject Evil. The Christian walk is the only real protection against Evil.


Matt. 6:23, "But if your eye is Evil, the entire body is full of darkness [cosmic involvement]."


Matt. 15:19, "For out of the mind come Evil thoughts."


*"Love" refers to the spiritual love which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Personal love can think Evil, but impersonal love, a function of the royal family, cannot think Evil.


1 Cor. 13:5 Love does not behave dishonorably, is not preoccupied with self, is not hypersensitive, does not think Evil."


*God protects the believer who is occupied with Christ and who has positive volition to doctrine.


Prov 12:21, "No Evil happens to the righteous."


Ps 37:17 "But the Lord sustains the righteous."


Ps 91:10, "No Evil will befall you; you who love the Lord hate Evil. The Lord preserves the souls of His mature ones; He delivers them from the hands of the Evil one."


Ps 121:7, "The Lord will protect you from all Evil; He will guard your soul."


Prov 2:11-13, "The wise sees the Evil and hides himself, but the stupid goes on and is punished for it."


*A believer who walks in the cosmic system can expect to be frustrated by Evil.


Rom 7:19, "For what I desire I do not do, but what I do not desire [Evil], this I keep practicing."


*The believer is warned to beware of those who practice Evil, Phil 3:2. Not tavern owners and drug dealers, but the respectable ...


Even legitimate things are mutilated or distorted. To beware does not necessarily mean to avoid but to understand.


*Sincere do-gooders are the major practitioners of Evil. The more involved you are in sincere human good crusades, the more you intensify your Evil.


3 Jn 11. "Beloved, do not be imitators of the Evil but of the good."


*Those who are under the influence of Evil always have a price.


It is a dangerous temptation to any poor believer to chase after money so as to neglect Bible doctrine. Actually, this verse applies to the love of any detail of life.


1 Tim 6:10, "The love of money is the root of all Evils."


*Influence by Evil explains why prayers are not answered.


Job 35:12, "There they cry out, but He does not answer because of the pride of Evil men."


This explains the pattern of saying "no" to truth, building callous on the soul, intensifying arrogance into self-pity, self-righteousness, and guilt, and therefore coming to believe the lie.


*Believers are often led into the cosmic system and Evil by their Christian friends.


1 Cor. 15:33, "Evil companions corrupt good morals."


2 Thess. 3:2-3, "That we may be delivered from perverse and Evil men, for all believers do not have doctrine; but the Lord is faithful and He will strengthen you and protect you from Evil."


*The attitude of the mature believer toward Evil is stated in:


Ps 84:10. "For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand days in the cosmic system. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of My Lord than to dwell in the tents of Evil."


*Submission to the authority of establishment prevents Evil and the influence of Evil, Eccl 8:2-5.


*The laws of divine establishment are designed to protect the citizens of the nation from Evil.


Rom 13:3-4 implies that the unbeliever can function successfully within divine establishment when he follows establishment truth. "Do you desire not to fear the authority? Therefore, keep on doing the good and you will have recognition from it. For it [government] is a minister of God to you for the purpose of good. But if you do Evil, be afraid. For he does not wear the sword for nothing."


*By protecting against Evil, the laws of divine establishment give freedom and protection for evangelization and for the teaching of Bible doctrine. The only limitation on crime is humility and respect for authority. Micah 1:12 teaches that our failure to cope with Evil leads to destruction of the nation.


Amos 5:14-15, "Hate Evil, love good, and establish justice in the court; consequently, the Lord God of the armies will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph."


*Evil is distinguished from war and disease, Jer 28:8. Sin and Evil occur in war, but war as a category is not Evil. War brings national freedom. War is not sin; it is inevitable and a necessity. Disease in itself is not sinful, though sin and Evil are associated with disease. Not all people who are sick are being disciplined by God.


The Relationship of Evil to Arrogance


*Mental attitude arrogance is anything related to preoccupation with self to the point of sin, human good, or Evil. It is satisfaction with self and dissatisfaction with others and with God.


*Negative volition arrogance is related to preoccupation with self and causes apathy toward doctrine. The authority of the pastor or the message of the Bible is rejected.


*Impulsive arrogance is any abuse of authority.


*Blind arrogance is the arrogance of legalism. In this a person is partially divorced from reality (sociopathic rather than psychotic). This includes self-righteous arrogance, in which a person fails to see in himself what he criticizes in others.


*Arrogance toward institutions is rejection of the authority, policy, and purpose of a bona fide organization.


*Conspiracy arrogance follows institutional arrogance and results in a conspiracy to overthrow the purpose, policy, or authority of an organization.


*Criminal arrogance seeks to solve problems through violence. It is totally divorced from reality. It includes terrorist and revolutionary activities.


*Crusader arrogance is the self-righteous arrogance of trying to straighten out the world. A person places his personal standards above the law or any form of establishment or authority. When criminal arrogance interlocks with crusader arrogance, there is terrorism or revolution.


*Psychotic arrogance is total divorcement from all reality. It is a result of bad decisions, not genetics. It is intense concentration on self. It is the emotional control of reason.


*Sexual arrogance is preoccupation with sex and self-gratification. It is preoccupation with the body to the exclusion of the soul.


*Genetic arrogance is assuming that greatness in life is inherited. Parents who seek recognition through the achievement of their children have this type of arrogance.


*Political arrogance is a result or companion or crusader arrogance. It tries to offer human solutions to life's problems. Liberals and conservatives both suffer from political arrogance.


*Client nation arrogance emphasizes the laws of divine establishment and the function of government leadership in terms of arrogance versus humility.


Client nation arrogance is the failure of our elected representatives and arrogant bureaucracy to control the government.


Client nation arrogance is the collective arrogance of a people living in Satan's world.


Monarchy is the rule of one man in the interest of the common good. Under arrogance this becomes tyranny, i.e., the rule of one man for his own advantage.


Aristocracy is the rule of a group in the interest of the common good. This degenerates to an oligarchy, which is the rule of a group for their own benefit, as the cosmic system influences the nation.


A republic is the rule of the better part of the people in the interest of common good. But when arrogance comes, it degenerates into a democracy, which is the rule of the worst part of the people for their own benefit.


*In authority arrogance, the individual fails to make the most difficult transition of temporal life, which is going from the authority in the home to freedom in life. The home is organized humility. The parents' authority is enforced humility, and child's response to enforced humility produces genuine humility. Rejection of overt authority in life results in rejection of inward authority of the soul, and that destroys a person's self-discipline.


*Arrogance of Ignorance. Genuine humility is necessary for the transition from authority in the home to freedom in life and from ignorance at salvation to wisdom at spiritual maturity. Genuine humility is teachability to make that transition. The arrogance of ignorance is the failure to make that transition from ignorance to cognizance in the Christian way of life.


*In the arrogance of unhappiness, self-centeredness eliminates any capacity or possibility for happiness. Involvement in the world guarantees unhappiness and leads to erroneous ideas about what constitutes happiness. This means you expect others to make you happy. Entertainment and marriage is for people who are already happy. But with the arrogance of unhappiness, you have a martyr complex which results in trying to control people by giving them a guilt complex. This is how the weak control the strong.


*The arrogance of morality is the self-righteous arrogance of superimposing false standards of morality on others. People major in one moral thing so they can rationalize and say they are better than everyone else in that area. This is superimposing a false standard of morality on others or taking a true standard out of its context, e.g., salvation. Morality is designed to protect human freedom.


*The arrogance of emotion is irrationality. Arrogant people stop thinking and so their emotion becomes their substitute for thought. This is total preoccupation with self related to emotion. Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Bible doctrine is the environment for decisions. Emotional arrogance fantasizes and therefore collapses under pressure.


*In the arrogance of pseudo-generosity, a person gives because of a desire for attention, approbation, or to buy friendship or happiness. 2 Cor. 9:7-11 teaches that the function of genuine generosity is found in the mind.


*Arrogance of Christian service. Loss of momentum comes from rejection of doctrine and substituting Christian service for spirituality. Christian service becomes a distraction to momentum. Production is a result of growth, never the means. Perpetuation of Christian service while in the cosmic system is the arrogance of Christian service. Arrogance mistakes Christian service for growth and momentum.


*The arrogance of discouragement is preoccupation with self under pressure and testing. Unexplained disaster tempts the believer to feel sorry for himself. Being maligned, treated unfairly, or facing the death of loved ones are the kinds of disaster or pressure that bring this on.


Matt. 26:58


1 Kings 19:10.


*Arrogance of Lust. When legitimate desire is linked with arrogance, it becomes lust. Inordinate desire is lust. Desire is not wrong, but lust is. Lust is arrogant preoccupation with one's desires.


*Pseudo-intellectual arrogance is the superimposition of human I. Q. over spiritual IQ. Arrogance rejects divine viewpoint. It glorifies human speculation to the exclusion of Bible doctrine, or seeks to reconcile Bible doctrine with false philosophical, psychological, and scientific speculation; e.g., gnosticism.


The Results of Negative Volition to the Word of God


Negative volition to doctrine. A person resists doctrine because he is antagonistic to truth, to God, and to the things of God. He is the enemy of God's plan. Evil, before it ever becomes a function or action, is a thought or motive. People are degenerate because of the way they think, not because of what they do. You have to be preoccupied with yourself before you can be negative to doctrine. This is characterized by antagonism toward everyone associated with the Christian life. There are three categories of negative volition:


*Negative volition at God-consciousness. This is the point of accountability which occurs at different ages depending on the culture. God-consciousness can occur in a number of ways.


-Teleological thinking says a structure demands a designer.


-Cosmological thinking says the intuitive law of cause and effect demands the existence of God.


-Ontological thinking says that since the human mind possesses the idea of a perfect Being, such a Being must exist. There must be an absolute which gives character to the relative.


-Anthropological thinking says that man's soul possesses both volition and conscience with an urge to choose right rather than wrong, and that the structure of society is based on the recognition of virtue and truth.


-Theological thinking says that God must exist because men universally believe in His existence. Heathen are heathen because of negative volition at God-consciousness or Gospel hearing, Rom 1:18-25.


*Negative volition at Gospel hearing. Rejection of Jesus Christ leaves a person outside of God's plan: 1 Cor 1:18; 2 Cor 4:3-4; 2 Pet 2:20-22.


*Negative volition to doctrine. The believer immediately enters this area when he rejects the communicator or the message. Emotional arrogance is a big reason for this.


2 Cor 6:11, "You are hindered by your own emotions."


The negative Christian becomes selective in what he thinks, thus rejecting anything resembling truth. Then he leans on his emotions for pleasure, thereby misusing emotion, Rom 16:17-18.


Worldly (cosmic) degeneration occurs hen a Christian becomes antagonistic to truth and enters into a state of degeneracy. Degeneracy is in the mind long before it is in actions. Rom 1:24-27 illustrates, "they who exchange the doctrine of God for a lie."


Anti-establishment activity occurs when the soul is antagonistic to the laws of divine establishment and authority. 2Tim3:2-3 teaches that this begins in the home with "disobedience to parents." This is ingrained antagonism toward authority.


Rom 1:28-32 is the best illustration of anti-establishment thinking and activity.


Panaceas are Man's attempts to improve the world and are always sponsored by Satan. Any solution sought apart from divine truth is a cosmic panacea. A cosmic panacea is an Evil (Satanic) solution which tries to keep the Lord Jesus Christ out of the picture.


The world's panaceas reject any salvation by grace or spirituality by grace.


Instead of freedom, there is the demand for equality.


"The end always justifies the means," is the motto of the believer participating in this. He believes in redistribution of wealth, over-taxation, legislation to solve all problems, sameness in life, big government and little people where citizens are slaves of the state, regulation of private enterprise, confiscation of private property, and utopianism.


Cosmic panaceas lead to violence, terrorism, and revolution under the principle of social engineering.


The state trains the children to be obedient to the dictates of the state rather than to parents. There is a total rejection of freedom and authority.


Religion is Satan's counterfeit of the plan of God. Christianity is not a religion, but is a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ. Religion is man by man's efforts seeking to gain the approbation of God. 2 Cor 11 describes religious leaders. 2 Tim 3:7-8, "these religious types oppose doctrine, are men of depraved mind [degenerate], disqualified from blessing with regard to doctrine" See also 2 Pet 2:1-3.


Demonism. See Topic: DEMONISM


Anthropocentric (man-centered) academic speculation is motivated by pseudo-intellectual arrogance. This is the attempt to reconcile philosophical and scientific speculation with doctrine. When this can't be done, the person rejects doctrine and seeks a substitute. The more arrogant you are, the more you are attracted to academic speculation.


Grace Versus Evil.


Every generation has to choose between the grace policy of God, represented by the cross, and the Evil policy of Satan. This issue has never left the human race. The genius of God has perpetuated the issue of volition throughout human history and throughout the human race.


Therefore, the issue before the royal family is: are you influenced by doctrine or by Evil? Our parents in the Garden faced this same issue.


Grace is the means by which doctrinal principles are elucidated; Evil as Satan's policy is the means by which false doctrine is inculcated, Prov 11:18-19, 14:22, 15:3, 16:6, 22:3, 24:1-4; Eph. 5:16; 2 Thess. 3:2-3.


These passages present some of the following principles.


*Divine omniscience provides discipline for Evil and blessing for doctrine.


*Thinking you are an island unto yourself is in itself Evil.


*The ultimate result of the pursuit of Evil for the believer is the sin unto death. This is the most suffering any believer can ever endure, but he deserves every bit of it.


*Now, just as in the beginning, when you partake of the "forbidden fruit" of Evil, you receive tremendous divine discipline. Just as what you eat from a tree becomes a part of you, so when you partake of Evil it becomes a part of you. And simply by being filled with human good and Evil, you bring on yourself a whole system of self-induced misery and divine discipline.


*Eph 5:16 summarizes all these principles of Evil found in Proverbs. You redeem time by the filling of the Spirit and maximum doctrine in your soul, which at the same time kills off Evil.


Knowledge of the Word of God neutralizes Evil in the soul, Ps 54:5; Rom 12:21.


Once under the influence of Evil, the only possible recovery comes from learning doctrine.


Grace does not come through when you are under the influence of Evil.


It is impossible for any of God's attributes to be Evil. He is minus all the Evil things Satan does all the time. That there is no Evil in God indicates the great dividing line in the angelic conflict


Protection from Evil.


The believer in fellowship is protected from Evil.


Satan wants you to drop your guard and go negative toward doctrine, Ps. 21:11, 23:4; Prov 12:12,20,21; Gen 48:16; Gen 50:20, "They meant it for Evil, but God meant it for good."


There is no coexistence with both Evil and inner happiness. However, sin and happiness can coexist. Do you know anyone happier than David, or anyone who lived better than David? You can be happy living in your sins.


There is divine protection from Evil for the positive believer:


Ps.37:16-19, "They [positive believers] will not be ashamed in the time of Evil; in the day of depression they will still have abundance."


Ps. 91:10, 97:10, 119:101, 121:7; Prov. 2:10-14.


Prov 1:33, "He who listens to Me shall live in security, and shall be at ease without fear of Evil."


Prov 16:6, "By occupation with the Lord, one avoids Evil."


Prov 19:23 teaches that there is divine protection from Evil all around.


The more doctrine you have in your soul, the more you will love the Lord and the more you will hate Evil. All thoughts in life are actually fighting over your soul, Prov 3:7.


The negative believer immediately finds a great deal against which he can react, and he moves into the stages of reversion. Remember that Satan offers him a pseudo-maturity status and pseudo prosperity. Satan is capable of rewarding as the ruler of the world.


So the constant intake of doctrine is the only insulation from Evil, because doctrine goes where Evil would reside; i.e., in the mind, and there doctrine combats Evil.

Psalm 21:11 Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed.

2Samuel 5                                            72David                                              631_0164

01/10/1975 Ps. 21:11b-13 Doctrine of evil (review); doctrine of revolution (revised)

Evil is the modus operandi of Satan. It includes much more than just sin. It is an attempt to solve the problems of life apart from Bible doctrine. Doctrine neutralizes evil. Evil distorts grace. Evil distorts establishment. Reversionists are influenced by evil evil rationalizes. Conspiracy and revolution is evil. Evil is self destructive. Evil seeks to build happiness on someone else’s unhappiness. There is no evil in God. God judges evil. In spite of evil, Jesus Christ controls history.

Those who have planned evil against the believer, cannot carry out these plan.s David was attacked by every facet of evil. There is human and angelic evil.

Doctrine of Revolution

1.       New notes. This is a change wrought by violence; the violent overthrow of duly constituted authority.

          a.       To overthrow any government by violence is revolution.

          b.       Revolution is removing the authority of establishment by means of violence.

          c.        Revolution is a form of conspiracy. Their objectives are associated with evil.

          d.       The carefully planned plan of conspirators is called a plot.

          e.       The means of carrying it out is called intrigue or machination.

          f.        The laws of divine establishment are designed to perpetuate the human race during the entire Angelic Conflict.

          g.       Revolution seeks to overthrow by violence by establishment authority and replace it with evil authority. This all depends upon what influences us. We cannot influence doctrine, it can influence us. Same with evil. Evil is demotion, the sin unto death, illustrated by Saul. Most people associated evil with sin, but sin is only a small part of it. All kinds of concepts from reversionism to any type of system where man by man’s efforts solves man’s problems.

2.       The principles of revolution.

          a.       The antagonism of evil toward establishment is the divine policy; evil seeks to overthrow establishment against the laws of establishment and against the authority to protect the human race.

          b.       Conspiracy and revolution are two sides of the one coin called revolution. Shooting arrows in the context from a place of concealment at the blameless. They suddenly shoot at him and they do not fear.

          c.        They hold fast to an evil purpose in themselves. They conspire to

          d.       Evil is the concept behind all revolution. A revolutionary seeks only evil.

          e.       Since evil is the plan and policy of Satan, evil is a reaction to doctrine and the laws of divine establishment.

          f.        This can be motivated by arrogance, implacability or some mental attitude sins or some form of lust like power lust or approbation lust or even some sincere human good.

          g.       Since evil includes sin, religion, apostasy, altruism, socialism, public welfare, it produces many antithetical types of revolutionaries. They can be sweet and loving or cruel and vicious.

          h.       The revolutionist can be a power-mad dictator or a sincere clergyman. The old sin nature belongs in all kinds of people; evil resides in the right lobe just as sin is found in the soul.

          i.         This includes a sincere visionary just as much as a hardcore Bolshevik.

          j.         He can be a downtrodden member of the masses or rich.

          k.        He can be an opportunist or a reversionistic Christian.

3.       The Word of God does not justify revolution.

          a.       Most of you think in terms of people. The Bourbons killed Marie Antoinette and that did not solve anything. They thought this would eliminate the authority and they yelled that they were free, but they were in greater enslavement. So, nothing was ever solved. Labor unions created greater problems than what they solved. Num. 16 the revolution against Moses included all kinds of people. It included Korah in the tribe of Levi. He wanted the power to stay at the tribe. The tribe of Reuben was the oldest tribe. There were several people at the tribe of Reuben. These leaders conspired against Moses. There were 14,000 people in the revolution. They have perished in the revolution of Korah. The Word of God is against all revolution. The problem of the revolutionary war.

          b.       Bob assumes that you do not know anything about the Bible or about American history or about the Anglo-Saxon background. There is not great contribution from Africa, Asia or Europe. When you become an American citizen, your culture is Anglo-Saxon. Your freedoms were developed in the Shire Moot. They were developed from Bible doctrine and from that segment of the reformation and Scotland even, but not from the continent. England is an island but the cultural spiritual source of everything that is American. This was not a revolutionary war in the colonies. This was the first American War for independence. We won the first one and lost the second. This was not the overthrow of a government by violence, but a fight for establishment. Establishment was not vested in King George anymore. The authority was vested in the parliament, the House of Lords and the House of Commons; and the House of Commons was a bonafide authority. It had representation from all over England, Scotland and none from the United States. Yet we were taxed; excessively taxed and without our consent. There were no elections in the House of Commons. This was tyranny and there was a war to clarify this. It was a war to give us seats in the House of commons or not to tax us whatsoever.

          c.        Revolution is always anti-God. Return to Him from Whom you have revolted. This verse recognizes that they were in revolt against God.

          d.       Revolution is a manifestation of reversionism and apostasy. Isa. 1:2-5 59:13 revolution is always composed of lying words. The promise solutions that they cannot fulfil.

          e.       The source comes fro the right lobe. Jer. 5:23 this people has a calloused and revolutionary heart. They have turned aside from doctrine

          f.        The teaching of Bible doctrine is the solution for revolution. Ezek. 2

4.       The historical trend of revolution.

          a.       It begins in the soul with some form of reversionism. Blackout of the soul or hardness of heart. In the final stage, reverse process reversionism, when you should be under the laws of divine establishment, you are in a state of revolution.

          b.       Regardless of whether it is believer or unbeliever type, the result is seeking a human solution to the problems of life. Only divine answers exist. Satan has eluded

          c.        The solutions may or may not be related to the sins of the sin nature, but they always advocate the overflow of the sin nature it may be arrogance or implacability. Sometimes people try to solve these problems without any bitterness or ax to grind or without any sin at all; just filled with altruism.

          d.       The revolutionist can never understand principles of authority. Then any person who is abusing authority, he wants to get rid of that person as well as that authority.

          e.       The revolutionist cannot separate the principle of authority from the person who has the authority. This is why we have Young Life and Campus Crusade.

          f.        He reacts against the person who abused the authority but the authority itself; the system of authority. This is our Anglo-Saxon background. In the Shire Moot, they talked it out. Violence does not solve anything. In the house of commons, we have the magna carta applied.

          g.       We think of revolution in terms of government; but it can be applied to business, marriage, the church, and many other systems of authority.

          h.       The French revolution and the Russian revolution were evil. The Bolsheviks were much worst than who they replaced. The Jacobins much worse than Louise Bourbon. In each case, the person and the authority were destroyed. This is what happens when violence are used the solve man’s problems.

          i.         Revolution involves lawless mobs which cannot reason or solve problems.

          j.         Mob action is emotional and destructive the enemy of establishment.

          k.        Mob action seems to intimidate and destroy proper authority.

          l.         Therefore, mobs are self-destructive. They have no establishment, no authority to perpetuate themselves. Mobs must die.

5.       Examples:

          a.       Russian and French are obvious.

          b.       The reformation was freedom from the revolutionists. The Roman Catholic church did not believe in establishment; they mad themselves the establishment. There was political and establishment freedom.

          c.        The rise of Christian organizations outside of the church are forms of revolution. All of the Young Life campaign is a revolutionary organization. Because of personalities, they have sought to destroy the authority of the church. They say the church is not doing the job, then they say, “Pay us to do the job.” They do not even know about the royal family of God or the universal priesthood of the believer. They claim to be doing good; but they have overthrown the authority of the pastor-teacher. The Victorians feared sex, but not death; opposite today.

Psalm 21:11 Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed.

You make them turn their back. Hebrew commentaries have them running away, and then turning around so that they can get shot in the face.

You, David, will appoint them, the shoulder. Today, this means to load and lock. They have a bow and they fit an arrow in the bow. You hold up the bow, load and lock. The men are trained and ready.

What this Verse Means

1.       Military preparedness frustrates hostile nations.

2.       Appointing the shoulder is the archer infantryman at the ready to meet the enemy.

3.       The archer is prepared, turned toward the enemy.

4.       The bow is held ready to shoot.

5.       The picture of archer infantry ready for battle.

6.       They were poised and ready to see the faces of their enemies.

7.       National peace always comes through the military establishment.

Psalm 21:12 For you will put them to flight; you will aim at their faces with your bows.

Qal imperative of rum (kum?).

We have already studied the first victory. We will sing and celebrate Your powerful victory. Jesus Christ controls history. Believers are often on the side of evil. The supergrace believer knows better and David is speaking as a supergrace believer.

Psalm 21:13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength! We will sing and praise your power.

We have cleared the decks for the second Philistine invasion.

2Samuel 5:22-25; Psalm 20:1-2          72David                                              631_0165

01/12/1975 Battle of the Mulberry Grove

2Sam. 5:15 Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,

2Sam. 5:16 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.

2Sam. 5:17 When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over Israel, all the Philistines went up to search [a search and destroy mission] for David. But David heard of it and went down to the stronghold.

2Sam. 5:18 Now the Philistines had come and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim.

2Sam. 5:19 And David inquired of the LORD, "Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hand?" And the LORD said to David, "Go up, for I will certainly give the Philistines into your hand."

2Sam. 5:20 And David came to Baal-perazim, and David defeated them there. And he said, "The LORD has burst through my enemies before me like a bursting flood." Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim. This is where he accomplished his tactical penetration.

2Sam. 5:21 And the Philistines left their idols there, and David and his men carried them away.

David is the greatest ruler who has ever lived until our Lord returns. He was a great civil and military leader. He was a great military man of history.

The Philistines are mostly Micenian with some Dorian Greek thrown in. We have not understood until modern times that the Greek people were the most vigorous and powerful of all the ancient world.

The 5th century Greeks, that we know, the Classical Greeks, made up a very small part of the Greeks. Many other Greeks almost conquered the world before Alexander came on the scene.

These Philistines left their war gods behind.

This time they show up as infantry. We often think of Jews as peaceniks, but throughout the world, Jews have always been great fighters.

All freedom in any national entity is gotten by means of the military.

We ought to have a giant infantry soldier on the shore instead of Lady Liberty.

The Philistines are the bold type of Greek warrior; they are the type who went into the Sea of Troy. They later fought at...

To come up means that the Philistines came from their flat, maritime plain and came up the hills of Judæa. Even though they were defeated, they were not decisively defeated.

Once again, the freedom of Israel has been challenged. There is a good tactical position for the Philistines. They liked the Valley of Rephaim. It is an easy march from Bethshan and you go through one valley into another, and you are not climbing mountains but it is an easy march. The Bethshan valley going into the Valley of Rephaim.

There was a terrain consideration; they wanted to recover their war gods; and they expected David to come and attack in the same way, and they would be ready for that approach this time. The Philistine army is now fortifying this ridge. David found a gully where the Philistines did not have a strong concentration there. They Philistines planned to leave that gully open so that David could see it; then they would have troops on both sides of the valley. They let David’s army charge in, and then they would surround them.

David used the terrain; they thought that David would use the same approach as he did before. God is going to prohibit a repetition of this attack. The Philistines were coming back. They had found a way to trap David, so they thought.

2Sam. 5:22 And the Philistines came up yet again [now, once again, the Philistines invaded] and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim.

David is to surround or to turn around. In the Hiphil stem, it means to envelop. David is supposed to move against the Philistines by means of a single envelopment attack. They are waiting for David this time. There is a grove of trees which is on the flank and to the rear of the Philistine army. It is in this area that the single envelopment will be executed.

There will be a hinge, and the bulk of the army is going to come around the hinge and attack from that direction.

2Sam. 5:23 And when David inquired of the LORD [a battle prayer], he said, "You shall not go up [you will not make a front assault]; go around to their rear [execute a single envelopment behind them], and come against them opposite the balsam trees [and attack them from the mulberry grove].

The Philistines had come into this valley as before.

A single envelopment can be the greatest thing in the world, but it can also fail drastically.

The ridge is called Baal Parazim. The holding force is out in front, and that is the hinge; but the bulk of the army is in the mulberry grove. There has to be good timing here. There is a time to launch the attack.

The Philistines have shifted their troops along the ridge in order to set up the ambush. The Lord blesses aggressive action. God is approving the killing of the enemy.

They were attacked from the north the first time, so they retreated south, and then west. They retreated down the valley. David did a front assault before. But he will come in behind them.

2Sam. 5:24 And when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then rouse yourself [attack immediately], for then the LORD has gone out before you to strike down the army of the Philistines."

David did what the Lord commanded him. He executed according to the Lord’s instructions. David annihilates the enemy. He strikes down their troops.

They expected an attack from one direction, but they got it from the other.

2Sam. 5:25 And David did as the LORD commanded him, and struck down the Philistines from Geba to Gezer.

This battle broke the back of the Philistines and there will be another skirmish, but this pretty much did them in.

The Philistines had a brilliant plan, and God’s plan overruled their approach. You need to be flexible, and this is what saved David.

This is an 18 mile pursuit. Military training is the very keystone to freedom.

Psalm 21 was the commentary on the first battle; Psalm 20 is the commentary on the second battle.

Some of you probably wonder what the Bible is doing with all of these battles? What is the significance? It is battles that give you freedom; it is battles that give you life.

Don’t every try to keep your kids out of the military. This is where the Word of God says we get our freedom.

God commands the taking of life. Capital punishment is ordained by God. This is a divine commandment; and it is just as much a commandment as the Ten Commandments. God demands killing.

Missionaries ought to realize that you evangelize from a position of freedom. The evaluation of human life in the Bible is much different than that of the Bible.

There is not holy ghost language.

Psalm 20:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. May the LORD [the Lord will] answer you in the day of trouble [pressure]! May the name of the God of Jacob protect [to protect, to defend] you!

God answers David in his day of troubles; God answers David’s battle prayer. All freedom is purchased by the military.

Jacob means to defraud, to cheat. He is changed to prince of God. God orders the extermination of all revolutionists. Revolution is anti-God and anti-Christian.

Two wars for independence in United States history.

Some Principles to Come out of this

1.       God answers battle prayers.

2.       The day of pressure is the attack of the Philistines.

3.       The defense or protection of David is Jesus Christ, Who controls history.

4.       The basis of protection is David’s supergrace status or maximum doctrine in his own soul.

5.       The fulfillment is the two victories over the Philistines.

6.       God cannot use someone who is influenced by evil to deliver Israel.

Many of our Christian organizations are nothing more than believers gathering together to change evil. But you cannot change evil. Evil can change you, but not vice versa. David carried the nation because of his spiritual life and so did the knights under him. This is why in 33 years, David accomplished the impossible, carving out an empire in the middle of a half-dozen predatory nations and Solomon will have a nation of peace.

Psalm 20:2 May he send [He will send help] you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion!

This verse is not a prayer; this is a promise. David learned doctrine from the tabernacle and this was how he learned the various things they caused him to move on to supergrace. He became a supergrace believer. David advanced to supergrace when he was very young. He understood the need for battle prayer.

David has pitched the tabernacle right next to his castle on the high hill called Zion where David’s castle is, and the tabernacle is pitched next to it. It has been at Shiloh, Mizpeh, Nob. But I don’t think this is right. David moved the Ark of God; but He did not move the tabernacle.

God promotes prepared believers and prepared believers have doctrine in their souls.

The Synonyms for Maturity

1.       The language synonym; chakmah.

2.       Greater grace is another phrase.

3.       The priestly synonym; the altar in the soul. Bible doctrine in the soul is the altar in the soul. We have the sacrifices of life based upon the altar in the soul. Do not try to roast the lamb on the open fire by the boy scouts.

4.       A building synonym. Eph. 4:12–16 a complete complex.

5.       Redeeming the time; Eph. 5:16, 18

6.       A central control synonym; Bible doctrine must be our dictator. You will always have the answers and the capacity. You cannot grow up in a one-shot deal; you must grow up in the local church. Outside of that, there is not growth. This is the only system which God has ordained. People do not absorb the Word of God for themselves.

7.       Military synonyms: putting on the full armor of God; following the colors to the high ground; the establishment of a command post.

8.       Discipleship and take up your cross; these are mistaken for something else, but these are maturity synonyms.

9.       The salt of the earth in Matt, Mark, Luke and Col. 4;6 salt is a preservative. There are at least 37 men who are the salt of the earth.

Psalm 20:2 May he send [He will send help] you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion!

Zion is David’s headquarters; it was his Pentagon; it was his headquarters. He had doctrine in his soul when he walked into his headquarters. This was his literal command post where he is sustained by his spiritual command post in his soul.


1.       As David goes to his hq, he was well-prepared; he was stabilized in his command post.

2.       He was a prepared man spiritually and professionally.

3.       God uses prepared men.

4.       The invasion crisis was great but doctrine resident in the soul was greater. David’s help came from doctrine in his soul.

5.       He was sustained with his staff in castle Zion.

2Samuel 5 Psalm 20:3-7                    72David                                              631_0166

01/12/1975 Chariots in the Bible; doctrine of propitiation; profile of Jesus Christ

David’s battle prayers were answered.

Mincah is the special food offerings which emphasize propitiation. Jesus Christ is the God-man, Who had to become man to fulfill God’s plan for Him. We use the bread in communion as Israel used the mincah. We remember the Person of Jesus Christ and His work. David became a great man, military and on the battlefield; but also a great king; one of the greatest people who has ever lived. He avoided every form of evil. Evil is the policy of Satan; operation bleeding heart, socialism, communism. David had great power and the ability to handle this power and authority. Evil and sin are two different principles. We all sin; sin comes from the sin nature and evil comes from the right lobe. All great rulers in history were sinners; all of them. God still ordained that they would be rulers. There are sinners who are great and sinners who are not.

Frederick the Great was a homosexual, but he was the greatest of all German rulers ever. Peter the Great of Russia did more for Russian than anyone else; and a great hell raiser; Catherine the Great is the best known nymphomaniac of all time and also a great ruler. For some of you, this is a brand new thought, that a person can be a great ruler and sin as well. Evil is FDR, evil is compulsory education rather than universal military training; evil is the rise of liberalism. Evil is a guy with long hair; an effeminate fag, a sissy. It is an altruistic socialist. It is a psychologist who is a humanitarian.

King Saul was influenced by evil and he was taken out by the sin unto death. The most mixed up person today is the born-again believer; he can be very sweet and nice and he may be involved in some wonderful cause. Evil always abuses power. David is free from evil.


1.       The God-ward side of salvation is propitiation, whereby the essence of God is made compatible to man’s salvation through Jesus Christ. There is no compromise. God’s character is not compromised. God is sovereignty, righteous, love, eternal life. The real key to God’s character is His holiness. This must remain intact or God is not God. At the cross, we have redemption; the sins of mankind were paid for on the cross. Man is reconciled to God through Jesus Christ’s work on the cross. The character of God is not compromised in salvation.

2.       This is communicated in the Ark and the Mercy seat.

3.       Propitiation was appropriated by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Rom. 3:25–26

4.       Propitiation is related to the work of Christ on the cross. Lev.

5.       The Mercy Seat represents the Person of Jesus Christ.

6.       The New Testament confirms the importance of the Mercy Seat. Heb. 9:5

7.       Propitiation is related to unlimited atonement. 1John 2:2

8.       Propitiation demonstrates the perfect love of God.

9.       Propitiation represents the Rom. 3:25 Jesus Christ is the reason that God restrained judgement of sin in the Old Testament; He waited until Christ on the cross.

10.     The importance of propitiation can be observed by the Law in the Ark of God. The Law cannot justify. “O God, be propitious to me a sinner.”

11.     Men are not saved by begging God for mercy; we are saved by putting our faith in Jesus Christ.

David not only had his battle prayer, but he had his own communion service. Food offerings and He will accept your burnt offerings.

David and Propitiation

1.       Bible doctrine in the soul becomes the basis for confidence in a crisis.

2.       David’s confidence is based upon propitiation.

3.       David learned propitiation by seeing the burnt offering and the mincah over and over again.

4.       These offering emphasize Who and What Christ is.

5.       Jesus Christ controls history. Because Jesus controls history; he recognizes the importance of the commands which he received. Two antithetical attacks on the same terrain, which confused and beat the Philistines.

6.       The relationship of the individual to Christ. This explains Stonewall Jackson.

7.       Under propitiation, Christ has found a way to save the undeserving believer. Based on this pattern, God can give us everything.

Psalm 20:3 May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah

Without divine backing, there is no victory in battle. An army must be thoroughly trained. It must have men with the motivation to fight, to subordinate themselves to authorities to a greater purpose; but the primary factor is the grace of God. Jesus Christ controls history. An army may be well-trained, but Jesus Christ must control the outcome.

Psalm 20:4 May he grant you your heart's desire [give you according to your right lobe] and fulfill all your plans [David’s battle plan]!

The response of the Jewish army to David. There is a capacity to appreciate the Lord Jesus Christ in victory. David made an entirely different attack, which is the element of surprise, and this is why he was able to defeat the Philistines in both battles. David was flexible.

Psalm 20:5 May we shout for joy over your salvation [battle deliverance, victory], and in the name of our God set up our banners [in the Name of Elohim, we will plant our colors]! May the LORD fulfill all your [battle] petitions!

David is a man of battle and a spiritual man and a man of prayer. The Lord will fulfill all of your battle petitions. Jesus Christ controls history and He went to God in prayer.

When David heard the sound of the Philistines marchers, he attacked and drove them north, separating them from their supplies, and chasing them down for 18 miles.

Psalm 20:6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand.

The army has confidence in God and knows that God would answer their prayers from heaven.

The Profile of Jesus Christ

1.       Jesus is God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father.

2.       Jesus Christ is different from the other members of the godhead; He is the only Savior; He became a man to be our Savior. He was able to go to the cross and He provide His mighty deeds. Believing in God does not save you; recognizing the existence of God does not save your.

3.       Jesus is the prince ruler of the church and the High Priest of the church.

4.       He is the Mediator between God and man.

5.       Jesus Christ is the victor of the Angelic Conflict through death, burial and resurrection. This was done coterminous with accomplishing our salvation.

6.       He is the sovereign executive of history. He is seated at the right hand of the Father.

7.       Jesus Christ is the God of battle.

8.       He is the future and eternal ruler of the world.

The military profile of Jesus Christ. This prepares us for v. 7. Only the Philistines used chariots and horses. Their chariots were of no help. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Mitanni, and a few others used chariots. The chariots became obsolete in warfare with the Greeks and the Romans.

Chariots in the Bible

1.       A two wheeled vehicle led by horses. One to three men in a chariot and some wagons held more.

2.       Joseph rode in one as the premier of Egypt. Gen. 50:9 the Egyptians did not have chariots until the Hyksos dynasty.

3.       The Hyksos dynasty in Egypt ruled Egypt at this time.

4.       Pharaoh Aminhotep pursued Moses with chartiots.

5.       Canaanites used chariots in the book of Judges.

6.       The Philistines picked up their chariots from the Hittites. Many of the tablets in Hittite tell how to buy and keep horses. The Hittites are the source of the Canaanites and the Philistines? Or how these groups came to use the chariot.

7.       The Ethiopian treasurer going across the desert and a disciple hitched a ride with him.

8.       Hezekiah was shot down for depending upon chariots; and he cut back on his military in order to use chariots instead. He was condemned for depending upon foreign powers.

9.       The Jews came to depend upon Egyptian chariots and on their own chariot force. They never prospered with chariots or with horses. They did best with their infantry. Isa. 2:6–8. You are filled with influences from the east. It was traditional that God prospered Israel’s infantry. Isa. 22:17–18 God warned that they would be cast into a far country, which is Chaldea. Woe to those who trust in chariots. I will overthrow their chariots and their riders. The chariot was the super-weapon of the ancient world.

The quality of our pilots is far superior to the soviets. But the Russians are passing us by in every other way.

What will preserve the United States today, with the riffing of our miiltary forces. “We will remember” is a small group of supergrace believers who function to save the nation.

The great courage of Zeruiah who raised 3 great military men. Our preservation of a nation depends upon the very background of our nation being formed. Our heritage is Anglo-Saxon. If you are a citizen of the United States, then your background heritage is the Magna Carta. It is not European heritage. Spiritual heritage as well, which made our country great. Afro-culture is nothing; it is meaningless. It is not African, not Indian and not even European; but it goes back to the Shire Moot.

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

2Samuel 5 Ps. 20:8, 9                         72David                                              631_0167

 01/17/1975 Doctrine of covenants to Israel (review of verses 1-7)

Bob was encouraged to take a trip to Dallas this week. It is very prosperous and filled with religion. It is loaded with apostate Christian schools. The only person doing the job and doing it right is Herman Mattox. Very few people seemed to understand what it is all about. The board of deacons and the men in that church are particularly outstanding.

Dan Stolgey gave Bob a fine sign in Latin, “Don’t let the bastards wear you down.” So many have responded to Herman and Glenn Carnage (?). Many want to start a tape ministry right out the gate. Arrogance appears to be the order of the day. The lack of arrogance; the true humility of the congregation; the relaxed mental attitude is nice.

We will conclude this psalm and go on to the next increment.

This psalm has 9 verses and it is all about the military campaign against the Philistines.

Psalm 20:1–7 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. May the LORD [the Lord will] answer you in the day of trouble [pressure]! May the name of the God of Jacob protect [to protect, to defend] you! May he send [He will send help] you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah May he grant you your heart's desire [give you according to your right lobe] and fulfill all your plans [David’s battle plan]! May we shout for joy over your salvation [battle deliverance, victory], and in the name of our God set up our banners [in the Name of Elohim, we will plant our colors]! May the LORD fulfill all your [battle] petitions! Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Some notes put back a few sessions with the synonyms for Christian growth. Taking up the cross means that you must be consistent.

When t says that God so loves the world, the key to love is righteousness. We will never have in this life sinless perfection. How can God bless those who are sinners. God can bless the sinner and God blessed him greatly. You might get upset over that. He had a lot of capacity for life; he was just a high liver. There are believers with more refined sins, but they are nothing. God can bless the sinning Christian but not those engaged in evil.

Saul was influenced by evil; David was influenced by doctrine. Saul was a highly moral guy. He was not an imbiber. He did not do any chasing. And he is as lilly white clean as anyone who has just come out of Sunday school. There have been some great believers in all of the history. But there is a lot to do with the Biblical concept of evil. David never got involved with socialism, international brotherhood, he would not have liked Campus Crusade, Young Life Campaign, etc. he was involved in the Tabernacle; the Levitical priesthood. God has two absolutes; +R and +H.

Nice people are evil; sweet people are evil. Very wonderful, scintillating people are evil. Bible doctrine becomes the basis of confidence in the crisis. Evil does not influence David. Asahel and Beniah were not influenced by evil.

David will fail in some ways after 17 years of reigning; but not due to evil. So the pattern of propitiation.

Bob gave us a lot of information about chariots.

Psalm 20:8 They collapse [have been defeated] and fall [have fallen], but we rise [have been established or stabilized on the battlefield] and stand upright.

Freedom, Security, Prosperity

1.       All the ingredients of national blessing are found in this verse. Jesus Christ answered David’s battle prayers. Tactical penetration first time and single envelopment for the second.

2.       Supergrace believers are the salt of the land. There is a great spiritual awakening in the land of Israel. Many men growing.

3.       Put together the supergrace believer with the Jesus Christ controls history.

4.       The discipline of reversionism has caused the Philistines to dominate Israel; but there was a change with David, which is a spiritual and establishment factor.

Psalm 20:9 O LORD, save the king [Jehovah has delivered the king]! May he answer us when we call.

This brings us to the Davidic covenant. Everything related to castle Zion all fits together in 2Sam. 7. That is where we are going. We have to stop off first in chapter 6.

The Covenants to Israel

1.       Definition: berith are the two words translated testament and covenant. Covenant is very correct but testament is not. They both mean a disposition made by one party in favor of another party, which is regenerate mankind. Someone must die in order for a testament to be valid; the covenant does not depend upon such a death. This is not a last will and testament because Christ died. The ascension of Christ provides the new covenant; not the death. Party of the first part makes a favorable disposition toward the party of the second part; both parties are alive. God lives and cannot die. It includes the death of Christ and it also depends on the ascension and session of Christ. Each dispensation has its own covenant. The Noahic covenant has to do with weather and disaster on the earth. The world would not be destroyed by a flood. The New Covenant to Israel is for the millennial reign of Christ.

2.       A general classification unconditional covenants to Israel. The Abrahamic, Palestinian and New Covenant to Israel. There are man passages on the Abrahamic. The Palestinian covenant is a real estate covenant. It will include all of Saudi Arabia, all Syria and Libya, and portions of Egypt. Can an arab be saved? It is like getting a camel through an eye of the needle. The New Covenant to Israel given when Israel was about to go out in the fifth cycle of discipline. Quoted twice in Hebrews. Those are the unconditional covenants.

3.       The covenants of the Messianic Line. The Adamic Covenant. Gen. 2:15 3;15 Noahic Covenant the seed of the woman will come through Seth. Abrahamic covenant that the seed of the woman would come through the lilne of Abraham. The Davidic covenant has him coming through David.

4.       The covenant of Abraham.

          a.       This is an unconditional grace covenant. God makes a gracious disposition to Abraham.

          b.       Part of the disposition promises a new race and a new naton, Israel.

          c.        The original 3 paragraph covenant is in Gen. 12, but that is a small part.

          d.       There is real estate involved as well.

          e.       The Abrahamic covenant includes an eternal city that Abraham has never seen and he did not know the name of it.

          f.        The covenant pertains to the seed of Abraham through the line of Isaac; and reconfirmed to both Isaac and Jacob. This covenant is the basis of the deliverance of the Jews in Ex. 6:2–8. God had to release them because He so promised them.

5.       Moses is the father of the Jewish nation.

          a.       This covenant includes believers and unbelievers. Very important to understand that all of the covenants have been made with believers. This is an exception. It is called a conditional covenant.

          b.       Unlike other covenants, there is a spiritual and an establishment paragraph. A nation has believers and unbelievers both in it. This was a covenant to a nation. The laws of divine establishment when followed provide blessing. When they are not followed, then there is cursing. Jumping out a window, you fall to the ground. Follow the law of gravity and you are alive; and disobeying it and you are dead. This is the law of gravity, but it is not a conditional law. Neither is the Mosaic Law conditional; same principle. It simply includes the laws of divine establishment.

          c.        Therefore, it may be classified as a conditional covenant, but this is erroneous. Ex. 19:3 Rom. 3:4

          d.       It was not given to the gentiles. Deut. 4:8 acts 15:5 Gal. 2:19 there are a lot of sloppy gentiles who did not know sanitation from fleas. Take a gentile and get saved, and he also became sanitary.

          e.       Commandments, the moral code, the decalogue, which define human freedom in terms of establishment; the ordinances, which are the spiritual code; doctrine for the spiritual heritage of Israel. The judgments, evidence, trial, penalties.

          f.        Keeping the law was never a way of salvation. Under principles of doctrine, it was a way of national strength.

          g.       Provided for a national government.

6.       The real estate covenant to Israel. Not really the Palestinian covenant; it is really a real estate covenant.

          a.       God made a gracious covenant of land to Israel.

          b.       Gen. 15:18 Num. 34:1–12 includes the Euphrates River and Saudi Arabia and the Nile as well.

          c.        The western border is the Mediterranean. This goes all the way up into Turkey and this includes the land of the Hittites. Bob sends out a police officer. Bob is intolerant of people who stagger out. Land of the Hittites includes Turkey. The Nile river and the Red Sea are in the south. It includes Iraq. Iraqis are arabs. The desert will bloom like a crocus. All of this area belongs to Israel. God is punishing Israel right now. Once the 2nd advent happens, Arabs will go in all directions. Mecca will be a part of their empire.

7.       The covenant of David, which is our main subject. God makes a gracious disposition to party of the 2nd part, David. David ruled the northern kingdom as well. There was a period of time for the fifth cycle of discipline when Israel was out of the land.

8.       The New Covenant to Israel. The Mosaic Covenant was abrogated when Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose from the dead. The session of Jesus Christ calls for the formation the royal family of God. The disposition of the church was known to the prophet Jeremiah. Jer. 31:31–34. Ezek. 40–48 amplifies this covenant.

9.       The New covenant to the church; Israel is dispersed, under the fifth cycle of discipline; and God makes a grace disposition to the royal family of God. This is the spiritual legacy of the royal family or the church. It authorizes a new priesthood. It ratified by God the Father. This provides the basis for the foundation of the church. God’s character is never compromised.

2Samuel 6:1-16                 1Sam. 14:49 18:20-28 72David                            631_0168

01/19/1975 Michal’s tragedy

The Philistines captured the ark of the Covenant. They took it out of the Holy of Holies. To them, this was just a valuable golden box. This group has always been interested in gold. It had poles to go through the rings. This box was made of gold overlaying acacia wood. They did not understand what all of this stuff represented. There are two gold cherubs standing on each side of the throne. Righteousness and justice. Righteousness is the key to God’s character. The Word of God protects from evil and it provides freedom and the answer to the problem of sin. The blood sprinkled on the altar represents the work of Christ on the cross bearing our sins. The article of furniture portrays the whole thing. The Jews suffered from the lack of this piece of furniture. What they had left was pitched at Gibeon. After David won Jebus and build Jerusalem on that site, then he pitched beside the castle the Tabernacle (I think that Bob is wrong on this one). But David certainly did pitch a tent for the Ark of God there.

The Ark had been recovered from the Philistines, but it had not been taken back to the proper place. The first time that David tried to move the Ark, he did it incorrectly. He did not follow the Word of God. He lost some soldiers because David was stupid about this. Then he went back and studied the Word, discovered that only Levitical priests could carry it. David ignored a portion of the Word of God. Later, they were able to carry the Ark because Levitical priests were now doing it.

No matter how many people admire you and no matter how you look or who you associate with, if you lack capacity for love, then you are an empty person. Women’s lib is designed for women who lack capacity for love. This is the end of the line for Michal. She has no capacity for happiness. She has no capacity for love.

Evil was here before David came and it was here after he went. Sin originates from the soul. Evil also from the soul; socialism is a part of evil. It includes religion, with everything that lines up with improving this world. Evil always accomplishes good and seeks to justify its own self by the good that is accomplished.

We will have to spend an entire class on the subject of women. David did have 19 mistresses that he didn’t marry. He finally turned his back on all of them and became loyal to one woman, Bathsheba. But, David could have just stayed faithful to Michal.

Castle Zion was often a place of great parties and social life.

Royalty, romance, reversionism. Her romance was with David and this was a great opportunity for Michal.

The son who succeeded David was the wealthiest man in the world. No one could come close to the fortune accumulated by David. David had the great ability not to be influenced by evil. Both sin and evil come from Satan. It is not sin that keeps us from divine blessing; it is evil.

God’s promotions and God gave more authority to David than anyone else in history. David was influenced by doctrine in his soul and not by evil. David would eventually find his rw, who would turn out to be Bathsheba.

Michal was born into royalty. Michal means a brook. This is one of the great names given to a daughter. She was designed as all women are for refreshment, for pleasure, to enjoyment for the man. She was a contradiction in terms; all women are contradiction in terms and only the rm can bring all of these contradictions together as a wonderful response to his aggression. She was associated with Jehoiada, Nathan, Gad and David; and she could have been refreshment; she could have been that magnificent woman. She could have been one of the greatest, most magnificent women in all history. She missed greatness in history by the fact that she rejected Bible doctrine.

We all have two sides in us. If we are influenced by doctrine, the great potentiality will come out and we will fulfill the very role that God has designed for us. Dogs are limited with regards to evil; they can be mischievous. Dogs cannot think. They are limited. The master does the thinking for the dog. Dogs have emotion and can respond. Dogs do not work out any difficult math problems, write a poem or do anything that involves thinking.

The whole system of education in our country today is evil. When you send your children off to public schools, they will be learning evil.

Bureaucrats telling you who you can hire and fire and what you must do with your money and this is evil. Compensation to people who are fired. Those people are leeches. The federal government taking control of these businesses is evil. Everywhere you turn, there is evil in the land. David lived in the day when evil was the order of the day under Saul. When God first promoted David, God promoted him in the midst of an evil society.

Michal could have been refreshment, but she rejected doctrine. It is very difficult for a princess to focus her attention on someone that she considers to be not good enough for her.

1Sa 14:49 Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishvi, and Malchishua; and the names of his two daughters were these: the name of the firstborn Merab, and the name of the younger Michal:

Along came a man who caught her eye. David looked great and he was dynamic and a celebrity. He was the one person who was not a phoney. Those around her were fawning sycophants and phoney. She knew that David was a real man, someone who was not filled with flattery. He wasn’t arrogant; he wasn’t proud.

You have assumed that anyone who rubs you the wrong way is no good. Michal respected David, although she did not always know why. She kept on loving. Princesses rarely run around saying that they have fallen in life.

The fact that she expresses this indicates that Michal told many about her love for David and Saul heard from his men, his G2 force. Saul is influence by evil and he would even use his own family to promote evil.

He is arrogant and proud and he is jealous of David. He wants to destroy David. He will use his own daughter, so he has no normal natural love.

1Sam. 18:20 Now Saul's daughter Michal loved David. And they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.

Saul develops a conspiracy. Saul will use his daughter as a trap.

1Sam. 18:21 Saul thought, "Let me give her to him, that she may be a snare for him and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him." Therefore Saul said to David a second time, "You shall now be my son-in-law."

Saul’s soldiers are to tell David some lies.

1Sam. 18:22 And Saul commanded his servants, "Speak to David in private and say, 'Behold, the king has delight in you, and all his servants love you. Now then become the king's son-in-law.'"

David does not take credit to himself. He doesn’t think that every woman in the world loves him.

1Sam. 18:23 And Saul's servants spoke those words in the ears of David. And David said, "Does it seem to you a little thing to become the king's son-in-law, since I am a poor man and have no reputation?"

1Sam. 18:24 And the servants of Saul told him, "Thus and so did David speak."

Saul has the dowry figured out. Saul figured that David will not kill 100 Philistines. Somewhere, the law of averages will work against David. Saul figured that David would eventually be killed. This is human viewpoint guided by evil. David is not influenced by people but influenced by doctrine.

1Sam. 18:25 Then Saul said, "Thus shall you say to David, 'The king desires no bride-price except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, that he may be avenged of the king's enemies.'" Now Saul thought to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines.

David was interested. Saul put a time limit on this as well. Saul is jealous and wants to kill him; Michal wants him as a husband and a hero. Saul is developing an obsession about David.

1Sam. 18:26 And when his servants told David these words, it pleased David well to be the king's son-in-law. Before the time had expired,

Now we move to romance. It was easy to find Philistines there; they were garrisoned all over Israel. They would wait for crops to be harvested and then move in on them.

200 foreskins were brought to Saul and Saul gave him Michal to wife. These are obviously Philistines because they are not circumcised.

1Sam. 18:27 David arose and went, along with his men, and killed two hundred of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, which were given in full number to the king, that he might become the king's son-in-law. And Saul gave him his daughter Michal for a wife.

This takes us to torrid romance. Those influenced by evil are never happy about the successes of others. These are the happiest moments of Michal’s life, the first year that she spent with David. She responded to David physically but she had no capacity for love. Nothing in her soul. She is typical of all women who are influenced by evil.

Such a woman must go from man to man or go to lesbianism. Michal had a chance to be influenced by doctrine, but she had no interest in it. There was no discussion in that direction. What he said that was divine viewpoint never made any impression on her, and she lost a lifetime of happiness with David.

David passed this prosperity test but Michal did not. She was happy as long as she was stimulated. Imperfect tense for love before marriage; perfect tense after marriage.

There is a bitterness which will now accompany this relationship. Michal was always looking for someone to compare to David. She did not keep him in her soul. Hundreds of people found David out in the desert. Michal did not. She was smart and resourceful; so she could have found David.

1Sam. 18:28 But when Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that Michal, Saul's daughter, loved him,


1.       To love in the imperfect followed by the perfect indicates that Michal was a sexpot.

2.       There was no permanence in their intimacy. They were ships that passed in the night. David had all of the capacity and Michal had none. David was influenced by doctrine and Michael was influenced by evil. She was not necessarily sinful.

3.       At this moment, Michal is influenced by self-righteousness, emotional altruism, some of the most promiscuous women in history are filled with self-righteousness. This is one of the few times in her life that she was giving. She was stimulated by David’s beauty. David was sort of a mirror. Some women like a man who will show them off and be a credit to them. This is as close as she would ever come to falling in love. Michal had a narcissist complex; David was a celebrity; so she liked him as a celebrity boyfriend-lover.

4.       The Michal’s of this world are legion and they lack the capacity for love. At best, she could enjoy the arousal of libido. They do not go beyond this.

5.       Michal was sincere in all of this. She certainly had passion. Sincerity just covers her ignorance.

6.       We can only sigh and feel compassion for women who have been promiscuous in sex, unstable in love and incapable of sustaining any relationship in life.

7.       For those women like Michal, they can be satisfied sexually and yet unfulfilled as a woman. Some women were only satisfied through lesbian activity. Satisfied sexually, but unfulfilled as a woman. Lack of capacity and lack of doctrine results in this. Such people will never have capacity for life.

8.       Michal, in all of her life, never had the capacity for a true soul response to one man. She was incapable of true love.

9.       She had the potential as a woman, but never had the doctrine to fulfill it.

10.     The frustrations of the 20th century females; their lack of capacity for life and love; the drying up of her soul; abnormal sex, her political aspirations, women’s lib movements they seek to fulfill their role as a man. They abuse their bodies with drugs, abnormal sex, drinking,

11.     A woman was designed to be a woman, to respond to one woman in her soul and her body. No matter how hard she tries, she cannot get away from doctrine.

Hmm, none of 2Sam. 6 was covered here.

2Sam. 6:1 David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand.

2Sam. 6:2 And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.

2Sam. 6:3 And they carried the ark of God on a new cart and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill. And Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, were driving the new cart,

2Sam. 6:4 with the ark of God, and Ahio went before the ark.

2Sam. 6:5 And David and all the house of Israel were making merry before the LORD, with songs and lyres and harps and tambourines and castanets and cymbals.

2Sam. 6:6 And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled.

2Sam. 6:7 And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Uzzah, and God struck him down there because of his error, and he died there beside the ark of God.

2Sam. 6:8 And David was angry because the LORD had burst forth against Uzzah. And that place is called Perez-uzzah, to this day.

2Sam. 6:9 And David was afraid of the LORD that day, and he said, "How can the ark of the LORD come to me?"

2Sam. 6:10 So David was not willing to take the ark of the LORD into the city of David. But David took it aside to the house of Obed-edom the Gittite.

2Sam. 6:11 And the ark of the LORD remained in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months, and the LORD blessed Obed-edom and all his household.

2Sam. 6:12 And it was told King David, "The LORD has blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God." So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing.

2Sam. 6:13 And when those who bore the ark of the LORD had gone six steps, he sacrificed an ox and a fattened animal.

2Sam. 6:14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might. And David was wearing a linen ephod.

2Sam. 6:15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the horn.

2Sam. 6:16 As the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.

2Samuel 6:28 19:11-17; 25:44           72David    2Sam. 3:12-16, 6:16-23 631_0169

01/19/1975; Michal and pitiful Palti

We the unwilling are leading...we are now qualified to do everything with nothing.

Michal had every possibility for happiness and she blew it.

1Sam. 18:28 But when Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that Michal, Saul's daughter, loved him,

When Saul wanted to get rid of someone, he would commission a particular group; and Michal understood that David’s life was in danger. Many women who are Christians are so unstable as to never make up their minds. They hop from one solution to another; they have to plod and they do not want to plod; they want to hop around from one flower to another. Anyone related to them, they have a few good moments; but often life is hell on earth.

I had the wrong verses entirely here.

1Sam. 19:11 Saul also sent messengers to David's house to watch him and to kill him in the morning. And David's wife Michal told him saying, If you do not save your life tonight, tomorrow you shall be killed.

1Sam. 19:12 And Michal let David down through a window. And he left and hurried away, and escaped.

Michal was emotionally involved with David and she was trying to do the right thing. People influenced by evil will, from time to time, do the right thing. Men are inclined to be easily deceived by the ladies. A man is often deceived when they see their woman do one right thing. She did a wonderful thing, but she is still a woman deceived by evil.

1Sam. 19:13 And Michal took an image and laid it in the bed, and put a pillow of goats' hair at its head, and covered it with a cloth.

1Sam. 19:14 And when Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, He is sick.

1Sam. 19:15 And Saul sent the messengers to see David, saying, Bring him up to me in the bed so that I may kill him.

1Sam. 19:16 And the messengers came in, and behold, the image was in the bed with a pillow of goats' hair at its head.

Michal lies to Saul; and reversionistic women get used to living by the lie. This is a sign of a lack of capacity for life.

1Sam. 19:17 And Saul said to Michal, Why have you deceived me so, and sent away my enemy so that he has escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said to me, Let me go; why should I kill you?

David fled and escaped

1Sam. 19:18 And David fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel, to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him. And he and Samuel went and lived in Naioth.

1Sam. 25: is the next place to go to. Saul’s jealousy toward David causes him to use his daughter in order to get at David.

1Sam. 25:44 And Saul gave his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Phalti the son of Laish, who was of Gallim.

Palti is truly a nice guy and a sweet person; and he took this capacity. Human sweetness can come from evil; but it cannot come from doctrine. “Watch out; evil is abroad....well, you should have been listening.” Sweetness is a part of evil and often becomes a weapon. Palti was truly sweet, but no indication that he is grace oriented.

Michal could not run David, because David was a man. Palti adored Michal and he would do anything for her; but there is no hard-nosed toughness here. It is just simply not here.

When a woman is without her rm, then she will often go for a sweet man. He can be easily handled, he can be coerced; Palti was Fido to her. Michal likes being worshiped without strings. She had no capacity for love; but Saul took away her mirror; so having a sweet man appealed to her; having a mirror on its knees.

Once David found his rw, he was faithful to her. Bob likes to rub David’s 19 mistresses into the nose of the Baptist. They did not, in any way, keep David from being one of the greatest believers who ever lived. David, with these mistresses, was blessed of God as few people have been blessed. He was not influenced by evil. It takes very little to sin because we have an old sin nature. Sin and evil are not the same. When you are influenced by evil, you cannot recover.

Bob would rather have an unbelieving president than a reversionistic Christian; such are a pain in the neck. Every time you turn around, Christians are charging windmills. There is only one place where the believer is to go for growth; and that is the local church. Anything outside of this is evil. YMCA, Campus Crusade, Young Life are not ordained by God. Camp Penial is a Christian organization; but you cannot grow by means of this. You cannot read a book and grow spiritually; you cannot go to Camp Penile and grow. You can only grow up by submitting to the teaching of a pastor. No one grows up in a camping program.

Bob put out a number of pamphlets last year; but these pamphlets will not get anyone to supergrace. The purpose of the written ministry is to get people into the tape ministry. Fewer booklets out this year and a lot more tapes out. Evil is a much greater danger than sin; and that which destroys the soul is evil; that which destroys the body is sin and it is not as bad. Our whole scale of values is based upon what is wrong; and most of us do not know what sin is and what evil is. David sinned in a very egregious way. Having 19 mistresses is bound to insert a number of people.

When Michal was given away, she was given away to a sweet man. This was a different kind of mirror. She could order this man around like a dog.

Even if you try to change your sex, you cannot change anything else because you still have the same soul. Palti mumbles and grumbles his way through life. If our attitude toward the Lord is the same, then we have very little hope of spiritual growth.

Now we go to the wages of vindictiveness. This is something which was a part of the civil war, which we skipped over.

2Sam. 3:12 And Abner sent messengers to David on his behalf, saying, Whose is the land? He said, Cut your covenant with me, and, behold, my hand shall be with you, to bring about all Israel to you.

There is an overture to end the civil war. But David demanded to have Michal back. This treaty required Michal present. David had a very romantic vision of Michal and he had some beautiful memories for him that had to be destroyed.

Abigail did not destroy the memory of Michal. None of these women erased the memory of Michal.

2Sam. 3:13 And he said, Good! I will cut a covenant with you, but one thing I ask of you, saying, You shall not see my face unless you first bring Michal, Saul's daughter, when you come to see my face.

David required that Ishbosheth send him his wife; and David specified which daughter because Ishbosheth was not born yet when this occurred.

2Sam. 3:14 And David sent messengers to Ishbosheth, Saul's son, saying, Deliver my wife Michal, whom I betrothed to me for a hundred foreskins of the Philistines.

Her husband went with her. He intended to continue going with her.

2Sam. 3:15 And Ishbosheth sent and took her from her husband, from Phaltiel the son of Laish.

Abner sent this guy back. Now, isn’t that sad? Palti never got over this woman than he did not know. He’ll carry the torch for her until he dies; and David’s torch for her will go out.

2Sam. 3:16 And her husband went along with her, weeping behind her, to Bahurim. And Abner said to him, Go, return! And he returned.

Michal, Palti and David

1.       To an unstable woman like Michal, it does not matter which man she is with.

2.       To her, it made no difference; but, to her 2nd husband, this made a lot of difference. He had no capacity for life and none for love. He is just a sweet person. He will simply go home broken-hearted. He is hurt, miserable and broken.

3.       Michal is apparently bored with him and all of his Sweetness.


Michal is not peeking out of the window to see what is going on; she keeps staring out of the window. She was once admiring David and passionate toward him; and now she despises him. You men may wonder about women who love you one day and hate you the next. David is expressing +H and his celebration is too much for Michal. She did not like David having a good time without her. A woman with no capacity for love always despises the man who can have a good time without her. Michal is arrogant and proud; and because David is having a good time without her, she despises him. She begins to think of her old dog Palti.

Bob spoke of Bobby and Patsi ballroom dancing and how beautiful they looked together on the dance floor. They were playing music like the Tommy Dorsey type.

Leaping is pazaz. Kur means to dance on the ground and the other means to dance in the air. So Michal despised him in her heart and this would never change. She is a woman influenced by evil. She was never able to cope with his life and doctrine.

2Sam. 6:16 And it happened as the ark of Jehovah came to the city of David, Michal, Saul's daughter, looked through a window and saw King David leaping and dancing before Jehovah. And she despised him in her heart.

As soon as she has a chance ot speak to David, she does. She is going to unload on him. She is going to let him know how she feels.

2Sam. 6:17 And they brought in the ark of Jehovah and set it in its place in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it. And David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before Jehovah.

2Sam. 6:18 And as soon as David had made an end of offering burnt offerings and peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of Jehovah of Hosts.

David gave everyone there a bottle of wine, some bread and some meat. This was a great celebration. They were celebrating a great doctrinal victory.

You can dance and drink and dine with doctrine in your soul and you can do this without being sinful and without being some kind of a horrible monster.

2Sam. 6:19 And he gave out among all the people, among all the multitude of Israel, to the women as well as men, to each one a cake of bread and one raisin-cake. And all the people departed, each one to his house.

Michal is sarcastic. There is nothing more charming than a sarcastic woman. “How honorable was the king today!” She is used to Saul and David is not acting like him. She is concerned with David disrobing. She refers to him as one of the lewd types. Bob misspells lewd.

Do you know many people who dance naked to celebrate the Ark? David raising hell at a party did not set a precedent for legalistic weak sisters. However, Bob does not expect anyone at Berachah barracks to disrobe and dance naked; this is not a precedent. We can relax around them. Somewhere in this life, we will find people who have the same doctrine in our souls and have the same capacity for life in Jesus Christ. And together, you can enjoy life. It is the fellowship of supergrace believers.

Michele is critical of David. Self righteous people are vulnerable for evil. Evil always comes in the form of human good. A new system to get your prayers through, like pleading the blood; something that any jackass can do. It always avoids the self-discipline of study and such looks down its nose at doctrine.

Michal and Self-righteousness

1.       Michal’s little world has just been broken into pieces, so she reaches for her self-righteousness in order to clobber David with it.

2.       Grace righteousness belongs to doctrine; self-righteousness belongs to evil.

3.       Michal has no frame of reference in her soul for David’s capacity for life. David was a very happy person. His happiness comes from doctrine. This is a time of great celebration. Now, the tabernacle is complete. David wanted to build a Temple.

4.       Note that Michal is also sarcastic in her criticism of David. Sarcasm + self-righteousness + the shattered narcissist syndrom is just about the most for anyone.

5.       David is wearing a linen ephod, which is wrapped about her chest; and this exposed portions of his body to the people around, but only Michal notices it.

6.       This exposure to self righteous and legalistic Michal was too much. David was filled with the Spirit here. This was a one-shot expression of mature believers over a great victory in Israel. Fundamentalism is supposed to be adherence to doctrine.

2Sam. 6:20 And David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David and said, How glorious was the king of Israel today, who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the vain fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!

David sorts Michal out. Jehovah never did choose Saul. David points out that God chose him and not Saul. David is fed up with Michal’s criticism, judging and bitching. God chose David long before the people chose Saul.

2Sam. 6:21 And David said to Michal, It was before Jehovah, who chose me before your father, and before all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of Jehovah, over Israel. And I danced before Jehovah.

David was humbling himself before the Lord. He is dancing and leaping as if he was an ordinary person. He stripped himself of all rank. His authority is based upon the Word of God. He has not lost doctrine; and he intends to keep being influenced by doctrine. His wife does not agree with him yet he is willing to not bend to her will or criticism when doctrine was an issue.

David said that it was a pleasure to dance with the women servants; they all had doctrine in common. The understood the importance of the Ark of the Covenant. Only Michal minus doctrine; self righteous Michal despises David.

She criticizes David for indecent exposure; David was the only one there without clothes and he was having a ball. They were influenced by doctrine like David.

Bob knows a lot of pastors would never attempt to teach this; or they would distort it.

Bob gives an example of how this would be covered. That is the kind of miaino that some preachers would teach.

2Sam. 6:22 And I will be still lower than this, and will be base [insignificant] in my own sight. And of the handmaids [women servants] of whom you have spoken, with them I shall be had in honor.

David no longer had any sex with Michal. She was shut up with her self-righteousness for the rest of her life. David would not divorce her. She was fed, clothed, sheltered and protected. David would not turn her loose. David essentially ostracized her. None of her generals could talk to her; she did not go to any of his parties. She dies the sin unto death like her father Saul.

Perhaps David saw bits and pieces of Saul in her.

2Sam. 6:23 And Michal the daughter of Saul had no child by David to the day of her death.

In 2Sam. 7, we will cover the Davidic Covenant; and Michal must be excluded from the covenant to David.

Some of you will stay in your rut of self-righteousness. You may gossip and malign. You will judge and malign and run off to some Baptist church.

Bob has pulled no punches; he teaches exactly what is in the Word of God. Michal was very moral and very indignant with what David was doing. Michal is a self righteous evil woman and therefore, she has no part in the Davidic covenant.

Matt. 1:3 Tamar seduced Judah. She is also in the line of Christ. There is Rahab the harlot, a famous prostitute, in the line of David and in the line of Christ. There is a difference. Rahab was influenced by doctrine.

Bathsheba has an adulterous relationship with David; yet her son Solomon will succeed David to the throne.

Not covered

1Sam. 19:19 And it was told to Saul, saying, Behold, David is at Naioth in Ramah.

1Sam. 19:20 And Saul sent messengers to take David. And when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel standing as appointed over them, the Spirit of God came on the messengers of Saul, and they also prophesied.

1Sam. 19:21 And they told Saul, and he sent other messengers, and they also prophesied. And Saul sent messengers the third time, and they prophesied also.

1Sam. 19:22 And he also went to Ramah, and came to a great well in Sechu. And he asked and said, Where are Samuel and David? And one said, Behold, at Naioth in Ramah.

1Sam. 19:23 And he went there to Naioth in Ramah. And the Spirit of God was on him also, and going on he went and prophesied, until he came to Naioth in Ramah.

1Sam. 19:24 And he stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel, even he. And he lay down disrobed all that day and all that night. Because of this they say, Is Saul also among the prophets?

2Samuel 7:1                                         72David                                              631_0170

 01/20/1975 Doctrine of covenants to Israel (amplified)

Bob threatens someone behind the glass. We are going to review the covenants to Israel.


1.       Definition and description

          a.       Testament is a mistranslation. It should always be covenant. There is no Old Testament and no New Testament; it ought to be the Old and New Covenants. A testament goes into operation when someone dies. Testament is a misnomer, is misapplication and a misfire all the way around. This always confuses the issue. A covenant is a favorable disposition made by party of the first part, God, in favor of, party of the second part, which can be made with regenerate or unregenerate people. All of our covenants are made with people who are alive. Testament gives rise to the idea that someone must die.

          b.       Since neither of the words indicate this, all covenants are made on the basis of grace.

          c.        God is party of the first part and, inasmuch as God cannot die and God has eternal life, none of the covenants as a testament. These covenants become effective on the basis of the Word of God. Not based upon the death of God.


          e.       While the new covenant depends upon the spiritual death of Christ on the cross, it is not activated because of His physical death.

          f.        It is guaranteed by His resurrection, session and ascension.

          g.       Between two parties.

          h.       All Biblical covenants made between God and man.

          i.         Each dispensation contains one or more covenants. The adamic noahic; Israel contains the Abrahamic, the Mosaic, the Palestinian.

          j.         Some covenants have been classified as conditional and uncontional, this is a misnomer.

          k.        All covenants to Israel are gracious covenants of God toward Israel; the undeserving party of the second part.

2.       General classification: davidic, Mosaic, etc.

3.       The Messianic line related to 5 general covenants

          a.       Gen. 2:15 and 3:15 Adamic covenant.

          b.       Gen. 6:18 8:21–9:17 seed of the woman coming through the line of Noah and coming through Seth.

          c.        The Abrahamic covenant depicts the seed of the woman coming from the line of Abrahamic descent.

          d.       The Davidic covenant, the seed of the woman, the humanity of Christ, will come through Bathsheba’s children, Solomon and Nathan.

          e.       The seed of the woman, the Lord Jesus, will return to the earth to reign 1000 years. 1st and 2nd advent of Christ abrogates the Mosaic covenant in different spheres.

4.       The Abrahamic Covenant is a grace covenant, like all of them.

          a.       As an unconditional covenant depicts God as party of the first part making a favorable disposition to Abraham and his line.

          b.       Part of this disposition of this covenant promises a new race and from that new race a new nation, Israel.

          c.        The original 3 paragraph covenant found in Gen. 12:1–3

          d.       It includes the promise of real estate, which is expanded into a separate covenant.

          e.       It includes an eternal city, the heavenly Jerusalem, Rev. 2 10

          f.        It pertains to the seed of Abraham through the line of Isaac.

          g.       Reconfirmed to Isaac and to Jacob. The covenant was the basis for forming the new nation after their deliverance from slavery. You cannot understand the Jew until you understand the covenants or contracts that God made with him. No one earned this from God. The covenant is never earned, deserved or worked for in any sense of the word. No one understands the Jew until he understands these covenants. The Jew and the Arab were originally the same race; they are both Semitic peoples. Their languages are very close, although they use a different type of alphabet. There was a time when from the loins of Abraham came 6 Arabic groups. Some came from some of Isaac’s children. They are as closely related as two races could be. These are twins. Yet you have two different races. One of the amazing things, when Jews wanted to fornicate, they chose Canaanitish women, who were less attractive. What man in his right mind would want to fornicate with a Black woman? The Jews were the most beautiful race to come into human history. Bathsheba and David and Michal are described as beautiful; and so many thousands of years elapsed. You rarely see a Greek who is 6'4" or 6'6" and blond? Yet, all of the Greeks were over 6' and blond. The Turks and many other peoples all invaded at one time or another. There was even a great Celtic invasion of that land. Some of the best examples of what the Turks were like 2000 or 3000 years ago can be found on the Hellenistic area today. Romans were a short group of people; a typical Mediterranean group; very stock. A tall Roman was 5'8". You really can’t tell by observation today. It is really too difficult. There is no racial purity except in some place in Africa; there is no culture. Wherever you find culture, you find intermarriage. This guaranteed a phenomenal heritage.

5.       The Covenant of Moses.

          a.       Unlike all the other covenants, this one has as party of the 2nd part, believers and unbelievers mixed together.

          b.       Unlike all previous covenants, it has a spiritual and establishment paragraph.

          c.        Therefore, this covenant is classified as the national heritage covenant. The national heritage is spiritual and traditional from the laws of divine establishment. The Jews have the greatest heritage of any other nation. Even the Greeks had 400 years of dark ages. The Romans were born out of dark ages. They were still rude and crude and destroyed all of the art treasures of the ancient world when they savaged Corinth in a.d. 168. There is no relationship between the people in Italy today and the Romans. The modern Italian cannot trace himself to Roman blood; he could be Vandal, English, Portugese, Spaniard, etc. There is hardly any nation on this earth that has not lived in Italy at one time; and living there means breeding there. Think of the Spanish invasion followed by the Spanish invasion followed by one invasion after another. It was only in the last century that we even have a modern Italy. Bob was talking with someone about the great voices which could be found in Italy. But what is an Italian? We just don’t really know. Only the Aborigines have held their own and kept in the stone age. This is a national heritage covenant.

          d.       The recipients of the Mosaic covenant is the nation Israel. Lev 26:46 Rom. 3:9,4 .

          e.       This was not given to the Gentiles and it was not given to the church. The church is not a nation.

          f.        The Mosaic covenant is classified under 3 paragraphs. The moral code, human freedom in terms of the nation Israel. If you are not up on the decalogue of the Ten Commandments in their true role, then get the Jeremiah introduction tape. These commandments do not define sin; they mention a few sins that curtail freedom.

          g.       Ordinances describes a spiritual code. Believers are designed to function under establishment and doctrine resident in the soul. David has just brought back the ark and it is in a tent pitched right by his castle. David is thinking about building a Temple.

          h.       The judgments or the establishment code. The basis for freedom, privacy. Tithing is taxation; military training; health and sanitation laws; diet and quarantine laws, laws of evidence.

          i.         Keeping the law was never a means of salvation. It was a way of living in Israel. It was the basis of national freedom and national prosperity.

          j.         This covenant was the authorizing agent for the priesthood and the judicial functions.

6.       The real estate covenant. This is the shocker for Bob. God has promised a chunk of real estate; and there is the most phenomenal territory belonging to the Jews. There will be a lot of people who will be dispossessed; arabs, Turks, Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians. There will be a lot of room; and the deserts will be turned into great gardens and the unbelieving arabs will be left out.

          a.       God made a favorable grant of land to the nation Israel in the Millennium. This grant does not kick in until the Millennium.

          b.       The geographical boundaries are described in 4 passages. Gen. 15:18 Num. 34:1–12 Deut. 30 Joshua 1:3–4 to the Nile, Syria, all of the Euphrates valley, so that you have a gigantic nation; so the entire middle east belongs to Israel in the future. When Christ returns to reign, this is what Israel will have as boundaries. The entire western part of Turkey is included. The Nile river and the Red Sea are the southern boundary. Eastern boundary on the other side of Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This covenant will not be valid until that time. David conquered the largest chunk of land that Israel ever owned. As large as the nation was at that time, it is nothing compared to Israel in the Millennium.

7.       The Davidic Covenant.

          a.       Rulership of Israel.

          b.       This is a part of David’s promotion. This dynasty will last forever.

          c.        This will continue under 2 separate increments. He will rule __ years of the northern section.

          d.       Jesus Christ will rule over this land forever under the boundaries of the real estate covenant.

          e.       This covenant links the first and last Adam.

          f.        Sin came into the world under the first Adam. Through the first advent, the last Adam solved the problem of sin.

8.       The covenant of Jeremiah

          a.       also called the new Covenant to Israel

          b.       Death, burial, ascension, resurrection of Jesus Christ.

          c.        The session of Christ calls for the formation of the royal family of God.

          d.       The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the mechanical means of forming the royal family of God.

          e.       The new covenant to the church authorizes the royal family priesthood.

          f.        The dispensation of the church and the were anticipated by this new covenant. There must be a link since Israel goes on in the Millennium and forever.

          g.       In Jer. 31:31–34 this is set up.

          h.       A legacy is provided for restored Israel in the Millennium.

          i.         The new covenant to Israel replaces the Mosaic covenant. This is authorized by the new covenant to Israel.

          j.         The blood of Christ.

          k.        Activated when Jesus Christ establishes His millennial reign.

9.       The covenant of Israel’s dispersion. God makes a grace disposition. The New Covenant to the church authorizes. Basis for this royal family.

The outline of the passage; vv. 1–7 David’s desire to build a Temple. Vv. 8–17 the Davidic Covenant. Vv. 18–29 is David’s response to the covenant.

Explanation, before this covenant can be revealed to David, the Ark must be returned to the Tabernacle. This is accomplished in 2Sam. 6. With the tabernacle completed, David must desire to build a permanent residence. David must be refused permission and given a greater and more enduring contract. Just one woman, Michal, must be eliminated from the Davidic family. She is the bad apple.

The chaplain came to this party; Nathan, the royal chaplain. David and he had a conversation; David had something on his mind. Vv. 1–3 a party and a dialogue.

2Sam. 7:1 And it happened when the king dwelt in his house, and when Jehovah had given him rest round about from all his enemies,

2Sam. 7:2 the king said to Nathan the prophet, See now, I live in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells within curtains.

2Sam. 7:3 And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in your heart, for Jehovah is with you.

The first 3 verses read. Every commentator has David in this chapter going into the tabernacle, which he could never do, and they all have David in the tabernacles sitting. But he is at his desk in his military headquarters to pray. He is sitting down and praying. But he is not of the tribe of Levi, so he could not go into the tabernacle.

David is enjoying a peaceful interlude after 2 wars. He will have many more wars and some revolutions when he is ruling over Israel. He defeated the Jebusites and the Philistines.

There were foreign and domestic enemies, but David is enjoying a totally peaceful interlude at this time.


1.       This is a period of prosperity which comes in the life of every supergrace believer.

2.       This was a time of refreshment, great happiness, great social life, and sexual life. At least 6 wives and 19 mistresses. Don’t wince, ladies.

3.       David passed the prosperity test through occupation with Christ. He did not neglect Bible doctrine. All this fun and doctrine too.

4.       It was David’s occupation with Christ in times of great prosperity that inspired him to build the Temple to replace the tabernacle.

5.       In the previous chapter, the ark of the covenant had been returned to Jerusalem. David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. He did not go beyond the brazen altar.

6.       So now the Tabernacle was located in Jerusalem. It was incomplete. There were several things missing related to the Ark.

7.       So when David relocated the tabernacle next to castle Zion, the Holy of Holies was empty. All of this has been changed by the Ark of the Covenant.

8.       David learned his doctrine from the Tabernacle and he could not stand an incomplete Tabernacle. In times of prosperity, David thought about this. He could see it from the battlements of his castle. David is passing the prosperity test.

Tomorrow, David will be at a party with Nathan, his chaplain.

2Samuel 7:1–2                                     72David                                              631_0171

 01/21/1975 David remembers the Source

Bob does not believe that there is a reason to miss Bible class outside of death itself; Bob will demonstrate this tonite, not by dying, that would be too easy. There is a Houston strain and a Dallas strain virus.

Summary of 2Sam. 7:1

1.       All of his life, David would be at war, to maintain national sovereignty. Once you reach supergrace, there will always be testing; adversity never leaves. There will always be interludes of prosperity and tranquility as well. It is the calm before the storm. Even in the midst of very difficult periods of history, there are times of ease.

2.       This was a time of spiritual prosperity, and David does not forget Jesus Christ; he is able to pass the prosperity test. One must use occupation with Christ; there must be great capacity for life, capacity for love, capacity for happiness. These things have been noticeably missing from fundies as of late.

3.       David passed the prosperity test. This is the principle of occupation with Christ.

4.       It was David’s occupation with Christ in times of prosperity that caused him to have plans to replace the tabernacle.

5.       The Ark of the Covenant had been returned to Jerusalem and they set it in its place, inside the Tabernacle that David had pitched for it. David did not ever enter the tabernacle himself, as he is from the tribe of Judah and not from Leiv. He brought animal sacrifices, but a priest would offer them up.

6.       At this time the Tabernacle was located in Jerusalem. By returning the Ark of God, the Tabernacle was now complete. There was a question about the Philistines getting the Ark. They invaded the land during a time of reversionism. Why didn’t they drop dead? They were not Jews and they were not under the Mosaic Covenant. Therefore, the principles of handling the Ark did not apply. This indicated the spiritual declension of believers in Israel.


8.       Since boyhood with the sheep, David learned his doctrine from the Tabernacle. He had maximum doctrine in his soul when meeting up with Goliath, for a young man. At no time did a day pass without David thinking about Bible doctrine. David would often walk on the battlements of Castle Zion and he would look upon this relatively small tent filled with the articles of furniture. He would think many times as he wandered back and forth. He would think it a tragedy that he lives in this marvelous home and ths materials of the Tabernacle were so temporary. This is a thought without precedent. This was an original thought. This was original thinking. This has been lost to theologians throughout the years. The Word of God itself makes it very clear that David is quite an original thinker. Not one person had thought of a permanent Temple; a Temple of brick and stone to house the articles of furniture which portrayed the Lord Jesus Christ and the spiritual heritage of Israel. This is a new and a great thought that entered his soul.

2Sam. 7:1 And it happened when the king dwelt in his house, and when Jehovah had given him rest [provided a peaceful interlude for him] round about from all his enemies,

Around the palace and headquarters, there are a lot of general officers; and when that occurs, they think about partying. The soldier’s life is one of extremes. Out in the field and of being housed. He can take his moments of fun when he can. A soldier learns to take R&R when he can, which can be 5 minutes or a few days.

We have lost the knack of understanding of what a party is. This is a time of spending time with people with whom you can relax. Social life has been lost in the shuffle today. We occasionally have a mass social life, includes Saturday Night at the Movies or a Fourth of July studying. Sooner or later, anyone is Berachah is able to enjoy great partying.

There were men of great spiritual stature, which means capacity for life, capacity for love and capacity for happiness. Most people think party, booze, girls and isolation. Capacity is based upon Bible doctrine in the soul. It takes life, love and happiness. A good party does not have someone making snide remarks, trying to put down someone.

Bob wants us to see this long dining hall and there is a great party going on, and David and Nathan are standing together.

The King Said to Nathan

1.       Nathan is a prophet; the royal chaplain to Israel and Gad is the chief of prophets to Israel. In the early days of David, Samuel is the great prophet. The prophet came into his own at the failure of the judges.

2.       Nathan was present at the big party at the castle.

3.       Nathan did not always have pleasant responsibilities. He often had to brace David for some failure. We know that they drank; we saw the flagon of wine over the weekend. Nathan was a totally relaxed person. He attended the party and he was not a deterrent to the party. Some people cannot relax around some religious types. Bob has had few contacts with chaplains. There are some retired chaplains in our midst, including Colonel McConnell. Nathan was not called upon to brace or to chew out the king.

4.       Nathan would be the godfather of Solomon. Nathan will brace David about Bathsheba. As the godfather, he will give 2Sam. 12:25 Solomon a name.

5.       Nathan and 1Kings 1:8–30 Bathsheba secured the throne for Solomon.

6.       Nathan was often David’s chief advisor. 2Chron. 21:25. David had all the authority in the land, but David always subordinated himself to the teaching of the royal chaplain, which is Nathan. It was nathan 2Chron. 29:25 who revised the system of worship.

7.       Nathan was a spiritual giant and an outstanding teacher of his day. He is a famous man; he is a great man. Bob’s father could not be convinced of the greatness of a minister. The appreciation of the spiritual heritage; David’s occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ.

8.       David named one of his 4 sons by Bathsheba after Nathan Solomon became David’s successor. Nathan, the son, the youngest apparently, was the actual bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Virgin Mary was directly descended from Nathan.

9.       Nathan the prophet was a great theologian, preacher and statesman.

10.     It was Nathan, the son of David and Bathsheba, who reminds us by this of Nathan the prophet’s greatness.


12.     It is therefore fitting that David’s spiritual advisor, his chief statesman, should be 1Chron. 29:29 David’s biographer. So, in every way, these two men are tied together in a great friendship.

13.     Along with Nathan is the prophet Gad. He was a member of the Addullem alumni.

14.     Gad is not mentioned again until the administration of David’s sin of numbering the people. The infrequent mention of these men does not detract from their importance.

15.     1Chron. 29:29 Gad was also a biographer of David; and he and David were both excellent musicians. Together, they reformed the music in worship. They eliminated the jumpy stuff and the non-doctrinal music. They turned around the whole system of music. In the time that they changed the music around, music-wise. Musicians have a tendency to be touchy in their own field of talent. Everyone has an opinion about music and worship. Mournful type stuff is what many people have gotten into. The Swedes are great for this. There is the light, superficial stuff, the champaign music of Christianity; the Pentecostal stuff. The Levites were the musicians of the land. Bob does the scales. David and Gad reorganized the whole music system there. Tommy Dorsey was the toughest disciplinarian in his day. There was a very strong system of discipline for Dorsey or Sinatra. There is a discipline in music which is as important as any other kind of discipline in life. Bob is there by discipline because he has no desire to teach tonite. Gad was a reformer of music

16.     Apparently, Gad became the chief of chaplains of the army; and Nathan for the castle.

2Sam. 7:2 Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, See now, I live [prosperously] in a house of cedar, but the Ark of God dwells within curtains.

Usually, we have behold here; but there is see now, which is more normal for a social conversation.

Hiram went out and built a great city on an island, Tyre and he was one of the greatest builders of all time. As a gift to David, he gathered a tremendous amount of cedar. In the mention of cedar, there is this great castle made for David. Hiram was a great decorator and a great builder. He was not effeminate; he was not a homosexual; he was a man all the way. 2Sam. 5:10–11 and David became greater and greater, because Jehovah God of the armies was with him; and David sent messengers with cedar wood and stone.

Tyre was the most prosperous and beautiful city in the ancient world; and the Phonecians were trading all over the world, and they had acquired a great deal of stuff. This is 2 miles off shore to keep the Assyrians out of their way. No one captured Tyre for hundreds of years. Tyre was always a very prosperous and wealthy city. Hiram provided the materials and workers for the castle; and he would also provide the materials, contractors and the crews for the building of Solomon’s Temple. This is a degenerate people who offer up human sacrifices; and they built two of the most revered buildings in history.

The Ark of God keeps dwelling within curtains. David is now expressing to Nathan an original thought, a new idea, something that never had occurred to anyone before.

Castle Zion and the Tabernacle

1.       These are simple obvious things. The castle of David was built from cedar and stone and it lasted for hundreds of years. Mark Anthony barracks, 1000 years later, was build on the foundation of David’s castle. Some of the building material was used from Castle Zion to build the Mark Anthony Barracks.

2.       The Ark is within a curtained tent.

3.       David had seen the Tabernacle move from place to place without a stabilized location; even in his lifetime. It never had a permanent or stablilzed location.

4.       The Tabernacle was first located at Shiloh. Ark taken in 1Sam. 4.

5.       It was at Mizpah, Nob, where Saul executed all of the priests and Saul brought it back to Gibeah.

6.       Then after David conquered the Jebusites, he moved the Tabernacle next door to his castle. It is next to where David is holding the big party. Parties were held during the day, rather than during the evening. David decides that he wants to build a more stable home for the Lord, more permanent than what he has. The Lord is better than I so His house should be greater. David is very prosperous at this time.

7.       As David would often stand on the battlements of his castle, his eyes would come to rest on the tabernacle and he would review some point of doctrine. He would think about the Tabernacle, its coloration, the materials, and he would examine the articles of furniture; and this was just like us coming into Berachah and having a notebook.

8.       Therefore, in David’s mind, it was not right for him to live in a castle; and the articles of furniture should live in a tent. The Shekinah Glory was in the Tent, and David believed that to be wrong.

9.       Doctrine and the communication of doctrine was more important to David than his own castle Zion. He had this marvelous view looking at the mountains; just a beautiful setting; and it lacked something with a tent pitched where the Lord dwelt.

10.     Doctrine in his soul was the means of supergrace.

11.     To David, the results must never become more important than the source. This is the key to passing the prosperity test. God is the source; it is always the source which counts. We would have nothing were it not for the source of our blessings. In San Antonio, they must be wondering who that 90 year old in the pulpit is. No matter what we have in life, the Lord is the source. There is no such thing as something of value that is inferior to the source. We pass the prosperity test when we keep track of what the source provided. Bob learned this point from a very nice young lady that he was dating. It was her birthday and Bob made an effort to provide a wonderful present for her; and she opened it up and she made all of the right noises. Then she said, tenderly, “I appreciate the source much more than I appreciate the gift.” This stuck in Bob’s mind. It was the first time Bob had heard this. David is saying, “I have never forgotten the source.” That is why we have communion; it is the source; that is the true issue. We only remember the source when we are in trouble. “Don’t fold that up yet, Mae, we’re not through yet.”

12.     The result is not more important than the source.

13.     David never lost track of the source of his blessing.

14.     David wanted to preserve the source of national blessing; and a permanent place which taught doctrine to all growing believers. He wanted a permanent way to teach doctrine to all of the people.

2Samuel 7:3–5                                     72David                                              631_0172

01/22/1975 Nathan’s revelation

Bob’s voice is strengthening.

2Sam. 7:1–2 And it happened when the king dwelt in his house, and when Jehovah had given him rest [provided a peaceful interlude for him] round about from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, See now, I live [prosperously] in a house of cedar, but the Ark of God dwells within curtains.

Nathan is a prophet with doctrine; and he agrees with a thought that is original and without precedent. A lesser man would be afraid of a new thought. Nathan agreed with what he heard and this agreed with the entire realm of Bible doctrine. He did not say, “Where did you get that idea? Or, do you have any documentation?” Documentation is a coward’s way of hiding. You went out and you found yourself in a wrestling match. You had to fight off this wolf that you have decided to date. We learned how to deal with such people; you take out a ball point pen and shove it into his eye.

Too many new thoughts are difficult for some; there is nothing to compare them to. A new thought is a thought that comes into the soul totally apart from anything comparable to it. When Nathan replied to the king, here is the meeting of two great minds. It makes sesne for David to try out this totally new thought with Nathan. This is a new idea and is not in any way related to evil.

2Sam. 7:3 And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in your heart, for Jehovah is with you.

Summary on V. 3

1.       Nathan agrees with David. Both men are supergrace believers. Both agree that this is in the Lord’s will.

2.       There is no standard in the Scripture to say already that this is wrong or right. Two supergrace believers both agree.

3.       Supergrace believers always agree on major points of doctrine.

4.       Nathan was not counseling David and David was not seeking advice. This was a conversation at a party and this is a private conversation.


6.       They were talking at a party at the castle; no on eis advising anyone else. It is obvious from this that they enjoy each other’s company. They are at a party, but not in the middle of the party. They enjoy each other because they both have capacity for life. Some people need a party to blow off steam; an escape hatch.

7.       It is easy for them to fall into a conversation. David expresses a great application of Bible doctrine. He has been thinking about the ark; and he has just restored the Ark to its place in Zion.

David understands that it is incongruous for him to live in a wonderful Catles and yet, the Ark of God is in a tent. When you realize that something is right, then you do something about it. Nathan points out that, “You have the ability to do this; so go ahead and do it.”

V. 4 is after the party. Nathan feels alright after the party. In the early part of the evening, the party broke up; they made use of the daytime. God’s will will be revealed to David. David is the king with the highest temporal

David is higher than the king, but he is separate from the king.

Preliminary Considerations

1.       Divine revelation was necessary, since both David and Nathan followed the logical conclusions of doctrine in their souls. It was necessary because this is a new thought. Already, Nathan and David, the two greatest believers in the land, agree on this new thought. Nathan has even encouraged David to put his ideas into motion. Jesus Christ will at the right time dwell in a permanent house. Jesus will veto the construction of this temple.

2.       Both of these are mature believers, and they both believe that David’s idea is related to doctrine.

3.       Both men are correct in their assumption that a Temple is absolutely necessary.

4.       This temporary interlude of peace; David will be in the field half of his life. In between, David will spend his life in the field. Therefore, David will not do any more building.

5.       Other wars are on the horizon. The total subjugation of the Philistines will come later, along with wars against the Assyrians, the Ammonites, and others. David was either in the field, constantly organizing, planning, and moving troops. Solomon did not have the challenge of battle. His father did such a great job that no one would right Israel for 40 years. People came from as far as Ethiopia or Sheba to meet Solomon; but none would attack Israel. Solomon never knew what it was like to be in the field with all kinds of pressures. He collected women and religions and money and all of the art treasures of the ancient world at that time. Could I live as Solomon lived and still be occupation with Christ? Solomon began his reign as a spiritual giant. Supergrace greatness belonged to him. But he could not take the constant pressure of nothing but prosperity. David had the contrast and the prosperity. No one faced a test like Solomon’s. The worst thing is when he met his rw and she turned him down flat. She was the greatest woman for him and he was the greatest wolf.

6.       God’s time for building the Temple will come in the golden age of Solomon’s reign.

7.       This will be constructed in a time of great peace. Jesus Christ controls history and the time is not right. You cannot operate on your own timetable.

8.       So the Lord must intercede here. Project temple is postponed for one generation.

9.       God uses the proper channels.

2Sam. 7:4 And that night the Word of Jehovah came to Nathan saying,

the countermanding of David’s plans. Vv. 5–7 the Qal imperative “Go” is what we have used by Nathan in the castle. This interrupts the building of the Temple for one generation.

The question from God is rhetorical. It is a rhetorical, negative question. The idea is, the time is not right. God expects a negative answer, but there is no rebuke and no reprimand. Instead of an imperative or an imperfect, it is a negative interrogative statement.

2Sam. 7:5 Go and tell My servant David, So says Jehovah, “Shall you build Me a house for My dwelling [to sit in]?”

2Samuel 7:6–8a                                   72David                                              631_0173

01/23/1975 Original thinking

a review of the previous verses.

2Sam. 7:1–5 And it happened when the king dwelt in his house, and when Jehovah had given him rest [provided a peaceful interlude for him] round about from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, See now, I live [prosperously] in a house of cedar, but the Ark of God dwells within curtains. And Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in your heart, for Jehovah is with you. And that night the Word of Jehovah came to Nathan saying, Go and tell My servant David, So says Jehovah, “Shall you build Me a house for My dwelling [to sit in]?”

God says “No” with a soft, rhetorical question. David has not forgotten about the sourc eof his prosperity. David comes up with a great original thought that has come from nowhere else.

Moses could not have come up with such an original thought because he was implementing exactly what God required. Joshua was in the midst of conquering the land. In those 400 years of Jewish history, only Samuel might have come up with such an original thought.

Influenced by evil means that it is western European civilization; influenced by doctrine is based upon the Word of God. \

Explanatory wâw, which should be translated for. For 486 years, no one has been motivated to set up a permanent structure for the Lord. The Scripture tells us that it was justified. It was not until David was in his own castle that it occurred to him that this ought to be the same for the House of God. Moved from Nob to Gibeon and David found that the Ark was gone. He brings back the Tabernacle and David does not like the temporary structure of the Tabernacle.

There was great spiritual declension in the time of the Judges; which is why no one came up with that idea during that time. From this time on will be one location for the Temple; Mount Zion will be the place for Castle Zion and for the Temple.

2Sam. 7:6 For I have not dwelt [sat] in a house [Temple] since the day that I brought up the sons of Israel out of Egypt until this day, but have walked in a tent, even in a tabernacle.

David is thinking about a permanent for the Lord and God is thinking of a permanent house for the dynasty of David. This will become the oldest and longest dynasty in human history.

God has never suggested or intimated that a Temple ought to be built. The tribe refers that most of the tribes have had a chance to rule over Israel. Levi had as its rulers Moses, Eli and Samuel. At no time were any of those men told to build a temple. Ephraim has the man Joshua, and God did not tell him to do anything. Othniel and David are from the tribe of Judah. The tribe of Benjamin has had 2 rulers. Naphtali had Shamgar or Balak. Issachar had the ruler of Tola. The tribe of Dan had Samson. Manasseh had 3 rulers: Jair, Jepthah, and Gideon. I am missing someone in this group. The command here is without precedent. David thought of it before David said it.

This is an original thought; this is spiritual genius.

David’s Original Thought

1.       There is no precedent or standing order or plan reveal by God to construct a Temple.

2.       Good original thinking comes from doctrine. This leads to the first principle: original thinking and independent thinking comes from maximum doctrine in the soul. Independent thinking influenced by evil is western civilization. The thought matches a meter. Just like the 5th century b.c. came out with some great drama, original thinking. Western civ goes back to 5th century Athens. The stupid idiotic shepherds who lives on 7 hills figured that discipline is their...

3.       Anglo Saxon culture and the reformation resulted in a great culture. Otherwise, we worship at the shrine of western European civilization.

4.       He can interpret contemporary history. The supergrace believer is capable of thinking divine viewpoint which is honoring to God. The KJ language hides more doctrine than it reveals. Some pastors are squared away in many things and yet must pray with thee’s and thou’s. God is not upset if we do not use the language of Shakespear. Nothing hacks off Bob more than the fundies clinging to Shakespearean language.

5.       David is an illustration of an original thinker; one of 4. Only one original thinker in the New Testament: Paul.

6.       The supergrace believer can evaluate history from the absolute criterion from the Word of God. You do not have to wait 50 or 100 years to evaluate history; you can evaluate history while it is occurring.

7.       David did not need precedent to conclude that it was time for a temple to be constructed. The fundies might have thrown a fit over it. “Show me a Scripture.” David had courage, which is necessary for original thinking. It is too far ahead of them; it makes them nervous.

8.       David had been thinking about this since the restoration of the Ark.

9.       The leadership of Israel had been invested in many tribes: Manasseh, Ephraim, Naphtali, Issachar, Dan, Judah, Benjamin, Levi, etc. No such order was every issued.

10.     David never forgot the source of prosperity. David is aggressive in his application of doctrine.

11.     Because of David and his aggressive divine viewpoint; the leadership would from then on reside in the tribe of Judah. This should have been point 8.

12.     The dynasty would be established forever in the line of David through Bathsheba, his rw. Solomon is the legal heir of David and the legal line that goes to Joseph.

13.     This verse suggests that, whatever broke the ice, the thought of a permanent temple would have a permanent dynasty. Fulfillment of Gen. 49:10, made 400 years before Israel was a nation. The scepter will not depart nor the ruler staff from between his feet until Shiloh came and to Him will be the obedience of the people.

We have seen Michal and spent all Sunday on her and this will probably weed out the Sunday only crowd. Michal had to be eliminated from the promise.

2Sam. 7:7 In all places in which I have walked with all the sons of Israel, did I speak a word with any of the tribes of Israel, those I commanded to feed [shepherd] My people Israel, saying, Why do you not build Me a house of cedars?

Some people in a marriage are just looking for a way to get out of it. Bob always runs into the problem with 1% flakey types. David would find his rw eventually. The principle of David’s grace promotion.

Michal had no capacity for happiness and she never had any children. There was an all-star game and those who caught that missed the content of the covenants. Football is not as important as doctrine ever. The greatest football game every is not as important as Bible doctrine.

Bob hopes that those who skipped Monday night for football, that you have the gift of pastor-teacher and that football is played every day that you teach Bible class. You missed one night of face to face teaching for a mess of pottage. Bible doctrine must be more important or you ought to go to one of these little fringe churches that meets twice a week.

Bob does not care if you come or not; he is interested in positive volition. David had a grace promotion.

David is the ruler; he is the top general; he is the royal knight. He is also still a servant of God. No matter how far we are promoted, we are still servants of God. We never get away from that and the source of all such blessing is from the Lord.

“David, I took you from the wrong side of the tracks.” There was Micenian Greek royalty; there was a royal family in the Minoan Greek strain; in the Macedonian strain; in the Phrygians. There was a royal family in Babylon; a royal family beginning to emerge in Iran.

David came from the wrong side of the tracks; he was born with grass in his mouth. He was from a family without royalty; he was in a family that was large and he was the least in his family.

If you want to describe something that is lowdown, then talk about sheep. A sheep has no sense of direction; no way of protecting themselves; and they tend not to like discipline, even though they need it more than anything else. A sheep can’t even sheer himself. A sheep is a great description of that which is low on the totem pole.

A shepherd was about as low as you could get in this land. Bob does not like the word reverend. Bob has had enough dipwad calls. “I know you’re busy, but...” Bob shouldn’t have a telephone anyway. Repair man comes and Bob is in a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else and he must wonder, “I wonder what he does for a living.” As far as society is concerned, a pastor is low on the totem pole.

Bob rode drag when he was a rancher for a summer. He comes in behind and keeps all of the strays with the rest of them. He is running in the dust.

David’s Promotion

1.       David’s promotion from God was from the bottom to the top. From zero to 100. He had great potential; none of his personal attributes were factors. God can take zero and make it into 100.

2.       The lowest and most humble profession of shepherd became the training ground for the highest job, rank in the land, the king. Pastor is low on the totem pole and high when Bible class assembles.

3.       He was an obscure shepherd of Bethlehem, forgotten in part even by his own family. God brought him to public attention against Goliath.

4.       No matter how courageous, not matter how handsome, no matter how great a leader, David would be buried in obscurity apart from and except for the grace of God.

5.       While David had great human ability and talent, he did not become great by human energy, flattery or machination.

6.       David is a total gross product of grace. In spite of his abilities, talents, etc., none of these things were useable to God. He did not earn or deserve God’s grace promotion. David is a gross product of grace.

2Sam. 7:8 And now so shall you say to My servant David, So says Jehovah of Hosts: “I [Myself] took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.

We have heard someone speak of our assets in the past. We may cling to that; that may be our favorite area for remembering. The sooner that you get to where David started, the sooner you will get to where David came. He started as nothing and he became the greatest ruler that the world has ever known. God took a man who was nothing and made him everything. David never forgot it. There lies the secret to passing the prosperity test.

2Samuel 7:(1–7), 8b                             72David                                              631_0174

 01/24/1975 Doctrine of grace (points 1 & 3)

2Sa 7:1–2 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains."

Some people are confused about a passage in Chronicles about the Temple being in Gibeon.

2Sa 7:3–7 So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?'

Some people accidentally came in from the Catholic church and they crossed themselves; and everyone around them pretended that that was routine 6. We never know what is happening. More interesting those who come to Berachah, and accidentally go down the street.

2Sam. 7:8 And now so shall you say to My servant David, So says Jehovah of Hosts: I took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.

When a person uses authority properly, that means he understands authority. No one every passed the authority test as much as David did. David was not even in front of his sheep; he was behind them.

Two doctrines reviewed.

David went from behind the sheep to being ruler over all Israel.

The Doctrine of Grace

1.       Grace is all that God is free to do for man on the basis of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. It does not compromise or jeopardize his essence. God gives out of total freedom because of the cross. Grace is God’s plan and His policy with regards to mankind. Plan, mechanics, policy; God does all the work and the giving and man does all the receiving. Grace depends entirely upon the character of God; it depends nothing upon us. Legalism self-righteousness and reversionism are all enemies of grace; and evil is also the great enemy of grace. It includes Satanic policy, sweetness and light, where man by man’s effort tries to solve man’s problems, real and imagined. A person can do good; if influenced by doctrine, it is divine good; and influenced by evil, it is human good. Evil comes from the right lobe; sin comes from the sin nature. What man adds to the plan of God would destroy grace. God’s plan depends entirely upon grace. It would be evil for a pastor to go and visit the sick in the hospital if they are to be studying and teaching. Or they fight sin. Such pastors are total idiots. The royal family of God was formed by the baptism of the Spirit which is a matter of grace.


3.       The principle of saving grace. Every believer has tasted the grace of God at least once. The moment that we believe in Jesus Christ, we are said to have tasted the grace of God. Along comes the narciscist, self righteous believer. He is influenced by sin and evil. He thinks that there is a group of sins to cancel out the work of God. People come along in their arrogance; the holy rollers, they are evil, they are jackasses, they are the scum of the earth. But you, in their arrogance, hook up with them. Obviously, that kind of a member of the royal family gives testimony. We are a child of God, an ambassador for Christ, but experientially, we are liars. The tongues or the one-shot experience, or something suddenly changed your Christian life. You understand that God did it all. Believing has no merit; it is the object of faith that has all of the merit. If you think you have invited Christ into your heart, then that is the beginning of Christian narcissism. Opening the door to let Christ in is reversionism recovery. Many of you were conned. A guy who used to come through Houston in the 50's and he would get everyone to raise their hands.

4.       In phase II, we are in living grace. We receive logistical grace; so that all that we need are provided for. God provides Scripture; He provides spiritual growth. God provides the means of assimilation, the academic discipline, all that come from the filling of the Holy Spirit. Divine discipline to remind us that we are on the wrong track and need to be on the right track. We follow the colors to the supergrace area and our paragraph SG2. We have the inner dictator. And David comes up with a completely original thought. No one had ever thought of this before. We therefore have a picture of his supergrace maturity.

5.       Dying grace is the 3rd part of SG2. David enjoyed para SG2 and will enjoy 3 forever. Outside of the Apostle Paul, David did not operate by evil; he was not influenced by evil. The Methodists have been teaching evil from the turn of the century. They are involved in altruism. Satan attempts to improve the world and bring in the Millennium, and that is evil. The Baptist church is decadent because they talk about fighting sin, but they are caught up in evil. There are too many forms of evil; and none of us are smart enough to avoid every type of evil. It is doctrine which keeps us out of evil. People have so much trouble with David and Bathsheba; Cæsar and Cleopatra. Michal and Palty is like Mark Anthony and Cleopatra. Octavius was a pimply-faced jackass. David committed sins like anyone else. Bathsheba was a sin. We will all sin all of our lives. We must not be influenced with evil. Even if we got everyone to stop sinning, we would be worse off. Sin is just a manifestation of evil. It is not as bad as the evil. David was one of the few to understand this. The sooner to get the perspective, the better. David was never influenced by evil.

Doctrine of Grace

Taken from: http://gracebiblechurchwichita.org/?page_id=152

I.        Introduction.

          A.       Grace is all that God has done to bring fallen and sinful man into a just, perfect, and eternal relationship with Himself, without compromising His divine attributes and totally apart from human merit and works.

          B.       Grace is the policy of God and the title of God's plan, (2Tim.1:9).

          C.       Grace completely excludes human merit and works as the basis of access to divine blessing, Rom.11:6 "But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace"; Rom.4:4 "Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited according to grace but as what is due."

          D.       Grace benefits are bestowed on the basis of faith, Rom.5:1,2 "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God."

          E.       Faith must always be directed toward the teachings of Scripture to secure the grace benefit, Rom.10:17 "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word of Christ."

          F.       All three adjustments to God are according to grace by faith apart from works.

                     1.       SAJG (salvation adjustment to the justice of God; Gal.2:16; Eph.2:8,9).

                     2.       RBJG (rebound adjustment to the justice of God; 1Jn.1:9).

                     3.       MAJG (maturity adjustment to the justice of God; Jam.1:21,22; 2Pet.3:18; see Doctrine of GAP).

          G.       Bible Doctrine is called "the word of His grace" (Act.20:32).

          H.       Grace can be rejected, which brings divine judgment, Heb.10:29 "has insulted the Spirit of grace".

          I.        However, grace always precedes divine judgment.

          J.        Certain phrases show the primacy of grace.

                     1.       "the grace of God" (Act.11:23; 13:43; 2Cor.1:12).

                     2.       "the word of His grace" (Act.20:32).

                     3.       "the true grace of God" (1Pet.4:12).

                     4.       "riches of His grace" (Eph.1:7; 2:7).

                     5.       "grace to you and peace" (2Cor.1:3).

          K.       Mercy is a synonym for grace (2Cor.1:3, grace in action).

          L.       Greek vocabulary.

                     1.       Verb, carizo,mai, charizomai, used 23X: grant, give, bestow on, deal generously or graciously with, forgive.

                     2.       Noun, ca,rij, charis, used 155X: grace, favor, gift, blessing.

                     3.       Verb, carito,w, charitoo, used 2X: to bestow on freely (Eph.1:6; Lk.1:28).

                     4.       Noun, ca,risma, charisma, used 17X: gift; used of salvation and spiritual gifts.

          M.      The Hebrew equivalent is !xe , chen, a noun: grace, favor, charm, etc. (Gen.6:8; Ex.33:12 in an expression "found grace").

          N.       Grace exists in five general categories: saving, living, maturity, dying, and surpassing grace.

II.       Saving grace is all the Godhead has done to provide eternal salvation (Eph.2:5,8,9).

          A.       We were called by grace (Gal.1:15).

          B.       We were justified by grace (Ti.3:7).

          C.       All mankind are candidates for this grace (Ti.2:11; Heb.2:9).

          D.       This grace is realized only by faith (Rom.4:16).

          E.       This grace is not received by works (Rom.3:20,24; 5:15,16; 2Tim.1:9; Ti.3:7; cf. vs.5).

          F.       The SAJG is our access into all other spheres of grace (Rom.5:2).

          G.       This grace is called positional grace to the Royal Family (Eph.1:6).

III.      Living grace includes the believers physical and spiritual provision to make the MAJG.

          A.       The physical provision includes food, shelter, clothing, etc. (Mt.6:25-33; cf. 6:11; Phil.4:19).

          B.       Living grace includes deliverance and protection so that we can finish our course (2Tim.3:11; 4:7,8,17,18). We will be persecuted, but our enemies cannot keep us from the adjustments.

          C.       Living grace will be tested as with the Exodus generation. They flunked the test (Ex.17:2,7; Num.14:22; Ps.78:18,41,56; 95:9; Heb.3:9; Abraham in Canaan, Gen.12:10).

          D.       Living grace is provided for all men (sometimes called common grace; Mt.5:45; Act.14:17).

          E.       Living grace also covers all of the special spiritual assets associated with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to the Church (Act.2:38; 10:45; Eph.4:7).

          F.       The completed canon, the local assembly, and the pastor-teacher are the grace heritage of the royal priesthood (1Cor.2:6-16; Eph.4:11).

          G.       We are to be content with our allotment (1Tim.6:8).

IV.      Surpassing grace blessings in Phase 2 (SG2) are the blessings, privileges, tests, and Phase 3 blessings associated with seizing and holding maturity.

          A.       SG2 results from maximum application of Bible Doctrine (BD) over the years (Lk.8:15; cf. vs.14).

          B.       Temporal (overt) prosperity will vary greatly from believer to believer (as illustrated from the extremes in Heb.11).

          C.       SG2 has been distorted into a "riches equals godliness" formula (1Tim.6:5; cf. 9,10). All mature believers will not have great wealth, perfect health, sexual prosperity, etc.

          D.       Passages like Mk.10:28-30 and 1Tim.4:8 clearly indicate the promise of temporal blessing for faithfulness.

          E.       The temporal blessings (beyond the living grace needs) will be tested. Example: Abraham in Gen.22.

V.       Dying grace is the blessings associated with the believer's promotion into heaven (Phase 3). (Means of death is not an issue.)

          A.       It includes the spiritual stimulation associated with having a clear conscience regarding Most Pressing Responsibility (MPR; 2Tim.1:3).

          B.       It includes the fragrance of memories on the glory road (2Tim.1:3-5).

          C.       It includes the proper doctrinal perspective concerning Phase 3 (Ph3; 2Tim.4:7,8).

          D.       It includes the grace apparatus for perception (GAP) and divine good to the end (Paul executing his apostolic duties).

          E.       The alternative is the sin unto death (Prov.8:36; cf. 1Jn.5:16), which can be cancelled with reversion recovery (incestuous Corinthian).

VI.      Surpassing grace blessings in Phase 3 (SG3) refers to the special blessings and rewards reserved for us in Ph3 (1Pet.1:4).

          A.       The terminology is taken from Eph.1:19.

          B.       It is available to all believers, but not all believers will receive it (1Cor.3:14,15; 9:24-27; Lk.8:14; Jn.15:5,6; 2Tim.2:5; Heb.6:7,8; Rev.3:11).

          C.       That which is done apart from the filling of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.13 "love") is rejected as human good (1Cor.3:12-15).

          D.       Bible Doctrine prepares us for every good work (2Tim.2:21).

          E.       There is a special category of SG3 for those who stick with MPR to the end (Heb.10:32-39; cf. 3:6,14; 6:11; Rev.2:26).

          F.       As the conflict intensifies, follow 1Pet.1:13.

VII.     The Church Age is called the dispensation of the grace of God because of our positional truth (grace; Eph.3:1-9).

          A.       Union with Christ guarantees every grace blessing for Phases 1, 2, and 3 under the three adjustments (SAJG, RAJG, MAJG; 1Cor.1:4).

          B.       Each Church Age saint has access to this grace (Eph.4:7).

          C.       Paul (the worst sinner, and the twelfth apostle) received this grace in abundance (1Tim.1:12-16; 1Cor.3:10; Gal.2:9).

VIII.    Old Testament saints were under Phase 1, 2, and 3 grace as illustrated by Abraham in Rom.4 (cf. Heb.11).

IX.      Right woman is a grace provision (Prov.18:22). The Hebrew word ]x, chen, is translated "favor" in the New American Standard, but should be translated grace (cf. 31:30, where ]x is correctly translated "charm").

X.       Grace orientation:

          A.       Is commanded (2Pet.3:18).

          B.       Is associated with correct prayer (Heb.4:16, "the throne of grace").

          C.       Should characterize the sacrifice of praise (Col.3:16).

          D.       Should characterize the sacrifice of giving (1Cor.16:3; 2Cor.8:1-9,19; 9:8).

          E.       Should characterize the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Heb.12:28; 13:15).

          F.       Should characterize all our speech (Col.4:6).

          G.       Paul demonstrates his grace orientation as the super apostle (1Cor.15:10).

XI.      "Greater grace" is provided for the believer who puts the application of Bible Doctrine over personal interests, Jam.4:6 "But He gives a greater grace (mei,zona ca,rin, meizona charin.)"

          A.       The believer who refuses to compromise his norms and standards with the cosmos comes under severe attack and pressure to conform (Jam.4:4).

          B.       As he/she sticks with the divine viewpoint, refusing to quench and grieve God the Holy Spirit, relying on God for vindication, he/she is up for "greater grace" (the only time the word grace occurs in Jam.).

          C.       Such a believer, who refuses to conform to societies' STA (sinful trend of Adam) standards and who bears up under testing, is called "humble".

          D.       To that believer, God gives grace (Prov.3:34).

          E.       The arrogant man rejects and rationalizes divine viewpoint, hoping to get along, but misses "greater grace".

          F.       When you opt for the indwelling STA (flesh) over the indwelling Holy Spirit , you are arrogant and miss "greater grace".

          G.       If you have been playing the arrogant world-ling by refusing to apply, implement Jam.4:7-9.

          H.       And the promise of "greater grace" will be yours (vs.10; 1Pet.5:6).

XII.     Misapplications of grace.

          A.       Sin so grace may abound. This is a distortion (Rom.6:1,2).

          B.       Legalism distorts salvation and spirituality (Gal.1:6-9; 2:21; 3:1-3).

          C.       The substitution of ritual for reality (Heb.10:29).

          D.       Liberals who label homosexual perversion along with right man/right woman as grace (Jd.4).

XIII.    A description of believers who reject true grace (1Pet.5:12).

          A.       Receive the grace of God in vain (2Cor.6:1; cf. Gal.2:2; 3:4; 4:11).

          B.       Fallen from grace (Gal.5:4, legalism).

          C.       Come short of the grace of God (Heb.12:15, mental attitude sin reversionism).

          D.       Insult the Spirit of grace (Heb.10:29).

XIV.    The Lord is the supreme example of grace because He was totally aware of, and committed to, all truth (Jn.1:14,17); the First Advent epitomizes grace orientation under the hypostasis and is the example for grace giving (2Cor.8:9).

XV.     Israel's election is based on grace (Rom.11; cf. vs.5, "election of grace".

XVI.    New Testament exhortations related to grace.

          A.       We are to grow in grace and knowledge (2Pet.3:18). This is the highest Biblical imperative, (MPR).

          B.       We are to be strong in the grace of God that is in Christ Jesus (2Tim.2:1).

          C.       We are to continue in the grace of God (Act.13:13, of the Galatian churches before reversionism).

          D.       Stand firm in it (1Pet.5:12). Believers are under persecution from the cosmos.

XVII.   The salutations and benedictions in the epistles emphasize both the external provisions as well as the mental attitude.

          A.       Salutations include: Rom.1:7; 1Cor.1:3; 2Cor.1:2; Gal.1:13; Eph.1:2; Phil.1:2; Col.1:2; 1Thess.1:1; 2Thess.1:2; 1Tim.1:2; 2Tim.1:2; Ti.1:1; Philm.3; 1Pet.1:2; 3Jn.3; Rev.1:4.

          B.       Benedictions include: Rom.16:20,24; 1Cor.16:23; 2Cor.13:14; Gal.6:18; Eph.6:24; Phil.4:23; Col.4:18; 1Thess.5:28; 2Thess.3:18; 1Tim.6:21; 2Tim.4:22; Ti.3:15; Philm.25; Heb.13:25.

          C.       The last verse in the Bible deals with grace, Rev.22:21 "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen."

2Sam. 7:8 And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.”

David was a prince by practice. He was never influenced by evil. He was the world’s greatest ruler until the Lord Jesus Christ. David is qualified and he was always influenced by doctrine. He always had the right doctrine. He was never influenced by evil.

Summary Points

1.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

2.       God’s plan policy and character must line up with grace. Divorced persons cannot do this or that in the Christian life. David had at least 6 wives and at least 10 mistresses and all of them went with him to the coronation. Some might think that David would not be qualified. Does this mean you can have a multiplicity of wives? “Try it.” More than one woman intensifies your problems. No Baptist or Methodist would have voted for David as king; and the Presbyterians wouldn’t give a damn. God made David king at a spiritual peak. He was mature spiritually. All of the great rulers in history commit all of the sins the Baptists preach again. Booze, the adultery and some other. Bob can only think of one great ruler and 3 great generals. This is not a license to sin. David was promoted and he was never demoted. He committed some rather shocking sins. God can only promote on the basis of grace.

3.       Grace is compatible with God’s basic character. And avoid compromise with His essence.

4.       God only promotes prepared believers.

5.       Believer’s preparation is maximum doctrine resident in the soul. He is insulated against evil.

6.       Maximum doctrine in the soul results in spiritual maturity. Relates to paragraph SG2. We all have a para SG2.

7.       Therefore, in David’s promotion, God is glorified and David is blessed to the maximum. Whenever God is glorified, there is maximum blessing for us. God does the pouring.

1Kings 8:16–17 Solomon’s testimony about his father: "Since the day I brought My people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city to build a temple in among any of the tribes of Israel, so that My name would be there. But I have chosen David to rule My people Israel." It was in the desire of my father David to build a temple for the name of the LORD God of Israel. David is going to carve out a kingdom. He must stabilize the kingdom in order for the Temple to be built. David would spend his time in warfare.

It was Bible doctrine in David’s soul that gave him the idea to build the Temple. There was no precedent for a Temple. God made David the ruler of Israel. It was the contrast between castle Zion and the Tabernacle pitched next door that caused all of this. It was also a demonstration of David passing the prosperity test that he did not forget the source of his prosperty. To pass this test, a person must continue to be influence of Jesus Christ and occupied with Him.

Psalm 78:67–72 He rejected the tent of Joseph and did not choose the tribe of Ephraim. He chose instead the tribe of Judah, Mount Zion, which He loved. He built His sanctuary like the heights, like the earth that He established forever. He chose David His servant and took him from the sheepfolds; He brought him from tending ewes to be shepherd over His people Jacob--over Israel, His inheritance. He shepherded them with a pure heart [according to the integrity of his right lobe] and guided them with his skillful hands.

Solomon went to Gibeah to offer up sacrifices, but that was the illegitimate place for the Tabernacle. This must be the 1Chrononicles passage.

We will fail and sin, but rebound puts us right back into the Angelic Conflict. Evil is much more dangerous than sin. Evil is many types of thinking and many types of plans, religion, and many categories.

2Samuel 7:9–11                                   72David                                              631_0175

 01/26/1975 Davidic dynasty - permanent promotion

2Sa 7:1–7 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains." So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?'

maximum doctrine in the soul results in spiritual maturity.

2Sam. 7:8 And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.”

It was the contrast between the Tabernacle and his own castle that gave David this original thought.

1Kings 8:16–17 Solomon’s testimony about his father: "Since the day I brought My people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city to build a temple in among any of the tribes of Israel, so that My name would be there. But I have chosen David to rule My people Israel." It was in the desire of my father David to build a temple for the name of the LORD God of Israel.

And reviewing Psalm 78:67ff God did not choose the tribe of Ephraim, but He chose the tribe of Judah. The real Tabernacle was right now sitting next to castle Zion. Still, I don’t buy this. David did make a tent for the Ark; but nothing is said of him moving the Tabernacle.

All rank is temporary. Only the army has regular rank? Not sure that I follow this.

I have been with you wherever you marched. He was promoted to King of Judah and then King of all Israel. David has marched all over. David now has a capitol city; God annihilated his enemies. There was a weak place, and David exploited this weakness and went right through it. In the second battle, God had David take up some new approach.

Michel was another kind of enemy for David. I have been with you wherever you marched; I have destroyed all the enemies before you. There was political greatness as well. His greatness will compare favorably with all of the leaders throughout history. In all of human history, David will stand out as one of the greatest rulers.

2Sam. 7:9 And I was with you wherever you went, and have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, and have made you a great name like the name of the great ones in the earth.

God will appoint a geographical location. This will be fulfilled at the 2nd advent of Jesus Christ. One of the most important is the real estate covenant. There will be a planting at the beginning of the Millennium with a great harvest after that.

There are 7 different words for living, dwelling or sitting. The grace establishment of Israel. No matter how much land is taken, in the future there will be a radical readjustment. It belongs to them and God will fulfill His promises to Israel.

Iraq is awful desert land, but it will blossom like a rose; it will be beautiful and blossom like a rose. In the future, all of this will belong to Israel. Israel has a future. God keeps His Word and there will be a specific piece of property associated with the fulfillment of this promise. David will be a father to Jesus; Jesus will be David’s greater son. This is a sign of David’s permanent promotion. David was a supergrace believer such as the world had never seen; never influenced by evil.

There will be a people for the king; there will be Jews in the land so that He has subjects. David himself has made a lot of moves as well. Never again will the Jews be disturbed or invaded. When the Angelic Conflict is concluded, the pressures of anti-Semitism will be ended.

Never again will the Jews be disturbed once the land has been restored to them. At one time, there was the one child that God has to protect. There was also the Coniah curse. Satan knows this and how he sought to destroy it.

The various concepts of antisemitism, liberalism and every type of evil. These are the forces which are hostile to God. Evil is made up of reversionism. God makes thousands of promises; and if He reneges on even one of them, then God is no longer God.

God could not love the world, if it weren’t for the fact that His righteousness and justice have been satisfied. The Jews under the Davidic Covenant have eternal life; this is the only way that God can fulfill His covenant to the Jews. Every time that God makes a promise, He keeps that promise, because He cannot welsh on an obligation.

The sons of perversion are those who would afflict David and the Davidic line.

2Sam. 7:10 And I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the sons of wickedness [perversion, distortion] afflict [oppress, humble] them any more, as before.

The heart of the covenant. The first sentence deals with David’s dynasty. During the theocracy, God had judges over the people. There was constant pressure and oppression from all of the people within and without Israel.

2Sam. 7:11 And even from the time that I commanded judges to be over My people of Israel, so will I cause you to rest from all your enemies. Also Jehovah tells you that He will make [manufactures] you a house [dynasty].

David’s Dynasty and the Temple of God.

1.       998–586 b.c., there will always be a dynasty, a member of the Davidic family on the throne.

2.       Jesus will reign for 1000 years.

3.       David’s plan to build a Temple will be set aside and God will biuld a dynasty for David instead.

4.       When David establishes his dynasty through 33 years of military victory, then his son and successor will construct the Temple.

5.       David’s reign will lay the foundation for the perpetuation. David’s 33 years of fighting made it possible for such a dynasty to exist and endure.

6.       There will be a dynasty and a Temple established. David is the foundation man; and Solomon is a superstructure man.

2Sam. 7:11 And even from the time that I commanded judges to be over My people of Israel, so will I cause you to rest from all your enemies. Also Jehovah tells you that He will make [manufactures] you a house [dynasty].

More Principles

1.       To perpetuate one family in power, there must be a strong foundation. No foundation in the United States; like this. No family has been in power for more than a generation. We have never had anyone who has carried us anywhere. The person who carried us the most is Alexander Hamilton. John C. Calhoun was also a great contributor to American history. It is impossible for us to realize the magnitude of David’s life. The liberals cannot stand any man who influences history for any amount of time. Like Julius Cæsar. We have not had a president who could compare to David. And some of those you think are the greatest are really the worst. God kept the nation intact despite Manasseh. Hezekiah was a good king; but terrible things occurred in Hezekiah’s day. Throughout history, people of great incompetence became rulers. Neither birth nor election guarantee leadership.

2.       The foundation demands military victory. The military victory it is our politicians who get us into war through their pusillanimous errors.

3.       All freedom and good government is purchased by victory on the battlefield.

4.       David will purchase that freedom through his own military. The Temple must be built in a time of peace. David will provide 1Kings 5:1–5 Tyre sends builders to Solomon. He was one of the great builders of that age. God promises that it will be David’s son who will build the Temple.

5.       Freedom for worship in the Temple must be purchased on the battlefield along with sovereignty and integrity.

2Samuel 7:12 5:12–13                        72David                                              631_0176

01/26/1975 Doctrines of David’s family; polygamy; concept of David’s greatness

2Sa 7:1–11 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains." So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?' And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.” And I was with you wherever you went, and have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, and have made you a great name like the name of the great ones in the earth. And I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the sons of wickedness [perversion, distortion] afflict [oppress, humble] them any more, as before.

David is going to have a posterity in correct succession and in this posterity, one will build a Temple. David has a certain amount of time to live in this life. David lived 70 years.

It was customary for the eldest son to succeed his father; but David, at this time, has not yet fathered the son yet who will follow him.

From Maacah was a son who looked the most like David: Absalom. Amnon at a future time will rape Tamar and Abraham will kill Amnon. 2Sam. 5 tells us that he had 10 mistresses, which gives us 17 women altogether. Bob counts them down. David receives his permanent promotion at a time when he has a multiplicity of wives and he has sex with a minimum of 17 women. David doesn’t stop there. Once he gets into Castle Zion and takes on a few more parties, he also has sex with several more women. He has the following children: Ibhar, Eloshua, Eliphelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Eliota, Jerimoth. 7 more sons. This tells us that David had a lot of wives and a lot of children. This is an actual harem. We do not condone it. Not sure where these all come from.

He had 4 sons by Bathsheba: Solomon, Shomua, Shobab, Nathan and 2 others + 1 who dies. God put David in a place of great promotion, in supergrace, and he had tons of women. He was in the multi-sex bracket. This will help to explain the difference between sin and evil.

It is not David’s oldest son or his favorite son that succeeded him on the throne. Amnon was a real jerk all the way. The son most like David is Absalom. He was a chip off the old block, but he went in for revolution against his father and lost his life as a result.

Adonijah was one of the toughest sons and he revolted against David. David should have had him executed. David never settled down nor was faithful to any woman until he met his rw, who is Bathsheba. That is when he settled down to become faithful.

This is God’s Word, and we have already studied Prov. 6:32. This is not a breakthrough but a continuation of the same doctrine.

2Sam. 5:12 Then David knew that the LORD had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of His people Israel.

2Sam. 5:13 After he arrived from Hebron, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to him.

The Doctrine of Polygamy

1.       Definition; the state of having a plurality of wives and a plurality of sexual relationships; it is the antithesis of monogamy. Juvenil said, There are few disputes in life that, when traced, could not be traced back to the woman. He was explaining why Rome was a great nation. Rome was a monogamous nation. It is the fallacy of the man who selects all of these women. Women were not designed to get together and have rapport without their men being there. That indicates that they might be on the lesbian side. Polygamy was never acceptable as part of the Word of God. Instinctively, the Romans followed this.

2.       The Word of God prohibits polygamy. It is a sin in Deut. 17:14–17 Lev. 18:18 Can you grow spiritually if in polygamy? Or to grow spiritually and still sin? Of course. Women can be very arrogant in Berachah. This is why so many are subjective and have to scream double standard. If you have murdered someone, confess it, and after you are apprehended, we will send you tapes in jail. The person who claims to have stopped sinning is a liar; so he has sinned when it comes to lying. It is possible for any of us to grow up when sinning (after rebounding them, of course). This does not condone our sins. We all grow up, in spite of sinning. Spiritual growth depends upon the consistent intake of Bible doctrine; it does not depend upon sin or the lack of sin. Some of you have no common sense to begin with. David was involved in polygamy and polygamy is a sin. God still promoted him. He was promoted on the basis of doctrine, not on the basis of sinning. We all sin. Sin comes from the old sin nature. God does not condone sin. David compounds the trouble in his life. He was disciplined at the time. There comes a time when David had to learn his lesson, and it had to be done. The Davidic line was filled with sex athletes. They were all oversexed. David will get rid of one of the knights of the 3rd class who was Bathsheba’s husband. He did not just suffer from the multiplicity of women, but from the discipline and from the sexual addiction. David reached maturity with this sin.

3.       Polygamy violates rm/rw. To be polygamous, you must be oversexed or stupid. The Chinese symbol for trouble is two women under the same roof.

4.       Polygamy is related to reversionism. Jacob had 2 wives; he was pushed into it. Jacob was chiseled and he chiseled others. Some of the 12 tribes of Israel are from bastards. Polygamy brought trouble to Gideon. Solomon’s reversionism had 1000 wives. Elkanah’s polygamy with Hannah and someone else. You cannot get away from trouble and problems in polygamy. Arabs set up a law to limit Arab males to only 4 wives since it was so problematic. Greece and Rome were the monogamous societies in the ancient world and this helps to explain why they were great.

5.       Therefore, polygamy and the will of God.

          a.       Not only is polygamy sin, but it is not the will of God.

          b.       God does not condone polygamy. All bigamists and polygamous men have trouble.

          c.        Self-induced misery is a part of it.

          d.       Furthermore, no man was designed soulishly or physically for polygamy. Man cannot have successful sex. A man did a PhD on this.

          e.       Monogamy is God’s order under the laws of divine establishment.

          f.        No one should have understood the problems of polygamy more than David or Solomon; and yet they both practiced it.

          g.       Not justified in an Asian harem or in a Mormon polygamy marriage.

          h.       The United States government was correct to crack down on the Mormons and Congress passed a law to prohibit polygamy. This was questioned; and the Supreme Court confirmed its constitutionality.

6.       Conclusions

          a.       Sin, related to discipline, and never condoned.

          b.       In fact, polygamy is expressly forbidden.

          c.        Therefore, those who practice polygamy suffer from misery.

          d.       Problems with subsequent generations. Such children never got along.


          f.        Polygamy causes incest, murder, rape and violence.

          g.       Greece and Rome were the two most vigorous peoples and they were monogamous. This will always be the divine order. David was promoted because his polygamy was going on during his supergrace promotion by God.

Doctrine was here before we came and it will be here after we are gone; same for evil; you cannot change doctrine and you cannot change evil, but they can both change us.

Michel was eliminated as a person influenced by evil.

David was a supergrace believer at the time of being promoted.

2Sam. 7:12 And when your days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up [perpetuate] your seed after you, who shall come out of your bowels. And I will make his kingdom sure.

Closing Points on David and Polygamy

1.       David had many wives and mistresses until he reached a saturation point.

2.       David could not be kept from Bathsheba. When he saw Bathsheba, he still wanted her sexually. He was not a satisfied man. Soulish and psychological satisfaction from the rw.

3.       Neither their sexual of social capabilities turned David’s eyes from Bathsheba. They had social and sexual capabilities. David was still looking.

4.       With all the sex and social life, David was a restless person, until he saw Bathsheba. After Bathsheba, he settled down. Because he did not wait for his rw, his life was complicated by many problems


6.       At the time that David received the promise of the davidic covenant, his rw and his successor had not even come on the scene.

7.       Because evil is the greater menace to spiritual life, and because God promoted David as a polygamous, it does not imply a double-standard. David’s polygamy did not hinder his spiritual growth. It caused him great trouble, suffering, and discipline, which he could have well done without.

8.       No one could have had the rank and authority that David had and been influenced by evil. This was the great secret to his rulership ability.

9.       Therefore, David was promoted despite of his polygamy and because of the doctrine in his soul. We will grow up and be promoted spiritually because of the doctrine in our souls.

2Sam. 7:12 And when your days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up [perpetuate] your seed after you, who shall come out of your bowels. And I will make his kingdom sure [establish his kingdom].

God would establish David’s kingdom.

2Sam. 7:13 He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

The Concept of David’s Greatness

1.       David had to establish a command post in his soul. As with all of us, we think we are great because we do not commit a certain kind of a sin. We lead a very sterile type of life. Doctrine in the soul makes us great. This command post is Bible doctrine in the soul insulating David from evil. Doctrine in the soul is the positive side and insulated from evil is the negative side.

2.       The davidic dynasty began with a supergrace believer who was not influenced by evil. Evil is the modus operandi of Satan in this world. You can be very very moral but very evil.

3.       Sin originates from the old sin nature. Evil originates from the heart or the right lobe.

4.       Evil is the Satanic policy for ruling the wolrd and sin is his inability to make it all work and to control his subjects.

5.       Satan is the afther of evil and the originator of sin.

6.       Arrogance and pride are the roots of evil.

7.       However, David was the greatest king of history until Christ returns as the son of David.

Many scriptures about David. 1Sam. 15:35 he walked in all of the sins of his father that he had committed boefre him; his heart was not complete like his afther David. But God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem because of his father David. David did what was right in the sight of Jehovah, and did not turn aside in anyting.

1Kings 15:11 Asa did what was right in the sight of Jehovah like David his father.

2Kings 22:2 Psalm 132:11 the Lord has sworn a doctrine to David...

Called a man after God’s Own heart in the New Testament. He was the greatest king who ever lived; and he was never influenced by evil.

2Samuel 7:13                                       72David                                              631_0177

01/27/1975 the Coniah Curse Doctrine of evil

I may have slept through some of these points. I may have to listen to this lesson again.

2Sa 7:1–13 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains." So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?' And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.” And I was with you wherever you went, and have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, and have made you a great name like the name of the great ones in the earth. And I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the sons of wickedness [perversion, distortion] afflict [oppress, humble] them any more, as before. And when your days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up [perpetuate] your seed after you, who shall come out of your bowels. And I will make his kingdom sure. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

David’s Greatness

1.       David’s greatness is dependent upon a command post set up in the post.

2.       David was sinful and carnal from time to time, but he was not influenced by evil.

3.       Sin comes from the sin nature; evil from the right lobe.

4.       Satan unable to control his own subjects.

5.       Satan is the father of evil and the father of sin.

6.       When he said “I’ll be like the most hight” that began them both.

7.       David’s greatness was not based upon his sinfulness; all believers are sinful.

8.       David is the norms and standards for all rulers in Israel.

9.       God was not willing to destroy Judah because of His promise to David.

The doctrine of evil is reviewed. Evil contains sin and human good. It includes altruism, social action, the social gospel, the distortion of law to solve social and economic problems. Evil is also religion, apostasy, reversionism. Both sin and evil irrigate from evi lis h least understood and the greatest problem. The supergrace believer is protected from evil. If you have evil on the inside, you are a walking trouble-maker machine.

People can have all the things in the world, and yet, it does not make them happy.

The artiles of furniture will rain and be used to teach Bible doctrine for the Levis and the priests. It was a permanent warehouse. The function of the priesthood in the Temle will be ceremonial. David will rule over the north and te south for 3 generations. During the 40 years of Solomon and the beginning of Rehoboam’s reign. As long as Israel is not under discipline, the rulership will be at Zion. Zion is just a steep hill, the souther part of a ridge; the Kidron and... some of David’s progeny will be in supergrace. Most will be reversionistic.

David got the promise from God in 99 b.c. during this period from Rehoboam to Zedekiah, about 340 years, there will be 19 kings and one queen. Our of thes 19, only 4 could be classified as super grace believers for even part of their lives. Going back to the southern kingdom, even after 40 years, the returning kingdom were led by zerubbabel. He was in the line of David. The line of descent down toward the fifth cycle of discipline takes up one more great man, Josiah.

Jehoiakim, also called Eliakim; and his son was Jehoiachin. Also call Coniah. It means “jerk.” God told through Jeremiah that Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin would be cut off. That line was perpetuated in captivity, but that line would never go back on the throne. That is called the Coniah curse. Zerubbabel is really descended through Nathan, Solon’s younger brother. He is interested himself. He was adopted by the Solomon line. Julius Cæsar had man children so this is not unusual. He ran out of kids to choose as a successor. He had adopted his pimply face nephew, Octavius. The natural kids either assassinated or no good. Nero was not in the Claudio-Julian line. Nero’s mom then poisoned the king who adopted Nero, so he became the king. This is how Zerubbabel ends up in both lines. This stems from the Coniah curse. Establishment of the Davidic dynasty.

Christ would perpetuate the dynasty. Bob can go back to Scotland and claim to the be the king of Scotland by being descended from MacBeth. The dynasty goes right on.

David’s dynasty had to be carved out by the laws of divine establishment, by the military. That always comes on the battlefield. The battlefield must come before the Temple. Jesus is the seed of David according to the flesh.

2Sam. 7:13 He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

2Samuel 7:14–15                                 72David                                              631_0178

01/28/1975 Doctrine of the fifth cycle of discipline (revised)

Our freedom has been purchased on many battlefields; medal of honor recipient read.

2Sa 7:1–13 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains." So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?' And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.” And I was with you wherever you went, and have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, and have made you a great name like the name of the great ones in the earth. And I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the sons of wickedness [perversion, distortion] afflict [oppress, humble] them any more, as before. And when your days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up [perpetuate] your seed after you, who shall come out of your bowels. And I will make his kingdom sure. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

There will be a policy set up: as a father trains, teaches, provides, prepares a child, so God will do for Solomon. David built with troops and with infantry. He built a lasting peace, which lasted for 1 generation, which is pretty much as long as we can expect. Antoinine Caesar’s beat this record with 200 years of peace. Solomon would have a very peaceful reign. He would have a military, but it would not be used as David used his military. Solomon will be free to build a Temple. David’s building was of a different nature. He must show them that it is a bad idea to attack Israel. The Philistines were very stubborn and they loved to fight and it took 3 wars to shut them down. They would come back after the time of Solomon.

Solomon was probably one of the wisest kings who ever lived. Hamarabi was an ass and what he knew about law, you could put into a thimble. But Solomon knew a lot more. He had his reversionism, but that’s another story.

God knew Solomon would become reversionistic.

2Sam. 7:14 I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If [asher, when] he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men.

Spiritual Heritage Taught in V. 14

1.       God would provide blessing for two Davidic kings through spiritual heritage.

2.       The spiritual heritage of Israel is based upon the daily function of gap and through the information of the Temple and what scripture existed at that time. There would be additional doctrines given at the time by the prophets, Nathan and Gad in the time of David.

3.       Under these principles, Jehovah is the Father and Solomon is the son.

4.       So there is a reference to the 5 cycles of discipline.

5.       Solomon’s punishment; personal and national. He received his own personal discipline. Hezekiah was put under the sin unto death under this same phrase. He began to spend money in the wrong way; he cut the military budget and hired Egypt, which is the wrong way to go. The rod of men used for the 4th cycle of discipline.

The cycles of discipline is as pertinent today as then. This is 1000 years before Jesus Christ. We could very quickly and very easily be wiped out.

Cycles of Discipline

1.       Discipline for Israel when they reject their heritage. These cycles of discipline apply to all national entities. They are listed in Lev. 26.

2.       Discipline to northern and southern kingdom. Rehoboam was a jackass and there was a split between the northern and southern portions of Israel.

3.       The northern kingdom is often called Ephraim, the dominant tribe of that time. 926 b.c. when Jeroboam separated and the first capitol was in Shechem and then in a couple of other places after that. Eventually, Samaria was built, and that became the capitol. They were very jealous of Judah. Jealousy is covered briefly. It takes real or apparent wrongs and seeks to intrude upon the divine prerogative of divine discipline. It destroys all categories of love.

4.       The reason for their discipline: Hosea 4:1–6 Hear the word of the LORD, people of Israel, for the LORD has a case against the inhabitants of the land: There is no truth, no faithful love, and no knowledge of God in the land! Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another. For this reason the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes, along with the wild animals and the birds of the sky; even the fish of the sea disappear. But let no one dispute; let no one argue, for My case is against you priests. You will stumble by day; the prophet will also stumble with you by night. And I will destroy your mother. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from serving as My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your sons.

5.       Judah stayed with doctrine more faithfully; they were not taken out until 586 b.c. when Nebuchadnezzar got them. Sargon was the first who took out the northern kingdom, and Nebuchadnezzar for the southern.

          a.       The reason for it was reversionism. Jer. 7:25–29 God sent His prophets and they were rejected. They did not listen to him or incline their ear. You will say to them, “This is the nation that would not obey the Word of God or accept His correction. God has rejected and forsaken this generation of His wrath.

          b.       The message of the linen girdle and Jeremiah had to hike to the sea, bury it, leave it, go back and get it, and try to wear it and throw it away after giving a speech. The people are called evil.

          c.        Idolatry was the manifestation of this reversionism.

          d.       It was a 70 year discipline; they did not observe their sabbatical years so God gave them all these years all at once. It was a faith rest ex. –23:1011 Lev. 25:3–4 26 2Chron.  Jer. 25:11–12 25:100 Dan. 9:

          e.       There was also a second administration after the 70 years. There was a long history and a second administration of the fifth cycle of discipline in a.d. 70 and it is still going on. The formation of the royal family of God and the Church Age and the completion of the Age of Israel in the Tribulation. Luke 21:20–24 woe to those who are pregnant or those who are nursing. There will be great disaster in the land.

The Doctrine of the 5 Cycles of Discipline:

From: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/1568429/posts

1.       Background and Introduction.

          a.       The dispensation of Israel began with the Exodus in B.C. 1441 and concluded with the birth of our Lord in 4 B.C.

          b.       Therefore, most of the Old Testament Canon is devoted to the study of Jewish client nations. There were five Jewish client nations in the dispensation of Israel.

                     i.         The Theocratic Kingdom from the Exodus to the time of Samuel, B.C. 1441 - 1020.

                     ii.        The United Kingdom from Saul to Rehoboam.,B.C.1020-926.

                     iii.       The Northern Kingdom from Jeroboam to Hoshea, B.C.926-721. The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to the Northern Kingdom by Assyria, commanded by Sargon II.

                     iv.       The Southern Kingdom from Rehoboam to Zedekiah, B.C. 926 - 586. The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to the Southern Kingdom in 586 by the Chaldeans, commanded by Nebuchadnezzar. Seventy years of captivity or slavery extended from B.C. 586 - 516.

                     v.        The restored nation of Judea from Zerubbabel in B.C. 536 - A.D. 70. The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to Judea by the Romans, first under the command of Vespasian and then by his son, Titus.

          c.        With the fall of Jerusalem in August of 70 A.D., there are no more Jewish client nations until the Second Advent.

          d.       In the meantime, we live in the times of the Gentiles. That means only a Gentile client nation can so function before God today.\At the present time, we the people of the United States are a Gentile client nation to God.

2.       Definition of the Five Cycles of Discipline.

          a.       There are five cycles of discipline administered to a client nation, Jewish or Gentile.

                     i.         To the Jewish client nations during the dispensation of Israel, the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union, and the first forty years of the Church Age, the five cycles did function.

                     ii.        To the Gentile client nations beginning with S.P.Q.R. in 70 A.D. and continuing to the present with the U.S.A., these five cycles are still operational.

          b.       Outline of the Five Cycles of Discipline.

                     i.         The first cycle of discipline, Lev 26:14-17.

                     ii.        The second cycle of discipline, Lev 26:18-20.

                     iii.       The third cycle of discipline, Lev 26:21-22.

                     iv.       The fourth cycle of discipline, Lev 26:23-26.

                     v.        The fifth cycle of discipline, Lev 26:27-38, amplified in Deut 28:49-67.

          c.        The cycles of discipline are based on the principle that Jesus Christ controls history directly, indirectly, and permissively.

                     i.         He controls history directly through the function of His own divine essence.

                     ii.        He controls history indirectly through the function of the laws of divine establishment.

                     iii.       He controls history permissively through permitting nations to use their own volition to destroy themselves. For no nation is ever destroyed by an outside power before it is first destroyed from within by its own individual and collective bad decisions. Therefore, no nation is ever destroyed by another nation until it first destroys itself through negative volition.

                     iv.       Jesus Christ permits the policy of the angelic conflict (the function of free will) to continue and conclude in human history. Therefore, Satan's policy of good and evil must exist in every generation; there must be a challenge to your attitude toward doctrine.

          d.       Because Jesus Christ is righteous and holy, He must judge the nations with cycles of discipline.

          e.       These cycles of discipline are punitive measures against apostasy, reversionism and evil.

3.       The First Cycle of Discipline, Lev 26:14-17.

          a.       Lev 26:14, "But if you do not obey Me and do not carry out all of these mandates,"

                     i.         Obedience in Israel meant the execution of God's plan for their dispensation. It meant the execution of the three categories of the Mosaic Law. It meant perception of doctrine as it was revealed at that time, first through the Torah and then through the prophets.

                     ii.        The mandates refer to the three parts of the Mosaic Law. They are explained further in verse 15.

          b.       Lev 26:15, "If instead you reject My statutes and your soul despises My ordinances, and you fail to carry out all my commands so breaking My covenant," The Mosaic Law is divided into three parts.

                     i.         The first part of the Mosaic Law is the decalogue, the freedom code made up of ten commandments. These commandments define freedom in terms of morality, privacy, property, and authority. Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny. The ten commandments also define freedom in terms of relationship with God.

                     ii.        The second part is called the ordinances, the spiritual code. It graphically presents soteriology and Christology through the various articles of furniture in the Tabernacle and temples, through the modus operandi of the levitical priesthood, through the function of the holy days, and through the levitical sacrifices. This spiritual code presents the Gospel and Jesus Christ as the God of Israel.

                     iii.       The third part is the judgments, an establishment code. It includes explanations related to freedom, privacy, marriage, criminal law, taxation (tithing), military policy and freedom through military victory, diet, health, sanitation, quarantine, free enterprise, and profit motivation. It outlaws violence, terrorism, civil disobedience, and revolution.

          c.        Lev 26:16, "Then I will do this to you: I will bring upon you sudden terror [terrorism], epidemic diseases, and fever will destroy your sight and drain your life; also, you will plant your seed in vain because your enemies will devour it."

                     i.         "Sudden terror" is the function of terrorism as it existed in the ancient world. It is also a reference to violence, unrestrained criminality, and hostility from other nations.

                     ii.        Many epidemics have been the beginning of the end of great nations or empires.

                     iii.       The last phrase refers to economic disaster and depression. The illustration used refers to an agricultural economy. In our industrial economy, this refers to inability to compete with foreign markets.

          d.       Lev 26:17, "I will set My face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; consequently, those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you."

                     i.         In the first cycle, such defeat by enemies refers to only preliminary wars. But before the other cycles of discipline are administered, there is already loss in warfare. (Our loss in warfare began with Korea and Vietnam.)

                     ii.        The Hebrew word for hate here means hate based on envy. The Jews were the recipients of such fantastic blessings from God that they were envied and then hated.

                     iii.       "You will flee when no one is pursuing you" is an idiom saying that the general population becomes cowardly, afraid of war. They have no motivation from patriotism or the spiritual life. Therefore, the population will do anything to avoid a war, even surrendering whatever advantage it has in national and international activity.

4.       The Second Cycle of Discipline, Lev 26:18-20.

          a.       Lev 26:18, "If after all these things you will not listen to Me, then I will punish you on an intensified basis seven more times for your sins."

                     i.         The first phrase implies that some wake up as a result of the first cycle of discipline.

                     ii.        Everything in the first cycle is intensified in the second cycle by seven.

          b.       Lev 26:19, "Then I will also break down [destroy] the arrogance of your power; I will make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze."

                     i.         Notice that once the first cycle of discipline is administered and it does not turn around the nation, arrogance sets in. Arrogance is a whole complex of sins and evil.

                     ii.        Today we have the greatest arrogance in places of power. God actually punishes such arrogance among those in power without the humility to use their power properly.

                     iii.       The sky like iron and the earth like bronze refers to a drought. Drought means economic disaster, resulting in economic depression.

          c.        Lev 26:20, "Then your strength will be spent uselessly, for your land will not yield its produce, nor will the trees of the land bear their fruit."

                     i.         No matter how hard you work, you cannot produce food.

                     ii.        The Bible should be interpreted in the time in which it was written. This was written in during an agricultural economy before the industrial revolution.

          d.       So the second cycle of discipline is a depression, bad social life, no national pride, and people work hard for nothing (inflation).

5.       Third Cycle of Discipline, Lev 26:21-22.

          a.       Lev 26:21, "If therefore you remain hostile to Me [negative volition toward Bible doctrine], and you are not willing to hear Me, I will multiply your epidemics seven times more as your sins deserve."

                     i.         God did not speak directly to them but indirectly through His communicators, which at that time were the prophets.

                     ii.        In the third cycle, there is the intensification of epidemics and illnesses in the land. In our day, AIDs will break this country if the trend continues, for it is a very serious problem, and may rival the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages.

          b.       Lev 26:22, "I will send wild animals [criminals] against you and they will rob you of your children; they will destroy your cattle and so reduce your population that your roads will be deserted." With the end of civilization, violence overflows from both animals and people.

          c.        In the third cycle, the population is thinned out by violence. Crime gets out of control; commerce is stopped; there are natural disasters.

6.       The Fourth Cycle of Discipline, Lev 26:23-26.

          a.       So far nothing but grace warnings have been given. Now God will really judge the nation. There will be great uncontrollable crime, military invasion and partial defeat, disease from overcrowding, a shortage of food causing starvation, and even greater natural disasters. Examples can be found by studying Israel in 68 A.D., 586 B.C., and 721 B.C.

          b.       Lev 26:23, "And if by these things you will not be corrected by Me, but will continue to be hostile toward Me [negative volition from cosmic involvement in the stages of reversionism],"

          c.        Lev 26:24, "Then I will go into opposition toward you [literally: act with hostility toward you], and I will strike you seven times more for your sins." Again, there is the intensification of the characteristics of all the cycles, with something more added, as stated in verse 25.

          d.       Lev 26:25, "I will bring the sword upon you to avenge the breaking of the covenant, and when you retreat into your cities I will send a plague [epidemic] among you, so that you will be delivered into the hands of your enemies."

                     i.         One of the great signs of loss of freedom, and replacing it with both moral and immoral degeneracy, is when you see the breakdown of the military establishment. The entire book of Numbers is devoted to setting up a mobilization plan for the military.

                     ii.        The part of the covenant that was broken was the military part. There was military disaster as a result. Why did the Jews have to retreat into their cities? Because their cities were fortified, and their armies could not win in the field. Once there are overcrowded cities, disease becomes rampant (as illustrated by the Romans when fleeing from Hannibal).

          e.       Lev 26:26, "When I cut off your food supply, ten women will bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out your bread by weight, so that you will eat and never be satisfied."

                     i.         When an army begins to lose a war on its own soil, the first thing to go is food supply. People start to starve, as the south did in the last year of the War between the States. So one of the inevitable results of the fourth cycle of discipline is the beginning of starvation.

                     ii.        Ten women baking bread in one oven means there is food rationing. Therefore, after eating a small piece of bread, you are just as hungry as you were before, and even more so.

7.       The Fifth Cycle of Discipline, Lev 26:27-38.

          a.       Now there is nothing to eat. Enemies have taken over the country. People are put into slavery. People are afraid of everything. Everyone has become a coward.

          b.       Lev 26:27, "If, in spite of this, you do not listen to Me but continue to be hostile toward Me [toward the message of Bible doctrine]," The only hope is Bible doctrine; there is no hope beyond Bible doctrine. The only hope for the nation is found in believers.

          c.        Lev 26:28, "Then in My anger I will be hostile toward you [no more grace], and I will punish you seven times more for your sins."

          d.       Lev 26:29, "Then you will eat the flesh of your sons, and you will eat the flesh of your daughters."

                     i.         No longer do you eat bread and rationed food, as in the fourth cycle; now you eat people! Cannibalism is the total malfunction of all establishment principles. One of the strongest of all establishment principles is the family and the love of parents for children. But in those days, parents will eat their children.

                     ii.        This type of cannibalism actually occurred between 66 and 70 A.D. among Jews under the seige of Jerusalem by the Roman army. Josephus documented such things. Civilization suddenly departs in the fifth cycle of discipline.

          e.       Lev 26:30, "Then I will destroy your high places and cut down your incense altars, and stack your corpses on the dumb corpses of your idols, for My soul will despise you." The high places are the meeting places of false doctrine and cults, especially the phallic cult.

          f.        Lev 26:31, "I will turn your cities into ruins, and lay waste to your sanctuaries; I will take no delight in the fact that you suddenly start offering sacrifices."

          g.       Lev 26:32-33, "I will make the land desolate so that your enemies will settle in it, and will be appalled by its condition. You, however, I will scatter among the nations, and I will draw out My sword and pursue you, and your cities will lie in ruins."

                     i.         The territory is occupied.

                     ii.        Being scattered among nations means you go into slavery. This happened three times to the Jewish people.

          h.       Lev 26:34, "Then the land will satisfy its Sabbaths . . . , while you are in the land of your enemies; consequently, the land will rest and be paid its Sabbaths." The Jews had ignored seventy Sabbatical years, and therefore the Southern Kingdom had seventy years under slavery.

          i.         Lev 26:35, "All the days of its desolation [fifth cycle] it will observe the rest which it did not observe in your sabbatical years while you were living in the land."

          j.         Lev 26:36, "As for those of you who survive [the fifth cycle], I will make their right lobes so afraid in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a wind-blown leaf will put them into flight. In fact, when no one is pursuing, they will run as though fleeing from an army, and they will fall even when no one is pursuing." People do die of fright.

          k.        Lev 26:37, "Furthermore, they will fall over each other as if fleeing from the sword, although no one is pursuing them; consequently, you will have no strength." No strength means no military establishment for freedom, and no patriotic motivation. It's too late in the fifth cycle of discipline, because it takes a long time to train a military establishment.

          l.         Lev 26:38, "But you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you." Enemies of the Jews were those like Assyria, Chaldea, and Rome.

          m.      Deut 28:49-67 is another horrible description of the fifth cycle of discipline.

          n.       Isaiah warned the Northern Kingdom and Jeremiah warned the Southern Kingdom during the first administration of the fifth cycle of discipline to each of these nations.

8.       Historical Examples of the Administration of the Fifth Cycle of Discipline to Jewish Client Nations.

          a.       The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to Assyria, Ezek 31:3-14.

          b.       The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to the Northern Kingdom, Hos 4:1-6, in 721 B.C. Elijah, Elisha, Amos and Hosea all prophesied the coming of the fifth cycle of discipline. 2 Kgs 17 gives the historical account. Isa 28:1-13 gives the prophetical account.

          c.        The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to the Southern Kingdom in 586 B.C., Jer 50:17, 7:24-29, because they did not listen to the teaching of doctrine, Jer 15:5-6, 13:10-11,17, 17:27, 35:13.

                     i.         The overt manifestation of Jewish reversionism in the Southern Kingdom was idolatry, Jer 2:27-30, 3:9, 7:17-20, 13:10,17:1-4.

                     ii.        The duration of the first fifth cycle of discipline to the Southern Kingdom was seventy years, all of their sabbatical years. Cf Ex 23:10-11;Lev 25:3-4, 26:33-36;2 Chr 36:20-21;Jer 25:11-12, 29:10; Dan 9:2, 24-27.

          d.       The fifth cycle of discipline was administered to Judea in 70 A.D.

                     i.         This was prophesied by our Lord in Lk 21:20-24.

                     ii.        They were also warned by the teaching of Paul. The gift of tongues was also a warning to Israel that they were about to lose their status as a priest nation to God.

                     iii.       The dispensation of the Church and the completion of the Jewish Age both occur while Israel is out under the fifth cycle of discipline.

          e.       Grace always precedes the fifth cycle of discipline by the warnings of the first four cycles. In the fifth cycle of discipline, you either are killed or become enslaved.

9.       The Fifth Cycle of Discipline to the Northern Kingdom.

          a.       The Northern Kingdom was established as a result of a revolution, based on jealousy of Judah, the Southern Kingdom, 1 Chr 12:30; Ps 60:7; 2 Sam 19:40-43.

          b.       Mental attitude sins like jealousy destroy capacity for love. The Northern Kingdom never had the basis to love God because it was founded on jealousy. A kingdom founded on emotional revolt of the soul will inevitably destroy itself. Being built up by emotional revolt, the actual incident that kicked off the revolution was human good when the people complained to Rehoboam with their grievance.

          c.        The Northern Kingdom began with Jeroboam in 926 B.C. He was in emotional revolt of the soul.

          d.       Even though the Northern Kingdom had such a bad start, God in His grace tried to stabilize the Northern Kingdom. God provided for the Northern Kingdom special prophets who warned the Northern Kingdom against apostasy and tried to communicate to them the principles of freedom. Four outstanding prophets were involved in this grace push by our Lord.

                     i.         Elijah, c.871-851 B.C.

                     ii.        Elisha, c.845 B.C..

                     iii.       Amos, 787 B.C.

                     iv.       Hosea, c. 746 B.C.

          e.       Amos warned the Northern Kingdom in 787 B.C. during the reign of Jeroboam II. Hosea warned the Northern Kingdom, c.746 B.C., during the fourth cycle of discipline when Tiglath-PileserIII was the Assyrian king. In addition, Isaiah provided some warning, as in the first part of Isa 28.

          f.        The fifth cycle of discipline is described in two passages of the Old Testament, so that both the Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom had adequate warning about it; Lev 26:27-46; Deut 28:49-67.

          g.       The historical account of the fifth cycle of discipline to the Northern Kingdom is found in 2 Kg 17:1-12.

          h.       The prophetical account of the fifth cycle of discipline to the Northern Kingdom is found in Isa 28:1-13 and mentioned in Jer 3:8.

          i.         Before judgment came to the Northern Kingdom, and during the two years in which the Assyrians were in the Northern Kingdom and even afterward, Jews of the Northern Kingdom fled to the Southern Kingdom and became citizens there, 1 Chr 9:3.

          j.         Therefore, there is no such thing as the "ten lost tribes." The ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom, from the time of Elijah down to the time when Shalmanezer invaded, constantly fled south. So all the tribes were represented in the Southern Kingdom after the Northern Kingdom fell.

          k.        The fifth cycle of discipline began in 721 B.C. with the fall of Samaria. The Assyrians' seige began under Shalmanezer V (who died), and ended when Sargon II defeated the Northern Kingdom in battle, Jer 50:17a.

10.     The Fifth Cycle of Discipline to the Southern Kingdom.

          a.       Deut 28:49-67 was fulfilled.

          b.       The first administration to the Southern Kingdom of the fifth cycle of discipline is called the Babylonian captivity, Jer 50:17b. The time was 586 B.C. The administrator was the Chaldean Empire under Nebuchadnezzar.

          c.        The second administration to the Southern Kingdom is the present dispersion, Lk 21:40-25. Its time period is August 70 A.D. to the Second Advent. Its administrator was Rome under Vespasian and Titus.

          d.       The reason for the fifth cycle of discipline was the rejection of Bible doctrine, Jer 7:24-29, 13:10,11,17, 15:5-6, 17:27, 35:13.

          e.       The overt cause of the fifth cycle of discipline was apostasy and idolatry (which resulted in rejection of Bible doctrine), Jer 2:27-30, 3:9, 7:17-20, 13:10, 17:1-4.

          f.        The length of the first administration of the fifth cycle of discipline was seventy years. This was determined on the basis of the Jews having rejected seven Sabbatical years over a period of 490 years, Jer 25:11-12, 29:10; Dan 9:2,24-27.

          g.       During the present dispersion, there are two substitutes for the nation Israel.

                     i.         The Church Age, where every believer is a priest.

                     ii.        The Tribulation, when 144,000 Jews represent the Lord, Rev 7 and 14.

11.     Why the cycles of discipline to client nations? Hosea 4:1-6.

          a.       This passage is addressed to believers. For in the final analysis, it is the believers who are responsible for the rise or fall of a client nation.

          b.       Hos 4:1, "Hear the word of the Lord, you citizens of Israel [Northern Kingdom] because the Lord has a case [indictment] against the inhabitants of the client nation, because nothing of doctrine is taught, nothing about grace is being applied; there is no knowledge of God in the land."

                     i.         Just as God had an indictment against the Jewish client nations, so today He has an indictment against a Gentile client nation, the United States of America.

                     ii.        "Because nothing of doctrine is taught." There is no demand for Bible teaching in time of apostasy.

                     iii.       As a result, "nothing of grace is being applied." Grace and doctrine go together. When they are both gone, that is one of the reasons for the five cycles of discipline.

          c.        Hos 4:2, "Instead, there is lying [dishonesty], deception, homicide, stealing, rape, therefore blood touches blood [idiom for perpetual violence]."

          d.       Hos 4:3, "Therefore, the land mourns, and all who live in it languish along with the beasts of the field and the birds of the air."

                     i.         "The land mourns" means the people are miserable under the cycles of discipline. No one is enjoying anything or having any fun. Social life, business life, and spiritual life are gone; there is nothing but abject misery.

                     ii.        "All who live in it languish" means loss of national courage, patriotism, vitality, and strength.

                     iii.       Animals suffer when people suffer. People are viciously cruel under the cycles of discipline.

          e.       Hos 4:4, "Yet let no one find fault [as in evil activism]; let no one offer criticism, for your citizens are like those who contend with the priests [communicators of doctrine]."

                     i.         Activism is the last thing you need to get into when under the cycles of discipline.

                     ii.        Criticism is blaming other groups. It is the believer who must take the responsibility for these things himself. It is negative volition and a shrinking pivot that brings these things.

          f.        Hos 4:5, "Therefore, you have stumbled in the daylight, and even the prophet will stumble with you in the night darkness; and I will destroy your native country [motherland]."

                     i.         Stumbling in the daylight means cosmic involvement, including crusader arrogance. Daylight means becoming a loser by rejecting Bible doctrine after hearing it, or failing to metabolize gnosis doctrine into epignosis doctrine.

                     ii.        "And even the prophet will stumble with you" means prophets become false prophets and they teach false doctrine.

                     iii.       Today, hundreds of thousands of pulpits speak of "`peace, peace,' when there is no peace," just as they said in Jeremiah's day, Jer 6:14, 8:11; Ezek 13:10, 16. Today, pastors peddle false doctrine while the United States is declining for lack of pivot.

                     iv.       There can be no pivot without the pastor-teacher communicating the mystery doctrine for the Church Age. There can be no pivot without the manufacture of invisible heroes.

          g.       Hos 4:6, "My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge of doctrine. Because you have rejected the knowledge of doctrine, I will reject you from being My priest nation."

                     i.         A client nation to God is a priest nation in that it represents God under three factors. The freedom developed in the client nation means:

                                (1)      Freedom for evangelism in the nation.

                                (2)      Freedom to teach doctrine in the nation.

                                (3)      Freedom to send missionaries to other countries to communicate the Gospel, and form the converts into indigenous local churches.

                     ii.        Today, the United States is a priest nation. It may not be tomorrow. The only hope for this country resides in your soul. If there is negative volition, we will go down. If there is a surge in positive volition, it could form a large enough pivot to deliver this country.

                     iii.       A nation without Bible doctrine is a nation without solutions.

                     iv.       As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God.

2Sam. 7:14 I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If [asher, when] he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men.

There would be no great cycle of discipline during the reign of David. David is a king who will be influenced by doctrine and not by evil.

2Sam. 7:15 But My mercy shall not leave him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before you.

A Few Points

1.       The removal of Saul is an act of graciousness.

2.       Saul’s dynasty removed and replaced.

3.       Dynasty of David will not be removed. This is because this is a person singular blessing.

4.       Grace amplification in v. 16.

1Samuel 7:16–17                                 72David                                              631_0179

1/29/75 Davidic covenant in NT separation of temporal and spiritual authorities

The first 15 verses read.

2Sa 7:1–15 When the king had settled into his palace and the LORD had given him rest [a peaceful interlude] on every side from all his enemies, Consequently, the king said to Nathan the prophet, "Look, I am living in a cedar house while the ark of God sits inside tent curtains." So Nathan told the king, "Go and do all that is on your heart, for the LORD is with you." But that night the word of the LORD came to Nathan: "Go to My servant David and say [communicate], 'This is what the LORD says: Are you to build a house for Me to live in? From the time I brought the Israelites out of Egypt until today I have not lived in a house; instead, I have been moving around with the tabernacle tent. In all My journeys with all the Israelites, have I ever asked [spoken a word to] anyone among the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel: Why haven't you built Me a house of cedar?' And now so shall you say to My servant David, “So says Jehovah of the Armies: I Myself took you from the sheepcote, from following the sheep, to be ruler over My people, over Israel.” And I was with you wherever you went, and have cut off all your enemies out of your sight, and have made you a great name like the name of the great ones in the earth. And I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them so that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more. Neither shall the sons of wickedness [perversion, distortion] afflict [oppress, humble] them any more, as before. And when your days are fulfilled, and you shall sleep with your fathers, I will set up [perpetuate] your seed after you, who shall come out of your bowels. And I will make his kingdom sure. He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be his Father, and he shall be My son. If [asher, when] he commits iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the sons of men. But My mercy shall not leave him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before you.

The Davidic Covenant puts it all together for us and explains the way history is set up.

There were only 4 or so people in David’s line who were worth anything. About 17 kings.

God’s plan does not depend upon us for even one moment. All of David’s bad characteristics came out in his children. Over a period of quie a number of years, just nothing but failures. They all ailed because they never bothered to learn the Word of God. However, even with all of the failures, the plan of God is still moving ahead.

George I did not even speak English.

No excuse for being anything but clean-shaven these days. The house of David will always exist because Jesus Christ is resurrection; that guarantees it. You cannot have a dynasty unless you rule something. The house of David will always rule over Israel.

David’s greater Son, Jesus Christ will be there; and Israel; these are guaranteed for the future. Abraham will be the first citizen; Isaac, Jacob and Moses will all be there.

David will see his own seed for all eternity the perpetuation of his dynasty. David was the only man for centuries who had an original thought that was consisten with Bible doctrine. He was the only man to come up with an original thought. “Where did you come up with that idea? Who ever said that before?”

The humanity of Christ will be descended from the bloodline of David through Nathan; and through the Solomon for the legal line.

2Sam. 7:16 And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.

Matt. 1:1 The historical record [genealogy] of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham:

Jesus Son of David

1.       Jesus is in the line of David.

2.       Even two men who were blind recognized Jesus Christ, and called him Lord, son of David. Matt. 20:30

3.       Christ—whose Son is He? Every theologian knew He is the Son of David. “Then how does David, in the Holy Spirit, call Him Lord?” How can He be David’s son and David’s Lord? If you cannot answer that, put a big F next to your name; you’ve flunked.

4.       Acts 2:34–36 it was not David who ascended into heaven.


6.       Book of Revelation 5:5 Jesus Christ is called the Lion from the Tribe of Judah, the root of David. He is the source of David as well as the Son of David.

David said all of this stuff to David. The vision was of words; there was not a lot of ecstatics.

2Sam. 7:17 According to all these words, and according to all this vision, so Nathan spoke to David.

Authorities in Life

1.       While David was the highest power in the land as the king, and he had the gift of prophecy, he was still under the authority of the prophets. Nathan as a prophet has priority in the spiritual realm. God did not bypass Nathan, but he spoke to Nathan. Nathan was David’s Bible teacher. You read a book and you become an expert. You can’t learn from a book. Bob has read 500 to 700 books by experts and not 1 out of 100 is worth a damn. There are Hebrew scholars that Bob reads for Psalm 89 and they do not have a thing to add. We don’t need any books unless they are written by Bob. Bob doesn’t think that he has arrived, but he knows that he is far ahead of anyone else out there. Bob thinks that Herman and Taylor Williams are going to make it.

2.       God sent Nathan to David with a message.

3.       God does not answer David directly, but He goes through the proper channels.

4.       The authority of the prophet is confirmed through the communication media of Nathan.

5.       This emphasizes all kinds of authority. We are all under a variety of authorities. If you come across something without authority, avoid it.

6.       This distinguishes between spiritual and temporal authorities in life.

7.       God does not mix spiritual and temporal authorities. England used the taxpayers money to finance the church of England.

2Samuel 7:18–19                                 72David                                              631_0180

01/30/1975 David’s grace response to the Davidic Covenant

This is actually my final lesson in David, as I started with #181

what we covered last night was as important as anything else in theology.

One more medal of honor recipient; Harry (Henry?) S. Michael.

Bob upbraids someone for trying to record on a cassette. |I have just destroyed my pastoral image, thanks to some cluck.”

The plan of God is going to advance, whether it is with us or without us. We cannot stop the plan of God and we cannot hurt the plan of God. Limeys often impress women; the one who said, “It all depends on me.” He said, “if you step out of line, you hurt the plan of God.” But the plan of God does not depend upon us; the plan of God depends upon God.

David went to his most comfortable chair in army hq and sat down and prayed. The correct attitude for prayer is whatever physical posture that you use for your best thinking.

Bob cannot pray on his knees; he used to go to prayer meetings, but never kneeled. One guy used to fall asleep while praying on his knees before bed and would wake up and be in great pain. Bob told him to pray laying down.

David, during the Philistine invasions, went to his war room and sat down to pray. He has gone to a place where he can talk to the Lord. As a result, he came and sat down before the Lord. No one ever sat down in the Tabernacle. You could sit only on the mercy seat, and that would end your life. David was not allowed to go into the Tabernacle. He went to his war office and sat down in his chair to talk before the Lord.

Bob knew a commentator known for being a holy roller. He said the word means to tarry; but it doesn’t and there are no holy rollers at that time; so there is no tarrying.

Voluminous commentators, are good for pressing pants and to hold things together that you have glued together. David goes to a place where he is comfortable; so this would be a war room. This is a comfortable place; a place where he is relaxed.

As a result of the Davidic Covenant, David goes before God in prayer. He prays sitting down the physical posture is not the key; it is the mental attitude. There are many things that the Bible teaches about prayer. God is able to give David all of this covenant to David and without compromising His righteousness. God is able to promise these things to David, knowing that he will sin and that he will fail. David will even commit murder and God is still able to bless him. Under grace, God has found a way to bless us without compromising his righteousness.

God does not work in such a way where, David must be perfect. God knows what David will do in the future. But his sins would not hinder God’s plan. Most people do their best sinning after they are saved. God found a way to do this and it does not depend upon David but upon his Greater Son, Jesus Christ. Without the propitiation of God because of the cross, God could not love the world. His righteousness must remain intact. His love cannot go where His righteousness cannot go. God is omniscient; He knew all about the failures which would occur in David’s life and in his line; and yet, He still promises to perpetuate the Davidic dynasty. When David says, “Who am I, My Lord? And what is my house?” This is grace orientation.

France went 100 years without a middle class. Eventually Germany became a nation in 1817 (1870?). This is a family that earned and deserved what they had. They began with a small family of brilliant people that kept expanding their holdings.

A great leader must have poise, but he must have great humility as well. A good sense of humor helps. David was very handsome, and yet, he was not arrogant about it. David never thought he would lose his salvation; he didn’t think or say that he would lose his salvation. Doubting your salvation is arrogant. David had more power than anyone who lived; in his very loins is the seed from which Jesus Christ will come into the world. God has the power to take any person and make them great; a totally undeserving person like David, and He could make David into a great man.

A lot of us are arrogant and we think that we have a system of morality that is great. Nothing depends upon us; it all depends on God. We can ignore it and be smashed. If we don’t go along with the plan of God, we are steamrolled by it. The plan of God will smash you and make your life miserable; or you will get with it.

Some system of legalism; some system whatever; and then the plan of God smashes you or grinds you into a powder. The Hiphil stem here is the stem of grace; there is no place for David to be a good little boy, for him to change his ways, or to earn and deserve what God has given him. He has everything that we could ever think of in para SG2. He has in addition to this, promotion, wealth, success. God brings David this far and then gives im the Davidic Covenant. But David had complete original thinking on the Temple; absolutely a new thought.

David, Grace and the Davidic Covenant

1.       The nature of these questions means that David understands grace. His academic understanding relates to the experience of his life. Who do you think you are to go and rebuke someone for their failures? You have no right to run around and look down your nose at others. This is how we have failed the test. We are still a legalist.

2.       David had no illusions about himself. He understood his personal unworthiness. He understood the unworthiness of his ancestors all the way back to Judah. He had no racial superiority concepts.

3.       No one from the tribe of Judah has done anything to earn or deserve this honor that David is going to receive. No one can deserve anything like this.

4.       This is true grace orientation. David has no illusions about himself or earning or deserving anything.

5.       This honor does not depend upon his past, present or futre behavior. All of God promises depend upon God’s character, and God’s character is perfect.

2Sam. 7:18 Then King David went in and sat before Jehovah. And he said, “Who am I, My Lord Jehovah? And what is my house, that You have brought me here?

This was insignificant in Your eyes. Davar means that God has communicated this. God has a long-range plan for the promotion of David’s family in the future. His family will continue to be kings for nearly 400 years; and Jesus will be the final ruler in David’s line. Jesus Christ will enter the world as the Son of David. He will go to the cross and be resurrected and return in the 2nd advent and reign forever. This is supergrace blessing that David has been greatly blessed and that this blessing overflows to his family and his line. That his Son will rule forever is the greatest honor that could be given to any man. The Messiah would come from his loins and rule forever and ever and ever.

What Does this Mean?

Therefore, this law of the Adam is my Lord Jehovah. This is the correct translation of the final sentence.

1.       The first question that must be answered is, what is torah, that is translated law here. It has numerous meanings.

2.       The law or the torah of Adam; to what does that refer? This is the Davidic covenant being fulfilled as the last Adam.

3.       David has summarized two things: grace brought Davie to the throne of Israel. David does not deserve to be king or perpetuated.

4.       To fulfill this, another Adam must come into the world. Adam disobeyed the direction of God.

5.       Man and woman had sex in the garden but without children. The woman fell first and was deceived and was a sinner. Adam could choose the woman in the garden, or Jesus Christ outside of the garden. In perpetuating the human race, the sin nature is always passed down through the man. Copulation is not involved bringing such a person into the world. The last Adam always refers being born of a virgin without a sin nature. God does keep His Word to David.

6.       David with maximum doctrine in his soul has applied certain principles from his soul. He is an original thinker and he catches on immediately. He understands what God has said to him.

7.       He sees this covenant as a link between the first and last Adam. David is related to both.

8.       The davidic covenant guarantees that the last Adam is in the family of David forever.

2Sam. 7:19 And this was yet a small thing [insignificant] in Your sight, O Lord God. But You have spoken also of Your servant's house for a great while to come [with reference to the distant future]. And is this the manner of men, O Lord God?


2Sam. 7:20 And what can David say more to You? For You, O Lord Jehovah, know Your servant.

2Sam. 7:21 For Your Word's sake, and according to Your own heart, You have done all these great things to make Your servant know.

2Sam. 7:22 Therefore You are great, O Jehovah God. For there is none like You, neither is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

2Sam. 7:23 And what one nation in the earth is like Your people, like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people to Himself, and to make Him a name, and to do for You great things and terrible, for Your land, before Your people, whom You redeemed to You from Egypt, from the nations and their gods?

2Sam. 7:24 For You have confirmed to Yourself Your people Israel to be a people to You forever. And You, Jehovah, have become their God.

2Sam. 7:25 And now, O Jehovah God, the word that You have spoken concerning Your servant, and concerning his house: establish it forever, and do as You have said.

2Sam. 7:26 And let Your name be magnified forever, saying, The Jehovah of Hosts is the God over Israel. And let the house of Your servant David be established before You.

2Sam. 7:27 For You, O Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, have revealed to Your servant, saying, I will build you a house. Therefore Your servant has found in his heart to pray this prayer to You.

2Sam. 7:28 And now, O Lord Jehovah, You are that God, and Your Words are true, and You have promised this goodness to Your servant.

2Sam. 7:29 Therefore, now, let it please You to bless the house of Your servant, to be forever before You. For You, O Lord Jehovah, have spoken. And with Your blessing let the house of Your servant be blessed forever.

2Samuel 7:19                                       72David                                              631_0181

Bob warns his congregation not to talk while he is talking. If you have so little self-control, you do not belong here. So get out during silent prayer. If you are a one-nighter who just strayed in here, then stray the hell out while we pray.

Medal of honor recipient; and several times where he kills this and that guy with one shot; and his first time in battle. Pretty impressive.

David had a good response to what God had promised him. If you were here Wednesday night, you know why David received the Davidic Covenant.

Summary Points

9.       The Law here is the torah. This refers to Bible doctrine and specifically to Bible doctrine related to the Davidic Covenant.

10.     The law of Adam is the Davidic Covenant fulfilled in the last Adam.

11.     Grace brought David to the throne and perpetuates his dynasty.

12.     Another Adam must come into the world to fulfill this covenant. No sin nature.

13.     David with maximum doctrine in his soul had applied doctrine. Original thinking applied to the doctrine given to him.

14.     David sees the covenant as the link between the first and last Adam.

15.     The last Adam would be in his family.

16.     This person is the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ. David recognized the hypostatic union in all of its principles.

This Law of the Adam is my Lord Jehovah. David recognizes the Jehovah God is the fulfillment of this covenant made to him.

This law refers to the fulfillment in One Person. The last Adam resolves the consequences of the fall of the first Adam. More than Adam is involved. The fall of Adam is part of the hypostatic union. David is the key and the crossroads to history. When God told David that he would have a Son Who would reign forever,... The last Adam solves the problem of sin and then to fulfill the Davidic Covenant. First Christ will rule in the Millennium and then He will rule for all eternity.

What we do either by way of success or failure will not stop the plan of God. It will move forward with or without us. It will either crush us or it will bless us. We have one of two extreme alternatives. We will be blessed by the plan of God or we will be smashed by the plan of God. The plan of God will roll on and roll right over you. Positive toward Bible doctrine means we will be swept up with the plan of God and blessed by it. There is no place for legalism or any anti-grace thinking.

If you do not join up with the plan of God, you will be influenced by the plan of God will smash you, and you will arrive in eternity a very smashed up person. Do not every get the idea that the plan of God depends upon you. The plan of God is never dead in the water ever. The plan of God moves and it is moving right now. Grace gives us the option of moving with it.

Bill Bright and Bob used to talk, and Bob said, “God has a plan for you life” and Bill used that; but he’s misused it. You cannot get doctrine every day in this way. God does not have a plan for everyone of us in time; salvation puts everyone into the plan of God, and God will smash some of you into little pieces. Remember me and remember what I said when I told you this. You are too arrogant and too much of an ass to get with the plan.

A good illustration of this is The Longest Day, which is about D-Day. Bob enjoys this, and he was getting ready to jump into Greece, he had to learn every single German uniform. All of the uniforms are different, and Bob can tell a general by a thing on his collar. Bob gets a lot out of this. He knows every friendly uniform as well. He had to learn even the uniforms of the Russians. When Bob sees a war movie, he spends half of the time taking an exam. All the ribbons for the Germans may look the same, but they are not.

Bob loves war movies anyway, and when they are accurate, it makes it fascinating for Bob. Even if the sound goes, Bob knows what is going on. You can look at that and say, “Oh, there’s Gary Cooper...”

This is how it is in the plan of God. You are missing all of the fun for not knowing all of the doctrines which are pertinent to the plan. You are on top of the steam roller or underneath it being crushed a little at a time. Everything is black or white, no shades of gray. Just your blood scattered all over the ground.

The nice ones and the sweet ones and the ones who shout praise the Lord the most are the ones who are smashed. That is malarkey. He is under the steam roller being smashed. Discipline for failure, not just carnality.

If you are in the plane and you are doing Mach 1.5, but if you are outside, it is all over. You are either inside the plane or outside. You are with it or without it.

It gets complicated from time to time. You either ride the waves or you get drowned. There are all these motorcycle drivers here today jumping over all of these same things. God does the same thing, except He jumps over everyone in a steam roller. “I’ll tell you where you are; you are under the rollers being crushed because you are too dumb to get Bible doctrine.” The plan of God will bless you or smash you. There is no in between.

2Sam. 7:19 And yet this was a small thing in Your eyes, O Lord GOD. You have spoken also of your servant's house for a great while to come, and [therefore] this law of the Adam is my Lord, Jehovah!

The plan of God will destroy you or bless you. David kept it simple, even though he was quite complex. Even when he committed sins which seemed to shock so many. He still stayed with the plan of God. He kept going and he never lost his palace. He never lost his millions of dollars. There was never a time when he lost. He never lost. He was disciplined; but nothing was ever taken from him. He was still the king and he was victorious in battle many times after that after Bathsheba.

You have a lot to learn about grace. It always amazes people that David got away with all that. It was not that he got away with anything; he had a great capacity for life, and having such a great capacity for life, he just hooks this capacity up with his sin nature, that makes a big splash.

Legalism by now should have gathered so much moss, that it has disappeared in the tundra of false concepts in your life.

David was truly a humble man. He did not run around and give his testimony, saying, this is what I have done for the Lord. If you have these things, you are always speechless. What can he say? He has not earned or deserved anything and God has blessed him greatly.

This jackass actors with Oscars and emmys and in perfect acting and using their histrionics to thank all of these people. And everyone says, “Isn’t that sweet.” Then they would pause and say, “Mother would love to have seen this.” He is a fat-headed horse’s ass who is subjective.

Clark Gable would have had the nerve to say, “You all voted the right way.”

At the end of the superbowl they do the same job and thank all these people. It is their job. They’d be fired if they didn’t do it.

We discuss the deeper things of life in the executive meetings at T&P. “What do you think would happen if every paid worker at Berachah Church received $1 million?” If Bob got that, he would still study and he would still teach. He likes what he is doing, and he wouldn’t even have time to spend it. For some, it would make no difference. The point is, if you have the right kind of life, receiving a million dollars would not make a difference. “I’d tell my boss off and then go take a trip.” That means that there is something wrong with you. If everyone got a million in church, some of you would disappear. Some think that is happiness.

Bob likes what he is doing; and he liked what he did in the military. So, to him, money doesn’t mean anything. If you like what you are doing, all the money in the world does not mean a thing.

Are you enjoying life or not. Some people would go right on and you’d never know the difference. There was a millionaire that Bob knew from the depression, a millionaire 5 or 6 times over; and yet he hung out with the bums.

When money changes your lifestyle, you have a problem. With doctrine in your soul, it changes you. Without Bible doctrine, the plan of God crushes you because you are trash.

David does the only thing which is wise. He said nothing.

What more can David say to You?

Summary Points

1.       David is so overwhelmed that the Davidic Covenant links the first and last Adam, that he is speechless.

2.       It dawns on David how the Savior of the world will enter the world. He knows how He will enter the world.

3.       He knows the humanity will come from David himself.

4.       David had an original thought about building a Temple, but it is overwhelming that God has built him a permanent dynasty. God did more for David than anyone else other than perhaps Paul. David broke through barriers of grace that most have never touched.

5.       David wanted to provide a permeant house for God, and God does that for David instead.

6.       This desire was reversed. Jesus Christ turned around David’s original thought.

7.       David’s desire to provide a permanent house for Christ is reversed and God provides a permanent house for David.

8.       David was the first to think this.

9.       Now God uses David’s thought to reveal a permanent house for David.

You cannot imagine the incredible honor here. There are decorations put around the head and the necks of various soldiers. So this concept of putting something around the neck is pretty much what we have here expanded almost beyond our thinking. David will have a permanent decoration around his neck in the person of Jesus Christ. When it came to authority and blessing, it is almost beyond our imagination. David is the link between the first and the last Adam. Adam to David and David to Christ.

David had brothers with talent and ability and good looks. It came down to one person, and that was David and in all of history, there was never such an honor. He is holding in one hand the first Adam and in the other, the Last Adam. And David is the only link. There never was an honor like that.

David caught on and he was absolutely speechless. David puts this in the perfect tense. God knew David before he was born. God knew him from beginning to end. You have known David. David did not try to play games with the Lord. Some of us are so full of fun and games, we cannot even think straight. We are so full of playing games with God, that we cannot think straight. Sooner or later, it has to be knocked out of you. There are no phony acceptance speeches.

Bob never thought much of David’s mother. He never got anywhere because of his mother or father. His father was an ambitious lying jerk. His mother considered David a workhorse or a dog and she sent him out to be with the sheep. David is a total product of grace. David rebounded the sins. No matter what the failure was, he kept on going. He never stopped. If you have some of David’s failures, you would slink out of here. You have no poise. Billions of years ago, God knew David and Adam both. Jesus Christ knew all about David and all about David from eternity past. God knew that David would be speechless here.

David is an eloquent man, and it is quite unusual for such an eloquent man to be speechless.

There are numerous psalms which mention this situation.

2 generations after David, they will still be deeply affected by this.

2Sam. 7:20 And what more can David say to You? For You know Your servant, O Lord GOD!

The source of grace has to be doctrine. The perfect grace of God. Bible doctrine is the source of grace. Always remember, God manufactures all this greatness. If God does not make it, it is not great. True greatness is because God has manufactured it.

David understood it all; God made it perspicuous to him. David understood God through Bible doctrine.

No one receives supergrace blessing apart knowing God’s greatness. God is the Host and he pours His blessing and He pours His blessing, until we have to say with David, My cup runs over.

2Sam. 7:21 Because of Your promise [Word], and according to Your own heart [essence], You have brought about [manufactured] all this greatness, to make Your servant know it.

2Samuel 7:22                                       72David                                              631_0182

Some of you ladies have never learned how to use perfume; no two people have the same chemistry. No excuse to come without bathing. If you walk in like that, it becomes Bob’s business. You have to learn to freeze; not to carry on a conversation. There are a few new faces. Bob threw people out in California for conversing. Bob ran into a long-haired with a beard and said, we don’t need that here; found out that he was looking for a wedding. You might come in once or twice with long hair, but all you have to do is look around and you can tell you are out of line.

Doctrine was here before you came and it will be here after you are gone. You cannot change doctrine, but you can be changed by it. Ditto for evil. You cannot change evil, and if you try, you are charging at windmills. The difference between blessing and cursing is whether you are influenced by doctrine or by evil.

Satan is the author of evil. That is his policy for this world. Evil is any form of man solving man’s problems by man’s efforts.

The great enemy is not sin. Jesus said, “Beware of what destroys the soul.” Thoughts destroy the soul. The accumulation of these thoughts are evil. All of these things are evil; socialism, do-goodism, etc. David sinned; and we will all fail and all sin. Sin is a problem which can be quickly resolved. Evil takes longer. The believer involved in evil will always be in trouble.

All of this holy roller stuff is arrogance; I have had an experience which makes me a spiritual giant.

David had 7 wives and 16 mistresses (children?) when God gave him these promises. People get all confused about this and think that this is a double-standard. All of this time, David was blessed in a wonderful way.

In the field of medicine, we are tops; in every field of science, we are tops. We have had great people in this realm. Douglas MacArthur was a genius in the military; same with Robert E. Lee. Moving troops by train was a breakthrough, which involved original thinking.

However, there are no great men in our history of politics. Maybe John C. Calhoun or Alexander Hamilton and today, Goldwater.

Bob was in the president’s club. Normally he doesn’t watch tv during the day, and there was this guy telling about the terrible immorality of Kennedy when in the Navy. And this was how J. Edgar Hoover kept his job. True or not true is not the issue. He was not a good ruler. Some of the greatest rulers in history were immoral. Frederick the Great, Cæsar and Napoleon. This does not mean you will be a great leader if you are immoral. It is hard to find a pure good leader. Gustalvos Adolphus came to mind, but he had an affair. You girls might become nervous about this and you look over to see if your husband is enjoying this or not. The key is not fighting good; it is fighting evil.

When is the last time you gossiped about someone or maligned someone? These are all the heavy sins.

At least 80% of you would be shocked by David and he was a man after God’s own heart. Evil can be a simple thought.

Some woman came up to share some things with Bob. Bob said, “Woman, are you married?” “Yes.” “Then your job is to please your husband; get to it.” This woman was about as flaky as they come. She did share that she was in supergrace. Evil can be as simple as this woman here. Cool down the guilt complex by doing something great for God; help others by leading the way.

So where did David sit down? He sits down in his castle headquarters. Too much has been made of kneeling and genuflexing with prayer.

“Who am I and what is my house, that You have brought me this far?” Psychotics never have a sense of humor. The very nature of this question indicates David’s grace orientation.

This does not depend upon David’s past or future behavior; it depends upon the character of God, the Giver. God has a long-range plan of blessing for David. It is surpassing grace blessing that David’s Son would rule forever. David would be honored as king and honored that his dynasty would be continued.

David had the phenomenal ability to think all of the way back to Adam and to see himself as the link between the first and the second Adam.

The Law of Adam is the Davidic Covenant. Grace perpetuates the Davidic dynasty. David understood that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of this covenant. David identified the Lord Jehovah with his son. If the pharisees only listened to David and what David said, then there would have never been a problem.

David is left absolutely speechless. He knows the doctrine in his soul. He has a tremendous inner occupation with Christ. He is overwhelmed that the Davidic Covenant is the connection between himself and the Last Adam. He is speechless.

David has a new thought, and there are no limitations for a believer with doctrine.

Bob likes to spend some time with Dr. Nakamura, who is a genius in many fields. For a long time, everyone has said that the universe is gigantic. Everyone has said that the universe is anchored. Now we are moving as a galaxy through space and there is no end to space, and the universe is billions of light years. Scientists are boggled by this and they think that this wipes out Einstein’s theory or relativity. He’ll take one thought and run with it.

Scientists are completely shaken and astounded and upset and disturbed. A lot of brilliant men are not brilliant enough. It stands right now that space is infinite and we are on a ride through space. When the earth completes it rotation; we are moving right on with the whole thing. And we never run out of space, because space is infinite, just as God is infinite.

David wanted to provide a permanent house for God, and God will provide a permanent house for David. No one had thought about that before. God was going to give David the greatest honor in human history.

David, for a moment, could not verbalize what was in his soul. “You knew billions of years ago just exactly what I would think.” David has just discovered God’s grace provision.

In v. 21, we have the source of grace. No one ever received supergrace blessings under SG2 without understand that it is constructed form Bible doctrine in the soul.

2Sam. 7:18–21: Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and said, "Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what is my house [i.e., my family tree], that You have brought me thus far? And yet this was a small thing in your eyes, O Lord GOD. You have spoken also of Your servant's house for a great while to come, and this is instruction for mankind, O Lord GOD! And what more can David say to you? For you know your servant, O Lord GOD! Because of your promise, and according to your own heart, you have brought about all this greatness, to make your servant know it.

The source of all blessing. Al ken means because. When David can finally speak on the matter, he says gadal. God’s greatness is complete. God’s greatness is His character. God never had to do anything in history to be great. God has never had to do anything to be great. God does not have to lift a finger to prove it.

We glorify wimps. Why would anyone want an autograph from some ass? Frank Sinatra, who was a coward, who did not go to war. He stood up and made some noise and women went crazy. When his superiors went to war, he hung out with Eleanor Roosevelt. He hooked up with one of the most evil women there was. He didn’t fight. Every man who fought was infinitely superior to Frank Sinatra and anyone else who stayed home to make B movies. What is the idea of making celebrities out of these people? The men who went to war are much greater than any of our celebrities. Sergeant Howard was loaded on a plane after the hippies. It is okay to be entertained by a celebrity, but not to idolize them. You women who dream about Banacek, you are idiots. You are mixed up in your soul and only Bible doctrine will straighten you out. David was a man to be admired. He was an entertainer too. Not every king dances naked in front of the Ark. We do not admire him because he was an entertainer. We admire him because the Bible doctrine in his soul freed him from evil.

Have you ever been on a date and here a woman tell you that she is some sort of free spirit? No one is a free spirit; no woman and no man. You never, never will be free until you are free from evil. That means maximum doctrine in the soul. You are just kidding yourself about you and your freedom.

God has always existed; He has always been great. He knows everything about this world. He is perfect; He is great. He is totally above all of this.

There is no Elohim besides You. Each one has identical essence.

You learn by listening with your ears. Bob does not allow the cassettes in because they are noisy. Any noise distracts and breaks off the circuit to the ear. The ear is the basic system of learning.


1.       No way can a man learn anything about God apart from Bible doctrine.

2.       Only the believer can understand doctrine and only the believer is qualified to understand about God. We understand God to the extent that He wants us to understand Him.

3.       The unbeliever is involved in empiricism and rationalism, which yields nothing about God.

4.       Therefore, we must have a relationship with God on God’s terms, which requires salvation. Once you believe in Jesus Christ, you have a relationship on His terms. On His terms, you are royalty.

5.       To have a relationship with God, one must believe in Jesus Christ, the only Savior.

6.       For any believers to know and appreciate God, He must have doctrine in the soul.

7.       To have maximum doctrine in the soul requires the daily discipline and the daily recognition of authority involved with gap. There is no one-shot decision type panacea decisions.

8.       Since God has ordained only the local church as the classroom, there is no way to understand God apart from the classroom of the church. No one in navigators will grow up spiritually. You must be under academic discipline.


10.     Only by attending a local church and putting yourself under the authority of the pastor can you grow up.

11.     So it all belongs together. Promotion and prosperity; knowing God; being influenced by Bible doctrine.

2Sam. 7:22 Therefore [Because] you are great, O LORD God. For [because there is no one like You] there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

Isa. 45:7 2Samuel 7:23                      72David                                              631_0183

from the time of our salvation to the time of our departure in phase II depends upon what you think. What you think is the real you. As a man thinks in his soul, so he is. A thought can make or break you. What you think is much worse than any sin than you could ever commit. David gapped it until he became a mature believer and when he reached the high ground, God opened up paragraph SG2 for him. A command post in the soul. No one in history was as wealthy as Solomon, and before him, David. We have seen David’s promotion, a promotion which will last 40 years. All believers commit their worst sins after salvation. Mental attitude sins, sins of the tongue, the sins which are usually ignored or condoned in most congregations. David ruled as king for 40 years. He never had accumulated 7 wives and so many mistresses. King David retained his kingship. He learned to rebound quickly.

Too long, people have listened to preachers urging us to stop sinning, but it is evil which is the great enemy. It is time that fundamentalism understood evil. David’s rewards and decorations will exceed those of anyone else in heaven. He will have the most fantastic types of rewards.

Saul and David were both filled with the Spirit; they were both believers in Jesus Christ. They both had the same potential. They were professional soldiers. They both rose to the rank of general early on in life. Both of them became kings. One man was a total failure and the other was a total success. You cannot change doctrine, but doctrine can change you.

David was the great believer who ever lived; both he and Saul were carnal; but Saul moved to the sin unto death. Saul was influenced by evil and he was a total flop. Fundies today are so totally influenced by evil that they do not know straight up from straight down. In their running around and praising the Lord; and they are the most stupid, asinine

You may be shocked to know that Bob likes some long-haired music. Dr. Davidjohn and Bob were sitting and a rock band started up. So Bob warned that this was the jungle and when the music stopped, they would attack. Opus 91 is one of Bob’s favorites, Ludwig Von Beethoven and he was truly an original thinker in music. Churchill almost ruined the 5th symphony for Bob. He was a musical genius. He wrote 3 sonatas by age 13 better than anything written in the past 25 years. He was influenced by Mozart as was everyone else. And Hyden’s grading of him when he studied under Hyden also influenced him.

After Beethoven became deaf, he wrote phenomenal stuff. He had music in his soul.

If you took anyone writing today, you puncture their eardrums (which should have been done), and they can’t write anything.

Opus 91 is also called Wellington’s victory. Some orchestras like to get a canon or two thrown in. If you were to meet Ludwig, you would see this frail figure, you’d say, “Now there goes a 4F.” Opus 91 was written when he was totally deaf. No one expressed a soldier’s soul in music better than he. Some of the best music ever written was written by a deaf man. Lee’s greatest genius was expressed in innovation and original thinking. Lee thought to move his army by train. Stonewall Jackson campaign studied in all military schools. But Lee was an original thinker. All modern warfare could be attributed to Lee.

You can say Bathsheba and everyone knows what you are talking about. David holds all records for the dynamics of the soul. He had maximum dynamics because of what went on in his soul.

We have to understand this concept of evil, because the pastor-teachers will not understand it at all. Some of these pastors are legalistic and some are not; some even go back home after the first night. No one had ever spoken to them that way before.

Bob wants to get all of this covered in one session. Yatsar means to sculpt. Barah means to create something from nothing. You bring something into existence out of nothing. Our self-consciousness is created out of nothing. God created our emotion; but He did not create our sin nature; we acquired that from Adam. The second word from creation is asah, which means to create out of existing materials. This is to take a piece of clay or some wood or some chisel out of something. Someone should have told Mike that David was circumcised (Michelangelo). The 3rd is jatsar, which means to form something, to sculpt something. Our souls are barah’ed and asah’ed. Banah means to build.


Light is more primitive than any of the things used to explain it.

1.       Light is composed of photons.

2.       The different colors in light represent different energies of the photons. A blue light has twice the energy of a red light.

3.       In quantum mechanics, the energy of the photons is directly proportional to the frequency of the light waves.

4.       Quantum mechanics reconciles the two forms of light, wave and..

5.       The wave range of colors varies between red and violet.

6.       The radiation of light produces all color. The artist see primary colors and the secondary colors. Light is very transparent. In darkness, what we are wearing would be black. Color requires the existence of light.

7.       Some radiations of color are invisible, like ultraviolet.

8.       Actinic (not seen or felt), luminiferous (seen and felt), calorific (felt but not seen). An illustration of the Trinity.

9.       Light is the basis of color as well as the function of the human eyesight.

10.     Man cannot live on a planet without light and heat.

God forms light (out of something) but He creates [out of nothing] darkness. Darkness did not exist until the fall of Satan. When Satan fell, the earth was surrounded by darkness as well as a great ice pack. The creation of light for the restoration.

Darkness and Light during Restoration

1.       Darkness was caused by the angelic revolution and the fall of Satan.

2.       God provided light for man before man was here.

3.       Light would provide heat energy which would melt the ice pack and keep it from reforming.

4.       In this verse, it declares that God created darkness.

5.       Bara refers to the fact that God created Satan, who is the prince of darkness. Satan is the whole package; great wit, beauty and intelligence. God created Satan with His Own free will. Evil is Satan’s thinking and sin is Satan’s function. Satan had a system; he was going to displace God as the ruler of the universe. There is a reason why this is mentioned.

6.       Satan is a creature and God is the Creator, being infinitely more powerful. Man was created to resolve this revolution.

7.       God, even though He has the opposition of Satan, God will inevitably be successful.

The genius weapon of Satan is evil, and he overcomes mankind with evil more than with anything else. Demon possession is a terrible thing and an awesome thing, and with simple solutions; but evil is extremely destructive with very complex solutions. Today, the whole system of fundamentalism is shot down by evil. A person can be very kind, very moral, and at the same time, very evil. That will help us to understand our federal government. They might not be so altruistic if they had to use their own funds.

Asah applied to peace. I manufacture out of something shalom. Shalom is a greeting with the Jews. However, in the Hebrew, it means much more. “I make out of something prosperity.” God manufactures all true prosperity. If we are influenced by doctrine, it is inevitable that we will enter into supergrace. Spiritual blessing and temporal blessing and dying blessing. Asah means to manufacture this blessing in time. You will be influenced by doctrine or by evil. Most of us will die. If we are under dying grace, our blessings will be better there than in time.

Bara is used with raʾ, this is the masculine adjective for evil. The One creating evil. We do not have the feminine form here, which is more often found. Here, this is found associated with a person. We have the exact same situation here. Satan is the father of evil. Satan was the author of the original revolution in heaven. Jesus Christ controls history, and that is why we have a phrase like this. Jesus Christ created darkness and Satan. God can control what He has created. All of these things which we have learned are focused on this phrase. Satan is the author of evil and he is the evil one. He does not have the ability to control history. He can step in where the free will of man succumbs to his evil thinking and philosophy. No creature can revolt against the Creator and succeed.

All of these things, whether light or darkness, good or evil, is all controllable by God. Man was created to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Satan is far more powerful than man, and yet God has chosen the human race for the incarnation and to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

Evil is the modus operandi of Satan in this world. Evil is the system of thought used by Satan. Evil deals with much more than sin. Evil attempts to solve the problems of life apart from God. Evil includes every system of social action. Evil is the greater good; the distortion of law to solve social problems. Evil is every deviation from divine establishment. Gun legislation is evil. Abolishment of capital punishment is evil. Every law that Congress has passed to only allow certain people to be hired or fired is evil. Bribing states for a 55 mph speed limit. It is evil to infringe upon industry and to tell them what they ought to manufacture. If they want to manufacture you press a button and a sword stabs you, that is their business. And since when is saving life that important? There is a lot of evil because we have not gone through the normal cycle of a depression. We’d be a lot better off with people dead. Bob’s car is filled with evil. He’d slash his seat belt with a large hunting knife. But he needs the seat belt when he corners at 50 mph. So what does it prove? We are operating under a series of principles which are evil. If the United States survives this Congress; this is why we have so many laws about sell to anyone or rent to anyone. If an apartment owner wants to keep out old people, young people, or whatever, that is up to them. The worst thing in the world for apartments are kids. An owner of an apartment can do anything he wants. He can exclude children or dogs or fleas, and the government ought to be able to tell you how to invest your money. A third of the people of the world are in slavery because of FDR and Truman. We neglected Douglas MacArthur when the Germans were beating down the Russians. They let the Russians come into Germany and into western Europe and Rumania and Czekoslovakia, we enslaved millions of people because of our policy.

Today our country operates like the Communists. We operate like Communists. Evil is the leaven which leavens the whole lump. God ordained the church; Bill Bright ordained campus crusade; Bob knew all 3 of these men, and they have these different organizations, and churches are doing all of these activities to compete with the sock hop, etc. They were going to turn the world upside down. They aren’t going to turn the world upside down. The sheep are growing in the local church. It is time that you understand the true nature of evil. The local church has failed many times, but God uses only the local church with a pastor communicating the Word of God to the sheep.

Isa.. 45:6b–7 I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form [lit., the One forming] light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity [the One creating evil], the One creating the evil one, I am the LORD, who does [manufacturing] all these things.

There is a lot more to say about evil which will be covered tonite.

Isa.. 45:8 "Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the LORD have created it.

Isa.. 45:9 "Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, a pot among earthen pots! Does the clay say to him who forms it, 'What are you making?' or 'Your work has no handles'?

Isa. 47:10–11                                        72David                                              631_0184

The Doctrine of Evil

1.       Evil is many things; and some sins do overflow into evil. Sin will get a believer out of fellowship; rebound will get the believer back into fellowship. Evil controls the thinking of the believer. Evil is the policy and modus operandi of Satan.

          a.       Evil is more than sin.

          b.       Evil includes human good and every attempt to solve the problems of life apart from Bible doctrine and apart from the grace of God.

          c.        It can include philanthropy, socialism, public welfare; Satan is seeking to establish the Millennium before the 2nd advent.

          d.       Evil is social gospel; social action; the distortion of law to solve social problems.

          e.       Evil is every deviation from doctrine, like legalism.

          f.        Sin and evil both come from Satan. Evil comes from the heart.

2.       The supergrace believer is protected from evil. Psalm 21:11 deceit is in the right lobe of those who devise evil.

3.       No evil happens to the righteous; the evil are filled with all kinds of trouble. Gen. 48:16 50:20 Psalm 23: 37:16–19 Psalm 91:10 119:101 121;7 all of these refer to supergrace believers. He who listens to doctrine will be in security and will be at ease from evil. Prov. 2: 3:7

4.       Negative volition toward Bible doctrine causes the believer to be influenced by evil; even changed by evil. Solomon was still taking in doctrine; he as still influenced

5.       The issue in the royal family, are you influenced by doctrine or by evil the pursuing of evil is the sin unto death. Prov. 15:3 the divine omnipresence. Blessing for the supergrace believer. Prov. 16:6 22:3 24:1–4

6.       Doctrine neutralizes evil. Psalm 54;12

7.       Evil distorts grace Psalm 52:1

8.       Evil also distorts establishment.

9.       Reversionists are influenced always by evil. Reversionists may sin; but so do believers. David goes on for 40 years John 3:19

10.     Evil rationalizes calls evil good

11.     Conspiracy and revolution are evil. Prov. 17:11

12.     Evil is self-destructive Psalm Prov.

13.     Evil seeks to build happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness.

14.     Laws of divine establishment are designed to protect the human race from evil.

15.     There is no evil in God. Psalm 5;4

16.     God judges evil.

17.     Jesus Christ controls history, despite evil. Isa. 45:7 I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form [lit., the One forming] light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity [the One creating evil], the One creating the evil one, I am the LORD, who does [manufacturing] all these things.

18.     The saturation of evil means the fifth cycle of discipline. When there is a saturation of evil, that national entity is destroyed in battle. Isa. 47:10

There are people who depend upon legislation or on some property out in the hills. People are always impressed when they are killed for their trouble. There are sincere people raising money; and all of the networks are anti-gun. They do everything they can to pass gun legislation; this is evil. A new one is to get rid of hunting. People who love animals go out and shoot the loners and the weak ones. People are depending upon the environmentalists. We are driving industry out of the country. Many states have lost revenue because they have run corporations and companies out of town.

A Few Points on Evil

1.       Nations not influence by Bible doctrine have a tendency to be influenced by some form of evil.

2.       Evil is the policy of Satan, who is the ruler of this world.

3.       Evil and sin are both from Satan. Sin from the old sin nature and evil from the heart.

4.       Evil includes human good, social and economic panaceas, social gospel, social action, humanitarianism, victorious life panaceas. There is no one shot decision after salvation which solves anything. It takes many decisions.

5.       Sin was solved at salvation; but evil is overcome by spiritual growth.

6.       The sins of humanity were judged at the cross; Christ did not die for evil nor did He solve evil at the cross.

7.       Evil will not solved till the end of the Millennium.

8.       Rebound solves the believer’s sins.

9.       Evil can only be avoided by establishing a command post in the soul.

10.     Anytime a believer is legalistic or reversionistic or apostate, some form of social gospel. Only the daily function of gap can protect against evil.

Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson country was then filled with evil.

They have been influenced by evil, but they say, “No one sees me.” Wisdom and knowledge here are used of those influenced by evil. Evil is a thought; evil is humanitarianism thinking. So they are seduced by evil.

We can lead a life separate from evil. 30:07 - 27:12

There are people who have a confused concept of life; they are filled with human viewpoint thinking. Their wisdom and knowledge have seduced them. We will always sin, but we can live a life totally free from evil.

Bob talks about the waw conversive here. An imperfect tense changes to a perfect tense? That means you have said in your heart; however, it ought to be you keep saying in your heart.. Believers involved in humanitarianism; they are arrogant; they are proud; they are vain. Ephes arrogance is a sin which is related to evil. Pride is always related to evil. Pride is always one which immediately is evil. Arrogance thinks outside of grace; there is no grace orientation to arrogance. Satan started out saying the same thing, “I will be like the Most High.” Satan was arrogant; he was pride. That is a mental attitude sins; but “I will be like the Most High” sets up his entire policy. This is Satan wanting to run the entire universe.

Isa. 47:10 You felt secure [have trusted; often used for the faith rest technique] in your wickedness [in your evil], you said, "No one sees me"; your wisdom and your knowledge led you astray [seduced you], and you said in your heart, "I am, and there is no one besides me."

Evil has no ability when God judges is. Kopharr means to cover up; in this stem, to stop, to avert. Jesus Christ controls history and Jesus Christ protects the human race from saturation of evil. To perpetuate the human race, God must remove certain peoples, like the 3rd Reich in the 20th century, like the evil peoples in the land.

When one is under the influence of evil, they try to solve things that they do not understand. Today, everyone thinks that the UN is great. The UN sticks its nose into business. The UN has destroyed Africa and many nations all over the world. The US gave the UN power, and now, it is a system of spying on our country.

Evil cannot interpret history. It cannot understand what is going on. It is not sin which destroys a nation; it is evil. Some sins are related to evil; and some are merely sinful.

Isa 47:11 Therefore, evil shall come upon you, which you will not know how to charm away [understand its origins]; consequently, disaster shall fall upon you, for which you will not be able to atone; and ruin [or, destruction, which here refers to the fifth cycle of discipline] shall come upon you suddenly, of which you know nothing [you do not understand life].


19.     Evil does not understand grace function. Matt. 20:15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?' A capitalist is speaking in this context. This is a man who owned a huge vineyard. He went out at 6am and those who showed up, got a day’s wages. But, when he went out later, he hired more workers at 9am, and he paid them the same wages. He even went out and hired those at 6pm, and they worked for just an hour. When they went by to be paid, he gave them all a full day’s wage. Then the labor unions screamed, unfair. The capitalist has the right to give any wage that he wants to any group that he wants. The owner of the vineyard was a grace man; the owners of the vineyard did not understand grace. Two blind men call out to Jesus, “Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David.” They were free from evil. They recognized His authority and they recognized His humanity and his royalty. Labor has no right to complain or to tell capital what they ought to do. In this parable, the man did not pay an unfair wage; he paid a fair wage. However, he just paid a higher per hour wage to those he hired late.

20.     Evil is distinguished from other categories like war and disease. Evil is distinguished from warfare and disease. The prophets in the past said that Jeremiah warned about these things. If war is not evil. War is the means of gaining freedom. It is the means for putting down tyranny. Today, we have idiots running around trying to abolish war. Disease is not evil either, which knocks down Christian science. There may some evil related to disease, but disease in itself is not evil.

Isa. 47:10 2Samuel 7:23                    72David                                              631_0185

Still covering the doctrine of Evil.

Bob is not going to accommodate people saving places when they don’t come to class. “We are going to knock off that stuff. Most of those who are guilty, they live across the street in the barracks. They come in and lay down 15 bibles in 15 places, but not everyone shows up. You don’t get to wander off and come in before the opening curtain. It is damn poor manners. So, count on it; if it keeps up, we’ll throw your books in the parking lot. Do I make myself clear? I’ll throw them out there.” One of the biggest complaints are those who get put back against the wall or the overflow room; and there are seats with books in them an empty. “You don’t save seats, except for wives and girlfriends, and no more than one or two. And you had better be in that seat.”

we have been studying 2 men, David and Saul. Saul failed; he died the sin unto death. They started out the same; they were both regenerated.

You cannot change doctrine; but it can change you. Evil will be here after we are dead. We cannot change evil, but it can change us. David allowed doctrine to change him, and Saul allowed evil to change him. David had promotion for 40 years. He committed his most heinous sins as a believer, as king of Israel. The real issue is evil and not sin. Evil comes from the old sin nature. Evil goes on as the Angelic Conflict continues. Most pastors are fighting sin.

When you sin, you rebound; you are back in fellowship immediately. If there is discipline still attached, then you can deal with it. David was a man after God’s own heart. David was the criterion for what a ruler ought to be. He was not influenced by evil.

Review of the doctrine of Evil

1.       Definition: evil is the modus operandi of Satan in this world. It includes human good; it is an attempt to solve life’s problems apart from doctrine and God. Pride is Satan’s original sin. There was arrogance and he said, “I will be like the Most High.” That is a mental attitude sins + evil. Evil is altruism, philanthropy, public welfare, socialism; Satan seeks to establish the Millennium before the Millennium. Fundies are sincere, moral, self righteous and that is evil. Some fundies function outside of the local church. There are often very nice and sincere people who are evil. Holy rollers are all evil. A one-shot system of spiritual growth is evil. Every deviation from Bible doctrine is evil. Sin and evil originate from Satan. Evil often includes sin, but they are not synonymous terms. Pride is always involved with evil. Evil is socialism. We have an evil government today. The greatest issue is not morality, it is evil. Government trying to regulate the economy, is evil. Labor unions are evil. Cutting back on the military is evil. Sweetness and light and brotherhood is all evil; any organization outside of the local church is evil. Navigators is evil. Campus Crusade, etc. No believer can grow up in them. They do not have a pastor-teacher or a church. The local church is the place where God has ordained for us to grow up. Whatever good they do is the accurate presentation of the Word of God.

2.       Vocabulary and there are several words for evil in both languages.

3.       Supergrace believer is protected from evil. Psalm 23;4 Gen. 50:20 Psalm 91:10 Prov. 2:10–14

4.       Negative volition toward Bible doctrine causes believer to be influence by evil, which leads to the sin unto death. Prov. 5:13–14

5.       Are you influenced by doctrine or evil? Prov. 14:22 22:8

6.       Doctrine neutralizes evil. Our insulation against evil is doctrine in the soul. No matter how sweet or mature or whatever your personality is, it does not overcome evil. The only insulation is not working, praying or a system of self righteousness; it is just Bible doctrine resident in your soul.

7.       Doctrine neutralizes evil.

8.       Evil distorts grace.

9.       Evil distorts establishment.

10.     Evil rationalizes.

11.     Conspiracy and revolution are evil.

12.     Evil is self-destructive.

13.     Evil seeks to build happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness.

14.     There is no evil in God.

15.     God judges evil.

16.     In spite of evil, Jesus Christ controls history. Isa. 45:7 I am Jehovah and there is no other, forming light and creating dankness, the one creating ...the evil one. Satan is a super genius and he cannot contend with God.

17.     The saturation of evil means the fifth cycle of discipline. Isa. 47:10–11 because you trusted in your evil, you have said that no one sees me. You have said, I am and there is no one besides me. Arrogance and evil have been together since Satan’s fall. Suddenly the fifth cycle will come upon you and you will not understand it.

18.     Laborers criticizing capital. Any man who is a capitalist has the right to determine what he does with his own money. We did not become a great nation because of labor unions; it is the capitalists who make our nation great. Labor unions are as evil as the UN.

19.     Evil is distinguished from other categories:

          a.       Warfare and pestilence are mentioned with evil and therefore are distinguished from evil. Jer. 28:8 prophesied against many great kingdoms of war, evil and disease. These things are distinct from evil. There is often evil in war and in disease, but they are not the same. There might be evil connected with warfare like germ warfare. Bob was under pestilence a few weeks ago. And he was never more of a Simon Pure than the week before that. The prophets before us prophesied of war, disease and evil. 20. Evil is distinguished from sin in David’s sin of numbering the people. I am the one who sinned. David distinguishes here between his sin and his evil. The sooner we learn to distinguish, the sooner we will advance in the spiritual life. God made David the wealthiest man in the world, and he had 7 wives and 19 mistresses. You have to distinguish between sin and evil. Don’t be concerned by those who destroy the body, but those who can destroy the soul. This is the influence of evil. The born-again believer cannot be demon possessed, but demon influenced. Evil lodging in the soul can sometimes be there for a lifetime. Bob lost a lot of people when he taught spirituality by grace. People with a religious background have trouble with that. “I have sinned and I have caused evil” from a Chronicles passage. 1Chron. 21:1

21.     Jonah 3:10 God uses what people have to destroy them. He can use their evil to destroy them. A nation might cut down on its military, and then another military comes along to destroy them. Jonah, when he arrived in Nineveh, liked the idea of damning the Assyrians to hell. They repented of their evil so God repented of his.

22.     Evil is sometimes mistaken for good. Micah 4:12 the citizens became weak waiting for good. Can you imagine keeping groups of people alive by simply giving them money. When we let things just go on, socialism destroys those who have no vigor. But socialism does not do that, and all kinds of people are destroyed. They were waiting for good, and evil came down. This time, the evil was good. That made them weak and destroyed them as a people.

23.     Chalal means to become weaker and weaker. People destroy themselves.

24.     Evil provides false security for reversionism. Micah 3:11 her priests instruct for a price (in other words, they charge for tapes) and they say, “Isn’t the Lord in our midst? No evil will come upon us.” Evil uses God as a front.

25.     Evil national leadership is opposed to God. Nahum 1:11 a policy maker of Belial. Belial means super wickedness.

26.     Evil will be eliminated in the Millennium reign of Christ. Zeph. 3:14–15 the Lord has removed his judgment. You will not see evil anymore.

27.     People think of evil in terms of doing some sinful act, which is erroneous. Evil is a thought. If your eye is evil, your whole body is full of darkness. Light become darkness means there are plans to solve peoples problems. Idea to give the stupid and the dumb the same salary as those who work hard. Matt. 15:19

28.     Evil is altruistic. Luke 11;15 someone gives you something, but there is a string attached. Evil people can be generous sometimes. But there is often a trade out. Until that time, the Lord makes that promise. Evil can come in sweet forms. That surprises many, because they think evil is next to godliness.

29.     Evil belongs to the most scintillating personality

          a.       Satan’s angels are called evil spirits Luke 7:21 they function under Satan’s policy.

          b.       Satan’s domain is called the evil world.

          c.        Satan’s policy is called evil. 1Thess. 5:22

          d.       Those under Satanic policy are called evil men. This might be called evil possession when Satanic policy is in your soul. That is the whole principle of theology right there. Evil is Satan’s policy possessing your soul. Demon-possession is a demon possessing the body. Job 35;12 or evil workers.

          e.       Satan’s administrators are called inventors of evil things. Rom. 1:30

we have a lot of work to do on evil. It is imperative that we see these kinds of distinctions.

2Samuel 7:23                                       72David                                              631_0186

We are in the Davidic Covenant. The ear has always been the basis for the assimilation of the Word of God. Only the believer can understand doctrine. Only the believer is qualified to understand God. The unbeliever is involved in rationalism and empiricism, which yields nothing.

There is a post chaplain who lives nearby. Sends out a religious tolerance memo. He said it is improper to pray in the name of Jesus Christ. He adds, this is no request to compromise your convictions. This is how our chaplains will henceforth respect those of other religions. Strictly Christian prayers are not just inappropriate but may be considered offensive. Another illustration of evil. A great illustration of what evil is. It is all sweetness and light; do not offend anyone.

We live in a day when the illustrations of evil outnumber the points in the doctrine of evil.

David is a patriot. Anyone with maximum doctrine in his soul, who is saved by believing in Jesus Christ, will have good thoughts about the country in which he lives. David is a patriot and he loves Israel. David understands and appreciates everything which is involved in patriotism. He is delighted that Israel will be perpetuated for all eternity. Those who sing, “There will always be an England” are now on shaky ground.

Berachah will host a pastor’s conference, and there will be some weirdos who will show up. There are those pastors who get a free ride from a taper who pays to get a nice pastor to come to Berachah.

No pastor is worth his salt who does not think about his congregation. A jerk who shows up, a pastor, with long hair and a drooping handlebar mustache. Bob took one look at him and said, “You’ve got to go.” If Bob finds a gossip, out they go. Bob gets a bad reputation all over the country for this, but this is to protect his congregation.

People can come to Berachah and be anonymous; they can come and be without their privacy being invaded.

Sometimes you have to stomp someone into the ground until they are just a puddle. When you have a command, you have to learn to think in terms of the command. One of Bob’s first jobs as a commander was to protect his people from their chaplain. He was a Methodist minister and it was about 8 or 9 months before WW2. He said it was terrible to kill people, etc. 7 day a week training; Bob went in and complained to Colonel Whitehead. Bob suggested an alternative, that they be marched into a classroom, and Bob to teach. Whitehead said, “How the hell are you qualified?” That battalion of cadets set all kinds of records for killing and medals. This was Bob protecting his organization.

This is David protecting his country. He had a total dedication to this organization. If every businessman had this attitude,... A company commander in the same battalion where Bobby is located, and there was an ftx, and that was work, and they wanted to get out of it.

No one has a heritage like Israel. We have an honorable start. Our nation was born by fighting against tyranny. Israel was born under even a higher principle. Until they could form an army, they would be totally protect by the God of Israel.

Much of our humor is derisive and Bob saw a show where Barry Goldwater was being made fun of.

George C. Scott is one of the greatest phonies of the day, although he played Patton.


People go ape over nothing.

Woodrow Wilson started expediency. FDR used expediency at the end of dividing up portions of the world. Nixon going to China destroyed freedom for many African nations. Persecution of Christians began in Africa because Nixon began to kowtow to China.

The Hungarians asked us to come to their aid and we refused. The Jews asked us to help them in Cairo and we backed down. We are a dishonorable nation.

Everywhere you turn, our potential for being honorable and right has always been there and we have backed off. We need to get back to doctrine so that we can manufacture honor.

2Sam. 7:23 And who is like your people Israel, the one nation [a nation unique] on earth whom God went to redeem [to set free] to be his people, making himself a name [to establish a name or reputation] and doing for them great [God manufactured the greatness of Israel] and awesome [honorable things] things by driving out before your people, whom you redeemed [set free] for yourself from Egypt, a nation and its gods?

Summary Principles

1.       Jesus Christ controls history

2.       Israel is unique and they will only be discipline by God. Anyone else who tries to discipline them will be destroyed for it. Anti-Semitism is the closest thing to insanity. Anti-Semitism has destroyed conservatism, apart from occasional great people like Barry Goldwater. The uniqueness of Israel reminds us that many of the troubles we face come from anti-Semitism.

3.       By using the title Elohim, we understand that all members of the Trinity were involved in freeing the Jews from Egyptian slavery.

4.       The Jewish nation is a monument to the grace of God.

5.       The manufacturing of greatness refers to the people of a nation.

6.       Honorable things refer to the deeds of the Jewish people.

7.       Note the sequence of the birth of the Jewish nation. Delivered from slavery. Delivered from Gentiles nations. Delivered from evil and the false gods of other nations.

David understood the whole point of the Davidic Covenant. There may not be a United States, but there will always be an Israel.

Concluding Points

1.       It was inevitable that an eternal Israel needs an eternal dynasty. What dynasty will rule the nation forever?

2.       The eternal establishment of the nation is a grace project of God; they did not deserve this.

3.       Eternal rulership and the government of Israel will be in conjunction with grace.

It is possible that some would not recognize David’s humility. He was totally free from arrogance and pride. The greater you are in God’s sight, the greater you are nothing. When you are nothing with God, you are something. Sometimes people wander in here who think he is God’s gift to women, and to that extent, he will never have a great love life. This jackass who thinks he is great with women is just great in the realm of pride. You may never have anything really great in category #2 love.

The establishment of the house of David is a grace project compatible with the founding of the nation Israel. David will look upon his own Son, Jesus Christ.

2Sam. 7:24 And you established for yourself your people Israel to be your people forever. And you, O LORD, became their God [Elohim].

David is completely overwhelmed, so he is now ready to offer a prayer.

Now, therefore, the word which you have spoken, concerning your servant and concerning his dynasty, forever, it has been confirmed.

A waw copulative so that this is not really an imperative but a jussive. David recognizes that God keeps His Word. David is absolutely confident in what God has promised.

David acknowledges what God has given in grace. Here is the function of David’s faith rest technique upon the receipt of the covenant. David’s confidence is in God and not in himself.

2Sam. 7:25 And now, O LORD God, confirm forever the word that you have spoken concerning your servant and concerning his house, and do [Qal imperative] as you have spoken.

David recognizes that God will be glorified or magnified forever. Jehovah of the Armies is God over Israel. Jehovah of the Armies is the military profile of Jesus Christ.

David wants that which glorifies God and not himself. God is glorified; the beneficiary is blessed. Anything which is worthwhile in life, God must be glorified. It is not by David building the house for God; it is God building David a house (a dynasty) forever. That is exactly what David is saying.

People are always a little bleary about how they want this or that to glorify God. You do not have to talk this way when you grow up. You do not have to talk about it. If you have good sense and you are a mature believer, you will glorify God. Fundies have a weird way of glorifying God (or, thinking they are). When God is glorified, there is not all of this hullabaloo. While David is king over Israel, he recognizes that Jesus Christ, the God of the armies, is ruler over Israel right now. David is merely serving in that capacity until the invisible ruler becomes the visible ruler.

Joshua learned this the hard way. He met Jesus Christ and he told Joshua, “You are either chief-of-staff or you are dead.” There are tape churches all over the world, and their pastor is invisible. They all bring their children to conferences to show them that Bob is real. They are very quiet for 5 minutes in order to confirm that Bob is real and not a box.

There are churches with the wrong pastor. Fred Moore used to run around and hook people on the idea that he knew what he was talking about, but he didn’t. It is more difficult to deal with having invisible authority over them. All over, there are all kinds of churches who can handle having an invisible pastor. Herman Maddox is now over the Dallas church and Bob thinks that he will be the greatest in the country; and that church was willing to hang on. There is always some jerk who thinks there must be visible authority.

David could handle having an invisible God. David was not eternal; he was going to die lying between 2 teenage virgins. That is dying grace all the way. David was one of the better looking visible people of all time.

2Sam. 7:26 And your name will be magnified forever, saying, 'The LORD of hosts is God over Israel,' and the house [dynasty] of your servant David will be established before you.

2Samuel 7:27                                       72David                                              631_0187

A guy Bob used to know got in touch. He saw a booklet and the back and said, “I know this guy.” The rumor Bob had heard was that this guy had died in action. He promised to come to the church; Bob has not seen them since 1942.

Barbara Law accompanied by James Law. Some singing, a Scottish tune.

A reading of 2Sam. 7. Apparently there are those who are looking up David’s 2 hot babes who keep him warm at death.

Bob learned very early that he needed to have some acknowledgment from Bobby in order to do what ordered to do.

Galah is the verb, but there is the word ears which is found here. It refers to a private revelation, like whispering in the ear.

Effective prayer is based upon doctrine. Doctrine must be the background. Doctrine must be the means. Everything must be motivated by doctrine. Doctrine is the key to everything.

All effective production is based upon doctrine in the soul. This is why the holy rollers are so mixed up; they are all trying to get people to do something weird, like tilt your head back and as, gaga. But none of that is doctrine. It is just some arbitrary idea that they came up with.

2Sam. 7:27 For You, O LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have made this revelation [lit., uncovered the ear] to your servant, saying, 'I will build you a house [i.e., a dynasty].' Therefore your servant has found [discovered] courage to pray this prayer to you.

Getting down to the end of the prayer.

Some principles on v. 28

1.       David recognizes Jehovah Elohim and that He is the fulfiller of this covenant. The connection between the 1st Adam and the Last Adam is the Davidic Covenant. God is the source of his blessing and his personal reward.

2.       Since David is a supergrace believer, he addresses God as my Jehovah. No one had a life like David. Even the end of his life, it was spectacular. Two women acted as his hot water bottles. Only David and Paul seemed to have gone for so long without being influenced by evil. For many of us, we think evil. Solving sin is rebound; but solving evil is more complex. Self-discipline and recognition of someone else’s authority is quite difficult.

3.       David recognizes that the Davidic Covenant will be in the Word of God. This is a permanent contract which cannot be destroyed.

4.       David further understands that the grace covenant is based upon the integrity of divine essence.

2Sam. 7:28 And now [therefore], O Lord GOD, you are God, and your words are true [have become doctrine], and you have promised [or, spoken] this good thing to your servant.

V. 29 is the final verse and the end of David’s prayer. David will respond by singing a prayer. Even bless the dynasty of your servant, that it may be continued forever. For You have spoken, my Lord Jehovah.

2Sam. 7:29 Now therefore may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you, O Lord GOD, have spoken, and with your blessing shall the house of your servant be blessed forever."

The Fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant

David prays, “Fulfill this covenant as You have promised.” For all history, people needed to know how David felt. God’s will was the same as reality. There will be 400 years of David’s sons sitting on the throne, but he will actually rule forever. Doctrine is everything.

1.       The first problem in the fulfillment is the divine curse on Coniah. He is also called Jehoiachin (his real name) and Jeconiah. The curse of Coniah is found in Jer. 22:28, 30 and then again in Jer. 36. Jer 22:28: Is this man Coniah a despised, broken pot, a vessel no one cares for? Why are he and his children hurled and cast into a land that they do not know? Why has he and his children been hurled out and cast into a land which they did not know. Jer 22:30 Thus says the LORD: "Write this man down as childless, a man who shall not succeed in his days, for none of his offspring shall succeed in sitting on the throne of David and ruling again in Judah." Childless means that none of his sons will sit on the Davidic throne. None of his descendants will prosper again and Coniah will be the end of the line. He will have at least 3 sons and a daughter or to; and his line goes all the way to Joseph. Eliakim is the second son and he is made a vassal of Nebuchadnezzar. Jer. 36:29: And concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah you shall say, 'Thus says the LORD, You have burned this scroll, saying, "Why have you written in it that the king of Babylon will certainly come and destroy this land, and will cut off from it man and beast?" Therefore thus says the LORD concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah: He shall have none to sit on the throne of David, and his dead body shall be cast out to the heat by day and the frost by night. There was a curse on the father and a curse on the son; although the grandfather, Josiah, was a great king. This is a curse on father and son. For 36 years, one of these guys was a prisoner. The virgin birth is the fulfillment of the Coniah curse.

2.       The second problem is one of genealogy. Luke traces the genealogy through Mary from Nathan, Solomon’s younger brother. Mary is the mother of the humanity of Jesus Christ; she is not the mother of God. The Roman Catholic church tries to keep her a virgin forever. That is a dirty trick. It is unnecessary to keep her a virgin after that.

3.       Then there is the problem: Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. He dies spiritually for our sins. Once He is finished, he is not going to stay around to become king over Israel. Once Jesus Christ is in the grave. The problem is, if He stays in the grave, there can be no fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant. Jesus Christ must be resurrected in order to fulfill the Davidic Covenant. Saul, by the resurrection of Christ; Acts 26:6–8

4.       The problem of the inserted dispensation. One reason Jesus did not stay is this inserted dispensation. Abram left Chaldea beginning the Age of Israel. However, the Age of Israel was not concluded; Jesus Christ was seated at the right hand of the Father. So there must be the calling out of a royal family. The Church Age is an inserted dispensation. When the royal family is completed, then time is continued for Israel. This appears to hinder the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant, but the problem is resolved by the rapture of the church. There will be one generation which will be removed en masse. Someone must accept Christ. Once the royal family has been completed, pcs to heaven. Once the church is cleared out, Israel is in view once again. There is a 7 year period of time to complete the Age of Israel.

5.       The problem of the destruction of the universe, Isa. 34:4 Rev. 20–21 1Tim.? However, there will be a new heavens, a new earth. Isa. 66:22.

Every problem is offset by God’s plan. The plan of God always agrees with the integrity of God.

Psalm 89                                              72David                                              631_0188

Bob describes Four Feathers. When officers think you are a coward, they send you a white feather.

 Rehoboam, David’s grandson, faced a crisis, which was an invasion by the Egyptians, and Psalm 89 was the result of this.

Interesting newspaper article which came out of an Orange County newspaper, which is a conservative area. Quote, “No doubt that the Communists are going to be stopped.” A series of quotes very positive about Vietnam. All of these quotes could be summarized with balderdash.

Psalm 89 describes the last victory, which is the Davidic Covenant. Egyptians, Ethiopians and Libyans were allied; about half-Black, a conglomerate army, about to obliterate the Jews.

Hiphil participle of sakal, which means to prosper in the Qal stem; here, it means to cause one to prosper. The idea here is, this is a psalm designed to teach us how to prosper through Bible doctrine.

The authority is Ethan the Ezrahite, who lived during the time of Solomon and beyond. 1Kings 4:30–31 Solomon’s wisdom surpassed the sons of the east and all over the place. He was wiser than all men. He was named as wiser even than Ethan. Solomon had great wisdom. His fame was known in all of the surrounding nations. Solomon was the richest man in the world, the most successful man in the world, the most powerful.

Ethan is the author of Psalm 89 and Heman for Psalm 88. Solomon died at age 60, after a 40 year rule.

1Kings 14:25–28 this is 921 b.c. Shishak called in another language Sheshonk (in the Egyptian). He founded the 21st dynasty of Egypt, a Libyan dynasty. They are the vermin of that part of the world. In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem. He took away the treasures of the house of the LORD and the treasures of the king's house. He took away everything. He also took away all the shields of gold that Solomon had made, and King Rehoboam made in their place shields of bronze, and committed them to the hands of the officers of the guard, who kept the door of the king's house. And as often as the king went into the house of the LORD, the guard carried them and brought them back to the guardroom. Rehoboam was very rich, inheriting great treasure from Solomon; he takes everything to Egypt. Solomon had a famous guard, a famous regimen. When they had their gold shields, that was the great occasion. They were either going to the Temple or returning from it. In the sun, these gold shields looked quite impressive. Rehoboam made shields of bronze instead. The kingdom of Rehoboam was a brass kingdom by comparison to David and Solomon. Both David and Solomon were supergrace believers. They were mature believer. David avoided evil and not Solomon as much. By the 3rd generation, you often get a jackass. Rehoboam lost control over the northern kingdom and he was punished by the loss of all of his wealth. This was the first time that wealth was taken from Israel. However, with all of Solomon’s weaknesses, he did not lose a cent. Solomon was not influenced by evil, but he did sin. This was a punishment for the influence of evil. Sin is carnality, which can be corrected quickly; and discipline, if continued, can be ridden out after rebound. Evil is not completely solved until after the 2nd advent. Evil is in the UN, in religion, in gun legislation, in socialism.

When David was promoted to king of all Israel, so David has all of this great wealth and this wonderful promotion, and all of the things which go with it. He never lost any of these, although he continued to sin from time to time. His sins continue to confuse ignoramus believers and religious types. Because of evil, David wrote 3 psalms. Solomon comes along, beginning as a supergrace believer. He was the wisest man who ever lived. He did not wait for his RW. He lost her completely and totally. God saw fit to discipline him for it. There are those who see a little daylight in sin and run for daylight. If you take in doctrine, you will be free of evil. Solomon and David never lacked for greatness and social life and blessing. God is fair and just and He still disciplines. But these 2 men never went hungry, never got demoted, never lost a dime; and they still sinned. If you are great, you will still sin. You occasionally run into those who think that they cease to sin after being saved. They know nothing about hamartiolgy. Evil makes sin worse, and vice versa. To sin without evil is to survive, but to sin with evil often is your downfall.

Bob apparently recently taught the doctrine of Evil, which would match the 1974 Evil special. You cannot collect women without sinning. Why collect women in the first place unless you are going to sin. It is like these people who are confused in Tennessee who flip out over the last half of the last chapter of Mark. Eventually, they all die of snake bites. What is more dangerous than the striking of a rattlesnake. If you collect women long enough, you are going to get bit. Neither David nor Solomon with all their obvious sins never lost anything of sg2. Rehoboam is influenced by evil. He loses the northern tribes, his royal guard is now carrying bronze shields. Shishak took all of Israel’s wealth and left them broke. However, doctrine is the true heritage of Israel and not money. All they lost is wealth. If you lose nothing in life but money, you are well off. Money is a nice convenience, but loss of money can be one of the easiest losses to sustain. It is not as meaningful as friends and loved ones and doctrine. When you lose doctrine, that is when you are in trouble. Doctrine is something that you do not have to lose. It will stay with you as long as your soul is positive. It is imperative to understand, Rehoboam lost that great fortune, the heritage of Israel is doctrine. It is obvious that such an appeal.

Out of the dust rises up Ezra. Therefore, this was written right after that invasion. An army of Arabs, Ethiopians and the Egyptians, 3 of the worst people in the world. This was a very successful invasion.

Psalm 89 inscription  A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.

Out of the dust and out of the rubble comes this voice. He is still alive, he will sing, and he is the first man on his feet after this invasion of Shishak. When he stands up, the first thing which comes to his mind is grace.

At this point, Ethan is the wisest man in the world. From generation to generation, I will cause to make known Your faithfulness. Many suffered some sort of a loss. The Temple was robbed of its wealth. Women had been raped. Men had been killed. There was a great invasion and there are 1000's left who are still alive, but without wealth. They are weeping and moaning and they are filled with self pity. This is a man who has doctrine in his soul. He is not shocked. He is a man of doctrine, a supergrace believer. He is the man of the hour. Of these many gracious acts of Jehovah, he would sing. He would make this known with his mouth. There is no complain here; no mealy mouth self pity; nothing of what did I do? To generation after generation, I will make known the great acts of graciousness. The southern king of lost a great deal.

The invasion of Shishak takes Ethan right back to the Davidic Covenant, which could be depended upon. He is speaking to Rehoboam and to the people. The spiritual heritage of Israel is great. Just as David was speechless that he would see his own Son ruling forever over Israel, Ethan teaches that this covenant is still in effect.

Wealth can depart, no matter what measures are taken to keep it. The wealth of the soul are not lost. He is a spiritual millionaire. He is saturated with doctrine. He brings the nation back to sanity, back to its spiritual heritage.

Psalm 89:1 I will sing of the [many acts of] grace of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.

Ethan was a Bible teaching Levite and he has taught the Davidic Covenant many times in the past. Ethan emphasizes grace and doctrine. This is a source of blessing to David and a source of blessing of Israel’s wealth forever. Israel has a wealth which can never be removed. Nothing can cancel the Davidic Covenant. Israel is permanently wealthy.

We have permanent wealth, doctrine in the soul. God has provided a spiritual wealth, almost unbelievable in its content. We are just like Israel in that sense. If you have poverty of soul, then you will be influenced by evil. Are you influenced by evil or are you influenced by doctrine. This tells us what Ethan has been teaching over the past few months or years. Forever, grace will be built up. A building will eventually go; the Temple will eventually be destroyed (although it was not), but it was in danger of being destroyed. However, what is important it the building up of grace in the soul. One’s life needs to be constructed of grace rather than evil. The great issue is evil versus grace; doctrine versus evil. It is imperative not to be influenced by evil.

David had an original thought; so God gave to David a great unprecedented promise. It was all constructed upon grace. Even the Temple was no substitute for Bible doctrine in the soul.

The real Holy of Holies, the heavens, will establish, prepare your faithfulness in them. God’s faithfulness is His looking out for His people, looking over them.

Psalm 89:2 For I said [I have taught], "Grace will be built up forever; in the heavens You will establish [prepare] Your faithfulness."

David is the chosen one here, and God made a covenant in favor of him. There is a solemn promise which God makes for David.


1.       The covenant which Ethan is using is the Davidic Covenant. This became a central portion of Jewish theology. His centralization in Jewish history.

2.       The subject of these verbs is not Ethan, but God the Father. Previously, the subject was Ethan, but by v. 3, it is God. In v. 4, God is the subject.

Psalm 89:3 You have said, "I have made a covenant with [in favor of] my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant:

The Hiphil stem of kun. It means to authorize, to cause to establish. Despite the failure of Rehoboam, God keeps His Word. Rehoboam will continue to rule, as well as his son after him and his grandson after him. When the nation is under the fifth cycle of discipline, the people have to be taken out. However, no matter how bad the king is, the king will be taken out. Rehoboam is a total jackass. Only about 3 kings are any good in Judah. The promise goes right on and the Davidic dynasty continues to rule. However, when the southern kingdom goes out, that will end the Davidic dynasty. There will be a continuation of the Davidic line; and as long as there is a Judah, there will be the Davidic dynasty. God’s plan does not depend upon us. God’s plan does not fail because we fail. It depends upon God and not upon us. It is nice to know that if we fall off somewhere, the plan goes right on. If you are sucked out of jet airplane, the airplane goes right on.

Selah means singers rest, while the orchestra continues to play. The idea is, God’s plan goes on, even though individual would fail.

Points on Selah

1.       Selah, singers rest while the orchestra continues playing. You rest while God works.

2.       The implication is that God’s plan goes on whether we fail or succeed. God’s plan depends upon God.

3.       Most of the men in the dynasty of David would fail, but the plan of God is not hindered by human failure.

4.       The blessings of the Davidic Covenant belong to those in the line of David, who, as supergrace believers are influenced by doctrine instead of evil. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Josiah were the only great believers.

5.       However, the establishment of the davidic dynasty meant that David’s line would continue. Asa was greatest in David’s line after Solomon.

Psalm 89:4 'I will establish your offspring forever, and build your throne for all generations.'" Selah

Psalm 89:5–                                         72David                                              631_0189

David and Solomon are the greatest father and son team in human history. Philip of Macedon was as much of a genius as his father, Alexander the Great. There was also Alexander the Great’s father.

It is rare to have a father and son to both be geniuses and correctly apply their rule. You cannot change doctrine, but doctrine can change you; we cannot change evil, but evil will change us. All believers had sin natures. Bob is going to tell the pastors next week that they are fighting windmills. They need to be attacking evil, not doctrine.

David and Solomon committed some outstanding sins. Evil is the issue; not sin. David was only influenced by evil once.

For a long time, there was a lot of money in Israel. Shishonk began broke and he had a large army to pay, so he went to Israel to take all of their money, which was a judgment against Israel, because Rehoboam was influenced by evil.

The first 5 verses reviewed. Losing money and losing wealth is of no consequence; losing Bible doctrine is the only real concern. The heavens praise here refers to angelic creatures, who occupy heaven.

Israel is broke; the Temple is broke; the land is in a dismal condition; the angels in the heavens are praising God; believers need to recover from reversionism. The basis of recovery is still available and God is still rich.

If God is going to love the world, He must still adhere to His righteousness. God’s love is on a completely different plane. A smart man can always be outsmarted by a stupid women in love. Only a change here if the man is conniving. Only a man without honor can outsmart a woman.

As long as we are still alive, we can recover from anything. It is only when we are dead that we cease to cover from the problems of life.

Psalm 89:5 Let the heavens praise Your wonders [Your extraordinary essence], O LORD, furthermore, Your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones!

God found a way for us to recover without compromising His essence. He cannot ever compromise any part of His essence. Who in the skies can compare to Jehovah? This is a reference to all angelic creation. This is a challenge to the fallen angels; evil is the policy of Satan and the execution of evil is up to demons.

Evil is religion, evil is socialism; evil is any economic or social panacea. Evil is any organization functioning outside of the local church. Evil is the distortion of any establishment principle. There was recently a move in Congress to outlaw ammunition. Evil is not as good as God’s grace. So the evil plans of Satan cannot be compared to the plan of God. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. Satan is in the skies. No one resembles God from the heavens; not even the super creatures called the angels.

Psalm 89:6 For who in the skies can be compared to the LORD? Who among the heavenly beings [the sons of Elohim] is like the LORD,

Niphal of arats. This is God with reference upon His great power.

Psalm 89:7 a God greatly to be feared [respected to the maximum] in the council of the holy ones [angels], and awesome [receiving worship] above all who are around him?

An army has just come in and decimated the land. Rehoboam was a jackass and he cut back on the military. As a result, when this great army of Egypt came up, there was nothing to stop them. The only place where we will get a fair shake is under God and under grace.

Psalm 89:8 O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you?

When you want to think of something unruly, Bob thinks of Balderdash. He is sort of a rebel. This is understandable since he has a map of Texas on his chest. Bob had to beat him once and it took about 15 minutes to get him in line, and he rolled his eyes at Bob. But, what we cannot tame is the sea. If you have ever been in a sea storm. He was 4 miles off the coast of Catalina Island, and there were 8 of them in a war canoe. He had no control over the sea. The sea is like a woman, and it is calmest before the storm, and about the time you figure out why it has become a storm, it is calm again. The angels cannot control the sea. Satan cannot control the sea. God can control it.

A friend of Thieme’s describing the waves on a shallow sea, rising up 80 to 100 feet; and Bob was not foolish enough to get hooked up with the Navy. All over the world, we have these seas. Satan is the ruler of the world, over the Mediterranean Sea and over the Pacific, but he has no control at all over any of these seas. God can suddenly calm the seas.

This would be a good time to mention Jesus calming the seas.

God and His Control of History

1.       The Lord’s control of nature is compared to his control of history.

2.       God permits man’s free will to solve the Angelic Conflict.

3.       Under the laws of divine establishment and evangelism is possible.

4.       When Satan gets so far out of hand where these things cannot be done, then God, Who controls the seas, God will control Satan. Example, Hitler.

5.       In this way, Jesus Christ controls history. When God removes a segment of mankind, it is often to preserve freedom.

This brings us to revolution, an interesting subject.


the sea here is like history and control of the sea is God’s control of history.

1.       Revolution is a fundamental change in political organization, constitution or government by an overthrow with violence the established authority.

          a.       Doing this is revolution.

          b.       Using violence to do this is revolution.

          c.        Revolution is a form of conspiracy.

          d.       A carefully devised plan of conspirators is called plot.

          e.       Carrying this out is intrigue.

          f.        The laws of divine establishment are designed to protect the freedom and privacy of the human race.

          g.       Replace establishment with evil authority.

2.       Revolution against the laws of divine establishment and the system of authority put in place by God.

3.       Revolution is said to be evil in Psalm \Prov. 17:11 evil and it is a reaction against doctrine and against the laws of divine establishment.

4.       Revolutionists may be a power-mad dictator. They are visionaries and hard core Bolsheviks. They might be privileged or poor; and they oppose human freedom.

5.       The revolution against Moses. 14,000 died in a plague. Jude refers to this as the revolution of Korah.

6.       We did not have a revolutionary war, but a fight to first gain representation in Parliament. Then to gain independence. As long as the House of Commons was going to tax the colonies, they believed they should be

7.       Revolution is always anti-God. Since revolution is evil, it is totally opposed to God and all other forms of evil.

8.       Opposed to all forms of apostasy.

9.       Illustrations, even the dumb ox knows his owner, but Israel does not know Me. Isa. 59:13 too

10.     Jer. 5;23 the source of revolution is the soul.

11.     The teaching of Bible doctrine is the solution to revolution.

12.     This historical trend of revolution. It is that trend in the soul which leans toward revolution. It always advocates the overthrow of establishment principles. He cannot separate the principle of authority from the person exercising it.

13.     Therefore he reacts against the person who has the authority and the authority itself.

14.     This also applies not just to governments, but to marriage, church, and any sort of organization. In each case of the French Revolution, the authority was replaced by a far worse authority. Mob action always reflects stupidity. There might be 50 morons in a mob, 50 geniuses, and the rest in the middle; and mob always goes to the lowest common denominator.

15.     Examples of revolution.

          a.       French, Russian,

          b.       Theological like those religious organizations not headed by pastor are evil. Even if that organization saves people. You do not owe loyalty to any person; only to Jesus Christ. It began with the YMCA.

          c.        Legalistic revolution.

          d.       Economic revolution, which will be one of the most vicious in history. Bob hopes that this airline situation for Texas International to smash them into the ground. It started with women behind a counter who worked one another up. Unions ought to be smashed. He would destroy all of the unions. When you lose track that brains as the key to business, you lose. That is what saves us. Once you lose brains in business. We haven’t had brains in the military for a long time. None in government. When the government gets through regulating, it destroys what it regulates. Anti-God to the core. If you are hooked up to a union and I will show you where they are evil. And we will have the damndest depression that you will ever see. Socialism and labor unions are two peas in the same pod. Labor unions guarantee that the scum will work and they will try to tell the owner how to run their business. “I know damn well how to run my business.” Labor unions are evil to the corp. Strikes against airlines are evil to the corps. These jackasses who struck against Texas International have no investment. That is going on in this country right now.

Psalm 89:9 You rule the raging of the sea [You keep on ruling the waves of the sea]; when its waves rise, you still them.

Psalm 89 2Chron. 12:1                       72David                                              631_0190

I think that this is July 3rd 1976.

Psalm 89 is the psalm of the Davidic Covenant. David will be the greatest man, insofar as reward goes, as his Greater Son will rule in eternity forever. Never in all of David’s life, was he ever influenced by evil, with two exceptions. Doctrine was here before we came and it will be here after we are gone.

David was a millionaire many times over. Both he and Solomon had the ability to enjoy their supergrace blessings.

Rehoboam lost the northern kingdom and then all of the wealth accumulated by his father and grandfather. New dynasty in Egypt, which often means a need for money.

2Chron. 12:1 When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him.

2Chron. 12:2 In the fifth year of King Rehoboam, because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem

2Chron. 12:3 with 1,200 chariots and 60,000 horsemen. And the people were without number who came with him from Egypt--Libyans, Sukkiim, and Ethiopians.

2Chron. 12:4 And he took the fortified cities of Judah and came as far as Jerusalem.

2Chron. 12:5 Then Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam and to the princes of Judah, who had gathered at Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, "Thus says the LORD, 'You abandoned me, so I have abandoned you to the hand of Shishak.'"

Arrogance is one of the few sins which is a natural ally of evil. They had completely and totally failed. This was their reversion recovery by means of doctrine.

2Chron. 12:6 Then the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, "The LORD is righteous."

God promises that the fifth cycle of discipline will not be put upon Jerusalem by Shishak.

2Chron. 12:7 When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: "They have humbled themselves. I will not destroy them, but I will grant them some deliverance, and my wrath shall not be poured out on Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak.

However, God will put them into the 4th cycle of discipline.

2Chron. 12:8 Nevertheless, they shall be servants to him, that they may know my service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries."

Discipline continued.

2Chron. 12:9 So Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem. He took away the treasures of the house of the LORD and the treasures of the king's house. He took away everything. He also took away the shields of gold that Solomon had made,

2Chron. 12:10 and King Rehoboam made in their place shields of bronze and committed them to the hands of the officers of the guard, who kept the door of the king's house.

2Chron. 12:11 And as often as the king went into the house of the LORD, the guard came and carried them and brought them back to the guardroom.

2Chron. 12:12 And when he humbled himself the wrath of the LORD turned from him, so as not to make a complete destruction. Moreover, conditions were good in Judah.

The background of the psalm is extremely important and sometimes, as important as the psalm itself.

We have been under the menace of Communism since WWII and we failed to recognize that they mean to destroy us. On the eve of our 200th anniversary, we stand ready to be destroyed. We find ourselves today menaced as no other time in history.

Once doctrine is removed from the land and the spiritual heritage is neglected, a nation goes down.

The Addullem battalion was parlayed into the royal army of Judah. They were the best paid soldiers in all of history. When David appointed many of these men into the knighthood, none of them lacked for money; they were millionaires many times over.

Shortly thereafter, David was appointed as ruler of Judah by God. These blessings were given in grace. In spite of great and shocking sins, David never lost a dime during his discipline. In his greatest period of sinning, he did not lose one thing. David in the time of his greatest sinning was still the wealthiest man in the world, and he was never demoted like King Saul.

David was minus evil and he lacked arrogance. Evil destroys the soul. He was free of evil except once when he murdered on of his knights and another time when he numbered the people.

In the time of his pcs, David went out under dying grace. The most beautiful woman that they could find was given to David as a hot water bottle. At the same time, Bathsheba crawled on his hands and knees to beg for Solomon to follow him.

David will have a Son Who would reign forever.

Solomon made great trips into carnality. Carnality is easy to recover from; rebound and then ride out the discipline. Rehoboam was + evil. That was his difference from David and Solomon.

90 years during which the wealth of blessing and supergrace remained in the family of David. Only after this 90 years was this wealth removed from David’s family.

It had been about 50 years since the Jews had had to fight. They were completely defeated by the enemy.

Psalm 89:1–9: A Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite. I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. For I said, "Steadfast love will be built up forever; in the heavens You will establish Your faithfulness." You have said [the psalmist begins to speak for God in the 1st person], "I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant: 'I will establish your offspring forever, and build your throne for all generations.'" Selah [God’s sense of humor is the reason that many of us are here] Let the heavens praise your wonders, O LORD, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones [= the angels]! For who in the skies can be compared to the LORD? Who among the heavenly beings is like the LORD, a God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones, and awesome above all who are around him? O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O LORD, with your faithfulness all around you? You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.

Anyone who thinks that they can have a one-time experience, like speaking in tongues, they are a total jackass.

There is a great invading hoard of Blacks, Arabs and Libyans.

God has the authority to still the waves.

There are not more than 5 great statesmen in our history. We are like a silly puppy wagging our tail at anyone. Yet, the communists have not changed in their goals. All that has protected us is the military establishment. Our politicians entangle us in wars, and make certain that we enter into a war with one hand tied behind our backs.

Our great generals have been screwed over. The only reason we have any freedom is the military. We have not won a war since War 2. This is due to the politicians and they seek to put us in impossible situations.

There are constantly bills before Congress to get rid of ammunition and all of it is done in the name of crime.

The Jewish army was destroyed, and yet God allowed Rehoboam to continue his reign and his son after him and his grandson as well.

Were it not of the grace of God, we would not be here. Were it not for the salt principle, we would not be here today.

There are no prostitutes in this passage. So much for the fact that sharing is ludicrous; and this verse is erroneously translated and therefore obscure. The idea that you can grow by reading the Bible for yourself is not the way that God ordained it.

Baka in the intensive Piel stem. Bob does not announce that you lights are on; he does not make any announcements on this as he does not want to interfere with our volition.

You might say your car is broken. It is not much of a break; that is a Qal stem break. However, if someone runs into your car with a bulldozer, then that is the Piel stem.

Rahab is the crocodile symbol for Egypt. There is a preposition to explain this further. His army was not annihilated, but it did limp back to Egypt, and yet carrying all of the treasure of the Davidic kingdom back the Egypt.

Strong Arm is a name for God destroying an enemy force. The Egyptian invasion of Judah. The 4th cycle of discipline still allows for the preservation of the nation.

Psalm 89:10 You crushed [have completely smashed] Rahab like a one who is wounded; you scattered your enemies with your mighty arm.

Jesus Christ controls history, and therefore, He has all of this under control.

Despite all of our gravitational laws, our who solar system is moving through space. It appeared at one time that the universe was anchored in space; that is no longer the case.

Psalm 89:11 The heavens are yours; the earth also is yours; the world and all that is in it, you have founded [established, began] them.

The north and the south are the boundaries. Bob might call on a few people to share what they feel about this passage. What do you do with Tabor and Hermon? Tabor is on the western side of the Jordan and Hemon is on the eastern side of the Jordan. Both of these are in the Davidic Covenant. A lot of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and portions of Iran and Turkey and Egypt, are all given to the Jews. Israel is concerned about the Shishak invasion, and God is reminding them that all of this land will belong to them; and that the land will blossom like a crocus. “Get your eyes on the future” is what God is saying. If you have a future, then God still has a plan for your life.

Psalm 89:12 The north and the south, you have created them; Tabor and Hermon joyously praise your name.

You have an arm with valor; your hand is powerful; high is your right hand. There are 3 phrases here. These Egyptians are now at the gate of Jerusalem. What does all of this mean? You have an arm with valor; a strong hand; all of these are Messianic references. Anthropomorphism.

Arm and hand can be used of God the Father as well as of Jesus Christ. This is the Messianic anthropomorphism. In Psalm 19:1 Jesus Christ created the entire galaxy. The hands of the Creator. They all have their paths and orbits and they are all represented as being from the hand of Jesus Christ. The next time we see the hands of the Lord, they are nailed to the cross. His hands were nailed to the cross, which meant He had to become true humanity. Psalm 22:16 He was God Who created the universe; and as man, He took our place and became our substitute. Psalm 37:24, His hands are described in terms of security for the believer, and He never lets go of us. Also John 10:28. We have an arm here with valor and integrity, and this is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the God-man. The work in salvation is called arm, and it was more difficult for Him to go to the cross than it was for Him to create the universe. Who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? This is a prophecy which anticipates the cross. It shows Jesus Christ going to the cross and bearing our sins and satisfying the righteousness of the Father. They key to any love is righteousness. He reminds them of their so great salvation. This is also addressed to the king.

The hand of Jesus Christ is powerful; it can deliver us in time. This also indicates the resurrection. Jesus Christ rose again from the dead. He will return as David’s Son. David’s RW was Bathsheba, and they had 2 sons who were pertinent; Solomon and Nathan. Once Jesus Christ is physically dead; He was raised from the dead and now He sits at the right hand of the Father. The same One Who was resurrected is powerful enough to deliver us.

At the right hand of the Father, He is waiting for His enemies to be made into His footstool.

Many of the Jews could look out from the tops of their roofs to see these places, which are given by God to the Jew. Bob makes an illustration of paying a hundred grand for a bracelet to get it wrapped up; do we have the right to expect deliverance? Our daily intake of doctrine. We as believers have the right to expect to expect a little sack to go with the bracelet. That is deliverance in time.

Psalm 89:13 You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand, high your right hand.

No matter what idiotic thing that we ask for or what wise thing we ask for, God has a sense of humor and he often gives us things which shock and surprise us. It is impossible for us to compromise the character of God. Our lives cannot hurt the plan of God.

God has designed a plan based upon doctrine in the soul. His character cannot be compromised.

Tsedeq waw mishpat. The throne here is the throne of Israel. This is the throne which will have a son of David only on this throne. The 22nd Shishak dynasty; 22 families ruled up to this time, including Shishak; and from David on, it will only be the Davidic line.

Rehoboam and all those who followed, with the exception of 3, were total idiots; they were evil people; and God kept them on the throne because of His promise to David. How can righteousness and justice be the foundation of the throne, given all of these cretins.

The blarney stone is just some typical Irish fable. The stone of scone is something else. It was always under the throne of Scotland. This was a big thing. Under this throne is God’s righteousness and justice. How is this throne not damaged with the cretins on the throne? God’s grace and doctrine will precede you.

God is free to bless David. Cheseth and emeth. Propitiation explains everything. The blessing of David and the blessing of Rehoboam is based upon the same thing.

God had maximum love for Rehoboam because he was a believer. As long as he was alive, he could recover and Rehoboam did recover. Grace found a way to take any believer, as long as he is alive. God does this without a compromise of His character. Grace is the genius of God. Doctrine is the explanation of the genius of God.

The Throne of David and God’s Righteousness

1.       The throne of David is a messianic prophecy. Jesus Christ is absolute righteousness and justice.

2.       This is made without compromise to God’s righteousness. Because of the cross.

3.       Hence the eternal rule is based upon the propitiatory work of Christ on the cross.

4.       The cross is the basis for the crown.

5.       The cross must precede the crown. Righteousness and justice must be satisfied in the 1st advent. David’s Greater Son had to come first time for the cross and the 2nd time for the throne. There had to be the satisfaction of the cross first. God the Son will rule forever and without compromise to God the Father’s character or His Own.

6.       Between the 1st and 2nd advents, the reality of God’s plan is found in two words: grace and doctrine. Even though we are in the dispensation of the church, grace and doctrine are the basis for understanding everything.

7.       The next verse is...

A pastor’s conference in the interim.

Psalm 89:14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; grace and doctrine [or, faithfulness] go before you.

Psalm 89:15–                                       72David                                              631_0191

Be on your good behavior this coming week; and don’t get snotty over seats. “Let me do the shocking.” We will wind up the week with a double feature; this is strictly adult entertainment. Four Feathers; a great movie from the past from the silent screen era.

This morning, we studied the Lord Jesus Christ as being the Arm of Valor.

The stone of Scone was a square stone and every king of Scotland sat on this stone to be crowned. Some English guy took it back to England. Also called the stone of destiny. The Rock Christ Jesus is the better foundation. Christ died physically after accomplishing salvation; but it would be impossible to fulfill the Davidic Covenant if He was not raised again.

Does v 15 mean that holy rollers are blessed? What is a joyful sound? Could you make that sound? Bob is going to fix the translation. The first word is Asheray and it means happinesses; there is no verb to be, but it is reasonably inserted. Happinesses to the people who know [Qal active participle of yadav] the sound of the trumpet. This is a reference to the military.

What Does v. 15 mean?

1.       There are two ways to preserve a nation: a victorious military or a large number of believers in supergrace.

2.       When the military fails, because of a lousy foreign policy of national rulers, the only hope for the nation likes in the supergrace believers; those who have been faithful in taking in the Word.

3.       The Shishak invasion is the background for this psalm. In this invasion, it was the supergrace believer in the minority who became the means of a grace deliverance, as the military establishment was gone.

4.       All of the wealth that David and Solomon had accumulated was taken by Shishak, but the nation had survived.

5.       While the money was gone, Israel was still wealthy. Shishak did not remove the spiritual heritage of the people. He took wealth and materialistic things; but the people still had doctrine. Money can come and go, but it is doctrine which counts.

6.       Only evil can remove doctrine. Evil cannot succeed apart from reversionism.

7.       This passage reminds us that the military is a divinely ordained part of security, but universal military training provides great blessing to a nation.

Universal military training raises the quality of young men in any generation. A young man needs discipline, respect for authority, an understanding of a team effort. This often gives a military man some guidance. There is this quality principle; if the quality of the man goes up, then the woman is also blessed.

A male population of people who understand authority and discipline make great lovers and they make citizens as well. They are great in working in their jobs.

The West Point class and only a third of them actually went into the service. Or a half. The rest, and an executive from Montgomery Wards would raid the rest. Their whole training gives them polish, poise, etc. They never had a failure from a West Point graduate.

When men become feminine in their souls, then women become unhappy, dykes, resistant to authority. If a woman became equal to a man, there would be no reason to have a man. It would be the United States of Amazonia. What a man values the most is not a woman’s libber. Their flat shoes and their manly ways. A nation is never happy when the men are wimps and the women are libbers. The way to fix that is military training.

The Spartans were much happier than the Athenians. We like the Athenians with their history and philosophers, but the Spartans were the happiest and women of the Spartans were the most attractive.

There are people who are religious in our country today who call themselves conscientious objectors. People are happy when they know the sound of the trumpet.


8.       In the Rehoboam generation, they did not know the sound of the trumpet. Then there needed to be a minority of supergrace believers. The sound of the trumpet is also grace and doctrine. The entire hope of the land was now reduced to a few people.

There is also the principle of national security. In marching, you are required to think. Many people walk with a vacuous expression on their face. A person marching needs to pay attention to the commands being given. There is always discipline in marching; there is always teamwork in marching.

There is a relationship between military establishment and you are in full-time Christian service as a believer no matter what your job is. You have to submit to the authority of the teacher. There is self-discipline in spiritual advance.

Points on v. 15b

1.       Each generation must learn discipline and authority to be a great generation and to perpetuation greatness.

2.       There is a relationship between military service and Christian service. Once you enlist, you are in full-time military service; same for Christian. Both involve authority-orientation. There is self-discipline in both military and Christianity.

3.       All spiritual advance occurs under the academic discipline of Bible teaching.

4.       The authority is in the believer with the gift of teaching. Priest or prophet in the Old Testament.

They will advance in the light of Your face. It is impossible to know God and to love God apart from Bible doctrine in the soul.

Psalm 89:15 Blessed are the people who know the sound of the [military] trumpet, who march [and advance], O LORD, in the light of Your face,

we go back to happiness. Here, happiness is expressed by dancing in a circle. Occupation with Christ. There have been several kinds of happinesses discussed.

The Doctrine of Happiness

1.       Definition

          a.       A state of well-being; synonymous with welfare

          b.       Status of life, relationships of life

          c.        Felicity, intense happiness; beatitude is supreme happiness

          d.       Blessedness refers to happiness as related to God and His grace plan.

          e.       State of quality of being happy

          f.        Utmost pleasure we are capable of enjoy

          g.       Comfort, enjoyment, welfare, security

          h.       One’s status is highly satisfactory

          i.         These are human concepts of happiness

2.       The relationships of happiness

          a.       Prosperity Psalm 128 Happiness related to prosperity is described in Psalm 128: 1-4, "Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord."

          b.       Happiness is related to adversity. 1Peter 3:14 declares that believers may be happy even in suffering, "But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. 'Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.'" 1Peter 4:14

          c.        Proverbs 3:13 says that true happiness is found through knowing God's Word, "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding."

          d.       Related to grace function. Proverbs 14:21 states that happiness may be gained from treating others with kindness and grace, "He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy."

          e.       To supergrace status. Prov5. Romans 14:22 says that a clear conscience produces a type of happiness 16:20 s, "So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves."

          f.        Related to a clear conscience

          g.       Establishment Proverbs 29:18 states that happiness comes from obeying the laws of the land and that lawlessness and spiritual apostasy accompany each other, "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law."

          h.       Tot military victory Psalm 137:8–9

          i.         National prosperity Psalm 144:13-15 states that happiness comes from living in a free and prosperous nation. To fully understand the concept of happiness, we must understand the happiness of God. For God's happiness is unique in the sense that God's happiness is absolute, perfect and unlimited. In other words, because God is perfect He has perfect happiness. And as God is eternal, so is His happiness; God's happiness never ends and has never been diminished in the least and cannot be changed. And since God is perfect this means that He is perfect Righteousness; thus God's perfect happiness is directly connected to one simple fact: God is never wrong, has never been wrong, and never will be wrong. This makes God happy. Additionally, since God is perfect He is also perfect Justice; this means God is never inequitable, unfair or unjust. This makes God happy.

3.       Happiness is related to God’s perfection. Blessed God should by happy God. No one can make God unhappy. God is immutable. There is no way for Him to be unhappy. He is eternal and His happiness is eternal. His happiness is related to His essence. His genius makes Him very happy. Knowing what we think of God does not make Him unhappy. Psalm 43:3 one of the finer things which God can do for us is share His happiness with us.

4.       Happiness is related to the plan of God. In eternity past, grace found a way to share His happiness with us. As we remember His holiness, we remember the basis for His love for us. He righteousness and justice. God cannot compromise His character when He gives us anything. Righteousness of God must precede Him giving us anything. Habak. 3:18 If you are not happy right now and you have not been happy lately, it is God’s plan for you to be happy. God does not give His happiness to babies; to immature believers. Babies don’t know what to do with it. God avoids this nonsense. Psalm 9;14 once we enter into God’s plan, Neh. 12:43 great sacrifices and great happiness.

5.       Happiness is accomplished through grace. Psalm 31:7 God keeps His plan together and intact with respect to His essence. Psalm 32;10–11 32:4–5 the first taste of +H comes from the filling of the Spirit. Rom. 14:17

6.       Happiness and gap. Doctrine is designed to maintain God’s happiness in the soul. John 17;17 1John 1:4

7.       Happiness is the status quo of the supergrace believer. Neh. Psalm 30:11 Philip. 4;4 1Peter 1:8

8.       Happiness is related to the concept of blessing. Usually in the plural. Two aspects of the believer’s paragraph SG2. Once you reach the high ground; once you establish the command post; both spiritual and temporal blessings. Then at death, you add in dying blessing.

9.       +H protects believer from disillusion. Philip 4:11–12 people become very disillusioned about circumstances. Loss of wealth. Someone demonstrates some instability. Paul has contentment type happiness. There is no circumstance of life which should make you miserable. There are circumstances in life which are not commensurate with your concept of happiness. There are also the details of life. Heb. 13:5–6. It is amazing how +H helps you particularly when dealing with people who disappoint you.

10.     +H stimulates and enhances capacity for love. Brigadoon was on tv with a great illustration of capacity for love. He comes back to the woman he is to marry and she is empty-headed and superficial, so he goes searching for Brigadoon. Luke 22:19 SoS 3:1 4;6 category #3 love 2Tim. 1:10

11.     Greater happiness in eternity in Jude 1;24

12.     The negative principles of happiness

          a.       You cannot build your h on someone else’s unhappiness

          b.       Not on the details of life.

          c.        On pleasant environment.

          d.       On people you love.

          e.       On sex.

          f.        On fame or celebrityship

          g.       On the overthrow of establishment

          h.       On the lust pattern of the old sin nature or the function of evil

13.     Positive principles

          a.       On balance of residency in the soul.

          b.       On the daily function of gap, on erecting an altar in the soul

          c.        Reaching supergrace

          d.       By glorifying God

          e.       By holding the high ground and staying there until you die

          f.        On the laws of divine establishment.

14.     The happy person provides blessing and happiness for others. Therefore such happiness becomes the ministry for refreshment. Rom. 16:32 1Cor. 16

15.     The happy nation has both a spiritual and a military heritage. Psalm 89:15–17

From the Internet:




1. Happiness must be viewed from two aspects:

    A. There is a temporary, relative happiness that depends on outside stimulations in life. Happiness in prosperity and unhappiness in adversity.

    B. There is a "settled" stable happiness in the soul which is not influenced by either prosperity or adversity. This quality of happiness is a contented, tranquil condition in the soul that is based on confidence in God's character and plan.


2. This quality of happiness is available only to the one who has trusted in Christ as savior.

But the Bible indicates that there is a degree of "human" happiness possible to the unbeliever.

    A. Happiness through adherence to the moral institutions of society.

        1. Marriage: Prov. 5:18; Edification complex. 9:9; Isaiah 62:5

        2. Family: Prov. 23:24-25; Psalm 127:5

        3. National entity: Proverbs 21:15

    B. A temporary, relative happiness based on overt circumstances and a minimum amount of adversity. Edification complex. 1:16-18; 2:1-11; 3:12, 22; 5:10, 18-20; 11:8-9

3. The first step to a stable happiness in life is through salvation. There is an initial joy for the one who trusts in Christ as savior. Lk. 8:13; 1Thess. 1:6; Acts 8:8, 39; 13:48; 16:34

4. But this initial experience of joy must be cultivated through spiritual growth and obedience to the spiritual truths of God or it can be lost. Psalm 51:12

5. God's plan is to have His perfect happiness (the happiness of Christ) produced consistently in the life of the believer. Rom. 14:17; John 15:11

But it depends on more than a salvation relationship with God.

6. Happiness in the Christian life depends on knowing and using the word of God through the filling/control of the Holy Spirit.

    A. Gal. 5:22-23; Rom. 14:17

    B. John 13:17, "If you know these things, HAPPY are you IF you do them."

    C. John 15:11; 17:13; Rom. 15:13; Prov. 8:32-34; Jer. 15:16; James 1:25

7. The following list of passages need to be consulted in order to get a full picture of what is involved with true Christian happiness.

    John 16:24; Acts 2:46; 5:41; 11:23

    Romans 15:31-32; 16:19

    1 Cor. 16:17; 2 Cor. 7:4-16; 8:2

    Philippians 2:2, 17, 28-29; 4:1

    Colossians 2:5; 1Thess. 2:19-20; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:4

    2 John 4, 12; 3 John v. 3-4.

8. God's happiness in the soul comes from expressing confidence in Him.

Psalm 2:11-12; 16:7-11; 28:7; Prov. 16:20

9. Such confidence in the character and plan of God will produce true happiness even in the midst of national disaster. Habak. 3:18

10. Accordingly, such confidence and joy perpetuates optimism (soul strength) in the face of any and any situation in life. Nehemiah 8:10, "the Joy of Yahweh is your strength."

11. True inner happiness and optimism go hand in hand. At nighttime, the pressures of the day often times are more impacting on the believer's soul than at other times. But for the one who knows and uses God's word, the pressures can be faced with confidence and in the morning, the trusting believer can greet the day with happiness and optimism. Psalm 30:5,

"weeping may last for the night, but joyful optimism comes in the morning."


12. Also under the pressure of persecution. James 1:2; Rom. 5:2-5 (Rom. 8:28)

13. The proclamation of truth by the teacher of God's word is designed to produce happiness in the life of the hearers. 2 Cor. 1:24; James 1:21-25; (Jer. 15:16)

14. Notice the chain and progress of spiritual growth as outlined at Col. 1:9-11

15. There will be maximum happiness for all believers when we are present with the Lord.

Jude 24; Rev. 21:4

16. For detailed amplification see Asheray - below.


HAPPINESS: Survey - via Hebrew word - Asheray

1. I Kings 10.8 (2 Chron. 9.7) - observations by the Queen of Sheba

    A. Luke 11.31 - testimony given by Jesus

    B. 1 Kings 10.1-8

    C. Recognize the genuine happiness which comes from the pursuit of truth.

        Psalm 119.2; Pr. 3.13; 8.32, 34; 29.18

2. Happiness from creature reverence toward God.

    Person singular. 112.1; 128.1; Prov. 28.14

3. From living the FAITH REST LIFE:

    Person singular. 34.8; 40.4; 84.5, 12; 146.5; Prov. 16.20; Is. 30.18

4. From salvation relationship with God. Person singular. 2.12; 32.1

5. From fellowship: Person singular. 1.1; 32.2; 65.4; 89.15

6. From genuine worship activity: Person singular. 84.4

7. From proper attitude toward Divine discipline. Person singular. 94.12; Job 5.17

8. From character stability: Integrity -

    A. Person singular. 106.3; 119.1;

    B. The woman of integrity: Prov. 31.28

    C. The sons of a man of integrity: Pr. 20.7

9. From application of truth to others. Person singular. 41.1-3; Pr. 14.21

10. From moral prosperity:

    A. Family: Person singular. 127.5; Gen. 30.13

    B. social: Person singular. 128.2; 144.12-15

    C. National leaders: Edification complex. 10.17

11. Special status of the nation of Israel: Deut. 33.29; Person singular. 33.10-12

12. For the one who fulfills a Specific Divine role in human history.

    Judgment context - Person singular. 137.8-9

13. In the Millennial kingdom:

    A. Those who enter: Dan. 12.12

    B. Economic prosperity: Is. 32.20

    C. Following Divine policy: Is. 56.2

So much for this review.


1.       The righteousness of God is the basis of all grace blessing God could not love the world if His righteousness is compromised.

2.       There must be no compromise to the righteousness of God.

3.       God cannot love the world if His righteousness is compromised.

4.       God’s righteousness is the basis of His perfect love

Psalm 89:16 who rejoice in your name [person] all the day and in Your righteousness they will be exalted.

For You are the object of their glory.

Psalm 89:17 For You [Jesus Christ] are the glory of their strength [power - doctrine in the soul]; [because] by Your grace our horn is exalted [You will cause us to be promoted].

Psalm 89:15–                                       72David                                              631_0192

There is a great collection of armies from the south. Jerusalem is taken and all of the wealth of David, Solomon and Rehoboam is taken. They have lost their wealth, but they are still alive, so God still has a purpose for their lives. The basis for all blessing is Bible doctrine. It was still in the land, although not resident in many soul.

A nation, during a time of invasion, defends itself with a strong army; and/or with believers who have doctrine in their souls. Rehoboam was anti-establishment; so he was a fool. He did not follow the national policy of universal military training. Only Levi was exempt from war. The military was at an all-time low. The king Rehoboam was neglecting the military just as we are doing today. Salt was used in the ancient world as a preservative. It was the Assyrian invasion which so dramatized the failure of Israel. National happiness and national blessing depend upon knowing the sound of the trumpet. The military provides the freedom, security and free enterprise of a nation. The only way to avoid war is to be so strong, that no one would attack.

When a nation becomes anti-doctrine and anti-military, that nation is on its way out.

They will advance militarily in the light of God’s face. However, God does not have a face, per se; but we come to know Him and depend upon Him; and the army moving forward depends upon God. The United States, a world leader over the past 50 or 60 years, is giving up its leadership and we have given a third of the earth over to slavery; to the Communists at Yalta. That is why they have been anti-Biblical as anyone could be. That has led to the spiritual declension of today. What saves us is the Word of God is still taught and there are a minimum number of believers in supergrace status.

Psalm 89:15 Blessed are [or, happiness to] the people who know the sound of the [military] trumpet, who march [and advance], O LORD, in the light of Your face,

The ultimate blessing is in the righteousness of God. It is possible for God to love the believer and not to compromise His righteousness and justice.

Psalm 89:16 who rejoice in your name [person] all the day and in Your righteousness they will be exalted.

2Chron. 12:1–7: And it happened when Rehoboam had established the kingdom, and had made himself strong, he departed from the Law of Jehovah, and all Israel with him. And it happened in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had sinned against Jehovah with twelve hundred chariots and sixty thousand horsemen. And the people who came with him out of Egypt were without number: Lubim, the Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians. And he took the fortified cities in Judah, and came to Jerusalem. And Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam, and to the rulers of Judah who were gathered to Jerusalem because of Shishak. And he said to them, So says Jehovah, You have forsaken Me, and therefore I also have left you in the hand of Shishak. And the rulers of Israel and the king humbled themselves. And they said, Jehovah is righteous. Shemaiah the prophet comes and speaks to Rehoboam.

2Chron. 12:7–11: And when Jehovah saw that they humbled themselves, the Word of Jehovah came to Shemaiah, saying, They have humbled themselves. I will not destroy them, but I will give them some deliverance. And My wrath shall not be poured out on Jerusalem by the hand of Shishak. But they shall be his servants, so that they may know My service, and the service of the kings of the countries. And Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem and took away the treasures of the house of Jehovah, and the treasures of the king's house. He took all. And he carried away the shields of gold which Solomon had made. In place of these King Rehoboam made shields of bronze, and gave them into the hands of the chief of the guard who kept the entrance of the king's house. And when the king entered into the house of Jehovah, the guard came and carried them and brought them again into the guardroom. This is all of the background for this psalm. Solomon made a big deal out of marching to the Temple, letting the people know that the source of his power was God. He issued brilliant scarlet uniforms with golden shields, which was a symbol of the wealth and blessing of Israel.

After this great invasion, there was no more gold left in the land, so these shields must be made of bronze. If you polish brass enough, it looks good out in the sun; but everyone knew the gold shields had been taken. It was putting on a phoney show. It is like taking a rabbit and trying to dye it so it looks like mink. The source of that gold and the source of the promotion was still in the land. The spiritual heritage was the real issue of the land. This is exactly what the psalmist is saying at this point. Brass is no substitute for gold and Bible doctrine is the heritage of Israel.

Psalm 89:17 For You [Jesus Christ] are the glory of their strength [power - doctrine in the soul]; [because] by Your grace our horn is exalted [You will cause us to be promoted].

Ezra was a great communicator of doctrine. He was a Levitical teacher. The shield is what protects them. Whether we are promoted or not; it all comes from the Lord. We have not lost our source of blessing, even if we face some great tragedy. The tragedy is that Solomon was trying to fake out the people.

There are many times when we are blessed by God, but we will also face great blessing and heartache. Shishak was God’s hammer. No nation survives its reversionism. This is the manifestation of God’s great wisdom and blessing. Our security as a believer is Jesus Christ. There is no sin we can commit by which we can lose our salvation. The plan of God never depends upon anything which we do. There is no way for us to lose our salvation. That is impossible. The plan of God is infinitely greater than we are.

We have been manufacturing brass shields since the time of FDR. Brass can look attractive, but it is not as nice as gold, nor does it have the same intrinsic value.

Bob became how aware how bad things were when he began to lecture on college campuses. Everything they were learning was brass. We are going to celebrate next year 200 years. Great nations generally last for 1000 years. We are a young nation as nations go. .

Thinking in Colleges Today—the Brass Shields

In the past 50 years, there are a variety of thoughts which demonstrate the brass in this country

1.       There is no absolute truth. People demand that every side be taught and no side be taken; and there is no right or wrong, good or bad; and that socialism is the answer to everything. This in itself represents the brass shield.

2.       Material change is progress. We have been blessed because of our spiritual heritage. They assume that new technology indicates real progress, but it is superficial.

3.       Physical survival is the highest goal. This is the concept which makes us weak. We no longer hear, is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased with the chains of slavery...give me liberty or give me death. We have gotten to the point of compromising with any evil.

4.       Friendship can be purchased with money. George Marshall came up with this, closely associated with FDR and someone else. Marshall never liked Patton or MacArthur. He promoted inferiors over Patton. He developed the Marshall plan, which has always been a total disaster.

Pimps and madams interviewed. She was asked if she like older men or younger men; and she liked older. So, Thieme liked that answer. She said, “He might become your sugar daddy.” It amazes Bob how money never purchases anything. It cannot purchase friendship or love. This is the attitude and George Marshall exemplifies this. The great nations are Israel, South Africa and Rhodesia. Chaicom money has purchased African shooting power. And we are letting them go down. Our policy makers are about 3 years old. People cannot understand us, whether we are really stupid or we are just acting that way.


5.       They believe that people are born equal. Even a person with an IQ of 75 understands this. No two people are born with the same talent, intelligence, etc. We are born free. We are free to express our opinion without jeopardizing our lives. The federal government is making more and more of our decisions for us. Only regeneration accomplishes any sort of equality.

6.       The majority determines what is right. This is only one method of making a decision; it is not a determinant of right and wrong. This church used to be the most awful color because committees decide everything. Now, Bob decides everything. He loves it. There is no committee beige. We all have to vote on something so that we do not hurt anyone’s feelings. Someone began to raise hell over orange sherbert and lime sherbert, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to bring your children here. Bob selects the movies because it impressed him at age 10, but he had forgotten about the hippopotamuses. A lot of people had never seen a silent movie before. Bob drops of few names of the people he knew who were in the silent movie the night before. The majority is rarely right. There are other issues other than the facts. No good decisions often made. A lucky decision 25 years ago when Bob was hired. Bob was told that Berachah was a graveyard for pastors. It is amazing when we vote for something and it turns out to be God’s will. A person has good judgment or bad judgment.

7.       Crime can be removed by gun legislation. Guns are dangerous; you might shoot yourself with one. That is why they are guns. Members of Bob’s family had muskets 8 or 9 generations ago before this was a country. An unloaded gun is like a car without gas. Being loaded is the whole purpose of a gun. A gun has a purpose. Of course they are dangerous. That is why Bob likes them. Gun invites the feeble minded to use them in a fit of temper. However, they ought to be eliminated anyway. The prevalence of guns constitute a hazard to police work. Texas police officers are more sensible. Guns are used by criminals and therefore ought to be prohibited to law-abiding citizens. You should not resist a criminal because someone might get hurt. Guns are dangerous; they were intended to be. So are blondes, cars, gas stoves and surgery. Bob likes acceleration more than deceleration. There are a lot of things in life that are dangerous and that makes life fascinating. Anti-gun people like statistics; and once guns are gone, next would be ice picks. Guns are used by criminals because they break the law. The law-abiding citizen is affected. Gun legislation makes life easier for the criminal and for a Communist takeover.

8.       Warfare can be outlawed by disarmament. Warfare is a part of establishment. Evil occurs in warfare and sin occurs in warfare, but warfare as a principle is good. Therefore, disarmament means slavery. It means to lose freedoms.

9.       Internationalism can solve man’s problems.

10.     Environment is the solution to man’s problems. Environment can be a test or a blessing but it is not a solution to anything.

We have our brass shields today, and the only answer to it is Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine must be passed on from generation to generation. We will not even survive to the Tribulation the way things are going.

Now we are prepared for the content of the Davidic Covenant. God intended to perpetuate Israel and the line of David through Bible doctrine, promised in the Davidic Covenant.

Psalm 89:18 For our shield [the protection] belongs to the LORD, our king [Rehoboam] to the Holy One of Israel.

Psalm 89:19                                         72David                                              631_0193

Bob reads off these verses.

chasidh is an adjective here, which we have not seen before. This adjective means that these are both supergrace believers. It is wonderful to be blessed with material things, but we need to realize that we have the source of all blessing.

God’s choice is the believer. Saul was almost a choice of all the people; the exception was Samuel. Saul appealed to everyone. He was taller than anyone, and made a good appearance; this impressed the men; and he seemed strong and humble, so women liked him.

He did fulfill the principle of a prophet, but he had no doctrine in the soul. He was monogamous. He lived a very moral life. 4 great sons and 3 fabulous daughters. He had great success in combat; he had a good public image.

David wrote a psalm with Goliath’s head in his tent. Saul had a great arrogance and a great pride. All the evil came out in Saul’s jealousy of David. He was bitter and implacable.

David refused to attack the authority of Saul. It all came down to the sin unto death applied to Saul. However, by that time, he had completely given himself over to evil.

Morality is taught in the Word of God; and there are no laws of establishment without morality. However, morality is not the spiritual life. When morality is distorted into the spiritual life that is the problem.

Jesus called the very moral pharisees graves, filled with dead men’s bones. David was saturated with doctrine. He had erected the ecs; he had set up a command post of the soul. It was rare for David to ever abuse his authority. He was influenced by evil on two occasions. This man could stand authority. He is and always will be the greatest of the Old Testament saints. There is a clear delineation of David’s great blessings in time. It is always David’s sins and immorality which confuse fundies. Even to this day, David’s immorality is an enigma to Baptist ministers. The great issue in the life of David was doctrine in his soul and his disassociation with evil.

Those who are confused by David are those who have the worst sins. They don’t know why God does not strike David dead. If you do not understand that you are still a sinner, then you do not belong at Berachah. Don’t hang around here. The key in Berachah is the rebound technique.

The only overt sin which is on the 7th worst if murder. Mental murder is another thing, and Bob has been mentally murdered by many members of Berachah. We all know that we will fail until the end of our lives because we have an old sin nature.

David never lost his crown, his wives, his wealth, even though he committed several spectacular sins. David was a man after God’s Own heart. In heaven, you will recognize David, as he has been given the greatest blessing and decoration. This is the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant.

The deity of Jesus Christ cannot sit down; God does not sit. Furthermore, He is immutable and cannot change. However, it is the humanity of Christ which sits. It is the Son of David Who sits at the right hand of God. It is his humanity which rules the world forever.

There was a beauty queen called Abishag. She is the most beautiful woman in the land. Not any old hot water bottle will do. Did David go out, in fellowship or out of fellowship? This will be the last lesson of the David series.

God chose David. God cannot make a mistake. God in His perfect judgment knew everything that David would do. Nothing caught God off-guard. He was not confused by what David did. Billions of years ago, God knew that David would sin by murdering someone.

“I don’t understand why this is happening to me.” Don’t be a Christian wimp. Our blessings came before anything else. That is the grace of God.

Psalm 89:19 Of old you spoke in a vision to Your godly one [supergrace ones], and said: "I have granted help to one who is mighty [or, I have bestowed help upon a hero]; I have exalted [this ought to be promoted in the Hiphil stem] one chosen from the people.

God chooses to explain this in an historical context. David somehow was able to learn doctrine when a shepherd boy. God is looking for people with doctrine in their souls for the crisis. As a believer with doctrine in your soul, God will use you. Berachah men will stack the enemy dead higher than anyone else in history. Bob sends someone out to tell a gal not to ever come back. We will face something in the future where euphemisms and our phoney morality is worthless. What will count is doctrine in the soul. God keeps tabs on faithful people, God takes David out from the sheep. God uses prepared people; God does not use reversionistic believers or believers who are constantly out of fellowship; God uses prepared men and women. On the outside, there are some of the worst creatures with the name female. Those who consistently take in doctrine are the greatest women in the world.

Bob has a bunch of degrees, but they are all tossed in a drawer somewhere. However, Bob has other things on the wall, however. He has a written commission for 1918 for his father and for his own, and Bobby’s. This way, it can be proved that all of the Thieme’s were commissioned Lieutenants.

God had David appointed and anointed as king over Israel. He was a teenaged boy and maybe 18 or 19, and God chose him that far back. “This is My man for the future.” There is nothing more real than Samuel anointing David’s head with oil.

Psalm 89:20 I have found [discovered] David, My servant; with My holy oil I have anointed him,

kun in the Niphal means to be firm. It means that grace promotion does not exclude discipline for carnality. The fact that he is the next king does not exclude him from discipline. David was disciplined for his state of reversionism.

Just because you have the gift of pastor-teacher, that does not mean that you are excluded from discipline for carnality.

To be strong, you need to exercise and expose your muscles to stress. Grace won’t make you strong unless you have doctrine in the soul. You must be +doctrine in the soul in order for grace to make you strong.

Psalm 89:21 so that My hand shall be firm with him [this is discipline]; My arm also shall strengthen him.

Nasha to lead astray, to ensnare. The isolated occasions will have no effect on the reign of David. The sons of wickedness will not control him. The prepared believers is the one prepared with doctrine.

Psalm 89:22 The enemy shall not outwit him; the wicked shall not humble him.

Katha means to route, to crush.

Psalm 89:23 I will crush his foes before him and strike down those who hate him.

The conclusion to this strophe.

Psalm 89:24 My faithfulness and my steadfast love shall be with him, and in my name shall his horn [David’s power or authority] be exalted.

Closed with the Star Spangled Banner. This was around the time of a pastor’s conference.

Psalm 89                                              72David                                              631_0194

Saturday Night at the Movies had the Audie Murphy story. His citation for the medal of honor is actually in greater detail than was found in the movie.

Next time is the Alamo, and Bob lacks citations for that.

Bob reads this psalm.

We are going as far as v. 37, which is going to cover all of the stuff pertinent David. The great a rising sea power, Phœnicia, was coming into its own, and Hiram was a friend of David’s. David defeated those on the other side of the Jordan (Moab, Ammon) and south where Egypt was neutralized.

Psalm 89:25 I will set his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers.

David was blessed in such a fantastic way by God, He always made it a point every day to recognize the source of all of these blessings. The Son is the Rock of his salvation. David was one of the few people who was not spoiled by his success. This never spoiled him. He never lost track of the source.

David had tremendous capacity for life and for love. With this fantastic capacity, he could always enjoy what God provided for him. People are blessed with a great many things, like a social life, a family, etc.; but if they lose track of the source, they lose their capacity to enjoy these things. You can get bored with things if you do not have capacity for life.

Psalm 89:26 He shall cry to Me, 'You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.'

God will give to David some even greater than his friends, like Hiram. The reason for it, he was influenced by doctrine; he was not influenced by evil. God was free to trust David with great wealth and categories of blessing. The great reward which David would receive in heaven. Most of those in Berachah are believers. Bob cannot imagine any unbeliever coming to Berachah on a Monday night unless someone really hooked them.

Bob wants to square things away right now, so that no one asks God stupid questions. God gives rewards for David having the capacity for life. Fundies teach it is for witnessing and doing stuff you don’t like. But God blesses David based upon his ability to have and enjoy his wealth.

David did not nationalize any of the industries; there was no anti-trust movement. God could give David more things and He could give David more authority; and David was able to have these things and glorify God. For some of us, there will not be enough rewards to fill up a crackerjack cup.

I realize that this does not apply to most of you, but these tapes go out, and this is going to hit someone right between the eyes. Someone will be walking to the fridge for a beer, in the middle of Bob talking, and when he comes back, he’ll hear this.

There was never a person like David. That is why David is unexplainable to the legalist. They are too fouled up. Baptist ministers are tied up in knots about this, because David does not fit into their mold of suffering for Jesus. Being a freak is evil; Jesus freaks are reversionistic hippies. There is nothing good about the way they smell or think. They are not glorifying God. They are suffering from legalistic asceticism. No one has ever been blessed by God like David in time. Leadership prosperity, technical prosperity, authority prosperity. David is the only one who will wear the order of the firstborn, a medal proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ. It is called higher than the kings of the earth. As the firstborn, this is the highest decoration anyone can have.

Rulership, priesthood and the double-portion are all a part of that which goes to the firstborn.

The wreath of glory of 1Peter 5:4. This is a distinguished cross. There has to be something greater. Paul did not have the human blessings which David had. Paul will have the crown of glory. Paul did not have anything except fantastic category #3 friends and a great capacity for life. David was broke most of the time while David was the wealthiest man of his time. If you get to supergrace, and God does not give you all the things which He gave David in supergrace, there is a reason. Just avoid this suffering for Jesus.

Psalm 89:27 And I will give him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth [Thieme’s reading: (a decoration called) higher than the kinds of the earth].

David was a colossal success and God will guard this for him forever. What God has given to David is permanent. The things which David had in time would be guarded forever in God’s grace. God’s covenant would be permanent to David; not to all of those who followed him. This is David’s special reward. The Davidic Covenant rewards the greatest man who ever lived spiritually. While Moses was alive, he was despised. Even the sculpting fag, Michelangelo; he screwed up Moses and David. That beard was wrong for Moses. For David, he gives him great symmetry but forgets to circumcise him. Bob likes Leonardo better himself and he wasn’t a fag.

You cannot beat that.

Psalm 89:28 Forever, I will guard for him My grace, and my covenant will stand firm for him.

At the 2nd advent of Christ, Jesus Christ will begin to rule forever. There never will be a time when David’s greater Son does not rule over Israel.

Mary, the virgin, was directly descended from David through his son Nathan. The Davidic Covenant is a reminder to believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the strongest gospel that the Jews received.

Psalm 89:29 I will establish [have appointed] his offspring forever and his throne as the days of the heavens.

Codex 3 of the Mosaic Law is the judgments spoken of here. This is a detailed account of the laws of divine establishment. Moses wrote all about the Gentiles in Gen. 1–11; not much to talk about. Then he starts talking about the Jews.

All nations are made up of believers and unbelievers. It is the laws of divine establishment which count at this point. Universal military training is for believers and unbelievers. Marriage and the 1 year honeymoon is for both believers and unbelievers.

Psalm 89:30 If his sons forsake My law [= Torah] and do not walk according to my judgments,

20/20 isn’t good enough for Hebrew; needs to be 20/15. The ordinances are the Christology for codex #2, which are His ordinances or statutes.

Commandments refers to the decalogue. Idolatry destroys freedom. Demonism destroys freedom. Freedom, privacy property. Codex #1.

Mosaic Law comes from Bob’s teaching and supplemented with notes from Maranatha Church. Website: http://www.versebyverse.org/doctrine/mosaiclaw.html accessed October 20, 2009.

Doctrine of the Mosaic Law

1.       The Mosaic Law is the Protasis of vv. 30–31. The Mosaic Law comprises all the legislation mediated through Moses to Israel from the giving of the Law at Sinai, including the post-Sinaitic legislation, as well as the reiteration of the Law (Deuteronomy) on the plains of Moab, as recorded in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It was at Sinai (1446BC) that the Jews officially became a nation with a Law code. Forty years later Israel began to take possession of the land first promised to Abraham, the father of the Jewish race, cf. Gen.13:14-17; 15:1216. Moses was the father and lawgiver of the nation, leading them to independence and autonomy from Egyptian servitude. The original form of government was a theocracy. From the days of Saul until the Babylonian exile, the form of government was a monarchy. From the time of restoration of the Jewish state (after 70 years of captivity 516BC) until the fall of the second commonwealth in 70AD, the Jewish state was under the 4th cycle to a series of major world powers (Persia, Greece, and Rome). It was during the inter-testament period that the Jews distorted the Law into an instrument of salvation by works. Since the re-establishment of the Jewish State in 1948AD, the Jews have been an independent nation functioning under a socialistic democracy. With the return of Christ the believing, restored remnant will be completely secure under a theocratic monarchy with the Law of Moses directing their national and spiritual life, cf. Mal

2.       The Mosaic Law is divided into 3 sections:

          1)        Codex I - the moral code: the decalogue or ten commandments. The freedom code, the commandments, the concept of human freedom. Morality is contained in the commandments.

          2)       Codex II - the ceremonial code: A complete and elaborate system of Christology and soteriology as portrayed via the tabernacle, Levitical priesthood, Sabbaths, offerings, sacrifices, and feasts. Codex#2 is the spiritual or theological code. This is soteriology or Christology. Establishment as well as doctrine in the soul. Tabernacle, holy days, etc.

          3)       Codex III - the social code: diet, hygiene, quarantine, taxation, laws of evidence, crime, land conservation, slavery, the poor, the military, and the economy. Establishment code, codex #3 sanitation, deity, laws of trial and evidence, etc.

3.       The Mosaic Covenant was ratified with Israel at Sinai, Ex.19:18.

          1)       The rest of the book of Exodus, plus Leviticus and the first ten chapters of Numbers, contain the block of teaching known as the Mosaic Law.

          2)       God, party of the first part, agrees to make Israel His special possession (literally, a special treasure), a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, separate from all the other nations (Gentiles).

          3)       Israel, party of the second part, agreed to enter into the Covenant.

4.       Blessings would pursue and overtake Israel for keeping the covenant, Deut.28:2 "And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you will obey the LORD your God."

          1)       Blessed above all the nations, Deut.7:14; 15:6; 26:19; 28:1,13.

          2)       Personal economic prosperity, Deut.8:7-10; 28:8.

          3)       Military victory, Ex.23:22-33; Lev.26:7,8; Deut.28:7.

          4)       Sexual prosperity, Deut.7:13,14; 28:11.

          5)       Low crime, Deut.28:3.

          6)       Good health, Deut.7:15.

          7)       Right kind of weather, Deut.11:13-17; 28:12.

5.       The recipients

          1)        Israel. Lev. 26:46 Rom. 9:4

          2)       Not to the Gentiles Deut.4:8; Eph.2:12

          3)       Not to the church. Rom. 6:14 Gal. 2:19

6.       Jesus Christ and the Mosaic Law Rom.10:4.

          1)       He kept the Law perfectly in His incarnation. He kept it without legalism.

          2)       He spoke against the distortions of the Law.

          3)       Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, Mt.5:17 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill."

          4)       Christ is the end of the Law for those who believe. We are royal family, as are Jews who believe.

          5)       He was born and lived apart from sin under the Law (Gal.4:4), thus qualifying Him to redeem man from its curse (Gal.3:13).

          6)       He fulfilled the ceremonial and ritual code by His work on the Cross, cf. Jn.1:29.

7.       Keeping the law is not the way of salvation. Gal. 2:16 it reveals the way of salvation in codex 2. Other parts are for nation law of divine establishment.

8.       Keeping the Law is not spirituality. We are under a higher law. Rom. 8:2–4 Gal. 5:18, 22–23 1Cor. 13

9.       There are limitations to the Mosaic Law:

          1)       It cannot justify. Gal. 2:16 Philip 3:9

          2)       cannot give life. Gal. 3:21

          3)       Cannot give God the Holy Spirit. Gal. 3:2

          4)       cannot solve the problem of the old sin nature. Rom. 8:3

10.     Other nomenclature for the Mosaic Law.

          1)       “Book of the Covenant. Ex. 24:7–8 Deut. 4:23 9:9, 11

          2)       "Law of Moses", Josh.23:6; Heb.10:28.

          3)       "Law of God", Josh.24:26.

          4)       "Law of the LORD", 2Kgs.10:31. 4.

          5)       "book of the Law", Deut.28:61.

          6)       Or simply "Law", Deut. 1:5

11.     Deut. 29–31 is an addendum to the Mosaic Law, and ought to be interpreted in that way. Jer. 11 22:9 the prophecies about breaking the covenant is found It is not to be confused with the New Covenant.

12.     The past purpose of the Mosaic Law in the Age of Israel

          1)       the authorizing agent of the Levitical priesthood. Heb. 7:11–12

          2)       Tabernacle and furniture,. Heb. 9:1–6

          3)       sacrifices Heb. 9:12–13 these were a means of evangelism

          4)       Authorized the blood of animals or the deviation of shadows Heb. 9;18–22 10:1

          5)       Established blessing for a national entity.

13.     The present purpose of the Mosaic Law in the Church Age:

          1)       Retained for our instruction. We learn salvation. Rom. 15:4 Why are we confident about universal military training? It is taught in 3 chapters of the Mosaic Law. It tells us about free enterprise, which also eliminates the scum of a nation. When we screw up, the scum die off in a depression; the believer keeps on going. Scum act like barnacles on a boat. You can live with cancer, just not too much cancer. We learn these things from the Mosaic Law. Someone called Bob for Saturday Night at the Movies and asked when does the service start.

          2)       1Cor. 10:11–12 written for our example and instruction. We don’t tithe, we do not have a specialized priesthood.

          3)       The Mosaic Law convinces that the unbeliever is a sinner. Rom. 3:20 Gal. 2:16 Rom. 3:28

          4)       Pattern and policy for good government. We can look at the Mosaic Law and tell that our system of taxation is wrong; and worse in England. Everyone in the Old Testament tithed the same amount. The only way to stimulate the economy is to all pay the same thing. It is immoral and criminal to charge someone 90%. The Word of God says that is immoral, criminal and wrong. This does not mean that we get to dodge these taxes.

          5)       Universal military training is another thing we ought to have. The time will come when we will not squeak through, as we did in WWII. Many idiots became generals then.

          6)       The IRS makes you guilty first, and you can prove you are innocent. And if you are guilty to begin with, then you will have to pay first, and prove your innocence at a later time.

14.     The abrogation of the Law does not mean that it is bad.

Remainder of notes on the Mosaic Law from the internet:



   2. Vocabulary used to describe the contents of the Law.

         1. tyrIB.-ta,, berith: covenant (contract), Ex.19:5; 24:18.

         2. tr;AT, torah: law:


         3. hw"c.Mi, mitswah: commandment (authority).

         4. qxo, choq: statute (boundaries).

         5. td'[e, edah: testimony (witness), Deut.6:17 "You should diligently keep the commandments of the LORD your God, and His testimonies and His statutes which He has commanded you."

         6. jP'v.Mi, mishpat: judgment/ordinance (ruling), Deut.6:1 "Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess it."

7. Cursing would pursue and overtake Israel for disobedience, Deut.28:15 "But it shall come about, if you will not obey the LORD your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you."

         1. Cursing upon the people in the land is seen in Lev.26:14-32; Deut.28:16-62.

         2. Continued failure to repent resulted in Israel being removed from the land of promise and dispersed among the peoples, Lev.26:33; Deut.28:63,64.

         3. Israel would find no permanent rest among the nations, Lev.26:38,39; Deut.28:6568.

         4. Restoration to the land was promised to dispersed Israel if there was reversion recovery, Lev.26:40-45; Deut.30:1-10.

   8. The Law is summarized by two great commandments, Mt.22:3440.

         1. The first is to love God, Deut.6:16.

         2. The second is to love your neighbor, Lev.19:18b.

   9. The Law was never intended as an instrument of salvation, Gal.2:16.

         1. For God to give man E.L. via Law, man would have to be perfect (cf. Rom.10:5), but the ISTA precludes this (Rom.8:3).

         2. If there were a system of works that could confer E.L., then salvation would have been by Law, Gal.3:21.

         3. But remember that, in order to gain the highest reward of all, immortality, man must have +R (God, who is +R, can only impart His life to that which is +R).

         4. And since all men are sinners by birth and practice (Rom.3:23), all are born under the curse of the Law, which is our hopelessness in producing +R for E.L. (cf. Gal.3:10-12).

         5. And until saving faith came, we were all in the spiritual prison of sin and death, Gal.3:23.

         6. For positive volition, the Law acts as a tutor to bring us to Christ, Gal.3:24,25; 4:13.

         7. The words "under Law" are used in the following ways in the N.T.:

               1. Of all mankind in the presalvation state, Rom.3:19; Gal.3:23; 4:5.

               2. Of Jews related to the age of Israel, Gal.4:4; 1Cor.9:20,21.

               3. Of legalistic believers who put themselves "under Law" for salvation and spirituality, Gal.4:21.

               4. Of the fact Church Age (CA) believers are not "under Law" for salvation or spirituality, Rom.6:14,15; Gal.5:18.

         8. Abraham was declared justified/saved under the Abrahamic Covenant before he was circumcised (Rom.4:912), and 430 years before the giving of the Mosaic Covenant (Gal.3:17).

         9. And David, who lived under the Law, was likewise justified by faith and not by Law, Rom 4:6.

        10. Jews who try to establish righteousness by Law before God fail to do so, Rom.9:31; 10:3.

        11. Paul, a strict Jew, ceased to look to the Law for +R, Phil.3:5-9.

        12. Christ is the grace source of +R to all who believe,

  11. The present purpose of the Law for the CA believer.

         1. Is dead to the Law as requiring +R, Gal.2:19; cp. Rom.7:16; 10:4.

         2. Stirs up the believer's STA, Rom.7:7ff.

         3. A distinction must be maintained between the "lawful" and unlawful use of the Law in the CA, cf. 1Cor.9:8; 1Tim.1:610.

         4. Declares the person and work of Jesus Christ by typology, Heb. 10:1ff.

         5. It teaches divine establishment principles, 1Tim.1:8-10.

         6. By walking by the Spirit, we keep the +R of the Law, Rom.8:4; Gal.5:18.

         7. We are not lawless; we are under "the law of Christ" (1Cor.9:21; Gal.6:2), which demands application towards others (Rom.13:8,10; Gal.5:14,23).

  12. The proper teaching of the Mosaic Law in the Church Age must:

         1. Differentiate between the Law's temporary aspect (like circumcision, Sabbath keeping, tithing, dietary laws, animal sacrifices, etc.) and its permanent aspect (definition of sin, etc.).

         2. Demonstrate its limitations and abuses (legalism: Gal.5:12; and antinomianism: Gal.5:13).

         3. Illustrate the relationship between shadow and reality, cf. Heb.9:22.

         4. Demonstrate divine establishment principles.

         5. Point out the unfavorable reaction it arouses in many, cf. Rom.5:20.

         6. Emphasize that we are "under grace", not Law, Rom.6:15.


c Copyright 1999, I think this was from Maranatha church?

Psalm 89:31 if they violate my statutes and do not keep my commandments,

Psalm 89:32                                         72David                                              631_0195

Edward Henry O’Hair is where the O’Hair Airport gets its name; and Bob reads his medal of honor text. It is one of the worst airports in the United States to fly in and out of; Butch O’Hair deserves more than that.

Psalm 89:30 If his sons forsake My law [= Torah] and do not walk according to my judgments,

Psalm 89:31 if they violate my statutes and do not keep my commandments,

Doctrine of the Covenants to Israel

1.       The Hebrew word bereth and the Greek diathêkê is one party rendering an agreement with another party. Neither of the Biblical words refer to a will or a testament, although it is translated by these words. In modern language, it ought to be the New Contract and the Old Contract. The will or testament comes from a person dying or anticipating their dying; however, God does not die. So it is blasphemy to assert that God can die. Our Lord’s physical death is not the basis of the Old or New Covenants. It is blasphemy to suggest that God needed to leave behind a will or a testament because God cannot die. And we cannot get rid of one another; we will spend eternity forever in a resurrection body. Bob thinks that we will enjoy 68 degrees in heaven. God has a contract and party of the first part must be alive in order for this contract or covenant to remain valid. The party of the 2nd part are believers in Jesus Christ. Party of the 2nd part is the beneficiary of the contract without earning it. Adamic and Noahic Covenants. In the Millennium, the new covenant to Israel. There is no such thing as a condition and unconditional covenant. Bob use to teach it that way because he was taught that way. Walvoord said that the Mosaic Law was conditional covenant. Someone else did as well. But the laws of divine establishment are always conditional. If you obey them, you automatically get blessed. Divine establishment has conditions; but the Protasis of the Davidic Covenant has conditions. There is no real difference between conditions. Eternal things have no conditions; temporal things have conditions. Orthodox theology always uses this old outmoded classification. All covenants to Israel are gracious promises. Party of the 2nd part is undeserving. Conditions are connected to temporal blessings. Nations which despise the military will always go down. A nation with fair taxation and free enterprise will be blessed; a highly regulated economy with unfair taxation will take a dive. Once you take guns away from law-abiding citizens, crime increases; so this is a condition. The laws of divine establishment always have temporal blessing written on them. Adhering to establishment as a national policy or as a personal policy.

2.       The general classification of the covenants to Israel:

          a.       Abrahamic

          b.       Palestinian

          c.        Mosaic

          d.       Davidic

          e.       New Covenant

          f.        All fulfilled in the Millennium except the Mosaic Law. The Age of Israel was interrupted, so these others could not be fulfilled.

          g.       Scofield has summarized covenants very well, but the classification obscures them.

3.       5 Messianic Covenants: guarantee, coming,

          a.       Adamic covenant of Gen. 2;15 3:15 the Seed of the Woman will not be an angel. He will not be half angel.

          b.       The Noahic covenant: the Seed of the Woman will come through the line of Noah, and through the line of Seth. There are Arabs, Syrians and Assyrians, and Chaldeans and Jews as well who are descended from Seth.

          c.        The Abrahamic Covenant. The Messiah will come from the line of Abrahamic descent. He is the father of at least 6 Arabic groups, 5 sons through Ketera, little Egypt.

          d.       Davidic Covenant the Messiah will come from David.

          e.       The New Covenant is, Jesus will return to the earth and reign forever. The New Covenant handles the 2nd advent whereas the Davidic Covenant covered the 1st advent. The crown is found in the Davidic Covenant. The crown is postponed. All of this is the real covenant theology.

4.       Abrahamic Covenant: God makes a favorable disposition to party of the 2nd part, who is Abraham. Only one nation through which Messiah will come. There is the promise of a Jewish race and a Jewish nation. God as party of the 1st part guarantees that Abram will be the line of blessing. God promised Abraham some real estate. God told Abraham once Lot took off for the Dead Sea area (which was a really nice place then). As long as Satan is the ruler of this world, Israel will never occupy that particular place; but as soon as he is removed, they will take over this huge portion of land. “Is there a Jew in Texas? That means that Satan is not doing too well. Anti-Semitism is one of the great evils in the world today. God has warned us against it. Julius Cæsar was very pro-Semitic. Assyrians and Chaldeans became anti-Semitic and they were destroyed.

5.       The Covenant of Moses, which is the protasis for this portion of the Davidic Covenant. The Mosaic Law is the constitution of Israel and the nation of Israel is the recipient of this covenant.

          a.       Codex I the commandments, the freedom heritage and the greatest definition of freedom.

          b.       Codex 2 is the Christology.

          c.        Codex 3 are the judgments, which is the great political code.

6.       The Palestinian Covenant is not the best nomenclature; this should have been called the real estate covenant. This is a huge piece of real estate more than what David ruled over. Israel’s seize reached a peak under David’s time. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, all the way down to the Nile River. The peak of Israel’s expansion is insignificant to what Israel will have in the future.

The only way you take land now is on the battlefield. Bob thinks we should hold onto any land that we take in war; and we should have taken and kept Okinawa. There was land that we occupy now that we cheated the Indians out of; and we took it by force. The Indians cannot claim it because we fought for it and took it. Their minds were too simple to understand city politics. The worst cheats. We still don’t know what to do what to do with the Indians who are left. We have enough guilt complex left to shuffle the Indians from post to post. Most conquering nations absorb the conquered people into their population. The only Indians who only benefitted were those who lived in Oklahoma. It was considered a nothing land. There were all of these salt domes. Sometimes, they were on mines. We got soft and don’t know how to handle it. This land used to belong to the Indians, then to the Mexicans, then to us. Now half of our schools teach in Mexican; who won the state of Texas. If there is any doubt about some section, then we go take it. We don’t have clean hands. The worst form of legalism is political legalism. We pamper the Indians, and they get Chaicom guns and go to Wounded Knee. France, England, Austria and all the islands in the Pacific belong to us. We bailed them all out. MacArthur bailed out Australia. We stopped being Americans, when we wanted something, we should just take it. The real estate system today is, you take the land and kill those who oppose you. This is why Communists rule over more land than anywhere else. No matter how sweet and strong a nation is, they got that way by taking it away from someone else. California was taken by the Mexicans.

There are still Gallic tribes, when the Saxons came over the walls, they pushed them back. Title companies can issue title insurance because we killed Indians, Mexicans, French and all kinds of people.


6.       The real estate covenant. Bob would like to see Israel conquer all of those countries. He’d like to see them move into Egypt. When God gives them the land, He will hand it to them. Until then, like all nations, what you can conquer, you can have. Bob cannot wait for 1976 for our 200th birthday. The Pilgrims were friends with the Indians? Where are the Indians in Massachusetts? Pilgrims are still there.

7.       The covenant of David, Psalm 89, God makes a gracious disposition to David. A personal covenant to a supergrace believer. His dynasty will rule over Israel; and then the same dynasty will rule over the world. Our country; we just whipped everything that was here. The only thing which whipped us in Texas was the prairie dog, and Bob thinks they are okay. You will hear more guff to assuage a national guilt complex by libs next years and history will be distorted. We were tough and hard-nosed and we fought and killed and took their land and said, “This is our land now.” In Arizona, in the old days, they used dead Indians to mark their property lines. There will probably be some Indian up in the White House. They might even give them back a piece of land, if they can find a rotten enough piece of land to give them. This is a grace covenant. No one will ever rule on the throne of Israel except a man from David. The crown will belong to one family. When there is discipline, there might not be someone on the throne. The Davidic monarchy was perpetuated for 400 years. The first Adam and the last Adam; and the Davidic Covenant is fulfilled by the Last Adam.

8.       The covenant to Jeremiah which is called the New Covenant to Israel.

9.       The New Covenant to the church, which is about Israel’s dispersion. 2 covenants are involved here: the Mosaic Law and the Davidic Covenant:

Psalm 89:30 If his sons forsake My law [= Torah] and do not walk according to my judgments,

Psalm 89:31 if they violate my statutes and do not keep my commandments,

Psalm 89:32 then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes,

Psalm 89                                              72David                                              631_0196

In view of what happened to the Indians last night, PFC US Marine Corps Donald Ruel citation is read.

Vv. 30–31 form the Protasis:

Psalm 89:30–31 If his sons forsake My law [= Torah] and do not walk according to my judgments, if they violate my statutes and do not keep my commandments,

The rod here is the Shishak invasion.

Psalm 89:32 then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes [disasters],

5th Cycle of Discipline

1.       The cycles of discipline are principles of divine discipline. Evil is a part of the reason for this as well. Divine punitive action against Israel is divided into 5 cycles. Lev. 26 describes these cycles Lev. 26:1–17, 18-20, 21-22, 23-26, 27-46 Deut. 28;49-67

2.       5th cycle of discipline applied to the northern kingdom. This psalm was written during the 5th year of Rehoboam. Jeroboam, the leader of the revolution became the first king, moved the capital around Shechem and 2 other places; Omri made a final establishment of capital. There was great jealousy in the north as well as incompetence on the part of Rehoboam. Rehoboam was young and stupid and under the influence of evil. Tremendous jealousy in Ephraim. A future prophecy but it states the jealousy factor.

3.       Saul was a very moral man; monogamous; great pr image with the people. He was influenced by evil. Sin can be handled by rebound but evil requires more. David is the believer with the greatest SG3 paragraph. He is blessed all the days of his life. He was the richest man in the world and next to him was Hiram King of Tyre. Queen of Sheba in the next generation was #3. Doctrine was David’s life. He had dying grace. For all eternity, his Son, Jesus Christ, will reign. When evil begins to influence a nation, that nation faces the fifth cycle of discipline.

4.       These are not 10 lost tribes. Those in the north interested in doctrine moved south to get it. Only apostasy this was left behind and this occurred for 17 generations. When the remaining ones were deported, they went to Assyria, not to Britain. British-Israelism is ludicrous. The 10 tribes were in revolution and their jealousy had them away from recovery. They were under the evil of revolution. Jealousy is the source of psychotic illnesses. Prov. 14:30 motivates revenge, it is blasphemous and it takes real or apparent wrongs out of God’s hands; jealousy destroys capacity for life (SOS 8:6); cause Joseph to be sold into slavery. 1Tim. 6;4 jealousy infusing the soul. This sin so closely linked to evil and Num. 5 deals with this particular sin.

5.       God raised up 4 great men to warn the northern kingdom (although there were never any good kings on the throne there). God raised up Elijah, Elisha, Amos and Hosea. They were all unusual men. Hosea is a very neglected book with a phenomenal message. There was a spiritual revival under these men and many people grew spiritually under their ministries. 2Kings 17 Isa. 28:1–13 is the prophetical part of it. 1Chron. 9:3 part of the lost tribes went into the southern kingdom. There are no 10 lost tribes. Samaria became a beautiful city begun under Shalmanezer V and finished by Sennacherib. It was on a hill and well-fortified. Hosea describes what is going on in Hosea 4:1–6. Evil is Satan’s policy on this earth. Various things like socialism and religion and unions and government interference with economy. Evil is the great enemy of the believer. Do not be afraid of the one who destroys the soul; and the soul is destroyed by evil. The results of evil are degeneracy. This is a great passage on degeneracy. Hosea 4:1–6 Sons of Israel, hear the Word of Jehovah, for Jehovah has a quarrel with those living in the land; for there is no truth, and no mercy, and no knowledge of God in the land. Swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and the committing of adultery increase. And blood touches against blood. On account of this the land shall mourn, and every one living in it shall droop, with the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven; yes, also the fish of the sea shall be removed. Yet let not a man strive with nor reprove a man [don’t be critical and judge another]. For your people are as a priest striven with. And you shall stumble [you will be unstable] in the day, and the prophet also shall stumble [will be unstable] with you at night, and I will cut off your mother. My people are cut off for lack of knowledge [of doctrine]. Because you rejected the knowledge, I also rejected you from being priest to Me. Since you have forgotten the Law of your God, I will forget your sons, even I. Bob is a slave and “You cannot beat slavery” and he considers it the best of all situations. There are many times Bob would like to fly the hell out of here, but he doesn’t. People always want their freedom and they get all these ideas about what freedom is and how great it will be. The true concept of freedom is found in the Ten Commandments. There are good animals like Balderdash and bad animals, like that little yippy thing the Catholic down the street owns.” Sex is one of many manifestations of what is in the soul. Today, there is sex without the soul and that is evil. Bob’s idea of fishing is shooting a shark with a .38, which he has done; or blowing up a stream. The fish analogy here is the fantastic varieties of evil which exist in a nation. The birds represent a desire to be free.

6.       First administration of the fifth cycle of discipline in 586 b.c. to the southern kingdom. Sargon II took the northern kingdom and then Nebuchadnezzar took the southern kingdom. Jer. 7:24–29 gives the reason for the destruction of the southern kingdom: But they did not listen nor bow their ear. But they walked in their own plans, in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward. Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have even sent to you all My servants, the prophets, daily rising up early and sending. Yet they did not listen to Me nor bow their ear, but they stiffened their neck. They did more evil than their fathers. And you shall speak all these Words to them, but they will not listen to you. And you will call to them, but they will not answer you. In the message of the linen girdle, Jeremiah buried a girdle, and then had to get it and put it on after it was messtup. The girdle is Israel. Jer. 2:27 3:9 17:1–4 70 years out for the southern kingdom and this was because they missed their Sabbatical year 70 times, so they spent 70 years out of the land; that was the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline. Babylon was the capitol of Chaldea, but it was a Chaldean-administered fifth cycle. They went out again 70 a.d. When the royal family is called out, they go up. Because of that, the Jews are out. The nation Israel is a nation like any nation. They grab a piece of ground and they hold it, and that makes it theirs. Almost everything we have belonged to the Indians, made treaties with them and broke them, shoved them into barren territories, and then pushed them off when oil was discovered. We made friends with him, teaching him the white man’s way, and then putting him in the hands of the government the worst thing to do to anyone. Bob is all in favor of Israel and driving the Arabs into the seas; but this is not Biblical. He is also in favor of the Rhodesians conquering southern Africa. Those around them are generally not establishment types. Jews in the land is not some great fulfillment.

Chesed in the Hebrew means grace. Parar + lo = to make void, to abrogate in the Hiphil. Since grace is not doing, there is no way of not doing. You have to do the sin and be shocked by the sin, and then you call it the unpardonable sin. All you have done is demonstrate how fatheaded you are. Salvation is by grace; if you get something by not doing, then you cannot lose it by doing. David cannot void grace because he did nothing to get grace. Grace is always non-meritorious. Grace is you doing nothing. You cannot void doing nothing. We are the recipients of grace. All the grace contracts read, we do nothing. We can only confuse the contract by doing nothing. There are many beautiful ways of doing nothing. This way, we stay within the framework of grace. In a contract where you do nothing cannot be voided by you doing something.

Shaqar means to violate. God is immutable. God is not self-destructing; He is not unstable. Jesus Christ is the same forever. He is always the same. As God, he cannot cancel anything; He cannot change His mind about us.

Conclusions of Psalm 89:33

1.       This verse applies to any of David’s progeny. Divine discipline of David’s progeny does not void the Davidic Covenant.

2.       Sin unto death does not cancel a believer’s salvation. The application is, we cannot lose our salvation.

3.       No matter how severe the discipline, this does not remove salvation nor does it void the Davidic Covenant. God never loses His honor or His integrity.

4.       The failure of man does not cancel the grace of God. V. 34 This reinforces v. 33.

Psalm 89:33 but I will not remove from him [but, with regard to him, I will not void My grace] My steadfast love [= grace] or be false to My faithfulness.

Conclusions of Psalm 89:33

1.       Grace promises depend upon God’s character, not upon the character of God.

2.       Arrogant to think our character can change God’s character or contract.

3.       God’s character is immutable and does not change.

4.       He cannot lie or welsh on an obligation.

5.       Grace has found a way to deal with sinful man and to bless sinful man, without depending upon anything man can do.

6.       Legalism is flattery; spiritual obsequiousness. Sycophantic adulation. Man tries to impress God by tithing. That is blasphemy.

7.       Human works are used as a tool of flattery. He is interested in what His grace produces in us.

8.       Grace depends upon God and glorifies God. God’s plan goes on with or without us. Through doctrine in the soul, we can go along with the ride.

Psalm 89:34 I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips.

Failure on the part of man cannot change the integrity of God.

Psalm 89:35 Once for all I have sworn by my holiness; I will not lie to David.

Every time you see the sun coming over the horizon, you can equally depend upon the Davidic Covenant.

Psalm 89:36 His offspring shall endure forever, his throne as long as the sun before me.

Psalm 89:37 Like the moon it [he (reference to Jesus Christ)] shall be established forever, a faithful witness in the skies." Selah

The rest of this deals with David’s grandson Rehoboam. The failure of Rehoboam does not invalidate the Davidic Covenant.

Outline of the rest of this passage

Vv. 38–45 the condemnation of Rehoboam.

Vv. 46–52 the repentance of Rehoboam. Even though he was a total failure. He started out as a jackass and became a total failure; and then he became a supergrace believer.

Psalm 89:38 But now you have cast off and rejected; you are full of wrath against your anointed.

Psalm 89:39 You have renounced the covenant with your servant; you have defiled his crown in the dust.

Psalm 89:40 You have breached all his walls; you have laid his strongholds in ruins.

Psalm 89:41 All who pass by plunder him; he has become the scorn of his neighbors.

Psalm 89:42 You have exalted the right hand of his foes; you have made all his enemies rejoice.

Psalm 89:43 You have also turned back the edge of his sword, and you have not made him stand in battle.

Psalm 89:44 You have made his splendor to cease and cast his throne to the ground.

Psalm 89:45 You have cut short the days of his youth; you have covered him with shame. Selah

Psalm 89:46 How long, O LORD? Will you hide yourself forever? How long will your wrath burn like fire?

Psalm 89:47 Remember how short my time is! For what vanity you have created all the children of man!

Psalm 89:48 What man can live and never see death? Who can deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah

Psalm 89:49 Lord, where is your steadfast love of old, which by your faithfulness you swore to David?

Psalm 89:50 Remember, O Lord, how your servants are mocked, and how I bear in my heart the insults of all the many nations,

Psalm 89:51 with which your enemies mock, O LORD, with which they mock the footsteps of your anointed.

Psalm 89:52 Blessed be the LORD forever! Amen and Amen.

(Re) Introduction                Eccles. 9:13–10:7 72David                              631_0197

This is a part of the 4th of July Conference and we are covering data. Romans is postponed until after David.

Meetings tonite until midnight; not that they do any good.

Article in Sentinel Star Where the hell is amnesty? Charles Reese article. About a kid from the army who killed himself. We are honoring the dishonorable and dismissing the honorable.

3 personal and 4 national postulates:

1.       There are no advantages to the advantages without the advantage. Justice can only provide blessing for that which is perfect. The capacity comes from spiritual growth. When you get direct blessing from God, you get the capacity first then the blessing.

2.       If you have the advantage (the integrity of God) then you have the advantages.

3.       Without the advantage, there are no advantages.


4.       No nation can have the advantages without the advantage. The only way a national entity can have a relationship with the integrity of God is having a large pivot. There is no such thing as a Christian nation. A large pivot of those believers who have cracked the maturity barrier and have made maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

5.       A nation without the advantage loses the advantages.

6.       No nation can recover its advantages without the advantage. Only one way for a nation to come back from.

7.       Loss of both advantage and advantages removes that nation from history.

A young man in Oklahoma studied the U.S. in prophecy, I think from Berachah. He says the United States will be nuked and burned out in the United States. However, who could identify it, if the rapture occurs 1000 years from now. We are in grave danger as a nation. Right now, nations all over the world are pouring their money into the United States. All over the world, people are putting their money into the US, as it is the last stand for free enterprise. Our free enterprise keeps the communists going. Herbert Hoover fed the starving communists. The communists will destroy free enterprise when they have the ability to. It is inevitable that they will destroy anything which is greater than they are.

The dumbest people in the US are bureaucrats in some government office. One of the recent insanities is there is some endangered species law and it is shutting down building in Sharpstown.

We now have a hierarchy of ignorance which is almost beyond conception. Eisenhower Marshall clique was filled with incompetents. They only used Patton and MacArthur when they were in a jam. Montgomery was a Christian Scientist and he will be in hell soon. No limey should command an American unit. Bob goes on about the military for awhile. Brought under the power of petty individuals of evil.

Abraham Lincoln violated the constitution and FDR violated the constitution. Calvin Coolidge didn’t do anything, which makes him one of the better president. Better to do nothing.

The art of doing nothing is the art of leadership. If you think you could live the life that you now lead without the military, you are hopelessly naive or incredibly stupid. Put that in your peace pipe and smoke it; or shove it up your dove. People cannot figure out the difference between politicians who start wars and the military which actually fights them.

We will study the prosperity of David, but we have to introduce the subject, which is going to take a few nights.

We are hopeless and helpless and useless and never have we needed more the relationship that we have with God. We need it clearly in mind as we face the disasters coming.

We have no contact with the sovereignty of God, as Calvinists thing. God always had the attribute of God’s love. It only has 2 places to go—to the other members of the Trinity or Himself.

There is the anthropopathism of love, as is found in John 3:16; He does not love the world; He cannot love the world. Since we are imperfect, God does not love our personalities, any part of us which is attractive, etc. God loves His integrity, righteousness and justice. Our point of contact with God is always His justice; His love has nothing to do with it.

God the Father loves God the Son with an infinite amount of love. When dealing with His creatures, God’s love is not His point of contact. Only His justice is the issue. Righteousness demands righteousness. What the righteousness of God demands, the justice of God executes. The righteousness of God judged our sins on the cross. We make instant adjustment to the justice of God when we believe in Jesus Christ.

Logically, the justice of God, once we believe in Christ, is not free to give us the righteousness of God. We first need the righteousness of God and then God pours the other 35 blessings at salvation. Logically it follows in that order. When God gives us +R, we are called justified. We have something by which God can bless us. The righteousness of God is the foundation for all blessing now and in eternity.

Justification is the best name for salvation. God can only bless those who have perfection. David had this cup. That is the potential.

The other problem is, we still sin, and these are sins paid for on the cross. These sins keep us from being filled by the Spirit. But we can name that sin, and God forgives us temporally. God is only impressed by God; He is not impressed with us. If you had your choice of everything in the Bible, then you need to choose righteousness.

Potential + capacity = blessing.

Third adjustment to the justice of God is spiritual maturity. Production is the result of thought. And it is thought which is the basis of our growth.

Most fundies lose out when it comes to rebound; they want to help God when they name their sins.

Isa. 30:18 Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you. God pours out blessing from His justice, so He waits for us to gain the capacity.

All blessing and all discipline comes from the justice of God. Justice is ½ of God’s integrity. Prov. 1:3 To receive doctrinal instruction of prosperity justice or judgment; blessing or cursing, but always from God’s righteousness.

Eccles. 9:13 This wisdom I saw also under the sun, and it is great to me:

This is an illustration of a historical disaster. Everyone went out and died. They would fall back and regroup, and they are about to be taken out with a siege. Sloppy miliary training in peace means large casualties in war.

Eccles. 9:14 There was a little city, and few men in it. And a great king came against it, and besieged it, and built huge siege works against it.

What was found in this city was a poor wise man. Sakan means to prosper and it also means poor. He is an unknown person, but he is prosperous insofar as God is concerned. He is called a poor man of wisdom. He had maximum adjustment to the justice of God. He delivered the city by his wisdom. He was God’s man of the hour and he delivered the city in an historical crisis. No one remembers him; no one honors him.

Honorable people remember, but here, no one does.

Eccles. 9:15 And there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom saved the city. Yet no man remembered that poor man!

Doctrine is better than power! For a moment, this man had power; he commanded the army and delivered the people. He fought for the people and the people forget him. He pulled together a scratch army and delivered the people, and they never appreciated it. Solomon got it. When you take in doctrine, you do not do it to get your RM/RW or to be a millionaire or to be successful or great. Doctrine is taken in for one reason; you take it in for the God.

People are generally not appreciative; but smart people are. Good people don’t care whether you appreciate it or not. You do what is right.

Without doctrine, power is tyranny. Once the historical crisis is over, people no longer appreciate the doctrine or the military.

Eccles. 9:16 And I said, Wisdom is better than strength [power]; but the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

The words of the wise is better than the shoutings of a ruler among fools.

Eccles. 9:17 The words [doctrines] of wise men are heard in quiet, more than the cry [shouting] of one who rules among fools.

Eccles. 9:18 Wisdom is better than weapons of conflict; but one sinner destroys much good.

Evil foolishness is found in many places. Rich men are those who have used great courage, honor, integrity, and have taken responsibility for payrolls.

Eccles. 10:1 As dead flies cause the perfumer's ointment to stink and ferment; so a little foolishness is heavier than wisdom and than honor.

Eccles. 10:2 The heart of the wise is toward his right, but the fool's heart toward his left.

Eccles. 10:3 And also, in the way in which a stupid one walks, his heart fails, and he says to all that he is a fool.

Eccles. 10:4 If the spirit of the ruler rises up against you, do not leave your place; for composure quiets great offenses.

Eccles. 10:5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, sins which come from the face of the ruler:

Eccles. 10:6 folly is set in many high positions, and many rich men sit in low situations.

This final verse describes our country today.

Eccles. 10:7 I have seen slaves on horses, and rulers walking as slaves on the earth.

Eccles. 10                                             72David                                              631_0198

The uncertainties of life are not always apparent to people. People often wait until they are in a jam before they are concerned about what God plans for their life.

The president, who has no integrity himself, and we are headed for a national disaster. Malandurn organizations trying to cancel out organizations that do not please them. Even with half a brain, you can recognize a threatening disaster. Only those who understand the integrity of God will be able to deal with this coming disaster. We have no relationship with the love of God. Mostly it is love2 that we read about in the Bible; ascribing to God human love which He does not possess. Nearly everyone thinks they understand human love, but few do.

Many a smiling pastor will make something out of God loves a cheerful giver. Everyone in the cosmic system understands a cheerful giver. This is a human love which God does not necessarily possess.

God loving Jacob is love2; but he hated Esau. This is hate as an anthropopathism. Hatred is a sin and if hatred is ascribed to God, it is obvious that he does not sin. His integrity prohibits Him from having anything to do with sin. God does not hate, but He is said to hate on numerous occasions.

We can understand hatred. We also understand jealousy, and the Bible says, God is a jealous God.

God knows everything, so He cannot change His mind, even though the Bible says that God repents. You can be very smart about a number of things, and still be confused about God.

God’s love is only directed toward the other members of the Trinity and toward His Own holiness. Holiness has a bad connotation to normal people and a good one to abnormal people.

Love1 goes in two directions: toward the righteousness of God and the justice of God. Righteousness of God is the principle of His integrity and the justice of God is His function. Even though the Lord Jesus Christ was loved by God with an infinite love, God the Father still judged Him for our sins. We should be thankful every day of our lives that our relationship with God is based upon His righteousness and justice and not upon love.

All Members of the Trinity love One Another and it is a total and complete love. Believing in Jesus Christ is an instant adjustment to the justice of God. Justice of God must condemn anything which is not perfect. It judges sin, evil and good. A person thinks he is a conservative and goes to the Methodist church, which is a liberal church. He is really not a conservative because he needs to relate to the justice of God. He thinks doing kindness to the downtrodden and getting the downtrodden into girl scout camps and boy scout camps; but the justice of God rejects evil and sin and everything which emanates from man. If the justice of God accepts anything which is not perfect, how do we get anything from the justice of God? The first thing that the justice of God gives us is His righteousness, which is our cup; the holy grail if you will. God has the right to bless us because He has given us something of Himself as He is perfect. The concept is simple; we are blessed by God because we have His righteousness.

We began in the 9th chapter and moved into the 10th. Dead flies are reversionist politicians. Dead flies cause a stench. This goes back to the postulates of integrity, which are repeated.

Dead flies are politicians under the influence of evil. No nation can recover its advantages without the advantage.

Eccles. 10:1 As dead flies cause the perfumer's ointment to stink and ferment; so a little foolishness is heavier than wisdom and than honor.

The first half is adjustment to the justice of God and the second is maladjusted to the justice of God.

Eccles. 10:2 The heart of the wise is toward his right, but the fool's heart toward his left.

Eccles. 10:3 And also, in the way in which a stupid one walks, his heart fails, and he says to all that he is a fool.

Do not be forced into reversionism by tyranny.

Eccles. 10:4 If the spirit of the ruler rises up against you, do not leave your place; for composure quiets great offenses.

Eccles. 10:5 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, sins which come from the face of the ruler:

Eccles. 10:6 folly is set in many high positions, and many rich men sit in low situations.

This is the welfare state.

Eccles. 10:7 I have seen slaves on horses, and rulers walking as slaves on the earth.

The wall represents the privacy of an individual. A home will have walls made of mud, and sometimes when one dug through a wall, there would be a cobra living in the wall, keeping down the rat population.

People who are maladjusted have a tendency to set up their own self righteousness.

Eccles. 10:8 He who digs a pit may fall into it; and one breaking a wall, a snake may bite him.

The stone here might crush you. This is being involved in a conspiracy against authority. When you are splitting a love of God, you may get a splinter. Same idea.

Eccles. 10:9 Whoever pulls out stones may be hurt with them; he who splits trees may be endangered by them.

The dull ax is one who lacks doctrine for the historical crisis. Sharpening the edge is the intake of doctrine and spiritual growth.

Eccles. 10:10 If the iron is blunt, and he does not whet the mouths, then he must put more strength to it. But wisdom [doctrine] is an advantage giving success.

This is a conspiracy backfiring on the conspirator. A rattlesnake goes for the heat, but a cobra just strikes in one way. The vibrations on the ground seem to charm the snake.

Eccles. 10:11 If the snake will bite without charming, then there is no advantage to a master of tongue.

This emphasizes the principle of gossip. The lips of a fool swallows him up; not the wise man but the fool.

Eccles. 10:12 The words of a wise mouth are grace, but the lips of a stupid one swallow him;

another point of introduction is the concept of the priest nation.

Priest Nation

1.       A priest nation is a national entity under divine institution #4. It is responsible for the custodianship of Bible doctrine. There had to be written doctrine in order for there to be a priest nation. So the first priest nation is Israel. From that come other responsibilities; they are responsible to evangelize at home and abroad. They are responsible to teach Bible doctrine through pastors and other nations through evangelists. A priest nation is also a haven for the Jews whenever they are out under the fifth cycle of discipline. Before Israel, there was no such thing as a priest nation.

2.       The most important priest nation is Israel. Ex. 19:6 you will be to Me a kingdom of priests, a nation of mature believers. This is the entire Jewish nation. They had a specialized priesthood, but this was more.

3.       Negative volition toward doctrine destroys a priest nation. Hosea 4:6 I will reject you from being a priest to Me. From the time of Moses to the time of Solomon, there was the UN of Israel. That was one priest nation. After Solomon, the nation was split. When Israel was destroyed, the time of the Gentiles began. This ended the priest nation status of Israel. In the time of the Gentiles, only gentile nations can be priest nations. The Tribulation, since the rapture takes all believers off the earth, there can be no priest nation for the last 7 years because there is no pivot. The responsibility goes to the Jews scattered throughout the earth. This is the 144,000 Jews. The United States is a priest nation, but we are about to lose that. Isa. 49:5 the restoration of the priest nation (to bring Jacob back to Me...my God will be my strength). Kings will see and come to attention. Who has chosen you? At the right time, I have answered you. God will cause them to inherit the desolate places.

4.       The pivot is the mature believer. Maturity is what gains rewards in eternity. The size of the pivot during an historical disaster determine whether the nation survives. Large pivot, small spinoff, the nation survives. A small pivot, and we go down. We have the option of becoming a part of the pivot or not. It is the pivot that determines the relationship or not. Right now, we appear to have no relationship with the justice of God because we have all these politicians attempting to solve problems apart from the integrity of God. You cannot solve social problems apart from the integrity of God. You cannot pass laws to make Bob nice to someone or to sell his house to someone. Our government is passing laws which destroy our privacy. A census intrudes upon the privacy of an individual. Criminals have no right to privacy, as they are criminals and they have rejected their rights. Law-abiding citizens have a right to own anything which is dangerous; electric fans, blondes and guns. You cannot tolerate tyranny at all. And why do we have this tyranny and people shutting down million dollar businesses? When you try to solve social and political problems with legislation, it cannot be done. You need to conform to the integrity of God. Life is filled with evil and evils are racing to see which will destroy us first. They have done the one unpardonable sin...they have ignored the integrity of God. A nation without the advantage loses its advantages. A loss of the advantage destroys a nation. Historical disaster always separates the adjusted from the maladjusted.

5.       Israel was the first priest nation. However, during the times of the Gentiles, the Jews cannot be a priest nation. Foreigners will come into Israel to do work. You will be called the priests of Jehovah. Therefore, the Jews will possess a double portion in the land and everlasting happiness will be theirs, for I Jehovah love justice. The justice of God is much better than love. You can take all of the love you want; Bob will take the justice of God. When you make contact with the justice of God, you come under the love of God. A lot of you women are dumb about men; 1 woman out of a 1000 is smart about men, and I don’t think she is here. When a women gets smart about a man, when he says, “I love you” does he have integrity? True love starts in the soul with integrity. Anyone can say I love you. It rolls off the lips easily. People with integrity are not running loose. We do not have to live in a period of prosperity in order to be blessed by God. Shamgar was in Israel during the time of the sea peoples, and a great period of disaster for much of that part of the world. And when they moved across the water to Egypt, and these people and the Mycenaean groups. All of this movement and war. The Philistines are Mycenaean Greeks. Shamgar had maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

6.       The United States is a priest nation also known as a client nation. We are a haven for Israel and we have sent out missionaries.

We will complete the introduction tomorrow night.

Romans 5:1                                          72David                                              631_0199

1977 4th of July Conference The Interlude of Blessing

We are studying the prosperity of David. 4th of July Conference.

A few announcement. Only allow authorized personal to deal with problems. Apparently there was a problem in the reversionism recovery room. Tapers out of tape room before class starts. “We will try to cater to everything except country western.” On Sunday morning Paul Stark will play the organ and he does a fantastic thing with Bach; sermon won’t be much, but the music will be good. A lot of different hours to keep everyone on their toes.

A client nation has a large pivot and can survive any disaster; a large pivot has a small spinoff. However, a small pivot and a large spinoff often means that nation will go down. We have had evangelism here and abroad; teaching Bible doctrine. We have understood freedom until relatively recent times. Many of our presidents have violated our constitution. You do not solve the problems of a nation by printing money. You do not solve the problems of a nation by going soft on communism or crime. You cannot solve social problems or political problems apart from the integrity of God. This has been distorted today.

Our point of contact is the justice of God. When the justice of God provided us righteousness at salvation, that was the beginning of our qualification for blessings. God’s grace must be directed toward that which is perfect; so He can bless us because of the justice of God. It would be impossible for the justice of God to bless us without the righteousness of God.

Appropriate to examine a few verses in Romans. We are commanded to be prosperous. Potential + capacity = reality. Reality is maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

Begins with ουν. Inferential particle. What is now introduced is a conclusion from the previous 2 chapters. Aorist passive participle of δικαιοω. This means we are qualified for blessing. We are made righteous or justified. We receive 36 things at salvation, but the first thing which we get is God’s righteousness.

Integrity of God = His justice and righteousness. Righteousness of God and justice of God are the issues. The true love of God only goes toward His righteousness and His justice. The judging of our sins on the cross by the justice of God. Our possession of our righteousness is the only basis for any blessing at any time. With faith in Christ, we are justified. He then calls us vindicated or justified. Bob assumes that this has happened with everyone there tonite.

The main verb is the subject for this 4th of July weekend. Εκ + πιστις. Faith is the source of salvation. There is no other way to have eternal salvation.

The word peace is the accusative singular direct object of ειρηνη and this means prosperity, harmony. This is not an attitude or a relationship between people. In the Greek, this is an interlude of blessing in life. We will render this an interlude of blessing. We are facing historical disaster, which makes this all the more interesting. This interlude of blessing, phase II, is the basis for reward and blessings in phase III. Some of us will have the alpha cross, the bravo cross or the ultra cross. There will be fantastic blessings in eternity. The worst saved peon who fouls up the Christian life the most still gets the resurrection body minus the old sin nature minus human good. All of us will have that, no matter how you fail in this life. If Bob could tell that you would be embarrassed, he would use it as a club. There will be no embarrassment in heaven and there will be no equality either. The decorated person in heaven will have metals in heaven. The peons are those who agonized and pleaded the blood and were workers and hustlers. Production is always a result of what you think. What you think is much more important than what you do. God blesses us and the basis of His justice. If you are blessed in time, then you will be rewarded in time. If God gives you prosperity, RM/RW, promotion, etc. these blessings only start in time, but they continue into eternity.

God is not a liberal; God is not a bleeding heart. The whole purpose of keeping us in this life is to keep us from reaching the interlude of blessing. We are getting ready for a great disaster in this country. It could come in historical prosperity or in historical disaster; but in either case, you can find an interlude of blessing.

You have seen the word holy over and over again, but it has little meaning today. The holiness of God is His integrity. We glorify God by adjusting to the justice of God. Pax Romana was not just a time of peace, but a time of great prosperity. The Jews would say, shalom, which refers to blessing. This greeting became so common, it has lost its connotation.

Present active subjunctive of εχωμεν the subjunctive moon recognizes volition. The British and “Won’t you join me?” But it does not sound like a command, but it is a direct command. It is a hotatory subjunctive. If you don’t join them, you will be shot. The rear sergeant did not shoot the enemy; he shot those who did not join the officer.

Jesus Christ is the basis for our having prosperity. God the Father loves God the Son with an eternal love. God’s love can only go toward that which is perfect. It must be eternal and perfect. The integrity of God takes precedence over the love of God when creatures are involved. Righteousness rejects sins. When these sins were poured our upon Jesus Christ on the cross, the love of God had nothing to do with it. The justice of God judged our sins. Even through God the Father loved God the Son, He still poured out our sins upon Him. All blessing and cursing comes from one source, the justice of God. God is only free to bless that which is perfect. We receive 36 things simultaneously, but logically, we receive His righteousness first.

Principles Related to the Integrity of God

1.       The integrity of God composed of His righteousness and justice is the guardian of all his divine attributes and is, at the same time, the point of contact for the human race. The integrity of God is the most undeveloped, ignored principle in the Word of God. The whole concept of the Holy of Holies, of the ark of God, of propitiation is all related to God’s integrity. All of these various characteristics are a part of His righteousness and justice. Justice guards the attributes of God. Justice is our point of contact. Let us have prosperity.

2.       There must be no compromise of God’s attributes in the function of the essence of God. Righteousness demands righteousness and justice demands justice. You can see how dumb fundies are. It is imperative that we understand that this works 2 ways. The integrity of God, His righteousness and His justice. It works toward His attributes and toward man.

3.       To avoid compromise and inconsistency, a principle of doctrine becomes an axiom. Divine justice can only bless divine righteousness. At faith in Christ, you were given God’s righteousness. You have it now and you will have it forever. You cannot lose it; no sinfulness can destroy it. You have a piece of God’s integrity. You have a piece of the Rock. So what did you do with God’s righteousness today? Did you wail, moan, bitch, complain about the humidity in Houston? All blessing comes to us because we have +R. God does not pour expensive wine into paper cups. Bob names off a bunch of wines that he knows. The average Christian runs around saying, “Bless me because I am good and I am nice to other people. That is self righteousness and God’s integrity rejects self righteousness as much as He rejects sin.

4.       Righteousness is the principle of divine integrity and justice is the function of divine integrity.

5.       Here is one to meditate on: God cannot accept anything less than perfect righteousness. You are kidding yourself if you think that God is going to bless you because you are doing something which impresses fundies. God cannot bless anything but perfect righteousness.

6.       The justice of God, the source of all blessing from God, is free to bless where perfect righteousness resides.

7.       The imputation of divine righteousness is necessary for any blessing. God is fair. He cannot give us wealth without capacity. He will not give us RM/RW without capacity. All of these things mean misery without capacity. There was never a time when all of the services had less to do. A smart officer can get everything done in a week in 3.5 days; but if there is a colonel who is miserable, he will want everyone to work at the office all day long. He would be a great sergeant, but a lousy colonel. There will be a time when they will be busy. Our presidents have cut our military to the bone. Our presidents have been tampering with the armed forces. They have used them for experimentation. The army is not place to run social or political experiments. God is fair and He will never give us promotion, success, prosperity until our capacity is developed. Capacity is Bible doctrine in your soul. It is not giving up things for God; not throwing faggots on the fire, even though there are a lot of faggots in Houston to thrown on the fire.

8.       God loves His own integrity, composed of His Own justice and righteousness. His integrity and His love have always existed.

9.       Therefore, what righteousness rejects, justice condemns. What righteousness accepts or approves, justice blesses.

10.     This fulfills the principle that the justice of God administers what the righteousness of God demands. Latin for justice is steady to its purpose.

11.     In salvation, mankind receives the imputation of divine righteousness and stand justified.

12.     God recognizes His righteousness wherever it is found. God’s righteousness in found in everyone here tonite. We have no more righteousness than anyone else. Some hippy who walks in here who has believed has the same righteousness that we have. Think of the believer you dislike the most in this world, and that person has the same righteousness that we have. The same potentiality for the interlude of blessing.

13.     Justification is simply God recognizing the imputation of divine righteousness. It is the judicial act of the justice of God in recognizing divine righteousness imputed.

14.     Justification precedes all other blessings.

15.     Therefore, righteousness imputed and resulted justification is the potential for all blessings from the justice of God.

16.     While righteousness imputed is the potential, doctrine in the soul is the capacity for that blessing. Doctrine comprehended is the basis for reality. Potential + capacity = reality.

The integrity of God is the only source of blessing that we will ever have. When we receive the righteousness of God, this is where the love of God comes into the picture. We have it now, so it is a safe assumption that God loves us now. It is not because we are kindly and filled with bleeding heart ideas.

Rom. 5:1 Then being justified by faith, let us have peace [= prosperity, an interlude of blessing] face to face with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Romans 5:1                                          72David                                              631_0200

This would be 1977.

Rom. 5:1 Then being justified by faith, let us have peace [= prosperity, an interlude of blessing] face to face with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Maturity blessing results from adjustment to the justice of God.

Potential + capacity = reality.

Interlude prosperity is mandated for us. Spiritual blessing. God is fair and He does not give us blessings from this life without the capacity to enjoy these blessings. Sharing the happiness of God under all circumstances. The ability to face to sufferings and pressures of life and still be under the interlude of the prosperity of God. Freedom from slavery to circumstances and ability to adapt to the changes of life. Wealth for some believers. No two of us have the same blessings. Prosperity can include sexual prosperity, technological prosperity, professional prosperity, safety prosperity, wealth.

Leadership dynamics is always a part of the picture.

Category #3 blessing by association. This explains why so many stinkers are prosperous. It is not direct blessing from the justice of God but indirect blessing from the justice of God. Phenomenal historical impact of those who have maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

Divine justice can only bless perfect justice

1.       Integrity of God is the guardian of God’s attributes as well as our point of contact with God.

2.       There can be no compromise of God’s character.

3.       To avoid compromise and inconsistency, a principle of doctrine becomes axiomatic: divine justice can only bless divine righteousness.

4.       Justice is the function and righteousness if the principle

5.       God cannot accept anything less than perfect righteousness.

6.       Therefore the justice of God, the source of all direct blessings from God, is only free to bless righteousness.

7.       Imputation of divine righteousness is necessary for any blessing.

8.       God loves His Own integrity.

9.       What righteousness rejects, justice condemns.

10.     Justice blesses what righteousness demands.

11.     At the moment of faith in Christ, man receives the imputation of divine righteousness.

12.     God recognizes His righteousness wherever it is found.

13.     Justification is the principle which is important to understand David.

14.     Justification precedes all blessings from the justice of God.

15.     Therefore righteousness imputed is the potential for all blessing from the justice of God.

16.     Doctrine in the soul is the capacity.

Ζατεω until you believe in Jesus Christ, you will not get any blessing from God. The justice of God will not bless that which is not perfect righteousness. Imputation of justice is an instantaneous act where justice is imputed to us.

Justice of God is our point of reference with God.

this is the imperative mood of entreaty, which has the force of an urgent demand. Προτον is the first in a sequence of events. Seeking the kingdom means you have a relationship with the King of Kings. Seeking the kingdom is salvation adjustment to the justice of God. God’s righteousness is perfect and stable; and we cannot change the righteousness which is credited to our accounts. Connective use of the conjunction kai and all blessings from the justice of God must go to that righteousness. This is a post office mail box, set up by God on our behalf. Mail is delivered to us, regardless of what kind of a person we are. Every blessing we get in this life. God does not bless us for a good personality or we have done something nice. Do not think that you can tithe and be blessed by God.

Stop worrying about your life. That is a command. Did you ever realize that the person sitting next to you has troubles too? In some cases, that is the source of your trouble. Our job is to be blessed by the justice of God.

We all have problems. The principle of resolving is the integrity of God. There is nothing in life for which to justice of God has not made perfect logistical provision. God will provide for us logistically while we are moving toward the interlude of blessing.

And when your soul is buried, or blown up or burned in a Viking funeral, then your soul is in heaven; but right now, you are here.

Matt. 6:33 But seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added to you.

Bob explains this passage.

Matt. 6:25 Because of this, I say to you, Do not be anxious for your soul, what you eat and what you drink, nor for your body, what you put on. Is not the soul more than the food and the body than the clothing?

Bob likes to shoot birds with his shotguns.

Matt. 6:26 Observe the birds of the heaven, that they do not sow, nor do they reap, nor do they gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Do you not rather excel them?

A cubit is 18 inches.

Matt. 6:27 But who of you by being anxious is able to add one cubit onto his stature?

Solomon is the best dresser of all time, and he does not look as good as the lilies God provides some flowers the most beautiful clothing in the world.

Matt. 6:28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They do not labor nor do they spin,

Matt. 6:29 but I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these.

This grass is going to just disappear; so if that happens, and God clothes them with flowers, then how much more will God take care of us?

Matt. 6:30 If God so enrobes the grass of the field (which is today, and is thrown into a furnace tomorrow) will He not much rather you, little-faiths?

Don’t worry. All these things the gentiles eagerly seek.

Matt. 6:31 Then do not be anxious, saying, What may we eat? Or, what may we drink? Or, what may clothe us?

Matt. 6:32 For after all these things the nations seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.

Prostithimi. You have something which belongs to God Himself. If God can do something for birds and flowers, which do not possess God’s righteousness, then how much more He will bless us with His righteousness.

Of God is not found in this verse. While righteousness imputed is the potential and doctrine in the soul is the capacity. These two together equal reality.

Matt. 6:33 But seek first the kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matt. 6:34 Then do not be anxious for tomorrow. For the morrow will be anxious of itself. Sufficient to each day is its own trouble.

Postulates of integrity:

1.       There are no advantages to the advantages without the advantage. God is not going to give us wealth, prosperity, without the capacity. Why do something great for you if you have no appreciation for it? There are people who are totally undeserving who have these things, but it is blessing by association.

2.       If you have the advantage + the capacity, then you have the advantages, blessings from the justice of God.

3.       Without the advantage, there are no advantages. Having the accouterments of blessing is not happiness.

4.       A nation without the advantage is removed from history.

Romans 5:2                                          72David                                              631_0201

Through Who also we have which refers to salvation adjustment to the justice of God. [or, we have attained] access by means of faith into this grace the avenue is never closed as long as you live for interlude blessing and interlude prayer while you are alive. This is the context of an avenue or a blessing. En + hos = in which we stand once you are given the integrity of God, it cannot be canceled; you have it for as long as you live. The line of blessing goes from the justice of God to the righteousness of God. Even when we sin and are evil, that line is open. However, blessing is imputed when we believe in Christ. The word here means to stand fast, and this refers to eternal security. The blessing has reward in eternity and greater blessing. You interlude blessings. God blesses on the basis of, He loves His perfect righteousness.

Eternal Security

1.       Definition: eternal security is salvation adjustment to the justice of God. 36 things are provided at that moment, most of which are related to eternal security. Our security still is based upon, we have the righteousness of God. Interlude blessing and interlude prosperity are based upon God. If you adjust to the justice of God, that is salvation; and beyond that, is spiritual growth. Rom.. 5:1–2

2.       We have a non-cancellable relationship. Will their lack of faith negate the faithfulness of God? Of course not! Let God be proved reliable and every man a liar.

          a.        Man’s weakness does not cancel God’s strength


          c.        Every rejection of Christ as Savior is maladjustment to the justice of God.

          d.       Rejection of Christ at salvation. It implies that God is a liar and has no integrity.

          e.       In reality, it is man who is the liar and has no integrity.

          f.        Salvation adjustment to the justice of God

          g.       Possession of divine righteousness forever eliminates the idea of losing salvation.

          h.       The integrity of God cannot be cancelled by man’s failure. The evangelist should have warned you, “You believe in Christ, you cannot get out of it.” God is not God if anything happens to that line. If we endure suffering, we will also rule with Him; we achieve or attain the interlude blessing; if we repudiate the Lord Jesus, He will refuse us rewards in eternity; if we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for you see, He cannot deny Himself. Now we have the righteousness of God; and God’s righteousness and justice are eternal.

          i.         Gal. 3:26 John 1:12 we are born into the family of God.

3.       Anthropomorphic approach. Various portions of man’s anatomy is applied to God because we understand the function of these parts of our body. Though he fall, he will not be completely cast down, because the Lord continues to hold him. Neither will they take them out of My hand.

4.       All of these various things will not separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Legalism tries to compete with the justice of God. You cannot play the percentages. Weirdos are going to distort whatever is taught anyway. As long as these are harmless weirdos, we let them run around loose, sometimes for illustrative material.

5.       Eternal security is necessary for divine blessing. Rom. 8:32 He Who did not spare His Own Son. Where creatures are concerned, justice takes precedence over love. Justice is here and righteousness is here; but having this line between justice and righteousness; that line is always there and a part of eternal security. Whether anything comes down through the pipe or not all depends upon capacity. Rom. 8:31

          a.       The world cannot hinder blessing from the justice of God. If you have the capacity through the intake of doctrine, then you do not need to worry; God is still able to bless you. You might have people who are antagonistic toward you, and they cannot do anything about it. No one can hinder you from receiving blessing from the justice of God.

          b.       Capacity for blessing includes total security from the justice of God. The potential is always there.

          c.        No believer who rejects the doctrine of eternal security ever attains maturity adjustment to the justice of God. The pipe with the justice of God on one end and the righteousness of God on the other, is clear for all blessing. Justice of God will clobber you all the way to eternal life if you are out of line.

6.       The royal family metaphor 1Cor. 1:21 the head cannot say to another part of the body, I don’t need you. Even the head, Christ, cannot say that. The justice of God gave you at the point of salvation, righteousness.

7.       Tense; perfect tense of σοζω

8.       The nature of divine attributes, which preclude any loss of salvation. 2Peter 3:9 with understanding the potential and understanding the security related to that potential.

then we have that nebulous: boast, glory or have esprit divine establishment corps in the hope of the glory of God.

There is more communism on college campuses today than any of this campus crusade stuff. Production comes when you have doctrine. It is confusion. They have pseudo esprit too. I would tell you what I think, but I don’t think your pretty little ears could deal with it. Once you have doctrine, you will have the esprit.

Ελπις can refer to confidence but it can also be a synonym for the integrity of God.

Δοξα is sometimes used for all the attributes of God and sometimes for particular attributes of God.

We are placing our hope in that blessing pipe between the justice of God and the righteousness of God in us.

Rom. 5:2 through whom also we have had access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we glory [boast in or have esprit decorps] on the confidence of the glory of God.

This ends the introduction.

2Samuel 8                     72David 4th of July Weekend 1977                       631_0202

This is a military communion? When it comes to growth, no two of us are in the same place. We operate under the privacy of our priesthood, for the communion table is an examination. A baby cannot remember the way a spiritual adult remembers.

Professional prosperity, blessing by association, David’s historical impact.

2 categories of professional prosperity. He was great in his day; one of the greatest soldiers and warriors. In v. 1, the conquest of the Philistines.

200 years prior to this, the famous siege of Troy took place. The Mycenaean Greeks had crossed the Aegean Sea and Troy was a part of the Hittite empire. Both armies were great warriors. They weakened themselves by attacking Troy, and the Dorian Greeks came from up in the mountains or up north and took over the Mycenaean settlements. This was one of the most disastrous times in history. In 1200 Troy fell, an island off of Crete fell into the ocean and title waves pummeled the land and killed many; Bugoz Cuy fell. During this period of time, Shamgar, a man with doctrine, arose. 3 great tribes of Mycenaean Greeks, who disrupted the world for 100 years. Throughout all of the Islands in the Mediterranean and the Aegean Seas, there were a number of Greek groups spread out. Troy was gone. Pirates ruled in the Mediterranean. 2 places survived: Egypt under Rameses III and the Jews under Shamgar.

We have a lot of information about them. They are men of great strength and abilities and one of the toughest groups. They learned the secret of iron and they brought iron weapons into the Middle east, whereas others had Bronze weapons. They controlled the trade routes from the Euphrates to Egypt. They fought against the Jews and whipped them most of the time. King Saul, Philistines had pushed the Jews back; and what they did not garrison, Egypt did. The northern section of Israel was in slavery. Only Judah and Benjamin were independent and strong. Saul was eventually destroyed at the battle of Mount Gilboa.

Those of Brandenburg Prussia was a marvelous military fighting machine. So great was their doctrine and dedication that nothing could shake them. A great officer corps. The Spartans were such a nation and before them, the Philistines. It looked as if no one would defeat the Philistines. Sometimes the Jews would push them back, but they were unbeatable, for the most part. David, promoted by God, has a great army. He starts out as king of Judah. He forms his officer corps. We are not like the Spartans or Philistines in their greatness.

The Greek women were magnificently beautiful. They had wonder symmetry. Spartan women are said to be beautiful. They raised sons to be military men. Oldest son began military training around age 7. The only thing that can beat such an army are believers with doctrine in their soul.

We have never entered into a military prepared. The military is in the worst shape it has ever been. In freedom, people forget that freedom is purchased on the battlefield. If we are to maintain this freedom, others must sacrifice their freedom and even their lives.

For 400 years the Philistines ruled the roost in the middle east. Rameses pulled together an army of 1,000,000. However, the small army of the Philistines, still frightened the Egyptians, and they left them alone for 400 years. They were not a large nation and they did not want to be a large nation. When nations around them planted and harvested food, the Philistines would go and take their food; but they left enough behind so their enemies could still produce more the next year.

You would not invest in Jewish businesses, because the Philistines would come in an steal their profits.

Spiritual prosperity is followed by profession prosperity. David was a professional soldier and a king.

This is one chapter that you will not get anything out of it.

Potential + capacity = blessing. Without capacity, God rarely blesses.

You obviously enjoy things more when you feel well. There is a principle there. A military commander cannot succeed without good health. Napoleon’s concepts were great; but his health was not.

Hiphil stem of nakah. It means to strike, to punch in the Qal; in the Hiphil to be caused to strike someone, to defeat them. Then we seem to have some redundancy. In the military, you not only defeat them, but you grind them into the dust. David defeated the Philistines and he conquered them. We first have the tactical defeat in battle. The objective is always to wipe out the enemy. First is correct tactical movements and the timing must be perfect. In the 2nd one, David also won the war. The first is winning the battles and second is winning the war.

The guards which David allowed to survive because they were great as light infantry. He admired the enemy and he gave them a choice between being executed or being a part of his personal guard. He had the most efficient brigade of guard and they were made up of Philistines. They are the Cherethites and the Pelethites. The Philistines had no army. You never defeat a nation until you destroy its military. You must destroy its military. We should have destroyed the Russian army in 1945. 11 million men under arms and we should have clobbered the Russians and we continue to pay for that.

The Philistines ceased to exist as a military power. David liked and admired the Philistines and he went to them when escaping from Saul. Military control comes out by wiping out the enemy’s military. Sherman went from Atlanta to Savannah and wiped out the people, but Hood was still there. They starved Lee’s army, and that was the only way to defeat them.

Grant fought for amnesty for Confederate soldiers. 85–90% of the good officers in the US military come from the south.

What did David take here? Metheg ammah. He seized violently. Metheg ammah is the bridal of the mother from the hand of the Philistines. Would that we had a nation of mothers like the Philistines mothers. They were the greatest military wives in the world. They never complained or gave their husbands flack. They were noble like Penelope. She had suitors and she held out for Ulysses. She made sure that her son had strength to draw the bow and to handle the sword. She raised him to be a soldier like her husband. Women were honored in Philistia because they were great military wives. The capitol city of Philistia is called mother. This is there central government of the government. They did not call their central government Uncle Sugar but the Bridle of the Mother. Women were honored because women took their proper place. The finest potential in the world is no good without authority. In a fight with an elkhound, all you see is teeth. But a horse, with all of his great power and strength, he still needs authority, and guiding his head is the way to do it. Bridle was universal military training. “Their mothers sent their boys away saying, coming back a man or don’t come back at all.” They are not like American mothers who write to their Congressmen about basic training sergeants saying their boy is used to milk and crackers before they go to bed.

When you are under authority, and they tell you to do something and it is a lousy way of doing it, you do it their way because they are in authority. That is authority, which is what we all need.

Philistia’s history was twice as long as ours. A soldier-nation always honors its women. Liberals destroy their women. A liberal nation destroys their women. We are in a process of destroying out women. Famous for their warrior nation, but defeated under the leadership of a well-trained leader. David operated on a military policy.

2Sam. 8:1 After this David defeated the Philistines and conquered them, and David took Metheg-ammah [the bridle of the mother] out of the hand of the Philistines.

2Samuel 8:1–2 Psalm 84                   72David                                              631_0203

The servicemen all stand.

June 1974 is when Bob first met Captain Robert Howard, ranger United States army. He’s been in jail for being in fights in Houston.

We have no relationship with the sovereignty of God, which is the fallacy of hyper-Calvinism. We do not have a direct relationship with the love of God either. Our love his based upon His justice. His integrity is His righteousness, the principle of God’s integrity and justice, the function of God’s integrity.

God the Father judged the sins of the world as they were poured out on the Son. As Christ bore our sins, God the Father judged our sins in His body on the cross. God’s justice is now able to give us Christ’s imputed righteousness, and His justice is able to bless us because of His imputed righteousness.

Rebound is based upon the justice of God having judged our sins on the cross.

The final adjustment is maturity adjustment to the justice of God. Capacity comes from Bible doctrine. Maximum doctrine in the soul gives us the capacity; and God then can pour blessings upon us.

We are now going into David’s professional prosperity.

2Sam. 8:1 Now it came to pass, after this David defeated the Philistines and conquered them, and David took Metheg-ammah [the bridle of the mother] out of the hand of the Philistines.

David was a student of the Word of God. When you include the spiritual factor and the military policy, found in Neh. 4:8–9. He faced a hopeless situation in a future day, and he verbalized the situation here.

There were many groups of vicious people who wanted to hurt Israel.

The principle calls for rigorous training. It has been softened. The spiritual factor is important. We have always depended upon civilians entering into the military, and there is a tremendous loss of life at the beginning of any war for us.

If you think there are uncertainties in civilian life, there is no comparison to military life. Multiply by 1000.

Napoleon and a battle which he fought, and how they destroyed a Russian and a Prussian army. The Battle of Austerlitz. He faked them out. He had his army retreat. This led the Russian army where he wanted them, and he wiped them out.

Neh. 4:8 And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to cause confusion in it.

Neh. 4:9 And we prayed to our God and set a guard as a protection against them day and night.

Neh 4:14–18 And I looked and arose and said to the nobles and to the officials and to the rest of the people, "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes." When our enemies heard that it was known to us and that God had frustrated their plan, we all returned to the wall, each to his work. From that day on, half of my servants worked on construction, and half held the spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. And the leaders stood behind the whole house of Judah, who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.

Moab had been very friendly with David in the past. When he was maneuvering around Saul, David sent his parents to Moab. However, there had been a change of government and their attitude had changed. A friendly nation today will be an enemy tomorrow. No nation for its security can depend upon other nations. NATO is a farce; they are a paper tiger. All human resources are not the answer. To survive as a nation, we cannot depend upon other nations or upon our own resources.

Many of you will never be in a uniform; many of you will never see military service or combat. However, we are just as essential to the military. As goes your spiritual life, so goes the military in the days to come. It is our maturity adjustment to the justice of God which will save our country. Our military has been used for sociological experimentation. This destroys esprit decorps. The queen of the services has been neglected.

The most important national factor is the spiritual factor.

Moab had been a friendly nation and it became an unfriendly nation. France often had to fight an alliance of England and Germany. And this changed.

No man can survive the system honorably without a relationship with the integrity of God. You can survive the system being a politician playing CYA; but you cannot survive honorably. You need that personal relationship with the integrity of God.

Beniah was one of David’s greatest generals. He was the son of a man of spiritual power. His father was a priest; and he went to war, even though he did not have to.

The Cherethites were Achaean or Mycenaean Greeks who lived near David when he was in Philistine area. The Pelethites were a land warrior who cam overland from the fall of Troy.

No man can be a successful military leader unless those under him become great.

The Moabites could be killed or enlisted. He has them lie down in 3 lines, and then he walks down each one of these lines and he inspects these men. He goes to one line only, puts his sword on that line, and everyone in that line are executed. Never again, after this, does David have trouble with Moab. The Moabites understood force and violence. You do not go to them with a SALT agreement.

You impress tough people with toughness. Criminals are not impressed with soft treatment; they are impressed with toughness. Some nations understand violence only; reason does not work with them. Russians understand dead Russians; they do not understand Carter talking about civil rights; Chicoms understand dead chicoms.

Summary points from 2Sam. 8:2

1.       Tyrannical nations only understand violence and are only suppressed by violence.

2.       You cannot reason with tyranny.

3.       Therefore, it is important to have a strong military establishment.

4.       The Philistines either were killed or they had to enlist. He did not do that with the Moabites. If the Philistines took an oath of honor, they kept it.

5.       Military victory was blessing from the justice of God.

David does not handle every group the same. One line is spared and 2 lines are executed and they will talk about this for the rest of their lives. Those who survive will never turn on Israel again.

2Sam. 8:2 And he defeated Moab and he measured them with a line, making them lie down on the ground. Two lines he measured to be put to death, and one full line to be spared. And the Moabites became servants to David and brought tribute.

We need to understand the principle for the first few verses from Psalm 84; if God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

Psalm 84:1 To the choirmaster: according to The Gittith. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!

In order to have blessing in military service, you need to be able to express what David says in vv. 1–2. You need a relationship with the integrity of God.

Psalm 84:2 My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.

The sparrow is a helpless bird. Every believer needs a house; a local church or a tape recorder. Apart from doctrine, all believers are vulnerable. There is emphasis upon Jesus’ battlefield royalty; and upon His deity.

Psalm 84:3 Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God.

Dwelling in God’s house is the daily and consistent function of gap.

Psalm 84:4 Happinesses to those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise! Selah

the highway is from the justice of God to the righteousness of God.

Psalm 84:5 Happinesses to the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.

Baca means tears; this is no-man’s land. This is the place of testing. This is where we find that the service will give us many excuses not to listen to doctrine. We are tired and exhausted and have gone days without sleep. Many appear to be legitimate. If you are a spiritual casualty, you will be a physical casualty. You may wind up in a Chaicom prison camp.

No one makes it to the well from the Valley of Tears without doctrine in your soul. If you neglect Bible doctrine, you will die painfully and without respect. There is no excuse for not making it to the well. The Russians have their buildup and they were ready to launch an attack on May 1 and they were going to overrun Europe in 11 days. The integrity of God stopped this. We were not ready for it and the integrity of God slowed it down. The Ford Motor company has provided them with supply trucks.

The well has water in it and the rain has water in it. You are being saturated with blessings. Direct blessings from the justice of God.

Psalm 84:6 As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools.

They advance from supergrace A to supergrace B and then to ultra supergrace.

Psalm 84:7 They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.

Psalm 84:8 O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah

the appointed ones are those in the pivot.

Psalm 84:9 Behold our shield, O God; look on the face of your anointed!

The courts are where the priests taught doctrine.

Psalm 84:10 For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness [in the command post of evil].

This explains perfectly and beautifully how two great military systems went down in one generation. What makes it happen? Jesus Christ controls history.

Psalm 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:12 O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you!

2Samuel 8:9–12 Psalm 21                 72David                                              631_0204

We are still dealing with David’s northern campaigns. Aram-zobah was the greatest Aramaic kingdom, and he was moving toward the Euphrates and David is going to be fighting a preventative war. There are 4 Aramaic kingdoms.

A few years from now, Hamath will be one of the great Syrian (Assyrian?) kingdoms.

2Sam. 8:9 When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the whole army of Hadadezer,

David had engaged in a preventative war with Hadadezer.

Gaining National Respect

1.       No nation has the respect of another nation without proving it on the battlefield. Diplomacy never gains respect. This is why the communists have no respect for us.

2.       No ruler has the respect of other nations unless he is willing to defend his country with warfare. This is why our missionaries our maltreated. British diplomacy in the last century meant that, if you gave a Brit missionary trouble, the Brits came and kicked your ass. Solomon only had one campaign.

3.       It is a part of the sinful nature of man to be impressed by violence. Liberals run around and act as if you kill someone brutally, there is something wrong with that.

4.       This is why warfare is the only way to maintain national freedom and integrity in the devil’s world.

5.       It is the battlefield, not the peace table, where respect is gotten.

6.       Smart soldiers are impressed with the military and military generals; not with politicians. Everyone on the other side knew Patton and MacArthur. Our enemies respected them more than our nitwits in Washington.

7.       The military provides freedom, not politicians.

8.       David was a ruler and a great soldiers. There was a half-century of peace because of David’s warfare.

9.       Friendship is made on the basis of victory, not on diplomacy. Diplomacy without military strength is like flattery without love. Impotent hypocrisy.

2Sam. 8:10 Toi sent his son Joram to King David, to congratulate him and to bless him because he had fought against Hadadezer and defeated him, for Hadadezer had often been at war with Toi. And Joram brought with him articles of silver, of gold, and of bronze.

Principles from v. 10

1.       The great prosperity coming to David ultimately come from the justice of God. Military success and peace for a half century. However, we must go beyond that. This is the prosperity era in his profession.

2.       You do not seek fame and respect for others when you have a total relationship with the justice of God. Never seek fame or respect from others; maturity adjustment to the justice of God means you have it without seeking it.

3.       With maturity adjustment to the justice of God, others come to you without your solicitation and they come without admiration and respect. You get out of trying to prove something.

4.       For the mature believer, human admiration is never sought nor is it an issue.

5.       For the mature believer, human admiration and respect are preceded by capacity for these things. Success did not destroy David. As long as you keep up your doctrine, you cannot be spoiled.

6.       Human admiration and respect do not stimulate pride.

7.       Successful people become preoccupied with the praise of men rather than preoccupied with the praise of Jesus Christ.

8.       He does not seek fame or renown if a mature believer.

9.       Success does not destroy the mature believer. He can handle promotion like he handles adversity. That is why a mature believer like Moses or Paul. Virtue survives the grave. Their fame is enduring because their source in enduring.

Now we go into a different subject. He was not corrupted by praise or the admiration of nations around him.

2Sam. 8:11 These also King David dedicated to the LORD, together with the silver and gold that he dedicated from all the nations he subdued,

In v. 12 we have a list. We have here the principle for capacity for prosperity. David was a wealthy man; prosperity does not turn his head or cause him to be arrogant. He recognizes the source of his wealth. All of these psalms have different words and different principles. Since his blessings came from the justice of God, they were sure and permanent. Believers who achieve fame and success apart from capacity. Some get it by blessing by association, often those who are not qualified in any way. There is always blessing by association. Without capacity, the very thing which would bless causes misery. Promotion without capacity is misery.

2Sam. 8:12 from Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, Amalek, and from the spoil of Hadadezer the son of Rehob, king of Zobah.

Psalm 21 gives David’s attitude:

Psalm 21:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. The king shall rejoice in Your strength, O Jehovah; and in Your salvation how greatly shall he dance in a circle in happiness!

As a military man, David’s desire was for victory; and therefore continued national integrity. David recognized that there were always numerous problems and the best-laid plans can go astray. Bad tactics could end in tragedy.

Psalm 21:2 You have given him his heart's desire, and have not withheld the prayer of his lips. Selah.

Psalm 21:3 For You go before him with the blessings of goodness [= integrity of God]; You set a crown of pure gold on his head.

David has been under pressure; and he asked for life and he was given an extension of days. The interlude of blessing of time. God has parlayed that into eternal blessing. The blessing we get from the justice of God glorifies the integrity of God, which results in rewards in the eternal future.

Psalm 21:4 He asked life from You; You give to him length of days forever and ever.

All of this came from the integrity of God, so it was permanent.

Psalm 21:5 His glory is great in Your salvation; honor and majesty You have bestowed on him.

SG2 into SG3.

Psalm 21:6 For You have made him most blessed forever; You have rejoiced him in the gladness in Your holy face [from God’s presence].

Qal active participle of batach, which is the function of the faith rest technique.

Psalm 21:7 For the king trusts in Jehovah, and in the mercy of the Most High; he shall not be moved.

David, in blessing, is able to know who is enemies are ahead of time. Second phrase is domestic enemies.

Psalm 21:8 Your hand shall find out all Your enemies; Your right hand shall find out those who hate You.

Confrontation on the battlefield.

Psalm 21:9 You shall make them as a fiery oven in the time of Your presence; Jehovah will swallow them up in His wrath, and the fire shall devour them.

Not only were the traitors destroyed, but so were their families. Many families are blessed because traitors and their families are destroyed.

Psalm 21:10 Their fruit shall You destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the sons of men.

Psalm 21:11 For they intended evil against You; they imagined a wicked thing; they are not able to prevail.

The appointing of a shoulder is a firing squad.

Psalm 21:12 For You shall make them turn the back; You shall make ready Your arrows on Your strings against their faces.

Psalm 21:13 Be exalted, O Jehovah, in Your strength; we will sing, and praise Your power.

The Ammonites will be covered in chapter 10.

2Sam. 8:12 from Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, Amalek, and from the spoil of Hadadezer the son of Rehob, king of Zobah.

David manufactures something out of something. He manufactures himself a reputation. The reputation manufactured here was not from the victories which he personally led, but this is a case of delegated authority. When we sort it out, David did not personally handle any of the logistical problems nor did he handle any of the tactics while at war.

Good subordinates are always a part of every military team.

He personally oversaw the battles, and got everything begun; but he leaves his staff out on their own, and he will return. He allows those he trains the freedom to function on their own to win victories.

There was Joab and Abishai, and they have been on David’s staff. David was knocked out when he detached a corp under Abishai to go south to Edom. He is at war against Syria with Abishai. Apparently, David arrived the night before the battle, and he stepped aside and did not do a thing. He trained his nephews.

Principles from v. 13

1.       David won a great series of battles in the north. While he was fighting the Syrians, the Edomites attacked from the south. So he detached Abishai and sent him south. 1Chron. 18:12 The father died young and the mother, David’s sister, raised wonderful young men. This is like Lee and Jackson and Jackson went around to hit the flank. Came in on Oats Howard, a famous union born-again believer. This is Chancellorsville. Lee held off on the front, and Jackson went around to the side, where they were vulnerable. They did not have enough guarding them on their flank. Lee was the one on the spot. He had 10,000 with him? Only darkness saved the Yankee army. This enhanced Lee’s reputation. The tactical commander is the one who is emphasized. Abishai son of Zeruiah, a petty person, an arrogant person would have taken over here; but David let Abishai do it and take credit. Many potentially great people have been destroyed by personal pettiness. When David saw how the troops were set up and knew Abishai’s plan; he let Abishai go ahead and take all of the credit. He recognized subordinates in a proper way and David enhances his own reputation in this and other things. There are 18,000 casualties; they probably had 100,000 soldiers altogether. David lost nothing by giving credit where credit is due. This is what makes him a great leader. There was no pettiness in David.

2.       David had strategic and tactical greatness, but he had the greatness of being totally free of pettiness. This is one of the great weaknesses of many almost-great men. If you have a business or a military organization, never permit cliques. Destroy them. Pick the right person; never pick or support a clique. That is where all of the pettiness comes in. Pettiness is wherever you find people; in families, businesses, the mission field.

3.       David did not seek to take credit for Abishai’s victory.

4.       David was personally a man of great integrity; and he allowed he underlings the chance to be great.

Joab defeated the Syrians, and then he came down afterwards.

2Sam. 8:13 And David made a name for himself [i.e., a reputation] when he returned from striking down 18,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

You exploit the victory. Pursue, mop up and finish the job. That makes it a team success. One brother has the privilege of winning the battle and the other to exploit the victory.

The manual of arms by battalion means that you must have a rhythm so that it can be done in unison. They did present arms, etc. and this is for the manual of arms; they all sing the psalm, and they go to port arms, or to inspection arms, or whatever.

In 2Sam. 1:18 the soldiers were told to learn the song of. Abishai killed 18,000 and then Joab pursues the Edomite army and kills an additional 12,000. David gives credit where it belongs; to Abishai for the battle and Joab for his exploitation of the victory. Being too late for the battle he was able to form the mobile reserve which is necessary for exploiting the victory. Abishai arrived and made a tactical disposition.

Joab and Abishai were aggressive men, and they were allowed to use their aggressiveness. David was willing to step back and allow them to use their aggressiveness.

Psalm 60 inscription To the Chief Musician. On the Lily of Testimony. A secret treasure of David, to teach; when he struggled with Aram-naharaim and with Aram of Zobah, when Joab returned and struck twelve thousand of Edom in [after?] the Valley of Salt.

2Sam. 8:13 Consequently David made a name for himself [i.e., a reputation] when he returned from annihilated 18,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt.

Military occupation was necessary for the nation. It is necessary to have garrisons. Up north are the Syrians. Down south are the Edomites. Military occupation and military control. This is in Syria and Edom. The military guarantees that there will be peace on the borders and no more treachery on the borders. This military occupation is also necessary for our freedom.

2Sam. 8:14 Then he put garrisons in Edom; throughout all Edom he put garrisons, and all the Edomites became David's servants. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.

2Samuel 8                                            72David                                              631_0205

there were 3 great Syrian kingdoms, Hamath, Zobah and Damascus; and there was also Aram-tov.

This sounds very much like #204:

2Sam. 8:9 When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the whole army of Hadadezer,


2Sam. 8:10 Toi sent his son Joram to King David, to congratulate him and to bless him because he had fought against Hadadezer and defeated him, for Hadadezer had often been at war with Toi. And Joram brought with him articles of silver, of gold, and of bronze.

2Sam. 8:14 Then he put garrisons in Edom; throughout all Edom he put garrisons, and all the Edomites became David's servants. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.

2Samuel 8                                            72David                                              631_0206

From the verses covered, this appears to come before 205?

David will be rewarded in eternity. The Mycenaean Greeks came to an end and another group of Greeks were on the move. Bogazcooy Hittites also on the move. The great eruption was the great sea peoples. The Phrygians, the Mycenaeans, and many others began to move about the earth. After 200 years, the dust cleared, and the Philistines ruled the Palestine area.

David had to face all of these peoples and he conquered many of them.

Collapse of the Hittites and a Semitic group began to become prominent. Aram are the Syrians and Assur are the Assyrians.

Infantry was the queen of the services, but the Hittites had something that revolutionized warfare. They discovered the battle horse and horse training. This whole series will be available on tape. If T&P ever fails to fill that order, let me know and we will fight these wars again.

Hadadezer was the most famous.

Aram-zobah and Aram-Damascus were two great kingdoms. As Aram-zobah moves toward the Euphrates, there will be battles and it will all be over. 1Sam. 14:7 \\in otfrt got the idea to use the concept of a preventative war.

When yoiu open the vote to teenagers or to women, you never get a man of courage.

Only one person the Assyrians admired, and it was Hadadezer. Oukkino has only come to light in the past 20 years or so. These Aramæans will remain in check based upon David choosing to fight a preventative war. They had universal military training.

Syrians or Aramæans had great camel caravans and they began to grab all the trails. David prevented a similar attack against Israel.

2Sam. 8:3 David also defeated Hadadezer the son of Rehob, king of Zobah, as he went to restore his power at the river Euphrates.

Bob goes over the 1Chron. 18:4. One Hebrew word was left out, which gives us a problem. Rekeb is left out, and we end up with an erroneous number.

By cutting the legs of these horses, it would take years to train horses like this. Bleeding heart libs might not go for this. However, David was fighting to maintain the freedom of Israel.

The rise of the Mitani and the Hyksos of Egypt. When the Hyksos went into the Delta. When Moses came to the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s armored division was in pursuit of him.

David had to make this attack because he had the ability to make such a decision. When that armor began to move toward Israel, David had to deal with it.

Now, they were going the other way here; but David was in charge here, and he knew that, even though they were going in the opposite direction from Israel, they were attacking Israel. David interpreted history correctly and he did what he had to do. He did something that was necessary and a well-trained infantry can take on anything. In the last analysis, every bit of sophistication, the infantry has to move in.

David knew the fall of the Hittite era. He knew the history of that time. He knew that the chariot was there to stay. If he waited for the chariots to come to him, Israel would be destroyed. As Egypt had fallen to the Hyksos during the time of Joseph, he knew that Israel could go the same way.

Kikookli author of a Hittite book a field manual and this is how horses could be trained to be used in warfare associated with chariots.

The horse and chariot lived on into history to be destroyed by David, which would provide 50 years of peace of these people who had learned to handle chariots. The rise of the Syrians was postponed for 100 years by the action of David.

1Chron. 18:4 And David took from him 1,000 chariots, 7,000 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers. And David hamstrung all the chariot horses, but left enough for 100 chariots.

David realized that you can use chariots as G2 forces; this would extend the eyes of his armed forced. This force would tell him in advance about Aram-Damascus. When these troops were 150 miles away, these men came down, and David set up a system of interior lines, the same principle that Napoleon did at Waterloo. Keep the majority troops on exterior lines. 100 chariots improved his G2 100%

2Sam. 8:4 And David took from him 1,700 horsemen, and 20,000 foot soldiers. And David hamstrung all the chariot horses but left enough for 100 chariots.

Going to Psalm 20:

Lee was a brilliant man, but lacked good reconnaissance for Gettysburg. Lee needed his reconnaissance as never before.

Psalm 20 is one of David’s great battle psalms. He was first and foremost a professional soldier.

Psalm 20:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you!

Unless you have maximum doctrine in the soul, you do not have the battle courage. Zion is the great fortification. Zion is the castle turned into David’s personal home.

Psalm 20:2 May He send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion!

Food offering emphasizes the integrity of God and the burnt offering represents the work of Christ on the cross.

Psalm 20:3 May He remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! Selah

this is military desire for victory.

Psalm 20:4 May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans!

A victory celebration.

Psalm 20:5 May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners [regimental colors]! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions!

Psalm 20:6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven [from His integrity in heaven] with the saving might of his right hand.

Then David’s battlefield testimony.

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm 20:8 They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.

Jehovah has delivered the king

Psalm 20:9 O LORD, save the king! May he answer us when we call.

2Sam. 8:5 And when the Syrians of Damascus came to help Hadadezer king of Zobah, David struck down 22,000 men of the Syrians.

Interlude Blessing

1.       David’s professional blessing.

2.       The interim of blessing occurs in prosperity or in disaster

3.       The interlude of blessing is always related to eternal reward and blessings in heaven from the future. When the justice of God begins to provide us with our interim of blessings, those blessings are a down payment on a reward in eternity.

4.       All believers in heaven posses ultimate sanctification.

5.       Only believers in eternity with interlude blessing in time attain rewards and blessings. We will know in this life our rewards and blessings. We will have fantastic things in heaven.

6.       The great objective in the Christian life is the attainment of interlude blessing.

7.       Interlude blessing is no respecter of persons or historical status. Historical disaster or historical prosperity; it makes no difference.

8.       God has provided from His justice interlude justice for those attaining maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

Mark Anthony and Julius Cæsar thought that the Jews were great as infantrymen. Mark Anthony told Herod that the Jews were great infantry but not good cavalry.

Military Intelligence

1.       No nation can function without proper intelligence. Bleeding heart liberals and politicians have wiped out our intelligence gathering system. It is a bunch of people sitting around reading foreign newspapers.

2.       In our own history intelligence was the secret of success for Lee and Jackson. Lee was the first great strategist and he included the railroads fro troop movement. Everyone studied Lee after that.

3.       Lee suffered his first defeat when Jeb Stuart was not there.

4.       Good military decisions are based upon good military intelligence.

5.       David received the blessing of military victory from the justice of God. He too 100 chariots and used them for G2. When the Syrians of Damascus came to help Hadadezer, David inflicted casualties; 22,00 soldiers. They intended a surprise attack. They could get quick information. He applied doctrine to his profession. He needed to know where his enemies were at all times. Whatever your maturity adjustment might be, it may manifest itself in common sense or some great business coup.

Philistines killed or enlisted; Moabites killed and some allowed to return; military government in the North, and this was a buffer state for Israel. God\never frowns on efficiency. He never frowns on good administration. That is the normal result of maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

The issue is, wherever you go with the maturity adjustment to God, God is with you. Prosperity goes with you.

2Sam. 8:6 Then David put garrisons in Aram of Damascus, and the Syrians became servants to David and brought tribute. And the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went [marched].

David took the shields of gold and brought them to Jerusalem. Qal stem means David brings the shields himself. Hiphil means that he delegated this.

Delegating Authority

1.       David did not do the work himself.

2.       David was the executive.

3.       This is one of the most important principles in leadership; find the person who can do it and delegate the authority to them. If there are 25 people scrubbing floors, you don’t get down there with them and scrub floors with them. The captain of the ship does not scrub the deck. He needs to know about navigation and gunnery control and to let someone else swab the decks. He needs brains.

2Sam. 8:7 And David took the shields of gold that were carried by the servants of Hadadezer and brought [he caused them to be taken] them to Jerusalem.

David took large amounts of bronze. Solomon used this. Solomon would follow his father David. David liberated this stockpile and Solomon used it. A generation providing blessing which carries over to the next generation. This becomes a part of historical impact.

2Sam. 8:8 And from Betah and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, King David took very much bronze.

We are going to pull a lot more together.

Psalm 60:1–12                                     72David                                              631_0207

The genius of the military and the ever-changing situations. Bob is glad to see all of the services represented during the conference.

World War III is just around the corner, and a lot of these people will have their own military prosperity. It is stimulating and wonderful. These are some of the most wonderful people in the United States.

It is time to take a trip through the news media. You avoid war by being prepared for war. The hopeless, helpless and useless policies to come out are almost beyond description. Bob was glad to see the servicemen relax and have a good time; but outside of Fort Berachah, things are pretty grim.

Soviets funnel arms through Libya. Whenever the Soviets can get rid of a billion dollars of armaments, that means they have a lot of weaponry. They are moving toward the middle east to take over the oil industry. 1000 tanks sent to Libya. We could not put together 1000 tanks in a year. MIG fighter bombers. The trend is that Russia is flexing its military muscles. They are encouraging us to go in for sweetness and light.

Chicago Tribute published an article on the same subject without it seeming to be on the same subject. Our president cancelled the B1, which means the air force is through. That was the greatest deterrent to the Soviets. We do not have anything left. We cannot even keep up the maintenance. You cannot put the cruise missile on the 747 or anything else. We have no way of launching this missiles.

Panama canal sovereignty. We are going to let the Soviet Union into the Indian Ocean. High illiteracy rate cuts Navy’s ability to function. One illiterate sailor did 250,000 worth of damage to an engine because he could not read and understand the manual. 33% could not read above a 10th grade level. One depended upon pictures since he could not read the directions. The Navy is teaching reading and writing.

The Soviet Union just moved 22 divisions to meet a threat there.

3 senior Carter aides opposed the B1 bomber.

These are trends; vacillation everywhere that you turn. We have no honor and no integrity. These articles all ignore the spiritual factor; the function of the pivot.

David wrote Psalm 60 recognizing that there are many variables in life.

Psalm 60:1–5 covers several military disasters. The battle of Mount Gilboa where Saul and Jonathan died.

Psalm 60 inscription To the choirmaster: according to Shushan Eduth. A Miktam of David; for instruction; when he strove with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, and when Joab on his return struck down twelve thousand of Edom in the Valley of Salt.

The grace of God scattered the Jews in defeat.

The integrity of God overcomes the variables.

Piel imperfect of shuv, and this is a prayer which David made when he heard of the disaster of Mt. Gilboa. This is a prayer that we could all pray right now.

The Communists had no respect for us in Asia because of the policy and the way it was set up. Those who set up this policy were men of evil. LBJ said, “You will not even bomb an outhouse without direct permission from me.” He said this to an air force general; that is a rotten, evil. He spent a lot of time drunk and not on the scene.

Psalm 60:1 O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; oh, restore us.

Rapha this is where we are, tottering on the brink of ruin. In 2 academies, the speeches were almost imbecilic. The only one close to sanity was the grad speech at the air force academy.

Psalm 60:2 You have made the land to quake; You have torn it open [You have broken it]; repair its breaches [solve its disasters], for it totters.

This information is to stimulate us to doctrine and a large pivot will change the whole thing. There is a change because of a relationship with the integrity of God.

This is the wine of staggering. It is to stagger; to lose control; to be unable to fight. Bob gets a guilt complex when dealing with a drunk trying to fight. It is too easy.

The analogy is between wine and the justice of God. The same wine which can be a blessing can also be a cursing. This is understood in the ancient world.

Psalm 60:3 You have made your people see hard things [disastrous circumstances]; You have given us wine to drink that made us stagger [the wine of uncoordination or of vacillation or of staggering].

Then we have a regimental banner, the banner for a unit. This is for rallying troops. To resuscitate a nation, there must be a rallying point, which is Bible doctrine; represented by this standard which is raised up. Somehow doctrine or the truth is in this verse?

Psalm 60:4 You have set up a banner for those who fear you [i.e., those who are occupied with Christ], that they may flee to it from the bow. Selah

Deliverance chalatz, which means to answer, to deliver, to save; but in the Niphal, it means to be prepared for war. Learn doctrine and your loved ones will be prepared for war.

Psalm 60:5 That your beloved ones may be delivered, give salvation by your right hand and answer us!

The integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ. This was a pretty grim picture. This fits perfectly with our historical situation at this time. The cancelling of the B1 bomber is disastrous. We are destroying ourselves. We are not using weapons which we have. Rickover had a fantastic idea, to send out on sweeps 20 vessels at a time with nuclear missiles attached. This was ignored.

In order to keep scum alive, in order to keep welfare going, we cancel military programs. Bob is getting tired of reading about soviet weapons. Their hand weapons are designed to shoot 1000 yards. We can’t hit anything with our basic infantry equipment. They do not have anything like our .45 automatics. The basic things we give our soldiers do not have the firepower. Even in the most simple things, we are way behind.

The one weapon the White House cannot cancel is the relationship which we have with the integrity of God. Did God answer David’s prayer? V. 6 is there answer.

To have esprit decorps. The Edomites, Moabites, and Syrians had all kinds of great military pluses; and David had esprit decorps.

The first thing which David did was to draft soldiers from Shechem. That is the idea of this word.

Psalm 60:6 God has spoken in (by means of) His holiness [integrity]: "With exultation I will divide up Shechem and portion out the Vale of Succoth.

He has a relationship with the integrity of God. Then he drafts an army. Then he defeats all of the nations around him.

Psalm 60:7 Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet; Judah is my scepter [policy maker].

Psalm 60:8 Moab is my washbasin [My field latrine]; upon Edom I cast my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph."

Between the disaster and the victory. David presents 2 rhetorical questions. Even after victory, there are variables.

Abishai took a corp and clobbered Edom. 18,000 casualties. Then Joab came in and exploited the victory with 12,000 casualties.

There is a group who held out in Petra, the fortified city. When David did all of these things, even his genius could not deal with all of the variables. Military genius cannot overcome; but what can overcome is the integrity of God. These are rhetorical questions. There is always a variable which jumps up. This reminds all of us that the difference is always the integrity of God.

A song the British used to sing, lest we forget. Never forget the source of our blessing. No matter how great a man is, there are variables greater than we are. Without the integrity of God, these variables are never overcome. Only the integrity of God makes the difference. It is our point of reference. Maximum intake of doctrine is the only way to deal with all of the variables. This is a reminder as to our shortfalls. We are all human. No matter how successful or wonderful we are, we cannot get away from our complete dependence upon the integrity of God. It is always the integrity of God and everyone should know it.

Psalm 60:9 Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?

God, did you not invade with our armies? Because of his adjustment, it was blessing in this case.

Psalm 60:10 Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go forth [invade], O God, with our armies.

Some wimp translated this passage.

Not nathan but jahav, and David is looking at the variables. Nathan is used for no variables. The integrity of God, which is the function of the justice of God, is so fantastic; and he is dealing with the intangibles of life.

Tsar means enemies. The more successful you become, the more enemies you will have. It is spiritual to have enemies. You will have enemies if your success is from the integrity of God. You cannot be successful without arousing the jealousy and the insane hostility of others. All successful people have enemies. They smile to your face and make all of the appropriate noises. David does not know where his enemies are.

A lot of people went home and hated David. They were jealous.

These are not the enemies in front of David; you can see them; they are the tangibles. You can see the chariots as the Syrians come in to attack, or the light infantry of the Philistines. However, these are the evil men who are arrogant and implacable toward you.

As a military man, David has had tremendous help. Tangible help against a visible enemy. He is the greatest general of his age. Now as he goes back, he faces the greatest enemy of all. The enemies that he does not know are his enemies. The treachery of arrogance and implacability. The wars are over for awhile. The people who act as if they are your friend, but are in truth your enemies. We have all been surrounded by people who claim to be our friends, but are, in truth, our enemies. David knew that the integrity of God which could overcome the enemy on the battlefield could also overcome the enemy in his palace and hidden in the land. These are part of the great variables of this life.

This brings us right back to our wall of fire.

Worthless is the deliverance of man.

Psalm 60:11 Oh, grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man [worthless is the deliverance of man]!

It is the smiling, sweet person who seeks to destroy you. God is a fortification and a wall of fire.

Psalm 62:9 Men of low degree are always worthless. Bob dedicates this to all those who hate his guts tonight. Men of rank are a lie; in the balances of the scale, they go up. When you are put on the balance with the men of integrity, you have no weight. They are lighter than breath.

Through the integrity of God or by means of the Godhead. Through doctrine, we will manufacture battle courage.

The same doctrine in our souls deals with the visible and invisible enemies in our lives. This doctrine gives us courage against the visible enemy and it provides protection against the invisible enemy.

This is the same doctrine which God tramples our enemies.

Bob expressed some sadness for someone who had died, and someone else said, “He ran you down every day.”

Psalm 60:12 With God we shall do valiantly [we will manufacture battle courage]; it is he who will tread down [trample into the dust] our foes [enemies].

Next we will study the political prosperity of David. He will be shown as a great administrator. There is the paperwork and the battle. David is great in both.

2Samuel 8:15                                       72David                                              631_0208

We are in the right place here.

4th of July conference is over. The mad scrambled for seats always awes Bob somewhat. The ushers stand back and watch people dive over seats and claim them in unusual ways. There is an apparent indifference between parents and children in church. Some of you are very lax. Apparently, there was a kid who fell out of a tree or something and is dying. Bob treats this kind of lightly, so it is hard to tell if this is actually going on.

Someone was led to return to Rhodesia, but was killed there in the military.

We are going to see David’s governmental prosperity. The variables increase immediately.

Malice in Blunderland by Thomas Martin. Recently I bought a new car for my wife. She picked one which appeared to be well-manufactured. Shortly, when she needed to make a left turn, every light went on, flashing. Took it to the dealer, expecting it to be solved, and they were assure the problem was trivial. They were told to wait and it would only be about 20 minutes. Because of the excellent engineering, but a ball bearing in the steering column was lost, and there was not one in stock. It had to be ordered from Germany, and it took 2 weeks to find it. It was delivered to Texas, but to Et Paso instead of Dallas. Just as before, the flashers came on, and none of the signal lights worked, and the steering wheel was twisted 90 degrees to the right when the wheels were straight.

General definition of a glitch: an inherent built-in fallibility in any human contrivance. From this is Murphy’s Laws. If something can go wrong, it will. If left to go, it will go to crap. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw. Revisions of Murphy’s Law. It will go wrong at the most difficult time. Nothing is foolproof because fools are ingenious. Interchangeable parts won’t. Reassembly will end up with additional components left on the bench. All constants are variables. The most obviously correct figure, will be the source of the error. After the last 16 mounting screws have been removed from an access plate, it will be discovered that the access plate is the wrong one.

The Finagle Factor. This corrects numerical errors, while the kluge does something else, and Granhome describes the kluge. Poorly matching parts which form a distressing whole.

Dobbins Law, when in doubt, use a bigger hammer. Severide’s Law: the chief cause of problems are solutions.

Apparently this all came out of Malice in Blunderland?

We are ready for David’s prosperity as a ruler. 998–965 b.c. is the time David will rule over all of Israel. He ruled over the largest piece of land that anyone would rule over in Israel until the Millennium. God has promoted David and has expanded Israel. This expanded kingdom is blessing from the justice of God.

Qal active participle of asah, which is making something out of existing materials. He manufactured out of the doctrine in his soul, a government of integrity.

Mishpat is the first word. This is judgment or the punishment of crime. There must be the suppression of crime. Crime destroys freedom. A ruler must have integrity and guilt must be established before any form of punishment was forthcoming. During all the time of Jewish history, there was always an emphasis upon evidence. The great breakdown of Jewish Law occurred when Jesus was tried. The Mosaic Law is the source of military policy and law. The lack of crime made Israel a good place ot live. Public executions, and they were attended by potential criminals who decided to turn to another source of livelihood.

Tsedeka. David had more power and more authority than any other ruler in all of Israel’s history. Integrity is the reward and recognition for those who are honorable in the kingdom. Honored professions like the military and police and governmental services.

Principles from v. 15

1.       The ruler of a nation must have virtue in the form of integrity.

2.       So much power invested in one person must be accompanied with personal integrity. Labor unions have become destructive and their whole reason for existence has been destroyed.

3.       David had that virtue or integrity from maximum doctrine in the soul.

4.       Therefore, David was fair and just in dealing with all people in his kingdom. He did not abuse his great power nor did he become arrogant because of this power. He was not susceptible to flattery.

5.       His kingdom had a number of different nationalities and ethnic groups.

6.       The administration of such an amalgamation called for great wisdom and integrity above and beyond the ability of any human being. He needed a system greater than he was. He had true humility. True humility is to have great power and not to abuse that power. Most people judge humility and arrogance in a very superficial manner. The greatest arrogance Bob has seen comes in phoney humble packages.

7.       The key to David’s success was in relationship to the integrity of God.

8.       National postulates fulfilled in David’s reign.

9.       One man with spiritual integrity cannot to the job by himself. He must have good subordinates.

10.     Administration demands the delegation of authority. There is a difference between administration and policy-making. Administration is constant. Administration is static. Good administration is a routine. Whatever it is. All policy comes out of Bob’s office. However, authority must be delegated there. Policy belongs to management; always. Labor unions come in and demand to make policy. If anyone is not qualified to make policy, it is labor. There is no suggestion box at the church. Delegation of authority requires the proper assignment of responsibilities to subordinates.

We are going to meet the policy-makers. David avoided bureaucracy, which attempts to make policy-makers out of administrators. Once the bureau gets started, there is this power-mad jackass who goes crazy with his power.

These are the policy-makers, and below them will be the administrators.

David was a fantastic policy-maker in Israel. Efficient government means freedom and inefficient government means tyranny.

2Sam. 8:15 So David reigned over all Israel. And David administered justice and equity to all his people.

We begin with the military. The fact that Joab was his nephew did not keep him out of this position. David was not concerned; he picked the best man for the job. A truly great man ignores criticism. He rejects it. He knows he is doing the correct thing and he does it.

Zeruiah was David’s sister. Bob envisions her as red-headed, and her children as well. She had 3 sons who became great generals.

Josephus tells us that their father is Suurree of Bethlehem and he died when his sons were small children. We do not know what her husband did. However, this mother grieved his death and still raised up 3 great warriors. If kids turn our well, the fathers get the credit and if they don’t, the mothers are blamed.


1.       Zeruiah was the sister of David whose husband died early.

2.       Zeruiah raised 3 warriors who are classified as being borderline geniuses. They are men of fantastic intellect and courageous men in war. Everyone has a different capacity in the armed forces. It is extremely important and our military has never understood the principle. WWII was a great exception with regards to the Navy. The most brilliant men, with a few exceptions, were officers in the Navy. The army promotes people who have no capacity except for politics during peace time.

3.       Joab served David faithfully. He did not waver in his loyalty to David. He probably admired Absalom probably more than anyone else, but he still remained loyal to David. He never allowed friendship or a woman to interfere with his job.

In the final battle of Ephraim, he killed Absalom. He knew if he obeyed the command of the king, there would never be an end to trouble.

He had the knack even more than David did in order to pick the right man for the job.

Once David died, he considered himself to be free to move in any direction. He made the wrong choice. He would have been a lousy king and a lousy army commander. He needed the supervision of a greater genius. He made it work because he was always loyal to a greater man. He was not a great independent commander.

Never mix your loyalty with arrogance. It is a rare person who can handle an independent command.

Somewhere in life, find out what your capacity is, and never push past it. Whatever it is, find it and stay with it. Do not be tempted to go above what your capacity dictates. That is how lives are destroyed. You will be a lot happier in life as well.

2Sam. 8:16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army, and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder,

2Samuel 8                                            72David                                              631_0209

We noted the difference between administration and policy making.

Bob reads Malice in Blunderland. This is all about bureaucracy, but just so-so. 20 minutes

There are always variables beyond any man, no matter how much of a genius he is. The verb means to remember, but Bob says he is a prime minister (Jehoshaphat)

the one causing to remember refers to a policy maker. He was the middle man between David and the administration.

The political and the military must be kept separate. The secretaries of this or that service really have no idea what to do with the military. Carter illustrates this. We fight every war with total inefficiency at the top. If it were not for those at the bottom, we would lose every war.

The excuse given is that we do not want a military coup. David separated the military from the civilian functions. These must not be allowed to overlap; that destroys the professionalism of the military.

The mayor is an amateur in the field of crime. When the mayor appoints the chief of police, he may not have the ability to actually figure out who is needed.

When it comes to a doctor, you find a professional. The infiltration of politics destroys other fields. Incompetence in the legal field or in the medical field, then people in that field ought to police that.

2Sam. 8:16 Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the army, and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder,

now we move to the spiritual side. There is the great principle of national relationship to the integrity of God.

Zadok and Abiathar are both related to Aaron. Zadok is from Eleazar; Abiathar is from the house of Ithamar, Aaron’s youngest son. Zadok was in the military?

The national postulates and the personal postulates. There is no advantage to the advantages without the advantage. If you have the advantage, then you have the advantages from the justice of God. Without the advantage, imputed righteousness + capacity.

The rest are national postulates. No nation can have the advantages without the advantage, which is what has carried our nation.

David also had an executive secretary, who helped David to keep up with all of the administration.

2Sam. 8:17 and Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were priests, and Seraiah was secretary,

It just takes one cluck to take out a ruler, and this does not solve anything. It leads to a takeover of power which is even worse. It intensifies the problem. Assassination is never the answer. This does not solve the problem at all.

Beniah succeeded Joab as the military chief-of-staff. Beniah is the great military hero. He personally killed Adonijah and then Joab. He was loyal to David even after his death.

The Cherethites were Greek sea people. They were pirates and traders. Pelethites were those Achaean Greeks. They could be killed in the Philistine war or being recruited. Some were recruited and they were loyal to David all of his life.

2Sam. 8:18 and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and David's sons were priests.

Joab was truly a great man, but it was a capacity matter. His ability and capacity required that he be under the command of a greater man. He was loyal as long as David was alive. However, he had to prove something.

David’s sons here became chief ministers. The whole family had great abilities.

Psalm 68:1–6

Psalm 68:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. A Song. God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him!

Above David is the justice of God. Even with all of his ability and all of his power, he cannot handle all of the variables. God must remove the variables in order for David to deal. He always stayed within his boundaries.

Psalm 68:2 As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them away; as wax melts before fire, so the wicked [so let the evil reversionist] shall perish before God!

David thinks about the pivot in v. 3.

Psalm 68:3 But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God [let them demonstrate esprit decorps before God]; they shall be jubilant with joy!

God is the deliverer.

Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song to him who rides through the deserts; his name is the LORD; exult before Him!

Orphans and widows are helpless.

Psalm 68:5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation.

Sarar; only the reversionist lies down in a parched land.

Adjustment to the justice of God overcomes the variables.

Psalm 68:6 God settles the solitary in a home; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.

Spiritual blessing, , blessing by association (ch. 9) and they match up with paragraph 1-3 for SG2.

David becomes a blessing to those in his periphery. He is a source of blessing. There are those who have total relationship to the integrity of God.


1.       There is direct blessing from God and indirect blessing.

2.       A mature believer can be a blessing to all of his loved ones.

3.       Those in the same business can be blessed.

4.       Professional blessing by association. Maybe it is a school, a symphony orchestra

5.       Social periphery.

6.       Church periphery.

7.       A geographical periphery. City, county, nation.

8.       Blessings may come directly from God or from the person who is mature.

9.       Even after death, blessing by association with a mature believer is perpetuated in the intimate relationships of life.

10.     A pastoral periphery. No congregation can exceed the maturity of its pastor.

Jonathan should have gone with David instead of staying with his father.

There was a nurse who tried to save Mephibosheth and both of his feet were injured when she fell down. 2Sam. 4:4 Have a little compassion for handicapped people; their variables are a little intensified. However, you do not give them too much sympathy if it leads to self-pity on their part. Let them do all they can; do not help them unnecessarily. Fundies are the worst that Bob has seen.

This will be a study of the handicapped.

This is after all of this great prosperity and the winning of all those wars.

This is what David does. Potential + capacity = reality. We have seen this in the military and in government; and soon with a handicapped person.

Doctrine is greater than any of us. Doctrine inside of us is greater than we are. These were given to us by God. David’s treatment of the handicapped will be challenged. He almost become abusive at one point; and David is a greater man at the end of the chapter than at the beginning.

2Sam. 9:1 And David said, "Is there still anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show [manufacture] him grace for Jonathan's sake?"

Ziba is the villain of the chapter. He is one of those scheming, crafty people. He is one of those kinds who lands on his feet. He was the master of CYA. This was a remarkable person in the field of brown-nosing. He is one of the greatest in all of history. He is called the surviving type who ingratiates himself to everyone. He is always sweetness and light. He was a master of the art of flattery. No unkind words in your presence; always in your absence.

Ziba was well-known in the kingdom. He had been in charge of Saul’s castle. Even with the loss of Saul, he ended up with a larger castle than even Saul; he had all Saul’s money and there was no one to challenge him except the crypt. Too much sensitivity leads to self-pity. Ziba had all of Saul’s estates and he was a wealthy man. 15 sons and his 20? He kept track of useful people and knew where Mephibosheth could be found.

2Sam. 9:2 Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David. And the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" And he said, "I am your servant."

Mephibosheth had been broken in spirit because of his handicap, and that is where we will leave Mephibosheth.

2Samuel 9:3–13                                   72David                                              631_0210

Ziba and Mephibosheth are the two people introduced in this chapter. Ziba is a scheming one who always lands on his feet. The Ziba’s of this life are with us always; they are conniving; they always cheat. Ziba figured out a way to abscond with all of Saul’s estate. He kept track of people who might be useful to him; so he knew where Mephibosheth was.

There is respect for authority and there is obsequiousness.

2Sam. 9:2 Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David. And the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" And he said, "I am your servant."

Mephibosheth was a hopeless cripple. This is a physical handicap which overflows into the soul.

2Sam. 9:3 And the king said, "Is there not still someone of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of God to him?" Ziba said to the king, "There is still a son of Jonathan; he is crippled in his feet."

So David asks him where Mephibosheth is. We will meet an interesting group of people whom we will never see again. Mephibosheth has a great background, but has crawled into a hole of self-pity. Then there is one of the noble people of life; he takes care of the details of life.

Never use anything as an excuse for your failures. There is no excuse. Don’t use the Angelic Conflict; don’t use this or that. So who hasn’t failed? None of us are perfect. Mephibosheth used his handicap as an excuse. There is only one excuse to fail in life and to become a wimpy crybaby and that is death. Legitimate excuses are just as bad as rationalized excuses. Handicaps are variables on the other end of life. Beyond David’s genius are variables. There are greater variables beyond handicaps. When the smoke clears, we will discover that Mephibosheth goes from 0 to 100 based upon grace. If you blame everything upon your handicap, you will always be a loser. Psychology and psychiatry are making millions of dollars on this. They find some legitimate excuse for you being a monster, and then Bob would charge a large price to do this.

If you recognize a failure and it involves sin, you confess it and move on.

Mephibosheth is, in many ways, worse than Ziba. Ziba knows what he wants and he is out to get it and he uses his evil ways to get what he wants. Mephibosheth has given up and suffers from give-up=itis. He has allowed a handicap to ruin him. One of the things we need to observe is, how do you treat the handicap. The fact that they have a handicap is none of our business. Never allow your children to ridicule anyone else. Children are cruel, but one reason they are cruel is because their parents are stupid. You do not ridicule a handicap and you watch your children to make sure that they do not ridicule others. The schools system used to be good about this. It is never too early to begin training children properly.

Machir has no handicap. He is an objective person. He is a man of great integrity and great honor. To the extent that you use people, you are just as weak as those who abuse the handicapped. The integrity of God is your relationship. Machir appears to be a believer, but nothing is said directly. He did the right thing in offering a home; a place of safety for Mephibosheth; and he did not use Mephibosheth to advance himself.

The justice of God gives us the righteousness of God. When we receive that, we are justified. That provides us with the a fortiori that, if God does the greater for us, then God will to the less. We will build up a tremendous a fortiori paragraph. Middle of Rom. 5 uses salvation as a springboard to teach a whole host of principles. We’ll be off of David by Sunday night; and apparently Romans is next? The Romans study is 1977.

2Sam. 17 tells us that Machir was a wealthy man, and it manifested itself in his graciousness, moral courage, etc. Some would have thought twice about provided a haven for Mephibosheth, who might be on the outs with the Davidic administration. Mephibosheth was living a normal life and had even acquired a wife. And he had his own son as well.

2Sam. 9:4 The king said to him, "Where is he?" And Ziba said to the king, "He is in the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, at Lo-debar."

2Sam. 9:5 Then King David sent and brought him from the house of Machir the son of Ammiel, at Lo-debar.

He followed the trend of his handicap, indicating that he was in bad shape spiritually. When he was summoned to the palace of the king, he thought he had been discovered and thought that this would be an execution. He knows nothing of the friendship between David and Jonathan.

What Mephibosheth is protocol before the king.

2Sam. 9:6 And Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan, son of Saul, came to David and fell on his face and paid homage [and prostrated himself]. And David said, "Mephibosheth!" And he answered, "Behold, I am your servant."

David told him not to be afraid. This is an order. And David explains. For someone expecting the firing squad, this is a nice switch. The justice of God uses maturity to care for the helpless. This is not a welfare state, but this is genuine charity. God expects the mature to take care of the helpless.

2Sam. 9:7 And David said to him, "Do not fear, for I will show you kindness [manufacture grace for you] for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the land of Saul your father, and you shall eat at my table always."

He falls down again. People in the habit of doing something, under pressure, do that thing. He was in the habit of falling apart. There is no sign that this is a young man from a royal house. We would expect to find courage, etc., but not with Mephibosheth. Never get your laughs from the handicapped. Get your kicks in another way.

He describes himself as a dead dog. This reveals the condition of Mephibosheth\s soul.

Profile of a Dead Dog

1.       Loss of his parents before he knew his parents; the handicap of being lame, the helplessness of personal poverty and being the ward of a private person took its toll on the soul of Mephibosheth. They collapsed his soul. No on can take the variables of life without doctrine. These variables hurt Mephibosheth. Variables can be created by your circumstances. None of us have any control over the variables of childhood; or of our early environment. We all have the ability to overcome any adverse variables. We have no excuse, as we have doctrine every day. Doctrine is the only answer to the variables of life. Clinical psychology would drool over your life. You came in here as cripples. Legalism despised you and threw you out. Many came in Berachah with a list of failures that would fill a textbook, with a list of explanations which is even larger. Berachah was a haven to you. No matter how the fundies have failed. Many of you came in here with combined variables that would crush geniuses today. It is doctrine which makes the difference. What is true of Berachah should be true of every local church. The very authority that you reject protects all of your problems. If you get too high and mighty, you are going to get hit with variables, and it reminds us that we are helpless, hopeless and useless.

2.       Dispirited and broken of soul, Mephibosheth had given up living. How could he give up living with a wife and a son and living with an honorable man.

3.       He was living in the shadow of a deformed soul.

4.       Physical deformity had turned to frustration, to disappointment; the variables of light had all but destroyed Mephibosheth. No believer can survive the variables of life without doctrine.

5.       Without doctrine and adjustment to the justice of God, a crippled body becomes a crippled soul. The first is okay the second is not. He had given up.

6.       Mephibosheth could not help his physical handicap, but he still had a soul and God still had a plan for his life.

7.       By association, the dead dog will become a living prince. Doctrine is our stability in life.

8.       Mephibosheth had been broken so many times, that he had wrecked his soul. He kept bending. A variable hits you and you bend. Self-pity hits him and he bends; but he never breaks.

2Sam. 9:8 And he paid homage and said, "What is your servant, that you should show regard for a dead dog such as I?"

The king then calls back Ziba, and he tells him, “All that belonged to Saul, I have given to your master’s grandson.” This is a decree. Ziba had taken over everything; he had stolen everything. He took control of Saul’s estates and profited by them. Ziba managed to scrounge up all that belonged so Saul.

2Sam. 9:9 Then the king called Ziba, Saul's servant, and said to him, "All that belonged to Saul and to all his house I have given to your master's grandson.

David makes decisions on facts. Saul had great authority and David never rejected that authority.

David had 15 sons and 20 managers, which indicated that there might be 20 castles they are in charge of. It takes organization to connive and cheat.

2Sam. 9:10 And you and your sons and your servants shall till the land for him and shall bring in the produce, that your master's grandson may have bread to eat. But Mephibosheth your master's grandson shall always eat at my table." Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

Ziba is using double-talk. He is trying to finagle here. It sounds good. Ziba never recognized anyone else’s authority but his own. They only knuckle under in order to get their way.

2Sam. 9:11 Then Ziba said to the king, "According to all that my lord the king commands his servant, so will your servant do." So Mephibosheth ate at David's table, like one of the king's sons.

Mephibosheth eats at the king’s table. He had a young son, Mica. All of those in Ziba’s house became Mephibosheth’s servants.

2Sam. 9:12 And Mephibosheth had a young son, whose name was Mica. And all who lived in Ziba's house became Mephibosheth's servants.

Mephibosheth moved to Jerusalem and he lived in the king’s palace and he ate at the king’s table. He is still lame; his handicap remains, but he is blessed by God. The point is, we all have handicaps, but we can do well in life and be blessed despite the handicaps. With doctrine, you can live with any handicap in life. Something is being done with his handicap of soul. He was lame in both feet.

2Sam. 9:13 So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, for he ate always at the king's table. Now he was lame in both his feet.

We will study the sequel in Sunday morning. He recovered from being crippled of soul.

2Samuel 9 16:1–4 19:24–30 21:7    72David                       Sunday AM 631_0211

We are still dealing with blessing by association. We have met Ziba and Mephibosheth. Ziba was without a handicap and he is one of the most evil types, as he appears to be nice, but in reality, he is the quintessence of evil.

We have no ability to cope with the variables of life. Our second word is called trends. Mephibosheth calls himself a dead dog in David’s presence; and he had a defeated dispirited outlook on life. Ziba was, on the other hand, greatly arrogant. The trends match their sin natures.

For the unbeliever, first what is needed as salvation adjustment to the justice of God. It takes time to catch up with deceitful and evil people. He should have caught up with himself and change his trend. What is required is the spiritual solution.

Ziba schemed to get all of his stuff back along with all of Saul’s stuff. It was apparently divided up to 20 properties, overseen by 20 different managers. However, he is now going to work for Mephibosheth, and the profits will no longer go into his pocket. So, he is going to look for an opportunity to take this back. They just need the chance to get what they want. They come in speaking your language, but that is a facade behind which is extreme ambition. The opportunity for the expression of trends will come in the Absalom revolution, and David made the decision to leave Jerusalem. This allows Ziba to utilize his trends. 2Sam. 16: he meets David with provisions, and he said that he wanted to help him in his time of need. At the same time, he lied about Mephibosheth.


Mephibosheth was not the victim and

2Sam. 16:1 When David had passed a little beyond the summit, Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth met him, with a couple of donkeys saddled, bearing two hundred loaves of bread, a hundred bunches of raisins, a hundred of summer fruits, and a skin of wine.

2Sam. 16:2 And the king said to Ziba, "Why have you brought these?" Ziba answered, "The donkeys are for the king's household to ride on, the bread and summer fruit for the young men to eat, and the wine for those who faint in the wilderness to drink."

2Sam. 16:3 And the king said, "And where is your master's son?" Ziba said to the king, "Behold, he remains in Jerusalem, for he said, 'Today the house of Israel will give me back the kingdom of my father.'"

Ziba spent most of his life trying to undercut Mephibosheth. Had David recognized that Ziba was a lying SOB, he would have seen through this lie immediately. Absalom was seeking the kingdom for himself and not for the house of Saul. The dynasty of Saul was all over and it was not coming back.

David is under pressure here and does not think this through and he is inclined to believe someone who is as thoughtful as Ziba.

David makes a hasty decision, and he gives all of Mephibosheth’s wealth to Ziba. David gave the property of Saul to lying Ziba. David has personal integrity and he superimposed his own integrity onto Ziba. This happens all the time today. There are a certain number of Ziba’s in our midst. They all have a facade and they say they are loyal to those they serve, and then they throw in the conjunction but. Then they fellow their trends, like building their happiness upon someone else’s unhappiness. After you are burned by a few Ziba’s, you catch on. But David fell for this hook, line and sinker. Mephibosheth was just biding his time, according to Ziba; but it was really Ziba who was biding his time to take back his stuff. Ziba disguised his motivation and objectives. To acquire these, they must have a facade. He made Mephibosheth seem like an opportunist biding his time.

2Sam. 16:4 Then the king said to Ziba, "Behold, all that belonged to Mephibosheth is now yours." And Ziba said, "I pay homage; let me ever find favor in your sight, my lord the king."

David has an antagonistic attitude here, and he is called the grandson of Saul. Mephibosheth was still loyal to David.

Mephibosheth protested against David’s situation by doing these things; not trimming his beard or washing his clothes.

2Sam. 19:24 And Mephibosheth the son of Saul came down to meet the king. He had neither taken care of his feet nor trimmed his beard nor washed his clothes, from the day the king departed until the day he came back in safety.

2Sam. 19:25 And when he came to Jerusalem to meet the king, the king said to him, "Why did you not go with me, Mephibosheth?"

He was in the stables trying to saddle his own royal ass to go with David. But Ziba talked him out of it.

2Sam. 19:26 He answered, "My lord, O king, my servant deceived me, for your servant said to him, 'I will saddle a donkey for myself, that I may ride on it and go with the king.' For your servant is lame.

It is possible that these provisions were all from Mephibosheth. He was talked out of going by Ziba. He stated his case briefly, and then asked David to decide, based upon what they both said. He is a man of honor and integrity. He does not beg. People of integrity do not beg. They never play on sympathy. They do not appeal to the emotion.

Mephibosheth does not pull that dead dog routine.

2Sam. 19:27 He has slandered your servant to my lord the king. But my lord the king is like the angel of God; do therefore what seems good to you.

17 years later, he recalls the gracious act of David, and recalls it, and this made a new man out of Mephibosheth. With integrity comes gratitude; this is a true appreciation for others. Mephibosheth had been receiving spiritual as well as physical food.

Therefore, “What right do I have to cry out to the king?” He presents the facts; that is all he intends to do. This man is crippled and he will not allow the king to feel sorry for him. He does not appeal to David’s compassion, but to his justice.

2Sam. 19:28 For all my father's house were but men doomed to death before my lord the king, but you set your servant among those who eat at your table. What further right have I, then, to cry to the king?"

While he heard Mephibosheth talk, David made a decision. David decides to once and for all settle this matter. Saul’s great estates to be divided.

Justice of the King

1.       It was obvious from the appearance of Mephibosheth and his resume of the facts that he had been loyal to David.

2.       The deception of Ziba cause Mephibosheth to be left behind. It was God’s will for Mephibosheth to be left behind.

3.       Mephibosheth went into mourning for David and demonstrated this by neglecting his personal appearance.

4.       Such action was his protest to Absalom, who for awhile occupied the palace and there was Mephibosheth stinking up the place, an eyesore in the palace. When there was a challenge, Mephibosheth would say, “I am loyal to David and I will not do anything until David returns.” That is a great man of courage, much different from the Mephibosheth which we met before. Absalom was David’s favorite son; they looked alike and thought alike; and they seemed to have the same abilities. They all thought that this was another David. But he was not like David in his soul. Mephibosheth with maximum doctrine in his soul demonstrated integrity. He knew that he would never be the king. Joab disobeyed the king and killed Absalom, even though they were 1st cousins who grew up together. However, he knew that Absalom would be trouble, no matter what. Mephibosheth faced his variable, that he could not go into the field. He could mount an ass and ride, but after that, he was helpless. In staying in the palace, he was David’s greatest weapon. He did more to stop the revolution than anyone else. Mephibosheth had what Absalom lacked; doctrine in the soul. Absalom was once a great believer, but reversionism had destroyed him.

5.       It took great courage to stand up to Absalom in this way. Moral courage is the greatest type of courage. Moral courage is what is important and this is true courage. Physical courage can come from a variety of things, like emotion; extreme anger. It can be a temporary insanity from extreme anger.

6.       Maximum intake of doctrine, maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

7.       The brave man may fall. Where it counted, spiritually and morally, he had true courage, despite his physical handicap. Many a coward passes as a courageous person because of the jacking up of his emotions and a temporary inspirational act.

8.       Why did David give half of the property of Saul to Ziba? David was a great man and he understood justice as most people do not. Some people don’t even give their friends the benefit of the doubt when they hear gossip. They totally lack a sense of justice. Here is the greatness of David; he had a perfect sense of justice. He recognized what Ziba did in providing for him, and because of that, he gave him half the kingdom. By giving him half of Saul’s property, he protects Mephibosheth for life. He allows Ziba to be destroyed by his own trend, even with great wealth. They are both wealthy. Ziba will destroy himself with his own trends. David does not hang Ziba or put him in jail. He recognizes trends and he recognizes the overt act of helping him in a time of disaster. But he condemns Ziba to make it on his own. What Ziba tried to do, he failed; and he will wallow miserably in his trends until death, and he will not be able to take Mephibosheth down. The king would have been wrong to execute Ziba who helped him. People would have seen David as ungrateful. People who are smarter than everyone else will do things that the average people do not understand. He lied about Mephibosheth, and now he has half of his estate. This was brilliant. This is perfect justice. Ziba had the wrong motivation, and justice take cognizance of friends. He pulled Ziba’s teeth by giving him half of Saul’s kingdom, to let him wallow in his own problems. The king’s integrity was involved as well as the correct administration of justice.

9.       Justice of a king required payment of an obligation.

10.     Justice of a king understood that Mephibosheth was telling the truth and that Ziba was lying to him. Ziba has a trend; Mephibosheth has a trend. Ziba’s trend is self-destructive. He cannot follow this trend in jail; and freedom allows him to follow his evil trend out. David will allow him to play his trend out. Out of the 15 sons of Ziba, there may be some who will grow and make salvation adjustment to the justice of God. If none of the estate was given to Ziba, his sons would be in trouble. Why should this corporation suffer because of this one man. Giving all of this wealth to Ziba is not going to take from Mephibosheth, because he has the capacity. He does not need all of it in order to be happy. He has a wife and child. You can give the same thing to 2 people, and doctrine will determine who is happy and who is miserable. Mephibosheth will be happy the rest of his life and Ziba will be miserable. This is a genius administering justice. He recognized that everything that Mephibosheth said was true. Mephibosheth finally comes into his own. Above all, he has the capacity. You can have that wealth and be happy and not have the capacity and be miserable.

11.     Ziba has to live with himself, and he has a fortune, but no capacity.

12.     In effect, the justice of the king leaves Ziba to the higher court.

Also, Ziba is going to be always concerned about the other half of Saul’s property, which he will never get, and that will bother him all of his life.

2Sam. 19:29 And the king said to him, "Why speak any more of your affairs? I have decided: you and Ziba shall divide the land."

Here, we find the real person is the soul. Now, could this be him saying, “As far as I am concerned, he can have it all.”

No handicap in that attitude. This demonstrates what Saul should have been and could have been, but was not. Mephibosheth was greater than Saul and even than Jonathan. Doctrine in his soul made him great. Saul had the potential, and Jonathan had the potential, but neither of them reached their potential. Mephibosheth, unattractive, crippled, and he greater than all of them. Mephibosheth is one of the great men of his day. The real David jr. Is Mephibosheth, and not Absalom.

For the rest of his life, there will sit a man, hopelessly handicapped, and not his son, but his great soul makes him David Jr. None of David’s other sons, apart from Solomon and Nathan, seemed to develop any spiritual integrity. However, we know nothing about Nathan.

2Sam. 19:30 And Mephibosheth said to the king, "Oh, let him take it all, since my lord the king has come safely home."

The Gibeonites came to David for some justice. Saul tried to destroy them. Joshua made a deal with them that always stood. But Saul ignored this and massacred many of them. David will allow one to be spared.

 2Sam. 21:7 But the king spared Mephibosheth, the son of Saul's son Jonathan, because of the oath of the LORD that was between them, between David and Jonathan the son of Saul.

Psalm 131 1Kings 11:4–6                   72David                                              631_0212

The principle of historical impact related to David. This is apparently the 2nd session on Sunday?

We are going to study a subject which is generally misunderstood.

First 3 Paragraphs of SG2

David had spiritual prosperity in 2Sam. 7

Temporal prosperity as a soldier and king 2Sam. 8

blessing by association. 2Sam. 9

Historical impact

Sooner or later, we all come to the variables of life. Then we have the problem of the trends. Prosperity and maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

Feminine plural of maalah, which means ascent, going up; advancement. This is a song of advancements with reference to David.

Psalm 131 inscriptions A Song of Advancement with reference to David.

Negative lo and gabah, with a paradoxical hê. O, Lord, my right lobe is not arrogant. Variables are outside of the individual. Rum to raise oneself up; the idiom is, I am not promoting myself.

The Piel perfect of halak, which means to go, to march, to proceed; to involve onself (in the Piel). David recognizes that the variables of life are totally beyond human ability. Be + the participle of pala, which means to be extraordinary, too hard, too difficult.

When you have maturity adjustment to the Justice of God, you have no hangups, nothing to prove, no arrogance to weaken him, no cause to panic. He is free from the things which could destroy him. In one brief verse, David understood the variables of life, and he never lost his perspective.

Psalm 131:1 O LORD, my heart is not lifted up [my right lobe is not arrogant]; my eyes are not raised too high [i.e., I am not promoting myself]; I do not occupy [involve] myself with things [matters] too great [too difficult] and too marvelous for me.

Victory over the trends of his soul. Hyperactivity is not the issue here. We begin with a real problem, with a rare idiom which is hard to understand. Im lo. Usually behold, but there is a negative, which gives us an affirmative demonstrative. This is a formula for positive results, and we can say emphatically. Shawah in the Piel it means to smooth down, to sooth, to equalize. Emphatically, I have equalized.... Dammam closes the mouth and it means to shut up. However, in the Poel, it intensified silence. It means to have composure.

David is speaking of trends. A child before weaning does not have trends. He has not had a chance to develop any trends. Whatever trends he developed of the old sin nature, which have dominated; and there are trends and the variables; and they are both eliminated. A weaned child is the analogy. The child is helpless and without sin nature trends. He is helpless to handle the trends and the variables, but God has provided with logistical grace, both of these.

Psalm 131:2 But I have calmed and quieted [Emphatically, I have equalized and composed] my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.

The historical impact of David. Imperative mood, not the imperfect. Jachal means to run away and to be in such terrible pain, and to find the spiritual strength to bear the pain. Here, to wait, to expect, to hope. From the time of David, time and time again, this phrase would be used in times of disaster. The command is to have a relationship with the integrity of God. This is hope in the technical sense.

Hope in or toward the Lord.

From this moment and forever. They are to achieve the 3 adjustments to the justice of God. As goes the pivot, so goes the nation. Salvation adjustment to the justice of God.

The postulates dealing with the integrity of God and the nation. No nation can have the advantages without the advantage. David’s command establishes that principle. A nation without the advantage loses the advantages. No nation can recover its advantages without the advantage. Loss of advantages and the advantage could remove that nation from history.

Psalm 131:3 O Israel, hope in the LORD from this time forth and forevermore.

This introduces the historical impact of David. A variable combined with a trend means you are ruined; if a variable is combined with doctrine of the soul, you are a winner. At this point in Solomon’s life, he was a loser. He was in reversionism.

Having a complete right lobe means maturity adjustment to the Justice of God. David is blessed of God because he has maturity adjustment to the justice of God.

1Kings 11:4 For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true [complete] to the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father.

1Kings 11:5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.

Solomon manufactures evil out of his reversionism.

Mala means to complete, to fill up. He was not filled up with doctrine like David. He did not attain maturity adjustment to the Justice of God. Who is the norms and standards? Who is the criterion? David.

1Kings 11:6 So Solomon did what was evil [manufactured the evil] in the sight of the LORD and did not wholly follow the LORD, as David his father had done.

Lets go to 1Kings 11, a few hundred years later.

1Kings 15:11 And Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as David his father had done.

A few hundred years later with Amaziah. He manufactured integrity but did not go far enough.

2Kings 14:3 And he did what was right [manufactured integrity] in the eyes of the LORD, yet not like David his father. He did in all things as Joash his father had done.

Ahab followed his trends and did not do well with variables.

2Kings 16:2 Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD his God, as his father David had done,

Now, 300 years after David.

2Kings 18:3 And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that David his father had done.

He was caused to stand according to the justice of David his father.

2Chron.  8:14 According to the ruling of David his father, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their service, and the Levites for their offices of praise and ministry before the priests as the duty of each day required, and the gatekeepers in their divisions at each gate, for so David the man of God had commanded.

2Chronicles 17:3 The LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the earlier ways of his father David. He did not seek the Baals,

2Chronicles 28:1 Ahaz was twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. And he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as his father David had done,

2Chronicles 29:2 And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, according to all that David his father had done.

This takes is to 500 years later. There were 2 kings of kings who sat on the throne and those with maturity adjustment to the justice of God, or there was maladjustment to the justice of God. Those who succeeded, succeeded like David did. The same principles for those who succeeded.

He manufactures out of doctrine integrity in the eyes of the Lord.

2Chronicles 34:2 And he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, and walked in the ways of David his father; and he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.

Here is a tremendous principle of historical impact, which is the difference between blessing and lack of blessing to a nation.

2Chronicles 34:3 For in the eighth year of his reign, while he was yet a boy, he began to seek the God of David his father, and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the Asherim, and the carved and the metal images.

Psalm 132:8–11

A command is made here to the Lord, and this refers to Israel as the priest nation. The justice of God must be propitiated in order to bless nations. It is to bless nations and individuals.

Psalm 132:8 Arise, O LORD, and go to Your resting place [the place of Your inhabitation, which is the priest nation Israel], you and the ark of your might.

The priests here are not Levitical priests, but the people in a nation. These are the mature believers in a priest nation.

Jesus Christ overcomes the variables in historical disaster, which is in response to a large enough pivot to do so. The response is to God and His deliverance. Deliverance in historical disaster. Maturity adjustment to the Justice of God is the reality of blessing in this life.

Psalm 132:9 Let your priests be clothed with righteousness, and let your saints [godly ones or grace orientated believers in the pivot] shout for joy [celebrate with shouting and singing].

This was a prayer prayed during historical disaster. There is a parallel passage in Psalm 89, which is David’s historical impact. All of this is David’s historical impact. It is not who and what we are, in the approach of the fifth cycle of discipline, but based upon who and what David was.

Psalm 132:10 For the sake of your servant David, do not turn away the face of your anointed one [the Messiah, Who controls history].

This prayer would be prayed, but the pivot was too small. Israel will again be a nation. The priest nation will be formed again, and with the formation of the priest nation, we have the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant.

Reflexive Niphal perfect of shava, which is a solemn promise. We can depend upon God’s integrity and we can depend upon doctrine. Both the promise and the doctrine are from the integrity of God. They relate to David under the principle of historical impact.

From the body of David will come Joseph and Mary and from that, the 1st advent. It is very rare for any great person to go beyond his own history. Abraham had an impact on history right now to the present time; the same for Moses. The impact of David will be perpetuated forever. Wherever you see David’s name, it is like David.

Jesus Christ is continually tied to the seed of David. David took to himself Bible doctrine into his soul until he had that total relationship with the integrity of God. Because of this, eternal God would become God. No one had greater historical impact than David.

Psalm 132:11 The LORD swore to David a sure oath [solemn promise] from which he will not turn back: "One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne.

Back to Romans tomorrow night and eventually, Bob will go back to David.

2Samuel 10:1                                       72David                                              631_0213

This is 1.5 years later from the last lesson.

Re-listened to the first 23 minutes to improve the notes and then I went back to re-write some of the notes as well.

aegean_map.jpgFrom http://iris.haverford.edu/athens/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/Aegean_Map.png

There will be a service tonite, even though it is not on the bulletin Bum Philips said that if you leave church early, it will be bad luck for the Oilers.

998–960 b.c. is when this portion of 2Samuel is occurring. It is a very strange period of time in human history. About 200 years before David had come to the throne (circa 1004 b.c.), the great Hittite empire was suddenly destroyed because of an eruption of the Great Sea Peoples who came out of Europe.

From Wikipedia: The Sea Peoples is the term used for a confederacy of seafaring raiders of the second millennium b.c. who sailed into the eastern Mediterranean, caused political unrest, and attempted to enter or control Egyptian territory during the late 19th dynasty and especially during Year 8 of Rameses III of the 20th Dynasty. The Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah explicitly refers to them by the term "the foreign-countries (or 'peoples') of the sea"

These Sea Peoples had crossed over the Hellespont (a peninsula which allowed the Greeks to cross over from Thrace into Asia Minor—see the map above). They took Troy and Bogaz-Keui. The latter city was the capital of the Hittite empire; and later known as Hattusas. It is also spelled Boğazköy or Boghazkeui

These people were apparently a part of the great Dorian thrust which caused the dark ages in Greece. They later became known as Phrygians, Lykians, Mycenaeans; these people who were some sort of a strange barbaric people. They moved all through Anatolia [ancient Turkey] but did not cross over the Taurus mountains into the plains of Syria [not on the map below, but obviously between Anatolia and Syria]—this helped in the time of David.

anatolia.jpgFrom http://www.peacepension.com/Map%20of%20Turkey.jpg

They moved about and made one excursion through Palestine heading for Egypt. Rameses III stopped them in Egypt. The remnants of this attacking force moved into the Gaza strip and became the Philistines; the Philistines are Greeks; an amalgamation of some Greek groups—the Mycenaeans (or Achaeans), the various Dorian groups who had been taking places like Cypress and Crete and would eventually become the Etruscans in Italy.

It was a very strange period of history in which David finds himself. To David’s north is Tiglath Pileser’s Assyrian empire went into a sudden decline. The Egyptians of the 20th dynasty also went into a mysterious decline. The Hittite empire was broken down into a series of states, including the neo-Syrian states.

According to Wikipedia: The ends of several civilizations around 1175 b.c. have instigated a theory that the Sea Peoples may have caused the collapse of the Hittite, Mycenaean and Mitanni kingdoms.

However, at this time in history, one group of people became very famous. Some Semitic nomads wandered about and they called themselves Aramæans (the Greeks called the Syrians). Abraham’s brother Nahor had a son, Aram, who is the source of the Aramæans [others trace the Aramæans back to Aram, the son of Shem—Gen. 10:22] . They began to conquer the area later called Aram. Next door to them was a Neo-Hittite empire which was quiet at that time. Next to that was a strange people called the Phœnicians, part Greek, part Canaanite and part Semitic (historians recently discovered this). The Phœnicians were made up from the Canaanites and the sea peoples (and from Semites?). They became a great maritime empire. The Phœnicians apparently learned how to be a great sea-faring people from the Great Sea peoples, and from the Achaeans the Palisgaeans those who had conquered Troy and had destroyed the Hittite empire and were now spreading out and exploring all over the world.

There is this sudden strange interlude and all of the big empires became quiet. The Philistines tried to conquer everything but David stopped them. The Edomites and the Ammonites are causing some trouble and David stopped them. It is the peoples to the north, the Aramæans, who are beginning to cause some real problems. During the 80 years of Israel’s golden era, there is this strange unusual interlude; everything became suddenly quiet in the Middle East. This is because Jesus Christ controls history. He stopped the growth of the dominant empires of that millennium. Assyria would be quiet for about 100 years not kick into gear until a bit after Solomon. Then it would become the great neo-Assyrian empire, under Tiglath Pileser III, Sargon II, Sennacherib, Esarhaddon and Ashurbanipal. The decline of the Hittites and the Egyptian 20th dynasty all declined mysteriously, but it is easy to explain: Jesus Christ controls history.

David’s great success is by God making all of this possible, by what is called a strange interlude in history. The Phrygian empire which conquered the Anatolian high plateaus. But did not move down into Palestine to conquer there. The Phrygians would settle in around Turkey, with several great kings, including Midas; and their great day would come after David.

The Assyrians, who would eventually conquer the northern kingdom and place them under discipline, are quiet at this time and pushed back by the Aramæans.

Also quiet are the Hurrians, who developed the horse training systems of the ancient world and had developed a cumbersome chariot later to be replaced by a sleeker war model.

The kingdom of Natani pushed and shrunk by the Aramæan invasion. The Hittites are a vassal state to the Aramæans.

The Jews are friendly with the Phœnicians. They made it possible for us to speak phonetically and for us to have writing.

The Canaanite branch of the Phœnicians who took from the hieroglyphics the oxhead, and changed it into a word which stands for a letter, eventually changed into an aleph. The Phœnicians took their language about, and other people made a few changes to it. Every letter from our alphabet can be traced back to the Phœnicians. When the Greeks came in contact with the Phœnicians, and they showed the Barbaric Greeks came into contact with the Phœnicians, the barbaric Greeks learned how to use it, virtually overnight, and they developed a language and the 5th Century Greek was simply based upon taking this alphabet all over the world. There arose the 5th century golden age, all coming from this and the blessing by association with David and Solomon. They traveled all over the world, taking their alphabet with them.

We are about to see a great crisis. The Aramæans had conquered all of the lands above Israel.

1.5 years ago when David was studied. David was now king over all Israel. He is in a period of great professional prosperity as well. Mephibosheth he is a blessing by association.

Hiram, king of the Phœnicians, who had already conquered Cypress, will make a treaty first with David and then with Solomon. This will be a great thing and allowed for missionary activity from client nation Israel.

We continue our subject of crisis; disaster dynamics.

War and a client nation.

Vv. 1–7 the nation in time of peace

vv. 8– the nation in time of peace.

David had many friends round about. In v. 1, we see the death of a friend. The Ammonites were a degenerate people, but a very tough people.

The language of the Phœnicians and the language of the Bible are very similar.

We will go from great peace and prosperity to a crisis situation. David has been blessed like few people in life. He had every sort of material prosperity. He had wealth, fame, authority, promotion, sexual prosperity. He had many friends and friends in the nations round about.

In v. 1 we have a friend of David’s. The Ammonites were a very tough people although often degenerate. It came to pass after this....

A tremendous thinking was buried in Barbarian brains unleashed by their contact with the Phœnicians. Language of the Phœnicians and the language of David are quite similar.

We are about to go from a peaceful situation to a crisis situation.

It came to pass after this

1.       Even in times of prosperity, things never remain the same in this life. Things are always changing; we are always changing. Even in prosperity, things never remain the same in this life. Prosperity can only be perpetuated under the principle that Jesus Christ controls history. You are either worse today or better. The day you miss doctrine is the day you take a nosedive. Even in prosperity, things never remain the same. Calvin Coolidge in his state of the union address said, “Things have never been better” in 1929, and the market fell at that point. Things never stand still. They become better and they become worse. It is important to know in every facet of your life. By standing still, you might become worse. The only solution to crisis or disaster is the ability to think. The Greeks were some of the most barbarous people who have lived. The Dorians, Likians, Thracians, Ionians, etc. all were barbaric. Once they were given words and an alphabet which was phonetic, and then they became the brilliant people that they were. They were able to think, which requires words and new words and concepts. People in our culture have stopped thinking and our system is used to peddle drugs to young people; the whole system of drug addiction destroys the mechanical ability to think. We lose our greatness when we destroy our brain cells, and there are 100's of thousands of kids hooked on drugs. Many of you have stopped thinking years ago; but doctrine will give you capacity for life. It will open you up to thoughts and subjects and books.

2.       Life is a set of changing circumstances, but the mature believer has capacity for thinking and for change; and he has enthusiasm for many subjects. Great decline in science, because everything is related to peace. Project Manhattan was an incredible thing and they were fascinated by the subject. We ought to use gas as rapidly as possible and encourages the use of gas as quickly as possible so that we use new energy forms. We will be surpassed by the Russians, who never could think, but they have captured Germans. The day they began shipping coal from Wyoming to San Antonio, we are going backwards. Our indoor plumbing is the greatest in the world. We are going back to the evil philosopher Rousseau. We will instead mess up the outside. We are trying to preserve everything for the noble savage concept.

3.       Part of the prosperity from the justice of God is being able to orient to change. We must be able to know change when it si coming, analyze that change and learn to deal with it. Prosperity imputed from the justice of God allows us to orient from the soul to the change.

4.       What is true of the believer is also true of the client nation. A client nation is called of God to have laws of divine establishment operate so well that freedom reigns. We are a client nation with maximum freedom. We are free to accept or to reject Jesus Christ. Our government does not yet persecute believers for gathering or evangelists for spreading the gospel. The client nation is also the haven for the Jews. This was not true, of course, during the Age of Israel. At that time, they were the client nation. It is the Jew Barry Goldwater who opposes the president who wants to make a treaty with the Communists. The Shah of Iran is a great man and he has set up great principles of education, and liberals have come in there and have destroyed this.

Waw ya he. This was a time of prosperity, but things never stand still. Large pivot of mature believers, like David and Joab, and they were great believers. Man cannot perpetuate anything good or anything bad. Jesus Christ controls history. Part of the prosperity is being able to adjust to changing circumstances. The good old days of the past become pleasant memories to be replaced by the new challenges of the present. We become so preoccupied with the good old days, that we become disoriented to life and are divorced from reality. No matter what good times you have had in the past, all of the good times and all of the fun will not carry us in any catastrophe. Even Napoleon did not realize how much his world was changing. He made many changes, and he did not realize that the changes which me made would continue.

You read the papers and have a nervous breakdown; Bob reads the papers in order to be informed. For the mature believer, happiness in life does not depend upon circumstances or perpetuating the good old days. It is based upon maximum doctrine in the soul. Doctrine in the soul and the ability to think divine viewpoint in your soul. Doctrine which is learned through concentration on Bible teaching; we are hear to think.

Bob has attempted to remove anything which distract from Bible teaching. The stained glass windows have been removed so that we can concentrate. There is no such thing as a perpetually courageous person. You have to keep on growing to continue with bravery.

A dear friend of David has died, a king of Ammon, and he is The Ammonites are just across the Jordan, in a place we call today Transjordan. There is that 14 foot bed and a 10 foot giant.

Jews took the direct route to Rabbah, and they should have gone through the valley? This is important to the interpretation of this passage. Even some of the Ammonites had been converted from across the Jordan.

In Deut. 23:3–4, the Jews were not allowed to attack the Ammonites, as they were their cousins. They continually hooked up with other nations to destroy the Jews. The exception is this time when there is a friendship between David and Nahash. The Ammonites were always jealous of the Jews. The Amorites were to the south of them and to the east of them. Joshua defeated the Amorites and the Ammonites were able to conquer the Hittites at a time when the Hittites were the greatest nation in the world. You can do everything in the world for some people and you never get any appreciation. They are arrogant and jealous. More poor people are arrogant. You do something for them and they are jealous. You do something for them and they are jealous of you. We have aroused the arrogance of our poor through socialism. The more you do through socialism and the welfare state, the more they want to take from you. Calvin said it, People are no damn good. David had a great period of peace and prosperity. Nahash was a believer and David apparently led him to the Lord. As soon as he dies, it will change.

The Tel AMARNA tablets tell us some things. The Moabites were big hairy people and they looked like apes.

Being kind to other nations and helping them does not prevent these jealous nations from turning on you. You will see the Chinese turn on us.

You can help a nation, and they will turn on you and destroy you if they can. 1946–1977 list of money we have given to other nations. $1.098 billion to Bangladesh. India $6 billion. Israel $8 billion. We have given Cuba $20 million. $339 million to Panama. $22 billion to Vietnam. $7 trillion to France? And yet, we don’t have a friend in the world. You cannot buy friends. Being kind to nations and helping them does not keep them from turning on you.

The US is one of the most hated and despised nation in the world today. Outside of a few countries, we are despised completely and totally.

2Sam. 10:1 And it happened afterward, the king of the Ammonites died. And his son Hanun reigned in his place.

2Samuel 10:1                                       72David                                              631_0214

No matter how much power a man has, nor how great he is, or how successful he is in any realm of life, he still has to do his own dying. There are those who have power and authority; power and no authority, authority and no power; neither; and these combinations with wealth or lack of. The greatest and worst people in life all must face the issue of dying, just as everyone has to face their own living. Being respected by others is no advantage. The only thing that we take with us is the doctrine in our souls.

The king of Ammon died, and many were sympathetic; but he had to die on his own. There was the crown prince, who was evil and weak. He was treated well because his father was great. He was respected and loved because of the greatness of his father. At this time, Ammon had never been better off. But they were only interested in themselves and in their own personal image. They had no interest in being beneficial to others. They began to flatter the high prince and they had his ear through flattery.

To the extent that a believer is open to flattery, he has a blind side with regards to people in that area. Business, athletics and the spiritual life all involve flattery; and because flattery has become so great and has become so accepted and some have become so accepted, we can no longer think in terms of being an American; nor to we orient to the reality of the time in which we live.

The welfare state is the order of the day everywhere. We have evil and sloppy thinking. It will take the nation 100 years to recover from his rule. There are those who are weak and vain and susceptible to flattery, unable to handle authority. Authority destroys them. They are prone to arrogance and self righteousness.

A friendly nation today can become an enemy tomorrow. A nation must not depend upon other nations for its freedom or survival. Every nation must depend upon 2 factors for its indecence and freedom: functioning apart from equality propaganda. Freedom and equality cannot coexist. The pivot of mature believers can offset shortcomings. The greatest of people die. Greatness is no substitute for happiness; greatness is no guarantee against death. Courtesy must never be construed as weakness or cowardice. Courtesy is neither weakness or cowardice.

2Sam. 10:1 And it happened afterward, the king of the Ammonites died. And his son Hanun reigned in his place.

This will be David’s thinking and his policy. The death of one king means a change of policy. A different phase of history. Kindness and courtesy is always the way to start. Qal imperfect of asah, which is to manufacture something out of something.

the manufacturing of grace. Chanun the son of Nahash. Nahash respected David’s graciousness; but the bully and the coward do not understand graciousness and kindness; they view it as weakness. There is a history of 500 years as surviving as a nation. However, their dependence is upon physical strength. However, they do not understand David and his graciousness. The weak nation cannot understand the honorable motivation of the strong nation. Israel is at its peak and it is still going up. The Dorians in Greece and Europe; in the mountains of Macedonia is another; the Aramæans are strengthening. So many great nations will be great again, although many are in the decline. 2 cousin nations are rising up; the Aramæans and the Jews.

Nahash showed grace to David when Saul was after him; and he even took care of his parents for awhile. During David’s years as a soldier of fortune, Nahash was gracious to him. He was a humble man and recognized what others had done for him. David’s head had not been turned by his success. He maintained an equilibrium of humility. He never ceased to forget any kindness done to him. Nahash abandoned the traditional animosity against the Jews, and this advanced his cause and his country’s welfare.

The son, Hanun, was an arrogant fool. He ignored David’s graciousness. He assumed that David sending an embassy was a sign of weakness. This will be Hanun’s greatest blunder, to reject David’s friendship. Arrogant people have no right to rule. He will discover that David is 1 or the 2 more powerful men in that region. David will go to war with the man until Hanun is destroyed. Arrogance destroys talent and ability. Arrogance makes a smart person dumb and a stupid person petty.

Piel of Nacham, means to comfort. This was to be handled by the hand of his ambassadors. These are noblemen of the land. These are ambassadors and not slaves. They had a message of consolation and comfort, and David is bereaved and assumes that the son has the same attitude. Tragically, it was David who seemed to miss Nahash, and not Hanun.

The men sent by David were also mature believers, and they would convey David’s sincerity.

Hanun’s Arrogance

1.       Only arrogance can make this mistake

2.       His arrogance will destroy the relationship he and David could have had.


4.       As a result of this king’s arrogance, the entire nation will suffer.

5.       The new king is evil.

6.       Only Nahash was great; his son was not.

There are parents and children who are both great (Philip of Macedon and Alexander the Great) and in this situation, it is the exact opposite.

The new king is evil and evil cannot understand pure motivation or gracious function. One of the great tragedies in relationships among Christians is the good motivation of others.


6.       The arrogant misunderstand the motives of good people. He thinks ambassadors are there to spirituality out the fortification, because he would do that.

7.       When grace and evil come into contact, there is always conflict; conflict of thought and conflict of action. For the side that is evil, there is always disaster.

2Sam. 10:2 And David said, I will show kindness [manufacture grace] to Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness to me. And David sent to comfort him concerning his father by the hand of his servants. And David's servants [ambassadors] came into the land of the sons of Ammon.

Bob still does that waw conversative stuff here.

Hanun and Ammon

1.       The new king is not impressed with courtesy and thoughtfulness in others. This will cost him dearly.

2.       The alternative will be war against a client nation of God reaching its peak.

3.       Strong military establishment plus a pivot of believers means Israel will overcome Ammon.

4.       Some people can only be impressed with force and violence.

5.       Such people are criminals in their thinking, if not in their action. Criminals in principle if not in action.

6.       Some people can only be deterred by force; like criminals.

7.       Only warfare will restrain such a nation from conspiring against other nations. Victory in war acts as a restrainer.

Integrity of David

1.       David’s integrity is revealed and his aggressiveness in the function of grace. David did the honorable thing. How many times has a believer done the honorable thing.

2.       The military type is always a lover of peace.

3.       Warfare is violence, and the innocent suffer with the guilty.

4.       The smart professional soldier is prepared for war, but he avoids it as long as he can.

5.       Arrogance causes implacability and implacability always rejects offers of friendship and peace. Russians are implacable and jealous. We will be destroyed by the SALT treaties.

6.       These ambassadors should have been treated with dignity.

7.       They will be maltreated by impulsive arrogance.

8.       The national worship of Ammon is Molech, which is the phallic cult and child sacrifice. The principle; the greatest and most honorable motivation and the most gracious acts will be misunderstood.

They use violence and it would have been a mistake to join the Germans against the Russians. You cannot compromise with demon possession. It would have been a great disaster to join in on the German side, and they were under the influence of Demonism. We fought with the British and what was left of the French, and on the side of the Australians and the New Zealanders and the Rhodesians.

The Nazis and the Soviets were both evil, but the Nazis even more so, as they tried to destroy the Jews. We were stupid in the way we handled the Russians. Sloppy stupid thinking (to put us as allies of Nazis. “Don’t ever get mixed up by things like that.”

Hitler was demon-possessed and no nation could reason with him. The war with the Japs was not necessarily inevitable, but was with the Nazis was.

The perverted arrogance of the people of Ammon. Hanun’s counselors suggest that these men are spies. Hanun is arrogant and does not know what to do. Chief ministers.

Hanun’s Arrogant Advisors

1.       The new king has no poise. He calls in his minsters to determine what to do about David’s graciousness. The unbeliever does not understand grace. Grace can only be understood by someone with the framework for grace.

2.       Petty people do not understand the greatness of grace people or their honorable motivation because they are blinded by their own arrogance.

3.       Jealousy and pettiness are always mated. Ministers of Ammon are petty.

4.       Therefore, the ministers of Ammon impugn David’s motivation and begin maligning him. They assume that the way they think is the way that David thinks. You cannot evaluate others based on how you think.

5.       The jealous princes guilty of inordinate ambition and competition; they want to see David in the dust and the Jews conquered.

6.       These ministers would like to send their own ambassadors on recon.

7.       By judging others, we reveal our own thinking.

8.       Arrogance and jealousy initiates a conspiracy against David and the Jews he rules.

9.       The arrogant princes show David their arrogance and desire to rule Israel.

10.     Therefore, the ministers acting as help to Hanun fill his mind with doubt.

There are two questions and they will be covered next time.

2Sam. 10:3 And the leaders of the sons of Ammon said to their lord Hanun. Is David honoring your father in your eyes, because he has sent comforters to you? Has not David sent his servants to you to search the city, and to spirituality it out, and to overthrow it?

2Samuel 10:1–3                                   72David                                              631_0215

Bob has no voice after Dallas.

2Sam. 10:1 And it happened afterward, the king of the Ammonites died. And his son Hanun reigned in his place.

2Sam. 10:2 And David said, I will show kindness [manufacture grace] to Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness to me. And David sent to comfort him concerning his father by the hand of his servants. And David's servants [ambassadors] came into the land of the sons of Ammon.

A weak person cannot understand a strong person. The reason is generally related to arrogance. In their arrogance, they cannot appreciate strength in any form. The weak nation, Ammon, cannot understand the strong nation, Israel. The superficial remain superficial.

David and Nahash were friends, and when David was a soldier of fortune, he often left his parents in Ammon. He did not like Saul, but he got along well with David. He recognized David’s military genius and his administrative genius. Nahash had that fantastic ability to recognize that David was a far greater person than he would ever be. He was not arrogant or jealous; he did not try to compete or to put David down. It is difficult for those in the genius class to have true friends. Non-genius friends are constantly looking for ways to put down the others, to compete with them.

It is possible to go from babyhood almost to maturity, and not make it because you have not yet shed your arrogance, then you will not crack the maturity barrier. No one can become mature if you are arrogant. This is what happened to the 3rd dropout with the love priority problem. He overestimated his own importance and eliminated himself. He loses out with occupation with Christ and he cannot make it with people either.

This son, Hanun, is arrogant. His father was gracious. No one can be a true lover and have arrogance. No one can have capacity for blessing and maintain arrogance. There is no way that any human talent or human ability can handle disaster. It takes the grace of God and the provision of God, the doctrine resident in the soul, and ability to think; the ability to concentrate. It is that reverse concentration which is extremely important. The father had it, and the son did not. Nahash was + doctrine minus arrogance; and his son was just the opposite. Hanun will no just lose out himself, but the entire kingdom will lose out because of Hanun. Either a genius or a truly successful person is a test for those around him. Douglas MacArthur was a test for everyone around them. When you hear someone rant about MacArthur, that is an expression of stupidity or arrogance. You ought to be about to enjoy such people. Robt. E. Lee, on the other hand, had a wonderful personality, so people liked him. MacArthur had difficulty with small talk; he could not laugh and joke around; he rarely drank and did not loosen up in that way. In the Korean war, there was a marine officer, and he chewed out MacArthur and was ashamed of that. He carried a grudge against MacArthur since then (maybe MacArthur chewed him out?). He was competing with MacArthur. And MacArthur never took steps to take him down. This man is a good illustration of Hanun.

Arrogant people become jealous, and with other opportunities, they become insufferable. This man had a great personality, but his arrogance destroyed him. He was an arrogant fool who understood or thought he understood that courteousness was weakness and he took advantage of that sort of situation. Instead of finding David weak and cowardly, he is going to discovered that David is a fierce enemy. One more factor about arrogance. This man was naturally smart, possibly brilliant; but arrogance made him dumb; he overestimated himself and underestimated others. Arrogance provides for acquired weaknesses.

Men of high rank and aristocracy; good dress, good deportment, and able to give the message of sympathy. They operated under principles or honor. This gracious act will be construed as weakness. It will show itself as impulsiveness. The nation of Ammon will be cursed by association.

Evil cannot understand gracious function. This was Hanun’s last hope for perpetuating grace to his kingdom thru associated with David. He might even believe in Jehovah Elohim and be blessed even more.

V. 2b And David's servants [ambassadors] came into the land of the sons of Ammon. He really does not understand gracious motivation and a gracious act. David has a strong military establishment at this time. Some people can only be impressed by force. Hanun, because of his arrogance, can only be impressed by force. If you can only be impressed by force, then it is too late to be impressed by wisdom. When you are impressed by the obvious, then it is too late. You might be dead, destroyed in some way, in jail, etc., but you have lost all the lessons in life. Some people only learn in that way. They only know when they have been whipped and beaten by a greater force.

The accumulated problems of life are too great for human ability. When they end up in a major historical crisis, then human resources turn out to be of no help. The only hope will be doctrine in your soul.

2Sam. 10:2 And David said, I will show kindness [manufacture grace] to Hanun the son of Nahash, as his father showed kindness to me. And David sent to comfort him concerning his father by the hand of his servants. And David's servants [ambassadors] came into the land of the sons of Ammon.

Points on v. 2

1.       The integrity of David is manifested by his aggressiveness when it comes to grace. Grace can be passive or active. Sometimes grace is passive and lets an insult go by. Many believers fail in the Christian life because they do not know when grace should be active or passive.

2.       Therefore, David did the honorable thing. He was a military type and preferred peace over war, understanding the horrors of war more than anyone never in war.

3.       The smart professional soldier is always prepared for war. You avoid war if you can have peace with honor.

4.       Arrogance causes implacability and friendship seeking is seen as weakness.

5.       Jewish ambassadors should be treated with courtesy and dignity.

6.       But arrogance, being unstable, is impetuous and rash. Maltreatment follows the courtesy of grace.

7.       The nation of Ammon worships Molech and this includes the phallic cult and child sacrifice and demon possession.

You cannot reason with demons and you are not smarter than they are. This is why we had to fight the Nazis. It was inevitable. The Germans were under the control of a demon-possessed Hitler. The Nazis were the most evil people ever. We should have no helped the Communists, but we needed to destroy the Nazis. They are equally as evil. We should have continued it and wiped out the Communists next.

Everyone knows a nice German family; I do too.

V. 3 is the perverted thinking of the princes of Ammon; what is wrong with the state department. Bob’s grandmother was saved by reading the authorized version.

Princes, chief ministers, state department.

Petty People

1.       The gracious act cause Hanun to lose his poise. They did not understand what David was up to.

2.       Petty people never understand honorable motivation. They do not understand great people.

3.       Jealousy and pettiness always live together. They are mated. A jealous person is a petty person. Petty people are jealous. The ministers of Ammon were jealous of David, and the people of Ammon hate Israel. The treaty between David and

4.       The ministers of Ammon begin by maligning David. They judge and malign him. They impugn his motivation. They reveal their own thinking.

5.       The jealous princes are arrogant and guilty of inordinate competition. They put down David in order to make it seem as though David is a lousy guy. They did not see the consequences of their bad advice. They did not know David would step across the border some day and wipe them out. They have already seen what David did to the Philistines and to the Edomites. They have seen David as an army commander. David conquered the moabites, the jebusites, the Edomites, and he could conquer these as well. An arrogant person always wants to gain power by being the advisor. We have a group of arrogant people who will give bad advice to a president. This is only to gain power for themselves, and still offering a suicidal direction for their country.

6.       These princes or ministers of state were most anxious to send their ministers or ambassadors to defeat the Jewish army. My judging others you reveal your own thinking or your own motivation. Judging impugns the motives of others and reveals your own inner thinking.

7.       Arrogance and jealousy initiates a conspiracy against David.

8.       The arrogant princes ascribe their own thinking to David.

They introduce suspicion and doubt into the mind of the new king. Counseling itself can be a vicious thing.

A pastor has the responsibility of teaching his congregation as separated from the rest of their lives. They are there where they can learn objectively without interference. Counseling destroys your privacy. When you go bob has fired assistant pastors for running around and talking about things which people told them in private. Bob’s fault in having assistant pastors counsel, since he would not do it. So there is a tremendous loss which can never be regained. Once you go to someone for counseling, you also use objectivity. That is why the ministry of the Holy Spirit is important. If you had the courage and the strength and the information to make a decision and to stick with it. You must remember that we as believers live our lives in privacy as unto God. Going to a counselor destroys our freedom and is a crutch. You are either weak or incompetent or both, if you have to go to a counselor. If you are weak, it is your arrogance which keeps you from recognizing that God. Seeking counseling is arrogance. The pastor-teacher might present the proper doctrines on many occasions, gut that person must personally go to the pastor and demand that pastor teach it again to him personally. That is arrogance. They always make an issue of themselves. Counseling is demanding that you want an instant solution. It may even be an academic question. You are not willing to take the bone out of the fish and eat another bite until the bone is explained.

Arrogant people do not have a sense of humor. They cannot take a little razzing. They overestimate their worth and self importance. Our whole educational system is based upon socialism and it teaches that man is the greatest thing in life. You are a person and therefore you are important. Socialism picks up where the liberal leaves off. Communism will turn you back into an animal. Communism can exploit American arrogance, every since FDR told Churchill, I know how to handle Joe Stalin. American weakness is exploited by Communists.

This is a man who went to counseling from his state department. When he does, there is a question. |Do you think that David is really honoring your father?” This impugns the motivation of David and it impugns the wisdom of the king. This is always what the state department does. They first malign David and the are maligning Hanun, their own king. By so doing, they will get David and Hanun into a war.

One of the most dangerous things to be is an amateur counseling. Bob has been there 28 years. So this would be 1978.

Some of you have probably been counseling Bob’s sheep. “I have insulted your dear friend; how dare I?” And then |Bob throws them out. You have accepted the arrogance and the weakness of someone else, guaranteeing a lifetime of arrogance.

We are not here to emulate any personality; we are to have our own personality. We depend upon doctrine.

2Sam. 10:3 And the leaders [the chief ministers] of the sons of Ammon said to their lord Hanun. Is David honoring your father in your eyes, because he has sent comforters to you? Has not David sent his servants to you to search the city, and to spirituality it out, and to overthrow it?

2Samuel 10:3                                       72David                                              631_0216

Re-listened to 5 minutes 19 seconds.

3 great empires: Assyria, Egypt and the Hittites had dominated the world for about 3 centuries. Then there were the sea peoples, a composite of Mycenaeans, Lydians, Lykians, Dorians, Mycians, Phrygians, Thracians. All of these nations were fighting for the middle east. Suddenly, just as David came to the throne, the Assyrians had a set of weak kings and were driven out of the Mesopotamian area by the Syrians (the Aramæans). The 20th dynasty in Egypt was made up of incompetent kings and they were unable to challenge the Phœnician Navy. However, during all of this, David’s Israel was fine.

seapeo~1.gifFrom http://sitemaker.umich.edu/mladjov/files/seapeoples.jpg

The great sea peoples came in many waves; one swept through Palestine and were stopped by Rameses. One group settled in the Gaza strip and became the Philistines. The Phœnicians are the same people who went north and settled, and David was friendly with them. The Philistines were a very tough group, and David stopped them. Then there were the Phrygians who were in Turkey (then called Anatolia). They did not cross the Taurus mountains. David had a very unusual period of history. Outside of the Aramæans in the north, there were no empires to contend with. Philistines had reached their peaks and David could defeat them.

All of this shows that Jesus Christ controls history. Edom, Moab and Ammon were all strong, but David conquered them. David defeated the Philistines, even though they were at their peak. This illustrates that Jesus Christ controls history.

Today, we face a very gloomy outlook. When the police officer goes, we will have lost all sanity. The military is not prepared to replace anything. Without these, we will have anarchy as we have never had before. Also, God has a use for believers with doctrine in their souls, so mature believers continue to live.

They appeal to the new king’s arrogance. in your thinking appeals to Hanun’s arrogance. These ambassadors are sent in assure the new king that they want to maintain peaceful relationship, and they are there to express common concern and empathy.

What the chief ministers say here appeal to the arrogance of the new king. They see a chance that they did not have with the father, Nahash. He knew not to believe his state department. This is their chance to get back in power.

Arrogant men who have lost power and are trying to regain it are not interested in the people or the nation; they only want to gain power. That is their only reason. They will gain control of the people and the nation, but they will have control of nothing; they will assuage their own arrogance. They come up with policies which destroy the nation.

We have people ruling our country, in authority, and are there only because of their arrogance, not because they have the interest of this nation at heart. If they were serious, they would have no treaties with Communist nations. Our foreign policy is related to expediency; cowardice on the one hand and expediency on the other.

Interrogative + a negative; it is a subtle approach, which is used against an arrogant young ruler. “Is it not for the purpose of...?” Chaqar which means to make a reconnaissance. This city was thought to be impregnable. The giants who once lived there put up high walls. It was one of the best fortified cities in the ancient world.

General Kegan has told Bob that the president is surrounded by Marxist Socialists and that they are making all of his decisions for him.

Authority and Arrogance

1.       The most obvious thing in this verse is, there are two questions. The original attitude of the king; and the attitudes of the king’s ministers who want to overthrow him by counseling and by advising. Right now, there is a coup d’etat by counseling and flattery right now. Sodom and Gomorrah were like Houston and Dallas. You wipe out the police officer and that destroys the town. Lot offers to send out his daughters, but the homosexuals want to rape the males in Lot’s home. This is total degeneracy. There is not authority respected here. One of these two daughters is the mother of the Moabites and the other of the Ammonites. Right now, we are ruled by arrogance. Just to tolerate homosexuals; homosexuality is not just a crime, it is a degenerate sin. The acts of Sodomy; God had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. This degeneracy is a terrible cancer and so it must be destroyed. It is not a social problem; it is the ultimate in degeneracy. Homosexuals were ruling. To become homosexuals, they must become degenerate in their thinking. You begin with arrogance like San Francisco and Seattle. They want to how homosexual sex training in schools. This is a trend which must be destroyed. These nations are going through the same cycle of degeneration. There is the attitude of the young king who is arrogant and his ministers who are degenerate. They are not necessarily fags. The Ammonites were founded when Lot got drunk the 2nd night and their son was named Ammon. Their nation was founded upon sexual degeneracy (incest). The arrogant stage of a nation produces weak rulers. When Bob was young, homosexuals were shamed; however, this has all been reversed.

2.       The counselors of the king are going to take control. The king is a mere figurehead. He is pampered and allowed to have his way.

3.       The king therefore is a weak king and he is susceptible to bad advice since he is susceptible to flattery. The two go together.

4.       The first question indicates objectivity. “Is David honoring your father or not?” But the second is completely subjective. Once a click takes over any organization, any form of government, it is all over. We see the degeneracy of a nation; the great ruler is dead. Nahash was relaxed and he had a great sense of humor; but the little runt on the throne now is a little, arrogant playboy run by his state department.

5.       Every person who has authority must learn to rely upon his own judgment or be able to recognize good advice and take it without an arrogance problem. There are always situations where you need to know the facts. Therefore, you must get the facts and even listen to advice. Advice from a woman does not mean it is bad advice or that you cannot take it. If you are humble, you can take good advice, no matter who gives it. A woman who rejects the advice of a male chauvinist because he is a male chauvinist is a sad mistake.

The Big Principle

1.       Treaties between nations is not better than the integrity of leadership between these nations. Treaties are just about as unstable as nymphomaniacs.

2.       A peace treaty minus integrity is no better than the paper upon which it is written.

3.       By giving credence to the suspicions voiced by his chief ministers, Hanun has prepared the way for the downfall of his own kingdom.

4.       Add to this jealousy and implacability of the king’s ministers and it overflows to Hanun. A nice guy can change overnight. He can change in a minute. A couple cc’s of suspicion and they can become monsters. Once he become suspicious, he can also become implacable. This means hostility. This is obvious or subtle; hidden or revealed.

5.       Kind Hanun was trapped by his own arrogance. The state department reproached the king for being deceive by David’s embassy. He should have taken the embassy at face value unless having evidence to the contrary. He decided that he must prove himself to be a great king. So he listened and arrogance accepted their suspicion and accepted their attitude. He became subjective and lost control.

6.       The young king did not desire the disapprobation of his chief advisors, so he did not approach this situation objectively. So drove him by his arrogance.

7.       So arrogance produces the hangup of having to prove oneself. Most feel that they have to prove themselves. When you come into an organization, then all you have to do is learn. You puppies who go out from Berachah and they try to ape Berachah Church. Such people try to set up all the administration and they ought to keep their mouths shut about those things and just teach. The king went to extremes measures to insult David and to impress his ambassadors.

8.       The jealous princes used Ramman’s fortification as a reason to cast suspicions upon David’s ambassadors. It is a possibility of truth, but that does not make it true. If it may be true, sit back and observe. All Hanun had to do is to keep an eye on these men.

9.       This was a terrible injustice and it will begin a chain of cause and effect which will lead to war and violence. One injustice produces another injustice. It eventuates in the destruction of freedom. One person with authority has too much arrogance. The percentage of arrogance in your soul destroys your authority. A good leader must learn to look away now and again. In the chain of kindness responding to kindness, reaction...

Mental attitude sins break the chains of gracious response to gracious actions. Jealousy + arrogance provided the potential for war and destruction. Evil men measure someone else’s foot by their own last. Small and petty men can never understand great men. Hanun became inflexible in the nonessentials.

2Sam. 10:3 And the leaders [the chief ministers] of the sons of Ammon said to their lord Hanun. Is David honoring your father in your eyes [in your opinion], because he has sent comforters to you? Has not David sent his servants [comforters] to you to search the city, and to spirituality it out [to scout it], and to overthrow it?

2Samuel 10:4                                       72David                                              631_0217

We are studying the dynamics for disaster.

The arrogance of the new king. He was blinded through arrogance; he was stupid through arrogance; he felt that it was necessary to prove something to his counselors. They had no say during the father’s reign.

Laqaq is violent action


1.       Unwarranted violence does not solve a problem.

2.       In fact, resorting to violence against a helpless embassy, but it would eventually destroy their insolent presumptuousness.

3.       Many proud nations have been destroyed by such attacks against the helpless. We see the same principle today. The Chicoms have gained their things through violence. Television needs the moral courage to ignore that which is not news, but merely evil. The police officer is the last stand in our nation. Houston would be one massive riot apart from the police. You need mass violence to deal with some criminal types. They need to be armed and properly supported. Law has become subjective instead of objective.

4.       Arrogance misjudges the intentions of others, assuming that which is not there. It is possible to become so suspicious that you lose all discernment. In this case, arrogance misjudges others altogether. They never seem to understand the dire consequences of their actions.

The U.S. for a long time was the only place where students had some sense. However, since WWII, they have begun to strike and get involved in mob action.

Police today have to carry a .38 special, which is a little better than a rock. The holster cover is something he was to carry and the flap was not designed to hide the fact he has a gun. Until people die in mobs, mob violence goes unrestrained. But his violence against David’s men would be turned against him. He who lives by the sword will perish by the sword. Violence begets violence. The atom bomb was perfect retribution on the Japs. It was the same principle. Whenever you use violence, there is the possibility a greater violence can be used against you. The capabilities of responding in violence is always there. Bob has seen this happen in bars in the past. Someone gets mad and slugs someone and has taken the bar from a peaceful place into a place of violence. Many who start a right in a bar end up in the hospital. Gangs live by violence. There is always somewhere a greater violence. This is why the laws of divine establishment are so essential. They solve problems without violence. You cannot have violence as the order of the day and continue to have freedom. Violence attacks authority, property and privacy and destroys freedom. Whenever you feel like resorting to violence, one act of violence creates another act and that goes to 3 or 4. Without the police officer, that would end up being in anarchy. There are lemon’s in every organization; there are lemons in Berachah Church; that does not mean that you destroy Berachah Church. When it comes to law enforcement, that is the responsibility of the police officer.

Our police force should have small tanks to deal with mobs. The criminal uses violence to pursue crime, that it will end up with a greater violence which will destroy the criminal.

This young king used violence against this ambassadors simply based upon an accusation. Therefore, Hanun seized David’s embassy.


1.       Establishment violence will eventually win over criminal and evil violence. That is what makes our nation free. In other words, eventually, the violence which is started will be the means of those who started it. The Nazis used violence to further themselves and they were destroyed by violence. The Japanese used violence to gain their control over the Pacific ocean. Crusaders use violence too. Their right crusade and their desire to rectify a wrong using violence is ruined by the violence. All violence used to gain such an end is arrogance.

2.       Arrogance uses violence as a tool and establishment uses reason as a tool. The husband who is cuckolded and uses violence. He does not realize that he has a lot of jackass traits. Using violence just puts him in jail. He should have just walked away. No lover solves his problem through violence. We have never been a nation which used aggressive violence; we have used it only in response. A chance in Asia, but there is a reason for that. The person who starts with violence, never finishes it.

3.       In the history of Anglo Saxon history, the rule is established by reason.

4.       Old sin nature function in 3 areas causes violence. The result of the sin nature function in sinfulness, human good is also a source of violence; evil is the 3rd area. They steal, rape, torture, etc. for evil. Anti-police attitude is one of the problems today. The 4th estate should have ignored Moody Park or commented on its evil connotation.

5.       The end of violent aggression is stated by Jesus Christ: all of those who lift up the sword will perish by the sword. This is criminal activity; not military.

6.       Violence destroys human freedom.

7.       Violence is beat down with greater violence.

8.       Consequently, the impulsive act of violence here will result in a great war between Israel and Ammon.

Bob wonders what legalist believers do when they come across words like buttocks as in this verse. All they have left is a tee shirt above the naval and then they are walked through the city all the way to Jericho. This destroys the dignity of a nation. Their genitals and buttocks are exposed; a great indignity. It is a chain of violence. These chief ministers inflame the arrogance of the young king. He was not thinking about his subject when he insults the ambassadors of a powerful nation. Self-centered people make poor rulers. They cannot handle authority.

Christianity is filled with arrogance and self-centeredness. They feel like they need the direct teaching.


1.       Such insults cannot be comprehended in the 20th century. 1764 was the last time Bob is aware of this happening. Karem Kam of Persia sent ambassadors to collect tribute. They killed half the people, raped the women, and left them impoverished. So, this has occurred before in history. There is certainly history and violence. Football is a good place for violence; it is organized violence.

2.       Such an irresponsible action will result in difficult circumstances. Bob’s dad said, never start a fight in a strange place. You’ll end up in the hospital.

3.       Impugning David’s motives let to a greater violence.

4.       Hanun was a weak man. He succumbed to approbation lust. He abused the ambassadors of a very powerful country.

5.       Irresponsibility of leadership leads to the destruction of a nation.

 Some coach story. No passes, just grind it calls for a team to be in top shape. Ohio state coach. In the end, the plodder will win. For us, that is a point of doctrine. A coach cannot resort to violence to gain his way. What will happen if coaches begin slugging players who come out of bounds and irritate him? That would be a whole new system. Even a game which requires violence needs boundaries.

Arrogance and Leadership

1.       Weak leaders in the hands of unscrupulous men go toward destruction.

2.       Arrogant people underestimate others. Especially arrogant people with power and authority.

3.       Arrogance is a vicious sin and divorces men from the reality of life. He is a jackass. You take the arrogant ruler who thinks his power is unlimited. Arrogance is divorced from the reality of life.

4.       David would defeat Ammon and destroy the most powerful nation in the middle east at the same time.

5.       David’s military prosperity

6.       Such ignorance of doctrine was replaced in their souls with arrogance that has no contact with reality.

7.       Although allied with the Aramæans, this powerful combination of Syrians and ammonites was not enough for the destruction of Israel.

8.       Jesus Christ controls history. The combined military power of Ammon and Syria was no match for the power of God.

9.       Aram or the Aramæans were called Syrians by the Greeks. All of these great empires have been neutralized, except Aram and Ammon. The combined military of Ammon and Syria is no match for God.

10.     God permitted David to be caught in a strategic trap between Ammon and Syria. There is no freedom outside of establishment. We have the right to believe in Christ and the right to reject Christ. You must have freedom in this regard. As a believer, you must be free to take in doctrine. Or to refuse to or to take it in occasionally. You must be free to live your life to advance as far as you can. That freedom does not exist outside of establishment. Freedom makes inequalities possible. Equality destroys freedom. The ideal circumstances in life always have variations. When you see someone else succeed, you are motivated to succeed. It is equality which destroys freedom.

11.     Arrogance destroys capacity for life to the same extent that doctrine in the soul produces capacity for life. Both Syrian and Ammon will be destroyed because of this rash act.

12.     Evil men do not destroy the plan of God any more than David’s reversionism in the middle of a war.

13.     Man’s failure or success cannot hinder the plan of God.

Believers with any doctrine recognize that making an association with China. Some want to have strikes or meetings or protest. Even the people who voted for this man want to do something. There is certainly talk among some of conspiratorial violence. Just because the president did an evil thing, we should not go for more evil. If we want to protest, that is your business; but it is better to learn doctrine. God uses prepared people. Crusaders who will not sit down and listen to doctrine, and they quit doctrine and they are on the panic button. God’s plan marches on.

When God disciplines a nation, he withdraws from that nation good leadership and sensible leaders.

Closing Principles

1.       When God disciplines a nation, good leadership is withdrawn along with sensible leaders.

2.       Common sense disappears.

3.       Arrogance and irresponsible leaders take over. National leadership is a mirror of a nations spiritual status quo.

2Sam. 10:4 And Hanun took David's servants and shaved off half of their beards, and cut off their long robes in the center, to their buttocks; and he sent them away.

2Samuel 10:5                                       72David                                              631_0218

to bring to light, to show, to declare.

David does not go off half cocked.

David Gets Accurate Information

1.       His people report to him the bad news as well as the good. You cannot formulate good policy without good and bad news. They are happy to report the information.

2.       They tell David the accurate truth rather than what he wanted to hear. Many times a leader builds up a dream castle and often his subordinates confused him without giving him any ad news.

3.       A leader in every group, must have facts with which to make decisions. This is where so many leaders go astray. A spirituality is always a subordinate; a leader is never a spirituality. A leader must have reliable subordinates.

4.       Correct action is based upon good leadership; correct information is important to good leadership.

5.       A good leader is not deceived by his subordinates; David will make good decisions because he has accurate information.

Wâw + shalack. David goes to meet with these men. This requires the personal touch. Qal infinitive of raah.

David regards everyone under him as an individual, and he makes a point of knowing them all. This is a courtesy which goes with authority. It is a characteristic of leadership which is ignored by arrogant people. Arrogant types do not make good leaders.

MacArthur was one of our great leaders. He had great thoughtfulness for his subordinates. Subordinates must never be degraded or embarrassed by leadership. Some subordinates, however, only understand being braced and stomped into the ground. When necessary, chew them out. Leadership has an option. If you can them, you don’t need to chew them out; if you chew them out, then that means you want to keep them. Bob has been very rough on some people. You would think with all the sweetness and light of Berachah Church, that no one would be canned, but Bob has fired a lot of people. They were unteachable and they took advantage of courtesy and thoughtfulness. Bob never canned someone who wasn’t arrogant.

Bob broke more non-com’s and more jackass officers than anyone else. Arrogance never learns. It is unteachable. It is self-centered. When you find you cannot teach them, the reason is, they are arrogant. MacArthur was so courteous, that his subordinates misunderstood it. The men under David are mature believers.

These men were doing their job well and they were abused by this other arrogant leader. Arrogance destroys sensitivity of subordinates. Subordinates might need to be reprimanded; but not degraded. Liberals are trying to make it impossible to get rid of subordinates.

Causal conjunction kiy and hayah, and a Niphal participle plural. David has sensitivity toward these men. He was a man who fantastic capacity for love. The psalms reveal this. His record with the ladies indicates his capacity there. He could understand and love men and he was aware of what hurts and what doesn’t.

They were extremely humiliated. They had been abused with maximum humiliation. They were marched to the city of Rabbah with half a beard and no clothing below the waist, and they were exposed to jeers of the cities, until they were marched out of Ammon and across the Jordan River. David met personally with these men to comfort them.

Tarry at Jericho until your beards are regrown; you could almost make a cult out of that. Once the beards grow, then they can return.

 This is also enough time to heal the wounds of their souls. A leader needs to be sensitive to those under them and very important for teachers to know. Sometimes, the little boy squirming might have a plethora of problems. Teachers at the prep school rant and rave while these little souls are squirming. Some of these little children will never sit still, but they will learn, far more than we think. In the teaching profession, perhaps more than any other, the teacher with an arrogance problem or does not love children are not going to make it.

Bob had a marvelous education and he still remembers 3 of his teachers; 1 because she disciplined him to well; another because she gave Bob a love of history; and one because she was beautiful. Bob can see the first 2 in his mind’s eye today. They were fantastic ladies. Beverly Vista Elementary. Beverly High had PhD’s on the faculty. Bob recalls a woman geometry teacher; a music teacher (a capella choir); and some others. These people are with Bob forever and inevitably, a person’s fondest memories are those who were teachers. If no teacher made an impression on you, then you have had no education. Some of the greatest aspects is our education and teaching is one of the most honorable professions. There is nothing more important in life than teaching doctrine to children. Just don’t expect what we have in this auditorium. Don’t scare them. Don’t shout at them. There are a lot of children you have to win with your thoughtfulness and love. Bob would probably play more instruments, but his teachers could not deal with his squirming.

Bob saw some abusiveness at Lee High School when he ran track.

Bob shuts it down early tonite.

2Sam. 10:5 And they told David, and he sent to see them; for the men were greatly ashamed [humiliated]. And the king said, Remain in Jericho until your beard grows; then you shall return.

2Samuel 10:6                       1Chron. 19:6–11 72David                               631_0219

Bob is not going to review all this, because there is too much there. Get the tapes if you do not know the content of those verses.

It suddenly dawned upon the state department that they had really fouled things up. Even the most arrogant of people. Even in their stupidity, they realize that they have fouled up the situation. SNAFU or TARFU situations.

More believers are disciplined for arrogance than anything else. Here they are being disciplined and they do not know what a pain in the neck they are to God. There has to be some unusually tragic events. They realize that they should hot have been laughing or leering or throwing rocks or dust at them. But they would not have done this, had not the state department sent them this way.

Arrogance and the Ammonite King

1.       Arrogance has better hindsight than foresight.

2.       The impulsive act of maltreating these ambassadors is not related to reality however, the time to relate to reality is before the act, not after. The sooner we face reality about the criminal the better. We ought to hang them from trees in their own front yard. Draw and quarter them where there are no trees.

3.       During the incident, these Ammonites were stimulated by their arrogance.

4.       David was the number 1 soldier of their age and that suddenly occurred to them. The king of Ammon must face the cold hard facts in the light of day and this precipitated a war that they could not win. They were quite prosperous at this time and one would think they would want to be at peace. If you plan to commit violence, then you need to consider what you are doing first. You must be motivated by thought and not by emotion. It is inevitable that if you learn some doctrine you will do thinking from divine viewpoint. The unbeliever can have some sense. Bob’s dad was a great father and a great tactical officer. He had no peer. He always pounded these things into Bobby’s head. Particularly after being beaten. “Think before you act” or “Don’t go off half-cocked.” That is what someone should have said to this king. Doctrine can stimulate humility. In traffic, you may want to impulsively smash someone. Think before you act. It is inevitable in a declining society. It always starts by arrogance and it is always impulsive.

5.       It is impossible to withdraw the impulsive act. You can apologize to doomsday, but that won’t cut it. More people have been led bad to church because of one impulsive act.

So you just don’t go around and insult the ambassadors of the most powerful country around. They will call upon the Syrian army, which they think is the best in the world. The Jewish army is one of the greatest of that time. There is only one other army which is doing anything at that time, the Dorians. The tall blonde blue-eyed ox-eating Greeks. They will eventually be led by Alexander the Great, and that is where they will peak. The Philistines are the Mycenaeans or the Achaeans. They will eventually overrun the entire world.

After the Dark Ages are over for that part of the world, the Dorians will be called Spartans and Macedonians and Thracians. Even though they were great and the Dorians remain great, they will be great for a 1000 years.

There is a reason this is in the Bible and this is a very important passage. Some of you are becoming aware that you have an arrogance problem.

The citizens of Ammon are panicked. They are prosperous and they have a weak military. Money speaks and cash is power and they have it. They will put their cash on the line in order to stop the Jews.

Sakar means to hire. The Greeks did not call them Aram, they called them Syrians, and the trouble with this word is, it is very close to the Assyrians; a completely different people. Ammon hired the army of Syria.

Beth-Rahab means house of streets. This was the home; it was an armed camp. The Syrian nations were several. Nations. They are powerful when they get together. This is a home of a mercenary army. They will furnish 20,000 warriors. When David was extending his boundary to the Euphrates. Zobah had a city on both sides of the Euphrates. He hired out those on the south as mercs; he kept an army on the north for protection.

Aram Maacah is the smallest of the Syrian kingdoms and they only provide 1000 men.

Tob means good, prosperous. This is a border state between... Judges 11:3

Aram was related to the Jews. Isaac married an Aramæan? Rebecca was Aramæan.

Bob puts a map on the board. Tob is a Syrian city. Rabbah is a fortified city. Zobah is on the other side of the River. 33,000 troops will concentrate there. David had trouble with people in Trans-Jordanian before. There is a ford that leads into the Valley of Succoth. This is David’s 2nd base. Since 33,000 of the touches troops are up there, he goes up there to Jericho, and he will hit Rabbah in a different way. There will be a single envelopment.

Joab and part of his army will be in Rabbah and he will be in a jam. The Syrian nations are north of Rabbah. David will make a blitzkrieg attack, and walk right into a strategical trap. The army of Ammon is the bait and the closing of the trap is the Syrian army.

2Sam. 10:6 And the sons of Ammon saw that they were odious [malodorous] to David. And the sons of Ammon sent and hired Syrians from Beth-rehob, and Syrians from Zobah, twenty thousand footmen; and the king of Maacah with a thousand men; and the men of Tob with twelve thousand men.

More information is found in 1Chron. 18. Tob was not included by the writer of Chronicles because they only offered up 1000 people. Zion is where David did his planning. He sees Tob and Rabbah, and it never occurs to David that they will do a strategic single envelopment. He takes the short route and the Syrians are down in Medeba.

Zion is the Pentagon to us.

They hire 30,000 troops and they are in Medeba, which is south of Rabbah. David takes the bait and goes after them.

1Ch 19:6 And the Ammonites saw that they had made themselves odious to David; and Hanun and the Ammonites sent a thousand talents of silver in order to hire to themselves chariots and horsemen from Syria of Naharaim and Syria of Maachah and from Zobah.

Medeba is 50 clicks south of Sabbath

1Ch 19:7 And they hired thirty two thousand chariots to themselves, and the king of Maachah and his people. And they came in and pitched before Medeba; and the Ammonites had gathered out of their cities and had come to the battle.

He sends the recruits of that year and his elite force. This forms a flying column. David hears of what is going on, and he goes on the offensive. 005–990 b.c. is the approximate time.

Universal military training. They advance into a trap, but use that to their advantage.

1Ch 19:8 And David heard, and sent Joab and all the army of the mighty men.

There is a ford at Jericho and you are climbing up about 2000 feet on a fairly narrow trail and then you go down into this wide valley. The trip up is to narrow to put our flankers. There are no enemies on the trail up.

1Ch 19:9 And the Ammonites came out and set the battle in order at the entrance to the city; and the kings who had come were by themselves in the field.

The trouble with the Jewish army, there are few mounted men. Joab will be at his command post and he will find out that the Syrians are closing in on him. He is greatly out numbered and with troops who have not seen action before, he still has the Ranger battalion.

David and Joab are mature believers. The imputation of blessing of the justice of God to the righteousness of God in David. All prosperity

universal military training, which is a part of David’s plan for Israel. This is a Biblical principle. All national freedom comes through national victory. Neh. 4:8–9 Num. 1:2–3 there was a census to be taken of all the men 20 years and older and these were drafted. The exceptions are the man taking a new wife. After 1 year with that little woman, there is not enough time for antagonisms and he is motivated to train and to protect hearth and home. Things were more stable then. Now, 1 year can take you through a couple of different relationships.

“Mobilize for war among you and send in 1000 from each tribe to war against Midian.” Judges 3:1–2 There were nations left, and God did not allow the Jews to conquer all those in the land at the beginning. They were left in the land to test Israel so that the Jews would be taught war.

Universal military training.

Levi was exempt from war.

All freedom and all national integrity is maintained through military victory. The military as a profession is absolutely necessary for any client nation of God.

This is about the beginning of the Ammonite-Syrian war.

1Ch 19:10 And Joab saw that the face of the battle was against him before and behind; and he chose out all the choice ones in Israel, and set in order to meet Syria;

1Ch 19:11 and the rest of the people he gave into the hand of his brother Abishai; and they set in order to meet the sons of Ammon.

2Samuel 10:7                                       72David                                              631_0220

David’s ambassadors came to the land of Ammon. Consequently, when David heard the G2 report, he dispatched Joab his chief of staff...and his elite.

David followed universal military training. There are two categories of trainees. Those who remain on permanent duty and those who return to their lives. David had an elite force, but they are not like elite forces as known today.

Brandenberger’s in the Wehrmacht, and several other small armies within armies. We have several categories of Rangers. First special forces group. Merrill’s Marauders. Bob thinks that elite forces as used today; it siphons off the best of the best. They are often destroyed in missions above and beyond their abilities. Instead of using an infantry division or 2, they bring in a few hundred who are highly trained. However, they can be taken out by various misuses and by armillary. Darby’s Rangers were put in instead of a corp, and they were caught be several German armor divisions. A lot of great men were wiped out. The worst waste of good leadership and personnel in our history. Same as Marine raiders in the Guadalcanal. We get down to where we lack men, and send in these men instead of a corp.

No elite outfit has ever won a war and they never will. It is the corp army which goes in there and does the job. Elite outfits are good in peace time; but never in a full scale war. In a full-scale war, they ought to be broken up.

Wars are won by armies; not by companies or by platoons. Even with all of their magnificent leadership.

It is fine for training and for your own esprit decorps. They would provide a leadership backbone, instead of them being killed in a bumbling mess up.

Purpose of an elite force is to motivate others to do as well. They are looking to develop some esprit decorps.

We know the whole structure of David’s upper echelon. Bob names off the 3 commanding the mighty men. Dino the Spear, Shamrar the Loner, and someone else.

Principles of Warfare

Weapons change, uniforms change but these principles of war never change.

1.       The principle of the objective. The purpose of a military operation is the attainment of the objective assigned to a designated force. The objective constitutes the guide for the interpretation of orders, for the formulation of decisions, for the employment of the means available. The nation, the military forces and each element of the military forces all have objectives. Here, it is the neutralization of 2 armies, the of Syrian and that of Ammon. David, in sending out his flying column, thought that he sent enough out there to win the war. That is an objective at the highest echelon. David’s army had 2 basic objectives: the capture of Ramah and the destruction of the Syrian mercs. There are generally 2 sub-principles of the objective:

          a.       The neutralization or destruction of the power of the enemy’s military forces. This has to be done in battle and this is always the first consideration. This means the defeat of the enemy’s main forces as decisively as possible. This is more important than grabbing cities or chunks of land. There is the ford across Jericho, and going up high cliffs, where flankers are not needed. However, when he comes out to the valley, he is set up on both sides by the Ammonites and the Syrians. They all knew the Ammonites were the easy ones. They already had a plan, you beat them down, and we will help whoever needs help. He is going to take his elite forces against the Syrians, and put a holding force on the others. Joab does not have to run to David to figure out what to do; he knows what to do.

          b.       The possession of localities that will attain the national objective, which is the defeating of the enemy..

The Valley of Succoth

About 27 minutes in. Psalm 60:6 I will draft troops from Shechem, which is getting the draft dodgers into it. Also Succoth. This is David’s plan for any Transjordanian war. 2 systems of concentric interior lines. If he is going south, then Jerusalem is his base. This is such an important valley that God has David write this out in the Word of God. Also in Psalm 108. All Jewish attacks across the border were launched from the Valley of Succoth

1.       There are 4 reasons why the Valley of Succoth is important. Any enemy in this area must travel through the Valley of Succoth. It is easy to defend with a military force. It controls all the lines of communication. It was as important to David’s army as Bastogne was to the U.S. army.

2.       The Valley of succoth was a natural source for food and water.

3.       It was politically stable. You can only have political success in a nation where it is politically stable. Political stability from spiritual perception is the support line for any army or military. In the War Between the States, the Yankees had the advantage of not having to fight on their soil. In the Mexican War, we had a stabilized base. The people were unusually stable. It was a spiritual base. We had no foreign soldiers on our land. The Spanish navy came without 100 miles of Florida, but they never hit it.

4.       The south did not have a stabilized base except for Georgia which was destroyed by a Yankee Bob refuses to mention. Stability, support, appreciation, patriotism, love and concern on the homefront are extremely important to an army. David was successful because he had a very supportive base at home.

The Principles of Warfare Continued

2.       The principle of offensive. The offensive permits concentration of effort and allows freedom of action and raised morale. Offensive is the only way by which an objective is gained. The offensive increases the effectiveness of a force that adopts it; it raises morale, it allows freedom of action, it brings victory while defensive can only fain off defeat. This delivers a main blow in a decisive direction. Defensive is sometimes used in order to assist the offensive. Defensive is only to assist offensive; it is a temporary measure.

3.       Principle of mass; which is the principle of combat power: numbers, weapons, combat skill, resolution, leadership, morale are all contributing factors to mass. Mass is where you place troops and equipment. Success in war is applying mass at a proper time in a proper place to gain the objective or for the accomplishment of a definite purpose.

4.       The principle of economy of force; the means by which the mass is employed in a main effort. The time and place of the main effort must be determined by the men and the means and their employment at the proper place and time with concern for not losing these forces...

5.       The principle of maneuver or movement. To maneuver combat elements. It is the offensive to bring the mass close to the enemy to attain a victory. The Syrians had the advantage here; Ammonites are by Rabbah as bait. Movement is more effective when concealed. A wide hope plain here, good for cavalry and chariots. This allows for mobility surprise. In this case, under the principle of movement, the Syrians had the entire advantage.

6.       The principle of surprise. Surprise in some form allows maximum effect with minimum loss. It can be a surprise with respect to time, force, place tactics, direction, size of force, type of weaponry. Tactics, place, direction. It can be secrecy, rapidity; there is more than one kind of surprise. Stonewall Jackson hid his army in a train tunnel or something, and then he moved up to a ridge and devastated the rest of the army. The Battle of 2nd Manasseh was a terrain surprise. Watched the Yankees go by for awhile, then they got up and shot them. His march around the entire Yankee army in Chancellorsville was also a great surprise. You men may want to consider how many times a woman has used surprise on you.

7.       The principle of security. To guard against someone’s military plans and to guard against being taken by surprise. Lack of security is one of Joab’s problems. Joab was perhaps a little cocky on this occasion. He had no idea that the whole army was ready to jump on him. Reconnaissance teams should have gone in several different directions. Apart from the grace of God, David would have had the hell knocked out of him.

8.       The principle of simplicity; plans should be as simple as possible. There aren’t too many bright people in military life and the intelligent ones sometimes cannot think under pressure. This is why the Jap navy failed at Lady Galt? Gulf? This was related to the Philippines. Halsey and Jap line of battleships; some were dummy ships? It was a little too complicated; and it almost worked.

9.       Principle of cooperation. Working together for the accomplishment of a common mission; it means teamwork. The Army and marines have to work together. The Air Force has to work with the army without killing them. In the Battle of the Bulge, there was a lot bombing of friendly troops. If there is anything that is devastating, it is antagonism between different branches of the service. Naval Officer and Marine officer got into it and that almost cost a large number of marines. Russian Revolution; Russian army annihilated; 3/4 millions died because 2 generals would not cooperate. This was from the Battle of Tannenberg. Samsonov and Rennenkov would not cooperate. It began in the Russian Japanese War. Bob gives the background, which culminated in a fist fight at a train station.

Bob applies this to believers; and some mature believers are critical of new and growing believers.

Bob will allude to these principles from time to time. David was courteous and thoughtful. 7–15 southern campaign; vv. 16– northern campaign, where the war will be won.

2Sam. 10:7 And David heard, and he sent Joab and all the army, the mighty men.

Aggressiveness on the part of Ammon. The Ammonites are advancing. But they did not advance very far. They went about 1 click outside the gate of Rabbah and dug in. They are not heroes; they are bait. They sent out patrols to make it look like they were ready.

They advanced and then dug in. They deployed their troops beyond the entrance of the gate. They came out far enough away from the walls. To get the attention of one person, a lady flirts with another. He begins to concentrate on you instead of someone else.

Joab was not using a good security system. He could not wait to get at the Ammonites. They advanced and deployed in a defensive position. 40 clicks to the south, there are the 30,000+ Syrian troops. They could hit the Jewish army in the rear this way. Joab kept on thinking under pressure. He did not throw himself on the Ammonites, which would have destroyed his army. He assumed that the Syrian army was in the north, and they are quite close in the south. He saw them a couple clicks away. He will take his elite forces; he will surprise the Syrians. He is fighting on interior tactical lines? Joab’s reserve is his holding force. That is absolute fantastic military courage. He does not really have a reserve. He has a great sense of humor. He will give his brother the reigns of the reserve and holding force. He was been outsmarted, but he has conservation of mass. He is fighting under interior lines and this was Joab’s greatest battle. He never stopped thinking. A coward cannot think under pressure. Cowardice and courage differ by thinking or not under pressure. We will see his thinking tomorrow night. Out maneuvered, trapped, in a jam, and either army outnumbers him. He is completely outmaneuvered. When in doubt, attack the strongest force. Napoleon could determine the weakest force and attack that. Joab is going after the strongest.

At Waterloo Napoleon faced 2 stronger forces. He won hands down for the first half.

2Sam. 10:8 And the sons of Ammon came out and set the battle in order [deployed] at the opening of the gate. And the Syrians of Zobah, and Rehob, and the men of Tob, and Maacah were by themselves in the field.

2Samuel 10:8–9                                   72David                                              631_0221

Feb, 1978 issue of Psychology Today, an article on habitual criminals; they are not victims of childhood problems nor are they mentally ill. There is little difference, to Bob, between the fundamentalist Christian legalist and the criminal mind. Bob is not implying that the criminals running loose in Christianity today are criminals. A thought pattern which can cause legalism can also thrust someone else into a life of crime.

Apparently Bob got a telegram today from a woman that was weird and doesn’t make sense. One incorrect old psychologist thought it was inherited. Social scientists have spend millions of hours and millions of dollars to show that criminals are victims of poverty, poor schooling, the pressure of their peers, a bad home life, etc. However, some of these can be very arrogant. Many have found out that drug addiction, and other sorts of addictions. Also a permanent rage of the poor against the social situations.

The doctor who writes this article disagrees with that. Those who adopt criminal careers are not merely responding to their environment. Reference to Samsonov and Yokelson else’s 2 volume set; and criminal thinking has little to do with environment, social status, and anything else.

They put their information together by talking with thousands of criminals. The habitual criminal is a liar and a deceiver and he has little capacity for love, and can cold-heartedly commit vicious acts without a twinge of guilt, and yet still think that he himself is a good person. He finds the restraints of conventional living restrictive. He disregards the rights of others, but demands the utmost consideration and thoughtfulness. This is pure arrogance.

This arrogance of a woman sending Bob a telegram. Bob has discovered that arrogant people are unteachable. They give lip service to authority but they reject authority, and accept only their own authority.

It does not bother the criminal mind to hurt others; he expects to be trusted; and when he is, he always exploits it. He rarely trusts others.

The authors identify 52 errors in thinking. They found that these errors are present at a very early age. One thing which destroys some is arrogance. They do not consider that this is innate, they do believe it to be developed.

Some of the more prominent patterns: This criminal mind thinking includes extreme fearfulness, consummated by real and imagined fears, including heights, water, spaces, etc. Terrified of physical injury and death and any event they interpret as a rejection of themselves or a putdown. Their fearfulness is so pervasive from an early age, it almost seems independent of experience (and therefore, of environment); extreme and persistent anger (chronologically anger). They more often boil within. It is more dangerous when it is not on the surface. Anger is as basic to the personality as the iris is to the eye. 3rd category he calls zero state, related to the guilt complex. They are convinced that they are worthless and that their lives are hopeless, even though an objective observer would not agree. They appear flat, inert and despairing, but not the same as depression. Differs from classical depression because the criminal can wrench himself out of this by sheer force of will, and he has an inflexible high evaluation of self; a criminal pride. He is better than others when this is clearly not the case. Described in terms of manhood, and independent of all other people, and can conquer all obstacles and challenges. Super-optimism. Disoriented to reality. He will commit a crime and do it successfully.

Crimes committed without a single thought to their victims. Their crimes were done with full understanding of what they did. Only 3% were so disturbed that they did not realize that they were truly guilty. They could use psychology and sociological understanding to feign mental illness for those in this hospital.

When in personal jeopardy, he calls upon whatever he can to show himself ill. New objective is to show a rapid recovery from an illness which he had never had. Always seeks to justify himself, but he is

So arrogant to reject authority although he makes noises as if he is accepting authority. They rejected their schools and their parents and the authorities around them long before these authorities rejected them. They rejected the authority of the school long before the school threw them out. They first decide to reject authority and they do it from arrogance.

One person becomes a criminal, another lives a lifetime of unteachable arrogance. He will be just as evil, just as vicious, and just as vile.

Many of the things which we are studying are related to this; in arrogance, they do not see themselves... God uses historical disasters to remove such people.

Aram-Tsoba these are the Syrians (the Greek name for them); and called this by the Greeks because, in their heyday, they always defeated the Assyrians and kept them away from the Greek colonies.

The ambush was well planned and the bait in the trap. We are now dealing with the tarp itself. Infantry is the queen of battle; in this way, war has not changed for 4000 years, no matter where you go and what you do, the infantry wins the battle.

One of the greatest military correspondents who hated war; and he began to embed with the military and appreciated it. Who is this? In the order of battle, the infantry comes first. The cavalry could be used as the screen, but once deployed, the...

The flying column of Joab coming up from the...33,000 Syrians. They were alone in the field. They moved into position to annihilate the Jewish army. They operated independently for an attack on the rear of the Jewish army.

Points of the Tactics Here

1.       The Jew selected their battlefield.

2.       The Ammonites were to come out and dig in at their gates and suck the Jews in.

3.       The Jews advanced toward the palace.

4.       This was an ideal spot for a battle with excellent visibility. In this stage of the campaign, the Jews have been completely outmaneuvered. Reminds you of the Battle of Sharpsburg. Jackson had taken Harper’s Ferry.

5.       The trap had closed and the greatest threat to the Jewish army had begun. The Jewish army under Joab is completely outmaneuvered. This passage is indicating that there is great pressure on Joab. Joab under pressure thinks like Joab in a tactics class. He is spiritually mature and he is free from arrogance and pettiness; or fear; things which would cause him to freeze up.

6.       David is back on the northern campaign. Joab must fight the battle of Rabbah.

2Sam. 10:8 And the sons of Ammon came out and set the battle in order [deployed] at the opening of the gate. And the Syrians of Zobah, and Rehob, and the men of Tob, and Maacah were by themselves in the field [maneuvered independently on the battlefield].

The Jewish deployment and the order of battle. V. 9a gives us Joab thinking. You must not rationalize away from the reality. He has the army of Aram on his rear and his flank and he is trapped with a small army. He must face reality. The first part of the solution is to always face reality. People become neurotic for the same reason.

He saw the situation. Hiphil imperfect of raah. He is forced to face reality a believer in a jam needs to face the facts. The Qal stem means to see, to make a reconnaissance; and the Hiphil means, make a reconnaissance or die.

Napoleon could have been captured at this bridge by himself, but he managed to get out of it. We, as believers, will all have problems from time to time. To solve the problems, you must being with reality. Bob starts his reality check by recognizing that he is a horse’s ass. You tell the Father what He already knows. Once you have spelled it out to God, you are still lower than a chigger. Started to say something else and thought better of it. You cannot lose the perspective of reality. As long as you think you are just a good guy who made a mistake, you will not cut it. Under the old sin nature, there is not one among us who is not a horse’s ass. Problems are solved in a state of humility; never in a state of arrogance. Joab was kicking himself; he was too cocky; too arrogant. He was over confident. Only David, back in hq, was as smart ads Joab. He is the smartest man on the battlefield, but he was still outmaneuvered. Some of you have an unbelievable IQ, but that with arrogance will mean you are whipped all of your life. You may be smart and able to talk your way out of a lot of trouble, but you are not that smart. There comes a time when you do not depend upon morality, your brilliant mind, your super intelligence, and God must bring the smart person to the place where his super intelligence is not helpful. It does not matter if you are a genius or close to a genius. When you depend upon how smart you are, you have lost out. You need to depend upon the stability of the Lord. God uses brains. God used Paul. He also used people without brains, like Peter and John.

You didn’t know we were going to get right down where you live. That’s what we call, surprise. It applies to all of us. We are always kidding ourselves when we think we will get through life without discipline.

God can get along without any of us, but none of us can get along without God. In effect, Joab has lost. He is caught between 2 larger armies. Jesus Christ controls history and a few moments of arrogance have now been set aside. You must start solving the problem with yourself. Once you come to the conclusion, “What a dumb ass I am, you will be able to solve the problem.”

Joab is now objectively looking at the problem. He has troops in his front and in his rear. Hayah means he is viewing a true situation. He will solve the problem by attacking. Generally speaking, when you attack, look for the Achilles heel. However, it confuses your enemy when you strike at his strongest point. He will handle the panty-waist last. He will attack the toughest army at its weakest point. This is the unexpected.

Joab’s principles

1.       This was a correct estimation of the situation. You must have the facts first. He has already recognized that he has made a mistake.

2.       He is outnumbered by the enemy and placed in a precarious tactical situation.

3.       He will use the principle called surprise. He will attack the Syrians to his rear.

4.       Joab must attack the strongest army with his elite troops; and he uses his new troops as his screening force, to keep the weak army at bay.

5.       He has the advantage of great discipline in his army and interior lines.

6.       He will formulate a battle plan by which he can concentrate quickly and use force, mass and surprise. A mature believer utilizes and correctly applies the correct principles of warfare.

2Sam. 10:9 And Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind [the face of the battle was toward him from the front and toward him from the rear]. And he chose from all the chosen in Israel, and set them in order to meet the Syrians.

2Samuel 10                                          72David                                              631_0222

Pertinent to our study is an article from the Houston Post from last year, and Somoza is fed up with Carter. He is the ruler of Nicaragua. He is fed up with Carter’s human rights campaign. Somoza’s political opponents are sometimes jailed and tortured. He comments that they are a non-Marxist society and believe that they are the good guys. The national guard Somoza cannot understand how we can be an anti-Communist nation yet spend all of our time trying to support communist movements. He said that Carter has no foreign policy.

You must build a policy on truth, on Biblical principles and upon divine establishment principles; but such policies require thought. We have been living under a policy of expediency since FDR. Carter has no clue as to what nations are all about. The Carter administration has helped the Communists gain control of Rhodesia and all over Africa and is helping them in Iran, or, even worst, the religionists. The Shah of Iran has provided establishment principles for his people. This foreign policy is really a system of expediency in vacillation with tragedies multiplying daily.

A policy must be based upon principles which are either establishment or Biblical. The principles were given to us on military concepts. There were 9 concepts of military principles which have not changed for 4000 years.

You have no spiritual life because you have no principle. Arrogance and self righteousness are illustrative of the Carter administration. His talk of torture is self righteousness. The principle must be inculcated long before the policy is instituted.

Our military policy is related to political expediency.

There is policy in business; most of the policy in big business is based upon excellent principle. “ There is no policy in bureaucracy; just confusion and pettiness. Government bureaucracy is the antithesis of efficiency.” good leadership concepts. They represent common sense.

Every believer in a congregation must have his privacy. No one has the right in a congregation to interfere with another person’s freedom. When one intrudes on another’s freedom, then the first must be cast out. You might be a whore, a bum, a hippy, drive a beer truck, whatever; but your privacy needs to be protected.

You are a megalomaniac if you think I have time to talk about you. A beautiful woman might walk in here to listen to doctrine, and if she does not want the attention of some wolf, then she deserves protection. Same goes for the ugly ones.

There is the closing of the trap in v. 9a.

Joab knows his profession and he is constantly thinking.

Qal imperfect of bachar which means to choose, to select. This is a G1 function. The best principles in the world cannot be put into action without matching personnel. Great principles and policy require an excellent personnel. That is why some people need to be removed from a congregation.

Why Have Elite Troops


Elite troops are always wasted by the US and by Britain.

1.       The presence of elite troops raises everyone else’s standards. It is a motivator. When they are mixed in with other troops, it always motivates to raise the other standards.

2.       It is the best place to train leadership in all categories. The discipline is greater and the training is above and beyond. In a time of peace, it is the best place in the world to train leaders.

3.       When the balloon goes up, you need to guard the elite force and split them up. They need to be separated and used throughout the armed forces. They are to be used as a pool of leaders. They can be moved up in the ranks immediately. They have the capabilities.

4.       Elite troops always have esprit de corps. This is one of the most important things to have for a miltiary unit. This gives a better response to discipline and better orientation to discipline. They have a good mental attitude. To learn doctrine, you must have a good mental attitude; you must be objective and not subjective.

5.       David’s elite troops were just regular army. They were not separated out. From the elite force, he took his knights and other high ranking officers. Most of his officers came from Judah and Benjamin and foreigners. When David became king of Israel, his officer corps came from the cave of Adullam battalion.

Joab deploys his elite against the Syrians. The Syrians were great fighters; they were great soldiers. They had illustrated this against many armies in the ancient world (the Egyptians, Assyrians, etc.)

Joab chooses an elite force. Why did David have elite troops? Many of David’s elite came from the cave of Adullam. Every year, David drafted a new set of 20 year olds. There is his AIT troops and his elite forces. Their tact officers. They will act as a reserve force. David will take his elite and attack the Syrians.

David expanded his army from Judah, and most came from Judah and Benjamin and from foreigners. When he became king of Israel, his officer corps was his old Addullem battalion. Every year he drafted a class.

The Syrians like to attack; and attacking them confuses them.

Joab peels off an elite force and deploys them against the Syrians. He chose to attack those most able to carry out their objective. The Syrians were great soldiers; great fighters.


1.       Know your enemy. Joab had studied all the people around Israel during peacetime. The Ammonites did not like to attack; they liked to fight a defensive role. They were great counter-punchers.

2.       The Syrians like offense. It is very difficult to attack a bee with a needle or with a sword. They were attacking and attacking and Joab sat back, saw a hole and hit it.

3.       Every attacking force has a weak point.

Joab called for an attack plan which took cognizance of all the factors.

Force A is Joab with the elite and Abishai with the AIT army? This will require good discipline, nerve, moral courage, staff work, everything that is important in military function. Above all, it will call for great leadership.

Proverbs 24 for a leadership passage. Prov. 24:1–6: Do not by jealous evil men, and do not desire to be with them. For their right lobe studies violence, and their lips talk trouble [good leaders do not gossip and malign]. Through wisdom [maximum doctrine in the soul] a house is built [edification complex of the soul], and it is established by understanding, and by knowledge the inner parts [= by means of understanding doctrine] shall be filled with all wealth [various forms of blessing]. A wise warrior is in strength [a wise warrior lives in the power of doctrine]: yes, a man of knowledge firms up power [a man of knowledge strengthens his professional ability]. For you shall make war for yourself by wise advice, and safety is in the abundance of counselors [greatness resides in the leadership of the one who commands].

Montgomery was a jealous, petty person. Leadership must be able to think independently of the group.

The only good leaders were first peons. They were willing to take it, fair or unfair. You must be inculcated with discipline. All good leaders start at the bottom; not at the top. Only arrogance starts at the top. That is what is wrong with these young pastors today.

The military is related to freedom today and, indirectly to evangelism and the teaching of Bible doctrine.


1.       A person needs to be under authority in order to exercise authority correctly. Good leadership must have been under authority at one time. He must learn authority from the bottom. And Bob means by a bucket on the head being beaten by an officer. No one can exercise authority until he can think in terms of authority-orientation. This is why some husbands are lousy and why some people are bad teachers, coaches and bosses. They have no concept of authority.

2.       A good leader must be organized. He needs an organized life. Some people cannot be leaders because they are unable to organize their own lives. You have to be able to organize yourself in order to organize people. Some of you are hit or miss. If you want to build up your life physically, you must organize it. Some Christians are the least organized people Bob has ever seen. That is a part of leadership.

3.       The spiritual life is important for military life. In both spiritual and military life, self-discipline is needed. Do not discount the spiritual in your own life. All great leaders have great self discipline. Ike was one of the most self-disciplined men of the war. Admiral Yamamoto was one of the greatest leaders and he was assassinated, and that changed the war. He was one of the most self-disciplined men; he was one of the greatest poker and bridge players. He always had time for these things. Patton occasionally let himself get out of control.

4.       A relaxed mental attitude. It is developed from self-discipline. A sense of humor comes out of this. A sense of humor and a relaxed mental attitude comes out of all this. A sense of human is humility; it reveals a lack of arrogance. True inner humility. It is not the attractive people who are arrogance; it is the ugly people. Some of the greatest arrogance comes from the lower classes. People with poise and who are successful are often seen as arrogant, but their detractors are the arrogant ones. There is obviously less self-discipline among the lower classes; this is why they are lower class. They are complainers. They refuse to work hard. There is more arrogance among the lower class then the rulers. Cæsar was an aristocrat. People would rather take money from Uncle Sugar than to work for it. The idea that the world owes them a living; that is arrogance. Making a race an issue is arrogance. There is a false issue when you predetermine how many of this or that race ought to be in management. If you want to see arrogance, look at the scum; look at the mob, go to the poor frustrated people walking around Moody Park, the victims of their Communist organizers. They walk around shouting Communist slogans out of arrogance. Arrogance destroys potential.

5.       The principle of strong character. Arrogance is not strong character. Being stubborn is not being strong. Stubborn people are inflexible about everything. Arrogance + stupidity + inflexibility is not strong character, it is what Bob just described.

6.       Professional diligence. A lifetime of study. Whatever your profession, whatever your area, you can never get away from study. Joab needs to know his army, his army’s ability, his enemy.

7.       Fairness is important in dealing with personnel. Understanding all kinds of people, their weaknesses and capabilities.

8.       Catagorize, systematize, and be able to delegate responsibility. Leadership never does everything. The leader never tries to do it all. Or they select a subordinate and they pick, pick, pick away at the job that they do. Leadership also pays attention to the chain of command. The leader does not go all the way down to the person who screws up; he speaks to the person under him, and this goes down. There is no substitute for the chain of command. The chain of command is as old as man. People always want to destroy the chain of command principle. They want to bypass this because they are arrogant and they demand attention. If you bypass one authority and go up the ladder, they want attention and they want to bypass authority. Many leaders destroy their own authority by allowing the chain of command to be violated. Leaders need time to think. They need some isolation and some times to think. Bear Bryant did very little coaching once when he talked to Bob. Said he developed great coaches under him, and he just walked up and down and looked authoritative. Fundies want to erase all of this. “It is spiritual to go to the leaders.” No it isn’t; it is arrogance. “Sound cold? Then I’ll say hello to you in the hall.” Joab will get a lot done. He has great courage and poise.

Stubborn is being inflexible about everything. This is not strong character; just inflexibility.

One of the signs of arrogance and conspiracy is bypassing the chain of command. Fundies want to ignore this. “I have a problem.” It is all about them. They are all that is important.

2Sam. 10:9 And Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind [the face of the battle was toward him from the front and toward him from the rear]. And he chose from all the chosen in Israel, and set them in order [he deployed them] to meet the Syrians.

2Samuel 10:9–10                                 72David                                              631_0223

Jan. 18 WSJ and an article by Irving Krystal (from yesterday) “Foreign Policy, the End of an Era.” This is about the changes in Iran. Not to back the Shah of Iran is ridiculous, as he is the last sane ruler from that region. We do not have the means or the will to be involved militarily since our military is almost defunct. Shah is a great ruler, but unpopular. This leaves us with a bankrupt foreign policy. We’d like to see a democratic regime emerge in Iran, but that is not going to happen. You can describe most foreign policies in 2 words, national interest. Ours can be described in one word, imbecilic. That is Bob’s comment.

Woodrow Wilson gave the American foreign policy its own distinctive character and he saw it as our responsibility to convert everyone to democracy. Wilsonianism and this is still found in our affairs. Utopianism is becoming discounted. This made us overly arrogant and self righteous. Expecting an evolution to a democracy in various nations, but that evolution does not seem to be written into our genetic code.

A Baptist minister who was the new governor of Arkansas and a pastor on tapes talked to him and explained that leaving these people alive was immoral.

Arrogance blinds you to reality; self righteousness makes it worse; and there is a psychological principle, that those who are divorced from reality are destructive.

David did not have a state department. His foreign policy was to have the best army in the world. A magnificent army. We have no army and no foreign policy (Bob knows the number of divisions that we have better than we do). To be effective we need 5-10 million soldiers. We need universal military training. We need to turn hippies into soldiers.

There are still people who come in and want to put out their literature. Anyone putting literature anywhere will be thrown out. They will lose all their privileges. Berachah does not advocate candidates. We cannot push for one party or the other. Cannot allow for political material, good or bad. Berachah is not involved is politics or supporting candidates. We do not ask anyone to write their Congressman or anything else.

Bob reads the first few verses.

2Sam. 10:9 And Joab saw that the front of the battle was against him before and behind [the face of the battle was toward him from the front and toward him from the rear]. And he chose from all the chosen in Israel, and set them in order [he deployed them] to meet the Syrians.

Final Principles of v. 9

1.       While ths is dealing with the military, there is an important spiritual factor of blessing by association. All of those young recruits having their first taste of action, in the process of being deployed against the Ammonites and about to face the Syrian army. They have a commander, Joab, who is a mature believer, and they are associated with him. Sometimes God supplies the mature believer and that comes out to you; and sometime the decisions of that person will affect those around them. There will be direct and indirect blessing to this army.

2.       The Ammonite army has the best strategy and tactics at this time. The Jewish army, smaller than either army, and it this flying column of Israel is trapped in between. The Yankees had a good plan, to envelop the confederate force. Flank them and roll them up. This was the battle of Manasses or Bull Run. Completely out strategized.

Now we will go to the holding force. Abishai is one of the greatest soldiers as well. His nephews are of the best of his soldiers. No one can exercise leadership without delegation of authority. This is someone with a lot of power trusting someone else. The local church the pastor must delegate authority.

If the congregation elects deacons, then the pastor has no authority at all. He needs to select men in whom he can place his trust. If the congregation delegates authority, the church is in trouble. That is the problem with Berachah Church until they changed the congregation. The congregation can veto deacons now. He needs people he can trust. Bob trusts Ken Wise. Bob does not go down there and hire and fire teachers. All that is his baby. He delegates his authority to others.

There is a nursery man; he does not have to clear anything with Bob. Only T&P is something Bob needs to deal with, but Roy and Katie have delegated authority there. When problems come up or there is a deacons meeting, there is a policy which is dealt with. A deacons meeting to decide to choose what color to paint the walls; that is a waste of time. Whenever you see an organization where the people on the bottom are dictating. You are looking at great inefficiency when those at the bottom dictate the policy.

Some of you do not understand this system because you think that everyone in your organization all have the same rights. A person who does not delegate authority, when something goes wrong, then we have to go back and see who is responsible. A good executive can dig his spurs into his desk, sit back, and let it all be taken care of. A lousy person in arrogance tries to do it all and tries to run every single aspect of a person’s function.

People used to hand Bob money and say get this to the offering; and Bob never touches the money. You cannot have any kind of an organization where all authority rests with one person and he does everything. Or just as bad to have a democracy, where the people have all the authority.

It is imperative that a person with authority does not cling to his authority but he delegates it. It is the same thing with love. You do not keep all of your love for yourself.

Joab delegates authority to Abishai. He is trustworthy. The shock troops have lived through history and we have studied elitism, where it is good or not.

He separates the AIT from the elite. There must be fine lines of distinction. Any person with authority needs to be able to think categorically with regards to personnel. You must be able to think categorically.

You can trust people that you do not like and you can give a job to someone that you do not like. Liking someone has nothing to do with it. Women have to have people in positions under them that they like. The beauties are designed to be responsive, not objective. You must be able to sit down and think categorically.

Paratroop organizations may be elite, but they need food and bullets. They must be supplied. No man is an island. There are the elites in the body of Christ and the rest, and they are interrelated and inter-dependent. It is alright to have esprit de corps, but not to be arrogant. There is no gift without the people. Bob has the gift of pastor-teacher, but he could be standing up talking to himself, and it would not be too interesting. You can be elite by function, but they are no good without support. There can be arrogance on either side. But this arrogance destroys teamwork. It takes everyone to make up a team.

Terry Bradshaw had a great testimony in a sports magazine; and the other person is a born-again believer as well. Blocking is the toughest job in football and football is won on the line, not in the backfield. Sometimes people get credit for doing a great job, but the credit can belong to a whole other group. Ken Wise might get much of the credit, but the training aides are made by one group, and another does the teaching.

There is no such thing as a great pastor or a great congregation; it is a great church. It is not a commanding officer or an elite corps; it is a great army. It is the full-team effort. The stupid and arrogant view is that the leaders do it alone. No one does it alone. It takes a team effort.

Each person has a right to his own military preference, but no military organization should be rejected as unnecessary. Abishai’s force is as important as Joab’s elite force.

2Sam. 10:10 And the rest of the people he gave into the hand of his brother Abishai, and he set in order to meet the sons of Ammon.

2Samuel 10:10–11                               72David                                              631_0224

This is Sunday AM, and last night was “A Wing and a Prayer.” Conflicting with this was John Wayne’s worst movie ever, “In Harm’s Way.” It was a conglomeration of a lot of things which entertained some people. A pitiful conglomeration of nothing. Bob’s movie was interesting and accurate.

The history of the Roman world history shifts from the middle east to the western world because the Greeks went out into the world and began to colonize the western world. Attica resisted every attempt of the Barbarian hordes to conquer them. Many had come to Athens, and they were overcrowded, like Attica, so they began to spread out. The refugee Mycenaeans were dispossessed and they began to cross the Aegean Sea, and these were called the Ionic settlements and these great intellects would influence Attica. This is how we have Ephesus and other great centers of learning.

These Ionic settlements were being established during the time of David. 2 most dramatic events of history. The Assyrians conquered and pushed back; the Hittites had been destroyed. Turkey is a bridge between Asia and Europe. All of these people came in and settled in Greece. They did not bother Ionia. These were Barbaric peoples conquering the Hittite empire. They moved through Turkey and into Palestine, but they were driven out by the Aramæans. They were cousins to the Chaldeans. The Chaldeans stayed down in the Akkadian area. The Aramæans became the great people during the time of David. They stopped the Assyrians. Outside of the Philistines and a couple of others, they were the dominating power at the time. All of these things are related, the migration of the sea peoples, the movement into the west, the Trojan War.

Joab sets up a holding force with Abishai to hold the Ammonites. They have to be the mobile reserve to support his brother. Joab is going to attack the Syrian army. They will leave an opening and Joab will break through and destroy their army. Under a disastrous situation, Joab is able to think. This is the difference between good leadership and bad.

The way to solve these problems is universal military training. What is done with the military in peacetime will determine what will happen during war. David had the best staff in ancient history.

2Sam. 10:10 And the rest of the people he gave into the hand of his brother Abishai, and he set in order to meet the sons of Ammon.

V. 11 is mobile reserve in the 1st case. Interior lines and concentration of force in the 2nd case. It is important for there to be great staff work. The best troops in the world can be squandered and destroyed without good staff work. They make it possible for troops to be successful in battle. Inferior troops with better staff work can beat a better army.

This is around 964 b.c. They will turn around the Aramæans, who made up the greatest army in the world. As great as any empire of that ancient world, including that of Alexander the Great. Their first cousins would come in and conquer after them.

Apart from this, this people would have conquered the entire world. This chapter actually describes what turned the tide of world history. This would have been a game changer in world history. 55 minutes. There would have been no client nation to God to evangelize the world for the next 5 generations. No western civilization.

It is amazing to Bob that hope springs eternal in the breast of the stupid; they think that Carter is going to do something good. All of the important things are missing. Insanity is the only word which covers our so-called foreign policy. Woodrow Wilson’s stupid evangelistic policy. Even described by the WSJ as a legalistic fundamentalist concept. All self righteous arrogant policies become inconsistent. The Shah of Iran is one of the best rulers in the world. He has done more for his country except for the Rhodesians, South Africans and the Jews. The stuff we hear from the 4th estate is a lot of crap.

Joab was a mature believer like his uncle David. Staff work has eluded Americans. There is the staff work of Cannibal and Gustalvos Adolphus. The difference between Chancellorsville and Gettysburg is staff work.

Never sell brains short. Stonewall Jackson spent hours before battle in prayer and Napoleon with prostitutes. So it is not morality.

Bob likes the police chief and the press does not. He is starting at the top with policies.

The press represents the ultimate in propaganda.

If you are a fundamentalist Christian, you cannot be an environmentalist. The Indians never picked up their trash; we deserve this country because we pick up our trash. Environmentalism is a way to put relatively smart people to sleep for the Communist takeover. It is a way to get people’s minds off the real issues.

Big business is the best friend of little business and big business provides stability for a nation. The worst waste and inefficiency is located in our bureaucracies. If we were to wipe them out tomorrow, we would immediately balance the budget.

We are left in this world to think under disaster; we are left here to think doctrine. We are left here in order to have an impact on life. Our capacity for everything is being able to think doctrine.

We get a summary of the overall plan. All of the great conquerors of that part of the world were Semitic: the Chaldeans, the Assyrians; and it was not until the Persians conquered that area that the Indo-Europeans began to take over.

If the Syrian army is able to defeat Joab’s elite force, then the AIT must come to their rescue, which means, they are a mobile force. Abishai has a tough job. He has to demonstrate against Ammon, but not to become too involved. He must look as though he will attack, but not attack. Without this, he cannot be a mobile reserve unit if he gets too involved with the Ammonites. He has to look like he wants to engage with them, and he wants to engage with them, but he cannot. Berachah boys will be gung ho, but do not undersell a smart officer and respect his function. It is the same teamwork from Friday night. It takes brains at the top. A gung ho person can get things all fouled up. When you start an argument, find a place where your back is to 2 walls, and to the exits and for your friends.

Bob tells us more about bars, but then adds, “Sure, you ought to stay out of bars.” Never stop thinking. God gave us brains with which to think. The difference is thinking; never stop thinking.

Ammon on the north and Aram to the south. When you are outnumbered by each army, then you cannot fall in love with a piece of ground and dig in. The secret of a small force facing a large force is to be mobile enough so that you are never there.

You do not allow your troops to so love a piece of ground that they stay there and make it their grave. The secret to fighting a much larger army is mobility. A small force can always defeat a larger force. The secret to college football is a fast line.

UT and Maryland game. Maryland had large linemen. So UT was to move quickly.

Guerrilla warfare; how to you deal with the enemy when your nation falls. We would set up a place to dig in, in Vietnam, so we stayed there and dug in. At most he has 3 battalions and he will attack an entire army with that. The idea is to keep them mobile. Nathan Bedford Forest was never defeated because he was always noble. It takes more courage to fight that kind of a war than any other.

Listen, ladies, we are still in the Bible.

The holding force of Abishai is to back up Joab. If he gets behind, the game plan is the same; if he is winning, the game plan is the same. That is what happens when you learn to think under pressure.

The name of the game in military terms is interior lines.

These people not only had their military training, but they had spiritual principles.

Everything is considered. In all cases, the armies are mobile forces. This plan is so good that God the Holy Spirit decided to record this plan in the Word of God. When you establish standards in your soul based upon doctrine, then you can function in life without having to change the game plan. Some out there change the game plan every single hour on the hour.

Once this battle starts, there will be no change in the plan. Today, economic blessing; tomorrow is economic disaster. Bible doctrine in the soul means a stability of game plan. The variations and potentialities in this battle.

This arrangement from interior lines gives a consistent plan with flexibility. All great thinking in life is flexible about everything except doctrine. The plan is the same, but with flexibility. Many of us will not survive coming disaster because we are not flexible enough. Arrogant and self righteous people are inflexible. Sometimes we call the stubborn. Inflexible and arrogant.

Syrians will come up from Medeba to attack him. If anything goes wrong, Joab can support Abishai. Flexibility of interior lines. A simultaneous attack and holding force.

The Yankees at Gettysburg; they were first defeated and another Confederate corps came in. Hancock held the hill. Long street comes in. The Confederates have 3 forces, but the Yankees were smaller. It was Winfield Scott Hancock. The great charge on the 3rd day became the disaster of the clump of trees.

A spiritual giant is capable of meeting an historical crisis. He can have flexibility of everything in life except doctrine. This will be the largest empire in the world and they will panic.

2Sam. 10:11 And he said, If the Syrians are stronger than I, then you shall be for me; and if the sons of Ammon are stronger than you, then I will come [advance, march] to help you.

2Samuel 10:12                                     72David                                              631_0225

Consequently, David said, “I will manufacture grace to Hanun.” Therefore, Hanun seized David’s embassy...and his ambassadors were extremely humiliated. When David heard the g1 report, he dispatched the rangers. Deployed in front of the gate, while Aram maneuvered independently...he selected from all the elite and deployed them against the Syrians. Consequently, he gave orders,...

The great leader has the game plan. Whether you are winning or losing, your plan takes care of all exigencies. When there are more than 5 people involved in a plan, there is the possibility things can go wrong. However, add in more, to the chances the plan goes wrong becomes much stronger. Jehovah can neutralize strategy and tactics or support them.

Joab’s great plan, the concept of attacking a larger force, the concept of fighting on interior lines, and the excellent staff work. Also, application was made to business as well.

The subject changes, and there is a general order to the army of Israel, while it is trapped. We might called this general order #1. Joab’s great military leadership already studied.

3 basic concepts

1.       The combat personality, the importance of courage in battle.

2.       The motivation in battle.

3.       The ultimate victory in battle. Jesus Christ controls history.

Stupidity concept in military life. Fine line between idiocy and esprit de corps. There needs to be good staff work. There must be good staff work behind every battle.

This would be out of the hands of the staff.

Qal imperative of chazaq and it means be firmed, be stabilized in your mind; be strong; it is not battle courage here but moral courage. Courage in battle is the application of doctrine to the abnormal conditions of combat. The unbeliever has some concept of freedom or someone he loves, and there is something important to him and this gives him firmness and resolve. This is not an emotional courage. Battle courage is thinking under pressure and doing your job under battle pressure, just as you are on the battle range. Bravery must be mental and rational and not emotional and impulsive. We give decorations here for being emotional and impulsive. If a man has to use unusual impulse in battle, then command has failed. If a soldier does his job well in a company or a battalion and does it in many situations, he is then recognized. Different approaches to battle courage and recognition of it. There must be the ability to keep on doing your job under combat conditions. What people fail to realize, combat is like pressures in life for anyone. When things go against you in life, the ability to think is exactly the same concept as in a military situation. This is what is necessary in combat. In combat, a man has to be trained for a job. He has to first learn how to do his job under normal conditions. The movies mislead. A poor recruit goes into battle and becomes great. However, poor recruits become poor soldiers. That is a myth. A true hero needs to know how to perform the tactics well, under all circumstances.

We are at a time when everyone wants to start at the top. People going into business all want to start at the top. It never occurs to them that they might want to go in and learn the business from the bottom up. We have the thrust from the press that we owe certain races a break. It never occurred to anyone that some groups of people were under discipline for lack of establishment. Today, nearly everyone in America is overpaid. We have people being paid not for doing a good job, but for being on the job. The degenerate nations were easily enslaved by the Arabs and they were given to Americans. Those who came over from Africa are far better off in the United States. Some of the wealthiest people in this country today are Blacks. They have something with which they can trade, like athletic ability.

Remove all Black people and you are left with a bunch of white people with old sin natures. What is going on is just Blacks with sin natures same as white. Roots was a bunch of propaganda. There are people in Berachah who look around and frankly, Bob has no idea what they are doing there. Some of them would fall apart and they would never make it. You are section 8 material all the way. The women in this congregation are worse than the men. Bob saw 4 women yawning today; some one got the wrong idea about deep throat; it’s ugly. You first have to learn your job.

There is the motivation for battle for the 2nd concept. If you are not a man, at least act like one. As a civilian, you cannot even act like it.

Hithpael stem to establish, to guarantee. The military is the only source of freedom for a nation apart from Bible doctrine. The military gives you your freedom and the politician fakes those from you. HEW is an erosion of freedom; OSHA is an erosion of freedom. Big government says you must drive a small car when we have 200 years of gas in our own country. You are told you are not a good American unless you drive a mousetrap.

Joab is a mature believer with a true concept of freedom. Victory depends upon Jesus Christ. To manufacture something out of something; here, it is to manufacture victory out of battle. The Lord is going to manufacture the good; tob is like agathos in the Greek.

It is necessary for Israel to have a standing army, as a client nation to God. Just as the country is important for life and food; the city is important for the life of a nation. If cities are taken and destroyed, there will be no life in the city. We are a client nation and the United States of America is God’s property. The government has done a very bad job with administering its own property. The military is necessary to maintain client nation status.

The government has no right to restrict people’s freedom unless they are criminal. We have a client nation operating under an immoral or evil government.

Bob noticed the half-time entertainment and how bad it was. You don’t have all the hippie stuff with football; it’s evil or nothing. Better nothing than that.

The problem with this country is the spiritual factor. Theodor Roosevelt wrote volumes on the spiritual factor in the United States. Today, at best, they make political statements about the Bible. The political factor has left.

Joab recognizes that having performed at a perfect manner. You still do not win without the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why the south lost the war; manifest destiny, and there would be no United States today. The greatest evangelism and Bible teaching has occurred in the south and by a few Yankees after that war. Great doctrinal messages lasting for several hours. It changed at the turn of the century. The spiritual factor is gone. Joab is not ashamed to mentioned God; neither was Patton or MacArthur. It is the factor which makes the victory.

The best of preparation can be overruled by the will of God. The worst of situations can be converted into victories by God’s grace. Even our own country is filled with communists. Bob learned that Russia from 1917 was in the midst of a spiritual revival, but it went sour, because the Romanov’s were born-again Christians, but they were arrogant and divorced from reality. We do the same thing that Nicolas Romanov did. Everything that he did wrong and destroyed Russia, the last chance for believers to get off their high horse and to get squared away, and they never did. We are moral and self righteous and gave away the Panama Canal. We are guaranteeing that some African nations remain 3rd world nation. Uncle Sugar comes along and turns them into monsters.

If we survive the communist attempt to destroy us, it will not because of preparation but it will be because of intervention. How much arrogance can you get out of intervention? It is because Jesus Christ has seen fit to intervene. If we survive, it is because of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we win a battle, thank you Lord Jesus. Get down on your face and spend 24 hours saying thank you, Jesus Christ. Where is your concentration of Jesus Christ in Bible doctrine? We are getting ready to can a bunch of people who stick their noses into other people’s business. Bob does everything he can to protect our privacy. With all of doing things right, more than any church they know of, even though we are doing 100% right, we would not survive without the Lord Jesus Christ.

The fact that God blesses Berachah Church with prep school, it would not last a minute without Jesus Christ. We are a great church because God has seen fit to allow us. Short business meetings mean good administration. If Jesus Christ cuts us off tomorrow, it is all over. We are not going anywhere without the Lord. This church is going nowhere without the Lord. The Lord could shut us down and we are through. We are dependent upon the Lord Jesus Christ, even though the Word of God is taught well and accurately; but God wills it.

The communists are preparing to destroy us or to enslave us. They have taken every reasonable step to move against us. They have had the exact same policy. They know when to smile. The Chi-Coms are now our friends. You do not have to like the US to take their money; use their money and then use it against them.

We are the dumbest people in the world. We were brighter when FDR was here and we are only getting dumber.

Do not every forget the source of our blessing. Whether we survive or not is dependent upon Jesus Christ. what can we do to placate Him? Offer our children? Give money? Join the army? Nope. We are to remain faithful in Bible doctrine.


This is not an invitation to a sloppy miliary organization or to stupid tactics but simply a recognition that Jesus Christ controls history. Jesus Christ will use victory in battle to preserve freedom and Bible teaching and missionary effort will continue. When God disciplines a client nation, the rulers are reversionistic. 4.

2Sam. 10:12 Be strong, and let us be strong [guarantee freedom] for our people, and for the cities of our God. And may Jehovah do [manufacture] that which seems good [the good, which is victory in battle] in His eyes.

2Samuel 10:12–13                               72David                                              631_0226

2Sam. 10:12 Be stabilized in your mind and let us guarantee integrity and freedom for our people and the cities of our God; and let the God do the good in His eyes.

Joab is now at the point where everything must be committed to the Lord. Once you do as much as you can, then you put the matter in the Lord’s hands. Some generals have nervous breakdowns waiting for the results of a battle. The limitation is God’s will. Jesus Christ controls history. Military service and training are important, and the means of preserving the freedom of a nation, but it is Bible doctrine in the soul which preserves the nation’s freedom. If there isn’t doctrine in the souls of the believer, then there is no way for the nation to survive.

All of the preparation is meaningless without doctrine. The person with the best mental attitude will do the best job. Subordination to authority is found in the mental attitude.

2 people doing the same job; one has 100% proficiency and the other has the mental attitude; the one with the best mental attitude will do the best in the long run. The difference between loyalty and a simple recognition of authority is in the mental attitude.

How well you do a job does not indicate what your mental attitude is. A good mental attitude can function better under pressure and it is one of the greatest issues relative to authority. A person with a good mental attitude may not even be small.

Bob presents 2 men with IQ’s with 110 and 70; if the latter has a good mental attitude, that is the key. There have been a lot of people who have gone through Berachah, high IQ means you can learn faster, but nothing else. It is the plotter who makes it. This is true in sexual life, social life; it is always the plugger who makes it. Never accepts any authority except his own.

Joab is a brilliant man, but he is always a plugger. Mental attitude and motivation as to why they were fighting. The soldier with the right mental attitude will succeed; the one without it, will not. Motivation is either doctrine in the right lobe or establishment thinking. Freedom and establishment for the unbeliever; the spiritual factor for the believer.

The military profession and law enforcement must directly link their profession to divine attributes.

A Few Points

1.       History, no matter how great the preparation and military proficiency, Jesus Christ can destroy military proficiency under the sovereignty of Jesus Christ. Hannibal and his forces slaughtered 80,000 well-trained Roman.

2.       The principle of doctrine that God’s plan and God’s purchase will be manufactured from the outcome of the battle.

3.       This anticipates that the mercenary army will be retreated and Ammon will retreat behind the laws of Ramman.

4.       David will personally lead another campaign after this one, taking an army into Syria and break the back of the greatest power of that time,.

5.       Syria will form an alliance later with the northern kingdom, during the time of Isaiah.

Jesus Christ is God. In the general order, God’s will is called tob, which is good.

The people in the Jewish army has sin natures and God cannot bless them directly; but Joab and David have doctrine in the soul and they are believers; and there is a pivot in this army. And there is a client nation. This client nation will be perpetuated and there will be 80 magnificent years until degeneracy sets in.

Grace is the policy of the justice of God in administering blessing. Grace is the basis for the victory which we will study and note in great detail.

The battle of Medeba-Rabbah. Germans invaded Russia with a 1000 mile front. Bob describes the war fought in two places primarily, 400 miles from Moscow (MOSS-coh). 1 million killed.

Abishai is overseeing a holding force; and Joab has an elite force going against the Syrian mercenaries. The Russians attacked a week left wing, and Napoleon attacked the attacking force at Austerlitz, and defeated them.

An advancing force always has some openings. Napoleon at Austerlitz. He attacked the attacking force. This was one of the most decisive battles of history. A smaller force attacking a larger force, then and with Joab.

Joab is mentioned as the agrees or. His army must be distinguished from the army of Israel, which is being used as a holding force. As a holding force, Abishai is holding back the Ammonites and acting as a mobile reserve.

32:18 remaining

The Principle of Offensive Action

1.       Offensive is the only action by which a decision is gained.

2.       Offensive brings victory; defensive, as an action, at best, avoids defeat.

3.       The only effective way to conduct a campaign is to act on the offensive. The first is to destroy the opposing army. You do not capture his cities but destroy his army. That is the first objective.

4.       Offensive increases the effectiveness of the force adopting it, raises morale, permits concentration of effort, allows freedom of action.

5.       Defensive is used to assist the offensive elsewhere, to gain time, to utilize good terrain, to compensate for weakness, to maneuver for advantage.

6.       The offensive should be used when there is any reasonable chance for success and sometimes when there isn’t.

30 min remain

The Principle of Mass

1.       Mass is a military term meaning combat power

2.       In fact, it means concentration of combat power at the point of maximum effectiveness. It is like hitting someone in the solar plexis instead of on the top of the head.

3.       Today mass includes, numbers, weapons, tactical skill, morale, fighting ability, motivation and leadership, discipline all included in mass.

4.       Success in warfare is attained by the proper employment of mass in a main effort attack. An attack at the proper time at the proper place to accomplish a specific purpose. This is what Bob likes about the military: you have to think logically, sequentially and know what you are doing. There is always room for a military genius; and you start at the bottom; everyone starts at the bottom.

5.       Joab employs the principle of mass perfectly..

6.       The also involves economy of force, which is the means by which mass is employed in the main effort. Joab attacked the Assyrian army at their weakest point.

7.       After the time and place determined; men and means are conserved. By concentrating a few men at a point of weakness of the enemy, you save casualties as well as attain victory.

8.       Joab utilized the principle of movement, which is the maneuvering of combat elements. He moved his forces where there were no Syrians—where there were holes in the Syrian line—thus causing confusion in the Syrian ranks.

9.       In Joab’s offensive, he brings mass into contact with the Syrians to assure victory, even though his is outnumbered. Movement is determine the best place to attack Medina. Joab deployed so to get his elite force—his shock troops—at the weakest point in the Assyrian line. All of this involved excellent training, excellent discipline, respect for authority, everything that put it all together.

Only under a few circumstances are people moved up in the ranks for no reason. Bob had Hollywood types that he was punished and given this group to get into line; but Bob felt like he was on a vacation with this group. Only rarely does someone start in the middle. Many were given the rank of major immediately. Bob likes the idea that most people under most situations start at the bottom.

A general punished Thieme by giving these people from Hollywood who were advanced as officers without starting at the bottom. Bob had them for 2 weeks; well-known actors and Hollywood types. Only rarely does someone start in the middle. They did not even know where to put their rank.

Bob likes the military where everyone starts at the bottom and goes through the same system, except where socialism makes inroads. The main effort of attack

David’s obedience to the Word of God paid great dividends. Obedience to the Word always pays off. Joab also demonstrates his own leadership ability. David promoted him over a lot of older men. Outside of David himself, Joab was the greatest soldier of his age. People crying out nepotism. They think they got a raw deal, but Joab was the real deal.

22:49 remaining

The prepositional phrase le milchamah. Then against the Syrians. This is a small force attacking a large attacking force. This requires great nerve and courage in making a decision, but nerve and courage in execution.

The more training and discipline and obedience, the more lives which are saved. Execution of command right down to the chain of command. It is inevitable that we have a victory.

The Syrians panicked and ran. This large Syrian army, the greatest of that day, ran from this elite force. Israel has doctrine and Aram is without doctrine. Israel has the best leadership. The soldiers are tough on both sides. The difference between victory and defeat is doctrine. The difference between two forces of similar ability is doctrine and leadership. A spiritual and professional factor.

Perpetuating Human Freedom

1.       It is possible that Joab understood even before he committed his troops to action that the final factor was going to be a spiritual one. Jehovah the Lord do the good. Joab was a mature believer who understood that these armies were equal in ability, but Syria was the larger force. Specifically blessing by association and there was a pivot.

2.       Joab has cracked the maturity barrier, but he is associated with David. This was a decisive victory.

3.       There is no question about Joab’s professional prosperity in the plan of God. A believer who is not arrogant. He is a genius and lacking in arrogance. Genius can be a trap for arrogance. Most people in the genius class are arrogant and divorced from reality. The reason for this is arrogance or pride.

4.       They have just insured the freedom of privacy and property. Reuben and Gad are ranching people. This provide protection for them.

5.       This frees them from enemy invasion and destruction of freedom.

6.       The Syrian army was the toughest army the Jews would face. About the same might be the Philistines.

Treaties are no substitute for victory. There is no substitute for military victory. Treaties without victory guarantees the perpetuation of warfare. This is what we have with SALT1 and SALT2. Every treaty we make with the Russians and the Chi-Coms guarantees warfare and our own destruction. We have betrayed the sacred trust of God. Those who sign these treaties are traitors (and often Christians). When you make a treaty without winning, you are defeated somewhere down the line.

Napoleon brought Prussia to its knees. Frederick brought his wife to the peace table and Napoleon told him that his wife was a greater man than he was. This was Frederick the Great’s army, but his son was in charge at this point.

The German staff system is the only major military breakthrough in the past 200 years. Only one thing comparable; the staff work done by big business before WWI. These were men of absolute genius and we are still operating on the backs of their genius. Little business is the myth of socialism. Millions of people working for Washington could be fired and we would never miss them.

Treaty without victory means an inevitable war. You have to beat them and then you can sign a treaty. We will have to go to war and kill communists and outmaneuver them. That is how we will have peace. There is no basis in comparing strength and equipment if we went to war with the Russians or China. We could not even beat Cuba right now. We have sold out to Satanic principles called socialism. We are going down. Jesus Christ controls history. That is our own salvation.

2Sam. 10:13 And Joab and the people with him drew near to battle [advanced to the battle] against the Syrians. And they fled before him.

2Samuel 10:14                                     72David                                              631_0227

and Joab and the army which was with him advanced against the Syrians

There is no substitute for military victory. A treaty without military victory is a waste. The SALT treaty is based upon defeat. Any treaty with any Communist nation is a disastrous thing. We lost to the Chi-Coms in the Korean war and we have lost to jungle people in the Vietnam War.

Without victory, there would be no advancement. Bene Amown refers to the army of Ammon.

The Syrian army began to flee in panic, then the Ammonites retreat back into the city Rabbah. The conspiracy to assassinate Gedeliah was formed here in this city. 285 b.c. this city name was changed to Philadelphia. It also became something else, and it is now called Amman and located 22 miles from the Jordan. Joab will return in triumph to Jerusalem.

It may be necessary to fight on the defense for a variety of reasons; compensation for weakness is one reason; but defensive action never wins wars. Nations with small armies must always go to guerilla warfare, and it is an ignored factor in military history. The British and Americans seems to be in desperate ignorance here.

Ammon could be contained by a small force, while the Syrian army was routed. It is only the United States of America which apologizes for its victories and does not venerate victory on the battlefield.

So Joab returns from the sons of Ammon and comes to Jerusalem. There is also a maintaining contact with the enemy. There had to be reconnaissance teams and patrols. They went to Jerusalem where happiness, blessing and spiritual life are all related.

The troops need to be refitted and reorganized and there is a serious war for survival; but there is a victory war celebration. They would recognize the great source of victory, the honors to be given, decorations, so on. The victorious army will spur on the enthusiasm of the rest. A recognition of the Lord of battle.

This is a great victory under adverse circumstances and joab and Abishai won great victories apart from David. There would follow nearly 100 years of peace and prosperity.

2Sam. 10:14 And the sons of Ammon saw that the Syrians fled, and they fled before Abishai, and went into the city. And Joab returned from the sons of Ammon, and came to Jerusalem.

This campaign furthered Israel’s borders further than at any time before.

The Syrians retreated and followed the old caravan trail. They were east of Rabbah and north of Media. The Jewish army working on interior lines got out of the trap and were victorious. One a new Syrian army is formed, it will invade to the south. The battle of Helam with some of most of the decisive results in the world.

If you are anti-military, you are a moron and you need to live in a country of peaceniks who live under tyranny. The authority taught in the Word of God is far better than any of authority taught in the United States. Inevitably, our attitude toward Bible doctrine is our bowing to the authority under Jesus Christ. Freedom is irresponsible without authority. Communists today have a fanatical system of authority. We glorify socialism today, and the end result is a much more authoritarian government than the one these same people reject. Authority is a spiritual principle as well as an establishment principle.

When the Syrians saw they were smitten before Israel.

There must be facts. You cannot operate in the military without facts. You cannot live and function apart from facts. Raah indicates reconnaissance. A small Jewish army defeated a much larger Syrian army. They had conquered a great chunk of the world at that time. They covered Iraq and Mesopotamia. The land of Israel now goes all the way to the Gaza strip. The Chaldeans will eventually take the land from the Aramæans.

The Aramæans were divided into groups. All of these different people are Aramæans, but they were under one ruler. They had better military training under a system of competition. This is exactly the same system that the Mycenaean Greeks used on their attack on Troy.

Hadadezer or Hadarezer and he is called by both names and the difference is actually the language, the difference of the Amorite language and the Hebrew language. He had a great confederation of soldiers just like the Greeks who attacked the Trojans 200 years before.

They were not so disturbed by the defeat but by the nature of the defeat. A Israel soldier was as good as 5 Aramæan soldiers. This is the mobilization of the entire Syrian force.

The Kingdom of Zobah took the great casualties at the Battle of Medina.

Their gross national product was 95% military at this time.

When God the Holy Spirit puts these passages in the world, there must be some spiritual import insofar as we are concerned.

Two great military nations like Aram and Israel. The spiritual factor will be the deciding factor when there are two great military powers facing one another. The believer is potentially qualified to handle pressure more than anyone else. There is a mad scramble to pull together the entire Assyrian army.

Hadadezer means Hadad is help, and this was the god of warfare. He is the king of Zobah and he understands a crisis when he sees it. It has been ignored and buried today in the US, that we were defeated by a 5th class nation in a war. No one has even caught on to that yet. That is the most important issue in our country next to what think ye of Christ?. The young people between 18 and 32 have never faced the fact that they accepted defeat and even contrived to the defeat with the strikes on student campuses. The Communists caught all of this. We could be conquered at any time by anyone who wants to expend a few troops. It was the mental attitude of the young people in the United States who lost this was. And we have done nothing to correct this problem. There needed to be universal military service. We do not have a chance today with the sort of slopping thinking of today. The military is not run by the military today; it is not even allowed to be professional. It is hamstrung by having to kowtow to evil men. The state department is a cancer. The only countries with coup d’etat is where Romanism has had a stranglehold. The French Revolution was a reaction to Romanism in France and they go to the exact antithesis. However, they have one thing in common; they are both strong systems of authority. The only way to restore order is a military coup d’etat when a nation reacts too strongly to Romanism and begins to move toward Communism. This is true of all South American countries. No such thing in England or the United States where there is a good functioning republic. Cromwell would have been a revolution. The military must be kept down in other countries to avoid a coup. However, you cannot have a good response to communism without an excellent military. This readies a person for business to do the same thing. We will not survive except for Jesus Christ overruling and controlling history.

The great arrogance today is in the lower classes; they have all kinds of problem with authority. Arrogance is the greatest threat to authority and freedom. Freedom and authority are mated; you cannot have without the other. Authority without freedom is tyranny and freedom without authority is anarchy.

These principles are in the Word of God and they are related to our life as a client nation. It is God’s intention that a client nation follow these principles.

The reversionist uses his freedom to say no to the authority of doctrine. He is an anarchist. On the other hand, there are churches which take away your freedom. They emphasize authority and the result is self righteousness. Both are systems of arrogance. Self righteousness is a system of arrogance as is reversionism. Arrogance always accepts one or the other. They accept freedom or authority; one or the other. Your privacy in church must be maintained. No talking, no unnecessary movement, which gives the person next to you privacy.

The woman must be free to respond. The man must recognize the woman’s freedom to respond. The man has nothing if the woman does not respond from her freedom. A man who knows he is the authority runs his house like a drill sergeant; but the man does not allow for the woman’s freedom by giving the woman the freedom to respond. He is supposed to show thoughtfulness and gallantry and this engenders a good response. A man and a woman is the perfect balance between authority and freedom. If the woman reject his authority, the marriage is ruined; if he takes away her freedom, the marriage is destroyed.

The coach might walk past a player and bang on his helmet. Bob had a bad year once when Charlie Brown was a guard, because he was never motivated to function correctly. He was a stubborn jackass and refused to be motivated by the coach. His replacement the next year was teachable.

There is a policeman now on Richmond because someone is driving down Richmond too fast; “I wonder who that is?”

something must be done to avenge the defeat of Medeba. That has to be done, or no one would want the mercs from Syria because they were defeated by the Jews. Their gross national product is not looking too good.

Worship, military training, good social life, putting it together in the individual soul. Authority and freedom.

Israel as a client nation has a mature believer as their ruler. This is an unbeatable combination and they will defeat the great Syrian empire.

2Sam. 10:15 And Syria saw that it was stricken before Israel. And they assembled.

Hadadezer mobilized his army. The word for the Syrian god; Hadar and sometimes called Hadad. Ezer means help; Hadar is going to help us. The greatest empire at that time required motivation from something greater than themselves. A motivator above and beyond military training. A lot of people understand this. Since the god of war is a system of demonism, it is not going to work out.

An army without motivation, no matter how good, can be defeated. The Syrians were great soldiers. They did not exist as a political unit until Syria was under the Selucid’s. Syria extended from north of Palestine all the way to India under the Selucid’s right before the Roman empire came into power.

The Seluci’s called by Daniel the king of the north. From Damascus to India belonged to Syria. That is in the future. At this time their empire goes almost to the Persian Gulf and into eastern Anatolia.

All Jews have some Aramæan blood. Rebecca is Aramæan. Aram is related to Abram, so this is a war between cousins. When Assyria became a great power Aram was Abram’s brother? A prep school taught to say “An Assyrian ready to perish my father.” The Syrians are first cousins to the Jews.

There were some great Syrian kingdoms. 882 b.c. Benhadad I conquered Omri. They united all the kingdoms of Palestine. Aramæans put down for a few hundred years? I did not follow this.

David’s army has at least 2 battalions of Greeks. There are Greeks on both side.

Throughout all the ancient world, the Greeks were the most famous mercs. They fought in every army in the ancient world. Not an army in the ancient world without a few Greek generals. The Greeks got around. They fought in David’s army with Hittites and Aramæans in David’s army.

Syria was destroyed before they could conquer the northern kingdom? Trajen the only one to conquer the Nabatians, who were mostly Syrian.

A lot of Syrian blood in Syria and Iraq today.

2Samuel 10:16                                     72David                                              631_0228

In Air defense, an article by Tomas E. Beardo: Communists see warfare as total, so all aspects are given attention, more than just the military aspect. They are after Christians; so they take “Thou shalt not kill” and pounded the theme that the United States was bombing innocents. The said that the real reason was so that the military industrial complex could make money and that the soldiers there are murderous war criminals.

Big machine warfare is extremely expensive. Guerilla warfare is the use large groups of men to slash and run. Cheap in terms of dollars but expensive in terms of lives lost. Much of the world is suitable for type 2 warfare, which is guerilla warfare. The only way for the U.S. to win in Vietnam was to completely destroy the people of North Vietnam. The border was over 1000 miles. The ants cannot be destroys by destroying their many trails. You have to go all the way back to the ant nest.

The propaganda themes working well in the United States; large numbers of young people avoided the draft; radical movements sprung up among the youth. Daily pictures presented of war. The innocent appearing North Vietnamese peasants released by the Communists. This became the most burring issue for young and the Vietcong became idealized as freedom fighters, valiant underdogs in war. The opposition was so great that President Johnson chose not to run again.

The soviets supplied the North Vietnamese with tanks and a lot of other equipment. Home controls the battlefield and the Vietnamese War will go down in history as one of the worst things to occur in American history. Politicians are gutless; the press is ultra-liberal, the American student is about as dumb as any scum who has lived, various groups want to siphon off funds for their own pet projects, nice people bought into the anti-war movement, including clergy, etc. When all is said and done, we have stranded thousands of young men in Asia. The small nation of Vietnam defeated the United States.

We have now cut back our military; we have destroyed it with social action. The average person on the street will buy any propaganda. the 4th estate is totally evil. There is no hope except evangelism and Bible doctrine.

Our thinking was completely controlled by the Soviet Union during the Vietnam War. They discovered that they can set up a brush war anywhere in the world and control the thinking of the United states. The man on the street today thinks that Rhodesia is an evil nation. The entertainment industry is under the control of Marxist thinking. Average American is conditioned to think in terms of surrender, which is why there was so much applause when the U.S. did one of the most evil things in history, recognizing Red China.

We did not understand that women and children are a part of the war in Vietnam.

Apparently, most of that was from this article.

There is a book now, but I did not catch the title. “War is too serious a matter to be left to generals.” but this book demonstrates that in Vietnam, the civilians who controlled the armed forces caused our downfall; and it is too serious to leave war to politicians, their whiz kids and their assistants. Sharp points out why the U.S. lost the war. “Strategy for Retreat.”

what targets were allowed, and what tactics were decided at a Tuesday luncheon in the White House and there were sometimes no military men there? Admiral Sharp’s book will not be a best seller.

2Sam. 10:15 And Syria saw that it was stricken before Israel. And they assembled.

1115 b.c. called themselves Aramaic Bedouin. Aramaic and Hebrew sound very much alike. They are so much alike that once you learn one language, you can easily learn the others. All of these languages are so close, it is amazing.

Assyria-Babylonian which is Akkadian, and this supplied many of the words. Nahor’s 2nd wife was the mother of the Aramæans. They took advantage of the collapse of the Hittite empire and they took over most of Mesopotamia; except for a small strip inhabited by the Chaldeans.

Some historians claim that David received some help from the Assyrians against the Syrians. “It seems only natural to suppose...” from Cambridge ancient history. This statement contradicts the Scripture.

Permanent army of Aramæans in one part of where? They were a very warlike people and a great business complex, taking over many of the famous trade routes of that era. Anatolia, now called Turkey, the bridge to Europe. They were able to cut into business.

The Syrians beyond the river refers to the Euphrates. Aram of the Rivers in Psalm 60 is related here.

North of the river and south of the river are 2 armies divided about 10 years. The southern army hires itself out as mercs. The Northern had defeated some enemies. They will combine, which will be the greatest threat that David would face. The took advantage of the breakup of the Hittite empire, they had the greatest empire at that time.

Aram Zobah is the southern army, already defeated; and the other army will be the northern army.

This same God can give David this victory then and us today.

Archeological controversy of identification with Eliam and some other city.

This was a closed chapter for many years. They did not believe that the Syrians conquered Assyrian and that they profited by the Trojan War and the migration of the sea peoples. More archeology ought to reveal a lot of fascinating things about this chapter.

2Sam. 10:16 And Hadarezer sent and brought out the Syrians which were beyond the River. And they came to Helam, and Shobach was the commander of the army of Hadarezer before them.

Shobach was the commanding general. It ought to be Shobak. He was not a German composer but an Aramæan general. He has defeated the Hurrians, he has stopped cold the great sea peoples, he has stopped every army

called the army of Hadarezer because the northern and southern armies have been combined. Shobak assumes command of them for the first time of both armies, making this the greatest threat to David in all of his military history.

Shobak was a genius. From the human standpoint, the situation should have seemed bleak and hopeless. It is like us today with the growing success of Communist states in South and Central America. Most Americans think the way that Communists want them to think. They are trapped to think in the way that Communists want us to think. The only antidote is Bible doctrine.

The laws of divine establishment are functioning in Israel and the civilian population and the people are united in their motivation to defend their nation and to retain their sovereignty. The soldiers are appreciated. The people are supporting the army. WWII is the last time we supported our men and the last time the United States won a war. The Korean War was disastrous without allowing MacArthur to cross over the border. Bob wants to get “Retreat Hell” because it has some marvelous principles. The Marines cut off and isolated and could defeat any number of chinks in any ground warfare. Defeating the chinks even while retreating. Anti-chaicom and anti-civilian control.

We will continue to lose wars because of the mental attitude of the civilians. Only the infantry has the true courage. This is not the way to win wars, without civilian support.

Our military forces have been neutralized as has been our police force.

Battle of Canai, Luthen, Carnexburg, Waterloo and Austerlitz the Missourian Lakes, all decisive battles of history.

The battle in v. 17 is one of the most decisive battles in history and we are in Bible class tonite because of this battle. This is where we pick up things tomorrow night. The results make it possible for us to survive as a nation. If Aram had won, it is possible that we would not be a nation today.

2Sam. 10:17 And it was told to David. And he gathered all Israel, and passed over the Jordan, and came to Helam [they concentrated at Helam]. And the Syrians set themselves in order to meet David. And they fought with him.

2Samuel 10                                          72David                                              631_0229

A letter from generals to President Carter and some of the things going on in the Mideast.

State of the Union address given by the governor of somewhere tomorrow.

Israel is not simply a spiritual principle; but they are also a military factor in this world as well. Israel stops the Aramæan empire from conquering the world.

The battle of Canai and its relationship to Rome; and several other battles are mentioned. Had it not been for Charles Martel, it would have been the end of western European civilization after 1732.

Islam is the most rapidly advancing religion and it is taking over the world like communism. The factors are involved in this. If Islam and the Soviet Union get together on anything, this could almost stagger the imagination. Islam is more than a religion; it is an anti-American movement.

Battles change history more than any other factor.

The Battle of Helam is as significant as any other battle in history. The Hophal stem is to be advised. This translation, now when G2 briefed David. Here, le is the sign of the indirect object rather than a part of the prepositional phrase. The briefing that David receives indicates to David that this is the most important set of events of his life and of the kingdom. They establish their own national integrity as a client nation to God.

All of the reserves are brought out. This is a full mobilization. They use the valley of succoth to move against the Syrians here?

Cæsar crossing the Rubicon was a great decision; David crossing over the Jordan is also a great game changer.

David’s line of march follows the centric system. The valley is rich in natural springs. Succoth is also a great metallurgical center. Repairs shops for weapons, armor and chariots; and this city is loyal to David.

David needed to pursue and defeat the combined armies and it is all over. Aramæans, Chaldeans and Jews are all 1st cousins. The Middle East will be ruled for hundreds of years by one or another Semitic peoples. Aramæans then Assyrians then the Chaldeans; they are all tough, Semitic stock.

Everything will be overrun except for Judah.

After the fall of the Chaldeans and someone else, the Indo-Europeans will take over.

Rom. 9 is where we studied the Jews as a new race. Arak here means to deploy. The Syrians chose their own terrain, so they knew the battleground. Everything had been straightened out to meet the Jews.

To civilians, your idea of the military may be derived entirely from the movies. But there are 1000's of men who are broken down and given many orders. Hannibal did a Roman column with his weakest troops in the middle. David is strategically on the offensive. He did not wait for the Syrians to come into the land; he wants to meet these out on the battlefield elsewhere.

FDR let the japs take the offensive so that he could move the people into war; he did not believe that the American people could go into war without a dramatic event to get them going. Many civilians do not have the spiritual ability to stand behind a war fought elsewhere. The only way some can do this is to see their own cities bombed, and they will arouse themselves. When you have to arouse a population emotionally, then you are a weak nation. The average American looks down on the military. This is the most destructible thinking and a part of the communist conspiracy. They continually had them run down the military.

Truman was stupid. He wasn’t even good in his own field. He always wore the wrong tie with a pinstriped suit. You always wear a plain tie. So he wasn’t good even in his own area of expertise (haberdashery). You don’t wear stripes with tweeds; so what do you expect with him as a president?

If you get enough people at home to complain about policy, that defeats our war policy. Not allowing the cross of the Yalu River and firing MacArthur were the two places where Truman failed.

Strategy: David fights outside of Israel and still has the strong support of his own people. That is a spiritual matter. It is good strategy to keep the enemy out of your territory. None of us have lived where there is an enemy on your soil. Bob as a little boy heard what it was like to live in Kentucky or Virginia as a confederate. Because of what the Yankees did in Georgia, that one thing alone has still caused thousands to vote Democratic no matter what? We do not understand the foreign policy of the Poles or the Czech.s, etc. We do not know what it is like to have enemy troops on our own soil and we will never understand that until it is too late. The memory will always influence your thinking.

David is doing exactly the right thing. Doing this is a calculated risk and the enemy can choose terrain helpful them. David as the invader. Aram facing south and Israel facing north. When tactical and strategical offensive meet, they have short lines of communication. The tactical advantage becomes the considerations and that lies with the Aramæans.

This one verse involved a tremendous amount of staff work. It take 38-60,000 rounds to klll one enemy. All this has to be provided. In David’s day, it was not necessarily simpler. There were still thousands of men to be fed. You cannot live off the land; every army which tries this has disastrous results. They break up into groups of foragers. They lose their continuity as an army.

Wars cannot be won by amateurs; it takes professionals. It is a science which requires mastery as much as any other subject. It is to be mastered by those who are qualified. It is rare for a commander to know if he can do it or not. A peace time command is almost detrimental. The antithesis is almost Always problems. Some people sue the army.

N one has maneuvered a corp since Douglas MacArthur. Vietnam was a battalion war. You cannot build your doctrine on a battalion war. We must survive based on movements of a division. We are trying to keep a military organization going which could protect more than Rhode Island.

This is our future history just around the corner. We cannot stop major riots occurring the last stand of professionalism in our army was the strategic air command. We are in trouble like you cannot believe. We could not take David’s men and more them.

Once the battle of Helam is joined, it becomes the responsibility of the line. We have a tendency to sell short staff and to glorify line. You cannot have one without the other. They are mutually dependent. “I will tell you to your face that you are a horse’s ass. You are worse than that. You are stupid.”

Sending out men to get dead bodies is at great expense.

Fantastic function in the Jewish army. This is one of the most decisive battles in Jewish history and extended the Jewish country all the way to the Euphrates and it will stop one of the greatest nations of that day.

2Sam. 10:17 And it was told to David [now when G2 briefed David]. And he gathered all Israel, and passed over the Jordan, and came to Helam [they concentrated at Helam]. And the Syrians set themselves in order to meet David. And they fought with him [engaged him in battle].

Most of this next verse is messtup. When the Syrians panicked and fled from the face of Israel. Here is where the line comes in. The line did a tremendous job. Each individual soldier did his job perfectly, whatever his weapon, whatever his job; he did it well. So this smaller army defeats the larger army. The Syrians fled.

In doing their job, there is the Qal imperfect of harag, which means they slaughtered. It was a slaughter.

A slightly different story in Chronicles. There is a slight difference between 100 and 1000 in the Hebrew. Both agree 40,000 were killed. In Samuel here, the one writing the account did not get one thing straight. There was no 40,000 cavalry in the world at that time. Some scribe added to the Word of God and could not believe that many chariots existed. No one could believe that there were 7000 chariots in the battle. Someone just changed it into 700. He tampered with the text. Now the Syrians...and David slaughter 7000 charioteers and cavalry and 40,000...

There are more things here. We have only established the beginning. We will do more tomorrow night.

2Sam. 10:18 And the Syrians fled before Israel [in panic]. And David killed from Syria seven hundred in chariots, and forty thousand horsemen. And he struck Shobach the commander of the army, and he died there.

2Samuel 10:18 Psalm 20:6–9             72David                                              631_0230

The problem that we are dealing with has been summarized well by a Senator in Yankee country. This message was given to the VFW convention. This is a New Hampshire Senator. He treated the amnesty of deserters as a dark day. He called for the restoration of certain patriotic holidays to their proper dates.

The Athenians of the 5th century was a Democracy and they discovered that they could vote for themselves the wealth from the silver mines. Democracy always appeals to the selfishness of the individual citizen to gain something for himself at the expense of the nation and establishment principles.

We emerged from WWII as the most powerful nation in the world, with atomic weapons unparalleled. Free enterprise is what carries us today. Should the Soviets let lose of their intercontinental missiles, that would give us 30 minutes to prepare. America is not ready for the worst. We had qualitative and quantitative superiority over the Soviets in the 1950's. Politicians have allowed Soviets to increase their weaponry to equal our own.

What Soviets are developing compared to what we are developing, which sounds pretty pathetic. Had environmentalists been in existence in WWII, we would have never built the pipelines necessary for our defense.

Apparently, we owned the Suez Canal? We gave away the Panama Canal to a 2-bit puppet; a dope dealing organization at best.

We have done everything possible to put Rhodesian and South Africa into the hands of the Soviets, and this is where we get our most important strategic minerals from. “The people perish who have no vision.”

he suggests a return to compulsory universal military training. Make whatever sacrifices are necessary to improve our Navy and Air Force. Bob says, we simply wipe out every bureau for the money. Tell environmentalists to go to hell and to get out of the way. Realize that we are at war with the Communists and we need to stop helping the communists with food and technology. Nixon gave our inertia guidance system to the Russians. There will never be compatibility between the US and the hammer and sickle. He also says, we need to put our trust in Jesus Christ.

Pretty impressive remarks.

The battle of Helam is one of the most decisive battles in history.

Shobach was mortally wounded, who was the great military leader of the Syrians. He actually died before being removed from the battlefield. The loss of Shobach was equivalent to all of the other losses, according to the way this is worded in the Hebrew.

Jesus Christ often removes key people from nations in order to control history.

There was quite a question about horses and chariots. The Aramæans were the first to exploit the camel, and the camel is a mean animal. Once the camel bites you, you almost have to cut off his head to get him loose from you. They had great trading groups with camels.

Conquered the Hittite empire, who learned about horses and chariots from the Hurrians? Horses first used to pull chariots and then for cavalry. The Hurrians of Nitanii, the Hyksos and someone else brought these horses into the middle east.

Archeology has discovered in Bogaz Cuey, a book written in Hittite. Bob always enjoyed equitation of one form or another, like fox hunting. Before they invented the saddle, they rode bareback. If you have seen cowboys ride, that is the incorrect way to ride. The cowboy boot is hard on the horse. Get the heels down, your feet out, and keep your reigns low, etc, you have it made. There are a 1000 lines on this. Hurion horse trainer. Other nations learned how to have horses. Metani people were famous all over the world for teaching others how to use the horse. 25 years ago, they said 2Samuel was false because it talks about the Syrians and horses.

I know the Lord delivers His anointed. This is all from Psalm 20. This was the cavalry and the armor of that day. This is particularly the northern Syrian army. This caused the Jews to be outnumbered. The principle behind this is, the Jews were not up-to-date with regards to the latest equipment; however, they still won the battle.

Even though the United States has inferior weapons and inferior ground forces; and we have nothing like the Russian sniper rifles. We are so far behind, it is pitiful. Jesus Christ can overrule even weaponry advances.

Psalm  20:6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will answer him from his holy heaven with the saving might of his right hand.

The trust is not in the newest military equipment, but in Jehovah Elohim.

Psalm  20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

The Syrians have fallen down in battle. But the Jews are still standing. This is perpetuation of freedom. Freedom has its source from the battlefield.

Psalm  20:8 They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.

God answered us.

Psalm  20:9 O LORD, save the king! May he answer us when we call.

Principles of Freedom

1.       The result of winning the battle of Helam is God preserving a client nation of Israel.

2.       The laws of divine establishment center on freedom and they are herein perpetuated.

3.       Freedom is necessary for the function of evangelism as well as the spiritual growth of the believer.

4.       Freedom is the status of the principle live and let live.

5.       Therefore, freedom becomes legitimate self determination and self-fulfillment through the use of one’s own volition, which is the privilege and the franchise of the human race. The soul has volition and that is the great concept of human freedom and live and let live.

6.       Freedom is exemption from arbitrary control. Freedom cannot exist without privacy and property and the umbrella of authority.

7.       The first of these is privacy, the environment for freedom. The government is supposed to protect our property and our privacy. The Ten Commandments define freedom, not sin. Property which you possess becomes a motivation for others. Bob loves to see beautifully property and cars and horses and yachts. Socialism is antagonistic to privacy.

8.       Property is the motivation and the responsibility of freedom. Property and privacy are legitimate; they are goals of freedom.

9.       Freedom and authority are mated. You cannot have freedom without having authority. You cannot drive around Houston without the police officer. Without officials, there is no football game. In a divorce, freedom without authority is anarchy and revolution; authority without freedom is tyranny and dictatorship.

10.     In the spiritual realm, freedom without authority is antinomianism and authority without freedom is legalism.

11.     No client nation can function without freedom, privacy, property, etc. Any category of socialism is the enemy of freedom, destroys freedom.

12.     Freedom and equality cannot coexist.

From point 5:

X+Y+Z = human life imputed at birth + imputation of Adam’s original sin. Salvation adjustment to the justice of God. The laws of divine establishment protect the individual. Then the y radical. Judicial imputation 1 sins imputed to Jesus Christ and judicial imputation 2, the righteousness of God imputed to the believer in Jesus Christ. Then the maturity adjustment to the Justice of God. This is through maximum doctrine in the soul. Decisions. Z radical, with 2 imputations. Eternal life imputed at salvation; and something imputed at spiritual maturity? When we reach heaven, there will be great blessing and reward.

Decisions of law enforcement; the decisions of freedom and privacy. Every believer is a priest without anyone intruding on his privacy or dunning him for money. Standing up and telling the person behind you that you love them is insanity.

Freedom and equality cannot coexist. You can have one, but not both. You run the gammed in Christianity between mature and immature believers. There will be inequality in heaven, which indicates that inequality is a healthy state, not an unhealthy state.

Authority becomes distorted with car buzzers.

We are destroyed by a guilt complex. Africans had no freedom concept; and they were brought to the south, and that was the best thing that could happen to them; and they were evangelized. Outside of the British empire, there was no evangelizing in Africa.

Roots propaganda; and we are told that so many African-Americans must be made vice presidents, or whatever, in every company.

We are not born with equality, we do not live with equality and we do not die with it. Freedom is the issue.

Freedom and Equality

1.       Freedom cannot guarantee or manufacture equality in the human race. The greater the freedom, the greater the inequalities.

2.       Some use freedom to advance to success and others use it to become scum, failures and bums.

3.       Freedom is a double-edged sword. It takes the people of a nation and creates success or failure.

4.       From the standpoint of Bible doctrine, freedom is real and equality is a myth. Equality is not only a myth, but an undesirable myth.

5.       Equality is the device of the arrogant, the disoriented, the sociopath, the demagogue seeking power.

6.       Freedom is the heritage of the human race given by God to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Salvation is a part of freedom.

7.       Forced equality is the policy of tyranny, dictatorship, despotism, bureaucracy, but it is also the basis of Satan’s cosmic system. It is the pseudo millennium, the welfare state, which is the greatest evil in a free nation.

8.       Freedom is the policy of God imputed to man at birth to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Freedom requires content of thought, which is as simple as live and let live, and as complex as the heritage of a client nation. Freedom must have exception, such as loss of freedom to the criminal; loss of freedom to the reversionist. Fifth cycle of discipline is designed to remove those who spread cancer.

9.       Freedom is common sense, orientation to reality and respect for privacy, property, authority and other’s freedom. Big government created little people and little government creates big people.

The wishes of the commander are carried out by staff, which affects the success of the line. Lee’s army of northern Virginia followed out some of these principles. Japanese staff was very good. Very good almost into WarII and it went bad.

We take bad staff officers and make worse politicians out of them in the U.S.

David wrote several psalms about this battle. David has cracked the maturity barrier. Righteousness demands righteousness; what righteousness demands, justice executes. There is a grace pipeline and a grace policy. This is the means by which blessing is imputed by the Lord Jesus Christ. He can only impute blessing from one half of his integrity to the other half. The grace pipeline, which is encapsulated. No system of self righteousness can provide blessing.

David’s cup ran over from blessing. It is from the imputation of divine blessing to God’s righteousness. This has never changed throughout human history. The importance of military establishment.

2Sam. 10:18 And the Syrians fled before Israel [in panic]. And David killed from Syria seven hundred [7000] in chariots, and forty thousand horsemen. And he struck Shobach the commander of the army, and he died there.

More details of the result of the result of the battle of Helam.

2Samuel 10:19 Psalm 108:1             72David                                              631_0231

from the rear is Medeba; from the front is Ramman.

The results of the battle of Helam. All the kings refers to the Syrian confederation, which was the greatest empire of that time.

Niphal perfect of nagaph. This refers to a decisive defeat. Decisive victory saves great casualties. It kept Ike from having to go to Berlin. Indecisive action produces casualties. David took decisive action here and this provided great security for the Jews.

This is a great turning point in history. There is a saving of casualties and saving money as well. Being well-prepared militarily saves lives and money both.

Shalom in the causative active voice.

they made peace with Israel. These Aramæans were subservient to Israel.

At this time, the Hittite empire had declined and would be no threat for another 100 years.

The Syrians of the modern world have nothing to do with the Syrians of that time. There is no relationship between them. They are an entirely different people.

We learn that we ought never to be contrary to Israel.

15-18 minutes/50 minutes.

Jesus Christ controls history.

1.       It has been established that the Hittites, Assyrians and Greek Sea peoples did not dominate at that time; but the Syrians did.


3.       The key to securing David’s northern frontier was the defeat of this great Aramæan army. The kingdom of Irartu. The Phrygians had gone into Anatolia and they would dominate that area for awhile. Western European civilization began actually in western Turkey; not in Greece. Rather than Athens itself. For the protection of western Civilization, the Lydians, the Phrygians permitted the Ionic Greek to stay on their shores, because they were constantly concerned that Israel might cross over the seas to take their land. Instead of looking east, all of these famous Greek peoples began to look west. This was a dramatic moment in history like the Fall of Troy, the fall of Bogazcooey or the fall of the Hittites. All western civ comes from Judeo-Christianity and cities states and colonies on the western Turkey shores. They receive a vocabulary and an alphabet and they were able to develop a great vocabulary based upon this. It is very rare for people to think of David as the sponsored of western civ; but it is the colonies on western Turkey; and the other is the Word of God. The 2 combined to form our civilization. We have since declined dramatically. These Europeans did not penetrate or settle in Palestine due to some of the judges. David had to contend with the Philistine sea peoples. All these things led to the glory of Solomon’s reign, which was a great period of prosperity.

4.       1004–955 b.c. and Solomon reigned

5.       These great empires were all at a low ebb. The conquest of the Syrians protected David’s eastern border. There is only one way to stop tyranny is through warfare. You kill them; you defeat them on the battlefield.

At the end of WWII, we had weapons and troops and the greatest military in the world, and in a few decades, we have lost out.

Syria, a nation of that day, lies at the crossroads then Anatolia at the north, Mesopotamia on the east and Egypt in the south. For the first time, this area is stabilized. Turkey is a bridge between Europe and Asia. Some of these people have been fighting for 200 years. It will give rise to a maritime power. Spain will develop a great empire?

The Punic peoples will be called the Carthaginians instead of the...? But they are the same people.

After this, the Athenian Navy will arise. The word pictures made into 32 letter and they were taken all around the world. Jews on the land to the Phœnicians on the seas.

1 century of great prosperity in the land of Palestine. The Maritime power will not trouble them. The very secret to world peace.

The Syrians feared to help the citizens of Ammon. Military victory insured peace. The only way to handle nations which get out of line is to defeat them decisively. Syrians would never give aide to Ammon anymore.

The only thing evil nations respect is force greater than their own. Treaties and bribes will not protect a client nation. No nation is secure without a strong military establishment; this is a Christian doctrine. The more peace treaties you make without victory first is the more likely that you will pay the piper later.

It is a battle which causes the victory. The Roman empire would defeat everyone, and there would be absolute peace for 100 years during the Antoinine Caesars. The weakness of the Pharaohs, the Assyrians driven back, the neo-Hittites driven back. The Phrygians are active, but only in Anatolia. There would be famous soldiers from various groups, but these won’t trouble Israel.

2Sam. 10:19 And all the kings, the servants of Hadarezer, saw that they had been stricken before Israel. And they made peace with Israel, and served them. And Syria feared to help the sons of Ammon any more.

The secret to world peace here is fear. The Syrians were inspired to be fearful of the Jews. They were defeated decisively on the battlefield. There is no substitute for military victory. You cannot through treaty or bribe protect a client nation from the aggression of communism. Our military is at an all-time low. This great battle would secure great peace for the Jews.

The next period of time of great peace would be during the Roman empire. David, by conquering the Aramæans, guaranteed the new maritime power of the Phœnicians.

Cambridge Ancient History Volume II part 2 of the 3rd edition, summarizes the whole thing: on p. 536: “The climax of Aramæan political domination in Mesopotamia may be dated between 950–900 b.c. Its climax in Syria did not come until the 9th century owing partly to the lag caused by the triumph of David over Hadarezer.” “the triumph of David over Hadarezer.” good quote. P. 534: “The outcome was decisive. Israelite garrisons were placed in Hadarezer’s territory, especially Damascus. Great booty was seized, gold, silver and especially copper. Thenceforth, until the death of Solomon, the further rise of the Aramæans in Syria was effectively checked but their growth in Mesopotamia became correspondingly accelerated.” So Hadarezer became famous for his conquering of Assyria, but never again could he do anything with the Jews.

Israelite garrisons established and the further rise of the Aramæans was effectively checked.

For 100 years, there was this prayer by the Israelites when going into battle. The Jewish chaplains mention David’s defeat of Goliath and his defeat of Aramæan. Shobach was the great Syrian genius general.

Phœnicians are an amalgam of...

we have studied this chapter for about 3 weeks.

David covered this in 2 psalms:

Psalm 108: Psalm 57 is the first half and Psalm 60 is the 2nd half. These quotations are not exact.

Psalm  108:1 A Song. A Psalm of David

the dynamics of life are being able to think under pressure. The concentration by which he learned doctrine is the same concentration which he uses on the battlefield. Doctrine in the soul is the key to life. David wants to be able to think divine viewpoint. This makes him able to be one of the great kings of all time. This will continue for 100 years of prosperity. It is brilliant work all the way around.

Psalm  108:1 O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being!

David will keep on singing. Song and music has often been a part of esprit divine establishment corps of the military. The Aggie war hymn. David is able to think. That was during the battle. Before the crisis and during it, thought carries him. However, song expresses praise. Song will not carry you in the battle; but it is used to celebrate after the battle.

12 string guitar? You have to think music and express it by using the hand on a 12-stringed instrument. It requires a lot more brains than playing the guitar.

Somewhere is kabowd, but I don’t see it. When you try to philosophize Christianity, you rob doctrine of its power. The only excuse for scholarship is not just to gain knowledge, but to gain knowledge which is pertinent. David did not just gain knowledge to show how brilliant he was.

David gained knowledge of how to be a soldier and then how to rule; but the entire time, he learned Bible doctrine. He took doctrine into the leb or the right lobe. David stands in a spot where he made all of these decisions which were history changing. Any decisive battle of history was no greater than this battle of Helam, which changed the course of history and it began the stability for western civilization. The spread of an alphabetical system to the wild Greeks and the Celtic peoples. They would be civilized. God gives people a certain amount of time in which to become civilized. All the barbaric peoples of the past who did not respond were eventually destroyed. It was as important for the next 500 years for the fall of Troy and Bogazcooey.

The mature believer never forgets the source. He won one of the greatest battles of history and he takes no credit. Jesus Christ Who won that battle.

The way God has blessed Berachah has been phenomenal. When being blessed, it is a temptation to ignore the source of your blessing. Forget Jesus Christ as the source of blessing and freedom and prosperity; Who can change history in a moment.

The United States could disappear into the midst of history and never be heard of again. We have forgotten the source of our blessing and privilege. Some people have partied themselves right out of the picture. They have lost track of why they are promoted. If Jesus Christ is not the source of your blessing and promotion, then you have nothing.

We think there is some panacea in the welfare state and in socialism and that if we are nice to the communists, they will lead us to great peace throughout the world.

David will occasionally forget too.

Berachah Church will last as long as God permits. If Jesus Christ decides the church is through, then we are out of it. If God takes us out, then we will disappear into the mist from which we came.

Psalm 108:2–6                                     72David                                              631_0232

I am not sure if I am in the right psalm.

David has cracked the maturity barrier and is taking this talent which he had prior to salvation, and he is combining his spiritual growth with this previous talent. Any ability that you have which is meaningful can only have maximum use with doctrine.

Music is used to glorify God. Musical geniuses can think music. No matter what handicaps you have in life, they are not handicaps if you can think doctrine.

The same verb is used twice. He had been playing and singing all night, as only a musical genius could so. He was still working on music when the dawn came.

The entire course of history is going to change because of this battle of Helam.

David sang all night praises to the Lord as a part of his worship. He awakened the dawn. It is not the tune which counts; it is the lyrics. Music appeals to the emotion; the lyrics appeal to our thinking.

Psalm  108:2 Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!

He will praise and celebrate. Judah came from this verb.

The age of Pericles based upon the alphabet of the Phœnicians?

Psalm  108:3 I will give thanks to you, O LORD, among the peoples; I will sing praises to you among the nations.

Great people are not arrogant. There are those who are bitter or better or vindictive. Most of the arrogance comes from the scum, although some successful people can be arrogant. However, some success comes as spiritual blessing, which is not arrogance.

David was on the battlefield after the dawn and he looks out and he can see mountains and he can see the drop off to where the ocean would be. There is the impact of Bible doctrine. There is an invisible factor, which won the battle of Helam. He can look behind this horizon and he knows over the horizon is the implication that doctrine has impact.

At times, doctrine should not just be the main thing in your life but the only thing in your life. To have even the right person and to be without doctrine is to have a mess of your marriage. There is no such thing as life having happiness without doctrine. You can see in a moment of success what is there. You are stimulated into what you called happiness, but in reality, there is no happiness. David is at the peak of his spiritual life.

Greek peoples would move out everywhere and have the greatest influence on life as much as the Phœnicians and the Jews. David will lead Hiram (Phœnician?) to the Lord.

David is just a drop in the ocean of humanity, doctrine is the key. It is doctrine which is in our Lord’s mind. Doctrine gives him capacity for success and it gives him the ability to give a real, meaningful thank you to God.

When someone has been gracious to you, you drop a line to note this. You leave a tip in the hotel rooms for the maids. The poorest manners in the world: communism.

David recognizes that he is nothing, and that he could not be on the battlefield of Helam all night playing musical instruments. The far implication is that Bible doctrine is the impact of life. It is the indirect cause of winning this great battle and the appreciation of Jesus Christ as the One giving victory in battle. He knew that the sky went all the way around the earth, and wherever there was a call or a desire for doctrine, it would come and have an impact. Doctrine always has an impact farther than what we see. Doctrine is the means of administering God’s policy of grace. David looks up and see grace and sees along the horizon, beyond what he can see, doctrine.

Victory has many fathers but defeat in battle is an orphan.

Psalm  108:4 For your steadfast love [grace] is great above the heavens; your faithfulness [doctrine] reaches to the clouds.

He is saying both that the earth is round here, and much more than that. Rum is the verb here.

The victory of the battle of Helam belongs to the Trinity. Jesus Christ, as the Revealed Member of the Trinity, receives the glory. The second line goes toward earth, but recognizing that the earth was round. First, a word to heaven and then to earth.


1.       The mature believer never loses sight of all blessing. When the dawn came, he composed these words. He was playing all night and some of his men were probably with him. After the battle and the bodies were being collected, David began to sing, and they praised the Lord. And when dawn came, he wrote these words.

2.       If God does not provide the victory, there is not victory. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

3.       All human security must be related to the grace and power of God. If you are depending upon human things, there is no security in human things. David recognizes that security in life is in God. The principle of the wall of fire.

4.       No matter how talented or wise or brilliant or gifted, there is no prosperity, etc. apart from the grace of God. Orientation to grace comes from perception of doctrine.

5.       No blessing apart from the integrity of God.

6.       God has split His holiness or integrity at salvation, imputing to us half of His righteousness, and using His justice as the initiator.

Psalm  108:5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!

Now we quote from Psalm 50:5–12

we move to a completely different subject and we get into something which is very personal. Chalats means to be set free, to be prepared for war.

Now we are in retrospective exposition, looking back. The citizens of a client nation.

Prepare means military training and function prior to warfare. A client nation must always be prepared for war because this is the devil’s world. Wherever there is freedom, it is inevitable that nation will be subject to attack by Satanic influence. All communist nations are Satanic and under Satanic influence.

Deliverance in wartime comes from preparation for war. Victory in battle comes from preparation in peacetime. You are sitting on your gluteus maximus staring out into space.

Preparation for War

1.       Deliverance in war comes from preparation.

2.       Preparation in normal times of peace brings preparation for war.

3.       Victory in battle comes from preparation in time of peace.

4.       David is recognizing that from the human standpoint, he was prepared for the Syrian-Ammonite war. He was prepared; he was not caught out in Carter country.

David looked out there and saw the Aramæan army outnumbered him and they chose their own ground. He realizes that he has done everything that he could do to prepare, and he knows that it is not enough. He can now put it all together.

The next line says, cause us to be delivered. Qal imperative of anah. The right hand is the Lord Jesus Christ, Who controls history.

He prays according to accurate Bible doctrine; according to the laws of divine establishment.


5.       There is an inferential waw; answered prayer and freedom through military victory.

6.       God supplies the military victory so that the battlefield will half to deliver Israel and give them 100 years of prosperity.

Long prayers are not necessarily good prayers. Pray enough to cover what you are praying about. You do not have to thank God for the birds and the bees and the divine decrees. In public, prayers should be short and to the point.

There is a pivot of believers called the loved ones. That is an ingredient for victory. They are the basis for the deliverance and many of them are military types who will do the actual fighting. Excellent logistics; great moral courage, all of the ingredients for military success. There is the ultimate principle; Jesus Christ controls history. Without this fact, there could be no client nation in the devil’s world.

Psalm  108:6 That your beloved ones may be delivered [be prepared for war], give salvation by your right hand and answer me!

Psalm 108:6–7                                     72David                                              631_0233

Some show on channel 2, a news thing apparently, that Bob refers to. Houston has a wonderful newspaper, the Houston Tribune. Phillis Shafely liberals see all kinds of conspiracies when related to conservatives, but cannot recognize any sort of a conspiracy if related to Communism. With respect to JFK, there was this great conspiracy thing until it became clear that Oswald was a communist, there was no longer a consideration. If you are a believer and a liberal, you may want to reexamine yourself to understand has that happened.

Mao represents a horrid system; but Bob hopes that no violence against him, despite the fact that he is a lousy person.

David did not have a Navy, so he did not attack the great sea peoples on the sea.

The greatest war that David fought was against the Syrians. No relationship between modern Syrians and those of the ancient world. They would stand neutralized for the next 80 years.

Europa was the daughter of Pygmalian who was the king of the Phœnicians. She was kidnaped and taken to the European world. Her brother who went to find her did not but founded Thebes. She is a Phœnician goddess. Everywhere you turn, there is the influence of the Phœnicians.

The Canaanitish language has various types of word pictures. The Canaanites reduced this to symbols. The Phœnicians took the letter over to the Greeks; and there was changes in the direction of the aleph’s. Our alphabet comes from the Phœnicians.

Renaissance finds its origins from the 5th century Greek. The Phœnicians took various words, which were pictographs, and made them into letters. H came from a fence.

Bob follows out a few letters and how the similarities and differences are carried through.

The Hebrews did not put the vowels in because they just already knew what they were. People thought in terms of symbols, so thought does not advance; but then thinking became in words, which advanced human thinking dramatically. This change was all based upon this battle that we are studying?

Psalm 108 is in 2 parts. Psalm 57:7–11 is first quoted by David, what he thought of and sang after the battle. Before the battle, he did some thinking and did some praying; and his prayers and thoughts are recorded from Psalm 60:8–12.

The battle of Helam is one of the most decisive and important battles of history.

There are laws that you cannot publically denounce a president and you might be able to go to jail for it? Indicates that someone may feel a bit shaky about his position. .It is always easy to blame someone who is prominent. However, they may not be at fault.

The aftermath of the Battle of Helam:

My heart is stabilized, O Elohim. The ability to think and the ability to concentrate. David handles everything well, even though he had disadvantages. The Syrians chose their own battlefield in Helam. They could move out from their camps into position quickly, and be in battle formation. They knew the terrain and David did not. The tactical advantage belonged to the Aramæans. The wonderful training of David’s troops in peace time. The excellent cooperation of staff and line. The staff did a beautiful job. I will sing praises and play the psaltery. Using his voice was easy for David; but the playing a 10 stringed instrument required more word, so the Piel is used.

The believer expresses his own honor through worship, but that means you must have doctrine that you can think. You can still think under prosperity, but when the pressure is on, it is harder to think; and vice versa. David can think in prosperity.

When thought ceases in prosperity, that person is on his way down in reversionism. Jesus Christ controls history and si the source of all blessing.

One of the best illustrations of thinking under pressure and prosperity, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Honor is thinking under prosperity.

Wake up, O harp and lyre. We will awaken the dawn. I will give thanks to you, O God, in the army. I will sing praises unto you among the nations. David has those who accompany him.

Bob spends hours speaking to Dr. David john. He gets a lot of people writing about science and the Bible. Science is boring and doctrine is fascinating. Don’t try to fit science into every doctrinal thing.

Dawn has come and David looks up into the sky. Palm Springs had snow and hail and on Huntington Beach. For David, it was a beautiful day. He saw the magnificent clouds, and heaven is billions of light years on the other side. He thinks about God’s grace. Great above the heavens is Your grace. As far as the sky is Your doctrine. Doctrine goes all around the earth. David can look to this or that side with a limited horizon; but long after he is gone, doctrine will continue to do great things. Doctrine is the greatest factor in the world.

Be exalted above the heaves, O Elohim. And Your glory above all the earth. All human security must be related to God and not to man.

Psalm 60:5–12 small pivot means the nation goes down. Large pivot and small spinoff means victory and perpetuation of the sin nature.

Pivot of mature believers and Jesus Christ controls history.

Psalm  108:6 That your beloved ones may be delivered [be prepared for war], give salvation [to be delivered] by your right hand and answer me!

A Piel perfect of dabar and this means to promise; a verbal promise. When God makes a promise to a believer, the source of the promise is God, and it is backed up with God’s integrity.

Integrity is made up of the attributes of justice and righteousness. The only hope for the United States is the justice of God. We are very much where David was before all of this began.

We do not have the holy roller jump here, but understand and responding to the integrity of God. God has promised. David has the integrity in himself. Freedom of a nation depends upon military victory. A man who is a believer like David has the ability to assume authority and to be fair with all kinds of people.

Then there is a military policy stated. Châlaq. Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. Shechem was a Hivite city and Jacob purchased land here was given to Joseph. Joseph received the double-portion. Both became tribes. This land Shechem has always been associated with the north. These are Yankees, but David treated them fairly and the same way as he treated those in the south. No application of authority properly if you are prejudice. Doctrine did this for him.

David’s grandson, Rehoboam, went to Shechem to be crowned. He was a politician. When he went up there to be crowned, he was seen as weak, and they rebelled against him.

What is being done here, is David is going to draft people for the army from all 12 tribes (of the fighting tribes). It was a victory this is fairness and lack of prejudice. These always pay off when there is good authority. This is the military policy which led to success.

We will cover the final portion of this verse next time.

Psalm  108:7 God has promised in his holiness [integrity]: "With exultation I will divide up Shechem and portion out the Valley of Succoth.

Psalm 108:7–8                                     72David                                              631_0234

with Bible doctrine, the believer is able to think under all sorts of circumstances and not to be confused by all that is going on. The leader of Communist China is in Houston. Millions of innocent people have been killed by the ChaiComs. Many are aware of all the evils connected with them.

The average fundamentalist thinks like a peasant. This Chinaman is here as a guest to our country; therefore, as a guest, he should be treated with courtesy. If you have personal contact with him, I would not you expect to clink glasses to him and drink to his good health. However, if you go out and protest about him, you are just another peasant; only peasants demonstrate. Bob has just recently given the doctrine of a mob; mobs are the lowest form of humanity.

Some of you will wake up and realize that violence is not the answer to anything. Except there is violence in the military. Only scum demonstrate and lynch. Many of you used to be hippies; doctrine has changed that.

There is no reason to try to make this person’s visit uncomfortable. Very few Americans are qualified to even debate with this man. He did not get where he is by being stupid. There are at least 25 people in this congregation that Bob would suggest “Don’t ever tell anyone you are from Berachah Church.” In some cases, do not even say that you are a Christian. We may not like him, but we don’t have to treat him with contempt. Life is too short for that. If you had 5 minutes with him, what would you do, tell him all the evils of Communism? He knows them better than we do.

We will not stop communism by being rude to this visitor of by demonstrating or by shooting him or any other communist.

A movie called The Ice Palace; and there was a club about 7 miles from town. All the fishermen did their raising hell there. Richard Burton and Jim Backus were there. Burton pulled out the plug of the jukebox because it was so noisy and these big fishermen looked at him like they were ready to kill him. Then Burton broke into “To be or not to be.” Here is a case where thought saved his life. When he was done, they clapped. A lit bit of thinking goes a long way. And we have something greater than this; we have doctrine.

Stupidity is never courage. It may pass for courage.

Phœnicians took the alphabet all over the world because of this battle.

V. 6 before the battle, David does some praying. In order that your loved ones might be delivered.

Piel imperfect means to survey large bodies of land. This was his policy, and his logistics. Zion was the Pentagon. They needed a base in the north and across the Jordan. This allows him to operate on concentric interior lines, the greatest system of logistics that the world has known. All of the rations, reenforcements, reserves, all is best with concentric interior lines. You can move to the point of your enemy’s weakness. David sets up this base, recognizing that he has enemies in the north, south and east. This allows for mutual support back and forth. About 150 clicks between these? David presided over the greatest expansion of Israel.

The northern base is called the valley of succoth. It lies astride all the communication routes between Jerusalem and Damascus. They go through the valley or along the valley. The Valley of Succoth is a place where there is great weapons manufacturing.

The topography is quite important. There is the River Jabbok acting as a very natural boundary. High mountains and easy to defend by even a few men. Jerusalem and the Valley of Succoth were the best spots of the Middle east to defend.

Deep ravines on the Jordan side. All of the ways to enter are easily defended.

This was the beginning of the iron age. From the standpoint of rations, it was important. Many springs and a good agricultural area. Also the capacity to maintain all technical services. The people were a very important factor. You cannot successfully fight a war without the support of the civilians. No army can be successful in a field unless the civilians are for them 100%. The communists knew the importance of undermining our civilians. The constant demonstrations, the constant disruption, the movie industry with such idiotic libs. The news industry was bad as well. They photographed those who appeared to be nice and innocent, and then show atrocities and blame them on the air force. We had to make treaties without victories, and without a victory, that is a defeat. This only guarantees that you will fight again and again until there is a complete victory.

SALT1 is a defeat just like those treaties at the end of the Korean War or the Vietnam War.

David had popular civilian support. Even during the Absalom revolution. Where does a military man go when he is kicked out of his base? He went to the other base, the Valley of Succoth. The manufactured spears and swords and all kinds of weapons. We are talking about strategy. David, under pressure, could still think. He knew exactly where to go. He goes into the wilderness to lose those pursuing him; then he goes into the Valley of Succoth. He developed the concept of concentric interior lines and mutually supporting troops.

David conquered Jerusalem and made it into a base. He conquered Jerusalem by war and he conquered the Valley of Succoth by doctrine. When you take something by violence, you can lose it through violence. It is a bad habit to win by violence. Invincibility gets wiped out sooner or later. What you take by violence, you can lose by violence; what you secure with doctrine, you can hold with doctrine. Whatever you gain by any system of arrogance can be lost by a better system of arrogance. What you gain with doctrine cannot be lost. In fact, if you gain it with doctrine, you can take it with you, so to speak. The believer with Bible doctrine in the soul takes it with him.

Why does God allow extraction and extrapolation in order to form a new psalm? Why does He do this? Of all the decisive battles of history, the greatest of all is the battle of Helam. These other psalms were about other things, but their extrapolation is all about the battle of Helam.

Psalm  108:7 God has promised in his holiness [integrity]: "With exultation I will divide up Shechem [I will draft soldiers from Shechem] and portion out the Valley of Succoth.

Gilead is a big range of mountains coming out of the Sea of Galilee. Joab marched the flying column to Rabbah, but he made the mistake of not having flankers out in the south to see what is going on.

On the northern portion of this half moon is Bashan. When Moses finished off and Joshua took over, Reuben and Gad and half of Manasseh saw this land, and they decided that is what they wanted.

This belongs to Reuben and Gad and half of Manasseh. They are east of the Jordan and, under Moses, they were not exempt from military training and involvement. Everyone in the nation was responsible for military stuff and there was universal military training. Those east of the Jordan were not exempted. There was total mobilization against Aram. Manasseh on the east side is the one which is included here.

the head is north and the feet are south. The tribe of Ephraim and the logistical base of the north.

People without policy are a mob; a business needs policy. Without policy, a business will go bankrupt. Even the ladies petunia club need policies. Churches must have a policy. This represents the principle of authority. All groups require freedom and authority.

Responsibility always means sacrifice on the part of leadership. Leadership must set up a system of policy. Policy is made for 98%; and you do not make policy for the 2% weirdos. The US used to have policy and law which dealt with 90%; and now we are developing policies based upon a tiny percentage. There are the goofiest things in the world which happen in Berachah; but they do not make rules for the small percentage of coo-coo clocks. David had policy, but he did not overload it with policy for a few clucks.

Going to cover Judah as a lawgiver Sunday morning.

Psalm  108:8 Gilead is mine; Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet [the fortification of my head], Judah my scepter.

Psalm 108:8–13                                   72David                                              631_0235

The first 5 verses are praise for the aftermath of the Battle of Helam. Then we have thoughts expressed before the Battle of Helam. Freedom is what we have in common with angels. You cannot have freedom without property.

There is no such thing as equality among believers. It goes from the mature believer who dies under dying grace and the immature believer who dies the sin unto death.

A third of the earth was turned over to Communism by FDR and his policies.

God has a plan for all of us, X+Y=Z. Salvation adjustment to the justice of God. Divine righteousness imputed at salvation, which sets up the 2nd potential, which is blessing in time. That is Y radical.

Z radical, which is great blessing and reward at the Great Throne judgment.

My heart is stabilized, O God; I will sing praises and play the psaltry, also expressing my honor. David will spend all night on the battlefield singing praises to God. I will give thanks to you from the middle of the army and I will sing praises to You from the nations. Rise of the great maritime power of the Phœnicians, who would take their alphabet all over the world. The earth is round, in v. 4, he can look in different directions and he looks above and sees the

v. 6 is what David thought before the battle? In order that your loved ones might be delivered, cause us to be delivered by Your Right Hand.

The divine righteousness imputed to us is the target for all blessing from God. If God gave us blessing on the basis of our works and our righteousness and our talent and the use of it and the spiritual functions that we engage in, that would compromise His attributes. The justice of God cannot bless the old sin nature. This pipeline from God’s justice to His imputed righteousness excludes all human good and all functions of the sin nature. God has spoken in His integrity and we deal with the integrity of God.

I will draft soldiers from Shechem and I will survey the Valley of Succoth.

We stopped with Judah is My law-giver. Poel stem used here; to determine, to appoint, to decree; to make a policy. You cannot have success in any endeavor without policy. Certain items are settled by policy. There must be good policy in business, in the military, in a football team, in a church. This allows them to run properly.

The leadership of David’s army come out of Judah. A ruler must have strategy and a policy which matches the policy.

The great person is the one who can think under pressure. But you must have something with which to think.

Psalm  108:8 Gilead is Mine; Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim is My helmet [the fortification of my head], Judah My scepter [My leadership].

The result of strategy are 3 nations which challenged the freedom of Israel. Jesus Christ said that there would be wars and rumors of wars until His return.

The oldest daughter got Lot drunk and they had sex; and the younger did the same thing the next night; and from these nations came Moab and Ammon; and these nations were very antagonistic to Israel.

The Moabites were famous for their conspiracies, but not for their military ability. They would prefer to defeat the enemy directly. They used their beautiful women to entice the Jews into the phallic cult.

Sier Rachatz, which sounds like a wash pot, but it is a field latrine. Moab is constantly filled with conspiracies which stink; and the army fills up the latrine and moves on to other things. David defeated the other conspirators and moves on. They have been defeated in battle; they respect him because of his military ability, and they will move on.

David did not want to go to war with Edom, but he was forced to. This is not a sandal, but a GI shoe. He defeated them with the movement of his army. They were defeated by marching.

Movement of the Greek peoples. The ones which gave the Jews the trouble were the Philistines. Those who settled on the Gaza strip were the ones who caused all the trouble for the Jews. The Lydians were half-Greek and half-Hittite.

A Phrygian prince married someone else and that took the alphabet in one area.

We know enough about all of these to get an idea of all that is going on here. The Aramæans, at this time, have the greatest empire in the world.

The Phrygians are probably the most famous of the sea peoples and probably responsible for taking the alphabet to the Greeks themselves.

Phœnicians and the Carthaginians have left evidence of their arrival on the Maryland coast. The Philistines sea and land power. Cambridge ancient history recognizes this important victory, that David beat these people down.

Psalm  108:9 Moab is my washbasin [field latrine]; upon Edom I cast my shoe [GI boot]; over Philistia I shout in triumph [the battle cry of victory]."

David asks who would carry him to Rabbah, a fortified city. Strategy, logistics and tactics in this war. No matter how well his troops fight, those who succeed as believers must never forget the source. If God does not promote us, we are not promoted. Our capacity for life and blessing comes from the source, which is God. All of the blessings, our source comes from Jesus Christ.

The Edomites made a sneak attack from the south and there was the battle of the Salt Sea, which put the Edomites out of action for a long time.

The US is a client nation today. It is our responsibility to send our missionaries and to teach the Word of God. God cannot give victory to a client nation in reversionism. It is often that the fifth cycle of discipline is administered through warfare. Are we to be destroyed as a nation? Or will we survive?

Psalm  108:10 Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom?

Victory is always won by an attack; never by a defense.

Psalm  108:11 Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go out, O God, with our armies.

There are modern repercussions in this next verse.

Shaw means evil. If man delivers us, it is evil. If God delivers, it is greace. Our welfare statism is an example of deliverance by man. If man takes the credit for deliverance, then there is no delivery by God. Cursed is the man who places his trust in man and makes flesh his arm.

So many believers are without doctrine and they die the sin unto death before going to be with God. The pain, the disaster, there horrible things that they encounter; and during their lives, they reject God’s Word. They live in the stony places. The land of salt without inhabitant.

The believer minus doctrine has a sick mind.

Jer 17:4–9 And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever. Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

There is no success no balance, if there is air on one side and substance on the other. You may be very phoney. If your honor code is not the Royal Family Honor Code, then all it is, is air.

Psalm 62:8–9: Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah Those of low estate are but a breath; those of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath.

Psalm  108:12 Oh give us help against the enemy, for vain [evil] is the salvation [deliverance] of man!

By means of God, is how this begins. What is to be manufactured here is battle courage. The hero is the one who thinks under pressure.

Bous means to trample down and destroy. David recognizes that the Lord was the source of victory, before and after the battle. No matter how you slice it, Jesus Christ makes the difference.

Psalm  108:13 With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.

Psalm 85:8–10                                     72David                                              631_0236

This is the last pertinent psalm for David and then back to Romans. Bob has spent several days on half of a verse and one of the most difficult that he has ever worked on. Most people just write this verse off. One German linguistic scholars says, “No one knows what this means.” Why Paul to a Mosaic passage and changed 2 words in it, Bob cracked the code late last night.

We thought that if you educate everyone at public expense that everything is going to be good.

The ability to concentrate in the field of music is much greater than in most areas because you select the music and then listen to it.

No one ever wins in game playing. That is divorcing yourself from reality. Some of you picked up this at the very beginning of last night’s. Thieme begins to review this movie and the recuperative powers of revenge. Some people are childish all of their lives and they like to play games.

There is a great deal of difference between looking like an adult and being one. Maturity eludes those who are divorced from reality. Some spend more time dreaming than concentrating. You never hear the command, dream while you are in Bible class. Music without lyrics does not require thought. Some of the greatest people in life hated music. Napoleon Bonaparte hated music, although he went to the opera for the girls. Alex the Great and Gius Julius Cæsar did not like music either. The compromise between compromise and dreaming; you cannot dream and have capacity for life.

We are going into our monsoon season. In the last few years, our weather at this time of the year is like Seattle but all winter. Seattle is the suicide capital of the US. Those who are motivated to hear doctrine are not discouraged by a few drops of rain.

Dabar is the communication verb. This must be consistent positive volition. The importance of Bible doctrine and gap are important doctrines here. Prosperity comes when a believer has capacity for blessing.

The larger the chashev, the greater the shalom.

Negative adverb and waw used as an adversative for the final clause. But let them not return to weakness of mind; one generation of weak-minded people and it is all over.

Psalm 85:8 Let me hear [I will concentrate on] what God the LORD will speak [communicates], for He will speak peace [communicate prosperity] to His people [Israel], to His saints [gracious ones = mature believers = the pivot in Israel]; but let them not turn back to folly [the status quo of a weak mind = reversionism].

Emphatic particle ake and called an adverb of limitation as well. Affirmative particles are very important. There is an adverb of limitation and here is means nothing but.

Summary Points

1.       These 2 verses are pertinent in time that we live. This is the only hope for a nation facing national disaster. We as a nation are in that status quo.

2.       The solution to the problem is spiritual. Prosperity imputed from the justice of God to His righteousness.

3.       The result is His gracious ones.

4.       The weakness of mind in v. 8 expresses the danger of a shrinking pivot; those believers who are turning away from Jesus Christ.

5.       Therefore, deliverance of a nation is related to occupation with Christ.

6.       Glory dwells in a nation only when there is a large pivot of mature believers.

7.       The plan of God for the client nation revolves around the pivot of mature believers.

8.       The most patriotic thing a believer can do for his country is to move toward maturity. As goes the believer, so goes the nation.

9.       A large pivot of believers is the basis for Jesus Christ delivering a nation.

10.     A small pivot with a large spinoff means great discipline. Weakness of mind is lack of doctrine.

Psalm 85:9 Surely His salvation [nothing but His deliverance] is near to those who fear Him [to those who are occupied with Jesus Christ], that glory may dwell in our land.

David can look up in heaven and to the horizon and he knows that it is all about grace and he knows that doctrine will be the policy wherever the sky is. The implication is, grace is not limited to this or that place, but to wherever there is sky.

Grace and doctrine meet together. Qal stem is to meet with anyone; but in the Niphal, it is reciprocal, which means to meet with one another. Grace and doctrine meet in the advance to maturity. We have studied supergrace, ultra supergrace, surpassing grace. Grace is the cocoon and doctrine is the butterfly.

We get so occupied with all of our things, and we lose track of what is important; grace and doctrine. Doctrine is the thinking and grace is the means of concentration, so that the thought can pass into the right lobe of the soul.

Tsedek applies to God’s righteousness. This is imputed to us at the moment of salvation. Again, we have prosperity, which is shalom.

Self righteousness, the source is arrogance; God’s righteousness is based upon grace. Some of you young people are straining by trying to be saved based upon the law, salvation by works. “You have taken this provision of freedom for believers and unbelievers and have changed it into a means of self righteous.”

Salvation is as near to you as your mouth and your mind. It is not something you have to go into heaven to get or across the seas to get. In Paul’s day, the 1st advent was history; but it was the failure of the Jews because that is what they did not accept. Paul adds something which Moses did not have to use. Moses said, Deut. 30, and Paul said. “Don’t think you have to go to heaven for salvation, to bring Christ back to the earth.” He goes from sea to Sheol, which retains the principle that salvation is not unattainable nor is it unavailable.. The Baptists foul this up and divorce it from all Old Testament background.

Bob challenges us to look into any commentary to find this explained correctly. The Jews blotted out the 1st advent and have gone back to the Law. But salvation is as close as their mind. It is great genius what Paul did here. Moses began the message and Paul finished it 1500 years later. The individual Jew who is still with the Torah; as far as the 1st advent, the Jew has blotted this out of their minds completely. That leaves you to your own devices which has to be some system of self righteousness. Yet, all the way through the Word of God, God’s righteousness is the only righteousness that He will accept. That is the basic run through. If you ignore the 1st advent, then there is no hope for you. If you reject God’s righteousness, then there is no hope for you.

The fundies had God’s righteousness, but then they also take in self righteousness, and they see that as the Christian way of life. The average ignorant fundamentalist is a schizophrenic. He still thinks the works righteousness is spirituality, and does not realize that it is a result of the spiritual growth.

Nashaq means to join mouth to mouth. Kissing was made for man and women. What man wants to kiss another man? That’s idiotic. It is the mouth of a man and the mouth of a woman joined which is generally a kiss which is an expression of love. Their mouths belong together like the righteousness of God and prosperity of God. Righteousness without prosperity is one mouth without the other mouth. This is the perfect description of the believer’s advance to maturity and the imputation of divine blessing.

God does not impute blessing to someone for self righteousness or for their works. Blessing from the justice of God to the imputed righteousness of God.

Psalm 85:10 Grace and faithfulness [doctrine] meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.

We’ll finish this tomorrow night.

Psalm 85:11–13                                   72David                                              631_0237

The one night without prep school. Something about the hiding room.

Things are getting so bad that Time is getting conservative. They have always had some of the best writers. Shah has no interest in taking refuge in the US because Carter was directly involved in getting him removed from office and causing the instability in Iran. Continued sniping from Washington. He refused to step down and the CIA was told to undermine him.

The Shah of Iran took Iran out of the dark ages. When there is a decent country somewhere, then it becomes an enemy of our state department.

Our passage is where there was a wonderful foreign policy.

Doctrine is truth, but doctrine is something special. The other word which is usually mistranslated, chesed, which means grace, grace in action.

Doctrine will spring up from the land. Doctrinal teaching forms the pivot of the land.

Righteousness will look down from heaven.

Righteousness Looking Down on Doctrine Below

1.       When a nation is saturated with Bible doctrine, then a pivot is formed. Large pivot and small spinoff means the preservation of that nation. With doctrine in their souls, they are the preservation of the land.

2.       The imputation of divine righteousness is the basis for maturity growth. That is a potential for blessing.

3.       Just as righteousness imputed at salvation is potential and the same is for blessing to the nation. There is an analogy between the believer and the client nation.

4.       In other words, the pivot of mature believers acts as blessing from God.

5.       The greater the pivot, the great the potentiality for blessing to that nation.

6.       There can be no pivot apart from doctrinal teaching in the land.

As goes the believer, so goes the nation. The greatest patriots of believers with doctrine. No pivot apart from doctrinal teaching. This results in divine blessing to the national entity.

Psalm 85:11 Faithfulness [Truth, doctrine] springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky.

Gam here, meaning also. Definite article + a noun. Also the Lord will give the good; which describes the plan of God and blessing to a nation.

Kabul means wealth, increase; wealth in terms of an agricultural economy.

Economic prosperity related the pivot and the size of the pivot. Just as God imputes personal blessing, so He imputes blessing to the nation overall. +R is the home, reception or the target for God’s blessing.

You are sitting around looking kind of stupid. This is not all that deep. The imputation of divine blessing to a nation is national blessing. When a nation has a pivot, blessing goes to the entire nation because of the pivot.

Bob has punched a couple of guys who were self-made men. The arrogance of people, the self-made man type. My kids will start out at 18 as office boys.

Psalm 85:12 Yes, the LORD will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase.

Personal blessing. National blessing goes to the pivot. God’s righteousness is the subject of v. 13. This is the way in which God blesses us. It is not because we pray or because we are pure and moral; He blesses us for having His righteousness. This time it is going somewhere. It means to go.

Imputation of Righteousness

1.       Imputed righteousness is the potential and the motivation for spiritual growth. This is for advancing to maturity.

2.       Before God can bless an individual he must have the righteousness of God.

3.       He can only have the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

4.       At salvation adjustment to the justice of God, half of holiness is imputed to man.

5.       The imputation sets up the potential for blessing and to keep plugging and to learn doctrine so as to reach the goal.

6.       The potential is realized through the attainment of spiritual maturity which is only obtained through doctrine in the soul.

7.       Therefore the believer is motivated to keep on learning doctrine in spite of all distractions. Subjective (your own hangups and subjective thinking about others; or beautiful women) and objective distractions (those around you yawning, making noise, etc.).

8.       Should keep on despite distractions. Spiritual maturity alone glorifies God. Righteousness will go before His face.

More Points

1.       The imputation of divine blessing glorifies God in time. What you do is a result of what you think.

2.       This tactical victory demands capacity, which the mature believer possesses.

3.       The target for this blessing is rightesouness.

4.       This target is also the motivation for persistence in doctrine.

5.       Personal blessing from the justice of God is imputed to the mature believer’s resident divine righteousness. God would compromise His attributes because you hustle for Him.

6.       National blessing is imputed to the pivot of believers in that national entity.

7.       The pivot is a collect of believers who have righteousness imputed to them.

8.       Before God can bless, there must be divine righteousness imputed to the believers.

9.       In this line, we see imputed righteousness in the role of motivation.

10.     There can be no more greater motivation than the doctrine of justification. It is a big part of every chapter of Romans. It is the key. Justification is the imputation of divine righteousness. This is a reality for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. This sees the imputed righteousness of God as fulfilling the blessing. Pivot of mature believers.

There is a purpose waw and the word to place, to set. This resident righteousness which belongs to God. It demands the imputation of blessing. Therefore, there must be something else in residence, which is resident doctrine in the soul. The imputation + the acquisition. And notice, this is all inside; it is not what is on the outside. These things must come in the right sequence. For instance, no one gets blessed by tithing. God does not bless anyone on the basis of doing anything. This is the old Baptism razzmatazz. You will never be blessed for giving 10% of your income. We are blessed only because of what is inside of us. Grace imputed righteousness to us; “Are you chewing gum; swallow it.”

the home or target for blessing is divine righteousness. In steps, you move foreward. Every step is perception of Bible doctrine. Every step is Bible class. It demands concentration. Le + derek [= toward the way]

Psalm 85:13 Righteousness will go before Him and make his footsteps [or progress] a way.

Closing Points

1.       Doctrine is the principle and the motivation and the means of attainming maturity.

2.       Doctrine of imputation is the potential but also the motivation and the momentum.

3.       Only maximum doctrine in the soul or the maturity status for the believer has the capacity for imputation of bessing.

4.       This blessing glorifies Jesus Christ.

5.       Self righteous is excluded; arrogance is excluded

6.       This is why some believers fulfil the maximum doctrine principle but arrogance keeps them from getting there.

7.       The arrogant believer is unteachable. Bob will teach something that he does not like and at some point in advancement, arrogance will resent a subject, the presentation of a subject, or some other factor unrelated to doctrine. Arrogance is unteachable, unless they are in trouble or miserable or their lives are crap or they lost a friend, loved one, whatever. They are teachable until they recover. Some never learn doctrine unless they are in trouble. This means he is an eclectic.

8.       Being arrogant means disoriented to authority and unteachable in the realm of doctrine.

9.       Recognizing authority and submission to it preserves the humility which is necessary with which to grow. The authority of parents, of the teacher, of the coach, of the drill instructor, of the vice president. Some athletes become intrigued with their own ability, and then they become arrogant.

10.     Self righteous and arrogance are signs of lack of maturity.

11.     But God’s righteousness imputed is the motivation and the fulfillment of the objective in time. Maturity adjustment to the Justice of God. Glorification of Jesus Christ through the imputation of divine blessing at maturity and thereafter.

12.     God’s plan and God’s purpose after salvation.

Toughest chapter of the Bible is next...Rom. 10

2Samuel 11 introduction                    72David                                              631_0238

7 Subjects of David

1.       Events leading up to the Absalom revolution. 2Sam. 11–14

2.       2Sam. 15–19 one of the greatest revolutions in history where the son revolts against his father. He took over his father’s palace and over his fathers harem and then he raped every wife and mistress in full view of the city.

3.       2Sam. 20 the Sheba conspiracy this is the sneaky type who tries to put the knife in the back and twist it as much as possible.

4.       David’s great prosperity.

5.       2Sam. 24 old age carnality when older people have their own brand of sin dedicated to Mae and Bob.

6.       1Kings 1 the succession intrigue of Adonijah.

7.       1Kings 2:1–10 the beauty contest of who is beautiful enough to sleep with David.

Revived doctrine of the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

David was a mature believer and was in supergrace. However, then he gets into this thing with Bathsheba. You do not have to neglect Bible doctrine to fail. Degeneracy can set in rapidly, and it set in way back in 2Sam. 5. It starts in the soul; it starts with the arrogance complex. It is the area of the greatest vulnerability of life. It is the one system which attacks to soul completely. There are 11 entrances into the complex. Once you enter by any system, you become vulnerable to all systems. It is easier for a mature believer to fall into degeneracy than it is for an unbeliever on marijuana. Even when a believer reaches a spiritual peak, he is just as vulnerable to the grossest failures. The idea that a believer does not sin is idiocy. The idea that mature believer only get into nice sins is idiocy.

The worst that a believer can get involved in is evil. It is as easy for a believer to murder someone as it is for him to say, “God bless you.” Moses was a mature believer when he killed the Egyptian strongman. You can even teach doctrine and want to kill a few people. David did not rebound for 18 months.

Bob held off teaching this for a long time waiting for the congregation to be ready for it. This is one of the most important areas of Scripture and “never let is be said again that I don’t preach sin.” You never isolate sin in a situation like this.

“Boy, isn’t this great for Christmas?” David had been fornicating every since he was made king of Israel. David had seen dozens of naked women bathe in the past; he had many concubines and wives. When you get into interlocking systems of arrogance, you are not the same person.

Some believers can end up being worse than they ever were as unbelievers. When David got into interlocking systems of arrogance, he will be no different than Gaius Julius Ceasar.

Bob’s sister is his full sister and he did not care for her much when they were young and now he doesn’t care much about caring about her at all. David’s interlocking systems of arrogance will parlay his 18 months into 18 years of misery. When in interlocking systems of arrogance, you are vulnerable the things that were not a problem in the past.

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       Arrogance as a mental attitude sins of pride. It motivated Satan’s fall. It is such an occupation with solf that it divorces the believer from reality. The reason for pride can be real or imagined. An overbearing manner can be obvious or hidden. People study homosexuality and bestiality in psychology and said these are the results of childhood; but they are related to interlocking systems of arrogance. Some people can hide this presumptive self righteousness and some cannot. Some who are stupid just go around and advertise their arrogance. They are always self righteous and they are always ready to criticize someone else. Vanity overestimates one’s person based upon his possession or power or misunderstanding of himself and a desire for praise and recognition of others. The mental attitude sins of pride and arrogance is also a trigger mechanism which triggers other mental attitude sins. The word ego is not properly used to refer to someone’s arrogance. Every person has an ego. There is nothing wrong with ego; that is normal self-consciousness. Ego-centric is an adjective which relates everything to self. For some of us, this will be a devastating introduction. Many listen to Bob with subjectivity in their souls and their ability is limited. The noun is egoism, excessive love or thought about self. Egotism is the conceit and practice of overemphasizing self. Psalm 10:2–4 gives us some of this: the reversionist pursues the afflicted...criminal arrogance has...the Lord. In all of his thoughts, there is no God. This is not an unbeliever, but an arrogant believer. You think about those you love and you think about those that you hate. If you cannot think about anything but yourself, then you are a lousy lover. Sex without love is meaningless. Marriage is a state of authority; not a state of happiness. Prov. 16:18 before a fall, there is the arrogance complex. You may appear to be the same on the outside, but you are dramatically different. You are going from outside the interlocking systems of arrogance to the inside. Arrogance is the ocrrupter of the soul; the basic sin which motivates the rejection of truth or doctrine and is the first sin of Satan. He has made too much of himself and cannot enjoy anything else. Many go on drugs because that gives them chemical stimulation. The human mind is helpless and useless without the truth. Establishment truth or Bible doctrine. The problem in the state department and the White House today. They are foolish to think that doing nothing is doing something. “You do not hear the phrase, ‘Nuke them until they glow in the dark.’” The preisdnt will probably get a Noble peace prize. When there is a whole nation of people preoccupied with themselves, the only person making an impression are those who do not rock the boat. Arrogance results in irrationality. He ran because he did not want to die, and after running for awhile, he wanted to die. Irrationality. Arrogance resents the ability of others. When you suddenly discover that you resent these people, you find yourself to be in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Some find themselves jealous or petty; and it is a matter of interlocking systems of arrogance. It distorts the truth and ridicules the truth or approaches the truth with objective evidence. Arrogance always believes the lie. The arrogant believer can distort grace but he cannot orient to grace.

          a.       The believer who arrogantly assumes that his sins are greater than the plan of God and he thinks he can commit sins which are greater than God’s plan. All of your Pentecostals and book burners are preoccupied with selves.

          b.       Believer assumes his sufferings are greater than the plan of God. In pressure when you reach the point of pressure, you are inside the interlocking systems of arrogance. You think such a nice person like you is being treated so unfairly by life.

          c.        The believer is arrogant who assumes his modus operandi is spirituality. You think you do something to be spiritual. Your works, your practice of ascetisim, your morality, etc. You are not spiritual at all without the filling of the Spirit.

          d.       The believer who depends upon emotion and is sucked into the tongues movement assumes that his emotions and feelings are greater than the plan of God. Pride refuses to attend because. It results in the malfunction of gap. There is the legalistic syndrome, the guilt syndrome, the socialistic syndrome, the anti-establishment syndrome. Prov. 11:2 when pride comes, then comes dishonor. The humble person has enough to be objective. A man’s pride will bring him lov.

2.       The 2nd entrance is the negative volition toward doctrine. When pressure is there, they feel sorry for themselves; when it is not, the magnify themselves.

3.       Impulsive arrogance. This is the abuse of power and the abuse of authority.

4.       Institutional arrogance. Life is filled with organization. Most of us are involved with several. There is the erroneous conclusion that we carry the institution. There are those who succeed in the organization and they distort their success into arrogance; and those who do not succeed, see their talents or ability unrecognized. When you see someone crying discrimination, you are looking at arrogance. Purpose, authority, and policy in any organization.

          a.       Marriage: love expressed in all kinds of intimacy, and the perpetuation of the human race and the orientation and the training of the human race. Adam’s original sin was disobedience or anti-authority. Therefore, there must be authority in marriage. We are born Irish; we are anti-authority. That is the principle. There are many institutions in life.

          b.       The local church is an organization. The pastor-teacher is the system of authority along with delegated authority.

          c.        Businesses and corporations and they all have a purpose, an authority and a policy.

5.       God’s standards are the same for every believer. Legalism is the principle of blind arrogance. Once you are in interlocking systems of arrogance, then you develop false standards and then you attempt to apply these false systems to others. You set up a false standard, then you keep this standard, and then you proclaim yourself as succeeding. Blind arrogance is superimposing your standards upon others and then judging them because they do not comply. Such people gather around themselves a bunch of supporters. When Bob was a member of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, there were a lot of cells. There were cells in Berachah. Bob let it go for a year in Berachah Church in order to clear it all up. Personality arrogance is setting yourself up against a organization of some sort; against its policy or authority or function.

6.       Conspiracy arrogance. There is a lot of conspiracy arrogance; revolution, conspiracy, close friends who will assure David that they are 100% behind him, and they are there to mess him up. The arrogant and the inadequate through different forms of arrogance enter into a mutual admiration society and this can occur in any sort of organization.

2Samuel 11 introduction                    72David                                              631_0239

3 Christmas songs sung and the congregation did not hit the high notes to Bob’s satisfaction. “We might have a service with 5 carols and you might be able to bring your fiends without being embarrassed.”

we might get to the first verse.

Interlocking systems of arrogance

1.       Arrogance as a mental attitude sins of pride.

2.       Scar tissue of the soul.

3.       Impulsive arrogance.

4.       Institutionakl arrogance.

5.       Blind arrogance.

6.       Conspiracy arrogance.

7.       Criminal arrogance. We are all born anti-authority and anti-establishment because of our sin nature. We have to orient to authority and arrogance is often in the way. In a business, in a profession, in marriage, military, social life. Expressing gratitude to the host and hostess is related to authority. In your own home, you might go crazy and get drunk and walk on the ceiling and tear things up. Criminal arrogance is an extension of institutional arrogance. The whole hippie movement was a rejection of authority. We can do what our parents disapprove of. The way out abnormal sexual behavior; the taking of drugs, etc. It leads to criminality. All criminals were once nice people. Those people who are the most repulsive to you were once nice sweet children. The criminal is both a sociopath and a pathological liar. He takes great pride in fooling and conning people and getting people to see it his way, often by lying to them. Bob has never seen a criminal who was not a pathological liar. There are pathological liars. It is easier to be a criminal now than it was 50 years ago. Crime is not longer just a male thing. Men and women are criminals. Smart criminals all have a hypocritical facade; the dumb ones do not are. They are willing to get their way through violence. In arrogance, the criminal gives lip service to certain authorities, but he despises all authority. Both male and female in the Claudian line were involved in great criminal activity. Someone ought to do a study someday of the criminal tendencies of the Julio-Claudia line. Some criminals find out that it is a good idea to hide out in churches and develop a facade for that. Regeneration does not change the criminal. Some do have a real conversion. But being born-again does not change a criminal. They will continue as criminals. If the criminal is saved, he faces a real crisis in his life. Daily and consistent perception of doctrine. Spiritual growth is the only thing which can change criminal patterns. This is true of other things as well. Some are very smart and they know how to fake a psychosis and being cured. Fear permeates the criminal mind. His only hope is to get with doctrine and to grow spiritually. Recovering from criminality is an every day difficutly, as difficult as recovering from drug usage. Shock therapy and some of the other approaches do not work. David is one of the few to recover. He became a murderer and he recovered. From the standpoint of sociology, they believe crime to be a result of environment. Yokelson and Samsanov volumes have disproved this concept. Criminal arrogance is a total rejection of authority. For a client nation to sponsor crime means an inevitable destruction.

          a.       An aside: Once you are inside of the system, you are vulnerable to the other types of arrogance. A person in there becomes weak and can face a complete personality shift. People change daily, but not their bad habits. People wake up every day better or worse. David went all the way to the top and one of the 5 greatest believers of all time, and he entered in the interlocking systems of arrogance and went all the way to criminal arrogance. Most people go toward psychotic or criminal arrogance, and sometimes both.

8.       Crusader arrogance. Interlocking systems of arrogance produce self righteousness. Even a criminal can be self righteous. Honor among thieves is often arrogant self righteousness. British used to wear tuxes in the jungle after 5:00; they dressed for dinner even in the jungle. Those who are going to solve all the problems in the world about fixing the nation. The Carrie Nations went into various bars and tore up a bunch of bars with their hatchets. They are gone and the bars are still here. They solved nothing. Cheating on one’s taxes and justifies it or gets with an outfit and refuses to pay. The government’s immorality does not allow us to rationalize dishonesty on our part. When John Calvin took over Geneva, he ruled over believers and unbelievers both and he even executed some. He took over the civil authority of Geneva and superimposed his own standards over them.

9.       Psychopathic arrogance. The normal person has their emotion under the control of the intellect. When your norms and standards are reached, you respond with your emotion. Many will see Zulu, which will be entertaining and emotionally stimulating.

          a.       Imbalance; the absence of biological equilibrium. It is a medical type of problem; a problem of medical origin.

          b.       Instability, and this is pertinent. The oscillation from self righteous to Salf-pity.

          c.        Egocentricity. The psychopath canno rec. pursuing an object with fantacism and they lose all relation to reality. No capacity for love. They are preoccupied with self-gratification. True love and friendship are unknown to the psychopath. They can be exceedingly pious and some even claim to reach a level of spirituality above everyone. The immoral psychopath and several others. Those who do not reach criminal arrogance after long periods of time in the interlocking systems of arrogance fall into psychotic arrogance.

10.     Sexual arrogance.

          a.       Sex without love is ritual without reality.

          b.       Sex without love is a form of interlocking systems of arrogance. Preoccupation with self and self-centeredness. They are complete and total failures. Polygamy is male arrogance. Promiscuity is female sexual arrogance. The woman is simply a matter of sexual relaxation but no love. Women can be proud of the men they have brought to their knees through their sexuality. Some women become a femme fatale.

          c.        Emphasis upon sex is emphasis with self.

          d.       To concentrate on self and indulge in self-gratification is arrogance.

          e.       To concentrate on someone else is to focus attention on a true-love object.

          f.        Polygamy in the man and promiscuity in the woman is detrimental to every facet of life including the spiritual life. This is why the Word of God forbids adultery and fornication and incest, bestiality, etc. God is not trying to deprive us of fun, but He is attempting to give us happiness. We will have no happiness under a system of fornication.

          g.       Therefore, sex can be a blessing or a distraction. Sex is a blessing as an expression of love in monogamy. Sex is an expression of arrogance in polygamy. David was sexually arrogance.

          h.       Polygamy was David’s trap. We have studied Michel and Ahinoam and Abigail of Carmel. Maacah of Assur. Haggith, the mother of Adonijah. Abital and Eglah. David figured that he could copulate with these women because it was legal. The courtship and the marriage became too expensive. So when he moved into the castle at Zion, he began to take on mistresses. Concubine seems like a nice word and innocuous. 2Sam. 5:13 and he had a whole string of mistresses. David is not a believer in fellowship. He is a mature believer already in interlocking systems of arrogance. Bathsheba did not lead him astray; he led Bathsheba astray. One thing that did come out of it, she was the love of David’s life. She bore him 5 children; one died after 3 months. 2 are the line of the Lord Jesus Christ.

          i.         This multiplicity of wives may have legalized copulation with numerous women, but it put David into interlocking systems of arrogance. This is how he got in. She should have been a woman to admire from a distance; ships that pass in the night.

The doctrine of Polygamy or the doctrine of sexual arrogance

1.       Sexual arrogance leads to distortions of sexuality. A distortion like homosexuals wanting rights. It is like the party of chaser’s rights. Homosexuality begins in interlocking systems of arrogance. It is degeneration.

2.       Preoccupation with sex excludes capacity for love. Therefore masturbation, polygamy, etc. become sexual arrogance. They result in becoming enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Preoccupation with sex or sexual arrogance results in David becoming a poor father. He was one of the worst fathers in history. He was a rotten father. He was a rotten husband. He neglected his duties as king and military commander. He is still in Jerusalem when the army is out at war. He has become a coward. He used to be a great man. Bob knew a marine sergeant who was a great hero in WWII, but a jerk as garrison soldier; arrogance made him a coward. You can be a hero on one day and a coward the next. David could not make a decision in battle any more than Carter could.

4.       While the army was besieging David stayed under the spell of sexual arrogance.

5.       David was preoccupied with sex but because of sexual arrogance. Arrogance is abnormal; a physiological drive is normal.

6.       Polygamy is a distraction to true love in the soul, David did not love any of his wives. At the time, Bob was ready to say Abigail was his rw. He did not have the capacity to love Michel, who saved his life.

7.       Instead, David used these women for personal self gratification. It is no problem at all to him because of arrogance. Therefore, sexual arrogance produces an increased lust which becomes an abnormal lust.

8.       Lust made David alert and vulnerable to any form of feminine pulchertude. She was the granddaughter of David’s greatest counselor, Ahithophel. His advice was highly esteemed.

9.       The emergence of some principles. Orgastic sexual experience in David would satisfy the body but not the soul; and there is no capacity for love.

10.     David’s harem was filled with frustrated wives who shared David’s body but not his soul.

11.     Consequently, sex is a ritual which relates to the body; love is the reality which relates to the soul.

12.     Sex, as a ritual, must reflect the true love in the soul. This was not the case.

More Principles

1.       Sexual arrogance exists in the man and the woman.

2.       This is the preoccupation of one’s body to the exclusion of one’s soul.

3.       Sexual arrogance in the woman can manifest itself in the seduction of important persons; like Cleopatra’s seduction of Gius Julius Cæsar.

4.       Sexual arrogance in the woman relates to the number and importance of her conquest. A form of flattery received, stimulating her arrogance, is the flirtations attitude that she has. She flirst to receive attention.

5.       Male sexual arrogance includes the harem and the multiplicity of seductions. As the degeneracy increases, it may go to other things. Rape is the criminal extension. AC/DC function.

6.       Sexual arrogance precludes love as a motive for sex.

7.       Therefore, sexual arrogance is preoccupation with the source of gratification rather than the true function of category #2 love. Abnormalities can and will develop when this form of arrogance interacts with another. Incest is impulsive arrogance+_ sexual arrogance. Rape is sexual arrogance + criminal arrogance.

interlocking systems of arrogance

11.     Genetic arrogance. They have a wonderful background or great wealth. When a person assumes that he achieves on the basis of his ancestral line or is successful because of his inherited wealth, he has entered into ancestral arrogance. You are not successful because your parents or grandparents were successful. Many people who lived in Beverly Hills thought they were great because their parents were great in the movie industry. The other half of the story is posterity arrogance; frustrated parents trying to attain recognition through the achievement of their children. The chip-off-the-old-block syndrome. Arrogance of ambitious parents who push too hard. Inordinate parental pride. Trying to meet the achievements of parents and children have a nervous breakdown trying to live up to the achievements of their parents. General Patton’s son was a good person and perhaps a great person; but he was not a chip off the old block; and trying to do that would have been disastrous to his career. He has different genes so that he is a different person. He does not have the flair of his father. Occasionally a genius will sire a genius; like Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great. Most children of famous person are almost destroyed by the fame of their parents. You can be a great athlete and your son might be born with 2 left hands. Some want to talk about your children and push them off on everyone. Send out a Christmas card with all the children on it. Beware that you do not get into interlocking systems of arrogance. All children are not like their father or mother. They might be like Uncle Charley who was hung as a horse thief. Napoleon had 2 sons who were very different in every way and one put himself under so much pressure to be like his father, he died at age 21 because of the pressure. The other one was no Napoleon, but he had a great life as a diplomat and a great citizen of France in his own right.

These are the 11 ways that you can enter into interlocking systems of arrogance. Once a person becomes arroganct, the other systems control his thinking. He may enter by institutional arrogance and become later involved in conspiracy arrogance.

How do the interlocking systems of arrogance work?

1.       A person enters into a system with authority.

2.       He develops institutional arrogance.

3.       He overestimates his value with impulsive arrogance.

4.       Pride or mental attitude arrogance as a trigger.

5.       Arrogance under pressure triggers jealousy. David was one of the great leaders ever, and yet, by tomorrow, he will lose all his potential. There is a tendency to slack off with some success.

6.       Prov. 11:2 16;18 Pride precedes destruction. Elihu stuff.

7.       National arrogance explains the Iranian crisis. The rod of your discipline has blossomed. Isa. 13:11 I will put an end to the arrogance of the proud. Psalm 73:6 pride is their necklace. A man’s arrogance will bring him low. This is why we are launching into the study of David. A man’s arrogance will bring him low. If thie country is to survive, we will n

there is no honor for that client nation until the spirit of humility is restored.

2Samuel 11:1–2                                   72David                                              631_0240

Bob is tired of goofy people.

Mike Newland is a basketball player who goes to Berachah.

Vv. 1–5 sexual arrogance

vv. 6–16 conspiracy arrogance

vv. 17– criminal arrogance

The Mongolians loved to fight in the winter. But most people fought in the Spring. David was a king-soldier. He was one of the greatest professional soldiers of all time. He sends out Joab, his talented nephew.

The participle was used with David and remaining; he has gone from being a great hero to someone who was not going out every again. He has no courage in his son.

Points on David

1.       Cowardice and David had no intention of getting into a military situation. He is in interlocking systems of arrogance. Once he is in, he is vulnerable to all. He is abusing the authority God gave him.

2.       Joab leads a successful campaign, and the remnants of Rabb

3.       David staying in Jerusalem is interlocking systems of arrogance.


5.       Pride and impulsive arrogance mean that David is trapped in the interlocking systems of arrogance. He is in a state of degeneracy.

6.       This make sthe believers vulnerable to every system of arrogance and ever system of sin. Total abuse of his own authority.

7.       This is why he is vulnerable seeing the beautiful woman washing herself.

8.       Once in the interlocking systems of arrogance, the believer is vulnerable to weaknesses which would ordinarily not be a problem at all.

9.       He entered the system through the practice of polygamy. David was married toa number of different people.

There are many unnamed wives in Jerusalem along with 20 known wives. David and Bathsheba will bury 4 sons together? David has something of a sex problem, which was sex without love.


1.       Evils of polygamy are many and the details

2.       Many of David’s problems came from his children by different wives. There were no problems until sexual arrogance took over; and the children of all these many wives became David’s curse. There are always a bunch running around thinking that not having children means there is something wrong with you. One of the problems that we have is too many children; just think if those Iranians didn’t have so many children. Any time a person is involved in sexual arrogance, he will be a poor parent. David was one of the worst fathers that had ever been. He wrote Proverbs, after having about 30 kids, and finally reared one properly. There is ancestral pride and genetic pride. Children try to live up to some. Faithfulness to one woman is required for category #2 love. Based on capacity for love in the soul, sex becomes a legitimate and even a wonderful function. Sex is the ritual and the love in the soul is the reality. Most people have no clue what love means. The real problem is one of semantics. In the first place, love is not the best way to describe love. Respect and awe might be the best words for it. As a result of this, there is usually some easy way to get into interlocking systems of arrogance and David went through the sex gate. This usually results in faithlessness in one area, resulting in faithlessness in other areas. Integrity no longer exists and a person’s word is no longer his bond and everyone has to sue everyone. “There’s a person in the back row who looks like he wants to talk, and if you want to talk, get up and walk out and talk all you want. You’re maybe new here; I’ve never seen you here before.” Sexual arrogance leads to licentiousness. When the emotion controls the soul, the person becomes psychopathic. When sex exists without love, it destroys the ability to be a good parent. David, who was famous for his integrity, has absolutely no integrity here. Polygamy destroys the restraint on the old sin nature. It destroys the ability and integrity to avoid the many sins.

3.       Sexual arrogance produces hidden lust, which only needs an object to employ it. With 30 children, David was the world’s worst father. There are lousy fathers in this country because they do not have integrity related to one woman. So they indulged their children or try to be buddies with their children, but they do not train their children from the start. It is easy to copulate. It does not require brains of any kind. To copulate and to have children takes no intelligence whatsoever. These kids turned out badly and the fault of David. He was lousy as a father; he was stinko as a father. He was not a good father until Solomon and he rectified his mess by writing the first half of Proverbs. David, when he finally married Bathsheba, he remained faithful to her. David was a very poor father to Absalom, who was a chip off the old block. Adonijah was the living image of David, but David did not train him.


Authority must become an overriding issue in the life of anyone who possesses it. This is one of the things which this first verse teaches. Never accept authority unless it becomes one of the most important things in your life. Our officer corps is in the worst shape ever with no sense of responsibility. They have simply quit. Help from nagging wives. Pressure from all kinds of things. Some quit because they are plain old yellow. This means that they have lost a sense of responsibility which goes with authority. Business has the same problems today. Young executives to not have the integrity today of the past. No sense of responsibility and no respect for authority. You need responsibility in the little things so that God gives you responsibility in the big. David’s presence with the army was worth 10 divisions.

2Sam. 1:1 It happened, at the return of the year [in the spring], at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants [his general staff] with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed [annihilated] the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed at Jerusalem.

Now the temptation. David got up off his bed. He was sleeping all day. Maybe he had been raising hell all night? From the battlements he saw a woman bathing.

Qal active participle and she is described by tobah beautiful of appearance and form (face and body). An adverb to increase this. And the woman was extremely beautiful in appearance. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Bob might have his own idea of beauty and we have our own; whatever it was, it inspired David. There is nothing more inspiring than a beautiful woman. Bob used to go to Venice in order to get into a fight. He also used to attend ballet, which the women are at their physical best. It is easy to imagine exactly what David saw. However, David had a harem of beautiful women.

Being polygamous and in sexual arrogance, David was moved by this woman however, when a man is in love, he can see a beautiful woman and just think, that is a beautiful woman. No interest to get sexually involved.

The castle and under his nose is officer’s row and a patio type thing; the quarters all around, bedrooms, etc., and in the middle is a fountain and an outdoor bath; and it was apparently a lovely evening. David could look down on the homes and courts of the rest of the city. This woman is bathing in the court of her own home and this woman has a right to her own privacy, and by watching her, David had a right to her own privacy. As far as she knew, she had perfect privacy and she was not trying to provoke the king’s lust. She probably thought that David was at war as well.

Privacy is a part of freedom. There is something wrong with the system when a woman cannot enjoy a bath on her own property. Freedom is the principle of self-determination. Freedom means privacy; the right to own property; the right to own, dispose of, invest in, etc. David would have screamed bloody murder had someone break into his castle and steal some of his money or weapons and he would look for the person to butcher. He is watching her and he is out of line. You see a nice car drive by, you say, ‘That’s nice’ but you don’t go out and try to buy one. The umbrella of authority is a essential part of freedom. All of this is a part of the principle of authority. David is the king and this is the wife of one of his best battalion commanders. David knows that this is a great man.

When kings use freedom to retrogress, revolution is inevitable. We could use some hereditary kings today more than some of the leadership which we have seen. God promoted David and he moved to irresponsibility. Now David has lost that sense of responsibility. Once you get into the interlocking systems of arrogance, once you are in the complex, you can lose it overnight.

People who stop going to Bible class can lose their responsibility overnight. Freedom does not guarantee equality; it guarantees inequality. God has give great authority to David and way, way down there is Uriah the Hittite, a battalion commander, in the field at this time. David will get his court pimp to go down and get Bathsheba. When rulers began to get equal with beggars, beggars rule nations.

No principle has been applied yet to the iranian situation. Bob anticipates that the 50 Iranian taken hostages will all be executed. We are not ruled by men with a sense or authority and responsibility. We are ruled by beggars. We expect our rulers to ride the great white horse, not to walk in the street with the hoi polloi. When every jackass in the street thinks he is as good as the king, then there is anarchy.

no skirt is worth the loss of integrity in the use of authority. David sold his authority as ruler for what he thought was a good lay. He destroyed his authority. David will pay the piper. Equality is the device of the arrogance. Only arrogance people demand rights. Every country in history has minorities. Equality is the device of the disoriented and the sociopath. Forced equality is the policy of tyrants and the basis for Satan’s pseudo-Millennium. David reduced himself to Bathsheba’s status. She was keeping herself neat and clean for his return. She was not doing anything that was wrong. She was right in what she was doing. However, this was not going to change the course of history.

Certainly it was moral and thoughtful, but when David called the woman to his palace, he reduced himself to the mentality of a woman taking a bath. David needed to be out there planning the strategy and tactics for the Ammonite war.

Freedom is dogmatic when it comes to the essentials of life and flexible with regards to the nonessentials. This woman was probably bating out in the open because all the troops were gone off to war and the battlements were not manned. What does a woman do when she is down? She takes a bath.

Freedom and authority are mated under the laws of divine establishment. Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny. Bathsheba lost her freedom when David’s pimp knocked on her door. There are good and bad dictators and now David is a lousy dictator.

The people of a nation must be mature in order ot enjoy freedom. There must be the balance of freedom and authority.

The Doctrine of the Ibex won’t be covered, I guess.

Jael = ibex. Jael denotices the ibex, which is a wild mountain goat. It is found in Arabia with horns up to 60" long. They are up around the Caspian Sea near Iran. It is a beautiful tophy. Psalm 104:18 the high mountains are for the ibex. David encountered them in 1Sam. 24:2 David used the home of the ibex as a refuge from king Saul. Only the ibex could get into these caves. Any troops climbing up to these caves could be easily killed one at a time. David knows about the ibex. He probably had time to medidate Job 39:1–2 do you know when the ibex give birth? Can you count the months until the ibex gives birth? They area very private animal. Animals copulate indiscriminately in front of people.

The ibex is an animal of freedom; and it is also an animal of privacy. He teaches the relationship between freedom and privacy. David was promoted from shepherd to king. God had promoted David in time. David soul have protected the privacy of all of his subjects except for criminals. Once a ruler enters into interlocking systems of arrogance, the people forfeit their privacy. We are ruled by arrogant people in all branches of government. Cancelling the B1 bomber was arrogance; it was irresponsible to permit an air force major general to be sent to iran to get rid of the Shah. David should have respected the privacy of his subjects.

You do not see the ibex copulate or give birth. They are private about these things. David should have learned this lesson from the ibex. However, he is in the labyrinth of the interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 11:2 It happened at evening, that David arose from off his bed, and walked on the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful to look on.

2Samuel 11:2–3                                   72David                                              631_0241

This is late 1979

some people live their sick children in the car during Bible class; that is idiocy; that is stoopid.

David remained in Jerusalem when his army took to the field. This is a lack of responsibility and it indicates that David is in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Degeneration is not immorality; it is interlocking systems of arrogance. The impulsive arrogance of David. He enters into the interlocking systems of arrogance through sexual arrogance.

David left the army in the capable hands of Joab, but he lacks the military genius of David. Being involved with the interlocking systems of arrogance makes the believer vulnerable. David had 7 wives and 10 mistresses.

Polygamy was not permitted; all who participated in polygamy paid for it in divine discipline all of their lives. David was not a good father until he was past 50,

Polygamy destroys the restraint and the ability to marry one woman. David was a sex athlete and performed very well in bed, but no love capacity in his soul.

The United States suffers from its #1 disease, interlocking systems of arrogance. Sexual arrogance makes it impossible for a man to be a good father to his son. David had to be free of sexual arrogance in order to be a good father and a good husband.

David is now 50, and he is very vigorous. There is no real decline of vigor until 70 and 85. He was strong and healthy and vigorous, but trapped inside interlocking systems of arrogance. He places his sexual lust above his responsibilities to the nation. Anytime a person has maximum responsibility, if he does not live a life of some sacrifice, then he is a failure. As a king, he had all of that authority. He could not spend as much time doing his job right and being the sex athlete that he was. The greater the authority and the greater the precedence over the responsibilities of life. Having great authority means less time for the normal social life and normal activities of life.

When evening came, David rolled out of bed and walked along the battlements of the castle. David was astonished by the beauty of the woman and he desired her. A man in love may see a beautiful woman and he will think, “Hmm, a beautiful woman.” and he can leave it at that.

David destroyed his own authority because he destroyed his own integrity. The fact that David seduced Bathsheba was indicative of the fact that he was not in love with any of his 10 stated wives or of any of his ministries.

David and Beautiful Women

1.       David was married to numerous beautiful women. When under the influence of interlocking systems of arrogance, lust is aroused by every beautiful woman, regardless of who she is.

2.       A man who is in love can see a beautiful woman without desiring her. Since the majority of the people in this country are enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance, there are very few men who can look at a beautiful woman without desiring her. Those who do not desire her are either not in interlocking systems of arrogance or they are in love with their RW. Bob watches the persherons pulling the Budweiser truck; it’s beautiful, but that doesn’t mean Bob wants to go out and copulate with a horse.

3.       The worst of all is a woman who thinks every man lusts after her. You ladies might as well learn that there are very few men that you could trust in a compromising situation. Marriage is a status of authority; it is like joining the army; it places you under authority. There are a lot of people who can fake you right out of your tennis shoes.

4.       To the arrogant, nothing is sacred. Property is not sacred; a woman is not sacred. A woman should be able to say no, or get lost, and that is all the man needs to hear, and he ought to leave her alone.

5.       David desired this woman and he used his absolute power to take her, which was abuse of authority and impulsive arrogance. No man has the right to use their authority to seduce some woman. This is what David did.

6.       David’s sexual arrogance came from polygamy and entered into it as early as 2Sam. 5:13. David is a double idiot. David figured he could marry a bunch of woman and then not have to confess fornicating with them all without needing to confess.

7.       Promiscuity destroy capacity for love and friendship as well. Some people change friends as often as they change their clothes. This can pull people together in a time of crisis. It is not a race problem or a minority problem, but people do not have capacity for love or the capacity for category #3 love. If lust controls the soul, then lust controls the soul. Lust is the arrogance of saying, what I want is more important than my honor and integrity and God’s plan for my life. The lust can be for anything.

8.       The face that beautiful women belong to someone else meant nothing to David. This is the granddaughter of David’s greatest advisor, and he will organize a revolution against David. The Inadequate to the Arrogant soon to come out.

9.       David needs to respect the privacy and possessions of his subjects. The nigher you go in authority, the more you need to allow others to have privacy.

10.     Too many people in authority want those under them to love them. The man who wants his men to love him is a jackass, and his men get killed and he gets killed. The greatness of leadership is not in being loved. It is in being honorable. You cannot be loved unless you are respected. If you have to choose between a woman’s love or respect, choose her respect. Holding onto her love is like squeezing mercury. Bob built his command on being tough, but he corrected that mistake. If you have to gain someone’s respect by whipping them, that’s wrong; that is not the way to do it. It takes time to develop respect.

11.     Because David had more authority than anyone else, his honor should require him to more carefully respect the rights of others.

12.     Even though David is an ultra supergrace believer, David has logistical grace and 5 out of the 6 categories of supergrace support. You can had a dozen dolls in your harem and be miserable. The secret to love is in the soul. If you lead with your body and forget about the soul, you are going to get burned.

2Sam. 11:2 It happened at evening, that David arose from off his bed, and walked on the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful to look on.

Overpowering lust. David uses his military intelligence for procurement. We first need to note that interlocking systems of arrogance quench the Holy Spirit. If you a in supergrace or ultra supergrace, you spiritual growth does not protect you when are in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

You might enter through negative volition or criminal arrogance; regardless of how you enter, once you are in, whether mature like David or Moses or Elijah or Paul, you are vulnerable to everything. When interlocking systems of arrogance control the soul, various lusts become overpowering. Sexual lust, money lust, approbation lust, etc. David has all of these wives and mistresses, and he still suffers from sexual lust, which he gives in to.

These various forms of arrogance intermesh; if you stay in the interlocking systems of arrogance long enough, you will become a psycho or a criminal.

Elaim was the son of Ahithophel. Ahithophel will commit suicide.

Uriah the Hittie: the Hittites had come into Palestine and settled around Jerusalem. It was good terrain for fortification. Then the men came in there and decided to make a fort there. Then they decided to perpetuate themselves and to marry the Canaanitish women; so they called themselves Jebusites and they stayed on that hill unconquered and free for about 500 years. David finally conquered them. Many of them were still called Hittites. Uriah was a man who was taken prisoner and he was given a battlefield commission in his own army. Many of these men became greater warriors in Israel’s army. He is on the decoration list for knight of the 3rd class. He is a very successful battalion commander.

That Bathsheba belonged to another man did not affect David and his interlocking systems of arrogance. Bathsheba did not have the power to refuse the king. He used his authority to seduce a beautiful woman.

Adultery is outside of the laws of divine establishment. The woman gives us her freedom when she says I do. People have no idea what love is. Sex is a ritual without reality if there is no love. Sex expresses category #2 love. Legitimacy is not the only issue; it is a beautiful thing. Think of the women who cannot think. If she cannot think, she cannot love. One guy told Bob, “I can handle a dumb woman.” If the woman cannot think, then she cannot love and respect you. Bob names off a bunch of sexual sins.

This woman belongs to Uriah the Hittite. You do not want to belong to anyone that you do not respect and who does not respect you.

Adultery is when a married woman is seduced. That is stealing someone else’s property. Fornication means the chase involves a single woman. Ex. 20:14 is an emphasis on freedom. Marrying a woman means the man owns that woman and hands off to everyone else.

Why does a man sin against his own body? If you cater to the body where the soul is not involved, then you have destroyed the body. This is why you don’t take drugs and marijuana is the worst of all. The body does not throw it off. You destroy the soul chemically and you become a walking bot. Col. 2:5 unnatural sexual vices, degenerate passions, evil lusts, which category of things is idolatry. In the case of unbelievers, fornication and the like is idolatry, which means the unbeliever can be demon-possessed through such acts.

You abstain from fornication; the mind cannot take in doctrine when the body is controlling the mind by its lusts. For those of you who like to look and don’t touch, Matt. 5:27–28.

Homosexuality is forbidden; it is degeneracy. Bob resents the homo’s taking gay to themselves. Those who have sex with animals will be put to death.

Degeneracy becoming darkened in their thinking. The manifestation of degeneracy. Eph. 5:3 fornication is a part of the frantic search for happiness.

1Cor. 6 the body is not for fornication but for the Lord. The perception of doctrine means that you are in the plan of God. The point is, when you unite your body where there is no love, you introduce a strange substance. The analogy is to cancer. Once you condition your body to many sexual partners, you ruin sex in RM/RW.

2Sam. 11:3 David send and inquired after the woman. One said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?

2Sam. 11:4 Prov. 5:1–23 6:20–35    72David                                              631_0242

“I wish you wouldn’t clap for the band, because, sometime in the future, someone will walk in here and think that pitiful applause is for me.” Bob tells Bobby to call him (he’s at some Texas Fx).

Geo Magazine and is an excellent magazine. The Hamong People in Cambodia (I think) are now being savagely persecuted by the Communists for their pro-American stance and they are being ignored by the United States. Crossing over the Mekong Delta, one child3 years old was shot in the spine by a Laotian Communist as he tried to escape into Thailand with his family. The people he visited were those who fought valiantly with the Americans and were willing to live under Communist rule, but they are being wiped out. For some reason, the US is halping some of those with no pro-American history; but these are left to languish and die in refugee camps. The Chinese called them Barbarians, and they escaped China. They were secretly armed by the United States. Now that the war is over, the United States takes care of its friends about the same way that they take care of their own people. Once again, client nation America demonstrates its lack of integrity. Bob says there is no doubt in his mind that we will be beat down with a national crisis. The Shah of Iran proves that it is not a good idea to be a friend of the United States.

If missionaries survive there, they will be asked, “Why did your country desert us when we were faithful in our friendship.” The loss of the integrity in the United States is one of the most evil things which Bob has ever seen.

Less than 1% of people in the United States still have integrity.

David entered the interlocking systems of arrogance and lost his personal integrity. For 50 years, he had a great deal of faithfulness; he was a fantastic person. But, at age 50, he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance.

Moses, at 188–119 and moved into interlocking systems of arrogance, that God never permitted him to set foot into the land. This magnificent integrity can be destroyed in us overnight.

Our church is not above being disciplined for interlocking systems of arrogance. Nothing worse could happen to any one of us than to be involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Whatever good qualities and character and honor that we possess, it is instantly neutralized by getting into the interlocking systems of arrogance. In this critical hour of our country’s need, we cannot afford being in interlocking systems of arrogance.

Years after David recovered, he realized that he had been a lousy father, a failure as a ruler, and a failure as a husband. Therefore, he wrote a warning to his son Solomon not to become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance (Proverbs).

David was a failure as a father. Sex without love is ritual without reality.

Prov. 5:1 My son, be attentive to my wisdom [concentrate on my doctrine]; incline your ear to my understanding,

Prov. 5:2 that you may keep discretion, and your lips may guard knowledge.

Men are easily flattered by women, probably because they simply believe what they say. The most brilliant men in history have been turned to putty by a smart flattering woman.

Prov. 5:3 For the lips of a forbidden woman [the woman who is apostate] drip [distilled] honey, and her speech is smoother than oil [is the inside of her mouth],

Drinking of the woman was like wormwood; it may have seemed good at first, but it had a bad lasting effect.

Prov. 5:4 but in the end she is bitter [entanglement with her] as wormwood [a drink], sharp as a two-edged sword.

Bob’s father taught him to look at the feet of a woman, and he could judge a woman’s beauty by her feet.

Prov. 5:5 Her [seductive] feet go down to death; her steps [sexy, mincing feet] follow the path to Sheol [the grave];

She appears to be all things to all men.

Prov. 5:6 she does not ponder the path of life [consider her manner of lives]; her ways wander, and she does not know it.

David wrote this to all of his sons.

Bob mixes up bedpan and warming pan.

Prov. 5:7 And now, O sons, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth.

Prov. 5:8 Keep your way far from her [remove your sex life from her], and do not go near the door of her house,

Prov. 5:9 lest you give your honor to others [the pseudos] and your years to the merciless [and your years of sexual vigor to the vindictive],

Prov. 5:10 lest strangers [promiscuous women] take their fill of your strength [become satiated with your sexual vigor and sexual performance], and your labors go to the house of a foreigner [leaving your human male body shattered in a whorehouse],

If the Baptists will now recover...

Prov. 5:11 and at the end of your life you groan [and in distress, you groan at your end], when your flesh and body are consumed [your body and phallus are ruined] [i.e., with sexual disease and impotence],

Now an onomatopoetic word for pain in more than one place.

People involved in interlocking systems of arrogance hate to be corrected.

Prov. 5:12 and you say, "How I hated discipline [disciplinary warning—he has V.D. or he is impotent], and my heart despised reproof [and my right lobe despised corrective discipline]!

Prov. 5:13 I did not listen [or obeyed] to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear [concentrated with interest] to my instructors.

He was not listening in Bible class and the nation suffered because of it. When a king does not listen to doctrine, he abuses his power.

Prov. 5:14 I am at the brink of utter ruin [shortly, I was in every kind of evil] in the assembled congregation [both in the worship assembly and in the function of the nation]."

Prov. 5:15 Drink water [waters of pleasure] from your own cistern, flowing water [pleasant sexual enjoyment, good sexual pleasure] from your own well [from your own RW].

Prov. 5:16 Should your springs be scattered abroad [fountains—sexual acts—overflow to other women], streams of water in the streets [in the streets dividing the waters]?

Prov. 5:17 Let them be for yourself alone [your one and only ], and not for strangers [reversionistic promiscuous women] with you.

Prov. 5:18 Let your fountain [sex life] be [permanently] blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth [your RW, the woman you committed to from youth],

We now have the 6 year olds in here; you will have to explain it to them at home. Good luck.

Prov. 5:19 a lovely deer, a graceful doe [she is an amorous sexy doe, a wild she-goat]. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love [you will always wander in the area of her love “I won’t give you the better translation”]. This is a response of soul and body

Prov. 5:20 Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with a forbidden woman and embrace the bosom of an adulteress [should you embrace the body of a promiscuous woman]?

Notice that man makes tracks when he embraces a promiscuous woman. He doesn’t walk anymore. You figure that one out later.

Prov. 5:21 For a man's ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and he ponders all his paths [he weighs all man’s tracks].

Prov. 5:22 The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him [his own reversionism will entrap him], and he is held fast in the cords of his sin [he will be seized and bound by the chains of his own promiscuous idol].

Prov. 5:23 He dies for lack of discipline [he will die without doctrine], and because of his great folly he is led astray.

David lived in interlocking systems of arrogance for a full year; he did not rebound; there are 3 psalms which deal with this.

God meted out David’s discipline in 4 installments. However, now that he had rebounded, he could bear the suffering; and the suffering was for blessing.

Prov. 6:20 My son, keep your father's commandment [guard and preserve the commands of your father], and forsake not your mother's teaching.

They would have the scripture written down and it was in some sort of a container that they carried with them.

Prov. 6:21 Bind them on your heart always [store these in your right lobe]; tie them around your neck.

The doctrine as a female is in opposition to the woman who leads him astray.

Prov. 6:22 When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down [to sleep], they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you [doctrine].

Prov. 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life,

Prov. 6:24 to preserve you from the evil woman [the WW], from the smooth tongue of the adulteress.

Prov. 6:25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart, and do not let her capture you [arouse your passion] with her eyelashes;

Prov. 6:26 for the price of a prostitute is only a loaf of bread, but a married woman hunts down a precious life. Implication, will hunt and not find his soul

Prov. 6:27 Can a man carry fire [hot coals] next to his chest and his clothes not be burned? The answer to these questions is no.

Prov. 6:28 Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched?

This is David, and he was the one who wrote this.

Prov. 6:29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; none who touches her will go unpunished.

Prov. 6:30 People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry,

Prov. 6:31 but if he is caught, he will pay sevenfold; he will give all the goods of his house.

Prov. 6:32 He who commits adultery lacks sense [destitute of right lobe]; he who does it destroys himself [his own soul].

Prov. 6:33 He will get wounds and dishonor, and his disgrace will not be wiped away.

Prov. 6:34 For jealousy makes a man furious, and he will not spare when he takes revenge.

Prov. 6:35 He will accept no compensation; he will refuse though you multiply gifts.

David sends the court pimps. The word to seize, to seize violently is found here. Some empty-headed women might be thrilled to have some celebrity or some playboy show you some attention. This passage is designed for you. Sometimes, beautiful women are silly. They are featherbrained. There are women who think that men are madly in love with them because they smile at her. Or guys who say, “I just reached supergrace Thursday; let’s go out and celebrate.” Women get feather-brained when they go boy crazy for the first time. Right now, with television, this appears to be about age 9. When Bob was around, it was age 12–14. Those were the days that a chaperone went along.

She was an honorable woman and loved her husband as a woman ought to; with great respect. David is extremely handsome, even at age 50. David was an extremely handsome redheaded man. She may have been a little flattered and David was in his prime.

In Prov. 31, Solomon describes his mother, and she was a woman of great spiritual attainment. Never did a son have a better description of his mother. Any mother who can get this description has to have done a great job.

David had appointed superintendents of agricultural; he controlled crime. The country enjoyed prosperity and freedom because of military victory. He developed a system of military knighthood; rewards for good combat records and good leadership. Not everyone with an unusual combat record... The Germans developed the best set of decorations and they are very meaningful to the Germans; the British next to them. David has developed not only all of the systems of the military, but he had a brigade of guards made up of the Pelethites, the Cherethites and the Hittites. Akians, the Trojans and the Spartans. He managed to take these mercenaries and integrate them into a fantastic army.

We have already noted how David entered into interlocking systems of arrogance.

She was brought in, imperfect tense, indicating more than once.

There is an implication of rape here. He seduced her; because of his skill in these matters. There were numerous acts of copulation before he released her. “There are 10 or 15 synonyms for copulation; maybe I ought to use some of them to wake some of you up.”

She herself cleaning herself from her uncleanness indicates that she was forced. She followed the statute from Lev. 15:18 ...they will both be unclean until evening. She did not fornicate from her free will, so she cleanses herself according to the Law. This also shows that she knows the Law.

Qal imperfect of the verb shub, which meant that she returned to her house. She would not go home to the officer’s quarters until she had cleansed herself. She could not do this in a state of impurity because she loved her husband.

The husband’s response when his RW is raped is important; and she needs strength from this. You destroy the woman when you turn against her. The jackass never forgives her for being raped.

The attitude of this woman’s soul has not changed. In rape, the soul is untouched if the man is loving. While a criminal can rape the body of a woman, he cannot rape the soul.

2Sam. 11:4 David sent messengers [the court pimps], and took [seized] her; and she came in to him [and when she was brought to him], and he lay [copulated (continuously)] with her (for she was purified from her uncleanness); and she returned to her house.

David has been in interlocking systems of arrogance for perhaps a year or so; and he got into this with several wives and mistresses when he first came to Jerusalem.

Getting Bathsheba pregnant will reveal his reversionism. Much trouble will come from this sexual arrogance. He will lose some of the greatest friends that he has had.

11 ways to enter the interlocking systems of arrogance: arrogance as a mental attitude sins; negative volition arrogance resulting is scar tissue of the soul; impulsive arrogance; institutional arrogance; blind arrogance personality arrogance, conspiracy, criminal, crusader, psychopathic, sexual, genetic. All have been described in enough detail.

Once inside, the believer is vulnerable to any of the others.

2Samuel 11:5–6                                   72David                                              631_0243

Time Magazine 24 December (1979?). Constant din about getting to fat, driving too fast, etc. Hasn’t the very climate of warnings become a hazard to the health as well? Many of these warnings. Jogging? Take heed that many middle-aged joggers are falling dead along the roadside.

Health is obviously an important issue; but there is the intrusion on the privacy of the individual. Interlocking systems of arrogance have caused people to enter into this system via crusader arrogance. People are trying to get everyone to think like them and to be like them. Interlocking systems of arrogance is destroying our country. In the midst of all of these cautions, the only thing that can put fun back into your life is doctrine.

2Sam. 5:1–4 And it came to pass in the spring at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his general staff and the entire army of Israel. Now they annihilated Ammon and besieged [the city of] Rabbah. However, David remained in Jerusalem. So when evening came, David got up from his bed walked around the roof of the king’s castle and from the battlements, he saw a woman taking a bath. Now the woman was extremely beautiful in appearance. And David sent and inquired about the woman. And one said, "Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" So David sent official procurers [government pimps] and seized her, and she came to him, and he fornicated with her. (Now she had been purifying herself from her uncleanness.) When she purified herself from her uncleanness, then she returned to her home.

2Sam. 11:5 Consequently, the woman became pregnant, and she sent {a messenger} and advised David, and said, "I have become pregnant." {idiom: literally "I am with child."}

She becomes pregnant. With this, we have the Qal imperfect of Halak, which means to send a message. She sends a message and advises David. Her husband is a knight of the 3rd class.

Lev. 20:10 is what she has violated, and both of them ought to be put to death, according to the law. David has entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through polygamy and probably several affairs as well. David took more mistresses and wives from Jerusalem. Operation Bathsheba was not the beginning of his sin or failure. We are now to the point where the discipline will become obvious.

First, David will go through a period of unbearable suffering. Under this, this suffering will intensify for a year. He will also fall into a number of other forms of arrogance. He gets right up to the line of psychotic arrogance. He will eventually rebound under the 3 stages of the faith rest drill. He will rebound, then go in for reverse concentration, and then apply the doctrine of the something.

David will then have 4 installments of divine discipline after his recovery; and he will be able to bear up under these sufferings and he will not die the sin unto death. He will have to pay the piper and pay in full.

David had 3 or 4 hours of sexual activity and for that, his whole kingdom will be turned upside down. Arrogance compared to sexual sin; arrogance is so evil and horrible and vicious and so moment-by-moment degeneracy; sexual sin at best will last a few hours and at worst, a few minutes. Baptists do not understand that their arrogance is so vile that there is no comparison. This is not intended to justify sexual sins. The things which they do under arrogance are evil and vile and vicious and destroy the entire nation.

David got into the system through sexual arrogance; but we can get in by the mental attitude sins of pride. We can get into it by self righteous arrogance. Do not bother to look down your nose at David because he paid for this sin in full.

What is wrong with the USA is much more than electing the wrong people and appointing the wrong people to the bench. Those are symptoms of the problem. For some years, David has been moving in and has now been locked in.

David and the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       Interlocking systems of arrogance always takes its toll when the believer does not keep close accounts in rebound and fails to be current in doctrinal study. Not only does the study of Bible doctrine result in spiritual growth, and the daily study of doctrine acts as a catharsus to avoid the arrogance complex.

2.       David started out with sexual arrogance. Where formerly, he had been vigorous, being a king, and working hard at it and he enjoyed his social life and everything; and now he no longer enjoys it. He has become indolent. David had become a totally self-centered man and self-indulgent; sensuous, lecherous, a devotee to epicurion hedonism debauched by concubescense. No matter which way you enter into the interlocking systems of arrogance door, you are in there. Once you are in there, you are locked in there through self-centeredness. No one who is self-centered is going to be happy. All that you think about is yourself. You cannot be happy with a soul that is completely occupied with yourself. You do not need to have a lot of this world’s goods in order to be happy. It is lack of capacity which destroys everything. When you have too many possessions, you are no longer a free spirit. You are always thinking about those possessions; one thing you need for economic disaster is flexibility. A group of men came here all the way from Australia, and they are thinking, did I lock the door? Midas was the most miserable man in the world because he was sitting on all of that gold. “Let’s go to a party” “Can’t do it; got to keep sitting on this gold.” With capacity in the soul, you can really enjoy what you have. David always wanted to be king of all Israel; and once he was, he walked into interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       David entered the interlocking systems of arrogance through the sexual gate and now the system has taken its toll. Once you have entered into these gates, you are now arrogance. And you are on a lifetime hunt for happiness.

4.       Not only has David lost capacity for life, but he has lost his moral courage. He has also lost his physical courage. The higher you go, the more difficult the decisions that you have to make. The more occupied with self, the more frantic your search for happiness becomes. David is one of the greatest heroes to live. He has an officer code and he finds an officer with courage and integrity.

5.       David has avoided the Ammonite campaign. He is preoccupied with himself. He has lost his sense of responsibility and his sense of duty.

6.       David had become a coward, a reprobate, a philanderer as a result of being in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       After being in the system for a long period of time, degeneracy set in. Degeneracy is not immorality. Degeneracy is the result of immorality?

8.       The only organization in which David was interested in at the moment was the court pimps. They were there for the expressed purpose of providing beautiful women to David and his sexual arrogance. We could balance the budget if every pimp in Washington gave his pay back.

9.       Sexual arrogance and conspiratorial arrogance resulting in criminal arrogance.

2Sam. 11:5 The woman conceived; and she sent and told David, and said, I am with child.

David’s conspiracy arrogance and David calls for Joab to send Uriah the Hittite to him. David, as a leader, must have great moral courage and great character; and if he is all wrapped up in himself, that authority is abused.

He brings a commander away from a war front when he was needed there. 1Chron. 11:31 Uriah was a professional soldier from his earliest youth. He had tremendous ability and he had a battlefiled commission. He was one of the first men to be commissioned in the expanded Jewish army. This was the beginning of his greatest failure. What he did sexually was sinful, but what he does now is evil.

Too many focus in on Bathsheba. Evil can be a series of sins or even a series of acts of human good. Matt. 1:6 mentions Uriah the Hittite in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

We need a profile on Uriah the Hittite.

Uriah the Hittite Profile

1.       He was a top battalion commander and taken out of action during a critical part of the campaign. This was an abuse of David’s command authority. This is detrimental to the army and to the country as a whole. If there was an assault battalion, this would be Uriah’s battalion. This will be a costly mistake. David is not thinking about the army or his country; he is thinking only about himself. The world is filled with arrogance women; “I never see my husband.” The more authority your husband has, the less you will see him. Never complain and never gripe and never be resentful of his profession. Such a woman is occupied with self. There is just one word in the English language and write it across your paper: bitch.

2.       Remember that David is not in reversionism. He is interlocking systems of arrogance. They are not the same. You cannot be in reversionism and be positive toward doctrine; but you can be positive toward doctrine while in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Their paths will cross under negative volition arrogance. David was not in reversionism but in degeneracy. One is as bad as the other. There are 8 stages of reversionism. You can be carnal or spiritual in reversionism. In interlocking systems of arrogance, as long as you are in, you are carnal. Positive volition failure and negative volition failure. The danger is having positive volition toward doctrine and being arrogance. One is as devastating as the other. Any one of us can get into interlocking systems of arrogance in a NY minute. Unless we are alerted and begin to categorize and begin to think about thse things, we can be in something as bad as reversionism and even end up in the sin unto death without all of the warnings. In interlocking systems of arrogance, you think about yourself and you think about yourself and you die. We are to avoid both.

3.       Rather than reversionistic, David as a mature believer must be classified as degenerate.

4.       It is possible to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance totally apart from reversionism. Most reversionistic believers are intermeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance. Most reversionists are in the arrogance complex; most in the arrogance complex are not in reversionism. Especially for Moses, Elijah or David.

5.       David’s problem is not negative volition toward doctrine; it is entering in by sexual arrogance. He is free from negative volition arrogance.

6.       A believer cannot be mature and reversionism at the same time. A believer can be mature and degenerate at the same time.

7.       A believer, in fact many mature believers, become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance so that interlocking systems of arrogance must be classified as the mature believer’s occupational hazard.

8.       This is why there must be a distinction between these two.

9.       The divine discipline may not differ except the reversionist dies the sin unto death; but in interlocking systems of arrogance, the mature believer dies in interlocking systems of arrogance. Moses, David and Elijah all became involved in interlocking systems of arrogance in which they received great discipline. They went out under dying grace. For the reversionistic believer, he goes out under the sin unto death.

David is now vulnerable to all the categories except negative volition toward doctrine arrogance. He has been turned into a battlefield coward and a moral coward. The person may appear to be the same and look the same; but there is a definite personality change. Outside that nice Dr. Jeckel; inside, that evil Mr. Hyde.

Next is conspiracy arrogance.

2Sam. 11:6 David sent to Joab, saying, Send me Uriah the Hittite. Joab sent Uriah to David.

2Samuel 11:6–7                                   72David                                              631_0244

Since nothing is taking place in the White House, some take that as a good thing, but it simply reflects no moral courage. Perigreen Washburn is Bob’s favorite British writer. This is about the Iranian crisis. Popularity seems to be on not being as bad as Ted Kennedy.

David was so impressed with the military ability of the Hittites so that he gave an enemy officer a battlefield commission in the Jewish army.

We had a phenomenal past through WWII; but there has been a breakdown in the officers corps. In all of our officer corps today, we have some magnificent men, but they are in the minority. There is no unification among civilians in this country. Jane Fonda’s actions today is accepted. We are divided in the American people today. We are divided on racial issues because there is no national integrity.

A good combat record does not guarantee personal integrity.

Loyalty to doctrine and respect for the authority of this church. Bob has rooted out these conspiracies over time. Loyalty to a person is not as important as personal integrity.

David became an evil louse. David outside had great integrity. David is a gutless heel. There is a kind of arrogance where some lord it over David; or some will say, “If David goes out and fornicates, what is wrong with my live-in?” This passage is not given to allow us to commit sins similar to David’s. Some try to rationalize this as the greatness of grace.

Bearable suffering is that which we get after we rebound. It is bearable and it comes in sets.

You try to excuse everything you do based upon what David or someone else does. You lead your own life as unto God and you do it with integrity, or you will get blasted.

David is greater than any of us will ever be; and if we want to emulate, we need to emulate doctrine of the soul; we do not emulate their failings.

1Kings 15:5 because David did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and he had not turned aside from anything which God had commanded him with the exception of Uriah the Hittite. We are going to spend a lot of time pulling this all together.

What we are studying is pertinent to the time in which we live.

2Sam. 11:6 David sent to Joab, saying, Send me Uriah the Hittite. Joab sent Uriah to David.

David begins his hypocrisy

David’s Hypocritical Actions

1.       No one enters interlocking systems of arrogance without becoming a hypocrite. You have to disguise the fact that you are Mr. Hyde; therefore, hypocrisy is a cover for personality change. David asks how Uriah is doing.

2.       David has no interest in the campaign. He is in a jam and he wants to get out of the jam.

3.       David’s interest is in covering his sin with Bathsheba.

4.       Therefore the interrogation with Uriah the Hittite is sheer hypocrisy.

5.       Interlocking systems of arrogance have changed David from a leader of great courage to a cowardly debauchery. He is an irresponsible troop commander.

6.       Change has been wrought with interlocking systems of arrogance. Degeneration is not immorality. Immorality on one of its many manifestations. When you realize that all criminals are criminals because they are in interlocking systems of arrogance and that they are hypocritical and nice and sweet and kind and can fake out just about anyone in society, you can understand how the criminal is able to get away with so much. The average kid today admires the criminal and despises the cops.

David asks Uriah as to his peace and prosperity welfare, tranquility.

The status quo of the campaign is what the tactical situation is. He doesn’t really care about that. He is more interested in solving his problem with Uriah’s wife.

David Briefing Uriah

1.       David is hypocritical. He does not really care about tactical situation.

2.       His excuse was to get a situation report and he is still covering up.

3.       This debriefing ploy was a part of David’s involvement in conspiratorial arrogance.

4.       Uriah\s intel report was the last thing which David had on his mind.

5.       The stage was set for conspiracy arrogance. The first step was accomplished. Uriah made his report and he was enthusiastic about it and David could care less. Ordinarily, David would have been stimulated by this, but he lacks capacity for life. Military was his life.

Uriah has capacity for life. David lacks happiness, even though he has all the sex that he wants. Happiness resides in the soul. Uriah has had no sex for several months and is a happy man.

David also lacks capacity for love. Uriah has great leadership ability and he cares about his men. Uriah went out under dying grace. David will face 10 years of great discipline; he had everything going for him, and he will be miserable for 10 years. David is a sexual athlete, and in the past, he was a very happy man. He was promoted and when God promotes you, you stay promoted. However, any man in interlocking systems of arrogance because of sexual arrogance will be a lousy father.

David went through the entire debriefing, even though he was not interested at all in it. This man developed good staff procedures. We have the worst staff procedures; the Germans have had the best staff procedures for the past 150 years. The Prussian army or staff is made up of about 80%

2Sam. 11:7 When Uriah was come to him, David asked of him how Joab did, and how the people fared [the morale of his troops], and how the war prospered.

The first conspiracy is vv. 8–9: David tries to get Uriah to go and visit his home. “You are a great battalion commander; take the night off and go back home.”

“Everyone who smiles at you is not your friend and everyone who frowns is not your enemy.”

David orders Uriah. David says Go down because he knows exactly where Uriah lives.

Uriah is told to wash the feet, which is the way to enter one’s own home. He was not to stay at VOQ (visiting officers quarters).

Officer’s code is, he is not to go near his family even when back in home. This is a matter of honor not to go home and copulate with his wife. Loyalty versus integrity. The man who says loyalty comes first. SOP: no man is to copulate with his wife or with other women when at war. You do not mix business and pleasure. They must be kept separate. Pleasure when business is taken care of.

The honor Code Points

1.       He honor code means commissioned officers not go back home for sex. So David orders this man.

2.       Women and wives were forbidden to accompany their husbands in the field. The greatest weakness of the US army in Germany is there children and wives are there. They are a target right there. Every dependent in Europe is a hostage to the United States army. We are compromised right from the start. Can you imagine our attitude toward 300,000 hostages? Some might even surrender. This is why David has this principle in his honor code. Our job in the field is to get the enemy and the wives have to be far off. A woman hanging around whining and mewing is a distraction they do not need. David knows enough about women to know that there needs to be the separation. You cannot take the women to war.

3.       The troops were commanded to deal with the enemy first. Business first and then pleasure.

4.       Uriah would violate the officer’s code if he went to his quarters and saw his wife; a double violation to copulate with her.

5.       No sex until there is freedom. Sex without freedom becomes meaningless.

6.       As long as the army remained undefeated, national freedom was in jeopardy. You cannot enjoy the blessings of freedom when freedom is in jeopardy.


8.       As an honorable soldier, Uriah would not sleep with his wife.

9.       As a dedicated officer, he would resist the temptation to cross over the threshold of his quarters and even to say hello to his wife. This is even though his commander in chief has ordered him to be an exception.

David originated this officers code of conduct, and now he is ordering Uriah to disobey it.

2Sam. 11:8 David said to Uriah, Go down to your house, and wash your feet. Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess of food from the king.

2Samuel 11:8                                       72David                                              631_0245

Let’s assume that you are loyal to a very close friend and your friend enters into interlocking systems of arrogance through the criminal gate. He wants you to join him based upon loyalty and friendship.

David inquires as to the morale of the staff and how things were working out.

Then David puts Uriah to choose between integrity or loyalty. Military code of ethics, and he uses and actual occurrence. A list of those things which military types ought to have.

Beau Guest. Loyalty toward one’s friends is a great asset, but when it involves a lack of integrity, that is problematic. It is often more complicated in the military because of the chain of command.

Bob will never again have an assistant pastor because of this problem. There were Sunday School people who had higher loyalty to the assistant pastor.

For believers, there is loyalty to a friend and positive volition toward doctrine.

Personal integrity demands, and the Royal Family Honor Code demands, a recognition of functioning with personal integrity. Your personal integrity must supercede personal loyalty.

There are several violations of the officers’ honor code which David himself instituted. The problem is quick sticky for Uriah, because David has commanded one thing but the honor code says something else.

David did not make war against civilian populations and rape and pillage was punishable by death. The officer corp set the example. The officers could not bring their wives to work and they could not rape any of the locals. When David commanded him to wash his feet, that was a command to go into his house and to copulate with his wife.

At some point, you will face misplaced loyalty. You can still love a person but being loyal to a person cannot be in violation of your integrity.

Uriah the Hittite was a courageous man in battle and he has moral courage; and to disobey a direct order written by David himself demands tremendous integrity. When you choose for integrity, this is the highest form of moral courage; but choosing loyalty over integrity is the coward’s way out.

Dwight David Eisenhower displayed great moral history, and Romel as well. Both men showed incredible courage. Rommel disobeyed an order and saved his African corps. He died with his integrity intact.

Eisenhower did not go to Berlin, and this was a courageous and honorable decision, one of the greatest ever made. Bradley did not even come close to moral courage. Eisenhower is his superior as a man and as a soldier. Sooner or later, every great man must make a decision.

Jackson quit the old army under pressure and could not take the guff that junior officers put up with today. Robert E. Lee took the same guff and he did not quit.

Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve. 1979?

One of Ike’s greatest decisions was the Patton slapping incident; Patton should have not lost his temper as a general officer and he was wrong. Ike had to face loyalty to Patton versus integrity to the officer’s code (not written at the time). Ike publically disciplined Patton, yet saved his career. Ike was right. Washington wanted Patton’s hide. Patton placed Ike in this embarrassing situation.

Some women will face the issue of doctrine versus loyalty to some jackass. Just because you love him does not make him more important than doctrine.

Some of you will fall in love with someone negative toward doctrine. When you get involved with those kind of people, you have to make the decision that Uriah did. Loyalty versus integrity. If you are married to this jackass, then he is your authority. The only time a woman can tell her husband to shove it is when it comes to Bible doctrine.

Anytime a person in authority over you is in interlocking systems of arrogance, sooner or later that person will bring you to loyalty to that person as oppose to integrity (which is loyalty to the Lord Jesus Christ).

David is the commander-in-chief, but he is in interlocking systems of arrogance. Uriah lives his life as unto the Lord and he will make the correct choice and he will disobey David’s command.

Bob rues the day he used the term RM/RW.

There will be a challenge tomorrow and some of you don’t have enough doctrine to come in out of the rain. Some of you have never managed to establish integrity.

Bob gives some football examples of coaches.

If you are a junior executive or a top executive; or you are a wife with an arrogant husband or a husband with a nagging, bitching wife. This violates a man’s integrity.

Uriah’s Dilemma

1.       This command places Uriah in a dilemma. Integrity demands that you serve a mean boss or a tyrant husband. It demands loyalty under normal circumstances.

2.       Should Uriah follow the officer code or disobey the code to see his own family? We are in trouble in Europe with over 300,000 wives and children, and the Russians know every evacuation point and drop pamphlets, saying, surrender, or you will see your loved ones hit with nerve gas. Now we have wives and children in Korea and German and in all of our embassies. Had Bob been in command, he would have gotten the hostages out and then he would have nuked Iran. We will send you missionaries; but you don’t every lay a hand on one. You kidnap or hurt one of our people or destroy our property, this is what we will do. Then we will do that is the streets of our large cities. You should be able to walk around safely on any street in Houston. A large fedral government makes us into little people. Wipe out every bureaucracy, including the Burea of Indian Affairs.

3.       No sex and no contact with loved ones until the army was victorious. Integrity is placed first.

4.       As long as the enemy remains undefeated, national freedom was in jeopardy.

5.       Therefore, no officer was to enjoy the blessings of freedom while freedom was in jeopardy.

6.       As a dedicated the competent officer, Uriah would not take advantage of his wife being so near. His wife is no more than a half mile away.

7.       Legitimate sex is the privilege of free men and you are not free until the enemy has been defeated in battle and the campaign secured.

8.       The ethics of the battle code are related to freedom through military victory.

9.       Loyalty to David at the moment placed David in violation of the honor code.

10.     The code was the principle. The principle must be chosen over the person when they are in conflict. It is only when they are in conflict.

11.     Integrity demands loyalty to the principle. When some pleasing or dominant personality begins a conspiracy, then you choose the principle.

David was inside the interlocking systems of arrogance. Loyalty to a believer inside the complex is a violation of your integrity. When that believers starts a revolt against authority, that believer is a violation of integrity and he is a threat to your nation. Loyalty is a virtue and loyalty to those whom you love.

One assistant pastor was loyal only to himself. He gathered people around him and took his people with him. Uriah faces a dilemma and integrity won. David chose for the honor code when he wrote it and now his choice now is to have Uriah violate the honor code. Integrity obeys the code; loyalty obeys the man. Uriah obeyed the code and disobeyed the man. Usually, these are not in conflict.

The arrogant revolts when they find some point that they disagree with from the pulpit. This could ruin a person’s entire life.

Uriah leaves the castle and walks across the quadrangle and over to VOQ and he stays there (visitors’ officers quarters). A bunch of food was sent to Bathsheba and she probably wondered about that. The king’s best food was sent to Uriah’s home; and Uriah stayed at the VOQ and just ate whatever hash was around.

The royal dinner was designed to get these two together; and Uriah spends his night in the guard’s side of the palace.

2Sam. 11:8 David said to Uriah, Go down to your house, and wash your feet. Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess of food from the king.

The king’s brigade of guards are who Uriah stayed with.

2Samuel 11                                          72David                                              631_0246

This command places Uriah in a dilemma. Loyalty and honor are sometimes in conflict, which is rare, but it does happen. National freedom was in jeopardy. Loyalty to David put Uriah into conflict here.

Integrity demands that you go with doctrine rather than with loyalty when they are in conflict. Uriah now faces this dilemma.

2Sam. 11:8 David said to Uriah, Go down to your house, and wash your feet. Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess of food from the king.

We need to define what integrity is.

Integrity, David and Uriah

1.       Integrity is a state or quality of being undivided; a state of honesty and purity.

2.       Integrity is loyalty among other things. But always, integrity is always loyalty to the truth or to the right principle.

3.       To be loyal to the right principle demands that one have a knowledge of God and a knowledge of truth in 3 categories:

4.       Integrity is loyalty to the truth in establishment truth, the gospel and Bible doctrine.

5.       No one can have integrity and be ignorant Stupid people have no integrity. Ignorant people easily become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. When a believer or an unbeliever reject the truth, he then believes the lie, which is strong delusion. When you believe the lie, then you are stupid about the truth. Ignorant people are arrogant people. When you are arrogance, it is impossible to have integrity; you cannot adhere to principle. You always think in terms of outsmarting someone, faking someone out, emulation, equaling or bettering the record of someone else.

6.       Knowledge of a subject results in establishing norms, standards and values, which are all related back to the subject.

7.       No matter how great the integrity outside of the arrogance complex, inside of the arrogance complex, there is no integrity. For you who are visiting, we spent all last week developing the interlocking systems of arrogance and we do not talk during the teaching of the Word of God.

8.       When one is loyal to a false principle or to strong delusion are these in conflict.

9.       Since loyalty is part of integrity, the loyalty in conflict is toward a person or toward something which is false. What is wrong with America is a good introduction.

10.     Uriah and David both had good integrity because they were both mature believers.

11.     David has moved into the interlocking systems of arrogance.

12.     David’s command to Uriah violated the officer code of ethics.

13.     Therefore, Uriah remained with his integrity and lived his life as unto the Lord.

We have no principles in the United States. We should have moved copters into place, rescued these hostages, and nuked the rest.

Additional Principles

1.       No conflict until the believer gets into the interlocking systems of arrogance. Here, sometimes there is the conflict between loyalty and integrity. We had Adam’s original sin imputed to us, which is disobedience. We must go to capacity for life, which is orientation to authority.

2.       Generally speaking, the conflict involves a person, the object of your love often.

3.       The husband who orders the wife to stay home and stay out of Bible class. This is an arrogance problem. It is also the other way around where wives nag husbands until they quit Biblc class. Consistency is required in the realm of Bible doctrine. Sooner or later, such a person takes a stand against integrity.

4.       Often the loved one or friend enters into the interlocking systems of arrogance. Now you have loyalty to your friend or loved one. Or you have a friend who enters into interlocking systems of arrogance through criminal arrogance or in the interlocking systems of arrogance becomes a criminal; and then ask you to become involved in criminal activity. Integrity says no. will I be loyal to my friend or to Bible doctrine? Usually, there is not a conflict between integrity and loyalty. Those who do not understand doctrine or the laws of divine establishment have a problem. They do not understand enough at this point. Arrogant people are self-centered. Abraham Lincoln gave freedom to a lot of people with no personal integrity at all, which a few exceptions, like Booker T. Washington and Washington Carver. Today, minorities are demanding freedom without integrity. This is an arrogant attempt to seize power. Congress is an irresponsible power trying to give power to another irresponsible group.

5.       Integrity is freedom from corruption or impurity (of thought). Integrity always deals with thought.

6.       When loyalty leads to corruption or impurity of thought (like Communism or welfare state or big government or an attack upon the free enterprise system or a windfall profits tax against the oil companies).

7.       Integrity is unimpaired purity of thought. This purity of thought comes from Bible doctrine or from establishment training. Do not say in your prayers to God that you are 100% Him; you need some thought first.

8.       When a believer has maximum doctrine, he can only become corrupted through arrogance, rather than through thought. What happened to David and his adherence to doctrine? Hard to find a woman who is not beautiful. Do you try to seduce every woman that you see? David had principles. Arrogance destroys integrity. David could not be corrupted by ignorance of doctrine.

9.       In any inquiry, all known facts should be taken into account.

10.     Integrity is uncompromising adherence to integrity in 3 categories: laws of divine establishment, gospel and Bible doctrine. Example of coming to Houston for doctrine and becoming a police officer. It is an honorable profession. This requires the highest form of integrity. You must continue to adhere to the principles of establishment, no matter how much cooperation that you get from anyone. Those of you who are led into the mission field, you have an honorable function in life. Do not expect much help from those around you. Your testing demands integrity.

11.     The honor code principle is related to establishment truth or freedom.

12.     As a dedicated professional soldier with honor and integrity, Uriah chooses for the Jewish army code of ethics, even though the commander-in-chief made an exception for him.

The Integrity of David

Don’t look at your friends. Then fix your eyes on a point; stare into space. See how long you can hold your breath.

1.       Here is a warning—as Bob is going to really chew out David—this is a warning against being carried away by your own subjectivity or your own academic arrogance. Beware of rationalization; do not use David to get off-base. Do not use David to justify your own sins and evil. Beware of arrogant emulation; copying David’s sins and without being related to his greatness.

2.       People rationalize by thinking, if a mature believer can do these things, then so can I. Some of you learn the language here so that you can seduce the girls here. “I just reached supergrace” and because you are away from home and a little stupid and a little boy crazy, “If David did it, then I can do it once or twice; let’s go...”


4.       This passage is not written by means of the Holy Spirit to give anyone license to commit David’s sins. It is a warning to believers, mature and immature.

5.       David is a greater believer than any of us will ever be.

6.       If you must emulate David, the emulate him by following his advance to maturity.

7.       Do not copy the lifestyle of any believer. Particularly any believer enmeshed in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Better to die with your integrity than without it. It is easier to lose your integrity than a $50 bill that you drop in the Galleria at Xmas time.

8.       Reverse concentration.

9.       When David’s evaluation. Is completed, his adulty with Bathsheba is not mentioned; nor that with at least 30 other are not mentioned. Only David’s criminal arrogance is covered; the Bible was not written by a Baptist. This adultery will never be mentioned again. We will study a lot of terrible things about David. He will recover from all of this. Only Uriah will be mentioned against him; but not Bathsheba, who is in the line of Christ. Tomorrow is Xmas Eve. 1Kings 15:5 because David did what was right in the sight of the Lord and he had not turned aside from anything that God had commanded him all the days of his life, except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.

10.     After Davd was dead, we look back. 1Kings 15:3 he walked in all the sins of his father and his right lobe was not complete with the Lord, not like the right lobe of his father David. KER - King’s Evaluation Report

11.     Speaking of Asa, a great grandson of David, his KER;: He did what was right in the sight of the Lord like David, his father.

12.     Amaziah 2Kings 14:3 and he Amaziah did right in the sight of the Lord, yet not as good as David.

13.     Ahaz was 20 when he became king, but he did not do what was right in the sight of the Lord like his ancestor David. All of the KER’s have the same principle.

14.     2Kings 18:3 Hezekiah’s KER

15.     2Kings 22:2–3 Josiah.

16.     Jehoshaphat. 2Chron. 17:3.

17.     The integrity of David was the standard for all of the king’s who followed. Except for Uriah the Hittite, David was a man of great integrity. He was not apostate; he was a mature believer in ultra super grace.

Only enough time for the corrected translation. He disobeys a direct order from his commander-in-chief.

The gate house includes the barracks of the royal guard. The Cherethites and the Pelethites. Uriah chose to sleep in these barracks. He would not go to his own quarters. He would be at home there because all of these men were minorities.

The Hittites were thoroughly a hybrid in their composition. The Cherethites and the Pelethites are made up of several minorities. The Akkian Greeks, which was one that Homer was a part of. The Asua are Trojans; there are the Lykians. If you have studied ancient history, then you are familiar with these people. The Carions are a famous merk people. The Phrygians and the famous Greek called the Philistines. Palestine is a Gentile name and the Philistines are Greeks. These are all different groups of Greeks. They are all over the Middle East because they are mercenaries. They travel all over. In history, they are often called the sea people. Some came by ox carts. They are closely associated with the Hittites. Most of these people came out of the fall of Troy. Now they are a part of David’s brigade of guards. They could have told you some wild tales or their wars.

The officer corps, the elite, were made up of gentiles and not Jews. The United States army is the only organization in the United States which gives minorities an absolutely fair shake and they lean over backwards to do it. If they cannot succeed there, they have no merit. You can be complimented to death elsewhere and in most churches that you walk in. You get a fair shake here as well.

The Phrygians and the Jebusites seems to come from the Hittite empire. All of these Gentiles, who are a minority, could succeed in the Israeli army. It does not make any difference what your color is; they learned Bible doctrine.

Their treatment that they get is superior. Some do not succeed because of interlocking systems of arrogance. You take minority people and add a little arrogance and they are no good, whether in the army or in jail or being forced by the government to be hired by you. Laws will not give a minority a sense of responsibility. It does not change anything until you get thought and doctrine and truth. We will have racial problems. All kinds of people are arrogant and the arrogant clash and compete and they emulate and try to equal or outdo others. The US army gives everyone a fair shake. More than a fair shake. “I’m not through yet; who clicked that notebook?”

Uriah the Hittite was a minority all the way. Hittites lived in the north. They are not Chaldean or Assyrian or Syrian; they are indo-Europeans. Hittite, Luion and Palion formed the kingdom called the Hittite empire. One of the most famous battles from 1285 b.c.

They arrived in Canaan as the result of Ezek. 3;45? Hittites + Amorties = Jebusites.

There is a demonstration of the fact that David was always minority conscious and there was no racial issue in the Jewish army. He wrote the honor code of the Jewish army. Citizenship could be gotten by serving in the United States army.

2Sam. 11:9 But Uriah slept at the door of the king's house [at the gatehouse of the castle] with all the servants of his lord [David’s brigade guard], and didn't go down to his house.

2Samuel 11                   Christmas Eve Message (72David)                        631_0247

Last Christmas of the decade. So this must be Christmas Eve 1979? This is obviously in the order of the David series, but this is not a David message.

This was the Christmas that good King Wennislaus almost most.

The year was 1241. The Christmas of 1240 is almost like the Christmas that we are celebrating. It was almost the last Christmas to be enjoyed in Europe.

When Jesus was born.

Daniel was once the president of the Maggie, and became a ruler of this group, giving them a doctrinal connotation. These Maggie came to worship Jesus.

There are 3 things to keep us from celebrating Christmas. We may die before the turn of the century. It is possible that none of us will be alive in 1999. The rapture may occur first. There may be no United states of America. Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place that it falls, there it will lie.

There is a true Christmas tree, as in Isa. 65:22 My elected ones will not toil in vain. Jer. 10:3 meaningless Christmas tree.

Since this may be our last Christmas in a peaceful environment, it might be a good time to stop and look at a true Christmas tree or 3.

1Peter 2:24 the Christmas tree of the cross; the true Christmas tree. Eventually we will all end up in heaven in a resurrection body.

Jer. 17:7–8 Blessed is man who puts his trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water.

We have a greater prosperity in the United States than kings have enjoyed in the past.

Prov. 11:30 the production of the righteous is the tree of life and he that wins souls is wise.

Job’s message in v. 7: at least there is hope for a tree; if it is cut down, it will send out shoots. At the scent of water, it will put forth its shoots like a plant. A tree can be cut down, but if water comes its way, it will come up.

God has left us here with a purpose; with a plan. We are here to recognize the purpose for this plan. The womb forgets them; the worm feasts on them. Evil men are no longer remembered but are broken like a tree. Psal 1:2–3 he will be like a tree watered

a generation celebrated a Christmas one year and almost lost it the next.

Few people realize that the baby in the manger is the God-man. The shadow of the cross was there at the cradle.

Most of you are believers in Jesus Christ. There was born a man who is no longer remembered some 12 centuries later in the rugged country south of... Eusuki was the father’s name, the chief of the Mongol tribe of that area. Closed hand and opened it, and there was a clot of blood, and he would turn the world into a bloodbath, and with that clenched fist, he would destroy much of the world. Tebucham was the son’s name, carrying the banner with the ox tails, the standard of the Mongols. He met two men and they caused him to take the name Ghengis Kahn. The great genius was not a Mongolian but from the reindeer people and his name was Subvitai batlehard he would destroy much of that area.

He moved into a land where they have been provoked where their merchants had been attacked. Subitai organized a plan. No one had ever cross that desert. The conquest was finished. Subitai went out in charge 1221–1224 they were gone. They went into eastern Armenia. They captured all kinds of people and sent spies all over western Europe.

He got a course in European history and paid them a fortune which he had accumulated in his travels. He set up one of the greatest spy systems to war II. He knew more about western Europe than most of those in Western Europe did. The Battle of Calca he defeated the western Kipchoqs. Shortly thereafter, his master Genghis Kahn died.

He talked the new Kahn into carving out a territory. D-day was to be 1227. He was to command 12 princes. The army to go forth in 1227 was the greatest army known in that century. All infantry. Ancient equivalent to modern staff. They had intelligence in information before decisions were made. Most of the officers could not read or write. Smoke bombs to cover their movements. They cut off dead enemy’s ears to count the dead. Excellent administration. Great engineers. Subitai was a genius. Army divided into groups of 10. A description of what the soldier carried and his bow. They only fired from a horse and they were accurate to 350 yards. Horse care in the Mongolian world was the best in the world.

A great hunt and they learned signals and it developed unity. Finest artillery in the world. They used gun powder, but from slings and grenades. A rolling barrage. Rockets with a 1000 yard range. They were called the people from hell.

Dec. 1237 Mongols destroyed all of northern Russia. Prince Yuri and his family were slaughtered on Christmas Eve. Everything in Northern Russia was taken, with one exception. They liked to have the rivers frozen, and they attacked only in the winter.

The great church of Saint Mary’s.

Then the invasion of Europe. The Carpathian mountains on in a horseshoe shape. The brilliant plan of Subati. It was an extremely cold winter and even the Danube froze in Hungry.

Great fear of the Mongols and all the crusades were cancelled and Moslems were afraid as well. Frederick II was having a fight with the Pope at this time. Innocent III was at war with Frederick? They were destroying each other, which would make it easy for the Mongolians to come in and take Europe.

An army of 50,000 Mongols and 100,000 of Hungarians and others. The Mongols advanced and there was nothing more to resist them. No one to stop them. The entire western Europe was now open and it took awhile for people to realize that they were there. People were so frightened that they were running around with all kinds of weird sayings, like the Mongolians ate the bodies after killing them, etc.

The wife of the successor to Kahn poisoned him, and the news took about 2 weeks to get there. Xmas eve of 1241 and it was called panic Christmas. They were frightened and they thought this would be the final Christmas.

This is the King Wennislause. He was a coward. He was a believer in Jesus Christ and a yellow coward. You can understand people being frightened by rumors.

There was only one reason that Europe was still intact, and that is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ controls history. It was a desperate and hopeless situation. If ever there was a time that we faced desperate things, it is on this Christmas eve.

We may not be a country in 1999. God used the genius of Subitai to punish eastern Europe. If we lose the meaning of Christmas, it is all over for us.

Bob proposes a toast to focus the concentration of our souls on the meaning of Christmas this year. To the Lord Jesus Christ, the source of supergrace blessing, Who delivers the client nation with a large enough pivot.

2Samuel 11:10–                                   72David                                              631_0248

“Next up will be a soft shoe buck and wing with Bobby and myself. Even getting here is difficult on occasions like this. ” This might be Christmas day, 1979. New Year’s Special coming up.

David asked as to the prosperity of Joab and the morale of the troops. Uriah slept with David’s brigade of guards.

Integrity versus Loyalty

1.       Integrity is loyalty to the truth in 3 categories: doctrine, laws of divine establishment,

2.       Integrity is loyalty, but loyalty to the right principle.

3.       To be loyal to the right principle and consistent requires Bible doctrine for the believer.

4.       A believer cannot have integrity and be ignorant of doctrine.

5.       No one can have integrity and enmeshed in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Ignorance of doctrine or involvement with interlocking systems of arrogance results in a conflict between loyalty and integrity. This is what Uriah faces.

7.       Integrity for the believer is loyalty to God. The people who have the conflict are in strong delusion.

8.       Self-discipline and academic discipline removes all conflict between integrity and loyalty.

9.       There is no conflict between loyalty and integrity until arrogance or lack of doctrine becomes a factor. Corruption, rejection of authority, or murder or assassination, etc. that loyalty is in conflict with integrity. When loyalty leads through arrogance, corruption, rejection of authority, conspiracy, revolution, that loyalty is in conflict with integrity.

10.     National integrity resides in the pivot of believers and that must be in play. Uriah is a part of that wonderful pivot.

David had intruded on the privacy of his battalion commander and he had others shadowing Uriah. They saw that Uriah did not go to his officer’s quarters. He did not go near his quarters or his wife, who was probably a half mile away.

This is a tremendously complex subject which must be clear in our minds.

To wash one’s feet indicated that he would enter his house and relax. Ordinarily, integrity and loyalty are not in conflict; should Uriah obey his commander-in-chief or should he obey the officer’s honor code. The officer’s honor code means no copulation with one’s wife until the war or battle had been won. The issue is not sex anymore, because David has gone much farther into the interlocking systems of arrogance than just sex. There will be a new subject brought into focus in the winter months; installment discipline.

The person giving Uriah the order is in interlocking systems of arrogance. This is a problem. David inside interlocking systems of arrogance is degenerate. He has not lost his maturity. He is not in reversionism. Interlocking systems of arrogance is not the same as reversionism. Reversionism is negative volition toward doctrine and you wind up as an apostate believer or as a reversionist. But interlocking systems of arrogance is degeneracy. He did have some unbearable discipline for awhile.

Some are counting on doctrine everyday in order to keep out of trouble. Your integrity is your defense against interlocking systems of arrogance. You cannot have integrity and be in interlocking systems of arrogance at the same time. When a believer is caught in the labyrinth of interlocking systems of arrogance, he may give an order which is contrary to the honor code.

When there is a conflict, then you go with the code. When you are given an order outside of military ethics, you choose to follow the code and not your commander. Uriah obeyed the code and not the man. A disciplined person; if you can concentrate consistently and even when you are stuffed with Christmas dinner, you still concentrate. Only when in interlocking systems of arrogance does this still occur. Many people in Berachah have established a cell of loyal friends.

Integrity is a state or quality of unimpaired and pure. To be loyal to a principle, one must have knowledge of God. Must be loyal to the truth in all 3 categories. Once you get inside the interlocking systems of arrogance, the integrity goes. Psalm 33:4 All His provision is in His faithfulness. Arrogance or ignorance of doctrine becomes an issue, and this indicates a loss of integrity. When the husband orders the wife to stay home from Bible class, and here the woman must decide between personal integrity and loyalty to her arrogant husband.

Joab will choose loyalty to David rather than loyalty to his own man, Uriah; and loyalty to the officer honor code.

The advancing believer is positive toward doctrine. The great enemy of this believer is interlocking systems of arrogance. Bob is getting blnak stares and he cannot believe it. Integrity is uncompromising adherence and loyalty to the truth.

You cannot teach a passage like this without being quite tough on David. There are dangers of being... We need to be beware of arrogant emulation or rationalization. If you must emulate David, then emulate him in his pursuit of Bible doctrine. Your integrity demands that you live your life as unto the Lord.

David’s KER, that he followed the Lord in all things except with respect to Uriah the Hittite. Bob goes through all the KER’s.

An officer, as long as it does not affect his function as a soldier, there is no reason to have David under surveillance. Uriah would not violate the officer’s code.

Even though commanded by the king, Uriah makes the correct decision and does not go down to his own house.

David essentially reprimands Uriah for not obeying him. David will not court marshal Uriah because this would involve putting himself in opposition to his own honor code, and violating his own orders.

When you return from a march, it is customary to go back to one’s house. David treats this as if Uriah was just out marching and not at war, so he has no honor code to adhere to. This would let him out of the honor code. This is a rationalization and David is totally preoccupied with himself.

Maddua is reprimand type of language. “Why have you not gone down to your quarters?” This is an interrogative reprimand. David is almost winking at him. If someone is smirking and winking, you know they are messed up. David expects Uriah to follow David’s institutional arrogance.

Some Principals

1.       Uriah was on the carpet. For not obeying a direct order, even though it conflicts with the honor code written by David.

2.       David is using his authority to violate his own honor code. This is David’s arrogance. The troops in the field were forbidden to socialize with the local talent. They were not to rape or pillage as this caused further wars.

3.       Impulsive and institutional arrogance. Brought on by how own sexual arrogance.

4.       The interlocking systems of arrogance has already functioned to make life miserable for David. He is now totally miserable. Sexual arrogance followed by conspiracy and institutional arrogance.

5.       David has entered the system now and has become vulnerable to all of its parts. He is vulnerable to every aspect of the system. He was never a murderer; he spared the life of Saul in many instances; killing only on the battlefield. He was a pro and professional. Interlocking systems of arrogance has changed David from a man of great integrity and law-abiding concepts to becoming a murderer. He could enter through any door and been vulnerable to any of the others. David is against all of these various activities, but he is now vulnerable to them. This explains why criminals are not victims of their environment. Some criminals comes out of great homes. Yokelson and Samsonov the Criminal Personality

6.       Domestic pleasure forbidden to the officer corp when they were on campaign. Uriah’s integrity demanded that he stand by this principle. He has maintained his integrity.

7.       He was a professional soldier in every sense of the word. His personal feelings and suspicions, if any, were set aside, in order to focus on his duties. He is concentrating on leadership. An unbeliever can have great personal integrity and be able to focus and to half self-discipline. You need the ability to concentrate and to keep learning. Energy like Cæsar had the most phenomenal nervous energy. As a believer, he needs great self-discipline to hold onto his integrity. The concept of military leadership was defined as the soldier whose rank. The military is an honorable profession. Psalm 27:3 though wars rise against me, I keep on having confidence.

Leadership Principles

1.       Respect for authority is necessary for leadership. You cannot fit into any sort of an executive position without the proper concept of authority. Abuse of authority is the first sign of someone not qualified for leadership.

2.       There must be self-discipline by which we exploit leadership characteristic, integrity and loyalty. Robt. E. Lee faced a similar problem when offered the command of the entire Yankee army by Lincoln. Personal integrity won out.

3.       Spiritual life and military life coalesce in your advance. The concentration; the putting doctrine first; the ministry of rebound and the resultant filling of the Spirit.

4.       You learn when to be inflexible and flexible. Some can be inflexible so that you cannot lead anything. There is a time to take an inflexible stand and times to be flexible. Some men fall apart some of our young men have pushed too hard and have no concept of authority-orientation. You learn authority-orientation and you have a jerk under your command and you want to punch him, and you give him a fair shake.

5.       This is what is wrong with David in interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Strong character of soul and a strong sense of responsibility. Your concern to carry out your command. Professional diligence to learn doctrine and then to learn everything about your profession. There is no place where leadership does not involve learning. You need to be open to new ideas, concepts, etc. Never be lazy-minded.

7.       There must be a loyalty to the authority above and to those under you. A dual loyalty in leadership; those under you to take care of; feed and provide for. You also carry out the policies from above. The way in which this is carried out is to be in a constant state of objectivity. Objectivity is the key. An honorable profession is the police; the chief has goofy ideas, as he is a political appointee; but the policeman’s job is to keep a stupid civilian population safe. If ever there were people who have to practice every principle we are studying, it is the police officer. The fact that there is occasionally some corruption, so what. There is not anywhere near the corruption found anywhere else. Police brutality is malarkey.

8.       In leadership, flexibility is required along with good judgment and common sense.

9.       When you have authority, you need to be fair to those under you. The Pelethites and the Cherethites. Uriah was a minority and he was a great battalion commander. The issue should be ability unless someone over you makes the policy of non-ability, and then you do the best that you can. Understanding all kinds of people, the ability to organize, categorize, to analyze; the program calls for you to give some kind of lectures, use some imagination and make it interesting. Someone in authority is constantly teaching. The sergeant in Zulu was constantly teaching. That is why he carried a swagger stick. He even tried to teach that idiotic missionary. Poise, goof physical conditional, presence, dress, courtesy and flair are all part of the leadership concept.

2Sam. 11:10 When they [David’s intelligence service] had told David, saying, Uriah didn't go down to his house, David said to Uriah, Haven't you come from a journey [a march]? why did you not go down to your house?

Uriah the Hittite gives a reply and he will use Jewish theology.

2Samuel 11                                          72David                                              631_0249

we seem to have locked in on arrogance in almost every possible way. We are very hard on Rhodesia and South Africa and our papers are filled with how badly we treat the Black man. But he has a better deal in those 2 nations than anywhere else in the world besides the US.

Cuba, the last time they did a sugar harvest, they used a bunch of slaves from Africa just this year. And yet we allow the Cuban dictator to make speeches on our shores. A taper for many years has been Bob’s favorites psychiatrist. He gets papers from Mexico as well as from the US and this was published in the Mexican papers.

Afghanistan was attacked by the Russians in the past few days. The concentration of Russian troops is so large that it has now become noticeable. Strategically, the Russians can no longer allow Afghanistan autonomy. The Russians are about the lower the bomb on Islam within their borders. They are about ready to destroy the Moslems in several provinces.

Our greatest concern is for our country to come back to truth; establishment truth for the nation, the gospel for the unbeliever and doctrine for the believer.

A special next weekend on our own spiritual problems of national security. 2 sessions on Sunday and 2 sessions on Monday.

David has violated his own code and David has brought Uriah back from the battlefield to get him to have sex with his wife and cover up David’s impregnating Uriah’s wife. Will Uriah be loyal to David or will he adhere to the honor code.

David had staff procedures. He was the first person to hav a general staff built on the Klausivance concept. Integrity versus loyalty. We have spent enough time with the principles of loyalty.

Bob cannot stop every night and teach interlocking systems of arrogance. David was in interlocking systems of arrogance long before Bathsheba. He is moving in the direction of criminal arrogance.

David sent Bathsheba a huge meal, expecting this would be for her and Uriah. With all the servants of David, Uriah stayed. It was normal for a special guard of foreigners to guard a king. Probably one of the most famous guard brigade is the British brigade of guards composed of 7 regiments. Charles I used the brigade of guards who were Scots. Bob goes over what these various guards wear.

David’s men were foreigners. Pelethites and the Cherethites. Hurians, Medes, Hittites, and other assorted soldiers.

David gave Uriah the chance to get out of the honor code. Integrity is one thing that no one can take from you. It can stand up under the greatest pressures that this nation has known.

You cannot have integrity without the spiritual life. Integrity is loyalty to the truth. An unbeliever can have integrity.

David gives Uriah an excuse.

2Sam. 11:10 When they [David’s intelligence service] had told David, saying, Uriah didn't go down to his house, David said to Uriah, Haven't you come from a journey [a march]? why did you not go down to your house?

Essentially, Uriah has been called on the carpet for following the officer corps honor code.

The Ark is usually in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacles; but David brought it into Jerusalem. A chest constructed of acacia wood overlain with gold. Deity of Christ and the humanity of Christ. It also represented the principle the Jesus Christ controls history.

The army did not march without the Ark. No matter how great their discipline; no matter how smart their personnel, they knew that there could be a human factor breakdown. The chest spoke of the Hypostatic union. Inside of the box were 3 things.

No military operation succeeds without authority and recognition of authority. The establishment law was a part of the writing of the Mosaic Law. There was manna in the ark, which was the provision of God’s logistical grace. Without the logistical support of Jesus Christ, there was no hope for the army in combat. Also, when the Ark was in the Holy of Holies. There was also Aaron’s rod which budded, the spiritual authority. Doctrine and a pivot of believers and the integrity of those in the army, their performance in times of stress would be failure. The existence of the law. It also reminded rejecting the authority of God. The Ark was a picture or propitiation Rom and Heb. Ex. 25 described. When Israel was on the march, the Ark was carried at the head of the column. It was first used with the army at Jericho. It represented the doctrine of the freedom through military victory. The defeat of the Jewish army by the Philistines indicated the loss of freedom and they captured the Ark. David restored the Ark. It became the custom to take the ark from the Tabernacle. They always had the Ark on the march and always took it with them? Jesus Christ controls history. Going to war guarantees freedom. Consequently, uriah replied to David, the Ark and Israel and Judah are in tents.

Joab is David’s chief of staff. He even advised David on military and spiritual matters. He told David not to number the people, which was some of David’s best advice. David and Joab are both mature believers. David will fail over interlocking systems of arrogance. Joab will fail by putting loyalty over integrity. Joab sill get an order to murder Uriah. He faces the same problem that Uriah faces—loyalty or the honor code. Uriah died as peacefully as anyone tonight. He went out under dying grace. Joab, because he failed, did not go out under dying grace, although his death was quick.

God did not shut down the 5 categories of blessing that Joab received. Uriah was able to make the right choice between the honor code and loyalty. Integrity is loyalty to truth. Uriah died with his integrity intact. If a believer dies with his integrity intact, then he can enjoy it. He was married to the beauty queen of Israel. David was in interlocking systems of arrogance. He was a sex athlete. He finally ended up with psychopathic arrogance.

Unbearable suffering and bearable suffering. When you are minus rebound, you have unbearable suffering. David has a higher Christian efficiency report than any of us will have. It is possible for any believer to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance while he is a positive believer and after. This is where you can get more discipline than reversionism.

Don’t emulate David’s failures. We need to be so briefed on this so that it will never slip by us. Having a talk with Karah in the field of psychiatry. Bob found some additional things. Extra adrenalin could even be arrogance.

All of these entities are in the field fighting. So, it is wrong for line or staff to be found in their quarters having sex with their wives. This would be a court marshal for dereliction of duty. All infantrymen wash their feet before entering into their quarters; that is a very important thing to them their feet. The honor code forbids Uriah from even seeing his wife; he cannot see his wife or family until military victory has been insured. The Ark and Israel and Judah are living in tents.

Uriah understood; should I go home and eat, and drink and lie down with my wife? This means to copulate; to have sex with the opposite sex. These are pleasures to be anticipated after victory has been won. None of the officer corps were to enjoy the pleasures of freedom until freedom is secured on the battlefield.

David is still king; he is still commander-in-chief. He still have a harem of 10 wives and 10 mistresses. He still has ranches and homes of all kinds. He has been guilty of impulsive arrogance. There is criminal arrogance and psychopathic arrogance.

The faithfulness of God does not fail David even though David has failed God. That is grace. That David is still alive and breathing and he is still king; and he will remain so. However, he will have installment discipline. Grace doesn’t mean that you can go out and do any damn thing that you want and get away with it. Even if you seem to be getting away with it, it just means that you are stupid. God is giving you some time to reconsider and He will turn it to discipline that you are able to deal with.

Your happiness does not depend upon sex. At best, sex is a couple of hours of fun, unless you are a sex athlete like David, and it might be a couple of days of fun.

Some in interlocking systems of arrogance got involved with group sex, bestiality, homosexuality and other perversions. Then, with this jaded attitude, then they go to drugs. We have kids not even 18 yet and they are destroying their souls with drugs. We are an arrogant nation.

There are people in professional football, well-known people, and they are on drugs. Why are they on these drugs? They have had all they wanted of the featherbrained but symmetrical women in town; that did not prove to be happiness, so they try the hard stuff. We have overpaid our professional athletes. We have underpaid integrity. That is arrogance.

This is why so many of our states voted for women’s rights, even though women were previously on pedestals. We are in trouble today. If we are alive, God wants us to recover. God has kept us alive in order for us to make decisions.

As your soul lives, I will not do this thing; and we will analyze this passage tomorrow.

2Sam. 11:11 Uriah said to David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in booths [tents]; and my lord Joab, and the servants [staff] of my lord, are encamped in the open field; shall I then go into my house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? as you live, and as your soul lives, I will not do this thing.

2Samuel 11:11                                     72David                                              631_0250

We have been studying the officer corp military ethics. David entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through sexual arrogance as far back as 2Chron. 5. He went from there into impulsive arrogance and then into mental attitude sin arrogance. He is getting ready from conspiracy arrogance and then criminal arrogance. He is about to become psychotic, which means that any of us could fall this far.

We have spent about 2.5 hours on integrity. About 20 hours on divine integrity. Usually, integrity and loyalty go together. Integrity is loyalty to the truth. What holds integrity and loyalty together is self-discipline.

Here we have a problem; under the honor code for the military, there is the relationship of a man to his wife during war. The woman must take second place, and if a woman is unable to do this, an arrogant, self-centered, whining bitch can be problematic.

Uriah the Hittite was a minority officer. He had advanced to becoming one of the best commanding officers in the Jewish army. Rape was punished; instant execution for those, when rape was determined. David would not allow warfare against the civilians; only against their military.

Freedom through military victory; achieved on the battlefield and there was no social life until the battle was won. The wink and smirk command of David to allow Uriah to have sex with his wife. Uriah was a very honorable man. The only place where minorities get a fair shake today is in the armed forces. If you cannot cut it in the military, then you cannot cut it in life.

Angolians were brought into slavery in Cuba to harvest. We allow that jackass Castro to set a foot in this country. He has been practicing slavery for years now. We are run by liberals who are completely unrelated to reality.

2Sam. 11:7–9 When Uriah reported to him, David inquired of him of the prosperity of Joab, the morale of the troops and the status quo of the campaign. Then David commanded Uriah, “Go down to your quarters and wash your feet.” Uriah left the castle and a royal dinner for 2 followed him. Now Uriah slept at the gatehouse barracks of the castles (with the King’s brigade of guards). Therefore, he did not go down to his quarters. Then they reported that Uriah had not gone down to his quarters.

Uriah fully understood what David wanted him to do. You want me to go down to my quarters and copulate with my wife? The pleasures here are to be anticipated after the campaign is over after some victory has been won. No woman is worthy to be married to an officer unless she is an extremely well-balanced woman with great integrity and understands that the profession must come before her. If you take an arrogant whining bitch who wants all of the attention, you have someone...

We have an idiom which is not correctly translated here. “As you live and as your soul lives, I will not do this thing.” This is a very strong rejection of David’s order. It is possible for a born again believer to be placed under great discipline.

When you are under divine discipline unbearable, the idea is to get you to rebound. Faith reaches out and claims a promise (1John 1:9). David is under unbearable suffering. When he is forgiven and cleansed, he will be placed under installment discipline. The idea of installment discipline is to take great discipline and make it bearable and make it possible for blessing. Absalom will take all of David’s wives out to a place where it could be seen, and he will rape them in front of all Israel. All except his mother.

If anyone was miserable, it was David. He entered into interlocking systems of arrogance as a sex athlete. David never fell in love until he was after 50; to him, sex was love. Sex without love was meaningless. The Bible describes David as extremely handsome. He had no concept of love and you cannot go in for a multiplicity of sexual partners and have any happiness at all. It is possible to be a mature believer and have no capacity for love because you have fouled it up by sex with a number of people. Sex can be a beautiful thing or very ugly. You can run into your RW and you will be like ships passing in the night. Sex will make you miserable. Promotion can make you miserable; you need capacity for these things. Sex is good if you have capacity for love and you have found your right number.

People always want to scrape the icing off the cake; they want the things before the capacity. It is better to be poor with the capacity than to be rich without the capacity.

Uriah has great capacity for life and great capacity for his profession. He was given a battlefield commission as an enemy of Israel’s army. He has been quite successful in combat and he has great moral courage. He now stands before his commanding officer. However, David is suffering from cowardice. David is still in Jerusalem chasing.

No matter who you are, once you get into interlocking systems of arrogance, you are all through. Arrogance will destroy anyone. They make their followers twice as arrogant as they are. The blind leading the blind and they fall into the ditch. Humility is the basis for all capacities for life.

You are not involved in emulation or trying to outdo your contemporaries. You are not trying to show everyone that you are better than them. Capacity for love, prosperity, etc. Without humility, you cannot enjoy any of these things. \

Some people think that poise or being straightened out means that the other person is arrogant. Interlocking systems of arrogance does not involve negative volition toward doctrine. As an ultra super grace believer, he began as a king and a multi-millionaire; and he was all of this before and after operation Bathsheba. David did not lose anything. These were imputations of supergrace blessing in 5 categories. This is the disease of believers with positive volition toward doctrine. There is a definite change in personality.

This is why some people can handle pain; while others recover. Story about a guy who cut off 3 fingers. However, what destroys some of the neurons is arrogance. Self-confidence is not arrogance; but self-obsession is arrogance. Satan’s original sin was arrogance; man’s original sin was disobedience to God, which was arrogance.

By your life or as you live; and it is similar to our just as sure as I am standing here. The idea is, if I did this thing, I would be manufacturing this out of a personal loss of integrity. If he did this while his men were out in the field, he would have lost his integrity. He would be saying, I am more important than this war; I am more important than the honor code.

Uriah was a great soldier and he maintained his status as a professional. Wearing a uniform does not make you professional. It is your attitude of soul.

Rape around here is up 109%; shoot a few of these bastards and see what the story is. A police officer with integrity cannot be bribed. This means the freedom of society. In effect, Uriah’s strict adherence to the honor code is a rebuke to David. Interlocking systems of arrogance produces degeneracy of the soul. David is indifferent. There is a relationship between your lifestyle and how you think. Cowardice kept David in Jerusalem. He violated the honor code by the rape of Bathsheba. Her volition was not involved.

2Sam. 11:11 Uriah said to David [Consequently, Uriah replied to David], The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in booths [tents]; and my lord Joab, and the servants [staff] of my lord, are encamped in the open field; shall I then go into my house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? As you live, and as your soul lives [surely as you are standing there], I will not do this thing.

Now we begin a conspiracy. David will have to work these things out another way. David has not yet played his trump card; he needs 24 more hours to get Uriah to have sex with his wife. His 2nd conspiracy calls for a 2nd 24 hours, and it is clear Uriah is incorruptible while sober. So David gets Uriah drunk. He figures Uriah will go into the arms of Bathsheba. It is true that some will undergo a personality change when drunk. Drinking is not a sin, but drunkenness is. #12 would be habitual drunkenness to get you into interlocking systems of arrogance. They drink more than they should from their own free will.

Mental attitude degeneracy will break you down. Those in criminal or psychopathic arrogance. The big things won’t bother them. If you are moral, unrighteousness, establishment oriented, they will be offended by that or by any little thing. Mental attitude degeneracy seeks to destroy every good thing in their immediate periphery.

Once you are in interlocking systems of arrogance, you will be inconsistent. You cannot be consistent in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

David had the power to retain David for as long as he wanted; but he knew, Uriah would become suspicious and want to get back to the battle.

2Sam. 11:12 David said to Uriah, Stay here today also, and tomorrow I will let you depart. So Uriah abode in Jerusalem that day, and the next day.

David summons this guy into his presence. It is his own private mess. David keeps saying, “You must try this; you must try that.” Then toasts would be offered. “I propose a toast to Uriah the Hittite.” and all would stand and toast, including Uriah. David figured once this man was drunk, he would leave and go to his own home.

However, Uriah only goes to the brigade of guards.

David’s 2nd conspiracy was frustrated for the same reason his first conspiracy was frustrated. There was the honor of Uriah the Hittite. Bob has seen ladies who are inebriated and they are still ladies; and gentlemen who are drunk and remain gentlemen. Even when inebriated, Uriah refused to violate his honor code. Alcohol does not affect integrity where there is humility and grace orientation. Drunkenness is often used as an excuse for evil. There is no excuse for arrogance in minority. When you make an issue out of race, you are in already. This man had great integrity and honor. He was a recent enemy. His mother was an Amorite and his father was a Hittite, and he is therefore called Jebusite. A lot of people think they have the right or excuse for lack of integrity because they are a minority. Uriah never once uses the excuse that he is a gentile in a Jewish army. Bob knew one guy at Berachah identified himself as a Spanish-American. He thought there was something wrong with it because he was arrogant.


1.       Uriah was within a mile of his own quarters.

2.       Even though he was very near to his home and he loved Bathsheba very much, his duty as an officer restrained him from seeing her. David’s army always won because of their integrity. A woman is a wonderful and inspiring thing, but she comes 2nd to duty. A woman who is honorable understands this principle.

3.       Because Uriah is honorable, he does not violate the military honor code.

4.       Drunkenness is no excuse for criminal or sinful behavior. A man may make an attempt to move on a woman when he is drunk, but the alcohol is just an excuse.

5.       Alcohol is a depressant and it is volition which is to blame; not alcohol. Wrong behavior is related to volition and the old sin nature.

6.       Uriah’s state of inebriation did not affect his moral standards. He was free of interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       David’s second idea of getting Uriah drunk failed because he was dealing with an honorable soldier.

8.       Interlocking systems of arrogance is that type of degeneration which causes the leader to try to corrupt the follower.

9.       Sexual arrogance, impulsive arrogance, conspiratorial arrogance have combined in the interlocking systems of arrogance to turn mature believer David into a degenerate king.

2Sam. 11:13 When David had called him, he ate and drink before him; and he made him drunk: and at even he went out to lie on his bed with the servants of his lord, but didn't go down to his house.

2Samuel 11:14                                     72David                                              631_0251

We are now moving into conspiracy #3. The prep school will not resume until 10 January 1980. That is the first day he will be back from Dallas. This must be early January 1980.

Don’t ever walk out of the auditorium thinking, “That is just exactly what Charley Brown needed.” You have lost your objectivity if you think that.

2Sam. 11:7–13 When Uriah reported to him, David inquired of him of the prosperity of Joab, the morale of the troops and the status quo of the campaign. Then David commanded Uriah, “Go down to your quarters and wash your feet.” Uriah left the castle and a royal dinner for 2 followed him. Now Uriah slept at the gatehouse barracks of the castle (with the King’s brigade of guards). Therefore, he did not go down to his quarters. When the CIA reported that Uriah had not gone down to his quarters, David said, “Why did you not go down to your quarters?” “Should I go to my quarters and eat and drink and sleep with my wife? I cannot do such a thing.” “Remain here this day also.” When David summoned him, he made him drunk. He went and slept at the officer’s brigade of guards.

It was clear that Uriah was not going to be coaxed to his own home. A woman who is married to a man whose profession requires great personal integrity, such as a firefighter, a policeman, a military type; a woman needs to allow him to put the interests of the job first, as his integrity dictates.

David started with sexual arrogance and he moved over to blind arrogance. He will move from conspiracy arrogance to criminal arrogance and eventually move to psychopathic arrogance.

David had everything which we normally associate with happiness, but he was in great misery. He is an ultra super grace believer, he is sucked into interlocking systems of arrogance. He is not negative at all. He will be degenerate, and there is a great deal of difference between degeneracy and reversionism.

In the 3rd conspiracy, David will move into criminal arrogance. David used his authority to order the murder of Uriah in battle.

2Sam. 11:14 It happened in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah.

Now we get the content of the letter.

This is a conspiracy which makes use of David’s great authority as king. He is to put Uriah out in front in the next assault, and then his battalion will be pulled back. Uriah will be left there alone.

Uriah + the assault platoon. 3 company commanders and a chief of staff. Uriah is a battalion commander. Each one of the commanders is responsible. He will give the order of who moves forward, and who is held into reserve and there will be the equivalent of our 5 paragraph field order given. Their integrity demands that they obey. There is integrity and loyalty and this is cemented by self-discipline. Integrity and loyalty are not in conflict. Joab will make this conspiracy work because all of the other commanders are in interlocking systems of arrogance. They might want to even replace Uriah or they may fault him as being a foreigner. Without a code of ethics, many men die.

Casualties in our armed forces is minimal when the code of ethics is in force and men have personal integrity.

We have an arrogant people in our nation today. Liberals are anthropocentric, and that makes them arrogant.

Joab, the nephew, a mature believer, obeys David; this act will wipe out the finest troops in a battalion. Joab will die as a mature believer the sin unto death. In 5 categories, he will not lose, but his punishment will include the sin unto death.

Don’t ever feel sorry for Uriah the Hittite. He is the only person named in the line of Jesus Christ. Bathsheba is not named specifically; Uriah is named in His line. It is better to be dead with honor than alive and without integrity.

David lacks integrity; Joab lacks integrity; the company grade officers in Uriah’s battalion are without integrity. Only Uriah has integrity. Of all the people who have received the medal of honor, Stockdale received the medal of honor for great moral courage. It is almost unbelievable. He honorably wears the medal of honor ribbon. He lost everything in life but his honor; including his testes.

Uriah loses everything in life but his honor.

These are formerly great men who have fallen into conspiracy arrogance and are now in the interlocking systems of arrogance. All of these men are in a state of degeneration. At least 2 of them are degenerates as mature believers. While David is positive toward doctrine, he began with sexual arrogance and kept on going. The result is, David, for 1 year, a psychopath. It is time for the Lord for Uriah to take the Lord home to Himself.

Uriah married one of the most beautiful women in the land; and Ahithophel, Bathsheba’s grandfather, was one of David’s greatest advisors. Uriah died in battle and this will be a triumph.

When you lose your integrity, you lose your happiness. You can never again have happiness or capacity for life. You lose all potentiality for happiness or blessing. No matter what you achieve, you know personally how miserable it is to be without integrity.

This conspiracy will succeed and it will involve officers who understand in detail the military honor code, and they will violate it.

2Sam. 11:15 He wrote in the letter, saying [a summary of what is in the letter], Set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and then retreat from him, that he may be struck down, and die.

Vv. 16–27 is David’s conspiracy arrogance and its success. The first 2 conspiracies failed because Uriah has personal integrity and he could not be corrupted. The 3rd will succeed because it involve the volition of David, Joab and 3 company commanders under Uriah.

Joab’s job was to be constantly in touch with the military situation; the actual tactical situation. He needed to know exactly what was going on, on the battlefield.

More Frenchmen were killed in the Spanish campaign than in the Russian campaign; and Napoleon did not make a reconnaissance at Waterloo. Lee did not do this at Gettysburg because he was ill. Ignorance of the tactical situation and the terrain can keep a commander from being able to properly guide his troops.

There will be an assault platoon pinned down from frontal fire, and then be hit on the flank.


1.       Assignment to a hot spot was necessary to fulfill David’s conspiracy.

2.       Joab made a reconnaissance for the hottest part of the warfare.

3.       He assigned Uriah to that part of the line to set up an assault plan.

4.       Sooner or later, this elite Ammonite force would counter-attack.

5.       When the counter-attack came, Joab could respond.

David is a man who loved his troops, all the way back to his first battalion at the cave of Adullam and now he has turned. There are those who are in interlocking systems of arrogance who lose their capacity for love, and those in interlocking systems of arrogance can lose their focus.

We saw this first in the Vietnam war and Martin Luther King stood up and turned people against the war and against our military and they are trying to make a national holiday for that jerk. He was the male Jane Fonda. They represent a great segment of our population. Our military suffered from a lack of support at home. There was indifference toward our troops at home; people could care less. People have become cold toward our troops. People are indifferent to what is happening to Americans.

If we go to war today based upon emotion, it is a waste. People who went to war after pearl Harbor had personal integrity. A depression had formed an enforced humility. Our soldiers became citizen soldiers. Today, you draft people in their arrogance and they would resist because of their degeneracy. In the volunteer army there are those who make an issue out of their race. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. The arrogant ones always start out with that. When you make an issue of the color of your skin, that is arrogance. We cannot fight a war with arrogance. We are not ready to fight a war from the standpoint of personnel.

3 robbers caught by a guy, and he caught up with them where he is in a tactical disadvantage. He used his gun. You can take out your gun in this town and be suspended for 3 days. Apathy toward law enforcement is dangerous.

David would have executed anyone who did what he ordered to be done to Uriah. If you lose your enthusiasm for doctrine, watch out what happens to you. It is hard to teach David with people jumping in and out. When your scale of values goes sour; when you lose your enthusiasm for things you used to enjoy, look out. However, when you have a personality change you are the last person to know. There is a difference you are inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 11:16 It happened, when Joab kept watch on the city, that he assigned Uriah to the place where he knew that valiant men were.

Then we have the counter attack. Here is the wall and the gate. The Jews were told to attack this part of the wall. An assault platoon goes in. Delta force is kept in reserve. Alpha, Bravo and Charlie withdraw just as the Ammonites come out of the city.

Uriah was left isolated on the battlefield and he fought valiantly with that platoon, and they stayed and fought, but they were overrun. There were casualties. The people who fell were those who were with Uriah; probably the men in his battalion?

David’s orders were obey implicitly.

David is in interlocking systems of arrogance and Joab will join him; and he will pay and he will die a horrible, disgraceful death. At least 3 company commanders have lost their integrity as well. Uriah and the assault. platoon will die with integrity.

Uriah’s Great Legacy

1.       Uriah will die, and yet, he is the winner here, a hero whose legacy will stand forever. The Ammonites think they have won this little skirmish and David will think that he has dodged a bullet by engineering this conspiracy; but Uriah, the dead man, is the winner.

2.       Uriah had been a great soldier. In the Jebusite army, he was [probably] a general officer and he was given a battlefield commission in the Jewish army.

3.       As a Jebusite, a Hittite and a Gentile, he became a believer in Jesus Christ and advanced to maturity. He could not have had a better profession. He could not have had a better deal. He had such a fair shake, that he was promoted ahead of his peers.

4.       The conclusion is based upon his magnificent adherence to the Jewish honor code. He is mentioned in the line of our Lord’s line.

5.       Furthermore, as a Jewish officer, he has been decorated; knight of the 3rd class. He has received battlefield honors as a part of his honors.

6.       Uriah was married to one of the most beautiful women in all of history and her grief indicates that she was in love with him. She was not volitionally involved in David’s conspiracy. It is possible that she never knew what David did.

7.       Uriah had capacity for life, capacity for love and capacity for happiness; he had been quite successful in the campaign up to this point.

8.       He died at the perfect time; he died honorably. He was an older man. He was overrun by the most valiant troops of the Ammonite army. There was no woman throwing a stone down on Uriah. David here was referring to a field manual of tactics. Uriah was killed by the best soldiers of the army of Rabbah.

9.       Surrounded by the Ammonite army, Uriah refused to surrender. He faced life with courage and capacity for life. Because he was a mature believer, he died under dying grace. He was not one of those who died jumping out of a window disrobed. He had an honorable and noble death.

10.     While it was David’s evil, degenerate conspiracy which caused Uriah’s death, he would not have died on the battlefield unless Jesus Christ permitted it. Jesus Christ controls history and the time and manner of our death. People speak of the tragedy of death, but no one dies apart from Jesus Christ permitting it. His time was the right time. It was time for Uriah to come home.

11.     The fact remains that the Lord permitted the 3rd conspiracy to succeed. Uriah did not lose his honor in this; nor did this involve Uriah’s volition. Uriah had great happiness in his death as he did in life. What better way for a soldier to go than the way that he went.

12.     In life, and in death, Uriah was a gloriously happy man living a life of great danger and blessing. He had a great love life, a great social life, a great profession. He got through life without always being clobbered by the Lord.

13.     Uriah, though the victim of a plot, died at the peak of his career, and he died with maximum blessing.

2Sam. 11:17 Consequently, the men of the city went out [counter attacked], and fought with Joab: and there fell some of the people, even of the servants of David; and Uriah the Hittite died also [was caused to die].

Final Points on Uriah

1.       He lived and died honorably.

2.       All of those in the conspiracy lost their integrity; Uriah retained his. Joab entered interlocking systems of arrogance through the impulsive gate.

3.       Live is a blessing to Uriah and dying is a greater blessing and there will be great rewards for such a believer in Jesus Christ.

4.       Rom. 8:28–32 is applicable. His decorations in heaven will far exceed those on earth.

5.       The victim must always be remembered.

6.       Life had no more to offer Uriah. He had in his lifetime more than most would enjoy. There was an honorable and painless death on the battlefield.

7.       We therefore pause to mourn and honor him; and those with the right perspective will enjoy him. “The brave man can fall; but he cannot yield.” Also described by another Roman phrase, “Having put off this mortal frame, he is now uniformed in immortality.” “An honorable death is preferable to a degenerate life.” Uriah was the winner by death and David was a loser by being alive. Paul’s description in Philip. 1:20–21 In nothing will I be disgraced, but with integrity of maturity, even now as always, Christ will be exalted in my person; living is Christ and dying is profit.

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

2Samuel 11:18                        Psalm 33:1–2 72David                                  631_0252

“Some of you think you can talk during the teaching of the Word of God, and you will be thrown out, which will be an embarrassment to you and everyone else.”

Our constitution has been violated in every possible way. It has been set aside so that the fundamental laws of divine establishment have been set aside. Personal property is no longer inviolate and privacy has been ruined; and the call is for the greater good for the greater number.

The low prices on gas is a result of the integrity of the gas companies. If it went up with inflation, we’d be paying $4 or $5 a gallon. South Africa and Rhodesia have demonstrated great integrity, and we have attacked them; and National Council of Churches has been sending money to their revolutionaries. The Shah of Iran was a great friend in that area.

The United States foreign policy has turned a third of the people of this earth over to communism. Simosa was the only one doing a great job in Latin America and we overthrew him. During the next 2 decades when the population explosion takes over Latin and Southern America, communism will be all over in the south.

The Communists are watching our reaction to the hostage taking in Iran. We could have established an air head and taken care of this in 30 minutes.

We have studied interlocking systems of arrogance and the 11 entrances into interlocking systems of arrogance; and there is 12, which is political arrogance. We have a tendency to blame the president and many of our elected representatives are irresponsible; but none of these are the original source. The arrogance of the American people is the fundamental problem. 4 sessions over the new year to deal with the problem and the solution.

3 paragraphs of poetry: so, we are not in 2Samuel.

We studied the Mongolian Christmas on Christmas eve?

Historical significance of the pivot: Bob was enthusiastically watching the last few minutes of the Oilers and the Broncos; and that is what we have here, the Piel imperative of ranan. This is having something about which to be excited about and to shout for joy or happiness.

The justice of God imputes all this blessing down this tube to the righteousness of God, which is imputed to us. The response to this is a shout; it is not singing, but it is a shout of happiness and such. This refers to all believers who have the indwelling of the righteousness of God. While all believers possess the imputed righteousness of God, only those who exploit this make up the pivot. No president or leader his the moral courage to continue to support our military. Arrogance produces cowardice. For this reason, there are those who will not support any military action. Martin Luther King and Jane Fonda undercut the war in Vietnam. A police officer cannot do his job without some public criticism. We have now come to the spiritual solution, which is our constant attitude toward Bible doctrine. Only the pivot delivers the client nation in times of national disaster.

The integrity of the believer is always related to doctrine resident in the soul. Integrity requires adherence to principle. Integrity and loyalty only come into conflict when the believer rejects truth and accepts the lie. There is no conflict unless ignorance or arrogance become the believer’s modus vivendi.

Fundies today have become just as arrogant as everyone else. Integrity and loyalty are never in conflict when academic discipline focuses on Bible doctrine. Integrity does more than that in a national crisis. We will be conned by various people in one or another system of arrogance. When we are conned, we end up being more miserable than they. Integrity protects the believer and the nation. It is the guardian of the nations last frontiers.

 Lâmed preposition + Jashar. The pivot of mature believers are not a part of the arrogance of the day. What keeps a person out of interlocking systems of arrogance is the integrity which comes from the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill.

Moses entered. The people were being tested. The issues in divine discipline are handled simply. Faith reaches out and claims a promise like rebound. We have studied the essence of God rationale, the logistical grace rationale, and the plan of God rationale which is supercharged by fortiori reasoning.

Fear is inability to think under pressure. Faith rest is to seize a doctrine when under pressure. Moses was given a direct order from God. He was to line up the people in lines of tribes, in the 13 tribes, and he was to carry Aaron’s rod that budded; and he was to speak to the rock; and these were simple directions. As Moses looked into the eyes of these whining ninnies, he beat the rock twice, and he lectured them. He could not resist chewing them out. This was to be a faith rest test. When he started his speech, he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Now he is in interlocking systems of arrogance, and he is a different person. He is a self righteous crusader. You can be all kinds of different when in the interlocking systems of arrogance. David was polygamous and he walked in through sexual arrogance. This goes back to 2Sam. 5. David had intense misery for a year.

The principle of Elijah. The people asked Elijah, what should be do with the 450 prophets of Baal? Elijah should have left this up to the civil authorities. This is not his job. He said, “Kill them,” which put him into interlocking systems of arrogance. The farther you are from reaching maturity, the more prone you are to interlocking systems of arrogance.

They are singing here about the deliverance of a nation. God slaps down nations and he slaps down teams and anyone else involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

This is actually a superscription, which is the first verse of any verse which has them. Jesus Christ delivers a client nation to God even if they have failed completely. Reversionism is apostasy and interlocking systems of arrogance is different and more subtle.

I don’t think that this is an inscription.

Bob thinks this psalm was written in the time of David, although he cannot prove that. Just as you can be enthusiastic about the oilers, you can also be enthusiastic about the deliverance of our nation.

We have already surrendered militarily to the Communists and we have backed off on several occasions in conflicts which we have not heard of. There were conflicts about Iran in which we have backed off every time. The Russians are constantly flexing their muscles. We are an immoral government. We have backed off and have allowed people to go into slavery. There are more than 25,000 Black slaves in Cuba.

Many times people have done good works in Berachah simply to impress a member of the opposite sex. In the process, people do very inconsistent things. Jealousy is merely arrogance in its inconsistency. The inconsistent side of arrogance has a different title.

If you are a mature believer, then you can recover more quickly.


1.       Integrity is loyalty to the truth in 3 categories. It is loyalty to a principle. Most people think that integrity is loyalty to a person. As long as integrity is moving toward a principle. People in Berachah have become loyal to some person in Berachah and that is their problem; they have a conflict between loyalty and integrity. Integrity allows you to be loyal to the right people. Establishment for believer and unbeliever. Laws of divine establishment. The gospel is truth for the unbeliever only. Then doctrine for the believer. The lie can be almost anything, depending upon the category of truth you have rejected.

2.       Integrity is loyalty but it is always loyalty to truth. You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. When there is a conflict between people and doctrine, you choose doctrine.

3.       To be loyal to the right principle and to be consistent therein, it requires knowledge of Bible doctrine.

4.       No one can have integrity without loyalty to doctrine.

5.       No one can have integrity as a believer and be enmeshed in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Ignorance of doctrine or involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance always puts one in a conflict between integrity and loyalty. They are held together by self-discipline and academic discipline. This self-discipline requires concentration on doctrine. It can be applied to business and professions.

7.       One other thing establishes a relationship between our integrity and loyalty. Honor is the coalescence between integrity and loyalty.

8.       As you learn doctrine, you develop new standards. As they exist, your loyalty which comes from doctrine will have an impact on your relationship with people. Ike’s great decision not to go to Berlin. Napoleon would have stayed out of Spain and out of Russia, and he would not have gone out at Waterloo and the campaigns which followed. The ignorance of doctrine and the involvement of interlocking systems of arrogance. As a believer ignorant of doctrine or an unbeliever with no concept of divine establishment, cannot develop honor because you don’t have any truth to be loyal to. Many of you have lost your honor because your attendance in Bible class has caused a conflict.

9.       Integrity for the believer is loyalty to God. But loyalty conflicts with integrity when strong delusion causes a believer to misdirect their loyalty to people without any integrity.

10.     Integrity plus loyalty equal honor. Self-discipline and academic discipline on doctrine removed all conflict between integrity and loyalty.

11.     No conflict between the two until arrogance becomes the believer’s modus vivendi. Illustration: when loyalty leads to arrogance, corruption, hypocrisy, murder, assassination, then loyalty is in conflict with integrity. God’s mind is doctrine and that is what our loyalty should be directed toward. Everyone has his own sin nature and his own problems.

12.     There must be national integrity for national entities to continue as client nations. Today, the people of the United States are involve in corruption, arrogance, hypocrisy, rejection of authority, labor rejects the authority of business; women have gone crazy rejecting the authority of their husbands. This is all because of interlocking systems of arrogance. National integrity lives in the pivot of mature believers.

Psalm 33:1 Rejoice in Jehovah, O righteous ones [mature believers who have exploited the righteousness of God]; praise is becoming to the upright.

Bob wouldn’t even try to mess with a harp; not even with a harpist. Yadah in the Hiphil stem. Here, it means to be caused to be motivated. The music appeals to the emotion and to the mentality. If music lines up with motivations of mentality, then the emotion will follow and be stimulated. But if the emotion is all that is appealed to, you are back in the jungle. This does not mean that you have to be an intellectual snob.

The more doctrine you learn, the more you will like music.

We are describing an honorable person who is motivated to praise the Lord. Someone came up and slapped Bob on the back and said praise the Lord. He is stupid. That does not mean a thing.

Now, motivation for praising the Lord comes from doctrine in the soul and the filling of the Holy Spirit. It means to be so preoccupied with Christ with the doctrine you have learned so as to have integrity.

Kinor is a lyre. It is an instrument which consists of strings made of the intestines of a sheep and stretched over a sounding board. Someone in praising the Lord must be skilled in playing the harp. People who learn doctrine are motivated to achieve in the area of their talent. This does not mean that you will all play the harp. We all have some sort of a talent and with doctrine, we are motivaed in certain fields. He did not play this with his fingers but with some kind of a pick; and this was one of the instruments which David played.

They are playing music here with a musical instrument, which knocks the Church of Christ right out of the box. This 2nd verse emphasizes several things. If you have doctrinal motivation and you will take your profession or interest and; attainment brings no happiness to life without motivation. In order to play, someone had to really study and learn this instrument.

Most facets of worship are a team effort. Bob vocalizes. Whoever plays an instrument must study and keep up. The use of musical ability is definitely a part of worship. David began by learning an instrument, and this required concentration.

The various KER’s are repeated.

Psalm 33:2 Give thanks to Jehovah with the lyre; sing to Him with a harp of ten strings.

2Samuel 11                              Psalm 33:3– 72David                                   631_0253

Psalm 33:1-2 Shout with happiness to the Lord, you Rrighteousns ones; a psalm fitting for those having integrity. Be motivated to praise the Lord with a harp or lyre, 10 strings.

Part of the taxation went to the tribe of Levi so that they could spend time on skills like singing.

Sing to Him a new song refers to a triumph of delivery. To us as individuals, this means the maintenance of one’s integrity after being tempted to enter into the interlocking systems of arrogance. Each one of these gates are detrimental to mature and immature believers.

All mental attitude sins have their root in arrogance. When you have a mental attitude sin like hated, you are so wrapped in yourself that this is arrogance intensified. The human mind, no matter how brilliant, is always susceptible to the interlocking systems of arrogance.

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       Arrogance divorces the believer from reality. Arrogance reject authority. It results in irrationality. Arrogance distorts truth and ridicules truth and it demands flattery and attention. That is only the first gate.

2.       Negative volition arrogance or scar tissue of the soul arrogance. When doctrine is presented and you say no to it, you get a layer of scar tissue. Every time you say no to it, another layer of scar tissue builds on your soul. Generally, interlocking systems of arrogance is not negative volition toward doctrine.

3.       Impulsive arrogance.

4.       Institutional arrogance. One does not succeed under a system and he blames the system for that.

5.       Blind arrogance is to opposite; the antithesis of honor. Blind arrogance include sincere holy rollers and those who believe in salvation by works. It always establishes false standards. It is always associated with personality arrogance. An offshoot of blind arrogance is personality arrogance.

          a.       Personality arrogance finds the acceptable or dominating personality; and they announce to the cell in their periphery whoever opposes them is wrong. This can occur in local churches or any sort of organization. This is a form of blind arrogance and it combines with institutional arrogance. When there is no self-discipline, you are loyal to persons who are antagonistic toward truth. Some wake up and realize that they do things which shock themselves.

6.       Conspiracy arrogance. The function of the mutual admiration society.

7.       Criminal arrogance and some believers turn out to be criminals and this shocks everyone. It finds its roots in institutional arrogance. A criminal is a sociopath and a pathological liar. He has no problem with... He despised authority and competes with it.

8.       Crusader arrogance. Self righteous arrogance is classified as righteous indignation. The superimposition of one’s standards upon others. A man had certain standards, he expected everyone else to do the same thing. The arrogance of taking the law into one’s own hands is a part of this particular picture. This is what Elijah did with the execution of the 450 prophets of Baal. Similar to those who are dishonest on their taxes.

9.       Psychopathic arrogance. In the normal person, the emotion is under the control of the intellect. We will see David as an actual psychopath.

10.     He entered through sexual arrogance and then arrogance as a mental attitude sin. Then conspiratorial arrogance and criminal arrogance to psychopathic arrogance; and he does all of this as an ultra super grace believer. He was a king a commander in chief with 10 wives and when it was over, he had all of these as well. Discipline, which he coul not handle. The adultery was just a small part of the system. Sexual arrogance put him in there. He didn’t even love Bathsheba at first. When he met Bathsheba, he was in interlocking systems of arrogance already. Because he was inside already, he entered into the others. God held the murder of Uriah the Hittite against him. Uriah is the only person not in David’s line who is mentioned in the line of Christ. David is not the first mature believer to get in there. There are times when 40–50% of believers are in this arrogance. This relate everything to themselves. They relate everything to themselves. We will even see how David got out, and it will be installment discipline. We are a long way from that. Once a nation is delivered. David’s multiplicity of wives and mistresses means that David had no capacity for love. This also means no integrity. Polygamy was his arrogance gate and this goes back to 2Sam. 5.

11.     Posterity arrogance where a lot of people push their children. Frustrated parents push their children to excel to make up for their own lack of success. The arrogance of ambitious parents; inordinate parental pride. There are far too many people who should never have children. We have a revolution of rug rats. When there is social life for adults

12.     Political arrogance. Man by man’s efforts solving man’s problems. We will see more political arrogance this year. Human panaceas of all sorts. Socialism, the welfare state, communism; substitute human function and human talent to solve man’s problems. Political arrogance destroys human freedom. That Arab Nader is the perfect illustration of political arrogance. State’s rights represents the divine view.

The Hiphil imperative of jatab means to be caused to be good through self-discipline. Integrity and loyalty are glued together by self-discipline and the norms and standards of truth in the conscience. This equals honor. Self-discipline exploits talent and relates it to honor and integrity. Self-discipline is the way in which your talents, abilities, etc. are related to honor rather than to arrogance.

None of us can afford to have our attainments, our successes and our skills related to arrogance. You have a skill, and in this passage, it is a musical skill. You are at a party where people want to socialize, but you keep playing music, which keeps them from socializing. Music in the background can be very nice, as long as it does not interfere with socializing or violates the volition of others.

Psalm 33:3 Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully [with loud strumming], with shouts of joy.

Doctrine is the provision for logistical grace. Your celebration; your escape from interlocking systems of arrogance.

Yasar and you may recall the mention of the Book of Jashar. That book of Jasher is really the book of Yashar, which is the book of Integrity.

Logistical Grace Principles

1.       Logistical grace is the basis for doctrinal support.

2.       Logistical grace must be supported; if you are positive, God will provide the doctrine.

3.       From the logistical support of doctrine comes the provision of doctrine. You need freedom to pursue doctrine.

4.       From doctrine comes the integrity of the believer.

5.       Integrity of the soul;

6.       You can only be loyal to doctrine that you know. You cannot be loyal to the doctrine in general. You cannot be loyal to doctrine in the Bible.

7.       You cannot be loyal to doctrine which you do not comprehend. Ignorance of doctrine creates a problem between integrity and loyalty. It is perception of doctrine which alerts you to the reality of your situation.

You cannot have integrity apart from the truth.

Psalm 33:4 For the Word of Jehovah is right [yâshâr = integrity], and all His works [provision] are in truth.

Ahab present; God loves righteousness and justice. He love integrity. Righteousness and justice are the divine attributes which form the integrity of God. There is a relationship between the integrity of God and the integrity of God. No blessing can be imputed to us without first having the righteousness of God. Once we have half of His integrity, then we can fill in with His thinking. We possess +R but we do not possess His justice.

When we took up love and the integrity of God; it must have direction; God does not love the human race. God does love His own righteousness. God loves us. We still do not have the love of God as a point of reference. Since we still possess an old sin nature, the justice of God becomes a reference point. God loves righteousness; His righteousness. When you begin to print doctrine on your brain, the more your thinking conforms to God’s thinking. You have His justice as a part of your thinking. What counts in life is what you think. As a man thinks in his right lobe, so he is. Prosperity kept David from keeping up with doctrine. We will get that in 2Sam. 12. Many of us are occupied with a person or with our social life; and every time that we put something over doctrine, it is problematic.

Even the good deeds of a person who is preoccupied with himself is a part of the arrogance function. Some Christian organizations try to get everyone doing works. They do this and that; and they do these things out of arrogance. When they do this our of arrogance, they are disciplined and the ones who got them to do it are disciplined as well. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. The humble is not some phoney Bible type who walks around with his head down. People think that Christians are not normal. They are weirdos.

This is the divine attribute of love; it does not require a divine attribute for change. God loves righteousness and justice. We have had righteousness and justice and we have had it since we believed in Jesus Christ. God loves the believer because he possesses the righteousness of God since salvation.

This is why people don’t know if they are in love; they are simply attracted and have no concept. Human integrity does not come from the righteousness of God. Human integrity comes from Bible doctrine, just as we find in their passage.

God loves His Own righteousness and justice.

Malee means for the earth to be filled with something. It is grace. We have studied logistical grace and supergrace as well.

Integrity and the Client Nation

1.       We have studied the integrity of mankind. This suggests something else. It suggests that there is a 3rd category of integrity. We have studied the integrity of man. There is also the integrity of the client nation. There is almost no integrity in the client nation to God. We are an arrogance nation. We have not given much study to national integrity.

2.       The integrity of the client nation is the pivot of mature believers. That pivot, which is made up of mature believers, has blessing by association and historical impact; that is the pivot of a nation.

3.       When a client nation to God loses its integrity, it is subject to historical crisis and historical disaster. All this takes is to get mature believers into interlocking systems of arrogance. They lose blessing by association and their national impact.

4.       God has provided through logistical grace the logistical support for the maintenance of a client nation. The earth is filled with the grace of the Lord.

5.       3 categories of truth provide the basis for the integrity of a client nation: laws of divine establishment, gospel for the unbeliever; Bible doctrine for the believer.

6.       National integrity must line up with the integrity of God. This is only possible through the formation of a pivot. You can have believers and unbelievers rejecting truth, and that ends up being a difficult situation for a nation.

7.       The only way to save a nation in historical disaster, etc., is for the pivot to ramp up doctrinal intake.

8.       The hope of a nation resides in Bible doctrine and the avoidance of interlocking systems of arrogance.

Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the grace of Jehovah fills the earth.

To be continued in the New Year’s Eve service.

2Samuel 11                               Psalm 33:6 72David                                   631_0254

This is the last night of the decade (so this would be Dec. 31, 1979). The cycles of discipline are necessary to bring this country to the place of discipline, recovery and for the nation to go under. When the nation goes into interlocking systems of arrogance, discipline is inevitable. This may be our last year of peace. I think that we are still in the Communion service.

Bob wants all the uniformed guys stand. “You are looking at the basis of our freedom.” Very shortly, we will have to fight a war.

Man was created to resolve the Angelic Conflict. We have free will in common with the angels. Free will was given the proper environment; and the only environment for the use of freedom is authority and order. This protects freedom from its distortion.

We are born rejecting authority. God resists the arrogant but gives grace to the humble. We enter into one of the gates and into the complex; and this is because we go back to Adam’s original sin. All personal sins in the human race are not the basis of our condemnation. Adam’s original sin is the basis for our condemnation. Our personal sins are collected by the justice of God and judged.

The next decade may be filled with crises and we might all be removed by the fifth cycle of discipline. We have come to that point in our national history. There was an attack planned by Russia against western Europe.

By the Word of Jehovah, the heavens were made, and all of their host were made by the breath of His mouth. Bible doctrine is called the Word of God here. Speaking merely represents what is thought. Bible doctrine is the thinking of Jesus Christ. The universe all around us is the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible doctrine is even closer to Jesus Christ than the word that brought everything into being. “There are people here who are smirking...they are held in their seats by the laws of gravity.”

The scientific laws are based on the statistical likelihood that the observed laws will continue. Science cannot initiate or enforce scientific laws. They are God’s laws.

With the greatest of effort, man travels to the dead moon; but God set into motions all of the universe and huge bodies moving at incredible rates of speed. Man was placed into an environment of order and sets of authorities.

Psalm 33:6 Through the Word of Jehovah the heavens were made; and all their host were made by the breath of His mouth.

He accumulates in a mass, the celestial seas. The Lord has the power to keep His Word. The Communist conquests over the past few decades have been phenomenal, but God has kept them in check. The scientific hallucinations of a few buttons being pressed and the world is destroyed are just nonsense. Our history will continue as long as the Lord wills it. Human arrogance and the plan of God. Communism is arrogance with violence; socialism, the welfare state are all approaches of human arrogance.

We would not be here tonite if man had his way. He stores in warehouses the roaring deep.

Psalm 33:7 The waters of the sea were gathered like a heap, setting the depths in storehouses.

Respect and reverence in yare. Most people think that marriage is the ultimate happiness, but marriage is a state of authority. It is not a state of happiness or unhappiness. Sex is a ritual, and sex without love is meaningless. Most people—featherbrained females—think that they will be wildly happy with marriage and it surprises them that they are not.

Jussive in the Hebrew, which expresses the desire of the writer.

Some of you have no respect for the Lord at all, and that is why we have half-time, so that those of you who have no interest in God, you can get out of here. Some are so impressed with nature, but not impressed with Jesus Christ.

We should have hundreds of nuclear power plants because it is the safest form of energy there is. But, we are dragging our feet. We are trying to admire nature rather than the source of nature. We ought to be up to our ears in nuclear plants.

The source of WWIII is going to be oil and things like that.

Russians want to guarantee Iranian oil for themselves and that is why they have invaded Afghanistan. This is not a minor invasion. Carter, in his typical jackass manner, says, “We will back Pakistan.” If we cannot go in and grab a few hostages in Iran with an air strike, then we cannot back Pakistan.

The human race should avoid Rousseau. The human race is more impressed with the creation than with the Creator. The more mankind understands spiritual principles, the greater is his respect and fear for Almighty God. Fear and respect of God that leads to grace orientation. This avoids the pitfalls of interlocking systems of arrogance. Those without respect for God cannot avoid the interlocking systems of arrogance. If you have a lack of respect for God and the very function of the universe, the laws of God, the roation of the earth and the sun, and how these continue. Appreciation for simply things like time and space are beyond some people because they are disoriented to authority. They lack capacity for love and happiness.

This verb is a recognition of what God is. The believer who advances to maturity means occupation with the Person of Christ. Truth is the objective factor which avoids the arrogance complex. Laws of divine establishment for unbeliever and believer.

Qal imperfect of be a guest???? Inhabitants of the world.

The way to be happiest at a party is to be a guest. The host and hostess have all of the responsibilities. The Lord is our Host; He will provide everything that we need. Friends, loved ones, everything in life that is worthwhile and meaningful. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Host and we are guests in His kingdom; and we have great privileges. We do not have to worry about tomorrow’s food.

Party which lasted a week and Bob rode along with his father to get more champaign, going from Chicago to New York. As a host, Bob’s father had to get things going and to take care of these things.

The ruler of this world tries to destroy all of those things which are wonderful to us.

Being a guest is being able to enjoy logistical grace at the hand of Jesus Christ. All that we have is permitted and given to us by Jesus Christ. If we place these things over Bible doctrine, then God will either remove it from us it allow it to makes us miserable.

To be a guest means the Lord provides everything. Grace is the integrity of God including His righteousness and justice. All of this grace comes from half of His integrity. They flow down through the righteousness pipe. With maturity, we can be a recipient of supergrace blessing. For us to survive as a nation is for us to be turned toward Jesus Christ in His Word. We can only become a guest by being born-again. Grace is a policy when God is a Host and not a judge (in relationship to us). Grace is the hospitality of God toward us.

Psalm 33:8 Let all the earth fear Jehovah; let all those living in the world stand in awe of Him [to be His guests].

The Lord spoke and everything came into being. The voice which brought the universe into existence is the same voice which sustains the believer in the devil’s world. Admiral Stockdale 7 years a prisoner in Vietnam, and in one year, he was beat fiercely daily. He was tortured in every way and would not cooperate. We will face grace difficulties and those of us who become psychotic will fall prey to psychotic arrogance. We had the opportunity for doctrine and we failed. He commanded and the earth stood fast. Because the law of gravity stands fast, we do not fly out of our seats. Col. 1:17 He is before all things and by means of Him, all things are held together. The invisible Word of God is the basis for our entire function.

Psalm 33:9 For He spoke, and it came into being; He commanded, and it stood fast.

We can choose God’s plan or our own plan. Some of us are planning a lifetime of happiness and we are relating it to a person. Whatever is first in our scale of values...

The first verb is the Hiphil perfect of pur. The Hiphil means to be frustrated [because something is broken].

The worst thing which happened to India is when the British left. The Russians have been concerned that someone will study history and figure out that, although Russia cannot be conquered from the west, they can be conquered from the east (on many occasions). They will make sure that this never happens again. The must neutralize the Chiacoms. We have plans which are arrogance.

Everywhere we turn, we have plans. If your plans coincide with God’s then you are on doctrine; if they do not, then you will be frustrated. God frustrates the plans of nations. Jesus Christ controls history and he frustrates the plans.

Those who have conspiracies are preoccupied with themselves. There are those which involve violence and some are just done with gossip and maligning.

Concluding Principles on Arrogance and Plans

1.       The plans of nations, if carried out, would destroy the freedom of the human race and destroy all categories of truth.

2.       The plans of the Chinese or Russian block would result in worldwide slavery.

3.       Most of such plans are simply arrogance.

4.       Such plans like socialism and communism and welfare-state-ism and the redistribution of wealth and the equality of man are arrogance. They believe that man by man’s efforts can solve man’s problems.

5.       This is why all liberals are arrogant. They believe their ideas to be the panacea.

6.       You cannot divorce and arrogant principle from an arrogant function. This is why marriages fail; love fails, etc.

7.       This explains why the fags are recognized as human beings. This is why people are more concerned for the criminal than the function of justice. Canada is repopulated with the hippies of this country.

8.       Degeernatio is living in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

9.       All conspiracies reject authority and are therefore arrogant. Whether national, personal, collective.

10.     All rejection of authority is arrogance.

11.     Authority is a legitimate doctrine and a part of freedom.

12.     Freedom cannot exist without authority.

13.     Freedom is not an isolated thing. There are 4 concepts related to freedom: authority, freedom as a principle, privacy and property. The human race was created with freedom in order to resolve the Angelic Conflict. The right of the individual to possess property and to enjoy privacy. Authority is God’s order and God’s power. Freedom and equality cannot co-exist. The conspiracies of people is always directed against freedom. Man uses hisown freedom to advance or to fail. Freedom is the reality; equlity is a myth. Equality is the device the conspiracy of the arrogance complex and the battle cry of the degenerate. The conspiracy of the arrogant is the evil of national policy. Freedom and authority are two sides of the same coin. For those positive toward doctrine and reach the pivot, there are great rewards in the resurrection bodies. Those negative toward doctrine will have warning and then intensified discipline. They will wind up in heaven with a resurrection body only. Freedom in life determines the great inequalities in heaven. Everyone will have a resurrection body and that is the end of equality right there. Without freedom, we have zombies. Everyone is a moron. Freedom and equality cannot coexist.

Degeneration destroys freedom. Arrogance is childishness and immaturity. The greater the arrogance the greater the lack of freedom. Anarchy, power struggle, etc. are the result of no freedom.

Psalm 33:10 Jehovah voids the counsel [frustrates the plans] of the nations, He frustrates the thoughts of the peoples [brings to nothing the conspiracies of people].

Psalm 33:10–11 Prov. 8                     72David                                              631_0255

2nd half of New Year’s service 1979:

“We were going to have the orchestra for an hour after the service, but we have lost the bubble machine.”

An article how we could rescue our hostages and our abilities to pull this off. We lack one key element, the will to carry it out. He gives exactly how this could be done. He is a military type from Fort Hood.

We have a do-nothing president with the inability to make a decision. This is an act of great cowardice to let anyone from the United States languish overseas.

Psalm 33:10 Jehovah voids the counsel [frustrates the plans] of the nations, He frustrates the thoughts of the peoples [brings to nothing the conspiracies of people].

The conspiracies include arrogance and loss of freedom. He becomes degenerate, vulnerable to the other gates in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Negative volition toward doctrine can result in reversionism.

The ascendancy of God’s plan. This is the only thing of significance. Feminine singular noun from etsah does not mean counsel but plan.

It is all about doctrine; whether you survive or not, it is all about doctrine. We are so filled with arrogance, that it is almost beyond stating it. We have the gay party and women’s lib and all over it is arrogance.

Why deliver a client nation unless there are mature believers in that client nation? When you crack the maturity barrier, those related to you are blessed by association. You also have historical impact, particularly when combined with other mature believers in the client nation. Survival depends upon believers dedicated to the perception of Bible doctrine on a daily basis. A perfect plan can only originate from a perfect God. There are no weak links in God’s plan. This is because man can do nothing for blessing in God’s plan. The plan of God is as perfect as God is and it is as permanent as God is.

Prov. 8:1–11 Does not doctrine cry out? Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand; beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud: "To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man. O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense. Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right, for my mouth will utter truth; evil is an abomination to my lips [doctrine does not teach that which is false]. All the words of my mouth are righteous; there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. They are all integrity to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge. Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than the finest gold, for doctrine is more valuable than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.

“Doctrine is more attractive than the average whore. I see some of you are listening.”

This is doctrine soliciting. A high place in the road is where audience could be gathered.

Prov. 8:12–21 "I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion. The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate. I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength [honor is mine]. By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just; by me princes govern, and nobles, all who govern justly [including all righteous judges]. I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my yield than choice silver. I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of justice, granting an inheritance to those who love me, and filling their treasuries.

With authority and doctrine, you march.

Pro 8:22–31 "The LORD possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth, before He had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust [atoms?] of the world. When He established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when He made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily hcis delight, rejoicing before him always, rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man.

Bible doctrine must be the life of the believer.

David was one of the world’s worst fathers. He became a great father to Bathsheba’s sons, which is after he was age 50 or so. If a father can give a son one piece of advice, it is concentrate of Bible doctrine.

Pro 8:32–36 "And now, O sons, listen to me [this was David speaking to his sons]: blessed are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the one [Happinesses to those] who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the LORD, but he who fails to find me injures his own soul; all who hate me love [the sin unto death] death."

Mental attitude of positive volition.

Back to Psalm 33

Psalm 33:11 Jehovah's counsel [plan] stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.

The divine plan. There are happinesses which God to the nation who trust in Jehovah Elohim. This is not just any miscellaneous god; this is Jehovah. These are happinesses to gentile nations; the word is goy. The laws of divine establishment provide internal and external security. The government and its power are used to stabilize the nation via doctrine. and wisdom.

God knows every thought and every action of every person throughout history; and He knows all alternatives and their subsequent results. Foreknowledge, predestination and the rest. Foreknowledge only deals with what historically occurs in thought and action; predestination is the plan of God brought out in every way. Election is the issue here; election to privilege is the better way of putting it. Half of divine integrity. All of the logistical support we will need and we have been elected. And the people He has elected.

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation [Happinesses to the nation] whose God is Jehovah, the people He has elected [to privilege] for His inheritance.

The final paragraph covers the concept that Jesus Christ controls history, which we will study tomorrow night. Bob gives the corrected translation. From the heavens, Jehovah has looked down and He has seen all mankind. He Who forms the right lobes of all the human race sees all of their works. No king is delivered by a great army...the warhorse is strong delusion for victory; by His strength, He cannot deliver...rescue their souls from death and keep them alive in economic depression. Our souls wait in confidence for the Lord; He is our aide and our defense. Our right lobes will rejoice in Him...

This is what we will study tomorrow night and conclude the challenge for 1980 at that time.

2Samuel 11                           Psalm 33:13-17 72David                                631_0256

January 1st, 1980

Bob is looking at the first page of the Houston Post. There is a deadline given to Iran to release the hostages or to face the cutoff of international trade. So what. Pitiful. The United Nations is a pitiful arrogant group.

Russia could take 100,000 casualties and not blink an eye. Another headline, Carter finds out the Brezhnev lied about Afghanistan; Carter needs to get his head out of his hymnal. If Carter would take a look, he has no military to back up what he says.

Then you go lower. A cab driver locked in a trunk of a car for 2 days.

Then, on the right hand corner and shrunk into a little space, economic indicators drop. The outlook for the U.S. economy dims. Most people who have their finger on the pulse of business say there will be two good quarters and then all hell will break loose. Worst 2 monthly drop since the 74-75 recession. Our inflation spiral and big government functions have just about destroyed the economy.

Coming up in our passage, in v. 19, ...to rescue their souls in death and to deliver them from famine... Famine is economic depression.

The arrogance of this country has gone beyond all boundaries. The arrogance of the gay movement, of the criminal, of women’s lib, or racism; everywhere you turn, we are locked in to arrogance. This is the first sign of divine discipline as Bob has noticed.

Wherever you find the word famine, it is actually a reference to a recession or depression in an agricultural economy. Jesus Christ promised many wars and many depressions. Depression manifests man’s total function of the old sin nature. Since the Bible advocates free enterprise, any violation of this law through sin or human good. Human good starts a depression by trying to solve the problems of scum. Violate the laws of divine establishment, there will be a depression or a recession.

Attack of government on the automotive industry and on the oil and gas industry. 15% of the people in this country are paying the bills for government immorality. The mature believer will be delivered from economic depression or famine. Job 5:20. Psalm 33:19 37;18–19 in days of economic depression, they will have abundance. The freedom from the arrogance complex is an extremely important principle.

The Soviet’s army’s latest build up. An article from Major Howard. Short haircuts and no beards. This aspect is amazing. People with mustaches and beards are like women with hairdos. The troops in Afghanistan, it is the same thing.

When they lose their officers, they are unable to function, unlike Americans. Then Bob started thinking about football players. There is an arrogance in our land unlike any other. The manifestations are so widespread that it is phenomenal. It is very striking and very professional when there is no facial hair. There is no way that you can be as dedicated as they are and as individualized as all having various types of facial hair.

God Uses Economic Depression

1.       Politicians and religious leaders all promise no depression; they tell you not to worry. “Misfortune will never come our way,” they say. We will not see the sword or famine. There will be a lot of this particularly in an election year.

2.       Just before Judah went down under the fifth cycle of discipline, for 10 years, the leaders were all promising world peace forever and no depression and no military attack. Then they were destroyed by depression followed by a military attack.

3.       Economic depression is used to test believers for the place of doctrine in their lives and for the logistical grace rationale.

4.       Economic depression is used as a divine punishment for degeneration and for reversionism. Isa. Jer. 14:15–16 15:1–2 “Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me and pleaded, I would destroy this people.” Moses and Samuel did the same thing. Those destined for economic depression, will suffer it. Those destined for slavery will live out their lives in slavery. 17:17–19 there is no man on the political scene who can deliver this country. Jer. 29:17–19 God is sending military and economic disaster and disease. Rotten figs, when they hit the ground go plop and they split open and are not edible. “There are people who came here tonight that I don’t know where you came from. You, sonny boy, stop looking around; if you aren’t interested, look straight ahead.” I will intensify economic discipline on you; I will break your staff of bread. “Without Bible doctrine, you are the worst drag in the world. Unless you develop a little self-discipline, you are going out in the next cycle of discipline. You have to think about more than your own pitiful self.”

The omniscience of the Lord Jesus Christ is described below. This means to see and to know exactly what is going on in your minds. Jehovah looked down billions of years ago and knew every thought and every decision and every action of every person who will live throughout history. From the heavens, Jehovah looks down and He sees all of mankind. Time has nothing to do with God’s knowledge. He possesses self-consciousness and self-determination.

God existed eternally, unsustained by any other source, including Himself. He precedes time and space, which He invested. His thinking is not subject to time and space.

The self-knowledge of God is not difficult. The 2nd category is omniscience and the 3rd is?

God has perfect knowledge of the other members of the Trinity. God’s objective knowledge of the universe. Inside the computer is the knowledge of His decrees. His omniscience also knows all of the alternatives. His foreknowledge simply acknowledges that which will occur. The omniscience of God feeds the facts into the computer.

All things are subordinated to the plan of God. With Him, nothing can occur; even the destruction of the United States.

Psalm 33:13 Jehovah looks down from Heaven; He sees all the sons of mankind.

Psalm 33:14 From His dwelling place He looks on all the ones living in the earth.

Psalm 33:15 He forms the heart; He understands all their works.

Human viewpoint is not the solution. The prominence of liberal concepts from interlocking systems of arrogance results in degeneracy. Millions of people in southeast Asia have died horrible deaths because we were not united on this war. This destroys the ability of a people to... They are arrogant and degenerate. Degeneracy from interlocking systems of arrogance result from liberalism. That is degeneracy. Liberalism is degeneracy.

Out president is so arrogant as to send someone into Iran to depose the Shah, one of the greatest men of Iran. He tried to tell Rhodesia how to run their country and they are more honorable than we are. South Africa has handled their problems with much more thoughtfulness about the men in the bush than we do; we are arrogant from top to bottom.

Bitterness is arrogance. We can no longer be delivered by our military establishment. You need to have every 18 year old man in the armed forces. We do not even have a mobilization plan. You cannot have an M plan without universal military training. No king can be delivered by a great army. Arrogance sets aside the laws of divine establishment and God resists the proud and He gives grace to the humble.

Gabor refers to a hero and a muscle man; a man of strength. He can be a soldier or a muscle man. A strong man is arrogance when he depends upon his physical strength. Bob’s dad gave him a silver dollar for every guy he whipped. He was put in touch with Kid McCoy. Getting together in gangs give someone double-arrogance. He depends upon his own ability; his arrogance is in his strength. The weak mind is not someone who is stupid, but someone who depends upon his own strength.

The arrogance of soul neutralizes muscles and even neutralizes beauty. An arrogant soul neutralizes talent. No king is delivered by a great army.

The vermach of WWII was one of the best staffed and best oragnized armies in history. But it was defeated in WWII. Napoleon at Waterloo.

Psalm 33:16 The king is not saved by great force; a mighty man is not saved by great strength.

Today we have an automobile, but then, they had the horse. Victory rests with the Lord.

Robert E. Lee and Jackson had a better understanding of this principle than anyone else. The horse represented the greatest military equipment. The horse represents fleeing to safety, so the horse is security in times of crisis. The horse is a deception in victory.

Strong delusion is rejection of truth in 3 categories. The warhorse is a delusion with regards to victory. You cannot be delivered by the greatness of a nation. Our solution in a national crisis is a spiritual one. Without Bible doctrine there can be no pivot and without the pivot, there can be no deliverance.

The election of 1980 is going to distract you. You think that you will need to go to a nice sweet brotherly love church. We are past the place of being delivered by some human viewpoint thing.

Psalm 33:17 A horse is a vain thing for safety; nor does he save by his great strength.

2Samuel 11                           Psalm 33:18-22 72David                                631_0257

All this is because David is in interlocking systems of arrogance. Self righteous arrogant person is just as bad as a lewd adulterous person. They are both in the same interlocking systems of arrogance.

GAP in the Old Testament did not include the filling of the Holy Spirit. Only in the Millennium and the Church Age is every believer filled with the Holy Spirit.

Moses, Elijah and David were all in interlocking systems of arrogance. They were ultra super grace believers before they went in and when they came out. What ruins the ultra super grace is the interlocking systems of arrogance.

Shout with happiness to the Lord; a psalm fitting for those who hafve integrity. For the Word of the Lord is integrity; the Word of the ord us truth. Therefore, the earth is filled with the grace of the Lord. By the Word of the Lord, the heavens were made. Let all of the earth respect the Lord; let all the people of the world be His guests. He spoke and it came to be; He commanded...He neutralizes the conspiracies of people. The plan of God stands forever. Happinesses to the nation...from the heavens, the Lord has looked; He has seen all mankind. No king is delivered by a great army; a strong man is not delivered by great strength. The war horse is a strong delusion for victory.

The national deliverance of the pivot. The plan of God rationale; and the logistical grace rationale. Rebound uses the imputation of sin rationale. Faith uses a doctrinal conclusion. This is critical for any believer who is going to do well in a crisis.

We have spent some time on what is love; which is a capacity, which is resident in the soul. Respect is the fundamental aspect of love. Adam’s original sin is imputed to us; which was a rejection of authority. People run about saying, “I love Jesus” tittering. A feather-brained female that Bob knew that would say “I love Jesus” 3 times a day. It never occurs to them that love is thought and not emotion.

Doctrinal thinking is the thinking of Jesus Christ. The eyes of the Lord refer to the 3 categories of God’s thinking: omniscience and foreknowledge. The Qal stem means to be in pain; but the Piel is to trust in pain. When you are under pressure and you trust His grace, that is quite different than during times of prosperity.

Psalm 33:18 Behold the eye of Jehovah is to those who fear-respect Him, on those who trust and hope in His grace;

Famine is economic depression. The rescue is that God must bring about certain events to pull you out of disaster. This is different from the wall of fire concept, where wwe are protect.

The mature believer who stays too long in interlocking systems of arrogance and if he is hooked up for too loong with the 3rd gate, he is in troble. Joab had the same conflict that we saw last week; the difference between loyalty versus integrity. Joab missed the boat because of interlocking systems of arrogance.

It is the body which dies in physical death. The soul is the residence of human life and the spirit is the residence of eternal life. The reason the soul is mentioned is, we die when the soul leaves the body. Our heart may not be pumping, but death is a zero EEG rather than a zero EKG. Nohting will take our soul as long as God has a purpose for us. This includes nuclear warfare and all of the dangers of Communism + the dangers of driving in Houston + the air we breathe. It is only when God decides that it is time for us to come home. We may see a lot of death; but we will not experience it until God calls us home. Bitterness if arrogance. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Someone might have maltreated us, lied about us, etc.; if we are bitter, then we are in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Bitterness is arrogance under pressure. Jealousy is arrogance under pressure.

The Piel here acts as the causative. God will keep the believer alive in economic disaster. This is personal deliverance. Kings cannot be delivered by great armies; the strength of a man cannot save him; the greatest army cannot save a nation. Psalm 20:7–8

Psalm 33:19 to rescue their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

V. 20–22: faith claims a promise; faith in reverse concentration applying doctrine, and doctrinal conclusion which places the believer in charge of the situation.

The Lord sees fit to keep mature believers alive during a catastrophe. Situations appear to be hopeless. The soul needs to think under pressure. The thoughts are formed, rationale form, logical form; the greater our ability to think under pressure, the greater our ability to apply and to clear the decks for action.

Bob talks about a boring game. When you claim a promise, you are going back to the most basic thing. Bob illustrates this with a coach telling a football player to throw away the ball rather than to be tackled. This was something his junior high school coach told him. You go back to the most basic promise that you can remember. Just as Coach Bill gave this football player the simplest instruction, the fundamentals, it got through to the quarterback. You have to be able to think in terms of something that you know.

I raise my ebenezer = I raise my rock of help.

Mogan David wine label; a mispronunciation of the Hebrew word for shield. Being able to think is the key. He is my help and He is my shield. This is how people recover from fear.

Ike refused to go to Berlin, and he had great moral courage not to. He had the courage in the White House to do nothing, which is what a president ought to do. He had the courage to fight inflation in a way that made him unpopular.

Deut. 33:29: blessed are you, O Israel; who is like you? Delivered by the Lord, the shield of your help. The major disaster is being unable to think when under pressure. You must start with your own soul. We may have disease, we may have war, we may have economic disaster. We need to be able to think under pressure. Impulse courage. Emotions to do not carry us very far.

More football illustrations. Bob admires the back who hands the ball to the referee. But the person who does his little dance, watch him the next time he gets hit.

Psalm 33:20 Our soul waits for Jehovah; He is our help and shield.

2nd stage; faith applies doctrine. Integrity + loyalty to these principles = honor. The expression of happiness uses the rationales for reverse concentration. Imputation rationale. All of these things make for greatness. Our talents are inconsequential.

The right lobe rejoicing is being able to put together a rationale. Trust is slamming your problems on the Lord.

People want to bring the love of God into all of their problems God’s love is objectively applied to the other members of the Trinity; and subjectively to His Own righteousness.

Human love is different; it must be sustained by emotion, physical attraction and we demand an object. God’s love does not require an object. Mankind misapplies his own love concepts to God. God does not love the human race. There is the anthropathism of love, as in, God loves a cheerful giver.

We will later examine bearable and unbearable discipline. In each installment is testing designed for blessing. No matter how normal a person was before, this can turn Christians psycho, by entering into the interlocking systems of arrogance. There are even the 2% squirrels in Berachah. Greatness and integrity can only be recovered going through installment discipline. The end result is a greater integrity than before.

Righteousness is the principle of integrity and justice is the function of God’s integrity. God’s attributes stand without any help from man or angel.

One of the most unusual rationale is the essence of God rationale. This frees us from the interlocking systems of arrogance. God cannot tempt; He cannot sin; He cannot have absurdities in His character; He can be self-limiting, as in the incarnation. Infinity is show in all that He does. Divine motive is for self-motive is divine glory, which is claimed in the name of absolute truth. God does not hold the truth as being acquired, but He is the truth from eternity past.

God protects us from distractions, but we are still free to be distracted.

Psalm 33:21 For our heart rejoices in Him because we trust in His holy name [honorable essence].

Doctrinal conclusion. This is a petition or a prayer. “O Lord, let Your grace be upon us.” Any of these rationales brings us to the petition. Jesus Christ controls history. It is the supergrace believer in the pivot by which a nation is delivered.

Category #3 is blessing by association and category #4 is national deliverance? God is going to deliver a nation in all of its arrogance because God owes the mature believer deliverance. God loves His righteousness. God will deliver our nation because we have category #3 and category #4 blessing.

Mechanics of deliverance are related to blessing by association on one hand and national deliverance on the other. Grace deliverance for the client nation is only possible if there is a pivot of grace believers. We are in interlocking systems of arrogance; we are apostate; we are arrogant.

The national deliverance does not mean that all of the proud and arrogant will still be alive. But we will never run out of creeps. There is always blessing by association. We’ll always have creeps and squirrels.

Children, parents, grandparents; it is amazing what one mature believer does to carry and army of creeps. The 7000 who did not bow the knee to Baal had a whole lot of friends and relatives who were delivered. Historical impact just reaches out and takes them all in. It is airtight. Now who will be in the pivot tomorrow and the next day.

This is honor category #3. I have relatives and business partners and friends; and honor category #3 and category #4 so that I can continue to live my life and have more parties and Christmases with these jackasses. That is what the psalmist is saying. The person who lives in the ivory tower thinks of grace as something which just drops down and makes everything nice.

When you are a mature believer, your prayers become more meaningful and powerful. You come into contact with reality; the horrors of human good and the sin nature. The biggest problems for us are our solutions.

Where is the grace? Those people who are your friends and relatives and they criticize you for going to church all of the time; and they are the ones who are problematic.

One of the greatest pressures in the world is for a minister to run over in a service; and we are only 15 min. over time.

Psalm 33:22 Let Your grace be upon us, O Jehovah, even as we trust in You.

2Samuel 11:18                                     72David                                              631_0258

David sent Joab and his entire staff and they annihilated the entire army of Ammon...from the battlements, David saw a woman taking a bath, so he sent and inquired about the woman. David sent the official government pimps and took her. Then she purified herself and returned to her home. She consequently became pregnant, so she sent a message to David. Uriah slept in the gatehouse barracks of the castle; therefore, he did not go down to his quarters.

Integrity is loyalty to principle in 3 categories of truth. Integrity is loyalty to the right principle.

Every function of every organization demands honor. Personality is a problem with any organization larger than 3; and sometimes even with 2.

Every person has a right to their own privacy. The Baptist dilemma. They define 3 things as sin, but they have no concept of their own lives. They typify someone who is nosey. They are gossips and maligners and judgers of others. Some have left Berachah and they stick their nose into other people’s business. Loyalty to David versus integrity to the officer’s honor code.

We have a lack of national integrity today. We have forieng policy by which we destroy our friends and help our enemies. Integrity is loyalty to the right principle. No one can have integrity and be ignorant. The same principle applies to a nation in principle. A business requires more lawyers than anything else.

The world was filled with mercenaries of those who wanted to go all over the world. In a good system, race is never an issue. Minorities have a very serious problem today. So many of them make an issue of the color of their skin.

David did a smile and smirk; “Did you not come in from a march?” Uriah is not impressed even by his commanding officer.

You women need to recognize that you are second to your man’s business or job. It does not matter if this job is humble or great.

Down from the battalions is a gate. Joab had to choose between loyalty to David and loyalty to good tactics.

Qal imperfect of shallach indicates that this is a regular report which comes in on a weekly basis. It comes in to David’s headquarters.

Naga means that there was a written report. A tactical summary, report on the strategical situation; it is a complete and thorough report. There is only one person with a rank over Joab and that is David. David is very particular about reports. For a defeat, a disaster or unnecessary casualties, David turned into a tiger and heads rolled and David chewed them out. He was careful in all areas of military life. He was one of the most carefuly men about logistics of all time. He was a good commander. People knew that they could trust David with their lives. There were no complains to David about casualties. For 40 years, David had one of the greatest armies in the world.

By way of application, fundamental Christians have a tendency to be sloppy and inefficient. There is no excuse for a believer who takes in Bible doctrine to be inefficience in a simple job or in a complex job. Find out what the standards are and exceed them. If there is anything which disturbs Bob, it is inefficiency. Bob has walked into many churches and has seen so many inefficiencies. He was appalled at the inefficiencies of T&P and the excuses for it. If it is a tough job, then you do it right. Bill Yeoman tells his men, “Pressure is a gift from God.”

2Sam. 11:18 Then Joab sent and told David all the things concerning the war;

One of the worst things is for an army to be enfiladed from a good position. Joab is not the military genius that David is. Briefing instructions to the staff officer.

Often the briefest information was written and the staff officer would deliver much of it verbally. This way, if he is caught, he will die and not give up any info.

Joab is a great tactician. He is the most capable officer in the Jewish army. He followed a precedent of bad tactics. The Jewish army had a tactics manual.

2Sam. 11:19 and he charged the messenger, saying, "When you have made an end of telling all the things concerning the war to the king,

Joab knew that David would pound the table and chew out the staff officer because this is really bad tactics.

The finest assault troops of the Ammonite army. The people on the wall were able to throw all kinds of things; an empalad. There is a hanging flank. Uriah is commanding the organization and you never have a hanging flank under a wall. You always have flank security, one of the most important things in battle. All of these things are understood by the officers in David’s army. So Joab knows David will be angry. No commander wants any sort of loss of life.

Nagash indicates that an assault was the plan. In obedience to David’s orders, Joab looked for the best troops of the Ammonites. 2 flanks were exposed. When the platoon advanced, they were softening things up for the following companies. There was no order to take Delta and secure this gate. No flank security. A wall on one side and no reason for security there. They advance with a flank open; a dangling flank. There is an assault platoon. There is a reaction of a counterattack. But the other advancing...and Bob draws a bunch of stuff to explain what is going on.

The Qal perfect here means that this is actually written in the manual on tactics. Joab and that stupid battalion commander ought to know better to make a move like that without securing the flanks. Didn’t you know they would shoot you from the wall?

Judges 9:50–59 we are going to look at a manual. Abimelech is the bastard son of Gibeon. Being involved in interlocking systems of arrogance is the problem; being a bastard is not the bastard’s fault. Sometimes bastards are very touchy or hypersensitive about being bastards. When you are sensitive about it, you are in interlocking systems of arrogance. Abimelech was sensitive about being a bastard.

He felt like he would show everyone that he was worthy of being king and he killed off his 70 brothers. He not only succeeded in assassinating all but one. Jotham was delivered for being... This passage occurred 1000 years before. It is not how Uriah died and it is written up in the tactics manual as the way not to do things.

There was a parable; and 69 legitimate sons were killed, and one escaped. A dramatic siege and a classical illustration of how not to do it.

Judges 9:50: Then Abimelech went to Thebez and encamped against Thebez and captured it.

Judges 9:51 But there was a strong tower within the city, and all the men and women and all the leaders of the city fled to it and shut themselves in, and they went up to the roof of the tower.

Judges 9:52 And Abimelech came to the tower and fought against it and drew near to the door of the tower to burn it with fire.

It is the bastard who died 1000 years earlier. Well, a few hundred years earlier.

Judges 9:53 And a certain woman threw an upper millstone on Abimelech's head and crushed his skull.

He called for his aide to kill him so that he is not seen as killed by a woman.

Judges 9:54 Then he called quickly to the young man his armor-bearer and said to him, "Draw your sword and kill me, lest they say of me, 'A woman killed him.'" And his young man thrust him through, and he died.

These tactics were in the Word of God and also in David’s field manual.

Judges 9:55 And when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, everyone departed to his home.

Uriah was killed in this same manner, but it was intentional.

David will have unbearable discipline for murder. In David’s KER, Bathsheba is not even mentioned. The only thing mentioned is Uriah the Hittite.

He was called the bramble king because the women waved the brambles and someday, they would wave rocks at him; he would die at the hand of a woman. David determined this would be an excellent place where he could have Uriah killed. He reacted quickly.

2Sam. 11:20 it shall be that, if the king's wrath arise, and he tells you, 'Why did you go so near to the city to fight? Didn't you know that they would shoot from the wall?

The deliberate tactical blunder. “You are to say this and no more.” It was anticipated how David would reacted. Joab knew David well. He knew what David would react. They are in the same profession and they know each other well. What Joab did was reprehensible, and David blows his cork over it; and Joab’s man was to wait until David blows his cork, and then tell him, Uriah is dead.

Arrogance always quotes from the book. Have you ever been caught with your hand in the cookie jar and some self righteous person points out how you are wrong. Does this endear you to them?

Don’t you recall what happened to Abimelech? Do not do something that stupid? Joab learned tactics from David. The poor staff officer is trying to figure all of this out. Joab knew what David was going to say; he’d quote from his own field manual.

Once you tell David Uriah is dead, he will shut up and let it go.

People are impressed by pious talk and people are impressed by it. Dummies are. Pious cant. There are a lot of frauds who use it every day.

This officer does not know what is going on. He is delivering a message, and Joab knows what David will say, and then tell him that Uriah died to, and then stand there and fix your eyes on a point.

As a staff officer, you cannot lose your poise. Staff officers who agree with people and disagree with people, but not for any of the right reasons.

We have a woman here all zipped up in her red parka and apparently she is freezing to death.

David could really care less about the casualties. You have a complete personality change. It may not be apparent on the outside. There is no remorse, no sense of integrity no sense of honor.

Military Ethics

1.       David’s callousness and disregard for his men is obvious. He has put his wives and mistresses in front of his profession. This destroys the man professionally. He has no integrity, no sense of honor.

2.       This brings up the age-old problem of integrity versus loyalty. David is in interlocking systems of arrogance. Joab abuses his own authority by being loyal to David.

3.       David is now in criminal arrogance. He is going to go into psychopathic arrogance. As an ultra super grace believer, if David can be psychotic, what keeps you from going that way? You cannot get into psychopathic arrogance and maintain a friendship. Getting into psychopathic arrogance comes from being so preoccupied with yourself and catering to yourself so that there is a loss of discipline; a loss of manners and of faithfulness. You want someone to admire you. Most people who are psychotic got that way through interlocking systems of arrogance. It is a spiritual problem.

4.       There is no military ethic in the United States army today. Today, it is zero defects. It is arrogance to the core. It is maintaining one’s position; career survival by good statistics. Any organization which does this is messtup. Lack of tolerance for mistakes, lying about body counts; lack of professionalism in Vietnam and they got ahead by dishonor. It is ticket punching and cya. Moral decency has gone into military arrogance.

5.       You need trust, honor, commitment to the mission; ethical absolutism.

What is found here is the equivalent of situational ethics. Joab chose the latter and he became guilty by complicity. Joab will die with his powerful hands are holding onto the altar and his bowels and intestines will be cut out of his body.

Joab must share David’s guilt. His personal standards and military ethics should have caused him to disobey this order. This failure of Joab has been repeated many times in many situations. Ethics have been completely and totally set aside.

2Sam. 11:21 who struck Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth [Gideon’s surname was Jerubbaal]? Didn't a woman cast an upper millstone on him from the wall, so that he died at Thebez? Why did you go so near the wall?' then shall you say, 'Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.'"

2Samuel 11                                          72David                                              631_0259

Book on North Africa and the relationship between Rommel and Hitler. Only a third of the Germans had good weapons. A third had no weapons; and a third were ill-equipped. The British outnumbered them. Montgomery still had trouble with them until he sent in the Aussies.

2Sam. 11:18–21 Then Joab sent and told David all the news about the fighting. And he instructed the messenger, "When you have finished telling all the news about the fighting to the king, then, if the king's anger rises, and if he says to you, 'Why did you go so near the city [wall] to fight? Did you not know that they would shoot from the wall? Who killed Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? Did not a woman cast an upper millstone on him from the wall, so that he died at Thebez? Why did you go so near the wall?' then you shall say, 'Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.'"

Joab also faced loyalty versus integrity, same as what Uriah faced. Uriah passed and Joab failed this test.

Military Ethics

1.       There is no code of ethics in any of the services? There are individual men with high standards. Not for the officer corps. We are suffering from MacNamara’s stupidity or conspiracy. It amounts to undermining all the service corps. It is a principle of zero defects. The only way that we can be promoted with our peers is a perfect record; if you lose a point, you are immediately behind your peers. MacNamara invented ths. It is called zero defects; a lack of tolerance for mistakes. You cannot make a mistake and survive as a career officer. This is the regular army and Navy. You cannot even follow the normal honor code system, e.g. unwilling to pass along bad news.

2.       In Vietnam, there was a tremendous lack of professionalism and some were getting ahead with a faulty body count and success was in terms of the number killed. If it was better than the others, you were decorated and considered for promotion and you maxed out your OER.

3.       This is called ticket punching today or cya.

4.       The question arises, which is the highest military virtue. Officers do not sit around the officer’s club and talk about military ethics.

5.       List: Trust, honor, impartiality, humility, commitment to the mission, freedom from pride and arrogance. Being humiliated is not humility. Humility is freedom from pride and arrogance.

6.       This list is military ethics and must be distinguished from leadership qualities.

7.       In the context that we studied, what is found might be classified as situation ethics. David tried to get Uriah to disobey the honor code for situation ethics. That Joab complied brings up additional ethics. Should he have obeyed David or disobeyed him in this place? There is something to be said for both sides until you get down to battlefield facts.

Romney was the only field officer to go up apart from staff. Von Pollas is some other one who planned Operation Barbarossa. Colonel General. Brilliant planner. This was the attack on Russia. He was given the 6th German army.

Hitler gave him the same command as he gave to Rommel. Told to stand fast and die. He decided that loyalty to the Fuhrer was more important than personal honor. 400,000 men. Hitler said, you stay there, and I will have Georing supply. They were starving and dying and eating their horses and eating each other.

We saved Communists. We supported Ho Chi Minh in going back into Vietnam.


8.       Joab made the wrong decision and the court of heaven judged him for it. He became accessory to the fact.

9.       Many casualties in this.

10.     He violated personal integrity

11.     Joab’s loyalty to David was no excuse under military ethics. When there is a difference between your honor and an order, you follow your honor. This was a big issue in the war crimes trials. Apparently, only generals whose armies who warred against the civilians intentionally were prosecuted for war crimes.

12.     In the higher echelons of command, there must be some flexibility to disobey a command. MacArthur faced the problem at the Yalu river. They had trucks and tanks; they could be hit from the air and MacArthur could cross. He could have disobeyed Truman and solved a lot of problems, and a lot of good Marines and Army died because he obeyed Truman instead of following his honor. People like Hitler and Carter are not trained in tactics and strategy. 4 star generals are not yes-men to civilians; particularly to stupid civilians.

Politicians will stand up with solemn expressions and blame it on the military when the fault is theirs. Eisenhower was one of the few men with great moral courage. He made the decision not to go to Berlin and Berlin belonged to the Russians. Churchill put pressure on everyone; why sacrifice 200,000 more troops if it was going to Russia anyway.

Only one nation has used nuclear weapons; Germans would have used them; they had just about finished them except they had heavy water problems. We had the moral courage to do it. It was the greatest thing in the world; a decision based upon honor and integrity. Joab’s personal standards as a believer in Christ should have caused him to refuse an order which was conspiratorial. All great systems of military ethics have a flexibility system with regards to orders from above. All except for ours.

There was an outline of the tactical disaster where the Jewish army lost a battalion officer. There was a private briefing to David. There were details excluded which would have incriminating David, Joab and 3 other field officers. The staff officer was to brief David on certain details.

2Sam. 11:22 Consequently, the staff officer departed and he came and reported to David all the Joab had sent him [to report].

Only that which is pertinent to David’s arrogance is covered here. There was a sortie made from the gate.

2Sam. 11:23 The messenger said to David, The men prevailed against us, and came out to us into the field, and we were on them even to the entrance of the gate.

A sequential set of verbs. When the platoon flank was made, they changed it to face it; they had archers on the wall. They shot down the few men left there.

Arrogance and the Mature Believer

1.       The casualty report included Uriah the Hittite. He is the reason for the tragedy. The commander in chief is the reason for this tragedy. When you have a government which is in interlocking systems of arrogance, disaster is inevitable. This decade will go down as a great disaster period in American history. Total irresponsibility in the congress, white house and supreme court, all due to interlocking systems of arrogance. All of this will come to the point of chickens coming home to roost.

2.       Interlocking systems of arrogance began conspiracy arrogance to mental arrogance then impulsive arrogance and finally criminal arrogance. David will get into psychopathic arrogance.


4.       Only the alert believer who is cognizant of the pertinent doctrine and constantly on guard against the subtleties of arrogance can survive. David did not survive this. As a mature believer, he decided that he did not need doctrine every day. He lost out on the principle of maintenance doctrine. This involves perpetuation of perception of doctrine. There must be the constant feeding of doctrine. It takes the doctrine you are using as maintenance and it is converted to rationales. The higher you go and there is promotion, success and prosperity. You need capacity for life. Some pastors figure, I have a barrel of a 1000 sermons, so they just go with these and stop studying. A lot of sins end up being a whole complex of sins. Narcotics and dope.

5.       Some of the greatest believers in history have become enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance. Moses, David, Elijah and Paul

6.       The ultra super grace believer can become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Totally apart from reversionism.

7.       Most reversionists are also involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. The believer can become compromised by the interlocking systems of arrogance. Moses, Elijah and David were not negative.

Uriah the Hittite

1.       The conspiracy could not have worked unless the Lord permitted it. Uriah was a wonderful and honorable believer. It was his time to go and he went out a very happy man out in dying grace. He did not hang around to see his wife fall in love with another man or to die of cancer. He went out magnificently and beautifully. He stood fast and died gloriously.

2.       As a result of David’s conquest of Jerusalem, Uriah, who had been the enemy, was given a battlefield commission, advanced to spiritual maturity.

3.       Uriah enjoyed spiritual advance because he was positive toward doctrine. He had military recognition and decorations.

4.       Uriah was married to one of the most famous and beautiful women in Israel and the granddaughter of Ahithophel.

          a.       She was the daughter of Eliam, a great officer. Eliam probably introduced Uriah to her. He will later coordinate the Absalom revolution. They both held the same decoration as the knight of the 3rd class.

5.       Ahithophel was thought to be the smartest government administrator in Israel and he will be the real leader in the Absalom revolution.

6.       Uriah’s supergrace status will continue in death and he will be involved in dying grace.

2Sam. 11:24 The shooters shot at your servants from off the wall; and some of the king's servants are dead, and your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

2Samuel 11                                          72David                                              631_0260

Bob was going to say a few words and then shut it down, because of the superbowl. Most of you need doctrine more than you need to see the game. For what will happen in that game, you need all the doctrine that you can get.

Uriah the Hittite’s Death

1.       As a mature believer, Uriah the Hittite was under dying grace.

2.       Uriah’s death was a matter of the sovereignty of God based upon His omniscience of all the facts. As long as God wanted to keep Uriah alive, God would have kept him alive. Psalm 68:19–20

3.       Around Uriah the Hittite was a wall of fire from the provision of grace.

4.       Uriah could have been delivered from his death, but God chose to bring him home. When we die as a mature believer, it is not be a tragedy. Psalm 116:8

5.       Uriah would we delivered in death as he was in life. Psalm 102:19–20

6.       Otherwise Psalm 116:8 would have applied. We are rescued from interlocking systems of arrogance during times of pressure.

7.       However, none of these verses apply to Uriah the Hittite; it was time for him to go; the counterattack of the Ammonites was his time.

8.       What did apply was Psalm 116:15: Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Godly ones.

9.       Philip. 1:20-–21 applies: living is Christ and dying is profit.

10.     While David had 2Sam. 23:49 awarded Uriah with the knight of the 3rd class, God gave him even a higher award.

11.     Uriah is the only gentile male mentioned in the line of David to Christ. Matt. 1:6 Jesus Christ mentioned the one person who is not involved but is involved.

12.     In this genealogy where Bathsheba should have been mentioned, she is not.

13.     Instead, Uriah the Hittite is given the honor of being named in the line of Christ. He was given the highest place of honor.

How Do We Evaluate a Tragedy?

1.       In the light of the teaching of doctrine, the death of other soldiers and Uriah must be viewed in 2 ways.

2.       From the standpoint of God, Uriah’s death must be regarded as a triumph.

3.       From the standpoint of David, who is responsible for all of these deaths, it is a sin.

4.       As accessories to the fact, David and Joab must be judged by what they did.

5.       From the standpoint of the victims, this must be determined by divine viewpoint; it was the right time for them to die. Every person in the attack who died, it was the right time for them to die. Instead of killing them in separate tragedies, they all go down at one time.

6.       With regard to every man in that battalion, they died honorably in battle. Job 1:21

7.       Those who died with Uriah were blessed in death by leaving the world at exactly the right time.

8.       Those responsible for their deaths will live a longer time and suffer great discipline because of it. God sometimes keeps people alive in order to complete their discipline on this earth. Furthermore, they have also deprived the sovereignty of God. Neither David nor Joab were assassinated. There will be installment discipline. There will be unbearable suffering as well as bearable installment discipline.

9.       There is never a loss of blessing from the justice of God because of an early death.

10.     David and Joab are believers and they can only be punished in time.

11.     These co-conspirators would live a long time and be punished for a long time for their evil. Conspirators, tactical manipulation for the purpose of murder. This is not the first or the last time.

12.     This tragedy must be evaluated from the divine viewpoint. There is a wall of fire about Uriah, and he will go out in a very glorious way. He will leave this life while killing a bunch of Ammonites, who should have deserted their degenerate king.

Those responsible for their deaths will live a much longer time and suffer over this time via installment discipline. However, if they had died, there would nave been no discipline whatever. David will not die the sin unto death, but he will pay a very heavy price for interlocking systems of arrogance. He will pay through the nose in a very unusual way. Unbearable suffering; one year os psychotic arrogance. It is one of the most painful concepts of divine discipline.

Itr appears as if he has a premature death and a tragic death. Bob is happy to know Stalin and Hitler are both in hell and suffering now and will continue to do so.

Alpha, bravo and delta company withdrew white Uriah was engaged. There were those in Uriah’s company, and they were all killed.

Joab knows what David would say and how upset he was.

2Sam. 11:19–24 And he instructed the messenger, "When you have finished telling all the news about the fighting to the king, then, if the king's anger rises, and if he says to you, 'Why did you go so near the city to fight? Did you not know that they would shoot from the wall? Who killed Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth? Did not a woman cast an upper millstone on him from the wall, so that he died at Thebes [he was also caught in a dangling flank]? Why did you go so near the wall?' then you shall say, 'Your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.'" So the staff officer went and came and told David all that Joab had sent him to tell. The messenger said to David, "The men gained an advantage over us and came out against us in the field, but we drove them back to the entrance of the gate. Then the archers shot at your servants from the wall. Some of the king's servants are dead, and your servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also."

2Sam. 11:24 The enemy archers shot at your servants from off the wall; and some of the king's servants are dead, and your servant [the battalion commander] Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

David is one of the greatest men who has ever lived. He entered into interlocking systems of arrogance by sexual arrogance and then got entangled in others gates that would not have confused him before. We will now see David’s hypocrisy and arrogance. The decadence and incompetence and hypocrisy of Mr. Hyde.

David has a sudden change of heart. Suddenly, he is saying, tell Joab, don’t worry about this. Things are okay.

The battle is indiscriminate; the good and the bad die together. This just happens. Don’t worry about it. This is a bunch of stuff. This platoon was wiped out because of conspiracy. When they become involved in conspiracy, they immediately become involved in human viewpoint. This is not true. No one dies in battle unless the Lord permits. It is not true that the good, the bad and the ugly all die.

When people die, others say, “What a tragedy” but there are no tragedies. Bob used to regard Jackson’s death by his own troops a tragedy; but manifest destiny kept this from happening. At Gettysburg, Jackson would have one. There had to be the unity of the entire country.

Major Whittle was a great evangelist, who evangelized after the war, and much occurred 1865–1885. This was God’s time; and it was God’s time to take Stonewall Jackson.

There is no such thing as a tragic death. To be overrun by the enemy is an honorable death. Uriah the Hittite received the highest decoration that God can give a believer in this life. He was placed in Matt. 1:6 forever.

Uriah wasn’t killed by an upper millstone.

David was inside interlocking systems of arrogance and this is the first sign that he is in psychopathic arrogance. He became as squirrley as anyone you would ever know.

Let’s take an unbeliever, like Hitler. Every time there was this great tactical envelopment; and they moved right in toward Moscow. They were moving in toward Kiev. They turned it all around and moved around behind Kiev. During that particular period, everyone in Biolistock and Mins loved the Germans; then they began to shoot civilians and the took the younger women and put them in the doll houses; and this whole area burned into one mass of guerilla warfare type. Every person who could walk talk or breathe turned on the Germans. They at first saw the Germans as their deliverers from communism; and then Hitler, psychotic as he was, ordered annihilation.

Normally, heads would roll when something like this happens, but not this time. David excuses it because of the conspiracy.

David should have removed Joab from his command for incompetence, but his incompetence was because of David.

Honor demands that these other battalions not withdraw with their people at the wall.

Hypocrisy is a cover for incompetence in business, in any profession, including the ministry; and this is why incompetent people rise to the top. They are incompetent, but they know how to flatter and how to play the fool and go to the top.

Also important to notice the self righteous arrogance.

David’s Hypocrisy

1.       David’s self righteous arrogance + his blind arrogance cast him in the roll as the noble commander-in-chief. It was like Carter wringing his little hands when the hostages were taken in Iran. Carter gave no orders to protect any of our people and equipment. The right equipment should be ready to deal with a crowd. The popularity of this president has gone up because of his self righteous arrogance. The national council of churches think he is doing good.

2.       David covers up his plan by acting pious and magnanimous and suggesting that he forget it and move on to victory. This does not make for efficiency in the military.

3.       In reality, we are looking at the decadence and self-centeredness of being trapped in the interlocking systems of arrogance. There is total failure here of David as a military leader.

4.       David, the man after God’s own heart, has become a monster of arrogance, hypocrisy and evil. This applies to every part of life.

5.       One theologian called this passage the inscrutable development of many individual sins from one hidden root, which is not bad. Interlocking systems of arrogance explains this and is the secret to the whole problem. This is the basic reason for personality change for members of the human race. His volition combines with interlocking systems of arrogance to be a degenerate believer; and they can be positive or negative, young or old, and degeneracy is not the same is reversionism. The first can be done with those positive toward Bible doctrine.

6.       The malfunction of the 3 stages of the faith rest drill is the degenerate.


8.       The principle: the hypocrisy of self righteousness is a cover for the degeneracy of arrogance. This is what happens in Bible schools and where Christians cluster.

2Sam. 11:25 Then David said to the messenger, “Thus shall you tell Joab, Don't let this thing [this tactical defeat] displease you [lit., be evil in your eyes; do not let this upset you], for the sword devours one as well as another [que sera sera]; make your battle more strong against the city, and overthrow it: and encourage you him.”

In v. 26 we will find a woman extremely in love with her husband, who is in confusion; the dying grace rationale; and when to cry and when not to.

2Samuel 11:26                                     72David                                              631_0261

Some poor call at a football game. The unfairness was not why Houston lost the game. What is not seen is more important than what is seen. You cannot win a football game without a good offense, and the key is a good offensive line, and they make all of the difference. The Pittsburgh defensive line played in the backfield of Houston because their offensive line was so weak.

A politician gives a good speech and Thieme is amazed. It is the line that always makes the difference. It is not what we appear to be on the outside; it is not the clever remarks, the scintillating personality; it is the doctrine that counts.

The Communists can lose 10,000 in Afghanistan and it means very little. They can afford that. If we lost that many men, we’d be ruined. All of these yellow bellies and cowards need to be collected off the streets and drafted. Bob considers himself an average backfield player and he understood it was the front line that makes the difference.

You can pick out various parts of a woman that you like, like the windshield or the hubcaps, etc. All women come equipped with a body; most men know that by age 7. A woman is what you do not see; a woman is what she thinks in her soul. By studying doctrine, you can learn much about people. When you boil it all down, men and women are not different in the soul.

Bob has to first explain v. 26. Shama means to hear. Qal perfect of muth means to die. Qal imperfect of shaphad means to beat the breasts, to lament, to wail, to mourn, to scream because of tragedy. This is a female function due to lamentation. There are words here which fascinate Bob; there is lord, which indicates admiration and respect. She had a very strong love for Uriah the Hittite. There is also a regret. She loves her husband and she mourns his departure. She is also guilt-stricken. There is a matter on her conscience. Even though her volition was not involved when she was ravished (which is different from rape, inasmuch as you take the woman elsewhere). At some point, her attraction to David became very strong. She had a great respect for her husband and she was falling in love with David. So she had a problem. She expected that her feelings might be resolved when her husband returns.

Bob mentions a terrible movie.

At first, Bathsheba’s volition is not involved; and then it becomes involved. David is now 50 and very attractive to the women; and now he is turned because of it. In his soul, even though he is a mature believer, he has become a very shallow person because of the ladies.

Bathsheba was not aware of the conspiracy to murder her husband. Her lamentation here is genuine. There is nothing to indicate that she did not love her husband. She was attracted to David and seduced by him; but she compartmentalized the whole situation. A little spot for David and a little spot for her husband. This is one thing a lady can do well; they can have a series of compartments in their mind. A woman, in her own thinking, can have a series of men with whom she is in love. David also was able to do this.

It is normal to have category #3 love with several. Those who can only have one friend are in trouble. Bathsheba had a simple life as a magnificent woman. Most women concentrate only on one man; and such a woman has an occupational hazard. In concentrating on one man, a woman becomes naive about other men. The palace pimps may have called Bathsheba to the palace under false pretenses; to talk to David about her husband and how things were going for him. She may not have realized even that this would be a 1 on 1 dinner. She is so naive that she just goes along. She was not involved volitionally.

A lot of women would not care what David looked like. As long as he is the king, they flip-flop all over themselves. These women should be avoided at all costs. The nature of her grief and the 2nd stage of the faith rest technique. She applied the dying grace rationale to him.

Job 5:19–27:

Job 5:19 He will deliver you from six disasters; in seven no evil shall touch you.

Job 5:20 In economic depression he will redeem you from death, and in war from the power [slice] of the sword.

Next 2 disasters. Social disaster. You are maligned; people talk you down by gossip and maligning.

This is often a reference to unjust death.

Job 5:21 You shall be hidden from the lash of the tongue [social destruction], and shall not fear destruction [and violent death] when it comes.

Laughing here means having a sense of humor; being able to have a relaxed mental attitude about the problems you face.

Wild animals represent violent death. Today, automobiles, conventional weapons, nuclear weapons. This is where the believer is able to face death until God takes him home. There is no danger in life that will destroy you.

Job 5:22 At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and shall not fear the wild animals of the earth.

Here, they have a contract with the stones of the battlefield.

Dying for the Believer

1.       No instrument of death can remove the mature believer or the immature believer until it is God’s time.

2.       Only the integrity of God can keep the believer alive. Holy roller says love is the point of reference and the Calvinist thinks God’s sovereignty is the point of reference.

3.       Therefore, no believer can be removed until the Lord is ready to take him home.

4.       Once the Lord calls the believer home, nothing can retain him on earth.

5.       The believer cannot die until the Lord decides.

6.       The Lord does not decide until all of the facts are put together and justice makes the decision.

Certain things were important to Bathsheba at this time. Her husband was a mature believer and that he died under the best possible circumstances and he is going to a place of great reward. Matt. 1;6.

Bob does not like to us RM/RW anymore; people use it as an excuse the next time they feel a little attraction for someone else.

Job 5:23 For you shall be in league with the stones of the field, and the beasts of the field shall be at peace [a state of prosperity] with you.

Uriah died knowing that his pivot would not shrink and fall apart.

Job 5:24 You shall know that your tent is at peace, and you shall inspect your fold and miss nothing.

Uriah died knowing that his wife would be taken care of, although he did not realize to what extent. Blessing by association for loved ones and where the client nation is concerned.

Job 5:25 You shall know also that your offspring shall be many, and your descendants as the grass of the earth.

You will come to your grave at the peak of your life; for the mature believer only. The analogy says that God is the expert. He must decide when it is time for each one of us to depart from this life. Integrity is the issue. We do not have the right to question the integrity of God. Some corn is riper sooner than the rest. He is the expert; His timing is best.

Job 5:26 You shall come to your grave in ripe old age [in full vigor], like a sheaf gathered up in its season.

Behold this doctrine. Hear it and apply it to yourself. Bathsheba must use this rationale in the tragic death of her husband.

Job 5:27 Behold, this we have searched out; it is true. Hear, and know it for your good."

Let’s Notice Her Lamentation

1.       This lamentation means that she did love her husband. She struck herself, moaned and groaned and shrieked.

2.       This introduces the question of Bathsheba’s complicity in the adultery with David.

3.       She possessed her own free will. Was she in a position to refuse David’s advances, Bob has concluded no; therefore, David raped her. David’s seduction of her is ravishment.

4.       According to v. 4, she did have to rebound. The copulation was not a sin, as she entered into it unwillingly. During the process, she fell in love with David, because she had to use rebound in her cleansing. She had to rebound her own attitude toward David, and therefore, we have rebound ack in v. 3 She was not faithful to him in her soul. 2Sam. 11:4

David will wait an entire year before rebounding.

David had unbearable discipline; and Bathsheba became his wife and did not share this discipline with him. For 1 year, David had unbearable suffering and went psycho. She did not crack up. Everything was fine with her, but not with David. David suffered and she did not suffer at all; or very little.

“Don’t look at your watch; forget it. I am going to make this point if it takes me all night.”

this is how 2 can be in a marriage and one can be happy and the other can be miserable and it is not because one is bugging the other. It has to do with the supreme court of heaven.

Bathsheba rebounded during the death of her husband; she used the dying grace rationale and this was tempered by the comfort of Bible doctrine which she had in her soul. If you do not have the doctrine already in your soul, you cannot be comforted in a time of bereavement.

It was probably many years before Bathsheba knew what waa going on with her husband. So she did not grieve as those who have no hope. The degeneracy of interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 11:26 When the wife of Uriah heard that Uriah her husband was dead, she made lamentation for her husband.

7 days for the mourning period? David is still in interlocking systems of arrogance. He entered the system through sexual arrogance and is guilty of pride, impulsive arrogance, criminal arrogance, and is about to slip into psychopathic arrogance. Bathsheba is now his wife, and he has her, and he is miserable. No male can be happy with any woman if he is arrogant. Arrogance is guarantee of no happiness. The arrogance of the woman might be much more subtle. Marriage is not a state of happiness. The first state of marriage is a state of authority. This is the best woman that David has ever copulated with and he enjoyed it and he is totally preoccupied with Bathsheba and he guarantees that he will have this good bit of copulation around. It is amazing how pregnant women get a bit squirrely. She becomes a wife to him. She becomes his wife and bears his son. In the degeneracy of interlocking systems of arrogance, David has no respect for freedom and property. David seduced Bathsheba and destroyed the authority of Uriah. He violated the freedom of Uriah by murdering him. Conspiracy, murder, degeneracy are all involved.

Bathsheba did not solicit, she did not flirt, but she did change her allegiance and she did fall for David. What David did do was evil.

2Sam. 11:27 When the mourning was past, David sent and took her home to his house, and she became his wife, and bore him a son. But the thing that David had done displeased Yahweh.

There are more chapters devoted to this case than any other case in the Bible. We will see how the court of heaven operates.

2Samuel 12:1                                       72David                                              631_0262

2 new policies in the prep school. Don’t bring sick kids to the nursery or prep school. Not to bring a child where an adult had a contagious diseases, but should be better defined.

This is the first time we will have 2Sam. 12:1

Bob was in Dallas with Herman. A book about Tom Landry and how he believed in Christ. His faith was a factor and it helped him to deal with many of his people. The Cowboys have team prayer sessions before a game and a non-denominational teaching by Howard Hendricks. Character became more important than the other common things. When you reach a championship level, what separates you is character.

Tapes on Heb. 10 probably the best summary lesson on discipline. There are times when you are under pressure and grace will bail you out; there are the functions of grace from the justice of God and functions of discipline from the justice of God.

Division of this Subject

1.       Message of the prophet. 1-12

2.       Rebound 13-14

3.       Cursing of divine discipline from the justice of God 15-23

4.       Cursing turned to blessing from the justice of God. 24-31

Some of you must realize that when Bob teaches a passage, he has to teach the subject of that passage. You get so oriented to grace that you think that God will not spank you. You get sloppy in your life and there is no way you will get to maturity.

Psychosis comes from interlocking systems of arrogance.

People, in their arrogance, begin to look at a person rather than to the message. They might go and find another pastor if the failures of their pastor insults their own feelings. The evil person demands perfection. So many pastors are self righteous, arrogant and prissy; and these are the sorts of people who will gather around you. Both ministers and congregation can be positive toward doctrine and still be in an arrogance trap. If your eyes are on people, then you cannot grow.

This will not be the favorite subject matter of some of you. It just isn’t that kind of a passage. Some of you are so arrogant that there will be nights that you think I am talking down to you.

Bob often wondered about the delay to get to here. Copulate is a euphemism almost. People have almost been insulted by this word, so that now makes this word Bob’s favorite. “To think of these Baptists traveling so many miles and hear an awful word like copulate.”

We’re going to cover the first 12 verses in 2 or 3 lessons. A prophet was much different from a Levitical priest. Big difference between the priest and the prophet. Moses was the super-communicator. He was from the tribe of Levi. Aaron and Moses both from this tribe. They were communicators by physical birth. They functioned in the shadow teaching of the Old Testament.

Israel was a client nation and only a client nation has prophets. Gentile nations did not have prophets except during the 70 years of the Babylonia captivity. Daniel was a Jewish prophet without a country, presenting pertinent doctrine for salvation.

Isaiah warned of cycles of discipline on the one hand and reversionism on the other. God called out special people as a warning of things to come and as a means of perpetuating the prosperity of a client nation. Isaiah is a case where it succeeded and Jeremiah is a case where the people did not listen.

Many people thing that David was a preacher, but he was a king; one of the greatest of history. He had a sin nature like all of us. He sin nature has offended a lot of people.

We are past the fornication chapter, and that isn’t the major issue here. People never seem to be shocked by arrogance but they are with fornication. If you think that David’s rape was the biggest deal,... Ravishment is kidnaping someone and taking them elsewhere to rape them.

Katie is to put out the word, don’t send your featherbrained daughters down here. This is not a marriage market. Some have found their wives and husbands here, much to their happiness and for some, much to their regret. We can only do so much.

There are things which go on out there; and if you are shocked by what Bob says, you are not prepared for the decade coming up.

Interlocking systems of arrogance kept David from rebounding. As far as we know, he was moving throughout the year without rebound.

Covering fecal matter with iodine? You don’t solve anything by some system of breast beating. You do not under any circumstance have to go through some system by which you make it up to God. Your feeling sorry for a sin makes you weaker than you were before. We are all sorry. Feeling sorry is not an issue in anything. People like to get in the act because they have not had a chance to feel superior. They like to get together with other people who are self righteous. God does not care how you feel about the sin. You would never have anytime to grow in grace or anything else if you had to feel sorry about the sins you commit. You are naming sins which have already been forgiven based upon the cross. You don’t ask God to forgive you; you name the sin. Because it has been judged in court, the basis of the forgiveness has already been handled. Homologeo is a courtroom phrase. It means to cite a courtroom case. If you cannot understand the most basic principle of grace, you don’t belong in Berachah Church. As long as the Lord gives Bob grace to breathe, he’ll teach it.

Faith reaches doctrinal conclusions.

Nathan was a prophet, and because he was such a great prophet, his name became a common name in the Davidic line. Nathan has had some tough assignments before. It was around 984 b.c. when Nathan told David that he could not build a Temple. He also helped Solomon become king as well. He was germaine in making the line of David go through . He wrote a book called the life of David and the other is a biography about Solomon. 1Chron. 29:29 2Chron. 9:29 1004–926 b.c. faithfulness of Nathan in teaching Bible doctrine. Nathan’s ministry of Bible doctrine stabilized the situation.

Notice that God sent Nathan; Nathan did not decide that it was time to talk to David. Some people feel called upon to stick their nose into other people’s business. Nathan was commanded by the Lord to do this; he did not do this on his own.

A Few Closing Points

1.       God requires faithfulness of His workers.

2.       The power is located in the Word of God, not in the personality of the communicator. Some have a mouse personality. It is grey and they go through life in a quiet, mousy way. That is the antithesis of the rat personality.

3.       Nathan was sent on a dangerous and difficult mission. He has the necessary wisdom and strength to accomplish his mission. Suppose that he took a self righteous approach. “You lousy so and so.” David represents the highest authority in the government. That approach attacks the authority of David and not his sinfulness. When a person is in authority and 100% wrong, you still do not approach that person and destroy or attempt to destroy or to attack that authority. The is the grace principle in authority orientation. David was a jerk. However, Nathan’s job was not to call David a jerk. Unless you are parents, you do not confront people about their carnality. That is not your job in life. You do not confront others with respect to their failures. Now, you can if you are in charge of someone; then you can deal with them. A sergeant over a recalcitrant private. The application of the grace rationales.


5.       If you have a gift of communication from God, that does not mean that God can use you. No matter how great your gift is, if you are arrogant, then God cannot use you. If you have no authority-orientation, then God cannot use you; or no grace orientation. Nathan was not arrogant. Nathan was authority oriented. Nathan was as great man. Just as David recognized Nathan’s authority in the spiritual realm; Nathan recognized Nathan’s authority in the temporal realm. We must distinguish between temporal and spiritual authorities.

6.       God uses prepared people. Reverse concentration. God cannot use arrogant people; He cannot use those involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Never try to slide by on your personality. Those with good personalities have a problem. This is what Bob likes about Landry, who does not depend upon his personality. They are both so brilliant in the game, that they do not depend upon their personalities to work their players up. Personality minus doctrine is weakness; + doctrine is strength.

8.       The facade which carries the soul is body and personality.

9.       Out of all the prophets in the land of Israel, only one of them was prepared for a confrontation with the king. Such a confrontation requires finesse, and not bombasity from personality. This permits David to pronounce judgment upon himself. This is brilliant; to finesse David so that he will just himself. The purpose of doctrine is to finesse us to face ourselves in doctrine. Nathan could tell a magnificent story, and at the end of the story, David judges himself. Objectivity and lack of self righteousness establishes a precedent of wisdom and objectivity of reprimand. A lot of evangelists can scream sin, but very few can do it objectively. Allow arrogance to define sin, then sin is limited to the things which you do not like.

Bob stopped counseling because he was so good at it and it made him fatheaded. For what I know, you’d be charged $100 per minute.

2Sam. 12:1 And the LORD sent Nathan to David. He came to him and said to him, "There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor.

2Samuel 12:1b–5                                 72David                                              631_0263

2 factors of a good communicator, found in v. 1. Obedience. God sent Nathan to David and there was immediate obedience to God. Every good communicator must be in fellowship and obedience.

You cannot function unless you are organized. Disorganized people; always late, always flustered, always running around with their head...somewhere. He cannot administer his own life. Those who are disorganized haven’t got a point yet. They’ll tune in about 15 minutes from now and begin to hear what is being said.

Today, we have a concrete jungle and then there was palm trees and sand; has nothing to do with being organized. The obedience and self-discipline is the first thing; secondly, it is the gift of communication. No communicator will ever properly teach or communicate the Word of God unless he can eliminate the non-essentials. One of those is counseling people. It becomes a matter of arrogance and failure. If the Word of God is properly communicated, then you will not need counseling. It is a nonessential. Many ministers are asked to run around and pray or visiting the sick. If a person has doctrine, if someone visits them or not is not an issue. A believer’s comfort must come from the dying grace rationale.

When someone dies, they are in a better place than you are; and there is no need to sorrow as one who has no hope.

The Communicator and the Teaching of Doctrine

1.       The communicator of doctrine must have authority-orientation. That is, he must first be self-disciplined so that his own life is organized; and he must be constantly oriented to the authority of God. He must be oriented to the plan of God. No person who is in charge of a large complex can succeed if he tries to do it all himself. You must be able to delegate authority.

2.       There must be good discipline. A good pastor will maintain academic discipline in the church. The minister is not your servant. Bob talks about a gal who walked out of church on a previous Sunday. The old sin nature rejects all authority. One of the problems of being in the pastorate. Inevitably, there are certain subjects in which you are not interested. Bob will never forget the time that he was studying at his desk and came across flowers, and he had to study it, even though he had no interest. Bob was brought up in at an early age with 1000's of flowers in his yard. He learned to bring flowers to women. Bob likes plants because they throw off oxygen and takes in the CO2 and CO1, which Bob sees as a good thing.

3.       The communicator of doctrine, which today is the pastor, must study the Word daily.

4.       Communication of doctrine is the inevitable result of diligent study.

5.       The primary function of the Old Testament prophet like Nathan is no different from the New Testament communicator of doctrine. There is not substitute for the teaching of Bible doctrine. This teaching is a finesse policy of God. Nathan will finesse David into condemning himself. No client nation can exist without doctrine. The pivot is formed by God the Holy Spirit.

There are the rich and the poor. Life could not be perpetuated without rich and poor. A sign that the laws of divine establishment are working is the fact that we have the rich and poor with us. Even when there are not rich, there will always be poor people. You cannot have freedom in a nation without free enterprise; and with free enterprise, some will succeed and some will fail. If the government slips in, then they might decree that no one can fail. A government which wipes oujt the poor is evil. Some poverty is self-induced because of lack of humility, not being willing to work at a humbling place; people want to begin at the top; no one wants to learn the system. If the government does not interfere, then we do start at the bottom.

It is healthy to have such a differentiation. This mand oes not say, Down with the rich. The rich man is the villian, but he is not a villian because he is rich. Scrooge was a good man and Bob Crotchet was a whiner and a complainer, and irresponsible, who went out and had a bunch of kids that he could not afford. The poor man had nothing. He did have food, shelter, clothing, a wife.

2Sam. 12:1 And the LORD sent Nathan to David. He came to him and said to him, "There were two men in a certain city, the one rich and the other poor.

The poor man’s wife love that ewe, and he did and his children did; and they all loved that ewe. David does not catch on to this at all yet. The rich man has flocks and herds and wives and mistresses.

2Sam. 12:2 The rich man had very many flocks and herds,

Bob is surprised that everyone is shocked about sex. It should be common knowledge. The poor man’s wive can’t stand him, so their attention on the ewe; and the kids are poorly managed, so they all love the ewe. This is one little ewe lamb, which they had purchased.

There are two schools of thought, those who have been wanting children all of their lives. These people are not poverty stricken; the ewe lamb shares food with them.

No idea how they got this ewe away from the family; they must have had very poor ewe security. Bob understands this with Balderdash and Malarkey. They think that they are human and would be insulted if they were told they are dogs. They have tried to draw some lines, with some difficulty at times.

2Sam. 12:3 but the poor man had nothing but one little ewe lamb, which he had bought. And he brought it up, and it grew up with him and with his children. It used to eat of his morsel and drink from his cup and lie in his arms, and it was like a daughter to him.

All rich people have guests. If you are going to be a guest of someone; be a guest of someone who can have you. The rich man thought it was a pity. There was no cattle that he wanted to kill. He probably had a million acres and all of these animals are magnificent specimens, and his sheep are the best and his cattle are the greatest. “I can’t kill any of these; they are too good.” He just does not want to share from his possessions.

Instead, he goes to the poor man and takes his ewe lamb and prepares it for his guest. He obviously got it during the daytime. Bob can see how that man would feel. He loved that ewe lamb. The kids were not paying attention to security. We might call this sermon the Last Bleet.

2Sam. 12:4 Now there came a traveler to the rich man, and he was unwilling to take one of his own flock or herd to prepare for the guest who had come to him, but he took the poor man's lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him."

David is on a crusade already; he cannot wait for the invitation. He will be the first one forward. This is a simple parable to reach David.

Nathan’s Parable Approach

1.       This is teaching by finesse; a simple story to cause David to judge himself. It is a parable. That is a simple story so that no matter how way out you are, you can understand what the story it. A parable parallels reality in life. If David is in interlocking systems of arrogance and Nathan goes in there and teaches interlocking systems of arrogance, it won’t do any good. If he tells a simply story which covers David’s entrance into the interlocking systems of arrogance, then David might get it. Therefore, David will react. When David reacts to the story, he is judging himself. If David judges imself, then he is going ot breakout.

2.       By using a parable, objectivity is maintained and the message is communicated so that David condemns himself from his own integrity.

3.       It is noted from the psalms that David has already experienced warning suffering and discipline. However, this has not motivated David to rebound or to recover.

4.       There is no rebound until the message of Nathan’s parable. David is totally subjective in interlocking systems of arrogance.


6.       The rich man is ultra super grace believer David. A spiritual mature believer is blessed with wealth and power and other things. The imputation of divine blessing to His own righteousness.

7.       The poor man is Uriah and the ewe lamb is Bathsheba. David’s status quo is interlocking systems of arrogance.

The reaction of the king, which includes harah This is a word of intense and explosive anger. He assumed this was real and did not associate this with himself. David has the power to judge here and he is extremely self righteous. If you rape someone and murder someone, but not in interlocking systems of arrogance, then you will not be self righteous.

Interlocking systems of arrogance disassociates your sins from similar sins and allows you to be very self righteous. David is preoccupied with himself. It does not register with David that this is him. Interlocking systems of arrogance produces subjectivity which isolates the person involved from his own sins and failures and gives him a self righteous to condemn others for exactly the same thing. Must subjectivity in life is arrogance. They relate everything to themselves and they become hypersensitive. They cannot listen to sermons if they think the pastor is talking about them.

David is still positive toward doctrine and he is still a believer; and he calls this guy a son of death. This is an idiom for someone who is doomed to die. David says, “I will see to it that this man is executed. Give me his name. He is doomed. He will be dead tomorrow.” He called him ben maweh, a son of death, meaning doomed to die. The king was the supreme court judge and this matter had reached the supreme court judge.

David is speaking as a judge and he is speaking objectively as a judge. He recognizes that this is more than a sin; this is a crime. What David did was not just a sin, but it was a crime. David raped Bathsheba, which is a crime and a sin. The conspiracy was murder and David murdered Uriah the Hittite. The sin of murder became the crime of murder.

We will see some great injustices in our law system coming in the next decade; we are interpreting law in terms of socialism today. Innocent people are being railroaded into jail. Jesus Christ controls history and there is a supreme court in heaven in which the Lord presides.

Herman and his deacons told Bob about what happened to a believer who was wrongly convicted by a court. The Lord Jesus Christ must personally judge this case. Whenever you receive injustice in life, you will be helpless to correct the situation. Avoid bitterness. Just allow God to deal with it. The supreme court of heaven handles the whole thing. No one gets away with anything. The elapse of time is not an issue. Those of you who live in the next decade will enjoy this principle and find comfort in it.

The immoral and unjust government of the United States is having so much trouble right now. We ought to be following the constitution, but we are trying to play God.

2Sam. 12:5 Then David's anger was greatly kindled [burned intensely] against the man, and he said to Nathan, "As the LORD lives, the man who has done this deserves to die,

2Samuel 12:6–8                                   72David                                              631_0264

Therefore, the Lord sent Nathan to David, who said, “The rich man had a great many flocks and herds and the poor man had nothing, except on little ewe lamb.

Kibsah refers to the ewe lamb. This is Bathsheba. Shalam in the Piel means to restore. Now you cannot restore what is dead. David, in this way, gives a point of law. Today, we would say, “He must make restitution for that ewe lamb.” The rich man is to make restitution 4 to 1, which was the law, which is what David is quoting here. He is setting himself up for discipline for the next 10 years of his life; and he must restore 4 to 1. He is judging himself. There is a certain sequence. If there is any property involved, before the death penalty is used, there must be restitution of 4 to 1. This is what David will pay. Each one of these 4 areas of discipline will be what we call installment discipline. These 4 installments are what David can bear.

It is easier to think when you are hungry as opposed to thinking when you are full.

We will learn about why some people cannot be consistent; and how some people are undependable; and about how children turn out; about 50 points that will come out of the next 6 chapters.

Bob outlines what this 4 to 1 would be. There would be a death (Absalom), there would be a rape (Tamar). David has decided that the person involved is guilty.

Compassion is not emotion; this means a person is aware of other people and you think of the needs and sensitivities of others. This is in contrast to self-centered and arrogant activity. It is objectivity. It is thoughtfulness and sympathy. Arrogance excludes compassion. David’s degenerate activity has been the antithesis of compassion.

Ex. 22:1 if a man steals and ox or a sheep, he will pay 4 or 5 fold. This is for oxen or for sheep. David examines the crime and the motivation. The reason for this is because he is in the presence of many people, and David wants to make this clear that crime begins in the soul and not with an overt crime. This is a Biblical description of the criminal mind. He has no pity and no thoughtfulness.

There is no such thing as a criminal who is a good lover. If you are a woman who wants to run off with a guy who is a criminal, he will leave you stranded. The criminal has no thought except for himself. He is only concerned about gratifying his own lusts. He is warning his own people. David is protecting the charming ladies of the land. Criminals have no capability for love. There is no love involved. Sometimes the criminal may make love to you and it is for self-gratification or it is to make you a part of his women.

2Sam. 12:6 and he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing [to manufacture out of something else], and because [and furthermore] he had no pity [compassion]."

What is left is for the culprit to be identified. A person needs to be objective about himself. You cannot move ahead in the plan of God unless you are objective about yourself. This is the finesse of Nathan’s great message. You can be subjective about others, but not about yourself.

David was paranoid about how people thought about him. If David is going to recover; if he is going to get outside of the interlocking systems of arrogance, then he must become objective about himself.

Most people have had the experience when Bob says something and you begin to vibrate. You must remain objective in order to benefit from the Word. When you look at Saul’s KER, the Lord dropped him about 200 points. Saul wound up with 0 points for his KER; and David had the highest KER score. He was a man after the Lord’s own heart.

Saul had one wife and David had a harem of 30–35 women; and Saul did have one mistress. We can immediately conclude that women got David into a lot of trouble with the Lord and almost ruined his life; Saul’s mistress became a famous heroin in Israel. Here is a situation where these women, in the final analysis, made no difference in David and Saul’s KER. Saul was monogamous and faithful and a sweet, loving husband, was also a complete loving flop. Does this mean that we need to go out and chase down every piece of fluff that comes along? That is certainly not the answer. The difference is always doctrine. If you do not take 2nd place to doctrine, you can be with a bore like Saul or a chaser like David, and be unhappy either way. The man may or may not stray, but doctrine is the issue. No one has the capabilities without doctrine.

Nathan’s message is brief and clear, and he will save David’s line. Were it not for Nathan, Solomon would never be on the throne. It is very difficult for one man who has a great friendship with another man to say these things.

David goes beyond the pronouncement of judgment in exodus, and requires death of this man as well. Nathan said to David, “Attah” which means you. Then the predicate nominative ish. “Attah ha ish,” which words would ring in the ears of David for a long time. Nathan speaks on behalf of the court of heaven. This is great courage for Nathan to speak to David. The message will be the 4 to 1 payment, which will be bearable discipline. The justice of God replies, which emphasizes logistical grace support. This includes another personal pronoun, anokiy, and it emphasizes logistical grace and supergrace blessing. There is no problem when God speaks from His own grace. “I have appointed or anointed you king over Israel.” God promoted David.


1.       God appointed David as king over Israel as a part of his blessings from God, from the justice of God to His Own righteousness, which David did not earn or deserve. Since the righteousness of God is inside of us, we get this blessing, not because we earn or deserve it, but through divine fiat.

2.       David grew through doctrine in the soul.

3.       This is a part of his fortiori blessing

4.       David advanced via doctrine. Without doctrine, David was nothing.

5.       David’s capacity for leadership was hurt by entering into interlocking systems of arrogance. Arrogance destroys capacity for leadership. And all other capacities.

6.       David is helpless to rule or to lead Israel.

7.       Hence David began as a coward, remaining in Jerusalem, instead of going to Rabbah. He is a coward because doctrine was neutralized by interlocking systems of arrogance.

8.       The series of sins and irresponsible actions were the result of being trapped in interlocking systems of arrogance. This is through his own volition.

9.       The doctrine was still there, but the doctrine was neglected. No doctrine was applied, so the doctrine was useless.

10.     Diminished capacity for prosperity, blessing in life and happiness resulted. David was frustrated. There was no restraint via occupation with Christ.

God points out that He has delivered David from the hand of Saul. The Qal stem means to grab someone by the hand, but the Hiphil means to rescue, to deliver. This is David’s logistical grace blessing. Both logistical and supergrace blessings have been imputed over these years. Once David enters into interlocking systems of arrogance, he is a different person. Fear of reprisal is one of the greatest restrainers in life. In the name of equality, liberals try to remove the concept of fear and respect of authority. Liberty, equality and fraternity. There is a rise in crime, lots of violence, and there is destruction in a nation.

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance and David’s Abuse of Grace

1.       Interlocking systems of arrogance, which is degeneration, attack the believer and unbeliever, the rich and the poor, the famous and the infamous.

2.       Interlocking systems of arrogance removed dcortrinal restraint or Establishment restraint from the souls of mankind.

3.       David has been delivered from the evil tyranny of King Saul, which was his wall of fire. However, this same grace did not keep David from hurting Uriah.

4.       God promoted David and David demoted Uriah. Supergrace privilege does not mean that one treats others in grace.

5.       We are to treat others in grace, but interlocking systems of arrogance keeps us from doing so.

6.       Interlocking systems of arrogance neutralizes the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life and the application of doctrine, and causes a malfunction in GAP and in the faith rest drill.

When the mature believer neglects doctrine, he becomes vulnerable to the 12 or 13 entrances. Persistence. Neglect of doctrine is our destruction.

2Sam. 12:7 Nathan said to David, "You are the man! Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul.

I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives and the house of Israel and Judah. God gave and gave these things from His justice to the righteousness of God. This is what David has forgotten and this is what arrogance always forgets. The justice of God is the point of reference for all believers. The false views always lead to distortion. Some take the sovereignty of God is the point of reference, which are the hyper-Calvinists; and others take the love of God as being their point of reference, which types are holy rollers.

The Hebrew here is adown, which is your Lord. David has all of the material things which belonged to Saul. His castle, his cattle, all of the things which Saul once possessed. His arrogance resulted in a lack of enjoyment of his material possessions. He was jealous, petty, vindictive, and implacable. The royal treasures all belonged to David. Saul did not succeed; he wanted to kill David and this did not succeed; but David did succeed in killing Uriah, which meant it was time for Uriah to die.

Pettiness or jealousy destroys the greatest successes in life. No one can enjoy any of their possessions without the capacity.

Your master’s wives into your bosom. There is a feminine noun in an irregular form, called nashiym, which is an irregular form of ishshah. This is a feminine noun which has an ending which is masculine. When someone was deposed, the new king had the wives and the servants of the previous king. 1Sam. 14:15 there was only 1 wife and only 1 mistress. There will be some explanation for this. Saul had a great general who eventually raped her. She did have some sons, and then she had an experience with David in which her sons would be killed; and she survived all of this with honor. There is no horrible thing in this life which you cannot survive.

She is Arizpa, and this is considered to be a beautiful name in the Jewish language which has never come into the English language. Saul had one mistress seduced by Abner; we have to start in 2Sam. 3:6–8, which we have never studied before.

Abner was making himself strong and he was the strong man in the civil war. David and Judah fought against Saul and the 10 tribes. He was the chief of staff of Saul’s army.

Abner was a heel of the worst kind. He would not kill Ishbosheth. Joab later follows him and kills him. When David took over, he brings Rizpah into his harem, and he would take care of her, but not touch her.

2Sam. 3:6 While there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul.

Ishbosheth questions Abner.

2Sam. 3:7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. And Ish-bosheth said to Abner, "Why have you gone in to [raped] my father's concubine?"

A dog’s head is someone who seems to like you and flatters you, but he bites you as soon as you have a chance. It is a proverb referring to a lack of honor. The dog biting the hand that feeds him. I did not give you over to David, and yet you reprimand me for this?

Rizpah means hot coal and we might call her today hot number. 27 years later, 970 b.c. and David too Bathsheba. God told David that there was a famine in the land because of Saul’s treatment of Saul’s sons, which was compatible with Num. 27:33 so there were 7 so-called sons of Saul and they were crucified and they were to remain on the crosses all summer until October. Rizpah stood there and watched over these sons, and she allowed no animal to come near them. She only had the sackcloth which covered her body and she was now a woman of great honor and integrity. There were 5 sons of Michelle there and

3 Phases of Rizpah’s Life

1.       The point at which she had sons by Saul.

2.       Her humiliation when she was raped by Abner.

3.       The degradation stage when these sons were hanging on the cross and the animals of the field she kept from feeding on the corpses. David gave an honorable burial to all of Saul’s sons.

2Sam. 3:8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, "Am I a dog's head of Judah? To this day I keep showing steadfast love to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends, and have not given you into the hand of David. And yet you charge me today with a fault concerning a woman.

She kept the wild animals away from the ones she loved.

Bastards are immediately behind the 8 ball because they are born to fathers who have absolutely no responsibility.

Humility is the most fantastic base for loving; and you think of others than about yourself. You are not prepared for the disasters to come if you lack humility. You live in a marvelous time, but we live in the time of complainers. There is no disaster of life which can destroy a soul of doctrine.

This is what it means for this passage to say, “I gave you the wives of Saul.” She maintained her honor and integrity. She became an example of great honor and integrity.

2Sam. 21:9–13 ... and he gave them into the hands of the Gibeonites, and they hanged them on the mountain before the LORD, and the seven of them perished together. They were put to death in the first days of harvest, at the beginning of barley harvest. Then Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth and spread it for herself on the rock, from the beginning of harvest until rain fell upon them from the heavens. And she did not allow the birds of the air to come upon them by day, or the beasts of the field by night. When David was told what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, the concubine of Saul, had done, David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan from the men of Jabesh-gilead, who had stolen them from the public square of Beth-shan, where the Philistines had hanged them, on the day the Philistines killed Saul on Gilboa. And he brought up from there the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan; and they gathered the bones of those who were hanged.

2Samuel 12:8b                                     72David                                              631_0265

There are many functions of memory and separation from loved ones, love is perpetuated from memory. Memory becomes an important part of capacity for love. Physical attraction is incidental to the mental and the spiritual. Capacity for love and capacity for life are related to one’s memory. This is a communion service.

Return from the River Kwi is a book Bob is reading; there was another called The Bridge over the River Kwi, and a movie was made from that. One actor got a piece of the action from that movie and it made him a multi-millionaire. The successfulness of blowing up the bridge was imaginary; and those who built the bridge in reality were done so under horrible conditions where there were many who died. A popular tourist attraction in Thailand and nearby is a cemetery with about 2000 graves of those who died.

The railway of death, one of the least known situations in the war. The Japanese had 61,000 POW’s and they built a railway through Thailand and Burma and the guards were sadistic in the way that they treated them. Over 1/5th of the white men were destroyed.

There was a Brigadier of Australia and he commanded 10,000 POW’s. He fearlessly stood up to Japanese commanders at every turn and got breaks and decent treatment for his men. When the railway was finished, he was separated from his son, and sent to Japan to command the entire thing there. He lived completely in terms of principle and would not back down. He had the essence of leadership in his soul. He could get Korean and Japanese officers to back down.

We have been studying Rizpah, and we studied her this morning. She had 2 sons by King Saul and 5 grandsons; and all were crucified at the request of the Gibeonites. These 7 were tied to crosses and they were in the wilderness for 5 months and she chased off the buzzards and the jackals.

They had many talents, but they lacked integrity. If the Sauline line continued, there would have been revolution from now and again. There are always malcontents. The family of Saul would have been the standard around which malcontents would have gathered. It was God’s purpose to maintain the Davidic line.

Then the trouble is on when there is arrogance and revolution and malcontents. A flashy personality comes through and makes friends and takes away key players. This is a big problem in life. This is what would have happened had David let these men live. Furthermore, there must be restitution for the ewe land of 4 fold. And Nathan said, “You are the man.”

Rizpah was one of those under David’s responsibility; he was to take care of those who were under the employee of King Saul. David showed some irresponsibility with fulfilling this custom, just as he did with Bathsheba and Uriah.

The concept of Rizpah and true beauty. This is how she survived rape and violence. She would not allow the buzzards or jackals


1.       In youth, Rizpah was a raving beautify.

2.       Like most young women of great young beauty, she succumbed to the glamour of the palace. It was truly a beautiful place. Bob has seen pics of the archelogical digs. Good times, parties and great social life. Men of great againment and genius and administrative success. She was so great and successful in beauty and character and femininity that she became the mistress of the king.

3.       Others had achieved fame through beauty, but she did believe in the Lord and learned some doctrine.

4.       The emphasis in life eventually changed. First the social sexual life ; the harem of Saul was quite unusual; one woman.

5.       As she begn to learn doctrine, her life began to change; her inner beauty began to surpass her external beauty. Question was asked, how did she live for 5 months while she kept the animals away? Where would you go to spend a few days if you knew a raving beauty was saving these bodies. Apparently she never lacked for food and apparently there were people who took her food and presents.

6.       She made some strides in her spiritual life. Abner may or may not have noticed her beauty when he raped her.

7.       Rizpah was faithful to King Saul. She was a victim of Abner’s rape. She had small sons whom she reared; sons whom she saw die in the crucifixion.

8.       Her character is beginning to show.

9.       She guarded the bodies of her 2 sons; the bodies were rotting and only the bones remained on the wood there. She continued to guard even the bones. She did this not our of morbidity or out of arrogance, but out of the true beauty which was in her soul. She demonstrated that, as long as Saul lived, she was faithful to King Saul. She continued this after his death. There was no man alive who was as real to her as Saul, who was now in heaven.

10.     She did this totally apart from bitterness and complaining. She was not an arrogance whining bitch. A woman who will not take 2nd place to her husband’s business is a whining, mewing bitch. She did this without any complaining. A lot of women have complained about a lot less. She was beautiful and she did this without self pity. She reminds Bob of the Duchess of Marlboro. During the days of Queen Anne, the Duchess of Marlboro ran things. She had many who pursued her for marriage and many tried to seduce her. But she had the duke in her soul. Rizpah never married. After that, she was always faithful to Saul and outlived im by many years. This did not bother her at all. Some women have tremendous capacity for love; and this does not change their faithfulness to that man. The memory of that man keeps her faithful for many decades. This is the kind of women that Rizpah was in her true beauty.

11.     Rizpah is an illustration of all women who discover that their souls are more important than their bodies. If gung ho makes you uneasy, you need to be in a large outfit. She is a woman of true beauty. The line of Saul had to depart from history. If its men had been perpetuated, the nation would not have survived. Of all of the people in the castle of Saul, the wife, 2 daughters, none of them came close to the greatness of Rizpah. It was the mistress of the king who brought honor to her house. She was not only beautiful of body, attractive of faith, but she had a magnificent face as well. Her soul was filled with doctrine.

When the civil war was over, David had control over both halves of the kingdom. God promoted him in a position which could not be stabilized apart from the grace of God. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. God promoted David and David had the doctrine of soul and the flexibility of life to function as the king. David sought revenge on those who opposed him in the civil war. Those 7 men who were crucified would have caused great trouble in Israel. There would have been coteries of trouble. The authority and the power of David and the imputation of the justice of God to the righteousness of God. As David went from supergrace A to supergrace B, his capacity for power and leadership increased and there was a constant flow of tremendous supergrace blessings. When people become successful, they often become distracted by their success. God may permit them to keep these parts of success, despite their spiritual status.

Yasaph, and it means to be caused, to be motivated to do more. In all of the personnel functions, only Rizpah brought honor. God had to eliminate the male line of Saul. This line would have established the permanent coterie of revolution. God did not want any rallying of malcontents; this would have been a permanent civil war.

God adds supergrace blessings on the basis of the increase of capacity. Perception of doctrine must be part of the believer’s every day life. This is why people have possessions and are miserable or are neglected and miserable. It is the capacity of your soul which makes the difference. You can perpetuated self-pity into arrogance.

What causes you to grow spiritually causes you to gain capacity. If you assume that you have arrived, then you become vulnerable. Neglect of doctrine is the most destructive thing which can happen to a believer.

Landry bemoans the direction of our country. There is the atmosphere of getting something for nothing. When anything is free, someone pays for it. There is a price must be paid for it; including free love. Then he pointed out that Christ paid for our sins on the cross. Our rights are given by God and yet, an atheist gets prayer removed from the schools. Only Jesus Christ can change the hearts of men.

Of Saul’s entire palace, only Rizpah seems to have gone all the way to the end.

Bob had dinner at Harold Hayes, who was a Cowboy.

Landry: It has become fashionable for the government to guarantee us everything. Young people are not just interested in, what are our benefits? We must reestablish that competitive spirit. A successful lawyer goes out and wins law cases; a successful executive makes money; a successful doctor cures and saves lives. A competitive spirit builds character and only Christ can build character more quickly that the sports arena. The only character that counts is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. If the rules are broken in football, yu are taken out of the game or penalized. In life, too often if you don’t like the laws, you just break them. Before you can understand freedom, you must learn duty and respect.

Rizpah had doctrine and the flexibility and everything that it took to survive every kind of disaster. She was raped by Abner; and for 5 months she stayed outside and kept the wild animals from the bodies of her sons. Truly magnificent woman. Her inner beauty.

The indictment of the supreme court of heaven next time.

2Sam. 12:8 And I gave you your lord’s house and your master's wives into your arms and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if this were too little, I would add to you as much more.

2Samuel 12:9                                       72David                                              631_0266

An indictment from the supreme court of heaven; and we will digress into one of the principles of application.

Madua means for what reason. Qal perfect of bazah, which means To despise, to regard with contempt. This is not negative volition toward doctrine, this is simply a person so preoccupied with self that they neglect doctrine. He cannot apply doctrine; he cannot use doctrine. He is locked in with self-pity. He just can’t take it in, even though he might go to Bible class. You can be sitting there thinking about how horrible your life is. David was a mature believer; he was in ultra super grace. Maximum achievement in supergrace does not shield a person from interlocking systems of arrogance.

One of these days, we’ll review this doctrine.

Preoccupation with self or self-centeredness regards as worthless everything except your problem. This also causes malfunction in the 3 stages of the faith rest drill. This is why some fail in the rebound technique. This is an extension of faith rest.

It never occurs to most people that God could care less about what you think and how you feel or what you promise Him. You sometimes feel better if you tell God some nice thing; or strap it on God. Some people are really impressed by the promises which they make to God.

If there is anything a smart congregation does not want to hear, it is the sins of other people. This is just a system of false humiliation and effacement. The Oxford movement, Buckmanism, is wrong. God does not forgive on the basis of human promises. The only thing which Bob got from counseling is 5 good illustrations and 10 bad ones.

If you just have to promise God that you will do better, there are other churches to go to. Once you have discovered that you merely cite the sin to God, as our sins have already been judged. Faith reaches out to seize this truth. In sitting around Berachah and be confused about the most basic aspect of the Christian life.

This doesn’t encourage people to sin. Young people don’t normally require encouragement to sin. Bob didn’t. However, youthful sins are not as bad as adult sins; and adults add a lot of evil to their sins.

Self-centeredness is the arrogance complex and its function. You may promise God that you will not do that sin again. You might stay from it with the power of arrogance, and you fall into some form of evil instead.

Anytime you add anything to rebound, you are helping God. We are forgiven because these sins were imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross, and not because we make great promises about what we aren’t going to do.

Evil and the Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       The combination of sins which result in being compromise by interlocking systems of arrogance becomes evil. Any time you perform human good as a liberal, and add this to interlocking systems of arrogance, and this equals evil. Evil always adds arrogance to sin or to human good. 3 things comes form the old sin nature, sin or human good.

2.       Evil now has a new dimension and that dimension is arrogance. Add arrogance, stir thoroughly and you have evil. Evil is any combination of sins and human good which are entangled with the interlocking systems of arrogance. Adultery and murder are sins; and murder is also a crime. The combo is nothing until it is added to arrogance and then it becomes evil. The standards of the arrogance complex no longer give place to doctrine and its perception.

We need to love at evil and some of the concepts of evil. Evil was not judged at the cross; only sin was. Doctrine related to imputed righteousness. Love does not think evil. That always bothered Bob; what does that mean? The man says to the woman, “I love you” and if he means, “You can do a lot of things for me” is evil. This means the man is thinking about himself. It is all about what she can do for him. The person is preoccupied with himself. He is incapable of love. A lot of young people are totally preoccupied with themselves; narcissist complex. This preoccupation is the principle of thinking evil. They are thinking, what can this doll do for me. Evil must be regarded, whether sin or hug, as arrogance. Any time that you add anything to sin or human good by way of arrogance, it is evil. The old sin nature produces sin and human good. Area of weakness produces sin and the area of strength produces human good.

1Tim. 6:10: the love of money is the root of all evils. 3John 11 do no be imitators of the evil but be imitators of the good. Because of the arrogance of evil men. Eccles. 8:2–5 do not join in that evil manner, which is a reference to revolution. “I have a solution; give me the power.” Rousseau was a totally arrogant person. Revolution is arrogance. Why do people despise the shah? They were arrogant and jealous. Since the word of the king is authoritative, who will say to him, where are you going. His private life is his own business. Humble people take pride in their work. Anti-establishment is one arrogant person bringin other arrogant people into interlocking systems of arrogance. A wise right lobe knows the proper time and the procedure. Those who have true humility always stand by... The whole principle of kismet is arrogance. The human race is arrogant and they tend toward psychosis. The more you are divorced from reality, the father you are from truth. Evil represents the genius of Satan.

We have been the leaders of the world in atomic energy, and yet we are kept from it from arrogant people. “I have to protect you from yourself.” Satan said, “I will be God.” Every liberal is arrogant and he says, “I am God and here is what is best for you.”

Evil includes all the Christian functions outside the local church. Human good is considered to be divine good. If a person in arrogance says this is it and what it should be.

Psalm 21:11 they stretched out evil against you and carried out a conspiracy against you, which they are not able to carry out. In any social organization; in any business or proressional organization, there is always someone who wants more power and from the coterie comes the conspiracy. The evil desire; the plunder of evil men. Counselors or prosperty and establishment have happiness in the right lobes. No evil happens to the mature, but the evil are filled with trouble. “You intended evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result to preserve many people alive.” Psalm 67 better a little of the righteous than much of the evil. The Lord knows the days of the mature believer. They will not be ashamed in the time of evil. The believer who is free from arrogance is flexible. The person who is arrogance is inflexible and will be destroyed. Psalm 121:7 the Lord will protect you from evil; He will guard your soul. Arrogant people find happiness in distortion. Prov. 5:13–14 I did not pay attention to the teaching of my instructors because I was in all kinds of evil. Arrogance always rejects doctrine. The wicked earns deceptive wages. Grace and doctrine goes; in terms of those who think good. Interlocking systems of arrogance is the key to David’s aberations.

What God held against David is the murder of Uriah the Hittite. Uriah the Hittite was important to God because he was a mature believer. This is why David had 10 years of installment discipline in order to get all of the arrogance out of David. He had 1 year of unbearable suffering. He will have 10 years of 4 to 1 discipline. He will have an arrogance hangover. When he gets out of interlocking systems of arrogance, he moves into the humility column. He will have an isolated sin of arrogance from time to time from David.

“You back there; are you having trouble? You with the glasses. Is there something wrong with your neck?” Sooner or later you will have to recognize if you are in or out. Once you get out, you are not necessarily back in. You also face the problem of isolated areas of pride in your life.

If you commit murder inside the interlocking systems of arrogance, you have a problem. If there is a crime of passion, this is one thing. But with interlocking systems of arrogance, there is more going on. There might be premeditation. David has destroyed one of his best soldiers, all because he was preoccupied with himself. This gets to be a crime spree.

Nathan says that David took Uriah’s wife as his wife. Loss of integrity removes all restraint and out comes a spiritual Dr. Jekyll who becomes an unrestrained Mr. Hyde. It is possible to commit an isolated sin of arrogance and have honor and integrity. But, it is not possible to get into interlocking systems of arrogance and be honorable and have integrity. There is some guy who was a great honorable employee and he could be trusted. However, all of sudden he gets way out of line. Interlocking systems of arrogance. Or your wife. Or a woman who is suddenly hit by her husband. He changed. People change. They don’t have to, but they do. They may not appear on the surface to have changed. However, once you hook up with interlocking systems of arrogance, you might be Dr. Jekyll in business houses, but you become the wolf man stalking from bar to bar. Horror-fiction has an element of truth; and it is never as bad as the person who gets involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. So you say, “Who can you trust?” That’s simple; get out the hymnals and sing, “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

The 2nd son by Bathsheba will be named Nathan after this great prophet. Then Adonijah got Joab and a couple of others and they started a revolution. Then Bathsheba came in, and said, “You promised me that Solomon would be the next king” and David agreed and said, call in Nathan and Nathan swore in Solomon. Nathan is one of the greatest heros.

Uriah was killed and Bathsheba was stolen. Criminals do not necessarily stick to one crime. They only specialize when they are ignorant.

Haag means to kill an animal sacrifice. Uriah was a strong man, but there was no way he could have withstood what he faced in battle. David can’t say, “I didn’t kill him; the Ammonites did;” but Nathan is way ahead of him.

David betrayed his own honor code, and he used the enemies of Israel as his own personal assassins.

2Sam. 12:9 Why have you despised the word of the LORD, to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.

2Samuel 12:10                                     72David                                              631_0267

The UN voted to censure Russia on their invasion of Afghanistan, with all but 4 points, which goes to show that what the UN thinks is absolutely meaningless. There was a time when we did what we believed to be right, and it did not matter to us what other nations thought. For this reason, we will suffer a great deal in the next decade.

Believers are disciplined for arrogance.

“I have given to you the house of Israel and the House of Judah, and had this been too little, I would have given even more to you...you have murder Uriah the Hittite by means of the sword...of the sons of Ammon.”

the is no way to have capacity for life without true humility. Soon to be a study of love.

The hippy is anti-authority and he lets his hair grow down to his shoulder which is his glutius maximum. Better to lock the doors and starve a few of them.

David has a track record as a failure; then he has news that there is a son who will be great. He straightened out his love life and then he straightened out his parenthood. Today, he would be paying to get his kids out of jail and lots of money in order to keep things quiet. We will have such a large corwd for this stuff, that Bob may have to have a matinee Bible class.

The sword refers to any form of violence and any sort of unwarranted killing. With this, we have the phrase until forever. Once a person abuses his power and his authority, including criminal conspiracy and violence, and becomes guilty of criminal arrogance, then you are punished by violence. Conspiracy violence means you are haunted by conspiracy violence.

Conspiracy, murder and revolution would seep into David’s family. When you link arrogance with violence, you will pay the piper. Preview of coming attractions and Bob warns us not to try to figure this out for ourselves.

David will have a great, great grandson and he would kill Isaiah. In the genes, the weakness is there. Once established as a trend by David, criminal arrogance with occur again and again in David’s line. There were 3 men in David’s line who avoided this thing with their own volition. Jehoshaphat, Josiah and Hezekiah.

Unless you know your family tree, you may not realize that there are things in your family tree which could come out. However, the key is Bible doctrine.

2 ways to avoid criminal violence. Psychology class where ancestral tendancies were studied and 2 families were traced. They found right down to Bob’s generation, they were still producing a major proportion of the country’s criminals. The tendency is there and it must be offset by volition.

Divine establishment rationale, which is the principle of recognizing legitimate establishment authority and being oriented to it. The believer should adhere to the Royal Family Honor Code.

Damocles lived in Syracuse in 400 b.c. He wanted to sit in the seat of honor for his arrogant plans. Above him, suspended by a hair, was a sword. The sword of Damocles is for those who want to be successful, that with that, comes greater pressures and greater responsibility. The sword of David is suspended over the house of David. Joseph himself through doctrine is a very honorable man. He would not put Mary away because he was a very honorable man.

Power demands honor, integrity and a sense of responsibility to use it right. The greater the power, the greater the humility you must possess. No matter what leadership you possess, to have power and authority without humility is a disaster. Arrogance destroys leadership function.

This sword was suspended over the head of every son of David on the throne.

Suppose that there was a sword over your head representing the trends of our forebearers and how the genes have combined to develop weaknesses.

The Bible itself has pronounced curses upon races and families and groups and individuals, and this has disappears from our thinking today. But there are those in our family tree with this or that weakness, and that these weaknesses can come out at any time. We can offset our genetical structure of weakness by which a curse hangs over all of us. The curse of the sin nature hangs over us and the old sin nature has trends. We do not have the same weaknesses or the same genetical predispositions. We may or may not discover it and we may not be aware of it. However, we need the solution to it, and the solution is the Royal Family Honor Code.

There are some in David’s line who are the worst SOB’s in history because they had the very most negative predilections of David, unrestrained by doctrine.

You cannot regard someone with contempt and love them. Love is defined in terms of antithesis. To regard them with contempt is to hate them and to despise them.

To despise means to think of someone as worthless. Love is thinking. You cannot begin to love unless you can think. Love requires thought, and in that sense,...

Love is not the physical attraction between 2 people. Love is thought; love is respect; love is occupation with someone else. God is saying, “David, you do not love Me.” And at this point in David’s life, he does not love the Lord. The key is the mentality of the soul.

Anytime that you start getting involved in drugs, you are destroying your capacity to love. Marijuana, cocain, speed, acid or any of these things destroy the circuits in your mind; and you are left with no capacity to love.

Bob suggests that we execute a few pushers in high school, and that would make an impression. There was a kid who grew up with Bobby, and he took drugs and the parents brought him to church, but his circuits had been wiped out by drugs. There must be some kids in Berachah who are too stupid to know and get involved in drugs. Kids in elementary school and junior high have no chance at all. This is another good reason to have missionaries to high school kids. Some need to be awakened to the dangers of drugs.

This is one of the reasons for the new math because some kids could not add and subtracts and multiply. Their brains could not handle it. Kids have had a nervous breakdown trying to memorize their basic tables. Even the jocks liked to subtract fractions in Bob’s days. However, there are too many kids who brains won’t print information. Their circuits and neurons will not print. Then they turn around and want a miracle. “Give me back my neurons.” The most precious thing that you have in human life is the neurons of your soul. Without capacity, life is gone.

David is a mature believer and he is being told that “you despise the Lord.” And the simple answer, “He is in reversionism” is wrong. He is in degeneracy. It is as an important distinction as between the church and Israel. Without this distinction, there is no way that you can understand yourself. How can a mature believer with maximum doctrine resident in the soul come to despise the Lord? Or how can a woman madly in love with a man, suddenly come to despise him? Or the man the woman? How can people genuinely in love come to despise one another. It is interlocking systems of arrogance. Walk into the complex and you lose your capacity for love. Develop arrogance and you have no capacity for love. Arrogance can develop in a rather short time what reversionism takes a year or more to do. Arrogance is the greatest enemy of the human race. You can be a Doeg the Edomite or you can be a David. Both are believers; one is negative toward doctrine and one is positive. One is in the 8th and final stage of reversionism and the other can be in interlocking systems of arrogance. Either one can be wiped out with arrogance. God resists the arrogant and gives grace to the humble.

Satan is the greatest looking creature to come from the hand of God and he has a phenomenal personality and was wiped out by a thought.

“I will be God” said, FDR and give everyone food, etc. the crusader plays God. Everyone plays god. There is a tendency in all of us. Bob had a better advantage here because he had a sister who was god, and he had to be the peasant. His sister was always straightening everything out. Bob was told he could not hit her; and she was a genius and knew how to play the game. He hated her arrogance. We can all learn wonderful things from awful arrogant people. We all must learn to avoid the game of playing God. We are creatures and therefore, we are dependent upon God. We do not take His place. Once you have authority in a business or a company or an organization. A football coach has a right to demand good standards.

A paratrooper could wear a beret instead of all the other stuff the army designs. A infantryman uses his helmet liner for everything. The Cowboys may not like it, and they still look good and respectable.

We may have all studied drama. Study Ibsen and you learn trends in women.

Dais ex machina; when a writer is confused, he just kills off a character. Don’t know how to make everything come out right, so they are killed off in order to work out his plot. This is a great concept of drama and one of arrogance of well. To play God and tell others how they should live their lives. Pouting of a wife. Silence is not golden; it is more like an artillery barrage. “What’s wrong, dear? Have I offended you?” She is just playing god and you are not doing what you are supposed to. Playing god is one thing creatures were not designed to do. This is the arrogance problem. He had all of this power and all of this authority; and he reduced everything to an administrative routine. Then he got into his favorite pastime, watching the girls.

You have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife. Adultery is emphasized by most, but the key here is, arrogance. Arrogance + any sin is evil. Any sin + arrogance = evil. Evil is the complexity. This is why arrogance is degeneracy. There can be positive volition toward truth. Interlocking systems of arrogance in David’s case which have manufactured the evil. The sword will never depart from your house because you have despised me.

Arrogance turn love into being despised. The execution of Adonijah and his nephew Joab are contemporary illustrations to him of the sword of Damocles dangling over them. Many times, the sword would drop. Now and again, this sword would drop and kill someone in the line of David. This sword hangs by a very small thread.

David became a criminal. While he recovered from his criminal arrogance, the genes were set and many in his family would follow this trend. 2Chron. 22:9 Jehoshaphat sought the Lord with all his heard. 29:2 Hezekiah was free of David’s character flaw. Josiah as well. So there are those who avoided it, which makes it very simple for us.

Ignorance is bliss. The sword of David reached out to Bathsheba’s grandfather, and he led the revolution against David. This man was a genius in diplomacy, but it did not prevent him from taking his own life.

2Sam. 12:10 Now therefore the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.'

Revolution and rape prophesied in the next verse. There will be weakness. It is not everyday that someone puts up a harem tent on top of the castle and then takes in the entire harem of the king and rapes every single one of them. God the Holy Spirit was the writer of Scripture and the human writer.

2Samuel 12:11                                     72David                                              631_0268

And Nathan said to David, “You are the man. ‘I gave to you’re the material possessions of King Saul and the wives of King Saul into your responsibility. Therefore, the sword will never depart from your house because you have despised me.’”

Some of you probably recognize that Bathsheba is David’s RW. Bob enjoys prayer meeting because someone often asks Bob a meaningful question. The question he thought was excellent was...personality change is a part of arrogance and interlocking systems of arrogance, once you are inside, and is immediate, although those you know casually may not recognize it. When you leave interlocking systems of arrogance, you also have another personality change, back to normal. You go back to being Dr. Jekyll. Rapid personality changes definitely has an effect.

This is an obscure passage and it is filled with euphemisms and it does not offend anyone; however, this is a verse of extreme violence and weird and wild things. However, it loses its zing in the thee’s and the thou’s. For some of you who are hypersensitive and think the pulpit is reserved for holy languages, this night may not be your best night.

Koh amar adonai “Thus says the Lord,...” When Nathan speaks these words, David now gets a glimpse of the next 10 years of his life. Before we are through, we will have a great deal to think about with regards to discipline on the installment plan.

The interjection with a 1st person singular suffix. With this interjection of violence is the Hiphil participle of qum. Each sem has a different meaning. The verb is qum, and the Hiphil stem means to cause to exists, to cause to rise up. God will permit a great revolution in David’s reign. The sins + arrogance = evil. God will raise up a revolution as one of the installments of divine discipline for David’s disobedient. This rising up of evil will be revolution; this will include the murder of Amnon, the murder of Adonijah and Joab; once the sin is confessed or rebound has occurred, the discipline is diminished or removed entirely. Rebound is one of the 3 stages of the faith rest drill. Faith reaches out and claimed the promise of 1John 1:9. This applies to a believer only. Once you claim the promise, you clear the decks for action. Faith takes the doctrine and applies it to the situation. The rationale says that sin was imputed to Christ on the cross. Faith reaches out and comes to a doctrinal conclusion. On the cross, that sin or sins is judged.

Once rebound has occurred under the faith rest drill, whatever cursing is left is turned into suffering for blessing or for growth. It will be diminished or wiped out. Once you rebound and are back in fellowship, your suffering has to be in line with your spiritual growth. God makes you suffering commensurate with your spiritual growth. You can rebound a sin in interlocking systems of arrogance and still be in the interlocking system. Rebound merely puts you at your gate so you can go out. You might hae enough sense to rebound, and then you are freaked out by some sort of psychosis; and you have to get outside the interlocking systems of arrogance. Rebound puts you at the exit gate, but you can turn around and go right back in. Once the sin is confessed, under the 3 stages of the faith rest drill, the discipline is diminished or removed entirely. There is one exception; a combination of sins resulting in interlocking systems of arrogance called evil. Such evil from the arrogance complex. Once the believer has rebounded and delivered from the sin unto death, the divine discipline is then delivered in installments. David stayed in one year and suppose you spend an entire year in interlocking systems of arrogance, you could spend the next decade in installments of discipline. We are just getting the first notice of the principle; not any of the details. Each time an installment comes, spaced out, and each installment is testing with cursing turned to blessing. The simplicity of it is found in 2Sam. 13:13–19.

There is no man in the world who can run a sizable harem like this, unless he is cruel. And that ought not to be a part of a harem.

Here, the wives of David will be taken publically, even though he took Bathsheba privately. In the Absalom revolution, Absalom will ravish all of David’s wives in public.

Once Absalom rapes David’s harem, this indicates that he is now in authority. Also, this is to make certain that Absalom does not back down. Once he rapes any person in David’s harem, then is in control over David’s kingdom.

2Sam. 16:20–23: Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give your counsel. What shall we do?" Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Go in to your father's concubines [have sex with your father’s mistresses], whom he has left to keep the house, and all Israel will hear that you have made yourself a stench to your father, and the hands of all who are with you will be strengthened." So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof. And Absalom went in to his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel. Now in those days the counsel that Ahithophel gave was as if one consulted the word of God; so was all the counsel of Ahithophel esteemed, both by David and by Absalom.

The Absalom Revolt and Ahithophel

1.       Copulation with David’s harem is an indication Absalom wears the crown. However, here, Ahithophel is giving this advice to get back for his daughter Bathsheba. He has an ax to grind. He is mad at David. Ahithophel knew a lot and gave good advice, but not this. He is not objective. In the past, Ahithophel was objective and a person is objective because they have humility. The government requires that you hire a stupid imbecile. It was not Bob’s job to judge this guy, who was the illustration for being stupid. Psychiatrists are pitiful because they counsel. Most of them are subjective, which is why they became psychiatrists. They have added subjectivity to subjectivity. Absalom is the titular head of the revolution but Ahithophel is the revolution.

2.       Such action like this was a manifestation of a coup d'état.

3.       The sincerity of the Absalom revolution was confirmed by Absalom copulating with David’s harem.

4.       Ahithophel gave Jacobin advice. This meant there would be no quarter, which is why Absalom had to die.

5.       Assumption of royal authority by revolution to the dethronement of his father are portrayed by the raping of innocent victims. There were no gallant people stepping forward to save these women. Revolutionists are all arrogant. There is no gallantry at all.

6.       His advice was evil. It involved arrogance and sin. The revolutionary advice of power politics. Prior to interlocking systems of arrogance, Ahithophel’s advice was golden.

7.       Revolution is the total evil of power politics. It destroys private property. All of these revolutionists were evil.

The roof where this begins is the roof where it all ends. David stood on a roof and he observed Bathsheba; and later, a tent was put up and Absalom fornicated with David’s wives. Now Absalom had power over these women as the new king. He asserted his authority immediately over the harem and is now recognized as the king. David exercised authority by their own consent. Absalom has power and authority over them without consent. Without consent is a good description of revolution.

In sight of this sun simply refers to broad daylight. Since David had fled, the humiliation of his harem by Absalom indicates the dethronement of David. There was not always a crown in those days. It was easier to rape the members of the harem.

2Sam. 12:11 Thus says the LORD, 'Behold, I will raise up evil against you out of your own house. And I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor [loved one], and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun [broad daylight].

Revolution is the use of force and violence to overthrow establishment by means of violence. It is a form of conspiracy. It is a group of persons who are arrogant in their nature. The carefully devised and secret plan is called a plot. The means of carrying out the plot is called intrigue. The laws of divine establishment are designed to protect each one of us, our freedom, privacy and property. Revolution seeks to overthrow by violence this protection. Conspiracy always involves arrogance. This is political arrogance. Psalm 64 or 65; they shoot at him without fear of reprisal of the law. They conspire to lay snares secretly. They rationalize; who can see them. A rebellious man seeks only evil . Evil is the plan and policy of Satan in this world. Vindictiveness is arrogance; implacability is arrogance. They are total subjectivity.

Welfare can be a part of revolution. It can mean visionaries or hard core revolutionists. The revolutionary is always an opportunist, whether a clergyman or a materialist. One of the first revolutions against Moses, in Num. 16, had a few men in interlocking systems of arrogance opposing Moses. These leaders were destroyed by God. God killed 14,000 of them. Jude also comments on them.

1775–1883 was a war for independence and for freedom; Britain was handing the baton to the United States as a client nation. This was not an attempt to overthrow, nullify or destroy another government. Other portions of the British kingdom were taxed and they were represented as well. The United States also demanded representation and they were refused. They continued to be taxed heavily, so they went to war, and they became a free client nation. The 13 colonies were being taxed but not represented.

The Magna Carta should be applied to those in the United States just as it was in Europe.

Isaiah speaks about revolution himself. The ox knows his owner; he is not in a state of revolution. A jackass may be stupid, but after working, he knows where to get his food. “But Israel does not know Me because My people lack doctrine.”

People assume that they are better than they really are.

People have a right to a living wage. Our forebearers have a problem with strong unions and they established the principles of open shop. Labor unions are revolutionary organizations. It is arrogance for them to think that it is up to them to determine their own wages. A sea (seed?) of evil workers. Citizens who act corruptly. They have abandoned the Lord; they have despised the Holy One of Israel.

Isa. 59:18 speaking oppression and talking about revolution. Jer. 5:23 they have turned away from doctrine and departed from establishment. The historical trend of revolution can be described. There are two ways to become a revolutionaries. The first way is degeneracy (interlocking systems of arrogance) and the second way is reversionism, where you reject truth in 3 forms. Rejecting the laws of divine establishment, rejecting the gospel and rejecting Bible doctrine. Arrogance + strong delusion = revolution.

Revolutionists cannot separate authority from the person who has that authority. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were both evil to the core. The Bourbons and old King Louis were not adept at handling government. If you put a brain in Nicky, he would have run sideways like an ant. They got rid of the person, executing him in a brutal way and destroyed all authority in Russia. They have tyranny now worse than ever.

These people only understand violence and nothing but violence.

Bob and an incident on the street; it was past the “copulate you” stage.

The basic heritage of this country is not western European or anything else; it is Anglo-saxon heritage; it demand no force or violence to solve problems. The first violation of this was the war between the states. Lincoln violated this principle. He used violence to try to gain a point for so-called welfare state.

God has not changed the authority and establishment principles of the local church. In the field of legalism, the pharisees in the time of Christ. The Judaizers were revolutionists. Government interference. Social revolution is a change in style from establishment. The 20th century does not fear sex, but they fear death; the Victorian age was just the opposite.

David rebelled against God as the darling of Jehovah. Someone he loves very dearly will do this to him.

Absalom’s public rape of David’s wives and mistresses; he takes what does not belong to him. This rape results in an irreparable breach between father and son. This was a demonstration of Absalom’s arrogance. He was bitter and arrogant about his father’s half-forgiveness. This destroyed any possibility of any true leadership from this household.

Still some principles to be gleaned from this.

2Samuel 12:12                                     72David                                              631_0269

Article from the WSJ about Russia and Afghanistan. We have no military and we have no mobilization plan. If we pull everyone together, we have a large number of untrained personnel. What about the regular services? No training except in socio-political thought. We could start to have one and take every soldier out of every country, including the countries Bob is not supposed to mention. We have no political courage in the White House.

The NY Times actually talks about a military reprisal if the hostages are killed. We are in an election year. The president needs to know that he made a mistake by cancelling the B1 bomber. A dove can’t win during an election.

We have some divisions we can send in, but we have no way of supplying an army in Iran. Our armies have not survived when they are not supplied. We have never had any ability to support troops like that. We would have to have a large enough military machine and control the air (which Russia controls). The President, by dilly dallying in the UN, he allowed the Soviets to position themselves in Afghanistan. The Iranians and the United States could have stopped Russia, but this looks impossible now.

We have one airborne division. The stupidity which comes out of Washington is like the stench of an open sewer.

A mature believer who committed suicide; and a mature believer who has become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance can end in suicide. Ahithophel. His advice was like the oracles of God. He went from implaccablity, bitterness and hatred toward David as a mature believer, and he died by his own hand as a mature believer. 2Sam. 16:23

No one can rule honorably by abandoning the laws of divine establishment. This describes our president. His cancelling of the B1 bomber is an example of this.

You would not want Cæsar in your home if you had any wife or daughters; but he is the man you wanted in the Senate or ruling.

Weak people take bad advice and strong people take good advice. Strong people are objective and humble. Only the humble can recognize and take good advice. Weak people are always involved with taking advice from weaker people.

There is an illustration that Thieme is covering here and how this changes the whole course of history.

Interlocking systems of arrogance means installment discipline. We will eventually study the arrogance hangover. After you break out of the interlocking systems of arrogance, and there are 13 gates which you are susceptible to. The hangover of arrogance. How to recover from that.

Under the sun means in broad daylight. Because you have done this in secret, I will do this before all Israel and in broad daylight.

Legitimate and Illegitimate Authority

1.       David was promoted as a mature believer and he had maximum authority in the country. This is still a part of the laws of divine establishment. Only through establishment does someone have legitimate authority. A thug organization or criminal organization is not legitimate authority. Any authority must be a part of divine establishment. Authority without establishment is tyranny. Illustration in an ad, in the middle of Sports Illustrated, showing lemon drops and squeezing them. The government taking away your freedoms today in the name of common good is the tyrant tomorrow.

2.       The whole operation in interlocking systems of arrogance. The seduction of Bathsheba was the beginning of his discipline but not the beginning of the interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Stealing Bathsheba will be duplicated in his own discipline where Absalom will ravish his wives.

4.       David committed adultery privately, and Absalom will do it publically.

5.       It should be noted that both father and son were both motivated by the same degeneracy.

6.       Both David and Absalom entered into the arrogance complex through the function of their own volition. He went from bitterness to conspiracy arrogance and from there to insanity. Most people who are psychotic are there by their own free will. I think this is about Ahithophel.

7.       The sins of the father can only be repeated by the son where volition is involved. The genetics may produce a weakness but they are meaningless if the volition is strong. Volition must be involved to repeat the sins of the father. Volition, not genes, is the issue.

The key to David’s discipline is found in the word house.

Genes can produce a weakness, but only the volition determines whether one falls into it. Failure is a result of volition, not the weaknesses. A weakness does not demand that you do this or that thing. Amnon from his own volition seduced and raped his own sister. David should have punished Amnon for rape; so Absalom punished him. Was David restrained from punishing his own family? Did this hold him up? It is possible that every president that we have had has been told, “Don’t do that, because it might start a world war.” You cannot set aside establishment principles under threat of a world war.

David had the authority to punish Absalom and Amnon; he chose not to. Only MacArthur could have stopped the Russians in the Korean War. They were not ready to attack us;

The president represents all of us; someone voted for him; and a majority of the people in the US voted for him. Volition is the issue for the Angelic Conflict. The president could have done something immediately to rescue the hostages for several reasons; the Russians, the UN, etc. Instead of going by principle, some think, “I don’t want to go down in history as the cause of the deaths of millions.” Absalom took the law into his own hands and murdered Amnon; David did nothing and Absalom escaped, which was equivalent to being banished. David refused to see Absalom. Joab will be David’s sanity.

Absalom did not have to ravish David’s harem; this was taking bad advice. He was caught up in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Throughout the history of the Davidic line, these weaknesses existed; but that does not mean that these weaknesses needed to be followed.

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance and David’s Family

1.       It was not the genes, but the interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       David abused power and authority because he was inside the interlocking systems of arrogance. There is no way to stop it. Because of interlocking systems of arrogance, Amnon raped Tamar; and because of interlocking systems of arrogance, Absalom murdered Amnon.

3.       Being inside interlocking systems of arrogance, volition is neutralized for making decisions.

4.       David’s own family became the basis for his judgment from the justice of God. Some of you, before you have children, you had better think again. Your children might be your source of discipline. People who do not have children are not bad; sometimes they are the smartest people around. Having children is not your duty. Ask David about birth control when you get to heaven, if you have any doubts.

5.       Other members of the family were not involved. They were positive toward doctrine and because of their own free will, they avoid interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 12:12 For you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel and before the sun.'"

Now and old things about rebound will be what we see next time around. If you don’t rebound properly, you will end up in interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Samuel 12:13                           72David 01/18/1980                                    631_0270

Wm E. Simon, former Secretary of the Treasury, writes an article for the WSJ. Windfall profits tax and the emergency bailout package for Chrysler may have given us Christmas presents that may keep on giving. The windfall profit tax is not a tax on profits; there is not calculation of profits; it is not based upon a windfall. Oil profits lie somewhere in the middle of businesses. Gold is $830/oz. Today. It’s a cornucopia of regulations. It is a penalty assessment on future profits of a industry which has already had its hands tied. It is not the oil companies which are being punished but the American people. Our brilliant leaders have taken the one industry which is cricitally tied to our economic strength and to our political security.

For about 10 years, Chrysler has been failed with terrible management. Who should pay for a corporate management failure? Its suppliers and its bankers know their potential and have cast their vote no. Over and over again, we pay the bills for inefficient business. Monetizing the debts. How much sense does it make to put the bills of a failing institution onto the backs of the taxpayer? The members of my own party have been the worst offenders. We are vilifying an industry which is necessary for our deliverance. Men and women ignore what is in our best long-term interest. This was written by one of the truly great men in government.

John Tower made an excellent speech on television until he came to the word weak, and he said, we have a weak foreign policy when he should have said, a weak military. You need to be tough enough. Bob and his problem with the neighborhood bully.

All of this business that our president engages in, in relationship to Afghanistan. But there cannot be political arrogance without national arrogance. There are very few people really holding the line.

Bob tries to make it clear about rebound by grace, just to hack people off and get them to leave.

David is going to have a sensational rebound. He won’t feel sorry for what he has done. He is not going to make it up to anyone, but he is going to be forgiven, instantly. He ought to be executed for it, but he won’t even die.

David died with a beauty queen in bed, so that is how we know that he went out in dying grace.

The Doctrine of Rebound

1.       Rebound is a technical term for restoration to fellowship by naming one’s sins to God. The old sin nature produces human good, sin and evil. We never confess human good or evil. At the cross, all of our sins were imputed to Christ and judged. Our problems today stem from evil. All you have to do is be in interlocking systems of arrogance. People in the church are busy producing human good and they have no time for Bible doctrine. A bunch of gals who called themselves grace gals, making Bob billious. These are gung ho arrogant types. Gung ho describes those who died for Chinese communism; they were stupid and inflexible. Rebound never involves confessing human good or evil. Rebound is a private matter; you name your sin silently to God. There is no penance involved. Without the filling of the Spirit, there is nothing about the spiritual life that you can understand. You can grieve the quench the Holy Spirit; grieving is any sort of sin, mental verbal or overt. Quenching of the Spirit is reversionism and negative volition to doctrine and the function of evil. Both of these things put you in a status of non-control.

2.       Rebound is related to the imputations at birth and to the judicial imputations. When human life is imputed to the soul, where it resides in time and in eternity, we are condemned. We are spiritually dead and physically alive, as we are in birth. We are born condemned on the basis of Adam’s original sin. Our personal sins are not the basis for our condemnation. The first time that we sin after salvation, we are out of fellowship. Buchmanism moral rearmament have incorrect exploited confession of sin. Some religions use the power of forgiveness as control. The hyper-Calvinists are just as mixed up as the holy rollers. Both are wrong. God does love the believer, but that is because the believer possesses +R. All blessing goes from the justice of God to the righteousness of God. Man’s point of reference became the justice of God. The justice of God punished our first parents and providing the coats of skin. When you are bitter, you are saying that the justice of God can’t handle it. You leave everything in His hands. You do not have time to be bitter about some jerk. A weak person can only take bad advice. Weak people never take good advice. They are arrogant. This is why arrogant people resist some doctrine that they do not like. They are eclectics. They pick and choose that which they like. Anything that applies to a man, applies doubly to a woman; it shows up immediately in their face. On a man, we call that character. God never forgives us because He loves us; He forgives us on the basis of His justice.

3.       Suffering stops, it diminishes or it continues at the same intensity after you rebound. The basic determining factor can be related to evil. You may get outside of interlocking systems of arrogance, and then get sucked back in. You might not be able to endure the punishment for a sin, so it is given in installments. The purpose is to discipline David for his evil; evil and human good were not judged on the cross, so these things sometimes require serious discipline, which would, in the case of David, for instance, kill him; so it is spread out over a period of time. All of us, when we get into sin, find out that it is not as simple as it is made out to be. Anyone who is involved in sin which is judged; can also be involved in sin which has not been judged. You can be involved in arrogance (and therefore, degeneracy) or apostasy. Why does the discipline continue at the same intensity for awhile, and why does it suddenly cease as a storm. You can rebound on some days and the sun comes out. Who is rebounding? That is always the issue. Let’s say it is a baby believer; and they may not have enough to handle the discipline. Let’s say it is the adolescent, and they can handle a little, and God diminishes their discipline. Chapters 12–13 should be called cursing turned to blessing.

David’s rebound takes away the sin unto death. We are just given a summary; we do not have the whole story. All sin is against the Lord. “I have sinned against the Lord.” After 1 year, David finally rebounds. If you are in interlocking systems of arrogance, that explains what is going on. He was in interlocking systems of arrogance for a year. Long before he saw Bathsheba, as early as 2Sam. 5, he entered into sexual arrogance.

Faith applies the rebound promise. Faith reaches a doctrinal conclusion: I am forgiven and restored. David had the ministry of the Spirit in his lifetime. Every believer is indwelt today and filled. All suffering is for blessing, except suffering when we are under discipline.

That accumulation of many sins means that David is forgiven his sins. He will have some arrogance hangovers. We will occasionally spot an arrogance hangover.

David’s many sins are lumped into one sin. “You will not die” refers to the sin unto death, which David will not suffer.

2Sam. 12:13 David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has put away [to cause to pass by, to cause to pass over?] your sin; you shall not die.

Psalm 118:18 The Lord has not given me over to death.

Since these sins were judged on the cross, he is forgiven. Amnon repeats the adultery by raping his sister. In the 3rd installment, Absalom will murder his brother. 4th installment, Absalom will rebel against God’s authority. Absalom’s name is given to the revolution; but much of the credit for that depends upon Ahithophel.

Before we can do v. 14, we need to study more about rebound.

2Samuel 12:14                                     72David                                              631_0271

Seminal Star story by Charlie Reese. One of Carter’s defects is his abuse of rhetoric, which bears no relation to reality. He says the soviet invasion of Afghanistan is the greatest threat to world peace since WWII. The use of course of force and expansionism of the Soviets is common. Soviet troops have been used in both Africa and Cuba. There is no substantive difference. It is simply a matter of convenience. The only significance is, this shatters the self-delusion of politicians who have lived in a fantasy world for the past 20 years. They can no longer maintain their fantasies. I hope that Carter is simply running off at the mouth. Even if the Soviet’s move into Iran, it would be foolish for us to go to war. His rhetoric is merely reflex. He inhabits his own world, bounded on the east and west by his ears, and north and south by his hair and chin. We cannot face the Soviets on a conventional or a nuclear war field. It is more important that we whip our troops into shape rather than to think the tooth fairy staged a coup in the Kremlin. Until then, we will have to stall and eat crow. The most dangerous period of time will be the next 11 months of Carter’s term. If he is seriously considering war with the Soviets, then someone needs to throw a net over him.

Therefore, the Lord sent Nathan to David and said, “There are two men in one city, one rich and one poor. The rich man had a great many flocks and herds and the poor man had one little ewe lamb. A traveler came to him...David’s anger burned against the man. As king, David was the presiding judge of the Supreme Court. “The man who has done this is definitely doomed to die.” Nathan said to David, “You are that man.” Therefore, the sword will never depart from your house. From David down to Zedekiah, the sword never departed from his house. From your own family, I will cause them to rise up against you. Because you have done this in secret, I will do this thing before all Israel in broad daylight. Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” “You will not die.”

David will not die the sin unto death. David entered into this system through sexual arrogance. Mental attitude sin of arrogance. David went on from sexual arrogance to conspiratorial arrogance to criminal arrogance. This anticipates the rest of the chapter.

There are a tremendous number of principles associated with this chapter.

Installment Discipline

There are two categories of discipline: there is unbearable discipline when you stay outside of fellowship. Bearable discipline means that you have rebounded, and the bearable discipline which remains will come in installments, as there is too much to bear.

1.       Installment discipline is the alternative to administering the sin unto death. This is where you die horribly, miserably. A lot of pain and horror. This is designed for any believer who is negative toward Bible doctrine. The sin unto death is the last shot that God takes at the coocoo clock. There are those who appear for their once a week blessing. If you come 20 Sundays a year, you might get the same benefit of 1 Bible class. A believer can die gloriously under dying grace or he can die miserably under the sin unto death. With lots of doctrine and positive volition toward doctrine, he crosses over that high golden bridge from life to eternity. The sin unto death is the last discipline from the Lord.

2.       Therefore, installment discipline is bearable discipline as per the rebound technique and escape from the sin unto death through positive volition.

3.       Unbearable suffering comes from a prolonged stay inside interlocking systems of arrogance. He was a mature believer and not negative toward doctrine; his problem was interlocking systems of arrogance. He faced the eventual administration of the sin unto death.

4.       Installment discipline results from the spiritual failures on the part of the believer in two categories: degeneration (involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance) and reversionism (negative volition toward doctrine). They combine at the 3rd entrance to the interlocking systems of arrogance, where negative volition is the gate by which you enter. In times of prosperity, you will be extremely self righteous; and in times of difficulties, you will be filled with self-pity.

5.       Installment discipline is the basis for the justice of God giving you discipline in increments, which is cursing turned to blessing.

6.       This gives the believer able to be disciplined without them falling back into the interlocking systems of arrogance. They avoid this from which rebound freed them.

7.       It is better to have an occasional arrogant hangover than to be permanently enmeshed in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

8.       What do we mean by bearable and unbearable suffering? You have to draw a line through the middle of the page.

          a.       Bearable: justice of God imputes discipline to the believer involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. This increases as the believer avoids the use of rebound. The sin + arrogance is evil; or human good + evil. Many believers, once involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, are flattered by someone, and they find themselves in interlocking systems of arrogance. They are working, suffering, sacrificing, being inconvenienced, simply because someone has told them that is great and honorable. Person singular or human good or evil. Evil simply adds arrogance to personal sin. Sin + interlocking systems of arrogance = evil. human good + interlocking systems of arrogance = evil.

To solve the problem of unbearable suffering, you use faith rest applied to 1John 1:9; you clear the mind for the rebound rationale. “If we name our sins...” This depends upon our volition as to whether we do this or not. This is strictly a matter of our free will. Ομολογεω is a legal term to cite a legal case in order to prove your legal point; this is being presented to the court as part of your case. Like faith in salvation, there is no merit associated with this word. Punctiliar action in present time. This is done once with regards to a specific sin. Obviously, you must know that this is a sin. All of these various sins become known to the individual. You cite the sins which you have committed. At the same time, you committed sins from your volition, and those sins are forgiven as well. This is done privately; you do not bear your soul before other believers.

If we acknowledge our sins, our emotion is unimpressive to God. You may have friends who think that great emotion is important; but that is just your ignorance and their ignorance combined. Now we move on to see what God will do about this. Only our sins were judged on the cross. Human good and evil were not.

We are as high as political arrogance. When people vote in arrogance, they elect arrogant people. Arrogant people are not fit to serve.

He is faithful and just; God can be depended upon. His essence produces the action of the verb. There is a double predicator nominative. Πιστος which means dependable, faithful. δικαιος refers to His justice. There is a grace pipeline between God’s righteousness and His justice.

Then we have for the purpose of cleansing us from all unrighteousness. All of this depends upon whether you specified your sins or not. It has nothing to do with promising to do better or feeling badly about what you have done. What is required is naming your sins to God. The greatest enemy of the believer is the interlocking systems of arrogance. There is bearable and unbearable suffering. When under unbearable suffering, we reach out and grab a promise. The decks are now cleared for reverse concentration. It takes a doctrine resident in the soul and applies is in reverse concentration.

Our personal sins are not an issue in salvation. They were borne by Jesus Christ on the cross. Our point of reference is the justice of God, and His righteousness is imputed to us. Eternal life is imputed to our spirit, which is the indication that we are born-again. All of this builds up into a rationale. Faith reaches out and claims a promise.

We are moved over to bearable suffering. The issue is grace; cursing is discipline is turned into blessing. If the discipline is greater than we can bear, then God breaks the remaining blessing down into portions, which are administered separately. Moses was in interlocking systems of arrogance for just a day or two. Isaiah was in for several months? Maybe he said Elijah?

David had 4 installments of discipline, each of which occurred over a period of time. How is cursing turned to blessing?

Discipline after rebound is for growth. God will turn cursing into blessing.

This will turn the subjective ones into objective types. We are describing in the Corinthians passage, and after they have rebounded, God promises that they will not be tested beyond their ability with endure these tests or increments of discipline. God allows us to relate doctrine to reality. Arrogance relates doctrine to unreality. Every chance to apply doctrine is an ftx to apply doctrine in a crisis in the future.

Ποιεω moves us directly to the logistical grace rationale. We are tested and facing reality in that testing. Εκβοσσος is a way out, a way of escape. This way of escape is cursing turned to blessing. The last years of David’s life are going to be fantastic.

1Cor. 10:13 Testing has not caught up with you, except the human category. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tested beyond your ability [= your capability to endure], but with the testing He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

In v. 13, David confesses that he has sinned and Nathan tells him that he would not die.

One of the verbs has a different meaning in every stem. Piel means to cause to speak evil, to speak with utter contempt; to give occasion to speak evil. A finite verb followed by an infinitive is a very strong expression. Emphasis is given to the expression of the action.

The son could live or David could live. The son of adultery is judged in the place of David. David should have died. He pronounced this judgement, which was really against himself. He condemned himself to death. The baby will live long enough for David to become attached to him, and then the baby will die.

The enemies of the Lord must be defined. Those around the client nation Israel. Those who reject truth in 3 categories: divine establishment, the gospel and Bible doctrine. Both believer and unbeliever can say no to any of these categories of truth. They enter into interlocking systems of arrogance because the arrogant are always weak. The weak always take bad advice because they are weak; because they are arrogant. They do this simply because of strong delusion.

Right in the center of Sports Illustrated with a lemonade stand and right behind him are piles of books of government regulations. Bob has found truth even in Time Magazine. Bill Crane gave truth about the laws of divine establishment but people don’t believe it.

Today, we do not have a foreign policy because we do not have an army. You cannot have a foreign policy without having an army. Russia is not impressed by world opinion; only arrogant nations are impressed by world opinion. Arrogant nations are always trying to run everyone else’s business. We are trying to tell Rhodesia and South Africa how to run their business and these are much better nations than we are. Once you reject the truth, you believe the lie. God sends them the modus operandi of strong delusion, that they might believe the lie. They have taken pleasure in unrightesouness. This does not mean that people are out raising hell, but they are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

We will begin this evening with the arrogant psychosis of David. The psychotic cannot control life or cope with life in any way. All kinds of believers by their own free will can become just as squirrley as anyone in a psycho ward.

2Sam. 12:14 Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the LORD [you have given occasion to the enemies of the Lord to express utter contempt], the child who is born to you shall die [will definitely die]."

2Samuel 12                            Psalm 38:1–12 72David                                 631_0272

Preliminary Considerations

1.       The first consideration is the omniscience of God. David is in the computer of divine decrees. The omniscience of God fed only facts into the computer of divine decrees.

2.       Foreknowledge, justification, and glorification, among other things, fed into the computer.

3.       David chose from his own free will to enter into the interlocking systems of arrogance.

4.       The divine decrees did not coerce David, but merely recorded what happened to David before it happened. It is normal for David to become psychotic iin these circumstances.

5.       God’s decrees originate from His omniscience and not from His foreknowledge? Billions of years ago, God knew that David, from his own free will, would enter into interlocking systems of arrogance and would eventually come to criminal and psychotic arrogance. The facts of history are fed into the computer.

6.       The foreknowledge of God makes nothing certain but simply understands what is certain.

7.       The decrees recognize what is certain but they do not directly affect or cause any of these events. Being in the decrees does not mean that God caused these things to occur. The doctrine of Decrees is the function of God in eternity past. David put himself into the interlocking systems of arrogance. The free will of David got him to criminal arrogance. The decrees do not directly cause any event.

8.       The decree itself provides in every case that the causes acting in such a way as to be consistent with the nature of the act in question. When David entered into the interlocking systems of arrogance, he was then vulnerable to the other gates. He was not negative toward doctrine. Sometimes, interlocking systems of arrogance are too subtle for many believers.

9.       David, as a mature believer had received logistical grace blessing from the justice of God to the righteousness of God and special blessing or supergrace blessing.

10.     Coming down that same pipeline was discipline because David was 1 year inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

11.     In the case of every free will act of a moral or a responsible agent, the decree itself provides that at the same time, the agent shall be a free agent. His antecedents and all the antecedents of the action shall be what they are. David did not arrive at criminal arrogance by accident. All the present conditions of the act shall be what they are, including all the categories of discipline. Installment blessing is designed to turn cursing into blessing. The action of suffering from discipline will be perfectly spontaneous as the result of the volition of the agent David. Most psychosis is volitional; the child who throws tantrums and gets away with it.

12.     God foreknows all events, including discipline, as certainly future because He has decreed them and has made them certainly futre.

13.     His decrees relate to all future events; the free actions of all necessary and unecessary agents.

14.     This means to the sinful as well as to the honorable motives, thoughts and actions. Volition is the issue in the Angelic Conflict.

15.     Therefore, God has decreed ends as well as means, causes as well as effects, conditions and instrumentalities as well as the events which depend upon them. In other words, Jesus Christ controls history and even though our volition may be complete out of sorts with His plan, our freedom still opeates as freedom and God’s control of history continues to function as control of history.

16.     Therefore, God’s purpose relating to all events of every kind constitutes one single comprehending all events, the free as free, the necessary as necessary, together with their causes, conditions, the relations, as one indivisible system of things, every link of which is necessary to the whole. David was involved in every step of his set of decisions.

17.     The decrees do not oppose human freedom or the human freedom of David; they guarantee the certainly of our free will.

18.     The foreknowledge of God does not coerce anyone’s volition. You cannot blame any individual or God’s sovereignty for your own actions.

19.     These only have to do with the certainty of the actions.

20.     Human freedom exists in the sphere and on the plane of human experience.

21.     No human being ever acted outside of the divine decrees.

22.     Therefore, it is important to distinguish between what God causes and what God permits. God did not cause David’s sin. God did not cause David’s sin. God caused his discipline. That is the justice of God entering into the picture. God does not sponsor sin nor does He encourage sin. He does not sponsor any policies which encourage sin. You and you alone are responsible for your own volition. To be whining all over the place to say it was someone else’s fault is no excuse.

23.     God did not decree David to sin, but He did decree that David had the free will to sin, to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance or not to. Many fundies are sociopaths because they have stayed too long in interlocking systems of arrogance.

24.     While God permits David’s sin, He does not sponsor David’s sin.

25.     The omniscience of God fed the sin of David into the computer of divine decrees. David entered into the interlocking systems of arrogance of his own volition.

26.     David’s action apart from coercion or coaction of God.

27.     Sin plus arrogance equals evil. Human good + arrogance = evil. The interlocking systems of arrogance converts sin into evil. Once it becomes evil, others are involved. A lot of people died with Uriah; a tactical defeat for a fantastic battalion. God knows all of the other people who is involved. No one is involved innocently. Uriah died because it was his time to go. Otherwise they would not be involved. This “I’m innocent” is the whining and mewing of a self-involved person divorced from reality.

The divine decrees did not remove David from what would be in his own experience the outworking of his own volition. David’s rebond because of unbearable suffering was the free will choice of David. The pressure becomes so great that the person cracks. It took David a long time to crack, but he finally cracked up. It is inevitable that this will occur. When in the unbearable suffering of evil, inside the interlocking systems of arrogance, you always blame someone else. It is the only way that a person can take the heat off of himself. He uses his volition to get in and his volition to get out.

David finally wakes up. Before you can start in recovery, you must become objective. You must take the responsibility for your own decisions. Quit passing the buck to someone else. This is why Ike was one of the greatest military men. He was never once in arrogance and he took the responsibility, even when it was not his fault.

As believers, we have the daily mirror of the Word of God. If you are arrogant, you look at the mirror of the Word and you become very subjective.

Psalm 38 tells us about David being in interlocking systems of arrogance for a year or more.

The Hiphil of zakar, which means to cause to remember. Once you have the experience, you do not want to ever forget it.

Psalm 38 inscription A Psalm of David, for the memorial offering [or, to cause him to remember].

Jakach means to not cause me to be disciplined in your anger. The discipline is so awful, you imagine that God is angry at you. Some people are angry and they let you know and others never let you know.

2 Hiphil stems. David does not want to forget what happened here. If you are hypersensitive then everything hurts. Every moment you are in the arrogance complex, you punish yourself. Every thought is like a piece of cactus sticking him.

Piel perfect of Jashar, which means to discipline. Obviously, you cannot get out of the top circle; but you can get out of the bottom circle and your life, when in interlocking systems of arrogance, discipline is intensified. If you have a choice, choose for your discipline to be outside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Make sure that it is in unbearable suffering. When God looked over and saw what David had.

Psalm 38:1 O LORD, do not punish me in Your anger, nor discipline me in Your wrath!

Inner pain and surface pain are found in v. 2. The slap is David’s own hypersensitivity. Bob talks about a secretary which he had in the army who just was arrogant and just fell apart when Bob came into the office in a bad mood. She was sensitive.

Hypersensitivity is arrogance. Over estimating yourself is arrogance. People become arrogant over grief, but they turn that into self-pity. All arrogant people are preoccupied with themselves. David is expressing the hypersensitivity that he had inside interlocking systems of arrogance. He caused a lot of his own pain. Arrogant people always punish themselves. People who live in interlocking systems of arrogance are miserable.

Psalm 38:2 For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me.

If you are arrogant, you cannot even sleep at night. If all you can do is think about yourself, then it is obvious that you will have poor health. If you are filled with self-pity, your appetite is off. Obviously, you will be in terrible health if you become involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. David was honorable and strong and he has become sickly because of his sin.

For those who are hypersensitive, “I feel it in my bones.” There are some people who feel it in the weather. Tom Sparks has Jap shrapnel near the bones and he can tell the weather and sometimes he is right and Doug is wrong.

Psalm 38:3 There is no soundness in my flesh because of your indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin.

Sin is not the same as iniquity. Sin without arrogance = sin; sin with arrogance = iniquity.

David has self righteousness so he jumps over to self-pity. David is now moving into psychotic arrogance.

Psalm 38:4 For my iniquities have gone over my [passed through my] head; like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me.

David answers in v. 5. He is obnoxious to himself and to others. Hypersensitive people are obnoxious to themselves. You can never please a hypersensitive person. You cannot make them happy and they decide on something else about which to be displeased. Nothing pleasse them. They are locked in. An arrogant hypersensitive person is on the verge of psychosis. Nothing you can ever do can please them.

Some may not say nothing for days. Their silence is killing. It is deafening. Or the opposite of silence; nothing but complaining. And there is a lot of laughing? People complain because they are completely and totally occupied with themselves.

V. 5 indicates that there isa psychological stench. David used to be the life of the party. Now he is a dud. Constantly complaining. He is a miserable person to be around.

A state of being smart and stupid at the same time; you can be a genius and stupid; you can be smart and absolutely stupid. The key is arrogance. Anyone can be people smart. The state of being foolish can be true, no matter how smart you are.

Foolishness is weakness of mind. This is anyone in interlocking systems of arrogance. Weak people always take bad advice. Weak people are not worth the time of day.

Psalm 38:5 My wounds stink and fester because of my foolishness,

David says he is bowed down; he is humbled by discipline. All the day, my manner of life is meaningless. How can his manner of life be meaningless if he lives in the palace and he has great power and wealth. Arrogance neutralized IQ and destroys capacity for life.

Psalm 38:6 I am utterly bowed down and prostrate; all the day I go about mourning.

Some thought that David has a social disease. His nerves have been on the jagged end for so long that David was gone. There is no health in his body; his nervous system was gone. It is excruciating pain.

Psalm 38:7 For my sides are filled with burning, and there is no soundness in my flesh.

Niphal perfect of pug, which means I am debilitated. He lost his nervous energy. It was his nervous energy with which he thinks. He lost the ability to think; he can only feel sorry for himself.

Psalm 38:8 I am feeble and crushed; I groan [scream] because of the tumult of my heart.

David thinks about someone other than himself.

Psalm 38:9 O Lord, all my longing [desire] is before You; my sighing [expression of grief] is not hidden from You.

Loss of capacity.

Psalm 38:10 My heart throbs; my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes--it also has gone from me.

David, you are a hypersensitive jackass, so your friends and lovers avoid you.

Psalm 38:11 My friends and companions stand aloof from my plague, and my nearest kin stand far off.

There is so little attention from others that you have paranoia. There may be some truth in it, but it is amplified because David is receiving no attention.

Psalm 38:12 Those who seek my life lay their snares; those who seek my hurt speak of ruin and meditate treachery all day long.

2Samuel 12                    Psalm 38:13–18 32:1–4 72David                          631_0273

various rights from a book: the right to complain about substandard shoddy merchandise, the right to expect a store to stand behind its merchandise; the right to accurate billing despite the computer; the right not to be harassed by sales people. “Luck—that’s one lady I ain’t never courted.” Taste and quality can be taught. Some people are teachable and some are not. The competitive system is where the only one where one can achieve attainment of the best. The only proof of a successful meal or a food product is a request for seconds. Different points. 10. Never divorce ethe boss’s daughter.


1.       The omniscience of God fed only facts into the computer.

2.       Justification and glorification and others fed into the computer.

3.       It was the free will of David that did these things.


5.       God’s decrees do no arise from his foreknowledge.

6.       God’s decrees determine only the certain futurition of an event but they do not cause an event.


8.       The even will be affected by causes consistent with


10.     Coming down that same grace pipeline from the justice of God to the person of David.

11.     In the case of every free act, the decree provides that the agent will be a free agent and his antecents and all the acts will be what they are, etc.

12.     God foreknows all events as certainly future and He has made them certainly future.

13.     God’s decrees

14.     This means to sinful as well as honorable motives and actions.

15.     God has decreed ends as well as means, and everything as it works out is spontaneous based on natural causes and events.

16.     One single comprehensive, free as free,

17.     The decrees do not oppose the human freedom of David.

18.     No decree opposes human freedom. Decrees do not coerce human freedom. you cannot resolve your problems when you blame someone else.

19.     These only have to do with the certainty of the action.

20.     The plane of human experience.

21.     No human ever acted outside of the decrees.

22.     It is important to distinguish between what God causes and God permits.

23.     God allows David the free choice

24.     God permitted David’s sin but did not sponser it.

25.     No sponsoring or approval of his sin.

26.     God decreed that David’s sin would procede from his free thought or volition.

27.     Sin is a reality anticipated by God and provided for in the divine decrees.

28.     The divine decrees did not remove David from what was in the sphere or his own experience the outworking of his own free will, based on his own desires, circumstances

29.     His rebound found in Psalm 38.

Some review.

Review Points

1.       Being aware of sins parlayed into evil David has to take it. Sin + arrogance = evil. Sin + human good = evil. The worst part of our government is trying to play God. No one understands the constitution, because no one has read it. David is obliged to keep quiet and take it.

2.       David is not obliged to defend himself to his enemies. Because he is in this horrible situation, he cannot defend himself or refute any charges.

3.       He is guilty of compounding interlocking systems of arrogance. This is the helplessness of someone who does not use rebound.

4.       No self-defense; his punishment is more than he can bear.

5.       Without rebound, David is helpless in facing his enemies. Until he rebounds, his cause is his own cause and not the Lord’s.

6.       Only the Lord can vindicate the believer or David. David must take up his own cause; Jesus Christ will not. Therefore, casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you, does not apply to the believer in interlocking systems of arrogance. None of the promises of the 1st stage of the drill apply; only rebound applies.

7.       Punishment is not converted into testing for blessing until rebound has occurred. “I’ll be damned if I am going to repeat what I gave yesterday.” Bob can’t stand people who are so arrogant that they think that they can miss doctrine. Some of you will be so stupid to come screaming to Bob; and believe me, I’ll help.

Deaf people had a lot more difficulty back then. A person who was deaf could be brilliant and understand nothing. Think of all that high IQ and being unable to understand anything. Perspicacity in the ancient world was through the ear gate. There were no books like today. Once you get into unbearable suffering, you cannot learn anything.

Psalm 38:13 But I am like a deaf man; I do not hear, like a mute man who does not open his mouth.

Being unable to hear is someone who could not learn.

Psalm 38:14 I have become like a man who does not hear, and in whose mouth are no rebukes.

Jachal means to wait while in horrible pain.

Psalm 38:15 But for you, O LORD, do I wait [in unbearable pain]; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.

David is in interlocking systems of arrogance. Once you are in, you are hypersensitive in all directions. It bothers David that his enemies are gloating. He is now hypersensitive. The principle is, you cannot do anything or get any relief or any help until you break out. The alternative is, you crack up. Psychotic arrogance.

Psalm 38:16 For I said, "Only let them not rejoice over me, who boast against me when my foot slips!"

David is adjusting for a halt. His suffering went on and on; he got no answer. His pain was intense and unbearable. It brought him to rebound. This means that God’s plan for David can continue.

David cannot take it all at once, so it is paid off in installments. It is toally and completely unbearable. The intensivity of his suffering inside interlocking systems of arrogance is beyond human endurance. He rebounds and now will go into installment discipline. It will be suffering that he can bear. It will convert cursing into blessing.

Psalm 38:17 For I am ready to fall, and my pain is ever before me.

David rebounds. David has committed sins in the past; and he has been involved in evil. He will gather up into one entirety the sins which are forgiven. The Hiphil imperfect of nagad.

Feeling sorry for your sins does not impress God. Name it because it is already judged. Our apologies to human beings has nothing to do with God and His forgiveness. Apologizing to God is blasphemous.

Psalm 38:18 I confess [admit, cite, acknowledge, name] my iniquity; I am sorry [troubled, concerned, uneasy] for my sin.

This is one of 3 psalms which occurs with this sin.

Psalm 38:19–22 But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully. Those who render me evil for good accuse me because I follow after good. Do not forsake me, O LORD! O my God, be not far from me! Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!

Psalm 32 tells us what happens after David rebounds.

Psalm 32:1 A Maskil of David. Blessed is the one whose transgression is [sins are] forgiven, whose sin is covered. The sin is covered by the cross. The sins that we commit were covered by the cross. There can never be blessing or happiness for any believer out of fellowship. Rebound gets you out of interlocking systems of arrogance.

Human good + arrogance = evil (that takes care of the liberal). When you rebound, you do not know all of the doctrine that you did before. David has stagnated and he will have to relearn lots of things.

Condemned people cannot learn. Disaster, misery, punishment for sin.

The second phrase indicates that David stays out of interlocking systems of arrogance.

Why the spirit? Why not the soul? The soul contains human life imputed at birth. The human spirit contains eternal life. Whenever there is an issue which involves volition... We still have free will; we must decide. Therefore, the spirit. The soul faints. The emphasis is on it.

Psalm 32:2 Blessed is the man against whom the LORD counts no iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit [negligence for rebound?].

David’s pre-rebound suffering.

Often you can have some illness and lay down and the body will take care of it. However, here, we are talking about mental health.

David would sit in the palace and scream. There was physical and mental health problems.

Psalm 32:3 For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away [the function of David’s body] through my groaning [screaming] all day long.

The last line is a loss of nervous energy. This is not being very thirsty.

Psalm 32:4 For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer. Selah

modus operandi of rebound and it is all jumbled up.

2Samuel 12                             Psalm 32:5–7 72David                                  631_0274

Tifanny’s ad about what is the problem with our economy. An ad in the Houston Chronicle.

Is Inflation the Real Problem? What Are the Causes...

1.       Spending exorbitant sums of the taxpayers’ money unwisely.

2.       In hibitiing the initiative of the people with regulation.

3.       Taxing savings and capital formation to death

4.       Tinkering with the economy using unsound panaceas; unproven ideas and panacea approaches.

5.       Government programs have created critical shortes

6.       Giving billions to foreign governments

7.       Forsaking our religious heritage, accentuating greed, crime, etc.

In our passage, Bob reads the verses.

v. 5 is a conglomeration of confusion. Acknowledging one’s sin is done to God, not to people. Rebound is judging yourself; not others. Volition is a part of the function of the old sin nature. You choose to do whatever the sin nature specifies. You cannot blame anyone else before God. You cannot bring anyone else into the picture.

God is impressed with truth; He is not impressed with auto-flagellation (like going to prayer meeting for a year). What you think about your own sin is inconsequential. You cannot depend upon a fundy for anything. Bob would not go to Byola; he walked through there and some gal popped out and said, “I saw you and the Lord told me that we will get married.” That was enough, apparently, for Bob.

It is arrogant and fat-headed to think that you are able to add something to the imputation of our sins to Jesus Christ on the cross. How the believers feels about the sin is not the issue. Penance does not impress God.

Piel perfect of kasah. It means to cover, to conceal, to hide. Amar here means to decided; I have said to myself. People, even in a psychotic condition, can still use their free will. People who claim insanity ought to be taken as an admission of guilt. People can even take the responsibility for their own actions, even in a psychotic condition. Often tantrums in psychosis. But often, it is interlocking systems of arrogance; psychopathic arrogance being the factor.

Awon means guilt, and it refers to interlocking systems of arrogance. When you rebound, whatever sin put you into the interlocking systems of arrogance; so the question is, do you get out of interlocking systems of arrogance after naming your sins, and this verse tells us that we do. If you get into any sin, keep it down to a hangover.

This will be David’s last tour into interlocking systems of arrogance.

Selah means the singers rest their voices and the music plays; meaning David can relax while logistical support continues.

Psalm 32:5 I acknowledged [to make known] my sin to You, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said [I have decided], "I will confess [name, caused to name] my transgressions to the LORD," and you forgave the iniquity [guilt] of my sin. Selah

al zoth = because of this, therefore. Hithpael imperfect of kalal. It means to intercede, to pray. A jussive here rather than a true imperfect; this is the wish of David to pause enough. Chasid means pious, grace oriented.

This is a time of attainment, which is having all 5 of the 6 blessings; and now he will have the ability to appreciate it. Historical crisis demands that the believer be free from reversionism and degeneracy. The historical crisis means the believer must... Prayer means capacity for life. Attainment spiritual privileges of maturity, and one of those is prayer.

No one reaches maturity without that experience.

Psalm 32:6 Therefore let everyone who is grace oriented offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found; surely in the rush [flood] of great waters [= historical disaster], they shall not reach him.

Points on V. 6

1.       No believer can advance without rebound.

2.       Rebound gives you restoration of fellowship; and here and now, it means the filling of the Holy Spirit.


4.       If you were involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, you now have breathing space. The opportunity of getting on to objectivity. For many believers, that is temporary sanity.

5.       The punishment is dispersed; God handles our problem in a different way. He will disperse our punishment so that we can handle it. Each installment is designed to convert cursing into blessing. You not only strengthen application of doctrine, but it can make you a better person than you were when you were when you started. Rebound by grace is very important. When you get out and try to push the jet, you are in trouble.

6.       Apart from the function of rebound, the believer cannot fulfill reverse concentration. You must be in fellowship to use reverse concentration. When Bob first taught the faith rest life, it was only claiming promises. The purpose of claiming a promise is to removed the fear panic ploy and to use the rationales in interlocking systems of arrogance, you cannot use the rationales.

7.       Apart from rebound, the believer cannot be filled with the Spirit.

8.       Apart from rebound, David would not have continued as king of Israel for the rest of his life. This is point 5?? You cannot recover your spiritual life without objectivity. People can be objective about other people’s sins, but not about their own.

9.       To face an historical crisis, the believer must rebound so that cursing can be turned into blessing. If you are caught in interlocking systems of arrogance,...

10.     Blessing in time of historical catastrophe must be taken into consideration in this verse.

The hiding place is a veil. The veil makes an attractive woman mysterious. She can choose the time to remove the veil. Most would not consider this much of a hiding place. God’s protection is on what is behind the veil. Here, it is do.

The spider web in front of the cave where someone hid. It is not necessarily a great fortification; it is who protects you which counts. The only security system you need is the wall of fire. We are perfectly protected; we have a wall of fire no matter where we are. We are perfectly safe. Not because we have some system. The things which are truly secure for us are related to God; not to human viewpoint security. Our security and punishment all comes from the same source. Sometimes God protects us and keeps us alive while punishing us. The veil is not considered much protection, but the grace veil is the wall of fire. Security is logistical grace.

Min+tsar which = from pressures of disaster. You can miss a lot of your life by digging this moat, being overly concertained with your security.


1.       This passage is for those who are outside interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       Inside interlocking systems of arrogance, that is the environment for punishing you. Believer involved in reversionism and degeneracy (interlocking systems of arrogance).

We all like to sing; even Bob. He used to endure a 35 min. song service when he was a Baptist. If you break into song with other people around, you are not inhibited. There are occasions for singing too.

Here, there is no singing. This is winning a battle and shouting about it. Bob shouting? It is shouting with sheer happiness.

Psalm 32:7 You are a hiding place [veil] for me; You preserve me from trouble [pressures of disaster]; You surround me with shouts of deliverance [shouts of great enthusiasm]. Selah

Closing Points

1.       Logistical grace

2.       This applies to believers even during a time of discipline.

3.       God is the believer’s deliverance. David will have a full-blown revolution that will drive him out of the country. Some will come out and boo and razz him. David’s magnificent brigade of guards, not one of them will go over to the other side. David will be magnificent. He will handle every kind of a situation. David rebounds and stays out of interlocking systems of arrogance; and he has the objectivity to utilize the doctrine in his soul. Some he sent back, some he took with him. He gave the right commands and handles the situation perfectly. In each iinstallment of discipline, they were turned to blessing. David will exploit to the maximum grace. He will set up the nation for grace and a great kingdom. He takes the doctrine which he has learned and he applies it. Bob recalls guys who looked great in practice, but they choked up under pressure. There will be one arrogant hangover, but David will handle that.

4.       No matter what precautions you take or what plans you can devise, only the Lord can deliver. If you get to your place and your food is gone or your ammunition is stolen. Any system of preparation for disaster which calls for neglect of doctrine is no damn good. So becoming a part of some paramilitary group is problematic if you miss out on doctrine. Everyone has an idea. You might have your extra food, your ax, your fishing line; but you forgot to bring the doctrine in your soul. If you neglect doctrine in prosperity, what are you going to do under pressure? No matter what precautions you take, there will be dead rabbits all over the place.

5.       The best laid plans of man for disaster have often been the basis for his destruction. You are often digging your own grace; making your own destruction; blown up by your own preparations.

6.       Only the Lord can deliver as a part of logistical grace blessings.

7.       Obviously, from this contact, the Lord does not deliver the believer from interlocking systems of arrogance. He leaves us there to strangle.

8.       There is no deliverance in times of historical disaster for the believer who enters into one of the gates. Bob runs through the gates.

2Samuel 12                               Psalm 32:8 72David                                   631_0275

There is a sound system designed just for taping; so there is a new system, which allows Bob the full use of his voice. Dale always puts these things in and then goes out of town. Bob likes the new sound system.

Bob used Von Polis and Von someone else to illustrate something. He refers to Time Life volumes on WWII. Chapter is about Stalingrad. Bob reads a bit from this.

Rebound also takes you out of interlocking systems of arrogance. A few previous verses are read.

Bob encourages us to come to prayer meeting. The flood of great crisis.

The cursing being turned to blessing depends upon the doctrine taken in during the breathing space time.

When David was a battalion commander, he married a commoner. As the case of many other commoners, she was arrogant. David had a child by her whose name was Amnon. He is the crown prince. Because David was such a lousy father, Amon grew up with no restraint, except the guidance of his arrogant wife. He has a son and daughter by Maacah, who was a great aristocrat. They are very different people. All of David’s wives were very different in many ways. Absalom and Tamar.

Adonijah is a 3rd son, whose mom told him to play his cards right to be a king.

Amnon was in interlocking systems of arrogance; and he was like Caligula and Nero. All David’s harem had 17 women, all with children, and all of them wanted their sons to be the crown prince, which means problems. Absalom is the aristocrat and Amnon is the ghetto jerk. Adonijah is a hood. His mother reared him to be a hood.

Polygamy breeds arrogance. Polygamy breeds weak fathers and strong mothers. Strong mothers produce arrogant sons. Arrogant sons under the same castle harem produce enough problems to punish David for 100 years.

God said to David, the best thing I can do for you is give you lots of doctrine. Justice of God will give David 4 installments of discipline. Good keeps people alive in order to give them the installment discipline.

Sakal means to look at something, to concentrate on something.

All of the maskil psalms are done to motivate one to doctrine. Prov. 21:11 if you are smart, you are motivated to learn doctrine.

Marching is progress from point A to point B. Since we cannot keep track of things like David did, we have to learn things in which we are not interested.

Bob did not like math, then his dad called him in and told him, “If you don’t like it, then you accept it as a challenge and you keep on it until you learn it.”

God takes a good crisis and uses it for a time of installment discipline.

3 principles: I will teach you, I will instruct you, and I will guide you. Teaching repetition of doctrine, and guidance is the application of doctrine.

When you are going to make a decision, that means you are talking about will or volition. Satan, we have discovered in redistribution of wealth; socialism. Bob has 3 choices, getting married, joining the mob or joining the army. Not sure what the point is here. If your volition is involved, then you wonder, what if I make a mistake?

Operational will of God; what does God want me to do? Geographical will of God; where does God want me to be? Maybe you married the wrong gal, or the right gal and the wrong time.

The more doctrine that you have, the better decisions that you will make. To make a decision, you must have facts. You must be able to analyze and synthesize the facts. You must have doctrine to apply to the facts.

Eyes simply means that God provides doctrine so that we can analyze, synthesize, and conclude. “Therefore the Lord will continually guide you and take you to a scorched place.”

Prov. 3:6

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go [march, move forward]; I will counsel [guide] you with My eye upon you.

Prov. 3:1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments,

Prov. 3:2 for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.

Prov. 3:3 Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

Prov. 3:4 So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.

Prov. 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Prov. 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Eph. 5:14, 18 stop being ignorant, but understand what the will of God is.


2Samuel 12                           Psalm 32:9–10a 72David                                631_0276

4 installments, and each represents an installment of discipline. “Cursing is turned into blessing; there is the first cursing, the damn thing doesn’t write...”

God does not care about IQ tests. It means very little to Him. How smart or how dumb you are might come through academic discipline or through hard knocks. There are some people in life who are so smart that they go through life learning what hot is from academics. They don’t have to touch it.

David’s rebound will turn unbearable suffering into bearable suffering. David could not take all of his discipline; he had to take it in installments. “I will teach you [teaching through instruction; learning Bible doctrine and going with it] and I will instruct [learning by suffering; learning by discipline] you in the way you will march; I will guide with My eyes on you.” (Psalm 32:8).

David learned through the teaching of Bible doctrine and he learned the hard way, through discipline. The second verb used to be learning through repetition, and not it refers to learning the hard way. Adversity directly related to blessing. Some believers can only learn through punishment and discipline from the justice of God. Some of this can be unbearable suffering. Others learn doctrine the easy way, outside the interlocking systems of arrogance. Inside interlocking systems of arrogance, the believer learns doctrine the hard way. When the believer will not avoid interlocking systems of arrogance, the easy way is set aside. Perception of doctrine must be set aside. Without consistent and persistent rebound, the believer, no matter how mature, cannot avoid interlocking systems of arrogance.

Bob is watching a young lady in back who is absolutely bored. Bob predicts for her tremendous suffering in the future. She does not have a Bible and is bored stiff and propping herself up with her hand it is looking around.

Hayah + the negative. The combination of the two is to keep these separate. Bob likes horses and he used to enjoy jumping horses until he broke his back. But horses are stupid and they learn through pain. The place is in the mouth; they have a very tender mouth. If you ride like the cowboys; the horse is getting undeserved suffering.

They are characterized as being without understanding. If you cannot learn the easy way, then you must be taught the hard way.

The imbecility of Congress; the windfall profit tax is dumber than the guaranteed $10,000/year income for scum. We are a nation of horses and mules; a people without understanding.

There are 3 categories of believers; those who are academic and can learn by listening; others can learn by bearable suffering; and then there are those who need unbearable suffering in order to understand God’s direction.

You get subjective and get caught up in a passage and think Bob is personally attacking you; you cannot learn. If you take it as the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to you, you might learn something. Bob’s 2 dogs being trained. One learns and the other does not. Some of Bob’s best runs are chasing Dash a couple of miles away. Believers in times of adversity have no understanding. No matter what kind of pain; no matter how much they hurt, you can be hurt more by having no understanding.

The Bridle Analogy

1.       Without understanding doctrine, the believer will be trapped inside the interlocking systems of arrogance and will have to learn everything the hard way.

2.       In the analogy of this passage, you must bridle a horse in order to guide him. And it depends upon how they feel that morning. Bob has to change his vocabulary when the horse was a problem, and he would have to explain that not only is the horse stupid, but all of his antecedents were stupid as well. You learn to apply to the unusual with what you have learned all along. David had installments of discipline with respite in between where he could learn.

3.       The bit is the bearable suffering and the bridle is the unbearable suffering.

Sin + arrogance = evil.

Psalm 32:9 Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you [otherwise, they will not come to you].

Guilty is punishment from the justice of God. The sufferings of the guilty are the hard way. David wrote Proverbs for his sons, when he began to be a good father. Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, which are about him learning things the hard way.

Suffering is one way of teaching.

Psalm 32:10 Many are the sorrows [sufferings] of the wicked [guilty], but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD.

There is an academic system being taught in v. 10b, which will be covered next time.

2Samuel 12                             Psalm 32:10b 72David                                 631_0277

David’s discipline was so great that there was no way for him to handle it, so God gave it to him in installments.

Disaster is a word that we need to get used to. National arrogance leads to national disaster and national arrogance is the way things are going today.

We are flying over the Indian Ocean in B-52's, which are mostly older than the pilots. We are getting ready to send weapons to Pakistan which are better than we have. We know from Vietnam that if we do not have the support of the people, the servicemen are treated poorly.

China has become evil and vicious China, and we are going to support them by giving them some of our sophisticated weapons. Politicians get into the picture here. We have rejected our military establishment. You can almost say that our military is as amateur as our amateurs. We are so unrealistic.

At the same time, you can face disaster when you are with someone with a good mental attitude. We do not need rude and stupid people or snarly people. There is no good mental attitude in this country. Anyone who is doing a good job in the military today, needs to work 6 day weeks and 14 hours a day, and they hand in with great dedication. This is why what we are studying is so extremely important.

You might be in Bible class every night, but you have shown up with the fattest head in class. Others have a problem with resisting doctrine or being eclectic and just choosing whatever doctrine they want. Bob was appalled when he gave some information on divine guidance and people seemed to think this was brand new.

The guilty believer has many sufferings; if you get into interlocking systems of arrogance, there is no hope for you and your sorrows. Once David got outside of interlocking systems of arrogance, he needed his discipline to be administered in installments.

David was a weak father because he was involved in polygamy. Some of the mothers because very pushy in order to put their children up front. Some become very arrogant.

3 men had great potentialities, but each one would be involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, and each would destroy his potentiality and his own life. They are all weak because of arrogance. Particularly Absalom, who had great potential. Absalom, Adonijah and Amnon all wanted to take David’s place. All were crown prince at one time or another. They had involved others with them in interlocking systems of arrogance.

Jonadab, a son of one of David’s brothers? He was arrogant and a trouble-maker. He was strong and he gave advice to Amnon the weak. David got out and he survived; we wiped out a whole system of primogeniture. He has 7 original wives + some wives in Jerusalem. He has picked up a variety of wives and 10 mistresses before Jerusalem.

David’s problem was sin, but interlocking systems of arrogance can also involve human good and crusader arrogance. People begin to accumulate human good in order to impress someone. Some join campus crusade in order to find a gf.

Some of the finest systems of aristocracy were found in Germany, even though they were just barely out of worshiping the trees they crawled out of.

Lord Montbatten had nothing to prove; but he worked hard and was filled with self discipline.

Arrogance makes an issue out of environment. It is always the snootiest people who came from the wrong side of the tracks. Do not let any handicaps hold you back. When you all arrogance to become an issue, then you get involved in inordinate ambition, and those people always fail, no matter how talented. Amnon’s mother trained him. She was a commoner and she was constantly upset when David would bring in these aristocratic wives, which would upset her.

People who make an issue out of race or out of being in a minority. Only officer to make field marshal was Rommel. As soon as you make an issue out of race or minority, that is exactly what happens. David was a strong man but he was a weak father. All of these different mothers and all these kids. One kid never gave David any trouble; Killiab also called Daniel. He was never mentioned as being involved in any of this problems; his mother was Abigail of Carmel, and she was such an unsual woman, she never bothered with interlocking systems of arrogance. She did not compete. She trained her son to stay loose and relax. He was not involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. It does not make any difference on which side of the tracks you are born, you are in interlocking systems of arrogance or you are not. The standards of success are measured in various ways, by genetics, by races, but not here. As a believer in the United States, we have every opportunity to glorify the Lord.

Qal active participle participle of batak, which refers to faith. Faith reaches out and claims a promise, which clears the deck for action. This just makes it possible to prepare you for action; to remove any fear and anxiety or human viewpoint. It is the second stage where batak comes into its own, applying the rationales.

The trusting in this verse is trusting in the Lord in the 3 stages. Faith reaches out and grabs a promise or a rationale. As rule, entertainers ought to be locked out and only let out to perform. Most of them are the worst people in the world to get information on anything. It never occurs to you that entertainers must concentrate on their talent in order to be entertainers.

You\re not in control of the situation. Put us in interlocking systems of arrogance, we are dependent upon our own strength.

Psalm 32:10 Many are the sorrows [sufferings] of the wicked [guilty], but grace surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD.

Samach means you can be with people and enjoy it. Obeying this command, the believer needs maximum doctrine in the soul. Some of you are so messtup from the start, that you won’t even date unless you think you are dating your RM or your RW. What happened to going out with a real life woman, and not thinking about what kind of furniture that you like. The doctrine doesn’t make people arrogant; it is their subjectivity with which they approach the doctrine.

If you are arrogant, you cannot look at anything objectively. You are a grenade and the pin is out. People are always on the defense. Samak means to think; and gil means to dance around in a circle in happiness. This is capacity for life. Some people become holy rollers because those around them are being holy rollers.

Bob and a job that they worked together for long hours 7days a week, and they were motivated because they were exhausted and they did a great job.

After this time period, David never again got involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

A review of the translation. To him only, they will not approach. Dry ground? You are my hiding place from disaster; you will surround me with shouts of deliverance; I will teach you and instruct you. David had 22 years of marching when he went into interlocking systems of arrogance. He had to learn the hard way. I will guide you with My eyes on you.

Psalm 32:11 Be glad [Possess inner happiness] in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

Psalm 32 is going from unbearable suffering to bearable. Psalm 32 is reread.

This does not match up with Bob’s translation given here.

Psalm 32 from Syndein

~~'Happinesses . . . {to} those'/' How happy is he' . . . whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered {short accounts - consequences terminate with rebound

  see also Lamentations 3:42 - this does not happen with prolonged


{Note: Forgiveness of sin is 'subtraction' - it is NOT salvation. 'Imputation of the righteousness of God (Genesis 15:6) is an 'addition'. You must have the imputed righteousness of God for salvation and to permit the justice of God to bless you.}

2~~'Happinesses . . . {to} those'/'How happy is he' . . . the man to whom Jehovah/God does not impute sin/iniquity {reference to pardon after rebound - release from liability of the sin}, and in whose spirit {ruwach} there is no guile.

{Note: All sins of all mankind were imputed to Christ on the cross. Adam's original sin was imputed to every human at the point of birth. After salvation, believers are imputed with the righteousness of God. With the righteousness of God, God will no longer impute sin to believers.}

3~~When I was caused to keep silent {about my sins} {failure to rebound}, my body/bones 'wasted away'/'was worn out by use'/'waxed old' through my groaning all the day long. {sh@agah - literally the 'roaring' like of a lion' - internal distress}

4~~For day and night Your hand kept on being heavy upon me {idiom for divine discipline for sin}. My vitality {literally 'bodily fluids'/moisture (l@shad)} was drained away {literally 'became like the drought of summer'}. Selah {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on - it is a picture of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

{Rebound of Sins (See I John 1:9) After David's Prolonged Carnality}

5~~I keep on being caused to acknowledge {'yada} my sin {chatta'ah} unto You, and my iniquity I did not hid. I said, " I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah/God." Therefore, You forgave the guilt/'consequence of iniquity' of my sin. Selah {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on - it is a picture of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

{Note: The 'wages of sin is death' - spiritual death. When we sin, we leave fellowship with God. When we confess our sin TO HIM, He forgives the sin and you are restored to fellowship. Any discipline for punishment is removed or converted to testing for benefit.}

6`` For this shall every one who 'are faithful ones'/godly pray unto You {all believers MUST use the Rebound technique to keep short accounts with God - long periods of carnality (and lack of rebound of same) results in 'hardness of heart' and eventually personal rebound will not even be effective.} in a time when You may be found. Surely in the floods of great waters {used as an analogy for stressful and trying times} they shall not keep on being caused to come to Him {faithful believers rest in Him in times of trouble and do not only come running to Him in times of trouble - they are occupied with Him daily}.

7`` You are my 'secure place' {cether - was the word for a rabbit hiding in a hole to get away from the fox}. You shall keep on 'watching over me'/'preserving me' from trouble/'distressful times'. You shall intensively surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah {Selah means singers rest and instruments play on - it is a picture of you resting while the Grace of God continues on}.

8``I will be caused to continually instruct {sakal} you and teach {yarah} you in the Way which you shall keep on walking. I will keep on counseling/guiding {ya`ats} you with my eye.

9``Be not as the horse, or as the mule, which {dumb animals} are caused to have no discerning/understanding {biyn}. Whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto you.

10`` Many sorrows/pains {mak'ob} . . . {shall be} to the wicked. But he who trusts in Jehovah/God, grace {checed} shall surround him intensively!

11`` Be glad {samach} in Jehovah/God! {an order} And rejoice {giyl}, you righteous {tsaddiyq}. And be caused to sing/shout for joy {ranan}, all you that are upright in the 'right lobe'/heart.

There is one other psalm, and we find this in Psalm 51:1–13, which we will cover just the translation of. :

Grace here is a request for installment discipline.

His post-rebound situation.

Psalm 51 inscription To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet went to him, after he had committed adultery with in to Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your grace policy, according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.

Psalm 51:1 Have mercy on me, O God, according to your grace policy, according to your abundant mercy [greatness of Your compassion] blot out my transgressions.

David was asking that his discipline be given to him in installments; so that he did not receive it all at once.

There was much more than just confession of his sins.

Psalm 51:2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!

When an installment of discipline occurs, David will understand the sin that he committed. In each on of these, there will be an increment concept.

The naming of his sins. His sin is forgiven; but he is reminded of his sins.

Psalm 51:3 For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me [David’s discipline is right there in front of him; he sees this with each installment of discipline].

David manufactured this sin from interlocking systems of arrogance.

David has objectivity in rebound.

Psalm 51:4 Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil [manufactured this evil] in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.

Imputation of Adam’s original sin.

Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin [sinful from the time my mother conceived me] did my mother conceive me.

Reverse concentration.

Psalm 51:6 Behold, you desire doctrine in my inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

Hyssop is used for cleansing from leprosy. Hyssop would be used, and David sees himself as being in a situation like leprosy. Analogous to being a leper. Lepers were only healed by a miracle. He will see how beautifully the Lord.

David knew from his installment discipline, he would see cursing turned to blessing and how God has pulled him away from the 13 gates of interlocking systems of arrogance.

Psalm 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Psalm 51:8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones that you have broken rejoice.

Psalm 51:9 Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

Create in me a new right lobe.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart [pure right lobe], O God, and renew a right spirit within me [renew within me integrity of life].

David had the Holy Spirit and he lost it for a period of time.

Psalm 51:11 Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

A night could be spent on the next verse.

Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit [going from subjectivity to objectivity].

Psalm 51:13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.

This prepares us for installment discipline to begin Sunday morning.

Syndein has the following:

Psalm 51 from Syndein

Chapter 51

1a~~ {Title} To the chief musician {natsach} of the Psalm {mizmowr} of David on the occasion when Nathan the prophet had gone to him when he had gone to Bathsheba.

Have mercy upon me, O Elohim/Godhead, according to Your lovingkindness according unto the multitude of Your tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

3-4~~ For I acknowledge {confess - David is rebounding} my transgressions and my sin is ever before me {Rebound}. 4~~ Against You, and against You only, I have sinned and done evil in Your sight.

5~~ Behold, I was shaped in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me {old sin nature is passed down from Father at birth - so he was 'born already in sin'}.

6 Behold, You desire Truth/Doctrine in the inward parts. {metabolized into the norms and standards of the conscience of your soul - 'Your Thinking the Viewpoint of God'}

And in the hidden part You cause me to know wisdom.

7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which you have broken may rejoice.

9 Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O 'Elohim/Godhead; and renew a right spirit within me.

11 Cast me not away from Your presence; and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

12 Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation; and uphold me with your free spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors Your Ways; and sinners shall be converted unto you.

51:14`` Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O 'Elohim/Godhead, you 'Elohiym/Godhead of my salvation. And my tongue shall sing aloud of Your righteousness.

15`` O Lord/'Adonay, open you my lips; and my mouth shall show forth Your praise.

16 For You desire not sacrifice; else would I give it. You delight not in burnt offering.

17 The sacrifices of 'Elohiym/Godhead are a broken spirit. A broken and a contrite heart, O 'Elohim/Godhead, You will not despise.

18 Do good in Your good pleasure unto Zion. Build You the walls of Jerusalem.

19 Then shall You be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then shall they offer bullocks upon your altar.

Apparently, Bob never covered Psalm 51 completely in his ministry. Syndein does not match what I have in my notes (which are not perfect).

From: http://syndein.com/Psalms_51.html

2Samuel 12:15                                     72David                                              631_0278

Last night was Saturday Night at the Movies. A peasant and an aristocrat; both involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, which destroyed both of them. Integrity, honor code is what won out.

To prepare ourselves for the 4 installments of discipline. He married Ahinoam of Jezreel, who was a commoner or a peasant; and her son was Amnon. Maacah was the princess of somewhere and an aristocratic woman. Absalom and Tamar are her 2 children. He also married Abigail of Carmel and she and her child caused David no trouble. Then there is Haggath, who was a guttersnipe. From her came Adonijah. Amnon, Adonijah and Absalom will all be men wh desire to be the crown prince. Solomon will be, who is the 2nd son of Bathsheba.


1.       Because of polygamy, David was a strong man but a weak father. Men who are polygamous are weak. No matter what their strengths are, they are weak fathers. No one practices polygamy without being a weak father.

2.       David’s wives, for the most part, were strong mothers who raised arrogant children.

3.       Most of the wives in the harem were arrogant. This caused them great trouble. Arrogance makes an issue of environment and makes an issue of race.

4.       Upper class arrogance produces tyranny; and lower class arrogance foments revolution. The racial issues we face today are arrogance and nothing else; minority issues are based upon arrogance and nothing else. Arrogance makes an issue of environment.

5.       The only son who did not give David any trouble was Killiab the son of Abigail. David married Abigail and her son grew up entirely separate from interlocking systems of arrogance. She was free from arrogance and vindictiveness and she avoided most of the harem conspiracies.

6.       This is because Abigail was a wonderful mother.

7.       Abigail had class, like Bathsheba. She had overt beauty and poise and wisdom and her beauty was free from arrogance. Most women ruin their beauty with arrogance.

8.       Humility added to the surface beauty provided the perfect environment for the spiritual growth of her son.

9.       Arrogance makes an issue out of environment; all racial issues involve interlocking systems of arrogance. The Jackoben mentality was one of the most evil in history. Overthrowing the government is what the Jackobens wanted. All recial issues are a matter of interlocking systems of arrogance.

10.     All racial issues should eliminate genetic arrogance.

11.     Being born-again should eliminate the problem of genetic arrogance; but rebound and doctrine can deliver from the trap of interlocking systems of arrogance.

12.     Arrogance produces weak fathers and strong dominating mothers.

13.     This is why the child of David and Bathsheba must die. Their first son would have been a monster. David had just come out of interlocking systems of arrogance. And Bathsheba just entered. David will become a great father next 4 children of Bathsheba, who will become one of the great mothers of all times.

Prov. 31 means of the king, to the king, belonging to the king. This is what Solomon wrote about his mother. The key is inner beauty and not exterior beauty.

Pro 31:1–3 The words of King Lemuel. An oracle that his mother taught him: What are you doing, my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows? Do not give your strength to women, your ways to those who destroy kings.

What Bathsheba taught Solomon about drinking.

Prov. 31:4–8 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to take strong drink, lest they drink and forget what has been decreed and pervert the rights of all the afflicted. Give strong drink to the one who is perishing, and wine to those in bitter distress; let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.

A woman to choose type of jewelry, she ought to choose pearls; they show class. Diamonds are too harsh.

Prov. 31:10–12 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.

She has well-organized clothing. The woman must recognize that her man cannot spend all of her time with her. She must find things to do; she must find things to occupy her time, so that she does not spend her time whining and mewing about the lack of attention.

She is well-organized. She is beautiful and she is good with investments.

Prov. 31:13–16 She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens. She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.

Women need to be compassionate. There is no class in a woman who goes into fits of screaming or periods of silence.

Pro 31:17–22 She dresses herself with strength and makes her arms strong. She perceives that her merchandise is profitable. Her lamp does not go out at night. She puts her hands to the distaff, and her hands hold the spindle. She opens her hand to the poor and reaches out her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household are clothed in scarlet. She makes bed coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.

His prominence is her desire and she does not attempt to compete with him.

Pro 31:23–25 Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them; she delivers sashes to the merchant. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.

This woman can think. Bob tells some gal, a blonde and someone with glasses. “You either listen or leave right now. You do not get away with rudeness where the Word of God is being taught.”

A woman is not beautiful unless she can think. Any woman with doctrine can think .

Solomon wrote this about his mother. He was eternally grateful for his mother.

Pro 31:26–29 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

doctrine resident in the soul.

Pro 31:30–31 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.

Prov. 12:3–4 No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.

Better to be alone than with a contentious woman.

There are many doctrinal lessons in these passages. Environment is not an issue. There must be more to a woman than her physical appearance; one depends upon her inner life.

There is a critical illness which strikes the child which is David and Bathsheba’s. The ministry of Nathan was completed, so he went on home.

The child is struck by God with a critical illness. He was dying and dying slowly. The child will have eternal life because he was not old enough to have made a decision. Taking the child home before he reaches accountability, he is saved forever.

Both parents love their son dearly, and this strikes them in their souls.

It is not Nathan’s job to punish David or to censor him or to bring him to court. No gimmicks; he asks for no money. Too many ministers regard themselves as God’s whips. There is constant begging for money and they make false issues out of finances. The pastor is not God and not the source of punishment. The only exception is when members of the congregation bully or are nosey, and the pastor needs to evict these. The justice of God does not need out help in judging the sins and failures of others.


1.       The justice of God did not administer the first installment of the justice of God. “Well, why does ‘t God just strike people dead in the congregation?” They must be able to hear the truth.

2.       Only after Nathan went home did the installment discipline begin.

3.       Objectivity versus subjectivity. The recipient of installment discipline needs to be objective about it.

4.       Blessing and spiritual growth from installment discipline is impossible apart from..

5.       The believer must be focused on the fact that God is the one punishing them; this is one of the reasons that Nathan is out of the picture. You must avoid blaming anyone else.

6.       The person must be aware that his punishment is being imputed from the justice of God and God is fair.

7.       Punishment meted out in a sin must come from God and not from you. Arrogance makes people think they ought to punish.

8.       Bitterness of others toward you only complicate your life. You seek revenge on them.

9.       David had no right to blame Bathsheba, Uriah or Joab. When David was approaching a woman, he always had to say, “My wives do not understand me.” (Joke) he cannot blame the push pull of his mistresses.

10.     In this, David was objective. He will have many prosperous years after this.

11.     He will regain his humility and integiryt.

12.     Installment discipline is designed for spiritual growth. Doctrine must accompany it. We grow by learning and by applying doctrine. David uses reverse concentration and will learn by installment discipline.

Systems of Advance

1.       Daily function of gap so that doctrine resides in the soul. Good taste comes from knowledge. It is knowledge which brings about good taste. Apart from learning doctrine, there is no way of spiritual growth. Our happiness in time, our glorification of God in time, logistical grace are all learned through Bible doctrine.

2.       This ἑπίγνωσις doctrine advances the pivot and it provides thought structure of doctrine in the soul as a rationale. Thought-material for application of doctrine in the 2nd stage. We grow academically and then experientially. Learning and applying doctrine. At various stages, we are tested; personnel tests, economic tests, career tests. Sometimes these are testing; and sometimes it is discipline. An adolescent might have his suffering dimished after rebound; and a mature believer might have his broken down into installments.

3.       Suffering as testing as suffering for blessing;

4.       Regardless of the category of blessing and spiritual advance, it must come from using great objectivity in 3 phrases of the faith rest drill. We have control of the system through doctrine.

5.       While David will fail, he was totally objective and totally grace oriented. David will have an arrogance hangover.

6.       David became a greater man due to all of this than ever before in his life. He was totally free of interlocking systems of arrogance. David was in interlocking systems of arrogance in some of his previous life.

7.       The real greatness of a person is determined by their orientation to authority and self-discipline.

8.       If you want to see the real person, observe how they take their punishment. Objectively or subjectively.

9.       As a result of punishment, some go backward and they are bitter toward everyone else. When God gives discipline, some people get worse, if they respond with subjectivity. However, if they respond objectively, they gain from it.

10.     Believers cannot put up with arrogance and other mental attitude sins when being punished by the job. Objectivity means humility. He has true objectivity. Without this objectivity, he will never have this great relationship with Bathsheba. The dying of this son could destroy the relationship of David and Bathsheba. They will emerge as the love of the century. Why is David able to find happiness here after 25 or more women?

2Sam. 12:15 Then Nathan went to his house. And the LORD afflicted the child that Uriah's wife bore to David, and he became sick.

2Samuel 12:16                                     72David                                              631_0279

David had objectivity under discipline.

Consequently, David pleaded with God on behalf of the boy. There is no bitterness and no blaming of anyone or excuse or any form of rationalizing.

Many prayers are not answered and will not be answered; they have some form of arrogance or some form of subjectivity. David understands in a very limited way the attitude of God the Father in judicial decision which He makes.

It is a great temptation to use gimmicks for getting money. Everything must be based upon your own volition and your own motivation. Some people will not give unless they like someone or are inspired by someone. 35–50 men in prayer meeting. The motivation for time and all eternity.

The First Concept

1.       Installment discipline was possible because David had rebounded and outside of interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       Note the contrast between David suffering unbearable suffering for a year, including psychopathic arrogance; and now making intercession for his young son (of 3 to 6 months).

3.       Installment discipline is for that positive believer toward doctrine. He recovers fellowship through rebound; but his failures outside would be unbearable. Broken into intallments so that David can bear it.

4.       Installment discipline is not for the reversionist. He gets warning, intensive discipline and then the sin unto death. Arrogance is that preoccupation with self and subjectivity which exists in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

5.       The fact that the reversionistic believer is negative toward doctrine

6.       David is magnificent in this first installment of divine discipline. He is not thinking of himself, but of the integrity of God and the son he loves.

7.       It is because David is thinking of others, that he handles himself so well. He is not subjective; he is not self-centered. He is objective.

8.       No believer can handle suffering while being occupied with himself. This is why all discipline inside interlocking systems of arrogance is unbearable and why all of the counseling in the world cannot make up for it.

9.       Once the recovery occurs, the believer reverts to objectivity and he becomes preoccupied with the person of Christ rather than with himself.

10.     Installment discipline allows him to recover and turn cursing into blessing.

11.     In the 4th stage of installment discipline, we can see David in a greatness that no one else possesses.

12.     Installment discipline is designed to strengthen moral courage; you cannot face life without moral courage. That is the courage of thought. It is necessary for happiness and capacity for life.

Tsum the noun and verb; then David fasted a fast. This is the intensity of David’s concentration on the Lord. You may have concentrated on the Lord so intensely, that you have forgotten to eat or sleep. This is not dieting. There is a different motivation for it now. So fasting has one purpose in mind; to diet. Bible fasting is not abstaining from food, but it is preoccupation with something so that food loses its importance. There is no merit in dieting where the Word is involved. The concentration demands that no distraction exist. David absolutely refuses any food. He is preoccupied with the Lord. Deliverance from death is what he wants. Other functions of life are set aside in fasting. You only fast when you go without all the normal functions of life. This mighth include no sex among married people. Fasting demands occupation with the person of Christ. No matter how you fast, no one can fast as much as Gandhi did. There is often arrogance involved in this; it is a matter of impressing someone.

Many of those in Berachah miss dinner for Bible class, and that is fasting. Fasting is setting aside the routine in life so as to sharpen the human faculties for concentration and objectivity.

David went without food, beverage, sex, and he did not go to the office to be a king. Bob counsels a woman about her yawning. Bob is amazed that people can become adults without learning some common courtesy.

Why does God the Holy Spirit tell us about this? What is the significance? Lying on the floor and pleading for the life of one’s son is agony. Never was David more helpless to cope with a situation than this. This is total humility. Until you get to the place where you are totally helpless, you have not really lived. Here is a king with the finest medicine at his disposal, and yet he is totally helpless. The son is going to die under the principle that the justice of God knows best. To love someone so much and to be so helpless with regards to helping them.

Both the living David and his dying son were both in the hands of God. Here is the king with all of his prosperity, with all of his children, and with all of his success and power, and he can do nothing. This child he loves the most. The son will die that David might live. It started with sexual arrogance and went to conspiratorial arrogance and criminal arrogance and eventually psychopathic arrogance. This little lad would die that David might live, just as Jesus died so that we might live.

The suffering that David went through paralleled the suffering of God the Father when God the Son was on the cross and being judged for our sins.

2Sam. 12:16 David therefore sought [pleaded with] God on behalf of the child. And David fasted a fast and went in and lay all night on the ground.

This was all very distressing to David’s staff. They arose and went to him to raise him up.

The older people on David’s staff; this was his own private castle-staff. These people are loyal and they stay with him. These are the older ones on David’s staff; they are great people who serve in a humble capacity; and they are motivated by more than success. No one wants to be a maid or a servant any more.. We often think of greatness in terms of success and money, but these elders are greatly honorable.

The person who is content to remain in a humble place in life. That is great honor. There is the arrogant view of life that you can do anything; you can be anything. These people live very contented lives. Liberalism, redistribution of wealth, etc. detracts from this kind of thinking. Because of their grace orientation, and their humble attitude, they were not in competition with David nor did they try to use their relationship with the king to advance themselves. They would not allow themselves to be interviewed today nor would they write tell-all books.

David has been trapped in interlocking systems of arrogance, and these elders have avoided this trap. They are not inordinately ambitious. This staff is almost incorruptible. David had great wealth in the realm of sevice. Those who gathered around him to serve him were motivated by great personal integrity. They illustrate, sic transit gloria munday. “So the glory of the world has passed away.” It means, “So what if you were a great actor, or a great soldier or a great business success; and what does it all mean? Are there those who truly love you and are willing to serve your or are they just there to gain your money?

There are those who are sycophants and they use another’s power, money or fame; and they are used to gain their ends. People do not take your authority and your power and use it for their gain. This happened to David and it happens to all great men.

No one on this staff said or thought, “I am better than David; I am more righteous than he is.” Napoleon went into Spain out of arrogance; and tried to invade Russia from the west.

Genius has a limitation; talent has a limitation. Bob knew a guy with great comic talent, but he never knew when to stop. He is probably the loneliest person in the world and he cannot entertain himself.

There is the lack of service. A good bottle of wine and good service and you can put up with almost anything. If you want to get up and punch the waiter, you certainly cannot enjoy your meal.

This is marvelous to be served by loyal staff, who have great integrity, faithfulness and loyalty. They remained with David despite his being in interlocking systems of arrogance. These people saw all of the ambitious mothers, David chasing women; and these servants went through their lives with constant pandemonium, and they maintained their own personal integrity. These people are weak and arrogant and crybabies. The staff of David was made up of incorruptible men. When you have integrity, you are not corrupted by those over you or around you. You can have a corrupt person over you as your superior; that does not mean that you have to be corrupt. In many areas of life, you will find those all around you who are corrupt and arrogant. Never blame other people for your own evil. There is no reason to be corrupted even if those around you are corrupt.

The day of the pimp is over. They provided David with women and took power and whatever in exchange. There would remain corruption in David’s government until the end of the Absalom revolution.

They will stand by David during the time of his grief and agony and prayer. While David is prosperous, these elders are there; and when he has failed, they are there. They are a magnificent group of people from whom we can learn many things.

These elders tried to get David to return to normal life; but David will spend these 7 days on the floor praying, fasting, grieving and thinking. The staff was right to try to get David back into life. David was a fastidious dresser; but he did not bathe. The nature of this first installment made it difficult for David to lead a normal life.

Routine is a blessing and the castle staff wants to bring David back to the routines of life. You may be under the routine of business and work when under discipline, but because of the intensity of David’s failure. Routine has the right amount of eating, sleeping exercise, work, etc. This sort of routine is important. Routine is most important in the spiritual life. Falling in love can distract you from Bible class; performing good deeds which interrupt the routine of your life. Routine demands discipline. No one can constantly learn Bible doctrine without being organized. Routine requires organization. Some cannot make it to maturity because they are too distracted to make it to Bible class every night. You build everything around Bible class. This requires organization and routine.

Some of you get so involved with pseudo activities.

In time of historical crisis or in time of great prosperity can break routine. Depression; you suddenly have no work. Let events break routine. But do not break routine for illegitimate distractions.

Here’s the bottom line, which expression Thieme does not like. Arrogant people are always disorganized. Arrogant people are distracted and distractible. They are too taken with themselves to be organized. As long as David’s dying son is alive, David will not get off the floor in the room where he is. Bob understands this experience. It is obvious that David loves this young son. He has some capacity for love for his son?

When there is a choice between the mother and a dying fetus, save the mother. The justice of God is fair and when there are things placed in front of doctrine, God removes that from out lives.

What we need is professionalism in what we do. Routine makes it possible for us to be organized in our lives. If you are not organized in your thinking, sooner or later, the whole package will catch up with you.

2Sam. 12:17 And the elders of his house [David’s castle staff] stood beside him [remained with him ], to raise him from the ground, but he would not [he was not willing], nor did he eat food with them.

2Samuel 12                                          72David                                              631_0280

Bob’s conference in LA; Dr. Davidjohn is one of Bob’s favorite chaffeur because he always misses at least one exit. Davidjohn is animated and shaking his hands expressively, so Bob has to grab the wheel. 4 inches of rain during the 2.5 hours on the freeway, so Bob and everyone there was soaked. Very hardcore tapers.

Bob has noticed a great deal of restlessness in the country; people with great wealth and possessions, and they are unhappy and restless. There is so much entertainment, social life, and high standards of living; and these things do not make a person happy. We are ripe to be destroyed as client nation USA. After studying arrogance, Bob could pretty much put his point on the problem. This is a timely opportunity to present #13 of interlocking systems of arrogance. It didn’t occur to Bob until recently that he should have held a raffle on gate #13.

In evangelism, or the local church or a missionary function, being reduced to a gimmick to raise money, the cause is lost.

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

13.     Client nation arrogance

          1)       The constitution of the United States is the most perfectly designed instrument of government in modern history. It is a document of such magnificence, that there are probably only 3 comparable documents in history.

          2)       The constitution must be supported by the people. The constitution demands more integrity from average citizens than any other historical document, and that is what makes it great. Bob could have gone to any college in the United States or overseas. However, he could not go to Stanford or to Yale. Harvard and Stanford groups on tv organizing conscientious objector clubs. They wanted freedom without responsibility. Freedom without responsibility is arrogance. “We don’t want the draft; the draft is slavery; we don’t want the war.” Every one of those students was inside of interlocking systems of arrogance and these people had greater privileges and freedoms than anyone in history. The constitution does not work without integrity. If any generation lacks integrity, then the nation will be destroyed. The first stage of destruction, is democracy. The Magna Carter, signed by one of Thieme’s ancestors, King John, demanded integrity on the part of the barons of England, but not on the people.

          3)       Next to the Word of God itself, there is no statement of freedom and its responsibility and integrity which can compare to the US constitution.

          4)       When the people of this nation have lost their integrity, they have lost their loyalty to the United States and above all, their honor.

          5)       Loss of public integrity is the direct result of entrance into interlocking systems of arrogance.

          6)       Interlocking systems of arrogance is degeneration and degeneration distorts this republic into arrogant democracy. We have never been a democracy, but we are becoming a democracy through interlocking systems of arrogance. These people shouting at the colleges are just like the Iranians; the same shouting the same arrogance. Bob thinks about the dress and poise of some of the military types and compares them to the arrogant long-haired hippy types, makes him realize how close we are to a disaster.

          7)       The Republican demands honor of its citizens.

          8)       We have become an arrogant nation and therefore, an evil nation.

          9)       Sin + arrogance = evil. Human good + arrogance = evil. Arrogance is the ingredient which converts sin and human good into evil.

          10)     The constitution of the US will only work when the citizens of this client nation have integrity and possess honor.

          11)     Since the citizens, generally, no longer possess honor and integrity. An arrogant public destroys the constitution of the United States.

          12)     Client nation arrogance must be distinguished from political arrogance. Political arrogance applies to individuals who want power and do so from interlocking systems of arrogance. Client nation arrogance is the collective grass roots arrogance of the citizens of a client nation. The difference is a specialized individual entry and here a group entry.

14.     Let’s look at this as an individual situation. “I could not love you, dear, so much, loved I not honor more.” This poet somehow figured out the laws of divine establishment. He understand the true meaning of love. Integrity and honor are the keys to love. When a woman breaks up with a man with whom she has been in love, and she runs him down to her new lover or friend, she lacks integrity and she does not even have loyalty to a principle. In her own arrogance, she erases her honor and integrity.

          1)       Client nation arrogance manifests itself in the national distortion of love; it is done nationally; love is distorted in every way.

          2)       Client nation arrogance divorces love from honor and integrity. If you truly love someone, then you would not run them down. You would not think to malign or blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ. Doctrine gives us integrity which results in loyalty to the Lord. You join that restless mob of people shuffling up and down the streets of Houston, having everything and appreciating nothing.

          3)       Pseudo love emphasizes sex and therefore self. Sex + subjectivity = self-centeredness. Sex becomes the ritual that goes with the reality. The reality is found in honor. Integrity + loyalty = honor. That is objectivity.

          4)       True love emphasizes honor and integrity. Therefore, the object of love receives both loyalty and respect.

          5)       Integrity + loyalty = honor. Integrity to become honor must be loyal to principle of doctrine. This means a total understanding from the honor code. The best summary and teaching is in Rom. 12–16 and its application under reverse concentration. Bob did not see any signs of objectivity among the students who were photographed in the antiwar demonstrations.

          6)       For the unbeliever, this means perception and application of the laws of divine establishment.

          7)       Those men in the marches lacked... We fight for the ladies when we go to war; we do not expect them to fight for us. But the hippies would go for that.

          8)       Integrity + loyalty = honor.

          9)       True love resides in integrity attraction, rather than physical attraction. There is nothing wrong with physical attraction, but that can never be on the same level with integrity attraction. Physical beauty is common; personal integrity is rare. True love is based upon integrity attraction. We really went through a phase of women discussing the kind of furniture and number of children on a first date. If you have honor first, then you will have true love. This is how a woman is able to give first place to a man’s career. And the woman will not sit around and mew, and complain and bitch. There is noting worse than a whining mewing woman. There is no integrity there at all. When a woman is in love, she wants to spend 25 hours/day with the one she loves. However, she needs to find something to do when he is away, so that when he is there, she is at her absolute best. Bob wouldn’t give two hoops and a hollar for a whining woman. Women, for centuries, figured they can get their way by nagging. A man with integrity will never succumb to nagging, no matter how long it lasts. If there is anything which defeminizes the woman, it is nagging, mewing and complaining. Don’t know physical attraction (I know you won’t so I won’t worry about it).

          10)     Integrity attraction is the reality while physical attraction is the ritual.

          11)     Ritual without reality is meaningless. Arrogant people in your vicinity will make an issue of themselves and use those they allege to love. Amnon had great lust for his half sister, but he will despise her after raping her. Arrogant people who use you will live to despise you. Integrity versus loyalty always means that you are influenced by an arrogant person.

          12)     So the poet Lovelace presents the case, unless you possess honor, you have no capacity for love.

          13)     Without capacity for love, you have neither honor nor integrity, which are necessary for happiness in life.

          14)     National arrogance has produced a nation of restless people who cannot appreciate the blessings our nation has enjoyed. We are approach a crisis because we are faced with a disaster right this minute; public arrogance.

Today, the missing link is between integrity and honor.

We have a few minutes to get back to our subject.

Consequently, David made intercession for the dying boy. Now David fasted a fast and he went to his dying son and laid down on the floor and spent the night. Then his castle-staff stood by to lift him from the ground; but he refused; neither would he eat food with them.

As servants, David’s staff had great integrity. You can always bribe the loyalty of a person if they do not have integrity and honor. These were great people; their loyalty was based on their integrity.

David’s staff was not competing with him. They did not become influence peddlers. Whle David had been trapped inside interlocking systems of arrogance, they had avoided this trap, even when he was in psychopathic arrogance and complete subjectivity. When someone enters into interlocking systems of arrogance, you can rest assured that they will abuse their staff. They avoided hatred of David and they did not compete with David. There is nothing better than to be served by a staff with great integrity, honor and loyalty. They do their service faithfully, even though there might be some great repetition. They did their service to him without arrogance.

This staff did not include the court pimps, who were despicable people; and they did not hinder David from getting good service from his elder staff.

They tried to bring David back to reality by normal routine; but David refuses to enter into the routine of his daily life. He is praying, grieving, thinking, and asking God to revive his son.

People without capacity for life often get bored with routine, but routine can be a great blessing in one’s life. This includes taking in doctrine every night. Your routine is your first line of defense that everything should revolve around doctrine. After that is your job, your responsibility in life, the way you make your living.

There might be some pleasures you put in there, once a week or once a month. But, if you violate your routine, that is where you lose your objectivity.

It is impossible to keep a routine or to enjoy its blessings, when a believer is under discipline.

Bob, when he called on a woman, expected them to be waiting and with enthusiasm, 30 minutes early if need be. This woman was unorganized. Bob knows women who can work a full day, keep their house up, because they are organized.

“When you’re depressed, honey, take a bath.” The staff was right; get back into a routine. David needed to get back into a regimen. This is total objectivity. You are concentrating; you are approaching the throne of grace. Speaking of prayer meeting.

David is in a serious situation. This is perhaps the first time David has felt great love for an infant son.

2Sam. 12:18 On the seventh day the child died. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, "Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to us. How then can we say to him the child is dead? He may do himself some harm."

2Samuel 12:18                                     72David                                              631_0281

Apparently, there are Fx systems just beginning. One group is starting out in Klein at Warren Hale’s?

Military Review, article called, what became of the 7 dwarfs?

The public complaints about the draft, hell no, we won’t go. We myay not be able to defeat anyone. We do not have the mental attitude to survive. We have left the sphere of establishment to solve our problems.

Charlie Reese “Overhaul Strategy.” Carter has not enunciated a clear policy about the Soviet Union. This is dangerous. The only reliable ally we have anywhere near Afghanistan is Israel, so we cannot talk about stopping Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan. We will need a much better and larger standing army. We need to control the sea at certain points, and we are unnumbered 2 to 1 by the Russians. Will be fight them with propaganda and alliances etc.?

We have had universal compulsory education, and this has prepared us to be destroyed by the Soviets. Many systems have been very clear in countering the present education system, but Communism and socialism tenets are taught every day.

The truth is being presented. People like Charlie Reese are widely read; excellent articles in the WSJ; great articles in the Houston Tribute. The problem is not getting truth; the problem is, we are rejecting the truth.

David is being warned by Nathan of the installment discipline to come. Evil will be caused to rise up against him. The ultimate is revolution. Publically I will take your wives and give them to a loved one, and he will ravish your wives in broad daylight. Because you have done it in secret, I will do this thing before all Israel and in broad daylight...after Nathan returned to his home, the Lord struck the child...then his castle staff stood by...

The 1st installment of discipline has come to pass with v. 18 (and some of the following verses close it up).

For 7 days, David is on the floor, praying, fasting, concentrating and thinking. He is using a spiritual weapon, prayer. He had rebounded and was outside of interlocking systems of arrogance. His prayer would be highly effective, except that part of his divine discipline was being presented to him.

The son must die. A liberal society and an arrogant society regards every death as an horrendous thing. The result has been aspirin bottles that cannot be open. The 11 children who died, died because their parents were careless. Liberalism then tries to protect everyone by changing the caps on pill bottles. Sometimes, God chooses to take people home. God chooses that it is time for a person to die.

There has been a great deal of activity with regards to preservatives in food. Other countries face all kinds of diseases because they do not have preservatives in food.

There never was a gasoline shortage in this country. It was created by the department of energy; and there is one now. The Carter administration, to make sure they were not blamed for it, they have persuaded people in this country that it is the fault of the rich or the oil companies.

If there is some accident, then laws are passed to prevent this from ever happening again. Bob likes seat belts so he can drive at 100 mph and remain stable. Bob was hit broadside by a car going 90 mph and he survived without a seat belt. Legislation is not God and has no right to intrude on our freedom.

Bob invites 2 guys to see him after class. He is thinking about getting a cordless mic so that he can just go down there. The arrogance wihen liberals try to play God.

The child went automatically to heaven when he died. His son may have rejected Jesus Christ at the age of accountability. That could be as early as age 5 or 6 and as late as 20 or 21.

Those of you who have children as believers, and if these children die before accountability, God sometimes allows them to die in order to keep the family intact. The justice of God and the wisdom of God takes the child home. It is a hidden blessing. This is always a possibility which must be considered. Secondly, whenever anyone dies, the justice of God knows best. The justice of God + the omniscience of God, God has all of the facts; so it is the right time. Sometimes parents have a child who will never reach accountability, and this is also a blessing. In a resurrection body, this child will be as normal as anyone else in the family. Often the reason for this is, there might be testing or discipline involved; but the justice of God is right there. All grief must avid the hysteria of the unbeliever. “We sorrow not as others who have no hope.” The staff of David will not understand David. Because David is a mature believer, during those 7 days, he used prayer. Right down to the last breath of that child, David continued in prayer. His persistence and perseverance in prayer. Since prayer was answered in negative, negative, David will enjoy this son in heaven. God overruled his prayer. Letting the son live would ended up being a cursing.

All resurrection bodies are the bodies of adults. God turned cursing into blessing by overruling David’s very effective prayer. God never overrules a prayer like this unless there is greater blessing beyond what we can see. David’s attitude after the death of his son will be very much like Job’s response. Job 1:21 “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away...” and in all of this, Job did not sin nor did he blame God. He was not bitter; he was humble. Job did not react to the death of his children; he reacted, however, to the nagging of his wife. This is why Job’s 3 friends could not help him; they did not understand interlocking systems of arrogance. He finally broke out of interlocking systems of arrogance near the end of the book. He is fine at the end of the first chapter.

The castle staff was not aware of David’s ability to cope. David’s son is dead and David is still on the floor in prayer. They are afraid to tell him. They are afraid that he might do something desperate and kill himself. His staff knows David pretty well and they observed him that year in interlocking systems of arrogance (he must have tried their patience). And they are still evaluating him on the basis of interlocking systems of arrogance. They are also evaluating him based upon the 7 days of agonizing over his son. The staff needs to be inflexible. It does not occur to them that David will be able to deal with this. This is a great staff, but they do not have David’s spiritual maturity. David can handle reality; he has trouble with uncertainty. He met uncertainty with prayer. David’s volition was for his son to live. Divine volition (sovereignty) had all of the facts.

His staff were concerned about David. They are great people and thoughtful and humble people. They are concerned for David. They did not want to add to what was already a bad situation. This is the staff’s only failure at this point. They should have told David that the child is dead. Once the issue is settled, then it is time to move on. It is time for David to move back into routine. The person who dies wants you to get back into routine and into the normal functions of life. It is abnormal and arrogant to enter into abnormal grief.

David’s Staff

1.       Because of David’s terrible behavior because he was inside of interlocking systems of arrogance and because of his extreme grief at the bedside of his child, the staff has become apprehensive about telling David his child has died. Apparently, he bullied his staff when they gave him facts.

2.       Now his staff is so concerned, that they won’t give him the facts. There needs to be one person on the staff that can do that.

3.       No leader, no boss, no person in authority can function without facts and without the truth. If something is going on and he is unaware of it, or someone is goofing off, he has to have information. There are a lot of things. The best management is not better than the intelligence which they have of their business. Bob about T&P employees that he has fired.

4.       To discourage presenting the facts or telling the truth could be ruinous to a government, a business, a church or any organization.

5.       Correct decisions cannot be made on false information.

6.       To conceal bad news and to hide accurate information is to guarantee erroneous decisions. Coaches with erroneous information fail. The facts of reality are necessary in order to solve problems. If those under you are afraid to give you facts, then you have failed.

7.       Making decisions without facts or with false information can abuse their authority. No one can exercise authority without justice and fairness.

8.       Policy in any organization to be effective and fair must be based upon truth. In this case, truth is accurate information. David’s son had died and he did not know it. David will figure this out for himself.

To say below is basically why they chose to do what they did. This is not a situation where they are withholding information in order to gain something for themselves. This is a matter of having concern for David. So their motivation is reasonable. These have no wish to add to his hurt.

The implication is that David might kill himself if he hears that his child is dead.

2Sam. 12:18 On the seventh day the child died. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said [reasoned], "Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to us [i.e., listen to our advice]. How then can we say to him the child is dead? He may do himself some harm [manufacture evil; do something desperate]."

Some Closing Principles

When God the Holy Spirit puts simple narrative into the Word of God for a reason. There are principles here, and this is where many commentaries miss the mark, by not giving some of these principles. Sometimes there is a summary, but there is no analysis of this part of David’s life. It is as if God the Holy Spirit put narrative in there for no reason.

1.       The servants have seen David during his psychopathic arrogance and know that such people may even commit suicide. You can get into interlocking systems of arrogance tomorrow and become psychopathic and commit suicide. But you do not lose your salvation. The suicides in heaven have the plain resurrection bodies with no decorations.

2.       They came to this point by their own volition. They keep making bad decisions in interlocking systems of arrogance and they eventually remove themselves from this life.

3.       David might become preoccupied with himself and his grief, in their thinking.

4.       They forgot that David is a doctrinal genius. There are those who are geniuses who do not have a lick of sense. We are loaded in this country with people with no sense.

5.       David’s mentality in interlocking systems of arrogance are neutralized.

6.       Mental attitude sins which distracts the believer from doctrinal viewpoint; a person with an edification complex and he is a genius, but he can be neutralized inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       David’s refusal to enter into the routine of daily life caused the staff to assume that David would do something irrational and desperate.

2Samuel 12:19–20                               72David                                              631_0282

Impulsive arrogance, blind arrogance, conspiracy arrogance, criminal arrogance, crusader arrogance, psychopathic arrogance, sexual arrogance, genetic arrogance, political arrogance, client nation arrogance. Client nation arrogance + political arrogance is what is causing us so much difficulty at this time.

Sunday Telegraph 1980. (Date given, but I missed it), Peregreen: When Carter plays the role of hawk. Converts to their new faith often embrace this position with more enthusiasm than subtlety. His heart is in the right place, it is his head that is in the wrong place. Removing the Shah allowed the USSR to respond with expected vigor. Carter’s policies are undercutting any seriousness in America’s place in world affairs. We are responsible for destroying many pro-American stable governments. We have emphasized in our arrogance that all of these countries should be come democracies. We get rid of various leaders who are dictators but pro-American and end up with people who align themselves with the Soviets.

Carter is actually responsible for what is going on in Iran. He made it possible for Khomeini to come in. Progress appears, nowadays, to be replacing right wing pro-American dynasties with left-wing governments. He has been born-again, but that is not the same as growing up.

Then his castle staff stood by to lift him up from the ground, but he refused; neither would he eat food with them. The servants were afraid to tell him that the child had died. How can we tell him the child is dead? He may do something desperate. Anything in life which includes fear, jealousy, vindictiveness and distracts the believer from doctrine, neutralizes the ability to think. The alertness of natural intelligence. David’s refusal to get off the ground while his child was dying, causes the staff to think David might do something desperate and irrational.

Generally, those who understand you best are those who are associated with you in business and under pressure, and they learn your traits after long observation under a number of different circumstances. Now, they have observed how fragile and vulnerable David had become as of late in interlocking systems of arrogance. They are concerned for him. They note that David is subject to fits of depression. They have concluded that this will be the straw to break the camel’s back.

2Sam. 12:18 On the seventh day the child died. And the servants of David were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said [reasoned], "Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spoke to him, and he did not listen to us [i.e., listen to our advice]. How then can we say to him the child is dead? He may do himself some harm [manufacture evil; do something desperate]."

We have already found out how important it is for a person to have all of the facts. This is the first installment of David’s discipline, and this is designed to change cursing into blessing.

David observes that his child may be dead, and he asks his servants. He is objective again and he notices what is going on, despite his grief. Perception and discernment are destroyed by interlocking systems of arrogance. The interlocking systems of arrogance destroys all perception.

Why is there simple conversation here? What does God the Holy Spirit want for us to get from this?

Concluding Points on this Conversation

1.       David asks a direct question; people use direct questions when they are seeking information. No one on his staff would lie to him when asked a direct question. Integrity + loyalty = honor. Once you make this integrity versus loyalty, then you have destroyed honor. This is why we are suffering from client nation arrogance today.

2.       As a result of his interrogation, they confirmed what David had concluded from his observation. He is objective and discerning. You cannot run a business or have any kind of authority in social life or in any profession if you are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. David understand that they are debaing because they are afraid to tell him that his son is dead.



5.       Arrogant people are not observant; they are too preoccupied with themselves. Now that David is free from arrogance, he will now take charge of the situation and return to routine.

6.       Release from interlocking systems of arrogance resulted in David’s recovery of his objectivity.

7.       Now that he is free from arrogance, he inquires about reality. When you are free from arrogance, you begin to associate with reality. David inquires about reality without flinching.

A Second Principle

1.       Only those free from arrogance can face the difficulties of life.

2.       You will note the tremendous poise of David in facing this great tragedy. The equilibrium of his soul is balanced with the integrity and balance of soul. Balance of soul means that you are like Tom Landry at a football game. As a believer in Jesus Christ, Tom Landry has what it take.

3.       In the first installment of discipline, it is turned into blessing.

4.       David will return to normal routine. He will dress normally and clean himself up and he will shock his staff. This gives us some index as to the greatness of David.

5.       Humility orients to pride or reality.

6.       No circumstance of life, no matter how tragic, is greater than doctrine in the soul.

When the problem is undeserved suffering, the issue is grace; when it is deserved suffering, then the issue is rebound and faith rest. The imputation rationale. Our sins were imputed to him and judged.

If you cannot bear the suffering, then it is a matter of being out of fellowship.

2Sam. 12:19 But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David understood [perceive, discerned] that the child was dead. And David said to his servants, "Is the child dead?" They said, "He is dead."

Now David returns to a normal life. The House of the Lord is interesting. Was that in Jerusalem at this time?

The first thing that David does is, he cleans up. Cleaning is a part of his routing. Objective people think of others. He was not a hippy. He used whatever kind of soap and whatever else was available. David was probably bruised and his muscles were tight and he soaked himself in the tub.

David probably had a considerable wardrobe.

Cleanliness is objective.

David and Routine

1.       David has become normal again. He has just paid the first installment of divine discipline. The son whom he loves is dead. So he moves right back into routine. Those who do not get back into the routine of life after a tragedy are involved in self-pity. They will move over to self righteousness when they are enjoying prosperity. Normal people are organized. Normal people get the most out of life and the most out of time. All normal people with a routine have decided what is most important. Some people build their routine around pleasure. With some, it is ambition. Some are workaholic. Some people are well-motivated. These are the people that work 12 or 15 hours a day. Their subordinates might think a great deal about it, but they do this as naturally as breathing. If you have problems organizing yourself, then join the army, and they will organize you.

2.       David’s grief had been a distraction to the routine functions of his life. Bob recounts this with his grandmother. He and his uncle stayed there with her until she died. This was a distraction from routine. Bob is in traffic and he is amazed what he sees, women drinking coffee, combing their hair, putting on lipstick and putting on clothes. Their routine needs a slight overhaul. If you are in too much of a hurry, you lose your alertness. Everything in life must be reduced to a routine. Vacation is simply routine built around pleasure. Bob, if on a cruise ship, would like to shoot skeet for 5 hours a day. In any case, if you are in a routine, you like to have a change, and you enjoy it more. If you spent your entire life doing what you would do on a short leave, you would be miserable.

3.       No one can accomplish much in life apart from routine which minimizes distractions. Minimizing distractions in traffic, in business and in social life. The people Bob knew in college could not enjoy social life because they always were behind in their studies, so fun was not fun.

4.       David does not worship in sloppy dirty clothes or attend services that way.

5.       Those hygienic and ablutionary routines show humility and thoughtfulness for others.

6.       Entering a worship service in a slopping, maleorderous state can mean blind arrogance.

7.       Concentrating on the teaching of Bible doctrine. Narrative does not bring out the great rationales of the plan of God or the divine decrees or divine essence. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

David’s worship was related to humility. He prostrates himself in the house of the Lord. The basic function of worship is thought, not posture or emotion. The content of thought is doctrine. The motivation is the filling of the Holy Spirit. The basic concept is prayer, song or music, giving, eucharist, and the extensive teaching. The lyrics ought to be Biblically correct. The giving requires the correct mental attitude. You can give without giving anything.

There may have been the dying grace rationale and there may have been the attribute of God rationale; and thinking about the plan of God for his life, which involved another 20 years in his life (he was 50 and he would die at age 70). Worship include the filling of the Spirit. David worshiped before he partook of food and before he enjoyed fellowship. He did this before reestablishing his routine. Spiritual food before physical food; doctrine before entertainment. David returns to the normal world of spiritual activity and normal activity.

Then David goes to his own house, and food is set before him and he eats. Afterward, he goes to his castle. Shael means to demand. This surprised his servants who were surprised that he was now ready for food and to be served. This is his first food in 7 days. Much to the surprise of his staff, he required service and food.

2Sam. 12:20 Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself [this means to put on lotions, which is the equivalent of deodorant] and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. He then went to his own house. And when he asked, they set food before him, and he ate.

2Samuel 12:20                                     72David                                              631_0283

Those who enter into acting often come from a variety of backgrounds. George Sanders came from a very sophisticated home. He wrote a book which was quite entertaining. The Memoirs of a Professional Cad. He is not a misogynist but an ishshah-phile. What do you think of intellectual women? Are there any? Should a woman be beautiful before breakfast? It would never occur to me to look at a woman before breakfast. I have discovered, as Jack Lemon said, a whole new sex. Beauty is only skin deep. That is a proper depth; who needs a beautiful gall bladder? A beautiful woman gets old; a plain woman gets plainer and older both.

Doctrine is your life, and these various things which occur are simply tests.

George Sands had a house of sand; he had no doctrine, so he committed suicide when his wife died.

Some of these people, you take away their toys and they are nothing; people who are arrogant can never enjoy life. Arrogance people are capable of nothing apart from talking about themselves.

The arrogance of Satan neutralized all the doctrine that he knew; he knows more doctrine than anyone else.

Arrogant types are always looking for a new set of ears to listen to them.

You ladies can figure it this way; if no one has dated you up to age 30, you haven’t missed a thing. After that, you can be very selective and discerning.

Some of you are desirous of the leeks and garlics of Egypt. And you might get very self righteous at the same time.

Despite many failures, David always came back to doctrine.

2Sam. 12:20 Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself [this means to put on lotions, which is the equivalent of deodorant] and changed his clothes. And he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped. He then went to his own house [palace]. And when he asked, they set food before him, and he ate.

David’s Change to Normalcy

1.       Much to the surprise of his staff, David returned to normal. There was nothing else that he could do for the life of his son.

2.       The rapidity of the change was too much for David’s staff.

3.       Their brains could not cope with the rapid transition to normallcy.

4.       Furthermore, the first installment of discipline is now completed.

5.       The purpose of installment discipline has been accomplished in turning cursing into blessing through the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill (reverse concentration).

6.       David has used various rationales and applied them to the situation. Pertinent rationales.

7.       David has made the correct doctrinal conclusions from these rationales. 3rd stage of the faith rest drill.

8.       Importance of the justice of God and adds to this the blessings of divine viewpoint, which are simply the ability to think doctrine in tragedy.

9.       Once in control of the situation through the proper application of doctrine in the soul, David now snaps back to normal living, in leadership and in his life.

David and His Leadership Function

1.       David had to demand service before anyone would serve him a normal meal. The staff is still back in v. 17.

2.       The palace staff assumed that David’s fasting and prayer wuold intensify after his son died.

3.       David is a mature believer with doctrine in his soul. He mental attitude sins the rationales of a mature believer. He immediately snaps back to normal.

4.       So he must go on living the normal life of a king.

5.       All great leadership in life must be organized and self-disciplined to get anything accomplished. This is true for anyone in a position of leadership. You must be organized to get your prep school lessons ready.

6.       If David is going to continue as a king, he needs food, exercise, and social life and spiritual function.

7.       Disorganized people cannot function in leadership capacity or fulfill great administrative functions. Being a mother requires great concentration.

8.       A person who is disorganized in function is disorganized in thought. The oragnizec thinking of analysis and synthesis demands an organized life.

9.       Distracted people are disorganized people. Disorganized people are not qualified to handle the subject at hand.

10.     David had recovered his spiritual equilibrium and his personal life had cursing turned to blessing.

David’s Return to Normal Thinking

1.       While David was sill on the floor, he applied pertinent doctrine to his adversity. He was thinking in terms of doctrine; he was thinking divine viewpoint.

2.       When he got up, he was thinking and concentrating.

3.       He took a long bath, and he organized his mind then. An organized mind demands a clean body.

4.       He used oils and lotions, and this would be shaving oils and deodorant.

5.       Having organized his own appearance, he then went to the Tabernacle on Mount Zion. Spiritual food must come before physical food.

6.       Not only was he thinking straight, but his priorities were staright. He had recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       On his return from the castle, his staff assumed that David would have no appetite. If your thinking is right, your appetite will be right. David is starved.

8.       Their assumption is incorrect. The living must go on living normal lives.

9.       Normal thinking produces a normal appetiie. When Bob is done studying, he is starved; not necessarily the same for pumping iron or running.

10.     Wihle David was dining, his servants were pondering. They could not understand this radical change in behavior. Those who work for him should understand him to some degree. David’s staff is composed on honorable people.

11.     Loyalty is often disturbed by what loyalty cannot understand. Even if you do not understand your boss, that is not important; you just do your job. David’s sudden change has completely confused his people.    

When you do not understand someone to whom you are loyal, you must return to your own integrity in order to continue functioning with honor and correctly. Integrity + Loyalty = Honor. We all develop loyalties. A lot of men in Ansio were lost and many wondered how 5 battalions were lost. Always then, you have to use integrity. Bob does not understand hippies; he has no frame of reference for them, but they get the same message that everyone else does. Sometimes when you make an issue of loyalty, you get arrogance as well. You must always go to integrity.

George Sanders love Benita Hume. He could not understand why she died before he did, and in this way, he lost his honor and integrity. Bob speculates that he was in interlocking systems of arrogance. Doctrine could have kept him alive. You must go to the principles of loyalty and to your integrity. The staff was confused, but they simply needed to do what David required of them. Integrity maintains honor while loyalty is having problems.

Therefore, the staff, in v. 21, is inquisitive. This will lead us to another series of questions. This palace staff has been very thoughtful of David.

2Sam. 12:21 Then his servants said to him, "What is this thing that you have done? You fasted and wept for the child while he was alive; but when the child died, you arose and ate food."

2Samuel 12:21                                     72David                                              631_0284

David gets up off the floor after the death of his son. They had no idea that David would clean up, go to the Tabernacle and worship, and then return to the dining room, famished.

A person who is disorganized in function is disorganized in thought. David has recovered his spiritual equilibrium and has recovered from the first installment of discipline.

Honor maintains loyalty; nor vice versa. No problem with honor and loyalty until confusion or arrogance seeps in.

When David gets up off the floor, he goes through a set of organized steps. Cleans up, goes to church, and then eats. People who are well-dressed are never overdressed. Assuming that someone who dresses up is gay or something makes Bob’s fists itch.

David’s staff assumed that David’s return to the palace would have been different; that he would not be hungry. His staff serves him well, but they have disturbed minds. Loyalty is often disturbed by what loyalty does not understand.

David Eating His First Meal; David’s Servants

1.       During the course of the meal, the staff was confused. Some people are quiet because they have a lot on their mind.

2.       David’s staff does not interrupt him because of protocol.

3.       David is starved. And he is eating a lot. David’s servants are free from interlocking systems of arrogance. They are excellent in their work because they are well-motivated by their integrity.

4.       The criminal mind has only misplaced loyalty; they have no true honor.

5.       The palace staff did not feel that their questions were more important than their care for David. They put first things first.

6.       Loyalty does not maintain integrity; but integrity maintains loyalty. At some conferences, there are those who monopolize Bob’s time, and they want answers to every question. It never occurred to this evangelist that Bob may need to rest his voice. The palace staff was not like this. They showed a great deal of integrity. They considered David’s health and desire and questions much more important.

“What is this thing that you have done?” is the literal rendering, and it means, “Why are you behaving this way?” The palace staff did not know enough doctrine to understand. They did not know enough doctrine, but they did not demand answers immediately. Arrogance is preoccupation with self. Arrogance is usually all about an individual’s scale of values. People have a very strange scale of values. They often get their whole lifestyle out of sorts. A person who makes an issue out of personality rather than productivity; that is arrogance. The person who despises others because he does not get enough attention.

Integrity + loyalty = honor. David had a great palace staff

David’s Palace Staff

1.       The palace staff did not consider menial service too good for them. They never considered these services to be beneath their dignity.

2.       They did not lose momentum or motivation for menial service because someone persuaded them that they were too good for menial labor. They took great pride in doing a job well. The household functions were not beneath them.

3.       One of their responsibilities was to do their job as unto the Lord, but their responsibilities would not say, “You must understand David. You cannot scrub floods and clean sheets unless you understand your boss.” That is not included and it is not necessary. To give him better service, they need to be honorable. There is nothing in our job profile which says we need to understand the behavior pattern of our boss. It does depend upon our motivation and our honor. A guy that Bob knew was an office boy, and the president caught his eye and promoted him. There was nothing too degrading for him to do. He did not question the behavior of those superiors. However, at Bob’s jock reunion, he was chairman of the board. He was not too proud to block, which added to Bob’s yardage. Principles for the laws of divine establishment or from Bible doctrine. The unbeliever can come to these conclusions through divine establishment and the believer through Bible doctrine or through divine establishment.

4.       Good service depends upon the integrity of the worker, not on the boss. If the boss’s behavior seems strange to you, it does not hinder your behavior at all. The real issue is always integrity; not the boss’s behavior. Good service depends upon your personal integrity. If you are loyal to a principle, you can remain loyal to your boss. Loyalty depends upon integrity.

5.       The matter of timing was very important.

6.       They had to understand David’s personal likes and dislikes to serve him; they did not need to understand his moods; that had nothing to do with their ability to render good service. It is hard today to find good help in any sphere. This is because people have integrity. It is not that they lack the ability to do a good job. Bob loves Ophelia. This is true of anyone who has integrity like her.

7.       The palace staff, through the years, had come to learn the many intimate details about David. David had never been under installment discipline before.

8.       Therefore, their questions were not out of line, because they somehow felt like they had failed David.

9.       The servants would have prepared a meal for David, but they were sitll back in v. 17.

10.     Now that David’s son was dead, they expected that David’s grief would become more intensive. But he demanded food and beverage. All believers are domestic servants, for we must all understand Jesus Christ. We can only understand Him through Bible doctrine, or, through the hard way, divine discipline. The more doctrine we know, the better we understand Jesus Christ.


1.       It requires great integrity to be a good servant. It demands great integrity to be a good employee. The government in its misplaced bureaucracy is trying to keep employers from giving a bad report. There will never be a job for you because you area bum.

2.       Since integrity is so important in the smallest job as well as in the greatest, the servant must regard his master’s life as confidential. David’s life is confidential. The Lord can handle all discipline. So the employee or gossips about the owner or the one in charge, is dishonorable. When you work for someone else, your job is to work on principle, which means no gossiping or maligning. Integrity + loyalty = honor. If you think you need to report your boss to the IRS or to OSHA, you are out of line; that is not your job. Bob will never forget a waiter named Canon, with excellent integrity. He treated people he liked and did not like with honor. “You know how the public is;the bastards insult; they raise cain about nothing.” He never felt that it was degrading. Bob can recall those who worked for him in the past and they were scum; they are dishonorable. They had misplaced loyalty. They represented evil. There is more to life than making or stealing a buck or lying about the hours that you work.

3.       The master must be thoughtful in his service and to avoid discouragement by keeping a good rapport. David was ready for a question and he would not ignore they are confused. He will explain to them what is going on.

4.       Remember these servants have been with David for a long time.

5.       It was not often that they were confused, but they are now. When David was raising hell, that did not confuse them. They were not confused by his grief. But they were confused about after his son dying. All of us are the Lord’s servants. Bob would rather be the Lord’s slave than anyone else’s freedman. Slavery means that Bob does not have to worry about taking care of himself. God will deal with that. Bob is delighted to be God’s slave. 30:34

Under integrity, we can add anu of the rationales, like logistical grace or the a fortiori rationale. Loyalty is occupation with Christ. It is who controls history. Honor is good motivation. When things are bad, it is easy to become bitter. Honor demands good motivation, no matter what the circumstances. Our motivation ought to be based upon integrity.

When you work for any organization, then you ought to be loyal. If you cannot find a job anywhere where you can be loyal, then you need to take a look at yourself; the world is not good enough for you.

David fasted and weeped for the child while he was alive; but now he is not; and David no longer is fasting and praying.

The servants figured David would be more upset; but they have forgotten that David will not follow the normal approach to life. There is a complete metamorphis of personality. He was weeping and fasting and begging God to deliver his child; and now David has returned to routine. They understand that David is under some kind of discipline because they know David and they have been around. This has not changed their loyalty to David. Service has one of the great demands upon integrity. Business has a great demand on integrity. If you work for anyone under any circumstance, then you learn loyalty, even when they fail. This is palace service and it makes great demands on integrity. This was a challenge to their integrity. The servants of David remain loyal to David under interlocking systems of arrogance. When he hard to live with, and he was probably abusive and short with his servants. This did not affect their loyalty. They would have to allow God to deal with David. Arrogant people think that it is their place to judge those who are over them. Whatever abuse that David gave them when under interlocking systems of arrogance, this did not change their loyalty to David. They demonstrated their integrity on the job. Integrity + loyalty = honor. They did not face the problems of Uriah or Joab. They did not have to make a choice between integrity and loyalty. They just needed the integrity to continue service. It is not how well you are treated, but how well you serve the master. No matter what kind of a person your c.o. is, you show integrity. Since all believers in Christ are servants to the Lord, the same service applies to all of us. No matter how much discipline we receive, this does not affect our loyalty. We do not lose our honor when we are disciplined by God. Our point of reference is the sovereignty of God; not the love of God. It is the justice of God. God is always fair to us. We are never bitter towards God, if we get discipline rather than blessing. Our loyalty to the Lord is not maintained because we appreciate His blessing. We are loyal to God because we have integrity. We learn the principles of blessing.

There is a post-death observation. They note that after the child dies, then David gets up and he eats. To the servant, this behavior was inconsistent. He should have been intensifying his grief. Once his child died, David returned to a routine and he was reasonably happy. The issue in divine discipline is sin. In the issue of divine discipline, David finally rebounded. David has a year or more in interlocking systems of arrogance and he had done a lot of evil things. However, he was still a mature believer when in interlocking systems of arrogance. Since he is going to live, he has to take his discipline in increments.

There is nothing more that David can do. He cannot pray or fast or anything else. He is now happy and hungry. Cursing has been turned to blessing. It is grace. When the child died, David got up and ate food; and they could not understand this. Now he has snapped back into the routine of life. You cannot ever recover from the death of a loved one unless you do get back into a routine.

The servants leave something out. When the child had died, you got up and ate food. They left stuff out. He bathed, dressed and went to the tabernacle. They left this out. In a bath, he was thinking. David is thinking; he is using the rationales. When he gets out of the bath, he is thoughtful of others. The cheapest thing to get is soap.

David pulls out something good from his closet to wear. He doesn’t pick out some rags. This is a sign of the way that he thinks. People wear these little things around their necks; males, little chains and signs of the Zodiac. Bob is suspicious of people who wear that kind of junk. It doesn’t matter what it is. Imagine men wearing anything around their necks except dog tags. Then, when he was organized to go outside, then he went to worship. That was the first thing that David did. He is starved, but he doesn’t go to the kitchen and start eating. David does not get out of his routine. He goes to church hungry. You are alert when you are hungry. After he left the church service, then he was thinking about the wonderful meal that would be awaiting him. But there was no dinner waiting for him. They did not fail from lack of integrity or lack of loyalty. They just did not put it all together. David was a mature believer just out of installment discipline #1. Doctrine changed David’s behavior pattern after the death of his son.

It takes concentration to learn doctrine. In living, we apply doctrine.

Criminals often have loyalty without integrity.

2Sam. 12:21 Then his servants said to him, "What is this thing that you have done? You fasted and wept for the child while he was alive; but when the child died, you arose and ate food."

2Samuel 12:22                                     72David                                              631_0285

Meeting to approve Gary Horton as a missionary.

The entire poem read for, “I could not love thee, dear, loved I not honor more.”

Wall Street Journal 4February 1980 “Yellow Rain.” Soviet forces used nerve gas against Afghans and against Yemen and against someone else. They did this as an opening shot, not as a last ditch effort. American observers there, and there was observed nerve gas and 1000's of Kurds died. They have been using this very effectively and very extensively. We are so stupid about these things and our liberals have given us a false scale of values. The United States has renounced the first use of chemical weapons, which is typical of us; kill off our best men first, and then start using the good stuff. What we have the WWII leftovers which was insurance against first use by the Japanese and Germans. We have scant capabilities against chemical weapons. We have never filed against the Soviets, even though we have records of every single use by the Soviets of nerve gas. We instead spend all of our time yapping about Rhodesia and South Africa.

The Soviet Union has 100 of its best spies working at the U.N. We support this with our taxes (we pay 75% of the UN budget). Typical of the stupidity of the policy of the United States. The Department of Energy literally caused the gas shortage.

Whether we survive or not depends upon our attitude toward Bible doctrine and Jesus Christ, Who controls history.

We will study later on, misplaced loyalty and criminal arrogance.

Review of vv. 17–21:

“While the child was alive, you fasted and wept.”

v. 22 is the pre-death rationale followed by the post-death rationale in v. 23. We will see a little of David’s arrogance hangover.

Chaja, which means to live. What David did was, he fasted and wept. David has to first get on common ground with these people, and say that they are correct in what they observed. Part of his problem was that he suffered from an arrogance hangover. He was not involved ini interlocking systems of arrogance, but he still had a hangover from those days.

Then we get into how David was thinking and how he reasoned. Who knows is an idiom for perhaps, maybe, possibly. “I thought to myself, maybe the Lord will be gracious to me.”

David While the Child Is Alive

1.       David is under discipline from the justice of God while this is going on. The source of all divine discipline is the justice of God.

2.       David was in a state of wishful thinking, of euphoria? God’s grace to David was, he had never lost anything as a supergrace believer. However, this is produced when inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. David was king long before he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Everything that God gave to David in grace was given before he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. However, when he was in interlocking systems of arrogance, we have the son who is the product of this affair. He is not a part of grace blessing. He is a result of David’s arrogance. We make a mess of things ourselves, and then ask God to clean up after us and give us whatever we are able to grab along the way.

3.       Like so many believers, David was in a state of euphoria and wishful thinking.

4.       David was thankful to God for simply being alive. This son was conceived in rape. God cannot spare His Son of the cross, and, at the same time, save us. This is analogous.

5.       Grace is not having your cake and eating it too. Otherwise, God the Father would not have judged Jesus Christ on the cross.

6.       Under installment discipline, cursing is turned to blessing at the end of the installment and He punishes at the beginning of the installment. Installment discipline is designed by God for our blessing. The servants could not understand how David could return from church and demand food.

7.       But the moment the issue is the failure of the arrogant hangover. David demanded from God in those prayers for God to keep him alive. He was demanding grace where grace had no application. In the agenda, the suffering comes first. Before the installment is completed, cursing is turned to blessing. Justice is the source of divine discipline and divine grace.

David and Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       The justice of God in punishment cannot deliver both David and the son of rape. The justice of God will take one. One of them has to go and Nathan has already given the agenda for that. The justice of God is very gracious in taking this son. He would have been what Amnon is in the next chapter. The crown prince is a criminal. This Amnon and this son of rape are very much alive. You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

2.       Grace is defined as the policy of the justice of God in imputing blessing to the indwelling righteousness of the believer. Obviously discipline is also the policy of the justice of God for imputing suffering.

3.       Discipline or punishment is the function of the justice of God in imputing suffering for sin, human good and evil.

4.       David is being punished for his sin and evil. Sin and evil produce while traipped. The old sin nature functions of free will.

5.       Because David has finally rebounded, his unbearable suffering and punishment are finally removed. God not only removed the unbearable suffering and punishment, and this would also be a removal of guilt.

6.       Because of Davids procrastination in rebound, David would get installment discipline. He reached out with faith and claimed a promise in Psalm 32 and 38. The discipline was too great for even a mature believer to handle. David will distort the grace now and again with an arrogance hangover. At the end of the 4th installment, David will be a far greater man than he ever was.

7.       This punishment would leave David a better man. 10 years of discipline and he will live for 10 more years.

8.       Each time, punishment, which is turned into blessing.

9.       The cursing here is the death of his son; and the blessing was to come from the use of doctrine in reverse concentration. He left weeping and wailing and he returns a new man.

10.     David had distorted grace into a false concept of having your cake and eating it.

11.     Therefore, David’s pre-death rationale was erroneous in part. He was thinking erroneously. A distortion of grace, a misapplication of grace; a superimposition of personal desires over the judgment of God. David was saying, “Give me my personal desire, and not Your best judgment.” When you have a hangover, the drinking is over; but its effects remain. David isn’t arrogant; he has been arrogant. All of a sudden it comes. So, he wants this son, and he says, “I am in the process of becoming a good father; let me have him. I’ve turned over a new leaf.”

12.     This is what we call a hangover from interlocking systems of arrogance. David trying to superimpose his own personal desires over the plan of God.

13.     This distortion of grace is the predeath rationale. This sets aside the whole concept of grace orientation. The moment that David heard that his son was dead, then he began to use grace properly. There was disorientation before the son’s death and afterwards, total orientation.

14.     Human viewpoint + his personal desire.

The Arrogant Hangover

1.       In effect, David defines grace as God letting David have his own way after rebounding. That is the arrogance hangover. The echo is, God allowed David to sin without punishment. Cancel the discipline is what David is saying. How can God do that and retain His Own integrity. If God cancels this for even one person, then God is not God.

2.       David fasted and wept because in the hangover of arrogance, David was thinking about David and about what he wanted; and he was wishing for what he wanted.

3.       Therefore, the predeath rationale must be classified as an arrogance hangover. He is not inside interlocking systems of arrogance. You do not have a hangover if you use the hair of the dog the next morning. If you keep drinking, then you have a worse problem, but not one with a hangover. David has stopped. He is not inside interlocking systems of arrogance; he is outside. At the moment, he is preoccupied with himself, and that is inside. This is a perfect illustration. You never see a person using the hair of the dog, except he hasn’t quit. We do not get back into interlocking systems of arrogance every time we express a little arrogance.

4.       By arrogance hangover, David was outside the complex, outside interlocking systems of arrogance, but he had an attack with preoccupation with himself. It lasted about 7 days.

5.       The arrogance hangover is an actual sin. It is a failure of arrogance without entering into the interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Therefore, as a result of living in the arrogance complex for over a year, David will occasionally have an isolated sin of arrogance.

7.       Because David wanted so intensively for his son to live, he wanted God to be gracious about this. Grace suddenly becomes sponsorship of sin. It is impossible for God to sponsor sin. None of us will ever be an exception to this. The justice of God is half of God’s integrity. David was occupied with David and dictating to God what He ought to do. God knows what He is doing. God knows completely what He is doing. David does not realize that what he is doing is contrary to God.

8.       For David to try to superimpose his will over God’s is arrogance, but it is a simple sin and not reentry into the interlocking systems of arrogance. The arrogance hangover always distorts the grace of God. The grace of God and justice of God are subordinated to the arrogance hangover.

9.       The arrogance hangover always distorts the grace of God and subordinates the grace of God and the justice of God to human pride.

10.     Grace is not subordinated to the whims or the desires of the believer; grace is subordinated to the justice of God.

11.     Grace is not the policy of man; grace is the policy of God. Grace is not to be abused by man. We do not tell God what grace is; He reveals to us what grace is. David loves his son dearly and he is begging God to spare his son.

12.     The arrogance hangover always distorts and abuses grace. It tries to dictate to God when grace and judgment ought to be used.

13.     The arrogance hangover is an isolated sin of arrogance whereby the believer dictates to the integrity of God his own personal desires rather than waiting on the will of God to express the integrity of God.

What was David’s desire, which distorted the grace of God, very simply, David wanted God to spare the life of his child.

Bob throws in some waw conversative stuff here. David is now 51 years old and he is trying to dictate to God grace. Every distortion of God’s grace for personal advantage is blasphemy.

God invented grace, not David. The source of grace is the justice of God; not the whims or desires of David (or any one of us). Superimposition of our whims or desires is an instant arrogant desire.

Fasting and prayer here are related to an arrogance hangover.

2Sam. 12:22 He said, "Consequently, while the child was still alive, I fasted and wept, for I said [thought to myself], 'Who knows whether [Perhaps, or maybe] the LORD will be gracious to me, that the child may live?'

Coming up: the post death rationale.

2Samuel 12:23                                     72David                                              631_0286

“We have forsaken Malta” an article Bob is reading. Strategically important going back to the 16th century. A check of Ottoman empire power in 1566. WWIII is now on, and this fact is yet to be recognized. Russia is still our WWII ally, but they seek domination. Detente is a strategic move, not an objective. Franco was similarly attacked for prevailing over Communism. We don’t care much about human rights in Communist nations, but we worry about the human rights of those who are our allies. We have lost some of these countries through our sanctimonious actions. When we left Malta, it slipped under the Red curtain by Libya. Now Malta will be an airbase for the Communist nations.

In our country today, we are so divorced from reality. We are going to study fragmentation and how it relates to psychosis and those in between reality and unreality. Fragmentation is both the thinking of criminals and we are closing down foundries which would be needed to produce military equipment; our foundries are in Germany.

Various studies are quoted. Like why hermit crabs pick one shell over another. What is coming up in the next chapter will be an outstanding example of fragmentation.

The pre-death rationale in v. 22 and moving to the post-death rationale. David did not know where to put his son; under grace or under divine discipline.

David now has a complete change of mind. He is recovering from the arrogant hangover.

Adverb attah, which means and now. Then we have muth, which means to die. David then asks, why should I fast? Fasting is intense concentration on prayer and on doctrine, and it is only incidentally related to dieting.

Let’s take the criminal who commits rape. Many of the men in the New Mexico prison were raped. Those people should have been executed. They bring on their own psychotic condition by their own volition. A woman at Berachah a few years ago was an exhibitionist, along with other things. She confused her bf’s by saying, “I love you” and then she would turn against them. She would retreat into a cave of unreality. A very evil, self righteous woman.

Liberals have brought out the kind of war we are about to enter in on. The same people who caused it all will enter into their cave of psychosis.

Our president has fed the scum of the earth. The police are underpaid and we will be in trouble when we call for them and they are not there. Those who created OSHA and destroyed free enterprise will go right into their cave of unreality when things fall apart.

We will find in the next 8 chapters everything we need to face the next disaster. David asks, “Can I bring him back again?” Death terminates many things in life. There is nothing more that David can do. His prayer and fasting failed and there is no retreating to the cave of unreality.

There are some psychotics in Berachah. Doctrine seems to soothe them. Bob knows some of them very well. They might be staring at you. Most of them are harmless, or they would not be there. They have left reality and now they are back in the cave.

Shûbv, which means to return, to turn onself; to convert. Here, to cause to return, to necessitate. Obviously, David cannot bring his child back from the dead.

Installment discipline starts out with something which hurts; but the cursing is turned into blessing. Now that the child has died, there is nothing to do.

The Death of David’s Son and David’s Rationale

1.       God in His justice decided to take David’s son home; that is what David understood.

2.       David cannot overrule the wisdom and justice of God.

3.       David, knowing what God knows, would not want his son to live; his son will die before reaching accountability. That is blessing by association. When David was in interlocking systems of arrogance, it was cursing by association. David gave Bathsheba a very hard time for that first year? If you men think you are big, strong and tough, you are not able to take what a woman can take. God’s timing is perfect.

4.       The young son who captured the intense love of David is now in heaven.

5.       If the son had lived, he might have rejected Christ as Savior, he may have spent eternity in the Lake of Fire. And he would have functioned under fragmentation during his lifetime.

6.       In this way, by God’s gracious function of taking the son home, all 5 of David’s son will be united in heaven with David. This son is unnamed.

7.       David nucleates this doctrine. People lose children before they reach the age of accountability.

David will die 20 years in the future (19 years, actually), we will go to heaven where his on David does not mourn like those who have no hope. It will be 19 years before David sees his son again.

The young man will not be necessitated; David will miss his young son; but he will always The mourning for Absalom will be quite different. There will be many regrets. Absalom will take some of David’s greatest severatns. David’s sorrow here will be an academic matter; it will be much different with Absalom.

Cursing is now turned to blessing, and David will require food and blessing.

More Principles

1.       The life of Bible doctrine is found in both growth and application. Every day or every month so sometimes, we will ask ourselves. We will discover a series of things making. There are pleasures in life that you put aside for doctrine. But if you say, “I’ll just make it up on tape.” “So, did you make it up on tape?” God takes cognizance of legitimate activity, e.g., basic training. People take vacations and often do not take doctrine with them. There are subtle things in life; the way you are treated or people turn against you. The temptations which become yours as you start to get into inordinate competition with others. They are simply designed to get you away from thinking doctrine. We all have to face fragmentation temptations. If we succumb to fragmentation temptation, then we will be punished for it. The justice of God would not be fair unless we are punished for it. Like David, we get it on installments. David returns to his routine, and this shocks his staff. And David moved by doctrine. You also miss out on doctrine by distraction, and you do not learn things the easy way, but you lean by the horse and the mule. There is no greater way that to move from cursing to blessing. It is easy for Bob to take role with a crowd this small. Bob knows us by face, and he knows where we are. Bob sees this all the time.

2.       The second stage is the real faith rest. Claiming a promise is only a fly by night, temporary expediency. The real faith rest technique is in the 2nd stage; the application of doctrine.

3.       Abnormal sorrow for the dead is unprofitable means failure to get back into the routine of life. It eventuates in fragmentation to psychosis. It is retreating into the cave. It leads to the first gate of the interlocking systems of arrogance.

4.       The mental attitude sins of arrogance includes jealousy, bitterness, self righteousness, guilt complex, and a retreat into the cave. When a person reacts incorrectly, there is vengeance, etc.


6.       David’s final statement on the subject is free from bitterness and self pity and free of blaming someone else.

7.       Freedom from arrogance is applying doctrine to the situation; here, to the loss of a loved one in the faith rest drill. The faith rest drill never functions inside of interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 12:23 But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he will not return to me."

there are 2 ways a nation can recover. When it starts at grass roots, it begins with revival. It is a spiritual factor. When it recovers topside, it is personal. It is one man’s spiritual life having an effect. David’s blessing by association reaches every walk of national life.

The birth of a future king in the next 2 verses. This is the replacement of grace. If you have chosen doctrine over a person or over a promotion. There is a replacement of grace, which is far greater than anything which you have given up. The birth of this future king brings into focus the replacement of grace. First son not given a name; the 2nd is given 2 names.

The name of the son, and his name is Solomon which means prosperity, and the Lord loves him. When cursing is turned to blessing, the prosperity is given, which is Solomon. Jedidiah means loved by the Lord, and it never occurs to other commentators that this refers to God loving David, not Solomon. Both names have significance.

The first name of the replacement son. We begin with David comforting Bathsheba, and she is the love of his life. This is his RW. David has brought into his marriage a tremendous sexual experience, and it will not be helpful. You do not have to have experience to be good. All experience does is confirm bad people in the bad ways. Experience does not mean a thing. David brings lots of experience and trouble. David comes into this marriage with experience and so did Bathsheba.

Bathsheba truly loved her first husband. She was extremely beautiful and extremely talented in responding to her RM. When experience meets virtue, there can never be total happiness. It was great and fantastic, but it was not maximum.

David has to comfort her because he was the world’s worst husband. He was a total bastard. Bob says David comforted her over this rather than the loss of the son. The Piel stem means to comfort. In the Niphal stem, he is grieved. He changed his mind about the value of doctrine. He is now qualified to be a human being; he has rejoined the human race. He is qualified to love a woman and to make love to a woman. Now that David is squared away, he will be greater than he ever was before. For David, life begins at 51. 51–70 is the best of David’s life. Those familiar with sex books have probably read that a male reaches his sexual peak around 19–21; and that is ridiculous. David is just beginning at age 51. All of this suffering has cleansed David. His neuro transmitters have been reinvigorated. Once you are squared away spiritually, the neurotransmitters move full speed ahead.

The new man emerges, and there is David with that expression on his face; no, he became a very ardent lover. Considerate and thoughtful.

You cannot comfort someone who hates you. Your comfort is no comfort. Bathsheba is even greater than we thought she was. Sometimes, there is a case of RM/RW relationship, but it never works out. If one or both are inside interlocking systems of arrogance, then it will not work. David is no good as a lover, husband or friend at the beginning. There is no way that a man and a woman, both in interlocking systems of arrogance, can live together; even RM/RW. What makes a man a man and a good lover; is humility. It clears out those invisible areas of the mind to make it easy to make love. Are your neurotransmitters clean or not? That is the issue.

Bathsheba had fallen in love with David and she will be comfortless until David comes out of interlocking systems of arrogance, which he has. David is the only one who has the power to do this. David’s power of comfort came from the use of reverse concentration. Until the soul is comforted, there can be no physical love. The soul must be right. Otherwise, the woman is faking.

David goes to her soul first; then he goes to her. He approaches her and copulates with her.

2Sam. 12:24 Then David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, and went in to her and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And the LORD loved him

2Samuel 12:24–25                               72David                                              631_0287

Neurotransmitter concept in “Marijuana Alert” from a Reader’s Digest article. Damaging their brains and making it more difficult to conceive completely healthy offspring. Pot has an attraction to the brain and the sexual organs. It take 5-8 days for the THC to half leave the human body. Testes and ovaries have high fat content, so that is where the THC goes. Apparently, same for the brain? Research with monkeys, that their brain cells showed some remarkable changes. There could be a slowing down of brain messages. One said the alcohol affect was nothing compared to the effect of marijuana. Another doctor calls this the enemy of youth. If we are to go to war anytime in the next 25 years because their brains are too effected. We will eventually have a nation filled with morons, robots and idiots. High school explanation, to take the pressure off high school. Comparisons between those who smoked marijuana and punch drunk boxers. If you are a user, you hae problems with your neurotransmitters.

There is an elapse of another year and David is back to normal. Between the installments of discipline, there is a principle. The cursing is now turned to blessing. There is an interim now, and this will be what David can learn or reject. When you are under installment discipline, you are given the opportunity to prepare for each installment before it occurs. First, perception and then application of these doctrines. This is a grace opportunity, which is a little different than the grace interim.

Part of the application is the name that David gives this son; Shelimoh and how they got Solomon out of that, Bob does not know. The word is taken from shalom. Bob can’t believe some dumb bunny did not know enough Hebrew to transliterate this.

Solomon’s and Removal of Troublemakers

1.       The name is derived from the fact that David apparently promised Bathsheba at the birth of this son, or at the death of Absalom, that this boy would be his successor. 1Kings 1:17 during the Adonijah revolution, and Bathsheba calls David on this promise from the past. At some time, this promise was made.

2.       This promise is not metioned in the Bible until Adonijah attempts to seize the throne.

3.       On the side of Adonijah was Joab and Abiathar the priest.

4.       On the side of Solomon was Nathan the prophet and Beniah the great soldier. Also Shimeah. Interesting lineup.

5.       It is interesting to know that David advised Solomon to execute all of those who might cause him trouble, which is everyone who opposed him.

6.       Solomon took this great advice. Some are never dealt with properly unless killed. Shimea was told, “Don’t leave Jerusalem, or I will kill you.” He left after 3 years.

7.       The true function of authority demands elimination of troublemakers. This does not means just churches; apparently, Bob is one of the few who does this in a church. If there is a strong coterie, Bob will boot them out; he has practiced this vigorously. A 4 star general was quite upset with Bob for doing this. A football player gave Bob some trouble, and Bob banged his head against a locker and he did not pay for the rest of the year due to a concussion. If you are a born troublemaker, someone will have to run over you. If you are born to command, there will be troublemakers in your business, organization, bowling team, or whatever. Bob has started many churches based on these troublemakers, which gives them peace until the next troublemakers. As long as Bob is the pastor, he will allow the troublemaker enough rope to hang himself, and then Bob will spring the trap. This is one church you can go to without a lot of bullying and legalism. If you are in a business and you tolerate troublemakers, you are making a grave error. Only the federal government demands that you like these.

8.       The malcontents will organize around a pleasing personality or around a con artist. Troublemakers come in all sizes, shapes and descriptions. You might feel sorry for a troublemaker.

9.       Each potential conspiracy was eliminated from the beginning so that Adonijah or Abiathar could organize against Solomon. The troublemakers died the sin unto death.

10.     Shimea, who had been a malcontent for years, died in Solomon’s reign. He is the kind of a troublemaker who destroys himself. The troublemaker is always involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Sometimes God will give him an extra nudge in his own self-destructive tendencies.

11.     Shimea destroyed himself.

David named him Shelomoh. Then it reads, and Jehovah loved him. This is a perfect tense, and this anticipates.

Hebrew Exegesis

1.       We have a waw conversive. The verbs which follow that waw, if they are perfect tenses, they become imperfect and vice versa. It converts the verb. This is different from a wâw consecutive.

2.       The imperfect tense becomes a subjunctive imperfect. So this becomes an imperfect subjunctive, which expresses desirability.

3.       Therefore, this expresses a future time. God did not love him when he was born.

4.       Solomon would not only become a believer, but that he would become a mature believer.

5.       David anticipates by faith that Solomon would succeed him and be a recipient of a great deal of blessing.

2Sam. 12:24 Then David comforted his wife, Bathsheba, and went in to her and lay with her, and she bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And the LORD loved him

The last line involves an important piece of Hebrew grammar. The imperfect becomes a subjunctive. The anticipation of Solomon’s faith. This anticipates that Solomon would advance to maturity. Nathan would anticipate this with Jedidiah.

Bathsheba will have 4 more sons, 5 in total by David. Forget all of the other wives and mistresses. We have the son of rape, Solomon, and then Nathan; then there are 2 more. Finally, there is Shamua. Slightly different in Chronicles.

The second name of this replacement son. The Qal imperfect of shalach indicates that God sent Nathan to communicate. David is the ruler of the kingdom, and he would write a part of the Bible, having the gift but not office of prophet. David does not go to his own spiritual gift, but he goes to Nathan, who is the last word in spiritual things. David has the gift, but not the office.

We have a prospective missionary in the White House now? There must be a separation of the spiritual and of the civil. These must be kept separate; otherwise, freedom cannot exist. Nathan was sent to David to declare his sin and his interlocking systems of arrogance. This time, it is to communicate blessing to David and to his progeny. However, more important is the separation of civil and spiritual. The function of our constitution demands integrity. We have one of the greatest documents in world history, but this document requires integrity. However, we fall into degeneracy and that destroys the power and meaning of the constitution.

Once you have national arrogance, then you have democracy. That is the last step on the way to anarchy. Democracy is evil. All people having a say in government is like saying an amalgamation of the sin natures of the entire nation can come up with good government. Democracy is evil; it is not even freedom; it is not even responsibility. Democracy is a symbol of arrogance and... Democracy is a fine veneer that can be turned into anarchy and tyranny.

The constitution of the United States is a great challenge to the authority of the population. When there are federal judges who ought to be impeached; and evil liberal people sitting on so many benches, you cannot possibly have integrity. We have not been a republic since the loss of the Korean War. This is why it is difficult for this country to have friends. Our policy changes every hour on the hour. That means no integrity and no policy of honor. There must be a separation between the spiritual and the civil. There is very little integrity in the clergy. The clergy is generally very liberal; and if they are fundamentalist, that is becoming synonymous with stupidity. There is even less integrity in civil government. There are only 2 ways in which this can be corrected. Revival, many coming to Christ; and also many maturing. The nation is put under the various cycles of discipline. Catharsis....young lady. “You may be bored by the subject, but I am bored by you.”

The Qal imperfect indicates there must be this separation between the spiritual and the temporal. So there is a message sent by Nathan the prophet. Jedidiah means love by the Lord and this is known as a cognomen. A cognomen is a nickname, and it means loved (friend, darling) of the Lord. This is used in one other place. Psalm 127:2

2Sam. 12:25 and sent a message by Nathan the prophet. So he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

A song of degrees; it is medication for walking into church. A degree is simply going up one step at a time. Solomon walks up the steps to the Temple one at a time. He still says, “If the Lord doesn’t build it, it’s builders labor in vain.” Unless the Lord guards Houston, the police functions in vain. All of this is only good if the Lord builds it, it is in vain.

A tremendous principle, and just in the first step.

Psalm 127:1 A Song of Ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.

This is working hard where the Lord is not in it.

Then Solomon goes into his name. Giving to his beloved in sleep is Solomon’s nickname. The mature believer is only blessed by God by means of God. While you are doing nothing, which is sleeping, God takes care of everything for you.

Never stop working hard. But your life does not depend upon that. Bob works hard; very hard to put messages together. After all of the hard work and the breakthroughs, it all depends upon God. Whether God prospers it or not often depends upon our own volition toward Bible doctrine. Mrs. Baird’s bread; they bake it while you sleep.

Points on Psalm 127:1–2

1.       This passage Psalm 127:2 is saying, no matter how hard you strive for things and work to improve your environment, it will be vain an empty unless the Lord is in it. The Lord does not hook up with lazy people. But you can be hard working and not aligned with the lord because there is no doctrine in your soul.

2.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. Nothing destroys a frustrates a person more rapidly than being in a position for which you are not qualified.

3.       The Lord does not bless you, you are not blessed.

4.       The Lord in grace gives us the best things in life totally apart from merit and ability. He only can give blessing to His beloved in sleep.

5.       When Solomon walked up the steps, he figured out why this name was given him. Solomon means prosperous; and Jedediah means blessed of the Lord. Solomon understands this when walking up the steps.

6.       Because the only beloved ones are mature believers, and they are the only prosperous ones. They are provided blessing while they are asleep. You sleep after working hard. God does not bless lazy people. This also explains the final phrase in 2Sam. 12:25 because of the Lord.

Psalm 127:2 It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.

Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.

Psalm 127:5 Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Final Points

1.       Another name had to be added to explains Solomon’s prosperity. Solomon reached a peak of spiritual maturity and thereafter, he would enter into interlocking systems of arrogance. He would eventually recover at the end of his life. Solomon wrote how you can be miserable and have it all.

2.       This name was added for our understanding. Prosperity must include loved by the Lord. The two need to be together. The prosperity is no good without the Jedediah faction.

3.       No one can be blessed on the basis of works.

4.       Sleeping is the mature believer.

The name is taken from the decrees of God. Justification and glorification. Solomon as a mature believer was supported by logistical grace. He was supports by supergrace blessing as a mature believer.

2Samuel 12                                          72David                                              631_0288

George Sanders Memoirs of a Professional Cad many of the aristocrats and white Russians did not realize the danger that had overtaken them. The odd feeling of leaving St. Petersburg and never returning again. Lenin and his fellow conspirators were just a bunch of badly behaved peasants. One of the great heroes of his was his Uncle Jack. He shot a .22 at flies who came to the jam on his ceiling. This occurred while the revolution was beginning. Some of the people did not realize what was going on. The United States actually kept the revolution going and this purchased a long-term enemy. The czar had the means to deal with the revolutionaries, but he did not have the heart.

There is even a white Russian age 90 still in negotiations to get his house back, thinking that Russia would return to the past. Totally inflexible and incapable of facing reality. Sanders said that acting allowed him to spend his life loafing. Those who could have stopped Communism in Russia did not; they were divorced from reality.

The previous few verses read.

We first need to understand what kind of a city is Rabbah. Rabbah has a great river running to it called the Jabbok River. On the north bank and on the south bank there is a valley. This valley is called the water city. Rabbah is actually 3 cities.

South of the water city is the royal city. North of the river and north of the water city is a high, steep mountain, and it is called the acropolis, which is a citadel on a hill. There are 3 sets of fortifications. There is a wall around the water city with fortified bridges. Each area was well-fortified, and there was a linking fortified system, which are the bridges. When one part of the city fell, the other two could be self-sustaining.

Some Description of this City

1.       Water city north and the water city south.

2.       The lower section is called the water city.

3.       North is the royal citi, where is the royal castle and the citadel which was built upon a cliff.

4.       The best fortified of all 3 areas was the acropolis; it will be the last to fall.

Rabbah belonging to the citizens of Rabbah is the southern city. Joab besieges it, and this city has been under attack for several years. David is in interlocking systems of arrogance and then Solomon is born; and that accounts for 2 years at least while Rabbah is being attacked. Joab captured the royal city which is in the south, in the southern hills is the royal city. In between is the water city and above is the citadel. In 2 years times. Part of the regular army was kept in Jerusalem and in Israel. Part of them were garrisoned throughout Israel as a police force. Another part of their army was in Ammon, which is a much smaller force than the Ammonite army inside of the fortified cities.

Joab is fighting on interior lines. He has his supply center and his line is open. He has got a reserve force ready to move either to the left or right flank. He is the aggressor with a smaller force. Attacking with a smaller force takes great nerve and courage. He has phenomenal moral courage.

2Sam. 12:26 Now Joab fought against Rabbah of the Ammonites and took the royal city.

Now he takes the center section; this city was easier. Joab sends a staff officer to David, who reported. Only the acropolis remains. The last and best part of the Ammonite army is in this very well-fortified city in the steep hills to the north.

Joab was never involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. When David was inside, Joab was outside. Being a genius is no good if you are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, so that was the best way for Joab to go.

Joab decides that it is time for David to enter the fray, so that the credit for taking the city would be David’s.

2Sam. 12:27 And Joab sent messengers [staff officers] to David and said [reported], "I have fought against Rabbah; moreover, I have taken the city of waters.

Once the water city was captured, the water supply would be cut off to the main city. Without water, and that they would have to fight to get any water, Israel would eventually be victorious. Archeology has located the water supply in the acropolis. The weakest part of Rabbah was the southern city. Joab is a man of humility and wisdom.

Evil leaders and degenerate government can be bailed out by good military operations. This would be a smart thing for evil leaders to do; spend a lot of money on the military. Military operations and establishment, not civil leadership, guarantees the freedom of a nation.

Now therefore, gather the rest of the people [assemble the reserve troops] together and Joab has figured that the entire army was needed; and that David needed to be there, so that he was not given undo credit. Joab had not political aspirations. There are great military leaders who are tempted to enter into politics. Often, they make poor statesmen, because they are not good enough liars.

If you have some great success, beware that others do not use that. If you have a great personality, beware that you are not used by others to do something; to be set up. Be careful that your talent is not used by others in some conspiracy. The only hope was to avoid setting himself up as a hero; this would keep Joab from being used by malcontents.

There are 2 kinds of malcontents. Those involved in the arrogance complex and those who are unsuccessful and they blame their lack of success on those in power. Joab is a secure and humble person; he knows his capabilities. He is a better commander than anyone else in the world; and possibly better than David.

People who succeed will never succeed if they are in interlocking systems of arrogance. Their arrogance takes them beyond their capabilities. This is a man who is truly great. He is not looking for greater hills to conquer. He is totally satisfied with a well done. He does not need to be wined and dined and praised; he knows that he has done a great job. He made it look so esay that many do not realize how great he is. Joab is a true professional.

A true professional in music does not have to be told he is good; same in acting or in any of the arts. But someone takes one of these people and tells them, “You ought to be in the Senate or you ought to run for Congress.” If you succeed in anything, someone will try to exploit you. If you are even a partial success, there is always a con man out there hoping to use you. To avoid a future conspiracy and to quell the malcontents, Joab calls David to come in. Joab was incorruptible. Some people are not corruptible because no one is interested in corrupting them.

Bob was never concerned about Clark Gable, since he dumped his wife, who was 10 years older than he. Bob knew Carol Combard. She spoke like a man from the lips of a beautiful woman. She probably had a better profanity vocabulary than anyone who lived.

Gable was always pleasant to boys like Bob, but he always needed a woman on his arm. Hollywood types often dump those who get them to Hollywood, who support them while they try to get work. None of us are consistently anything. But, doctrine is consistently everything. Doctrine is how to be the same old Joab. Do you think this narrative was put here for no reason? What gives people consistency and stability? Doctrine. Prize fighters is a good example of how to exploit people. Prize fighters are exploited by many people. Heavyweight champions often end up broke. They are people with great capabilities in one field only. Bob knew several world champions. People who are successful athletes have had this problem. Greatness without the stability of doctrine and the wisdom of doctrine and the application of doctrine, you will be an easy mark for con men.

Joab is noble. The city here is the acropolis. These are imperatives of strong assurance. Joab is certain that this northern acropolis will be captured. The imperative is used for assurance.

The city called after Joab does not mean it will be renamed, but that he will get the credit for taking it. This is idiomatic.

2Sam. 12:28 Now then gather the rest of the people together and encamp against the city and take it, lest I take [capture] the city and it be called by my name [and I will get the credit]."

Joab is in a state of humility, and he is outside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Integrity versus loyalty. Joab’s honor is maintained. As chief of staff and as the field commander, it is Joab’s opinion that the King should get the credit, so he is willing to step aside. It would appear that Joab has rebounded from his part of the murder of the Hittite. Joab passes the integrity + honor test. There is great application of doctrine. Authority-orientation became the rationale where Joab transfers the credit to David, who did nothing. There have been rumbles of discontent in Israel. When the leadership is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, there will always be discontent. Therefore, David must get the credit for the fall of Rabbah. There is not room for 2 heroes in Israel. Joab is the true hero. Joab is making an honorable decision. All of the credit is given to King David. If the Lord does not promote you, you are not promoted. No man loses by such a gracious gesture of transferring the credit to the top man. You never lose by this. The person who works hard and solves the problem, but a higher up gets the credit, and that is fine. Bob provided the work that got 2 stars because Bob did the job. They called him in because they could not do the job. You lose if you become bitter. Bitterness is one of the quickest ways to get into interlocking systems of arrogance. Joab almost lost his honor in the murder of Uriah.

2Samuel 12:28–                                   72David                                              631_0289

God’s love has two directions; objectively to other members of the Trinity. Human love originates and is perpetuated by 4 interrelated concepts. The spiritual, fulfillment of one’s norms and standards.

The idea of drafting women, as our president wants to do, is ridiculous; or the secretary of the army. Women are who we fight for. Drafting them is no solution and women’s lib does not excuse this. Women in the service needs to be only on a voluntary basis.

Many anthropathisms of love in Scripture. God’s justice is the source of many of our blessings, which are imputed to His righteousness which is in us. For those who say the love of God is the point of reference are the holy rollers; and the sovereignty of God being our point of reference is the belief of the hyper-Calvinists. Divine righteousness is the principle of divine integrity. Neither man’s sinfulness in general... Integrity of God is not impressed with good deeds or legalistic human good. Creatures gain from their proper relationship to the justice of God. His integrity is not subject to sin, evil or human good. It is the possession of divine righteousness which is the source of our blessings.

Beloved of God, at the cradle, it was anticipated that Solomon would believe in Jesus Christ and they would be certain that he would have all the doctrine he desired. What the righteousness of God approves, the justice of God blessings. The love of God is related to our advance to maturity. God loves us because His righteousness is in us. Indwelling of righteousness of God in us is the key to our blessing. Solomon’s name looked forward to his blessing.

God loves His Own righteousness. When our sins were imputed to Christ and judged, the integrity of God always take precedence over the love of God? Divine love for holiness is revealed along with divine hatred for sin. Love of God and integrity of God stand together; and these were going through David’s mind when he named Solomon.

2Sam. 12:25 and sent a message by Nathan the prophet. So he called his name Jedidiah, because of the LORD.

There are 3 cities. The royal city in the south; the water city in the middle; and the Citadel city in the north. There is personal blessing to come out of this. Installment blessing will bring blessing out of cursing. Solomon will replace the son which died. Israel is facing an Ammonite war.

Meanwhile, Joab besieged Rabbah. Then he sent staff officers to David. “I have captured the water city.”

Conclusidng Points

1.       Joab continues with integrity; he has integrity and loyalty to David. It is no longer integrity versus loyalty, but integrity + loyalty.

2.       Joab believes that the commander in chief ought to get the credit. Otherwise, the malcontents would have started conspiracies against David and joined themselves to Joab.

3.       Therefore, Joab is willing to step aside and let the honor of the winning the battle to David.


5.       Joab passes this test with flying honors.

6.       Authority-orientation becomes the rationale by which Joab does this.

7.       Rumbles of discontent in Israel.

8.       David must get the credit.

9.       Joab’s wisdom and integrity plan to give all the credit to David.

10.     No man every loses by giving the top credit to the top man in the organization.

Next Set of Principles

1.       No one loses credit by letting someone above you take the credit.

2.       This is of course the for the believer too. No one loses credit by giving the credit to another. We work as unto God. Usually, it itakes a mature believer to take the credit.

3.       The believer gains credit in the eyes of the Lord.

4.       Therefore, Joab’s suggestion is a great spiritual choice and it establishes his integrity.

5.       No one can possess honor and integrity apart from humility.

6.       Joab, the brilliant general, the nephew to David, is free from interlocking systems of arrogance. To maintain David’s authority and his command authority with the army, the siege is to be completed by David.

7.       Joab realizes that David’s authority had to be reestablished with the army. Command authority is much more important than personal credit. No one loses by letting someone else take the credit. This is freedom from institutional arrogance. He does not think of his own advance. He is more concerned about the army of Israel. Joab emerges as a fantastically great man. Discipline and authority take priority over personal advance.

Another principle emerges: a staff is to make its commander look good. This is true in a business as well. This is a part of institutional function. Joab was a man of integrity and honor. He was loyal to David as the ruler of client nation Israel. This required loyalty and an understanding of divine establishment. David was in a very shaky situation because of his interlocking systems of arrogance and there was turbulence and unrest in the nation, and Joab perceived this. Joab comes into the picture as the man of honor. The Joab advice will be the means of reestablishing David as ruler over Israel.

Max Hoffman went up through the German staff. He went up in the ranks, and he tried to make the staff officers look good. The Prussian army code extended to the entire German army. Hessians, like Max Hoffman, was assigned to go as an observer to the Japanese side? He was assigned to follow the japs around, and he had great insight and he was impishly brilliant.

Battle of Leong Yang. Samsonov and another general. He was not properly supported by Rennekoff. They met at a railway station, and Samsonov knocked him down and stepped on him and started to break a few ribs. Rennenkoff challenged Samsonov to a duel but they were stopped.

Huffman became an historian. He was the greatest expert of the personnel of the Russian officers. The Van Schlefen plan. A Russian army located at Warsaw. They were going to come in and cut off the small German 8th army. About 2 months before the war broke out, Hoffman was relieved of his command and sent as a staff officer somewhere. He was about 45 years old, and he had a great sense of honor and a great sense of humor. He would have more influence on 20th century warfare than any other man. He was smarter than any general in the German army. Many of his Prussian contemporaries were already generals. He was interested in what the Russians would do. His old friend Rennekoff had one Russian army and Samsonov had another.

Every bit of equipment that we had in Europe was shipped in Russian ships and we have no logistical system by which to ship our equipment. Our logistics stink. We have no logistics.

Von Pritvitz, called the fat soldier, and he loved good food and French Bordos. His chief of staff relieve him.

Robert E. Lee was the first to use the railroad in strategy and logistics.

Max Hoffman planned the whole battle. 2 great Russian armies wiped out and a half million men killed. Hoffman died in 1927 and interviewed right before that. He was the hero of Tannenberg and Missourian Lakes.

Max Hoffman always tried to make his higher ups look good. Samsonov committed suicide at Tannenberg. Rennekoff was shot by the Bolsheviks. There was no regular Russian army because of Hoffman, which is why the Bolsheviks were able to rise up successfully.

There would have been no Hitler without Max Hoffman. He died a very honorable general and Joab reminds Bob of Max Hoffman. He is an unknown in history, and he dramatically affected all of 20th century history.

This noble and honorable gesture on the part of Joab allowed for David’s authority to be consolidated. Right now, it was as shaky as it had ever been.

2Sam. 12:28 Now then gather the rest of the people together and encamp against the city and take it, lest I take [capture] the city and it be called by my name [and I will get the credit]."

The fall of the Acropolis. Client nation Israel had an M-plan. No nation can survive without an M-plan. Bob does not see how the US could survive in any kind of a war. We have a very small, regular army and it is completely inadequate. We are debating a draft. Without a draft, you need to have an M-plan. Bob was a part of an M-plan a year before WWII. We have never had an M-plan since then. Many nations have been destroyed without an M-plan. We do not have one right now. We are a the mercy of Jesus Christ in this regard.

No nation can survive apart from universal military training.

They began the siege of the citadel. They captured it. The laws of divine establishment specified.

The standing orders for the M-plan of Israel is recorded in the Bible. There are 2 records of this: Num. 1:2–3. A lot of you sit back there with sort of a stupid look on your face. You think this part of the Word of God is inconsequential. This president refuses to be advised by the chiefs of staff. When the Bible teaches a principle. This president has caused the entire Iran crisis. Carter even used an Air Force general to depose the Shah. This was Cater’s idea; he is responsible for this. Then he turns around and looks for someone to blame this on. There was no energy crisis; it was the department of energy and Carter wanted his energy program to go through Congress.

We have no foreign policy because we have no military. Carter takes those obsolete planes and keep them in the air. The Russians know we have no strategic command. Cancelling out the B1 bombers was the greatest mistake. As for ground forces, you cannot believe how terrible our situation is. We have not even organized the industrial complex. Bob is a gradual of the industrial complex something? We have no foundries today to make ships or tanks, and those foundries are in Germany and Japan. We have no machinists today. One person with a contract to build planes needs 500 machinists and he can’t find 50. With how many we produce, we might be ready for a battle in about 25 years. This is why passages like this are important. We are in trouble; we just don’t know it yet.

Deut. 20:1–4 "When you go out to war against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and an army larger than your own, you shall not be afraid of them, for the LORD your God is with you, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. And when you draw near to the battle, the priest shall come forward and speak to the people and shall say to them, 'Hear, O Israel, today you are drawing near for battle against your enemies: let not your heart faint. Do not fear or panic or be in dread of them, for the LORD your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.'

Courage is being able to think under pressure; panic is an inability to think under pressure.

The exceptions to go to war are given. Someone who has not lived in a new home; a newly married, and someone with a new business. Deut. 20:5–9; cowards are also supposed to be left out. You don’t want a draft dodger marrying your wife. Draft dodgers produce cowards.

OSHA ought to be removed now because it attacks free enterprise. We would balance the budget and give new motivation for men to fight.

Vv. 10 and following is siege procedure. “You have been saved by the bell.”

2Sam. 12:29 So David gathered all the people together [Consequently David mobilized the entire army] and went to Rabbah and fought against it and took it.

2Samuel 12:29 Deut. 20:10–15          72David                                              631_0290

Communion service (not listened to)

vv. 10–15 are pertinent to our passage

It is tragic to Bob when a system of government as delineated by the constitution has failed. When there is national arrogance, people become divorce from reality, until the horse is out of the barn. In our passage, Deut. 20:10, we ae examining the M-plan of Israel. David has now taken the entire army of Israel

Deut. 20:10–12 "When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. And if it responds to you peaceably and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it.

Deu 20:13–15 And when the LORD your God gives it into your hand, you shall put all its males to the sword, but the women and the little ones, the livestock, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as plunder for yourselves. And you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the LORD your God has given you. Thus you shall do to all the cities that are very far from you, which are not cities of the nations here.

The last set of cities are those outside of the immediate area which will be conquered by Joshua.

2Sam. 12:29 So David gathered all the people together [Consequently David mobilized the entire army] and went to Rabbah and fought against it and took it.

You cannot take 93 lbs and 12 oz. from one person’s head and put it on another.

The crown was probably suspended over his head; possibly held by slaves. As he sits, the crown is suspended over his head. A talent of gold is not something you can wear. It is possible that the king was seated at his throne for preferential treatment; and whether or not they spoke the same language, it would be clear who is he is. This was the one who degrade the ambassadors of Israel in the first place and later hired the Aramæan army to fight against Israel.

Taking away the crown suggests that the king is lying in a pool of his own blood. The slaves are moved to hold the crown over David.

The crown, the gold and precious stones, were a talent. 1500 ounces of gold. This crown is worth at least a quarter of a million dollars if not a million. There are diamonds, rubies and emeralds.

The Zamzumim probably originally wore this crown; they were giants; and they probably occupied this land. However, the Ammonintes probably defeated them. It was around 1400 that Israel defeated Og, and he escaped across the Jordan, to be later conquered by the Ammonites (Deut. 2:19–21).

David will kill all the males, but some escaped; and there will be some resistence much later on. There was a beautiful Ammonite woman that married Solomon and her son would become an heir to the throne?

Taking the crown from the king was simply killing the king on the throne. They will take all of the wealth that the giants accumulated, and then all of the wealth which the Ammonites had accumulated afterward.

The plunder would be given to the soldiers, to some degree. Some would receive extra shares of plunder, depending upon their function when at war.

Women were also given as beautiful gifts. There were no male prisoners taken. There was a policy to kill all of the males, and this is based upon the city’s refusal to make peace. Everything else was taken out of the city.

There are 3 forts taken here, with all of the wealth.

No matter how great the military, the final and inevitable victory is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is specified in Deuteronomy. Military training is important to the effectiveness of the conquering. We are a client nation. Freedom cannot exist without authority. These can only coexist in order for freedom to exist.

2Sam. 12:30 And he seized the crown of their king above his head. The weight of it was a talent of gold, and in it was a precious stone, and it was placed on [suspended above] David's head. And he brought out the spoil of the city, a very great amount.

It sounds like some kind of a halloween thing and it is as if they are going through some sort of a funhouse here.

The corrected translation: this means that David is killing these male prisoners of war were being killed with saws, iron cutting tools and iron axes. They were not just executed; they were destroyed with farm equipment. If the survivors came back and discovered them this way, they would realize that it was not a good idea to mess with Israel.

One dove said that these were all put to work to repair their own economy. Passing through the brick kiln was fired up, and this is where they worshiped Molech, and there was a great oven there. They fired up Molech and the brick kilns and they threw the people in there; mostly the priests.

When a nation reaches a saturation of arrogance, it can only be stamped out with the most gruesome of killing. We are too civilized. We have lost track of everything. When we should have been slaughtering Communists in the past, we just turned more countries over to them. We are going to pay; people cannot face reality. This is the devil’s world. We have crime which is unchecked in this country; judges who do not understand crime and punishment. We need some plows to plow over these criminals. We stupidly think criminals and Communists ought to be able to live.

David destroyed the male population and destroyed them categorically. Some were killed at the kilns where Molech was. He caused to march out the males and he sawed them in two and with iron cutting tools.

In 11:2, the Ammonites would make a treaty by gouging out an eye of their defeated.

Amos 1:13, 15 Thus says the LORD: "For three transgressions of the Ammonites, and for four, I will not revoke the punishment, because they have ripped open pregnant women in Gilead, that they might enlarge their border. So I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rabbah, and it shall devour her strongholds, with shouting on the day of battle, with a tempest in the day of the whirlwind; and their king shall go into exile, he and his princes together," says the LORD.

Jesus Christ controls history, and the human race has to go under a catharsis from time to time. There are those who wuold destroy the world. Hitler exterminated for expansion. 4th is interlocking systems of arrogance which destroy a nation. Just as Hitler was punished for the arrogance of his lebensraum,

Jer. 49:1–5 Concerning the Ammonites. Thus says the LORD: "Has Israel no sons? Has he no heir? Why then has Milcom dispossessed Gad, and his people settled in its cities? Therefore, behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will cause the battle cry to be heard against Rabbah of the Ammonites; it shall become a desolate mound, and its villages shall be burned with fire; then Israel shall dispossess those who dispossessed him, says the LORD. "Wail, O Heshbon, for Ai is laid waste! Cry out, O daughters of Rabbah! Put on sackcloth, lament, and run to and fro among the hedges! For Milcom shall go into exile, with his priests and his officials. Why do you boast of your valleys, O faithless daughter, who trusted in her treasures, saying, 'Who will come against me?' Behold, I will bring terror upon you, declares the Lord GOD of hosts, from all who are around you, and you shall be driven out, every man straight before him, with none to gather the fugitives. "But afterward I will restore the fortunes of the Ammonites, declares the LORD."

This same policy was followed throughout Ammon. Interlocking systems of arrogance was a disease which accompanied strong delusion. David and his entire army returned to Israel after this had been done. The Ammonites would not be a problem for David or for Solomon after this.

Rehoboam was King of Judah and his mother was an Ammonite.

2Sam. 12:31 And he [caused them to be] brought out the people who were in it and set them to labor with saws [and he forced them against the saws] and iron picks and iron axes and made them toil at the brick kilns. And thus he did to all the cities of the Ammonites. Then David and all the people returned to Jerusalem.

1Kings 11:1 Solomon had affairs and wives from many nations. Solomon maintained intimacy with them. He has 700 wives of royal birth + 300 mistresses. It is his wives which lead him astray.

1Kings 11:1–9 Now King Solomon loved many foreign women, along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, from the nations concerning which the LORD had said to the people of Israel, "You shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they with you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods." Solomon clung to these in love. He had 700 wives, princesses, and 300 concubines. And his wives turned away his heart. For when Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not wholly true to the LORD his God, as was the heart of David his father. For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and did not wholly follow the LORD, as David his father had done. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Molech the abomination of the Ammonites, on the mountain east of Jerusalem. And so he did for all his foreign wives, who made offerings and sacrificed to their gods. And the LORD was angry with Solomon, because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice

1Kings 11:10–13and had commanded him concerning this thing, that he should not go after other gods. But he did not keep what the LORD commanded. Therefore the LORD said to Solomon, "Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant. Yet for the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will tear it out of the hand of your son. However, I will not tear away all the kingdom, but I will give one tribe to your son, for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem that I have chosen."

A decisive military victory will last for one or two generations at best. The Ammonites would attack with beautiful women and through religion. We have been hurt with the false doctrine of our enemies. Military establishment and doctrine must be a part of every generation.

2Samuel 13 introduction                    72David                                              631_0291

Houston police chief, “We use .44 magnums, because they are the biggest guns we can find; and if they let me, I’d use napalm.” There were some arrest reversals. “I am getting a little sick and tired of this...who is writing their ticket? It is time we begin looking under those black robes and see where their hands are.” Caldwell is the police chief’s name. Caldwell called one defendant a sorry, no-good animal. His comments were often broken up with applause and he got a standing ovation at the end.

Bob says, you get a lot of truth in time.

We could have more easily defeated Hitler at the beginning, but we did not have the heart to do so; and waiting to do so, cost us 20 million lives. “The west has too long neglected its military,” said Henry Kissinger. Bob asks, where was he when he was secretary of state? “I haven’t seen Heinz for sometime, but he must have his head in some strange place.” From Time Magazine, “History suggests that the best chance for peace is military preparedness.”

No nation or man has entered into a large war without the horror associated with it. People suddenly realize that we are coming up to a world war, and they are trying to sound smart. The thought of nuclear war is so ghastly...change could come without battle.”

Bob visited a friend at Byola and they were completely divorced from reality. Arrogance removes you from reality. This was right before World War II.

Sexual arrogance means weak father and weak parents. The worst animal alive during David’s reign was Amnon. He is a fascinating study in arrogance. People, many times, reflect the kind of mother they have; and a failure in integrity often reflects upon the parents that one has had. Because of polygamy, David was a sex athlete, but a weak father. Sexual arrogance always produces a poor parent. David’s first marriage was to Ahinoam, a commoner. She grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and she feels like she has to prove something. Some achieve greatness and some do not. That is the study of kings; David grew up in the sheepfold. Aristocracy means achievement. Those who achieve aristocracy do it through ability, self-discipline, genius, honor, integrity; it is when their children come along, that things fall apart.

A lot of people can have style, because you can learn style; but you are born with class. David had class.

David married a woman who is arrogant; and she had to prove something. When she had a son by David, this son became the crown prince. Amnon is the crown prince and he is an animal. The first part of this chapter deals with the way that he thinks and acts. A lot of people think a good father slaps his kid around and scares him; a good father takes time to explain life and teaches and develops a rapport with the child. If someone is chasing another skirt, he cannot be a good father. That will make the mother bitter; so this mother communicated arrogance to her son. Certainly, a lot of women would be better off if the father never came home. Some people have no business being married and having children. No question about it. When a man has a harem, it is inevitable that any woman who feels insecure is going to push so that she becomes a pushy broad. She communicates this to her son, and he became a psycho animal. He was a psycho by choice. He is a transient psychotic. Transient psychosis means you only use it when it is convenient. You use your illness to get you out of what you are responsible for.

The 2nd son is Absalom. His mother was an aristocrat. Her name was Maacah, the daughter of the King of Geshur. She had a son and a daughter; Absalom and Tamar. Absalom was quite close to being like David. They probably both had red hair. He thought and acted like his father and he had potential. However, he had a flaw. He had a temper that he could not control. He had a mistaken sense of honor. He had loyalty to his sister and a temper. He was fantastic. He was like Alexander the Great to his father Philip of Macedon. Alexander the Great conquered the world in 12 years, breaking Cyrus’s record of 25 years. No matter how strong you are, and Absalom was strong, there is one thing that will flaw the greatest of persons, and that is interlocking systems of arrogance. This did not ruin David, but it did ruin his son Absalom. Arrogance makes a strong man weak. This is exactly what happened insofar as Absalom was concerned. He opened himself up for a problem.

It is not the strength of the muscle or muscle size; but it is the strength of the joint; they need the strong joins in order to have true strength. Arrogance flawed him.

The 3rd son in the picture is Adonijah, and he will not be in the picture for awhile, until the Absalom revolution. His mother was a guttersnipe. Adonijah is the 2nd animal in this act, and he will show his characteristics at the end of Samuel.

The 4th son is Solomon. There will be a power struggle; first to Amnon then to Absalom and then to Adonijah, all of whom will be wiped out.

With Bathsheba, David became a good husband and father, something he had not been before. He taught his children well and they were magnificent.

Abigail of Carmel was a great person, and her son gave David no trouble. She communicated to her children, and she did a good job. Kiliab is the son who did not.

David and His Wives

1.       Because of polygamy, David was a strong man but a weak father.

2.       Because of arrogance, David’s wives were strong mothers who dominated their sons for evil. They were all strong women and they all needed a man to dominate and control them.

3.       Most of the wives in the harem were competitive and arrogant (Abigail was the exception).

4.       Arrogance makes an issue out of environment; humility never makes an issue of environment. Great people come out of a lousy environment and lousy people come out of a good environment. Upper class arrogance produces tyranny; lower class arrogance produces revolution.

5.       Chiliab was never a problem.

6.       Abigail was a wonderful mother who stayed free of interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Abigail, like Bathsheba, had class.

8.       Humility + the surface beauty was the perfect environment for spiritual growth.

9.       All racial issues are the product of interlocking systems of arrogance. No one should make an issue out of race in the United States. This creates problems that are insurmountable.

10.     Being born-again should eliminate any problem with genetic arrogance. Rebound can deliver the believer from the trap of interlocking systems of arrogance.

11.     Arrogance produces weak fathers and dominate mothers. Antithetical results.

12.     Arrogance is a bad environment for children, for they inevitably catch this disease from their parents.

Points of Introduction

1.       The major issue in David’s family was primogeniture. Absalom versus Amnon; and then Solomon versus Adonijah. These were the 4 major contenders for the throne. Arrogance makes an issue out of environment. Lower class arrogance produces revolution. Polygamy produces weak fathers and strong mothers. Ambitious strong mothers inculcate inordinate arrogance and unrestrained arrogance and ambition in their sons. This is what happened with Amnon.

2.       This can be called harem conspiracy. This is the spawning ground for revolution, violence, crime,

3.       The 4 contenders for the throne are involved in the rest of this book, only one of them will survive. He had good parents rather than the domination of a strong mother. A weak father may be great with his sons, but he does not train them. David did have a lot of bastards who are not named in Samuel. The bastards are not in contention at all. Bob could say, “Born out of wedlock” but bastard is faster and communicates.

4.       It is impossible for a polygamous father to be a good father.

5.       Because of polygamy, David was a weak father. Only with Solomon and his brothers was David a good father. The mother of Amnon made an issue out of being a commoner. Absalom’s mom was an aristocrat. The mother of Solomon produced a man qualified to be a king.


1.       When our chapter begins, Amnon is the crown prince.

2.       At the end, Amnon is dead and Absalom is the crown prince.

3.       At the end of the Ahithophel revolution, Absalom is dead, and Adonijah regards himself as the crown prince.

4.       David promises this to Solomon.

5.       Adonijah’s claim to the throne was backed by Joab, of all people. He reverses what he did in the last chapter. Joab and Abiathar will support Adonijah; but Nathan and Zadok will support Solomon. This will end one of the two priestly lines. There are a lot of mercs who will support David as well.

David, while a battalion commander, had two wives, Abigail and . Then he had 6 wives in Jerusalem. He even restores Michel. He has many mistresses, some of whom are mentioned (10, I believe). This was a complicated deal.

Second Point of Introduction

1.       This is the concept of installment discipline. When the believer rebounds, he is forgiven the sins he mentions and the unknown sins committed during the interim of being out of fellowship. Restoration of the filling of the Holy Spirit with rebound.

2.       Another result, not previously developed, is the release from interlocking systems of arrogance. Psalm 32 and 38.

3.       Guilt was released from rebound interlocking systems of arrogance. This can be temporary or permanent.

4.       Another result of rebound is related to divine discipline or administration of punishment from the justice of God.

5.       Once the believer is restored to fellowship through rebound, the punishment or discipline is never more than he can endure. If you are a baby, you cannot endure much punishment. God can cut the punishment down to fit your punishment, or he can give it to you in increments. If the punishment is not too great, it can be continued at that rate or diminished. Or, there must be installments. If you are a mature believer, then you will possibly get installments. To whom much is given, much is expected.

6.       Once the believer is restored to fellowship through rebound, the punishment is never more than he can endure.

7.       Suffering can be discontinued, or the suffering is diminished, compatible with what believer can endure; or it is continued at the same intensity. More than you can endure means you get it in installments.

8.       If the believer becomes involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, he changes sin into evil. Sin + human good = evil. If you are involved in arrogance, you may have rebounded, but because you turned sin into evil, you get installment discipline, because the normal amount of discipline would be too much. The revolution, the final discipline installment, will turn into great blessing. An arrogance hangover; he temporarily went back into arrogance, but not for an extended period of time. By the time David is in the 4th discipline, which takes place over a period of 10 years, he enjoys great blessing, in between and after.

9.       The persistence of this status results in the sin unto death. If you get inside interlocking systems of arrogance, and stay there, no rebound; you eventually go out the sin unto death. Instead of the sin unto death, you do not die; but you do get discipline.

10.     When the believer is in interlocking systems of arrogance for a long time, rebound gets him away from the sin unto death, he was facing more discipline than he can bear, so it is sliced up. When, after rebound, you are going to keep living, and the punishment is greater than you can bear, it is divided into installments. Installments which hurt.

Installment Discipline

1.       Installment discipline can be defined as the alternative to the sin unto death.

2.       Because of involvement with interlocking systems of arrogance during carnality, the believer have accumulated unbearable suffering from the justice of God.

3.       Once the believer has rebounded, unbearable suffering must be converted into bearable suffering.

4.       Therefore, installment discipline converts unbearable suffering into bearable suffering.

5.       Consequently, installment discipline. Degeneration is involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance; and reversionism. Any believer in any state can be degenerate. Your status, when you rebound, will be the same. The 2nd is reversionism, which is negative volition to doctrine. You can go down the scale here. You can even fall into apostasy. You can get into interlocking systems of arrogance without being negative toward doctrine. There are 2 spiritual problems.

6.       Installment discipline is the basis for the justice of God turning cursing into blessing. It provides breathing space and to avoid reentrance into interlocking systems of arrogance.


8.       Installment discipline establishes the conclusion that an occasional arrogance hangover is better than being permanently involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

There are 2 installments of discipline in this chapter.

Not enough time to do the first verse, and it must be done all at once.

2Samuel 13:1                                       72David                                              631_0292

The pot is boiling and something is about to break loose. We are removing tanks from Fort Hood and from Germany for the Pakistanis, who do not know how to use them. Look for Khomeini to die shortly; a boiling revolution is Saudi Arabia; do not be surprised if 100,000 reservists are called up.

The things breaking worldwide are not found on the front page, but in the back page. Our WWII gas masks are being sent to Pakistan.

There are things going on, and Bob can’t tell us any more.

It is important for us to know the background for passages like this. We cannot properly interpret this chapter without knowing about 500 years of ancient history. This is why we spent so much time with polygamy.

Sexual arrogance of the crown prince of Israel who is Amnon. The word here means beautiful. Tamar means palm tree; and she and Absalom are children of Maacah. Maacah has a great deal to do with this passage, even though she is not mentioned here. She is the daughter of the king of Geshur. His country is located in the area of Syria and mostly on the east side of Jordan. The ruler of Geshur is neither Syrian or Aramæan.

The Hurrians are a warrior race who live around Kurdistan, around western Iran, eastern Turkey and southern USSR. The Hurrians were one of the most famous people in all of history and they had this system of knighthood.

There was a warrior class which ruled India for many years. The Hurrians led the Hyksos; they are called the Mitannis because they ruled the Mitannis. They would walk into a country and take it over and they would administer it well. They lived by a code of chivalry.

History of Ancient Peoples

1.       In 1925 in Yorgon Toffee? Kirkuk is one of the most famous oil centers in the world. Kirkuk is to Iraq what Ploesti is to Romania.

2.       In the Akkadian period, the city was known as Gassur. Very similar to Geshur. King of Geshur is the grandfather of Tamar and Absalom.

3.       Nuzu was the renaming of one of these cities.

4.       A famous discovery of the Nuzu tablets. The Horites were supposed to be cave men.

5.       The Hurrians were an Indo-European people who migrated from...and came into the valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates.

6.       Mitanni. 1470–1350 b.c. about 500 years before our passage occurs.

7.       The Hurrians have two great enemies which they ought to contend with. Hittites in the north in what is now Turkey and in the South is Egypt, the 2 great empires. They ruled the people of Mitanni. In the struggle between the Egyptians and the Hittites and suddenly notices the Assyrians were getting strong. They held their own for. They were the original horse trainers of the world. They were chariot riders and may have invented the world. They were fabulous leaders. They conquered India, Persia, Mesopotamia. The conquered nearly everything in the middle East. The Hyksos was a large band of mercs. Greeks, Trojans, Cassites, etc. were mercs. A group of Hurrians, the ancestors of Absalom and Tamar. They got some chariots and took. The Egyptians which Joseph deal with were actually Hurrians. They controlled Egypt under the name of Hyksos.

8.       Greek pharaoh in the Hyksos group.

9.       Occupants of Edom before it was Edom. Esau’s descendants pushed them out. We must understand the Hurrians to understand Deut. 2:12

10.     Job’s name is a Hurrians name.

11.     Sampson is a Hurrians name. Not a Jewish name.

12.     The Hurrians were the aristocrats, the great rulers of many peoples of the ancient world. They are most famous for their rulership over the kingdom of Mitanni, various states in Palestine, and other places.

13.     They were a chariot riding dynasty. The swept in on their chariots and took care of a country, and swept out.

14.     Certain people do certain things because of genes and the old sin nature. Their code of chivalry was called Mariyana. Those who ruled India had the same code and they called is Marja, which is the same code. They are the same people. The Indo-Europeans who conquered India had the same code. That is the basis of the caste system. This was an innovation that the Hurrians used when conquering Indian.

15.     Decline of the Hittites and they conquered Syria. The code of chivalry was a great code until something was added to it. There was flexibility in their treatment. They were wise and just in their treatment. The secret to this code was its flexibility. Because justice, honor and flexibility produces great leadership and good administration; the weakness of the code is when those who gain power become arrogant in the power that they have. Arrogance + inflexibility = weakness. The destructive factor is the fact of its flexibility. Flexibility and integrity = adaptability and adaptability to those whom you rule, results in great leadership. Some cannot rule because they are inflexible. A great sign of arrogance when someone has power but is inflexible.

16.     When the Egyptians marched north during the 16th dynasty, they encountered the Hurrians in Syria. The Egyptians prized them because they had great honor and they appreciated their horsemanship. The Hurrians knights who ruled always sent their children to Egypt to be educated. In turn, the Egyptians gave them a civilization, to which they adapted to, and eventually took it over. When their kids came back with a good education, they decided, that is a country worth ruling.

17.     All the aristocratic knights sent their kids to Egypt to be educated, and then they decided to go down there and take it over.

18.     They had to pick up an army, so they got some Greeks and some Amorites. They were called heqa khasewet (Bob spells it correctly), and this became Hyksos. It means the prince of the desert. That shepherd king was razzmatazz.

So, why all of this? Why the history lesson. Does Bob have a mean streak? Obviously some of you are hopeless. Some of you women just tune out and they wonder, what does this or that mean; or, “Where do you get these things from?”

ISBE only has about 3 lines on the Hurrians.

2Sam. 3:2–3 And sons were born to David at Hebron: his firstborn was Amnon, of Ahinoam of Jezreel; and his second, Chileab, of Abigail the widow of Nabal of Carmel; and the third, Absalom the son of Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur;...

Absalom and Tamar are half Hurrian. David was a poor father. Under interlocking systems of arrogance, David became a weak father. Maacah is a Hurrian name. She was brought up on the Samari code of the Hurrians and she passed this code on to her children, who were Jewish born-again believers.

Geshur was a magnificent small nation, one the last stands of the Hurrian knights. Geshur was to the Hurrians knights as Wales was to the holy knights?

Millions of people were affected magnificently by the code of chivalry. This explains why Absalom and Tamar each had a certain attitude after the rape of Tamar. This info will be given to you so you won’t be like a cow at a new gate. You won’t be the person where you stick your brain in an ant and it would walk sideways.

Stilted and inflexible because of genetic arrogance. When passed down generation to generation, any code of chivalry or aristocracy becomes stilted and inflexible because of genetic arrogance. Arrogance destroys the best of codes. It destroys the best of mores. Arrogance destroys any system of morality. When the code of Mariani was taken to India, they distorted it through arrogance. There were so many people in India and the brown were multiplying faster than their white conquerors, so they invested caste in order to preserve their control.

Absalom told his sister not to say anything about being raped. That is the code of the Mariana. They never said anything, because aristocrats stop talking at that point. Aristocrats don’t use street violence. They come up with something neat. The chivalry code of the Maryanyans will come out with the brooding and depression of Tamar. She went to live in Absalom’s castle. She remained in the castle and she brooded; she was depressed.

A perfect explanation as to what has happened to the various aristocratic groups; the Stuarts, and Bob names off about 13 of them. You become aristocracy by hard work and success. It is developed through talent and taking responsibility for your actions. Pepin the Short of the Marivinchians. They all go down for the same reason. Most came up on a code of honor and integrity; a code of chivalry. But add to this arrogance, then you destroy the flexibility and adaptability of the leadership. You adapt to a different language, depending upon whom you are leading. A good leader is flexible. Integrity + loyalty = honor. The weakness is always arrogance. Arrogance destroys any aristocracy. The French Revolution because of the arrogance of the aristocracy. Same for the Russian revolution. Inflexible; they lost out. The Romanov’s were inflexible and they lost out. You cannot rule over millions of people or a few people and remain inflexible.

Absalom could have been one of the great leaders of history. Here is a man with great potential. He had 2 systems of honors; Bible doctrine and the from his mother, Mariyana. Both of these broke down because of arrogance.

There may be some truth to the Knights of the round table. This was preserved in France. King Arthur would have been the last Roman ruler in England.

The Saxons, the Anglos and the Jutes, and it was all over. This took Britain under paganism and put it under Christianity. Rome provide law and order, then came missionaries, then came the code. All the Arthurian legend does is explain what happens when you have an honorable system of leadership and you have doctrine and it all goes down the tubes.

Absalom and Tamar were brilliant and attractive and they were both destroyed by arrogance. The became inflexible and preoccupied with self.

Absalom will go to his grandfather’s palace, which is Geshur. He goes back to the source of the code of chivalry, but he goes back as a failure. The king of Geshur was never conquered by anyone. The half tribe of Manasseh were hippies and they never conquered the kingdom of Geshur. Each installment of discipline is followed by a period of prosperity, during which doctrine can be learned. This prepares us for cursing be turned to blessing. If David had gone into reversionism or had he neglected doctrine. These intervals are very important.

The subject of the verb to love is Amnon. The Amalekites hit Ziklag and got Maacah and Abigail back (it was Ahinoam and Abigail?). He had 2 wives at this time. David had more than one wife, and that a problem. He married some women and he made others mistresses. David was a terrible father. Some of you are crazy about women. If you become preoccupied with a large number of women and cannot make up your mind, then don’t have kids because you will be the world’s worst father. This will lead to a domineering mother and she will lose her flexibility. In marriage, sex gives the woman flexibility. With flexibility and a man around teaching the children and taking on his responsibility, the woman can teach. But without him, she can teach prejudice. It is principle of prejudice.

Only Abigail was any good with this. They went from doctrine and Mariyiana, to inflexibility. Samuri was a great type of code, but it had degenerated. The Geisha walked far behind the man because of his sword. Also, when they took the sword out, the woman needed to be out of range. The Samurai code when from flexible, integrity to a system of arrogance, which included Banzai in War II. If we would have understood Samurai’s degeneracy, we would have understood that they may attack us. Kamikaze. Hundreds of yeas before, Samurai was an honorable system. Arrogance makes a good system into inflexibility. How do mothers get power in the harem? Through their male children. The middle east has always been chaotic because of polygamy. Women become ugly after a period of time. Bob is all for it. He doesn’t mind being fooled; he is just an observer. Always a struggle among the male children. It would make sense that Amnon, son of a commoner, would be jealous of Tamar. Ahinoam wanted her son to be the crown prince. He was not even reared in the Mosaic Law. His attitude toward Nathan was not very positive. Amnon grew up to be a spoiled brat. Arrogance makes an issue out of environment. Some of the worst snobs are commoners.

The subject is Amnon, and apparently this is Valentine’s day? Amnon is the subject. Tamar will need an enemy with Amnon loving her. He is an evil SOB, a bastard animal. Amnon hates Tamar but lusts for her body and wants to possess her and humiliate her. Amnon wants to get his kicks out of Tamar. This has all kinds of repercussions. There are only a few suitors that Tamar can marry, and being deflowered by rape ruins her life.

Amnon was in interlocking systems of arrogance and he was incapable of love. Any person preoccupied with himself, has no capacity for love. A woman needs to evaluate things when a man says, “I love you.” The word to love is no better than the person who utters this word. It is Tamar’s beauty he wants to possess and to humble. It is possible that his mother told him to take Tamar down a notch. Amnon was interested in satisfying himself. She may have snubbed him for all of his life.

Amnon is power mad, anti-establishment, and saturated with his own importance. And he has rejected all authority, including his father’s. He has no capacity for love. He has one friend, someone who is evil.

A 3rd son is Jonadab who knows how to flatter without making it seem like patronage.

Joab is from David’s sister. Jonadab is from David’s 3rd brother.

2Sam. 13:1 Now Absalom, David's son, had a beautiful sister, whose name was Tamar. And after a time Amnon, David's son, loved her.

2Samuel 13:2–3                                   72David                                              631_0293

Amnon, David’s son, fell in love with her.

Bob likes the KJV here: And Amnon was so vexed he fell sick... She was a virgin, but that was not why he was attracted to her.

Jatsar means to become narrow, to become anxious; and Amnon became so frustrated that. One of the most underlying areas of pain and discomfort, that a person gets stuck in this track will millions of miles of hurdles; no matter what, he gets over one, and there is one more. This frustrates the arrogant person. Being the crown prince, most of the ladies in the realm were pushovers; but Tamar was not. Those in arrogance spend much of their time in frustration. It is terrible to spend any of your social life with frustrated people. Amnon is totally miserable. There is no capacity for happiness inside interlocking systems of arrogance. He is accustomed to having his way about everything. He has a lust which cannot be instantly fulfilled.

Chalah Hithpael infinitive construct which means to become sick with grief or with frustration; to fake an illness; to make yourself ill. You do something to make yourself appear to be ill. Amnon becomes so frustrated that he makes himself to be ill. Frustration is one way to make oneself ill.

Bethulah is the word here for virgin. This refers a literal virgin and in the sense of integrity. This was no struggle for her. She was a virgin and not looking for trouble. She was a virgin and planned to stay that way until her RM came along. She is a virgin and is glad that she is.

The Lust and Illness of Amnon

1.       A royal princess is more difficult to seduce than most people in the kingdom. This royal princess has an aristocratic mother and has trained her in poise, which is a state of mind. Because this woman also has integrity, she obviously is not disturbed that she is unmarried. One problem for a woman is when she begins to panic; all of the friends are married.

2.       This means that she would not give Amnon the time of day. If he was no her half brother, she would have avoided him. This is a man who would make a pass at any woman around. This man is an animal. He is a person who needs to be killed. His sexual arrogance was frustrated by his desire to get Tamar into bed. He desired to copulate with her. Someone the other day thought that copulation was a dirty word. That is what we are talking about. This is lust.

3.       Amnon is accustomed to having his own way. He is accustomed to seeing a gal and getting her into bed; so this is frustrating him and making him ill. The mind has a great deal to do with the state of the body.

4.       This is psychosomatic frustration where the human body is affected by what one thinks. Thinking has a tremendous affect upon the body.

5.       Fear is failure to think or lack of thinking under pressure. Courage is the ability to think under pressure. Courage is thought; cowardice is failure to think.

6.       The thinking of the right lobe is affecting the body, for better or for worst. Amnon’s hormones are functioning.

7.       Arrogance + frustration causes temporary illness.

Amnon’s Arrogance

1.       The fact that Tamar is a virgin made her more attractive to Amnon. To a man who is not lecherous, this is not an issue; but to him, this is a sexual desire of his. Lecherous has all kinds of quirks. A story from the history books, where 5 or 6 women from a village would throw flowers in the path of Washington and in some, they could not find any.


3.       It is the woman’s soul which appeals to the man in love; not her virginity. Deflowering a woman is a point of arrogance in lechery and has nothing to do with love.

4.       In love, the man is occupied with the person, and not with aspects of her. Only his integrity comes into the picture. He is preoccupied with the woman. He does not see her as a status symbol. He does not see her as successful or as a failure.

5.       The virginity of beautiful Tamar was a challenge to Amnon.

6.       This means Amnon is dealing with sexual arrogance. He has rape in mind.

7.       Sexual arrogance means mental arrogance. When the woman makes it clear that she is not interested, that adds to the criminal arrogance + psychopathic arrogance. Amnon’s transient psychosis.

8.       Arrogance is incapable of love. Arrogant people are not lovers at all; they have no capacity for love. The man who is arrogant is not worth marrying. Most fluffy headed things cannot understand the difference between poise and arrogance; between confidence and arrogance. Discernment is a very important principle. I don’t know what some of you women will do when it comes to getting the RM except to pray. Keep praying and learning doctrine and maybe God will drop Prince Charming into your lap.

9.       Arrogance competes in love. Love is not competition and love is not a game. The man who is always putting down his date, that is the kind of man to avoid. Better no date than to be put down in a date.

10.     Arrogance receives gratification from and stimulation from sexual abuse of the woman. This includes rape or any other form of humiliation. Criminal arrogance as a potential can be spotted in a social situation where the man puts down the woman. He enjoys putting down the woman. To this kind of arrogance, there is nothing more fun in life than the humiliation of a beautiful woman. When arrogant people use you, they despise you.

11.     Tamar is good only for one rape, to Amnon. The arrogant psychopath will despise her after receiving his kicks from humiliating her. It is not her beauty, but it is the challenge of humbling this woman who is far superior to him, even though he is the crown prince. All of his life, Amnon has heard prejudice from his mother. His mother is snobbish as only the commoner can be snobbish. In her snobbery, she despises the Hurrian aristocracy of Absalom and Tamar. Arrogance always despised what arrogance can conquer. Whether in sex or in business or in athletics or in any field of competition in life, arrogance despises what it conquers. You cannot have any kind of a relationship with an arrogant person. Not in business, friendship, love, athletics. The arrogant person has to put everyone down. The arrogant woman who has to put everyone down at the party. The famous drama The Doll House is all about this.

Tamar is Amnon’s half-sister. To the arrogant, the unattainable is always a challenge. It is important for parents to teach their children manners in life. It keeps young people from developing bad habits with regards to the unattainable. One thing which enhances a woman’s beauty is her poise. What makes a man manly is not his muscles or his sexual conquests, but his thoughtfulness of others, which we used to call Chivalry and gentlemanliness.

The Arrogant Woman

1.       Some women will do the same thing; she will vamp a male in order to get his attention or to go out with her.

2.       Arrogant women view some men as a challenge.

3.       Some women vamp men just to put them down or to trap them. Carmen is a story of such a woman.

Tamar was unobtainable to the prince. Even if they were not related, Tamar would not have had anything to do with this man. Discernment made this man a total no. he was an obnoxious, lustful animal.

Niphal imperfect of palah, which means to be difficult. It was difficult in the eyes of Amnon to do anything with her. This seemed impossible for him to do anything to her. He wanted to posses, rape and humble Tamar, but he could not. Furthermore, her volition stood in the way, besides her aristocracy. She regarded Amnon as an animal. Like their father, they were probably redheads. Bob pictures Amnon as being dark and sinister looking. This came from his thoughts, not from his features. He was totally unattractive to the brother and the sister. There was likely a mutual antagonism between them. The full brother and sister did not like their half brother. They all came to Jerusalem together and had grown up together. Amnon had sacrificed everyone in their periphery. Tamar did not like Amnon and she avoided him whenever possible.

Amnon and Tamar

1.       Her volition totally reject Amon as a brother; and completely as a lover.

2.       The laws of incest + palace security added to Amnon’s lust. Rape then, as now, was a violation of the law. Rape was punishable by death. Rape and incest could result in being killed twice; beheaded at both ends.

3.       Amnon considered the rape and humiliation of Tamar to be impossible. This is why he was frustration.

4.       The more unobtainable Tamar became, the more inflamed became the arrogance and desire to rape and inordinate desire to destroy her virginity.

5.       Loss of virginity in rape would ruin Tamar in marriage. She was limited to only a few suitors; local or foreign princes. Losing her virginity removed her from a royal marriage. A royal marriage was a sticky thing.

6.       Once raped, Tamar could not be married. No dowry could compensate for her lack of virginity. In those days, no man would marry a non-virgin.

Asah means to do. This is going to put Tamar into perpetual old maid. She would end up as a spinster. The male thought it his privilege to deflower his bride. Two categories of dowry; the virginity and the dowry of the father. Times have changed; today, a man genuinely in love could care less. The body is second to the soul; this does not mean a woman ought to neglect her appearance nor should she take her virginity without seriousness.

The sins of the father are only visited on the children when the arrogance of the children permits. Amnon will participate in the discipline of his father. Amnon was involved in all forms of arrogance.

2Sam. 13:2 And Amnon was so frustrated that he made himself ill because of his sister Tamar, for she was a virgin, and it seemed impossible to Amnon to do anything to her [at all].

Weak people always take bad advice. You give that person 3 categories of advice, bad, bad and good; the arrogant person automatically ignores the good advice. Bob has given out all kinds of great advice and people ignored it. They were arrogant. Weak people gravitate toward bad advice.

Amnon will take bad advice. Likes attract, and arrogant people attract arrogant people. Successful or prominent arrogant people are weak, and they recognize the mutual weakness of someone else. Jonadab is a failure. Jonadab can use his prominence and climb the ladder of life.

Shimeah was David’s brother. If there is anything which is effeminate in a man, is subtlety. Subtlety is effeminate.

The word friend refers to lover if the other person is a woman. Erroneous conclusion that effeminate men are gay. This one guy used to do this to start fights in Venice. He would put on an effeminate act. Bob would go along to watch him do it. His timing was perfect. The chumps who came at him thought they had mincemeat.

The intimate friendship does not mean that these two men are gay.

Shimeah is the 3rd brother. He was rejected by Samuel as being king. He was a failure in childhood. He was rejected for the same reason that God often rejected them; man looks on the outward appearance; the Lord looks on the inner man.

The sins of the father are never passed down to the son unless the son’s volition is involved. If Shimeah had 1 honorable son, then he could have had 2 honorable sons.

2Sam. 20:20–21 and there is a giant here; one of the Rephaim. Jonathan kills him. One son, the honorable one, joined the army; the dishonorable one was a draft dodger. Jonadab joined the court. He was a very ambitious evil person.

Jonadab was as evil as Jonathan was gracious. In arrogance, opposites attract or likes attract. However, most of the time when two arrogant people are attracted to one another, it is because one is using the other.

Jonadab was a genius of duplicity. He was very shrewd. He had great skill he was a troublemaker; he had a skill for evil.

Amnon and Jonadab; 2 Arrogant Men

1.       This verse presents 2 men inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. They will look to used tach other. Jonadab wants power and Amnon is the crown prince. Amnon want Tamar, so he will have Jonadab figure out a plot to get her.

2.       Arrogance attracts arrogance, when they can use them.

3.       Jonadab wants to latch onto Amnon’s power and Amnon wants to pick Jonadab’s brain.

4.       Jonadab hopes to be prime minister when Amnon becomes king, because he can manipulate Amnon.

5.       Amnon finds the evil for his schemes in Jonadab.

6.       The arrogant Jonadab is ambitious; the arrogant Amnon is vulnerable. Arrogant people are weak people. Amnon is weak and he will take bad advice; and Jonadab gives bad advice and he has a great lust for power.

Jonadab knows how to manipulate Amnon. People who lust for money often go down; and people who lust after power often survive. Jonadab will survive and Amnon will die.

French revolution example. Bouchet wanted power and he survived; those who want other things, always go down.

2Sam. 13:3 But Amnon had an intimate friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David's brother. And Jonadab was a very crafty man [= a genius of duplicity].

2Samuel 13:4–5                                   72David                                              631_0294

Letter of resignation from Lawrence Brady from the office of export administration, Jan 20, 1980. He is a whistle blower of military technology is being sent over to Russia, and he is getting all kinds of hassle for it. Our technology is helping the soviet military machine.

This indicates that we, the people of the United States, are being duped by these bureaucracies and that they are being used to update our enemies, and these technologies will be used against us in war. These people ought to be ferreted out and executed as traitors.

You cannot understand the Bible apart from the time it was written. We need to understand the culture, the chivalry thought process.

And Amnon became so frustrated because of Tamar, and that she was a virgin.

Now we have the weak prince. Interrogative adverb madduah, which means to be inquisitive in order to gain some advantage. This is a person spending his time exploiting his cousin’s power. Jonadab has no power, but he covets Amnon’s power. Amnon covets Jonadab’s strategy to get the ladies.

When the arrogant are frustrated, the arrogant are depressed; this comes from living inside interlocking systems of arrogance. Nagad when an arrogant person tells another arrogant person his business, they will be trouble. It is a person looking for trouble and a trouble maker.

Amnon will not survive; he is inflexible; inflexible arrogant people always die.

Arrogant Frustration and Bad Advice

1.       When an arrogant person says he is in love, that means he has found a challenge or someone to gratify him.

2.       It can mean that Tamar’s beauty was a challenge to possess and to degrade. They possess and ruin.

3.       Frustrated arrogance is a potential evil.

4.       All Amnon needs is some bad advice, which he will get from his evil cousin, Jonadab.

5.       Arrogant people are weak people and weak people always take bad advice; they never take good advice.

6.       Jonadab will provide the bad advice; he has an instinct and enjoyment of intrigue.

This particular title means the crown prince (O son of the king).

2Sam. 13:4 And he said to him, "O son of the king, why are you so haggard [depressed] morning after morning? Will you not tell me?" Amnon said to him, "I love Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister."

Now we get the bad advice. He is make himself ill, which is funny, because he was sick from frustration. People are stupid because of the thee’s and thou’s and you think this is formal, but it is a bawdy language.

The qal imperative begins the bad advice. Arrogance enjoys subterfuge; arrogant people would rather spend time figuring out a dishonest way to cheat in school or in business; but this same time would have produced honest results which are just as good.

The idea is to get King David to come to the palace where Amnon is, and for him to indulge him. It is Jonadab’s intention to be the prime minister when David dies, and this is his way to take it. Such people can be very patronizing. They all have a system; and they all have the language. Bob has trusted people who are the lowest scum he has ever seen. So he is not surprised that the world is filled with Jonadab’s and they are always using you to gain control, power, approbation; etc. This woman from some place who schemed all of her life to get to the right parties and hang with the right people, Walli Simpson. Then she hooked up with the dumbest of all the Hannibarians. George II or Edward IV were vying for stupidest award. George III was a very smart man. This woman backed the wrong man, hoping to be the queen.

The are people who are not the smartest people, but they are able to outsmart more intelligent people. They are liars and phoneys. Bob has categorized his list into 4 categories, 2 for the women and 2 for the men. He is 62 at this time; if he messes up again, he wants to be led out to pasture with a grenade dropped next to him. He will never again have an assistant pastor.

If you are a business type, Jonadab will take away your business and your wife.

Jonadab has it all figured out.

Jonadab’s Modus Operandi

1.       Jonadab is both smart and evil; clever and evil. Therefore, cunning and conspiratorial. You can never have a Jonadab for a real friend, real husband or a real wife. You cannot have any sort of a real relationship with a person like Jonadab.

2.       Jonadab had the smarts to be all kinds of things; a great statesman and great business man, etc. They will go to your friends and compliment you, and this gets back to you. They approach you directly with flattery but indirectly through this method.

3.       They are liars. They will start with a kernal of truth, but they will distort it. If this does not work, they will play their last card, which will not work. They like to distort something in order to take others in.

4.       Machination or step 1 is the gain the trust of an evil prince. This is a system of intrigue.

5.       The principle: flattery works with arrogant people. They live on it.

6.       Machination: step 2: Involve the principal in intrigue, so that they are indebted to you. Now Amnon will owe a debt to Jonadab.

7.       Amnon and Jonadab are enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance, so deceit appeals to both of them.

8.       Arrogant people pretend to be sick to get their own way. Mothers sometimes do this to control their children or husband. Both men and women use this. Bob knows one guy who showed up in a cast, and they threw him in the pool. You should have seen him, beautiful. I don’t suggest doing this.

9.       Arrogant people prey on nice people; and nice people often stop being nice.

10.     Machination step 3 prediction based upon observation. He knows that David loves his children; particularly his firstborn. Jonadab will make sure that he hears.

11.     David was a weak father until the time of Bathsheba. This does not mean that he despised his sons. If anything, he overindulged his sons.

12.     By predicting his visits to the palace of Amnon, Jonadab will involve David in this plot.

13.     David is a genius, but he is an honorable genius, and we have seen his only deviation from integrity.

14.     Against the evil of Jonadab, David will play the part of the dupe, the fool; a tool in the hand of Jonadab.

15.     His innocent complicity in the plot will neutralize the function of the king’s justice. Honorable people are generally not people smart, no matter how brilliant they are. They assume that they share their standards of integrity. Honorable people can be used and they take everyone at face value.

Step 4 involves David in the duplicity. David, in his great compassion, will order Tamar to feed him. Great people are putty in the hands of dishonorable people.

Some people can be very polite; nice manners. Unctuous. This is feeding a cobra.

Jonadab’s Plan

1.       Sick people are often suspicious people, particularly in a palace with a sizable harem.

2.       This would be compatible with Amnon’s character.

3.       Therefore, the clever man able to match the words with the character of Amnon. He is learning his lines, not realizing that this scenario insults him. This insults David and Amnon. Jonadab is behind the scenes, pulling the strings.

4.       An indulgent father, no matter how smart, would not be suspicious, and they would understand Amnon’s supposed suspicions.

5.       He would assume that Amnon trusts his sister Tamar. He is going to indicate that he thinks he is being poisoned slowly.

6.       This is also the best ruse for getting Tamar within reach. David will command Tamar to go to him.

7.       David is being used by sly and arrogant people. David was thinking the same way that Jonadab thought. There is the sneaky side and the honorable side in David’s family; the difference is Bible doctrine. This is exactly what David did. He wrote a scenario for Uriah the Hittite. David did the same thing, and made Joab the hero.

8.       David was involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, like Amnon and Jonadab, when plotting the death of Uriah.

9.       This time, David is the Judas goat.

10.     An innocent David will be taken in, conned, deceived, by Amnon and Jonadab. Tamar would be transferred from a place of security to Amnon’s palace, a place she has been avoiding.

Amnon will ask Tamar whom he trusts.

Duplicity and Conspiracy

1.       When you superimpose your own high standards on other people, you can be deceived by them.

2.       Being smart will not help you or even being people-smart. This will not insulate you from duplicity. 2nd stage of the faith rest drill; reverse concentration.

3.       Only Bible doctrine and the ability to recognize the symptoms of interlocking systems of arrogance. How many times have we been totally innocent and everyone tells us that we are totally guilty.

4.       Many times, the exercise of authority will protect others from being conned by believers with pleasing personalities and evil intentions.

5.       The local church is a breeding ground for conspiracy. Any team of any kind; any social organization of any kind. Every local church has a certain number of suspicious people.

6.       Members of a congregation must be warned about being duped by con artists. Sometimes, it is a business deal, and they say you will make a fortune. Or it will be putting down some authority in order to bring themselves up.

7.       The facade of a personality involves you in get rich quick schemes and glorification of the Lord.

8.       Many broken lives when people get involved with them. Their arrogance has a voracious appetite for power.

9.       This plot transfers Tamar from the security of castle |ion to the castle of the crown prince. David is duped into acting as a pimp for rape. He puts Tamar at risk. He orders her into the nest of cobras.

David Is Deceived

1.       Tamar is normally protected by the palace guard. Amnon’s palace is nowhere near the brigade of guards.

2.       Tamar is removed from palace protocol by being ordered to the palace of the crown prince by none other than David.

3.       It did not occur to David that he was setting up Tamar. He was too preoccupied with Amnon and he lost his alertness. When you are preoccupied with a con artist, you lose alertness to your loved ones.

4.       Furthermore, David could not ascribe to his son lust motivation or incestial rape.

5.       David is in a good place; in an honorable stage. He has forgotten his own evil motivation in the past. It never occurs to him that Amnon is a chip off the old block in terms of evil motivation and sneakiness.

6.       David is not alert to total depravity. We should be suspicious than sorry. We can be suspicious and wrong, and then be sorry; but that is better than exposing loved ones to scum bags.

7.       This is evil advice; this is conspiracy; degenerate advice; arrogant people are weak people and weak people always take bad advice. Furthermore, arrogance builds its happiness on someone else’s unhappiness. Arrogance likes to get its kicks from destroying others and deceiving others and they consider duplicity makes them superior. Like the Apache who saw a man fighting bravely; they would kill him and eat their heart. That is the thinking of the scum. This feeds the flame of his arrogance. This is why Tamar will be raped; she is a better woman than Amnon is a man.

2Sam. 13:5 Jonadab said to him, "Lie down on your bed and pretend to be ill. And when your father comes to see you, say to him, 'Let my sister Tamar come and give me bread to eat, and prepare the food in my sight, that I may see it [watch her] and eat it from her hand.'"

Flim flam is a legitimate English word and it is a swindler’s word.

2Samuel 13:6–8                                   72David                                              631_0295


Middle east and near east essentially run by 3 peoples. There were knights with the code maryana, and they were Hurrians. One of the dynasties of the Hittites were Hurrians. At this time, they only control Geshur and the king has a daughter Maacah, who marries David. David’s son, Absalom, is having a sheep shearing party at his northern ranch. Razor was a great city at that time, along the trade route. This ranch was called Baal-razor. The ranch was a large sheep ranch, and across the river is the kingdom of Geshur. Amnon waited for 2 years to have a special party there, and Absalom comes, and he kills him, and now he just has to go across the river and he is safe. He will do this things under the Hurrian code of maryana. Hurrian order of knights who had controlled the near east or the middle east.

Jonadab was a man of great cunning, and he finds out what Absalom is concerned about.

Amnon does what Jonadab suggests.

Arrogance and Amnon

1.       Amnon is arrogant and therefore weak.

2.       Arrogant people take bad advice.

3.       Such people can never be happy or successful and their lives end in tragedy. No capacity for life or capacity for love.

4.       Being involved in interlocking systems of arrogance is a dead end for happiness or attainment in life. There is no possibility of glorifying the Lord as a believer.

5.       Arrogance is the greatest weakness of life and it neutralizes every talent and ability of any person in history.

6.       As we have previously studied, Amnon’s mother was a commoner. David was a weak father, and this means a strong mother. This common mother was always in competition with Maacah.

7.       Arrogant people always make an issue out of their environment. She jealousy guarded the power and position of her son.

8.       Her lower class arrogance fomented revolution.

9.       Her son’s arrogance will exercise pain, and tyranny over his half-sister. She was a lower class snob, and her son was an upperclass snob.

10.     Amnon’s mother was a snob; that is making an issue out of environment.

11.     Amnon’s arrogance was the arrogance of a tyrant. Tyranny is the arrogance of making an issue out of environment. He had great opportunity.

He was the Jewish prince of Wales. The mother failed for being a lower class snob. She made an issue out of her environment, which made her a snob. By making an issue out of his environment, you have tyranny. This is the story of history in some part of the world; tyranny against snobbery; snobbery does not comes from being aristocratic; it comes from being poor, often. If you blame your environment, good or bad. People think being upper class makes a person a snob, but the upper class person might be tyrannical, but not necessarily snobbish. They both make an issue of out the same thing, but they have a different starting point; one is a tyrant, and the other is a snob.

David is very honorable. But he is also naive. He will use his power to get Tamar to go to the palace for Absalom. Part of David’s discipline will be in being duped.

2 things must accompany power: honor and a sense of responsibility. Anyone with power will be there recipient of some form of intrigue where some people use that power. Some with power need to be careful what they endorse or where they use their power. David will abuse his own power and turn his lovely daughter over to an animal to be destroyed and he will do this unwittingly.

Honorable people are predictable. However, this predictability can be used in a conspiracy. This means the honorable  king will be the innocent dupe in a plot to humble and destroy Tamar. Honorable people must be alert to the misuse of their power. The more power and authority you possess, the more people will seek to use your power. A smart, evil, and unprincipled person can use this.

Amnon follows this plot to the letter. He asks to have Tamar come and prepare crepes Tamar in his presence.

David’s Honor Is Confused by Naivety

1.       It is obvious that David has come to visit the crown prince, and in his own palace where he is allegedly ill. David is vulnerable to him.

2.       David is vulnerable and he has compassion. He probably said, “Is there anything that I can do for you, son?” Amnon knows he will say this and knows David will fulfill his request. Jonadab knows that he can reach David through his natural compassion.

3.       Amnon gives him the scenario just as Jonadab wrote it.

4.       Because David has now become honorable, he does not realize how ridiculous this request is. Honorable people have a tendency to be naive.

5.       If Amnon asked to see the court physician, this would make more sense, but he does not. Honor + naivety is not honor at all. No need to have honor is you are going to be stupid. This will remind David that he had a court of pimps to gather up women for him. So David is going to do this for his own son.

6.       Sending Tamar to the palace without any protection was stupid. If you are honorable, you must also be wise.

7.       David assumes that Tamar is as safe with Amnon in his palace as she is in castle Zion. David is in between installments. Extremely happy people lose their alertness. They lose that suspiciousness; and alertness.

It takes an extremely alert person to be happy and thoughtful of other people, and to be alert so that you are not taken in. David has lost his association with reality. This is not unusual in people who become successful. They lose touch with reality. Earl Campbell could lose touch with reality, because he has enjoyed great success.


8.       Now you can see what David is a poor father.

9.       In protection of his daughter, David should have refused the request of Amnon; of he should have taken precautions on her behalf. David should have pulled out his sword and castrated him.

2Sam. 13:6 So Amnon lay down [went to bed] and pretended to be ill. And when the king came to see him, Amnon said to the king, "Please let my sister Tamar come and make a couple of cakes [crepes] in my sight, that I may eat from her hand."

Now we have the naive use of authority. David tells Tamar to go to Amnon and prepare meet for him.

Jonadab was the plotter, Amnon carried out the plot, and David was unwittingly employed. David is the innocent one here; he is the fool here. People will use your innocence to destroy others. How can you be innocent and stupid? Sometimes, you hear things about an employee, and people tell you things. David will become an accessory to the fact.

David’s authority will be complicity in this scheme. She was protected until David sent her over to Amnon’s palace. Arrogant type despise those whom they use. Amnon undoubtedly despises David and would come to despise Tamar. Once they use you, they always despise you. Once they have used you, they will despise you.

David orders Tamar to go to Amnon’s house. With this is the polite particle of entreaty. He is dealing with his daughter her, so he adds this particle.

2nd imperative here of asah, which means make, prepare, cook. Tamar has avoided the crown prince up until this time, and she has only communicated with him when palace protocol requires it.

David’s order will destroy Tamar’s entire life.

2Sam. 13:7 Then David sent home to Tamar, saying, "Go to your brother Amnon's house and prepare food for him."

Bob says the KJV is inadequate at this point. And pitiful. David has been made an accessory to this crime. Amnon is making a strange request, and it should have been questioned by David. He should have sent his doctor and his own chef.

If you command a lot of people, do not give someone a job incompatible with their profile.

A woman has all day; men do not do domestic work; unless they choose to. There are too many people being deprived of their rightful opportunities of life. Unethical exploitation is the evil function of those who are trapped in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

To be an actor, there needs to be some degeneracy in you. This hypocrisy came very easily to a degenerate person. Amnon could have gotten the Oscar for any of these scenes.

Some Concluding Points

1.       It was an evilly contrived pose for a person to appear sick and therefore seems harmless. Amnon is evil to pretend to be sick. Most hypochondriacs are self-centered and self-involved. There are people who pretend to get ill in order to get the attention and sympathy of others.

2.       David’s naive command to Tamar has made her vulnerable to Amnon.

3.       David’s complicity, while innocent, is inexcusable. Happiness should not cause you to lose your natural alertness. Happiness must be guarded.

4.       Remember that David has been a weak father.

5.       Polygamy results in weak fathers and strong mothers.

6.       The mother shaped the attitude and the ambitions of their sons in the harem environment. A strong mother produces a weak son.

7.       Amon was a weak crown prince.

8.       Amnon lacked honor. If you are only loyal to yourself, you lack honor.

9.       Loyalty is defined as loyalty to truth and loyalty to principle.

10.     When loyalty to self and others supercedes loyalty to truth or to divine establishment authority, then....

11.     For those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, integrity and honor are both cancelled. The rape which follows is not surprising.

Tamar probably prepared crepes Tamar, something which she had learned to prepare. She does not seem to have any suspicions at this point; but the princess of royal blood simply does not cook for the crown prince.

2Sam. 13:8 So Tamar went to her brother Amnon's house, where he was lying down. And she took dough and kneaded it and made cakes in his sight and baked the cakes.

Tamar will be raped on Sunday.

2Samuel 13:9–12                                 72David                                              631_0296

Bob used to be friends with the #3 man in the FBI, Bill Sullivan, and he would send him stats; Bob still gets stats, and rape in the Houston area is up 300%. All children had a mother who loved them, but somehow, they turn into a rapist, like being a transient psychosis. This is designed to fail to rationalize with regards to life. These people have no guilt feelings about rape, or stealing, or whatever. Transient psychosis is a little cave into which one retreats, and such a person never takes the responsibility for their own actions and never feel responsible for what they have done.

A great variation between the mothers of Amnon and Tamar. For 1000 years, 2000–1000 b.c., the Hurrians were the more vigorous of the ancient peoples; this is an incorrect designation. These were Indo-Aryan people They may have just controlled the Hurrians but they may have been Hurrians. The Hyksos were ruled by the Hurrians. They conquered India as the horse training, chariot riding system. The Hurrian knights began to conquer all of the Syrian area. They expanded throughout the world. Talmai was the King of Geshur and just across the river from Zobah.

These knights were held together by a code called Maryana.

Absalom’s grandfather is Hurrian, and Absalom and Tamar are half Hurrian and half Jewish. They were striking figures. Tamar is exceptionally beautiful.

Amnon became so frustrated that he contacted his cousin Jonadab.

Piel imperfect of maen which means to refuse. Then there is the Qal infinitive indicates that he had little interest in eating in the first place.

This is the weak spot in the conspiracy to ravish Tamar. Tamar is now in a very precarious situation. Neither the nation or the individual is based upon sincerity or altruism. Without David’s command, Tamar would not be in this place. The Shah of Iran brought his country out of the dark ages, and it was his money that took many young Iranians out of the country to be educated here. This makes a person vulnerable. Communism and socialism do not use the greater good as a real policy; it is just a means of grabbing power.

We actually fed and maintained the Russian army for 2 years. Stalin manipulated FDR with ease. This was based on sincerity and altruism. We have no understanding of the true evil of Communism.

Our attitude of sincerity and altruism toward Communism is a mistake. We are suffering today from national arrogance.

Amnon sent out all of the servants. Jonadab was the evil plotter and Amnon was the clever actor. Almost to be a good actor, you need to be involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

Jonadab wants power, and he will manipulate Amnon in order to gain power. Amnon has isolated his victim.

2Sam. 13:9 And she took the pan and emptied it out before him, but he refused to eat. And Amnon said, "Send out everyone from me." So everyone went out from him.

A woman should never put herself in a place where she is isolated and cannot exercise her volition. Many wonderful women with great morals are stupid about such a thing.

Tamar’s Specific Moment

1.       If Amnon was so sick that he needed to be fed by hand, how can he get up from the couch and meander to his own bedroom.

2.       When Amnon dismissed the servants, he obviously acted the part very well and he looked quite sick. This should have alerted Tamar when all this went down. Women may not be used to these kind of men. Women ought to be extremely suspicious with men. Women must be especially wise and as harmful as a rattlesnake.

3.       Amnon got up and walked to his bedroom and asked Tamar to follow him.

4.       Why didn’t he take the food from his hand is what she should have asked.

5.       Since she should have thought of this, she did not start thinking soon enough. Suddenly the scene has changed and there are no servants there to protect her. She ought to be on code orange.

6.       If Amnon is so ill that he cannot feed himself and he dismissed her servants, why get up and go to the bedroom to be fed. This was her one change to escape rape.

7.       The chance of escaping rape at this point depended upon her alert thinking.

8.       Tamar should have taken notice of the flaw in the plan. Perhaps the departure from Jonadab’s scenario.

9.       The servants had been dismissed where Amnon was laying in a chaise lounge.

10.     The move to the bedroom had nothing to do with food. Tamar was too sheltered and too naive to recognize what was happening. When in doubt, a woman needs to be suspicious and she needs to be able to think under pressure.

2Sam. 13:10 Then Amnon said to Tamar, "Bring the food into the chamber, that I may eat from your hand." And Tamar took the cakes she had made and brought them into the chamber to Amnon her brother.

Amnon went ahead of her and got into bed. When she brought the crepes to him, chazaq hiphil stem, and it means to seize with violence.

Imperative mood next, which indicates what he is going to do; this is not a request. Copulate with me, is more or less what he said.

Amnon has no integrity. He is loyal only to himself. Integrity maintains loyalty. There is a time when loyalty is misplaced; loyalty to criminals or to Communists.

Amnon lacks honor and integrity. He is loyal to himself only in interlocking systems of arrogance. Amnon, since he has no integrity, is reversionism. Amnon had no doctrine in his soul. He was guilty of degeneracy. He can only be loyal to himself. Narcissism.

What will happen will duplicate David’s rape of Bathsheba. Amnon has no loyalty to principle; he is only loyal to himself. He has no integrity or honor.

Rape is not only a sin, but a crime as well. Psychopathic arrogance of Amnon and there are people about who have psychopathic arrogance. However, they do not hallucinate, so there is no way to recognize it apart from Bible doctrine.

Arrogant People and Bad Advice

1.       Arrogant people are always weak people.

2.       Weak people always take bad advice.

3.       Evil Jonadab has given bad advice to the crown prince.

4.       The evil advice was more than the crime of rape but the evil of incest as well.

2Sam. 13:11 But when she brought them near him to eat, he took hold of her [seized her and overpowered her] and said to her, "Come, lie with me, my sister."

Now Tamar begins to verbalize her thoughts and becomes concerned about what is going on. She is under tremendous pressure.

Arrogance never take cognizance of the wishes and thoughts of others. They never take cognizance of the wishes or desires of others. Arrogance has no respect for volition.

The New Mexico prison break. The raping and abuse was animalistic all the way. This is interlocking systems of arrogance. We live in a time of great national arrogance.

Sex is not always for gratification, but control and bullying. The criminal mentality wants to control everything in his vicinity. His approach to all women is someone who seems himself as being admired. Psychotic; he thinks this woman wants him. When the woman resists, the man sometimes kills, after abusing and torturing, because he has no care for her, but wants to dominate. Freedom of others is meaningless to him.

Our immoral foreign policy and we have turned over great nations to communists. There was freedom in Nicaragua. We are responsible for people losing their freedom. We are an arrogant nation. Being an arrogant nation, we want to superimpose our will. Democracy is an evil form of government. Many of these people had fabulous freedoms and we came along and put them under communism. We overthrew the Shah of Iran. Air Force 2 star general went to Iran at the orders of Carter to get rid of the Shah.

The rapist has no thought to the feelings of the victim. This is a part of the psychosis of rape. Amnon was only interested in his own volition. He considers it a favor to rape this woman; she should be honored to be raped by him.

Criminal and Sexual Arrogance

1.       The combination of criminal and sexual arrogance produces psychopathic arrogance.

2.       The gratification in sex is related to the thrill of conquest, therefore being recognized as superior. Tamar has been ignoring the crown prince for years. The gratification in conquest is related to the thrill of conquest.

3.       Rape combines criminal and sexual arrogance because the victim has no rights. Sex is a control operation with Amnon.

4.       Sexual + criminal arrogance means that Amnon had sex on his mind most of the time. Look out for those who have sex on their minds most of the time.

5.       The mere sight of Tamar excited him.

6.       He was put down by her, since he could not enjoy sexual conquest of her.

7.       Being rejected in the past just made him angry and vindictive. “Why doesn’t she share my opinion of myself?”


9.       Therefore the woman’s soul and her volition is not a consideration to Amnon. He is simply an arrogant sexual animal. He uses sex to conquer and humiliate this woman. He has been jealous of his family.

10.     In some cases of sexual arrogance, the choice of some victims is indiscriminate. However, the rapist is always thinking bout himself. Instead of falling into his arms, she starts to scream, which inflames him. In most cases of criminal arrogance, desire of a high class woman stimulates the arrogance.

11.     When criminal arrogance rapes a virgin, he has conquered a pure person; and he has achieved something that no one else has ever accomplished before and will never accomplish again. Her rejection just heightens his excitement and increases his desire to dominate her.

Incest was forbidden in the Law. Marring one’s sister is a disgrace. Several times.

Tamar appeals to the laws of divine establishment. This indicates that she believe that he is an unbeliever or a believer with very little doctrine. She appeals to him on the basis of establishment truth. Since he was negative toward doctrine, he was also negative toward the laws of divine establishment. This is not taking place in the ghetto, but in the palace. Environment has nothing to do with criminality; it has to do with the condition of the soul.

Polygamy produces weak fathers and strong mothers. Amnon does not give any sign of being a believer in Jesus Christ. David apparently made no effort to evangelize the crown prince.

No restraint on Amnon’s lust. He has the characteristics of his mother and not his father.

2Sam. 13:12 She answered him, "No, my brother, do not violate [rape] me, for such a thing is not done in Israel; do not do this outrageous thing [do not commit this criminal act].

2Samuel 13:13                                     72David                                              631_0297

We are dealing with the psychopathic personality, and this is one of the first things which we must consider. Amnon is a psychopathic personality. Gray and Hutchinson, a couple of Canadian psychiatrists put together a good study.


1.       Psychopaths are also liars who fail to tell the truth.

2.       Since he does not learn from his experience, he is considered an unteachable.

3.       He lacks a sense of responsibility.

4.       He cannot form meaningful relationships.

5.       He lacks control over his own impulses. No sense of control.

6.       Chronically or recurrently anti-social.

7.       Punishment does not alter his behavior.

8.       He is emotionally immature.

9.       He is unable to experience guilt.

10.     He is self-centered. Interlocking systems of arrogance for Amnon.

4. Principles

1.       Psychopathic and sociopathic personalities lack sensitivity to others.

2.       They have neither capacity for love nor does sex have any real meaning to them. No interest or care for their sex partners.

3.       The woman is degraded to a physiological tool. This will explain Tamar.

4.       The individuality of the woman is ignored. She becomes a tool to gratify arrogance.

5.       Psychopaths want power.

6.       Psychopaths blame others for their mistakes, etc.

7.       They are masters in rationalization; and they can give a plausible excuse for everything that has occurred, without blaming themselves.

8.       They are emotionally unstable.

9.       The psychopath has superior intelligence and great talent.

10.     They are restless, easily bored and lack a sense of reality and perspective.

11.     In their lack of time perspective, they are trapped in the cult of the present. This will explain in part why Amnon rejected the excellent reasoning of Tamar.

Second Principle

1.       Psychopaths have various sexual problems. Promiscuity minus gratification.

2.       Modern psychological terminology. Instance; immediately gratification and blocking out future consequences.

3.       A refusal to put off gratification. What arrogance wants, arrogance gets.

4.       Criminal arrogance demands instant triumph. Amnon had to be the best now

5.       Criminal arrogance was achievement without work.

6.       Criminal arrogance expects to be on a par or superior to people who worked all their lives for what they have.

Amnon Could Not Put Himself in Tamar’s Position

1.       Normal children are taught to place themselves in the shoes of others.

2.       Arrogant people don’t really have this empathy.

3.       There is no thoughtfulness of others, consideration of others.

4.       The arrogant wants to prevail and he simply imposes his view, and imposing his view today will rape tomorrow.

5.       Many issue remain outside the realm of comprehension. This is not because they are stupid, but they have total ignorance of responsible type thinking.

6.       Tamar will appeal to Amnon’s understanding of others.

7.       Tamar gives a brilliant explanation of the future results, but Amnon lives only for the moment and he only functions there.

Tamar and Amnon

1.       Criminal arrogance has no sense of obligation.

2.       Obligation to one with criminal arrogance strikes him as being weak. He regards obligation to a woman means that the woman dominates him.

3.       Obligation interferes with what the arrogant wants to do.

4.       Tamar has to come up with something, and this is what she comes up with instantly. The fact that it did not work does not detract from her courage.

5.       Tamar does not become demoralized at this time. Ability to think under pressure.

6.       2 things demoralize a woman about to be raped; the vulgar language used by the rapist. . What Amnon used was demoralizing language.

7.       The rapist also uses violence.

8.       Tamar had poise. She was apparently a mature believer. She has great poise.

9.       Tamar was magnificent. She never lost her poise until Amnon did something worse than rape. This anticipates beyond the immediately context.

Tamar tries to reason with him. A working translation. “What about me? Where could I get rid of my disgrace? What about you? You will be like one of the criminals in Israel. Please speak to the king, he will not hinder you from marring me.” She is as great in her soul as her physical beauty enhances it.

She has 3 points to reason from, and she is under great pressure. She is being raped by a vulgar animal. The repercussions to Tamar, how rape will disgrace her. She talks about the results for herself, for Amnon, and then she presents a solution. 3 lines of thought given rapidly. She was a magnificent woman, although she will fall apart a little later.

Women, you may face this problem, and you need to plan for it. Vulgar language and violence and the moment you stop thinking and get hysterical and shriek, you are losing. Shrieking is good to catch attention. Rapists are abnormal people. Shrieking is somewhat helpful, but not to the rapist. Normal people hate it, but the rapist is not normal.

The final thing is, “Ask for my hand in marriage.” Tamar does not love Amnon. So, she is not hoping for him to ask her to marry her. Amnon’s frustration has been intensified by Tamar rejecting her totally. She hopes to persuade him to ask for her hand in marriage. David would never agree to such a thing, as incest is criminal and evil.

Everything that we examine was done under great pressure. The ability of a woman to think under all kinds of pressure is a great asset.

Tamar is a virgin, and she first discusses what this will mean to her. Virginity can mean different things at different times in various societies. We have to look at this in the time of David.

Tamar continues her conversation during the struggle.

From Tamar’s Point of View

1.       Once Amnon rapes her, Tamar could never get married.

2.       Few people are qualified to marry a princess in the first place. It is inconceivable that a royal princess could be raped. Not being a virgin would make her rejected. This is not an issue today, but it was then. The body is incidental to a soul relationship, and what happened to the body before the relationship should not be an issue. But then, rape would destroy any chance of her getting married. This would be a great blow to a young woman like Tamar.

3.       Once the virgin is raped, she is no longer eligible as a princess, so she would be a permanent spinster. Only the man who raped her could marry her.

4.       So the vilification and vituperation would be endless and she would be a victim of scurrility for life. This is the most awful thing to happen to anyone.

Next Principle

1.       Many men even today would reject a woman who is not a virgin. Some would avoid a woman who was sexually abused or raped.

2.       Many husbands today even will reject their wives as raped.

3.       Therefore, it is not surprising that a raped woman in the time of David to be taken off the marriage market. Tamar would not even be allowed out in public.

4.       This woman would be in permanent disgrace, rejected by society.

5.       This is not right or fair, and that was life in Tamar’s time and people have not changed too much.

Next, she will appeal to Amnon and his own honor and integrity, which he has none.

Amon’s Arrogance

1.       Amnon is enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance, and he is preoccupied with his own lusts. Psychological instancy is what he suffers from.

2.       3 categories of truth.

3.       Amnon had rejected all 3 categories of truth.

4.       Instead of honor and integrity, Amnon has criminal arrogance, psychopathic arrogance, etc.

5.       Such arrogance rejects any appeal to honor and integrity.

6.       Criminal arrogance possesses total inflexibility and there is a high evaluation of self and a low evaluation of others.

The Criminal Arrogance Profile

1.       Criminal arrogance is dedicated to the idea that he is better than others. It can start at any time.

2.       Amnon sees himself as being better than everyone else, and rejects accountability for his own actions.

3.       Criminal and sexual arrogance are both related to false ideas about manhood and manliness.

4.       Criminal arrogance thinks that if there is a beautiful woman around, he is not a man unless he conquers her. A woman vulnerable to flattery is in trouble around such a man. His manhood is related to any attractive woman or a woman with class.

5.       Therefore, masculinity is related to sexuality and criminality in the thinking of the arrogant. Criminal arrogance includes taking what he wants. Outwitting or overpowering others. He cannot tolerate anyone else in his periphery who is considered by others to be better than he is.

6.       The criminal regards his masculinity to being at stake if he submits to someone else. Criminality, therefore, rejects authority. He determines that he must be on top.

7.       Criminal arrogance attempts to control at the expense of others.

8.       Inflexible and unyielding pride is a part of criminality.

9.        Yokelson, “criminal pride is often not visible; in fact, the criminal might seem to be markedly modest. However, inside, he is quite different. He is ostensibly humble, he is enjoying the con of being humble. “ p. 275

10.     It is important to remember that arrogance brings inflexibility into the life. “Criminal pride is it has the image of a powerful, unyielding person. Despite the unfavorable or punitive attitude of others. It is not modified by argument or persuasion. This is based upon the fear and despair of the zero state. Pride is a perch that must be maintained, lest the criminal fall into the abyss of being nothing.” “It is an unbending posture.”

11.     Amnon fits the 3 descriptions just presented. You would think that they had observed Amnon instead of 1000's of criminals. P. 266 “The attitude behind the intense pride of the criminal was clearly presented by the man who said, ‘If I bend, then I break.’” he must emerge on top of any contest and if it is not a contest, then he must make it all. The criminal must insist that he knows it all. He closes his ears to the contrary view. He will not climb down from the castle in which he dwells. It must be Amnon 100 and Tamar 0. So he will rape her and then despise her.

Where Could I Take My Disgrace?

1.       The fact that this would ruin Tamar’s life is not important to Amnon; he cuold care less.

2.       People are indifferent to the suffering of others and to the inconveniences that they cause others. There is a combination of sexual, criminal and sexual arrogance.

3.       Arrogant people do nont take responsibility for their own decisions they have no honor or integrity.

4.       They possess and pride and an arrogance and they are always in a contest in which they are the winners.

5.       Sin + is evil.

This is an excellent plea but his arrogance overrules her.

Now she goes into her 2nd point. So then she looks at him. The Qal imperfect of the verb hayah. It means to become something; and tis would disqualify him for the throne. “You will become like one of the criminals in Israel.” This is a future.

What Is She Doing

1.       Tamar is very discerning and she recognizes the characteristics of the criminal personality. The guy with the mouth full of teeth and a big smile could be another Amnon.

2.       Tamar not only understands but she understands that some sins are crimes, and rape is both.

3.       She discerns the arrogance of Amnon. She appeals to his reputation.

4.       She implies that being the crown prince not be compatible with being a criminal.

5.       The principle is obvious. No can be a successful leader. God does not promote criminals.

When a nation compromises with crime, the nation goes down. Judges let criminals off with all of these bogus psychological terms. Arrogance destroys a nation; judges on the benches of this country today are a disgrace to our country. The higher courts constantly put criminals on the street.

US is soft on criminals and soft on communism as well. We are in league with the Chicoms. It is national arrogance. He are involved in such great national arrogance, that all the wake up

The proposed alternative is Tamar’s solution. She uses the Piel imperative. It was not an order because of the particle of polite address. She still has good manners in her address. “Now, therefore, please speak to the king.” She reminds Amnon of their common father. It is a subtle suggestion that David’s power could also end up executing Amnon.

“For, he will not hinder you from marrying me.” She dangles marriage out as a solution.


1.       She is stalling him. No way would David allow incest. He has done some dumb things, but he will not sponsor incest.

2.       Tamar knows this and Amnon does as well. He is not interested in marriage.

3.       The alternative of her solution will be rejected.

4.       Not only does Amnon have mental and sexual arrogance, but he has psychopathic arrogance. She can talk from now until doomsday and it will not hinder her. David is a poor father and as a weak father, it means strong mother. Part of it is David’s fault for sending her to the palace and the years of his sexual arrogance. When arrogance practices polygamy, weak father, strong mother.

5.       David’s crimes of the past year are coming back as crime in the family; incest and fratricide.

6.       God uses David’s poor fatherhood to punish David. Thus his own free will and his interlocking systems of arrogance, David has been a weak father. The kids project their best or worst characteristics of their mothers. Jealous lower class woman influences Amnon. Worst snobs in the world come from the gutter.

Tamar reveals the great aristocracy of her mother, and her ability to think under pressure. The two great powers of the day both have a dynasty of Hurrian kings.

More principles tomorrow night.

2Sam. 13:13 As for me [what about me?], where could I carry [take] my shame [disgrace]? And as for you, you would be as one of the outrageous fools in Israel. Now therefore, please speak to the king, for he will not withhold me from you."

2Samuel 13:13–14a                             72David                                              631_0298

We learn from history that we learn nothing from history. We seem to be completely without knowledge of the Balkan world. Bob does a map of these areas, including Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, etc. Kingdom of the Croats, Slavs, and Slovens, created by the League of Nations. That made no sense. These are separate peoples and related to completely different national entities.

Islamic Serbs selling those from the Greek Orthodox church into slavery. Bosnia is a melting plot as well. For 500 years, the Croats were some of the toughest mercenaries in the world. We wear ties today because Croatians were bodyguards of the French guard (they wore cravats).

Violence in Yugoslavia is like baseball in the United States. They have always had a lot of intrigue. Bob mentions some of these. Apparently these feud is still going on, but in a reduced state, as they cannot reproduce enough people to carry it on. Yugoslavia is a beautiful mountainous area. Loyalist party and the communist party. Nation of Croats, which meant a lot of Serbs would be killed. Bob explains who killed who.

Look for things to break out in the Balkans. This will occupy the Russians for awhile and this might give a smart President to start building up our military.

Tamar’s Defenses

1.       Tamar knows her father well enough to know that David would never okay and incestuous marriage.

2.       Tamar is a noble aristocratic woman with great beauty and courage.

3.       Her refusal to fornicate with her brother has merely inflamed him.

4.       Tamar is using all of her wits to escape Amnon.

5.       In his bedroom, Tamar is completely in his power and arrogance has made him merciless. He desires to humble this magnificent woman. To destroy her. She is the object of his arrogant envy. She has great integrity and he has none.

6.       Every appeal to reason, to integrity to honor, to morality, including the concept of freedom, has been rejected by the arrogant Amnon.

7.       Arrogance is divorced from reality. There are 13 categories of arrogance. Jealousy is divorced from reality just as psychopathic arrogance is divorced from reality.

8.       Tamar still has one defense; the wall of fire from logistical grace.

9.       The question arises, why didn’t God deliver Tamar? Why remove the wall of fire at this point?

Why Did God Remove the Wall of Fire?

1.       From what the Lord does not deliver us, He intends for us to endure.

2.       Since the Lord did not deliver, the question arises, what was the reason for not delivering Tamar?

3.       The Word of God does not answer this question. There is silence with this particular question.

4.       If this is for blessing, then this is for her benefit. This suggests that she is mature.

5.       Both alternatives suggest that she is at the end of the line.

6.       This brings us face to face with all things working together for good.

7.       Tamar is a believer and in the plan of God. 3 rationales are pertinent under the faith rest drill. No idea whether she said, why is this happening to me? The essence of God rationale explains it. Even in a horrible personal disaster, the purpose is to turn cursing into blessing. This might teach alertness as well. It takes longer to get to the final objective under discipline. Rebound must occur in order for cursing to be turned to blessing.

8.       She was not delivered from the rape, she was delivered through the rape. Whatever God does not deliver us from, she intended for us to endure.

9.       What God does not deliver us from, He intends for us to endure. We look at this academically, but she endured great brutality.

10.     If Tamar was being disciplined, then such an experience would bring her to rebound. The Word does not answer, so that we can explore the possibilities.

2Sam. 13:13 As for me [what about me?], where could I carry [take] my shame [disgrace]? And as for you, you would be as one of the outrageous fools in Israel. Now therefore, please speak to the king, for he will not withhold me from you."

There is the reasonableness and thinking of Tamar to parallel with Amnon’s lack of thinking. Someone already used the information here to keep from being raped and/or kidnaped. Bob took roll as usual. He knows where everyone is.

He refused to listen to her. He was totally emotional and totally unreasonable. No reason mixed with emotion means you have animals. Recent New Mexico prison break and guards were without guns. Raping and killing some of the worst acts in US history. Only emotion means animalism. Holy rollers are not much different from the prisoners in New Mexico.

Amon’s Thinking

1.       When Tamar said the previous verse, which was reasonable, and it appealed to common sense and morality; but it required objectivity to respond to it. He responds instead of reacts. No reason; just emotion. He was totally subjective. No objectivity since childhood. People without objectivity have poor judgment about people, situations and about anything. They cannot make good decisions.


3.       Arrogant people reject good advice. Good advice is objective and they are subjective.

4.       Arrogant people are weak people; they reject good advice and always accept bad advice.

5.       Arrogance is exclusively self-centered and concerned only with self-gratification and triumph over another.

6.       Amnon has rejected all spiritual doctrine and establishment and socializing influences. He is doing the forbidden as a way of life.

Concept of Arrogance Power

1.       There are 3 categories of power utilized in interlocking systems of arrogance.

          a.       Exploitative power, which is power that uses violence or the threat of violence.

          b.       Manipulative power, which is a power over a person, controlling people.

          c.        Competitive power. In his own mind, he goes up as Tamar is dragged down. She has great poise and beauty.

2.       Amnon first used manipulative power, working David. He pretended to be sick and requested that Tamar might bring him some crepes. David was naive and stupid, and he trusted his son, Amnon. The mother taught prejudice rather than principle. David was manipulated. David as an accessory to the fact. When manipulated, people are despised. If you possess authority and power, be careful that people do not manipulate you.

3.       Amnon used exploitative power in his superior strength to rape Tamar. He used violence to get his way with her.

4.       Finally, Amnon, in raping Tamar was using competitive power. In his arrogance, he has humbled her, and she is no good to him any more. There is no guilt complex here.

5.       Criminal arrogance uses all 3 of these powers in its modus operandi.

6.       The normal person, the humble person, spends his entire life learning the limits to the use of power, by recognizing his own limitations by dealing with those objectively and constructively. None of us have absolute power; we are subject to law and to the authority of the land. Many of us have different grades of power and authority. When we get into an automobile, we learn our limitations. We have all recognized certain limitations in our power and authority. Some here are business executives with great power and authority. When you step into Berachah Church, you check your power at the door. Whatever your authority is, is not an issue; you submit your authority and power to the pastor-teacher and sit down and learn doctrine. For those who are not like that, but here under a trade-out, learn never to come to Berachah every again. A humble person knows his limitations set by outside authorities. We turn around and with our abilities, we go as far as we can in whatever business or arena we are in. The athlete learns to be under the authority of the coach or the assistant coaches, even though he could probably pound them. We should not force kids to be educated. We should go back to sweat shops. Some of the kids even in Junior High School, can intimidate their teachers. No one should go to school apart from his volition. They should be send to machine shops to be good machinists. Academic education is wasted on 75% of the kids in school today. Compulsory education is a great evil. We need to go back to private schools and to make it a matter of volition. You can take about 80% of the kids out of Houston schools and put them into shops or some kind of a place where they can learn a skill. There are limitations to power; limitations to ability. You have to be free of arrogance. Arrogance produces criminality; not environment. One of the great principles of life is to be able to recognize your limitations. A lot of ministers should stay clear of politics, and never run for office. A person who ran for office who should have remained a minister. Women, to be feminine, must recognize their limitations. People who are arrogant do not mind being promoted, even when they do not deserve it. We have very little capability, even in the case of management. We have arrogance in management. That is worse than booze in management. Much more dangerous than that is arrogance.

7.       The power of the tongue is limited by prohibitions regarding gossip, maligning, etc. the tongue has great power. A little flame can burn down a whole forest. So all forms of doctrine are truth.

8.       Legitimate power and control are generally earned by hard work, responsible thinking and honorable action.

9.       Amnon had the pathological power drive. Arrogance complex through violence seeks to secure a position in life related to degeneracy. Alfred Adler term.

10.     Criminal arrogance recognizes no limit to personal power and control. The world is their personal plaything. Their lust is without restraint and they live without any regards to mores and Bible doctrine.

11.     To avoid being a zero, Amnon must be powerful. He must prove his power. He must dominate Tamar. She is the oldest female child of David. So he rejects Tamar’s reasoning.

2Sam. 13:14 But he would not listen to her, and being stronger than she, he violated her and lay with her.

2Samuel 13:13–15                               72David                                              631_0299

Bob is going to recommend a book “How to Say No to a Rapist and Survive.” Author actually interviewed a number of rapists. Example of one, who dates a normal amount, but, when he feels as if a gal has put him down, he gets furious and then it happens. 35% of rapes occur with those you know. Most of what is taught is incorrect. First, for real, do not antagonize. Do not commit your behavior; do not do anything that is not reversible. He does not advocate that a woman scream when assaulted. Sometimes, a intimate talk is enough to avoid rape.

Why Didn’t God Deliver Tamar?

1.       What the Lord does not deliver us from, He expects for us to endure. Sometimes we are delivered from and sometimes through.

2.       Since the Lord did not deliver Tamar, was this discipline or testing?

3.       The Word of God does not anser this question. Therefore, we have to

4.       First, if Tamar is being disciplined, then she is to rebound.

5.       If this is testing, then such an experience would turn cursing into blessing.

6.       Blessing at the end of the line.

7.       Since Tamar was not delivered, we know that all things work together for God.

8.       Tamar is a believer in the plan of God and this gives us 3 rationales:

          a.       Essence of God

          b.       Plan of God rationale

          c.        Logistical grace rational

9.       What God does not deliver us from, He intends for us to endure. Tamar was not delivered from rape but through rape.

Amnon is too arrogant to accept the good advice of Tamar. Arrogance is exclusively self-centered. They are interested in gratification of self. Sin + arrogance = evil and hug + arrogance = evil.

Types of Power

1.       When in interlocking systems of arrogance, once you are inside, there are 3 types of power that the person involved in arrogance uses. Exploitive power, which presupposes the threat or the use of violence.

2.       Manipulative power, which is power over a person.

3.       Competitive power; Amnon goes up as Tamar goes down.

2Sam. 13:13 As for me [what about me?], where could I carry [take] my shame [disgrace]? And as for you, you would be as one of the outrageous fools in Israel. Now therefore, please speak to the king, for he will not withhold me from you."

Amon manipulated David to get him to bring Tamar to the crown prince’s palace. Amnon is raping Tamar uses competitive force, and he humiliates her to feel better than her. He will not deal with his own limitations. In your automobile, you submit to higher authorities. This is for everyone. Without this, no one would get anywhere in Houston.

People are restless and unhappy because they have no idea about the limitations of power. You can be happy with little or no power at all. Most people with power are unhappy. Amnon had a pathological power drive. He had criminal arrogance, and he recognized no limit to his personal power and control. His lust was without restraint. To avoid being a zero, Amnon must be powerful and dominate Tamar.

Amnon and Fragmentation

1.       Reason has failed; arrogant people will accept bad advice, but not take good advice.

2.       Neither reason nor physical resistance availed. The power of violence.

3.       We note Amnon’s criminal arrogance. He uses exploitative power to gratify his lusts.

4.       This is fragmentation and we will explain that. This is a fluctuation in a mental state. This occurs in a relatively short period of time. These result in inconsistencies of attitude and behavior. Amnon loves Tamar and he destroys her life by raping her, and then he will hate her. That is fragmentation.

The parent who loves his children, but steals their money to get drugs; the child who loves his parent and causes the parent no end grief. This occurred in the New Mexico riot. This is the perfect illustration of fragmentation. The whole thing started—no guards have guns—some of the worst of the prisoners managed to scrounge some home brew and were a disturbance, then the guards went into the cell block, leaving the gates open. The prisoners charged out and opened up many of the other gates. Two mafia groups there. So they began to fight. All of the records were able to be gotten to and they looked up the snitches, and they looked up all of the rapists. Then they looked up all of the child molesters. They got all of the info on them and caught them all. They raped all the child molesters and then they took blow torches and emasculated them. This is fragmentation. They raped them, but, because they were children molesters and rapists, they tortured them to death in horrible ways. The people who did these things are very self righteous. They despise child molesters and rapists, and yet they raped these people. Might be 20 or 25 who would rape 1 person. This is psychological fragmentation.

Fragmentation is fluctuating thinking which results in contradictory actions. The inconsistency characterizes Amnon’s fragmentation. Simultaneous opposing attitudes toward the same person. They are not confused about what they are doing. One guy, they played a tug of war with his arms and pulled them out of it socket. They cut off fingers and digits of the molesters. They are involved in criminality and arrogance; and have dipped into fragmentation. To be a criminal, you just need volition + arrogance. The same thing is true of psychosis. Bob is sick of psychiatrists talking about environment. Volition + arrogance under psychosomatic, ends in fragmentation? The idea that they have inherited this psychosis or that it developed because of their environment, is wrong. In psychosis, the arrogant person lives in 2 worlds, reality or unreality. Amnon had some degree of control from his own volition. Once the rapist performs, he withdraws into his psychotic world, and he takes no responsibility for what he has done. He withdraws into a transient state. He refuses to take responsibility for his own acts. He keeps right on living his routine life; he has not normal feelings at all. All he feels is hatred and revulsion for Tamar. At this point, he uses violence to overpower Tamar.

2Sam. 13:14 But he would not listen to her, and being stronger than she, he violated her and lay with her.

When David gets the details of Tamar, he will be looking into a reflection of his own sin. Installment discipline provides us with a mirror, so that we can see the sins we are committing. When arrogant people use you, they will despise you. Amnon has used Tamar, and now he despises her. The arrogant male does not realize that possessing the woman’s body is nothing; it is nothing like possessing her soul. Many men would be important for husbands to understand this.

Amnon said, “Get the hell out of here.”

We Need a Preliminary Consideration

1.       Rape can reach only the body, but not the soul. Tamar will allow this to get to her soul. Because Amnon hated her, he got to her soul. In love, where a man is a man, a woman’s previous experience or having been raped, ought not to be an issue.

2.       Rape can only reach the soul when the volition of the victim gives way to a form of arrogance called self pity, or some form of mental flagellation.

3.       After the rape of Tamar, the crown prince provides us with a classical look at fragmentation. Love, rape and hate all in less than an hour.

4.       Fragmentation is disorganization of the mind. There are no stabilizers. The whole thinking related to mores, morals and doctrine.

5.       Fragmentation is fluctuation in thinking which occurs in a relatively short period of time. People who hated rapists at that prison. Blow torch to the genitals was the final touch.

6.       Fragmentation can also be described as irresponsibility. They have e tendency toward irresponsibility.

7.       Fragmentation here is the love oscillating with the hatred. It is a matter of arrogance, so going from love to hate is an easy thing. The prisoners who did the most damage are the most self righteous. They feel very good about getting those rapists and child molesters. They raped them first, which is fragmentation.

8.       Fragmentation is an inconsistency of the arrogant. It is the failure of sincere intentions. Amnon was sincerely in love with Tamar as he understood love; but once he had humiliated her, then he despised her. Arrogant people have no capacity for love.

9.       Arrogant people cannot sustain honorable motives; they get bored, restless, and they revert.

So Amnon hated her. He hated her with an intense hatred. It was a doubling of the verb in the Hebrew.

2Sam. 13:15 Then Amnon hated her with very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, "Get up! Go!"

2Samuel 13:15                                     72David                                              631_0300

People have learned a lot of morality through fairy tales, and this is one of the best way to do it. Apparently, these fairy tales are over the heads of some of our generations.

A guy who moves in as a border and gets to know all the members of the family. He was the richest man in the world traveling under the name of Smith. He argued over the price of aspirin, he worked behind the soda fountain. The soda fountain was taken over by a despicable person, he still said yes sir, no sir.

Wealth, success and great power did not change this man, but a little wealth changed each member of the family. People with honor and integrity are not changed by success, love, or anything else.

One of the reasons to teach us doctrine is so that we do not change, if we go from rags to riches, or the other way. There is great sanity in this fairy tale of Cinderella.

We are not surprised that, after the rape, Amnon hates Tamar.

First Principle

1.       The person thinks like this: what I can take from you makes me better than you are; any way that I can bring you down makes me better than you.

2.       Produces instability, vacillation, weakness and instance

3.       Arrogant people are weak people and therefore, must attack the strong.

4.       Arrogant people have no respect for those whom they can outwit or outperform.

5.       Anything you possess, which an arrogant person desires or admires, he seeks to take it from you. Your success, wife, good name.

6.       With Tamar, it was beauty or virtue.

7.       Once Amnon conquered her beauty, possessed her body, and taken her virtue, he despised Tamar and found easy to use. He used her and then despised her.

8.       It may be power, popularity, money, success, virtue, but when the arrogant type is impressed, he is stimulated to compete.

9.       By compete, the arrogant person must prove himself to be greater than the strong.

10.     Again, those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance think in terms of competition. Anything I take from you makes me better than you. If a woman loves you, this is a challenge to interlocking systems of arrogance. He seeks to take that woman from you. If you have power and authority, the arrogance seeks to destroy that or take it from you. If you have money, that arrogance seeks to take that money from you. If you are popular with friends, the arrogant wants to steal your friends by gossip and lying.

Amnon hated her; a moment ago, he loved her. That is fragmentation. If you have virtue, honor, a good reputation, the arrogant will seek to take this from you. Amnon was in he is the villain of the piece. Once Amnon had possessed Tamar, he despised her. Arrogant people are unstable through the psychological state of fragmentation. A fluctuation or oscillation of thinking.. Oscillate between self-pity and self righteousness. Amnon has no capacity for love, so he cannot sustain love.

We will see what others thought when we go to Absalom’s bbq. What arrogance can use and humiliate, arrogance despises. Some discover that they are used as an object of revenge.

Lust and Love

1.       Fragmentation is a demonstration that lust is not love.

2.       Lust is physical; love is mental. The mental attitude of love produces normal desires for love, in contrast to lust.

3.       Gratification of lust does not increase love, but produces hatred.

4.       Gratification of normal desires, e.g., sex in marriage, increases love.

5.       Sex is a ritual; love is the reality. Ritual without reality is meaningless.

6.       Sex depends upon love; love does not depend upon sex.

7.       Love can exist with or without sex; lust can exist without love. What really counts is love. The physical is relatively meaningless. Where there is love, this is increased in the sex. Not true of lust.

8.       Lust forced sex on Tamar. Proves that Amnon hates her.

9.       Once lust is gratified, there only exists hatred, when there is no love involved. Once the desire of love is satisfied, love is increased and sustained.

10.     Inordinate lust is the dead end for love. This explains the hatred for Tamar. After gratification, only hatred is left.

11.     The arrogant person never hates himself. He only hates the one whom he has used. Amnon has used Tamar to gratify his lusts. Tamar has rejected this idiot for years; but now that he has had her, he despises her.

Hatred is the abnormal retreat into the cave of psychosis. Jealousy and hatred and there is a fine line between normalcy and psychosis. Amnon will retreat into this cave of psychosis and it will erase his guilt feelings; he has only hatred for her. He has gone to a transient state.

Amnon has a narcissus syndrome. Love goes to hatred. Lust and gratification. First you have the lust under the category of love. After gratification is hatred. That is transient psychosis. Amnon will have no regrets or feel any guilt. He will sustain his criminal arrogance in this way. He could rape a hundred more times and have no qualms of conscience. After being gratified, going from love to hatred is total arrogance. It is a transient psychosis. After spending a little time in the cave of transient psychosis, he will emerge without a qualm of conscience. No reference to mores, morality, etc. with regards to Amnon.

After gratification, Amnon casts off Tamar.

There is another way to figure this out. There is passion under the lust column; once gratification removed the passion, you have irresponsibility. Passion to extreme desire, to total irresponsibility. If a woman gets hooked up with a male like that, heaven help you.

Lust to revulsion. A normal man even in fornication does not despise the woman in fornication. This hatred is abnormal. Bob has spent 10 days describing what is wrong with him. It is after gratification, you discover how mentally ill that Amnon is. This is a part of his defense mechanism to maintain his narcissus syndrom. Hatred is the cave where he hangs out with his transient psychosis. This is what a rapist is like. He is not disturbed; he does not turn himself in.

This is a non-hallucinating psychosis. Bob has read many accounts of rapists, and they all say, “The bitch deserved it.” That is transient psychosis. This person ought to be executed. He should be held responsible for his volition. There is no difference whether a person is half-witted or not. The judge today would let Amnon out on the street in a New York minute. There are so many today who have gone to some sort of therapy, and they are let out. The psychological out; this man is not a criminal, he is psychologically disturbed, and we need to treat him. That is wrong. Such types need to be executed. Dope pushers ought to be executed. It is chemical murder. This is why crime is rampant. There would be rioting and revolution. There is a reason why this would happen. Crime is out of control today; there is no justice. Police officers are doing a fantastic job; police officers who shoot a criminal is then treated as a criminal and must hire his own lawyer.

We need good judges who can properly interpret law. Our constitution was written for people who have honor and integrity. Psychosis is not excuse before the law, no matter what a person has. They may be a lot of things, but of their own free will, they kill someone; they rape; and they ought to be held accountable. We are held accountable for the unknown sins in our lives. God held Eve responsible. Sins are things which we are responsible for. We have self-determination, volition, free will.

Tamar is seduced, raped, dishonored and she will be cast off. Being cast off, Amnon, who planned this whole thing and carried it out and raped her, will immediately reject her. Jonadab actually planned it, and Amnon just went with it. If the rapist has no fragmentation and no transient psychosis, he must rid the world of the source of his guilt feelings. Therefore, some will kill his victim. Fragmentation and transient psychosis on the one hand versus giult complex on the other; and the latter kills his victim?

A reaction of fragmentation. The KJV should have been bawdy in the final phrase. 2 Qal imperatives of kum and yalak; so they are both orders. Get up; go out. In modern English, this would be translated “Get the hell out.” Not even a wâw conjunction in between to soften it. 2 very clear imperatives.

Amnon’s Fragmentation

1.       Once the beautiful Tamar has been conquered through rape, hatred rejects her and hatred demands her removal. So strong is hatred, he despised her, and he wants her to live under the worst possible conditions. He is satisfied in a sexual relationship and he seems like a lover; half-daffy; he loves everone. But when a person is filled with interlocking systems of arrogance has been gratified, he despised what he has used. Weak people despise who they use. Now he has a new lust; a lust to hurt her and to keep her alive and hurt her further.

2.       The fragmented mind of Amnon changes rapidly. He has control of his thinking and his actions. He has great self-determination.

3.       He befriended her and betrayed her.

4.       He has loved her and then used her.

5.       He despised what remains; a humble, broken rape victim. Arrogant people are never satisfied with what they have done. Their protection in fragmentation is hatred. There is a brand new lust in life; a lust to destroy.

6.       Fragmentation coexists with ambivalence. The love and hatred for Tamara was sequential rather than simultaneous. Most people can only concentrate on one thing at a time. It is always sequential. Love and hatred is sequential. In the criminal, arrogance coexists with ambivalence.

7.       Since Amnon only has pseudo love, ambivalence is a partial explanation only of what follows.

Tamar was not even allowed to dress. She went out in a state in almost nakedness.

Amnon and Transient Psychosis

1.       Having committed a criminal act against his own sister, he now retreats to the transient state. His cave of transient psychosis and there he avoids taking responsibility for his evil actions. Irresponsibility without guilt.

2.       With his sister still in bed, he cannot retreat to this cave of transient psychosis. The victim is still in bed, so he throws her out.

3.       He must get rid of her. He cannot kill her, so he throws her out. He is very lucid.

4.       Here then is Amnon\s psychotic arrogance; his thinking, his disorganized fragmented thinking, but not disoriented.

5.       Amnon determines what he wants at any given moment. Once the hatred is there, he is no longer responsible. Fragmentation is based upon what he wants at any given moment.

6.       He first wants her and then he does not. A non-hallucinatory psychotic.

7.       Tamar was utilized for Amnon’s desires.

8.       For Amnon in transient psychosis, he has retreated to his cave of irresponsibility. He has no qualms for what he has done. He is completely and totally calloused as he looks at his rape victim in bed.

9.       His own uniqueness with his rape victim present.

10.     If she remains, Amnon could end up going to zero state.

11.     Sin and arrogance make evil.

12.     Through transient psychosis, Amnon must recover his arrogance self righteousness.

Sin + arrogance evil. Volition + arrogance = psychosis. Medical imbalance is the result of thinking; the mind controls the body. The arrogance in the soul produces the medical imbalance which produces psychosis. This arrogance causes the medical imbalance. In the treatment of neurotic and psychotic conditions, they do not do anything other than increase the arrogance and give the psychotic a reason for their psychosis in order to excuse themselves. Most is human viewpoint and not the solution. The solution is in the spiritual realm. Why she went screaming away from him, and why her life was ruined.

2Sam. 13:15 Then Amnon hated her with very great hatred, so that the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. Then Amnon said to her, "Get up! Go!"

2Samuel 13:16                                     72David                                              631_0301

Orphan brigade was made up of men from Kentucky. People from Kentucky served on both sides of the War between the states. Brackston Bragg was probably a plant from the north, but he got some credit for one battle; someone else said, “no thanks to Brackston.”

Bob spent about 10 minutes on him, and said that Brackston reminds him of Amnon.

Previous few verses are read. “Throwing me out is a greater evil than what you have already done to me.”

An Explanation of What Tamar Was Saying

1.       By casting Tamar out, it would imply that Tamar was responsible for this encounter. Amon is going to put the entire blame on Tamar.

2.       The implication of Amnon’s rejection of Tamar is, he is shifting the blame to her and the responsibility to her for the rape.

3.       This is what Amnon is implying; that Tamar is a flirt; a phallus teaser, in euphemistic language. This will explain the aftermath. He is saying it is all her fault.

4.       We know that it is not Tamar’s fault. It is all Amnon’s fault here.

5.       Amnon’s action in having the servants throwing her out indicates that she enticed him; that she wanted to be alone with him. She seduced him; she tantalized him.

6.       It is Amnon’s word against Tamar’s word; and no one will believe her, with him throwing her out. David will have another arrogance hangover. He does not want to believe that his eldest son is responsible for this disaster.

7.       The greater evil, this rape case, is who takes the blame. Our system of justice today often favors the criminal. Only criminals have rights. Law abiding citizens have no rights in today’s courts. Amnon will brand Tamar for life, who is the innocent one.

Tamar is brilliant; she understands what Amnon is doing here, and what will happen here. There are no witnesses here. There was a withdrawal room?

Additional Principles

1.       Bob is trying to make this as easy as possible. You can study these points at your leisure. The ones who have the best motivation often take the longest time to understand. They can be much more honorable than those who instantly understand and forget it. 2 wrongs never make a right. Amnon rapes her, which is a sin; then he throws her out of the palace in her chemise.

2.       In this way, Amnon tells the world that Tamar seduced him, in order to become the future queen of Israel. “I am a gallant man; I have thrown her out into the street.” Arrogant people are self righteous. He is a criminal; he is totally evil; the greater the evil, the greater the self righteousness. “She’s my sister.”

3.       The arrogant always superimpose their own motivation on the innocent. Always avoid arrogant people when you can. Amnon is clever enough to play the part of the innocent prince seduced by a power mad princess.

4.       By throwing her out, Amnon avoids that point of civil law in Deut. 22:23–27 "If there is a betrothed virgin, and a man meets her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry for help though she was in the city, and the man because he violated his neighbor's wife. So you shall purge the evil from your midst. "But if in the open country a man meets a young woman who is betrothed, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die. But you shall do nothing to the young woman; she has committed no offense punishable by death. For this case is like that of a man attacking and murdering his neighbor, because he met her in the open country, and though the betrothed young woman cried for help there was no one to rescue her. "If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days. The man is executed for sleeping with another man’s wife; and the woman for not screaming and fighting him off. Differentiation between doing this in the city and in the country. If the woman’s volition is not involved, then she has committed no sin. This point of law had been tested for 400 years. Amnon could be hauled into court before his father and executed and Tamar would go free. Amnon does this to shift the blame to his innocent sister.

5.       This explains why Amnon dismissed all the palace servants; no witnesses. No one to hear a scream; no one to the rescue.

Another Principle

1.       Sin + arrogance = evil.

2.       Evil people have no conscience and do not mind accumulating wrongs as they go along. Having moved to the proper motivation of fragmentation, now, Amnon is ready to shift the blame to his sister, in hopes that the law will destroy her and rid him of the problem.

3.       When someone does something wrong and tries to transfer the blame to someone else, this always intensifies the evil and manifests the arrogance.

4.       The act of having his servants throw Tamar out of his palace establishes Tamar as guilty in this interaction.

5.       Arrogant people are so preoccupied with themselves, that they are completely indifferent to the feelings or the problems of others.

In the middle of the verse, arrogance rejects reason. He was unwilling (or, he refused) to listen to her. He is in his cave of transient psychosis and fragmentation. Fragmentation is motivation and transient psychosis is modus operandi.

More Principles

1.       Arrogance rejects the appeals to reason or to mercy.

2.       Since the arrogance complex has ninth capacity for love or live, it is impossible to be involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance and thoughtful of others at the same time.

3.       Ammon’s refusal to listen to reason ruins Tamar.

4.       Tamar’s reputation will be ruined by this callous act.

Next Principle

1.       The crown prince has shifted the blame to the princess Tamar. This man is obviously insane, destroying a member of his own family.

2.       It must be remembered that the subject of this passage is David’s 2nd installment of discipline.

3.       Consequently, Tamar’s rape is discussed in terms of David’s discipline. So it is not focused so much on Amnon or Tamar.

4.       This does not explain why God allowed Tamar to undergo terrible suffering.

5.       Before Tamar would become the innocent victim of rape and be blamed for it, God would have to remove the wall of fire around her. Obviously, God did exactly that.

6.       When we get too deep into speculation, we are trying to 2nd guess God, which is impossible unless the Word of God gives us some clue, either in the rest of Tamar’s life, but we do not have that sort of thing. Obviously not a fairy tale.

7.       It is obvious that we do not have all of the facts here. Various doctrines will help us here to help explain why God let this happen to Tamar. We do not have enough facts to figure out of Tamar was being punished by God, or whether this is deserved or undeserved suffering. We have examined these various options, and Tamar is not dropped into the middle of something that she was not ready for. “All the blanks stares like, ‘what is he talking about?’ ” Bob’s mother, when she got like this, would go down to the music room and play piano for 2 or so hours.

8.       We can always fall back on doctrine when he lack information. At the moment, we lack information here. The justice of God is fair; we know this for certain. It is impossible for the justice of God to be unfair. There is a reason here for what is going on. We try to superimpose our self righteousness on God, and that is ludicrous.

9.       The justice of God which permitted the rape of Tamar had all of the facts; omniscience of God + the justice of God. We are looking at this from the point of view of David’s discipline. However, Bob may have to go back and rework this and make it simpler. We have almost nothing from Tamar’s side.

10.     God did remove the wall of fire from around Tamar for the rape and humiliation which followed.

11.     For those who have followed Bob’s ministry, this ought to be understandable by working out some of the rationales. Tamar did not die; she lived a long time. She survived all of the adult royal princes. Therefore, logistical grace was only partially removed, the part which deals with the wall of fire.

Bob was about to go into another principle.

2Sam. 13:16 But she said to him, "No, my brother, for this wrong [do not become the cause of this greater evil] in sending me away is greater than the other that you did [after what you have done] to me." But he would not listen to her.

2Samuel 13                                          72David                                              631_0302

Some book that I did not get the name of. General Walt? Our government has increased our money dramatically more than our goods and services; and this is the cause of inflation, which is the proper place for blame. This method of levying taxes squeezes every American, young and old.

There are those who are hostile toward those in the mining industry, in the oil industry, etc. We could not produce tanks and planes like we did in WWII. The government must be brought under the control of federal spending, and bring them under the control of the people once again.

Tons of narcotics flow into our country every year from our enemies, like China (Bob likes that he calls China our enemy).

We try to even devalue acts of heroism by calling it some form of insanity.

Too many of our citizens no longer value freedom and independence; and too many people in power reflect this priority. Even those in the lowest wrung of society have cars, shelter and televisions.

No great nation outlasts the superiority of its military. We need to build a strong system of offensive and defensive weaponry. We need to be able to survive a nuclear exchange with an enemy nation.

The separation of government and business is just as important as the separation of church and state. The UN actively works against our interests and this is essentially a huge spy organization. Prevent Congress from deficit spending. Strengthen local governments. We need to seek a true decentralization. We must seek to repeal some legislation like revenue sharing; and limit the power of federal courts. We must reestablish our own spiritual function; since Communism is a religion without God.

We cannot escape what a man and a woman should be. We do not need God to remind us when we fail, because our conscience will do that. There is no spiritual rebirth of a marriage; there is a spiritual rebirth among individuals.

By casting Tamar out implies that Tamar is responsible for the entire incident. He implies that she is a flirt and responsible for what happened. It is impossible to be involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, and yet be thoughtful of others at the same time. So Amnon refuses to listen to her.

One More Principle

1.       God never puts more on us than we can bear. This, of course, is being in fellowship

2.       The rape of Tamar was the beginning of her many sufferings.

3.        It is possible the Tamar was being disciplined for something; we have no idea. We are not told.

4.       Whatever the reason for her rape and suffering, we look for cursing to be turned into blessing. When we wonder, why did God permit it, we look at doctrinal principles.

5.       There is only one reference to Tamar which may give us a clue. 1Chron. 3:9 All these were David's sons, besides the sons of the concubines, and Tamar was their sister. Reading the Bible through is about as helpful as drying yourself with a wet towel. There is a long list of names of David’s sons, and then it says, And Tamar was their sister. Outside of this passage, this is the only time we find Tamar named.

          a.       Tamar was a mature believer in the Lord.

          b.       As such, she was a stabilizer in her family and everyone’s favorite aunt. It is Bob’s opinion that this is found here and she is never married. She recovers from this situation.

          c.        Absalom names his daughter Tamar.

          d.       Good news, she was a stabilizer in the next generation. In this position you cannot be married; it requires time. Bob’s favorite Uncle, Uncle Fritz, has never married. Bob even gets a nod from a family member who is there. He was in the French army; he went into a university at age 16. He had very difficult and tragic things in his young life, which worked out to the benefit of Thieme’s family. Tamar was the greatest spiritually of all the children.

          e.       After the death of Absalom, Tamar became the only parent his children had.

          f.        It appears to Bob that what follows is evil being turned to good. Amnon throws her out for evil and God works it for good. In this way, she will have a greater ministry than anyone else for the next 2 generations.

          g.       Ultimately, since she is a strong, mature believer, it become obvious what happened as a result of this.

          h.       So we see from this passage that only the grace of God can do it and only the grace of God does it. Her rape was no accident; her recovery was magnificent; her greatness is documented.

Principle: never judge a person by their mistakes. Their rebound; their ability to move on despite of their mistakes. A minister who had great potential and he made a mistake and resigned. His parishioners who wanted him to resign are worse than stupid; he was their right pastor and doing a good job, and he upped and resigned. Tamar will not be that kind of person. If a person rebounds and keeps going, you do not judge them by their mistakes.

There were many sisters for David’s sons, but only Tamar is mentioned, and she is here at the end. It isn’t always the men who are great; sometimes the ladies are great and wonderful.

2Sam. 13:16 But she said to him, "No, my brother, for this wrong [do not become the cause of this greater evil] in sending me away is greater than the other that you did [after what you have done] to me." But he would not listen to her.

The indifference or callousness of arrogance. Some of you have not heard the interlocking systems of arrogance. The KJV always loses something. Here, it is wordy rather than bawdy. Too many words.

Amnon was possibly screaming here, which indicates a lack of personal control; and making him a poor bet as a leader. He treated his servants very poorly.

The servant waiting on him would be his valet. He summoned and commanded. Often there would be an interjection of entreaty, and here it means now. He allows her one item of clothing. A veil, a hat, an outer garment, but he only allows her to put on the royal chemise. “Get this whore away from me, outside!” gives us an idea of what he said.


She was not a whore, by the way. She was an innocent and pure woman.

1.       Arrogant people are weak people and they always blame others for their failures.

2.       Amnon shifts the blame to Tamar, who is not guilty. Since she is innocent, Amnon therefore must malign her.

3.       When arrogant people hate, they seek to destroy the object of their hatred. He is trying to destroy Tamar.

4.       Those involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance hate. If they hate a person who is down, then they might come up and kick them. Active and passive hatred.

5.       Anything an arrogant person conquers or uses, he despises.

6.       This does not stop with antagonism hatred; he seeks to ruin the person he has used. He is in his cave of transient psychosis.

7.       This is transient psychosis, which is a state of Psychosis and he develops a tremendous arrogance.

8.       You will notice that once Amnon has raped Tamar, there is no rebound or remouse. Instead, there is a compensation by sifting the blame. Already, he is calling this woman a whore.

9.       Those who are evil cover their evil over with self righteousness.


11.     Self righteousness is the tool for establishing psuedo superiority, but a cover and a hypocritical cover for evil and crime.

12.     Self righteous people generally have something to hide. The hear the rattles of the skeletons in the closet and they drown them out

13.     They are phoney and hypocritical. The shift the blame for their own sins to others.

Amnon’s loyalty to self destroys morality. This is the narcissist syndrom. He cancels out his own integrity and honor and accentuates his sin and arrogance.

2Sam. 13:17 He called [summoned with a loud voice] the young man who served him [waiting on him] and said, "Put this woman out of my presence and bolt the door after her."

There was bolting done then in an unusual sense. Amnon probably had the best security and it was possible that there were more besides Tamar who received this kind of treatment. This all implies that Tamar has done something very sinful and evil. It indicates that Tamar is some kind of a tart-whore. His actions brand her as a fallen women, a woman who would stoop to incest in order to become queen. A lot of people will believe this about Tamar; they want to believe it, and so they don’t. Tamar’s responsibility is to keep her eyes on God and to keep silent.

Part of integrity is the refusal to believe gossip about others; that is a part of integrity. We have a fairly coarse society today in the United States. Anyone can say anything about anyone. The people involved in interlocking systems of arrogance will believe it. It has nothing to do with the truth. It has to do with their volition. Arrogant people believe what they want to believe. They have used their volition to reject truth. This same volition which reject doctrine will gravitate toward the false. People will hear gossip and enjoy it and take pleasure in passing it along, is evil. Tamar will face a society where, for a long time, she will be condemned as an evil person. Arrogant people are degenerate. They will believe gossip, lies and maligning because they want to believe this stuff because it makes them feel superior. They feel superior by believing gossip. Anyone in the Unite States today can say anything they want about you and someone will believe it.

All psychosis is a matter of volition. In an arrogant society, gossip is taken as truth and character assassination is the order of the day.

2Sam. 13:18 Now she was wearing a long robe with sleeves, for thus were the virgin daughters of the king dressed. So his servant put her out and bolted the door after her.

Arrogant people are insensitive people; they are brutal people.

2Samuel 13:18–20                               72David                                              631_0303

Questionnaire about the psychopathic personality sent out to many psychiatrists. Some of these conclusions describe the crown prince of Israel.

Psychopathic Characteristics

1.       He does not profit from his experiences. Unreliable and irresponsible; sensation seekers who do not respect laws, mores of society; compulsive liars.

2.       Lacks a sense of responsibility.

3.       He is unable to form any meaningful relationships.

4.       He lacks control over his own impulses.

5.       He has no sense of morality.

6.       He is chronically and habitually anti-social. He interrupts or destroys social intercourse; he is hostile to others or to groups; and he enters into society on his terms. Never on terms of laws of divine establishment.

7.       Punishment does not alter his behavior.

8.       He is emotionally immature.

9.       He is unable to experience guilt. Transient psychosis.

10.     He is self-centered; which we describe as being in interlocking systems of arrogance.

They are always ego-centric; they have no empathy or sympathy. They have no real feelings for their sex partners. Individuality of the woman is ignored. She is a tool to gratify his lust or arrogance. They are little men in search of lust and power. They are masters of rationalization. They blame others. Amnon shifts the blame from himself to Tamar. They can often have superior intelligence, talent; they are easily bored. Involved in the cult of the present which we will call instancy. Cannot defer gratification. What arrogance wants, it wants it right now. They must come out the best.

Criminal arrogance wants achievement without work. They want to be on a par or above those who have worked all of their lives for where they are. Amnon’s mother was a commoner in contrast to Tamar’s mother.

From childhood, normal children are taught to put themselves in the shoes of others and to have a sensitive toward others. Often does not discuss a matter; just imposes his own views. Tamar appealed to his reason, but without avail.

“And what about me,” said Tamar, “Where can I take my disgrace and my shame? Therefore, please speak to the king, and he will not keep me from you.” Amnon overpowered her. The hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he loved her.

Then he threw her out and she said this would be worse than what you have already done.

Closing Principles

1.       Arrogant people are always insensitive people. Insensitive people eventually become brutal.

2.       Amnon is arrogant, insensitive, degenerate, involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, and he is totally calloused about Tamar.

3.       Amnon is clearly not capable of ruling over Israel.

4.       Jesus Christ controls history and the Lord Jesus Christ would never permit at this stage such a monster like Amnon to rule on David’s throne.

5.       Jesus Christ will deliver Israel at this point.

6.       It is clear that Amnon will never rule Israel. His capabilities are destroyed by interlocking systems of arrogance. The greatest leadership ability and talent and intelligence are compromised by interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       This introduces the concept of the national wall of fire just as a believer in Jesus Christ has a personal wall of fire. There is the national wall of fire for the client nation only.

8.       Not only therefore does logistical grace provide a wall of fire for the believer in the client nation, at the same time, God provides even a greater wall of fire for the client nation. Today, we are suffering from the worst attack of national arrogance in our history. If we are not careful, we could be removed from our client nation status. God either removes this wall of fire or He disciplines her; and what happens after that determines the future of that client nation.

Punishment can involve the first 4 cycles of discipline.

Narrative can be more difficult to interpret than doctrinal passages.

We need to figure out what Tamar is wearing. It sounds like she is thrown out wearing the robes of the princes of her class. It is a strange time to insert a verse on style. We need to know what Tamar is wearing here and style is suddenly important to note. We can often determine things from styles; a man who has 6 gold medals and hair like a girl.

We can tell that jeans are in style right around the corner, and this is a sign of degeneracy.

The preposition + the 3rd feminine singular suffix. This should be rendered, now all she was wearing... She is wearing a chemise, and that is all she is wearing. Sort of a petticoat and this is worn by virgin princesses; and it was a petticoat with long sleeves. Once married, she could wear a similar petticoat but without long sleeves. A virgin princess was not to show her arms, and this was designed as a badge of honor for a royal princess who was a virgin. It had a great significance. The first thing to notice is if the woman is wearing a chemise with sleeves; and if she is not a virgin, she must wear the chemise with short sleeves.

Now all she was wearing was a chemise with long sleeves. You can put in petticoat, if you like that more.

Amnon threw her out wearing nothing but her badge of virginity, and only a virgin princess could wear this. To be thrown out in the street with nothing but this, is permanent disgrace. This is Amnon saying, “She seduced me.”

Arms were not supposed to be shown until one was a matron. She entered the palace with class and style; she left with class but with no style. There is no veil; nothing covering her head. Everyone knows the protocol of the palace. For all practical purposes, she was thrown out naked. She is ejected and the blame is placed upon her.

The royal virgins were the only ones allowed to wear this.

Tamar and Amnon

1.       Amnon threw Tamar out of his palace wearing only her clothing of virginity. It was the only apparel sign of virginity.

2.       This was calculated brutality. The cruelty of criminal and psychopathic arrogance. He was well into transient psychosis. No hallucination; no guilt or remorse in his soul; he is brutally callous. He had no regrets; he delighted in this. This also explains why some rapists murder their victims. They divorce themselves from their actions and what they have done. They even can shift the blame to the victim.

3.       Virgin robe.

4.       It was the undergarment that distinguished between a virgin and a matron.

5.       Tamar was cast out of the palace wearing only one garment, the sign of her virginity, which gives us the idea of Amnon’s callousness. Once he raped her, in his criminal arrogance, he used her; and now he had to beat her down. Weak people despise those whom they use.

Then his servant seized her and threw her outside and bolted the door. She is there wearing only an undergarment. Servants often reflect the mental attitude of their masters. He obeyed his master without any qualms. The arrogance of the master is reflected in the arrogance of the servant.

2Sam. 13:18 Now she was wearing a long robe [chemise = petticoat] with sleeves, for thus were the virgin daughters of the king dressed. So his servant put her out and bolted the door after her.

She ripped her garment, and she is not longer a virgin; and she no longer as a right to wear this. She is now naked. She puts ashes on her head. Where did she get ashes from? It can mean this. What is available to her is dust, not ashes.

She is completely demoralized here and she has ripped her only clothing and has thrown dust on herself. She is demoralized, but not by the violence of the rape or the overpowering by Amnon.

What she is doing, she covers her face with her hands. A psych class which Bob took involved what would a woman do if she found herself naked in public; some would cover their breasts; some would cover their face.

She is returning to her palace naked, covering her face with her hands. She apparently could not see where she was going, hiding her face, and the doubling of the verb means she just kept going and going, and she is crying aloud. Tamar will carry this stigma through her life; but she will become a great person. There is no thought of suicide and not much loss of poise. Here, crying is justified. There is no faltering. Even in the greatest adversity, she may sob and cry, and she is naked, and it may take some time before she reaches Absalom.

2Sam. 13:19 And Tamar put ashes [dust] on her head and tore the long robe that she wore. And she laid her hand on her head and went away, crying aloud as she went.

She goes to her brother’s palace. She finally encounters him, and maybe this was at castle Zion or maybe it was at his castle. The first thing that he says involves tenderness, love and thoughtfulness. Absalom does not use any rough language. “Has Amnon been with you?” is all that he ashes. Absalom is a very smart person; he does not fall apart. Euphemism is the order of the day here. He does not use any language which implies rape or sex. There is a place for euphemism. There is magnificent thoughtfulness love and tenderness in Absalom’s demeanor here. He has apparently had suspicions and who knows what he heard already?

A man’s alertness is a woman’s protection. Ladies in the south are notorious for their good manners, but they sometimes give the wrong impression. If a guy says, “This man has other things on his mind,” then pay attention to him.

Older women can be very stupid about younger men. Younger men can have a lot of bad intentions, and another man needs to clue the woman in and protect her.

Bob knows one rape in college and 2 other guys put plaster of paris on their fists and worked the rapist over. It sounds great, but you do not take vengeance into your own hands. No one gets away with anything. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Amnon was David’s favorite, and David will not punish him. “Do not plot revenge; do not plot evil against him, for he is your brother.”

Absalom’s Good Advice

1.       Absalom is giving excellent advice here. There is the court of heaven. The justice of God has all of the facts and the justice of God is fair. Leave it to the law and to heaven.

2.       Such advice puts the justice in the hands of the king; and then, in the hands of God. God’s justice never malfunctions.

3.       We will be wronged many times in life. Leave it to God. 2 wrongs never make a right.

4.       The tragedy is, Absalom will not take his own advice. He will react against the king’s justice. Once he is in interlocking systems of arrogance, he will fall into conspiracy arrogance followed by criminal arrogance.

5.       It appears that he is going to follow his own advice.

6.       Only after David does nothing about it, he will take matters into his own hand. His counsel was excellent.

Then he adds something else. “Do not worry; do not brood about this matter.” Tamar will have to be very strong to obey her brother’s advice. To avoid brooding and bitterness, she will need to use the 3 stages of the faith rest technique. She must also use the plan of God rationale; and the essence of God rationale. So faith can come to doctrinal conclusions, where she will be in control of the situation. She will become the greatest person in these 2 generations, outside of David himself. Outside of David, she is the greatest person of the age.

Today, there are lots of men who would marry a magnificent woman like this, but that was not the case back then. The cursing of the rape

Consequently, Tamar remains desolate in Absalom’s house. In regards to public disgrace, Tamar was a ruined woman, in spite of Absalom’s advice. She applies doctrine, she remains in her brother’s house.

Absalom and Tamar

1.       Notice Absalom\s approach to this disaster. He does not go into, “I will nail the sonuvabitch to the wall.” He shows himself to be a mature believer with some sense. He is showing that he has some sense and he is revealing his Hurrian aristocracy. So he is very calm, and he is wise in his choice of language. He never uses the word rape nor does he deal with the details of the rape. Police must do that, but not friends. He distracts her with something important.

2.       The advice is good; it is leaving the matter in the Lord’s hands. Stay out of the way of the Lord’s justice. Both she and her brother could have reacted and both been in interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Tamar did not ignore what Absalom said to her; she took his advice and used the faith rest drill.

The Hurrians

1.       Interlocking systems of arrogance produce weak fathers and strong mothers.

2.       David was so involved with interlocking systems of arrogance and sexual arrogance that he was a poor father. He was too busy chasing.

3.       This meant that Maacah, the mother of Absalom and Tamar, reared her children in doctrine and in the code of Maryana.

4.       She was a Hurrian princess. One of the oldest Indo-European aristocracies. The once conquered the Hittites and Syria and even Egypt, under the title Hyksos. They formed the empire called Huriland, around Armenia? Set up the caste system in India.

5.       The kingdom of Geshur was one of the last strongholds of them.

6.       They conquered Egypt and they led the groups who conquered Egypt; and they were called the Hyksos.

Some of you get very noisy when you think that you have been wronged.

Tamar’s day in court was her running through the streets with the dust on her face and in her torn chemise. Or in her nakedness.

Before you pick a fight with someone who has good manners, this fight could go on for years. Might be 2 or 3 years, but the matter will be settled. This will be a code of chivalry coming into conflict with the Word of God.

We are going to note what brought all of this about. Those who live by bad advice can never be happy. Arrogance complex neutralizes capacity for love and capacity for happiness. We will notice how one of the most honorable persons of that time, David, was used as a dupe.

2Sam. 13:20 And her brother Absalom said to her, "Has Amnon your brother been with you? Now hold your peace, my sister. He is your brother; do not take this to heart." Consequently, Tamar lived, a desolate woman, in her brother Absalom's house.

2Samuel 13:20                                     72David                                              631_0304

Back to the 12th verse for the corrected translation. “Get this whore away from me. Throw her outside and bolt the door.”

Tamar and Absalom’s Response

1.       If Tamar reacts to the terrible experience of rape, then she too will enter into the interlocking systems of arrogance and she will become no better than her evil brother Amnon.

2.       If she falls to bitterness, she will enter into the arrogance complex through gate one.

3.       Absalom speaks in euphemisms, in a tender way.

4.       Absalom made no useless demonstration of profanity or threats.

5.       Tamar will take good advice because she is totally free from interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Humble people take good advice because of their flexibility and humility.

7.       Tamar demonstrates great flexibility in running through the streets naked and sobbing.

8.       To put this matter out of her mind, Tamar will have to use the 3 stages of the faith rest drill.

9.       Tamar will become one of the most magnificent women of her generation and the next.

Yashab means to remain as a permanent resident. The love and tenderness of her brother also provides her with love and understanding in times of refuge and understanding. Disappointment is an easy way to get trapped in the interlocking systems of arrogance.

Shamem means to be solitary, to be deserted by others, to be a recluse. She is now sequestered from public eye. She will prepare for a couple of years for a lifetime of service and God has a wonderful plan for her life. Marriage is not in this plan.

Tamar and the Aftermath

1.       Amnon throwing her out of his palace was cruel and brutal.

2.       Becoming a recluse, Tamar will answer with poise, dignity and silence. Silence is the best answer. It is the people who are wrong who are always trying to explain. People will believe whatever they want to believe. People like to believe the worse about those who are superior to them. Tamar is answering to all the evil that has been done to her. Israel is on the verge of its greatest prosperity of all time.

3.       Tamar made no attempt to defend herself or to explain her side of the story.

4.       Tamar’s friends need no explanation and those who envy her, or who are her enemies,

5.       Just as Tamar was not traumatized by Amnon’s vulgar language nor will she be affected by public opinion.

6.       God never puts more upon us than we can bear. More than 2 years of isolation and she will become a great believer. This will be preparation for a lifetime of service.

7.       Arrogant people are degenerate people; they will believe any lie because they want to believe it. It makes a person feel important and superior to believe gossip.

8.       In a society where integrity and honor exist, gossip and lies are never condoned. In an arrogant society, character assassination is the order of the day; inferior people trying to make themselves feel superior by taking someone else down.

Somewhere along the way of running through the streets, Tamar ran into Absalom. This was a great encounter. Absalom was poised and relaxed and he was thinking under pressure. He is a remarkable young prince, and he is free from interlocking systems of arrogance. He is very sensitive as to his sister’s condition. He gives Tamar good advice and counsel. Strong people can take good advice, no matter where the source.

The first stop was the king’s court. If there is a malfunction here, then there is a higher court that Amnon would have been subject to.

Absalom avoided any reaction which would have put him into the interlocking systems of arrogance. If there was pity, bitterness, hatred, etc., either person could have fallen into interlocking systems of arrogance. If you react to those who injure you, it reduces you to their level. For several years, Tamar will live in seclusion; she will retire from society. Meanwhile, Amnon will continue out in public as David’s favorite. Absalom will continue in court acting as if he had never heard that any of this occurred.

Tamar’s mother was royal princess, which mans she had excellent genes and training. She was born with class; and she merely had to learn style.

It is no accident that we have a rather detailed account of the rape of Tamar.

We have 12 summary principles to pull it all together.

1st Summary Principle

1.       Amnon was arrogant. Arrogant people are weak and weak people take bad advice.

2.       In contrast, Tamar was humble and humble people take good advice. Amnon took bad advice and Tamar took good advice. Tamar will become the greatest of David’s children; Amnon will die a horrible death.

3.       Amnon will have self righteous inflexibility. Tamar possesses grace flexiblity.

4.       Interlocking systems of arrogance neutralize capacity for love, capacity for life, and for happiness; Amnon was a loser and Tamar was a winner.

5.       Since this is the 2nd installment of discipline, he is also a loser, as he was manipulated by Amnon.

6.       Without David’s power to get Tamar to the palace, the humiliation of Tamar could not have occurred. When dupes get together, it is not a royal court.

7.       David inadvertently used his royal court to degrade his daughter.

8.       David placed Tamar in a position where her self-determination was not a defense. They were useless against rape.

9.       Those with power and authority must be alert to being manipulated by the unscrupulous and immoral people.

10.     David’s dupe was inexcusable. David’s capacity for love has not straightened out yet.

11.     The application is, those who possess power and authority must be constantly alert so that they are not manipulated.

12.     Sin + arrogance = evil. Human good + arrogance = evil. Both evil persons and evil governments originate from one or both of these occasions. Both evil persons and evil governments originate from these equations.

13.     Tamar’s freedom was her protection from Amnon. David’s command robbed her from the free will choices she would make. Similar concepts exist all over the world today.

Violence is the enemy of freedom

2nd Summary

1.       No matter how strong a woman’s volition and how good her morals and integrity, she can be hurt by Amnon. A woman can say no under any circumstances, and, with an honorable man, she is safe. However, her free will is of no help if she is trapped.

2.       Jonadab was an evil conspirator and Amnon was a clever actor and both were involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Tamar was victim of interlocking systems of arrogance.’

3.       When arrogance wants something, evil results. Jonadab wanted power; Amnon wanted power, so they joined forces to destroy Tamar.

4.       Tamar should have been suspicious.

5.       Amnon, the heir apparent and future king, had no integrity or honor. He was loyal to himself. The narcisisist complex.

6.       Influenced by the arrogance complex, Amnon was only loyal to himself.

7.       Arrogance turns loyalty into self-centered ness. Integrity maintains loyalty, not the other way around. It is principle and doctrine which helps you determine your loyalty. Various people had to face the issue of loyalty versus honor.

8.       Amnon had no integrity because of interlocking systems of arrogance and rejection of doctrine.

9.       When truth is rejected and one enters the interlocking systems of arrogance, there is no integrity to support loyalty to a principle. There is therefore no way to sort out your loyalties to people. Only doctrine and divine establishment will straighten these things out.

10.     Loss of honor and integrity means personal and loss of integrity.

3rd Summary

1.       When sexual arrogance combines with criminal arrogance, it produces psychopathic arrogance. Once you get in, it does not matter how you get in. You are vulnerable to all of the gates.

2.       In other words, the habitual rapist, or homosexual, or incestuous person, they are not only sinful but criminal but sociopathic and psychopathic.

3.       These lack empathy and possess callous indifference to others. Some of the most brutal fights Bob saw in the service were between homosexuals.

4.       There is no capacity for love or capacity for life so sex is a tool for domination and not an expression of love.

5.       To Amnon the woman was never his true love. psychopaths are easily bored and they lack a sense of reality. Close relationship between the 3 types of arrogance.

6.       Being emotionally unstable, psychopathic arrogance is always looking for someone to dominate or to exploit. Arrogance likes to think that every woman one sees is madly in love with him.

7.       Instancy will not defer gratification.

8.       Amnon wanted Tamar then.

9.       Arrogance is insensitive to others, so he brutally raped her and was totally callous toward her afterward. The frustration of arrogance merely intensifies the action of arrogance and motivates greater evil.

4th summary: Tamar was a courageous woman who was able to think under pressure. She handled this magnificently. His violence and strong language did not victimize her. She was not intimidated. When Tamar appealed to Amnon’s integrity and honor, he ignored her. He was totally inflexible; rigid in arrogance. He had a very high evaluation of himself. Combined with instancy and psychosis, that is what makes a rapist. He thought he was better than anyone else in the world. Criminal arrogance is unyielding; it takes what it wants by scheming, or violence or whatever, otherwise the criminal goes to the zero state. Amnon will not be modified by any argument or persuasion. Achieving victory over Tamar was more important than any other issue.

You can have great leadership potential; in business or some profession, but interlocking systems of arrogance destroys the greatest leadership potential. Amnon is a future king, but no criminal can assume authority or responsibility like this. If God does not promote you, then you are not promoted. God does not promote criminals.

5th summary: glorification of criminals is loyal to crime. You cannot be loyal to crime and have honor. Therefore, you cannot advance to maturity if you glorify criminals. Bob likes Kojac because he never glorifies the criminal. The criminal is always a jerk. You cannot grow as long as you lack the honor and integrity to put it together. Criminals destroy their own integrity. When a nation compromises with crime, it enters into national arrogance. All nations fall apart internally first. Russians cannot touch us if we have integrity internally. Fifth cycle of discipline occurs when national arrogance is incurable. It could go either way now. You see arrogance among born-again believers, among the fundies, among the politicians, you see it everywhere you turn. The fifth cycle of discipline is never administered until national arrogance is incurable. Relate this to the pivot and you have the whole story with regards to the United States.

National arrogance results in the United states being soft on crime and being soft on communism. If the first 4 cycles of discipline do not get us on the right track, then the fifth cycle of discipline will. National arrogance means inevitable disaster.

Logistical grace category known as the wall of fire. Why did God permit the rape of Tamar. Some keep having problems with this. Why didn’t God deliver Tamar from this horrible rape. We do not have a direct answer and is silent here, we have to go to the principles of doctrine for an answer.

6th Principle

1.       What the Lord does not deliver us from, He intends for us to endure.

2.       He intended for her to endure it, but this led her to the plan of God for her life.

3.       When Amnon threw Tamar out of the palace, he shifted the blame to her.

4.       This plus the rape destroyed the possibility of Tamar being married.

5.       God turned cursing into blessing; she was the greatest of David’s children, and the sister and aunt who stabilized the family. And Tamar was their sister. She reared the family of Absalom after his death. Maybe she was being disciplined, but that is just a logical alternative, not necessarily the truth. Faith reaches out and claims a promise. Reverse concentration and faith reaches a doctrinal conclusion (like the sins are forgiven) and that moves to the 3rd stage. Installment discipline or it may be diminished. After rebound, the purpose of suffering is blessing. God worked it out for good. Amnon meant it for evil, but God worked it out for good. God delivers from and God delivers through. The justice of God is fair and Tamar lost nothing at all.

in the 7th principle, we have the 3 systems of power; manipulative power; the management of others; exploitative power by the threat of violence or the use of violence; and the 3rd is competitive power. You go up as your victim goes down. All of these have been used by others. If you are here for the first time tonight, God help you. This will give you something upon which to meditate, while Bob is out of town for 3 days.

Amnon in raping Tamar tossed her out, using competitive power. Interlocking systems of arrogance uses all 3 of these competitively. The humble person learns the limits of his own use of power. God resists the arrogant and gives grace to the humble. Establishment or Christianity teach you your limits. Criminal arrogance recognizes no limit to its own power.

8th summary; Amnon’s power is fragmentation. The person who pledges undying love and turns around and burns you. The new Mexico riot is an example of fragmentation. What Amnon did defines fragmentation.

9th principle: rape cannot reach the soul unless one’s volition allows for it. The victim of rape must be the opposite of fragmentation. The victim is under great stress to reject any system that would cause her to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance. Tamar passed this test; no bitterness, self pity, implacability, nothing.

Criminal arrogance despises those he has used. Rape can only reach the body; never the soul of the victim. The victim must allow this to reach their soul or it will not affect them. Arrogant people cannot sustain relationships. The victim needs to be careful to never enter the interlocking systems of arrogance because of being victimized. Criminal arrogance also thinks that anything they can take from you makes them better than you. Arrogant are weak people and weak people attack the strong.

10th summary: Lust is not love; lust is physical. Love will produce a desire for physical love. Amnon went from love to hatred in a very short amount of time. Lust cannot exist without sex. Once lust was gratified, Amnon hated Tamar. Arrogant people despise those they use. Arrogant people do not hate themselves, but they hate those whom they use.

There is transient psychosis, which is involved here as well. They transfer their guilt to their victims and some rapists then execute their victims. Amnon retreats to his cave which resulted in throwing her out. He shifted the blame to her and threw her out. In self righteousness now must execute her. He does this by casting her out in this chemise of virginity. Transient psychosis does not hallucinate; but they cannot accept responsibility for their own acts. There has been transient psychosis right in Berachah Church. They always shift the blame to the victim and must punish the victim. This is vicious self righteousness. This is just as self righteous as the legalistic fundamentalist believer. The New Mexico riot and they found the records of the child molesters and then raped them and emasculated them with blow torches. This is self righteousness. Self righteousness is never a virtue. Self righteous people are blind. This is not the same as morality. It is one thing to be moral, which is legitimate.

The application of arrogance to anything. Self righteous person can move into transient psychosis and punish their victim for what they have done. They have no guilt or remorse for what they have done. Once the conquest has been done, the hatred of transient psychosis, they impute their giult to their victim.

11th summary principle: arrogance + volition = evil. Once involved with the arrogance complex, the human mind influences the human body to a medical imbalance and often attributes it as the source of the imbalance. The arrogance in the soul affects the body. Neuro transmitters is a recent study in medicine. Arrogance, self-centeredness affects the physical balance. Transient psychosis which follows sexual and criminal arrogance is reacting to wrong with more wrong.

12th summary: Absalom put the matter in the Lord’s hands. Heb. 10:30 he intended to keep this advice himself. However, he reacted to the king’s injustice. Tamar avoided reaction. She is strong. Strong people take good advice.

God teaches doctrine in narrative and we may or may not be interested, and the sooner we learn to use it, the better off we will be.

2Sam. 13:20 And her brother Absalom said to her, "Has Amnon your brother been with you? Now hold your peace [i.e., do not plan revenge], my sister. He is your brother; do not take this to heart [put this matter out of your mind]." Consequently, Tamar lived, a desolate woman [a woman in recluse], in her brother Absalom's house [palace].

2Samuel 13:21                                     72David                                              631_0305

The night Bob comes back, there are 500 phones calls asking, when do we start? No movement, etc., unless you are having an epileptic fit. This is a good place to come if you want to die quietly. If you are falling, remember to stick your pen out so that you do not roll down the aisle.

Time Life puts out a lot of interesting books with a lot of pictures. The Great Ages of Man is about 60% worthless, but the other 40% is worth it. Bob always liked the Japanese people, except for 5 years. He knew many when he was young, and they were maltreated during WWII. Some of his best friends were former Japanese. Time Life did a good job with some of the information.

Bob is going to bring us up to date with the Samurai codes. They were all bound by a code. Wealthier samurai rode on horses. Chivalry is a glorification of womanhood, and there is no parallel structure with the samurai. There is this whole concept of the sword; you are not to be caught without it.

Some missionaries talking about the Japanese. The whole system of bowing was a matter of them all killing one another. This was a code developed to keep them all alive. They stopped conducting face to face business, because someone would die in the negotiations. All done by 3rd party negotiations. The great courteousness covered up great deceit and often great hatred. This is the Bushinto code, which is built upon, “I am a better man than you; I hate your guts; how are you?”

Absalom will hate Amnon. He will smile, he will bow; he will pay the proper respect. He will use the royal family protocol for 2 years. He will be as much as possible be around Amnon and he will never act as if he knows what Amnon has done. Then he will strike; he will hold a bbq on his ranch, Amnon will be drinking with all of them. He will raise his glass to make a toast, and the men around him will kill him. These are the bodyguards for Absalom who always carry their swords. Amnon will be getting a little high and obnoxious, and they realize that they are there to see this pig on a sword die. This is the sauce ordered by Absalom.

The dukes are the bastards and the princes are the legal sons.

Absalom is a great man and he potentially could have been on a par with David; he had all the leadership, the doctrine, the characteristics which could have allowed him to reign after David. The next 15 verses are critical. We have a revolution here, and in our own country; so we need to study it.

San Antonio was a fantastic city; double sessions. Great manners. No one came close to committing even a slight offense.

What we find in the Masoretic text, and the LXX has a bit more. This is also found in the Antiquities of Josephus as well.

2Sam. 13:21 When King David heard of all these things, he was very angry.

2Sam. 13:21 (LXX) And King David heard of all these things, and was very angry; but he did not grieve the spirit of his son Amnon, because he loved him, for he was his firstborn.

David did nothing about the rape. Alfred Edersheim made some comments about this, who is an historian. It is difficult to wield a sword with a maimed arm; this matches his rape of Bathsheba.

He probably called in Amnon and confronted him with this. We have already seen Amnon and his transient psychosis, he hated her, and he blamed her for the rape and punished her, with the sign of her virginity on her (which she tore off). The whole bit adds up. Sexual arrogance, criminal arrogance, psychopathic arrogance; and this kind of a person never tells the truth. Psychopathic liars never tell the truth; they go out of their way to lie. Amnon lied; he denied the whole thing. Tamar would not go into the presence of David when she was summoned. Absalom represented Tamar and told her story.

David was a weak father, which results in a strong mother. A weak father means that David was a poor father. So he refuses to believe anything against Amnon. This is loyalty as an evil. There are 2 kinds of loyalty; loyalty which is a virtue and loyalty which is dishonorable. Integrity must develop and feed loyalty. If loyalty depends upon integrity, the loyalty will be virtuous. When loyalty must depend upon loyalty, then loyalty is evil.

If you take pay from your boss, you owe him loyalty; that is personal integrity. You owe him loyalty on the job. That does not mean that you girls surrender your virtue on the desk. Every organization has a purpose, a policy and a system of authority. The same thing is true of any athletic organization. Therefore, we owe loyalty to the coach, the manager, or whomever it happens to be. Loyalty becomes an evil when people get inside interlocking systems of arrogance. Loyalty to criminals or to the Russians or to the ChiComs.

Crime is out of hand because people are sympathetic to the criminal and not to the victim. We have to make the decisions in our own lives. Bob still likes to make it clear. David was loyal to a rat, to Amnon his son, the crown prince, the heir apparent.

David sees Amnon as being great, but he is a thorough-going bastard.

Some women when disappointed go to a nunnery; or become dykes.

Sometimes people even in Berachah have known someone else in 3 weeks and want to marry them. They have this hazy view of this virtuous person standing in a dim view and smiling.

Since this was a family matter, David would not take this to court. He suspected the Amnon might have been guilty and he did not want to order his execution.

David is behaving now; he is monogamous. When you have authority, you must use it responsibly, even if it involves your own family. David becomes extremely angry and this anger is complete frustration.

David loved Amnon and he would not sentence his eldest son to death. His love for Amnon was greater than his love for justice. You cannot have leadership and authority and love your troops more than justice. You cannot love your employees or your troops more than justice. Your personal likes and dislikes are of no consequence. Bob liked to go down to Venice Beach to get into fights; he’s wear his letterman sweater. However, he is going to defend himself. Arrogance makes a strong man weak.

2Samuel 13:21–22                               72David                                              631_0306

Integrity + loyalty = honor. Loyalty never supports integrity; it is only the other way around. There are times when loyalty is not a virtue. The cancellation of loyalty as a principle of evil.

Laws of divine establishment, the gospel, and doctrine for the believer all feed integrity; so that integrity is the basis for establishing loyalty. Whenever you get loyalty versus integrity, then you destroy honor. We have already noted that what happens to loyalty. When there is loyalty to criminals or loyalty to arrogance, then there is no integrity. However, if you have a boss who is a thoroughgoing jerk, you owe him your loyalty. However, you may know a very sweet person who is a con, and that person deserves no loyalty, even if they are related to you.

The king’s anger did not concern Amnon. Absalom will abandon integrity because of his loyalty to his sister. He should put this case into the hands of the Supreme Court of Heaven. David fails in his responsibility here. No matter how talented you are, or how much ability you have, this is all compromised by interlocking systems of arrogance.

David’s arrogance hangover resulted in a reaction by Absalom.

2Sam. 13:21 (LXX) And King David heard of all these things, and was very angry; but he did not grieve the spirit of his son Amnon, because he loved him, for he was his firstborn.

The Samurai illustration; the more they hated you, the better were their manners toward you. A quote about the Japanese and how you must speak cordially to them, or they will get pissed off. The dealt with interlocking systems of arrogance through a fantastic system of manners and business transactions through 3rd parties. When they most want to kill someone, they appear the most familial with the other person.

Identified with the Hurrians, although they may not be directly related. They were chariot drivers. They started the caste system in India. They went to many places; rulers of the Hyksos, who conquered Egypt. The founded new kingdoms, Hurrian, Mitanni.

Bushito of the Japanese and the Maryana of the Hurrians are related. All of this explains how Absalom and Tamar are able to deal with this as they do. David is a strong man, but he does not execute Amnon. There is a reaction on the part of Absalom.

All it takes it hatred, bitterness, arrogance, and this opens you up to all of the other gates. Law authority and discipline. When the British Raj came in, he brought law and order. Crime is arrogance, always; the criminal personality is an arrogant personality. The Word of God did something that Hammurabi never did. His laws will make you bend over and die of laughter. Libs worship at the shrine of Hammurabi. They are ludicrous. Freedom was founded through the Ten Commandments. Absalom will eventually become sociopathic but not psychopathic? Or he never will get into transient psychosis.

Absalom pulled of Maryana magnificently. Poise is a virtue; a fabulous virtue. Absalom’s magnificent poise covers up his hatred of Amnon. Behind this facade of sweetness and light, there was a man who was going to get Amnon. Up until now, Absalom has been an honorable prince. David’s malfunction. Criminals cannot run anything.

However, the entire nation of Israel is not in interlocking systems of arrogance, so this nation will be fine. Jesus Christ will not give a nation a criminal ruler unless the nation suffers from arrogance. Absalom’s loyalty to his sister rather than loyalty to integrity is the problem. Loyalty is in trouble when it rejects the principles of integrity. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.

Rom. 12:19 beloved, stop seeking vengeance yourselves... Essence of God rationale; since justice and integrity are a part of this. Since the Bible forbids Absalom to take revenge, Absalom is arrogant to do this. When the justice of God handles the revenge, that means God knows what He needs to do, and when we interfere, we cancel out God’s justice. Often, the punishment which comes from the justice of God, we cannot bear.

David’s discipline was going to be quite dramatic, so God broke his discipline up into installments.

Absalom and Arrogant Revenge

1.       Arrogance adds inflexibility to systems of honor, chivalry or integrity. Arrogance is a system of evil. The United States foreign policy is human good + arrogance.

2.       All good systems have flexibility clauses.

3.       Arrogance brings inflexibility to a code of chivalry. It will turn the Hurrian code of honor into an instrument of revenge.

4.       The inflexibility of arrogant Absalom will justify the murder and revenge on the basis of the rape of Tamar. This system of auto justification is totally inflexible.

5.       Punishment belongs to the Lord, not to Absalom. Absalom is superceding the Lord in this.

6.       By taking the law into his own hands, Absalom demonstrates the inflexibility of arrogance and the blasphemy of revenge. No one has the right to play God.

7.       David as the king of Israel had the legal right to execute Amnon, but no one has the right to play God. Absalom reverts to code Maryana. The Egyptians of the 16th and 17th dynasties, and several others had this code. Code Maryana is distorted into an instrument of revenge.

8.       What Absalom hates, Absalom will destroy.

9.       This explains a great many of the sociopathic functions of life. Their preoccupation is inflexibility.

10.     Hatred is not only a mental arrogance but it is a total preoccupation with self. Hatred is preoccupation with self. It is total subjectivity. In this state of arrogant subjectivity, he is motivation by revenge.

11.     Arrogance destroys every system or morality, every code of chivalry. Example: King Arthus and the Knights of the Round Table. King Arthur is now considered to be a true set of rulers in Britain. The Celts in Britain. The Romans were gone, but those who remained were more Roman than the Romans. King Arthur represents all of the concepts of nobility from the Roman empire. The last stand of establishment was King Arthur and the knights and their honor. The mythical dragons were not mythical, but they were Germanic peoples. Sir Lancelot, a noble French knight who came to the court. He thinks of a woman only in terms of a beautiful statue on a hill, only to be worshiped. He is so proud of his purity and nobility that he enters into interlocking systems of arrogance as an ascetic. His asceticism does not hold up in interlocking systems of arrogance. He seduces Guinevere, the wife of King Arthur. In the code of chivalry, there is self righteousness, and the quest of the holy grail, which is the cup that our Lord drank from at the Last Supper. The search of the holy grail is the rejection of Bible doctrine and the emphasis upon that which is superficial. There was a breakdown of discipline. They were go off into the blue and search for the holly grail. A total neglect of the police force and the military, etc. the result is, they were destroyed by the Saxons. Merlin, who represents the charismatic movement, wisdom apart from Bible doctrine is not wisdom, but holy roller stuff. Jesus Christ controls history.

Absalom believes that rape is justification for his plot to kill Amnon.

There was a time in Bob’s ministry when he would have covered a half dozen verses and then wave it all away with a couple of comments and move along. Narrative is just as important as doctrinal dissertations.

Absalom and the Maryana Code

1.       When arrogant people hate, even mature believers, they seek to destroy the object of their hatred. He loses his capacities. The mature believer minus the capacity for love and the capacity for life. Total subjectivity. Hatred never functions without its inflexible subjectivity. Desire to destroy the object of one’s hatred. Absalom is a mature believer. Had he stayed outside of interlocking systems of arrogance, he would have become someone we could empathize with.

2.       Hatred is a sin. Sin + arrogance = evil.

3.       Now that Absalom has entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through hatred, he will seek to destroy the crown prince. He will disarm him with his great exterior; smiling, etc.

4.       Amnon in arrogance hated Tamar in raping her. Fragmentation. He loved her, he raped her and then he hated her. He demonstrated this hatred through throwing her out in her chemise. This all happened within an hour or so, which is fragmentation. This is when he began transient psychosis where he goes into the cave where he avoids responsibility. He goes into the cave where he has no feeling of guilt whatsoever. Transient psychosis means no hallucination. In those days, Tamar would not be able to get married, as she had only a few suitors to begin with. This was the thinking of that day.

5.       Absalom will hide his hatred behind some Maryana code. This demands that you absolutely show no emotion and keep complete poise under pressure. Absalom never challenged Amnon to a duel, never cussed him out. Some may have thought that Absalom was weak or afraid of Amnon; or stupid. But he will kill Amnon at the bbq that he has.

6.       Being an aristocrat on both sides, from his mother and father, Absalom will show neither hostility nor friendliness. He will show perfect impeccable manners.

7.       Each prince is influenced by his mother. A weak father and strong mothers under polygamy. The mother of Absalom and Tamar taught the code of Maryana. The mother of Amnon taught prejudice. Therefore, Amnon had nighter manners nor poise. He may have said some mean things about Absalom or about Tamar, but Absalom never reacts to this.

There was a time when everyone came from the bad side of town. This man has complete control of his emotions and his feelings. Marie Antoinette did not really say, “Let them eat cake.” She had aristocratic training; all of her jailers raped her. They caused her son to get drunk every day and got him testify incorrectly in court. She died with great aristocracy. This is the most painless death in the world. You do not have to be scum because you think that way. Scum always die hard and painfully. We are royal family. We are to avoid the inflexibility which destroy our poise. By our new birth, we are aristocrats. When we walk into interlocking systems of arrogance, we are scum; we are a cesspool of evil. One of the objectives of the human race is to resolve the plan of arrogance of Satan. Therefore, all of us will be tested by arrogance.

Absalom suffers from loyalty versus integrity. Together, they = honor. Absalom is loyal to Tamar. Absalom, when he met Tamar, put her into his palace, where she lived in seclusion for many days. She was the greatest person of 2 generations, apart from David, Nathan, Solomon.

Absalom taught Tamar how to use the faith rest drill; and she took his advice and did well. Absalom gave good advice and gave her shelter. But his loyalty went a step too far. He became inflexible. His integrity, which forbids revenge, was ignored. Integrity forbids murder. When loyalty comes into conflict with integrity and wins, then honor is wiped out. Absalom’s honor was destroyed, because his loyalty superceded his integrity.

2Sam. 13:22 But Absalom spoke to Amnon neither good nor bad, for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had violated [raped] his sister Tamar.

2Samuel 13:22–23                               72David                                              631_0307

Integrity + loyalty = honor

Loyalty in itself is not virtuous.

First area of truth are laws of divine establishment; second is the gospel; and third is Bible doctrine. You owe your boss loyalty, but not a friend or family member who are involved in criminal behavior. Your giving should not hurt your family. We will have scintillating personalities who travel through Berachah from time to time, and loyalty to such ones who cause you to peel off away from doctrine is not virtuous.

People have left Berachah over loyalty as a virtue versus loyalty as an evil. One group formed a church, but they dissolved their church because their whole concept of loyalty was not based upon virtue. They had a plurality of elders.

Bob hears little bits over conversation, like, he hasn’t got it all together any more.

Bob does not intend to allow anyone to come in and undermine his authority.

The strongest of the malcontents Ahithophel.

All of any kind of organization has its Absalom’s. They are talented people, but they enter into interlocking systems of arrogance.

There may be a time when you gather around some other person that you see as a leader, but sooner or later, something gives. When Bob has authority, he considers it his responsibility to fulfill this authority as unto the Lord. He checked out Berachah Church for 6 weeks to learn who the troublemakers were.

There was a lieutenant that Bob started with, and they had platoons next to each other, and he tried to woo his men. He could not advance because of this.

A previous pastor at Berachah wanted everyone to love him, and this made his leadership worthless.

There are all kinds of leaders, and it is not the personality; it is the moral courage to function under integrity which results in honor.

People are very naive about this sort of thing, when it comes to leadership and personalities. Bob always felt if this congregation wants him to be gone, then he will be gone. However, apart from that, he will be ruthless when it comes to dealing with conspiracies and problematic groups.

What other congregation can you have divorced people sitting in the same church, some of them with new partners?

There is no issue at the moment, so this is a perfect time to discuss this.

Bob correctly pronounces chemise several times.

The corrected translation going back to v. 18: Bob does that so that we recognize that we are dealing with a rape and a rape victim.

Absalom is using poise as a facade for hatred, and there is a fine line between poise and hypocrisy.

There would have been no Patton without the velvet glove of Eisenhower over him. It is always a mistake to underestimate a person who has poise and dignity. Amnon will underestimate Absalom’s poise and facade. Fools always underestimate poise. Amnon is a fool.

Absalom’s hatred is not justification for his actions. This rejects the integrity of God to take vengeance into one’s own hands.

2Sam. 13:22 But Absalom spoke to Amnon neither good nor bad, for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had violated [raped] his sister Tamar.

Absalom, David and the Justice of God

1.       As far as the world is concerned, rape justifies hatred.

2.       But the Word of God says, rape does not justify murder, hatred or conspiracy.

3.       Loving the brothers means to be free of mental attitude sins, e.g., hatred. Love means a relaxed mental attitude based upon the fact that man’s point of reference is the plan of God.

4.       A monopoly of the justice of God is retaliation where human justice malfunctions.

5.       While Amnon’s crime goes unpunished based on human justice, there is the higher justice of God.

6.       It is difficult for the believer to leave matters of justice to the court of heaven.

7.       We have studied how Moses failed at the second Meribah. He will use his personal authority to punish the people. The issue was not the sins of the people, but a test of grace to prepare them to enter into the land. He made an issue out of sin rather than out of grace.

8.       It should be noted that David’s arrogance hangover provided the basis for his discipline.

9.       While parents love their children, they should not spare them when they are guilty of crime or evil. The great Roman father who executed his own son for dissection after the court found him guilty.

10.     David looked into the mirror when this rape case came to light. David had the authority to have a trial, but he did not come close to doing so, and his son Absalom, an evil man and a criminal, was still walking into the palace and into the courts, smirking and laughing. Maybe this is Amnon? Absalom was angry and did something; David was angry and did nothing; it should have been the other way around. Anger is a sinful emotion which sets aside the emotion of justice. Absalom killed Amnon, but two wrongs never make a right.

The scene and the subject now change. The proper translation is, 2 years later.

There is a breathing space. David can use this time to turn cursing into blessing. Doctrinal conclusions will put David in control of the situation. In the 4th installment, David will never be greater. But in the 3rd installment, the situation will get out of control. David did not learn the critical doctrine necessary. The national crisis has been postponed several times in the past few years. Bob knows the Russians were going to attack in 1976 and he knows why they didn’t attack. We need a pivot of believers to preserve this client nation. There will be time for us to learn how to stand in the gap when the crisis hits.

We had spring, and then we had winter, where it went down to 20 degrees.

When the real crisis comes, there are people who have been gone for a long time, but they will come back. Once the adversity hits, it will be too late.

Bob suspects that we can get through the revolution doctrine and then, we may even have one in the United States.

There was a great war occurring in Africa where George Mueller was. His first tendency was to join them on the run. He decided to go in the opposite direction, and this saved him and his family. When the situation breaks, you must be able to roll with the situation. You must be flexible. If you have a set plan, you might try to keep with this plan, even when it becomes an untenable approach.

David finally became monogamous, and this changed him. This changes most men. This can bring on certain inflexibilities. Bob notices those who get married and come to class the next day; or those who take a tape recorder on their honeymoon. You can get so carried away with those things, that you forget that God is the source. Never get carried away with happiness or prosperity because it will not always be there. Once you are distracted from doctrine because of prosperity and happiness, then you might completely fail in a period of disaster or testing.

Some of you are in a happiness era. Some of you are enjoying perhaps the greatest prosperity of your life; but when it becomes a distraction, then the fun is over. When you lose track of the source, it is all over.

In between installments 2 and 3, David did not get himself prepared; he was unable to apply the doctrine that he needed. He could have almost headed off the murder. Human good finally came into the picture.

Had David executed Amnon, this would have saved Absalom’s life and possibly cut off the revolution.

David gives permission for Amnon to go to the ranch and enjoy the bbq with Absalom. He is thinking in terms of harmony; harmony is not the issue. He wants his whole family to love Bathsheba. Now, you can have harmony among students and they all cheat tougher. Occasionally, there is harmony among thieves. You often find harmony among organizations.

+H in prosperity is never designed to distract you from doctrine. You should be able to maintain +H in adversity as well. God uses prepared people, and God uses us in adversity. Those who have some farm and bury things, and the balloon goes up, and they will never be able to get to this farm and to their supplies that is inflexibility. God will preserve us; not our wits and ingenuity. God uses prepared people. David enjoyed his great relationship with Bathsheba, but his administration would reach an all time high, so in peace time, he can devote his genius to the function of his government. He will make one mistake and there will be a bunch of unhappy malcontents.

This is what the Romans did to Julius Cæsar or the Carthaginians to Hannibal.

A malfunction of the king’s justice in the 2nd installment of discipline will cause a failure in the 3rd.

This is a question: how are David’s failures related to these installments?

The city of Hazor dominates the Hulah valley, an important caravan route. Hazor was key to many military movements and to trade.

Hazor has been found it there have been two incremental studies of this. It has taken millions of dollars to study. This is near the border of Ephraim. The Rothschild expedition. David married the daughter of the king of Geshur. The Baal temple located to the west of Hazor. The land is hilly and rolling. This is over to the west, and it slopes down to the Jordan River. There are the ruins of the Baal temple and they are on about1 100,000 acres of a sheep ranch. Apparently, this acreage was given to Absalom from his grandfather on his mother’s side, 100 miles north of Jerusalem and slightly to the west. Absalom had a number of sheep ranches, and sheep shearing time was also a time for great parties and bbq’s. After he executes Amnon, all he has to do is cross over the river, and he is safe in the territory of his grandfather. Amnon, all of this time, assumes that Absalom was too afraid to do anything, or did not know what was going on. He was unable to read Absalom, because Absalom was a good actor.

This gives Absalom a time to have a great party, and he is over 100 miles away from Jerusalem (commentators too often try to place this ranch right outside of Jerusalem).

It is important to note that Absalom had called all of the king’s sons to have this bbq. He wanted them all to see how it would be worked out. The sons of Bathsheba would not be included because Solomon is 3 and Nathan is 1. They are all named in Chronicles. The bastards are included in this as well.

Security will be relaxed at this party. Amnon is a famous drunk now, and he will get noisy and obnoxious. If you are such a drunk, you might learn something about this narrative.

The murder was well-planned like David’s murder of Uriah.

2Sam. 13:23 After two full years [Now, two years later] [when] Absalom had sheepshearers at Baal-hazor, which is near Ephraim, and Absalom invited all the king's sons.

2Samuel 13:24–27                               72David                                              631_0308

The Ephraim we look for is not the border we are talking about; here, this is Ephraim as the entire northern kingdom. Therefore, the bbq is being held about 100 miles north of the Jerusalem palace. They can raise a little hell and enjoy themselves on this ranch. Always in a conspiracy, there must be some enthusiasm. Sometimes this is simply emotions

Absalom worked out his own scenario whereas, Amnon depended upon Jonadab for his conspiracy. He was not smart enough to devise a conspiracy on his own.

During installment discipline, David has been generally blinded to those whom he loves and those who are close to him. His tremendous power and authority is actually transferred to others, when David does not even realize it is happening.

David should have denied the permission for this bbq, as it is too far from castle Zion.

They conquered the Hitties, Iran, India, Egypt; and they established the code of Maryana, one of the most famous codes of the ancient world.

This conspiracy begins with polite protocol; and sheep shearing was always party time for the ranchers of Israel.

Particle of politeness used with the jussive. There is an invitation. The better the intrigue, the better the manners required. People used good manners in order to cover their conspiracies. Good manners were used to flatter rather than to express thoughtfulness. He is flattering his father.

David will not be able to come for somewhere, so Absalom will ask that David send his crown prince. Absalom wisely notes that David is the king and he knows that he must use the correct vocatives and the proper protocol.

This would be the height of the social season. The ranching crowd built up their parties around the sheepshearing. Absalom knew that David would refuse out of thoughtfulness.

The bbq sauce would be the blood of Amnon. Amnon is a guttersnipe; he is a pig; he is a jackass. He has no class. Absalom will demonstrate something to all Israel, but he will kill him with class.

Many a woman has been confused or duped by good manners and protocol; not everyone who is polite to you is your friend. This often destroys your alertness. 35% of all rapes occur based upon dates. So the guy had to impress the woman enough to take her out on a date. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, which is the prophecy of the Greeks being the Trojans a gift, a huge horse. The horses got from the Hurrians.

2 years, Absalom took all kinds of guff. He might have gotten a bit of harassment, and he goes around with great poise and no one bothered him. Only one person picked up on this, and that was Jonadab. Jonadab figured there was a plot afoot. He decided to use this plot to feather his own nest.

Absalom had great potential for leadership. Neither Amnon nor Absalom had what it takes to rule a great nation. Amnon was a criminal and should never run a nation. Absalom had the greatest potential, but this potential was destroyed by arrogance.

2Sam. 13:24 And Absalom came to the king and said, "Behold, your servant has sheepshearers. Please let the king and his servants go with your servant."

The polite particle is used here, but with the type of sentence, it is translated as a negative instead. Subjunctive imperfect of responsibility? David had his own responsibilities where he was.

Negative adverb lo this time, and David does not want to be burdensome to him. Perhaps the idea is, there would be far too many people who would end up traveling up there.

Absalom wants to murder Amnon in public. That is part of the deal.

2Sam. 13:25 But the king said to Absalom, "No, my son, let us not all go, lest we be burdensome to you [so that we are not too great of an expense for you]." He pressed him, but he would not go but gave him his blessing.

The king has allowed for this party, but Absalom then makes certain that the crown prince will come. The idea is to get the crown prince to go in his place. Wâw lo means if not, and this is the alternative to David attending this party. A representative of the king needs to be there, since David cannot.

Absalom is now involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord; Absalom reject this principle. If David followed through on his suspicions, then he would have had to have been flexible. He would have to set aside the protocol of court. He is inflexible here. He will set aside any suspicion and permit Amnon to go.

2Sam. 13:26 Then Absalom said, "If not, please let my brother Amnon go with us." And the king said to him, "Why should he go with you?"

Absalom keeps urging him. He doesn’t get excited; he does not make himself seem wrong. He knew exactly how to handle this. He is a master at this.

Amnon manipulated David to get Tamar into his palace and Absalom is manipulating David to get Amnon to his ranch. Now, if this is the first time that Absalom has made such a request, then it is a cause for suspicion. However, David sees this as hopeful instead.

This is like Carter. He wants things to be easy. He wants to bring about world peace. He wants to bring the world into world peace.

Woodrow Wilson thought he was bringing us into a period of great harmony, but he took us into a world war. Arrogance is always the source of conflict. Interlocking systems of arrogance always leads to conflict. Where arrogance exists, this will start up conflict.

Sooner or later, there will be conflict in Berachah Church. There is harmony in Berachah Church not because everyone says nice things about one another, but because Bob is ruthless about maintaining his authority.

There are times when an organization has harmony and times when there is a conspiracy. Harmony is a nice thing, but we do not have it all of the time. Harmony is useless as an instrument of any organization. It is not necessary for efficiency.

If you are a minority and you cannot make it in the army, then you cannot make it in life.

When you have friends, your loyalty should still be to doctrine. Your own personal integrity must be related to doctrine.

2Sam. 13:27 But Absalom pressed him until he let Amnon and all the king's sons go with him.

Harmony and Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       When one or more parties in a controversy are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, peace and harmony can never be restored. In life we have discipline. When you drive down the street and people do crazy things, there is no harmony; there is discipline on the Houston streets. People still manage to get around and it is on the basis of authority and discipline.

2.       Absalom and Amnon have entered into the interlocking systems of arrogance. Authority can keep them in line, but counsel cannot make it work. Shake hands and be friends is not going to work.

3.       The party at the ranch is a front for conspiracy, not the means for establishing harmony and peace.

4.       The United states should recall this when dealing with any communist country. An agreement where Poland was split up between Russia and Germany. The Russians went into Poland, and they met and partitioned Poland. Germany did not want peace. They needed some time before they launched their plan. There was no peace and harmony; this was merely part of a plan. They agreed to peace and harmony until it was time to move forward. Our SALT I has given Russia time to prepare, and that is exactly what they have been doing. David permitted all of his sons to go to this party, an unprecedented act on the part of David, who has been duped and manipulated by the idea of peace and harmony in our time.

2Samuel 13                                          72David                                              631_0309

Editorial by C. W. Borkman, “If you aren’t scared or frightened, just wait a few months...” Killing the B1 bomber and other things, but there are more. Our military is losing skilled personnel. Restoring the draft is not the answer; the chief architect of this wasteland is Congress. We seem to only launch crusades against our allies.

28Feb WSJ article by Irving Kristol. “Restatement of the obvious is the first duty of the intelligent man.” The wicked nesses of the Shah represent the government of every previous ruler in Iran. He used Iran’s wealth to modernize Iran’s economy and he increased freedom for women in Iran. Foreign journalists could move about freely in Iran then. We have to realize that there are degrees of problems in other governments. We have selected in great hypocrisy the wrong people to back.

Bob looks into negative volition eyes every night when he takes a sweep. God is holding off national disaster until we are totally prepared for what is coming.

We will now see the murder of Amnon.

Inevitably, modern translations must take over. Bob reads the KJ so that those who are tenacious in following a failed translation will know where we are.

Piel perfect of tsawah; the conspiracy was worked out before the guests arrived. The imperfect. Observe. Bob talks about this piece of junk gun, so inaccurate, Bob would just as soon have a slingshot. Model 94.

So they all come to the bbq to drink and socialize, and obviously, they did not come armed. The servants will be armed. That is customary. Observe when Amnon gets high on wine. Wine is to be drunk over conversation. It is best to let is sit for awhile and open up, unless it is Mogan David, and it will never open up. Amnon was a fast and heavy drinker; and he was an obnoxious drunk.

All of the king’s sons will see Amnon cut down before them. Old obnoxious will be right on time, and the command to kill will be given. We will note the most famous 100 mile mule race in history.

Being an arrogant ass, he is the first one drunk at any party. Amnon was usually alert to antagonism. Amnon was an obnoxious loud drunk. Bob has dusted his knuckles on a few of them, he is sorry to say. It is not even good practice. If you are a loud, obnoxious drunk, then you ought to get on the wagon and stay there.

Absalom has his servants wait until Amnon is noisy and obnoxious. Everyone will be watching Amnon, as he is the crown prince. So the servants needs to watch and listen to him.

The signal would be verbal.

Never bbq pig at a Jewish party; except here, for Absalom. This is murder with some of the drama which will be discussed later in awe. A strong stupid bodyguard is like walking around with the enemy.

This is the Bible and this is narrative. Commentaries often summarize this chapter with a sentence.

Absalom’s Potential

1.       Absalom had a good sense of drama. He is a mature believer at this time, and in interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       Absalom had the most fantastic potential to be the king. Being in interlocking systems of arrogance neutralized this potential. The staging here and the manner in which he accomplished all of this indicates tremendous ability, albeit misguided. Someone will tell you, you have a beautiful face; or that you are talented or smart. Bob can even see the phenomenal talent that some of us have. However, all of this talent and potential greatness is neutralized the day you enter into interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Everyone will be outside standing around and drinking, and when Amnon has thoroughly disgusted the guests, that is when Absalom will have his servants strike. Absalom wants everyone to see what a disgusting louse Amnon is.

Jackson had a great plan, but the execution was not good, as he was dealing with green troops. It was a single envelopment concept, they were on the attack, etc. Great ideas. The Japanese attack on lady Gault was brilliant, but it would not work.

This is a party that no one would forget. How old fathead got drunk and about his obscene remarks, and Absalom with his flashing red hair and flashing eyes yell, “Kill him!” and blood flew everywhere. This story would be told for years. What he is doing is unjustified and evil, but memorable.

Being dramatic is no good if you are stupid. But Absalom had a flair for doing things in a memorable way. He does the wrong thing here in the wrong way but it is well remembered. The guests will all remember this. Some of the bastard sons may have been pretty gutsy, but the princes were a pack of yellow dogs. In time to come, they would embellish this. At the moment, however, they are going to be horrified guests.

Why didn’t Absalom kill Amnon himself? He is duplicating David’s murder or Uriah. As far as Absalom is concerned, he would not dirty his hands with the lily livered son-of-a-bitch. It is the job of the servants to carve him up. Absalom did not want to dirty his hands with this pig. This would be a duplication of Uriah the Hittite.

The problem is, maybe the ranch hands would get chicken-hearted. So, Absalom needs to get them ready with a little courage.

Absalom can tell that his servants are uptight. We get a brief summary, but he no doubt had to talk about courage and explain courage. We know it is the ability to think under pressure. Moral courage is the greatest. He is commanding them to have courage; they are concerned about the repercussions. Their courage will be based upon someone else taking responsibility for their actions.

An old friend of Bob’s who did not like hurting or killing people; but he was fine with it, as long as someone else gave the orders. So he kept himself as a low rank. He could only do that as a private. There is a courage which is taken when someone else takes the responsibility for the action. It is easy for some people to exhibit courage because they will do whatever they have to do without thinking. People can be courageous and carry on, provided that they do not have to think.

Do not ever accept authority if you are afraid of consequences. Some people cannot handle authority. They have nervous breakdowns with authority.

2Sam. 13:28 Then Absalom [previously] commanded his servants, "Mark [Observe] when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I say to you, 'Strike Amnon,' then kill him. Do not fear; have I not commanded you? Be courageous and be valiant [become sons of valor]."

Absalom would have been a great king; a chip of the old block, but he was arrogant; Satan started in arrogance and the Angelic Conflict was on. The arrogance complex in all of its seed form was in Satan when he said, “I will be like the Most High God.” Arrogance spoils everything that it touches.

When hiring, if you could distinguish between those inside and outside of the arrogance complex, you know those outside are teachable. The others are dishonorable and will make more trouble than we can imagine.

Absalom will serve up Amnon as pig on a spit. It is still unjustifiable. Bob is not condoning violence or revenge as a solution to anything. All of that ability all of that genius; the whole thing goes down the drain. We are all human. It was not Absalom’s intention to hide the fact that he was responsible for Amnon’s death. He will shout the command, and then his servants will act. By taking the law into his own hands, Absalom was revealing his arrogance. Now, defending oneself against criminals, killing is the order of the day. Absalom is playing god by executing Amnon. God has the right to deal with Amnon. Absalom is human and will deal with human revenge. Human revenge is no substitute for God’s justice. All forms of lawlessness are arrogant and all attempts to punish these apart from the law are arrogance. The mob which lynches a horse thief are as evil as the criminal. Justice is distorted when arrogance is dishing out that justice. Our courts keep pushing criminals back out onto the streets. Arrogance cannot properly deal with arrogance. Absalom will take the full responsibility for the killing of Amnon, but he is being arrogant.

This is David’s 3rd installment of discipline. David did not murder Uriah directly, but had others do his dirty work for him. The prophecy of Nathan is fulfilled and the 3rd installment of discipline is fulfilled.

2Sam. 13:29 So the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom had commanded. Then all the king's sons arose, and each mounted his mule and fled.

2Samuel 13:29                                     72David                                              631_0310

We are about to launch into our study of murder. We will see murder on an international scale. Terrorism is the order of the day; we have an ambassador being held by a terrorist right now.

For a hundred years, a wonderful nation was built up, Rhodesia, and then the Blacks came along and, aided by the US, are taking it over. Look for lying and stealing by this Marxists. Businesses will be destroyed and people will be murdered. Terrorists will be brought in from other countries. Black people are completely incapable of rule. In the past 4000 years, 2 men in the US have succeeded, Booker T. Washington and George Carver. They were free of arrogance and they had a sense of responsibility. Bob predicts great destruction for Zimbabwe. Bob mentions the total inablity of Black mayors and representatives, and no Black mayor has done a good job.

Martin Luther King was an opportunist and up to his ears in interlocking systems of arrogance. The US continues it stupidity. We are about to send billions of dollars to Nicaragua, which is a communist country.

You do not get things by violence. The Black people have threatened violence and the coward in the White House backs off and shakes in his boots. The Ku Klux Klan was started by two Christian men to protect white women after the civil war (that is not its function today).

Our new police chief is being objected to, and he is a good man and he will be a great chief of police.

The tragedy is, there is no racial issue in this country. We have white trash all over this country; and black, brown and red trash as well. We have all of these because we no longer have establishment authority. In other countries, we have illegitimate people taking over with the help of the United States. National arrogance is the order of the day. We cannot recognize divine establishment.

There is more homosexual violence today than ever before. Crime is rampant and that indicates that there is no authority left today.

Then we have the arrogance of the unions. Bob is not pro or con for any of these things; he just mentions this because we are in trouble.

He has never seen so many idiotic ideas. Everyone has seem to forgotten that the whole basis for the laws of divine establishment is authority and discipline; and therefore, there is less freedom in the United States today than when King George was passing the Stamp Act. Even good things turn sour.

Our hockey team beating the Russian pros, and then throwing their hocky sticks around. No poise. The scumbum who makes a touchdown and then does a dance in the end zone. Talented athletes who are arrogant evil scum. It knows no racial bounds, no social levels.

The interest rate climbed up to 17¼% today. No matter what your race, if you have believed in Jesus Christ, then God has a plan for you. If you are here tonight and Black, your own people will persecute you unmercifully; same for whites. You have become a spiritual minority. Your only defense and protection is the wall of fire. It is logistical grace. It is our protection.

The Valdencians and the Hugonots were killed by the government and . Or other countries where the Muslims came in on one side and the Roman Catholics on the others. You may have to memorize a couple of hymns so that you can sing them on the way to your execution.

Some of you will renounce your faith in Jesus Christ; and when asked about attending Berachah, you will say you attended as a spy. Bob is trying to condition us in our thinking and what is coming is violence. As in our passage, revolution is on its way; violence is on its way. Criminals are on the streets; it will come sooner or later.

There is a regime up in Washington. Carter is called the bionic woman. We have an Alice in Wonderland administration. We have supported communist regimes with taxpayer’s money. It is being used for evil.

No liberal jackass has ever given you any freedom; they have taken it from you.

There is no place ot run. There is simply the doctrine you have and what the Lord wants to do with you.

2Sam. 13:28 Then Absalom [previously] commanded his servants, "Mark [Observe] when Amnon's heart is merry with wine, and when I say to you, 'Strike Amnon,' then kill him. Do not fear; have I not commanded you? Be courageous and be valiant [become sons of valor]."

to manufacture something out of something else. Absalom gave the command, and they took that and hacked Amnon to death.

David has demonstrated great courage in every combat situation and in every other part of life. How can such a courageous man have 50 cowardly sons? They panicked and ran. Where did the genes go wrong? The sons of David are cowards. They are cowards because of interlocking systems of arrogance. Not one of them lifted a finger. Amnon had no friends. He is going to die and he has not one friend to lift a finger to help him. He had more power and authority than anyone else in Israel, apart from David. Hehad no honor, no integrity, no sympathy, nothing to recommend him as a friend. Interlocking systems of arrogance destroyed everything which would cause people to love you or admire you.

Nearly everyone here has a friend. Through doctrine you have the capacity for friendship, for empathy for sensitivity for thoughtfulness. One of the worst things is for someone to die without a friend. It is possible the David was Amnon’s friend. But David loved an empty shell of a man. He was a coward. He was cruel, shallow, he raped women.

Absalom will be said to be the handsomest man of his day. He did not have a feature that was wrong.

God even has a plan for ugly macho. God tolerates much more than Bob would He is so gracious to all of us.

Rank, greatness, success and Amnon, in interlocking systems of arrogance, had a way of rubbing his greatness and power into others the wrong way.

All of this adds up to, everyone but David agrees that Amnon needs killing that that it is long overdue. This does not justify this act of violence. Assassination does not solve problems. Most of the royal family were upset that Amnon had not been arrested and tried. They did not care that Amnon, a known-rapist, walked the streets without problem. They blamed David for this. The seeds of revolution were planted across the land because of this.

Manipulative power is the con man; exploitative power is the gun man. Jonadab has used manipulative power; Amnon used exploitative.

Jonadab will go through the market place and spread the rumor that all of the king’s sons have been killed. When this gets to castle |ion, he tears off his clothes. Then he rolls around. Everyone else tears their clothes too. Then Jonadab walks in, without torn clothes. This is not in the English. He’ll say, “Only Amnon is killed; Absalom did it.” This time, David will not be a dupe.

In the meantime, in come the mule racers, and they will weep and cry and tear up their own clothes. David will roll and cry; it will be a big crybaby scene over a jerk; over a nothing.

Amnon is a believer. How different is he from believers around Berachah?

Loss of control over his family will result in a loss of control over the nation. When a person makes mistakes with his family, he will make the same mistakes in his business, his battalion, etc.

People in a mob often take on the characteristics of the mob. That means rejecting doctrine and establishment. It is a rejection of everything worthwhile.

The panic is manifest in qum. Hophal. It is to be motivated to run; caused to get up and move out. Not one of them stops to think. 50 sons among them and they cannot think. If you cannot think under pressure, you are a coward.

Rebound is thinking. You use your various rationales under the stages of the faith rest drill. Cowardice is the inability to think under pressure.

It was about 100 miles to get to Jerusalem. Absalom’s bodyguards did to Amnon what he told them to do. They were under his authority without fear. Each one was filled with panic, so each one hopped on his mule and fled.

It is forbidden in the law to have cross-bred animals. These mules were sterile. Horses and mules brought into Israel from the Hurrians (from Turkey).

2Sam. 18:9 and some other passages indicate that mules were used for royalty. Today used as pack animals, but not as often then.

Mules are strange animals. They are not subject to authority without a great deal of violence being applied. For this reason, they were forbidden by the Law. The mule does not respond to authority.

When Bob was an officer in the cavalry. You never know when a mule will get an attack of anti-authority. “Reminds me of some women I have met.” someone said.

The combination of the horse and the ass irons away any hope of authority. All the king’s sons panicked. They heard the word kill, but thought that it might have included them, not hearing the word Absalom.

Vigilante justice is no justice at all.

2Sam. 13:29 So the servants of Absalom did to Amnon as Absalom had commanded. Then all the king's sons arose [were moved with panic], and each mounted his mule and fled.

2Samuel 13:29–32                               72David                                              631_0311

WSJ Irving Kristol article. Some authoritarian governments govern with some respect for the law; others are petty, narrow and indifferent to their nation’s future. Simosa is one of the better ones. It is a mistake to think that all peoples everywhere are entitled to a constitutional government. We constant find ourselves in moral dilemmas and they are guilt-inducing policies. We have used our power to destroy freedom throughout the world and to hand over so many people to slavery under communism.

Woodrow Wilson had his head in the clouds or somewhere else.

100 mile race out of there, away from Absalom’s ranch.

Principles of Absalom’s Killing of Amnon

1.       2 wrongs do not make a right. Rom. 12:19

2.       Only the arrogant try to solve a wrong with another wrong. It is one of the signs of interlocking systems of arrogance or an arrogance hangover.

3.       Add wrong to wrong and you intensify the problems. When you are taking revenge, you are never in the plan of God.

4.       Revolution was coming to Israel. Absalom becomes the front for the coming revolution. There are malcontents who are in the process of being pulled together by Ahithophel. Absalom will be the rallying point.

5.       The conspirators were looking for someone to be their point man. Absalom’s murder of Amnon will unite these groups and he will become an instant hero to many of the malcontents.

6.       Absalom is a strong man with great leadership ability and potential. But his potential was destroyed and leadership neutralized in interlocking systems of arrogance. He will remain there for the rest of his life. He has the greatest leadership ability in his generation and he will be duped and used by arrogant conspirators. Manipulation is the con man. He will react to his father’s half-forgiveness at another time. David failed to prosecute Amnon for the rape of Tamar, which

There is a false rumor. “Absalom has killed all of the king’s sons.” We would say, “Meanwhile, back at the castle.” The rumor precedes the arrival of the sons.

Why is the rumor in the Word of God?

Somehow, when they were on the road, there was a rumor that came to David. Now, they are driving fast and how did this rumor come to David even before they leave? Jonadab had spies at the bbq, and he starts the rumor when they return that all of the king’s sons have been murdered. Jonadab knows the truth.

A rumor is a story not yet authenticated. It is easy to tell a lie. People believe many things because they want to belelve it. Once they have rejected the truth, they are not even remotely interested in the truth.

Jonadab wrote the scenarios of evil for the crown prince while he still lived. He used this assassination for his own advancement.

Some people tried to do this after the assassination of President Kennedy and they would go through a certain amount of breast beating. Jonadab is that type of person. He has planted a spy at the ranch and has used a faster system of communication.

Jonadab was smart enough not to attend this party. If you die without one friend, you have either lived the most wonderful separated life or you have died a horse’s ass going to heaven.

We will find out that Amnon is a believer.

Jonadab is the rat who deserted the sinking ship. When someone no longer has any use for you, they will turn against you.

Don’t ask a guy, “Are you in interlocking systems of arrogance?” “No I’m not.”

Let’s see if we can reconstruct this. Jonadab has someone at the ranch and he had to have a relay system, and he needed to be the first person to get this news.

News reporters today use the news to feather their own nest. They do not tell you that Carter was responsible for getting the Shah out of Iran, but they did not tell you this.

Carter was frustrated over his energy program is being laughed at in Congress, so that he is causing a gas crisis. The news is not telling about the poison gas being used on the Kurds (Bob says it is the Russians). They don’t tell you that Rhodesian set up a great government and Blacks are treated better there than here. There will eventually be a steel curtain between north and South America. The news knows all of these things, but they do not tell us.

Having started the rumor, Abinadab had to get back to tell David before the king’s sons returned.

Jonadab and Building Happiness on Someone Else’s Unhappiness

1.       Arrogance is totally indifferent about the feelings of others. Arrogant people wear their feelings on their sleeves.

2.       A rumor that Absalom killed all the king’s sons would tear David apart emotionally. This rumor would hurt David. Jonadab is thinking all about his own promotion. He does not care how much the king is hurt. Arrogant people, in their egocentricity, are irresponsible when it comes to the thoughts and emotions of others.

3.       Jonadab is totally indifferent to the misery that he causes others as long as it means gain to him. Communism is a totally arrogant system, but all forms of liberalism are arrogance.

4.       Jonadab gained from planning the rape of Tamar. Now he seeks to gain from the murder of Amnon. Arrogant people are always concerned about their own success and promotion. No matter who is hurt in their advance, they never lose track of themselves.

5.       Therefore, those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance seek to build their power and happiness upon the unhappiness of others. Some people are promoted in the military in this way. In all the services, this is happening. Divorces because people are made to work too many hours. A system has been devised that make officers look good on paper even though they have screwed over everyone below them. It is true as much socially as it is in business or any other situation in life. You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.

The arrogant SOB who lets a woman fall in love with him, and throws her out when he comes across someone better. Or throwing out an old wife for someone who is younger and newer, like Clark Gable. It caught up to him. Arrogant people say, “I want it when I want it, and I want it now.” Arrogance always despises those who are used. Once they have used you and no longer need you, then they will despise you.

2Sam. 13:30 While they were on the way [in transit], news [a rumor] came to David, "Absalom has struck down all the king's sons, and not one of them is left."

Now we have the royal reaction. The king gets up in shock. He falls on the floor and moans and groans. The rest of the court also began to tear their clothes. This is a big court, an opulent court, and the king only is allowed to get on the floor. Court protocol requires that the others tear their clothes. Soon the court is in shreds.

David then stands, and he looks up, and he sees Jonadab, and his clothes are not torn up. He not only heard the news, but he made the news up. He won’t take credit for that. He will take credit for bringing in the true report. He is trying to gain the patronage of David. If David makes him any sort of promotion, then David should not be king.

The king obviously believes this rumor. What the king should have is facts, and he has no facts. He has not made any inquiries. He’s not thinking. He has an instant reaction force, and they need to be sent up there to see what is going on.

David is beat down due to failure, and you are inclined to believe the worst things. So his action is that he believes a false rumor without checking it out. For those of you who will be in charge of any organization, or have any responsibility or authority in life. The worst thing to do is to assume any rumor or bad news is true. Check it out. Hear the facts. If you have to believe something, believe some verses; use some doctrinal rationales.

David’s royal staff tore up their clothes too, but they are not allowed to get on the floor with the king.

David, in this area of discipline, is naive and stupid. He should have questioned Amnon’s request, and brought him to the King’s palace and taken care of him there. David probably knows that there are a 1000 people who can cook better than Tamar. There is a time to be suspicious and a time not, but better to be suspicious than sorry. Criminals can walk into any congregation in the world and say they have turned over a new leaf. When a criminal needs a good reference, they’ll go to a church to get a good reference.

David is manipulated for the ranch party list. His batting average is incest and frantricide. The 2nd and 3rd installments of discipline. There are many types of suffering. Of his own free will, David is the instrument by which his daughter Tamar was raped and Amnon was murdered. Being gracious and being a sucker are 2 different things. Being a sucker is being duped by an arrogant evil criminal. We have all been taken it at one time or another. But, after this, no more (it says here in fine print). It is easy to con grace oriented people. Grace function always walk the extra mile. You need to rightly divide the Word of Truth so you know who to hang with and not. Don’t be taken in by these people. They will hit you in the name of grace. “You are not very gracious.” Every woman who has said, “I’m a grace gal” is evil and most are gone. Better I hear, “Hey man.”

2Sam. 13:31 Then the king arose and tore his garments and lay on the earth. And all his servants who were standing by tore their garments.

Jonadab seeks to exploit this. The royal reaction is instant grief without the facts. Is David’s problem that he realizes what a lousy father he has been? As soon as he finds out it is just one, then he goes into a tizzy. Bob suspects and arrogance hangover. It all hit the fan. He decided he might as well do it up right, now that he got started.

Maybe you got caught in a mistake, and maybe you pretend like it never happened or you look wistfully heavenward.

Bob will make some mistake and call himself every thing in the world, and they look up, and then return to their dog dreams. But when you are surrounded by a magnificent audience. David is in court and he has made a fool of himself. David could have written, “Total fool.” Whatever you are doing, you keep doing it. If you are staring at the ceiling, you keep doing that. David is really in it. He is caught with egg on his face. He got where he is by never having egg on his face. Now he has done a very stupid thing. Bob wonders if presidents ever react that way. They do something wrong, so they just keep on doing that. That is why we keep getting into such terrible jams.

Once you make a mistake, or sin, or fail; just rebound, get up, wipe your eyes, and move on. Walk out.

When you fail and everyone knows you have failed and you go off half cocked, then get up and rebound and go on. Arrogance just says, cover it up; make it up. Bob was delighted in WWII that they had WACS. He had a Wac chauffeur. But a woman in combat is a disgrace to a nation. Bob can understand women fighting if a nation is overrun, but a woman in combat is mixed up. They do not belong in combat. Even when a woman trains in combat, it is ludicrous. It is horrible beyond description. We recognize homosexuals, and listen to evil suggestions and follow them in politics. It is horrible.

Women can do all kinds of support positions, which gets more men into combat

2Sam. 13:32 But Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David's brother, said, "Let not my lord suppose that they have killed all the young men, the king's sons, for Amnon alone is dead. For by the command of Absalom this has been determined from the day he violated his sister Tamar.

2Samuel 13:32                                     72David                                              631_0312

Bob started on time, which made everyone late. Thursday nights, the ladies are restless. So, Bob takes the time to announce about keeping quiet.

Some time or another, you are going to bump into a Jonadab in this life. This life is filled with Jonadab’s and they have great personalities and they are successful in this or that area, but they are personality peddlers or con-artists.

One of the greatest believers of all time, while in spiritual maturity, is taken in (David). If the mature believer can be taken in by Jonadab, then those who are immature, much more so.

There is only one true shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. There are so many things to learn. Sometimes greatness in business or in a profession or even in social life, are measured in terms of Jonadab testing.

The very thing which makes us strong, honor and integrity, also makes us weak. We assume that everyone who is nice and well-mannered and uses a holy vocabulary, we assume that they are also honest and have integrity too, and that is not true.

God gives us probably 3 chances with the Jonadab personality, and after 3, He penalizes us. This is where David learns and he will not be taken in by this master con-artist. Being a believer in Jesus Christ, means you will get some tests in this area. If Bob knew then what he does now, Bob would have figured this out. Some used a holy vocabulary in order to put one over on him.

If you feel you are going to be sick, sit by an exit.

The con artist makes certain allegations and we accept it as true. Jonadab is an actress. Sarah Bernhart is one of the greatest actresses of all time?

vv. 32–33 are Jonadab’s contrivances. The doubling of this word indicates a function of deceit or evil. This is preparing us for how a con-artist works. Shimeah is the older brother of David. When Samuel came to Shimeah and wanted to anoint him king, God said no. He was #3 in line. Samuel wanted to anoint all 6 of Jesse’s sons.

David did have a sister, and her name was Zeruiah. She is the mother of 3 great soldiers. Asahel, Abishai and Joel. Out of the children, and Jesse had 10 children that we know of. 7 sons and 2 daughters, and Zeruiah was one of the great women of her generation. All of the greatness does not belong to the male. Zeruiah and Tamar are 2 of the greats. Zeruiah raised 3 sons and raised them wonderfully. Rare that this can be done and for these sons to grow up as men and not feminized. She was a widow early in life. It is very rare for a woman to train sons in the filed of authority and discipline, so that honor becomes the result, but that is exactly what Zeruiah. These men where spiritually great and wonderful military men.

There is a place under the sun for the ladies, and in every generation, there are always a few totally magnificent women.

There are implications of Zeruiah and Tamar, and often, such women are great without a husband, a love life, or a love affair. They are totally divorced from what most women see as important. Women would rather be married than single, even if she is married to the biggest horse’s ass in the world. This amazes Bob. Otherwise, society throws them out.

2 things are boring to others: our pictures of Jerusalem and your pictures of your grandchildren. When a widow raises 3 great sons, it is time for a mother’s day message.

Tamar never had a real sexual experience in her life, apart from rape, and she was great in her generation.

If the wrong man is around, a woman is destroyed. Bitterness is a feminine weakness as well as a male one. A woman being bitter toward a man means implacability. Greatness, success, the Lord’s best for your life, always eludes you.

Because of integrity, because of honor, a woman has the ability to live under conditions which are not always the best, but can handle the greatest disillusion in life, which is living unmarried for life. Women are brought up to think that marriage is the summum bonum of life, and that she will meet Prince Charming and live happily ever after. It is tragic that so many doctrines which are important elude young ladies when they still have a chance. They get married for the first time and everything hits the fan. The spiritual factor is at risk. Women slide into interlocking systems of arrogance. In that state, one avoids reality.

Tamar and Zeruiah are regarded by society as cripples, as those who do not count, and these are the 2 great women for 3 generations. In many ways, David’s sister was greater than David. Tamar greater than David as well.

In Berachah, spinsters are not regarded as failures and divorced people are not regarded as failures. Sex, instead of being wonderful, is a distraction to the wonderful things of life. Not that there is anything wrong with sex, think of all the terrible things that can happen to you because you are blind to it.

Bob saw a marvelous German Shepherd, and he called to him, and it turns out the owner is blind. He possibly found out that his constant companion was a beautiful dog.

There are some magnificent women in Berachah’s congregation. The brother of Jonadab became somewhat of a hero.

David, after 3 shots at it, will finally resist. Bob was really delighted; he would have toasted him, if he could have.

Shimeah had been rejected to rule over Israel. He had a good son and an evil son? Jonadab wrote the script for the rape of Tamar. There are families where it is one for all and all for one. That is adolescent malarkey. If you know someone who distracts you from doctrine, forget it. Often, loyalty to a member of your family who is antagonistic to the Word, will destroy your integrity. Jesus said He came to separate a mother from a son, a father from a daughter. If someone in your family makes you negative toward doctrine, then you are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Whatever talent or ability that you have, it will be destroyed. Family loyalty here could have destroyed David.

Both of these sons have the same genes, so it is not a matter of genes. Jonathan grew step by step, living honorably by joining the army. Jonadab became a con artists. Volition is the first issue.

Bob’s loyalty to his sister set him back in his spiritual life for one year, which was an important year. It is easy to be distracted by those whom you love. This can set you back in the plan of God for your life.

For whatever weaknesses and flaws in the character of Shimeah, his sons did not have to follow in his footsteps. Shimeah was rejected. For a moment, the crown of Israel hovered over his head, and God rejected him. Then, his sons: one a military type and the other, a con artist.

It is volition, not genes, which relates failure to volition. The jussive is used here for correct court procedure. He knows what David has assumed, and he can tell with David and everyone tearing their clothes and robes.

First, there is the false rumor. Then Jonadab comes along and says this is a false rumor and Jonadab walks in. How does he know about the rumor and how does he know that this rumor is false? He has to have information about this, and what led up to it, etc. Apparently, David is figuring that out. He needed to already know about the assassination attempt. He is going to use this assassination attempt to ingratiate himself to David. Apparently, Amnon is too psychotic to control. Jonadab will try to manipulate David rather than Amnon, who is unstable. He expects to be honored by David.

Con Men like Dealing with Stable, Normal People

1.       The contrivance of Jonadab because he speaks to David in un-torn robes.

2.       He watched people, looking at them to figure out who he can work. He was constantly watching people and gathering intelligence about their private lives in order to manipulate or use them or to advance themselves. Such a one is a totally evil person. Some Congressmen are blackmailed in order to get them to vote in such and such a way.

3.       The people who blackmailed are always dishonorable, untrustworthy and involved in criminal arrogance. He is as involved in interlocking systems of arrogance as Amnon or David and his brand is criminal arrogance.

4.       While David did not smell a rat, Jonadab recognize the conspiracy. It takes one to know one. Bob can always smell a dead rat in his periphery. He can smell it any time. But Jonadab could smell a dead rat before the dead rat dies. The rat is dead, long live the rat.

5.       The question arises, why didn’t Jonadab warn his friend the crown prince. Those in interlocking systems of arrogance are unstable and operate under fragmentation.

6.       Jonadab had given up on gaining power through manipulation of Amnon. He is now locked in, in psychotic arrogance.

7.       Whereas David has recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance and is much more stable, Amnon is totally unstable. The con artist knows that his best chance of gain is working on someone who is unstable.

8.       Stabilized people are always the targets for the con artists. They want someone with a stabilized situation, stabilized, wealth, power and authority. That is the only way they can steal part of that. The con artist, who is really a pro, never tries to con an unstable person.

9.       Arrogant people like to con those who are stable, predictable and reliable.

10.     David is easier to manipulate than Amnon. Honorable people are more subject to being conned because they have honor.

11.     Honorable people assume that others have as much integrity as they do. Such people are easily deceived, victims of manipulation and duplicity.

Jonadab had probably a series of riders who got to him quickly with the truth. He began a rumor and then corrected that rumor, in order to impress David with his knowledge and insight. The good con artist uses truth to gain his evil ends. Such people will use Berachah vocabulary in order to deceive. The con artist chooses to use the truth as much as possible. All con artists are liars and they only tell the truth is for better deception. A little truth can deceive people.

Every con artist can slip up. Here, Jonadab messed up. This guy has known for 2 years what Absalom was up to, and now he is telling me about it. A person in interlocking systems of arrogance is too focused on himself to understand what the con artist is saying. We all have limitations. Some have limitations which are higher than others. Sooner or later, a con artist will expose himself. Arrogant people are always followers of a con artist. Only the truth can save them. David was duped by Amnon. He was then duped by Absalom. However, now Jonadab is trying to dupe him, but it is not going to work. David realizes that Jonadab is holding this information back for 2 years in order to exploit it at an opportune time. Clever people are often arrogant people. Sooner or later, they will say something which exposes them. Arrogant people are terrible listeners. David picks up on this, and we never hear from him again. Jonadab does not recognize his limitation here. Every con artist has his own limitation. That requires humility. If you realize that you will only advance so far, then that is sometimes a good system. A caste system or class system. Most do not recognize their limitations, and they spend their whole lives trying to break through a barrier which is beyond their abilities. Staying within your limitation is the best way to be happy. This is what made Victorian England so stable. People did not allow their arrogance to dictate to their ambition. They stayed within the framework of their class. Everyone is not exceptional. We all have limitations, and only arrogance convinces us to go beyond where we ought to go. Liberalism tells us, we are all equal and there is no limitation on our ability. The happiest people in Victorian England were good servants. A good butler, a good valet and a good cook were considered to be extremely valuable. These people were absolutely content. They recognized their own limitations. They did not push their children beyond the capabilities. From their children, they excel. We are suffering from national arrogance. Stability was not trying to be something beyond what you ought to be. It is okay to advance based upon intelligence and hard work. Young people do not work hard any more. Greatest thing for young people is for them to work hard. We need to return to the swear shop where people learn to work hard. Only liberals say the a sweat shop is abuses. They learn the value of hard work and handling money. You achieve through hard work, not getting onto a minority gravy train.

An officer in the army makes a small salary, a bureaucrat on a federal gravy train will be a millionaire. Bob can name junior highs where the principals are intimidated and they are animal farmers. Some would be much better off learning a trade and to develop his happiness within the framework of his abilities. Shortcuts are the long way around. There is no substitute for working within the framework of hard work. In a time when the country is very successful and there is a lot of prosperity, Bob would start a business to perfect the serving class. There is nothing disgraceful about being a servant. The best waiter to a red cap. It isn’t the money, it is the professionalism. He is making more money and ruining himself.

We have about 5 major concepts to develop here, so that will be tomorrow night.

2Sam. 13:32 But Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David's brother, said, "Let not my lord suppose that they have killed all the young men, the king's sons, for Amnon alone is dead. For by the command [mouth] of Absalom this has been determined from the day he violated his sister Tamar.

2Samuel 13:32–33                               72David                                              631_0313

Bob tells them to settle down (politely). Some guy gets hauled in on a trade-out and he glares at Bob. So Bob wants to go down and punch him in the mouth. “I had nothing to do with it.”

Badge and Gun is apparently a magazine put out by the Houston police department. A list of problems which are a result of arrogance. Let us call this an interlocking systems of arrogance. So this was apparently written by a Berachah type. March issue 1980, I think.

Texas Tribune has mostly articles which are related to divine viewpoint.

Jonadab and His Half-truths

1.       We have criminal arrogance here of Jonadab combined with conspiracy arrogance. Only 2 things are true in the report. Amnon is dead and Absalom has fled. Truth is here, but it is distorted. Much of it is a lie. Particularly the attack upon Absalom.

2.       Amnon was killed by the servants of Absalom. Jonadab uses the 3rd person plural of muth. They have killed Amnon. He knows exactly what is going on. He has his own intelligence at the party.

3.       The rest of what Jonadab says is a lie.

4.       It was only after David failed to punish David, that Absalom plotted Amnon’s death.

5.       It was the failure of the king which motivated Absalom to take the law into his own hands. It was the malfunction of royal justice.

6.       Because of polygamy and resultant sexual arrogance, David was a weak father.

7.       The crown prince Amnon was his favorite, and he allowed his personal feelings to trump the law of the land. You cannot allow your personal feelings to overshadow your responsibilities of dispensing justice.

8.       Personally plotting the murder of Amnon.

9.       Malfunction of the king’s justice does not justify what Absalom did. When Absalom entered into interlocking systems of arrogance and disobeyed the concept of justice and divine vengeance.. When you take vengeance into your own hands, heaven is not a reality to you; and you are choosing to take the law into your own hands.

Second Principle

1.       He is not going to mention that Absalom maintained his honor and integrity until the king’s justice failed. Jonadab is only feeding whatever information he believes will make him look good. You avoid people like this like the plague. Bob feels like he is talking to himself from time to time. Someone here went into another person’s business and began to use his tools to repair his own car. “Do you know what that dumb bastard did?” “No, I don’t, but I can guess.” Jonadab spends his life building his happiness on other’s unhappiness. Now he is building his happiness and promotion and success on the unhappiness of Absalom. So many people did not even learn basic manners at home. Manners ought to be taught at home for a reason. Those whole purpose of manners is to think of a woman as something wonderful, someone to live for and to die for. All basic manners teach the concept of the place of the ladies. In our society, the woman is on a pedestal.


3.       Absalom was an honorable man until he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. He reacted to malfunction of the king’s failure to administer justice. Absalom was an honorable man until he became bitter.

4.       Absalom had no right to be bitter, since the Lord is the supreme court judge. God would have judged Amnon Himself. God would have stretched out punishment against Amnon for a longer period of time.

5.       If Berachah Church has a few idiots, then it should not be surprising that heaven is filled with them. Amnon would have suffered a lot more. Absalom reject logistical grace rationale and failed with regards to Amnon. God kept him alive to punish him. You must faith rest when people wrong you. You must faith rest as a part of the logistical grace rationale. Do not interfere with divine justice. Never take revenge. Absalom fails under the 3 parts of the faith rest drill.

6.       He failed to claim the promise of God.

7.       He failed to apply the essence of God rationale and the justice of God is pertinent. He failed to recognize the justice of God rationale and its pertinency.

8.       Instead of being in control of the situation, Absalom, in bitterness, entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. At this time, he was no better than Amnon his victim. The classical illustration is the horse thief being hung. He is a criminal and so are the vigilantes. People become criminals overnight by entering into interlocking systems of arrogance.

9.       It is obvious that Jonadab is trying to make Jonadab look bad in the eyes of the king. Abigail is a magnificent woman. So was her son. They are never even considered. Kiliab is ignored. Absalom is the next one considered. Therefore, Jonadab must do everything he can to gain the attention of the king and then to find a weak sister in the family to manipulate and to appoint him crown prince.

Jonadab wants to be a king maker, and there are people like that. King makers, the power behind the throne, never have to take responsibility for anything which goes wrong, like the king or the president. They have no sense of responsibility. If they make a mistake, whoever is the ruler takes the blame. There are people like this in every large corporation. They make the policy for the business, and if it goes bad, the chairman of the board or the CEO takes the blame. It is a part of the old sin nature to make decisions for an organization and not having to take responsibility for them. Jonadab therefore hopes to gain favor by destroying the reputation of someone else.

Recognize if this is your weakness, recognize when you fall into this, and rebound it immediately. Bob admires the husband who allows his wife to go to church, and he may not even be a believer. He understands establishment and from it, he has capacity for love. That is thoughtfulness of someone besides yourself.

If Bob does not make you feel uncomfortable, then he is not doing his job. He is impervious to threatening looks; he enjoys them sometime and hopes something will come of it. There are a lot of Jonadab’s in this life.

You are never successful if you build your success on the unhappiness of others. If you are unkind to those who work for you, God will probably see that you get a mean labor union in your periphery. You got just exactly what you deserve. You see it everywhere you turn. People who are unfair to employees. People who use others to get somewhere. Clark Gable married a Houston woman about 20 years older than him, and she started him in acting, paid for his acting lessons. Once he made it, he dumped her.

Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, tells David not to presume that all of his sons are dead.

2Sam. 13:32 But Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David's brother, said, "Let not my lord suppose that they have killed all the young men, the king's sons, for Amnon alone is dead. For by the command [mouth] of Absalom this has been determined from the day he violated his sister Tamar.

There is a jussive here. Do not let the king take it to heart this report that all of his sons are dead. This is an idiom for worry. Qal infinitive construct of amar, which can be used for thinking and assuming, rather than just to say.

Jonadab is not there in court by accident. This is consistent with his conspiratorial arrogance. Amnon should have been warned. It was Jonadab who started the false rumor in order to ingratiate himself.

Anything that does not come to you by hard work is not success. God intends for the human race to succeed through hard work, dedication and honor. Everyone wants it on a silver platter. Liberals want it handed to them on a platter.

2Sam. 13:33 Now therefore let not my lord the king so take it to heart as to suppose [lit., to say] that all the king's sons are dead, for Amnon alone is dead."

then there is a phrase in v. 34 which belongs here. “And Absalom fled.” That is a part of what Jonadab is saying.

Jonadab Overdoes it

1.       Like so many arrogant people, Jonadab has overdone it. He is overly confident here.

2.       Jonadab has talked too much and has now betrayed himself. This final detail could only be known by someone who gathered the intelligence from on the scene. He obviously knew that this conspiracy to murder was going on, but he told no one. How does he know anything about this? He had a spy at the bbq.

3.       Jonadab was dishonorable and disloyal. As the subject of a client nation, and as a subject to King David, he is dishonorable and disloyal. Integrity + loyalty = honor. There is loyalty which is fed by integrity. That loyalty is a virtue. If loyalty is in interlocking systems of arrogance or is in conflict with integrity, then that loyalty is evil. Evil loyalty destroys integrity and honor. Loyalty can be a virtue or an evil.

4.       He failed to warn David about the plot and sought to use this conspiracy to advance himself. He was delighted that his friend, the crown prince, was dead. He could not even be counted on for a good conspiracy.

5.       Inordinate arrogance + inordinate ambition = dishonor. In contrast, we see his brother as an honorable and alert guard doing his duty despite disaster.

Bob thinks that this officer on duty is Jonathan, Jonadab’s brother.

No matter how great the disaster, there are always those who carry on. Sooner or later, faithful men with good value will be advanced. God always promotes those who are honorable. Faithful in the little things leads to success in the big things.

There is more to this verse which is not found in the KJV. This man is searching with his eyes, alert to what is going on. He is standing on a parapet facing a road going west. It is his job to watch that mountain. This officer is on duty and looking out, and it is his job to be faithful and keep his eye on what is going on. This man continues to do his job, no matter what the distractions are. We must be alert and we must carry on. No matter what bad news each day brings, we must carry on. There are people who should know better who no longer come to class. They are affected by disaster. Or they have fallen in love with someone on the outside. And then they peel off or they are inconsistent in their intake of Bible doctrine. This man is on the job and he remains alert, despite what is going on.

Discipline and duty orientation of the military makes it possible for these men to do their duty no matter what the political climate. Their job is the function in certain areas. It is always disastrous when the military of any client nation is involved with politics. All of our services must be divorced from politics. Politicians have used the military for social experiments. It is possible to give any minority a fair shake in the service. That minorities arrogant outside of the army are arrogant in the army as well. There are officers who have bent over backwards to make things work for these people. If you cannot make it in the army, you cannot make it in life. It is tragic that the experiment in sociology is taking place. Liberal, evil, dishonorable and without integrity. So while the army is not in politics, politics has attacked the military. The military man is to make do with whatever he has. Their job is to carry on, no matter who is the president or the vice president. It is still the duty of the police officer, firemen and the soldier to carry on and do their duty. They are not to be distracted by what goes on in the outside. Politics is to be the least important; these things demand personal integrity. This kind of a person can be hired by any company and he will do a great job. He has integrity. This is why the former present of Sears Roebuck hired every graduate from West Point (?). Churches can also not get into politics. The national council of churches gets involved in politics big time and many of our lousy policies are from them. It is very difficulty to be in a service organization. They are underpaid, overworked and always unappreciated until this country becomes conservative in its thinking. The soldier will not be appreciated by the general public. It is imperative that we understand and appreciate the concept of service.

So this man is honorable and faithful in the little things. He is probably Jonadab’s brother. He is doing his job as unto the Lord, and therefore has capacity for success.

2Sam. 13:34 But Absalom fled.” And the young man who kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, many people were coming from the road behind him by the side of the mountain.

From the LXX:

2Sam. 13:34 And Absalom escaped. And the watchman lifted up his eyes and looked; and behold, many people went in the way behind him from the side of the mountain in the descent. And the watchman came and told the king, and said, I have seen men by the way of Horonaim, by the side of the mountain.

2Samuel 13:34–36                               72David                                              631_0314

This is a Sunday morning.

Unknown hero in the RAF. He came up with the concept of convoying ships with bombers and made it possible for these ships to get through without casualties. Before WWII, democratic governments tend to spend too little on weapons, and they want to spend a lot of money on social welfare projects. They forget that the most important function of government is to keep its people free. We have no military with which to support the ludicrous foreign policy of Carter. We do not have personnel to man a warship taken out of mothballs. It requires 1500 trained technicians on a battleship, not to be found anywhere in the United States. Because of the antagonism toward the military establishment, the vanity and pride of the people of this country is degeneracy.

The arrogance complex corrupts man more than anything else. Our forefathers founded a nation where the government was not to have any power over free enterprise or over the states, which allowed our country to become great. We have lost all of this through arrogance; federal control and bureaucracy.

Crime out of control is a great contributor to revolution.

David’s failure in jurisprudence was a major part in causing the revolution.

Bob chews out the ladies.

Back to v. 28: mules were used them for transport of royalty because of their stability and ability to deal with mountains and rough terrain.

And Absalom has fled belongs with the report of Jonadab to David.

There was a young guard on duty, and he is observant and on the job. Men are not mature until they are 40 and women when they are 30. Part of this is because we do not have universal military training. Happiness orientation and orientation to life. This guard is the brother of Jonadab, which is something Bob has determined. Jonadab started the rumor and then corrected the rumor. Jonadab had a spy at the ranch, and he went into operation, setting up a relay of horse riders, which brought him the information. He knew something was going to happen there. He knew Absalom anger; he recognized that.

2Sam. 13:34 But Absalom fled.” And the young man who kept the watch lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, many people were coming from the road behind him by the side of the mountain.

From the LXX:

Jonadab apparently timed this just so that he would be in the palace with David when the sons of David show up riding their mules.

Most military men are working 12–14 hours a day, 6 and 7 days a week, so this requires great dedication.

There is loyalty as an evil and loyalty as a virtue, and it all depends upon integrity. If integrity feeds loyalty, the loyalty is virtuous; if there is a conflict between loyalty and virtue, the loyalty becomes evil.

There is not honor or integrity to fulfill the constitution today. Our constitution requires honor and integrity on the part of every person.

The watchman is doing his work the hard way, honorably doing his duty. He is poised and alert. Jonadab is evil and conniving. Jonadab seeks promotion and reward while the young soldier is simply doing his duty without expectation of reward.

The guard officer comes in and tells David that there are a bunch of people coming down the mountainside. They are riding their mules at a breakneck speed down the mountain side and everyone of these princes wanted to be the first with the news to David. Perhaps they were thinking like Jonadab. They would gain the patronage of David, they think, if they tell him about Absalom and Amnon. Amnon is dead, so he is no longer first in line; and Absalom is out of the running because of his killing of Amnon.

2Sam. 13:34 And Absalom escaped. And the watchman lifted up his eyes and looked; and behold, many people went in the way behind him from the side of the mountain in the descent. And the watchman came and told the king, and said, I have seen men by the way of Horonaim, by the side of the mountain.

Jonathan was a great counselor, a scribe. If Jesus Christ does not promote you, you are not promoted. Faithfulness in the little things means being promoted to greater authority. You need that sense of integrity and sense of working hard and faithfulness.

Jonadab attempts one more time to con the king. “Check it out, just like I told you, so it happened.”


1.       Interlocking systems of arrogance is characterized by inordinate ambition. Amnon, once he was in, was guilty of mental arrogance, with negative volition arrogance, with conspiracy arrogance, etc. God would have destroyed him, except for Absalom. Everyone wants to be appointed to a position of success without working up to it. People want rights today without earning them. The right of franchise, for instance. The franchise is limited to responsible people. Our forefathers limited voting to property owners and military men. Today, we have teens, college students, minorities who understand nothing of our country’s history, etc. If Jimmy decided to declare war,

Voters today are irresponsible. They vote emotionally or they vote for their own pocketbook. The 2 ladies who were not interested, the problem today is irresponsible men.

We are a nation of arrogant people. Our foreign policy is total arrogance and irresponsibility. Ambition versus inordinate ambition is the different between arrogance and humility. Eisenhower is a man of great humility and he came up through hard work. He had great personal moral courage. If Ike was in the last 2 terms of the WH, we would be 1000% better off. The job of the president is not where everything ought ot be done. Executive decisions is not where everything is done. Ike had the courage to do nothing. By playing golf, he was one of the greatest presidents. Cal Coolidge was also a great president. His hobby was traveling.

Jonadab was seeking patronage of the king.

Most ministers try to be successful through conniving and trickery. Jonadab is a schemer and an intriguer. Those who take short cuts never find the right road. The wrong way to anything is to take a short cut. Jonadab does have great talent and ability, but it will never be used.

David’s nephews were interesting, like Zeruiah’s nephews. But there is Jonadab. Jonathan and Joab are greater than any of David’s sons. He found greater talent and ability in his 3 nephews. They followed the laws of establishment. They took in doctrine. They had the function of the honor code which is unbeatable in life. Those who take shortcuts never find the right road. Or if they get on the right road, they find themselves too far behind.

Jonadab is pointing out that he was right, and no one else was. Notice, I was right and everyone else was wrong.

Jonadab overplayed his hand. David recognizes that he is the schemer, that he could have stopped this murder, but he did not. Investigation as to the source of the rumor. Immediately, Jonadab mentioned to the king, just as I said, it has come to pass.

2Sam. 13:35 And Jonadab said to the king, "Behold, the king's sons have come; as your servant said, so it has come about."

The KJ is never accurate. This will be the last time Jonadab is mentioned. That means, he had no meaningful part in the history and government of Israel. David struck twice, but then hit. Amnon getting David to cause Tamar to feed him was the 1st strike; then the 2nd strike was Absalom asking for David to send all the bros up for a bbq.

A courtroom case when David forgot about the victim and decided to be nice to the criminal. This is why there are criminals on the street. When crime is encouraged, the next step is revolution. There was no revolutionary war in 1775; you cannot put that kind of spin on it. That was the first American war for independence. Second one was in 1860. Arrogant always accept more responsibility than they can handle. They do not know their own limitations. There is the legitimate power of free enterprise. We have all kinds of legitimate power, and this power is destroyed by arrogance.

Arrogance always fades under the concept, sic transit gloria munde; the Roman emperor in a great parade and prisoners captured would be in this procession, and he would go through the streets of Rome. However, there would be a man whispering this into his ear. “So the glory of the world passes away.” This is one of Rome’s greatest services. Someone should have stood next to Jonadab and whispered this into his ear as well.

Let’s assume all the brothers have about the same talent and ability; one worked hard and he succeeded because of motivation and integrity. If you are able to con someone then you lose respect for that person.

The king’s sons have lost their poise and they are hypocritical. Amnon is quite despised by his brothers. Interlocking systems of arrogance have destroyed his capacity for love and life. Many people destroy their own capacity for what they want in life. All of these things are denied if you lack the capacity.

These boys do not even take care of the mules. They have been on a 100 mile race, and not one of them sees to his own animal.

All of these young men are concerned about their place and who would be next in line. This was a power struggle. They each were trying to impress David, the only one with any power. Everyone is trying to impress David. He truly loved his son Amnon, and he may be the only one who did.

Crown prince is the heir apparent, the next in line. Amnon was the only pig bbq’ed on a Jewish ranch. David in arrogance is vulnerable to manipulation to delegating power to incompetent people. Then there are those who want to manipulate others; to be king-makers.

Many presidents have made bad decisions based upon bad advice. However, we only see the president; we have no idea who their advisor is.

The palace of David is in an uproar, only partially because of the death of Amnon; but mostly because his other sons are now jockeying to be next in line. Jonadab uses the rational approach and his other sons use the emotional approach.

Absalom leaves his ranch and crosses over the border into the Hurrian empire. Absalom has the greatest potential, but Solomon succeeded. He would succeed, fail and then succeed. The great people are some of his nephews, and Tamar; but not David’s sons. They almost all suffer the tragic flaw, which could be David’s inattention. He is a weak father, due to sexual arrogance. As a weak father, he failed to rule his family. As a weak father, David successfully ruled Israel. However, he was unable to control his family. Some men use brutal force to control their women, but that is evil. The secret to controlling a woman is having her love you. She must admire and respect you.

If all the conquests in the locker room are true...

David ruled the nation but he did not rule his family. If you allow your family to grow up without controlling them, then you must try to execute them. David did not control his wives or his mistresses or his children. For instance, you never allow a child to maltreat dogs or horses. “I don’t think I’d get upset if someone maltreated a cat.”

The maudlin scene of hypocritical lamentation is actually David reaping what David sowed. This is a result of David’s own failure. Seeing all those grown men crying must have been disgusting. This is all put on; it is hypocrisy. David’s grief is genuine. Every court, every bureaucracy, whose quest for power is divorced from hard work and honor. They substitute conspiracy, hypocrisy; just as the samurai bows and smiles and hates you; they are just as hypocritical.

David will transfer his affections to Absalom. Everyone hated Amnon, but only Absalom was willing to admit to his true feelings. David looks at these sons and realizes that he had raised a bunch of vain imbeciles. “There is only one honest son in the whole pack, Absalom.” He will vacillate here. He will hate him on one day and make him his favorite the next. Before an arrogance hangover, David will fail dramatically. Only Absalom had the courage to do anything about it.

2Sam. 13:36 And as soon as he had finished speaking, behold, the king's sons came [arrived] and lifted up their voice and wept. And the king also and all his servants wept very bitterly.

2Samuel 13:36–37                               72David                                              631_0315

When Berachah was built, there was nothing there. There was a drive in theater over Bob’s shoulder. They built a sewer from Berachah to Richmond. Then the barracks and they put them into the sewer. So someone dug a big hole right there and poured thousands of pounds of cement for a foundation; and, for that reason, there is no sewage system at Berachah. Nursery and prep school will be temporarily closed, and we will give others the opportunity to stir the pot and see if we can get some action. 56:42 left.

We’re not interested in selling Berachah Church. Bob has gone through one move with the church, and it was problematic, and doctrine was not nearly as important as geography (for son).

Back to v. 34. The sons of the king came in and wept with a great weeping.

The maudlin scene of hypocritical lamentation falls on David for his weakness as a father. David’s grief is genuine, but the grief of his other sons is, at best, sympathetic; and, at worst, an attempt to gain David’s favor. There are always a certain number of arrogant and ambitious people. These ingrates substitute conspiracy, hypocrisy, manipulation and deception for honesty. David will come to realize that all of his sons hated Amnon, but Absalom was the only person to express how he really felt. So David will rite off the others as failures. Only Absalom had the guts to do anything, and David loved Absalom for that. This is why David will come around to Absalom as his favorite.

The purpose of the Law is to provide freedom for everyone in the nation, and, at the same time, to protect from anarchy and vigilantism.

Bob is impressed with those who are able to cry at will or express great happiness, apropos to the situation, and to do this for some nefarious reason.

To know Amnon was to hate him, and these people weeping in the palace knew Amnon very well. It is not the tears which count, but the motivation behind the tears.

2Sam. 13:36 And as soon as he had finished speaking, behold, the king's sons came [arrived] and lifted up their voice and wept. And the king also and all his servants wept very bitterly.

4 Categories of Weeping in the Palace

People cry for a lot of reasons. Women cry to get their way. Some to get sympathy.

1.       Those who mourn the death of Amnon, King David and his mother. This woman would be sad that she would lose her power and influence in the palace. She wept partially because he was such a fool and he is deserting her in this way.

2.       Those who grieve for David and were mourning out of compassion and respect for David. This is a legitimate reason for grief. Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.

3.       Those who are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance and were putting on a show to gain the favor of the king. That is illegitimate.

4.       Those who were frustrated by the death of Amnon, which includes Jonadab.

Obviously, not all of this weeping is legitimate. In the 1st cycle of discipline, a lot of people will cry because they lose things. Others will cry because they are patriotic and they see their country as going under. Others will cry because their loved ones will be lost. We could be in the war by the end of this year and we will see our armed forces take great losses. Some wept when they saw the American flag being used for garbage. Some weep for selfish reasons and others for bonafide reasons.

Jonadab is in interlocking systems of arrogance. He weeps because there is no one to manipulate; no one to con; no victims who have power who will fall for his cons.

If you were to die tonite, would anyone truly weep for you? Would anyone miss you? Would anyone care? It is an awesome thought to think that you have lived in interlocking systems of arrogance and at your death, no one would care. There is no true friendship here. Imagine going through your entire life and never having a real friend.

Arrogance is not only weakness, but it is a place of being deceived. David has great power in the land, but his power has been used by others for evil schemes. Jonadab is trying to use David’s power as the man behind the scenes, the advisor to the king.

Ritual without reality can be evil. Jonadab is crying, and it is due to frustration. His plan has not worked out the way he expected it to.

The scene of the weeping now changes to the flight of Absalom. Absalom flees and goes to his grandfather’s kingdom.

Talmai means big in the Hurrian language. The Hurrians conquered India and gave it their caste system. They led a mercenary force which conquered Egypt, and for several dynasties, they were Hurrians and they ruled the Hyksos. They conquered Mesopotamia and had 2 dynasties there. 2 dynasties of the Hittites were actually the Hurrians. They are also called the Horites. They also conquered the Cassites, and ruled around the time of Hammurabi? They were one of the most famous groups of history.

Joseph dealt with the Hurrian ruler of Egypt, who ruled over the Hyksos. They were expelled by Amoses, and they moved to Edom? The horse and the chariot were brought to the Hittite and the Egyptians and anyone else who used it to their advantage. They are responsible in part for Akkadian culture. Partially responsible for the Babylonian language?

Nunzi tablets and the Mari tablets and those at Bogazcooey (Bogazköy (Hattusa)?) and other tablets. The Hurrians were not Armenians.

The invaded Persia and the Persians and the Medes may have originated from the Hurrians. It could be that even Cyrus the Great had Hurrian genes.

Absalom and Tamar are both half-Jewish and half-Hurrian. Absalom failed due to interlocking systems of arrogance. Even David did not have Absalom’s potential (from human viewpoint). He was probably one of the most handsome men who ever lived. His ability and talent were destroyed by interlocking systems of arrogance.

Tamar stands head and shoulders over everyone else, but Nathan stood out as well and Beniah as well.

Arrogance is one of the most destructive forces in all history; more destructive than nuclear weapons or nerve gases. It is the greatest devasting power in angelic and human histories.

The Massoretic text seems to cover up the Hurrian origins. Ammihud is not correct. The King James has a d but it ought to be an r. The d would be Jewish and the r would be Hurrian. Ammichur is the correct rendering of this name.

They ruled over so many groups of people; a phenomenal ability to rule. Arrogance destroys the beauty of a person. Some of us may have great leadership characteristics, but arrogance destroys that ability and potential.

Maacah is descended from a great Hurrian royal family.

Absalom is completely safe. No Hurrian king ever ruled without a great military establishment. This did not have ot be large; it was effective. David never even contemplated invasion. When Absalom crosses the Jordan River, he crosses over in interlocking systems of arrogance. He is secure and safe, but he has lost his potential for greatness. The murder of Amnon was not the function of law and justice, but the revenge of arrogance and vigilantism.

Absalom was a mature believer when he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. David was about to reenter into interlocking systems of arrogance. Interlocking systems of arrogance destroys the greatest genius and talent. It destroyed Lucifer. He is the present ruler of the world. There are differences among angels; all angels are not equal. This same arrogance complex which destroyed Satan will destroy the great talent of Absalom. He is a great believer and he is still alive. He will have 3 years in his grandfather’s kingdom and he could have used this time to recover, but he did not. He lost ground spiritually. He was isolated from doctrine. He was negative toward doctrine. He has become a bitter person. If you discover bitterness in any form in your thinking, you are in interlocking systems of arrogance.

Absalom is a believer and alive. He is alive, and inside interlocking systems of arrogance. His only hope resides in rebound, but there is no rebound, just like his father. Psalm 38 and 51 and another is all related to David being disciplined. Psalm 32 and 38 for David’s rebound. He reached out and claimed promises. 2nd stage where he took a rationale from an imputation for all of his sins of Christ on the cross. He knew under the 3rd stage of the drill that his sins were forgiven and that he had the filling of the Holy Spirit. He made the correct doctrinal conclusion. He switches over. Once he is outside of interlocking systems of arrogance, where discipline becomes testing, and the issue is grace.

God divided it into 4 increments.

There are several years where cursing is turned to blessing. He greatest failure is in installment 3. In installment 4, David will raise up to greater heights than every before. He will return to interlocking systems of arrogance and he can no longer function under cursing turned to blessing.

At this chapter, David will long for Absalom; and then later, in the next chapter, David will hate Absalom. Both father and son have great potentiality. David will recover; Absalom will never recover. David’s greatest test is overcome; he will have no bitterness in his soul. His final 10 years of rule will be his greatest years. Bitterness is one of the easiest ways to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance.

When Bob would do marriage counseling, both couples were filled with bitterness, and it was just bitterness back and forth.

Through his own volition, no one ever gets into interlocking systems of arrogance by anyone else. You cannot blame anyone else. You can never blame anyone else for the greatest tragedy of entering into interlocking systems of arrogance.

Satan said, “I will be like the Most High God.”

we know that Amnon is his favorite because there is not parallel to the death of Uriah the Hittite and Amnon, unless David truly loves his son. The culmination of David’s discipline will be the loss of Absalom.

David and His Sons and His Blindness

1.       You have to ask a question; how could David mourn for Amnon if he is a vile person? Interlocking systems of arrogance destroy capacity for love and they blind one to certain categories of truth. Amnon was not an evil person to David. David was blind to Amnon’s failures.

2.       Amnon was the firstborn and David’s favorite. David never knew what any of his sons were really like until Solomon;

3.       Sexual arrogance results in being a poor father, and part of David’s failure was the weakness of his inability to see his sons for what they are. “Can’t these parents see how terrible their children are?” Of course they are blind because they are in interlocking systems of arrogance.


5.       Actually, David had a truly wonderful son named Chileab or Daniel, but he was blind to Chileab’s greatness and virtues just as he was blind to Amnon’s evil. He was great due to his mother Abigail.

6.       David was a genius, but weak in areas of blindness. In subjectivity, you will be filled with blind spots for people.

7.       It is interesting to note, that out of all of David’s children, Tamar turned out to be the best. He had 2 generations of children. The second generation had Nathan.

8.       Absalom and Solomon had great potential; and they both entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom lost the throne and Solomon almost destroyed Israel. He became a king as a mature believer, but he then almost destroyed Israel in arrogance.

Bob thinks we will need to review the interlocking systems of arrogance soon.

2Sam. 13:37 But Absalom fled and went to Talmai the son of Ammihud [actually, Ammichur], king of Geshur. And David mourned for his son day after day.

2Samuel 13                                          72David                                              631_0316

We will solve the mystery of the sewer in about 24 hours. Thanks to some good contacts, the entire problem was solved within 12 hours.

Bob goes back to v. 34–36: And Absalom escaped. And the watchman lifted up his eyes and looked; and behold, many people went in the way behind him from the side of the mountain in the descent. And the watchman came and told the king, and said, I have seen men by the way of Horonaim, by the side of the mountain. And Jonadab said to the king, Behold, the king' sons are present: according to the word of your servant, so has it happened. And it came to pass when he had finished speaking, that behold, the king's sons came, and lifted up their voices and wept; and the king also and all his servants wept with a very great weeping.

There is another separation as important of that between church and state; and there is another separation which is just as important, which is the separation of business and state. The recognized that the prosperity of a nation depended upon the function of free enterprise. The state must not interfere with legitimate business. As long as they were not committing crimes, they had a right to function. This was made a part of the Bill of Rights. Free enterprise means that the federal government has no right to interfere with the function of business, which includes taxing and regulating business and destroying business. Some of our boards and departments have no interest apart from destroying business.

The government tries to control prices and inflation by the printing press. They print money. They have declared themselves as the only legitimate source of printing money. Its value is based upon the paper it is printed and the artwork on it. The government is responsible for all inflation. They say, we must solve the inflation problem, and so they print more money. As there is more money in circulation, prices and interest rates are increased. The only law which really works is the law of supply and demand. Goods and services do not go up; prices might. Today the iron curtain is truly an iron curtain. It is the actual difference between two systems. Behind the iron curtain, there is no free enterprise. Only the function of free enterprise countries keep communism alive. Hoover extended the life of the communists.

East and west German. East German is a collapsing economy and West Germany functions under free enterprise. There is no taxation there are no windfall profits.

The Dark Ages is when the Roman Catholic Church was the state. However, we are going to enter into another Dark Ages if the government steps in to destroy free enterprise. The union of government and business. This is the basis of all communist countries. A state run business is the worst-run and sloppiest run business. We ought to have a 3 cent stamp again. The government ought to operate in the black constantly with that. But our government cannot run in the black with a 15 cent stamp. We face today, a new Dark Ages. It is not the Roman Catholic Church playing God, but the government playing God.

The federal reserve is often blamed for economic problems, but the fault is with Congress. The federal government performs the function of destroying our freedoms. Big business is not responsible for inflation or the energy crisis. This is Congress. We elect people to these various governmental branches. They create their own bureaus and some or all of them are vampires. They must live on money and they must suck it from the people. We have cancelled out our republic by adding too many people to the franchise to vote, like lowering the voting age to 18. No college student ought to vote. College is an age of insanity. Because of interlocking systems of arrogance, because of national arrogance, maturity begins for the woman around 30 and for the man about 40.

Government is our tyranny. We have a vampire. It is not their fault that they are there; it is our fault. The government has created a huge number of vampires. Thousands of dollars are used to discover the mating habits of ants, etc. These vampires suck our money and they create money, which is playing God.

Sir Thomas Lipston is an example of rising to the top. There is nothing which sets up a limit on us. Our system if Anglo-Saxon in culture, no matter what color anyone is. We have 2 sources of our culture, the Word of God and the Shire Moot. As long as believers stay out of the interlocking systems of arrogance, the client nation, whether a republic or a monarchy, what destroys England and the US is exactly the same; it is the arrogance of the people and, therefore, the arrogance of the government.

Political arrogance is destroying our government. Now, we have the problem of the union of government and business, which is every bit as tyrannical as the union of church and state. Our founders limited the federal government and the state legislature. The state has the right to overrule the federal government; but that has been turned around. Today, if there is not a concerted effort to write more tickets for over 55 mph, then the federal government will withhold funds from us.

All of this adds up to our subject, which is national arrogance, which comes from personal arrogance. That comes from erroneous, inaccurate thinking. Arrogance is thinking what is false is true and vice versa. You are not arrogant because of what you do, but because of what you think. We are not arrogant because we walk with our heads high, but we are arrogant because we think with false doctrine. Liberalism is the rejection of Bible doctrine. Arrogance comes from thought and not posture. Command poise is not arrogance. MacArthur was called arrogant, but he just stood tall, had a good vocabulary and spoke with authority; that is not arrogance. Arrogance is a mental attitude. It is demonstrated by the 2 people who just walked out. Arrogance is talking in class; arrogance is standing up and walking out because they do not like what is being taught. When you run a red light and argue with the police officer, that is arrogance. There was a time when no one would do this. Even people in Berachah Church will do this when listening to a liberal. It may be a church or a classroom, but we do not have the right to disrupt. The arrogance of the University of Texas disrupting the talk of an Iranian official. They think they have the right to disrupt any speaker that they disagree with.

When you walk into a business, you do not walk into a business and start fooling with someone else’s tools to fix your car. That is arrogance.

We will end with political arrogance. Because of that, we will suffer as never before; good people will die. You will say many times, “Is this the United states of America? Is this the home of the free?”

Principle of interlocking systems of arrogance

Mental arrogance. Arrogance is a thought; we call that thought pride, and it is the basic mental attitude sins. It is the first anti-God thought in all of history, when Satan said, “I will be like the Most High.” From this thought came a decision. God created Lucifer the son of the morning, along with all angelic creatures, bt he had a thought of arrogance. Arrogance rejects all forms of authority. I will is a decision; it is a thought. Thought and decision then leads to action. Arrogance is primarily thought and it is always though by way decisions are made. Like the 2 people who got up and moved out. That is an arrogant attitude. Everywhere we turn, the justice of God holds us responsible for our decisions. The action of arrogance, like being rude, disrupting a business, putting someone else down. The action comes with a thought. All arrogance is a thought. Everything else is a result. God has set up a system of authority for all people. It is called the laws of divine establishment. From God comes a system of authority spiritual. Arrogance always accepts your own freedom but rejects the freedom of others. Arrogance reject the authority of the pastor and underminds it; same with the law. There is a social authority. Husband over the wife and parents over the children. In effect, arrogance says I am more important than God; for I am God. Since arrogance begins as a thought, the thoughts related to arrogance are mental attitude sins. A person can wrong you or allegedly wrong you, but you are the loser for being inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. This makes you a loser in the capacities for life.

Bob thinks that maybe he made a mistake with RM/RW, but there are those who just use this doctrine to rationalize their lust and desires or whatever. You can have discovered your RM or RW, but arrogance eliminates your capacity to appreciate them. If you have no capacity for love, then what good is it to find your RW? She becomes just another punching bag. If your RW or RM is there, without capacity, then RW becomes WW. Arrogance converts a RW into a WW. It took Bob all of this time to figure out where he went to distort. But David kept thinking, the next mistress or the next wife will be the right one. In sexual arrogance, he did not have the capacity for love. Abigail and Maacah were wonderful women, but David was unable to appreciate them. How could any of his many wives or many more be his RW if David was inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

Getting out of interlocking systems of arrogance is much more important that who your RM or RW are. No such thing as a RM or a RW when one lacks capacity. This is why is appears that Bathsheba was David’s RW. She is the mother of both lines of Jesus Christ, the one coming down through Joseph and the one coming down through Mary. David, after Bathsheba became pregnant, there was a time that David just ignored her. David was moving from criminal arrogance to psychopathic arrogance. If you have more than 1 woman, then you do not have your RW. What makes a person polygamous? Of what makes a man chase women? Lack of capacity. As long as a man is arrogant, there is no RW for him; and the woman cannot find her RM if he is lost in a mass of arrogance.

We are in a time of national arrogance; it is no longer just a few. The glorious days of they got married and lived happily ever after have almost disappeared.

Why do most marriages turn into a debators society? RM + arrogance + RW + arrogance = a bad marriage. Bring in the arrogance factor and you have ruined your marriage. This is why homosexuality is arrogance; why incest is arrogance; homicide is arrogance; etc. The major cause of crime is arrogance. Bob can almost see in his recent studies that arrogance is almost a synonym for the sin nature. Once you start rejecting authority, you do so because you react to those who are in authority. You must regard authority as a system. You will always have conflict in life.

Bob has a test, and they are all dressed alike, and you interview them, and you pick out those with authority. Those with authority are those you should respect. You can still run an organization with arrogant people, but you need a good system, which imposes a system of authority on everyone.

The company commander who tries to buddy up with everyone; he’s had it. This person will never make it as a leader. He is using his authority to be popular. Example of a person who was a pastor who wanted everyone to like hiim. He had great ability to communicate with a great personality, but arrogance destroyed his ability to communicate.

Psalm 10:2–4 all conspiracy is arrogance; it seeks to set aside authority and set up a false system of power. Criminal arrogance has maligned the Lord. Prov. 16:18. Before a fall, there is arrogance of life. Arrogance is the basic sin; it rejects authority and doctrine (which is authority). Be informed by the truth, but do not be distracted.

Thought depends upon self-determination. There is no lack of fuel by which the mind functions. Once you reject any form of truth, establishment, the gospel or Bible doctrine, it is like pouring sugar into your gas tank. Sugar is false doctrine. Sugar is liberalism; sugar is socialism; sugar is man by man’s efforts attempting to solve man’s problems. False thinking is very bad for the soul and inevitably produces false thinking. The human mind cannot think in life apart from truth. Arrogance results in irrationality. Arrogance results in resenting the ability of others. Arrogance distorts truth and distorts it; but never approaches it with objective reverence. Arrogance resents all that arrogance destroys.

The arrogant assumes that his sufferings are greater than the plan of God. He assumes that his taboos are greater than the filling of the Holy Spirit. He depends upon emotion. Thought is the energy of objective thinking. Emotion moves in and takes over. God gave us emotion for happiness. The arrogant person thinks that his feelings and emotions are greater than any system or authority.

2Samuel 13           interlocking systems of arrogance 72David                631_0317

Bob does not care whether we disagree or not. However, we need to disagree with poise and in silence. If you don’t like what is being taught, then don’t come. Bob gives the rules.

A fluctuation of standards is a part of growing up. Most people get married between ages 20 and 30. Whomever you marry, if it is a success, then it is luck. Or grace. Some people stay in a state of flux all of their lives. Women mature more quickly than men; and they have a larger vocabulary than men because they have a less bawdy language than men. They use more euphemisms. And they grow up more quickly physically and mentally. Who she likes at 20 will think he is ridiculous age 30...unless she married him.

A person who does not take responsibility for their own decisions is arrogant and irresponsible. The principle of RM/RW depends upon a lot of factors. If they are minus maturity, that means their standards are still in flux. If they are both immature, the marriage is a bust. RM + arrogance and RW + arrogance, the marriage is a failure. You need humility for a successful life.

Bob was thinking about Bobby and military service, and how they do their job with dedication to a principle. Some of you young people jump from job to job for more pay. Often you lose our because the best jobs and best industries pay less. Because you have your eye on the dollar rather than the organization, you make a terrible mistake.

You may have the wrong standard applied. The law will be distorted in Israel in the next chapter. The law of heritage will supercede the divine establishment laws. When people become arrogant, they fall into emotional revolt. They live by their emotions. If you overestimate you value by arrogance, and you spend your youth jumping from job to job; you are failing to look at things from the standpoint of integrity.

The army trains men; and it takes nearly a million at this time to train a pilot. Some just move on after they have been trained.

Roger Stalbach has marvelous motivation. He came out of the Naval Academy out of shape and was back into shape in 1 year. Arrogance is the overestimation of what you think you are worth.

Bob mentions that tool thing again. Whenever inflation becomes a reality, young people are offered jobs in terms of pay, and they forget that they have responsibility to the company which trained them. Doing that often begins a lot of instability. They are often leaving behind their integrity and their scale of values. The company does not say that you must stay; it is your integrity which would dictate that. Whatever the pay difference is, it is not worth it.

We may have neglected right employee, right company; right friends and wrong friends. Friendships ought to be based upon integrity and not on emotion. Some of your best friends may not be very attractive.

Arrogance is the greatest enemy of mankind; the system by which we have undercut our talents and abilities. Arrogance is the enemy of spiritual growth. Pride rejects spiritual growth.

If the person who teaches doctrine does not cover your favorite taboos, you don’t think he is doing his job. The guilt syndrom; the ability to produce guilt in someone. The classical illustration of the woman who feigns illness when she is crossed by her family. This is how they she keeps everyone in line. Or the baby male who tries to make his gf feel guilty or feel sorry for him. People are manipulating people by producing a guilt complex in them. They harp on a subject until you develop a guilt complex. The power of arrogance to manipulate is almost beyond description. The preacher who is dissatisfied with his crowd (not enough there). Then he tries to make everyone feel guilty. So everywhere you turn is manipulative power that one person uses against others. This is the power of the weak over the strong. A weak boy (age 20 or 30 or 40) pushes guilt onto others.

Balderdash and Malarkey manipulate Bob. They guilt him for having to go teach.

The anti-establishment syndrom. Frustrated pride unleashes all of the arrogance. When pride comes, then comes dishonor, but with the humble comes wisdom. A man’s pride wiill bring him low. There are a lot of husbands whose wives to to Berachah but they do not. Humility is necessary for honor and integrity.

Gate 2 negative volition arrogance; scar tissue of the soul arrogance. The mental attitude sin of pride rejects doctrine in 2 forms: person and content. There is the person who communicates Bible doctrine and the message. Some are arrogant and they do not like the way the material is presented.

People resent rabble rousing; but some prefer the low key approach. However, no matter what method is used, there is always someone who rejects the pastor’s personality. When people are not objective, you cannot properly evaluate the content.

All Bible teaching must be accomplished in the power of the Spirit. Negative volition arrogance. This is the only gate which coincides with reversionism. Absalom is a mature believer when he entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through gate 1. Once you are in the system, you are vulnerable to the other gates.

David never suffered from negative volition arrogance. He was never negative toward Nathan coming to him. Even in interlocking systems of arrogance, he listened to Nathan. There are many believers who enter as mature believers, and many who enter in as babies; but David retains an interest in Bible doctrine.

Absalom goes into interlocking systems of arrogance, and his problem is negative volition arrogance. He is in the last few stages of reversionism. However, he turns against doctrine. He has beautiful thick hair. However, he has become very vain about this marvelous hair. He would let it grow for a year in between cuts. Absalom had become a hippy.

There is a tree and his mule goes under the branches, and the tree grabs him. He dies because his hair is too long. They don’t have afros in Africa. They have fabulous haircuts there. Long hair is a rejection of authority; such a person is a submissive person. He is arrogant and weak.

There are barbers in the congregation, so Bob suggests that they set up in the foyer and to have people come forward. This gate crosses reversionism. This is where they intersect. Reversionism is degeneration?

Gate 3 is impulsive arrogance. The abuse of authority which you possess legitimately. Like a husband abusing his authority over his wife. Or you have no authority, but you develop power through the guilt system, and therefore, you manipulate. Some peope are great until they get a little authority, and then they abuse this authority tremendously. Impulsive arrogance occurs when the believer uses his authority just to advance himself.

You may not agree with the volunteer army, but no one is asking you. If the policy is the volunteer policy, then you make it work from your level of command. You are to be professional.

If you work for a company, and they have a purpose and a policy, then that is what you follow, whether you agree with it or not. You are not free to undermine.

As a husband, you have authority over one woman, which means you have responsibility, and the purpose and policy is stated in the Word of God. You cannot abuse the woman or use her as a punching bag. In marriage, you get your way by your wife’s respect and/or love for you. It comes from being fair and just.

When you have authority, you ask yourself, what is the source of your authority. It has a purpose and a policy. If you disagree, and they will listen, then state it. If they reject it, it should not change your motivation and function. You work for a car company or a dealership, you may not agree with some of the policies. Your job is to sell cars, and not to agree or disagree. If they are dishonest, then get out, but it is not your job to undercut them. You don’t get to stay in the organization and run them down. You have a right to leave Berachah; but you do not have the right to undercut it while you are here. You do not have the right to be conspiratorial and run down the church or pastor. I never invited any of you here. If you are prepared, the Lord will provide the hearers. You came of your own free will; Bob did not drag you in here. You are not free to undermine his authority.

Gate 4 is institutional arrogance; this is disorientation to life; a church, a club, a business. There are all kinds of clubs at Berachah. We don’t sponsor any of them. There are all kinds of legitimate organizations; clubs, businesses, institutions; but you have to watch for 2 things: institutional arrogance, that the organization cannot get along without you; and you have to avoid the conclusion that you are carrying the organization. In addition to that, there are 2 categories of institutional arrogance. There are those who succeed and those who do not. Each can be arrogant. One thinks he is just great and the other thinks the organization is holding him back. But your responsibility is to fulfill the purpose and policy of that organization. Arrogance can reject the authority of the boss or the policy. The purpose is to be followed. Institutional arrogance rejects one or more of the systems.

The greatest problem in coaching is to control arrogance. The greatest problem with an athlete is arrogance. Some who succeed become very arrogant about it. Very similar to a believer who achieves spiritual maturity.

Professional organizations; school systems; police force. There is a young man writing articles about arrogance in a police magazine. A good policie officer has good manners and he has poise. However, with street people, he has to change his attitude and get tough, because they only understand toughness. Start out and get the facts; and then, if you have to, get tough.

Engineers are generally humble about 2 things: English and spelling. However, being great in other fields is a temptation to be arrogant about that. There seems to be a considerable amount of arrogance in the entertainment industry. Many talented people appear to be arrogant.

You don’t have to be talented to be arrogant; you only have to be arrogant to be arrogant. That’s my knuckleball.

Rejects authority, policy and purpose of the organization and attaching more importance to self than to the organization; that is institutional arrogance.

2Samuel 13                                          72David                                              631_0318

If you are ill, then get up and move with alacrity. There are a number of people who have the vampire tradition. The Transylvanians, the Slavs, Croatians. The vampire illustrates for us arrogance. Such people are unstable and inside interlocking systems of arrogance. The vampire comes from the grave, in the second place. There is no capacity for life or for love or for happiness. The vampire only functions at night, and the arrogant live in a state of unreality. When the light of doctrine comes their way, they disappear or disintegrate. Many of the concepts of the vampire are erroneous and untrue. The vampire appearing to be attractive is similar to the politician in political arrogance. The fifth concept is the sucking of blood, which illustrates many types of arrogance, like living off of others. The blood can be analogous to a bunch of things. The government taking our tax money and then using it against us. The vampire looks in the mirror, but does not see himself. The arrogant person does not see himself as he really is. The vampire is defeated by the use of the cross, which symbolizes Christianity. The vampire must return to his grave at daylight. They cannot stand truth or doctrine.

We will see a lot of vampirism in this coming election. Arrogance complex is unstable and undependable.

None of us will be totally free from pressure to enter into the arrogance complex.

In the next chapter, the woman from Tekoa will act out a scenario written by Joab? It is one thing to learn doctrine; it is another thing to apply it. We have a certain amount of suffering in order to apply doctrine. We will get a certain number of tests by which application is possible.

When people leave Berachah, as far as Bob is concerned, are dead. There are people who cannot apply what they learn in Berachah, although they can recite a few things accurately.

Absalom never recovered and he could never apply doctrine. When you enter into degeneracy by one of the 13 gates, the source of all arrogance is your thinking.

Creates false standards, which act like barnacles on a ship. The problem of blind arrogance. All arrogant people are hypocrites. The person who says, I am not a hypocrite. I get drunk and I sleep around. I don’t pretend to do anything different. If you say something, they say, “And you are a bad person because you are judging me.”

What arrogance cannot stand is to be proven wrong in his own backyard. Salvation by works and spirituality by works are examples of blind arrogance. There are standards to indicate what sin is, what arrogance it, and what virtue and honor are. Each person must live his life as unto the Lord and allow others the privacy of doing the same.

There is marriage, where the husband owns 100% of the stock. Bob will not do a wedding where the father of the bride stands up and says, “Her mother and I do” [give her away].

Bob lists poor reasons to get married. Such a woman will never truly submits to the authority of her husband. Bob never saw a woman who, when she wanted something badly enough, turn into the greatest actress in the world.

Blind arrogance often includes sincerity as a front. It is sincerity that many see as a virtue, but it is a facade for hypocrisy. Included in this group are the holy roller Pentecostal types. Intense people tend to be very arrogant and have no idea that they are. If you told them that, they would be crushed.

The gift of tongues has not been operational until a.d. 70. Since the Jews were to be the evangelists and the missionaries, the principle and purpose of tongues has disappeared. It has been brought up again as an erroneous gift. The plan of God depends upon God; He uses us when we are useable. When we are not usable, then we are usually under some system of discipline. The person who speaks in tongues thinks his experiences are more important than anyone else.

A woman went home and had a grievance with her husband and she told him if he did not stop doing things, he would go to hell. Bob told him, “Tell her she is going to hell if she doesn’t stop nagging and burning the toast.” She was suffering from blind arrogance. She was using doctrine. You do not manipulate people by throwing doctrine at them. That is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. That is an invasion of privacy. However, if someone is in authority, they have the right to tell you what to do. If the husband sets down the policy, then that is how it goes. There are certain authorities in life. The police officer says you were speeding, don’t argue with him; take it. There are many ways of being arrogant without thinking about it. Blind arrogance is always a form of self-centeredness. It always relates to what you do. It becomes the irrational conclusion that the plan of God has failed because you fail. Most of us have been exposed to false teaching; it all depends upon me.

Bob tells about the Britisher with the broad accent who said, “It all depends upon me.” Then he looked heavenward, maybe for his next line; it didn’t come, so he said, “It all depends on me.” God does not need our help. The book of Galatians is an excoriation of false standards. Just because people are friendly, that does not mean that a person is in love with you. That is arrogance. Blind arrogance is a few dates is a declaration of love.

It is amazing how your standards change. When you bully others to accept your standards, that is arrogance.

Personality Arrogance

1.       In blind arrogance, a self righteous person dominaes a group of believers with his own brand of legalism.

2.       An offshoot of this is personality arrogance; the dominant personality. This does not mean that the dominant personality is arrogance. He uses his personality to dominate a group; that he can be a dominator or a manipulator. The arrogant type takes charge through a dominant personality. However, there are those who use manipulation.

3.       False standards are set for the group rather than Bible doctrine. In Berachah, you will meet people, and some may be your life long friends. Some assume that everyone inside these doors are close to God. No thoughtful person would ridicule you because you rejected doctrine, made a mistake, and then came back. The dominant personality may decide the pastor is not putting it together, or is not good on this or that; or you are bored with this or that. It is easy to decide the pastor has no longer put it together or he is coasting or whatever. You are distracted from doctrine because someone has made you the object of their personality arrogance. Personality is not the issue. You can have any sort of personality. The key is when you use your personality to dominate or manipulate. He must avoid allowing personal opinion to take precedence over doctrine.

Whenever you find yourself in disagreement with the pulpit or what you read in the Bible; just set that bone aside. Don’t call up the pastor every time you come across something you don’t understand or don’t agree with. Eventually, all of these questions will be answered and you will have new questions. There are always new questions and problems; you never get away from the bones. No such thing as a pastor who fillets all of his fish.

Matt. there were labor unions in the ancient world. They were often called something else. They had bargained with management for 12 hours of work. Jesus Christ is teaching grace. He uses the labor unions as an illustration of blind arrogance. There was a shortage of labor for the harvest and management already hired the union. There was open shop so you could hire scab labor. One denarious was a very good wage; probably $500/day for today’s economy. Other estimate much lower to 20 cents. The owners would go into the market place and hire nonunion. At each break, he would go out and hire some people. The non-union crowd accepted whatever management set up. You start at whatever time and get paid whoever management determines. Some are hired to work 9 hours, another at 6 hours and another at 3 hours. Only the union crowd made a deal; the nonunion did not make a deal. They went out and helped in the harvest. They all go by and get paid, and each man gets paid a denarius. Even those who started at 5 and got off at 6. Management can set up whatever policy that they want, because it is their money. Management provides the capital. The union did not like this. They began to complain; as if management does not have the right to do this. Jesus Christ follows the laws of divine establishment. The union was on a contract and management honored this contract. Regardless of why, they have a right to do it. Equal wages does not make people equal. Are you jealous because I am generous? Matt. 20:16 Therefore, the last will be first. And the first will be last. In addition to salvation, those without growth get resurrection bodies. Nothing else. It never occurred to the labor union that nonunion could get paid more.

People in blind arrogance often tell others how to run their business. Blind arrogance can be devastating. You can go a year out of fellowship in blind arrogance without knowing that you are.

2Samuel 13           interlocking systems of arrogance 72David                631_0319

Many people in life feel inadequate about something or another. This way, they avoid interlocking systems of arrogance. It is the jealousy factor which indicates immediately that the arrogance complex is involved. Instead of trying to improve himself in that field, he just tries to destroy the one who has achieved. The attempt of the inadequate to destroy the achievers. There is a certain feeling of inadequacy, so he will try to put the other person on a lower scale than himself. A sense of inadequacy in a person who is jealous or vindictive or implacable or filled with hatred, this leads to an arrogance reaction?

Weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice; the point is, you are delighted when others succeed.

The more decorations the other officers received, the greater their motivation. People, when someone else is given a compliment or things are good, they will go out of their way to destroy them.

#6 is conspiracy arrogance. There will be those who you shoot with who will be delighted that you do well; and those who hate you for it. Conspiracy arrogance comes about because you are arrogant, you are implacable, you are jealous. You cannot have conspiracy arrogance and, at the same time, capacity for happiness or life or love. If you have capacity for love, you are delighted for other people who are you friends. Conspiracy arrogance becomes eventually the function of a group called the mutual admiration society. It is composed of 2 categories: the arrogant and the inadequate. In this conspiracy, there will be an attitude toward authority. Arrogant and inadequate have 2 different attitudes toward authority. The arrogant resents authority because he thinks he is better. The inadequate thinks the authority is they have an illegitimate grievance or gripe against authority. When they have a common enemy, they combine into a conspiracy. . the conspiracy is formed through a mutual antagonism toward authority or towards someone who has achieved. Informing the mutual admiration society, the arrogance is the strong personality; one rejects authority and the other despises authority. Inadequate overestimates his value to the organization. The combine forces to fulfill principle of the weak attacking the strong. It is not true that opposites attract. They only attract under abnormal circumstances. Opposites distract; those who marry who are opposite, often what happens is, one person was trying to marry the other out of spite for someone else. At some point, the attraction Psalm 12:2–4 states the principle. They speak with a lip of flattery, with a double standard. Conspiracies always use some sort of verbal sin to move along their little conspiracy. “Who is the authority over us.” A mutual attitude of dislike and antagonism.

Criminal arrogance, which finds its root in arrogance. It is the total acceptance of one’s self-centeredness and one’s own authority over all else. They are playing the greater gain. The criminal is categorized as a sociopath as well as pathological liar. He will use violence to attain his objectives and he thinks he is more clever than anyone else. He gives lip service to the authorities that he encounters, but he hates them in his soul. Since the criminal mind disrespects all authority, he is an enemy of the state. Some criminals accept Christ, but they hide their presence, some of them do, by merging in with a group like this.

Conversion does not change the criminal, even if he believes in Jesus Christ. This means no change unless the criminal accepts the authority of the Word of God and the person who teaches it. The criminal has the Lord to contend with and society in general. The only escape from criminality is the doctrinal one. All that the criminal can do is respect spiritual authority, and this is rare. The criminal faces the greatest issue of his life.

The criminal may go along with some teaching he hears, but if a doctrinal principle cuts the rug from under him, then he might turn against the person teaching. At some point, he will come across doctrine that he disagrees with and he will then rebel against the authority teaching it.

There is no such thing as psychological recovery from criminality. Psychology can do nothing for the criminal. The criminal uses the psychologist; the psychologist does not cure the criminal. The foolish psychologist is impressed by his curing or a criminal, and the criminal is sent back into society to continue his life of crime. The only hope is conversion and doctrine. Criminality is rejection of authority. Any recovery and any normal living depends upon acceptance of authority. Criminal arrogance means that the criminal only accepts his own authority. The criminal learns to disguise his true feelings.

If there was a group with some criminals, you might not be able to pick them out. They can put on a facade of sweetness and light and good manners. He will not change apart from doctrine. If he appears to be positive toward doctrine, he can use the church as a hideout. He uses authority and what is acceptable to society. The great criminals have the best facade and know how to hide their true feelings.

The criminality is a environmental matter has been disproved by Samsonov and Yokelson. They are not unpleasing personalities, not until you cross them. The criminal accepts no authority and you do, so he will figure out how to manipulate you. He will not hang out if he cannot use you. Once you allow a criminal to take on your interests, you may stand up for him and the criminal has conned you. You will get this even in a movie and you can be conned by the movie into rejecting the law, judges or police. Take away the police officer and the next thing you know, we have anarchy.

The criminal accepts no authority but his own. He can make the authority you accept look bad and make himself look good. He always made everyone think the sergeant was bad when he did something to you. If you have a platoon or a battalion, you have to deal with this sort of thing. Criminals do more than rob and steal and rape and kill. Their biggest function is to make friends with you, so that, when they are prosecuted by the law, you are their friend. You may look back and recognize how you have been conned, and you say, “What an ass I was.” That is some objectivity. There has always been some gangsters who were friends with the movie crowd. They were the best dressed and smoothest manners; slick. They always had an influence. Some went to jail and some were shot, and they would make movies glorifying the gangsters, making the local police officer to be a jackass.

Bob and his being picked up by the police for messing things up on Halloween. Bob’s dad made it clear that these police were doing their job. He explained how these men represent the law, which protects your privacy and property.

Just because there are a few bad apples, this does not mean that we do away with the law. The best criminals are smart and are good con artists and are slick.

Not everyone who builds you up is your friend; not everyone who says nice things to you is your friend.

#8 is crusader arrogance, and inside they are as different as 2 people can be. The crusader is running around trying to do a lot of good. The criminal is trying to enrich himself at the expense of humanity. However, they are very much the same underneath. The person who guarantees a chicken in every pot. The criminal is anti-authority, and so is the crusader. In crusader arrogance, the motivation is self righteousness. The criminal goes in for self-enrichment, the crusader goes in for self righteousness. The criminal is bitter toward society and so is the crusader, but for different reasons. The criminal is bitter because society wants to put him away. The crusader is bitter because the society is not doing what it is supposed to do.

A conservative might react against a liberal government for not doing what it is supposed to do. That leads to revolution. When crusades get out of control, that also leads to revolution.

In the French Revolution, one guy was a nice guy, Lafayette, but he hooked up with Marat, who was evil, which led to a revolution. Revolution can come from a nice place as well. By taking the law into one’s own hands, violence breaks out.

The crusader + the criminal = terrorism. A lot of PLO types are both crusaders and criminals. They both have a common enemy. The crusader is arrogant and the criminal is arrogant. The combine and form a conspiracy on society. There are many interpretations of the Communist revolution. Trotsky was a crusader and Lenin was a criminal. After the revolution was on its way, the criminal bumps off the crusader. He no longer needs him; Lenin killed Trotsky.

When Lafayette realized he would be killed, he got away.

The USA has a government made up of some crusaders and some criminals. The Bible has its own terms. We have destroyed many nations and we are paying Marxist governments millions of dollars. He is so pleased with the Nicaraguan revolution and the Rhodesian takeover, that he is sending them millions. Carter is in over his head.

The liberals in this country are often crusaders. Woodrow Wilson was a crusader. He made it possible for the Communists to keep going. All you need is crusaders + criminals and you have a revolution; it takes both.

Trevor Howard played in a movie that Bob cannot get; he was a crusader trying to save the elephants. Many criminals saw him and manipulated him. A bunch of communists hooked up with him, and pretty soon the French and there is a revolution and terrorism.

This prostitute in Africa never met a man who was incorruptible and then she met this crusader who wanted to save the elephants. He did not want to use her. That impresses her and she falls in love with him. As a crusader, he is head an shoulders above everyone else. One great scene in the movie, and this gal is telling how she killed all these elephants. Then the crusaders take over the party and they decide that she will get 10 swats.

The communist went along to assassinate him, but he is so impressed that he does not. Once and awhile, the crusaders get out alive. But, if you ever get a crusade going, then keep your eye out; criminals and communists will hook up with you.

The Bilderberger myth. The Rockefeller conspiracy. The communists hooked up with this and used it for anti-Semitism purposes. The communists paid for stuff that is pure and simple lies. This is why conservatives don’t do anything politically, because they are so arrogant and they are easily manipulated. Not only is this a part of anti-Semitism, but they are being used by communists.

God did not put us on earth to be a crusader. There is not place for crusaders except as the puppets of criminals.

A criminal can use a crusade because it gives him respectability. Crusaders just set themselves up.

Crusade + criminal in one person. Elijah combined the two and was going to kill the opposition. These people saw a manifestation of God’s power. They did not need to be restrained by criminal methods. Elijah became a criminal. There was no courtroom procedure; he had no jurisprudence responsibility. This was no courtroom action; it was violence.

Self righteous indignation is easily converted into terrorism. Taxes are unfair so he cheats on his tax return, justifying this to himself. He cheats on his tax return. You become a criminal when you react in arrogance against an unfair system of taxation.

A citizen is law-abiding and is a victim of a criminal act against himself or his family. Then he becomes a crusader against crime. Courts and law enforcement have not done anything, so now he decides to take matters into his own hands. When law abiding citizens become criminals, you have no restraint. And if you cannot distinguish between criminals and law-abiding citizens, you have anarchy. Freedom is dependent upon authority and order. No one thinks about evangelism or Bible teaching. If all law-abiding citizens have been conditioned to be criminals, it messes up the society.

The believer’s responsibility to the Lord does not mean irresponsibility to authority. However, you do have the right to protect your own life. There is a great deal of difference between defending your home from a criminal and taking the law into your own hands.

Arrogance + any false rationale, until there is no such thing as a law abiding citizenry.

In England, there was a lot of smuggling going on because of the duty placed on goods coming from France, etc. That lead to great lawlessness. That is what happens when law-abiding citizens become criminals, and it just about wiped out those towns.

Once you become a criminal, you may start out by merely avoiding taxation from you life, but you have removed from your soul restraint. The 18th amendment created a bunch of criminals. Those with a still up in the hills were heroes. This was a disastrous situation which contributed to the discipline that we received in the Depression. That made the feds evil and the criminal was glorified.

Rom. 13:1–2 deals with respect for authority.

2Samuel 13          Interlocking Systems of Arrogance 72David                631_0320

Psychopathic arrogance. Volition has a great deal to do with psychopathic behavior. People through their own volition can become sociopathic, psychopathic or even psychotic.

Thought in itself is the key to life. When there is no thought, then emotion must take over. In the psychopathic person, there is not the normal subordination of emotion to thought.

They develop a preoccupation with self. The arrogant psychopath loses all of his reasoning ability. He pursues his false object even though he has no capacity for love. He is preoccupied with self-gratification. That is a substitute for honor.

Sit down and read 2Sam. 14 in the King James and then write a dissertation on it.

Bob goes on and on about say on.

It might take Bob 12 or 14 hours to do one verse. We are about to leave the subject of sex, but we are about to see what causes anarchy and revolution. In 2Sam. 14 David, Absalom, Joab and the woman from Tekoa are all wrong. Psychopathic arrogance is a distortion of the Word. The distortions are based upon knowing doctrine accurately.

Joab is the writer of the play in that chapter. He is a fabulous director. It is very simple to approach certain passages.

The psychopath lacks the ability to evaluate anything in terms of spiritual or historical reality. He retreats into his emotional pattern. He denies or rejects that which is real or he distorts it into a system which is unreal. There are so many functions of the mind and the brain. He is losing some of the value of psychosomatic. There is a lack of thought or thought is distorted into subjectivity or into unreality. So he substitutes.

Psychiatry is changing its vocabulary at this point. They are trying to redesign their vocabulary in this particular field. But they do not recognize that all self-centered people destroy their own minds and bodies; the loss of mental health causes a loss of physical health. Only we can do something about the mental. The person involved in interlocking systems of arrogance produces a preoccupation or drive.

Irrational, unstable, unpredictable and often goes around in a dream world until some great catastrophe destroys him or brings him back into reality. That is a psychopath in interlocking systems of arrogance. Having no capacity for love or for friendship or for loyalty and they do not understand or appreciate authority. There is no possibility that a psychopath can have integrity or honor, no matter what his past performance has been. They can be very pious and very religious and very close to God. Psychopathic arrogance follows many different trends. There is the psychopathic liar.

Gate #10 is sexual arrogance. The principle for it, most people relate love to sex. Sex without love is ritual without reality. The person who is preoccupied with themselves will be preoccupied with sex. The person not preoccupied with himself will be preoccupied with a true object. Sex without love is a form of arrogance. Polygamy is male arrogance but the woman is sometimes different. Promiscuity is sometimes female arrogance. Emphasis upon sex is preoccupation with self, as is drug addiction, as is the compulsive eater. This is to concentrate on self. To concentrate on someone else is to have a true love object. Sex, therefore, can be a blessing or it can be a distraction. Polygamy was David’s great trap. His wives included Michelle, Abinoam, Abigail of Carmel, Maacah of Geshur, the Hurrian princess, Abital, Egla, and there were also mistresses. There were those he gathered in Hebron and those he got in Jerusalem. However, with Bathsheba, he became a great father. Prior to this, he was a very weak father.

Each woman in his harem he had sex with them. Sex with many women intensifies his arrogance. There is no gratification. The more women a man has sex with, the more his arrogance intensifies. David came to a place where he was minus thought. This is why David did not go to war against the Ammonites. He went from great courage to great cowardice. Sex was the problem. Marijuana is one of the most horrible things in the world, and yet people are trying to legalize it. We reach out for something that we think is fun, and when we reach out for gratification, we destroy ourselves. We destroy thought.

Emotion demands more sex than the body can handle. The result is, the complete destruction of the person involved. This is all done through arrogance. Arrogance has no self-discipline and no self-control. It only has self-centeredness. The beauty of what sex is, is destroyed.

Take a woman who is promiscuous. In most groups, there is the woman who does this. It wipes out her standards. She has sex and is temporarily satisfied. This woman is never fit for marriage. She can never settle down with one man, but it will not last. She becomes strictly an emotional person. By the time she is 30, she is destroyed for life. She can never be happy, except doing one thing, which gives her temporary satisfaction; to tell others about her sexual experiences to leave others astray.

Girls will come down to Berachah, and along comes a Judas goat, and she leads her astray, destroying any possibility for happiness. The only hope is doctrine and the road back is too hard. Their volition has gone to partying. Therefore, they are through. They do not have what it takes to come back.

The person who gets around sexually too much can never enjoy love. He can relate sex to self-gratification but not to love. We now have a whole generation of kids (from 12 to 30) who are ruined for life. The cycles of discipline will have to remove these kids. We have an arrogant society now and part of the problem is sexual promiscuity. We have the live-ins and the courts determining what are the rules and the laws, and the courts are accepting promiscuity. When the law accepts promiscuity, the law becomes arrogant. They fail to realize that they are using freedom to destroy freedom.

Freedom without standards. We could be in a war by the end of this year. For a society to survive, it must be built upon honor and romance. Bob use to read one or 2 books each week that he would check out from the library. It was fabulous. Society was generally honorable and noble. The social life was very stimulating as well. Now it is wife swapping and group sex. Emotion without thought is animalism. That is the history of Black Africa. This is why they have been manipulated and used for hundreds of years. If you are going to survive, you must have thought. Where thought is destroyed, society I will not survive.

Union people are miserable people. If you ever buy an auto built on Monday or Friday, it will fall apart. There is no integrity in auto workers; their unions protect them so that they do not have to have integrity. Their weekend begins on Friday. It is a miracle if a Friday car makes it off the line that is in good condition. When labor has no integrity and only arrogance, we are in trouble. The same for management and the same for government. Since we are in trouble from all of these sources, each one in his own bailiwick is miserable; they are frustrated. They do not find their happiness on the job. So they all try to find happiness in social life, and it begins on Thursday night and continues until Tuesday.

A lot of people who were once normal then get their kicks by violence. These are Americans. It is an old sin nature issue. It goes on every week. What is fun for a lot of people today is hurting other people. When the apaches had a party, they had to catch someone. They did not bother children, but they figured out so many ways to torture. The big objective of a party would be to sit around and drink and figure out ways to make their captives scream.

Running away from people will not do you any good because God has us on earth for a purpose. We are exactly what an animalistic society needs. God has a purpose for keeping us here in Houston.

Sexual arrogance leads to sexual distortions and all of the distortions of society and all of the abnormalities of society, including bestiality, homosexuality, polygamy. Today, it is preoccupation with sex; but tomorrow, it will be preoccupation with something else.

Those 4 jackasses from England, they are hippies with long hair. David is a different person, as we have seen in the past few chapters. Sexual arrogance exists in the man and the woman. In the woman, this can be seduction of important persons. Bernice seduced 2 of the Roman emperors. Vespacian and then Titus. Cleopatra seduced Gaius Julius Cæsar. Sexual arrogance in the woman includes the number and importance of their conquests.

Sexual arrogance is preoccupation with self. Once he is preoccupied with himself, he is inside the interlocking systems of arrogance. This is why he gets into other arrogance gates.

A few other things should be noted.

Genetic arrogance; pride of ancestry or of one’s progeny. When one seeks to establish their superiority based upon his ancestors, that is genetic arrogance. We are not successful because our father or mother is successful. It is arrogance to assume greatness. There is also posterity arrogance which we see around churches.

Frustrated parents try to achieve greatness through their children; competition; ambitious parents. This is the disease of parental pride. Many a potential great person is destroyed by trying to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Personality imitation can put abnormal pressure on children. Patton is a good example and his son is an entirely different person. He has tried to imitate his father on occasion, but with very little success.

Bob only knows one historical case where the son is as great as the father. Philip of Macedon was a man who was a phenomenal genius, which we are finding out. His son was Alexander the Great.

Napoleon had 2 sons who could have avoided arrogance, and one did and the other did not.

#12 is political arrogance. Man by man’s efforts trying to solve man’s problems. Liberalism is the quintessence of arrogance. Liberalism used to just be tolerant of other views, but now it is a system of playing God. This is forcing one’s solutions on others. Redistribution of wealth. This rejects establishment and freedom. Political arrogance destroys human freedom. It attack freedom and personal property. Our automobile has been destroyed by that Arab Nader.

State’s rights represents divine viewpoint; federal authority represents tyranny. The state cannot control free enterprise.

Client nation arrogance. The constitution of the United States demand integrity from its citizens (from all of them). It particularly requires integrity on the part of those who vote. Client nation arrogance sets aside the constitution and does whatever. Loss of integrity is the result of entry into interlocking systems of arrogance. This distorts a republic into a democracy. Democracy is only a veneer of anarchy.

We are as responsible as England for those who set up a wonderful nation in Rhodesia, and we are responsible for their massacre, rape, terrorism and destruction. We elected representatives who stupidly turned their government over to a stupid system of terrorism. Marxism is the type of government in Rhodesia now.

Our constitution is the greatest constitutional document in history, but it requires this integrity. For many generations, the best system for perpetuating honor is aristocracy. Therefore, they perpetuate that from father to son, from mother to daughter.

Even though England is considered to be worse off than us, there has still been a perpetuation of honor and integrity. We can only do this through doctrine. We are supposed to do this through education, but our educational system teaches socialism and communism and to accept the tyranny of the federal government.

The federal government was supposed to be the servant of the people. The war between the states destroyed state’s rights. Now there is concentrated in Washington rather than decentralized power in the states.

Client nation arrogance involves a nation; political arrogance involves individuals who are trying to fix everything in our lives.

true love is integrity attraction; arrogant people take the plus out of integrity + loyalty and instead, you have them in opposition to each other.

The quality of missionaries has gone way down; the quality of evangelists, the quality of Bible teaching. We have restless people who cannot appreciate the accourtemants of prosperity. And people thing the federal government owes them a living. No one owes you anything. Government is to provide you the freedom and opportunity to advance.

The gates are reviewed.

2Samuel 13:38–39                               72David                                              631_0321

The final 2 verses are dedicated to Absalom, who was born with great potential, but potential is not the answer. Everone has some talent and ability, but most people with great potential lose it along the way.

There is loyalty which is a virtue and loyalty which is an evil. In integrity, loyalty depends upon integrity as a virtue. Absalom combined the rare genes of the Hurrian dynasty and of the Davidic dynasty. They were the rulers of the Hyksos, who conquered Egpt. We encounter their language all over. Their grandfather was a Hurrian king. He was a chip off the old block. He was probably the handsomest man in all of Israel. He had personality, leadership ability, genius; but all of this was neutralized and destroyed by interlocking systems of arrogance.

The criminal element always destroys those who are crusaders. There is this goofy trilateral conspiracy going around. He assumes that everything is about this Rockefeller organization and that no one can be president unless they are a part of it. If you believe this, you are absolutely stupid. This is devised by criminals (communists) and it is all about disruption and antisemitism.

The French revolution used the crusader as a front. They establish the momentum and the motivation for the revolution.

Absalom, in his day, was the perfect man for the revolution. His crusader and criminal arrogance destroyed him. Freedom is always the watchword and the front for such revolution.

It takes 9 years to undermine this established nation.

Nothing is accidental in the Word of God. Absalom is fleeing as a result of interlocking systems of arrogance. He had a definite plan which began by selecting this ranch as the place for the bbq. It is right across the river from the kingdom of Geshur.

People generally skim over verses like this. Reading the Bible through often has no spiritual meaning.

The timing gives us some time frame for David’s installments of discipline between installment 3 and 4. All that he will need for the 4th installment will be available to David during that time.

There is a good possibility that we will face a revolution this year. Particularly if we go to war this year. Never before have we had to face the possibility of a war and a significant population will drag their feet. In either case, logistically, we are not able to go to war. There needs to be a separation between free enterprise and state. Big government’s attempt to destroy big business. Windfall profits tax is the quintessence of stupidty. The government is trying to punish the oil companies for their failures.

The Russian Navy is in complete control of every sea today. Pakistanis are receiving equipment that they do not understand. We no longer have a strategic air command. We have to cannibalize ships constantly. We are flying model T’s compared to the Russian air force.

There were crusaders and now there are criminals.

The Russians are extremely well-organized. Strategically, they are fighting on interior lines. We are only saved by the fact that Jesus Christ controls history.

We have irresponsible people as a part of the voting franchise. Our constitution demands hnor and integrity of our people.

Some of us have only a minimal interest in doctrine. The time will come when all that we have studied is important for application. And you missed because of some party or some form of entertainment.

This verse tells us about an interval. David needs this interval.

Whenever loyalty is in conflict with honor, then honor should win out. Interlocking systems of arrogance makes us weak. The laws of divine establishment, the gospel, and the Royal Family Honor Code for the believer. There is a conflict between loyalty and integrity for David.

Bob wants the revolution to start about May 1st, if possible; although it looks more like the middle of May.

During the interim, Absalom will stay in interlocking systems of arrogance. 3 years gave Absalom enough time to recover from interlocking systems of arrogance, but he did not. David has recovered by the end of those 3 years, but Absalom will stay. Once you are inside the system, you become vulnerable to all 13 of the categories. You may have the strength to resist certain categories of arrogance, once you are inside, you lose that strength.

Various groups of malcontents are ready to revolt. There will be the crusaders to kick the revolution into gear; and criminals are waiting to seize power. They need a front man who is acceptable. They need public opinion in their favor.

David was never responsible for the death of Saul. David will pass certain tests with flying colors.

There are 2 factors in our favor: time and freedom. We prepare for difficulties and for blessing. We have the time and the freedom now to enjoy these. When they are neglected, we fail under both situations.

Absalom will add the stages of reversionism to his time in interlocking systems of arrogance. He goes in as a mature believer, but he will come out as a degenerate and apostate, the latter from negative volition toward doctrine.

David went into interlocking systems of arrogance as a mature believer and he came out the same way. Absalom goes into interlocking systems of arrogance and never comes out. David was degenerate but never reversionistic. The last years of his reign will be the greatest years of his life.

Time and Doctrine

1.       Under reverse process reversionism, Absalom will reject David as his father and as his king.

2.       Absalom therefore will reject authority. No matter how great your potential for leadership, you cannot fulfill this potential as long as you have rejected legitimate authority.

3.       3 years of time will be profitable to David and disastrous for Absalom. So, have you used the past 5 or 9 years to take in doctrine? Is doctrine #1 in your scale of values. Historical disaster is used to remove people from this earth.

4.       Person’s attitude toward Bible doctrine; they shape your norms and standards. The difference between profit and loss is based upon a believer’s attitude toward doctrine.

5.       Positive volition toward doctrine is a profit of time. Potential in time of prosperity

6.       Now, Jesus Christ, Who controls history, has given to each one of us, the time to learn doctrine.

7.       Some of us profit by the time God has given us under logistical grace. Some of us have profited by this time. God is holding back the communist threat on our behalf. Bob hopes that God will punish those who yawn during class and do not cover your mouth and that He will make lockjaw would be a part of your punishment.

One More Principle

1.       Absalom had the freedom for a complete spiritual recovery. Absalom is about to be pardoned. He should not be pardoned. David destroyed his own kingdom by failing to know when to grace Absalom out and where he ought to apply the law. The woman of Tekoa play. David will place the entire nation in jeopardy. This is his failure as supreme court judge of Israel. He was wrong to bring Absalom back under a pardon. Bob gives the illustration of a nice Christian guy running away from battle and influencing the others, then you grace him out as his commanding officer; you pull out your .45 and shoot him. When you have responsibility for people, you must protect them with the laws of divine establishment. This is true in law enforcement and from the judge’s bench. People are dying because criminals are being “graced out” because they are seen as victims of their environment. Judicial decisions in federal courts are creating streets filled with criminals. David will put crime out of control. Great criminals are always pleasant and attractive people. There is nothing so imbecilic as public opinion. Public opinion is emotion without thought. David had an older set of children and a younger set of children. Like Bing Crosby.

2.       S


4.       There is a contrast between brother and sister; between Absalom and Tamar. Tamar was secluded for 2 years in the palace of Absalom. She cared for Absalom’s family.

5.       Absalom was secluded for 3 years, but he did not prepare for growth.

6.       He did not use the 3 years which God gave him. We prepare for prosperity through the perception of doctrine, which prepares us for blessing or for doctrine.

2Sam. 13:38 So Absalom fled and went to Geshur, and was there three years.

Now we are in the final verse of this chapter. There is a feminine singular here; so David must not be the subject; therefore, it is nephesh which is the subject.

David desires to recall Absalom at this time. He is about to reenter interlocking systems of arrogance through his own bitterness. He wants Absalom restored as the prince. He loved Absalom and is unable to deal with this situation.

David loves Absalom and this will distort law and justice. He is leaning toward gracing out a criminal. Joab will take the responsibility for Absalom. He is the one man who can get away with killing Absalom.

Absalom will be killed because of his long hair.

David’s love for Absalom is about to distort grace. Grace is distorted when love is the basis for the function of grace. The basis for the function of grace is justice, integrity and honor. The source of all grace is justice. The justice of God imputed our sins to Christ on the cross and judged them. Grace always originate from justice. If grace is not based upon justice, it is true grace. If it is based upon love, it is maudlin sentimentality.

It is the justice of God which is the source of grace.

God does not love or hate; these are anthropopathisms to help us understand.

David will derive no comfort from the death of Amnon except that he is in heaven. But there is still a living son involved. David’s thoughts go from his dead son to his living son. This was a dilemma for David. Joab began to listen to public opinion.

David wants Absalom back but he cannot get him back. He is failing to enforce the law. David will reenter the interlocking systems of arrogance in the next chapter and the first verse. David will go back for a short tour of interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 13:39 And the spirit of the king longed to go out to Absalom, because he was comforted about Amnon, since he was dead.

2Samuel 14 Hosea 4:1–3                 72David                                              631_0322

Warning 4th 5th cycles/Lord's name in vain; murder. 03/16/1980

Article in Time about Carter. He invited a bunch of businessmen to come to the White House, and he spent time building a snowman instead. He seemed out of touch with the nation and perhaps the world. “I don’t know where Time gets the idea that we have any international prestige.”

Carter seems still uncomfortable with the job, and he does not appear to like power or how to use it. He believes a proper moral stance is all that is needed. He tends to react rather than to anticipate, failing to see how one event is related to another, racing from catastrophe to catastrophe. Our lack of consistency is the problem that most of our allies have with us. His is a policy of flip-flops and zig-zags. A list of those are given, like campaigning for human rights, and then making exceptions, and then abandoning it. He spends Christmas with the Shah, and then, a year later, helps to nudge him out of office.

This president is so irresponsible that he doesn’t even get the facts. Still perplexed about the Iran hostages. His vaccination looks more damaging as each week continues.

It is significant that this is found in Time magazine. It is as if they discovered that liberalism doesn’t work and never will work.

Economy: Scary is the next story. The responsibility for inflation is the federal government. The federal government is operating in a non-constitutional way. The suppression of states’ right beginning with Lincoln and proceeding to FDR, is not fixed by extending the franchise. Idiotic teenagers who do not know straight up from straight down. Imbecility and arrogance.

Under Jesus Christ controls history, a whole generation of young people will be wiped out. There must be free enterprise. The minium wage law must be wiped out completely. You cannot fill jobs with the minimum wage. As a result, we are now on the verge of a total collapse. If the government steps in to try to stop it, its intensity will be increased. It is inevitable that we will see the greatest disaster in all of US history. Many countries in the past have been destroyed.

David looked even a little bit like Carter. The government was responsible for their problems, as ours is.

Israel has split in half into the northern and southern kingdoms. Hosea was a mature believer a great prophet who warned the northern kingdom of the coming of the cycles of discipline. The fifth cycle of discipline was administered in his time.

The northern kingdom would have continued, had they listened to this passage. However, they rejected Bible doctrine. They failed to establish a pivot. The did not avoid interlocking systems of arrogance.

Hosea was teaching and God picked out his wife for him, and that was for teaching. God did not pick out the missionary type, no makeup with her hair pulled severely back.

The woman’s name was Gomer. This was a boy’s name today; but a woman’s name that day. However, those who have seen Gomer Pyle might think that it could go either way.

She had some previous infidelities, and that did not bother Hosea, who was an honorable man. They had a marvelous 1st and 2nd year. First son is called Jezreal, which means the Lord sows, and this was related to murder in order to take a plot of land. Jehu’s dynasty around the time of Ahab? Jezreal was a warning. Persist in national arrogance, persist in reversionism, and you will be destroyed. The second child was a daughter, and her name was Loruima, which means not shown mercy. She had no capacity for love. She was tired of playing house. Like so many women who want to get married, but after playing house for awhile, they get bored. The third child was a son, and his name was Loami, which means not my people, which indicates that he was not Hosea’s child. Hosea told her to straighten out, so she left Hosea, and ran off with a prince of Israel and was discontented. When you become sexually promiscuous, the problem is intensification and frustration and discontent.

She first gets rid of the boring husband, and then she really goes out and tears it up; but then she gets older and is not very attractive; but Gomer is smarter and she knows how to flatter young men; but she is older and getting older all the time. She is so dissipated from raising hell, so that she is what the boys call a pig. So then she is sold on the slave market and she was probably 43 but looked 100.

This is for you virgins, all 3 or 4 of you. When you are taking on young lovers, that is the last warning for you. She had been an extremely beautiful woman, whose beauty was magnificent, but it faded.

She was listed as a slave and priced as a slave gored by a bull. Hosea went to the slave market and purchased her freedom. She has been graced out. Hosea loved her and he had a tremendous sense of justice. Hosea was still faithful and still loyal to Gomer. After bringing her home, he set her free. Hosea 3.

Hosea has the remnants of a woman here.

Hosea 3:1–5 And the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the LORD loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins." So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. And I said to her, "You must dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you." For the children of Israel shall dwell many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the LORD their God, and David their king, and they shall come in fear to the LORD and to his goodness in the latter days.

God has a controversy with the United States just as He did with Israel at this time. God has a case against Israel and its citizens.

Isaiah had a message as well, although he was in the southern kingdom. Truth comes in 3 categories; divine establishment, gospel, and Bible doctrine.

This is a combination of interlocking systems of arrogance and reversionism. Assyria is ready to move far and wide and ready to conquer the world. This opened the way for the rise of the Assyrians. The Russian Communists may play the same role at a future time. Assyria was used by Jesus Christ as a whip to punish client nations. God may use the Russians in the same way.

We have every Biblical guarantee that we will not continue as a nation. Only doctrine in the souls and God’s grace will deliver us. There are too many in this congregation who are very slipshod about their intake of doctrine.

Hosea 4:1 Hear the word of the LORD, O children of Israel, for the LORD has a controversy [a case or a lawsuit] with the inhabitants of the land. There is no faithfulness [truth or doctrine] or steadfast love, and no knowledge of God [nothing knowing of God] in the land [this can refer to the nation Israel as well];

We have a contrast next. There is crusader arrogance and then there is criminal arrogance. Perhaps this is the useful idiots. Criminals who were revolutionaries use these crusaders.

If we go to war, we will simultaneously have the breaking out of a revolution.

The conspiracy theory of the Trilateral commission is so idiotic and this makes the conservative stupid and anti-Semitic, and this turns the conservative into a crusader. It is arrogance that gets them into it. The conspiracy is in the Word of God. The only thing controlling the criminal is the police officer. The judge today is a sociologist rather than a jurist. When you combine crusader arrogance with criminal,...

The 3rd commandment prohibits the use of God’s name for a vain purpose. Some claim this or that cause is God’s will. That is breaking the 3rd commandment. The criminal comes along and he and the crusader use God as a front (liberation theology today is an example of this).

Down at the old church, and very pious people would tell us that “God brought us to this corner and He intends for us to stay here.” So, according to them, we should be still at that corner. It was Bob’s idea to come out to that area because some one who was smart said this would be the center of town. The whole point of the debate was to determine God’s will and vote our convictions. Dear old so and so, when he said that, that immediately meant 20 votes. Some pious fraud standing up and saying something like that is using the Lord’s name in vain. This man never said damn or hell or a bunch of other words; he was a sweet man; he never said, damn, or hell or bastard; but when he said it is God’s will, that was taking God’s name in vain.

There are even presidents who use God’s name in vain. He does not condone perjury. In order to have true justice, the judge needs to have the facts.

One of the stages is the pathological liar. No one can survive as a client nation without integrity and honor. A nation must have an honor code. Then we have homicide or murder, the very thing we have been studying. This violates the 6th commandment. That is obviously the greatest restraint of another’s freedom. Murder is a part of the criminal index, which deprives him of his freedom. Satan was a murderer from the beginning. Those around Jesus could hear the words that he said, but were unable to put it together. Satan is also the father of lies. Once in interlocking systems of arrogance, murder becomes easy.

There are two verbs that are put together; they break in to rape. The result is violence. This is unrestrained violence of homicide and rape.

Hosea 4:2 there is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery; they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.

The land mourns if they are under interlocking systems of arrogance. They lose freedom and all of the functions of the client nation.

Hosea 4:3 Therefore the land mourns, and all who dwell in it languish, and also the beasts of the field and the birds of the heavens, and even the fish of the sea are taken away.

Hosea has warmed up to his subject. Here, you would think you were reading the morning newspaper.

2Samuel 14:1 Hosea 4:1–5                72David                                              631_0323

Patriot Joab; David's interlocking systems of arrogance and Absalom; the avenger of blood; Toland: leaders minus reality 03/20/1980

Dr. Davidjohn is on the podium with Bob. One of the foremost gynecologists in the United States.

Bob like historian John Tolin. One of Bob’s favorite books is The last 100 Days, which describes the final 100 days of WWII, the European theater. Vicious behavior of the Russians, who, in their tanks, took out wagons and the like. They grabbed women and raped them, and 4 were nailed naked to a wagon after being raped many times. Rings were taken away by slicing off their fingers; then the raping occurred. They looted, raped and killed. The reason was vengeance for Nazi brutality. Russians came across one of the concentration camps, but Bob would not say what they did. It does not sound like liberation.

Goering and Hitler are having an argument about retiring officers. All of this discussion is going on while 200,000 women are being raped. Totally divorced from reality. Another group of Russians were drunk and began to kill and rape. More of this degeneracy of these communists.

The arrogance of the people of this country is almost beyond description. People are arrogant; they are self-centered. It happens in every facet of life. We are enjoying an interlude. We will see the crusaders; we will see the criminals use the crusaders. It is time for the justice of God to do what has to be done to perpetuate the Angelic Conflict, which may even include the destruction of the United States.

Our passage describes this as discipline for national arrogance.

Hosea 3:1–3 And the LORD said to me, "Go again, love a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress, even as the LORD loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins." So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley. And I said to her, "You must dwell as mine for many days. You shall not play the whore, or belong to another man; so will I also be to you."

There is the crusader + the criminal; the criminal uses the crusader. The Mencheviques were the crusaders. The criminals allows the crusaders to arouse the public. Then the criminals come in and take over.

Same thing was true in the French Revolution. Once they had aroused public opinion, it was the criminals who stepped in. We will see the greatest judge at that time, David, fail.

Integrity + loyalty = honor. However, loyalty can be a virtue or an evil. Truth or doctrine fed into loyalty means loyalty is to principle and to truth. Where crime becomes an issue, you cannot have loyalty toward criminals.

Ordinarily, we think of crime being unrestrained because of the police officer, but it is always the judge on the bench who fails to restrain crime. They are sociologists; they are psychologists. They have all of these environmental, sociological explanations; and so criminals are put out on the streets.

When crime is unrestrained, the believer immediately says, “Why does this happen to me?” That is arrogance. Arrogance is degeneracy. It is degeneracy for a believer to say, “Why does God let this happen to me? Why God allow this to happen to our country?” That is arrogance. It is like saying, you know better than God, and you think you ought to call the shots instead of God.

In v. 2, we see unrestrained crime. When crusaders try to rehabilitate criminals instead of restraining them. Hiram Walker Distillery in Peoria was a great run business; but they are moving it to Arkansas because of labor unions. It is destroyed by the crusaders in labor and by the criminals in labor. If the unbeliever or the believer accepts the lie of the crusader, they lose their freedom to the crusader and to the criminal.

Hosea 4:4 Yet let no one contend, and let none accuse, for with you is my contention, O priest.

The USA has been stumbling in the daylight. Our policy in Korea can be described as stumbling in the daylight. The mother is the reference to the national entity. This is as prophetic for us as it is for the northern kingdom. This can only be staved off by our attitude toward doctrine, and for some of us, your attitude stinks. Some of you have no idea what I am teaching. If you think there is something more important than doctrine, then you need to go somewhere else. Some of you will die or be raped or you will wish you would die.

There are those in Berachah who are positive toward doctrine and they could save this nation; and there are those who are doctrine hardened. Doctrine needs to be #1 in your life. Jesus Christ ought to be #1 in your life, and that can only be true if doctrine is #1. It is time that some of you face the fact that you are going to die the sin unto death because doctrine is not important to you. you have no idea how little respect Bob has for people who have this solution in their grasp, and you don’t. Anytime there is a conflict between what is important and what you want to do, you just go with the other thing.

Hosea 4:5 You shall stumble by day; the prophet also shall stumble with you by night; and I will destroy your mother.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Bob is spending 14 hours and a verse, and he is not going to do any review. You don’t come, and he is just not going to cater to you. When Bob travels around to places like Peoria and he knows how positive they are toward doctrine. “What I would say to you in private, you couldn’t stand. Maybe you would want to do something about it, and that’s okay too.”

God will turn all of your efforts into fecal matter and you walk in here with it all over you.

God honors faithfulness and it must be based upon your scale of values.

3 Parts

1.       3 act drama called the woman from Tekoa. Vv. 1–20

2.       Return of Absalom vv. 21-29 David’s greatest mistake was not to execute his son (Amnon, I assume, although Bob may be referring to Absalom). There is someone called the avenger of blood. There were not public executioners. The state did ot pay those execute. When someone committed homicide, the person was brought to trial, with clear laws of evidence. His closest male kin take stones and stones him to death. This is not vigilantism, but done at the direction of the court. All of David’s sons were ready to stone Absalom. Absalom scared them. The purpose of the bbq was to lure Amnon to the ranch so they could have pig on a spit; the pig’s name was Amnon. The 50 (50?) brothers who were there and when they heard kill, they were splattered with Amnon’s blood and they thought that they were next. There is no real leadership to arouse public opinion. However, people began to regard Absalom as a folk hero. Robin Hood was a punk and a criminal and he was glorified. Ditto Bonnie and Clyde. The animal who destroys your freedom and you glorify them. So the people glorified Absalom, a criminal. No one liked Amnon, so they were not disconcerted of Absalom killing him. The revolutionists realize that if they get Absalom back, all systems are go. All of these other sons are running about trying to impress David while Absalom was gone. Joab decided only Absalom was a real man, so he tries to get Absalom back into the country. Joab is a military genius; but we will now see Cecile B Demille Joab. He is a marvelous producer. There is this whole plot and scenario. It is phenomenal. He is a genius, but a frustrated one. The woman from Tekoa will put on a tremendous show. He will bravo himself into the biggest jam in American history. Afterwards, he will realize that he is the biggest fool in history. Bob is sure that we read this and we understood all of this already.

3.       Vv.28–33 David’s arrogance hangover.

The first verse begins the Woman of Tekoa drama. David reenters interlocking systems of arrogance. The king’s heart is toward Absalom. Here, it means to be people smart. Joab is a phenomenal person.

There are 4 categories of ʿal; it is used for resting on something and means on or upon; impending or suspending and rendered over; then there is nearness and rendered at; and the 4th category, it is a preposition of motion, but the motion can be good or bad; good connotation is toward but bad is against; and that is the use in this passage. This is the opposite the previous chapter. Why the change? Why did he long for Absalom and now he is against him? What makes people unstable?

You can be very different, inside and outside of interlocking systems of arrogance. When it says that David’s right lobe is against Absalom, it means that Absalom is the key. He has everthing in the world going for him. Joab is thinking there would be a revolution without Absalom. Joab is an honorable person most of the time. He thinks that getting Absalom back and pardoned is key to quelling the revolution in the air.

David’s favorites include Amnon, the bastard who died, Absalom, and Solomon. Tamar and Nathan are the great children. The quickest way to get inside interlocking systems of arrogance is bitterness, vindictiveness, revenge motivation, jealousy. Pride is not really a sin. It is a description of sins of arrogance.

David will make the greatest mistake of his enitre career. This was a horrible mistake. People with great authority make mistakes in judgment and in policy and in the execution of justice.

These decisions will guarantee that his harem will be raped and that there will be revolution in the streets.

Bob wants to look at Zeruiah; women make life truly wonderful; someone you will fight for and die for. The sister of David was magnificent. David’s sister was one of the greatest women of her generation and Tamar was great in the next generation. No man can equal a woman who is saturated with doctrine. She was the mother of 3 of Israel’s greatest soldiers. Bob marvels how this woman reared 3 sons to be the greatest 3 soldiers of that day. David did not raise any boys to be great military men. We need military men and we will need them so badly, I can’t tell you how much. Zeruiah had a husband and Josephus speaks of him and he has a grave in Jerusalem. But Zeruiah raised these kids herself. Bob hears all of these whining and mewing about their kids and being unable to control them; Zeruiah had 3 boys and she raised hiim. The home is the stability of the next generation. It is not education; it is authority and discipline. The father’s death was apparently premature. Asahel was killed in combat as a division commander. Abishai was 2nd only to Joab. He commanded one of the 3 divisions in David’s army during the Absalom revolution. David’s chief of staff; David’s 5 star general. Magnificent for a mother to see these 3 great sons. Joab’s loyalty to David is both virtuous and evil. Virtue loyalty depends upon integrity. Joab, carrying out David’s orders to kill Uriah was loyalty to evil. But mostly, Joab was loyal to doctrine. The greater the integrity, the greater the service.

We have lost integrity and we have lost honor. Joab recovered integrity and honor and went on to serve David in a marvelous way.

Joab made some mistakes, like killing Abner in revenge. He disobeyed David’s orders and killed Absalom. Once Joab has responsibility for Abner, remanded into his custody, he then killed Absalom.

I am going to produce a drama to bring the judge to a place where the judge will do everything to bring this guy back, and the judge will be trapped into bringing him back..

2Sam. 14:1 Now Joab the son of Zeruiah knew that the king's heart went out to [against] Absalom.

2Samuel 14:1                                       72David                                              631_0324

The Genius of Joab’s drama; cities of refuge; David's inconsistency re Absalom 03/21/1980

Officer Review March 1980. Pornography destroys the concepts of honor and integrity.

Boy crazy is an immature arrogant reaction to life. Women have gone right off their rocker in boy-craziness. They are vulnerable to any boy who comes along. And when they get married, they discover that their boy is a boy. The boy who tells you he no longer loves you and then puts you out of the house, is a horse’s ass.

Zeruiah showed that you can have a great life without a man. Same thing with Tamar.

If all the jocks did 10% of what they said they do, they wouldn’t be able to play football.

Manliness is a thought. But you girls are going to go right on being stupid. A woman can live her whole life and have a great life and depend upon a man for nothing.

One of the great dramas in history; the woman from Tekoa.

Joab understood his boss very well. He knew when he was happy and when he was miserable.

David and Joab are both very patriotic. And with this, they were wise. David has wisdom and Joab is without wisdom. Joab will write a drama in order to restore Absalom to the kingdom.

This woman has to act the part of a groveling female; and she has to impress the judge. She dresses in white to impress the judge.

A horsey woman is right when you are in a state of arrogance and you are not.

The Russians had raped over 1.5 million women and killed over 2 million civilians.

The ground we are covering has not been covered in 2000 years. No other congregation has had the opportunity of hearing this before; director producer Joab.

The key is leb, here; the thinking part of the mind. Integrity is a system of thinking related to a scale of values. Honor is applying those values to your life. The storage and utilization of doctrine in the soul.

Arrogance is a complex of sins; it is not a single sin. Arrogance is a thought. It may manifest itself in many ways. Arrogance is not a posture, or a system of posture. It is a system of thinking.

1st degree murder was always punished by death. There were no public executioners in Israel as there was in Rome. There was a system of hiring to be a public executioner. He had an ax and a bundle of rods hung around the ax. In Israel, there was no public executioner like the lykter; but he was the avenger of blood. This is the nearest male relative to the victim or relatives. Absalom was the brother of Tamar and they were the nearest relatives to Tamar, so David and Absalom should have been the avengers of blood to kill Amnon. This would have been inside the law for Amnon. Therefore, there was no official pronouncement of guilt or non-guilt. Absalom is a criminal now, and not a public executioner.

Absalom is now the murderer. He is the next of kin to Amnon. The king’s sons were scared to death at the bbq; and they want him to return so that they can execute him.

If it was an unintentional killing, then you had to remain in a city of refuge. This was their system of jailing. No reason to put walls around the city to keep them in because there would be a blood avenger waiting for them.

It was a great system. Capital punishment to control crime. The problem is, Absalom is a public hero. He will be executed as a criminal and those jealous of him will kill him.

Joab looks around and notes that none of the king’s sons have the ability to be a king after David except for Absalom.

Once a criminal, always a criminal. Criminals can be changed by one thing; being born-again and then getting on doctrine. Any change you see in a criminal is usually to con you into doing something. They are great actors.

Absalom was wrong. There was no trial. This was a case of fraticide.

Most people who are bitter are so arrogant that they refuse to blame themselves. No one is bitter without being in interlocking systems of arrogance. They have to blame someone else and they refuse to take responsibility for their own decisions. Bitterness is one of the worst things to happen to us.

Absalom is wrong in what he does and David is also wrong, because he reacts to the situation.. Wrong + wrong = wrong. Absalom tried to correct a wrong with a wrong. People are always trying to justify what they do because of some kind of a problem.

If you correct a wrong with a wrong, you have lost your integrity. After that, your life is meaningless.

Absalom was very personable and extremely handsome. He had a lot of talent and he could have been a great king in Jewish history, but his arrogance cancelled out everything that he is.

Most of you are so stupid that you always take the job which pays the most.

If Bob lacked the job of pastor-teacher, he would examine the company and its goals and what it will do about training; and the company which has something which matches up with integrity as opposed to making twice the salary in a fly by night organization.

Bob’s original salary at Berachah was almost nothing. There were only 35 people so that was the best they could do. Bob did not live on that money, of course. Bob was later offered a job at Moody’s church. Bob said no. It would be a great jump in salary and more of a prestigious position. Bob told him, he had a better deal. They figured that they had a lot to offer a young man like Bob. But he was not looking for the prestige or the salary.

Some of you will always go for the money, and that is a big mistake. Bob likes to see people at T&P and they stay there, even after being offered a better job elsewhere. People at T&P have honor, loyalty and integrity. If God wants to starve Thieme or punish him, that is fine. Bob will go either way. Bob started out so rich, you could not believe it; and he became so poor you can’t believe it. He is happy either way.

Instability is mated to inconsistency. They are inseparable Siamese twins. The function of the law was the key; not personal forgiveness. David forgave Amnon, and this was wrong; and he refused to forgive Absalom.

You cannot be consistent with arrogance.

Joab wants to alert David to his arrogance. He also wants to restore Absalom. It is Joab to the rescue. He has a patriotic motivation.

Daily contact does not mean that you necessarily know a person. David’s inability to make policy decisions. Ability and competency are changed into inability and incompetency by interlocking systems of arrogance.

David longed for Absalom, as we have read earlier, but now it is interlocking systems of arrogance, and David is against Absalom.

David will act as the supreme court judge, but he will make a ruling based upon impertinent law and set aside the pertinent law. This will hinder his function as supreme court judge. Joab sees in Absalom the future hope for his country.

Could this be because Joab and David have both killed Uirah the Hittite so that they will both excuse Absalom, who kills for a better reason.

2Sam. 14:1 Now Joab the son of Zeruiah knew that the king's heart went out to [was against] Absalom.

2Samuel 14:1–3                                   72David                                              631_0325

Actress of Tekoa; drama to teach arrogance the genius of Joab teaches arrogance and subjectivity 03/23/1980

Bob knows our general moods when we wander in. When a person is pressing iron which is more than his own weight, you can see quite a grimace on the person’s face. Whatever your problems are, at times they may become a bit too heavy.

Worry is also a form of arrogance. Worry, anxiety, fear, preoccupation with himself, was the reentering of interlocking systems of arrogance. Any problem or difficulty or trial in life which is too great for us; so this allows God to take care of these things for us.

Bob is a people watcher and he can tell when someone is miserable and preoccupied with himself. He can detatch himself from our problems and from our sad faces. However, there are those in your periphery who do not feel that way.

David, as a mature believer, allowed his problems to overtake him.

With a weak father, children often take on the characteristics of their mother. The greatest people in David’s family were the women. Being inside interlocking systems of arrogance, you become vulnerable to the other gates.

Some ladies enter into interlocking systems of arrogance and enter by worry. Or, you may fornicate with some guy to get even with your bf.

Blind arrogance is always involved when people enter in through worry or fear.

If you hold some executive position, there are many who share your problems but have no desire to do so.

Bob gives an example of a judge who upholds the law; but he suddenly has all of these problems and he feels sorry for himself, and he enters into interlocking systems of arrogance. This will affect his job on the bench. The judge becomes emotional rather than rational.

Jewish law always remembers the victim. However, in the U.S., the judge tends to get involved with the criminal, and he may try to help him.

This will help us on the woman from Tekoa. This is how we know that David has entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. We are one person outside of interlocking systems of arrogance; and we are a different person inside interlocking systems of arrogance. Once we enter into interlocking systems of arrogance, we lose that capacity, and we change completely. You can be outside of interlocking systems of arrogance and be very noble and honest and having integrity.

The KJ is often misleading. Shalach meant to fetch a few hundred years ago. It means to send, which indicates that he did not go himself, but he brought this actress back to himself. It is likely that this woman owes Joab a favor. He did something for her that was fantastic, and now she is returning the favor.

Chacma means skilled in whatever one does; in this situation, she is a great actress. This is for a technical skill.

Joab is a very handsome, attractive soldier, and he had some sort of a relationship with this woman. When a soldier and an actress get together, and I leave the rest to your imagination. It would not be out of the question for Joab to bail her out.

Many of us have been affected by some actor or actress on the stage. There were 2 entirely different movies last night. George Sanders was much better on the stage than off, and he liked to loaf when he was off the stage. He despised acting, and he would take any part, and he said, it doesn’t matter. The whole thing is a farce anyway. He was only interested in a check.

Most, you would be bored with if you knew them in real life. This is a famous woman who will demonstrate great courage and great histrionic ability; and this is off stage. Bob recalls in high school that everyone tried to comb their hair like Gary Cooper or they wanted to know the lipstick that Katherine Hepburn wore.

Dash was always teased by some villains next door, so he taught Larkey how to snarl and bark. Teaching Dash takes a hundred years of patience; but Larkey learned quickly. Larkey is a high tenor. Dash is a bass. Later they had a fight, and Larkey beat him down, and he was then in charge. Now, Larkey does not allow Dash to bark.

Applaud good actors when they have finished a play; but offstage, ignore them. Most of them are so arrogant, you can’t believe it. Off stage, many of them are nothing but scum. They are not patriotic but they are scum. Why should their opinions be listened to? Why should anyone care what is on their minds. Most of them are idiots and most of them are liberal idiots.

We do not know this woman’s name. Anyone who is an entertainer is a dishwasher. People who do that are usually on their way up.

The Beatles ruined a generation; they are evil, they are cowardly and they are scum; because the hoi polloi went ape over them, one of them was knighted by the king. No reason to knight anyone like that. They are scum. They are self-centered scum.

God the Holy Spirit would not bother to even give us the name of this woman. She is a great actress. We have no idea what she is like as a person.

Jewish people have always been talented in the entertainment field. Some of the greatest people in the film industry are fantastic.

Eccles. 12:5 Amos 5:16 and there are several other passages dealing with these professional mourners. There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish.

Joab has great respect for this woman and she has never allowed her professional success to keep her from being spoiled.

A professional mourner does not know the person who has died, but is hired to act as if in mourning. There is costuming here; in this case, mourning clothes.

Anointing here actually refers to putting on cosmetics. It is not the normal word for anoint. The subjunctive mood and the idea is, she is to avoid using any cosmetics. This would be what a woman in mourning would do.

When a man wakes up in the morning, he might still shout and cry out and jump out of bed. “I’m sorry, honey, I did not know it was you.”

2Sam. 14:2 And Joab sent to Tekoa and brought from there a wise [skilled (as an actress)] woman and said to her, "Pretend to be a [professional] mourner and put on mourning garments. Do not anoint yourself with oil, but behave like a woman who has been mourning many days for the dead.

Joab wrote the script for this.

All of this narrative is important. Narrative must be analyzed. This is the genius of Joab in another area. This will change everything in Israel. When the supreme court or the legislature passes a lot of laws,... There are so many things you cannot fix with the law. Particularly, law which does not deal with criminals, but deals with social action.

Joab is writing a drama which will change law and help the revolution.

Joab’s Approach

1.       If the deception is going to succeed, the mood must be correct. This must be done to gain the attention of the king. A judge in interlocking systems of arrogance needs something to grab his attention. The staging and the mood for the drama must be right.

2.       David has become subjective about Absalom. Previously, he longed for Absalom; now his heart is set against Absalom. That is objectivity followed by subjectivity. If Joab went to him directly, David wouldn’t hear him.

3.       This will require objective consideration.

4.       Joab has noted before how to reach the king when he is subjective. You need to use analogy or parable to reach him. A parable must be used.

5.       Arrogant believers, no matter what their spiritual status, do not learn doctrine, unless they are approached from the standpoint of analogy.

6.       This is what the prophet Nathan accomplished.

7.       David was confronted with his evil function by the parable of the ewe lamb.

8.       So David objectively condemned himself. He said, “The man who did this will die.” Being confronted with a parable, David was able to think about it objectively, even though he was in subjectivity. A person has to be drawn completely out of himself and away from his own circumstances. They can learn through heartache and difficult circumstances as well. Through punishment, the justice of God relates subjectivity to reality. Those who are negative toward doctrine, are very subjective, they will not listen to the truth.

Joab is not a prophet; he has no authority over David. He cannot plead on behalf of Absalom. Joab must use the drama media to communicate this to David. Cast, costume, makeup, the scenario, the use of the voice and the proper inflection, and rhythm of speaking. Since Joab knows his uncle David very well, there will be a prologue.

David is in a stage of arrogance. An arrogant man will give attention to a helpless woman. Joab is a brilliant director and he makes this woman so totally helpless, so that she will not even lift up her face and say, “Help me, O king.” He mutters this into the floor.

Some of you women may wonder why a guy says, “I will love you forever” and then, a day later, he doesn’t. The man who throws out his wife because he know longer loves her. That man is an arrogant ass. He is only impressed with a woman who is totally humiliated and humbled. He only wants something which feeds his arrogance and ego. Joab is so people smart, he knows that this woman has to do more than look up and bat her eyes and say, “Help.”

Joab does not want David to take advantage of this woman.

Criminals by virtue of being criminals have no rights. Our system of jurist prudence is being destroyed in this land.

Absalom should be tried and executed. That he murdered his brother is unquestionable. There is also civil law, which is a bonafide system of law. This is a criminal case. But the woman in this script will bring in criminal law and distract David will civil law. That will be a disaster. That means revolution.

There is a great issue in life. What is pertinent to the situation. Criminal law in Num. 35 is pertinent; but civil law is quite another thing. When you apply doctrine in your life, all you have is, you must bring into the situation, what is pertinent.

The king will wise up, but it will be too late.

The name of the drama, The Woman from Tekoa, produced by Joab. David will be cast as supreme court judge. Out of this drama will come revolution.

2Sam. 14:3 Go to the king and speak thus to him." So Joab put the words in her mouth.

2Samuel 14:3 Num. 35:16–19          72David                                              631_0326

03/23/1980 Arrogance re the origin and purpose of the drama and culture; motivation of Joab; Jewish law: avenger of blood, jails and distraction from criminal to civil law

The co-existent function of culture in a client nation. From the time of Alexander the Great, there were the Hellenistic Jews, who were cultural Jews and they talked about the plays of Sophocles, Euripides, and someone else. Anytime a group of people live together, it is inevitable that there will be an exchange of ideas. There will be truth and falsity. A nation which succeeds in any way will develop a culture. They already have what it takes to develop a culture, which is interlocking systems of arrogance. This is when these people become an arrogant people. In any nation which rises to the peak, there is a system of culture.

Drama will develop. Drama has its origins in the 5th century b.c. The Greek comedy and tragedy came from the fraternity of Dianices or Bachus and they would go on a drunk, and then they would parade the streets singing, with a particular meter and poetry. This was then expanded to singing and dancing. They were entertained while listening. Subjective arrogant people will listen and understand, provide that they are entertained at the same time. Arrogant and subjective people would normally not receive such information. If you want to communicate to subjective people, you have to entertain them.

The dithyramb was expanded further. When 2 Greeks words are put together, you get tragedy. This communicated the culture of the Greeks who would not otherwise listen. Subjective people love subjective music.

We can understand this in the United States today; those who are entertained are also taught things as well. Bob, as a child, would watch a gangster movie and he would be guided in his thinking, even though he did not realize that.

Entertainment reaches all people; the arrogant and the humble. Subjective people can become objective temporarily if they are entertained. Entertainment is the primary system for training the mind.

Dramas of the ancient Greeks were held in the spring. They were, for those who listened, a religious ceremony called catharsis. The festival of Dionices lasted for a week. There might be as many as 3 dramas presented each day. These dramas were developed to win a prize. The highest honor was to win the tragedy contest or the comedy contest.

The original stage was called the ορχηστρα, which later became more like the stage which we are used to. Thespis was the one who started drama. He also developed makeup.

Catharsis is to take a person with worries and fears and arrogant, and this lifts him out of his fears and concerns through the drama. He is taken away from himself for awhile. He would forget his own troubles and worries. In being lifted out of this, he had a temporary phase where he could be separated from his own problems and then he could be taught things. You no longer were preoccupied with yourself or your own problems, but you could be exposed to Greek culture.

The problem with the Beatles was this destroyed people through drug addiction; this is chemical murder. This was communicated through the music. Therefore, there is no patriotism, no orientation to responsible citizenship; and this indicates that entertainment can be extremely effective as a socialist tool. Arrogant subjective people find it almost impossible to be patriotic. Patriotism disappears when entertainment gives standards which are different. We now march to a new drum. Socialism now comes into the thinking of our culture.

When people take prat falls and things like this, people laugh at their discomfort and difficulties.

In Germany, we hear a completely different music, which is pro-military and pro-German. It is love of the fatherland. Men here want to put the women out in front to fight because they are yellow dog cowards. Nobility and galantry was the subject matter of the novels from Bob’s day.

Teaching arrogant people demands entertainment. That is one side of the coin. Flip the coin over and drama and entertainment are also designed to teach doctrine. Lamb pets back then, like we have dogs today. They would see the lamb which had never done anything wrong, and the priest would put his hand on the sinner and on the lamb, and the lamb would be killed.

Arrogant people are subjective.

Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon are both dramas, so some degree. Ritual is drama in which we participate. Our ritual of the bread and the cup; and we identify this with His body and with His paying for our sins.

Many churches have developed rituals in order to teach their congregation stuff. When the objective of entertainment is to communicate truth, that is good; and when it communicates a lie, that is horrible. The whole system of teaching in Israel was related to drama.

Sophocles emphasized spoken drama; this is when tragedy takes on new meaning. Satan has his system as well. All of the great religions of the world, being false, have a lot of ritual. Whatever it is, there is always the extensive system of ritual so that you can learn their false doctrines. Since Bible doctrine is too complicated, at times, it is not taught by parables.

The most popular teachers, evangelists or pastors are able to entertain as they teach, which takes you to a place of objectivity.

Producer-director is in v. 1. Joab is for Absalom and he knows the other sons of David are not capable of inheriting anything. Then he brings in the cast and makeup.

Joab gains an audience with the king with this woman. David functioned as supreme court judge. The woman has been trained what to say and when, and how to get this intertwined with what David says.

Her appearance must give the impression of complete mourning and she must appear in complete humiliation, so that David will pay attention to all that she says. Joab is under the conviction that only Absalom is able to succeed his father.

2Sam. 14:3 Go to the king and speak thus to him." So Joab put the words in her mouth.

Script is what is to be said and the scenario involves inflection and mood. This was a fully rehearsed drama. He probably explained the drama, what she needed to do, how David would respond, and how she should respond to him.

There are a whole set of cues and principles. No ordinary actress could have handled these lines. She is a totally superb actress at the top of his field.

There had to be a set of alternate lines as well. We do not know exactly what David will say each time.

Joab cannot prompt from the wings. Everything had to be perfect. She had to know the lines and the alternates perfectly.

Joab’s Deception.

1.       Joab has carefully observed the king’s sons and has found them wanting as future potential rulers. His sons are a pack of pitiful people. They stand in stark contrast to Absalom. The only thing that made sense to Absalom is to get Absalom back as the crown prince.

2.       Joab was concerned with client nation Israel. He might change his mind later about Adonijah.

3.       The actual successor is still in the cradle. He is not considered by Joab. David is in interlocking systems of arrogance and he could die at any time. Joab can only judge by this.

4.       To Joab, there is only one person qualified to follow his father.

5.       Absalom has become something of a hero to the people; they admire him for what he did.

6.       Therefore, Joab has nothing but the purest of motivation, which is patriotism. There is loyalty to David and a desire to return Absalom to the land. 2 problems have developed: David has now reentered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Bitterness has led him back into interlocking systems of arrogance. This has changed his attitude. So David is totally opposed to the return of Absalom. Secondly, under Jewish law, there are no public executions; only the avengers of blood, who are related to the victim. The king’s sons would love to stone Absalom to death. He is their primary competition. David is opposed to Absalom coming back, and a dead body under a pile of stones cannot rule Israel.

7.       Therefore, Joab wrote a drama in order to deal with these 2 problems. He needed to have Absalom put into Joab’s custody so that he would not be killed.

Well, you were supposed to read and study this. How does this line up with your personal notes. All of the sons were witnesses to the murder. There are as many as 50 people who observed the murder of Amnon.

Joab has 2 problems: get Absalom back and to get a stay of execution on Absalom. This drama will do all of these things. Joab was a genius. However, much of Hollywood is Jewish, which makes sense.

This is one of the top box office dramas of all time, but it is also in the Word of God. Joab now designs a 3 act drama. This will bring Absalom back, even though David does not want him back. Eventually, you will see Joab executing Absalom. In his custody, Joab has that right.

Title: the Woman from Tekoa

Producer, director and writer: field marshal Joab

Cast: the woman from Tekoa and David (this is a reality show)

the entrance into the supreme court. Act I is vv. 5–10. Act II motional view of the law vv. 12–14 Act III application of non-pertinent laws. Vv 18–20 is the epilogue.

The avenger of blood, and that is the correct law of divine establishment. Jewish law as found in codex #3 remembers and emphasizes the victim. Subjective law emphasizes the criminal. Honoring the victim with the correct type of punishment is objective law.

The avengers of blood were the nearest male kin to the victim. Females ought to be exempted from executing someone or being in the military in a combat function.

The good is the avenger of blood; evil is vengeance is punishing someone apart from their conviction in a law court. There is a supreme court in heaven which will handle all wrongs. We are never to take personal revenge.

Secondly, what did the Jewish law use for jails? They had a system of incarceration which was much better than ours. There was the city of refuge, which was designed for crimes other than rape and murder. When there was 2nd or 3rd degree murder, the criminal had to go to one of these cities and remain there. 3 on each side of the Jordan. The criminal had to get to this city before the blood avenger. As long as the current High Priest was alive, this man had to remain in that city. He could not leave the city limits. Private detectives in those days kept track of this. Once the High Priest dies, he can leave the city, if he so chooses. Num. 35:9–15

The pertinence of law. David will fail here as judge. The failure of the judge on the bench comes about by the principle of distraction. We have discussed distraction in terms of rudeness and lack of thoughtfulness to others. There are criminal laws and civil laws. These are separate categories of laws, and should be kept separate. The woman will enter a civil law into a criminal case. However, the judge will be attracted to this law as the solution of the problem. This will open the door to revolution. This civil law will be used to set aside the criminal law. This will set things up for revolution. This occurs in our country; non-pertinent laws have been applied by various judges in order to get social justice or whatever.

What is the pertinent law? It is the law of 1st degree murder.

Num. 35:16–19 "But if he struck him down with an iron object, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. And if he struck him down with a stone tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. Or if he struck him down with a wooden tool that could cause death, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall be put to death. The avenger of blood shall himself put the murderer to death; when he meets him, he shall put him to death.”

This is the proper application. This is 1st degree murder, which is the only pertinent Scripture to the Absalom case.

The nearest male relatives are David and his sons. Joab knows all of this stuff, and he will write a script in order to set this aside.

2Sam. 14:3 Go to the king and speak thus to him." So Joab put the words in her mouth.

2Samuel 14:4                                       72David                                              631_0327

03/24/1980 Teen Bible class and parental authority; drama of the helpless widow; results of the malfunction of justice.

First a call from Captain Thieme and then Colonel Howard for Colonel Baker in Germany.

Parents told a kid no more listening to tapes. And they cut him off. When that occurs, Bob will cut them off. No one is encouraged to disobey their parents. Bob is opposed to teenage classes. Berachah drafted a policy not to have any teen classes. Exception is a basics class. However, the age cut off is 10?

To counsel teenagers to rebel against their parents is a problem. Teachers often evolve into the role of counselor. There are those who go this way and they give nothing but bad advice. Any suggestion to reject the parental authority is out of line. Bob taught teen classes in order to set up some teen tapes.

Often when you counsel a teen, you are building up a weak sister. Teenagers should be pushed to depend upon their own mental processes rather than to lean upon someone else. The issue is not, are the parents right or wrong; the issue is, they are parents.

Bob will not tolerate any teen class in any Fx or tape group.

Eventually, it conflicts with the teaching ministry or it turns into a counseling session. Finally, it causes teens to disobey their parents. Bob cannot believe that kids can grow up and disobey their parents in the name of the Lord. If you start disobeying parents, there will never be an end to it. Girls are the worst about this, strangely enough.

Some cannot hold down a job for more than 2 or 3 years because they rejected parental authority. You knock yourself out of the box when you reject parental authority.

After the prologue, there will be 3 acts and an epilogue.

The first word in the MT bo, which means to come. The more ancient manuscripts have the Qal imperfect of amer, which means to speak.

David was in mourning for his sons, so he has this in common with the woman. That is what she was designed to do. Beware of the totally helpless woman. David will be trapped into emotional thinking on that basis. Beware of the woman who is in distress, but not really in distress.

Then she had to fall, without injury, without being bruised, but so that you appear completely hopeless, helpless and devastated. If you are really in that condition, Joab is around, but he cannot prompt her for lines or anything like that. The costuming and the act of obeisance appeals to David. David is most anxious to help her.

To have your face on the ground, therefore, your body has to be on the ground as well.

This woman is wealthy successful and if she is anything, it is not helpless. It is the impulse of most of us to help a lady in distress.

In David’s desire to help this woman, he will make a dramatic policy change; a change in the law. David could have looked her in the face and recognized her beauty; so the woman is careful to have her face on the ground, so that David does not look into her eyes.

When you enunciate your lines into the ground, there is only one thing she can say: help. Joab knows David and he knows that he cannot resist a woman in distress.

When Bob was helping a woman in distress, his thought process was at a minimum. His thinking had been dulled.

2Sam. 14:4 When the woman of Tekoa came [possibly, spoke] to the king, she fell on her face to the ground and paid homage [she prostrated herself] and said, "Save me [Help], O king."

Joab has overlooked nothing; costuming, action, dialogue; this demonstrates the kind of genius that gets right to the point. Joab has a real genius for drama. Certain eras of history demand certain abilities that other eras do not. In ancient world, there was not much call for scientific talent, but there was for others. Drama was a catharsis; Bible doctrine was a catharsis for the Age of Israel. The drama produced by Joab was unique in the annals of drama and the annals of law.

Some people are very good at this; to get your attention and to disarm your alertness. Bob has lost his alertness on several occasions, and it has confused those at Berachah as well.

Popular sympathy is generally on the side of Absalom. There was less so for Amnon. The avenger of Tamar was seen as a hero and not as a villain. The drama produced by Joab will be to illustrate the plight of Absalom.

All of the other king’s sons are a pack of idiots, Joab has observed. They are everything that is evil and none of them are qualified to rule. Knowing that David’s line will be perpetuated in Israel, Joab cannot see anyone who is capable of succeeding David. Absalom has the genius and the greatness and the leadership ability. He will fail because arrogance neutralizes potential greatness.

When justice fails to function, then some criminals are regarded as folk heros. Gangster shows are so popular, because the gangster is seen as a hero and the police officer is seen as the villain. If the first 4 cycles of discipline do not bring the people back to normalcy, then God brings in the fifth cycle of discipline.

Bob thinks that was and revolution are very close. Many children have grown up rejecting all forms of authority.

There is the great arrogance of majorities and minorities. Everyone wants to take short cuts; everyone wants to prove something.

The principles we will study will relate to law and the function of the client nation.


1.       Having obtained an audience with the king and having gained his attention through her plight, the woman from Tekoa will allege domestic grievances. She will express her plea in terms of her two sons. In both of her sons, there is failure.

2.       Amnon is dead and Absalom is alive; ditto for her sons. David is fighting on the plans of WWI during WWII. David should have executed Amnon. So he decides to execute Absalom. He is leaning in the wrong direction, according to Joab, so he wants to get Absalom back without executing him.

3.       David creates a new criminal; Absalom.

4.       David should have executed Absalom, but he does not, and that will lead to a revolution.

More Principles

1.       This is all according to Joab’s plan, for make up and to speak her lines into the ground.

2.       Her opening lines were spoken into the ground. This woman is a great actress. David will understand what she says, even tho she speaks into the ground.\

3.       The woman does not look up even when speaking her opening lines.

4.       The reason for this approach is obvious. David is enmeshed in interlocking systems of arrogance. To gain his attention, the woman must portray her helplessness and humility.

5.       The more arrogant the male, the more he desires humility in the female.

6.       Arrogant men are not only incapable of loving the woman, but are filled with the desire to humiliate the woman. He wants to make love to her and to humiliate her.

7.       Arrogant people cannot stand arrogance in others. This is where opposites attract. Arrogant people cannot stand arrogance in others.

8.       Only the man who is humble will be attentive to the counsel of a wise woman without feeling a loss of manhood. Some of the greatest things Bob has heard is from a woman. He does not feel even a little insecure. There are a lot of arrogant males running around lose. The arrogant woman is worse than the arrogant man.

9.       So if the woman is to gain a hearing before David, she must appear before the arrogant judge in a state of total humility and helplessness. This does not imply that all women are wise; far from it. Wisdom from the woman is more valuable than gold.

One More Principle

1.       An appeal to emotion, to a popular cause, to arrogance, can result in the malfunction of justice.

2.       When criminals are heroes and victims are forgotten, that is a malfunction of justice.

3.       When the law is used as a crusade rather than to punish crime, there is malfunction of justice.

4.       Malfunction of justice in the courts creates criminals in the nation.

5.       This distorts public opinion into making heroes of criminals.

6.       Transfer of authority from establishment to crime.

7.       Then crime is unrestrained and out of control and the criminal dominates society.

8.       When the criminal dominates society, there is violence and revolution in the land, which is the loss of freedom and the gain of tyranny.

9.       This will pave the way for 2Sam. 15–19

10.     Malfunction of justice today results in revolution and chaos.

11.     No civil war, no rape of his harem.

12.     David’s responsibility as court judge is arrogance, political and crusader arrogance.

13.     It is safe to conclude that cursing was not turned to blessing because he had reentered interlocking systems of arrogance.

14.     Arrogance hinders blessing and capacity for blessing.

2Samuel 14:4                                       72David                                              631_0328

03/25/1980 Teens; Joab’s genius of law; drama vs. law; referee with teenagers; authority; distraction of the judge

Bob was going to talk to the teens in the tv room and he was ready to brace them, but someone warned them. So, from now on, Bob wants to see every single teen. If he has to take off his harness and go off and get himself a teen, that will be the last time you see that teen in Berachah.

Bob warns that they are going to sit in the auditorium and if they do anything, Bob is going to pounce. The days of horsing around are over.

2Sam. 14:1–3 Now Joab the son of Zeruiah knew that the king's heart went out to Absalom. And Joab sent to Tekoa and brought from there a wise woman and said to her, "Pretend to be a mourner and put on mourning garments. Do not anoint yourself with oil, but behave like a woman who has been mourning many days for the dead. Go to the king and speak thus to him." So Joab put the words in her mouth.

When criminals are heroes and victims are forgotten, we have a malfunction of justice. David’s irresponsibility as supreme court judge and his crusader arrogance; cursing was not turned into blessing.

Arrogant men only like women who are totally humiliated and that is all they want.

There are 2 actors in this drama: the helpless woman and the judge, the king of Israel, David.

2Sam. 14:4 When the woman of Tekoa came [possibly, spoke] to the king, she fell on her face to the ground and paid homage [she prostrated herself] and said, "Save me [Help], O king."

The law of posterity only applies to the widow who is a true widow. Civil law will be brought into a criminal case, and this will bring on revolution. She is a true widow, in the sense that her husband has died. So, she is establishing which kind of a woman she it.

There are no wasted words on the part of the woman. She says exactly what needs to be said; no more and no less. Joab was the Clarence Darrow of his day; he was a brilliant man and he could have been a great lawyer as well. Next to David himself, his nephew Joab is a genius as well. Gaius Julius Cæsar was a genius in many fields. Napoleon was also a military genius and a governmental genius as well. His law is the law of France even today.

Joab surpassed his peers in the military field. Beyond that, he had no peer. This script took point by point to lead David into false decisions which will lead the country into revolution.

There is costuming and great humility revealed in this woman, which bypasses a lot of David’s genius and arrogance. He has great sympathy here, and a judge must avoid sympathy in the courtroom. No judge soul try a case with a lot of sympathy; he will make an emotional decision. A man in the same condition will arouse suspicion. So Joab, the attorney representing Absalom, will get Absalom off, completely and totally. His genius is so designed as to neutralize the genius of David. He will get David to rule from emotion.

Judges today are educated as liberals and they lose sight of the victim and look only at the criminal before them. The law of posterity applies only to widows, but not to those who are divorced. She is revealing herself as a true widow. This will open the door to introduce the law of posterity. Behind the woman from Tekoa is that brilliant legal mind, Joab, who will set up this whole scenario, and he will get Absalom remanded into his custody, completely pardoned.

2Sam. 14:5 And the king said to her, "What is your trouble [grievance]?" She answered, "Alas [truly], I am a [true widow; my husband is dead.

Now she outlines her basis for the grievance. The noun means a female subject. It must be stated that the plaintiff is a citizen of Israel, which comes out with this noun. She is a citizen and she is a Jew. It is okay for a Gentile to come into Jewish court, but there are restrictions.

Because of what Absalom did, he ought to be pardoned and rewarded; but Joab will try to get this via the woman from Tekoa. If criminals are going to be free, then criminals ought to run everything. This trial is 3000 years old and it affects us today and it explains why we will be at war today and why that will be related to revolution.

Niphal stem is passive, and the fight is over, and they were fighting, but no longer. There was no one to stop the fight, and therefore, someone died. There is the development of the concept of the fighting in the field. The son who survived had a right to survive. If Absalom sneaks back into the land, there are at least 50 bastards who can legitimately kill him. Jewish law always emphasizes the victim. The closest male relative to the victim generally performed the execution. There has to be a stay of execution. This will hinder the avengers of blood. A supreme court decision has to be made.

The defense attorney is the script writer; he does not appear on the scene. If there is a football game without a referee, then people will die on the field. There has to be someone to enforce the rules of the game. Otherwise, football is not football and baseball is not baseball. The game is not a game; the rest is mayhem without a ref.

Wherever there are people doing anything in life, there has to be someone doing the refereeing. In business, it is the CEO; in a church, it is the pastor. There needs to be some kind of a referee or some kind of an authority.

The first tragedy is, there was no arbiter there to separate them.

Separating the Sons

1.       Freedom cannot exist without authority. Establishment authority is the basis for resolving problems, grievance and avoiding violence. Once the problem becomes violence, then it intensifies into a greater problem. Once they pass the violence barrier, one of them is going to be killed. Outside of the armed forces, the police officer represents the principle of freedom. Once a problem becomes a felony, it is very complex. The police officer and the judge on the bench are the authorities.

2.       Once violence occurs, freedom is lost. Therefore, violence unchecked destroys freedom and demands deliverance and arbitration.

3.       Once you are in revolution, there is no freedom. The same principle applies to athletic games. It becomes mayhem, murder and violence. Murder is complete loss of freedom.

4.       Conflict must be resolved by authority.

5.       Since there was no one to arbitrate, one of the sons died. The problem was David. He was the one who did not separate the two boys. David should have dealt with this problem. The result is fratricide. One brother murders the other brother. The husband is dead and there are 2 sons, and one kills another. Son #2 remains. So the relatives step in to kill him, and her husbands name will no longer be carried on in Israel. So this mixes criminal law with civil law.

6.       This is a duplication of Absalom’s killing of Amnon.

7.       Notice that the criminal has the upper hand; there is a failure to use capital punishment against the criminal. His life is never at stake if he commits a crime. He knows that he is not going to be killed. He knows that there is no restraint.

8.       The avenger of blood would be Absalom as the nearest relative of Tamar. If David had tried Amnon, and the penalty is death; now Absalom would have been the one to execute Amnon. So the problem is, David had not stepped in to do his job. There was no trial; there was no finding of guilt. The end result is no justice. Amnon was outside of the law rather than inside the law. When the general public ignores the law, you have revolution.

Another Principle

1.       That Absalom took vengeance was criminal.

2.       Had there been a trial and a legal conviction, Absalom would have been the court-appointed executioner.

3.       However, there was no trial and therefore, there was no conviction.

4.       Both David and Absalom ignored the law. David because no trial was conducted before the king; and Absalom because he ignored and rejected the law. He even rejected the function of the supreme court of heaven.

5.       Absalom made no faith rest appeal to the Supreme Court of Heaven . This was blasphemous because he did not allow God to deal with Amnon. Absalom would have to faith rest it. He would have to have confidence in the justice of God. He would have to watch all of this and restrain himself.

6.       Therefore, this is a reference to David’s failure as supreme court judge.

7.       Amnon was the king’s favorite and justice malfunctioned because love took precedence over law and justice.

8.       No judge can function on the bench when personal considerations take precede over the law they have sworn to uphold.

2Sam. 14:6 And your servant [actually, your female subject] had two sons, and they quarreled with one another in the field. There was no one to separate [and deliver] them, and one struck the other and killed him.

2Samuel 14:7           72David 03/26/1980 Capital punishment                    631_0329

Gen. Grigorenko: Soviet attack; the allegation and dilemma of the widow

Bob is expecting a war this year. He was thinking at the end of 1980; but now he is thinking perhaps before the July 4th conference. Zaire, Rhodesia and South Africa are the only countries in Africa remaining for the Soviets to control, in order for them to take over. Gregorinko suggests before the end of 1980. They expect to take Germany in 3 hours. Stunned by lack of knowledge and interest in the west. The Soviets would be victorious if a nuclear war was the result of all this. 25 bombers or missiles to distribute sareem, which could take out an entire city like Paris. Their assumptions are based upon the NATO forces as being powerless. 350,000 tons of diverse chemical weapons in Soviet Russia, as versus 40,000 tons, mostly old, kept in the U.S. The Soviet Union has to go to war in order to hide the failure of Communism.

From human viewpoint, Bob thinks that we are going this year. He has sources of information that we do not, not all from this country. T&P is now a worldwide organization, and Bob keeps in touch with people outside the U.S. through T&P.

The stats are not important unless God makes them important. Bob knows exactly what we are like and he knows how lame some of us are with respect to doctrine. We are facing war and revolution this year. There are people sitting here who are going to be great. This is how is stands 26 March in the year of our Lord 1980. Bob wonders how many days until the balloon goes up.

Narrative includes doctrine just as doctrinal passages. Bob could not have picked a greater contrast than with Romans, another study which is going on.

Qum in the Qal perfect carries the action of much of the first part of this verse.

Repetition of Female Servant

1.       The woman keeps identifying herself as a female subject, so she has a right to appear before David and state her case. She is an Israelite. There is no equality in the human race. However, there is equality before the law.

2.       The fratricide stated in the previous verse has aroused the family of this woman. They want custody of her son in order to punish him under the law, which would be execution.

Gen. 9:5–6 Only your blood will I demand justice. From the hand of every man his brother, I will demand the life. Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood will be shed, for in the image of God, He made man.

3 Factors of God’s Image

1.       Self-consciousness; I am We have a right to freedom.

2.       Moral reasoning power, I ought The use of freedom in relationship to our values.

3.       Self-determination, I will The function of human freedom in its entirety.

This is freedom; this is man in the image of God. Man must accept the consequences of his actions. Murder removes this from another man, and therefore, this is the worst of all overt sins. It destroys the freedom of the individual. Man has a right to slaughter animals for food; but he does not have the right to slaughter people. Whenever man slaughters man, there is punishment.

Capital punishment is the exercise of legal justice.

Killing Which Destroys Freedom

Killing Which Protects Freedom

murder (this is killing which destroys freedom)

capital punishment

killing in battle (this is killing which protects freedom)

This is how someone can return from killing thousands of people and he lives a good, honorable, law-abiding life. He can separate in his mind killing in battle as opposed to killing for personal reasons.

God has placed the sword of Rom. 13:4–11 in the hands of government. Ex. 21:12 capital punishment of animals Ex. 21:28. A bull who kills a man will be stoned to death and its flesh would not be eaten. Capital punishment must be a part of a legal trial. No person will be put to death on the evidence of one witness. In Jewish law, the evidence of one witness was not enough.

Lev. 24:17 murderers will be put to death. The death of the criminal protects the freedom of the law-abiding citizen. Jewish law always emphasizes the victim. When the person is proven guilty, so the closest relatives to the victim are called avengers of blood. The family of the immediate relatives were to kill a murderer of their own.

The rest of the family come to this woman, and they are demanding that she turn over her son. She is refusing to do so and she is appealing this case to David. The law is simple; it is the duty of the nearest of kin to execute anyone who has murdered a near relative.

The Qal imperative of nathan. They are requiring that she hand over or give over for execution the one who strikes down her brother. The felony demands them take this son into custody to execute.

They do not name the son; they simply ask for him to be handed over. Anyone who destroys the freedom of another by murdering him has forfeited his own freedom. He who attacks the freedom of another, forfeits his own freedom. If you attack the privacy of another, forfeits the right to retain his own privacy.

The relatives are within their legal rights (bear in mind this has not really occurred).

Divine establishment and divine viewpoint of life is found in the Law. The Mosaic Law is a brief for freedom. The Ten Commandments describe what freedom is, from a negative standpoint. Any system of law in any nation which forgets the victim is incompatible with the laws of divine establishment. That nation will be punished severely. To forget the victim is malfunction of the law and destruction of human freedom. This is why the nearest of kin carry out the execution. In order to maintain freedom in a client nation, the court must always remember the victim.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say, 'Give up the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench my coal that is left and leave to my husband neither name nor remnant on the face of the earth."

2Samuel 14:7   72David 03/27/1980 Absalom is tried in absentia            631_0330

Motivation of David’s sons; law of posterity Soviet plan: South Africa

Once they take South Africa and the mineral wealth to themselves,... John Trane on worse than OPEC. Soviet’s campaign in South Africa. Rhodesia has fallen to the Communists. Guerillas are being armed by the National Council of Churches. Steps are described. Russia and South Africa will control certain minerals not found elsewhere. If South Africa falls, the west will have to accede to Soviet demands. Platinum, Magnesium, Manganese. The opportunities for blackmail are amazing. South Africa and Rhodesia are way ahead of us in solving their racial problems.

Russian objective want to control the Atlantic from the coast of Africa straight across to the Caribbean Sea.

It may be impossible for a democracy to have a coherent foreign policy, which is a committee action, which is no foreign policy at all.

Never in the history of this country have there been so many rotten missionaries. Most of them are liberals or holy rollers. Our mission fields are in an all-time state of confusion and disaster. To raise up a pivot is much more difficult. When the Huguenots were forced out of France, then went ot Prussia, which set up a great nation.

Point of Law

1.       In the Old Testament, avengers of blood is a technical term for the public executioners, which does not violate God’s vengeance. Jewish law was perfect because it emphasized the victim. Gen. 9:6 where blood demands blood.

2.       The execution of criminals was legal, but taking the law into one’s own hands was illegal.

3.       If David had tried Amnon for rape, Absalom would have executed Amnon. That would have been his responsibility. Absalom’s assassination of Amnon was a crime.

4.       Then Absalom would have been the avenger of blood under the law as opposed to the murderer that he became.

5.       Personal vengeance is always forbidden. Absalom exercised revenge rather than law.

6.       The nearest of kin was the court appointed executioner, which would have been Absalom.

7.       In this way, the victim of the crime was remembered when crime was punished.

8.       Under the present circumstances, Absalom is a criminal. The purpose of this woman from Tekoa is to get Absalom pardoned.

9.       David held a trial, even though the defendant was not present. He was tried in absentia, and he was condemned to death. The evidence was overwhelming. 50 witnesses.

The woman gives a situation, where she is a widow, her husband is dead, and if her surviving son is executed, there will be a cutting off of this line.

This part of the script portrays the fact that the king’s sons want to publically execute Absalom because he stands between them and the crown.

Absalom is in Geshur under the protection of his grandfather, a Hurrian king.

Joab has written a script in order to get Absalom off the hook.

Arrogance always resents greatness or potential greatness in others. Absalom is the only one with any sign of his father’s greatness.

These 50 delighted in the idea of eliminating Absalom, their rival.

Arrogance leaders are incapable of thinking what is best for the nation; they can only think about what is best for themselves. They can only think about what is best for themselves. They only want to retain that power.

The king’s sons have the legal right to execute Absalom. Under the law, they are official public executioners. They may all be under the habit of carrying stones wherever they go. They have no objection to executing him wherever they find him.

Their motivation is evil. It is human good + arrogance. The sentence was pronounced under the principle that sin + arrogance = evil. Only the execution of Absalom will prevent...

In the prologue to the drama, what she says indicates the motivation of the sons.

Furthermore, We Will Destroy the Heir

1.       Under primogeniture, Absalom is the heir. Joab is not writing directly about the heir.

2.       The rest of the king’s sons were aware that, as long as Absalom is alive, legally, he is the heir. Therefore, they believe that he needs to be executed. Conspirators all think that they will come out on top.

3.       This execution would eliminate the crown prince.

4.       This would but the crown prince title up for grabs. Each crown prince is so arrogance, they think they will get it.

5.       Each prince will think himself the most worthy.

6.       The motivation. Arrogance produces evil motivations; evil motivation results in building one’s happiness on top of someone else’s unhappiness.

7.       You can therefore understand the disgust of Joab. He is disgusted with the sons of the king. He sees their arrogance and their incapabilities. They are a bunch of snotty, arrogant young men.

8.       Joab is therefore motivated to write this great drama, the woman from Tekoa.

So far, we have covered a half of a verse.

An inferential waw translated therefore. This calls for the woman from Tekoa to reach a conclusion, which will be a point of civil law. This will be pertinency. Reverse concentration; doctrine will be applied to our situation. She will conclude citing a problem with posterity, which is civil law. However, Absalom was condemned under criminal law.

This is a burning coal and we might better understand it as a spark. This would be a blotting out of a name in Israel, was seen, at that time, as a great evil. The surviving son is seen as a murderer. Other male relatives are calling for the delivery of this son to be executed. So the woman wants her son pardoned because of the law of posterity.

Relative pronoun refers to son #2. He is surviving and they are trying to execute him the Niphal perfect of shaar. She introduces the law of posterity, which is not pertinent; but she appeals to the emotion of the judge.

So the first half of this verse refers to the trying of Absalom, who would be killed by his brothers.

We Will Look at the Law of Posterity

1.       The law of posterity is the perpetuation of every original family who came into the land at the exodus. This is perpetuated by the male line. In England, if a man only had a daughter, when she married, they would combine their names and the husband would be called Lord ___-___. All hyphenated names in England are based upon this.

2.       It was the responsibility of the brother to have sex with the widow in order to perpetuate his brother’s line, if the brother died.

3.       The law of posterity used by the pharisees to attempt to trap the Lord Jesus Christ.

4.       The giving of the land. The people were sent in to possess the land. Also given to their posterity. The law of posterity only allowed the land to be inherited through the male line. In the Millennium, they would inherit the land finally. Deut. 11:9. So many things in the Bible are related to the law of posterity, and this is not interpreted by any commentator. This was so important that the land was ultimately returned to a family, no matter what the situation. Many do not get Ruth straight because they did not understand the laws of posterity which precede her.

5.       The law of posterity was very important civil law. In our situation, this will set aside criminal law. David will swear by the name of the Lord to stay with his decision.

6.       the 'law of posterity' (from: http://www.oocities.org/gracechurchofcalf/ruth.html) - a civil law to ensure that a man's name would pass from generation to generation. It only applies to 'true widows' where the husband has died. It does not apply to 'grass widows' - those who are divorced from their husbands (making their husband's 'dead' to them under the law). Boaz will marry Ruth in Chapter 4 so that Mahlon's name would be perpetuated and Ruth and their heirs would continue with their share of the promised land that God gave to them.

7.       From: http://www.oocities.org/gracechurchofcalf/ruth_04.html {under the law of posterity, the name of Mahlon and all its rights would be perpetuated by Boaz fathering children given Marlon's name} with his property/inheritance . . . so that 'his name'/'the name of the dead' will not disappear from 'the family records'/'among his brethren', and from the 'town records'/'gate of his place'. You all are witnesses this day {clarifying that this is a courtroom setting}."

8.       From: http://www.oocities.org/gcoc2/numbers_26.html {Note: The following is VERY IMPORTANT for the Jews and for us to understand books like Ruth. This was the land promised to the children of Israel by Families. If a family did not have a male child, they would lose their inheritance. They could sell their land, but every 50 years, the land reverted back to the original family (as long as there was a male child. To keep the 'law of posterity' active, a relative could take the widowed wife, impregnate her, and she could raise that child with her dead husband's name - and family right of inheritance.}

9.       From: http://syndein.com/mark_12.html {this pertains to the law of posterity. Every 50 years the land reverts back to the family of the Exodus that God gave it to. But if the man dies without male heirs, then that branch of the family dies out - as does the land grant - this was a very serious matter to the Jews of this day}

10.     See also http://www.amginternational.org/www/word/79

Bob has spent 14 hours on one verse alone. He has spent no less than 4 or 5 hours on each verse. Commentators who are supposed to be brilliant, wipe this out with a few words. For hundreds of years, this passage lies fallow. As a result, many of you will miss this point and marry the wrong man. Every man to whom you are attracted is not your RM. The first man who smiles at you if you are 30 and unmarried, you marry. Some of you girls are so fluffy headed, if you leaned over, sawdust would come out of your ears.

Ruth 4:9–10 then Boaz announced to the court, “I have bought all of this property and I have acquired Ruth so that his name would not disappear from the town records. So, today, you are witnesses.” This brings out the law of posterity. This was a pertinent, civil function, as illustrated in the book of Ruth.

The widow of Tekoa introduces one of the most popular laws in all of Jewish history. She is appealing a criminal case by inserting civil law.

2 laws can come into conflict, and we have to determine which is the pertinent law, and which is not. Psalm 37:28 The Lord loves imputed righteousness, but the posterity of the evil will be cut off. If there is crime, then the posterity is cut off. If there is a conflict, then you execute the criminal. Do not perpetuate criminality.

Perhaps this is unforgiven evil and inheriting the kingdom of God? Here, only criminal law is pertinent. The unforgiven sin is the overriding principle.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal that is left and leave to my husband neither name nor remnant on the face of the earth."

2Samuel 14:7                                       72David                                              631_0331

03/28/1980 Pertinency: criminal vs. civil law and justice vs. grace; doctrine of insidiousness of arrogance; sincerity; Soviet chemical war

Paul Stark, a taper, in the 82nd airbourne. Same class with Herman in Dallas Theological Seminary. He has a very small congregation in Longview and discovered with bone cancer and given 4 months to 4 years to live. Bob had high hopes for this guy. He has a great background in history. Wonderful redheaded wife and daughter.

Everywhere you turn, the truth is being told. Bob used to always enjoy the Houston Tribune, which is now the Texas Tribune. A photo of a beautiful road which is used for Russia invading Afghanistan. Ron Paul is a sharp congressman, and he says that we paid for this road with our taxpayer money. We made this invasion possible. 1961–1965 we worked building double-laned highway in some of the most inaccessable areas of the world, with 50 bridges was an engineering triumph and a financial disaster. $100 million in 1980 terms. We connected our road to the one the Soviets were building; could anything be more emblematic of our foreign policy. Foreign aide which props up our enemies in foolish.

Even a NY Times article about the Soviets waging chemical warfare. This is the de-caminating plane, to de-contaminate after chemical warfare. Poison gas is a counterinsurgency weapon the Soviets can and will use. They will use this to destroy guerrillas.

If you don’t get the feeling of war, you will.

The first 7 verses are read.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal that is left and leave to my [dead] husband without a name or remnant on the face of the earth."

God will not forsake His faithful ones. The posterity of the evil will be cut off.

Pertinent Law

1.       A true and pertinent law can be distracted by a non-pertinent law, which probably occurs all of the time. There are a lot of legitimate laws on the books for civil and criminal laws.

2.       Justice can distract from justice from the introduction of non-pertinent law. But non-pertinency happens to be the thinking of the day. So many clucks in the congregation who are unable to figure out what is pertinent. Such people make a series of mistakes and then ask why God let this happen to them.

3.       The law of posterity is not pertinent to a criminal case, as Psalm 37:38

4.       It is tue that if the surviving son is executed, the posterity is destroyed; but the issue if criminality, not the extension of posterity. In the psychology textbooks; the study of the Jukes, and they had become criminals all over the country and had cost taxpayers millions of dollars in prosecution. They should have been wiped out back when they were in Indiana and Ohio when those were still territories. Capital punishment is to eliminate criminality for future generations and during that genreeation.

5.       Joab wrote a script to get this across. Joab had probably gone to David on many occasions says, “Can Absalom return” and David would say, “No, he will be executed.” Joab thinks that this is essential to stave off a revolution and to prepare Absalom to succede his father. Joab is sincere. Sincerity is not a virtue. It is not a Christian virtue. The person who introduced sincerity as a virtue was foolish. It is a disguise; a facade for self righteous hypocrisy and self righteous arrogance. Sin + arrogance = evil. Human good + arrogance = evil. If you are here for the first time or here spying, you will not understand what is being said.

6.       If Joab’s script succeeds, then David will be distracted from criminal law, and he will incorporate posterity law, which is not pertinent.

7.       Joab foresees great disaster for Israel if the present princes follow David on the throne. Absalom cannot come back because he has been tried in absentia. There are at least 50 princes who want to become king. David will reset a precedent for a neutral case. This will affect all future fulings.

8.       Joab introduces a point of law not pertinent to the case to distract from a law which is pertinent.

9.       A full pardon must be issued, or Absalom will be executed.

10.     David will rule for a stay of execution. Absalom will be remanded into the custody of Joab.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal that is left and leave to my [dead] husband without a name or remnant on the face of the earth."

By distracting David from the criminal law and inserting a non-pertinent civil law, Joab will bring Absalom back to Israel. The principle is simple: sincerity + deceit results in Joab’s loss of integrity.

In the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill, you live the Christian life. The 1st stage is just the routine for the 2nd stage. Stage 1, your faith reaches out and claims promises, to remove the fear-panic ploy; the difference between courage and cowardice is the ability to think under pressure. In this thought, we have not yet developed the king of thought which is necessary. We will now add pertinent thought. Faith reaches out in reverse concentration and applies doctrine to experience; it must be pertinent doctrine applied. We have learned 3 basic rationales. Faith reaches out and uses the essence of God rationale; the plan of God rationale with the supercharger afortiori; and then the love of God rationale. We come to doctrinal conclusions. This is the true faith rest. We can claim promises all day long, but that is but the 1st stage. Claiming promises is no good unless you have a backup.

We, as believers, are no better than the doctrine resident in our souls. Some will never have to worry about pertinency because we won’t have to learn anything about pertinency. Some day you will be caught because they are not pertinent to the situation.

Every time you girls, the fluffy headed ones, in the history of Berachah Church there have been very attractive men there, and there have been girls and ladies who come from far and near to hear doctrine, allegedly, but they are really shopping for a meal ticket, for security; and the best boys were picked off already at home, so the first guy who smiles and shows a mouthful of teeth, so this flibbity gibbet runs off with him, and says, this is from the Lord. This is non-pertinent information. She only learned RM/RW. The abuse is unbelievable; and if the effect is as good as the abuse, then it will be a great set of results. Just because a predatory type gives you two nice dates, does not mean you ought to marry anyone very soon.

Most people get married for all of the wrong reasons; meal ticket, all the gf’s are married, no one invites them out anymore. I’ll be an old maid, a 22 year old girl said to Bob 10 years ago; and now she wishes that she was. RM/RW is a good doctrine, but do not abuse it by applying it to every guy who says boo to you. There are many wonderful doctrines, but they do not come into focus every time. Bob has made his share of mistakes; it was with assistant pastors for the most part. People he trusted.

Take in the brethren; help the downtrodden. Help all of these poor people. There is another doctrine which says, check on them; and call down there and find out what their track record was where they came from. We all have our failings and Bob is still okay with taking in stray dogs. He might even hold the record. If he knew more about pertinency, maybe he would not make those mistakes. However, it has provided him with a lot of illustrations.

Doctrine of the insidiousness of arrogance. We were talking about Joab’s arrogance; crusader arrogance; mental arrogance; self righteous arrogance. God deliver us from crusaders. We’ve tried to set up a church without any crusaders. Crusader arrogance always causes problems. There is a person who can crank up more trouble than even your criminal. You look at the 20 page thing you get from the census, and it is an intrusion of your privacy and the result of crusaders.

Insidiousness and Arrogance

1.       Absalom, Joab and David are all mature believers. If mature believers can get into jams like this, then one needs to take this to heart. It is never God’s will for a mature believer to be inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Interlocking systems of arrogance destroys our potentiality. We may have great talent and great abilities in many fields, but arrogance destroys them all. The believer inside interlocking systems of arrogance is incapable of applying the right doctrine to the right circumstance. Usually, they go to counselors and get more bad doctrinal suggestions. We will make more wrong decisions because some sincere believer counsels us. E.g., a counselor telling a teen to disobey one’s parents. Even if they are negative toward doctrine. When children violate the authority of their parents, it takes years to straighten them out. Only doctrine can rescue a teen from rejecting the authority of their parents. The most basic disorientation to life is the rejection of parental authority. Most teens never get over violating their parents authority. It does not matter how unreasonable, how unfair, how legalistic. It takes a lot of doctrine and a lot of hard knocks. To get authority-orientation when training some of these young people, you have to kill about 10% of them while training. Absalom had an arrogance problem.

2.       Joab by writing the script and David teamed up in blind arrogance made a decision which would bring about revolution.

3.       The basis of grace is the punishment of Jesus Christ on the cross.

4.       To forgive without punishment is a miscarriage of justice. It confuses salvation and rebound. Naming your sins for forgiveness is grace. The justice of God is half of His integrity. The justice of God was judged for our sins. So we say it is by grace, and it is absolutely correct. .Bob goes over rebound and suggests we go to Spring Branch if we want to feel sorry for our sins. In 1951, when Bob began to teach rebound, the deacons called him in and said that he was corrupting the youth. No one likes to be punished. Bob’s father was so good at it, it still makes Bob shudder. The issue in a situation like that is authority. No politicking in church, and Bob will throw you right out. Bible doctrine does not tell you have to vote. You take Bible doctrine and apply it yourself.

5.       Jesus Christ received the punishment for our sins.

6.       Divine forgiveness and pardon are a fact of grace.

7.       Salvation by faith in Christ and rebound are made possible by the judgement of our sins on the cross.

8.       To deny divine discipline is to reject the justice of God. Therefore, this maligns His integrity. You may think for awhile that you can get away with it, but no one gets away with it. Sinning, without punishment, does not mean that God graced you out. However, someone may have gossiped of rmaligned about you, and they took on your punishment.

9.       But David will not punish Absalom nor will he forgive Absalom. David rejects the laws of divine establishment and the modus operandi of grace from the justice of God.

10.     Establishment law would punish Absalom and grace law would forgive Absalom. Neither was used. Bob invites anyone to stand and give his testimony if they have not been duped by the woman from Tekoa.

Joab enters into interlocking systems of arrogance through the crusader gate to fix the country. Absalom entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through the criminal gate and mental attitude sins.

2Samuel 14:8a       72David 03/30/1980 Obedience to parents                  631_0332

Cancer analogy to interlocking systems of arrogance; principles of pertinency; expediency; basis of grace = punishment; legal pardon vs. emotion.

2 factors lead to revolution: interlocking systems of arrogance and reversionism. People hear the truth and they reject it. The laws of divine establishment for both believer and the unbeliever in the Lord Jesus Christ. When the unbeliever rejects the laws of divine establishment, the scar tissue of the soul results in strong delusion, and they are quick to believe a law. Ditto when he rejects the gospel. Strong delusion becomes the order of the day.

Arrogance is one of the most destructive factors. A perfect illustration is found in Time magazine from 31March 1980, and the drug interferon is being discussed. There is a parallel between cancer and interlocking systems of arrogance. It can start with a cell and a random transcription, it can lie dormant for decades, or it can suddenly attack. Outlaws which reject normal restraints. It can be a cell affected by raditationi or several things. The body’s immunie system normally finds these abberant cells and removes them. However, these cells continue to multiply. They continue to proliferate wildly, and they continue to grow and compete with real cells for nourishment. Then cells are sent out and they establish beach heads, they infiltrate, starve and destroy the organs which they get to. That year, 405,000 will die from cancer and a million will be diagnosed with it. The best that many cancer victims can expect is to have their lives extended a few years. 2/3 eventually die of this disease.

Israel has the greatest system of divine establishment. We are on the verge of a world war and conflict with Russia. We are totally unprepared. We are not equipped to fight any kind of a war. The person in the White House is so confused and so unable to make decisions which make any sense. He is a wildly idiotic person. In Europe the regard him as one of the most idiotic people to come along. Sending Cassius Clay as an ambassador, this has sent Europe into hysterics. Those in Europe think that we have gone completely crazy.

Review of the widow of Tekoa coming in to the king, and she has 2 sons who have quarreled and one son killed another because there was no one to stop them. Jewish law emphasized the victim. There were no public executioners. Male relatives were called avengers of blood and they killed the criminal, if he was declared guilty.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal that is left and leave to my [dead] husband without a name or remnant on the face of the earth."

The law of posterity. Deut. 1:8 related to giving of the land. Deut. 11:9 this law was tested throughout Jewish history. The one with the greatest amount of interest is found in Ruth 4:9–10 Ruth was marrying Boaz and Boaz would continue the line of Malon. This way, there was not a loss of this family.

The year of Jubilee, property would be sold and end up in various names, but every 49th year the property reverted back to the original family. The illustration of Smith-Dorian.

There are 2 laws at work here: criminal law and civil and both laws come into conflict here. The question is, which law is pertinent to the case. Whenever there is a conflict, criminal law triumphs. No criminal has a right to perpetuate the family name. The posterity of the evil will be cut off. From psalm 37. So only criminal law here is pertinent. David failed for several reasons, which included emotion. A true and pertinent point of law can be distracted by a true and non-pertinent law. Non-pertinent law has destroyed our thinking with regards to minorities.

The studies of the Jukes (Jutes Joots?) Who were criminals for many generations. Human good + arrogance = evil. Joab thinks that Absalom must be pardoned and he thinks that no one in David’s line can take over. He sees only Absalom as the one who could take over. Absalom has great potential. He is a genius with a great personality; he has everything in the world going for him; and he is convinced that Absalom needs to succede David.

Robin Hood should have been executed. He was a low-down scum criminal who should have been executed.

There are criminals in our history who have been glorified.

David will grant clemency based upon civil law.

Once you establish the scar tissue of the soul through rejecting the authority of parents, there is almost no recovery from life. We have an entire generation which has rejected their parents’ authority, and they may go on to destroy themselves and possibly this country. Once they have established that precedent in their souls, the cancer from it destroys them. The woman then rejects the authority of her husband.

In Israel, a man who rejected authority could be drafted and this might reinstall authority in his soul.

The Beatles marked a great period of rejecting authority.

There are no afros in Africa. Bob is sent photos of people there from missionaries and they look like men with crewcut.

Joab regards Absalom as the only hope for Israel. Joab figures that if Absalom does not take over, Israel will fall into revolution. So every time he brings this up to David, David says, “I failed with Amnon, so Absalom will be executed if he returns.”

So Joab wrote a script to introduce a nonpertinent law.

Sincerity is a facade for evil and hypocrisy. We faced these issues in 1946 when we faced honor versus expediency. So, we acceded to those who allowed Stalin to take over huge numbers of people. We should not have allowed him into Hungary, or into Berlin. We should have said no and we should have stopped them. We have 11,000,000 under arms and nuclear weapons, and we should have stopped them. We ignored the pertinent and went to the non-pertinent.

The ChiComs are as evil as the RuskieComs. We should be protecting Rhodesia and we should guarantee the safety of South Africa. The UN is as evil as the tower of Babel. We think in terms of cowardice. We should have executed Jane Fonda as a traitor; same for Mohammed Ali; we should have shot the rioters in the streets when they demonstrated against the war.

Democracy does not work for any country. We got rid of a good dictator in Vietnam and tried to set up a democracy. Democracy is a veneer of hypocrisy. We built roads in Afghanistan which were used by the Russians to invade by tanks. We are insane. We have supported communism and kept them alive. The Russians could not have fought the war without us. We fed them the final 3 years of the war. We used the roads of Iran, called the Persian corridor. Once you are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, you become involved in psychopathic arrogance.

FDR provoked a war with Japan in order to save his New Deal. He was a Russia-phile. He had no honor. From that moment to this, that order has been the way we roll. We have done this to ourselves through interlocking systems of arrogance. Expediency almost destroyed Israel in David’s day.

This ruse was sincere on Joab’s part. Arrogance neutralizes the greatest of abilities. David had a loss of honor and integrity which has not been fully recovered. Absalom and David and Joab are all mature believers.

The basis of grace is always punishment. Someone else pays. To forgive without punishment is a miscarriage of grace. God imputes to us after birth human life so that we become members of the human race. All of us are condemned before God’s justice on the basis of Adam’s original sin. This recognizes our personal sins. Our personal sins are not the basis of our condemnation. There must be punishment before there can be grace. Anyone who dies before reaching responsibility goes to heaven. Grace means punishment first. Grace means that someone did something for us first. Because Christ was judged for our sins, someone else was punished. After we believe, we commit a sin. We do not feel sorry for these sins; we just name them. We are forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness. There is no penance; there is no system that someone makes up which gains forgiveness for us. We have to confess, name or cite.

Justice blesses each believer because he possesses the righteousness of God. The justice of God blesses the indwelling righteousness of God. Justice of God to the righteousness of God. In this way, the essence of God is never compromised. The minister who runs around with his hand out, saying, God will bless you if you give; that is a lie. It is easy to distort grace into a system of legalism and non-pertinency.

Once you say your pardon someone, then you have to forgive them and forget it. Legally, David pardons Absalom, but then he never forgives him. David has to be able to put this behind them. David, a mature believer, got tangled up in a doctrine called pertinency.

David refusing to see Absalom upon his return is not punishment and it is not grace. This will be a catalytic agent in the start of the revolution.

2Sam. 14:7 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal [burning coal of my posterity] that is left and leave to my [dead] husband without a name or remnant on the face of the earth."

Some Final Principles

1.       The woman is trying to move David from the pertinent to the non-pertinent.

2.       Distracting points of law deal with real issues, so the real law is lost.

3.       This is duplicated in the 20th century function of jurisprudence in the U.S. Sentiment is aroused for the criminal. However, once you pardon a criminal, you must forgive and forget.

4.       The liberal judge is arrogant and emotional about the criminal rather than rational about the law.

5.       Distracting points of law provide rights for the criminal. Outside of legal rights, the criminal has no rights. Bringing in non-pertinent law gives rights to the criminal, which leads to anarchy and revolution.

6.       When the law is used to distract from the law, there is a miscarriage of justic. The nation manufactures crime instead of restraining it.

7.       David will be distracted from the pertinent law. However, once David makes an emotional decision to pardon Absalom, he must forgive him. He needs to forgive Absalom for the crime and forget it. David’s emotion will not sustain him. Honor and integrity will forgive and forget.

Emotion is not love and it cannot sustain love. Love is a thought which sustains emotion. Love is a fantastic thing and love is thought. From that thought comes emotion, wonderful romanticism. Every teen who has rejected the authority of their parent is running around on emotion.

Now we are ready for David’s decision. This decision will set off anarchy. Crusaders are always the front, but behind them pulling the strings are the criminals.

Karensky and Trotsky were the criminals and Stalin and Lenksi were the criminals. The criminals use the crusaders and take over. David became more concerned with the woman’s posterity than with the crime.

The death of the criminal will not bring back the life of the victim, which is true; but not a basis for pardoning the criminal. So many judges have made their decisions based upon this idea.

2Sam. 14:8 Then the king said to the woman, "Go to your house, and I will give orders concerning you."

2Samuel 14:8b–9a                               72David                                              631_0333

03/30/1980 Non-pertinent law distracts from justice, freedom, and authority; accountability for use of volition

Review of the translation of v. 7. David accepts social action in law, which buries the function of criminal law. The judges of our land are unable to describe criminality in relationship to the law. They recuse and pardon more criminals than are being punished. Crusaders + criminals = revolution. The sincere do-goobers provide the basis for the coup de tat of revolution.

It became more important to David to preserve the posterity of the woman than to punish her son for the murder. David will be trapped by his decision. The false principle is, the death of the criminal will not bring back the life of the victim; therefore, why kill the criminal? That is an approach made by many.

David orders her to go home, and then says he will give orders concering her.

Closing Points on V. 8

1.       This is David agreeing to her.

2.       Civil law given place over criminal law.

3.       Her son is deserving of death, but David has permitted the law of posterity to apply.

4.       Under the laws of posterity, which is civil and social law, the perpetuation of her husband’s name is more important than punishment for crime.

5.       David rendered an emotional decision. This meant, if a criminal is

6.       The punishment of her son by death, implies David, will not bring back the life of the victim, the older brother. So David makes a decision where he detecides to forget the victim. The Word of God teaches that the victim must be remembered. So all public executions were accomplished by the nearest male relative to the victim. They were called avengers of blood. There were no paid executioners in Jewish law.

7.       Loyalty to sociology takes precedence over punishment to a criminal and it results in evil. Human good + arrogance = evil.

8.       Justice distracts from justice when non-pertinent laws are applied. By applying human good in the state of arrogance, David has distorted the law, resulting not only in unrestrained crime, but it energizes revolution.

9.       Unless a judge is wise and discerning, he becomes a dupe. When a judge uses non-pertienecy, it become impertinency.

10.     David’s decision is wrong; the posterity of a murderer ought not to be perpetuated. This was a chapter from the basic psychology textbooks used in college before WarII.

“Go home and I will issue a restraining order on your behalf.”


1.       When a nation functions on interlocking systems of arrogance, it favors sociological principles over the function of justice and psychiatry over justice.

2.       When an insane person commits a crime, it comes from their own volition and they must be punished.

3.       Both were guilty because of extenuating circumstances, the woman bore children and the man had his own punishment. We are held responsible for sins of ignorance. This puts us out of fellowship, and that means we will commit a known sin, and we will be restored to fellowship.

Next Set of Points

1.       We are responsible for all of the decisions which we make. Most people like to use ignorance as an excuse. However, ignorance is never an excuse.

2.       In a degenerate nation, a criminal is excused for some kinds of decisions.

3.       So the criminal is not distorted.

4.       The victim and the loved ones of the victim are forgotten.

5.       In this distortion, the criminals are regarded by society as unfortunates or as heroes; victims of their environment. So people make heroes out of various criminals. We almost had revolution when Richard the Lionhearted was king of England. He did not speak English but French and Latin. Robin Hood is considered a hero, but the unrestrained crime at that time almost destroyed England. So, when criminals are made heroes, then law enforcement is made into the villain. The criminals are considered unfortunates or heroes.

6.       True order is exchanged for revolution, tyranny and revolution.

7.       Constitutional law is set aside by the liberal preoccupied by extending life for all creatures. He has an erroneous scale of values. He has no sense of integrity. He always has the panacea, the thing which will solve everything.

8.       We call this playing god. They rationalize that the death of a criminal will not restore the life of the victim.

9.       It is true that the death of the criminal restrains others. From the Ten Commandments, we learn how to define freedom. Many of them do not define sin but they are all related to freedom. Today, the US is on the verge of anarchy and revolution. One reason for this serious situation is because judges are distracted from the true principles of law. They are too hipped on converting a criminal into a non-criminal. They pardon them or parole them.

David’s decision is emotional arrogance. Psalm 37:28.

The Law Failing to Punish the Criminal

1.       When the law fails to punish the criminal, then it punishes society, freedom is destroyed.

2.       Life, privacy and property are the essential ingredients of freedom. These are much better affected under a good, enlightened monarchy. They can, for a few hundred years, be protected by a republic.

3.       Therefore, crime becomes the enemy of freedom. Murder, invasion of privacy and destruction of property. Rape, murder, stealing.

4.       Freedom is the poicy of the justice of God in the creation of the human race to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

the justice of God wants people to be able to exercise their freedom to choose Jesus Christ. What about Africans and Indians, etc. All pristine societies reach God-consciousness at some point.

It was the British empire which went into Africa and provided them freedom and stopped the slave trade. The Belgian went into the Congro and provided them with freedom. There is no such thing as African history apart from the British Empire, the German Empire and the Belgians. The issue in life is freedom.

There is no need for a census; it is an intrusion of our privacy rights. The only census taking should be the drafting of young men for the army.

Authority and Freedom

1.       Failure on the judge’s bench destroys our freedom. It is unlawful to put peoples names into computers unless they are freedom. This is a violation of human freedom. It is lawful to take unregistered aliens and to get rid of them. It is lawful to prosecute criminals. It is not the government’s business how many are in your home and halw many bathrooms you have. The concept of the constitution is little government and big people.

2.       Life privacy and property are the essential elements of freedom.

3.       Crime destroyes freedom

4.       Freedom is the policy of the justice of God in the creation of the human race to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

5.       Freedom and authority are mated under the laws of divine establishment. You cannot have freedom without authority; you cannot have. God gave to every person a mother and a father so that you can be basically oriented to life. Your first authority in life is your most important. The authority of your parents, which will determine your capacity for happiness or for unhappiness. If you reject authority from an early age, this could be the basis for all of your problems. You cannot reject the authority of your parents. What is left to you is doctrine, or your life is crap. Some parents cannot control their kids, but no snotnosed kid is going to run roughshod over Berachah Church. When you reject authority as a teenager, you gravitate toward democracy, liberalism and the welfare state. You wind up saying, the world owes you a living. You think you are as good as this or that person, and you are not. You haven’t done anything in life.

6.       Freedom without authority is anarchy and authority without freedom is tyranny.

7.       You cannot see yourself as equal. Wait until the airlines start hiring someone who thinks he is as good as any pilot. There is no happiness in such delusions. You do not need equality in life in order to have happiness. You need freedom. Freedom cannot guarantee nor manufacture equality in the human race. The more you use your freedom, the more inequality there is. Your attitude toward doctrine is key. Your volition and your freedom will demonstrate something which is important. There is no equality in heaven. Everyone will have a resurrection body, and that is all the euality there is. Freedom guarantees inequality. Political arrogance seeks to reverse this principle.

8.       Freedom must have common law. Common law cannot produce equality. There is equality before the law, but no equality of outcomes.

9.       Freedom is the reality of the law, but equality is the myth of the law. Victor Hugo said equality is just envy or jealousy.

10.     The law cannot make people equal; it can only separate the criminal from the law-abiding. All criminals are inferior by their own decision to enter crime. Therefore, their inferiority becomes a cancer that can only be restrained by punishment.

11.     Freedom does not guarantee equality; only inequality.

12.     The judge on the bench must recognize his responsibility to the law and to society. After the evidence is in and guilt has been determined, then punishment must be given.

2Sam. 14:8 Then the king said to the woman, "Go to your house, and I will give orders concerning you."

Act I:

beware of the person who compliments the judge on his decision. This should tell the judge that something is wrong. It is no longer a system of law; it is no longer arbitration.

Beware of the flattery of the woman. However, this looks like a well-worked over congregation. However, some of the greatest traps in history have been sprung this way. Not every flattering woman is not out to get you; but they may be out to go-get you. Most people learn this lesson the hard way. Do not ever be bitter because you are hooked by the flattering words of a woman. Look on the bright side; at least she was beautiful and she talked to you.

Final Points

1.       For the king hearing the case, the decision is simple. Once he makes a decision, it is all over. However, for the woman, she is just about to begin the fight. We discover it is the first inning and not the nineth after we make a decision.

2.       For the woman of Tekoa, the case is not closed.

3.       The king’s decision was too obscure to accomplish the purpose of Joab.

4.       You do not go home after the end of the prologue of a drama. The prologue only begins the drama; it is not the end. There are many things to be settled in favor of the woman, who is acting for Joab.

The brothers of Absalom are all waiting around for Absalom to set foot in Israel. Joab would have made a fantastic lawyer. There is no basis yet for understanding David’s attitude toward Absalom. The king’s decision here is too obscure. There is no clear decision which has been made, so the woman cannot claim a clearly determine the fate of her son.

When the woman is saying something which makes little sense, that is when the plan is advancing rapidly.

2Sam. 14:9 And the woman of Tekoa said to the king, "On me be the guilt, my lord the king, and on my father's house; let the king and his throne be guiltless."

2Sam. 14:9b   72David 03/31/80 teens and 4th cycle of discipline          631_0334

Woman of Tekoa confuses David; change of custodian of criminal requested

Rev. Stark is now in Houston for treatment.

Repercussions of revolution and unrest in the national entity. Review from verse 1. Zeruiah was the sister of David and she raised 3 sons who became general officers in Israel’s military.

Genius is not confined to one area; he is also a genius in the field of drama production. This is a reality show. Joab put the scenario in the woman’s mouth. Joab has followed David’s family life for many years. As a battalion commander, David married a little snit who became the mother of Amnon. Then he married the aristocrat Maacah, daughter of Talmai, King of Geshur. Indo-aryan aristocrats and they took over the Cassites, who conquered Babylon. Leader of the Hyksos and ruled 2 dynasties. They were the most magnificent aristocrats of the ancient world. The kingdom of Geshur is right across the river from Israel. David had an older family and a young family like Bing Corsby. The most basic orientation to life is recognition of parental authority. Teens who reject parental authority. Miserable all of their lives; off balance for the rest of their lives. Teens who reject authority. One reason we will enter into the 4th cycle of discipline is a heavy rejection of authority. In order for a client nation to survive, these types must be destroyed; otherwise, the nation will be destroyed. Parents always seem unreasonable to children. This is the basic authority in life, and when this authority is rejected, then freedom is jeopardized. Freedom and authority must be mated. Destroy freedom, then you disrupt it all.

Equality is one of the great evils. Wherever you have equality, you have no freedom. Equality is imposed and it is tyrannical. No distinction between the person who works hard and succeeds and those who do not. What sticks in Bob’s mind, equality is the political translation of envy (Victor Hugo).

No hired executioners; the nearest relatives to the victim would act as executioner. One son kills the other, and the living son is the end of the line. If he is executed, then the family name will be wiped out. Avengers of blood call for him to be handed over to be executed.

Joab has noticed the 50 or so sons of David ae worthless, although they want to execute Absalom. Absalom, in his opinion, is the only one of the original sons who has the genius, talent, and leadership to to rule in David’s stead. The brothers want to kill him, because he is the only person standing in their way.

They are ready to kill Absalom. Joab cannot get Absalom back to Israel without him being executed. Their motivation is expressed in, “We will kill the heir.” The script asks for a non-pertinent law to be applied where only civil law ought to be introduced.

Non pertinent application. Pertinent doctrine must be applied to the situation. So, every time a young doll comes down to Houston and some hulking guy comes to her and says, “I just reached supergrace, let’s have dinner” and 3 months later, she is pregnant. So there has been a misapplication of some sort.

2Sam. 14:7–8 And now the whole clan has risen against your servant [female subject], and they say [have demanded], 'Give up [hand over] the man who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed [murdered].' And so they would destroy the heir also. Thus they would quench [extinguish] my coal [burning coal of my posterity] that is left and leave to my [dead] husband without a name or remnant on the face of the earth." Then the king said to the woman, "Go to your house, and I will give orders concerning you."

The woman from Tekoa said, “Let the iniquity be upon me.” The woman has received a favorable decision from the Supreme Court but she continues to talk. The issue is simple and the matter seemed to be settled. The man who thinks an issue is completed when dealing with a woman means that you do not know anything about life. The case is just beginning. This is merely the prologue to the script. So far, this woman has gotten none of which Joab wants. There are not enough principles in this decision to apply this to Absalom. The woman must get David to apply the decision in this fictitious case to Absalom and Amnon. There is nothing gained by getting a restraining order against a family which does not exist.

Why would she suddenly say, transfer this whole blame to me? David is so impressed by this woman in distress. She talked to the ground, with her hair covering her face; and David is impressed by all of this. Bob has many times jumped to help a woman in distress to find out that he was the one in distress and who needed help.

This woman has just uttered a lie which has no bearing on the prologue at all. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, she begins to talk about guilt. When a woman stops making sense, then the plot is thickening. She now has your full attention. David is playing Sir Galahad, also known as the chump.

When she talks about iniquity, David is all ears and wondering what is going on. Awon is a noun translated iniquity, perversity; depravity, guilt. How do you put this in modern English? Where did this genius Joab learn so much about women? But he was a soldier and soldiers do get around. When not defending our country, they must defend womanhood.

“Oh my lord, the king, the guilt is upon me and upon my father’s family.” So there is something which David has missed. There will be a restraining order against the avengers of blood, and then the woman says, “It’s all my fault.” Now David wonders, what is she talking about? So he will make a polite inquiry. He did not know he was on trial. It is vey simple. Beware of the woman who thinks logically, because she will get you every time. With the male mind, you will have difficulty. You can see why some governments have decided to put women in combat. So she now tells the king, “It is not your fault” and David has never thought it is not my fault; how is it my fault? Joab wrote this script and he is a genius. He is a military and a dramatic genius. He is probably a genius in the relationship between men and women.

The throne here refers to the government of David. Innocent and free from blame. Both the king and his government are free from guilt. But, what has never come up is, the idea that there is any guilt which belongs to David. Furthermore, there is no pair of sons and no murder and no name to preserve. However, what she says causes David to think. She says, “I will take the responsibility.” She will take the responsibility for pardoning a murderer. David has just decided to pardon this murderer (who does not exist). The woman will take the responsibility. Joab wants custody of Absalom. If he has custody of Absalom, then Absalom will be safe, no one will bother with him. He will end up providing security for a revolutionary leader.

We are using the jussive here; she is petitioning the king. David is making one of the most horrible mistakes that a king can make.

Analysis of this Verse

1.       The court takes the responsibility for its decisions. However, the woman is willing to take the responsibility away from the court. This sounds nice, but she cannot do it. She is really unable to do this, but it makes sense to her. When a woman does it, it sound noble. When a man does it, it sounds horrible.

2.       In other words, the woman is asking the court to release to her custody the murderer and she and her family will take responsibility for it. The public executioner does not provide any security for the criminal. The public executions see the whole principle of Jewish law. Jewish law never forgets the victim. Absalom assassinated Amnon. The woman is saying that she, the mother, and the rest of the family, now will take the criminal in, and they will provide for her security. They will provide the money, the food, they will take care of her for life. The true principle of pardon. Absalom never committed a crime. Forget the crime and forget the criminal. Do not treat him as a criminal, but treat him as if he is no longer guilty of anything. The spirit of the law says, forget the victim, forget the crime and forgive the criminal. A pardon is worthless without all of that.

3.       The woman asks the court to release the criminal to her. This indicates that she will support him. The victims of the crime will support him.

4.       This would imply that Joab is asking for Absalom be remanded to his custody. Joab is willing to take the responsibility of Absalom. This is how sincere and patriotic that Joab is, but he is sincerely wrong. This explains 2Sam. 18:14 Joab said, "I will not waste time like this with you." And he took three javelins in his hand and thrust them into the heart of Absalom while he was still alive in the oak. Absalom had very long and thick hair. He returns as a hippie. He illustrates being a teen who has rejected authority. Bob could never trade a mule to jump. They have minds all of their own. Bob got injured. He liked to go fast on a jumping horses. Ended his career as a horse trainer there. Bob draw a picture of Absalom and the horse and the tree.

5.       Since Absalom was in Joab’s custody, he was the only one who could disobey the order of the king to kill him. He thrusts 3 javelins into Absalom’s heart. David asked for Absalom to be spared in 2Sam. 18:5, but Joab, when Absalom was in his custody, became his nearest of kin. David will release Absalom into the custody of his son without even seeing his son. It was a forgiveness that was not a forgiveness. The woman has requested to take custody of the child. It is the matter of a pardoned criminal and who is responsible for that. David could not stop the revolution and Joab could not either, but he was able to kill the leader of the revolution.

Neither the king or the government were responsible for government. He will be under the responsibility of Joab, so Joab has the ability and responsibility to kill Absalom. And the king ordered Joab and Abishai and Ittai, "Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom." And all the people heard when the king gave orders to all the commanders about Absalom (2Sam. 18:5). David no longer has custody of Absalom. So he is under Joab’s custody, and Joab makes certain that there will never again be a Absalom line.

2Sam. 14:9 And the woman of Tekoa said to the king, "On me be the guilt, my lord the king, and on my father's house; let the king and his throne be guiltless [free from guilt]."

The supreme court judge has become the obedient servant of this woman from Tekoa. David’s next decision of how to get out on a limb with a rusty saw.

2Samuel 14:10–12 Num 35:16–19     72David                        04/01/1980 631_0335

Restraining order on execution, liberal viewpoint; con letter; disobedient teen

A chain letter which is going around Berachah. If you are dumb enough to do this, then please go to Spring Branch Church.

The previous verses are read in corrected translation. If you analyzed the KJV, then you cannot analyze this verse. When a Bible verse is misunderstood by a Bible teach, they often just skip over that verse, and then wander off elsewhere. They might teach something which is absolutely correct, but it may not pertain to the passage at hand. Nothing is analyzed; nothing is nailed down.

First Analysis of 2Sam. 14:10

1.       The king’s second decision indicates that no one can require her to hand over her son for execution. This is regarded by the woman as harassment.

2.       Family or relatives are demanding that the law of punishment be fulfilled, which is the attitude of Absalom’s brothers. These 42 bastards all want to kill Absalom, but none should follow after David.

3.       David, as supreme court judge, issues a restraining order to keep anyone from trying to execute this woman’s son.

4.       The supreme court decision is equivalent to granting immunity to Absalom for his murder of Amnon. David is going to be tricked into pardoning Absalom. When the law says a man is not a criminal, he is to be treated like any other citizen. Even though David pardons Absalom, he is unable to forgive Absalom himself, and this will lead to revolution.

5.       Each decision made by David is final, especially if the judge repeats the decision.

6.       David has now rendered 2 decisions as supreme court judge. He has agreed to pardon the criminal and he will not allow anyone to take revenge on Absalom. Once there is a stay of execution, there may be someone left who wants to take vengeance against Absalom. A stay of execution and a bulletin, saying, if anyone seeks to take revenge, that person will be tried and executed.

7.       This means, in this case, the victim of the crime has been forgotten. One of the great malfunctions of jurisprudence is to be emotional about the criminal and to forget about the victim.

8.       The basis for human government is being ignored. The idea is not to save life but to destroy lives of criminals who remove human freedom.

Crusaders + criminals = revolution. Human good + evil = revolution. Or human good + arrogance = evil The false rationale is based upon emotional revolt of the soul.

What causes a man to try to play God? Usually a beautiful woman. When a man looks at a helpless woman, he wants to save her. An arrogant man won’t put up with a spirited woman. An arrogant man is an animal. A spirited woman is a wonderful person; but an arrogant man cannot stand a spirited woman.

You may look pretty like Absalom, with muscles and with good looks, but if this is all that you have to offer, then you do not have much to offer. If there is nothing more than a set of muscles and a pretty face, then you must be as dumb as the person messing around with these things. There is much more to a man than these things. Absalom had 5 lbs. of hair and he went to the barber shop once a year; and girls were mad for him, because they are stupid. He was handsome and muscular. Muscles + arrogance = a fool. A pretty face + arrogance = a fool. The liberal interpretation of criminal law is, a man is not responsible for his own decisions. He is not responsible for what he does in crimes of passion. The Angelic Conflict whether temporarily or permanently insane, means you are responsible for what you do. The result of such a decision to pardon the criminal is that, crime is not restrained in the natin. A criminal is not someone who simply uses violence; a criminal is a manipulator. If he cannot manipulate you by conning you, then he uses violence. Lenin and Stalin were the criminals; and Trotsky was the crusader. It takes many hours and many seminars to explain this, and it is simple.

Marxism and socialism do not work, but they stimulate arrogance. Some of the greatest criminal organizations are in Russia. Arrogance + boredom = crime. Once the criminal control society, revolution, violence etc result.

David takes the side of the criminal here against the law. Society is brought into slavery. Society is brought into slavery to crime.

A representative of the police department has warned not to go out and walk around on the streets anymore. The reason is, they can no longer protect us. How do you get this way in a society? Bob looks pretty innocent, but he can get a .45 out in a second and reload so fast, your head would spin. Why would he, a man of the cloth, do such a thing. The police are unable to protect the citizenry. Num. 35:16–19 Evangelism is allowing for a no as well as a yes. It is God the Holy Spirit’s job to deal with it after giving the gospel. And if he strikes him with an instrument of iron, so that he dies, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. And if he strikes him by throwing a stone, with which he may die, and if he dies, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. Or if he strikes him with a hand weapon of wood, with which he may die, and if he dies, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. The revenger of blood himself shall kill the murderer. When he meets him, he shall kill him. Absalom killing Amnon was 1st degree murder. It was not the kind of murder which calls for a lesser charge. Pardoning for murder was almost unheard of until this time. Absalom was the only son of the first batch of David’s sons who were capable of doing anything. The woman has caused him to even put a restraining order on vengeance. Absalom can no longer be regarded as a criminal or treated as a criminal.

2Sam. 14:10 The king said [Then the king replied], "If anyone says anything to you [speaks to you, intimidates you, threatens you], bring him to me [then cause him to be brought to me], and he shall never touch [annoy, bother] you again."

A confirmation of David’s decision, and the final verse of Act I. The hippie Absalom was caught in the tree with his long hair. When Absalom’s hair was caught in the tree, Joab hit him with 3 javelins and not one hair fell upon the ground.

Gentlemen, when a woman asks you to remember something, pay close attention, because it may be of great significance. The woman is being very polite. “Please let the king remember this decision before God.” So, how do you get away with this? How do you get the judge to make such a decision. Bob is not trying to give a course on how to manipulate a male without really trying. Some of the most romantic moments are helping ladies in distress. Beverly Hills almost always had a lady in distress almost at every cab stand. So this woman is not letting David off the hook. He needs to make an oath in court before God. So, he ought to be careful. So the woman from Tekoa is going to get this decision reconfirmed.

She asks for him to restate his decision as an oath before God, and she even repeats it, so that he gets it right.

In this script, the woman’s remaining son will be analogous to Absalom.

2Sam. 14:11 Then she said, "Please let the king invoke the LORD your God, that the avenger of blood kill no more [to restrain the public executioner], and my son be not destroyed." He said [consequently, he replied], "As the LORD lives [this is a solemn promise], not one hair of your son shall fall to the ground."

We have awhole lot of dirtbags in various schools, and they need to be dumped into a dirt pile and left there.

All people get testing particularly with their parents, and at some point, you are going to think your parents are unfair. Some had parents like noodles and you could walk all over them. And they are resented. You can’t use freedom correctly unless you have authority-orientation. You cannot have freedom without authority.

Democracy is anarchy with a little veneer. Republics are safe, and there are very few of them. The Roman Republic lasted almost 1000 years. Rome, Venice and the USA are the 3 primary republics. However, one generation of jackass teenagers who reject the authority of their parents, and it is all over; a republic turns into a democracy.

Do not get married or take on a position with authority, unless you are authority oriented. Authority-orientation must come first. The most disastrous thing, when the young kid rejects the authority of his parents (and they can be unfair and unreasonable), and they get involved in crime or some other form of arrogance. They become liberals or crusaders.

Absalom is going to die without one hair falling to the ground. We will spend maybe 30 minutes discussing Absalom’s long hair. This long hair is a rejection of authority. He is the handsomest man of all history and he is going to turn into a hip;y. It is always the ahir, the long hair. The branches of the tree grabbed up Absalom by his long hair; and his mule kept on going. Absalom was caught by the tree.

Joab disobeyed David here, but Absalom was in the custody of Joab; so he had the right to kill Absalom.

2Sam. 14:12 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak."

2Samuel 14:12              72David The Criminal Personality   04/02/1980 631_0336

Law vs. emotional appeal and public opinion re. Absalom; World War III cause

We are about to enter into Act II, and there is the crusader and the criminal. David knows that he has made in not executing Amnon. All of David’s sons are losers, but Absalom. He is the only one to show any sort of potential.

Samsonov and Yokelson, and the false ideas and the few true ideas about criminality and rehabilitation. This is also related to criminal arrogance. The key is volition. As a youngster, the criminal finds the restraints of living unacceptable and even contemptable. They reject the authority of parents, teachers, etc. They reject legitimate authority.

Patterns of deception are established early. Lying becomes a way of life. Lies of omission are more common than those of commission. He expects those to respect him while he has no respect for others. Society views him as harmful; but he believes that he is just asserting his rights. He inflicts a tole on society which is incalculable. He is rarely apprehended and he often escapes conviction; and he is often given light sentences. Held accountable for a violation makes him think that he has been violated. People are sucked in to give a character reference for a criminal because the criminal believes that he is getting a bad deal. The criminal lives in a world where there is no loyalty or trust. He is untrustworthy, but he demands that others trust him. When others trust him, he exploits this trust. He claims he can live without interdependence. He cannot get along with responsible people from day to day. Intolerant of others shortcomings and is angry when others find fault with him. People are to be used, conquered, controlled like pawns, and then discarded when they are no longer helpful to him.

Yokelson died in 1978 and is probably one of the greatest geniuses in criminal studies.

Only rarely does the criminal like another person, and it is often based upon someone else agreeing with him and building him up. He likes those he can exploit. His own personal characteristics preclude him from loving anyone. They will throw any woman aside when it suits them. He regards kindness as a weakness. He expresses fragments of kindness, but he is coldhearted toward those he claims to love. He is sensitive to being put down by others. Any inconvenience is seen as a personal affront.

The zero state. He is either a collossus or a zero. This state is intolerable with him, and he often responds with a criminal act. His life is a series of anger reactions against his fear of being a nothing. Anger is a basic component of the criminal’s basic personality. Pursuit of power and control pervades the criminal’s thinking and action. Personal conquests and build ups. He sees no limits to his personal power and control. He expects the world to adapt to his wants, even when apprehended and put in jail. Success is something which occurs overnight; he ignores the past. A concrete thinker who lacks time perspective. A state of super-optimism. Thinking something makes it so. He will endure some hardship in the pursuit of crime, but will not endure the slightest problem in legitimate living. Others beg him to change, but he puts the burden on them. Unrealistic expectations. He reads others according to their own premises and places motives and qualities upon them that they do not have. An admission of ignorance runs counter to his own self-image. He looks like a mass of contradictions. He seems to be fearless and cowardly. No consistent and cohesive set of attitudes.

He views himself as a good person. All criminals have self righteous arrogance. He does not consider himself a criminal. Whatever he wants to do at any moment is right, in his own thinking. What society calls crime, he sees as work. The criminal is not rehabilitated, because he thinks that he is better than the one who is looking to rehabilitate him. Simple words like friend, love and trust have meanings which are very different from we are used to. He has trouble with points of view different from his own. He often acts as if he is paying attention to your viewpoint or opinion, but just does that so you think he agrees with you.

All of these have failed in our society; the rehabilitation and other similar approaches. Confinement is seen as destructive and called warehousing; the liberal viewpoint. They are completely wrong about this, and they simply encourage and enlarge the criminal society. Liberals ignore that criminals become criminals through their own volition.

Crime rate goes up in every community where they are cycled back into that same area.

“Read your boyfriend’s letter later. You need to be listening to this!” Criminals stop being criminals by their own volition. The agent who is rehabilitated is called the agent of change and this person must deal with the inner man and not with the criminal’s environment. Putting on new clothes over old and stained clothes is not enough. The old clothes must be regarded as contaminated and diseased and destroyed. The criminal is faced then with decisions which he must make.

A criminal can choose to commit more crimes, suicide or to cease being a criminal. Change requires effort and restraining himself from what he wants to do and doing that which he does not want to do. He must replace his thinking with responsible thinking. He must be able to think critically. He needs to develop compassion for others and a gut to deal with hardship, which he has avoided until now.

The criminal has posed a challenge to all society. We do not view change solely in terms of release from confinement, money in the bank and a job. It must be a total alteration of thinking. New thinking patterns must happen.

Houston is putting more people out into the community than most; and these are people who continue to think and act like criminals.

A union has come in with only 5 or 6 and now there are several hundred who are union members.

Even responsible people like David, his whole system of the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill has malfunctions. Faith rest drill is not just claiming promises. The real guts of the faith rest technique is taking doctrines which someone has learned and thinking doctrine in reverse process.

Essence of God rationale; plan of God rationale; or logistical grace rationale. Claiming promises is just how you start. Even the rebound technique must follow this procedure.

Now we are going to go to act II; an emotional view of the law or a plea for criminal rights.

When a woman says, “I just have one more thing to say,” you know that she is going to enter into a long monologue. She is already has David in act I promising that there will be no execution of her son and he would be protected from anyone seeking vengeance.

She must now get one more concession making a plea for the restoration of Absalom.

David has daily contact with the ladies, and he seems to be clueless at this point. Having sex with a woman does not reveal who or what the woman is. Sex will never help you understand a woman. Conversation and being around her is what tells you what the woman is all about. You do not understand women by having sex with them. The true student is always humble. Arrogance is what keeps you from understanding women.

“You do not learn anything about women through sex, which we have demonstrated...academically, that is.”

David makes the mistake of saying, “Okay, what do you want to say?” David made an erroneous decision in Act I. He went to civil law instead of criminal law; the former of which is not pertinent. In Act II, this woman must speak a number of words in order to get a pardon for Absalom. If the judge becomes emotional, he distorts judgment and favors the criminal. The judge needs to focus on society, not upon the criminal.

Principles of V. 12

1.       If you will recall from Act I, David took a solemn oath in the name of Jehovah that no public executioner would destroy or execute the woman’s son, who is a proven criminal guilty of fanticide.

2.       David has stayed an execution and set a precedent before the law.

3.       The stay of execution is tantamount to pardoning the criminal.

4.       Since David has granted a stay of execution and a pardon to the woman’s son, the woman from Tekoa is about to enter a plea on behalf of Absalom, which is a parallel case.

5.       She will take the implication further; that the death of her son was a private loss to her. She will then make a strange statement. The woman will turn the courtroom into a political harangue for the restoration of Absalom. You cannot allow politics to enter into anything other than politics. Public interest and public benefit is all that there is.

6.       The woman’s appeal to public benefit becomes the basis for distorting the law through politics.

7.       The woman will appeal to David’s emotion. The pardon of her son is a private benefit, but the pardon of Absalom will be a public benefit to the entire nation.

8.       Since David has made a decision on her behalf, David can now make a decision on part of the entire nation; to pardon Absalom.

9.       After all, she reasons, Absalom is next in line to succeed his father and the entire nation would be blessed for Absalom to be restored. The dynasty and all the people will be blessed.

10.     A murderer ought to be executed and not pardoned simply because of who he is. The client nation ought not to depend upon criminals. No client nation can afford to become dependent upon criminals.

The king has now opened Pandora’s box, and he will become aware of the decision which he made in Act I.

2Sam. 14:12 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak."

What the people want is wrong. All of our leaders are completly irresponsible. It will be a race between the depression and WWIII.

Generally what the people want is wrong. Jesus Christ controls history; and if there is a large enough pivot, Jesus Christ delivers the nation.

The law will be distorted in v. 13.

2Sam. 14:13 And the woman said, "Why then have you planned such a thing against the people of God? For in giving this decision the king convicts himself, inasmuch as the king does not bring his banished one home again.

Bob likes that this will come on Easter, with bunnies and easter clothes and all kinds of things like that. Bob thinks that a sunrise service is the laugh of the century. Jesus Christ arose at midnight; one minute after midnight.

2Samuel 14:12–13             72David Easter Sunday 1980                            631_0337

04/06/1980 Historical drama: tragedy, comedy and renaissance. Failure of socialism toward war; review verses 10-12

Catharsis, to watch about 4 or 5 dramas, where someone who is great and seen as great; and his greatness is demonstrated in the first act, his tragic flaw in the 2nd, and the tragedy of his tragic flaw in the third act.

There were plumbers who assumed they were as great as statesmen; so once a year, it was determined that everyone needed to return to humility. The birth of drama was an attempt to deal with arrogance. Many people did not like the idea of being put down by tragedy. Aristophenes tried comedy and it would take a truly great man and make him appear ridiculous. This purpose was to build up vanity. “I am better than that person.” This comedy did not have a sense of humor. This was considered the highest form of culture. Renaissance was a revival of Greek culture and arrogance in culture. We follow in not very bright art forms the very concepts. The catharsis of drama has been reduced to the lowest form of idiocy. All art forms have completely failed.

Bible doctrine rejects drama because man has an old sin nature. The solution to the problem is not found in the catharsis of tragedy or the arrogance of comedy, but in the reality of Who and What Christ is.

Where there is arrogance, there is no sense of humor.

There is a lot of arrogance today. People are proud of their individual sins. Personal sins have not been imputed to us for punishment. We are not sinners because of our personal sins; we are sinners because of our old sin nature.

We died spiritually when Adam sinned; but our personal sins were accumulated and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross.

A strong military is the only way to stop wars. There will be wars until Jesus returns. There will always been the use of various exotic weapons, but what will be the key is conventional warfare.

Easter Sunday 1980

We are going to have a resurrection body, but there will be no equality in heaven. Volition + arrogance = psychosis. On this day when our thoughts are turned to the resurrection, some of us will have very simple and plain resurrection bodies and others will have a great harvest.

When the believer in Jesus Christ rejects doctrine, that is the problem. We have been propagandized to think the key is what we do and our personality; but it is what we think that counts.

Comedy promotes arrogance; a sense of humor promotes humility. There is no possible way to actually orient to life apart from Bible doctrine.

Bob like Moire and someone else.

We have a drama during the time of David. There was nothing wrong with the law. Arrogance destroyed the function of the law. David was taken in by the drama of the woman from Tekoa. The widow had 2 sons and they were in the field, and there was no referee, no arbitrator, so one son killed the other. She states the problem; the cousins and uncles want her to turn over the last son, and she wants the civil laws of posterity to supercede the legal laws. The criminal laws.

Churchill would spend many hours to try to talk Ike out of something, but he admitted that Ike had great humility David had great battle courage and great moral courage. But all of it fell apart under one principle. It fell apart because of arrogance. He was standing on the battlements and not at war because he was a coward. His previous greatness was lost.

Joab wrote the script and directed this drama. David orders for son #2 to go free. However, the woman needs to get David to swear before God that this will stand in all cases.

When the woman says, “Just one more thing” this should have gotten David’s attention. However, it did not. He was confused.

Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution.

For Russians, there is nothing to buy. They are bored. The 4 largest crime syndicates are in Russia right now. It used to be that 17% supported most of the nation and now it is down to 7%. National arrogance causes wars; national degeneracy.

In Act II, we will have an emotional view of the law.

Even though it appears to be all over; but it is not. The woman says she wants to say one more thing.

2Sam. 14:12 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak."

When the plaintiff asks the judge to take an oath in the name of the Lord, the judge needs to think about just exactly what is happening; but David is in interlocking systems of arrogance. The woman has been personally blessed by the pardon of her son; now she wants the nation to be blessed because of Absalom being pardoned.

When crime is unrestrained, then crime is glorified. The average teenager glorifies the drug dealer today. This is a part of the whole picture of national arrogance. There is psychedelic music. The woman’s son has been pardoned, and it is based upon an oath, which means, it is therefore applied to anyone else under the same circumstances.

In his decision, David fails to recognize that a criminal ought to be put to death and not pardoned.

How many of you men have heard, “I just have one more thing to say.” A wise man would say, “I have heard enough already.” Let her get her foot in the door, she will get her way.

David is made to feel wrong about what he has done, although he does not quite get what it is yet. David incriminated himself, unless he restored the fugitive. David opens up Pandora’s box here. He suddenly discovers that he is on trial now. Too often when the man is gallant, he finds that his noble deed was a trap. David took the bait to help a woman in distress and now this woman will spring the trap. A woman in distress is not always a woman in distress, but a carefully baited trap. “Now, I think that this beats an Easter egg hunt.”

Absalom as a mature believer, but he is suffering from interlocking systems of arrogance and he will become the leader of a civil war against David.

The woman saying, “Why then have you planned such a thing against the people of God” is a very dramatic statement. This attack upon law will be the basis for revolution. If you think that there is someone out there who can save this nation, you are wrong. Only a pivot of believers can save this nation. We will be kept from the fifth cycle of discipline if there are those in this nation who pursue Bible doctrine.

All revolution leadership eventually enters into criminal arrogance. Stalin and Lenin are examples of criminal and crusader.

Now, this woman has David’s complete attention. David’s decision incriminates David. Since the king has rendered this judicial decision, you now must restore the fugitive. David has trapped himself with emotion rather than with a legal decision. Those who play god with the law destroy themselves and the law. Supreme court decisions and federal decisions have destroyed our law. David has forgotten the victim.

Because of the malfunction of the king’s justice, Absalom will become a fugitive and David will take a stand against the law. When a ruler just makes decisions which are popular with the people, then he is destroying his own rule. The woman from Tekoa in ths 3 act drama will lead to revolution.

2Sam. 14:13 And the woman said, "Why then have you planned such a [terrible] thing against the people of God? For in giving this decision the king convicts himself, inasmuch as the king does not bring his banished one home again.

2Samuel 14           72David 04/06/1980 Eisenhower’s humility                631_0338

Moliere; the GI dead and victims of crime forgotten by a degenerate nation

Communion Sunday.

Eisenhower Declassified is about all of the great decisions which Ike made. A story how Dwight’s mother spoke to him about obedience and explained it. His mom reasons and explains about being angry and losing his temper. He learned not to react to people and their behavior. He was one of the greatest presidents that we ever had. Many times, he was tested.

MacArthur called him one of the most brilliant man that he knew. He was believe of the river brethren of Pennsylvania.

National arrogance is the order of the day. Bob like Tartuffe. Thinks it to be one of the most humorous of the comedies.

You cannot expect to always be entertained when it comes to learning and sometimes you learn a great deal when you are not entertained.

The woman first makes mention of the inevitability of death, and the idea is to get David away from the truth. We are all going to die.

Death is not the issue here; the true function of justice is the issue. The woman ignores the death of the victim, her fictitious living son. She is clever in her approach; her histrionics are perfect.

The First Principle

1.       The woman implies that life is short and if David dies without restoring Absalom, he will have great regrets for this. She is hoping to stir up his emotion.

2.       She is appealing to David with regards to dying without regrets. It is distorted by emotion approach, rather than on the basis of thinking.

3.       She appeals to David’s emotion. What if he dies before pardoning Absalom? This arouses his emotions and shuts down his thinking. This is not much different than our federal courts today.

4.       At best, life is fleeting, and death is inevitable. So pardon must come before it is too late and David dies.

5.       Emotion, like arrogance, ignores the law and forgets the victim.

6.       The distortion is an attack on the laws of divine establishment. Let’s forget the victim and do something for this nice criminal. There is a lot of liberalism running around lose this day. You can’t bring back the victim. If you don’t kill the criminal; if you don’t kill all of the criminals, you will be the victim tomorrow.

7.       When a client nation to God falls into national arrogance and degeneration, the dead are all forgotten. How many times have you honored those who have died to make you free.

8.       All freedom comes through military victory. A lot of people die fighting for their country in military service.

9.       Once the victory is won and the freedom is secured, then grateful nation forgets; they forget those who have died. Bob’s favorite photo is of Bobby standing by Patton’s grave, with the fog hovering around all of the crosses there. All of these men who died on foreign shores so that all kinds of scum can live. If you do not honor those dead, you have no concept of freedom. The military establishment has provided our freedom for us.

10.     The living must remember the living, but never at the expense of the honored dead.

11.     We ought not to forget the victims of the crime, those who have died.

12.     Justice in the courtroom demands that the judge remember the dead, the victims of the criminal. David accepts this distortion.

13.     The living are protected by remembering the honored dead; and when the judge remembers the victims of crime.

Now we come to our analogy of water being poured on the ground.

2Sam. 14:14 We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

2Samuel 14:12–13          72David 04/07/1980 Ike: Patton                          631_0339

Doctrine of interlocking systems of arrogance gate #14 authority arrogance; rejection of temporal and spiritual authority; David incriminates himself

Back to the book on Ike, one of the greatest people of our time. There was the Patton slapping, which occurred twice. Ike was shocked by these incidents. Patton was required to apologize to the soldiers, doctors and nurses. Ike let 60 correspondents decide what they would do about this story, and none of them published it. Radio commentator Drew Pearson revealed this, and it was leaked possibly through Congress. Blistering wires for not filing the reports. Congressmen screamed to bring Patton back for a full investigation. Congress would reduce his rank and put him in a lousy place.

General Ike sent a signal to Roosevelt, and said, if Patton was brought back for a Congressional review, Ike would tender his resignation as well. Patton went to glory with his 3rd army after the furor died down.

An ounce of arrogance in that situation would have caused Ike to send Patton to be eaten by Congress.

Some of you did not understand when Bob taught v. 13.

Bob is going to go back to interlocking systems of arrogance and he is going to cover gate 14. It has been developing, but it really gelled for Bob.

Who has resisted his will or purpose. People are always saying, why does God let this happen to me? Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter possess the authority over the clay, to make, on the one hand, a vessel of honor; and on the other hand, a vessel of dishonor.

Potter, Lump, Authority.

1.       The potter is God, the potter’s will is divine authority; and we are the lump.

2.       Divine authority is delegated by God to various categories of the human race. The issue is authority. It is delegated under the laws of divine establishment. When the lump is born, human life is imputed to the body. The lump has positive and negative volition. However, at first, the lump cannot think at first. The lump must be trained.

3.       Training is in the hands of authority. Drill sergeant. The most basic authority delegated by God to the human race are parents. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

4.       The first authority in life for every lump is parents.

5.       Humility and orientation to life are related to the child’s attitude toward parents; or, the volition of the individual in relationship to the potter’s wheel. This is the authority of parents.

6.       The child’s volition comes into function at the point of the potter’s wheel.

7.       Then mankind functions under self-determination. The decisions that we make determine what our life will be.

8.       Volition in the lump is the most basic part in the Angelic Conflict.

9.       We use our free will in order to be molded by the potter’s wheel to be molded into a vessel of honor or dishonor. We use this free will to resist authority or to accept authority. Our volition indicates if we will be vessels of honor or dishonor; whether we will be happy or miserable in life. The potter must do this in relationship to the individual. It is how we respond to the potter’s wheel. We are from our own free will a vessel of dishonor. Enough vessels of dishonor and God kicks a big boot through all of these vessels and smashes them all under the concept of the fifth cycle of discipline. Think back on how you became a sneak; you rejected their authority; so in your teen years, you would have been stoned to death in Israel. ]stuff below]

10.     The teen who rejects the authority of his parents is self-centered, arrogant and subjective.

We have the worst collection of idiots in this generation. Bob was ready to go back there and raise hell with the teens in the back, but someone warned them. Little squirmers, little asses; wanted the parents to see this, and if Bob every finds the person who let this be known, he’ll have 2 ears on his wall, and a tongue with a nail through it?

When the potter’s wheel of discipline hits them, it is that they have rejected authority.

God graced out Eisenhower, the only president in recent memory who balanced the budget and had a surplus in the budget and stopped Communism without a single loss of life.

Rejecting Authority

1.       Rejection of parental authority enters you into interlocking systems of arrogance. Apart from rebound as a believer and apart of positive volition, you never get out. You develop the cult of arrogance.

2.       Arrogance + rejection of authority guarantees disorientation to life. No capacity for blessing or happiness. You resist unless allow yourself to be molded.

3.       Like the garden of Eden, authority and the laws of divine establishment become the test for human volition.

4.       To pass the test is humility; to flunk the test is arrogance.

5.       Personal volition directed toward established authority determines what kind of a life you will have. The Lord spins the wheel called authority. That wheel molds or, if you reject the authority, it will break you in life.

6.       Rejection of establishment authority means rejection of establishment truth.

7.       Rejection of establishment truth means a vessel of dishonor + strong delusion. As a young person under parental authority, this is devastating.

8.       This is why so many people accept socialism and communism and equality propaganda.

9.       Unders strong delusion, believer and unbeliever accept the Satanic lie and they accept that lie under arrogant delusion. That is the Satanic syndrom.

10.     Entrance 14 into interlocking systems of arrogance.

Gate 14 Is the Satanic Syndrom or Authority Arrogance.

1.       Authority arrogance is that arrogance by which legitimate authority from God is resisted, resulting in disorientation to life.

2.       This is that malady which results in national degeneration and punishment. The pot has to be broken and remolded.

3.       Basic manifestations of this: children disobeying parents and wives rejecting authority of husbands.

4.       If authority arrogance or the satanic syndrom is an issue for the wife and children and becomes critical with regards to orientation to life, being come born-again introduces another aspect of the same problem.

New Authority in the Spiritual Life

1.       Being born-again introduces a new authority in life. We become new recruits; we become a new lump. The new authority is not parents, but Bible doctrine and the pastor-teacher who communicates it.

2.       An analogy results. Just as patently authority results in parent authority in life, so pastoral authority provides orientation to spiritual life. Heb. 13:17 arrogance makes you reject authority. This means no happiness and no orientation to life. All blessing will come through the action of your own volition related to chemistry; dope. Once you are an adult, you can always move to a sweetness and light church and they talk about love and people pay attention to you even though you are obnoxious. They ought to put a noodle on the steeple. That is alright, if that is what you want.

3.       Doctrine is the mind of Christ and the authority for all born-again believers.

4.       The authority of the pastor is related to the communication of accurate doctrine.

5.       The local church becomes analogous to the home in which you were born.

6.       Just as there is an authority in the home, so there is authority in the local church, or should be.

7.       Local church authority allows to exercise volition in the Christian life. Establishment authority is necessary to exercise one’s freedom in temporal life.

8.       Authority arrogance or the satanic syndrom, rejecting authority in the home.

9.       This does not limit one’s freedom to find a right pastor or to find a good church. Or to leave a pastor because one is torments or offended by the pastor.

10.     No believers ought to be critical of the pastor and whose church he is leaving.

11.     Do not criticize the pastor no matter how wrong you think him to be.

12.     If you persist in being critical, you will be disciplined for authority arrogance. The last past of the Easter service was devoted to v. 14. It goes back to v. 12 where the woman said, “Let me say one more thing.” When you give a woman permission to say one word, then you have lost whatever the dispute was.

13.     Many hotels have no 13th floor. Bob likes that number.

The woman accuses David of conspiracy against the people of God. This is Joab, not realizing that he is skating on thin ice. The people of God are those insubordinate, arrogant idiots who are about to start a revolution. Before revolution breaks out, the people may seem to be normal.

David Is on Trial

1.       From functioning as the supreme court judge, David discovers that he is now on trial. Things have taken a turn.

2.       The woman of Tekoa is going to turn this case into a political football.

3.       Too often when the man is gallant and helps the woman in distress, he discovers that his noble deed is the bait for the trap.

4.       The woman’s trumped up story about her 2 sons is the bait. She is a magnificent actress and a raving beauty and children she does not have.

5.       David took the bait as a noble gesture.

6.       Now that same woman in distress will spring the trap.

7.       A woman in distress is not always a woman in distress, but a carefully baited trap to destroy a sucker.

8.       What appears to David to be a legal case, is to force the restoration of Absalom.

9.       This is against David’s better judgment, but he is now trapped, having helped this woman in distress. It now stands as the basis for pardoning Absalom.

10.     His courtroom decision establishes a precedence. Absalom is the most qualified person in the first family of David. But interlocking systems of arrogance destroyed the great potential of Absalom and neutralized his abilities.

At this time, Absalom is only able to lead a revolution. As a born again believer, he has rejected the potter’s wheel of authority.

Joab is inside interlocking systems of arrogance, it is crusader arrogance and blind arrogance. Joab is convinced that only Absalom can fulfill requirements of a king. Motivation is not justification for anti-establishment modus operandi. This does not justify the work of Joab. This does not justify the distortion of the law. The federal judge is causing crime to be unrestrained today. There is a movement to amend the constitution so that federal judges are elected rather than appointed. That would improve the situation.

All revolution leadership must become involved in criminal arrogance. Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution.

The woman gives David an out. His out is if he pardons Absalom. If David does not restore Absalom, then he has condemned himself.

Those who play god with the law, is subject to the law that he distorts. When judges distort the law with their play god with the law, crime is unrestrained. All of this got started when this woman said, “One word” and David said, “Speak.”

2Sam. 14:12–13 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak." And the woman expatiated, "Why then have you planned [devised] such a [terrible] thing against the people of God? For in giving this decision the king convicts himself [since the king has rendered this judicial decision, the king has indicted himself], inasmuch as the king does not bring his banished one home again.

2Sam. 14:14 We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

2Samuel 14:14                           72David 04/08/1980                                    631_0340

Eisenhower: faith, humor and death; meaning of pardon; criminal abuse of and volition; distortion of crime issue to emotion re. death; voice of the people

I think this is from Eisenhower Declassified. Eisenhower was a River Brethren, not the same as the Plymouth Brethren. They have some of the most vigorous missionary organization. Good prophetical teachers and emphasize that. They do not believe in eternal security. From childhood, Ike was a believer in Jesus Christ. He also demonstrated a great sense of humor. Ike fell down after a speech, and they laughed. He stood up, smiled and saluted, and walked off. The cheers could be heard all the way to Berlin.

Truman and Ike were at JFK’s funeral. Ike believe that Winston Churchill was the greatest man of those times, but he respected his mother, and wished her to be alive when he was in the White House.

Wherever Ike was quartered, there was always a Bible nearby, and it was a Bible well-used. He called the Bible stored wisdom. Ike prayed at night and in the morning. He started the Christian prayer sessions in the WH. He often had Billy Graham in and called him regularly for prayers, advice, etc.

For we will definitely die. David died in dying grace magnificently.

Stupidest thing for someone to be is a movie actress. Most everyone Bob knew was offered a movie contract (he was as well). When you are successful in the entertainment world, you have accomplished nothing but to entertain someone else. That is the most nothing thing in the world, to Bob. Every young woman that Bob dated back then, when they said, “I want to be an actress” that was the last time that Bob dated her. He was not interested in love or marriage with someone who is famous for being an actress or an entertainer. There is nothing permanent with actors or actresses. They make no worthwhile contributions to society and many are horrible off the screen. Jane Fonda should be tried and shot as a traitor.

A lot of people that Bob has loved in life have gone through death, so why shouldn’t he? Half of his childhood friends were killed in combat. We look to Jesus Christ, not for an easy out on death; but the rapture is a personnel matter. We just need all the doctrine that we need. He need to be prepared for death as we are prepared for life.

These words all come together. We are definitely all going to die, which is a beautiful thought. Dying is no more of a problem than living. Death is an extension of life. You will die well if you have lived well. If you have lived under the application of Bible doctrine, you will die the same way. Cowards die many time; brave men die but once. So death should be no concern to us. Death should be of no problem to us. There is a good possibility that many of us will die this year. We will die and we will be surprised as to how many die. And we are often surprised as to the ones who survive.

One of the great objectives is to reach the point of death without regrets. The woman ignored the crime and the victims of the crime. She is saying, how terrible it would be to die tonite and die with the regret of not pardoning Absalom. The woman is appealing to David’s emotion. Life is fleeting and death is inevitable, is her message.

The living must remember the living, but it must continue to honor its dead; part of integrity is to never forget that a lot of people died on a lot of battlefields so that we can be whatever we want to be. A lot of crewcuts died on the battlefield so that a lot of hippies could run around and look like scum.

For a criminal, a pardon means that a criminal can no longer be treated like a criminal.

If Bob were a criminal lawyer, he would study this passage, even as an unbeliever, because it has some of the best systems for getting a criminal off. There are tricks which are used here. Today, judges are emotionally involved with the criminal. The majority problem is their letting criminals go.

Anyone can understand water being poured out on the ground. Then the negative lo and asaph, which means to recover. There is a great deal of analysis required here. And we are like water being poured out on the ground which cannot be gathered up again, and we will certainly die. We cannot recover past time any more than recovering water which has been spilled out on the ground.

The Reasoning of the Woman from Tekoa

1.       The woman from Tekoa is implying in her magnificent performance that failure in life cannot be recovered. All of us have made decisions in life which are erroneous. Life cannot be brought back to correct our erroneous decisions.

2.       Every second that ticks off, brings us closer to death than the second before. Once we have passed the time phase where we failed, we cannot go back and reverse our decisions.

3.       The true doctrine is to live every day as unto God. Or live every day in the light of death and eternity.

4.       The distortion of this doctrine is presented by the woman in a script written by Joab and it cannot be recovered. She wants to make an analogy with something that is true in life, and apply this to the courts. She will reach a false application. This woman appeals to the judge to forget the dead victim, who cannot be recovered, and pardon the living, even though he is a criminal and ought to die.

5.       Forget the law and remember the life of the criminal.

6.       The implication is the David has not long to live and Absalom is the people’s choice to succeed him.

7.       But if David does not pardon Absalom and restore him to Israel, then Absalom cannot follow David.

8.       This is the age old distortion of the liberals. Vox populi vox dei; the voice of the people is the voice of God. It is a false statement, but that is their philosophy. The voice of the people is not the voice of God.

9.       Nothing implied by the woman could be more distorted or incorrect than the implication that Absalom is the people’s choice. The idea, if Absalom is the people’s choice, then he must be God’s choice. This is why Nader got his foot in the door. You can breathe pure air. The air we breathe will be the courtesy of Jesus Christ and not of the federal government. They are arrogant to say that they will clean our atmosphere.

10.     So, therefore, David must pardoon Absalom, the people’s choice.

11.     Implied is, Absalom could die in exile. He is included in “we will all die.” The woman takes a true doctrine and adds another true doctrine and she uses these to divert David from his responsibilities to the law and to ignore the law.

A Second Approach

1.       The mind of the woman is subtle; she implies that Amnon is dead, he is like spilled water, and no matter what is done to Absalom, Amnon will not be brought back. This is a script that only a woman could play the part.

2.       Like water spilled on the ground, the punishment of Absalom will not bring back Amnon.

3.       This is a distortion of law and an appeal to David’s emotion. This is thinking about people and forgetting all about principle. This is putting the welfare of people over the principles of life. We have followed this policy, and we turned over a third of the people on this earth to communism, destroying them. We are responsible for the suffering of millions of people all in the name of this concept.

4.       Consequently, the woman from Tekoa, has distracted David David in 3 ways.

          a.       If David dies before pardoning Absalom, he cannot come back from the dead to pardon him. In this way David cannot right a wrong, even though there is no wrong to be righted.

          b.       If Absalom dies before David can pardon him, then it will be too late to pardon him and to restore him. David will have to live out his life

          c.        Since Amnon is already dead and cannot be recovered from the dead, what good is it to kill Absalom? Lost life cannot be restored, but Absalom can be delivered.

5.       The greatest distortion is to come. She will also say, this is what God would do.

6.       Since God is infinitely greater than David, how can David not do what God would do.

7.       She will distort doctrine by saying, “God would not act this way.” This entire manuscript ignores that we are not dealing with human volition but we are dealing with criminality. This is a criminal trying to escape the consequences of his crime.

The ultimate distortion, is that pardon is God-like. The woman implies that God does not punish by death. The doctrine of capital punishment. Under Bible doctrine, the believer in Jesus Christ who gets out of line is punished with the sin unto death.

We have only studied half of this verse, and it is distortion piled upon distortion. She says that God would do the opposite of what David is doing.

Many believers are led astray from doctrine by applying grace principles where grace principles do not belong, like in criminal law. A criminal pardoned by the law is no longer a criminal. The law has pardoned him; he is no longer a criminal. David will fail here because he is tied up emotionally and he can no longer think.

2 ways to SNAFU. One way is, throw the book at them, and that means restraint on crime. But if you pardon someone, then they must receive a complete and full pardon. He has violated the most gracious principle of life, if he returns to crime. A pardoned criminal has rejected grace, if he goes back to crime. He uses his pardon to commit crime.

If you allow emotion to dominate reason, then you have distorted emotion. David, when he pardons Absalom, will not act with graciousness toward Absalom. The true purpose of a pardon is to allow a person to take his free will to remove himself from the criminal life. That is the whole point of the Angelic Conflict. It is the same thing as getting off of dope. Barney Ross, a fighter, broke out away from dope on his own. Pardon really means that the criminal is no longer treated like a criminal. He can enjoy freedom just as we do. All criminality comes from free will.

2Sam. 14:14 We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and He devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

2Samuel 14:14                                     72David                                              631_0341

04/09/1980 Doctrine of the five cycles of discipline; false claims re exile of Absalom; rebound vs. grace; no solicitation in Berachah

At one time, there were policies that were understood and did not have to be spoken; and now they need to be explained and written out. New announcements in the bulletin. Berachah Church does not endorse any political candidate, etc.; people may falsely represent themselves as being representatives of Berachah Church, but they are lying. Recognize that this is not sponsored by the church. We are not sponsoring any business or any candidate, etc. This is neutral ground for learning Bible doctrine.

Female GI in Germany received a month in prison and was busted back to E1 for sexually assaulting a male GI.

4000 people showed up to honor a cop killer. Some showed up because they believed the poor to be caught in a web; and others may have admired the killer as a John Wayne type with a great swagger.

Bob would rate those in the ministry about 85% goofy; but for the police, maybe only 4%. Bob is reading from an article, I believe.

Everywhere we look, we see degeneracy. Sexual arrogance in homosexuality. Degeneracy in mental arrogance. Historically, we are in for the cycles of discipline.

The cycles of discipline are based upon the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ controls history. Through the function of His Deity; indirectly through the laws of divine establishment, and permissively, in allowing the Angelic Conflict to be continued. Degeneracy from arrogance; evil and human good along with sin. Lev. 26 and Deut. 28. 3 cycles of discipline are used as a warning; and if this is ignored, the 4th cycle kicks in.

The 1st cycle, and the key is the word obey, which is related to authority. If your soul rejects my ordinances. I will appoint over you a sudden terror; consumption and fever. I will cause the eyes to fail and the soul... There is national hysteria and nation depression.

Clint Eastwood did an excellent Itailain film called High Plains Drifter. The town is in a state of arrogance. Bob normally does not like Clint Eastwood. It is a magnificent movie.

I will set My face against you so that you will be struck down by your enemies; consequently, your enemies will rule over you.

Lev. 26:18–20 is the 2nd cycle with a 7-fold intensification. The sky is inflation. The terms refer to the economy. Channel 8 has done a great thing for this country; Milt Freedman; no conflict with Bible class.

Lev, 26:21–22 is the 3rd cycle of discipline. The animals which existed in the ancient world would be taken over and destroyed. We have our own animals who destroy stores; the Watts riots, which were glorified on television. There will be death by violence.

4th cycle Lev. 26:23–26 If, by these things, you are not corrected by Me, but go on in opposition to Me, then I will go into opposition to you, and I will strike you even 7 times more by the sword. For us, to be defeatred by the RuskieComs and the ChiComs or even Libya. I will send pestilence to you. In the ancient world, often when they crowded behind the city walls, and sometimes, this would bring on pestilence.

The fifth cycle of discipline: the northern kingdom went out in 721 b.c. and the southern in 586 b.c. Chaldeans administered the fifth cycle to the southern kingdom. All of these various kings invaded the southern kingdom, so that they could see what was happening. These were warnings. Isaiah warned the northern kingdom; Jeremiah the southern. Jesus Christ Himself warned Judea; and Paul warned them as well (as did the writer of Hebrews).

There is warning about having their corpses laid upon their idols. Bob enjoys hearing the men there pray.

When a client nation is broken up, the refugees are persecuted around the world. It is a part of divine discipline. Lev. 26:27– And if you will not for all of this listen to Me, but will walk contrary to Me, then I will walk contrary to you also in fury. And I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And you shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters you shall eat. And I will destroy your high places and cut down your images, and throw your carcasses on the carcasses of your idols, and My soul shall despise you. And I will make your cities waste and cause your sanctuaries to be deserted. And I will not smell the savor of your sweet odors. And I will turn the land into wasteland. And your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the nations, and will draw out a sword after you. And your land shall be waste, and your cities waste. Then shall the land enjoy its sabbaths, as long as it lies waste, and you are in your enemies' land; then shall the land rest and enjoy its sabbaths. As long as it lies waste it shall rest, because it did not rest in your sabbaths when you lived on it. And on those of you that are left I will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies. And the sound of a driven leaf shall chase them, and they shall flee as if fleeing from a sword. And they shall fall when none pursues. And they shall fall on one another, as if it were before a sword, when none pursues. And you shall have no power to stand before your enemies. And you shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. And they that are left of you shall putrefy in their iniquity in the lands of your enemies. And also they shall putrefy with them in the iniquities of their fathers. If they shall confess their wilfulness and the wilfulness of their fathers, with their sin which they sinned against Me, and that also they have walked contrary to Me, I also will walk contrary to them and will bring them into the land of their enemies. If then their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they then pay for their iniquity, then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham I will remember. And I will remember the land. The land also shall be forsaken by them, and shall enjoy its sabbaths, while it lies waste without them. And they shall accept the punishment of their iniquities; because, even because they despised My judgments, and because their soul hated My statutes. And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I hate them, to destroy them utterly and to break My covenant with them. For I am Jehovah their God. But for their sakes, I will remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, so that I might be their God. I am Jehovah. These are the statutes and judgments and laws, which Jehovah made between Him and the sons of Israel in Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.

Jer. 7:23–26 But I commanded them this thing, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people; and walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, so that it may be well with you. But they did not listen, nor bow their ear, but walked in their own plans, in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward. Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day I have even sent to you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending. Yet they did not listen to Me, nor bow down their ear, but hardened their neck. They did worse than their fathers.

We are studying where this woman has asked for just one more word. David has all of this sympathy and empathy for this woman, and, all of a sudden, she turns on him. Joab knew just how to write for this woman. He knew his women.

She then says, “And we are like water poured out on the ground that cannot be recovered.” She tells David, God would pardon your son; why not you? Then she mentions doctrine. “He provides doctrines, so that he will not remain an outcast.”

She acts as if David drove this son away.

Principles on this

1.       God does take away life. That God does not take away a life, is a totally erroneous idea.

2.       What the woman says about God sounds very good. God does provide doctrine. However, she adds a purpose clause, that He will not drive away the banished.

3.       God provides the gospel and eternal security of the believer in Christ.

4.       This issue in the gospel is grace. The principle is true. We the banished are delivered through all of these doctrines. However, we are not talking about the gospel; we are talking about criminality. There were probably believers at that criminal’s funeral in D.C.

5.       The issue is not the gospel but the crime and punishment of a criminal.

6.       Absalom is a believer in Jesus Christ. Absalom is the beneficiary of grace and God’s plan of grace.

7.       God has not yet taken the life of Absalom, and He has provided doctrines for Absalom’s problems.

8.       God has provided for Absalom’s criminal arrogance, the same doctrines He provided for David’s criminal arrogance. The issue is not grace but sin.

More Principles.

1.       The punishment is discipline turned to blessing; that is for David. But Absalom did not utilize grace, so Absalom was not blessed. Absalom will die the sin unto death.

2.       We are studying this in the life of David, where David’s discipline had to come in 4 installments.

3.       Because of rebound, God did not take David’s life; but because of no rebound, Absalom will die the sin unto death.

4.       There is a difference between David and Absalom. Both are guilty of homicide. The difference is, David utilized grace and Absalom did not. David rebounded and recovered but Absalom did not. He went on to an intensified arrogance that resulted in his death.

The woman from Tekoa is trying to apply doctrine that is only pertinent when a believer rebounds. Grace only applies from God when one gets out of interlocking systems of arrogance. She has a correct understanding of doctrine, but she misapplies it. Absalom did not rebound. The problem has been complicated and intensified due to his time outside of Israel. Interlocking systems of arrogance guarantees the sin unto death when rebound is not used.

This woman from Tekoa knows her doctrine but she is not distinguishing between grace and punishment. She is distorting doctrine. Another case of non-pertinence. God provides doctrines by which we can be bless by Him. Grace blessing from the justice of God. Logistical grace comes down through the pipeline, and later, supergrace comes down through the pipeline. We begin minus capacity but soon with doctrine.

People think that grace means, you are getting away with something. The woman emphasizes one aspect of it, but she ignores cursing from God. Justice of God is the source of cursing and blessing.

2Sam. 14:14 We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again recover[]. But God will not take away life, and He devises means [provides doctrines] so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

This ends Act II, and we go to Act III tomorrow.

2Samuel 14:15                                     72David                                              631_0342

04/10/1980 Eisenhower: Churchill; loyalty to the criminal; crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance toward revolution; fearing the people

We continue with act III

Some people are arrogant because they think they are great, they are great; or they have no excuse for it. No one gets into a psychosis or a neurosis apart from their own volition. Ike is one of the greatest people Bob has ever seen.

Churchill and Montgomery both gave Ike a lot of trouble. Ike often become exasperated when Churchill became too involved with his military movement. Churchill tried to revive his WWI campaign, which failed. There was a 7 hour argument with Churchill. He did not bother another general like Ike.

Ike had great humility, and this was the secret to his greatness. Arrogant tapers who were run out of town. Bob would never have another assistant pastor.

We’ve studied interlocking systems of arrogance 3 times and added another gate. It is the greatest enemy that has ever existed in the human race. It will exist until the last breath of the last person in the Tribulation.

There has been a lot of conspiracy going on in Berachah Church. It’s easy to get in interlocking systems of arrogance, but hard to get out.

Arrogance always finds an excuse (this is about Ike quitting cigarettes). Ike never made a big deal out of all the problems which he had.

The woman asks to speak one word, but it is David who says one word, which is speak.

2Sam. 14:12–14 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak." And the woman expatiated, "Why then have you planned [devised] such a [terrible] thing against the people of God? For in giving this decision the king convicts himself [since the king has rendered this judicial decision, the king has indicted himself], inasmuch as the king does not bring his banished one home again. We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

Now she actually says why she is there. Everything else has been a set up. She returns to her personal problem. The king is beginning to catch on. David is concerned right now that he is a prize sucker. He is beginning to thinkng maybe he has made a serious mistake. She is not through yet with him. How can she go on this way? If she is clever, she can. Beware of the crusading woman.

She now needs to focus his attention away from the fact that he just pardoned Absalom. The woman will speak of fear of the people, of those who become public avengers.

Joab and the Revolution

1.       This phrase expresses false motivation to distract the king from the real reason for her appearance in court.

2.       Absalom has become somewhat of a folk hero at this time. If a criminal does something spectacular enough, he can gain support from those loyal and disloyal to the government both. The criminal mind is a manipulator and it will eventually destroy authority thinking and authority-orientation. When you would do anything for a criminal, you are in interlocking systems of arrogance. Your dear friend, the criminal, and you depart from your real friends. This is how revolutions are made. All you have to do is make heroes out of criminals, like Bonnie and Clyde.

3.       Who is sponsoring the return of the criminal and his pardon? Joab, an honorable man, and he is doing this out of loyalty to David. Joab is trying to help David. In his own mind, the hope of the country is Absalom. You lose your honor and integrity when you glorify a criminal. This happens in fundy organizations as well. It happens whenever there are old sin natures in any kind of an organization. God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.

4.       Joab sponsors Absalom because he thinks that only Absalom can save the country. No criminal can save the country, or a business. Criminals are not saviors. They cannot deliver any organization.

5.       The people desire the rule of Absalom, but they don’t think that David is good any more. He was competent many years ago but not how. Revolution is in the air.

6.       Take for example, the grandfather of Bathsheba, Ahithophel, head of department of state. Right now, while this woman is getting the decision which will clinch the pardon of Absalom, he is running a revolution behind the scenes, and needs a leader; so this will be Absalom.

7.       Joab does not realize what is going on. He does not know he is setting up Israel for a revolution. When you are naturally sweet as a person, then you need to be extremely alert, because everyone will try to use you. All anyone has to do is say, “Praise the Lord” or “God willing” and you are in.

8.       The principle of revolution is crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. The crusader is pure; his motivation is pure. He wants things to be better. He is very sincere.

9.       Joab will get so mad that he won’t even speak to Absalom. Absalom the criminal sends someone over to burn Joab’s barley field. That is the thinking of a criminal. No one knows better than Joab the mistake that he made. Good and kind people pay when they are used by a criminal. They wake up. When Joab pays the final installment in way into 2Sam. 18. Joab throws 3 javelins. He wanted to make sure the SOB is dead. It makes you feel good when you are helping a criminal. When you are helping a criminal, you are contributing to the destruction of your nation. 4000 people went to the funeral of the person who shot a police officer. But if you help a criminal, you are no better than those people. You can never help a criminal without contributing to the destruction of your nation.

10.     Eventually, crusaders are used by cabals are used to start revolutions. There will be a revolution in the next 4 chapters. There will be a lot of people who get hurt because one decent, law-abiding person was involved.

11.     Leaders of crusades are manipulated. Criminals use crusaders for the violent overthrow of authority. Menchevics were generally crusaders, like Trotsky and Alinksy; while the Bolchevecs were the criminals. The better and nicer you are, the more easy it is for criminals to manipulate you. The Rockefeller Tri-lateral commission draws all kinds of conservatives and pulls them in; and communists push this conspiracy. These groups are anti-Jewish, so they are anti-God. And if you don’t like these things, you can just get the hell out and stay out. This trilateral commission is a communist plot to turn conservatives into kooks. Joab and the woman from Tekoa are crusaders, who play into the hands of Ahithophel and Amasa.

“It is the people who have made me afraid.” You want to balance the budget, cancel all welfare except for about 1% and dissolve all the bureaus. The politicians are afraid. This woman uses this same principle.

This woman now has David’s attention because she says she is afraid of the people.

What Is She Afraid Of?

1.       The woman of Tekoa is the voice of Joab who wrote the script.

2.       Since Joab returned from the Ammonite war, he has a genuine concern about the country. He got David to come down to take credit for Rabbah falling. David was in trouble with the people, so Joab needs for David to be associated with this victory. He has observed potential revolution. He thinks Absalom can stop the revolution, but Absalom will be the revolution.

3.       The people are unhappy and restless. Absalom is a local hero and he has been banished. It is made out that David is some kind of ogre. This is how conspiracies start functioning. So, this is how the revolution is generation.

4.       Joab is concerned about this general unrest and he assumes the restoration of Absalom will solve the problem. It will bring on the revolution. After the civil war, many of those who needed to die, died. Crusaders and criminals died.

5.       It is not the woman from Tekoa who fears the people. If anything, she loves the people. It is Joab who is afraid of the people. He is fearless in combar, but fearful politically. This can happen to anyone in arrogance. General Eisenhower had the greatest military courage in WWII. Ike is the only president in 60 years who has balanced the budget. He stopped Communism without the loss of a single American life. He is a man of phenomenal courage. He maintained his humility. He was one of the greatest generals in history. He never became arrogant. If you become successful in one field and then arrogant, you will fail in a new field. What you did that was great yesterday will make you an ass tomorrow. You can fail and be arrogant. You can get married and divorced 10 or15 times. You walk into the same trap again. You failed again. All you need to fail is arrogance. It is easy to pick up.

6.       Revolution means that Joab will have to turn the army against the revolutionists. He is afraid to turn his army against the people and shoot them down. There comes a time when greatness requires one to fire against the revolutionaries.

7.       This simply reflects Joab’s fear of conspiracy and revolution. The Civil War that follows is firing against your own people. That is tough to shoot down Americans. This disturbed Joab.

2Sam. 14:15 Now I have come to say this to my lord the king because the people have made me afraid, and your servant thought, 'I will speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.

2Samuel 14:15                                     72David                                              631_0343

04/11/1980 Eisenhower vs. Montgomery; crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance; revolution against David and hero of Absalom

Ike was totally tested by Monty. A lot of differences between them; “Is Monty fighting the Germans or Ike?” Ike was smoking, and Monty said, “I don’t allow anyone to smoke in my presence.” Ike admitted it, and said he was unaware of the rule. Montgomery would be a classic illustration of compensation of overcompensation for an inferiority complex. Several generals were like this. At his tactful best, Monty was tactless. He rarely executed military plans to his own predictions. He felt that he ought to be the supreme commander. He and someone else wanted to kick Ike upstairs to a meaningless desk job. However, the U.S. was supplying most of the troops.

Montgomery was not without ability; but he was filled with arrogance and he never had any authority-orientation. Bob thinks that Monty had great potential, but his arrogance would keep him from achievement. One of his great weaknesses was his insubordination. He never showed FDR any courtesy by coming to a meeting when called. He sent his chief-of-staff, who substituted for him. If Ike wanted to see him, he had to travel to wherever Monty was.

It is difficult to face unfair authority. To be on a team, and to have a coach who is unfair towards you. To be in school and blamed for something someone else did. We all get tested in something like this. All of our lives, we get tested like this. If we pass these tests, God will utilize us to the maximum.

The police officer who arrests you, but does not speak your language. The coach who pounds you on the helmet and uses this terrible language. All of our lives, we must be kicked.

This great authority-orientation is why Ike was one of the greatest men of that generation. God makes war on the arrogant and gives grace to the humble. God promoted him to President of the United States. He was under MacArthur for 6 years in the Philippines. Few people know much about Ike and his great humility. Ghengis Kahn was a man of great humility; and his troops murdered and destroyed and wiped out many cities, but he had no arrogance. It is the great man who comes to the top whos ability can be exploited without humility.

A prologue and 2 acts.

The Revolution and Absalom

1.       The criminals are using the banishment of Absalom to form the conspiracy against David.

          a.       The revolutionaries are making a hero out of Absalom and a chump out of David and the people are beginning to believe this. Absalom has everything except for humility, or a sense of responsibility.

2.       Since Absalom is a popular hero, his absence is used to foment revolution against the government.

3.       Joab has discovered this trend through his G2 that he has become a crusader. Joab is convinced that only Absalom can save the nation.

4.       In this way, the criminal conspiracy uses the crusader thing of Absalom to get the revolution on the ground.

5.       Absalom will become the leader of a revolution.

The Conspiracy Traps David

1.       If David continues to spurn Absalom, the agitators will be mad at him.

2.       But if he brings Absalom back and executes him, it guarantees civil war.

3.       By David’s decision, the voice of the people becomes a tremendous power. The power leaves the authority and goes to the people he conspirators make us of this popover.

4.       Joab and the rest to restore and pardon Absalom.

5.       David will not like it and he will not see Absalom for 2 or 3 years

6.       For once, David was right in sentencing Absalom to death, which meant the perpetuation of his banishment. The voice of the people will overrule david’s judgement.

7.       Public opinion will overrule him.

8.       Absalom has been banished for 3 years. Revolution succeeds better if there is a front for it. There will be 4 more years where David is the active leader, and 9 years of conspiracy before the actual revolution.

One More Principle

1.       Joab fears the people.

2.       The people have been aroused by the crusaders.

3.       The crusaders agitate the people. Criminals manipulate the people and the crusaders.

4.       Both together = revolution.

5.       The crusaders provide the motive for the revolution.

6.       Criminals provide leadership and the crusaders provide the motivation and the people provide the power. The combination of these elements will guarantee revolution.

7.       Joab, who seeks to avoid revolution, writes the script which will foment revolution.

8.       The return of Absalom will provide a rallying point.

9.       There are 3 stages to this revolution.

          a.       Stage 1 establishing Absalom as the popular hero during the 3 years of his banishment in Geshur.

          b.       The 2 years when David restored Absalom but refused to see him.

          c.        Then the 4 years of 2Sam. 15:7 it should be 4 and not 40 years. He is the active leader of the revolution at this point.

10.     At this point, we note the power of public opinion. This si emotional without facts and without reason. It feeds on propaganda and lies rather than truth. Public opinion which operates on lies and strong delusion becomes a weapon for evil.

2Sam. 14:15 Now I have come to say this to my lord the king because the people have made me afraid, and your servant thought, 'I will speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.

The doctrine of public opinion to be given to the nod to God crowd.

2Samuel 14:15–17                               72David                                              631_0344

04/13/1980 Truth available before discipline; Doctrine of public opinion; law of posterity; conspiracy and revolution

National arrogance is always an issue. There is always a big of truth, even in places you would never expect it. Time magazine as of late, which is a very liberal magazine.

When Bob thinks of Tiffany’s, he thinks of exquisite, well-cut and understated jewelry. Extremely establishment ads. There is a separation of government and business. Government has no right to control business except to prosecute crime in business. This is a sign of our national arrogance. “Is inflation the real problem? No, it is not. It is the result of our follies. It is spending money by the government in excess. Inhibiting the initiative of people through bureaucratic regulations. Excessive taxing of investment capital. Government programs have created critical shortages. Giving away billions of dollars to foreign governments. Wasting untold money on foreign wars. Tinkering with money and unproven panaceas. Forsaking our religious heritage. This is Tiffany’s in an ad.

Another ad called full employment.

Can Full Employment Be Accomplished by Government Action?

Yes it can; How can government create full employment? Here’s how.

1) Begin winding down the bureaucracy.

2) Stop increasing taxes on people who work.

3) Stop spending the people’s money irresponsibly.

4) Ban all price fixing and transportation rate fixing. [if we continue transportation rate fixing, Houston is going to starve; trucking is our lifeline].

5) Release vast quantities of capital funds by discontinuing double-taxing on divdends.

6) Take vigorous steps to encourage savings and capital formation.

7) Free the people from the poppa knows best policy.

8) Repeal government regulations that prevent corporations from competing with each other.

9) Cease deficit spending.

10) Stop persecuting God.

Another Tiffany ad.

Is Profit a Dirty Word?

No it is not, but it is very misunderstood. By profit, most people only think of net profit but net profit is only a tiny part of it. The profits generated by all economic activity pay for everything, including raw material, tools, rents, machinery, wages, union dues, interest, advertizing, pensions, dividends and all other costs associated with mines, farms, industry and commerce. Out of profits to come all taxes from corporations or individuals which pay the entire expense for federal, state and local government, including social security, welfare, public schools, and national defense. And every dollar you earn or receive comes out of profits, directly or indirectly, and pays for your food, clothing, shelter, education and all other living expenses. So let us stop damning profit and start defending it. Not only from government over-regulation but also from well-meaning people and some not so well-meaning, or we will end up seriously injuring our economy. Only by defending profit can we achieve more equitable wages, generate the capital needed to employ more people, create jobs for future generations, and gain prosperity for all.

One other ad that Bob thought was fascinating

The Nitty Gritty about Socialism:

socialism is the final result of the erosion of democracy and replacing it with ever-growing bureaucracy. More and more bureaucracy results in less and less freedom until finally, the multitude of decisions formerly made by free men and women are made by power-mad bureaucrats. So let’s look at the record:

1.       Bureaucracy is making it impossible to solve the energy crisis.

2.       Bureaucracy has seriously crippled the automobile business.

3.       Bureaucracy has ruined the railroad business.

4.       Etc., etc. etc. So if we want to halt this juggernaut, we will have to stop frustrating the efforts of free Americans and begin to cut down on bureaucracy to more practical and sensible limits.

The next one:

The Truth about Capitalism

Some people think that there are many economic systems, namely socialism, communism, fascism, or capitalism; this however is not true. Socialism, communism and fascism are not economic systems; they are political system. There is only one economic system and that is capitalism. Russia, China and America and all others operate under the capitalistic system no matter what they call it. The difference is, in some countries, the capital is owned by the government and in others, by private individuals or groups of private individuals. Now when governments own, interfere with, or over-regulate private ownership of capital, they invariable destroy the initiative of the people and eventually get into trouble. The only capitalism which has produced prosperity in the long run is the one which promotes freedom for its citizens. It is hoped that the world will someday wake up to this important truth.

Who Owns the Capitalist System?

Do the big corporations own it? No. Does the government own it? No. Do the bureaucrats own it? No. Do the rich own it? No. Okay, who owns it? Here’s who: farmers, businessmen, professionals, government employees, corporate employees, members of labor unions, and all the owners of government and corporate and government securities; in short, everyone owns the free enterprise system. So since we all own it, let’s stop trying to beat it to death. Instead, let’s treat it with the respect that it deserves.










These truths are being ignored because of interlocking systems of arrogance. The laws of divine establishment, which is for the believer and unbeliever. The gospel for the unbeliever. Doctrine for the believer.

All religion comes from rejection of the gospel. It has all been formed from the strong delusion of rejecting the gospel. Scar tissue of the soul is formed, and he believes the lie. When they see the truth, the reject it. If every column of the NY Times and Time Magazine, the Washington Times, etc. if they printed nothing but the truth, there would be no aroused America and there would be no change. We are under the curse of negative volition.

Believers can come to the truth by advancing to maturity; or sometimes, great disaster can lead us to the truth, but then, it can be too late. Some of us have demonstrated great interest or great disinterest. Like the woman with her hand on her face and looking off into the distance. This adds up to a principle; we are destroying ourselves. Many people will try to blame it on things that have contributed to it. We are responsible for our own failure by rejection of the truth. You will know the truth and the truth will make you free. Most of us are interested in happiness. For many of us, happiness is a short sermon. For others, it is a lot of money or doing what you want to do; or finding a profession or a job that you enjoy. It can never be fulfilled with scar tissue on the soul; with strong delusion; with interlocking systems of arrogance. The narrative passage is not simple narrative; but God the Holy Spirit has given us the opportunity to look into the pages of the Word of God through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to see how it gets started.

Every principle which will contribute to revolution. The 3rd act began back in v. 12.

2Sam. 14:12–14 Then the woman said, "Please let your servant speak a word to my lord the king." He said, "Speak." And the woman expatiated, "Why then have you planned [devised] such a [terrible] thing against the people of God? For in giving this decision the king convicts himself [since the king has rendered this judicial decision, the king has indicted himself], inasmuch as the king does not bring his banished one home again. We must all die [for dying, we will die; we will definitely die]; we are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God will not take away life, and he devises means so that the banished one will not remain an outcast.

Absalom has become a hero to those of the land. Joab is taken in by Absalom, and he thinks he is the only reasonable crown prince. Absalom can save the government, insofar as Joab is concerned. Crusaders are invariable arrogant. Their arrogance increases with their sincerity. Crusaders are always used by the revolutionists. Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. French Revolution. The nobility began to renounce themselves. Jacques Necker was a crusader. The revolution kicked into high gear with Marat and Robespiere.

Trotsky and Kerensky were the crusaders, but Stalin and Lenin were the criminals. This woman is the voice of Joab, and he has noted the unrest, and he notes the revolution is about to occur. Absalom has become extremely popular, with more potential, perhaps, than David. Now that I have come to speak this word, it is because I was afraid of the people. The arousing of the people against the government of David uses Absalom as the leader. Criminals use the crusader arrogance. Joab is a sincere crusader at this point. David’s dilemma, if David continues to banish Absalom, that will be trouble. If he brings Absalom back, then he has a revolutionary leader on the scene. The voice of the people becomes a tremendous power. Public pressure will force David through the voice of Joab spoken by the woman of Tekoa. Joab is a very courageous man. He is a participant and a commander, with battle courage. However, he is now afraid of the people. Ahithophel agitates the people, providing the motive for revolution. Criminal arrogance provides leadership for the revolution. The people provide the power. All must come together for the revolution to gel. Absalom as the popular hero. You must have a leader. He was banished to Geshur and he was the leader. The organization of the revolution, and there were 2 years where David gave out a half-forgiveness. In those 2 years, there is the organization of the revolution. Then there are 4 years when Absalom is the active leader. So it take 9 years to get the revolution off the ground.

Public opinion is emotional and it feeds off propaganda and lies.

Public Opinion

1.       This is only a force for good when related to truth in 3 categories.

2.       The rise of news media as a propaganda agent means the public is constantly filled with false thinking. This is illustrated by our thinking about Rhodesian and South Africa.

3.       The only protection the public has is positive volition toward the truth.

4.       Truth is generally represented in the client nation through the pivot of believers. The client nation is saved by having a large pivot and a small arrogant spin off; and a small spin off of reversionists. However, if the spin off is large, the pivot can be saved.

5.       So goes the client nation as the pivot goes.

6.       A small or nonexistent pivot means public opinion is a force of evil.

7.       A large pivot of mature believers means public opinion is influenced by the truth.

8.       The secret to knowing the truth is the Lord Jesus Christ. John 1:14 undiminished Deity full of grace and doctrine. V. 17 the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth through the Lord Jesus Christ.

9.       Public response to the claims of Christ + the response to doctrine provides some relief from evil and false doctrine.

10.     Public opinion is used as a weapon in revolution. Rejection of truth is the basis of public opinion. It is never a weapon until truth has been rejected.

11.     The other weapon is public or national arrogance. This results in public degeneration.

12.     Once the general public is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, degeneration destroys the nation. Ads as are read at the beginning, a person can read it, and it means nothing to them. Milton Freedman can go on channel 8 and speak the truth, but they will reject it. Bob used to speak with General Widemeyer. Bob used to give information about the communist brainwashing techniques. They would speak and occasionally have a conversation, and Bob would discover inside information as to why the communists took over China. General Widemeyer went to China to save China from communism. They would talk about this whole problem, and they were both rather optimistic, and they thought that America would wake up. Often they taught under the title of “wake up =, America” series. But America is not going to wake up if they reject the truth. With strong delusion, you can only When people reject the truth, inevitably, they believe the lie. This is why women marry the wrong person. The look at a man and marry him because he looks good. They get married for a meal ticket; the chagrin of being a bridesmaid and never a bride.

13.     One thing is never true: the voice of the people is never the voice of God.

Human life resides in the soul. All of our personal sins are never imputed to us for judgment, but they are imputed to Christ on the cross. We are not condemned on the basis of our personal sins, but based upon Adam’s sin. It is imputed to us. The wages of sin is death, refers back to Adam’s original sin. The justice of God imputed our personal sins to Christ on the cross. Life is imputed to the soul; and eternal life is imputed to the spirit. The manufacture of the human spirit is called being born again. The imputation of divine righteousness.

One of the bravest men of Israel said, “I am afraid of the people.” speaking through the woman. Amer here means to think. We have a society where people want to be equal, but they cannot think or speak.

The king has been granting the requests of this female subject, one after another. She implies that, up until now, he hasn’t done a thing for her. Joab uses the actress from Tekoa to state the case for the king to get a full pardon for Absalom.

2Sam. 14:15 Now I have come to say this to my lord the king because the people have made me afraid, and your servant [handmaid, female subject] thought, 'I will speak to the king; it may be that the king will perform the request of his servant.

He cannot really do anything for this woman or her son, because she is an actress and the son is fiction. Son 2 murdered son 1 and he was found guilty of murder and was to be executed by the nearest of kin. The woman went to the king and appealed, saying that under the law of posterity, her husband’s name would be lost. The death of her 2nd son would cut off the woman’s posterity in Israel.

Bob goes through some of the passages, e.g. the one where Jesus was asked the question about the various people a woman married. Then the one of Ruth and her kinsman-redeemer. So this was an important law. It was not some obscure law.

2Sam. 14:16 For the king will hear and deliver his servant from the hand of the man who would destroy me and my son together from the heritage of God.'


She uses flattery in order to get strength to a weak argument. The arrogant hangover. Flattery and an average argument ends up being public policy. “The lord my king is like a messenger from God.”

She will bring God into the picture on her side. God will bless you. This is blasphemy, using the Lord’s name in vain or as an unworthy project. Power is used in arrogance here. There are 3 categories of power, all of which are used by the woman.

She uses exploitative power, saying she is afraid of the people. She then uses manipulative power by flattery and promising divine blessing. Also, competitive power, by saying that David would be thought well of in the eyes of the people.

2Sam. 14:17 And your servant thought, 'The word of my lord the king will set me at rest,' for my lord the king is like the angel of God to discern good and evil. The LORD your God be with you!"

2Samuel 14                                          72David                                              631_0345

04/13/1980 David’s suspicion; arrogant woman: accepts questions, flatters, blames and loses respect; F. Burnaby

Bob goes to gun shows all of the time. Picks up books from him. I think he is reading from one of these books. A little about Allah wills.

People during the time of David were taking a very religious attitude.

if you have to make a choice be suspicious first. It knocks out hindsight is better than foresight. David also recognizes the genius in others. This beautiful little actress is not a genius, but she is very talented. He begins to recognize the genius the script. He looks at his cabinet and there is only 1 resident genius. Joab. David’s arrogance has driven away Ahithophel and others. It was denuded of genius. Only Joab could write such a scenario. Therefore, as the trial continues, David finally decides to cross empale the witness or the plaintiff.

2Sam. 14:17 And your servant thought, 'The word of my lord the king will set me at rest,' for my lord the king is like the angel of God to discern good and evil. The LORD your God be with you!"

The woman now agrees to testify against herself. There is a tremendous amount of staring on the part of David, intimidating through posture. David now gets a statement from her. She needs her permission in order to question her.

When she allows this, this means she is allowing herself to be questioned.

Points on These Verses

1.       By her own consent, the woman has allowed herself to be questioned by the king; she has waved her 5th amendment right.

2.       Her honesty and integrity will not be used against her as supreme court judge. He will not use her testimony against her.

3.       It will help the king to make an additional decision, to remand Absalom into the custody of Joab.

4.       David himself has not personally forgiven or pardoned Absalom, the prince.

5.       Judicially, David has made a decision to remand his sentence of death. So he and his sons cannot punish Absalom for his crime.

6.       The public executioners are called avengers of blood and they are David and his sons. Amnon was his favorite, who Absalom killed. His sons have the right to execute Absalom. The supreme court made the decision and Absalom will be allowed to return. David in effect has pardoned Absalom, but he has not determined in whose custody he ought be be placed. Absalom cannot use David in what will occur. However, if he banishes him from the court, someone must be in charge of him. A pardon should mean forgive and forget; and he should no longer be considered a criminal. But Absalom should have someone to whom he is responsible. Not for past crimes, but for future ones.

7.       Absalom will be placed into the custody of Joab. But if he returns to a life of crime, then he ought to be executed if he does not. The only way a criminal can stop being a criminal, he must reject criminal activity on his own. Criminals are not rehabilitated except by their own free will. Rehabilitation takes place in the soul of a criminal. You cannot be nice to a person and make him stop being a criminal. You cannot go through all of this sociology. The person must decide for himself. What he needs is freedom. The freedom to go out into society to stop being a criminal. Once he makes these decisions, he is rehabilitated. But this requires his own decision and motivation. The greatest thing which can happen to a criminal is for him to get out and have freedom. Even believing in Jesus Christ will not cure a person of being a criminal. People who are born again and learns doctrine, is motivated to avoid crime. A person can be born again and be criminal. Born again believers can be the worst criminals of all. You do not need doctrine in order to be a law-abiding citizen.

8.       This anticipates. The woman grants the king the right to cross examine her. Conspiracy against the state.

9.       The woman’s testimony will incriminate Joab.

2Sam. 14:18 Then the king answered the woman, "Do not hide from me anything I ask you." And the woman said, "Let my lord the king speak."

Now we are in the interrogation of the witness, in vv. 19–20. David figures out that Joab has his hand in this. The Qal imperfect of amer. There is no verb.

2Sam. 14:19 The king said, "Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?"

Is the Hand of Joab in This?

1.       This means, is Joab behind this entire matter? David has heard these arguments before. Joab as a scriptwriter is similar to his conversation.

2.       Joab had already pleaded Absalom’s case in staff meetings.

3.       Being a genius in his own right, David began to see the hand of Joab in this drama.

4.       David had failed to punish Amnon for rape, but he was determined to punish Absalom for murder. He tired Absalom in absentia, but the sentence was not carried out, because Absalom was in Geshur.

5.       Joab wrote a scenario to frustrate this.

6.       David sees Joab’s hand, and asks her a question which incriminates her.

7.       The woman could have refused to anser, but she did not. She respects David, even though she deceived him. Arrogant fear motivated an honest answer.

The woman answers, saying, “By the life of your soul, O king.” She knows that David is brilliant and his thoughts penetrated her disguise. She has a great fear and respect for David. So she answers with complete honesty in the affirmative. Respect demands honesty and integrity. If you respect someone, then you must be honest in dealing with them. Generally, people deceive those that they do not respect. If you do respect someone but deceive them, then you really did not respect them.

By simply saying yes, she would not be giving David enough information. Cross examination reveals the truth. He gives Joab a decision which will be a headache for him. There will be no prosecution or execution of Absalom. The idiom means, “You are 100% correct.”

We would probably say that, every time the king speaks, he is correct. The woman in becoming involved has managed to use flattery once again. What is so fascinating is, David is a genius. The producer, director and script writer is a genius. This woman is a beautiful woman with brains. She says in effect, “You are right about everything.” She is smart here, and she is giving him a compliment. The men may not get this yet, but you women have used this before. She is caught in the act. Like being caught in the act of being unfaithful. The man says to the woman, “I caught you.” And she said, “Yes, but you are right about everything.” No honorable woman can do this; but a smart woman can. The woman from Tekoa did this magnificently.

The woman’s reply is honest, and it is flattering. The cat has not let go of the mouse. It is honest, because the woman can no longer deceive the king. The woman hopes to get out of this situation without his anger being directed toward her. “The king is always right about everything” which includes all of the decisions which David has made, including the ones he just made. No one is always right. Flattery ignores the truth. The woman is now caught between Joab and David and she will walk out with respect from both. Very few women could pull this off. This woman did not cry and she did not use her magnificent beauty; she used her brain; her thoughts.

Her flattery is also in place for David to save face. For it to appear as if he knew what was going on all the time.

This woman owed Joab a favor. There was some kind of contact early on and this woman was more than willing to do a favor for Joab. Kiy im, which introduces a fascinating sentence. Kiy can be used as an affirmative. “Yes, it was your servant Joab; he ordered me to play this part. Furthermore, he put into my mouth all of these words.”

The Woman from Tekoa Says Joab Made Her Do it

1.       The woman from Tekoa emphasizes Joab’s part as producer, director of this drama. She de-emphasizes her own cooperation by saying that she was ordered to do this.

2.       She has decided that she is in trouble with the king, so it is time to blame Joab for the whole thing. This can be done in truth. He did produce and direct this and write the script, and he pulled together the cast and clothing.

3.       The woman will repeat again that Joab is in charge of this drama.

4.       Furthermore, in the next verse, she will end her confession on a strong note of flattery. She is in a state of panic.

5.       It appears that the woman from Tekoa has been living in interlocking systems of arrogance, which is not unusual for those who choose to use their talents in drama. Arrogance is the only reason why Bob thinks people would want to be an actor. Listening to them off the stage is the dumbest thing in the world.

6.       When arrogant people help you, and things go wrong, they will turn against you and destroy you to save their own skin. Beware of arrogant volunteers. Always inevitably, the old Baptism trick of daily vacation Bible school, and some of the volunteers will cause trouble for the next several years.

The Woman’s New Role

1.       The woman is now playing a new role; the helpless tool in the hand of the conspirator.

2.       She admits to complicity, but complicity under duress.

3.       To avoid punishment from the king, she wants Joab to receive full credit for his part in this.

4.       Becoming involved in this drama, the woman is willing to take the credit, but unwilling to take the blame.

5.       Her beauty and talent are destroyed because she lacks integrity.

6.       The beauty and integrity of people are revealed when it turns out that they are in trouble. This is the integrity test when they might be blamed rather than rewarded. There was a general fully to blame for something, and Ike relieved him from his command, but Ike took the blame himself. Honorable all the way. The old army term, pass the buck.

7.       Integrity takes responsibility for failure as well as responsibility for success.

8.       If the play had not terminated this way, the woman would have taken many curtain calls and enjoyed the applause. However, since this is not the case, she will let Joab take all of the credit.

This woman will exit the scene and never be mentioned by Joab or David ever again. She was dropped like a hot rock. You can only go down when you pull a caper like this one.

There are 2 or 3 more principles, so we will pick it up tomorrow.

2Sam. 14:19 The king said, "Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?" The woman answered and said, "As surely as you live, my lord the king, one cannot turn to the right hand or to the left from anything that my lord the king has said. It was your servant Joab who commanded me; it was he who put all these words in the mouth of your servant.

2Samuel 14:19                                     72David                                              631_0346

04/14/1980 Twilight of Rome; stupid opinion of arrogant actors’ missions; implication of Joab; flattery to give David an out

The last 10 years have been phenomenal with respect to the understanding of the Old Testament. There is a reevaluation of the sea peoples, rediscovery of the Hyksos, the validation of the Hittites, etc. The Great Ages of Man from Time; some is pitiful and some isn’t too bad.

The chapter the Twilight of Rome. In Cambridge Ancient History, there is no dramatic approach. They have gone out of their way to make fascinating material dry. But Time Life books appeals to the hoi polloi.

a.d. 406, bitter winter. About 15,000 barbarians walked into the imperial province of Gaul (these are the Vandals). The spread out for leisurely plunder and random destruction. These barbarians signal the closing phase of an incredible migration. Even today, the collapse of classical civilization seems impossible. How can this little band make a dent in the Roman Empire? How could they hold at their mercy 20 million people of Gaul.

The sacking of Rome in a.d. 410. This writer comes close to explaining the fall of the United States as he explains the fall of the Roman Empire as a client nation to God. This will begin the Dark Ages.

Several things characterize the times of the Gentiles, which includes, no one would use the gift of tongues again. Also, only gentile nations would be client nation to God. The Roman Empire has never been properly evaluated as a client nation to God. The Republic could never be this.

The Franks would form a client nation under the palace mayors (?) And the Merovingians and someone else. What is funny from Gaulic France is, it takes its name from a German empire. The Frankish empire was Germanic totally and had nothing to do with modern France.

The Huns were Mongolians and not Germanic at all. They came into this area because they reached positive volition at God consciousness and no one would send them missionaries. Missionaries must come from the client nation, and the client nation was Rome. However, Rome was in a period of interlocking systems of arrogance, which is our present-day malady. On the part of believers, Reversionism.

Since missionaries would not come to them, they went to the source for information. Bob shudders to think that we will be invaded in the future simply because we are not sending out missionaries.

These are fierce men, given to rages, but they are by no means savages. For all of their atrocities, they were not as brutal as the Romans themselves. They were more fidal to their wives. They were bewildered by the subtleties of Roman life. For the next several centuries, the Barbarian experience was a classical example of a timeless process, the merging of 2 peoples.

The Germanic invaders created a new and vital society and replaced the decadent one. Changed into a collection of principalities and the nucleus of modern Europe. The first modern-nation state, and led all others in progress, etc.

The Roman empire at the close of the 4th century, and voices everywhere predicting disaster. “The world has grown old and has lost its vigor.” You would think that this was written about the United States, but this was written about Rome before its collapse.

We cannot even imagine ourselves being destroyed. “Few Romans paused to consider the future in terms of the past.” Interlocking systems of arrogance would have explained the fall of any and all client nations.

Roman Empire stretched to Britain. Outside this boundary lay a hostile world. The Huns are not Germanic. In 330, Constnative moved his capital from Rome to Constantinople, putting the capital between Europe and the Middle East.

It is not a mission within our own borders. We need to thrust the missions out, or the armies of the world will come and settle in the U.S.

The taxes were crushing at that time. Some had to flee their homes. Even the tax collectors were described as more terrible than the enemy; and they had a lousy life as well. They had to bring in a fixed amount, and pay the loss from their own pocket. A huge and corrupt bureaucracy. They could not quit their jobs. One person said, “Those who live at the expense of the public funds are more numerous than those supplying the public funds.”

Rome fell September 4, 476AD.


In the centuries preceding, Rome was overrun with illegal immigrants: Visigoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Burgundians, Lombards and Vandals.


They first assimilated, many working as servants, but then came so fast they did not learn the Latin language.


Militarily superior Roman Legions marched rapidly on advanced roads but were strained fighting conflicts worldwide.


Rome had a trade deficit, having outsourced its grain production to North Africa, and when the Vandals captured that area, Rome did not have the resources to retaliate.


Attila the Hun committed terrorist attacks.


Rome was on welfare with citizens given free bread.


One Roman commented: "Those who live at the expense of the public funds are more numerous than those who provide them."


Tax collectors were "more terrible than the enemy."


Rome was in debt with huge government bureaucracies.


A history of court favoritism, infidelity, exposure of unwanted infants, perverted bathhouses, sexual immorality, as seen in Pompei's ruins, and violent entertainment by gladiators in the Coliseum, led 5th-Century historian Salvian to write: "O Roman people be ashamed. Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us."


From: http://clallamrepublicans.org/gop-history/

Do we have a large enough pivot to survive? Some people think that the United States is in the Tribulation. Bob is delighted that they have these kinds of visions. No man knows the day or the hour for the rapture of the church. We could be destroyed tomorrow. We have even failed in missions. Everyone wants to be a missionary inside of this country. Bob is in the process of rethinking missions and we may have to change our attitude.

The woman admits that Joab caused her to play this part, and she is confessing complicity under duress. She wants Joab to receive all of the credit for this drama. She was willing to take the credit, but unwilling to take the blame. Integrity test in which they might be blamed rather than rewarded.

Itak is the sign of the direct object. This goes back to the first line of v. 19. The king is not going to let her off the hook.

The Lack of Integrity of the Woman from Tekoa

1.       David implies that the woman’s part in the drama was as comspratorial as Joab’s.

2.       The woman is quick to exclude herself from this conspiracy, and she wants to leave Joab holding the bag.

3.       As long as there was something beneficial in this drama for the woman, but once she might be punished as a conspirator, the woman wants out.

4.       To get out, the woman must shift all of the blame to Joab.

5.       Without hesitation and without integrity, she is quick to cast the blame on Joab and to portray herself as an arrogant actress who gambled on the wrong part in the wrong drama.

6.       The woman from Tekoa has no integrity; she did not refuse the part in the first place or accept any blame in the second place.

7.       Here is a ship which passes in the night. An arrogant woman who is quick to betray her benefactor and quick to flatter her accuser.

8.       Those who spend their time in histrionics rarely have any personal integrity.

We glorify these people as some sort of super people; but they are inferior people divorced from reality. They entertain us and we pay them well. Why would anyone take seriously any statement an actress makes when she is not reading her lines? Her talent lies in something that she is not. Such a person is not to be trusted. How can you take seriously anything that Jane Fonda says off stage? She has no patriotism and no integrity and she has rejected the laws of divine establishment. She ought to be classified as a traitor. For years, many of those who make their living throm free enterprise, have glorified communism and Marxism. They pretend to be intellectuals, and they are simply playing another part. These people simply do not have it. They are totally arrogant. They play games with our national security off-stage. Most are not nearly as good as publicity has made them. We cannot distinguish between a good performance on the stage and the mouthing of a fluffy-headed actress off-stage. When we lived in humility, we read more books and paid less attention to off-stage chatter. Now, we read less and pay attention to them for serious ideas. This woman is an actress. When Bob was brought up, you would be disgraced to marry and actress. That was slumming. When an actress said “I love you” to a sugar daddy, they understood this was a horse after the sugar.

Glorifying people because they have talent is one thing; when we ought to appreciate this talent and ability and ignore what they have to say. The athletes are the last people have anything to say about going to the Olympics. In this Bob agrees with the president? Amazing.

This woman is an arrogant actress who has gambled on the wrong part.

Principle related to v. 19 a woman who makes her life in the entertainment industry, rarely has any sort of personal integrity. No actress has the capacity for love. She spends her entire life playing parts. Young people in the U.S. must find their heroes and heroines among those in the entertainment industry. A whole generation of English were destroyed because they went after the Beatles. These are unreliable and miserable people. Bob has personally known some rare and wonderful exceptions. He grew up in Beverly Hills and the exceptions stood out.

The woman is certain to make Joab the responsible party and to get out of the responsibility herself.

The less integrity you have, the greater is your capacity for flattery.

2Sam. 14:19 The king said, "Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?" The woman answered and said, "As surely as you live, my lord the king, one cannot turn to the right hand or to the left from anything that my lord the king has said [you are 100% right]. It was your servant Joab who commanded me; it was he who put all these words in the mouth of your servant.

Joab designed this to gain a full pardon for Absalom. The idea is the reversal of the Absalom decision, which indicates that Absalom had been tried in absentia. Joab has manufactured a drama to reverse the situation.

The woman from Tekoa ad libs. She assumes she is in serious trouble. She is going to continue with flattering David. “Joab is a fool to write this play, but my lord is wise.” She is saying, “You knew what was going on all the time; you just wanted a way to pardon Absalom.” She is an actress and she thinks quickly on her feet. It is as if David was an angel, sat in on it, watching over what happens, and lets it play through so that he can forgive Absalom.

What the Woman Is Really Saying

1.       Since the time that the angels taught the Jews the law, angels are regarded as being wiser than people but also all-seeing. Det. 33:2 Psalm 68:17 Angels taught the Mosaic Law during the time of Moses. Acts 9:53 Heb. 2:2 many of the Jews were taught the Law through angels. David is also a great writer of psalms.

2.       The purpose of this flattery is to remove all blame from the woman and transfer it all to Joab.

3.       She seeks to flatter David into going along with his decision to pardon Absalom.

4.       It is implied that David has the wisdom of angels. Excuse to pardon Absalom.

5.       The woman’s flattery offers David a way to save face from his stupidity. The woman gives David a cue to acquiesce to public opinion without losing face or popularity.

The woman says that David is not really deceived but uses her to backtrack on this decision.

2Sam. 14:20 In order to change the course of things [the face of the matter; for the purpose or reversing the Absalom decision] your servant Joab did this. But my lord has wisdom like the wisdom of the angel of God to know all things that are on the earth."

2Samuel 14:20–21                               72David                                              631_0347

04/15/1980 David admits his bad decision; L. de Vega; suffering to turn subjectivity to objectivity to rebound from interlocking systems of arrogance

Berachah has lost a few people over the authority issue. One of these days, Bob is going to drop-kick a number of people right out of there.

Eisenhower decided alone not to go to Berlin. Allegedly, he was too sick to make it; I think Bob is referring to FDR. FDR and Woodrow Wilson would be in the running for the worst president.

The Russians will probably be even more difficult after the war. FDR said, “Don’t worry about Joe Stalin; I have Joe in my hip pocket.” Ike had a sinking feeling in his stomach. FDR was quite ill.

Ike warns that they need to do something now about the communists, otherwise, we would be dealing with then 10 years down the road and how much more difficult it would be then.

The base for moral courage is humility. Joab is a genius, but he fails because of arrogance. Absalom is a genius, but he fails because of arrogance.

The Interlude Principle

1.       Generally, in interlocking systems of arrogance the believer is too arrogant to relate his problems to the right cause.

2.       Since David has been in interlocking systems of arrogance before and has observe the results from it, he has developed an alertness. He has an alert to the destructive power of arrogance. This starts in the soul and works through every facet of life.

3.       David failed with Bathsheba. It was not the fornication but the arrogance that was the problem.

4.       Interlocking systems of arrogance completely neutralized all talent, ability, leadership and integrity, and honor and spiritual advance.

5.       Arrogance is the key to Satan’s fall. If arrogance can destroy Satan and corrupt him, then arrogance can corrupt any person. His beautfy and talent and intelligence are far greater than any person.

6.       This is predicated on the fact that homosapiens were created inferior to angelic creatures.

7.       If arrogance can destroy the angels, it can also destroy the inferior creatures, mankind.

8.       Arrogance produced in David a subjectivity which blinds us to the reality of the situation.


10.     Arrogance blinded David to the real purpose of the drama, called the woman of Tekoa. If you walk around in interlocking systems of arrogance, you are going to be taken to the cleaners time and time again. The inferior person outwits the superior person, always, when in arrogance. You have a total loss of discernment and a separation from reality.

11.     It was only at the end of the third act that David realized that he had been taken. Subjectivity from interlocking systems of arrogance had destroyed his discernmet.

12.     Only suffering can destroy subjectivity and replace it with objectivity when one is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. That is the interlude principle. This is why people suffer so much in life. It is impossible to stay in subjectivity and solve problems with your own volition. We are to make our own decisions. This is why people like counseling, because they are so subjective. Humility means objectivity. Ike was humble and he could make a decision and make it stick. With all of our doctrine, we have subjectivity from arrogance. God designed us to make our own decisions in the privacy of our own souls. You cannot make right decisions if your eyes are on other people.

The time is coming when Bob will use the authority that he does not like to use. He wants to teach doctrine, but some will not let him.

Only suffering can destroy subjectivity and replace it with objectivity. Arrogance means conspiracy. Arrogance means lack of authority-orientation.

Interlocking systems of arrogance and 13 gates. With arrogance and subjectivity, you have destroyed your free will. You make decisions to get into trouble using your own volition.

David’s Rebound

1.       Suffering for David is being deceived and trapped. He is being trapped in the blindness of his own subjective arrogance. If it can happen to David, it can happen to any of us.

2.       The deceit alerted David to his arrogance and subjectivity.

3.       Therefore, we must assume that, at some time, during the woman’s Ablibbing, that she ad-libbed and it struck David. Lopey Devega is Bob’s favorite playright and he wrote 1800 successful plays and 300 short morality plays. He was banished from Italy or Spain for dueling. Liberals said his first acts were fantastic, but the 3rd act was not, but that is because libs hate honor and integrity. He always presented establishment truth in the 3rd act. Therefore, liberals did not like his plays. Rebound faces reality. I tell the Lord and I am forgiven.

4.       Suffering increases until rebound changes subjectivity into objectivity for David. He rebounds much sooner this time around.

5.       Once the believer becomes objective about his suffering for blessing, he rebounds and turns suffering into blessing. The issue is sin and failure and doctrine is used in reverse concentration. The essence of God rationale. Faith reaches out and forms a doctrinal conclusion. Whatever suffering is left becomes suffering for blessing and the issue is now grace; it is no longer sin. David will slide right back into a hangover.

6.       Such rebound means restoration to fellowship, the filling of the Holy Spirit, and deliverance from interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Once delivered from the arrogance complex, David now becomes objective. The David listening to the epilogue was the not the same David from first 3 acts.

8.       He demonstrates an objectivity now. He rebound provides deliverance from the arrogance complex.

9.       Once in a state of objectivity, David can easily

10.     David ewill now remand Absalom to the custody of Joab. This explains why David would not see Absalom when he returned. This inconsistency and distortion of grace has become a major issue and this will lead ot the greatest arrogance hangover in his life.

David against will rebound, but he will suffer from a terrible arrogance hangover.

2Sam. 14:20 In order to change the course of things [the face of the matter; for the purpose or reversing the Absalom decision] your servant Joab did this. But my lord has wisdom like the wisdom of the angel of God to know all things that are on the earth."

Now we have the return of Absalom. The pardon of Absalom is confirmed. There is a scene change here and Joab and the king are probably in his private chamber. The king gives orders to Joab, who wrote this drama to get Absalom back into the land.

David has made this decision; it is like an oath to God.

David’s Supreme Court Call

1.       The king acknowledges his decision.

2.       As supreme court judge, he agrees that this applies to Absalom

3.       The pardon of the woman’s surviving son simply applies to Absalom so that Absalom is pardoned and will now be remanded into the custody of Joab. David is wrong in the decision that he made.

4.       Because David is the father of 2 criminals, one now dead and one still alive; and David is the potential avenger of blood, he wisely makes Absalom to be placed under the care of Joab.

5.       Joab has a full pardon, but he is still remitted into custoy, for security reasons in par.t

6.       David feels that this decision is wrong, but he made it and is backed into this corner. He must stick by this wrong decision.

7.       David has been tricked into amking a wrong decision.

8.       There are excellent reasons why David will not see Absalom on his return to the land. He learned from the Amnon case that he should have followed the law and executed Amnon. The result was more criminal activity. He was determined to punish Absalom for franticide and to stop this criminal activity. The case from the women of Tekoa caught him off guard and frustrated his plans.

David’s failure will be tomorrow night.

2Sam. 14:21 Then [afterward] the king said to Joab, "Behold now, I grant this [yes, now I have done this]; go, bring back the young man Absalom."

2Samuel 14:21                                     72David                                              631_0348

04/16/1980 Athanasius vs. Arius; personal vs. national honor; David’s failure and dilemma; principles of law; exuberance of Joab

Russian fleet is in the Indian Ocean and they have moved against Afghanistan. You will have to remember to apply everything that you know about logistical grace. Probably God does not want any of us to starve to death; or to be without clothing.

Bob gave out excerpts from the first chapter of the Time Life book on ancient history and Barbarians; and the 2nd chapter was as bad as the first chapter was good.

The Roman empire east and west were Catholic. Western became Roman Catholic and the others eastern catholic. And, at that time, they were quite orthodox. The famous missionaries who went out Bob calls Aryan missionaries. The Germanic tribes were used to discipline what was left of the Roman empire. As they became God’s whip, they lost their humility, and they became arrogance against arrogance, but they did emerge as a client nation. The doctrinal controversies had to be settled, and they were in the Council of Nicea in a.d. 397. Time Life was inaccurate on this stuff.

David was strong and always growing more robust. The vices of our evil lives have alone conquered us. The Germanic kingdoms was the name of the 2nd chapter. He ignores the difference between the theologies, and Constantinople and Nicea decided in favor of orthodoxy.

They began to think of themselves as god, since they were pounding the Roman empire. The Vissigoths. The Franks became the first major client nation to God after the collapse of the Roman empire. Being evangelized by the athanasian group rather than the aryan group, made all the different (the Aryan group are quite similar to the tongues crowd). Anglo-Saxon fight in England is poorly known. The main body of Britain, King Arthus and the round table, fought hard in southwest (?) England. The wild Saxons came in, but they would be the basis for one of the greatest client nations in history. A misimpression given to Arius. 313 he picked up the idea that the Son was subordinate to the Father; and he distorted the Trinity and the Deity of Jesus Christ. He brought out Origen’s orthodoxy with his false doctrine. In each generation, they became negative toward doctrine. They became extremely negative toward doctrine. They regarded doctrine as some sort of a trick. They had trouble understanding the hypostatic union. They were kind of stupid, not unlike people Bob has known. They decided to reject all doctrine, and they persecuted the orthodox Romans, and they were slaughtered by the 1000's. Arryanism denied the Deity of Jesus Christ, and they pictured Him as a super-creature. So we do not know if these Germanic tribes were saved or not. 3rd chapter is okay. You cannot interpret history apart from Bible doctrine. That is what is wrong with the historian who could not figure out what happened over 3 centuries, and then he wrote beautifully about these 3 centuries.

So she says, just one more word.

2Sam. 14:12–20 Then the woman said, "Please, may your servant speak a word to my lord the king?" "Speak," he replied. The woman asked, "Why have you devised something similar against the people of God? When the king spoke as he did about this matter, he has pronounced his own guilt. The king has not brought back his own banished one. For we will certainly die and be like water poured out on the ground, which can't be recovered. But God would not take away a life; He would devise plans so that the one banished from Him does not remain banished. "Now therefore, I've come to present this matter to my lord the king because the people have made me afraid. Your servant thought: I must speak to the king. Perhaps the king will grant his servant's request. The king will surely listen in order to rescue his servant from the hand of this man who would eliminate both me and my son from God's inheritance. Your servant thought: May the word of my lord the king bring relief, for my lord the king is able to discern the good and the bad like the Angel of God. May the LORD your God be with you." Then the king answered the woman, "I'm going to ask you something; don't conceal it from me!" "Let my lord the king speak," the woman replied. The king asked, "Did Joab put you up to all this?" The woman answered. "As surely as you live, my lord the king, no one can turn to the right or left from all my lord the king says. Yes, your servant Joab is the one who gave orders to me; he told your servant exactly what to say. Joab your servant has done this to address the issue indirectly, but my lord has wisdom like the wisdom of the Angel of God, knowing everything on earth."

Summary of David and the Trial

1.       Absalom was tried in absentia and convicted.

2.       The law of posterity was civil law and not pertinent to the criminal case.

3.       But David, as the supreme court judge, ruled in favor of the posterity law, and overruled the criminal law.

4.       Both laws are in the code book, and David made both of them pertinent.

5.       Because a judge cannot have emotion and must interpret the law; but David’s emotion became a factor, and he trapped himself with his own volition.

6.       This brings in crusader arrogance. David applied non-pertinent law to help the widow. He applied civil law in a criminal case. However, civil law is not pertinent to a case of homicide. The woman’s surviving son was a murderer and should have been executed. However, David pardoned him, and left an evil unpunished. Furthermore, David add an evil of his own. Human good + arrogance = evil. David has added evil plus evil and made a bad situation worse. This way, Absalom will come back unpunished, unresolved, insofar as his case is concerned. Revolution is crusader arrogance. David is in crusader arrogance and his son is in criminal arrogance; and the result will be revolution and civil war. David made a mistake and this will leave alive a greater mistake. David is already in interlocking systems of arrogance through crusader arrogance. After pardoning Absalom,

David’s Mistake

1.       Like Absalom, the criminal son of the woman is guilty of murder.

2.       David should have upheld the sentence of the woman’s son and delivered hiim over to the public executioner. Jewish law always emphasizes the victim. The avenger of blood. When you feel sorry for a beautiful woman, it is like feeling sorry for a hurt dog.

3.       David is emoting and therefore, not properly interpreting the law. There are places for emotion, bvut not in a courtroom. If you reject the authority of your parents, then you cannot control your emotions; you cannot figure out how to use them. You appear to be a great dear thing or an easy touch. Thought must precede emotion. You must think first. Sometimes you must stop going to parties and think for awhile. Sometimes you have to stop having fun and think now and again. David is distracted by his crusader arrogance which produced a mistaken way to deal with the law.

4.       A true a pertinent point of law can be disregarded with a true and non-pertinent point of law. This happens a lot when felonies are overturned because of a technicality.

5.       When a nation becomes arrogant, the judges tolerate sociology over justice. We have some judges with large percentages of reversals, and this puts the criminal out on the street, unrestrained. When criminals are given freedom, and they are inside of interlocking systems of arrogance, they are subjective. No matter how much their volition wants to turn over a new leaf, their subjectivity is trapped by their arrogance. Many criminals desire to go straight. It take objectivity to decide to go straight. They have to be punished to a point where they cannot bear it.

476–800 the Dark Ages is incorrectly interpreted. Judges put these criminals back on the street, and people do not get excited until they are victimized. There is no integrity for the unbeliever, as well as no integrity of the believer. Life privacy and property along with authority are the essentials of freedom.

Crime is the enemy of freedom; and unrestrained crime results in anarchy. David makes a decision which opens the door to unrestrained crime. He will find himself no longer ruling because he is not correctly upholding the law. David swore a solemn oath before the Lord to uphold this decision. That is his dilemma. He would put out a restraining order against the avengers of blood.

The woman got David all mixed up.

Now David Failed (From the Latin)

1.       Judgment must be pronounced from the law, not from precedent. That is how our law ought to be. A very important principle.

2.       Second reason David lost out (Bob is reading Latin); the judge is found guilty when the criminal is acquitted. David has been found guilty.

3.       Thirdly, it is the duty of the judge to declare the law; and not to make the law. These are all taken from Lycinean law. Jewish and Roman law both failed at the cross, and these are the two greatest systems of law of all time.

Qal imperative of yalak. “Go” then the Hiphil infinitive absolute of Shûbv. “Bring back.”

This will put Absalom in Joab’s custody; and explains why they were together. Jesus Christ controls history. David wisely avoids calling Absalom prince or any other title of authority. He is called the young man. He is not officially recognized as crown prince or as heir to the throne.

Once outside the interlocking systems of arrogance, David stops making mistakes.

2Sam. 14:21 Then [afterward] the king said to Joab, "Behold now, I grant this [yes, now I have done this]; go, bring back the young man Absalom."

There is the exuberance of Joab now. He thinks he has saved the country.

How do you bow yourself after falling on your face? You get on your face, then how do you bow? There’s no place to go. He brings in grace. Joab does not know where grace belongs.

Those who are promoted above their mentality are the ones who are really dangerous. Naphal is a take off of the formal bow. To go into the maximum salute, you unstiffen your leg and go down. You go down, go forward, and fall down. It does not mean to fall on one’s face, I think is what Bob is saying.

Shakah indicates an official bow. Piel imperfect of Barak This is a salute? He honored and saluted the king.

Joab’s Exuberance

1.       Joab can afford this exuberance because he got his way and he thinks he fixed things for the nation.

2.       People who get their way can afford to be enthusiastic. People who get their way too often lose their enthusiasm and lose their capacity for life.

3.       Joab is on a wave of arrogance and he thinks that Absalom will deliver the nation.

4.       Like so many in crusader arrogance, their human good activities complicate and intensify the problem. There are some situations in lifle that very few are qualified to help. The situation at present, Joab is not qualified to help. He is the 2nd greatest soldier of his age. Neither is the other genius. God still owes David another installment of discipline.

5.       This will turn into a full-blown revolution with violence, theft, and civil war. Crusader arrogance and criminal arrogance = revolution. David and Joab, who got into this together, + Absalom, = the revolution. It takes 3 men of genius here in order to get a revolution going.

6.       Only David, who for a second time, has rebounded and recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance, realizes the gravity of the situation; and he knows that the nation it is a jam.

7.       David cannot reverse his supreme court decision because he made an oath before the Lord. His only solution, and it is a wrong one, is to refuse to see Absalom when he returns.

2Sam. 14:22 And Joab fell on his face to the ground and paid homage [honored] and blessed [saluted] the king. And Joab said, "Today your servant knows that I have found grace in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has granted the request of his servant."

2Samuel 14:22       72David Critics of business 17April, 1980                 631_0349

Distortion of grace; exuberance violating established authority

Big business day, and no nation survives without the celebration of big business.

Charlie Reese from 1 April, 1980. These guys are Fabian socialists; I like to call the sneak socialists. They won’t debate socialism, because they cannot win. The game plan is to think, they claim that big oil is raping us, but they do not recognize the 70 years of cheap energy (or whatever time). The solution for all of these things, broken marriages, barking dogs; the answer is socializm.

There is a big difference between selling and enforcing. On the bright side, what generates jobs? Business? What generates wealth, that funds the governemtn at every level? Business. What system brought millions of people out of poverty? Capitalism.

The exuberance of Joab. This means poor leadership and instability. Add genius and sincerity, and Joab is walk on air.

Bob has to deal with outside organizations because of some of the stupid things people do. He ends up handling it.

It was wrong to bring Absalom back; it was wrong to pardon a criminal. Joab has finally gain his objective, which is to pardon Absalom. He thinks that Absalom will save the country. He should have realized that the nation was saved trough the military, and niot by a good-looing young man.

Joab feels like, he has finally saved the nation. Everything is going to be alright with Absalom back. David and Absalom, and David will not even call him the crown prince. Absalom is going to undercut and undermine David’s authority. Absalom is in criminal arrogance up to his ears. Joab is exuberant here but he won’t even speak to him at the end of this chapter. Absalom thought that David was all over; he did not have his stuff together. Before it is all over, Jesus Christ will take care of one of the most attractive men who ever lives. Joab will learn a lesson and he will never again write a script. This was the only time that Joab tried to make policy (he will again before he dies).

The one making the policy is the leader; those who follow that policy are followers; and those who disagree, ought to get out of the way.

Never again will there be an assistance pastor at Berachah. You must learn to live with policy; otherwise, you are at the 14th gate of interlocking systems of arrogance.

There are those who set up the policy, the parents, and you have to live with that policy. If you reject your parents, then there is nowhere else you can go. You will be out of step all of your life. You must learn to reconcile your life with the fact that you are not a policy maker. God does not promote adolescent poor judgment things. If you really want to be a policy-maker, then you have no idea what God would put you through. Your concept of authority allows you to have a good relationship with your right number and to have friends. No one can use their freedom properly unless they are under a system of authority.

Some of you have made some of the dumbest decisions. The point is, you have made dumb decisions because you were not influenced doctrine. You have heard the saying, “Fecal matter rolls down hill.” That is fallacious. It is actually that they are walking in fecal matter and it splashes on them on all of their friends. This is why nice people go wrong; why marriages don’t work; why you can find the love of your life and be miserable. To be a policy maker requires a tremendous sense of responsibility for others. That is too hard of a burden for others.

Joab was the chief of staff and 2nd greatest soldier of his day. In arrogance, we see an entirely different person. Inside or outside the interlocking systems of arrogance, we can be entirely different people. Inside, we are simply no good. We are the Mr. Hyde; the evil side of Dorian Gray.

Upstairs Downstairs; the people downstairs were happy until they got out of their place. India would be better today if the British were still there. People were not unhappy because they dusted and made beds. Bob would rather be successful like that, then be a flop in some other profession.

With all of that debate, we come up with prison gray; that is how a committee decision is made. Right now we are dealing with Joab’s exuberance. Bob has been glared out for 30 years, and he has to do his job whether we glare or not.

Be careful when you get together with your friends and you think you have won a great victory. Bob loves a good social life, although he does not get much of it. When you celebrate someone getting hurt or someone being pushed aside, generally that exuberance in celebration is the beginning of the end. Joab is exuberant. He is telling David how great he is. It is when you don’t go along with them, when they become mad and opinionated and difficult to deal with.

Joab, who is loyal to David, is undermining David’s authority. He has the solution, he thinks, in his own mind. Joab used his genius to undermine David’s authority. Joab is sorry that he did but the precedent has been set and this is the basis for the revolution. You never let criminality get out of hand. David failed twice. He failed to execute Amnon; or even to bring him to trial. So he vows not to make that decision again.

People do not have the freedom to agree or to disagree. King Louis was a genius locksmith but not much of a king.

There is the principle of authority. This is the only basis for us to be free. How can you come in and listen to doctrine and go out. If you are in arrogance, then you are subjective. Only 2 ways to recover from subjectivity and the thought process of arrogance. Sometimes, you get out of the arrogance temporarily, but then you fall back into it; and it takes pain to get you out of it. Tyranny is a distortion of authority, but it is not the same thing.

Many come to Berachah for a number of different reasons; never asked for money. Some don’t like doctrine if it knocks them, but Bob is hit first when he studies the Word.

There was a group who felt Bob was tyrannical, and they all went off, and they are all elders; no authority, including the pastor. One or two elders were tyrannical. You can only have a leader and followers; no leaders and follower.

Some think that leadership is popularity, but it is not popularity at all. Con artists come in, and they see the system of authority, and they realize that they are free to do their thing. However, the sheep are protected. Everyone has an old sin nature. Including those who are trying to sell you a left-handed toothbrush. There will be always someone in the congregation with an angle.

Joab fell on the ground and he was honored and exuberant about this. Unrest will be parlayed into a full-blown revolution. Joab ends up with a much bigger mess than he expects.

One thing about bad decisions, you get up to your ears in bad decisions. Let’s say there was a switch under the podium to indicate people’s thoughts on the ceiling.

People like the pastor’s message when they agree with it. That is Joab here. He agrees with David right down the line, so now he is David’s loyal subject. Here, he says he found grace, but it isn’t grace. It is just what he wants. The king has fulfilled the request of his servant; David is great because he agrees with what Joab wanted. The king, against his better judgment, granted Absalom a pardon.

The return of Absalom will not solve national problems. Joab in this verse manifests blind arrogance and political arrogance. Believers inside the interlocking systems of arrogance must inevitably distort the grace of God.

Grace is always related to integrity. Grace is not letting a criminal off. It is related to justice and integrity. Some people who are let off the hook speak of being graced out when grace was never the issue. A conniving situation which undermines authority is not a matter of grace. What happened violated David’s integrity and honor. Grace is the policy of the justice of God to bless sinful man.

Getting your own way is not always grace. The woman from Tekoa fades away. Because Joab distorts grace and Absalom abuses grace and because David failed to follow up on grace. Once Absalom has been pardoned, then that ends the persecution.

Absalom was a hero for killing his brother. Absalom abuses grace by going out and starting a revolution. Petty crime to a major crime. Joab talks about grace, but he has undermined the authority of David, the man he has served for years.

Pardon means, that person is no longer a criminal. It gives the criminal a change to stop using his volition to being a criminal. Under Bob’s authority, we have been free, and we can remain anonymous, devoid of gossip; without being dunned for money, etc. However, you are still dissatisfied because of arrogance.

2Sam. 14:22 And Joab fell on his face to the ground and paid homage [honored] and blessed [saluted] the king. And Joab said, "Today your servant [loyal subject] knows that I have found grace in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has granted the request of his servant."

This is a fertile field; no one has ever analyzed this before.

2Samuel 14:22–23                               72David                                              631_0350

04/18/1980 News media re. USSR; distortion of grace; human good + self righteousness towards evil; impressive person steals authority

Bob gets the Officer Review, and quotes from the April 1980 issue. Russia’s military threat. They preach peace through appeasement. Knowledgeable men who disagree are ridiculed. Communist advancing in Africa are barely noticed. The NY Times and Washington Post effectively blocks out all anti-SALT news. Mutually Assured Destruction dreamed up by Robert MacNamara, thinking that Soviets think the same way. Soviets are ready to fight to achieve world domination, but they find it easier to take parts of the world piecemeal. Brezhnev moved military planes into Cuba, but assured Carter that these were not there for military purposes. Orwellisms. Cronkite, “There are always those who express alarm; we do not carry those stories. Those who look to cut defense spending, we carry those stories.” Brezhnev also said that he could do us in in 24 minutes; no one carried that story. A book which is out, which looks to cut our defenses and this got big play in the Washington Post. Leon Gore warns that President Carter’s idea to move people during a war would still result in 75 million dead. The planes in Cuba can carry nuclear weapons. A Congressional critique of the SALT agreements was ignored by the news. There are a large number of news stories which are ignored by the news media.

We are in bad times, and Bob thinks that we will be in a war before year’s end; and the U.S. appears to be in a depression, although it has not hit Houston. Some think the only solution is to go to war. Bob’s history professor at the University of California, I think, predicted a number of things which would come to pass; WWII, how FDR would win the war, and then lose it when dealing with Stalin.

A legitimate authority has protections for a reason. Any personality can come along who is impressive to anyone else in the organization, and he can influence, motivate other people. When he begins to motivate others, he develops power.

David is the legitimate authority and Joab has done this. There is a conflict between them. Joab believes that only Absalom can save the country. Joab also generates a lot of power on his own, but he holds it in. However, he will depart at this point, and get his friend, the woman from Tekoa, to influence David’s policy concening Absalom.

Joab is enthusiastic, and he is David’s loyal subject, because David is going along with Joab’s program. It would be correct to execute Absalom upon his return to Jerusalem. However, Joab’s genius got David to override this decision. We know this is a reversal of David’s thinking, because such a grand production was needed.

Joab gets his way and he is wrong. He called getting his way grace. Absalom has great beauty and personality, and he is a genius, like his father David. He is already the hero of many people in the land for avenging the rape of his sister. Legitimate authority in the organization, someone has a motivating factor in the organization. So, that person gains some authority in that organization. That person inspires and motivates. That power and authority can detract from legitimate authority.

There needs to be a transfer of power and authority from David’s legitimate authority to illegitimate authority of Absalom. Once you get this personality motivating people and inspiring people, you end up with 2 heads. This is why people with legitimate power are ripped to pieces. We have come from all over the United States. We came to Berachah because Bob has something for us: doctrine. However, we have become distracted and we are motivated by others in the congregation. If you think Bob will stand for that, you are in the wrong church. The days of Bob paying assistant pastors to rip the congregation apart are gone. In the military, Bob never made a personnel mistake. However, in the ministry, he has hardly ever made a correct choice.

Pleasing personalities often attempt to violate the policy of the church. The policy of Berachah Church is to make doctrine number one. The idea is to give us doctrine to go out and use it. There is only one leader in Berachah Church, and you are looking at him. “And I might drop dead tomorrow, but I don’t think so. This is the most protected congregation in the world, and it is not easy.” You get into jams because you are motivated and inspired by pleasing personalities. Bob can tell when we write notes back and forth. You don’t find this problem in the Methodist church. They are in agreement of destroyed about Rhodesia and next South Africa. They get distracted all the time because they get one short sermon each week. If you want that kind of life, you are welcome to it. Bob is amazed that this passage came along at this time. Joab’s loyalty is taking us to a revolution. A state chariot is gotten to move around; and once daddy kisses his son, then he can go wherever he wants, and it will appear as though he will follow after David. But, he is getting ready to revolt against David and rape all of his wives. You first make a lot of friends with your pleasing personality; then you motivate them. That gives you power and false authority. Get a picture of you with the big guy, shaking hands, or a job well done, or whatever, to transfer legitimate authority to you. This is how a revolution gets started. God the Holy Spirit put this chapter here. This is how organizations go to hell; this is how they fall apart; this is what happens to fundamentalism or to theological seminaries, etc.

Joab is not saying this in insincerity. But, in arrogance, a person is incapable of love. I have found grace, he said.

Joab’s Enthusiasm

1.       David has recovered for the 2nd time from interlocking systems of arrogance, and Joab is still involved.

2.       At the moment, Joab is blinded through arrogance. He does not realize that the return of Absalom will intensify the national situation. It will not solve it. Human good + arrogance ] evil

3.       Arrogance complex.

4.       A far greater principle emerges. Believers inside the interlocking systems of arrogance always distort grace. Grace is a policy which belongs to God. It is not a policy which belongs to man. Grace is God’s policy, not an alibi or escape group.

5.       Distortion of grace leads to the

6.       Grace is always related to the justice and integrity of God.

7.       People who get their way or manipulate favorable decisions in life always talk about being graced out when grace is not an issue. Joab, when he realizes what happened, will have nothing more to do with Absalom. This pardon gets Absalom out of criminality. After being pardoned, and after having every chance from his own free will, Joab crosses Absalom. Absalom sends for him, and he would not come. Absalom burnt down his barley harvest, and that got Joab’s attention. That is a criminal act and it tells us that Absalom is a criminal and that he had not changed. When you associate with those or sponsor those out of line people, they always come back to haunt you.

Joab becomes Absalom’s advocate. He becomes so upset over his failure, that he was in the subtle arrogance system of self-pity. This subjectivity allowed him to be manipulated one more time. It only take one javelin to kill Absalom. But Joab used 3. Bob will figure out why.

Absalom is getting away with murder; that is not being graced out. No criminal has ever saved a nation. No criminal every saves any organization. “Pastor, I am going out to rob a bank to pay the building fund.” It was not grace that forced David’s decision. The grace label is too often put on things which are evil.

Grace in this Situation

1.       A wrong decision will spare the life of Absalom. This is not an act of grace. This is not an extension of grace. Jewish law always remembers the victim. And eye for an eye means the victim is important. You take the victim’s life, then your life is forfeited.

2.       All grace must be related to integrity and honor in human beings, not to emotionalism.

3.       It was a violated of David’s integrity and honor to pardon Absalom. When Joab introduces grace into the conversation, he distorts a subject which must never be distorted. We have everything because of grace. Grace must not be used to justify evil.

4.       It violated david’s integrity and honor to pardon Absalom. He distorted a subject which ought not be distorted.

5.       Grace can never be considered apart from the integrity of God. Integrity of God cannot be understood or appreciated apart from the essence of God. The source of God’s grace is justice, not love.

The vel must not be deceived by anthropopathisms. Getting your own way is not always grace. It is not wrong to get your way. If you get your way in such a way as to undermine authority, then it is not grace. With good or bad judgement, logistical grace continues for all 3 involved. They are all the beneficiaries of grace.

2Sam. 14:22 And Joab fell on his face to the ground and paid homage [honored] and blessed [saluted] the king. And Joab said, "Today your servant [loyal subject] knows that I have found grace in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has granted the request of his servant."

Absalom is remanded into Joab’s custody. There will be a lot of distorting grace. A pardoned criminal can use the environment of freedom to be an habitual criminal or to rehabilitate himself. The Absalom personality is so great that he inspires and motivates others.

Not much can be done with this verse. He got up and went. There is an enthusiasm with which Joab functions. Arrogance here is producing human good which will destroy the country.

Self righteousness is made into a front.

The press has become crusaders in our country.

Permission granted by the king springs Joab into action. It is remarkable to get one thing done and to think this solves everything. Hitler said, get rid of the Jews to save the world.

A Senator from Nebraska said the soviets will conquer the U.S. and that Blacks will support the soviets because they have not been given a fair shake in the United States. He is a perfect front for a revolution.

So Joab goes and gets Absalom to return, and convinces him that all is well. The pardon is legal, but it is not personal. Under the law, Absalom is free from punishment, but not from David’s bitterness. While David gave overt adherence to the Law. While Joab and Absalom are waiting in the waiting room, David would meet with Joab, but not with Absalom. David made the announcement that would alienate Absalom and shock Joab; there would be custody of Absalom given over to Joab, and Absalom would not be allowed into the palace or allowed to see his father.

This is a pardon but without forgiveness. The letter of the law is followed, but the spirit of the law is not.

2Sam. 14:23 So Joab arose and went to Geshur and brought [caused to bring back] Absalom to Jerusalem.

2Samuel 14:23–24                               72David                        04/20/1980 631_0351

  Holiness and love of God; co-equality of the Trinity; pertinency problems of David, pardon and half-forgiveness

Some of you may have been startled at the first hymn, particularly those of you who came out of heathen background.

Within a very short period of time, we are going to face great adversity. We may be at the beginning of a great depression. We were about to have the greatest depression until FDR cut the Japs off from their energy supply.

Holy denotes the best of 2 worlds; love and integrity. It is nice to be loved. Particularly when people stand by you during difficulty or heartache. It is a tragic time in which we live, when our vocabulary defeats us.

Bob is still talking about that hymn.

We use the word holy to speak of God’s integrity as opposed to man’s. Like all divine attributes, it is also related to love. God is love; God has always been love. Since God is eternal, God cannot fall in love.

To fall in love is, perhaps, a misnomer. People think falling, as falling through a manhole or into a sewer, and, in retrospect, perhaps it turns out that way. But, it happens. Formerly, this person was a stranger, but now, they are a person with whom we are falling in love. We cannot transfer our relationship and our thinking in terms of love. It is possible to distort the fact that God is love. Some of us will say, “How could a loving God let this happen to me?”

All of the members of the Trinity have integrity. Each member has the exact essence; they are all sovereign; they are all holy, they are all love. None of the members of the Godhead have any more of one attribute than does another.

No member of the Godhead can be born; they cannot have a beginning. But it reads uniquely-born Son. Each member of the Trinity loves the other. Objectively, they love each other.

Sex is brought in from the human body. Love is made up of the spiritual aspect, thinking and emotion as the soul parts; and when it is RM/RW, sex.

God does not love you because you give or because you are attractive. God does not love us until we get holy straightened out.

We are under obligation to give thanks to God. Divine righteousness is the principle of divine integrity; divine justice is the function of God’s integrity. Whatever God does for us must be solid; it must depend upon Who and What God is.

Some of you look like you came right here from some joint that just closed. There is never a conflict between the justice of God and the righteousness of God. God’s justice can only go in one direction favorably, toward His righteousness. God’s love can only go toward His righteousness. God cannot love anything less than perfect righteousness. When we believed in Jesus Christ, the love of God, as a divine attribute is directed toward us; justice is the source of blessing as well as the source of discipline for all believers.

We all have a sin nature, even to the day that we die. God’s blessing can go to His own righteousness without compromising his character. God cannot reduce His love to some form of bribery or compromise. The integrity of God is not impressed with human personality. Absalom has a great, attractive personality; but the integrity of God is not impressed with that. The integrity of God gains nothing from the function of any creature. We, therefore, must recognize the antithesis. Creatures gain from a proper relationship with God; but He gains noting from us. Man cannot change or improve the righteousness of God. God’s righteousness is the guardian of God’s justice. The essence of God stands without any help from any help from any member of the human race. God does not need our help; we need His help. If we follow the principles of grace and receive His blessing under prosperity, then we do not flip out when we are under adversity. Logistical grace comes down the grace pipeline to the righteousness of God which we share with Jesus Christ. Every blessing we have as an immature believer, every success or any category, all comes from the justice of God imputed to the righteousness of God.

You may commit the worst sin you ever commit, and you may be blessed by God that very day. God has found a way to bless us. Man cannot change or improve the righteousness of God. God’s righteousness is the secret to our blessing. The possession of divine righteousness guarantees divine blessing.

This is the principle that you need to apply, particularly when you are really down.

We must learn to distinguish between the anthropopathism of love and the actual love of God. Justice is the key. The creature gains in his relationship with God insofar as, he gains God’s righteousness. The justice of God only administers blessing where the righteousness of God exists.

Eternity means that God has always existed. God has fed into the computer of divine decrees. Omniscience relates to the divine decrees.

This is all review.

David refused to see Absalom, but he would see Joab. At no time, was Absalom allowed to return to the king’s palace ot see the king’s face. David knew that he made a mistake and he is about to add another mistake to it.

2Sam. 14:23 So Joab arose and went to Geshur and brought [caused to bring back] Absalom to Jerusalem.

A pardon without forgiveness is not a true pardon.

Introductory Principles

1.       In this policy, David is obeying the specifics of the law, but not the spirit of the law. In the letter of the law, there is no punishment. But the spirit of the law, there is no punishment. Once the spirit of the law says he is no longer a criminal, that gives him freedom to no longer be a criminal. Volition has a chance to recover. No criminal can become rehabilitated apart from his own volition. There is no system of counseling or psychiatry. Bible doctrine can influence and motivate the condition, and Bible doctrine can help; but you can remain a criminal even with doctrine. But you must have freedom to make these decisions and the freedom comes from the spirit of the pardon.

2.       In the letter of the law, pardon demands a stay of execution; immunity from punishment. In the spirit of the law, pardon demands freedom and forgiveness. Freedom to use your volition.

3.       Since the spirit of the law regards pardon as forgiveness, David does not actually forgive Absalom personally, because he will not give him an audience. This diminishes Absalom’s chances of becoming rehabilitated.

4.       Unless David changes his own mental attitude, the intent of the pardon is frustrated.

5.       Absalom must be pardoned in order for his voltion to function to recover.

6.       Forgiving Absalom means to see Absalom. A pardon means forgiving past sins.

7.       If Absalom is to be rescued from any future crime, then David must cooperate with the rest of society. He must follow the spirit and the letter of the law.

8.       Otherwise, Absalom might use this as an excuse or be encouraged to live as a criminal. He will rationalize his aberrant behavior.

9.       The policy of this verse indicates that David cannot forgive and forget. This emphasizes that 2 wrongs never make a right. David was wrong to pardon Absalom in the first place; but it is not a good thing to add wrong to wrong. He was wrong to pardon Absalom; and he was wrong not to follow through on the pardon and forgive and forget.

When the king speaks in an official capacity, then this is law. David will add wrong to wrong in his arrogance hangover. Just the very policy that is about to come.

Next Principle

1.       David does not apply pertinent doctrine to this situation. David was talked into applying civil law in a criminal case. That was a mistake. Not applying doctrine was a bad idea. If there is anything David needs to straighten out in his mind is pertinence. As you grow in grace, you learn what is pertinent and whatis not.

2.       For the record, David failed to bring Amnon to trial and to execute him. In hindsight, David knew that he failed. He should have brought Amnon to trial and executed him. David knew that he made a mistake. When Absalom murders Amnon, David decides not to screw it up this time. There were over 50 witnesses, so Absalom can be easily tried in absentia. However, David leaned so much into the law, that he half-discarded his own pardon to Absalom. David failed to bring Amnon to trial and to execute him.

3.       The result before was franticide, so he tried Absalom.

4.       Pertinent to this was criminal law and punishment.

5.       Once David reversed his position and pardoned Absalom, criminal is no longer pertinent; civil law is no longer pertinent.

6.       Pardon means that David must forgive and forget. The former criminal must be treated as a law-abiding citizen.

7.       Pardon does not mean that you tolerate a criminal; but you absolve this criminal from the crime. The crime must be committed.

8.       Therefore, the criminal is no longer thought of as a criminal and the punishment is no longer an issue.

9.       Therefore, David no longer has the right from his own mouth he can no longer treat Absalom as a criminal.

10.     David no longer has the right to penalize Absalom. He cannot subject him to house arrest. Pardon does not simply mean free from punishment, but freedom to live as a law-abiding citizen.

11.     Pardon means that Absalom is restored to full privileges of the royal family.

12.     To banish Absalom from court is tantamount to saying that a pardon is not really a pardon.

David has no right to banish Absalom from court. This whole policy comes after the pardon. Wrong + wrong intensifies evil. This is being inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

He will have to turn back to his own palace. We will begin to understand why David is facing revolution.

2Sam. 14:24 And the king said [commanded, pronounced, declared], "Let him dwell apart in his own house; he is not to come into my presence." So Absalom lived apart in his own house and did not come into the king's presence.

2Samuel 14:24                                     72David                                              631_0352

04/20/1980 Arrogance destroys the spirit of pardon; hazing; obedience is a cover for mental attitude sins; thought; history and Scripture

You can only go so far with doctrine in understanding these passages unless you know some of the background; so we study Rome and Greece; the Hyksos, etc. All of this will fall in place sooner or later, if we are interested. What we are in life is what we think and what we are capable of thinking.

What struck Bob with regards to the brainwashing techniques of the Koreans. They had to destroy the scholars; they had to destroy those who knew history. They learned this when the Germans went into Poland. They rounded up all of the college professors and those who were successful and they executed them. First objective was to destroy the thinking of the land. Russians figured that they must attack the spiritual side of a nation and the culture side as well. Wherever there was great drama, great music; anything that was truly romantic or emphasized integrity.

Communists found that there were a lot of homosexuals in high positions in the British government and they were easy to manipulate and to get info from them. Primary objective of communists is to keep us from thinking. Our capacity for life, our scale of values, is all related to thinking.

Dr. Davidjohn was from Iran, and he knew several languages, but not English, but he learned it while going to school here, and he became a pretty good doctor. If you can’t think, then you can’t love. “Great lover, my...uh...” Anyone can learn to think. You must learn vocabulary. Less time in disco joints. You can learn to think. Doctrine does this for a lot of people. You can establish in your soul an entire scale of values.

Bob believes that he has given us enough background to understand. Many want to go through the book of Revelation, but it is the simple book. “If all you can do is say, hey, man, what are you going to do when all of those creatures are crawling out of the earth....?”

Also, when Revelation is taught, then people start crawling out from out of the cracks to hear about it.

David’s Lack of a Full Pardon

1.       David’s pardon is not complete. The punishment is set aside, but there is no real forgiveness from David. His crimes ought to be forgotten and he ought to be seen as a law-abiding citizen. Without this, the criminal cannot be rehabilitated. Privacy is so good in Berachah, that some can get divorced and both show up to church with their new opposite numbers and it works out okay. Freedom demands a certain amount of patrolling. This is the only way that freedom can continue to exist. As our own priest, we have the right to come and go. Policy is necessary, but policy can be overdone. Society forgave Absalom. Only the king did not forgive Absalom completely. Absalom ignored that society forgave him, and used David’s inability to forgive against him.

2.       When grace forgiveness is removed from the pardon, then the pardon is not truly a pardon. Society welcomed Absalom back as a hero. Society did not penalize Absalom. Only David. That was David’s failure. Wrong + wrong = wrong. Society did it right. David pardoned him, and society went along with that.

3.       David’s lack of forgiveness, will provide the revolution with a leader.

4.       There is also a principle. Half-forgiveness is no forgiveness. That is why some married couples never get along. Various fights that Bob referreed. However, even though there were things they supposedly forgave the other person for, they just kept it to bring up at the next argument. They did not completely forgiven their partner. They simply agreed not to talk about it until the next argument. \david’s refusal to forgive and forget will sew seeds of bitterness into Absalom’s soul. Absalom has been a mature believer. So his bitterness is not an okay thing. David was wrong; but Absalom was wrong as well. Society forgave Absalom.

5.       The pebble which drops David into the river becomes a tidal wave.

David and Forgiveness of Absalom

1.       Once David has forgiven Absalom, Col. 3:13 he ought to have applied the Royal Family Honor Code. We are to graciously forgive others. We forgive as God has forgiven us.

2.       We are to forgive and forget. We are to forget the crime. A person may be immune from punishment, but that is only half forgiveness.

3.       The pattern is stated in Isa. 43:35.

4.       Therefore, from our Lord’s statement, forgiveness means to forgive and forget. You must separate a person from that person’s failure and pardon and forgive.

5.       David failed to do this. Absalom was now immune from punishment. He suffered from an arrogance hangover. He suffered from legalism and an arrogance hangover. His hangover came from his self righteousness. He is one person ought had the least right to be self righteous. How can be be self righteous about murder and rape, when he did both of these things? Bob likes, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

6.       God cannot and will not use an unforgiving spirit. David had to learn this through facing a revolution. When an unforgiving spirit does not forgiven someone, they are worn out and implacable. Pettiness is the result. There is no function of unforgiveness. So, they relax into their own sweet self, but they are petty, so they only take a vacation from being unforgiving.

7.       The arrogant, the petty, the vindictive, etc. do not forgive and would rather stay out of fellowship than forgive.

Overtly, Absalom appears to be okay here. He is in complete obedience to the king’s policy. Inside while obeying, he is angry. He went to his own palace and did not come before the king’s face. You become your own worst enemy if your overtly obey authority, but then, in your soul, you stay bitter. We will all face unfair or unnecessary treatment. Some people, when they face this, they think they are terribly abused. Liberalism has tried to destroy hazing.

It is easy to learn the system of how to obey. You have overt obedience to authority, but in the soul, there is bitterness. In Absalom’s soul, he is thinking, “You bastard.”

There are 3 geniuses here; David, Joab and Absalom.

Bob was going to go down and line up the teens who are out of control behind the glass, and line them up and march them, and give a little talk about how they resent Bob and resent their parents. But someone told them; it leaked out. When Bob took off the harness and went down there, and the whole row was emptied, and filled with people with pious faces. It was beatific; it was cherubic. A perfect illustration. If they ever learn authority-orientation, it will carry them all the way through life. They will learn, at the very least, how to appear to cover, how to appear to be under authority, and all the time, resent it. It happens in business, in the military, in local churches. Had David taken his little lad, Absalom and trained him from the beginning in authority-orientation, maybe put him in a hazing situation, and to work with him. Part of the problem is, people have nothing in the soul. It is all weakness. To be hazed and to take it well is one of the best things in life. The Lord hazes us. He hazes us in disaster.

Absalom returned to his own palace and did not see the face of the king, and this planted a seed of bitterness which put Absalom permanently in the interlocking systems of arrogance; he will live in arrogance and die the sin unto death.

2Sam. 14:24 And the king said [commanded, pronounced, declared], "Let him dwell apart in his own house [he must go back to his own palace; he will go back to his own palace]; he is not to come into my presence." So Absalom lived apart in his own house and did not come into the king's presence.

2Samuel 14:24–26 Prov. 3:33-35      72David                      04/21/1980 631_0353

Use of Berachah as a front; legal and grace function for pardon; male long hair; the beauty of Absalom and his Narcissus Syndrome

There are 2 guys in the back standing around gaping. Probably invited by some girl. That’s not the end of it. I’ve never seen so many weird things happen in all my life.

Bob brings in parallel periods of time in history in order to provide some enjoyment to the listener and for application. Every day, some new testing seems to come our way and challenge our loyalty to Bible doctrine.

A female who used to work in the prep school and then went to a taper’s group in another place, and she alleges to speak in tongues. We don’t deny that anyone of us might get vertigo.

Whoever thought, 30 years ago, we would have to put in the bulletin we do not sponsor any political candidate, etc. Berachah Church does not take responsibility nor is it liable for the actions of various members. If anyone approaches you and wants to teach you about firearms, you ought to ask what is the liability here; who has insurance?

“If you do not know how to clear a piece, and by that, I mean a .45, you aren’t ready to use a weapon.” If you think you speak in tongues, then sign out and don’t come back. Tongues people always have a gimmick; come here so-and-so’s testimony.


1.       Where grace function is commanded and rejected, there are devastating results in the field of human relations. David failed in the spirit of the law. Absalom came back and was not punished, so David kept the letter of the law but not the spirit. 3 men of genius who have all become confused.

2.       The pardon of Absalom requires a grace function; forgive and forget.

3.       But the bitterness in David’s soul and the self righteous arrogance neutralized any grace attitude or grace function. David, who raped Bathsheba and who had her husband killed, suddenly becomes self righteous. The heat is off and he is no longer under the gun, he becomes self righteous. Remember what you were before you become what you are. David has no right to be self righteous. The bitterness in David’s soul now neutralize the grace function in his soul.

4.       The chain reaction will begin with Absalom and he will reenter the interlocking systems of arrogance.

5.       Joab will become disillusioned and his eyes were on Absalom as the country’s panacea. Now he has become disillusioned. Neither a president or a Congress will save our country. There are certain plus factors to which our Lord responds. He is embarrassed. Don’t ever let your failures keep you from Bible doctrine. There was a kid who always wanted to cry after a game. Bob made him stand there until he would stop sniveling. “Walk out there with poise.” Bob tried to teach poise, which is more important than teaching baseball. You’re probably sitting next to someone who has failed; so what? We’re all failures. When you fail, come in and plunk yourself down, and act as if nothing happened. Joab didn’t do that. He would not even show up in court. He made such a bad decision, he just quit.

6.       Joab will remain loyal to David as the king and commander-in-chief. Absalom will become the leader of the conspiracy. There are a lot of differences between Joab and Absalom. They are first cousins and men of great geniuses. Joab will fail and recover; Absalom will fail and he will not recover.

7.       The difference is between the humility of Joab and the arrogance of Absalom. Prov. 3:33–35 The LORD's curse is on the household of the wicked, but He blesses the home of the righteous; He mocks those who mock [the arrogant socffer], but He gives grace to the humble. The wise will inherit honor, but He holds up fools to dishonor. arrogance is the house of evil. Righteousness and justice are the two halves of the holiness of God. One house has arrogance and the other has grace.

This Proverbs passage is quoted twice in the Bible. James 4:6 But He gives greater grace. Therefore He says: God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. 1Peter 5:5 Likewise, you younger men, be subject to the elders. And all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

The Legal and Personal Aspects of the Pardon

1.       If you are consistent with taking in doctrine, then you will be consistent in your life pattern, with capacities for everything.

2.       You will also have capacity for pertinent doctrine. You will avoid impertenant doctrine which results in distortion and failure.

3.       As long as the law says Absalom is a criminal, the law applies; that was the status.

4.       Once Absalom is pardoned, the grace principles apply. David treated Absalom as a criminal after he pardoned him. Pardon means, once it is pronounced, the criminal is no longer a criminal. There must be environment and the environment for rehabilitation is freedom. The victims are forgotten; the crime is forgotten.

5.       The grace principle of pardon is forgive and forget. The legal principle of demanding of punishment. Both must apply. Pardon, from the grace standpoint, means forgive and forget. From a legal standpoint, it means no punishment.

6.       The restored Absalom is no longer a criminal. Therefore, his crime must be forgiven; forgive as Christ forgave.

7.       By applying the wrong principle, David is inconsistent.

8.       David is treating Absalom isas a criminal. A criminal is no longer a criminal the crime is never committed in the first place, is the idea.

9.       Now that David pardons Absalom, he should forgive and forget. This means he should see Absalom face to face.

10.     Once more, arrogance destroys the grace perspective.

11.     Cursing will not be turned into blessing in this installment.

Once the rebound has occurred, as in David’s case, there is still a lot of discipline to remain. However, before, the suffering was unbearable; but now, it must be bearable.

2Sam. 14:24 And the king said [commanded, pronounced, declared], "Let him dwell apart in his own house [he must go back to his own palace; he will go back to his own palace]; he is not to come into my presence." So Absalom lived apart in his own house and did not come into the king's presence.

2Sam. 14:25 Now in all Israel there was no one so much to be praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom. From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.

Absalom cut his hair once a year. Absalom was a beautiful hippie. He weighed his hair and it was 5 lbs of hair. Long hair is a sign of rejection of authority. Bob is going to take a deep breath because he is not going to preach on long hair. Maybe you men with long hair are really cute.

Someone can walk in with long hair, and you do not have a right to razz him or meet him in the parking lot, etc. We have varying types of hairstyles among the men. There are varying controversies as to how long a man’s hair can be.

The narcissist syndrom of Absalom. Can a man have long hair? No alcoholic beverage; no meat, no women, and wear a hair shirt and wear it inside out.

2Sam. 14:26 And when he cut the hair of his head (for at the end of every year he used to cut it; when it was heavy on him, he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels by the king's weight.

And like Absalom, there was not a man. In all Israel there was no man so handsome as Absalom.

Women are most more concerned about skin than men. Women examine another’s woman’s skin carefully before determining whether she is beautiful. Robert E. Lee died at the age of 65 with perfect skin. Ladies look for blemishes and for sags. Absalom had no blemishes anywhere.

Physical Beauty

1.       Generally speaking, beauty of the face and body are gifts from God, over which we have no control. We are unable to go back and readjust the genes.

2.       No person has control over the size and shape of his features. If you fight in the ring, they might change. Some of you act as if you had a great deal to do about this, but you do not. Bob is not just referring to the ladies.

3.       Some are born beautiful and some are born without it. Bob is very opinionated about female beauty. Bob can tell you in a second a woman’s best feature; her feet.

4.       We do not earn or deserve human beauty. It is a matter of God’s grace and sometimes his sense of humor. Beauty is in the soul; not in the face.

5.       We do not have any right to pride or arrogance because we appear more attractive than others in the human race. We can take some pride and improve how we look, so that others do not shiek in terror to see u.

6.       Arrogance is unreasonable. It erroneously assumes superiority on the basis of physical attractiveness or beauty. A lot of people cannot help the way that they look. You have no right to think, “Who opened up the zoo?”

7.       There are certain things we can all do to enhance our appearance and improve our beautfy; take a bath or a shower before Bible class; use deodorant if necessary. A woman who refrains from makeup is not closer to God. Makeup is not the devil’s tool. There is nothing in the Bible which says a woman cannot wear makeup. This does not make you spiritual or not spiritual. Up in Yankee country, walk in wearing lipstick and they think you’re a prostitute or straight from the devil.

8.       Being squeaky clean is much more attractive that nice features that are dirty.

9.       The greatest beauty preparation is soap. God has blessed us all in a country where there is an abundance of soap and water.

10.     Cleanliness, neatness and good grooming are thing over which we have some control, and they are a sign of thoughtfulness toward others. The danger is possessing natural beauty. It is a mistake to think that natural beauty is some form of superiority. Rebecca was all overt beauty with an ugly soul. 2Tim. 2 we studied that in great and extensive detail. Mental arrogance + blind arrogance which is often parlayed off into psychotic arrogance.

11.     Some people become more attractive as they get older; and some lose their attractiveness with age. Often this has nothing to do with genes, but often with the true beauty of the soul. The soul is the secret to beauty.

2Sam. 14:25 Now in all Israel there was no one so much to be praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom [so highly praised for his beauty as Absalom]. From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.

2Samuel 14:25–26                               72David                                              631_0354

04/22/1980 Narcissus syndrome; Narcissus and Echo; beauty: virtue and arrogance; flattery degeneracy of male long hair; long hair of Absalom

Bob discussed beauty last time, so Bob will start with a love story between Narcissus and Echo. Echo was a beautiful woman, called a nymph, which meant beautiful woman. She was an outdoors type. She was the daughter of Diana. She fell in love with a very handsome man. She was very conversational. She loved to talk. She offended the head of all the gods and goddesses. The wife of Jupiter was jealous, and made it so that she could only reply. She fell for Narcissus, the son of the river god Aphesis. Narcissus saw her from across the mountain, and he said, “Let us join one another” but he only heard “Another.” This is the only tragedy which Bob knows about where woman could only respond and not speak. Echo was broken hearted and she faded away, until there was nothing left but her voice, in the caves and mountains and valleys.

Narcissus like to play the field. One by one, he rejected all of the nymphs. He had no capacity for love. A nymph prayed that Narcissus love someone and not have that affection returned. He fell madly in love with his own image at a pool of water. He tried to hold it, but he could not; he talked to it, but it would not answer. He died of unrequited love. He actually was so much in love with himself, the problem of many people.

The Narcissus Syndrom

1.       This is where arrogance destroys capacity for love. Like Absalom being carried away from his own beauty.

2.       Attractiveness is noted by mirrors and arrogance comes from assuming superiority as a result of physical beauty. There is the possibility of self-improvement, if that does not detract from real beauty, which is of the soul.

3.       Physical beauty without soul beauty is self-centeredness, egocentricity and no capacity for love.

4.       Interlocking systems of arrogance destroy all abilities, potentials and talents for greatness. Absalom was neutralized by interlocking systems of arrogance. This also destroys all capacity for life for love for blessing for success. Interlocking systems of arrogance destroys the effectiveness of physical attractiveness and personality attractiveness.

5.       While the narcissus complex is a preoccupation with oneself or one’s body, we use this in relationship to the soul as a part of our detailed study of interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom had physical beauty and a great personality and he was a genius. He was flattered for all of this. His true potential for greatness was perhaps compromised by this.



8.       Absalom assumed, erroneously, that when inside the interlocking systems of arrogance, that physical beauty was virtue. A movie, Rebecca, with an ugly soul. You need to get beyond the facade of physical beauty. Today, divorce is the name of the game. Some marry once or twice because they are attracted to physical beauty, without ever noting what is in the soul. You cannot discover what a person has in their soul in 2 or 3 weeks. Absalom assumes that beauty if virtue.

9.       The invention of the mirror, one of the great inventions of all time, whether the mirror is helpful or not depends upon the volition of your soul. Nothing wrong with muscle building. Bob is 62 and is still lifting weights (he has a gym in his own house). It has helped with his studying, but he does not walk by mirrors and pose. There is something about the female form that is magnificent. Bob does not like to share his appreciation with the person who has the form.

10.     The woman is so attracted to her own beauty, that she needs to avoid interlocking systems of arrogance. In our passage, we are dealing with the man.

11.     Humility + beauty is virtue, but arrogance + beauty is evil.

12.     Humility + beauty = objectivity; arrogance + beauty = subjectivity. Such a person has no capacity for love.

There was no defect in Absalom’s beauty.

2Sam. 14:25 Now in all Israel there was no one so much to be praised for his handsome appearance as Absalom [so highly praised for his beauty as Absalom]. From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him.

Why Does God the Holy Spirit Give Us an Entire Verse on the Beauty of Absalom?

1.       Absalom was physically attractive to other people. He was a genius in reality. He listened to the flattery and neutralized his own potentiality. His very appearance on the street excited attention. People flattered him. It should not make any difference what the mirror says or what people say or if you know you are attractive. Your own volition takes that flattery and walk into interlocking systems of arrogance, that is when it becomes a problem. Bob is impressed with all the beautiful people in Berachah. That makes his job much easier. Being beautiful can be a source of great danger. Your beauty can be a help or a distraction to doctrine. It is based upon your volition. When Bob was in Beverly Hills, people would come there and make it, and then drop their less attractive spouses. An older woman helped coach her husband in acting, and he had no natural ability. And he had terrible breath. She did everything for him, and when he got famous, he could not divorce her fast enough. She was the person who made him. Beauty, virtue, and allowing your attractiveness to become a distraction.


3.       Humility of soul protects the individual from the narcissist syndrom.

4.       Through capacity for love, you are sensitive toward others. Narcissist type is preoccupied with himself and is hypersensitive. They are totally insensitive about the feelings of others. Humility of soul is being objective then physical beauty is not a distraction. Absalom was a genius with great leadership ability. He had a great combination of genes. He was half-Hurrian, with the Maryana code; and from the tribe of Judah. A breathtaking person. Behind that facade of almost perfect beauty was great potentiality. Behind the beauty was the potential of being the greatest king of all time. The potential of the soul is destroyed by the distraction of the physical beauty.

5.       The principle, love does not compete with the object of love. Do not compete with the person you are in love with. That is a sign of arrogance. Some men are insecure in the presence of a beautiful woman. Some will follow this woman around to make sure she does not speak to anyone else. You can destroy anyone with jealousy. Jealousy takes away freedom in the same way the revolution takes away freedom. Or in the same way the federal government is taking away our freedom.

6.       Absalom began to assume that the superiority of his body made him superior over others. He had a beauty of face and body, and he became narcissistic about this, and compromised his own potential. We would have liked Absalom. He would be an easy man to follow.

7.       He had great potential which was destroyed by his narcissism. The Bible is called a mirror, because we can look into the Bible and see ourselves. You may think that you are unattractive, but your physicality is not a negative. Before you can learn doctrine, you need to be rid of your subjectivity. Your only concern should be getting Bible doctrine.

8.       The possession of great physical beauty does not mean happiness or prosperity; or unhappiness either. Popularity is not happiness. You may have been striving all of your life for popularity and you find out, you are not happy because of it.

9.       Those attracted to beauty only have no capacity for life and a poor scale of values. If you have nothing in your soul, then you have nothing. If a woman is attracted to you because of your attractiveness, then tomorrow, someone will come along who looks better, and it will attract her. There is always someone who is more attractive. You have nothing if all you have is beauty. A one-night stand, yes; any port in the storm, yes; ships which pass in the night, yes. Some of you will take ugly if it is a guaranteed meal ticket. You can see how people are able to make themselves and everyone around them unhappy. Such people have no stability in life. Bob is in pain for ladies who are 40 and are trying to pass for 20. This does not mean you don’t try to keep up your attractiveness. A woman does not start to think until age 30 or 40. Most women don’t have a serious thought until age 30 or so. They look at these screaming rug rats and say, “Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing here?”

10.     Only arrogance makes physical beauty a handicap. Physical beauty is not a problem in itself. Beauty is secondary to integrity, honor, capacity and doctrine. Those are the ingredients for happiness and success in life.

The Title of the Verse: the Degeneracy of Long Hair on a man. There are great barbers in Berachah. Sometimes, Bob misses his once/week haircut. The young set thinks you need it over your shoulders and down to your crotch. Bob found a way for us to have long hair. Don’t make fun of someone with long hair. There is a reason for long hair, and it is the Nazarite vow. This vow does not exclude soap and water and other normal grooming habits. The Bible does not discuss how you dress, but it does teach one thing about grooming. While you cannot see a man’s soul, when you see his hair on his collar, there are a number of things going on in his soul. Vissigoths, the lombards, the Franks, the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes, had long hair. When the Romans began to grow long hair, there was the decline of SPQR. The transitional period of time, the Dark Ages. Hair has a great deal to do with civilization. These various peoples came from all kinds of degeneracy, but when they hooked up with doctrine, that changed. Long hair on a man is rejection of authority.

This verse tells us that there were barbers in the ancient world. The barber there cut his hair once a year, and it was too heavy for Absalom. The weight was about 5 lbs by the king’s scales, means about a half-pound of hair. It should be 10% of 5 lbs. That is the purpose of referring to this as the king’s weight. When Bob gets his haircut, they don’t even sweep. The king’s scales gives the correct weight, but there is a denotation of 10% because this was used for taxation.

This much hair means that Absalom had become a hippie. Absalom was arrogant. Absalom had lost his authority-orientation in life. Long hair has always been a sign of rejection of authority. It is the distortion and abuse of authority. He is rejecting and abusing and distorting his authority. Long hair on a man is anti-establishment. Revolutionaries are easy to tell; they are those with the long hair carrying a spear. David could have given the war call, “Kill the longhairs.”

in some period of history, long hair can refer to a pristine society or a lack of barbers; but even in most ancient times, Africans kept their hair short. They fought each other, so they always kept their hair cut close to their head. They considered shaved heads a thing of beauty for a woman. For the African, a woman was not beautiful if you could see hair on her head.

Bob will not ask, “How are you fixed for blades?” Long hair on the male is hippie arrogance or the authority syndrom.

A new doctrine tomorrow night: the problem of long hair on the man. There will be a prize for the person with the longest hair, or the mother with most children for long hair.

2Sam. 14:26 And when he cut the hair of his head (for at the end of every year he used to cut it; when it was heavy on him, he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels by the king's weight.

2Samuel 14                               72David 04/23/1980                                    631_0355

The concept of long hair on males; the Nazarite vow in the Old Testament and the Church Age, beards and subservience; Dore Shary; arrogant actors

Rock stars are given more thought than and praise than Nobel prize winners (I think Bob is reading).

Arrogant people are totally ungrateful. You can beat your brains out helping them, and the first time that you turn away from them. Balderdash will let himself be pet, and when you stop, he bites your foot to tell you to get back to petting him.

The problem of longhair on the male. Bob does not care much for longhair, but this is not his own opinion here.

The Nazirite

1.       Nazirite vow, which is an Old Testament vow that Paul takes. He is bound by a vow to be set apart from others as a special service to God. He is separate from the rest of society. How do you distinguish one man from another? You let your hair grow long. Israelites did not have long hair. There was the exception of the man with the Nazarite vow.

2.       Nazirite comes from the Hebrew verb nazar. It means to separate oneself, to consecrate oneself; to abstain.

3.       Nezer means crown or consecration.

4.       The person who consecrates himself is called a nazir.

5.       Num. 6:5 the Nazirite was not to cut his hair. Consecration is shown by your head, which is where your thinking occurs. You never go to the barber shop.

6.       The growing of the long hair was a special crown of humility. That means, it is humiliation for a man to have long hair. Absalom wanted to give the impression that he was under some special vow and that he was holier than anyone else. Some join campus crusade to find a gf or to impress a young lady, or whatever. Bob tells us that San Bernardino is San Berdoo and San Francisco is Frisco.

7.       The Nazarite how the crown of God on his head and could not cut his hair.

8.       While this was a for a fixed period of time, the hair could not be cut. Samson could never cut his hair. Samson’s parents made the vow for him, which meant that Samson was stuck with this. Judges 13:5, 14 1Sam. 1:11 Samuel as well. John the Baptizer was also a Nazirite. They were thought to be holy men.

9.       Jewish society accepted those men whose long hair was a result of a vow made to God.

10.     Num. 6:1-21 gives us the law of the Nazirite. Some did not shave, so that made them look like a man and it balanced things out. Bob makes it clear that we have a right to have a beard. If someone says something, report him, and Bob will deal with it.

          a.       No alcohol allowed to a Nazirite.

          b.       No contact with a corpse

          c.        You cannot touch a woman; no sex even with your wife.

          d.       Long hair means total subservience, in this case, to God.

11.     When a client nation like ours become arrogant, then long hair is the rule. Jer. 7:29 all vows get cancelled when God is about to punish the client nation. Cut off your hair and start crying. Climb a mountain over the tree line (a bare mountain). This is as close as you can get to God, and then you cry. For the Lord has rejected and forsaken this generation of His wrath. All vows are cancelled.

12.     John the Baptizer was probably the greatest nazarite; but Samson and Samuel were Nazarites as well. The Dutch army is out of control; with long hair tucked under their helmets.

Long Hair

The male of Christianity is faced with a passage that deals with long hair. 1Cor. 11:3 these Corinthians were in a state of degeneracy. The head of every man is Christ, and the man is the head of the woman and God is the head of the humanity of Christ. Our Lord had a beard and it was pulled out of his face. Jesus Christ was subservient to God the Father. Every man while praying or prophesying has something down over his head (long hair) dishonors his head. He says with his long hair that he is subservient to the women in the congregation. The woman’s hair is her veil. She ought to cover her head with long hair. If she does not do that, then shave her. A man ought not to grow long hair, since he is the image and the glory of God; but the woman is the glory of the man. The man did not originate from the woman, but the woman from the man. Man was not created for the sake of the woman, but the woman for the sake of the man. The woman is not independent of the man and the man is not independent of the woman. Lesbianism and homosexuality distort this. As the woman came from the man, so the man is born from the woman; but all things originate from God. Be discerning for yourselves, is it proper for a woman to pray with her head uncovered? Does not nature herself teach you the long-hair on a man is ashame to him, but a glory to the woman. If anyone presumes to argue the matter, we have no such custom nor the churches of God. Absalom’s hair was a cover; it was not a matter of his soul.

The king’s weight is 10% of the weight here.

2Sam. 14:26 And when he cut the hair of his head (for at the end of every year he used to cut it; when it was heavy on him, he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels by the king's weight.

2Samuel 14:26–28                    72David 04/24/1980                                    631_0356

“Sir and Ma’am”; authority orientation and freedom; David’s arrogance hangover

It does not matter whether you can hear the music behind the glass there; just if you can hear Bob. The music is for him.

Houston Post of 24 April 1980 (today). Bob takes the Post and reads it every few months. It is a Lynn Ashbey column called, sir, ma’am. These have disappeared. Endangered species. “If I said anything other than sir to my father, I would not be here.” Sir is a form of respect without thought to social standing. Mostly what bothers him is his children and their creepy little friends. None of their peers do it. The last holdout for good manners is probably the military. Others almost gagged on the word sir. Perhaps we are living in the twilight of ma’am and sir. We will all be the poorer for it.

Ashbey did not mention that these words indicate respect and authority-orientation. They indicate a respect for the freedom of others. This simply is indicative of living in a free society. We have a right to be recognized as an individual.

The weight of the hair was about 5 lbs. by the king’s scale (which is 10% of that). Bob did say that Jesus on the cross had long hair and he said this last night. Bob notices that some have a beard started and no one has taken a drop.

The real problem is authority-orientation. Without authority-orientation, it is impossible to become a mature believer. It is impossible to fulfill the plan of God. You need respect for the Word of God, which would include respect for the communicator. In the city, there are a large number of churches. Those who live in the country have a greater problem, since there are fewer churches to choose from. Some evangelize each Sunday, which cannot be enough to help one to grow.

When you believer in Jesus Christ, you are said to be born again, and that is a spiritual birth. There is a new aspect of training. There will be great divine discipline if you do not develop the respect. Eventually, you should have respect for God’s Word, for those who teach God’s Word, and for various authorities in general. It is never demeaning to respect authority. Only interlocking systems of arrogance causes a person to think that respect for authority is demeaning. Perception of doctrine is an authority-orientation system. Doctrine is something which does not interest you in the moment. Concentration in the adult is the secret to authority-orientation. You listen even though it is dull, or the communicator offends you, etc. You set aside these factors which may waylay your intake of doctrine.

Spiritual advance means you learn and you do not blame your parents or your past for your decisions. Freedom is 4 interrelated concepts. Freedom as the principle; the umbrella, which makes it possible for the freedom to exist, which is the authority. The concept of privacy and the concept of authority. Freedom is the principle of divine establishment. The Royal Family Honor Code. Privacy is related to the honor code function and the priesthood. To respect the privacy of others is a part of authority-orientation. It recognizes that each person has a right to his privacy apart from criminal activity. No one can have capacity for life unless he respects the property and privacy of others. Free enterprise is motivated by profit and property (which includes lands and all that you own).

If you leave your raincoat, you ought to be able to come back and find it in the same place or in the lost and found. This is because you ought to respect another’s property. If you should leave your purse behind; it should not be disturbed. You would not think of stealing someone’s purse or money.

Now you say, the person who left a hundred dollar bill, he doesn’t have any authority over me. He doesn’t, but God does; and we ar to respect other’s property. That is a part of authority-orientation. You would never think of razzing your boss if he has hair down to his shoulders; but you might try to razz someone in Berachah Church. It is not your business. Objectivity is humility. God makes war on the arrogant but He gives grace to the humble. We can demand certain codes from those who work for us, but we do not have a right to superimpose our standards and customs on someone else.

We have a right over our own property and the personal standards which we have. There can never be freedom, privacy or property without the umbrella of authority. There must be the balance of the laws of divine establishment. There cannot be an attack on anyone through socialism or redistribution of wealth; slavery or gossip destroy freedom. Freedom is lost through demon possession; through drug addiction. There are the divine institutions like volition, where we must respect our individual authority. The others who antagonize have no right to their antagonism. But you are free to dress a certain way. You are free to dress as you want, but not without wearing clothing.

Robert Stack and Bob lived in the same apartments in the 1920's when their homes were being completed, the Brison apartments on Wilshire. Less weirdos at that time. California in those days was very aristocratic. Bob was reminded that in reading Bob’s Stack’s autobiography. It was not an apartment as you think of it; it has a full-fledged grocery in the basement. Only the top 7 or 8 floors were for dwelling; everything was available.

God has provided an umbrella of divine authority. God the Holy Spirit, the teaching of doctrine, and the personality of the pastor-teacher. The Royal Family Honor Code demands authority-orientation and academic discipline. Nothing which would break your concentration or distract you. This issue demands communication of doctrine. Keep obeying those pastors who themselves are ruling over you. There is more than one pastor and more than one local church. Submit to their authority. They keep watching for the benefit of your souls as those who must render an account. Some pastor will try to get into a communal living thing, since he has to give an account. That is weird. Several have done that, and that is a distortion. The pastor-teacher

We are to keep obeying the pastor-teacher so that he can do this with joy rather than with groaning. It is unprofitable for us. Our authority-orientation concept must relate to the spiritual as the last hope. The easiest and the best way to do it is in the home.

2Sam. 14:26 And when he cut the hair of his head (for at the end of every year he used to cut it; when it was heavy on him, he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head, two hundred shekels by the king's weight.

The sons are not named; the daughter is named. There is a reason that this is stated . It is related to Absalom’s long hair. Absalom rejected authority; he was not a Nazirite. No Nazirite would have 4 children. This means, he is having sex. So his long hair is lack of authority-orientation. The reason for that is, David is a poor father. David was the world’s worst father. He was in sexual arrogance; he had a very large harem. Sexual arrogance made him a very poor father.

David’s Children

1.       Absalom named his daughter after his sister, who had been raped by his half brother Amnon. David’s 2nd family was with Bathsheba, like Bing Crosby. David was a terrible father with the first group and he became a great father with the second group. Only 2 children were really successful. Chilliab (Abigail’s son) and Tamar. We took a couple weeks on Tamar and she made a fantastic recovery and was the greatest believer of David’s first group of children.

2.       Aunt Tamar took care of the family when Absalom was out of Israel.


4.       The 3 sons of Absalom died in youth, 2Sam. 18:18 Absalom took a pillar and erected it as a monument to himself. He thought, “I have no son to carry on the memory of my name.” He had no surviving sons, therefore. His name would be blotted out, so he erected a pillar to himself. He put it in the valley of the kings because it belongs to the kings. He named the pillar after himself and it is called Absalom’s monument to this day. This is why his sons are not named. They do not survive him. His sons are never named. His name is perpetuated only through the names of his sons. She was a woman of fair countenance. There is the problem with a feminine singular suffix here or something like that. He here is actually Tamar, and apparently this was a flunking crime for Fineberg.

She was a woman of beautiful appearance. Maacah is the daughter of Tamar the II. This brings together the line of Solomon and the line of Absalom. Absalom had a lot of respect for Tamar and love for her, so he so names his daughter. She was a beautiful woman like her aunt.

2Sam. 14:27 [Incidentally] There were born to Absalom three sons, and one daughter whose name was Tamar. She was a beautiful woman.

Society pardoned Absalom, but David did not. He felt like he had been trapped here. It turns out that society will be wrong and David will be right; but David is wrong in not following up on the essence of the law.

Absalom lived for 2 years in Jerusalem, without seeing the king’s face.

David and Absalom

1.       David reacted with great implacability with Absalom.

2.       His mental arrogance reaction produced an arrogance hangover.

3.       David’s arrogance was wrong under the principle that 2 wrongs do not make a right.

4.       While David was trapped and deceived into pardoning Absalom, it was still a legal pardon according to the law. The letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Under the letter of the law, no punishment; under the spirit, no rancor; forgive and forget. The only criminal rehabilitation is freedom and the chance to use one’s volition. It depends upon the criminal. Some criminals have gone in for criminal activity and some go straight. David was tricked into pardoning Absalom; but this needed to be fully.

5.       David in pardoning Absalom followed the letter of the law, not the spirit.

6.       In the letter of the law, there is a stay of execution and immunity from punishment; and spirit of pardoning is to fully forgive.

7.       Absalom should have been restored therefore as a member of the family.

8.       He should have been treated as though the crime had never been committed.

9.       In the case of a pardon, the victim of the crime must be forgotten and the criminal completely forgiven. He must be regarded and treated as a law-abiding citizen.

10.     By refusing to see Absalom, David demonstrated arrogance and not forgiveness.

11.     David pardoned Absalom, but the purpose of the pardon and criminal rehabilitation never made it to David’s mental attitude.

12.     Pardon is tantamount to grace treatment of a criminal. He is forgiven his crime.

13.     Absalom will continue to be a criminal because in arrogance David did not forgive him and Absalom used it as an excuse. Society treated him in perfect freedom; he will use David’s half forgiveness as an excuse. As a weak sister, any excuse will do. David gave him an excuse. Forgiving Absalom means seeing him face to face in castle Zion. In David’s thinking Absalom is still banished. He failed to forgive and forget. David was wrong in pardoning Absalom; but since he did, he should have followed through with the forgiveness.

2Sam. 14:28 So Absalom lived two full years in Jerusalem, without coming into the king's presence.

2Samuel 14:28           72David David’s arrogance hangover                     631_0357

04/25/1980 U.S. Iran-hostage rescue attempt; David refuses to forgive Absalom

Bob draws a map of the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Delta team is one of the most capable forces we have. Bob cannot believe the comments he has heard. Delta Force is specifically trained for this kind of a mission and they have been trained for several months on this mission. They are the highest and best trained force for this. This is a highly trained, specialized organization specifically trained for this. The planning for this operation was excellent. The weakness of the plan was letting the Navy into the copter plane. Someone decided the Navy would not get enough glory, and the Navy copters were not equipped for this, and that was the problem. Someone of flag rank probably had enough pull to change the plan. You never take a small cloak and dagger plan like this and bring in more services than you need to. All army or whatever. The Air Force did a remarkable job but the Navy copter was the wrong equipment. CYA will be the name of the game all over the place. The Navy had a job and an assignment. Jimmy Doolittle’s attack on Japan was started off of carriers. All of you who think your organization should have done it, you’re wrong. Delta Force is as well-trained as the Israelis. Except for the 130's, this should have been army all the way.

It is no secret that Bob is not a fan of Carter’s foreign policy; and it is hard to figure out whose ideas these are. This was President Carter’s finest hour. He should have ordered Delta Force in when it first happened. The president would have been elected had this been a success; and he will get beaten up for it now. In its initial form, this was a brilliant plan. Apparently a Berachah man was involved. The president made a decision which was admirable. Bob’s been glued to the television and those people making comments are living in another world. The president took the responsibility for this, and Bob applauded him for that. The people who know the least about the military are making all of the noise. These were honorable men who went in there. His son died, and the father said he was glad that the president made that decision. Bob thinks our president in the past 24 hours has shown us what a president ought to be. The villains are the people of the United States. We have fed the scum and neglected the military. We have used our votes to vote in fools into Congress who are disoriented to reality. Reagan made an excellent statement and even Teddy Kennedy made an excellent statement.

Thieme would place Delta Force over even the Israelis that went into Entebbe. We vote in politicians who vote billions of dollars to Communist countries and billions of dollars to feed scum.

This is one of the toughest times in the world to be an officer. We are at fault. We have voted people who keep scum alive. The scum on the streets, those on the government dole; they could not have done this feat. There are legitimate needs situations; but we have gone far beyond that. The 16 is a farce, and we are about to get a lousy sidearm. We are getting a .9 mm rather than our Colt .45's.

Rhodesian has developed a better infantry system for carrying their equipment than we have. We have just neglected our military. We listen to all this emotional claptrap, which should not even be allowed on the air, because it is treason. There are times when you have to use force.

This country is so arrogant; and the people who have been critical of the president; that is arrogance. If Delta Force got into Tehran, there would have been street fighting techniques not known in the world today. Man-for-man no one can stand up to Delta Force. That is the kind of training they have had. The rest is classified. They could still necessitate the original plan; Bob would love for us to see how Delta Force would do against a million moslems. The French razz us, and if not for us, there would be no France. Where we work for 8 hours and complain about the traffic, these men word for 48 hours without a complaint. Don’t be a sucker when this becomes a political football.

There is something wrong with the people of the United States when they are shocked that force is used. It is a pitiful state of affairs. Bob is almost ashamed of being an American, when people complain about that. That bunch of dope addicts who perform late on Saturday Night.

We are begging to be destroyed. Bob leaves us with 2 thoughts Psalm 33:12 Blessed is that nation whose God is Yehowah. All Islam thinks that Allah had something to do with this. Psalm 22:26 we could be at war before you turn around; we could fall into a depression. The humble will eat and be satisfied. They who seek Him will praise the Lord. Let your right lobe refresh itself forever. Things are going to get bad and things will get confusing. Make sure that your soul is refreshed with doctrine on a daily basis. We have another Delta force; didasko force. Berachah’s delta force has not shown much discernment; everyone is ready to blame the executive branch of government when they make a good decision. It takes moral courage to make the decision, to stand by it and to take responsibility. Bob expects us to apply doctrine correctly.

Some of the media has been very restrained, as if they might actually know something.

Absalom lived 2 full years without seeing the king’s face. In the letter of the law, the penalty is removed.

Bitterness makes it almost impossible for recovery form the interlocking systems of arrogance. We have been unfairly treated; if someone cheated us or lied about us, we enter into interlocking systems of arrogance. We were maltreated, so we even feel sorry for ourselves. We lose our capacity for love our capacity for happiness. Bitterness becomes something which destroys you and leads you down the path of divine discipline.

In the spirit of the law, a pardon requires complete forgiveness. David must truly pardon Absalom, which is forgive and forget. That provides the environment by which the criminal can use his own volition not to be a criminal again. The purpose of the pardon was to give Absalom a chance tnot to be a criminal.

The doctor gave Ike the information, and Ike stopped smoking right there. He decided he wanted to live more than a year, so he quite smoking and lived 21 more years. Alcoholics Anonymous if they have any faults, it is to not stress enough one’s own person volition.

Absalom has committed a crime; he is no longer a criminal. This is grace treatment of a criminal. Absalom had 2 years and Absalom reacted with bitterness. David could also be faulted for something else. There is a political thing here. He will not see Absalom for political reasons. This fulfills an obligation of Bathsheba that Solomon will be the next king. We will see a lot of this sort of thing this year, and many making political hay of this Delta thing. The media will exploit this. The media has decided that they can take anyone and make them president and that the people of the United States don’t have enough sense to discern when they are being manipulated.

Bob’s hat is off to the husband or wife who lets their spouse come to Berachah even though they don’t like the church. Some people who dislike Bob the most in this town have never seen him; they heard it from people in the congregation.

Just think what a little flexibility might have done for David here. Let’s say you walk out in the parking lot and see a beard and you want to make a remark; that is inflexibility. Someone could have long hair down to his crotch, and he may or may not know the Scripture on long hair; you have no right to say anything to them. There was a committee which would wander about and tell people how they ought to dress, etc.

David’s Arrogance Hangover

1.       The arrogance hangover where David was guilty of mental arrogance, he is inflexible, guilty of the by-product self righteousness.

2.       David adds wrong to wrong; malfunction of the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill.

3.       David uttered the pardon with his mouth and reject the pardon with his mind. Forgiveness is pardon. Do not say “I forgive you” if you use that against them later. Forgive means to forget. It means to no longer penalize someone for something which they did.

4.       David rendered a judicial decision in the Supreme Court of Heaven.

5.       This was David’s arrogance hangover. He tried Absalom in absentia, as a compensation for his previous failure.

6.       Once Absalom had been convicted, his brothers could execute him. Even David, as the father, could have executed him.

7.       David, by refusing to see Absalom, violated his own decision. He has mentally executed Absalom. He cannot touch him with punishment, but he violates the spirit of the pardon. Institutional and psychopathic arrogance.

2Sam. 14:28 So Absalom lived two full years in Jerusalem, without coming into the king's presence.

2Samuel 14:28–29                               72David                        04/27/1980 631_0358

Pardon and David’s failure; Joab’s disillusionment with Absalom; forgiveness; volition and rehabilitation of criminals

God has provided for mankind a perfect plan, when God imputes to each one of us oat birth human life and the human soul. Life resides in the soul forever. We receive human life and spiritual death at birth; and Adam’s original sin is imputed to us as well.

Salvation is an accomplished work, and we decide whether we want to spend eternity with God or not with God. Faith, as a non-meritorious perception. The first hope is salvation adjustment to the justice of God. Freedom is the status of human volution, which we call live and let live. It is a legitimate function of humanity. Freedom is the concept by which we are evangelized and the basis by which we believe in Jesus Christ. Authority is the umbrella for freedom. Freedom cannot guarantee or manufacture equality in the human race.

Absalom will use the myth of equality. The greater the freedom, the greater the inequalities in life. Some will use their freedom to glorify God and others will use their freedom to embarrass God. Enforced equality is the strategy of Satan. Freedom and equality cannot coexists. Authority as the protection of freedom; no authority means anarchy and no freedom means tyranny. The reason for David’s failure is in the realm of arrogance. In Prov. 11:2 Pride precede destruction and before a fall, the arrogance of life. Ezek. 7:10 1Peter 5:5–6

When there is a pardon, you must forgive the person who committed the crime as well.

The Pardon of Absalom

1.       Pardon means that David must forgive and forget the homicide committed by Absalom.

2.       Pardon does not mean to tolerate a criminal, but to forgive the criminal and you no longer think of him as a criminal. You think of him as a law abiding citizen.

3.       This means the criminal is no longer a criminal. The crime is blotted out and the victim forgotten.

4.       By decree from the judge’s bench, David no longer can treat Absalom like a criminal.

5.       David can no longer penalize Absalom for a crime for which he was pardoned; but his refusal to see Absalom is a vendetta of personal vengeance.

6.       Pardon means that Absalom is restored to full privileges of the royal family.

7.       To banish Absalom treats him like he is still a criminal.

8.       Half-forgiveness is not forgiveness. If you forgive your spouse, and then bring it up later, that is arrogance. Once you have said that you have forgiven someone, you have no right to think about it again. When you, with your lover, have a spat, and your forgive the other of a wrong, but you bring it up again later, you are arrogant and in a state of no integrity. If you forgive someone and bring it up later, you are wrong. You have no righth to bring it up ever again.

9.       David is treating Absalom like a criminal. This is no excuse for Absalom. Most people think that Absalom had an excuse. David as the king and society in general. In the spirit of the law, Absalom should have been forgiven. There is no such thing as rehabilitation from counseling. It is a matter of free will. No counseling system will be of any help. Only David failed in this matter. Absalom will use David’s hafl forgiveness as his excuse.

10.     The revolutionist is what Absalom is headed for. Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Crusaders always front for the criminals. Absalom will be the criminal; the crusaders are already functioning in that regard. Ahithophel, the grandfather of Bathsheba, is the crusader (the useful idiot).

11.     No criminal can be rehabilitated apart from his own motivation. David’s arrogance will give him an excuse to remain a criminal. God will punish David for his failure. David’s arrogance destroys the grace principle of pardon. This will give him the excuse to rebel. David’s arrogance produced a half-forgiveness, and this puts David right back into interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom’s bitterness will put him back into the arrogance complex.

Absalom lived for 2 full years in Jerusalem without seeing the king’s face.

David and Absalom and a Lack of Forgiveness

1.       The principle of legal pardon is not different from the principle of personal pardon and forgiveness. Saying, “I forgive you” is no stronger that the person’s personal integrity. If your integrity is based upon Bible doctrine, and you are loyal to Bible doctrine, and someone asks for your forgiveness, then integrity and loyalty to the Word demands that your forget what was done against you.

2.       The pattern for such pardon and forgiveness was stated by Jesus Christ, “I am He Who blots out your transgressions for My Own sake.” I think from Isaiah. The justice of God and the perfect righteousness of God combine to make up the holiness of God. God no longer penalizes us for our sins. Isa. 43:25

3.       The pattern of forgiveness is applied by the believer in Jesus Christ as a part of the Royal Family Honor Code. It is a part of our lives. Putting up with one another, which means, some others will offend you; and you need to graciously forgive them. If anyone has a complaint against another, even as the Lord has graciously forgiven you, you also graciously forgive him.

4.       Arrogance produces instability and inconsistency of life pattern. This is a self-pity of

5.       This is one of David’s darkest hours when he refused to see Absalom for 2 years.

6.       As long as the law says that Absalom is a criminal, then criminal law applies. However, once he is pardoned, then there ought to be forgiveness.

7.       Pardon means that Absalom is no longer a criminal. Pardon is more than the cancellation of punishment. Forgive the crime and forget the victims of crime. When we suffer because of testing, the issue is grace. The sin is unbearable. The cursing is turned to blessing. The basis of turning divine discipline into suffering for blessing is rebound.

David’s discipline was so great, that it had to be put into installments. One of the factors in the revolution. However, after the 4th increment, he will be greater than he has been in his life.

2Sam. 14:28 So Absalom lived two full years in Jerusalem, without coming into the king's presence.

3 men of genius: Absalom, David and Joab.

Absalom needs to be publically greeted by the king in order to get the revolution going. That will give him approval so that people can be deceived. David accepting hiim in the court. Qal infinitive construct

Absalom sends for Joab twice in order to get an audience with David. Absalom was still a criminal, involved with criminal arrogance, conspiratorial arrogance, with mental arrogance.

A verb of volition + a verb of action. This is a refusal to do anything more. Joab realizes that Absalom is a con-artist and a criminal, so Joab wants nothing to do with him. He knows that Absalom is going to try to use him in some evil way.

Principle Involved

1.       Absalom therefore sent for Joab twice and twice Joab rejected his request.

2.       Joab by now recognizes his terrible mistake in sponsoring Absalom’s pardon and return to Jerusalem.

3.       Absalom has abused the pardon, and now Joab is backing away from him.

4.       When you back a wrong cause, like revolution or a wrong person like Absalom, disenchantment is inevitable. No one can afford to be in disenchantment. That is arrogance.

5.       Joab should have trusted the judgment of David instead of undermining David with the woman of Tekoa.

6.       Joab has disentangled himself from Absalom and has disassociated himself form Absalom. He is ignoring Absalom.

7.       Behind the facade of Absalom’s scintillating personality and great physical beauty is an arrogant revolutionists. Joab has seen through this facade and he will avoid him from thereon.

Absalom wants to manipulate Joab one more time.

A Second Principle

1.       Unless Absalom can be associated with David the king, the revolution will not gain enough momentum to move forward. It is stalled. Intrigue has come to a dead end. But intrigue is not attracting the general public. In order to deceive the general public, David must smile upon Absalom. Bob wondered why conservatives were so feckless in the US. Conservatives were willing to panhandle from the government on their own things. They were anti-Semitic. They were as willing to cater to the government over free enterprise. We are in a depression because the government is playing God. Conservatives are just as much to blame as the liberal. Bob used to go to those things, and speak, he would find that the same crowd was there, the same hard-core conservatives. Last time Bob went, it was Lubbock, the health food crowd wanting apricot seeds into the United States and the anti-Semitic types. But they are nuts. They all have something personal. They are coocoo clocks. Trilateral conspiracy is radicalism. It is not conservatism. Conservatism is the separation of church and state. In Russia, there are as many as 45% in agriculture, and they cannot keep themselves alive. We will never have a conservative anything because we take our own personal things and tack them on to conservatism. Abortion is not an issue and becoming involved in that is stupid. Getting health food and such things involved is stupid. Anti-Semitism is a gross evil. Throw in all of these other things, and you are a nut. You can have them as a personal view, that is alright; but to bring them in as a conservative issue. To vote for Carter because the conservative said the wrong things about some of those issues, and you see what we have. We have a hardcore group of people. Conservatives try to avoid paying their income tax, and it is wrong. Anything over 10% of your income is wrong. Taxing the oil companies and giving it to their foreign competitors is evil. There was a hardcore revolution going on during the time of Absalom. The movie about the replacements going into the land. They wiped out their officers and then the hoi polloi joined in, and there was this magnificent finesse. The general public is the key. You get the man in the middle to go with you.

2.       There are a large number of discontent in the land but still establishment oriented.

3.       The middle of the road people would never dream of overthrowing the Davidic government. It will take several years to get them into the revolution. Once Absalom is seen as sponsored by David, then he will go out into the public.

4.       The general public can be sucked into a revolution by deceit. If Absalom is accepted in the court, that will get their attention and they will give him their allegiance.

5.       This is the analogy. Someone can be seen talking to Bob and they will use this to gain suckers for their own financial schemes. Bob talks to all kinds of people in public. This kind of stuff occurs all of the time inside Berachah Church.


7.       The purpose of the local church is to learn Bible doctrine, to worship Jesus Christ, to advance to spiritual maturity, and to glorify God in so doing.

8.       The sheep are not an assembly to be fleeced, to be exploited by investors, to be cheated out of their savings.

9.       This does not imply that there are not many honorable businessmen in Berachah Church. They have great honor and great integrity. But they do not go into Berachah in order to solcity business. A cause maybe good or bad, but Berachah is a play where your privacy is protected.

Berachah Church takes no responsibility for the decisions made by its parishioners.

Joab Wises up

1.       Joab abused his influence in the first place to do something detrimental to Israel.

2.       He has broken off all connection with Absalom.

3.       With Joab, it was hero worship, which is always followed by disenchanted and disillusion. None of these things should ever distract anyone from the truth.

4.       The teaching of Bible doctrine substitutes Christ worship for hero worship.

5.       Never allow disenchantment and disillusion to distract you from learning doctrine. Do not allow anyone to use doctrine to exploit you. What you do on the outside is your business. A magnificent women who took garlic for cancer, and she got carried away with that. Berachah doesn’t even ask for money. You will know Berachah is over when there is a notice on the door and it is closed. You must be motivated to give or you don’t give at all. Do you think you are doing us a favor by giving? It is not. We don’t make an issue of money.

Another Principle

1.       Disenchantment with the person is a result of hero worship.

2.       Suffering from an arrogance hangover. Jer. 17:5–8 do not depend upon the flesh for strength. Do not depend upon some gimmick or some personality. The roots of the tree go into the water and it grows, like growth by Bible doctrine. Its leaves will be green. We all have a choice, occupation with Christ or occupation with people. The latter means you will never get squared away.

2Sam. 14:29 Then Absalom sent for Joab, to present him to the king, but Joab would not come to him. And he sent a second time, but Joab would not come.


2Samuel 14:30                          72David 04/28/1980                                    631_0359

Ingratitude and implacability of Absalom, criminal act—burning Joab's property

If you are over 50, you have helped out someone in need, and they turned on you or they used you. First off, do not be bitter toward the person who deceived you. Absalom had no gratitude. Some people have no capacity for happiness, success, etc.; and they lack the capacity for thanksgiving. When involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance, we lose that gratitude. Most of us can recall college professors who were helpful, parents, or others who were helpful, for whom we have tremendous gratitude. So many have contributed to what we are today. He have a principle called auld lang syn. These are the great memories of life. A person can be authority oriented but with grace orientation.

Absalom, having been pardoned, could choose never to be a criminal again. However, he speaks to his servants and has them check out Joab’s barley field. The Hiphil indicates that the servants of Absalom were to set the field on fire.

Absalom the Criminal

1.       Absalom is still in interlocking systems of arrogance. He is guilty of criminal arrogance; of conspiratorial arrogance; of blind arrogance; of mental attitude arrogance. He is still inside interlocking systems of arrogance. The true concept of pardon is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. The victims of the crime are forgotten and the criminal is forgiven. There is more to this than removing the penalty for breaking the law. He has had 2 years to turn himself around, but he is titill a criminal.

2.       Burning down this field is a criminal act. Robbery is an attack upon property. The destruction of property.

3.       While Absalom has been pardoned and is not regarded as a criminal by society, he is still a criminal in his soul. As a law-abiding citizen, which is what Absalom is now considered, he reverts to criminal behavior.

Joab’s field is next to mine; go and set fire to it.

Absalom’s Failure to Reform Himself

1.       The pardon gave Absalom the chance to use his freedom to become a law-abiding citizen.

2.       This was absolutely necessary for Absalom to succeed David as ruler of Israel.

3.       Absalom was tested by the king’s arrogance, but he failed that test. 2Sam. 14:28 he had 2 full years.

4.       He has 2 years of opportunity to establish himself as a law-abiding citizen. Arrogant self-pity was a factor

5.       Instead of being objective and learning the lesson that God provided, Absalom reacted with arrogance of his own. He reacted with bitterness. Absalom reacts with bitterness of his own. Bitterness is a guarantee of subjectivity.

6.       Absalom failed to pass the test of David’s half-forgiveness. Some people are never promoted by God for one reason; it is not that they lack ability or talent or the ingredients of success, but because they are arrogant. Absalom had great talent and great ability. If anyone was cut out to be a leader, it would be Absalom. Everything was in Absalom’s favor when it comes to innate abilities. Arrogance destroys the greatest talent and abilities. Lucifer has the greatest potential and arrogance destroyed him. He demanded authority. Bitterness is one way for us to recognize that we are arrogant. It is easy to feel sorry for oneself and to think we have a rotten deal. Bitterness is that subtle part of arrogance. Against a former husband, a former wife; against your parents, toward some pastor, some boss, toward anyone who exercised authority over you. Bitterness is a discontented soul and destroys personal happiness. You will face those who will not forgive and forget. You will face unfairness. Do not react with bitterness. David could not forget the criminal the crime or the victim.

7.       Absalom is not qualified to reign in David’s stead. 2 tests must be passed: the volitional test, the test of honoring the pardon by using his own free will to renounce crime. He can use his own free will and separate from crime. There is a certain humiliation in being forgiven, but humility is a part of the road back. Absalom did not rebound; he was negative toward doctrine. The 2nd test was being unjustly and unfairly treated by David’s arrogance hangover. David should have seen Absalom immediately.

8.       Absalom flunked the first case by his failure to rebound. His failure to recover from reversionism from persistent negative volition toward doctrine.

9.       Failure to ignore David’s snub and his unjust treatment of him on his return from Geshur.

10.     He instead reacted to David with his own bitterness. Absalom was also ungrateful to Joab. Absalom should be kissing the feet of Joab, and instead, he is destroying Joab’s business. Arrogance and criminality are incapable of gratitude.

For those of you had to wade through Les Misera, Juan forgiven, but he was hounded, but he became of his own free will to rehabilitate himself. He became a law-abiding citizen. Arrogance has no capacity for love. Absalom is crossing the person who went to bat for him. Arrogant people have no capacity for love, whether they are law-abiding or criminal. There is a relationship between your capacity for gratitude or your capacity for love. The criminal in his arrogance is an animal. Once you cross the criminal, he forgets all past favors and all past help, and he will turn against you and destroy you. Today, he burns Joab’s barley field and tomorrow, he will overthrow David’s government. Bob can recount for an hour people he has gone all out to help and there has been little or not gratitude. Everyone will face such a thing sooner or later. Those we have helped in the past will turn against us. We will be shocked at the people we have helped. Even if we are oging to the firing squad or to martyrdom, God still does not allow bitterness. You may be bitter over a bad marriage; or a bad love affair, or you were cheated in business. It is easy to be bitter in a service organization. Like the policeman who is protecting society. Our freedom has been won on the battlefields of this country. You may be jilted by a woman or a man; or your boss is unfair and unkind to you, but you have done so much for them. You cannot have bitterness and be truly alive. You can be a walking zombie with bitterness.

There is some milling crowd out in front of the church.

Bitterness toward the president, or toward the foolish woman over in Iran, bitterness over those who have died. A military man faces death. The remarkable statement of Mark Holmes and his son who died. We all have some reason to be bitter toward someone. It is inevitable that we can find a reason to be bitter. This is a great temptation of life. Anytime you have a bitter thought in your soul, you are arrogant. You help out someone, and overtly, they are so appreciative. But you cross them one time, and they turn against you.

Arrogance has no capacity for love. Criminal arrogance has no gratitude for help or favors from the past.


1.       Under freedom, only those with integrity recognize the property and privacy of others.

2.       Destruction of property is an attack upon human freedom. Part of freedom is the right to own property. A great sign of freedom is the right to hold and own property and to have it protected from the criminal and the federal government. The oil companies have had good management and government has had lousy management. It is immoral to tax profits and then to take that money and give it to their competitors. Redistribution of wealth is always evil.

3.       Joab accumulated property through honest hard work. This is a criminal act to destroy this field of barley. With the criminal, his arrogance demands that he has his way. Absalom was unable to manipulate Joab, so he became frustrated and he commits a criminal act. It was an act of violence, a criminal act. Psalm 22:26

2Sam. 14:30 Then he said to his servants, "See, Joab's field is next to mine, and he has barley there; go and set it on fire." So Absalom's servants set the field on fire.

2Samuel 14:31                 72David Divine Establishment       04/29/1980 631_0360

Irresponsibility of the U.S. press; freed slaves; 6 requirements for client nation function. The coercion and manipulation of Joab

A guy named Paul whom God took home. An expert on Bach and was going to give us a Bach concert, but that we will enjoy in heaven.

Review back to v. 22, and this is the last time we will go this way.

Paul did a paper on the Hurrians, although he was unable to get into it enough.

We will not be in David indefinitely; the New Testament before long. However, Bob is not very appreciative of our lack of appreciation for this passage.

2Sam. 14:22–30 Joab fell with his face to the ground in homage and praised [he both honored and saluted] the king. "Today," Joab said, "your servant knows I have found favor with you, my lord the king, because the king has granted the request of your servant." So Joab got up, went to Geshur, and brought Absalom to Jerusalem. However, the king added, "He may return to his house, but he may not see my face." So Absalom returned to his house, but he did not see the king. No man in all Israel was as handsome and highly praised as Absalom. From the sole of his foot to the top of his head, he did not have a single flaw. When he shaved his head--he shaved it every year because his hair got so heavy for him that he had to shave it off--he would weigh the hair from his head and it would be five pounds according to the royal standard [one-tenth that weight]. Three sons were born to Absalom, and a daughter named Tamar, who was a beautiful woman. Absalom resided in Jerusalem two years but never saw the king. Then Absalom sent for Joab in order to send him to the king, but Joab was unwilling to come. So he sent again, a second time, but he still wouldn't come. Then Absalom said to his servants, "See, Joab has a field right next to mine, and he has barley there. Go and set fire to it!" So Absalom's servants set the field on fire.

There are certain laws for believer and unbeliever which are for our freedom. The laws of divine establishment operate from the fall of man to the 2nd advent and Christ. Divine establishment provides freedom and privacy for those who do not violate the common law. While the laws of divine establishment recognize that we are not equal in this life; we are not born equal nor do we live our lives in equality. Being unequal does not mean that you have demeaned yourself. You have the right to live in a free society. This right and function is given to us by God.

Freedom is the basis of true evangelism; freedom of speech does not mean irresponsibility in maligning or judging others. The press has become arrogant, and have become king-makers and the wield their power in great irresponsibility.

The original plan called for an air head after neutralizing the air force. Some missiles control the gulf and Saudi Arabia? It is irresponsibility to reveal plans in the press. Disseminating certain news requires responsibility. One must have a sense of responsibility. Freedom of speech does not give a person the right to gossip, judge, backbite; or to reveal military operations.

Many things in life are political, and they make excellent illustrations, but it is wrong for a pastor to stand up and support any candidate or political cause. A segment of the national council of churches, and there were great pronouncements by them that had nothing to do with the gospel or with Bible doctrine.

Divine institutions are covered. Once a woman decides to marry, she is surrendering all of her own personal freedom. Some recognize that they have made a bad mistake. Monogamy is a relationship between one man and one woman. Bob might not ever teach it again if he lives another 100 years. All of the distortions. Everyone began looking for the RM/RW and after 48 hours were ready to get married. God created the woman because it is not good for man to be alone. Marriage is the 2nd divine institution. In innocence, man enjoyed volition and marriage, 2 divine institutions which existed before sin. When a man and a women live together, they intensify their sin factor. However, no children until man was a sinner.

You are under the illusion that you can fall in love with a woman and she with you and you are going to be happy. But it is a delusion that you will get married and live happily ever after. When there are 2 sin natures joined together, the possibilities for sin are multiplied. You compound the sin factor or you compound the human good factor. A great man allows his wife to go to Berachah Church, even if he hates the church. He has fuond the key of how to make the marriage good.

Integrity is the key to love. Sex is not the key to love. Almost anyone and anything can engage in sex; this does not make for a great marriage. The key is in the soul. If the soul of the man is right, the marriage will work.

Marriage for some women begins with marriage, and that means daddy did not do right by his daugher. Daddy’s girl and moma’s boy can never make a go of it. The Bible does not mean that you no longer see your in-laws, but the authority and institution has been changed. No such thing as a 50-50 marriage; it is 100%-0. Crusader arrogance gets started by there being no authority-orientation. Marriage rejects anarchy, revolution, promiscuous communal living or live-ins. Marriage is not a solution to anything and it is not a panacea.

Divine institution #3 is the family. The physical birth of the child is the basis for the orientation to life. Long before compulsory education, which was a mistake. People ought to be trained at a very early age in a skill. The idea that you are no good unless you go to high school and then college, and absent that, you are nothing. This hurts a great many people. You do need to prepare for something in life. There are a lot of things which do not require college, and you never look down your nose at those with very little education. We live in a day when most congregations are education but the pastor is not. Bob thinks that pastors ought to have all kinds of academic training and authority-orientation training as well. Even evangelists ought to be better schooled than they are.

Drop outs in high school or junior high are not better or worse than anyone else. Bob wuold rather have 20 years of preparation for just 1 good year in the ministry. In fact, college has often destroyed the training of the home. In that way, college has been ruinous.

The family is the stability for the protection, nourishment and training of the child. However, whereas spanking is reasonable, brutality never is. Even then, there is a time when you put away the paddle and begin to get to their minds. That may be 8 or 9. You have to transfer it to communication. Somewhere, you have to make a transition and you must make it early enough. Bob has seen fathers knock their sons down; that father has just declared to the world that he is a failure. You must transfer to their souls thought. There is only one system of compulsory education, and that is the family. There are some people who are so oriented to intimidating anyone, that they punch their wives and beat their children. Liberals react to such tyranny and say, there ought to be no spanking. If a father must use force on his children at age 18, then he has lost out. Communist conspiracies determined to determine how to reach the children before their parents can teach them about God. So there is a tremendous amount of dope, and that undermines parental authority.

Authority-orientation is a mental attitude. Adjustment to life requires authority training. The parent must act as a trainer and a teacher, so the child does not have to learn the hard way. David himself is a failure as a father with the first group of his children.

We say that Cyrus the Great conquered the world, but he just conquered a large portion of it. Same for Alexander the Great. He decided before he died to have a Navy. He built a fleet and did some traveling about. Great portions of the world must be punished and a conqueror is used in order to get this done. There are millions of black and brown men today who are in heaven today because of the British empire. History tells us that there must be national entities functioning under the laws of divine establishment.

It took slavery to get the Jews ready for freedom. You can never have people in slavery and keep them in that nation after they are free. It will damage those people and the ones who enslave them. If ever a nation manumits its slaves, then they must be allowed to form their own nation. They must not be related to the nation which freed them.

A National Pattern

1.       Interior protection of freedom. Jurisprudence. This means that law enforcement and jurisprudence are 2 of our most honorable professions. A few people who are wrong does not mean there is anything wrong with the principle

2.       Exterior protection of freedom, the honor of the military. Our freedom has never been purchased by Congress; it has been purchased on the battlefield. We have never had a coup d’etat, yet politicians keep cutting back on the military, claiming to be worried about that.

3.       Democracy is a thin veneer of anarchy. In business, all of the people do not make topside decisions. There are those who are qualified to make those decisions. We look down our nose at south Africa.

4.       A nation must be based upon free enterprise. We believe in the separation of business and state. Nationalizing business is an infringement upon business and freedom.

5.       Law must be objective. Subjective law reflects the arrogance of the people. Subjective law erodes freedom and steals from the population. It invades our privacy. It is wrong to take a census; it is immoral.

6.       A common culture which reflects the spiritual life and esprit d’ecorp. It is immoral to print a ballot in anything but English. All need to understand English in order to understand freedom.

7.       Literature, art and drama.

8.       A system of government administration which functions under its power without abusing its power. An administrative body to represent taxing, the military, the enforcement of law and order. Why all of this? This is so we can have evangelism.

We need this firmly in mind to understand what revolution is and what it is not.

2Sam. 14:31 Then Joab arose and went to Absalom at his house and said to him, "Why have your servants set my field on fire?"

2Samuel 14:30–31                               72David                                              631_0361

04/30/1980 Absalom rejects recovery from criminal arrogance; laws of divine establishment and freedom for evangelism; separation of Church and State; Establishment and authority (no revolution); Ten Commandments

Bob noticed the change in the Secretary of State, and we are in for a tremendous amount of discipline.

Bob said he did not give us anything you could take notes on last night. Revolution is always anti-God and anti-establishment. We could not have evangelism without the police officer.

Freedom gives us the opportunity to hear the gospel and to make a decision with regards to the gospel. It can be positive as well as negative. You ought to be free to go either way. You shyould not be penalized for going one way or the other.

Somme churches have all those who are saved to stand, and then, they take note of those who are still sitting, and after the service, there is operation pounce.

Billy Graham has the gift of evangelism. He is not a careful student of the Word, and Bob shudders when he stands up and makes some political observation.

We have the whole realm of spiritual gifts in Berachah.

Bob teaches doctrine first; then he tries to knock heads.

All the countries south of our border have had problems because they have combined church and state. That is also a problem with evangelism there. Missionaries can be persecuted by the state and by religion. Protestants also have a marvelous knack for persecution as well, as long as the state is behind them. The individual must be free to accept or rejct the gospel. All religion should be free of taxation and not supported by taxes. A person’s relationship with God or lack of relationship with God is a matter of free will and privacy.

Follow up is not an issue. Some will accept Christ and go no further with it. Others will accept Christ and still be positive toward doctrine.

Some people start in different ways, but there must be freedom with regards to these things. Rom. 13:1–7 are all about freedom and authority. We have a right to protect our own property and person, but we do not join organizations to help the law. These organizations are lawless and stay away from them. 1Peter 2:14–15 subordinate you to every human agency. National arrogance is ruinous. There is also the problem of establishment and authority whereby certain members of the human race have jurisdiction over other members of the human race. Authority is necessary for the function of divine establishment. Calvin was a great theologian, but many of his students distorted what he taught. Calvin’s greatest mistake was to move to Geneva, Switzerland, and he parlayed his spiritual authority into temporal authority. So he started running a city, and he was wrong and evil to do that. He should have stayed out of temporal function.

It is better to vote for an unbeliever with integrity than a believer without integrity. There have been many examples in history, but Bob won’t go into them, so he does not affect for whom we vote.

Bob’s gifts do not lie in the field of repairing anything. People need to remember that they lack in certain fields. He is a dog lover but not a good dog trainer. That is too hard for Bob.

God is the expert on how the protection of the human race ought to be established.

Bob never understood why Jane Fonda was not tried for being a traitor. We seem to have stopped doing that. The military did not lose the Vietnam war; the people of the United States did; we stopped giving them our support. The immediate consequence is millions of Asians are dead or in slavery. We all must face a text of an authority which we do not like and does not treat us fairly. Freedom is the heritage of birth and the imputation of...

The Decalogue is a part of the principle of freedom. Gal. 5:1 In the sphere of freedom, Christ has freed us. John 8:32 you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. And, I will walk in freedom, for I seek Your doctrines.

Proving for the common defense and promote the general welfare. The constitution is one of the most marvelous documents in human history.

2Sam. 14:30 Then he said to his servants, "See, Joab's field is next to mine, and he has barley there; go and set it on fire." So Absalom's servants set the field on fire.

Joab goes into action. He did not like his barley crop burned down, any more than we would like to be burglarized or our car destroyed. Joab spent a lot of money buying this property and invested a lot in its success. He is concerned about the loss of his crop.

What would have happened if Joab prosecuted Absalom in the courts. Bob thinks there wuold have been a revolution anyway.

Joab and Absalom are 1st cousins.

Joab and Absalom

1.       Even though pardoned by the king, Absalom has used his volition for a criminal act.

2.       The pardon gave Absalom the opporutinty to use his volition as a law-abiding citizen. Pardon is the remanding of punishment and forgiveness. Absalom was allowed to use his volition freely.

3.       The modus operandi of the Angelic Conflict is a series of free will decisions related to arrogance or humility. This must be related

4.       Absalom had 2 years during which to rebound.

5.       Absalom used the2 years to reject doctrine, to reject rebound, and to remain in interlocking systems of arrogance. He established a charcter of eivl.

6.       We must conclude that the grace provision of 2 years did nothing to change Absalom’s mind. He remained a criminal. .

All Absalom had to do was do something simple, go to the Ten Commandments. You will not was learned by every child in Israel. Demonism is always involved where there is arrogance. Isa. 21:9 37:12–19 Prohibiting the use of God’s name in an unworthy or trivial manner. It is not to be used to sponsor human projects, e.g., this is God’s will to replace David. The Sabbath is a memorial to the grace of God. Man had been graced out by the Law. David was the exception to test him.

In all of our lives, there comes a time when we can do nothing. The human race has to learn this lesson about once every 7 days. However, this was distorted into a horrible system of legalism. The Sabbath was to teach that, no matter how much we have,, there will be a point at which we are out of human resources.

Respect for parents is the basis for authority-orientation. Prosperity is based upon authority-orientation and freedom.

You will not murder. But there are times when the Bible calls for klling; when it comes to war or using capital punishment.

You will not steal portect the property of individuals.

Objectivity in the function of law, which demands truth in the courtroom. Therefore, it is against God’s Ten Commandments to be a false witness. No gossiping and maligning as well.

The final commandment tells us not to covet, which is the motivation for crime. Establishment is the source of morality, not Christianity. The moral unbeliever needs Jesus Christ just as much as the immoral unbeliever. Christianity is not anti-morality either. Morality is necessary for freedom.

2Sam. 14:31 Then Joab arose and went to Absalom at his house and said to him, "Why have your servants set my field on fire?"

2Samuel 14:31–32                               72David                                              631_0362

04/30/1980 Environmentalists; Absalom coerces Joab and fails in the justice test to build responsibility. Absalom's demand to see David - Secondary Manipulation

A professor from UT (I think) about free enterprise. This is where a hippy stands out on an Arizona desert telling some company where they can and cannot put a pipeline because of environmental concerns. Zero pollution is impossible, even though the writer is in favor of clean air. The environmental movement was kept alive barely for many years with good motivation, but it is now turning into a monster. It has gone from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. He predicts that the environmental movement will cause the electrical power to shut down, and this will change people’s opinion of them. Laying a pipeline across involves 1000 government permits. Owner of shoreline property and pays taxes, but cannot use it. The miner who cannot mine; the logger who cannot be a logger. Even labor unions will question these standards. He predicts a revolution by 1985.

Bob thinks that war and revolution are inevitable this coming year.

We are going to study revolution in greqt detail. We are on the verge of completing chapter 14.

Absalom chose to make a decision to commit a crime, which leads him into criminality, and he will commit several acts of criminality before the revolution.

FBI stats for 1979 and we are up about 8%; Pasadena is up; New Orleans is way up (the police force is completely under the control of labor and they are on strike). Anytime these people are labor unions, there will be a rise in crime. Today, the labor unions hurt labor more than anyone else. They have power now, and they lack the responsibility to use it. There is also a tremendous criminal ifiltration into labor. This means that criminality does exist and the cause of the laboring man is not helped. Many have tried to clean up their own unions, but generally, this has been unsuccessful.

If we commit ourselves to a foreign war, then a revolution can easily rise up and be unopposed by our military.

Absalom and Criminality

1.       Absalom set fire to Joab’s harley harvest as an act of revenge.

2.       Joab sponsored Joab’s return to Israel.

3.       Joab has done more for his first cousin Absalom than anyone else in Israel.

4.       But in his soul, Absalom is still a criminal. Criminals are not grateful people. They have no sense of thanksgiving toward those who have helped them. Cross a criminal and he will take revenge on you.

5.       Joab was the first to discover that pardon and a new lease on life did not change Absalom. He was still inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Absalom by his own free will choice was still a criminal. So Joab had separated himself from Absalom and would have nothing more to do with him.

7.       When criminal Absalom wanted a favor, he went to law-abiding Joab. Joab had helped him more than anyone else in life. Absalom wanted this favor as a criminal rather than as a law-abiding citizen.

8.       Joab refused to see him, which is crossing the criminal. The criminal is nice to those who do him favors. However, when one crosses him, he becomes vicious.

9.       No matter what you do or have done to help a criminal, they will turn against you the moment that you cross them. Making a criminal frustrated makes you their enemy. The criminal has no sense of gratitude and no sense of appreciation.

Criminals have capacity for friendship, no capacity for life, no capacity for love. So they cannot be a true friend.

The purpose of going to Absalom is to bring Absalom to the realization that he has had 2 years to recover. 2 years of pardon and freedom have done nothing to rehabilitate Absalom. The criminal may use pardon and resultant freedom to continue his life of crime. He uses freedom to remain a criminal, the opposite of what he ought to do.

We all need to face the injustice test.

Absalom Flunked the Injustice Test

1.       David wronged Absalom with a half-forgiveness and has allowed this to continue for 2 years. Absalom flunks it every day. Bitterness it the quickest trip inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       This was Absalom’s injustice test.

3.       Society has forgiven Absalom and forgotten his crime.

4.       However, Absalom is the crown prince and he could be the next ruler. Therefore, he must pass this injustice test. No one advances without passing the justice test. One nice thing about the army and navy, is we have a chance to pass the injustice test. They have destroyed the injustice test in little league. You have not lived until you have sat on the bench all game. Bob used to love to lecture those who sat on the bench. He would tell them, as soon as they would develop the skills, they would be on back on the field. Many have come back to Bob and thanked him for this. Learn to sit on the bench with poise. Watch the game. Learn something. Sometimes they kid or their parents had a bad attitude. One of the parents took Bob behind the bleachers, and Bob liked that. Guy and his kid showed up to Berachah the next Sunday. Bob liked that. It is the restraint of the pulpit which is difficult for him.

5.       Only the Lord can rehabilitate Absalom. He must be positive toward doctrine, positive toward rebound. Bitterness will ruin us as quickly as anything.

6.       David’s refusal to see Absalom gave the crown prince an extra opportunity to learn doctrine.

7.       His refusal to see Absalom was Absalom’s one chance to use doctrine.

8.       Absalom had a chance, a free will choice between doctrine or bitterness and arrogance which would destroy him. When you face the injustice test, you must always choose between blessing testing or bitterness leading to destruction. Because David was wrong and Absalom was right, Absalom used this as justification for Absalom’s life of crime.

Unfair circumstances to not allow for criminal behavior. Joikin Marietta someone became a criminal and he was a victim of the gringos. 2 wrongs never make a right. His trouble was, he tried to right the wrongs in a personal vendetta against the gringos. Maltreatment tests authority orientation.

2Sam. 14:31 Then Joab arose and went to Absalom at his house and said to him, "Why have your servants set my field on fire?"

Absalom’s last manipulation of Joab. Joab says, “I need to send you to the king to inquire.” Absalom says it would have been better for him to have stayed in Geshur. He asks to see the king, and saying, if he is guilty, then let him put me to death. Now Absalom has no intention of dying. So, how can he stand up and sound so manly. Does he mean it? Of course not. He knows David is not going to execute him. There is always some lawyer shyster always willing to sell his soul for a mess of pottage. Legally, Absalom cannot be executed; and emotionally, he knows that David cannot kill him. So, he is clever. He knows how to manipulate others.

Joab was not intimidated by Absalom. Absalom is manipulating Joab, and Joab graces him out for the las time. Joab knows the king is out of line. This is why we spent so much time on the concept of pardon. The pardon becomes breathing space. Free will choices rather than. For 2 years, Absalom could be advancing. He was treated unjustly by one person, his father.

Failure to get out of interlocking systems of arrogance or to pass the unfairness test, these things do not justify revolution, bitterness, conspiracy, criminality, or anything like that. 2 wrongs do not make a right.

Absalom has erroneous reasoning here. He would not be better off in Geshur. Pardon and restoration to Israel would be the best thing for him, if he is able to take it and apply it. With his self righteousness and self-pity, Absalom is totally self centered. He feel justified in destroying joab’s property. He rejects the overall principle of authority. He rejects his father’s authority as king and father and demonstrates this by attacking free enterprise. Our attitude toward big business is often related to our authority-orientation. You har all of these politicians talking about windfall profit taxes. When Teddy Kennedy was asked, “How would you stop inflation?” I would winch up the profits. His attitude is adding evil to evil. This determines his authority-orientation. Bob is holding no stock today and he has no involvement in any corporation. When you reject success, you reject your own chances for prosperity.

There must be separation between government and free enterprise. Government has no right to tax free enterprise. Government has done nothing to get those profits. The government does nothing to gain those profits and they have no reason to steal them.

The government can certainly crack down on any criminal organization. Why doesn’t it crack down on gangsters, criminals, etc.? it is easy to crack down on free enterprise. The government is responsible for the energy crisis. But the government shifted the blame to free enterprise. That was immoral and evil. Bob was watching a little news, and he sees one of the Henry Ford’s and some idiot female, some flopmop interviewing him. Ralph Nader was going out to make himself more famous than to protect the consumer.

An interview recently of Mrs. Reagan by a interviewer full of himself.

Not better for Absalom to still be in Gesher.

Maltreatment from others does not justify maltreatment to others. Injustice from others does not justify injustice to others. Being discriminated against does not mean it is okay for you to discriminate.

Absalom is far better off in Israel than in Geshur. However, being ini interlocking systems of arrogance is his problem. That is his own problem and own mental attitude. Still a lot to cover in this verse.

2Sam. 14:32 Absalom answered Joab, "Behold [now look], I sent word to you, 'Come here, that I may send you to the king, to ask, "Why have I come from Geshur? It would be better for me to be there still." Now therefore let me go into the presence of the king, and if there is guilt in me, let him put me to death.'"

2Samuel 14:32–33      72David Absalom’s pseudo humility  05/01/1980 631_0363

Development of the criminal personality and change; hard core revolutionaries; injustice; a leader is to think, not do. Absalom and David 'kiss and make up'

Vol. 2 of The Criminal Personality. It is as if they were studying Absalom. At an early age, the criminal-to-be makes a series of decisions. Even in poverty, the majority of his peers are law-abiding, and he still makes choices which are against that which is right. He scorns such social institutions as the school, the church and the law. To be a responsible child in school means nothing to him. Crime does not come to the criminal-to-be, he goes to it. He views himself as one-of-a-kind. He needs to be #1 and a unique #1. Throughout his life, the criminal is a sprinter and not a long-distance runner. Success at school or work does not satisfy him. The criminal never develops an accurate understanding of what family is, honesty is, etc. Lying is a way of life and lies of omission are more frequent than lies of commission. He breaks promises and never regards a promise as a promise, but as a stepping stone. He does not see things from another’s viewpoint. He sees himself as living with his freedom. He puts others through worry and difficulties at their expense.

Criminals fear being put down by other people. Any inconvenience is considered a personal affront. The zero state is when the criminal goes to an extreme thinking. He is either a colossus or a nothing. When a non-criminal loses his temper, he does not disassociate from reality. The criminal approach to life is achievement at the expense of others. The world is his to deal with as he pleases. He expects the world to conform to his wants, even when apprehended and incarcerated.

He does not have long-range functions. Everything is short-term. If necessary, the criminal endures some hardships and difficulties in crime, but refuses any hardships related to responsible living. Others plead with him to change, and he puts the burden on them in order to convince him to change. If he miscalculates, he blames others. He is not a fact-finder, except when it involves a crime, and often not even then. He is fragmented in his thinking. He seems to be fearless and cowardly both.

He is subjective in the extreme. Whatever he wants to do he considers right. What society calls crime, the criminal regards as his work. He may even strive to prove to others he is right and others are wrong. When he talks, others think they can understand him, but the criminal has his own language. He avoids points of view that might rehabilitate him. Liberals ignore the volition of the criminal. Criminals have taken advantage of the rehab. programs. They exploit some of these. If they do not have enough excused before psychotherapy, they have plenty afterwards.

The criminal will take all of the favors, and then turn on his benefactor like an animal. The agent of change must deal with the inner man of the criminal and deal with his vulnerable time. At most, he has made token efforts when he is dissatisfied with self when the change agent needs to become involved. These states do not last. It is putting on new clothes over old ones. No one is never rehabilitated apart from their own free will. He must be taken from total irresponsibility to total integrity. Their view of him is presented and what he ought to be is also presented. That is the information and he is allowed to determine which way he jumps. We do not try to persuade him to change. It is his choice and it is his life. The criminal looks at this kook, a criminal psychiatry, and thinks, “If this is normal, I am fine the way I am.” The criminal must desire change for its own sake. It requires effort and doing what one wants to do and refraining from that which you do not. We all have to do things in life that we don’t want to do.

The callisthenics of change, which is a necessity for hundreds of decisions every day. You must use your own free will. There is a tremendous amount of repetition. Criminals habitual practice of cutting off what is disagreeable or uninteresting is automatic, so that hearing something once or twice is not enough. In their instruction, they do not solve problems for the criminal and they do not direct his decision making. The process of decision-making is far more important than making one good decision one time. Self-discipline involves learning to deal constructively with adversity.

This is the only man who has come up with anything regarding criminal rehabilitation. Crime is only stopped by self-determination. Because criminals marry mostly irresponsible women, and they have to be brought in because the criminal can be turned into a better person than his wife.

The program lasts 5–10 years, and some still meet with them after such a long time. It is emphasized continually that there is no room for complacently. Unless a criminal learns to make new decisions responsibly, they can always revert back to criminal patterns. Implementation over a period of time, there is less and less likelihood of these patterns returning.


1.       Maltreatment from others does not justify maltreatment to others. Absalom failed to pass the injustice test. We have all been victims of injustice.

2.       Injustice from others does not justify injustice to others; nor does it justify retaliation to the source of injustice.

3.       Being discriminated against does not give you the right to discriminate others.

4.       Freedom demands a sense of responsibility. Otherwise, freedom is distorted into a system of tyranny. That is what happens when revolution occurs. It is as simple as live and let live.

5.       The only way to avoid the retaliation trap is through authority-orientation.

6.       Both the laws of divine establishment and the believer’s honor code are truth derived from the Word of God.

7.       Absalom’s arrogance includes negative volition toward doctrine and therefore Absalom is degenerate from interlocking systems of arrogance and reversionistic from rejection of Bible doctrine. That David has rejected Absalom does not give him a free pass.

Absalom, in interlocking systems of arrogance, is not well off anywhere. He thinks like a criminal, no matter where he is. No environment will improve Absalom’s situation.

Absalom’s Silly Statement

1.       Having flunked the injustice test, Absalom becomes arrogant. This arrogance deceives the simple-minded. His statement sounds good, but it is simple and designed to manipulate. This is pseudo heroics; it is phoney. There are people in Berachah Church who would think that this is a great statement. Absalom is not a hero; he is a stupid ass. He is an irresponsible criminal. This is a phoney statement. When people go in for heroics and these statements which sound magnificent, they are designed to make them sound magnificent, like, “I would never ask anyone in this platoon to do anything I can’t do.” That is stercoraceous , which means covered with dung. Bob would make his men shovel crap and clean docks, and he would no longer do that. Bob would not expect us to do what he does, and obviously, we would not expect him to do what we do. In Bob’s wildest imagination, could not imagine sitting down and sharing with us. He can imagine enjoying a conversation with some of us or slugging us where it might do the most good, but not ever sitting around with vacuous smiles and sharing. Jimmy Doolittle said the MacArthur was the only man he knew who was as good as he thought he was.

2.       This challenges the king’s authority as the king, just as Absalom murdering Amnon challenged David as a parent. Criminality has lack of authority-orientation.

3.       Absalom has run the full gamut of rejecting all types of authority.

4.       Absalom arrogantly challenges his father to execute him when he knows that his father cannot.

5.       David cancelled out his guilt and punishment both.

6.       With guilt and punishment both cancelled through the judicial pardon from David, the king cannot execute Absalom for his past crimes. Absalom is a genius. David, Joab and Absalom are all brilliant men.

7.       For the past 2 years, Absalom has committed only one crime, burning down Joab’s property, and that is a offense he cannot be executed for.

8.       He knows that Joab will not press charges, so he has the confidence of criminal arrogance in his defiance of the king’s authority.

9.       Absalom assumes that he has been the victim of discrimination, this does not justify lack of authority-orientation. This does not justify anything which Absalom has done or will do. He has the backing of the revolutionary party.

Criminal Arrogance in the Revolutionary

1.       Arrogant criminal vengeance; a criminal vendetta.

2.       The reason why the hard-core revolutionist is an injustice rather than a crime because they are criminals. They are criminals because they are anti-establishment. They are anti-God. The revolutionary calls crime justice, in French and Russian revolutions.

3.       The hard core revolutionist approved of Absalom’s murder of Amnon as the ends justifying the means.

4.       Neither Absalom nor the revolutionary party in Israel were willing to leave the injustice to the Supreme Court of Heaven. God can apply His justice and righteousness. Revolutionary groups are always anti-God. The preparation occurs years before. Criminals use crusaders as a front, and then they walk all over them at the revolution.

5.       The hard core revolutionists are anti-establishment and anti-God. Lenin and Stalin are criminals. We are very close to revolution in this country.

6.       Instead of recognizing the giult of his own crime and exploiting his pardon, Absalom uses the Satanic syndrom of arrogance and interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 14:32 Absalom answered Joab, "Behold [now look], I sent word to you, 'Come here,’ that I may send you to the king, to ask, "Why have I come from Geshur? It would be better for me to be there still." Now therefore let me go into the presence of the king, and if there is guilt in me, let him put me to death.'"

Last verse is the termination. Joab goes to David, not because he thinks David is wrong and Absalom is right; he just does not want the country to erupt into revolution.

The king recognizes his failure and rebounds and summons Absalom. The king apparently lifts Absalom up, and he kisses and embraces Absalom.

Absalom has to reach the general public. He consolidates the hard core revolutionists, and then he will go after the general public. If they see Absalom going to court and being welcomed, and then they can assume that Absalom has the blessing of David.

The is a small, hard core revolutionary group. 100,000 Bolsheviks controlled millions of Russians. They formed the people as a weapon of the czar. The hard core had to forge the nice people into a force. The general public must be mobilized. They will try to use Berachah Church for their own objectives.

Many have received dear John letters, and this disturbed them and made them embittered. These are discontented people for the moment, but not revolutionists. Or maybe they got fired and they are unhappy about that. Having a bad day does not mean that you are ready to join the Communist party and march on May day. People, in general, are not ready to revolt against their government. It is easy to propagandize, particularly when there are dumb rulers.

There must be a visible sign to the people that David approves of Absalom. Some of you men will fall in love with a woman who is worthless.

David’s power and authority has to be forged into power for Absalom, or pivoted. Absalom needs some recognition by David in order to do this. Friendship is used or an apparent endorsement of someone in authority. Assistant pastors are not authorized by the Word of God and that is suicide anyway.

Absalom was a criminal and he stole the hearts of the people. That takes some real criminality.

2Sam. 14:33 As a result, Joab went to the king and told him, and he summoned Absalom. So he came to the king and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king, and the king kissed Absalom.

Eccles. 3:1–16 2Sam. 15 Intro.          72David                         05/02/1980 631_0364

Arrogant David causes right and wrong decisions at the wrong time; doctrine of disciplinary timing; Professional prosperity after spiritual prosperity; God’s Timing

The Doctrine of Disciplinary Timing

1.       When David failed to punish Amnon for the rape of Tamar, he lost time that he never recovered and he spent years making the wrong decisions at the wrong time.

2.       David made the wrong decision in not trying and executing Amnon for the rape of Tamar. The result of doing nothing, which is a miscarriage of justice, was Absalom executing Amnon at the ranch bbq.


4.       As a result of doing nothing about the first crime, David decided to do something about the 2nd crime in the royal family. He tried and sentence Absalom to death, in absentia.

5.       Absalom was out of reach of Jewish law in Geshur.

6.       As a result of the 3 act drama, the woman from Tekoa, David pardoned Absalom but refused to see him.

7.       Pardon includes remanding the punishment and forgiving the crime.

8.       Since Absalom did not pass the injustice test, David did something when he should have done nothing. After 2 full years, he agreed to see Absalom.

9.       It was wrong on David’s part to refuse to see Absalom when he pardoned him. That was a half-forgiveness which is no forgiveness.

10.     Therefore, David did nothing when he should have done something; and then he did something when he should have done nothing.

11.     While it was wrong to refuse to see Absalom for 2 full years, it was right to perpetuate this, because Absalom did not pass the pardoning test. Absalom is inside interlocking systems of arrogance, and he is the leader of the hardcore revolutionary party. This is all a matter of timing. David should have seen Absalom at the beginning; but 2 years later, David should not have seen him. It is clear because Absalom burned down Joab’s field. He is obviously a criminal. It is all a matter of timing. You can marry the right man at the wrong time and it is wrong.

12.     Absalom did not pass the reaction test and became a leader of the hardcore revolutionary party.

13.     Since Absalom initiated the meeting. 3 kinds get involved in a revolution. Hardcore revolutionaries, the general public, and conservatives?

14.     David is out of step. He is dancing a foxtrot instead of a waltz. At this point, David should be ignoring Absalom.

15.     After 2 years, Absalom is the leader of the hardcore revolutionist.

16.     Absalom will use David’s forgiveness to undermine David’s authority. This will be to lure the general public to his side. There is no revolution until the hardcore revolution is made into a weapon. The general public was used as a weapon in the French revolution.

17.     With David’s stamp of approval, Absalom advances the conspiracy;

18.     The general public will become a weapon Propaganda can take one case and turn it into a policy fix.

19.     There can be no revolution apart from governmental failure and crusader arrogance. Crusader arrogance provides the content for revolution. The Ralph Nader’s of this world provide the propaganda.

20.     Based up his previous failure, David was doing the right thing at the wrong time, and this has happened twice. David should have tried and executed Amnon for rape. David’s timing is way off. Right to do it here, but not before. When he pardoned Absalom, it was right to see Absalom. He did nothing when he should have done something. There are a lot of people who live their lives this way.

The general public will never pay any attention to Absalom until David smiles and kisses Absalom. Until he does that, he hasn’t got a Chinaman’s chance. It is now wrong for David to see Absalom. Absalom will just look to perpetuate the conspiracy. Absalom will u se this meeting. Absalom steals the heart of the public.

Timing is everything. Like the officer who cannot make up his mind or the police lieutenant who cannot make up his mind about personnel. We must remember, we are studying simple old narratives. Everything is on the surface. People assume that simple narrative is simple narrative.

Bob: “My job isn’t to please you.” Soon to be 30 years. It requires wisdom, humility and flexibility, and if you are missing any of those, your timing will be off. Wisdom is the application of Bible doctrine. When the revolution beings, David’s timing will be impeccable. You will never survive unless you are flexible.


21.     Arrogance destroys the power to make the right decision at the right time.

22.     Arrogance guarantees making the wrong decision at the wrong time or the right decision but at the wrong time, which is the same as a wrong decision at the wrong time.

23.     Good decisions become bad decisions when made at the wrong time. The classical illustration. Within 48 hours after the hostages were taken, the army had a 33 minute plan to neutralize the Iranian air force. Then fly copters to the embassy, and rescue the Americans there. That would have been the right decision at that time. Now, 5 months later, the plan has become more complicated. At this point, we have lost the surprise. The only way to deal with Muhammadans. The only thing they understand is force.

24.     Hence, good decisions made at the wrong time destroy the God-given prosperity of good timing.

Eccl. 3:1 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

There is a time to plant, but Bob does not kow when that is.

Eccl. 3:2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;

The time to kill is not when you are sitting around talking with friends, you don’t call out “Ranger” and start killing those around you. That would make them nervous. There is a time to kill the enemy in battle. But there is a time to heal well.

When you are playing football, you want to tear down the offensive line.

Eccl. 3:3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down [demolish], and a time to build up;

When a man stands up to teach the Word of God in front of a congregation, there is no weeping. Bob does not tend to weep. Most preachers who do weep because they have no sermon.

There is also a time to laugh, and this is not all of the time.

Eccl. 3:4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

The time to throw stones is an execution and there is a time to gather stones. There is a time to embrace and there is a time to be far away from embracing (when you are away in war)

Eccl. 3:5 a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

There is a time to be aggressive and a time to give up as lost. People don’t throw away things anymore, they have a garage sale.

Eccl. 3:6 a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

There is a time to rip apart; and a time to sew. You can make a wrong decision at the wrong time. Even the right decision at the wrong time comes out wrong.

Eccl. 3:7 a time to tear, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

a time to love and a time to hate; a time for war and a time for peace (which time is almost up).

David learned his lesson during and after the revolution and tried to make certain his son Solomon understood these lessons.

Eccl. 3:8 a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

Monotonous and wearisome labor with the right mental attitude can be absolutely wonderful.

Eccl. 3:9 What gain has the worker from his toil?

The writer has studied this.

Eccl. 3:10 I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.

Without doctrine, your timing will be off.

Eccl. 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Socialism destroys good timing; the welfare state destroys good timing.

Eccl. 3:12 I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live [to manufacture out of doctrine];

Ways to enjoy oneself.

Eccl. 3:13 also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil--this is God's gift to man.

Eccl. 3:14 I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him.

Those to whom timing is off

Eccl. 3:15 That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.

God’s Timing and Bad Decisions

1.       David made a bad decision when he did not go to war

2.       This was the Ammonite war.

3.       David made a bad decision because of that. His timing was off when he saw Bathsheba and he wanted her.

4.       If Bathsheba was David’s RW, then God in His Own time would have gotten them together at the right time. This was a matter of timing.

5.       God’s timing is the best timing and the only timing.

6.       When God works it out in His Own time, it is right; when man seeks to solve the problem, it becomes wrong added to wrong. Sin + arrogance = evil. Human good + arrogance = evil.

7.       When man seeks to solve his own problems apart from God’s will and God’s timing, arrogance turns everything to disaster.

8.       Man’s panaceas are no substitute are no substitute for God’s plan.

9.       Once you make a wrong decision, you are out of time with God’s timing.

10.     Until God completes your punishment or discipline, you will have to listen to the dance of the wrong tune.

11.     When your live is out of timing, only perception of Bible doctrine and divine discipline can put it altogether again.

12.     To be in the right place and the right time is not luck. Bob became a major on his 23rd birthday. This is God’s grace and God’s blessing.

13.     God has ordained right timing as a part of His tradition.

14.     David’s timing and his blessing resulting in prosperity will not exist until after the revolution.

Sin is the issue for divine discipline. Grace is the issue for suffering for blessings. Unbearable suffering under divine discipline. Suffering for blessing is bearable. Rebound and doctrine solves the first; rebound solves the second.

Eccl. 3:16 Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness.

David had so much discipline coming that it had to be divided up into installments. His faith would have to reach out and grab some promises. In the first 2 stages of discipline, curing was turned into blessing. Blessing which will last for years will come out of the revolution.

2Samuel 15         72David Introduction : Doctrine of Revolution               631_0365

Major George Keengan Jr. and he is expecting a Soviet coup to free the hostages. The soviets will try to set up their own puppet regime in the next few months. There were communists which staged the demonstrations in the streets in Iran. Our Navy has been cut in half and cannot discharge any of its missions. Carter is all rhetoric.

Russians will use anything to advance the competition and they do not have any amateur athletes and they have athletes supported by the government and are trained from infancy.

What Bob is teaching is being well-received elsewhere in the world.

Vv. 1–12       the conspiracy of Absalom

13–     Beginning of the revolution


1.       Revolution is epitomized. Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution.

          a.       Motivation from the crusader arrogance.

          b.       Criminal arrogance provides the leadership.

          c.        Authority arrogance provides the power for revolution.

          d.       There is great power in public opinion, and when it is open, then it can be forged for revolution.

          e.       Therefore, public opinion becomes a power without facts and without reason, guided by emotion and a weapon in the hands of the leadership of the hardcore leadership.

          f.        Public opinion creates revolutionary power and there are 6 sources: blind arrogance, client nation arrogance, political arrogance, authority arrogance, institutional arrogance.

          g.       Revolution from public opinion is a weapon put together.

          h.       Truth is the only protection against public opinion which leans toward revolution

          i.         There are 3 categories of truth which can be rejected for strong delusion. The gospel, laws of divine establishment, and Bible doctrine. Those who reject truth are vulnerable to revolution. 2Thess. 2:9–12 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Many Christians in this country are under strong delusion. This will be further true when this election ramps up. The state department has been running the military for years and destroying it.

          j.         Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. This is true in the Russian and the French revolution.

2.       Revolution must be defined and described.

          a.       This is the overthrow by violence of duly constituted authority resulting in fundamental change in political organization, constitution, or government.

          b.       Revolution is a form of conspiracy to overthrow establishment type government to remove the authority of establishment by means of violence.

          c.        Conspiracy is a combonation of persons whose intent is evil.

          d.       The carefully designed plan is called a plot and the means of carrying out that plan is called intrigue.

          e.       Machination is a of intrigue. 200 men will leave Jerusalem with Absalom and they do not know anything. They are following a personality.

          f.        Revolution is the antagonism of evil against the laws of divine establishment. They are designed to protect our freed in the Angelic Conflict.

          g.       A rebellious man seeks only evil.

          h.       Therefore, revolution is related to evil; Psalm 64:4–5

          i.         Since evil is the plan, it is related to interlocking systems of arrogance.

          j.         Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution, and that is to overthrow the laws of divine establishment.

3.       Example of the revolt against Moses and Aaron:

          a.       The revolution against Moses and Aaron was against establishment.

          b.       One of the revolutionary leaders was Korah Amasseh was an arrogant peacock; Joab was great. Ahithophel will be the great revolutionary leader. The sons of Korah and it is the grace of God that they survived the revolution.

          c.        Korah, as a cousin of \Aaron, did not like be exclused from the priesthood

          d.       There were other compsirators: Dathon, Abram and On. Arrogance robs a lot of people of nerve and courage.

          e.       There were 250 princes who formed the hardcore revolutionary party during the time of Moses.

          f.        One is not mentioned in Num. 16 because, according to tradition, his wife persuaded hiim to withdraw from the revolution.

          g.       The conspirators were caught up in an earthquake which took them down. However, the sons of Korah will be spared to become singers.

          h.       In the plague judgment that followed, 14,000 people died from the general publica because they were sucked in. There is Korah, Dathan and Abram and 250 princes; along with 14,000 of the general public. All of these people were destroyed. The Bible disapproves of revolution.

          i.         Since God is the author of the laws of divine establishment, revolution is always anti-God. Isa. 31:6 return to God from Whom you have

          j.         French and Russian revolutions. The basic idea is anti-God and anti-establishment.

4.       The American revolution 17751983 is called a revolutionary war, but there was no anti-God movement. It was a fight for freedom and establishment in the name of liberty. You cannot simultaneous call for liberty and equality. Parliament rules England, and not the king. The government is vested in the House of Commons. This is why Churchill would not accept the titles given to his family because it was the House of Commons which ruled over England. The 13 colonies were being taxed without their consent. This was, at first, a fight to gain seats in Parliament. If we were going to be taxed, we certainly needed representation.

5.       The source of revolution is reversionism. This people have a calloused right lobe Isa. 1:2–5 Listen, heavens, and pay attention, earth, for the LORD has spoken: "I have raised children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me. The ox knows its owner, and the donkey its master's feeding-trough, but Israel does not know; My people do not understand." Oh--sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity, brood of evildoers, depraved children! They have abandoned the LORD; they have despised the Holy One of Israel; they have turned their backs on Him. Why do you want more beatings? Why do you keep on rebelling? The whole head is hurt, and the whole heart is sick. Israel does not know Me; Israel did not understand doctrine. Revolution is called a mental illness. Revolution is always a lie and always deceit.

6.       Revolution is anti-authority. The conspirator and revolutionist always suffer from a lack of authority-orientation. They cannot separate authority from the person who abuses authority. Lack of authority-orientation in the home replaces capacity for life with interlocking systems of arrogance. Authority is removed as the umbrella of authority.

David had a timing problem, and he should have recognized and met with Absalom after he pardoned him, but now, meeting Absalom was a mistake.

Asah here means to provide. Absalom provided for himself a chariot of state; in other words, he will capitalize on David’s recognition of him. Rutz and it is the Qal active participle, and it means 50 men acting as couriers. Once David recognizes Absalom, he gets 50 men to support him, and they are completely taken in by Absalom.

Integrity + loyalty = honor. Loyalty as a virtue finds its loyalty to doctrine. Loyalty as an evil is loyalty to a person who is anti-authority or anti-doctrine. These 50 men have loyalty as an evil. These are 50 inside a country acting as couriers to undermine an organization. This is how labor unions have moved in and taken over. Bob is using courier in its Latin sense. This 50 men form his courtier or his clique.

People are motivated through friendship. Absalom has developed pseudo authority. When David kissed Absalom, that gave Absalom some credence. This gave him psueco authority. The person who motivates has the power, which is a pseudo power or authority.

Pseudo Authority

1.       Psuedo authority is the concept of arrogant and criminal manipulation against establishment.

2.       Such manipulation against establishment demands that a scintillating personality use his personality to motivate his followers. To manipulate them into his conspiracy.

3.       This is pseudo authority over and against legitimate authority.

4.       The authority is arrogant, even though it uses the verbiage of doctrine.

5.       In Absalom’s case, it was evil power resulting in revolutionary leadership. Absalom does not have David’s approval, but that is what he is using. People have sat on the platform with Bob and have used that to form other churches.

6.       The pattern is based on the word after this or it came to pass. After this is the key

7.       People erroneously conclude that any form of sponsorship or association is sponsorship. It appears as if Absalom was restored to favor.


9.       Absalom then used David’s authority and power and his reputation to gather a coterie, and who were inspired and motivated to accept the authority of Absalom. There was a woman in Berachah Church who did exactly the same thing.

10.     This is a coterie of revolution.

11.     Absalom and his 50 courtiers have formed a conspiracy while giving lip service to David’s authority.

12.     They are using David’s authority to undermine his authority.

13.     This is why authority does not stand alone in any group. It must be related to purpose and policy. 3 factors in an institution: authority, purpose and policy. Any organization has a certain number of person who inspre, motivate but they may not have any real authority in the organization. They may possess power and authority with no official authority in the government.

14.     They are protected from getting out of line by the purpose and policy of that organization. If you understand the purpose of an organization, then you do not get out of line.

Absalom used David’s authority and power in order to overthrow david’s authority and power.

2Sam. 15:1 After this Absalom got himself a [state] chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him [acting as his couriers].

2Samuel 15:1–2          The Doctrine of Revolution 72David                      631_0366


1.       Criminal arrogance provides the leadership for revolution; arrogance provides the motivation. Public opinion can become the power of the revolution. Bob was looking through a book on the French Revolution. Women gathered because there was no bread in the bakery, despite all of the banquets held at the palace. The king was to suffer another humiliation before he was to sleep. The men wanted to escort him to Paris, but he was ex/haunted.

2.       Revolution is the overthrow of government; the people who do this are a mob, and it cannot think or achieve.

3.       The Bible condemns revolution.

4.       The problem of the American revolution.

5.       The source of revolution is the soul. He is called an ass.

6.       Revolution is anti-authority and they always suffer fro authority arrogance.

The People and Revolution

1.       3 categories of people in a revolution.

2.       Hardcore revolutionist.

3.       Category #2 is the general public, not motivated to revolt unless manipulated to do so.

4.       They must be manipulated byy hardcore revolutionists.

5.       The incorruptible.

6.       These are those who live and die by their convictions.

7.       They have accepted some category of truth. The incorruptible are free from interlocking systems of arrogance and they can apply truth in whatever way that they possess it. Humility to correctly apply doctrine.

8.       The success of revolution

          a.       This despends upon the strong delusion factor of 2Thess.

          b.       People must reject the truth in order to accept that which is false.

          c.        In a revolution, the problem is a maximum number of people rejecting the truth.

          d.       Furthermore, no revolution can gain momentum apart from its involvement with interlocking systems of arrogance. Interlocking systems of arrogance produces discontent in all types of people. Many of them are not starving; the key is, interlocking systems of arrogance. Why did Marshall Field, across the street, become interested in communism? Why do wealthy men become involved with communism? Interlocking systems of arrogance makes them open to discontent.

          e.       Arrogance and strong delusion are necessary for revolution to gain momentum with the general public.

          f.        The general public becomes the forced weapon to be used by the hardcore revolutionaries or by the incorruptible.

          g.       These will always be, but there must be arrogance and strong delusion for these to succeed.    

9.       Revolution is parlayed into civil war.

          a.       There can be battlefield function which turns into a civil war.

          b.       The Absalom revolution resulted in a civil war. So with the French and Russian revolutions. Num. 16 did not.

          c.        If revolution does not gain enough converts, then a civil war is the result.

          d.       When revolution starts a civil war, there are 2 opposing forces seeking to gain authority and control and power.

          e.       One group in the civil war is the revolutionary party. The other group is the establishment force led by incorruptible.

          f.        Revolution is not the only cause of civil 2 causes of civil war: revolutionary and political.

          g.       When politics starts a civil war, the issue is freedom. In our civil war, politics started it. The issue was the freedom of the sovereign states of the south. Slavery was not the issue.

          h.       When politics starts a civil war, the issue is freedom.

          i.         When revolution starts a civil war, the issue is truth.

          j.         Conclusion, there is always a little of the other involved.

          k.        In the context of 2Samuel, the issue is truth.

          l.         Those who believe in truth in any of the 3 categories will follow David, and others will follow Absalom.

Absalom undermines David’s authority.

This becomes psuedo authority. After David gave audience to Absalom and kissed him. Civility toward someone is not necessarily approbation of that person. David was civil to Absalom, but he did not approve of Absalom.

This happens with men and women. A woman is civil to a guy, and he thinks she is madly in love with him. Absalom got a couple of state chariots to make it look more like David was sponsoring him. He got his 50 hardcore revolutionists.

It sounds like these men were chauffeurs, but they are a coterie of revolutionists. This gives us some protection instead of being sucked in by someone who can inspire and motivate others. Every movement has someone in the organization who can inspire others totally apart from the philosophy of the movement.

Absalom’s Strategy

1.       Absalom provided himself with transportation to get a round the country, and this gave the impression that he was going about as a representative of David. He used the accouterments of governmental authority.

2.       Absalom gathered a clique of 50 men who were inspired and led. He has pseudo authority; revolutionary authority.

3.       People have assumed that David meeting with Absalom constituted approval because he showed him some respect. Aristocracy under good manners is friendly and convivial. Civility is not approval; it is good manners. Good manners means they smile before killing us. There was nothing lo-brow about the royal family. The common people through that David was sponsoring Absalom.

4.       Absalom had great beauty and a greater personality. Absalom was not only a genius, but he used his attractiveness and great personality, and he will use his other talents to control and to motivate. He will eventually overthrow the entire government. This is because people do not know the difference between good manners and personal approval.

5.       Absalom develops a coterie or a clique to undermine David’s authority. Absalom used David’s friendliness to make it appear as if David was sponsoring him. These

6.       The hard core revolutionists could not be swayed until they saw David approve of Absalom.

7.       Coterie conspiracy is the basis for undermining or overthrowing legitimate authority in any organization. Absalom need 3 things. The apparent approval of David. He got conviviality and civility. That is good manners. These are state chariots that Absalom is commandeering. He is impressing anyone who sees him. He is breathtakingly handsome. He needs a hardcore conspiracy. These men became the courtiers for a revolution.

Absalom and His Courtiers

1.       Remember that Absalom has been pardoned, but he has been chosen for crime. This is illustrated by the burning of Joab’s barley harvest.

2.       As a criminal, Absalom must have illegal power and illegal authority in order to lead the malcontents. There are always those who are eloquent. We call the crusaders. They always front for the revolution.

3.       To inspire and to motivate others, Absalom must possess a clique, but they must be so indoctrinated, so that if there is any conflict between David and Absalom, they must be loyal to Absalom. They have to be manipulated to carry out intrigue without realizing that they are being used.

4.       The coterie operates under an existing authority which undermines true authority.

5.       These 50 will carry out Absalom’s policy and purpose and not even realize that they are overthrowing David’s government.

6.       However, the true weapon is the people. Absalom needs to undermine David’s authority.

2Sam. 15:1 After this Absalom got himself a [state] chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him [acting as his couriers].

Absalom could have used his volition to be a law-abiding citizen, but he will become a super criminal, the leader of a revolution. We have dealt with these types for a long time. The Chinks on the mainland of China and their heads and super criminals. Taiwan are the honorable people.

Absalom will contact those who gripe and complain. This is how you develop them into a revolutionary power. Some people are merely gripers. The assistant pastor worked too hard on gripers and then Bob began counter action.

Bob finds himself waking up at 3:30 or at 4 am because he is motivated. Some just get up early because they have to. He is motivated.

Absalom is strongly motivated to get up early here. He puts his motivation with his action. These are discontented people, so Absalom searches them out. He finds them dissatisfied right under the nose of his father. He stands there and is seen. He is at the castle-gate road.

Zion is a quadrangle. There are the barracks, the courtroom, and Absalom would stand along side the road. He would meet those going to court and those coming out. What is recorded here is those coming out of court. They would meet Absalom standing by the castle road. When they left, Absalom would find out how they made out. He was a brilliant person with a great psychological ploy. At this time, the courts were overtaxed, just as they are here.

Until David kissed Absalom, he had no access to castle Zion. Absalom has no honor; he has no integrity. Revolutionary leaders have no integrity. The movie on the Russian revolution, Dr. Zivago, and the one who survives everything, and the girl says, “Do they trust you?” And he says, “No, they trust no one.” They have no integrity, they have no honor. We are playing footsie with the Russians and none of them have any integrity. David is going through a bad time in his life. He is under tremendous pressures. But Absalom has no real pressures, so he can lead those around him astray.

A person with power over others must have a sense of responsibility. Without that, they are potential conspirators. They need honor and integrity to go along with this influence.

Integrity must be the source of honor and loyalty a conflict, the result is dishonor, and that is where Absalom is at this time. How does one have a good personality without integrity?

How Can One Have a Good Personality Without Undermining Someone’s Authority

1.       Bob understood these things without being discussed. God provides humility to avoid this occupational hazard of the scientellating personality. Honor will help to avoid it. Poise and good manners.

2.       In answer to the question, there is nothing wrong with the personality. Would that more of us have a pleasing personality. It is only when the pleasing personality and the friendly manner and linked to interlocking systems of arrogance where there is a danger.

3.       Much of the danger is eliminated with honor.

Prov. 2:33–35 The LORD's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous. Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor. The wise will inherit honor, but fools get disgrace. Humility is the clothing we have.

Humility and Loyalty

1.       Humility means loyalty to doctrine. Standing around with your eyes at half-mast is not humility. It is stupidity. Humility means loyalty to Bible doctrine and arrogance is loyalty to self.

2.       Jesus said He came to divide families. David’s family is divided. He and Joab and honorable men. Assah and Amasah are dishonorable and criminals. There is stronger than genes. Having the same genes is not enough. Though is what brings a family together. Jesus said He came to divide families. Every believer will face the pleasing personality test.

3.       This is an extremely difficult test for those who have a tendency toward hero worship.

4.       Occupation with Christ comes from perception of Bible doctrine preoccupation with people comes from rejecting truth in any form.

5.       Integrity loyality, which is a virtue, ought to b toward Bible doctrine. In this way, we will not be moved from our norms and standards instilled by doctrine.

6.       It is teaching and doctrine which must form the norms and standards of our souls.

7.       With norms and standards we can penetrate the facade of the pleasing personality. No matter how much you are attracted to someone, you must listen to what they actually say. This is how you know what they think.

Many are led astray by Absalom. There will be a new doctrine, which is loyalty versus loyalty, or who dat say dat?

2Sam. 15:2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, "From what city are you?" And when he said, "Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,"

2Samuel 15:2                                       72David                                              631_0367

The Doctrine of Loyalty Versus Loyalty

1.       There are 2 categories of loyalty; loyalty as a virtue is the first category, which is loyalty to Bible doctrine. This is perception, spiritual growth and the fulfillment of the Royal Family Honor Code. Loyalty as an evil is the 2nd category. Involved with the occupational hazards of degeneration, interlocking systems of arrogance, etc.

2.       The difference between these 2 categories of loyalty is the difference between honor and dishonor.

3.       Integrity + loyalty as a virtue = honor.

4.       The other equation is integrity versus loyalty = dishonor.

5.       In the second equation, which causes the believer to fail the Absalom test, it is this function which causes the believer to fail the Absalom test. This is being manipulated or undermined by people like Absalom.

6.       Every believer at some time in his Christian life will be attracted to a pleasing personality, whose function is manipulation, the undermining of authority, and the exploitation of evil. Absalom failed the injustice test.

7.       The believer with maximum doctrine resident in the soul has the norms and standards which give him discernment to become loyal against an evil cause. The Absalom test is a pleasing personality verses Biblical norms and standards.

The Application of Loyalty Versus Loyalty

1.       Joab flunked this test when he agreed to assassinate Uriah the Hittite. He chose David over Bible doctrine.

2.       The people on Mount Carmel failed the best when they killed the prophets at the order of Elijah.

3.       Aaron failed this test when it came to making the golden calf.

4.       Joab flunked this test when he wrote the scenario for the woman from Tekoa.

5.       1000's of Jewish citizens will flunk this test when they succumb to the couriers of the revolution.

6.       The application to us:

          a.       In the local church. When a pleasing personality stands in the way of teaching doctrine, that is a failure.

          b.       In business organizations. Every business will have a certain number of pleasing personalities, and some have authority and some do not.

          c.        In social life, where a pleasing personality leads you into a clique, which undermines the authority of parents. There are a tremendous number of kids who are attracted to a personality, and they are experimenting and horsing around with dope. That is a flunking of this test. There was a woman around Berachah who used to attract other women, and she had other women revolting against their husbands.

          d.       In the military establishment.

          e.       The police force, the fire department, the medical center (and there is more arrogance in a medical center staff than you can imagine). You can have loyalty to some authority or principle of authority is superceded by loyalty to a clique. There is always someone with an extremely pleasing personality. Not all pleasing personalities do it. But those which do set up the Absalom test.

          f.        We will face this test just as we face the injustice test. When we face the injustices test, it comes from authority, often an unpleasing personality. The Absalom test is the pleasing personality without authority. It is impossible for the believer to advance to maturity apart from a certain number of Absalom and injustice tests. The injustice test comes from authority; and the Absalom test comes from a pleasing person not in authority; or an attractive personality. You follow the principles of Bible doctrine; you do not follow authority simply because they have a pleasing personality. What you think about those in authority over you, you will fail the injustice test every time. When motivated by a personality, that means you are distracted from the principles of Bible doctrine. You first discover this the first time you thought that your parents were unjust. If Bob had a daughter, “I hate my daddy, he doesn’t understand me. Some of what you girls wear to church, I would not let them out in the back yard.” Imagine, trying to gain the love of some 6 or 7 year old child. You train them correctly and they will come to respect and love you when they becomes adults and have some perspective. “I can’t work for a man like that; he’s mean; he shouts.” Everyone ought to work for someone in their life that they cannot stand. “I’ve been going to this church for some time, so I’ve already faced that test, buddy.” You will face the Absalom test at various ages during various decades. We all face it. Some of us want perpetual prosperity. If you just get the doctrine with no chance to use it, then you do not grow. God gives tests along the way.

          g.       Look for the Absalom test first as a teen, then in the church, in your company and in your government. England has lost many loyal citizens to communism for failure to pass the Absalom test. Homosexuals are vulnerable because homosexuals are attracted to homosexuals. So they are undermined by communist agents. Some of the highest people in England have been pulled over into communism. It is another fag who has become a Bolshevik.

7.       Integrity + loyalty as a virtue = honor:

          a.       The integrity for the believer is Bible doctrine.

          b.       Integrity for the unbeliever is establishment truth. There is more establishment truth being taught at Berachah than in the public schools. Integrity for the unbelievers is establishment truth.

          c.        Integrity is for the believer and the unbeliever and the result is a stabilized society. The unbeliever must have integrity. The unbeliever’s loyalty to establishment means he recognizes authority as a part of establishment (so they pay their income tax and recognize other types of authority). He has loyalty to establishment truth.

          d.       The believer’s integrity is loyalty to doctrine. This is the honor of the believer. This equation also involves the basic ingredient of humility. The unbeliever can be humble. Patriotism comes to exist in the unbeliever, as a part of his honor. He is loyal to the laws of divine establishment. He therefore has loyalty as a virtue. There is no honor apart from humility. Humility is not self-effacement or walking around looking at your shoes. You can have great poise in humility. This is for the believer and unbeliever. His honor cannot exist apart from humility. This is wrong with the hippies; they have no loyalty to establishment. They are anti-authority, so they lack integrity and honor. He does not carry a sign saying, I hate establishment, he carries that on his head.

          e.       Integrity for the believer is loyalty to establishment and loyalty to doctrine. You cannot be loyal to doctrine and loyal to that which is against doctrine. If you are distracted from doctrine, that shows a lack of integrity.

8.       Integrity versus loyalty is dishonor:

          a.       This is establishment truth to the unbeliever.

          b.       Loyalty to a pleasing personality supercedes loyalty to doctrine or loyalty to establishment. When integrity is establishment truth, and you are disloyal to that, you are arrogant.

So Absalom would get up early in the morning and stand by the castle-gate road.

2Sam. 15:2a And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate.

The action continues. Absalom would turn on his charm when he would call out to these guys.

Absalom Standing by the Way

1.       For the eldest prince to stand by the way and greet the commoners coming down the road by the gate. This road went to the supreme court building. The prince stood by road and called out to people. He was easily recognizable. They knew him by reputation. Those who think they have a beef, are always complimented by attention. He used his personality. Those with grievances and complaints are always complimented by attention by those with power influence and popularity.

2.       Many malcontents returned home to say, “Guess who I saw on my way to the castle?” Or, for the more imaginative malcontent, “A funny thing happened to me on the way to the court.”

3.       This person would then give the account of meeting Absalom, and he might even embellish it. He has shaken hands with the greatest man in the land (because he shook hands with him).


5.       They would be proud to have conversed with such a hero, and man with such personality.

6.       In modern language, they would say, “He is much better looking than his picture.”

7.       To enlist supporters, one must always exploit the malcontents and the dissatisfied. The malcontent love getting personal attention; it appeals to their arrogance. They feel equal to everyone. This makes them think they are as good as Absalom. It makes him feel wanted; it makes him feel important. The appeal to arrogance is the key to undermining authority and to fomenting revolution.

Absalom says, “And from what city you?” Then he talks about his favorite subject, which is himself. Absalom exploits this by being friendly. The malcontent is happy to talk to him. This friendliness is therapy to him. By standing there, Absalom appears to be a part of the government. Absalom is higher than all of them. “He speaks to me. He’s friendly. He’s nice to me. He’s the king’s son.”

So, he would respond, “Your loyal subject, sir, is from Manasseh” or whatever. This is the gist of hundreds of conversations.

The Judgment Process

1.       We must remember as a background, that the judicial process included a nearing from the judge who had a place nearby.

2.       If the judge could not decide the case, he referred the matter to David.

3.       Absalom has begun to undermine the authority of the judge.

4.       Absalom concludes that, he is the victim of the injustice of the king, and therefore, he has that in common.

2Sam. 15:2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute [complaint, grievance] to come before the king for judgment [so that when anyone who had a grievance came to the king for justice], Absalom would call [out] to him and say, "From what city are you?" And when he said, "Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,"

Can this be a parallel to Satan? Is this Satan speaking to various men saying, “You got a raw deal; if I was in charge, this justice system would be a helluva lot better.”

Then Absalom would say to him. “Now look, your grievances are valid and legitimate.”

Destroying Respect for the Law

1.       You go to court to get the judge to agree with you.

2.       Absalom would sympathize with them. “I am so sorry, we must do something about this,” which is meaningless, whether said by a judge or by Absalom. Absalom is de-emphasizing the law.

3.       Those with grievances and claims do not need sympathy; they need a judicial decisions.

4.       Claims and grievances cannot be solved by sympathy or violence; only by the law.

5.       It is the law which protects freedom; not emotion and not violence.

6.       By sympathizing with those who had not yet entered the court, Absalom is undermining the authority of the law.

7.       All revolution begins by successfully undermining the judicial system. One of Joe Stalin’s original approaches was to undermine the law.

8.       Respect for the law must be destroyed before revolution.

9.       There are 2 attacks today on the authority of the law. The first is on the honorable profession of law enforcement because of an occasional case of police brutality. This is throwing out the baby with the bath water. Injustices simply mean that there are people with old sin natures in the system.

2Sam. 15:3 Absalom would say to him, "See [Now look], your claims are good and right [your grievances are valid and legitimate], but there is no man designated by the king to hear you."

2Samuel 15:3–4a                                 72David                                              631_0368

Time Magazine article The Rescue Mission Aftershocks. There is raging debate over a desert raid. What Arab women do to a body is unmentionable. This was warned against even in WWII. Surprise and speed was essential. They had automatic weapons, but they should have had disabling gas. Had we flown in at the beginning, it would have taken 33 minutes to neutralize the Iranian air force. The plan violated the KISS rule. Earlier plans called for 30 helicopters and 600 men, but some said Carter and the state department scaled it down, and it is for politics.

There are a lot of if’s. God knows what he is doing. If this was successful, would Carter be reelected? So, that could be problematic. The general public is no more behind the military than the crime syndicate is behind the police. Freedom will only come through military victory.

2Sam. 15:1 After this Absalom got himself a [state] chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him [acting as his couriers].

2Sam. 15:2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute [complaint, grievance] to come before the king for judgment [so that when anyone who had a grievance came to the king for justice], Absalom would call [out] to him and say, "From what city are you?" And when he said, "Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel,"


1.       The law is based upon principle.

2.       Absalom was appealing to the people with sympathy

3.       People do not need sympathy.

4.       You cannot settle claims and grievances except by the law

5.       The law protects freedom.

6.       Absalom was undermining the authority of the law

7.       All revolution begins by successfully undermining the authority of the law.

8.       Respect for the law must be destroyed before a revolution can be successful.

9.       Today, there are 2 attacks on the authority of the law; attack on law enforcement because there is an occasional case of police brutality. This does not mean the system is no good. It just proves that police officers have old sin natures. Liberalism in the courts has destroyed the principle of the law. It gives more rights to criminals. Once again, even judges have sin natures. We all have sin natures.

10.     There is nothing wrong with law enforcement as a principle and generally as a practice. The principle is good, even though the principle is distorted by some.

11.     Both law enforcement and the legal profession are the guardians of our freedom; they protect our privacy, property and lives.

12.     To set aside the police officer and the law is to destroy freedom. We have a tremendous brown invasion from Mexico and they are reveiving more rights and benefits than we are. There is definitely something wrong with those in the principle.

13.     When abuses within a system are used to abolish the system, then revolution destroys personal freedom and replaces it with tyranny. Some of you will look back and long for the police officer. But, you throw out the system because of the few abuses of it. They system itself or a better system must take care of the abuses.

14.     When the system is right and the people in the system are wrong, those who abused the system need to be punished.

15.     The system ought not be judged by the failure of those who administer it.

16.     Punish those who abuse the system, but never destroy a system that protects our freedom. The destruction of any system of divine establishment means revolution, violence, civil war, and all that is evil.

Absalom tells them their grievances are valid and legitimate. “But to judge your case, you have no one for you.” There is no one delegated by the king or authorized by the king.

Principles on the Latter Half of V. 3

1.       Absalom says that there is a problem with the system. This is going to lead him to suggest revolution to take the system down. There are abuses in any system. Revolutionary propaganda destroys a system by going in and picking out an abuse and saying, “Because there is this abuse, the system is wrong.” Absalom will find a few abuses, and say the system must come down.

2.       Absalom does not directly malign the king but indirectly through legal procedure. The king’s system is not working. He has not said it yet, but down with the king and up with Absalom.

3.       Absalom refrains from directly accusing the king; but he puts doubt in the minds of those who hear him. When he says, “There’s something wrong with the courts” people pay attention.

4.       The dockets appear to be overcrowded and the judiciary system is overworked. When that occurs, there is often a miscarriage of justice. The answer is not to destroy jurisprudence.

5.       In order to fix the system, Absalom will suggest revolution. Absalom will try their cases on the side of the road on the basis of hearsay. These people are so emotional, that they do not realize that this man is no judge at all. He is entertaining heresay. When people listen to gossip, there are problems.


7.       Evidence based on rumor is not acceptable in court.

8.       So Absalom becomes a sidewalk judge, accepting heresay as evidence and rendering heresay as facts.

9.       To make a judicial decision before a careful investigation is irresponsible and arrogant.

10.     Absalom flattered criminals by implying that they were not getting a fare shake.

11.     Absalom was a master of the art of political intrigue. He was a matter at flattering people. He knew how to subtly criticize a system.

David failed as a father. Absalom will fail as a son, with authority arrogance. David with sexual arrogance.

A Second Principle

1.       You cannot wink at criminality without condoning crime.

2.       Absalom’s modus operandi is tantamount to winking at the criminal and gaining a following from the revolution. He appeals to their arrogance with flattery. Our strongest following in a revolution are criminals.

3.       Inordinate ambition + interlocking systems of arrogance have neutralized Absalom’s great potential. He was a great genius with talen and ability.

4.       The deception and intrigue of Absalom is the conspiracy of self-deception. He is destroying himself and digging his own grave. He is growing his own end. A mistake for Samson to cut off his hair and a mistake for Absalom to not cut his hair. This long hair was who Absalom was, against authority, and that hurt him in life.

5.       God is never on the side of revolution. Every conspiracy is another step toward the sin unto death. The press has never won a war. They have never stopped crime. The press has never changed life for the better at anytime. The military wins wars and they are the basis for our freedom. The press has been very critical of the military since this raid, as if there is something wrong with the military. However, they are the basis of our freedom. It is easy for the press to snipe at the pentagon. The press is dishonorable today. Their freedom is no good without responsibility. They report things they should not. They make criminals sound like heroes. They pick idiots off the street. The cop cannot speak back; he is a professional. The press in their total arrogance and irresponsibility, they are running loose today.

6.       To the arrogant, the function of grace is seen as a sign of weakness and the humility of others intensifies the pride of the arrogant. Lack of immediate punishment from God or the state is regarded as consent to conspiracy. David will give Absalom enough rope to hang himself. Stupidest thing to say, “If this is not Your will, then strike me down.” Or whatever. “If you don’t want me to do this, you will really have to stop me.” And when they are not stopped, they do it.

7.       When led by interlocking systems of arrogance, no cause is just. The end of that cause is disaster.

8.       Flattery, sympathy and attention, lure the arrogant populate away from truth, justice, etc. What did you think about Enco’s great profits? Bob thought it was great; he tought of efficiency and establishment. Most people think there is something wrong. The Bible thinks it is good to make a profit. This principle applies to the American people. Some poor person does not make as much as an oil executive and they poor person does not feel equal. He is not getting a real chance at life. Freedom produces inequality. The worst arrogance in the world is on the wrong side of the tracks. Arrogance on the right side of the tracks will not cause a revolution, but on the other side it will. Rousseau was one of the biggest asses in the world; he was a fag and a jerk and arrogant.

9.       Today, Absalom’s insinuations are words to the people walking by him; but tomorrow, they will be weapons. Whath does it profit you if one thorn is removed out of many? If you have 100 thorns in your gluteus maximus, taking out one thorn does not help.

We are free to have children whether we are married or not; but, in this way we abuse this freedom and we do this with no responsibility. But when these kids get on mother’s nerves, it all falls apart. The whole stability of the home requires the mother to be stable. Freedom demands responsibility. You learn that in marriage and you should learn it in the home.

2Sam. 15:3 Absalom would say to him, "See [Now look], your claims are good and right [your grievances are valid and legitimate], but there is no man designated by the king to hear [judge] you [there is no one authorized by the king to judge your case]."

Next verse is how Absalom insinuates that he obtained justice for the people. He will say, “Who will appoint me a judge in the land?” Those who have no responsibility assume in arrogance than they can do a better job. They are not under any pressure, so they think they can do it better. However, given the same pressures, they would royally fail.

2Sam. 15:4 Then Absalom would say, "Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice."

2Samuel 15:4        72David May 7, 1980 30 Year Anniversary                631_0369

Bob answered the phone during prayer meeting, and someone who apparently knew very little wanted to know who was speaking tonight.

Col. 1:10 states the purpose of Berachah Church. That you might walk worthy... Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Not many wise; God has chosen the foolish things of the world in order to discredit the wise. He has chosen for special privilege the weak things in the world in order to discredit the powerful. From Him, you keep on being in Christ Jesus, wisdom and sanctification. Even as it stands written, the one boasting, let him keep on boasting in the Lord. And when I cam to you, brothers, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom communicating the wisdom of God, except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Bob came to Berachah on May 7, 1950. Paul was a genius, but he came in weakness. Coming in any other way is coming in tyranny. The basis of a ministry ought to be teaching the Word of God. The greatest fear that any pastor should have is to teach a passage in such a way as to make its meaning inaccurate. Both my doctrine and my teaching were not in persuasive ways of eating. The demonstration of the Spirit goes back to power. For to us, God has reveal them in the Spirit. Melarky may have had his first bath today, and he has no odor as a dog. Remarkable. We have not received the spirit from the world (rationalism or empiricism), that we might have permanent knowledge of things given to us, which doctrine we might teach from the source of the Holy Spirit, combing to teach spiritual phenomenon to a spiritual apparatus. But the unbeliever, he does not acquire the Spirit of God. The spiritual appraises all things, but he himself is appraised of no man. This must be Bob’s 30th anniversary at Berachah. No one can appraise all that doctrine does. Doctrine is going everywhere from Bob’s pulpit. But we cannot appraise the tremendous power of His Word. Who has come to know the Lord’s mind? Who would think of instructing Him? But we, who are instructed of the Lord, we keep on having the mind of Christ. Bob is going on record that this is strictly a matter of grace that we can meet every night year ini and year out; and he is thanking them for their wonderful remembrances and appreciation and faithfulness in taking in the Word.

Absalom and Respect for the Law

1.       Absalom’s question raises a question as to David’s competency as a ruler.

2.       David is incompetent as a judge, yet it was David who pardoned Absalom.

3.       No matter what side of the tracks the criminal originates, and Absalom was a criminal right out of the palace, you cannot treat a criminal with kindness and he takes advantage of gracious treatment.

4.       This is criminal arrogance, not showing respect for David or for the courts. You would think, by the press, that the press has won all of our wars. But they did not win us any freedom, they have no defeated our enemies nor have they protected us from anyone or anything. Today, the freedom of the press is distorted because there is no respect for authority or law enforcement.

5.       A judicial system that would pardon Absalom will not gain the respect of Absalom. How can he respect it? Criminals do not respect law enforcement or the judicial system? One record Bob saw of a criminal and all of the crimes he had committed, and with this long string of crimes, he spent 93 days in jail.

6.       Those who have no respect for the law cannot serve the law. Here is Absalom who wants to be a judge, and yet he has no respect for the law.

7.       Absalom would be a terrible judge. No dedication whatsoever to the law. Absalom has no honor, so he would make a terrible judge. The true meaning of a pardon is not the remanding of a sentence, but this is also freedom. Society forgives and forgets the sin; the victims of the crime and the crime itself. The criminal is now treated as if he has never committed a crime.

We see that Absalom was not suited to be a judge. Once pardoned, a criminal can use his freedom to become a law-abiding citizen. Absalom presents himself as someone who would right all of the wrongs.

This suggests that David jealous of David and trying to grab all of the glory; but exactly the opposite is true. Arrogant people always ascribe their own failures to others and they malign the authority of the others.

Absalom says, And I will give him justice.

Arrogance, Authority and Revolution

1.       Authority arrogance is incompetence; always alleging to do a better job than anyone else who possesses authority.

2.       There is a principle by which Absalom will become a successful revolutionary lead. There is truth in 3 categories and they are the incorruptible. The revolution is the conspiracy. The general public can be coopted or it is pointed toward the revolution. If the general public is divided, then you have one of the causes for civil war. When revolution causes a civil war, the issue is truth. There is propaganda coming from the conspiracy and truth coming from the 3 sources of truth. One or more of the 3 categories of truth protect the people. But if they reject the truth, they fall into strong delusion. There is a big communist conspiracy being thrown out to the general public and this religious thing, and the Iranians are in between these things.

3.       When arrogance has been disciplined by authority, arrogance rejects that authority. The person seeks to make capital out of discontent.

4.       Revolution is promoted in the environment of violence and discontent.

5.       Without national arrogance, revolution is impossible. Revolution merely withdraws into conspiracy, where interlocking systems of arrogance exists.

6.       National arrogance is national degeneration.

7.       Absalom implies that David is incapable of rendering justice as the king. The malfunction of justice destroys freedom.

2Sam. 15:4 Then Absalom would say, "Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice."

2Samuel 15:4                                       72David                                              631_0370

God opens up production when it is the right time, but without any fanfare. Many of those at Berachah have come across open doors; and it can be done without ballyhooing it. So many other organizations that Bob has been involved in; they do a lot of good, but they let you know what they are doing. Our missionaries are all doing wonderful things, and we don’t keep any charts or any data, and everyone does everything as unto the Lord.

Absalom was a believer and he was trying to impress both believer and unbeliever with how friendly he was. He appeared to take an interest in all others.

Absalom and His Lack of True Interest in Others

1.       Absalom pretends to take a great interest in people, but like most arrogant people, he is really only interested in himself. Doctrine makes us sensitive to others, their triumphs, failures, etc. Most people who are fascinated by history are also fascinated by people. They want to know what they are doing, how they are thinking, etc. Absalom is arrogant preoccupied with himself, and he gives the impression of being interested in others.

2.       Absalom in his interest in people is using people to promote himself. Only God can promote him.

3.       If God does not promote us, then we are not promoted. The other side of the coin is, if God does not demote us, then we are not demoted. Had Absalom been truly interested in people, he would have been fascinated by his father David. Absalom is trying to demote David. There is no way that Absalom can demote David. God will spank David and Absalom is beating out his brains being nice to the general public.

When God promotes a person, there is nothing that we can do to demote them. God promoted Billy Graham all the way, and there are so many out there beating their brains out trying to demote him. They often fail to understand that Billy Graham is where he is because God promoted him. There is a lot of pettiness among the clergy, and Bob avoids them. He is not too much up on what they are doing. People have forgotten, or never learned, if God does not promote you, then you are not promoted; and if God does not demote you, then you are not demoted. Bob was amazed by some of the books and pamphlets written against him, and he was first interested in getting out there and grabbing some shirt and beating on them; and then he realized, that is God’s business. His promotion or demotion depend upon God. If God decides to demote Bob, then we won’t even see his smoke. That is how it is with anyone with a spiritual gift.

Our preparation is what counts. There will be a response and there will be criticism. However, we rise or fall on the basis of God. There is good criticism, and we can profit by that. If the Lord does not demote us, then we are not demoted.

Every day, Absalom is out there working his head off. He is trying to get David demoted, and he can’t do that. Where Absalom made his great mistake is, he did not pass the injustice test. He is suffering from reversionism.

There is a big different between God demoting a person and God spanking a person, and we ought not to get them confused. You may limp through life because you have not rightly divided the Word of Truth. Only God can demote those with a spiritual gift.

After 40 years of being king over Israel, he continued to rule.

God punished David but he did not demote him. David received much greater discipline. God will demote a lot of people, but not of them will be on David’s side. Do not every get on some bandwagon of running down someone. Usually, you do not have all of the facts.

Bob got the dogs out just in time, because one of the dogs was going to claim the pulpit. Absalom is beating his brains out trying to do something that he cannot even do. Do not waste your life trying to do the impossible; trying to demote someone. If you try on your own ability to demote someone, you will never make it. In theh body of Christ, do not waste your time demoting anyone.

There have been a number of groups which have broken away from Berachah. One tried to build their group based upon demoting Bob. If you try to demote some other believer, God will demote you. Stay out of it. Don’t get into the Absalom syndrom. Don’t try to demote someone. Do not gossip, malign, etc.


3.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted; and if He does not demote you, you are not demoted.

4.       Those

5.       Only the humble can avoid being exploited by the ambitious. Humility keeps you off the arrogance bandwagon.

6.       Note that Absalom persists in this form of sub version every day. He was involved in mental arrogance, impulsive arrogance, impulsive, criminal, crusader and conspiracy and poitical arrogance.

7.       In addition, Absalom possesses the Satanic syndrom, or authority arrogance.

8.       The malcontents are a fertile field for revolution. In times of unrest, there are 3 types of people involved in revolution. The incorruptible , the revolutionary criminal and the useful idiots. The general public must be forged into a weapon for the revolutionaries. Only part of the general public will go with Absalom. David will make 3 wise decisions, and he will pull out of Jerusalem and move up north, and civil war will be the result. When a civil was is caused by politics, the issue is always freedom; when revolution is the caues of civil war, the cause is truth.

The south was constitutional and the issue of freedom was state’s rights. Slavery would have been gone in 30 to 50 years without the war. The north was infused with self righteous arrogance. They were trying to impose their will on the south. The issue here was freedom. If revolution was the cause, the issue would be truth. In the south, they believed in establihsment. There was a tremendous response to the gospel and there were great believers in the south. The north had great immigration. 1000's and more came from Germany and many rejected establishment, and they left that area so they would not be drafted into an army. But they got drafted into the American army.

There were those who stuck their noses into politics. Harriet Beecher Stowe and her husband both had sermons which were out of line. Truth was north and south of the Mason Dixon line. There was truth on both sides. That was not the issue. The issue was freedom. The south said freedom was one thing. The north did not care and said, “We are going force you what we want you to do.” The constitution was set aside at Appomadox.

Woodrow Wilson was a good example of one who distorted history; he was a disgrace as a professor and as a president.

There are malcontents all over. Once a group leaves Berachah, Bob prays for them to really advance. Once they have the responsibility of a local church, they must never try to build their congregation on dislike of Bob or anyone else. Some groups catch on to that.

You cannot build anything upon anything other than truth.


9.       The malcontent...

10.     Beware that your discontent or grievances are not exploited by some arrogant to overthrow establishment authority.

11.     The state of discontent often turns those who are responsible into irresponsible people with evil ambition.

12.     Beware of the condescending personality, for behind the facade of their personality is arrogance. They have alleged interest. Absalom is a phoney.

13.     Discontented people are maladjusted to authority. Discontented people are vulnerable to exploitation through ruthless arrogance.

14.     Inordinate ambition and arrogant ambition exploits discontent and encourages disorientation to authority in the general public.

2Sam. 15:1–4 After this Absalom got himself a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him. And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the gate. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, "From what city are you?" And when he said, "Your servant is of such and such a tribe in Israel," Absalom would say to him, "See, your claims are good and right, but there is no man designated by the king to hear you." Then Absalom would say, "Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice."

Summary Points

1.       Those who are malcontent dance to the tune of their sympathizers.

2.       Today’s flattery is tomorrow’s exploitation.

3.       National arrogance is molding material for revolution. Our country is filled with all forms of arrogance.

4.       The revolutionist marches to the off-beat of the drum.

5.       Remove e bad authority or establishment authority, and revolutionary catastrophe is inevitable.

6.       Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Absalom is a criminal but he pretends to be a crusader. Madam Roulon of the French revolution. Absalom the crusader is used by Absalom the criminal to foment the Absalom revolution.

7.       Such finesse requires maximum arrogance. This finesse leads to vulnerability to all categories of the interlocking systems of arrogance.


9.       For conspiracy to be parlayed into revolution, the masses of people must be taught to despise establishment authority. This is being done in our schools and our liberal churches and homes. This is easy where the pupils are arrogant. This does not deny the corruption in our government, but people can be dragged into revolution. It would be very easy for Bob to react to Carter. Carter is wrong; should I join this revolutionary group? They are wrong; much worse in fact. There are those out there who are far worse than Carter. Anarchy is far worse.

10.     Liberal government cooperates by actually being wrong. They are wrong in socialism, which is evil. Redistribution of wealth is evil. Taxes on profits is evil. Attack upon the oil companies is immoral. Downgrading the military establishment is evil. Only the criminal has rights today.

11.     Sin + arrogance = evil; human good + arrogance = evil. Add ambition to arrogance and the evil is intensified. The criminal gains the power and the dupes are destroyed.

12.     The people are promises that they will gain from the revolution, but they always lose in a revolution. In the atmosphere of a revolution; revolution is the oligarchy of eivl.

13.     The people forged into the weapon of revolution are destroyed by the arrogant manipulation principle.

One More Principle

1.       Humility recognizes the reality of life. Being good in what you do does not mean you are good in everything in life. Those who succeed in an area, are sometimes trapped because they think that, because they are good in what they do, that their judgement is good in other things. Someone can be an excellent doctor, but this does not mean that his pronouncements on politics mean anything. You cannot step out of your field and be necessarily right. You learn when to speak and when not to.

2.       Arrogance rejects the reality of life. If you are good in what you do, you can maintain your happiness in your own field of endeavor. This does not make you an expert elsewhere.

3.       The danger of success in one field of achievement means success in one place makes you vulnerable to the arrogance that you are successful elsewhere in other fields.

4.       Absalom has succeeded as a rancher and as a farmer. This does not qualify him to be a political leader.

5.       Arrogance made Absalom weak. He did not really hear all the evidence. He got hearsay on the sidewalk and renders judgment on the basis of it.

6.       Absalom, therefore, would make a terrible judge. However, arrogance makes him think that he would do a better job. Arrogance divorces each one of us from reality.

7.       Arrogant people always assume that they can do it better than someone else. If Absalom had humility, there would have been no problem with him. If Bob comes by to visit him as a pastor, and we are having a medical problem, then we would be smart to refuse. That is not Bob’s field.

8.       When Absalom comes marching into town, he rapes David’s 10 mistresses before all Israel. He attacks the innocent. Once he replaces David, he will fail where David succeeded. His potential was destroyed through interlocking systems of arrogance.

9.       Physical beauty and a scintillating personality do not qualify a person for leadership.

10.     Once in power, Absalom’s system of justice includes the rape of the women in David’s harem. He is still a criminal and such a one is never qualified to rule or to lead.

2Sam. 15:4 Then Absalom would say, "Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice."

2Samuel 15:4–6                                   72David                                              631_0371

And it came to pass after this that Absalom provided for himself state chariots....that when anyone had a grievance and came to the king for justice....Absalom would say to him, “Your grievances are valid...I would see that he receives justice.”

True and False Leadership

1.       Leadership does not consist of a leader telling people what they want to hear.

2.       You cannot gain the favor of the multitude by simply telling them what they want.

3.       You cannot agree with the crowd and lead the crowd, which is why no dope addict is qualified to lead anything.

4.       You cannot rule the public, and at the same time be ruled by public opinion.

5.       Integrity, honor, justice and truth must rule the people; not flattery, arrogance and deception.

6.       A leader will tell the people he leads when they are wrong; and arrogant t ambition will agree with the crowd whether they are right or wrong.

7.       The arrogant ambitious demagogue is a flatterer; he always tells people what they want to hear, the humble and honorable leader tells the people what they need to hear, which is truth.

8.       A good leader as moral courage; the pseudo leader is a coward who accepts bad advice from evil advisors.

9.       Revolution was inevitable from national arrogance and distortion of authority. National arrogance will only accept an arrogant leader, and an arrogant leader is no leader. Through a system of interlocking arrogance, leaders are neutralized.

10.     When blind leadership leads blind public, they all fall into the ditch of national disaster. Absalom has an overious characteristic of pbeing a pathological liar. He could not qualify as a judge. He is telling these litigants that he would just them fairly and he is one of the least qualified judges there is.

2Sam. 15:4 Then Absalom would say, "Oh that I were judge in the land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to me, and I would give him justice."

When we were going to invade North Africa for operation torch in WWII, and some were thought who would be involved got a pamphlet saying men do not shake hands. There is an explanation of how kissing occurs, do not laugh when they kiss. The custom comes down from Bible class. They did not shake hands in those days. We must interpret the Bible in those days.

There is no election, yet Absalom is still running for office. There is an arrogance abroad in the land called equality. We are not born equal, we do not live equally, and we do not die equal. Equality is evil. There is no such thing as equality. When people talk about and demand equality, it is evil.

The Difference Between Equality and Freedom

1.       Every believer and every human being possessees, in principle, freedom and privacy. They go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. Add property to that. Deny privacy and that denies freedom. In Russia, the property belongs to the state and many family are in 1 room apartments. 8-15 families in 2 rooms. That means there is no freedom and no privacy. We have freedom as believers in a client nation to God. We have the freedom as believers to advance to spiritual maturity or to degenerate into reversionism. The mature believer goes out under dying grade and the reversionist goes out under the sin unto death. We can see the arrogance in our country by legislating equality.

2.       Every believer is free to advance or to retrogress to a state of inequality with other believers. At salvation, God does 36 things for all of us. Even at salvation, we all have different spiritual gifts, which is inequality. We are born male or female, so that is inequality from the get-go. When a woman believes in Jesus Christ, there is immediate inequality; she cannot be a deacon, evangelist or pastor-teacher. Even a baby or an adolescent can be, temporariliy, superior to a believer in interlocking systems of arrogance. We are never equal at any time. Inequality does not make any difference. It is our attitude toward doctrine which makes the difference. A mature believer who washes dishes is greater than a reversionist who is the VP of a large company. There is no such tihng as race in this country. If there are enough people in one race who do not have integrity and they demand rights where rights already exist, then you are vulnerable to revolution. A Senator from Nebraska said this country will be mighty sorry when the Communists get here, the Blacks will side with the communists because the communists like them. Communism will use blacks, but they will despise them. Our founding fathers forgot that it takes integrity to live by the constitution. It never occurred to them that there would be a time when there is no integrity.

3.       Freedom guarantees inequality. If freedom is functioning properly, then equality cannot exist. Some people use their freedom to get ahead, others to get in trouble, others to grow spiritually, others to gain capacity for life.

4.       All believers who are given both freedom and time to advance toward maturity, some make it and some do not, because of their attitude toward doctrine. Some simply do not have the same motivation. Freedom cannot manufacture equality or guarantee equality. Some achieve and some will not; some will achieve in sports or culture and some will not. There is no such thing as equality. Every revolution promises the general public equality. How would you like to go to a football game where both teams are equal? The whole idea of competition is to show there is some inequality. Equality is a myth and some use freedom to reject doctrine and some use it to advance spiritually. Freedom is the motivation of those who are oriented to authority and to life.

5.       Forced equlity is the policy of Satan and grace freedom is the policy of God. Freedom is dogmatic and inflexible with regards to the essentials of life but pliable with regards to the nonessentials of life.

6.       Freedom is the motivation for law and order; equality is the motivation for violence, crime and revolution.

And whenever anyone approached to salute him...

More Principles

1.       This is known as condescension or politicking. It is the weapon of the arrogant to recruit the arrogant for the wrong thing.

2.       In times of unrest, there are the hardcore revolutionists, the iincorruptibles and the general public.

3.       The arrogant population is vulnerable to Absalom’s flattery.

4.       Arrogance demands attention from others. It does not earn attention from others. Racism demands attention where attention is not warranted. It does not earn respect, it demands respect. Many women have stupidly married a woman and now they demand attention and affection from this woman. Arrogance demands attention from others. Absalom is a demagogue.

5.       When anyone would greet the prince or bow down to them, he would lift them up and kiss them as an equal. This was reserved for royalty. They do this in order to make the hoi polloi think they are equal to royalty. Equality only produces arrogance of thinking.

6.       Absalom did not really regard these people as his equals. He pretended that these people were his equals.

7.       Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution.

8.       The criminal gains adherents to the revolution by guaranteeing equality to all.

9.       The idea of human equality always appeals to the arrogance of mankind and makes him vulnerable to Satanic systems.

10.     Satan appealed to the woman in the garden on the same basis. “If you eat of the fruit, you will be as smart as God is.”

11.     It should be noted that equality is not necessary for blessing or happiness.

12.     Therefore, freedom is the reality and equality is the myth.

13.     Absalom lures the arrogant populace into the revolutionary trap by demonstrating equality. This is a trap. He has denied and rejected his own class in order to lead the revolution.

14.     He uses the greeting of the aristocracy to the common people.

15.     When a leader begins catering to you, then they are no longer a leader. This is the equality is the promise of a revolutionary. Lenin and Stalin did not see themselves as equal to the people. As communists, they do not believe in equality to the hoi polloi. They never say this to them, however. Instead, they say, “We are all equal.

16.     You cannot have revolution without arrogance. There was arrogance in France, and therefore, there was revolution. Arrogance in the Stuart dynasty, and therefore, there was revolution. The potential becomes a reality.

17.     With the false foundation of arrogance, revolution must be converted to some form of tyranny. There never was a revolution that was not tyrannical. Cromwell was part of the civil war that won and he became a tyrant. They were all tyrants.

18.     Absalom’s personality arrogance leads to Absalom’s political arrogance. There must be the foundation of personality arrogance for political arrogance. Personality arrogance is where Absalom began.

2Sam. 15:5 And whenever a man came near to pay homage to him [And whenever anyone approached to salute him], he would put out his hand and take hold of him and kiss him.

The personality arrogance of v. 5 becomes political arrogance of v. 6:

There is the phrase, in this manner.

Flattery and Lack of Discernment

1.       Flattery by condescension is the modus operandi or the revolutionary leader.

2.       Absalom waves his privilege of rank to bestow courtesies on the common man in order to appeal to their arrogance.

3.       An arrogance nation is vulnerable to revolution. There is no protection for the laws of divine establishment.

4.       Therefore, we must always recognize the danger of human freedom. It is vulnerable to deception. As soon as you gotr away from home, you began to associate with creeps and scoundrels. Your parents can see right through these people but you get away from them and you are fooled by them.

5.       Human freedom is vulnerable to deception. You are always open to deception under arrogance.

6.       As long as the umbrella of the authority operates under divine establishment, human freedom is protect, beginning with your parents.

7.       Absalom was undermining the authority of David.

8.       The people who rejected David’s authority had previously rejected truth in one of its 3 categories.

Consequently, Absalom behaved in this manner toward all Israel that came to the king for judgment.

Arrogance Deceives Arrogance

1.       Arrogance appeals to arrogance so that arrogance is vulnerable to arrogance. Many of you girls get the wrong man, and it is because he is a scoundrel and he focuses his eyes on you and gives you the full attention. Arrogance appeals to arrogance.

2.       Part of blind arrogance is to be deceived by arrogance in someone else. Those who are deceived by Absalom were also flattered.

3.       Absalom’s political arrogance was considered humility by those who were arrogant themselves.

4.       Arrogant people will only accept an arrogant leader. David has recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance so that his humility is rejected by the malcontents.

5.       Instead, the people accept the arrogant leadership of Absalom who leads them tinto revolution.

6.       They are easily deceived by Absalom’s hypocritical facade of condescension.

7.       Arrogance destroys authority-orientation. Absalom only uses this political hypocrisy on those who are discontented.

So Absalom stole the hearts of the people.


1.       Revolution must occur in the mind before it can manifest itself in revolution. There must be a rejection of authority-orientation. In the French revolution Voltaire, Didiro, etc. prepared the French for revolution.

2.       The pattern of revolution beings with a mental attitude and then moves toward historical reality. The mentality must come first. Look at how people drive; their arrogance and thoughtlessness; you deal with the general public anywhere, and you are looking at the revolution. Hitler’s Mein Kompf prepared Germany for revolution. The Nazis and the Communists are the same; they are systems of violence and full government. We whipped the Nazis first and we should have then destroyed the Communists. History will show that Patton was right; we should go in and whip the bastards. Harry Truman was a feisty thing, but like a little dog nipping at your heels. It takes a George Patton or an Eisenhower to whip the communists.

3.       Absalom’s modus operandi of deceit was to steal their thinking and then get them motivated to revolt. Revolution is always stealing the thoughts of the people. The French liberty, equality, and fraternity. These are evil words; revolutionary. they would be equal to be slaves to a tyrant. DeGaul made the right decisions which kept them from going communist. He had moral courage.

4.       Theft of thought precedes revolution.

5.       As long as the crusader’s control, the violence is minimal. When the criminal takes over, the violence is maximum.

6.       No revolution is an accident of history. It is preceded by the thinking of the arrogant and their decision to reject truth and strong delusion. First comes strong delusion and then revolution.

2Sam. 15:6 Thus Absalom did to all of Israel who came to the king for judgment [Consequently, Absalom behaved in this manner toward all Israel that came to the king for judgment]. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

2Samuel 15:6–9                        Criminality 72David                                   631_0372

The incorruptibles form the nucleus to oppose revolution. These revolutions all follow the same pattern. The public must be won over to the cause of the revolution; and if they cannot do that, a civil war is the result. Freedom is the issue of a civil war.

Conspiracy and Arrogance

1.       All conspiracy against is theft and deceit and dishonor. Integrity versus loyalty as an evil.

2.       Absalom undermined authority in Israel.

3.       There is a verb ganab and it means to deceive; and it means to steal by deceit.

4.       Therefore, Absalom was a theif. He stole the thinking of the people by deceit. All national crisis and all national disaster and any form of tyranny comes from stealing the thought patterns of individuals.

5.       When a person steals thinking from

6.       Some people start stealing early in life by undermining the authority of their parents and their contemporaries.

7.       It is a igGreat evil when parlayed into The oil shortage has been blamed on the companies, but that is false. God honors profit making.

8.       Arrogance resident in the soul makes the soul weak and vulnerablw to all kinds of deception. Hardcore revolutionist, who is the conspiracy. Incorruptibles are the true c onsrvats; thill be those who reject the revolution and stand by David;

Rejection of truth in 3 categories is the inevitable result. If those in authority fail to function with honor and integrity, then this fuels a revolution.

Incompetence and bureaucracy are synonymous terms in our day and age. Arrogance and corruption in government means that there is corruption in the land.

Spain’s revolution did not succeed.

2Sam. 15:6 Thus Absalom did to all of Israel who came to the king for judgment [Consequently, Absalom behaved in this manner toward all Israel that came to the king for judgment]. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

There needs to be a response in Jerusalem.

Shalach means to infiltrate or to fulfill. When Absalom came back from his grandfather’s kingdom, he developed his hardcore revolitn group,

they have to decide upon a rallying point. Absalom had to get permission from the king to travel. Hebro had been legitimately

Ahithophel is the real leader of this conspiracy. He started this while Absalom was banished. Hebron would be the rallying point and to possibly start the revolution itself.

David transfered the kingd/om from Hebron to Jerusalem, and some were dissatisfied about that. It is strategicically close enough to take Jerusalem.

2Sam. 15:7 And at the end of four years Absalom said to the king, "Please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to the LORD, in Hebron.

Absalom anticipates being restored

There is first of all crusader arrogance added to criminal arrogance resulting in revolution. The criminals will eventually take over. Absalom represents the criminal element. Not only does the criminal show a total disregard for the truth, but lying is the criminal’s standard way of dealing with the world. It is part of their thought process. He forgets lies he told before and traps himself. He also lies to build himself up. The sacrifices are designed to impress his father. Absalom will be able to travel to Hebron without arousing any problems, because David gives him permission. The lie must make sense to David, and this gets David to give him permission.

2Sam. 15:8 For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram, saying, 'If the LORD will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will offer worship to the LORD.'"

Then we have some criminal. Kum here refers to motivation. There is the false motivatino which he gave to his father, but he has true motivation. David will never see Absalom again on earth. David is manipulated, but Absalom will be the loser. Those who gain by cheating are always the losers.

Concept of Criminality in the Word of God and Relate it to this Passage

1.       The criminal is an irresponsible person. Absalom’s punishment was remanded. The victims of the crime and the crime are supposed to be forgotten. All Absalom had to do was use his positive and negative volition and be a law-abiding citizen. The only true rehabilitation. Laws of divine establishment apply to believers and unbelievers.

          1)       Irresponsibility is a basic part of the criminal.

          2)       The responsible peron has a lifestyle of hardwork and fulfillment of obligations and thoughtfulness of others. We works hard for a living and does not lean on the government or others. He recognizes the freedom, privacy and property of others.

          3)       He gets self-respect from his own achievements.

          4)       From perception of Bible doctrine, he

          5)       In anger, he might violate someone’s privacy or property, but this is not a way of life. An accident on the freeway does not make you a criminal.

          6)       Criminality is sinful, all sinfulness is not criminality.

          7)       The law-abiding citizen takes responsibility for his own actions and he avoids infriging the rights of others.

          8)       The law abiding citizen might be irresponsible without violating the law.

          9)       In such a case, the irresponsible liar and obligation defaulter and excuse offerer, is so slovenly at work, that he may be classified as unreliable rather than criminal.

          10)     The criminal does not take responsibility for his own actions.

          11)     Absalom’s criminality is seen in his buring of Joab’s barley harvest.

2.       The criminal has no authority-orientation.

          1)       This is generally authority arrogance by which the criminal rejects all delegated and legitimate authority from God, including parents who are the first authority in life. Many times, you may feel your parents are unfair, but they are the basic authority of life. Absalom failed the injustice test, since David refused to see him. We often feel that our parents are unfair, and the other parents are not like this. Believer’s authority-orientation to his pastor-teacher, his manager or executive over him or wherever are all factors related to orientation to life. Without authority-orientation which begins in the home, there is no

          2)       The arrogance of rejection of parental authority results in disorientation to life in general. Freedom has

          3)       The frustration of no capacity for life turns young people to criminal activity as an outlet for their energy.

          4)       The criminal is guilty of authority-orientation which begins in the home and extends to every facet of life. Absalom has rejected all authorities in life.

          5)       In this country, there is iincreased teenage crime, which is the rejection of parental authority. Disorientation to authority leads to criminality in adulthood. Absalom’ aristocratic Hurian mother, all of them suffered from the problem of no authority-orientation. Only Tamar was an exception. She became a wonderful woman in her day.

3.       The criminal has a basic sense of insecurity.

          1)       There are all kinds of insecurities. Fear of ridicule and put down. Far more extensive for the criminal.

          2)       He has all of these fears; he fears being reduced to nothing; when his self-esteem brings him to a zero state, he get a sense of failure to a great extreme. He must be the best or he is nothing. Absalom had to be the king or he was nothing. He fears zero state even when he is not in it.

          3)       This insecurity leads the criminal to transparency and he thinks his worthless is obvious to everyone.

          4)       When the criminal thinks he has succeeded in life, society regards him as a failure. Society sees him as a failure. The woman from Tekoa, society see the criminal as a failure when he is seen in his own eyes as a success.

          5)       The criminal can get very bored, and he falls into this zero state. Criminal thinking and the thinking of a free society are never on the same frequency.

          6)       So the criminal’s insecurity keeps him in a state of disoreination. This is what happened to Absalom after his pardon.

          7)       In the criminal state, the criminal blames others for his failures or whatever. We will see great instalibty in Absalom in the future.

4.       The criminal has no control over his temper or emotions.

          1)       This is true of some non-criminals as well. Ike had a bad temper, but he learned how to control it.

          2)       Absalom also has a bad temper.

          3)       Anger is a sin and criminality is characterized by chronic uncontrolled anger.

          4)       Anger in the criminal can be outwardly suppressed for whatever reason, but inside, it is unrestrained. He never has control over his inner boiling point. He does not show it. Outwardly, he appears normal.

          5)       It is the inner anger never expressed overtly which is expressed criminal and noncriminal.

          6)       Here we are noiting the anger in the criminal. This is the anger reaction in the criminal related to interlocking systems of arrogance. He begins as an isolated episode and expands to interlocking systems of arrogance.

          7)       In 2 years of not seeing David, Absalom lost all common sense. He parlays this to criminal motivation. The criminal uses his anger and lack of control to get his own way.

5.       Criminality is expressed by boredom. Some of you mothers will produce criminals.

          1)       The criminal has no capacity for love for life or for happiness. He is unhappy even when things are going his way. The criminal is bored even when doing what they want to do.

          2)       The criminal wants excitement and proof of his power. He is even unhappy when raping someone. He does things successfully but he is not happy. He is bored with the money and without it. The criminal wants excitement as proof of his power.

          3)       They desire excitement and become jaded. He can get excited by the crime, but he becomes bored. Absalom is constantly motivated by revolution. This is the difference between Absalom and Tamar. Absalom rejected doctrine and had no capacity for life.

          4)       To live without increasing excitement is a put down to the criminal. He therefore becomes involved in taking narcotics and he must get his kicks chemically.

          5)       Only violence and criminal activity is the antidote for his boredom.

6.       The criminal is also involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Humility is the ability to perpetuate happiness and arrogance is failure to cope with failure or success. The lack of capacity for love life and happiness. God makes war against the arrogant and He gives grace to the humble.

          1)       Arrogance is inflexible about self and criminal arrogance is totally preoccupied with self.

          2)       Criminal pride is inflexible. I am powerful because I have decided to be.

          3)       No reason, logic or truth can modify the criminal’s arrogance or his inflexible subjectivity. He rejects all subjectivity in fear of being a zero.

          4)       Criminal arrogance knows it all and he rejects all views to the contrary.

          5)       Criminal arrogance is disorientation to establishment authority. \

          6)       From this arrogance, the criminal becomes a sociopath who functions under mental attitude arrogance using a facade of hypocrisy to cover his evil thinking.

          7)       The criminal has a collosal evil. Too superior to work at an ordinary job. They simply cannot make it. He can’t be a dishwasher, a bus boy, cleaning floors, something ordinary, they cannot stand it. His mentality is totally opposed to it.

          8)       The criminal expects to dominate every gathering and expects all to be impressed.

          9)       He reasons that no woman can resist him.

          10)     He would rather get what he wants by manipulation or force. This is more important than getting something by asking for it or by earning it.

          11)     He cannot tolerate criticism and responds with anger and violence.

          12)     Arrogance is hypersensitive. Criminal arrogance takes hypersensitivity to an extreme. It lines up with his desire to establish his superiority. What may seem unreasonable to us, is normal to him.

          13)     The criminal who robbed the bank and discarded his clothing, and then came back and stood in line to hear the descriptions. He would laugh at this.

          14)     Arrogance is the motive for crime against property and sex crimes is not sex; he is motivated by arrogance. He is motivated by what he is thinking.

          15)     In both cases and the case of senseless violence, he is acting a control over his victim to make you scream or show fear. If he is bored, he might shoot you. Likes to exert authority, etc. Absalom provided the criminal leadership. The criminal feels superior when he hurts others. Arsonist said, “I made a lot of people scream.” Mr. Big complex. Better to be under the sod than not to be God. I’d rather live one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep. The criminal prayed to God to commit a crime and then prayed not to be caught. They will even wear a cross when committing a crime; it legitimized his crime and gave him a good opinion of himself.

          16)     Actions which seem perfectly normal

2Sam. 15:9 The king said to him, "Go in peace [and prosperity]." So he arose and went to Hebron.

2Samuel 15:7–10                                 72David                                              631_0373

Communion service.

The battle in France was fought with words, and cowardice, opportunism, and treachery were the weapons of the revolutionists. Bob is reading a whole lot about the French Revolution??

Principles of Criminality

1.       The criminal is irresponsible; that is a general characteristic. The average person has some thoughtfulness of others, a willingness to do hard work,

2.       Occasionally, the law-abiding citizen my abuse another person, but this is sin and not criminality, as long as it is not a way of life. A law-abiding citizen may commit acts of criminality or sin without being a criminal. He might be unreliable.

3.       Absalom’s irresponsible criminal behavior is seen in his burning of Joab’s field.

4.       The criminal has no authority-orientation.

5.       As a young person, they reject the authority of their parents. This begins in the home and extends to every part of life.

6.       Personal insecurity which is a fear of many different things. These fears can cause the criminal to become a nothing. When he is reduced to such a state, it is called the zero state. The criminal is subject to extremes. He is great and he is nothing. His insecurity keeps him disoriented to correct norms and standards.

7.       He has no real control over his temper or emotions. Anger is a sin and anyone can be guilty of that. The criminal often suppresses his anger, he keeps it back until he is ready.

8.       Criminality is characterized by boredom, which is a lack of capacity for life. Easily bored by life, even when things are going his way. Arrogance is the failure to cope with success and lack of capacity for life, happiness or prosperity.

9.       Arrogance is inflexible about self and criminal arrogance is completely subjective about self. Arrogance is the motivation of the criminal personality. Neither argument, persuasion, reason or truth cannot sway the criminal from his thinking. He is always right in his own mind.

10.     All criminals are liars; they are habitual liars. Lying is their standard way of dealing with the world. He lies to biuld up himself. Conning is a way of life. Misrepresentation is the basis of most con games. Criminals tell so many lies that it seems like the truth. “You don’t tell the truth unless it gets you what you want.”

2Sam. 15:7 And at the nd of four years Absalom said to the king, "Please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to the LORD, in Hebron.

2Sam. 15:8 For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram, saying, 'If the LORD will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will offer worship to the LORD.'"

2Sam. 15:9 The king said to him, "Go in peace [and prosperity]." So he got up and went to Hebron.

Absalom Sends in Propagandists

1.       At a given signal, there will be violence, but the public sector must be won over.

2.       His own people have been made hardcore.

3.       The general public must be forged into a weapon by conspiracy to overthrow the government.

4.       This defines the propagandists as slanderers. Slander must be first forthcoming. Under strong delusion, they believe the propaganda and slander.

5.       There are half-truths in progranda, and people often believe the lie and join the cause.

Propaganda, Lies and Slander

1.       Slander and propaganda establishes pseudo authority in life.

2.       Psuedo authority must be established so that public will follow the orders of the revolutionaries. The army joined the Nazis, which marked the solidification of Hitler’s power.

3.       Absalom never got out of pseudo leadership. A civil war, but he never gained real authority. Pseudo authority needs to be established to get the general public to follow.

4.       The hardcore revolutionists deceive, manipulate and use the general public. Robes pierre saw the people as being honorable and good as long as they recognized him as authoritative. The general public is the dupe and pawn.

5.       The revolution never starts with a majority of the people. It begins with a small dedicated group of crusaders fronting for a dedicated group of criminals.

6.       The details of the slander against David is not given. The Bible does not waste time with the propaganda and slander.

7.       Propaganda is always the same, whether this revolution or the French or the Russian. The rulers are maligned, the people are promised freedom and/or equality, etc.

8.       Essentailly the people are conned into the revolution they think that they will receive something without working for it. The people always buy the something for nothing propaganda.

Crowds shout slogans, and this gets them going.

The Principle of the Shouting

1.       This fools the stupid; they think that David is dead and that Absalom is now the king. If there is enough shouting, some people are impressed. These are people shouting slogans. They think if someone makes enough noise, that is impressive. Some will join in and sing along with them, and they feel like they are a part of something. Often the stupid go along with this. The stupid have their arrogance appealed to, and this is easily and quickly turned into courage. One you join a shouting crowd and start to shout their slogans, the less thinking you are doing. This happens during elections. When you join a shouting crowd and to shout with them is to be stupid and to give up your intelligence. Who shouts the most during football games. Bob sometimes has to grab them by the collar and explain to them that there is no need for all the noise. At a football game, Bob got into a lot of fights and near fights, except at times, it would have been a fight, but he could not get enough response. Drunks identify with the noise of a crowd. The shouting of the mob drowns out the thinking of law-abiding citizens. Every day they could have food; they did not have to work. Some who shouted these things bgan to believe them.

2.       Law-abiding citizens are often intimidated by the screaming and shouting of a loud crowd, and this sometimes keeps you from doing anything.

3.       Revolution is a series of intimdations, beginning with hardcore conspiracy and spreading to the people, the general public.

4.       The scum in the streets become commissars with great power and they use this power against others they do not like. Some groups get the restraints of their anger and bitterness removed. This always removes all restraint on implacability.

5.       The mob is evil, it is destructive and it destroys the ability to think.

Equality cancels liberty and fraternity. But people are too stupid to realize that. Always, there is some key that any thinking person can reject this whole bunch.

“Absalom Is King in Hebron”

1.       The content of this shout is a lie. There is always a set of lies in a revolution. There might be some little truth in it. He is in Hebron.

2.       David is king in Jerusalem.

3.       The people have a choice, however. They can choose between the truth or a lie. Absalom is the king in Hebron. David, one of the greatest rulers ever, has provided them with everything before all of this. Still, thousands will join the revolution. And they do it from their own free will. What sense does it make. Some of you ladies married a horse’s ass. What made you choose? Many people have made decisions for the wrong thing. Why? When we are in a state of arrogance, we are often subjective and inflexible and even our friends cannot tell us what an ass we are. We close our ears to feidls who tell us the truth. We accept lies because we are ivolved in interlocking systems of arrogance. We enter in by one of the 14 gates and we become subjective and inflexible. Pseudo love is tenacious and imbecilic. Pseudo love is fanatical. The more people who run down the person you think you love, the more you love that person. People warn you, and you cling to them even more. There are 5 people in this congregation that Bob would not let them within 1000 yards of. Bob has their number and if they step out of line, he’ll mop up the parking lot with them. Arrogance brings instant bad judgment. We have all done so. Interlocking systems of arrogance provides subjectivity and inflexibility. This is why there are so many bad marriages. So often when people can choose between the truth and a lie, they cannot figure it out. They have destroyed their ability to make a right decision. Reversionism givens them strong delusion. Arrogance and strong delusion always choose the false. What we call stubbornness is often arrogance and strong delusion.

4.       In the revolution, the masses choose to believe the lie, because they are arrogant and under strong delusion.

5.       Revolutions are constructed out of lies and half truths.

6.       The truths and half-truths come from the crusaders. ; the criminals distort truth into lies to advance the revolution.

7.       Legitimate grievance becomes motivation and the revolutionary leader emerges, when he was a criminal before.

8.       The crusaders are set aside and the criminals emerge as as the leaderrs

2Sam. 15:10 But Absalom sent secret messengers [propagandists or slanderers] throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then say, 'Absalom is king at Hebron!'"

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0374

Bob just came back from a conference; and there were a lot of people there who did not know anything about the arrogance complex.

Bob began reading a book called Hitler’s Generals. He says that Rommel is an amateur in many ways, but some other unknowns were quite good. The displeasure with Hitler was one of the main reasons for a general leaving.

Hitler’s mistakes included starting a war before his Navy was ready. Invading Russia caused him to be committed to a two-front war. He did not leave strategy to his officers. The Germans never caught up logistically, and neglected the military. However, the big problem was the arrogance of Hitler.

We are going to find a large number of peole who fal because of arrogance. They had potential, but they lost out.

2Sam. 15:7–10 And at the nd of four years Absalom said to the king, "Please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to the LORD, in Hebron. For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram, saying, 'If the LORD will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will offer worship to the LORD.'" The king said to him, "Go in peace [and prosperity]." So he got up and went to Hebron. But Absalom sent secret messengers [propagandists or slanderers] throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then say, 'Absalom is king at Hebron!'"

2 causes of civil war; if it is a political cause, the issue is freedom.

We live in history and many of us will see revolution and war before we die. We need to understand that the Bible interprets history, so we need to understand the Biblical view of history.

Some of us, our attention depends upon social life, we all enjoy the opposite sex, at least I hope we do. However, we enjoy these things because doctrine is first. Revolution is constructed upon lies, and legitimate grievances becomes revolutionary propaganda.

There is nothing in this life which can take credit for stupidity; and some have great potential and blow it because of arrogance. Some of you have gotten into your social life too quickly here. You do not have the capacity for it.

There were people who came to Tulsa from all over the United States.

We start with the Qal perfect of Halak. It means to go, to march; to follow; to have fellowship with. Before you get too fatheaded, we all, in life, are influenced by someone else, and we all follow someone else.

Some guy named Clark from Tulsa. Bob doesn’t like country music or rock music. He likes Tommy Dorsey, the Aggie band and Wagner. You shouldn’t feel inferior because someone has influence over you. There were 200 aristocrats who made the wrong decision because of who influenced them.

If you are humble, flexible, you can learn something from the woman. However, there are other times when she is a fluffy headed idiot. If some woman tries to rise up over Bob, he may react differently. However, taking good advice from a woman does not mean your authority has been destroyed.

Bob loves dogs but he knows nothing about training them. He does not feel inferior because he learns from them. Some are so arrogant that they feel inferior when someone has to explain something to them. Balderdash is somewhat that way. There were 200 men who were invited followed Absalom. He had a marvelous personality and this attracts others; and this is because they are arrogant. What destroyed these 200 men is arrogance. The German army had a phenomenal number of generals at the beginning. These 200 men in Israel were great in the realm of potential, and it always remained potential. Sincerity is the way a lot of dumb people impress a lot of other dumb people. If you are attracted to sincerity, you have no ability to discern one from another. You are moved by con artists. If you like a mental attitude because he is cute, you haven’t grown enough.

The Qal perfect of jada They knew nothing about the revolution.

The 200 Men

1.       These people are dupes, simpletons and the real victims of the revolution. Many have been friends since grammar school days; they are his drinking buddies, his friends.

2.       These 200 must be categorized as close friends of Absalom, sincere admirers of him, but totally stupid about the revolution. They could stop a revolution, but they are still playing in the palace. They still have their magnificent balls. They had no idea as to what was going on. Many demonstrated their capabilities by the way that they died. However, at this point, they knew nothing. Fiddling while Rome burns. Fiddling can mean a lot of things; it is playing the violen.

3.       These 200 aristocrats were attracted to Absalom for a number of reasons. They wanted to be a prominent person in Jewish society. A genius IQ + arrogance is worthless.

4.       They were so stupid in their emotional response to Absalom that they were led into the revolutionary track without knowing anything about the revolution. They had no clue about what was going on. They were completely taken in; completely deceived. They were not for a revolution. They were not down with David types. If Absalom made a toast, “Death to David” they would have been shocked.

5.       There are all kinds in Berachah. Berachah Church has been composed of people from all over the country who wanted face to face teaching every night. But there are all kinds at Berachah. These 200 are not unlike people in any group. There are always those who are the real victims.

6.       These are the dummies of life who do not have doctrine for discernment or they are exposed to doctrine or truth, but they never listen. They are thinking bout all of these other things. If we are normal, we are attracted to some people. This congregation probably has the highest concentration of attractive people. Bob’s been in congregations that would make you shudder.

7.       In blind arrogance, the key to everything is arrogance. In blind arrogance, they follow a man and become entangled in Absalom’s arrogance. They went there thinking that this was going to be a lark. It was a good town to have fun.

8.       These 200 let Absalom make a decision for them. This is a case where they should be making their own decisions. They entered the revolution without understanding it. They let Absalom decide that they would be in the revolution. Once you accept a man as your husband, then when it comes to decisions, it is just about over. All of a sudden. If it is Bob, “Your day of jeans is over. You take those out and burn them.” You marry a man to please him, not to throw him an occasional bone. Marriage is a lot more solemn than you realize. You like to make your own decisions and you enjoy your life. The idea of suddenly settling down is not really what you had in mind. With this kind of attitude, you need to wait for your right man. Between age 13 and whatever else, the woman lives to please herself. After that, when she gets married, you have to please hiim. Now he is making strange noises like, “Go into the kitchen and cook” and you have been used to going out to eat all the time. “You have already learned enough not to call me up and ask for anything.” You will make decisions. Adulthood means taking the responsibility for your own decisions. “Cursed is the man who puts his trust in man.”

9.       Therefore, choose your friends wisely. If you are not as wise as you thought you were, good. Berachah is a good place to be burned. People will tolerate your failures in Berachah. We don’t throw out the prostitute and the drunk; we throw out those who gossip about the prostitute and the drunk. Choose your friends wisely, because association with the wrong person turns innocence into guilt. If you let people make decisions for you, you must take responsibility for the decision that they make for you.

10.     Cursing by association is one of the most neglected principles of Bible doctrine.

11.     When you use your free will to make a friend and your friend starts making decisions for you, then your friend’s judgment is your judgment and your friend’s evil is your evil. Therefore, beware who makes decisions for you.

2Sam. 15:11 With Absalom went 200 men from Jerusalem who were invited guests, and they went in their innocence and knew nothing.

2Samuel 15:11                                     72David                                              631_0375

Bob is still reading about Hitler’s generals. Von Monstein is someone that Bob and many others consider to be the most intelligent in all of WWII. Von Monstein was was of the aristocrats from a very aristocratic family. The French were conquered in less than 30 days. They went in and wiped out all of the aristocrats in Poland.

None of the other generals had the nerve to protest this. He refused to cooperate with the SS and threatened to shoot the bastards if they came into his territory. Hitler had the greatest military in the world.

We have 1000's of the worst scum in the world sent to us from Cuba. He took all of those off of his welfare rolls and sent them all to the U.S. Wetbacks come in from Mexico. Bob thinks that we are looking at revolution shortly.

There are 200 men who followed Absalom in their sincerity and they knew nothing whatsoever about the revolution. They allowed Absalom to make decisions for them. When you use your free will to make a friend, then your friend’s judgment is your judgment and your friend’s evil is your evil.

This Takes Us to the Influential Men from Jerusalem

1.       These men are aristocrats and mobility and they are typical of people who, in times of great prosperity, that they spend so much time in social life, that they don’t enjoy their social life. They have a tendency to so emphasize their social life, that they tend to lose their capacity for life. Some of us are so involved in our social life that we neglect doctrine. When doctrine is #2, you begin to form associations and social life, and people wake up and realize that we are in a depression. Even if you went to class all the time, it becme Berachah social club. So there are 200 high class men, with smarts, abilities, attractive men. Their association with Absalom blotted out the importance of doctrine. Absalom’s parties took precedence. Bob enjoys parties. But if you let the good times turn your head from doctrine or association with attractive people, and some of you girls came down looking for a man, or you meet a man and he takes you away frmm doctrine, you will experience hell on earth. The people who make you happy now will make you miserable later.

2.       These victims of their own stupidty and lack of discernment figured they were going to Hebron to offer up sacrifices and have a good time. This was ancient jet-setting. They expected a great party, since it is out of hearing of the palace.

3.       Absalom in his conspiracy needed window dressing to hide the conspiracy. He figured the best way was to put up the window dressing of social life. Absalom partied with these people. They raised hell and they had a ball. Smart conspirators set up window dressing types. If Bob was a gangster, he would set up a bunch of people who had no idea what he was doing. They would have a good time together and they would have no idea. Had doctrine been first, they could not have been used in this way.

4.       Many of these 200 started out doctrinally sound; they had great integrity and honor and in 4 years, they had lost this integrity. Absalom had the best parties at a time doctrine would be taught. Therefore, they started out with great integrity and honor but it was now severely compromised.

5.       It is not how many of them remained with Absalom after the revolution. Bob thinks that all of them were stuck. Once his 200 friends were in the HQ of the revolution, but if they opposed it, Absalom would say, “Take them out and kill them.” “I can’t believe it, the Russians are coming...we are going to war.”

6.       Undoubtedly, many of these men had strong integrity, and they had enough left to try to beak away from Absalom. But to escape, they had to be flexible and smart. You will be a sucker all of your life unless doctrine is first.

7.       Others were too arrogance, too subjective and too weak. They went in for all of this. Even with muscles, if you are arrogant, then you are weak. Arrogance is weakness. These are the stupid vitims of revolution. They are weak and arrogant and being inflexible means no survival. Bob used to swim a mile a day as a lifeguard and he has seen a lot of great swimmers cramp up. This is just what happens to arrogant people. Too arrogant and too weak to leave the revolution.

8.       Most of those who stay with Absalom will die in the revolution. Those people shouting these slogans and ahviung these meetings are going to die and they will contribute to the fertility of the ground.

9.       It would be safe to conclude that all of those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance would become victims of interlocking systems of arrogance. Those with humility and teachability will survive. Bob knew several people who became millionaires who were flexible enough to clean floor and scrub pots and pans for their flexibility. Too many of you have your and you expect to be a vice president, or whatever; uynable to do something which is menial. Flexibility is the key. A bunch of Blacks hired to be vice presidents in the airlines, and one said, “I am not qualified to do this job.” That is flexibility and humility. Arrogance is inflexible with whomever you find it. If God has to bring you down where you are hungry and starving, then maybe you will change your opinion about flexibility. It is a lot more fun to start from the bottom anyone and then when you go up to the top, you know what it was like at the bottom. The revolution will renounce Absalom or whatever.

Loyalty as a virtue versus loyalty as an evil. Humility and flexibility are the survival instincts.

So, into the Value of Death Road the 200

1.       Those who have been consistent in the perception of doctrine will survive.

2.       The daily function of gap produces loyalty as a virtue is more important than loyalty to people.

3.       Apathy toward doctrine and antagonism toward doctrine produces loyalty as an evil.

4.       Integrity (Bible doctrine in the soul) and loyalty as a virtue equal honor. David represents legitimate authority. Soon, there will be 2 kings in Israel. The defacto king and the dejuri king. These words are used today. A defacto criminal is someone who is committing a crime and shot by the police; he was found guilty on the scene. A criminal caught and tried and convicted is dejury. David will recognize Absalom as the defacto king. David will suggest that to Ittai the Gittite. He was humble and flexible. So some will survive. Absalom I sthe defacto king and the honorable will be loyal to David, as he is the king promoted by God. A lot of people may not like David personally, but they will still remain loyal to him. Absalom will be destroyed for what he has done. Those loyal to Absalom will die and those loyal to David will survive.

There was no revolution during Solomon’s time. He will be safe, because the Revolutionaries are wiped out for an entire generation. Some people are discerning simply because they have humility. “The curse of the Lord is on the house of evil.” God makes war against the arrogant but he gives grace to the humble. This will occur during the revolution.

Arrogance + loyalty as an evil = dishonor.

Just as we must all pass the injustice test, we must all pass the conspiracy test. This can be in business, in the military, in social life, even on of our own, Hal Lindsay, ran down Bill Bright, who was the leader of campus crusade. You do not undercut a leader. If you don’t like it, you move out quietly. When you matriculate in Bob Jones University, then you go along with their policies. If you don’t like it, go elsewhere. This is the authority test. When you are in an organization, then you must respect the authority in that organization. Sometimes, the boss will admire and respect you when you put up with so much. “What makes you tick? You know I don’t like you and I have been riding you; how do you put up with it?” Outside of Bill Muderline, Bob’s assistant pastors continued to undercut him. Bob would fire anyone of us for reading the Bible on the job. You can read it during youre coffee break or your lunch hour, fine; but do not read any of these things, including Bob’s books, while you are being paid to do a job. If you were reading Bob’s books on the job, he would can you. You need to be authority oriented.

God has provided truth in 3 categories. Ignorance of the truth is arrogance and evil. Strong delusion will be the downfall of many of these 200.

2Sam. 15:11 With Absalom went 200 men from Jerusalem who were invited guests, and they went in their innocence and knew nothing.

2Samuel 15:12                                     72David                                              631_0376

This is the weekend that we celebrate Armed Forces Day. The military is not a appreciated or understood. Jesus Christ controls history. Under the laws of divine establishment, the military protects our freedom. Our president has cancelled out the B1 bomber and has all but destroyed our army and has made it totally impossible for logistical support at this time. We do not have enough to fight for more than 10 days anywhere where our men are. It is almost ludicrous to celebrate an armed forces day since most people have low regard for the military. There are few professions where such sacrifice is necessary. We live in tragic times. For a short time, we will have armed forces day every day, and people will want to know why we are failing and why there is no clear victory. We will see the tragedies pile up. It is tragic to live in a time when no one understands the armed services.

Furthermore, we have great racial tensions, and yet the armed forces give the Black man and the Brown man a fair shake; the only place. People have no concept of what this country is all about. When people emmigrate to this country, and those who take the course to find out what our country is all about, they learn to appreciate our country far more than those whose family has lived here since colonial times.

There is a lack of understanding in the Word of God.

The passage which Bob is going to cover has not been taught more than 10 or 15 times over the past few hundred years. This is fertile ground for interpretation. We are studying revolution and seeing how it began in a wonderful and prosperous nation. Even in the greatest of nations, revolution is a anger to us. If we go to war this year, there is a good chance that there will be a revolution as well. The United Rhodesia and dismantling it conspiratorial, attacking Rhodesia and dismantling their government.

The 200 men and they were upper crust and aristocratic, and they were men who, in normal times, would have made a great contribution to society. However, they had become indolent; they sought out social life. They were all affluent. They did not need to work for a living. They pursued pleasure in their lives. As believers in Jesus Christ, they neglected Bible doctrine. They had no capacity for life. They assumed that they were accompanying Absalom to a great religious party, and they became window dressing for Absalom’s conspiracy. Many of them had integrity and honor at that time.

Arrogance produced subjectivity and inflexibility. Many of them would not survive because they are arrogant in their café society. They are name droppers and they are impressed with other people. Most of these will stay with Absalom and die with him during the civil war. These are stupid victims of the revolution. These men will be dishonorable and they will die because of this.

Prov. 3:33–35 The LORD's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the dwelling of the righteous. Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor. The wise will inherit honor, but fools get disgrace.

They followed him in their sincerity and new nothing.

200 Men, Arrogance and the Truth

1.       Ignorance is not bliss; it is arrogance and dishonor.

2.       One thing that God has done for the enitre human race is to provide truth in 3 categories. Laws of divine establishment for believers and unbeliever. They come under strong delusion. Establishment has been abandoned. Some honestry and integrity in the police force and a few judges and a few pastors, a few governors, a few mayors. When either rejects the laws of divine establishment, they believe the lie, and this takes them off into falsehood. Category #2 is the gospel. Category #3 truth is Bible doctrine for the believer only. These 200 had reject Bible doctrine; it was not a big thing in their lives. Constantly seeking pleasure, they put pleasure first.

3.       Manhas freedom and volition to hearn the turht.

4.       Ignorance of the truth is arrogance and evil.

5.       Rejection of the truth is arrogance and evil and the intensification of that arrogance and evil. They believe the lie. They believe what is false.

6.       Strong delusion will be the downfall of these 200 prominent men.

The windfall profits tax is stealing. Castro was very smart. He got rid of all the welfare people, emptied the jails, and gave them all over to us. He deported his nonessential scum.

These 200 men used their own free will to accept Absalom’s invite.

Taking Responsibility for Your Own Actions

1.       They might blame Absalom for the dilemma, but they made their own decisions from their own free will. Do not blame your choices on God. You have made your decision, just like anyone else. The only thing which can save out lives is doctrine. There is no man and no group can save this country. We manufacture from our own free will our own failures. Some women come here and think they have walked into the right place to shop around. If there is no capacity for life and no capacity for love, then your marriage will be a mess. You may blame your parents, the opposite spouse, the pastor who married you; you will blame everyone but yourself. But once you get married, you give up your free will. You make your own decisions and then you must stand by them. These 200 men are very influential men. When you go to Absalom’s parties, there is no more time for doctrine. There are certain people with whom you can associate and you are instantly distracted from doctrine. Young people come from all over the United States. They get distracted from doctrine and they lose their capacity for life and happiness.


3.       A person from his own free will will often commit a sin in ignorance, but he still wanted to do it. God holds him responsible for it. The issue is free will. We have self-determination in our souls. We can choose. We all make decisions, good and bad. The more doctrine the more good decisions, ideally speaking. When you decide to break away from Bible class, it is just like sleep; you’ll never make it up. Residing in that same soul is free will. Happiness is not what you will do afte church, but what you are thinking. “Look up or look down, but don’t watch other people.” We take the responsibility for our own volition. We wanted to commit a sin, so we did it, whether we knew it was a sin or not. Being involved in blind arrogance, you must take responsibility for your decisions in interlocking systems of arrogance. High Plains Drifter was the movie last night. Typical western town with a church, which they called Berachah east. They way they acted, they must have been believers. They showed this establishment person, the sheriff, being cut to pieces by whips, as the law was cut to pieces. All of these people fulfilled 13 of the 14 interlocking systems of arrogance. After that, there was a reign of terror by these 3 punks. They hired criminals because they were no longer establishment. They no longer had a veneer of establishment. Their interlocking systems of arrogance had destroyed them all. All of these people suffered from arrogance. They rejected establishment authority and then destroyed themselves from their own free will. Absalom was accepted as a leader and a ruler, but he had no real authority. These people were evil because they accepted pseudo-authority. Extrication is much more complicated than implication. It requires moral courage to break out. We can be evaluated by what we avoid as well as by what we accept. This would have been a good time to avoid Absalom. The would find it very difficult to do anything that wuold be of any help at all.

The conspiracy, the hardcore revolutionaries. The general public must be won to the revolution or there is no revolution. Some of the general public will stay with the incorruptibles.

Qal imperfect of shallach. He is sending for the brains behind the revolution. While offering sacrifices, he has the facade of worship. He attended church by putting on a hypocritical front. He continues to put on this front; to continue to deceive so many people.

Absalom used animal sacrifices as a cover for the last stage of the revolution. He seems to be interested in worship and Bible doctrine. Inwardly, he is reversionistic and evil. If you are in Berachah in a state of arrogance or evil, how much do you get out of the lesson? There are the 200 aristocrats and the couriers. The ladies in David’s family produced some great military men. Amasah will replace Joab. If politics is the cause of civil war, the issue is freedom; if revolution is the cause of civil war, the issue is truth.

Ahithophel is the leader of this revolution conspiracy. Hebron was where David was crowned and this is where Absalom will be crowned. It is an ideal place for the revolution. Hebron was the original capital under David for 7.5 years. Some in Hebron never got of this move to Jerusalem.

you are open to propaganda if you despise someone that your formerly loved. The people of Hebron became arrogant when David moved to Jerusalem. As they became an arrogant population and this has built its way up.

Disenchantment with any sort of authority. If you are vulnerable to instant disenchantment and easily led to antagonism to someone you formerly loved, then you have an arrogance problem. You are extremely volatile, unstable, until you recover from rebound and get back to Bible doctrine on a regular basis. The people of Hebron are vulnerable to revolution.

Bob goes back to the movie. It was like Hebron. They were guilty of various categories of arrogance. Blind arrogance. Authority arrogance. They were vulnerable to revolutionary propaganda.

Ahithophel is David’s counselor. When he gave advice, it was like the oracle of God. 2Sam. 16:23 Elaim was a great and he had a daughter Bathsheba. David gave Uriah a battlefield commission as an enemy. Uriah was in Eliam’s brigade and probably introduced him to Bathsheba. Ahithophel and Eliam both resnted this. He is the grandfather of Bathsheba and did not appreciate the way that David deal with her. He did not like his son in loaw being murdered by David. Absalom is the official revolutionary leader and he is too arrogant to take good advice. He rejects the only advice that could make the revolution succeed. He will go home, after his advice was rejected, and he kills himself.

2Sam. 15:12 And while Absalom was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor [or, advisor], from his city Giloh. And the conspiracy grew strong, and the people with Absalom kept increasing.

2Samuel 15:12 Psalm 39:1–13           72David                                              631_0377

Douglas MacArthur made many speeches, but the one which he made 26January 1955 gave the MacArthur Park speech. “I and this statue and this part are but selected reminders....men not dedicated to the profession of arms, men not skilled...but men animated, inspired, and ennobled by a sublime cause...the spirit and willingness to sacrifice...the dark majesty of fighting Ships...and all the stench and ghastly horror...they suffered hunger and thirst...the loneliness and absolute desolation of desert trails...

“I have listened with deep emotion to these solemn proceedings and my heart is too full for my lips to express adequately my thanks and appreciation for the extraordinary honor you do me. Even so, I understand full well that this memorial is intended to commerate an epoch rather than an individual; an armed force rather than its commander; a nation rather than its servant; an ideal rather than a personality. This but increases my pride, that my name has been the one chosen as the symbol of an epic struggle and victory by millions of unnamed others. It is their heroism, their sacrifice, their success, that you have honored today in so unforgettable a manner. I, and this statue, and this park are but the selected reminders of their grandeur. Most of them were citizen soldiers, sailors and airmen--men from the farm, from the city, from the schoolroom, from the college campus--Men not dedicated to the profession of arms, men not primarily skilled in the arts of destruction--men amazingly like the men you see and meet and know each day of your lives--but men animated, inspired and ennobled by a sublime cause--the defense of their country, of their native land, of their very hearthstones. The most divine of all human sentiments and impulses guided them--the spirit and willingness to sacrifice. He who dares to die--to lay his life on the altar of his nations's need--is beyond doubt the noblest development of mankind. In this he comes closest to the image of his Creator who died on the cross that the human soul might live These men were my comrades-in-arms. With me they knew the far call of the bugles at reveille; the distant roll of the drums at nightfall; the endless tramp of marching feet; the incessant whine of sniper bullets; the ceaseless rattle of sputtering machine guns; the ominour roar of threatening cannon; the sinister wail of air sirens; the defening blasts of crashing bombs; the stealthy stroke of hidden torpedoes; the amphibious lurch over perilous waves; the dark majesty of fighting ships; the mad din of battle lines; and all the stench and ghastly horror and savage destruction of a stricken area of war. They suffered hunger and thirst; the broiling suns of relentless heat; the torrential rains of tropical storms; the lonliness and utter desolation of jungle trails; the bitterness of separation from those they loved and cherished. They went on, and on, and on, when everything within them seemed to stop and die. They grew old in youth. They burned out in searing minutes all that life owed them of tranquil years. When I think of their patience under adversity, of their courage under fire, and of their modesty in victory, I am filled with an emotion of admiration I cannot express. Many of them trod the tragic path of unknown fame that led to a stark white cross above a lonely grave. And from their tortured , dying lips, with the dreadful gurgle of the death rattle in their throats, always came the same gasping prayer that we who were left would go on to victory. I do not know the dignity of their birth, but I do know the glory of their death, and I am sure a merciful God has taken them unto Himself.” General Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army, Los Angeles 26 January 1955.



Another quote pulled off the internet from Duty, Honor, Country, pages 204-206:

Great changes have taken place in our military establishment, some good, some not so good. Materially the improvement has been spectacular, psychologically yet to be proven. The men in the ranks are largely citizen soldiers, sailors or airmen-men from the farm, the city, from school, from the college campus-men not dedicated to the profession of arms; men not primarily skilled in the art of war; men most amazingly like the men you know and see and meet each day of your life.


If hostilities come these men will know the endless tramp of marching feet, the incessant whine of sniper bullets, the ceaseless rustle of sputtering machine guns, the sinister wail of air combat, the deafening blast of crashing bombs, the stealthy stroke of hidden torpedoes, the amphibious lurch over perilous waves, the dark majesty of fighting ships, the mad din of battle and all the tense and ghastly horror and savage destruction of a stricken area of war.


These men will suffer hunger and thirst, broiling suns and frozen reaches, but they must go on and on and on when everything within them seems to stop and die. They will grow old in youth burned out in searing minutes, even though life owes them tranquil years. In these troublesome times of confused and bewildered international sophistication, let no man misunderstand why they do that which they must do. These men will fight, and, perchance die, for one reason only-for their country-for America. No complex philosophies of world intrigue and conspiracy dominate their thoughts. No exploitation or extravagance of propaganda dims their sensibilities. Just the simple fact, their country called.


But now strange voices are heard across the land, decrying this old and proven concept of patriotism. Seductive murmurs are arising that it is now outmoded by some more comprehensive and all-embracing philosophy, that we are provincial and immature or reactionary and stupid when we idealize our own country; that there is a higher destiny for us under another and more general flag; that no longer when we send our sons and daughters to the battlefields must we see them through all the way to victory; that we can call upon them to fight and even to die in some half-hearted and indecisive war; that we can plunge them recklessly into war and then suddenly decide that it is a wrong war or in a wrong place or at a wrong time, or even that we can call it not a war at all by using some more euphemistic and gentler name; that we can treat them as expendable, although they are our own flesh and blood; that we, the strongest military nation in the world, have suddenly become dependent upon others for our security and even our welfare.


Listen not from these voices, be they from the one political party or from the other. Be they from the high and the mighty or the lowly and the forgotten. Heed them not. Visit upon them a righteous scorn, born of the past sacrifices of your fighting sons and daughters. Repudiate them in the market place, on platforms, from the pulpit. The highest encomium you can still receive is to be called a patriot, if it means you love your country above all else and will place your life, if need be, at the service of your Flag...

Once you settle the questions of death, then you can orient to life. We as believers orient to life through death. Prov. 14:27 the fear/respect for the Lord is the fountain of life, turning a man from the snares...

Psalm 33:16–19 The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue.

Psalm 56:13 For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.

When the believer is oriented to death, he is oriented to life by that same doctrine. The grave cannot praise you. The living praise you. So David was oriented to death, which means he was oriented to life.

National disaster can result in soul torment. I called to my allies, but they betrayed me. My priests perished in the streets of the city. Outside of the city, the sword bereaves. I think this is from Lamentations.

Rev. 21:4 God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. 1Cor. O death, where is your sting? Philip. 1:20–21

“I am the resurrection and the life....”

as our coming crisis descends upon us, we must understand death in order to orient to life.

We will find a very honorable gentile expressing this same sentiment.

The leadership of the revolution in v. 12. Absalom sends for Ahithophel. While people are being nonrespectable, they often hide it behind a sphere of respectability. Some people who do things which are inherently evil do things which they surround in a facade of religion.


1.       3 categories of those in a revolution. The people in a revolution.

2.       The hardcore must attract the general public and propagandize them and form them into a weapon.

3.       There is the incorruptible. They cannot be propagandized. They have accepted truth in one of the 3 categories.

4.       This demonstrates the importance of the pivot of mature believers in a time of national disaster.

5.       A large pivot is the basis for the deliverance of a nation in historical crisis. All conspiratorial attempts to undermine the government.

Next Principle

1.       A conspiracy depends upon strong delusion with which to work. They also need interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       People must reject the truth in order for a revolution to occur. There is the truth first and the delusion. It is amazing where truth is found.

3.       Furthermore, no revolution can gain momentum apart from involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance. National disaster is a result of rejecting truth.

4.       Therefore, arrogance and rejection of the truth and strong delusion. Even though there has been 30 years of prosperous rule under David, they still flock to the revolution. People follow a vain personality plus Absalom and reject David who has given them decades of prosperity. This was the greatest blessing Israel had been under, up to that point. But people get bored with prosperity and they cannot stand it unless they have the capacity to enjoy it. This comes from the acceptance of truth.

5.       There will always be conspiracies. We have these in adversity. There will always exist hardcore revolutionists, but that requires arrogance and strong delusion for them to gain any traction.

6.       If the revolution does not gain enough converts from the common people, civil war is inevitable.

7.       Civil wars involve 2 sets of people: the revolutionaries and the establishment.

8.       When politics starts a civil war, the issue is freedom; when revolution starts a civil war, the issue is truth.

9.       Here, revolution began the civil war so truth is the issue.

10.     Those who accept truth will follow David and those who suffer from arrogance and suffer from strong delusion will follow Absalom.

Had not this destruction been so strong, there would not have been the wonderful 40 years of prosperity under Solomon. National arrogance is always the catalytic agent for national disaster. No one can accomplish the will of God apart from the humility factor.

2Sam. 15:12 And while Absalom was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor [or, advisor], from his city Giloh. And the conspiracy grew strong [gained momentum], and the people with Absalom kept increasing [people kept coming to Absalom in increasing numbers].

There are 3 conspiracy psalms that David wrote about this conspiracy. Psalm 39 41 55 all which were written at this time before the revolution.

David knows that the revolution is going to break out and he cannot afford any mental attitude sins. He must think clearly. He must use his wits. There will be 3 magnificent decisions. This prayer indicates that he is clearing the decks for action.

All good leaders in a disaster think. He is avoiding the thinking of arrogance.

Psalm 39:1 To the choirmaster: to Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. I said, "I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth with a muzzle [no verbal sins], so long as the wicked [evil] are in my presence."

David starts up a policy. To fulfill the previous verse, there muse be great humility. “I was dumb with silence” is humility and objectivity. He will be thoughtful of those under his command. He will demonstrate great leadership characteristics.

Psalm 39:2 I was mute and silent; I held my peace to no avail, and my distress [pain, pressure] grew worse.

The prayer will begin after v. 3:

Psalm 39:3 My heart became hot within me. As I mused [meditated], the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:

He kneels down and beings to pray in his master bedroom. He must have some idea if he is going to survive. David was not concerned for his own life, but he needed to know if he has a good assistant to take up the mantel if he dies. He needs someone to take over in case he dies in the revolution.

Psalm 39:4 "O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!

As far as David could blow air, that is the length of his days. Some of you teens want to suddenly grow up; that is a typical thought to get out from under the restraint of parents. Life is just a breath, and it is all over. Inhale and exhale, and it is all over. This shortness of life reminds us that life is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. There is only one preparation for eternity; believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.

This wisp across the sky, this temporary vapor trail, had great significance if it is related to thought. Sustaining of the thought if by God Who provides truth and doctrine. How can you have a great love without thought or a good time without thought. Some will substitute drugs or drinking or something else for thought, which destroys thought, for stimulation.

We are here simply because God has provided our breath and everything needed in our life.

We might really fail, but, if at the end, you look around, you notice that you are still alive; and therefore, God has a plan for you going forward. There is the option of moving forward, of walking away from your sins and failures and moving out of interlocking systems of arrogance. Each man’s life is a breath. You will never find happiness by rejecting truth. Doctrine must be first, which enables us to deal with disaster as well as with happiness.

Selah means, it is time for the singers to breathe while the orchestra plays on. Rest on that thought.

Psalm 39:5 Behold, You have made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing before You. Surely all mankind stands as a mere breath! Selah

David continues in his prayer. Only arrogance makes us think that we are important. Arrogance says, pass a law and make them have seat belts and put a bag inside of your car. EPA and OSHA is arrogance. Man is a phantom; man is a shadow. That is the true perspective.

We are only shadows until we walk into the light.

You accumulate wealth and you do not know who will possess it in the end.

Psalm 39:6 Surely a man goes about as a shadow! Surely for nothing they are in turmoil; man heaps up wealth and does not know who will gather!

He then asks, what should I trust?

Psalm 39:7 "And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.

He needs to make certain that he is absolutely in fellowship.

Psalm 39:8 Deliver me from all my transgressions. Do not make me the scorn of the fool!

Again, David is dumb. He recognizes that God has done all this.

Psalm 39:9 I am mute; I do not open my mouth, for it is You who have done it.

You may be wealthy and still have your wealth, but your wealth is no longer a source of blessing to you.

Psalm 39:10 Remove your stroke from me; I am spent by the hostility of your hand.

  The garment is still there, but the moth has filled it with holes. Life is meaningless without thought. Life is meaningless without Bible doctrine.

Psalm 39:11 When you discipline a man with rebukes for sin, you consume like a moth what is dear to him; surely all mankind is a mere breath! Selah

God called out Israel as a special race pulled out of history. David has failed miserably.

Psalm 39:12 "Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears! For I am a sojourner with you, a guest, like all my fathers.

The psalm just gives us the outline of his prayer for help. This psalm tells us that he needs to seek the Lord in prayer.

Psalm 39:13 Look away from me, that I may smile again, before I depart and am no more!"

Psalm 41 next time.

2Samuel 15:13 Psalm 41 55              72David                                              631_0378

To Kill the Devil is all about the assassination of Hitler plans. 20 July 1944 would have been a successful assassination of Hitler, but the location of the meet was changed, so Hitler was not killed but just mussed up.

Our passage brings out Absalom as an Adolf Hitler. The Absalom revolution took place in the time of David.

Hebron was a trouble spot during the time of David, and it is still a trouble spot today. There was an ambush today there.

2Sam. 15:7–12 And at the end of four years Absalom said to the king, "Please let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed to the LORD, in Hebron. For your servant vowed a vow while I lived at Geshur in Aram, saying, 'If the LORD will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will offer worship to the LORD.'" The king said to him, "Go in peace." So he arose and went to Hebron. But Absalom sent secret messengers throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, "As soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet, then say, 'Absalom is king at Hebron!'" With Absalom went two hundred men from Jerusalem who were invited guests, and they went in their innocence and knew nothing. And while Absalom was offering the sacrifices, he sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counselor, from his city Giloh. And the conspiracy grew strong, and the people with Absalom kept increasing.

Now to Psalm 41:

Psalm 41:1 To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. Blessed is the one who considers the poor! In the day of trouble the LORD delivers him;

Psalm 41:2 the LORD protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up to the will of his enemies.

David was confident that he would survive the revolution.

Psalm 41:3 The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

David has sinned against God and he has rebounded.

Psalm 41:4 As for me, I said, "O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you!"

His enemies speak of him.

Psalm 41:5 My enemies say of me in malice, "When will he die, and his name perish?"

Here, this one is Absalom. He offers up empty words; this is all deceit.

Psalm 41:6 And when one comes to see me, he utters empty words, while his heart gathers iniquity; when he goes out, he tells it abroad.

Psalm 41:7 All who hate me whisper together about me [they conspire against me]; they imagine the worst for me.

The incurable disease is evil; Absalom is involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance and it is incurable.

Psalm 41:8 They say, "A deadly thing is poured out on him; he will not rise again from where he lies."

Reference here to the secretary of state Ahithophel.

Psalm 41:9 Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.

Psalm 41:10 But you, O LORD, be gracious to me, and raise me up, that I may repay them!

Psalm 41:11 By this I know that you delight in me: my enemy will not shout in triumph over me.

Psalm 41:12 But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me [and You cause me to stand] in your presence forever.

Eternity past to eternity future.

Psalm 41:13 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! Amen and Amen.

Psalm 55:

Psalm 55:1 To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. A Maskil of David. Give ear to my prayer, O God, and hide not yourself from my plea for mercy!

Psalm 55:2 Attend to me, and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and I moan,

Psalm 55:3 because of the noise of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked. For they drop trouble upon me, and in anger they bear a grudge against me.

David’s life is in great danger.

Psalm 55:4 My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen upon me.

This revolution is like a nightmare to David.

Psalm 55:5 Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me.

David wishes that he could fly away.

Psalm 55:6 And I say, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest;

David wants to avoid his responsibilities.

Psalm 55:7 yes, I would wander far away; I would lodge in the wilderness; Selah

Abnormal historical disaster.

Psalm 55:8 I would hurry to find a shelter from the raging wind and tempest."

David starts his prayer in v. 9, and he asks for them to argue among themselves. The city here refers to Jerusalem. There are destructive forces at work in Jerusalem. Unrestrained crime precedes revolution.

Psalm 55:9 Destroy, O Lord, divide their tongues; for I see violence and strife in the city.

Psalm 55:10 Day and night they go around it on its walls, and iniquity and trouble are within it;

Psalm 55:11 ruin is in its midst; oppression and fraud do not depart from its marketplace.

Psalm 55:12 For it is not an enemy who taunts me-- then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals insolently with me-- then I could hide from him.

This is a reference to Ahithophel, Absalom, and Amasa.

Psalm 55:13 But it is you, a man, my equal, my companion, my familiar friend.

Formerly, there was a better relationship.

Psalm 55:14 We used to take sweet counsel together; within God's house we walked in the throng.

A prayer in the jussive, because this is God’s will. The revolutionary thinks he is invincible as the revolution and it is great if he is surprised by death.

In their souls they are revolutionists.

Psalm 55:15 Let death steal over them [let death surprise them]; let them go down to Sheol alive; for evil is in their dwelling place and in their heart.

Psalm 55:16 But I call to God, and the LORD will save me.

David cries under pressure.

Psalm 55:17 Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice.

there was a multitude against David.

Psalm 55:18 He redeems my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me.

If God does not demote you, you are not demoted. God who is sovereign. No respect for God means no respect for divine establishment.

Psalm 55:19 God will give ear and humble them, he who is enthroned from of old, Selah because they do not change and do not fear God.

He attacks those who are at peace with him. David pardons him.

Psalm 55:20 My companion stretched out his hand against his friends; he violated his covenant.

Absalom’s conspiracy is described. His speech smooth as butt.

Psalm 55:21 His speech was smooth as butter, yet war [revolution] was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.

Advice given to all during a time of historical disaster.

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved [to fall].

The 6 categories of supergrace blessing.

Psalm 55:23 But you, O God, will cast them down into the pit of destruction; men of blood and treachery shall not live out half their days. But I will trust in you.

This brings us back to 2Sam. 15:13

David’s 3 wise decisions in vv. 13–37 most people cannot think under pressure. However, David is able to do this. David could take Bible doctrine and apply it to the situation under the greatest pressure. David will be, in the next several chapters, at his absolute best. He will make 3 brilliant decisions. You can read this all day without catching how brilliant these decisions were.

David’s G2 discovers the revolution. Articular Hiphil participle of nagad. It means to tell, to announce. It is used here as a noun to refer to an intelligence agent. This is someone from David’s great G2 system. Joab is very suspicious of Absalom. David, at first, has no suspicion of Absalom; but Joab knows enough to wonder what he has planned.

The right lobes of the people have finally broken out and they are following Absalom, and Absalom has captured enough of them to start the revolution.

David can stay in Jerusalem and fight, or he can withdraw. If he fights, Jerusalem will be under siege and risk the lives of all of the citizens If he retreats, then the revolution will appear to be over, without any bloodshed. One person on his own cannot put together all of the facts. All professions at the top need an assembling of the facts, and by more than one person. When you are the head of something, you might get to think that you are God and you do not need anyone to gather facts and to help you. No leader is an island to himself, and no one is smart enough to be able to get all of the facts without help. When you no longer think you need help, you are inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. If you are in charge of anything, then you have to recognize that you cannot get along without help. Bob could not function without deacons. The prep school has a whole organization going on. No one can truly function at the top of any organization without objective eyes and ears constantly assembly facts. No one is smart enough. No one can walk in the midst of his people and know what is going on. Our president is surrounded by a bunch of nincompoops, and Bob suggests that he would have made better decisions if he had better information. The president is not getting facts. No one can rule without good information. There needs to be facts. There is a chief of staff who constantly gathers facts about training, strategy, tactics and logistics. G3 deals with the condition of the troops. The best garrisons in the south have all gone over to Absalom. His loyal men are in the north, and they are better trained than Absalom’s. G4 says there is a well-supplied garrison in Zion, but it is limited; and there are great supplied garrisons in the north. Joab suggests that they withdraw to the north, and there they could stretch out their logistical lines. The longer their supply lines are stretched out, the better it is. This also allows them to maneuver in the open. There is always at least one guy who says, “Those staff officers just sit up there and talk and we do all the fighting.” Do not run down staff. The is the stupidest thing Bob has ever seen. Without staff, line is unable to fight. When line and staff get cattywampus, there is great destruction. Many of us will be arrogant and think that the staff is no good. If you get logistic, that is all about staff. The men in the barracks will have the best chance to win because staff work makes it all possible. Don’t ever get arrogant and look down your nose at the others (line if you are staff and staff if you are line). Line requires greater leadership and staff requires greater intelligence. It is rare to have both of those characteristics in one man. That makes a great captain of history, like Hannibal, Ceasar, Alexander the Grat, Frederick the Great, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson. There might be 50 people in all history who can combine staff and line in one mind.

Some of you have forgotten that this is the Word of God and Bob spends many hours preparing for this. The jackasses who do not appreciate this kind of stuff. Soon we will be on RM/RW or sweetness and light so that you can learn to love your pastor, etc. “Cover your mouth when you yawn.” Bob wants to square him away. 2 pitiful, watered down sentences on some of these passages. And God the Holy Spirit has seen fit to put this information into the Word of God. You do not have to come here ever again, but as long as you are here, you might as well realize that Bob is not spending this many hours on this verse. There is something here. Every part of the Word of God is important.

Bob is quick on picking up on mustaches. No person can function in authority without facts. This begins in the home. Parents cannot rear their children without facts. They need coaches, teachers, police officers, etc. will give you objective information about your children. If you are arrogant, then you will never get it. You think your children can do no wrong. When your kid is busted for being a pothead, then it is your own fault. You will be the last to know. It will happen after the fact. So you need facts in order to rear children. You need facts to control anything, and you are helpless to do it all by yourself.

Bob used to think he was the smartest person about people that there ever was; and it took Berachah Church to make him realize that he was not. In 3 years of staff work of placing officers all over, Bob never made a mistake. He had the poorest selection of people. “Some of you probably think I know little about people from chewing you out.” This is true of family, of coaching, of a team, etc. Reliable, humble, objective staff must exist.

Summary Points

1.       The Qal perfect of hayah indicates that Joab or David were suspicious of Absalom and G2 was sent there in order to figure out.

2.       The special agent reported the cnpsiracy to Davie before the revolutionary forces could launch a surpiprse attack against David and catch David in their net of intrigue.

3.       The report says the revolution has already begun.

4.       Absalom’s object is to demote David, kill him, and promose himself.

5.       However, if God does not promote you, you are not promoted.

6.       Same, demote

7.       Absalom cannot demote David since he did not promote David. From the outset, revolution is doomed to failure.

There are 3 chapters on revolution and civil war. There is a civil war in Miami right now. Some of you with smirking faces. We are seeing on a small scale what could happen on a large scale in this country. Watts was a miniature revolution and civil war. Little Rock during the Eisenhower regime was a miniature revolution.

In Campus Crusade for Christ, which has gone from small to extremely large, and Bill’s biggest problem is collection of facts. There are little revolts here and there. One major revolt led by Hal Lindsay, from this church. That was not taught from this pulpit. If Hal did not agree with Bill, then he should have quietly stepped out. But it did not turn out that way. Fortunately, it was not a major revolution. The bigger the organization, the more efficient the staff needs to be. There were some Bob Jones people who undercut him and some tongues people who undercut him. His objectives could not be met with this undercutting. He has tried to imbue his staff with some doctrine. Any large organization must have an absolutely brilliant, objective humble staff, and they must constantly feed facts into hq.

The same is true for China Inland Missions, which was brilliant in its inception, but before the Communist revolution, there were alliances made with communists, because of the moral approach. When the communists came in, they came in and shut down prostitution and the opium dens, etc., and they cooperated with the communists 100%. The headquarters did not know this. Then communism swept through China quickly, partially because of this help of China Inland Missions. One you are on the top, you assemble facts, which you do every day. You use your brain. You don’t go to the janitor and say, “I would never ask someone to do something I would not do” and then push his broom around. Same as a commander. You command them because you are smarter than they are and you are better trained. You need to be a cut above your men. You have to think while you work. Sheer, unadulterated stupidity to say, “I would never tell someone to do something I would not do.” You can’t be as strong as them, shoot as good, etc. That is inconsequential. One commanding officer road in a vehicle while his men walked 30 miles drinking a lemonade. He said, “I think better when I am rested.” He understood the issue of command. That is the issue, being able to think better.

Bob should have out-thought his troops rather than beat them down. Some guy called in Bob on this, “What are you doing? I thought you were there to think.” Bob used to play footfall with them everyday. But that was stupid. Bob could have had his brains knocked out and then he could not out-think his men. Our concept of leadership is arrogance; I can outdo you in everything.

While David is under discipline, he might be removed from the throne, but he is still the king. He demonstrates his leadership by leading his men. His staff said, “You stay behind and we will do the fighting.” His staff realized that he had a promotion from the Lord and the ability to think and that he was far more important in headquarters than leading them. This strengthens the principle, the higher you go in authority, the more ou use your mind. The body is just there ot sustain the mind. Health is important and physical and nervous energy is important. You are not the president of the company because you are tougher than anyone else, and you don’t go down 11 floors to the basement and beat up the janitor to show how tough you are. That is the wrong approach. David will only be removed from the throne by his own personal death.

2Sam. 15:13 And a messenger [special agent; G2 messenger] came to David, saying [and gave a formal report to David], "The hearts of the men of Israel have gone after Absalom."

2Samuel 15:14                                     72David                                              631_0379

3 categories in the revolution: the hardcore revolutionaries, the incorruptibles, conspires to overthrow the government. People of Israel are the general public. The general public must be vulnerable to a revolution, so they must reject truth in 3 categories. They have to be involved in interlocking systems of arrogance or in strong delusion.

To Kill the Devil book.

Final Principles

1.       The incorruptibles live in a state of humility, meaning that they are outside the interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       They also retain a sense of humor, while the revolution is characterized by no humor at all. If you ever notice, those who are revolutionaries have no sense of humor. They are intense, arrogant, and subjective.

3.       The incorruptibles live and die based on their convictions.

4.       If the revolution does not gain enough converts from the general public, then there will be a war against the incorruptibles.

5.       There are enough people from the general public which can now march on Hebron.

6.       David does not know how much of the general public will follow the incorruptibles.

7.       Leaving Jerusalem is one of David’s wise decisions.

2Sam. 15:13 And a messenger [special agent; G2 messenger] came to David, saying [and gave a formal report to David], "The hearts of the men of Israel have gone after Absalom."

The general public includes a large group of squared-away believers. They are impervious to the charms of Absalom.

G2 recognizes that there will be enough of the general public which will follow after Absalom and cause a revolution.

There are 3 great decisions by David in this chapter. “Arise and let us flee,...” David is flexible and he does not mind ordering a retreat.

David’s Retreat

1.       David knows when to advance; he knows when to flee. Inflexible people never survive.

2.       David is totally free from interlocking systems of arrogance. His judgment is therefore excellent. David is smart. He knows when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em. David moves out altogether. You do not win revolutions defending when you ought to be retreating. The greatest general of WWII was Von Monstein who defied Hitler and retreated. Hitler was inflexible and subjective. He did not realize that you have to maneuver backwards to defeat the enemy. He saved 3 German armies when he retreated. Hitler fired him. Arrogant people never give anyone else a free hand. They have no awareness of the feelings of others; no consideration for others.

3.       Arrogance would have detained David in Jerusalem with disastrous results to David and the rest of the country.

4.       Arrogance is inflexible. Grace is flexible. There is a Marine Corps Officer, and he drove when everyone else marched. He said, “I think better when I am refreshed.” he was not arrogant. He was humble, flexible and smart. David and Joab are both geniuses and they are going to continue to maneuver

5.       Humility has good judgment; arrogance has lousy judgment. Humility + genius always wins. God makes war against the arrogant.

6.       The decision to flee was made in the good judgment of humility. Humility is flexible and humility is a survivor.

7.       Arrogance is self-destructive and inflexible.

Kiy lo hayah means there will not be to us an escape with regards to Absalom. None of us will escape from Absalom.

These are points which follow: David and his loyal staff represent establishment government of Israel. The establishment government must be preserved intact and functional so that the loyal general public has legitimate authority that the people can turn to. The people need David about whom they can really. Jerusalem is about 20 miles from the revolution, they must move to a place where the loyalists can rally. Because of the momentum in Jerusalem, Jerusalem is too close for a rallying point. Davids’s wise decision guarantees a civil war. For establishment government to triumph over the forces of evil, David has to get out where he can maneuver. His judgment is correct, for Jerusalem is too close to the revolution. David must surrender to the revolution in order to gain time to consolidate his forces. Ahithophel said, “Pursue immediately” and Absalom was too busy raping the father’s wives; and this gave David time to organize. Only a man of great flexibility and humility could figure out to flee from Jerusalem. If you are weeded to your possessions, and they cannot be moved, then you are in trouble. You love your possessions too much to leave them. All of these things cannot be loaded up, and you suffer from possession arrogance. We have all known some sort of prosperity. It is difficult under these circumstances. Those who left with David left all kinds of possessions behind, including David. David was flexible. He did not take that attitude. It is more imperative that your life continues. You have ot walk away from your possessions. Dr. Zivago faced walking away from lovely possessions. We all have to face the issue, what is more important, doing the will of God and doctrine or our possessions. Probably, we will face this test in Houston. You have to remember that the things you enjoy. Don’t worry, there will be no offering or any super garage sale. A Baptist preacher who gets this will get the gold right out of your teeth. All that we get is given to us from the Lord, and we have to come to the point where we follow the giver and leave behind the gifts. What is most important, the One Who gave us these gifts or the gifts? When national disaster hits, you must be flexible. The key is to choose the giver and not the gift. You cannot be too preoccupied with the gift. We all have things which we possess which we enjoy. That is spiritual and it is okay. If you are doctrinal, you can enjoy your paintings, your silver, your antiques, or whatever. But there is nothing that we possess that we have that God cannot take from us in a second. Doctrine makes you appreciate the giver. Anything you have, if the Lord wants, He can replace it. He can do better by us. We follow the One Who isthe source of our life and our possessions. We never lose the source. We may many times lose the possessions.

There is nothing that we have that we cannot lose. Our health, friends, loved ones and things. Bob recalls when some of us showed up, we have a change of underwear and a paper bag. One guy who used to show up to Berachah with nothing but a bag of things that he carried everywhere. People came from California, Oregon, Washington, etc. Many of you did not have a thing but you wanted face to face. Look at you today. You don’t have to carry your belongings around in a paper bag any more. Doctrine has given you a capacity for things. You like the operat and the ballet or the night life in Houston. You have learned to enjoy yourself.

Bob spent 30 years in this church. Whatever we are, whatever blessing, we can be in our one room apartment with the small one closet where there was our entire wardrobe on a single hanger, and now things have changed. We are prosperous people.

Now, suppose the scene changes. We have to walk out of a burning, rioting Houston, or has prosperity made you spoiled. All that we have is because of the Lord. Only doctrine in the soul can make us recall the source, which is Jesus Christ. Has prosperity made you arrogant, so that you could not walk away from what you are given? First answer might be, “Yeah, I could do it.” Bob appreciated the army, and you move from point to point, and every time you got comfortable and accumulated a lot of things, and the army moves you. And you know that some of these things will be broken in the move. Bob is enthusiastic about things he has accumulated. We accumulate junk too. When the chips are down, remember if the order is to move out, then you move out, even with jus the shirt on your back. Remember that you have not lost the Giver; you have not lost the Source.

When the chips are down and if we face this issue as a national crisis, just remember that you have not lost the Giver. If He wants to replace, He can. But don’t around crying and whining. “I left a bank account behind” and someone says, “You should have put it into gold coins” and he goes rattling by you. It is the Lord Who has graced us out.

What does it take to make this move? Flexibility, objectivity, application of the 3 rationales: plan of God rationale, essence of God rationale, . You need to be able to make the moral courage to stick with your decisions.

2Sam. 15:14 Then David said [issued orders] to all his servants [all his loyal staff] who were with him at Jerusalem, "Arise [rise up; let’s get going], and let us flee [Red alert, let’s get cracking; we must flee!], or else there will be no escape for us from Absalom. Go quickly, lest he overtake us quickly and bring down ruin on us and strike the city with the edge of the sword."

2Samuel 15:14                                     72David                                              631_0380

A book which deals with revolution, and Bob is all happy about it. Many judges acted only under the terror of Nazis. Hitler’s revolution was based upon lies. It is a mistake for a government to think that it can lie just in order to achieve its own sets of objectives. Realities are hard, but those who cannot get them, are lost anyway.

2Sam. 15:14 Then David said [issued orders] to all his servants [all his loyal staff] who were with him at Jerusalem, "Arise [rise up; let’s get going], and let us flee [Red alert, let’s get cracking; we must flee!], or else there will be no escape for us from Absalom. Go quickly, lest he overtake us quickly and bring down ruin on us and strike the city with the edge of the sword."

David is at the place where he has issued his 1st command and has issued the first of his brilliant 3 commands. Arrogance would have kept David in Jerusalem, with disastrous results, both for him and those who lived in Jerusalem. The decision to flee, retreat and withdraw was one of humility.

There is are excellent reasons for David fleeing. David and his men represent establishment government. This authority must be preserved. Since this government is 20 miles from Hebron, they are too close. When revolution is the cause of civil war, truth is the issue. Only a man of great humility and wisdom could make this momentous decision of leaving Jerusalem. He will get a lot of criticism for this. David must have great courage, and we need such men in all of our cities this summer. There will be miniature revolutions in all of these cities. There will be communist conspiracies and many other kids, and many will succeed because we do not have moral courage.

David will be the last person to cross the River Kidron.

David’s Approach

1.       David assumes that Absalom will move very quickly, and he assumes that Absalom would do what he would do, if he was a revolutionist. It turns out that Absalom is not that quick. Absalom is not his father. Absalom is arrogance; David is humble. David assumes that Absalom would move as fast as he would.

2.       David has assumed the worse, that Absalom was ready to march right there. Based on this assumption, David quickly moves out, to protect his loyal subjects.

3.       It is David’s responsibility to preserve his people alive. When a battle is fought out in a city, there are many innocents who die. David demonstrates integrity and thoughtfulness for his people. David has a tremendous sense of responsibility. He will do everything he can to preserve his people. There will be a rapid and well-organized retreat.

The final phrase is and he will bring evil upon us.

This is a red alert made by David.

David’s Choice to Retreat

1.       David knew without any shadow of a doubt that his cause was right. Revolution is always wrong. David is one of the great captains of history.

2.       Since there revolution had the advantage of size and momentum.

3.       The cause of establishment could not be defended in Jerusalem where .

4.       Jerusalem was a large city and there was a lot of scum and criminals there. There were too many malcontents.

5.       David needed an orderly retreat to gain time. He wanted to get time back onto his side. The strategic use of time has not been used significantly apart from, “We could only hold out for such and such a time.”

6.       While castle Zion was very well organized, the revolutionaries would take out their frustrations on the people.

7.       To gain time and advantage, David ordered a retreat. This is a red alert.

8.       The well disciplined and well trained army of David When Absalom arrived into Jerusalem and saw that David was already gone, he should have sent a delegation to David with orders to surrender, because David was too well-organized.

David’s Thoughtfulness

1.       David has thoughtfulness under pressure. He has a total sense of responsibiltiy. This demonstrates his greatness as a ruler.

2.       David was responsible and organized. David is paying his 4th installment of discipline.

3.       David was thinking about his loyal subjects.

4.       David’s force in Jerusalem was relatively small. Mostly his brigade of guards and a few others, so his city was not defendable.

5.       Castle Zion could be defended. However, this would mean the revolutionary army would be running lose in Jerusalem. David is thoughtful and concerned about his people, including those who oppose him.

6.       Most revolutionary armies are uncontrollable. They are without discipline. In the manifesto, to be issued in the formation of a new government, those who followed the army were brutal to other countries. There was great brutality.

7.       David realized that the innocent population would be victims of violence. Castle Zion was practically an impregnable fort.

8.       The revolutionary army would be repulsed at the Zion walls.

If you are well-organized of mind, then you should be well-organized in your life. If you cannot organize your household or your children, or whatever, then perhaps you are not well-organized. Or, how about your hem and hawing husband. If you are not organized now, then you cannot get yourself organized during a pressure-charge environment. It is easy to be indolent to ramble along. You may get away with disorganization under normal prosperity and normal times, you will be incredibly off balance under pressure. By the time you get organized, Absalom will be knocking on your door.

David Is Able to Think with Doctrine

1.       Doctrine resident in the soul causes David to think.

2.       The order and the reason for the order it in the Word of God. All of the commentators have failed to comment on this verse. They mumble a little bit about here or there. It is not accident that God the Holy Spirit has recorded the orders and the thinking of David at this point. We therefore, ought to analyze this decision. Bob thinks that many of the great commentators do not really have a total respect for the Word of God. The problem seems to be in that they do not realize that every jot and tittle is important. Weights, measures, etc. are all significant. Most pastors cater to their congregations. They skip over this. That is disrespect for the Word of God. But none of us ought to show disrespect for the Word of God. Bob needs to analyze, study and do whatever it takes to pull things together. Bob spent 2 or 3 days on v. 14. He believes that every word in the Bible is important. His job is to analyze it, and to then communicate it to us.

3.       We must learn the lessons of this verse. How a person handles his failures often determines how he handles his crisis. In other words, failure is one of the greatest tests of life. Failure is also testing. Inevitably, because none of us are perfect; we all have old sin natures, we are going to fail. Some here assume that is for everyone else, because they don’t fail. As we face our failures, as we relate it to the rebound technique, and grit our teeth and move on, we are not discouraged. Stubborn like Harry Truman, not the president, but the one who refused to leave when Mount St. Helens exploded, and he is still there today, buried. Bob loves the country of Oregon. He has demonstrated some meager thought. Failure comes to all of us. When it does, failure is to be regarded as a test.

4.       David has been disciplined like no one else in life and he is fine and he is at his best at this time. He is making the right decision at the time.

5.       David had failed over interlocking systems of arrogance and he had endured punishment for the interlocking systems of arrogance for many years. He profited from his decisions. David’s rebound is reflected by his great sense of responsibility, his great thoughtfulness.

6.       A second lesson to be derived from v. 14: he knew that it was important to retain his administrative staff intact.

7.       Therefore, establishment must have a rallying point; it must have leadership to put down the revolutionary leadership.

8.       It is very hard ot run away when you want to stay and fight. However, to fight properly in the future, David must run away at this time.

9.       To retreat today means to win a battle tomorrow.

10.     It takes moral courage to retreat; it takes wisdom to retreat and authority exercised properly, so that there is no panic.

The Third Lesson

1.       There is a 3rd lesson to get from this. After this decision is made, it must be executed rapidly. Do not dwaddle.

2.       A decision, even a good decision, is no better than its rapid execution. It may be right, but the execution can drag and make it wrong. If the timing is wrong, then it is a wrong decision.

3.       Timing after a decision is important; timing after an order is given is important. If the nucleus...

4.       David gave a red alert command.

5.       Evacuation of Jerusalem and castle Zion must be done rapidly and smoothly to

6.       There must be no troops loitering in the city.

7.       The innocent population must net become the victims of revolutionary madness.

8.       They must not be negatively To keep the civilians from suffering, David has quick retreat from Jerusalem.

2Sam. 15:14 Then David said [issued a command] to all his servants [all his loyal staff] who were with him at Jerusalem, "Arise [rise up; let’s get going], and let us flee [Red alert, let’s get cracking; we must flee!], or else there will be no escape for us from Absalom. Go quickly [Be ready to move out quickly], lest he overtake us quickly and bring down ruin on us [and bring down disaster to our cause] and strike the city with the edge of the sword."

2Samuel 15                  Rom. 8:28–32 Heb. 4:1–2 72David                        631_0381

“Open the Bible to Rom. 8; I know what I am doing.”

In spite of all Bob’s warnings of chain letters, an usher brought in another one to Bob. Send this letter to 5 tired women that you know and send your husband to the top of the list. One woman broke the chain and got her own SOB back.

Bob had intended to study how to handle a revolution or any disaster.

The horrible approach of the justice department in Miami, who are down there attacking the police force rather than looking for the perpetrators of the crime. A WSJ article, with the Attorney General apologizing to the rioters in Florida. This helps to explain why so many people have no problem with taking the law into their hands. If you repeatedly tell people that society is screwing them over, then they will commit crimes themselves. Riots could allow for the president to take upon himself dictatorial powers. The outcome of the trial was interpreted by an acceptance of the rioters. It is little early to be talking about the perception of an injustice. To assume guilt without evidence is a miscarriage of justice. Many of the people who were killed or had their property destroyed were innocent and those who did it, were not innocent. To do anything else is to encourage injustice. The justice department ignores the victims of violence. They ignore the 370 people who were injured. Even if the law does fail, there is always a higher court, the Supreme Court of Heaven. The divine punishment is far greater than any punishment that can be brought about by people. For the government to go down and tell the mob that they did a good thing, is evil. This is the one person who ought to understand law and order. Blacks are captive to racial politics of the worst kind. They are being used by propagandists in a power struggle that they do not understand. No one in this society is owed anything other than fairness under the law. We as believers have a higher court of appeal. Pouring more money into conventional job and welfare problems is not going to solve anything; it simply fosters dependency more than social mobility. Instead, this is the time for all leaders, White and Black, to make it clear that those rioters are wrong.

Bob is constantly amazed at the sanity of the WSJ. The World Counsel of Churches has changed from a western-dominated group to a bunch of special interest groups throughout the world. They are actually aiding Marxist terrorists on the ground. This is a great evil of not founding your concepts of life. This is all about an activist minority, a more radical ideology. It embraces liberation theology. The World Council of Churches is going to be responsible for millions of people dying. Whenever you resort to violence, no matter how just you think your cause is, you have turned your cause into total evil.

The mob in Miami was arrogant; they were trying to solve by violence what cannot be solved by violence; and then the federal government comes in and says, “You’ve done good, boys.”

We are looking at how to handle revolution, when our nation goes to war; how to handle national disaster. We will have national disasters; political disasters, social disasters. We have become so involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, that disaster is the only cleaning agent that we possess. The question is, what do you do as a Christian when disaster comes? Do you go out and riot? Do you go out and steal from others? Do you try to take vengeance on others?

We are in great prosperity and when we fall into disaster, we will look back on these times as the golden days. The problem is, how do you handle yourself in national disaster? In depression? In revolution?

The faith rest drill has 3 stages. When you learn to do something, you learn how to do the first part of it; and how to do the 2nd part of it. You learn it a bit at a time. You learn by degrees and you finally learn how to put it all together. This is exactly how we will be spiritually when we get into a disaster. We need to get this faith rest drill figured out before disaster. When you learn to shoot, the first thing you learn is how to hold a weapon.

Everyone who graduates from Moody Bible Institute, they think they can come out and do it all at once. You learn each stage separately, and you later figure out how to put it all together. You may even learn how to skip stage 1. Faith reaches out and claims a promise. Then stage 2 takes when you know.

Some think you can just read the Bible when you are disturbed. You cannot read the Bible when you are disturbed. Part of being disturbed is not reading. You can think and draw upon what you know. Faith applies what doctrine you have learned. You take an exam every time you face any kind of a situation where you are under pressure. The 3rd stage is your doctrinal conclusion. You come from your doctrine and once you make this conclusion, you are in control of the situation. Sometimes this is a decision, sometimes it is not. Since sins are named which have already been judged, then we can conclude that we are restored to fellowship. Rebound and the filling of the Holy Spirit gives us restored control. There is divine suffering and divine discipline. If you have discipline which carries over, that suffering is carried over as blessing. Faith can carry over many promises. Faith rationale, plan of God rationale, etc. when you have what Davie had, then he got installments of discipline over a period of 8 years. Only additional failures cause him to have additional discipline. However, here, he has recovered and he is moving forward.

Rom. 8:28 is a promise, like stage 1 of the faith rest drill. We are foreknown; and when we have believed in Jesus Christ, we are under the plan of God. We face the prospect of losing our prosperity. The plan still calls for prosperity as we advance. Adversity does not change the plan of God. The 3rd category is election to privilege, which is a part of the plan of God. We have a very definite purpose at this time, and that is the fulfill God’s purpose for this time. We, as believers, from our own free will, are motivated to advance, and join the pivot and advance in times of disaster.

The 4th category is justification. God cannot bless us because of our works, sacrifice, morality, sincerity, or whatever it is that we use to impress God. Only the imputation of the righteousness of God provides any justification for any of us in God’s sight.

The believer glorifies God of the a fortiori blessings in heaven. Control of the situation means that God has control of us.

We find ourselves in a spin, in a dive, and we have procedures for stall recovery. We learn the various stalls and how we recover from these stalls. No believers can use these procedures when they are frightened. Some of those flying get confused in clouds, they get vertigo; and they can be turned upside down, but they do not believe it. You have to trust your instruments more than your instincts. Use the procedures for the flying part of the aircraft. There are procedures, which are important.

Rom. 8:28–32 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

fear must be overcome before the faith rest technique can be started. At the time I am afraid, I will trust in You. The pilot who dies in an instrument crisis, uses instinct, and he does not feel inverted yet. Our temptation in disaster is to revert to human viewpoint. We walk by faith and not by sight. Trust in the Lord Jehovah, for the Lord Jehovah is a Rock of Ages. Heb. 4:1 Let us fear, so that no promise goes unclaimed. There are wonderful blessings to be claimed during times of great national upheaval.

The malfunction of the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill. 2 reasons that this fails; we do not have enough doctrine to come in out of the rain. There is interlocking systems of arrogance, which will hinder the 2nd stage of the drill. If we begin to become indifferent to doctrine and lose our concentration for doctrine, then failure of perception yesterday will be disaster tomorrow.

Applying doctrine is a concentration discipline. If you do not concentrate in learning, you will not concentrate in application. There is no benefit to those of Moses’ generation because they did not mix these promises with faith.

Heb 4:1–2 Therefore, while the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened.

2Samuel 15                                Rom. 8:28 72David                                    631_0382

John S. C. Abbot was one of the better writers of that time. Madam Roulan was a crusader and not a criminal. He has some interesting comments about revolution. An instant tribunal to determine life or death. They stacked up bodies, including soldiers and priests. Life was a plaything and murder was a pastime. The innocent and the guilty fell alike. There was no time for defense. A frown from the judge meant death. Carts carried away many dead bodies and this occurred throughout Paris. Women came to watch this. The bodies were used as seats upon which to seat. A pretty horrid sounding scene concerning the French Revolution.

Marat and Dantan urged on this merciless violence. Money was paid to these assassins. They presented their bloody weapons to the throats of their instigators and threatened to kill them. The mob headed by the Jacobins had completed its ascendancy. The crusader helps it start, and then they want it to stop. Madam Roulan realized that she faced death too? Crusaders are stupid; what they start, they cannot stop.

Robespierre and Dantann no longer associated with Madame Roulan. The mob which now ruled Paris.

Some of you young people may someday be in the same boat. Wipe that smile off your face and you might learn something this evening. Revolutions begin with the crusaders but they always end with the criminals. Once the law is taken into one’s own hand, it snowballs and keeps going and going. We may see this very thing in Houston. If we go to war, there will be a major revolution.

Our subject is how do we handle a revolution. We started last night with the first stage of the faith rest drill.

There is a learning by gap Bible doctrine. Concentration in application; concentration is imperative. The ability to concentrate and to learn, and to do this in times of pressure is courage. We listen in class, and there are little tests, like someone sitting near you who wants attention. Bob can pick out 10 people who could not apply doctrine in times of pressure. Under normal circumstances. If you cannot concentrate under normal circumstances, then you will not be able to apply doctrine when pressure is applied. Bob wanted to grab a little shirt of the kids who sat in the back of the tv room. He was thwarted in this desire, apparently.

When Bob had teen classes, he would call on people and put some pressure on them to regurgitate what he had been teaching. Some would completely fall apart and some were magnificent. All of your life, you need to be able to think under pressure. Cowardice is emoting under pressure; the inability to think under pressure. Concentration is one of the major secrets of life. It is applying thought to the situation. How do you handle a revolution? The same way you handle a war, a personal disaster, an economic disaster, etc. Paul is motivated to concentrate here. This is for those advancing up the hill to the high ground. This is a dogmatic fact (the declarative mood). Close order drill is a phenomenal invention. You learn to concentrate on something which is not interesting and obeying a person which you may or may not like. The drill prepares you for the battlefield. Once you learn to concentrate in Bible class, you learn to think. When you learn to think, you will never joining a mob for what appears to be a righteous cause. One of the problems of a mob is that they surrender their thought process to a leader who is trying to bring down establishment.

So it is important to know how to concentrate. Bob’s eye picks up one guy who always sits up with perfect posture. If you are tired and you slump, it makes you even more fatigued. Bob is concerned with the movement and posture in Berachah. May Walker has been here for years and she sits up straighter than most of the people here tonite. Mental attitude has many ways of manifesting itself. Concentration reflects so many mental habits. Good motivation, alertness, integrity. Ever see a dog go on the alert? The dog’s posture changes when he is on the alert.

There are believers in every generation which will catch on. One of the secrets to making love to a woman is concentration, because a woman is a responder. How many times have you ladies been on a date with someone, who looked promising; and did not concentrate on you. You gals have all heard of taxi money, haven’t you? Taxi money is to get you from wherever you are back home because the guy does not concentrate on you. Concentration has a lot to do with a lot of things in this life.

Rom. 8:28–32 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Next is oidomin δε. There is another guy who also has good manners.

We know in fact... is dogmatism. How can anyone be dogmatic in this life? Doctrine is the mind of Christ. Once you know doctrine, you have the mind of Christ. Knowledge of doctrine is the greatest virtue in the Christian way of life. We must know doctrine before we can apply doctrine. Knowledge of Bible doctrine shapes the mental attitude for divine viewpoint. Category #1 love is one of the great factors in a time of disaster. Many of us have been in difficult situations and we were able to compensate for the difficulties of the situation by thinking of someone that we love.

Hoti tois ton theon. Hoti following a verb of perception merely indicates what is contained in that perception. We don’t have to translate the God; the absence of the definite article emphasizes the quality of the noun. Fundamentalism is woefully lacking in scholarship. Some fundies criticized a translation from about 20 years, where the definite article was left out in front of God. But, this was an anarthrous construction. We do not need to render this the God. The definite article which does count is that which is in the dative. Tois. This is the dative plural indirect object. It is the most wonderful thing in the world to be able to love God. This is not some tittering phoney thing; anyone can learn to do this.

Agapao means that we are dealing with the essence of God rationale. This is the highest form of love; it is love which requires thought; it requires thinking. This is category #1 love. There is also obligatory love, like love the brothers. We ought to love all believers in Jesus Christ. This is a love which does not demand knowing the person or speaking to the person; it is a love which does not require any sign of friendship. There are all categories of believers in all stages of development and in various stages of reversionism. So, how can you walk into a church, and love all the brethren? This is a mental attitude, which is no vindictiveness, no bad mental attitude, no slander, maligning or judging.

There is also family love, but Jesus said, “I have come to divide families.” There are several categories of love which supercede family love. A man will cleave to his wife and separate from his family (however, this means that you cannot see your family members again). Bob has to explain that there are a certain number of kooks at Berachah. They cannot apply doctrine. The key is superceding love. You do not love your mother and father more than your husband or wife. This is a superceding love. If you love your father more than the man you are about to marry, then do not marry him. This is the test; is it a superceding love?

Sometimes you have to navigate around doctrine in order to keep from getting into it with family members. The key to category #1 love is that. If you are not learning doctrine, you do not love God.

One guy gave a testimony of how he and his wife were fine because they always put the Lord first. They were divorced in 6 months. It takes the ability to concentrate of Jesus Christ. What you really love is what you think about. What you really love is what you concentrate on. Note or keep a log of those things you think about. Some things are a normal responsibility, like your job; but on whom do you concentrate?

Bob has a new young couple moved in next to him, and they are gone all the time, and they have a beautiful Irish settler puppy. Balderdash is a true viking dog and he barks at the thunder; he also barks at vapor trails. Malarkey does not. Bob got up and talked to the dog during the storm over the fence. Bob talked to him until he calmed down. He probably thought more about that dog than the owners did. That is tragic and cruel for the puppy to left 14 hours a day. So the dog yipes all throughout the day. The neighbors have a dog but they don’t love dogs. They don’t understand dogs. Bob looks over the congregation and pays attention and he knows how we will react when he goes to teach something. Bob loves the whole congregation, the kooks and the smart ones. Bob knows us more than we know him. He pays attention to where we sit. Love is concentration; the object of concentration is love. You can look at your diaries and figure out who you love and who you do not. Who do you write about?

None of us have capacity for love. We are born without it. We learn to love and to develop a capacity for love. We learn authority and how to respond to and respect certain people. Some of you went to a boy scout camp, and you bought a chocolate bar for one of your scout leaders because he was a good guy; that indicates respect. Love thinks and love gives. When that love is directed toward the Lord Jesus Christ, it is a different ball game. He cannot be seen. We cannot look somewhere and see what He looks like. Reuben probably has done the best work, but the artists are only guessing. How do we get to know the Lord? We learn to respect certain people; we admire their characteristics. We have the accurate, unearring Word of God, so we know who Jesus is through Bible doctrine. The more we know Bible doctrine, the more we love Jesus Christ; the less we know Bible doctrine, the less we know Jesus Christ.

Sometimes, the only way Jesus Christ can gain our attention and respect is through punishment, and if that doesn’t work, more intense punishment.

Balderdash has incredible stubbornness. Controllable but untrainable. Mike Stribbling has shown how Balderdash can be trained. Every day, Stribbling had to hang Dash that way. Bob cannot get Dash’s attention through love, but Mike gains Dash’s attention through authority (discipline). You cannot love Balderdash into the kingdom; you have to hang him into the kingdom. You have a choice for God to get your attention via doctrine or through discipline. Concentration is the secret to love; reverse concentration. How many times have you used a doctrine or a rationale in reverse concentration?

Rom. 8:28 We know in fact that to those who love God

2Samuel 15                               Rom. 8:28b 72David                                   631_0383

Rationales of faith-rest drill stage 2

In connection with the survival of a revolution or any disaster, we have taken this detour. The first rationale is necessary in facing any type of a crisis. Essence of God rationale. The concentration with which we learn doctrine is reversed. The essence of God rationale and the plan of God rationale with a foritori as the supercharger. These can be used in revolution or in any type of disaster, or personal loss or personal difficulty.

Those who love the God refers to believers only and those who have advanced. The means of category #1 love can only occur through the perception of Bible doctrine.

Heb. 6:10 For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Psalm 119:32 1Cor. 2:9 Deut. 30:15–16 I have set life and prosperity before you, or death and crappy stuff. I command you today to love the Lord your God and keep His ways. The principle of love motivates many things in life. This is memorial day, originally a military holiday. Occupation with Christ is the key. Take heed to yourself that you love the Lord your God. Heb. 11:27 by doctrine in the soul, Moses gave up the throne of Egypt, inasmuch he was strong under pressure as long as he kept seeing the invisible one. Heb. 10:3 1Cor. 1j6:22 if you do not love the Lord, you are incapable of handling adversity. As He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in this love. Perfect love casts out all fear. Revolution is national adversity. Love is not the sickening look that you just gave the girl sitting next to you; this refers to the highest category of love, which is thought. Love is what goes on in your soul; and love for the believer is thought. We love Him because He first loved us. We know in fact, to those who love the God, is equivalent to that. Bob thinks there will be war this year, and Bobby does not think that. Whatever happens, we will face very serious adversities. Maybe God will give us more time to prepare for was and adversity. Preparation must be individual. We must all be prepared for war in our own souls. War is a time of great personal suffering and personal sacrifice when the normal things of life are replaced by abnormal pressures. Are we prepared for war in our own soul?

We can enter into category #2 love or category #3 love. We have capacity for love and capacity for life and capacity for blessing. Many of you are prepared for war and for marriage; and Bob is not suggesting that marriage is war. God’s plan is not affected by the circumstances of life; nor is the mature believer affected by circumstances. One of the great misapplications is, since God loves him, then how can He let us endure this or that.

When the Bible says, God is love, love is a part of His essence. There never was a time when God did not exist; there was never a time when God was not love. His love existed apart from us. God is love and always has been love. His love does not improve and God does not fall in love. God’s love has objectivity and subjectivity. He is perfect righteousness and justice. He is perfect veracity. He is love. These attributes exist in 3 separate persons. All 3 have all of these characteristics of their essence. So God has always loved His Own holiness; that is perfect subjective love. The Son also loves His Own holiness. God the Holy Spirit also loves His Own holiness, his perfect righteousness and his perfect justice. God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit are all righteous. They all lover their own righteousness. It is perfect, incorruptible, eternal. Subjectively, he has always loved His Own righteousness.

We hear the phrase God is One, which refers to God’s essence. In the Hebrew, we have Elohim, which is plural. When it refers to the Father, Son and the Spirit, there is identical essence throughout the Trinity. 3 separate and distinct personalities.

God does not fall in love. That is what human beings do. We fall in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. As we learn more doctrine, our love and capacity for love continues. One of the first characteristics is... No object is required. Human love requires thinking from the soul, the response to thinking, sex is a category and the spiritual is from the entire person.

If you can have only one type of love from someone, choose respect.

Misapplication someone saying, “Why does God let this happen to me?” We must distinguish between the essence love of God, which is a divine characteristic; and there is the anthropopathism of God’s love. We must distinguish or rightly divide the Word of Truth at this point.

We possess old sin natures. So God cannot love us because He cannot love sin. People give to us of their time and possessions even though we are sinners. There is no way that God could love us and still be God. So love from God is an anthropopathism.

Dear old brother so-and-so never said anything about anthropopathisms. Rom. 9:13 what did God do with that passage, where God loves Jacob and hates Esau? So, therefore, he was unable to handle this. Dispensational teaching. There must be a distinguishing between Israel and the church. Sometimes rightly dividing the word of truth. One is a Jew and one is a Gentile, and we can understand love and hate. Jacob I love, means that Jacob is a believer. Esau was an unbeliever. This explains divine policy and frame of reference.

God loves a cheerful giver; but if anything, God does not love a cheerful giver. This is a human attitude. Giving is not an amount; giving is a mental attitude. Giving does not even involve money.

No matter how we sin, once we are saved, we are totally saved. What is the source of God’s love? What is the basis of our contact with God? That is the integrity of God. To those who love God, means that we are dealing with His integrity. He provides for us on the basis of His integrity. The source of all blessing is God’s integrity. There is justice and righteousness. Righteousness is the principle of divine integrity and justice is the function of divine integrity.

God’s righteousness is perfect, and it is not subject to sin or failure. No one can establish or promote the integrity of God. God’s justice imputes integrity to us. The integrity of God is composed of justice and righteousness. Righteousness is the principle and justice is the function of divine integrity. Righteousness demands righteousness and justice demands justice. This eliminates morality. Morality is important, but it does not bring blessing from God. There is no work that we can do in order to gain God’s blessing. These functions do not bring us blessing. God’s blessing comes from his righteousness to justice (or vice versa?). As our capacity for blessing, that increases with doctrine. Our thinking must be perfectly clear. Justice of God at one end and the righteousness of God at the other. This is the basis for understanding the plan of God and the essence of God.

Human life is imputed after birth; and Adam’s original sin is imputed to us with the imputation of human life. We are born physically alive and spiritually dead. God does not wait for us to commit our first sin.

Our personal sins were all condemned at one time; gathered up and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross. Our sins have never been imputed to us; they have all been imputed to our substitute. Because our sins were not imputed to us, we have our first potential.

Human life and Adam’s original sin both imputed to us at birth; which sets us up for salvation as the potential. Absolute confidence that when we believe in Jesus Christ, we have eternal life.

Y radical is the immature believer. Judicial imputation #1 sins imputed on the cross and then the imputation of God’s righteousness to us at salvation. That establishes the pipeline from heaven to us. Spiritual gift blessing in 6 categories. Z radical for the mature believer is where we begin to glorify God. 3rd potential is the great reward for blessing; and the 3rd hope, absolute confidence. Everyone will have a resurrection body, but not everyone will have rewards and medals.

God’s love is not our point of reference. We possess His righteousness, so God loves us. Integrity of God has the integrity of God at one end and the righteousness of God at the other end. God loved His righteousness in eternity past, and He loves His righteousness in us right now. Justice and integrity are our point of reference. The righteousness of God takes precedence over the love of God. For God the Father to judge those sins, He has to set aside His love for the Son. He loves the humanity of the Son, because Jesus Christ was perfect in His humanity. Justice takes precedence over righteousness. God does not have as a point of reference His love, even though He loves us. God is also eternal life. Eternity means that God has always existed. God is outside of time because He invented and designed time. Although time and space are without substance, they are both parts of His creation. God created chronology for us, but He is not subject to chronology.

The earth will not be destroyed by nuclear warfare; the planet of the apes is total fiction; furthermore, it is stupid function. God cannot be more or less than He is. From Macnamara to Carter, we have seen complete idiocy. God has great knowledge and omnipotence, and all of these have great application.

There are 2 causes for civil war; there is revolution and the second is politics. When revolution causes civil war, the issue is truth; when politics causes a civil war, the issue is freedom.

God is veracity. He is without limitation or boundary; He cannot tempt nor can He sin. God many be self limited in the sense of the incarnation, but that is for the sake of fulfilling a grace policy. Infinity is characterized by all that God does. Divine motive is for His Own glory. God is true to Himself and true to His being. Man says he speaks the truth; God is the truth. Truth is not something which God acquires; He is truth and the source of truth. God honors doctrine resident in the soul of the believer with spiritual growth.

God provides logistical grace support to learn absolute truth. There is the gospel, which is for the believer. Then there is Bible doctrine for the believer only. Laws of divine establishment for believers and unbelievers. We are to use the essence of God rationale; many of us have used the essence of God rationale. God is faithful; the same today, yesterday and forever. This is the principle by which God administers.

Logistical grace keeps us alive, which is a part of His faithfulness. We should know enough to be aware of the existence of God. We know in face that to those who love the God... The accusative singular direct object and the definite article. This refers to God in essence. There is also a dative of advantage, and it is to our advantage to love God. There is the opportunity of concentration.

We may have stored some food or a hideout, and some of us have specific plans and others have hazy plans. God has an overall plan for our lives, moment by moment.

Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan.

Present active indicative of συνεργεω. God is the subject of the verb, and it is He Who works all things together for good. We must realize that God has a plan for our life. Whether encouraged or discouraged, God has a plan for our life.

accusative neuter plural of πας; all things includes all the blessings and all of the adversities. It includes everything. Εις + αὐαθος The quality of the noun is emphasized here; there is no definite article in front of the noun.

God can be glorified in time because He has a definite plan by which He is glorified. Working all things together for good is X + Y + Z.

It is to our advantage to be believers living in this life. This emphasizes the believer’s relationship especially to his client nation, if he lives in one. This client nation is about to face great adversity; there is crime, revolution, natural adversities of one kind or another. There is a relationship between our presence on this earth and the plan of God.

Κλητος means called, elected to privilege. It is no accident that we reside in the United States of America. What happens to our country will be based upon our thinking toward Bible doctrine. We are elected to privilege. Ειμι in a customary present, what a bal habitually attains. One final prepositional phrase: κατα + προθησις All of this has a purpose, to orient us to disaster. Rom. 12:2 we meet the good again. The good, the well-pleasing. Our love is to be non-critical. Rom. 13:4 human government is for the purpose of the good. They do not wear the sword for nothing. Let not the good attained by you be slandered or maligned.

Master the content of Rom. 8:28 is the key to dealing with revolution.

Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God-those whom he has called according to his plan.

2Samuel 15                                Rom. 8:29 72David                                    631_0384

How to handle revolution.

Suffering for divine discipline involves arrogance and subjectivity. Suffering for blessing involves humility and objectivity.

3 parts to the faith rest drill. You reach out and claim a promise. With the claiming of the promise, faith reaches out an uses reverse concentration. In the judicial imputation rationale, we have our sins being judged on the cross. We are forgiven our sins and restored to fellowship. Any more suffering which accrues is related to blessing, as we have seen in relationship to David. The purpose of his suffering was discipline meted out to him in installments. Plan of God rationale (Rom. 8:28), logistical grace rationale (Rom. 8:30–31).

Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Madame Roussan was a crusader and she was removed once the revolution had taken hold. Authority arrogance in the people provides the power of revolution. When the public loses authority orientation, they go for revolution. The conspiracy seeks to reach out and control the public. Public opinion arrogance has 6 souces: client nation arrogance, authority arrogance, etc. This is the power for revolution which is formed from strong delusion.

Laws of divine establishment for believer and unbeliever alike. Bible doctrine for believer only; gospel for the unbeliever only. Rejection of these things opens up the person to revolution. If politics is the cause, the issue is freedom; if civil war is being caused by revolution, then the issue is truth.

The law was given through Moses and truth is the great protection. Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Danton, Heber, Marat were the criminals of the French revolution. In Communism, the criminals included Stalin and Lenin. The idea is conspiracy to overthrow establishment government, to undermine it. We are pausing long enough to see how to handle revolution.

The all things are X + Y + Z. X is God’s plan for the unbeliever. Human life is imputed after birth along with Adam’s original sin, which is because condemnation must precede redemption. We are sustained as unbelievers in X radical by the laws of divine establishment.

Y radical is imputation of our sins to Christ on the cross followed by the imputation of His righteousness to us when we believe in Jesus Christ. We are sustained by laws of divine establishment and by logistical grace.

In Z radical, we have the mature believer. Eternal life + imputation of blessing in time because of maturity adjustment to the justice of God. + the pertinent doctrine of the absolute hope that we will receive blessing from God at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

We are elected to privilege. God’s predetermined plan takes us through all kinds of disaster and all kinds of difficulties. Many revolutionaries are coming over with the Cubans, and they know English and Russian. They speak English as well as we do. They have been trained in a revolutionary school in Havana, and they have been trained to stir up revolution. They will be able to forge the setbacks coming across the borders into a revolution.

Rom. 8:28 We know in fact that to those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called [or, elected] according to His purpose,...

Οτι ους τοτι here, hoti is a causal conjunction. Accusative masculine plural of hos. This is usually translated whom. There must be the insertion of a verb, since this is the accusative. So we go back to we know, giving us: Because we know that whom... When God is the subject of the verb, God’s foreknowledge is a printout of the divine decrees. God produces the action of the verb. Foreknowledge is one of God’s 3 categories of knowledge.

We have the feed in, along with 5 printouts. The omniscience of God does the programming. It feeds only facts into the computer. Omniscience and foreknowledge. Everything is known to Him. The plan of God rationale. Foreknowledge; the believer was in the mind of God, then the plan of God, then the purpose of God, believer can glorify God, and finally glofication. Foreknowledge is one of 3 categories of divine knowledge.

God knows Himself, He knows His creatures; and how this relates to the plan of God. God is Himself and He knows Himself to be without comparison to any other being. God existed eternally unsustained by Himself. His knowledge is as unalterable as Himself. His knowledge precedes time and space. All members of the Trinity know themselves. They all have the omniscience factor and the self knowledge factor.

Omniscience is all about God’s creatures. Each member of the Trinity knows the other members. There are 2 basic concepts; omniscience is everything that we will think or decide. There was never a time when God did not know in detail every thought, word and act that we would do. God knew billions of years ago that we would be in Bible class. God entered reality into the computer and all that things could have been. Every probability is entered into the omniscience of God.

When you get down to foreknowledge, you are dealing with what is real only, and not with the possibilities. Under omniscience, God had the good sense to know every thought that we would have and every decision that we would make. God knows perfectly simultaneously all that is knowable, the actual and the possible. Omniscience sees the free as free, the necessary as necessary; omniscience is merely...

This brings us down to foreknowledge. Foreknowledge is a printout of the believer only. Election to privilege is for the believer only. Glorification is a printout for believers only. Nothing is foreknown until it is first of all decreed. Only the computer of divine decrees establishes reality. The foreknowledge of God makes nothing certain. God’s self-knowledge, omniscience precedes divine decrees. The omniscience of God knows every action of history; the foreknowledge of God makes nothing certain; it merely recognizes that which is future.

Foreknowledge is the first stage of the omniscience of God? Every thought, decision and action is fed into the computer of divine decrees. In the printout comes foreknowledge, which tells us that there will never be on problem or tragedy or difficulty that God did not know about billions of years ago. There is no problem that God is not aware of.

This is Jeremiah speaking on the eve of a great revolution; and after that came the invasion of the Chaldeans and destruction of those in the land. Billions of years ago, we were in the mind of Christ. God knows all about us; every decision and every action.

The effectiveness of our life to God, to others and to ourself, is all based upon the thought pattern of our souls. Whether going down in a plane or suffering hunger or seeing a mob tear through a city, or seeing a tornado a couple miles away. The first thing you think is foreknowledge; God knew that we would face this situation and billions of years ago, God made provisiono for it. If you mind is structures on the granite of the thinking of Jesus Christ. Bob can look out and see those who are pouting.

You have no capacity for happiness because you have no doctrine in your soul. There are those who are upset, disturbed and anxious, it is only in the first 60 laps of the Indy 500 when there is only any action. That presents a serious problem. God knew about this billions of years ago, so that Bob would shut it down and let you see the first 60 laps with all the action.

Rom 8:29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0385

How to handle revolution.

Suffering for blessing is bearable and is converted to blessing; suffering for divine discipline is unbearable. Arrogance and subjectivity involved with divine discipline.

Faith rest technique. Various rationales related to rebound.

David did not do that well when it came to the 2nd and 3rd installments, but he will do great in #4.

The most basic rationale to use during a revolution is the essence of God rationale and the plan of God rationale. Bob likes Rom. 8:28–32 because this sums up everything quite nicely. We ought to use these during natural disasters. We might be overdue for a hurricane this year. Tornadoes, which are always fascinating. They are awesome things which have been recorded on camera. The whole purpose of life is to realize that God’s plan goes right on for us, and His plan does not change because circumstances change. God’s plan is not over because adversity occurs. War and economic depression does not change God’s plan for our lives.

Rom. 8:28 We know in fact that to those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called [or, elected] according to His purpose [pre-determined plan],...

6 imputations which all work for the good. Believers fail in X, Y and Z. David is in Z radical, even when he met Bathsheba. He maintained his perception of doctrine and finally got with the rebound technique, and this got him out of interlocking systems of arrogance. His son Absalom is different; he stayed in interlocking systems of arrogance. Only the humanity of Jesus Christ is perfect.

In vv. 29–30, we have the various printouts of the predetermined plan of God. The omniscience of God programs the divine decrees. There are 5 printouts for the believer. Last night was foreknowledge, today will be election to privilege, and then there will be justification and glorification.

We need to review the doctrine of divine decrees.

The decrees of God is His holy wise and eternal purpose and determining their certain futurition. The Divine Decree of God refers to his eternal [always existed], holy [having perfect integrity], wise [application of omniscience to creation] and sovereign purpose. God simultaneously comprehended all things that ever were or ever would be. He comprehended every event that would ever take place, along with its causes and interaction with other events, and he knew in eternity past every decision mankind would ever make.

Every contrasting thing in our life was foreknown to God. There will be things which occur in the sequence of time, as a result of your own decisions or the decisions of other.

The eternal decrees have always existed and they will never cease to exist. This is the chosen and adopted plan of God and of His eternal works. His Own glory will come to pass in the function of the human race.

Picture this as a giant computer. A computer is programed. It is fed with the omniscience of God. God put all of these things into the computer of divine discipline. He knew what we would do from eternity past and He put this into the decrees. The decrees of God is the summation of God’s plan. God feeds the computer.

Only the actual is fed into the computer. What would have happened if you chose this rather than that? God only enters what we actually did, but the potential is not God knows what would have happened. We will all face a certain number of disasters in our lives. God works all of these things for our good. He knows all of our good and bad decisions are known and will work it all for good.

Foreordination establishes certainty. It is information in the computer which describes certainty. The omniscience of God knows certainty. In the printout is foreknowledge.

God does not influence our decisions or tamper with them. He allows us our free will. Various things will take us by surprise in the future, but they will not take God by surprise. The conscience are the norms and standards in our own soul. We get horrible guilt feelings for terrible things which we have done; and we assume that God is shocked and surprised, but he is not shocked and surprised. God never says, ‘That is such a gross sin that I will not allow that person even to be born.” God knew about all of these things billions of years ago and yet, we are still here. This is where theology fouls up.

Predestination simply is God knowing what is going to happen. God takes cognizance of our decisions, thoughts and actions while we are alive. God knew you would scream, which is a total lack of thought. Bob screams a pathetic scream.

All predestination does is tell us that God has always known what is going to happen. Predestination is not fate. There is nothing wrong with God taking us when He does. There is a vast difference. Mohammedan never take responsibility for their own actions. They simply pass on their own cruel acts to God. They simply say, “Allah willed it.” That is fatalism and that is evil and blasphemy.

Now, there is a time when we will leave this world, and that is the best time. That is predestination and that is His sovereign decision which is the end of predestination. You never say in a disaster, what will be will be. Predestination is merely God’s side of our life. We know our life only as it unfolds a bit at the time; and some know your past. Some don’t know your present, and we call you kooks. Predestination is God’s side and history is what we recall. However, this is not fatalism. That is why foreknowledge is brought in. God expects us to think. If you scream “God help” and Bob has heard that in planes or in buildings. People who scream are not thinking. Women who lose the argument start screaming or get mad and they stop thinking. Those women are going to make you sorry that you won the argument.

It takes a few hours to do the decrees right. Prooriζω = predestined. This views the decrees of God in their entirety. It regards them from their existing results. God knew exactly what we will do after class. God knew billions of years ago what everyone was going to do after class. He provided whatever is necessary for us to meet the exigencies of life. We have learned to choose for doctrine a number of times in order for us to be prepared. God knew that many women would get married. It is very difficult to think for a long time. Little girls in prep school will someday get married; and God provides for all of it. They will use what they learn in prep school in their marriage. Bobby disagrees with Bob about war this year because he thinks that there will be more prep time needed. Maybe God will be gracious and give us that prep time.

Culminative aorist tense. Omniscience of God. He knows we will make certain decisions. Predestination relates the believer to the plan of God. This means that God is completely aware of everything that we think or do and He provides what is necessary for us to think or do. We possess God’s righteousness. We have logistical grace support and sometimes supergrace blessing. The fact that we possess God’s righteousness for the rest of our lives is how we stay alive in failure and in success. All of these things are interrelated in the plan of God rationale. We are always in union with Christ. We will never get out of union with Him. God knows that we will believe in Christ and He gives us the 36 things.

If you do not keep up with doctrine, then you will not be prepared for what happens in the future. There will be a certain amount of testing and we receive the doctrine now in order to deal with these things in the future. God provides doctrine now, today and the next day. God provides testing now. God provides disaster and we have passed the test here in order to succeed with the disaster test.

While you are single, you have a period of testing to precede your marriage. You must regard marriage as a divine institution ordained of God; and you also regard it as disaster. Then you will apply doctrine; you will learn it and apply it. You will take into marriage something wonderful. You will have capacity for love and for happiness and you will be able to make a go of it. If you are negative, then you will flunk your test as well as your perception of doctrine. God knows what is ahead and He provides for us now.

God’s whole purpose in the Church Age is to take us and make us conform to the image of His Son. We can advance to maturity by means of Bible doctrine or we can go into reversionism. No matter what our volition does, in eternity, God’s volition is all that counts. God will give those who succeed in this life a resurrection body and the same for those who fail. The decorations and awards glorify God forever. There is no such thing as equality in heaven.

It would take 8 hours to explain conformed to the image of His Son.

Rom 8:29 For we know that those whom he has foreknown he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.

2Samuel 15                                Rom. 8:29 72David                                    631_0386

They are wearing masks in Portland, so that Bible conference is off.

The royal family of God was formed in eternity past. Knowing who they would be, God provided salvation for those who would believe because they are royal family. As Church Age believers, we were predestined to be royal family members. To be conformed to His image requires some careful study of several doctrines.

Εις + the accusative and the second is εν + the dative. Προτατοκος = in order that He might be the image of the firstborn. Certain privileges accrued to the firstborn, the priesthood; at the second advent, He will inherit as a firstborn.

We are having a national disaster cured in many ways; we have natural disaster like Mount St.Helens and earthquakes in Southern California and, who knows, maybe an early hurricane in Houston? God gives us time to prepare for disaster, like war and revolution. There is already talk that Carter may get into war with the Russians to secure a reelection.

Cubans under 40, who speak English, Russian and Spanish, and they are in this country as a hardcore revolutionary conspiracy. Some legitimate immigrants with some of these thrown in. If you don’t think that revolution is a pertinent subject, then stick around for awhile. The plan of God rationale is the basis for all applications. The more we know, the better off we are all the way around. The obvious factor is the believer’s identify is never lost to God and the believer’s dilemmas in time, God has provided us with preparation and with the disaster itself. All of these things are full blown disasters, and they do fulfill a simple principle; they are training for the big one; the charge of the elephant and the charge of the mosquito.

Rom 8:29 For we know that those whom he has foreknown he also predestined [= God’s view of the plan] to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.

If there is some accelerated testing coming your way, then you know that something else might be coming your way.

And those whom He has predestined In providing doctrine, you concentrate to learn; and in providing testing, you concentrate to apply. God knew what we were facing in eternity past. God knew that the tornado was going to happen, and we can say yes or no to the doctrine. Then we come to the application if we learn doctrine. If we do not learn doctrine, we cannot apply it. So God sends a test along, so that you can apply it to the next test and the test after that; and God knew this in the past. Remove free will and you are left with fatalism.

You must go into disaster sharp. You must be thinking. God provides doctrine and you can say yes or you can say no, but God still provides it. Those who say yes, can learn. Then they can apply the doctrine.

When you go in butt first, you are backing in. To put it mildly, you will take a hell of a beating. You will really be ripped to shreds. You chose not to learn doctrine, you chose not to concentrate.

The dear God stuff is a tragedy. Learn to do your praying out before the disaster occurs. That is a waste of energy. It is too late for that. When the men pray, Bob sometimes asks them to make a 1 sentence prayer, and this is for 16 men. You have to think in order to do this.

Bob remembers being in a plane filled with psychiatrists and an engine went out, and they kept saying, “Oh, God;” and they were not prepared. It was the funniest thing Bob and his uncle had ever seen. Predestination has tremendous application. These applications do not start in disaster. Predestination starts before disaster; the longer before disaster, the better. The longer before, the better, because Jesus Christ controls history.

Bob feels very humbled by many of us, and many of his congregation know this and he doesn’t. He has to grit his teeth to go on.

Every believer is given time and opportunity to be prepared. That is what is so wonderful about predestination. This deals with the options of predetermination. Predestination is God’s plan for our life. This is God knowing this plan millions of years ago. Down here, we call it the plan of God; up there, it is called predestination.

Kai is rendered also followed by καλεω which means called, elected to privilege. A gnomic aorist and regards it to be axiomatic from God’s viewpoint. It is a fixed principle of the Church Age.

God does have a plan for our life and because He knew in eternity past what this would be, He made provision for these problems.

God invented time and space and eternity is outside of that. God is not limited by time and space. Billions of years ago, long before any creature existed, God knew our thoughts, decisions and actions. So He could anticipate every difficulty that we would have.

Knowledge and omniscience is related to us as creatures and to angels as well. Omniscience is God knowing all simultaneously all that is knowable, whether actual or possible. He knows the actual and the possible.

Omniscience perceives the free as free, therefore He provides so we can choose for the preparation. The necessary as necessary, together with all their causes and condition, every link is essential to the whole.

Foreknowledge is a printout; it is after the doctrine is in the compute of divine decrees. It must be first decreed in order to be foreknown. Foreknowledge is only about what is in the decrees; it has nothing to do with probability or possibility. This does not make anything certain, but recognizes that which is certain.

All of the events of the USA are fed into the computer, and the printout, we are in the mind of God and in the plan of God in eternity past. We are on a collision course with disaster right now. We are in the plan of God right now. God knew of our situation and He planned for our situation.

Doctrine we learn and testing we apply. Concentration intake and concentration output. Psalm 139:1–6 O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.

David was so responsive to his concentration and the doctrine and all of these things, God knew. You have computed my journey and my lying down. David is unable to have this sort of knowledge which God has. The finite mind can understand what the infinite mind reveals. David is prepared for revolution and civil war.

David came to doctrinal conclusions and he enjoyed phenomenal prosperity. God has a plan for our life in war as well as in peace. In time of great disaster and in time of freedom from disaster. God’s plan has not changed.

Bob would not deny us the freedom to disagree with him. What makes doctrine so wonderful, it is the mind of Christ, revelation from eternity past. We are as free to reject it as we are to accept it. No one, unless you are a kid, is forcing you to come to church.

Bob told Bobby that he had to come, to make certain he had an audience (this was a joke); he knew that Bobby would be there. The rest of it, Bob has no control over it. He can only warn us that we will need it.

Psalm 139:9 If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

The doctrine of divine control of human history is.... It is impossible for God to impute blessing without His cancelling out His attributes. Each print out is significant. There are 3 elections to privilege in the Bible. The unique election pertains to the election of Jesus Christ. All history centers around the person of Jesus Christ. He was elected to special privilege.

Israel was the first client nation; many gentile client nations The Church Age believer is elected to privilege. Every believer in Israel was elected to privilege. When Hezekiah sat on the throne and the Assyrians came down.

The Assyrians under Shalmanezer II destroyed Samaria. In 586, the Chaldeans administered the fifth cycle of discipline to the southern kingdom.

Election to privilege relates the believer to his national entity. We are saved with the purpose of being elected to privilege. We are alive because we live in the United States. We are about to enter into a great national disaster. We will either be in the destruction, because the pivot is too small, or in the preservation, because the pivot is large enough. With a large enough pivot, disaster would be avoided in the U.S. As goes the believer in the client nation, so goes the client nation. Bob did not say, “As goes the election...”

Election is the believer’s privilege to influence history indirectly. First election is of the Lord Jesus Christ. His resurrection, ascension and session are unique, as is His election.

Retroactive and the other anticipates the Church Age, which was done by our Lord on the cross. Behold My Servant Whom I have sustained. Acts 2:23 Jesus was delivered up according to the foreknowledge of God.

Psalm 139:10 even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.

Rom 8:30 And those whom He predestined He also called [= elected to privilege], and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

2Samuel 15                                Rom. 8:29 72David                                    631_0387

This guy talking about his cowardliness when it came to dogs. But there was some change that came in his life. He is on board a ship to go to Hawaii from Manila and there was Gulliver the dog on board, biggest dog he ever saw. Gulliver was a great friend to the crew and the captain, but despised this man. The ship went down and only he and Gulliver survived. He saved the dog’s life and the dog saved his. It made Bob think of Rom. 8:28. It could not have worked out any better. Little did he realize that dog would save his life. And little do we realize what will save our lives in the future.

Elected to privilege was in Rom. 8:28; the election of our Lord Jesus Christ is unique; there are 2 elections to privilege; each one is related to the client nation. Israel first became a client nation, and in the dispensation of Israel and Millennium, Isa. 45:4 Israel, My elected one to privilege; I have given you a title of honor. Rom. 9:6–7

The election in Rom. 8:30 elected to privilege to a holy station of life, in 1Tim. It is not according to our works but according to His Own predetermined plan.

As goes the believer, so goes the client nation to God. The believer must function under the Royal Family Honor Code.

Cubans have infiltrated us from Havana for the overthrow of divine establishment. In South Korea, the assassination of Parks. Keep watching Korean; North Korea has the 4th largest army in the world. We did not back Parks as we should have. He was an authoritarian. He was not a dictator in the evil sense; and we were behind his assassination? There is no longer a defense plan there, it went down with Parks. Once again, revolution; there are conspiracies in this country and all over.

Our national guard goes out and faces a mob without amunition. The National Council of church is for mob violence. The only thing which will stop mob violence is our attitude toward Jesus Christ. Only God can deliver us from the mess that we have made.

Reagan doesn’t have the power to deliver us; only God has the ability to deliver us. Do not pass out any pamphlets in here.

The ministry of Isaiah had been strong enough to establish a pivot, and the Assyrians and the Israelites woke up the next day, and there were 176,000 dead Assyrians out there.

Election to privilege for the royal family is advancing to maturity to be the salt which preserves the nation. God has a purpose for us, related to this wonderful nation, of which we are a part.

Bob has some sand there, which is from Mount St. Helens. The ash is all over Portland. There is tons of this in the air. Bob says nice things about Portland.

We have human life and Adam’s original sin and our personal sins had already been collected in the mind of God to be imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross.

The predestination of God provided a perfect plan for us; His plan is perfect. Bob doesn’t find too many driving too fast, but too many drive too slow. All of those people can be delivered simply on the basis of the fact that, every day, you love your Lord enough and your country enough to take in Bible doctrine.

No matter how great the disaster is, we can receive the imputation of supergrace blessing right in the middle of the disaster.

Rom. 8:28 We know in fact that to those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called [or, elected] according to His purpose [pre-determined plan],...

Rom 8:29 For we know that those whom he has foreknown he also predestined [= God’s view of the plan] to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers.


We are once again relating all of these thing to the doctrine of divine decrees as printouts. The object of the verb to know has a multiplicity of objects. The accusative plural of houtos. This emphasizes positive believers in the plan of God from the standpoint of eternity past. Kai means and, also.

Aorist active indicative of δικαιοω, which means to justify. Constative aorist is a momentary action at the time of salvation. It just takes a concept. The grace pipeline is constructed between heaven and us as a believer. Eternal life is imputed to a divinely prepared home and it is instantaneously prepared; eternal life enters into the human spirit forever. Eternal life is imputed to the divinely prepared home, the spirit. Your soul and spirit are in your body in almost every case. . This is one of the most significant factors. The justice of God produces the action of the verb, and it occurs simultaneously with 35 other things. We are not justified based upon our morality and good works.

Rom 8:30 And those whom He predestined He also called [= elected to privilege], and those whom He called [elected to privilege] He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0388

3 verses review. 5 printouts.

Rom. 8:28–30 We know in fact that to those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called [or, elected] according to His purpose [pre-determined plan],... For we know that those whom he has foreknown he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom He predestined He also called [= elected to privilege], and those whom He called [elected to privilege] He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

Justification and glorification are the human side of this. The application of justification is twofold. It is the possession of divine righteousness which qualifies us for blessing. It is the basis for logistical grace.

Our righteous nesses are like filthy rags in God’s sight. When the arrogant believers attaches some importance to it, it is worthless.

Logistical grace concepts: when you find yourself in trouble or disaster and you are still alive, you need to immediately used the plan of God rationales. Reverse conception includes logistical grace. MacNamara wants to fight wars with computers. For a genius, he was extremely stupid and impractical. You can fight with scum. The Duke of Wellington proved that.

Our infantry is one of the most poorly armed today. The sniper rifle of the Russians is absolutely fantastic. Conventional warfare will resolve wars.

An article; a critical view of the military establishment. 100% readiness would be wasteful. But a certain number of planes ready to fly immediately. Many just sit around in the barracks because it is expensive to train them. This also gives them a morale and discipline problem. It is like we are trying to drive a very powerful car sideways.

Alternate approaches—every 18 year old male goes into the army; or a highly paid army with high standards, or you grab the dregs of society and throw them together (which requires great discipline). We have a mentality, motivation and manpower problem, as well as a logistical problem.

We face a disastrous problem with regards to logistics. Luckily, the logistics from heaven are fantastic. Having all sufficiency in everything, that we might have abundance. There is logistical grace which keeps us alive in order to reach the point of gospel hearing. Now, we may go bad after that as well, and God still keeps us alive, even though we are losers. Matt. 6:33. As long as we are alive, we are alive courtesy of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even carnal believers have some logistical support simply keeping us alive. That counts as blessing. There is nothing that the reversionist did to earn it.

For believers outside of maturity, there is logistical grace going from justice of God to the righteousness of God. Same for supergrace believers. Blessing is available and a reality during times of pressure and difficulty. Right now, we are studying this passage under relatively normal times. The grace functions of God do not stop because war has come. God does not take a vacation; He is not out to lunch. His gracious functions never cease; His blessings are new every morning. Many believers are still alive after great disaster and warfare. The compassion of the Lord are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

God is faithful in rebound; He is faithful in logistical grace.

What goes on in Washington is insignificant. The fact that we are assembled to hear the Word is.

2Tim. 2:13 God sustains us in this life, even in whatever stage of reversionism that we find ourselves. He keeps on being faithful.

Bob says something about Jeans and a tee shirt on some women. To him, blue denim is the lowest form of cloth. At least you are clothed, so God has paid attention to you.

The very fact that we have a Bible in our hands is testimony to logistical support. We have logicstical support from the laws of divine establishment.

The only legitimate motivation for business is profit. The government does not control business, it controls people. Our government has demonstrated that it cannot deliver anyone in a large city in Iran or anywhere else. We cannot deliver or help anyone. We have become a government of controlling people. Freedom cannot guarantee equality.

People have a right to be failures. Guaranteed income for life. If you have failures and success in a country, then you have freedom.

Satan wants a welfare state to control the world. The Cubans unleashed thousands of Cuban spies in the United States and these Cubans are now in this country. They are well-trained, hardcore revolutionaries.

2Samuel 15                             Rom. 8:28–31 72David                                 631_0389

A lady in Bakersfield wrote, they were 5 minutes into the lesson when the first earthquake hit, and since Bob seemed impervious, so they just soldiered on.

This is a continuation of our study in 2Sam. 15 and this tells us how we are to deal with revolution.

Rom. 8:28–30 We know in fact that to those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called [or, elected] according to His purpose [pre-determined plan],... For we know that those whom he has foreknown he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, in order that He might be the firstborn among many brothers [the royal family of God]. And those whom He predestined He also called [= elected to privilege], and those whom He called [elected to privilege] He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

Justification is the imputation of divine righteousness. Logistical grace is the basis for advancing in the plan of God. Freedom is the policy of God in the creation of the human race in order to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Freedom is flexible and pliable with regards to the non-essentials of life.

Logistical grace includes the local church; it is where the believer assembles in order to learn Bible doctrine. This might be a home, church or office. Some idiot pastor is saying that you cannot grow without face to face, but then, he sends out tapes, which are warmed-over Thieme doctrines. The Bakersfield group listened through 2 earthquakes.

the focal point of the church ought to be doctrinal teaching. Spiritual gift is authority and ability to teach the Word of God. “Someone has a watch; now I don’t mind breaking your arm and busting your watch...apparently, you need to wake up.” To be able to teach doctrine requires great preparation. Most pastors are not qualified to teach because of the lack of preparation. You gain your authority by the teaching of the Word. The pastor throwing his weight around a church without teaching is a mistake.

Discussion of the ordination at Berachah to improve the quality of people going out. A lot of people can study for hours, but they have no way of going about it. The Church of Christ is famous for those who leave the business world and go into the ministry. Bob has never found anyone in that group who was ready to teach. At best, they teach a second-class system of morality. This reveals a terrible lack of preparation. Barnhouse said he would take 20 years of preparation for 1 year in the ministry.

Things may go well in a church for even years, but then the pastor says something, and there is this instantaneous personality problem. If you cannot listen to a pastor-teacher, then you shop around to find a teacher that you can listen to. Personality is not an issue in the communication of doctrine. You have to get away from the personality and get down to the content.

Why a woman would ever want to be equal to a man, if she is already superior to a man (in most ways). The only place where the woman is inferior to a man in authority. No male deserves the gift, and all personality types become pastors. Baptists bully their pastors and starve them and kick them around, and this is obviously by their calling them preacher-boys.

Spiritual growth is how you determine whether you have the gift or not. God the Holy Spirit bestows the gift, and you do not earn it or deserve it. Women do not have authority in the pulpit of the local church. However, women are born teachers. If you have a womb, you can teach. Bob has never understood that there is a shortage of teachers in prep school because women are natural teachers. Some of the greatest teachers Bob can remember are women. It is a natural talent or ability.

A woman who would go out on our parking lot and tell men that they could not smoke there, but she was out of line. She insisted on being Carrie nation to the smokers. She is probably carrying on this crusade elsewhere; however, she was able to offend almost anywhere.

A spiritual flasher, someone who tells everyone else their business.

The justification provides a target for God’s logistical grace. It travels down the grace pipeline.

Supergrace blessing in time, a fortiori. This presupposes the rapture of the church.

29–30 give us the plan of God. This is the basic concept of the plan of God rationale. Every thought, action and decision was fed into the computer of divine decrees.

There is the printout, which is foreknowledge, which is based on reality. 5 printouts altogether. Foreknowledge means that God has us in mind in eternity past. God has us in His mind billions of years ago, and when we face privation and heartache, God provided for us.

As believers, we belong to client nation USA and we have the privilege and opportunity... The mature believer glorifies God and there is special blessing in time. The mature believer glorifies God throughout all eternity. Any 1 of these 5 printouts can be used in historical disaster. If we wind up in a prison camp, we can work our way mentally out of any situation in which we find ourselves.

Rom 8:30 And those whom He predestined He also called [= elected to privilege], and those whom He called [elected to privilege] He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

This is a classical Greek or an attic Greek idiom and it cannot be translated literally. Προς + ουτος. This is a debator’s idiom. Therefore, face to face with these things, to what conclusion are we forced? The plan of God is far greater than any problem that we will have; any pain or any heartache. To reach maturity, the believer must pass many tests. No believer can grow in grace apart from knowledge of doctrine and a number of tests or examinations. That is the secret for growth. We develop muscles by testing. When you feel terrible, you go out there and you start your military presses.

We are daily tested first with the charge of the mosquito and then the charge of the elephant. Your girl has faked you our of your tennis shoes, and that becomes a test. Prep school is a test. If you can explain the doctrine of predestination to an 8 year old, then you can use that doctrine during a time of disaster.

The conclusion we are forced to is, if God is for us, who can be against us. Protasis of a 1st class condition. If the God is for us, then who can be against us?

Billions of years ago, God was on our side. An elliptical apodosis is what follows. Τις καθ αμον. Who against us? This doctrinal conclusion sets up the first judicial imputation. This sets up an advanced rationale. Judicial imputation #1 is all of our sins poured upon Jesus Christ. We are forgiven because of this, not because we feel emotional or beg God’s forgiveness. We apply this doctrine every time that we rebound. Judicial imputation #2.

Rom 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? [idiomatically translate, Therefore, face to face with these things (election, predestination, etc.), to what conclusion are we forced?] If God is for us [or, for our sake], who can be against us?

This gives us the outline for v. 32, judicial imputations #1 and #2. Tomorrow, we conclude our study, and then move back into the revolution.

2Samuel 15        Psalm 43:1–5 Rom. 8:32 Isa. 53:4–5 72David              631_0390

Rom 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? [idiomatically translate, Therefore, face to face with these things (election, predestination, etc.), to what conclusion are we forced?] If God is for us [or, for our sake], who can be against us?

If you do without knowledge what you are doing, then you do nont know what you are doing; that boils down this passage of Romans.

Few people know how to train a dog. Jack Allen too long have yiou concealed from your dog that he owns you. Great Dane that he buys.

3 stages to the faith rest drill. Faith claims a promise then faith applies doctrine to a situation by reverse concentration (one of the rationales); faith reaches doctrinal conclusions from this. This means, you must know what you are doing. The key to life is to know what you are doing before you do it. The key to life is not action but thinking.

The idea is to know what is required from us any time a disaster occurs.

Intensive use of δε, which is strictly classical Greek. All human sins are gathered up into one entirety; into one bundle; this is reduced to a period of 3 hours when these sins were imputed by God the Father to His Son Jesus Christ and judged Him for these sins. This is the first judicial imputation. All sins that we have committed or will commit were gathered up and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross. A real imputation has a target where there is an affinity between the thing imputed and what it is imputed to. Like human life being imputed to the soul. No matter what sin someone commits, human life is still in the soul. The human life is in the soul, whether you go to heave or to hell. Eternal life is imputed to the human spirit, which is created by the Holy Spirit, which is what regeneration is.

Christ dying for our sins in judicial imputation #1. It is easy to be saved; it is difficult to understand salvation. Our memorial day is remembering what Christ did and applying it to adversity. The principle of logistical grace is, if Jesus Christ did the most for us on the cross, what will he do for us now that we are His friends, His children, His royal family. Can he do less for us now that we are family? That is the concept of this verse that David used when facing Absalom’s revolution. Idios is someone who minded their own business.

The more old sin natures involved in government the worse that it is. So democracy is the worse form of government, and it is anarchy with a thin veneer. Too many people calling the shots and showing very little restraint. Those who did not participate in the democracy were called iδιος, which meant this person just kept to himself; he was his own private person.

Substitutionary phrase υπερ + πας which means on behalf of us all.

The Old Testament people understood the gospel as well.

Isa. 53:4 Therefore He carried our guilt of our sinful afflictions Jesus was spiritually dead but spiritually alive. Jesus Christ was alive when He said “Finished.” He died physically after it was finished; after He had died for our sins. Consequently, we determined that He had been struck down by judgment. yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.

The justice of God judged all of our sins when they were laid upon Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ drank the bitter wine. The 2nd judicial imputation must be associated with the 1st judicial imputation, where His righteousness is imputed to us. God could not impute righteousness to us apart from Jesus Christ dying for our sins on the cross.

If the most has been done for us at salvation, then we know that He will do much more than the most for us after salvation. Until God takes us out, He must provide for our needs via logistical grace. Each one of us, no matter how rotten we are, we possess God’s perfect righteousness.

Grace is the policy of the justice of God. It imputes righteousness to every believer at salvation. There is affinity between the blessings from the justice of God to the righteousness of God, which is in us. There is no compromise of divine attributes.

Χαριζομαι you can walk into disaster and walk your way out of this by thinking.

Paul uses a debater’s technique in order to set up an a fortiori argument.

Rom 8:32 He [God] who did not spare his own Son but gave [delivered] Him up for us all [on behalf of all of us], how will He not also with Him graciously give us the all things?

We need to bring this into the narrative on David. There is a psalm which deals with this, and Bob hopes to get to that psalm this evening. David has the ability to deal with disaster.

People in Houston today are better off than kings in castles of a century ago. But we can handle difficulties and disasters as well. We have the flexibility to handle disaster as we handled prosperity.

Prov. 8:17–18 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness.

David is a mature believer and many with him will be blessed by the revolution and by the civil war. There is loved one periphery and geographical periphery. Zadok is a favorite of Bob’s, and he has been living with him for several nights. Itai the Gittite. Business, social and geographical periphery.

There is a heritage factor and there is blessing by association even in heritage. Adonijah will be blessed by association, but he will be cursed later on.

Fantastic undeserved suffering which will be turned into blessing. David died with the most beautiful woman in the land in his bed. Most young men would consider that dying grace.

We have been preparing for Psalm 43:

Bob wants us to understand David’s thinking when retreating from Jerusalem. He prays a short prayer in 2 verses. David goes to the highest court, the Supreme Court of Heaven.

Psalm 43:1 Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people [Israel], from the deceitful and unjust man deliver me!

David asks God, why have You rejected me? 2Sam. 18:11–18 will answer this.

Psalm 43:2 For you are the God in whom I take refuge [my fortress]; why have you rejected me? Why do I go about mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?

David asks to be brought back to Mount Zion.

Psalm 43:3 Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your dwelling!

David says that he will go back to the alter of God.

Psalm 43:4 Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy, and I will praise You with the lyre, O God, my God.

The faith rest drill.

David’s soul is upset, but he should be able to deal with this, despite circumstances all around him. Doctrinal conclusion for stage 3, and being in control of the situation.

Psalm 43:5 Why are you cast down [depressed], O my soul, and why are you in turmoil [disturbed] within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation [triumph] and my God.

After v. 5, David begins to make wise decisions. He will make 3 wise decisions, which will be, apparently, next lesson.

2Samuel 15:14                        Psalm 61–62 72David                                  631_0391

San Antonio Fx person heard the statement “If you do not provide all people with reasonable housing, then we will not adhere to the law or standards of decency.” Revolutions in minutia which may be turned into a full-blown revolution.

David is aware a revolution has broken out, and that his son Absalom is leading the revolution. Psalm 61 is the prayer which David utters at this realization.

Psalm 61:1 To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments. Of David. Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer;

the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill.

Psalm 61:2 from the end of the earth [land] I call to You when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I,

God has been David’s refuge.

Psalm 61:3 for You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.

Shelter under God’s wings is the 1st stage of the faith rest drill.

Psalm 61:4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of Your wings! Selah

Psalm 61:5 For you, O God, have heard my vows; you have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name.

David asks for additional years. I think this refers to Jesus Christ as well.

Psalm 61:6 Prolong the life of the King; may His years endure to all generations!

David’s statement of eternal security. Laws of divine establishment, the gospel and Bible doctrine for the one who has believed in Jesus Christ.

Psalm 61:7 May He be enthroned forever before God; appoint grace and faithfulness [truth] to watch [guard or protect] over him!

David will have to make some decisions and all 3 parts of the faith rest drill.

Psalm 61:8 So [consequently] will I ever sing praises to your name, as I perform my vows day after day.

Psalm 62 is the fulfilment of this prayer.

Psalm 62:1 To the choirmaster: according to Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation.

This is David faith-resting it.

Psalm 62:2 He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.

David addresses the revolutionists here.

Psalm 62:3 How long will all of you attack a man to batter him, like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?

V. 4 is the conspiracy of the revolution.

Psalm 62:4 They only plan to thrust him down from his high position. They take pleasure in falsehood. They bless with their mouths, but inwardly they curse. Selah

David repeats the first verse. Reaching out and claiming a promise; reverse concentration and applying a rationale.

Psalm 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope [my strong faith; my expectation] is from him.

The fortress is built up in David’s soul. As a mature believer, David has maximum doctrine resident in the soul.

Psalm 62:6 He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

Psalm 62:7 On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

Psalm 62:8 Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us. Selah

this is the scum which are out during the revolution. They are used in a revolution. Men of rank are...

Psalm 62:9 Those of low estate are but a breath [only vanity]; those of high estate are a delusion; in the balances they go up [they weigh nothing]; they are together lighter than a breath [their weight is a breath].

Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Crusaders Jaques Necker, Madam Roulan, etc.

Psalm 62:10 Put no trust in extortion; set no vain hopes on robbery; if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

Power is either delegated or stolen.

Psalm 62:11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God,

Grace is God’s policy.

Psalm 62:12 and that to you, O Lord, belongs grace. For you will render [prosper] to a man according to his work.

Public opinion functions out there without reason.

The Shah tells of his anger toward the United States. We have overthrown an authoritarian government in Iran. He regrets following a policy of surrender to his opponents. There were conflicting signals from the White House and from Britain.

Terrorism is always a part of revolution. We have been seeking to deal with the Islamic regime in Iran. He calls them bloodthirsty savages. How can you shake hands with these people? He is currently working on a book on his downfall. Cyrus Vance gave no support to him during the revolution. The wrong advice he got was letting all the terrorists out of jail. The government was to surrender to the arsonists and the bandits.

Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. Public opinion is formed from strong delusion. Truth is the only protection which they possess.

We have an established 5th column of revolutionaries in our country now, mostly from Cuba.

It is truth which allows us to see the Lord of Glory.

Thess. 2:9–11 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,

We need to redefine revolution as an overthrow by violence resulting in a fundamental change of government. It is a form of conspiracy to remove establishment and by means of violence. Thought is the start, but it is replaced by terrorism. Satan sponsors revolution and God sponsors authority and establishment. Evil motivation for revolution, which often includes institutional arrogance, criminal, political, etc. arrogance. .

Revolution involves mobs which are led and guided and exploited by criminal and political arrogance. Revolution is total evil; it is never justified. Isa. 1:2–5 excoriates revolution. An ox may be a stupid animal, but he knows his owner.

Hard-core revolutionists, the public, and the incorruptibles. They are authority oriented. They see revolution for what it is. Strong delusion becomes an issue at this point. The people become vulnerable to the propaganda of the revolution.

We saw this as a problem in our country when people began to support Jane Fonda. There will always be conspiracies and revolutionaries in our country. But, this requires the general public to go along with it.

Civil war naturally follows a revolution and sometimes is used by the revolutionaries to take the power.

Authoritarian and the totalitarian. The revolutionaries are the totalitarians. 2 causes of civil war. The revolution, and politics. He separates them, although there is some merger. When politics starts the civil war, the issue is freedom. When revolution starts the civil war, the issue is truth.

Eventually, those who believe in truth will follow David and the others will follow Absalom.

Authoritarian Versus Totalitarian

Revolution is inevitable where there is no distinction made between authoritarian government and totalitarian government.

1.       Many forms of government have monarchy, democracy, oligarchy, and any one of these can provide protection for freedom. We are under the false concept that only a democracy provides freedom.

2.       Revolution usually results in totalitarian-type government. A highly-centralized form of government under the control of one particular political group. Like the communists in China and in Russia. Franco is excluded from this; he provided a system of authority which provided freedom for everyone. The best tourist spot for years has been Spain. It is the idiotic people here who glorify the Lincoln Brigade, which was a communist organization fighting for a communist cause.

3.       It is imperative that we distinguish between authoritarian government and totalitari government, which destroys personal and national freedom.

4.       Authoritarian government provides a balance between authority and freedom, and the totalitarian party destroys freedom with the ascendancy of one authority which produces tyranny. Just because a few people from the national council of churches visits Russia and says there is freedom, that is a lie. Our policy has been immoral by supporting totalitarian governments, which overthrowing authoritarian governments, like Simosa in Nicaragua, like Ian Smith in Rhodesia, like Parks in South Korea. We have no ability to distinguish between authoritarian governments and totalitarian governments.

5.       This produces a double standard. We are supportive of Kenya, which is an authoritarian type of government, but not friendly toward Rhodesia, which is a better authoritarian government.

6.       Socialism is always totalitarian. We are tyring to change our government into a totalitarian government. You just reject the constitution and make everyone dependent upon welfare.

7.       In authoritarian type governments, there is a balance between authority and freedom. The laws of divine establishment as per Rom. 13. To protect our privacy and property.

8.       Temporal freedom; the imputation of human life at birth. Spiritual freedom is the result of the imputation after spiritual birth. Laws of divine establishment and the Royal Family Honor Code. We are under both as believers in Jesus Christ. Bob does not counseling; we are free to apply doctrine to our own experience. Temporal freedom or spiritual freedom. The laws of divine establishment never divorce freedom, privacy and property from authority. A good government of any sort always provides a system of authority to protect our privacy and property. Revolution emphasizes the equality of man. Self-determination results in inequality in the human race.

9.       Freedom guarantees inequality. There will be inequality in hell?

10.     Forced equality is the function of tyrants and dictators and represents a complete loss of freedom.

11.     Applying Rom. 13, no matter what form of government.

12.     Absalom’s government was totalitarian and David’s was authoritarian. David’s government will continue.

2Sa 15:14 Then David said to all his servants who were with him at Jerusalem, "Arise, and let us flee, or else there will be no escape for us from Absalom. Go quickly, lest he overtake us quickly and bring down ruin on us and strike the city with the edge of the sword."

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0392

The theology of terrorism. Part of a book. One guy who was anti-slavery, recognized the insanity of the abolitionists. He knew that crusader arrogance with tear the country apart (this was some guy named John Randolf). Calhoun was another who opposed the abolition of slavery. The abolitionist movement started in Boston and New York. Harriet Beecher Ward and someone else most influential in the destruction of our country.

John Brown was a scum revolutionist and not the great man that most people think. The daughters of the confederacy put a olacque up a time when John Brown was opposing slavery. His guerillas in Kansas murdered andm aimed the innocent and spawned a bunch of lies which were picked up by certain newspapers. He appears to be scum with criminal and crusader. arrogance. He knew no doctrine; and he ran about quoting Scripture.

The became judges and executioners. A pattern of revolution and insurrection. The core of the abolitionist kabar was complsed of radical clergymen and seminary professors. Ralph Waldo Emmerson was one of them, and he was a pastor, but he became more interested in going his own way. It became clear that many causes could be furthered by their tactics. Mindless moralizing. Many a fool went down the passageways of murder.

Martin Luther King and someone else used similar approaches, and James Earl Carter Jr. hitched his wagon to ... The use of religion as a revolutionary movement, and this was used in Jonestown as well. Jerry Brown and Rosalyn Carter and Jonestown?

Slanted reporting on these abolitionists. This high a moral tone was a brief for the butchering of human beings. Few recognized this as a rationale for murder; it fit into a dozen causes, movements and dowsim. 1000's of farms in New England were left fallow. Afterward, this branched into prohibition, socialism, unionism, etc.

Some told Bob that what is happening in business with unionism is just like what he has described with the revolutionaries.

2Sam. 15:1–14 And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared him a chariot and horses, and fifty men to run before him. And Absalom used to rise up early, and stand beside the way of the gate; and it was so, that when any man had a suit which should come to the king for judgment, then Absalom called unto him, and said: 'Of what city art thou?' And he said: 'Thy servant is of one of the tribes of Israel.' And Absalom said unto him: 'See, thy matters are good and right; but there is no man deputed of the king to hear thee.' Absalom said moreover: 'Oh that I were made judge in the land, that every man who hath any suit or cause might come unto me, and I would do him justice!' And it was so, that when any man came nigh to prostrate himself before him, he put forth his hand, and took hold of him, and kissed him. And on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the king for judgment; so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel. And it came to pass at the end of forty years, that Absalom said unto the king: 'I pray thee, let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed unto the LORD, in Hebron. For thy servant vowed a vow while I abode at Geshur in Aram, saying: If the LORD shall indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.' And the king said unto him: 'Go in peace.' So he arose, and went to Hebron. But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying: 'As soon as ye hear the sound of the horn, then ye shall say: Absalom is king in Hebron.' And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Jerusalem, that were invited, and went in their simplicity; and they knew not any thing. And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he offered the sacrifices. And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom. And there came a messenger to David, saying: 'The hearts of the men of Israel are after Absalom.' And David said unto [Then David issued a command to his loyal staff] all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem: 'Arise [Red alert], and let us flee; or else none of us shall escape from Absalom; make speed to depart, lest he overtake us quickly, and bring down evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.'

There comes a time when you have to be able to leave material things behind and move out into the unknown. This is what David needed to be able to do.

The civil war is necessary for the establishment government to win over the revolutionaries; but they cannot be destroyed by staying in Jerusalem. David’s judgment is correct. He must surrender Jerusalem to the revolutionaries, so that he has time to maneuver in the open country in order to defeat these revolutionaries. This took great moral courage and David had to determine what he could do which was appropriate to the situation. He had to be able to set aside material possessions as non-essential. David will organize in Jerusalem a counter insurgency force. He will go to the other side of the Jordan, and he will be able to out-maneuver Absalom (and the evil Manasseh?).

David will leave behind his belongings to be looted by the revolutionaries. Capturing Jerusalem without the capture of Jerusalem is meaningless. Only Ahithophel has the good sense to tell Absalom to immediately pursue David. David will establish a counter-insurgency group under Hushai. I guess Absalom not going after him gives David enough time.

Absalom is not organized well enough to take good advice. David gives him the benefit of the doubt, thinking that Absalom would do the smartest thing (which Absalom does not). Interlocking systems of arrogance, once entered, by 1 of 15 gates, whatever talent, ability or genius which you possess is neutralized by where you stand. David knew his cause was right and that revolution was wrong. He needed to protect the cause of establishment, where there were too many malcontents. They would act as a 5th column. Just as the United States has been infiltrated by too many communists.

It takes a lot of courage and flexibility for David to retreat rather than to advance. Castle Zion was well fortified and it could withstand a siege, the revolutionaries, in frustration, would have killed many of the people in Jerusalem, which David could not defend.

Humility in leadership causes David to be a responsible leader. In the middle of this chapter, David is totally recovered and he is at his most magnificent. He force was smalll, compared to the revolutionary army.

Revolutionary armies are without discipline and you cannot protect the people from their evil and debauchery. There are horrid accounts of revolutionary armies and the evil which they do. They would have taken out their frustrations against the civilian population.

David’s rule is authoritarian not totalitarian. The government of the revolutionists would be a democracy and totally totalitarian.

David has now completely recovered and he is humble. Humility is necessary for capacity for happiness, love and life. Arrogance destroys a successful nation. Our decline is not based upon our presidents, who keep enlarging our government; but it is more individuals and interlocking systems of arrogance and there is such a mass of arrogance that God must destroy many of us.

David has this tremendous sense of command in retreat. He will be under great pressur, with personal pressure; David will be ridiculed; people will be petty. David is in an historical disaster and in personal disaster.

Establishment needs to have a rallying point. David was the leadership and establishment force must have leadership. It takes flexibility to fight this battle, and David had the humility and flexibility to deal with this. It took moral courage for David to retreat.

3rd lesson; after a decision is made, it must be accomplished rapidly. A decision is no better than its execution. A decision may be right, but it would be a wrong decision if they dawdled. Once the decision was made, they had to get out. No hysteria. Everyone had to form up quietly and move out. It would be like moving out of Berachah Church during a fire; it would be quietly done and organized. The innocent population must not be protected. David will send Ittai the Gittite back into Jerusalem, but he will refuse.

Jerusalem will be saved a siege and wide destruction of the people.

2Sam. 15:14 And David said unto [Then David issued a command to his loyal staff] all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem: 'Arise [Red alert], and let us flee; or else none of us shall escape from Absalom; make speed to depart [be ready to move out immediately], lest he overtake us quickly, and bring down evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.'

2Samuel 15:14–18                               72David                                              631_0393

Someone who flew over Cuba to take photos; he was arrested as a CIA spy. He said the Russian brigade was more like a submarine force. We’ve played right into the hands of the Cubans, and Castro does whatever the Russians ask. Russian troops in civilian clothing are showing up on the other shore of Cuba. There are many signs of a Cuban counter-revolution. Coffee is rationed at 2 ounces a month. There is little incentive to work because there is very little to work with. For Cubans, only about 2 out of 40 seem to be legitimate. The others are criminals, insane or spies.

2Sam. 15:14 And David said unto [Then David issued a command to his loyal staff] all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem: 'Arise [Red alert], and let us flee; or else none of us shall escape from Absalom; make speed to depart [be ready to move out immediately], lest he overtake us quickly, and bring down evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword.'

His staff say, “You make the decisions and we will go along with you.”

People are suckers for lying propaganda, if they are under strong delusion. Integrity + loyal = honor. These are the honorable people. The incorruptibles here are the military, the staff and the leaders. When people have truth and are positive toward it, the fulfill “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free.” You have loyalty as a virtue toward establishment. Loyalty to Bible doctrine causes many people to stand firm during times of instability, revolution and civil war. The revolutionists are following a person and the general public are following a person. Great conflict is principle versus person.

Faith rest drill is reverse concentration. This makes the believer incorruptible. Not susceptible to revolution. He is faithful to the principles of establishment. The revolutionists are loyal to a personality, which is loyalty to evill, and they function under the dishonor equation. That is integrity versus loyalty as an evil equals dishonor.

David’s Retreat

1.       We have noticed David’s decision to retreat; and this must be done so that there is no panic. If the people or the military panic, it’s all over.

2.       The result will be a civil war. Therefore, an orderly withdraw is required.

3.       He can determine who is loyal and who is conniving in Jerusalem. He gets room and space for maneuvering and determines who is loyal to him.

4.       Best decision to go east of the Jordan River and then to move north from there. He has complete control of his forces.

5.       David accepts punishment from the Lord and moves on.

2Sam. 15:15 And the king's servants [staff] said [replied] to the king, "Behold, your servants are ready to do whatever my lord the king decides."

David leaves his mistresses behind under orders. David is still taking care of these women. He collected about 50 women. He kept these women. These women would have supervised those who do the work. 10 young female executives here. They will run the palace for about 6 months.

There is false teaching which suggests a good Christian does not have material things. When God blesses a person, then that involves material possessions. That makes sense, because these people have the capacity to enjoy these things. Then Bob talks about the boots someone owns. If he is going to walk off, he can carry 3 pairs at the most. By the time you decided you have not shifted gears. If your house is on fire, what 3 things would you take out? You can’t survive a revolution if you are unable to make quick decisions which are appropriate.

In your adversity scale of values, you must abandon material things. You can’t take your Hifi set with you. You must be flexible, humble and you have to apply one facet of the plan of God rationale. You need to move to your adversity scale of false.

Hushai the Archite kept Bob up for a couple nights. Bob wonders why Zadok the Priest is mentioned by God the Holy Spirit. Once he got Zadok squared away, but now there is Hushai the Archite. He was old, wealthy and honorable. He was a wealthy success man. Why did God the Holy Spirit mention the mudpack and his suit all ripped to pieces. It finally snapped early in the morning, so Bob gets up and began to work on it. If you do not have flexibility to have 2 standards, then you are not going to make it. Paul, “I know how to be abased and I know how to abound.” Doctrine needs to be that which helps you differentiate.

You have all these gold coins and your only escape is to jump out your back balcony into the river. Hushai left behind all of his hobbies. He had an acre of trains? He knew the revolutionists would beat it to pieces. You just have to talk out and leave it. Some of us have developed an illustration of our 2 twos of value. If you have a nagging wife, you have developed a dual scale of values; one when you are in the house and one when you are out.

Survival demands flexibility. We need an adversity scale of values and a prosperity scale of values, and that must be in the mind. Those in the army must think under 2 scales completely. Combat leadership is shut down. Managers now and collectors of data. Those brown-nosers are absolutely useless in combat. A peacetime army has an officer corps which are not worth a damn. All they know is cya.

You must know what is important, and what is important in prosperity is not what is important under adversity. Water can be the most valuable thing in the world in adversity; ditto for food.

These women had great managerial skills and there was nothing for them to manage out in the desert, where he was going.

2Sam. 15:16 So the king went out [departed], and all his household [family] after him. And the king left ten concubines [mistresses] to keep [guard, maintain] the house.

Kitron River is a rushing river in the winter.

These 2 verses are almost identical; how come? They halt at the last outpost; this is the eastern port at the valley of the Kedron. They are all outside of the city gates and they can see the Jerusalem walls, and there is a small outpost at the brook of Kedron. He will review his troops and organize them into a column.

David will set up a marching order, so that the slower ones would be up in front, and be moved to one side or the other, just in case they have to stop and fight. The flank guard becomes a rear guard to protect his people.

David will have these 3 battalions pass in review. There will be a full battalion and be able to shut the gate, and everyone is protected.

The Kedron is a river part of the time and a brook part of the time. The outpost protects Jerusalem from here. David will establish column security to protect his men from ambush.

You move a large number of people with authority and organization. There must be a recognized authority, which is David’s brigade of guards. David is a master of organization and security. He organizes civilian and military men together.

2Sam. 15:17 And the king went out [departed], and all the people after him. And they halted at the last house [the house at the distance].

600 refers to the Gitties only. 3 regiments. The Gitties acted as the police force of Jerusalem. There are 600 policemen there.

The 3 regiments are all gotten from the Greek sea peoples. Almost conquered by Ramses III. Some of the Cherethites were probably related to Ullyses and his company, coming back from the Trojan war. There are several famous names in these Cherethites. Cherethites probably came from Askelon and the Pelethites probably came from Ashdod and some other Philistine city.

They had conquered Troy and had defeated the Hittites. They had conquered in Babylon, Syria, Egypt. Most of them were believers in Jesus Christ.

When men stop thinking, the military must return their freedom to them.

2Sam. 15:18 And all his [loyal] servants passed by him, and all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites, and all the six hundred Gittites who had followed him from Gath, passed on before the king.

2Samuel 15:19                                     72David                                              631_0394

A speech by Dan Kessler and apparently once from Berachah? When you run out of choices, you are no longer free. If you use your free will to drive over a cliff, you lose your freedom of choice. When you vote for candidates who will restrict the private sector, you will trade your number of choices and freedoms for someone who will keep you from buying inferior products, then you have surrendered a portion of your freedom. Terrorism is not new. Women are the gardens of humanity, and it is unthinkable that we would place them intentionally in harm’‘s way. We would throw a fit if we had to immediately pay for the things which out government spends on; we would throw a fit, so the government deficit spends instead. Indirect taxation via inflation. How would you prefer to be motivated? Force, feudalism or gain? Those are the 3 forces which motivate people. We have found that it is best to give men their freedom, and they will prosper. Most politicians are critics and not doers. Regulation costs are placed at about $150 billion/year. Government does not regulate things or the economy; government can and only regulates people. Now there are more than 1000 federal programs and 80 regulatory agencies. We do nothing to enhance our future choice by these regulatory agencies. Washington said, freedom is llke a bag of sand; ever so small a hole, and you will lose it all. Chairmen and president of mountain view supply Kassler, Mountain Fuel Supply co. of Salt Lake.

Achish, King of Gath who had a great sense of humor and apparently became a believer and a friend of David. He gave David a place in Ziklag for he and his men. Great Greek soldiers were a part of David’s men, and he had a brigade of them.

They had a separate function and they were police officers in and around Jerusalem. Ittai was apparently the chief of police.

This dialogue will cover some very important ground. David will question a few people going with him. This is a top chief of police and a top law enforcement officer. He is also famous as a detective.

David is humble, thoughtful, and very wise. He knew his men and he realized that Ittai, as a foreigner, ought not be involved as a foreigner in a civil war. He thinks Ittai is needed in keeping order in Jerusalem; the honorable function of law enforcement. There is often unrestrained crime. David uses the Qal imperative here, twice.

“Go back and remain with the king.” What has happened to David; why is he calling Absalom the king? The answer brings up the question, just who is thing king. The Bible says that David is the king and David says that Absalom is the king.

A police chief must always recognize authority above him, and this is unpleasant, because those over you are often stupid who are over you; this occurs often in the military and in law enforcement. Liberals, imbeciles, divorced from reality, politically correct. Mayor Welch gave the police complete backing. He shot some rioters and the rioters stopped. Welch backed his chief and his sergeant and this ended revolution and rioting in Houston.

When Absalom walked into the palace and sat on David’s throne, he became the king. And David tells Ittai to go the Absalom and to do a pro’s job, and protect the property and the privacy of the citizens.

Who Da King?

1.       When David said, “Go back and remain with the king” we know that David is the legitimate king appointed by God. God did not demote David.

2.       David however is practical. He has common sense. David is establishment oriented and authority oriented. The people left behind in Jerusalem, no matter what their politics, they have a right to protection from crime.

3.       By retreating from Jerusalem, the capitol is now an open city run by the revolutionary party and that Absalom is the defacto king. This means from the fact. David is dejury king, which means from the law. The dejury king recognizes the defacto king, which tells us that David is humble, flexible and authority oriented. He is responsible and the recognizes that their property could be in danger. David recognizes what the situation really is. He could not do this if he was interlocking systems of arrogance. Even though there is a revolution, life must go on for a lot of people who are innocent bystanders. They cannot be protected without law and order.

2Sam. 15:19 Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, "Why do you also go with us? Go back and stay with the king, for you are a foreigner and also an exile from your home.

David’s Kingship Versus Absalom’s Kingship

1.       Absalom has assumed the king’s position. David is the legitimate king.

2.       A criminal caught at the scene of the murder he is guilty defacto. If he is later apprehended, he is guilty dejury.

3.       A king is defacto when he is actually in possession of the throne, no matter how he obtained it.

4.       A king is dejury when he has a legitimate right to the throne. However, he is about to go into the Judæan desert. David is smart and flexible enough to adjust to this. He gets this immediately. The national guard is called out in order to maintain order in time of disaster. Life must go on under establishment principles. If freedom cannot be maintain in disaster, then it cannot be maintained in prosperity. Freedom is a principle which is more valuable than life itself.

5.       David’s humility and objectivity and ability to think under pressure is manifest by his authority-orientation. He is the legitimate king appointed by God, he recognizes that Absalom through conspiracy and revolution occupies the throne.

Notice that David doesn’t run Absalom down. He doesn’t say, “Absalom, that rat, that revolutionist, that traitor.” He simply calls him the king. That is objectivity and humility under pressure. This is greatness. David has no hangups about calling Absalom the king. If God doesn’t promote you, then you are not promoted.

David has no hangups. You cannot accept authority and become petty. Your leadership is instant failure. Pettiness is something that leadership cannot afford. Some of you are naturally petty. Some are and some are not. If pettiness if your problem, that is not a big deal; only when you let it become your arrogance.

If you just got married, you have authority that you did not have before. Absalom’s objective in the revolution was to demote David and to promote himself; and Absalom does not have that power. Only God has that power and God has not demoted David.

No matter what Absalom says, David is still out there. Absalom and his revolutionary forces cannot demote David. Jesus Christ controls history. No one has the power to promote or demote you. Those of you in law enforcement, the same principle applies. David accepts the revolution as the 4th installment of his discipline. He accepts reality. Absalom is the defacto king and David does not even choke on the words.

Nakri means foreigner. And there is nothing wrong with being a foreigner. There are good and bad foreigners. Ittai is a very famous person; he is much more honorable than most of those associated with Absalom. Ittai is much more honorable the Ahithophel.

Then galah is used as a substantive. As a foreigner and an immigrant, Ittai is able to return to town without being seen on anyone’s side. David had some problems in Jerusalem with crime. Attah occurs twice in this verse.

2Sam. 15:19 Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, "Why do you also go with us? Go back and stay with the king, for you are a foreigner and also an exile [an immigrant] from your home.

David’s Honor and Integrity

1.       David orders Ittai to return to his place of duty.

2.       David has a tremendous sense of responsibility toward the people he formerly ruled. He does think, now they will find out what a real ass Absalom is; come along with us, Ittai. Arrogance produces pettiness which produces irresponsibility.

3.       With the invasion of the revolutionary force, there must be those who can restore order and prevent crime.

4.       Note that David is more concerned for the citizens of Jerusalem than for his own personal safety. Ittai is a great man to come along. This is security and one more brilliant mind added.

5.       This is David’s integrity and his loyalty to the doctrine of establishment. Integrity and loyalty as a virtue equals honor.

6.       It owuld appear that Ittai was in law enforcement and would have fulfilled the responsibility of chief of police or something like that.

7.       David states the principle the law enforcement must continue under all kinds of administrations. No nation can have any category of freedom without good law enforcement.

2Sam. 15:19 Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, "Why do you also go with us? Go back and stay with the king, for you are a foreigner and also an exile [an immigrant] from your home.

2Samuel 15:20                                     72David                                              631_0395

George Mueller letter which Bob reads. Bob recommends this latest copy of Time Magazine 9 June 1980 rather than Playboy. G.I. on the cover. They said that we are missing manpower. 1972 was the last major pay boost. $448/month and these earnings are substantially less than minimum wage at that time (which was $3.80?). They moonlight or their spouses work elsewhere. During that same time, real earning increased for union and federal employees (12% jump in real income). The worst medical training in the world is in the VA. They are still giving our WWII pills. Guarding our nation is not just another job; it is a moral organization. Privileged Americans hiring unprivileged Americans to right the war is wrong, according to Time Magazine.

Edward M. Ludwak, one of the more lucid men. He calls for national conscription. Every 18 year old shoul know that he will go into the service. You can get those who are trashy people, and apply iron discipline to whip them into line. Moral and skill of troops makes the difference in war. Men under fire don’t fight for their country; they fight for their buddies. When you move a person around, you disrupt 2 organizations. There is a great deal of difference between efficiency and effectiveness. We were very efficient with fire power in Vietnam, but they refused to assemble in a convenient target area. Armies are wasteful and the armies which are tough are those which win. Armies have become managerial institutions, contemptuous of the art of war.

“We are in trouble.” “And you have been apathetic and stupid and you are missing material that will never be given again.” When the King’s brigade of guards are mentioned, then the Pelethites and the Cherethites are mentioned.

2Sa 15:17–19 And the king went forth, and all the people after him, and stayed in a place that was far off. And all his servants passed on beside him. And all the Cherethites, and all the Pelethites, and all the Gittites, six hundred men who came after him from Gath, passed on before the king. Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, "Why do you also go with us? Go back and stay with the king, for you are a foreigner and also an exile [an immigrant] from your home.

Bob has known some beautiful dolls in the past, and he often wondered, “What did it say?”

How can you tell a man as smart as Ittai the Gittite to go back?

David tells him, “Yesterday you came.” There are 3 sentences in this verse. If you are a prepared person, you do not need to spend 100 years serving an organization in order for them to realize your value.

“You Can Only Yesterday”

1.       Ittai has only been a short time in Israel but he has made a tremendous impact in a very short time. You may have your students for only 1 semester, so impact must be made in a very short time. Because of you, they will remember you forever. Bob’s geometry teacher will never forget him either.

2.       Apparently David had recruit ittai in Gath because of a crime wave in Jerusalem. He showed up just s short time before the revolution. Impact in such a short time; doctrine helps and truth helps.

3.       Unrestrained crime in the cities is characteristic of natural history prior to the breakout of a revolution.

4.       Revolution is preceded by unrestrained criminal activity.

5.       Ittai may have been a great criminal detective 1000 years before Christ.

6.       He may be the real father of the military police.

Vacillation or shock. “Therefore, today, will I cause you to wander around marching around with us?”

A Few Points

1.       Here is David’s marvelous integrity. This is a great soldier and David will suggest that he stay behind, concerned for the people of Jerusalem.

2.       His humility and thoughtfulness for the people of Jerusalem. He is flexible in order to protect the people of Jerusalem.

3.       Consequently, humility is always thoughtful of other. Arrogance is a bore.

4.       Humility produces objective sensibilities.

Halak again + the relative pronoun asher. “And I am going toward which I am going?” With a baptist degree, you might be able to shout for a long time about this. This means “I do not know where I am going.” That is idiomatic. David admits he doesn’t know where he is going.

David’s Humility

1.       Humility is grace orientation and thoughtfulness of others.

2.       In the midst of his greatest pressures, David takes time to think about the problems of others; Ittai and the people of Jerusalem.

3.       David’s dynamics of leadership only function well in a state of humility. The are cancelled by interlocking systems of arrogance.

4.       Now that David is free from interlocking systems of arrogance, he will properly lead his people, even though he does not know which way he is going.

5.       David needs to get far from Jerusalem The farther he goes, the more difficult this will be for Absalom. He is not bright about moving line to column; he is a political general; he is a manager. MacNamara would give him all kinds of medals. So David will keep moving so that he can pick the battlefield. Sun Zu “Retreat until you can pick the battlefield.”

David is always thinking.

David will order this man to go back and lie to Absalom. You have to be really smart not to know where you are going, but you know what you are doing.

David tells him to go back. “Return and take back your countrymen. These are Greeks or Philistines. They also had their families with them. There is a 2nd person feminine singular suffix here. He is a man; so what is the deal? This is a problem in pause. This is used in pause to stand in for the 2nd person masculine singular suffix. This is an order that David gives to Ittai and everyone will obey it. There are channels. The first thing you learn as a 2nd Lieutenant that when you have a problem in the rear ranks; the problem comes in. He lets the sergeant deal with the problem.

“You haven’t done anything wrong; take them back in grace and doctrine.”

2Sam. 15:20 You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, since I go I know not where? Go back and take your brothers with you, and may the LORD show grace and truth to you."

2Samuel 15:20–21                               72David                                              631_0396

The police officer provides a tremendous protection for freedom. There were 600 men brought in from Gath to handle the crime wave in Jerusalem. Perhaps this was to find someone who would be objective and not play favorites.

Closing Points

1.       Ittai brought a number of people with him and their families from Gath, to participate in society.

2.       He came because David requested him to. There was a serious crime problem there, and David was looking to control the crime.

3.       Since David had failed to prosecute Amnon for the rape of Tamar, there had benn an extensive crime way. It had been going on for about 6 years. Crime waves often precede a revolution. Unrestrained crime precedes revolution.

4.       When David lived in Philistia, in Gath and in Ziklag, he won over the hearts of many of the Philistines.

5.       In the ancient world, the military often doubled as a police force. They worked in the field of criminology.

6.       Ittai as a believer developed a tremendous law enforcement agency. If you took an English lit course in college, you may have come across Henry Fielding. Tom Jones was a flop then. He had a brother who came in to help him as his assistant. Henry died and John took over and was even better.

It was doctrinally correct for Ittai to return to Jerusalem. Ittai is a mature believer. He is telling him that it is alright for him to leave.

Bob has done some counseling, but he does not believe that is the minister’s job. We are to use the doctrine in our own souls in order to move along. There can be requests placed before the throne of grace by the person involved. Bob won’t pray ffor most people. They are usually whiners and mewers. They have failed to apply doctrine and they are losers.

There is a fine Bible teacher out in California and he is being sued for bad counseling. Bob doesn’t intend to be our crutch. This guy spends a lot of time giving people bad advice. Is this still MacArthur? Most are trying to get customers for their church. Here, the customer is wrong and the counselor/pastor is wrong.

Bob isn’t interested in counter insurgency. All of these organizations are set up to assassinated. Bob has betamax. “Sonny boy, why don’t you get up and leave; front row behind the glass. You, wake up.” You come to Berachah to listen, not to look around.

We carry doctrine around with you.

Knowing the will of God. There is a difference between the decree of God and His desire for us. Viewpoint will of God; what does God want me to think? Don’t run around with hangups. There is the geographical will of God, which is where God wants us to be. The directive will of God means, God wants us to be in Bible class. Permissive will of God; and the overruling will of God.

David is trying to set up the will of God based on the laws of divine establishment. This will be overruled by Ittai’s free will. He is one of the best general officers; a great military type. Psalm 32:8 Being in the will of God straightens out our relationships with others. Therefore, He will direct your paths. Rom. 12:2 Stop being conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your thoughts, that you might prove what the will of God is, that it is good, well pleasing.

The only counseling we need is Bible doctrine in the soul.

2Sam. 15:20 You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, since I go I know not where? Go back and take your brothers with you, and may the LORD show grace and truth to you."

Ittai said, “Look, I am staying here with you.” He is a citizen of the client nation now.

2 categories of authority; the life of Jehovah. Ittai recognizes 2 systems of authority. He knows that God’s will must be done. David represents true establishment and Ittai will not serve as chief of police under a revolutionary. He does not want to be hamstrung by a revolutionary. He can only function under an establishment form of government.

The fact that David was alive, despite conspiracy and revolution, it was easy for Ittai to make application. David was alive, so logistical grace was applied. Ittai is under his authority and he has the right to claim the same logistical support. Ittai has a very simple life; he follows authority in adversity as well as during prosperity. David represents establishment authority, and so Ittai follows him. David is still dejury king, but not defacto. So Ittai follows him. Since David is still alive, God has a plan for his life. So Ittai applies the plan of God rationale and the logistical grace rationale. Under the laws of divine establishment related to the plan of God rationale, God has promoted David; he has not demoted him.

Ittai has common sense. The doctrines that we use are simple. Ittai was associated with David as a mature believer. The very important establishment rationale. When you hear truth and falsehood; you need to use the establishment rationale.

Hushai has the more difficult job. He is asked to do something which is against his own personal honor.

The prosperous life applies during historical adversity. Jerusalem represents prosperity. The desert represent adversity. Going out into the desert with David does not cancel the blessings from the justice of God. Supergrace isn’t cancelled. If you are still alive during a revolution, you still have supergrace.

Ittai is taking all of these families into the desert. They will have no water and no food.

Kiy im means assuredly, with confidence. The Russian police system is simply a system of tyranny. Anywhere behind the iron curtain and the police officer there is not law enforcement, but he is the minion of tyranny. With the revolutionary government in Jerusalem, you are no longer a police chief; you are simply a servant of tyranny.

Law enforcement and police function in establishment government is necessary in defense of freedom. Even under Nazi occupation, the police of Paris protected human freedom.

2Sam. 15:21 But Ittai answered the king, "As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, assuredly, wherever place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, there also will your servant be."

2Samuel 15:20–22                               72David                                              631_0397

We just completed a detailed analysis of law enforcement.

Counterinsurgency. “War in the Shadows” is probably the classic book which deals with counterinsurgency. As long as the peasants remained apathetic or hostile, victory would be impossible. This did not seem to sway the military; which combined arrogance of ignorance and arrogance of power. They had no flexibility and no understanding of the unconventional warfare in Vietnam.

Why did John Kennedy fail in Vietnam? There is no comforting image of American decision making process. The emphasize the theme of this book, which is the arrogance of ignorance. Ike never briefed JFK on Vietnam? This needed incautious policy and he instead remained wedded to what he inherited. They had no policy; only wishes. They did not deal with communism as an ideal, but as a tank. There is a description as to how stupid JFK and LBJ were with regards to Vietnam and refusal to face reality.

Kennedy’s insistence on the role of a crusader. Rational thought disappeared and there were many mistakes. The CIA was operating in Laos, but it was neutralized in its function.

Guerilla warfare is more scientific than a...but you cannot have the same scale of values for counterinsurgency and for general warfare. They refused to respect adverse reports which contradicted information being fed to Washington.

If President Johnson expected his words to propel Ho Chi Minh to the peace table, he was sadly mistaken. A half million deaths in South Vietnam?

Ignorance of arrogance + the power of arrogance. Far too many of our military men can be accused of this. As far as troops are concerned, the middle class is paying its scum to protect them. If you hired someone to protect your house, would you hire someone from Berachah or some scum. There is no way a volunteer force can win a war. It represents the quintessence of arrogance.

The career officer needs dissenting voices to be heard without this interfering with your career promotion. Managerial and analytical systems analysis instead of military leadership, which is the death knell of our military. Great 2 volumes.

David won the war, and he asked men to lie and cheat in counterinsurgency. He believed in winning the war. He set aside the sweet and loving drawing room system of values. He developed a system where he asks a man with great integrity to lie and deceive in order to frustrate the enemy’s plans. A small band of counterinsurgents can hold several divisions in a sector when they are needed elsewhere. We have been fighting shadows and the arrogance cannot win fighting shadows.

God honors Hushai’s deception. The general public is crucifying 2 of our great agents and have blown the cover of 2 of our greatest agents. They gave their life in a way that most in this room could not do and survive spiritually. What has been done to our intelligence system is almost beyond description. MI5 and MI6 have lost an even greater battle. The CIA have been infiltrated by the KGB. There has been a war underneath our noses, and David was outnumbered, but that made no difference to him. Counterinsurgency is the greatest science for winning wars, from long before Jesus Christ until today.

David does not know where he is going, but he knows what he is doing. The KGB has infiltrated every major intelligence agency in the past 10 years.

2Sam. 15:20 You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, since I go I know not where? Go back and take your brothers with you, and may the LORD show grace and truth to you."

There is no place for law enforcement during a revolutionary government. The gendarmes not only controlled crime but also some of the SS. In a revolutionary government, law enforcement can become tyranny. David is the de jure king

Ittai lives by principle. MI5 and MI6 were proper systems and not tyrannical.

Hushai will go back and Ittai will not. Counterinsurgency is the only way to defeat a counterinsurgency. We do not have a scale of values where we can maintain our own integrity and lie and deceive. We need mature believers in counterinsurgency. There is no public recognition except to crucify you after doing a good job. They have opposite answers, and they are both men of great integrity. There is no place for establishment function when there is a revolutionary government. There are deceptions, cleverness and assassination. You can defeat even the greatest of armies with excellent counterinsurgency. It is the dirtiest kind of fighting that there is.

President Kennedy blue the Bay of Pigs and was the greatest farce ever. It was an abortion from start ot finish.

Life and death is in the hands of the Lord. Hushai will do one of the dirtiest jobs possible, and his scale of values must be entirely different than our own scale of values. Anything not worth dying for is not worth living for. The test of your life is, are you willing to die for it? Are you willing to take risks for your way of life? Are you willing to be flexible and adopt a new scale of values. We enjoy the blessings of Bible doctrine or blessing by association but we have no motivation to die for what we have. We are self-centered and selfish and we think only of ourselves. Some of us have no convictions and would not be willing to die for what we believe in.

Living is great for the supergrace believer, and even more dying. “Whether it means to me death or life, count on it, your loyal subject will be there.”

2Sam. 15:21 But Ittai answered the king, "As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, assuredly, wherever place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, there also will your servant be [or, whether it means life or death to me, count on it, your loyal servant will be there]."

Psalm 118:17–18 I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the LORD. The LORD has disciplined me severely, but he has not given me over to death. Psalm 33:16–19 The king is not saved by his great army; a warrior is not delivered by his great strength. The war horse is a false hope for salvation, and by its great might it cannot rescue. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. Psalm 56:13 Psalm 113:8–9, 15 God does not let death touch us until it is time. The God Who daily bears our burdens. The believer needs to be oriented to death through Bible doctrine. And he is therefore oriented to life. The living praise you as I am doing today.

Lam. 1:18–19 "The LORD is in the right, for I have rebelled against his word; but hear, all you peoples, and see my suffering; my young women and my young men have gone into captivity. "I called to my lovers, but they deceived me; my priests and elders perished in the city, while they sought food to revive their strength. 2Cor. 5:8 Peter was oriented to death: 1Peter 1:4–5

Closing Points

1.       Ittai was an honorable believer; he was a king’s son. His could reconcile loyalty to doctrine and to David, the king de jure.

2.       Doctrine prevented Ittai from being a false or fair weathered friend.

3.       There is more than meets the eye here. Ittai has been David’s friend for many years, according to tradition. He only came to help David because of the crime way in Jerusalem. He is the son of Achish?

4.       David lost his son Absalom, he gains the son of his dear friend.

5.       David’s son Absalom turned against him; Ittai was faithful.

6.       David had doctrine but failed to inculcate Absalom. Achish had doctrine and passed this along to Ittai. Achish had a marvelous sense of humor. He was monogamous and a great father. His son became one of the world’s great criminologists.

7.       Both Absalom and Ittai were princes. Absalom, the Jewish prince failed; the gentile prince succeeded. What was the difference? The reason is continued positive volition toward Bible doctrine.

8.       It produced humility, objectivity, and honor. The opposite in Absalom.

2Sam. 15:21 But Ittai answered the king, "As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, assuredly, wherever place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, there also will your servant be [or, whether it means life or death to me, count on it, your loyal servant will be there]."

2 Qal imperatives. He is told to go or to march. Passing over refers to the Kedron.

If a family has doctrine, their moving about still maintains stability. Bible doctrine in the soul holds friends together.

2Sam. 15:22 And David said to Ittai, "Go then, pass on [Move out and cross over (the Kedron)]." So Ittai the Gittite passed on [crossed over the Kedron] with all his men and all the little ones who were with him.

2Samuel 15:23                                     72David                                              631_0398

If you are so rude as to talking during the teaching of the Word of God, then now is the time to leave. “I hope I make myself clear, gabby.”

David suggested that Ittai go back, and he refused to.

KGB and CIA have been fighting a tremendous war since 1945, The KGB has penetrated every intelligence system except for outs. Human good + arrogance = evil.

Roots of Heaven last night’s movie; we find ourselves being caught between criminal arrogance and crusader arrogance.

“You poor stupid people, what have I taught you?” Bob thought about those who walked out during the movie. The crusader wasn’t the hero. Criminals use crusaders. The side which wins the intelligence war is the one that usually wins the conventional war.

However, you need to have 2 scales of values; some for normal times and others for abnormal times. David had no problem walking away from Jerusalem.

Today we have the worst product of car because of Nader.

Our police force operates under 2 standards. There is a conventional approach, and they go through procedures and functions which protect our privacy and property. However, there are undercover agents who lie and cheat and steal and solicit and these things are okay. Such things are sinful by normal standards, but in their situation, it is okay.

David will have Hushai go back to Jerusalem and lie and deceive. These things are right to do. Bob likes conventional warfare. He likes beating down his enemy and then walking over his dead body to get to the next enemy. He likes that.

Most of you do not have the flexibility to handle a flea circus. You cannot see that crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution and loss of freedom.

It says, “You will not murder” but during war, that is not a sin.

There are no commentaries on this portion of Scripture. Bob lives on this night and day and works on this. He can’t listen to someone else’s tapes and save a few thousand hours.

Murder is a sin; killing the enemy in war is not. That is 2 sets of standards. Amazing, isn’t it?

Because of the imbeciles we have had in the White House and because we allowed the press to reveal men in the CIA, we have destroyed our intelligence. Because the KGB is winning, we will lose thousands in the next war.

Our middle class is paying our scum to defend us. The draft brought the middle class into the military for a little time. But now, we are screwed.

David switched to his disaster scale of values and left Jerusalem immediately.

The Kidron valley was populated with many farms. David has departed from southern Israel and all establishment has departed.

The weeping in Num. 14:1 represented a rejection of authority. The arrogance rich had only one scale of values; they had no objectivity and no ability to walk away from their wealth. James 5:1 speaks to this.

Esau lost out because he had one scale of values and he wept. Losing something of value and not having another scale of values to go to. They need to be able to walk away without regrets.

Ezra 3:12–13 had those weeping with regrets. These old timers had seen the old temple and were upset over the new temple. Bob can’t weep for the good old days. They could not distinguish between the shout for joy and those who wept.

Bob gives the illustration of women who have recently gotten married. You meed a man and you want to flirt, but you can’t because your husband is glaring at you.

Most of the disasters of life come from having one scale of values only. The arrogant scale of values. Lying is a part of the right scale of values in counterinsurgency. A CID guy could not function in his job unless he lies well.

Joel 1:5–6 the nation has been invaded and the drunks are crying. Alcoholics have one scale of values. They lost out in unconventional warfare.

Isaiah wept for the fall of client nation Israel. The same is true for Jeremiah. There was a loss of so many men because there was no counter intelligence.

Lam. 1:16 water runs downs my eyes because there is no comforter for me, and the enemy has prevailed. The ChaiComs and the Russians have both prevailed against us in clandestine warfare.

David is apparently the last person to cross over the Kidron. Bob reads some other version? David will go east.

Revolution and a Change of Scale of Values

1.       Revolution can only bring sorrow and misery to the client nation of God.

2.       Revolution is often divine punishment to a client nation. Often the people are involved in the 15 categories of interlocking systems of arrogance. They reject truth in all 3 categories of truth.

3.       There is no way a client nation can benefit or profit from revolution. The Christian attitude is, this is the quintessence of evil. There is no such thing as a good revolution. We had a war for independence.

4.       The loud weeping of the people portrays the inevitable suffering which would befall them. They were in the arrogance complex.

5.       Such rejection of doctrine leads to strong delusion. Acceptance of and dependence in the lying propaganda of revolution.

6.       Involvement with the interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Arrogance is contagious. Once it spreads throughout the population, revolution and other forms of national disaster are inevitable. Depression, loss of the secret war, national disaster, unrestrained criminal activity

8.       All of these disasters are punishment from God to there client nation.

9.       Thousands of people follow David out of Jerusalem. They leave their homes, their wealth and their human security to endure the privations of the desert. In reality, they have lost nothing, as they needed to change to a new scale of values.

There are things which are sinful under one scale of values which are not sinful under another scale of values. Thousands followed him. They left a lot behind. They did not whine and mew about what they left behind. Revolutionary types have no respect for property or privacy. There is no whining for what they have lost. They have shifted gears into an adversity scale of values.

David crossed with a rear guard. David’s line of march is column. He has a rear guard, flank guard and a point. David has a good military establishment. He has a rear guard which can go from column to line immediately, and they protect the retreating civilians. Going from column to line requires great training. This will be a withdrawal with minimum casualties.

David goes east and then he will move north parallel to the Jordan. David can think in terms of strategy. He needs to be out of the Judæan area. He needs to hold the Jordan ford until he gets intelligence back. He will keep his column on one side of the river. He is luring Absalom away from Jerusalem. No revolutionary army is capable at the beginning of a revolution. They cannot handle logistics or strategy and tactics. The farther they are gotten from their headquarters, the worse will be their function. Long before Sun Zu, David will create problems at Absalom’s HQ through counterinsurgency.

They will fight where David puts them, at David’s time in David’s place. There is not glorious combat without logistics. David will use every system of warfare and demonstrate a genius, which qualifies him as one of the great generals of history. Ghengis Khan was one of the great generals. We have Lee, Jackson, MacArthur and Eisenhower, but it is too recent to make such a call right now.

Our government has a mail-out procedure, and all of our diagrams and procedures are mailed to the Kremlin library. They know how to jam communications of those in Germany, so that we no longer have any contact with them.

We had great officers in WWII, there was great leadership.

The desert is between the Mount of Olives and Jericho, and in our Lord’s day, this highway is called the road to Jericho.

2Sam. 15:23 And all the land wept aloud as all the people passed by, and the king crossed the brook Kidron, and all the people passed on toward the desert-wilderness.

2Samuel 15:24                                     72David                                              631_0399

the finest book that Bob has read in a long time is a recent book called a wilderness of mirrors. Best account of CIA and the KGB. Complexity and perplexity. The CIA’s defeat has been resounding. What the KGB has not done, the CIA has done to itself. Example of a CIA guy who had defected from Russia to us.

We have no ability or stomach for the intrigue part of war, we are trying to fight an intelligence war with the Ten Commandments. We have so many irresponsible people on Congress and the executive branch. CIA have to fight under an entirely different set of values. Determining that we will only fight a war in the CIA is ludicrous. These same people took the bayonet away from our guns. Even Gerald Ford opened his mouth and blew the cover of certain CIA agents. Churchill was remarkable and was one of the greatest leaders of clandestine war.

We are sending army technical books and all kinds of other military books to Russia. This is being shipped free of charge. 20,000 publications sent to the Soviet Union and similar ones to Cuba. “You don’t think we are stupid, imbecilic and dumb?”

Arrogant people have only one standard of values; they have only one scale of values. The stupidity of it is beyond belief.

David’s wise decisions are related to clandestine warfare. There is a minimal loss of life. David won the intelligence war. He had men of great honor. Abiathar was an aristocrat. These were men of great honor and flexibility.

On the British and American on this field, where you are up to your elbow in filth, only aristocrats are in places of leadership. Aristocracy has a tendency to be humble, flexible and objective. Scum are arrogant.

Hushai is one of the greatest counterinsurgency men in ancient history. David developed this in 967 b.c. and Sun Zhu did not come along for another few centuries. David developed a set of standards for conventional warfare and for clandestine warfare.

The greatest spy system we have ever had is the Berlin tunnel. Digging out the KGB moles; unbelievable things. People are just downright stupid about these things. Where people are ignorant, arrogant, stupid people; ignorant, inflexible and self righteous.

2Sam. 15:20 You came only yesterday, and shall I today make you wander about with us, since I go I know not where? Go back and take your brothers with you, and may the LORD show grace and truth to you."

2Sam. 15:21 But Ittai answered the king, "As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, assuredly, wherever place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life, there also will your servant be."

2Sam. 15:22 And David said to Ittai, "Go then, pass on [Move out and cross over (the Kedron)]." So Ittai the Gittite passed on [crossed over the Kedron] with all his men and all the little ones who were with him.

2Sam. 15:23 And all the land wept aloud as all the people passed by, and the king crossed the brook Kidron, and all the people passed on toward the desert-wilderness.

Zadok is going to be the special agent here. Hên + a paragogic something. Zadok is the 11th from. This was a dual high priesthood. They are both high priests. Each man represents a different son of Aaron. Zadok from Eleazar and Abiathar came from .

Adonijah plotted. In the civil war between Saul and David, Zadok served as a military type in 1Chron. 12:28, bringing in several warriors with him.

Levi and Zadok

1.       The descendants of Levi handled the priesthood.

2.       Aaron married Elisheba, who was a Judahite. You never hear much about her. He crossed over the Levite line. Bob gives her line, which id’s her as a Judahite. They are all half-Judahite, and it explains why so many priests were great warriors as well.

3.       Nadab and Abihu were the first 2 sons. These 2 joined the revolution with the tribe of Judah and were wiped out. Zadok is descended from the house of Eleazar. During David’s reign, both lines were priests. These are 2 separate and different houses and sometimes quite competitive. Priests had to look perfect; no spot or blemish or sagging muscles. They were bread brilliant. They had to be perfect physically and mentally before they could function as priests. Typical fundy thinking; that you go into Christianity because you are ugly. But, this was not so of the Levitical priests. God did not allow the priesthood to be run by ugly, repulsive people.

God looks on the inner man; man looks on the outer appearance.

The children of Moses are Arabs today; his wife was persona non grata. What you can’t do without in marriage is doctrine. You can do without children. It is not every woman’s duty to lie down, say for God and country, and get pregnant.

All of these surviving lines were half Judah and half Levite. Zadok was a great warrior and that is because it was in his blood.

Levi had 3 sons, Gershon, Merarai and Kohath. These are all in spiritual services; and the Gershonites were great singers, due to a hollow place in their mouth? Breeding produced this. A spiritual factor built into this.

Kohathites in charge of certain furniture, etc. Gershon dealt with the hangings of the Tabernacle and the Meraraites dealt with something else. None of the Levites got any of the land in Canaan. In every tribe, there were 4 cities set aside for the Levites. They were singers, doorkeepers, judges, teachers of the Old Testament, they provided the music and they were tax collectors. The priests did not do manual labor except to offer up sacrifices. This included bulls. They were strong, brilliant, and spiritual leaders.

Zadok is a very special person, but so is Abiathar.

They are taking the Ark of God with them. Zadok walks along side them thinking; he is the officer in charge. Those in charge do not do office boy work. Zadok was a thinker; he was the brains of the organization.

The Ark represented the uniqueness of the Person and work of Jesus Christ.

2Sam. 15:24 And Abiathar came up, and behold, Zadok came also with all the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of God. And they set down the ark of God until the people had all passed out of the city.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0400

We have been dealing with counterintelligence and insurgency.

Bob reads over the previous passage for most of 2Sam. 15:1–24

Dual high priests during David’s reign, and each comes from a different son of Aaron. They are different from all of the sons of Levi.

They are carrying the Ark of the Covenant. The wood is the humanity of Jesus Christ and the gold is the deity of Jesus Christ. Undiminished deity and true humanity in One Person forever.

This is honorable work, and there is a parallel to modern times. David organized one of the greatest secret services in the ancient world. Many of his concepts wee superior to Sun Zhu’s of centuries later.

When you are going into espionage and counterinsurgency, it requires great flexibility, great humility and a alternate scale of values. Occupation with Christ is necessary for the best results.

The Ten Commandments were in the Ark of the Covenant.

They are going over the Mount of Olives and eastward.

Freedom is necessary in order to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. There must be enough freedom for people to be evangelized. Enough freedom for people to choose Bible doctrine and to Abimelech taught Bible doctrine.

Then there is the urn of manna and Aaron’s rod which budded. There is always a separation of temporal authority and civil authority. When the two are brought together, there is always some tyranny of one form or another. The same is true of government and business; they must be kept separate.

There is a throne and on each side of it is a cherub, and they look down upon it. Underneath is the Ten Commandments, the pot of manna and Aaron’s rod that budded. This is called justice and righteousness of God for the 2 cherubs, which together represent the holiness of God.

There is no talent and no sacrifice that can bring one bit of blessing to man. There is the indwelling righteousness of God. There is no work and no function and nothing which we can do to gain divine blessing. The idea is to motivate rather than to bribe. Most people think that God bribes us. He offers up this or that when we tithe.

With righteousness demands, justice must execute. These 2 cherubs combine to portray the integrity of God. Divine justice can only bless divine righteousness.


1.       Propitiation is the God-ward side of salvation. It relates to the integrity of God.

2.       Propitiation connotes satisfaction; divine satisfaction with the work of Christ on the cross.

3.       Concept propitiation includes the fact that the justice of God judges the sins of the world when Jesus is on the cross. God is so perfect and so incorruptible, that it is impossible for God to bless man with his old sin nature and still maintain His integrity. Blessing man’s old sin nature compromises God’s essence.

4.       This is removed by imputed God’s righteousness to us, and that way, His blessing can be given to His righteousness. We are born physically alive and simultaneously spiritually dead. This eliminates the basic arrogance of the human race. All of our personal sins were collected and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross.

Going undercover as a police officer and doing things that would shock the Baptists, they glorify the Lord in so doing (assuming that they are believers).

6 categories of supergrace blessing which glorify God. Many believers, including Zadok, were mature believers. There is no accident that the Ark is on the hill at that time. Many of these will fight in a civil war; many will be involved in counterinsurgency, and certain things which are sins under normal conditions are not sins at all under those conditions. The lies which must be told, the entire concept; all of this is not sin. It is honoring to the Lord (like killing the enemy glorifies God).

Zadok lying to Absalom is not a sin. These are things which do not need to be confessed. You must learn that you are under a different scale of values and modus operandi. Just like, under disaster, getting up and walking out of your old life onto a new life.


4.       Propitiation frees the justice of God to impute righteousness to all who believe.

5.       The imputation of divine righteousness implies immediate justification. At the same time justification has phenomenal application to time and implications to last throughout all eternity. That is the basis of 2 categories of blessing. In the Y radical, we are supported by logistical grace. There are 3 categories of support in Z radical. The mature believer has a 3-fold support, in contrast to the unbeliever who has only a singular support. In revolution, establishment disappears. The unbeliever looks to establishment for support. There are a few unbelievers who survive. The born again believer has logistical grace and supergrace blessing for the mature believer.

6.       Divine justice must judge sinful man before divine justice is free to bless sinful man.

7.       The mercy seat on the Ark portrays that the efficacious death of Christ integrity of God is satisfied by the work of Christ on the cross.

8.       The cherubs look down at the mercy seat and are propitiated. Therefore, propitiation is the God-ward side. Redemption is the sin-ward side and reconciliation is the man-ward side.

Rebellion against the authority of God and His delegated authority. Rom. 3:25–26. For God set him before the world, to be, by the shedding of his blood, a means of reconciliation through faith. And this God did to prove his righteousness, and because, in his forbearance, he had passed over the sins that men had previously committed; As a proof, I repeat, at the present time, of his own righteousness, that he might be righteous in our eyes, and might pronounce righteous the man who takes his stand on faith in Jesus. Ex. 25:21–22. Propitiation, imputation and justification are the basis for our relationship with God. This is a wonderful reminder of them marching out to the desert.

Always in inevitably, the principle of reverse concentration, using the essence of God rationale and the plan of God rationale. The ark has a history from the time that it was constructed to the time it was...

God’s presence is definitely a part of any client nation. That includes SPQR, the United States, England. The Ark indicates God’s presence with the client nation. It is with the establishment force. It becomes obvious with whom God is.

The movement of the Ark. It was removed this time from Jerusalem by Zadok. The other half of the priesthood, Abiathar, remains behind. The Ark had been removed and was now on the western slope of the Mount of Olives.

2Sam. 15:24 And Abiathar came up, and behold, Zadok came also with all the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of God. And they set down the ark of God until the people had all passed out of the city.

In the next phrase, they put the Ark down. They put this Ark down in a place where all could see it. It is halted on the Jerusalem slope of the Mount of Olives. Abiathar is in Jerusalem offering up sacrifices and performing various things. The Tabernacle is also in the Jerusalem area?

The KJV sounds as if Abiathar is heading out with them. There is a continuation of offering up sacrifices.

2Sam. 15:24 And Abiathar came up, and behold, Zadok came also with all the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of God. And they set down the ark of God until the people had all passed out of the city.

There is practically no commentary here. Believers loyal to David fall into 2 categories, and one is not to criticize the other. Those leaving Jerusalem with David are doing the right thing and those who stay behind are also doing the right thing. Our job is to liv our life as unto the Lord. There is a High Priest on both ends. Does this mean they were out of God’s will? No.

There are 2 categories of those who are loyal to establishment government. It is the principle of God’s guidance.

One High Priest in Jerusalem and one on the Mount of Olives. God’s will is not the same for each believer in a crisis. Some flee the hills and some stay behind. No one will be tested beyond what they have learned prior to the disaster. In the Ftx’s of the faith rest drill. The will of God for one believer is not the same as the will of God for another.

2Sam. 15:24 And, behold, Zadok also came, and all the Levites with him, bearing the ark of the covenant of God. And they set the ark of God down. And Abiathar went up [offered up sacrifices in Jerusalem] until all the people finished passing on out of the city.

2Samuel 15:24–25                               72David                                              631_0401

There are different standards when it comes to normal prosperity and for national disaster. Human life is in our souls from birth, which is the spark of life. Adam’s original sin was also imputed to us, so that we are condemned from birth.

Our first hope is faith in Christ results in salvation. Salvation adjustment to the justice of God. God commended David’s function in counterinsurgency. Murder is forbidden under normal circumstances; but killing, in war, is the order of the day. This has its counterpart in the great unseen war in the U.S. which began in 1945, our war with the KGB, a war that we are losing.

In counterinsurgency, lying is the order of the day and God sponsors lying. Some who heard this a few nights ago have not been back yet.

Y radical begins with judicial imputation #1, which was our sins imputed to Jesus Christ. All of our sins were collected and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross. This is the basis for judicial imputation #2, which is God’s righteousness imputed to us at faith in Christ. We possess divine righteousness from that point on. There is nothing that we can do to gain blessing from God. Our system of morality and our good deeds do not gain God’s blessing. We get logistical grace in Y radical and in Z radical, we get supergrace blessings.

We are supported by logistical grace and the laws of divine establishment. In Z radical, we have Hushai the Archite and Zadok, etc. and they will lie and commit acts of counterinsurgency, and they do not rebound any of these things because they are not out of fellowship. To person who does not lie and deceive the enemy, he is a poor believer.

Eternal life is imputed at salvation + blessing in time = great reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ. The Angelic Conflict is resolved; this goes on in civil war and in revolution and in every category.

We suffer divine discipline and we suffer for divine blessing. In the former, the issue is sin; and the second the issue is grace. There are 15 categories of interlocking systems of arrogance which produce subjectivity and inflexibility. Humility which produce objectivity and flexibility. We switch from our prosperity code to our adversity code, so we can walk right out of our house without any whining and mewing. Certain things change.

The old faith rest book is pitiful. There are 3 categories of faith rest. It reaches out and removes the panic ploy. Fear is the inability to claim promises under pressure. We use this in rebound, faith reaches out and names out sins and expects to be forgiven by God and we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.

David went from sexual arrogance to criminal arrogance and then to political arrogance and several others. When he finally came out of it, he was suffering for divine discipline. Faith reaches out and uses the judicial imputation. Faith reaches out and uses logistical grace rationale and the plan of God rationale with the a fortiori supercharger.

God never gives us more than we can bear. Suffering for discipline can be unbearable; and in David’s case, it was divided into 4 categories, and it was suffering for blessing.

Installment Discipline

1.       Installment discipline is the alternative to the sin unto death. Because of involvement with interlocking systems of arrogance because of carnality reversionism or both, justice of God is the source of punishment and the source of blessing. The love of God is the source of nothing in this regard. The unknown sins. Arrogance produces subjectivity. Grace of God changes unbearable suffering into suffering for blessing. The remaning punishment or divine discipline is never more than he can bear. The suffering can cease entirely; it can be diminished, or it can continue at the same intensity. So great was this suffering that it had to be given in installments. The problems of rape and murder and the laws of evidence.

2.       1Cor. 10:13 testing has not caught up to you except the human kind. With the testing, He will also provide for you a way out. Suffering for discipline is converted into blessing. Installment discipline is cursing turned into blessing and it is bearable suffering. Nathan told David that he would not die, but he would be subjected to tremendous discipline.

3.       Degeneration is entering into one of the 15 gates of interlocking systems of arrogance. Then there is reversionism which is negative volition toward doctrine which results in discipline. God provides the doctrine and provides the breathing time during which to take in doctrine. The narrative accounts are not to be read rapidly; they need to be taken with great seriousness and concentration. We may see miniature revolutions in our large cities this year. It is much better to have an occasional arrogance hangover than to stay out of fellowship. Strong delusion and 9 areas in which negative volition is expressed? Psalm 32 38 51 The child of adultery dies, as part of his discipline. Second installment, Amnon rapes Tamar; and David failed in this installment. He did not bring in the divine establishment rationale. 3rd installment is Absalom assassinates Amnon. This is where we become acquainted with some amazing people. The gentile part of Absalom was aristocracy all the way through. The 4th installment of discipline is the eabs revolution, where cursing will be turned into blessing.

Revolution is crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance. The crusader provides the motivation for revolution. The criminals use the crusaders to further the revolution. There are the incorruptibles, who remained so because of Bible doctrine. There are those who succumb to the propaganda and lying of the conspiratorial politics. Maximum doctrine in the soul and another scale of values which are able to be used under other circumstances.

3 categories of truth: the laws of divine establishment, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and there is Bible doctrine for the believer. Believer and unbelievers can both be seduced by revolution. Strong delusion always goes for the lie. You cannot trust every Christian. 2Thess. 2. Crusaders in the Russian revolution and criminals at the end.

The Bible always condemns revolution, as Num. 16. The American Revolution had nothing to do with revolution. Revolution is anti-authority and conspirators always suffer from rejection of authority. Freedom and authority must coexist. Remove one or the other, and you have tyranny or anarchy. Many revolutions are not successful; and the result is civil war. If politics causes civil war, then the issue is freedom; when truth is the issue in the civil war, then this is related to rejection of truth.

We have learned how to distinguish between totalitarian governments; some are okay and some are not.

3 categories of divine knowledge: God’s self knowledge; God’s knows of His creation where the future as perspicuous as the past. God knows Himself. Since God is infinite, His knowledge is without bounds. God existed eternally unsustained by Himself or any other person or thing. God’s knowledge precedes time and place, and therefore, is not restricted by time or space.

Each member of the Godhead has exactly the same essence. He recognizes His perfection and His existence. God’s knowledge is related not only to Himself but to the identical characteristics that each member of the Trinity possesses. God loves His righteousness and therefore loves Himself. He also loves the Son because this is a part of His person. God’s self-knowledge relates to His Own attributes;

Omniscience is the 2nd category of divine knowledge and is related to God’s creation. Foreknowledge and predestination and election to privilege are all printouts. There is a difference between omniscience and foreknowledge.

Omniscience knows all of the alternatives. God knows what would have happened if you went to a different college, married a different person, etc. Omniscience feeds the computer of divine decrees. You marry the right person or the wrong person and your choices are limited. Do not confuse omniscience with foreknowledge. Nothing can be foreknown unless it is first decreed. Jesus Christ controls history and it must be distinguished from omniscience. All of this will come back into view very shortly.

Essence of God rationale will be on deck for coming to v. 26.

David tells Ittai to go back; when establishment government left Jerusalem, then there was the problem with the police. Ittai is at least establishment oriented. Ittai crosses over the Kidron. Then the king crosses over, over the Mount of Olives after the Brook Kidron. There are flanking guards and rear guards. When you have a 10–20 mile column, you need security. David was a military genius. This is why, you do a lot of close-order drill when you train. David needs to be able to move his column to line and back to lin again.

2Sam. 15:24 And, behold, Zadok also came, and all the Levites with him, bearing the Ark of the covenant of God. And they set the Ark of God down. And Abiathar went up [offered up sacrifices in Jerusalem] until all the people finished passing on out of the city.

The king does not speak to Abiathar and to Zadok; only to Zadok. The verb is the 3rd person masculine singular here, so he is speaking only to Zadok. This does not explain Abiathar in v. 29. Zadok, because of Abiathar, returns the Ark to Jerusalem; and they both return.

David tells Zadok only to return the Ark. The Hiphil often expresses motivation. One is spiritual and the other has to do with clandestine warfare.

Establishment function and spiritual life must continue, no matter who is the king and no matter what the circumstances are.

David has rebounded and he uses reverse concentration. The logistical grace rationale is based upon David still being alive; the plan of God rationale means that God still has a plan for David’s life. Reverse concentration. David has learned the doctrine and has put it into rationales. You have to concentrate to learn doctrine and then you reverse this concentration to apply it. You do your own counseling. Courage is the ability to concentrate under pressure.

David knows that he is dealing with the justice of God. The pipeline from the justice of God to the righteousness of God. Jesus Christ controls history, and If God sees fit to offer him a... David will return to Jerusalem to see the Ark and the Tabernacle. It is no longer David’s sin but it is grace at this point. Suffering for blessing is a matter of grace.

God has not demoted David; but He is punishing him at this time. Only God can restore David at this time. There is the essence of God rationale + the plan of God rationale. Faith applies logistical grace as a rationale and the essence of God rationale, emphasized by this if...then... statement below.

Essence of God rationale. Love is not our point of contact with the essence of God. God has always been love and always will be love. Objective love toward the other members of the Trinity and subjectively toward Himself. Love does not require an object for its perpetuation. The worst is to superimpose human love on God’s modus operandi. A believer too often says, “How can a loving God let this happen to me?” This is the distortion of the essence of God rationale.

Rom. 9:13 Jacob I love and Esau I hate. This introduces love as an anthropopathism. 2Cor. 9:7 God loves a cheerful giver. God does not love you because you have a charming personality.

David’s first statement has to do with...

Integrity of God gains nothing from the function with His creatures. We gain by our relationship to His justice and righteousness. God’s righteousness is the guardian of His justice. Divine attributes stand without help from angels or man. God does not need our help; we need His help.

God does not bless us because we give or help in prep school. God blesses us because His righteousness is indwelling us. Divine justice can only bless perfect righteousness. Righteousness is the principle of divine integrity and justice is the function of divine integrity. The indwelling righteousness in David will be the basis for him returning. Mechanically, this is logistical blessing. David is sustained by all 3 categories of support. The true application of love must be understood. Because we have the imputed righteousness of God, the Son with His righteousness and the Holy Spirit with His righteousness. We have a double divine righteousness, because it has been imputed to us and because we are in Christ and we share His righteousness. The love of God is not our frame of reference. God loves us and God’s righteousness takes precedence over His love.

We are punished because we are sinful; but God loves us because we possess His righteousness. God still loves the +R. When we are under pressure; how can God let this happen to me? Stand by for the 3 categories of punishment. Bob wants to be around and say, “I told you so, dummy” why you are writhing around in pain. “Alright, so much for love.”

Eternal life can be applied. God is not subject to time; He invented time. He is logical so he does not have to be chronological.

David’s 3 wise decisions under pressure.

We will not be subject to the destruction of the earth through nuclear warfare.

2Sam. 15:25 Then the king said to [commanded] Zadok, "Carry the Ark of God back into the city. If I find grace in the eyes of the LORD, He will bring me back and let me see both it and His dwelling place.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0402

The military consensus is that we will not fight a war for 5 years and there could be a war of the US and Russia against China. The hot spot seems to be Korea and North Korea has the 4th or 5th largest army in the world.

We are too dependent upon computers. If you get a bill from Joske’s or Dillard’s for $157,000, then you know how much trouble can result from a computer glitch in relation to troop levels and movement.

Bob is going to read from Sun Tzu. He wrote about 500 years after David. Many of the things he wrote about, David used in warfare. We should win war before going to war. The real secret to winning a war is to have great intelligence. The Russians understand this and the KGB has waged a very successful war against the United States since then. They have penetrated the French, Dutch, West German and Belgium secret services.

Maxwell Taylor and MacNamara policies which prevailed in Vietnam, which has been our downfall there. We have lost track of the fact that we do not lead a large army if we have an excellent intelligence system. Robert E. Lee had a tremendous spy systems. One of the greatest ladies in the south worked as a spy for Lee.

Pinkerton began as a spy service to the North. No one understood how to deal with this until Grant came along. Hannibal recognized the economic repercussions of war. He destroyed SPQR using economics stress against them.

Sun Tzu was one of the first to recognize the importance of weather. Only when there was clear superiority did Tzu determine to move forward. One division with brains = 5 without. Training was also quite important.

He said all warfare is based upon deception. This has caused the western world to lose many wars.

We went over to Vietnam with superior forces and equipment and lost.

We fought a conventional war in Vietnam and it cannot win against a clandestine warfare and guerilla warfare. A lot of Americans died because we were too stupid to recognize what a dirty business war was. We used helicopters to chase platoons and companies of the VC.

No country has ever benefitted by a protracted war.

Native, inside, double-agents, expendable and dirty agents are the 5 kind of secret agents. If you discover a good double-agent, then don’t kill him; employ him. Expendable agents are those who will leak information to the enemies when captured. So they are given false information. The living agents who come and go and file valid reports. Recruit those who are intelligent but appear to be stupid. Appear to be dull but are strong of heart. You have to know all of the names of the men under the enemy. Double agents do know to what extent the enemy can be deceived. An army without secret agents is like a man without eyes and ears. A large business without secret agents is a bad idea as well. Clandestine warfare is legitimate. Clandestine business?

David is the top dog as king. Zadok and Abiathar are under him in the spiritual realm. He has Joab under him.

It is not true to say, anything is fair in love and war. It is true with war.

David has not been demoted because he is still alive. Only Absalom has demoted David, so he is absolutely confident of his position.

Closing Points

1.       David’s later rule will be marked by honor and greater consistency in his worship. He will go to Bible class every night. Some merely say this and some say it and mean it. When you take vows and out in ths sticks and miserable, it means little. When everything is normal, then you take your vow. Out in the sticks and miserable, there is no distraction then.

2.       The Ark and the Tabernacle are teaching agents. It is normal to reach for doctrine when you are under great pressure; less likely to do this when you have many options. David became careless during times of prosperity. Divine establishment rationale is important. You have to accept authority which you may not like.

3.       David himself does not need the training aides. He understands what they mean and stand for. But he needs doctrine every day. So he goes to the place of the training aides, the Tabernacle. David realizes that he has failed the prosperity test. In prosperity, we have from doctrine, we have capacity for life and capacity for happiness and for whatever God gives us materially. Only doctrine will make you happy and give you +H. In time of adversity, like warfare, you kill; whereas, in peacetime, you do not murder. If we go to war and Houston is nuked, we have to make the decision to walk out. We need to be able to not whine or cry and just deal with it. Tornadoes are ftx’s. Bob did a miserable woman’s voice. As soon as people have trouble, they want to go to Uncle Sugar for help. The theory is, money solves everything. Some of you brightened up there; that was the first thing you understood. The more money you accumulate the less freedom you have. The government says, “Lean on us.” When we are all losers and lean on government, the communists step in to take over.

4.       In Jerusalem the headquarters for the client nation, the training aides must be kept together and the teachers of doctrine, the priests, Levites and some of the prophets stay there. These things must be left where they will be needed and David will return to them.

5.       David will have doctrine in the soul.

6.       In the time of disaster, ritual cannot carry the believer. Ritual is as useful as the believer only doctrine in the soul carries the believer.

7.       It was a wise decision for David to sent the Ark, Zadok and the Levites back to Jerusalem.

2Sam. 15:25 Then the king said to [commanded] Zadok, "Carry the Ark of God back into the city. If I find grace in the eyes of the LORD, He will bring me back [restore me] and let me see [cause me to see] both it and His [its?] dwelling place.

Bob says the habitation for the Ark is the Holy of Holies, but I suspect that it is the tent whch David had constructed for the Ark. No believer merits or deserves blessing from God.

No leader is indispensable; David is still maintaining his great humility and objectivity.

David’s previous statement of confidence in the plan of God and essence of God and logistical grace does not mean he is trying to override the decisions of God. Bob is interpreting this as though, this is God speaking to David. His promotion or demotion is out of Absalom’s and out of David’s hand. God can demote or promote us at any time.

God promotes you on the basis of His merit. Some of the worst people you have ever met have been promoted. Why are they successful? It does not depend upon them and their morality or immorality. God promotes based upon doctrine. The church is involved only insofar as the doctrine it teaches. God just chewed him up and blew him into the wall. But if God does not demote you, then you are not demoted. No matter how all of us have failed, and we have.

Production in the spiritual life is the result of the perception of doctrine and motivated by grace. There are a lot of people motivated to work in the prep school. God’s blessing comes to us from spiritual growth. You cannot be demoted by people but you can be demoted by God. Only God can promote David and only God can promote him.

An anthropopathism to explain David’s demotion. If God is dissatisfied, in the revolution or civil war, he will die. David says he is reayd for whatever.

There is a jussive of permission or resignation. Let God do whatever is good in His eyes. David uses the essence of God rationale and reverse concentration.

2Sam. 15:26 But if He says [communicates in this manner:], 'I have no pleasure in you [I have not been pleased with you, I have been dissatisfied with you],' behold, here I am, let Him do to me what seems good to him."

2Samuel 15:27–28                               72David                                              631_0403

2 standards for the believer; for normal times and one for times of adversity. There are 2 standards for peacetime and for wartime.

Honor and integrity are of absolute necessity. Deceit and dishonesty are the order of the day for clandestine warfare. Lying and deceiving as a part of intelligence function is not sinful. The simplest illustration; it is a sin to murder in civilian life; but you are to kill in war. That means, there are 2 standards. Almost anyone can understand that, except when June if too hot. Only Ahimaaz is actually his son. This is an apparent contradiction. The KJV is poorly translated here. It is pitiful. Through lower criticism, we can establish the correct text.

We begin with amer. Priests has been descended from the 2 surviving sons of Aaron. They began with a family priesthood; Adam and Noah were priests; Abraham, Isaac and Joseph were as well. All of the priests came from these 2 sons and they had to be perfect physically. The high priesthood remained with the older line. But it went to the ithamar line because Eli’s sons were evil. Abiathar was the 4th generation and he was the only one to escape Saul’s killing of the priests. He came from Ithamar? Zadok came from the other line. Both High Priests remain faithful to David. Right before David dies, Abiathar joins a conspiracy; so Solomon makes him retire; and Zadok was the High Priest during the time of Solomon.

Levites and priests supported by tithing. In the Church Age, every believer is a priest who represents himself before God. We make our own decisions and represent ourselves before God.

There are 3 different words for prophet and seer is an old fashioned name. Nabi is the first word for a prophet. This is a communicator of God’s message. The prophet’s primary job is to teach doctrine. He is comparable to a pastor in the Church Age. Ex. 7:1 Aaron would be Moses’ brother. Moses was supposed to speak for God, but he said, “I am a poor public speaker.” So God punished him and put in Aaron, who does not compared to Moses in public-speaking ability. It is forth-telling. The priest took what was in the Scripture and in the Tabernacle and the function of the holy days, and he taught doctrine with this to the people. But there was doctrine not found in the Bible, and the Nabi taught doctrine which was not yet recorded in Scripture. Zadok was also a prophet, but not a Nabi prophet.

Chazah is the 2nd name; this is a participle and this meas to see a vision. This is how God revealed some doctrine. Moses received his by direct conversation. One communicates his vision. He spoke to the people. There is a nabi and a chozah.

Roah is someone who gets their message from God. Zadok wrote 1 and 2Samuel after he died. This is a prophet who writes Scripture. David was also a road as well. He is called Zadok a writer of Scripture here. We have clarified one of the great mystery of the ages; who wrote Samuel after Samuel died?

Defective verb here as well. David tells him, “Return to the city in peace.” Intelligence will win the civil war. Counter intelligence as well. The next great hero we will meet is Hushai the Archite.

Zadok is told to return in good confidence.

2Sam. 15:27 The king also said to Zadok the priest, "Are you not a seer? [You are a prophet] Go back to the city in peace [with a good conscience], these two sons [are to go] with you, Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar.

Raah in a different form this time; it means observe, note, take note. David sets up a meeting place. They both understood where this was. This was a famous crossroads of the ancient world. A famous intersection. There are 2 of these fords. David will wait there to get information about whatever is going on. This is what David is asking for is intelligence. Our nation has destroyed our out of the nation intelligence-gathering system. Some topside idiot thinks that it is a sin to deceive someone or to shoot someone or to lie. They are idiots. Anyone who understands warfare knows you can be brilliant in strategy and tactics, but you need information about your enemy. How can you handle deals with other organizations if you have no information or incorrect information. It is stupid to reject the intelligence community of this country. We lost the Vietnam war because of what went on in the WH and those who rejected our intelligence services. Maxwell Taylor never understood the Vietnam war. He is a marvelous tennis player. But he is very conventional.

They knew where he meant; but we do not. The fords are the shallow places where the Jordan River can be crossed. This is one of the main highways of the Middle East. David needs to have intelligence. He will wait for information.

Why did the Holy Spirit make this a part of the Word of God? Why do we mess around at the ford of the Jordan. We are at the fords of the Jordan and we don’t know what the hell to do. You have ot have information. The plan of God operates based upon thought and information. There is a certain type of thought called truth. We are all at the fords of the Jordan. We all need information. What we need are, pastor-teachers. We face in the very near future, historical catastrophe. Some of you, during times of crisis, will find out what your friends are doing and you will go with them. You need to know what you are doing and you must make decisions based upon your application of Bible doctrine. You must know it for yourself. David is a brilliant man. He is a great military man. A great tactician; he is good in every aspect of war. However, he needs information. Bob has never put a tape on a tape recorder. Everyone knows how to put a reel on a tape recorded at T&P but Bob. He is an executive; he is in charge. He makes policy and he needs to know that they are doing their job. He just needs information. He just needs to supervise them. If he sees something he likes, then he will ask the supervisors. He depends upon others for information. He has a lot of information and he knows that T&P is run very well. We live by thought; we live by information.

Some of you women may be dating the worst cad in town. You need information. David had no intention of moving beyond this point. This puts the entire north Judæan desert between him and Absalom. If they begin to pursue, David can quickly cross the desert and it is perfect terrain for rear guard action. He will move quickly across this desert. But he will stay right here waiting for information.

He has set up an intelligence network. The Shah of Iran lost touch with what was happening; he became more indifferent to what was going on. He was fed incorrect information. He was no better than his information. He found himself in a jam. He did not keep up what was going on, and he did not know what his subordinates were doing, and he found himself out in the cold. He was a brilliant ruler and a very capable man. However, you are no better than the facts that you accumulate.

2Sam. 15:28 See, I will wait at the fords of the desert wilderness until word [an intelligence report] comes from you to inform me."

2Samuel 15:29–30                               72David                                              631_0404

Long before Sun Tzu, David set up a counterinsurgency system. There are 2 excellent books, The Bodyguard of Lies and The War in the Shadows.

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest men in this field of covert warfare. He was a man of honor and great integrity. When you are in clandestine warfare, it is not a sin to lie and deceive and to cheat. “Truth is so precious, that she ought to be protected by a bodyguard of lies.”

There is a standard for secret war and where it is traitor ship to tell the truth and patriotic to tell a lie. Some of you are stupid jackasses and this is too much for you. There is a singular verb, so only one person can be the subject. Abiathar remained in Jerusalem.

Spirituality in a Client Nation

1.       The doctrinal concepts of the capital city belong to Jerusalem.

2.       The principle: establishment function and the spiritual life of the client nation must continue no matter who is king and who is ruler. No matter who is president.

3.       A change in administration in the client nation must not change establishment operandi. Even with revolution that cause of civil war, the issue will be truth. Political and revolution cause civil wars. When it is politics, the issue is freedom. When revolution causes a civil war, then te issue is truth. Absalom’s government is not an establishment government. If politics was the cause of this civil war, then David would ot send Zadok back. The ChiComs used the missionaries and they got them to go on the radio and tell the people that they are doing a good thing. They were even told to come in and surrender their weapons. They closed down the whore houses and the opium dens so the missionaries assumed everything was cool.

Inferential waw and a causal waw. There is a 3rd person plural here next, they remained there. Zadok and Abiathar have a change to function as David’s intelligence agents. There will be a penetration of Absalom’s staff by a mole.

Bob reviews some previous verses: 2Sam. 15:26–28 But if He says [communicates in this manner:], 'I have no pleasure in you [I have not been pleased with you, I have been dissatisfied with you],' behold, here I am, let Him do to me what seems good to him." The king also said to Zadok the priest, "Are you not a seer? [You are a prophet] Go back to the city in peace [with a good conscience], these two sons [are to go] with you, Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar. See, I will wait at the fords of the desert wilderness until word [an intelligence report] comes from you to inform me."

2Sam. 15:29 So Zadok and Abiathar [Because of Abiathar, Zadok returned] carried the ark of God back to Jerusalem, and they remained there.

David kept climbing and he kept crying. Those who stop to weep are arrogance; those who weep and continue to do what they are doing are humble. Humility versus arrogance. When you stop and cry, that includes the arrogance factor. David marched and cried. There is a lot of difference there.

Marching barefooted is a sign of humility. David may be dispossessed and marching across the desert, but he could not be in better shape. Humility and helplessness are the two prerequisites for God’s solutions. David’s problem has been interlocking systems of arrogance. He has been totally free of them and he will never be a greater man.

Walking barefooted is like a pilot saying, “Mayday, mayday, mayday.” High-ranking people in the past wore shoes with jewels; they were opulent. This is a distress signal. Bobby knew a very wealthy man in Dallas wore cheap and shoddy clothes so that he appeared to be on everyone else’s level. He was arrogant. What David is doing here is calling out to God. There are 2 barefooted psalms that we will look at later.

Erroneous in our attitude toward the Shah of Iran and Somosa.

Authoritarianism Verses Totalitarianism.

1.       True humility sheds its hypocrisy and does not seek to steal credit from God.

2.       David, by walking barefooted but with his head covered, is making the issue clear. This had great significance then. This was an overt action to explain how to think during disaster.

3.       Revolution has removed establishment government from portions of Israel. David is onlyl qualified to rule under establishment principles.

4.       No national government is legitimate unless its leadership functions under the laws of divine establishment.

5.       We therefore, as believers, must learn to distinguish between authoritarian government and totalitarian government which is evil and non-establishment. Rhodesian and South Africa had legitimate establishment governments. Same for Samosa.

6.       Authoritarian government follows the principles of establishment striking

7.       The United States of America has been evil in its foreign politicy. It has overthrown authoritarian governments. It is all the same to the National Council of chruchs; in fact, they usually support totalitarian governments and they are against authoritarian rule.

8.       Democracy is the most evil form of government because it has the least amount of establishment function which guarantees freedom. We have a republic and not a democracy. 2 signers of the Declaration of Independence are ancestors of Bob. The federal government is the servant of the people.

9.       Democracy is anarchy with a veneer of hypocrisy. Client nation USA in the welfare state, if you do not employ everyone, you have revolution.

The Legitimacy of Authoritarian Government.

1.       The laws of divine establishment provide authority and freedom in correct balance, with one another. They must coexist.

2.       Freedom without authority is anarchy and authority without freedom is tyranny.

3.       Freedom is the heritage of birth and the imputation of human life to the soul.

4.       2 categories of freedom exist in life: human freedom and spiritual freedom. 2 imputations; divine righteousness and eternal life. The righteousness establishes a home or target for blessings from God. Spiritual freedom is guaranteed by the Bible.

5.       Both categories of freedom can only be protected with authority as a protection; both categories of freedom are protected under the umbrella of God.

6.       The laws of divine establishment protect privacy, property and self-determinatinion.

7.       The laws of divine establishment sponsor freedom in the human race.

8.       The laws of divine establishment never divorce freedom, privacy and property from authority.

9.       All revolution is anit-authority and anti-establishment as well.

10.     Privacy is the environment for the function of freedom.

11.     Justice of God of God in the plan of God.

12.     Freedom guarantees inequality in the human race.

13.     Freedom is the invention of God to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Invention of Satan to counter God’s freedom.

14.     Equality is arrogance. Freedom is humility. God makes war against the arrogant and gives grace to the humble.

15.     Freedom does not manufactory or guarantee equality. Freedom and equality cannot coexist.

16.     Revolution uses freedom to destroy freedom. Authoritarianism is attack and replaced with totalitarianism. This is why we have sponsored so many Russian coup de tats. Woodrow Wilson wne tdown and destroyed good government in Mexico. He was a history professor in Princeton and a jackass. Many a country is better off with a single man rulership.

17.     Freedom is the reality of life, equality is the myth of life.

18.     Freedom guarantees inequality in time and in eternity.

19.     Equality is the device of the arrogant; revolutionists seeking to gain power and control with lying propaganda.

20.     Forced equality is the policy of totalitarianism. Those tyrants and dictators producing sin and evil.

2Sam. 15:30 But David went up the ascent of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went, barefoot and with his head covered. And all the people who were with him covered their heads, and they went up, weeping as they went.

2Samuel 15:30                                     72David                                              631_0405

We have studies arrogance as a labyrinth of sins, like self-pity, self-righteousness, etc. Negative volition arrogance and scar tissue of the soul k so there is no confusion there. Institutional arrogance, which is rejecting the policy and purpose of an organization. Conspiracy arrogance, which is the result of institutional arrogance, the attempt to overthrow authority. Criminal arrogance, which is the rejection of freedom, establishment, and crusader arrogance. Psychopathic arrogance, which is divorced from the realities of life. Sexual arrogance.

The Arrogance of Ignorance

1.       Arrogance of ignorance is the result of negative volition arrogance.

2.       The arrogance of ignorance is defined as living in life without truth.

3.       The arrogance of ignorance means to function under policies based upon the law under strong delusion.

4.       The arrogance of ignorance is also closely related to crusader arrogance. The civil rights movement is one of the greatest attacks on human freedom. It is the political and arrogant exploitation of the downtrodden and minorities.

5.       The arrogance of ignorance is the abolitionist movement before the civil war. One of the famous crusaders was Wm Lloyd Garrison. He would tear up the constitution after fiery speeches. The constitution was frustrating what he wanted to do.

6.       The civil rights movement is arrogant to the core. Criminals and crusaders after often attracted to a cause that they can both support. Criminals, it is the arrogance of power. The arrogance of ignorance is often combined with the arrogance of power. The civil rights movement follows the abolitionist movement, which attacks freedom and property.

7.       Violence totally destroys freedom. John Brown, the fanatic from Connecticut. He murdered 5 slavery adherents. He started a revolution and when he moved into Harper’s Ferry, he killed a freed slave from Virginia, a state in the process of freeing its slaves. He was a freed slave; he was a freed man, and John Brown shot him dead; he blew him away. He is a typical illustration of everything that is wrong with the USA. John Brown was a criminal who died a criminal’s death; he was a vile, evil, phoney man. A lot of people believed in him. The Yankees thought he died a martyr’s death. Shooting and killing the very ones he thought he ought to free. The national council of churches reflects exactly what this movement was. This inevitably led to civil war, which was a national admission that we cannot solve our problems apart from violence. The south was fighting for freedom; to the north was fighting to prove, if you can’t get your way in Congress, then shoot ‘em. God overruled everything for manifest destiny.

8.       The reign of terror in the French Revolution is arrogance of ignorance and using violence to gain power. Wm Lloyd Garrison, and a bunch of others, jackass sister Harriet Beecher Stowe.

9.       The arrogance of ignorance creates terror and it uses violence to gain power.

About 800 pages on the Vietnam war. Bob suggests that we read War in the Shadows while he is gone. He reads a section from the Vietnam War. Maxwell Taylor tried to use the rules of war that he learned in school, which do not apply when fighting communists under this circumstance. Kennedy never recovered from an initial ignorance to go Indo-China the attention it deserved. He remained wedded to what he inherited. Militarily going into Vietnam was the greatest mistakes that we could have made, according to this author. A great military power was humbled by a few organized guerillas. If you combine the arrogance of ignorance + the arrogance of power, the result is national disaster.

Gate 15

1.       The arrogance of ignorance is based upon the fact that God is truth and veracity is an essential characteristic of the essence of God. God has always been truth.

2.       God is infinite; without boundary and without limitation. One perfection that belongs to His character is veracity.

3.       God cannot sin; God cannot solicit to sin. Parts or all of 3 chapters deal with counterinsurgency. God the Holy Spirit must consider this to be important.

4.       Because God is veracity, he cannot be complicated by ignorance. Our lives are constantly complicated by ignorance. No matter how great your IQ, you can be complicated by ignorance. This makes you complicated by absurdities as well.

5.       Therefore, God makes war against the arrogance of ignorance and the absurdity of power. James 4:6 1Peter 5:5 God also makes war against the arrogance of power.

6.       Essentially, then, the arrogance of ignorance is strong delusion; reversionism. These are results of gate 2. The Vietnam disaster; and antebellum disaster. When those in power seek to impose their power over others. The arrogance of ignorance and the ignorance of power = disaster.

7.       The arrogance of ignorance rejects truth and results in all of the categories of arrogance becoming involved. Once you are inside the system, you are vulnerable to all. Once you are inside, David went into all different forms of arrogance.

8.       It is used to gain power and to destroy freedom.


10.     Obviously God is motivated. The divine motive is for His Own glory. That glory is always related to absolute truth.

11.     Man says He speaks the truth; God says he is the truth.

12.     God does not hold the truth as something to be learned or acquired. He is the truth; He is eternal and veracity is eternal.

13.     In God, every truth and every form of knowledge dwells in absolute perfection. Our system of electing representatives in government is fine, as long as you limit the franchise. Otherwise, you get the ignorance of arrogance and the ignorance of power

The Truth of God and History

1.       We must distinguished between the facts of history, which are not always true; and the truth of God, which stands forever. We must distinguish between that and divine truth. This is very important because we will see things which happen that are false and evil, so that these things can teach truth.

2.       With regards to the facts of history and their causes, the omniscience of God has always known those facts. Thought, motivation, He has always known the truth about history in 4 categories: motivation, action, thought and decisions throughout all history. God has placed some facts of history into the Bible and not others.

3.       The omniscience of God fed the facts of history into the divine decrees of history. There was a lot of sin, human good and evil. God knew how every voltion would act in every situation. Honorable deeds and evil deeds. True and false motivation. Only the truth originates from God. The rest comes from the father of lies.


5.       God is truth; He is the source of truth.

6.       This means that God always honors any truth in history. Many unbelievers are blessed because they follow the laws of divine establishment.

7.       God also punishes the false, which explains the 5 cycles of discipline to the client nation and national disaster in general.

8.       Only divine truth can advance the believer

9.       Therefore, the arrogance of ignorance is any system of thought which hinders the believer from advancing under the plan of God.

10.     The arrogance of ignorance hinders the believer from glorifying God.

You have a right to privacy in Berachah. You have nothing to give us; I have something to give you. This is why some of you will not be back, and that is fine. That is your business. We haven’t even gotten to the passage yet.

A Third Principle on the Arrogance of Ignorance

1.       The arrogance of ignorance is related to the arrogance of power. They must go together. When the ignorant seek power, that results are disastrous. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

2.       This is true because of arrogance. That is why the epigram is true.

3.       Before human history, Satan had great power as the anointed angel, which resulted in the Angelic Conflict. The combination of arrogance + power is why we are here, to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

4.       Now that Satan is the ruler of this world, arrogance still corrupts. This corruption is spread throughout the world to be countered by Bible doctrine.

5.       Because arrogance corrupts, humility is man’s only protection against the corrupting influence of power; same for fame and success.

6.       The epigram does not explain the entire problem. It is arrogance which actually corrupts; arrogance corrupts those with power.

7.       Arrogance corrupts power and authority and success. Arrogance corrupts physical beauty, sexual life, business life, professional life, and spiritual life.

8.       The ignorance of arrogance combines with the power of arrogance to attack and destroy the truth of God in every category. This is how we have our freedom. It attacks the gospel so that the gospel is corrupted, and people add stuff to faith.

9.       It is really arrogance with corrupts; interlocking systems of arrogance. It corrupts every facet of life.

10.     The only antidote is the acceptance of truth.

11.     Humility becomes the greatest virtue in life.

Psalm 25 will be covered upon Bob’s return related to that gate; it is an acrostic. This is the prayer and meditations as David goes up the mountain barefooted.

Bob reviews some previous verses: 2Sam. 15:27–29 The king also said to Zadok the priest, "Are you not a seer? [You are a prophet] Go back to the city in peace [with a good conscience], these two sons [are to go] with you, Ahimaaz your son, and Jonathan the son of Abiathar. See, I will wait at the fords of the desert wilderness until word [an intelligence report] comes from you to inform me." So Zadok and Abiathar [Because of Abiathar, Zadok returned] carried the ark of God back to Jerusalem, and they remained there.

2Sam. 15:30 Then David ascended the slope of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went, barefoot and with his head covered. And all the people who were with him covered their heads, and they went up, weeping as they went.

Final Points

1.       The weeping of patriotism.

2.       Self-determination to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

3.       Freedom is dogmatic about the essentials of life and flexible and pliable about the non-essentials of life. You always make decisions which increase your options.


5.       Freedom without authority is anarchy.

6.       In the spiritual realm, freedom without authority is antinomianism; the opposite is legalism.


8.       Long before revolution, the seeds are planted by the public in interlocking systems of arrogance and the arrogance of ignorance. Which is mass strong delusion based upon the rejection of truth.

9.       This is why David ascends the slope witch Jerusalem behind him. He is weeping the tears of patriotism.

2Samuel 15:30–31                 Psalm 3 63 64 72David                                631_0406

Inferential waw followed by those with David who did what he did. Qal perfect + Qal infinitive absolute of to go up.

This begins David’s 4th installment of his discipline. There are a number of psalms recording what David thought at the time.

2Sam. 15:30 Then David ascended the slope of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went up, barefoot and with his head covered. And [therefore] all the people who were with him covered their heads, and they went up, weeping as they went.

The first of these is Psalm 3: Then there is psalm 63

If you are in authority, then you will have enemies. The general public has been captured by the revolution.

Psalm 3:1 A Psalm of David, when he fled from his son Absalom. O Lord, how my enemies have increased! Many are the ones who rise up against me.

There are those who do not appreciate what David has done and how he has provided for his people. This is an example of taking the Lord in vain; using God for your own advantage and for your own interests.

Psalm 3:2 Many are saying of my soul, There is no deliverance for him in God. Selah.

Plan of God rationale. He recognizes in the plan of God rationale its obvious application. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. God has not demoted David. Those in Jerusalem are saying things which are false. It is Absalom who has demoted David.

David was not crying from being in interlocking systems of arrogance.

Psalm 3:3 But You, O Jehovah, are a shield for me; my glory, the One who lifts up my head.

The holy mountain is Mountain of God in heaven; sometimes it refers to Mount Zion.

Psalm 3:4 I cried to Jehovah with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy mountain. Selah.

David has been in jams before. He goes to sleep and wakes up, still in logistical grace.

Psalm 3:5 I laid down and slept. I awoke, for Jehovah sustains me.

It does not matter how many people have turned on David.

Psalm 3:6 I am not afraid of ten thousands of people who have set against me all around.

The essence of God rationale, very briefly.

Psalm 3:7 Arise, O Jehovah; save me, O my God; for You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone. You have broken the teeth of the ungodly.

David anticipated winning the war.

Psalm 3:8 Salvation [Deliverance] belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is on Your people. Selah.

Psalm 63 is the next psalm which is related to this time period.

Psalm 63:1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, You are my God; I will seek You earnestly; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You, as in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is;

Psalm 63:2 so I have seen You in the holy place, seeing Your power and Your glory.

God’s policy is grace and it is more important than the rest of his life.

Psalm 63:3 Because Your loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.

David knows exactly what he is goiing to do.

Psalm 63:4 So I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.

Marrow and fatness refers to excellent food. He is thinking about food and banquets and parties, but his soul is satisfied with Bible doctrine there. Spiritually it is not hungry. David is not a compulsive eater.

Praising God is David’s capacity for life and expression of the doctrine in his soul. While he is short of physical food, he is well-stocked with spiritual food.

Psalm 63:5 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness; and my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips,

He still has doctrine even though he is hungry. Every 2 hours

Psalm 63:6 when I remember You on my bed and think of You in the night watches.

David sets up normal precautions; but he recognizes that divine protection is the most important thing.

Psalm 63:7 Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.

David applies various facets of the various rationales. David is guarded and protected by the Lord.

David is not so divorced from reality that he does not take common sense precaution. David has the whole realm of doctrine, and David is still practical. He has posted guards. He does not say, “No guards; the Lord is our security.” This separates the coo-coo clock and the great believer.

Berachah used to be across the street from the public library, so he would sit on a bench and not work and said he would faith rest it. He ignored the true meaning of the principle. Maybe he sat there until he starved to death?

Psalm 63:8 My soul follows hard after [clings to] You; Your right hand upholds me.

Psalm 63:9 But those who seek my soul, to destroy it, shall go into the depths of the earth.

He anticipates beating them in battle.

Psalm 63:10 They shall fall by the sword; they shall be a serving for jackals.

The establishment force will praise God.

Psalm 63:11 But the king shall rejoice in God; everyone who swears by Him shall glory; but the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped.

Ahithophel is the smarted man in the field of political science and conspiracy. Eliam was a general in David’s army.

There is a family divided. Eliam is a general in David’s army and he did not join his father, Ahithophel, in this conspiracy. He became disenchanted with David. Maybe it had to do with the rape of Bathsheba. We do not know. Eliam and Ahithophel both probably like Uriah and recognized his bravery. If there is going to be stability in the military, then the general staff needs to stay out of politics. Too often, the civilians in the military overseeing the military have little or no experience.

We have some brilliant Lieutenant colonels and majors. But flag rank and general officer rank have succumbed to political bullying or they have been forced out. The same thing seems to be true in David’s day. His son remains with David during this revolution.

Ahithophel is famous for his sagacity, but his advice to Absalom would be subverted by David’s counterinsurgency.

Sakal in the Piel imperative. It means to render foolish; to frustrate.

David will meet Hushai the Archite, who is the perfect person to be in counterinsurgency.

2Sam. 17 will answer this prayer.

2Sam. 15:31 And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]."

David gives a detailed counterinsurgency prayer.

Psalm 64:1 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; guard my life from fear of the enemy [preserve my life from the terror of the enemy].

The is Ahithophel, Absalom and David’s nephew Amasah. David had 2 sisters, and all of their sons were great military leaders.

Psalm 64:2 Hide me from the council of those who injure, from the rebelling [mob] of the workers of iniquity,

The leadership, particularly Ahithophel. They have been very effective in the revolution.

Psalm 64:3 who sharpen their tongue like a sword, they tread their arrows, even a bitter word,

He is shot at without fear.

Psalm 64:4 so that they may shoot at the blameless one from a lurking place; suddenly they shoot at him, and fear not.

They act in secret?

Psalm 64:5 They encourage themselves in an evil plan; they talk of laying snares secretly; they say, Who shall see them?

They believe they have devised the perfect plan.

Psalm 64:6 They search out injustice, saying, We have finished hiding a hidden [devious] plot. Yea, the inward part of man and the heart are deep.

God gets them.

Psalm 64:7 But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly they shall be wounded.

God will bring them to ruin.

Psalm 64:8 So they shall be confounded; their tongue falls on themselves; everyone seeing them shall flee.

Psalm 64:9 And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall in wisdom think of His doing.

David is making doctrinal application.

Psalm 64:10 The righteous [the person with imputed righteousness] shall be glad in Jehovah, and shall trust in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.

David’s 3rd wise decision next time.

2Samuel 15:32–33                      Psalm 64 72David                                     631_0407

Bob has 3 books on clandestine warfare. The Spike by Robert Moss and someone else. It is about a newspaper man has found that the KGB has infiltrated Washington D.C. This is really all true; it has been moved forward to a future president and Congress, but it is true now. P. 357 talks about the different types of spies. Some do not even realize that they are sources; the 3rd type is the unconscious source; they do not even know what they are doing. They were called by Lenin useful idiots, and they do far more than the other types of spies.

Jack Higgins Solo, and it just came out. It is a perfect illustration of what has to be the mental attitude of those dealing with terrorism. God punishes, men only take revenge.

Another book called Mayday. Change of flight pattern; the Navy decides to test a missile, and they are going to use the same quadrant. The rocket selects the plane rather than the drone. Description of how the people died. Great description, apparently. The Navy discovers what happens, so they try to get rid of the plane. Some of these people writing fiction are pretty impressive. “He doesn’t command men; he uses them.”

Bob figures that we can grasp all of this in the time he is gone.

One of David’s former counselors, Ahithophel, is one of the counterinsurgents. He became disenchanted with David, possibly when he raped his granddaughter. There was a division in this family over this revolution.

When David gets to the top of the Mount of Olives, he will meet the answer to his prayer. This prayer is answered in 2Sam. 17:1–23

Psalm 64 is the counterinsurgency prayer.

Psalm 64:1–64 To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; guard my life from fear of the enemy. Hide me from the council of those who injure, from the rebelling of the workers of iniquity, who sharpen their tongue like a sword, they tread their arrows [the picture of a mob], even a bitter word, so that they may shoot at the blameless one from a lurking place; suddenly they shoot at him, and fear not. They encourage themselves in an evil plan; they talk of laying snares secretly; they say, Who shall see them? They search out injustice, saying, We have finished hiding a hidden plot. Yea, the inward part of man and the heart are deep. But God shall shoot at them with an arrow [a turnabout of v. 3]; suddenly they shall be wounded. So they shall be confounded; their tongue falls on themselves; everyone seeing them shall flee. And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall in wisdom think of His doing. The righteous shall be glad in Jehovah, and shall trust in Him; and all the upright in heart shall glory.

2Sam. 15:31 And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]."

2Sam. 15:32 While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

1Chron. 27:3 to introduce Hushai the Archite. He was a man who served David well until he went sour. He became disillusioned with David and is the true architect of the revolution. Hushai is an aristocrat, and he also served David.

Hushai had a scale of values for normal times and for abnormal times. Doctrine was at the top of both scales of value. He was very honorable out in the open and undercover, when he is lying and assassinating.

You can never be successful if you are looking for general and normal fame from the public. The press has not seen fit to do so. What the press has not done, the president has.

In 1945, we were on a par with the KGB. In 1960, we were ahead. Now, because of Kennedy, we are behind. The FBI and CIA have had their teeth pulled. There are 2 chapters on this in the Word of God.

1Chron 27:33 And Ahithophel was the king's counselor. And Hushai the Archite was the king's companion [friend].

Hushai just pulled out of the brush; David didn’t see him. Erech is Hushai’s hometown? Near Bethel, I believe. He is the answer to David’s brief prayer here and the longer prayer in Psalm 64.

Hushai under Different Scales of Value

1.       The dress of Hushai was significant. He is indicating his concern. His robe is torn and there is dust on his head.

2.       David was driven out of Jerusalem and the approach of Hushai is the indication that there is national disaster.

3.       Every mature believer possesses max doctrine in the soul, but humility and flexibility to face disaster. Objectivity too.

4.       The mature believer who has been materially prospered must instantly set aside his scale of values for times of material prosperity. Every mature believer will be blessed materially and they will possess things of value. But such a one must be able to set aside immediately the scale of values for prosperity for difficult times. It is normal to enjoy material things and this glorifies God if this is the result of God’s blessing. Rags and riches do not go together. If God gives you riches, then shed the rags. Hushai could walk out on his riches and put dusts on his head and be ready to deal with adversity under a different scale of values. He must immediately adept this new scale of values.

5.       Material things which we have enjoyed in prosperity must be abandoned physically when we leave Jerusalem. They must be abandoned and forgotten. You cannot whine and mew about your valuables and bank account and all of the trappings of this material blessing. If you are in a column of people, complaining about those things that they have had to leave behind. You see those kinds of people in their normal intercourse. They loose this and they have hard times, etc. So they whine. They cannot make in adversity. You must be able to put that stuff behind you mentally.

6.       Flexibility which comes from humility and objectivity demands that your clothes, home, possessions, a lifetime of blessing, must be left behind. You still have the source. You cannot take doctrine out of your soul. You have the source, but you must forget the blessings.

7.       Hushai comes with all of these torn clothes. He has abandoned and set aside all of these material possessions and he is ready to follow David. Hushai was there before anyone else. He is alert. He is there waiting for David. David is probably near in end of this column. Hushai was 24 hours before anyone else. Hushai has climbed the forward slope and he did not know who was coming out of Jerusalem. He made his decision. He withdrew. He looked down there and he saw that this was David coming up. He knew that this was the establishment crowd; not the revolutionary crowd. This man is made for clandestine warfare. He knows how to blend in to the surroundings. No one picks him up. He moves through all of David’s security. Hushai moves out ahead of the rest.

8.       Every believer must have 2 scales of values; one for prosperity and one for adversity; and doctrine must be on the top of both scales of value.

9.       The believer must recognize adversity and be ready to weather the storm of civil war.

1Chron 27:33 And Ahithophel was the king's counselor. And Hushai the Archite was the king's companion [friend].

Hushai the Archite

1.       Hushai is applying reverse concentration.

2.       Plan of God rationale and the logistical grace rationale is being applied; and he has abandoned his worldly goods. He switched gears.

3.       By ripping his robe to shreds, Hushai demonstrates the flexibility of youth, even though he is an old man.

4.       He reached the summit of the mount of olives long before the rest did. This was a place where Jews did not go.

5.       The locale had no significance to Hushai. It made no difference to Hushai. He was alert. This was a place of demon activity; but he was not concerned. Phallic worship chapel here. This indicates his great flexibility. Heathen place.

6.       Hushai is aware of the wall of fire around him. He is just as secure there as anywhere else.

7.       While Hushai, a wealthy and successful old man, has abandoned his estate in Jerusalem and a lifetime of accumulated riches, he has not abandoned the source of his blessing.

8.       The material blessings and gifts were gone, abandoned to the pillaging of revolution. Hushai has switched over to his emergency generator. You need the maximum doctrine in the soul. Bob learned how to drive on a stick shift. You cannot shift gears without a clutch. He understood the concept of the two scales of value. He could identify either prosperity or adversity. Doctrine should be able to give you the ability to ready the times. You need humility, flexibility and maximum doctrine in the soul. Hushai reminds Bob of the Apostle Paul and his ability to endure all kinds of circumstances and to be content within those circumstances. 2 sets of values and 2 sets of circumstances. He has learned the secret of being content in any situation. Whether well-fed or hungry.

Paul, David and Hushai all possess the ability to deal with varying circumstances. Changing circumstances do not change blessings from the justice of God. The changing blessings are compatible with the changing historical situation.

Doctrine must be a part of both scales of values.

Being old does not mean you are unable to change your scale of values. He did not come to David and tell him about everything that he has given up.

2Sam. 15:32 While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

1Chron 27:33 And Ahithophel was the king's counselor. And Hushai the Archite was the king's companion [friend].

2Samuel 15:33–34 17:14                    72David                                              631_0408

We will conclude the chapter? The subject will be continued, however. That narrative is, for those who are humble, objective, flexible and have a sense of humor. There is a small percentage in Berachah, and they are kooks and weirdos. There is one who came out of Berachah and he is an arrogant, psychopathic criminal. He takes doctrines from Bob’s ministries, teaches them as a breakthrough, and, at the same time, distorts the information. He has a very strange hold over the people in his congregation. Those people under him are completely blinded, and they are his slaved. There are all kinds of freak cults.

Many of you have been confused by a dual set of values. It has shocked you. You have found a set of sins which are not sins under a different circumstance. Killing in war is not murder; that ought to be obvious. There will be some misapplication here, and often on the part of the kooks and the arrogant.

2Sam. 15:30–32 Then David ascended the slope of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went up, barefoot and with his head covered. And [therefore] all the people who were with him covered their heads, and they went up, weeping as they went. And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]." While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

Ahithophel is a genius; he is the smartest man on the other side and his advice might outwit David on the other side.

Hushai picked a place where there had been all of this demon activity and false worship, but that did not concern him. It was a good hiding place. Hushai is smarter than everyone else, so he left a day earlier and he was there waiting for David. He steps out of the heathen chapel and says, hey.

While David approached the summit, where people were accustomed to worshiping God, behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his rope ripped to shreds and dirt on his head.

Doctrine must be first. Hushai has a large home and estate with blessings from God. But, in times of historical disaster, he must leave it all behind. He is able to walk out on material prosperity without whining or mewing or falling apart. He was wearing a valuable robe that he had ripped to shreds. He was able to walk away from all this in an instant. He switched to his adversity scale of values. He has abandoned and set aside and has walked away from all of these things. You need maximum doctrine in your soul in order to shift gears like this. Philip. 4:11 I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances. There are 2 categorical circumstances; normal times with material prosperity; and historical adversity and difficult times. Paul knew how to live in adversity and in prosperity. I have come to know what it means to be in need. We need to be able to move forward, never looking back and never complaining about it. I can do everything through Him Who keeps pouring the power into me. This is what makes Hushai so great. He has 2 scales of values and he knows when to shift gears. There is a definite place for a dual scale of values. There is integrity and honor in both sets of values. Hushai is a man of honor, even though he will lie and deceive under counterinsurgency. There are police in Berachah who look like hippies and they are in CID. They are lying and deceiving and cheating in their function of apprehending criminals. People with the greatest integrity have to go underground and do things we would consider sin, but is not.

Where Hushai stayed would have seemed to many to be a place of danger, but is was a great hideout for him. The dust on his head indicates this shift to a different scale of values. It represents Hushai’s flexibility in abandoning his prosperity.

The KJV is totally without any merit; it is #1 in this regard. It is filled with anachronisms and mistranslations.

Hushai could not keep up with the column and he might be killed, and David has another idea. Hushai has great flexibility and great intelligence. This gives David an idea; he is going to form a counterinsurgency corps.

2Sam. 15:33 David said to him, "If you go [march] on with me, you will become a burden to me.

So David then states an alternative to having Hushai traveling with him. Hushai needs to be well-motivated.

David recognizes the loyalty of Hushai. We do not appreciate that the CIA and the FBI need to remain as hidden organizations. There were 8 KGB moles in the highest echelons in British government.

The enemy Absalom must be understood, and David knows him and he knows that he is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom is a genius; a brilliant man; a fantastic person. All of his abilities are neutralized. David provides the format.

Hushai as a Counterinsurgent

1.       This is the format for intrigue. Lying and deceit to gain the confidence of Absalom. This is not sinful; this is legitimate weapon of war, 500 years before Sun Zu. You cannot win a war without information and proper intelligence. This is also a matter of giving false info to the enemy.

2.       Lying and deceit is strategic deceit of counterinsurgency.

3.       At best, counterinsurgency is a dirty business; it involves murder, assassination, lying, deceit and the exploitation of human weaknesses and vanity. There are people in Berachah Church who have been in this field. A very famous CIA agent in Berachah Church. It is every bit as honorable as conventional warfare.

4.       Counterinsurgency is valid and it requires flexibility and it requires total ruthlessness.

5.       Contradiction of prerequisites of results in a person becoming a double-agent.

6.       To avoid becoming a double agent and a traitor to one’s country, the agent needs honor and integrity. Hushai is one of the greatest men in this field. Hushai is one of the best in this area.

7.       Insurgency is the function of revolution; and counterinsurgency is to fight against the revolution.

8.       There can be violence, murder, assassination, as in the murder of Marat, crusader arrogance destroying criminal arrogance.

9.       Counterinsurgency can be duplicity and ruses, to block the wise moves by the revolutionary. Here, we need to neutralize Ahithophel.

10.     An excellent description The Wilderness of Mirrors. To many they were heroes, 2 of the fiercest warriors against Russia’s KGB. To others, they were villains, involved in illegal actions and deception. What is heroic in combat is wrong in peace.

The United States accepts only one standard of warfare. The Holy Spirit has seen to it that we would understand that there is a place for counterinsurgency in warfare. The weirdos are always the ones who take this wrong.

Everything in the Bible has a reason and a purpose. David has just told this man to lie, and lying is a sin. However, this is legitimate. David is not telling him to sin even though he is telling him to lie.

David fought a conventional war against Absalom, but he needed intelligence, and Hushai is the key here. The arrogance of the United States can only take one standard of warfare. We are stupid in this regard.

2Sam. 17:14 And Absalom and all the men of Israel said, The counsel [advice] of Hushai the Archite is better than the counsel of Ahithophel. For Jehovah had appointed to defeat the good counsel of Ahithophel, to the intent that Jehovah might bring disaster on Absalom.

He gains the ear of Absalom, and Absalom believes that Hushai’s advice is the best. This was done so that Jehovah can bring disaster upon Absalom. This is the Word of God. Bob’s job is to interpret the Word of God. All of the commentaries have absolutely zero on these 3 chapters. Some of the brethren commentators think this reminds them about something in Ephesians and they talk about that. Those police officers in CID would do things that would shock Berachahans. You would fall in the aisles with shock.

Are you so arrogant that you go into shock before getting the whole subject? So you leave and say, “I’m going out to one of our nice churches.” it is very difficult to tell the truth about a passage like this.

God the Holy Spirit did not put this passage here for all of the great commentators to skip over.

Parar means to break in pieces; to frustrate. You assignment is to frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel for me.

MI5 was their intelligence and MI6 was their secret service. Special Operations Executive was organized to frustrate the Germans. He did many things to mess them up. After the war, he was tried by the French. He was a very honorable man. You often end up in the courts rather than being decorated and honored.

Though fraud and other activities in detestable, in the management of war, circumstances demand it. David will overcome the enemy by fraud and force. You cannot overcome the force without the fraud.

This is simply a description of the dating tactics of the female. Ahah; you see what I mean. How many of you decided, “I am going to show this man the real me; I am not going to hide my worst features.” Bob is certain that he has the majority of the women in his congregation understand this now.

It is arrogance which prevents people in the United States from understanding the importance and honor of counterinsurgency. Just as killing in warfare is legit, so is lying and subterfuge.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

2Samuel 15:34–37                               72David                                              631_0409

Back to Bodyguard of Lies. Prosper was the leader of special ops in France. A guy acting as a double agent, and both sides tried to kill him. This is one of the fascinating chapters and it takes great intelligence and humility to undergo this kind of thing (he was put on trial 3 times).

The Arrogance of Unhappiness

1.       Happiness is a state of the soul and not something which someone does for you. No one can make you happy but God.

2.       A person may do something nice for you. If you are happy in your soul, you are fine. If you are unhappy in your soul, then you will be unhappy in general. Preoccupied with self.

3.       They give nothing and they expect everything.

4.       No one can make you happy.

5.       One of the myths of life is, there is someone out there who can make you happy. This is the myth of arrogance. Happiness is the state of the soul.

6.       For the believer, only doctrine in the soul can make you happy and give you capacity for life and capacity for love.

7.       The arrogance of unhappiness gives nothing and demands everything.

8.       For the unbeliever, happiness is his honor, integrity, capacity for love, capacity for life in the status of establishment and humility.

9.       For the believer, happiness is all of this and Bible doctrine resident in the soul of the believer. Hushai the Arkite.

10.     Because you already possess happiness in your soul, means people can enhance your happiness; and you can enjoy your possessions. But they cannot give you that happiness or take it from you.

11.     Only the arrogance of unhappiness assumes that people and possessions can make you unhappy. Many times, you said if you could just go with a certain gal or a certain gentleman; if you could just have this or that, you could be happy. Any assumption that something you possess can make you happy is erroneous.

12.     Humility is the secret of happiness; arrogance is the basic cause for unapphyness.

13.     Arrogant people are unhappy people.

14.     Therefore, you can spend your lifetime trying to make them happy.

15.     Some people just hang around just waiting for others to make them happy. Like those who think it is an unfriendly church because people don’t come right up to you to greet you. The arrogance of unhappiness is the misery of.... Those who go from gate 16 to interlocking systems of arrogance... The program in the baptist church is designed for arrogant people and baptist pastors.

We are still in v. 34. David asks Hushai to help him frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel. Intelligence and counterintelligence agent on the one hand must have honor and integrity in his soul. Insurgency is revolt against establishment government and is a synonym for revolution.

A quote from the Wilderness of Mirrors. What passed for virtue there sometimes was grotesque in the light of day. What is moral in warfare is much different in the light of day.

We are in the process of losing the war against KGB because. The UN is the headquarters for spies in the United States.

Is God behind the lying, the murdering, the assassination? 2Sam. 17:14 tells us this. The Lord ordained the frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

David and Counterinsurgency

1.       Long before Sun Tzu, MI5 and MI6, David was not just a master of conventional warfare, but a genius of counterinsurgency.

2.       David is requesting an honorable mature believer function under another standard to help defeat the revolution.

3.       Hushai’s infiltration of Absalom’s staff as a mole is a part of counterinsurgency. That is risking your life every time that you breathe.

4.       Hushai’s use of fabrication and deception is the antithesis of his life of honor and integrity.

5.       Therefore, since the revolutionists believe the lie, God will judge them and destroy them with their own weapons. God will destroy them with the lie in the mouth of the honorable man.

6.       The revolutionist loves the lie and functions by the lie. He lives by the lie; and he dies by the lie.

7.       Those who live by the lie, die by the lie, just as in conventional warfare, those who function under the principles of violence may die under violence. Those who live by the lie, die by the lie. Those who are pathological liars or use the lie to make a living, the very God and His justice will destroy you with the same system. The lie is a system of arrogance. No matter how great a liar you are, someone is better.

8.       The revolution has rejected the truth and has accepted the lie. Lies and deceit will defeat the revolution.

9.       The revolution is arrogant and they will be ruined by their arrogance. They will be sabotaged by the greatest counterinsurgency agent.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

Hushai and Absalom

1.       Hushai the humble will defeat Absalom the arrogance.

2.       Hushai will use the arrogance of Absalom and his lying and deceit against him. He will destroy him with his own weakness.

3.       Arrogance creates its own system of destruction regardless of what gate you use; those who live by the lie, die by the lie. Those who demand that others make them happy will never be happy.

4.       This is how God uses counterinsurgency.

5.       Hushai’s counterinsurgency function is that part of warfare which neutralizes the genius of the enemy. What he did in lying and deceit is not sin but a part of clandestine warfare.

6.       Hushai is a part of David’s clandestine network. In the soldier’s handbook, we are bred up to think that it is a disgrace to win by falsehood. These sentiments do well or a child’s copybook or a normal life. The man who acts on them ought to sheath his sword forever. Telling the enemy the truth in war makes you a traitor.

7.       The greatest epigram of clandestine warfare. In warfare, truth is so precious that she should be protected by a bodyguard of lies.

8.       Lies and deceptions and strategical of clandestine warfare; the self righteous arrogance of the American people has destroyed any possible success against the Russians. Carter from his White House issued a memorandum to the CIA fulfills the

9.       Hushai is the establishment mole. He infiltrates at the highest level of leadership. In modern intelligence language, Hushai is David’s mole. Hushai was motivated by freedom of country. Courageously an honorably served David.

Bob keeps using a lot of Latin. Hushai will become obsequious so that he can penetrate Absalom’s inner circle. God knew that David knew that he could trust Hushai. Counterinsurgency was in existence 500 years before Sun Zu and Klasovitcz. God uses the wrath of man to praise Him James 4;6 revolution is constructed on falsehood and is destroyed with these very same weapons. This exploits the arrogance of the revolutionists. Arrogance inevitably destroys arrogance and lies destroy lies. People often go to church so that God will give them some happiness, but God cannot make us happy and people cannot make us happy. Happiness must reside in you soul. People and things cannot make you happy.

Bob has been trying to get people to behave all of his life, and he has been unsuccessful, even with his own dogs. But he is not as bad as we are; he realizes it is a failure and he ceases and desists.

A good night to bring in the 16th gate, the arrogance of unhappiness. David and Hushai learned to be content. It is the Word inside of your soul which makes you happy. What will make you happy? If we could produce those things, those people would be just as unhappy as before. So many ladies think, if I could just have a husband; you would end up with a whole new set of problems. “Marry me and I will make you happy” is a guaranteed mess. You might be able to stimulate her temporarily. You might stimulate one another with compliments. But that means nothing.

Many of you grew up reading extensively. And you could identify with the hero or the heroin. The book made you happy because you have a capacity for truth and integrity and who can applaud honor. The only person who is happy is the one who applauded because he has just been entertained. The one on stage is arrogant and that is a part of his makeup.

Patton loved it, Churchill used it and loved it; Montgomery would not use it. It is what defeated Romel in Africa. No one has ever given the credit to enigma and ultra that they deserved. It was a great thing. The hidden talent of Churchill was the clandestine part of war. He is one of the greatest men in the field of intelligence, counterintelligence and the whole realm of clandestine warfare. He was so far ahead of everyone else.

For Communists, there is no dual standard, and it is all evil. We have one standard as well, which is arrogant self righteousness.

We are going to go through these verses quickly and cover them in more depth in the 4th of July Conference. This is David briefing Hushai the Archite about his contacts. As a spy, he works for Zadok and Abiathar. Hushai will function in counterinsurgency and he will also know about the secret plans of Absalom and A.

2Sam. 15:35 Are not Zadok and Abiathar the priests with you there? So whatever you hear from the king's house, tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priests.

Then we have the couriers in this verse. The sons of to the High Priests.

2Sam. 15:36 Behold, their two sons are with them there, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son, and by them you shall send to me everything you hear."

Now, here, we have a coincidence. Hushai and Absalom enter into Jerusalem at the same time. There is a lot of noise and shouting, and Hushai entering into the city will not be noticed. Two people, one arrogant and one humble. One will build his life on lies and the other upon truth.

Those who live by lies will die by lies.

2Sam. 15:37 So Hushai, David's friend, came into the city, just as Absalom was entering Jerusalem.

2Samuel 15      Psalm 25:1 72David (Not yet July 4th Conf. 1980)           631_0410

Self-centeredness, self righteousness, implacability, etc. for the first gate. Scar tissue is the result of negative volition arrogance. Impulsive arrogance for the 3rd gate, which is the abuse and misuse of authority. Institutional arrogance, misuse of policy of an organization by attaching more importance to self. Those who fail in an organization. Blind arrogance is gate 5. Self righteous arrogance parlayed into legalism. God cannot get along without me, complex. You think the plan of God has failed because you have failed. Conspiracy arrogance, which is institutional arrogance carried one step further. On a national scale, revolution is the overthrow of national authority through conspiracy. Criminal arrogance where authority in socity is reject. Arrogance is sociopathic and pathological. Rejection of authority divorces one from reality. The rights and property of others are ignored. Criminal arrogance is a matter of volition. In arrogance, he is altered by his arrogance. Super-imposition of one’s standards upon others without their consent. Psychopathic arrogance. The individual is unable to tolerate the demands of his environment. Psychosis or neurosis. Criminality. Arrogance results in disorganization of thinking and behavior. Imposed stress arrogance is divorced from reality of life. Arrogance abuses the sex. Sex without love is a form of arrogance. It is self-centeredness, self-gratification. Genetic arrogance is pride of ancestry and posterity arrogance. The pride of frustrated parents who seek to... Client nation arrogance emphasizes the type of government, e.g., our client nation arrogance. If you are not a democracy, you are not a government. Even though we are somewhere between a republic and a democracy, we are still a client nation. The constitution of our country requires personal integrity for it to work out well. The people are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Political arrogance emphasizes the arrogance of the national leaders. Satanic syndrom of authority-arrogance. The potter has the right to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor. Col. 3:20 is important as a fundamental authority. We use free will to be molded by the potter’s wheel of authority to be molded into vessels of honor or dishonor. We use our free will to resist or to accept authority. Volition coalescing with authority is the issue. The teenager rebelling is arrogant. All systems of rejection of authority begin in the home. Arrogance was the rejection of the authority of the parents. Dishonor or disorientation to life.

Even as an adult, there is carryover because of your rebelling against the authority of your parents. The most basic authority in life is parents. To pass the test of authority-orientation is humility and to fail the test is arrogance. By rejecting establishment authority and establishment truth, you will not make it. Rejecting establishment truth means a person is a vessel of dishonor. They resent anyone who works hard and succeeds in life.

Gate 14 legitimate authority from above. It is almost impossible for the average teen to overcome the rejection of authority as a child. One the biggest criminal syndicates today is made up of kids under 12 in Houston (I guess?).

Maybe you grew up in the slums and you say, “My mother was a slut and my father was a drunk.” God gave us the choice of Bible doctrine. After you have been led to the Lord, then you deal with the teaching and the authority of your pastor-teacher.

Basic story: we are born and the first authority we have is our parents. Then you are born again and your new authority is doctrine and the pastor who communicates. You can leave a church if you want to. It is wrong to malign the authority in that local church.

Every woman, at some time or another, shops for a husband. They figure if it doesn’t work, then they will just change husbands. The husband holds 100% of the stock and the woman holds 0%. What offsets that is when the woman loves the one who holds all the stock. Problem #1 is authority arrogance.

Let’s say you find out that your husband is not as smart as you. Whose mistake was that? What were you thinking before getting married? Just as parental authority provides orientation to temporarl life, there is the pastoral authority for our spiritual life.

Doctrine is the mind of Christ and the Word of God is the authority. Just as there is authority in the home, there is authority in the local church. You learn things in a home just as a dog learns. Bob believes in dogs in the home. When you come to Berachah, you need to be housebroken.

Gate 15 is the arrogance of ignorance, closely related to negative volition arrogance. It is the result of negative volition arrogance.

Harriet Beecher Stowe had no concept of state’s rights. Massachusetts is a difficult state in which to understand anything. Arrogance of union armies singing John Brown’s body. He murdered and killed and used violence; and it would have been much better to simply let the states comes to this of their own accord. Lee let his slaves go. One of them, Stowe or Brown would speak and tear up the constitution. A freed slave came up and told him that he was free without violence, and John Brown shot him dead. Rev. Beecher Stowe was a radical hippy and they did more to set back freedom. The Black man could be brought into a free society with a sense of responsibility.

The French Revolution was also the arrogance of ignorance at that time. God is truth and veracity. He is infinite without limit. God cannot sin or solicit to sin or sponsor sin; He is veracity. He cannot be complicated by ignorance or by what results from ignorance, like absurdities. The arrogance of ignorance rejects truth and believes the life. Then gets into many other forms of arrogance. They will use violence to gain power and to destroy the freedom of others simultaneously.

Infinity also characterizes God and all that He does. In God, every truth dwells in absolute form. The Russian Revolution of 1917 and we must distinguish between the facts of history and absolute truth.

Gate 16 the arrogance of unhappiness. Happiness, as we have learned, is a state of the soul. We also learned this in the book of Philippians. Happiness is not something which someone does for us; nor is there someone who makes us happy. A person may give you attention, a present or love and affection, but that does not make you happy.

People often get married because their partner says they will love them forever and make them happy. However, no one can do this. Only doctrine in the soul can make a person happy. Neither people nor possessions can make you happy. If you have happiness in your soul, you can enjoy your possession.

Arrogance in the soul produces subjectivity. Arrogant people are always unhappy people. If you work for an arrogant person, they are never satisfied. There is never a well-done. If you obey every command of every point of nagging, the nagger will not be made happy. It is impossible to make someone of an arrogant soul happy.

Psalm 89:15–17 war does not change and make a person unhappy. Happiness belongs to the people who keep on knowing the sound of the trumpet. So you can be at war and happy.

At this point, there is revolution in Israel. Does this mean that David and everyone else will be unhappy? Does this mean that they have no opportunity for enjoyment of life during war? There is just as much happiness in adversity as in peace. Prov. 3:13 Luke 11:27–28 this woman breaks into the middle of our Lord’s teaching, and she said, “Happy is the woman who bore you and whose breasts gave you suck.” Sort of, “You turned out so well, your mother must be happy.” Happiness is a state of the soul. The person who is arrogant always puts pressure on children, wife, husband, dogs, friends because unhappiness in the soul becomes cursing by association. How your children do can’t make you happy. You can get everything that you want in life, get your way with everything, and still be totally unhappy. “On the contrary; happinesses to those who keep hearing and retaining the Word of God.”

Here is David in a jam, and in he has wept, but he is not unhappy. We will pick up Shimmei in the future when we know more. He is a perfect illustration of the arrogance of unhappiness. He razzes and jeers David and then he gets down in the dust. Why all of these various postures? What is wrong with him? He suffers from the arrogance of unhappiness.

Psalm 25 is what David was thinking about.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. He organizes his psalm acrostically. Each letter begins each verse. So this is a walking file; he organizes this acrostically. V. 18 is an exception. Koph is the back of the head. It has to be up in the frontal lobe in order to use it. It has to be in the frontal lobe; it has to be on the launching pad. It is important to have doctrine in the frontal lobe. Only doctrine in the frontal lobe can be used in concentration. The problem in marriage and in any relationship is the arrogance of unhappiness. No person or thing will make you happy.

Outline of Psalm 25

1.       David’s prayer for the Absalom revolution. Vv. 1–3

2.       David’s prayer for wisdom in historical disaster 4-7

3.       Prosperity of humility in historical disaster. 8-

4.       Occupation with Christ turns cursing into blessing. 12-15

5.       David’s prayer for deliverance in the civil war 16-22

2Samuel 15                              Psalm 25:1– 72David                                   631_0411

John Brown has been discussed recently; there are 2 movies this Saturday Night with some stuff about John Brown. The other is Operation Burma, Errow Flynn’s WWII movie.

Arrogance of unhappiness often leads to having a guilt complex. The martyr complex and the guilt complex is the arrogance of unhappiness. It seeks to dominate its environment and enslave those in its environment.

Bob had 3 meetings. Scientology was asked about it. Usually, other religions are not discussed except when they illustrate certain things. Separation of church and state means that churches need to remain separate from politics; and that counterinsurgency needs to be left to a national entity.

An article on scientology. He figured that, if he wanted to be rich, then he ought to start a new religion. It is one of the oldest and most dangerous of cults of the modern religions. Berachah, by the way, is not a cult; but orthodox. They hid behind religious liberties and did all kinds of evil as well. A hard-core of about 3000 full-time staff and 300,000 adherents. Hubbards lives quite well in a huge mansion in England. He has young women who are called his messengers. They see after to all of his needs. Former members say that he erupts angrily if he smells soap on his clothes. He tells them he is a nuclear physicist who was wounded in WWII. The actual truth is something else entirely. Excellent article from Reader’s Digest.

This organization has its own intelligence organization. “To sweep aside opposition to create a vacuum in which scientology may expand.” Anonymous death threat to a newsman, and the people were taught how to use harassing techniques; calls to the IRS against their enemies, etc. Lies to the press, etc. A book on scientology was kept out of public; and the author had her stationary stolen and bomb threats were sent on it, and she spent 2 years defending herself.

9 officials were arrested by the government on conspiracy charges. They call this the Guardian wing of their church. Such collectives need watching even though it masquerades as a religion and claims protection under our constitution. Our constitution is not a suicide pact.

Outline of Psalm 25

1.       David’s prayer for the Absalom revolution. Vv. 1–3

2.       David’s prayer for wisdom in historical disaster 4-7

3.       Prosperity of humility in historical disaster. 8-

4.       Occupation with Christ turns cursing into blessing. 12-15

5.       David’s prayer for deliverance in the civil war 16-22

Psalm 25 inscription A Psalm of David.

This is an acrostic psalm. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet; it signifies and ox or a bullock and is the sign of agricultural prosperity. It signifies the number 1000. Alaph a verb.

ʾEl starts the verse. Nasaʾ is used in many ways. Soul or life is what is being lifted up. Prayer is one of the greatest weapons which God has given to us. To fail in prayer is failing in disaster. Success in disaster depends upon your soul and what is in it.

When revolution causes a civil war, the issue is truth. The individual using the doctrine in his soul to send a barrage of prayers to heaven. If we have inner happiness, if we are basically a happy person, we do not have to solve all of our problems. We learn to cope with our problems. That is coping rather than solving. Doctrine gives us the ability to cope with our problems.

Psalm 25:1 To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

Beth file, which refers to a house, palace, residence, home. David had been forced out of his home from the southeast corner of the Jerusalem, the Zion plateau. A castle, fort, barracks, a building for supreme court function. Originally, his home was in Hebron, but he moved north when he was made king over all Israel. These new HQ’s was Jerusalem and Zion is in the southeast corner. He has a new scale of values and he will walk out on a wonderful place to live. David withdrew because of his flexibility, objectivity. This demands great wisdom and he needs to use his effective weapon of prayer. His soul lives in the house of his body.

David is going back to that day when he faced Goliath and he recognizes that the battle if the Lord’s.

Then we have a negative + bosh, the imperfect tense is used as a cohortative. This usually means to be ashamed; but it also means to become confused. David must have a clear head with which to face the revolution. He cannot deal with confusion or perplexity.

Alatz in the Qal imperfect. It means to gloat over; to triumph over. Again a cohortative. David’s enemies include Ahithophel and Absalom.

While David moves across the Judæan desert, he is content in his soul.

We have been studying gate 16, which is the arrogance of unhappiness. You can have all the wealth in the world and have a martyr complex. Your complex is designed to make all those around you miserable. Some marriages are a martyr complex combined with a guilt complex on the part of the other person. Even though David walked into the desert with only a robe, he still has his own home, because he carries it with him in his own soul. There is no way to pillage or steal or rob that which David carries in his own soul. There, he carries Bible doctrine. This is tremendous wealth that he carries with him. Bob titles this psalm wealth of humility.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [confused], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Gimel verse is next and this is a camel, a side view. He represents travel, trade, prosperity from travel and trade. He has his own form of prosperity under these circumstances. He have our own home. Our home is where we wear our hat. Our head is our home. We are a wealthy person in adversity. He needs this doctrine which he has. He carries this in his head. The strongest word for faith rest is kawah. This is the small piece of string wound in with a rope, and it takes on the strength of that rope. We are weak and helpless in time of disaster, but we are woven into that whole pattern of doctrine. We can remove the doctrine from ourselves, but no one else can take it from us.

Ittai the Gittite, the former chief of police, refused to return to Jerusalem under revolutionary control. He will become one of David’s corps commanders. Hushai will be like CID. He retains his honor and integrity while performing nefarious deeds. This can also refer to Zadok and Abiathar, the duel high priests who are David’s spies in Jerusalem.

Participle and definite article to refer to a subordinate clause.

There are masses who succumb to the propaganda of the Absalom’s revolution. Those who are treacherous without a cause will be put to shame (or will be confused). Those who are treacherous without a cause will be put to shame.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed [all of those who have confidence in You will not be put to shame]; let them be ashamed who sin without cause [they will be confused, those who are treacherous without a cause].

Then we move to the 2nd paragraph. Daleth is a door. The name signifies the ancient Phœnician door. He must know the will of God and this door is compatible with disaster. David is free and he must go with decisions that make others free. Ittai goes with him but he sends back Hushai. He makes additional decisions. The more decisions that he makes, the closer to moves toward victory. Good decisions open up options in other directions.

You have knowledge upon which you build knowledge. Like mathematics. You build upon knowledge, which is what David is doing. David will know the unknowable. The plan of God rationale. David will know what the will of God is, which is X. He can put together this other stuff. These rationales are known factors. From these factors in our soul, we know what the will of God is. You cannot figure out what X is unless you know what is around it. You start with the known, which you break down everything in terms of what you know. When it comes to disaster, there is no substitute for doctrine in your soul. You will not survive without doctrine in your soul. Your wealth is not what you accumulate by hard word, but what you get through hard thought. Bob has been thinking so much that he has lost weight and his pants keep falling off.

Cause me to know Your ways is not the initial doctrine but to apply the doctrine in the circumstances that you are in. You apply what you know from your vast wealth of the soul.

Lamad, in the Piel, means to train while in the field; you must be trained to take the doctrine in your soul and use it. You have testing in prosperity. You deal with the charge of the mosquito and you learn later how to deal with the charge of the elephant. David will be able to lead the establishment forces because he has had a lot of training in his past. Concentration and learning and then reverse concentration.

Psalm 25:4 Make me know Your ways, O Jehovah; teach me Your paths.

2Samuel 15                              Psalm 25:4– 72David                                   631_0412

Time magazine still has a liberal editorial staff, along with the NY Times and others. There was a picture of a tennis player on the front (Bjon Bjord). Large picture of the tennis player; small picture of Carter.

The U.S. is no longer #1 is one of the stories. The U.S. that has emerged from the197-‘s no longer has the same leadership without the ability to command respect of its own allies.

Reference to Carter’s ineptness on the international scene.

Bob could probably sue Hal for a $1 million, but truth is truth, no matter who steals it. It is argued that the U.S. can no longer act alone. The Europeans say, “It is time for Americans to listen to them.”

Psychiatrist and how he does not go looking for something that happened in your past. Happiness is related to one’s choices in life. The essence of greatness is choosing personal fulfillment where others choose madness. You can fear your death ineffectually or you can use it. The mistake that intelligence is measured by ability to deal with complex problems. That brings on a snobbishness. A true barometer of intelligence is an effective happy life lived each day. Essentially said, if you can avoid gate 16, you are intelligent. No such thing as a nervous breakdown; nerves do not break down. Intelligent people can choose happiness over other things. We are brought up in a culture that tells us that we are not responsible for our own feelings and that we cannot control them. Stuff like, “You hurt my feelings.” “I just feel angry; don’t ask me to defend it.” This is around 30 min. into it. I need to get this name.

It is important, under stress, to be a basically happy person. If you are an unhappy person, then you cannot survive in a disaster.

Doctrine in the soul produces the rationales. Doctrine in the soul produces +H. Doctrine resident in the soul has many functions. It is the basis of spiritual growth.

We are in the daleth file, which represents a door. By facing an FTX (field training exercise), the believer is prepared for a disaster. David faced a hot FTX here; that is where live ammo is used; people step on real mines and die.

David has made great decisions under great pressure. As the leader of the establishment forces, he had to think. He used Abiathar and Zadok as his intelligence agents who use their sons as couriers.

You must develop the habit of reverse concentration under pressure.

Psalm 25:4 Make me know [Teach me] Your ways, O Jehovah; teach [train] me Your paths.

Hê file and it denotes a window. This file deal with perspective; how you look at life. Darak in the Hiphil stem; it means to trample or to tread; to cause to walk.

The perception of doctrine is the key. Your perception of life depends upon the doctrine in your soul. Perspective is the answer to life. This is a moment by moment perspective. It is doctrine or no doctrine. Application of doctrine or failure of application.

Wâw file, refers to a peg which you hang something on. You take a coat off a peg and you wear it; and the coats stay there until you need it. If you are an unhappy person, no one can make you happy; nothing can make you happy.

It is very difficult to challenge the tenacity of the arrogance which we have not removed. The woman chose for arrogance; she was going to be better than man.

In the prep school, you get to apply doctrines all the time.

A Day at a Time.

1.       Time is a logistical grace condition. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

2.       Psalm 102:3 we are issued one day at a time and we can lose days. In the course of my life, He cuts my strength. Psalm 89;49 you have cut short the days of my youth.

3.       Days are meaningful and prosperous with spiritual growth. Teach us to number our days correctly that we may gain a right lobe of doctrine. Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love so that we can be happy all of our days.

4.       Therefore, the importance of purchasing each day. Eph. 5:14–18

5.       The days provided by logistical grace to the believer only have meaning as related to the plan of God. Psalm 34:11–14 Prov. 3:1–2

6.       Therefore, the day by day life of the believer only has meaning. How basically happy is the person who finds doctrine. The proit is greater than the profit from silver or gold. She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire can compare to her.

7.       Arrogance destroys capacity for the divine provision of a day at a time. Do not boast about tomorrow because you do not know what a day brings forth.

8.       The dynamics of daily living are relatived to Bible doctrine. . guide me with your doctrine and train me. Psalm 119:27 I lobve your doctrine; I think about it all day long. 2Cor. 4:16 our outer man is decaying and the inner man is being renewed day by day.

David has recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance, so now he can do well and enjoy his life. He will use his discipline as a series of ftx’s. David has installment discipline which was turned into ftx’s.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth [Guide me with your doctrine], and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long [all day long, I have confidence in You].

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0413

Dyer “Your erroneous zones” You can feel what you choose to feel; you are not subject to your own emotions. You will see a given emotion as a choice rather than an unalterable condition of life.

The syllogism. The premise “I can control my thoughts. My feelings come from my thoughts; therefore, I can control my feelings.” You have the power to think of whatever is in your head; and you have the power to make it go away. If you don’t control your thoughts, who does? If someone else controls your thoughts, then send them out for therapy so that you can get better. Every feeling that you have is preceded by a thought; and without a brain, there is no feeling or emotion.

Cal, spends much of his time agonizing that his boss thinks he is stupid. So, what if you don’t know about something? You cannot be unhappy when someone dies, if you don’t know about it. It is only when you think about this. Why should I choose depression, after a hurricane?

Zayin file, and it is a sword; it is the sword of the policy of the Lord. When the Phœnicians wrote it, they changed it. Slightly.

Remember You compassion, O Jehovah. Compassion is an emotion based upon the situation of another; so it is an anthropopathism. The revolution is successful. This is a prayer for sympathy. An Anthropopathism is taking a human characteristic which we understand and ascribing it to God. It explains to us and our thinking God’s thoughts and actions.

If you try to get people to feel sorry for you in order to get their attention, then you are completely divorced from reality. You dress, or you do something idiotic to get attention, which is a sign of your own arrogant weakness. Sympathy is the worst type of attention; it has no merit to us. It is based upon demerit. People recognize in us demerit.

Divine policies: God helps the helpless and the humble; He gives grace to the humble. When you pray, you pray to God; some ignoramuses pray to the Holy Spirit or to Jesus Christ. In the faith rest drill, faith reaches out and claims promises. It reaches out in reverse concentration, which is the plan of God rationale. It reaches doctrinal conclusions, which means you are in control of the situation. Emotions are not involved in the function of the faith rest drill. You may emote as a result; but it is not necessarily a part of the faith rest drill.

David standing on the mount of Olives has made some marvelous decisions. He can look out and see a column of people stretched out into the horizon. He is responsible for all of these people. Humanly speaking, he is their leader. He must command them. He must provide some kind of logistical system so that thousands can have food and shelter. He is responsible for establishing their security for bringing them back to Jerusalem. As he has made decisions, he realizes that he will make hundreds and even thousands of decisions under pressure. Logistical decisions; government decisions, and it is a tremendous responsibility. He can only assume, in total humility. He is a man of great honor and integrity. We see him at his greatest and he depends upon his genius and he depends upon who and what God is.

Compassions are logistical grace provisions; they are dependent entirely upon who and what God is. Disaster is great pressure on us. It forces emotional weaknesses on us.

David cannot control anything if he sits down on the Mount of Olives and has a nervous breakdown. This is what his prayer is saying in the zayin file; he must fall back upon the Word of God. The link between David in disaster and God in heaven is what resides in David’s soul.

This brings up a question; just Who is God? Who is this God Who can do it.

God is 3 real supreme persons Who have always existed and they have always had substance. 1 in essence, 3 in person. They all have the same characteristics in the same amount. This is illustrated with light, which is 1 in essence, but 3 in parts. Luminiferous, calorific, and . David is thinking of God in terms of personality. Man is made in the image of God. The invisible part of us is made in God’s image. We have a vocabulary storage. We cannot communicate without thought. If we communicate by feeling, we cannot really communicate. You must be able to think. We all have a place to store vocabulary. If we can utter a word of two, we have vocabulary storage. Our heads do not grow bigger when our vocabulary increases. It is invisible; not real. We choose to sin whether we know it is a sin or not.

Man is 1 and man is many.

To say, O God in prayer is to name the person you are addressing. “The Man upstairs? There is no man; He is not upstairs. Where do you get that stuff? Leave it to a Baptist pastor. What horrible, blasphemous, ignoramus stupidity.”

Berachah is not political, paramilitary, counterinsurgency; we are an orthodox church. Our rule of faith and practice is the Word of God. We follow the Nicene creed; the Apostle’s creed. We do have kooks and we give a false impression with these people and our own mistakes, but we are an orthodox body of believers. Man is material; God is immaterial. All living creatures have a body to house the soul. We possess life but God is life. The man upstairs is not theistic or deistic. And even Voltaire did not use such imbecilic language, even though he was deistic and is in hell right now. God does not possess life; He is life.

God recognizes Himself to be a Person and He acts rationally. Animals have determination but they do not have self-determination as we have it.

Infinity is a word of theology. It unites in His Person all of His perfections. This is the basis of the essence of God rationale. God cannot be complicated with absurdities. He may be self-limited, but God’s infinity is intensive rather ? God’s holiness is infinite. God is veracity and He is infinite truth. The divine motive of God’s creating man and angels and the universe; every motivation in a creation by God is for God’s glory. If God created man and the world, and man pollutes it, that pollution will never destroy it. The environmentalist assumes that he must ride herd over the resources on this earth and he figures he needs power in order keep the earth under control. That is arrogance beyond description. The universe cannot be destroyed by nuclear or any other force. Only God will destroy the universe, and we will be there to see it. The world will be intact for the rapture and for the Tribulation and all the gruesome things that will take place then. At the end of all that, planet earth will still be here and it will not be destroyed.

“Remember Your compassions, O Lord.” God is not sustained. He does not require a meal to stay alive or oxygen in order to breathe. God doe not have ot go through that. His existence is unalterable. We change from time to time; we get fat, thin, older, wrinkled. We alter here there and everywhere. Immutability is another part of infinity. His existence cannot be changed. God does not improve and He does not get worse. God does not change His mind. When man changes, God seems to change. When we are in interlocking systems of arrogance, we are disciplined and we think that God has changed, but He has not. 3rd characteristic of self-existence is unity. Our Elohim is One Elohim. There is a difference between tritheist and trinitarianism.

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses; for they are from eternity.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0414

More from the book “Your Erroneous Zones.”. Your choice is your ultimate freedom. Let’s say you were tortured until you chose to take control of your feelings, and most would simply take control of them. A mind-blowing notion, to choose to be happy. Rejecting the idea that someone else is in charge of you. There is some human viewpoint in this book as well, of course.

Ahithophel is the genius of the revolution. Amasseh is his enemy; Absalom is his enemy. Shimei who runs along side him and heckles him, is his enemy.

With what God knows about us, there is really nothing there for Him to love. Most of us are very attractive; and superficially, it may seem as if we have some nice personalities; but God is too wise to love us. The biggest myth is God loves everyone. God loving the world is an anthropopathism.

God cannot sin; God cannot sponsor sin; God cannot tempt to sin. God can only judge it. God’s love is not our point of reference, not now and not ever. God does love; He does have love as a part of His essence. He is love and He has always been love. To infinity, God’s love is infinite as well as eternal and it is based upon His omniscience and His perfection. Because God the Father is perfect, He is +R. From the standpoint of their righteousness, God is One. Each has identical, eternal righteousness. God the Father has 2 directions for His love; toward His Own righteousness; which is His subjective love. To the same point of infinity, God the Father loves God the Son and ditto for God the Holy Spirit. That is objective love. This has always been true.

God’s righteousness is the key to everything and the love of God is the key to nothing. You can apply the former but you cannot apply the latter.

We love Him because He first loved us applies to some mature believers who have cracked the maturity barrier. David wants God to be sympathetic in the human sense and He wants God to do something about it. However, he avoids the word love.

Happiness has nothing to do with love. There are people in love who are happy, but most people in love are unhappy. That is a major theme in drama. The woman you marry will blame you for not making her happy.

This love thing is where everyone gets fouled up. God doesn’t love a cheerful giver, if they are cheerful or not. God cannot commend more love to us while we are yet sinners. Jacob I loved and Esau I have hated. All anthropopathisms.

Marriage depends upon compatability, not doctrine. Unbelievers can have good marriages.

Love is thinking. Emotions originate from your thinking. Every emotion that you have is born of a thought. The thought makes you pregnant and when you give birth, it is an emotion.

Bob warns that it has probably gotten out that you’re a cad and you will have to go to another church where the women are ugly.

Sex without love is ritual without reality. Legitimate sex is what you think and what goes on in the soul.

There is also the spiritual factor in love, which is a combination of everything. Awe, respect, capacity, fulfillment of norms and standards. When the anthropopathism is use, that means that God is favorably disposed toward us or He has given us something. Love gives.

David, in v. 6, appeals to the integrity and to the honor of God.

We tend to superimpose our own concepts upon God, and that confuses us. However, David did not do that. We must discard the anthropopathisms. Otherwise, we must apply I love Jacob but I hate Esau. You cannot apply that—a small percentage of you can, because you are weirdos.

David looks out over this 14 mile long column and he is responsible for each one of these people in this column. The purpose of the anthropopathism is to help us understand God’s thinking.

There is a real love of God which is applied to some believers. An anthropopathism does not appeal to the...?

Holiness combines 2 characteristics of God, His righteousness and justice. Righteousness is the principle of divine integrity. Our relationship with God until the day that we die, God deals directly with us by His justice.

There is nothing that man can do to change the integrity of God. Compassion is not what David wants; he does not want sympathy. That is a human emotion. Maybe by 2 hours, we will get this.

Something about fundies looking down their nose at us because of something that they no longer do. Man’s sinfulness nor his pleasing personality. They develop their personalities more than anything else.

David understood all of this. The integrity of God receives nothing from any function that we have. “Like the idiot who is looking at someone else. You, if you want to look around, get up and go out.”

so, why use the word compassion here? He is demanding that the grace pipeline be open to the full. In the computer of his own mind, he will instantly have available what he needs to make decisions. God does not need our help; we need His help.

The mind is like a computer, but it needs to be programmed to the situation, for what we need in that moment. David is so thoroughly saturated with doctrine, that there is no problem. This is not the prayer of someone who is ignorant and vain.

Being in fellowship and have doctrine in the soul is the best way to go. We possess God’s righteousness; not self righteousness. God is logical; He does not have to be chronological. There was never a time that God was not logical. David’s words are chosen very carefully here.

David intends for this to be the work of God. Grace is the policy of the righteousness of God. David will receive the greatest imputation of blessing in his entire lifetime. David’s magnificence is based upon his humility and his total dependence upon the Lord.

What is behind God’s compassion and grace is eternity past.

God’s Grace and His Eternal Nature

1.       God’s grace policy has always existed; just as God is eternal, so His policies are eternal.

2.       God is eternal and His plan is eternal. God is eternal; His policy is eternal. We are temporal. But we have the backing of eternal God. David wraps himself in the mantal of the essence of God. In a time of uncertainty, you must go to that which is absolute.

3.       Compassion views the policy of God from the viewpoint of the doctrinal rationales. Grace views this from eternal and infinite God existing in 3 persons.

4.       You cannot extend God’s love to mankind until a person individually has believed in Jesus Christ, at which time he receives God’s righteousness.

5.       Once in possession of God’s righteousness, the believer is the recipient. Of blessing and become the object of God’s essence love.

6.       Both blessing and love from God is only possible because we possess the imputed righteousness of God.

7.       There is perfect affinity between God’s love and God’s righteousness. God is not compromised by blessing us. The originating point is the justice of God.

8.       All of this, David knew and applied as he faced revolution and civil war.

9.       David’s flexibility. He left behind his great material wealth, but he carried with him categories of Bible doctrine synthesized into rationales.

10.     Doctrine was on David’s launching pad ready to be used in catastrophe. He changed from his prosperity scale of values to an adversity scale of values.

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses [grace]; for they are from eternity past.

Cheth is the next letter. God has the ability to keep us. David’s degeneracy has resulted in installment discipline. He has to pray the prayer of the cheth file.

This is a special request; a negative command of petition. This requires boldness in prayer, tremendous courage, and the application of the rationales. David appeals to God to not remember David for who he is and what he has done. “Remember me not on the basis of who I am or what I have done.” “Remember what You are; do not remember who I am.”

We know that David has rebounded, so that we know it isn’t that. David has is a student of life and he has an insatiable desire; a great curiosity as to how it will all turn out.

There is counterinsurgency, but not petty revenge here. David wants God to take this year

he has no interest in personal revenge.

David is making an appeal to return to his position of authority and to see how it all turns out. David does not want the failures of the past to affect his difficult future.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [my defection]; according to Your mercy remember me for Your goodness' sake, O Jehovah.

2Samuel 15                          Psalm 25:(1–6), 7 72David                               631_0415

“You men can get up and leave right now or shut up.”

5 chapters in the Word of God are devoted to counterinsurgency, war, revolution, etc. We have a war right now between the CIA and KGB and other such organizations, which warfare determines how we will do on the battlefield.

Installment Discipline

1.       Installment discipline is the alternative to the sin unto death for the believer. When David got out of fellowship, the option was the sin unto death or to continue with his discipline long enough to be effective. The issue in divine discipline is sin; in suffering for blessing, the issue is the grace plan of God. The status of the person who is under divine discipline is arrogance, subjectivity and . Humility and objectivity for the believer in fellowship with doctrine. The solution is the rebound technique in 3 stages. There is the confessing or naming of sins to God. Then all of the sins are imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross. Whenever we name any sin to God, that sin has already been judged, and we are forgiven in time and in eternity.

2.       Because of involvement with interlocking systems of arrogance, during his carnality and reversionism or both, David had accumulated unbearable suffering from the justice of God. Suffering for blessing is bearable; for discipline is unbearable.

3.       David’s rebound caused him to be forgiven his known sins and unknown sins.

4.       Rebound then results in a restoration to fellowship and a forgiveness of sin.

5.       Rebound results in release from the interlocking systems of arrogance. It depends upon the volition of the believer as related to his objectivity.

6.       Arrogance produces subjectivity which hinders the true function of free will in the Angelic Conflict. Man has volition to choose for or against the plan of God.

7.       Before rebound, David endured terrible suffering. After rebound, the grace of God converted his unbearable suffering from cursing into blessing.

8.       David was restored to fellowship with God through rebound. Before, there was a lot of discipline, and David was given about a year to prepare to pass the test. Rebound always results in suffering ceasing (1Cor. 11:31); divine discipline is diminished and the intensification is removed; or it continues at its present amount, which is broken up into installments, which explains 2Sam. 12–20


1Cor. 10:13 Testing has not caught up to you, except the human kind; and God has provided a way out for you so that you can endure it.

Second Principle

1.       Installment discipline converted to suffering for blessing.

2.       So installment discipline is cursing turned to blessing.

3.       The discipline is so great it must be divided into installments.

4.       There are 2 causes for discipline be divided up into increments.

          a.       Believer gets involved in the interlocking systems of arrogance. Arrogance involvement intensifies discipline.

          b.       Reversionism which results in strong delusion. Generally, interlocking systems of arrogance and strong delusion go together.

5.       Justice of God turns cursing into blessing. David’s acrostic thoughts help to explain this.

6.       By breaking the discipline into increments, cursing is turned to blessing after rebound and the believer has some breathing space. He can learn pertinent doctrine to prepare him for the next increment. By this and using reverse concentration, he converts cursing to blessing.

7.       Rebound frees the believer from interlocking systems of arrogance. Installment discipline gives the believer time to exercise his own free will

8.       Installment discipline establishes the conclusion that it is better to have an occasional arrogance hangover rather than to be trapped by all 16 gates.

Third Principle

1.       Involvement in the interlocking systems of arrogance converts sin and human good into evil. Hu + arrogance = evil.

2.       When David prolongs his residence in interlocking systems of arrogance, and then rebounds, God will deliver him from the sin unto death. Nathan said, “you will not die.” The justice of God always makes the punishment fit the crime.

3.       So discipline must be administered in installments. There were 4 installments.

          a.       Son of adultery dies. His staff was shocked when David got up and was fine, after his child died. David had to explain the plan of God rationale. Then an interval and David had to go through some FTX’s.

          b.       Amnon rapes Tamar. Tamar ends up well and Absalom, her bro, does not recover.

          c.        Absalom assassinates Amnon. 2Sam. 13 David was in interlocking systems of arrogance when he raped Bathsheba and killed her husband. He was in interlocking systems of arrogance by that time. The revolution was postponed. Ahithophel was the most brilliant man in all the land.

          d.       The 4th is 2Sam. 14–20, which is the Absalom revolution. Hushai the was ahead of David, because he got it right away. God will honor his lying and deceiving, just as He did Rahab the prostitute. We should be the best killer in our outfit.

Lying can be honorable in clandestine warfare and telling the truth can be a betrayal and sin if this is to an enemy. David has set up an intelligence system with their couriers. Hushai will be one of the greatest agents of all time. Wilderness of Mirror is about 2 great CIA agents.

Psalm 25:1 To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [confused], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed [all of those who have confidence in You will not be put to shame]; let them be ashamed who sin without cause [they will be confused, those who are treacherous without a cause].

Psalm 25:4 Make me know [Teach me] Your ways, O Jehovah; teach [train] me Your paths.

V. 5 is the key to all of this.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth [Guide me with your doctrine], and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long [all day long, I have confidence in You].

Disaster have been avoided and put off for several years here because Jesus Christ controls history. All day long, I have confidence in you.

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses [grace]; for they are from eternity.

All of the alternatives are right here, and God can tell us what the results would have been from other decisions which we made. We can see the alternatives and all of these other things which could have happened. We were all in the mind of Christ billions of years ago. Then we were in the plan of God. That is the basis of logistical grace. Then election to privilege and justification.

Cheth is a fence. That is in the Phœnician. David has been fenced in and limited in his modus operandi. The interlocking systems of arrogance is the fence. These are the concepts of installment discipline. Qal imperfect of zachary + the negative.

My rebellion is David being inside the interlocking systems of arrogance. David appealed to God on the basis of Who God is; and says, don’t think about who I am. David is saying, “It is time to forget about my past sins.” He has come to the place where David can ask God to terminate the discipline. Prayer is a weapon. Boldness of doctrinal application. For everything that he did in interlocking systems of arrogance, he has paid.

David has failed in many ways. No one is perfect; we all have an old sin nature. The failures of a man; the sins of an individual do not keep a person from being competent in some form of authority or greatness. The sins of Gaius Julius Caesar did not keep him from being quite organized and forward looking, despite his sins. Paul could travel all over, all because of this unbeliever who was so competent that his sins did not interfere with his ability.

Bob suspects that Carter is kind and moral. Just because he is nice and sweet does not mean that he can handle authority. Napoleon Bonaparte saved France from the revolution. He was highly immoral. He would fornicate without taking off his clothes or his sword; that is gross immorality. No standard by which he could be made acceptable to the fundy community.

Military leadership and political leadership, and others, the nice and sweet types are often those who fail. The Baptists would not vote for David. They would vote for anyone before David. He was immoral. Many wives and mistresses. David is immoral; and Carter is moral. Best Playboy could get out of Carter was that he thought some immorality. David would have made great copy for the muckrakers; and David is God’s man. Carter is not. No question; hands down. Can David continue to rule after failing as he has.

David’s sins have been forgiven; but the divine discipline is the key; the divine discipline in time. The installments of discipline. This 4th installment has gotten David concerned about being removed from this life. People who are curious are generally very good students. They are fascinated by the past and curious about the future. David has tremendous problems that he can handle. Military logistics and tactics. He is responsible for all of these people and he has tremendous personal problems on top of that. These sins and his rebellion have been confessed and forgiven by God. David is not alive because of who and what David is, but because of Who and What God is.

Grace is the function of God’s integrity. The righteousness of God in us is the target for all divine blessing.

Negative command; imperative is used for the positive command. Reverse concentration and David will march off the Mount of Olives, with poise and confidence. He will make it through and he will do well leading.

Because of. Law came to the bush from Britain. Client nation Britain sent missionaries there. The Blacks were vulnerable to being enslaved by the Arab slave traders because they had no laws of divine establishment. All blessing goes from the justice of God to the righteousness of God.

Not only are we sustained but blessed.

God’s plan for our life is not hindered by disaster or extreme circumstances.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [my defection]; according to Your mercy [grace] remember me for Your goodness' sake [because of Your good; because of Your plan], O Jehovah.

2Samuel 15                               Psalm 25:8 72David                                   631_0416

Basic Principles of Our Study

1.       Knowledge is the environment of thinking.

2.       You can only have thoughts which you personally understand; you must have the vocabulary and knowledge of truth to think truth, to apply truth and to use truth.

3.       Psalm 25 is the basis for the interpretation of 2Sam. 15–20

4.       What David is thinking is revealed in Psalm 61–64 and 25

You are the God of my deliverance; all day long, I have confidence in You. Remember me because of Your good, O Lord.

Têth file something rolled together or that which is interrelated. The plan of God and the integrity of God. David will be kept alive without compromising God’s essence.

Tob we jashar The plan of God depends upon the integrity of God. Once God’s integrity is compromised, then there is no more plan of God. Good and honorable is the Lord.

There is perfect affinity between God’s blessing and His righteousness. God is perfect and His plan is perfect. The holiness or the integrity of God is the basis for His blessing of mankind. All blessing to the believer, logistical or supergrace originates from the justice of God and flows to the righteousness of God, which the believer possesses as of salvation.

Qal stem of yarah; this stem means to teach, to instruct. He instructs sinners in His ways.

Sinners is chata technically, God cannot encourage sin, bless sin, there is a great breach between God and sin. If He is to get around the problem of sin, He must do so apart from compromise to His character. The integrity of God and the plan of God cannot be separated. Therefore, sinner does not refer to someone committing personal sins.

Possessing 3 categories of sin means that God cannot bless mankind apart from compromising His character...if not for the death of Jesus Christ.

Principles of Psalm 25:8

1.       The way of God is the plan of God combined with the policy of God and the revelation of the Person of God. Person, plan, policy and definition of authority clearly related to Bible doctrine principles. A person, a plan a policy. This is true whether it is disaster or a time a great blessing. We are not denied happiness in a time of adversity; nor are we denied blessing; nor does God deny us difficulties as a training method.

2.       Since man is a sinner and not qualified for blessing, it is important that we learn His modus operandi and the policy by which we are blessed. Policy is grace, plan is X + Y + Z.


4.       Blessing without compromise of His essence.

5.       Plan of God by which He blesses man from His integrity.

6.       Believer cannot orient to life apart from the essence of God and knowledge of the plan of God. He needs the plan of God rationale. Solutions belong to God; coping belongs to us; solutions belong to God. Socialism tries to solve man’s problems. Most philosophical systems attempt to solve man’s problems.

God instructs us in His modus operandi.

Psalm 25:8 Good and honorable is Jehovah; therefore He will instruct sinners in the way.

This next verse is David standing on the Mount of Olives and he puts these other things together. The yohd file. This is a hand; it represents the hand. As the hand, we begin with He guides the humble by means of His justice.

You follow a path that people have walked before; that is the idea of guiding. God teaches the grace oriented His way.

Institutional arrogance is where you reject the purpose or policy of one’s organization.

Blind arrogance, the plan of God has failed because we have failed. We superimpose our standards on others and then we are critical of them, because they do not follow our standards.

Conspiracy arrogance, and David is the victim of conspiracy arrogance.

Psychopathic arrogance and these people do not survive any disaster. Loss of intellectual control of the soul. Neurotic of psychoic. Disarrangement of his thinking. Imposed stress and acquired inadequacy and no one will survive when divorced from reality. All it takes to get you nutty is national disaster.

Abandoning love in sex. Sex without love is arrogance.

Greatness is not related to genes.

Political arrogance, and delegrated power is used in order to solve man’s problems. Human panaceas and liberal crusades. Man was designed to cope with problems that he has made; and God would solve them. Profit is still once of the greatest words in the world. Marriage of power and arrogance.

Client nation arrogance the government of a client nation without obedience to the laws of divine establishment. It is not what kind of government you have; it is how that government functions. A monarchy depends upon one great man. A democracy depends upon the integrity of all. Political arrogance involves leaders; client nation arrogance involves the citizens. Client nation deals with the citizens. Without honor and integrity from the people, the US does not function correctly. Separation of church and state; missionary activity. Client nation arrogance is degeneracy of the client nation and being involved in strong delusion.

The Satanic syndrom or authority arrogance. When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we are called children, for all authority is related to childhood. Our arrogance goes back to authority in the home. This is legisitmate authority from God and rejecting authority results in disorientation to authority in life. Good parents allow you to be unfair and unreasonable rather than wise. There is nothing fair in life at all. You only get fairness from God; you do not find fairness elsewhere. Our ability to orient to authority is the basis for our happiness or unhappiness in life. If authority arrogance is an issue in the home, it becomes even more critical with orientation to life. We start out spiritually as children, except this time, we have different parents. It is a myth that the person leading us to the Lord as being our spiritual parent. It is like saying the doctor who brings you into the world is your parent.

We can choose to listen and respect the teaching of our pastor or we can quietly slip away. The pastor is the parent. This may be why the Catholic priests began to use the term father. The pastor does not tell you how to run your life; he does not set up a code of any kind. He teaches you doctrine.

Once you are inside of the interlocking systems of arrogance, you are vulnerable to the other gates. When you separate from a local church, do not criticize the pastor, no matter how wrong he is. Leave him directly to the Lord. A pastor gets double discipline; and Bob would be happy to share his discipline.

Gate 15: the arrogance of ignorance is closely related to negative volition arrogance or reversionism. It is a result of negative volition arrogance. Truth is found in the laws of divine establishment. It also involves the gospel and Bible doctrine. The arrogance of ignorance means to function under the lie. This can be closely related to crusader arrogance. The arrogance of ignorance; the abolitionists before the ware between the states. Hollywood did a good job of portraying him as a religious do-gooder.

Jane Fonda is an example of one of the new John Brown’s. God is truth and God is veracity. God is truth. He cannot sin; he cannot sponsor sin. Sin, like all kinds of false activities, God cannot be complicated with absurdities. We are constantly relating our lives to those things which are absurd. The arrogance of ignorance rejects truth and they believe the lie. Mental, impulsive, blind. Arrogance of ignorance compbines with the arrogance of power to destroy freedom.

The divine motive is for God’s own glory. We can speak the truth or think the truth; but God is the truth. Knowledge is the environment for thinking. We must distinguish between the facts of history, which are not always true; to the truth of Jesus Christ. The facts of history may be sinful or evil; but they are not condoned by God. Because something is a fact of history does not make it true. The war between the states demonstrated arrogance. You can cope with the problem with state’s rights and in 15 years, slavery would have disappeared. We have never recouped from that war. Jesus Christ controls history and manifest destiny was the overriding principle.

The emancipation proclamation did not actually free any slave; apparently, they were freed by something after the war? Lincoln did not mind violating the constitution. Lincoln did not consider the Black man his equal.

If man solves a problem, he creates other problems. Man was not told to solve problems; man was told to cope.

Arrogance corrupts power; power in itself does not corrupt.

Happiness is a state of the soul. Happiness does not come from the outside to stimulate. A person might do something nice for you and you may appreciate it and respond. People who have an unhappy soul cannot be made happy.

Compatibility is always a major issue. 2 people who have inner happiness getting married; that is being compatible. If you marry an unhappy woman, count on it, she will make you miserable. Women who are basically unhappy love to nag. She can marry the greatest guy in the world. He can promise to make her happy and she can think that he will make her happy. They cannot cope with marriage.

Now, 2 people who are happy can marry and make it. If 1 of the 2 is unhappy, it is all over, but the screaming and shouting, the tearing the door off the hinges, etc.

If she nags and screams and belongs in an asylum, then you need to cope; you cannot solve this problem. Marriage counselors ought not to be allowed to collect money for their services; maybe it is okay to get paid for listening to those 2.

Gate 16 put half of practical theology in place. The arrogance of unhappiness gives nothing and demands everything. The answer to this is, cope. Learn doctrine and cope. For the unbeliever, it is his honor.

David is about to go down to the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, and he will be vulnerable to attack at that time. Ahithophel will request to make a night attack, and then he promised to only go into the camp and kill David. David here, is vulnerable to a night attack. This is a brilliant attack of Ahithophel.

All of this time, David is happy. Disaster comes and the absence of things does not make you unhappy. The loss of whatever it is does not make you unhappy. When you are minus these things, you still have the Lord.

David was back in Jerusalem and he had great prosperity. But this change does not affect his happiness. The opposition does not make him unhappy on the Mount of Olives.

Happiness is in your soul.

Humility and Advancement in the Plan of God

1.       You have to be humble to take in doctrine. No matter how hard Bob studies and delivers, his ministry is of no benefit to those who are arrogant. Concentration is focused on the content of doctrine, and not on the personality of the communicator.

2.       Without advancing in the plan of God, there is no happiness.

3.       Humility is required to advance in the plan of God. God teaches the humble His way. Humility and happiness go together.

4.       The greatest talent and ability is neutralized by interlocking systems of arrogance.

5.       The mechanics of prosperity are inevitably related to humility and happiness.

6.       Under God’s plan only the humble and happy succeed.

Psalm 25:9 The humble [grace orientated] He will guide by means of justice; and the humble [grace oriented] He will teach His way.

2Samuel 15                     Psalm 25:(1–9), 10–11 72David                           631_0417

Article which quotes John Stewart Mill on liberty. Our society is moving toward plunder. Those who have worked hard are being exploited and plundered by an immoral bureaucracy and government. Men can impose artificial structures upon society, but there are laws which function, no matter what man does. 4 axioms: (1) we live in a world of scarcity. (2) Man’s insatiable appetite. There are never enough resources to supply all of our wants; only limited means for satisfying them. (3) we must constantly make choices; that is the freedom factor and the Angelic Conflict factor. (4) We all want more for less. Allocating limited resources to many groups. Rapid growth of socialist societies. Our loss freedoms have been the destruction of private property. Private property determines whether man will be free or enslaved.

Contrasting the socialistic society with the capitalistic society. The socialistic idea has never been defined by the very ones who defined it. There have been glimpses of socialism but no careful rendering of it has been laid out. Many Russians have money to spend, but there is nothing on the shelves. Their option is to steal it from those who produce stuff, like Japan or the U.S.

Socialist fantasy, which is the cause of many wars. A political elite which establishes itself as sovereign over all. Problems of production; they cannot produce.

Psalm 25:1 To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [confused], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed [all of those who have confidence in You will not be put to shame]; let them be ashamed who sin without cause [they will be confused, those who are treacherous without a cause].

Psalm 25:4 Make me know [Teach me] Your ways, O Jehovah; teach [train] me Your paths.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth [Guide me with your doctrine], and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long [all day long, I have confidence in You].

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses [grace]; for they are from eternity.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [my defection]; according to Your mercy [grace] remember me for Your goodness' sake [because of Your good; because of Your plan], O Jehovah.

Psalm 25:8 Good and honorable is Jehovah; therefore He will instruct sinners in the way.

Psalm 25:9 The humble [grace orientated] He will guide by means of justice; and the humble [grace oriented] He will teach His way.

David has gone up the Mount of Olives and he is looking back, and thinking the words of this psalm.

This is the kaph file. A new scale of values is necessary for new circumstances or counterinsurgency. It is related to eternal security. Neither shall anyone pluck them out of my hand. Our ability to perceive, categorize and to organized are all a part of the picture.

God and Truth

1.       God’s plan

2.       God’s policy is related to God’s plan.

3.       God’s truth exists in 3 categories.

4.       God is infinite without boundary or imperfection. The infinity of God includes all of the essence of God, united in the Person of the Godhead. In order for infinite God to communicate to finite minds, truth has to be reduced to categories.

5.       God cannot sin, tempt, solicit to sin or sponsor sin.

6.       Since God is veracity, He cannot be complicated by ignorance. The arrogance of ignorance results in the rejection of truth.

7.       Rejection of divine truth in 3 categories builds scar tissue on the soul so the arrogant and the ignorant always believe the lie.

8.       This is why David’s opposition in the revolution accepted lies as truth. If the geneal public rejects the truth and the laws of divine establishment, then scar tissue produces strong delusion, and they automatically believe the lie. Those who reject truth immediately believe the propaganda lie. They are under strong delusion and they have entered into the arrogance of ignorance.

9.       God has infinite power. The divine motive is for His Own glory, and He claims this for His ultimate glory.

More Points on God and Truth

1.       Man can say he speaks the truth; God can say He is the truth.


3.       Every truth and every form of knowledge eternally dwells.

4.       With regards to human history, God knows every thought and action.

5.       God fed the facts of history into divine decrees.

6.       These facts include lies and truth; honorable deeds and evil deeds, true and false decisions, only truth originates from God.

7.       God is tthe source of truth. God punishes the false.

8.       Only divine truth can advance the believer

9.       and that which is false hinders the believer.

10.     Therefore the arrogance of ignorance is that false system of thought which is detrimental to the believer.

We are eternally grateful to Israel for the Mosaic Law; and to God for giving them the Mosaic Law. Israel had a phenomenal heritage in law and civilization, when many of our ancestors were hanging out worshiping trees.

The Mosaic Law

1.       The decalogue is designed to define freedom. Murdering someone deprives someone else of their volition. You will not covet deprives a person of his property and privacy.

2.       Codex #2 is the spiritual law. Soteriology and Christology. All of the training aides point toward Jesus Christ and the reveal various aspects of the work of Jesus Christ. The Levitical offerings, the Holy days, the Tabernacle, etc.

3.       Codex #3 is the establishment code. The laws of divine establishment and they run the gammed from social life to political life to authority. It is a proper balance of freedom and authority. Legitimate taxation. Criminal law; law enforcement; laws of evidence; principles of punishment; free enterprise and business, rejecting socialism. It rejects equality and equality of outcomes. No equality even in heaven. We are free to accept or to reject doctrine. There will be rewards for some and only a resurrection body for others. Equality can only exist in an oppressive socialist state, and the political elite are never as low as the rest. If you cannot resolve the problem, then you cope.

Guarding the doctrines of the Lord is perception and concentration.

As goes the pivot, so goes the nation. If the fifth cycle of discipline is administered, then the spin off is wiped out. If the pivot is large enough, it will act as a stabilizer.

Psalm 25:10 All the paths of Jehovah are grace and truth 3 categories of [3 categories of truth] to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

Lamed file, and the original letter was an oxgoad, which is discipline. David is still alive because God has pardoned him. Because of Your name, O Lords. Security is settled; now it is a part of handling the revolution.

To forgive; to pardon. David was involved with many of the 16 interlocking systems of arrogance. Guilt complex is a sign of arrogance.

There Is an Elliptical Structure

1.       David is grateful, indicating great capacity for love and life.

2.       David is explaining the fact that he has failed. David cannot go into a guilt complex or sulk just because he has failed. A general may fail. A guilt complex is inability to think under pressure. Courage is the ability to think under pressure. Guilt complex is a series of sins related to arrogance. As long as you are alive, there is no reason to quit. Admiral Stockdale is a good example of this. 8 years in a Vietnam POW camp. He had far greater moral courage under pressure. He is one of our greatest Americans at this time. God does not deal in absurdities, so a guilt complex is an absurdity to God. It would be stupid for a surgeon to put down his instruments and say, “I have sinned; I am not worthy of being a surgeon.

God has forgiven David his sin. David emphasizes the fact of a doctrinal conclusion. He is in control of the situation. The leader who is not in control of himself is not in control of his battalion.

David’s sin and failure is great; and God’s integrity is far greater and His plan is far more important. No believer can continue in phrase 2 when out of fellowship with God.

Psalm 25:11 For Your name's sake, O Jehovah, pardon my iniquity [forgive my sin; or, You have forgiven my sin]; for it is great.

Paragraph 4 is turning cursing into blessing, vv. 12–15.

Mem file. The demonstrative pronoun refers to a specific category. Ha ish. Who is that person fearing/respecting the Lord.

David began by respecting doctrine. He developed capacity for love. Categories of love. Some of these areas became his undoing due to arrogance. Doctrine has caused him to understand who and what Christ is. Fear is used here with the idea of occupation with Christ.

The question is rhetorical; David is the one saying that he is that person.

Psalm 25:12 What man is he who fears Jehovah? He shall teach him in the way that he shall choose.

2Samuel 15                           Psalm 25:12–13 72David                                631_0418

We are in the main file of v. 12.

July 1980 Reader’s Digest “Have Astronomers Found God?” The writer is an agnostic in religious matters. The universe had a sharply defined beginning. The Big Bang theory is, we live in an expanding universe, and galaxies are moving away from us at enormous speeds. Everything is moving away from a center. If we trace these galaxies, we find that they go back 20 million years? I may have the time wrong. Might be 20 billion. In Genesis, the events described are sudden. Some scientists are unhappy that there was a beginning for the universe. Astronomical evidence suggests that the Big Bang Theory is the most accurate. Galaxies moving away at a million miles per hour. Red shift indicates a dramatic movement of these galaxies. When one guy presented this early on, the members stood up and cheered, which is quite rare. 2 years later, Albert Einstein published his equations of relativity. Einstein did not realize that his equations suggested an expanding universe; and he made a school boy\s error, dividing by zero, which kept him from moving further. Friedmont discovered his mistake, who sent him a new solution. 1923, Einstein acknowledged his double error. Signs of irritation began to reappear among the scientists. Einstein did not like a universe which blew up. It irritated him, which was a curious reaction to mathematical formulas. It has theological ramifications. There is order in the universe and man could discover it.

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." - Robert Jastrow (1925 - 2008)

Hubble is in all of this, and he built a huge telescope and he measured speeds and locations of various galaxies; some were moving at 100 million mph. In1929, he discovered Hubble’s law. The farther away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving.

Some scientists asked, what came before the beginning? Others asked, who is the prime mover? “Understanding the universe is incomplete without the first mover.”

There is this faint glow of radiation. The entire universe appears to be the source. They seem to have stumbled across one of the mysteries of the universe. It began as a fireball, and the radiation would never dissipate.

The Big Bang Theory is the opposite of evolution. There has been a response of the scientific mind. One scientist, “I would like to reject the Big Bang Theory, but I have to accept the evidence.” Science does not like the idea that there is something which they cannot explain something with the known laws of physics. That means that science has lost control. Science has proven that the universe started all at one. Now they are hard-pressed to explain this.

The theologians always accepts, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. As science is about to scale that great mountain, he finds, sitting there, already, the theologians.

You can only have thoughts that you personally understand.

Psalm 25:1 To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [confused], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed [all of those who have confidence in You will not be put to shame]; let them be ashamed who sin without cause [they will be confused, those who are treacherous without a cause].

Psalm 25:4 Make me know [Teach me] Your ways, O Jehovah; teach [train] me Your paths.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth [Guide me with your doctrine], and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long [all day long, I have confidence in You].

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses [grace]; for they are from eternity.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [my defection]; according to Your mercy [grace] remember me for Your goodness' sake [because of Your good; because of Your plan], O Jehovah.

Psalm 25:8 Good and honorable is Jehovah; therefore He will instruct sinners in the way.

Psalm 25:9 The humble [grace orientated] He will guide by means of justice; and the humble [grace oriented] He will teach His way.

Psalm 25:10 All the paths of Jehovah are grace and truth 3 categories of [3 categories of truth] to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

Psalm 25:11 For Your name's sake, O Jehovah, pardon my iniquity [forgive my sin; or, You have forgiven my sin]; for it is great.

The status quo of those suffering for blessing is humility. General status quo is very important. The status quo is unbearable. However, so much suffering was due David, that God had to break it down into installments. There are 4 installments to David’s discipline. There is an interim, or special doctrinal training needed for this or that.

Faith reaches doctrinal conclusions so that faith is in control of the situation. We will see the greatest leadership under David. Logistical administration is put upon the revolution, and revolutionaries are generally incompetent.

David has a large number of options, once he crosses the fords of the Jordan. David will be able to pick his own place for strategical decisions.

Ittai the Gittite will join him and become one of his key commanders.

2Sam. 15–18 will be easier to understand once we go through David’s thinking. God has given us narrative in order to understand what

if we have war this year, we will have revolution. Our colossal national arrogance demands it. Those in our White House could not get there unless there were a lot of stupid people and arrogant people voting for them.

Authority-orientation is necessary. And the authority of Bible doctrine must be recognized. Eventually, you will come to recognize the authority of God. Bible doctrine is the mind of Christ and the revelation of Who and What the Lord is. We develop our capacities from this.

The authority of doctrine is a primary motivation. Persistent motivation results in persistent perception of Bible doctrine. And that leads to the various capacities.

You begin with humility but you end with prosperity. Humble Hushai will overcome the arrogance of Absalom. Arrogance comes in many forms; of unhappiness, boredom (passive unhappiness). Raising hell, finding the right people, etc. is a part of the lust pattern.

Yara means to show, to instruct. Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

We all have free will and we make our own bed. Some use our volition to make the wrong choices. The more we make bad choices, the more we limit our choices.

James 4:6 God makes war on the arrogant and he gives grace to the humble. Once you are in interlocking systems of arrogance, you run out of choices. In the arrogance of ignorance, you run out of choices.

We have chosen over and over again to vote for stupid men to run our government, and they, in arrogance, say, “We will solve your problems.” They pass laws and destroy our choices. We will discover that our entire personality is in a computer holding our entire personality. Freedom is only self-perpetuating when we made choices, good or bad. When you run out of choices.

Knowledge is the environment for thinking. There will be a reign of terror and our choices will be limited. We will be subject to arrogance greater than our own. Like a woman about to be raped by 10 soldiers in her home.

Knowledge of doctrine give syou an environment for thinking. You will be destroyed by the next national crisis. When people make choices which limit their choices, they bring out the death of the client nation.

These chapters are recorded in the canon so that we can recognize the time in which we live, even before the situation breaks.

Even in the middle of a revolution; with doctrine in the soul, you can make some good choices. The opposite of “Better red than dead;” which puts you under a self-imposed tyranny.

Psalm 25:12 What man is he who fears Jehovah? He shall teach [instruct] him in the way that he shall choose.

Nun file. 14th letter. The concept of logistical grace blessing, which is exploited. The holiness and integrity of God. Logistical grace blessing and supergrace blessing are imputed from the justice of God to the indwelling righteousness of God.

The great myth is tithing for blessing. For 10% of your income, God will bless you. The righteousness of God is the home or target for all logistical grace blessing. If you are positive toward Bible doctrine, then logistical grace blessing turns into supergrace blessing. Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

We must have an environment for our thinking. Logistical grace is very important. Even in an environment of no freedom, thinking is the best way to deal with it.

What will follow is a great period of prosperity, in the reign of Solomon.

Our economy is beginning to get worse and the government will step in and try to solve it. If we do not solve it, the government tells us, it will get worse. But things have to get worse in order for us to go back to free enterprise. Ability is no longer developed; people can get by today without hard work, which limits productivity. David is in the midst of the greatest disaster in his life. He is in the 4th installment of his discipline. He has lost every possession which he ever owned. Right now, he is broke. He is in the basement of a basement. So, is David unhappy? He is under maximum pressure; Qal imperfect of lun. This means to spend the night, to continue followed by in prosperity.

David is a believer in [Y] and he has just made a momentous decision by shifting into his other scale of values. A mature believer has a alternate scale of values. There is a scale of values for prosperity. Category #2 blessing. He walks out on millions of dollars of possession, wardrobe, wine cellar, castle; gifts from all over the world. Walked out and did not look back. David walks out on this scale of values. In the transition, he is now in operation abased. David is still alive under logistical grace, and that is the environment for choosing. This is why Bob does not counsel any more. The worse thing Bob can do is counsel us; best thing he can do is teach us. We are to take doctrine in our souls into adversity. We must be able to operate on what we think, not upon what Bob thinks.

God honors His Word in us. He will give us the logistical support to take this word and make choices.

Psalm 25:13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.

2Samuel 15                           Psalm 25:14–15 72David                                631_0419

David Is in Supergrace

1.       David is in [z]

2.       The believer in [z] receives blessing.

3.       The believer enjoys prosperity in time of blessing and in time of historical disaster. The flexibility of being able to shift from one scale of values to another. Doctrine must be at the top of the scale of values in prosperity and in adversity. Ahithophel during time of prosperity was one of the great men of the land. There is loyalty as a virtue and honor and a man of great integrity. He will shift gears to his adversity scale of values. He will do things, in prosperity, would be considered sin. Knowledge is the environment for thinking. David carries his prosperity in his soul. Doctrine does not add any weight to one’s pact.

4.       Some categories of historical disaster involve the loss of some things.

5.       The believer must have 2 sets of values. Perception of doctrine is spiritual growth and 2 scales of values. A friend of Bob’s has set up a bunker around his wine cellar. We have to be very flexible when it comes to disaster. In an instant, we must make a choice.

David will have 2 sons by Bathsheba. Both the legal and the real lines are involves in the humanity of our Lord. Ahithophel is the prime leader and the only one with a good plan for the revolution.

Samek file. This connotes a fulcrum or a support. Originally, this looked. A fulcrum girls us leverage. The connotation is that doctrine provides a fulcrum by which we have several for adversity.

We begin with the counsel of the Lord. It takes a good cool wave to cool down the ardor. When they say, “I love you” then a decision must be made. If you make the wrong choice, you run out of freedom. You cannot make anyone happy. The handsomest and most personal, etc. cannot make another happy. You must have happiness in your own soul. You make yourself happy by your own soul.

The counsel of the Lord belongs to those who respect Him. True love is respect; not emotion, but respect. Emotion is a byproduct and an expression of legitimate or illegitimate whatever.

Fear, here, means respect. It is far better to be respect by a woman than to be loved by one. Emotion is like quicksilver; the more you squeeze it, the more rapidly it disappears.

The establishment segment of the Jewish pivot.

Psalm 25:14 The secret of Jehovah is with those who fear Him; and He will show [teach] them His covenant.

David has a right to expect deliverance; the ayin file which is a reference to the eye; it refers to David’s perspective. Now David is away from his normal circumstances of blessing. He does not even have shoes on his feet.

David no longer has his castle, his wealth his fame; but there is one thing which he has on the Mount of Olives. Jesus Christ is the God of Israel.

There is no historical disaster or any problem too great for the plan of God. We cope and God solves. Sometimes God removes difficulties and sometimes He perpetuates it. Because of rebound, the cursing is turned to blessing, but he had so much discipline saved up that God needed to break it up into installments.

God promises that nothing will be unbearable. The purpose is blessing.

Psalm 25:15 My eyes are ever [continually] toward Jehovah; for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

2Samuel 15    Psalm 25:16–17 July 4th 1980 Conference 72David         631_0420

Who knew before Sun Zu? The answer is David.

We are going to be dealing with all of the counterinsurgency groups today.

Revision of the schedule. This study will help us to understand why we lost the war in Vietnam, which failure can be placed up some people in very high places.

15 medals of honor to the 36th division (?).

Medal of Honor James Logan from Texas. Medals are given out unfairly, and often for Texans, who are given medals inferior to that which they should have received.

There are 5 psalms which help us to determine how to understand several difficult passages in the Word of God. We have noted Psalm 61–64.

Amer is translated to say but it has about 25 different meanings, which include to interrogate, to think.

You can only have thoughts which you personally understand. Doctrine resident in the soul is the environment for good decisions. Some things are solvable within the laws of divine establishment. However, many things cannot be solved; we are to learn how to cope and God solves.

Reading the translation does not mean anything until you have it explained. Bob tells us to get Romans and to get David. Without those 2 studies, you are not up to date.

Ittai made the decision to go with David and David said okay. Hushai the Archite popped out of the bushes and David sent him back, setting up a spy system.

Many of us how peculiar ideas about what is right and what is wrong.

Under historical disaster, you sometimes must walk out on great prosperity and material blessings.

Also, there are circumstances where you do undercover and spy work.

Psalm 25:13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the land.

Psalm 25:14 The counsel of Jehovah is with those who respect Him; and He will show [teach] them His covenant.

Psalm 25:15 My eyes are ever [continually] toward Jehovah; for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

Pe is the mouth. This marks the beginning of David’s prayer. It will begin the revolution.

Koph is the back of the head, and this letter is omitted. It represents ignorance.

The arrogance of ignorance is the great problem. This is gate 15 and it is closely related to the arrogance gate 2.

Crusader movements, like the abolitionists. There are some great villains in American history like Wm Lloyd Garrison, who would tear up the constitution. The arrogance of ignorance caused us to love the war in Vietnam.

God cannot be complicated by sin or by absurdities. God cannot bless sinners. God has found a way to bless sinners. God makes war against the arrogance of ignorance. This is why client nation USA is in jeopardy today.

Strong delusion, ignorance are all a part of the arrogance of ignorance. They would believe the lie before they would believe the truth.

The arrogance of ignorance is combined with the arrogance of power. Infinity marks all that God is and all that He does. There is never a time, billions of years ago, that God was not absolute truth and perfectly motivated.

Rightly dividing the Word of Truth requires us to distinguish between a true fact of history and the truth of God. God honors truth in history. Mature believers have the truth. Deliverance comes through truth. You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Arrogance is the corrupting factor of power and authority. Satan is the ruler of this world and power is still subject to great corruption. The arrogance of ignorance which rejects truth.

The Qal imperative of turn. The son, Absalom, is the defacto king; David is the dejury king. He is responsible for thousands of people who are following him. They will need food and protection.

Winston Churchill is probably the main reason we have not lost entirely in the unseen war. The President of the United States has put out a CIA policy which demands that we will lose the unseen war. The nation which wins the unseen war, sabotage, espionage, etc. wins the conventional war.

Humility + objectivity + flexibility = David

This prayer begins now and moves all the way to the end of this psalm. Hushai the Archite, who says he is lonely and under pressure. Jesus Christ controls history. If David is successful in his withdrawal from Jerusalem and can maneuver in Gilead, then he can win. But he needs information in order to make the decisions which will allow him to move this way.

Lee, with all of his genius, did not have facts. Winfield Scott Hancock was a great union soldier who kept Lee in the dark. No matter how great the mind, the mind is no better than the information it has. The same is true of the believer in Jesus Christ. We may be no better than the content of doctrine in our souls. David was great because of humility. He was great, not because of being a mature believer, but because he was able to apply the various rationales. I assume that would indicate that you are a mature believer.

Right now, David is blind. He does not know the situation. David has no way of knowing where he is going to go. He needs information in order to determine where to go next. David will lure Absalom and his forces into this terrain.

All of the doctrine in his soul is useless until he has the information in order by which to make decisions. People think that Sun Zu figured this all out, but David knew this 500 years before Sun Zu.

Our mercies, which is logistical grace support, are renewed every day. Being lonely in the high echelon of command is normal.

There are those who go into the ministry because someone else who makes it look easy, and they have no real preparation. What the ministry lacks today is academics. Any seminary which places emphasis upon Christian Ed is dead. Talbot Seminary is probably the best and Berachah’s friend in Tulsa.

Chafer said he would rather spend 20 years preparing for 1 good year in the ministry; rather than 1 year of predation for 20 lousy years in the ministry.

Success means loneliness. And some of us want to enjoy life too much to be successful. It is still a lonely life. David’s need to learn Bible doctrine and to apply it is apparent in this passage. Now he needs to apply it. If the Lord does not provide victory, then there is no victory. You can lose a lot of battles and yet win the war. You can win many battles and still lose the war. Jesus Christ controls history. The Russians are ready for war, right now, right this moment, and far more prepared than we are.

Jesus Christ controls history and if the Lord does not provide victory, there is no victory. If God does not deliver, there is no deliverance. This describes David leaving Jerusalem, climbing over the Mount of Olives, and going over the Ford of the Jordan. If the Lord does not give you victory, then you are defeated.

Put a .44 in the hands of someone who is untrained, and they can’t hit the sky with it. However, but it in the hand of trained expert, and he can use it; one of the finest handguns in the world.

David must use the weapon of prayer and use it properly.

Psalm 25:16 Turn to me, and be gracious to me, for I am wasted and afflicted [lonely].

Tsadeh file, which is the 18th letter. There is a handle and a sickle to cut down something. This refers to David reaping what he has sown during the days enmeshed in 4 installments of discipline. Faith reached out and claimed a promise. The sins he confessed have already forgiven. He is now in control of the situation through the control of the spirit through operation Bathsheba. So great is that discipline, that He had to divide it up into 4 increments. He handled increment 1 fine, did not so good with 2, failed 3 and then 4 was his finest hour. He will enjoy the greatest prosperity that he has ever known. The 10 years of his life will be great. A half century of great blessing to follow. The word profit is an honorable word. People conduct business honorably.

David is reaping what he sows and, he will reap blessing out of disaster. Only God can turn disaster into blessing. Cursing is turned to blessing.

The troubles of my heart have expanded; the pressures of my right lobe have increased. David is facing national disaster. He is dealing with 15 years of discipline. David has doctrine and he is thinking.

David has recovered from interlocking systems of arrogance and he is humble. He then adds yatsa, which means to go out. Here, it is the Hiphil.

David asks to be brought out with greater blessing than he has known in all of his life. This is his prayer request as a mature believer. This tells us that David is ready to go with this disaster. The thoughts of one man will change history.

David is looking for more than simple deliverance. This prayer request is compatible with logistical grace rationale and divine establishment rationale. David is petitioning for God to turn his cursing into blessing. Blessing on top of deliverance is the ultimate function of deliverance. The prosperity of humility always begins in great disaster and it manifests the wisdom and glory of God.

Psalm 25:17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged [the pressures on my right lobe have increased]; bring me out of my distresses [disasters].

2Samuel 15                     Psalm 25:(1–17) 18–19 72David                          631_0421

The red chart of confusion, which Bob asks everyone to haul out, so that he can correct it. 2 Saturday sessions followed by a military communion rehearsal.

The principle is, problems created by arrogance and ignorance can only be solved by God. You assume because you can solve problems in your profession, social life or business, that you can solve national disaster problems. You are wrong. Problem solving belongs to God. David will cope, but God will solve the problems. You might be able to solve problems within the framework of your business, etc., it does not follow that you can solve the problem of disaster. God has given a certain amount of personal problems to alert us to this principle.

Interlocking systems of arrogance, which is degeneracy, and the rejection of 3 categories of truth, which is strong delusion. We cope; God solves. Success does not start on the battlefield; it ends there. Winning a battle does not mean winning the war or solving a national crisis. God solves national problems; not people. It is arrogance to think otherwise. We may think that we have a solution, but we have simply entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Man copes with disaster; God solves.

You must think spiritually and you must think doctrinally. We get so wrapped up in the problem and figuring out the solution, that we do not help. If you are not familiar with the plan of God rationale or the essence of God rationale, you are not qualified to face disaster; you are, at best, qualified to fail. Your personal problems are designed to be an FTX—a field training exercise—for national disaster.

Jesus Christ controls history. Loneliness does not mean the absence of people. The greater the responsibilities, the greater the pressures. There may have only been 50 people who think like David thought, and if you think straight, you can be lonely. It is not the absence of people; it is the uniqueness of responsibility and the uniqueness of thinking. Jesus Christ controls history. David was alone because of his authority and because of his thinking.

It is your thinking which makes or breaks you. David did not think as many of us think. He thinks in terms of doctrine.

I will do my best and think doctrine, no matter who is president, no matter what is going on. We are looking for a deliverer; we are looking for a messiah. The Jews had the messiah and they missed it because they were looking for someone to deliver them from the Romans. No human being is going to deliver.

The federal government has all but destroyed free enterprise. Being a police officer today is a nightmare; same for being in the military. There is no clarity of thinking in the military. Everyone thinks in a little department and no one sees in the big picture. Every man who is great in a profession overcomes all of it by his thinking; and sometimes by rejecting esprit de corp.

We used to say, “If you walk to a war, you will never get there.” is what the calvary would say.

You may start out with 2x = 10 and therefore x = 5; but you don’t stay there all of your life if you are going to be a mathematician. There are other great nesses in other areas, and they must be all brought together. No war is won by one unit or by one type or an organization.

Some of you are making bad decisions because your thinking is wrong to begin with. With all of David’s greatness, it is ultimately the Lord’s greatness that delivered him. It is almost ludicrous for someone to say, “This thing can save or that thing can save.”

Admiral Stockdale coped with almost hopeless situations. He had something in his soul called thought. That is what brought Stockdale through all of this.

During the next month, we will pick up information that we have never been privy to before and this is because no one has ever studied this material. It will take us a month to cover this material, and the greatest commentators give it a few sentences.

We have one crisis, and economic one. There is another crisis going on; not much rain is coming down. Drought is always a beginning of God speaking to us. And if we can’t cope with hot weather; then we cannot cope with any real disaster.

There is nothing fair about any of the military organizations or the police force. There is nothing fair about business. There is nothing fair in life.

You must advance in the atmosphere of incompetence, injustice, and isolated from your preconceived human prejudices.

David stood on the battlements of a fort; and everyone passes in review. You cannot lead resistance to the revolution with 1 corps. He had 3 corps.

The sons of the priests would be the spy couriers. David, before the sun goes down, will think in terms of 4 psalms. He thought acrostically. Later on, he brought this back into his mind, and reproduced it.

Bob reviews the passage:

Psalm 25:1 To You, O Jehovah, I lift up my soul.

Psalm 25:2 O my God, I trust in You; do not let me be ashamed [confused], let not my enemies triumph [gloat] over me.

Psalm 25:3 Yea, let none who wait on You be ashamed [all of those who have confidence in You will not be put to shame]; let them be ashamed who sin without cause [they will be confused, those who are treacherous without a cause].

Psalm 25:4 Make me know [Teach me] Your ways, O Jehovah; teach [train] me Your paths.

Psalm 25:5 Lead me in Your truth [Guide me with your doctrine], and teach me; for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day long [all day long, I have confidence in You].

Psalm 25:6 Remember, O Jehovah, Your tender mercies [compassions] and Your loving-kindnesses [grace]; for they are from eternity.

Psalm 25:7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, or my rebellings [my defection]; according to Your mercy [grace] remember me for Your goodness' sake [because of Your good; because of Your plan], O Jehovah.

Psalm 25:8 Good and honorable is Jehovah; therefore He will instruct sinners in the way [His modus operendi].

Psalm 25:9 The humble [grace orientated] He will guide by means of justice; and the humble [grace oriented] He will teach His way.

Psalm 25:10 All the paths of Jehovah are grace and truth [3 categories of truth] to those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

Psalm 25:11 For Your name's sake [Because of Your person], O Jehovah, pardon my iniquity [forgive my sin; or, You have forgiven my sin]; for it is great. Prosperity continues in disaster. We must be able to walk away from possessions and material things.

Psalm 25:12 What man is he who fears Jehovah? He shall teach [instruct] him in the way that he shall choose.

Psalm 25:13 His soul shall dwell at ease [shall continue in prosperity]; and his seed shall inherit the land.

Psalm 25:14 The counsel of Jehovah is with those who respect Him; and He will show [teach] them His covenant.

It is right to kill in warfare. So, there is a different set of values in war. The greatest and most honorable people are those in counterinsurgency. What is ordinarily a sin, under counterinsurgency, is not a sin at all.

We have some clucks. “I’m in counterinsurgency” and they will use this line to justify everything that they do.

Psalm 25:15 My eyes are ever [continually] toward Jehovah; for He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

Psalm 25:16 Turn to me, and be gracious to me, for I am wasted and afflicted [lonely].

Psalm 25:17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged [the pressures on my right lobe have increased]; bring me out of my distresses [disasters].

Koph is the back of the head; the emotion; and there is nothing there for us. Don’t let your pituitary ruin your thinking. Think with your frontal lobes; not with your pituitary.

Letter #20 is resh.

Qal imperative of raʾah, which means look, see. The distress is the 4 installments of discipline. David has so much pressure from national adversity, that the discipline is over. He is where he declares this. His whole function; his greatest hour, is all out from under the end of his discipline. It took almost 15 years to get out from all of this discipline.

Qal imperative of nasaʾ and it means take way the punishment for all my sins.

David confessed his sins a long time ago. He is at a point where installment discipline is over and he needs absolute clarity in thinking. Lâmed means all of the punishment is completed, but the melody lingers on.

Cursing has been turned into blessing, and we are moving into David’s finest hour.

Psalm 25:18 Look on my affliction [pressure] and my pain [distress], and forgive [take away the punishment for] all my sins.

Now David asks God to look at his enemies. Shimmei is the petty type. He is typical of an arrogant person who is incompetent and inefficient. He is totally inferior to David and he would probably run around crowing that he put David down.

Ahithophel and Absalom are 2 of David’s enemies, and these are great men.

When a great man is down, his enemies increase and advance against him, like jackals against a wounded animal. People had nursed jealousy and hatred toward David for years and his enemies multiplied for many years, but they come out of the woodwork here.

The majority of people in this country are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, and we, as a client nation, will pay for it. It is easy to blame the president, particular the one we have now; and the press because they have no morals; and to blame the Congress because they are arrogant; etc. It easy to find a patsy; a scapegoat. But we ought not to do this because we lose our humility, flexibility and objectivity. We can go “Damn this and damn that; damn the traffic.” When you think that way, you are not thinking.

Bobby was following Bob home, and someone cut him off, and Bobby said, “you just have to realize, these people are arrogant.” Those involved in the arrogance complex have no capacity for life and no capacity for David’s good government.

Look at my pressure and my distress; take away the punishment for my sins. Look at my enemies, who have multiplied.

Psalm 25:19 Look on my enemies [Ahithophel, Absalom, Amasa, and this little cretin Shimmei]; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.

2Samuel 15                           Psalm 25:20–22 72David                                631_0422

shiyn file is next. It is a tooth and now we have something that we can sink our teeth into. Shamar means to guard; and what is being guarded is the house of life; life; soul. Hiphil imperative of natsal

the word for trust is the rabbit fleeing into the cleft of the rock so that something larger cannot get it.

Bob is going to read an article from Mademoiselle. I still think that it will take a man to make me happy. Although I know it’s foolishness, it has taken control of my life and I cannot get rid of this feeling of incompleteness. I think you know that no one can make you happy.

The woman who says, a man can make me happy is an idiot. Happiness is something that we weave for ourselves. As a psychiatrist, she says one thing which is right.

This Introduces Gate 16, the Gate of Arrogance of Unhappiness

1.       Happiness is a state of soul.

2.       A person might do something nice for us; and if we have happiness in our soul, we will be happy. Arrogance or self-centeredness or preoccupation with solf.

3.       People unhappy of soul stand around and expect everyone to make them happy.

4.       No one or no thing can make you happy. People get married because their mate promises to make them happy.

5.       One of the myths of life is that someone can make you happy.

6.       For the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, only doctrine resident in the soul can make you happy. This is through capacity for life, capacity for love, etc. When 2 believers are happy and married, they can make a go of it, even if they do not love one another. The idea that you must have some emotion is not necessarily true. If one is unhappy in his or her soul, their marriage can be miserable. The happy of soul needs to dominate the situation. You are either happy or unhappy because of what is in your soul, not because of who you married. RM/RW is the most distorted doctrine that Bob ever taught. If it’s your wife or gf, then just say so; don’t say, “This is my right woman.”

7.       Arrogance gives nothing and demands everything. One of the great principles of leadership is sensitivity. Arrogant unhappiness gives nothing and demands everything.

8.       For the unbeliever,

9.       For the believer, happiness is all of this + Bible doctrine in the soul.

10.     Because you already have doctrine in the soul, people can make you happy, because you respond to compatibility. You can enjoy people and you can enjoy your possessions. A new house, an old house, or any kind of a house can make you happy. The aristocrats spent 2000 years collecting things in a castle; and then we go over and buy all of it and haul it over to the US.

11.     Only the arrogance of unhappiness erroneously assumes that people and possessions can make you happy.

12.     Humility is the secret to happiness; arrogance is the basic cause for unhappiness. Arrogant people are unhappy people. Nothing makes them happy. Some have worked for a senior officer who was a workaholic and he spent all of his time making everyone unhappy. Lieutenants want to work 8 or 9 hours and go out and expend their youth. The man is a monster, but he is not a great leader. This is different than a dedicated person who works long hours.

13.     “Let’s remove that mule.” Not sure what that is all about, but I guess it is a sound. You can spend a lifetime trying to make an arrogant wife happy (or husband), but nothing will make them happy. They stand around waiting for others to come to them to make them happy. Happinesses to those who keep knowing the sound of the trumpet (which is war).

Imputed righteousness or the home of imputed blessing. Psalm 31:7 John 17:13, 17 sanctify them in doctrine. Luke 11:27 is one of Bob’s favorite women’s lib passages. This is an arrogant woman who interrupts him with a few words of her own. “Happinesses to those who keep hearing and retaining the Word of God.” Those with the arrogance of unhappiness generally have a guilt complex. Or a martyr complex. One tiny woman in the arrogance of unhappiness can cause great unhappiness to everyone around her. The arrogance of unhappiness. Humility of soul and a state of knowledge and thought. Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Poverty and wealth are perceived to be unequal. Suppose that all of thr wealth was taken and split up. Would people be happy? Of course not. No one will make you happy. Happiness is what you know. I have come to know what it is to be in need. The power poured in is Bible doctrine.

When David was inside of interlocking systems of arrogance, he had a great castle and a great amount of wealth and a harem of beautiful women with 10 wives and twice that in mistresses. He had everything that you could associate with happiness.

You may think that this or that choice is the key, but nothing will make you happy; nothing. No travel, wealth, greatness, sex, etc. None of it will make you happy.

Psalm 25:20 Keep my soul [You have guarded my life], and deliver me [now, deliver me]; let me not be ashamed [do not let me become confused (in my mind)], for I put my trust in You [do not let me become disturbed in my thinking because I have placed my trust in You].

Next, we have the taw file, which is the last letter of the alphabet and it is signature. Or, the bottom line. Coat of arms. David has honor and integrity. He starts out with the word integrity. Tôm, which means integrity. Integrity + loyalty as a virtue is loyalty to doctrine. Integrity versus loyalty as an evil. This is loyalty to a person. This is dishonor.

Jashar is the next word, and it means upright, honor. David recognizes that he will cope through the faith rest drill.

There is confidence in the big rope, and a small strand put into this rope takes on the strength of the rope. This is the strongest word for faith rest.

Psalm 25:21 Let integrity and uprightness [honor] keep me; for I wait on You.

The enemies of Israel are its own people. The same is true of the US. The real enemy is the arrogant American, under strong delusion.

Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Doctrine resident in the soul. David will make decisions based upon doctrine, which will continue to open up doors for more and more decisions. If your decisions are based upon doctrine, then you have the freedom for many other decisions. What David is thinking of will result in 50 years of great blessing to Israel.

Psalm 25:22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles [enemies].

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0423

Military communion.

Sun Tzu is considered to be the greatest military geniuses. Also Ghengis Khan, the most underrated miltiary commander of all time. He understood Europe and had a great network of spies. The Chinese were great cartographers. Great and accurate maps from the medieval times.

Sun Tzu 5 Points of Offensive Strategy.

1.       Human moral

2.       Weather

3.       Military doctrine and counsel

4.       The calculation of numerical strength

5.       Equity in the administration in rewards and punishment and training.

He who succeeds in conquering his enemies succeeds before they even meet to do battle. The worst policy is to attack cities, which was the medieval concept of war. Attack cities only when there is no alternative.

When 10x the enemy’s strength, surround him; 5x attack. 2x, divide them up; equally match, engage him. If your troops do not equal his, then avoid direct contact, and wait to find a soft spot. If I am weak and my enemy is weak, then I do not engage. This is what David did, 500 years before Sun Tzu.

No evil is greater than commands from the civilian sovereign from the court. Let the general in command handle it. Benevolence and righteousness may be used to govern a state but not to rule an army. The sweeter the politician, the worse he is as a military leader he is. The discipline used for the military is not the same as that used for civilians.

5 Circumstances to Predict Victory

1.       If you know when to fight and when not to, that

2.       If you understand how to use large and small forces. Sometimes the weak can master the strong. Napoleon did not lose the war in Russia; he lost in Spain.

3.       If Sun Tzu analyzed David, he and David would have made a great team. Create an invincible army and waits for the right time to attack. A bad general, who maneuvers enough will make a mistake.

4.       To rely on rustics and do not prepare is the greatest of crimes.

5.       To be prepared for any contingency is the greatest of virtues.

6.       Put a reign on an able general and then ordering him to win is ridiculous.

7.       Know the enemy and know yourself and you will win.

There are 5 sorts of secret agents who are employed the native (someone who is a citizen of the other country that you employ); the inside man, the double agent (enemy agents that we employ); the expendable agent (your own spies that you give false information; he is captured, tortured, and finally give it all up), the living agent (they seem to be dull, but they are strong of heart; able to endure hunger, cold, filth and humiliation; an agent who cannot handle humiliation is no good). There is no place where espionage cannot be used. You must know the name of the garrison commander and the entire staff. You must know all of those employed by the enemy.

Some Principles to Prepare Us for Samuel

1.       National degeneracy invites national disaster. This is another sign of an unhealthy country.

2.       Groups of rioting people. Authority arrogance provides the power for the revolution. Public opinion becomes a power without facts and without reason.

3.       The principle of sin+arrogance = evil; human good + arrogance = evil.

4.       Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution.

Revolution is the overthrow by violence of a duly constituted authority or an establishment and to replace the rulers in place and the type of government. Plot, machination, evil is the concept behind all revolutions. A revolutionary man seeks only evil. Psalm 64:4–5

Our revolution was not really a revolution. Seats in the House of Commons was denied. Therefore, this was a war for liberty. “Israel does not know me.” Revolution is mental illness. The whole head is sick. Those involved in revolution are mentally ill.

Isaiah has many descriptions of it. If the general public is susceptible to the propaganda, then revolution occurs. If they are authority oriented, then they stay the revolution. General public has to be arrogant and under strong delusion. The incorruptibles are those who not taken in. When revolution starts a civil war, the issue is truth. Revolution is inevitable. Authoritarian government is different from a totalitarian government. The first is compatable with the laws of divine establishment.

Our treatment of the Shah of Iran, Ian Smith of Rhodesia, and Bob mentions others, is shabby. These are authoritarian figures and they are good men.

The 2nd Principle Is, God Has a Plan for the Believer in National Disaster.

1.       National disaster does not change God’s plan for the believer.

2.       God’s plan goes right on, though certain changes must occur in the believer’s scale of values.

3.       Therefore, the believer must have a scale of values for historical adversity just as he has one for normal times.

4.       Every believer must have 2 scales of values. One for adversity and one for normal times. Believer must be in the state of humility. We must learn, if we are to be effective in an historical crisis, is flexibility. First approach in a crisis is survival. The Russians have millions after the 5 you want to take out. The idea of charge is stupid. When you have lost the initial advantage, you do not find the enemy and charge. You start thinking. There are so many Berachah types who want to take their .45 and get 7 (not unless they stand still for you). We need people with doctrine; not emotional jackasses needlessly sacrificing your lives. Ladies, why sacrifice your lives when you might live to kill a commissar.

5.       Doctrine must be first in both scales of value. Need objectivity and flexibility.

6.       Every believer must have maximum doctrine in the soul and he must avoid interlocking systems of arrogance so that he possesses humility and flexibility. When you choke up, you are inflexible and no good. It isn’t the person who gets emotion and charges the enemy, but the person who thinks and stocks the enemy.

7.       There are prosperity blessings and it is normal to have things and to enjoy them. That is normal times and a normal scale of values.

8.       Once a disaster occurs, the believer must instantly move into a scale of values for a disaster. So you don’t have to decide, what do you do with the yaucht.

9.       The material things must be abandoned physically and abandoned mentally.

10.     You may have to leave behind great material blessings just as David did. He left behind more than we will ever see. Remember, you have not lost the source of those blessings.

11.     The flexibility demands that homes, cars, etc. must be abandoned to looting and destruction.

12.     Many people are destroyed in catastrophe because people cannot shift gears to an adversity scale of values.

13.     Biblical documentation is found in Philip. 4:17 I know how to live in prosperity and in difficulty. I can do all things through Christ Who keeps on pouring power into me.

14.     Lying, cheating, fornicating, and killing are all parts of counterinsurgency.

Bob is going to give us one verse, and dedicate it to the hotshots and the arrogant. 2Sam. 17:14 we are about to launch into Hushai the Archite; “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” Absalom was thrown off by David’s mole. The Lord sought to frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel. Hushai the Archite was a mature believer and he walked in and lied and deceived and he cheated, and it was not sinful.

It is a sin to lie, but Hushai deceived Absalom and it was not wrong. It is wrong to cause a person to commit suicide, but Hushai did it and it was not wrong. Absalom could not be beaten until Ahithophel was removed; and Ahithophel committed suicide. Hushai maneuvered him into suicide.

The Outline

1.       The activation of the counterintelligence corps.

2.       Hushai the establishment mole penetrates the Absalom staff.

3.       The success the victory of counterinsurgency. 2Sam. 17:1–14

4.       The ultimate victory of clandestine warfare. 2Sam. 17:15ff

2Samuel 15:31                                     72David                                              631_0424

We gave so little thought to the military, and yet put together an incredible army. The only thought here may have been, a large army can result in the overthrow of the government. Democracy often borders on anarchy.

The walls were painted a prison grey because too many people gave their input. Now, changes take about 3 minutes. Suppose the army ran based upon the opinion of everyone in the United States? It would be chaos. People successful in business or science cannot run an army. Whiz kids like McNamara are brilliant and know nothing about the military.

No large organization succeeds beyond the integrity and the honor of those who compose it. The problem is self righteous arrogance. In self righteousness, we have set up a stupid code, and we have eliminated any chance of developing intelligence. The CIA was founded in 1945 because we recognized that the KGB had declared war upon us. The Baptists do not understand this; the self righteous people in Washington do not understand it; the clandestine war

Once an attack is launched, you only have a few minutes to go with the computers or not. What saved us from a major war at that moment was a human being. We depend too much upon science. The very idea of lying and terror and deception confuse some; but these are valid under counterinsurgency. That is just as honorable to fight the dirty war behind the scenes as the up-front war. It just takes more character in order to wage such a war. When a liberal magazine prints the truth, it is time to notice. KGB is watching every minute (I think this is from Time?). KGB is not only fighting us, but it is used to keep watch over its own citizens. FBI is our internal organization; CIA is the external security.

Bob recommends A Wilderness of Mirrors. Some are villains guilty of this or that; and that is the problem for most people. We do not grasp this, but the Bible does. Lying is a sin to us and deception is wrong for us; lying is right for a CIA agent and deception is a good thing and honorable for a CIA agent. What is heroic in combat is criminal in peace.

Soviet spies in 1951 were thick in Washington D.C. The CIA failed to penetrate the Soviet Union. Jimmy Doolittle provided Ike with a 69 page report which told him that we were losing on the covert front. Doolittle suggested the intensification of CIA counterintelligence efforts. They are certain that there are KGB moles in the CIA. The CIA needs to become more ruthless. Doolittle is a fine, sweet gentleman and a former boxer in college.

The secret war remains as deceptive and as devious as ever.

2Sam. 15:31 And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]."

Ahithophel was David’s secretary of state. He had a son named Eliam, who was a great general and David knighted him. He was a successful general in a successful army. Ahithophel became disenchanted with David when his granddaughter Bathsheba was raped and/or seduced and brought into his palace. He admired Uriah the Hittite, so that Ahithophel turned against David. He became the real leader of the Absalom revolution. His genius was never greater than planning, setting up, and moving the revolution forward.

His duty and oath as an officer (Eliam’s) was greater than that of his father. He was a professional above all else. Freedom and security of this client nation depends upon the military.

Ahithophel was famous for his sagacity. David knew that Ahithophel could make or break the revolution. He was a brilliant man, a secretary of state, under Saul first and then under David. He knew the military as well as he knew the state department.

David prays to God to subvert Ahithophel’s counsel. Bob hates hearing, “Yeah.” He straightened out one kid at a conference, “It’s yes, sir; not yeah.” Dear Jesus is as blasphemous as the man upstairs; and O, Holy Ghost, that isn’t prayer, that is insanity.

Go back to the concept of building. God the Father is the builder. Jesus Christ does the work. The Holy Spirit provides the energy. You might see something you don’t like, but you don’t speak to the electricity to fix it. You may or may not speak to the one doing the work; but, you will clear everything through the builder directly, the one who planned it and oversees the project.

Ahithophel wanted to pursue David immediately; and Hushai talked Absalom out of it.

Psalm 64 is the entire prayer of David and this is the first record of counterinsurgency, circa 1000 b.c.

Psalm 64 inscription For the music director; a psalm of David.

Psalm 64:1 Listen to me, O God, as I offer my lament! /Protect my life from the enemy's terrifying attacks.

Psalm 64:2 Hide me from the plots of evil men, from the crowd of evildoers.

Psalm 64:3 They sharpen their tongues like a sword; they aim their arrow, a slanderous charge,

Psalm 64:4 in order to shoot down the innocent8 in secluded places. They shoot at him suddenly and are unafraid of retaliation.

Psalm 64:5 They encourage one another to carry out their evil deed. They plan how to hide snares, and boast, "Who will see them?"

Psalm 64:6 They devise unjust schemes; they disguise a well-conceived plot. Man's inner thoughts cannot be discovered.

Psalm 64:7 But God will shoot18 at them; suddenly they will be19 wounded by an arrow.

Psalm 64:8 Their slander will bring about their demise All who see them will shudder,

Psalm 64:9 and all people will fear. They will proclaim24 what God has done, and reflect on his deeds.

Psalm 64:10 The godly will rejoice in the LORD and take shelter in him. All the morally upright25 will boast. We left David at the top of the Mount of Olives.

Hushai the Archite was out there 24 hours in advance; he knew what was going to happen. He was hidden from David. He knew how to blend with his environment. David moves up the summit and he does not even see his answer. This was a place where Canaanites used to worship. He picks a place where no one is going to look for him. Every person going over that hill did not see Hushai. No one spotted him. The organization went right by him and no one saw him.

Often the place of pressure becomes the place of blessing.

2Sam. 15:32 While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

1Chron 27:33 And Ahithophel was the king's counselor. And Hushai the Archite was the king's companion [friend].

These are the 2 more brilliant men in the kingdom, next to David and Joab, and one will side with David and one against him. Hushai is a personal friend of David’s. Hushai was an aristocrat. Hushai will become the leader of the insurgency corps.

There is the humility and the flexibility to deal with this national disaster. Now, he is clearly David’s friend because he has dust on his head and he has torn his robe in order to indicate his sympathy with David and with Israel. They have both walked out on their great wealth and prosperity.

Your wealth often must be instantly abandoned as you flee during a time of national disaster. Hushai has come away from Jerusalem with torn clothes, representing his change of scale of values. Every believer must have 2 scales of values. Some of you have gone out and bought some land and a farm and you carry weapons there; but just remember, that is a hobby and nothing more. The best laid plans of mice and men. It is okay if you want to do that, but that is not your deliverance. Your deliverance is the doctrine in your soul. It is the lightest package you can carry. It does not weigh anything. Even if you lose your life to the commies, you carry doctrine with you to heaven.


1.       Hushai is humble and flexible. You need the doctrine in your soul and you must be flexible. You must be free of the 16 gates of interlocking systems of arrogance. You may enter by one gate and they interlock with the others.

2.       He has applied the logistical grace, plan of God rationales and has abandoned all of his worldly goods. He went from his prosperity scale of values to his adversity scale of values.

3.       By ripping his robe and putting dust on his head, he demonstrates the flexibility of youth (and he is an old man).

4.       Hushai had reached the summit long before David. He blended in so well that David’s security and bodyguard did not catch him. There is no rear guard or front guard which caught Hushai. It takes an old man to skin the kids.

5.       The local had no significance to Hushai. They allowed prejudice to make them inefficient. They do not go over into the heathen worship area and they miss Hushai the Archite.


7.       He is a wealthy and successful old man who abandoned all of his accumulated things, he has a greater capacity to appreciate the situation. The same capacity by which he enjoyed his wealth is the same capacity he applies to shift gears. He still had the source of his blessing. The material blessings are left behind, but the One Who gave it is with Hushai. Little does he know, but he will return to his house. And he will become the first recorded mole in history.

You cannot shift gears to an emergency scale of values unless you have the doctrine in your soul. The content of your thought must be doctrine. Hushai understood the 2 scales of values. Every now and again, he would take out this scale of values. Why do you think that you have disasters divorced from the rest of your life. This gives you a chance to rev up the generator to see if everything is still working. You can use the faith rest drill to put everything into working order.

Hushai could identify prosperity or adversity. Very few know adversity when they see it and many imagine it when it is not really there.

Hushai waits in a place of danger, a place that is usually avoided, and this place of danger is as safe as his drawing room in Jerusalem.

David has been thinking and praying; and Hushai has been thinking and not praying. Hushai is the most alert guy you will ever meet. He causes the leader of the revolution to commit suicide. Now, don’t you drive anyone to suicide.

Dust on his head is not for a party in Jerusalem, but it represents his discarding the superficial possessions of prosperity.

Normally courageous people in disaster have a tendency to be impulsive and that sometimes leads to arrogance. As long as God gives us life, and as long as we can think, we must be flexible. Flexibility means that we might even have to cater to the revolutionaries in order to move up the ladder and to take out those who are more important.

Remember, ladies, the advice you got on rape? Bob took up a whole week on rape, but I don’t know which study.

If God gives you life then survival is the issue.

Hushai does not approach David saying, “look at me, David, I have a torn last suit. And the revolutionists are tearing up all of my possessions back home.” He does not whine.

Bob will stop and explains about covering one’s mouth when yawning.

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0425

Bob reads back from v. 31:

2Sam. 15:31 And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]."

2Sam. 15:32 While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

Bob cannot recommend a beginning Hebrew or Greek text because he began these studies in 1940 and 1936; so Bob tells everyone to go to Glenn Carangie.

Hushai might be David’s closest personal friend, and David tells him that he will be a burden to him.

David Keeps Hushai Behind

1.       Hushai is not ready to march across the desert without hardly any food and to march with a flying column might even kill him.

2.       Hushai unable to keep up with his flying column.

3.       Therefore, David would not allow Hushai to join in with him. David is not being cruel, he is being thoughtful. Great leadership has to take cognizance of the needs of others. Bob has many times disagreed with something said at a party, so he keeps his mouth shut or he asks questions to see if he is wrong about something.

4.       Think in terms of your circumstances. In a debate, think in terms of a debate; in a social situation, think in terms of a social situation. Think in terms of your environment. This is known as being alert. We think of that in a specific environment, but the concept of security needs to be reasonable. Bob recalls Chafer speaking in England and there are several thousand there, and the person who spoke before him gave every heresy about the Holy Spirit. He said you could lose the Holy Spirit if you sin, and he had a weepy ghastly devotion, very much like Pentecostals today. Chafer was a guest of Chesic, and because of that, Chafer changed his topic from teaching about the Holy Spirit and taught about Jesus Christ instead. You have to be alert to your own circumstances. When in Rome, do as the Romans do is the epigram. Any form of leadership, social life, etc., requires that you be alert. It requires you to pay attention to what is going on. David notes that Hushai is in bad physical condition.

5.       David has a better idea to take into consideration Hushai’s ability and talent. He could also appear stupid or naive when he is really brilliant. Arrogant people are impressed with sincerity. There are tons of KGB moles, like Alger Hiss and others.

6.       The appearance of Hushai is recognized by David who is alert was answered by prayer. David is so alert and sharp that he figures this out immediately. He figures that hushai is worth 3 divisions.

7.       David gave an honest estimate of the situation which takes consideration of Hushai’s old age. By sending him back to Jerusalem, Hushai can be David’s most effective agent.

It takes maximum courage and ability to be a counterinsurgency agent. There was no book written on this. If you area counterinsurgency agent; you do not have a book by which to go by. No one you can ask. You are on your own. So you have to be sharp. This is not for everyone; it is for those with great courage and mentality. There are non-compos mentis types (not being of a sound mind). They might think they are in counterinsurgency; and they think they are in the CIA or FBI agents. Counterinsurgency demands the maximum. Hushai is going into counterinsurgency work, which requires a radical change of his values.

2Sam. 15:33 David said to him, "If you go [march] on with me, you will become a burden to me.

David issues the first recorded orders for counterinsurgency. Hushai is to supplant Ahithophel under Absalom. Hushai is a genius and he is loyal to David; but Absalom is so arrogant, he does not realize this.

Bob goes into the waw conversative here, saying this ought to be a consecutive or an imperfect or some damn thing.

Format for Intrigue

1.       This involves lying. Hushai will claim to be a servant of Absalom. David is asking his dear friend to go to Jerusalem and lie. He is asking him to be deceitful.

2.       Lying and deceit is the strategic environment for counterinsurgency.

3.       At best, counterinsurgency is dirty work. It can involve murder, lying, deceit and the exploitation of every human weakness to neutralize enemy strength.

4.       Therefore, counterinsurgency requires a contrast of inner values and outer behavior. It requires lying, deceit, intrigue and total ruthlessness.

5.       Contradiction of prerequisites often results in the occupational hazard of becoming a double agent. He has his own areas where he can be destroyed. Therefore he can be a traitor to the country which trained him. David martins has a good chapter on this.

6.       To avoid becoming a double agent and a traitor, he must have integrity and honor so that the believer with maximum doctrine in the soul so that Hushai is the best qualified person for this kind of dirty work. The greater your integrity the better your application of ruthlessness.

7.       Counter-revolutionary activity is called counterinsurgency.

8.       Counterinsurgency can take the form of violence, murder, assassination, intimidation

Ghengis Khan was a genius in the field of intimidation, although he was personally a very sweet man. Counterinsurgency can take the form of murder, or whatever. Charlotte Corda guilty of crusader arrogance who became a criminal. Crusader arrogance is the fascinating part of her history and she murdered Marat so this is crusader arrogance destroying criminal arrogance. She was a beautiful peasant woman who came to Paris and she vamped Marat and she got him up to his apartment, got him into a tub without any clothes and then she took a knife and stabbed him a few dozen times. The entire story of counter insurgency is not known. She should have written an account of her life. They had her body examined after her death and she was still a virgin. So how did she get Marat into that apartment, get him undressed, and still maintain her virginity? It is the same way counterinsurgency maintains its honor will killing and assassinating others.


9.       This can take the form of ruse and it is Hushai exploiting Absalom’s weakness.

10.     An excellent description of counterintelligence in the wilderness of Mirrors. What passed for virtue there sometimes is grotesque in the light of day. The U.S. only accepts one standard for warfare. We play the game fairly. One standard system. Interlocking systems of arrogance makes us very vulnerable to destruction. We did not lose the Vietnam War because of our soldiers but because of the arrogance of the civilian population. Also because arrogance produces self righteousness and the self righteous standard of arrogance is totally inflexible. War in the Shadows also a must read. History of guerilla warfare and it starts with Ho Chi Minh.

every time we have gone to Asia to stop communism, we have not stopped communism but have made a void communism. As long as peasants remained apathetic or hostile, the military efforts could not succeed. The arrogance of ignorance with the arrogance of power; and that is why we ended up being there. Another chapter, why did JFK fail in Vietnam? The arrogance of ignorance. All those who warned him, nothing could be gained by moving troops into Vietnam. MacNamara has a phenomenal memory but he has done more to sabotage the American military than anyone other than our direct enemies. They did not understand the complexities of insurgency. They accepted false reports that continued to come in from the field. They gave a dangerously inaccurate picture. We have only been good in the CIA. We tried to solve a political problem with the military, and there is no way to do it apart from counterinsurgency. The arrogance of ignorance began to assert itself with... Saturation of a battle area contains a number of built-in booby traps in an insurgency situation. The more targets available to the enemy. The Vietcong got the bulk of their arms from ARVN (army of South Vietnam). Our problem is, we have only one standard for fighting.

They accepted quiet areas, and this is where insurgency was needed. They refused to accept adverse reports from subordinates filed from the field. If President Johnson expected his words to get Ho Chi Minh to the peace table, he was mistaken. The enemy never thought they were defeated even if they lost battles. It never occurred to them that they lost anything.

We killed over 190,000 deaths in one year alone; a half million in all? Spending $14 million per day.

this is an historian who understands why this civil war was lost by Absalom. If the U.S. continues to function internationally as before, disaster will result.

This guy was able to look at us objectively. He was able to scrap all the views and to be objective about it. We are fighting only with one standard.

More on Counterinsurgency

1.       David had the good sense to operate under a different standard for non-conventional warfare. In conventional warfare, you have certain standards, like Napoleon, not to send in infantry without support. You need the function of genius on both sides of the fence. We do not engage in serious clandestine warfare and that is a mistake.

2.       We have one standard only.

3.       For this reason, we have been defeated by the communists in unconventional warfare. They are ruthless; and they are evil as well. Ruthless warfare in non-conventional warfare is the only way to go.

4.       Flexibility necessary.

5.       Intelligence, counterintelligence and counterinsurgency demand humility of knowledge and power and norms and standards in that field of warfare. God used counterinsurgency, intelligence, lying, cheating, bribing, intimidating. 2Sam. 17:14

Hiphil perfect of parar. It means to frustrate. David orders Hushai to act as a spy. The British had a counterintelligence agency. Another one is named. MI5 and 6 under Sir Colln McBain Cummins (McCummins?). He was very low key. A great fighter pilot. Legion of Honor. The British gave him the DSO, that is a significant medal. He is a strikingly handsome Frenchman. He had to appear as a double agent. He was a courier between SOE and London. He got this medal to indicate that he did honorable work, even though many did not recognize what he was doing. French tried him first in a military court, and then in a civil court, and he was acquitted with honor. This tells you how stupid the western mind is.

Bob said we dropped a bomb in the wrong place in Japan due to bad intelligence. They are all gripers, whiners and mewers in Nagasaki. We try to make our men feel guilty for that. We ought to dump this stuff in communist areas where it would do some good.

Humility, flexibility and objectivity necessary for counterinsurgency. To be great in the nasty business of intelligence, one must combine counterintelligence with lying, deceit, bribery and exploiting weaknesses.

David here is specifically asking Hushai to lie. This is legitimate. This is not for those who just came out of the Baptist church; nor is this something which is for those who have Rebecca of Sunny brook farm thinking. The application belongs to us. Do not make the choice to resist the doctrine so that you lose options when the balloon goes up.

10 minutes for those to see the movie.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will [help me] frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

2Samuel 15:34–37 16:14–17              72David                                              631_0426

Something from across the channel and it is about the raid on Iran. We had a good plan here run by only the army; and then the others wanted to go in and insist that they all have a part. That was why it failed. This was the type of a thing where you do not mix the services. There is another problem, but that is not for public information. There was a public leadership factor as well. Israeli experts; one suggested that US attack several places and take several counter hostages. Few people in Washington can explain the many ways this all failed. Bob knows why and several others know why. But this is not public information. The Israelis point to a weakness of the U.S., that we are not equipped for unconventional warfare.

2Sam. 15:31 And it was told David [this is an intelligence report], "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom." And David said [then David prayed], "O LORD, please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness [frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel]."

2Sam. 15:32 While David was coming to [approached] the summit, where God was worshiped [where people were accustomed to worshiping God], behold, Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat torn and dirt on his head.

2Sam. 15:33 David said to him, "If you go [march] on with me, you will become a burden to me.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will [help me] frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

David was a genius with unconventional warfare. The nasty business of spying, deceiving, collecting information and frustrating enemy plans, with assassinations and other such things. Hushai will infiltrate Absalom’s staff at the highest level. The KGB has been the most successful organization in the world in place moles in the highest levels of government in every western European nation, with the exception, possible of England.

Revolutions are always based on falsehood and lied. Revolutionists live by the lie, so it is fitting that they die by the lie as well. Those who live by the lie should die by the lie. Same as conventional warfare; those who live by violence are destroyed by greater violence.

Introductory Concepts

1.       Hushai the humble with defeat Absalom the arrogant.

2.       Absalom had built his life on arrogance and lies and Hushai will use his arrogance against him. Therefore, Absalom will be destroyed by his own weakness. Absalom destroyed himself by his own arrogance.

3.       Therefore, arrogance creates its own system of destruction so that those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance destroyed themselves and those involved are not the source of the downfall of the arrogant; they are used to exploit the weakness of the arrogant. He can blame himself and only himself.

4.       This is how God uses counterinsurgency. 2Sam. 17:14 God is perfect and cannot approve of sin or sponsor sin. Dual systems

5.       Hushai’s counterinsurgency is that part of warfare which neutralizes the genius of the enemy.

6.       Hushai is a member of David’s intelligence network.

7.       Quotation this has been observed by men in the past. From Lord Wolseley's "Soldier's Pocket-book": "As a nation, we are brought up to feel it a disgrace to succeed by falsehood; the word 'spy' conveys in it something as repulsive as slave. We will keep hammering away with the conviction that honesty is the best policy, and that truth always wins in the long run. These pretty little sentences do well enough for a child's copybook, but the man who acts upon them in war had better sheathe his sword for ever."

Winston Churchill is one of the great men of his time, but not just as a leader or a commander; but it is the genius and imagination by which he developed one of the great systems of counterinsurgency during the cold war. He authored the classic epigram of Ruddigore. “In wartime, truth is so precious, that she should always be protected by a bodyguard of lies.” The actual quote of Churchill: “In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”


9.       Success often depends upon clandestine warfare, but there are too many in the United States are too self-righteous to deal with this. For the kooks, you are not in clandestine warfare.

10.     David had no problem with using lies and deceit to defeat Absalom.

11.     Hushai infiltrates to the highest levels.

12.     Hushai is a mole in Absalom’s organization. Hushai was motivated by freedom and country. We have to conclude that Hushai performed his duties courageously and honorably. A quote from the Romans.

2Sam. 15:34 But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'I will be your servant, O king; as I have been your father's servant in time past, so now I will be your servant,' then you will [help me] frustrate for me the counsel of Ahithophel.

Additional Principles

1.       Hushai walks the narrow line between honor and counterinsurgency. The same tunnel vision which has led to a rise in crime is the same that has us stymied in counterinsurgency. The Russians say that they can conquer us without firing a shot on the battlefield. We are too easy to infiltrate. We have tunnel vision.

2.       Billions of years ago, God knew that David would ask Hushai to do this. Hushai is the answer to David’s prayer.

3.       God entered the result into the computer of divine decrees.

4.       All of this in the doctrine of divine decrees, and this is an excellent illustration of how God uses the wrath of man to praise Him. God uses counterinsurgency to punish client nations.

5.       This illustrates James 4:6

6.       Revolution is founded on falsehood.

7.       God often turns the enemy’s best weapon against him. Arrogance destroys arrogance; lies destroy lies. The intelligence war is the major contributor to the civil war which follows.

Each part of counterinsurgency depends upon other parts of counterinsurgency.

David now sets up his intelligence network. David has an insurgency assignment and a straight intelligence assignment. Hushai has already agreed to enter David’s service as an intelligence agent. Hushai works by himself, but he will transmit information to Zadok and Abiathar. They are David’s chief agents in Jerusalem.

2Sam. 15:35 Are not Zadok and Abiathar the priests with you there? So whatever you hear from the king's house [palace], tell it to Zadok and Abiathar the priests.

David explains what the network will be. The 2 sons of the high priests will be David’s couriers. They will provide all of the information by which David will make his decisions. There will be some exciting adventures including going down a well and a woman lying for them. Women are very good at this; they are very naturally deceptive.

2Sam. 15:36 Behold, their two sons are with them there, Ahimaaz, Zadok's son, and Jonathan, Abiathar's son, and by them you shall send to me everything you hear."

They arrive at the city just as Absalom does. Hushai enters in from the west and Absalom from the south. Two imperfects mean contemporaneous events. Absalom has a triumphal entry from the south and Hushai, sent by David, to undo Absalom’s evil. This means, God controls history. One arrogant and one is humble. They are both believers. Absalom built his life on lies and Hushai will use the same system to destroy Absalom. The arrogant must always fear the humble because God makes war on the arrogant, but he gives grace to the humble.

2Sam. 15:37 So Hushai, David's friend, came into the city, just as Absalom was entering Jerusalem.

This brings us to our second increment. The first paragraph of operation Hushai is, who knew before Sun Tzu.

The 2nd paragraph is Hushai penetrating the upper echelon.

2Sam. 16:15 And Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, had come into Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him.

Hushai comes to Absalom. Hayah gives us some historical sequencing. Absalom and his retinue coming down the street, and right there is Hushai. David’s mole. Here is a man humbling himself before Absalom, an arrogant leader. This means to have the king live in great prosperity. It is Hushai’s intention to wipe out David’s opposition. Some people are liars. Some are just habitual liars. For a normal man, lying is abnormal. Here, this requires tremendous flexibility. He is deceiving as a great patriot; as a great man. The arrogant are weak. Whatever that natural strength or abilities, Absalom will be destroyed through the very thing which he used...lying. Absalom was a dishonorable sinful liar and Hushai is an honorable unsinful liar. To the kooks, you are not in counterinsurgency.

This word for friend can be honorable and dishonorable (e.g., a prostitute). Ken Philbey is perhaps the greatest mole in history. “May the king have a prosperous reign; I am here to see that he does.” Or, “May the king have a prosperous reign (I have to make you think that I am sincere).”

A mole is an agent of one country attempting to infiltrate the highest echelon. More successful spies were recruited out of Cambridge and Harvard both. There is an attempt to plant false information. The objective is to neutralize genius. Absalom lives inside interlocking systems of arrogance so that arrogance neutralizes his ability and talent.

This is flattery of obeisance. Absalom in arrogance was very vulnerable. Absalom accepts these words as homage to a genius. This satisfies Absalom’s ego, and Absalom does not suspect him.

2Sam. 16:16 And it happened, when Hushai the Archite, David's friend [mole], had come to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, Let the king live! Let the king live!

Absalom gives Hushai a top-secret clearance with a poor interrogation. He is not really suspicious. Arrogant people lean toward pettiness. Since Hushai was recognized as David’s close friend, Absalom is rubbing this in, in pettiness. Like the gf who comes crawling back to a man, and he asked, “Where’s your boyfriend?” He is saying this out of arrogance and pettiness.

Arrogant people are not objective or flexible; he is vulnerable to flattery and vulnerable to his own failure. Then Absalom is sarcastic. Why did you not go with your friend? Pettiness wants to see Hushai crawl a little bit. He wants to reduce all of those around him to a piece of obsequiousness. Absalom superficially investigates Hushai’s relationship with David, but not from the standpoint of good interrogation, but more from arrogance. Absalom’s intelligence is not existent or poorly informed. Arrogance produces incompetence. Prejudice guarantees incompetence.

You must be flexible in order to be devious. The deviousness of arrogance is failure. Absalom’s intelligence constantly breaks down. It is commanded by those who are arrogant in the top echelon. They neutralize their own ability and the ability of the agents under them. You must be flexible to be devious.

Nobody reported to Absalom that Hushai sneaked in one gate when Absalom came through the other. No one tells Absalom so Absalom does not ask Hushai, “Where did you just come from?”

Application of These Principles to the United States of America

1.       The political arrogance of the United States guarantees disaster. Vietnam has no real strategic value to the United States.

2.       By identifying ourselves with those whom God has chosen to punish (the people of Vietnam); their system of demonism and idolatry which was overdo for this people. God is punishing a whole segment of the world. There have been many missionaries in there. There has been a rejection of truth. Thailand, Cambodia, and all of Vietnam, and God has used the communists to punish them. When we went into Vietnam, we were interfering with God’s discipline of this area. For the same reason we should not gossip, we should not have gone into Vietnam.

3.       The misuse of our military establishment once committed. We used systems of war which worked before, but not in this war. We are fighting a flexible force, so when we hit this or that place heavily, they moved out. General Giap was a genius in this field. He was a brilliant genius and possibly the greatest modern genius in guerilla warfare.

Only the British were able to deal with this system in Malaya. A Brit could walk into Malaya and torture someone until they give up the information. We do not know how to fight a war; we do not know how to fight dirty. The British are able to do this. The greatest missionary movement is in Korea. The Presbyterian missions went in and did a tremendous job. However, the Koreans went negative toward the truth. Then we got in the way. We cross seas in our self righteousness. We don’t even know what we are doing. It isn’t that we are not smart; we are simply arrogant. Arrogance makes us stupid. Never go in to defend a people whom God has decided to destroy. Any half-baked theologian can figure it out. How have these people responded to missionaries? God punishes for rejection of the truth.

We have done more to advance communism than anyone else. We are personally responsible for a third of the people being given over to communism. Nader gets away with what he does because we are self righteous crusaders. We will be judged for everything that we have done since 1945. If God wants to use the communists to slap down people who are negative and covered with scar tissue of the soul, that is His business. We have become so arrogant that Bob wonders if we will survive as a nation. God may have to knock us down to our knees, and kill millions of Americans, and we might understand where we are.

Don’t you dare scream out in your pain; why did the justice of God allow this to happen to me?

2Sam. 16:17 And Absalom said to [interrogates] Hushai, Is this your kindness [grace, loyalty] with [to] your friend? Why have you not gone with your friend?

2Samuel 15                                          72David                                              631_0427

We will need a lot of great men in the future. The citizen soldier and the professional soldier fought side-by-side and you could not tell the difference between them.

2Sam. 15:37 So Hushai, David's friend, came into the city, just as Absalom was entering Jerusalem.

2Sam. 16:15 And Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, had come into Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him.

2Sam. 16:16 And it happened, when Hushai the Archite, David's friend [mole], had come to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, Let the king live! Let the king live!

The Application

1.       Political arrogance and general arrogance have increased in the population of the United States. We can no longer blame our leaders for what is happening. Interlocking systems of arrogance has made a tremendous difference. Now we find arrogance in every facet of American life. Elected representatives that you blame are still elected representatives. You are the coward if you blame them; you are the confused, mixed-up person. Bob does not admire Mark Clark, but never thought that he professionally had the moral courage to command a corps.

2.       We have failed in Korea and Vietnam, not because we have failed in lower echelons of command, but in higher echelons. We did not win either of these wars, but the men who fought these wars were magnificent. In the overall picture, we were interfering with divine punishment for southeast Asia and we were fighting against God. Our policy makers had tunnel vision. It never occurred to them that we had no business there tactically or strategically. From our highest echelons we made nothing but mistakes. Richard Nixon was a genius; his IQ was way up there according to the scores in CA. We did not lose at the conference table; we lost way before that. When God destroys a people, He destroys them. Just like us, when we gossip and malign others; we get triple compound discipline. We did not enter the war with truth.

3.       If God chooses to use the communists to punish China and southeast Asia, it is wrong for the United States to interfere with divine punishment. We do not want to be on the wrong side of God. We have stuck our noses into other’s affairs because we are arrogant. We stuck our nose into Rhodesia and South Africa, and they run their business much better than we do. We got involved with Nicaragua and we destroyed a great system. God will not let us get away with that. Our job is to take the gospel and the Word to the rest of the world. We have become apostles of evil. We are responsible for the enslavement of a third of the world.

4.       Look at the record; we have not stopped communism in southeast Asia; we have aided them. North Vietnam is one of the best-armed force in the world. North Korea is one of the strongest armies in the world as well.

5.       As a result, we have already been disciplined. The Vietnam war introduced a bunch of false issues. However, once committed to war, you go. We are a multi-racial nation; we are held together by being a client nation to God.

6.       Once involved in the Vietnam war, our warfare was conventional.

7.       We fought the wrong kind of warn in Vietnam and some did not fight at all. During the war, some were persona non grata. Some could not even get on planes to go home when they hit stateside.

8.       Vietnam was our chance to develop and refine clandestine warfare. This is necessary in order to deal with communism anywhere. The perfect field exercise. This would have been a new concept. We needed to learn dirty warfare; deception, intimidation, torture, killing key personnel. There was some of this, but it was never organized into a system and still is not. We still do not have a system or a policy. Ask 25 high echelon men and you’ll get 25 answers. We have a small force, Delta force. No missionary effort is any good unless it is indigenous. You train the natives to reach their own. The same ought to be true of our counterinsurgency. Train the natives. We did not bring Vietnamese over here for training. We don’t gather 40,000 Poles here and train them to fight communists. We have not learned a thing. The arrogance of ignorance. Indigenous strategy; train people how to fight for their own freedom. We fought for the freedom of South Vietnam and we still don’t understand their country. One day, we sent in a medical crew to fix up a village and the next day, we would sent in bombs. We train and equip the South Vietnamese and train them to resist communism. No one knows the Vietnamese better than the Vietnamese. We put them with American equipment out in the rice paddies so they could be identified; but we ought to put them into black pajamas and give them Russian equipment.

2Sam. 16:17 And Absalom said to [interrogates] Hushai, “Is this your kindness [grace, loyalty] with [to] your friend? Why have you not gone with your friend?”

When Hushai said no, he won over Absalom. However, Absalom’s interrogation was lame. Absalom was a genius like his father David, but he is stupid because of arrogance. He is a genius with arrogance.

Hushai is lying, but he does not confess this lie. He is not there to be honest to Absalom. He is not going to tell Absalom, “David did not want me to go with him because I am too old, so here I am; but I wish David was here and not you.” Lying is a sin for you and I, but not for Hushai; lying is honorable in counterinsurgency; it is great.

In a revolution, you can count on the Lord and the people being on opposite sides. Hushai throws them together. They are a mob, who are about to rape, torture, steal and kill.

Absalom and Hushai

1.       Had Absalom not been blinded by arrogance, he would have recognized that Hushai was shining him on. God is never on the side of a revolutionary force.

2.       Maximum doctrine does not describe the revolutionary party. They are anti-doctrine.

3.       So the revolutionary party is better described by interlocking systems of arrogance and strong delusion.

4.       Arrogance is weak and vulnerable to deception. Any deceptive approach.

5.       The flatter of deception overcomes and defeats the arrogance of ignorance.

6.       God has not chosen Absalom, only the scum and rabble have chosen him. There are arrogant like Absalom.

7.       We must distinguish between the people and the men of Israel.

8.       A large segment have defected to the Absalom revolution. The Lord promoted David to king. David is still king de jure. Interlocking systems of arrogance combined with strong delusion and result in violence and evil. Hushai the archite must lie and deceive and appeal to Absalom’s vulnerability to flatter.

2Sam. 16:18 And Hushai said to Absalom, “No, for he whom Jehovah and this people have chosen, even all the men of Israel, his I shall be, and I shall remain with him.

2Samuel 16:18–20                               72David                                              631_0428

A citation read. A guy takes out 2 machine gun nests and almost a 3rd. 7th medal of honor for this division. He did survive the war and was taken as a prisoner.

Dallas Morning News is one of the best newspapers of Texas, according to Bob.

2Sam. 16:15 And Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, had come into Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him.

2Sam. 16:16 And it happened, when Hushai the Archite, David's friend [mole], had come to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, Let the king live! Let the king live!

2Sam. 16:17 And Absalom said to [interrogates] Hushai, “Is this your kindness [grace, loyalty] with [to] your friend? Why have you not gone with your friend?”

Hushai says, “The voice of the people is the voice of God.” The flattery of deception always succeeds against arrogance. Absalom sees himself as the only person in the world worth serving, so he believes this.

2Sam. 16:18 And Hushai said to Absalom, “No, for he whom Jehovah and this people have chosen, even all the men of Israel, his I shall be, and I shall remain with him.

Hushai makes a bid to be on Absalom’s staff. I was fidel to David and I will be fidel to you as well. Absalom falls for the flattery of Hushai. Once you accept this system of arrogance, you are easily manipulated.

Hushai offers up illogical logic. “You are God’s man, just as your father used to be God’s man before the revolution. I served him well and I will serve you well. The voice of the people is the voice of God.”

A verb is not actually repeated, but ought to be, as per the Hebrew. The best lies always have some truth in them. A person picks up the truth he knows and your smiling sincere face, and buys into the lie.

He asks a question with a question. He just needs a sincere expression.

Appealing to Arrogance

1.       He is telling lies to gain the confidence of Absalom. These are legitimate lies. This attack is based upon vox populi vox dei. The voice of the people is the voice of God. This is a lie, which has caused all kinds of trouble in history. Past success and greatness in the U.S., but arrogance can make us vulnerable to this. “You are the people; we want to give you what you want and need; you have been victimized by big business, you have been pushed around, and this candidate will save you from that.” This is one of the oldest systems of exploitation.

2.       Vox populi vox dei is false. Being elected by the people does not make you God’s choice.

3.       The truth of the principle is found in vox et praea nehil “It is a voice and nothing else.”

4.       Hushai’s fabrication is now implying that Absalom is ruling by the will of God; but he is there because of strong delusion, arrogance and violence. Hushai perpetuates the lies.

5.       Hushai implies self righteousness. “I have come to serve you, because it is obviously God’s will that you are the king.” Doing this means, Hushai entered into a role of a self righteous arrogant ass. He put on his best pompous face and gave his best pompous speech, and Absalom buys into this. Absalom is impressed by self-righteousness. You must be arrogant, reversionistic and under strong delusion to be impressed by self-righteousness. “Have you ever been to a party where it got a little rough?” self-righteousness and arrogance is what is going on in the government; and presidents of oil companies are cast as villains.

6.       While David was in the will of God, Hushai served him faithfully; and now, Hushai is lying about Absalom being in the will of God.

The real hero of this civil war is Hushai the Archite (and he is worth all 3 corps of David’s army at this time). Fidelity to David is the will of God. That is true; fidelity to Absalom is a lie. Absalom thinks that Hushai is fidel to him now. Absalom will be destroyed by these lies. Absalom will here some approaches and put together a plan; and then Absalom will call Hushai in, and change his plans, based upon what Hushai says.

Dolittle’s 69 page report to Eisenhower, and how the KGB was winning against our CIA at that time. Bob quotes from this report. He urges the CIA to become more ruthless than the KGB. We must learn to subvert, sabotage our enemies with more effective methods than those used against us.

2Sam. 16:19 And a second time [Furthermore], Whom should I serve? Should I not serve before the face of his son. As I served before the face of your father, so shall I be before your face.

Hushai Has Penetrated the Highest Echelon of Absalom’s Staff.

1.       Ahithophel is the genius of the Absalom staff. Ahithophel organized the revolution when Absalom was in exile.

2.       David prayed to frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel.

3.       Results in Psalm 64

4.       Hushai is the answer to David’s prayer.

5.       At the moment, the staff is dominated by Ahithophel but, Hushai will soon dominate the staff. Absalom will go from one disaster to another.

6.       Hushai sits on the revolutionary staff, but Ahithophel’s opinion is dominate.

7.       Counterinsurgency will neutralize the genius of Ahithophel.

So Absalom asks Ahithophel for advice. This indicates who dominates the staff. Ahithophel is a genius. He has used violence and tremendous thinking powers to make the revolution a going concern. He is neutralized by interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom is no good without Ahithophel. Absalom’s ability is destroyed by arrogance. He is not good apart from Ahithophel.

Here’s the key: 2Sam. 16:23 And the counsel of Ahithophel which he counseled in those days was as one who had inquired at the Word of God. So was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both to David and to Absalom. Absalom is a pretty boy with a great mind, but arrogance has neutralized his thinking.

Because of arrogance, Absalom does not know what to do next. There is no battle in Jerusalem; there is no siege of castle Zion. He did not expect this. He had no idea this would happen. Absalom is arrogant and has the ability of Ahithophel. So, the revolution is on the back of Ahithophel. Ahithophel is a humble man. No matt how much doctrine you have learned, you walk into interlocking systems of arrogance, and you become instantly a dummy. All that doctrine stored up, and yet you fail because you are arrogant. You cannot use the doctrine that you have learned when inside the interlocking systems of arrogance.

Genghis Kahn was a great man of history, but his sons were filled with arrogance. His son Batu Kahn was, in many ways, a greater man, but inferior due to his arrogance.

It is Ahithophel who has all of the answers. Absalom is asking for advice and Ahithophel is the wisdom of Absalom. Arrogant people cannot use their own talent and ability to get through life. Vanity has destroyed their personal assets.

He will order the rape of the 10 mistresses that David left behind. Also, a plan to assassinate David.

2Sam. 16:20 And Absalom said to Ahithophel, Give your counsel [advice], what we shall do.

2Samuel 16                                          72David                                              631_0429

We are not quite to the civil war yet. We have left out some of the details so far. Why did Ahithophel become the evil genius behind the revolution? Also, why did the general public join the general revolution even though they had great government.

Gate 17 Iconoclastic Arrogance.


1.       Arrogant thinking creates an image of perfection which is superimposed upon a person or an organization, thus creating an image of perfect, and it superimposes it upon and creates an idol of illusion and enchantment.

2.       This is self-deception through arrogance.

3.       It is an unreal and misleading image created by arrogant volition and thinking by a person who is arrogant but may not realize that he is arrogant. He does not have normal illusions but he has abnormal illusions.

4.       Accompanying this is the state of being enchanted by illusion and subjective thinking.

5.       Once the illusion disappoints its creator, real or imagined failure; the person is disillusioned and/or disenchanted. This is the feet of clay syndrom.

6.       The arrogance of disillusion or disenchantment ignores the reality of human sin and failure and creates an image apart from sin and failure.

7.       That same arrogance reacts to what it creates and destroys what it created. The same arrogance that created the image reacts to the image and destroys.

8.       This is the quintessence of subjectivity and arrogant thought.

9.       Arrogant subjective people in their preoccupation with self spend their lives following this pattern of ignoring reality and the doctrine of Hamartiolgy.

10.     Love, respect admiration related to humility and reality are normal and not to be included in the concept that we are studying. The secret to capacity for love, capacity for life, capacity for happiness is humility. Picks an object, creates an image and then becomes disillusioned with the image, without any awareness from the image.

11.     Humility never destroys romance and true love. Romance fanticizes true love which does not exist in the devil’s world.

12.     Gate 17 is the arrogance of creating out of unreality your own idol, creating your own unreality, reacting to it and destroying it.

13.     Arrogance creates an idol of perfection. The greater the arrogance the greater the self-righteousness. The greater the demand for perfection in others.

14.     Arrogance is the discovery of someone else’s feet of clay, someone else that you have constructed into an idol of perfection. Anyone can be a victim, then you discover the feet of clay and you become disillusioned with what you have created in arrogance.

15.     In other words, you create in arrogance your own idol, react in arrogance with disillusion and then destroy this idol. That is what Ahithophel did with David.

16.     This is the vanity of blaming someone else for the fantasizing from your own arrogance. Yet, you did the fantasizing, you created the idol of perfection and then you destroyed it. You cannot have any sort of happiness with this in your soul.

17.     This is also the function of creating out of arrogant thinking and idol and then worshiping this idol in the sphere of unreality and then blaming the idol for not being God.

18.     Only God is perfect; man is depraved. The quintessence of sinfulness is arrogant thinking. Such degeneracy is associated with some form of arrogance rather than with vulgarity. The person creates with his arrogant thinking an idol or an image which exists in his own thinking; and then he reacts and destroys that idol with his arrogant thinking.

Arrogance disassociates with reality. If you are arrogant, then you are disassociated from the reality of life.

Disassociation Arrogance

1.       Disenchantment arrogance begins with an object of attraction or image created by your own arrogance and terminates with preoccupation with self.

2.       Long or short subjectivity; the insanity blames the idol for what you yourself have created. That is recycling subjectivity; the worst kind.

3.       The arrogant person never blames himself for his own arrogance. He transfers the blame to others for his arrogance.

4.       He creates a concept of perfection where none exists. So you become disillusioned and disenchanted. In disillusion, they blame that someone for an opinion which you created.

5.       In this category of arrogance, the idol is really innocent, whether the idol is sinful or not. The arrogant idol-maker is guilty of the most heinous form of subjectivity.

6.       The pronouncements made about another person’s feet of clay. They are recycling subjectivity. This destroys them. They are advertising their entire boyd is clay.

7.       It takes clay to recognize clay. It takes arrogance to make an image

8.       Preoccupation with self leads to such admiration from one’s own opinion that love is turned into hatred and admiration into bitterness, respect into maligning.

9.       Personal opinion is placed above Bible doctrine. None of us are perfect. We all sin. The idea that one sets himself above another follows the principle, let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.

10.     Disillusion arrogance rejects the doctrine of imputed sin and the sin nature in all of us. All classifications of personal sin in self, while overemphasizing these things in one’s self.

11.     This is the arrogance of presuming the prerogatives of God

12.     This assumption assigns perfection to self; the recycling of subjectivity. You are implying a superior perfection to self.

13.     This assumption assigns perfection to self and imperfection to your idol.

14.     Disillusion follows illusion and arrogance reacts and belittles and maligns and destroys the image your own arrogance created.

Third concept

The Feet of Clay Syndrom

1.       The feet of clay syndrom is the arrogance of rearranging the doctrine of Hamartiolgy to your own convenience. suit your own life, social life,

2.       It is arrogant to be idolatrous about people. It is just as arrogant to be iconoclastic about people. That is one who breaks idols or destroys them. It is the witch-hunt for someone else’s feet of clay.

3.       Admiration is normal but parlaying this into an idol of perfection is abnormal and sinful; arrogance is a sin, evil and self destructive. You may find the feet of clay in someone else, but when you find it, you are destroying yourself.

4.       Blends over to iconoclastic arrogance.

5.       To admire, to love, to honor, to respect, to revere, to adore, to approve, to applaud are normal functions of humility and objectivity.

6.       Construction and then destruction of idols.

7.       God is perfect and God is to be worshiped. People are to be respected, honored, loved, approved, even with all of their imperfections. They can be objects of adoration; that is normal in life. What is abnormal is to transfer the worship of perfect God to the worship of imperfect man.

8.       The believer who is humble will never be disenchanted with God. Of course, that is blasphemous.

9.       The believer who is humbled will never be disillusioned with people. Arrogance of iconoclasm.

10.     Disappointment with people is normal. It is normal to be disappointed. Disillusion and disenchantment to an idol you have created is abnormal and sinful in the way that Satan sinned.


12.     The feet of clay syndrom is arrogant and it assigned the idol to the lowest hell of disenchantment.

13.     When you recycle subjectivity, you are doing it all. You assign perfection to the idol, then find imperfections in it, etc.

14.     You have created the image and you destroy the very image that you created. Man, being imperfect, cannot create a perfect thing.

15.     Doctrine resident in the soul produces the esteem, adoration, love, etc., but these things are flexible. Adoration is not wrong in such a situation.

16.     Therefore, humility never assigns perfection and never reacts to imperfection when humility loves, admires, respects, and even adores. Only arrogant thinking can produce iconoclastic arrogance of disillusion and disenchantment.

The Interlocking Aspect of Iconoclastic Arrogance

1.       The 17th date interacts with the instability of the arrogance complex; and oscillation between self-righteousness and self-pity.

2.       Since the idol created by this arrogance, is associated to authority, this makes the believer open to institutional arrogance. You find yourself in institutional arrogance and you find yourself looking to undermine your boos or company. You created an idol, so then you reacted with disenchantment and disillusion.

3.       Since the person involved in disillusionment arrogance is basically unhappy. It is also associated with the arrogance of unhappiness. You cannot go through one without going through the other. It is very difficult to go through gate 17 without being in the arrogance of unhappiness. One contributes to the other. They interlock.

4.       The arrogance of disillusion and disenchantment, there is nothing that can make them happy. They are reacting to the target which can make them happy. The always react when they discover real or imagined faults in the idol that they themselves created. They create their own trap and walk into it.

5.       This also results in crusader arrogance. A crusader is a frustrated self righteous person. He goes from individuals to groups.

6.       The object of the crusade is to punish the idol for being human or the idol group for being human. Like the person who throws his medals on the White House lawn.

The 17th gate is the greatest distraction to Bible teaching, since all pastor-teacher and missionaries and evangelists have sin natures and some discover it too soon. Bob wanted to dedicate this to those who come every single night to class.

Disorientation to Life

1.       It should be emphasized that the arrogance of unhappiness always interlocks with gate 17 and when they interlock, they produce disorientation to life.

2.       The basically unhappy person is vulnerable to disillusion.

3.       Generally, happy people are realistic and flexible and can distinguish between love and perfection. We have never loved any person who was perfect. None of us have loved anyone who is perfect and when we react to that, we are in trouble. You are disoriented until doctrine gets you out of it. You need to be able to separate love and perfection. “I love you” is dependent upon the character of the person. We can distinguish between admiration, love, respect, esteem and perfection. Generally happy people are objective and flexible. Only the person disoriented to life cannot make this distinction.

4.       Doctrine insulates the believer against turning the object of his admiration, love, esteem into perfection.

5.       Admiration and respect cannot be turned into disillusion or disenchantment without the arrogance complex in your soul.

6.       In other words, you are arrogant, not the person you are destroying through your feet of clay syndrom.

7.       This forces the conclusion that basic disorientation to life and basic unhappiness have the same source: arrogance. It is your arrogance, not that you are the only arrogant person around. It is the greatest molding instrument in the world.

8.       Gate 16 with this divorces the believer from life. This is what threw Ahithophel off. This is why so many believers can be neurotic or psychotic under circumstances of adversity.

The First Word Is Pomposity as an Illustration of Arrogant Disorientation to Life

1.       Only God should be the true object of worship.

2.       Perception of doctrine leads to true occupation with Christ.

3.       Again, it is normal to love people and to honor people and to respect them.

4.       Pomposity is he characteristic of self-importance or disorientation to life through arrogance.

5.       The discovery of the feet of clay in a self-creqted idol is the pomposity of arrogance and preoccupation with self to exclude realtiy.

6.       Disenchantment is self-produced through arrogance.

7.       You have no one to blame except for yourself; disenchantment is the abnormality of arrogance. You need to get gack to yourself to come out of this spin.

8.       The rebound marriage; the woman creates an image of the man she marries first, reacts to that image, and then marries the next man who asks her. Ahithophel is the perfect illustration of the feet of clay syndrom.

9.       He was the most brilliant officer in David’s cabinet and he idolized David, as only one genius could appreciate the genius of another.

David seduced Ahithophel’s granddaughter and made her pregnant. And Ahithophel reacted to this like you cannot believe. Bathsheba had a father, General Eliam, and he remained faithful to David throughout the entire revolution and civil war. He was a humble man with doctrine and his father was an arrogant man with an arrogant image. General Eliam never once wavered in his loyalty because he had humility. He admired David and respected him and understood his position as establishment. This will help some us to orient to military life. Some might even make up with their bf and say, “I’ve been a fool” and that’ll get his attention.


9.       It takes arrogance to create the idol. Ahithophel became disenchanted and disillusioned. He discovered David’s feet of clay and went from conspiracy to criminal arrogance. The great genius of Ahithophel was turned into the evil genius of Ahithophel. He resigned from David’s cabinet and joined the revolution.

Ahithophel the Pompous

1.       The arrogant self righteous person loses any life or happiness.

2.       Acity for love and happiness. The confusion comes from creating from arrogance and his own volition the entire situation. You recycle subjectivity.

3.       You can’t divorce the arrogance of unhappiness from the arrogance of disillusion.

4.       Ahithophel served God and his country under the authority and policy of David.

5.       The administrative policy of David was not changed through his involvement with Bathsheba. That was his personal life and it did not change his domestic or foreign policy. The administrative functions continued the same. Even though David was involved with Bathsheba, his policies had not changed. Good government continued. His personal life did not interfere with the function of good government.

6.       David is not off the hook with God. A man like David can fail in his personal life through sin and yet be a good administrator. Gaius Julius Caesar had a rugged personal life, but his administrative genius was phenomenal.

7.       Therefore, the father of Bathsheba, Amiel or Eliam, remained loyal to David because the policy had not changed. He understood that his job was to go right on. No matter what David had done to his daughter. And Bathsheba is in love with David. That might be a factor as well. He carries right on professionally. He does not allow his personal feelings to interfere. It is tough for fundies to be professional in anything.

8.       David’s feet of clay did not disturb the function of General Eliam, but they did destroy Ahithophel because it created an image.

2Samuel 16                                          72David                                              631_0430

More from Dyer’s Erroneous Zones. All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much blame you find or how accurate it is, it will not change you. It does not matter even if blame has some effect, but it will not be upon you.

Feet of clay syndrom. Arrogance creates an image of a person, and then it discovers a flaw in that person, and you then smash the image you have created. Whether you are normal in creating an image of a person or abnormal, all depends upon whether you are inside or outside of gate 17. You discover your idol has feet of clay and you then react and destroy your idol. Disappointment is normal; disillusion is abnormal. We create a monster and we did not like how the monster behaved so we destroy the monster.

You have no capacity for anything which God has given to you, so you get barely minimal logistical grace. The arrogant person is shocked to see the feet of clay and they then react and destroy the idol. Subjective people always transfer the blame. This assuages their arrogance. This creates an opinion about someone else. In this opinion, the idol is innocent. The idol did not create himself as an idol; the person did.

Preoccupation with self places personal opinion above Bible doctrine. This ignores the universal implications of Hamartiolgy. Watch out for this kind of person. They will make you very unhappy. This is the illusion of assuming that anyone is perfect. Then they will seek to malign and destroy anyone who suddenly is discovered not to be perfect.

Only arrogance takes these normal characteristics and makes them into an idol. The believer who is humble would never take these people and make them into something that they are not.

The interlocking aspect of iconoclastic arrogance. This interacts with the instability of the arrogance complex. The idol created by arrogance makes believer open to disillusionment arrogance and disenchantment. Such people cannot be made happy. The object is to punish the person for their flaws. Every person has an old sin nature.

Disorientation to life was the next principle. Mild to total disorientation to life. Happy people can generally distinguish between admiration, love, respect and perfection. Admiration and respect cannot be turned into disillusion or disenchantment in your own soul. You are the arrogant one, not the image you are trying to destroy. The person who is this image may be terrible, but it is your arrogance which destroys this person. When you create an image, you take that and put it out there. Bob admires Eisenhower. Gate 16 and 17 always move a person away from reality.

You cannot respect and you cannot admire if you have a soul filled with arrogance. You can never knock it out when you are filled with arrogance. There are a lot of things Bob would like to do, but he finds doctrine to be important. Those who claim that they will make it up on tape rarely do. Taking in doctrine is a way of life. However, we are going into a national disaster period and we will look back on these day when we are so exhausted and we will wish that they could be reduplicated.

How could a great man like Ahithophel fall apart and fail? How could anyone be dissatisfied to the point of getting into a revolution? Pomposity. Only God should be the true object of worship. Perception of doctrine leads to perception of Jesus Christ. It is normal to love and to honor people and to admire them. There is nothing wrong with it. It is abnormal and arrogant others to blames others. Pomposity is the characteristic of self importance. The discovery of the feet of clay in a self-created idol is pomposity. Disenchantment is produced through arrogance. Anyone or any organization. Many of us have changed jobs or churches or number of things. Ahithophel is the perfect illustration of the feet of clay syndrom. He must have idolized David. It take arrogance to create an idol and it also takes arrogance to destroy one. Ahithophel discovers David’s feet of clay. His son admired David, but he idolized David and he reacted to David doing wrong. His very own granddaughter raped and seduced and her husband murdered. Ahithophel reacted. The difference between Ahithophel and his son is arrogance. From worshiping David, Ahithophel became the genius of the Absalom revolution.

Ahithophel the Pompous

1.       The arrogant pompous, self righteous person has no capacity for happiness. In reacting to someone’s divorce, you always forget that you have created your own idol. The divine institution of marriage is sometimes made into an idol. They get divorced or they have an argument and you think everything is perfect. God cannot bless you with arrogance in the soul. We have God’s righteousness. All blessing comes to God’s righteousness. There will be no supergrace blessing flowing down that pipe if you are filled with arrogance. You need capacity for these things.

2.       In this creation of idols, you also develop a false concept of people. This is why the little girl who is upset over her ex bf and she goes out to get married in reaction. People are not perfect. If we are arrogant, we will idolize people. The family who prays together stays together is false. This ignores what doctrine teaches. We respect what God has created.

3.       You cannot divorce the arrogance of unhappiness from the arrogance of disillusion.

4.       Ahithophel served David as his advisior and this was serving his nation as well.

5.       The administrative policy of David was not changed despite his sin.

6.       The father of Bathsheba remained loyal to David. General Eliam remained loyal. He applied doctrine and he was a great professional soldier. Do not every be hindered from your duties because your superiors are imperfect.

The Seduction of the General Public in the Absalom Revolution

1.       There was a fabulous government. The people combine the arrogance of ignorance with iconoclastic arrogance.

2.       The general public of Israel was divided in several ways; criminal and law-abiding, liberal and conservative, the arrogant and the humble, believing and unbelieving.

3.       Humility of the general population tested when David raped and seduced Bathsheba and then murdered her husband.

4.       The arrogant put David on a pedestal.

5.       Humility is normal. Arrogance is abnormal. Sometimes it takes a revolution to see it. It is easier to learn in class than during a revolution. There are a lot who are disappointed and it did not change anything.


7.       David was the idol of the arrogant. He was created by their arrogance. Now that his feet of clay was showing, they smashed that idol.

8.       No one but Absalom there to take his place.

9.       So upset with their own feelings, they ignored. They created an angle and destroyed it.

10.     They created an illusion of their own perfection and then used this illusion to destroy David. They look at themselves and decide, “I would never do that.” No person can smash an idol in arrogance and retrain sanity without setting himself up as perfect. The “I would never do that” syndrom. Self-righteousness protects the arrogance of iconoclasm from destroying the individual who does it. You must be self righteous to stay alive. You will be start raving made when you fall into this. You fall into this illusion of perfection.

11.     Arrogance destroyed their discernment. The more self righteous they become the more they lack in discernment. Self righteous people cannot discern anything. Self righteous women always pick the wrong man and vice versa. Self-righteousness is your enemy. They truned to Absalom to join the revolution

12.     Iconoclastic arrogance gave fodder to the revolution.

2Samuel 16                                          72David                                              631_0431

This explains why this people who live under a great government and why they are dissatisfied with it. Why are people dissatisfied with ideal conditions?

We need to avoid blaming others for our own arrogance.

Someone correctly observed that these gates of arrogance describe the entirety of the old sin nature.

The feet of clay syndrom. The arrogance of disillusion. The idol is an illusioni created by our arrogance. You create the idol, and then you see its feet of clay and you blame it for not meeting your expectations.

We all have imperfections and it is normal to be disillusioned by someone, but we are not to take this too far. Humility never destroys true love and romance, but arrogance always does that. Arrogance is always the discovery of someone else’s feet of clay. This does not keep us from loving people with their imperfections. The strongest love can break through all of these imperfections.

Disenchantment arrogance begins with an object of one’s fascination, but it ends with one being preoccupied with one’s self. It is transferring the blame to the object. This often becomes and insanity factor. The idol is often innocent, whether his feet of clay are real or imagined. Every person has feet of clay. But that is not even the issue. With David, it is not imagined. There were thousands of people still loyal to David, despite his failure.

Bathsheba’s father was able to work under David, and Bathsheba was his daughter. Admiration is normal; creating an idol is not. You create your own psychosis; not your environment. Psychology often gives you the chance to blame something outside of yourself for something you have done. In fact, psychology often finds us an image with which we can react. We can shift the blame from our volition to something which is not at fault.

It is fine to applaud an ballerina, a great actor, etc.; but not to idolize that person.

Bob knows people’s imperfections; he can still admire them. This has nothing to do with anything. They try to do this to evangelists or to preachers; some people do this at the polls. The humble believer will never be disenchanted. Disappointment with people is normal, but disenchantment and disillusion is not.

Gate 16 and 17 will help to explain the general public. Arrogant people are either on a self righteous kick or a self-pity kick, or they oscillate between the two. The 17th gate becomes a great distraction to the teaching of Bible doctrine.

We then moved on from the basic disorientation to life.

Feet of clay syndrom is whey Ahithophel became the great strategist for the revolution. Normality stops with disappointment.

Pomposity is the characteristic of self-importance, and discovering the feet of clay in an idol which you have discovered yourself is an arrogant reaction. Ahithophel will resign from David’s cabinet and he will spend the rest of his life trying to bring David down. He probably fulfilled all but 3 gates of the 17 interlocking systems of arrogance. His son, Eliam, remained faithful to David. He was not hindered from his duty despite David’s failure, even though this involved his own daughter. He was his great professional self.

The Seduction of the General Public and the Absalom Revolution

After 3 nights of gate 17, there will be large numbers in Berachah who will not even know about it.

1.       How can a people with the best government at the best time in the world, turn against it? The arrogance of ignorance combines with iconoclastic arrogance.

2.       Believer and unbeliever, criminal and citizen, humble and arrogant.

3.       Everyone was tested when operation Bathsheba became public domain. The entire general publica was tested and a large number of them passed the test. Any time you sin against God, God will deal with us personally. It is arrogant to try to punish others for what they have done to us, real or imagined. Do not try to punish others. Now, if you are part of an organization, and people must meet specifications. Then that is fine to fire such people. Bob confesses for all of us that we all have old sin natures. If we dislike a sin, and we find others who dislike that sin, we have a mutual admiration society. Compatibility of old sin natures can be part of the basis of a marriage, particularly between unbelievers. But never confuse in arrogance the obvious failure of someone else with your own alleged, imagined rationalized arrogance.

4.       The arrogant segment of the Jewish population worshiped David and they did this by arrogance. Then David’s administration looked much better than Saul’s. There was brilliant domestic policy as foreign policy. The arrogant segment of the Jewish population placed David on a pedestal; the humble segment of the population just thought of David normally.

5.       Humility is normal; arrogance is abnormal. David did not just take a mistress; he raped another man’s wife. There was pregnancy and then the murder of the husband. This was different from the normal function of polygamy. A man who practices polygamy has to be a little mad. And he is asking for more pressure than he can actually take. Everyone knew and no one was shocked that David had all of these wives and mistresses. No image is shattered because of that. Operation Bathsheba shattered the image. We must remember that God punished David for this, and we might want to get right in there and help God. David had 4 big installments of discipline.

6.       Many of the people being involved in the arrogance complex reacted with disillusion and disenchantment. When David was crowned, they created him as an idol.

7.       They smashed the idol with the same arrogance that created the idol.

8.       Many stood in line with a comment. They began to look for someone else to fill the vacuum.

9.       They were so preoccupied with their own feelings and their own disenchantment that they followed a fool; David’s son, Absalom. Arrogance destroyed their discernment; they joined there revolution. Iconoclastic arrogance.

The Stability of Humility.

1.       Thousands did not accept Absalom.

2.       They had the good sense to realize that no one is perfect and they used the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill to conclude that no one is perfect and David is God’s man. They decided to be loyal to God’s man.

3.       They understood the depravity of man and divine discipline from God. They knew that God would discipline David. They only had to be faithful to God.

4.       They began to understand as the years past installment discipline. If God promotes you, you are promoted, and if God does not demote you, then you are still promoted. There was still prosperity and the foreign policy was still good.

5.       They understood David’s promotion to king. Nathan made it clear that he would not die the sin unto death. David was still king.

6.       By combining the essence of God rationale and the plan of God rationale and the logistical grace rationale, they concluded that David was God’s man and the true king.

7.       Their loyalty to David was based upon the dynamics of humility, not the arrogance of disillusion. They were flexible and objective. They concluded that David was their true king.

8.       David was one of the greatest rulers in all of history and the greatest ruler in Jewish history. Absalom will be intimidate by Hushai.


10.     Those who are arrogant are ....

11.     Absalom could not steal the hearts of the people apart from their arrogance.

The Instability of Arrogance

1.       2Sam. 15:6 consequently, Absalom behaved in this manner and so stole the hearts of the men of Israel. You can only steal an arrogant heart.

2.       Absalom stole the hearts of the citizens of Israel who were in interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Those who joined the revolution were basically unhappy people.

4.       No matter what personal or collective blessings they possessed, nothing could make them happy.

5.       Their involvement with the arrogance complex guaranteed their unhappiness.

6.       Good government could not make them happy. Good government would not make people happy now.

7.       In their unhappiness, they rejected good government for bad government and terror of revolution.

8.       Free enterprise and business could not make them happy. They rejected free enterprise and they lost their prosperity.

9.       Their fantastic social life could not make them happy. They turned their back on a great society and mingled with the scum. The most arrogant people are scum. That is where the heaviest arrogance comes from.

10.     Furthermore, these same unhappy people reacted to the idol that they constructed in David. They created him in arrogance and destroyed him in arrogance.

11.     David was their idol maintained by that arrogance. They joined the revolution I reaction to what they had one.

12.     In the Bathsheba incident, they discovered his feet of clay.

13.     There are the people whose hearts were stolen by Absalom. He could steal at the gate of unhappiness; at the gate of ignorance. But he could not steal from any sphere of humility. The theft of revolution was easy.

What Is the Application?

1.       God may provide a local church with a right pastor-teacher, but these will not make you happy when involved with the arrogance complex.

2.       God may provide a rm or rw but you will ot be happy in interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       God may provide for us the right job or the right profession as long as you lost in interlocking systems of arrogance, it will not make you happy.

4.       You might have a perfect set of friends and an ideal social life but no happiness with interlocking systems of arrogance.

5.       Therefore, you will change churches, you will change friends, you will change geographical locations, but you will not be happy because you have interlocking systems of arrogance in your soul.

6.       The believer in arrogance can never appreciate or have capacity for God’s blessings because arrogance is the basic enemy of happiness.

The woman worships a man, but then, one day, she discovers that her idol has feet of clay, and she blames the image which she has created. Then marriage on the rebound; marrying a man who is the antithesis of her former idol. She snaps this man up immediately. There is the supercharger there because she is getting revenge on her idol.

Let’s go to an institution. A young man joins the marine corps. He has a fantasy view of them and then becomes disillusioned with them. He winds up section 8; he grows his hair long, marches with the services.

the same thing can be true of a church. This can be the church, a business, even the coast guard, even though Bob says he is not too familiar with them. We are in an organization designed by God, but we ought not assign perfection to someone in any church.

This is why people vote for the wrong man, or women marry the wrong man; this is why people join the revolution. The blame someone else and end up in a straight jacket.

2Samuel 16:(15–20) 21                        72David                                              631_0432

Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle. This same principle applies to many facets of life. There is success in thinking and success in planning and success in marketing. The passage we are studying requires that we understand that, victory in thinking precedes victory in battle.

David has activated an intelligence force and will have a mole in the higher echelon of Absalom’s cabinet. He will become victorious because of this.

Hushai is the establishment mole. No one in Absalom’s organization apparently noticed that Hushai left town and then returned. The vanity of Absalom will think that Hushai has deserted his friend David.

Bob believes that the people of southeast Asia were due for great divine discipline, and they were involved in demonism and we made the mistake of stepping in front of this punishment. Once committed, we misused our armed forces there, not engaging in guerilla warfare, but in conventional warfare instead.

In better days, Jane Fonda would be tried as a traitor. So he is not on her side about anything. Many false issues were revealed in the Vietnam War. We have had warning discipline and we will get it very shortly.

We have a weakness which is anti-Biblical; it is a conventional one-standard for fighting wars; and we ought to have 2 standards in war. Killing on the battlefield is never a sin; and we do not confess it as a sin. To rob and steal helpless civilians is something else. However, in clandestine warfare, lying, stealing, intimidating, etc. are legitimate. We learn that our nation failed miserably trying to operate on a single-standard system. We fought the wrong kind of war in Vietnam, which a needless sacrifice of material, etc. Clandestine warfare, dirty warfare, are all a part of the picture, and it is not sin.

Victory in thinking must precede victory in battle. This was last true in WWII and we have not won a war since then. We have given absolutely no thought to clandestine warfare, except that our president has sent a letter to the CIA forbidding anything but cricket.

We need to learn some principles from Communism. We need a worldwide indigenous population movement. Our work with the population to turn them from Communism was a failure; and they are to turn their comrades against communism.

China inland missions made a mistake of trying to beat the bush in order to find a convert here or there; they did not train these people to reach their own people. There is an indigenous strategy of life. In missionary activity, we have been a total failure.

Our standards today are limited by our lack of knowledge of Bible doctrine.

We need to use indigenous strategy in our own military efforts; and that has been a tremendous failure. Contact must be established and the indigenous population must be engaged and trained.

Absalom was blinded by his own arrogance and he did not recognize Hushai’s deceptiveness. God’s choice is not the people’s choice. The revolutionary party is better described by interlocking systems of arrogance. Arrogance is weak and vulnerable to deception. This is the flattery approach and the lying approach by Hushai.

The revolution gained initial success because a large segment of the Jewish army had defected to the revolutionary army. Absalom now controls the capitol. He also has the most fighting men. God has chosen David to rule; and the people have chosen Absalom.

When the communists went into China. A well-dressed ChaiCom officer would speak to the missionaries and they would say, without an accept, “You have done great work here and we have come to help you. There is a whore house nearby, and a few opium dens, etc.; and we are going to help you and get rid of these. In turn, we want you to help us.” And the missionary is thrilled that there is cooperation here. And they would have the missionary get on the radio and call for cooperation. He would beg the general public to cooperate. So, they would close down the whore houses, the opium dens, and there are criminals who are killed; and for a short time, as one missionary described it, “I thought I was in the Millennium.” Then, suddenly, the reign of terror. Revolution cannot divorce itself from violence.

The flatter of deception always succeeds over...

Hushai uses deceit to get the trust of Absalom. The noble and honorable Hushai is uttering lies and he is exploiting Absalom’s arrogance. This is the same way that a flirtatious woman manipulates an arrogant male.

Hushai implies that he can only serve a man of honor, because he is a man of honor, mixing the true and the false. Saying that Absalom is the true king is the lie. Absalom will be completely wiped out by counter-insurgency.

In July 1954 that great American Eisenhower directed General Doolittle to examine the covert activities of the CIA. His report confirmed all that Ike suspected. Since the U.S. is relatively new at the game, the useable information that we are obtaining is still short of our needs. He urges the CIA to become more ruthless than the KGB. We must develop effective counterespionage services. We must learn to subvert and defeat our enemies with more effective than those of our enemies.

Ahithophel is the dominant person in staff meeting #1; and in the next staff meeting, Hushai is the dominant person. As a result, Ahithophel will disappear from history. What Hushai advises Absalom will brilliantly use his arrogance against him.

Bob gets concerned when Berachah gets overpopulated. He wonders, “Why are you here, sister? Why are you here, idiot? And then I start my own counterinsurgency.”

Psalm 64 was an amplification of “Frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel.” Ahithophel is a genius and he has parlayed conspiracy into full-blown revolution. However, Absalom is neutralized by interlocking systems of arrogance and Absalom has been taken by surprise. He did not expect to take Jerusalem without a shot. Ahithophel has the wisdom, as if from God Himself. Arrogant people do not have the ability to get through life, and revolutions are easy to start, but difficult to perpetuate.

There is only one economic system in life, and that is free enterprise capitalism. There has never been a revolution that can survive without help from free enterprise capitalism. Socialism is not an economic system; it is a system of evil by which Satan seeks to control the world. If it were not for American industrial might that Russia has survived. It has been free enterprise business which saved Russia under Hoover.

Socialism and the welfare state is not a system of economics; it is evil on its way to disaster.

2Sam. 16:15–20 Now Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him. And when Hushai the Archite, David's friend, came to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, "Long live the king! Long live the king!" And Absalom said to Hushai, "Is this your loyalty to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?" And Hushai said to Absalom, "No, for whom the LORD and this people and all the men of Israel have chosen, his I will be, and with him I will remain. And again, whom should I serve? Should it not be his son? As I have served your father, so I will serve you." Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give your counsel. What shall we do?"

Bob wants everyone to stand up and give a 5 minute dissertation of what this next verse means. Even the great commentators of Scripture have not seen fit to do anything other than breeze through narrative and offer up a 1 or 2 sentence comment here and there.

Ahithophel gives advice and counsel in the imperative mood. This indicates who is really in charge of the revolution. Absalom is a front, a pretty boy front, even though he is a genius. He has been neutralized with interlocking systems of arrogance. Ahithophel just tells Absalom what to do. There is none of this, “Here is my opinion; here is what I think you ought to do.” Ahithophel dominates in this staff meeting. In the next staff meeting, it will appear as if Ahithophel is in charge, but it will be Hushai who takes over mid-meeting and guides Absalom to make the wrong decisions.

In the previous chapter, the king left behind 10 mistresses to keep the palace. So these other mistresses are still housed in the harem. He chose those who were administratively the most capable. They were to make certain that everything was kept as neat as possible.

Pilgesh is the word used here; some women think they are pills and others think they are geishas.

This has to be done in such a way that all Israel will know about this. There will be an announcement throughout all the streets, and then Absalom will be brought to the tent which will be set up on the wall battlements and the tent flaps will be lifted and Absalom will rape each of these 10 women.

That great administrator and the police were all gone, and some of the people are becoming concerned for their law and order; they are uneasy. They liked these Philistine police officers. So, the wavering people must be gotten to stay with the revolution. It had to be clear that there will be no reconciliation. The people do not want to be caught in the middle if there is a reconciliation between Absalom and his father. Raping these 10 mistresses is saying, “My father is dead” and there is no way for Absalom and David could be reconciled.

Raping these women indicates that Absalom has taken all that belongs to David. Behind this, Ahithophel doesn’t tell this to Absalom, when each woman is raped, that is violence; and this will sound the bell to rape any woman that you see; and the reign of terror is on. The people must be intimidated. The greatest intimidation in the world will arouse the lust of the revolutionists. And Ittai and his police for are gone, so every woman is fair game.

Ahithophel’s Counsel to Absalom

1.       Ahithophel’s advice is genius. He knows that revolution will not work unless the people are intimidated. The city which does not open its gates and surrender, they will only have to be reminded of this series of rapes. Sin, evil will be perpetuated here. Revolution will slaughter the innocent. Rape, slaughter, torture, killing. Bob promises to put a .45 in the mouth of anyone from Berachah who joins a revolution. Revolutions are always anti-God and always evil. Bob would hope that even the worst person from Berachah would never want to join on.

2.       The counsel is for Absalom to rape 10 of David’s mistresses which are left behind. He is advising violence against 10 helpless women. They will be tied down and raped in front of the entire city. These women will never be able to show themselves in public again. They will be held down or tied down and Absalom will rape them one by one. And people will want to watch through voyeurism. Arrogance produces degeneracy. And no one comes to the rescue of these women.

3.       The advice urges Absalom to sinful behavior as the defacto king of the country and the leader of the revolution. Any advice that urges sin (except in counterinsurgency) is evil. When the president is counseled to go into another country and interfere with that country which has good government, that counsel is evil. Why give this advice?

4.       It also follows the natural course of revolution that it condones the crime of rape and encourages the revolutionist to any crime of violence compatible with their unrestrained lusts. Anti-establishment behavior is compatible with criminal activity. Also, it is compatible with terror and with ruthlessness. Those willing to stand there and witness the rape of someone, obviously, they are in a state of uncontrollable lust. Voyeurism arouses that lust to a peak. Ahithophel is a genius. This would yield to unbridled lust, which would result in rapes throughout the city. Men who tried to protect their women would be killed. There would be stealing and torture to get the things of private citizens. In Afghanistan, the Russians rounded up the anti-Communists. They took the women and children and too a large pool filled with sewage and they drowned the women and children in this pool of fecal matter. They saved some women. Then the women fished out some of the men who were also drowned. Islam realizes that contact with that is bad for their religion. This is completely offensive to their religion. They do this for intimidation. The communists study the people and their culture, and then use that to intimidate them. It follows a principle, where the revolution goes, intimidate is there as well.

5.       Ahithophel’s reason for the advice is to persuade Absalom to follow his counsel. The motive behind this advice was intimidation and personal revenge. He was able to combine his revenge with the principle of intimidation. David will pay 10 to 1 for what he did to Bathsheba. Revolutions must intimidate the general public. Revolution always contains a great deal of revenge as a manifestation of their arrogance.

6.       Personal revenge is sought against David for seducing and raping his granddaughter. It is a non-issue that she is married to David now. It is set aside in his twisted evil.

7.       Ahithophel never forgave David for this, even though Bathsheba is now queen. He has never recovered from this shock or hatred.

8.       The advice is not just evil but degenerate. Every revolution in history includes personal revenge. Detailed studies of the French Revolution show that the scum were offended by the presence of their betters. A coach maker was hired to build a coach, and he was paid for it; but he disliked this man’s good language, and the man who bought this coach from him was executed. Those coming into power in a coupe detat revolution is always used for revenge. General Eliam, Bathsheba’s father, remained loyal to David throughout this ordeal.

9.       Ahithophel had become a criminal. He is no better than David when David seduced his granddaughter. If you ever go out to revenge yourself against anyone, you lower yourself even below their level, whether they were right or wrong in what they did. Revenge is self-destructive always. Both Absalom and Ahithophel are involved in criminal arrogance. Ahithophel did this for another reason. To get rid of the crusaders. They will protest and they need to be wiped out.

10.     Both Absalom and Ahithophel are involved in criminal arrogance. The function of revolution will fulfill its natural movement.

There are 7 principles to come, and all on Sunday morning.

2Sam. 16:21 And [Then, Consequently] Ahithophel said [advised] to Absalom, ”Go in to your father's mistresses, those he left to keep the house [take care of the palace]. And all Israel shall hear that you have become odious [you have made yourself a stench to] with your father. And [Therefore] the hands of all who are with you will be strong.

2Samuel 16:21                                     72David                                              631_0433

We are still analyzing v. 21. Ahithophel is the genius behind the Absalom revolution.

2Sam. 16:15–20 Now Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him. And when Hushai the Archite, David's friend, came to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, "Long live the king! Long live the king!" And Absalom said to Hushai, "Is this your loyalty to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?" And Hushai said to Absalom, "No, for whom the LORD and this people and all the men of Israel have chosen, his I will be, and with him I will remain. Furthermore, whom should I serve? Should it not be his son? As I have served your father, so I will serve you." Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give your counsel. What shall we do?"

David’s mole will neutralize the plan of Absalom. This is a plan to take 10 helpless women and rape them. This also reveals the arrogance of Ahithophel, who does not mind 10 women being raped, as long as they are not his granddaughter.

A review of the points above and an additional point added (above).

Absalom, Arrogance and the Revolution

1.       As the revolution progress guarantees a civil war and a reign of terror; that is what the revolution is parlayed into.

2.       The transfer of power to an establishment government to a revolutionary government means violence.

3.       Revolution is used to replace establishment government. Establishment is always better than revolution.

4.       The irresponsibility of revolutionary leadership will be manifest; they will be totally involved in the arrogance complex.

5.       In the last verse, Ahithophel is wise and sagacious in his counsel to Absalom.

6.       The advice was inspired by revenge motivation. It is arrogant and degenerate.

7.       The smart part of the advice that Absalom’s rape of his father’s mistresses guarantees civil war. There can be no reconciliation.

8.       Ahithophel is motivated by personal revenge, but in his arrogant preoccupation with self, he is making certain that David will not forgive Absalom this time.

9.       Should David forgive Absalom, then Ahithophel will be left holding the bag, and father and son would turn on him with disastrous results.

10.     Ahithophel knows David’s weaknesses toward his children, so he has to have Absalom do something which is unforgivable and will make it impossible for them to be reconciled.

Ahithophel made an idol out of David and had this idol destroyed by disillusion.

Most of us don’t come to church enough. So we end up having no idea what Bob is talking about. If we do not understand all of these kinds of arrogance, then we are lost; we have no background for what is studied. Bob’s ministry is not designed for once-a-week-ers. This ministry is designed for day-in and day-out teaching. This may be, for you, a test in poise.

All revolutions follow the same pattern. Revolution is anti-God. The people in southeast Asia were under great discipline and they were about to be destroyed. We had no tactical or strategic reason to be involved in a ground war in Asia. Entering into the Vietnam was has us opposed to God, and standing in front of divine justice. However, once we were in there, the liberals came out of the woodwork and opposed it. Loyalty to the civilian population is important. So, this does not condone the Jane Fonda’s, hippies or yellow bellies. Once we are at war, we are to move forward with that, and remain loyal to the establishment administration, regardless of how many bad decisions are made.

The protestors are cowards, arrogant, and liberals. Because we went to war against God, where He was punishing people, and the communists were used as the whip, we were confused in this country, based on arrogance. We were in the wrong war at the wrong time. This same arrogance by which we maltreated the Shah of Iran and destroyed the honorable government of Somoza in Nicaragua. Woodrow Wilson was guilty of iconoclastic arrogance and he was the wort jackass that ever lived. Gate 17 was his destruction.

The Black man is not capable of governing himself or establishing establishment principles. So there are handful of people who can put together an establishment government. They do not have the ability to rule themselves. The Arabs were able to attack, exploit and enslave them.

White trash doesn’t do any better. Government by white trash in the French Revolution and the same is true in the Russian revolution. It is a spiritual issue. Some races just make good illustration.

4 Concepts Involved in Ahithophel’s Advice

We do not advocate rape; we recognize it as evil and criminal arrogance. Rape is not to satisfy lust but to dominate and to intimidate.

1.       Terror

2.       Power

3.       Security of the revolution

4.       To parlay the revolution into a civil war.


1.       What is started by violence and terror and intimidation must be perpetuated in violence, terror and intimidate. French and Russian revolutions.

2.       Since they have intimidated the population of Jerusalem. Something must be done to reveal Absalom’s domination of Israel and something to separate him from his father.

3.       Absalom must demonstrate total contempt for his father, and he will do this by encouraging the revolutionists. Capitalism is the only true economic system in the world. The Russian revolution brings about socialism and the welfare state; it is sinful and pure evil, dishonorable and immoral. It implies redistribution of wealth and of land; taking from the competent and giving to the incompetent. There would have been no communist revolution, had it not been for Herbert Hoover feeding the communists. From 1921 to this day, the Russians have depended upon free enterprise in order to survive. One of the most immoral acts was the profits tax against Exon. Because you are profitable and intelligent, we are going to punish you for being competent and successful. That is evil and immoral. We will be punished for these concepts. You enforce legitimate laws. You do not pass laws to take money from those who make profits, punishing them for being good businessmen.

4.       Absalom acts as if his father is dead. This is psychological murder. In this way, by raping this mistresses in castle Zion, Absalom is killing his father.

5.       Revolution starts with violence. It removes freedom. No matter what these people say who go to Russia, it is a police state. They do not use the honorable profession of police officers for law enforcement to punish law-offenders, but it is used to punish law-abiding people. Terror eliminates freedom and takes control of the population.

6.       Establishment rules from freedom and self-determination. That formerly marvelous country of Rhodesia, a small group used rape and terror to gain adherents going from one bush village to another. They took by force and power. White men came in and established a free enterprise economy. The Rhodesians have been a great and freedom loving people. Instead of supporting law enforcement there to put down these terrorists, we send out people like Andy Young to support the terrorists. These people encourage terrorism, not the honorable government of Ian Smith. The National Council of Churches bought weapons and sent them to the revolutionists so that they could revolt. We are taking high ranking evil men of Zaire and training them and paying them to be here with wives and children and parents and anyone else they want to bring along. We are so bound up in arrogance.

7.       Violence, terror, torture is the authority of revolution, while freedom, law, justice, privacy, property and free enterprise is the signature of establishment government.

          a.       Bob does not encourage any overthrow over government, competent or incompetent; we are not a paramilitary church. We recognize freedom under the laws of capitalism. We are encouraged to think, not to act impulsively. If anyone in this church is involved in a conspiracy against the government, Bob will turn them over to the police. We have an incompetent government and we disagree, but we are the loyal opposition; we do not involve ourselves in revolution. Paramilitary is illegitimate and evil.

8.       Absalom’s first act of terror is the psychological murder of his father through the rape of his mistresses; this is the beginning of the reign of terror and the beginning of the civil war. All those who watch will enter into voyeurism and they will perpetuate this throughout the land.


1.       The rape of David’s mistresses was the formal transfer of ruling power from David to Absalom.

2.       This is a revolutionary ceremony where 10 helpless women are the victims of public rape.

3.       Absalom raped these 10 women before a large crowd, in the same spot where it all began. David looks down from this same place and saw Bathsheba down below. He looked down with lust; the people of Jerusalem will look up with lust.

4.       David had not the power to deliver them or the authority to protect them from the terror of the revolution. Terror does not recognize authority or morality. Terror rejects all authority but its own, violence, torture, intimidate.

5.       Absalom was saying that David created an obligation that he cannot fulfill; he cannot even protect his own wives.

6.       Therefore, the rape became a national message to all the people that there is no security in the land unless they join the revolution. This is public intimidation.

7.       This was a public declaration that David had neither power nor authority. The population is no longer under the laws of divine establishment.

8.       Revolution builds its arrogance on the humiliation of others. It is criminal activity in the name of crusading, it is one of the most basic violations of freedom.

The propaganda of all revolution is, we will provide security. We will give you land, food and equality. This is always what the revolution offers. Your security lies with us.


1.       The rape of David’s mistresses tells us that there is no security apart from the revolution .

2.       There are only victims and survivors in reality.

3.       No on is secure in a nation involved in revolution.

4.       The revolution appeals to the arrogant; arrogant people only think about themselves.

5.       By raping David’s mistresses, Absalom is saying that David lacks the power and authority to provide security for anyone.

Civil War

1.       Irreparable breech between Absalom and his father.

2.       Irreparable breech between establishment and there revolutionists.

3.       Everyone will conclude that such an evil and immoral act by Absalom will result in war on the battlefield. There is not other way around that.

4.       Only greater violence of military establishment to stop this.

5.       The rape is tantamount to a revolutionary war. All hope for peace and settlement is gone. Battles must be fought before peace.

6.       Battle will decide the issues; and rape is the opening act in this civil war; violence must be met with greater violence.

7.       Terror, violence directed toward all, a guarantee of civil war.

Advice of Ahithophel

1.       It is true that Absalom raping these women would make him odious in the eyes of David.

2.       This will not strengthen the revolution. With all of his great genius, Ahithophel is personally involved with revenge. The weakness of his advice is revenge. Thousands use revolution to take revenge on others. A study of the reign of terror in Paris brings this out.

3.       Therefore, we must recognize that revolution involves revenge and the weakening of whatever cause revolution espouses.

4.       Doctrine in the soul provides the environment. For national decisions as well as personal ones.

5.       Absalom rejects all forums for doctrine.

6.       If decisions are based on doctrine, the environment of doctrine is provided for the nation but revolution is handicapped by the degeneracy of arrogance and strong delusion.

7.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking. The thinking of a genius or a moron is no better than the vocabulary with which he thinks.

8.       If that knowledge and vocabulary is based on 3 categories of truth, then our Lord’s statement is fulfilled, “You will know the turht and the truth will make you free.”

Victory in Thinking Precedes Victory on the Battlefield

1.       The road to freedom is constructed with the military victory of the indigenous population.

2.       Once the indigenous people have won their land, they must respond to truth.

3.       A client nation cannot exist without believers in Jesus Christ. Therefore, evangelism is important.

4.       Freedom must be followed by evangelism. Certain ones will respond positively to evangelism.

5.       Among believers, some will respond to doctrine and some will not.

6.       These who are positive will advance in the plan of God producing the pivot; a nucleus of believers.

7.       The function of the laws of divine establishment is the environment for freedom.

8.       In this environment of freedom, the pursuit of happiness is possible; but revolution in that nation is the arrogance of unhappiness and the guarantee of national misery.

9.       Reign of terror is accumulation of unhappiness coming to a head in the boil of unhappiness.

10.     Establishment forces must lance the boil.

11.     This boil will be lanced by clandestine and conventional warfare, by which David will win.

12.     Let by Hushai’s clandestine function and Joab’s battle, the revolution will be destroyed, and freedom and client nation function will be resumed.

13.     Revolution reflects the failure of client nation to carry out its mission. So a revolution must be destroyed before the client nation can be continued. It is thinking of Hushai and the thinking of Joab which will advance David. It is thinking. We admire groups which are capable of great military action, but it is thinking that does it.

David will have excellent subordinates; Joab for conventional warfare and Hushai in undercover.

Bob and one of the heroes of Delta force who came and heard doctrine and left. He has the ability to blend into his surroundings. CIA is interested in him. You would never know that someone went through the whole thing, in the plane when the copter blew up, and he never lost his cool. You can have the best training in the world and still not make it. Delta force turns down 98% of those who imply. They look first for someone who can think. You can physically train anyone. The normal body will respond to muscle building. But the normal soul does not realize that the key to life is thinking. This is why many of you will never be happy in love or anywhere lese. The whole purpose of Bible doctrine is to make you think. The plan of God requires thought. Concentration and perception; concentration and application. Some of you are so emotional, you cannot think. So many did not understand MacArthur, because he could think. Same with Eisenhower.

He thought circles around Montgomery, who was a jackass. The greatest hindrance to learning doctrine and being able to think is arrogance.

2Sam. 16:21 And [Then, Consequently] Ahithophel said [advised] to Absalom, ”Go in to your father's mistresses, those he left to keep the house [take care of the palace]. And all Israel shall hear that you have become odious [you have made yourself a stench to] with your father. And [Therefore] the hands of all who are with you will be strong.

2Samuel 16:(15–21) 22                        72David                                              631_0434

Stanley Loomis is an expert on the French Revolution. Most people think he would just document the terror. This is probably the best treatise on terror related to revenge and revolution. It confirms what we have studied in the past 2 sessions. Charlotte Corda murdered Marat. Once you remove establishment, a reign of terror is there. Marat removes 22 people from the rulers? The heroes of one day became the villains of the next. Louise XVI executed, and then those who wanted that, they were removed next.

It is ironic that, all of all the countries in Europe, only France could have a revolution, because they were hospitable to every form of thinking in their country. They tolerated every conceivable group, and the revolution were the fruits of idleness and leisure, not of poverty. Paris was a storm tossed sea driven by perpetual winds. It was not a single, self-contained uprising, but a series of uprisings, and each time, one swept away by a revolution stronger than them. Were the French Revolution to be depicted on canvas, the point of unity, the reign of terror beginning with Marat. He goes on for 400 pages on this.

Anarchy, represented by Marat, brought to pass the insurrection; bitterest enemies of the Jurandice? Marat enters the hall and demands the arrest of the 22 representatives of the people. Such was Marat’s power. Jurandins then led, and put under house arrest; then convicted. Some escaped but hunted down.

Filled with principles and concepts. Scar tissue of the soul principle; arrogance of ignorance related to the arrogance of power, and they represent the irresponsibility of the revolution?

Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle.

Bob was amazed by the Berachah boy who was in the attempt to rescue the hostages. He made it out.

The best raining and weapons and best elitete for... they wer eno better than the thinking of the 3-star general, and because of the poor thinking of him, they were destroyed. No one wants to be on general staff; they all want to lead a battalion or a brigade. The secret of every success comes from staff and not from line. Line is not better than the thinking of staff. Bible doctrine should give us the ability to think; it is our capacity for life, capacity for happiness, capacity for love. As we begin to think doctrine, it will provide tremendous changes in our life.

The Client Nation and Freedom

1.       Military victory of the indigenous people.

2.       Once they win victory, they must respond to truth. Freedom becomes the environment for evangelism.

3.       A client nation cannot exist without believers in Jesus Christ.

4.       Freedom must be followed by evangelistm.

5.       Some will be positive toward doctrine; out of 1000 evangelized, 40 or 50 might advance spiritually. Maybe 5 or 6 will reach spiritual maturity.

6.       They will advance in the plan of God and become the nation’s pivot.

7.       The function of the laws of divine establishment is the environment for freedom.

8.       In this environment of freedom, the pursuit of happiness is possible. This is a legitimate statement. It takes the freedom guaranteed by our constitution. Can you use freedom to make yourself happy. Bob has always been intrigued by the free spirit female and they are never happy. People do not know how to use freedom to be happy. Happiness is a state of the soul; of the mind. If you are basically unhappy, there is nothing in the world which can make you happy. Freedom will not make you happy. The possession of freedom is not happiness. Freedom is merely one of several environments by which happiness can be pursued. But you do not need freedom for happiness.

9.       It is possible. Revolution is the arrogance of unhappiness and the

10.     Accumulated arrogance of unhappiness coming to a head.

11.     The boil must be lanced if establishment is to be maintained.

12.     There are 2 great heroes: Hushai and Joab. Both are heroes in the true sense of the word. Both Joab and Hushai are 2 of the most remarkable men in history. They could think under pressure.

It is the thinking of Hushai and Joab which defeated Ahithophel and Amasa. He was brilliant, but arrogantly brilliant, but out-thought by Joab on the battlefield. They are first-cousins who oppose one another in battle.

Vv. 15–21 read.

2Sam. 16:15–21 Now Absalom and all the people, the men of Israel, came to Jerusalem, and Ahithophel with him. And when Hushai the Archite, David's friend, came to Absalom, Hushai said to Absalom, "Long live the king! Long live the king!" And Absalom said to Hushai, "Is this your loyalty to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?" And Hushai said to Absalom, "No, for whom the LORD and this people and all the men of Israel have chosen, his I will be, and with him I will remain. Furthermore, whom should I serve? Should it not be his son? As I have served your father, so I will serve you." Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Give your counsel. What shall we do?" And [Then, Consequently] Ahithophel said [advised] to Absalom, ”Go in to your father's mistresses, those he left to keep the house [take care of the palace]. And all Israel shall hear that you have become odious [you have made yourself a stench to] with your father. And [Therefore] the hands of all who are with you will be strengthened.”

Now we begin the reign of terror. Hiphil imperfect of natah, which means to stretch out; but there is the concept of motivation. There are the battlements of castle Zion. This is the place from which David first saw Bathsheba. This was the Ahithophel touch of genius. They pitch the tent for Absalom on the battlements. There is a motivation in mind for this tent.

The pitching of a tent often attracted people; particularly right where it was pitched.

Purpose of this Raping

1.       It is to encourage the revolutionists.

2.       It makes it clear that they are committed to this cause.

3.       It gets the population going the voyeurism.

Bob says this tent was pitched often there in the summer. Absalom knew this tent had enjoyed this use before as the royal family enjoying the summer. It was a well-known sight to the people. It is for the king’s pleasure. Absalom will use it for his pleasure; and all of the people will see the tent sides rolled up so that they can view David’s mistresses all being raped. That which began here some 7 years before will end here. This will be the last act of discipline.

Qal imperfect of bo. This is Absalom’s rape of David’s mistresses. They carried great authority. It took 10 of them to take care of the entire castle complex. It is not a house. Absalom raped these women in the sight of all Israel.

Fulfillment of Nathan’s Prophecy

1.       This is the last installment of David’s punishment. As he sinned against the house of Uriah the Hittite, he was punished in the same place. This is psychological murder and he has no power or ability to protect his mistresses. This is part of the genius of Ahithophel to suggest this. The plan was not disgusting to Absalom. Absalom has no honor.

2.       This fulfills the prophecy of Nathan, “Thus says the Lord, behold, from your own family, I will cause evil to rise up against you and publically, I will take your women and give them to a loved one, and he will rape them in broad daylight. You did this in secret, so I will do this in broad daylight.” This is 7 years later.

3.       The 4th installment of discipline includes this and civil war and the fulfillment of Nathan’s prophecy. This fulfills the broad daylight phrase.

4.       This reign of terror begins with unrestrained violence.

5.       The reign of terror is the transfer of power from the establishment of freedom to tyranny. A revolution has the terror itself. Those who’s highest motivation is revenge; the terror gives the power group the chance to be the dictatorship. They are unhinged by revenge. They go in to slaughter and to kill. There is a revenge group and a dictator group, and it all depends upon which one wins as to what happens.

The African countries glorified by the National Council of churches and you have revenge groups and power groups in charge; so there is either tyranny or continued attacks upon others.

The Revolution and its Violence

1.       The public demonstration of rape was the signal for the revolution. The people could not wait to pillage, rape, torture and intimidate.

2.       Revolution is always the master crime. Therefore, revolution encourages crime. The rape, torture and slaughter of innocent people. Revolution is the greatest crime against a nation.

3.       Absalom’s coronation is a coronation of violence that will end in violence. Those who live by violence will die by violence. Those who perpetuate a revolution will die by a revolution. You cannot control people indefinitely by violence. You must have a policy or law or something to control the people. There were 4 systems of violence in the French Revolution; each one replace by the next. After the murder of Robespierre, there was the mobs which were stopped by military genius, Napoleon, who could out think anyone. He stretched out a battery and shot down a mob to end the violence. He brought order out of chaos and terminated the revolution with an enlightened dictatorship.

4.       Unrestrained violence produces a madness in the human race and this demands the demands the destruction of those so contaminated.

5.       This contamination includes criminal arrogance interlocked with impulsive arrogance interlocked with conspiracy arrogance interlocked with criminal arrogance, and terminating with psychopathic arrogance.

6.       This interlocking system of arrogance can only exist where client nation arrogance exists in the people. The revenge factor comes in with gate 17, reacting to it.

7.       Revolution and attendant violence and the people enter one of the 17 gates of the complex. Through interlocking with the other gates, there is degeneration motivated by the others.

2Sam. 16:22 And they spread out a tent for Absalom on the roof. And Absalom went in to his father's concubines before the eyes of all Israel.

The transfer of power through violence interferes with man’s ability to enjoy freedom by the laws of divine establishment. Immediately, you cater to the lusts of man. This is why law enforcement is so important. Liberals have the basic connotation of the dignity of man, whereas laws of divine establishment function on the premise of total depravity. Man must be controlled by law and order. The liberal destruction of our police forces will prove to be one of the most disastrous things in our nation. The contamination will become quite clear.

Bob heard on the radio that the CIA has been accused by the KGB of printing up in all languages propaganda against communism to be circulated during the Olympic games. This ought to remind us that our study is current. What disturbs communism today and what they cannot get around, even though they have defeated us in diplomatic warfare, in clandestine warfare and propaganda; but they are disturbed by a thought. The concept of being establishment oriented from childhood; the concept of respecting the principle of authority. This concept exists only in this country today and in England, and it disturbs them. KGB is launching a new phase to clandestine warfare, and they will look to discredit every category of authority. They will look to discredit anyone who has any sort of legitimate authority. They are doing this in part by the peddling of dope. They use organized crime in this way to reach the teenager. The KGB is disturbed

Well-dressed politician today? Not sure who Bob is talking about.

Revolution and Transfer of Power

1.       The transfer of power through violence interferes with man’s ability to enjoy freedom by the laws of divine establishment. Immediately, you cater to the lusts of man. This is why law enforcement is so important. Behind establishment is a thought and KGB looks to eradicate that thought. The KGB starts all kinds of things to destroy or ridicule and form of establishment. Man can only enjoy freedom through the laws of divine establishment. They are the environment for freedom.

2.       Properly defined, legitimate authority, distinguishing between authoritarian and totalitarian governments. Totalitarianism is much different from authoritarianism.

3.       Totalitarian government eliminates freedom through violence, torture and suppression of freedom.

4.       Authoritarian government uses the laws of divine establishment in order to preserve freedom and law and order.

5.       This act of Absalom in the rape of David’s harem is the opening event of the civil war.

6.       Absalom’s arrogant implacability and vindictiveness for the settlement of differences are a conference table. When Absalom returned to the land, Joab was in charge of him, and this order was not remanded. So Joab will take advantage of this.

We have not even mentioned these women yet who are being raped. We assume that these women survived. General Sherman was coming, and rebels asked to take the woman; but 7 yanks came and raped the girl until she died, men from Sherman’s outfit. The rape was unbelievable. A new book which documents was Sherman said in the memoirs. It came to his attention that hsi men were raping the women of the south. He first shot them, then he sent them to an island off of Florida. In conventional warfare, there is a system of morality. If Bob was Sherman, he would have shot these men and had a march by. If you lose control of your troops and permit them to pillage, rob and rape, then you lose the people. General Lee had good control of his troops. You do not destroy the civilian population.

You cannot rule people by intimidation. You must use establishment principles. By raping these 10 mistresses, Absalom was advertising that he was unable to lead the revolution and that he had no ability to rule. No one every receives anything apart from the justice of God. These 10 ladies had it coming; they survived it; nothing more is said of them. Maybe the broke the spiritual maturity border. Violence soul not suppress you if you are the victim. You have to overcome your emotions in life, or you will never make it. You cannot react emotionally if violence is done to you.

These 10 women had one of the great opportunities to make it in life. They knew about Tamar and her rape and now they have the same opportunity to see cursing turned to blessing. But the one thing which will destroy them is their mental attitude; sulking, being depressed, feeling sorry for themselves. Ladies have souls. They have capability of thought as well. And many times, they out-think us, whether we like it or not. The man has the authority in the home, but this does not mean that he is smarter or better than the woman. The woman is often much more defenseless than the man. She cannot use her volition and make it stick.

Women in the military is one of the most imbecilic things he has ever heard. This man is an imbecile. They are much more helpless than the man and they demand protection; and those 10 women were a message to all the women in the land that there was no protection for them. A woman is not even regarded properly in life. We glorify the woman and we believe she is to be respected and honored; she is our motivation; we fight for her and we die for her; we honor her, we respect her and love her. When we reduce the woman to be used as a political system to institute terror, then you have abused one of the finest keys to life. These women were used. There is nothing to indicate that Absalom enjoyed raping them; this was just part of a plan. When women are used, the society is degenerate. They are to be respect and honored and their volition needs to be respected. All a woman has to do is say, no. That should end the seduction, the rape the violence or whatever. Absalom and his whole system of revolution is incapable of rule.

That cap on the statue of liberty that some women wear, looks crappy; and Bob wants to knock that cap off the statue of liberty. It comes from the Jacobin mentality.

Bob reads “W” (used to be “Women’s Wear”). Then they began to start watching all of these defeminizing styles, and it is typical of what the revolution produces. It does not produce anything which is stylish for the woman. If that is true, how much more so the raping and degrading of womanhood under that tent.

Absalom’s arrogance The doom of Absalom and Ahithophel was sealed. Both were believers, and they both probably reached maturity. However, Ahithophel was ruined by the feet of clay syndrom; they ignored the Jesus Christ controls history. God promoted David and He also punished David. Only God could demote David, and David had not been demoted. You can never rightly divide the Worth of Truth unless you distinguish between punishment and testing. This is as important as distinguishing dispensations. It is part of dividing the Word of Truth which eludes us. If God does not promote us, we are not promoted.

If God does not demote us, then we are not demoted. We might be punished, but not demoted.

2Sam. 16:22 And they spread out a tent for Absalom on the roof. And Absalom went in to his father's concubines before the eyes of all Israel.

2Samuel 16:23                                     72David                                              631_0435

Stanley someone about Paris to the revolution.

Politicians have never found it difficult to sacrificing their friends. The Gerandins were idealists, not statesmen. They did not hesitate to call upon the mob when it served their purpose. The worst part of the revolution is the discord, even between friends and lovers; the hatred will always carry the day in hearts carried by politics and farewell to the charm of life. The smallest crime can be the beginning for an infinity of disasters.

The screams of day and night which permeated the air. The circumstances to France at that day are almost identical to what we have now. Right now, our revolution is a volcano, rumbling, but not yet exploding.

The revolutionists will be using a lot of wetbacks and Cubans and expect it to be well-organized. Establishment of a commune. They chose hired assassins. Many were chosen from the Marcelano, a scum of criminal vomited out of the prisons? Cannibalism and acts which are unbelievable occurred.

Robespierre, Donton, and Marat arose from the dust.

The genius of Ahithophel, which indicates why David needed counter insurgency. Ahithophel is able to manipulate everyone in order to get his own ends.

Jaatz which means to counsel, to give advice. This is an analogy. It does not mean that Ahithophel was inquiring in the Word of God. It indicates that Ahithophel’s advice was spot on.

Ahithophel and His Genius

1.       Ahithophel was a genius he was the smartest man in the land, including David. He was a genius for evil and David was a genius for good government.

2.       Ahithophel’s advice was evil. It was distorted by personal lust for power; a person lust for revenge. It was unsound in connection with sound government.

3.       The basis for the advice that Ahithophel gave was his own arrogance and his desire to have revenge against David. It was the genius of arrogance and strong delusion.

4.       It was Bathsheba with David and loved him and saw him as her rm, made no difference to Ahithophel.

5.       The advice was incompatible with Ahithophel’s common sense. Absalom would lose control of all the people in the revolution, which would result in the reign of terror. There is leadership, hardcore conspiracy; civilians, who will now rape murder and intimidate. He will lose control of the military when they ought to be advancing in pursuit of David.

Absalom will be unable to gain the support of the undecided. When you lose control of the people you lead, you have lost whatever cause you represent. So, Bob would have no qualms about shooting a man who ran away, or executing a criminal in the military (rape or robbery).

If Americans go into Communist countries and rape and steal and murder, what makes them any different from the communists in that country? The greater the cause the greater the discipline. Napoleon could control everyone. If the coach cannot control his players, then winning will be impossible.

Labor unions control labor, not management, and when management does not control labor, then it is all over. When legitimate authority no longer controls its responsibility, no matter what, it is all over.

The elected representatives of the United States do not control the federal government; the president does not control it; it is bureaucracy which controls; and that guarantees inefficiency. It takes 100 people to do what one smart person can do. The same thing is true in a church.

Bob will not referee lovers’ quarrels or marriage battles; and they do not tolerate gossiping. Those are the first to be thrown out of Berachah. Gossiping destroys the privacy of others. Bob will be ruthless in stamping out such ones.

Other pastors may not do that, because they want a lot of people in their church. Bob looks to protect our pricay in a public setting. Gossip, maligning is like revolution.

Typical today to write one’s memoirs and telling all. The tenor of society is sharing.


6.       The revolutionary army’s lust for rape and murder and stealing is encouraged by watching Absalom.

7.       During the reign of terror, the revolutionaries had their way with the helpless population. They lose the courage because they become used to raping and stealing and torturing those they felt superior to. Divine judgment; a pillaging army is a defeated army. An unrestrained army is a disciplined army. This will be a hippy camp going through the countryside.

8.       Once the revolution comes, there will be no police force to protect the privacy, property and lives of the civilians. We should have great respect for those who are in the police force. Society is antagonistic to the police officer. Pick any city with a Black mayor and I will show you a police force that is barely holding it together under great pressure. Philadelphia mayor, and he maintained in Philadelphia unlike most major cities. Same for Houston. We finally have a police chief who came up through the ranks; from patrolling the streets. NYC is famous for being poor in this area. If there is anything that needs to stay out of crime counsels is civilians. Task forces.

9.       Ahithophel in his genius will note the need for instant pursuit of David, while he is weak and disorganized, and unable to fight a civil war. However, a reign of terror was simultaneously neutralizing the revolutionary army. This rape advice is bad advice in that way. His counsel was pure genius in most cases.

This is as if someone is inquiring in the Word of God. What is being said here as well is, you can go to the Word of God for military advice. Ahithophel’s counsel in the past was great for David and also for Absalom now. He was David’s vizier Now he is Absalom’s.

Hushai will come into the picture and attempt to neutralize Ahithophel’s advice.

Psalm 64 will give us the answer to David’s prayer. There must be effective clandestine warfare in order for David to defeat Absalom on the battlefield.

2Sam. 16:23 And the counsel of Ahithophel which he counseled in those days was as one who had inquired in the Word of God. So was all the counsel of Ahithophel, both to David and to Absalom.

On to the first 14 verses of 2Sam. 17.

2Samuel 17:1–2                                   72David                                              631_0436

Combine something along with neurosis and you have the Welsh. We are a small people with... What opera is to some, a funeral is to the Welsh.

Bob read this because the Welsh are a race of Celts; but they have a sense of humor about themselves. Whenever race rears its ugly head as an issue, it does so because the ones involved are arrogant. The Welsh have a tremendous sense of humor about themselves. He can laugh at himself and he can understand his history in terms of objectivity, flexibility and humor.

When a race takes themselves seriously and pushing themselves as a race and demanding for themselves as a race, you are looking at arrogance. The race which makes an issue out of itself as a race, is an arrogant bunch of people ready to be exploited for revolution. Many a revolution is started on the basis of race or religion. Muslims start revolution based on religion and at least a million Muslims died within 30 days. The demanded their rights and they got them. People who are arrogant about their race or religion, and the first loudmouthed rabble rouser will sweep you off your feet. If we go to war this year, there will be race rioting and revolution. It will be, we are a race being discriminated against; we will not accept your system; you must accept ours. Establishment must react with a greater force to put down such arrogance.

We also must look at this from the standpoint of the justice of God. Bahurim is where there is a man who will razz David; who will ridicule him. However, there is a knight, order of the 3rd class, and they will join David and leave the aristocratic woman in charge of the chatot. Her presence will save future high priests of Israel. Courageous in action and courageous in thought.

We suffer from many forms of national arrogance. We do not have just one group or one race suffering from arrogance; we have many; so we are a tinderbox just waiting for someone to strike a match and throw it in the right place. We may end up with a revolution, a civil war, and we may be fighting a war on the outside as well. We have lost the ability to laugh at ourselves. The British have this ability, and, therefore, they survive. The arrogant sits back and screams and complains. Hard word is always respected.

Ahithophel goes before Absalom’s council and presents a plan. He is going to select an elite force. Cohortative imperfect; and cohortative of request.

Ahithophel has correct ascertained the situation, and he knows he needs to attack David before he is organized. He is on the run right now and this is a good idea. Ahithophel is the only revolutionary leader who understand that he needs to exploit the revolution’s initial victory.

Ahithophel’s Plan

1.       The waw indicates that Ahithophel made this request to Absalom immediately after the rape of the mistresses.

2.       Now that the dye was caste, the next item should be immediate pursuit; David has a column strung out over the north Judæan desert, and he is at his weakest and most disorganized.

3.       So far, Absalom has prospered greatly. Revolution has gained moment.

4.       The revolutionary army has a large force of undisciplined troops. There are some well-trained men, portions of David’s army which defected to the Absalom. David us a great soldier and he might shrink back to fight on interior lines. Bob talks about an over and over which is excellent for shooting. It is a .375 HandH magnum; you will get a kill, you will drop the animal, but not destroy the meat. Bob can use this to take on a grizzly bear or an elephant, if necessary. David’s army is spread out too thin and Ahithophel knows this. The revolutionary army would be outnumbered. This suggests to Bob that there are maybe 100,000 troops who have gone over the Absalom’s side.

5.       The troops of the revolution are about to become involved in a reign of terror. They are all worked up. Before they can riot and follow Absalom’s example in raping and pillaging, Ahithophel wants to get the 12,000 best and form a flying column. He knows that this column will have a great many stragglers (David’s column); and it will be disorganized. The idea is, hit David while he has all of these problems. Civilians who cannot go any further. Women who want to sit down and not walk another step. David is weak and vulnerable. Hit him before he gets organized, hit him while he isw on the run, hit him before others join him (after the reign of terror).

6.       David is the brains of his own force. Joab is his chief of staff; Abishai, and a number of others. Every moment that David is free to function gives David a greater advantage.

The enemy force this time is small. A brigade of guards and a battalion of military police. Napoleon lost Waterloo 2 days before. He had the Prussians coming in from one way. He was on interior lines, and had control of the situation. Napoleon had defeated a Prussian army. A battle is not won until the pursuit destroys the enemy. Hushai will keep Absalom from pursing David, and this will save David’s bacon. Ahithophel wants instant pursuit. Jesus Christ controls history and He has not demoted David. If God promotes us, we are promoted; and if God does not demote us, we are not demoted. Operation Hushai will halt the momentum of the revolution. David must be destroyed immediately for the revolution to work. David will keep maneuvering until he is in the right place. Ahithophel knows the revolution will be defeated on the right battlefield; and he knows that David has not been involved directly in a campaign for a long time. Ahithophel knows only select troops can be effective. Even then, night fighting and a night pursuit requires great training and apt troops.

2Sam. 17:1 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please, let me choose 12,000 men, and I will set out in pursuit of David tonight.

Boʾ here means to attack, to surprise. Thinking is exhausting. It requires more energy to think than to exercise. Ahithophel knows that David is worn out. Ahithophel uses two words to indicate David’s nervous energy and that David has had a hectic day. David has probably exhausted his supply of energy.

Weary of hands means nervous energy. Some men can go for days without sleep and are still alert mentally and on top of the situation. Such men are able to function and they are never ruffled. Ahithophel rightly estimates a principle in life. David’s resources of doctrine and he has tremendous resources which go far beyond his nervous energy. Tired people are vulnerable to any weakness. A tired person is weak and irritable; irritability is merely a sign of weakness and loss of poise.

Bob has an excellent illustration but, because of security, he cannot share it with us.

Ahithophel knows the death of David will cause his force to crash. The death of David will guarantee the collapse of the establishment army. Ahithophel understands this. He gets that this is the key. The revolution had numerical superiority.

Assessing David’s Spiritual Strengths

1.       The plan is brilliant. It may seem unrealistic to us. David is exhausted. He has had it.

2.       David and his flying column as demoralized and exhausted. Many are complaining about what they have left behind. At this moment, they are not very well organized.

3.       The concept is correct. Except for the psalms we have studied, Ahithophel’s assessment of the situation is excellent.

4.       However, he has underestimated the power of doctrine and the fact that Jesus Christ controls history. The pivot of mature believers are with David. He does not know that David has reverse concentration with doctrine under pressure. The greater the pressure, the greater the application of Bible doctrine. The more pressure put on David, the greater his use of doctrine. This means, the greater his inevitable success.

5.       We are familiar with his masculine singular. We noted it in Psalm 25, 61–65 Ahithophel’s weakness is just that he does not know the current David. He knows David from the interlocking systems of arrogance. However, David is out of those gates and a greater man than ever before. David only has one pressure; the pressure of the revolution. Greater He that is in us rather than he who is against us. Ahithophel sees David as he was in operation Bathsheba.

6.       This is a great plan and the only plan that this revolution has. Ahithophel, by the time the civil war kicks in, will die by his own hand.

7.       To perpetuate the revolution; David must be killed.

8.       The violence of the revolution has only intimidated a portion of the people. Violence will cause a reaction; and when that reaction takes hold, there will be no revolution left.

9.       David is the leader who must be the target for the revolution’s destruction. David, therefore, must be killed; the sooner, the better. Ahithophel can think strategically, and he knows the further away David is from Jerusalem, the more difficult it will be to kill him or to defeat his army. they can move into position in the night, and then strike while David’s column is spread out. The Holy Spirit will later tell us that this was the perfect plan. The revolution would have defeated David and Absalom would be king.

2Sam. 17:2 I will attack him while he is weak and weary of hands, throw him into a panic, and all the people with him will scatter. Consequently, I will strike down only the king [Bob says, I will assassinate the king while he is alone]

2Samuel 17:3                                       72David                                              631_0437

Bob’s retired many of the ancient tapes into the vaults. He’s made about 1000 hours unavailable.

Several books have come Bob’s ways. Dobson and Payne on Terrorists. The terrorists try to make their enemies seem unfair and in the wrong. Idealists + criminal types belong to these guerilla armies. Also psychopaths. They all share a common heritage and under the influence of those who teach that violence is involved making good changes in the world. They believe that the money of the wealthy needs to be spread around; and they are against imperialism. Inspiration came from Latin America and showed how a small army could defeat the army of a dictator.

A book that catalogues the terrorist organization in the world? Stalin began clandestine warfare against the United States, even while we were delivering them supplies. The Tribune revealed that the United States had cracked the Japanese code, something which could have changed the war, if they read the Tribune.

2Sam. 17:1–2 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please, let me choose 12,000 men, and I will set out in pursuit of David tonight. Consequently, I will attack him while he is weak and weary of hands, throw him into a panic, and all the people with him will scatter. Consequently, I will strike down only the king [Bob says, I will assassinate the king while he is alone]

David will set up his command post until he hears from Hushai. Ahithophel has underestimated the power of doctrine in David’s soul. This is the quick solution to the civil war, which calls for the immediately assassination of David. Once David can drop his civilians somewhere and organize his army, then there is no way that the revolutionaries can defeat him. Amasah is full of his own self-importance. Absalom chooses him because he has complained for years that his other cousins were not very good, so they were promoted and he was not. All of the choice jobs were given to Joab and Abishai.

Marat, Ropespierre and Danton, in the French Revolution; and Absalom, Amasah and Ahithophel were their corresponding parts in the Absalom revolution.

David wants to get up to the top of the Mount of Olives and determine what to do next.

Ahithophel has ignored that Jesus Christ controls history. All the people will be in peace.

This is what is what would indicate a win for the revolutionists; the restoration of the people to Absalom.

The Idiom of V. 3

1.       So far, this has been a literal translation; but it does not necessarily make sense. You do not give an idiom a literal translation. There is a lot of idiom in this passage. The KJV has completely ignored idiom of the Hebrew.

2.       In the English, the ellipsis is must be amplified for a correct understanding. “The death of the man, whom you are desiring to destroy, is tantamount to the return of all the people.”

3.       Ahithophel has correctly analyzed the situation. He understand this. He knows that with David dead, Absalom is the logical replacement.

4.       If David is killed, the opposition will be removed.

5.       Furthermore, Ahithophel sounds humanitarian in his suggestion; one man dies on behalf of all the people. Ahithophel may be thinking to get rid of David and then get rid of Absalom, and he can take over.

6.       This is compatible with Ahithophel’s desire to assassinate David when he is isolated.

7.       Obviously, David is not dead. Every day, David is putting more and more distance between himself and Jerusalem.

8.       David, if isolated, could be easily assassinated.

9.       This was the only good plan given to Absalom. Ahithophel must die in order for David’s force ot succeed.

2Sam. 17:3 and I will bring [back] all [restore] the people back to you. When everyone returns except the man [David] you're [Absalom] seeking, all the people will be at peace."

Now to the 2nd sentence. The key to the plan. Ellipsis indicates that Ahithophel is very excited about this plan. When a person is excited, as Paul was in Romans, he becomes very elliptical, leaving out verbs and subordinate clauses. He should be excited because God the Holy Spirit indicates that this is the only plan by which David can be defeated.

Arrogance has made Absalom stupid. Arrogance will neutralize any talent and any ability, inherent or acquired.

Ahithophel’s Plan

1.       The objective of Ahithophel’s plan is peace; but behind it, Ahithophel has even greater plans for Ahithophel. He knows that Absalom is arrogant and a dummy. So he will be the man behind the throne, and he can either use Absalom or he can overthrow Absalom. Insurgency, which means assassination. Ahithophel proposes to demote him by violence.


3.       Therefore, the plan of Ahithophel is actually in opposition to the plan of God.


5.       The means for accomplishing the objective is criminal violence. He rejects establishment.

6.       The plan sof criminal arrogance are compatible with the status quo of the planner. The plan is brilliant. Humility produces thinking. Arrogance gives ascendancy in the soul; humility gives ascendancy to thinking in the soul.

7.       Ahithophel is a criminal. His plans call for criminal activity in order to bring about peace in the land. Criminal activity never brings anything worthwhile to anyone. Peace in the land is a guarantee of tyranny. What is gained by criminality destroys freedom in the land.

8.       The fact that Ahithophel suggests assassination of David, indicates that the revolution has run out of gas.

9.       The use of revolutionary violence. The reign of terror is on and the proposal to extend criminality beyond the walls of Jerusalem to kill David.

There is a proposal, a plan and the objective, which is v. 3. The return of all the people.

Ahithophel’s Plan and Suggestion

1.       Operation Ahithophel means insurgency.

2.       The answer to the violence of revolution and the reign of terror is greater violence by men of integrity.

3.       This greater violence to defeat revolution will include clandestine and inconventional warfare.

4.       In clandestine warfare, honorable men must change to the ruthless strategy of counterinsurgency.

5.       For the revolutionists, the principle is, those who live by revolutionary violence will die by revolutionary violence. What counterinsurgency does not destroy, conventional warfare will destroy on the field of battle.

Back to Psalm 61. Grace is the policy of God. Deliverance in revolution. David will make great decisions and he will use all 3 stages of the faith rest drill. He will have complete control of the situation. Bob reads it and applies it.

Now David looks back and speaks to the revolutionists. They have plotted; they have determined to topple him. They delight in lies; with their mouth they bless, but they curse in their right lobes. My soul finds rest in God alone. My absolute confidence comes from Him. He is my Rock and my Deliverance. The Rock of my defense; my refuge is in God. Scum are always arrogant, men of rank are liars. If they are weighed on a balance, they are nothing. They are no more than a breath. Do not trust in terror or become arrogant because you can rob the helpless. Do not become arrogant. Power belongs to God. And grace is Your policy; for You prosper each person according to his modus operandi. Those who trust in terror, running through Jerusalem, are having their me moment, but they will pay severely.

2Sam. 17:3 and I will bring all [restore] the people back to you. When everyone returns except the man [David] you're [Absalom] seeking, all the people will be at peace."

2Samuel 17:(1–3) 4–5                          72David                                              631_0438

It is only in the past few years that counterinsurgency has become important to the military and the doctrine of such. Some guy named Furnace and his discussion of this. God is punishing those in SE Asia and still is.

We will see intelligence and counterinsurgency as a great thing; as successful. Couriers, double-agents, and in all of this cloak and dagger meandering, there will be a magnificent women become a great heroine. A beautiful chateau outside of Bahurim. She has no training at all, and did not learn 5 ways to kill a man outside of bed, 10 in; but who was prepared for her finest hour. She was just a wonderful woman; not equal with men but superior. She knew how to keep her mouth shut. She has great capacity for life and capacity for love. She is the kind of a woman that Bob really appreciates. Great plans and bad plans.

There is a simple straightforward narrative.

2Sam. 17:1–3 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please, let me choose 12,000 men, and I will set out in pursuit of David tonight. Consequently, I will attack him while he is weak and weary of hands, throw him into a panic [I will immobilize him with fear], and all the people with him will scatter. Consequently, I will strike down only the king [Bob says, I will assassinate the king while he is alone] and I will bring [back] all [restore] the people back to you. When everyone returns except the man [David] you're [Absalom] seeking, all the people will be at peace."

Qal imperfect of jashar which means to be straight, level right. It means to seem good, to be pleasing. This is a plan presented to the revolutionary council.

A number of princes had gone over to be with Absalom and had joined the revolution. Most were related to the 17 gates. There were many kinds of arrogance at work here and many were exactly like Ahithophel.

Operation Ahithophel

1.       This plan is operation Ahithophel. Both Absalom and the Jewish princes were pleased with the plan. They see it as excellent. God the Holy Spirit rates it as excellent.

2.       Only Ahithophel has a plan to present.

3.       None of the princes or Absalom have a plan of their own.

4.       Arrogance is the environment of mediocrity and the passive debilitation of thought.

5.       Thought and decision require humility, objectivity, flexibility combined with maximum doctrine in the soul. At some time in their lives,

6.       It is not that the revolutionary staff lacks talent, ability, but their potential wisdom is neutralized by the arrogance of wisdom and the arrogance of power. Many of them reacted to David by the feet of clay syndrom. Fame cannot make them happy; the satisfaction of their lusts cannot make them happy. They are basically unhappy from arrogance and nothing can make them happy.

7.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Knowledge of doctrine is important for the thinking of any of these men. Knowledge of doctrine is vital for any thinking.

8.       You can only have thoughts which you personally understand. You need doctrine and planning and decision.

9.       Doctrine is the environment for decisions. If you make choices on the basis of doctrine or truth, then you possess the freedom to make more and more choices.

10.     If you make decisions on the basis of arrogance in the environment of arrogance, then you limit your choices; you reject good plans. This can destroy a business; a person in arrogance can make decisions and make changes, reaction, feet of clay syndrom or whatever; change all the policies and destroy the business. A gossip destroys its choices in life.

11.     Decisions based upon the arrogance of ignorance results in running out of choices, so nothing is left but the sin unto death.

12.     Ahithophel will be reduced to one decision, suicide.

13.     Absalom will be reduced to one choice; to flee the battlefield; and his hair will get caught up in a tree.

14.     Those involved in the use of conspiracy, violence and revolution eventually run out of decisions. They destroy their freedom of choice and they destroy themselves. A person may be free to choose to drink. The stuff that Bob takes is about 25% alcohol. First sip, you’d think 80%. Emotional wrecks and they are not worth a damn. They choose from their free will to malign others, and in Berachah, that means, they are going to go. People who drink alcohol except for social reasons are in a jam before they know it. Everywhere you turn, there are choices.

15.     Those involved in conspiracy violence and revolution will destroy their own free will choices.

16.     For those who abandon honor and Bible doctrine, their future is grim and foreboding. Bob loves that word.

“But they were such a nice person.” That is how they cheat you out of your money.

Next Principle

the plan called for David’s assassination. Ahithophel and Absalom are both geniuses. Amasa comes from a line of genius people. However, they cannot slug it out with David thought for thought.

1.       T

2.       Everyone wants to kill David, who think this is the solution for their problems. Some think if someone would die and leave them money; or people with domestic problems; sweet Christians think this way; Baptists are famous for it. We make our own problems with our very own volition. We are definitely lacking im maturity and poise when we do not take the responsibility for our own decisions. You have forgotten that there was this period of time, and you have 5 plans to get him to the altar. Maybe, you thought he needed to be revamped. Your own volition determined that you wanted him. No one forced you; in fact, several people warned you. But now you want to blame him and everyone else. The very one you want to die will outlive you and write your biography. This kind of thinking will kill you. There will be a suicide; all of them will die. First they will suffer horribly. What intensifies suffering is failure to take responsibility for your own decisions. These people are blaming someone else for their own decisions.

3.       They have created their own problems with their own volition. David sinned, but everyone has a sin nature. It is arrogant to be disenchanted; to be disappointed is normal. Who gave you the right to be concerned over someone else’s feet of clay. They think that David’s death is the solution for everything.

4.       David represents the authority, the honor and the integrity that all resent. Those who manufacture from their own volition always resent someone else.

5.       They assume the death of David will make them happy, when nothing will make them happy.

6.       These men of the revolution have made themselves unhappy through the arrogance of unhappiness and iconoclastic arrogance.

7.       The fulfillment of their desires will not make them happy.

8.       There is no way and no person and no circumstance that can make the unhappy happy. Unhappiness is a state of soul inside interlocking systems of arrogance.

9.       They have chosen to enter and are unhappy by choice. Beware of those unhappy by choice.

He will take a plan that does not work instead of a plan that does.

Insurgency is revolution; counterinsurgency is counter-revolution. Insurgency is anti-God; counter-insurgency is serving God.

2Sam. 17:4 This proposal [word, plan, idea] seemed good to Absalom and all the elders [princes] of Israel.

The function of counterinsurgency. Absalom then calls for Hushai to hear his opinion. Then Absalom commented. He had cold feet. He began to think, “Ahithophel leads the troops and this makes him a hero. He waits for the sun to go down and he will be a hero. David may be guarded by 25 or 30 men. Hmm, good plan, but Ahithophel has the plan; so Absalom cannot take credit for it. Then he wonders if Ahithophel is out to get him. It could be that Absalom just cannot make a decision. He has never had to make a quick decision before. He has not had to make many life and death decisions. He’s done one move to kill his brother, but nothing other than that.

Particle of polite entreaty; “Please summon also Hushai the Archite.” He was not there. Now, Absalom seems smart here, to listen to others, but he is having trouble making this decision. He has known Hushai all of his life and knows he can get to the root of a problem. His integrity makes him the ideal mole.

Hushai’s Strategy

1.       It would appear that Hushai is one of the most respected men of Israel and a perfect mole for counterinsurgency. He has poise and magnificent deceit.

2.       Absalom may be testing Hushai’s loyalty.

3.       What Hushai will have to present a plan that is brilliant and destined to fail. And he has to do it without arousing suspicion.

4.       The unseen war between Ahithophel and Hushai has just begun. Hushai is David’s mole. This is a war of thinking.

5.       Ahithophel and Hushai will fight to the death in warfare.

6.       Equal mentality of enemies will then be determined by humility. The humble person will win.

7.       Who knew before Sun Tzu, before he had a thought, David became the father of counterinsurgency. He ought to receive credit for this.

8.       God the Holy Spirit linked Hushai to Ahithophel. 1Chron. 27:33 Ahithophel was the king’s counselor; but Hushai was the king’s friend. Ahithophel was the greatest counselor; and Hushai was his greatest friend. They are both men of genius. When you have men of equal ability, then the man with humility will defeat the man who is arrogant. Humility thinks under pressure; arrogance emotes under pressure. Arrogance under pressure is emotion. Courage is thought under pressure. The one who thinks under the greatest pressure will defeat the person who emotes under pressure. Cowardice is emotion. Cowardly people can be great fighters when cornered; in a moment of emotion, they do some incredible things, but they are actually cowards. It is an emotional reaction. Courage is thought and cowardice is emotion. The man who thinks under pressure.

We Americans have a great failure, in that we attribute great merit to emotion, and emotion does not deserve that. We see something wonderful or beautiful and we respond emotionally. The coward always emotes. When your corner a coyote, he is a coward, but he will bite.

These are men of equal ability and thought; but Hushai is courageous and he can think under pressure. He must manufacture a plan that sounds great, but will fail; and a plan that he can sell. Hushai will give David the best advice of his life; cross the Jordan and put the river between you and your enemies.

The clandestine war had not only begun, but it will be a victory for David. The outcome of the unseen war will determine the outcome of the civil war. “The advice of Hushai is better than the advice of Ahithophel, for the Lor had ordained to frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel in order to bring disaster upon Absalom.”

2Sam. 17:5 Then Absalom said, "Summon Hushai the Archite also. Let's hear what he has to say as well."

2Samuel 17:(1–5), 6–7                         72David                                              631_0439

Book by a psychiatrist, Frederick J. Hacker. Crusaders, Criminals, Crazies; and it is a study in terrorism. We permit terrorists to obtain machine guns and bombs, with which they blow us to pieces, and are amazed by the spectacle of our own reactions. We are participating in our own destruction. Terror and terrorism want to dominate and to impress. Their appearances and disappearances are carefully staged. Terrorists and mass media are made for each other; if one did not exist, the other would have to invest it. There is apparently a lot of human viewpoint.

3 varieties: crazies, crusaders and criminals. Their motives are understood by everybody (Thieme says, it ought to be everyone).

The Wilderness of Mirrors is the best book on terrorism.

The original reaction to this plan was quite favorable. There are many people in history are famous for clandestine warfare; and David precedes them all historically. Sun Tsu, Genghis Kahn, Machiavelli, etc. Bob notes very carefully who is here in Bible class. He has given this information to the smallest group of people for a long time.

The dog that does most of the biting is a coward. They do this because they are afraid.

Teams which are great, are those that can think through their season, rather than emote in order to win. If you live by your emotions, you are the coward who will fall apart under emotion and disaster.

If someone in traffic gives you the usual sign, just smile, nod or wave.

You don’t need to emulate a personality. Doctrine in the soul is the environment for thinking.

Hushai is David’s mole and he has broken in Absalom’s higher echelon. Hushai is not just trying to infiltrate Absalom’s organization but to neutralize him as well. Hushai needs to present a brilliant plan but which will not work. He will sell a plan which is guaranteed to fail.

2Sam. 17:1–5 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please, let me choose 12,000 men, and I will set out in pursuit of David tonight. Consequently, I will attack him while he is weak and weary of hands, throw him into a panic [I will immobilize him with fear], and all the people with him will scatter. Consequently, I will strike down only the king [R. B. Thieme, Jr. says, I will assassinate the king while he is alone] and I will bring [back] all [restore] the people back to you. When everyone returns except the man [David] you're [Absalom] seeking, all the people will be at peace." This proposal [word, plan, idea] seemed good to Absalom and all the elders [princes] of Israel. Then Absalom said, "Summon Hushai the Archite also. Let's hear what he has to say as well."

This is exactly what David wants; Hushai evaluates the plan that could destroy David. There are people you trust, which is important; but there is more going on here than just trust. His opinion was valued. Also, there is a magnificent lady of the manor, at a chateau in Bahurim. These 2 will wipe out this revolution. They will do it all for the same reason. There is not reason to believe that this woman had some secret weapon. What wins here is thinking. If you want to be a winner, you must learn to think.

Absalom trusts Hushai and respects his opinion. Ahithophel has submitted this plan. Should we execute this plan? This is an ideal situation for David. Absalom has asked Hushai to do a very difficult thing; rain on Ahithophel’s plan, and then present an alternative which is in David’s best interest. He has to make this look so good, they they will snap at it. Now, Hushai is quite old, and not able to keep up with David. The body can wear out, but the brain may continue to function. If you use your brain instead of emotion, and brain instead of brawn, you get better all the time. If you run around, loud mouth flapping trying to push your way through, you will end up a total coward and failure. Doctrine is designed to give you God’s perspective of life. It is your thinking that does the living. It is a place we rent until God calls us home.

There are 2 great people in this passage; Hushai and the wife of Asmaveth; they will be the basis for the defeat of Absalom. She was magnificent. The more you choose for doctrine, the more choices you have in this life. The worst thing is to run out of choices in this life.

2Sam. 17:6 So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?"

Absalom has just invited Hushai to sabotage the plan of Ahithophel. However, Hushai is smart here. He does not insult Ahithophel. He doesn’t say, “Ahithophel is an ass; he has no idea what he is saying.” But Hushai is sharp. He compliments Ahithophel. .

So here Hushai is clever. He says, “The plan is not good at this time.” That is the truth. It is not good for David. Here, he is speaking the truth. The best disguise for a lie is truth. Bob thought that would get us thinking.

David needs to buy time and that is what Hushai is trying to do here. He does not knock this plan; the timing is just wrong. He does not directly oppose the plan, but he brings in the time element. Hushai does not appear to oppose Ahithophel. He is showing real zeal for the revolution. When you dress up a lie with some deception, you have a lie + truth and it equals deception.

Hushai will destroy the good advice of Ahithophel but replace it with bad advice that Absalom will follow. Arrogance has no discernment and arrogance becomes vulnerable to following weakness instead of strength. It replaces thought with prejudice. Absalom is smart; an IQ of genius. Prejudice produces incompetence and inefficiency. Hushai will stimulate arrogance and inculcate

2Sam. 17:7 Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good."

The sabotage of plan Ahithophel Sunday.

2Samuel 17:(1–7), 8                             72David                                              631_0440

Medal of honor recipient read. Bob feels that this has been some of the greatest stuff he has covered in the past couple months.

Most people assume that a narrative passage needs to be covered very lightly, maybe in one message, a shout here or there where appropriate.

We have noted that the Bible has a great deal to say about military doctrine and that killing the enemy is honorable; and a person who kills the enemy is doing an honorable thing and serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is a scale of values for life and a different one for counterinsurgency.

David knows he needs to remove Ahithophel from Absalom’s state department. We have seen that the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were illustrative of all that is wrong with revolution; and that the U.S. war for independence was not a revolution.

We have only one standard by which we function, a self righteous above board war, which ignores Doolittle’s report. We are losing the clandestine war, and as goes the conventional war.

2Sam. 17:1–7 Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please, let me choose 12,000 men, and I will set out in pursuit of David tonight. Consequently, I will attack him while he is weak and weary of hands, throw him into a panic [I will immobilize him with fear], and all the people with him will scatter. Consequently, I will strike down only the king [Bob says, I will assassinate the king while he is alone] and I will bring [back] all [restore] the people to you. When everyone returns except the man [David] you're [Absalom] seeking, all the people will be at peace." This proposal [word, plan, idea] seemed good to Absalom and all the elders [princes] of Israel. Then Absalom said, "Summon Hushai the Archite also. Let's hear what he has to say as well." So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?" Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good."

Hushai takes a lie and covers it with a little truth. Truth is so valuable, that it must be protected with a bodyguard of lies.

Arrogance has no discernment. Arrogance substitutes prejudice for thought.

Insurgency is revolution and counterinsurgency opposes the revolution. The revolution must use violence and terror; counterinsurgency is counter-terror. There must be thinking.

Hushai then continues and tries to keep Absalom with him. He has to use flattery, in order to keep him in agreement. “You know.” He is appealing to Absalom’s arrogance. He is weak and vulnerable to flattery.

Hushai is able to penetrate the inner staff of Absalom. They will reject a good plan out of emotion. Arrogance allows emotion to control the soul; and they cannot discern Hushai’s brilliance.

Hushai’s Plan Pulling Ahithophel’s Apart

1.       The brigade of guards will weigh heavily on Absalom’s mind. Ahithophel knows that David is a man of great responsibility, and he has dispersed his troops. The lie behind this is, David is at his weakest moment at this time. They are now strung out over 80 miles of desert. David is responsible for civilians who are not accustomed to these kinds of difficulties. We have studied David’s thinking in these psalms. Ahithophel wants to bring his men down upon David, who has maybe 400 men.

2.       By mixing truth with error, Hushai will frustrate a great plan. Truth will frustrate a great plan.

3.       David is surrounded by great soldiers. Plan Ahithophel is not without merit; it is the only plan with merit. Rejecting this plan means there is no good approach.

4.       Deception involves weaving the truth into the false.

5.       In raping 10 helpless women, there was no risk to Absalom or his army. However, Absalom is beginning to face some real risk if he takes his airborne rangers;

6.       While Absalom was smart, his involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance guarantees that Hushai would out wit him by revealing flaws in a plan; flaws that really do not exist. Thought is courage; cowardice is emotion. Those who survive will do so because they have learned to appl doctrine to the situation. We learned how to apply faith rest to the situation. We know how to take a rationale and apply them instantly to an adverse situation. Thought is the key. When you cannot think, you are not even in the running.

We are a client nation to God.

The 4th estate cannot think and analyze; they revealed that in their coverage of the Republican convention. Carter sent 10 representatives to celebrate the revolution there. We are officially celebrating a communist revolution. He cannot distinguish between tyranny and an authoritarian rule. Communism wants to put a steel curtain between us and South America. We are supposed to have integrity and we have supported communist takeovers all over. We have helped the communists in every where. State department stupidity and policy.

Missionary function ought to be our foreign policy. We sent missionaries to Africa, and the Arabs were exploiting the Africans. The missionary went out from England, Livingston and Moffatt and Mary Slesser.

Empire is a bad word today, at one time, no one would go near the American flag. That is no more.

Hushai says that David will not be vulnerable to a night attack because he is a professional soldier.

He also says that David will not lodge with the people.

Hushai and Absalom

1.       Hushai emphasizes David’s professionalism and says that he will not panic.

2.       David operates on thought. Hushai is not presenting exactly the true picture of David.

3.       False information will convince Absalom that this Ahithophel’s attack idea is a bad one.

4.       The plan of Ahithophel is excellent and the best chance for the revolution to succeed.

5.       But Hushai is giving false information supposedly knowing the habits of David. Absalom assumes that he is getting great advice here. He assume he is getting the truth and he is getting a barrage of lies.

Hushai will tell Absalom that David is with his soldiers, but not with the people (the civilians).

Hushai’s Approach and the Facts

1.       David is too good of a soldier to get tangled up with civilians. The army is calm, however; and the people are calm. There is no problem there at all. In his lying deception; in his beautiful finesse.

2.       Ahithophel attacking will find only civilians. “You won’t find David there.” The communists planted a mole, Ken Philby, and he got into MI6 and into the CIA as well (or some intelligence service of ours). We almost put an agent into their higher echelons, but people through a fit over that.

3.       If Ahithophel ran into David, says Hushai, his soldiers will not panic, but they will fight back fiercely. “You cannot afford to let David beat you even once.” That is true advice; but Ahithophel’s idea is the most intelligent.

Exploiting the weaknesses of others is the way to win wars. David will think; he will give orders. His men will fight magnificently. They will fight effectually as a unit. An example of one place where individuals who achieved too much and to stand out, they would be examined, because he is no longer behaving like part of a unit (the is the Prussian army). The medal of honor readings are quite the opposite. It is one man doing this or that; what is going on with the rest of them? Logistics are just as important as the fighting. Soldiers need food and equipment. They are no good without these things. There are a lot of heroes in logistics. The infantry is the queen of the services, although the cavalry was the king to Bob. The same thing is true in football; the most consistent team is the team where everyone functions as a team. This is why you do not win baseball with only a pitcher. You need it all. You need everyone to do his job. The plan of Ahithophel is good; but Hushai will make it sound worthless. He has finessed Absalom by saying, “Your rather is not going to be caught in a field with civilians.” This sort of thing happens in business as well. There might be a great marketing plan, but it is rejected by others who are not so alert of forward thinking. It takes humility, flexibility and objectivity in order to accept good ideas. Have you noticed that our new police chief is putting everyone out on patrol. His policy is to fight crime. More patrols on the streets today than in the past 20 years. Ticket revenue is down and PR is down; but he is putting patrols on the street and CID is functioning again. Born again believers lie, deceive, cheat in order to get the criminal.

It is assumed the presidents know something when it comes to the military. Harry Truman did not understand strategy and tactics. Many of these secretaries of the Navy and Army are political appointments and they do not know enough to come in out of the rain. We invite people to leave Berachah, not to come here. Civilian interference with the function of the military is problematic, both today and in the ancient world.

That cracked bell in Philadelphia is not a sign of our freedom; the military and the police preserve our freedom.

Hushai suggests that David would never become entangled with civilians. Humble Hushai will defeat an arrogant Ahithophel and arrogant Absalom.

2Sam. 17:8 Hushai continued [Furthermore, Hushai advised], "You know your father and his men. They are warriors and are desperate like a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier who won't spend the night with the people [frightened civilians].

2Samuel 17:(4–8), 9                             72David                                              631_0441

Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong write The Brethren, about the Supreme Court.

The Wilderness of Mirrors next. Bobby read the paper and brought it to Bob’s attention; it was about Ken Philby, in which he received another Soviet award.

The Kennedy brothers messed things up. Bobby almost headed up the CIA. The Kennedy’s are to blame for the Cuban missile crisis, although they blame the CIA. It was vintage Kennedy to take a bureaucracy and turn it upside down. Not good for the CIA.

We had a great agent and Carter turned against him. Presidents need to be kept away from the CIA.

A leak from Gerald Ford about CIA being involved in assassinations. The only person who handled clandestine warfare well was Ike.

The one plan that could have destroyed David came from Ahithophel. Evil can plan, when evil involved in arrogance confines itself to one of the areas where evil can still think. Thought and decision always involved humility.

The environment for decision is true thought. Arrogant people always allow their pettiness to show. They will reject even a good plan, if it endangers their security, power, or influence. Knowledge is the environment for thinking in any counsel. We must learn to be able to think in terms of sentences..

Ahithophel takes himself to a point where he just has one decision; the decision to kill himself. Everyone wants to kill David, assuming that this is the solution to their problems. People always blame someone else for problems they have created with their own volition. 90% we created from our own volition.

Trilateral conspiracy is one of the most pitiful things we have ever had. There are criminal conspiracies, communist conspiracies, the infiltration of aliens that you can use; labor union. That which creates trouble is a system; not an individual. Both Kennedy’s were assassinated and things are unchanged. Things are not better.

Insurgency is anti-God and revolution; counterinsurgency is counter-revolution and, in most cases, pro-God.

Hushai is David’s friend, and he has integrity and honor. When you find a person who has the stability to remain loyal through all the years, then this is also a front for counterinsurgency. Hushai has to do nothing to cause Absalom to become suspicious. Ahithophel was the king’s counselor and Hushai was the king’s friend. Absalom does not realize that his command to summon Hushai is the beginning of clandestine warfare.

One smidgeon of a lie. The plan was not good at that time, because it would be disastrous for David. The best approach is to be able to wrap out the fatal lie with so much truth, so that it is accepted by the enemy. You do not stop the plan by shooting the author of the plan; you stop the plan with thought. There are 2 men of genius; Hushai is humble and Ahithophel is arrogant. Absalom assumes all that Hushai says is true.

Hushai says, “You know.” Absalom knows nothing. He does not know this. But, he seems smart by acting that he does know this. What Hushai says makes sense to Absalom, because he would desert the people, if it insured his own safety.

Sherman was one of the greatest louses; his men raped woman in South Carolina or North Carolina. Bob would put a .45 between your eyes and shoot you. You lose control when you allow your troops to steal, rob and rape. In time of pressure when you need these troops fighting, they do not have the ability to fight.

2Sam. 17:4–8 This proposal [word, plan, idea] seemed good to Absalom and all the elders [princes] of Israel. Then Absalom said, "Summon Hushai the Archite also. Let's hear what he has to say as well." So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?" Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good." Hushai continued [Furthermore, Hushai advised], "You know your father and his men. They are warriors and are desperate like a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier who won't spend the night with the people [frightened civilians].

Hushai looks at Absalom, and sees that he is buying this. So he amplifies his story. Hushai implies that David anticipates an attack by Absalom, and is setting up an ambush right then. “Sonny boy, you get out there and start fighting your father that you will get cut off at the knees.” Emotion means that arrogance dominates the oul.

It will come to pass according to a falling that will come between them; but this means, “So that, it will come to pass, when he ambushes them in the first attack.”

People have come to Berachah to get even with someone else, even though they did not like it here. You’ll change jobs, churches, husbands or bf’s, because you are an unstable person. Cheap trash joins the revolution. The revolution always gets a lot of unstable cheap trash. Clobber the revolution and those people are immediate conservatives. They are suddenly with you.

Parents and children got into a squabble, and they got into a battle that had nothing to do with Christianity; and to get revenge, the adult children came to Berachah Church. They were highly unstable. You never change churches or jobs to get revenge.

Hushai, the People and David

1.       Hushai


3.       Hushai is right about the fickleness of the public. They joined the revolution because of iconoclastic arrogance. When stuck with the feet of clay syndrom, you are miserable, and you will not find happiness with any organization.

4.       The general public with arrogance of disillusion have joined the revolution.

5.       When David raped, seduced and took Bathsheba, the general public faced disillusionment with David.

6.       David’s feet of clay were well-publicized.

7.       Then came the test; the humble, the spiritual, the doctrinal, remained faithful to David. His authority and administration was the greatest that Israel would ever have. Concern about someone’s personality in power is meaningless. You are just advertising that you are arrogant.

8.       The humble also recognize that no one is perfect, including David and including themselves they left the administration of David’s punishment to the justice of God.

9.       The arrogant segment of client nation Israel placed David on a pedestal and they were therefore shocked by operation Bathsheba. They had no right to be shocked. They viewed David’s sins from the standpoint of their own arrogance. Arrogance produces self-righteousness when viewing others’ sins. The most critical of David were probably reform rakes. They are always self righteous.

David had been placed on a pedestal and the feet of clay syndrom was the key.

Bob has a betamax now. The temptation is gone. It is Monday night, and he will untangle the stain of counterinsurgency.

2Sam. 17:9 He's probably already hiding [with the intention of spring out later] in one of the caves or some other place. If some of our troops fall first, someone is sure to hear and say, 'There's been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.'

2Samuel 17:(6–8), 9                             72David                                              631_0442

There are constant references to counterintelligence news. A guy arrested by the French where he was meeting with his soviet contact. He was a journalist from Russia spreading disinformation. CIA has been beaten up with because disinformation is so popular in our own news culture. Pathay is his name. He apparently did a lot of writing, including 100 articles and his hand in many more. These were disseminated to trusted people in the media, which indicates that they are a part of this disinformation campaign. This is only the tip of the iceberg in the disinformation media.

The communists are way ahead of us in the realm of spying.

The Art of War is one of the older treatises on war by Sun Tsu. It is used by most military operations in the world. He is the native of China.

It is no wonder that doctrine is not taught. If you are interested in the ministry, then follow the procedures required. Do not talk to those around you; sit in a position and stay there. If you cannot conform to these, then go back to your pastor in some other church. If Bob spends a whole day on half a verse, then we need to understand that this is God’s Word, and we need to respect it.

Bob asks us about the following verse. What is it all about? Who are these people; who is related to whom? What, is the Bible a social registry?

2Sam. 17:25 Now Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in Joab's place. Amasa was the son of a man named Ithra the Israelite; Ithra had married Abigail daughter of Nahash. Abigail was a sister to Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

Bob reads a few of the previous verses.

2Sam. 17:6–8 So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?" Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good." Hushai continued [Furthermore, Hushai advised], "You know your father and his men. They are warriors and are desperate like a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier who won't spend the night with the people [frightened civilians].

David has a point, an advance guard, a rear guard, a flank; and he has done this before an enemy with superior forces. Most of the army joined the revolution. Plan Ahithophel calls for only 12,000 chosen men to look them over and attack David. David has maybe 200 men with him. The objective is to kill David.

Suppose that Ahithophel comes down this mountain with a column of civilians. So Hushai says that these civilians are staked out as bait. David will come out with his own soldiers and attack any attacking force. David cannot actually handle a full-on attack at this time. If it were not for Hushai here, David would be destroyed.

The general public is fickle. They will support Absalom and then they will support David.

The public is idiotic, simply because they have found a sin in David. This is a problem everywhere; with congregations, organizations or businesses. You do not evaluate people on the basis of personal life, although it can be related. David’s good government will continue for another 10 years after the revolution and then for 40 years under Solomon, who simply perpetuated what David did.

God must be tempted to give a people what they ask for. Bob would have been tempted to give them Absalom as their ruler.

Russian has no prosperity. It is the thought of a man and the policy of the man which is important. What they do in their personal life is not an issue. Every person in public life is a low-down skunk (we already knew this about Bob). The greatness of a corporation and a military organization and of anything depends upon thought. It does not depend upon self-righteousness and all of its priggish legalism. Morality is required by any society. Good officers in the military are not popular. MacArthur and Patton were both despised in their time. They are popular now. Read about Stonewall Jackson.

Popularity is not greatness, and greatness is not popularity. Greatness comes from thought. All great action is preceded by great thinking.

Older executives want to be brown-nosed; they do not want to be bombarded with good thinking. If good ideas are discouraged, that is arrogance. These executives are lousy. This has occurred in the advertising business. It is no longer clever; it does not make you laugh; you do not hear a diddy that you can’t forget. Advertising is beginning to appeal more to the arrogance of the general public rather than to extol the greatness of the product. This is true in every facet of life. The army no longer functions as the army. They are a public relations group. Policy comes from thought; and we are running out of people who can think. The general public then could no longer think. They could not appreciate the excellent government that they had under David. They got too big for their own freedom.

The People, David and Absalom

1.       Those inside of the arrogance complex reaction with disillusionment. Disappointment is normal and this is not surprising. It is disillusion that is not normal, as per gate 17.

2.       David was their idol created by their own arrogance created in their own mind. They used their arrogance to smash this idol. When David’s feet of clay become obvious, they forgot that David provided them with great government. The arrogance that they used to create the idol was the same arrogance which they used to smash the idol. God disciplined David; God did not demote David. Discipline is not demotion (depends on how one responds to the discipline). Only the general public demoted David. They demoted David and promoted Absalom. They are not with God or God’s will. This general public will die in the revolution for their failure and lack of discernment. There were 4 installments of discipline for David. He has organized a column of frightened civilians and he will get them all to the fords of the Jordan without a single casualty or straggler. These are not accustomed to march discipline or to taking orders. He will move up the mountains of Gilead to Mahanaim. He will put all of the civilians in the fort. David gets up into Mahanaim and now he can watch from there. He’ll have perhaps 100,000 men (David or Absalom?). And in one day, 20,000 men will die. David will choose the battlefield David will stay at the headquarters. Joab will fact his bastard cousin Amasa. He knows his bastard cousin well. Ishmael is half Egyptian and a very unstable person; and so will be Amasa. His mother was a Jewess. Lee understood McClellan because they went to school together.

3.       Just as when a woman reacts to her lover and marries on the rebound, the first sweet man that comes along, so the people reacted to David and through in with Absalom. They changed their allegiance to Absalom. A woman always chooses a sweet guy when her lover’s feet of clay are showing. More sweet guys get ruined by a woman reacting to someone that they truly love. Sweet guys can get hurt easily.

4.       Superficially, Absalom seemed to be everything that David was not. Absalom did all of his raping in public; he began his reign of terror with it. It was a beatufiul public image. Some people spend their whole life time hunting new idols. This is the story of some people’s lives.

5.       Absalom had not raped or done anything to offend public sensibilities prior to this. Later, they would realize their own stupidity. However, they had run out of choices. This is what happened to Absalom when he was dangling from the tree.

6.       In his murder of Amnon, Absalom was admired for doing what David should have done. People admired Absalom for taking revenge. This was arrogance, weakness; and not strength. Those involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, in gate 17, admire people for the wrong things. Being old does not make you nice. This is why they are a drain upon their children, grandchildren or anyone else who is around. They admired Absalom for the wrong thing.

7.       Absalom was handsome with a magnificent personality. The ignorance of arrogance judged him to be a greater man than David. People are misled by good personalities. Absalom had a great personality. He seemed to be the man of the hour. David, by contrast, was persona non grata.

8.       God looks on the inside. David was and would be the greatest king in all of Jewish history. There will be no othe king close to David.

9.       The arrogant never look beyond their self righteous probisis. They replace David with the evil, arrogant, lightweight Absalom.

10.     With the comment that David had feet of clay, they began to look for someone else to fill the vacuum. They used this illusion to reject David and accept Absalom with the revolution. In their minds, arrogance crowned Absalom. That same arrogance despised David. The great danger to the revolution was a defeat that would shatter the illusion of the arrogant.

Qal perfect of shamah, to hear. Then it is repeated as a Qal active participle.

2Sam. 17:9 He's probably already hiding [with the intention of spring out later] in one of the caves or some other [strategic] place. If some of our troops fall first, someone is sure to hear and say, 'There's been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.'

Whoever Hears the News Will Say

1.       Absalom is interested in what the people are saying. What do the people say? Hushai appeals to Absalom’s arrogance.

2.       Weak men in power and authority always depend upon public opinion rather than upon their own ability and wisdom.

3.       Public opinion does not have wisdom, discernment or judgment; it is the worst thing in the world.

4.       Public opinion is the sum total. Or arrogance, prejudice and stupidity.

5.       Prejudice is the environment for incompetence. Public prejudice is the guaranteed failure of

6.       The public created an idol out of David and destroyed David as the momentum of the revolution.

7.       They have blamed for their own arrogance and began another idol Absalom. They use the same arrogance to blame David and the new idol.

What will they say? “There has been a great slaughter among the troops of Absalom.”

2Sam. 17:9 He's probably already hiding [with the intention of spring out later] in one of the caves or some other [strategic] place. If some of our troops fall first, someone is sure to hear and say, 'There's been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.'

2Samuel 17:(6–8), 9–                           72David                                              631_0443

Kansas City and Longview added to the list of FX groups.

Hushai implies that David expected such a thing, and is using the people as bait to draw them in. Absalom can buy into this because this is what he would do.

In reality, David is in a serious jam and he could be destroyed if attacked in the next couple days.

Bob gave the analogy of a woman reacting to her lover and marries an idiot on the rebound (a sweet man), so the people of Israel changed their allegiance from David to Absalom. Hushai has finessed Absalom by setting aside Ahithophel’s plan.

2Sam. 17:6–8 So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?" Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good." Hushai continued [Furthermore, Hushai advised], "You know your father and his men. They are warriors and are desperate [have a ferocious disposition] like a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier who won't spend the night with the people [frightened civilians].

Hushai’s Approach

1.       Hushai is using a good doctrinal principle, but reversing it to make the revolutionaries panic. Their hierarchy is unstable. It is easy to take an arrogant person and start a panic in their thinking. Hushai is going to make them overly-cautious, which is not the best idea for a revolutionary army. Hushai will give David time to organize and plan a real move.

2.       David must regroup and this takes time. He has thousands of civilians scattered along 20 miles of roadway, and his troops are also scattered. He needs to protect the civilians, but he also needs to organize his troops. Hushai is providing David with that time.

3.       Hushai has introduced caution into the revolution. It has been bold up until now.

4.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

5.       False knowledge is the environment for false thinking. It is the function of a mole to introduce false thinking. The best illustration of this is Ken Philby, discovered by Harvey King, the great CIA agent, who was kicked around until he died as a reward. We stupidly hold to one system of values. We have almost a psychopathic attitude by our President and Congress. That is arrogant self-righteousness. KGB is not winning against MI5 and MI6. They have enough humility in high places to be able to operate under a dual standard. They lie, they steal, they intimidate, they torture, they hold their own; they kill and they assassinate.

6.       Hushai has introduced false knowledge to introduce false thinking. Absalom will never recover from this. Hushai’s comments here will lead to Absalom’s death.

7.       False thinking will lead to false decisions and the cancellation of plan Ahithophel. When you make false decisions, you limit your options for future decisions. Then you run out of decisions and you are destroyed. When Carter cancelled the B1 bomber, he reduced his decisions for the future. Every day, Carter makes some idiotic decision, to cut back this or that, to give less money to weaponry. He adopts a 9mm which is imbecilic. A .45 is the best sidearm in the world. Colt is tooling up to manufactory a bunch of 9 mm, good for nothing except plinking at birds.

By making a wrong decision, you begin to run out of options. Socialism is a horrible evil and it limits our options. Our social security system is robbing and stealing. Tax on corporations and our government by making decisions for more socialism limits its options. We have an immoral government supported by an immoral people. We will be punished by God. The little drought this year is nothing. You make decisions for crime, you will run out of options; you make decisions to go into interlocking systems of arrogance, you limit your options; you goes against establishment, you limit your options.

All of these things will come to us, because God has given us so many grace periods. We are still alive and God has a plan for our life. This also includes the fact that, when we continue to make bad decisions, brother, you are going to run out of options. You have had it.


8.       Absalom will become cautious and limit his decisions further in the civil war and he, with caution, will lose this civil war. With false information, Absalom will make bad decisions.

If we use our free will to make decisions which are counter to doctrine, then we will be able to use this to make good decisions. The decision to get in to interlocking systems of arrogance; to do something which is dishonorable. The #1 sin if Berachah is gossip. You decide to do it. The motivation to gossip is always bad. You gossip and you get discipline for it. So you rebound. And you decide to keep your mouth shut. Now, you have more options before you; options which mean blessing. Suppose the warning goes unheeded and you persist in your implacability of thinking. The more you gossip, the more you reduce your options for decisions in life. Finally, you will run out of options. So you are removed from Berachah Church. However, you may not have the option to do so, because you have persisted in gossip. Bob will illustrate with a woman who gossips; and she meets a guy, and he despised gossip; and he cuts her off at the pass when he realizes it.

Making decisions by which you lose your options. Illustration of stealing a little money; you are in the gym, you need money, you see some, and you steal it. And others fight over this, and you walk through the whole thing with an innocent expression. Bob would like to be loved, although there’s not much hope. There are at least 25 things that you can do to keep from having any friends. This happens because of your decisions. The vice president or the president has a son who is a dummy, but he will be promoted over you. This is because the boss is arrogant. But if you stick it out with doctrine, you open up more and more options; and you find options you had no idea existed. You make the right decision with regards to a lifetime partner, then you open up all kinds of options. You make the wrong kind of decisions and you limit your options. When you believed in Jesus Christ, you opened up options with regards to eternity. Those who have rejected Jesus Christ have limited their options only to time; nothing open for eternity.

In the United States, there are those who make great decisions like J. P. Morgan and Carnegie, and they gave them opportunities to make more decisions. But then, the government stepped in, and began to destroy those who were making wealth and prosperity. Only we are able to make ourselves happy or miserable. Absalom is a classical illustration as the leader of the revolution.

Absalom has limited his decisions and Joab will put 3 javelins into his body.


9.       Absalom will run out of decisions. He will reach a point where he has no more options because of the decisions which he makes.

10.     Inglorious thinking guarantees an inglorious end to that thinking.

11.     Falsehood begets falsehood; bumbling begets bumbling. We would not be here unless God took up much of the slack for our bumbling.

12.     Hushai the mole will change the thinking of Absalom and the revolutionary staff so that the plan of Ahithophel will be sabotaged.

2Sam. 17:9 He's probably already hiding [with the intention of springing out later] in one of the caves or some other [strategic] place. If some of our troops fall first, someone is sure to hear and say, 'There's been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.'

Begins with the 3rd person singular pronoun. This refers to the revolutionists who began with courage and were the greatest asset to the revolution. Hushai here will conclude his case to Absalom.

Niphal stem to become paralyzed with fear. A victory for David in the first battle will convert fear into courage. “You follow Ahithophel’s plan right now, and David is going to win.

Arrogance and the Revolution

1.       Arrogance is instantly vulnerable to fear. Often the arrogant are weak without knowing that they are weak. That is the blind side of arrogance. An arrogant person thinks that he is strong, it never occurs to him that he is weak; and it suddenly hits him.

2.       In arrogance, the people of the revolution have flaws in their character. They cannot function under pressure. Whatever they seem to be, pressure will turn that around.

3.       Defeat is pressure; threat of defeat is pressure. Absalom stole the hearts of the people in the revolution because they are arrogant. This is the same reason that many have become revolutionaries. Those in interlocking systems of arrogance are unhappy. It means that no one can make them happy. The fulfillment of every desire cannot make them happy. Feet of clay syndrom; David’s feet of clay. Arrogant people only saw his feet of clay; and they missed all the other stuff; his great leadership, etc. They were disillusioned and they reacted to David. This was the best government that they ever had. Arrogance is greater in its effect than perfect environment. This is why there will be the Gog Magog revolution. Arrogance will reject perfect environment. Jesus Christ could go to the WH tomorrow and straighten everything out and people would still not like it. Arrogance means people cannot appreciate anything. “I know you think that Reagan in going to get in and he is going to fix everything. You think you can get red of the Trilateral commission; get rid of the Jews; this is why the conservative movement is not going anywhere. So many conservatives have a Jacobin mentality. Maybe you don’t like Berachah now and again because you are arrogant. If you were humble, flexible and objective, then perhaps you would not get all huffed up. You are your own worst enemy. Many of you resist the doctrine. I don’t believe that. Why do you say it? Because you are smarter about the Bible than I am? You aren’t even in the running. If you were flexible, objective and humble, you might think, “I ought to give that a thought.”

4.       Only the arrogant of the general public are vulnerable to being recruited for the revolution.

5.       In other words, Absalom stole the hearts of the people who were involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Absalom could not steal the hearts of the people if they were not arrogant. Bathsheba’s father was humble and objective; he went with David.

6.       Arrogant unhappy people joined the revolution.

7.       No matter what personal or collective blessing these people possessed, nothing could make them happy. They just reject what is good because they are arrogant. Some of these people joined the revolution to get revenge on others. They can use this as an excuse to attack those they do not like. This is why revolution thinks this way. This is arrogance and revenge.

8.       Their involvement in the arrogance complex is a guarantee of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with the prosperity of David’s reign. He was fair and objective and this was the greatest rule in Israel’s history, and they were against it.

9.       David gave them good government and good government did not make them happy. Perfect freedom did not make them happy.

2Sam. 17:10 Then, even a brave man with the heart of a lion will melt because all Israel knows that your father and the valiant men with him are warriors.

2Samuel 17:10–11                               72David                                              631_0444

Two generals: Stilwell and Wingate. Stilwell was a flawed character.

Arrogance is vulnerable to fear just as it is to flattery. No positive attributes can exist under pressure. Arrogance is far more powerful than perfect environment, and there are 2 demonstrations of this. Garden of Eden and in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ. In both cases, there is perfect environment, and it was rejected.

David’s fantastic system of free enterprise is going to benefit him when he arrives in Mahanaim. They will arrive with no provisions. Free enterprise will come to his rescue. Free enterprise rejects the revolution.

2Sam. 17:6–9 So Hushai came to Absalom, and Absalom told him [confided to him]: "Ahithophel offered this proposal [has submitted the following plan]. Should we carry out his proposal [execute his plan]? If not, what do you say [state your own opinion]?" Then Hushai replied to Absalom, "The advice Ahithophel has given this time is not good." Hushai continued [Furthermore, Hushai advised], "You know your father and his men. They are warriors and are desperate [have a ferocious disposition] like a wild bear robbed of her cubs. Your father is an experienced soldier who won't spend the night with the people [frightened civilians]. He's probably already hiding [with the intention of spring out later] in one of the caves or some other [strategic] place. If some of our troops fall first, someone is sure to hear and say, 'There's been a slaughter among the people who follow Absalom.'

Shobak is the younger brother of Hanun, and he supports David, whereas his brother was the cause of the Ammonite war. David’s mother was once the wife of the King of Ammon; and this is why he was always safe in that area.

David and the Arrogant Population of Israel

1.       David provides the people with great environment, but with all of this, their arrogance of unhappiness made it impossible for them to enjoy it. Great Britain, Australia, ___, and the United States are the only places where there is great freedom anymore. Freedom is a part of capacity for life. People knew in WWII knew they were fighting for freedom; however, today, people have no concept of freedom, and we cannot even get them to register for the draft. We have great prosperity in ths slums than we have in some palaces in eastern Europe. What appears to be courage will end up being just a flawed character. In one day, 20,000 will die in the battle because of a flawed character.

2.       David was the greatest king in all of Israel’s history and provided the greatest period of freedom in his nation; and his people did not appreciate this. The people revolted against him.

3.       The arrogant part of the public from their very volition created an idol out of David. They maintained him in this same sphere of interlocking systems of arrogance. They discovered his feet of clay and they destroyed him in their souls.

4.       The general public who were humble, objective and flexible, they admired and respected and obeyed David as king. These are the loyal ones integrity the civil war.

5.       David was still their king and God would handle all of his discipline.

6.       On the other hand, those with flawed character, all people sin, but not all have a flawed character. The flawed character failed under pressure. It takes a revolution to bring this all out. God punishes flawed character. The arrogance of the Nazis, Japs and Russians; and God punishes them for it. Any field, today, the Japanese has met the challenge and has produced greater products. However, they had the same potential problem of arrogance.

7.       They found their man in Absalom whose superficial beauty and attractive personality was converted into an idol for their worship. Absalom had everything. He was startlingly beautiful. He was that kind of a person. This was how Rudolf Valentino had such an effect on women. Absalom had flawless features; thick red hair that he cut once a year. He was a muscle man and flawed so that anyone who had anything to do with Absalom would be twice as miserable as anyone who made contact with him. “Ladies, muscles do not mean a damned thing.” Bob’s muscles have allowed him to be able to sit at a typewriter for 8 hours without getting a backache. Muscles have nothing to do with anything except perhaps with arrogance. When you admire a person for his muscles, you are too dumb to live. Football players do not always have muscles. The weight lifter kind. Bob grew up on the CA beaches and you would not go to the beach unless you could flex a bit. Suzie Q follows men around and drools; it comes from her brain. Until you know what a man is like in his soul, you do not know the man. We used to have courtship, which gave us time to make a good estimate of the whole thing. Don’t let anyone tell you that the French kiss is a soul kiss. This is all point 7. It is the soul that counts.

8.       Those who joined the revolution will be destroyed by the flaw of their arrogance. About 1000 people die in a riot. That is not terrible. When the general public is involved with interlocking systems of arrogance, revolution and civil war are punishment from God.

All Israel knows... No one is more subject to public opinion than someone who is in power but should not be there. Absalom is very sensitive to what the public thinks. Hushai now warns Absalom and the revolutionary leadership that their courage will melt away.

The prejudice of arrogance; prejudice produces instability.

Hushai is putting pressure on Absalom and appealing to his fear.

2Sam. 17:10 Then, even a brave man with the heart of a lion will melt [be paralyzed with fear] because all Israel knows that your father and the valiant men with him are warriors [is a great soldier and those with him are great men].

Hushai shares his advice now. Hushai knows that Absalom is on the ropes. He is afraid. He is now going to follow up with the negative side of counterinsurgency. He will develop a plan that will seem workable, but will be the defeat of David. Only blind arrogance would see how fallacious it is. Asaph means to gather, to collect; to mobilize, to concentrate.

Also, these men have to be under your command. Complete mobilize all Israel.

Hushai is creating a vision; an army like the sand of the seashore. Hushai knows that Absalom is a flawed character and that his cowardly streak can be shown. This will give David more time to mobilize. Absalom will get s sense of security with a large army about him. It will stimulate his arrogance and his vanity. Absalom is not a military man.

Halak means to march. This is a military idiom, meaning personally led by Absalom.

2Sam. 17:11 Instead, I advise that all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba--as numerous as the sand by the sea--be gathered [mobilize] to you and that you personally go into battle [idiom for personally led by you].

2Samuel 17:11–12                               72David                                              631_0445

Bob stumbled across the Johnny Carson show and the author of the Spike was on. Bob cannot understand how a man can wear jewelry. An old convert of Bob’s, Dianne Cannon.

2Sam. 17:11 Instead, I advise that all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba--as numerous as the sand by the sea--be gathered [mobilize] to you and that you personally go into battle [idiom for personally led by you].

Hushai’s Implication

1.       Nothing appeals to arrogance so much as the innuendo that someone else is arrogant.

2.       Hushai implies that Ahithophel wants all the glory by making an immediate night attack upon David. Hushai would not say it.

3.       Hushai implies that Absalom needs a much larger army. Don’t trust anyone else, which appeals to arrogance. He should personally lead this army

4.       This is the effectiveness of counterinsurgency; it appeals to the vanity of the arrogant and guarantees victory for David in the civil war. It is easy to make an arrogant person suspicious. He will set Ahithophel aside as a planner

5.       With Absalom leading the army he will fail. He will put Amasa in charge; he is a bastard in the literal sense. Illegitimate. Those who are born bastards ought not to be discouraged, the self-made bastards is a different story.

6.       With Ahithophel leading his army, he would be a good match-up for David. David would be in trouble. Napoleon seen to be equal to a corp or an army.

7.       Counterinsurgency is undermining the best leadership and guarantees the appointment of incompetent leadership.

8.       Like so many arrogant people, Absalom possesses the feminine quality of intense jealousy. It is difficult for anyone of genius category to have genius under him and near him.

9.       Hushai imples that Ahithophel is not a servant but someone glory grabbing and competing with Absalom.

10.     Arrogance cannot assign pure motivation to others. We all have old sin natures, but even those can be honorable and trustworthy. Absalom is an arrogant leader. When he has good people working for him, he doubts them because he is arrogant. In the 1920's a crime syndicate was broken up. The brilliant leader. He got rid of some of his best people, a CPA.

Arrogance Is Absalom’s Foil

1.       They are weak and extend themselves beyond their ability. In arrogance, you extend yourself beyond your ability. Humility increases one’s ability

2.       Absalom is not qualified to be a field commander or even to be a chief of staff or a commander. David is great; Absalom is not. Absalom is a rancher. He is not a soldier. His arrogance makes him think he can do this. Ahithophel is qualified in both fields.

3.       The insinuations of Hushai reflect the genius of David’s mole. Absalom has lost his discernment. All people in arrogance have a blind side. You can be very talented in some field of entertainment; acting, script writing, etc.’ but with arrogance, you will lose out. Anyone inside of interlocking systems of arrogance, no matter how smart, they have a blind side. This blind side can be exploited to the disaster of that person.

4.       Hushai will set aside brilliant leadership and a fantastic soldier; Ahithophel can do this and Hushai gets Absalom to set him aside in arrogance. Absalom is incompetent and will bring disaster by his strategy, tactics, logistics; he has no staff or field capability.

5.       With a numerically superior army, Hushai will convince Absalom that he can defeat David. This will divorce him from the situation. He will dream the impossible dream. Arrogance dreams; humility faces reality.

6.       The implication that victory goes to the largest army is ridiculous to anyone who knows anything about strategy and tactics; but Absalom will swallow the bait hook, line and sinker.

7.       Arrogance is vulnerable to manipulation. Arrogant people are vulnerable to flattery. Those who do not think flattery can move them are the ones most easily moved.

8.       Absalom and his pettiness and vindictiveness. Vindictive people cannot be successful in command. Stilwell was petty and it destroyed him and he was a lousy commander.

9.       Arrogance destroys ability mentality talent, and any potential for greatness.

10.     His arrogance is his downfall. Once you are dead, you are no longer subject to arrogance.

Absalom Making Decisions Which Require Moral Courage

1.       When Absalom followed the advice of Ahithophel, he was in no personal danger. He had his personal bodyguard there and 10 helpless women, so his life was not in danger.

2.       But to risk a vigorous pursuit and a night attack was too great for the flawed character of Absalom. Plan Ahithophel, says that God the Holy Spirit, is the only plan that could destroy David. This was the only plan that could have worked. It requires moral courage to put this plan into action.

3.       Absalom did not have the moral courage or wisdom to follow Ahithophel. All arrogant people are cowards; it may not be clear on the surface. They may not be very strong or they may be strong, but they may be tough; but only if they have the initial upper hand. Some people do not look cowardly until they are put under pressure. Moral courage is the greatest asset in your life. Marry a man with moral courage, you are going to make it. It is the flawed character that does not work. Arrogance destroys capacity for life, capacity for happiness, capacity for love. Arrogance destroys any form of success and any form of greatness. Arrogance is more powerful than perfect environment. So powerful is the evil of arrogance that it causes us to make the wrong choice that it limits our choice. This is even true in perfect environment. Environmentalism is the quintessence of human arrogance.

4.       Absalom consulted Hushai, who exploited and confirmed his fears and flaws; he brought these flaws of character out. Wrong decisions destroys decisions and options. In business, marriage, personal life, social life. True of spiritual life as well, which means you might go out under the sin unto death.

5.       Hushai also directed suspicion toward Ahithophel, which reached Absalom. Ahithophel was an effective leader with sound ideas and now he is under suspicion. He will be permanently discredited.

6.       Hushai’s mission was to discredit Ahithophel. 2Sam. 15:31 David’s prayer.

7.       God answers this prayer through counterinsurgency.

8.       The larger Absalom’s army, the greater will become his difficulties. No one but Ahithophel can administer a large army. You cannot win wars without logistics. Tactically and strategically, the south was much better but the north had better logistics. Confederate army had terrible logistics. Yankee logistics were incredible. So there was a possibility of destroying the Yankees in the Potomac, but they could be easily and quickly replaced. No military can work without logistics. We are in the worst shape we have ever been in. Logistically, we are behind the 8ball. Hushai convinces Absalom to surround himself with a huge army, but the problem is, Absalom has no idea how to deal with this many people or how to provide logistics for them. Hushai will paint a dream of victory for Absalom.

An army is no better than its logistics. Ahithophel is very well-organized, and he knew what was going on, and he would lose the revolution.

Now, Hushai will paint this wonderful picture of defeat of David. They will just stumble across David, wherever he happens to be, in one of those places, and he will defeat him.

Right now, there needs to be a reconnaissance force out there determining where David is and where he is going. But David will get away and he will choose the battlefield. He will not find David until David wants to be found, which means, he will have chosen the battlefield. Strategically and tactically, you cannot handle it if you do not know where your enemy is.

Where he may be found? We don’t know where he is right now! However, Absalom does not have this kind of training. He may be smart, attractive and personable, but if you are arrogant, you are a flawed character. You would think Bob is talking about Obama. Arrogance means, when the pressure is applied, you will crack open.

With these revolutionary armies, they often like to stop and have fun; rape, steal, pillage. Only plan Ahithophel would have worked. 12,000 airborne rangers could have gone over the river, found David, waited for night, and then attacked and beaten David. David has civilians stretched out 20 miles or so and he is vulnerable. Absalom just needed to make one good decision here, and this would have opened up his options. Absalom is running out of decisions. If you go into interlocking systems of arrogance, then you will run out of decisions. You will know this as you die horribly and miserably.

Arrogance is a funny thing. So many things look easy. However, arrogance, makes you think it is easy when it is not; arrogance makes you think that you can do things that you cannot.

Bob recalls seeing a golfer, and Bob thought, that looks easy; and he swung and took a big chunk of dirt out and the ball was still there. Bob had a cousin Freddy.

David for all of these years has made military look easy. Arrogance assumes that everything is easy. You just step up to the plate and do it. It looked easy should be some people’s epitaph. Bob gives the example of the guy who took a bomber into the air after taxiing it around for awhile. It looked easy. He had to bail out, he could not land it.

Then Hushai makes an analogy. We will fall upon him like dew falls on the ground. It always looks easy. No gravity; no dew. Hushai makes it sound easy. You just get 1000's of men together, go find David, fall upon him, and that will handle David. Dew falls at night. Fall on him at night, and you will take care of him. However, the larger the force at night, the greater the confusion, the more difficult it is to organize them.

Absalom’s arrogance will turn Hushai’s vision into a dream. Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle. Someone has to actually work all of this out into a plan of action. This idea that Hushai comes up with is designed to confound a person who knows nothing about warfare. Absalom has no technical military knowledge, and he cannot see through Hushai’s screen of deception. There is a lot of difference between hallucination and military science. Absalom cannot function under pressure and he has no technical knowledge whatsoever.

2Sam. 17:12 Then we will attack David wherever [one of those places] we find him, and we will descend on him like dew on the ground. Not even one will be left of all the men with him.

2Samuel 17:12–13                               72David                                              631_0446

Bob caught a male yawning without covering his mouth.

Major Tom Phillips translation of Sun Tzu. Victory is won by indirect methods. All warfare is based on deception; when ready for attack, he must appear unable. The skillful opponent must not be judged on appearances but upon information from spies. Fighting is really the final result. It all goes back to thinking.

Victory in Thinking Precedes Victory in Battle

1.       Hushai has created illusion and suspicion. Absalom has been turned into an instant megalomaniac.

2.       Hushai inculcates a vision of superior army. Arrogance finds reality in the nebulous content of dreams.

3.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking; humility is the servant of that knowledge.

4.       Absalom does not have the technical military knowledge or the humility to see the fallacy of Hushai’s screen of fabrication.

5.       Absalom can only fall back on his emotions. He visualizes a large army. He has a dream of getting this great army and attacking David.

6.       Arrogance has destroyed Absalom’s thinking, his emotions are in charge.

7.       You can only have thoughts which you personally understand. Absalom knows no military science. Knowledge is power used to be in the preface of every military book. There are 2 things which Absalom fails to note: his father’s doctrine and the 2nd is his father’s technical military skill. What made David great are the things which his son ignores.

8.       Even if Absalom had been trained in military science, he would have failed because of his arrogance. Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

9.       Interlocking systems of arrogance have destroyed Absalom’s thinking as well as his ability to make correct decisions.

10.     Absalom will soon discover that if you make decisions when in interlocking systems of arrogance, so that nothing is left but punishment from God in divine discipline.

11.     Absalom will experience intensity of suffering which will only be intensified more by his scar tissue and the sin unto death.

12.     Absalom may be the leader of the revolution, but each decision reduces the number of decisions left in his life.

13.     Absalom’s great revolutionary power will be frustrated by incompetence. Indecisiveness in the function of his volition.

The Niphal of athar means to remain. Absalom is in this dream of defeating David. Hushai has Absalom thinking that no one on David’s side will survive this battle.

Hushai continues to say we will do this; we will do that.

2Sam. 17:12 Then we will attack David wherever [one of those places] we find him, and we will descend on him like dew on the ground. Not even one will be left [or, remain in his presence] of all the men with him [neither he nor any or his men will survive the battle].

Absalom and His Hallucinations

1.       The pronoun we is used by Hushai to indicate his loyalty to the revolution. It takes a monster to beget a monster. It takes you to destroy you. The only help you need are interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       The entire series of lies is designed to buy time for David. He has the megalomaniac vision.

3.       Arrogance converts the lies of anyone into hallucination. The arrogance of Absalom converts the lies of Hushai into the hallucination of victory. It is easy to dream about defeating David.

4.       Absalom visualizes a victory which will never occur. Emotion + arrogance = hallucination. Arrogance dominates his life and his soul.

5.       Arrogance blinds to reality. Instead of destroying David, Absalom will destroy himself.

6.       Being arrogant, Absalom will take the revolution down with himself.

7.       Hushai the humble has already defeated Absalom the arrogant on a greater battlefield; the greatest battlefield of human thinking. Arrogance introduces subjectivity and inflexibility.

8.       The victory of counterinsurgency is Absalom’s first defeat. The battlefield of human thinking.

9.       Hushai defeated Absalom in the palace and now David will defeat him on the battlefield. In other words, victory in clandestine warfare means victory in conventional warfare. Hushai defeated Absalom on the field of battle, in the field of thought. David will later defeat him on the conventional field of battle. Two of David’s subordinates will defeat Absalom.

2Sam. 17:12 Then we will attack David wherever [one of those places] we find him, and we will descend on him like dew on the ground. Not even one will be left [or, remain in his presence] of all the men with him [neither he nor any or his men will survive the battle].

If Hushai began with mere illusion, this is complete disillusion. This tells you what a jackass any arrogant person is. There will not be one small stone left in a city, if David tries to hide in a city. The arrogant is taken from illusion to hallucination in one easy step.

Asaph. There is a military use of the word which means to withdraw. The nasah in the Hiphil. It is as if everyone in Israel is in illusion??

People comes from hundreds of miles away dragging the stones of a city into the river. And Hushai says, we will drag every stone into the valley. Absalom never stopped to think, what if the city is in the valley (well, it wouldn’t be). When you start in arrogance, you go from the silly to the ridiculous. Arrogant people are fools. No one but a fool would buy this vision.

Hushai knows that the arrogant fantasize. Hushai has merely taken Absalom’s arrogance and has used it against him. He has used thousands and hundreds of thousands of troops going with Absalom and wiping out David and his army. And if they are in a city, then they will drag the stones of the city away.

Ahithophel had a good plan; an efficient plan; a plan that would work.

Also, notice, Ahithophel’s plan does not involve Absalom; Hushai’s plan does. Absalom likes this, because he is arrogant.

2Sam. 17:13 If he retreats [withdraws] to some city, all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will drag its stones into the valley until not even a pebble can be found there."

Absalom’s Arrogance and Hallucination

1.       Hushai as a mole is a creator of many fascinating things. He has created false pressure. He creates all of this false pressure. Arrogant people are plagued with pressures which do not exist. Stupid, arrogant imbeciles. He begins will illusion and builds this into an hallucination. Hushai has created pressure that does not exist, unwarranted suspicion, and then an illusion that cannot be.

2.       The illusion and hallucination appeals to the vanity of Absalom, whose arrogance has removed him from reality and whose thinking has been replaced by emotion. Absalom is a total wreck now. His arrogance is divorced from reality and thinking has been replaced by emotion.

3.       In the arrogance of ignorance, Absalom has lost his sense of responsibility when it comes to responsible government and responsible authority.

4.       The domination of his emotional power excludes thought and the ability to think. Absalom will turn against the only man who could help him and turn to the man who will destroy him.

5.       Absalom the arrogant is already defeated by Hushai the humble. He is unable to discern between truth and fiction. There is no system of thinking at all. There is no real thinking here at all. Emotion without thought. We all heave ears, and we hear this jungle music and we want to get up and dance. There are wonderful things that you hear and see. Arrogance wipes out thought and replaces it with emotion; such negative emotions as cowardice; Cowardice is lack of thought. Absalom’s arrogance has blinded him. He does not realize that he has to first out think David. The battlefield is a tremendous amount of thinking. If you go into a battlefield with all preparations done, knowing you will win, then you will. If you don’t know, then you will die. Honorable men are squandered because of stupidity and arrogance. We have so much stupidity and arrogance, you would be amazed. There are divisional commanders today who are solid stupid from stem to stern.

6.       The thinking conflict involves a few while the battlefield conflict involves large numbers. The system of authority from staff to line and line to staff has been good; nitty gritty detail thinking; and there is obedience at every point.

7.       The outcome of a conflict between large forces depends upon the thinking of a few. Patton was not just a loud-mouthed officer with brains; he could think. MacArthur and Patton were able to think in terms of aggressive warfare. Patton could use armor almost anywhere.

8.       Never let arrogance or prejudice in the line debunk the importance of staff. Do not let them debunk the policy-makers of that company. Likewise, the staff should never sell short the importance of staff.

9.       The staff thinks and decides; the staff planning. Both are necessary. Prejudice makes the line or combat arms suspicious of staff. The pride of prejudice guarantees inefficiency and incompetence. God the Holy Spirit expresses thie thinking efficiency of David and Joab.

We will meet a little girl who is really on her toes for thinking; and an aristocratic lady who owns a chateau. But Hushai represents clandestine warfare. It always takes teamwork. Sometimes we get gung ho about our own outfit and we forget what else it takes to be involved. The more Bob learns about each branch of service, the more he is convinced that there is just one service which can take part for any victory. You have to sit in those uncomfortable pews (they were a great buy at the time). You listen under the principle of enforced humility; discipline enforces the humility.

Hushai and Freedom

1.       Hushai’s counterinsurgency plan must neutralize the excellent plan of Ahithophel.

2.       Hushai must persuade Absalom to reject plan Ahithophel. He must create suspicion about the plan and the author.

3.       Hushai must right the revolution with thought.

4.       Hushai’s thoughts must be expressed in words, which create the illusion of victory without the reality of victory.

5.       Because of the vanity of Absalom, hyperbole is effective in creating this illusion. The dew falling on the ground; the ropes dragging the stones into the valley.

6.       Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle. Good thinking precedes good marketing.

7.       The nation’s freedom is at stake. The road to freedom is at stake. Once freedom has been attained by the armed forces, the freedom must be retained by divine establishment.

8.       Freedom for business to make profit without interference from government. Government is to protect business from the crusader and from the attack. Let a business fail if it does not work.

9.       Capitalism is the only economic system of life. Socialism is an evil system designed to destroy human freedom. In peace time, thinking wins in free enterprise. In wartime, thinking wins in warfare. All kinds of capitalists will come through to help the civilian refugees, which would be impossible without a free enterprise system. When government has bullies to the free enterprise system in peacetime. The magnificent things which were done here, the building of ships and tanks and the weapons of war; it is all amazing. No one wanted supplies for our soldiers in Vietnam, by the evil agitators.

Once the military has provided freedom for a nation, then there is a responsibility to carry this out.

Only the believer can provide the function of the client nation. An unbeliever can be a patriot and give us freedom as a warrior; but he cannot fulfill client nation function. Missionary activity depends upon believers.

The missing link must be brought in at this point. Once freedom is attained on the battlefield, the rest is up to the believers. No client nation can function without its believers. The honorable profession of law enforcement keeps freedom and suppresses criminality. The spiritual realm begins then.

Evangelism in the client nation provides the choice to believe or not in Jesus Christ. Collective evangelism. The choice of believing in Christ opens up additional decisions and options. The spiritual function is the most important. Believers have a dual role; there is the resultant function of...

There are only 2 nations in Africa which are client nations. None of them are client nations except for Rhodesia and South Africa (which status, they will lose).

Revolution is anti-God and anti-establishment.

2Sam. 17:13 If he retreats [withdraws] to some city, all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will drag its stones into the valley until not even a pebble can be found there."

2Samuel 17                                          72David                                              631_0447

David ought to be ranked with Gaius Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander the Great. 500 years after David initiated counterinsurgency in warfare, Sun Tzu wrote about it. General Giap is one of the foremost students of Sun Tzu, and he is the genius behind Ho Chi Minh.

So they will follow their leaders without any thought to danger. Earth, distances, great a small; terrain, narrow passages. He stands for wisdom, courage,... In your deliberation, when seeking to determine. Which has the most ability? Who has the advantages of heaven and earth? Which side is there the greatest discipline? Which army is the stronger? On which side are the officers the best trained. In which army is there the greatest constancy in reward and punishment? The army out of control which intimidates the civilians, these armies destroy.

When we are near, we make our enemy think we are far away; if we are far away, we must think we are close; the arrogant always lose. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. Attack him where he is unprepared; attack where you are not expected.

2Sam. 17:11–13 Instead, I advise that all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba--as numerous as the sand by the sea--be gathered [mobilize] to you and that you personally go into battle [idiom for personally led by you]. Then we will attack David wherever [one of those places] we find him, and we will descend on him like dew on the ground. Not even one will be left [or, remain in his presence] of all the men with him [neither he nor any or his men will survive the battle]. If he retreats [withdraws] to some city, all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will drag its stones into the valley until not even a pebble can be found there."

Thinking is always the greatest virtue. The government must protect free enterprise business from the criminal. The government is not to go along with the crusader and destroy big business. The crusader is as dangerous to big business as the criminal.

Absalom in arrogance has come to believe the absurd.

Client Nation Function

1.       Once military victory secures freedom, then it is the function of the spiritual realm to perpetuate this freedom. As goes the believer so goes the client nation. If the believer fails to advance then the client nation retrogresses. Freedom gives born-again believers the ability to fulfill their calling in life.

2.       Military is used in times of peace to guarantee peace. Some have trouble seeing the value of the military in peace, but this keeps the peace.

3.       Law and order keeps peace as well. A client nation cannot enjoy its freedom without good law enforcement.

4.       The separation of church and state opens the door for client nation function in the spiritual realm. It is the governments responsibility to protect human freedom. People have used religion in order to cheat; the person who has a church in hsi garage as a tax dodge, or someone selling degrees in the mail, abuses tax privileges. There are quite a few religious paramilitary organizations in the U.S. today. The National Council of Churches is sponsoring several revolutionary organizations, even though they are in support of peace (supposedly). No church has a right to become a paramilitary organization. Bob would shoot some of us down like dogs in a military situation. But Bob’s authority ends at the door. God is not going to keep you alive because you can shoot; he will keep you alive because you can think.

5.       Separation of church and state opens the door for client nation function in the spiritual realm.

6.       We have the option to accept or reject Jesus Christ. This is what we find in evangelization.

7.       Those who express positive volition toward Jesus Christ form the nucleus of those who will preserve the nation. They are the nucleus of client nation spiritual function. You must decide what you will do about doctrine. How you are supported in logistical grace is related to Bible doctrine. Without divine viewpoint in life, you have had it. Your only purpose for being here is to make more and more good decisions.

8.       The choice of believers in Christ opens up other choices; as you develop this spiritual growth from Bible doctrine, then you reach the pivot. As goes the pivot, so goes the nation.

9.       The daily function of gap results in spiritual growth and it advances the plan of God and it brings blessing to the client nation. As goes the pivot, so goes the prosperity of a nation and so goes its security.

10.     In comes missionary activity; and missionaries are sent to countries where local churches do not exist. We are to take Bible teaching and the gospel to nations which are not client nations. Korea was not a client nation and they had not the benefits of it; same for India and Africa; Persia (Iran now); we went all over the world with the gospel. We always went where client nation status did not exist. People from all over the world are in heaven today because of missionary activity.

11.     Indigenous missionary activity includes evangelism of natives; the training of those with the right gifts to reach out to their own. The indigenous foreign mission approach.

12.     Revolution destroys client nation function under the environment of freedom. Revolution is always anti-God and anti-establishment. It creates the illusion of freedom and yet freedom is destroyed.

We continue in v. 14. Good is the advice of Hushai the Archite; the word for good can also use to mean better. God the Holy Spirit tells us that the plan of Ahithophel was a better plan than Hushai’s.

Victory and Humility

1.       Victory in clandestine warfare results in victory in standard warfare.

2.       Victory in thinking precedes victory in fighting.

3.       This applies to the thinking of counterinsurgency as well as staff in conventional warfare.

4.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Those in secret service and in staff must have professional knowledge. There is a dearth today of professional thinking in almost every field of life.

5.       Hushai has succeeded in counterinsurgency. He sized up Absalom in his arrogance and was able to outwit him. The humble person always wins; the arrogant person always loses.

6.       Thinking requires humility, which is the objectivity and flexibility utilized which results in victory.

7.       A dual scale of values is necessary in clandestine warfare.

The first part of this verse apparently reads: Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice."

God ordains or decrees. Parar is a support verb. This means to frustrate. For the Lord had ordained to frustrate Ahithophel’s good advice. The Lord Jesus Christ approves and sponsors client nation counterinsurgency. He does not approve this for a police state, like any communist country. If it is a moral nation, its secret service is legitimate; if it is an immoral nation, then its secret service is illegitimate. The Lord approves counterinsurgency function in police work. The larger the city, the larger the CID. Some can only be apprehended by CID. Conventional law enforcement will not be enough.

For the Lord had ordained to frustrate the better plan of Ahithophel. Ahithophel proposed leaving the gates of Jerusalem and crossing the Kidron valley. God the Holy Spirit tells us that Ahithophel’s plan was the better plan by far and it would have worked. David would have been assassinated and the revolution would be victorious.

Recently, we studied divine omniscience and that we understand divine essence and that we can distinguish between divine love and the function of God’s justice.

Divine Decrees and the 4 Men

1.       In frustrating the better plan of Ahithophel, God had to use a believer with great integrity, great spiritually, whose reputation was beyond reproach.

2.       The method used to frustrate the better plan of Ahithophel was lying, deceit, exploitation, delusion in the mind of Ahithophel. With Absalom it was illusion and hallucination.

3.       Forcing Absalom to adopt the wrong plan and forcing Ahithophel to suicide, when you have equal genius on both side, humility wins; humility is flexible. Humility is objective.

4.       All of this was known in eternity past. The thoughts, motives actions which are involved.

5.       Furthermore, the thought in David’s prayer in 2Sam. 31. Hushai could lie and make it sound like the truth. He could take the measure of Absalom in the interlocking systems of arrogance and he could exploit the weaknesses of Absalom and defeat him.

6.       Everything thought, motive and decision of 4 men was entered into the computer of divine decrees so that their convergence in human history resulted in divine approval of counterinsurgency in defeating the revolution.

particle al + eth one is the dative and the other the accusative. The particles indicate the cases. In order that the Lord might bring disaster upon Absalom.

2Sam. 17:14 Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin, Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice."

Conspiracy and Revolution

1.       The Lord does not approve of conspiracy or revolution.

2.       God use the revolutionary leaders to destroy the leaders and the revolution. Arrogance destroys itself. A person who is arrogant can only blame himself, but he rarely does.

3.       The system that one adopts, arrogance, inevitably results in evil.

4.       The justice of God administers punishment in the environment of evil created by evil men in arrogance.

5.       So the evil men create the means of destroying themselves. In other words, evil men create their own destruction. Arrogance destroys arrogance and evil destroys evil. It is self-destructive to become involved in arrogance and therefore, evil.

6.       No one becomes involved in revolution apart from his own volition. No one seeks revenge apart from his own volition being involved.

7.       Volition makes choices for evil. Ahithophel has one choice left and he will kill himself. The alternative to choices is no choice.

8.       The last choice for Absalom was to run for his life and Ahithophel to kill himself.

9.       Ahithophel dies from the same volition which brought him to suicide. Absalom decided not to cut his hair and he let it grow for a year. This long hair got caught in the trees.

10.     Those who create disaster for others inevitably bring disaster upon themselves. Absalom created misery for others; disaster for others; and he brought disaster upon himself.

11.     This principle is true of other factors. It is true of gossip, maligning, revenge, etc. it is true of conspiracy; it is true of revolution. Revolution eats her own children.

2Sam. 17:14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice." Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

Warfare and Counterinsurgency Values

1.       Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle. This is true in business as well. Thinking and marketing, thinking and planning. Victory in clandestine warfare precede victory in conventional warfare.

2.       There is a set of standards necessary for success.

3.       Conventional warfare also has a set of standards.

4.       The standards of clandestine warfare are not the same as those for conventional warfare. There is some overlap.

5.       There is honor, integrity and morality related to killing the enemy. The functions in clandestine warfare are classified generally as sin and immorality.

6.       However, in the context of clandestine warfare, counterinsurgency must be reclassified as necessary, and not in conflict with integrity or the spiritual life of the believer. When Hushai lied, it was not a sin,; it was justified. For the 1% idiots, you are not in counterinsurgency.

7.       Killing the enemy in warfare is not sin.

8.       In conventional warfare, it is the responsibility of the unit commander to maintain discipline on and off the battlefield. He determines the time at which the enemy is to be killed. There is no murder here.

9.       While it is the soldier’s job to kill the enemy in warfare, soldiers are not to commit crimes and sin against civilians. Confederates gave money to those in Pennsylvania for their goods and services. Sherman let his men rape and pillage as they marched through Georgia. The difference between him and Lee is theh difference between day and night. Sherman’s memoirs admitted to these things. Someone went back into all the records to prove this occurred. Just released a book. Old sin natures must be controlled in the military. Strict discipline demands that these sin natures be controlled. Or you put them to death right then and there. You protect the population while doing your job. That is conventional warfare and a standard for conventional warfare. In clandestine warfare, you can intimidate civilians; you kill, you lie, you cheat, in order to gain information and to neutralize the enemy.

2Sam. 17:14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice." Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

2Samuel 17:(11–13), 14–17                 72David                                              631_0448

Sun Tzu says, attack by strategy. Take the enemy’s country whole and intact. Better not to destroy and mess it up. The same is true of an opposing army. The worst tactic is to besiege a walled city. It will take all kinds of time and casualties to make such a siege. The skilled leader captures cities without laying siege to them. He will win if he knows when to fight and not to fight; if he knows how to fight larger and smaller forces; he will win if he prepared himself to take his enemy unprepared. Not interfered with by the sovereign.

Numerical weakness from having to prepare for some attacks.

David will have a smaller, disciplined army. Absalom will have a larger, undisciplined army.

Recklessness, cowardice, a hasty temper, a delicacy of honor sensitive to shame; and being over solicitous for his men—the 5 besetting sins of a general.

2Sam. 17:11–13 Instead, I advise that all Israel from Dan to Beer-sheba--as numerous as the sand by the sea--be gathered [mobilize] to you and that you personally go into battle [idiom for personally led by you]. Then we will attack David wherever [one of those places] we find him, and we will descend on him like dew on the ground. Not even one will be left [or, remain in his presence] of all the men with him [neither he nor any or his men will survive the battle]. If he retreats [withdraws] to some city, all Israel will bring ropes to that city, and we will drag its stones into the valley until not even a pebble can be found there."

2Sam. 17:14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice." Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

victory in thinking precedes victory in battle; conventional warfare has a set standard for success, as does clandestine warfare, but they are different. In clandestine warfare, counterinsurgency function must be seen has honorable, etc. it is the responsibility for the unit commander to keep control of his troops. The standards of discipline demand that soldiers not commit crimes against civilians.

Some Closing Points

1.       Conventional warfare demands a strict code of morality toward the civilians in a warzone.

2.       This is a part of discipline like fire control against the enemy. This should never be overlooked by a commander.

3.       In clandestine warfare, a different standard is necessary.

4.       While Hushai the Archite was lying and misrepresenting the truth, here, this is patriotic. There is no loss of fellowship.

5.       Hushai was being patriotic.

6.       Divine approval is confirmed by the last sentence in v. 14: Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

7.       God is perfect; he cannot solicit to sin; He cannot approve of sin as a means to anything. God used Hushai’s lying to defeat Absalom, so we may conclude that counterinsurgency is legitimate. ✱✱✱✱✱✱

2Sam. 17:14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice." Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

So now Hushai goes to the priests and tells the priests what he did. It is not explained here precisely; it is what we have just studied. What is going on needs to get back to David.

2Sam. 17:15 Hushai then told the priests Zadok and Abiathar, "This is what Ahithophel advised Absalom and the elders of Israel, and this is what I advised.

It appears as if David is being ordered to do something. It sounds here as if the counterinsurgency agent is running the show. The advice is changed from the imperative to the imperfect. This becomes a negative command of expediency.

Then he will say why it is important.

As long as David remains on the west bank of the Jordan, he is in danger of being attacked. Absalom is arrogant and might change his mind at any moment; so Hushai warns David to get across the Jordan.

These couriers later when they got older taught Bible doctrine and also told all about what happened behind the scenes in the revolution. That flexibility and that doctrine and the courage of these 2 ladies is phenomenal. Which ladies are these?

2Sam. 17:16 Now send someone [couriers] immediately and tell [advise as follows] David, 'Don't spend the night at the wilderness ford of the Jordan, but be sure to cross over [the Jordan River without delay], or the king and all the people with him will be destroyed.'"

Hushai’s Report

1.       Once David is in the east, he is in familiar country; he has fought the Ammonites and Syrians here.

2.       David has made many friends on the east bank of the Jordan. He will have maneuverability from interior lines. He can concentrate in a hurry. There is no substitute for interior lines.

3.       This will force Absalom to take the initiative and extend his supply lines and make mistakes. He must pursue with a large army. Extending his supply lines will create logistical problems he cannot solve.

4.       David can deny Absalom the fords of the Jordan, if he wants. Of, David allows him to cross over and he is facing all kinds of problems supplying his troops.

5.       Putting the Jordan between the revolutionary army gives David every advantage in strategy, tactics and logistic.

6.       Because Absalom is unstable and arrogant, this increases the problems. Absalom and the man he appoints, Amasa, they are so locked in to the arrogance complex, that they haven’t a chance. Hushai gives some additional instructions, making a correct estimate of the situation. He is looking for David to gain the advantage. Counterinsurgency, advice, and Hushai’s counter plan, which has no merit, but buys time for David.

2Sam. 17:16 Now send someone [couriers] immediately and tell [advise as follows] David, 'Don't spend the night at the wilderness ford of the Jordan, but be sure to cross over [the Jordan River without delay], or the king and all the people with him will be destroyed.'"

David East of the Jordan

1.       Hushai knows that Absalom could change his own mind at any time. Arrogance means indecisiveness.

2.       Hushai must leave no possibility of a night attack.

3.       This will guarantee that David will not be surprised and annihilated.

4.       Before David can campaign against the army of Absalom, he must separate out his army for maneuver. The civilians must be separated from the army. When Xerxes was at Thermopoles, he gave his men a night of revelry before the attack. Then all of the women were to be executed at dawn.

5.       The civilians are untrained and need to be gotten out of there. The army cannot become entangled with civilians.

6.       David must establish a headquarters east of the Jordan, where he can house the civilians and organize his army. If you read the Bible through, you remember Asmabeth, right?

This must all be done from a headquarters where David can get organized. Hushai provides excellent intelligence, counterinsurgency and good advice.

2Sam. 17:16 Now send someone [couriers] immediately and tell [advise as follows] David, 'Don't spend the night at the wilderness ford of the Jordan, but be sure to cross over [the Jordan River without delay], or the king and all the people with him will be destroyed.'"

the woman in v. 17, this is a young gal, maybe 16, and she thinks 30 but looks 16. Jonathan Ahimaaz are the sons of the high priests.

Anticipating v. 17

because they could not risk being seen entering the city, Jonathan and Ahimaaz stayed in En-rogel, and a servant girl was supposed to come...

The priests relayed the information to a young girl. There is a male teenaged hippy. He was arrogant, as all hippies are. He spied on the couriers and he betrays them to Absalom, so there will be this big chase. However, this very smart lady hides them in a cistern. She tells the soldiers who come, that they just crossed a stream going the other way.

There will be a race between a black man. Ahimaaz will give the news gently. The black man is not going to be so gentle about this. The black man was fast on his feet, and slow in the head. He ran down David’s sensitivity at this point. He had no sensitivity at all.

The Cushite was fast, but this other person was very well-motivated. We will see the battle and the race in the next chapter.

Jonathan and Ahimaaz were both on a standby basis. Shipchah is the girl, which means a domestic; a teenage girl, a peasant girl. This is an honorable profession. She is not bothered with that. She has humility. She is a young girl who was not yet in her 20's. She had to go and inform them.

En-rogel is a very nice little town. There is a valley where the wall of Jerusalem takes a turn; and there is a little town near the water; a dry cleaner city. Much of the cleaning is done here. They were hanging out here. They can take a road which crosses the Kidron, and they will have a shorter route and one which is not as complicated.

The end of this sentence belongs in the middle, for a better understanding. Or, even at the beginning. Clandestine warfare must be clandestine. They must blend into the background, as the servant girl does; or be able to hide out. Or go in deep, like Hushai.

Therefore, the system of intelligence has to be clandestine.

In the CIA, there was a loss of friendship among some heads, and that hurt the organization. There must be teamwork. Teamwork is caused by several factors, whether patriotism or doctrine or both. Some of the greatest people in our country are patriotic. If the little servant girl fails or the servants do not deliver the message, then this failure in intelligence could bring down David’s army. Genius in warfare requires information upon which to base decisions. Lee was great until Gettysburg, because Jeb Stuart provide the eyes for Lee. Genius in leadership is no better than the execution by the man in the ranks.

Arrogance means able to succumb to temptation. All double agents are arrogant? Ken Philbey did a tremendous job for the KGB. The arrogant and the stupid will be eliminated from clandestine warfare. Discipline becomes enforced humility.

2Sam. 17:17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying [on standby in] En-rogel, where a servant girl would come and pass along information to them [was supposed to go and report to them]. (for they were not able to be seen entering the city) [because they could not be seen entering the city]. They in turn would go and inform King David, because they dared not be seen entering the city.

2Samuel 17: (14–17), 18                      72David                                              631_0449

Go out and find some pap smearing idiot who will let you do just about anything. Do not move while the teaching of the Word of God is going on.

Eisenhower Declassified was about 1200 pages but it got reduced to about 200 by request of the publisher.

Article by Ernie Pyle that Bob likes a lot.

Inside the interlocking systems of arrogance, these revolutionaries have become vulnerable to all the other arrogance gates. We have lost the ability to appreciate freedom and establishment. We have lost capacity for love, life and happiness.

These things are pertinent now, and no one is teaching these things. Look for some testing. Look for those places where you must apply doctrine.

Bob could hear them gasp when they heard Bob read off v. 14. Ahithophel had great wisdom; he was a genius; this was the wisdom of evil. He had a plan that would work. God had chosen to frustrate the better plan of Ahithophel in order to bring about Absalom’s ruin. There was a gasp when they heard this verse. Bob thought someone let lose a snake in the building. They concluded from their heavy concentration that the lies of Hushai were not sin.

Victory in thinking precedes victory in battle. Hushai uses Absalom’s arrogance against him. He will end the revolution by lying to Absalom, who began the revolution by lying to David. Absalom will be destroyed by lies and arrogance. Absalom used violence and he will die by violence the sin unto death.

Under normal conditions, stealing and rape and lying and murdering are sins; but they are not sins under clandestine warfare; these are honorable acts. Jesus Christ controls history and He ordained to frustrate the plan of Ahithophel.

God never approves of revolution; those who live by evil, die by evil; ditto for crime and violence. Killing the enemy in battle is not violence.

Revolution eats her own children. Clandestine warfare has a set of standards which are necessary for success.

Some woman left the other day, and Bob asked for her to be helped out. When someone met her and asked her to give her help, she said, “Oh, no, the Lord never would have me hear anything like this.” So the fundies are still with us.

There is a strict code or morality and that is toward the civilian population in enemy territory.

For Hushai, counterinsurgency was a matter of the Lord’s week. This is divine approval of clandestine warfare.

Bob also began to put some things together, and has 2 more gates; and 3 are coming.

The ladies have been taking a beating lately; the rape of David’s mistresses (they did not really know that these are mistresses in the first place). This has not been the favorite passage for many of you, like Romans, where you can feel close to God again, rather than wanting to go home and take a shower. If you are shocked by these things, what will you do with the reality of all this.

The rape passage was very important. It is always a temptation for Bob to see these charming ladies and want to back off a little.

David must cross the river in order to organize.

2Sam. 17:14 Absalom and all the men of Israel said, "The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than Ahithophel's advice." Since the LORD had decreed that Ahithophel's good advice [better plan] be undermined in order to bring about Absalom's ruin,

There is the transmission of intelligence information in the next 2 verses.

2Sam. 17:15 Hushai then told the priests Zadok and Abiathar, "This is what Ahithophel advised Absalom and the elders of Israel, and this is what I advised.

Hushai wants the information to get to David; and also gives his advice on what David ought to do. We will see the lady of the manor who will have the type of courage that will make it possible for David to win. These people are just as important as the men in battle. We will look at this from the standpoint of the lades.

2Sam. 17:16 Now send someone [couriers] immediately and tell [advise as follows] David, 'Don't spend the night at the wilderness ford of the Jordan, but be sure to cross over [the Jordan River without delay], or the king and all the people with him will be destroyed.'"

These two young men are the sons of the 2 high priests. They are going to carry important information to David. In any system, there must be teamwork; an organization which does it right must make it look easy. Teamwork is what makes it look easy. Each contribution is significant. Jealousy, arrogance and bitterness should not hinder clandestine warfare.

Discipline is enforced humility to overcome arrogance.

2Sam. 17:17 Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying [on standby in] En-rogel, where a servant girl would come and pass along information to them [was supposed to go and report to them]. (for they were not able to be seen entering the city) [because they could not be seen entering the city]. They in turn would go and inform King David, because they dared not be seen entering the city.

There is a hippy teenager spying on the preachers’s kids. He was looking to get even, for a chance to advance himself. It is obvious he is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. He wants, first of all, to advance himself. Those who advance themselves at the expense of others have lost ground and they pave the way for their own discipline.

This hippy makes a decision to loaf and find easy money, to steal, cheat and con someone. Each one is the son of a high priest and each one will succeed his father.

The hippy quickly hotfooted it to Jerusalem, which gave the high priest sons a head start. Consequently, both of them quickly took off. Absalom sent out a patrol.

Bahurim is a very important place. About halfway to the fords of the Jordan, from the Mount of Olives, is a city where there are wells. This is Bahurim.

All of David’s flying column has gone through Bahurim. So it is clear of all of David’s column. The rear guard is 5 or 6 miles away. Two famous people live in Bahurim. There is Shimei, who hates David (we have skipped past him) and General Asmaveth, in 1Chron. 11:33. Asmaveth is going to teach us some great lessons.

Father of 2 elite. He is called the man, but he is not named in this passage. The couriers were about to be overtaken. By the time they hit the chateau.

The hippy who betrayed David is responsible for this patrol. Asmaveth is mentioned in David’s great soldier list. He has 2 sons: Jesiel and Pellet, who are elite infantry officers. They first join David in his battalion. He is called a Barhumite in Chronicles and 2Samuel.

These couriers were briefed to go to his cabin, if they get into a jam. After the civil war, Asmaveth becomes a member of David’s cabinet. He will become a part of David’s treasury cabinet.

This is a dry cistern in his courtyard. It is not a well, but it is used for storage. He is one of the old guard in Ziklag, this courtyard is a part of his defense. Azmaveth leaves his wife behind, and goes with David, and he carries off all of his supplies.

His wife has to start all over from scratch. She is preparing food for herself and the women and the old men left behind.

The well here is a cistern. This is a hide-out storage place. We live in a time when the ladies want to be equal with men, which is an impossibility. Women are generally better than men; and some are worse; but there is no equality.

This woman is going to magnificent and she will save David’s army. She will make it possible for the revolution to be defeated. She has doctrine in her soul. Great femininity.

A dry cistern will be an excellent hiding place for couriers. This will depend upon the flexibility and thinking of the woman. Only a chateau would have a courtyard and only a courtyard would have a dry cistern. It is a bad hideout. With the woman’s courage and application of doctrine, she will turn that obvious place of hiding into the perfect hideout.

The same thing that makes her a great mother and a great wife.

2Sam. 17:18 However, a young man did see them [a hippie spied on them] and informed Absalom. So the two left quickly and came to the house of the man in Bahurim. He had a well in his courtyard, and they climbed down into it.

2Samuel 17           Gate 18 the Arrogance of Morality 72David                 631_0450

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       Mental arrogance. Most of the mental attitude sins; pride, self-pity, guilt complex;

2.       Negative volition arrogance; rejection of truth in 3 categories (believers and unbelievers can reject the laws of divine establishment). Strong delusion is a result.

3.       Impulsive arrogance.

4.       Institutional arrogance; rejecting the policy or an organization. 2 types: those who succeed and distort their success into some form of pride; or those who fail and think they have been discriminated against or their talent was not recognized.

5.       Blind arrogance. Self righteous arrogance parlayed into legalism. God cannot get along without me. Pride syndrom. Superimposition of your own standards upon others.

6.       Conspiracy arrogance. Institutional arrogance taken one step farther. Overthrow of authority via intrigue.

7.       Criminal arrogance. The result of institutional arrogance; society is rejected. Sociopathic and pathological.

8.       Crusader arrogance; superimposing one’s standards over o

9.       Client nation arrogance.

14.     Authority arrogance.

15.     Arrogance of ignorance; living without truth.

16.     Arrogance of unhappiness. Happiness is a state of the soul; this is not something that someone does for us or some recognition that someone gives us. If we are unhappy in our souls, then we will not be happy. No one and no thing can make you happy. People often get married because promises are made. Marriage is often a state of unhappiness because many people think that marriage is happiness. Arrogance, self-centeredness. Once you acquiesce to that arrogance, you are unhappy forever. The one who is served is not really happy; and he simply becomes more demanding as he gets older. Only doctrine resident in the soul can make you happy. The arrogance of unhappiness gives nothing and demands everything. For the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, happiness is all of this + Bible doctrine resident in the soul. Because we already have happiness in our souls, people can be enjoyable and we can even have happiness in the soul. Sex will not make us happy. Only one way to have happiness; doctrine resident in the soul. It is not what we possess; nor is it our circumstances. Some who are married think being single will make us happy. Arrogant people are unhappy people. Some wander into Berachah and stand around waiting for people to recognize them. The unhappiest of all churches are those which are lonely hearts clubs and everyone shakes your hand and they are friendly; and that will not make you happy. You can spend a lifetime trying to make an arrogant wife happy. You can meet all of a woman’s demands. She might fake illnesses in order to keep your attention. God blesses us because we possess His righteousness. Doctrine is the key to happiness. The unbeliever can be happy by marrying his rw. In fact we write these things so that your happiness might be complete. Then Bob talks about the rude woman, who interrupts Jesus Christ. “You are happy because some woman raised you.” Some people do not come on Sunday because they think it will be just milk.

17.     The feet of clay syndrom. Arrogant thinking creates an image of perfection. Arrogant people have a tendency to create from those they admire an image, or an idol. The feet of clay are hidden behind a pedestal. Iconoclastic arrogance is creating an image of someone. It is alright to respect and even admire some people; but the problem is having an illusionary view of someone. Then you discover the feet of clay and you are bitter and disturbed. You discover this in a boss or a politician. Conservatives mess up because they find a great candidate, but he doesn’t agree with them on point 99. Bob recalls when that jackass McCarthy, who blew the lid off of CIA’s cover and FBI’s cover. He was a loud-mouthed yapping politician, and he did this for his own sake; he was an arrogant loudmouth. He used communism to get people behind him. Ike put him under the sod politically, and did it magnificently without making a public statement. Liberals are in because conservatives are arrogant and confused. Along comes a great conservative, but he states one position you don’t like. Bob discusses dogs defecating. He still loves Dash and Malarkey. And Bob doesn’t put them on the front porch and send them on their way. Arrogant people can be smart and still be stupid. Arrogant people discover the pastor’s feet of clay and they move to another church. People can walk away from wonderful friendships and from marriage, etc. because they are preoccupied with themselves. In arrogance, you create your own idol, then you discover the feet of clay, and then you destroy what you have found. Ahithophel came into the revolution in this way. Many people did not accept the Absalom revolution because they recognized in their humility that no one is perfect.

Gate 18 the Arrogance of Morality

1.       Morality arrogance is a preoccupation with a false standards of morality to the exclusion of true morality and its purpose in the modus vivendi of the human race.

2.       It is the arrogant function of self-righteousness a preoccupation with false standards as a result of negative volition arrogance. For the unbeliever, negative volition toward the laws of divine establishment.

3.       This is the superimposition of a false and personal standard of morality over a true and collective standards of morality for the human race. This is closely related to blind and crusader arrogance.

4.       Believer and unbeliever function in this in their own pertinent spheres. There is true establishment morality, and they function apart from that.

5.       The unbeliever substitutes in pride a personal and false standard of morality for a true standard of morality. All morality for the unbeliever is related to the laws of divine establishment.

6.       It rejects establishment morality including patriotism.

7.       Unbeliever morality arrogance is illustrated by the individual who, on the basis of false standards of morality, refuses to sign up for the draft and for military service. He calls himself a conscientious objector. Unbeliever morality arrogance, on the basis of a false system of morality, refuse to sign up for the draft, etc.

8.       For the believer, all legalism is arrogance. Morality is not the means for establishment function, but it is the result of establishment function. Serving in government honorably; recognition and respect for the property of others.

9.       Many believers are like this. They enjoy their freedom without taking responsibility for their freedom. The believer substitutes a true or false morality and replaces spirituality. These always reject spirituality by grace. They always have spirituality by works.

More Points on Morality Arrogance

1.       When a system of morality created by some true or false standards, and they substitute this for spirituality, or over divine establishment morality, the result it the arrogance of morality.

2.       Morality is not the means of establishment function; it is the result of establishment function. Pay your taxes, serve in the military, respect for law enforcement, being honorable in marriage and parenthood, and respecting the rights of others.

3.       Crusader arrogance rejects the morality of establishment freedom.

4.       Mental arrogance rejects the morality of the respect for the privacy of others.

5.       Criminal arrogance rejects the morality of property and the right of others to pursue happiness.

6.       Psychopathic h arrogance is totally divorced from reality. There is psychopathic and sociopathic behavior.

7.       Negative volition arrogance institutional arrogance, crusader and conspiracy arrogance, client nation arrogance, authority, political arrogance, iconoclastic arrogance, all distort morality by being eclectic by using self-centeredness to make up a system of morality. They add a system of evil to morality, and morality is destroyed.

8.       When the believer substitutes morality for spirituality, and he rejects the grace policy of the plan of God and accepts his own preconceived prejudice as the plan of God.

9.       Morality is not the means of Christianity. It is the result of a spiritual life. True morality goes with establishment truth.

10.     Establishment authority, legitimate authority, all of these are systems of enforced humility. There is only one other system of enforced humility and that is the You cannot learn Bible doctrine without humility or enforced humility. Some of you reacted because you had a preconceived notion as to what Christianity was. In enforced humility, you resisted the doctrine. When the believer substitutes morality for spirituality.

The 3rd Principle

1.       Spirituality and establishment truth are designed to produce morality in believers and unbelievers. Believers and unbelievers must obth be moral. Morality belongs ot the human race. This is the basis for human freedom. No system of morality which involves arrogance is a true system of morality. Morality + arrogance = evil. When you have the arrogance of Congress passing laws, which are options in a person’s life.

2.       This means that the believer or unbeliever can be patriotic, moral and honorable. The unbeliever can have more integrity than the fundy.

3.       Morality is not spirituality. Whatever the unbeliever can do is not the Christian way of life.

4.       The Christian way of life demands a supernatural execution.

5.       Morality is conformity to the laws of divine establishment, including its authority, ethics, motivation, character, motivation, conduct and integrity.

6.       Christianity is not a morality. It is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Old things have passed away; behold, new things have come about.

7.       The dynamics of Christianity are related to the filling of the Holy Spirit; spirituality is higher than morality.

8.       Morality has limitations which are ignored by arrogance. Morality cannot provide salvation. Arrogance seeks spirituality by morality. Service organizations set up acts which they say makes you spiritual. Production is the result of spirituality, not the means.

Last Principle

1.       Morality protects human freedom and allows for evangelization. Morality protects human freedom. Morality is not a substitute for salvation or spiritual growth.

2.       Marriage, family and the client nation.

3.       The interlocking systems of arrogance distort morality into a system of unreality which opposes the plan of God.

4.       Arrogance opposes establishment morality and the Christian way of life.

5.       Only arrogant self-righteousness uses morality as a means of spirituality. Or substitutes personal ego for the honor and integrity of esatblihsment morality.

6.       There is no such thing as morality apart from humility. Establishment is the norm for humility. Once you sin and are out of fellowship, you are no longer humble. Those who cheat on their income tax have no morality.

7.       All true morality is based upon self-discipline or enforced humility. Morality demands that the believer and the unbeliever be law-abiding citizens. Jehovah Witnesses are very immoral because they are anti-government, anti-military and some are anti-medicine. Their whole system is based upon arrogance. They might be sweet and nice on the surface.

there is one more gate, gate 19.

2Samuel 17      Gate 19: The arrogance of unhappiness 72David            631_0451

There was a story they saw called G.I. Joe. He apparently had a premonition that we would be killed. Last will and testament tread (portions of it).

This is the great principle of freedom through military victory.

Gate 18, the arrogance of morality. Some points put into the previous lesson.

Negative volition arrogance, crusader arrogance, client nation arrogance, political arrogance, the arrogance of unhappiness, are a distortion of morality via eclecticism; choosing norms and standards from here and there.

Morality is not the means of spirituality, but the result. Morality is for the believer and unbeliever. Unbelievers can be patriotic, moral, and have integrity. What unbelievers can do is not the spiritual life; so morality is not the spiritual life. Christianity is not a morality; it is a relationship of God through Christ. Morality cannot advance the believer in the spiritual life. Morality protects human freedom. Morality is no substitute for salvation or spiritual growth in the plan of God. Morality is the fulfillment of the function of the divine institutions.

Humility in life is the key to morality. The filling of the Spirit is the status for the humility of the believer. Self-discipline is our personal decision to conform to authority which may not be pleasant to us. Self-imposed or enforced humility. Morality demands that the believer and unbeliever be patriotic citizens.

True Morality Cannot Exist Without Humility

There is no such thing as true morality without it.

1.       The authority of divine establishment and of the local church are systems of enforced humility. These authorities are systems of enforced humility. Will I accept the authority of someone I dislike, disagree with, or whatever; or will I choose in arrogance to make an issue of his personality. That is something which you decide. That decision will either increase or decrease your options. You can destroy your options until you run out of options. There is the false issue, that the mayor ought to make the decision concerning the salary of the police officers. We are a large city and cannot get along without the police officer. His existence in the city is important. If the mayor cannot make this decision, then he has failed in his duty. When anyone in authority throws a decision back on the people that he should make, then he is a coward. A platoon leader does not take any votes. Every president except Ike has failed in this respect.

2.       No one can learn anything apart from humility. If you walk into a classroom without any humility, then you cannot learn. Fineberg dealt harshly with such types, and Fineberg put some of these men down in the dust. He stood up on his false system of morality, when he said, “No man can speak to me this way and call himself a Christian.” You never ask a student what he thinks. Bob refused to evaluate professors as a student; he had opinions, but he refused to turn in a paper on any of his professors. A woman is under the authority of her husband, and she chose him. Granted he is not the best in the world, but he is all you have. That kind of trouble means that you will rear ugly children. Ugly souls. Some of you wonder what happened to your kids, it is from the rejection of the authority of the husband. She has prepared her children to enter into interlocking systems of arrogance. This is why every man needs military training, because it may be the only time they put themselves under enforced humility. You say yes sir and do what they tell you to do, even though you hate your drill sergeant’s guts. This is why some of you women are unhappy and have ugly souls; and Bob won’t put up with you. You do not understand authority. Take your arrogance elsewhere. It is arrogant to malign and judge and gossip about other people.

3.       Humility accepts the authority of the teacher to learn doctrine. Arrogance resists the teacher and the doctrine.

4.       Legitimate authority enforces humility for perception. The best professors Bob had demanded respect in class. One professor kicked about 20 people out of his class in the first few days.

5.       The filling of the Spirit is the only way for the believer to learn doctrine. That is enforced humility.

6.       Self-discipline is the basis for concentration in life in anything. Self-discipline means a man can be a great lover. He can concentrate on his woman rather than upon himself. He has learned to concentrate because he has decided to concentrate. A lot of you have had radical personality changes because humility objectivity and flexibility won out over subjectivity, inflexibility and arrogance. Self-discipline is the enforced humility for concentration.

7.       The same self-discipline is the enforced humility of doctrine.

8.       Courage is that self-discipline combined with enforced humility which allows for us to think under pressure. Arrogance cannot think under pressure.

Gate 19, the Arrogance of Unhappiness

Why did they move out and leave these women behind apparently helpless?

1.       Negative emotion is that form of emotion which dominates the soul and replaces truth of doctrine and any form of establishment. We have freedom to make decisions. Wise decisions open up options for future decisions. This is that form of abnormal emotion; emotion which dominates the soul and replaces thinking and any form of establishment thinking. Property holders do not want their taxes raised, and they have good reason for this, as they are educating non-citizens. However, law enforcement is something that we cannot do without. This is a profession which has a right to live substandardly. Imagine throwing that out equal to the people? That is an evil. We will pay for that through the nose.

2.       Emotion is normal. It is only normal when, under the authority of thought, just as your volition must be under human authorities and establishment, emotion is only normal when subordinate to thinking.

3.       Under these conditions, emotion dominates the soul. This is why everyone wants a counselor. They turn around to others and say, “What should I do?”

4.       When emotions dominate the soul, the individual is divorced from reality and generally involved with the arrogance complex. This is why no man or woman should marry their high school sweetheart or the first person they kissed. You are not prepared for love until thinking dominates the soul.

5.       Fear is a negative emotion which will dominate the soul.

6.       Courage is thinking under pressure; cowardice makes thought impossible.

7.       When the believer becomes entangled in interlocking systems of arrogance, emotion automatically dominates the soul. The believer is vulnerable to sociopathic behavior.

8.       Humility is that state of soul where the believer is oriented to reality through thinking.

9.       The 2nd stage of the faith rest drill is thinking; and this finds the believer using the essence of God rationale; the plan of God rationale, or the logistical grace rationale or the rebound rationale. To use any of these, one must be able to think doctrine. This is not possible with negative emotion running the soul.

10.     In each case of a rationale being applied, the believer is oriented to reality, whether his own sinfulness or the greatness of God is involved in his thinking. Giult complex is a part of negative emotion and it can be much stronger than the Word of God. We are not to run around and try to do a bunch of good deeds and this means we are using no thought but just functioning under emotion.

11.     Illustration of the arrogance of emotion; the tongues movement of the present day is the arrogance of the emotion. Negative emotion controls the soul. Arrogant and emotional. If you are in the tongue movement, you are an evil jackass.

Emotional Arrogance

1.       Emotional arrogance is subject to flattery; vulnerable to flattery. It encourages unreality with respect to one’s self.

2.       Emotional arrogance is vulnerable to cowardice, because emotion so dominates the soul that the individual cannot think under cowardice.

3.       Psychopathic arrogance call neurosis. All neurotics are involved in gate 19.

4.       Emotional arrogance is the status of mankind where emotion dominates the soul rather than the thinking related to reality. Hushai was on that mountain a day early. He was thinking. All neurotics are previously involved in emotional arrogance.

5.       The cure for emotional arrogance is discipline and authority, resulting in enforced humility. Greatest thing is for a person to be born under parents who force you to respect them. Your parents keep you related to reality. The key is discipline and authority. Some of you are headed to a bad start because you have not had discipline. This is how you train a dog. Mike Stribbling is training Bob’s dogs.

6.       Accepting the teaching authority of the pastor is enforced humility. Real humility means you will get a maximum amount of doctrine. Bob looks at some people and thinks, “Where are you going to find your right pastor; certainly not here.” Stonewall Jackson was so tough and mean and his brigade did not like him. He found someone stealing a loaf of bread and he nearly had them killed. He was despised, but respected. You can get much more out of men with enforced and genuine humility.

7.       Emotional arrogance eliminates rational thinking in the soul. It produces arrogant preoccupation with the insignificant.

8.       Arrogant preoccupation with the insignificant not only destroys any true scale of values, but it also destroys any capacity for life, love and happiness.

9.       Details of life are the means of living. They are neither the motivation for the capacity for living. Food, shelter and clothing must be seen as details. You have made your happiness depend upon having so many sq ft in your home. The details of life are a means of living; but they are not the means of motivation and they are not capacity for life. This is why a new house or a great car do not make you happy.

10.     When you are motivated for living and you are motivated by things, you have used arrogance to destroy your capacity for life. Arrogance emphasizes details; humility emphasizes capacity. Without the capacity of thought, details will make you miserable.

11.     Knowledge is the environment for thinking; not emotion.

12.     Emotion cannot produce vocabulary or rationale for application for life. You may live and have all the things you ever wanted and just sit there and be miserable with them. You are not prepared for civil war, revolution, for a world war, or any other difficult circumstance. You could not walk away from it all. You would be unhappy for what you have lost if you had to walk away from it.

13.     Doctrine is the environment for decision; not emotion. Emotions are wonderful when they are the result of thinking. They are the nerve extensions of thought in the soul.

14.     If you make decisions based upon emotions, you will limit your options until you run out of options. The sin unto death will end your misery.

Bob on chain letters and about those who invest other people’s money; they don’t invest their own money. They buy houses. One man bought a whole shopping center with a bunch of gems. This is a pyramid system like you have never seen. Some sort of an income tax dodge. If you are emotional about this, you can wear these things. Apparently, there is something to do with gems there. You are just an emotional sucker, recruited for the bottom line of the pyramid. This is because you cannot think. This has not yet hit Houston; it is in L.A. now.

If you make decisions based upon emotion, you will limit your options until you run out of options.

Emotional Arrogance Makes People Believe the Absurd and the Ridiculous

1.       Emotional arrogance converts reality into illusion and hallusicnatin.

2.       Emotional arrogance fantasizes and collapses under pressure. Pressure destroys such people.

3.       In time of disaster, emotion faces no capability for disaster.

4.       Emotional arrogance inevitably interlocks with psychotic arrogance.

5.       This is why arrogance is stronger than good and why arrogance is stronger than good environment and even perfect environment. David had great government and still faced 2 revolutions. Arrogance rejects perfect environment.

6.       Arrogance rejected the perfect environment of the garden. Each faced the issue. The man looked at the woman outside of the garden and chose the woman outside of perfect environment; therefore, the fall of man. We have had good environment in our history. And it has been rejected because of interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Eschetalogically, the GogMagog revolution rejects the perfect environment of the reign of Christ.

8.       All revolution is the arrogance of rejecting good environment of establishment government and substituting the evil government of tyranny.

9.       Revolution could not exist without crusader, criminal, conspiracy, client nation, power arrogance, iconocalsitc arrogance, and negative emotion arrogance.

10.     Negative emotion arrogance always rejects legitimate authority in life.

11.     Total confusion and disorientation to life. People believe the absurd and the ridiculous.

How could anyone vote for Absalom over David? They were filled with emotion and they had no ability to think.

2Samuel 17:(17–18), 19–20                 72David                                              631_0452

Bob missed the gun show for study, so no review.

Stuart someone in intelligence. The feckless stature of the west in the face of barbarism. 63 nations pick no issue with holding the Olympics in Iran? It is not just naked force that triumphs, but trumpeted justification. Seizing hostages; and the obverse of the lie. We should not have any relationship to a soviet backed Afghan government. After years of soviet buildup, that invasion came as a shock. Muskie wanted to know who is to blame for the degenerative state of our military. Democracy goes from high concepts of the people and degenerates to the mob. Only intermittently, have we even found an approach to a coherent foreign policy. It is time to stop overselling detente or human’s rights as some sort of means of keeping the peace. No army succeeds under a debating society. Our record with the Soviet Union is so bad, every time they take another country, we make a lot of noise and do nothing about it. They want to capture our free enterprise brains and to retain them intact. They even have plans to smoothly capture American brains in the United States and take them back to Russia. They are ready to launch any one of a hundred teams. The soviets did everything that they could to get to our one helicopter in order to get the technology aboard. There is one thing that they do not know; that Jesus Christ controls history. They do not understand the pivot either.

“You do not talk during the teaching of the Word of God; that is rude and out of line. If you want to leave now, and you can leave. You never talk to other people in church, you understand?” Respect for the Word of God is enforced from this pulpit.

2Sam. 17:17–18 Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying [on standby in] En-rogel, where a servant girl would come and pass along information to them [was supposed to go and report to them]. (for they were not able to be seen entering the city) [because they could not be seen entering the city]. They in turn would go and inform King David, because they dared not be seen entering the city. However, a young man did see them [a hippie spied on them] and informed Absalom. So the two left quickly and came to the house of the man in Bahurim. He had a well in his courtyard, and they climbed down into it.

A woman is left in her chateau. The woman has a blanket; and this is not a well, but a storage place in the middle of the courtyard.

David’s army and the civilians are gone with all of the barley and wheat. The cereals at the chateau are wheat, barley and oats. She is drying peeled barley there on the ground with a covering laying nearby. She covered the dry cistern with this tarp and then spread out the groats, which are the peeled barley, so that they can be dried out. She is making a great contribution to the ultimate victory of David. The couriers must get to David and she must save their lives. She is called a noble woman.

So that nothing was noticed by the pursuer. These soldiers were intimidating, but the woman was not intimidated.

Asmaveth left his wife unprotected; and he left all of his material blessings behind. He had a dual scale of values; one for normal times and one for abnormal times. He left behind one magnificent woman. She was left behind to handle the chateau. This woman is going to lie and to deceive. She has switched from normal to abnormal. She shifted gears, as any mature believer would. There are no complaints; food and material were given over to the establishment army. There is no talk about sacrifice. When it happened, they were ready. They were organized; they were ready to go. By the time the civilians were herded along, Asmaveth all had their parts figured out. The plan called for this magnificent woman to stay behind. The chateau would be left behind in the hands of this woman; it was their only reasonable choice. They knew that this choice was difficult. You cannot be worried about civilians at home. You cannot constantly think about those at home. Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally did all that they could to distract the men in the American army. Asmaveth left and committed everything to the Lord. He will later get news from the couriers as to what happened. Had the husband been there, he might not have been able to deal with all of this correctly. He might have fought the soldiers to the death.

Hushai, David’s mole, suggested an alternate plan, guaranteed not to work. Absalom will gather an army of maybe a quarter of a million men. That is a good thing, because Absalom cannot control an army that large. He has no concept of how he ought to administer an army in the first place; let alone, a large army. Meanwhile, David will select the battlefield, the time of engagement (to some degree) and surprise. Absalom’s troops will suffer a complete slaughter.

As a mature believer, General Asmaveth left his wife in the hands of the Lord. The chateau in the moment is in more danger. David is retreating in a column. It is a very difficult terrain, and David will get it under control once he gets on the other side of the Jordan.

David has shifted gears to the disaster scale of values. Courage is thinking and cowardice and fear is emotion.

2Sam. 17:19 Then his wife [the wife of Asmaveth] took the cover, placed [spread] it over the mouth of the well, and scattered grain on it so nobody would know anything.

This could not have worked out better for the couriers. The soldiers know the names of the couriers. This chateau is built by a ford. South of the chateau is this wandering stream. It goes under a bridge of some sort. The woman will direct them out of the courtyard. She will direct them to the south, and they will go off to the east. All of this would not be possible apart from this woman uttering an intentional lie.

This woman goes from her normal scale of values to her disaster scale of values. She is helpless, she stands up under the test and has the ability to think. She uses the plan of God rationale and the essence of God rationale. Even being arrogant, she could have still succumbed to the pressure. This woman tells a lie without any qualms. There is no reason to rebound. There is no self righteous prig approach. Bob would not trust fundies as far as he could slobber. This one woman did more than anyone else when it came to the revolution. That magnificent woman met the challenge with thinking. She does not try to vamp them out the gate. She does not make a martyr of herself. She doesn’t lie down and allow herself to be raped. Many women because martyrs because they cannot think.

Fear is just emotion controlling the soul. If you are frightened, you are going to be a martyr. This woman could think; she was magnificent. She had a magnificent chateau. When you get a wife who can think, which is not that common, you will have great children. This woman makes a great mother. She doesn’t ring her hands and wonder what is going on. She is not filled with emotion and fear.

Mrs. Miniver was tremendous in WWII.

She does not threatened Asmaveth and say, “Leave me, and I am gone.” There is nothing spiritual about such a woman and there is no magnificence about her.

Robert Mitcham looks just the right part for Captain Wasco (Walker). Men have a tendency to see a patrol coming, and they will clobber them. That is a man; they want to do something. This is no time for an incident. That will bring the entire revolutionary army down this road. He wants this road clear, so he can fight a civil war. The last thing that David needs is to be pursued.

A woman who can think is beyond any price. This idea of equality is ridiculous. Bob’s father was teaching Bob about women (he had just been jilted by a woman in the 4th grade). “There are 2 kinds of women; those who are better than you are, and those who are worse. Always avoid those who are worse than you. Choose to spend as much time as possible with those who are better.” That was his philosophy between his 2nd and 3rd scotch and water.

Bob, in a woman-less world, would be out in space somewhere looking to find women. A humble woman who can think; there is nothing greater than that. Anglo Celtic culture is built around a woman who can think. They have always revered womanhood. The Jewish culture does exactly the same thing. This woman saved David’s army just as much as Hushai.

Ladies in combat is a horrid thought. This woman will distract these men with her thinking; not with her beauty.

2Sam. 17:20 Absalom's servants [patrol] came to the woman at the house and asked, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" "They passed by toward the water," the woman replied to them. The men searched but did not find them, so they returned to Jerusalem.

2Samuel 17:(17–19), 20                       72David                                              631_0453

Last night, there was an incident; and Bob warns about this. Everyone has a right to hear the teaching of the Word of God apart from rudeness.

The more we see the public involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, the more we see how people and groups of people become totally divorced from reality. We have lost track of the fact that we are surrounded by hosts of evil nations. As the majority of people enter into interlocking systems of arrogance, there are possibly millions of people in this country who get away with stealing and rape. You have no idea how it is to be hit with a natural disaster and then to be plundered by criminal types.

During the Galveston storm, people came from all over just to plunder. 200 of them had to be shot down like dogs to protect the rights of individuals. Today, they no longer arm the national guard. Worst paid and lowest paid people are often fundy ministers. We don’t have a mayor or a council willing to do what is right.

You see it in theaters. A few years ago, Bob wanted to go back and pop someone, but he was restrained. When criminals have rights, thinking appears to have disappeared.

The liberals with their utopian thinking are on the lunatic fringe today.

People oriented to David have rallied to establishment.

2Sam. 17:17–20 Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying [on standby in] En-rogel, where a servant girl would come and pass along information to them [was supposed to go and report to them]. (for they were not able to be seen entering the city) [because they could not be seen entering the city]. They in turn would go and inform King David, because they dared not be seen entering the city. However, a young man did see them [a hippie spied on them] and informed Absalom. So the two left quickly and came to the house of the man in Bahurim. He had a well in his courtyard, and they climbed down into it. Then his wife [the wife of Asmaveth] took the cover, placed [spread] it over the mouth of the well, and scattered grain on it so nobody would know anything. Absalom's servants [patrol] came to the woman at the house and asked, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" "They passed by toward the water," the woman replied to them. The men searched but did not find them, so they returned to Jerusalem.

This Woman Can Think under Pressure

1.       This woman demonstrates great courage and application of doctrine by hiding these couriers. This woman going into action and hiding the couriers and looking at the revolutionaries and lying straight to their faces, is an application of doctrine. This woman is not crazy when her husband leaves. She does not put additional pressure upon him. “I saw you slip in there; next time drop down a little sooner and crawl.”

2.       It is possible to learn doctrine and still fail.

3.       Adversity, pressure, catastrophe, etc. A believer becomes a coward when they are unable to apply doctrine. Many a believer can be a coward, confused and disorganized. When pressure comes on the outside, emotion fills up the inside. Bob gives a few examples; like when he chews out those hippies, how did you react? When you take conservatives who roll their eyes about the Trilateral group, or are hyped up about abortion, or antisemitism; they are nuttier than liberals. There is a labor conspiracy today; and other conspiracies which are designed to throw conservatives off (plants are put into conservative groups to talk about this stuff). The trilateral conspiracy is a big deal because it involves rich people and poor people. Add sour grapes to what appears to be a conspiracy, and you have sloppy thinking. Greed is a sin and an emotion and it blocks thinking. This woman is magnificent; she can think.

4.       The difference between fear and courage is the ability to think under pressure, provided that someone has something with which to think under pressure.

5.       Courage is thinking under pressure; fear is lack of thought under pressure. People who hate cannot think with regards to the object of their hatred.

6.       Love is thinking under pressure or no pressure; hatred is emotion blotting out thought under pressure.

7.       No believer can think, concentrate and apply doctrine under pressure when negative emotion dominates the soul. All of these negative emotions are a part of living inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. This is why love is not even understood.

8.       The courage of thought under pressure is the modus operandi of the 3 stages of the faith rest drill

          a.       Faith claims promises recorded in the Bible. This results in setting aside negative fear. This is the sump pump that removes negative emotion from the soul so that thought can resume. The first stage of the faith rest drill is designed so that you can start up that sump pump. All of the mental sins of gate 1 of interlocking systems of arrogance. We all have emotion; we do not look to get rid of positive emotions; positive emotions are always subordinate to thinking. This woman lies honorably to these minions of Absalom.

          b.       Faith uses reverse concentration to use one or more of the rationales for coping. This is the dual scale of values rationale. When do you shift gears from a normal scale of values to an abnormal scale of value. She hides the couriers and lies magnificently. The dynamics of the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill is the application of thought.

          c.        The result of the application of doctrine to the situation is coming to a doctrinal conclusion. The believer is in control of the situation, based upon the application of doctrine.

2Sam. 17:20 Absalom's servants [patrol] came to the woman at the house and asked, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" "They passed by toward the water," the woman replied to them. The men searched but did not find them, so they returned to Jerusalem.

The Woman Is Able to Think

1.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

2.       This woman was able to save David’s couriers and future spiritual leaders of Israel.

3.       Doctrine is the environment for decisions. The lady of the manor made a lot of decisions. Doctrine is the environment for decisions.

4.       The lady of the manor could think and apply doctrine.

5.       Her noble act of courage. This is recorded forever in the Word of God as one of the great abilities to think under pressure. This woman is superior to thousands of men. A woman with doctrine who can think; there is no greater thing in the world. Both the woman and her husband operated under an alternate scale of values.

This lady did not belong in the battlefield; she was in the right place at the right time. She did not even belong in the flying column. She remained at home, where she belonged. She is the kind of a woman that we need in the United States today. She knows her place and she knows doctrine and she is superior to any man. Courage is thinking; fear is emotion. Under pressure, emotion must be under the control of thinking. Prov. 29:25 He who puts his trust in the Lord will be promoted. This woman illustrates what a woman of thought can be. Psalm 56:3 In the day I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. Heb. 11:27 By faith, Moses gave up the throne of Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, because he became strong under pressure, as long as He kept seeing that Invisible One. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid nor tremble because of them. The woman was perfectly composed. She did not act like someone hiding fugitives. She did not act figitty. It makes you sloppy emotionally like a knee-walking drunk. When you have doctrine in the soul, the Lord goes with you.

“Out, move her out. They’re coming from everywhere. What a marvelous contrast with the lady in the passage. Her little emotion was welling throughout, and when her cellar was flooding, she had to stand up for Jesus. These people are born again and they have no doctrine. When tragedy comes, they fall apart. She has no establishment doctrine and no manners; or maybe she has manners, but once emotion takes control, the manners go. You might act this way; next thing you know, you might be jumping up in some audience.”

Deut. 31:8 Now the Lord is the One Who advances ahead of you. This woman did a phenomenal thing; and she did it all by thinking. This is the application of divine decrees. Isa. 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be anxiously looking around for help. This woman was alone here. She did not have her men there to help her. For I am your God; I will strengthen you and I will help you; and most emphatically, I will sustain you with the right hand of My righteousness.

2Sam. 17:20 Absalom's servants [patrol] came to the woman at the house and asked, "Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?" "They passed by toward the water," the woman replied to them. The men searched but did not find them, so they returned to Jerusalem.

This woman functions under her disaster scale of values. Her faith stood in the wisdom of God. For we walk by faith and not by sight. Col. 2:6 For just as you have received Him, Keep on walking in Him.

2Samuel 17:21–23                               72David                                              631_0454

8September 1900 hurricane that struck Galveston. 20 ft. tidal wave. Winds up to 120 miles. The city was obliterated. It was the 4th wealthiest city in the US at that time. 2nd largest grain shipping port. 6 mile square island. It is only 5' above sea level. 3 leading citizens toasting the storm on strand street. Those who stayed could not shift gears and sealed their own fate. Looters were shot in their tracts. Some were simply lined up against a wall and executed.

Bob would hate to have a storm named Allen hit Houston. A ship is a female and a storm is a female, and things on the sea change rapidly; therefore, that is a clear reference to a woman.

3 ladies were so enthusiastic that they had to get up make a little noise. It was ladies night. And it was a great time had by all.

There was a detailed report that Ahimaaz and Jonathan were carrying. They warned that Ahithophel had advised an immediate attack, so David has to be prepared of that. There are no details recorded here as to what was in the report. However, they probably gave details of Ahithophel’s plan and of Hushai’s plan. They probably told David that his 10 mistresses had been raped.

2Sam. 17:21 After they had gone [marched on], Ahimaaz and Jonathan climbed out [ascended] of the well and went and informed King David. They told him, "Get up and immediately ford the river, for Ahithophel has given this advice against you."

David moves out rapidly. He makes an instant decision, which means thousands of civilians + a battalion and a brigade are gotten over the Jordan. Not a single person left on the other side of the Jordan. This was a successful night operation. This takes a lot of organization and humility (the recognition of authority). Humility, real and enforced, was the order of the day. Such discipline speaks well of command structure and leadership. The refugees handled this magnificently. They were herded across the river for safety.

David’s Ability to Make Good Decisions

1.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking.

2.       David’s information comes from his couriers. He has correct information.

3.       Doctrine resident in the soul of David + the intelligence information brings David to the point of decision. His decision had to be immediate.

4.       This decision to cross the Jordan was a good one. He will develop a system for thousands of civilians in this column. He will set up a HQ and he will set up the terrain where this war would be fought. Good decisions mean more options. David is making all kinds of decisions opening up options for more; but Ahithophel is reducing all of his decisions.

5.       A good decisions multiplies future options.

6.       For David, the options for this decision are many; Ahithophel has run out of decisions.

7.       Just as knowledge is the environment for thinking, so doctrine becomes the environment decisions.

Bob is not going to walk around with us and hold our hands (apparently Hurricane Allen is about to hit?). You need to have 2 standards and you must be able to walk away from everything you ever considered to be important. This is not a column of complaining of what they are losing. Every believer is supposed to be spiritually self-sustaining. This means, we must be able to think under pressure. Those who clung to their money and such, they drown.

A study was made of it, when the Germans invaded France, in May of 1940, and they bombed all of the cities; and some of the citizens tried to take their whole households. Some even discarded their children. Men left their wives. You must think. Panic is emotion and panic is cowardice. These are negative emotions. If emotion dominates your soul, then you cannot think. When a submarine dives, it must blow the air out of its tanks.

If you make wrong decisions, then you are going to die. How do you commit a sin? You decide to do it. It is a part of your thinking process. Volition is involved in every sin that you commit. You are held responsible for your ignorance.

If someone is crazy, verify it, and then take them out and shoot them. It is a sick society that permits this kind of thing. You are responsible for your actions whether you know what you are doing or not.

Bob will preach at our funerals if we are quite stupid and die because of it.


2Sam. 17:22 So David and all the people with him got up and crossed the Jordan. By daybreak, there was no one who had not crossed the Jordan.

Ahithophel realizes that his plan wasn’t followed. “I didn’t say he put his ass in the saddle; I said he saddled his ass.”

Bob used to grab wild asses and ride them. Grab their ears and jump on. Great fun.

In a battle of wits, when two men are equal, the one who is humble will win out. Arrogance neutralizes your beauty, talent, intelligence and your spiritual assets. Arrogance will neutralize it every time.

He gave charge to his house, which means he put his affairs in order. He was meticulous, well-organized, and even down to the end, he maintained the habits of good administration. He had a will and he set up his vast estates and wealth. This is how a person can be rational and yet, he turns to suicide. He drafts all of the legal documents necessary for his heirs. He is able to do all of this, which indicates that he has a lucid, clear mind about normal things in life. Yet, with this genius, with this thoughtfulness for his family, he will draw up all of these papers, and then he will commit suicide.

2Sam. 17:23 When Ahithophel realized [saw, made an estimate of the situation] that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He set his affairs in order and hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father's tomb.

2Samuel 17:23                   Suicide 72David 08/07/1980                             631_0455

The hurricane in the gulf, is quite a serious one. The on 2September 1935 was the worst, where winds were 250 mph. 279 locals killed. The problem with the hurricane was, they did not have much warning. The barometer went down to 26.35 inches, which is a record for this hemisphere. It moved at about 10 mph. The center was about 9 miles in diameter. One wall of water 40 ft high. One wave hitting a lighthouse was estimated to be 100 ft or more in height. Some of the glass was carried 10 miles away. This was one of the greatest earthquakes (?) of the century. We may or may not get much of Allen. There are apparently all kinds of boards and bricks nearby, and they act as bullets. Terrible to call a hurricane by a man’s name. Use common sense. If you are told to stay off the roads and highways, then stay in, or retreat wherever you plan to retreat. We will not put up with those conditions for church. “I have no intention of speaking with 170 mph winds outside.”

our subject is a believer who commits suicide; Ahithophel. This is a clear cut case of suicide.

Ahithophel and Arrogance

1.       This is an answer to David’s prayer, “Please frustrate the counsel of Ahithophel.”

2.       Not only had Hushai discredited Ahithophel’s plan, but he substituted a plan which was guaranteed to fail.

3.       Arrogance is weakness and for all of his greatness, Ahithophel had become weak.

4.       It was the weakness of arrogant self pity which caused Ahithophel to go home and commit suicide.

5.       Ahithophel had entered into interlocking systems of arrogance, gate 17. It was easy for him to move to gate 16 (unhappiness), and conspiracy arrogance and negative volition arrogance. He was probably very close to maturity when he entered into these gates.

Introductory Principles on Suicide

1.       Suicide always combines the functions of interlocking systems of arrogance with one’s own volition. Psychosis does not eliminate the function of the volition of the soul.

2.       Suicide is the last choice of anyone involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. This is degeneracy and evil.

3.       Suicide means that a person has run out of choices and uses his volition to make one last choice; the wrong choice. He takes his own life without divine permission.

4.       Just as knowledge is the environment for thinking, so doctrine is the environment for good decisions, which provide greater options for greater decisions.

5.       If you make decisions based upon doctrine, then you will be allowed to make more decisions. This allows for advance in the plan of God.

6.       The greatness of decisions is the function of reverse concentration, the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill. The environment for more and greater decisions is Bible doctrine in the soul.

7.       The decisions of doctrine provide more opportunity for more decisions. Decisions which place doctrine in the soul are the most important daily decisions that you can make. Generally speaking, the more doctrine you learn, the great insulation from walking into interlocking systems of arrogance.

8.       If you make decisions based upon arrogance and strong delusion, you reduce your choices and you imprison the environment for thinking to interlocking systems of arrogance. This leaves you with divine discipline and the sin unto death.

9.       In arrogance, you blame others for your own bad decisions. You pass along the reason for your evil on others.

10.     You use the excuse that God is testing you, you lock yourself inside the arrogance complex and throw away the key.

11.     When inside, you continue to reduce your volitional options. Suicide is emotional cowardice. The person who commits suicide may or may not be psychotic, but he is arrogant.

More Points on Emotional Arrogance and Suicide

1.       Suicide is a form of cowardice, and expression emotional arrogance.

2.       Cowardice is negative volition or negative emotion which blots out thinking and divorces the person from reality. As thinking is removed and replaced by emotion, so is reality removed. Emotion that is negative is defined here as cowardice.

3.       Courage is thinking under pressure. Cowardice is lack of thinking under pressure. Thinking for such a one is impossible.

4.       When the believer commits suicide, he is under the emotion of cowardice and that is under the principle of knowledge is the environment for thinking.

5.       Knowledge of doctrine may reside in your soul, but negative emotion frustrates the application under reverse concentration.

6.       Doctrine is the environment for good decisions and emotion controlling the soul is the environment for bad decisions.

7.       When emotion controls the soul, the believer is in emotional arrogance.

8.       Emotional arrogance + psychotic arrogance also leads to suicide. That is irrational behavior.

9.       The cowardice of emotional arrogance + and interaction with psychotic arrogance, there can be suicide.

10.     A person under intense pain, it is possible that emotion will dominate the soul, and one may contemplate suicide.

11.     Ahithophel was a believer entered into interlocking systems of arrogance through iconoclastic arrogance. He volition and arrogance created an idol out of David.

12.     When Ahithophel’s excellent plan was rejected, he went over to authority arrogance.

13.     From there Ahithophel went into emotional arrogance, and they all interlocked.

14.     Suicide is a form of cowardice and it interacts with other gates.

15.     Arrogant people are irrational, emotional, unstable and unhappy. Such types put a period on the end of their lives.

Suicide and Eternal Security

1.       Does the believer who commits suicide go to heaven? Is suicide so terrible that it eliminates someone from going to heaven. The believer who commits suicide definitely goes to heaven.

2.       No believer gets into heaven by works and no one is kept from heaven by works.

3.       The one act of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ guarantees that the believers goes to heaven.

4.       But, of course, after resurrection, there are no rewards or decorations for suicide.

5.       Even though Ahithophel was at one time probably a mature believer, his involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance and perpetuation of that status without rebound, guaranteed him a loss of reward in eternity.

6.       Loss of reward does not mean a loss of salvation.

7.       Suicide is the end of an arrogant life, but it does not cancel the work of God in salvation. It just terminates an arrogant life.

8.       Therefore, the believer who takes his life is obviously guilty of a sin; and he is guilty of evil related to the arrogance complex. However, no sin or evil can cancel anyone’s salvation.

9.       For all suicide, it is still no mare sorrow, no more tears; the old things have passed ways. You cannot cancel the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

10.     Many believers have terminated a life of failure by suicide.

11.     The grace of God is greater than the failure of man.

2Sam. 17:23 When Ahithophel realized [saw, made an estimate of the situation] that his advice had not been followed [his plan had not been adopted], he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He set his affairs in order and hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father's tomb [in the family mausoleum].

Interlocking Systems of Arrogance and Which Way They Went

1.       Intensified discipline is a horrible experience. However, as long as you are alive, you can still rebound. This can be broken down into increments. Rebound takes you outside interlocking systems of arrogance and gives you enough space to recover the doctrine necessary for the next installment.

2.       Suicide is a coward’s way out. As long as they are alive, they can still get out of interlocking systems of arrogance. It is possible for you to come to a place where you cannot even put together the rebound rationale. Emotional arrogance and psychotic arrogance both do the same thing. Psychotic arrogance wipes out thinking of any kind. The woman who walked out the other time, after a conversation, this woman might be in psychotic arrogance as well. She is a good illustration. It is impossible for people to keep making decisions and then to reverse all of that by rebound.

3.       By involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance, you have a guarantee of failure, unless you break out using rebound. David was magnificent in the civil war, but not in the revolution. “Deal gently with my son, Absalom” and he was therefore, out of it. Joab had to straighten him out. He made great decisions until the army marched out. David almost did not recover from this. He was running toward gate 9 before Joab grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and brought him back.

4.       If you are determined to break out and make it, and want to take in doctrine on a daily basis, under logistical grace, God gives you extra time for recovery. Ahithophel could have broken out. Ahithophel took his own life and destroyed all of his options. He lost any option of his own life.

5.       Through rebound, David recovered from the arrogance complex. He got tremendous blessing from his installment discipline. Once he was clear, he went right back in again in 2Sam. 18.

6.       Ahithophel and Absalom had the same potential, did not break out.

7.       The result is inevitable. They both received intensified discipline, which was to motivate them.

8.       Just as arrogance creates its own problems and blames them on someone else

9.       Arrogance refuses to take responsibility for its own decisions. Arrogance is totally inconsistent.

10.     Suicide is a monument to man’s own incompetence and evil self-centeredness. A believer who commits suicide is under great pressures from being under interlocking systems of arrogance. This pushes a person to suicide. The arrogance of emotion.

Ahithophel’s Failure

1.       While Ahithophel came to this point, Eliam, his son, is with David. He expands his options of life by faithfulness to David. He was professional and he recognized authority.

2.       Eliam has distinguished career and a long life. He made choices which give him greater and greater options. He is never distracted from his father’s erroneous decisions.

3.       Here is also the daughter of Elaim, the granddaughter of Ahithophel. Bob is unsure whether RM/RW was more of a problem than what it taught. Bathsheba was probably David’s rw. Abigail was a great woman, but that does not make her David’s rw. This rape and seduction affected Ahithophel more than it did Bathsheba. She was able to forgive David and she had tremendous resonance. She became the queen in our Lord’s genealogy. If Ahithophel needed any illustrations, he could simply look to his own family we can only recognize the tremendous power of emotional arrogance.

The family mausoleum means that this was a distinguished family in Israel.

2Sam. 17:23 When Ahithophel realized [saw, made an estimate of the situation] that his advice had not been followed [his plan had not been adopted], he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He set his affairs in order and hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father's tomb [in the family mausoleum].

2Samuel 17                                          72David                                              631_0456

Bob leaves it to our judgment about the hurricane. If the hurricane goes through Corpus and Brownsville, then we’ll get a little rain. Bob has been in hurricanes and earthquakes that were quite exciting. There is a particular one that Bob experienced when he was a child in Florida. 1925 boom in Florida, which was greater than any gold rush or any other boom. The hurricane destroyed any rejuvenation of the Florida boom. 138 mph and the cheap subdivision houses began to crumble and a shoreline was established 100 yards inland.

Discipline produces enforced humility. The revolutionary army will march in the reign of terror in Jerusalem. They will annoy the citizens along the route of their march. There will develop a hostile citizenry, which is very difficult to supply.

When David crossed over into Mahanaim, he had every advantage at that point. The revolutionary army will be called Israel. About a half million men will leave Shechem. They will cross and then move up to this large valley. The cliffs will be too high.

It became apparent that Absalom decided to go with plan Hushai, which was a plan guaranteed to fail. Once a large army is concentrated,....

2Sam. 17:24 David had arrived at Mahanaim by the time Absalom crossed the Jordan with all the men of Israel.

Bob loves this v. 25. It makes him angry. Some of the words are completely out of line.

Qal perfect of sum, which means to appoint, to commission. The revolutionary army has its field commander, and his name is Amasa. The greater portion of the Jewish army went over to the revolution. Most of David’s army was now with the revolution.

Amasa is the bastard cousin of Joab. 1Chron. 2:17 Amasa's mother was Abigail, and his father was Jether the Ishmaelite. Some of the greatest people in history have been bastards. You cannot blame your bad disposition and your evil modus operandi upon being born a bastard. Being a bastard by birth; there is nothing wrong with that. It is being a bastard by practice.

Lets begin with Yether the Ishamelite, who is the father of Amasa. He is a handsome Arab like Rudolf Valentino in the son of the shiek. He was passing through a foreign country and he spied a beautiful woman, and that is where we get Amasa from. Here, it is a corruption; Ithra the Israelite. Sometimes, when a name is brought into our language, it is anglicized. Ithra is the Jewish version of Yether. This is not Abigail, the wife of David.

Sexual intercourse is implied here. So, he seduced Abigail, the daughter of Nahash. Nahash was a friend of David’s, and we never really established why. Hanun has a sister. Nahash had 3 children: Hanun, Abigail, and a younger brother Shobai.

Nahash was the king of Ammon, one of the great kings of his day. He had 2 wives. Wife1 had a daughter, Abigail. Kings want sons. This is why Hanun got rid of wife1. She went over and married a Jew named Jesse, David’s father. Nahash had her first, and then she became Jesse’s wife. By Nahash, she had Abigail. Zeruiah would have been a step-sister, more than likely. This is why Nahash liked David. David’s mother was once the wife of Nahash. She just gave Nahash a daughter. It is the male sperm that determines the gender. Nahash got rid of her. So then Jesse has 7 boys by this mother and also Zeruiah.

Nahash has a second wife with 2 sons, 1 good and 1 evil. Hanun and Shobai. One is an evil unbeliever and the other is a mature believer. David had Absalom. So they are all first cousins, giving us the war of the first cousins.


1.       While Nahash was the king of Ammon, he was very friendly toward David. They were always good friends.

2.       The reason is found in this context, and David was given some relief in Ammon, under the protection of Nahash, while Saul was after him. There was a friendship between Nahash and Jesse because they married the same woman.

3.       Nahash king of Ammon was the first husband of Jesse’s wife and the father of Abigail. So Abigail is the half-sister of David and the half-sister of Zeruiah.

4.        For some unknown and unstated reason, since Abigail could only give birth to girls. She went off on her settlement to marry Jesse, which might explain why Jesse was rich. She did well in the divorce settlement.

5.       David’s mother was the first wife of Nahash, and therefore, Nahash was friendly to David. This was a civilized divorce. No bitterness.

6.       By his second wife, King Nahash had Hanun, who provided David, resulting in the Ammonite war; and a younger son, Prince Shobai, who brings supplies to David in Mahanaim.

7.       Hanun’s antagonism toward David resulted in Ammon’s loss of independence. Joab brought David over to take credit for this defeat. There was a loss of the kingdom, which became the property of Israel.

8.       When David took over Ammon, Hanun’s brother was friendly with David. Hanun was antagonistic toward David and ruined by this.

9.       David appointed Shobai to handle Ammon as the king of the conquered Ammon (Transjordanian today).

10.     Here we meet Abigail. She is the half-sister of Zeruiah and the mother of an Arab passing through.

11.     She is the half-sister of David as well.

12.     Traditions of the rabbis equates Jesse and Nahash, but that is not the case. This is imbecilic. This is why the Jews have had so many problems. It makes no sense to equate a king of Ammon with Jesse. They shared the same wife.

2Sam. 17:25 In the meantime, Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in Joab's place. Amasa was [a bastard] the son of a man named Ithra the Israelite; Ithra had married [seduced] Abigail daughter of Nahash. Abigail was a sister to Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

Bob thinks we will meet on Sunday morning, despite Hurricane Allen.

2Samuel 17:25–27                               72David                                              631_0457

Family relationships often have a lot to do with life. Jesse and Nahash both shared a wife, at different time. This wife had Abigail as a daughter, and sometimes wives are set aside by kings if they do not produce a son. They apparently had an amicable divorce. She marries Jesse and bears him 7 sons. Abigail has a bastard son named Amasa. Nahash by his 2nd wife has 2 sons, one who is good and sensible and the other who is an ass.

Hanun was just eliminated around the time of the Ammonite war, and Ammon is a part of the country of Israel, and Shobai is the governor ruling under David. All of these people are involved in this civil war.


1.       Absalom, Joab and Amasa are all 1st cousins.

2.       The civil war in its leadership is a war of first cousins. Joab and right for David.

3.       Abigail is the step-sister or half-sister for David and Zeruiah.

4.       This explains Nahash’s famous friendship with David. David was the son of his first wife. David was almost like a nephew to him.

5.       King Nahash divorced his wife because she had daughters instead of sons; although he continued to love her. She became the wife of Jesse, father of David.

2Sam. 17:25 In the meantime, Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in Joab's place. Amasa was [a bastard] the son of a man named Ithra the Israelite [actually, Ishmael]; Ithra had married [seduced] Abigail daughter of Nahash. Abigail was a (half) sister to Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

David will not execute Amasa after the civil war. David, in his declining years, had a tendency to get back into interlocking systems of arrogance. He was in emotional arrogance. He recovers from that. He should not have appointed Amasa as his chief-of-staff.

Zeruiah had 3 magnificent sons, and 2 are still alive at the time of this civil war; Joab and Abishai. Asahel died previously. Joab is the field commander, so he is named here.

The Jewish army has been split by this civil war. Amasa has been appointed the field commander of the revolutionary troops. Absalom apparently liked Amasa, his bastard cousin. He will lose a battle here. He did not have even the most common knowledge of war here. You always choose your own battlefield. He violated every principle. Joab follows the correct principles of military tactics.

Amasa comes from am jesse and it means people of Jesse. Abigail wanted her son to be identified with the royal line of Israel, and therefore, she gave him this name. Joab will kill Absalom and he will kill Amasa as well. Joab is one of the most underrated men in the Word of God.

2Sam. 17:25 In the meantime, Absalom had appointed Amasa over the army in Joab's place. Amasa was [a bastard] the son of a man named Ithra the Israelite [actually, Ishmael]; Ithra had married [seduced] Abigail daughter of Nahash. Abigail was a (half) sister to Zeruiah, Joab's mother.

Ishmael was Abraham’s bastard son and Ammon was Lot’s son via one of his daughters. There is a wild strain of Ishmael. 1Chron. 12:17–18 David went out to meet them and said to them, "If you have come in peace to help me, my heart will be united with you, but if you have come to betray me to my enemies even though my hands have done no wrong, may the God of our ancestors look on it and judge." Then the Spirit took control of Amasai, chief of the Thirty, and he said: We are yours, David, we are with you, son of Jesse! Peace, peace to you, and peace to him who helps you, for your God helps you. So David received them and made them leaders of his troops.

David tried to give Amasa Joab’s job when Joab retired, and he really had no ability in the field in which he chose to operate. Some of these kinds become malcontents. So many times, these people lack the ability and they shout discrimination and they are not willing to work to make up for their lack.

Amasa joins the revolution. Asmaveth remains loyal to David. His wife gets the men of Absalom mixed up so that the messengers can get through to David.

Often, men who have fought together in the past, find themselves pitted against one another. There are those who knew each other in West Point before the civil war, and they often took advantage of this information. Lee and McClellan knew one another in West Point and tried to date the same girl at one time.

When men have known each other in the regular army, then they can have information on one another in the field against one another. Amasa was good as a company commander, but he is not good as a field commander. When you reach your peak, being ambitious beyond your own abilities is problematic. Maybe you are dissatisfied. You want to go up to the next rung. This is what happens in bureaucracies. People are ruined when they advance beyond their abilities. Arrogant people move up the ladder, particularly in a bureaucracy; and that bureaucracy ends up being a failure. It is a system of interlocking systems of arrogance. This is the one great thing of England’s class system in the past. This gave people a contentment within the framework of their own custom; and they could break out if they wanted to. Evangelism works well there too. Such people are not looking to move up some ladder and are distracted by this.

Most capacity for playing comes from hard work. Julius Cæsar developed a system for great administration. He took people from all levels and had them run the country as knights, which kept the empire stable. They essentially ran the Roman empire.

People become dissatisfied with their lot in life, and they can work hard to make up for their deficiencies. That is success by humility. Hard work is self-discipline going into action; self-discipline is enforced humility. Enforced humility will make the same gains as well true humility. When people work hard, they instinctively enjoy their leisure time. However, even better if they simply enjoy their work. Arrogance has caused people to focus on time off as opposed to their responsibility. They have more leisure time, more money, and they have no capacity for their leisure time.

Had it not been for Joab, David would never have become king again. Joab rebuked David as no one had ever done before. He chewed him out for insulting the army. This took extreme measures to get David’s attention.

Blood is not thicker than water; arrogance is stronger than a blood relationship. Families which are one for all and all for one are destroyed by arrogance. And Jesus said, “I have come to destroy family relationships.”

You lose capacity for love in arrogance. Arrogance is stronger than perfect environment. Environment is not an issue in our lives. It is not an issue in happiness. Some think moving to a better climate would be nice. Or they think they have been abused by their parents and blame them for their failures.

Historically, we have good environment when the laws of divine establishment dominate a client nation or an area. Then freedom becomes a great virtue, rather than some nightmare. The greatness of freedom comes out. Great evangelism; great missionary function. All of these things make for good environment.

Some families are close and there are great relationships within the family. This is based upon humility. If the children or parents are arrogant or try to please the other; or there is arrogance introduced, then the family relationship is destroyed. Arrogance destroys the best of environment. It destroys the best of relationships.

Be content with such things as you have. You cannot obey this verse with arrogance in your soul. Arrogance, like cowardice, is an emotion, and it destroys human relationships. Principle should be placed above emotion. Arrogance causes division, and even a client nation is destroyed by arrogance.

V. 26 establishes the geographical location of this work. This establishes the fact, which is actually rejected by commentators. Gilead is east of the Jordan, so David fought on the east side of the Jordan; not on the west side as some idiotic commentators say. They have nothing to offer in chapters 15–18. They might have a sentence about one chapter and then offer up several pages to say that this war was fought on the west side, which is incorrect.

Gilead is east of the Jordan. Bob reads these commentators and he is appalled by what he reads. They idiotically spend 5–15 pages to give some point which is wrong.

Israel here stands for the revolutionary army. For several chapters, Israel will stand for the revolutionary army which joins up with Absalom. All of the tribes of Israel join in with Absalom. Most of the military types were in revolt against David.

There is a large contingent of foreigners in David’s army. David will have 10 more prosperous years and Solomon will have 40 great years. After Solomon, there will be a split which will break up David’s empire. The northern kingdom will be called Israel and the southern kingdom will be called Judah.

God does not recognize revolution or those who try to seize power via a revolution. Gilead is mountainous and heavily forested and goes from the Sea of Galilee down to the Dead Sea. 60 miles long and 20 miles wide. It is here called Gilead, but this name will fade out in history. Manasseh and Reuben took this land. Down below is Ammon, Moab and Edom. Very heavily forested and mountainous and very rugged country.

Absalom has now crossed the river.

2Sam. 17:26 And Israel and Absalom camped [bivouacked] in the land of Gilead.

Bob reads the next verse. The Russians won on the eastern side against Germany because they were supported by free enterprise Americans. The industry of the United States that made it possible for all of the allies to defeat their enemies. One industrial complex in WWII sustained the victory.

2Sam. 17:27 When David came to Mahanaim, Shobi son of Nahash from Rabbah of the Ammonites, Machir son of Ammiel from Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim

2Samuel 17:27                                     72David                                              631_0458

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, so this would be 1980.

Thanksgiving involves memory. These things would be meaningless apart from some eternal consequence. Whereas, we appreciate to the maximum all of the doctrine which has been extended to us, we must be able to relate them, which is one of the purposes of the communion table. It is because of the Lord Jesus Christ that our life has purpose, meaning and definition.

Roy Hurst is starting a church in Meridian, Miss.

After Bob covers some of David’s post-war problems, he will return to the New Testament.

Shobi is the younger son of Nahash. His first wife later becomes the wife of Jesse. Abigail. Jesse has 7 sons by this woman and then David. Nahash, by his second wife, has 2 boys.

Hanun is the first son who starts the Ammonite War with Israel. Prince Shobai is David’s first cousin in law. Shobai had apparently disagreed with his brother and did not participate in the Ammonite war. David made Shobai governor of Ammon, which became a province of Israel. Shobi remained faithful to David for a great deal of time. He was faithful to David during this civil war and supported him logistically.

Machir is not a correct transliteration and it should be Makir is the correct transliteration. He is a descendant of the eldest son of Manasseh. He provided for Jonathan’s lame son Mephibosheth.

There is the Jordan River. To the south is Ammon and from Lodebar, there was a wealthy landowner also coming to him. Bob recalls Dan when he was a strong conservative, and Bob used to be on his program. Dan went upstairs to Washington and he no longer demonstrates any of his former beliefs. He is a believer in Jesus Christ. His background is Lutheran. He has apparently been disillusioned with Carter. Carter said, “I haven’t done these things yet, but I plan to do them with the windfall taxes.” No nation can survive the downfall of its industrial complex under free enterprise. Government is to protect big and little business and any form of free enterprise from criminality and crusaders both.

We have studied the deeds of many men in WWII. These are men who rose to the occasion in a magnificent way. There are no heroes in war without greater heroes in the industrial complex of free enterprise. Russia had heroes against the Nazis, but it required American industry. There are millions of tons of material that went to Russia and we fed the Russians for 3 years at the end of the war.

We have a false film about Russian industrialism, but they have no industry. Our industry supplied England, the freed French, China, and many other countries which fought against the Axis powers. The free enterprise system must rise to the occasion. There was humility, flexibility and objectivity of big business, which is what saved us.

David is here with his back to the wall and he lives under an agricultural economy. On the west side of the Jordan the economy is in the hands of the revolutionary army. There is very little on the eastern side of Jordan.

David just fought a war here with Joab against the Aramæans. Little did the Reubenites and the Gadites realize that, when they wanted to get into this cattle country, and they did not want to go in with Joshua, some day their great grandchildren would be the means of supplying David.

Makir is from the tribe of Manasseh, and they are glorified because they are supplying David and his army and the civilians. There may be several hundred thousands refugees as well.

Barzillai was an 80 year old landowner. He is an industrial genius during this time. He would have put together a complex comparable to anything we have today. He is now 80 years old and vigorous. A lot of scum would say, he just used his money to stay alive. But it was not just the money, but it was the possession of Bible doctrine and its application to the business-industrial complex to the time that he lived. He had great moral courage. He was able to take responsibility for the people whom he employed. He spent his money in supporting David during David’s darkest hour. David wore a suit that he tore off and a set of sandals that he kicked off when in the desert. David was a man of great moral courage. Some of the scum in organized labor today. They are gangsters and criminals. This is a capitalist who has developed a great sense of responsibility. This is how capitalists act. They make marvelous contributions to their societies. No army can function effectively without material.

The greatest sense of responsibility has not resided in our political leadership. It has resided with our men of industry; with capitalism. They daily face payrolls and they have responsibility for the lives of others.

The people of this country failed in the Vietnam war. When our people are in another country and there is no support for them, the army develops some animal characteristics that the army in Europe in WWII did not have.

When there have been some dine outs. There is one man Bob loves to hear stand up and give a toast. People who cannot make it in industry then go into government. They have no moral courage; they have no sense of responsibility. There are very few armies which have been successful without the home folks.

Alexander died because he started a UN and God took him out. He developed an international army, which was a mistake. All of his officers were supposed to take a Persian wife.

Manasseh is good for men in business but not known for its military men. Barzillai escorted him to the Jordan. David wanted him to live with him in the palace. However, he recommended his son, and Solomon was charged to show kindness to all of the sons of Barzillai. These are men of humility and success. Bob has seen more and greater humility in truly wealthy people. He grew up in Beverly Hills, CA, and it was the wealthiest city per capita before WWII. Shaker Heights in Ohio was close. It is not true that the rich are arrogant and the poor are humble. These are men of doctrine and men of advanced spiritual life. They understand the industrial complex. They related freedom to military victory. You have to feed and supply troops in the field.

Shobi put truth and Bible doctrine ahead of his national identity.

2Sam. 17:27 When David came to Mahanaim, Shobi son of Nahash from Rabbah [king] of the Ammonites, Machir son of Ammiel from Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim

Success on the battlefield depends upon supplies and material. There needs to be citizen support for any army. Logistical support is necessary for freedom through military victory. All the heroes are not on the battlefield.

2Sam. 17:28 brought beds, basins, and pottery items. They also brought wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils,

The rest of the list that was brought to David. They figured out that David and his men would be worn out and hungry. This means to be exhausted. This is having no food.

Hungry, exhausted people in the desert. Curds which is like Mazoom, which was one of the toughest things Bob every tried to drink.

2Sam. 17:29 honey, curds, sheep, and cheese from the herd for David and the people with him to eat. They had reasoned [concluded], "The people must be hungry, exhausted, and thirsty in the desert."

2Samuel 17:27–29                    72David 08/13/1980                                    631_0459

We are about to complete this chapter. .

The Chicago Fire of 1871 illustrates what is in a person’s soul, because that determines how they react. Apparently this did not occur at the O’Leary’s farm, but the McLaughlin’s? A lot of history on this fire. There was a widespread lawlessness within a greater catastrophe. Bob covers a lot of stories of people who fail under pressure.

These 3 men think of someone other than themselves. They saw David as the legitimate ruler of Israel. Most of those named in this Chicago fire could not think under pressure.

The Dynamics of Thinking Under Pressure

1.       These men functioned under Bible doctrine in their souls. This application resulted in incredible generosity and fantastic support.

2.       This is the industrial complex which supports this army. No army in the field can be successful apart from logistic. These men were truly generous.

3.       True generosity; there was no way that these men could be repaid. No purchasing of influence. They did not think in terms of profit. Great industrialist generally think in terms of profit. Flexibility and humility, however, would keep them from losing everything.

4.       True generosity does not seek to gain by giving. David was broke; he could not reward them. He was dependent upon the kindness of strangers.

5.       Each gives, separately, concluded that David and his army all needed immediate help. They were under pressure and under this pressure they responded. The supplied maybe 100,000 people with necessities.

6.       They did not give as a marketing gimmick; they gave from grace motivation.

7.       Loyalty as a virtue

8.       If you make your choices on he basis of Bible doctrine,, you can be successful in business without loss of integrity. You can go broke in business, but that is no tragedy, if you have not lost your integrity or honor.

9.       If you make your decisions of the basis of arrogance then you will run out of options and choices. They took their tremendous profits and helped sustain David and these people. They were strapped at this moment for giving everything that they could. If you make decisions on the basis of arrogance, eventually, you have nothing left. You do not have options even for recovery. When divine discipline hits, about all you can do it make a decision to rebound.

10.     There is no substitute for the motivation of grace in spiritual modus vivendi.

If you make money and simultaneously lose your integrity, then you have already failed the test. God will punish you because you have rejected the one providing your prosperity.

The Memorial to Grace Orientation

1.       This is a memorial to grace believers and they make decisions which could have destroyed their businesses. They could have gone into the camp and trading property for food. However, they did not do that. They did not take advantage of this situation. Their motivation was not profit but grace orientation.

2.       To help David is to invite death and possible persecution. They were sticking their necks out.

3.       This decision was sacrificial. This is because these men are giving of their wealth and abundance and when the smoke of battle clears, they will be broke.

4.       Arrogance is stronger than perfect environment.

5.       Love does not make the world go round; arrogance makes the world go round. This is the devil’s world.

6.       But there is something stronger than arrogance. Doctrine in the soul with the environment of grace humility which is stronger than arrogance which is stronger than the devil’s world.

7.       In the perfect environment, interlocking systems of arrogance will challenge 1000 years of perfect environment.

8.       The result will be the GogMagog revolution.

9.       Because of his involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance, man is never satisfied with good government or good environment.

10.     Revolution is a manifestation of arrogance.

11.     These 3 men are happy with David’s reign, but they have also succeeded in life with free enterprise; they began with little businesses and they parlay this into big business. They have the honor and integrity to continue to support David. They combine courage with integrity.

Shobi could have taken this instance and declared his independence from Israel.

The Third Principle

1.       Prince Shobi is as honorable as Hanun was dishonorable. Appointing him over Ammon was a great decision by David.

2.       Makir and Barzillai. These are multimillionaires. They are the industrial complex of free enterprise. They are successful businessmen under David’s rule. There was no OSHA, no EPA, no bureaucrat running around shutting down businesses. No attacks upon profit.

3.       The 3 musketeers should never turn against David and join the revolution Since they had honor, they could not remain neutral.

4.       Such honor and integrity existed throughout the land. These men could engage in free enterprise function.

5.       The result will be phenomenal. There is no substitute for the laws of divine establishment in national government. There would be other revolts against this great government in the future.

Man is depraved; in his soul, he has not the capacity to be happy. So he blames his environment and he rejects even good and perfect environment.

2Sam. 17:27–29 When David came to Mahanaim, Shobi son of Nahash from Rabbah [king] of the Ammonites, Machir son of Ammiel from Lo-debar, and Barzillai the Gileadite from Rogelim

  brought beds, basins, and pottery items. They also brought wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, curds, sheep, and cheese from the herd for David and the people with him to eat. They had reasoned [concluded], "The people must be hungry, exhausted, and thirsty in the desert."

2Samuel 18 introduction          72David 08/13/1980                                    631_0460

No idea if any time has passed between this and the previous lesson. Turns out, it is one day.

Excellent writer Eric Ladene? An Intelligent American’s Guide to Europe. Well-written and understand divine establishment. We have it from scriptures that Christ loved some of His disciples more than others. The opposite view would indicate that the sinner was equal to the saint. Where it is easy to compare bank accounts; it is much more difficult to compare spiritual lives. Perfect equality is only possible under complete slavery. Once you use force to establish equality, then there is not more equality.

Introductory Principles

1.       Counterinsurgency is the destruction of your enemy’s talent and intelligence and leadership and thinking and planning.

2.       Every believer must have 2 scales of values; one for prosperity and one for adversity. We learn this from David.

3.       The transition from the prosperity scale of values to the historical scale of values demands the status quo of humility. That means objectivity and flexibility.

4.       The material things the believer enjoys in prosperity must be written off or abandoned or ignored under adversity.

5.       Once you get into adversity; it is not what you have that counts but it is what you think that counts. You ignore all that you possess and attain; however you are ranked or recognized, this no longer counts.

6.       One must be humble, objective, flexible and honorable in the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill. We will see Joab in his greatness and we will also see him fail. He will reprimand a junior officer for not killing Absalom, and he heard David’s general command not to kill Absalom. Joab would tell him, “I would have recognized you and decorated you and promoted you as well.” The principle must be a part of your thinking when disaster comes. Joab is wrong but he is flexible enough to see it. Killing Absalom is something that only he could do. Only Joab could violate this order; so he goes and kills Absalom. In time of pressure and of disaster, you have to have this in your soul.

7.       To shift gears into the adversity scale of values, the believer must be able to shift gears and get into the adversity mode; you must have the plan of God rationale, rebound rationale, etc. You need to learn the doctrine and to organize it categorically. You must be able to make instant application.

8.       Without reverse concentration, the believer cannot adapt to adversity. We learn to concentrate and we learn poise under Bible doctrine. This very concentration is the way we apply it as well in adversity. If you start a prayer or your mind wanders after a few sentences, you will not do well in adversity. Prayer is a tremendous weapon. Changing circumstances do not change blessing from God. Philip. 4 not because I am speaking with reference to poverty, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am in. You happiness does not depend upon success or finding your rw or whatever. Happiness is a state of mind. In fact, I have come to know what it means to be in need; I have learned how to get along in humble circumstances and in prosperity; whether well-fed or hungry; I can do all things through Christ Who keeps on pouring the power into me.

It takes thought to survive under great difficulties.

Second Principle

1.       Doctrine must be first and foremost on one’s mind. Those who go into counterinsurgency must not lose their honor or integrity. They must learn to function under a different scale of values.


3.       We have noted also that conventional standards may not be applied to clandestine warfare any more than normal standards to normal welfare.

4.       Fabrication, bribing, etc. including the exploitation of the weaknesses of others.

5.       Just as killing is not sinful in battle, so lying is not sinful in clandestine warfare.

6.       Insurgency is a synonym for revolution; it therefore connotes evil. Counterinsurgency preserves establishment government and has an honorable connotation.

Third Principle

1.       God attacks revolution with their own weapons; lying, deceit, counter-violence.

2.       Revolution lives by the lie and will be destroyed by the lie.

3.       Revolution succeeds by the use of violence. So revolution should be destroyed by counter violence

4.       Revolution is the result of maximum arrogance and interlocking systems of arrogance. Therefore, it should be defeated by that same arrogance complex.

5.       Revolution and arrogance creates its own system of destruction. God therefore authorizes and approves counterinsurgency to destroy revolution.

6.       God used humble Hushai to defeat and to destroy Absalom. God uses man’s wrath to praise Him.

7.       Part of the principle is that Jesus Christ controls history and God uses man’s wrath to praise Him.

8.       We must remember James 4:6 God makes war against the arrogant abut he gives grace to the humble.

David founded a counterinsurgency group. Hushai penetrated the highest level of Absalom’s staff.

Fourth Principle

1.       God’s plan is not changed by disaster.

2.       Often the material things which the believer has enjoyed must be forgotten or ignored. However, that is not the loss of God.

3.       The goal to penetrate the highest echelon of enemy command and to plant disinformation. Blackmail, flattery, deception and violence.

4.       Being inside the interlocking systems of arrogance guarantees weakness and vulnerability to counterinsurgency as well as to conventional warfare. We will see David go back into interlocking systems of arrogance and he will be under emotional arrogance, and he will gier which will create confusion and it could have tupped over his leadership.

5.       The revolution is Israel gained an initial success because of interlocking systems of arrogance. There was a rejection of truth in all 3 categories. The same thing is happening in our own country today.

6.       The Lord’s choice and the people’s choice are never the same.

7.       Whatever Absalom’s potential is as a leader and Ahithophel’s genius, their involvement in the arrogance complex destroyed their ability and potential.

8.       Hushai infiltrated the highest echelon of the enemy forces through flattery.

9.       Crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance = revolution. The reign of terror reveals the incompetency of the revolution to provide a decent environment in which to live.

Bob is not watching the Democratic convention.

A Third Principle

1.       Missed point 1

2.       Revolutions reign of terror manifest lack of good leadership.

3.       Revolution always involves those who are in for revenge and they use the coup d'etat to get their revenge.

4.       Revolutionary arrogance produces subjectivity of thinking which results in gret violence and injustice.

5.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking; and doctrine is the environment for making good decisions.

6.       The ignorance of arrogance includes ignorance of doctrine and results in making bad decisions.

7.       If you make a good decision, you increase your options and your freedom to do so; but bad decisions limit your options. Eventually, you lose your freedom and destroy your choices and only divine discipline remains. Absalom will hang by his hippy hair caught up in the branches of a tree when Joab puts out his little light.

8.       Arrogance is stronger than perfect environment for any good environment for establishment government. Arrogance in authority often becomes inflexible about the wrong things. There is a type of thinking that, when you teach in prep school, you should not teach the little ones from a pulpit or a stand. You tower over them and frighten them. But that is not the issue. You go with the way that makes you comfortable. Before prep school there was an inflexible arrogant woman in charge and she had to be removed in order to move prep school forward. Don’t take a person’s ability to teach away from them; or their reasonable comfort level. Now, inflexible in the use of 4 letter words; nor would Bob even encourage them a hell or a damn. You have to have certain rules. Bob asked one kid where he heard that word “hell.” He heard it in prep school.

If you want to see poor leadership, look at the Democratic convention. The sin nature rejected the perfect environment of the garden and it will reject perfect environment under Jesus Christ. Satan will but put in prison for 1000 years. There will be malcontent people at that time. Satan will be loosed and he will have hundreds of thousands of followers, even though they are in perfect environment. There is excellent administratino in Berachah Church. Bob has protected our privacy.

There were rules which prevented certain kinds of people from becoming members of Berachah Church. Many baptist churches did not allow people who worked in a store that sold liquor or as a waitress where liquor is sold, they could not become members.

Bob has all kinds of his own ideas about grooming, etc. but that is not his job. Even though Berachah has the perfect environment, people still leave. You may have the ideal job, and you still gripe and complain. You may have a good husband or wife bit you are always complaining. It is a sin complex. 19 categories. Arrogance is more than a sin; it is the major system of evil and the greatest power of evil in the world.


9.       Revolutionary arrogance rejected the greatest reign of Israel; and yet, people revolted against David’s government.

10.     Revolutionary arrogance rejects the laws of divine establishment. Arrogance is stronger than environment. Arrogance is stronger than true love. Arrogance takes magnificent love and turns it into hatred. Arrogance is strong than love; it is stronger than great environment.

Final Principles

1.       The transfer of power through violence and revolution testifies to man’s inability to enjoy or appreciate authority and good government. Therefore, you should always appreciate the police officer, the fire department, etc. If you want to resent a mayor or a governor etc., that is your business, but you do not throw out the baby with the bath water. We have establishment government, which is, admittedly, getting very wobbly. When violence comes in, in the form of violence and revolution. We still have freedom to comment negatively. Most of us make money. That is freedom; that is establishment. We can call 911 and get a police out to our homes. God gave us the laws of divine establishment to perpetuate man.

2.       We have legitimate authorities and legitimate freedom and we have it right now. No one has taken over this government by violence.

3.       Revolution sought to demote David from being a king, but it ignored that, if God does not promote you, then you are not promoted.

More introduction tomorrow.

2Samuel 18 introduction                    72David                                              631_0461

Erik Von Leddihn on Leftism. He developed a chart to describe human government. Good forms of government and bad forms of government. Good forms includes a monarchy, aristocracy, republic (sometimes called in Europe a polity). Tyranny, Oligarchy and democracy are the bad forms.

Monarchy: the rule of one man in the interest of the common good. Aristocracy is the rule of a group in the interest of common good. Republic is the rule of the better part of the people in the interest of common good.

The rule of a person or a group for their own benefit; and the rule of the worst part of a people for their own benefit. He analyzes the evils of democracy. Conservatives and liberals chapter. The Christian is a priest and king and he participates in the royal priesthood of all believers. He is not a slave nor an IBM machine; he is not a reactionary. There are conservatives who only react and only negatively toward existing trends. They do not react on cold reason. It is more rational than a person who clings to the existing foundation than the man who climbs roofs on nonexistent buildings. God created man in such a way that his head is above his heart. Most conservatives today are nothing more than opportunists. They can only state their own personal desires for life rather than what conservatism is.

Arrogance is stronger than good environment and even stronger than perfect environment.

The more people who vote, the worse the outcome. You hear, “Get out and vote.” If Bob had his way, about 2500 in the country would be allowed to vote. The idea that the more people who vote, the better the government is a myth and the lie of arrogance. The larger the committee, the more ineffective it is. If you want to destroy something without appearing to do so, put an issue in the hands of a large committee.

Our government was not designed to regulate social life. Our government was not designed to solve social problems; that is a manifestation of arrogance.

In 2sam. 17 Principles

1.       A victory is never exploited until the enemy is pursued and destroyed. Ahithophel was ready to do this and this was cancelled by Hushai. The United States of America never exploited its victory. We stepped aside and allowed the Soviets to exploit out victory. We kept their army alive, fed and equipped.

2.       David recognized the genius of Ahithophel and offered a prayer. He prayed for the frustration of the counsel of Ahithophel.

3.       The Lord answered the prayer through operation Hushai. This is legitimate to practice counterinsurgency...in the military and in law enforcement.

4.       The arrogance of unhappiness has a tendency to oversimplify solutions, as in the case of Absalom and Ahithophel. They thought the death of David would make them happy.

5.       No person and no thing can make us happy when we are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

6.       Unhappiness is the state of soul inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Specifically, it is relationship with gate 16. The arrogant are unhappy by choice. Unhappiness is a decision as well as a status of the soul. If we are unhappy, it is because we choose to be unhappy. None of us has a right to unhappiness.

7.       Insurgency is revolution; counterinsurgency is counter-revolution. Insurgency is anti-God and counterinsurgency is serving God. 2Sam. 17:14

Next Principle

1.       Hushai frustrates the better plan of Ahithophel by mixing truth with lie. He puts a bodyguard of truth around the lie. This is lying in counterinsurgency. He deceives arrogant Absalom and his staff.

2.       David is most vulnerable to attack at this point in time.

3.       Hushai appealed to the arrogance of cowardice. He used the flawed character of Absalom against him. He had a lot of good points, but it is the flaw which is the key to his destruction.

4.       Ahithophel had a flawed character; Absalom has a flawed character, and Amasa did as well. Some of us will have authority over others and we must be able to recognize flawed characters and to be very alert around flawed characters. If someone gets on your board and you discover their flaws, you must be alert so that their flaws do not interfere with what they do.

5.       Arrogance is vulnerable to public opinion. The last 4 years of Carter. He alleges to be a born-again believer, and a lot of people voted for him because they wanted a born-again believer in the White House. Worst thing in the world is to have a believer in interlocking systems of arrogance in government. This is government, and not onward Christian soldiers. Ike was one of the greatest presidents and he was humble. He did not care what the public thought or wanted. There is no perfect person and no ideal ruler. However, Joab, later, will be totally unfair to a junior officer coming up. No person has perfect judgment. The batting average of perfect human judgment is pretty close to that of baseball batting averages. Hushai right infers that any defeat of David of Absalom’s army would destroy Absalom’s chances to be king.

6.       Hushai, as David’s mole, introduces doubt into Absalom’s thinking and kept him from exercising the better plan. Some of you have obviously not been here the past month.

7.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking. You must know the meaning of words in order to think. Education today is in bad shape. You are not being taught to think any more. False knowledge is the environment for false thinking. False thinking is the best that you can do. If all you have is emotion, all you can do is emote.

8.       Hushai provides Absalom with false knowledge which will result in false thinking and false decisions.

9.       The creation of false pressure; arrogance can quickly allow you to put another person under false pressure. The arrogant never have to deal with true pressures because they are being broken apart by false pressures. Othello is the story of an arrogant ruler being destroyed by pressures that do not exist.

It chaffs Bob to pray for those who have on self-inflicted pressures. So we pause to pray, lower the boom on this jackass.

The next Principle

1.       The revolution and its leaders are arrogant. It is true of all revolutionists. Our first war for independence was not a revolutionary war. Flawed characters always have an area where they are vulnerable to fear. Somewhere in the variety of circumstances of life, there is somewhere they will be caused to fear.

2.       A flawed character cannot be satisfied by anything in life, including a successful revolution or getting revenge.

3.       The people in revolt reacted to David in his feet of clay and were in the arrogance of unhappiness. They were unhappy people. They are always reacting. The businessman who fails in business but hides his failure in revolution, saying down with free enterprise.

4.       David provided maximum freedom and privacy and law and order and good government. Those in revolt were not made happy even though they were under good government. Good government protects the freedom of free enterprise from crusaders and criminality. If the government becomes the crusader, then all is lost. Arrogance is stronger than good environment and good government. It is stronger than freedom.

5.       When the general public of the client nation to God becomes involves in interlocking systems of arrogance, inevitably, national disaster and punishment follow. We are overdue for national punishment. We are a client nation. We are overdue for punishment. God has given us a grace period so we can prepare for disaster.

6.       If a nation is to survive national disaster, God must destroy and root out those who have flawed characters and are involved in the arrogance complex.

7.       Hushai’s plan is one that will fail, and so he recommended it. It sounded workable. It sounded good. This is a plan that definitely would fail.

8.       Hushai could present a bad plan and make it sound plausible because those who adopted the plan were arrogant. They were irresponsible. Hushai suggests that Absalom command the army, Absalom was so vulnerable to flattery, he extended himself beyond his ability. It is the worst thing for a person to get involved in something which is beyond his ability or over his head. Victory in thinking precedes profit in business.

Next Principle

1.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking and humility is the servant of that knowledge.

2.       Absalom had neither professional military knowledge to see the fallacy of plan Hushai and he did not have the humility to seek the facts. Without knowledge and humility, Absalom becomes the #1 sucker of his generation.

3.       Arrogance ignores reality. Absalom’s arrogance converts the deceit into victory, in his own mind. He sees the greatest victory in plan Hushai and is gloating over that in his head. That is arrogance divorced from reality. Hushai defeated Absalom in the palace so Joab could defeat him on the battlefield.


5.       Victory in clandestine warfare means victory on the battlefield.

6.       Hushai developed a false pressure to move Absalom away from plan Ahithophel.

7.       God never approves of revolution and He will destroy revolutionary leaders. Evil men create their own destruction. All those associated with them are punished with them. Arrogance gravitates to arrogance. This is why revolution is said to eat her own children. Revolution creates an environment of arrogance. The exploitation of weakness is the approved standard for defeating our enemies.

Bob wants to speed through chapter 18 to get back into the New Testament


1.       Teamwork is needed for conventional and unconventional warfare. Teamwork based upon discipline; discipline is enforced humility. Humility is the source of team success. Teamwork must exist between all branches of military. There must be teamwork in business. Genius in warfare of military science is no better than the information upon which they base decisions. Decisions must be based upon accurate information. Therefore, a person in the military is prone to listen to gossip will never make a good general. He has a flawed character. He will never seek truth; he will simply listen to fake information. Many good men have been forced out by flawed characters. Douglas MacArthur was hurt by this and Robert E. Lee in the 3 days of Gettysburg. He had bad information. The greatest of men had setbacks because they had genius, but they did not have the facts. You must have a well-defined system of authority and you must have enforced humility. One arrogant person disobeying orders can destroy the best plans devised. Absalom was not subject to discipline and he was not under anyone else’s authority. When a government tries to take over the social life of his people, it become childish and absurd. No form of government when it is involved in arrogance can ever do anything for its people. Emotion can control the soul and this is why someone can open up their blue book and draw a complete blank. The humble will always defeat the arrogant in any sort of a battle.

2.       Through knowledge of doctrine and Bible doctrine, the lady of the manor was able to misdirect the search of the troops from Absalom. She advanced David’s cause and provided the next generation with 2 great Bible teachers.

3.       Doctrine is the environment for decisions.

4.       Her decision to hide the couriers opened up many options for her. She had many more decisions which she could make. This opened up many options for the couriers. Her courage and action provided freedom and the option of decision for many thousands of people. Thousands would be saved and advance to maturity. This was because of one woman’s decision, opening up options for the people of Israel.


6.       Courage is thinking. Fear is emotion. Under pressure, emotion must be subordinated to emotion. This is why you have football practice. Practice is always a part of humility and it guarantees success or greatness when with humility.

7.       The lady of the manor subordinated emotion to thinking. She was a genuinely humbel person. For a moment, she operated under true humility and enforced humility simultaneously. This is why Bob teaches poise to those he coached.

Final Principle of the Night

1.       A good decision multiplies future options. A bad decision reduces the options. This is true in business, warfare, the spiritual life, in a profession. This is true even in social life. Ahithophel and Absalom would run out of decisions. God got in every bit of punishment before Ahithophel hung himself.

2.       Psychopathic arrogance is the final stage of Ahithophel’s end. Suicide is arrogance; it is running out of decisions. In revolution people are still able to maintain their honor and integrity.

3 paragraphs in 18: death of Absalom, race to headquarters.

2Samuel 18:1                                       72David                                              631_0462

Bob is reading Omni Magazine, which he knows nothing about; and this is an article about Russian space program. Only a few times is their space program mentioned, and even these stories are riddled with errors. The Russians are moving aggressively into space. In many ways, this space program is enshrouded in mystery. Many are unmanned missions. All of the data is being encoded, so that Americans cannot interpret it. Prior to this, all space transmissions have not been coded. There is a large new runway under construction in Kasinstan. 87 space missions in 1979 and we did 16 during that same time. This was the first time Bob has seen any article which tells us anything about what is going on. The Russians are willing to sacrifice personnel, which we are not; and they are probably doing things which weapons that we are not even considering.

No one has ever bothered to analyze in depth this particular narrative. He began this increment around Christmas time of the previous year.

Outline of 2sam.  18

1.       Vv. 1–8         Civil war campaign

2.       Vv. 9–18    death of Absalom

3.       Vv. 19–33     are devoted to a race on two people to a headquarters. Why?

The Cushite will be about 500 yards behind and it is not designed to have racial overtones. No one has ever bothered to do anything with this passage. Bob has looked up the many great commentators on this and he is really disgusted with commentaries. Frankly, these people are pitiful. Some of these great commentators are trying to analyze the text, and even there, they have not done much. Bob cannot see anyone glossing over this. The book of numbers is the book of drafting an army. They ought to call it universal military training. They are not numbering the people; they are determining who are being inducted into the armed forces.

David has perhaps 30,000 men, but they are no longer identified with their old units. The thousands are divisions or brigades and the hundreds are battalions.

Beginning Principles

1.       Authority must be defined and established in order for discipline to be enforced.. You get to maintain privacy in Berachah Church. You might resent hearing your problems, but then you realize that it is a matter of doctrine and you have privacy. Discipline puts you in the position of enforced humility. People who come into Berachah are confused at first and even angry. 1 and 2Timothy define authority in the local church. The pastor-teacher is the commanding officer. The various staff positions and administrative functions and commands. Ken Wise to the top authority in prep school. David, in this chapter, doesn’t even go to war. Business today has one great weakness, and it is that authority is not clearly defined. Part of the problem is labor demanding to put in its oar to say how business is done. Marriage is problematic today in terms of well-defined authority. It is defined in the Bible, but not in society. A 50-50 marriage is laughable. The husband holds 100% of the authority stock in marriage. The key to the woman is, do you respect him? If you don’t, things will get worse, and never better. Assume that you are oversexed and spend 3% of your time having sex. Marriage is not clearly defined in terms of authority. Then you bring these little children into it with no clear definition. It becomes business or a corporation in a state of confusion. Authority is the key to freedom. Our ability to use our freedom to subordinate ourselves to authority. Authority and Houston streets. And Koreans and Vietnamese and Iranians with new cars. True love is respect for authority. If you men are ever given the chance to choose between a woman’s respect or her love, you choose her respect. When you are in a home, you have a host and/or a hostess. You respect their wishes. This authority is protocol and the observation of protocol is called good manners. Bob is amazed all those converted to Christianity and have never heard of Emily Post.

2.       No army can be successful or survive its collective arrogance. Therefore, they need systems of authority.

3.       *Discipline is enforced humility. If you are on the wrong side of discipline, enjoy it; humility is good for the soul. Bob used to love it that, when you came to a new college, you got hazed. When you lose hazing, you lose something. You need some time in humility. Some people have never logged a minute in humility. Being spoiled is not buying a lot of things for a child. Being spoiled is no enforced humility. The book of Numbers, or the book of Mobilization or the book of Universal military training, teaches the restraints of life. Christian schools put you under restraints, many of which are unfair, and you need that. Dallas Theological Seminary required short hair when Bob was there. However, now there is long hair and beards there. Missionaries, pastors and evangelists must learn self-restraint and self-discipline. They can respond to this in orientation to life. You cannot have orientation to life without truth humility. Arrogance is always disorientation to life, always. This is why the military is such a great teacher. Where there is tough discipline.

4.       Enforced humility is necessary for teamwork in military function. Pro teams do not hold together sometimes because these people have never had military discipline. They need to be in beast barracks and take way their salaries and all of their privileges. When you get all of these people running to the polls, what do you expect to get in the White House?

5.       Without authority and discipline, victory on the battlefield is the illusion of arrogance.. It is wonderful to notice how you can use your freedom for establishment.

6.       Arrogance changes illusion into humiliation and defeat on the battlefield. They will be destroyed and humiliated. The whole tongues movement is psychosis, illusion

7.       Knowledge is the environment for military thinking.

8.       The senior officers and the staff must have superior knowledge and planning to make the right decisions.

9.       No matter how great the thinking and the decisions, failure of execution means defeat on the battlefield. This happened in Vietnam.

10.     Only humility in ranks can overcome failure of execution.

11.     Authority must be defined in terms of rank and discipline. The result is enforced humility. This is true for the military, a business, a social organization.

12.     Failure to obey orders neutralizes plans and great leadership. Strict discipline and enforced humility is necessary.

Whenever you do something, organize it first. Authority is one of the most basic aspects to life. Organization defines authority. Organization is necessary for victory in a military conflict. Arrogance is stronger than perfect environment; good environment; and stronger than the environment of the battlefield. When people start shooting at you, then will you execute orders and do your job? Arrogance is stronger than the environment of the battlefield. Arrogance is how Satan broke away from God. Satan said, “I will be like the Most High God.” If you are arrogant, then you cannot have capacity for love or capacity for life. This is why childhood comes before marriage, for most people.

When it comes to song leading, there is no nonsense. He does not tell stories about old blind Fannie Crosby.

2Sam. 18:1 Then David reviewed [mobilized] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them.

2Samuel 18: (1) 2                                 72David                                              631_0463

Krakatoa was an island that blue up in 1883? It was a 6 mi. sq island and the stump of an old volcano. Between Sumatra and Java. 49 other volcanoes in this area. People could hear booming sounds like artillery. Dust and steam column went about 36,000 ft in the air. 20 inches of dust covered the Island and the jungle was leveled. The subterranean rumblings kept people awake all night. Water 60 degrees hotter. Dust vapor etc filled the region and it was pitch darkness in the middle of the night. Heard in Burma and even Perth, Australia (1900 ;miles away). Smallest title wave estimated at 50 ft high and some as high as 135 moving at 650 mph; these are called tsunamis. A huge Buddhist temple in the east and when the island blew up, a wave hit the 140 platform and took out the temple. A nearby island covered with lava. About a quarter of a million died in this thing. The straight near here was a great pirate area. Hudson Taylor sailed through here. There were going to be pirates and the captain did not like Hudson Taylor. Hudson said, “I won’t pray.” After a bunch of obscenities. Hudson told the captain he would pray when the captain believed. And a wind came and they raced the pirates through the straight.

We don’t have the fascinating details of the battle. We have causes, situations, etc. which explain a great deal of what has happened. Victory on the battlefield for Absalom is arrogance and illusion.

A guy who came out of the service and shot up a bunch of things, and he should have been section 8-ed out of the military. It is the liberal assertion that military men cannot re-acclimate to civilian live.

Army of North Virginia broken down into 3 corps. Robert E. Less was a genius on the battlefield and or organizational ability. He was the first man to think in terms of 2 corps. It worked well because he had Longstreet and Jackson as heads of each corps. A 2 corps army is almost unheard of as being successful. The 2 corps system requires more genius. Than anything else.

Abishai is good, but nothing like his brother. He is taking a lot of chances here, and using a 3 corps system indicates that David is unsure of one of his officers. He perhaps had 60,000 facing a quarter of a million, so to split into 3 corps indicates some doubts. A 3 corps army is designed to have one corps as a reserve corps.

Most of David’s army is on the side of the revolution. Only a small number who made the right decision to follow David, are with him. There was no intermediate organization in between the battalions and divisions. 10 squads or 10 centuries is a Roman system, but David used this way back then.

Zeruiah is that marvelous sister of David. Joab will become the field commander over the entire army after a bit. Itai the Gittite was head of police.

David announces to the army that he definitely plans to march out with them, as commander over all of them.

2Sam. 18:1 Then David reviewed [mobilized] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them.

2Sam. 18:2 He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army]

There will be a junior officer who will disobey Joab in order to obey David’s order; which was wrong. There needs to be humility so that there can objectivity and flexibility. What we have here is a secret to capacity for life and capacity for happiness and capacity for blessing. If you are not authority oriented, then you do not have capacity for love. Freedom is highly overrated unless you have self-discipline. Freedom never functions properly unless it is under self-restraint from the volition of your soul and under the restraint of principles of doctrine.

Satan was the highest angel in the perfect environment of heaven. Why did he sin? Arrogance is more powerful than the perfect environment of heaven. His fall is in Isa. 14 and Ezek. 28. Everyone has a dream or 2. If all of your dreams were fulfilled right now and you do not have the self-discipline and the poise to use your volition in relation to doctrine, means that giving you any of these things would simply be a ticket to misery. Why give you love without the capacity for love?

The Forsythe, a BBC show being shown in the middle of the night on public tv. Bob is telling all about it. Somes is the real hero, and he turns out to be very kindhearted and wonderful; but he does not have a scintillating personality.

The Irish blew up Lord Monbatten, who is a far greater man than any of the Irish. They use their freedom to violently attack the British who give them freedom.

There has not been a responsible election since Herbert Hoover was elected. The only exception was Eisenhower. People do not know how to use their freedom in driving, in marriage or in anything. The solution is truth. Bible doctrine is the solution. The secret to life is not freedom but the proper use of freedom. You cannot use freedom properly. Tongues is a lie from start to finish. The holy roller who had to speak out, and most in Berachah had a sense of humor about it; with some compassion. She was under emotional revolt of the soul and thinking that she was close to God. Bound a few people, healed Reese and blessed a few as well on her way out. She had no authority. She was low on the totem pole. She only had the authority of arrogance. So people are using their freedom erroneously.

Thinking is the environment for decision. Knowledge of doctrine is the environment for thinking and thinking is the basis for knowledge.

Bob goes back to the Forsythe show; these are wealthy people who have no real restraints apart from self-restraint. Some kid who was a genius at Berachah who chose to use drugs. When you put restraint upon yourself, you have gone to higher principles. Be restraining yourself by not gossiping or not gloating, you are developing a capacity for life and happiness.

When you reject some point that Bob teaches because you don’t like it, you are taking away from your happiness. When you reject authority here, you reject authority in business and in the home and your capacity for life and love are gone. The doctrine of the Hypostatic union does you no good if you reject the authority of the police officer, your parents, your teacher, etc. You need to be able to control your thoughts and emotions when you begin to resent someone in authority for this or that; like the geology teacher. And the people who envy the free spirit who trips through life. Joab puts 3 javelins through the heart of Absalom. He died miserably because he was dying the sin unto death. The sin unto death is not pleasant, even when it is short.

Obviously, people have no restraint. You can tell that by the way that people dress.

Some of us will be shocked in heaven to find out all that God has for us, that we did not enjoy because we rejected authority.

David organizes his men and defines authority. Learn to define authority before you use your freedom. There are other factors here.

The men whom David appointed had great leadership ability, insofar as David knew.

2Sam. 18:2 He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army]

Do not be jealous of evil men. Jealousy destroys respect for authority. And do not desire to be with them. They disorient you to life through rejection of authority. Their right lobe is obsessed with tyranny. By means of wisdom, a house is constructed; by means of the act of knowledge, the compartments will be filled with all wealth. A wise soldier lives in the powr of Bible doctrine and a man of knowledge strengthens his professional ability. Through the art of leadership, you will...victory resides in the one in command.

2Samuel 18:(1–2), 3               Prov. 24:1–6 72David                                  631_0464

Arrogance destroys all capacities. It is the most destructive factor in life. It is more powerful than perfect environment or even good environment. It produces self-pity. They can become so preoccupied with self that they lose track of life.

Those in leadership have even greater responsibility. In business or in a profession, they must be in control of themselves and their thinking, but they are also responsible for those around them. David has to be able to think and to continue to make excellent decisions.

God the Holy Spirit gave us the organization of his army in vv. 1–2

2Sam. 18:1 Then David reviewed [mobilized] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them.

David defines authority in his army so that they can be successful.

We make decisions every day, and these decisions either limit our freedom or they extend our freedom. We must make our own decisions. If we constantly make decisions which limit future decisions; like those related to arrogance, emotional or iconoclastic, then we are destroying our capacity for life and for love and our lives will be one of great discipline.

Government is to protect free enterprise. Our government failure in this which will produce so many failures in the future.

Sexual arrogance which abuses the divine gift of sex into satiating lust. Political arrogance and client nation arrogance. Authority arrogance and the Satanic syndrom. The arrogance of ignorance and of unhappiness, which is a state of soul. Unhappiness is not what others do to you. When someone says I want to make you happy forever, it simply is not true.

Iconoclastic arrogance, where an image is created from your own volition and you become disillusioned with that idol. The arrogance of morality and the arrogance of emotion.

The first corps was under Joab, and 2nd under Abishai and the 3rd under Itai the Gittite. David then says, I will personally lead all of you.

2Sam. 18:2 He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army]

Faith rest drill reviewed. Arrogance destroys any success or any achievement in life.

David is going to face a force which dramatically outnumbers it.

Prov. 24:1 is a desire to be with arrogant men. Achievement often brings on arrogance.

Prov. 24:1 Do not envy evil people, do not desire [to crave, to desire] to be with them;

Prov. 24:2 for their hearts contemplate violence, and their lips speak harm.3

The avoidance of evil is stated in v. 3.

Prov. 24:3 By4 wisdom a house is built,5 and through understanding it is established;

Prov. 24:4 by knowledge its rooms are filled with all kinds of precious and pleasing treasures.

The second line is using your own volition in order to have control of yourself.

The intellect here is important, as knowledge is the environment of thinking.

Jesus Christ and the centurion. This man understood authority. Therefore, he understood that Jesus was able to execute such power.

The supergrace believer in the military has a greater shot at being successful in battle, because he can develop the ability to think and operate under great pressure, like a battle.

Though an army surrounds me, I will not be afraid.

When a man marries a woman, he takes responsibility for her and for their children. In fact, his responsibility increases as he sires children. He must also now think in terms of leadership. You cannot be responsible for others if you harbor arrogance in your soul.

Your personal and business life demands self-discipline and you cannot harbor mental attitude sins and still succeed in life. Strong character + a strong sense of responsibility is important. Objectivity is the humility of life and subjectivity is the arrogance of life.

Prov. 24:5 A wise soldier is strong [lives in the power of Bible doctrine], and a man of knowledge makes his strength stronger;

Prov. 24:6 for with guidance you wage your war, and with numerous advisers there is victory.8

David informs his troops that he is going to march out with them. A military magazine covering leadership.

2 write an article about leadership and turning away from management. There is no doubt that we have leaders who are equal to those at any other time in history. The problem is not so much the quality of leadership, but the environment within which this leadership must be exercised. Our government has done the same thing to big business. Once you destroy big business, you destroy the economy of a nation.

Bureaucracy has always been a great evil. It has a tendency to destroy our ability to think under pressure. It is vital to locate those environmental assists.

There must be a code of appropriate values for every situation. You must have a scale of values for prosperity and one for adversity.

Interlocking systems of arrogance producing national degeneracy, which is clear from our attitude toward the police. That is the deparation of the scale of values.

The authors say a formal code of ethics must be developed; otherwise, the commanders who rise up will be fit for the board room but not for the battlefield.

2Sam. 18:2 He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army]

David will fail completely in the middle of this chapter. He is not qualified to field command an army.

The army is adamant about this. “You will not march out with us.” They will give one set of reasons; God will have another set of reasons. Effective military operations requires good staff work.

Christianity takes all kinds of people; leaders and followers; those who think for a living and those who do not. Christianity brings them all together and gives them a system of thought. In times of national tragedy, regardless of your status in life, you can rise up to the occasion and think.

The secret to love is not sex; the secret to love is thought. Anyone who is bored is unhappy. What really counts is what is in your soul. You need to have something in your soul to control these things.

2Sam. 18:3 "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee, they will not pay any attention to us. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city."

2Samuel 18:(1–2), 3                             72David                                              631_0465

There was someone who died in the parking lot recently. Friday night and this is possibly Sunday? Even the crowd was helpful. No morbid curiosity seekers. Some from the hotel of the Galleria came over. Missy is the girl’s name. The best of this ministry is how people handle themselves in a crisis. There was no panic and no hysteria.

We are dealing with a civil war; the revolutionary army of Absalom and the establishment army of David.

2Sam. 18:1–2 Then David reviewed [mobilized] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them. He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army]

There is a large army here, but these people have not trained together, and they are a mixture of army and civilian.

2Sam. 18:3 "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee [If we are forced to retreat], they [David’s officers] will not pay any attention to us [they will not take us to heart; they will not concentrate on our situation]. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city."

Points on V. 3

1.       There is no stable situation. The people are concerned about the officers and whether they will actually look after them in a difficult situation.


3.       This is an army suddenly thrown together. These men have never been gathered as one unit. This is a scratch army. When people become suspicious of those over them, then interlocking systems of arrogance is right around the corner. The army is thinking of retreating and they have not even advanced as of yet. They are thinking about themselves; they are not thinking about David so much. You cannot think about yourself when it comes to a group situation. Arrogance destroys the talent of a team. This happens in sports of all kinds. Above all, it happens spiritually. When you begin to think about yourself, you have put one foot in the door for interlocking systems of arrogance. It happens in drama; they miss cues, lose their momentum. It happens in the symphony, and it destroys the synchronization and interpretation of a piece.

Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Courage is the environment for correct decisions on the battlefield. Whether advancing or retreating, courage is the correct environment for decisions. Courage is the correct environment to apply knowledge. The army knows that David has courage.

Some people look at the scrubs and all of the upper clansmen are leaving, and they look and think that the new team is going to suck. Bob’s team looked down on their scrubs and they became the state champions. The kid who took Bob’s place looked like nothing and this kid surpassed Bob’s record and every other record. We are often shocked by the generation coming up.

Joab is more qualified even than David, spiritually and professionally. Asmaveth will do well and his 2 sons will be generals. People assume that when they leave this or that organization, that the kids coming up will not do nearly as good of a job. There are some in prep school who may become our greatest soldiers, businessmen, engineers and pastors of the next generation.

They assume that they will be so poorly led by their leaders, that half of them will die. “Even if half of us die....” The men in ranks know David as a commander, but they are quite unclear about the new officers over them. They want David to be there to save the remnants, if their officers fail (which they expect to be the case).

The Inexperience of David’s New Army

1.       This general statement does not imply that the officers of David’s army are incompetent. Training is the most important peacetime function for an army. This is so men go into combat having confidence in their officers. These men have no confidence in their officers and these men are wrong. These new officers are going to be exceptional. Their officers will discipline them so that they will have enforced humility.

2.       The newly formed battalions, brigades, companies, etc. have not been trained. This is an army without confidence. Napoleon was sent off to a rag tag army in northern Italy with the idea of getting rid of him. David here is saing, “I will lead you men;” and they say, no thanks.

3.       These men have not been in battles, campaign or training. They had the best officers in that day. Out of this will come an esprit de corps unparalleled.

4.       What the officers lacked in experience they made up for it in leadership qualities, and flexibility, objectivity, etc. Combat experience is meaningless in leadership. It is honor, leadership, flexibility, etc. that makes the different. People Friday night were under unfamiliar pressures and they did fine with it. The United States no longer has officers with experience as officers in Vietnam. They are now field grade or above, and this has caused a great deal of concern. There ought to be no concern at all with this. Honor, integrity, flexibility are the things which we need in leadership; it is not a lack of combat experience. Lack of thought in the soul will destroy us. The greatest officer in WWII had no combat experience at all. He was professional and he could think. Dwight David Eisenhower. He was ridiculed by British and American officers. However, this was George Marshall’s greatest decision putting Ike in charge, and Ike took a lot of lousy men out of there. His humility and genius in the field turned the tide, time after time after time. It is not combat experience; it is what goes on in the mind. Experience can make you an inferior employee; you learn how to loaf, how to hang back, how to look busy when you are not. Those who have what it takes, give them some experience and they become great. In prep school, they do everything they can to make the kids comfortable. It has been wonderful to have a system where the teacher and student are emphasized. It is wonderful that we will have young people brought up in the church with doctrine at a very young age. Bob anticipates that our children will become great. What the officer corps lacked in experience it made up for in honor, integrity, and flexibility.

5.       Those officers who joined the revolution will fail. They had great talent and combat experience, but that will not help them because they joined the revolution from the motivation of arrogance. They will fail and die on the battlefield. ‘

6.       Those who defected from their oaths and joined the Jewish army destroyed their potential.

7.       The fears expressed by the rank and file army are understandable; but their concern is misguided and it does not apply. The officers of the revolutionary army will fail.

8.       Many officers deserted David and defected to the revolution because of interlocking systems of arrogance. They will make wrong decisions under pressure. They have the preponderance of experience, but they will fail completely.

They tell David that he is worth 10,000 of them. “It is better that you support us with reserves from the city.” They are telling David how to run this war. They want a reserve force set aside from the city.

2Sam. 18:3 "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee [If we are forced to retreat], they [David’s officers] will not pay any attention to us [they will not take us to heart; they will not concentrate on our situation]. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city."

The Request of David’s Men

1.       It was the desire of the army that David remain at the hq at Mahanaim with a reserve army.

2.       To the army, David is their ace I the hole; he is their security. To their thinking, the principle is obvious; the men in the ranks will equip themselves honorably. It is not for the men in the ranks to think, but to obey. There will be a time for thinking if the officers are lot. It is not their responsibility to plan. It takes teamwork. Someone has to fight and someone has to think. God uses the wrath of man to praise Him. December of 2044? Everyone in the army seems to understand the basic principle of having a reserve and he have abandoned this as a principle. We are so extensively outnumbers bob began under the old system, american ingenuity has decided that there are no reserves. Bad idea. That David is worth 10,000 of them is accurate. The soldiers recognize that someone needs to do the thinking and not to become involved in the fight.

Joab will be the field commander.

Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo way in advance. The brains of an army must be isolated at some nearby headquarters. There must be thinking, planning and deciding in warfare.

David made good appointments. He organized the army. The men are concerned with what is going on above them.

2Sam. 18:1–3 Then David reviewed [mobilized] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them. He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army] "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee [If we are forced to retreat], they [David’s officers] will not pay any attention to us [they will not take us to heart; they will not concentrate on our situation]. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city."

2Samuel 18:(1–3), 4                             72David                                              631_0466

2Sam. 18:1–3 Then David reviewed [mobilized, mustered] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them. He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "I will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army] "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee [If we are forced to retreat], they [David’s officers] will not pay any attention to us [they will not take us to heart; they will not concentrate (or take cognizance) on our situation]. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city [as a reserve force]."

David agrees to this. He acquiesces to remain behind in his headquarters. He is beginning to feel his inadequacy as he has possibly already entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. Agreeing to this is certainly not the David of old.

David will not recover from interlocking systems of arrogance until he is braced by Joab. This is his last decision of humility. From hereon, he will change.

David’s Last Humble Decision

1.       Humility produces the objectivity and flexibility to see that the army’s request is reasonable.

2.       Humility can recognize a good idea and spot wisdom from any source. This is why any leader or executive needs humility. So there is an important characteristic of leadership: the humility to recognize wisdom.

3.       Humility is the basis for the application of knowledge.

4.       David did not pull rank or behave like a stubborn marionette. He will be more valuable at headquarters than in the field.

5.       Little does David realize how important this decision will be for Israel. Without this decision, Israel’s army could have been defeated.

6.       The decision to remain at headquarters in Mahanaim will give him more options in the future and allow him to make great post-war decisions which will allow for great prosperity.

7.       Problems will arise out of the civil war and they demand great wisdom. David will have to make the most important decisions of his life in this postwar era.

8.       The wisdom of David will bring a new prosperity to Israel. This will be the golden age of Jewish history.

The Pattern of Good Decisions

1.       Establishment, gospel and Bible doctrine are the categories of knowledge.

2.       You can only have thoughts which you personally understand.

3.       You can reduce your thinking by reducing your ability to think and your vocabulary. You must be willing to accept another’s authority and allow them a hearing. If you let pettiness short-circuit your thinking, then it is over. People do not understand love today. Most people relate love to 3 or 4 4-letter words, and therefore, pornography exists. If love is just sex to you, then you are all washed up. This is why the tremendous surge in the direction of drugs. Sex is not designed for a lot of people. It is to be confined to one and only as an expression of love. Not simply for self-gratification. Inability to think or apply has led us to some very serious social problems. These social problems are not the cause but merely the symptoms. This is why prep school is so important, so that these kids are exposed to truth on a daily basis, to counteracts all that they get in a public and private education.

4.       From understanding comes doctrine, which is the environment for decisions.

5.       If decisions are based on an application of doctrine and reverse concentration, you continue to possess the freedom to make other and greater decisions. The administration of punishment is the result of divine laws where you bring the consequences upon yourself.

6.       Good decisions cannot be made inside of interlocking systems of arrogance.

7.       Arrogance neutralizes genius, talent and great wisdom. Absalom was once a man of great wisdom; a mature believer. Ahithophel had great wisdom, like the oracles of God. Ahithophel will run out of decisions and that same will be true of Absalom in this chapter. Arrogance neutralizes the genius, talent, etc. of any individual.

8.       Good decisions are made in humility accompanies by thoughtfulness to others. When you become spiritually self-sustaining, you take the responsibility for your decisions.

9.       David personally wanted to lead his troops into battle in the revolution, but he personally constrains himself. In this restraint, we see enforced humility from his own self-discipline.

10.     From humility and self-discipline, he allowed the army to overrule his personal desires. The standards of Bible doctrine and the filling of the Holy Spirit always produce an enforced humility. Arrogance creates unreality which is parlayed into hallucination. Humility faces reality and makes good decisions.

Therefore, David says, “I will do whatever you think is best.”

You may ask, why can a person be so great one moment and such a loser the next? There are many reasons. We are most vulnerable to defeat after a great victory. Interlocking systems of arrogance are just around the corner. The majority of our temptations in life are related to these gates.

David, in an hour, will go from greatness to failure. This is why there are no details about the civil war and what transpires on the battlefield.

Morality arrogance is preoccupation with false standards of morality to the exclusion of true morality. It is amazing how morality can be such a great thing or how it can be such a trap. Morality was a trap to the Jews, as they distorted it into a system of self-righteousness. This is the superimposition of a false system of morality over a true system of morality. The believer and unbeliever both function in this category of arrogance. The unbeliever in pride substitutes a false standard of morality over a true. This is the federal government trying to intrude and enforce various types of social problem solving laws. Or this is the conscientious objector who superimposes his morality over true morality. A true or a false morality over the filling of the Holy Spirit.

There has never been a percentage attached to spiritual giving. A government is moral when it has 2 systems of 10% and it does not make a bad word out of profit, as long as it is legitimate profit. The unbeliever may have his problems in relation to the draft. Tithing is not a spiritual issue to the believer. It is an inculcated system of morality. For many churches, they feel very strongly about the matter of tithing. Otherwise, they will have to close their doors. If there are no funds to Berachah, then God will shut them down. Bob will just close the doors and it is all over. God has always provided for their needs. They are on a manna basis, never too much and never too little. Bob would rather starve than ask for money; to be a medicate (?).

Morality Arrogance

1.       When a system of morality is created by self-righteousness and substituted for or superimposed upon establishment morality the result is arrogance morality.

2.       Morality is not the means to establishment function, but the result of establishment function. It is paying one’s taxes. Respect for the property of others and the respect for our mutual and common rights.

3.       Crusader arrogance rejects the morality of establishment freedom.

4.       Mental arrogance disregards the rights of others. The Ten Commandments does not forbid a sin; the subject is freedom and the morality of freedom.

5.       Criminal arrogance rejects property rights.

6.       Psychopathic arrogance is totally divorced from reality and from establishment morality.

7.       Negative volition arrogance, institutional, crusader, all use self-centeredness as the norm rather than true morality.

8.       When the believer substitutes morality for true morality, he loses capacity for life. Establishment authority and are systems of enforced humility.

We will see the revolutionary army defeated in battle. Then we will see a very strange statement, mistranslated in the KJV. They will flee to their own homes. This retreat to home is a fascinating thing. The home to which we are born. Human life is imputed to the soul and life will always be in the soul. Adam’s original sin is also imputed to the genetically formed old sin nature. Our own personal sins are imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross. Human life cannot be separated from the soul. There is not sin or evil that we can perform to lose our salvation. When we are physically born into this world, the system begins with authority in terms of the laws of divine establishment. Parents are the first type of freedom. They use their free will to reject the authority of their parents. This is where they get off-base and how they destroy their lives. You can have a genius IQ and learn nothing. This enforced humility provided by the parents. All the other kids are doing it so why can’t I go to such and such a place. The parents are teaching you how to control your own life. This will give you restraint in life.

Government is responsible in enforcing freedom. If you have freedom without authority, then you have anarchy; and authority without freedom is tyranny. When a parent teaches manners, he is teaching his child how to get along in society. Good manners includes thoughtfulness for others and disregarding your own personal feelings. Bob encountered many unbelievers in Beverly Hills because they had good manners and enforced humility. They were the products of environmental discipline.

Salvation is being born again. Eternal life is imputed to the human spirit. We have to be as good as God is, so He imputes His divine righteousness. The grace pipeline is thereby established. God cannot bless the old sin nature. Blessing should be related to capacity. Why give you your rm or rw if you are not ready for them? When capacity is there, God gives you the blessing.

There is an authority factor. When eternal life is imputed to the human spirit and divine righteousness is imputed, there must be an increased capacity from Bible doctrine in the soul. As we learn doctrine, the minus becomes a plus. But someone has to teach doctrine, so God provided the gift of pastor-teacher. Doctrine is the absolute authority. It is communicated to believers without doctrine and the authority of the pastor has to be accepted.

The pastor is not to tell anyone how to run their lives. His real job is to communicate doctrine. So you have to come and listen to things with which you disagree and to things you do not like or things you will say, “What good is that?” Bob got calls at all hours of the night asking, “What was that doctrine you taught?” because now they can use it.

A pastor must be mealy mouthed or humble. Everyone is a casting director. They expect that no matter how obnoxious they are and how unattractive they are, the pastor has to meet their standards of attractiveness, attentiveness and empathy. But God has given almost every conceivable type of personality to the church as pastor-teachers.

First there is self-discipline. You accept the authority of a pastor even if you hate his personality or you are offended by what he says. Sometimes you take something personally, even though it was just right there in the passage. This takes objectivity or humility instead of “That jackass doesn’t know anything.” If you cannot deal with the pastor, then move on, but “...you need to find out someone else who is teaching doctrine. And they never raise their voice and never chew out anyone publically, that is fine, and I say, God bless you.”

Your spiritual parent is the one who teaches you doctrine. That is the system of authority. Some are unable to overcome this hurdle. Interlocking systems of arrogance. They will accept no authority. They are anti authority. Arrogance is so subtle. People have assumed on the basis of their own eclectic standards. You might take a few standards that you like and they fit your personality. Then you rate yourself as 100% and you are better than those who go to Berachah.

The place of strength is authority. Children who love their parents as adults because they followed their authority.

The revolutionaries will run back home and take off their bands and pretend that they were never a part of the revolutionary army.

Anything the unbeliever can accomplish is not the Christian way of life. The Christian way of life requires supernatural way of life. Christianity is not a morality but a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Behold, new things have come along. That does not mean that you quit drinking. Bob has been a member of many Baptist churches, and these various things which have been given up are seen as the new things. Morality cannot provide salvation. Salvation by joining a church; salvation by baptism; salvation by raising your hand and walking down an aisle. All of these are salvation by works.

Some may compare their morality with a Christian and they say, I am better than the Christian; therefore, I am going to heaven as well.

What is the purpose of morality? Morality protects human freedom. Morality is not a substitute for salvation nor is it a substitute for spiritually. The interlocking systems of arrogance takes a good thing, morality, and distorts it into a system of self-righteousness.

Humility in life is the key to true morality. Almost everything by way of truth Morality demands that believers be patriotic. True morality requires some form of humility; genuine or enforced. Teaching doctrine in the church are forms of enforced humility. Bob faced this as an unbeliever when he first encountered geometry. His first day in class was a bust because he was an arrogant fool. He resisted the subject because he did not like the teacher. Bob threw an eraser filled with chalk dust an the pulling guard. Principal called in the coach who was going to bar him from football. He returned to class on the 3rd day under the concept of enforced humility.

By 3 weeks, Bob was hooked on geometry, even though they had not made a decision on his football. Bob later became fascinated by logic and math after that. The geometry teacher was an outstanding teacher. Humility opened up a whole new area for him. Bob is thankful to this day for enforced humility, which opened up this new arena of thought. David will suddenly go right inside interlocking systems of arrogance. He will pick up a false system of morality.

2Sam. 18:4 "I will do whatever you think is best," the king replied to them. So he stood beside the gate while all the troops marched out by hundreds and thousands.

2Samuel 18:(1–3), 4–5                         72David                                              631_0467

A reading of the first few verses.

2Sam. 18:1–3 Then David reviewed [mobilized, mustered] his troops and appointed commanders of hundreds and of thousands over them. He then sent out the troops [David then organized his soldiers as follows:], one third under Joab [the first corps under the command of Joab], one third under Joab's brother Abishai son of Zeruiah, and one third under Ittai the Gittite. The king said to the troops, "Even I myself will also march out with you." [And I myself will assume command over the entire army] "You must not go!" the people [= the army] pleaded. "If we have to flee [If we are forced to retreat], they [David’s officers] will not pay any attention to us [they will not take us to heart; they will not concentrate (or take cognizance) on our situation]. Even if half of us die, they will not pay any attention to us because you are worth 10,000 of us. Therefore, it is better if you support us from the city [as a reserve force]."

Humility is the environment for making good decisions. Good decisions expand out options; bad decisions destroy our future options. Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Truth in all 3 categories. Arrogance will neutralize any wisdom that we have acquired in life.

David personally wanted to lead Israel in the field. Absalom was given a traitor’s grave, and there would be a pile of rocks placed upon him. Any organization is made up of people and every person has an old sin nature.

Bob is back talking about the Forsythe Saga from Public television. Solmes becomes the hero of the family. Arrogance creates unreality and converts it into hallucination.

David’s last general order in v. 5? He asks for the army to deal kindly with Absalom, which begins arrogance again in the life of David.

Negative Emotion

1.       Negative emotion replaces the truth of doctrine and any form of establishment thinking. Good emotions are the result of being subordinate to thought. All bad emotions

2.       Any emotion that blots out thought is negative arrogance.

3.       Thinking is suppressed by emotion so that emotion dominates the soul. Negative emotion is emotion which dominates the soul.

4.       When emotions dominate the soul and exclude any form of thinking, the individual is divorced from reality and generally involved with the arrogance complex.

5.       Fear and cowardice is a negative emotion which dominates the soul. It will not be David’s failure in this chapter, but Absalom’s in previous.

6.       Courage is thinking under pressure.

7.       When the believer is entangles in interlocking systems of arrogance, believer is vulnerable to flattery, fear, irresponsibility, sociopathic behavior.

8.       Humility is that state of soul where the individual is related to reality through thinking.

9.       The 2nd stage of the faith rest drill , which re verse concentration, the believer uses the various rationales. In each case, the believer is oriented to reality, whether it is his own sinfulness or the greatness of God.

10.     The tongues movement is arrogance, where negative emotion dominates the soul.

Emotional arrogance is always vulnerable to flattery. A pattern of arrogance; the narcissus complex. They are vulnerable to cowardice so that individual cannot think under pressure. There is neurosis where all neurotics are previously involved arrogance of the soul. The cure for arrogance is discipline, which we will see in the middle of out passage. To accept the authority of the pastor-teacher, he must be teaching Bible doctrine. Because all pastors and all locales are not teaching doctrine, there are some who found the tape recorder to be an excellent substitute. If a pastor assumes that only face to face is legitimate, then why are they making tapes? Hope you are still with me; you might have to get this on tape.

Arrogant preoccupation with self. The details of life are the means of living, but not the motivation or the capacity for living. We cannot make the details of life our capacity for living. If you live to eat, or you have to have that cool car. If you use arrogance to eliminate capacity for life. You will destroy your capacity for love and happiness.

Love is a condition of the soul. If emotion dominates your soul, you will have

Channel 2 provides us with the example of psychodelic music. Someone must like it, although Bob does know anyone who likes it. Emotion has no vocabulary. Bob listens careful for a message, but he does not get a message.

The greater the retreat, the closer you come to psychoses. Even those on tapes end up on psycho wards. Even some from Berachah who go into the armed forces is section 8-ed.

You cannot be arrogant and be a good lover. You cannot be arrogant and have capacity for anything—love, life, happiness. With your arrogance, you create unhappiness with your own free will.

All revolution is arrogance. Revolution could not exist without crusader arrogance. Negative emotional arrogance always rejects authority in life. Counseling is a bust. Counseling is only good when there is objectivity. Emotional arrogance results with people believing the ridiculous.

2Sam. 18:4 "I will do whatever you think is best," the king replied to them. So he stood beside the gate while all the troops marched out by hundreds and thousands [by battalions and by divisions].

The king’s decision gives the field command of David’s army to Joab, the most qualified man in all the world. Joab will also be the commander of the first corps. He will make 2 personnel mistakes. He permits a strong runner the Cushite to take the news instead of letting a man of great wisdom take the news. He also chews out a noncom when he did not need to. There is no racial overtones to this at all. Half of the chapter is devoted to the race between them. However, it is what they thought is the key. Ahimaaz, the one who won the race, will illustrate every element of grace. He will do his job in a state of humility. At first, Joab refused to let Ahimaaz follow the Cushite. He will be forced to change his mind. Joab makes 2 mistakes in this chapter, but this does not detract from his greatness. All great men make mistakes.

There is not a greater field commander in the world. The battle will be won and won efficiently with a small force. At this time, Joab is more qualified than David to leave the army in the field. There is the opportunity of eyes right. When they did their eyes right, they were looking at one of the greatest military commanders in history. He is one of the greatest believers who ever lived.

We are forced to analyze the sins and failures of David. We are not being critical of David like a little dog nipping at the heels of a stranger. Bob loves dogs, but he never appreciates dogs with bad manners. He does not appreciate people who are insignificant who could not think there way out of a paper bag, barking and snarling at the heels of a great man.

David is 60 and he will step into arrogance very shortly. Bob is reminded of Eisenhower on 7 May 1945 when he sends Beetle Smith to accept the surrender. Ike sent him because he worked so hard and made so many good decisions, that he deserved to take the surrender. Bob did not think much of Ike because he was stupid.

2Sam. 18:4 "I will do whatever you think is best," the king replied to them. So he stood beside the gate while all the troops marched out by hundreds and thousands [by battalions and by divisions].

This brings us to officer’s call, with is v. 5. Once the army passed in review at the main gate, they are in column. They are going to go from column to line. We will get the gist of the order, what God the Holy Spirit wants us to know.

David asks that Absalom be treated gently. It is idiomatic. Deal with the young man Absalom gently for my sake. This begins the general order. All the people heard the king’s orders.

This reveals a very intense love for Absalom. In spite of all that Absalom had done, David is still very tender with Absalom. David had no right to issue such an order. Absalom had been rescinded into the custody of Absalom. David instantly entered into interlocking systems of arrogance. He is selfish, weak, guilty of impulsive arrogance, blind arrogance and emotional arrogance. He is abusing his authority. He has no right to give such an order to his army. He is superimposing his own personal standards over those of his staff to the extent that he may be jeopardizing their mission. He has no right to make this personal dealing to be the standard operating procedure. From this point on, every function of David will be in emotional arrogance. This is a blackout of his responsibility to his people. He has no right to put his son over the military. His standards are wiped out immediately. Yet he is a mature believer. This is what arrogance will do to anyone at any time.

2Sam. 18:5 The king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, "Treat the young man Absalom gently for my sake." All the people heard the king's orders to all the commanders about Absalom.

Joab gives a remarkable speech, as good as the Woman from Tekoa. Joab braces David like few others. This is a lucid rebuke from Joab. 2Sam. 19:8 David will recover from his arrogance fall.

2Sam. 19:4–7 The king covered his face, and the king cried with a loud voice, "O my son Absalom, O Absalom, my son, my son!" Then Joab came into the house to the king and said, "You have today covered with shame the faces of all your servants [you have humiliated all of your troops], who have this day saved your life and the lives of your sons and your daughters and the lives of your wives and your concubines, because you love those who hate you and hate those who love you. For you have made it clear today that commanders and servants are nothing to you, for today I know that if Absalom were alive and all of us were dead today, then you would be pleased. Now therefore arise, go out and speak kindly to your servants, for I swear by the LORD, if you do not go, not a man will stay with you this night [all of the army will desert you by sundown], and this will be worse for you than all the evil that has come upon you from your youth until now."

So David reenters into interlocking systems of arrogance. A full chapter until he recovers. David will be useless until this time. Being locked up at HQ was the best thing for him. He would have been defeated because he was in arrogance. He is not the hero of the revolution at this point. Many heroes and many heroines; but David is still being disciplined. It is almost a divine sense of humor here. He is being discipline for interlocking systems of arrogance and he is right back into it again.

There is something to this. That is, David needs all of this discipline in order to get him straight. Other heroes include civilians and military. The 2 high priests, theirs sons the couriers, the young servant girl, the lady of the manor, the Ammonite prince Shobai, the wealthy businessmen, Abishai, Ittai and the entire army. His ability was neutralized completely. He cannot even comfort his family. He is through; he is wiped out. He was not just crying; he was insane.

If any of you attain greatness, just remember David. No matter how great you are, you have no greatness in the eyes of God, without humility. Jesus Christ controls history. During the entire civil war, David is, in effect, locked up in the closet until it is all over.

2 great principles to be covered tomorrow night.

2Sam. 18:5 The king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, "Treat the young man Absalom gently for my sake." All the people heard the king's orders to all the commanders about Absalom.

2Samuel 18:5                                       72David                                              631_0468

There was booing of the American flag at the Great Lakes Naval Station. There are those with no concept of America’s institutions and freedoms. Officers, instead of disciplining these people, has become intimidated. So no one can go out at night on the base and the MP’s do not patrol outside of their perimeter. An officer was attacked by a gang of recruits. This has become quite critical. Opinions are divided as to who is responsible. The commanding officer might need to be relieved of duties; others are sympathetic to him. Those who are booing the national anthem happen to live in conditions which are superior than some of the greatest periods of time in history. They live better than kings and principles in other great countries in the past. They do not recognize our spiritual heritage and the application through the laws of divine establishment. We are headed for very tragic times.

No politicking is allowed on premises; we do not have opinions as to current elections. We reject all attempts of the church to get involved in politics like the National Council of Churches, which even supports violence. The local church is to guide you to become spiritually self-sustaining.

A dam burst in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Bob is talking about damming this up by some millionaires who wanted a fishing place. This site was purchased and sold to a country club. There was a very poor dam constructed, apparently. One man saddled a horse and warned one community. He also wired ahead. Some just moved up to their second floors. They just did not think. Must be from awhile ago, as the telegraph is mentioned several times. Wall of water 120 ft high going 50 mph. One city was evacuated. When one city was destroyed, tons of driftwood became a part of the water movement.

One man saved his entire family, by having them stand next to the correct window upstairs, so that when the water trashed his home, they could crawl out of the window and float. Examples of others who were thinking and saved many lives.

This is a reminder to being able to think under pressure and that God has a plan for the believer under personal and national disaster. National disaster does not change God’s plan for the believer. Every believer must have 2 scales of value, one for normal times and one for abnormal times (adversity).

In times of prosperity, the believer receives many blessings from the justice of God. However, once disaster occurs, the believer must change instantly to deal with disaster. Many had to leave behind material things. They had capacity for life and were able to move out without looking back. They need the flexibility of humility in order to move out without taking everything with them. Philip. 4:11–17 Paul has learned to be happy under whatever circumstances in which he finds himself.

We are dealing with revolution and civil war. Revolution is crusader arrogance + criminal arrogance. The crusader arrogance provides the motive or justification; criminal arrogance provides the leadership. Great power in public opinion. If the revolution is persuasive. Stalin and Lenin eventually took over the revolution as leaders; they are the criminals.

Prov. 17:11 a rebellious man seeks only evil. They shoot without concealment. Evil is related to the interlocking systems of arrogance. We have also noticed how the Bible condemns revolution. Revolution is anti-authority. The people fall into 3 categories: the hardcore conspiracy, the general public and the incorruptibles. The latter group will not succumb to any sort of propaganda. The success of a revolution depends upon the general public being under strong delusion.

When revolution starts a civil war, there are two opposing forces in the war. The establishment is one. When politics starts a civil war, the issue is always freedom.

The final general order puts David back into interlocking systems of arrogance.

David Goes Astray

1.       Up until this point, David has many excellent decisions. He has functioned under the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill.

2.       The revolution had won the first round. The momentum required David to reply with great moral courage. He abandoned everything that he had in years of great prosperity.

3.       Subsequent decisions were excellent like his ignoring of Shinai, his decision to cross the Jordan, his decision to set up a spy organization,

4.       His emotional involvement with Absalom caused him to make a bad decision regarding Absalom. His last general order was arrogant and evil. Joab had enough moral courage to ignore this order.

2Sam. 18:5 The king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, "Treat the young man Absalom gently for my sake." All the people heard the king's orders to all the commanders about Absalom.

David’s Bad Decision

1.       Absalom is the acknowledged leader of the revolution. It is just and righteous for him to be executed for the revolution and crimes committed before.

2.       To spare Absalom in effect condones revolution and evil. The establishment of God rationale prohibits any condoning of revolution. So emotion floods his soul and he issues a command which is as arrogant as it is wrong.

          a.       We do not follow the example of someone else. That is for boy scouts, but not for serious Christians. All great believers experienced phenomenal failure.

          b.       Stick with the principles of do which are in your own soul. The reason that God the Holy Spirit has seen fit to record David’s failures is so that we as believers will not fall into these traps. David has gone before us to keep us out of these traps. When David fails, we do not emulate his failures. We use people as lessons. The whole purpose of the Christian life is to follow the Lord, not people. We follow doctrine. Since we have a sin nature, we get to see the failures of other great believers who preceded us.

3.       Honor and integrity demands the death of Absalom. When David gives this bad order, he goes back into interlocking systems of arrogance.

4.       As long as Absalom lives, there will be conspiracy and revolution brewing among the malcontents.

5.       The authority of establishment government is the enforced humility. Bob hopes that the money he gives to government in taxes goes to the military. We would have no government without taxes and no government would mean anarchy. Bob is not an admirer of our present president and has not been since Ike. He still pays his taxes and he does not even take normal deductions. He resents cheating. He would rather pay more taxes. Bad government is always better than no government. Do not every associate with Berachah Church and say that so-and-so ought to be killed.

6.       Without the execution of revolutionary leaders, there would be no evangelism, no freedom, no fulfillment of the plan of God,

7.       Israel cannot function as a client nation to God when revolution exists in the land. The United States cannot exist in the client nation with revolution in the air.

8.       No client nation can serve God when revolution exists in the nation.

9.       Revolution is the quintessence of human arrogance and evil. We must remember that arrogance is not only stronger than good environment, but stronger than perfect environment.

2Sam. 18:5 The king commanded Joab, Abishai, and Ittai, "Treat the young man Absalom gently for my sake." All the people heard the king's orders to all the commanders about Absalom.

Vv. 6–8 the battle of the forests of Ephraim.

2Samuel 18:6–8                   Principles of War 72David                              631_0469

The campaign of Ephraim. An army of stags led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a stag.

A clever general avoids an army while it is keen, but will wait.

Recklessness which leads to destruction. Cowardice that leads to capture. A hasty empter that can be exploited. An over solicitousness toward one’s men. This are the 5 weaknesses of a general, according to Sun Tzu.

This was strictly an infantry battle. Joab notices that the enemy is in a vulnerable position.

When the soldiers are strong and the leaders are weak, then there is insubordination. When officers are strong and people are weak, the result is collapse.

We have the failure of a few police officers, and people react against the police force. A failure of a few in the local church, and people reject the local church.

We will always have wars and rumors of wars because that is the inevitable result of men with sin natures.

The spiritual factor in the military is a very important one. One of the most inspiring motives in war is love of a woman and willingness to fight for her freedom.

Ex. 14:14 the Lord of the Armies will fight for you today.

Jesus Christ holds the record for killing the enemy in battle. 185,000 Assyrians. Isa. 37:36 That will stand as a record until the end of the Tribulation, when Jesus Christ destroys the enemy armies.

Exception to send to war; those who have just gotten married.

Luke 14:21 the leader needs a capable staff. There must always be brilliant men devoted to the honorable profession of the military.

God trained David’s hands for battle. There has always been a relationship between manning weapons and physical conditioning.

Enforced humility from discipline. Victory does not depend upon the number or mere courage, but training is the key. Hannibal, the Greeks superior in many ways; Romans superior in their military training. Strict in punishing idleness and sloth.

Slackers and draft dodgers were condemned in the Bible. Moses carefully speaks to them about this. “Be sure that your sin will find you out.” Psalm 46:7–9 8

David says, “I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war. Preserve me from the violent men, who are continually stirring up war.”

Poise is a great indicator of knowledge+humility.

The Bible has a great deal to say about the Bible.

Israel is used to refer revolutionary army. Those in the revolutionary ranks will be mostly from the northern tribes. We will even find out that there are some Africans in David’s army.

Information about this War

1.       David’s field army is under Joab. Joab becomes the aggressor and he takes the initiative against an army 10x his. Joab has maybe 30,000 against 250,000. The plain is the flat strip which run along side of the Jordan on the east side. There is this fortress on Mahanaim. There are cliffs so high, an army cannot get up there. The revolutionary army is moving north and they are looking for a way to get to David. They want to go up some mountains and come down on him. Joab put his army into a rugged terrain, and decided where the battle would be, and lure the other army onto this rugged terrain. The idea is to get out of the plains where it is easy to maneuver. Individual quality counts in the more rugged areas. Luring him into the forest is Joab choosing the battlefield. The one selecting the battlefield often wins the battle. Napoleon and Russians battle when Napoleon chooses the battle. The first objective of warfare is the neutralization or destruction of the enemy force.

2.       The mission must be compatible with the destruction of the army.

3.       Offensive action is the only modus operandi by which that objective can be accomplished.

4.       Offensive brings victory and defensive can only avoid defeat.

5.       Offensive defeats and destroys an enemy force but it also destroys the effectiveness and the efficiency of the enemy force.

          a.       Raises morale, gives freedom of action and increases concentration of effort.

          b.       Defensive should be used to assist offensive action elsewhere or to hold off the enemy during a period of weakness.

          c.        Offensive shoudl be used whenever there is a reasonable chance for success.

6.       The main effort in the forest of Ephraim will be the principle of mass.

Joab is going to lure the people into the hills of Ephraim. Very steep mountains. Joab had the advantage of line. The opposing army was exposed and destroyed.

2Sam. 18:6 Then David's forces marched into the field to engage Israel in battle, which took place in the forest of Ephraim.

There is very little about the actual battle here. When people are not disciplined and there is no self-discipline and no group discipline, a lot of people die. This is true with traffic. There must be self-discipline for any capacity for life or love and you must impose it upon yourself. Some of us will enjoy great love and happiness and social life. To impose upon ourselves.

The revolutionary troops were defeated by David’s troops. Victory would have required an excellent plan and the proper use of terrain and personnel. Amasah was no match for Joab, who was 2nd only to his Uncle David in military ability.

There were only 20,000 killed that day; which would have been the hard-core revolutionaries. Freedom can only exist under an establishment government. The rest of them fled to their homes and they will receive amnesty.

They retreated, bumped into column reserves behind them, and panic spread. They could not think. They were killed for no other reason.

2Sam. 18:7 The people of Israel were defeated by David's soldiers, and the slaughter there was vast that day--20,000 casualties.

The explanation is given in v. 8. The battle was spread out across the entire countryside. They run without thinking. They are running because they are in panic. Many were killed in combat, but more were killed because of the terrain and their panic. This is mountainous forest. There would have been species of poisonous snakes. Wild animals lived at that time, including bears and lions. Some were destroyed by disturbing wild creatures in their habitats. The terrain is treacherous and there are cliffs. In panic they run and fall in cliffs, marshes, quicksand, etc. they are mobs running through there, which means some caused problems for the others.

Victory in battle does not resolve problems.

2Sam. 18:8 The battle spread over the entire region, and that day the forest claimed more people than the sword.

2Samuel 18:9                                       72David                                              631_0470

Today was a record hot day in Houston. 106°, which is the hottest Bob every recalls. It is amazing, even though we have no control over the weather or over the varying environment in which we live. So it was with Absalom, who grew up in the palace with all the privileges of royalty pertained. Yet, with all of these opportunities, Absalom made bad decisions. We all learn, as we continue in life, every bad decision destroys options for future decisions. Therefore, there resides inside of our soul a factor that is far more important than any factor of our environment or circumstances. Some of us will make decisions which will reduce our options in the future.

We are moving into a new subject, and all of the military stuff prepares us for 2 great principles in this chapter and why Absalom died as a young man. There is also an unnamed junior officer whose honor and integrity was so fantastic, that he would not touch a hair of Absalom’s head.

This is the death of Absalom. Death is always a shock to us, whether our own or that of a loved one.

We begin with qara in the Niphal perfect. It can mean to call, to call out; and also to meet, to happen, to occur. Absalom bumped into one of David’s patrols. He is mounted on a mule and he will try to escape on this mule. Absalom was far enough behind enemy lines to feel comfortable, behind the lines of battle, and he probably felt that he was quite safe. Joab had sent out reconnaissance patrols. Amasa had given no thought to reserves. He was a very poor general. Absalom thought that he would go behind enemy lines and see if he could discover any reserve forces. He is doing recon. Or perhaps this is a recon by David’s patrol? Apparently that is it. They come across Absalom on his own mule. Being involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, Absalom did not stop to do much thinking. He thought he could escape by heading toward the nearest cover.

The mule goes under the branches of a thick oak tree. His head is stuck fast or held fast in the oak tree. We already know that Absalom has long hair. He looks like a hippie; and longhair represents dissension from authority.

Absalom was immediately overwhelmed by emotion, so he spurred her mule into action and he panicked. Nothing worse than to panic on a mule. When they feel that panic, it is all over. Mules are big, strong, sure-footed and very fast.

Bob recalls a panic among the men and the mules just took off. They ran through a fence, which apparently slowed them down. They are not one of the easier quadrupeds to control.

You can pull his neck around to where it is almost facing you and that will just about slow them down.

The ranch bbq and the execution and all of the king’s sons raced back on their mules.

Absalom was caught in the tree, and he did not have a boot knife to cut himself loose. This was all because of Absalom’s long hair, which represents arrogance and authority rebellion. He was caught between heaven and earth, and nowhere to go. This represents his running out of options.

God provided us with parents and He has not condemned us based upon our personal sins. Instead, our personal sins were all collected and imputed to Christ while He hung on the cross. And God the Father judged them while He was on the cross.

By condemning us with the imputation of Adam’s sin, that means that, because we are potentially open to salvation. If we never reach accountability and die, then we go to heaven. We noticed this when David lost his first son by Bathsheba.

Authority is given to us and condemnation at birth. Both of these are blessings. There is the potential for salvation. The authority is necessary to orient to life. We are covered with regard to life and with regard to death.

Judicial imputations + the potentials. In Z we have the imputation of blessing in time and the blessing in eternity.

When you sneak out and violate parental authority, you are limiting your future options. Your greatest time to learn discipline and to learn orientation to life.

Absalom, with long hair, rejected the authority of his father. He came from a father with short hair; and his long hair was a rejection of David’s authority. His long hair was a sign of his rejection of authority. This was his narcissus complex. His decision to grow long hair was a bad decision.

Knowledge is the environment for thinking and doctrine is the environment for good decisions. Manliness is a state of the soul. It is really not the length of the hair but the attitude of soul.

Jer. 7:29 indicates that long hair on a man is a sign of lack of authority-orientation. 1Cor. 11:3 every man praying or prophesying with long hair dishonors his head (the authority by which he preaches). But every women who prophesies with her hair uncovered, dishonors herself. does not nature herself teach you that long hair on a male is a shame to him? All things originate from God. Is it proper to pray to God with short hair? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a shame to him. Long hair is a sign of a woman’s submission to the man.

When a believer makes a lot of bad decisions, these decisions will reduce a person’s options. They will go all the way to the sin unto death. The royal mule and the long hair took away Absalom’s last option. He is hanging from a tree and he has run out of options.

2Sam. 18:9 Absalom was riding on his mule when he happened to meet David's soldiers [unexpectedly happened to meet]. When the mule went under the tangled branches of a large oak tree, Absalom's head was caught fast in the tree. The mule under him kept going, so he was suspended in midair.

The patrol leader will refuse to kill Absalom. He will report to Joab that he sees Absalom hanging from an oak tree. The patrol leader followed as quickly as he could and he went into the thicket after Absalom. Then he came across a very strange sight, Absalom suspended from branches, completely helpless. Nothing he could do.

This officer is cool and honorable here. He follows Absalom into the thicket; but he takes no personal action. He leaves his patrol behind to guard Absalom. No one is to touch him, as David told to spare this man. This is a very smart move. He will get an official reprimand from Joab in the next few verses.

2Sam. 18:10 One of the men [when a certain officer] saw him and informed [made an official report to] Joab. He said, "Listen, I just saw Absalom hanging in [suspended from] an oak tree!"

2Samuel 18:(6–9), 10–12                     72David                                              631_0471

Gary North in AZ writes the Remnant Review. The Economics of Envy is the title. We normally think of envy as jealousy; but that is covetousness. Maybe I can get Congress to confiscate it and give it to me. Another kind of envy, he has something I want, but I will never get it, so I will make certain that no one else has it. Terrorism is another envy-related invention. Terrorists will not bring peace on earth. They use terrorism not to build up. It is not that the terrorist sees his acts of terror as making things better; he sees a burned out society as a legitimate goal.

Slogans like, FDR saved capitalism from itself. Every business needs a safety net. There is no satisfaction in envy; it is never satiated. It gnaws and it rankles. Endless self-mortification. The idea that we are identical.

Socialism is another outworking as envy. The only one that gets the good in the redistribution of wealth is the state; they get the jobs and the wealth. Budget of Indian affairs would be equivalent to giving all Indians $30,000/year. Intellectuals have created modern socialism. They want to destroy the present social order and their motive is envy. It is their envy against the rich and the successful that motivates them. The problem will not go away; it will get a lot worse when the market begins to slide. That the free market makes more men richer, will not impress the socialist. They do not want to raise everyone’s income unless that can wipe out any sign of success.

Joab is part of a righteous cause, but he will take this out on a man when he should not. This leader will not kill Absalom.

2Sam. 18:6–9 And the people went out into the field against Israel. And the battle was in the forest of Ephraim. And the people of Israel were killed there before the servants of David. And there was a great slaughter that day of twenty thousand. For the battle was scattered there over the face of all the country. And the forest devoured more people that day than the sword devoured. And Absalom met the servants of David. And Absalom rode on a mule, and the mule went under the thick branches of a great oak tree. And his head caught hold of the oak, and he was taken up between the heavens and the earth. And the mule under him went away.

2Sam. 18:10 One of the men [when a certain officer] saw him and informed [made an official report to] Joab. He said, "Listen, I just saw Absalom hanging in [suspended from] an oak tree!"

2Sam. 18:11a Then Joab had reprimanded the officer who reported to him: “Now, look here, you just saw him. Why didn’t you strike him to the ground right there?”

The fault is not with this junior officer, but with David’s ridiculous order and Joab not challenging this order from the get-go. Joab could have pointed out to David that this order needed to be rescinded immediately. The king was so totally removed from reality, that he might not have listened to reason, which is a reasonable position to take. However, Joab is out of line reprimanding this officer, as he is simply obeying what David said. Joab had rightly intended for Absalom to die. However, he should not have placed the burden on this junior officer. This simply proves that the greatest of men have sin natures as well.

General officers can often become very petty about many things. General Eisenhower dealt with his own temptation better than any other man in history.

What Joab tells this young man is, he would have decorated him for killing Absalom. The belt is a military belt which indicates promotion to the next rank.

2Sam. 18:11 "You just saw him!" Joab exclaimed. "Why didn't you strike him to the ground right there? I would have given you 10 silver pieces and a belt!" [Furthermore, I would have given you a monetary reward (a decoration) as well as a promotion].

David’s order was idiotic and subjective, but it is still the order from the king. Joab is the only man who can disobey this order. This is obviously and excellent junior officer. He would not take it upon himself to disobey and order from the king. The patrol leader put honor and integrity over personal advancement and decorations. This separates him from many officers in our armed forces today. He emerges as an honorable person, whose integrity is not intimidates by an unfair redressing by Joab.

Some have left the service because they could not be critical. However, there are officers looking to pass their peers and they are willing to do anything in order to get it. When you compromise honor and integrity, you destroy moral courage. When moral courage is lost, then all is lost for us.

We have fought 2 wars without civilian support. It is impossible to win wars unless the public supports them. The public was against them in Korea and even more so in Vietnam. We lost these wars by the crass cowardice of our politicians and the thinking of the general public. Politicians place their careers over and above any sort of integrity.

This young officer will not back down and he will demonstrate poise under pressure. Joab will later realize that only he himself can execute Absalom. Joab will also demonstrate that moral courage. Humility will not cause him to be tempted to abandon his honor and integrity.

This man represents great honor in what he chose to do.

Individual missionary, under the evil leadership of his missionary organization, is intimidated into certain actions. There are false standards in every profession today. Many doctors have abandoned their honor and integrity and have succumbed to the evils of socialized medicine. People in medical schools are totally incompetent today. This is the great tragedy in the day that we live. This officer would be a success in any place. He had something that he used under the greatest pressure. He could have been promoted and decorated, if he just abandoned his honor and his integrity and kill Absalom. He stood up in such a magnificent way that God the Holy Spirit gave him 3 verses.

The Junior Officer Spares Absalom’s Life

1.       Integrity and honor are more important than anything else. More than promotion and reward in life.

2.       The junior officer recognizes the value of doctrine in the soul. This was over any success or any promotion or the attaining of anything else in life.

3.       This young man had a scale of values that indicated he was a mature believer. He did not abandon doing a right thing in a right way. If you intrude and say the means justify the end, then you are doing a right thing in a wrong way. For him to kill Absalom, would have been wrong, even though killing the enemy is right. This is because this is a violation of the order of the king.

4.       Therefore, if you are going to have a wonderful life, capacity for life, capacity for love, honor and integrity are far more important than wealth and promotion.

5.       If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. If He does not bless you with wealth, for the believer unless He can bless His Own righteousness. We receive His indwelling righteousness, which becomes the home and the target for all blessing. God cannot condone or sponsor sin, or bless it. We possess an old sin nature. We also possess personal sins. God must bless us without compromising His Own character. We begin with logistical grace support. Then there is capacity for blessing and capacity for life. As we have maximum doctrine resident in the soul, God made Abraham a very wealthy man. As he moved forward spiritually, God blessed him.

6.       The name of the junior officer is withheld by God the Holy Spirit because he represents any believer in a myriad of circumstances. His name to us is not important; it is the principle that his life illustrates is what is important.

7.       You can deal without recognition; you cannot live without doctrine, honor, integrity, humility, capacity for life, love, happiness. These thing fulfill the plan of God. We can be very happy without wealth or promotion or without public recognition.

8.       Just as Joab was right in killing Absalom, so this junior officer is right to refuse to kill Absalom. As believers, we are in constant contact with other believers; many do not have the doctrines which we have; they are spiritual babies. They have certain standards in which they are right. We must learn the principle that no two believers have attained the same stage of spiritual blessings. You must remember that something must be absolutely right for a baby but be wrong for a mature believer. We must be careful not to superimpose our high standards on others. The standards of maturity cannot be imposed upon the baby and the adolescent. He must be careful not to be critical of believers who have not reached the same stage of growth. They did different things b ut they are both right.

9.       The patrol leader’s integrity demanded that he restrain himself from killing Absalom. Undoubtedly, this young officer had great esprit decorp, but he restrained himself, because he was an honorable person. What you think is more important than what you feel.

10.     His restraint was enforced humility, moral courage, and the essence of honor. You cannot lower yourself to the standards of others. He have the basis of doctrine in our souls.

11.     Moab’s integrity demanded that he disobey David’s order and kill Absalom. So Joab was not wrong in killing Absalom himself. He was wrong in reprimanding anyone else for not doing it.

If David had not issue that order, then anyone could have killed Absalom in battle. None of us have identical standards. There are many reasons that we do not have identical standards. Bob grew up in Beverly Hills as an unbeliever, but he learned many wonderful standards of that day. There was the cinema crowd that lived there who had much different standards. You do not become critical of those who have different standards. You learn to eliminate that hypercritical attitude of the intermediate believer who has enough doctrine to be dangerous.

Tongues crowd people can become very pushy; but you must allow them some space and tolerate them to some degree. Someone in Berachah told another young man that he can’t come to Bible class with long hair. You don’t get the chance to tell them what to do. Doctrine is the issue.

Bob hoped that we all caught the example of integrity in Virginia.

2Sam. 18:11 "You just saw him!" Joab exclaimed. "Why didn't you strike him to the ground right there? I would have given you 10 silver pieces and a belt!" [Furthermore, I would have given you a monetary reward (a decoration) as well as a promotion].

The junior officer replies to Joab. God the Holy Spirit promotes him; he is called ha ish, which is the man. This marks out this person as unique among his contemporaries. He stands right up to Joab.

The officer states a hypothetical case. He will not be corrupted. Incorruptible individuals become blessings to others and he is without arrogance.

The Young Officer’s Reply

1.       The young officer’s reply is recorded here. This demonstrates something we ought to remember. Bob is 62 years old and he notices a gap of communication between himself and the younger crowd. Still, there is always hope in the next generation. A reminder to the older generation who sees only the negative aspects of the younger generation. We often compare our best with their worst. There will be those in every generation who succeed because of doctrine and others who fail because they lack doctrine and are under negative volition. There is a lot of hope in the prep school. They are getting doctrine night after night. They are seeing American history apart from the contamination of our schools. There is hope in every generation. This is so we remember that there are those with great integrity in the younger generation.

2.       This tells us that, as great as Joab is, with his impeccable judgment, as a believer and as a field commander, there is no such thing as a perfect person. We all have sin natures.

3.       Joab was wrong and the junior officer was right. This young officer controlled himself, which demonstrated great moral courage under pressure. He commanded his patrol under pressure as well. His men are all restrained by the same order, and they are restrained by the chain of command. He is able to think in terms of honor and integrity. He demonstrates that rare quality of doctrine and loyalty as a virtue. If Bob had been Joab, he would have placed this man on his staff. Joab probably called him back to his office sometime later and promoted him and put him on his own personal staff.

He heard every word that David said, and he will restate the command; so we need to figure out tonite why he rephrased David’s command.

2Sam. 18:12 The man replied to Joab, "Even if I had the weight of 1,000 pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king's son. For we heard the king command you, Abishai, and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for me.'

2Samuel 18:(11), 12–14                       72David                                              631_0472

This must be Sunday night, as Bob refers back to what was taught this morning.

2Sam. 18:11 "You just saw him!" Joab exclaimed. "Why didn't you strike him to the ground right there? I would have given you 10 silver pieces and a belt!" [Furthermore, I would have given you a monetary reward (a decoration) as well as a promotion].

He heard David’s command, “Deal gently with the young man for my sake.” (From v. 5). This is more than just dealing with him, but the idea is to guard his life; to protect him in every way. David’s order was wrong and idiotic and it is questionable whether or not he could really make such an order, given that he put Absalom under the care of Joab.

The junior officer obeyed this order, had his men stand guard over Absalom, while he returned to camp to submit his report.

Notice that this officer does not cut Absalom down.

2Sam. 18:12 The man replied to Joab, "Even if I had the weight of 1,000 pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king's son. For we heard the king command you, Abishai, and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for me.'

The Junior Officer’s Good Decision

1.       In this verse, we see the integrity of the patrol leader who correctly applied doctrine to this situation. He is being reprimanded for being honorable and making the correct decision. He is able to think under pressure.

2.       David was commander-in-chief and he out-ranked Joab, so what he said demanded obedience.

3.       Since the command was not an immoral one or in conflict with the junior officer’s standards of honor, there was no reason for him to disobey this order.

4.       The young officer gives David’s order.

5.       Knowledge is the environment for thinking and doctrine is the environment for good decisions. This officer was thinking under pressure.

6.       He made a good decision to leave Absalom there.

2Sam. 18:12 The man replied to Joab, "Even if I had the weight of 1,000 pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king's son. For we heard the king command you, Abishai, and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for me.'

This verse is quite pertinent to our military today.

The Junior Officer and Loyalty

1.       A distinction must be made between integrity of the young officer and his honor in the previous verse. V. 12 is the integrity of the patrol leader and v. 13 is the honor of the leader.

2.       Integrity + loyalty as a virtue = honor. The other side of the picture is integrity + loyalty as an evil = dishonor. Integrity is hearing doctrine as sit is taught by a communicator, getting it into the left lobe at first and then transferring it into the right lobe.

3.       We must distinguish between loyalty as a virtue and loyalty as an evil. Integrity must be the source of loyalty. The loyalty that applies doctrine is loyalty as a virtue. This uses that same concentration to apply doctrine. This is reverse concentration; the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill. The patrol leader knows that Joab wants to kill Absalom. When you have loyalty to a person, then this integrity + loyalty is an evil. This young officer has a great test at this point.

4.       There are 2 categories of loyalty; loyalty as a virtue, like loyalty to Bible doctrine in the status of humility. Loyalty as an evil; loyalty to persons who are evil or in a state of arrogance, propose evil.

5.       For the junior officer, the suggestion that he kill Absalom is loyalty to Joab as an evil. To obey him and kill him for decoration and reward would be loyalty as an evil.


7.       He would have placed loyalty to Joab over loyalties to David and loyalty to evil over loyalty to doctrine. Every young person (under 45) faces this temptation.

Maximum doctrine in the soul is the result of positive volition. Application of doctrine to the situation. This requires humility and its objectivity and flexibility. They all avoid

David’s order was absurd, but that was not the issue with the junior officer.

Whatever the problem is, it is in his soul. Alternative volitional conjunction o. the second word means to make, to manufacture. We have the noun sheqer, which is lie, deceit, falsehood. He would not raise his hand against the king’s anointed. You are not aware of life unless you recognize that you have a soul. What people think and how they function in the soul is what a person really is. In this officer’s soul, he retains honor, despite all of the pressure Joab brings on him.

2Sam. 18:13 If I had jeopardized my own life [otherwise, I would have acted deceitfully in my own soul]--and nothing is hidden from the king--you would have abandoned me."

The Junior Officer’s Explanation

1.       He is tempted.

2.       Killing Absalom would be instant honor and decoration. It would have place him above his peers instantly and it would have set him apart from all of his peers. This would have marked him for future promotion. Bob cannot figure out anymore what people are after any more. You do not lead with your body in life, you lead with your soul. Thought orients the soul.

3.       The patrol leader was a real professional constrained by a general order of the commander-in-chief. His honor remains intact. Joab is wrong to rebuke the officer.

Furthermore, something like this could not be kept hidden from the king. And he recognizes that Joab would be the first one to abandon him. He says, “You would be reprimanding me for disobeying David’s order.” That would be the official response. This young man has learned a lot. He has some doctrine. He is perceptive. The people in authority often want to circumvent company policy, so he gets his underlings to do his dirty work. However, he claims innocence if they are caught and he fires the whole lot of them. “Joab, you are a hypocrite and you would nave cortmarshalled me.” There are more officers today who are phony as a lead nickel and they are bowing and scraping and acting like politicians. There is not one out of 25 senior officers who knows as much about combat as a second lieutenant.

There is an organization today which gathers up successful men and it plays footsie with the government. We are in for great disaster. We almost need a disaster to perpetuate client nation USA. When young men learn doctrine, they can maintain their honor and their integrity under the greatest pressure.

This man has watched Joab and he is aware that Joab has a flaw. He is a magnificent officer. Joab would bend and stoop to politick. This is hypocrisy. He would have gone to David and said, “One of the junior officers disobeyed your orders, and he will now rue the day for what he did.” He would have been court marshaled and disgraced. This man is both honorable and smart. There would have been no decorations or honor. He knows that be living his life as unto the Lord, he is doing the only thing that he can. Doing anything else would be to violate something in his soul.

He has been in the army long enough to suspect the worst. He knows that there is a great deal of hypocrisy in any large organization, whether the officer’s corps or any other large operation.

When God questioned Adam, Adam practiced CYA. Political conventions where women want equal rights rather than their exalted position. Some of these women were probably wonderful women at one time, but in the hands of a jackass male, they have been ruined.

Joab was put in custody of Absalom 3 years ago and this order was never rescinded. The courage of this junior officer reminds Joab that he needs to retain his own personal integrity. And Joab takes this to heart. And he decides, what does my integrity demand? I must kill Absalom. He knows that David will not touch him. He realized that if David does not judge and punish him this time, David is through as a ruler.

It takes great flexibility to have all of this authority, to hear this from a junior officer, and to do that which is right.

2Sam. 18:13 If I had jeopardized my own life [otherwise, I would have acted deceitfully in my own soul]--and nothing is hidden from the king--you would have abandoned me." You yourself would have taken a stand against me.

Then Joab retorted. He is unable to meet this argument with reason. Long before this lad was born, Joab had great integrity. He waves his hands and says, “Loqên.” He is saying, “I will not waste any more time with you.” That is the idiom for what he is saying.

So Joab now goes to where the other part of the patrol goes over to where Absalom is dangling. The junior officer is probably not with him at this point.

The integrity and the honor of the junior officer who led the patrol was a barrier that Joab could not go through. He could not have used this junior officer to do his job. Joab forgot doctrine and the principle of integrity. Why should Joab tamper with loyalty and integrity here? Do not every tamper with anyone’s loyalty or integrity. Jealousy makes you resent someone’s loyalty to someone else. Envy would cause you to seek to destroy this integrity. You will get triple compound discipline for this. Only Joab can directly do something about Absalom. No one else has this authority. Absalom was remanded into Joab’s custody, a custody order which was never rescinded. Not everyone who opposes you is your enemy and not everyone who is for you is your friend.

2Sam. 18:14 Joab said, "I'm not going to waste time with you!" He then took three spears in his hand and thrust them into Absalom's heart while he was still alive in the oak tree,

2Samuel 18:(11–13), 14–16                 72David                                              631_0473

August issue of 1980 talks about terrorism as the world’s deadliest plague. Government taking wealth from one person and giving it to another. In a free society, each productive person has the right to determine the direction of his own wealth. Totalitarian governments take what they want and give it to wherever they believe it ought to go. It does not matter to whom the money is given. To each, according to his ability; to each according to his need; Marxist evil. This relates to terrorism today. The use of force to achieve common ends; causing the abandonment of morality, to purchase murder is lawlessness whether the suction catheter of the abortionist or another in Africa. They assume the rule of force and abandon the rule of justice, when they... Day after day, sacraments of violence are presented in our home. The culture becomes insensitive to evil. They are accorded a glamourous...

Bob’s first group of young people had parents who did not like them coming to Berachah every single night and they ran Bob down because he represented strong authority that they did not approve of. Just because you are in Berachah Church does not mean you think like Berachah Church. Some of you mothers will be shocked to find out that your children are drunk all the time or they get pregnant. They did not learn the one thing they should have learned at home: restraint. Personal discipline. Their contemporaries are going crazy. They go in for Hedonism. If you do not put restraints on yourself, you will never have capacity for life. If you do not have standards that you recognize or appreciate, then there will be a problem. In growing up, you eventually get away from authority and you will not be worth a damn.

Bob was asked if he had a young people’s program, and he said no, they have their own program. They make it up as they go along. Do we supervise it? Of course not! Bob stopped supervising Bobby when he was 14. The whole purpose of having parents is to properly raise these so that they can regulate their own lives.

Bob has been in David for 9 months; the only New Testament passage is Monday morning.

We should be able to take the honor code from 3 years in Romans and putting it together with our own lives. Here is the doctrine, our experience, and it needs to be transferred. The hypostatic union must have an effect on our modus operandi.

Some of you girls have learned to avoid guys who are just chasing. The purpose of doctrine is to make you spiritually self-sustaining. The idea is to have happiness in your life.

Christianity is not permissive; it is self-restraining. It is not societal-restraining. You should have doctrine and you know not to do some things because they are wrong.

We have seen people like David make magnificent decisions and we also see him fail. Too much David at one time and the congregation gets a little dicey. The greatness of the great is the application of doctrine.

2Sam. 18:11 "You just saw him!" Joab exclaimed. "Why didn't you strike him to the ground right there? I would have given you 10 silver pieces and a belt!" [Furthermore, I would have given you a monetary reward (a decoration) as well as a promotion].

The sinfulness of deceit. Some do not realize that they are involving themselves in interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 18:12 The man replied to Joab, "Even if I had the weight of 1,000 pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king's son. For we heard the king command you, Abishai, and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for me.'

he even throws in a bit of sarcasm.

2Sam. 18:13 If I had jeopardized my own life [otherwise, I would have acted deceitfully in my own soul]--and nothing is hidden from the king--you would have abandoned me." You yourself would have taken a stand against me.

Joab is frustrated, but he realizes that this young man is right. Joab cannot just send some other junior officer out to kill Absalom. Absalom is Joab’s responsibility, and that is a correct decision.

Not everyone who opposes you is your enemy; and not everyone who is for you is your friend.

Joab grabs 3 javelins and carries them in his hand. Those who caught Absalom did not kill him, but his life was miserable. He was still alive, hanging in the oak tree.

2Sam. 18:14 Joab said, "I'm not going to waste time with you!" He then took three spears in his hand and thrust them into Absalom's heart while he was still alive in [and suspended from] the oak tree,

very thick leather and bits of horn sewn onto it. Joab throws 3 javelins into Absalom, but he is not dead. So there were 10 young men with Joab. Joab apparently cuts Absalom out of the tree. Joab steps back and 10 young soldiers went in for the kill. They were 10 elite soldiers; all airborne ranger types.

They hack Absalom to pieces and then he dies. Absalom was dying slowly with the javelins in the chest. People can continue to live after something like that. These young men are willing to face court marshal over this. Joab demonstrates his great moral courage in doing this.

2Sam. 18:15 and 10 young men who were Joab's armor-bearers surrounded Absalom, struck him [they hacked him to pieces], and killed him.

Joab was not going to continue in the slaughter. He killed Absalom, and that end the revolution.

Joab has used great restraint and he is entirely under his own personal control and that he controlled his men. He probably did not personally sound the recall, but this would be done with a number of trumpets.

Joab’s Professionalism

1.       Here we have the restraint of humility in victory. Watch a football team when the back scores a touchdown, if they hand the ball to the ref or walk away, this is a good, well-disciplined team. Those doing a dance show no personal restraint. Bob has noticed Campbell as being restrained. A great virtue of victory is the restraint of humility.

2.       One thing is important in war. One must be professional in the military and never take anything personally. One must avoid having vengeance as a motivation. We are out there to defeat the enemy; not to take revenge on them for what they have done. Vengeance means a loss of professionalism.

3.       Joab was a truly great professional because he demonstrated objectivity of humility. With this, and with flexibility, shows great professionalism. In the revolutionary army, there are a lot of soldiers who are great in combat, but now they are running for their lives because they are led by non-thinking generals. Americans do not appreciate MacArthur and a lot of combat people maligned him. You must be able to think, something that many of us are just discovering.

4.       The Holy Spirit includes this verse in the Bible to indicate that Joab’s slaying of Absalom was not vengeance. He was not settling a personal vendetta. Calling back the other troops prove this. There is nothing personal in it. He then sounds recall.

5.       Too often, Joab’s motivation has been attributed to revenge or the settlement of a personal grudge. Joab did not like Absalom in the 2nd half of his life. This execution is impersonal and professional. Absalom had once been his best friend. He was thinking all the time. He realizes that, if Absalom does not die, the revolution will be perpetuated. As soon as Absalom was dead, Joab continues to think professionally. The enemy will be a part of the nation again. An emotional man would have had a big blood surge. If you have to fight and kill in the future, fight professionally. There are a lot of talent boxers today, but with their great talent, they are not consistent. Sugar Ray Leonard got whipped by an ally cat from Panama. He fought professionally and Sugar Ray fought emotionally.

6.       The revolution could not be defeated while Absalom was alive.

7.       To save additional battles and the needless squandering of human lives, Joab killed Absalom.

8.       David’s general order regarding his son was arrogance, inflexibility and subjective thinking.

9.       Joab was right to ignore that order. Joab’s great moral courage. Like Eisenhower, with Churchill screaming at him, refused to go to Berlin. There were exceptions in Joab’s life, like obeying the order with regard to Uriah the Hittite; that was the worst.

2Sam. 18:16 Afterwards, Joab blew the ram's horn [Joab is giving the order here to blow the ram’s horn], and the troops broke off their pursuit of Israel because Joab restrained them.

2Samuel 18:(11–15), 16–17                 72David                                              631_0474

There was good leadership and good discipline. Joab was able to call of his troops, and they stopped pursuing the revolutionary enemy.

Leftism classification:

Good Government

Bad Government

Monarchy the rule of one man in the interest of the common good

Tyranny the rule one man for his own advantage

Aristocracy the rule of a particular group in the interest of the common good

Oligarchy is the rule of a group for their own advantage.

Republic is the rule of many for the advantage of the common good.

Democracy is mob rule for their own advantage.

David had a monarchy which fulfilled the laws of divine establishment. This provided the perfect balance between legitimate authority and freedom. Joab exercised personal and professional restraint.

Joab has freedom here, but he chooses to restrain himself. Having freedom and still restraining himself.

Joab’s Restraint

1.       The restraint of a victorious army is a sign of its tremendous discipline and ; setting aside one’s feeling in the interest of the company, army, whatever.

2.       This wise decision will mean that there will be more wise decisions on the part of Joab and David. Good decisions provide more options in the future.

3.       Because of Joab’s wisdom and the application of doctrine, David will be able to objectively resolve the problems of reuniting Israel.

4.       This sets the pattern for gracious reconstruction rather than vindictiveness and bitterness.

2Sam. 18:11 "You just saw him!" Joab exclaimed. "Why didn't you strike him to the ground right there? I would have given you 10 silver pieces and a belt!" [Furthermore, I would have given you a monetary reward (a decoration) as well as a promotion].

2Sam. 18:12 The man replied to Joab, "Even if I had the weight of 1,000 pieces of silver in my hand, I would not raise my hand against the king's son. For we heard the king command you, Abishai, and Ittai, 'Protect the young man Absalom for me.'

2Sam. 18:13 If I had jeopardized my own life [otherwise, I would have acted deceitfully in my own soul]--and nothing is hidden from the king--you would have abandoned me." You yourself would have taken a stand against me.

2Sam. 18:14 Joab said, "I'm not going to waste time with you!" He then took three spears in his hand and thrust them into Absalom's heart while he was still alive in [and suspended from] the oak tree,

Joab’s 10 elite surround Absalom. Restrain is a great manifestation of humility and capacity for life.

2Sam. 18:15 and 10 young men who were Joab's armor-bearers surrounded Absalom, struck him [they hacked him to pieces], and killed him.

These verses illustrate consistency of doctrine; this is not inconsistency. Application of doctrine is what he does, even though these decisions appear to contradict one another. These are consistent decisions. It was important to kill the ring leader but to spare the revolutionary army (as many as possible).

The nation will enter into 10 years of great prosperity. Joab’s 2 great decisions: to kill Absalom and to allow the revolutionaries to retreat and escape.

Joab’s wisdom and decisions have multiplied David’s decisions for reconstruction after the civil war. As the field commander, Joab made some great decisions. David, staying off the battlefield, is a great decision.

The death of one man allows for the rest to be spared. David would have decided to do exactly the opposite here.

Joab was a professional soldier and he had to give orders which would result in people dying. The more you use your head, the less you use your emotion. The result is, more lives are saved. These 2 wise decisions will pave the way for a wonderful 10 years of blessing followed by 40 years of Solomon’s reign.

We live in a time of terrorism. Unrestrained violence must be destroyed and controlled by an organized violence. Shooting down the students in Ohio was a good, establishment decision. Our government did not back them up, and the officer who gave the order was prosecuted.

We saw on tv a kidnapper being kicked by a detective. We have a great police chief and he investigated this instead of getting emotional. Channel 13 wanted to destroy this detective. These kidnappers are criminals who use violence all of the time. They resent controlled violence being used against them.

Criminals have sin natures which are out of control, and this is used against us.

In revolution and the reign of terror, there was no stopping this violence until the army stopped it, using greater and organized violence. Napoleon gave the order to fire, and he wiped out these criminals. When criminals use violence in prison, then you destroy them. Organized and humble violence must destroy arrogant violence. This is the principle of a soldier killing on the battlefield or a police officer shooting a criminal when committing a crime.

This woman in front has her mind wandering. Don’t let someone invite you to Berachah. My heart bleeds for you, but we are not going to stop so that you can readjust from your maladjustment.

2Sam. 18:16 Afterwards, Joab blew the ram's horn [Joab is giving the order here to blow the ram’s horn; then Joab sounded recall on the trumpet], and the troops broke off their pursuit of Israel because Joab restrained them.

Two verses on a burial. There were a lot of honorable dead on the battleground, having died. Yet we will examine Absalom’s death. So, why do we even study this? Why is this covered.

These 2 verses will deal with the living and the dead. The mutilated corpse of Absalom is not fit for the public eye.

Joab and Absalom’s Burial

1.       It would be a difficult thing for David to see the corpse.

2.       Joab disobeyed for higher motives. His general order did not apply to Joab, as Absalom was still in his custody.

3.       Joab had the authority to kill Absalom.

4.       As long as Absalom was alive, malcontent and arrogant people would rally to him and the revolution would continue. The malcontents we will have will us always. No matter how good an organization is it, there are always the malcontents. If there are more than 2 people, someone is malcontent, some of the time or all of the time.

5.       The junior office was right to refuse to kill Absalom and Joab was right to kill him.

6.       The junior officer did not have the right to refuse to obey David’s order.

7.       The rank of Joab and that Joab had been remanded into Absalom’s custody, gave him the right and privilege to klll Absalom.

8.       This was an excellent decision on Joab’s part. He does not bring the corpse back and flaunt it before David.

9.       Absalom’s burial was ignominies and obscure. Arrogance led Absalom to criminality and he had a criminal burial.

They dug a very deep hole and then they threw the body into the hole. There is a deep pit and then rocks will be stacked on him along with a few rocks above the ground. This is the sign of a criminal; of a traitor. There is a large, unmarked ground in which Absalom is buried. This is so there would not be a future rallying point for malcontents.

And erected over him was a piling of rocks. No grave could be exactly like this in Israel without disgrace being applied. This was customary for the burial of traitors. Achin was treated the same way in Joshua. Over his corpse was erected a huge pile of rocks. Achin was a traitor and a criminal. He stole. Absalom was a criminal and a traitor. Joab, without David’s consent, judged Absalom, executed him, and gave him a traitor’s burial. This pile of rocks is a monument to a traitor. This is his disorientation to life as a criminal. This is related to authority arrogance.

This principle is stated for humanity in general in Rom. 9:21 does not the potter possess authority over the clay? From the same lump to make a vessel for the purpose of honor and another vessel for the purpose of dishonor. The potter’s wheel is divine authority delegated under the laws of divine establishment. Divine authority relegated in the spiritual realm via Bible doctrine. The most basic authority delegated in the human race is the authority of parents over their children. Col. 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for in this, you glorify the Lord.

In that lump of clay is volition, on positive and negative signals. How you respond to your parents is a matter of honor or dishonor. A great majority of the human race never get over their failure at the potter’s wheel of authority. In some cases, the parents are too dumb to exercise their authority. And in others, free will is the greatest issue of life. This is why children do not have freedom.

A woman hauled off and slapped her child who was impudent, and her mother went to apologize, and Bob told her, no reason to do that. David was a lousy father to Absalom. The child like Absalom rejected parental authority. This was disorientation to life which limited his future decisions. The lump of clay is very important. This is the child’s volition and his decision maker. The decision to reject parental authority places the child inside of the arrogance complex. Disorientation to life always begins in childhood. The child in the home might be resentful, even though the child might have great parents. Such children start out and may never recover. The environment of evil, volitional entrance into interlocking systems of arrogance. The discipline of the home is enforced humility, which prepares the child for freedom. This prepares the child for necessary restraints. Such negative volition causes a person to run out of options until they find themselves under a pile of stones as an executed criminal.

The child who obeys his parents opens up future options. Eventually, the arrogant and the disoriented are...

Legitimate Authority and the Potter’s Wheel

1.       Ahithophel, Absalom and Amasa, are all vessels of dishonor. They have made their own decisions. The potter’s wheel represents discipline and authority in life. As a result, they ran out of options and all of them died the sin unto death.

2.       While knowledge of doctrine is the environment for thinking and humility + doctrine is the environment for good decisions, these who reject authority create their own evil and their own destruction. Absalom made every decision which put Absalom under this pile of rocks. For some of you, a pile of rocks is awaiting your corpse.

3.       Therefore, you are just as liable for failure as Absalom. Not because, as you look back, you fail in the home; but because you have rejected spiritual authority. Your spiritual authority is the one who communicates Bible doctrine to you. It is not the person who led you to Jesus Christ. Once you start resisting doctrine, it is all over. That is the last call. You made your last negative decision.

4.       You use your volition to be molded into a vessel of honor, like Jonathan, Abiathar, Zadok, Ittai the Gittite and Joab himself.

5.       Self-determined dishonor is rejecting parental authority. So is rejection of Bible doctrine. Parental authority is the original potter’s wheel. When you say “No” to parental authority, this is tantamount to the believer saying no to doctrinal authority. This is called the doctrine of the sin unto death.

The pile of stones over the grave of Absalom spells out a vessel of dishonor. Absalom made his own bad decisions and he ends up in a traitor’s grave.

Meanwhile, all of the revolutionary army fled each one to his tent. This refers to one’s home; habitat, dwelling place. Each one had his own home. They did not go back to their bivouac. They went home.

Absalom, Ahithophel and Their Arrogance

1.       These fleeing troops had made their own decisions from interlocking systems of arrogance.

2.       This arrogance was first developed in the home; now they flee to their home.

3.       Just like arrogant and reversionistic believers, they flee back to some coach, counselor or back to where discipline and enforced humility was a reality. Every now and again, you will see someone creeping back into our pews someone who has been disciplined. Now they have no clue as to what is being taught.

4.       Therefore, humble persons become the refuge for arrogant persons under divine discipline and punishment. What does this army think of now? Going home.

5.       Often, it is too late to help the arrogant who have caused their own problems they have created their own misery and they are beyond help. The road back is so difficult, that they are unwilling to take it. Most of them want a one-shot, instant solution. They want a magic wand to make it stop hurting.

6.       Recovery begins with humility, which can only exist through rebound; getting outside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Using one’s volition and disciplining oneself to come back on a daily basis. The one-shot solution does not exist. It takes a lot of decisions to get you into a jam and now you want one decision to get you back. Baptist church, and coming forward, and all of your friends throw their arms around you, and that works for about 5 hours.

7.       The enforced humility of becoming a student of Bible doctrine under the authority of someone who is teaching the Bible.

8.       But the pile of stones over the corpse of Absalom reminds us that Ahithophel and Absalom were once mature believers. Ahithophel committed suicide and Absalom died and his corpse is placed under a pile of rocks.

2Sam. 18:17 Furthermore, they took Absalom, threw him into a large pit in the forest, and piled a huge mound of stones over him. And all Israel fled, each to his tent [his own home].

2Samuel 18:18                                     72David                                              631_0475

You must gather together information in order to make decisions. The more doctrine that you learn, day by day, the better your decisions will be..

A magazine which Bob about jewelry which has been bought overseas and there has been some dishonesty. How to buy sapphires. The moral of the story is, knowledge must precede decision.

Absalom with his final setting; his monument to arrogance. This is designed for those who speculate about being remembered. If you get a lot of doctrine, more will remember you in times of great adversity. What is not perpetuated in humility is a monument to arrogance.

Enforced Humility

1.       Humility and arrogance cannot coexist in one’s life, except in the case of enforced humility.

2.       When the believer uses his volition in the form of self-discipline and self-control, which includes poise, he is using his volition to enforced humility. That is all the arrogant person has going for him.

3.       Self-discipline is enforced humility. Self-discipline is your volition deciding to place yourself under legitimate authority.

4.       The virtue of any organization is measured by its discipline, for discipline is enforced humility. Organizations can be formed very quickly and then terminated. We tried something new in prayer meeting. We prayed for all but one name on the prayer list. Just once, Bob wanted a public prayer meeting where every man was covered. This was somewhat of an enforced prayer meeting. A tremendous comradery of forced humility in this prayer meeting.

5.       The organization may possess many arrogant people; but the inculcation of discipline results in dignity and discipline and poise and efficiency in the organization. Discipline prepares for efficiency.

6.       Military, law enforcement, an athletic team, and academic organization; a social organization.

7.       No organization is composed entirely of virtuous people. Some are humble and some are honorable and some are not. An organization is composed of x number of old sin natures.

8.       Inculcated discipline enforced humility and discipline. So the organization is virtuous.

9.       The same principle applies to the individual. Every believer with eternal life has an old sin nature and they use it. The individual who is self controlled imposed on himself self-discipline.

10.     Joab is a good illustration of greatness through self-discipline. Even when Joab sinned and was out of fellowship, he could control and discipline himself to the point of poise. When he forced humility on himself as commander of the establishment army, then he was at his best.

Absalom lacked poise, self-restraint.

This stone represented the inflexibility of his arrogance. He succeeded in perpetuating his memory in stone, but as the heap of stones over the traitor’s grave.

Absalom’s arrogant motivation is expressed with this monument. There is not to me means I have not.

Absalom names the monolith after his own name. It is called Absalom’s monument to this very day.


1.       What is not perpetuated in humility is a monument to human arrogance.

2.       So much of history is a monument to man’s arrogance.

3.       Life is meaningless without eternal salvation, and for the saved one, life is meaningless without the possession of Bible doctrine in the soul.

4.       Life is meaningless without the plan of God. There is no purpose or plan.

5.       God is truth and God is the source of all truth. The only monument to be perpetuated is the monument of Bible doctrine and Bible doctrine in the soul.

There are many people whose names are on stone, and, for awhile, there are some who can remember them personally. Some of you young people are trying to eke out a little fun in between Bible class. But your forget that you will move through life and you will be a fragrance of memory or not. How much of a fragrance of memory have you left behind in your contacts in life. Arrogance will only be thought of in terms of hatred and being despised.

To completely forget the wonderful army that had delivered him, David became overly concerned for the dead, without recognizing the living. The only monument you need is the fragrance of memories.

Bob has found out that the seats of the congregation are uncomfortable.

2Sam. 18:18 When he was alive [but, during his lifetime], Absalom had erected for himself a pillar [obelisk, monument] in the King's Valley, for he had said, "I have no son to preserve the memory of my name." So he gave the pillar his name. It is still called Absalom's Monument today.

2Samuel 18:(18), 19                             72David                                              631_0476

Previous verse read.

2Sam. 18:18 When he was alive [but, during his lifetime], Absalom had erected for himself a pillar [obelisk, monument] in the King's Valley, for he had said, "I have no son to preserve the memory of my name." So he gave the pillar his name. It is still called Absalom's Monument today.

Nearly half a chapter will be devoted to a race back to headquarters. This goes through 19:8.

Organizational humility precedes genuine humility and motivates the individual to carry on despite his failures.

Organizational Humility

1.       All enforced humility begins with some form of organization or some system of authority involved with that organization.

2.       Enforced humility precedes genuine humility. There can be no genuine humility apart from enforced humility. No person is naturally humble.

3.       Enforced humility precedes genuine humility; genuine humility must be learned in the atmosphere of organizational humility.

4.       Enforced humility begins in the home with the parents, providing the basis for genuine humility. We are all born into an organization called a family. This begins in the home with the parents acting as the authorities.

5.       The home is the first system of organizational humility which precedes genuine humility.

6.       Remember that humility is not the same as an inferiority complex. It is not a person who stands round shouldered, stares at the ground a lot and utters dulcet phrases. Humility is not the same as an inferiority complex.

7.       The parents become the first teachers and the first trainers in life. This is why the Bible commands, Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

8.       The parents train their children restraint by volition. The children learn to govern themselves, to restrain themselves. When a person is on his own, humility demands that you use your own volition to restrain yourself. Self-discipline or self-restraint is one of the most virtuous aspects of life.

9.       The result of genuine humility is good manners, respect for others, respect for their property and privacy; and all the capacities.

10.     Such organizational humility is found in the authority of the home, which self-discipline is inculcated. When you are stopped by the police, a few “yes, sirs” are in order. Or the policeman who brings home little Johnny, who never did anything wrong in his life.

11.     This becomes compliance to the laws of divine establishment and it results in genuine humility. Genuine humility is learned, acquired, developed. Arrogance can be overcome by humility. You do not go from arrogance to humility. You go from arrogance to organizational humility to enforced humility to genuine humility. The compliance with the laws of divine establishment. In effect, rendering unto Ceasar the things that are Caesar’s.

12.     The result for the believer and unbeliever alike in a client nation to God is compatibility with the organization. Genuine humility is the supreme trait.

Organizational Virtue

1.       The virtue of any organization is measured by its inculcation of discipline.

2.       An organization may possess many arrogant people but they are capable of functioning efficiently in that organization because of organizational humility, which leaves to enforced humility.

3.       The virtue of any organization is measured by its discipline which makes the organization function efficiently. All divine institutions are organizations.

Public education today is a farce. It is not the quality or the content of the curriculum; it is because there is no enforced humility. You cannot be educated apart from enforced humility. When organizational humility is dropped, then there is no enforced humility, which means no education. No organization can accomplish the purpose for which it is formed without enforced humility, which is discipline. The church cannot accomplish its purpose, without enforced humility. The local church is designed to gather believers together in order to learn doctrine. You must respect the communicator of doctrine in order for you to learn anything. They are not to organize a paramilitary organization. If the church even considers organizing anything like this. That is a failure of the church. Bob is constantly in touch with reporters. The local church ought not to be a source of news. It does not call for us to be in contact with the 4th estate. There is the Dallas Morning News and the new syndicates. There is some rumor that we take you out in the woods and train you. Frankly, I am not in favor of taking any of you out into the woods. You would be dumb enough to start a fire in your tent. If you want to learn how to shoot, that is your business, not ours. There are those who came into this congregation, scooped up a lot of people, left town with a lot of debts and bad feelings, and started a Jones type of church; a cult. They steal Berachah Church tapes or someone sends those idiots tapes and they distort it. We repudiate any group of people who have left this church and have started a cult. These people are completely out of line. A news organization will go out to one of these places, find a tape, and think that we are in league together. The whole virtue of an organization is lost when people fail to realize its importance. Bob may have to constantly live with members of the 4th estate trying to hook Berachah up with cults and with terrorism, which we repudiate; with those who want to go out and camp. We are for the military. We do not try to do their job for them. We are for police officers; but we don’t think we ought to do this job. One reporter said we are the strongest arm of the John Birch Society. I don’t even know that John Birch Society. I am not here to push the Ku Klux Klan or the John Birch or anything else. We may have unkind things to say about our leadership, but it is merely to illustrate something. We have authority in the church, so that you can sit down there, and, humble or not, you can still function. You can be in psychotic arrogance in your job, but you are still able to function. You can be the most arrogant jackass who ever lived and still do your job. Organizational humility is the most basic humility in life. People are able to function in an organization because they respect the authority of the organization with which they are affiliated.

When you have a tragedy in your life, a heartache, a disaster; you go to work the next day because you have self-discipline.


4.       No organization is filled with only virtuous people. Not all are competent.

5.       Inculcated discipline and results in enforced humility and efficiency.

Spiritual Humility

1.       The local church provides organizational humility which precede genuine humility in the spiritual realm.

2.       Genuine humility comes from growing to the filling of the Holy Spirit.

3.       The self-discipline necessary to be consistently positive toward any given pastor.

4.       The combination of results in academic discipline.

5.       From the function of academic discipline comes the development of genuine humility. And for some of you girls, genuine humility is the only way that you are going to have a love life.

6.       This genuine humility is absolutely necessary for the plan of God in phase II. The home is where you first learn any sort of humility. This trains you to regulate your own life. Your parents train you how to regulate your life so that you are able to regulate your life in the future. The curse of the Lord is on the house of evil, but He blesses the home of imputed righteousness. He makes war against the arrogant but gives grace to the humble. Fools carry away dishonor. None of us can afford to go to war with God. Clothe yourselves with humility towards one another. Therefore, humble yourselves under the might hand of God, that He may promote you in due time.

More Points

1.       Every believer possesses a sin nature and he uses it.

2.       The rebound technique is designed by God to provide instant victory over the old sin nature. It provides restoration of the Spirit.

3.       Both enforced and genuine humility are designed by man to function in spite of sin or evil.

4.       Self-control or self-discipline is a matter of personal training and volition. You find yourself having failed here or there, and yet you are still able to function in life.

5.       Joab is a good illustration of greatness under enforced humility leading to genuine humility. In spite of his sins and failures, Joab continues to function as the field commander of the establishment army, even when he failed. This is because of enforced humility.


7.       Joab is the greatness of enforced humility. He had great poise.

8.       In 2Sam. 19, we will see enforced and genuine humility required in Joab to reprimand David. Only Joab and Nathan were able to do this. He straightened his uncle David out.

9.       We also note the complete failure of David in the arrogance complex. He had no real humility. He was involved with emotional arrogance and psychopathic arrogance. He was completely removed from reality. He did not function as a king in any way. He loses his poise because of his son Absalom. In so doing, he reveals a complete lack of humility in all 3 categories: org, enf, and gen. He interlocked with psychopathic arrogance and it resulted in the arrogance of unhappiness. He thought he could still be happy if Absalom was still alive. However, this is false. David assumed in arrogance that his very happiness depended upon Absalom being alive. What is it in life that you think you need to have in order to be happy? The issue in happiness is Bible doctrine. He functions in spite of his sins and failures.

Ahimaaz starts out with a term of politeness. If someone is in authority over you, then you respect their authority. You go with sir or mam. Their personality is not your business. Ahimaaz has some genuine humility here.

The victory is good news; the death of Absalom is bad news. Ahimaaz was a mature believer, so he therefore had great wisdom. In fact, he had no intention of mentioning Absalom. Ahimaaz was one of the intelligence couriers, which allowed David to determine what to do.

Joab knows this young man personally, and he is concerned that, if Absalom’s name is brought up, that David might take it out on Ahimaaz. Joab apparently seeks to shield Ahimaaz from David’s anger. Ahimaaz has correctly interpreted the outcome. He has applied the plan of God rationale and the essence of God rationale and logistical grace as a rationale; and Ahimaaz understands theh relationship between the love of God and the justice of God.

2Sam. 18:19 Ahimaaz son of Zadok said, "Please let me run and tell [announce to] the king the good news that the LORD has delivered [vindicated] him from his enemies."

The other runner will be brutal. There is no skin component here; it has nothing to do with one having light skin or another having dark skin. The African has not learned any doctrine; he may not even be a believer. The problem is in the person’s soul. We will have some unkind things to say about the African, but there is no racial issue here. This issue is what is in the soul.

David’s psychopathic arrogance will come out.

The African is called a Cushite. The African has a strong body, but no doctrine in his soul. No ability to think under pressure. This is not a Jew versus a Negro here.

Joab tells him that he will not be the one to carry the good news to David. The reason is, the king’s son is dead. That bit of news will overshadow the good news. David has been known to kill a courier? We have studied that? Anyway, Joab is not sending Ahimaaz for that reason.

2Sam. 18:20 Joab replied to him, "You are not the man to take good news today. You may do it another day [on another occasion], but today you aren't taking good news, because the king's son is dead."

2Samuel 18:21–23                               72David                                              631_0477

Joab sends the Cushite out to tell the king what he had seen. This is a word for African. Cush used to stand for the entire Sudan, at one time. The African is often rewarded for doing this. He takes off over the mountains.

2Sam. 18:21 Joab then said to the Cushite, "Go tell the king what you have seen." The Cushite bowed [saluted] to Joab and took off running.

Ahimaaz asks again in order to run and report this to David. Ahimaaz persisted at this point. He knew the African and did not believe that he would be thoughtful about giving him the news. He was going to give David the victory information apart from the death of his son. There is organizational humility. Organizational humility is the only way that someone gets to genuine humility. No one is born with genuine humility. The filling of the Holy Spirit can only be maintained when the person has genuine humility.

The parents represent authority and policy. They represent policy in life and they teach policy and principle in life and represent authority in the lives of their children. We learn through orientation to authority. The key is, how do you use your freedom when you get away from your parents? If you fail to learn policy and principle of life, then you will fail out in the real world. You will never be happy in a man-woman relationship; you will never have any friends who last. You must learn as an adult to regulate your own life. Yoiu must be able as an adult to take your freedom and use it properly. Your parents do you a great service by setting up a policy and making you stick to it. They set up principles and punish you when they do not meet your standards or hold to those principles. There are a lot of arrogant sinful people who will go to work and do effective work at their job, in spite of the fact that they are liberals, confused, sinful, evil and arrogant. Organizational humility allows them to do a good job, a great job or even an efficient job. It is basically organizational humility.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken, because you have to have one chicken at the head of the pecking order. Human life is imputed to the soul and human life resides in the house. Your whole life depended upon obeying your parents. And you whined around the house saying, “Everyone else is doing it, why can’t I?” This was enforcing humility.

People without this either rejected their parent’s authority. Or the parents did not enforce any rules.

Bob’s had different standards. He had to always get home before his father left. Once, Bob was the only sober one at the party, and he drove all the girls home. Bob learned to accept his authority, when there was a disagreement.

A lot of you are twitching in your seats. I know why. You ran away from home. You sneaked out. Your parents would not let you do what the other kids did. Happiness, blessing in life for unbelievers under the laws of divine establishment demand that you have enforced or genuine humility.

You spiritual authority is the pastor-teacher; he is your spiritual parent. You can accept or reject the authority. The purpose of acceptance of his authority is to learn Bible doctrine.

David failed. Arrogance of emotion. He had abnormal grief for Absalom. He could not function. He ought to be giving out decorations for what the army has done, but he cannot even function. He goes back to HQ in Mahanaim and covers his head and cries. He became psychopathic. As you get into this and interlock with arrogance, you stop functioning. The problem is, you cannot function. Arrogant people can function in their job and in other areas. They can still brush their teeth. They can carry on with the routine. Arrogant people are brought under organizational humility. This produces a system of authority. This produces enforced humility which overcomes the arrogance factor.

There are a lot of people who play football who are totally arrogant. They are under a system of discipline. Many will lose out when they lose out the enforced humility factor. They will go out and take cocain or some drug. Their volition is tied into interlocking systems of arrogance. There is no such thing as a person who is always humble. You can be consistently humble. This is why military service is something that every young man should be in. This puts you under a system of authority that you resent. You learn to carry on, in spite of your feelings.

2 men will race to headquarters and Ahimaaz will not go unless he is ordered to. The African is able to run and to do a good job of running, and his salute was his enforced humility.

We already saw one of Joab’s mistakes—the reprimand of the junior officer. Enforced humility carried him along. When you are in psychopathic arrogance, you are too divorced from the reality of life. You have an authority in your soul; your volition. You restrain yourself when some idiot goes by and makes gestures. You keep yourself together at other times when people are falling apart.

You are born and you are given parents. You are born into organizational humility. You are in a very humble state as a baby, helpless and powerless. At the same time you learn enforced humility. You learn how to take your own volition and limit your own volition. You learn not to go beyond your own limitations. But when you try to compete with everyone or to be tougher than everyone and you go beyond your capabilities, and you put on airs and want to begin at the top, that is arrogant.

There were a lot of young people from this church, and the parents would run Bob down. The kids all went to college together and the ones who busted out were the ones on negative volition. The ones with humility did fine. There was no enforced humility. “You may not like his personality, but listen.” In life, freedom is not the issue, authority is the issue. Can you regulate your life? Can you go somewhere that know one knows you? Do you go bananas? What happens when you are out from under the restraining eye.

“I’m a free spirit.” Free spirits do not last 3 minutes. They have no self-discipline, no control over their own lives.

Worst problem today is dope.

Everyone has to start out with enforced humility. The kid who sneaks behind his parent’s back, the kid who ridicules his teacher, tomorrow, he is scum, dead, a druggie, a suicide.

You see it in the music that the kids listen to. Give them a tail and a tree and they would hang from it. We all will have a certain number of tragedies in our lives. We will have great moments and some difficulties, individually or collectively.

In the competition of life, in the function of life, in the development of your life, all of these things are determined by your volition. People tend to blame God for what their own volition does. You never respect and understand your own volition until you put yourself under the authority of someone else. A woman married to a lousy guy. Putting your volition under a drill sergeant. If you wipe out authority, you have anarchy; you do not have freedom. If you wife our freedom, it is anarchy.

This is not a race between a white man and a black man; or 2 from different strata of life. This is a matter of the function of the soul.

Every one of us has some talent. This is why fundies have preachers meetings because they get all confused.

In a local church, there is some kind of a board; there are officers and deacons. Bob thinks they have the best administration of anyone that he has known. Personality is not an issue. Natural attraction or natural dislike are never the issue with your pastor. Whether you like him or not is not the issue.

Everything in life must come from the principle of authority. Perhaps you have a high IQ, but it never does you any good. The same thing is true of many criminals. Many of them have high IQ’s but they are not willing to place themselves under authority. People with low IQ’s can learn more than those with high IQ’s because they are willing to place themselves under authority in order to learn. Before the blessing, there is acceptance of authority.

There are many church tramps that go from one church to another, one organization to another, and they reject the principle of authority. Unbelievers can be moral and so, that is not the Christian way of life. The Royal Family Honor Code is the key to our life.

Some people choose a dress code. Others set up some system of works or a church loyalty thing, or an observation of taboos. All of these a pseudo systems. All systems of pseudo spiritually lack subordination. The minister who gets out of line gets double discipline from God.

You never have to worry about pastors. You might have to worry about your company commander or the coach or the principal at your school. You never have to worry about the pastor, because he will get it so horribly.

Ahimaaz is aggressive, but his aggression recognizes authority. He will be tactful at David’s HQ but aggressive with Joab. In both cases, he recognizes authority. It is controlled aggressiveness. This recognizes the authority of his superior, who is Joab. Objectivity, flexibility and the ability to think under pressure. He is persistent in submitting his request to go. He is persisted but respectful.

“But, please, sir, come what may, let me run after the African.” What one may lack in great athletic ability can be made up by thinking, motivation and determination.

Bob noticed that coaches took kids with the strong arm. Bob wanted a person with balance, and could stand on one leg. He learns to always hold the ball the same way for a fast ball. He learns and he hides it. Bob taught them to do all of the correction with their stride foot. They learn a system. Bob can make a kid with normal ability into a pitcher. He just has to be willing to learn a whole system before he gets out and pitches his first ball.

You can’t cut it without poise. All of these things relate.

This young man has something in his soul. His enforced humility has become genuine humility. He may know that once the runner gets out of the routine system, can he be tactful; will he consider the feelings of the king.

Why a half a chapter on a race? Therefore, we are going to tackle it.

A lot of young men think it is unmanly to be tactful. Or to be polite. Some of this must have been in the thinking of Ahimaaz. While all of this talking is going on, the African is running.

Zeh + lama together mean why? It means on account of this. He is motivated to carry out these orders. “Why are you motivated? Why do you want to run? You will have no reward for going.” You have no chance to beating the African.

Joab tries to check and restrain Ahimaaz. He persists, and therefore makes an issue out of his own motivation. His motivation is still virtuous. He is concerned about David. He wants to spare his feelings, and it is true respect.

2Sam. 18:22 However, Ahimaaz son of Zadok persisted and said to Joab, "No matter what [come what may be], please let me run too behind the Cushite!" Joab replied, "My son, why do you want to run since you won't get a reward?"

He makes his last plea. He requests permission one more time. Joab thinks about this and tells him to run. He outruns the African. There are steep cliffs. Absalom was lured into the rugged terrain and he was defeated in the forests of Ephraim. Most of this is very rugged country. The African took the short route; Ahimaaz when straight down to the valley and ran in the plain. He thought through this. He took the easier running, which was a longer distance. The Cushite took a direct, shorter route that was difficult running. He thinks when he is under pressure. The greatest thing we can do is to take the doctrine which we learned and to apply it when under pressure.

2Sam. 18:23 "No matter what I want to run!" "Then run!" Joab said to him. So Ahimaaz ran by way of the plain and outran the Cushite.

2Samuel 18:24–28                               72David                                              631_0478

A tremendous amount of talent in Berachah Church. Even though many of you listen to doctrine every day, at least once; these talents are of little meaning apart from doctrine.

The African has great natural talent as a runner.

In the past century, the Arabs exploited Africans to the maximum, using them as slaves. The British went into some nations at this time and established law and order. Mary Slessher traveled all over Africa as a missionary, leading many to Jesus Christ. What fascinated Bob is that no African threatened her, apart from witch doctors. Africans ruled by Africans is generally a tyranny. Rhodesia has now been destroyed and it was a wonderful nation at one time. It is now a communist system; there is one radio station and one television station. 2000 white people are leaving Rhodesia every month.

Going back to the New Testament this fall. They are racing toward headquarters. This is not a racial issue. This is all about doctrine. There is no reason that African countries cannot be prosperous or Southeast Asia, except a rejection of the truth and the gospel and establishment truth. This is all related to the truth; not to the color of one’s skin. The issue is the soul; not the race; not the color of the skin.

The battle of Ephraim takes place in a rugged area. High country, a little plain, and David’s headquarters is in Mahanaim. The African takes the shortest rout over very difficult terrain. Ahimaaz is taking a longer distance but much of it over plain.

David is sitting between the 2 gates. There is the tower gate and a guard room over the top of the gate. It is a double gate and double walled system. There are 2 walls and 2 gates in this one area. Guards on each gate. David is sitting between these two gates. This is the gate courtyard. David is preoccupied with Absalom. He is in interlocking systems of arrogance. So, this is the inner and outer gate with a courtyard between them. David cannot see over the gate. There are staff with him. He can see the high tower called the gate tower.

The officer of the day or a sentry is meant by tsapha. There is an observation tower to observe the terrain for any signs of a hostile force and this was a routine function for the officer of the day. As he made his observation, he looked up and saw. He sees one runner approaching the gates. Ahimaaz is the one he sees.

David was probably saved by this young man, who will give David the important information, which is that they had won. David hears that there is one man, which would be good news, that they had won. A bunch of men would indicate a wide scale retreat.

2Sam. 18:24 David was sitting between the two gates when the watchman went up to the roof of the gate and over to the wall. The watchman looked out and saw a man running alone.

David was able to think professionally. Since there are not a number of men running, David assumes that there is good news. The runner is sprinting and he can see the tape ahead and he knows he is ahead of the African. The African would have won, if they ran side-by-side. However, this man had doctrine and ran a smarter route.

2Sam. 18:25 He called out and told the king. The king said, "If he's alone, he bears good news." As the first runner came closer,

The watchman is really the officer of the day. The gatekeeper here is the sentry.

David is coming up the steps, but the officer of the day calls to the sentry, because he will have to keep the gate open for this second man.

2Sam. 18:26 the watchman [the officer of the day] saw another man running. He called out to the gatekeeper [sentry], "Look! Another man is running alone!" "This one is also bringing good news," said the king.

The king is able to reach correct conclusions on the insignificant things of life. Normal people, even when psychopathic, can come to good conclusions about routine procedures. However, interlocking systems of arrogance have him confused.

The officer of the day says, “I am the one seeing” but this is an idiom which means “in my opinion.” He recognizes the running style of the first man. His features could not be distinguished, but his running style was known.

No one is instantly humble. This takes time, authority and discipline, until a person is able to control themselves.

2Sam. 18:27 The watchman [the officer of the day] said [commented], "The way the first man runs looks to me like the way Ahimaaz son of Zadok runs." "This is a good man [that one is an honorable man]; he comes with good news [the better good news]," the king commented.

Ahimaaz thinks and speaks like an aristocrat. Most aristocracy starts with achievers. They rule because they have great ability. Charles Martel. All achievement in life is meaningless unless it is related to the soul or related to thought. The poor arrogant person who builds up muscles. Those who just build muscle to build muscle often do so in their souls as well. You cannot even be a good lover unless you can think.

Bob has noticed that some of the most beautiful women go out with the strangest guys. There is no problem with muscles; but it cannot take the place of thought.

Ahimaaz is a great athlete in his own right, although the African is a greater runner.

Aristocracy always gets its start with thought; the ability to think. The ability to take responsibility for others. We in effect are trying to appear like macho men. The jean era. The running around and looking sloppy. This represents a mentality. This is the believer who lacks doctrine and the unbeliever who lacks truth. These are all symptoms. Same as the hippies on tv late Saturday Night. Bob sees men who cannot be made into good soldiers in a few months. They have no humility or respect for authority. They have no ability to learn under authority. Hippies do not win wars. The whole hippie aspect; a gypsy is a whole attitude of mind. Reflected by a kind of living.

The report is given to Ahimaaz. He addressed himself to the king by hailing him. He says, “Shalom.” He takes a moment to catch his breath. He makes his message in one word, all he is able to get out.

All peace comes through military victory. With one word, he can convey everything to David. If you have learned to think and you have thousands of words in your vocabulary, you can often communicate everything in one word. Ahimaaz announces the news with respect for David’s thinking. Ahimaaz will become one of the greatest of the high priests.

He is in the presence of the king for the second sentence. David comes down from the tower over the wall. The messenger bows down, as per protocol. The African will show no good manners. The African will bow to Joab, but he will not bow down to David. He expects someone to earn his respect. The African doesn’t like David; Joab has earned the African’s respect. When you look to authority and expect them to earn your respect, then you are in trouble.

In the case of Ahimaaz, his soul has doctrine and he has true humility; the African has no doctrine and no respect for authority. The African has a soul kink. “I will only respect the one who has earned my respect.” That person will never have any happiness in life. There will be a lack of capacity for life and a lack of capacity for love.

The African suffers from authority arrogance. He rejects authority, which is the environment for freedom.

The Problem of the African

1.       Authority arrogance is that egocentricity whereby legitimate authority from God is rejected resulting in disorientation to life.

2.       The laws of divine establishment define legitimate authorities delegated by God to human beings. No such thing as a perfect person. Some have authority and some do not; and people on both sides have sin natures. When you reject authority, you are suffering from interlocking systems of arrogance.

3.       Since all people possess the old sin nature, humility orients to the principle of authority. Arrogance rejects authority by emphasizing the personality. Arrogance says, “I need rapport to obey the authority. I must respect the authority.” This is why universal military training is necessary. Bob chews out a redheaded boy.

4.       This begins with human life at birth. The authority of the parents is key to life. It is not who your parents are or anything else; it is just their authority. Particularly when they are being unreasonable. You face the real issues at this point. Upon this hangs your whole life. Most of you think of happiness as a boy or a girl; prosperity, wealth, etc. You never realize that the real issue is the authority of your parents. When you are born again, then it is the authority of your pastor. All of us receive the imputation of human life. Human life is imputation to the soul. With human life and a sin nature, what keeps you in line? The authority of your parents.

Zeruiah did a tremendous job raising her 3 sons. Joab will demonstrate his parental training very shortly in this passage. Mankind needs orientation to life. A petty person is someone who is so arrogant that he thinks he is always right and thinks that anyone who offends him is wrong. There are a lot of pleasing things in life, but without respect for authority. Like the wonderful dog you love, but as soon as a stranger comes into the run, he jumps all over him and gets hair all over him. Dr. Armading said, “Either this dog goes or I go.” This dog has not been trained, like Mike Stribbling trains. Be concentrating on them who are ruling over you (Heb. 13). You do not emulate the pastor, his personality or his sin nature; you emulate his doctrine; you emulate what he teaches. Children, obey your parents in everything because this pleases the Lord (Col.3:20).

2Sam. 18:28 Ahimaaz called out to the king, "All is well [shalom = peace, prosperity, victory]," and then bowed down to the king with his face to the ground. He continued, "May the LORD your God be praised! He delivered up the men who rebelled against my lord the king."

2Samuel 18:(26–27), 28–32                 72David                                              631_0479

Got a good copy of this lesson. A lot of people miss what is taught because they are so busy trying to have an opinion about what is being taught.

2Sam. 18:26 the watchman [the officer of the day] saw another man running. He called out to the gatekeeper [sentry], "Look! Another man is running alone!" "This one is also bringing good news," said the king.

2Sam. 18:27 The watchman [the officer of the day] said [commented], "The way the first man runs looks to me like the way Ahimaaz son of Zadok runs." "This is a good man [that one is an honorable man]; he comes with good news [the better good news]," the king commented.

Doctrine is the mind of Christ. Bible doctrine is the absolute authority and standard for faith and practice for every believer who fulfills the plan of God for his life. You must be taught the Bible doctrine to exercise your spiritual freedom.

The child who reject parental authority will also reject pastoral authority. This results in disorientation to spiritual life. This rejects God’s perfect plan for our life.

The African, as we have already noted, is disoriented to life through rejecting authority. He is arrogant. He will not submit to anyone’s authority unless their earn his respect. The great flaw of leadership today is the leader who feels that he must earn the respect of those who are under his command. The leader fulfills his function, whether you are respect or not. Arrogance demands to have their respect earned.

When you feel that your opinion is more important than military life, you desert. If you think your opinion is more important than what is being taught, you get up and leave; or you talk; or you look around. Some are so preoccupied with what they think that they lose track of reality. They are disoriented to life. The African is such an illustration. Everyone is tested with someone in authority.

Many people have promotion and success, but they have no happiness. Ahimaaz has passed the test and the African has failed the test. All self righteous people are arrogant and they value their own opinion over circumstances around them.

This hiss is by far the greatest noise factor. This is the arrogance of people. Bob has not been to a movie for sometime, but he understands that they are quite noisy now. American people are no longer functioning like American people. They are self-centered arrogance.

Barak is what he says next. The verb means to bless. The passive participle means being blessed, praised. Sagar in the Piel means to deliver, to shut down; to close down an opposing power. Throughout, notice that he respects the king and his position.

Ahimaaz recognizes that Jesus Christ controls history, for he calls Him Jehovah Elohim. This reflects his own application of doctrine, as well as his courtesy. There is no reference to Absalom. This expresses his own humility and his own orientation to life. He is occupied with the Person of Christ. Also the establishment rationale as well. He is occupied with the Person of Christ as the source of the victory. David is not, due to his emotional arrogance. This was the perfect report. It was brief, doctrinal, and it eliminated any reference to Absalom. He is obviously a great believer and he will be the High Priest under King Solomon.

2Sam. 18:28 Ahimaaz called out to the king, "All is well [shalom = peace, prosperity, victory]," and then bowed down to the king with his face to the ground. He continued, "May the LORD your God be praised! He delivered up [shut down] the men who rebelled against my lord the king."

The king wants to know about Absalom. Ahimaaz is going to allow Joab to deal with this. Hamown means noise, sound, a crowd, a commotion.

Ahimaaz refuses to be the messenger about Absalom. He is thoughtful, tactful and he has good manners.

2Sam. 18:29 The king asked, "Is the young man Absalom all right?" Ahimaaz replied, "When Joab sent the king's servant [the African] and your servant, I saw a big disturbance [commotion, a large crowd], but I don't know what it was [what was happening]."

Then we will get the brutal report of the African. The king was satisfied with that report and did not pursue the matter further. Ahimaaz demonstrates great honor and appreciation for David’s authority.

2Sam. 18:30 The king said, "Move aside and stand here." So he stood to one side.

Ahimaaz is now in the presence of the king.

Now we have the report of the African. “Let my lord, the king, receive the good news.” This is official protocol. The African was the official runner. There is no saluting, no bowing down. When he left Joab, he bowed himself down. So, here, he only uses the official language.

Joab apparently instructed the African to not mention Absalom. Now, when he is asked, perhaps the African will determine to act on his own, and determine that he can break the news to David in a reasonable way.

The African says exactly what Joab told him to say. Revolution is tyranny and God blesses the establishment power.

2Sam. 18:31 Just then the Cushite came and said, "May my lord the king hear the good news: today the LORD has delivered [vindicated] you from all those rising up against you!"

The African will get his oar in. He is looking for a reward. His arrogance will catch up with him. He will end up humiliating an entire army, because of what the African says. He was told to keep his mouth shut about Absalom. He could not resist it. Ahimaaz kept his mouth shut. The African could not hold back.

Joab needs to explain all of this to David, and he would have done this right.

Bob learned in seminary how to look up all the good commentators and how to tell them from the lousy commentators. Every single conservative commentator will lambast Joab, and they are all wrong. They will criticize Joab’s harsh and cruel words. These jackasses never bother to look at the context. Joab demonstrates great moral courage. He will be most spiritual.

This African is arrogant and he is probably mad at Ahimaaz for stealing his thunder, and it is possible the Ahimaaz got some money from David for this report. So, he thinks that he can get a reward if he speaks up and tells everything.

Ahimaaz won the race because he figured out the easier route.

This African is a very smart person. He is able to say that Absalom is dead, without appearing to offend the king. And, this makes him the first to reveal this information to the king.

God the Holy Spirit devotes half a chapter to this. The imperfect is really the jussive of wish, and it means, “Let the enemies of my Lord the King, become as that young man.” He does not name Absalom by name. So he follows the letter of the law. Joab said, “Don’t mention his name” and so he doesn’t mention his name. Don’t say, that Absalom is dead. So, this African does not use the word “dead” nor does he mention Absalom’s name.

He makes an attempt to flatter the king. He is a very ambitious man. He is looking for a reward. Inordinate ambition related to arrogance. He thinks that he can play Joab by following his command to the word, but he could get a reward from David at the same time for filling out the report.

The African mentions the principle of evil as well. He lacks honor. There are a lot of people who will flatter us. A lot of people have figured out some way to make themselves useful to us.

Many times, people who despise you flatter you. Being arrogant, you are subject to flattery. There are those who will turn against you at the first provocation. David was a sucker and he is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

2Sam. 18:32 The king asked the Cushite, "Is the young man Absalom all right?" The Cushite replied, "May what has become of the young man happen to the enemies of my lord the king and to all who rise up against you with evil intent."

There is one more verse to go, but we will not explain it. 2Sam. 19 will explain it.

2Sam. 18:33 The king was deeply moved [emotionally disturbed] and went up to the gate chamber and wept. As he walked, he cried, "My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!"

He mentions dying himself. He cannot think. He is out of it emotionally. He should be gathering up his army and going back to Jerusalem, and he cannot get it together.

Job 5:19–

As a believer, you have a wall of fire around you.

Job 5:19 He will rescue you from six calamities; no harm will touch you in seven.

In economics calamity, you have to be able to eat. Every professional soldier needs to have a relationship with God so that he is not killed.

Job 5:20 In famine He will redeem you from death, and in battle, from the power of the sword.

He is to be hidden in a place of security. Not fearing means, he will be able to think under pressure.

The believer will be safe from slander which is social attacks.

Job 5:21 You will be safe from slander and you will not fear destruction [death] when it comes.

Protection is what is being taught. We will take 2 things out of the 4. Take depression from v. 20 and then death from v. 21. They are both extreme disasters.

Saqach which means to laugh. This is not nervous laughter, but enjoyable laughter. Animals represent danger at that time, and it is something that is often unexpected and sudden. It might be cars, transportion problem, or something which puts your life in danger.

God provides a wall of fire, and in that wall of fire, you are able to think. Bible doctrine is greater than anything in life. But Bible doctrine in the Bible is useless. It must be Bible doctrine in your soul. It must be the plan of God rationale. Imputation rationale. Establishment rationale.

The person who thinks under pressure must be relaxed. If you are uptight, you cannot think. The laugh here indicates that you are relaxed and able to think.

Job 5:22 You will laugh at destruction and hunger and not fear the animals of the earth.

The stones of the field are the weapons of the battlefield. The wall of fire is a guaranteed contract of protection. Only the integrity of God can transfer a person from time into eternity. Once he is called home, nothing can remove him from earth. Historical or natural disaster cannot destroy the believer.

Job 5:23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field, and the wild animals will be at peace with you.

The human soul and the human body are contained in the tent. The tent is in a state of prosperity. In dying, you will have dying grace. There will be minimum or no pain and blessing in dying. You will not forfeit blessing or reward. You will then visit your home, which is in heaven. You will not forfeit blessing or reward. This moves you into a greater sphere of blessing.

Job 5:24 You will know that your tent is secure, and nothing will be missing when you inspect your home.

Blessing by association. Your family will be looked over by God after you die. Loved ones will continue to enjoy the benefit of your spiritual status when you were on earth.

Job 5:25 You will also know that your offspring will be many and your descendants like the grass of the earth.

Here is what is pertinent to David with respect to Absalom. You will come to death at a full age. This is where David should have been applying the dying rationale of the believer. In all matters of life and death, the most important thing is timing. God’s timing is perfect. This is what David should have applied. That is the right time. We do not always have explanations why loved ones have died. Bob has wondered why this or that person died; a common question. God knows what He is doing. What is necessary, is for us to know what He knows. It is an essence of God rationale. When David’s first son by Bathsheba dies, David recovers and moves right on. Here, he should have done the same thing. It was God’s time to take Absalom. His abnormal grief has him questioning the wisdom of God. David is arrogant and his opinion as to how long Absalom ought to live is more important to him than anything else in life. Having normal grief is wonderful. Because David is so preoccupied with his own opinion, he is about to destroy the client nation of Israel. He is in psychopathic arrogance as well as in emotional arrogance. No one has the right to put their personal opinions and feelings above the will of God.

The illustration is taken from agriculture. There is a right and a wrong time to pick corn. A farmer who knows his business knows when the time is. God knows best and He must decide the manner in which we die. All corn does not ripen at the same time. God knows when it is time to harvest us. When the right time comes, the integrity of God removes the soul and spirit from the body. Since God knows the best time,

God knows perfectly what he is doing. When Job lost his sons and daughters, he said, “The Lord gave and the Lord took away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Job 5:26 You will approach the grave in full vigor, as a stack of sheaves is gathered in its season.

Now we come to the conclusion. All of us will have the opportunity to apply this doctrine. Here is and apply this to yourself. As a result, this is the beginning of the explanation as to why Joab did a great thing; a courageous thing. This only happened once in the life of the king.

Job 5:27 We have investigated this, and it is true! Hear it and understand it for yourself.

2Samuel 18:(31–32), 33                       72David                                              631_0480

We’re getting out of David in a week or two.

The number of people who have been offended and have left has been gratifying. Every time there seems to be too many people the herd thins itself.

Bob has been reading commentators on Joab and they tear him apart and say he is totally out of line and one commentator said, “Joab wasn’t even Christian.” Many of these men were brilliant commentators, but they had nothing to say about these passages.

2Sam. 18:31 Just then the Cushite came and said, "May my lord the king hear the good news: today the LORD has delivered you from all those rising up against you!"

The African was brutal in his response to David. Joab apparently gave very strict orders about this, that he would report directly to David about Absalom.

2Sam. 18:32 The king asked the Cushite, "Is the young man Absalom all right?" The Cushite replied, "May what has become of the young man happen to the enemies of my lord the king and to all who rise up against you with evil intent."

David is out of line now, emotionally. Bob read this. “You may have noticed that I did not put my heart and soul into that.” People have to really think a great deal about himself in order to say these things.

Aircraft view. 1st and 2nd gate. Officer of the day stays in the first tower. David is between the 2 walls. Now, the king weeping, that is normal. Weeping as the appreciation of drama is simple appreciation for life.

David goes up to the guard room above the gate and he went up there crying as we went, saying, “Absalom, Absalom.” And then he makes a statement that is completely divorced from reality. If there is anything the king needs to be is, alive. If the country is to be delivered, David must make a series of absolutely great decisions. The pressure is not off; the battle gives him the opportunity to enter into a time of reconstruction.

David needs to be completely alert and he is out of it. He has gone from emotional arrogance to psychopathic arrogance. His statement speaks against every major ration late by which crisis is met is pushed to the background, and he makes the dumbest statements of his life. They are as stupid and dumb as his comments before Goliath were great. David is as occupied with David as Satan was when he said, “I will be like the Most High God.”

Tragically, David is not thinking about the woman he loves, including children. That is true love, ladies. Your children are never as important to your husband, under true love. David is so preoccupied with his son that he now has a totally abnormal life divorced from reality.

How do you know when you are becoming so arrogant? David, a normal family man, at this point would be glad to know that Bathsheba is safe. David is a mature believer in a psychopathic, psychotic condition. If mature believers can do this, then look out for the

David and Arrogance

1.       This is gate 19

2.       Arrogance destroys true grief and true love.

3.       Arrogance has blinded David to a just and honorable victory.

4.       Therefore David’s life is important in the scheme of things. Absalom’s death is necessary in that same scheme of things.

5.       ...view of the crime of his rebel son prince Absalom.

6.       Absalom is a criminal, a terrorist, a conspirator, and he opposed establishment doctrine. Therefore, establishment truth demands his execution. Absalom is justifiably dead.

7.       Furthermore, as long as Absalom was alive; there was no hope for national tranquility.

8.       Absalom’s life means the perpetuation of revolution; a rallying point for the malcontents. So the malcontents had gathered around Absalom in the revolution.

9.       Like the poor, the arrogant and the malcontents, we have with us always.

10.     Where there is arrogance, there is dissatisfaction, for arrogance is stronger than perfect environment. Arrogance is stronger than love. David has the good environment of his government restored, but arrogance is stronger than the good environment of his government.

11.     It was normal for David to weep; that is normal grief. It was abnormal of emotional arrogance to desire to die in his place. Abnormal and psychopathic. It is altruistic and honorable to igve our life for an

12.     Arrogance is strong than love.

13.     David has been a lousy father to his children.

For awhile, David is totally disqualified from ruling in Israel. Until he recovers from interlocking systems of arrogance, he is not fit to rule over Israel.

What about the woman in interlocking systems of arrogance? If her husband is weak, her ambition will push him beyond his capabilities; beyond God’s will for his life. If it was Bathsheba who was arrogant, it might have been good for David to say, “Would that I were dead.”

if you are getting married to push the man upstairs, you should remain in spinsterhood and contemplate infinity for many hours.

David’s greatest hour will happen in 2Sam. 19.

2Sam. 18:33 The king was deeply moved and went up to the gate chamber and wept. As he walked, he cried, "My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you, Absalom, my son, my son!"

We first need to fix interlocking systems of arrogance in our minds. In almost every case, sin is related to arrogance, in some way or another. The whole purpose of arrogance is to divorce the individual from reality, just as it did in the case of Satan.

If Lucifer the son of the morning walked in here tonight, you women would all swoon. He is the most beautiful creature to come from the hand of God. Beauty and physical symmetry would be all found in him.

Cherubs were apparently all male, and when they came to earth, they turned the world of women all upside down. Women were absolutely floors; their breath was taken away by all of these angels.

There has never been a creature like Lucifer. He had it all; beauty, brain, brawn, personality, talent greatness, all in one creature. Why did this one creature have so much? He was the creature above all angelic creatures in heaven. One day, in his super genius, he had a thought. “I believe we can improve the efficiency of heaven.” He was going to eliminate God, his objective. The very moment that this thought occurred, it was the birth of sin and arrogance. He said, “I will be like the most high God” and that was the fall of Satan.

There was perfect environment in the Garden of Eden, and there was a tree of knowledge of good and evil; information that man did not need in innocence. Adam and the woman had fantastic beauty and they were both geniuses. The one category of knowledge, they did not need to know the difference between good and evil. They were in a state of perfection. They had a relationship with God. They had everything that Satan had. The greatest creatures in the human realm—in the natural realm of the earth.

With all of that, they had to be tested, because they were put on one planet only, with the same accouterments as Satan, in order to face the same test. The great trial of heaven had been completed.

Environmentalists are always talking about improving the environment; and yet, it was perfect at this time. The woman had a pet, a snake, and Satan used the snake in order to engage the woman in conversation. “God won’t let you eat from that tree because it would make you as smart as He is.” There are always some ladies somewhere; sometimes everywhere, still trying to prove that original point. They are trying to prove it to us now. Satan knew he could win his appeal if the woman would eat from that tree. He knew that he had to get to the woman the same way that he sinned. He employed arrogance. That is why arrogance is almost a synonym for the sin nature. There are some areas of the sin nature not related to arrogance, but very few. A woman cannot stand a perfect man, which is why we all have to practice weakness.

The woman gives Adam the forbidden fruit, with one bite missing, and he took it. No matter how smart a person is, he is never too smart for arrogance. Arrogance is always smarter than he is. To show you how arrogant the man was, when God interrogated the first sinners, in man’s arrogance, he blamed God. He began to blame God immediately. Sheer arrogance. What was reality if you eat from that tree? Dying, you will die. Spiritual death and then physical death. Spiritual death manifests itself in arrogance.

Arrogance is not only a sin, a series of sins, the modus operandi of the old sin nature, but arrogance is much more than that. It is a way of life under the control of the old sin nature. It is stronger than love. You think your bf loves you? How arrogant is he?

Adam chose to go out for the woman because he was mad for her, and then he blames her. Arrogance is highly inconsistent.

The first parents knew what it was like to be in perfect environment. They both chose the environment to go from death to death. Spiritual death to physical death. The first sin was negative volition. But Jesus then offered them another tree, the cross.

From arrogance comes the whole realm of sins and human good comes from arrogance. Not only human good, but degeneracy and evil stems from that same arrogance.

Psalm 25:8–9 God and honorable is the Lord; totally free from arrogance; therefore, He instructs sinners in the way.

Arrogance is more powerful than human love. Whatever is greater is arrogance must be thought, since arrogance is thought. Truth in 3 categories. To keep the human race from being wiped out, the laws of divine establishment. If arrogance is to be defeated, then it must be defeated on the battleground, which is thinking. It is not surprising that the #1 category of arrogance is the sin of pride. We think of pride and egocentricity, but such is not the case. When you are vindictive, implacable, jealous, etc; you are thinking about yourself. Your hyper sensitivities are functioning. Jealously is arrogance. Vindictiveness is arrogance. Guilt complex is arrogance. You want to make things up to God because you are arrogant and filled with yourself. Pride and arrogance covers the verbal sins. Why do you malign and judge? You build yourself up and you tear others down. This moves on to overt sins. In some cases, this is why people fornicate. They are not interested in their partner, they are thinking of themselves; it is high time they are gratified. Nearly every sin in life has an arrogance connotation. This means that all members of the human race live in one of 2 places. You are either inside interlocking systems of arrogance or you are outside. If you are outside, you are outside due to organizational humility, enforced humility and genuine humility.

Tomorrow night, we examine interlocking systems of arrogance.

Matt. 20:1–16        interlocking Systems of Arrogance 72David                631_0481

We are between 2Sam. 18 and 19. Emergency meeting 7September 1980 in order to comply with the IRS. There are a lot of dishonest, dishonorable churches, and some are not even churches, but they are operating out of their garages as a tax dodge. This is related, to some degree, to Fx groups?

Gate 1 the battlefield of the Angelic Conflict, which is the individual soul of the believer, and arrogance is a great factor in that battle. As a man thinks in his right lobe, so he is. Most of the mental attitude sins are related to arrogance.

James 4:6 He gives greater grace to the grace oriented; but He makes war on the arrogant.

When we believe in Jesus Christ, we had the imputation of logistical grace. There is something beyond logistical grace, which is called greater grace. This is the issue. This is greater grace; the blessings of life. He gives supergrace. Arrogance is a way of thinking which manifests its power in many ways. It is greater than true love, greater than perfect environment.

In the same way, but under the command of your pastor elders.

Bob Covers the 4 Words for Pastor-teachers:

1.       poimê + didaskolos. That indicates the primary function of the pastor: teaching and shepherding his flock.

2.       Then the word episkopos (over + looking; overseer). The intensive study of the Word of God leads to policy-making which is appropriate.

3.       The third designation is διακονος. The concept of administration. It can be used for those who help the pastor but for the pastor as well.

4.       Πρεσβυτερος which is translated elder, which is anachronistic. Commander, the chief authority. 1Peter 5:5 recruits, be under the authority of your elders. And all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Once a believer learns doctrine and become spiritually self-sustaining, he uses the doctrine in his soul to make great decisions and he uses his soul to make proper decisions.

1Tim. 6:4–6 he is conceited, understanding nothing, but having a sick interest in disputes and arguments over words. From these come envy, quarreling, slanders, evil suspicions, and constant disagreement among men whose minds are depraved and deprived of the truth, who imagine that godliness is a way to material gain. But godliness with contentment is a great gain. Proverbs Arrogance precedes destruction. Before a fall, arrogance of life.

There is an organizational humility involved with education and with most any vocation. A man’s arrogance will bring him low, but a spirit of humility will... Job: He opens the ears of men, which seals instruction. He may turn aside from his discipline and protect man from the arrogance complex. Isa. 13:11 I will punish the world for its evil, and I will humble the pride tyranny.

Psalm 10:2–4 is a great summary of gate 1: In arrogance the wicked relentlessly pursue the afflicted; let them be caught in the schemes they have devised. For the wicked one boasts about his own cravings; the one who is greedy curses and despises the LORD. In all his scheming, the wicked arrogantly thinks: "There is no accountability, since God does not exist."

be informed by the truth; do not be distracted by the truth. Truth must be the area in which the human mind functions. Rejection of truth. Arrogance distracts those who have rejected truth.

Arrogance produces a whole series of mental attitude sins. Hatred, guilt complex.

The second gate is negative volition arrogance, which naturally follows.

If arrogance reject the communicator and the content of what he communicates, then arrogance produces negative volition. Mental arrogance, negative volition arrogance is a natural consequence. There is thought or lack of thought. You cannot even receive information without having a basic vocabulary.

You cannot get through this life like a dog, always expressing your feelings. Every time you hear truth and reject it, you are like Pharaoh Amenhotep II before Moses.

There are a lot of people in this country who will vote in this country. They have a history of building up scar tissue in their souls. They want to vote for the person who offers them the biggest handout. They want to receive without any reason to work or achieve.

If you are irresponsible, you will get an irresponsible government. Once you say no to establishment truth, it is like a believer saying no toward Bible doctrine. Emotion eventually takes over with the build up of scar tissue. The end result is the destruction of freedom.

The personality means nothing when it comes to the teacher. The destructive function that destroys the client nation to God. There is an oscillation between self-righteousness and self-pity.

The third gate is impulsive arrogance.

this is the abuse of authority when one possesses it. This occurs when the believer cannot handle authority because he is arrogant. Elijah abused his spiritual authority when he ordered the execution of the prophets of Baal. That was not in God’s plan.

Fourth gate: Institutional arrogance, which is disorientation to life.

There are legitimate organizations everywhere we go; stop lights, etc. We can go from point A to point B because we respect traffic laws. Those who think they are greater than an organization or institution. There must be an organization and a policy and a purpose.

The first institution that we encounter is in the home. The person who falls into arrogance does so because he succeeds in an organization and distorts his success into presumption.

Both systems have an arrogance in thinking. Home or business or school all have organizational rules and laws. Even fraternities and sororities. Civic organizations; the local church. We are all a part of organizations.

Fifth gate is blind arrogance. God’s qualifications for blessing. These all require cognizance of doctrine. Blind arrogance demands that one thinks he can achieve something in the spiritual life because he has a unique experience.

Legalism is the principle by which this functions. It includes sincerity, the emphasis upon experience. The gift of tongues is often distorted into blind arrogance. The plan of God stands or falls based upon what you do and how you behave. Man is emphasized. He forms false conclusions and establishes false standards. Any sign of friendliness implies that person is madly in love with you. This is a part of personality arrogance.

Conspiracy or trouble-maker in a church, rebels against a church and a pastor. If this is accomplished in arrogance, and the church can be destroyed by such persons. The person who is dissatisfied with the pastor should move on. Conspiracy has a way of distracting those who are positive. Personal opinion is established over church policy.

Matt. 20 talks to a labor union about this.

Mat 20:1–10 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the workers on one denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine in the morning, he saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. To those men he said, 'You also go to my vineyard, and I'll give you whatever is right.' So off they went. About noon and at three, he went out again and did the same thing. Then about five he went and found others standing around, and said to them, 'Why have you been standing here all day doing nothing?' "'Because no one hired us,' they said to him. "'You also go to my vineyard,' he told them. When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told his foreman, 'Call the workers and give them their pay, starting with the last and ending with the first.' "When those who were hired about five came, they each received one denarius. So when the first ones came, they assumed they would get more, but they also received a denarius each.

Management has fulfilled its contract to the union, but the unioin complains anyway. They received contract wages and they still complain.

Mat 20:11–16 When they received it, they began to complain to the landowner: 'These last men put in one hour, and you made them equal to us who bore the burden of the day and the burning heat!' "He replied to one of them, 'Friend, I'm doing you no wrong. Didn't you agree with me on a denarius? Take what's yours and go. I want to give this last man the same as I gave you. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my business? Are you jealous because I'm generous?' "So the last will be first, and the first last."

They were thinking in terms of mental arrogance. They think that it is their right to get some kind of remuneration more than what they had agreed to. The business owner had no contract with these others, and he is allowed to give them whatever he wants. Management points out that this is lawful. And you jealous because I am generous? The labor union tries to place their own values over management.

Blind arrogance rejects live and let live.

Gate 6 is conspiracy arrogance. Arrogant people always seem to discover each other. You hear an amen or a God willing and you are instant buddies. Arrogance attracts arrogance. The mutual admiration society is forms by 2 categories of arrogance. The arrogant and the inadequate. They simply both seek together to destroy legitimate authority. A conspiracy is formed between them. Psalm 12:2–4 gives an example of this. Psalm 12:2 They lie to one another; they speak with flattering lips and deceptive hearts.

Psalm 12:3 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaks boastfully.

Psalm 12:4 They say, "Through our tongues we have power; our lips are our own--who can be our master?"

Criminal arrogance and Bob dealt a lot of Yokelson and Samsonov. The criminal mind has rejected all authority but his own. In his soul, he despises are true authority. The criminal pretends to accept spiritual authority, but he uses this as a facade. Whether a person is changed or not after believing in Jesus Christ depends upon their attitude toward Bible doctrine.

Psychotherapy produced criminals with insight, but criminals just the same.

Crusader arrogance is the 8th gate. Self-righteousness in thinking becomes righteous indignation. This immediately arouses your crusader-hood. Even churches have been known to become paramilitary groups, like Elijah ordering the killing of those prophets.

Some movie called Obsession? Bob mentions Death Wish. John Calvin is the perfect illustration of criminal arrogance and crusader arrogance combined. He was really a french man. He tried to enforce his own morals on the entire populace. The result was, he became a tyrant, and even persecuted believers for not following his mandates to the letter (he even executed believers for having fun on the Sabbath).

Arrogance bypasses. We have no right to vengeance.

Psychopathic arrogance is the volitional drive toward unreality. Most people become psychopathic because of their own decisions in life. The normal person; their emotional life blends with the intellectual life. However, with the psychopath, his intellect is subservient to one’s emotion.

They cannot realistically evaluate his relationship with others. They often lose all objectivity. They are completely divorced from reality. Unreality and unpredictability. They often become preoccupied with self and hedonism. Their arrogance relates everything to themself and divorces everything from reality.

Someone knocked on Bob’s door and said, “I’m Elijah and let’s go.”

All of these gates interlock. Once you are inside, you are vulnerable to the other gates.

2Samuel 19 intro                                 72David                                              631_0482

We need to distinguish between what is normal and what is abnormal. Grief is extremely normal. For a person to be indifferent is abnormal. The problem is the status of the individual soul. If the individual is in the state of humility, his reaction is normal. His ability to cope and carry on in normal living. If ever David needed to have all of his faculties and all of his wisdom as a king, it is after the civil war, which required great wisdom on his part, in order to put all of the pieces back together. There is normal and abnormal grief. Because a person who is in a state of humility (in any of the 3 categories), in any of these, you can still carry on and do your job. However, if you are in a state of arrogance, you cannot function.

When prosperity or tragedy occurs, this can throw you off your game. David is weeping and wailing and he has become emotionally psychopathic. It is very important to keep right on with normal function, which means you need to move through disaster with normal grief. Without any disrespect or dishonor to any loved one which you have lost, or whatever has happen (you have been jilted). We all have areas where we are very vulnerable and areas where it is very easy to be hurt. We have a variety of areas of vulnerability and they will be tested at some point in time. Sometimes you have been robbed or something. You have lost friends or loved ones; you have lost something important to you.

If under adversity, you find yourself under interlocking systems of arrogance, you go from self-righteousness to self-pity. This is where people develop habits and it is the beginning of the end for them. The state of the soul must have humility.

David comes closer to losing it in 2Sam. 19 than even with Bathsheba.

It is the arrogance of unhappiness. If you are unhappy in your soul, you will be unappreciative. Arrogance must be defined in terms of its self-centeredness. The arrogance of unhappiness starts right there.

Attention demanders. They give nothing and they demand everything. It is a false concept of life that so and so can make you happy. Children think in these terms. Bob had this thought. One of Bob’s friend’s dads gave him a plan, and Bob wished to have that parent. This kid buzzed the field when they were playing football. Bob’s thought at the moment; I wish his father was my father. But that was wrong. There were times when Bob did not like his father as being his father.

People often get married because their mate promises to make them happy and love them. This is inspiring to some young people. When they promise to make you happy, that is where you look out. Such a thing is almost a guarantee of unhappiness. This is the myth of arrogance. Doctrine resident in the soul can make a person happy. That is the key for the capacities. The arrogance of unhappiness gives nothing and expects everything.

Responding to the laws of divine establishment is one way of attaining happiness. We have all of the freedom in the world, but we are not happy with freedom. Here we are a free country, and yet we are very unhappy. Those even who live in slums live better than kings and queens in past history, but are not happy. We have goods and services and all kinds of things which other countries do not; even those things which royalty in the past has never had. We are not any happier than those Polacks that we have seen on tv. Bob noticed that they are good looking with good haircuts, etc. Some look a lot happier than we do. Believer can only be happy through residence of Bible doctrine in the soul. Because we already possess happiness in our souls, people can make us happy. And with doctrine in your soul, people cannot make you unhappy.

Unbelievers happiness is his honor, integrity and the laws of divine establishment. Because you posses happiness in your soul, you can be happy. This advantage of doctrine in the soul means, people can make you happy but they cannot make you unhappy. If you still lean upon the possession of things; if you still lean upon people. You think marriage is the key or that, if you are married, you think that being single is the key, and it is not a set of circumstances which is the key. Happiness is not the state of marriage or of single bliss. You can be happy with things or without. If you already possess happiness in your soul, then people can make you happy. Only arrogance of unhappiness makes you think that people and possessions can make you happy. You can spend your lifetime making an arrogant happy, but it won’t happen. If the other person is arrogant, then it is not going to happen.

Psalm 89:15 happiness toward those hearing the sound of the trumpet. This is universal military training. This is a way of describing a system of universal military training, which requires organizational humility, which causes those under these various authorities, this will allow a person to by happy.

Drinking is not a sin. Drunkenness is s sin, however. The person who disciplines himself never gets to that point. One of the basic reasons it is a sin is, it reveals a lack of self-discipline. You divorce yourself from reality. You say things like, “Did I really say that last night?” But you pretend not to remember. You came to a point where your volition should have said, stop. That illustrates the principle.

Psalm 89:15–18 happiness toward those hearing the sound of the trumpet, they walk in the light of Your presence [the doctrine of Your reality]. They rejoice in Your name all day long, and they are exalted by Your [imputed] righteousness. For You are their magnificent strength; by Your favor our horn is exalted.. All this keeps it within the holiness of God.

Happiness to the people whose God is the Lord. I will rejoice in the sphere of Your grace. Responding to the gospel contributes to +H. Those are 2 verses. Happiness is a system of thought resident in the soul. Now I come face to face with you and these doctrines I am communicating in the world so that they can have My happiness fulfilled in themselves. Doctrine will be resident in the souls of the hearers. Happiness is a system of thought resident in the soul. We write these things that your happiness might be completed. Happiness cannot be divorced from doctrine.

Jesus is teaching the Word of God, and a woman interrupts him; a certain woman from the audience. She interrupts Him with a loud voice, and is totally occupied with herself, and she is deeply involved in the women’s lib movement. “Happy is the woman whose womb carried you and whose breasts gave you suck.” Women are not happy because they bear children. Women are happy because they have doctrine in the soul; just like a guy. This woman was so arrogant that she was disturbed that the crowd was giving Jesus Christ so much attention, and she wanted to call attention to His human mother. He says, “You’re wrong; on the contrary.” What she said was a lie. “Happiness belongs to those who keep on retaining the Word of God.” Arrogance of unhappiness always does one thing; they can only compensate for their unhappiness by attempting to dominate their environment. They are miserable, and they are going to dominate, and that is how they compensate for their arrogance. The inner happiness of Bible doctrine is a state of humility.

David is involved in the arrogance of unhappiness. The death of Absalom has made him so that he has moved from reality to unreality. He is now is wherever his temporary headquarters are. He goes up to the office of the officer of the day; but he eventually moves to his headquarters in Mahanaim. The inner happiness of Bible doctrine is humility of the soul. All of us face tragedy.

Philip. 4:11–15 repeat the verb I have learned. I don't say this out of need, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content--whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me. Still, you did well by sharing with me in my hardship. And you, Philippians, know that in the early days of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone. Everything important in life is related to learning. Paul was a student without portfolio when he learned this. He learned what it was to be in poverty. Paul is happy in prosperity and he is happy when under pressure or when poor.

The arrogance of unhappiness inevitably goes in for idolizing people. That person is always looking for someone to make them happy. Men looking for a woman; women looking for a man. When someone comes along who appears to fill the bill, that person is idolized. Sooner or later, the person you think will make you happy is going to make you very unhappy. One day, they will do something which shocks you or disgusts you. You discover their feet of clay and you smash your idol, and you go off looking for new idols to worship.

An image of perfection is superimposed on a person or an organization. Bob used to see Rice play in ‘44 and ‘45 and they wore an ugly gray sweatshirt with tiny numerals. They were good. Bob says some of them were Berachah types? So maybe he is off by a few years? An idol of illusion or enchantment is created. When you overrate someone, it is a sign of your own arrogance. You create this image of this person or thing yourself. It has nothing to do with reality. You see a man and you think that he is perfect. Then you see the feet of clay, and you are shocked. The arrogance of disillusion or disenchantment. It creates an image which does not exist.

The fascinating thing is that David creates an image and this image dies before David can really see his feet of clay.

Joab had obviously ordered Ahimaaz not to say anything about Absalom. Joab was going to tell David himself directly. But to David, Absalom had no feet of clay. He never had a normal view of Absalom. Bob has seen people like this. There was a woman who lost her husband early in life, so she never had time to get to know him as he really was. But she then compared all men to him and there was never anyone like him. With regard to this one person, all of the woman’s life, there was this divorcement from reality. True love is always a love based upon what the person really is. Arrogant subjective people spend their lives confused about the sin nature and hamartiolgy. This is a part of David’s problem for the first nine verses of 2Sam. 19.

Gate 17 is making an idol out of a person, and then destroying that idol. If the image is around long enough, the feet of clay is discovered and the reacting bitterly.

Arrogance is basic divorcement from reality. It overshadows reality. Disenchantment arrogance is being preoccupied with yourself, and then with someone who you create an image, and then, when you see their feet of clay, then you destroy them.

The instability of arrogance we have noticed in great detail, so now we move to the arrogance of morality. David once again faces the problem of self-righteousness. This is a setup for the final gate 19, the arrogance of emotion.

Self-righteousness. Preoccupied with a false standard of morality as opposed to a true standard of righteousness. A person who is an eclectic, and takes a number of things from a variety of standards, and makes up a set of standards for himself. He has selected what he likes, ignoring the context of the standards.

David in his arrogance has not only created an idol out of Absalom, but he has determined that Absalom can do no wrong. Absalom raped 10 of his mistresses, Absalom has started a revolution, and Absalom has chased David out of the country, and yet, Absalom can do no wrong in David’s eyes.

the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ substitutes in the arrogance complex the system of true spiritually. When a system of morality is superimposed over true morality, the result is arrogance. We will get back to David’s status quo after one more introductory bit of material.

2Samuel 19:1–3                                   72David                                              631_0483

Ken Wise is in a hospital in Chicago.

A guy writing about being a rookie cop; and how he made enough mistakes to get a dozen men killed. Assumption is a luxury a cop cannot afford.

Joab’s G2 is in town, and they are making official reports to him. The idea that, this is abnormal weeping. In 2Sam. 12, David was functioning in humility.

David’s Involvement with Interlocking Systems of Arrogance

1.       David here is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance. Back in 2Sam. 12, he was humble.

2.       Because of this, David had no control of himself. He had lost control of his authority over a divided nation.

3.       He finds himself as an arrogant person during a very critical time.

4.       Arrogance then destroys the function of the rationales, which means that arrogance hinders reverse concentration.

5.       The believer can have a lot of doctrine resident in his soul by which he attains spiritual maturity, but once he steps inside interlocking systems of arrogance, he is unable to apply that doctrine to his circumstances.

6.       Arrogance is the enemy of reverse concentration.

7.       David must follow up his victory on the battlefield, exploit this, and bring his nation back into unity and harmony.

8.       David’s Lamentation for Absalom insulted an army which served him so well. Responsibility to the living always takes precedence over mourning for the dead.

2Sam. 19:1 It was reported to Joab, "The king is weeping. He's mourning over Absalom."

David is involved in great grief. When emotion responds to thinking, that is positive emotion.

When emotion dominates the soul, the believer becomes divorced from reality and involved in the arrogance complex. There was some discussion about shopkeepers who have shot robbers. The man got mad and had been robbed a number of times. However, he did all of this in emotion, and he reacted. Once he looked at the reality of the dead man on the floor, he reacted.

The person is not only involved in emotional arrogance, but in psychopathic arrogance. Cowardice is emotion dominating the soul. Sometimes a coward who is cornered might do the same things a hero might do. However, he does them under emotion. He does them without clearly thinking things through.

David, when he faced Goliath, was in a state of humility. However, here in Mahanaim, he is in a state of arrogance.

Flattery encourages unreality with regards to self. Emotional arrogance is vulnerable to cowardice. Being divorced from reality, the person often does that which appears to be heroic. In David’s case, it is psychopathic arrogance.

All kinds of commentators criticize Joab, and one even says, “It was a very unChristian thing to do.” Absalom is no longer an issue; the revolution is quelled; they have no leadership. David falls into the category of preoccupation with the insignificant. It destroys thinking and a certain kind of thinking.

The details of life are the means of living, but not... Pettiness is preoccupation with something which is totally irrelevant. Reagan made a comment a few days ago about the antecedents of the president. It was not a significant statement. Where he was born is of no significance whatsoever. What is significant is how he thinks and acts as a president. S we need a thorough discussion of the policy of the president. To major in the insignificant is the order of the day. What is important is, what does Reagan believe. Apparently, there was a gaff in what Reagan said. People are overcome by their own self-importance and make remarks which are meaningless.

Emotion cannot produce thought. So far, David has made no decisions, and that is good. It is better than him making decisions right after Absalom is dead. Arrogance becomes stronger than perfect environment; stronger than good; stronger than personal responsibility. One of David’s great pluses was that he was taking care of sheep. He had a sense of responsibility at a very young age. David had a marvelous sense of responsibility, but he changes here, in what seems to be almost overnight. This is a change that can happen to anyone at anytime. David isn’t spending his time taking care of the nation; he hasn’t talked to his family.

There are several types of arrogance necessary for revolution to occur. Absalom is dead but it as just as if the emotional arrogance which died on the battlefield, but now David is acting like a revolutionist. We find David at the lowest spot of his life. What David is doing has a reaction among the people and the army in particular.

The victory that the troops felt turned into mourning for the troops, because they heard of David grieving for his son. There is no joy in Mahanaim so many of them slinked back into town, some taking off their weapons and removing their uniforms, and the entire army feels a guilt complex. They oscillated between self-centeredness and something else, and stopping upon a guilt complex. The army heard about David’s mourning; so there is no triumphal procession. David’s arrogance robbed the army of the privilege and the right of celebrating their victory. They were ashamed to be soldiers. David’s arrogance does what arrogance always does. His arrogance spread a pall of gloom over the entire army.

Shamar this news spreads around quickly. This is a very special day. In the future, this day would be remembered and celebrated, but at the moment, it is destroyed by the king and his self-absorption. Like the person in your family who is a pall of gloom. David put a pall of gloom over this entire day and over the army. They purchased the nation’s freedom on the battlefield. This is typical of our government. Our army has won our freedom back in so many wars, and as soon as the peace treaty is signed, the army is ignored, the military is rejected. There is this tragic arrogance; the despising of the uniform. The lack of regard of those who risked their lives. Arrogant people are so preoccupied with themselves and their lives. Suddenly, the army is ashamed of themselves.

2Sam. 19:2 Consequently, that day's victory was turned into mourning for all the troops because on that day the troops heard, "The king is grieving over his son."

In v. 3, on this great day of victory, the army sneaks its way into the city. As the people of the United States, we have snubbed our military. We ought to be ashamed. Gallant men who have served well are ignored or despised and the long-haired hippies are catered to. We will suffer for our arrogance. We will have national disaster as we have never seen before. The next time we have disaster, it will come to us.

For a professional soldier like David, this is inexcusable. There should be praise and decorations, rewards and promotions. For doing the honorable thing, they are disgraced. They sneak back into town as if they were humiliated for deserting in battle. This is an analogy of a defeated army, and David was making them feel ashamed. This is a most unusual situation in history when the reality of victory recieves an antithetical response from government. If they had done the wrong thing, it would be understandable; but they did the right thing.

It is no wonder that the men in the armed forces are poorly paid. People trained in missiles and computers, and they are starved in the armed forces. An arrogant evil government is giving all of its millions of dollars to scum from Cuba, scum from all over the world, and those who are American citizens. Cut out the money to scum and up the salaries of the military, and you have solved one of the morale problems of the armed forces.

Disaster often shocks people into humility. Joab will walk integrity David’s headquarters and he will shock him into humility. Joab could have been executed for what he said to David, but laying it on the line was more important to him than his life. The doctrine in his soul was much more important than his life.

After the Vietnam war, some soldiers would not wear their uniforms feared attack.

The Army of Freedom in Israel

1.       The army returning to the city of Mahanaim has just saved the nation. Never was a victory celebration more appropriate.

2.       This means that, in principle, the freedom, the privacy rotary and function of the client nation is now perpetuated.

3.       They received the welcome of those who ran away as cowards. It was as if they lost the war.

4.       This is the true manifestation of arrogance. This is great degeneracy.

5.       Arrogance is abroad in the land when the military profession and its cousin, law enforcement, are rejected. You cannot reject the provider of your freedom and property enjoy your freedom.

2Sam. 19:3 So they returned to the city quietly that day like people come in when they are humiliated after fleeing in battle.

David has no courtesy toward his army or thanksgiving toward his God.

2Samuel 19:4                                       72David                                              631_0484

Bob makes announcements; meeting for prep school and congregational meeting. “Being in a hospital is bad enough, but a hospital in Chicago is the worst.” Bob reminds us that he does not close down the church for tropical storms; only for hurricanes.

This army had just saved the country; the civil war was over; and normalcy had been returned. The arrogance of emotion related to psychopathic arrogance. In peace time, the establishment of law enforcement is sometimes not appreciated, as the military is rarely appreciated.

David has subordinated his governing ability to his self pity. Joab and his army have done a remarkable job against incredible odds.

2Sam. 19:3 So they returned to the city quietly that day like people come in when they are humiliated after fleeing in battle.

We move to the arrogant and abnormal grief of the king in v. 4:

there is all of this wonderful activity going on, and David is functioning in interlocking systems of arrogance. Maybe these men are recognized in Scripture because, in part, of this war. We are actually studying the Davidic age of the world.

David is now sidelined by his own involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance. David has had nearly a half century as a great soldier and a supergrace believer. 3 decades as an incredible ruler. However, all a great believer has to do is walk through one of those gates, and he is just another dumb John wandering about.

There are some in Berachah who are not going to make it. They are sitting at home warming their wet toes. Or they have other pleasures which lure them away from doctrine. If you are distracted from doctrine, your old age will be hell on earth until God takes you by the sin unto death.

The circus maximus of history; the interlocking systems of arrogance. They just want to spend a day in there, but they are trapped. While David gets into interlocking systems of arrogance, his recovery has been rapid. He has stabilized his situation. The last 10 years of his life have been the greatest. He trapped himself in interlocking systems of arrogance by his own volition. He has the ability to quickly recognize and recover. Beyond this civil war, David will have 10 years. This will be the greatest period of time in all of Israel’s history; this final 10 years of David and the 40 years of Solomon.

The castle or chateau or manor is not mentioned specifically.

David is now back to Jerusalem, but he is not with any of his family members. He is by himself, even though he is in the midst of some of the finest people in the world. Nathan and Solomon are both mentioned in the line of Jesus Christ, and they are in castle Zion.

David is so preoccupied with his grief, that he no longer has any interest in running the affairs of state.

The veil is often used as a sign of mystery. The veil over the king means something different. So the king covers his face, and then David screams out; he is having a tantrum. This is not normal grief. This is strictly an arrogance function. The king was no longer functioning. He was divorced from reality. He had no poise. He has lost organizational humility. We find him under organizational humility. He is out of action at a critical moment here. There can be no exploitation of this victory. Revolution and civil war have been terminated. The king covered his face; my son, Absalom, Absalom, my son.

David’s Failures at this Time

1.       David had requested that his son Absalom be spared. David issued this order at an officer’s call, in the presence of all the officers. The troops were thrown into immediately confusion. David should not have been in the field in the first place and he almost handicapped his army from the start.

2.       David has entered gate 19, which is emotional arrogance, and this interlocked with gate 2 and gate 16 (the arrogance of unhappiness) and psychopathic arrogance.

3.       David in psychopathic arrogance cannot continue to function as a king when he is needed the most.

4.       Only enforced and genuine humility could help David at this point. Neither could rescue David at this time.

5.       Therefore, enforced and genuine humility and self control are needed for David, and he does not have this. Because of this, he completely collapse. He has not of the 3 areas of humility.

6.       Instead of using his volition in self-control and using poise in his grief, David uses his free will to get into various parts of interlocking systems of arrogance. This demoralized all the army in Mahanaim. The nation is very close to anarchy. Joab has sinned and failed during this very period of time. However, he is able to function as commander of the army. As the field commander, he can get into his work’s routing. People manage to drive to work, to work, and to go to Bible class even, despite having sin natures and having failed. This is Joab. David is also a man of great genius and ability, he has completely collapsed. In a sense, there is a withdraw from reality and a draw from life, the discipline is intensified by a loss of poise. When we are punished for our wrongdoing, if we are able to carry on, there is a certain intensity of discipline; but, if we fail to carry on, that discipline is intensified. There are millions of failures at any give time of day in Houston. Yet, people are carrying on; they are doing their jobs. There are those who lose their poise and make their decisions no matter what. Those who carry on, make it in life.

If we make Mutiny on the Bounty today, it is ridiculous. But BBC has tremendous direction; they did War and Peace in about 25 installments. The Forsyth Sagas is one of the best. A man who appears to be the villain for about 15 chapters. He has really TARFU’ed his life. He goofs in youth and he goofs in old age. However, he emerges as some sort of a hero. No matter how many horrible things have happened to you, you just get right back up and carry on. There are unbelievers who fail. It is one of those principles that applies to life in general. To be able to carry on, to continue with a routine. People who work hard do not have the problem. It is the loafer, the bum, the secretary who spends all ofher time in the coffee bar. Those who have no integrity in their jobs. These kind of people hate routine in the first place. By despising routing, they have nothing upon which to lean. Military men for centuries have taken all kinds of tragedies, and still carry on with close order drill or the morning report, getting the duty rosters together, etc. able to get to routine. It is a great thing. Some of you have never realized that you are best at your work and you are far better person at work than anywhere else because you are thinking about something other than yourself. Many of us don’t punch a time clock, because that is an insult to you. We need time clocks, alright. There was a time when they did not exist, back when so many people had honor and integrity. It did not matter if someone watched them or not. They learned by their own volition to regulate themselves. The person who takes his volition and be able to enter into a routine of life honorably not only builds up integrity, but he is a wonderful person to work with. He has built up the habit to think of someone other than themselves. Some of you girls are frustrated because you date men who want you along with them because you can do something for them. They aren’t good lovers. They never think about you; or doing something for you. They are not interested in making you happy.

Here is a man who has been driven out of his routine of office. David is completely away from routine. One of the first cracks in your armor is worry. David started to worry. Until he got to Mahanaim, he was fine. David began to think about himself and Absalom, and he was out of a routine. And he began to think about Absalom, and he was not handling anything. Joab was handling everything that was important. Because he was preoccupied with Absalom, he gave that horrible evil order. He did not do a thing after that. He asked if his son Absalom was safe. In psychopathic arrogance, totally separated from reality. He has the greatest challenge of his kingdom now, and he cannot even stop out and congratulate his army. He sits with his face veiled, screaming the name of Absalom. Where is Tamar? Where is Bathsheba. He thinks only about himself.

2Sam. 19:4 But the king hid his face and cried out at the top of his voice, "My son Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!"

The battle was fought by men who failed and sinned, but they still won the battle. They functioned within enforced and genuine humility, as Joab did as well. Joab rebounded and he used his volition to place himself under self-discipline and poise. Even though Joab had failed. He will go in and brace the king. He is going to straighten David out. Joab is the hero of this chapter. Joab can still brush his teeth and David cannot. A person in arrogance thinks only about himself. By covering his face, the king demonstrates abnormal grief and a total divorcement from reality. This is psychopathic arrogance. The obvious conclusion that arrogance has replaced organizational humility. Only Nathan reprimanded David in a greater way. Nathan for a year let all this go. However, Joab has no command from God, yet he makes this decision on his own.

Knowledge is the environment for thinking. Joab’s decision saved Israel from the anarchy and self-destruction of the king. There is no sermon or parable. Joab will stand up nose to nose with David and call the shots. It will be done with clarity of language and courage of soul.

This will take place in Mahanaim. He is staying here, continuing with his arrogance and his abnormal grief. For this reason, Joab reports now to the king’s headquarters. Then Joab came to the king’s headquarters.

Joab lays this on the line. You have humiliated all of your soldiers. Peni. You have caused shame to the face. Liberals have humiliated our armed forces. We do not have our ace trump, which is our military establishment. For 30 years, it has been humiliated. Just as law enforcement has been humiliated.

These are soldiers who saved David’s life. Absalom would have executed him.

2Sam. 19:5 Then Joab went into the house [headquarters] to the king and said, "Today you have shamed all your soldiers--those who rescued your life and the lives of your sons and daughters, your wives, and your concubines.

David’s Lack of Appreciation and Thanksgiving

1.       Arrogance involvement destroys the capacity to be thankful grateful and considerate of others.

2.       Capacity for life and happiness and love. Must include capacity to appreciate what others have done.

3.       Lack of appreciation and ungratefulness indicates the interlocking systems of arrogance.

4.       Arrogance involvement becomes degeneracy, which is totally lacking in thanksgiving and gratitude. David has not thanked the Lord or worshiped the Lord. But he will write a psalm that we will study. He has never said “Thank you, Father.” No gratitude to his military or his officers. Just this crybaby crap. No word of comfort for those who have been lost in battle. He thinks of nothing but himself.

5.       The arrogant person is ungrateful, insensible to the courtesies and kindnesses of others. By way of contrast we will study someone who could be grateful and pushed missions in the early centuries.

6.       Ingratitude is insensitive and is preoccupied with the inconsequential, like the aliens in Arkansas who are suing the government for not getting enough help. They want more help from the government.

7.       In arrogance, David lost track of the big picture and was disorganized of mind, preoccupied with self.

8.       David was alive because of the military victory, and yet he does not thank God for this victory. Arrogance has no gratitude toward God or man. Arrogance destroys capacity for love. David has many sons, daughters, wives and mistresses and has no gratitude that his way of life will be perpetuated. He is too preoccupied with the dead, so he cannot appreciate what the living have done for him.

2Sam. 19:5 Then Joab went into the house [headquarters] to the king and said, "Today you have shamed all your soldiers--those who rescued your life and the lives of your sons and daughters, your wives, and your concubines.

2Samuel 19:4–7                                   72David                                              631_0485

David is involved in emotional arrogance, asking that his son be spared. He interlocks with gate 2 and 16 and 9. In psychopathic arrogance, David cannot function as king. David uses his free will to function in the arrogance complex. The victory of the establishment army is now in jeopardy, and there could be a resurgence of the revolution because of David’s demoralized troops.

David and Joab and both men of genius and both have been very successful. Both Joab and David have failed. Even though Joab failed, he was able to rebound and carry on. David did not rebound and could not carry on in life. Our arrogance should not keep us from our function in life. David has other sons and daughters and he is not thinking about them at all.

Under enforced and genuine humility, Joab will be the hero. David, because of arrogance, cannot carry on and function as the king. Joab continued to function in a normal way.

The book of Numbers ought to be the book of compulsory military service. There is no such thing as genuine humility until enforced and organizational humility have become a part of a person’s life. Joab can still brush his teeth, but David cannot.

Self-determination is behind the wrong use of human freedom. Poise in times of adversity is a characteristic of a gentleman in past generations.

The king represents government and Joab tearing him a new one showed great courage and wisdom. Nathan did this under the Lord’s dictum. You do not learn doctrine one-on-one. The process of teaching one-on-one is confusion today. The navigator system?

2Sam. 19:4 But the king hid his face and cried out at the top of his voice, "My son Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!"

David became monogamous when he met Bathsheba. Many missionaries manage to get the chief to stay with one wife, and that meant that the other wives could be treated mercilessly. David did not fall into that trap. He was now monogamous but he still took responsibility for all of these other wives and children. They were well-cared for; they were pensioned; they were under his protection. When the king left Jerusalem, they came along with him.

Arrogance involvement destroys our ability to be appreciative.

Lack of appreciation means involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance. The arrogant person is ungrateful and insensible to the courtesies, kindnesses of others. Without gratitude, you cannot truly love others. Whenever David gets into interlocking systems of arrogance, he loses track of the big picture. He was totally preoccupied with himself.

David has some 20 sons but that is of no consequence to him at the death of Absalom. David reveals no gratefulness for this military victory. He has not expressed appreciation to the army. Anyone who has responsibility for others, must always set aside his own personal problems and interact with them

Those who reach the top of leadership must have all 3 categories of humility. David is veiled, screaming and isolated from those to whom he is responsible. In the past, David has revealed great honor and integrity. Arrogance is the instant destroyer of everything that is important to us in life.

“Today, you have humiliated all of your soldiers who, this day, have saved your life; and the lives of your sons and daughters and wives and mistresses.” David is so preoccupied with the inconsequential, that he does not see the big picture. He ignored the living and his preoccupied with Absalom, his dead son.

Contracts this to 2Sam. 12, where he accepts the death of his young son.

2Sam. 19:5 Then Joab went into the house [headquarters] to the king and said, "Today you have shamed [humiliated] all your soldiers--those who rescued your life and the lives of your sons and daughters, your wives, and your concubines.

Then Joab tells David that he loves his enemies and hates his friends. This has an excellent application to today, where liberals seem to love our enemies and hate our friends.

David, when wooing a woman, would concentrate on that person. When we love someone, we tend to concentrate on them. This appears to be in conflict with the many passages found in 1John and other epistles about loving the brothers. There is a more general aspect of love, which is not pouring out attention on them. There are those we do not know; however, we refrain from evil thinking. We do not hate them; we do not judge them; we do not scorn them. This love is strictly the mentality of the soul. Loving the brothers does not mean that we speak to everyone in the church. That is a personality of some individual. That is different than the command to love the brothers.

People, ostensibly, come to church in order to experience spiritual growth and learn Who and What God is. People often come with their own personal problems and hangups and we demonstrate our love for the brethren by letting them alone.

There was a pastor who used to reprimand his congregation. “You cannot wait on tables where alcohol is served and be living the Christian life.” What people do for a living is not the business of a pastor. He is not the monitor of what his congregation does for a living. It is his business to teach them doctrine. By making such blanket statements, he abuses the privacy of his congregation.

In Berachah, there is no visitor’s card to fill out; we do not contact you and tell you how nice it was that you showed up. This is often the means of dunning people for money; and money is not the issue; doctrine is the issue. Whatever you do with your money or time is not the business of Berachah. We are commanded to live our lives before the Lord. Love is not intruding upon the privacy of others.

If you are a single man and you concentrate on a woman, and you will inevitably intrude on the privacy of that woman; and this woman must decide whether or not she wants you as her authority. Personal and impersonal love are expressed here.

Here, is not the virtue of loving your enemies. This means to love them in the sense of sponsoring them or aiding them in.

Joab is saying that David has a great love for his enemies, but he continually hates his friends. Absalom hated his father and died hating his father. He died in revolution hating his father.

By loving those who hate you and hating those who love you....”

The army loved David, and this was a very small army. This showed great love and respect on their part. We have seen a great deal of love directed toward David. This explains how David has humiliated the entire army. There is a subjective preoccupation with self. David’s modus operandi is expressed by the hating those who loved him and vice versa.

David does not need sympathy; he is in a dangerous position, spiritually speaking. His arrogance is intensified.

Hiphil perfect of nagath, which means to demonstrate. Commanders and troops mean nothing to you.

David has failed as commander-in-chief of the army because arrogance has neutralized his great leadership ability. There is no genius. Freedom is gotten through military victory. All freedom has come to us by means of military victory. The professional function of law enforcement is what preserves our freedom. You cannot have one without the other. You cannot have the positive virtues without humility of soul. None of the positive virtues operate under interlocking systems of arrogance.

Just as David represents the government of the client nation, so we have a similar situation today. We have a republic here, but it is degenerating into a democracy. In times of peace, law enforcement; in times of war, military. Even after great victories, the military is almost instantly snubbed by the federal government. Socialism and communism and the redistribution of wealth are great evils. These are things which spend the tax payer’s money. Charity is disappearing when the government attempts to control lives and redistribute wealth.

Bob finds out through correspondence about what is happening in the military. There are those who leave the service often do so because of a difference in pay. He went from 50 grand a year to 400 grand a year. There is no attempt on the part of the federal government to keep up with this.

The Navy does not have the manpower to run a ship taken out of mothballs. Navy offers men nothing compared to the private industry. One told Bob he was going into industry because his family was starving.

The federal government snubs and rejects the very basis of our freedom. We continue as voters and taxpayers; and there are those whose liberal concepts have them tring to play God. They reject freedom through military victory and freedom maintained through law enforcement. These are tragedies that indicate the arrogance of the government and the arrogance of the American people. We are in grave danger.

The purpose for which God keeps the U.S. going is evangelism, and missionary activity. After that, comes spiritual growth to maintain a pivot which will maintain our client nation status.

Joab is drawing conclusions from the doctrine in his soul and the observations which he has made. There is a structure here, which indicates Joab’s lucid thinking.

We are all Dr. Jekyll’s and Mr. Hyde’s, depending upon whether or not we are in the arrogance complex. Joab has aroused the antagonism of nearly all of the commentators. They condemn him for being harsh and one commentator said “That is a very harsh thing for a Christian to say.”

This is the one thing that shocked David out of interlocking systems of arrogance. He had to speak in a very strong manner and this got David’s attention. What he said was a clear delineation of the situation.

2Sam. 19:6 You love your enemies and hate those who love you! Today you have made it clear [demonstrated] that the commanders and soldiers mean nothing to you. In fact, today I know [conclude] that if Absalom were alive and all of us were dead, it would be fine [right in your eyes; you would have been pleased] with you!

Bob enjoys reading the King James. It keeps him in practice. Bob uses There and Thou in his prayers out of habit.

Field Marshall Joab is ordering David around. He uses a bunch of imperatives; 3 of them. Harshness of language does not mean that someone does not care for you. Often, it is the exact opposite.

David is the king and Joab is under him as the chief of staff. How can he use the imperative mood to the king? This is the imperative of threat. He guarantees him that he will have no army in the morning if he continues in his arrogance. This is advice, and it is stated in the imperative in order to get David’s attention. David is so deep into the arrogance complex, he cannot function normally.

Through rebound, David will be delivered from the arrogance complex. Knowledge of doctrine is the environment for making good decisions.

Joab uses no violence here. There is thinking; there is persuasion; but there is no use of violence. We encourage the military and we are for the police officer. But we do not take the place of the police officer or the military. Berachah is misrepresented as a paramilitary group. So many times, Bob was on the front page of the Dallas Morning News, and you cannot believe the misrepresentation. He was called a short, barrel chested, Marine colonel. Well, 6' is short in Texas. Because of this terrible Jones thing, the 4th estate has been trying to dig up similar organizations. Publicity is shunned in Berachah. It attracts people who are a little bit weird. There were no references to Bob’s views on the hypostatic union or the things developed in orthodox theology. There have been wonderful things that we have developed in Berachah. If they had to mention the military, and Bob’s major was Armageddon, and a member of this church took that material and made a million dollars off of it.

Why don’t you sue? Bob would not sue anyone, no matter what they say. Bob has been maligned before. There have been a number of books written about Bob, which lowers himself to their level if he sued them. Knowledge of doctrine is the environment for thinking.

Application requires the environment of humility. These are necessary to heal the wounds of client nation United States. While Joab is subordinated to the king, only he has the nerve to use imperatives with the king. He hopes to bring his Uncle David back to his sense and back to reality. This is the time of revolution. This was a civil war. And David needs to lead those who saved him.

2 Hebrew words for God: Elohim, which is in the plural, which refers to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. They all have identical characteristics.

David knows that Joab would not swear solemnly before the Lord, unless he was serious about this. Joab does not simply use God’s name frivolously here.

No one can indefinitely follow a weak ruler. David’s troubles are the worst they could be if he did not get behind his own army. David forgave many revolutionists. Recall that Joab blew the recall on the trumpet. That was his wisdom. Once you have won the victory, you do not continue to slaughter. Joab stopped. Joab is the only wise and intelligent ruler at this time. Joab never sought the crown for himself and he was one person who could have possibly taken it. Joab resisted the desire to rule over all Israel. He was fully subordinate.

Joab is a great tribute to his mother, David’s sister.

2Sam. 19:7 "Now get up! Go out and encourage [speak to the heart of] your soldiers, for I swear by the LORD [I take a solemn oath by the Lord] that if you don't go out, not a man will remain with you tonight [your soldiers will desert you]. This will be worse for you than all the trouble that has come to you from your youth until now!"

2Samuel 19:(1–6), 7 Psalm 33:1–5   72David                                              631_0486

Bob asks for a congregational meeting to deal with IRS requirements.

Bob goes back to read vv. 1–7:

2Sam. 19:1–6 It was reported to Joab, "The king is weeping. He's mourning over Absalom." That day's victory was turned into mourning for all the troops because on that day the troops heard, "The king is grieving over his son." So they returned to the city quietly that day like people come in when they are humiliated after fleeing in battle. But the king hid his face and cried out at the top of his voice, "My son Absalom! Absalom, my son, my son!" Then Joab went into the house to the king and said, "Today you have shamed all your soldiers--those who rescued your life and the lives of your sons and daughters, your wives, and your concubines. You love your enemies and hate those who love you! Today you have made it clear that the commanders and soldiers mean nothing to you. In fact, today I know that if Absalom were alive and all of us were dead, it would be fine with you!

Joab had great humility and he never tried to step beyond the bounds from God’s plan for his life and he never tried to steal the crown from his uncle David. Joab came from enforced humility to a point of genuine humility. He is one of the great underrated men of the Old Testament.

Joab attempts to snap David out of his psychopathic arrogance. Every commentator suggests that Joab is out of line in this passage, but dulcet tones and kind words would not be the key to reaching David.

2Sam. 19:7 "Now get up! Go out and encourage [speak to the heart of] your soldiers, for I swear by the LORD [I take a solemn oath by the Lord] that if you don't go out, not a man will remain with you tonight [your soldiers will desert you]. This will be worse for you than all the trouble that has come to you from your youth until now!"

This shock treatment reaches David. He realizes that Joab is right here. The first sign of David’s recovery is flexibility. He recognizes that a subordinate is right and he himself is wrong.

David uses the rebound technique, and David sets up a place for him at the gate, which is the customary place for the king to meet his victorious troops, possibly to greet them separately. Joab’s shock treatment was successful, and David now needs to go from here to unify his country.

2Sam. 19:8 So the king got up and sat in the gate, and all the people were told: "Look, the king is sitting in the gate." Then they all came into the king's presence. Meanwhile, each Israelite had fled to his tent.

David’s first command to his troops, as they assembled before him. Righteous ones refers to the mature believers and to the men of integrity, those of the army who just defeated the revolution.

There will be 50 years of great blessing and prosperity which will follow, which is also dependent upon the believers who are mature at this point in time. Only a pivot delivers a client nation in a point of crisis in a nation.

There will be implications for the next 50 years. Doctrine in the soul is integrity. Doctrine is the principle by which integrity is preserved in the soul. David will honor the nation and all of the people in this psalm. David recognizes all of those who are a part of the deliverance of nation Israel’s deliverance. This ought to be front page news each and every day. That same factor will deliver the United States. The mature believer who learns doctrine. Some of these mature believers were fighting in the army; some were children and women, who also had doctrine in their souls. There is also loyalty which is not a virtue. Loyalty as an evil is dishonor. What David is saying is, “We have something to shout about.” There is no conflict between loyalty and integrity until ignorance enters in.

David is saying that this is the beginning of a new era. The greatest period of prosperity that Israel would ever know. The army is not alone. God has honored the existence of a large pivot of mature believers in the client nation Israel.

2Sam. 19:8 So the king got up and sat in the gate, and all the people were told: "Look, the king is sitting in the gate." Then they all came into the king's presence. Meanwhile, each Israelite had fled to his tent.

The marks the end of the exegesis of Samuel. Bob will not return to it ever again. :(

The verses which follow will not be covered at all in this study: .


2Sam. 19:9 All the people among all the tribes of Israel were arguing: "The king delivered us from the grasp of our enemies, and he rescued us from the grasp of the Philistines, but now he has fled from the land because of Absalom.


2Sam. 19:10 But Absalom, the man we anointed over us, has died in battle. So why do you say nothing about restoring the king?"


2Sam. 19:11 King David sent word to the priests, Zadok and Abiathar: "Say to the elders of Judah, 'Why should you be the last to restore the king to his palace? The talk of all Israel has reached the king at his house.


2Sam. 19:12 You are my brothers, my flesh and blood. So why should you be the last to restore the king?'


2Sam. 19:13 And tell Amasa, 'Aren't you my flesh and blood? May God punish me and do so severely if you don't become commander of the army from now on instead of Joab!'"


2Sam. 19:14 So he won over all the men of Judah, and they sent word to the king: "Come back, you and all your servants."


2Sam. 19:15 Then the king returned. When he arrived at the Jordan, Judah came to Gilgal to meet the king and escort him across the Jordan.


2Sam. 19:16 Shimei son of Gera, a Benjaminite from Bahurim, hurried down with the men of Judah to meet King David.


2Sam. 19:17 There were 1,000 men from Benjamin with him. Ziba, an attendant from the house of Saul, with his 15 sons and 20 servants also rushed down to the Jordan ahead of the king.


2Sam. 19:18 They forded the Jordan to bring the king's household across and do whatever the king desired. When Shimei son of Gera crossed the Jordan, he fell down before the king


2Sam. 19:19 and said to him, "My lord, don't hold me guilty, and don't remember your servant's wrongdoing on the day my lord the king left Jerusalem. May the king not take it to heart.


2Sam. 19:20 For your servant knows that I have sinned. But look! Today I am the first one of the entire house of Joseph to come down to meet my lord the king."


2Sam. 19:21 Abishai son of Zeruiah asked, "Shouldn't Shimei be put to death for this, because he ridiculed the LORD's anointed?"


2Sam. 19:22 David answered, "Sons of Zeruiah, do we agree on anything? Have you become my adversary today? Should any man be killed in Israel today? Am I not aware that today I'm king over Israel?"


2Sam. 19:23 So the king said to Shimei, "You will not die." Then the king gave him his oath.


2Sam. 19:24 Mephibosheth, Saul's grandson, also went down to meet the king. He had not taken care of his feet, trimmed his moustache, or washed his clothes from the day the king left until the day he returned safely.


2Sam. 19:25 When he came from Jerusalem to meet the king, the king asked him, "Mephibosheth, why didn't you come with me?"


2Sam. 19:26 "My lord the king," he replied, "my servant Ziba betrayed me. Actually your servant said: 'I'll saddle the donkey for myself so that I may ride it and go with the king'--for your servant is lame.


2Sam. 19:27 Ziba slandered your servant to my lord the king. But my lord the king is like the Angel of God, so do whatever you think best.


2Sam. 19:28 For my grandfather's entire family deserves death from my lord the king, but you set your servant among those who eat at your table. So what further right do I have to keep on making appeals to the king?"


2Sam. 19:29 The king said to him, "Why keep on speaking about these matters of yours? I hereby declare: you and Ziba are to divide the land."


2Sam. 19:30 Mephibosheth said to the king, "Instead, since my lord the king has come to his palace safely, let Ziba take it all!"


2Sam. 19:31 Barzillai the Gileadite had come down from Rogelim and accompanied the king to the Jordan River to see him off at the Jordan.


2Sam. 19:32 Barzillai was a very old man--80 years old--and since he was a very wealthy man, he had provided for the needs of the king while he stayed in Mahanaim.


2Sam. 19:33 The king said to Barzillai, "Cross over with me, and I'll provide for you at my side in Jerusalem."


2Sam. 19:34 Barzillai replied to the king, "How many years of my life are left that I should go up to Jerusalem with the king?


2Sam. 19:35 I'm now 80 years old. Can I discern what is pleasant and what is not? Can your servant taste what he eats or drinks? Can I still hear the voice of male and female singers? Why should your servant be an added burden to my lord the king?


2Sam. 19:36 Since your servant is only going with the king a little way across the Jordan, why should the king repay me with such a reward?


2Sam. 19:37 Please let your servant return so that I may die in my own city near the tomb of my father and mother. But here is your servant Chimham: let him cross over with my lord the king. Do for him what seems good to you."


2Sam. 19:38 The king replied, "Chimham will cross over with me, and I will do for him what seems good to you, and whatever you desire from me I will do for you."


2Sam. 19:39 So all the people crossed the Jordan, and then the king crossed. The king kissed Barzillai and blessed him, and Barzillai returned to his home.


2Sam. 19:40 The king went on to Gilgal, and Chimham went with him. All the troops of Judah and half of Israel's escorted the king.


2Sam. 19:41 Suddenly, all the men of Israel came to the king. They asked him, "Why did our brothers, the men of Judah, take you away secretly and transport the king and his household across the Jordan, along with all of David's men?"


2Sam. 19:42 All the men of Judah responded to the men of Israel, "Because the king is our relative. Why does this make you angry? Have we ever eaten anything of the king's or been honored at all?"


2Sam. 19:43 The men of Israel answered the men of Judah: "We have 10 shares in the king, so we have a greater claim to David than you. Why then do you despise us? Weren't we the first to speak of restoring our king?" But the words of the men of Judah were harsher than those of the men of Israel.

At this point we go to Psalm 33, the completing of which will mark the end of the study of David.

This is the only thing that will deliver us. The disaster about to fall on our country is of the magnitude of the disaster which fell upon the Houston Oilers. We are not going to be delivered by our system of government, which has abysmal failure in everything it has done. We have shown a fanatical idiocy. Some judge will sit on the bench and make pronouncements about those from Cuba, when they ought to be sent back home. There is very little by way of establishment concepts. What will save our country is not the election of someone who seems to have the right policies or the election of many conservative Congressmen or even the appointment of a bunch of Supreme Court justices who are conservatives. The key is the pivot.

This psalm will indicate the basis of what will be the greatest period of time in Israel’s history. This recognizes every believer in the nation who has attained maturity. This is quite a change of David’s thinking since his involvement in interlocking systems of arrogance, studied this morning.

Tapes require a lot more positive volition than even attendance; particularly when people miss class. As we close in on disaster, there are those who are no longer faithful at all. Nothing is more important than Bible doctrine.

Integrity for the believer is loyalty to God. When people become careless about their devotion to the Word of God, that is problematic. There are several hundred in this church who are key people who fail to make their time up.

There will be testing as we grow in grace and become a part of the pivot. There is no conflict between integrity and loyalty, unless loyalty is to the wrong thing. As disaster looms, there is more and more things to keep us from doctrine.

Psalm 33:1 Rejoice in the LORD [Sing with happiness to the Lord], you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful.

We are now introduced to the actual music. Kinowr is like our piano or organ today. There are strings stretched over a sounding board and the performer played the strings with one hand, and deadened strings with the other.

Related to this is emotion. However, drunkenness destroys social life. All good social life connects thought to emotion. Drunkenness destroys the thought.

There is a spiritual hangover which gets us into interlocking systems of arrogance. The combination then is very wonderful. The soldiers had to think, and they subordinated their emotion. However, after they won the victory, they allowed their emotions to enjoy. All great times of culture, thought and emotion are allowed to intermingle, which preeminence given to thinking. Great music and patriotic music, the kind of music the Souza wrote, is a combination of music and thought in the way that emotion and thought are combined. Good drama is the proper connection of emotion and thought.

There is work and the routine of work; and compromise brings together the best concepts of work and play. That is good culture. Here, we are relating our lives to Jesus Christ; and the history of nation Israel is tied to doctrine and to the Lord Jesus Christ. We have to think and concentrate and blot out emotion when on the battlefield. We have to concentrate on the message and the meaning of the psalm.

Good drama is a correct mixture of thinking and emotion. There is always this balance. Comedy balances these things in a non-serious way. The English people have gone horribly into socialism, but they have the ability to still laugh at themselves. That will give them a lot of flexibility when it comes to their future.

We can get into arrogance through drunkenness. Social life becomes degeneracy. We are accepting all of the fags and all of the degeneracy which is found in sexuality, drugs and drinking. The original culture of our country rejected these things. We need to balance out thought and relate thinking to our emotion. On the other hand, there are those who watch football only by their emotions. Bob never missed a game at Rice for 15 years. You can even learn to be alone and to entertain yourself. Some of you, unless you are with someone, you are unable to cope. Emotion itself will not sustain you.

People no longer know how to live. They are unable to think doctrine and the gospel and to build upon this. You learn this first and then you can allow your emotions to respond to these things. If you cannot understand this, then you have to have a little dope or a little acid or you have to get skunk drunk. There are literally thousands of people in the city who know nothing about living.

The tongues movement is just like taking dope. Client nation USA does not know how to live. If you do not know how to live, you do not know how to work. People are unwilling to take menial jobs and work. Arrogance says, “I am as good as the president of GM or or this or that oil company” and the culture no longer comes in. People can no longer enjoy culture and great thought. The greatest cultures are based upon Christianity.

It is right and good and lawful to have a party and to have a celebration.

Psalm 33:2 [Be motivative to] Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp.

It takes skill to play this instrument.

Psalm 33:3 Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.

The Word of God is integrity. That is the key. This means great social life. This begins a new song and new culture. We started this in December of 1979 with Bathsheba, and now we are in September of 1980. David has been the ruler of Israel for 30 years, but with many failures. We must always, in the final analysis, say that, as along as we are alive, there is still hope. This is based on the overall evaluation that David is still in arrogance. The thoughts presented by Joab caused David to think again, to think doctrine. And he recovered, and he set up his throne at the gate. There is a song fitting for integrity.

A new song means there is a new day dawning. This indicates a new start, a new beginning. 1Kings 15:5 David did what was right in the LORD's eyes, and he did not turn aside from anything He had commanded him all the days of his life, except in the matter of Uriah the Hittite. Also, in this chapter, Asa is compared to David and so is Abijam. 2Kings 14:3 16:2 18:3 22:2 are examples of comparison to David. David is the greatest king ever, and he became the measuring rod, the standard, for all of the kings of Israel.

A new song is a new culture which is pro-God, pro-law enforcement, pro-establishment, anti-revolution, anti-chaos.

To play skillfully, you must practice in order to play that instrument. It is a system of organizational humility. You subordinate yourself to a teacher of that instrument. You then practice, and subordinate yourself to the teacher of that instrument, which is enforced humility. Culture must be related to humility, as humility is related to thought. From a system of culture comes a great social life. Labor today has lost its capacity for life. People do not need more time for leisure; they need more doctrine to enjoy whatever leisure time it is that they have, and to balance this out with their work.

You can only be loyal to doctrine that you know. You cannot be loyal to doctrine that you do not know. The Word of the Lord is integrity.

There is a rejection of truth in social life and the realm of work life and in the realm of living in general.

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right [integrity], and all His work [provision] is trustworthy [in faithfulness].

God loves righteousness and justice. This is the concept of the essence of God rationale. The greatest period of Israel’s history will be based upon this.

Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD's unfailing love.

2Samuel 19 Psalm 33:(1–4), 5–         72David                                              631_0487

Bob stops midway through the verses and says, “Forget it.” People came from all over to the last conference. The manners and attention were perfect.

Prep school is going great guns. The little people pivot.

This is the first time since the reformation since there has been a strong, sane doctrinal approach for young people. Most young people programs are a farce.

David is still sitting on the throne.

Bob know Bill Yeoman, who is a coach. I think of the Cougars? His father told him, “You will not use me as an excuse to do something wrong.” Apparently, this is a write up on Bill, but not sure where. Dave McCain is Wisconsin coach.

Genuine humility comes from first being subordinated to a system of authority. David never became a great father until Bathsheba, and he was a fantastic father to all of them. Proverbs was the training which David gave 2 of his sons.

David is sitting at the gate on the throne. He has now recovered. He had the flexibility to recover. Humility is great poise and great manners. It is not an inferiority complex.

The book of Numbers is the book of universal military training.

Psalm 33 was given under great lamentation and grief.

Psalm 33:1 Rejoice in the LORD [Sing with happiness to the Lord], you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful.

There were many well-motivated people during the revolution.

Psalm 33:2 [Be motivative to] Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp.

There is a mental attitude of gratitude to the Lord. If you are not grateful to the Lord, you have no gratitude to the people.

Motivation here means they must have thought. You cannot just go through life.

Psalm 33:3 Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.

Psalm 33:4 For the word of the LORD is right [integrity], and all His work [provision] is trustworthy [in faithfulness].

God loves His Own attributes. This is combined under the heading holiness, which, in modern English, is integrity. These are emphasized by David, David has made a remarkable recovery and doctrine is flowing from his lips. God’s love is not the point of contact. It does not say, “God loves people;” He loves his righteousness and justice. As long as God loves His integrity, we will get a fair shake from Him. God’s own attributes cannot be changed or corrupted. God’s love is not our point of contact with God. God does not love us under the conditions of us being sinful. Love is a part of the essence of God, but this is not His only characteristic.

Each member of the Trinity is righteous. At salvation, God amputated righteousness to all believers, in the Old or New Testaments. God does not fall in love; God is love. There never is a time when God is not love. Bob wants to move his church into the time zone where football games begin at 9.

God is love and He always has been love. You do not love someone that you have never seen or heard of. That is kooksville. That is like being in love with a movie star. We all have come to know people and to appreciate them. Category #2 love and category #3 love. We have to start with love. Even though David failed them, God has never failed them. God’s love does not grow or improve. God’s love has 2 directions. The first direction is the faithfulness of God to this army. God’s love is objective and legitimately subjective. God loves His Own righteousness and justice. He also loves God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, each of Whoom has the exact same essence. Each member of the Trinity loves His Own integrity. Integrity is stronger than love and it is His integrity which makes His love strong. In contrast to human love, God’s love does not have to be sustained by emotion. Human love is sustained for 4 interrelated concepts. Emotion, which originates from the soul; sex which originates from the body; spiritual factor which comes from the entire person. Mankind tends to superimpose his own concepts of love upon God.

Many believers will say to themselves, “How could God do this to me? Or, how could God let this happen to me?” This is a distortion of the love of God. God’s love is not the frame of reference for the Christian life. God’s love is mentioned in 2 ways in the Scripture. It is a part of His essence and it is named as an anthropopathism. “God hates Esau” is a sin; so God does not really hate Esau. It says, “God repents” but God cannot change His mind. This helps to explain God’s policy.

Love gives; that is a human characteristic. God gives His uniquely-born Son.

God loves a cheerful giver? We love cheerful people; but God doesn’t love cheerful people. It explains that love there is an Anthropopathism. Esau I loved and Jacob I hate. We draw our conclusions based upon essence passages. All of our anthropopathisms often give some false ideas. Love is used to explain divine policy, but it is not the source of our blessing. Justice and integrity are the source of our blessing. While God’s love is a reality to the believer, it is not the source of our discipline or our blessing. For generations, the Thieme household was, “This hurts me much more than it will hurt you.”

it is impossible for God to be unfair. That is outside of His essence. We know that God deals with us fairly because of the cross. The deity and the humanity of Christ are imputed to one person forever. The sins are imputed to His humanity and judged by the justice of God. The cross was a function of the justice of God.

Bob warns the woman, when a man says I love you, does that man have integrity? That is the important factor. The integrity of that person is made up of his righteousness and justice. Maximum doctrine in the soul + loyalty to that doctrine.

These men will have many reunions based upon this war and the defeat of the revolutionaries. Love is really a very secondary thing. Woodrow Wilson knew we must love the world, but he had no idea what that meant.

We need God’s help; He does not need our help. God’s perfect integrity is composed of His justice and righteousness. We may not get a fair shake from our contemporaries in life, we always get a fair shake from God.

God is just and He is fair, so the world is filled with His grace.

Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD's unfailing grace.

2Samuel 19 Psalm 33:(1–5), 6          72David                                              631_0488

David issued the general order not to kill Absalom, and then Joab came and braced him. King David was totally a casualty of the war itself.

Psalm 33:1–5 Rejoice in the LORD [Sing with happiness to the Lord], you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful. [Be motivative to] Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp. Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout. For the word of the LORD is right [integrity], and all His work [provision] is trustworthy [in faithfulness]. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD's unfailing grace.

David now has the responsibility of healing a nation after a civil war.

The home is the first organization in life, so that is the first place that we learn organizational humility. From authority comes enforced humility, which, ideally speaking, results in genuine humility. David, because he is involved in interlocking systems of arrogance, who entered by way of gate 19, and this led to psychopathic arrogance.

God made or constructed the heavens from the word of the Lord. There was great order in the original creation of the universe. There must be authority in communication and subordination to authority. All of the celestial bodies move incredibly fast.

The relationship between freedom and authority is very important. Such freedom without authority is absolutely useless. Many of you teens are looking forward to be without parental discipline. You will turn your freedom into license.

Psalm 33:6 The heavens were made by the word of the LORD, and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth.

The relationship between water and mass is such that life is sustained on this earth. God determines the ratio of water and land. He puts the depths into storehouses.

Just as certain the nations stay within their boundaries, so the oceans stay within their boundaries.

Socialism is a mass narcism complex. It is destroying England as a client nation and it is destroying us as a client nation. Jesus Christ is in control of history and sustaining the universe. The continuation of the universe and the scientific laws is a misnomer. Science is a myth of anthropocentric egotism. Science cannot guarantee any of these laws, science cannot enforce them and science did not originate these laws.

Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide = salt + water. This is because Jesus Christ is faithful in guaranteeing the exact same reaction. Calling these scientific laws is the arrogance of man. Jesus Christ controls history and He is the one Who keeps us here. The reason we are seated and the reason why will get up and walk out of there is because of the laws of gravity. Some of you are looking forward to the football games today; but if Jesus cancelled the laws of gravity in Tempe, things may have gone better for Texas (I guess there was a game then?).

The universe operates according to a fixed norm which God guarantees. There will come a time when God will cancel His Own laws with regards to nature. Jesus Christ controls through His omnipotence and veracity.

Happiness does not come through wealth or promotion or sex etc.; but through Bible doctrine. However, some of us can be so close, and yet so easily distracted, particularly by 1 of the 19 gates of interlocking systems of arrogance.

Psalm 33:7 He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap; He puts the depths into storehouses.

God did not create the universe just to be doing something. He continues to have us in mind. On the worst day, God does not cancel out some of His laws in order to mess with us. God will discipline us, but He will not change His laws. No one has come close to tempting God to be unfaithful.

The basis for this is in the next 2 verses.

Humility is refusing to enter in any of the interlocking systems of arrogance.

A husband maintains his authority over his wife through love. This means to be wise and judicious in the function of authority. There are a certain number of ladies who are really mules, but that isn’t your wife, who is a charming young thing who has wondering about life since she married you.

You do not fall in love because of attraction; you fall in love because you have respect in the mentality of your soul. Respect. In the realm of love, there is no such thing as instant love. There must be respect in your soul. The object of your love must meet the standards of your right lobe. Respect becomes the great issue.

Bob talks about those who are mentally disorganized. First illustration is a woman without organization; the second is a woman. You might as well face it and write yourself off until you are able to get organized.

“How dare he speak to me like that.” That is arrogance and horsiness. “How dare he say something like that to me in church?” What do you want Bob to do; follow you to work and tell you this?

You should be more impressed with the source of science and math rather than science and math itself. Being late to work means being disorganized. This also means being preoccupied with self. This is arrogance.

There is something about being a guest; which means you have something to learn about those who are sustaining you. We have to learn how a country functions. When you go to a country, you learn to try their foods.

Psalm 33:8 Let the whole earth tremble before the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of [reverence] Him.

Grace is the great hospitality of the Lord.

2Samuel 18                      Psalm 33:(1–8), 9–10 72David                            631_0489

Psalm 33:1–8 Rejoice in the LORD [Sing with happiness to the Lord], you righteous ones; praise from the upright is beautiful. [Be motivative to] Praise the LORD with the lyre; make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp. Sing a new song to Him; play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout. For the word of the LORD is right [integrity], and all His work [provision] is trustworthy [in faithfulness]. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD's unfailing grace. The heavens were made by the word of the LORD, and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap; He puts the depths into storehouses. Let the whole earth tremble before the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of [reverence] Him.

V. 9 refers to original creation. Jesus Christ as the Creator and the One providing for us His so-great salvation. Jesus Christ cannot give an erroneous command; David has just given an erroneous command.

What endured is the dry land. This is the faithfulness of God. The Word of the Lord which holds all things together, also provides for us. Human government, angelic rulers, and other authorities are all created for His purpose.

Psalm 33:9 For He spoke, and it came into being [endured]; He commanded, and it came into existence.

The believer is the guest in the devil’s world and only our own volition will keep us from enjoying the benefits.

The people died because that was their volition. Humility is always related to worship.

Lam. 3:21–25 But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.

There will be no deliverance for our country through election. When there is national degeneracy, only great catastrophe can rectify the situation.

No testing has overtaken us, as such is common to man; but God is faithful, not to test us beyond our capacity. That daily decision is positive toward Bible doctrine. Many have escaped tornadoes, because they would dig a cellar and that is where they would go during the hurricane. The key to a disaster is preparing for that disaster in advance. This time, it was unknown to David... David, in effect, is saying, “Now, what will you do with your freedom.”

Many of the men would find wives and have families and prosper and succeed. David will face his final test under dying grace.

Bob is always interested in football season when there is a saturation. We have seen a lot of football, and in all of this, there has been a certain amount of a letdown.

The bars are filling up because people want to forget what happened this weekend.

If your happiness depends upon a team winning or losing, then it is too bad. The be enthusiastic about sports is simply capacity for life. However, being depressed over he outcome of sports is problematic.

The millions of Africans who are won to the Lord is, the most important thing to them was not some game, but believing in Jesus Christ and entering into the plan of God.

God is faithful and He never allows us to be tested beyond our capabilities. The faithfulness of the Lord is the basis of logistical grace. Even when we are faithless, God provides another day and another day; even in the times of our life when we are at our worst, God still provides for us. When we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that is it; there is nothing that can destroy our salvation. The one thing that cannot be done is, thinking that we can do something which would cancel out the grace of God or the plan of God. God remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.

Sarah concluded faithful the One who promised. She concluded, via the rationale.

Apparently, Psalm 33 is what David is presenting to his troops.

Pur means to frustrate. We cannot be destroyed as long as there is a pivot of believers. The pivot comes doctrine resident in the soul. People run around in some sort of fear that the world will be destroyed. Christ cannot come the 2nd time until the church is resurrected.

The Tribulation and the 2nd advent the Millennium and then the destruction of the entire universe. All the propaganda that we see, the last on the beach, the planet of the apes, because God frustrates the plans of nations. We plan to give away everything we can, so we can feel like we are nice to everyone. China and Russia look to advance and destroy; but God frustrates the plans of nations.

The plans of the Russian, the Chinese look to take over everywhere and control the economy. Many have discovered the conquest of the earth is ridiculous. Capitalism provides stores where there are lots of things to buy. But you go into a Russian store, and there is nothing on the shelves, and the Russians do not know how to make shoes or knives and forks and spoons. This is why all liberals are arrogant.

Liberalism when Bob went to college was toleration of other viewpoints. It does not mean that anymore. The dominance of liberalism in any nation results in tremendous degeneracy when it comes to crime and homosexuality. So Fidel and his brother decided, “Send them to the US.” Wisconsin is a liberal state, and now they have all of these Cubans who are liberals.

Degeneration is living inside of interlocking systems of arrogance. Rejection of authority is arrogance and lack of humility.

If the communists paratrooper in and took ove all of our industries, they would not know what to do with it all.

The 4 concepts include freedom itself the function of human freedom in human history. There is also the concept of privacy. The right to possess integrity and to make mistakes. Then there is property; the right to excel and to attain. Finally, there is authority. God’s order and God’s power to insure the function of freedom.

Under God’s law, profit is legitimate. There will never be equality in the human race. Some use all of their resources to build businesses and it is the purpose of government to protect them from crime and crusaders. In Russia, even with money, there is very little to buy.

Freedom and equality cannot exist. David is implying that there will be other conspiracies in his reign and in Solomon’s. The liberal, by his plans, seeks the equality of man; he attacks freedom. Freedom cannot guarantee or manufacture equality in the human race. Freedom is a reality and equality is a myth. The greater the freedom, the greater the inequality. Once you believe in Jesus Christ, your attitude toward doctrine is the key. There is a lot of difference between a baby, adolescent, mature believer, or a reversionist (and there are 9 stages of reversionism?). There is also ultra supergrace.

There is no equality in heaven and heaven is perfect. Everyone has a resurrection body, and that is where it ends. Perfect happiness and all the rest of it, but there is no equality in heaven. The greater the function of mentality and motivation the greater the inequality.

Forced equality is the policy of tyrants. Freedom and authority are 2 sides of the same coin. These have learned the principle of authority in a hurry. They learned that their officers, who they will never see again, that obeying them is the way to go. They did not know thse people and yet, this taught them a great deal.

Military success depends upon the thinking of the officers not the men. Noncommissioned officer are important, but not nearly as important as the officers. Only arrogance thinks otherwise. This does not detract from the sergeants or the seamen or the privates. It is simply a principle. A lot of rank and file people hate their officers simply because they are officers. They will never make it in business, marriage, in their social life, because they have reject the principle of authority.

You do not have to love someone in order to obey them. You do not have to love your supervisor, etc. to do your job. You need only respect their authority.

Freedom and authority must go together. David is teachingn that they learned how to obey someone that they did not necessarily like. You can have a boss or a pastor that you cannot stand, but if you put yourself under their authority, you can move to the top and succeed. You will many times have the test of very poor authority over you. Because you learn genuine humility, you will never let a bad football weekend get you down. Arrogance is childish and immature.

We may cut down the authority of someone in a quiet place, but you do not realize that you are also destroying freedom; and this destroys freedom in a nation. Competent or incompetent authority protects freedom. Always in life, we will be under authority. There is always the danger of rejecting the divine plan.

Psalm 33:10 The LORD frustrates the counsel [plans] of the nations; He thwarts [neutralizes or nullifies] the plans of the peoples.

2Samuel 18                 Psalm 33:11 Prov. 8:1–36 72David                       631_0490

David’s message in the gate. He is preparing this army for demobilization and preparing them for civilian ranks. They have done a phenomenal job. God is perfect and His plan is perfect; and God’s plan is for our lives, tailor made for each of us. You can only lose out on God’s plan by using your own negative volition. When you first hear Bible doctrine taught, it goes into your left lobe, and there you understand it. Faith transfers it to the right lobe. This is not the faith rest drill. This is not application. All knowledge is builty upon the perceptive system of faith.

It is tragic when he live during a time when only idiots think up things for education.

We must distinguish between the 3 stages of the faith rest drill and faith as perfection. The latter is saving faith. Faith rest has nothing to do with the transfer in gap. Faith rest is just the transfer of Γνσις to ἑπίγνωσις. Some people have been around Berachah for ages and cannot tell the difference between faith rest technique and faith as a system of perception.

A rationale must be based upon ἑπίγνωσις. That is faith as a system of perception and you have it in your soul. You need it for application. You can claim 100 promises and not go anywhere in the Christian life. The original faith rest book is useless because it does not have the 2nd stage of the faith rest technique.

I believe it and I use it. Once you can apply doctrine, you have muscle in your soul, because you can come to a doctrinal conclusion. The little idiot running around claiming promises is barely holding on.

If you cannot think, you are going nowhere as a believer. Bob mentions a recent session; people all over the place in Michigan, and this is a beautiful state which has been destroyed like you cannot believe by labor unions. And the conference was all yankees.

Etsah means plan and it our life. That is what God has for us. Qal imperfect of amad, which means to stand; total stability; something which is always there. God’s plan is only available to us. God has a plan for our life and we have a plan for our life. There is this inevitable conflict. The only way we will miss God’s plan is to use our volition against it. We use our volition against the plan of God when we say no to Bible doctrine.

When David came to what we have, he came to the crux of the whole matter. The plan of the Lord stands forever. The only way to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, is doctrine in the soul; which is faith perception. Faith-rest is applying it.

God is perfect and His plan is perfect. David rejected the plan of God when he issued that ridiculous order. Preoccupation becomes distraction, and we cannot afford to be distracted from doctrine. A perfect plan can only originate from a perfect God. It can be no stronger than its weakest link.

No one grows spiritually by works; works are the result of spiritual growth, not the means. The most unused portion of our anatomy is the brain. We have to learn to think. It is painful. It is like recovering from frostbite.

There are no weak links in the plan of God. Man can do nothing for blessing just like he can do nothing for salvation. There are Christian works and Christian production. But our advancement is a matter of grace. There is no place for God to honor or to bless us.

Each of us possesses half of God’s integrity at salvation, which is righteousness.

Common grace takes the gospel; it is presented to us. We hear the gospel and faith-perception understands it. When we exhale faith in Christ, that is faith-action, which Bob calls faith rest. When you say, “I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved.” A distinction is made because one is learning and the other is application.

We will get to see God’s perfect plan for our life, maybe 90% unused. God’s plan for us, perfect, but there is so much negative volition that we did not do much of it. All we did is claim a few promises. But, we had nothing to think.

Bob does not know if there will be much of this plan floating around and he would hate to see that he did not do much of it. The reason that we do not fulfill God’s plan for our life is, we choose not to. I don’t believe that; γνσις. We have free will in our souls, and this means there is no build up of ἑπίγνωσις. The plan of the Lord stands forever. This has to be, because we have eternal life. The nice thing about the plan is, in time, we are under a test called the Angelic Conflict. We can choose for God’s plan under the most stringent circumstances. God put all of this together for us, but there is one hitch; God gave us free will.

Machashabah is the plan of God in one word. That is thoughts; the plural of think. There is a difference between perception and application. You hear the doctrine, you listen to it; you understand what is being said. Then you choose to believe it or not. However, the γνσις is no good. ἑπίγνωσις is what makes you grow. That develops rationales. You understand and you do it. David is now giving this great speech to his army after being chewed out by Joab. He just used the imputation rationale. Many of us are in a crisis period of our life. We say doctrine works or doesn’t work; and we are missing the boat. We either believe doctrine or we do not.

Psalm 33:11 The counsel [plan] of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.

God is going to share His thoughts. He does not share them through holy rollers; He does not share them through singing “Do Lord.” Faith has a system of perception and a system of application. Gap and all stages of the faith-rest technique.

Prov. 8:1 Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?

Prov. 8:2 On the heights beside the way, at the crossroads she takes her stand;

Prov. 8:3 beside the gates in front of the town, at the entrance of the portals she cries aloud:

Prov. 8:4 "To you, O men, I call, and my cry is to the children of man.

It takes humility in order to learn.

Prov. 8:5 O simple ones, learn prudence; O fools, learn sense.

Prov. 8:6 Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right,

Doctrine does not encourage evil.

Prov. 8:7 for my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Prov. 8:8 All the words of my mouth are righteous; there is nothing twisted or crooked in them.

Prov. 8:9 They are all straight to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge.

Now we have a scale of values; doctrine and silver; which is most important. Gold or doctrine? Gold is nice, but you cannot think with it.

Prov. 8:10 Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold,

Doctrine is more valuable than jewelry. Before you get too wild in your life, have a love affair with doctrine.

Prov. 8:11 for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her.

Prov. 8:12 "I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.

Prov. 8:13 The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

Prov. 8:14 I have counsel and sound wisdom; I have insight; I have strength.

This is what governmental figures need; doctrine.

Prov. 8:15 By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just;

Prov. 8:16 by me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.

Prov. 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.

Prov. 8:18 Riches and honor are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness.

Prov. 8:19 My fruit is better than gold, even fine gold, and my yield than choice silver.

Prov. 8:20 I walk in the way of righteousness, in the paths of justice,

Prov. 8:21 granting an inheritance to those who love me, and filling their treasuries.

Prov. 8:22 "The LORD possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.

Prov. 8:23 Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.

Prov. 8:24 When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water.

Prov. 8:25 Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills, I was brought forth,

Prov. 8:26 before he had made the earth with its fields, or the first of the dust of the world.

Prov. 8:27 When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep,

Prov. 8:28 when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep,

Prov. 8:29 when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth,

Doctrine was in God’s mind at all time.

Prov. 8:30 then I was beside him, like a master workman, and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always,

Prov. 8:31 rejoicing in his inhabited world and delighting in the children of man.

David speaks to his children by Bathsheba.

Prov. 8:32 "And now, O sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep my ways.

Prov. 8:33 Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it.

Prov. 8:34 Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors.

Prov. 8:35 For whoever finds me finds [capacity for] life and obtains grace from the LORD,

Prov. 8:36 but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death."

2Samuel 18    GAP, Faith rest 3 Stages 72David Psalm 33:(10-11)          631_0491

David is facing a possible civil war in Israel.

Psalm 33:10–11 The LORD frustrates the counsel [plans] of the nations; He thwarts [neutralizes or nullifies] the plans of the peoples. The counsel [plan] of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.

The New Believer and Gap

1.       Gap finds the believer in a state of ignorance at the beginning of their Christian life. They know a tiny portion of the gospel.

2.       As the Christian life progresses, ignorance may continue with it. After salvation, the issue is doctrine and the individual has negative volition toward doctrine. There are many reasons why the believer does not understand and remains in a state of ignorance.

3.       There are 2 categories of faith in learning the mind of Christ. Faith perception and faith application. Faith has a system of perception and a system of application.

4.       In learning doctrine, only faith perception applies. In applying the rationales, faith application applies. Obviously, one is intake and the other is the output of doctrine.

5.       The first stage of going from ignorance ot cognizance is γνσις. You hear teaching from the pulpit and you understand it under the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

6.       Γνσις is knowledge of doctrine, but only that which resides in the left lobe, and ti cannot be applied or used in spiritual growth.

7.       This can only be used when it is transferred to the right lobe. Γνσις must become ἑπίγνωσις. The only way to grow or advance is through ἑπίγνωσις. Faith perception is twofold here. Negative and positive. Faith translates γνσις into ἑπίγνωσις.

Stage 2 of Faith Rest

1.       Next category is faith-application. Applying doctrine to experience.

2.       Faith perception converts Γνσις doctrine into ἑπίγνωσις doctrine.

3.       Faith application is the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill.

4.       This is the basic of Christo-centric thinking.

5.       The dynamics of the faith rest drill depend upon the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill. There is nothing dynamic about claiming promises. That is a means to an end.

6.       The ultimate is reverse concentration, which is the 2nd stage of the faith rest drill, which is the muscle of the faith rest life. Logistical grace rationale; the rebound rationale, etc.

7.       The first stage of the faith rest drill is the dynamics of the Christian life. A lot of people left Berachah before they learned the 2nd stage.

8.       Stage 1 is the means of faith rest concentration. Stage 2 is the dynamics; stage 3 is the results.

9.       The real issue is reverse concentration. That application of faith to your environment. Just claiming promises will not get the job done. It puts you in the driver’s seat so that you can think. The believer must learn to think in terms of divine viewpoint.

The Steps in Gap

1.       ICE the pastor-teacher.

2.       Spiritual humility involves the filling of the Holy Spirit and the existence of the humility factor, which comes in 3 categories: organized humility, enforced humility and genuine humility. This is found in the church, the home, the military, any business, etc.

3.       The believer must be motivated. Some can lose motivation when they think they have learned more doctrine than they really have. You need a steady flow of ἑπίγνωσις. This requires positive volition toward doctrine. This means concentration, whether you are interested or not.

4.       Therefore, the importance of learning the rebound rationale and applying the technique to the academic function. Doctrine hits your left lobe. If you have rebounded and if you are under the authority of the pastor-teacher, then you will profit and your will persist in profiting from the teaching of Bible doctrine.

5.       The I in ICE is for isagogics. This is interpreting the Bible in its historical framework. Also involved is the language in which it is written.

6.       There is also the categories. This fulfills the hermanuetical approach.

7.       The analysis of each verse in its context to determine its exact meaning of each verse as related to the whole. This involves all the different original languages. Stage 2 is the believer listening.

Stage 2

1.       With enough frame of reference you understand the concept being taught and the passage being taught.

2.       When you understand, the doctrine goes to the first of the 2 lobes that make up the mentality of the soul.

3.       The believer approaches doctrinal teaching in ignorance. The objective of doctrinal teaching is turning ignorance into cognizance.

4.       If ignorance persists or continues, it is because the believer is negative toward doctrine.

5.       If it is negative in attending class, like being in interlocking systems of arrogance, there are a number of doors that could cause the problem.

6.       Other reasons for ignorance include a lack of frame of reference. Your ignorance may come from sporadic attendance. It may come from distraction; too interested in a member of the opposite sex. It might be a lack of concentration. Christianity is thought and not emotion. The plan of God stands forever; the thoughts of His right lobe are for all generations.

7.       Apart from ignorance, the believer under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the believer can and does learn doctrine. He learns this from his right pastor-teacher, whether it is face to face or from a distance. Non-face to face teaching is based upon the New Testament epistles. Every New Testament church involved some non-face to face teaching.

8.       Γνσις is receptive comprehension. Simple Γνσις cannot be applied to spiritual growth. It can never be applied to experience. Bob may have implied that faith rest turned γνσις into ἑπίγνωσις, but that is not true. Faith perception is what converts it. You cannot use γνσις for anything. You are born as a baby pink and fat without any definition. Just a lot of fat. That is γνσις. That must be converted to muscle.

Stage 3 the Function of Faith Perception

1.       There are 2 kinds of faith; faith perception and faith application. Both are related to the plan of God.

2.       Faith perception is used in learning doctrine. It converts γνσις into ἑπίγνωσις.

3.       In stage 3, γνσις is converted to ἑπίγνωσις thought. You might understand what is being taught and you say, “I believe it.” That is ἑπίγνωσις. You must start with a premise and believe that premise; and you must define it.

4.       Stage 3 is critical to fulfilling the plan of God. Only ἑπίγνωσις doctrine causes spiritual growth. It is critical to Christian experience because only ἑπίγνωσις doctrine can cause you to grow. Claiming a promise is the means, not the end. It is called the grace apparatus for perception because it is a grace system. It does not depend upon IQ, rationalism or empiricism. It is communicated, understood, and then you believe it or not.

5.       Stage 4 is faith application. It converts ἑπίγνωσις doctrine into experience. That is the rationales of the Christian life. You can know a lot of doctrine and if it is all γνσις, that is anthropocentric thinking. There are new standards of the Christian life; Christo-centric standards.

6.       Stage 5 is spiritual growth in the fulfillment of the plan of God. Only ἑπίγνωσις doctrine results in spiritual growth.

2Samuel 18                             Psalm 33:12– 72David                                  631_0492

That God has a plan for our lives has been taught in many contexts. David, sitting on the throne at Mahanaim, gives a message to his soldiers who are about to return from a civil war. Few of us appreciate what it is like to live in a nation that is no nation; like a 3rd world nation. God’s plan for us is inside client nation USA. Just like it was God’s plan for this army to live inside of client nation Israel. There is only one way to grow in grace, which is the perception of doctrine under γνσις. From this comes the pivot. The pivot determines the general characteristics of the nation.

As a nation, we are suffering from the great tragedy of interlocking systems of arrogance. Those who are dealing with the problem are involved in interlocking systems of arrogance.

If you are looking to organize some kind of secret army or guerilla organization, because such an organization automatically falls into terrorism, which is an attempt to solve one evil with another evil.

There is an idiot out in Phoenix who takes the tapes and he polly parrots the tapes back to his people. The rest of the time, he takes his people out into the mountains. He could not give a sermon without one of Bob’s tapes. The man is a fool. The problem is a spiritual problem; not a political problem.

A person can be cool and collected on the battlefield; but when he returns, he is a good citizen. Organizational humility.

Any time you are in a client nation, you are among the chosen people. As gentiles, we can be just as much chosen people as Israel.

There are 2 kinds of happiness in a client nation; those who break the maturity barrier and those who receive blessing by association. Such a nation is a happy nation.

Evangelism must be the presentation of the gospel, so that these must be received under privacy. An evangelist which calls people to come forward invades a person’s privacy. You don’t follow up; follow up is an evil. If someone, of their own free will, want doctrine, they will eventually find it. They might start with a neighborhood church on the corner and eventually find doctrine somewhere. The function of the client nation to God includes evangelism; but there is no right to infringe upon the new believer’s privacy. It is like the government infringing on your privacy. Or like the church that gets your name and phone number, which is an intrusion upon your privacy.

The client nation is defined as that country whose God is Yehowah. Israel will later be divided into 2 nations. The client nation is that country whose God is the Lord. This means there is a pivot. When you believe in Christ, Jesus becomes your Lord. There is evangelism in that nation and people in each generation believe.

Bachar means to select, to elect to privilege, chosen for His inheritance. When you live in a client nation, God’s personal plan is to the individual.

Psalm 33:12 Happy [Happinesses] is the nation [the Gentile] whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

Omniscience is one of 3 categories of God’s knowledge. Self-knowledge and foreknowledge are the other 2. We acquire knowledge through learning; God never has to learn. God knows Himself and He knows himself to be beyond all other creatures. Because God is immutable, His knowledge cannot change. God never forgets anything. His knowledge cannot change. God has absolute knowledge and God is never confused. His self-knowledge is related to the other members of the Trinity as well. Each member of the Trinity has perfect sself-knowledge. God has absolute and total knowledge of everything that will occur. His knowledge is perfect and God cannot be faked out. You can never deceive God. Therefore, save a little time and never try to fake out God.

Marriages are not made in heaven. They are made on earth to propagate the earth.

If there is anything which God cannot stand outside of arrogance is absurdity. The tongues movement; the function of the holy rollers; the begging for money; the concepts of sharing; these are absurdities. Salvation by works or spiritually by works. God cannot tolerate the absurd.

How can you avoid the absurdities in your life? Doctrine and more doctrine. With 1000% saturation of doctrine, you can get something out of it. You can’t get enough doctrine. The more doctrine you have, the straighter will be your thinking.

ἑπίγνωσις comes from faith application. Faith application is believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. That γνσις gospel that you heard becomes ἑπίγνωσις.

There is a certain portion of God’s knowledge which is separate from everything else. God has always known about every creature in their totality. We can His knowledge the divine decrees.

Omniscience of God has fed these facts into the computer and the printout is election to privilege, which is related to those who are chosen.

Believers in Israel determine the direction of that client nation. In the dispensation of Israel, there was the united kingdom; and later on, it was a split with David’s grandson Rehoboam. We determine, by our daily attitude, whether this client nation will be blessed or disciplined. On the surface, there is degeneracy among the people.

If you have a small pivot, then you have national degeneracy. David is telling them to go back and fulfill the plan of God. As go the believers, so goes the nation. If the believer fails to grow up through Bible doctrine, then there is likely to be discipline toward the nation.

Jesus Christ controls history, and if He is going to destroy a nation, then He allows their free will to function, and lets them function. If we are permitted to go unchecked, we will destroy ourselves. People were far better dressed and groomed in the past. People have degenerated in their standards of grooming and dress. If they have degenerated standards in one place, then the often indicates a degeneration elsewhere.

How we look often reflects how we think. What we say reflects how we think; what we do reflects how we think. We are not living because we breath. We live because we think. It is no longer the EKG but the EEG which determines whether we are still alive. We are alive because of what we think. Failing to think means that we are walking death. When you have mass degeneracy, you really have mass psychosis.

Right now, we could go in either direction as a nation. Discipline is certain. If people respond to divine discipline and divine warning and the nation goes back to establishment, there is evangelism and, often, a positive response. A nation is unhealthy with a small pivot and a large spinoff. What David is saying, when you are mobilized, get going. Election is defined as the believer’s privilege to influence history in their advance to spiritual maturity.

Psalm 33:12 Happy [Happinesses] is the nation [the Gentile] whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

2Samuel 18                           Psalm 33:12–15 72David                                631_0493

Bridgewater, NJ has a telephone hookup for Bible classes every night. 50–60 Fx’s by the end of the year.

All the New Testament epistles are the result of non-face to face teaching. 2 other Corinth epistles and apparently more of John’s writing. Bob has never invited anyone to church.

The virgin pregnancy is the true issue. That is the means by which Jesus Christ came into the world without the imputation of a sin nature or of Adam’s original sin. The issue was the same to Jesus as it was to Adam.

1Peter 2:24 elected to privilege and precious in the sight of the Lord. Chosen in the Hebrew means elected. Jews in Israel were believers and unbelievers; but Israel was a client nation. This was a mixture of believers and unbelievers; no nation is all believers. In this country, we have Jew and Gentile believers, one body in Christ.

If you don’t study, you will make some stupid statements. Bob lived in Dallas for many yeas, although it was not his favorite city. The seminary was there. Bob wrote a column for a tiny paper. He was never in the Dallas Morning news when he lived there. Now, front page, lead story recently. Inaccurate and worthless. There seems to be a weird idea that, if you are for something the press is not, like the military and the police force, then you must be some kind of cult.

To be a politician, if you are smart, you have to check your brains somewhere. There is nothing that any politician can do or that we can do with all of our good ideas. We are loaded with conspiracies. Whenever things are not running under the laws of divine establishment and freedom is being destroyed by tyranny, then you have a lot of conspiracies. We are the only thing that will save this country. God elected us billions of years ago; and so were a lot of Jews elected.

Astros are in a penant race and someone says, “We can drop a game now and again” means that these are not penant material.

We are elected as a believer to advance to maturity. The prosperity of our nation depends upon our attitude toward Bible doctrine. I have given you a title of honor, which is Israel, though you have not known Me. God’s plan is the same, even though there are unbelievers.

This is not to imply that the Word of God has failed; all who have descended from Israel are not true Jews. Neither because they are Abraham’s posterity are they children; in Isaac your posterity will be elected to privilege.

There is always an individual plan from God to us. Rom. 11:1–7 For I too am an Israelite, from the tribe of Benjamin. God has not rejected His people He foreknew. “I have reserved for Myself 7000 who have now bowed the knee to Baal” we still have elect Jews and we are delighted to have Jewish by race in the congregation who are also Jews by the regeneration.

Matt. 24 has the Jewish elect. Because of the elected ones, who hae advanced to maturity.

Do not ever forget God’s wonderful plan for your life; you have been elected to privilege. This demands Royal Family Honor Code function. Put on the affections of grace compassions. This One, having saved us and having elected us to a holy station of life, according to a predetermined plan. God’s plan for our lives was designed long before human history.

It is God Who justifies. There is a doctrine of God’s elected ones. It is the Lord Jesus Christ Who controls history, and we have the privilege and honor of delivering this client nation in our day.

Since the believer is elected to privilege, he is under the Royal Family Honor Code. We are always obligated to give thanks to God concerning you (those who have cracked the maturity barrier; thank God for those in the pivot right now). These are the ones who are protecting our country. We have failed in every possible way, and we have blessing right now.

We have failed as a nation. We are a nation of cowards, a nation of panics, and yet we are blessed. What have we earned or deserved from God?

Psalm 33:12 Happy [Happinesses] is the nation [the Gentile] whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

Then David changes the subject. In vv. 13–22, David gets back to his favorite subject; Jesus Christ controls history. David begins with the computer of divine decrees.

Bob would be described as naval, someone whoh wants to see what is going on. The Lord does not have to look. He sees without human eyes.

God has seen all mankind. There is nothing by way of decision, action in all of history which is not known to the Lord.

God has always had the power of observation, and He has known from eternity all that we would do, as well as observe them in time.

Psalm 33:13 The LORD looks down from heaven; He observes everyone.

David continues with this in v. 14. The soldiers have begun to celebrate their great victory and God sees all of this from His place. God has focused His attention on something specific, which is client nation Israel. No one lives and no one dies apart from God.

Psalm 33:14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth from His dwelling place [from his place of sitting].

Crafting here is like a sculptor taking a bit of granite and working with it. God knows all the souls, as He has formed all the right lobes in the human race.

There is a relationship between the divine decrees and the fact that Jesus Christ controls human history.

Psalm 33:15 He alone crafts their hearts; He considers [perceives] all their works.

2Samuel 18                           Psalm 33:13–16 72David                                631_0494

People are always concerned that they are the only ones who understand their problems, which means that they do not understand their problems at all. God made provision for these problems in eternity past. Once you get a lot of people involved in your life and your business, it is not pleasant or good; it destroys your freedom.

Psalm 33:13 The LORD looks down from the heavens; He observes everyone.

Psalm 33:14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth from His dwelling place.

Psalm 33:15 He alone forms their hearts; [it is] He [who] considers all their works.

Psalm 33:16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.

From eternity past, God has known everything about us. It is hard to take the finite mind and relate it to the infinite. Every over-simplification demands the use of Anthropopathism. It uses human characteristics in order to explain God.

We need to discuss 2 doctrines at this point. David has brought in as an application and as a rationale the doctrine of divine decrees.

God does not have eyes to see; but this is given to explain God on our level.

Admiral Stockdale, who recently got the medal of honor, where he demonstrated the highest form of moral courage, including 7 years of prison and torture from the North Vietnamese. The ability to use the rationales that he had accumulated in his lifetime; his ability to think under pressure, all reveals his moral courage. This was moral courage in isolation, without any encouragement. It would have been easy to say, “God has forgotten me; God has let these horrible things happen to me.”

Bob, on a bad night, walks off the pulpit, saying, “What does God let this happen to me?” Some of our problems comes from our association with other people.

From time to time, you will say, “Everyone in this world is nuts and I am the only person with a bit of sanity who is left.” It is easy to get this way. You get acquainted with a few people in one way or another, and this thought comes to you.

Then it all falls down upon you; doesn’t God know you are still here? God knows what you are thinking and what you would say billions of years ago. Our basis for faith and practice, we go back to essential theological terms.

Billions of years ago, God knew all about us and at that time, He provided everything that it is that we need. That God has a plan and purpose for us is limited by by our humanity. We see a little bit at a time. We begin to put things together.

With all of Satan’s genius, he is unable to rule, function, so that man has a fair shake. You begin to hurt in life when you discover that it is an unfair world. We hear all about fairness in various sorts of philosophies and in academia, etc.; but it does not exist and it will never exist, until the 2nd advent (and still, even then, there will be inequality).

The issue of the Angelic Conflict inevitable involves free will, so Satan has relatively little control over large portions of the population. Satan seeks to control and set up a philosophy of control.

We will discover that, when you have any sort of an organization; inevitably, there is some sort of defined authority. When it becomes distorted and to gain the objective or to control, that violence is used, that authority is no longer legitimate authority.

The decrees of God are eternal because God is eternal. They are related to God’s knowledge. God has known everything perfectly from eternity. Ignorance complicates our lives, but God is not complicated by absurdities or ignorance.

Bob’s policy from the beginning has been a no-nonsense government, and he has tried to conform to the principles of Timothy and Titus.

It is very difficult for us to realize that God’s plan is not complicated by absurdities. The decrees of God are perfect and eternal. They take our thoughts and motives and decisions and actions and relate them to God’s perfect provisions and decrees.

His decrees are His wisdom and His will for our lives. The decrees of God are pictured as a giant computer where God’s omniscience feeds the computer, since God knows all of the facts of history. God has omniscience, one of His 3 types of knowledge. The omniscience of God feeds the actions and thoughts and motivations of every person into the computer. At the same time the omniscience of God knew all of the alternatives. Suppose you had chosen another university or profession or husband or wife; or another geographical location. Life has a lot of probabilities. God can show us to the last generation of history what these different choices would have done and how they would have affected every generation down to the Millennium.

The plan of God stands forever.

Psalm 33:11 The counsel [plan] of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.

Psalm 33:12 Happy [Happinesses] is the nation [the Gentile] whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

The computer of divine decrees. Election deals with the fact that we have a relationship to the client nation Israel. Election has to do with our privilege. Foreknowledge is a printout and the difference btween this and omniscience is, this is a printout.

We are in the mind of God since eternity past. He has always been there to help us. He has given us free will to resolve the Angelic Conflict.

Predestination is not fatalism; we were in the mind of God in eternity past and in the plan of God in eternity past. Having +R means that God has a way to bless us. There is a plan and a purpose.

David had all of these things in mind as he wrote this. This all relates to time and to every category of history. There is a mechanical function. God knows perfectly and eternally and simultaneously all that is knowable; both the actual and the possible, which are the alternatives.

God’s knowledge is infinitely superior to the knowledge of all creatures. This knowledge is available to all of us through the nonmeritorious system of perception which is gap. Certain aspects are available to unbelievers (salvation). You can be a genius and know nothing about God’s plan; and you can have an IQ slightly above a moron and know much about God’s plan.

David gives the gist of this by indicating that God knows all about you and has seen you from heaven. However, there is more to this than simply the battlefield victory. No government is delivered by a great army. With all of the planning, organization and weaponry is no good without having the Lord Jesus Christ on your side.

Jesus Christ is still controlling history. If you don’t have doctrine, then you don’t have anything going for you.

Some of you men are quite handsome and smart and you have great personalities; but what good is it having any positive asset in life without doctrine, without knowing the plan of God? And what good is this in a marriage if you have no personal character. Without doctrine, life has no meaning, no purpose, no definition. Life may give you a temporary stimulation, but life is meaningless without doctrine. These men have known something of adversity, and now they have it all ahead of them. Will they now go back a fail? Will some end up as the town drunks? Will they ruin their lives or what? David is challenging them with this thing. He wants them to realize that there is only one coin of the realm. We have won a great victory here, but without doctrine, what good is it? There will be cheering and celebration; but what good is this apart from doctrine in your soul?

Bob will lose his gift of prophecy if the Astros win the penant. It is okay to drop a game or two. In that thinking, you are already a loser. They have developed a thought pattern of loser ship. Bob warns us against leaning toward the World Series occurring in Houston.

Did you notice that several of our Texas aggies were missing Sunday? There are a lot of disappointments in life. Life has its disappointments. We all have things and teams that we root for. We all want to win. What will happen after the election? Will we walk around in a pall of gloom as losers?

David is saying that it is possible to win a battle, to win a great campaign, and then to go home and tobe a loser.

Omniscience perceives the free as free and the necessary as necessary. There is that variation of that scale of values. Whatever it is that we want to do more than learn doctrine and the mind of Christ. When you learn doctrine, you increase your capacity for life. You increase your ability to enjoy things. Some people have learned doctrine and have developed capacity for the ballet or for opera or for symphony. The greater your capacity the greater the intensity of your decisions.

Time has nothing to do with God’s knowledge. God knows all that would have been involved in every case where your decision may have been different. God knows Himself. It is His omniscience where He knows all the possibilities. God’s decrees relate to all future events.

Foreordination is the act of an infinitely wise God the certain futurition of all events. How do we know some things dogmatically that we will be the last person on the beach after an A bomb war; or that we will not be destroyed by nuclear fuel. Or that we will destroy ourselves in this way or that. There will always be a populated earth. This will be true in the Tribulation, in the Millennium, and throghout the history of the world.

We had to realize that our thinking is influence and coerced by the fear syndrom. We cannot afford to let the mad Huskies do this or that. There will be warfare in the Tribulation; the last period of warfare, and the infantry is still the queen of the services in the Tribulation at Armageddon, even with all of the wild stuff that we have developed.

Charleton Heston starred in a weird movie, and everyone was diseased or something and only he is left and he goes out to Death Valley or something. It is propaganda. It is guaranteed to destroy our nation. No nation can abandon its institutions. It is amazing how many of the applications of Bible doctrine are related to the divine decrees.

God’s decrees were simultaneously decreed. The decrees did not occur in stages. All events shall be consistent with causes and effects. There is no such thing as fatalism in the plan of God. Everything is related to everything in your life. God knows how the free agent will function in every case. The antecedents will act in every case. All present conditions of an act shall be what they are and all acts will be spontaneous. We may make decisions that will limit our free will. We limit our volition by some of the things that we do.

The decrees have the whole picture; the printout. Thge application of the decrees is what we find in this passage.

The decrees are related to the plan of God. Bob wants to get to a point where he can go back to this topic. One day, Bob is going to take about 3 nights out and handle this.

David says, “Look, God is perfect and His plan is perfect; but many of you have rejected God’s plan. However, when you reject God’s plan, you are still in God’s plan. So, you begin reducing your options. You abuse your freedom so that you begin to lose your freedom.”

No government can do anything for you. The local government can’t do anything for you; if you are dead, they will investigate the situation. There comes a kind of disaster in the life of every person when government can’t do everything for you. When the government tries to do everything, that is called socialism. The principle of disaster is helplessness. The government may have 100 laws on the books, but the enforcement of these laws do nothing for you. If Russians paratrooper into Houston, our government could do nothing. The Russians have 10 divisions of paratroopers. The government is not designed to help you. There is no such trhing as equality. When you need government, government cannot help you. Government is designed to give you freedom to allow you to make decisions; but they cannot fix everything for you. Before the disaster comes, you must have God’s thinking in your soul. In an historical disaster, only God can deliver a national entity. The large number of liberal concepts causes a government to enter into great degeneracy. The idea that man by man’s efforts can solve man’s problems is political arrogance. We have become an arrogant nation because we think that we can solve our problems. The God Who invented government to preserve freedom is completely left out of it.

Interlocking systems of arrogance means degeneracy; degeneracy means the Lord Jesus Christ will allow such a nation to go down. Jesus Christ functions often based upon the size of the pivot. When you reject the authority of the police officer, you are rejecting freedom. God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.

Psalm 33:16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.

2Samuel 18                           Psalm 33:17–18 72David                                631_0495

We will have perfect environment. Apart from capital punishment, there will be no death. However, there will be a revolt against perfect environment and perfect government.

The various gates of arrogance which cause revolution. The arrogance of thinking, including all of the mental attitude sins. Pride, jealousy, hatred, etc.

When we were born into this life, human life was imputed to us. At salvation, we have eternal life imputed to us. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have human life and eternal life. As goes our attitude toward our parents so goes our attitude in life. Our patents may seem mean or unfair, but they are the first authority that we face. When we reject the authority of our parents, we reject organizational humility. We are born with physical life and spiritual death. We are condemned at birth by having Adam’s original sin imputed to us. This is just like President Carter taking us to war tomorrow; we may or may not agree with the decision, but we are still at war.

All of our personal sins were collected by God and held up for the cross, and imputed to Jesus Christ on the cross, hanging between heaven and earth. Salvation is theh work of God. We are not condemned by personal sins.

David is related God’s perfect plan to the function of the client nation. The revolution is over and the civil war is won by the establishment forces.


Psalm 33:11 The counsel [plan] of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.

Psalm 33:12 Happy [Happinesses] is the nation [the Gentile] whose God is the LORD--the people He has chosen to be His own possession!

Psalm 33:13 The LORD looks down from the heavens; He observes everyone.

Psalm 33:14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth from His dwelling place.

Psalm 33:15 He alone forms their hearts; [it is] He [who] considers all their works.

Psalm 33:16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.

The arrogance of our foreign policy is only exceeded by the arrogance of our domestic policy.

Absalom had about 300,000 in his army; David had maybe 30,000 in his. The odds were against the establishment army, and yet they won the victory. Absalom was destroyed so that the client nation function could be preserved. If we had to go to war today and we suddenly had to draft from the farms and the cities, we would be unable to fight a war. We are dealing with a degenerate, worthless people. Those who came out of the depression were people with integrity and they could be turned into citizen-soldiers. We do not have the same category of people today. We have a generation of hippies with no concept of authority; we have a whole generation of drug addicts.

God will protect the believer no matter where he is found; there is the principle of the wall of fire. We will need to have total dependence upon the Lord Jesus Christ. The importance of the spiritual advance of the pivot. Such deliverance no longer depends upon the function and the principles of the establishment even; but upon God.

There is organizational humility, submission to the parents in the home. In a state of humility, crime goes down. In arrogance, it goes up.

God makes war against the arrogant but is gracious toward the humble. A man with great power and muscle, apparently is what Bob is drawing on the board. He begins to depend upon his strength and muscle. Bob finds muscle to be very helpful in allowing him to sit for hours in study.

Once we are inside of the interlocking systems of arrogance, we are weak; we are weak because of our arrogance. A woman can be beautiful; but with arrogance, her arrogance can cause her to be very ugly. Because a woman is beautiful, she can become very arrogant about this beauty. Some of the greatest arrogance is found among the hippies. They demand that the government feed them and clothe them and cause them to survive. They are demanding equality when there is no such thing. There is no equality even in heaven. The more freedom you have, the greater the inequality. Some use this freedom to retrogress. A strong man is not delivered by his strength; and a king is not delivered by a great army. Arrogance neutralizes an army. Our young people have become so frustrated in our society today. Preoccupied with self. Those taking acid or angel dust; that person is preoccupied with himself. He finds that he has no talent left and he feels sorry for himself, and he destroys himself by his own volition. Whatever your greatness is in life, you cannot deliver yourself with this. There are those who take martial arts so that they can go anywhere and hold their own. Arrogance gives the concept of a false security.

Arrogance can only intensify insecurity. We often think of Presidents as being safer because they are guarded by secret service; but the only tru security is Jesus Christ. The weak mind is simply a proud person who trust in his own power.

Napoleon’s armies in Spain and Russia; great armies, but they did not deliver their nation.

Psalm 33:16 A king is not saved by a large army; a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.

Then David talks about horses. The Bible must be interpreted in the time that it was written. The horse and the mule are transportation of that day.

Absalom was on his mule, but his longhair got caught in the branches. Absalom ran out of decisions, because he kept making bad decisions. Without the Lord Jesus Christ, no deliverance can be genuine. Now we have come to the warhorse. The warhorse is a vain thing for safety. The victory resides in the Lord. The warhorse represents military equipment. An army can have great equipment and still lose the battle. There is no security unless we are properly related to the Lord Jesus Christ. Our souls ought to be filled with Bible doctrine.

We need a strong military for the laws of divine establishment; however, we also need Jesus Christ, Who controls history. If there is arrogance and degeneracy, the best equipment is delusion. The strength of the army cannot deliver; the strength of the armored force cannot deliver.

Strong delusion is always preceded by negative volition arrogance. When we say no to the truth, this adds scar tissue to our souls. Self-righteousness is a substitute for truth in prosperity. Self-pity is a substitute for doctrine in prosperity.

The great factor is, Jesus Christ controls history. The true stability and victory is in the pivot. A small pivot and a spin off of apostasy results in divine punishment. We, the people of the United States, are a client nation to God. The Lord Jesus Christ in delivering a nation must take cognizance of the pivot. During the time of Jeremiah, this was true. Much of the population was arrogant.

We cannot depend upon the 1980 election.

The national deliverance is related to the pivot.

Faith reaches out and comes to a doctrinal conclusion. Faith must reach out and claim a promise. However, even better if faith reaches out and uses a rationale, e.g., the judicial imputation of our sins to Jesus Christ. When we name or confess our sins to God, we are forgiven these sins and cleansed from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 33:17 The [war] horse is a false hope [strong delusion] for safety [victory]; it provides no escape by its great power.

The local church is the classroom for teaching humility. When we listen and hear doctrine, this produces genuine humility. The eye of the Lord refers to the 3 categories of divine knowledge. God the Father knows Himself and all of His attributes. These characteristics have always existed perfectly in all 3 Persons of the Trinity. God also knows the other members of the Trinity Who have identical characteristics. God the Father knows Himself, but He also knows the Son and the Spirit. This is why God is often said to be One, which refers to His essence.

Every thought, motives, and action that we will take. Omniscience knows everything that we have ever thought or will think. He also knows the alternatives, which God can follow out to the final days of human history.

Foreknowledge recognizes what is in the computer of divine decrees; it does not recognize the alternatives. This means that we are in the mind of God in eternity past. God imputed to us perfect righteousness, which is why He is able to bless us.

Here, God’s knowledge refers to omniscience in particular. There is nothing unknown to God. The Piel stem means to trust in time of pain or pressure. This is a reference to the 3 stages of the faith rest drill. It takes concentration to learn doctrine. The ability to think under pressure is what David is talking about here. You learn to think under pressure on the battlefield; and then, after war, you will have to be able to think when it comes to civilian life and the pressures which we face as civilians. God cannot bless us without this amputated righteousness. Grace is the policy of the justice of God imputing His righteousness to us.

Legitimate works or illegitimate works will not get you blessing. God does not bless you because you give money or join a church. Or God does not bless you because you stand up as a result of some emotional activity.

Psalm 33:18 Now the eye of the LORD is on those who fear [-respect] Him--those who depend on [trust in] His grace

2Samuel 18                           Psalm 33:19–22 72David                                631_0496

The final lesson of the 1972 David series.

Sometime in a person’s life, he finds himself strapped for money; and sometimes, we think that having money is the answer to our fondest dreams. Money is handy, but it is certainly not the answer to everything. Best to have enough doctrine to have capacity for life. We find ourselves completely strapped, and we cannot pped. Today, we call this a depression; in previous times, we called it a famine. We can never have a civilized society where there is religion; religion in Africa, Asia and India slow down their growth. It is even worse when everyone else is broke; then you cannot ever borrow.

David was concerned of this occurring in his time, although it did not. When it comes time to die, you die all by yourself. That is something nice about dying in the battlefield and there are people all around you dying. In civilian life, you die alone. You must go through the valley of the shadow all by yourself. No one is going with you.

Have you ever had to entertain yourself because you were all alone and feeling blue? You check your breath, your deodorant. We all have the chance to be alone. We find out the condition of our own soul.

Being alone is no problem; being in a crowd is okay. The first alone situation is to be dying and the 2nd is to be broke. In the latter, you find out who your fiends really are. Who likes you.

It is the soul which is rescued from death; not the body. It is the soul that has the capacity for life and capacity for happiness. Without the capacity, you cannot enjoy life alone or with others. Bible doctrine is the coin of the realm. Bible doctrine gives you the capacity for happiness in this life and when you are departing from this life.

Bob, if dying from cancer, would claw his way out because he’d rather die on the hospital lawn than in the hospital. Worse thing hospitals have done is put tv’s in them. TV’s in hospitals means that people are going to go to hell because they are not making their preparation for heaven or eternity.

Our life is divided into the living part and the dying part. In the time of dying, there is support. The perpetuation of the life until we can die properly.

Famine deprives you from some of the necessities of life. There would be wars, famines, and various disasters. As long as there is life on this earth, there will be all of these things. Since the Bible advocates free enterprise, when the laws of divine establishment are set aside by liberalism, there will also be recessions and depressions. The more the government interferes with the economy, the more often there are economic disasters.

Job. 5:20 In an economic depression, He will redeem you from death. God provided for Elijah by ravens and then by this woman, and by a brook. In a famine, he was redeemed from death.

God knows the days of the mature believer. Politicians and false teachers promise no famine, according to Jer. 5:12 Misfortune will not come on us; we will not see war or famine. These are 2 things they cannot do. Jer. 14:13 Behold the prophets who tell them, you will not see the sword and you will not see famine; Gen. 12 famine is used as a test for believers when it comes to logistical grace. This is a testing point to see if Bible doctrine is great enough to carry you. Isa. 51:17,19 Rouse yourselves, you who have drunk from His cup of anger. These things will happen to you. Who will mourne for you? You will have famine and the sword. Another: Even if Moses and Samuel stood before the people, they would not listen to them. An analogy to rotten figs. “I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.” The name Jews has become a curse, a horror in many places. They were once the most glorious client nation on earth. “I will have to intensify your depression and take away even your bread.”

Sometimes, in a depression, people seek for truth. Time magazine this past year have been printed the truth. It makes you fall down in shock. But people still ignore it and reject it, then you are seeing the inevitable results of strong delusion.

Psalm 20:7–8 Some trust in battle chariots but we trust in the Lord.

Psalm 33:19 to deliver [rescue] them from death and to keep them alive in famine.

David gives the 3 stages of the faith rest drill. Faith here claims a promise. In v. 21, it is the 2nd stage. In v. 22, it is the 3rd stage.

Even though we have these rationales, we do not always have the chance to apply them. God is our aid and He is our shield. We also have a procedure. The shield is all of the promises that we have accumulated.

Psalm 33:20 We [Our soul will] wait for the LORD; He is our help and shield.

Our right lobes have great happiness, and this is based upon thought.

Rationate means to be thinking clearly and logically so that you come to good conclusions. This is reverse concentration. It applies something greater to something which is less.

Psalm 33:21 For our hearts rejoice in Him, because we trust [body slam our troubles on the Lord] in His holy name.

Supergrace blessings which are in the soul. God is constantly blessing us; and the greater our capacity, the greater our happiness.

“Though He slay me, I will still trust in Him.”

Psalm 33:22 May Your grace rest on us, LORD, for we put our hope in You. Concerning David, when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech, who drove him out, and he departed.

Therefore, we are going to stop at this point in David.

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