YEAR: 1971 SERIES: Dunghill Special

notes from R. B. Thieme, Jr.’s Bible class









Lesson Summary




Ps. 112:8-10

Introduction to Hannah’s dunghill

There is a missing lesson here, although it is difficult to figure out the day, but Bob already taught the first 3 verses of 1Sam. 1 prior to lesson #2




1 Sam.1:4-19,


Hannah’s mental attitude sins




1 Sam. 2:1-3;

1 Cor. 11:14

Hannah’s recovery; distinction between pride and ego




1 Sam. 2:4-6

Bible doctrine sustains the GI’s under compromised

leaders; Hannah’s double portion and praise for God




1 Sam. 2:7-8

Man and earth lifted out of dunghill; “If God doesn’t

promote you, you are not promoted”




1 Sam. 2:8-10;

3:1, 19-21

Doctrine of the horn; where 3 roads meet: Hannah,

Nehemiah, and Jesus Christ; grace summary




Ps. 113:1-3

Berachah: meaning of and Hebrew stems; where 3

roads meet; summary of grace orientation; title of Psalm

113; doctrinal concept of one day at a time




Ps. 113:4-9

Christ from the dunghill of earth and the cross; to glory; doctrines of ascension and dunghill; road of Nehemiah




1971 Dunghill Special                            Rom. 8:28                               12/03/1971 633_001


in the first 16 verses of Psalm119 deal with Bible doctrine in the soul. We know is the highest virtue in the Christian life. There is no place for human good in the plan of God. The principle is, and we must know the principle in order to gain from it. This is entering into the blessing of it. All things working together for good is a principle of time.


Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.


Applying doctrine does not mean to throw some piece of doctrine at a situation of life; it is squirting it into the correct place of the soul.


The volition is the decider of the soul; the emotion is the appreciater of the soul, the human spirit is the receptacle for all Bible doctrine and all divine viewpoint of life. We apply a doctrine or a verse to life; but it must be first applied on the inside. If you are not taking notes, you are wasting your time. This is apart from the 5 geniuses with a photographic memory.


When yiou suffer, it does not matter what the cause is. It can be sinfulness or self-induced misery; but all things refers to any sin and any sort of things that can happen. Could you take all those things in your life and mix them together and come out for good? Nope, not at all.


suppose you are making bread, and then the dog comes in and displays the contents of his stomach and then you throw that in; can you make it come out for good? We can’t make it come out good. Suffering from divine discipline and suffering freom grace where there is no discipline involve + the plan of God = divine good.


Αγαθος is good of an intrinsic nature; or good with intrinsic value.


Suffering Is Designed for Blessing

1.        Suffering is combined or mixed with doctrine with the plan of God in the believer resulting in good.

2.        This good is absolute and a blessing.

3.        God only has a short timein whidh to demonstrate His love to us while we are suffering. Phase II is relatively short. Very short. Eternity goes on forever. God’s love is perfect and it never increases or decreases after salvation. For all eternity, God can show His love for us in eternity, but not through suffering. This is the only time that He can show us His love during suffering. All of this suffering is designed for blessing. There will be no suffering in eternity.

4.        God’s plan is perfect and it is greater than any suffering or any combination of adversities. When we whine and compain, we are saying that our problems are greater than God’s plan. When we face problems and fall apart, we are saying these problems are greater than God’s provisions. God spent time thinking about this and actually found solutions for all of us. God has designed a plan for phase II; all things work together for good. No matter how we mess up our life, we cannot make it turn out bad. The link between God’s solutions and our problems and failures is knowledge of Bible doctrine.

5.        When problems or strife come to the believer, God’s plan calls for maximum blessing. If you don’t get maximum blessing, then you are not with God’s plan. It is your problem, not His. You are locked in negative rather than bieng locked on positive.

6.        Suffering combines with Bible doctrine with the believer in time. Gen. 50:20.


From this point on, this principle is for believers only


Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.


All things work together only for those who are believers in Jesus Christ. There is phase I love, which is positional truth. We are in union with Christ and we share His love for the Father. There is also experiential love, because it is based upon Bible doctrine. Bible doctrine + the filling of the Spirit results in love for God the Father. 1John 4:19 we love Him because He first loved us. One one follows another, they are two sides of the same coin; one describes it one way and the other describes it the other way.


Two present active participles and both are in the dative case. The case determines where the noun goes.


Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are the called [or, the elected] according to His purpose.


Doctrine of Election, 7 Points from

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, then you are in the plan of God; and you cannot get out of the plan of God. Even when you die, you are still in the plan of God. Eternal security.

1         Jesus Christ was elected in eternity past. He is the only Person Who was ever elected. All of the Members of the Trinity had a meeting, and they looked out billions of years into time, and they kne all that would happen; and, having done that, they made a plan, and that plan is based upon the volition of the Son. The Son said, “I will do something from the cross. The Holy Spirit is the executor of phase II. That all agree to do various a sundry things. This is the doctrine of divine decrees. Comprehending at once...and determining their certain futurition. The moment we believed, we are in the plan of God. Isa. 42:1

2         1Peter 1:2

3         Election belongs to every believer. Col. 1:12

4         Every believer shares the election of Christ.

5         the election takes place at the moment of salvation. 1Cor. 1:9

6         this election is the foundation of the church. 1Thess. 1:4

7         Born again Jews are included in the election of God. Rom. 11:1–7


Doctrine of Election


I.         Definition.

           A.        Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God in eternity past before the universe existed and before mankind lived on the earth.

           B.        Election is the sovereign right of God over His creation.

           C.        Election is a Biblical term which is applied to the believer only in the Church Age. In this study, election is defined as a computer asset, one of two printouts from the rom chip of the sovereignty of God.

           D.        Election, along with foreknowledge, predestination, justification and glorification, are all printouts from a rom (sovereignty of God) chip. Therefore, they belong only to the believer, Rom 8:28-30.

           E.        Election is used for believers only, Eph 1:4.

           F.        Election is a computer asset which expresses the sovereign will of God for each believer in the royal family during the great power experiment of the Church Age.

           G.        Election is the expression of the sovereign will of God for your life. Predestination is the provision of the sovereign will of God for your life.

           H.        Under election, the sovereignty of God willed the highest and best for every believer, having previously deposited it in escrow for each believer in eternity past.

           I.         The mechanics for the election of the Church is the baptism of the Holy Spirit which occurs at the very moment we believe in Christ. This is one of the forty things we receive at salvation by which each one of us is entered into union with Christ.

           J.         The election of the Church includes both equal privilege and equal opportunity for every believer. Not only do you have a magnificent destiny under the protocol plan of God, but you have the same privileges and opportunities as all other believers for the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                       1.        Under election, equal privilege is your royal priesthood. (See point 6.)

                       2.        Under election, equal opportunity is logistical grace support and blessing for both winners and losers. (See point 7.)

II.        The Three Elections in History.

           A.        There are three elections in history.

                       1.        Israel under the ritual plan of God.

                       2.        Christ under the incarnation plan of God.

                       3.        The Church under the protocol plan of God.

           B.        Each election brought a new category into history.

                       1.        The election of Israel brought in the new racial species, the Jew.b. The election of Christ brought in the Hypostatic Union, i.e., undiminished deity and true humanity in one person forever. Jesus Christ is eternal God and therefore different from humanity. Jesus Christ is true humanity and therefore different from eternal God. He had to become true humanity to be our Savior, our great high priest, and our mediator.

                       2.        The election of the Church brought in the new spiritual species, the Church or royal family of God.

III.       The Election of Israel.

           A.        Israel was elected under the ritual plan of God.

           B.        Israel became the first client nation in history in 1441 B.C.

           C.        In the Jewish Age, there were four Jewish client nations.

                       1.        The United Kingdom, 1440 - 926 B.C.

                       2.        The two separate client nations of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms, 926 - 721 B.C.

                       3.        The Southern Kingdom, 926 - 586 B.C.

                       4.        Judea, 516 B.C. - 70 A.D.

           D.        The key to any client nation is the status quo of its believers. A client nation cannot exist without a pivot.

           E.        The function, prosperity, and perpetuation of the Jewish client nations always depended on the size of its pivots, 1 Kg 19:18.

           F.        In the Jewish Age, the Tribulation, and the Millennium, there is an election of born-again Jews. Isa 45:3b-4, ". . . the Lord God of Israel who calls you by your name. For the sake of Jacob, My servant, even Israel, My elected one, I have also called you by your number; I have given you a title of honor [Israel], though you [unbelievers] have not known Me."

           G.        There will be no client nation during the Tribulation because of the removal of the pivot of the Church Age, but there will be client nation function through an international pivot of 144,000 Jews, according to Rev 7 and 14. Matt 24:21-22 says, "because of the elected ones [144,000], those days will be cut short."

           H.        Isa 65:9 refers to the Jewish elect in the Millennium: "Therefore, I will bring forth from Jacob a seed [the elect of Israel],out of Judah an inheritance for My mountains. Even My elected ones will inherit it, and My servants will dwell there."

           I.         Election to privilege is an issue to the Jew. Every Jewish nation depended upon its pivot. Judea survived historical crisis because of a pivot in 135 B.C. Rom 11:1-7, "God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew [believers]. . ."

           J.         More documentation is found in Matt 24:24,31.

           K.        Since no Jewish nation can be a client nation to God during the Church Age and the times of the Gentiles, the election of Israel is not operational during the Church Age.

           L.        The election of Israel, as with all elections, applies only to those who have personally believed in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was very clearly revealed to the Jews in the Old Testament. Therefore, those who believed in Christ had an election and a plan.

           M.       Wherever you have an election and a plan, that adds up to having a destiny. An election from God plus a plan of God equals a destiny.

           N.        The election of Israel began a new racial species, beginning with Abraham at age ninety-nine.

           O.        True Israel refers only to those who were born again, Rom 9-11.

           P.        Jesus Christ is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those first three Jews set the precedence for true Israel, for all three were believers in Jesus Christ.

IV.       The Unique Election of History: the Lord Jesus Christ.

           A.        Our Lord Jesus Christ was elected under the salvation plan of God.

           B.        In eternity past, the omniscience of God programmed the decrees regarding the Hypostatic Union of Jesus Christ. Impeccability, the cross, and our Lord's resurrection, ascension and session are all printouts of that decree.

           C.        Christ was elected in eternity past; His election was fulfilled through the virgin pregnancy.

           D.        As a result of the First Advent, Jesus Christ controls history.

           E.        The election of Christ is the basis for the other two elections.

           F.        The election of Christ is the basis for His saviorhood. He is the only way of salvation. He was qualified to be the Savior by His impeccability.

           G.        Without the ascension and session of Christ, there would be no royal family to act as a pivot.

           H.        All history focuses on the person of Jesus Christ. Isa 42:1, "Behold My Servant whom I sustain, My elected One in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles." Eph 1:4.

           I.         The election of Jesus Christ was impossible without logistical grace support provided for Him. Election is closely related to logistics.

                       1.        Logistical grace support allows you to fulfill your election to privilege by delivering the nation. Never think of election without realizing the importance of logistics.

                       2.        The proper utilization of logistics delights God the Father.

                       3.        The cross was the ultimate in logistical support. Jesus Christ was sustained and kept alive until all sins could be borne by Him, Acts 2:23. Had logistical support been withdrawn, there would be no salvation for us.

           J.         1 Pet 2:4,6, "And coming to Him as a living stone, rejected by men, but elected and precious in the sight of God . . . Behold, I lay in Zion the chief cornerstone, the elected One, held in honor; in fact, He who believes in Him will never be put to shame."

V.        The Election of the Church.

           A.        The Church was elected under the protocol plan of God.

           B.        After the first forty years of the Church Age, 30 - 70 A.D., the royal family of God provided a pivot for all Gentile client nations. The Jew could only be elected to privilege by belief in Christ, just as in the Jewish age. But now there could be no Jewish client nation.

           C.        Election to privilege occurs at salvation. We have the privilege of historical impact by advancing to maturity, 2 Pet 1:3.

           D.        The function of Gentile client nations demands a pivot for freedom, evangelism, and advance to maturity.

           E.        The Church Age believer must not only understand his relationship to God, but his relationship to history as well. You must understand your relationship to God, man, and history. In fulfilling our relationship to God, we fulfill our relationship to the other two.

           F.        1 Thes 1:4, "Knowing, brethren, beloved of God, His election for you." You must know that election is God's plan for you.

           G.        Col 3:12, "As elected ones of God, holy and beloved, put on the affections of grace compassion." To understand your election, you must function under grace orientation. Understanding election is orientation to the plan of God for your life.

           H.        2 Tim 1:9, "He has elected us into a holy station in life, not according to our works." Our works have no relation to our historical impact.

           I.         Rom 8:33, "Who will bring any accusation against the elect of God?" Heaven itself cannot stop our historical impact because of the fulfillment of our election.

           J.         Blessing by association is the fulfillment of our responsibility to man. Historical impact is the fulfillment of our responsibility to history.

           K.        Knowledge of doctrine is essential to fulfilling our election to privilege. Tit 1:1, "According to the doctrine of God's elected ones, and the full knowledge of doctrine according to the norms of godliness." Election means we are responsible to preserve the client nation by advancing to the pivot.

           L.        Since the believer has been elected to privilege, he must function under the royal family honor code. Eph 4:1, "I, therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, exhort you to walk in a manner worthy of your station in life, for which station in life you have been called [elected]."

           M.       Eph 1:4, "Since He Himself has elected us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him."

                       1.        This verse teaches that election was provided before the creation of the world.

                       2.        "Holy" is a reference to both the absolute and relative concept of experiential sanctification. Election relates to the experiential part of God's plan for our lives. Holiness has to do with separation unto God, the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                                   a.        Absolute holiness describes the mandates related to the filling of the Spirit. When the believer is inside the divine dynasphere, the Holy Spirit controls his soul, and the old sin nature is restrained in his body.

                                               (1)       The believer in cosmic one is said to be grieving the Spirit because the old sin nature controls the soul, though still indwelling the body.

                                               (2)       The issue is who controls the soul: the old sin nature or the Holy Spirit.

                                               (3)       This is an absolute; you're either filled with the Holy Spirit and inside the divine dynasphere, which is 100% spirituality, or you're in the cosmic system, which is 0% spirituality and 100% carnality. This absolute status applies to any stage of spiritual growth.

                       3.        Relative holiness refers to advancing through the stages of spiritual growth, or retrogressing through the eight stages of reversionism.

                       4.        "Blameless before Him" is a reference to ultimate sanctification in the eternal state.

           N.        Believers are commanded to make their calling and election a reality in 2 Pet 1:10-11. "Therefore brethren, be more motivated [perception of doctrine regarding your portfolio of invisible assets] to make your calling and election a spiritual reality; for by doing these things [fulfillment of the protocol plan, perception of doctrine], you will never stumble [become a loser in cosmic system]. For in this manner [execution of the protocol plan], your entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ [ultimate sanctification in the resurrection body] will be richly supplied [conveyance of eternal escrow blessings to winners]."

                       1.        How do you make your election a spiritual reality? Through perception, metabolization, and application of election and lapsarianism. You use the privacy of your priesthood; you learn the doctrine; you learn the mechanics.

                       2.        Election is only the potential for impact on history. By the daily function of GAP, we make our calling and election a reality when we advance to spiritual maturity.

           O.        Election is a reason for thanksgiving for others. 2 Thes 2:13, "But we are always obligated to give thanks to God concerning you, having been loved by the Lord, because God has elected you from eternity past."

           P.        The election of the Church brought in a new spiritual species. By being placed in union with Christ by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we can now use the 100% available divine omnipotence.

VI.       Selection and Election.

           A.        At the point of birth you come under the concept of selection, not election. God selected you to be a member of the human race rather than an animal. The fact that you have life is selection from the sovereignty of God.

           B.        The fact that any person believes in Christ and receives eternal life is a matter of common and efficacious grace. At this point selection becomes election. This opens the door for the greatest opportunity ever known to man. You are a royal priest sustained by logistical grace, a person in union with Christ, and you can function under the power of the Holy Spirit in the operational-type divine dynasphere. This means you can capitalize on your escrow blessing on deposit.

           C.        That any person is given election to privilege is a motivational challenge which you cannot ignore.

           D.        The selection of the sovereignty of God at birth is followed by the election of the sovereignty of God at the point of regeneration.

           E.        You have been given the greatest opportunity and privileges ever conveyed to any member of the human race. Therefore, the dynamics of the ordinary life in the Church Age become extraordinary.

           F.        Selection precedes election. Selection relates to physical birth; election relates to spiritual birth. God's purpose in election is that you receive your escrow blessings.

           G.        Between selection and election is the most important decision in your life: that you believe in Christ.

           H.        Selection, salvation, and election explain the chronological concept of election. We are selected by God to resolve the angelic conflict, saved by faith in Christ to enter into His protocol plan, and elected to fulfill His protocol plan and thereby glorify Him upon the conveyance of His highest and best to us, i.e., our greater blessings for time and eternity. This is His sovereign will for us.

VII.      The Computer Analogy to Election.

           A.        ROM and PROM Chips.

                       1.        The ROM chip is the sovereignty of God chip. The PROM chip is the free will of man chip. The sovereignty of God and the free will of man coexist in human history in order to resolve the angelic conflict.

                       2.        ROM stands for "read only memory." ROM is an integrated circuit from which unchanging data can be read, but into which no new data can be written. ROM chips can only be programmed at the factory, analogous to heaven in eternity past.

                       3.        Hence, the ROM chip is the sovereignty of God integrated circuit, and it has two printouts which relate to the protocol plan of God: election and predestination. Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God in eternity past. Predestination is the provision of the sovereignty of God in eternity past.

                       4.        PROM means "programmable read only memory." PROM is the free will of man chip, programmed by the omniscience of God in eternity past. It is defined as a memory device, or integrated micro circuit containing fixed data that can be read but not altered. In other words, your free will, thinking, motivation, and actions operate right now in time. However, God knew your thoughts, motives, volitional decisions, and actions in eternity past. Therefore, the omniscience of God entered into your very own PROM chip every decision you will ever make in life, as well as your every thought, motive, and action.

                       5.        The entering of the data is performed after the device is manufactured. God manufactured free will in both angelic creatures and in mankind. Then He programmed into the PROM chips just exactly how each free will would function.

                       6.        Each PROM chip is programmed on the basis of the fact that the omniscience of God knew when each free will would operate independently of His sovereign will, and when each free will would operate in conformity with His sovereign will. God invented free will to function either for or against Him; the choice lies with each individual.

                       7.        Omniscience is God's knowledge of all creation simultaneously. Therefore, there never was a time when He did not know just exactly how your free will would work.

                       8.        In the computer of divine decrees, both the ROM chips and the PROM chips operate simultaneously.

                       9.        In eternity past, God made one sovereign decision, one with many aspects. That one decision was to provide for you your very own election related to His plan for your life, and to provide for you your very own predestination related to His plan for your life. This is all contained in the ROM chip.

                       10.      In the PROM chip is a precreation record of each one of our lives, and it reads either winner or loser, depending upon your decisions. But there's no excuse for being a loser, because in your ROM chip you have equal privileges and equal opportunities under election and predestination. Losers choose to be losers by their ignorance of Bible doctrine and its resultant arrogance.

                       11.      The winner is the believer who uses his invisible computer assets of election and predestination. The loser is the believer who, through wrong decisions from a position of weakness, fails to learn, to understand the mechanics, and to utilize these invisible assets. Hence, the distinction between the winner and the loser is in the PROM chip, but never in the ROM chip.

VIII.     This important principle of equal privilege and opportunity for each individual Church Age believer under both election and predestination was left out of the lapsarian controversy in the history of theology.

           A.        The Computer of Divine Decrees.

                       1.        A computer is a device that stores and manipulates data which can control other devices as a result of its manipulation and storage data, and which can communicate with other computers, with other types of devices, and with human beings.

                       2.        Our computer is the computer of divine decrees. The storage data is the content of the divine decrees, both election and predestination. This computer can control other devices; for example, the printout of the canon of Scripture becomes our controlling device. It can communicate with human beings; for example, the pastor-teacher's gift is designed to communicate information.

                                   a.        "Input" is a technical word in computer science for data entered into a computer system. It's analogous to the fact that in eternity past God programmed all the facts of history into the computer of divine decrees.

                                   b.        "Output" is the data signal emitted from the system. Your output today is either positive or negative; it refers to your growth or retrogression, your spirituality or carnality.

                                   c.         "Program" is a sequence of instruction that is determined before the start of the operation, like the portfolio of invisible assets or the protocol plan of God, and is translated into a series of actions, like human history.

                                   d.        "Hardware" is a part of the physical components of a computer system, like the sovereignty, love, and omniscience of God.

                                   e.        There are three factors about "software" that are analogous to the three elections in history: Israel, Christ, and the Church.

                                   f.         A "chip" is a piece of silicon or similar material on which an integrated circuit is manufactured. Therefore, the chip belongs to the computer as a device to store data. We've noted the ROM and PROM chip.

                                   g.        "Parallel processing" is a method of data processing in which more than one bit is handled at a time. It's analogous to the sovereignty of God programming the ROM chip in eternity past while the omniscience of God programmed the PROM chip in eternity past.

                                   h.        "Parallel transmission" is a method of data transmission in which more than one bit is sent at a time, like the transmission of both our portfolio of invisible assets in eternity past and the protocol plan of God in time.

                                   i.          There are even "gates" in computer science. A gate is a circuit with two or more inputs but only one output.

IX.       Application of the Election of the Church.

           A.        The whole purpose of the doctrine of election is to describe God's way of providing invisible assets so we can fulfill His will and His plan.

           B.        Election is the expression of the sovereignty of God for every Church Age believer made in eternity past. God's sovereignty wills for you personally the highest and the best. Election expresses this sovereign will by providing equal privilege and equal opportunity for you, which we must use to fulfill His plan and to execute His will for our lives.

           C.        The election of the Church is the expression of the sovereign will of God for the royal family of God as the body of Christ.

           D.        Therefore, the protocol plan of God is mandated for the election of the Church. You are elected to only one plan, the protocol plan, which is God's plan for your life. No other plan will do.

           E.        A right thing must be done in a right way under the precise and accurate function of the protocol plan of God.

           F.        The mechanics of the election of the Church is the baptism of the Spirit, the means of creating the new spiritual species, the means of forming the royal family of God, and the means of providing so many wonderful invisible assets.

X.        The Equal Privilege of Election, the Universal Priesthood of the Church Age Believer.

           A.        Our royal priesthood shows that God's plan for us in the Church Age as royal family is totally and completely unique. Never before the Church Age and never after the Rapture is there ever another universal priesthood; it is only for us in the Church Age.

           B.        A priest is a human being who represents people before God. In the Church Age, since every believer is a priest, every believer represents himself before God. This establishes a system of privacy.

           C.        Under the privacy of your priesthood, you are responsible for yourself before God. This means you are responsible for every thought you think, every motive you have, every good decision you make, and every action you take, good or bad. God is holding you responsible for your own decisions. Why? Because He made you a priest so that you could represent yourself before Him.

           D.        The royal priesthood of the believer is taught many times in the New Testament. It was a favorite subject of Peter. Although his teaching was misunderstood by the Catholic Church, he was really teaching about the royal priesthood of each Church Age believer. Peter was the first to teach this doctrine, found in 1 Pet 2:5 and 9. John taught the doctrine as well.

           E.        As a royal priest, every believer has a direct line to God, which means he represents himself before God, he evaluates himself, and he offers prayer for himself.

           F.        Hence, the privacy of your priesthood is related to the importance of epistemological rehabilitation. You have privacy so that you can learn Bible doctrine yourself. You can never learn anything if you are not objective, if you reject authority, or if you have any form of arrogance. To learn Bible doctrine under epistemological rehabilitation requires a tremendous amount of objectivity.

           G.        This is why the local church should be an environment where believers can gather together and yet have their privacy respected. This means both your sins and your strengths should be kept private. The pastor-teacher, as the final authority in the local church, must protect the privacy of all priests in his congregation by disciplining or removing those who violate or impose upon others' privacy.

           H.        The believer-priest cannot account for his thoughts, motives, decisions, or actions in undefinable terms. Under the privacy of your priesthood, you must be able to define your life in terms of the protocol plan of God, which means you must learn the technical language and vocabulary. Once you do, you as your own priest can analyze and evaluate your own life and your own problems, and apply doctrine and make corrections to your own life under the privacy of your own priesthood. Therefore, the privacy of the priesthood demands that we learn doctrine so that we can define our situation at any given time.

           I.         The royal priest's self-improvement is based on the function of perception of doctrine. Any self-improvement based on the advice and counsel of others is really a set-back.

           J.         The royal priesthood is designed by God to function under conceptualism. No believer can think, apply doctrine, or solve problems through the mind or the personality of another Christian. This is why each one of us is a priest. To the extent that we seek counsel or advice, we're not getting enough doctrine or we're not using our own doctrine. Initially there's a place for counseling with new believers, but as you grow you should begin to handle your own life. You should know when you're wrong and when you're right, and you should be able to utilize all the doctrine you have learned to advance to maturity. Only in spiritual maturity will you glorify God.

           K.        Under the privacy of your priesthood, you have the right to assemble with other believers in a group, where your privacy is respected, to learn doctrine from whomever is your right pastor-teacher.

           L.        The privacy of your priesthood permits the function of both your positive volition toward doctrine plus the right to metabolize and apply that doctrine to your own experience. (The tendency is to get arrogant and want to apply it to everyone else's experience.)

           M.       The only human dependence of the royal priesthood is the divine provision of your very own pastor-teacher, and consistent positive volition under his teaching ministry. In that sense, a pastor is very much like a parent and should be honored, not loved. Your pastor should not bully you or intrude upon your privacy (unless you intrude on someone else's privacy); he should communicate and teach doctrine faithfully.

           N.        Faithful Bible teaching from your right pastor demands your faith perception, metabolization, and application of that teaching to your own life as a royal priest. You cannot advance to maturity on your own; someone has to train you.

           O.        Life in the divine dynasphere is not only spiritual freedom under the filling of the Spirit, but spiritual independence within the framework of your royal priesthood. This means that as a believer-priest, you cannot fulfill the protocol plan of God by advancing to spiritual maturity on someone else's thinking, motivation, decisions, actions, advice, counseling, emotion, or even their leadership (the only exception is your dependence on the teaching of your pastor-teacher). You have to advance to maturity on your own. The first stage of spiritual adulthood is spiritual self-esteem, which is when you know how to do it on your own, and you no longer feel threatened by all the things in life that cause fear, worry, and anxiety.

           P.        Major functions of the royal priesthood include:

                       1.        Rebound as the basic technique for the recovery of fellowship.

                       2.        A consistent prayer life.

                       3.        Perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine to your own experience (and if you're in authority, to the experience of those under you).

                       4.        Worship.

                       5.        The sacrifices of life, such as praise, which is your doctrinal momentum resulting in spiritual adulthood and the modus operandi of virtue-love.

                       6.        Divine viewpoint mental attitude from metabolized doctrine. (It isn't what the other person thinks that counts; it's what you think from metabolized doctrine that counts.)

                       7.        Self-motivation from metabolized doctrine. You have to motivate yourself; you can't depend on someone else's leadership. If you depend on them, then you are borrowing their inspiration. That will never work, for it results in stifling your own motivation. Then when you are under adversity, you have no motivation to keep driving.

XI.       Remember, your pastor is neither the leader of your social life or the "madam" of a lonely hearts club. He is neither a counselor nor a crutch to lean on.

XII.      Your priesthood demands that you live your own life as unto the Lord and take the responsibility for your own decisions. This is your equal privilege under election.

           A.        The Equal Opportunity under Election, the Divine Provision of Logistical Grace Support and Blessing.

                       1.        Two aspects of logistical grace come to you down the grace pipeline from the justice of God to His indwelling righteousness in you. Logistical support is designed to sustain you. Logistical blessing is additional blessing, more than just support.

                       2.        Both logistical grace support and blessing is provided for winners and losers alike, because both types of believers have the perfect righteousness of God. This gives all believers equal opportunity.

                       3.        The holiness or integrity of God is made up of divine righteousness and divine justice. At the point of salvation, God's righteousness was imputed to you so that you possess one-half of divine integrity. Righteousness demands righteousness; justice demands justice. What the righteousness of God demands, the justice of God executes.

                       4.        The righteousness of God has demanded, ever since the moment of your salvation, that the justice of God sustain your life through every stupid mistake and every dumb decision you make. The righteousness of God demands that the justice of God keep you alive to fulfill your personal destiny. All of us are alive by the grace of God after salvation.

                       5.        The justice of God is the initiator of grace. On a daily basis, the justice of God sends down the grace pipeline to the indwelling righteousness of God everything it takes to keep you alive and to sustain you, and as well as great and fantastic blessings. The justice of God sends undeserved blessings to all believers, winners and losers alike. This is why the wicked prosper, due to their equal privilege in God's plan.

                       6.        All logistical blessing in the Christian life comes in this manner to the winner and loser alike. We do not earn or deserve any of it; it is a matter of grace. We're not blessed because we give, witness, perform Christian service, or because of anything we can do or anything we are. That would be a compromise of the integrity of God. God blesses you only because you have His righteousness indwelling you; hence, His integrity is not compromised.

                       7.        The very air that you breathe, the food you eat, everything you have, the only reason you are alive through every type of vicissitude in life is based entirely upon this principle of logistical grace.

                       8.        Our blessing is a matter of grace, just as our salvation was a matter of grace. We are saved by grace through faith, and we are sustained by grace.

XIII.     Conclusion.

           A.        Therefore, the equal privilege and equal opportunity of election means there never has been and never will be a Church Age believer who did not have exactly the same privilege and same opportunity to fulfill God's plan, to reach spiritual maturity, and to receive the fantastic escrow blessings provided for him by God the Father in eternity past.

           B.        Under the doctrine of divine decrees, election cannot be divorced from predestination. Predestination is the provision of the sovereign will of God for the royal family. Predestination provides equal privilege (union with Christ) and equal opportunity (the divine dynasphere) to execute the protocol plan of God.


Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are the called [or, the elected] according to His purpose.


Κατα refers to a norm or standard for the election. According to the norms and standards of His purpose. For those in the plan of God, contact with suffering is designed for absolute good and maximum blessing. According to His purpose is analyzed in the next 2 verses.


5 steps to glory, glory being phase III, which is eternity. These are 5 steps taken by God; these are 5 things which are done for us. Until we get to eternity, God has accomplished 5 steps. When we examine this, we are looking at the grace of God. What we have done for God is pitiful. All of the cults emphasize what we are doing for God. It is horrible. It is always what God does for us.


Five Steps

1.        Thinking, for whom He did foreknow, those are those who are called according to His purpose. This is actually omniscience. God was thinking and thinking about us. No one can duplicate the plan of God. No one can counterfeit the plan of God. No one could take suffering on the one hand and mix into our lives and make good come out of it. This all came from God thinking about us. Bob is intolerant of the whining crybaby who is disturbed about his life. No one can take suffering in your life and make it perfect and make it good. God knew every stinking thing that you would do in time. Take every stinking thing that you have ever done and do you think that they would take you? But God would. He knew of this whole pile of stinking mess and He still loves us. God cannot make us perfect until we are in phase II. Aorist means occurrence. Active voice means that God does the thinking. Every believer was in God’s thoughts billions of years ago. Love is thinking. Try to do something without thinking. Bob learned that before he knew any doctrine. He heard “Think, dammit, think” from his father.

2.        Nomenclature; if you are going to have a plan, then it must be defined. The nomenclature is “predestinate.” However, this is προοριζω means to mark out a boundary. This means to mark out a boundary in eternity past. We benefit because of this plan. It really means design. A perfect person designing; and we benefit from this designing. God thought and then God designed. We were predesigned to be conformed to the image of His Son. We first believed in Jesus Christ, which is the first time we began to line up like His Son. Through all 3 phases, we are guided to be conformed to the image of His son.

           a.        Rulership

           b.        Priesthood

           c.         The double portion

3.        Those He also called. So step 3 is planning. This refers to assignment. He assigned us a time and spiritual gifts and a certain amount of time in time. Justification or vindication describe phase I. Next, man has reciprocal love righteousness. You cannot improve what God has done for us at the moment of salvation. His plan is perfect and it justifies every believer.

4.        Glorification. Two types.

5.        Summary: foreknowledge, predestination (planning, designing), election, justification, glorification.


The thinking of God sets it into motion.


Rom 8:28 We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are the called [or, the elected] according to His purpose.


1971 Dunghill Special                           1 Sam.1:1-3                          12/05/1971 633_001.5

Hannah’s mental attitude sins


The first 3 verses were apparently already covered, but that is not what is a part of this study. This must have been 12/4 and that was not included in these lessons.


1Sam. 1:1–3 There was a man from Ramathaim-zophim in the hill country of Ephraim. His name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives, the first named Hannah and the second Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. This man would go up from his town every year to worship and to sacrifice to the LORD of Hosts at Shiloh, where Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were the LORD's priests.


There is a missing lesson here. Here are notes from Syndein:


1Sam. 1:1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite.



1Sam. 1:2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.



1Sam. 1:3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto Jehovah/God of armies/hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of Jehovah/God, were there.


The doctrine of Bigamy was covered here as well.


1971 Dunghill Special                       1 Sam.1:4-20, 28                         12/05/1971 633_002

Hannah’s mental attitude sins


The first 3 verses were apparently already covered, but that is not what is a part of this study. This must have been 12/4 and that was not included in these lessons.


1Sam. 1:1–3 There was a man from Ramathaim-zophim in the hill country of Ephraim. His name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives, the first named Hannah and the second Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. This man would go up from his town every year to worship and to sacrifice to the LORD of Hosts at Shiloh, where Eli's two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were the LORD's priests.


There is a design of Elkanah for Hannah. Shiloh is where the Tabernacle was. Peninnah is the oldest wife; her name means pearl, divider. We found this out last time. She had a large family.


1Sam. 1:4 Whenever Elkanah offered a sacrifice, he always gave portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to each of her sons and daughters.


Hannah is the feminine word for grace, which we need to keep in mind when we get into chapter 2. Elkanah is her rm. God created one rm for one rw; and even though Elkanah had another wife, whose name means separator, trouble. Trouble also keeps you from grace.


She was barren and she did not even respond to him physically. He gave her a portion, which is a year’s allowance; and he gave to her a double portion. This is Hannah’s dunghill; she is sitting in a dunghill; she has a rm and she cannot respond to him soulishly or physically. Being barren means she is a failure in the ancient world. There is another wife and she is producing all kinds of children. So this is not a happy situation. She is in a dungheap. Another woman is taking all the gravy, which is all Bob will say about that. In spite of the fact, that Elkannah is tied up in knots. He gives her a double portion, which indicates he never stops initiating love to her.


Qal active participle means he kept loving Hannah. His aggression is limited. In the eyes of society, she has had it. She does not respond with her soul and she does not respond with her body.


Not only is she incapable of having children, but she is unable to respond to Elkannah. She is not responsive in the field of sex. This is a great test of category #2 love. She is married to her rm and she cannot respond to him.


She is very bitter; this other woman is having all of Elkannah’s children; and this upsets her. We studied bigamy on Friday night. If you missed Friday night, don’t try it. She is sterile in the sense that she is unable to respond to her rm. She might be called frigid.


1Sam. 1:5 But he gave a double portion to Hannah, for he loved her even though the LORD had kept her from conceiving.


She also has opposition from Pearl, divider, separator, troublemaker. She is an attractive woman but with lots of scar tissue. One woman with scar tissue can cause another woman to have scar tissue. She will pass along to her rival wife a little bit of her own scar tissue. She is the adversary. Her enemy.


Piel stem, means that she provoked and irritated her all of the time. She made life miserable for the other woman. It means to irritate; to constantly jab. There is a constant provocation.


1Sam. 1:6 Her rival [enemy] would taunt her severely just to provoke her, because the LORD had kept Hannah from conceiving.


There is this whole Tabernacle series. They went as a family every year to study the Tabernacle and to observe the ceremonies. Every year that she goes up, she is given her double portion. Hannah was constantly upset and she was unable to eat; and there was this great time of misery.


1Sam. 1:7 Whenever she went up to the LORD's house, her rival [enemy] taunted her in this way every year. Hannah wept and would [could] not eat.


Hannah notices this. He keeps saying this. Why did God assign these things to the woman? Why doesn’t the man do it? There are some situations and circumstances where the man does this. Why is this assigned to the woman? She is designed to respond to her rm. When you are responding to her rm, she can do this and be happy.


This verse implies that Hannah has 10 sons. This is also used for an infinite number, as in Neh. 4. Elkanah loves her dearly and he is getting no response from her. He has a wonderful mental attitude. “Am I not more important to you than anything else?”


1Sam. 1:8 "Hannah, why are you crying?" her husband Elkanah asked. "Why won't you eat? Why are you troubled? Am I not better to you than 10 sons?"


They have been drinking some alcohol here. She and only she is in bitterness of soul. This comes from the word marah, which is the strongest Hebrew word for bitterness. This is the mental attitude sins cluster. Her right lobe is shut down so that doctrine is disappearing. She is in a state of emotional revolt and she has a lot of scar tissue. The state of her soul is the state of her person. The woman is genuinely feminine when her right lobe controls the soul.


When the arrows go in the wrong way, there is masculinity expressed by the woman and femininity expressed by the man. It all adds up to bitterness of soul.


1Sam. 1:9 Hannah got up after they ate and drank at Shiloh. Eli the priest was sitting on a chair by the doorpost of the LORD's tabernacle.


If she has a child, then that is going to shock old Pearl greatly. When one woman wants to get even with another woman, there is nothing worse than this other than Chinese torture. In this prayer, this is an imprecatory prayer, which is not bonafide in any way.


We have a cat fight here being taken to the Lord. Weeping, she is weeping, which indicates that this is a very intense weeping. Once she gets in front of the Lord, she starts to weep. This is not the weeping of happiness but of frustrated anger.


There is all kinds of weeping, but this is anger, frustration and bitterness.


1Sam. 1:10 Deeply hurt, Hannah prayed to the LORD and wept with many tears.


Now we have a vow, and this vow is out of line and it violates the volition of the son. This vow is totally out of line. What right does a mother have to say about a child or about coercing his volition. Anyone who serves the Lord must do so from his own free will. This woman is just wishing that she could have a child; she wants to show that Pearl something.


Perhaps, the idea here is, Hannah would expose this child to the truth and guide him in this direction.


This woman’s prayer is out of line and she is fighting and in the energy of the flesh. When the woman brings in the military, watch it.


God knew about her distress millions of years ago. She is giving idiot talk. If God remembers her, He is not going to forget her. God will not forget His female servant. She prays for a bunch. Now, Samuel is not even born yet; Hannah is having an emotional revolt of her soul, so she is making promises for her son.


In her bitterness and in her emotional revolt, and she is fighting with a weapon she hopes that God will give to her. She wants a son and she has bitterness of soul. She will make her son a Nazarite. At this time, Israel has no ruler; and the rulers have been judges. The last ruler was Samson, and he was a Nazarite; so she puts this together. The purpose of a Nazarite was to set aside all things in life in order to concentrate on a national deliverance. There is no evidence that Samuel was ever a Nazarite. This whole prayer is a waste of time. However, God has earmarked Samuel to be a great man and has a plan for him.


There are few people in history as phenomenal as Samuel. Hannah’s plan will be set aside; God has a plan. He will be the last and the greatest of all the judges. Acts 13:20. He will have the office of prophet. Atcs 13:25 and he was the only one with the right to offer up animals. From Moses to Samuel means that Samuel was the next great man (Jeremiah passage). The last of the judges, the first of the prophets, and the only one not in the line of Aaron to be a high priest. This bit by Hannah does not add or detract.


Hannah is not relaxed; she is acting like a Pentecostal here. She is going through the whole tongues bit and that is why Eli thought she was drunk .


1Sam. 1:11 Making a vow, she pleaded, "LORD of Hosts, if You will take notice of Your servant's affliction, remember and not forget me, and give Your servant a son, I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life, and his hair will never be cut."


Eli is listening to her and she is shouting and screeching now. She was speaking in her head, her lips are moving.


1Sam. 1:12 While she was praying in the LORD's presence, Eli watched her lips.


Eli thinks she is drunk and he gives her a booze sermon.


1Sam. 1:13 Hannah was speaking to herself, and although her lips were moving, her voice could not be heard. Eli thought she was drunk


Eli’s booze sermon.


1Sam. 1:14 and scolded her, "How long are you going to be drunk? Get rid of your wine!"


She explains that she is all upset.


1Sam. 1:15 "No, my lord," Hannah replied. "I am a woman with a broken heart. I haven't had any wine or beer; I've been pouring out my heart before the LORD.


I have not been drinking.


1Sam. 1:16 Don't think of me as a wicked woman; I've been praying from the depth of my anguish and resentment."


There was a long conversation at this point, which is not recorded. Now it is the God of Israel rather than the God of the armies.


God has heard your prayer; and this is written, Shemuel, which is, God hears. Eli apparently gave her a lot of teaching about her soul.


1Sam. 1:17 Eli responded, "Go in peace, and may the God of Israel give the petition you've requested from Him."


Eli can’t do anything for her. The woman went her way. All up until now, Hannah did not eat. Here, she eats and she relaxes and she is no longer distorted. We now have a changed woman.


1Sam. 1:18 "May your servant find favor with you," she replied. Then Hannah went on her way; she ate and no longer appeared downcast.


The whole family, both wives, and the children, and they all worship. Hannah is now a responder. A Qal imperfect is linear action sarte. There is a double-entendre here. It is used in the function of gap; the doctrine comes in and the reception of doctrine is a response. Gap is a responding; we respond to the grace apparatus for perception.


The woman has a physical apparatus for conception. For the first time, her soul is right, and her body responds to her rm. She has a marvelous sex response to her rm. Not only is her physical response fantastic but the Lord remembers her.


1Sam. 1:19 The next morning Elkanah and Hannah got up early to bow and to worship the LORD. Afterwards, they returned home to Ramah. Then Elkanah was intimate with his wife Hannah, and the LORD remembered her.


Samuel is a grace name. She was bitter and she vowed a vow. Her prayer did not go through, but God heard her prayer anyway. This means heard of God. “I have asked” is shael. In v. 28, it is translated lent.


1Sam. 1:20 After some time, Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, because she said, "I requested him from the LORD."


There is this Hebrew paranamsia. Whatever she was before, she was tied up in knots; but now she has a great sense of humor.


“I have caused him to be asked of the Lord” she rebounded, recovered, and Eli joined her in her prayer after her rebound; and Eli was actually praying for his own replacement, although he did not realize it at the time. Samuel will replace both of his sons. “I have caused him to be asked of the Lord and all of the days he will be caused to be asked of the Lord.” She cannot control his life; she can influence him as a mother. This is all related to Samuel’s name. This is a play of words on his name.


1Sam. 1:28 I now give the boy to the LORD. For as long as he lives, he is given to the LORD." Then he bowed and worshiped the LORD there.


The CLV reads: ...and also I have caused him to be asked for Yahweh, all the days that he has lived--he is asked for Yahweh;' and he bows himself there before Yahweh.


The following verses were not covered.


1Sam. 1:21 When Elkanah and all his household went up to make the annual sacrifice and his vow offering to the LORD,

1Sam. 1:22 Hannah did not go and explained to her husband, "After the child is weaned, I'll take him to appear in the LORD's presence and to stay there permanently."

1Sam. 1:23 Her husband Elkanah replied, "Do what you think is best, and stay here until you've weaned him. May the LORD confirm your word." So Hannah stayed there and nursed her son until she weaned him.

1Sam. 1:24 When she had weaned him, she took him with her to Shiloh, as well as a three-year-old bull, two and one-half gallons of flour, and a jar of wine. Though the boy was still young, she took him to the LORD's house at Shiloh.

1Sam. 1:25 Then they slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to Eli.

1Sam. 1:26 "Please, my lord," she said, "as sure as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD.

1Sam. 1:27 I prayed for this boy, and since the LORD gave me what I asked Him for,


1971 Dunghill Special                1Sam. 2:1-3; 1Cor. 11:14                   12/05/1971 633_003

Hannah’s recovery; distinction between pride and ego


This says she prayed, but this is put to a tune. She is heard this time; before she wasn’t. Hannah is now a mother and it is her son Samuel who writes these words. Samuel only lived around his mother until he was 3. When he was around her, he heard her singing and he listened to the words of the song. She is in fellowship while singing the words to this song. Hithpael stem is reflexive; and she is so inspired by happiness, that she is inspired to pray. She goes over this many times. We must call this Hannah’s song; the son of grace.


Did she toot a horn? Did she grow horns?


Well-trained soldiers and they are suddenly afraid. Bob wants to come out even on the tapes.


As you take in doctrine categorically, your norms and standards change. You look up chacma under any Hebrew lexicon, and it will be said to mean wisdom. Gap is a technical word representing the intake of Bible doctrine.


When are waiting around for a man to say, “Hello, I am he.” Most who have dated have heard, “Putting the Lord first.” But what does that mean? That means Bible doctrine under gap. It is only as take in doctrine. Elkanah is going to suddenly discover that his rw is going to suddenly respond to him.


Her heart rejoicing is +H in her soul. She gets +H and she is positive toward her rm.


Tremendous demand for tapes as of late. If those at T&P refer any taper to Bob, they’ll be quite unhappy.


We initiated by coming to Bible class. Responding does not mean that we stand around and go into neutral. The horn refers to power. Sometimes it refers to authority.


Qeren is her ability to respond to her rm. This is the first way that Hannah was lifted out of the dunghill with her sex response to her rm. She becomes the glory of the man.


1Cor 11:6–12 For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to have his head covered, because he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. The woman was designed the be the glory of the man; so she responds to the man. She reflects the glory of the man. He is the image of God; and he is the initiator in his soul. The woman responds to the man and she has his reflected glory. For man is not from woman, but woman from man; for neither was man created for the woman, but woman for the man. The woman was constructed from the man. God created the woman because of the man. For this cause the woman ought to have authority on her head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, neither is the woman independent of the man, nor the man independent of the woman, in the Lord. For as woman came from man, so a man also comes through a woman; but all things are from God.


1Co 11:14–15 Doesn't even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her for a covering.


The woman is the glory of the man. Hannah has responded to the man; positive volition. She has a rm, Elkanah; so mow she can have glory from her rm. Her sex response is what is being spoken of here. She is lifted up out of the dunghill. Her glory, her strength, her maximum response is lifted up. That is what the horn means.


My mouth is enlarged means my mouth proclaims happiness. In privacy, she expresses to the Lord; in privacy, she expresses to her rm. This is like a kitten purring; that what it means, “My mouth is enlarged.” If Bob told us everything that was here, we’d fade out or blush.


She rejoices; in fact, she is full of happiness. My heart expresses happiness; my horn is lifted up in the Lord, my mouth is enlarged, I am full of happiness my my deliverance.


He is the last of the judges and the first of the prophets.


1Sam. 2:1 Hannah prayed: My heart rejoices in the LORD; my horn is lifted up by the LORD. My mouth boasts over my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation.


The source in grace is next. No verb here. Deliverance by the Lord is unique. There is no one who is holy like the Lord. He is unique. Kadosh refers to the essence of God. God has reached down to the dunghill where Sarah is and has lifted her out.


Don’t you men get upset when your wife listens to Bible doctrine. Never get jealous of the Lord. Some men get awfully stupid about these things. Try to cut off the source of grace, which is the Lord, and you cut that off, and, as rm, you’ve had it. The uniqueness of the Lord is the uniqueness of His provision. When she responds to God by taking in doctrine; she therefore responds to her rm.


Tsur is the elevated rock. Security; she has a husband. She has a rm as a husband. Our God, our Elohanu.


1Sam. 2:2 There is no one holy like the LORD. There is no one besides You! And there is no rock like our God.


Next is anti-Hannah; or anti-grace. The source of grace or the source of Hannah’s happiness. It begins with “Talk no more.” This is the opposite of “my mouth is enlarged.” “Do not multiply conversations” means to gossip or to malign. There is a repetition of the word arrogant. When you start to talk about someone else, you are always speaking from a mental attitude sin cluster and pride is always the basis of it.


Pride Versus Ego

1.        People really get confused on this. Ego is transliterated from the Greek and the Latin. It simply means the union of a person’s soul and body. There is no sinful connotation. Ego is the self consciousness of the soul; it is not evil; it is not sinful. Bob laughs when he hears the word id thrown around, which is idioplasma. It is the fundmantal mass of life tendencies. Learn to distinguish and don’t misuse these words. We have been studing Hannah’s id.

2.        There is the adjective ego-centric, which can have a bad connotation.

3.        Egoism; we might as well know what the English language actually means. It is excessive love or thought for self. It is the point at which pride begins. Pride usually comes from operation over think.

4.        Egotism is the practice of egoism; egotism is the practice; egoism is the state.

5.        Pride, the mental attitude sin. An overestimation of one’s abilities or one’s status in life.

6.        Arrogance is gabah, and it doesn’t mean to be proud; gabaoch. Arrogance is maximum pride; it is an exorbitant estimation of one’s own arrogance.

Even Hannah’s first prayer was arrogance. Bitterness, arrogance, the whole thing. Give me a son and I will give him to you for the rest of his life. That was wrong. She would have a double portion first child and her vow did not add anything to Samuel. Hannah’s vow was wrong; it was anti-grace; grace provided everything for her son. She now recognizes that she should not start talking arrogance.


Billions of years ago, God examined all of these things.


1Sam. 2:3 Do not boast so proudly, or let arrogant words come out of your mouth [insulant arrogance will not go out of your mouth], for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and actions are weighed by Him.


V. 4 is grace in battle, where God provides for the son in battle just as He provides for the son in war.


1971 Dunghill Special                           1Sam. 2:4-6                             12/05/1971 633_004

Doctrine sustains the GI’s under compromised leaders; Hannah’s double portion and praise for God


In 6 days, God restored the earth for man’s occupancy. Bob watched a part of the Sands of Iwo Jima. Bob is also reminded of the crass and unbelievable stupidity and how stupid it was to return anything to the Japs that we took from them. We ought to take Okinawa back; we paid for it with American blood. What they will do is, they will fortify it. America is for Americans. When we take an island with American blood, then that belongs to us. Bob wants to take western Europe as well. We paid for it with American lives.


Hannah was looking forward to a number of very interesting things. Israel will learn what it is like to be invaded. They will know something of this coming up. As times of disaster begin to appear on the horizon.


Chayil is the greatest of courage. The valiant bull soldiers are terrified but the fainting ones have been armed with valor. God provides for his own in desperate combat situations. Many of the men will find themselves facing this kind of a situation. Delivery comes through clear thinking; moral as well as battle courage. Many of us think that we will drift on to peace and peace. Our foreign policy has been very stupid.


Bob read an article in Spanish about Theodor Roosevelt and they seem to think he was America’s last great president. Nixon carries a big stick but he hides it well. In every branch of our service, men are so ambitious that they cater to politicians. They set aside their own common sense and training. These men will mean a lot of deaths and mistakes in military service. Many of us will know the meaning of this passage in our generation. We are there because of circumstances. God will lift us out of this dunghill in a marvelous way.


We have never achieved a golden age. It came through Bible doctrine in Rome. Greece was made up of many ages. Will God raise us up out of the dunghill of national disaster? We pray for the men in the military.


There are a group of young men in seminaries; Bob is describing the new bulleton. There are churches where men from Berachah are now ministering.


1Sam. 2:4 The bows of the warriors are broken, but the feeble are clothed with strength.


Next is grace in civilian life. At some time in our life, it will cross our minds, “What if I could not get any food? What if I was starving and without the necessities of life?” This is the subject of v. 5. Niphal here that is reflexive; these people are in desperate straights and they hire themselves our for a peace of bread for 12 or 16 hours a day.


The rich and the wealthy have suddenly found themselves under a dunghill. The implication is, they were antigrace and they did not recognize grace when they had wealth. So they find themselves under a dunghill. First under a mountain of the details of life. This mountain is destroyed and they find themselves under a dunghill. They must now work long, monotonous hours for a small piece of bread. This are believers throughout this passage. They fail to pass the prosperity test. This phrase describes their loss of grace orientation.


Some of us were desperate and we came to Bible class every night; then we are prospered, and we take off. Believers however, go negative toward doctrine and they reach a certain point, and God removes the details of life. And they find themselves working desperately to keep themselves alive. In this starving condition, they do exactly what Hannah says. Starving ones have ceased to starve. The starving ones were believers in some form of reversionism. They have stopped starving, which means that God has lifted them out of the dunghill of starvation.


Grace never stops. You may hop out of the plane, but the plane keeps going. Here, this means, grace continues forever; grace keeps working. Barren is a feminine singular adjective, referring only to Hannah here. This is Hannah under a dunghill; and she was shut up in her womb because of her reaction to it. This is her dunghill. While she is barren, she has a rm; she has responded to him, and yet she hasn’t. She is under a double curse. She now describes in the psalms her dunghill.


Hannah sang this song for many years after she gave birth to many after this. 3 sons and 2 daughters were also those born to Hannah. But here, it says that she bore 7. Shivea. This is the full number of divine blessing. It is also God’s completed grace


Bob has counseled those who have adopted and it is obvious why God shut up their womb; God has meaning and purpose; and many believers would do well to forget adoption and to relax. Sometimes when they adopt, it shocks the mother so much that she mother becomes pregnant.


Hannah’s first son is a double portion. Same is a judge and a prophet; a double portion. He replaces Hophni and Phineas; so, in several ways, he counts as two. Hannah is being lifted out of the dunghill.


Pearl is the one here who has waxed feeble.


1Sam. 2:5 Those who are full hire themselves out for food [a piece of bread], but those who are starving hunger no more. The barren woman gives birth to seven, but the woman with many sons pines away. This is Pearl and she fades away.



This records the inevitable triumph of grace. Under grace, those in disastrous conditions are filled; and she too was like someone starving under the dunghill and she too is filled. She is satisfied. She has something with her rm that is phenomenal.

Muth is not necessarily a violent death. It is often used to conjugate verbs. When a person dies, he does so with the Lord’s permission. The soul and the spirit go to be with the Lord. You have to request permission to come aboard. You can’t even get into heaven without permission. Even if you die the sin unto death, it is still God’s permission. You cannot even get out of here apart from God’s permission. God also determines by what manner we leave. We do not even know how we are going to die. God knew this billions of years ago. When we die, God will take us out of here, no matter what medical science says. When God says permission granted, then we are long gone. We all have our own personal desires. Bob does not want to lie around in a bed for a long time. Going down in a plane sounds like fun. Getting shot; that’s fine; no problem.


We will all die. We don’t know when the rapture will occur. Bob recalls those wearing the white sheets and going up to a mountain waiting on the rapture. There will be that one generation which misses physical death. The sissy squad. Bob saw at least one psycho and explains, you do not go out and kill yourself to make sure you miss the rapture and physically die. If God is the cause of our death, then we can trust Him for our death.


This is just one pile of dung where you do not belong. That is why Hannah. She is older now. Old age caught up with this beautiful doll. She got wrinkled and old and she is going to die. She learned a long time ago how to handle the dung pile. Just stick your hand up and God grabs you and pulls you out.


Chayah in the Piel means to preserve alive, to let live; to restore life; to cause to grow. Bob has a chinning bar in back. He let himself down in some place that Balderdash had been, which brought this message to him very forcefully. There is nothing that is such an insult to the aufactory senses.


Now all people go into Sheol, or Hades. It is in the heart of the earth. It is called paradise or Abraham’s bosom, where believing Jews go. There is a great gulf fixed, and a place or torments and temporary fire. Fallen angels and believers and unbelievers, all in Sheol. God has a perfect plan; the Old Testament saints have been transported to the 3rd heaven and there will be a time when they will be resurrected. The resurrection is also grace lifting from the dunghill of death. The most permanent token is being lifted up by the resurrection.


1Sam. 2:6 The LORD brings death and gives life; He sends some to Sheol, and He raises others up.


The death of every believer is in the hands of the Lord. Every second we are on this earth, we are here by the courtesy and grace of God. The one causing to descend to Sheol; and everyone goes to their own compartment.


The actual dunghill passage will be v. 7.


1971 Dunghill Special          Ps75:3–8 Pr 4:3–8 1Sam. 2:7-8              12/06/1971 633_005

Man and earth lifted out of dunghill; “If God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted”


On this anniversary of Pear Harbor, the Japs are arming themselves again. They have gained more recently than they ever did by fighting us. There are islands paid for with American blood that we are about to turn over to them. One word description of our foreign policy: idiotic. Various nations taking over our oil and our vessels.


We do not seem to be able to learn anything from history. Perhaps we can learn something from the Word of God.


Hannah means grace and this is the 6th or 7th stanza. Jarash means as many things as we have stems in the Hebrew.


Poverty and Believers

1.        There are several reasons why God has believers become poor.

2.        Punitive reasons might not understanding free enterprise.

3.        Often, under this concept, one become impoverished as a part of a group that becomes impoverished. This government makes a point to attack the goose that lays the golden egg. Big industry is the backbone of this country. They talk about ecology but are the trashiest people around; wherever they go, it looks like all hell broke loose there. If people don’t like the pollution in the air, they ought to move. Our government has done whatever it can to destroy business. If they are so keen on all of this monopoly bit, why don’t they break up the television monopolies. All they do is attack good business enterprise. While the government is breaking monopolies, it ought to break down labor monopolies. They have never touched the labor unions. This country is just plain stupid and we are lucky to have a paycheck. The one overriding factor is God’s perfect, matchless grace. Here, we may simply be a in land where the laws of divine establishment has flaunted.

4.        Personal punitive measures may include the believer who emphasizes wealth or some similar thing, there are laws to balance that out.

5.        Suffering for blessing can include poverty. Sometimes it is just suffering for blessing.

6.        God’s grace provides for the believer in poverty.


No believer becomes wealthy apart from the grace of God. Once you believe in Jesus Christ, it is a brand new ball game.


Grace and Demotion.

1.        When the Lord demotes us, we are demoted.

2.        For whatever cause, God in His matchless grace can provide the most painful and humiliating discipline the believer has ever known.

3.        Furthermore, if God demotes us, only God can removed the stigma and the humiliation of that demotion. If you are under a dunghill, only God can pull you out.


Once you are demoted, you cannot do anything to promote yourself. Only God can do this.


The foundations of the earth are, perhaps, the laws of physics. This boosts God’s glory. Some of us will never figure out point A to point B. But everything depends upon the character of God; and nothing depends upon our character.


The Lord causing to become poor and causing to become rich; He causes to be demoted but how much better He causes to be promoted.


Psalm 75:3 The earth and all those living in it are melting away; I set firm its pillars. Selah.


Psalm 75:4 I said to the boastful, Do not boast; and to the wicked, Do not lift up the horn.


Do not promote yourself.


Psalm 75:5 Do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck.


There is no one in any compass direction from you that can promote you.


Psalm 75:6 For exaltations are not from the east, nor from the west, nor from the desert;


God is the judge. He sets up and he promotes another. Whatever we have in this life, whether money, friends, loved ones, we have it by the courtesy of God. We do not have a thing, except by His grace. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted.


Psalm 75:7 but God is the judge; He puts down this one and lifts up this other.


Psalm 75:8 For a cup is in the hand of Jehovah; and the wine foams; it is fully mixed, and He pours out from it; surely all the wicked of the earth must drain its dregs and drink.


Proverbs 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forsake and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.


“Her” refers to wisdom; and we are not to forsake her.


Proverbs 4:6 Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will keep you.


Knowledge of doctrine is key.


Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the main thing; get wisdom, and with all your getting, get understanding.


Put wisdom first, and wisdom will exalt you.


Proverbs 4:8 Exalt her, and she will lift you up; she shall bring you to honor when you embrace her.








1Sam. 2:7 The LORD brings poverty and gives wealth; He humbles and He exalts.


Corrected translation: The Lord causing to become poor and causing to become rich; He causes to be demoted but how much better He causes to be promoted.


Before it was rum; and this time it is kum. God caused the poor to prosper. It makes a nice title, the beggar on the dunghill, but this is not really a beggar. It is someone who is afflicted, wretched, needy, distressed. It describes a person from the dunghill.


The new Scofield Bible; “ashpile.”



1.        In this verse, the dust and the dunghill denote the deepest demotion; the deepest degradation.

2.        Only God’s grace can pull the believer out of the dunghill of scar tissue, emotional revolt, apostasy, punitive action for carnality,

3.        By the same token, only God’s grace can pull the unbeliever out of the dunghill of spiritual death.

4.        This same verse is quoted in Psalm 113:7 the verb is yashab, which means to dwell in a place of blessing. He goes from the dunghill of the cross to the right hand of blessing. Nehemiah goes from the dunghill of no walls to walls and gates and we will probably study Nehemiah 8. The place of blessing is Bible doctrine. Micah is some book and he can hardly wait to teach it.

5.        The Lord pulled Nehemiah out of the dunghill of the Persian court and brought him ...and brought up the walls.

6.        He pulled Hannah out of the dust.

7.        The distressed, the wretched, the afflicted, the needy, He caused to life them out of a dunghill. If grace takes you out of something, grace puts you in a marvelous place. If grace pulls you out of the piled up excrement of dung; grace puts you in first class. Grace will place her among the nobility.


Nobility are pleasant company. Landed aristocracy for 1st generation aristocracy; and bourgeois aristocracy for the 2nd generation.


Grace keeps the earth going; grace keeps the earth functioning. God could change a number of things by snapping His fingers, speeding up the earth or slowing it down. God holds it altogether; by His Word, He holds it altogether.


The earth is also a dungpile; tohu wa bohu.


The pillars of the earth are matsukê erets. A matsuer is a column which holds up a roof; or a column to stabilize a building. It is a pillar or a column and it stabilizes the biulding. The universe stabilizes and sustains the earth. It was lifted out of the dunghill to demonstrate His grace to angelic and human creatures.


Everything was created in a second; all at one time, He created the heavens and the earth. Those 6 days of monkeying around with the earth was not creation but lifting the earth out of the dungpile that it was. Nothing is said in those days of creating the earth. The pillars are the columns which hold up the earth; the universe supports the earth.


God sets the world upon the them, which is Gen. 1:3ff


The erets was tohu wa bohu and God placed the world, a different word, the earth was restored, but man was created. Gen. 1:1 for bara. The erets was always there. But it was under the dunghill. If you are going to lift it up and put it on the pillars. It is the soul that is saved. Every time man is lifted out of the dunghill, it is God’s grace. Whatever we recover from, it is grace.


1Sam. 2:8 He raises the poor [He causes the lowdown to prosper right out of the dust] from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile [dunghill]. He seats them [causes them to dwell in blessing] with noblemen and gives them a throne of honor [a royal throne of glory = victory in the Angelic Conflict]. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; He has set the world [= the inhabited earth of mankind] on them.


1971 Dunghill Special                1Sam. 2:8-10 3:1, 19-21                   12/07/1971 633_006

Doctrine of the horn; where 3 roads meet: Hannah, Nehemiah, and Jesus Christ; grace summary


Christmas special in Micah, a false Christas, a true Christmas and a future Christmas.


Reviewing v. 8.


1Sam. 2:8 He raises the poor [He causes the lowdown to prosper right out of the dust] from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile [dunghill]. He seats them [causes them to dwell in blessing] with noblemen and gives them a throne of honor [a royal throne of glory = victory in the Angelic Conflict]. For the foundations of the earth are the LORD's; He has set the world [= the inhabited earth of mankind] on them.


Two more verses in Hannah’s psalm. Saints are those who have a relationship with God and are set apart to Him. The evil ones here are the unbelievers; those with an unjust cause.


You cannot reject the laws of divine establishment without facing catastrophe.


1Sam. 2:9 He guards the steps [feet] of His faithful ones [saints], but the wicked are silenced in darkness, for a man does not prevail by his own strength.



1.        Grace has provided for those who are evil or those who reject the laws of divine establishment.

2.        God protects the believer during time of anarchy or disaster. God provides in grace.

3.        Hannah tells us how grace prevails in history so that man’s history will continue to its proper conclusion.


Those who oppose God will be shattered.


A gazelle type animal with really long horns. They represent the double-portion that went to Joseph. Deut. 37:14 1Sam. 2:1 must be the doctrine of horns. Her double-portion was maximum response to sex in marriage. The horn expresses Hannah’s double portion. The horn is used to present the double-portion of Messiah. 1Sam. 2:10 that is Messiah’s double-portion. Luke 1:67


Luke 1:67 And his father Zacharias was filled of the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying,


the cradle must come before the cross. As Messiah, He will be the anointed King Who fulfills the Davidic Covenant. All Jews who believe in Jesus Christ. His double portion will be believers from the Church Age. Jews and the Church. He has visited and redeemed His people; the double portion belongs to the house of David.


Luke 1:68 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, because He visited and worked redemption for His people.


Luke 1:69 And He raised up a Horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant David;


The horn is used to present the duoble portion of Messiah in 1Sam. 2:10


Samuel was a judge, but never a king. He had the privilege of anointing the bonafide king of Israel. Samuel anointed David, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David. David was anointed with a horn full of oil the horn always speaks of the double portion. Saul was never God’s man. He was functioning as a prophet, priest and judge. The family of David would have a double portion.


David’s favorite son was Absalom, a chip off the old block who revolted against David. The line of Solomon goes down through Joseph and the line of Nathan goes down through Mary, and Jesus Christ is the double portion of David. The horn represented a double portion to God’s man.


The horn was used to represent God’s grace to David.


2Sam. 22:2 And he said: Jehovah is my rock and my fortress, and my Deliverer.


The horn is David’s deliverance out of the dunghill.


2Sam. 22:3 My God is my rock; I shall take refuge in Him; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge! My Savior, You shall save me from violence.


From David on, the horns of the altar were a place of refuge.


1Kings 1:50–51 And Adonijah was afraid because of Solomon, and he rose up and went and lay hold on the horns of the altar. And it was told to Solomon, saying, Adonijah is afraid of King Solomon. And, behold, he has laid hold on the horns of the altar, saying, Let King Solomon swear to me as of today that he will not put his servant to death by the sword.


The horn in the dust is used for humiliation. Job 16:15 I have sewed sackcloth on my skin, and I have thrust my horn in the dust.


the horn is used for the power of God in deliverance. Psalm 18:1–2 I love You, O Jehovah, my strength. Jehovah is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; He is my God, my Rock; I seek refuge in Him; He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.


The horn is related to pride. Psalm 75:4–5 I said to the boastful, Do not boast; and to the wicked, Do not lift up the horn. Do not lift up your horn on high; do not speak with a stiff neck. This means, do not lift yourself up; do not speak about yourself in pride.


The horn is also used with promotion. Psalm 75:10 89:17 92;10 148:14


used for the power of nations. Jer. 48:35 Lam. 2:3, 17 Ezek.29:21 Dan 8:3:5, 6, 7


horns are used for the power of the revived Roman empire. Rev. 12:3 13:1 17:3, 7, 12


We need to go back to our passage for a conclusion. Many of you don’t have Bibles; what are you doing? Where do you think you are?


Conclusion: 1Sam. 2:26–28 And the boy Samuel went on, growing both in stature and in goodness, both with Jehovah and also with men. And a man of God came to Eli, and said to him, So says Jehovah: Did I reveal Myself plainly to the house of your father when they were in Egypt, at the house of Pharaoh, even to choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be priest to Me, to go up on My altar, to cause incense to smoke, to bear an ephod before Me? And did I give to your father's house all the fire offerings of the sons of Israel?


1Sam. 2:10 Those who oppose the LORD will be shattered; He will thunder in the heavens against them. The LORD will judge the ends of the earth. He will give power to His king; He will lift up the horn of His anointed.


Moses was the super-prophet. God must raise up a man to fill in the gap, someone who could receive open vision. 1Sam. 3:1


For the first time, since the death of Joshua, we have a generation with strong positive volition where there is a demand. The demand is positive volition; supplied by Samuel the prophet. Samuel grew; he’s a growing boy. Gaddowl means to become great [as a person]. If God does not promote you, you are not promoted. This is Samuel’s promotion. Jehovah was with him. The Lord lifted him up out of the dungheep. Samuel was the beneficiary of grace.


1Sa 3:1 And the boy Samuel was serving Jehovah before Eli. And the Word of Jehovah was rare in those days. There was no breaking-through vision.


Every time that Samuel spoke, not one word fell to the ground. For from all his words, He, God, did not let them fall to ground.


Samuel is great because the Lord is with him. Elkanah gave to Hannah a double portion. Samuel will replace Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phineas. God promoted Samuel because of grace.


1Sa 3:19 And Samuel grew up, and Jehovah was with him, and did not let any of his words fall to the earth.


1Sa 3:20 And all Israel knew, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, that Samuel was confirmed to be a prophet to Jehovah.


1Sa 3:21 And Jehovah again appeared in Shiloh [and caused to increase His appearances in shiloh]. For Jehovah revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh, by the Word of Jehovah.


God uncovers


More verses on Samuel. Acts 13:20 3:24 Jeremiah says samuel is greatest in Israel since Moses. Jer. 15:1


1971 Dunghill Special                         Psalm 113:1-3                           12/09/1971 633_007

Berachah: meaning of and Hebrew stems; where 3 roads meet; summary of grace orientation; title of Psalm 113; doctrinal concept of one day at a time


We shift gears to Psalm 113; and Bob is having trouble shifting gears from Micah and Psalm 132. A lot of Micah and a lot of Psalm 132. The true and false Christmases of Micah and the dunghill special will be completed later?


3 roads meet at Psalm 113. This song brings Hannah, Nehemiah, and Jesus Christ all from 3 roads to the same place. Hannah gets her son; Nehemiah gets his walls; and Jesus Christ gets...?


Capacity for grace, the road of Jesus Christ, and the road of Hannah and Nehemiah. Yahsab will be lifting Jesus out of the dunghill. Then Nehemiah. The wall have another aspect. Thy represent the function of divine establishment.


he sees that some day, these laws will lock out the Savior. Jesus Christ would be crucified outside of the walls and 40 years later, those walls would come down.


Halel is psalm 113–118. God’s grace in deliverance and this is a grace orientation psalm.


Grace Orientation Psalm

1.        To be the beggar on the dunghill of 1Sam. 2:8 and to be lifted out of that dunghill is the quintessence of grace. Believer is without any human resources.

2.        Hannah was in the dunghill, but through God’s grace, she was lifted out. She was in a totally helpless, hopeless, useless situation. She had a great soul and physical response to her rm.

3.        The walls of Jerusalem like hannah’s son were the products of God’s grace. The double portion included the spiritual.

4.        It must be inculcated over and over again that grace is not simply doing nothing. Grace is always doing something nonmeritorious. Grace does not mean to do nothing. Like the guy who sits on the part bench feeding the pigeons, waiting for a job to be dropped onto his lap. Grace is not doing nothing. Grace is doing something nonmeritorious. If you name your sins, that is nonmeritorious. The walls were raised up by grace. When Hannah got home from Shiloh, she didn’t just sit around and wait for Hannah to make the first move. She got bathed and perfumed etc. grace is God doing everything on the basis of His plan. Nehemiah had half of the people working with their weapons strapped on. They were constantly doing something. But it was grace. Hannah was designed to be God’s grace. Grace is designed for every part of your life.


6.        God provides tokens of grace. Hannah responded with vigor. The token of her grace was the birth of Samuel.

7.        Nehemiah. He and those who built faced a hopeless situation. When Nehemiah first came to Jerusalem, the mule could not move too close to the walls without breaking a leg. Mules will take you along to almost any place after being trained; but there are a few places where they will not go.

8.        Dunghill situation; surrounded by opposition. Ammonites to the east; arabs to the south; the Philistines to the best. It was God’s grace that made the difference. All of the construction, all of the military planning, all of these things were useless apart from God’s grace.

9.        Grace does not exclude action or function; but guarantees that action or function will be meaningful.


11.      Grace guarantees that nonmeritorious function will depend on the character and provision of God. Never on human ability. When the action is over, there is no question as to who gets the credit; it is always God Who gets the credit. In the end, there is no question; it is strictly the work of the grace of God.


The dunghill; Hannah’s dunghill was hopeless and humiliating to the maximum. Her sexual relationship to her husband was obnoxious; God lifted her out of that dunghill. So her song. Nehemiah’s was hopeless and frustrating as well. God lifted the Jews out of it. The greatest dunghill was the one from which there was no deliverance, until it was completed, the dunghill of the cross. Christ was covered with our sins. God the Father lifted Jesus Christ out of this dunghill.


One more item, and that is the title of the psalm, which is made up of two words. Halelu+yah. Piel imperative of halel; it is a command. When you sing this song, you have a title, and the title is to praise or to give glory to God. It is a command; an order; how can you do it? It is impossible for any believer in Jesus Christ to be thankful to God, to praise God or to give God glory apart from Bible doctrine in his soul; specifically in the right lobe of the soul. It can’t be done. We are related to God, not to a bunch of imbeciles. You do not owe these idiots anything. You are left to glorify God. The right lobe is called the heart. It is apart of the mind; it is not a part of the cardo-vascular system.


The heart has a frame of reference. As you take in the Word, you develop a technical vocabulary. You develop norms and standards which line up with divine norms and standards. We should have a viewpoint about gun control laws; they are horrible. Every law-abiding person ought to have a gun and know how to use it. All guns ought to be loaded. An unloaded gun is embarrassing if you need to use it. You ought to have an attitude about the Hypostatic Union. We ought to have the capacity to love God. The edification complex. This demands a daily intake of Bible doctrine. Hustling around is no good. There is no substitute for this. Almost any knucklehead can say, “Hallelujah.” This means “Praise the Lord.” The Jesus freaks and when they swing someone over to their viewpoint, they let him get into the car, but he cannot drive off until he says, “Jesus is Lord” ten times. Freak is a good work. Children of God, man of them are, but they are reversionists.


Bob was walking along, and he heard some guy yell out, “Jesus is Lord” and he sounded like he had just killed a half a can of canned heat. Or, if you love Jesus, honk your horn. It is all Bob can do to keep from ramming those people.


This is easy to pronounce and even to sing. When you get to the point of saying, “Praise the Lord,” this takes a great deal of time for these words to be meaningful. Then you can say such things without being a freak. Even the translator caught on that this was a title. Sometimes they put the title in italics, when it is actually a part of the text.


Such capacity cannot exist apart from Bible doctrine.


Slaves were Nehemiah and the construction gang and anyone who had anything to do with getting the walls and gates up. It is even more meaningful today because every believer is in full-time Christian service. In an assembly, you must have a group for privacy. Only apostasy and subjectivity ruin privacy.


Bob has to do the opposite; he does not get on every person and checking each person out and their personal life. We are all to live our lives as unto the Lord. Only assembly worship fulfills the concept. This allows privacy in the congregation. Or operation cornball, standing up and telling those behind you that you love them.


To praise the person of the Lord, you must know something about Him. You must understand the doctrine of the divine decrees. Impeccability; kenosis, how these things relate to the sin nature. The Person of God is delineated in many categories of doctrine.


Psalm 113:1 Hallelujah! Give praise, servants of the LORD; praise the name of the LORD.


The beginning of grace orientation. Barach is what is found in this verse. This verse is about a believer with maximum doctrine having a good response to Jesus Christ.


The people under Nehemiah studied the Word for a long time with the walls down. This is a dedication of the walls and a maximum number of people have an edification complex of the soul.


Psalm 113:2 Let the name of the LORD be praised [is being adored] both now and forever.


The perpetuation of grace orientation in phase II. Apparently, this is another form of the word, to be praised.


Psalm 113:3 From the rising of the sun to its setting, let the name of the LORD be praised.


One Day at a Time

1.        The believer oriented to grace and to the plan of God regards everyday alike. One day at a time, every day alike. Rom. 14:5–6.

2.        If you wake up tomorrow, you have a special gift from God; a day to be redeemed by us. Eph. 5:16–18

3.        We only have the days of our life here on earth to glorify God; God numbers our life as a believer on earth in days. There is a time for us to depart; and we are no longer able to glorify God in our bodies on earth in this fallen world. This glorification means, we are teaching doctrine to angels. We are showing God’s perfect essence in our lives. God provides only so many days.

4.        God provides the capital to make each day count for Him. James 4:6

5.        Every day is a special day in phase II; Sunday is only assembly worship designation and no legitimate reason for the Sunday blue laws.

6.        Each day, the believer is to avoid mental attitude sins and sins of the tongue.

7.        Only in the days of time can God demonstrate His matchless grace in suffering.


Being adored is the name of Jehovah, at this time and forever more; the name of Jehovah is being praised.


1971 Dunghill Special                         Psalm 113:4-9                           12/10/1971 633_008

Christ from the dunghill of earth and the cross; to glory; doctrines of ascension and dunghill; road of Nehemiah


The final lesson of the Dunghill Special.


The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit all have identical essence. The question that begins the 3 roads which cross? There is a praise answer here that is short.


Bob has been teaching doctrine for the past 21 years. A good professor in college who gave all the answers to the questions at the very first. He was very popular; and the person who flunked was really stupid. You did not have to go to a fraternity file or buy a previous test. Here, we get the answer first and the question last. The Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely unique.


Psalm 113:4 The LORD is exalted above all the nations, His glory above the heavens.


Jesus Christ Exalted above All Nations

1.        This is a reference to the Angelic Conflict. Why did Jesus Christ, eternal God, become man? Adam was created to resolve the Angelic Conflict. Jesus Christ did not acquire a sin nature, but bore the sins of the world. When Jesus was made a little lower than the angels, this was to resolve the Angelic Conflict. High above all nations is the beginning of this concept.

2.        Jesus Christ as eternal God had to take a road to win the Angelic Conflict.

3.        To do so, he had to become true humanity; and He went to the cross as true humanity. That is the dunghill part of the road.

4.        The road to the cross was outside of those walls being dedicated by Nehemiah, the princes, the priests and the people.

5.        In the time of Nehemiah, the walls were constructed to keep out the enemy; but in the time of Christ, those walls were to shut out the Savior. The same walls be dedicated. A spiritual triumph at one point...

6.        Jesus Christ is exalted above all nations.


Strongest word for glory used here. From heaven to the cradle to the cross. He will be seated at the right hand of the Father as the Unique Person of the Universe. The cradle to the cross to the crown.


Jesus Christ is superior to all angels in His hypostatic union. In the Angelic Conflict, Christ is superior to all creatures.


Psalm 113:4 The LORD is exalted above all the nations, His glory above the heavens.


The road of glorification. The road that Jesus took is humiliation followed by glorifications. Dunghill and then being lifted out of the dunghill.


God, angels and man are all different. Jesus is different from man in that He is fully man; different from angels, and He is superior to the angels in the hypostatic union.


It was God the Father’s purpose to resurrect His Son.


Psalm 113:5 Who is like the LORD our God--the One enthroned on high,


The Doctrine of Ascension

1.        Jesus Christ could travel through the heavens in His resurrection body.

2.        Psalm 110:1 prophetical Heb. 1:3, 13 His acceptability at the right hand which guarantees our acceptability.

3.        Ascension and session of the humanity of Christ produces the victory of the Angelic Conflict.

4.        Ascension begins a new sphere of the Angelic Conflict. Eph. 4:7–10 the Angelic Conflict intensifies at the fall of man, the Church Age, and at the 2nd advent.

5.        The ascension begins operation footstool. Luke 20:42–43 Heb. 1:13

6.        The conclusion. Col. 2:15 rev. 20:2–3

7.        Acts 2:23 Philip. 2:9

8.        The ascension explains the uniqueness of the Church Age. John 7:37–39


The Doctrine of the Ascension


The Ascension of Christ was the vertical transfer of our Lord's true humanity from planet earth to the third

heaven in a resurrection body. It demonstrates the vertical travel capability of the resurrection body through the

earth's atmousphere, the galaxies of the stellar universe, and billions of light years in an instant, and then entering

the third heaven where the throne of God is.

The original languages of Scripture teach that there are 3 levels of heaven. (1) 1st heaven: Earth's

atmousphere. (2) 2nd heaven: Stellar universe. (3) 3rd heaven: Abode of God, the angels and the dead believers.

This multiplicity of heavens is indicated in Hebrews 4:14 where our Lord at His Ascension is said to have "passed

through the heavens" (accusative masculine plural noun ouranos). The 1st and 2nd heaven are not specifically

mentioned but the 3rd heaven is discussed in 2 Corinthians 12:2. Logically speaking, it is evident that there cannot

be a 3rd heaven without also a 1st and 2nd heaven. The 1st heaven is the earth's atmousphere which surrounds the

earth and is composed of the following 7 layers: (1) Troposphere (2) Stratosphere (3) Mesosphere (4)

Thermosphere (5) Exosphere (6) Ionosphere (7) Magnetosphere.

Our Lord at His Ascension passed through the earth's atmousphere, i.e., the 1st heaven (Acts 1:9-11). An

invisible war is taking place in the Church Age between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness

throughout the 7 layers of the earth's atmousphere as part of the angelic conflict (Dan. 10:20; Eph. 2:2; 6:11-17)

and will visibly manifest itself during the Tribulation period (Rev. 6-19). Satan is called in the Greek, "ton archonta

tes exousias tou aeros, "the ruler of the power of the air" (Eph. 2:2). He has tes exousias, "the authority or the

power" over the earth's atmousphere. He is archon tou kosmou toutou, "the ruler of this world" (John 12:31;

14:30; 16:11).

The 2nd heaven is the stellar universe or space which consists of a vast array of stars, moons, suns, galaxies

and solar systems. Angelic beings populate the stellar universe. The pre-historic battleground of the angelic conflict

stretches into this region known as the 2nd heaven. In astronomy the stellar universe is referred to as the cosmos.

The cosmos contain the entire physical universe consisting of all objects and phenomena observed and postulated as

well invisible angelic beings. The principal components of the universe are the galaxies, stars and stellar

groupings, and nebulae. Substantially smaller components include the solar system and any other assemblage of

planets, satellites, comets, and meteoroids revolving around a central stellar body that may exist among the

millions of galaxies. The universe also contains gravitational fields and various forms of radiation.

The 3rd heaven was also created by the Lord Jesus Christ (Psa. 102:25; 115:15; 124:8; 134:3; Isa. 45:12;

51:13; Jer. 32:17; Zech. 12:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. 1:10). The Scriptures teach that the 3rd heaven is the

abode of the Trinity (Gen. 14:19, 22; 23:3, 7; 1 Kings 8:30, 49; 2 Chron. 6:21, 30; Neh. 1:4-5; 2:4, 20; Psa.

11:4; 20:6; 33:14; 103:19; Isa. 63:.5; 66:1; Matt. 5:34; Luke 16:9; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:11; 7:56; 2 Cor. 12:2;

Heb. 2:10; Rev. 19:14). The 3rd heaven is located billions and billions of light years away from the earth above the

1st and 2nd heavens. A light-year in astronomy is the distance traveled by light moving in a vacuum in the course of

1 year, at its velocity of 186,282 miles per second. A light-year equals about 5.878 x 10,000,000,000,000 miles, or

63,240 astronomical units. Therefore, the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union travelled billions and billions of

light years passing through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd heavens by means of divine omnipotence in order to arrive at the

right hand of God the Father in order to receive power, rank and authority over all creation and its intelligences.

The ascension of Christ occured 40 days after His resurrection. He remained on earth for 40 days in order to

confirm the fact that He had indeed risen from the dead as He prophesied many times in His earthly ministry during

His 1st Advent. The ascension of Christ was a visible event and in a public place. It took place on the Mount of

Olives in Jerusalem where He will again return at His 2nd Advent which occurs at the end of the Tribulation period.

Luke is the only 1 of the NT writers who gives a detail description of the event. Our Lord's ascension brought to a

conclusion His earthly ministry and not the resurrection. The dispensation of the hypostatic union concludes with

the resurrection, ascension and session of Christ. There are 2 Christocentric Dispensations: (1) Hypostatic Union:

The Birth of Christ to His death, resurrection, ascension and session. (2) The Church Age: Day of Pentecost in 32

A.D. to the Rapture. It was our Lord's ascension is the 3rd major event in relation to the appeal trial of Satan. There

are 5 major events in relation to the appeal trial of Satan: (1) Spiritual Death of Christ (2) Resurrection (3)

Ascension (4) Triumphal Procession (5) Session.

A trial has 3 phases: (1) Formal presentation of the case: Prosecution presents its case, followed by the

defense. (2) Rebuttal Phase: The rebuttal arguments of the prosecution followed by the rebuttal arguments of the

defense. (3) Closing argument and summary: By the prosecution and the defense. The Formal trial in Satan's

appeal trial corresponds to Old Testament history. The Rebuttal phase of the Proscecution (God) includes the

Christocentric dispensations: (1) The First Advent, Hypostatic Union: Virgin Birth of Christ to His death,


resurrection, ascension and session (B.C. 4-30 A.D.), New Testament Gospels (2) The Church Age, Pentecost to

the Rapture (30 A.D.-Rapture): Pre-canon period-Book of Acts until John wrote Revelation (A.D. 30-96); Post-

Canon Period-Completion of the canon of Scripture, New Testament epistles, (96 A.D.-Rapture).

Our Lord's voluntary substitutionary spiritual death on the cross as an impeccable human being on behalf of all

fallen creatures (both men and angels) earned Him the Title of the "Faithful and True Witness" in the appeal trial

of Satan (Rev. 3:14). Satan's Rebuttal takes place during the 1st of the 2 Eschatalogical dispensations called the

Tribulation period which goes from the Rapture to the 2nd Advent of Christ, 7 years from the Rapture to the 2nd

Advent of Christ, Prophesied in the Old Testament, Matt. 24-25 and Rev. 6-19. The Closing argument by God as

the Prosecution takes place during the 2nd Eschatalogical dispensation called the Millennium which is the 1000 year

reign of Christ on earth following Satan's imprisonment. God's closing argument goes from the 2nd Advent of

Christ to the end of human history, prophesied throughout Old Testament and Revelation 20. Satan's closing

argument is his release from prison after the Millennium & the Gog revolution (Rev. 20:7-9), resulting in the

execution of his sentence and being cast into the eternal Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:10).

The ascension of Christ is the visible manifestation that God the Father promoted the humanity of Christ in

hypostatic union to the highest position of power, rank and authority in all of creation. The ascension of the

humanity of Christ in hypostatic union declares His enthronement as cosmic ruler with authority over all creation.

Our Lord's Ascension was a visible manifestation before the angels and mankind that the humanity of Christ in

hypostatic union was granted authority by God the Father over the following: (1) Creation (Matt. 28:18; Eph. 1:22;

Col. 1:15-17; 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:22). (2) Church as the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14;

19:16). (3) Israel as the Son of David (Matt. 1:1; 20:30; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 1:32; 2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 3:7; 5:5;


The Ascension of Christ also denotes that the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union has been promoted to the

position of authority in order to conduct the following 5 jugdments: (1) Bema Seat: This takes place at the Rapture

and is actually an evaluation rather than a judgement of the Church Age believer's "works" in order to determine if

they were done by means of divine omnipotence from the use of the 2 power options (Filling of the Spirit and

Metabolized Doctrine) resulting in divine good and rewards or whether they were accomplished in the power of the

old sin nature resulting in loss of rewards and shame and embarrassment (Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10;

1 John 2:24). The believer sins will not be brought since they were already judged at the Cross. (2) Israel: This

will take on earth at the 2nd Advent of Christ taking place at the end of the Tribulation and its for the purpose of

removing unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter the Millennial Kingdom of

Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30). (3) Gentiles: This judgement will also take

place at the end of the Tribulation at the 2nd Advent of Christ following the judgement of Israel and preceding the

Millennial reign of Christ and is for the purpose of removing unregenerate, anti-Semetic Gentiles from the earth

who lived during the Tribulation from those who were regenerate and pro-Israel (Matt. 25:31-46). (4) Fallen

Angels: This is the judgment of all fallen angels at the end of human history by the Lord Jesus Christ and the

Church for their rebellion against God in eternity past and will result in them being cast into the Lake of Fire (1 Cor.

6:3; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6; Rev. 20:10). (5) Great White Throne: This is the judgment of all unregenerate humanity

at the end of human history for their rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior resulting in them also being cast into the

Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15). Their sins will not be brought up since they were judged at the Cross. These

individuals trusted in the themselves and their own good works done in the flesh rather than on the perfect Person

and Work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Lord received His third royal title as "King of kings and Lord

of lords, the bright morning star" which is a direct result of His execution of the Father's Incarnation Plan.

The ascension of the humanity of Christ was another demonstration of divine omnipotence which characterized

the dispensation of the hypostatic union. The Great Power Demonstration of the Hypostatic Union refers to that

particular dispensation when the unique Person of our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated the power of God by dying

for the sins of the world and rising from the dead. This resulted in the execution of the salvation plan of God for

mankind and s strategic victory over Satan in the Angelic Conflict. The Great Power Demonstration of the

Hypostatic Union is the 1st of the Christocentric Dispensations. Each of the Christocentric dispensations end in

resurrection. Christocentric means Christ centered. A dispensation is a period of time and is God's viewpoint of

human history. A dispensation is a period of time during which a specific revelation concerning God's mind, will,

purpose and plan is manifested and in which man is tested as to his obedience to it. The term Great Power refers to

divine omnipotence in 2 categories which are Lord in His impeccable humanity employed to execute the plan of

God for His life: (1) Spirit of God (Heb. 9:14). (2) Word of God (John 1:14).

Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines omnipotence, "an agency or force of unlimited power."

God has unlimited power or He is all powerful. Our Lord's life was a life of power (Luke 1:35; 4:36). Our Lord in



His humanity always relied upon the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit and Bible Doctrine resident in His soul.

He did not rely upon His deity to solve His problems or to execute the Salvation Plan of God for His life. Nor, did

He rely upon His own deity to defeat Satan. The same Divine Omnipotence that the Lord Jesus Christ relied upon to

fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for His life, we are also to rely upon to fulfill the Protocol Plan of God for our lives

here in the Church Age.

There were 2 ascensions that took place: (1) Immediate: On the day He rose from the dead (John 20:17; Luke

24:38-40). (2) Final: 40 days after the resurrection (Acts 1:8-11). The Scriptures indicate that there was an

immediate ascension of our Lord. The doctrine of an immediate ascension appears when 2 passages of Scripture are

compared (John 20:17; Luke 24:38-40). It is recorded in John 20:17 that when Christ came out of the tomb He was

met by Mary, who in ecstatic devotion would have embraced His feet and held her Lord. Christ told her not to

touch Him since He had not yet ascended to present Himself to the Father. Yet in Luke's account of the

resurrection it is asserted that the same day in which He arose and at evening He not only appeared in the midst of

the frightened disciples, but requested that they touch Him where the nails were driven into His hands and feet.

Therefore, a comparison of Scripture reveals that He ascended to the Father during the day that He arose from the

dead. The ascension for Christ was a glorious triumphal procession into heaven ( Col. 2:15).


Doctrine of the Ascensions and Session of Christ

June 7, 1994


    Preliminary considerations.

        This doctrine will show that Christ ascended twice to the Father.

        This doctrine will demonstrate Christ's present work at the right hand of the Father.

        This doctrine presupposes Christ's literal, physical, bodily resurrection from the dead.

    Evidence for two ascensions into heaven.

        On the day of Christ's resurrection (Sunday, April 5, 33AD), He ascended the first time privately based on:

            The strict reading of Ps.2:7 "I (Messiah/Christ) will surely tell of the decree of the LORD (Father): He said to Me, 'You are My Son, today (not 40 days later) I have begotten You'" (a reference to Jesus' resurrection from the dead, cf. Act.13:30-34 and Rom.1:4, which two citations make it abundantly clear that Jesus was "begotten" via resurrection from the dead. He was begotten as a man via the miracle of the virgin birth; cf. Heb.1:6; Jn.1:14).

            The natural reading of Jn.20:17 (Jesus said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren, and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.'" Why would Christ speak to her in this fashion if He were not going to ascend for another 40 days?).

            The fact that it is the logical time to relocate all OT saints to heaven and to make His victorious proclamation (see point III.A.).

        Forty days later, after a series of convincing post-resurrection appearances, He made His final ascent into heaven, whereupon the Father spoke the words of Ps.110:1 to Him.

    What occurred in connection with Christ's first ascension?

        Jesus Christ, on resurrection Sunday, made a trip to Paradise where He made a victorious proclamation to the spirits imprisoned in Tartarus and to OT departed saints (1Pet.3:18-20; 4:6 "For Christ also suffered for sins, the just for the unjust ones, in order that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in/by the Spirit [reference to resurrection]; in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, who were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah...(Gen.6) For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may now live in/by the spirit [their future resurrection]; ...according to the will of God"; cp. 2Pet.2:4 "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell [ of tartaro,w, tartaroo] and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment...").

        He then relocated all OT saints into the third heaven (Eph.4:8-10).

        He then, for the very first time in His glorified state, appeared before God the Father where, by divine decree, He was declared the Son and future King of the earth (Ps.2:7-9).

        He then returned to the earth, where He continued to make appearances to His disciples over a 40 day period (Act.1:2,3 "until the day when He was taken up [second and final ascension], after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen. To these He also presented Himself alive, after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God").

    What occurred in connection with His final ascension into heaven.

        Having gathered His disciples on the Mount of Olives, He gave them the Great Commission and ascended out of their sight (Act.1:4-12; Lk.24:50-53; cp. Mt.28:16-20) on Thursday, May 14, 33AD.

        Once in heaven, His Father invited Him to "Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet" (Ps.110:1. One of the most quoted in the NT, this short psalm pictures Jesus as King, Priest, and victorious Warrior).

        Ten days later, on the day of Pentecost (Sunday, May 24, 33AD), from His place "at the right hand", He sent God the Holy Spirit and formed His body, the Church, "and gave gifts to men" (Eph.4:8).

    The fact and significance of Christ's ascension into heaven.

        Jesus prophesied His ascension into heaven (Jn.6:62; 7:33; 14:12,28; 16:5,10,28).

        Many NT passages demonstrate that Christ is in heaven (Act.2:33-36; 3:21; 7:55,56; 9:3-6; 22:6-8; 26:13-15; Rom.8:34; Eph.1:20-22; 4:8-10; Phil.2:6-11; 3:20; 1Thess.1:10; 4:16; 1Tim.3:16; Heb.1:3,13; 2:7; 4:14; 6:20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:24; 10:12,13; 12:2; 1Jn.2:1; Rev.1:7; 13-18; 5:5-12; 6:9-17; 14:1-5; 19:11-16).

        Upon His ascension (and resurrection), His pre-incarnate glory, temporally laid aside in the incarnation (self-limitation/kenosis), has been fully restored (Jn.17:5 "And now, glorify Me together with Yourself, Father, with the glory which I had (deity only) with You before the world was"; 1Tim.6:15,16 "...He who is the...King of kings and Lord of lords; who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light; whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion!"; cp. Eph.1:20,21; Phil.2:9; Heb.2:8).

        Christ is the first resurrection Man to enter heaven (1Cor.15:23 "...Christ the first fruits"; Col.1:18 "...first-born from the dead").

        Via resurrection and ascension, Christ shares the Father's throne (Ps.110:1 "The LORD [sc. Father] says to my [David's] Lord [Christ]: 'Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet'"; cp. Mt.12:36; 16:19; Lk.20:42,43; 22:69; Rom.8:34; Eph.1:20; Col.3:1; Heb.1:3-13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1Pet.3:22).

        The implication is that all power, authority, glory, and honor is shared with the Father by the God-Man (Theanthropic Person) on the heavenly throne.

        At the right hand, Christ has authority over everything in the created order (Eph.1:22a; Col.2:10), including:

            The nations, to bring positive volition to faith (Jn.17:2).

            The Church, of which He is the Founder and Head (Eph.1:22b; 4:15; 5:23; Col.1:18; Act.20:28).

            Authority over the angelic realm (1Pet.3:22; Heb.1:4-13).

        From His pre-eminent position He will bring into subjection all forces that are antagonistic to God by a visible return to the earth in power and glory to establish an eternal kingdom (Ps.110:1; 1Cor.15:24-28; Heb.10:12,13).

        At the Second Advent Christ will militarily crush all the opposing nations at Armageddon and establish His father David's throne, in accordance with the divine decree, and rule the planet from Mt. Zion (Ps.2:4-9; Isa.2:1-4; Micah.4:1-8; Ps.89:30-37).

    The present work of Christ at the right hand (session) includes:

        The formation and growth of the Church (Act.2:47; 1Cor.6:15; 12:12-14; Eph.4:16; 5:30-32; Col.1:24; 2:19).

        Bestowal of spiritual gifts upon the individual members (Eph.4:7,11; cp. 1Cor.12:27,28; Rom.12:3-8).

        As the great High Priest of our Royal Priesthood, He intercedes for us (Rom.8:34; Heb.7:25; 9:24; 1Jn.2:1).

    Concluding observations.

        Jesus Christ made two separate ascents into heaven. One at the beginning of the 40-day period, and one at the end.

        The words of Ps.2:7-9 were spoken to Him on the first occasion, and the words of Ps.110:1 fit best His second and final ascent.

        He remains in session over the course of the Church Age and Tribulation.

        He makes one brief visit to the earth at the very end of the Church Age to fulfill Jn.14:3 (cp. 1Thess.1:10; 4:13-18).

        He will administer the judgments of the Tribulation from His place at the right hand.

        He will end the session at the end of the 7 year Tribulation to fulfill the words of Ps.110:1b ff (cf. Rev.12:5 "And she [Israel] gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne").

        His position on the throne at the right hand of the Father, as the glorified God-Man, signifies His claim as the Head of all things, including a New Creation.

        As God, He keeps those who are His (Jn.10:27-30); as a man, He sympathizes with our weaknesses (Heb.4:15).

        His ascension is the ground for our motivation to stay the course of Ph2 (Heb.4:14).

        Through unflinching positive volition to BD we "hold fast to the head" of the Church (Col.2:19).

        During periods of testing and temptation we should "draw near to the throne" of His "grace" via prayer (Heb.4:16).

        For if we do, we will reign with Him (2Tim.2:11-13).

    This doctrine was likely reflected in an early Christian hymn (1Tim.3:16):

"And by common confession great is the mystery of godliness:

He who was revealed in the flesh (refers to the incarnation),

Was vindicated in/by the Spirit (refers to the resurrection),

Beheld by angels,

Proclaimed among the nations,

Believed on in the world,

Taken up in glory (refers to His ascension)."


Psalm 113:5 Who is like the LORD our God--the One enthroned on high,


This is the other part of the road; humiliation. Jesus Christ humbles Himself; shaphel. This is a transitive and an intransitive verb. Having humbled Himself. The incarnation emphasizing the cradle and the cross.


Christ appeared in the heavens on the way to the cradle and apparently on the way back as well. This gives us some idea of the road. He went through the heavens to the cradle; He went to the cross and then went back through the heavens to be glorified.



1.        The cradle comes before the cross; the cross before the crown. For perfect man to go to the cross is further humiliation.

2.        At the dedication of the gates and the walls, Nehemiah looked over the walls and saw the dunghill of Jesus Christ. He looks one way to see Hannah’s dunghill; and the other to see our Lord’s dunghill. The 3 roads.

3.        The walls shut out the enemy, providing security, blessing and stability for the city. Establishment.

4.        In the future, the walls that shut out Jesus Christ in the past were a blessing then. Our constitution was cursed with its presence use. We have gone from a republic to a de-mob-cracy. It can bless one generation and be a cursing in another. Bob spoke at Moody and he was asked to be a pastor; and he said his church was better. They gave him the sorriest, flea bitten hotel in Chicago. In the past, the Moody church was a fantastic blessing; but it is a miserable looking pile now. One fan turned on Bob and he turned it around. Things can be constructed for a blessing. The walls were a cursing in the days of Jesus Christ and a blessing in the time of Nehemiah. It is the people of each generation which count; the condition of their soul that counts. Nehemiah caught this.

5.        These walls would be destroyed in a.d. 70.


Psalm 113:6 who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?


Let’s anticipate; a bonafide system of teaching.



1.        We anticipate the beggar on the dunghill.

2.        Our dunghill is spiritual death. We are lifted out by Jesus Christ on the cross.

3.        This passage has a fantastic emphasis and application of grace.

4.        Hannah was lifted out of the dunghill when God in His matchless grace gave her a double-portion: sex response to her rm and then a double-portioned son, Samuel, and 5 more sons. She has 7 children by being pregnant 6 times.

5.        Nehemiah was in the dunghill when in Jerusalem. God provided and the walls were raised up.

6.        Jesus Christ the eternal God, impeccable humanity, came into the world, and went to His dunghill, the cross. God lifted Him out of His dunghill by resurrection, followed by ascension followed by the session. Seated at the right hand of the Father.


The road of Hannah and Nehemiah. We begin with a common analogy. The verb yashab, which means to dwell or sit in a place of blessing.


Kum rum again here, which was in Samuel. To raise up, to flourish, or to prosper, is kum.


Some will never learn what a dunghill is until you learn some doctrine. You begin at salvation and you were great in some field; but that is no longer the case. Courtesy of God or direct action of God is what allows us to be great after salvation. Self-made man, the believer; God has to do all kinds of things in order to make this work out for this business tycoon or whatever. A little success and they cannot pass the prosperity test. They ought to recognize that it is God Who is great. There are thousands who could probably do a better job.


There must be a thousand lieutenants that are better than you. There might be 50 ensigns better than you. Why did you get promoted? God’s grace. You never see what happens behind the scenes.


There is the possibility that everyone in the congregation could be promoted. If the rapture does not come this year, we will have some prosperity. 1000's of orders came into T&P that we did not expect.


Prosperity test and if you don’t pass it, you are back to the dunghill. None of us have been successful as believers without 100% cooperation from God with millions of unseen things. Nehemiah could stand there while they sang this great song. He could see all of the men working, and they had not changed for 30 days, and they had their swords strapped to their sides. There are so many ingredients involved in promoting just one believer. A dunghill is extreme adversity.


The walls were lifted up out of the rubble; that is the dust.


Kum rum are together. Only grace can pull the believer out of the many dunghills that we find ourselves in.


Psalm 113:7 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the garbage pile


Doctrine of the Dunghill

1.        The dunghill is used to describe a hopeless situation for a woman. 1Sam. 2:8 hopeless and frustrating; and she was ridiculed by her rival.

2.        The dunghill describes the victory of God’s grace. Psalm 113:7

3.        The dunghill is used for the loss of the details of life. Lam. 4:5 those who eat delicacies (who eat well; prosperity) are desolate in the streets;

4.        Dunghill used for maximum punishment. Ezra 6:11

5.        The dunghill portrays the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation. Luke 14:34 The salt is good, but if the salt becomes tasteless, with what will it be seasoned? It is not fit for soil nor for manure; they throw it out. The one having ears to hear, let him hear. Salt is used as a preservative and it flavors the society. A nation where the people are in reversionism they are not fit for anything. It is not fit for the land nor yet for the dunghill. This is the sin unto death.


Psalm 113:8 in order to seat them with nobles--with the nobles of His people.


The Doctrine of Dung

1.        Dung is used as the portrayal of the judgment of the wicked. Job 20:4–7 Do you know this from of old, from the setting of man on earth, that the exulting of the wicked is near an end, and the joy of the ungodly is for a moment? Though his height mounts up to the heavens, and his head touches to the clouds, he shall perish forever like his dung; they who see him shall say, Where is he? There is a fat head, to reach into the clouds. He will perish forever like his own dung. Dung is the portrayl of the judgment of wicked.

2.        Defeat and annihilation in battle.

3.        Dung was used of the judgement of a very beautiful and wicked woman. Jezebel.

4.        Dung is used for the intimidation of the Jews by the Assyrians. Isa. 36;12

5.        Zeph. 1:17 used for fifth cycle of discipline.

6.        Used to describe legalism and false doctrine. Philip. 3:8


This takes us to the road on Nehemiah. The nobles here are the princes who rule the countries from round about. God’s matchless grace raises up Nehemiah. The walls were constructed and were now being dedicated. He was lifted out of the dunghill to dwell with the princes. Nehemiah got along very well and had great category #3 love.


Psalm 113:8 in order to seat them [cause them to dwell in a place of blessing] with nobles--with the nobles of His people.


Now he goes back to Hannah. Hannah is the childless woman; the barren woman. God makes her a joyful mother of children. She is lifted out of her dunghill. Her fantastic relationship with Elkanah, her rm. The second part of her double portion is being a mother of sons, full of happiness. She has a fantastic sex response to her husband; with happiness and children.


Last words, Praise ye the Lord.


Psalm 113:9 He gives the childless woman a household, making her the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah!


There is not such thing as a hopeless situation.



1971 Dunghill Special end