1972 Survival of a Nation

2Cor. 13:11–14                      1972 Survival of a Nation                                876_0001

The message is divided into 3 parts, which is homiletical perfection.

Tom Anderson running as vice president of the American Party. He has been a clear-thinker for a long time. An article about fragging 209 officers shot by their men. Fragging is murdering an officer. 1000's consider their officers as their enemies. Many have deserted. 10-15% on heroin. The race war is quite bad. The people have never been told the truth about it. Blacks were integrated in WWII because when gunfire started, they would run the wrong way. This way, there were whites all about them. Black GI’s are returned the salute with a Black power salute. The American press has ignored this issue. Revelie obedience, rigid saluting, patriotism, etc. have all been stopped (along with other things).

Admiral Rickover “The first right of every person is the protection from outside nations. Our future rests more on our capacity to protect ourselves from within than without; our problem is sell-out. The traitors are winning and the people sleep on.” a commentary from the standpoint of our military establishment.

There was a film being shown on channel 13, and it was going to be shown in Berachah Church. They have managed to outstrip us in conventional and non-conventional weapons. The 3rd part will be the answer from the Word of God.

It is actually the sound from the television show, 30 min., all about the US and Russian weapons and how we compare. For the past 10 years, the Soviets have been involved in an all out arms race. They provided the film because they are proud of what they have developed. Soviet Backfires can fly low and avoid detection that way.

30 super ICBM’s which can deliver more power than all of ours combined. They have 2,200,000 forces and we have a million. The Soviets have the largest surface Navy today. It is a much younger Navy than ours. We have fewer than half of their submarines. They are building 9 or 10 a year. 3000 fighter interceptors, 3x what we have. They have planes which can go 3000 mph.

13 to 1 superiority in defense?

We have been told we could destroy the USSR in case of an attack. In a first strike, they might annihilate most of our power. They have worked long and hard on missile defense and we do not know how powerful they will be. They are spending $3 billion more a year on research and development; and $70 billion more on something else. They see Marxism as an historic inevitability.

Some Americans feel the best way for peace is to reduce our weaponry, no matter what the Soviets do. And the announcer gives the address to write and give our opinion and we are to write agree or disagree on a piece of paper.

Bob is back up. There are several things not apparent in the movie. In order to operate these weaons, it takes many years of training; dedicated well-trained personnel. We do not have the personnel trained to man enough additional submarines, etc. to match what the Soviets have. It takes a long time to pull together a good crew. Same thing is true in Strategic air command.

Points on the Film

1.       You saw no long hair on any Soviets.

2.       Those commenting were all short-haired men. There were no hippies in this documentary. We do not have enough people in this country to handle this situation. No matt how you slice it, we are completely and totally behind the 8 ball.

Men with Bible doctrine have never been afraid to face the issue. Bobby accepted a regular army commission and he was entering the infantry branch at the most difficult and most discouraging time in history. He was still willing to enter and accept a regular commission.

Bible doctrine in the souls of born-again believers is the one thing we have going for us, a weapon the Soviet Union does not even begin to understand.

The Assyrian military machine, as great as it was, was destroyed by Jesus Christ in less than 60 sections. The great Deutschland military force has been destroyed.

5 present imperatives are found here. Will our children have the freedoms which we possessed or will these be lost.

Present active imperative of chairo, which means to rejoice, to have +H. It means to keep on possessing inner happiness. It is all about taking in doctrine on a daily basis.

Present passive imperative of καταρτιζω, which means to turn up the machine; to mend a broken net; to set a broken bone; to supply a fleet for operations; to equip an army for combat. This refers to completing the edification complex. The daily, constant, persistent intake of Bible doctrine. The believer receives the equipment to move toward supergrace.

Present passive imperative of παρακαλεω, which means to receive comfort.

Present active imperative of φρονεω means to keep on thinking objectively.

Present active imperative of ειρενευω, which means to live in benefit, happiness, harmony, blessing, and tranquility.

Believers in this country have rejected Bible doctrine and there is a rejection of gap and this is lost to believers in this United States. We do not have the personnel or the weapons to meet the Soviet Union, which they started in 1962 and have completed in a decade. There are no hippies in the Soviet Union. It is the most disciplined population of any empire today.

Some of you have a lack of discipline, you reject the authority of this pulpit, some women have rejected the authority of this pulpit.


2Cor. 13:11 Finally, brothers [members of the family of God], rejoice [keep on having inner happiness]. Perfect yourselves [keep on becoming equipped]; encourage yourselves [keep on receiving comfort (from the doctrine in your soul)]; mind the same thing [keep on thinking objectively]; be at peace [live in happiness and tranquility]. And the God of love and peace [prosperity] will be with you.

Supergrace rapport. With doctrine, you will lose a lot of friends; and see the severance of ties which were a great blessing to you in the past. Supergrace is a fraternity of those who realize that doctrine is more important than life itself.

Ασπαζομαι means to salute. The Romans saluted one another by bringing the fist over the heart and then down. Among civilians, the gripping of arms (the right forearm). The concept of the helmet being lifted. Lifting the hand to the brow. Aorist active imperative on one hero to another. Salute one another of the same kind by means of separation kiss. The men greeted men with a kiss and a female greeted a female with a kiss. However, it was used then between men only with those of great authority and it referred to some receiving great honor and respect. Like the Congressional Medal of Honor here in the US.

George Patton once kissed a man to whom he recommended the iron cross?

2Cor. 13:12 Salute one another with a holy kiss.

All of the believers will salute you.

2Cor. 13:13 All the saints slaute you.

The grace from the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of the God.

2Cor. 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

There are 5 present imperatives. There is a recognition of the highest one in supergrace and the Members of the Trinity will also recognize this. This is how our country can pull out of its great disaster.

After prayer, we will sing, “My Country Tis of Thee.”

Daniel 7:7                  Daniel #32/1972 Survival of a Nation#2                     876_0002

This sounds like a lesson from Daniel.

Introductory Material to the Roman People

1.       The valley people known as the Latins. Rome is made up of hills and valleys. They are also called the Villanovans and they are made up of 3 tribes.

2.       The mountain people, and there are 3 groups: the Sabines, the Samnites and the Valskians. Italians are a modern group of people made up of many races.

3.       The people to the north of the area of Rome. There are the Etruscans and the Galls who lived in Sith Alpine Gall.

4.       To the south, there is Magna Grecia, a group of Greek peoples.

5.       This gives us 4 groups of people.

6.       There are earlier peoples before the iron age. The Lapigians.

7.       The Venitti

8.       Between the Alps and the sea the Legurians.

9.       These are the contributing factors to Rome.

10.     3 tribes of Latins lived on 3 hills out of 7. Bob names the mountains.

Other people came in and began to live on the other hills.

300 chiefs of 300 clans and they called them Sinatu made up of Patricians only. Others began to live on these hills and they were not allowed to join in, so they were called Plebains.

The was a system of objective law put into effect.

The Lycinian laws which had to do with land and family. There was a great invasion by the Galls which almost destroyed Rome. 2 counsels; one to be a Plebe and one a Patrician. They decided that no Roman could own more than 3 acres of land, which provided a lot of stability.

First, United Rome, and then United Italy.

They were tall, blond and strong. Agricultural society. Romans were a vigorous people. And their diet is unusual. Beans, onions, turnips, cabbage, figs, applies, plums, pears, beets, and a few other things. Very limited.

They are the first people in history to have labor unions. 400-500 years before Christ. The first labor union was a carpenter’s union. Eventually shoe makers, flute players, and several others. There was no poverty in Rome from 700 b.c. on up to the Punic Wars.

They did not care much about money. A victorious general in the Samite war. He was sitting in his house. One room house with a fireplace. Bachelor. Fixing turnips for dinner. These fancy ambassadors came in with bags of gold and they tried to bribe him for an early peace. He told them, “A man who can be content with this supper has no need of gold. I count it glory not to possess wealth but to rule those who do.”

The Roman homes 200 years later became very fancy. Wooden stools, main meal at noon. Porridge, pork sausage and bread. These are the only people at first who had no national alcoholic beverage. They were the only people in the ancient world to consistently drink water or goat’s milk. This was one of the healthiest races of people for all time.

They left behind statues, good bone structure, powerful faces etc. Short hair. This diet means you must have a system of self-discipline.

These are a great people who did not have great leaders.

Others were fancy in their clothes. Romans, when working, had a linen covering. Really dressed up was a tunic and a belt and a toga thrown over their shoulders. Not much for clothes until they became very wealthy.

They were very moral and obedient to law with great respect for authority. Fantastic self-control; very haughty and proud. Also cruel in their conquering of the surrounding world.

Their spiritual life is omitted. They had no spiritual life until after the incarnation of Jesus Christ. They toned down their religion.

They did not have a great education. They were set against education. They ridiculed the Greeks and their philosophy. Outside of the Jews with a spiritual heritage; the Romans built up their human heritage.

We have seen cases of believers who have bult up doctrine in the left lobe and cycle it over to the right lobe. However, this can be done in unbelievers.

Roman generals sometimes even executed their own sons for cowardice.

Bob has just worked out a doctrine of inspiration. One of the systems of revelation is the dream. Here, Daniel sees the 4th beast. Senate and People of Rome. SPQR. The dividing line is Guis Julius Cæsar. He died 44 b.c.

As a people, as a race and as a nation, as those responsible before God for the dissemination of the gospel.

There are no real Romans today. There have been so many races through Italy. 400-500 groups of people went through Italy so there is no telling if the Italians today have any relationship to Romans then.

Jews are the writers of the Old Testament; the background for the New Testament is Roman history. Jesus Christ, the incarnation, occurred in the fullness of time. The writers of the New Testament were Jewish by race but some were citizens of Rome, like Paul.

The New Testament was written in Greek, which is an exact equivalent to the Latin of the time of the Apostle Paul.

The 4th beast around 200 b.c. The center of history shifted then. The center of gravity shifted at that time. The center of gravity was over in the Middle East. The Selucas had India, Punjab. Casander had Greece and Macedonia. The center of gravity the Syrian empire. 4 great empires are struggling. The center of gravity shifts to Italy.

The 4th beast is a reality in 200 b.c. Rome began as a village on the banks of the Tiber. Rome did for Italy what Athens failed to do for Greece.

Rome is like a great lake. All of the streams of the ancient world flow into it. All of the streams of modern history flow out of it. Rome becomes the center of everything. The Greeks were versatile and the Romans had genius in war. They had great organizing power. We know about the Greeks today because the Romans preserved it.

The disintegration of the Roman empire under Charles V. There are races in history, not because of racial characteristics, they are able to overcome their racial deficiencies. God used Roman self-discipline. Rome and Christianity are 2 different things. However, there is no spiritual life at this time that we are studying.

The Romans love law and order; they are just and obedient. No strong religious tendencies and a great reverence for law. Just as we go back and say, “What does the Bible say; they asked, ‘What does the law say.’”

Introductory Points

1.       Dreadful refers to the Roman conquest of the Mediterranean states by which Rome became a world power. Macedonia, Carthage and Rome. 5 great empires in 200 b.c. Rome in 264 was one of 5 great empires. These powers will fight it out. Romans took the realistic view that it may take several hundred years. It took 120 years for them to conquer the others.

          a.       First conquered the Carthaginians in the Punic wars. Never disarm. These are Phœnicians. They were the wealthiest people in the world and they even traveled to Africa and the west coast of the United States. A mercenary army. A military genius called Hannicar. Hannibal and Hascrabel are his sons. The nobility of Carthage was jealous of Hannibal. He received no support from home because of jealousy and they destroyed themselves. The 3rd Punic war, they agree to disarm. They are attacked and they were supposed to not fight without Roman agreement. Romans told them to bring out all of their arms and Romans said they would be forgiven. 1000 children brought out as hostages. Then the Romans said they will destroy their city and all the people in it. The Romans were so sure, they celebrated for 30 days. In that time, women cut off their hair. They used the hair, they armed themselves with anything and fought for 3 months against Rome. They had courage but no equipment.

          b.       201-146 they conquered Syria and Phillip V in the Macedonia wars. They conquered everything along the Mediterranean. Africa conquered in the Punic wars and Spain in the Carthaginian wars, etc. I may have mixed those up. The Mediterranean was a Roman sea then. The land was split between Latin and Koine Greek. The latter was the intenational language. It was spoken way out in all directions. Latin was the official Roman language. Dreadful describes this period

2.       Terrible describes the rise of all these mobs. Roman society was destroyed and a million of people driven off? A large population is Rome and a mess elsewhere. During this time, society was demoralized. 1 million died in the Punic war, the cream of the crop died. The result was fantastic. Great poverty, for the first time. The crowding into the cities. Destruction of the farms. Too many people in the cites, which resulted in mobs and poverty. You cannot have poverty on a wide scale under an agricultural economy. People are spread out and the land sustains them. The rise of cities in this country. There is no poverty out in the west in the early days. No one starved; the land sustained the people and they were spread out. Only way to sustain a large population is to have a very complex industrial organization. But no industrial organization can get involved with government funds and survive. This is true throughout history; it is true today and true in the ancient world. You take Houston. There is a 3 day food supply in Houston and suppose food is cut off. What will you have? Hungry people. Some will break laws and break into homes. They will kill for food. Calling the police is not good; there will be no police. A large city destroys everything that is important. It is more difficult to administer law where there is a concentration of population. Only 1 nation in the world today has taken cognizance of terrible. South Africa has some large cities. There is great land, called the bush, where there are mostly Black people. Capetown and Johanisberg developed by Moors? Hardheaded race and vigorous. Traditionally Christian, and the Bohrs are covenant theologians. They recognize Biblical principles. They know that they do not have an industrial complex. They cannot absorb all of the black people in the bush. Every black in the Bush wants to go to these big cities. Therefore, they do not permit people to leave the bush and come to the big cities. They have to have jobs in order to move to the big cities. This keeps the blacks alive and our press has distorted all of this. Our missionaries tell us what is really going on there. If we were honest, we would go in and say, “We don’t like your government; we want to change it.” It is none of our business. They have the right to make their own laws. We are wrong and they are right. Historically, this has occurred time and time again. The only way to have a good public school system is to keep neighborhood schools. We cannot cross over without doing the same thing that the Romans did, which was accidental.

          a.       1 million Romans killed in the Punic wars. In the city of Rome, there is the coexistence of 2 systems. Capitalism. Free enterprise and a strong system of capitalism. Rome was the banking center of the world. There is also socialism. Mobs running up and down the streets. The government began to feed and entertain the mobs. Grain from Egypt and they built the collosium to entertain them. This coexistence means there will be moral and political decay. Slavery came into existence and there was a civil war which almost destroyed the quality of the nation. 3 things helped them to survive: the rise of the genius Julius Cæsar, the incarnation of Jesus Christ and the resultant change of dispensation. The impact of Bible doctrine after the completion of the canon of Scripture.

3.       Strong exceedingly: describes Rome going from a city state going to a small empire. 146 b.c. Carthage and Corinth were destroyed. Army of peasants went through and they used all of this great art for gaming tables and all painting on canvas was destroyed.

4.       Great itron teeth 146–144 b.c. a number of reformers while mobs are running the streets. Cato thinks that everyone needed to return to the good old days of 300 acres and self-reliance and self-discipline. He brought out some of the cruelty too. Scipio Africanus the Younger. Senior was the great hero of the Punic war. 2 brothers who decided to get Rome great again. The land was taken so the mob had no land to return to. Graccus brothers: Tiberius, executed in front of his mother and then Gaius? also killed in front of his mother. Sparticus revolt ended with crucifying thouadsands on crosses. Marius and Sulla 2 dictators. When Marius was in, the opposing gang was executed, and when Sulla was in, he killed everyone else. A list of people was put out, and if your name was on the list, someone would run to your house and try to kill you and bring your head to be paid fifty bucks.

5.       Then we have the triumpherent, 3 men who fianlly took over the power of Rome. Around 79 b.c. Crassus had a great business empire. He noticed the mobs would burn down very nice homes. He would protect homes for so much money and he’s meet the mob and club a few of them. Crassus finally controlled the arm. He had his own army, a gangster army. Then he took over the fire department. Pompey is in the east. Gaius Julius Ceasar did all of his conquering in the west. Cæsar finally won out.

Daniel 7:7 After this I looked in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying, and very strong. And it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the rest with its feet. And it was different from all the beasts before it; and it had ten horns.

Break in pieces next time around.