Adam’s Rib (series by R. B. Thieme, Jr.)

notes by Marie

1972 Adam’s Rib series 601



Gen. 1:26, 27; 5:2; 2:7–8; Eccl. 9:9; Isa. 43:7

Creation of Adam’s body and soul



Gen. 2:18–25

Why parents? Ishah built



1Cor. 11:3–10a

Short hair on a man; long hair is a veil for women; right woman completes her right man



1Cor. 11:10b 12;

Gen. 6:1–9

Man and divine institutions #1 and #3; angelic envy and infiltration; right man training under his mother



1Cor. 11:13–16;

Prov. 5:1–6

Dangers of reversionistic woman



Prov. 5:7–14

Jesus Christ’s three gifts to man 1) right woman 2) salvation 3) the Word



Prov. 5:15–17; 23:27

Analogies of the right woman as a well



Prov. 5:18–23

Appeal of the right woman to her right man



Eccl. 7:26–29; 1Kings 11:1–9

Solomon’s profile



Prov. 6:20–22; 22:6

Parents teaching children



Prov. 6:23–28; 29:3

Wrong woman discourse



Prov. 6:27–32; Jer. 31:22; Lam. 3:21–23

Objectivity in law enforcement; Biblical law and the criminal



1Cor. 7:8–9

Soul climax; doctrine of single status



Song of Solomon 8:6, 7

Doctrines of jealousy and new doctrine of right man right woman; quotes from Shelton T. McWilliams, psychiatrist, on right man–right woman



Prov. 31:1–10

Right woman acrostic



Prov. 31:10–13

Identification of the right woman



Prov. 31:14–21

Right woman: housewife vs. business woman



Prov. 31:22–31; 12:4

Various right woman types for various men; right woman with Bible doctrine


Adam's Rib

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #1

1 03/02/1972 Gen. 1:26, 27; 5:2; 2:7–8; Eccl. 9:9; Isa. 43:7 Creation of Adam's body and soul


Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder the soul of the Spirit. That is a critical thoughts and the intense of all scripture is God breathed that it was profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature thoroughly furnished on to all good works. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Over the word of truth this evening. Genesis 1:26 tonight is the beginning of an at least a four hour special on some other aspects of right man or a woman. Last Sunday morning on the normal sexual special. I've had a few questions. So I've also been digging into a lot of passages, and I finally finished up at five minutes after six this evening. So I'm a little bit punchy right now but I think I'll probably recover in time to start getting this material out to you will be honest tonight, tomorrow night. Both of the Sunday morning services and possibly by Sunday night, and I found a lot of new material on certain aspects of white man right woman, including long haired man, short haired women. Other odds soared when's the last time we'll have a little silent prayer, ever want to shave well this one is all only one way first John one nine shouldn't take you too long if you're up to date. If you're not why. Try to make it after this without too much time because we need the time. Also during our time of silent prayer anything that needs to be secured. That's the time to do it. You can't stand the shaving lotion of the guy next to you. Get out while you have a chance, so that we can concentrate on this, on these passages and see by the spray.My father for all the privileges to go with grace. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity fellowship and the word for the tremendous variety of manna from heaven which we find in the Word. We've gathered together tonight to be sustained with the Word of God, to gather that portion of manna, which is so necessary for our daily living, or our understanding of the Divine viewpoint orientation of grace and fulfilling the purpose for which we live. Now my God the Holy Spirit enlighten us on a very important subject. As we began to see continued for several days. May the information be stored and used. So that Jesus Christ might be glorified. We ask these things in Christ's name. Amen. Genesis 1:26 says, And God said, Let us make man in our image, after Our likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fall of the air and over the capital over all the earth over every creeping thing that creepiest upon the earth. I like that's herpetology and not creeps. So God created man in His own image and the image of God created He him. Male and female created he them. This is a summary passage all of these things were not accomplished a lot of time. Let's begin with the word ello, which is the word for God. And God said a word which is used indicates a conference between all of the members of the Godhead ELOHEEM is play wherever you find it, it refers to the father of the Son of the Holy Spirit and when the word set is involved. It means they are holding a conference, it means that this is part of the doctrine of divine decrees, and the subject on the agenda is man, and more specific the doctrine of right man right woman. This has been a topic of discussion and time, but more so inhabited. At the time that the Father, the Son and the Spirit, decided to create a man. I also decided to provide for the male of the species or right woman. And apart from several exceptions, every person who has ever lived as if it's a male he has a right moment, if it's a female, she has by divine design. By God's grace, right, man. Daughter was never very prominent there are many distortions about voice in Scripture. There are four specific distortions, one of which we started in the second service. Last Sunday morning but we only cracked the surface of the subject. And there's a great deal more information you have to cut. Now, in preparation for us continuing Romans week on Sunday. In connection with our study on Thursday night our circumcision. And in connection with certain malpractice today, like long hair here in May on, and other bangs all of these things come together. We're getting ready to launch into the subject of circumcision on Thursday night so it's coming up next to the third chapter of Bolivia. People really do not have much understanding of certainly. But we're going to study passages that indicate why men are circumcised or not women. It's all connected, we'll be studying tonight or tomorrow night, male or circumcised as a consecration to God's order and God's plan for the nation of Israel was circumcised and under a spiritual consecration. Circumcision also has a personal consecration, the circumcised, male, and the long haired young lady, are two signs of a recognition that God has designed the right man for the right woman. People are looking for many things in this world today they're looking for happiness in one form or another or a wealth or status symbols or materialistic things, or last our privacy or security, or many things.Everyone has discussed at one time or another in conversations. The pod which is at the end of the rainbow. Well for the man it's the right woman, with the right woman outside of the spiritual relationship with the Lord everything else fades and insignificance. And vice versa. And the right woman has her right man. This stops all of the pushing us all of the drive in so many directions and turns the woman into something fantastic and the man, and actually God has designed a happiness on Earth for unbelievers, as well as believers in this field. We'll see a passage on this this evening. And in this particular field. It is possible to have great happiness in fact is the quintessence of human happiness, or an unbeliever to get together with the right woman who's also on I believe they can have something fantastic. During the moments there together. Now, some of you are still in your teens, or just getting out of your team. And you're sort of a combination of tobacco from a Sunnybrook Farm and Academy are on the rise. And this means you still have some illusions in life, but you've seen a lot of things that are disillusioned. Our word of God is designed to correct. I'm going to be describing some things in the next few days that are not going to mean much to some of you who are younger people at this time, because you've never know what it's like to be with someone who is your right man, or your right moment, and everything else in the world but you're wrong or going wrong, are difficult from adverse and you have to find that relationship both the spiritual the soul and the body, all something that is fantastic. Others of you perhaps have experienced that others perhaps have missed it. So it's with some trepidation when I approach a subject of this nature, but the ease with which we will slip into that I think will help mitigate some of the problems. Now we start with God, and that's always a good place to start any subject because of your start with God, and managed to get anything of God's viewpoint in. Obviously, it can't be wrong. God is perfect his plan is perfect because design is perfect. His provision is perfect. God has even provided some things in grace, apart from salvation and spiritual things that are absolutely perfect. There's one perfect woman in the world for every one of you, man. There is one perfect man for every one of you women test one, not two, not three, not a dozen, you may have tried a dozen have already reached this conclusion. However in reaching the conclusion you have also done great damage to yourself, and the possibility of fulfilling divine design by all sin nature and by animal nature. The members of the human species are always inclined to go for groups. This is where dogs come in on animals and animals not really particular, a male animal is six the company of any female animal at any particular time. He knows the nature of an animal. And therefore, there's no such thing as. Right. Right Start Right. There's no such thing as the field of animal life. One right male for one right female. This is one of the things that find out I'm when he first started categorizing the animal kingdom, or obviously pair it off and there were obviously males and females. But there was no such thing as a right man, and a right woman or a white male and white female in any area of animal life. And as a result, it's very difficult to realize what God has ordained. And what man has corrupted apart from just simply taking a bit by bit from the Scripture. And that's exactly what we're going to do in this series. So by beginning with God, we can't go wrong because God set up a decree. And I think you should understand that when it says not sad. That's of course is the Kalyan Berbick of Omair de am AR, and it's a pronouncement of a decree that will always exist, and the significance of a phrase God said, Is this right man, right woman was provided historically before salvation. And the greatest thing God ever did for all the human race, apart from salvation is the provision which we will be studying.Long before salvation was provided by God as a historical sequence. There was a time when man did not need salvation. And at that time, he not only provided for the male. The female, but he provided everything that goes with the soul relationship, a spiritual life, they had Bible class every day in the garden, and Jesus Christ taught, but they had a wonderful soul relationship and they had a wonderful physical relationship. Now I realize that these words have never been translated. However, you can count on them, I'll be honest with you and translate them, and they will get a little nervous sometimes about these words that they should be by now commonly understood words in the English language. And I will probably be a little bit pedantic and academic at times, for which I apologize if I think it's going over your heads, I'll come back to four letter words or whatever is necessary. Alright let's begin now. God said, Let us make man in our image. Amazingly, we have to stop, because we have the cow, imperfect of our SOP, and I've had to at least studies do a little revising on a principle. There are four words which are used in getting man and woman on the ground and those are in their physical bodies' souls inside of the body. There are four words which are used, we will see these words from time to time and summarize them at one point, but by way of anticipation, our saw is not used for the physical part of math. It is used in connection with our raw in the creation of a soul. We have BA, which is the one aspect of the soul, brought out by one of the words image, then we have our PSA, which brings out another aspect. Man soul. So we have ba ba, our age, and we have used first here our PSA. Both of these are related to the soul of man and of course the human spirit. Neither is related to the body. Now there's a revision. You will notice that after now I've always said in my RA, that I've gone through all users of our saw and discover that our saw is related while it means to manufacture something out of something, I saw really has to do with human personality whereas ba RA has to do with a soul. You see, your personality is a manifestation of your soul. So ba Ra is the invisible essence of your soul self-consciousness mentality coalition emotion conscience. I saw you put all of those things together and you have a distinct personality, everyone has the same characteristics so the soul, all of you here tonight have self-consciousness you're aware of your own existence, all of you here tonight have mentality you have a left lobe and a right. All of you have conscience in your right lobe, all of you have emotion. Now the old sin nature was not created and therefore is not an issue at this point. But you have the same essence of soul that everyone else possesses. But you have a different personality not only do you look different but that physical, you actually have a different personality, and God has manufactured out. The essence of your soul, a distinct personality which belongs to you. And I saw being used to manufacture something out of something.

I bought raw means to manufacture to create something actually hielo out of nothing. So we have two words used by the creation. The human soul. I saw is mentioned first because man is going to be a personality. And the reason that Elohiym is, is such a key, it doesn't say the Lord God said, and it doesn't say Jesus Christ said, Jesus Christ is the Creator, but it says lol he. For this reason, Elohiym is Paul lol he refers to the essence of God the Father, God the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, they have identical essence they have the same sovereignty, they have the same eternal life, and they have the same characteristics, all the way through, they have the same Omnipresence omniscience, omnipotence, they have the same immutability the same veracity and LLVM indicates that they are one, when it comes to lessons justice man is one male or female man is one in the sense that man has the same essence of the soul, but there is a difference and the difference comes from the fact that there are three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead. Therefore three personalities. There are three, there are many, many separate and distinct persons in the human race, many, many personalities, many bonafide personalities, and the human race. Now, all of that's going to come up in this verse and in the next verse, and two words are going to help us image and likeness ello. And Jehovah, the pattern is. Alright, and let us make this again is the Kalyan perfect first person fluoro flow means God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are doing the planning here are Assamese to manufacture out of existing materials, and out of the invisible but real essence of a soul, there will be manufactured and numerable personalities in the human race. Now, there are also two other verbs with which I want you to become acquainted. Now, we will review them from time to time. Number one is Ba ba ba Ra is the creation of the invisible assets. Number two is our saw mentioned here, A S. Ah. Number three is Yat Sen, which is used for the creation of a male body only. Number four is body, which is used for the creation of the female body. You see the soul of every human being must have a house. God actually provided on the plus sex, the day He created man, a house only for the male, and it was a long time afterwards before he actually provided a house for the female soul and she actually became a living person. But in principle, it's all stated for us on these two verses. Now, in order that you might see some of these distinctions, all the place here in turn to Isaiah. Isaiah chapter 43 There are several beautiful passages here we'll just take one of them Isaiah 43.Here we have three out of the four verbs. Even everyone that is called by my name. For I have created. Cal perfect Bara he, man, for man was created for the glory of God. That is man's soul, the issue is always man so that's why salvation was promised after the fall of man, because man died spiritually he was physically still alive and still living in his body, but he was that spiritually. His soul was I'm very spiritual, and therefore it is the soul that is saved for the cross. And therefore, the issue is always in the soul, I have created him creation here refers to the human soul and spirit, for my glory. I have formed him. Yup, sir. Cal perfect again, and this is the body of man. Yay, I have saw constructed him this is his personality are manufactured out of the invisible essence invisible but real essence of your soul. I have manufactured a personality. So we haven't I have created now perfect, bah, bah, that's the essence of a soul. I have formed. That is the physical body. I have made. That is the person. All right, back to Genesis 1:26 and Elohiym sad. Let us our PSA manufacturer. Now we have an interesting thing, man. But the word that we're going to have to learn another distinction which I will summarize later on our study ad an Amezaga. However, this is always referring to male and female, it's the human race. This word is the same as Homo sapiens. Mankind I think is the last technical word mankind that mankind or human race refers to male and female. And so he said, let's make our bomb let's make the human race, but not, and that means all of the human race, male and female. Now we have another word, or man. For the first man ha, now we've added the article refers not to the human race. After the first man and the original creation of God. There is always this distinction. I began to realize that when I went through a lot of the Hebrew of many of these passages and others. Dom refers always to Adam, the man above alone refers to the human race, male and female, and by GABAb refers to us as part of the human race. Now he does not say let us make out. He says, Let us make human race. Let us manufacture out are the essence of the soul, human race. Now we have two words, and our image, Proposition, which looks like this. For us, Salama, Brown is selling t s e l m, Sal, Salam. Salam refers to shadow image. It refers to essence, essence is real but it's invisible if you if someone cuts open your head and goes into your brain, they will not find self-consciousness, they will not find the frontal lobes, we ever thought. They will not find volition, they will not find the emotion, and they will not find your norms and standards conscience. Matter of fact, they will even find your also nature. These things are real by the invisible. These things are Thelema.God is real but invisible. When he says in our image. Well actually the word Solomon as a, as a first person clothes suffix on to indicate all three members of the Godhead. All three members of the Godhead have essence, their essence is invisible, you cannot see it with the eye, it is intangible but real you cannot handle it, you cannot point to some object, then say, this is sovereignty, this is righteousness and so on. Now the same thing is true when God made man. God made an invisible part of man which is the real man. The real you is the soul, and your self-consciousness cannot be seen your mentality what you think, or your emotion, or your conscience, or your volition, but it is real. It is intangible, invisible by very real. So, both parts Solomon, refers to the shadow me justice. God has invisible but real essence. So man in a different way of course and in a limited sense has invisible, but real essence. Now we have a second word another preposition or phrase. This time we have, after our likeness, God said, is the preposition. And then we have the move. And you th demo. Now, after our likeness refers to model or pattern. And of course here, it means that even though the essence of God is the same and God is one, in essence, there are three separate and distinct persons. So every member of the human ways, we all have the same essence, that we are different people. We have different personalities, we are different persons. And so the second word would emphasize the same thing that in the Godhead is emphasized by the word Jehovah or Adam II. This is the Tetragrammatons, so when God said He was going to manufacture something here, the human race. There were two things quite evident immediately, first of all was app in our image, which has to do with the fact that your soul has essence invisible intangible but real justice God has essence, invisible, but real. And then, after our likeness, refers to the fact that while you and the person sitting next to you tonight, and every person in this room has the same essence of soul that is we each have self-consciousness. We each have mentality we have volition, we have emotions. We have conscience. We are different and separate and distinct personalities, and that's what is meant by, after our likeness. Now though. First of all, this has no bearing upon our subject and therefore we move down to verse 27.

So, hello again you will notice it is not Jesus Christ matching here that will come up later on or Jehovah Allah here, but this is still the planning stage. So Elohiym created man, that cow imperfect or Barah, you will become familiar with these as we mentioned them, Barbara, to create ex nihilo out of nothing, but this time I want you to notice something.It says that he created HA and HA refers to the mandoesn't refer to the human race in general, but it refers to one person specifically with a definite article, it's you haven't you're angry. So God created man and so God created the PA.And this refers to a man specifically. And then again you have the fact that he was created in the image of God. And this of course it's been Salam again.This first man. He is the preposition in Salam is the object of the preposition t as E, L, M, and the object of the preposition we have again the first as essence self-consciousness as this model OBEs. He has volition, as conscience, he has emotion, and the image of God created him. Now we're going to switch over to something.The first atom was created, and it is so stated as Have, but now we have a little difference, male and female. This shows a separate time for the male and the female becoming living creatures. May l is zakaah.Z AK AR, and here are the facts of the male, a soul, and a man's body, a body of a man, and it's different and it's brought the function and the female body and female is also mentioned here, and the word is like a VA.Any to E BA. Ah, Okay, VA, refers to the female body design to respond to man. I know the concept of right man right woman.Now, the structure with Genesis 1:27 may seem a little strange until you remember a principle here, according to Genesis two. On the seventh day God entered His work which He had made and he rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made, not because he was tired, but because there was nothing else to add, except one thing. But he couldn't do that yet.Then you will notice in verse seven, the Lord for man out of the rest of the ground we're going to discover that this is man, the male, and then we're going to find the Lord, taking man around and showing him everything, and putting him to work as it were. And when we get down to verse 15 The LORD God took man, this is Adam, and put him in the Garden of Eden to grasp the key but the garden. And then in verse 16 The Lord God commanded, Adam notice Lord God as Jesus Christ. He commanded Adam saying I've every tree of the garden thou may as freely eat, but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it, the day thou leaders, their vows of dying Thou shall die. Alright, you will notice there's still just one person. Now Adam goes to work in another way. Verse 18 The Lord God, Jesus Christ said, not good that man should be alone so he's alone at that point, we'll take that up in more detail later on. But the point is, Adam was still alone and that isn't.And verse 19 He went to work.Not as what he did, out of the ground the Lord God formed, and that's your chair every base to the field every follow the era brought them to this is man only to see what he would call them, and Adam would look at them now watch their characteristics, and he came up, he was a genius he came up with names for everything, and everything. And in verse 20 you will notice, they finally get around to a transliterate Adam gave names to all the calibre of a volunteer to really boost the field, but at that point. Adam has been on a long job and they're still going.And you see it's only at this point that you finally got a woman. So I want you to notice that the string structure. The Hebrew structure. Genesis 1:7 is to show that our D plus six man had a soul out of body, but the woman her soul was still in incubation, and he had an extra rib here, he had a spare. But woman did not exist as woman on the floor sex.She doesn't exist until sometime later as we shall see rather dramatically.

So there was a period on the earth when there was one male only back that will become an issue very shortly. So male and female created Barah evam all farm. Obama refers to the fact Obama's bam, all th IAM, and all farm indicates that not only were they both souls creative at the same time or the plus, but only one body only one person was truly alive, male and female by Rod E van.Both of our souls are there only one will be activated.Now, that brings us to Genesis 5:1,returning an awful lot of patience as gentle Genesis 5:1, Genesis 5: begins and I beautiful way.Safe air to alive. Oh, this is the book of the generations of IRA. Nah, that's the first man or male Abom is the human race. This is the book of the generations of the human race.And the day that God createdAI in the day reversed a D plus six.God created as a cowl infinitive construct a BA. My back to this word which is used for the essence for the soulNow we have also the man mentioned as our bomb, but not as the male mankind in the day that God created our bah bah bah refers to the category of Homo sapiens refers to mankind. On the sixth day a man's body and soul and spirit were created and the woman's soul was borrowed but not activated. She's an incubation.Sleeping Beauty.BA is used for the creation of both the male and the female soul but Yat Sen is used for the creation of the male body and BA for the female body as we shall see Genesis 2:7 man's body was created on the sixth day, and he became a living soul. The soul was placed inside and the light turned on Mesha Ma, and then the same thing happened to the woman but not go Genesis 2:22 after the collapse of some time. I am bonobo be the complete word for the construction of her body.Then we have in the likeness of God made he him, and the likeness here refers to the booth again, and its model or patternDMU th dimuth refers to personality so we have the whole human race here, and we have different kinds of personalities made he Asar means to manufacture personalities out of invisible essence. And now we have another word ovo made he him, of o th O although here refers to the songs about man and woman both of those souls were created on D plus since one was activated one was not. Now again in Genesis five to male and female we have Zakhar lativa Again,

Zak R And the K VA and EQE BH K VA. This refers to the man, male sex, the concept of design of both his soul and his body, and the cave ah, is the woman's soul, and a body designed to complete Man completes woman, man fulfils the woman and the woman completes the man, we will study this in detail, and other passages. But here they are created by ROG created, He that we have a third that masculine pole subjects for the souls, the plural suffix in the case of both man and woman, their souls were created on D plus six.Only one body was provided that was for the maintenance.Now we have an addition. And last fall in perfect our follow upto all of you massage and this I would remind you that this is the first and greatest blessing I've ever received apart from Salvation wires right man, right when the alien perfect, that the Al is very intently, it indicates in temporary happiness it's the all about our happiness. Apart from Dhaka and apart from spiritual life apart from that which is provided after salvage the design of one male soul, and why mean female soul under Category Two is one of the greatest blessings of human life. Now all the place here in Genesis, and turn to ecclesiasticsburger the ninth chapter of Ecclesiastes.We have some mistranslation but we'll get it all straight.Ecclesiastes nine starts off by saying live joyfully with a white blue bow lemonsI will have to straighten all out.Doesn't say live joyfully, but it does say a little more than three butfirst of all, there is no word for live as a verb. We do haven't lived as classically like an apparent even we do have a cow impurity here, but the verb is not live. It's raw.

Now this is very interesting because you can't see someone else's soul, but you can see someone else's body.You can see someone else's personality you cannot see the soul but you can see what we're doing.You can see the model or the pattern or likeness.You can't see the invisible but you can see the visible and the towel andraw impurity.And the command is see something, but the word means more than just see here it means to see and enjoy see and enjoy one. When the object of the verb is happy, which we will see one more time tonight.Ch ha i j me means live see live and enjoy live.Now why fear refers to the fact that people who are around us possess bodies possess the real person inside of the body in the soul.And the whole point is that no one. This is a person's spiritual life now, no one ever addressed to people in life, until they find their right man, or their right, then they may not have just see lives and joy, livesright well the rest of the Mercer crowd with your ride woman. That's what it says it's talking to an unbeliever, with a wife and our lovers. He shot.I am is a he shot is used for right woman whom is a preposition with,with the right woman shell perfect have I have had my camera perfect of our have means you are designed to elaborate eternity past. See this is all for us why we have all these verses in general. I have the largest and strongest word in the Hebrew for love. And this is the cow perfect, and you will experience that love in time but it was the same in eternity.See our enjoy our lives, where the right one or the E shop, whom you love. Now, this bird is a very has a very unhappy life, but he can be happy with his wife woman, all the days of your hand it all the days means the time after if the right woman is brought to the right man, and his life is called vanity cable or hateful here.He be hateful and evil means vapour mist idols. Man of emptiness, and it's even yours technically a couple of places for scar tissue but here it means an empty line. And essentially, a miserable life in the sense of an athlete.Now listen, it says, See, and joy, lives with the right woman whom you have loved all the days of your life of emptiness now, the next wave goes with Isha. Oh, right woman. He, God has given you, I never saw the word forgiven here is Grace Word now bam, kale, perfect.God has given you a right woman miserable man, man with an empty life you have an empty life, but even a person with an empty life can have happiness with us right womanwent after life.Dr.Phil God brain is all about man or woman,and other facets of the brain.Until,God forbid, right, man. All rightWell, we will never be adopted to peopleI have probably don't believe that this is the only true happiness you can ever haveNow you see what this does to every type of reverse bikes, was almost a bad number I think it' the worst waste of life.Masturbation. All of the distortion.Now, let's don't be mucking around.I think maybe we're looking for queer.We have God designed there so that even I don't believe in an afterlife that have happened.That's bigger how it's going to add up with a believer, with God and get the whole of the same thing.When I believe are here are the labour, who is so far gone, and emotional revolting reversion ism that is about attitude wise event.So we're talking about, at least one thing that every human being here tonight.The Labour Board, or concentrating happy or unhappy miserable or flighty whatever you happen to be right nowis our happiness. You see, some of you have most of your salvation because I live with God forever and ever. He got to be happy with God forever and ever.

With salvation are not very happy. But here's something that God provided for the human race before salvation is one this is another reason whythey couldn't stand all that human happiness.They want to get in on it. Butthat's why bestiality is permitting so strong and the Old Testament was That'why, when a person is required for homosexualityGlobally, have a one type of happiness in life that doesn't require save doesn't require any particular condition that adverse conditions like scar tissue, emotional revolt and reversion ism, Destroy the capacity.But it's a one thing in life that can make a person happy. Now there are people out tonight that are gettinga lot of reasonsGod never designed a bottle to take place.I finally find out when they look up after their fourth novel whatever it is.Goddesigned our goal for happiness.Your there's not a one person in the world who know what I'm talking about.But yeah, sometimes very difficult for water, wandering through all tangled up with a lot of legalism, and this was something that a lot of liberalism in your lifeSome of you were utterly shocked when I said that there is no such thing as perversion, between a man or woman right man and right woman, whatever they both agree no matter what it is it is not reversion.Obviously there's something wrong with Sally everything wrong when a male with male female or female person with animals.Those things are all wrong.Perversion reversion between right man and right woman. My last one is not a true coalescence ofall of your life. You have been confined by fundamentalism.We're very limited in relationship.That's because we bought everything that was probably your first mistake youever thought to get mixed up on site.So why don't we get out of some of these doctrines, I think you'll begin to see some of it.I think because again,either the wife or the right woman, he shall whom you love, all the days of humanity and I get this, whom God has given me, not the man who God didn't get the energy that God gave the right woman.And he gave the right woman please notice under the sign.

What is happeningin all, for being alive? I'm still being able to do I live in the field the race of the day I never got off track. Originally, but they tell me it's a beautiful day outside today,take your word for the final step out, Ilove the fun, relaxing their tonic to me they always have the I should have tried to get a few of them todayBut the point is, as long as you can feel and enjoy the rays of the sun. There's nothing wrong with you that a right woman can fix. That's what it means, under the sun.All right.That first now for a benefit is your portion in life, God has given to every man a portion in life. A portion of happiness.God as I say you don't have to take it, but that's where you're freewill comes in, but God has actually manufacture a portion for you in life. There are two kinds of portion that come your way. One is salvation.Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved and it's great. And the other is right woman or right man, whichever you happen to be, and God has provided for everyone. There is no hold on walking the streets, there's not a clear a fairy.God does not provide a white woman.Welcome to the most common. Not everyone of the world is saying.Now this is our portion, this is something God verified by grace, waiting for the Human Rights goddess, to do things. And you can miss the boat, or you can have the right man, right, which was provided for eternal salvation, which was provided. When necessary, after thenoun are translated literally this class is for them to loop back to our subject in Genesis, and join live. Now why is life apart you see I've stepped it up in our lives, every time and right man is with his right woman in the whole lifetime of Bahraich as a, as a whole lifetime, and he's with her many times, therefore it's in the book, or at least twice.Why,joy, bliss and joy, lives.He shot.He shot, you have love all the days of your life, of emptiness. So here's a person who has a totally miserable life apart from it.Now the rowdy pronoun whom refers to the right woman he shot.He has given you under the sun. And every time you are with her and something glorious all the days of emptiness, or this is your portion and life, the right woman is your morning. This is the grass to remain.Now look at this man as a job or a work for you as a profession, and in your profession your occupation, and which you are working as a side. So there are two things you can enjoy online as a man. Once you are doing by way of working, right woman.And you will also notice that the woman was really never designed to work.A woman was really not designed to work at all. After the extent to which he asked her work, and becomes detrimental to her right now and then the whole passion and joy, lives with the right woman whom you have love, all the days of your life of happiness. Right.God has given you under the sun, all the days of emptiness, or this is your portion in life. God provides and grace, a portion in life, and your work, your profession your occupation in which you are working either the side, God gives a man, a job, or something to do.And it gives him a ride.Every person who was in any kind of perversion. On the face of the Earth Hour at any time in history has missed God's Word.God fortune is perfect. And it's an awesome thought that for every male here, and more everything they are here, that means by divine devices I have a right counterpart.That is your portion in life.While we have been setting for example enrolment was chosen everyone involved in any form of diversion,obviously missed God portion for perfect or the best happened in the quintessence of human happiness. That is an all spiritual pervert scar tissue, emotional, evolved reversion is a reverse process reversion and all of these destroy the capacity to enjoy the right woman. Here's an unbeliever as an empty life but he's still, I can feel the waves of the sun, and he can still enjoy the ride.But just think of a believer gets behind the eight ball, because this spiritual declension background is.So that's something to think about, and it all began to add up and something you can't lose with doctrine.The Doctrine provides the capacity. God adopts and God knows the right time, you're bringing along and so it provides everything and doctrine is the avenue of appreciation the Avenue, the capacity, the avenue for understanding avenue for having a relationship with God, which led this wonderful principle of right.Genesis five let's go back now to Genesis 2:7.Genesis 2:7, got some things coming up in this topology is coming up, we won't get that far and we will get this one out of the way.Get the man on the seat.All right now we're in Genesis 2:7 and the reason I selected this passage is because this is where it all started with the man, the Lord God now brings us not to allowed the doctrine of divine decrees where they're all involved but we now have, Lord God,Jehovah. Hello.Jehovah refers to Jesus Christ that says a singular allaudin is in the flow, refers to the members of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is one member of the Godhead, but his essence is exactly the same as the martyrs as and as the Holy Spirit. So he called the whole the Aloe. Aloe he, he has the same essence as the other members of the Trinity, he's COVID and COVID, Jehovah, but he's separate and distinct from them as they are from him.I the LORD God referred to Jesus Christ who actually performs all acts of original creation, John one three Colossians 116 Hebrews 110 And here Jesus Christ doing something for man before he had an old Sunday, I want you to think about this for a moment you realize that the poor man had a certain nature, Jesus Christ to do a lot of wonderful things.And one of our sayings is the word sex, the same sex existed a long time before it said thatunder the conditions of the gods. The sex was perfect.I haven't had a real answer yet I have a couple of answers. But I've often wondered why Adam, step out on the garden.And I think the answer is very simple. The sex with a woman was so real, we actually chose the Bible class and sex with a woman, and when the woman was born, he should get outside of himself.Something is so perfect.Because the ultimate maker actually let us establish that capacity.They havewhen they blow up and provide something even more phenomenal forever.But remember, God gave salvation, long time after God gave everything we're going toallow the wheels are going around with good man on the scene.And the LORD God formed man. Now the word from here is job sir we finally get to his body is so old, but man sold off your man's soul.And that wasn't far off. And this gives in his efforts and this gives him his personality. And now we also have woman soul, which was fine.It is not in function yet it's an incubation and man, now a man gets a body with it all his body and his body was created on the bus, sex, and the burgers, God said, You're the woman a long time after what also gets a bodybuilt.The word israpidly constructed but build always quick.All right.The Lord God is ascribed God say for now imperfect means the patient needs to be by.This verb is used for the creation of man's body. Now in contrast with a woman body coming later on Obama, and man here, as you would guess it is.This is specifically, the male of the human race who will receive another name. In a few moments.He will also be known as each buy sh e should be shop, but there is no wish yet because there's no we saw, it's going to be a different person he's going to be lonely, until he gets his E shop, and then he will change, bah, bah, bah becoming, because he has an E shop, he is no longer the woman.After all, a guy can only watch birds so long for Robin and this is a car. No, he can only watch an animal so on. The lion, tiger, and all of a sudden are allowed on the Tigers a little lionspoint coming up in verses 18 All right, so the Lord God formed, especially out of the dust of the ground I the dust here is a for me. Obama called Obama. So we have all these words.Human race in general, male and female, is the first man. And then we have, ba, ba, ba, man. Hey, ground.They're all really all have the same general relation.

The best of the ground could be the chemicals in the soil or any other construction material, which existed at that time on the ground with the body of man, It was a fantastic body. Now, a body, and he puts the soul inside that it still is a cranked up. So let's see how I get the calendar,and APA. APAmeans to pass with same ideas mouth to mouth resuscitation to breathe through his nostrils. In this case, the nostrils referred to apertures in the nose, acid is useda pH, why I am askingthat we have a word graph with really as a graph at all. It's an old friend, I'm sure you remember.

He showedme a spark of life is the thing that caused you to be alive when you were born, and soul is not activated until immediately after birth.A person is not a real person in the womb, they must be separated from the room before it's a real person.There is a format.There is an embryo and it's formed into a little muddy, muddy desert a real person.That's Shabaab a spark of life, which means there is no life. Same thing is taught here and in Isaiah 5716 of the Hebrew. And so he didn't breathe into his mouth. He breathed into his mouth off that Shema the spark of lives.So, and His Spirit. Now there's also an incubation.She's not alive yet now notice and haha by himself.This is always referring to the man, not to the human race that's without the definite argument is the man and the man.Perfect.I don't know how long you live. No one knows how long you live. We know how long we live, we liveis the second oldest person in history has been referred.I don't know how long you let me buy the lamp, a couple 1000 years before I was here I might have lived about 100 years without snow no but he became and he kept on being a living soul.That fish refers to that soulimage and as the essence of God, personality.Personality and as an adult now and.And he became a living, mapping. The word for living here is Kayama high gamma cargo mainly because,let's face it live.Alright, that brings man. Amen.Jesus Christ, resigned from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the spark of life alive.Live. I am the man.I'm a soul of life with retranslate a living soul.Now let's review a few things to be sure that we are clear on what we have up to this point, because we have some very good things coming up, but they demand that we clear on a few things. First of all, man was created in the image of God and again that is seller point one. This is a summary, t s e l e m Salama the shadow image, in and of itself. All of us have the same essence of soul, all of us, all of us, all of us.All of us have a voice. But, the pattern is different and therefore there is a second word coined by Ron man is greater than the image of God.But man is all in the light and that's a model or pattern,e m u th.The model, the mood is the pattern. And again, the pattern or the modelling personality, we have the same essence of soul but we all have different person after point three. There are two birds used for the creation of man soul.Ba, ba r and s.One and.BA is used for the creation of man's soul in Genesis 1:7 Genesis 5:1 and two are sought and used for the man's soul by Genesis 1: 7 Isaiah 57:64 there are two there is a verb for the creation of a male body.Yat Sen in Genesis 2:7.May God say,by the way Saudi occasionally wonder Ababa, yo, yo can be translated in English with a lot less studied a lot of Hebrew, because you see the Y and noise.And since the Y is j. And since all of the great students of the past and Hebrew were German, and since all the best textbooks in German. It's always a day for those who have very much, or anyone who hasn't why instead of a day for those many, several have asked me why this, why not use a watch, can't do it any other way when you learn but anyways.Alright sothat's the creation of the male body.Now coming up tomorrow night, beautiful dog shocked. Later on she was calling me as the same age or he would call the mother of all living by the woman.All right point five one bird for the creation of the female body asa means to buildon deeper sex. The souls of both man and woman whereby rod by all the man became a living soul.He was designed the body was given a houseforever the body so that man became a living soul but no more than seven.After the lapse of time when the Lord creation was categorized the body of the woman in Genesis 2:22 was constructed. And then her soul was taken from man to the body made from his breath, and she became a living soul.We have a fantastic relationship, establish the basis of a lot of new things, and right Matt Ryan Rob and our little advice. We probably won't get there on Sunday, but sometime Saturday we're going to find out when a man has longwondered about male hair and diseases have long hair and he did not. And a lot of other things about a lot of other priorities.Thank you Father for the privilege.My God, the Holy Spirit enlighten us but we ask that in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #2

2 03/03/1972 Gen. 2:18–25 Why parents? Ishah built


Genesis chapter.You weren't here last night. Well we're on a special live man right woman, that a lot of new things.When I ran I like to say good makeup, pardon the expression makeup passes this document,it always turns out to be so interesting,asking a pass out it for about looks like about six months.Genesis chapter.Excuse me to I heard itto aging.I don't want to go through that analysis we're on it for a long time.I'm almost afraid to go through Genesis 1:26 and 27 through seven again I'm afraid I'll mess him up after last night.

Word of God.Rebound, the man's privacy. We have it through silent prayer. Let us pray.Father we are grateful because of grace. We are creatures.You have provided creation.You are the author's creation as Jesus Christ as the worker of creation.We are, no matter what we do, no matter what we make. No matter how we think we have succeeded, really haven't because we're still creatures on lambda because we are crazy.But you are not limited in any way capacity for love. Embrace the perfection of your essence.And you have provided so many wonderful things for us in addition to salvage after salvation and even before it was Miranda, Your Grace. The only limitation is our understanding.Now as we continue this series may our understanding of grace we enlarge our appreciation of who and what thou art To the extent that we grow in grace. And to the extent that we will utilize the things that you have provided for us.

A God the Holy Spirit therefore enlighten us when we ask that in Christ's name. Amen.

Steve sweet.Steve, I see afterwards in the office.Genesis 2:8alright, let's review the four words which are used in creation before we began to be used for the creation of a soul and to build a body Number one,create out of nothing Number two,we got to get ours.We won't get through we get over to a passage where we have our maximum singular prefix, followed by Angularto make for the manufacturer, andI won't spoil it for you though.Phase two are used for the song, one has to do by law has to do of course with the creation of the assets of the soul.That is in Genesis 1:27 this is our last night, data sets 5:1 and two, as we saw last night 43:7 I've got news for the creation of man rezoning a man's personality, we all have the same essence of soul at the bar apart, but we have different personalities. And this is brought out.Genesis 1:26 Isaiah 57:69, 43:7our third word is Job Fair.J S. AR used for the creation of a man's body. In Genesis two seven are used for the male body.And then our fourth and last so why don't we look up tonight.Ba,ba Ma, which is used for the creation of the woman body.In Genesis two pointing forward word that he began to recognize.We also notice the difference between our ROM and ROM refers to the male the first ever to come from my hand and describe our ROM.And as a general. So we have our Bob and Hamama to bring lightness and families, and all of that very clear in your mind, though, It's time to start rolling again Genesisone.Ready to clear it all up.

It is not good that man to be alone that I'm a mom again in a manner that we're quiet.I will make him unhealthy for him and it almost begs me to see that translation and help me or whatever I helped him.But it was still a bad translation first nine out of the crowd, the Lord dogs for everybody so the veal.We follow up and follow them on the album. It was called a long time, they played it for a long time. We brought all these things to Adam out of Washington for a while. Senator, I guess 100 years andwatched all of these animals.I have to remember how tlivewith mine.And I bad water.But he called all the time. I didn't watch them for a while. Got to bring in somewater and everyMastodon family elementsby a bird.Many madeout of mud watch.The last thing he ever did.He watched her.Allright, do one or two of you who have come back.I think it was a very wise decision.

But I wonder who's going to be more interesting because a lot of you have wondered about why shouldn't have been wrong.We'll cover that in the show.We have a lot of other surprises coming up, we've never Agnew.All right.Waiting on just to

see what else to call them and whatsoever Adam called and we literally.I want to read this for purpose. Because we're not analysed by watching another man is long past the plastic. Why, why slack.Apparently man at any word been busy. Maybe 170 years, maybe just 10 or 20 or 30 years, a long time before he shot came on the scene, because he had a job to do first.He had a cataloguing job, and when that was over. Then it was time to play around here, they don't really know how long.But I want you to know that God made it possible for him not to work and play.A job that is shocking.And I want to bring that out but not until Dr Robert.No one never really explained how God created man and woman,male and female.And yet the woman, laid off, wondering, I've been doing a lot of reading andreally all very, very simple.

Now,I want you to notice how this translator is about. At the end of verse 19 whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the main neuron and Adam called gave birth planning Ada gave names to all the cattle to follow their everydayproblems.For Adam was not found, healthy for him. Alright, let's get started on the analysis our birthday.

Lord God again refers to Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ.Jehovah, ours.Jamie hlta, is a name for the Father, it is sometimes used more than, only for the Father for the Holy Spirit but it refers to a specific member of the Trinity, and as we go over here, but LRP has to do with yourfiles and your smile.And that's exactly welcome all the members toour over here, and in my as our love life.What is the personality?So, Jesus Christ Jehovah.I have worked out great. All these continents. Man, man needed woman and man the woman, the man needed salvation. Man is not complete without a woman without the man and therefore Jesus Christ was the only Saviour in a category for anything.I imagine there was notcategory one category two of existence. Category threes did not exist.Right.We've got the shaft and category three. Yes, remember it does exist.Young lady, are banned from not having any plans that won't happen to her nothing. And you better do another thing that might be the right one. But at least he knows the pointare notdoingso category three point. And no, just do that. There you go. That rfl ever wonder where we're headed toward homosexuality or land, or any other perversion of God, that when things were absolutely perfect. No one ever thought of anything.All right.Now, the Lord God, Jesus Christ,with Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ.He doesn't say,well, he said.

Now, we'll beout in reverse.

With the right one. This is the observation at eight, Jesus Christ. Hello to all of Allah. Jesus Christ as our Lord Jesus Christ and not only our God is perfect. This is the observation of a perfect person. This was the observation of the second person with the Trinity. This also helps us to understand the relationship between Christ and the church, which we will bring in at a later time. 5:20, or 33 what if Jesus Christ actually not good.

And then he added one other man should be alone, not good that man should be alone and now that centre the cop's rock uponme J.Man Allen bury construct the adverb alone.Baba bow looks like thisad, you pronounce this wow like a Wor Solitaire, not goodor bad, but of course indicates but everything else that man has seen and lower creation modifiers and other words that went out of luck and the element that was available.When he looked at the hippos, there was a male and a female, there would be a male.There was even a male and a female, everything no matter what it was, or whatever it was.Maybe 25 years or however long man was at the zoo. Maybe the amateur realized that there were male and female. Out Of course he was Oh my I fail at all. I know. Oh my. Hello, he said.The man to be alone.The man.Jesus Christ is speaking from great bands or outside our salvation. This gift provides man with the greatest happiness, as we saw last night from Ecclesiastes we find it impossible for a man to have a miserable life, and yet to have great happiness.Happiness, great happiness from your relationship with his right,man, Adam probably could have said very shortly after God Bobby Ryan woman, all of them, and having to our Jesus Christ says, I will make him and tell him for me.All farming, the manufacture, he already has the woman sold an incubator.And he's going to pull it out while Adam sleep. And also he has an extra body, and he's going to pull that out and he's going to manufacture woman.I will manufacture or. We now have something that sounds the same as the magazine well but it's like this low.Both of these are, this is a negative. And this one means undo.I will.I will manufacture for him.Now we have that phrase, helped me, while the help part is correct.Two words that are put togetherlike that,mega,and mega now is the perfect product by now.And really the secret is as follows.Literally,held overthe literal hell out.I can' help. Great I've literally tried.God said,I will manufacture for him to hell over again.That is now the first oneto handle the birth.One out of that were not filed and held in law when that length of time, do not know how long it was, obviously that all the time. The board is down. But that woman was on for three, five as the lastwas the male.

He was a member of the human race. Sothat's my thought for those of you who were here last time. We want your last paymenton file beforehand. If the camera wasn't there.There was no purpose now what we're going to get again I am afather of five, and in other places that they find and discover what Aaron Melville discovered there was acquired and modified.Again, there might help responding to that so literally, at the end. The first one is not responding.This is after and the last time. When Adam has arrived with a vocabulary. All of the lower 48.Now we move to the last on pause and call uponthe father,a PA, a steel stamp is hard to beat.With the equivalent of force that is knocking him out overtime. Oh boy, are the moments in the fall in the waterfall here are your thoughts on the reverse Amanda's no restaurantdashing.FHA imperfect, we kept on doing this whole processwith numbers, flashing on nothing perfect and loss at the lowest price.We should have won that generally violent is possiblythe reason this woman was violently pulled out of out of violence.Good morning.Other words that have ever been something of a white man in mybody.As an ad lobbing are a lot of our thoughts and our thoughts. And it comes down with operation, the body that requires the operation.Andhere.Now,a thirdof the families live inside of the mall last time.It was his lip. And it was taken out, down the line and taughtme the word boy for the building.And advertisementfor a building of view for the moment Godblows up the planet.The wholepurpose is not there.For the first one,the hands of the Lord.

Never going to ask what's occurred 1000s of years ago.And that was a romanticsurprise and holding that whatever he did we're going to have a tremendous effect on the human race and a we saw last time we saw a guy last night, he was living a miserable, miserable horrible life, who was a flop, his wife was emptiness was white with paper, but he had his right woman and he had happiness.

And that in itself is significant because Jesus Christ provided this year warranty, providers against the crowd of Christ provided this man with a garden, who provided salvation on the cross between the cloth and the garden there's at least six rounds here but not our grades are through the entire human race, human race does not benefit. There aren't believers and believers if you're not getting there right man are right. There are members of the human races do not believe in Jesus Christ, that always requires human volition, but God perfectly divine design.

I just because what God has provided that the human race, and I, we actually have a definite article here from the Wild West rightnow part of Adam is missing. And the other way out of ever get the back. Right. And we'll see that Sunday morning and First Corinthians 11:89 and 12. You're going to read them out, but I'm also going to grab everything out. And this translated right now, and I tell you what the guy will get the plant 300 years ago, all in the mind wall. They all fell up and walk down the street and looked at a woman they were going to hell. Now you take that kind of a guy, and he knows a little Hebrew and Greek authorize him to make a translation connected to anything. What do you think he's going to do with all the benefits that are found in the original language? Well of course he is. So what do we have to do, we know find out find out what's really good, and then when you really see it, then you get all this illusions about Holy Ghost land.And you don't know what to do with the thing that isn't working. Well I knew I've been doing it a long time ago andthe vacancy of the clergy we buy and make accurate. The other 31. All right, which Jesus Christ from the man all locked back? Word or Word of violence AQ ACA. We have seen the mail. Here's where we're going to have some everything perfect birth masculine singular, a badass as they aged does not mean to make it means to build a woman's body was built.

The man's body was fashioned. He went into Atlanta last night. All right, how system structure for the woman soul, now he can put the soul in it. And now you will notice something. God is still following the procedure of letting Adam, do the identifying of the species naming it. But he

actually the name of agility, with Adam just a moment. So he built, and he shot. That's actually the word here, he built, and he shot. He shot in one of the words for her body woman have a body that is different from anything else.

He built, and he shot. Now, the proper under the man that is not correct, they get the perfect combo, because her to the VAMPL staff causative staff. And by the way, all my Penfield family feminine singular, a woman called to bring her to the women right and right here was the beginning of the platform right man of God were perfectly, more of a man. He sees the violently the read out it out.

I left our gap. Physically, which is fulfilled by what he constructed. So he called her to be brought on IRA. And that's the way it is labelled alive straight. God will provide. And this is a provision for us. This is why the laws of divine a savage. For this first time. So designs that people were starting to fool around with while they're not braiding, like fornication, my MO sensuality. I've learned to live with rare occasions messianic and I'm rarely like masturbation. All of these things, whereby land gets off the ground. Thereby, breathing, and provided water for viruses for us. And I got to be the worst job in the world and be the happiest person,by having to write. I want us to be a total flop and everything,and she may not look like anything to you. She may not be attracted to you as someone right. She has the right man. Whoever beautiful DOM and Robot their nose up in the air by Trump on from I believe. And then finally, nothing has a lifespan and nudiesmiserable and anyone who ever came down. When she does. You got things lined up for the next three months.Regarding the dawn let's find out a hurricane was 23, and Adam. I hear that I'm looking at a different theme. Jesus Christ as a great man for a break. And I'll have another 40 days of price on the elements. Right. Hey boss, we bought the EVO, we bought everything butwhat are we going to call it when Adam realized that he had. And what is the move because that's what he said. He shot the issue. The one nailed this one. We are one are perfect. Perfect. One of the things that God said, Thou shalt not commit adultery because he didn't want that to happen. God says I cannot commit a robbery.All right, we're going to go to hell. Attorney and how to design, design, in part, question one. Never quite have a problem for math on. First Corinthians six adult bars and whatnot that was the guy who translated First Corinthians six, seven, and 11 was absolutely my masterBoy that he mastered. Final one thing he didn't have any right moment around. But there must have been about five or six walls and four or five seats between him and anyone. It's just the worst translation, out of a Wizard of Oz.Much better. Let's go back first 23 atoms, now and I'm doing some talking. By the way, let me provide the answerhere. I don't want to hear any history. I've heard the last spoke first. Now there is no verb here is this now, this is what he's saying. And he says, this is a physical and human business, I want to show you what it is and the Hebrew word much like this, and the Hebrew. See, it's a demonstrative pronoun. And it's a feminine demonstrative pronoun, and the only way you can translate a feminine demonstrative pronoun is this way, this waswhat he said. He said this, I mean it's just read randomly. Now remember, Jesus Christ was bringing to Him, the most perfect woman ever. Jesus Christ. I personally created does not have.And he looked at her and this one she just liked it. That's why we have a demonstrative pronoun, and that's whythey call it a monster the pronoun in the feminine. But in the kill. That's what he handed over. Don't look over time right now is not word forword.

One word we haven't have a whole string of words that that article love it. Wow. She's beginning right man, right. Now remember the letter, the support, the identification was the identification of course, they got the age old questionin your mind. The marriage and this is an old, old question. The identifying the identification was that, that when you find the one that is absolutely right.This one she now. Now what did he say he's not sure from the operations. I'd say Wow, he knew that something was missing. And he knew that she was. He would fulfil her, she would complete him what was missing was going to come back with grace. So yeah, from my flesh, by far the best, which means flash by my side. And now he doesn't say she shall be called, he uses that. So, again, this one she. So, Z Oh, so shall they call this one. And then he uses a verb, shall they call fl is the mastery voice of the cow call Ra. To a man foul spam is passive voice she shall we call this one, she shall be called.Why, because deja is a part of dish is each and every shot is taken from each, so that when you shot, because one withthe SHA. Bill, Phil, Nisha. And then for the third time he uses the demonstrative pronoun and the feminine gender. So she this one she was. Now he uses the word he uses the perfect law describes the operation he didn't feel a thing. Once you receive five on a program, but now that he's seen what God has made from what was taken from him he goes to the poorhouse? You have what we call the grand prize. All right, let's translate this one. Now for my, for my flesh. This one shall be called C sharp, because this one sheet was taken from now. Now we go back to principles. We understand that. Dave subscribe by bringing the news right man the right woman, all came because there are more of this cause. Aish. Now the Hebrew switches. Once the woman is bought and up until this time Man has been alone. And when he is alone he is Ha ha da. I am the racist. Without the definite article ad, but that he is most made incomplete and can only be completed by the woman now that we have right man. And right now,and he Shah. He should incomplete without e shop, complete e shop right there's a whole chapter on that. Ever wonder about this, there are no mothers and fathers around at all.Come up on Mother's Day or Father's does a very significant. Here is one man and one woman, but the primordial Dordain before there are any parents, long before their parents, we don't know how long they live in the garden, maybe their lives the 1000 years I think about your mom right, and you have this relationship. I am. They are perfect environment, and everyone. They have Bible class from Jesus Christ. They have the most perfect relationship and everything. They have everything, all of their needs, everything that appeals to ascetic beauty. Not one other thing. Anyway, it's a perfect setup, all the way because I got a mother and father and an adult doesn't have a mother and father, but that principle has to be set up now. There was only one person in the garden at this time, outside of volition, the laws of establishment volition was taken off in Genesis 2:17,16 Now, we have right man and right framework, of course, marriage monogamy, we have them here and something has to be designed to protect that man is the head, that's going to come up on a Sunday morning, that faraway man is the folly of this relationship was translated as remains the superior length. I was going to keep man from just creating a ruling, and turning this into a tyranny, here's what's going to do. Therefore this cause. Barrel imperfect means to forsake ABA means to forsake our depart abandon me. Because this card, man shall abandon his father and his mother, divine institution number three was designed to protect it by introducing number two. To keep me from being a pirate. I had to train a woman to respond. Now, I'm not going to explain first Corinthians 11:12 tonight. So let's get a plot on why this April boy. And I'm sorry this is mother's day because the real emphasis here is our mother. Why was God, perfect? The woman from tyranny. God protects the woman from tyranny from the man who has the authority over her. By adding another divine institution to the laws of establishment. Why was God protects the woman from tyranny, from the man who is reporting by adding another divine institution to the laws of establishment to accompany the principle of right man rightwhile married is the protection of category two and Ma'am, is the authority. Now this is important. Lamb learns, love and respect. Important man the word love and respect. The woman. And this is never been true in the animal kingdom.This is all human rights, not even true. The jelly race, as we will see when we get to that phrase and First Corinthians 11 because it all grows in the human race. The boy has parent, a father and a mother, both have a contribution that made to teach, to have respect for womanhood, so that when a woman stepped out. The relationship is going to be the ultimate, and they will protect the woman from tyranny. By adding another divine institution to the laws of establishment to accompany the principle of right man right moment or two while marriage is the protection of category to love, and man has the authority, man learns love and respect for the woman from his parents, point three.His firstteachers him.We have our Lana's first my little brother, mother. Changes and manyof you may have learned directly but first of all, Mother.Father is the mother, man.By watching the little boy I watched his father, his father treats his mother well.But you my father.The little boy learns from his mother had a boy's attitude toward his mother often determines what he is going to be like with the woman.And our boys respect for a mother, right now, a little boy becausehis mother and his mother across Peru has learned as a little boy. He has learned that rock. He has learned from the breast that he has learned from his own mother.Respect for a woman herchores and our day a lot of people have not learned this from their mothers, and they have reverted to it.Animals.They have not learned that principle from their mother or their father when he was abused as a body, so he never saw the gentleness the tenderness that that exists between a man and a woman, and therefore he reacts to all of us. And he began his reaction is always an animal.Any animal will do. He is promiscuous, he's on a case with anything and everything that will have him happy.And he's an animal.And you may not get but I'll tell you something the communists have got it out as a part of their conspiracy. They like animalism among Americans. This is one reason why the communists, always like to run away from the parents they did it in China.They did it in Russia and North Koreais not permitted.Seven years old theywere vicious.They were responsible more homosexual than any people in the ancient world. The Spartans were homosexual or they were coolall influenced by not having a good relationship withfather.Father, mother takes a beating from what you call the old man.Your father beat the hell out of your Mother, where are you going to learn.The mother is the first teacher of all children male and female, daughter.She teaches her daughter, everything there is to know about life. This has taught over.Older women first teacher is the woman, but she has all the authority in the home and that's why there are no women.

That's why the teaching capacity does not belong to the woman, because the woman, all women have an instinct to teach, have the instinct thatI am the greatest teacher that men or women will ever have is the motherof all support and appreciation and love. Well,listen, doctors, the only thingmy father and my father.Early on, way it is really, every father.That'sso great. And butter as well. I find my there would be a time like except right here and cut off.That's why the boy. Wait.Right. Once he becomes a man.I never want a white woman, it's a different relationship, but I never reallyam forbidden human capital birth after birth at Packard Wielder medical safety not inquestion, why are more animals.Why does some man get mixed up right from the start?

So man has no respect for a woman, woman or a woman or because respect for a woman.In general,a lot of respect for a woman. Not at all.And when you're right that you have always been a gentleman. This gives you a great advantage.Like opportunities for happiness.I never saw a male, who had a bad attitude towards women, which will ever happen. Good luck with one hand.It isgreat.That's all. So, by the way, it was a better understandingthan long that lessonnever heard anything about it but it's here. But the client, even asked the question was he nucleated in the presence of the woman didn't have any parents, but Adam, recognize the principle that there has to be a leaving of Mother. Mother is the greatest painter of the Son, and the daughter.

The father said the man have advised security, the father provides protection that father also provides the father provides some training a lot of training for certain things, by, by the time a child is nine years old, most of the things in life are born, and the mother is a teacher.And if the mother is abused by the man. The mothers are not having the opportunity are passing on what makes a respect forgreater respect.AllI want three again man is first a little boy with a mother who teaches him to press on authority without spoiling for.There is love for womankind first. When a little boy can respect his mother.There is love for womankind first.When a little boy in love and respect his mother.Best gamble perspective, and training is right out of your God given authority, other divine institution number two.This gives him the man perspective and training to fulfil his right woman without abusing his god given authority under divine vision number two.

Point six was an application, mother, father and mother and father imagine first of all, he's the authority in the home, father and mother, point, six, it is the responsibility of parents to teach the child to become a gel, so that when you're the man.Why seven are gentlemen have respect for womankind.Find amale who does not have respect for a woman time is an animal.By being spiteful womankind might never be a hindrance. And therefore, there's a time when the man leaves, mother and father, or when he leaves he enters into a new greatest relationship obvious life. And it's described now.He leaves his father and his father and he shall cleave a shop, we suddenly have the word white here. There is no word for white from the Hebrew, we shallcover the word white everyone thinks that our wedding ceremony, walking down the aisles of X athletes, coaches. Here comes the bride stuff and pronouncing a lot of words and going through a lot of rehearsals and all the restof it is very simple. They simply made a record Jyotisha came and told the priests, a member of the private labour, and he wrote it down on a piece of paper and then crossed out butthings have really changed.The emphasis now is on a whole lot of ceremony and sonow for the word dobre plein air is the new relationship.Perfect, da badee da ba da ba.Ba baba is translated and almost any lexicon will give you a few things but they allcoalesce, add here, to the code.Putting something down like sexual intercourse or cohabitation. I mean there are a lot of things you can call it and make it clear thatI can give you four letter words and that's whatI think makes sense with a capital.That's exactly what it is.As you move into a relationship with Him first of all, but it's also up to the body. The bodies were designed for labto have some function faculty behind the brain back behind the back there.

You got some props going around and that's too much electricity.Allright, back, back here and then moved on into the body paragraph.Now please, doesn't meansexual relationship.That's a sign hasn'talways spouse. Whatever happened to have a littlewoman is still a woman.One of the same apples. There's a difference between the male body and the female body, and they weren't designed for each other.And this was a cow. Perfect.And by the way this is also important. Anything invasions by 31 the future active and negative of most colossalE R O S K, L, L, L is a Greek word, and the Greek uses for reasons of animals that nevertheless is way PA is face to face, and Collado effects.Alright translate some other goofy laughs.

I just got curious. I got to go over and take a look. I know he followed it upover here and joinme now from a patient's 531 but if God shall a man leave his father and mother. That's okay, and shall be joined unto his wife and they shall be one. Enjoy.That's something no animal could ever do face to face.I guess you get the idea now, please.Morning and had my own private chill.

Now, that he knewall conventional Old English trying.Right, this thing has gotten so strong, that a lot of women don't feel right when they have a piece of paper, they don't need a piece of paper. That's why below as far as writingthe piece of paper.Well conventionalitykids might not understand.But they didn't have all at the beginning.We go reason we need something like the Jews had a registry.Special postcards and supermarket.Isn't your legacydoesn't do that.And have a favouriteObiWan chain by always.All right, so very shallhe shall be intimately united decides to his woman and he and his woman.Perfect.Hi, on the count perfect doesn't tell me they have.They are and I shall belove.A carthat God made something was fantastic. And he vital the owner by estimating the block.Now verse, 25 is dedicated to those who have already crossed the threshold. want you to notice, this will again save a lot of questions, I was amazed at the number of people who are mixed up about these things, we get in the proper application as we come to it thatis not my first 25 and therefore we have

started their sex relationship as an expression right man white woman love, now they're going tomake. Now they wereputting clothes on. They never had any clothes.The first time ever,ever trieda browser, browsing around wearing them andthey were bothnakedwoman'slife.It's true.The Oh sh. This is in the hip. Al stampon MA in every request.Now,

that means to me.It means to be disappointed. And it should be translated, they were not on point. But it's stronger than that. They did not confuse or disappoint themselves.And why not, they call, they did not have any hang ups about their physical relationship.There was no such thing as a Burning Man and right nowwe're not, we're not at the point of anything to which they both agreedversions. Right.Rights de Sha.We're not.We've been here long enough, probably, along with some other things but we're earlyin the early service on the morning I just hope I'm awake.Oh, my God, the Holy Spirit of life.Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #3

3 03/05/1972 1Cor. 11:3–10a Short hair on a man; long hair is a veil for women; right woman completes her right man


God is alive, the dividing of the soul of the spirit in the mouth.

Proper correction, my instruction in life is that the amount of Study to show thyself approved man of God and work on that data is not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of morning. First Corinthians 11 Three. Anyway, our special three times today. First Corinthians 11:3. We're going to have to reorganize the whole doctrine, right, my right woman along the way. And that will come up at some time during thisearlier this morning. I haven't seen you since Friday night of the Word of God. Filing for asylum on the rebound. My father, better compression brains never hear the frame of creation. A man was never saying sent man is that his words are great, wonderful gifts. Principle of Iron Man right studies. Our reading at first three. But I would have to know that there would have been every man is cryinghe woman is the man and the enterprise, are prophesied, having this head covered this honour. But every one of our plans are properly covered, or that is even all one and then also be Shawn might be a shame for a woman this letter recovery.Recovery. On the woman. And then we have a parenthesis, beginning in verse eight, and going through verse 12 primary something was carrying on, although in the parenthesis we have our major doctrine. And the first way that a woman praying to God on cover does not even makea man out on a woman have long hair doesn't ever seem to be compassionate. We have no such confidence. Exactly, immediately in verse three when he says, I would act on purpose or intentionor purpose. Our attention is saying I'mhere forcentre contrast with the praise of verse two and verse two falls flat and I can remember being all over them for you. Now he says, Fine is a perfect vacuum infinity is a perfect man, however it does make mass perfect form when you use for the perfect man. In other words, something that has to be straightened out in the Corinthian congregation. Now, without going into too much detail the background for this proper legal and the local assessment. While women did not have half the world they did have a threat on screen and fire outside without some sort of a veil. And there were very many veils in thecourts. For people who were not permitted to wear them processes. They were called on being the centre of the Roman Empire and the other as a female side, were a male. And of course we have an event coming to church. Now I'm able to walk in with their hair offthe waitlist to get very upset with all these ladies wearing veil, because they were not following in general. And they were very critical, causing a lot of trouble for those who are part of the store doctrine or Bible doctrine resides as many times as many times, thatthere are thosewho are positive, those who have the lead, who attended the assembly. What is the problem. And what is the problem of anapproximation.It is in the first half of this chapter that we now find our next section of information on the subject, the right man right woman. In addition to that we are going to discover. Starting tonight from some very interesting old rock began was run by the principle of having a hat or a veil on the animal three basic principles of authority. The first of these, I of every man is Christ. The word for quite extensively in the next few verses, the Greek word looks like this.Okay EP H A L E. Now, the following means that the human body, and spirit where the spirit exists, but it also means superior. It refers tothe planes theplanes. The other factors which control anddictate the functions of the human body. So we have in this particular case, superior wagon ball, and the visitation that against when the thought that I had was superior way. Every course is the believer, male and female on air, keeps on being PokerStars, the Christ. A year ago and that was a year ago. Security Wang. He was the head of the church was just not a long dissertation on authority in the church authority in the field of white man, right on the relationship. Wow, this is a grasp of believers. This is one relationship that applies to leaders as well. However, this is the rest of the leavers recovering from the standpoint of adding Bible doctrine. Please. Every man is deep sobbing Christ and the superior life over the woman is being emphasized. Again, this is referring to Christ and hypostatic union. This is referring to Jesus Christ during this first half. God, this time referring to God the Father, God the Father, God so loved the world that he said, God the Father had the authority and had the way during the incarnation of Jesus Christ. And this is why I will never the last month by will, the will of Christ by the Father, the Father. Now the application is brought in to the function of the early church. This is not only true in this passage, but it is also true in Chapter 12 Chapter 14 Where prophesied was in function of the early content because all prophecy resides in the scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy is the Lord Jesus Christ, but two functions of the early church are used. Every man is used for a male believer class means every. This is everyone who was doing this at Omair this file with MERS to the male the labour and contracts and contracts, when the next verse we have. Now we have playing and profit over present accurate. The first one refers to intention prayer. As a part of a word. Now the second word. Both emphasize the Conference of the early church and assembly. The phrase Nike motto simple means they are perpetuated, down to the sign of worship. However, the proper time must come from the teaching of the Word of God. Participle of ankles, we have a series of participles, this is to get a dramatic leaping off the ball and having echo here doesn't mean a whole bunch. Woman, said the word had just come out, or the superior Wang but it now changes to his literal hair, and therefore to show that we are nottalking about it in the form of the following. Now it's the literal half the time, we can translate this every nobleman male their labour preying upon our present participle, but now you have the phrase down over literal head over your head. In other words, man. Over the woman and the bath is a short haired woman is submitted to man, long hair, and this is strictly a visitation on hair until we got through a breakfast here and then again.I never see a man wearing a hat. We're talking about talking about something a little funny. We're talking about a man having short hair, means he is the authority over the womanever seen a picture of the very famous fact the one who actually brought the German Empire together. The first German Empire. And the man that was that very famous. History Otto von Bismarck had a photograph or two and they always brought into history. Wehold on, hold on. Short, short here. Look at that, you just right you just coming over right here.It is thinking.Every man has a choice by whatever comes through the Senate. And in the ancient world. So for many, many centuries. Fibre is also taken out. Every man has hat on his head. Obviously, he is covered over by the way. Every man has a slot. God man. God's grace. Now I want you to dorecognitionfor Friday night before salvation. God provided right man right promises is an expression of God's grace to the human race.And then the sign, eternal salvation. You missed the boat right you can't miss the boat.When you really could drop it off right now, you've really got a miserable time. The blue bars are maximum demonstrations of God's grace, showing his recognition of God's grace of God. You say the last visit for the unbeliever the believer can understand this doctrine, let me tell you something, does not. All right, time in which people live interviews are long. Someone else was cut off. And there was nothing wrong with. A principle by which they all want to hear something on it on are prophesied having something down over his headup and down.Long hair in America. I passed check this morning. Thanks to mine, Barbara, thank you bye Marlin.When the air comes out, you take your hair and start the crown of the head and Coleman straightforward. It comes down over theveil. That's exactly the way you can't find bail here because it's just a brief and not a bail, his hairout over your chest, that's so vague.So, you have a sound you're known, you're a woman and we put a board, correct immediately.All of our withdraw fromthe principal is our last actual process down over the head over the head over the head.By the way, looks like a guyover the head.Yes.Who is the aggressor and just what happens as the violence. When's the last time you confessed failure in this field,says the head of a woman is dividedis a sign, you think that hair does something well today, are considered to have no hair, our society, Aaron a woman is a sign of you rock, but most of the most beautiful things, but not everplaceto be the quintessence of beauty. Ever hair is adored that hair on a woman's head is the heart of a woman.And the only time a woman's hair is not half point fail, or some other monstrosity coveringthe OSI reference.Right.Josh shorthair is a bad for right man. Long hair for bad for right. And we have right here in the green, why he has long hair and hair. When it comes straight forward, look like a pass later.You can comb your hair from the crowd head straight down and go over your face like a veil.Now we have three or four barbers.They all these events on the side.What do I have to do fibers all had to go back and learn how to finger wave, our hair SAP, how to how to trim, all that kind of stuff, and the old time fibers.Now,this is the mail.Dropping down over and over his head, his long hair. Now listen to this. He honours his folly, he has something down along over his cup follies, I love this humor here is hard to catch caught.Now route over the literal hair, and he just honors his hair far away and watches Cabbalists. His head is real and his hair down over his head and he just honors, is he. This is what we call a thought, animation, and again, it is so funny in the Greek, we can't believe it ever will serve a nation with a using the same word that the same word means to them with the ball. The policies superior product or Folly is hearing about over the little head of a man wearing a veil, he's growing his own veil. And it's a disgrace. You can even play if you're heavy, you play basketball and football and serve in Congress, and obey, with Paramountpartners, participate, you can't even be a part of this, you realize that your parents cannot be handed down your hands down over your hand. You say what's wrong with me, it's not that there's something wrong with my hair.But what's the problem, the problem position and the solecondition it was soit says he dishonoured the present active ambiguity of cod ice KunoII FCH JU and o con iceberg Southcott High School, means to disgrace or dishonor.I like this grace here because it brings into the English. God has provided the right woman, man, and his failure to appreciate this, This Grace's grace.So it keeps on dishonouring is our priorities have fallen in my last time here for a garden by every nobleman male believer, praying or prophesied, having something down over his head, long hair. This honors his authority, we just honors his authority over the woman but he's really dishonouring Jesus Christ, who it was Friday night actually designed the woman. Jesus Christ wasthe one who went to the cross and died for your sins is the same one.And he gave warmer hurts.Now, this man has rejected. Right. He has rejected right woman as we have seen last Sunday morning and homosexuality. He has rejected this and some bestiality or masturbation or fornication.He has rejected the principle of rightnow, in verse five, let's jump over at the other side and see it from the standpoint of a woman who actually was dealing with a problem. The problem has to do there are two Grace's being attacked.Both of them are being attacked in different ways the grace of right man right woman. See, when God designed right man right woman no one ever heard that or deserve that you can't burn or deserve your right man and you're right. It's a matter of God's grace.You can earn our deserves some members of the human race, latch on to what God has provided and some do not, do the right man right woman in the field of salvations,every woman. Now we go over the other side of the mapsessay.I really didn't like the Greek word but woman.It's a four letter word Guney, where we get gynecol like Hebrew is shot by doing a is just rolling doesn't quite ring a bell but that's the way it is. There is one other word we'll see later on Airlie woman, and we have a gap cross you can buy a profit tool, and that is prayer the prophecy uncovered.Now we have a word that we must stop and examine this is a very rare word in the New Testament, it's quite well known in adding Greek, and in the transition. This is the feminine singular instrumental case of HakataproductAmin's negative contra means down again Khaleel cost means hidden something.And now we'll see this without the awkward he's hidden and down here is our veil. This is the veil that goes over the feminine face and the hair Amin's not to have a veil.But here Paul is using it. You see he has already the meaning of a word is determined by its contact and Paul has already set up a proper animation, whereby the man doesn't wear a hat. He wears hair, and the woman doesn't wear a veil. She wears her hair, but he's going to get the legalists all nodding and then he'll finally tell Silva, way down.The woman.All of you legalists have been agreeing with everything I've said and now you'll make us criticize these dogs because they have come in with our where your mail their mailthat's the big question. This is a very humorous passage of the hour. Normally, there really shows you how funny it is.Sometimes it cannot be appreciate. I even struggle at this hour the last five chuckling.But this is really funny because here's Paul, he's going to get an amen, amen, amen. And then guess what, then he strikers,with overfivehours just went through the fastwe move forward.But it doesn't quite cover allright.We have timefor one and a half, because they are properly trained by their mother to be properly, that their mother and father with the proper, they've been wearing hats.And so we have to account for the fact that occasionally we do get.But the glory and the glory of the Lord was overtly demonstrated in two ways.A man having short hair, a record of having lastfall, when we get down to the cost of 85 bucksevery month, prophesied.On the delay withthis Honourable President active duty, butwe just have calm eyes. In other words, the words are first of all, there's a lot of bass here.Now Paul has a lot of repeating verses Emily's disgracing her hand now this time it's her literal hair. The woman's head is covered with hair, we already know from the hair on a woman's water, and the right man is a sign of her divine design, God designed the body of the woman designed the hair of the woman definitely resigned to the law, that's a sign of submission. That's a sign of recognition of God's grace, that person recognizes like God.Just as the man and a woman go to the community to recognize that God provided themselves. So the woman wears long hair and demand to recognize what God providedwrong before a man.Right Man right woman was the divine.Therefore the veil is the woman's hair which is a sign of versus both to God and to her right man.By the downs a woman's hair must be lost just as a man.And in this way, recognize not only God's grace but with the principle have established already the legal answer about it. If a woman has failed.But they fail to recognize,but they already have something that comes down over uses the same word for the woman something that comes down over, and that's our woman who has long hair. Our hair I guess they just go.They coveredthat nature is provided. That' why it's not.There's a difference between a man's body and a woman's body.But every woman's brain the problem inside my head I'm male. This actually was going to kill this segment.This honor.Because you fail to recognize God for a category to rely on it is one and the same as having been shamed. It is in his present activity Makeba doesn't even live as if that was true.It's actually an analogy here, who was shave in the ancient world,very aware of that because it doesn't happen at all except the province. Someone in the Gulf and Roman Empire in general.Now, every woman rang and prophesied with a head on his autism category board is one of them as having been the worst shape is a perfect passive participle OPSEU Rafo looks like this, see if you are a home, and the perfect task permanently shared with the result of this great passive voice, apparently no one ever own free will.But never shavedmy mind.

They finally cut it off I crackedit.I guess I got rid of it.Quite a sweat. I used a product research on Amazon and advertising onAmazon.Well, with a conscious goal here having.Alright,let'ssay it's just too early but this time.Now the issue is not a past.The doctor right mad right now you're familiar with the doctor. Remember the doctrine is a manifestation of God's grace.It's a great stock when women were shaved. It was a sign of the spring. This was definitely going to take some time for whole slaves amazing females lay around away she would shave around away a second time.But grimness were critical a female slaves would havebeen in the process of clarifying the criticism, and also adding some principles of profit with regard to ride man right. I have, or the rails is a woman's hair. And as long as the woman talks with her hair.She's all right and this is what the point is.This is a little over, they're all amen, amen. When it gets around the fact that they have professors really going to care about veils and balls they realize that the other women who have Catholic Church does not have they over half African slaves are for slavery. They were not permitted to him. This is basically the agreement from the league, and that he will lower the room and by the time we get there we will have also learned from other things about the rock and the right man right. In addition to the fact that hair on the man said, and I'm also working on this gift of God's grace, and God put in there for a purpose.The laws of nature is like God. God does something very interesting to us, the concentration of hair on the human body is on my head, or other types of hair on the body, the concentration.This is something that no one can change.It always happens that way.No matter what's different, so maybe in personality.In anyIndian for example you might have hair under.This is true of all races, all people, all kinds of people all kinds of personalities. The hair on my head isvery rarely, child.AlbertCamus is a first class condition. For him the woman may not cover. And this means it's caught up on the list. Cross offIn other words their hair down over her face like to work okay.So all the hair of a woman has to beoverheard a woman does not male herself and this is the way that the legalists understand what he is saying and attractive a woman.Here is called sanctified sorry, with the Lakers nodding their head of federal veil, getting ready to reminisce Trump because he is talking about the hair on a woman's head. As a matter of fact, we will get quite a dissertation on this. He says we have to shave it off later this year. A debater's technique, as well as sarcasm, Cairo Aaron's little embarrassed. None of these legal us would want their right woman having her hair shaved.

And they would not be in exactly in France. We have all of our hairthat here's that's exactly what you're saying.

And the women who are listening to Paul's dissertation being read by this the last man of legalism and certainly last fall as the Bible says that the woman is not uncovered.They say it was uncovered and self-aware of as the only way a woman could come to church and be uncoveredis teaching software in such a way that the legal us will not pick it up a little further down the sarcasm is completed at the end of verse six, says, Here is the visa process, which reverses the sarcasm, was the first last condition there is no verb.Visa ice cross MVCarrests.By MVC.We have another word now all you haveto, words are yours, there's a slight difference between why it means to take some kind of a knife or cut or cut your hair right now for the scalp, and the other means to use the edge.The second word is wrong. So both words are yousee you are.Both words are used. Both of these words are inthe middle of payroll, all lost. And they've been in the presence of adecent for a woman to have her hair cut off tomorrow.Up and Tamika lives north of illegal listen to the veil, where a halfas horrible explained.Her hair is her, let her wear her hair along for him a woman does not fail herself shaver decent for a woman to have her hair cut off or shaved heads, believe it or not, to bail her with her hair, which is a sign of her submission.Right Man, and for no one else.Now verse seven, is the man of the dog not to cover his hair. Again, on Eric, noble, where this is addressed to relievers on man and they know this isa very strong way to present it that they can eat.You,as the capacity for a man ought not to fail is half the words covered.Ross konica Leto says right here. A man should never have long hair product which hides the face when it's time to hide.In other words, it comes to me, but it is yours, or anything falling over the head.Our man ought not to fail, which means a man out there alone enough to cover asmuch as is not found in there it's more indeed a man ought not to cover down his face.He exists, He is present active participle or who borrow, which takes us back to our study on Thursday and Friday. Mubarak, he is but he exists.Even though man is smaller, even though man is. Even though man has the same nature man exists resin is the participle, the image and glory of God, and to do with your soul, as the name for my hand of God the essence of Esau, and glory, has to do with the fact that even though man has a certain nature he can still glorify God in regenerate state, we do Bible Dr growing here refers to the edification cost right.So on the inside. There's something in the soul that glorifies God on the outside or something that glorifiesthe woman doing an again, the male species. Now instead of our soul, we have to exist.Here's the contract, we I am onvery strong because she is under authority so if a man is the authority, who is under the authority of a right man. I am the issue. She gets on the glory of the man, the man has a magnification complex that glorifies God something and he saw a soul and a body, which is the glory of the man beside the hair on their head. He don't cry or the OCA indication that the right moment. I have a response to the right now.As a recognition of God's grace that is God's grace for any believer has an adaptation. Right. It is also God's grace when a believer has the right woman, and this is the principle now in verse seven, more than the man ought not to fail. Is that his go along here is the veil here, existing as the image and glory of God. There are two reasons now for a man to have short hair. One is because of recognizing the authority of God and to the cause he recognizes God has given him the authority over his right woman for need a man ought not to go long hair so as to act as a veil coming down over the head, existing as the image and glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. Okay, now this is where we stop and get a parenthesis, the parenthesis is verses eight through 12 and as we began the parenthesis we learned some new things about the doctrine or right man and right woman. We're going to find that things are not as they often appear. All right, this is a parenthesis so marking the father of verse seven is continued in verse 13 we have a command discerning yourself. You see, verse seven says going to eat a man ought not to bail his head with long hair, existing in the image of the glory of God. But the woman is the glory of the man. Sure. Discern in yourselves, is it. Robert, that a woman prey on the daughter uncovered doesn't nature teach you that her long hair is recovering and does not major, that's this first event, but does not major teach you that if a man have long hair, it's a disgrace.

So you see,we have we're taken down to a point, a higher point verses three through six through seven, excuse me, 12 are a private system, add more doctrine, to the right man, right woman, some of the darker we're going to find in the Old Testament. Very interesting. And then on the other side verses 13 through their sexual. This course is completed for Vegas. That's commemorates the grace of God and salvation, just dawned on the man with a woman from Emirates with grace of God in the line provision arrived mad right course. This does not mean or some people seem to go to extremes that a woman that never taught her hair, or that a woman must wear and tear down to her ankles or something of this sort, her hair only has to be long enough so when she takes the test. It'll come down software here and accurate. Now, there are some exceptions to that, as women, older women, and so on their rise man as they are now in the future. And every older woman is a bi, the drill instructors are the rounder women that's taken off the camera here, but that's another story. So if you are a little nervous this morning, perhaps on Wednesday. And by the way, I think some of the guys spent the night. As you get it over and over. That's not in your business privacy maganda prophecies, the explanation of the woman as the glory of the man. All those impossible for the woman to be the glory of a man handle responded to the man, and for the man to be the ruler over the woman right man right woman relationship, and yet man is born of what I first say, one of a man is not of a woman, but a woman on demand. All right, this is where we began with what we studied, Thursday and Friday is a technical explanation. To start a parenthesis, as a gift and amplification, what we had for this course on the hair is interrupted. For a more detailed explanation why does a man have GA see this parenthesis tells a bra. Why does the man report here, why does the woman wear along here, in recognition of the grace of God, and the first great gift that Jesus Christ face of the human race. The first step, Jesus Christ gave a woman, the man, the second gift he gave himself for the human race on the problems, or the man on air without the method article. This was great emphasis to on air is not active as negative as it was the 90s era now where you do you have in your English, of the moment was for Jonathan singular and gourmet and again are these singular entities with acne out from the source of ambition or man is not from the source of romance. This is a reference to a written creation, and as I showed you Friday night, there was a long lasting. Man span for half years in the show.

Man is not out from the source. Woman refereed articles all emphasis on request for here. And now we have a true conjunction, not a particle, but a true conductor, and all conjunction of contrast and it states that in contrast to the intellect, negative statement for man is not from the source of woman, but there are no definite articles but, Walmart, gourmet, which refers to each shop, and remember there's a difference. Man was called. Let's do it this way. Ha, ha, a resume and racist called but haha Roberts, first of all, and he's called out until he never comes along, and then he's called essays, because he made her by watching her, just follow her creation, and he called here shop, and from that time on, he became, he, he saw the relationship. He was called off until Jesus Christ actually formed a woman, and then she was, he shot because she was at from him. Remember lock cat. He was the Jesus Christ violently took, he shot out of each the whereabouts, and therefore he shot in all over glory comes back, five, and this time it's patient. Isha and by the way, the man is the initiator, but the woman is a response and I'm so grateful to her response to that because that's the bronze. A man or man. It's just for a man is not out from the source of woman, woman. He shops out from the shores of man. We are PacWest agenda diva.EJ.A and E x cross on it again this is verse eight in the parenthesis tells us something. Why this man, the balling. Why does man have short hair, he existed first. And the woman was taken out from the land. Now, there's another reason for that. This is goodbye to evolution. Follow us. And Laura created the beautiful one. You know, a male from a female. The male line as all my hair, no differencebetween the animal world, females, and the animal world, I'm not sure about her pathology, but I'm sure that everything in the mail that's always has the plumage. All birds easy to spot. It's the lion, the beautiful lion was always a beautiful one human race is a female who had won a man price becauseI've seen this when I pull up a private guy. That's what he is. He's an animal. Human being bothered as they really are to get money for him, but he just can't get around that. Holdon, he really tries to be the prize. They won't even dog food is real. But what is tracking. Right. All right. All right, man is not out from the source of this not only states the order of creation, but the order of right man, right,the point of origin. Now in verse nine. Neither was the man created for the woman by the woman for the man, following it I think is so messed up and by the way, I've already stuffed the translator, behind the walls of a monastery, he found that he had thrown a cage. At a woman. He had never even seen a woman since he had left his home, and therefore he didn't know anything about women, to really master that much at all. All right, first nine meter is the Greek word Oosterdam and remember, is a strong negative, or your strongest negative outside of double negatives, which are stronger and as a great product. All right, first, not literally not was created was not created as an Eric passie that they could either potential was I Ico, we're still talking about original creation. Also, man was not created now get this, remember, not for the woman by video frosty accusative of Goonies. The last verse, we had gooney and lagenda. Now we have d Ay ay ay ay ay do cross gunay M the accusative and D are first the accusative case means. Not for now I get this far also man was not created because I here's another reason for Man to have short hair, man was not created they call something a woman.God,they cause the man. The man was not created because of woman, the cause and the man was created because the man, the man was called alive for X number of years. And the woman was created because of a man. Therefore, nature puts the mask on males and females shorthand for the man, long hair for the woman. She was created for him whatever he likes to join us Americans. He makes up at a facade of about, that man is usually short here, the ruler the authority,brought in complete a general may be a general but he's incomplete without a brigade, without a division without a core without an army. Second Lieutenant is incomplete, the amount of man, wearing red up here. To complete without a shop, and so God did a very humorous way he put along here, the woman to remind man look your hair may be short brother, but it could be implemented side, long hair and the woman. He was made because she completely. And so while you have the authority over her. You are nothing less. Because she has short, a little short on hair to remind you that you're a little short. No, God. God's grace package everything in your rifle range matches. Alright, first-hand, and I know we're running over shortmy hair shorter first-hand. For this cause they are blasting a doozy for the third time because of this, on, on, there's an active indicative again, of all failed strong verb or obligation. All PHP strong verb obligated. Because of this, They want to have authority upon the head because of the injury of the woman hey go off to have active infinity vertical with a pharaoh you have eco chic on demands and infinity on the infinity this present on the hub as a whole. Now, after having hold one power. There's no denying that there is a certain type of power and a woman that has a right to sue car refers not to a power at all it's always mistranslated it's OCR is authority. Easy Oh us Hi, and it's always yours and Grace Principle that is used here for right man, right, that is used as John 112 for salvation. But as many as received him to them gave you the power, the authority to become the sons of God, which, as soon as you have been given salvation at UCR to become sons of God, children of God. And the woman. This is always a great procedure. Because of this, because the woman was designed for right man, because of category to love the Man has authority over the woman, because the woman is an empty vessel designed to respond to the right man. Because this woman therefore ought to wear the badge of her design, her designed by God. Because of this, ought to have authority the woman ought to have authority.Epi means the folly of course, this was on her literal upon the head. Now, upon is a preposition fabricated right on top. She often wear a badge of authority on her head, who's theauthority. Man is the Cabbalists and therefore, the woman's cup falling is covered with the sign that the man is her authority. So her body has failed with long hair. This the following is short, to show that he is the falling over the woman that's all very laughing. I understand. Because of this, now a woman ought to have a man's authority upon the head, because now what does that mean, now we're going to have to stop because of the angles is a good place to stop. And you can catch your breath and if you want to come back with a second service, and find out the cause of one and go cry where now their heads bowed their eyes closed.

Someone came here this morning was not personally believe in Jesus Christ was not personally received him sad, right when you said right now, you can become the possessor of eternal life penalizes yours by an act of personal faith and they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, about Calvin saying, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. These are remnants from I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that they might have life and we realize that right where you said right now. And you realize right now that we have asked you to bog your heads and close your eyes for one reason to give you perfect privacy. Privacy. Now you have privacy. And in the privacy of your soul, you're going to express the Godfather, in your own life. Your personal faith in Jesus Christ. And the moment you are the possessor upon the Lord Jesus Christ, with our heads bowed, rise person and ask for anything and also lead usthe grace of God to bring salvation to every man. Thank you Father that was saved by grace of ourselves, the gift of God Not of works,you're probably only this morning in another way, but we demand at the grace of God. Right Man rightwoman. The principle of long and short here. Thank you for the morning, everyone within earshot, just latch on to the grace of God so they can manifest, and they're alive.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #4

4 03/05/1972 1Cor. 11:10b 12; Gen. 6:1–9 Man and divine institutions #1 and #3; angelic envy and infiltration; right man training under his mother


Before they go on and answer and while they are yet speaking I will call upon me and I will answer the answer the great and mighty things we found out was not all things whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive. After he shall receive so you can easily find, knock and it shall be open for everyone to receive it and he will find it to him that knocked it shall be open your mind and Me and My words abide in you, he shall ask but forgive us our exams to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. All of these passages are designed to bring us to the point of prayer. Prayer is designed to remind us that we are creatures that Jesus Christ is our Creator that Jesus Christ brought man into this world. The first man who was a genius was perfect in a human way as far as human perfection could exist, but he was still a creature, and still had all of man's limitations, the first of his limitations we have been studying, and a special series which began Thursday night. Continued Friday night and in the early morning server. We are now on the fourth of this series. Man is a creature. Miam started out as a fantastic creature but still a creature, man, as a creature is limited, and there never will be. And there never was a time when the creature is greater than the Creator, are can exceed the Creator, or doesn't need the Creator. As members of the human race. Our need of God is absolutely totally fantastic. And in 1000s of words. All of this has been written for us, and the Word of God. And we now have reserve for us in writing, and doctors in mind suppose promises passage which remind us of why they look sad when he cried what is man of our mind below him, or the son of man that You visit. The fact that God pays any attention to us at all, is the greatest of all Vailima, and he has an he will therefore understand and appreciate that Jesus Christ, who provided the right, Romans, For the right man, perhaps, 1000 years before he even promised and Bauer was revered before he provided salvation. In the same God who had provided for us the basis of gathering ourselves around the word of God and assimilating Bible. This assimilation again depends upon God, depends upon the Creator Jesus Christ and not the creature. Our human eyes to our human first capacity. Our human ability is finite, totally incapable of comprehending the infinite. The only way we can comprehend the Infinite is more provision to find the infinite and alive and eternal God the Holy Spirit and dwells, having assembled this morning as believers were enthralled by the Holy Spirit, to understand the passage to be more than any portion of the Word of God, that is necessary to be filled with was that they felt that the spirit was fast accomplished and silent prayer, utilizing that privacy on a rebound pad map on before we began our study, this morning, and I feel moments are devoted to silent prayer.

There is no way father that we as creatures can appreciate, evaluate our relationships, except to summarize and the word grace would come out so many principles whereby you have found the work was done to providing you have done everything necessary for us to benefit in time. My God, the Holy Spirit continues to enlighten us with regard to this benefit as a great source of happiness, which we are setting and will continue to do so it matters to God the Holy Spirit not only enlightened us, but fulfil his ministry, and glorifying Jesus Christ. No matter what the subject. Everything we read everything we study, we assimilate the mind of Christ. About Me asked my blessing upon our partnership and the words, and our feeding upon this manna from heaven. Christ. First Corinthians chapter 11 contented. Satisfied morning on the early service. We saw a friend, a great friend for Bible rock that God has designed a bag and recognition of a principle right man, and right, and that this by address, short hair, on demand, and long hair of the woman. It is God's way of recognizing from the very beginning of man on the earth, from the point of creation of Homo sapiens, it was recognized that the man is the head of the body, the woman and the woman is the response. The man is incomplete, and the woman complains that man as the head fills the woman he completes that woman receives the smile from the body of Adam. And she comes back and completes him again. Now we are studying our problem. There are two Grace Problems. First Corinthians 11. The two greatest great principles in history are brought together in one chapter. The first great grace class for God has provided in eternity pass by the mind designed by create right man. All right. One right man for one right Rama, Rama right ramen for one right. This is a grace provision, which is neither nor deserve man with the greatest genius who ever lived, but never on his own, have devised such a thing as a matter of fact, when man was in the garden, and was actually categorizing the various creatures and woman has not appeared upon the same except that her soul was a resident in an incubator and Adam, and her body was the extra risk that Adam. Adam could not even the greatest of his imagination by a creek to satisfy the longing of your soul, and the desires of your body want God's walking demonstration of grace. We often think of the cross as grapes and that is very true. But every time you birdwatchers see a woman walking down Main Street. You are looking at a manifestation of God that Roman was designed for a man. That woman is the man in every way, is perfect designed everything that one man could ever dream. We can satisfy, everything that his soul longs for everything that his body desires. Cheers the completion of cheers. But that's a God's grace is her hair. And therefore, her hair is longer than the man. On the other hand, we have another problem of grace. These things were being abused legalists had said, they might have to wear hats, now it's proper for womento wear hats, under certain circumstances, but it is actually out of line for women to wear hats and because they have covers the sign of her submission. It is a sign of rebellion, for a woman to wear a hat. Because a woman's hair is the sign of recognition is the sign of authority. Therefore, the legalists were saying women must wear hats but in those days. They were saying women have to wear veils. Now certain rebels could not wear veils because they were slaves, either slaves, No prostitutes were permitted to welfare. And therefore, we have prostitutes. Coming to the church because after all, many of the ladies and clients would have been, or were processing. In addition to that there were many slaves. And they were also coming and they could not wear veils, they did not possess veils, if they did wear veils they would be jailed upon coming, or the person we're pulling in. And that's the basis for the first 16 verses in this chapter. The last has to do with coming to the Lord's Table in a state of any abrasion. That is installed. Drop mirage. Whenever you are alive. This is an abuse of the other Grace principle which is the cause. Some of you today are wearing across as a sign of great, but you ladies are wearing long hair and that's a sign of grace, long hair. The cross of the two Ambrose is God's grace, the grace for Christ, provided salvation. He had to give himself there, but Jesus Christ has not given himself in the first great fashion. He gave the man. He shot. Now we have been studying this for a complimentary third session versus before, and we have already gone all the way from verse three, down to the end, first-hand, where we have that brace because of the angle. And as I look about I see that several of you did not get up early enough to be here for the early service. And since this is a continuation of that. Let's go back and redo starting in verse three, just the translation, and the literal Greek translation. First Corinthians 11 Three says laterally now. I am tempted to have you know that the head and the fall a head is used for superior way. Every noble. That is believer is Christ. That's the beginning of verse three. Every level is headed up. Jesus Christ is the head now that first three, I am happy to know that their head. The falling off every nobleman everybody heard this price. And then the passage goes on to say, I am the head or superior way of remembering the man over the head or the superior rank on the incarnate Christ, the God that is the father, the second verse is verse four, which says every normal male believer, playing or prophecy. Having something down over his head literally having something down over his head, his long hair. This hair when he comes in power goes over his head and acts as a male. Having something down over his head in his hair is honors is the following his authority has authority over the woman who not only gets honors for women run by his long hair, but he gets honors the symbol of the grace of God. Then in verse five, we go to the woman, but every woman's praying and prophesied functioning in the local church with a head veil unveil. Now my head unveiled it, having your hair shaved off, but he is going to lead us to agree with him at this point because they think he's talking about America, and now all these bully leaders are tyrannical relievers self-righteous believers in the curriculum assembly, are you ready for your right call that's actually what women should ever come in the overall sales, even as some lead to a safe event, women should not enter a search for our path, and there are local churches where a woman is not permitted to enter unless she's wearing some kind of a hat, which is very ludicrous because women are aware of the fact that their submission,which is their hair. And what Paul is really saying is a woman never come to church with it. But he's saying that a woman should never come to church for about a half sermon every woman praying and prophesied, with the head unveil the head shaved dishonors her head, assign a category to love more, it is one of the same as if she had been She is just like a womanwith her. With rising shoes in other words, it's like a woman walked in here right now with her headacross a white shirt, the manners here are excellent people generally do not to stare at other people to do otherwise. I've seen people stand in the aisles for a couple of minutes because people will simply not privacy. Very, very good man. I dare say that of a woman paraded from right to left, my right to left pour from your right to left around any one of the, there would not be a person here who has not been God and some would be rising slightly out of it. That is the way a woman should never come. That's what Paul is saying, but that the believers do not know it, because he is using a nice bale of sarcasm to cover the legalist do not realize that Paul is not talking about half surveyan Raul is talking about a woman. A woman's hair is her recognition, long hair and a woman is recognition of the grace of God, short hair and the recognition of grace of God, short hair and long hair the woman's recognition of their role in what God has designed through grace. Shall we read and first sex, a literal translation for if a woman does not fail or herself, that is have long hair shaver. And you can see the Lakers getting their razorsor their nail clippers Mandisa for a woman to have her hair cut off orfailing her failing me for her to have long hair, or salmon, of course goes on to the application, or indeed, a man on bail was had a man ought not to grow long hair and his hair is failed as we saw in the early service. When you comment straight down it goes down over his nose or his mouth and looks like a fancy face,or you can just call it their back. That's the wrong. I don't know about overhead for a date a man ought not to fail by hand that is roll on here this tape reverse markingexisting as the image from the glory of God. God for a woman is the glory of the man, and then we began a parenthesis we break in at in the parenthesis we have already studied two of these verses for man is not from the source of water. See we have already studied on Friday night there was a man was created first, and that he went to the zoo for 100 years. And the Lord, the Lord brought in the elephants and we call that an elephant anybody really caught it, we don't know what language, and he doesn't have a baseball cap, married, as one can develop it now, apparently he just started with a full blown vocabulary and maximum, as he watched everything that came in, watch the birds from me watching animals from me watch everything from the Lord and bring the senior seminar call that I know I'm going to call that a lie I got a call after a beat. And I, by the way, remember that in the animal kingdom, there may always have the male always remain the male but good luck and why not. The female is not with just the opposite. Mankind is the woman who is beautiful. It is the woman who has blonde hair again, short hair, man has the authority. Man is incomplete without the woman, the woman fulfils the man. This is a gift from God. But like every gift of God in the pantheon human volition, and both salvation depending upon human volition, and give the right man right woman, it still depends upon some semester votes on demand for a man is not out from the source of woman but woman out from the source of man. Also verse nine, random verse not created because of a woman. Woman the cause of a man literally now that you are producers are simply have to get it off for you. If you were not hearing it first-hand. We were almost finished with this first-hand says, For this cause readily because of this process, because the woman was designed for her wife man, the cause and category to live man has the authority over a woman, because the woman here's an athlete graphic designed to be filled by the man therefore designed to respond to the man they call so this woman often wear the badge of God's design that is actually the man of God's grace. They call this the woman asked to have the man's authority upon her head. What is the man's authority. The man's authority was her long hair, by the way a woman's long hair is beautiful. Now, we have to be careful, we have to be somewhat reasonable because some of you women may stop cutting your hair and that's a part of the picture in addition to the door of a board please are listening, the other. There has to be longer than the man, in some cases that's no problem. There has to be a long amount so that when a woman at least Congress forward from the crown of her head, it's called authority with some doubt over her nose. And as far as a veil over her nose or over her mouth has to be that it's the women who are drill instructors and those are the older women who were younger, when we have already covered this information, and an older woman by the way looks better with short hair given notice. If a woman has long hair when she's older like a young girl in her team. She looks like a crow. She looks like something out of Macbeth. Violent trouble in the bathroom. So when a woman gets older, she has a right to her shorter hair because she has now a drill instructor to train the younger women. All right. Because of this, the woman ought to have authority man's authority upon the head, because the woman who came from the hands of Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ Job said the feminine body. It was so fantastic that not only going out of left hand corner in shop. She's going to complete the imH now and CG shop, but they wanted. This is brought out later on in Genesis six. They really were turned on by a woman and a woman says, this fan, because the major. One of the long hair says I've been wrong to one man. One man.God has designed for me. One man. My life man, whose is are the same species, but different times, the whole thing started last time, and their sexuality died and all the rest of the work. Robin says when there are long hair. I recognize the grace of God who has given to me a man. I am an empty vessel without this man there was only one man that can fulfil me there is only one man that can turn me into a true woman, there's some man with my glory. Not me, not a dog, not another robot.Not so wrong man pseudo law. Now this is an awesome God ladies. Now a lot of men running around and when you are selling, and you'rejust about there was a time in your life when almost anything that were proud. Looks good. And you theoretically get over that. But there are always a bunch of man that you see here and there, you're going to see some habits of practice for one reason or another, that isn't right, you're wearing long hair, you are not at the disposal of any man who is attracted to you. There is only one man who is your right man and that's it, period, over and out and out of the whole mass of people in the human race. There may be a lot of attractive. The dumber, you are the more men are attracted the smarter you are the fewer man, attractive, but there is only one man that can turn you on the burning are First Corinthians seven just doesn't make you burn and burn and burn about one man was designed by God with a grace. And if you get any other man, you had it. We're gonna see some positive right you can't believe starting tonight from the Old Testament. You won't even find this stuff in the lesson I will be in it. And then of course we'll, we'll have the great Brian versus revolt from tonight, and drop buddy frozen during the Great Paramus, probably out of time.Now, follow your friends may not be here today and alcohol mentally. That's the orders I leave behind. Answer the phone. With Napa common see everybody can stand up about a borrower body I joined to my Federation or Viper masters.Now, if you understand this lady. There's no reason for you to have the price cut,then there's no reason for you to wear your hair because the guy, like the guys are not your guy. You've got one,not two, not five, not 10. Anything over 10 toone can make you happy.And the world are really wide as rolling out, and he was a gift from God. And if you're an unbeliever woman here today, there's only one thing in the world that can make you so happy. That's what happens is that even dreams are so great, until it finally never.Never. And when I learned this right manwas inclined to marry again.I talked to a woman I'm California and I log off, and this woman said to me, mentioning the name of her husband.She said, phalluses.My life is different, there never is there never will be another man in my life.Just going live, and never willingto move the habit of finding, and living with her right.And it's not just sex its soul and the body Cuffley target, and remember this.Destroy, or perverted sex is a kit from God. When man was created.I am logged in for salvation with a gift from God, and the price of man I have them all sent to me for potential reality. Oh, this story has been served as a gift from God goes beyond reform and is still in existence.Now, a woman wears her hair, law, as a reminder to the angelic creation as well as human rights, that she is designed for one man.Just one.I have no one else will do.And anytime there is a distortion on the head. It also reflects itself in the present, because you're seeing God, man.A design See that's why the woman is BA and the man whose job is designed. But generally speaking, the shape of the man sculpt is different from the woman. I learned that in anthropology, not just in science. But another reason.A lot of you women have funny shapes.You're the man.The man might have a well-shaped skull and shorts on a man is meaningless.Must be short, to demonstrate on a woman, longer than a man to demonstrate life man right woman now, what does it mean because of the angel BFRC accusative upon glossajg Mrs Fonda lost.The cause of this, the woman ought to have authority, the man's authority upon her head because of the angels why.Well, we got our first clue in Genesis six one through nine, where the angels flipped over. The woman. And when there were a lot of extra woman women running around at one time the angels are trying to get into the picture because Satan saw. At that time the angels have the capability of cohabitation belongs apparently to every form of creation, which belongs in the angelic realm.But remember this.Cohabitationsearch so the angelic ROM was not designed to reproduce anything. We do not know whether angels were all created at one time all billion or 2 billion, or whether they any questions.I don't know,we all know, we can get one clue about it, it's possible to have sex and not propagate the human race because you're seeing man had sex, let's say, for 1000 years, while he was in the garden, and no children. And yet, both the male and the female were designed as they are today, except no children.

So apparently the angels in Genesis six when they invented. They have such capabilities with us, without reproduction.But we know another thing that can be angelic infiltration of the human race. They were able to produce, because children were produced, and these are the great superheroes of the ancient world.Bolivar was one of these heroes Achilles was one of these heroes, Orpheus Castor and Pollux. All of these masks are said to be quite dark. But be that as made angelic creatures infiltrated the human race.They all make they trust women withthis indicates that somewhere along the line, the women were wearing their hair to the shark and not recognize what God had provided and submitted the course, the time has ended was one of the greatest periods of apostasy in human history. And therefore, from Genesis six we have our first clue, but since the gods reside. The woman will respond to the man. The woman responded to the angels, that's the first reason the angelic cosslett Women are either observation justice men and the human race are, and since the angels can no longer infiltrate the human race by taking observe the human race, and the sign of a woman's design continues to be a reminder of the woman's function in this stage of angelic conquest. In other words, the woman's long hair is her recognition of what God has provided as her orientation to her role in life, which is the linen and happiness. She'd never have to manage any other way. That is possible for a woman so no happiness in any other way. All the exceptions are those who have been given the gift of celibacy, or some sort of snatch, or whatever you want to call it.Now there's also another model in Europe since the woman's long hair is a recognition of the first principle of grace, there are two replicas.

Why is the woman wearing long hair while the man has short hair to both the man and the women are taking up the communion?Number guineafowl bond will work with versions of grace, as the greatest represented.

Since the beginning of time has been short hair, and long hair of a woman after the other recognition so this circumcision is the man's dedication but the same principle of circumcision is the man that it made him his body, or his parents either establishment, dedicating his body to one right woman.That's why their man are circumcised or not the woman, the man is the aggressor and categoryrestored distorted by legalism salvation by circumcision in the Galatians is the distortion. The man wearing long hair, and the women wearing short hair, is another distortion. The women wearing Spaniels in church is another historically. A woman should never wear Church,which is assigned a rifle embarrassing visitors and strangers who customarily have done this and feel almost naked without and we apologize to you. You came in.

But if you will look around every ladies within bracket church is so admired so that her beautiful parents are fineladies if you're really one area south of the human race. Don't repeat, doyou want to wear a water bottle or a baseball game on a golf cart, hop do itat a football game.Some of the best players in the world have gone behindthem.All right,now let's get another wordout. Oh, there's no such thing as an old lady in bracket shirt.This is the portfolio I was looking for but he thought it was in Florida. He didn't know it was in history.But we do have some ladies who are a little older than other ladies, it's just a matter of relativity.Not the older ladies had were shorter hair but they look better with it you may have noticed that, because the white man has either departed from this live stare right man's hair shorter so it makes no difference or he is now a teacher of the younger women. There are a lot of possibilities but they all add up, long hair and a man is Ray version is short hair and a woman is a sign of reversion.The hair is a sign of what's in the soul, you will notice that the roots of the hair, are very close to wherever So Robert, I watch more first-hand because of this, the woman ought to have authority man's authority upon her head, because of the angels. The angels observed the woman.

The woman has to have the sign of man's authority on her hand. So let's summarize this seven points about this verse, including because of a summary of her long hair is a sign of man's Zuzia authority over his right.

And a woman has fiber as much as she wants to. And she may have the ability to find out the cause of metal attitudes sand Galassi bitterness vindictiveness cruel, these are revenge tactics or scar tissue or emotional revolt, or reversion ism, this is the way the woman rebels against the principal or against the person. Sometimes the person or the person get all mixed up together.

And about happens first because the woman is miserable and frustrated by these things. Now point one long here on the woman's head is a sign.

Man's authority over his right Rama. A gift of grace from God, the source of greatest human happiness. The greatest human happiness a woman to know, is to be fulfilled by her right man. The greatest human happiness of man to know is to be completed by his right. There is nothing like it. Outside of spiritual things Bible doctrine in the right most Bible doctrine, we recognize an adaptation complex for the soul, point to.

Therefore, until the right man is brought tell a woman is brought to the right man as we saw in the beginning, she wears her hair long and for this reason, all young girls, what's good and long hair. As one they can and this is her declaration that she's a believer that she's waiting for God to provide her right man, her long hair is a sign of her winning.

It is a recognition of God's grace.On the long run has freewill.Plus accoutrements of soul.

Plus, a body, designed by God, whereby she can identify and submit to her right, ma'am.The identification as we saw previously, is made in her soulquiteextreme shortness of hair and the woman is a sign of some sort of sign of mental attitude sins, which are the great outside of reversion as a mental attitude since I have a great animal. All right man was the sign of some kind of a hang up mental attitude samskaara patiently emotionally evolved reversion ism and even the practice of reverse process reversion ism, the practice of reverse process reversion ism now looks like this. Here is the right robber, we were talking about her for a moment. Here is her right, man. In reverse process reversion ism, she can be fornicating with inconsequential persons, and that can include, man.That can include women lesbian back and include animals that she is in bestiality, and that can also no longer include angels, but it can also include, she can respond to self and make herself an inconsequential person, and that of course is masturbation, so she can respond to man, she can point a cave operation now she can get with him on operation, where's the operation guide. Animals bestiality masturbation which he responds to, and all these way she manifests reversion.She is, again, as an unbeliever she's called a psychopathic person, as a belly but we call it the practice of reverse process reversion ism and is based upon reversion. Now this is extreme sharpness, a woman's head. And again, the only test that I know that is brought out by the Greek word, we studied the Early Warning service, if you can pull your hair down Coleman from the cloud, it comes down over the nose, the mouth of the champ.

All right.

Again extreme shortness of hair of a woman is a sign of some soul thing so I'm hanging up. Man latitudes and scar tissue from evolve reversion as a reverse process reverse aneurysm, and therefore the perversion of category to live in one of the fields, why.

This is why a woman condemned under these conditions, had her hair, and publicly shaved in the age of, no. And you know the customer is still buying this. The last historical documentation of it that I personally recall, when the French recovered their country from Germany, Deutschland, and World War Two. A lot of the French girls had been cooperating with the Germans, and had been fornicating with them. And so they always said we're going to run Bellanger city, all these gals out have a short kangaroo court, and then shave their head to shave their hair off and

I hope you know what I mean.

Why since this brings us to the place, the cause of angels at the end. This indicates the rejection of angelic cohabitation with human women. Women were designed for a man of the human race called in this passage on air.They were not designed or ongoing.Now God put a stop to angels cohabiting after Genesis six. So it's safe to never use that trick again, the principle remains the cause of the angelic conflict, they cause the angels. Now before the flood is so big was to remind those hands off.

After the flood ends to remind the angels are the testimony of the woman. Since angels cannot read human soul.The testimony of a woman. And this concept of God's grace, by verse 11 let's move on. Nevertheless, we have a Greek adverb looks like this.We're gonna have a similar type word and then Hebrew probably come up tonight.Here we have plain as an adverb designed to qualify man's authority over the woman.Nevertheless means that such qualification.Now what is the qualification

Man's authority over his rifle was never designed to be a tyranny.It was designed to be a mutual fulfilment. Remember we have seen the Ramblas violently.Out of man's rib cage, and the woman comes back towhen to become a wine right man right woman they are totally dependent upon each other, never will be anything about the other ever again. Each sex is incomplete without the other.And therefore I'm going to change the translation of nevertheless to what it really needs to be sighs.Now verse, 11 is a very interesting verse there are no verbs, as there is great emphasis on this point of doctrine in verse 11 there are no verbs, the structure of a verse looks like this, we have the toppling of words, by bootay, okay.That moves, neither.

Then you're going to see another gobbling chorus, chorus, CH fo r i s ch O I S chorus and chorus really means apart. It's translated without notice, either nor without a chorus. Now what does this say literally that, well, we only have to take up one more thing we have a whole verse, and that is the phrase in the Lord the preposition and plus glorious, and the instrumental and plus.II am they you are iOS, the curiosa has not rocketed here.

And therefore it's not France or him alone, but by means of a law.Now let's get it.Firstly louder. The sides were nevertheless, neither woman. Apart from awoman. Apart fromget the rest.

Man, apart from Woman.They saw these a woman, apart from man. There are no definite articles over. No man, apart from them. It doesn't mean there is nothing without arrived man, what is landing him by the Lord and the identification is completed. That's it. It's a brand new ballgame.But then, neither is the man, apart from the woman, it's never the same for him evenyour counterpart, has been bought. Under this principle of great things are never the same again. And it inclines the women for femininity as a man toward masculinity or the man wearing short hair, and the woman wearing long hair, but notice this is not just a hit or miss thing, because one more thing is added and frosty instrumental of curiosity, by means of the lower that means the large design. So literally the size, either woman apart from man or man apart from woman by the design of the overlords or by the designers alone. The only exception to this is the gift, or the consecration of celibacy under supreme sacrifice the distortion of this is one data center as a first place for the storage masturbation. Responding to cell messianic response responding to animals, homosexuality responding to the same sex, adultery, wrong man wrong woman.Responding to the wrong man or the wrong woman now

when right man, and right Roman are completed, which is usually unreal, horsepower, and the parentheses, and anticipation, the first round was

God, the church, the woman from tyranny. By adding another divine institution for the laws of establishment, we studied this Friday night. Let's go over just briefly, God protects the woman from the tyranny. Otherwise, man. By adding another divine institution to the laws of establishment see we call this the fine institution number two. That's right man, and right woman it's also category two divine institution number three, he takes this right man who is the baalei the authority, and gives him. Now watch this, a mother.

His mother is a woman. Here is the man. But the man at this point is not a man. He does a boy, and he learns from his mother who is his original teacher, not the father, the father, teaching that neither does the training and visit right, mother does the teaching, respectful womanhood, from his father.

The man here.Calling behind our treats fertilized tyrannized who's the warm, I'm not.The example is missing.And all the words a boy learns by his father's example but he learns from his mother's teaching, who is the most important in childhood.Believe it or not the mother.Here is where a person becomes he isn't born a gentleman, there's no such thing as being born a gentleman, this is where he becomes a gentleman, a gentleman, and the status of a man in this field reflects upon his mother, and you're seeing in the Lord creation, they were animals.Mother and father are meaningless in lower creation, and that is an all the male animal and among the lower creation, the male animal will go for any female, a female and heat and all the dogs in the neighbourhood are gone.Same idea, at night, some cat, some heat and what happens, it sounds like well you know what it's all right. Sounds like the app will cause a third step off.Same principle right here in the animal kingdom. They owe us.The mother does not teach the boy, anything.And we fight among men, men who are not respecters of womanhood, they are animals.I am not respecting womanhood and the volition in womanhood reflects upon their mother or the father, because you see, now remember I brought this out Friday night sorry you weren't here, I brought this out Friday night. That's the boy who leaves father and mother, and fill in your own word, is the shop, clean, remember,

all a cleave means to cohabit means to have sex, means to have sexual intercourse, or any other words, that's what clean meanswe're sorry you weren't here either. Okay.Now, it is the boy who must leave. He has now a man, his life woman has theoretically been identified as the woman he's going to marry. He believes father and mother. Why does she leave father and mother? Mother has trained him as a boy, and up to the time he's nine, it is the training of the mother and the tenderness of the mother that makes this guy, a gentleman, and there never was, and there never will be on the face of the earth, any male of the species, who has channelled life back.

And he has not travelled on that channel he goes back to his father. His father was, at least to this extent, slapped around and beat her upin the vine institution number three the male sex the example and the female is the feature that's why almost any men in the world, decided to have class after salvation,and almost a lot of malesuse a natural teacher, but since she's under the authority of the man she can't be a priest.I am.She teaches this little boy.She teaches this little boy.And the one who is thinking that the woman and the boy responds to his mother and when he does and father comes in with a battle, and it is a mother who gets mad. It's a little boy who gets back on his gluteus Maximus.

As we said the classic conflict, he gets back on his butt.

All right, we're watching now rocket motors. One brother can destroy that avoid being a gentleman by slack.That isn't around, to give it to him the right way to do it but give it to him in the right spot. Boys are trained on the gluteus Maximus. They are never trained, and that arouses anger and resentment, but a boy who has grown up others we never could do withoutsomebody smarter, or for someone else. Right.How the whole package goes together, and there were no mothers and fathers examine this man, he should.But there's no father or father around, and that the proof was in the middle, to protect from being an animal and man, that's not true in the animal kingdom, their mother is does not train the boy to respect.Woman veteran whenever they call the animal.I'll start over and get the buyer out of a cold because he was so respectful to his mother.He began to get the point.I knew I'd get through, rather than just waking up and not sure.Let's all have a Mother's Day.I have a little early for but this is it.Most of you guys are trying to push a woman, not Trump at all.And you have lost your parents now. But that doesn't mean that the training. The training stays.And it's fantastic to see what the first year,my son for dental grins instinctively.

He has respect for a woman.Now that the training he received from him.And in the first nine years of his life that was fairto them benefit.There is no replacement for the life of the child. And when the mother is abused, or children.That may have been compensated.He is no better than an animal.But his attitude 4:34 Verse man is a little boy with a mother who loves him and teaches him.Am turbo model respects father, which gives him the training to fulfil his rights without abusing his god given authority under divine institution members within our first man is a little boy with a mother who loves him and teaches him before.He in turn that loves and respects mother, which gives him training to fulfil his rights without abusing his god given authority, either divine.Now this anticipate first well let's look at.Oh this is quite a version ready for it for most Paragon. The way it starts,H O SP.This means literally on just now we have an analogy for jobs as good a add to on Draw, what do you notice first time we've had.

It's been doing all Roman. Roman went off and that that article. Hey good I was like thisso much space in the brain.On dross.Of course,a good add to on Draw, for the fairest guy and Rooney acceleron Ross.A woman out from the swords of a man, that's what I say, the woman and the woman now.And this is talking about that original edition, who has never called.After thebar Adams, colour, Isha, because he shot.500 years or however long,and then the man, and there's no lapse of time. Remember, he was created on the plus six, she was.So we started now.This refers to the status before the fall. This is what we had Friday night, Genesis 25 This means that the man is incomplete without his right hammer.And we have to measure here, out through the ball, man cannot exist without the woman, the woman out from the sense of man.But after the voluntary check around for them and I'm a big fan of this extent you put these things together, and I am the man Bobo's his existence is a woman. Now this woman way up there. When a man is really a man and a gentleman all the same time notice,man.This is fulfilment, the woman time after the fall. Remember this, before the fall, there were no children before the fall, there was no category three laws, and a man will never accept from his right moment, anything but category two and a woman will never accept a right man anything by category, and it wouldn't work out anyway. Right Man or white woman can ever bea divine design delegate to us more than friendship more than compatibility, it's a lot more than that.I No matter everything that job offer is right. Just say the lesson plan.And that's why. All right man ever just spreadthe word, no such thing.Well what else in 1000 years before the phone, no friend.There was no girl. No boy. The fellowship against the back row, and the girls has been a little whatever it is.

All right, man. I get this after the fall, ma'am owes his existence is on the you're born of a woman, man. And he owes his fulfilment to a woman you're baptized, there are two important women in the life of every man his mother and his right Brahma.

Since a man has to match shall leave his father and mother, this the male who has to leave father and mother because the time comes when we must go to his right woman. And the biggest problem in marriage is not the, the woman drawing hands for mother. It's the boy never cut the umbilical cord.

There comes a time when a man has to grow up, when the father has to swallow our office, the size of the Earth and his throat and say goodbyes and the mother has to weep silently and she has returned looking to see what to do about the other fan.And you're all of his life is part of a settlement.His existence from his mother and his the soma from his right woman brings together to law. His existence from his Mother Divine institution number three is fulfilment from his right Roman divine institution number two, the laws of establishment and once again. Mother, when you take the boy again his first character.Oh little icon.Couple of stuff right off the bat.Never will stop talking over there I got a I have a picture of Bobby on my desk and I was looking, and I was doing some executions and assembler graphics, and I looked around and I just stood there stood up and just pick it up and laugh

more than my face looks right.A little sparkle a little boy has moved out all the way.

And you can always sell my hair. But there are other signs.Are you a gentleman or are you not.If you're not, if you have no respect for a woman that reflects upon you, and reflect upon your past that reflect upon your partner, who stopped to think about it. Who would not want anything?All right.They even sold for just as the woman out from the source of a man, she was taken from a man. Even so now let's step a wrestler who chose chi. Also, the man through honor tonight.

Looks like this.I'll put that on this.Oh, man.Look at this do plus tapes that's Jenna, of course, an eye cos is Janet, singular, for DNA.Are you havingto change. We go from activate the woman from the source of the man on the outcome favourably by back,man.

This is just like that other one. But we had, and was the instrumental by estimate overlord now once again, the author of a potter has to have that Oh, I love that.All things left out one word,profit, all things. Oursource of all things, this is where we get one woman if you're a man or a woman you're just one man, what's the rest of Alibaba all the emphasis. A lot of us for the man, Barbie all things in the life of a man here is mother.Right. Woman.Both of these are out from the source often, thank God. I tell you something.This is, this is great, and this is great for the human race. This is something that is absolutely belonged only to the human race. And it is God.Did your mother. God gave you a rightand your life may owe on your life.Besides, you're not

the only thing that keeps you from being an animal under the laws of establishment are two women in your liferight when you walk away from one to the other.Make sure you walk away from other trains. At the time, but when you're stopping all over, man. You are a man or woman.No man was ever on the history.Withour man.So, thisis practice demand broadcast enhancers,or just ask a woman out from the sales, or the man. Even so, also the man or the woman all friends from the source of God. No matter how you slice it, God has graced man with two women in his life.One for his childhood and one for his adult life. And this is all the way.

Parenthesis, back to the subject. Back on the subject, we find why man have short hair. I had women have long hair. It's a sign of God's grace, short haired man and a long haired woman is exactly the same as the diva, there are two elements in the communion statement that there are two elements of God's gift to mankind. The short hair on the back of the lander.We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning.For those of you who are here without Christ, without hope.I'm about eternal I want you to know that Jesus Christ that you personally in mind when he went with the cross.Provide provided for you we handle for hours.Now we've been dealing with a passage of scripture today about Jesus Christ.The gospel in a different way.

Jesus Christ is the creator of man as the Creator, He has the right as the Creator, He gave man, right, when man was No.Now that man is a Senate to give himself a. We have been talking all morning about the first year.Now let's talk about the first death of Jesus Christ means the other brother the second death of Jesus Christ.Happiness.

The only issue before us now is the second Dodson and the world that He gave His only the gospel of Christ gave himself for us, on behalf of our sin, and his own body.

You want eternal life.The Lord shall receive, and deserve.We ask you to bow your heads and close your eyes and just want tofind privacy, freedom, freedom, the right to make a decision right when you sitdown,because Jesus Christ gave himself and his body, the more hours.

He provided the woman, our body naturally a provider and salvation is brought in the center of the entire world.So that right now. You can believe in Jesus Chris in the privacy of your own so you can tell now the product thatwe leave on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Father is good buddies and deletethe verse is very clear, says the Lord would deceive us. Glory. Than you, receiving say thank you for the pertinent information the right man right and woman so important and timely.Slowly, the right man right woman situationcommunicator, communication,so we can make compatible with it. When we ask.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #5

5 03/05/1972 1Cor. 11:13–16; Prov. 5:1–6 Dangers of reversionistic woman


Dividing the founders and forming a service advisor in the medical office, doctors and medical doctors are removed by selecting the right amount of God my business was betting on a god it was rather divided the word of anyone that first Matthew, chapter 11 is zooming out first. First Corinthians 11/31 Corinthians 11:30.

You, as the main things. The Word of God. This is our manna from heaven, ignited by God in the great, great revival. The man was provided with the right woman. The man is approved, and the third one has to do with the Word of God. All it's an excellentprice for this man is the price for the woman come on, Man. The third one is about that. He described as permitted in writingthat they are now free to better the mercy of God the Holy Spirit, to understand the word of God the Holy Spirit that might be gone for real and arrived homeis the metaphor of God the Holy Spirit that provided. Are you going to find that my man and woman back whenever was about a year and a half ago, probably, the benefit of the Holy Spirit of Dr. Rawlins, the word of God has arrived. And redecorating Robbo, making it possible. Firstly bad argument, rather than. That brings us to the point and valid for the purpose of breaking out our lives so that my mother have a Valentine on the Word of God. Today we have seen as every day in our lives,the renewing of your compassion. Today we were the whole day and we want to we cankind of reconfigure our study to see the deployment. Shall we ask that advice. First Grampians chapter 11. We're going to start at four voices here. I remember as a fan, and the authorized for first person that ever got a little gray on the god October's. Not even information will do that ever man have long hair under the same under thelong there is a growing covering maplist Hold on, hold on. And we have an ideal, common sense. This can only happen when people are Bible, and live together. And that is maximum amount of common sense is not nominal human race. It is really thegod revelation of what God generated. In this case, more than that. We have to bring in something that is parallel to services about racing for the right moment, there is demand on demand for providing the right. A woman. The two of us together is now the earliest time. Modern modern modern modern modern technology from our continual development, wanted to know the difference between a male and a female. And by the way,you understand. Now as you watch for the hair blowing down, and you're watching the garage and automobiles. You know, I just ruined by driving, I was really two hoursdriving miles away. Now I find myself nodding as far as I know in my spare time, and how to remove badclothes off the pavement, come up with a high dollar laundry home. What's going on. I would say, about two and a half hours' notice to come out with the monitors and one yourself, man. Look around. All right. In the center there are numerous models or models. All right. Here's the word on. All right. Now there's two things. The basic way that human rights legislation can live moreor less. Longer hair and again. Here is a woman with a dog with a Monica her, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, God. He was the right man. God bless her Superman has a lifetime love of God. Right. Follow up. All right,a medical oncologist. Join us now. This is called long hair, short hair is a reality. Whereas if they wanted to tell everybody 500 Winners Robert.

Why, ba, ba, ba, Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, long, long time around with a woman with a woman and a man by the namewithin a species with a maximum ratio with other species. There we go. The mail. The mail. And by the way, all businesses, whether it's brand new mail will have nearly as the responder, as the winner of that man. Now listen carefully, remember there's a lot of your fascinated abouthow you know if a woman. A woman is the trigger on the man, and I grew up and I regard that as never to write anythingbetter than I have ever walked around I live in America. Never seen a man who thought he was priceless. And don't move on. You lived with us in America. That's a gorgeous shaver. I love your hair powerful man and we live that way. And then the roof.As a problem and then that's when I've heard law, beautiful mountain without Black Mountain. The World Wide Web. Let's understand that there might not have ever been. So they did it, but not all of us really listened to it. Right, we'll never know. I want to build an animal with anatomy. Good God is saying that the longer. The principle is the most common sense on the Friday.Mom here the weather, no matter what. We're going to recommend the mind for the wizard submission to God's wedding for life matters and basically all of these things add up. So, make sure everything the remote nature and doctors are right man by the male and the female body are major testimonies of this month. Neither one of those words. Because the male and the female since the fall. I've been wearing clothes of some sort. There was only one time that is overtly visiblein a woman are caught up on the right to recognizing God's grace and the same thing for the man that he is. Now, as often as fail. The nature of a drone, we just have our mind right now it's not even an addition to nature. On the other day. We're on a new bath or class that was the subjunctive mood and the verb array recognize and third class. The third class permission recognizes and grow. When it reaches a certain length. He is wearing the women's match. Right now,this morning. All right. A lot of them are not nodding their head. Although I saw it on the board. I just fell in love. We got up about an hour. The bathroom he communicated to all of us at my own house and long, as long as one word and the rest of ithome. For now, we were not even a doctor patient communication molecules were long history of the human race by the workouts on the board, or in any other time. I am, I often do that. This modern day we've had this honorable because the man was wearing all semester long hair and a man with a beard division episodes. The whole reversion long word is a sign of a feminine soul, a rebellion against God designed against the first race ever been with a woman right. Long hair is a revival of God, and adaptive. Perfect. Divine Law a lot more thanwearing the woman's right man for the world. We now have a product between short and the long hair of a woman. And Amanda were long hair and a woman wearing long hair,long hair, President Obama just try to wear long hair. And again, I'm missing out on a third class commission recognizes another local time.A woman wears long hair. It is a blog. In contrast to the glory. Maybe that is the right man to come along here represent the right man for the masses along with freedom from mental attitude and freedom. And freedom from emotional results. Freedom from immersion and the perversion of reverse process aversion and not only that but as a woman wears long they'reliterally the song. Brief. Here we have. They all and before we get to work home. There is also another word. I think we're talking about something that is glorious. Perfect passes and listening to the human race is described as demonstrate you have never driven right man. All right, hold on, and vice versa. You have given salvation. You have given in writing, the Bible.

He was involved whenever why this Christ, for you to is. He created the woman for the price of salt. When I do my body, more foundation. When he was making out of body, he was the last data, the first data, he created last data, render this is the following is a prime example of Holy Spirit's involvement on the Holy Spirit, provided by

redecoration of the earth brought it out of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. Milan who sent the message to the women writers on the mind of Christhas been getting perfect the permanence of the person but I've never seen the damage inevitable at that restaurant is always the same. I want long hair, just as much as the sign of a rainbow in the sky but for them in the rain down the side knob will never destroy the Earth again by planting the long hair, God has provided in every generation right man for the woman received from God's grace, even as she received her right man. Food is the reality of doctrine, the doctrine of white man right woman that blonde hair was the reality of the matter this matters it says for covering, nothing could be worse than this. First of all, we have a preposition, which is Miss translated by the main against our instead of here. Instead, the word for problem yes very EVO ll AI ally. This means we understand Omen in my head keeps on being a goalie to her because her hair has been given to her, instead of, instead of a half. Not for half instead of a half. If God wanted women to wear hats. Of all the time ladies but God never attended. Obviously, there was a time when the words are still on. Every woman has been driven by nature. Now this is a smart drawing and this is because you see, we are dealing only with this, the bigger the suffering. There are all always remembered as the first 60 at a Disney of any man because women around us here. That's the very last kiss. He is based out of a male or female, as a first class condition to recognize the reality and the Corinthian church. I think we have anyone seen for as an active executive, which means to presume. It is presumption. I have to wear a long hair and a woman to wear short hair. If anyone resumes to keep on being active.Anyone consumes to stamp off of an extra ch l and k Rs. Below are sometimes surprised when a cop spied on a cop means to beat the foreigner lover,they cost a lover of contentiousness as used here for those who have scar tissue, there's emotional revolt, reverse reversion isn't admire establishment or executive authority, and no discipline. That brings us of course to our next class, we have not. We definitely have not such a time of custom out there. And not only do we not have it. Neither is the founder the other term, literally, but if anyone presumes to be contentious rejecting authority. We have not this kind of a tough labor. Now that's the end of the line for this class because it now brings us to our next tab which is found in Proverbs, one which we have not clearly covered, as you will see, and one was designed to retire from the man who says no to Proverbs, five never saw a robber. You will see why. And they mentioned the translation out. Frankly, I don't think you've ever knew a woman or saw a robber. And I think you have been inclined to agree. Because whatever we have words of wisdom. Whenever the rest of it either gets read or the worst shot first so we get back on. We won't get any further tonight for example, then verse, 13, every half, very interesting verses along the way take firstthe last phrase by Labour's V and on our, on your stove on. Are they gonna have someone you haven't met before, said that the problem I have. I have to look at new writers and veterans. I have to tell you what really here, but I'm not going topromise over perhaps the worst shot that we haven't got the first step. That's the whorehouse.We never start in a whorehouse, out of debt long term for over your face. That's a good question. What's your joy. So the British office. For the most stupid. Really stupid girl ever became a general officer in the British army who had an IQ above 73. That happened as I said, the British had to develop provisions, because when they took the West Coast is a battle, walk right into enemy fire and it's rather difficult when you're successful from elbow to elbow with an axe man, and you just walk right into a solid sheet of wood, and the British soldier always heard the officer always say pulled out a sworn statement by this man just before they went into where the fire was, and he made a little speech and he always said,we have the privilege. And we have the privilege of representing the rest, want to make a very excellent quality of education business and listen to, as they always have in the same way.What's the most enjoyment and live resort and turn around. Well that's the way I feel right now that we're going into the first one, my son.This isthe cooling tower, And they made a few mistakes themselves. But one problem is to repeat them. Repeat, David turned up the path. My son had even cost. Cost is the cause of my son. The word cost to draw in here when you're here. That means time concentrate on my resume Cockcroft and spirit are Dropbox. I am a cotton mom document and demonstrator, my son, concentrate on my daughter. Now, are we going to learn here still we are going to learn by ear. The word Bauer parenthood. And it means the bow all right that it means except my authority as a teacher. This is a father who have the smarting out of the matter. The sign up to a certain age, and then the father hasn't began to teach science to the young man, then the murder should not happenexcept by a board exchanger here for by understanding the word for understanding is to Buddha, which means information on our practical nature, and a doctrine that is the application of doctrine works out in life. My son, concentrate on my docket exchanger. So my understanding. First, that thou mayest regardless freshing and then I list, making knowledge. Now, I want you to remember, the list of knowledge here, imagine read restraint. Knowledge is stored in the right and we'll see why when we read from a woman's lamps are less together verse two, that thou mayest regard, which is the counter, construct that saw there, and it means to be alert, the military to be a guard and to be alert, means to be on post there's a darn means to be on guard duty and therefore to be alert, be alert, not against the guard discretion but be alert against something now construct that something is called the spread, which is Seema, like this.

See our Ma. We'll see about Arameans spiciness. And this is the divisiveness of a reversion woman, this on my side. I'm afraid for my daughter's mother by the way. And so he is making a very clear lock I made some mistakes along the way, I want you to learn that you're meant to guard against the biases and divisiveness, the reversion is to scar tissue. The emotional revolt, who learns, man, man. Man to fornication. He waswrong. With regard to his rights. Then he goes on to say, to guard against the advice of our men. And he says, as for knowledge. Now we have another word for God. First of all you must have it in your soul, then you must have it on your lips and a TS,Chava. First word up here, let's put the madman again. Shaam air is guarding in your soul, not say air. And 80 s AR is guarding physically guarding your body.

Every man must guard his soul. Badass, and therefore preserved and for his right. And they even made some mistakes that actually, the Lord brought his right woman, the right woman was she that she represents the life of Christ. Joseph and Mary are descended from David and Bathsheba has two sons by David, Solomon and the youngest son was named. Now that is very carefully these two verses that we are putting together because they're going to tell us how to find them. God is the greatest way, where the right woman, or the right man. This is the grass to five side, and therefore he is waiting for his right. And God when is the answer, expand, you're here, be under the authority of my understanding, to guard against the Mass Device address, and verse three out of the word. Honey and so on. Let's see how it appears, it's got a strange limit let's have a strange

guard against the vices. As more knowledge works. You'll see there are two areas where you must be perfect one. And the other is the body are necessary, that are right now in verse three, here comes by Rob. Not tired out here right. Are you ready for the left side of the screen. Sweet,sweet honey. Now we have perfect properties at a VA. Now this is the wrong pattern. You know what to say. With sweet profit. That's a word. I heard you know already, always this way, it should be turned aside to beunderstood from the left. Religion is not it. Now that's why it has to be thatway with words. That is the engine world if there was one part of the body that has alwaysbeen in this moment. Same age side of the arrow side of what we found. I know there's gonna be a tough night. There the inside of the bow is smoother at all,smoother as an agile call ch. Now, aged inside of the mouth is smoother than I used some words, a little different. Now we have a blank out. And we bet.That's what you're waiting for. Now we get down to the squat harangue is better as well. The word is. See, our ideas around, dancing and we knew that was gonna happen back when the inside of the Miles was a spoof wireless isnow perfect. How far out, they are. It's not. It's not right. It is not her right man. We have idioms in our language. And as one word is really an idiom here, we have the idiom for example, they split the mind and the answers. That's why we say. Now in the Hebrew they says, The End of the Affair, is better, not much different. We have English, Hebrew, well maybe one propositional phrase, the opposite the presentation is now an A. Withdraw. Watch the feminine, singular of action, this is the feminine saying there's a business plan, file this Palestine. The plan has a better day. It was used, because apparently they've had some kind of exhilaration and they choose to go high on it, but they always got us Petitioner thought he was poisoned with a fun ride to chew. He chewed on this company.And that's why it's been fun. All right, rah, rah. This year after that, we're talking about an affair.

Now there is a crowd out anymore. Right out of the represents better than academics lamination 315 a nice name is five seven What is the name of six Well, it was used in connection with reversion and the practice of a failing call to Deuteronomy 29 You're on my mind. And Jeremiah 2350.In other words, you're seeing the affair and effect, here's the, here's the right man let's put him in a circle over here. He's supposed to be waiting. David says masama Wait wait wait, boss. He says, that's over here, and we have over here, that'd be about Iran and the sense of reversion is alive it's gone very long before they work. And then it says it. Now, on a consequential person over here something wonderful. And to the extent he messes around this way, better, better, better, better, better animators. Alright, bye for now. A dog. Remember, this is always a two way street, on amale or female. It's like being stabbed with a knife. By, you see the rest of this verse says, sharks, as a two edged sword. The word shark, by the way there's a feminine agitation staff.Hey, she sticks on if you're interested, our manual about robustness. All right, becomes better and better, because it's the wrong one. All right man when I first saw that we follow the woman on the pathway to destruction. He just wrecked the map. Now what about her first five steps take hold on how and I want any of your girls that are promiscuous, getting around a lot of guys, doesn't mean you're done a bit of hell. We've heard that I've heard referred to the other end, or had been one and on the other between those long rows. This is generally the way they grant, but there were two things that there's a man with a lips man who were very seductive. Her lips were very seductive. We're dealing with the ancient world. And therefore, the ladies in those days were not really necessary because as much as the lady was maybe a little of all, there's not really I thought about a woman she made me out there kind of sign onto that. In other words, going down on your ride, are going down my way, falling here refers to the sin on my side of the neighbourhood admins ability to pass promiscuity, inside and out of. Find out the market for seduction are going down the hallway is actually derived from a Hebrew noun, verb which means to stretch like a corpse. This is a description andshe takes it one step at a time, every time this all makes a new car crash.Every time she gets in bed with a different guy. Obviously, these guys are not arrived.Every time she gets into bed with another guy, it's making another step toward getting in bed with the grain. That's what it says.Now let's see if I can bear this up our first stepswith shuts off and thatmeans a sexy Mensing stat of sexy purse, are going down with her sexy walk and breakthroughs the brain doesn't take hold and embraces, Tom such steps and ways to goand buy foods, not for rice. That's a bad readinganother staff.Reading rather than back with a brace.She wants to know is that ever gonna come on and make another car crash. So she makes another car crash, or allwind up on the backboard.Let's kill it.Thanks, call it God has designed something wonderful. And for those who don't, they lose something, they learn something.They find life matter right almostan hour.This is not a ladder.That was thrown away but didn't have to spend the rest of his life, talking about what he'd like to forget. Now he has this right now.I'm stillpaying the price of this call that he pays.Likewise, the man says,Never fall man right moment happens for anywhere from 10 to 100 lovers.We'vedried out of the store to buy something that I believe that she's not buying the first six and a half.Now you see what I mean.All I'm saying, you are still waiting.Bye for now.After all, your latest.That's the best wayto mineare going down butthere is another step toward an affair with the brain and the brain with the flowers your backlogversus.Now, by this time.Monitor the topic right are ways are nottransparent.But he really fortunately, he didn't get the first word properly it's the word last. It's a conjunction and a lunch like this.Now, here is a conjunctionor an action preceded that serves to hamper our prohibit sampling which one fears and wishes to remove or avoid. They've been wishes to remove. Boy, or his young son Solomon, and therefore He prohibits, as he has in verses three through five.

Now, this word last had the prohibition now you think about. Last, or now, the word last should be translated for half.He says, Bow shuts off.Last.Okay.All right.Now on the cow.All asked means to roll something out. Level something by rolling.Way out system setter. To see a smooth path I had the gospel doctrine, and no that was a smooth path.No, it was somehow wrong.On the one hand, better. Betterto center around crashes should consider. He says to me.Now like a fish, the path and why.Not at all. We have more rights, and the word crabsare ACTH AraC, and that means they matter.The word life.This one by now.

It's ch AJ, I am begging you means lives, perhaps by side. Son, you should consider. You haven't kept track of them in a matter of our lives.

Before you get taken in by this beautiful attractive so now she doesn't have. She has lives.She's gone to bed with 50, and you're 51 that makes you any different, what makes you anything special, right, Man, you're just I'm nevermy size. Consider matter online.Your back your letter somethinggood just another bit of your another sucker. You're another warmer than the making. She's another step closer to an affair was thefirst time you had this.Perhaps you should consider her a matter of life.

She's full of scar tissue.Many lives that she has no capacity to love us, she'll say all the right words to you but they thought she hasn't so staff who think you're the greatest thing in the world you're just the clock, she's already compared to you at number 37batching now right to get rid of you. And when you're never good.You're just too much. And you'll walk away and never see her again and you'll call her up, you guys.You haven't reversed the clock.You were designed for. So now, we were designed to fulfil your right.Thank you. Thank you.That was the wayI learned something Senator Sanders requires one me labor, security, and the guy who thinks that all women are free.That other woman has a secret governing board.A little too busy to get around to all of it, but he's not in one or two potentials for next month.Real.I want to say something about a guy who puts too much credit forwhat happened to him right out of the sale. She can strap it on the greatest thing in the world,longer fit practice.Perhaps you should consider her a matter of lines, any balls without delay singular this time. Go away now5gHey, man. Hey go off, man. Law means her matter of life or death that you matter, remember this Savia going to end up here it's a dead end.Within onesentence her waves are moving,are you a robot.And you know what it means, means real to me to go back and forth,strap that on here and go into bad weather and math was all over the world was bragging. She strapped it on you and her waves are understandable, she goes, she goes from one language to another. You're not anything special. She has your food and things out as he says and David says Mr. Solomon. He didn't say vowel camp stop. No, he is saying the cow a perfect second masculine singer.You don't understand her, and that's true.Sure, I just told you how you see where the father comes from the father, the mother, the father brings in respect for womanhood, the father has to come along and say, all women are not the same.So get that out of yourbrain.Because she has your face out alright let's go for a second.Perhaps you should consider her manner and lives. She has many lovers, many acts of fornication, and the acts of social and sexual unfaithful.You don't evenwear wavers back and forth.That is a matter of life goes from Monday to whenever you do not know her, she has to say Friday.All right let's summarize the translation. The literal translation of a sixth as a first six verses.It even gets more interesting after this takes us a minute. The first one is concentrating on my doctrine.That's your access by expanding your ear it means to accept my authority accept authority to my understand.Listen, and you're except byyour extension here to my understanding to guard against divisiveness, but also by the way in life the person, by the way, before I forget it. Your daughter's.The big man, mother.She was in him.It was really waiting and she'd already worked it out.Now there's no Santa Claus and tell the truth about Little Red Riding.Little Red riding the other way around.I was trying to talk to my son. Concentrate on my document. Father Hassan,my understandings regarding this case management device and mentor ladies with regard to your daughter, male, by the way, as the knowledge that your lips, My God, if you have to walk through a robot and you have both the left means the guarding of the body,smoother, more flattering and literally man all side of Vermont,with her. Bye.The ladder and with her becomes better and I'm sure there's a normal episodeversus going down to that.Her such mentioned steps are getting ready to happen Ireally should consider her stabilityare many libraries online waivers that wantto grow and do something.Start on right now.Again, for half the money but think aboutthis rather, I lose with that.What are f5 with her eyes.We got to pay the bills the comments of our service tonight.For those of you who are new and I'm right now

talking about dog man right.Now let's talk about another.The brightest satelliteprovided by this app on the phone.Now you'reready to close your eyes.Freedomwill be understood by God and by God and will not be necessary.In other words I'm sayingby walking down a mile race, or making some kind of an over a splash if you are saying that a momentright way to set right now.We're going to express them in their own line.Believe inGod the Father.Right, and that's the moment.That's the momentisthe part of the mind of Christ.Don't sign her when he saw that we will waitfor the long.Bye.Thank you,God the Holy Spirit.For Solomon. And Solomon recorded them all generated, We ask you this, Christ's name.Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #6

6 03/10/1972 Prov. 5:7–14 Jesus Christ's three gifts to man 1) right woman 2) salvation 3) the Word


God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even the binding of sand over sand and the spirit of the giant from the barrel as a critical thoughts and interest with God breathed in his mouth open and righteousness, said the man of God might be mature thoroughly furnish time for all that works. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Allah, the word of surfacing things. Proverbs chapter five, which is a continuation of our new series Allright my right. When you hear me on the back side but I was in bad shape after the pastorsays right man right well as Robert says last week. And then Sunday right up to 630 in the night Ryan I don't have my voice on the map here, raise your hand and don't ask questions.

This is called Madison. Some of you may need it. Because tonight. Before chocolate. I just can't. I just can't believe what this passage teaches, and it said the word of God, real Holy Ghost was a real ascetic. I don't think he ever talked to a woman outside ofhis mother. Daddy,I made sure Mr. Didn't want to face him back. But I want you to understand that this method listening. No matter how it knows about it has nothing to do with a background.

Letter Words can really have a crack at any vocabulary. So make a play. Now those of you who were here last Thursday and Friday. And all day last week, the digest the introduction, the writers coming back. And therefore you really hear people say the word of God is not very realistic. Right I'm burned out the demo. So why don't we go on a sharp edge really early on I decided that at least once a year someone ought to be honest compared to what's really going on. To me,why don't we get that. And you know what it comes up. Why don't come up with a great day. All right, let's spend a few moments on silent prayer, during which time the rebound technique is in order.Man, when I say behind me. So that's when I say hey man, everything is alright let's see. Now Father we are the beneficiaries of grace. So many forms.

So it's difficult for us to realize. Keep breathing. Staying alive. We have so many balance. We are provided so many things for us that it's almost impossible to keep track in your favor. We have some wonderful things to study. And we do ask them, God the Holy Spirit will make them very real, very beneficial.

And the reason for which God the Holy Spirit has recorded David's advice to solve for every generation of mankind, might be obvious to us. While these things that we are going to study tonight, Sandy. Mars, often discussed, churches, and therefore it behoves us as believers to keep remembering. It is the word of God, which is the word of God which provides for every part of the word has mean. Now we pray tonight for those who have been so shocked and so stupid that they've missed this call, they come to church wanted to see their favourite class and now vacuum bottom and you have given us the whole round of that is not just about every word has meaning and purpose and domination to us and help us never to be stupid or short sighted about any section or the Word of God, but to realize that in our lifetime, that is your intention to master, every portion of the world, so that we might come to that place of maximum capacity. Allow Jesus Christ, and therefore to leadthe way might have that blessing, which comes from this, the word of God, the third of the great gifts.

We ask these things in Christ's name. Amen. Now, a year ago which was last Sunday night. We studied robbers, Proverbs, chapter five verses one through six. Let's review the summary translation of the first six verses whether you're an absolute madman or who to warm up our thinking on this particular subject. For our subject is pseudo versus true love. The feminine make out. There are a lot of ways we can describe first walk by side by side indicates here a father. The father was named David doesn't find the right one and right away. He went through two or three marriages and two or three girls. Eventually he didn't find his wife. When he didn't find his right one and he eventually had two children by her. He is addressing this to watch the album and of those two sides. They even had two science writers write on it bashing. The first one was Solomon. Now the second was amazing I'm here of course wehave the following is addressed to Solomon who is also the writer. Concentrate on my document what David taught Solomon was notextend your ear. My understanding, that means given a super concentrated effort. And I might say that it is no accident that this is the first verse in this chapter. Because if ever you needed to concentrate and have super concentration. That's why we deal with the subject matter of this passage. First to guard against the divisive man. He has to guard against feminist divisiveness because he's a male, Remember all the way through the diversifies. If this had been addressed to his daughter. He would have said to guard against male devices. Some of you man, are going to be smiling at several points, but just recall, it's vice versa. As more knowledge, to guard against feminine divisiveness regarding knowledge as phenomena. Your lips, my garden. Really, nothing compared to what we're going to have, but there's still honey, but the left her that is a reversion is the musculushas to work with so you may have tried in the bill what God has already built. God bill for every man, one week, always tries to play the field out all around, play the field. He started with the detail honey from the lips, which he gets for from Heartland today guys to know her, enjoy my last legalism. Right, well we just had to construct the right loan. Only God can do that, you remember the old my daughter's filming on a God can make it. Only God can make a rifle, born again. You are smoother more flattering than oil is the inside of her mouth not known in our generalnameis. I'm Sharon capital a layup all of us lots and lots. First for now between verses three and four. The audio becomes better, like one of the other words, here you are, by the manufacturing, construction jobs, and you'll find yourself motivated to structure your abs with almost platters and you're hurting bad in my shop. As a double edged sword, you never walk away from these things without a knifein your back as it were a first thing in the ancient world. To show as much as a show today. There are two schools of thought on that they were smarter andtherefore, they weren't dumber and therefore, this will be a hotly debated item tonight over coffee I'msure the person. By the way, is still awake. We are going down to them. Every time she goes to bat with a different guy. He is one step closer reversion is something I've ever said under that so when you go to bed you males rub the wrong woman. You are taking her another step toward her greatest of her greatest will be with the grain. She is great on her back and she's going to be on her back and a car, and that's what this verse is saying, you read it, you're looking at it again. So all her purse or diaper her seductive feet are going down to that her sexy menacing staff. Embrace the gray there it is. And embrace doesn't mean embrace it means sex relationships. It means conjugal relationship but you'll still amaze cohabitation. Sir Joanna call this woman finds herself at her our backs that have caught every male we may see how she has sexual relationship soft sexual relationship therepersonally feel are going down to that are sexy missing steps. Embrace the grind.Because fathers are always very casual about these things. Perhaps you should consider her manner of success. She didn't live on live seminars, she moved three lives a day. What's her lives. Margaret Averylives.Father says, perhaps you should consider her a matter of law. Way back and forth. She's a little unstable and a little unfaithful, so I know you're very proud of having made a conquest with this one. But you are number 5757 and she won't even remember you knew about hotel lobby she would say no, that time. So, why are you so proud. What's the big deal. God has designed in place, so I should never shout. I lost my voice last night, so I couldn't cut it off. But God. All right, now what do you want to pull out and all these other dogs. What can you do for her, that the only thing you can do is take her on her face. If you're 100 Sure. And she gave you a lot even though you're organizing. Already he's giving that same line of job to some other guy who's his biggest soccer issue you're forgotten.You noticeda matter of lightweight recycling before you do not know her, she knows you, she took you in the class, you don't know her but she knows you suck.

Whatever say so many of my friends back? All right, versa. Let's get cracking. Now this is as far as I've gone and if you weren't here last saw the article is rather confusing, but I do believe that it is and Dark steel who had said that he hadn't been Ambassador squad Glock router What do you mean. Let's read a few just to see how sweet the King James translation. Hear me now there are more words of my mouth removed by way apart from run to the door was an honor to let strangers be filled with by well by Labour's with a stranger,gotta go withmy body. How have I hated instruction, not the word How is it.I haven't hated instruction. That's what he said. Now, many of you have heard on the way that many of you don't want to drop sales when you findout, says, when he's had. The man about town, the both the groups, break the hearts and move on to the next day.He says, you can say what I'm typing. And it's an audible word and that's a literal translation.How many of you who are ambitious will be more ambitious to be on the wall. How many of you would like to liveabroad. How do you say it. Remember, if you're one of those. Let's give the translation. Verse. In this particular verse he says, he might have hated instruction. And my hearts. Despise with both he had a warning. Before he said my teacher declined by mirror to them that instructed me to walk, one last and I was almost at all evil now I can't let them last I was shortly and why was he and all the listeners pastor in the congregation in the assembly. First 15 Drank waters out of your own system, that's a coveredbattle running waters out of your own well it's only strangers. Almost makes sense but it doesn't. Rejoice with the wind, but it doesn't say that at all.The next thing, the grass I let her be as a loving hide and unpleasant. Loving hide on the front row. Still messes with all satisfied. Some of you are probably going to learn so deeply here tonight. There's no other way. That's all I've ever been. But the next time the word person comes up it's nota Sunday morning and I think, about half awake, better satisfy me at all times. Always when we're alone. Literally, wander up and down, or body in the sphere, over a little bit.Well anybody else you look at any translation, show me what it says. And I'll show you all my average is not afraid to tell the truth ofmy song be ravaged with a strange brace the bosom of a stranger. All the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord. He Potter of allequity shall take the wicked himself. He shall be holding records of his sin. He shall die. And in the greatness of his folly, he should know us for78% of what I have just read is mistranslated. There is no way that you can really understand the passage like this without a good, clear straight draft you Allah let's go back to verse seven and get as far as we can see the reading of course is designed to let you realize a couple of things. Now you have to know that this is not a usual type of math, redemption and reconciliation and for patient appreciation and things like that. Those are connected with another great gift of God. Jesus Christ specifically gave three great gifts tonight. I'd like to give them and the order in which they will go mine. First of all, he gave to a man. Right.To say he cries. That was a great step. That didn't work. Right. And it's a gift from Jesus Christ brought in grace, coalition is the issue, you can take it or leave it at this party just going to turn it offthe wake of fire by the fact that Jesus Christ gave this grace, very carefully before you get some idea that this is pornography and before you act like a jackass. Wash words coming out, translate literally how's the expect you to be launched about it. And yet, the Holy Spirit bought a house of prostitution I'm here, he puts champion here he put nympho in here, he put a lot of things in here, he put the word horn here. And a lot of other things. And if Holy Spirit language. Because just as we have studied in detail redemption reconciliation came in just a second grade. Right, so, God the Holy Spirit has seen fit to enlighten us, with regard to the first great race. No one is too young. No one is too old to get the literal meaning of this passage. And if you are a food and a self-righteous. Ask, and you can't take this kind of thing, or you have to hang out somewhere and come back when we're in Revelation or something you like, There's something wrong Now I want to repeat something else. I'm the pastor bracket church. I know my name, rank and serial number, and I know that I'm in the authority, whatever, any of you think I know what I'm doing, and when I give you literal artists translations, I had to ask myself first, died to God the Holy Spirit put it this way in this way in this way, and there's a reason for that if you're open your brain and shut your mouth, and monograph spirit, your soul,you'll get something out of it. I'm in southern New York. That's possible. But salary wise, you're going to hear this dissertation on what God the Holy Spirit andyou're going to find that this passage deals with sex, and every other word he has some part of what this guy's hand for watering her body, and when he is doing, certainly, I don't expect you to look like a jackass.Moroccan shirt. I intend to come to the Word of God. I don't care what they call by the causeway one of these days through God the Holy Spirit out of reason we're all just because you get isn't your favorite book and your favorite subject. I don't tolerate that kind of. I read the criticisms all our teachers want sex, and that is not valid.

The point that is so wrong and erroneous, and such a vicious evil, type of thing that it makes me want to shove someone's teeth right now. There's a lot of Warren sex in the Bible, admittedly, when I get the Warren sex passes, I expect some food and some jackass and some debate here, just like me what more the things he likes. Wait jot and tittle on the Word of God is the thinking of Jesus Christ. You read me loud and clear as well. A gift on Jesus Christ. Did you know that sex with white woman, sex with life map is a gift from Jesus Christ. There's nothing wrong with it. There's nothing bad about it. It's good, it's great. It's a gift. It's a grace, and there never was a grace gift that was fine, that ever was a great skill that must be covered in a harsh, harsh manner, as illustrated by the second grace gift which came much later. The first grace, grace gift macabre, because Jesus Christ. Until him, we haven't. He gives birth to children and has all the incredible force, and that's what howhe did it, salvation. He did his doctrine. And here's the key, he thought. Those are the three grace gifts of all right woman, Jesus Christ, salvation. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. Now I want to show you something else, you. The Holy Spirit is related to every one of these gifts.

All the Spirit. Remember that the Earth device for a long time. God's battle and use that as your partying boys, and he messed it up. It was total while

the Holy Spirit took a look at and says, the English he brooded over the face of the beat. He didn't move. He was figuring out how he's going to redecorate the original man's occupants. The Holy Spirit was the decorator, that when white woman was brought to the white man, they'd have the most beautiful surroundings possible add everything around was the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The only thing that was not the ministry of the Holy Spirit was the original creation of the animal life, and the original creation of the Holy Spirit provided all the background and all of that raised by that salvation. The Holy Spirit reveals the gospel of the Holy Spirit we wouldn't understand the gospel doctrine. Again, we're not for the Holy Spirit we couldn't watch another day. So all of the great grace gifts are related to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I want you to understand, we are dealing with the Word of God we are dealing with doctrine. We are dealing with Grace Principle, there's just as much grace and sex as there is, and the food on your table. Did you ever say grace over salts. There's a rhetorical question. All that leads to our first phrase for seven years. Now in 30 bucks Shama. Listen to me. Ha MA and you know what kind of listening. That's the kind of listening. Or you concentrate on the ministry of the Holy Spirit and get this. Now, may I say that this is just as apropos provide on the 10th day of March, as it was the day. David first set up to his son saw that as it was on the day when God the Holy Spirit had Solomon rightness, to the record. At this time, adverb. Ta was a ta, ta, ta, ta, Java, Java, Java, this was a strong phraseology for consecration. Now, David actually have two sides but this is addressed to all sides, and they have the passive structure will be taken from the standpoint of the man, although it applies equally to the weapon. They would have to listen to me now. And do not depart the Bark Box, Kalyan perfect second masculine Paul from sore. S You sewer, and the word means to do that. That's a part, it really means deviate and deviation here is a three types that are excuse me four times more education on one occasion, raw man, raw, insects, is the principle of homosexuality. Mammals of the same sex and love and sex lesbians to homosexuals. Three masturbation sexual response to sell for bestiality sexual response to animals. Sure. Is yours for all of them. Remember that Solomon was not a pervert he was a normal life man a wise woman. Therefore he only fornicated with women. And there's no record that Solomon was interested in any of the other, but the principle is the same, same fornication is awhite man white woman. Listen to me now. And do not deviate from the words in my mouth. The rest of us chapter verses823 that they call the words of my person. We move by way, our property. The door. The word removed nplb infinitive absolute Roccat a CH AQ broadcast me means the first cause of the infinitive indicates a purpose for your stand means to be caused the state falling acrossyour way of life, by way of direct means your way of life. D A R as the best way to translate this as your way of life, far away. You see, you have to buy away from her, is a preposition was last fall was a preposition man first of all, right, the third Babylon synchronous topic should be translated from overall is one of the ways of describing the sex act here from overto me now my size I'm doing to learn or deviate laterally, that the words in my mind.In other words, remove your sex life purpose Senate. COMM Now, is literally in the county of Colorado, which means do not approach hurdles to our abs. Do not touch the door. So literally, your sex life, proper, and then I get your way of life far away from over a bomber, which settings which will remove your sex life proper. Do not come near the upper house. Last. Last is the conjunction. Very unusual. And a very important conjunction path. Now bear with me. Action. Receives what an agile receives that serves to hinder or to prohibit suffering which one fears and wishes to avoid the users path. In other words, David is anxious for your son Solomon to avoid any mistakes. He's anxious for his son Solomon unable to wait for the right woman. Each one has a right woman designed by God. Each one role plays, X number of temptations and getting away from them. And it's important that they do not get away from that they stay on the main track. Otherwise, every time they have an affair as we get down to verses 21 or 22. They're going to wind up like this, every affair is on chain or a chord, and every time they have an affair, that's one more chain or cord binding them to idle, the idle air sacs and the land winds off times when idle causes sometimes, the man for example will wind up marrying a woman. And that woman is is wrong. When he winds up marrying the law. That man is chained to her. When his wife woman comes. So, it's the other way around. When a woman marries the wrong man is wrong man. Every, every time that man makes love for her. That's another chain, another chain. Now along comes. Right. But she is married to the man, but she's tied to an idol. She lives with an idol. She's married. She's involved on an idol. Here's her right man and that's just so we got the record straight, but we always have some jackass looking for a chance to get out and I think that this gives any woman or man, the right to jump out of a marriage. I get phone calls from the flakiest people I've ever met. They all want to, they're all unhappy with their marriage and they want to use this as an excuse to get out of it, forgetting, you are bound to a piece of what stone gold anytime you go, you marry that gold idol. Your man, you're married to a basin state and your time, your time. Wow. And that's it. So, if you are in that state and along comes life matter right. That's the whole last half of thisword of God says, I saw that you saw the light, just taking the best way, the door has been slammed.

Now for those of you that are single dads it's time for you to realize that being single is a serious responsibility don't make the first mistake. Don't make a mistake when you get married for the first time. By the way, there are three sources of happiness in life.

There's always related to greatest happiness with right man, or lifelong happiness because it salvation, happiness because the Bible doctrine, we get down to the end of this chapter, we see the biggest tragedy that ever happened to me lever.

He's a one further to be a 130 Sunday morning we'll take on the doctor number 1/3 or how trouble compound is available to all. Because, first of all, baseball three strikes and you're out. And the Christian life. Two strikes if you've had no Christian can ever have restrike sound like when your lad saw the salvation you latched on to a gift, and got a grayscale. And I made you're gonna be happy I haven't forever, but betweenyou and heaven. It is a miserable life, you can find yourself as you have your arms tied around your idol, into a piece of gold or silver or brass solid brass. Your one man or woman goes by, by chance, you'll get a glimpse at up go aroundhow people say they're there except for my damn stupid let's go hi it's like you'll have to say, For the grace of God. That's exactly what it is. You don't make this important. Those of you who are saying, Hold on now of American all smile at this point and relax for a minute. I want you to think about this, just think of somebody is fantastic. You haven't made a big mistake, or you may have gone with a few jackets have gotten the ball, but you haven't made the big one. You haven't married the wrong man.It's my cup of tea one another with these words. You could make a mistake. But if you listen carefully to what this passage says, and the principals involved, you won't make a mistake.

If you do make a mistake on your own hand. Last year's Pan. Pan is likely what I just said to young people. Pan says, I anticipate and action, you're going to the Lord is gonna lead you and Grace to You. Right. And when does occur, you are going to latch on provided that you are provided to things that you as a male are not tied to an idol, with chords or chain, and that you as a female are not having your greatest affair. You're going to call flat on your back. The last great married to a coffin. Or if you are married to an idol and jaw, the Battle of divine design and grace you're right, you're right.Strivers last. This is the head you off at the pass, last year.

This was a cow, imperfect from the verb knock ADH. Now listen to this man. Nod your honor. You're going to now is Hold on a second Matt pass the second masculine singular Sophos Oh, H O T H is the glory of the man, by divine design, whenever you find glory and something that belongs to God and something that God already let you have to grace, it's something you've never heard there's never a member of the human race who can learn, or deserved. Glory is something God shares like he shares his happy man. Your boy is your white woman, and your capacity to complete her capacity to satisfy her. She is designed to be insatiable. And you know are the All a person who has the key to her lock, you are the only person who has the ability to satisfy her soul. Bond emphasis on this facet there's no other man can do it. You are the only one that can do it. And every time you go out with another boss.You're someone else. Your right, when you give shirts to your wife. She that turns on like a Christmas tree. She is the glory of the firsttime. Just how much glory you think you get every time you think that everything with you because you're just such a great guy. You have something that makes you think you're a great athlete, you're great, because you're handsome. You have some kind of a VIP car, and you're just absolutely sure that all wild scripture, did you ever find that said, every woman, and every woman in the world. You're just so great. And therefore, you have devoted your life tothat idea. Gonna go along here to enciphering last you give your glory, glory is man sex, ability to fulfil a woman again this glory is man's such ability to fulfil a woman, but watching.You may think that you're a search app like God's word says You are nothing of the kind, you're a jackass, and you are going to wind up. That's the screeching of the brakes. Here, gearbox. So you younger people. And your parents say, what you learnt to that you learned the last sex cry, chocolates, says goodbye to the particular girl. And then it goes off along the route just grabs a bottle off the shelf and says he.Your glory. Joe, others, our others here is a part of a little tongue in cheek word here the Hebrew word is our hair Ah, er, our hair. Our hair means the same as the green, that means, another other different guys along range I've never been so curious the same way as the word Stranger In other words will be used as it's used here for pseudo ourselves with the law, or vice versa.Sex with the wrong man. With the wrong woman or the wrong man is fornication, I have to add something. This passage has been covered by the admitting idiots. Now if you are married, and you have a little piece of paper. You ladies who have always wanted to get away from this monster, do not have anybody lived here. You want to know. You say, but I learned the wrong way and why should I get himself. That is your way. And it's not fornication, and someone's going to share it asked me this, and I just retired and it was.If I'm married to the wrong man. No lady. No. It's too bad its dragging people are searching. How should I confess my human gut and that's why I got off the best year that God was rejected at the cross, you can all make a fast one rise for his own body on the tree. Last year, your glory to others, to whom it doesn't they lost. Now listen, man. You're watching all of your sex, all of the law of your sex. One boy, not one animal that's beentaken care of. Some of you want to save your Glory for Your next time you guys have some money I have an adaptation. So the galaxy. And then of course you trust him, because he said he had an adaptation.

Well, if he says he has Notification. Now, here's your answer, I know, living your lives whatever here's your answer.

Save your right moment, save your life. Try something now reporting and that'll be in the nextclass to give you a boy, I know others, not get this. This is always one of hers. Over the years refers to wasted time and fornication outright is usually measured in days, but waste of time and fornication is bought years or years, either the cruel, the word is an adjective Pack saw what is at x. It's a warmer version. So, therefore, Acts, I mean she is cruel and vindictive. When you can be annoying to right now here it is, and sacks, Laurie sacks. Now, here's the female. When you give your glory to the right woman What does she do she reflects your glory, and the hair on her head is the sign that she is designed for you, show you get sides to your rifle. Now she reflects your board, but when you give your glory to xr she converts itout and makes you win. That's the double edged sword. We just had a few moments ago. Back up. Another words on a case that is makes love to have conjugal relationship witha lie. Whywas he gay by way of glory, and converted into better than that. At implacability, this is known as operations. Horizon, you may think that your topic and my theme of the frailest of the female capital level you would rather have inventiveness bitterness and accrualalways catch butterflies. Man, ma'am, changed quite a while to get the correct translation. Give your glory, your. Add your years of sexual vapor to the, to our pseudo lover around woman. She welcome Bernie and you're going to better know first-hand. Now we have to have the conjunction, second alternative to learning and using. Here we have a word we are going to see a great deal out throughout the rest of the passage. Strangers saw, Rob.They are a. It's true that the verb means to be a stranger and so you are but we do not have a verb here is a Chevy. Just want to other years ago Doxxing strangers means last coverage. Because here's the thing. There's maybe a means to become satisfied or to become satiated. The woman is insatiable woman has latched on to a wrong man's wall man walked wrong over here. She is trying to be satiated. Now, all you have to be careful, you may find a man some of your girls who've been around a man who satisfies you who satiate sociability, it doesn't. He doesn't. After he gives you His glory, it may have been classified by modern standards, a good sex and powder but it lacks glory, maybe this convert bitterness and event big news, and it comes back. The mail satiating by. Welcome, my wellbeing, does not mean well, in the sense of money. That means wealth in the sense, here it has to do with sexual performance at a cafe translated very academically last year sex performance by last you get your bar your sex to pseudos and your years of sexual vigor to most us women become segregated with your vigour and such perform a hands on labor wrong translation, we have the word EE BH earthen vessel. The earthen vessel here refers to the male body that will be part of the female body but only and vice versa. Last year, I saw your male body be shattered. Out of the house of a stranger andthings are horrible. House of ill repute that's not for the best for me. No, no, we didn't know what a house of ill repute was. But I know when I'm our house. I must get a correct translation bursting last promiscuous women become satiated with your vigour and sex performers. Your urban muscle your human male body shattered. No, what happens, it goes on at first, a lot more at the last but that isn't what happens I'll listen. And I'll bore. Ah, may Allah harbour not.

So be niceto be under stress, or grown in distress, as should be translated as your role in distress, not at the last, but the Hebrew here and spa. I have he means, they are you add your role in distress, Algeria, your earthen vessel.I'm taking you to a whorehouse so it's finally one day, it dropped in distress, and you're and I get this, your flash. You have the words here a little different than the English flash in my body are consumed. Let's start with the word flash bomb, saw a few words here, flash, and not bad. Flesh refers to the entire body, okay. This is a lamb by flesh, this is your mailbox. Now the word body is a body, the word flesh is the mailbox, and the word body is not body at all. It is the wordSHP male males. And literally, as you're grown in distress, or man. You're famous, or consumed but it isn't consumed as columns. K L a H. I thought was a form of great happiness was other means great frustration groaning on happiness, before the mail, eventually comes to the railway. He was programmed by God for one. One daughter was programmed for him. This describes what the end of the male evidence, what's the end of the female. She either becomes a totally prescribe or she becomescompletely, totally. He is regarded as being sexually aliphatic or describes a male evidence, and you're growing in distress at your end. When your body has no moredesire. Now we got to the Deaf cry. But it doesn't say here it really means. Amazing groaning say, now you have the word ha. How does not mean how it's an adverb it's an interrogative powers and interrogative and comes close to being an adverb. The word in Hebrew looks like this.Wrong. Double E, E was not on the end of the line. And he says, I have paid him disciplinary warning or I've hated discipline.I hate it, I have a scowl perfect Sani, he rejected discipline have authority,sign a disciplinary one. What instruction is saw, which is dot m U S AR Maya Darphin is often the disciplinary warning. Hi I'm Hayden moussaka I have made a doctor by heart, most negative motivation. By right, despised men it's stronger than that, a tizzy, not as not as means to be right to ridicule something that is better than youare right man, why are we better than they are, they ridicule people better than they are in the presence of something that I never saw. As always a ringleader who starts the reading you will live olderpeople who have the brains of neutral. That's exactly what this means. Mansur reticule something that's better. Right now. Right. My wife survived and ridiculed. Verse 13 I have been listening knobs and read like some of you and I'm doing now.Sh Am. I Am I've listened to God, show them listen, this guy always got to the place where he says, voice, or my teacher, pastor himself, Darren find it feel perfect have not taught meaning a strong concentration is a matter of listening and listening to here and this is what he's saying and the fact that the five of us, Oregon. Wow, they are gonna have sex. That's why you're saying or concentrating on domestic issues, client the year they have failed means to concentrate on the last 40. This is a very dangerous spot shortly. I was an all-in, when people stop concentrating on the message, they get to the point of all evil shortly. I was in a fall, evil, that's where the trouble began. And both the worship assembly and function of the nation. So Solomon was involved in worship. He was also involved in the running of the nation. What started solid on Operation railway. We've seen immerse 13 Negative volition. And then he says literally shortly. My was in the worship of sapling maggot evolution. The function of donation, we'll see more of Solomon, as we get along. Now we'll start Sunday morning. Verse 15 and take it from there I think out loud, the privilege of studying these things. My God, the Holy Spirit enlighten us for we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #7

7 03/12/1972 Prov. 5:15–17; 23:27 Analogies of the right woman as a well


 It was chapter ofProverbs chapter five beginning at first.The basics of Proverbs 5:15descended from a tsunami ofverses and by that time I may get enough voice to last.Proverbs 5:15 Greg waters out of buying all Sr.and running waters out of my own well.Must be dispersed abroad. No.They blast battery jars with a wide variety.Let her be as the loving Hi, the better brass satisfy the at all times. Be thou ravished always with her lovemy Sunday ravished the strange woman and embrace a stranger.For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord.And he ponder on his guy.Liquidation I'll take the wicked himself.He shall be.He shall die without instruction.And then the great most obvious folly.We continue our study. Now, this particular section.The Word of God, which is so important in the back of the mind man right woman translated. So obscured by a magnetism, impossible to understand anyone alive, the intended blessing from this passage. As it stands in the King James Version.Nothing could be worse than the way in this particular passage was translated.It is designed to cause want to understand that. Out of the three great gifts from God. God besides this one was not only the first and the order of time.Salvation The Second, there has many dangers and can be easily overlooked or missed along the way that God has designed one right man, or one rifle versus an automatic not saying that everyone finds his right man or his right woman.He attended dangers to this and Memphis cost rightnow as we began this morning.In verse 15 with an analogy.This analogy is always used grace gifts.Times and the word of God we find water. As an analogy of grace. First of all we are command in command here is to drink water.Water,water, and Isaiah, salvation at half water. In Ephesians 526 is documented.Lots of badly now, the three great grace gifts when we got the first of these gifts.Jesus Christ gave.Right.Jesus Christ, salvation.This time,time Jesus Christ gave God, this time. These are the three great grace gifts of God from now. Great. So counting them sharp indicates once again that all grace gifts, must be received.However, sharp eyes is not the ordinary word for drinking it means to drink and enjoy your thirst, but he is also bad but he knows and has a meaning.And a good sense really getting the most out of it.Sexually thirsty for his right woman.His thirst is quenched.Gratified, in a relationship with vessels water the great happiness as a lack of happiness as of life and the remainder gifts of grace.Right, and happiness of salvation and survival.The word for waters, Maggie, there'sno.But there are many relationships with the world, many times on the lightning strike simple well and his wife,refers to the many sets of matters the many loving powders between right man and wife.God has designed one right man. So why do I ignore them.One well, and only one well for which man drinkswater wells is used in Second Kings, chapter 18 Verse 31 Second Kings chapter 18 Verse 31.This passage gives us an analogy to love we have in this particular portion of the Word of God.Second case, to say,an ad says the Raj aka theking of Assyria, make an agreement with me via present. In other words come outof his factory these were analogies. On the waters of his own system.The same phraseology is used in our passage by an old sister. The idea of having a relationship with a woman, as a part of happiness have not escaped the love shot.And he was saying it means to lose every means to live your life eventually. But even if you don't lose your life you will never have that moment again. We will be crying.As a matter of fact, we will take over. On the other hand, have you surrendered to watch us every day. The last day of your life.Apparently there was some well-adjusted couples, and Joseph shocked us.

Therefore this carried some weight.And I've surrendered so we can still make love.Love, human freedom and human freedom depends upon the concept of the Assyrians we're trying to describe.The best way to do it is tozone out or come out here, drink waters. They ends up there will be many acts of drinking water. The play is not as many acts of drinking but one well one system.This is why wife andI have a sister and many times. Now what is a sister. A sister by Hebrew word phraseology here refers to a covered well, they got the right welding covered to everyone else who oppose the cover off the Well, only the right men the right woman should be, pardon the expression, the screen and her dress to the outside. She is designed to be appreciated by one man, always.I could always tell a woman isn't the right moment. We use advertising.She's always trying to show whatever she has, and she thinks is good.She thinks, apparently, at least enough members of the human race share her opinion.This satisfiedis always trying to be, shall we say, dressed and undress, that's merely a demonstration of once we have the right woman who is satisfied as a conservator solver that allows you to dresses beautifully oh wow, as well as expected, obviously chose not to trya little index for some of you.Always worried or dress a little too short, show the grass a little too alone, exposing what she can and can get away with it, is obviously not assistant. She's a sister but not a sister.In other words, I guess satisfied woman, a woman who does not have her right man and a woman who is, pardon the expression on the crowd. Obviously, can be detected by those with doctrine or doesn't.And obviously, stay away from adrinker.Sister.This sister is a covered well covered to the rest of the world. Only the one who drinks, takes the cover off the wire.Now the second phrase also indicates the same principle again, and letting waters. However this time. Since the waters are running the whale is not covered so we have a different Hebrew word one Hebrew word to indicate the outside the wall is covered. But when a white man is allowed is not covered. So we have a second phrase, running waterdoes not runninga TSA now. Now, I'm active myrtus and remember that the Cadillac the final civil exam and many are actions on and so it is here.Not running but flowing.Now let's summarize the concept here of running water, combine old Well, First of all, by wanting to collect a translation.Salvage participle is used here as an agitator, that describes the right woman and her relationship to the right man.Boy turtle and this adjective prior to several describe describes the sexual response of a woman to her right man, flowing is the wordis the word flowing used here as an adjectiveparticiple again describes the sex response of the woman to her right man.Anyone who has ever been more water has ever been swimming, you will notice this water.It's so perfectly to your body, that's the, that's the key.The water always accommodates itself.I've never jumped into the water, but when the water didn't fit your body perfectlyme read this passageitself, perfect. You didn't water.The water as a word parts.That's exactly what it means. And this time the whale is uncovered sister is a well as a body of water.Alright, threewhite.White man.I know Somalia now TV, that there was a knock Restasis PhD thesis read last year, in which, measuring in different ways, man, a woman could only be programmed for one man physically as well as so much.This dealt with a physical ailment areas this Jesus Christ has provided a gift for every man and the human rights, Jesus Christ has provided a right woman. She has program for him, and only for him on a case on the reverse process immersion is the destroys the program. If he won a case. The same thing is true. So running well. Running water fund a well, reverse to the back.Have a so much call so this passage is not dealing withall the mind design lessons, running water, but the wow effect effects the concept that the right woman is programmed on the right.And every day, they do something to harm that particulardoseof analogy,the waters flow to slake the thirst of man. So the sexual response of a woman is a complete satisfaction.I don't know if you've ever.If you've ever played football in any sport. We've had to work hard and develop a thirst and cannot swallow a lot of money being out in the desert situation. When we were really first discovered that there is nothing in the world to quench your thirst.Cold water.Remember people try Coca Cola is the sugar and coke keeps quenching your thirst. I have seen people who have tried everything in the world. Nothing really quenches the thirst,ever want to try everything from there to, well, you name it, there's only one thing that will really quench thirst when you're thirsty and it's just plain water. But when you're thirsty, there's no such thing as plain old water man have offered under adverse conditions in the desert, or just one drink of water.And that's the issue. No matter how plain a woman may appear overtly, she was designed by God to slake the thirst of one man.And in a sense, this is the only thing that can build one man other conditions the thirst has tried to drink a coke. There are swallow a mouthful of salt.That obviously is wrong.So the analogy which is portrayed here. Remember, once again, David is trying to teach for your right woman. She is the only one.There is no one else you can do. She is running water from the web. There is no other way to go.Also, by fire, there's another analogy for running water from the well.They work, running are literally flowing decades that the woman is also satisfied. And the relationship.From the standpoint, nature.When anyone swallows cool or cold water.The body he takes care of a situation and by the time it reaches the stomach, it is warmer than it was before. And it actually adjusts itself to the body temperature. By this we have an analogy to the fact, the relationship between right man, and right woman.A woman is also satisfied. She is described here as dying.Every man has hisso satisfied in the relationship. However, if she enters into fornication or adultery with anyone else. She is dissatisfied and frustrated and enter frustration she either becomes fregean on implementing either, or the other, she is willing to give herself, anyone in hopes that just around the corner, satisfy our emphasis, stronger and stronger on the physical, as she is frustrated, and either she compensates by becoming frigid by becoming a pseudo now, they sit on them. Must be distinguished from a true Nymphomaniac and then he has many sex relationships, none of which he enjoys and none of which you really anticipate watching is trying to find something. She's trying to find design but she's going around it the wrong way. It's like the water jumping out of the well and splashing itself on every stranger who walks by, and no water is designed to do that in the water, beside the water weights in the web for the one who has the right to drink.And drink the water never jumps out of the well and splasheson occasion, there's like jumping out of the out and splashing yourself. And when you do your remaining dry by the time the right one comes along and he jumps down but this topper is not good or whatever it is. And there's nothing there but sand and, obviously, That is a case of our right man right woman relationship, you'll find the right woman at all you can when you're thirsty, and I've never seen a man after less satisfied with abundant water.Fantastic However, we're not finished with a meter you only have five or six.Let's go to our biblical illustration merchant.It was described in termsof sound boards Wow version is described as a pocket seal.There is a woman who is holding water.They sleeping upversion, the apostasymovement. These are days when any book will not sex, generally advocates experimentation to find what you want, like sharp eyes by God.

That's the word of God.God abrogate something entirely different. The Word of God advocates that the greatest relationship between right man and right when both of them are.I was not in any way that we strive, there are no short circuits or no hang ups. There are no problems. And this becomes a very beautiful.Merchant as described in terms of a pharmacielo. This is wonderful and marvellous thing that a woman will rate, wait for her wife man point seven. There's another analogy that you're gonna lovethis is Proverbs 23:27, where a whore is described as a deep, rich.Now I've heard our language just by looking at we're so, so well translated. I hardly have to make any changes.Proverbs 23: 27, You don't understand this you just think, I'll explain it after I read the verse don't get any preconceived ideas. Remember I've been teachingfor alright father now. That is a deep ditch, and a strange woman.How about that. Have you had that lady for your, for your devotionals.This is one of the mergers you used in sharing.Well I never say if you have you met.This means you have a deep ditch, and an elephant.The point is this you have to go back to the time in which the Bible was written, it is impossible to get water out of a deep dish or now opened.The person who goes to the deep ditch or the narrow part of the sleeping. First, never has his first sleep. I know you were thinking other things.But that's exactly what I thinkis a deep dish. In other words, a person who goes to a horror, because he has a first live it is not going to have his thirst late. He is not going to be able to get water out but he just couldn't do it the ancient world.And that is an all, neither can you get it out of the water cannot be reachedat. There's another point. Every time someone goes to a house to remember this is a woman, and she was programmed for one, and she was designed for one man.She has missed the point. Now, this has almost because made what water she had for her white man. She has made that even unavailable to him. Because, here's a tragedy. A man may go to a whore, and he hasn't found his right woman and she's even in a physical relationship has spent so much time giving herself to so many men.And he has spent so much time searching. The new sexual,though a man might go to a house or prostitution or go to a bar and pick up a chip, or get on the horn and call in $100 a night call girl, and have a relationship.And it's his right, its right man and right. Neither one of them would ever knowshifts are passed on the line, because both of them have destroy that wonderful thing. That's one of the greatest lessons in life. All of that comes from the principle and this way.It is possible to so destroy the divine design that never again. What is right matter, right, and to people with reverse process reversion ism, who are right man right woman are thrown together, and never know?That's really a tragedy. You see, when God prevents adultery, he's not being unkind. He's trying to save something that's really great for everyone and adultery, really destroys. As we will see from another passage later on. The possibility of drinking well, drinking water flowing water from your own thane own well, not someone else as well.You will never find, you will never slake your thirst at anyone else as well, just your own way. Many a man goes through life being totally frustrated because he's drinking at everyone else's work. Because he tries to get water out of the deep ditch or now cannot be done. It's absolutely, totally, completely impossible, those jobs one. Wow.One right man. Right, well, she's covered to everyone else. She is open to him.There's another analogy here.And that's the idea that it was unsafe to drink from a deep bench as well and go all the way with these analogies point eight.It's not safe to drink from a deep ditch.The reason is because of pollution.And therefore, not only does one not receive the clients who got thirst, from the deep ditch, but one might pick up several diseases. Remember that a deep ditch is easily polluted. That's where I ever want to use the deep ditch of course find the same way that we use today, and rely on the sewage of the ancient world was often a neat bit. And so when you are thirsty and you drink from a deep ditch you might die of dysentery.And of course the same idea again.When you are sharing a deep ditch with hundreds of other people. You must always take a look at the possibility of getting something which will destroy you physically, of course, so my friend because the Marielle disease.I don't know what you call venereal diseases, they're called scentless guy, gonorrhea, there are also other terms, I may not have reached regular these my brother template. This morning, you see, Savi said what's gone away this classand surplus itself another thing, but in case you didn't understand.You must also remember if it isn't your own well there's a good possibility that there are other kinds of pollution, you will not only not have your first flight, but you also have other troubles as well.Other troubles as well.Now for now through this whole thing well which is fine very Oh, some of you are aware now Why not by all well means God decided for you. Every time you go to another, you are. This is what I call legalism, in the realm of sex you can be a sex, legally, you try to take a well and make it your own. You try to program that well to you.

You try to manufacture your own right woman out of everyone with whom you cohabit or have conjugal love.And every time a woman submits to a man, or you're seduced by a man. And this is not her life man all she's doing is trying to be remade, remove it. And she is falling in love with this same thing that she's trying to be designed for this guy, at least for one night.

And that's what I would call sexual legalism, when trying to do what God has already done. It's the same as trying every time a person is called Aesculus.It's trying to, it's like trying to be saved by walking it out by feeling sorry for your sins by being baptized. It's like trying to make, like, design your own life, build your own life long as other nice thing is trying to design your own life.And I think the word we have used in the English language to make therefore fits in this concept.He is trying to make a water, and God has already made a rifle, and every woman he tries to make it cannot be his right woman, because this right woman has already made.Wasn't less than a day for me to run out of gas with my boss Anyway, and last at least Texas won a basketball game last night.And I'm the only one.Well I think we have probably derived about all we can for the moment the flowing waters from line on, well, no one more point here.Brian oh well.Right, woven for you over.God, but not only designed for you.Butfor you. She was never programmed for anyone I mean listen, again, founder of God. For says, sex is actually a nation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is of Jesus Christ, sex, because of Jesus Christ. God is of Jesus Christ, these are the three great gifts.And like everything else, says the salvation and doctrine, must be understood within the framework of divine design, and therefore it is the one who designed these things for our happiness. Also, set up some laws and boundaries. You cannot play football, without side-line without boundaries, without God. If you have no boundaries. You never know when you score. You never know when you're out of balance, the referee never knows when to blow the whistle.So obviously, there must be boundaries. There must be law and the laws of divine establish but have a series of sex law.The psychological parts are being brought out, David, Solomon. Later on we'll see what Solomon did with these law.Now the world of water which belongs to you most regarded and be regarded in another way. It must be regarded as one of the highest things on your scale about. If you have a biblical scale about number one on your scale of values is of course, salvation. And after that, the important survival.

Since this is a gift from Jesus Christ, and is one which is so well developed for our prescription. There's too much be regarded hot on your scale about a very hot.So much so, that sex in itself but the white woman, the white woman must have a very special place on your scale of values and therefore, the right woman, anyone who finds his white wallet must consider himself extremely wealthy, he must consider himself in that sense, millionaire, a man who has great wealth. They will attach great importance to the amount of money that might possess. But there are possessions more important than money. Money is best expressed under the phrase, easy Carla is ago. But there's no such thing with bride woman.It may be easy common easy daughter but it isn't right woman, there is a period of waiting, there is a period of resisting all temptation, there is a period of vow. Now all of these things before Jesus Christ actually brings to the mat as he did in the garden, because right.But inevitably, this will occur. And inevitably, it is.The question is, how do you regard this chair is treading water in the ancient world was regarded as one of the most valuable things. People in the ancient world do very little about money or attach very little importance to come to as related to other things. But there was one thing of the ancient world that was important, above everything else, and that was the Wow. Remember the story of Jacobs well. Remember how when the Jews came into the lab, where did they stop. They always stopped by oh wow, we lived by a well. And there's a sense in which a right man must live by the left. The well by which he lives his right woman. And therefore, no man can put low on the scale of his wife. She should be more important than the materialistic things of life but not as important to him as salvation and so on the scale of values. This verse also tells us that the right one must be about number three on the scale of values, if you're doctrinal and your scale about personal salvation. Secondly Bible doctrine, and well, Bible doctrine comes the principle of occupation with Christ. And that's why the greatest right man right bullet relationships are those were the two involved, the drinker, and the OH and his own well-read until involved occupied with the person of Jesus Christ. Now occupation of Christ is the mature technique is the technique which comes from the erection of the edification complex of a soul. You've all heard that all put shit about put Christ first and everything will be all lived with your sex relationship or your marriage or whatever it is, and it is a cliche, but it is also true that when the lever is occupied with Christ, having a maximum amount of doctrine, putting doctor first on the scale of back, that gives rise man right woman relationships will be something that is absolutely phenomenal maximum.Now the reverse says literallywaters of pleasure from your own system. This is the coverage storage of water. In other words your white woman is covered, to the rest of the world,and blowing waters with eight analogies from your very own. Wow,which is your wife.Now I think we're ready for verse 16that I have found must be dispersed abroad and rivers of waters in the street.I want you to notice a very definite change.I have checked a couple of people I wrote out proverbs and they fail to notice, we have our third word for water storage.However, this word has nothing to do with a woman, though well is water. They're covered well, and open well it covered well is called a sister. This is the way she appears to the outside. The open well, is the way she appears to her All right man. But this is the concept of water storage.Now, another analogy is very beautifully and suddenly introduced, and as far as I know, no commentary, has ever caught this bar.

That fountain is different. All of you have seen a file now the word is truly Hebrew it means gushing water, and this is a picture of the male sex drive. The word of the Hebrew is Matt,and awhile away. If you ever see transliterated Hebrew words you're going to find that they even produce a y, or a j, and this will also help you to learn that school of Hebrew.The Germans were the greatest scholars and Hebrew.And a German j is like a y. So, and I put down the Tetragrammatons', as a Yo, I put down a J about photography, I put down.Like, where I was with J.WPA J, etc. Why, because you see my Hebrew came up to the Germans.This is the modern American School, which they are going to Hebrew at all.So, you're gonna run into Jews who have had Modern Hebrew transliterating and use the law, I always use the day.So you understand.But I never was used to why because it never was the one in Modern Hebrew, who straight up and it's great to have, but he forgets to execute.So, I have complete evil that means I've had a lot of academic he really does amazing I'll ever went to a rabbi.Now we have to clarify these little clients.Now,we have the sexual ability of the male, the sex drive of a male. That, in other words, we have the analogy in the well and Emma Sister, what is the water doing what you're doing. Here's a wellness. Here's the age to a pleasure doing.It's just flying, but all of a sudden along comes the father know what to do as Bumbles often downringabel.In other words, is not the woman that was in the last row, we're in my new file with the male sex drive and we'll be throughout the rest of this passage.And this passage refers to the ability of the male.Now, not to slay two birds number one woman gets the man who's first his slave is the man who is thirsty., It is the woman who is stood out. Definitely analogy. So now we use for how the man gets his first slave.I'm out of trouble, so enough by dragging from the left, and that means the woman satisfies the man. How does the woman. How is she satisfied, what's the analogy is now very turbulent, the indicator, extremely beautiful, glorious passion.What stirs up about something about the course of life.Now I realize I can't believe some of your women can test on boy.I've done the best I can.The part of the farm that has the male sexual ability to satisfy the woman, the right woman is as a word just like a PA. And then along comes the right man, and she's not upon him or she is a passionate marvellous thing for one man.By the way, anything else is frustrating too, because a lot of it may come to the Navy I've never seen a pop, let's take it this way if you ever see a drinking cloud.How is the water they're drinking fine plastic No, those up so we have a stream of water through water and what do you have, you have what you might call turbulence. Here you have what you call something very beautiful. In other words, get this now, no woman is fast.Her right, Matt, is making lunch.She is a storm of passion.I knew this was subtle I didn't really realize it was so.Now I said some of you can't get it let's go back to what I told you in the first place. The foul is the male sex drive. Let's put it this way, the sex drive, are your right, man. Now, man, what are you to do with your phone.It isled by fountain be dispersed abroad is a lot like I'm in a jam.The Hebrew adds one thing that is not found here.The negativelab not your file will be dispersed abroad. But that's interesting I bought that that's how,that's what you call an accidental translation mind let's get that be dispersed as a calling perfect Poots.Hey yo tz.Oops. Now ports means to overflow your firearm was designed for one right woman. It is not designed to overflow to other women.And it should be read literally 1000s many sex acts as in the fountains sex with your right woman shall not overflow.This is a prohibition of adultery or fornication, and so on or even homosexuality, onyour fountains your sex acts shall not overflow, that is to others. And you have another very interesting phrase, which I'm sure everyone fell flat on when they have this for devotional rivers of waters in the streets.Now it's possible that someone could pick this up as a devotional in the sense of witnessing the people on the street.Rivers being the gospel, but that is what it teaches.First place the word reverence, this is the Hebrew word colicPLegmeans dividing by a man's mouth.Designed for his wife woman overflows to others.And the male sex aggressiveness goes into fornication.Then, it divides the streets, social confusion.Alright, let's take a bite by point oneword robber's means dividing. Ah, that's the common strike on the palate and the construct is translated with us.That means dividing off the waters in the streets by two and a man lets his father, his sex aggressiveness overflow to other women.He is ruining someone else's, right.We've got our man let's his fountain over.He is ruining someone else's right woman. And that is dividing in the street. A nation of fornicators, our nation divided our nation, our fornicators, are so divided, they will never get together on anything to defend the nation or anything else, and therefore becomes a nation and the higher the adultery, index, the more confusion and I celerity, and I can illustrate that many of you played football, you've got to remember two or three football players. The same girl and getting mad at each other. I have seen a man's average go down because he was sharing a girl with a pulling guard, and a pulling guard quit blocking the line-backer and alien every time, and you just say football and you see the line-backerline backers that video for all your sudden it becomes great, why, because there's too much sharing of the same Wow, on the other team.You didn't know that many football team has been ruined. A coach can tear all of his hair off trying to get certain things over to a team and get a team going in the right direction, but all he needs is one well for the team. He might as well throw on the spot. Cancel the rest of his game.Now the same thing is true in a nation.The same thing is true at any organization.The same thing is true anywhere with any group, any business, any manager, and any church anywhere else.Various dividing in the streets. The streets were fun to socialize, there's so we saw Adam and Jeremiah.The boys will no longer allow for the streets that socialize.That was one of the characteristics of the full cycle investment Jeremiah nine here it means destroying an organization, an organization is distraught, when there is a shared one well by many more by severalgoing 311 was designed by grace.For someone else beside the corner, and you're a corner cutting with a woman. She was designed not for you but for someone else.She is only programmed for her right man4.4 You are messing up someone else's life. When you fall in a cage with her every wolf is a master rocker of other people's right women, which is messing up his own.And he's missing. The greatest human happiness that could ever exist. It's interesting. Every time a person starts to fall in a cage he sells his birth right. Wonderful happiness with his wife, for our mouse pottage.And no one nightstand will sound attractive female animal is ever going to do anything, this great opportunity for happiness.Five to the man, man. Your waters have overflowed to around water. But you cannot quench.You may give her physical satisfaction, because you are clever, or capable, but you cannot quench her thirst. Her body is still related to her soul she's not there. And because your body is related to her soul. Only her right man is programmed to satisfy her physically, and to quench the thirst of a soul all at the same time, their happiness which is so beautiful that only those who have been there can really understand that. We can only state the principal and the principal is when I write man makes a lot of sense to his right woman. It not only is fantastic. As far as the physical is concerned, but it flakes, the first of the soul. The thing that makes the woman insatiable is not the design of remodel or the liberal, the biological urge that hits her. It is. So, that gives her insatiability you see the soul and the body are late.And those of you who have studied the gonads and the various little things there's a button right back here at the face, the bank. And that was the link between the women saw her bot. And you may satisfy her body, but you will never sleepline five.No waters have overflowed over but you cannot satisfy her at all point six. You can only frustrate a wrong woman, and turn her into something that is either frigid or nymphomaniac.You can add to her steps toward the coffee, we've had that Friday night, where a woman who has good on her back, will wind up on her back the greatest affair of all is in the coffee.We've already had that.So, you ruin someone else's right, she becomes either a name or a friendship point seven.Well what is even worse now.You have tampered with God's design, which ruins, happiness and your happiness.You are destroying the programming to someone else. At the same time, destroying your own.Now, remember going out and still on the board, how like,there is another noun in the Hebrew that is exactly the same. It has the same three letter. So, this is your English P L and G.You your mother while she was on the team. You put t into dividing. And that is the Hebrew word for when it's translated not divine and you have turned a woman for one night, or one month or one whatever it is, or two weeks or you have turned her into your minister, she's naturally a woman she's your listeners, you have added teeth to her. Now she's named she bites.Say the word, and you just change the eye here you have just because you had a letter. This has to be an eye, and you move this down here, and the word EEG sh. The waggish, which is the same as Pollock issues.By the way, the word masters does not occur in English if you're Bible. That's the word, the word concubine. See 20th century ministers 18th century 17th century, cognitive attack devices saying that every time you see a car goodbye. It's this word, this is the ledge because.So one of your tables, something is wonderful and you put teeth and made of dangerouswaters, inviting waters. Again, same word we have before.The blue AI.They in Spanishmesses up someone else's writing that reproduces social confusion, destroys the past, people often respond. Now let's get to your phone or sex acts toillustrate a dividing of social confusion.Now verse, 17.Let there be only vinyl by family use account and perfect.AJ AJ age my jobcorrectly translated only via known is not correct and should be locked down, your site's XP, while you're one, and over, mature sad for your one and all that is for your right moment and not the word who saw rock.See, ARsa refers to a promiscuous robot also refers to a reversion St.SQL is used for our heart, chubby vessel.Tired slot.In short, immersion as a practicing reverse process reversion ism with Empathy sequential persons.That's what stranger, doesn't mean someone who have a map, so thatit's not one of those places where you service a woman and say, by the way, my name is.My man and your sex acts before your one handle, and not a reversion as well musculus. Now once again, why Jesus Christ. Just as salvation is a gift for Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, the right one. A Jesus Christ. The act of salvation that Jesus Christ was on the cross, the dollar place.Closing out this morning. Let us bow our heads and close our eyes and face the greatest of all gray Smith's.The issue of white thinking of Jesus.Lord Jesus Christ at your place of Acropolis.Hello Jesus Christ die for your spiritual sciences whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life, right when you said that have everlasting.You have not responded.I personally believe in the love of Jesus Christ. This is your opportunity to make the greatest decision.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thou shalt whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting laser weapons you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, that believing he might have life and have eternal life.Wherever you are, wherever you are,privacy, the privacy.You can tell about the Father that you are believing and Nagasaki.In that moment you are the possessor.So the headmaster is posed as money.Once again, thank God.Thank you once again back every time we approach the passage of Scripture, receive the grace of God manifested again.Is that good father for the importance in the stress upon divine institution number two. Right Man right woman we see how it can affect individuals, but also collectively our nation. Thank you for the four divine institutions that stabilize our country who pray to God the Holy Spirit will take the information this morning, and make it a reality in our soul. When we ask it in Christ's name. Amen

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #8

8 03/12/1972 Prov. 5:18–23 Appeal of the right woman to her right man


Proverbs chapter. Proverbs chapter, went out of the realm of service this morning. The principle of drinking water from your own Wow. Proverbs chapter five continuing our study, drinking water from your own body based on an illustration for Genesis, six verses 15 through 25 You're alive because the world is forming I mentioned, Isaac in connection with the importance of WoW Philistines that come around. When a person firstcontention.Well a dog was called hatred. Well it was called. These were all the wrong well, what do you find the why was it on out with us for the ride. He makes a very excellent illustration. The other service in this model. Fine. Preparation for our continuation of this study. Well first of all it's kind of the moment that you might be filled with a spirit that NASA say, you might appreciate this portion of God's Word, God's word that is, meaning the little like the pastor. God's word. At any time you stay away because you don't like. You are the loser.A lot of people are illusions. Now you have a few moments to prepare for this funny amount of work.Roger. Roger. Bothmercies are renewed every day person asked him follow up man I've been having a scripture module for the wonderful privilege of having these things. We ask now that God the Holy Spirit will in my class. As we fellowship and the wordattention.That is significance that is purpose may be understood by all. We asked us, Nuala. Once again, reading a few verses. How's the loving hind and pleasant boom. We all have a strange ways of the Lord on the eyes of the Lord before the eyes of the Lordis over. Morning. We saw that the reverse. Drive is not surprising. We're dealing with translation left back to the male made module one and only, that is when you're writinga novel, born with virgin hair sticking them in my veins version of this give us the last few minutes mark on a similar word to the one we've just had profiles, ma Q. Following refers to the right sizing a permanence and happiness in the relationship of man, right. It was followed by the last part of several of our lastdays. AR AK. This is generally translated to the last connotation. Remember, these three gaps on raw data, accomplish. God day's early warning was embedded by Jesus Christ the same person who provided salvation. The same person who has provided doctrine or doctrine is demand and price. That's why the last five was worried about.Last fall last by rappers in the towel. The towel participle is linear. Therefore this pair of plastic with its size, it should be translated,your power, your sex drive, your sex aggressiveness shelving easy blade blast. This must be regarded in the light of the contracts, but in a previous verse he said less than your sex actually can be for your one and only the right one. Therefore, your sex life shall be permanentlyblast imperative of sama. Sama, something that shouldn't be translated. In other words, It goes like this. Shall be permanently black. The word is age. This is in the construct for AWS and the word for you here is not or mean you as me, it means for you cannot wait to say this word. Why, because not a woman. First you are a brainchild your sex life shall be permanently black. When you take pleasure in audio, he or she is described as a loving. I want to watch. Let's take a look at the word Hi, loving obviously shale oil, a medium to female subjects which is quite often omit the word. The word for.If you want to comeby, as we saw this water down rather than a grain of salt. So let's pass on family, otherwise known as the light duty. This cooking class weather man, Your very own such upsets many hammers and powders. With swapping or. Okay, hey, hey. Right, yeah. So female going one. A while ago, was quite satisfying.Cane.Cane. This of course indicates. All right. The wild. Right. Let's start with your shopping, shopping, and the woman that hammers. This is one of our numerous words, which means whatever it is going to be using. I say that some of our usual. Are they satisfied that you are in a toxic. Searching for cemetery conforms perfectly to a white man's body. Oh, wild when she goat second response is the benefit of grapes or while she got grapes.Shall incarcerate you see the signs.And then the final phrase to be thou always ravished with a bow ravish was the cow and perfect Chaga sh ad to wander up and down to wander off. Boddy. Bras are up and down her body. Summarize versus. Proverbs, chapter by versus fixed from your own system, storage, it's your right to drink, and you have a storage of water. So you'll uncover your own like demand flowing waters, which we in which we saw at Saks response from your own our own right woman. Show love to other women in the streets. Verse 17 for your wife. Right. Take care. These are water. Furlong anything which you both agree. There is no such thing as perversion, and anything that a white man and a right. This was exactly what I said here. Now, her body area on her lungs. She responds to every time someone walks into the right on the land and jumps into the store and shops,living avery,very, very low life, man. Yes ma'am centrepiece on the wall. Everybody listen, we are done with regards but the Word of God. Now put it in your notes. That's whenyou have right,up and down her body that is gracious enough Paul phases Christ along the way the legalist. The motto is rather than a fundamentalist sound right in the middle. I understand that nearly every professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, salvation is by doing something not believing in crime. Now that data is the same phrase, and is constantly being distorted. Now, whether you realize it or not, that make the difference to me at all, it's in the works right man wanders off them down the body. There is no such thing as reverse relationship right man, Right. There's no way they're gonna have perversion.This manyblogs are up and down the body of your right woman with this fear mostfamous, how to call who's better both sides. Dr. David, Solomon. Mariah. And I'm very serious question. Completely. I've already answered some of these questions. Now, in the ordinary sense of the word he was a very particular wayon this. It was not an experiment let's move on to his song about the God the Holy Spirit life Solomon, explain the principles adopted which are found in the great happiness. The great tragedy, for example, who are some of our tourist's well that Jacob is covered with recycled paper.First round. The first one was solved. Very much so even the crowd favorites were strict guidelines. And they went out the window. Right. He was handling early progress problems rather than try to resolve to know the price of oil is probably the same as a solid. Right. I know I saidlast week,we're going to look at the brand. Solomon, on what is known as the end of this verse, the other verses of the last phrase in our chapter, their greatness. Audience power translation is bigger than Solomon,one now 7701 aggregation and evolve around the alarm, we ever had another go. Right. And only gets around to one a night, or longer to get around I saw. Just one moment. I don't know whether or not or not but the sexualassault on an even greater. David Sachs driver somewhat limited by every spring. But remember, Solomon. Solomon live and great lunch. We're gonna move on.Right. Whatever, where it starts when people stop like any kind ofdoctrine, I want to save my father wants a family, about to murder my father about any of the questions or the facts of life at an advice on preparation. We have always Bobby and I just write my letter. Bother anotherwordabout what happens, the waving of the wailing will be heard. They've gotten away with a little bit of that.We call them so we could join a few remarkable people in the world about science or fundamentalists that's why passes is never been translated, much less thanI am. The manner in which they freak out. There were a lot that wants to live your life and stuff like that. And I would personally, I like to approach. Mother's Day or Father's Day. And why real side by side by side basis that they had a wandering Romania. Why was you, we already know what rubbish is it's shocking,why when you wander up and down the body of shipped why when you water up and down the body, you see more and more damage. Why am I son should you wander up and down the body of a promiscuous reversing.

So far so good because we have been. Embrace is the back. Sweet. Ah, it's very similar to practice the same Genesis about a year ago we had it. Remember, please, never dial back please and metals have to find Bible I really mean, which seems to be blue. That's not any good, why should we really know what it means when the cows down here, and wanting to go have sexual intercourse to have time to go off to work, are bilateral doesnot have sex with a person. Here's the inside of the how to fire up the chariot. It is a hollow with a heart for the final step.Female. That makes sense. Why my phone shed your water I'm about the body of a promiscuous woman matcher right and embrace the tentacles of a nymphomaniac toward stranger here is not free. Not real or not. Why am I sorry, if you want to go up and down the body of a woman and just go and embrace the genitals or in the challenges of Romania,are struggling to remember first what to watch for the waves of man,refers to the pattern as a function of life. And the pattern and function of life, describe on the context of wires here is sex here refers to Solomon as a promiscuous man. It refers to the wall. This is the one like this man is a violator of divine laws and I started with a class from my family was always remain the log of the final status and receipts and everything. And later it was right on and I saw God made or design. Right, right, man. It's the grace for those who are divine or other man, and they come here every time. It is an attempt to take a woman into your life lost his life by being used with a man in a war is a male, who again your sexual conquests the female is trying to program here.It starts when your soul is facing God. And there's always a lot of females in that Isaiah, and those things we've said tome, guys, one occasion I say to, as he says, reconstruct the program. Now you have a surprise and they brag in the shower in the locker rooms, and they brag. At the crops, they buy. They brag wherever they go. And I've heard them express that often about how great they are, other women well there's a lot ofone. But the other time, was brought into a lot of women. I never saw. All my life I've met a spark, because a woman has been on TV and identify withsomebody for grant, whatever that third group identifies a better backdrop of having an erotic identification, not erotic identification. Because erotic identification with great football player, a great golfer, a great movie star, a great singer. And there's all kinds that I've gotten a lot of revenue by they talk to a lot of women within the realms, safe, causeI've heard women say in conversation, all these men that certain persons are enhanced, and then they turn around and say to somebody else, I said, Well they do see so and so great. A lot of middle school students, stone, maybe these rivets.They have a wider this fan of nails and they like to have a short at all times, by the way, have a wide span of a short span maybeshorter, maybe three television, Dr O'Connell, they won't identify themselves. And some women wait for just that guy that they saw the other day, and then waiting for him to show up again.Now what's the point. The point is that ever way they're just children one way. And the reason they're silver is because they always find the right man as well when the right man comes along, he checks business where a woman should grow up from a from a woman is a woman and she's a look at the mayor for three or four other students that she may turn around during the course of evening, not because of you. But it's hard to slow down your heart rate but you realize there were five or six other people now, you can tell the same way. Many people think as a celebrity, and a woman their shows another sense, A woman in some crazy stuff with economics along with that, because that allows us the soul to admire certain things that go on in the human race, she admired someone who's a descent, and sort of celebrity singer, and she goes to study, maybe there's anything that ever came along, or you maybe are great with that, in the world of athletics, or maybe a good actor maybe something which,Again, women are stupid, absolutely stupid wrestlers another reason why God has designed one Batman becomes a profession we're gonna see your passes. I'm gonna go on started on Tuesday, we have a buddy in our class that I started to give a talk last year. They're really great ones the right ones along the right man. Was it the soul of the woman, just as he was a woman telling us about medieval times, when a guy went off to the Crusades or the war, we lost the woman. We should see some of those chapters, the first thing we want to doprofessional one five I've gotten a lot of work in psychology when I wasa female relating to her life prior to heavy weighting of classified mail that women are stupid about women are stupid man or woman was revised. And remember, the ways of pattern number one permission less activities of a man in the eyes of the law. In other words, God knows everything about every man I was vegan for years ago. Now the word otter is wrongwords wrong right, it's the word should go before the eyes of the Lord, that tracks of a man not the way he's been the tracks down here his tracks. The cards as we saw in the early service. And that's attract fornication. Every act of fornication, every sexual life with the wrong woman is well known for the law. So far before the eyes of the Lord. The promiscuity of man. Now, but that's phrase, listen to this and He the Lord with all his dog says it all moderators mistranslated. Now here is last, and it's me. Now let's get in here mom last P AE L A s. However, the stem does not mean that either we have means to weigh in on steel. We have to have this scale, and it should be translated, He weighs. He weighs. All right. This is a balanced access right now. I think they usually suspended here versus just doing push ups is like right here. All the way these white man on this side of the white woman. What is this thing saying he raised his price, bones, a woman can do that together. The steel goes to your head and memorize never want to. Is it clear, this is a balance? Sure, when those that are brought by man or a woman, because he has spent his adult life, experimenting with the female of the species, quantitative masturbating. Save all of those waters for the right webinar. The following response. We first of all first we version has almost killed. Why she fly cafe by Obama. Here's a white man a white woman. Actually, just a sacrifice. What is up guys. So that's why, right man, right. I don't want to go away. Women are MPs every man father. Now, that short sale is legal, on the balancesheet, lie in the mind.Many men that he provides and Grace has a very delicate balance phrase of this raw happiness that comes from the sun in the winter right man in a lifetime. It is absolutely out of this world, indescribable.But when there's any chance you're listening right now. Right. I love are not animals. Animals, carry on to human race does not have a soul is the combination of body and soul. And remember, sex, was designed by Jesus Christ for happiness in a given rate. Jesus Christ, just as much as salvation. They are his gifts to other human beings. And the Lord balances in the scale that is going on every one of us is all by servers.We firmlyliterally ran all the eyes in mind. Use them all. Or vice versa, the woman, the scales get the right man right perfectly balanced on the scales with a perfect balance and all this stuff. All right, man right Robin is myjam maker,little blah blah blah. Those are often written. They are the ones on the last line. Now verse, 22 is all about. My name is Christian savasana.He lives in the city ofSan Sam aviation means like a nice perversion of all for your fornication. Masturbation. Sorry typo wrong person, man or, I'm sorry for the wrong memory officer NSA Sachs responding to say homosexual sex responding resetting masturbation responding to sound masking. Now, we've already seen a version that's what you're right, man. Right, remember you're right man right woman was commanded to wander up and down further down. Now listen. All versions. Show. Now in Burma, shell trap. Malik a ADH immersion, where we're voting volition as the final one here.And then ninereversion mystic females. Remember perversion, does anything when we have a sexual relation for everything.To secure your mono. Bow.Bow. With the chords that you're saying the word shall be holding those to be singers and by GA andhe seesthe jeans on Sam's here is on a tea, a tea today, and other words, what's happening with everybody wants to be shall be seen. Junior's own, I got this cap off idle, there's only by having sex with the wrong woman. To find the grim software high leverage he has created this famous saying instead of creating alignment. Women. She's great. She winds up what am I gonna call. That's the end. The Turbo brings upon performance is great, and bad, he winds. The winds will say, the more, the more you. Yes, creative writing, and in your story.I've been interviewing yourideal. Nothing I remember his own reversion isn't attacking him with a reversion mystic unusually seasoned bow but the truth is that his own feminine is the reverse mystic my own is trading himself he is created with his favorite survival. And this I know are fans of all perspiration, this man and Monica. Has anyone ever even been to speak out against every, not have to rely on the word either here. Right, welcome to the session. We know that an idol is not a goodman. Nothing matters to us. In modern gaming. Every time there's going to be changing itself to an islandwas changed what I saw when I put the man under adultery and reverse.Kidney reversion is the persons who are so bound on the idea of sex, but a white woman comes along, they do not even know. Many women best illustration is Shula mite woman. The Shula mite woman turned her nose up at Salt. Great Human attracted Solomon did not compare to the right man was the shepherd lover. And of course the same thing as being a vice versa way how Jeremiah Smith, he had many more boys. He knew, they never had an idol. This was interesting. Remember when items on an item we're never satisfied with them.The right is the principal lesson summarize point, a white woman does not wait for her right illustrate for her wife 9.2 she has affairs with others, and ends up marrying the wrong man. This case number on man is a mile. So I had always wanted to ride along reliable. Therefore, nothing can be done about that arrived rover does not wait for a ride Matthew sleeps around from St Louisto man she marries the legend for the right man of third party. When I get when, when he gets in bed with her.She's got an idol strap, and it's wrong. We're going to have that No, we only want to make a response with our right man with the soul, says you can respond to a right. So wherever we respond. Another man in mind. So man who was a wrong match, and you give her a great choice. She marries a white man of another guy, and his father Hammond, but think about it,or even to puttinga hold on chains on the verge cloud says reversion isn't by the mistake he made it was one moment comes along, as a white man marries the life. He brings to her. This is long sex. There's way more money. But he goes on to children with all of these opponents, and every time he gets in the neighbourhood. Verse 23 in the last verse. Bye, without going into the physician and only, only the mysterious medical purposes.This is physical therapy,a phrase or even related to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit refers will go along with it. To survive without trying to live without them. Most salvation. Except for grace with the right hand right reverse and we went negative on 1/3 Right. Under the right conditions. Every project. We have wafers mapathon a whole diversion of negative motivation towards capacity for loss, scars, emotional capacity for reversion has grown a lot, and the ruling of the masses, the last episode, we're talking aboutthe magnitude of this falling revolts emerging Asia shall, we shall warmer. This time shall not the water up and down and the human body which he does, but the water have been down in life, never findthe salary translations. Now let's get an illustration, like Jesus Christ said when he looked at the barber woman was Bill. He said, Lord, and man should be alone. He was referring to anatomy. All right. So Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. All right. For the first time that before you find your wife manager like London, for mainland was a gracious gift was provided. Jesus Christ brought to the man, right woman to cancel out my, my child of Jesus Christ was alone on the cross for our sins. We took our place. Have to be alone for buying eternal salvation, man has to be alone, everything was created. So the greatest gift of Jesus Christ has to be alone. So the gift of salvation was on the cross he was alone, of Jesus Christ. We evolved from the grave and resurrection, we will resurrect the folly of assets abroad, or vice versa alone. Despite the simplicity of the right hand of the Father alone.Alone is not good enough to last a long time. Java tends to notice all the dark it's been. The Church of Jesus Christ was the first hour with Jesus Christ. We are in the body of Christ. The pride of the rest ofhis life, like the body of Jesus Christ. The first thing that happens all humans. All humans. Every act of humans will be sold. Perfect bye for now. Jesus Christ is still on there. Until the bride who, who Jesus Christ, the rapture of the church. Jesus Christ is the only one for the rest of that, the Old Testament, plays a wise thing is the rise of wrestling is alone. So we have some beautiful analysisneededverses 20 through 23 Why Verse 20 and why my son in the body of a promiscuous woman. I've embraced the genitals of a nymphomaniacbefore the eyes of the Lord will always have man. He waives all man's tracks, his own reversion is a real crime here with a reversion mystic woman, and he shall be seen and filed with a chain of resolve bound with chains to his own feminine. Right. Family minor, a child dies without doctrine, any of the magnitude of this folly. Nobody volunteered scar tissue emotional revolting version. We shall go astray, the practice of reverse process, we furnish an asset, with our heads Rob and arise.We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning. For those of you who are here without Christ, without hope and without eternal law. We want you to know that Jesus Christ has been personally in mind when he went to the Kroc Center with ever committed as is poured out upon Him. Jesus Christ was alone, so that we might never be alone. Jesus Christ was alone, so that God might provide for him abroad. The moment you believe in Jesus Christ. In the Bride of Christ to have an eternal life. There's only one way to have eternal life, really. But the Lord Jesus Christ, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting liquid you might believe that Jesus is the Christ. He might have to bite your head, close your eyes so that you might have privacy so that everyone else around you by the privacy of your own, so when I express your personal face to the Lord Jesus Christ, that expresses now at a moment of time, but not the possession of it. Sure, you want to save the sun and everlasting life, even believe it not the sun shall Mazzola. The lamp of dynamite uponthis moment of power last post when asked buddy then I'll delete house of cards inthe mind of a clientthat we have received the grace of God, in such a way that all of us understand the tragedy of our time, lackof understanding the time, we realized our nation is one of the fastest friendly young people in this way we build trust the Lord.For those who are in relationship we pray that they will focus their attention on the grace of God that he can provide any situation that there are no problems with regular planning I pray for those who are here today that may not know Christ as Saviour, that they may see the issue that Jesus Christ. Definitely dying on the cross for sins they can have eternal life and relationship with Him for all eternity. Thank you for this day in Christ Name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                           Lesson #9

9 03/12/1972 Eccl. 7:26–29; 1Kings 11:1–9

Solomon's profile


Open your Bibles are saved into Ecclesiastes 7:26. Ecclesiastics 7:26, out of the 40 hours of telephone conversations this afternoon.Several of them work long distance, he. Some of them are bad news by radio Kwajalein Marines although I'm happy to allow the Pacific, which was purchased in a very heavy price. The man who calls them out there is a very old friend,atomic scientists. I don't know the name of his work out there. But he tells me that a case we're getting all over that area. Good news and bad news too. I haven't called California today, tomorrow, but United States sign up is going to consider the genocide and one of the most established ways to stop the teaching a Bible doctrine, the genocide that goes to the United Nations to override the Constitution of the United States, and eliminate prejudice. Prejudice being underwater teachers often refers to the race racial,South Carolina, we'll get to hang on and see what he can do but you know there's that old combination of Mansfield and Scott. So you can tell what time it is, apparently, he is anxious to get this other piece of chokecherry legislation, it's really bad news as a fact of my voice is not only no better than worse. You can use your voice all the time without having a cell phone and probably just the telephone on the walls.If you ever get sick. Don't call me and tell me you couldn't be here because you're trying like hell.Survival smile in your face. I'm here to teach you. We have a great class. So I assume that you are rebounded, you're ready to go on there for the community,close last is chapter seven verse 26. This is one of those passages again which is poorly translated. Find better than the woman Hello, this only have I found that DOD hassought out many advantages. Now that isn't the knock me when I read that,I will turn this thing uphere before we get started.Here we go.There's the Cadillac.mazzaro looks like this and the Hebrew and AgSA were just had a lot of my songs in Proverbs chapter five and you will recall, but with this now active participle is a first person singular personal pronoun in the emphatic position.It is referring to Solomon.We have now are seven one insert.Following a brief description to allow Solomon.The Father's Day for his father David's teaching, they've been taught this person ever Solomon. Solomon recorded it as a part of the Word of God.It is the very passage which practically ruined his life.Here's a description of how he failed because he was negative toward doctrine, because he had scar tissue emotionally bold and reversion as solid when it comes to the place of an adaptation complex that he reverted from that.And one of the things that he rejected was the doctrine of right man right woman for one reason or another, many of you are trying to reject the same doctor.No excuse.It has been taught, often, clearly you have trouble with it and your loss Song can be a voice of bitterness of soul about women.Now the reason he did is because he never had his wife woman.There are two ways in which man becomes better, about woman. The first is the failure of his mother and father.And that's the child.The second is the fact that he does not find his right woman who does not wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to bring him. His right woman.Solomon failed to accept this person. Back then, which was taught by his father. In Proverbs, chapter five.We have spent three sessions on proverbs five Friday night said on Sunday morning both sessions this passage describes the bitterness of soul, which comes to Solomon, instead of happiness. Solomon had the greatest opportunity for happiness of anyone who ever lived, from every standpoint, very few people have enjoyed as much prosperity.But then again, too much prosperity and in some cases very little possibility. It's a great attack against the edification power.

Reverse Solomon was one of the things.Ah Solomon describes his own failure to wait for his white woman, another description of his failure and his misery is presented in the Song of Solomon, mechanicals.When he says I find. Now it doesn't mean that he suddenly discovered it, it means that he lived with it most of his life. Therefore, no matter how prosperous Solomon Adam all of the details of why. No matter how successful. And Solomon was the greatest celebrity ever has been able to travel 1000s of miles to sing the song, and we hear a song that he was. So he was a great, great celebrity. No matter how you slice Solomon. He had every proposed reality for happiness. And yet the tantalizing participle indicates, it was cost a little better. I kept on discovering more than better than them. They want more or better propel perfect deliver, Ma.M, ar, ar ar perfect means that veteran aside in and stay there. Solomon was constantly under metadata to say, mental attitude since, not only for himself and his misery and divine discipline, but mental attitude sins, also destroy capacity for love, in any area, more or better than death as a comparative main muscle now, ma,ma w eh, plus the comparative name.This morning and the second service in Proverbs, 23, plus years two ways and Proverbs five of a woman was the most diverse, and the last. With the coffee,the gavel look forward to that when he found that he was shackled to idle, and therefore the state of great misery.Solomon says, I keep on discovering more or better than he shotat Ha is ah, ah, it was a man who was writing in the mastery of the Holy Spirit.After his life is almost over. Ecclesiastes was written when Solomon was very, very old, very disillusioned about life, very miserable and very bitter.Nisha refers to the wrong women in his life where he never had a leg.Solomon had 700 wives and 300 mistresses a concubine.And I've ever a man that say this.The basis of experience. It was Solomon.I keep on discovering more and better than that.Now the reason that Solomon says this is because we went into reversion ism. Those of you who have read or heard of the great pleasure of Solomon.When he was dedicating the temple, or some of the statements he made in his youth, when he first became to realize that you're looking at that time at a spiritual journey.Solomon. There's a man at the lever, with a magnification complex of a soul. And in the early days of his reign. We had all of the potentialities of going on to further greatness, even as his father David, but prosperity was too much for Solomon was apparently so attractive as a male and every way that a male can be attracted that women were constantly falling in love with him becoming enamoured with some again as we saw the doctor this morning, women are stupid about the fact that so many women fell for Solomon, merely amplifies the female stupidity when it comes to sound like him because he was handsome. And apparently the sound goes life in beautiful clothes that Sam enjoyed his celebrity position in life. He was the king. He was also a very brilliant sunlight, because he could do things they couldn't understand what's great in math.There's always one or two women they're impressed with any man that can work out any kind of an equation, balance a check book,frankly, some level I think for as much sunlight for what they could get from me.But what whatever the reason, Solomon was played by women have what it takes. The way alive, the superficiality of this, to realize how stupid andtherefore instead of waiting for his wife.Solomon became one of the great sex athletes of all time.We will see something of his decline as he went up in this particular area.Again, the first part of verse 26 says I keep on discovering are better than the woman

now the next part of this passage is so bad that I'm going to give you the corrected translation first and then work from there.The word heart is out of place. This throws everything off.

Really says she the woman who is not proud of me originally. She is a trap.Now, remember Solomon is speaking to us. Many of you man would never regard a woman as a crap. You have your right woman. Their abortions everything that's wonderful in life is a great gift and Jesus Christ.But this phrase says whether she's, who is a trap.Heart, or white globe snares or nets. Now that's the correct word order will work for us rather than from our authorized version.She has a personal pronoun feminine singular on the impact position, she the woman. Nisha, who rally pronoun, the antecedent of the relative pronoun is the woman. There is no verb here this is very elliptical that expresses Solomon's bitterness he was not better when he writes is filled with the Spirit, recovering. It was better over the years. She, who is on track.mThe Authorized Version Does, does not capture the flow here, it does capture by saying snares, but it misses the subtlety of Solomon's meaning. The word is not a snake, not sore is a trap,and am a TS mop sawma snare can trap wild animals.mAnd only a trap, capture a wild man.And this of course is a trap for the human worldmeans many hunting mats.The many hunting mats of a woman include her physical beauty on the body and the woman was originally constructed by the Lord Jesus Christ as the greatest gift of a man.As far as this life is concerned.What I'm imagine that a woman uses to track, obviously her physical beauty adds to this a smarter woman who doesn't the man on earth has enough brains to use a personality.Do you really want to make a man feel important, or wanted to receive manywords.A man has with women, the Lord, he is a man.For many women of his life. That's why this works.Oh, actually destroy the possibility of a wonderful relationship right man right womanand her heart. This was not the king, this is not this, it isn't the King James, where it says, who is the word heart here refers to, like, and every part of her right lobe is designed for snare man, that's what it was saying she was a trap. Now it doesn't mean she's single. That means any woman with whom a man point A Cates, is another man, all over him. And the sum total of all snaps, is the trap. The one woman is not a crowd, and a woman, specifically is not a trap, but women in general, welcome Aesculus and who fall in a cave with a man.She was a trap and her heartof the woman, my father demand, as the following way my vocabulary and categories norms and standards, and the beautiful for lunch and the woman has a frame of reference, because in the past he has become man crazy and learned a great deal. A woman can be stupid and learn a lot of things about a man without understanding men.Again remember women are stupid about men.She also has a vocabulary, the average woman who wants to spend a pleasant evening or several pleasant evenings with a male knows exactly how to strap him off. And she can fake him right into the stands, He goes away from her thinking but she is absolutely wild about it. And actually, he was born, but she has a fiddle around she was born herself, and therefore she had to fiddle aroundwith vocabulary that a woman can actually have a voice, cleverman feel is always the greatest thing in the world which can stand is that right to get rid of it.She's the kind that will take a cab. When she went out to potty her nose. She took the power.I have experience, men and women have used all sorts of things from that frame of weapons, they find sometimes better and manageable. Men are stronger than women as a general rule, therefore, they haven't learned karate or judo, how are they going to get rid of it, but he's inside that oh, well there's a little tinylittle thing for the heel point. And the guy goes away thinking, this gal is really something. And I really turn it on, and she's just to find a woman,all kinds. All kinds of little things.But let me tell you something.No one's ever.

Let me tell you something.There is no man alive, who hasn't haven't strapped on including me, and I consider myself an expert.Often survey lambs field of vulnerability.So don't get up on your high horse and your pride to say no one ever strap it on you. Enough, my daughter was so good attitude and he know what was going on.Because you're so stupid. You don't even know how to guide them to be, to be better, you're not evenremember.Remember that Solomon was smart. And he hadn't strapped on him by everyone but the show by a woman she never did strap it on. She told me. Get lost.Women know how to do those women and strap it on smartly, that women can strap it on.The only hope is that you're smart enough to recognize it, and that those were doctors,there's a disease. With the neural animals.Heart.Let's describe the reversionary stick woman. This describes the wrong woman who was male I got it, but not race oriented there's nothing I say rather male oriented but my gray soil in a nice way I'm saying stupid boy.Female malestarted race oriented. Now the word snares, is the play on our, on camera. A lot of you remember when we went through Joshua was a long time ago. I know it was a long time ago, because right in the middle of Joshua, we were having a play.We were holding our prayer meetings at that time at Grady school, and live in the middle of our prayer meeting who should call me but hold on Shannon, to play for the Baltimore Coltshere so that's been a long time I spent about 13 years since we've been in judge Joshua. You remember Kevin.The Lord said with regard to Jericho its cattle, but at that.I went to places cursed. Everything was done not only the people, including the little children, but the animal. Nothing was to be left alive, and none of the possessions of the people of Jericho would have been taken this point.And you don't remember. Some plunder was take a couple of days pieces a little sword with a picture of a woman on my hand. I just couldn't resist.And then, remember what happened after that.And then of course, there was a trial and a lot of other means to be person.Now here we have a game that is translated here by the word snake.Let's actually count means elements, which are destructive.Now who would have restructured the learning, the answer to that? In the Catechism tonight is very simple, no wrong, not the right woman, the wrong.Every long women woman in your life, has the structure, me, our beautiful Arabia trying to flip it over under air destructive elements, as they say in France.I keep on discovering but better than that. The woman. She lives a trap, or a heart allurements says her hands chains.Parenthesis chains. This is ellipticalshape patterns. In other words,is the sole way in which a woman attracts a man into the hands or what she does, to help things along the hands here are used for the art of harassment. In other words, she knows how to use her hands on demand for turning off. She has mastered the fine art of stimulating males any male, and her hands then become chains.This is quite a statement from South America, he's been.He has been through the lab, he knows the whole story.Now he has recovered somewhat is the end of his life. And this is what he says, are the goggles.I keep on discovering more better than that.She who has a track or right lobe, as destructive allurements. Her hands are chainis good again, good that man should not be alone. How we find good in a different way. We find nothing missing, which is literally me going to have our ownhome.The face of LLVM it isjust almost like a translator. God is playing.Ray is pleased.God is pleased with a certain kind of a personpleases God shall be delivered, shall escape.Delivering.This is an awesome booksmart you are, there's always one to deliver.Well, it becomes a question how does God.Don't look up and say oh god.Why are thosecounters obstructing our events in the wind blows,how strong you are, you're not nearly as strong as you think you are, you know when they started taking less cautionhas always turned away with his own brilliance, his own intelligence is irresistibility winning because he has the Alaska villageris carried away with his corn.Females have given him that impression, whether they were a part of the sale and I was making the difference.Man, sometimes was just blind and stupid, abouthis blindness and stupidity can only be electrified by Bible doctrine as Bible doctrine, you have on the launching protection, you're allowed to stop waiting on the right woman.Now some of you haven't been around so that all human young, coming in at the wrong time look around and see people, they don't know what this is all about they haven't heard free things and Proverbs five and Madison's to the efforts of First Corinthians 11 So you really don't know what's going on.This is what the end of the line.Therefore, it's a little too late to get too much, but we'll see what we had on thisSunday.There's no way that anyone can escape this danger on his own. He needs something greater than he is in his right mode. That's why proverbs five. That's why they've been caught Solomon 563 lap.Skaters now escaping speed we deliverthe reliever with an elevation of labor withthe one who pays us God shall be delivered five, flex the center. This is a Cadillac partner similar contactch at a car Tom needs to miss the mark to stumble the fall to be seduced to suffer the loss of so I think the word is used to describe a reversion is to believe, solid under such a reversion as to the labor and therefore taken in by him consequential women, the reversion mystic kernel believe or Shelby, capture the meme barrel in the blog cat. He shall be captured by her.La K ADH blog.I was put together the first words now first one he says, I keep on discovering better than that. The woman who was a trap, had a heart full of destructive elements. Her hands are chained.The one who pleases out oh he by the intake of Dr shall be delivered from her that the reversion is to carnal believer, shall be captured by her. She was captured.Verse 27 Behold, is the calendar even raw,a raw talent parodymeans seeeventually translate Concentrate. Concentrate on this, on the current status this paragraph.This I have discovered I have found again is the power perfect and My TSA rules here to discovercitizen.I have discovered sap the man with a message he wasn't a preacher, he was a kid. He was a king was communicating the declining days of his life, consciousness. This I have discovered the Claire's the man with a message.Walk, one by one.I never saw. I didn't get to see my dad reversion out here is his white woman and we never made certainly does never recognize. Over here are his 1000 inconsequential persons who sell our lamb. Lamb. The latest version in history in the field of adultery, adultery or fornication and the version or version of white man right, says Jesus Christ design sets set is perfect. Science is promoted by disobeying the Divine laws of science, on occasion, wrong man wrong woman was just another perversion, white man, and white woman as we've already seen anything goes by one, one after another. It was the reverse process reversion to find out now infinitive construct and massage.And the count infinity denotes the purpose of Saddam. He kept trying to find on this side of the fence and reversion ism is like woman. That is why a woman was over here.And he never did.The word account means equation conclusion.Passive rates.I have discovered declares the man with a message.One by one, to discover the conclusion.Now before we go to verse 28 Lets summarize the Solomon profile. As we have seen it in Proverbs five. And as we see the Simon profile.WhySolomon was the recipient of the teaching we have studied in Proverbs.I don't know how long we've been teaching these things probably over this whole childhood, and we're not all gonna one time, we've covered them roughly in three periods of about four hours.But these things were taught to Solomon over his entire lifespan.These are things that Solomon rejected in his youth, but he didn't reject them at first they were a part of his edification complex, but when he went negative towards his edification complex together break up and he reverted and in reversion he totally rejected these documents and refurbish and recovery, we recall the restores and these things which have been previously rejected this life is over his life is shot.But there are countless generations of people coming up and buy these things, and already I've seen great profit in this congregation, like benefit to many of you who have been a little confused, and the center point toDavid himself had failed. And the white man right his failures were numerous. He married several of his failures. He had affairs with others.And he finally.While Robert is right.He finally recovered from his own reversion and became a fantastic believer.And Solomon was the product of a white man white whenI first saw them receive this information.Nathan is not in here because apparently he followed, and had a very happy and a very wonderful life. Solomon on the other hand was became the eldest son, if not a very miserable.Point three, shall be captured by her. She turns out somebody was captured. Verse 27 the hold is the calendar at the bra, are a ah raw talent. The main seat. You're commanded to sing it will eventually be translated Concentrate. Concentrate on this, on the, on the continent of this. Concentrate. This I have discovered, I have found a man who has the power perfect and My TSA reigns here to discover. Concentrate. This I have discovered SAF the man with a message he wasn't a patriot was a kid. He was a king who was communicating about declining days of his life, concentrating. This I have discovered the Claire's the man with a message, one by one to Solomon and reversion isn't out here is his white woman who he never made so the guy's never recognized over here, all his affairs 1000 inconsequential persons, one by one. He had the greatest perversion of history in the field of adultery, adultery or fornication is perversion aversion a white man white woman says Jesus Christ, who designed sets, sets is perfect sense is perverted by disobeying the Divine laws of science,on occasion, wrong man wrong woman was just another perversion, right man, white woman as we've already seen anything goes,one by one. One affair after another. It was the practice of reverse process reversion to find out. Now infinitive construct and Mazzara and the count of penalties and penalties and what's the purpose of solid. We kept trying to find on this side of the fence and reversion isn't this right woman, but he's why a woman was over here. And he never did. The word account means In conclusion, concentrate this I have discovered declares the map of the map. One by one, to discover the conclusion. Before we go to verse 28 Let's summarize the solid and as we have seen it in Proverbs five. And as we see the Solomonshorthanded Bruce your resume. I can't believeI can't believe your shot.Why Solomon was the recipient of the teaching we have studied in Proverbs. I don't know how long they've been teaching these things probably over his whole childhood. And we're not all thought at one time. We've covered them roughly when three periods of about four hours. But these things were taught for over your entire lifespan. Things that Solomon rejected. The first they will call negative desertification complex for him to break off and he revertedand in reversion he totally rejected. He stopped recovery. He recall, he restores us so all these things which had been previously rejectedhis wife we shot. There are countless generations of people coming to try these things already I've seen great profit in this congregation benefit for many of you,

his failures were numerous remarried, several others. He had affairs with us. When he finally walled off but he finally recovered from his own version of itmantastic Solomon along with the client. Man was one above Solomon, receive this information. Nathan is not in view because apparently he followed, and had a very happy University wonderful life. Solomon on the other hand was the case of kin, the eldest son had a very miserable. Point three Solomon was Navy before and after he had Electra the modification complex that was the first off it is edification, is found and was famous for the dedication of the temple, and I leave this for your future study first Kings. On the second line or 612. Those are very rewarding passages are all personal stats, why negative correlation or gossiping, will lead to reversion Solomon did not pass the prosperity test. And as a result of being in reversion as he began the process of reverse process emotion. At this point I have a choice of several passages through which we can refer to see all Solomon. I have selected the one that I think summarizes the best, hold your place in terms of First Kings chapter 11 First Kings, chapter.By signingup, and all the money goes.All right, first one. Love straight women right now and right when I have is used with sa domain. Roger, dress up for stupid female, a woman is not the white woman, though he was wanting to marry all on a consistent. This morning, summarize his whole life. This is why the cost. Go down 1000 dogs in this circle if you have that now perfect them all together. We have some of us on the West Coast, as well. There was the daughter of now we know about the mobile Samurai, they got started on the rails.They were trained from you. Well then, over time, they'll sell out Eazy E saw the father beat him I'd sold his pair of jeans for a mess of pottage that's what Sony's doing right here. You know about those other wireless women in the world I won't even describe their activities. They put the original Canaanites. They were have set aside on installment either works. Why goes on of the nations concerning which the Lord had set out in the 1770s and 80s quote, you shall not go into them, either shall they come, commit onto you. You know what that means by now we've had so many of these words. I don't have to stop or surely they will turn away your heart after they're gone. laptop. Most times I do feel staffmeetings to refer to the exam, feel it has to cause to reboot will cause your right way. Joe there gods. Solomon. We have that Genesis to talk to Solomon sacks with these in the sphere of a harbour. Now these are the women with whom he had sex. In addition to the ones mentioned the first one, if you areoutside of Israel. You saw him and had English skills because we've already had practice we don't have to go to look for letter words to make this one clear. This means to have signed your relationships,

to go live wherever you want to call it. So, Max. And he has 702 so you have to know your purpose, or whether you have little lambs added to your baby, you do not, you have her father's soldiers, pounding on the walls of your castle. That's why he married 700 was easier to know that the fight. We have 700 shotgun weddings. Many have 300 mistresses, and his wives turned away. Same word matter is hot. Second time reversion is mentioned, the third time it's mentioned verse four, that came to pass when Solomon was that his wives, turn away his rival, when he was young, verse three, when he was oh, Verse four, and his heart was not Tommy, that means you didn't have to back up any doctrine in the right load board is God, as was the heart of David. David. David rebound David got into reversion recovering, David was still a great man. When we have. Verse five, I can skip verse six tells us more except with the number six David his father recovered. Earlier when reversions saw my dad verse 70 build all kinds of rock palaces, verse nine. As the Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart reverted now perfect in that time. There's hardly verdict from the LORD God of Israel, which had appeared to him twice wise to warn him of his reversion.Well, this gives us a rather quick index, how Solomon entered in reverse process reversion as it would not find was right.Back to our passage ecclesiastics 720 years. Reverse first 28, but yet my sole secret that I find no secret there's a perfect spot catch attempts, seeking I want you to notice that by cash really mean.The more you fornication, the further you get from the recognition on your right wallet but Jesus Christ brings her to indicate the more you seek to find happiness in a woman. And the last happiness you have on occasion, the greater becomes your unhappiness, because you're moving away from the possibility of happiness. Over here is a bonafide category,all the blessings. Youcan search for happiness and a woman. Now one way that Solomon then learns it remember that the greatest happiness in this world, the vital, this is the right woman we learned that from David. He just, he forgot about right woman, and just went after women, every time he'd round the corner. Budget got worse and worse and worse and endanger in a minute because he was really emotional, because he was practicing the worst process way to prove this, but I like to think that there was actually a woman named Solomon's home all the time who has never been a woman aside and her. I think the only one I know there was the queen, the lastmoment. Finally to Solomon's mind off of a show mine was right there on the way. Logan scales and studied this massive number of years. He's fought again so much has killed him. But that isn't all. She told her to. She was in a mental attitude scenes. This fornication was her mental attitude sin, and even say Phil, Phil, and summarizer relationship. That's all right, kept on sinking but he couldn't find her, I find that Mazzara never discovered, always looking every time solving elevate was always, this will never walk, I will tell you. Some of you are single, you're going to get the same idea that Solomon. This is the eighth it's going to be. This is my wife. This is, I'm going to vote with thisfurther, providers, and you can tell that you're going to be so full of scar tissue, you'll never know right man, I just came up with one of those Skype visual I was so strong identification said he was allowed to soft and listen to the PL Stan says he was doing it, and I would say I agree with that email I think he was diligence. I think he had as many as three women a day.How you got to get around to the fires and the years. He was here to classifying the mother he went from his wife. Sorry, there's one of the recorded men in history is a one Turner. He dies and blacks prophesied in his book, a one out of the three gifts. Race gifts from Jesus Christ.The first one was white woman to man, that was a grayscale, Jesus Christ, He wants salvation. He, Jesus Christ, get on the right race. They're all ever versions of this, he died. Notice that wasn't his body. He didn't have a limited talk with a soul that received. I want you to notice when youreally give it away. The right. So there'll be so what was what God has given you to fulfil and complete one lastsecret. There was a soul I was never sad it's a sad, sad, time after time after time, time seeking, seeking, seeking, seeking sex xx xx. Most of you are full stupid you have the idea that sex is the ground of bio biologicalby Jesus Christ. The white woman is essential. One man is designed to satisfy the drive to make way more money to his wife woman by the use of this famous man takes his failures and tries to make a right woman out of is a member of Jesus Christ of years ago. Yeah, when you're doing this work, and legalism and legalism is destructive.Alison Shango idiomas are so anxious. In a moment of a wave of liberals, to just pass it around,latest happenings. Outside, spiritual salvation and happiness. Are you doing wrong, trying to destroy the work of Jesus Christ, and saying, Hi can you my wife when I can program us to me. Jesus Christ us all the wisdom of Jesus Christ, the wisdom and the ability to manufacture for you. Right. Jesus Christ had to sit down and figure out that you had to go back to your fathers and grandfathers and great grandfather's because your parents on both sides, were here to figure out this thing, when you were born, ladies were born with certain genes. Jesus Christ had already put that whole package together. So let's do that design you have you are programmed, or you are designed for him, as no one else in the world to do happiness. That is phenomenal. By giving your body. Anyone else knew at the time. I really was famous. Right.Bless. Now watch it. The only time that rather than ever asked for any kind of relationship. That was a bonafide one was in category three on total non-touching.Remember, relationships of 1000 he finally found one that I did find friendship categories are satisfied. In my case up American nation video. I have knowledge of Australia. In order to render translation files have I discovered what I love that category to abide by I'm not distracting, thefirst one to Carolyn. Concentrate. I discovered, Albert Einstein. The same reversion with gas these 12 solid and ever found his wife woman. He was too long and reverse,reverse recovery discovered some principles of back then, which are important for us to understand, I noticed when I discovered there's 29 discoveries made man by Herb life that's ridiculous. I mean man doesn't require. God has made a big move on soft lands. Remember, you don't remember because we thought this was going to be another one of thoseWarren's sacrifice for the soul. The soul, our soul. The soul of love, it's the personality related to the soul.So Solomon says he doesn't say bah, bah, he's referring to the personality that comes from the soul in Category Two. How do you think you're going to find your wife, husband or your wife, man?I have a honeymoon. The identification is in the soul, the Bible say an answer Have you eversaw a personality thumbscrews on the soul, and no one can see if we have another soul that is that you can see what is DUI, what is the skill, one of the essence of the soul and personality. Personality I'm talking about personality in its truest manifestation of soul.Have I discovered God have made mankind with those who have this agenda. Translated math that it should be. That's mankind male and female or male, but when you have a heart. We saw this in Genesis two. We saw this in Genesis one but we're putting these things together.A man and woman, Right. What does he make them they do as he, he made them to the right for each other. But right for each other.And it's talking about the right brand right. I was never filed I saw. What about the wrong way. When I saw that, I did find one, not to go intomy category two counterparts. Designed for one woman, One woman was designed for God made talk about the human race. Right now we can figure that out, God is perfect. Anything that comes from a perfect God has to be perfect, sex, why because sex is great grace, and sex is only human distortion. It is only human perversion and that is that there is nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong with sex. Sex existed in the garden, from the planning that existed after the form, the purpose of sociology, having children is the purpose of such as not to show them the right man white woman was the expression of perfect happiness. It is the human race doing what the reliever priest does stand worship by human race, recognizing and enjoying God's grace. Between right man and right woman, there's a recognition of the greatness of God, greatness and grace. Right Man, right. He was right, man what is Solomon sayingwe've missed the boat, and be a witness. There's nothing wrong with my version. Nothing wrong is only my other half SOT now about a spa cash again. Perfect. But what does man do when he rejects God's grace.He seeks diligently to pervert Yeah. But they have happiness in pensioners. A sharp ball landing on the store is a JB o n e shop conversions. This refers to the perversions of God's grace, the design of Ryan man wife. One, fornication, sex with the wrong man or woman whichever the case may be sex with a member of the opposite sex Baldwin, many options of this including incense, which is a reverse process reversion ism of inconsequential persons at the opposite side. Secondly, homosexuality lesbianism, the dikes and so on. This is trying to find happiness and having sex with a lover of the same sex. It is masturbation in which self-responds to self-love is bestiality, people have sex with animals. These are all perversions of God's design, everyone and not on them on the dome by God, and all of them are practiced by the Canaanites who were destroyed, commanded to be completely removed from the earth. Now this is Solomon's conclusion. This alone, I discovered that LLVM made homosapien mankind. Right, right, man. Right. But they saw reversions. All right. This brings another academic an Air Command and the Nigerian command will be Tuesday night will be the last Monday night class as usual. We will continue this on Tuesday night that our head father eyes closed. Hi, my family,I stilldedicate the closing moments for this service this evening about Jesus Christ. Out of the three great gifts, greatest gifts from Jesus. One of them can be accepted tonight here in this auditorium. That's the grace of Jesus Christ, salvation. Jesus Christ Himself on the call,the call. You can have eternal life by trusting him right where you sit right now.We ask you the Bible having your own soul. Tell God the Father that you are believing in His Son Jesus Christ.That moment is all have been provided. Responses really by the Lord Jesus Christ lives close when I study Daniel to lead us closer for father once again we thank you for the opportunity to follow you around and just pray that we win we always have young people here who are not programmed to time. Preserve. Preservation of RNA, on the basis of doctrine so individuals around those other nations also it's an embrace of God. Christ name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #10

10 03/14/1972 Prov. 6:20–22; 22:6 Parents teaching children


Tonight is the next installment of Adams read? There will be no sequential installments from now onwards are the only the manners of the Hebrew for some reason, the Hebrew and these passages is very difficult. I can spend as much as 45 hour 45 minutes on three or four words that can be covered in about three minutes, and the massive, and I seem to be running out of time on this sort of thing. So I'll give you a schedule, some of you will not hear this because it takes you a while but tune in tomorrow night, we'll be in Revelation. Thursday night, we will be in Bolivia. And then Friday night, we'll have another installment of Adams were gonna call it that because right that white woman is already on the BMP list, as a separate series. So, I haven't come up with something in a hurry and I want to elaborate anytime and so that's. so I guess this is about Adam driven installment nine or 10 I lost some ideas that may even wake me up. Proverbs, chapter five, verse, reverse. Proverbs chapter five, verse 22 All right man right Roman classic this. This one starts off by four verses letter chain and then it starts to warm up of Proverbs chapter, excuse me, chapter six verse six. Proverbs chapter six verse 20. We will call this incrementally wrong this cause. Wherever you when the gun went off. All right. Proverbs chapter six verse five, but they all have to place a nice deal moments will be devoted to silent prayer all objectives are to be attained. When I say a man everyone's filled with a spirit.No matter everything we have in the Word of God is important. No exceptions, every line, every word, and every jot every title, about any subject whatever is extremely important to us as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.And almost nothing that should be discarded. Everything contributes to our edification as Billy. Furthermore, we find that the Word of God is the source, the very power out of common sense,the source of everything that's important to us, but the manner in which these things have been preserved. So now that we have the original languages. We cannot lose the meaning of what is found in this passage. And I'm always fed enlighten us with regard to these things when we asked them in Christ's name. Amen. We began actually in chapter six verse 20 with a brand new paragraph, there shouldn't be a chapter beginning at this point. She is very often proud of the first time that he was we have theMorris, my son. He's my father's commandments and forsake not belong law by mother. Find them to continually upon Reinhardt's really are no books by them around your neckwhen diagnosed, she shall leave Levow sleepers. She shall find out awakens. She will talk with the other commanders in Miami and the laws of light and recruits of instruction or the way of life, the lead of an evil woman. And the flattery of the turn of a strange woman. Last night, Amber her beauty and art. Neither let her take the weather eyelashes not her legs her lashes,or by means of a harsh woman, Roman. Man is brought to you by way this verse is not correctly translated and the adulterous. Well, while the precious life. Romantic pirate is those that were closing my game. Last time we saw that referred to the female genitals. We'll see what it means this time andthen a man take fire in his bosom and his moves not been burned down one go up on hot coals, and his feet, not leave burned. It was the origin of that phrase I got burned saw he that dollar bamboo his neighbor's wife. Whosoever talked to her shall not the innocent man do not despise the thief but the Steel's do satisfy a soul. That would be the crown, he shall restore seven. He should be along the substance of his house. Russo committed adultery with a woman, lack of understanding. He that makes her the stars. It was all sold as a contrast between buying made a right out of a wrong woman. And the process he destroys his own soul. That's where we'll finally wind up optimized, possibly, the whole thing. But it says literally you'll see there's a contrast. That doesn't, he bought makeup. He that makeup. And he was trying to construct out he's not trying, he's making her but he's trying to construct the right woman out of her wrong. And there's a contrast between making her and restoring and they are simultaneous, because we'll have more details when they get there, but that's where are they wrong, a woman this course winds up on a course, the masses rose on who are their friends. Alright so we're going to start now at first Swanee with the Hebrew boppity bunny. Mi ke am I. This refers to Solomon, Solomon is address Solomon is the human writer. Solomon wrote this passage. After his reversion recovery, which occurred at the end of his life, according to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and you know even when Solomon began his ruler ship over Israel. He was a great man of doctrine, disaster and adaptation complex. He went from spiritual maturity to reversion as a spiritual authority as well documented by first Kings as wanting to mp3 and Second Chronicles six cloud is important to solid when negative for dropping them stored in the right paneof glass, I'mnot, which we have already studied. Proverbs, and our study in chapter six verses 20 through 32. Reverse regarding process reverse process reversion ism to quantify the number of raw files, sum over as wide software as misters accordingly. First Kings Chapter 11 Verse,well embodies that chapter first nine verses it says that he had 700 wives, and 300 and this was how he kept these people and these are the most obvious reason in the world. And we have every reason to believe that Solomon was a sex athlete. And being a sex athlete does not mean happiness. Drivers a great deal of unhappiness tonight, primary reason thing but it violates the role of diamond right man, right. The only way that there's ever any happiness in science as well. So right now we've seen one side of the coin and now we're going to first of all, see the other side. That's wrong. That's gone on out of the data sets, and I'm happy when the whole mass into this chapter became biographical in the life of solid reversion recovery that summarizes his own failures and failures can be divided into two parts, spiritual, and was establishment expresses his failures in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, and then the Song of Solomon. And that sense, these three chaps, these three books Proverbs, Ecclesiastes is Song of Solomon, express great document. The same way that the lesions were Indians and Alaska express the same way. These three books are Solomon's reversion as they were written after reversion was added to express the doctrines that he violated the doctrines that are important.The same thing is true here ofreversion is explained in Ephesians, Philippians two blacked out an adaptation complex lost. We lost it on the way to Jerusalem. When he arrived in Jerusalem, he was in a state of emotional revolt and reversion as we build up so much scar tissue that whenever the capital, committed one of the greatest failures and grace. One of the biggest acts of legalism. All reverted to what he had always been is and I believe in a very legalistic, and also earlier. He went into the family law firm, and the discipline began, and continued over the four years I've all recovers. And I actually describe the whole concept of reversion recovery as well as every major doctrine in the woods. You find the same thing in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes is the Song of Solomon with this difference. I think you can read tonight, You have time, these three bolts are now these three bucks, who even knew this before that. And you would see the difference almost immediately. All was reversion ism Ryan is Rehman. Solomon was reversion ism plus lemon, and that's about the major difference, but the concepts of failure, recovery, race and legalism, are found in both areas. My son. This was David speaking the psalm, I'm David, most of realize that Solomon was somewhat of a chip off the old block that much more so. David was a stupid amount of your children, ever. And as a result, the most of realize that Solomon especially via this training. This teacher. And so now that we began we'll be calling my shot. This is the beginning of a VA by using the phrase, my son, David the song that will immediately go to the Divine institution number three. And in so doing, we picked up the responsibility of parents in communicating with their children often say I would like to leave a better world for my children. That was a stupid remark, Always follow sincerity. And of course, stupid, talked to many men with love in Houston, were quite concerned about the advances of the promise conspiracy concerned about various problems in our country as the reason for concern. And they were giving out large sums of money to anyone or everyone who seemed to have an answer. With this phrase. I want to leave a better world for my children. That is impossible that is stupid, the Bible says you can't do what you can do is leave better children for a worse world off. And that is the responsibility of parents and others a very interesting thing of this verse in fact robot delivery versus vitrified law phenomenon is not even going to get the word person all of a sudden got right in the middle of. So we started out now with something very interesting. One of the greatest principles in the Word of God, what's wrong with the young people of this generation. The major responsibility and failure to communicate the right type of story never was the right kind of training. He just went negative Georgia. So you can't always you can't save the whole generation we have a whole every box has all of this, but I think it's going to be generally concluded without too much equivocation that between parental stupidity and permissiveness, the young people of this generation are not informed, for example, about the second or third night and false I would not switch. And I was cranking out some Dockers them in the back for two fellows with long there, and they talk the whole time. AndI was a stranger to the ramble made of me I'm at a class for 35 minutes, but it doesn't stop. So I finally stopped, and I called these two guys I just stopped him and I told him they were, they were out of line, I just happened to be on the subject that I was mentioned as an illustration burning graph. I said, you're probably kind of yellow dallisa referring your draft cards. I said you're a reflection upon the training of your parents if they train you at all, you don't act like you've ever had in training. I said, you're out of line. By talking when I'm talking and then I gave a dissertation on authority, and that meant Shut up, man. I told him a break, come see me better break a bit immediately out of another punch. We have three and a half minutes cool balance. These guys came up here was, what are we talking certainly, we were talking when I was talking. What's wrong with that. So I whenever they said, one guy when he began to catch on and said, Sir, I'm very sorry. I never knew that that was wrong. And he met him. Not only that this guy was really positive. After that, but he really didn't know that that was wrong. He said, and he said but and frankly, so no one's ever talked to me this way before.He said this is the first time in my life that I've ever had anyone talk to me there's nothing he said something that I've always reference, he said. And he said, I appreciate it and I like it. And I'm sorry that someone didn't do it beforeand after that I want to break the ice. And I asked him, I said how old you are. I'm 18.He said I'm 18 so he was 18 years old. And that was the first time he'd ever heard anything like that. You see, here's the point I'm making there's nothing wrong with this lab. No one ever got around to training and that's not our thing and he responded immediately. He said he would never do that again he was glad to have that information.That's definitely a case of the Father, or others, fantastic job of communicating. Remarketing, that's all. And of course that was my fault that Solomon got rid of all these things. Because if ever there was an excellent teacher in this field, it was David. So at this point, we began I'm Ushaw with the command key. The calling party. NHTSA, now we're different words for keeping or guarding this word means to keep our guard have a sense of preserving. Sometimes it means to guard in the sense of protecting your it means to guard in the sense of preserving, and this is a command from David to Solomon guard or preserve your father's command and I want you to notice a great difference here. And in this difference I want you to know this that the mother and the father, each have a different role in training the children, and that it says very clearly, guard and reserve your father's commandment but for sake, not the law of your mother. This Father's commandments mother's law. And there is a difference. Can you hear me. I'm straining a little bit line. Okay. Now, the father, his responsibility to the children is MIT's bra translated coming. Am I t is e r h MisraMetz Ra is a precept Mesra refers to training and the functions of life.Match Rob means I get this very carefully, it means to train with discipline.Mothers function by the way and anticipation fears to train with loveis the greatest tragedy and this is one thing that often wrecks the woman.Women were not designed to have to do any heavy punishing or discipline.That is the responsibility with a manand a woman over suffers, to the extent that her husband, lets her punishing.This guy is missing shocker. He is not a man.The man, does the punishing. Now, by that I mean, when you train in certain ways you have to punish. So we all learn certain things, by being pious.My father was to tell me that I was right or hard headed.And he said, therefore it becomes necessary to get a lesson overview in a proper manner, and he always did and I always got the lesson he always had a way of getting my attention.I have never known a better wrist. My father was strong, but they are usually strong risks.They've done a lot of things with MonaVie banner waving for polo and golf, doing everything fantastic LIShad the best follow through I've ever seen, and run a fantastic and it really got my attention.My mother never had to lift a finger. My father was very smart, it was a real man about my mother never, never, never had to punish me.I remember a couple of times that she blew it was slapping.If there's anything that runs into a slap hardens the head harder than it was before.The mother did a great job of teaching me. My mother, my grandmother were both fantastic, my grandmother probably bangs aroundthe my father a bit all our sister that, that is his prerogative because he was a man, because he was the head of our heart, and he never left with the monitor. Now it's a great strain on a woman, and our hearts are feminine.And a woman has enough problems anyway keeping an even keel, she's either way man straw man straw man strawman.Any more attacks upon her femininity.To the extent that the woman asked me this Apollo special Assad.Radek status Batman.When an adswipes, especially for a moment. And this is quite detrimental a slap on the cheeks, or the face the worst angle on the gluteus Maximus. The best thing you could do. God has placed. These are opposite extremes. One is no bit invisible and the other is excellent.Now, the two Hebrew words here, give us a doctrinal basis from the Word of God, or setting up a procedure and divine institution number three.And one of the great failures if you find that my aunt who is not a man.We're going to find a person, a male who is permissive anywhere sideburns and long hair and out. But he will is a thority see discipline and punishment belongs to the one in authority.And when a woman surrenders herself to her white man. She recognizes his authority.And any of her progeny.Many things that comes from her womb.In a sense, she delivers them through her right math for this type of recipe.Now I realize that there are many problems. In this connection, but, for example, the viruses remarriages and this type of fine often present complication brought up by a woman can trust, herself, and remarriage to the man that she loves. She can also trust her children to be disciplined by her and if she can.Well instead of and that's the principle involved.In other words, no matter how you slice it, and a woman remarries, and she has 25 children.She asked a lot of other services removed group leader.Now when problems come up because of SM, the problems will reflect the general times in society. All right, guard your father's nature Ah, he has to train with discipline is the DI, I get this, for sake nah, this is a different attitude of Kalyan perfect from nana t sh, not harsh.

As a Kalyan perfect added means do not abandon Bathsheba with Solomon's butter and don't you think Bathsheba didn't have a few things to say about these things too.But I want you to notice that Bathsheba does not communicate Mithra, she communicates Torah. She teachers, but principally to our age.

She teaches the plant support lovingly.Now, fo r describes the 10 commandments. Same word.Paul prescribes the first five books of the Torah is used for the entire Old Testament, it's called the Torah, throw out something that was given in law and by the way the 10 commandments were given by God to knows that expression of God's love.The 10 commandments were designed to protect human freedom. God loves the human race and God wants the human race to have freedom.So, Thou shalt not offer an expression.Now it doesn't come out that way, especially if the children are the people who don't do it often sounds very harsh but it's an expression of love.And the mother 1000 times a day. From the time the baby is born and begins to first get a vocabulary. The first time that a mother should, they should get if not Mama and Dada, but don't.And that is a big part of mother's vocabulary, growing, especially those first nine or 10 yearand five.When a child who is responsive and this feeling.It's a pleasure to have the child around.Maybe that's such a good job and also I frankly I've never had very much after a certain number of 13 years old I've never been.And this is important, because each contributes something different to the situation.And one the contribution follows the Biblical person.When the child is responsive at all. Then there comes a point in which children are shared.Now, again, it's very important to understand the role of the mother.The mother, not only teachers loving, even when she says don't doesn't come out right. And a sweet boy. That if you said, please don't obviously try putting his hand the cookie man cookie jar. But he has to do it in a very strict way that the teaching and training and children's first nine years of a child's life depend upon the mother and not a better gentleman or not born but gentlemen are made by the mothers teaching.And a person may not have Emily Post.But as long as he has respect for a womanis a gentleman in our have a sweet cabin and that has met the challenge of John M M is a man who has respect for one another, and respect for one another is very important that comes first, before, right one.And God help you if you don't have respect for women it because the Lord Jesus Christ have personally come back, grab your right bonafide and Aeroplan are right in front of you, and it's notyour capacity to love as a man, depends on God, your capacity for love is a man should have the God. By the time you had a vocabulary of the parents and mothers teaching the mothers.That is impossible.Had a rotten attitude for the one unkind in general, but out of being a total reflection upon his own mother, as his father.Many parents. The father abuses the father, the son never tries to run on a private man.And in general, inculcates things infrastructure he turns his own son, not into a gentleman but into an animal.The animals.The female animals are often as strong as the male animals because they have to protect themselves. There is no respect of womankind in the animal world, and therefore that same thing becomes true.People revert to animals, and they have no respect for women.First becomes very important because it teaches us a lot of principles Lets summarize a couple ofthe difference between MIPS RA and Tara.Here.mithral back.Am I tz are mithral and Tara.Let's rise the father is training Torah eyes the mother is training.The father teachers and uses discipline. The mother teaches precepts of life and spiritual things and lawMesra is a one word summary of the Father's responsibility under his authority and divine institution. Number three,three.I briars, is the woman's responsibility but the Father is the head of the house. The woman's teaching is in law.And this is quite understandable because it's a mother.It's not harder to love for children, and the love starts at the simplest time. There is nothing that reaches a woman's heart. Faster than a little tiny help us that are often less than mothers holding the baby.I, the mother is a different person. She's animated.She has a goal. This is her very own baby I looked at the same movie,and I see no real basis for animation.Generally speaking, I've never really been impressed with.And I've never had a politician.And I have never yet seen a woman.Either it was a little baby with a pretty baby from an adult baby and can say somethingabout it rather interesting to me when I noticed, I noticed, less sets in the congregation.I mean I could walk by, I could walk by a whole glass for babies and never stopped.Watch the mothergo by.It's natural. It's wonderful. That's the way it should be.And a mother's love for her baby starts when she's holding that little soft.Father's not a good little kid that crawls and start over.There's a little tiny salt that just kind of gets all over there as little tiny food but quickly right about here.Father realize at the waterAnd mother instinctively natural by divine design.She's normal.My mother's life.That baby is going to go through stages where the mother has a wish you'd never heard of it.It's not.But there is a love there from which she teaches her base at teaching as well, and is teaching them that.Whereas Mitra, is teaching from discipline.Marine Corps boot camp instructor stands that you guys would love you like a mother.In fact, to make better cake for mothers.Have you open it up and shove it in your head.He's going to teach you a different way.Hello, that's,that's a reference Metra is how the eye, theeye, let's notice them to correct the plants that my son.Garden preserved the Miss rob your father did not abandon the Torah, your motherby first 21 buying them 30 from carshare.Gosh, QA sh.Cross, masculine, soffits, that's where you got bam refers to teaching. Bam refers to doctrine, by the teachings of doctrine, the principles of establishment from parents. And the word means to tie one thing to whenever tired of these teachings to yourself and a very wet part of yourself in a manner that the word continually comes before the opposite, and continually is the advert Tommy.Tommy, Tami VH means always tie them, the doctrines the principles, always, to your heart, not a foreign buying heart but to your heart really, that's the idea. In other words, here is your right lobe, whether its frame of reference, norms and standards vocabulary categories and viewpoint launching that you tie the things that you are taught and your norms and standards your original norms and standards in life, from your parents, your grandparents, your vocabulary, comes from your parents and your grandparents. My grandmother was one of the most phenomenal women I've ever known. My father's father My paternal grandmother.I used to love to go visit her.She had a three story home. When I was a little boy and I remember the library. The library was about the size of the church office, and from the ceiling, all the way down to the floor, where books, books, books, books phenomenal books, events, I couldn't read, but I look at pictures, I used to go out and see pictures of battles, pictures and I could stamp those and add often there. So, going to my grandmother was always a great pleasure.And I remember once when my father pulled me up from Florida to see my grandpa and he left me wrong somewhere I don't know.I was sitting in the library there and my father two or three sets of vocabulary.And I was just beginning to pick up the profanity cap vocabulary.And I dropped the book the big book on my foot. I was crying. I have all these ladders of Slidell on here, and I said something bad was none other than my grandmother hurt.My grandmother just out of fit because she didn't think that was too good of a cabin, and she clipped me and wash my mouth out.Now you're saying, I wish I had a conflict of interest here because I have learned my vocabulary from my grandmother and from my father.My grandmother never always liked to teach me words of at least three or four syllable words. My father was around him so not at all, and how all the rest of it, and very honestly I saw it off. The first time I ever knew that some vocabulary words were not to be used.Now I can remember, I had found them on how and a few other things to my right.So it's an out of the bag on the right occasion for us.My grandmother overheard and she made it very clear to me that they were not givingus which raw on the amount occasion.Now, we've learned from our parents, our grandparents in our earliest time.We learned vocabulary.The first words that a child ever orders or words they have heard from their parents.And certainly buying these things before the heart, if you're early training, you tie these things into your heart.

No Child, that before a child learns to write, he has learned many many many things.And the time here needs to learn without the use of notes.Now once the child begins to grow, he can write.And now you will please notice the second time its prime these things are tie these things continually in your heart. Tie what you learned in your right lobe and that's the way we all started.But there's a better way.And that's to take notes. Since the beginning of time. One of the best ways to learn and to retain, is to put it out and go over it.So we now have accounting 30 5am ADH en av en avenues to take notes and to have a notebook forever's written in the original our bio primary refers to things like blackberries they used to ride on strips of parchment, put in a little box and pride around their neck. Now we carry a notebook, they pride a notebook around the neck. This means to take notes. And apparently, David made some notes.This is probably even Solomon retaining those notes, and it is possible that in reversion recovery much of proverbs are the notes with Solomon, and after his reversion recovery. He sat down and under the Ministry of dog the Holy Spirit began to write, I think frankly that Proverbs is Solomon's local teaching from this time.Now, a lot of you, you're not right.Take notes and I've never tried it's hard to learn if you've never met, that frankly, it is the best way to learn, to have an over to white now knows to walk out of here, to carry your notebook carried in your car.We have stopped somewhere, instead of picking up a magazine in southern opening mouth and we started. And remember and recall. That's the way to learn.And a lot of you have really missed the boat.Now I don't advocate.Some of these things that are going around or five or 6000 different types of notes.I don't advocate that my notes and people add to them. I don't even realize that this idea of having to take your own notes is not by, and some of you are real suckers and you're stupid about you probably know from wandering around all over the country by notes asI said worst thing in the world. You don't want by buying notes. As a matter of practice that brought to me quite a few times and why don't you reissue those notes. Not on your life, make your own.And I began to notice that this thing is going around too much, and fine but I don't approve of it at all.If you can't make your own maps and you buy. Fine Arts, and by the way my notes, edited by different people, or at least four or five people in this conference, who take notes, and then edit them and then they sellout.All right, the Veranda was not learning.Oh, somebody came through here, probably four or five hours you got all the doctrine summarize then it taken them down. Now they profit by resume.Oh man, that's the way you live, you do not learn from someone else's faith.Oh, of course, you are the greatest system of concentration is taking your own notes.You have to concentrate to take notes. You cannot concentrate as well if you don't take now. You said, Yeah, but I'm a genius. So what I my hair while hair, that's what you are while she can't concentrate for just a while. There never was an academic system where you can pass a course without taking notes. Why do you think high school and college kids come in and they take notes? Why a military alive when they first recruit schools they make you take notes, and they grade your notes, and your notes add up how they make you spend hours after school, getting them up.Now some of you just sit there and listen, and you do I have a certain amount from time to time. But there is no substitute for note that we never was and I never will. Also, all of those of you who sit and listen, and always read. For example, you could go back and hear a tape of what I said almost any time. Maybe a week later or two weeks, and you will not realize all that, but if you've started to take notes and dates and then studyyour notes then you began to recall. And people say I'm too old and you're admitting that you're wrong. As a matter, as opposed to all metals now it's harder to learn when you're old.It's never too late. Now, how about that. There we are in the wrong one, the discourse and so far we've talked about part of it, taking notes, kind of sneaks up on you. I like the way that Solomon handles the staff that are here, we're right off the edge of the seat waiting for the next installment. We're still two verses away from the next installment, but in the contract.I've heard people say, I learned a lot about women from this will probably be able to learn a lot about women from Baby Mountains.And let me say that's the easiest way to learn all about women, tie them around your neck. Don't forget to study the notes of your notebook so that you can transfer this doctrine to your mind by going over and over these things. Sometimes it's painful to do this it's like close order drill, how do you learn close order drill by doing it over and over again. I literally man first one a long time and the doctrines to your heart always faster than the doctrines in your notebook around your neck. In other words carryover started when you first want to wear. Well, first. Now that isn't correct at all members first Bible doctrine is not to be personified and the word is sheep or doctrine COC ma doctrine. Proverbs chapter eight, which we have gone through briefly from time to time, personifies doctrine, and a whole chapter. He was the first that does the same plan. When VA goes, the proposition BA is followed by her hip ba al infinitival Holla, holla means to walk, and a means to walk and a sense of walking through the wire of living, could be translated, perhaps. Wherever you go in life. Lose your do your own walking you're doing your own living. You have to live your own life, just prior to this reflection adds an infinity that's God's purpose for you to live your own life and not for someone else to live it for you remember your life from your soul. Put that down in your notes because most of you, most of you will live your life from your soul. Your soul, how to live your life. Therefore, doctrine, previous verse must be tied into your soul. And if you're going to tie that within your soul then doctors can start to tell you how to live your life. And that's why your spiritual self-sustained with the curse, you take it off your notebooks with over and over and over, you haveit in your life. It's sort of a launching pad there and that turns out to live your life.

So that's the objective of the Christian life to get doctor in your right lobe and oftentimes Rob to live your life. Now, wherever you go in life. You walk from point A to point B, you go from point see the point do you go through points x, y and z. Wherever you go, shewill guide you through this is the good feeling perfect Na Na ch. Ah, the Hill field Stan was causing either active voice to spam or not calm means to guide. And the whole point is very simple. The previous version, she got it in your right mode, your norms and standards that based on your frame of reference isfilled a doctor can send your memory sent the vocabulary and categories of doctrine, your viewpoint is divine viewpoint, and you have a notebook, and you have the teaching, and you've heard it directly you've taken notes you study your math book you got all this information there. Now, have you ever noticed so wherever your body goes, the soul is there? And this is a very normal function in life. Your body, your soul never leaves your body except in physical there. So there's an old song. Wherever you go, and you take your soul wherever you go. Now I'm taking your soul wherever you go. Once you transfer documents in your soul you take doctrine, wherever you go. And when you take doctrine in your soul, not in your Bible, in your soul. When you take God from your soul wherever you go, Then God will guide you around. Because the word for doctrine or wisdom is the feminine. Now, she will guide you, she doctrine guide you. Now, people often say how you are letting the Lord. The only way you're not letting go, the Lord by birth of lightning God does not steer, human beings, lightning. On the starboard shoulder blade turn right. All the lightning on the port side shoulder have a turn left. On the back of the knees. The gluteus Maximus go up. God doesn't use a miraculous steering mechanism for believers. God guides the believer, through the apparatus set up and creation. The Sony's inside of the body and the steering mechanism of your life is your soul and the steering mechanism is in the bottom doctrine and the steering mechanism is divine guidance. So now that you bought doctrine, she will guide you. You take her with her wherever you go when you're asleep. I love this. You know that when you go to sleep and someone stands guard over you. If you have a guard dog. When the asleep is the preposition bra,plus the count infinity shock. Sh aka ABS shock. I suppose all of you have had the experience of intending to go to sleep and someone else is in the room. Andthat's before you can get to sleep. You're tired. Snoring in all kinds of situations. I used to be very tired at the end of a hunting trip, five or six guys who bet down a ranch house for the night one guy that's the sad person snored right. So what do you find yourself doing standing sleep or gentle snore. While I have another cup of coffee and stand now and that's it, sense. You have a God always, if you go to sleep.God room is there and it stands God. What this means it means it's easy to go to sleep with by revival doctrine in your rival cause rebound firms, youwouldn't think of going to sleep without rebound. Secondly, why are you sleep. We make the brand, why sleep was so well stands guard over your life. Something I learned. Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul, the keyto prayer that flow is not so rare for me to honestly pray the Lord my soul to provide the truth as the facts about asleep. Baba rockin stands by the rotten rules and alerts by the rocker, neither slumbers nor sleep. By the rocker lasts forever and here it is. When you sleep relied obviously really says one of our treatments when you lie down to sleep. Shell Garvey towel imperfect verb Shama, she doctrine felguard Shama. Now this takes us back to last night. Remember I said with last night. If you concentrate on your pressure. If you concentrate on the Lord, You've got it. There is no pressure to great this life because of who and what the Lord is in Bible doctrine, if you concentrate on doctrine. Your pressures becoming consequential if you concentrate on your pressures you feel sorry for yourself and your pattern. Now she knows this Word says, not wearing sleeveless that's when you lied, obviously, you may or may not sleep. You lie down to sleep is what the verb say that went off like this, but when you lie down with the purpose of dryness. Now, if you go to sleep by biobarakuma standing. If you don't go to sleep. You're concentrating on your troubles. This is an extension of what we had last night only last night. It was while you're awake at night. You sleep or not. So you're gonna go to sleep you're tired, exhausted never been stayed awake when you were very tired, exhausted, of course you concentrating, concentrating on your problems is called in some cases. In other cases, they it's called self-pity or whatever it is you concentrate on the pressure, not on the law now guess what this mean Bible doctrine guards you when you live off asleep because Bible doctrine makes you concentrate on the Lord. About two minutes of concentration on the logical clock, and your sleep beautifully. Not because you're concentrating on the Lord, but if you finally just out of sheer exhaustion go to sleep or. I hope you don't take sleeping pills, while you're concentrating on your pressure, you're doing put to sleep with, and sleep was designed to help the body. And it's when real relaxed, that you refer to as help, and your body will be helped. Only when you have thoughts when standing guard your sleep doctrine stands God you concentrate on the Lord before you go to sleep and you just go clock this meaningless where you want to place a great danger, place of great pleasure or a place of great disaster. But if you concentrate on your troubles. Then you will not better sleep or if you do you have nightmares, you have very fitful sleep and you wake up exhausted. We went to sleep prior to wake up exhausted, they were a bad experience. And other times, it's, it's a very cool night, everyone for sleep very cool and very confident. You wake up totally drenched. The current swept males to females and amines. But then of course you see, you don't have any live soldiers too many dead soldiers in your life, those live soldiers who my guard our principles, the Bible doctrines that you know try and remain in that lesson. You don't concentrate on the war doctrine makes you concentrate on the Lord. Worry pressure, more it makes you concentrate on your question, concentrate your question you're forced to concentrate on the Lord, because Dr miles got to relax andSouders was talking about motion to sleep I'm standing here. I was in the cavalry, for so many years, I learned a great deal about horses, why when you're in the cavalry your horses are constant companion is the difference between life and death. So you'll learn to treat your horse. Now I learned something from a horse that someday it may even happen right here on slide learn how a horse locks is waiting to go to sleep, and I have actually been able to better sleep standing up. Just have to lock properly. And then you have to have your feet spread apart, not one foot has to be in front of the other, as you have them spread apart, you can actually lock them. So I did have a very viable living with horses for a few. Now we come to the next section. The third section here we are awake now your wake up in the morning and wend our way because we will feel perfect of Coots, to you, to us. Now, doesn't mean to wake up. It means to wake up. Bright eyed and bushy tailed semi hippy. It doesn't mean just to wake up and where's the coffee, but I didn't know so maybe you woke up. You know some people aren't until an hour after two hours after so there's a change in metabolism, wherever it is that you know when doctrines are on guard. You can wake up in a second you're bright eyed bushy tailed, maybe two hours sleep maybe a half an hour sleep that's an exaggeration. That's a third of the bed, and whatever it is dark matter, dark, all night. You know, there's a, there's a great principle in the Word of God about the art of sleep and how much of that is. And you have a big advantage being a believer with Dockers and mountain guard dogs and mountain guards, you can get water for refreshment. From a metaphor, minimal amount of sleep but you don't waste all of your life sleeping, before you wake up. Right. Not quite right, it takes you a pound of coffee or tomatoes or something to get you on your feet wet your roll. Cold Shower. A shot, wherever it is around your city then who might have died but I like this part of the cars here feel standard wake up and you're ready to go. Tiger I think them after that. All right, that's a feel perfect. She went away because she will converse not talk. And the word she here is the poem, I want to tell you about the Hebrew it's one of the funniest things I want you to see this, you see that word. That's ah, ah, moni pronounced frightening, and he should abide by this. That's the man. That's a man. And when you say, who you would see here that she saw here, him or her, and she will converse with you in that beautiful a woman talking with you in the morning document. She will converse with you are also by the way the verb here, see comments like this andI K J C. And seek our beans that matter of fate, or to carry on our nice, pleasant, a good conversation. Converse is a good thing. When you wake up, Doc and will converse with you now you can hardly be there so I want to summarize this translation. Wherever you go, she will guide you. When you lie down to sleep. She will guard you. When you wake up, she will converse with you. Now, learn the lesson before we get into the point why doctrine is our man's right woman, or a woman's right man, until the Lord, embrace leads that right Robin to that roadmap. This is how you wait. You don't have to run around and say, You don't have to get the product button and say yes so the first file from mouthful of teeth and looks good. Doctrine is the secret to winning doctrine is a man's rifleman, until the right woman is led to doctrine is the woman's right man, until the Lord brings her to her right man. So this is how do you wait for the right one. How do you keep from making mistakes, repeat. Wherever you go, she will guide. When you lie down to sleep. She will guide you when you wake up, she will converse with you. Why to as her right man or your right Roman doctrine, and the right doctrine, guides, gods, and talks. When you say I'm alone doctrine, you're not. You say I'm sorry you're an average and because you have not been the right man. And some of the greatest conversations you'll ever have. You'll have it yourself. So that when dad's dad and dad's doctor talks going through three less than is the formula for welding or right man, or right, whichever the case may be. So applying for that the lever weights by having an affair with doctrine. And this not only is a wonderful experience but that gives capacity for love, and the right 1.5 This is where I saw him and he started his reign properly, out of magnification complex, but he began to leave his notebook at home. He put it away somewhere and never looked at it again. He neglect the documents, he reverted through the neglect the doctrine through negative volition, point, six Solomon failed to keep on gapping it.

We have to be labor is going to wait to embrace. He must have an affair with doctrine, which leads to occupation, with a person of Christ. Therefore, I really both chronologically and scalar values wise, Christ, and Christ occupation of Christ as doctrine and arrival. So in fact, this verse describes occupation of Christ. Category One love, most coffee for category to live in the life of a believer, wherever you go. She will guide you when you lie down to sleep. She will guard you. When you wake up, she will converse with you. This is the role our Bible doctrine, and this prepares us for the round robin discourse, this is the introduction. I will began the wrong woman discourse then Friday night. Tomorrow night revelation, Thursday night for lesbians, and then we'll move on. Thank you Father for the privilege of starting these things. My God, the Holy Spirit and like most people, we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #11

11 03/17/1972 Prov. 6:23–28; 29:3 Wrong woman discourse


I just remember that St. Patrick was an Irishman, only by missionary activity. He was a Scotsman by birth. And I happy. Five leaf clover to you by being the number of grace. Now Irby deacons meeting a bee in the African church back in the after the service back in the library. All deacons immediately after the service, let's see. Proverbs chapter six, resuming our study at verse one a three. Proverbs chapter six verse 23. In preparation for our study of the Word of God receiving will follow our standard operating procedure. A few moments of silent prayer. The objective is both spiritually loose articles tie them down. When you can't stand the cologne or the aftershave lotion next to you by the place where you can. There is a principle by which we operate in this church. Live and let live. It's a point of doctrine. Every believer has a right to his privacy and function of his own present. For that reason we have the bowing of the heads the closing of the eyes, the exploding of everyone else. The moving if necessary. By father we have a passage of the Word of God, this evening, which is designed to implement our doctrinal understanding of right man, right. We pray that as we examine this passage as it stands in the original way we might be thoroughly prepared by the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit in the field of human perspicacity, we might understand. Should someone have strayed in here tonight who is inclined to be prudish rather there, their prudishness might be set aside so that they might have an understanding of what God the Holy Spirit is teaching in this passage. We ask these sayings in Christ's name. Amen. All right, this is the next installment right man white woman, and this is the passage on the wrong woman. Dissertation, the wrong woman dissertation. Let's review the getting of verse 20 the translation. In order to warm up our minds again. With regard to what we have in this passage. The big item and verse one is the difference between Mitzvah and Torah. That's spam, I tz wh, and to our age, Torah is doctrine and principles of establishment talk with love. Let's wha is doctrine and principles of establishment talk with discipline. My son, address the Solomon David teaching Solomon Guard and Reserve. The commands mid swap of your father, and do not abandon the law of Torah. Your mother.This of course has been developed in great detail. Verse 21 Tie them the documents to your right lobe. Always. That's the objective to get these things a lot harder the right lobe and the frame of reference, norms and standards, vocabulary and categories, and the viewpoint. Try them the dark rooms to you're always. These are doctrines now pretending to ride my bison lamb that is the doctrines in your notebook allows you that they do know a bug with you and study it. The objective and concentration is the taking of notes. In verse 22 wherever you go, her doctrine is personified here. She will guide you when you lie down to sleep she doctrine will guard you. When you wake up, her doctrine will converse with you. Summary doctrine is to be Solomon's right woman, until the Lord in grace, leads the right woman to him. There are three functions of doctrine that believers right mode. First of all doctrine guides. Secondly, guards and contacts and thirdly it converses with you. This is also the word for meditation. This also describes solidarity but waits for his right man or his white woman whichever the case may be. For the labor weights by having an affair with doctrine. This is where Solomon failed and never did find his ride woman or never had her. I'm sure the Lord let her ride by under his nose but he didn't identify her. Solomon failed to keep on gapping it as a result of negative volition or doctrine, he had scar tissue of the soul. As a result of scar tissue of the soul, the emotional revolt, the emotional revolt was followed by reversion ism. And then we have the practice of reverse process reversion ism. First of all, and the area of category one Solomon has started out, occupied with a person of Christ and category one, but in reversion ism. He went to the inconsequential persons, and began to build high places to the various gods of the Canaanites and the other people around, that's recorded in First Kings 11 and category two Solomon had a right, woman, and became involved with 1000 Rehmann, one of which might have been his ride along 700 where his wives 300 word his mistress. That's what the word concubine means God Divine is very archaic. Some antiquated word doesn't mean anything to you, Mistress might be a little closer to your understanding. Alright so Solomon in reversion had 700 wives, and 300 mistresses. I've often wondered about that number. Were these the selected ones and these are the ones he married, who make alliances and all kinds of things. It's hard to say. One thing is not his wife woman was in that one vows ever founder, and I'm sure at some point the Lord cross their path across there never was a right man right Roman situation where the past did not cross at some time, but identification depends on spiritual factors which are missing in reversion as we also saw from Ecclesiastes that Solomon had one friend out of a browser. So he popped in there pretty well but he probably had a lot of inquiry and consequential persons over here. Very interesting someone sent me a note the other day and literally brought up another one. Here's right patriot, right country like ours. And then we have reversion ism fooling around with a chai coms fooling around with a rush times fooling around with all the other idiots that are pro communists. And that's where a lot of people stand today and carry on reversion is how the Mini was going to wait and grace you must have an affair with doctrine which always leads to occupation reprised adapts in everyday category one mob must copy for category to live. Alright, this brings us back now to where we resume in verse 23 Proverbs 623 Let's read a few versesare the commandments, is a lamp. And the law is life. And reproved some instruction are the way of live TV from the evil woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. Last night, after her beauty and dying heart. Neither let her take the with her eyelids. We'll see about that we get through four by means and here are the translator, almost gathered is for by means of a Hareesh woman, a man is brought through a piece of bread, and an adulterous will hunt for the precious life, by the way is pretty poorly translated and does not communicate what is actually there. And the next one is bad to Canada man take fire and his bosom and his blows my femur. Can one go up on hospitals and its feet might be burned. So he let go of him to his neighbor's wife, whosoever touch her, so I'm happy, man. Do not despise a thief steals to satisfy a soul when he's hungry. But if he be found he shall restore seven. He shall give all the substance of his house, but he was so committed adultery with a woman, lack of understanding. He that do have it destroy his own soul, then at this point, the wrong woman dissertation hands, and other principles are brought out. For example, jealousy in verse 34 but jealousy here is not being used in the right man right woman dissertation, we will see it in another passage on Sunday. And we may get as far as the soul climax passage I don't know if we will or not but we'll try next Sunday also when is the next day after tomorrow. Let's try verse 23 Now the word commandments is mitzvah, again, this was the father's teaching. Am I tzwh myths wamiswak is David teaching Solomon and training. And this also means that David as the Father has the authority and therefore must treat with punishment, but the word commandments is also connected here with the word lamp, there is no verb, and the word for lamp means to means lamp. All right, that's an E R is the word, but it also has another connotation. It connotes prosperity or happiness and this is what it says in effect. Happiness is the commandment. Happiness is the father is training, a son, his blast his father trains in well. Happiness is inevitable in his case, if he follows that training David train Solomon well. Now, Solomon did not respond to the training, and therefore missed a great principle in life. You see there are two sources of happiness, one is Bible doctrine. Wa sh. And anyone who is rhogap it day in and day out, day in and day out from eventually reached the point of Bronze Age. Now that is God's happiness share. But there's also human happiness and human happiness comes to those who actually abide by our follow the good training, not the father to the side, there is a source of happiness in that area. And many a time sons do not agree with their fathers. And that's all right. But when there is disagreement. The father recognizes that the Son is hard headed and probably inherited from the mother, and it goes, Goes right ahead, and disciplines him Sham is see only the Father has the authority to hammer this handle the stubbornness. Now let me tell you something about children, you find a child who has no stubbornness, in him or her, and I will show you a child who doesn't have any set any get up and go any spirit. So when you and many of you parents get upset because your children get stubborn it well thank God for it.

But it has to be channelled and train. That's what. And just because there's a little stubbornness along the way, that's no problem. Because any father, that cannot train you aside, and the training year and handle it. Well, he's just no fill in the blanks for yourself. Tauruses the father has to decide when the training is over and when the son of graduates. And that's true of all fathers. I graduated Bobby when he's 14 told him when he was 16 by the Father. That is not a woman's prerogative. In Chapter 24, nothing more nauseating than a woman by the Spank are children that is sad and tragic.We say that fathers are awake during the day. Their father knows how to use the bell property.They'll think of all the fun, the child can have going to their room and waiting for father to come home and that's what you should do, mother.Put them in isolation, until the trial incarcerate them.Don't store your femininity with anything else and then as soon as the child is in his room. Then you go back to eating bonbons and watching John's over why, which we call carrying on with the household chores.But it is the man is the head of the family the fan has the responsibility and divine institution number three.And it is the responsibility of a man,the mother, the greater responsibility of teaching. The mother reaches the children earlier.Most teaching, which is accomplished, and early in the first nine years is the mother's privilege map Harada, and it continues to rob live videos teaching, and law.Now that's the way it's set up right it's the way it always happens and I know you have a million questions. That's the call buddy Dan odours numbers in the book.They got all the answers.Now this is the principlethat father teach many things to his son or his daughter, or both.I am every father, you know, they talk about planning a family.Every father ought to consider this is the real key, how many he thinks he can keep on disciplining how long he can stay in shape.Just figure just about how many fingers free is it that we better stop right there, see the man ought to be thinking about man and without ever thinking about anything likethis is the man's responsibility.That's why, as a man. And that's why his hair is short.And a woman has long hair, which is feminine, feminine on the boyshort hair for the man long, longer hair for the woman.We've had that passage already, it'll come up and down by the way, in Revelation, we're going to get next time we have revelation on Wednesday night, we'll get through the hair of the Lord Jesus Christ as described, we had short white hair short.So all of those pictures you have Jesus for the long brown hair, and the Spiegel five expression.No, I take it back, it's more like a boss thatyou can get rid of that job, that's propaganda, right out of the pit.So what's the song goofy artist'sconcept.Now notice the next phrase, I am the law is light now we have thoroughthis is the training about Shiva which was not in love. And the word for light means light all right but it also means prosperity. Not that this or any of you ever think about sassing your mother. Remember, you are sizing the problems the prospects of prosperity.The mother teaches and loved by God backs the mother.When mother's training and teaching is ignored prosperity will elude you.And a lot of you have always say you know I've heard men say you know I was on the verge about three or four times.I came that close and they don't show you invoice and everything. Alright, I've always been tempted to ask them. And how did you take your mother's training. How did you take her teaching.And right then on there I probably got it. What was that all of that is a lot to do with it. And apparently there are some men who will never be prosperous. Because they excelled in childhood and sassing their mother,no father should ever let a child get away with it.The worst thing you can do in the world is to ignore your mother's training to ignore your mother's love, and to ignore or commands on orders that matter how unreasonable they may seem to sass. A mother is the lowest thing in childhood,a worstmother's faster. I have short lives miserable lives and you're safe, why, why should it be penalize your child.You're defying the laws of establishment, by defying the laws that comes out in later life,and rejecting parental authority is the character who lived with all of your life, and only Bible doctrines and thatis formed in childhood.Now, some of the aspects of character are not always apparent people don't remember what the habits you develop in childhood, are the habits you have as an adult. Now, you sign up parental authority, you are going to bust the tiger all your life and you have it.And again we go right back to the principal now. We just scared. The bird dog right out of their seats. One or two instalments ago I forgotten. Now, those of you who were recalcitrant children. It's time for you to tremble a little bit.I don't blame you.But, there's a way that you can overcome this in childhood. You have a father like mine, he never let me get away with it.I can't say honestly that I was ever thankful for anytime my father ever touched me, because he was the best. And it always hurt. Never that I say that one spiking was worse than another, they were all right.That's good. He my father was consistentand persistent.And my mother was very loving.And I probably will provide.My mother really never tried to be the man on the house, ever.So it's very important to understand this principle.Because you see this is the price at the mine institution number three. This is the principle by which we live.And if you do not rear your children by this person. You are putting in the world, monster, but it is better to be disciplined and trained in childhood, that to be discipline that train all of your life because of lack of that childhood mentality. Life is a cool drill instructor. Your parents are loving AI, always. So you have to decide which way you're going.Now so many of you have lived so long and emotional revolvers paths that you really do not understand these principles.And we build a branch here and there we go okay.All right, literally that let's try it this way for happiness is the commandment.The law is prosperity.Now the next phrase is a way of life which is valid.Looks like this. In the Hebrew.De r ek way. And then, is actually lives. So it should be translated as a way of wives, is the discipline and the word for discipline here is translated in your English Bibles reproofs toecap looks like this.Tokch a th to Cat.And this is a word, one of the strong words for admiration for discipline as a way of lives the discipline of God dread.

The word, which is found at the end of verse 23 is the word instruction but it's Mozart's doctrine and the Hebrew.So literally the whole verse says, well I have happiness is the commandment.And the law is prosperity as a way of lives, is the discipline of doctrine.Now let's try verse 24 there are many reasons for bilateral training. One of the most important is to protect your children from the wrong woman wrong man concept. Most of this should be done in the home, so that your children do not become promiscuous, but they wait. Alright man. Alright, so here is one of the purposes. Now be sure that you understand this for verse 24 this is only one purpose for parental training but it's the very important one that's emphasized here. Your job as parents is to protect by training from the cradle till the time that they no longer lesson to protect them from getting into the wrong woman, or wrong man concept.If you do that, remember we've already had it. We'll have it again, and ugliest yeah it is.It is possible for a person to be a failure, all of his life, and yet to marry the right woman has to have a very happy life with her.So one of the reasons why, or can be translated prosperity in context, your wife, woman is prosperity your right man is prosperity your right woman is happiness, your right, man is happiness.And you can go to hell.And you can have an unsuccessful life and still have great happiness. Turn to Ecclesiastes again let's review this as it's so pertinent at this point. Ecclesiastes 9:9.I'll take a look at it.It's not too far away some of you are overdoing it.Ecclesiastes 9:9.Good is live joyfully with the wife whom thou love us live, John Lee is wrong.Anybody that even houses right woman can tell you that's wrong.Play a giant play.That is, that together with your riflemen and clap your hands and play patty Baker and make joyful sound.Now, this guy was buried somewhere in asceticism.This is the calling pad even bra, ra,ra h ra Galimberti, and it means to see it, see the lives literally with a wife whom thou lovest lives are the many times, as every time a right man, and a right woman got together for any purpose. That's a part of their life, but Kassim is used to indicate you will live a whole lifetime and five minutes with your right woman on our, our day or whatever it is. Every encounter between right man or right wall, whether it's social sexual combination, whatever it is.It is a lifetime of happiness and it's a life in itself. So let's literally see lives with the Isha who now love us now perfect. I havea H a bh. I have Halbergall the days of I manatee this indicates that the person to whom this is addressed has an empty line table is the wordtranslated vanity, but it means, emptiness, an empty line.See, lives with the right Robin doll lovers, all the days of your life, of emptiness.He, the right moment. He has given you under the sun. Here is a man who found his rifle but this man, by the way is not the lever, or this is your portion, and life your right woman. And in your work and your profession or occupation which you are working under the side now manatee is used again for the failure of this person in his work.And the last part this is my portion your life. And this life of vanity and activists and by labor which now take us time to the side, working out of the sign indicates not successful, and business.Now I want you to notice the issue here, it starts really in verse four, lazy ass these nine four says that is joined to all the living there is hope. In other words, this man is isn't much, but there is hope, he finds his right woman if she is brought to him. And this is stated, for a living dog is better than a damn lion. The lion was much admired in the ancient world that dog was low on the totem pole.For the living know that they shall die. But the dead on anything neither have anymore a reward for the memory of them that is forgotten. In other words, the principle is a very simple one here, after you die, you're, you are soon forgotten. And there is no more reward. Now, this is an unbeliever's passage. This isn't happening from the body and face to face of the Lord which is that for the believer. Also, get this now, The things that destroy true love their love, their hatred, their envy is now perished. Once that occurs for the unbeliever, whatever they had is gone, neither have they anymore, a portion for ever in anything that is done out of the side. Go thy way therefore I believer. He died Brad with as much happiness as you can eat province what it said, and drink my wine with all the happiness you can muster in your right role for God. Now, accepted guy works that is God permit you to work this past weekend at Google, the end of verse nine, let, let your garments be always white. This is establishment led by head black no point. They grew.You're not gonna make any impression after that. Might as well make one now.

nd the white garments were the best garments, the dressiest and the identification don't go over these natural things, be well groomed, don't look like an ass.Look like a member of the human race. This is all advice to unbelievers bother does not deliver here, just think you can profit from.Now here you haven't. But ultimately, where is the happiness of an unbeliever if he has any at all. With a wife whom thou lovest or the woman, the Isha wrap is the issue right man, right woman.The only happiness, and I barely ever will ever have in this life, fails in everything he can still have great happiness with his right and woman, but unbeliever are the lever, let's get back now to Proverbs 624 and Proverbs 624 You can miss the boat. Now a lot of this has to do with parental training first 24.Do keep the from the evil woman.The word to keep it as the towel infinitive of Sharp air it's a military timemeans to guard.

There are certain ways in life in which the right man is protected for his right woman.They eat evil woman here refers to this is a shop last rap area.That should be translated literally to guard you from the woman of evil, the word for evil here is the key.She's not. Who is the evil woman right.The evil woman is the wrong woman.Evil here means bad or Worthless. Worthless and quality our assets. In other words it means the wrong Rama to guard you from the raw water.And from the flattery of the tongue of the strange Rama.And I've said, without exception, except of course, the Lord Jesus Christ.Every man who has ever walk the face of this earth, and all of his majesty and glory and power and whatever he may have is a sucker for flat.Because at some drive way down. Someone has given him the impression that he is God's gift to women.And the average man takes a great deal of credit to Insell.Doctor, the course is another place where doctrine strength is always out there for the average man is a sucker, or a smooth talking.She knows how to flatter and build him up. That's it.And the most smooth talking, women in the world are Southern and overlord.God bless them but southern down that make even a gamelike that he is really something.And when a southern girl says no to me. Yes.Now, every woman on the south is not your right woman.And you might be inclined to click on select the one who is the most complimentary.Now how are you going to get around this rather difficult thing since you are vulnerable in this area.Well, obviously there's only one way to do it. That's Dapitan, that's fine.Now this may you're this gal is strapping on may want to keep me out of Bible class after this.All right from the flattery, off the top of a strange llama. The word for flattery is a plural word is a preposition or phrase, the noun and the preposition is kale. Kale, e llQh kale CA, that's the word which is translated flattering.The word actually comes from a verb that looks like this.This will help me to see how we get the word ch AE, L A.Cadillacand Kayo Cobb means to be smooth with your words.

And therefore it comes to mean to flatter.And notice how she does it she flatters her, she flatters you with her tongue. This is operation strap on, or how to inflate the male ego. And interestingly enough, women learn this secret very early in life, how, you know, all of you have learned how to blow up.You'll learn that all powers learn out early, while you're learning how to blow up a football.These girls are all sitting around, learning how to flatter you and how it's all coming up, and they have chitchat with other girls so they go to school on this thing and that is wrong. They also learn in front of mirrors different things. No woman knows how to, you know, Archer glamorized.And they all get in front of mirrors. Around the time their little ones, and they practice these things. There they may listen here's a mirror from me saying this dog comes in with it.Plan is very critical and says, No, you're not doing that right, you're holding the tip to the law like a man, get up, like this.So they critique each other, and then they go out and practice on towers.

Now, this is the call the survival of the female the human race.Mother panagsama says that the women outnumber the man to the Why are you here allow a couple of times. And so they determined that they are not going to be left in the shadow.Now, this is all bad news for some poor, innocent sucker who believes that stuff.Carson dabs on the job, even once in life. Don't exaggerate that that's true.And they will see things they would like to see every woman builds up an image of a man and her souland you may not fulfil me perfectly but she's pushing you in at various points.In other words, there are a couple of things that you're not too sharp. Ah, so she's very smart about very smart. So let's say you're a slob on a common set of manners, so you're not good about standing up.When ladies move into the room, all you've been trained. And so she turns humorously that she's.What's your eyelid is she practiced for years that's coming up, as he says, I like the way you always stay. When women come into the room. Oh, he can't get up fast enough that she accomplishes one second that he couldn't do in 15 years.All right, that's the open the door for more jobs in sports jobs.So she just mentioned in passing,

open doors for latency, there's always some way to do it subtly I'm not subtle I can't do this right, so I'm your brother and I getting the idea.Right.There never was a womanwho had some time in her life didn't crack, he thought was attractiveness and proud of a mirror.What do you guys think mirror so you can find your part. You must be kidding.That's a little tiny job it's your shave.The big job is for this doll the practice.And they all, they all have some of you guys know about hitch until yet. And you have this whole operation started in front of a mirror.

Now, you have to have something besides how you look. So you back it up with your conversation. And you learn to throw words around, you'll learn how to use words, and you'll find out right away. You know how you roll up the football little job six, or you blow up a balloon, you know, you'll find out where you're blowing your book, and every guy has a weakness ladies all I got to do is find where it is and start blowing.Now the trouble with most guys is they're not very subtle they advertise their weakness, whatever it is.So you just start going, flatter and flatter and flatter and flatter flattery.Buy that has a neat little way of reaching the emotion of a soul.Apparently it's what every man wants to hear. And once he's had a little of it is like a puppy with his nose stuck in the middle. He wants a lot more, and he goes, well the flattery is and that guy is a fool, all the way he is a real champion, and doctors will save his.Now let's get out of this strange law, what's a strange law.Well we have saw Rob but this is a different one.This is notan E k r a g JH Knox Ra.And this word means. A woman who gives her body freely to man. In other words, a horse takes money, or a tired or a hustler, are a Doxie or a Chevy.On a rnfl a dishwasher or dammy rapper a trollop or a Messalina a Moxie, and sometimes even a clan.On a robot.Another words a long water.Man is volleyball and the ego so the wrong woman can strap it on even flattery. And then the next thing she throws at him as whatever she has that's attractive.So that's coming up next.Not only do you see when God made a woman, he made the most beautiful creature that's ever been made I've ever seen an angel. I've never had a date with a Microsoft.But there's no question about the fact that when God built a bond Ah, he shot. That was the most beautiful thing that ever came from the hand of God. And she is beautiful and principle and the every woman in the world is beautiful to some man her right man, no matter what she may be to the rest of the crowd, but some women have a VOD that seems to overflow and a lot of directions.And so now we have the next bit of advice. All right, soccer, don't listen to our flattering aren't taken with a grain of salt throw little stuff back at her and laugh to yourself, but don't laugh in her face.After all, she practiced a long time to come up with some of those gems.You want to really enjoy woman, you can do it.When she starts to flatter you jog raise your arm walk all over. And if you really want to make her man. Say hi to give her about half the store I'm twice as good.Oh, that really led she started she goes, she just runs out of blowing right there, that gets her every timeI saw she still has an ace. Here it is.I would not to say up or sleeve but that won't work here, was not the Carolyn perfect, comma,ch, a m ADH, ma, ma, now karma means to desire to covet to lust after, and even to take pleasure in them all meanings are pertinent here at, get this now, Do not lust after her beauty.She's beautiful. She has a poker too that is fantastic. Alison of acid means one, do not cover her beauty. She is not your right robot.When your right woman comes along, no one of the world be more beautiful. You may think you've seen a lot of beautiful dolls but God has designed one person, and when your eye sees that one, you will just go right up through the roof, you will have a soul climax.Identification of right Roman is not live at all. Leather though is a biological cycle and the body varies with individuals level no is no way to identify anything except that you're alive.But when the right moment comes along, you will have a soul climax, and First Corinthians seven it's called burning. It is not physical. It is soulish.It's a muscle.So you see, you really don't have to have a honeymoon first, after all.Do not covet.After her beauty, that's the first way of speaking, do not desire her beauty, and as it says here do not lust after her beauty, do not take pleasure and her beauty.Also, it says where do you do this, this is where you have the solace climax for one woman army, and dine heart lave referring to the right lobe al ABH.The heart consists of frame of reference memory sadder vocabulary and categories norms and standards of conscience viewpoint.Alright, get that dial, I think.My father taught me how to drink without ever batting and that takes practice too Beauty and your right role. If you do, you are going to set up a pseudo climax and be misled. Now let me tell you something and get it in your notes, a pseudo so climax has caused more mismatching than anything in history. More wrong women marry the wrong man and vice versa, through a pseudo climax. A should also a climax may be connected with a motional revolt, it may be connected with scar tissue of a soul. It may be a reverse process reversion ism at a time where you are sentimental. And it is a false, and many people have gotten married, under the name, I love you I love you, and it wasn't love at all.

It was a pseudo climax. And every time a wrong man marries a wrong womanthat immediately knocks out to other people in the human race, for whom they weren't properly designed, and when you get everyone buying stuff that way you can have all throw a whole generation in a tizzy. That's why the songwriter came up with this thing, what is this thing called love.

Now there is a bonafide soul climate. There is a pseudo soul climax. This is the pseudo soul climate, not covered, do not desire to not lust after do not take pleasure and beauty, and you're right. I got this. Oh well women do not have the same degree of beauty that should be almost apparent to everyone here tonight, but some women know how to use what they have, and takes a lot of learning, and they have a case of a smart way to do it. Let's say a woman has beautiful I obviously she's going to do everything to focus your attention on the parts of her that are beautiful women have an exaggerated opinion about their bodies, and they often get you to focus attention on parts of them that find attractive at all. Well, in other words I'm saying a lot of women run out of grass. But sometimes a woman realizes well, he or she has a beautiful mouth she advertised it gets very bright Romanian lipstick or to get some she can paint a bow on Elena. She has one or not. Now, fake out a lot of people, but she has beautiful eyes there are a lot of things she can do that are just like putting a spotlight on her eye. She can put lashes on it. Or she'll have natural light, she can put different types of eyeliner around it, she can put eye shadow on all kinds of ways to even make big beautiful eyes bigger and more beautiful. Are you girl's all right guys that don't have a clue on that? If they ever saw you without that stop off here, and that stop and let your eyelashes off they get the idea. That's an inside joke. But you see, the use of cosmetics is to accentuate what is beautiful and a woman's bone structure, eyes, nose, mouth and so on. At the hide what should be hidden in cosmetics. And therefore, it's a real miracle every time you ladies get up and put on your face. Now, the guy, the fellows here tonight I'm really smart about these signs up with you right now, all I see is the effect. Never give another thought except that it turns them off when sundial goes out of bad relations. Now banning the lashes is a real art. It cannot be learned in a day, it takes a great deal of practice. First of all you have to analyse your lashes. They have to be the right way, and they have to be filled in. Then you have to learn the exact place where the girl has to learn exactly what the position of her head, providing her life. If she gets her head too high, and she looks like a little doll that's eyes open and close, you know, so she has learned to drop her chin when she does this that takes practice. She has to learn that if there is a certain shape and her chin must be weighed out, she practices when she gets it up a little bit, and up a little, and she learns, where it's the most effective. So, some for idiot's idiot sees this batting of the lashes and he's turned off on frets, goes right up through the roof and climbs the wall. Now this doll isn't necessary necessarily beautiful she is to her right man. She knows how to do things with her eyes, she could walk into a room and use her eyes up two or three guys and they're all very quick blocks back because the way some people play games apart. Now, somewhere along the lines of products have to be taught the same goes I realized, all these things andnow it does not see it, it says there neither let her take the word to take care is La La cat means sex with a woman. She was violently take upon him. And she came back to saying well you're locked out so we're going to translate this, we're not lost after her beauty, and your right lobe, and do not let her arouse your passion with her eyelash. That's like a little thing like an eyelash. Not that great big 220 pound guy right on is just an island out a block or a tackle.Your neighbour thought he ought to amplify. He wasn't sure a song by means of all, necessarily, but she definitely is not the tickler with whom she call habits, or should I say, with whom she has constant alive.

The word here more is actually key, not Isha. So the word Horacio is the word so much like this CO and ah zona. Now the Sona means a horror All right, it means it's taken from the word sama. One who are in a cage for money or fun, although that's sometimes. One who for in a cage for money or for fun but not as an expression of category to live, that's the issue. So a whorish woman, there's no horn necessarily she hasn't necessarily a slap. She's not a Mopsy or Doxxing or even McQuinn, or even a baller robot, but she's someone who will go to bed with more than one person, and then her multiplicity of affairs, right, and man.What do you have your hand and your pants mesmerized by? Let's get women I don't need this. Now we have our new layout Horace Roman is no horse woman she just saw up on her sleeve for us, sleeps around that's the best word. And that's the way I translate that a woman who sleeps. You got it now I haven't put that down here. I just didn't have, by means of a woman who sleeps around or literally because of a woman who sleeps around. And then there is no verb, and no subject why this is very, very interesting though because David has very strong feelings on the matter. And he is saying in a saying in the sense that soccer comes to you have to fill out in to a piece of bread. Now to the. It really says, because of a woman who sleeps around to a piece of bread, what is a piece of bread. Well, it isn't really a piece of bread at all. it is key care, rather than piece. Okay, hi K ar e Caribbean's a circle, assembly, construct form here, and then we have a brand new AC AGM, to care, and a circle, a brand is the smallest piece of bread, that is edible and it refers to poverty. So when you hook up with a dog who sleeps around,she's not particular but she will bleed or whatever you have and you'll wind up with a little piece of bread, and not even necessarily smarter because I'm a woman who sleeps around the cards of a woman of fornication the sucker comes to the smallest piece of bread poverty,this smallest piece of bread is also found in another passage and Robert proverbs 29 Three.Only this time we have a different statement. This is the same idea exactly. I get this. The father has a great responsibility. Proverbs 29 A lamb has an affair with Bible doctrine, he will be protected till his right Robin comes along and his father will be very happy about her so lovers wisdom. Great choice of his father David would have been very happy if Solomon had waited, but he that keep accompany with the Horace one woman. Spider such. So, a man who is wise and limbs and Bible doctrine occupied with Christ, until his right woman is led to this also makes his father and he gets to hanging out with these dolls. He is going to wind up with a piece of brass. He's got to be poverty. Now that's all that is a very interesting approach, he's going to lose out financially. A while he's losing out but actually he has lost out in the soul, because as you have already heard scar tissue blitz adults are adultery but start issue officer. So he loses out, and his soul as well however this emphasizes the partner. Now on the rest of this verse, this is Proverbs, 626,or by means of $1 who sleeps around. Soccer is brought to a piece of brass, fiber, and the adopters will hunt for the precious life route. Let's get straight in there is no word for an overseer waiting to see what it is as if it was the phrase FF e sh E th is E SHA, and the construct airship EeshAetius man. In other words, eship is the woman of a man. Now what does that mean let's go too literally, the woman. That's construct of each man. Now, this woman is bright woman. And this is her right, man. So there's no darkness here at all in fact there's a woman who is the right man. As you wish. Now the word let's give it instead of adopters, let's call it what it is. A man's right woman

right woman is the woman or the right man. Oh man. Right, woman, and right woman is the subject of this part of the verse man's right woman will have the perfect third feminine singular up soon. She will keep running. Now look at this. Here is a doll and was waiting for her right man and she'll keep on waiting for him. What's he doing well. He's hanging out he's hanging out with the dogs they're sleeping. Well, what is his wife Donna doing that he doesn't necessarily matter. She keeps on having for his precious soul. And I want you to notice what the right woman emphasizes his precious soul. And the right Robin will fight for his precious souls even allows a job to translate. Now, what can the bird dog lose. What can the world lose to a piece of bread. All dissipated on the wrong level. He has sold his birth right for a massive body to his birth right being the right one. And where is his right woman. She is seeking His precious. So, the most valuable thing in the world is the soul of the right man or the woman, or right woman waiting emphasizes the soul, the right man, fully emphasizes the beauty of the body. So in fornication with the wrong woman, the right man not only comes to poverty, but he does not find his right woman. And she is hunting for his precious soul. So by fornicating or committing adultery, the man not only describes someone else's life, while my buddy ruins his own right, woman as well. We've already seen buddy knows to another right woman, somebody else's right Robin is taken one step closer this is Proverbs, five, one step closer to the big affair, a big affair being the great. She was great grandmother back in the coffin. That's what Proverbs five saying now that brings us down to verse 27 Thank you can take a few more let's try. Now the word that really throws the first 27 of all haywire is buzzer. We have robbers fine if you remember what it was but I'll show you again T. ch, e q cake. My word cake was, was used in Proverbs five, or the woman's genitals. It refers here to a hollow place, and the hollow place or hold at the Romans apartment. And so the word person is the person that's gonna man drop a hot coal in his pocket, and his clothes not be burned. Cold and the buzzer, stupid, like you're gonna understand some guy getting the hot rock and I know a lot of guys that have had the hot pocket. This is a summary of that when you understand you mess around with these wrong women, and you've got a case of a hot market. You can't drop a doll in your back pocket. You can't drop hardcore doll at the bottom but that makes sense that I mean if they burned there. You can see in the ancient world where some guy was playing a trick I'm so late to believe what they like to do at parties, was to take a call. They always had these things running, and drop it in some guy's room in his pocket and he jump up yell and scream and wagging his finger and have a big hole answer, boom, boom. We're going to put in. All right, that's exactly what we have here, perfect illustration.No one ever dropped. That's the wall kind of Bernie, that's burning, First Corinthians seven he has the sole climax. Sudo by name drama colon department. Now we have another illustration of this in verse 28 one goal it says here. Very good translate and when. Literally, it says can a man walk. The alien perfect. The p&l is the intensity ofthe situation. You want to have calls it's intense. The Al stamp again a man walk on hot coals and not theanswer's no, we can't. So you have two illustrations of fooling around with all these gals and messing your right woman wants drama, Rama makeover in the pockets that you're going to get out without your clothes being burned out. Can you walk across hot coals, and not have your feet burned, and both times we have the word burning, the show that men are often misled by what really is important in identification of right man or woman, it's the sole climax that identify the sex life afterwards is going to be phenomenal God's assigned them for each other, sex is designed by Jesus Christ. It is one of the three great gifts when Jesus Christ came from the human race one sense he designed the right woman to the cross. He did it there. He died for our sins and three Bible doctrine. He thought Bible. So we have the right woman. He built the cross. We did it back then. He boughtthe train right man, right. This is a gift from Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, lamb and women get led astray by their living. Burning is not live at all in First Corinthians seven burning is the sole climax. Let it all gonna happen to me as normal healthy person, that it doesn't mean anything except that you're a normal healthy person. Now verse 28 gentle man walk on hot coals, at his feet by three by five I summarize why, in this case is the man but it couldn't be vice versa. The man is the one fornicating with the wrong woman to be the other way around the woman is fornicators. We have two analogies for burning. Both analogies indicates the wrong emphasis. Point to the wrong woman is the hot cold in the pocket, the wrong woman is the cause over which a man walks three. He not only burns his clothes but he burns a hole in his pocket.She got those money. She takes his money, destroys his soul destroys his body, all at one time. But there is a right, there is still money for his precious soul andmy Lord, if they can make contact. They emphasis with her is his soul. And in soul recovery through Bible doctrine, it's possible for them to still have something great. So it's not hope last five, the right man, is the most precious thing to the right woman, but she emphasizes his soul andsex. Meanwhile, on this side to the right man, it's almost pathetic that Solomon is walking on hot coals right now he has collected quite a haremSavva Solomon fails. He failed to recognize the principle of sole climax, and therefore while he was traveling,and havingthat great long was job. The sun had designed for him. At the conclusion, the Solomon is a one murder. First of all, God has provided these great steps on Jesus Christ. Today we call in this call is sagging cross and documented the great words of Jesus Christ as they find the areas right man. All right. They leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Damn.Recently, fromlast night. Last out there because he lost out here he didn't havethese guards he we've also evolved reversion ism, and practically all of his life reversion isn't in category to live with inconsequential personal 1000 would be the only thing to ever lose couldn't lose President why one shot decision which you made to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. And when Solomon died, and recovered proper version you have reversion recovery ecclesiastics 12 bucks. He died on 1/3 are the only things that he had at the bottom, his family was his own salvation. Can't lose, lose, right, you can lose five losses, you can lose salvation. So we leave Solomon, with his clothes burning a hole in his pocket and his feet sin morning I've been early service thank you Father for the privilege of studying these things, God the Holy Spirit and like medicine, we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #12

12 03/19/1972 Prov. 6:27–32; Jer. 31:22; Lam. 3:21–23 Objectivity in law enforcement; Biblical law and the criminal


God is alive and powerful and sharper than any new piercing even to the dividing asunder the soul of the spirit of the giants in the mouth, and his critical thoughts and intentions behind. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God right the mature and thoroughly furnished ROM that works. Study to show thyself approved unto God at work from that date of mastery ashamed, rightly dividing the word of this morning to Proverbs chapter six, revealing at verse 27 special study in this particular chapter. Proverbs 6: 27

Proverbs 6:27 we are then studying Doctrine right man right some special advantages from passages. We will probably continue this throughout the day. In preparation for our study of the Word of God with smarting the next few moments will be the motive in silent prayer. This allows you the privacy of your priesthood. In order to take him the Word of God properly. It must be filled with the Spirit the filling of the spirit, a rebound. Rebound technique is a function of your priest.Thank you, belongs to us as believers. There never was a time, there never will be a time when the Word of God is not available to us.Mechanics of preparation, and then the preservation of this manna from heaven. Not only have you provided in permanent form, the very mind of Christ. As a special gift. But you've also provided the means for Bible things of the words that are transferred to our own soul. Now many of us function this morning under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we might understand. And we might profit and benefit from the things which we examine. Thank you from the for this French portion of the living word, this manna from heaven by which your mercies are renewed day by day. Play this live play on the spot. We thank you for it in Christ's name. Proverbs chapter six, verse 27 says literally no man drop a hot coal in his pocket, and his clothes not be burned. We have already seen this and it's time. Last Friday night bird is referring to the raw world principle of fornication, and the wrong one, same analogy was brought out in Canada man walk on hot coals, and his feet, not be burned down by hot coals referred to the wrong woman back is the story of a life of Solomon. Solomon. Lots of rain in a very beautiful way he was one of the best wrestlers of all time. And yet his life was ruined and his clothes were burned. He always carried on coal in his pocket which is the wrong woman. We've had 1000 hot coals. They also walk on hot coals and therefore the story of his life. The perpetual hot foot. Now getting back to the actual dissertation in principle, this is where we stopped last Friday night, they resumed at verse 29 So he that go up into his neighbor's wife. Whoever touches her shall not be innocent. The analogy is completed. There's a cow acting participle, which is a habitual concept. Now the Hebrew does not say neighbour's wife but neighbour's woman. The word neighbor refers to the human race. And every time that Solomon had a sexual relationships with a wrong woman. He was also destroying someone else's raw touch of her shall not be unpunished, the word for touches the Cadillac participle or not. Now the two words together to describe the life of Solomon, and his great failure either reverse process reversion ism category to see what's caused the one going in, going into here means to seduce someone else's right woman. The one, touching her and this means the physical, the sexual act shall remain on planet, the word no Sunday is not defined here it's notany form of reverse process reversion ism is sacramental. But this particular form of reverse process reversion ism eliminates the possibility that great gifts of happiness from God. Remember that Jesus Christ has personally provided three great depths for the human race, and the order in which they came. The first ye Roman for the white man. And in this case he Jesus Christ, buildings, ba, he built the right woman. And this is the source of great human happiness is the quintessence of human happiness. Secondly, the cross. And He, Jesus Christ did it referred, his doctrine, and he Jesus Christ model. Now we're dealing of course with the doctrine the right man, right woman. This is a gift from the Lord Jesus Christ as the basis for great human happiness. The cross is the basis for eternal happiness doctrine is the basis for temporal happiness. Now notice right woman. All right man whichever the case may be. This is the quintessence of human happiness. The next two have to do with the happiness or the plan of God or save see this is human happiness. And this is class age. The cross provides us age for eternity. Doctrine provides class age for time. And Solomon, missed out on plus H for time, he missed out on human happiness for time, he is happy now in eternity. He is in a place of no Mar saw them are tears of our pain or that the old things have all passed away, but he lost out because he did not wait for his right woman. And of course and reversing the order Solomon was saved, but he did not have an affair with doctrine and therefore did not wait for his right woman. He did not wait for the identifying factor. Remember that the identifying factor is in the soul, not in the body. And then I want to repeat this for the young people, you do not have to have a honeymoon before the marriage. If you just absolutely have to have a honeymoon before the marriage, you better take another look because you may be destroying the recognition signals for right man or right woman, and the recognition signals coming up in our next class in the solar climate, saw the ones seducing his fellow lambs, right, woman, clutching her knob remain on the punishment here is the loss of human happiness the greatest principle. Now in verse 30 Man, do not despise the steel under certain conditions, which are going to be. This is an illustration. Man Do not despise us literally they do not despise the cow imperfect in our foods. They, you see. Now the cow and perfect here means they do not despise. Plan a steel for a certain purpose to satisfy his appetite. They do not despise. Finding Steel's to satisfy his appetite. Plenty of starving. There is a reason why stealing. He is starving today, and therefore under those conditions. She is guilty, but he is not the spy. Now here's a rather interesting thing. But Solomon illustrates this under the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit. He's talking about an analogy, as well as an illustration. Solomon was sex hungry, so he ate. But he had the case he was condemned for this. So you'll see in a minute. When I left Salama. But when a thief is food hungry,and he hasn't come down. This is one of those very interesting illustrations on the surface it looks simple, anyone can see the analogy because it's been true almost in every age of human history that a person steals and, because he's hungry. And he simply steals food, to satisfy his hunger. They may be condemned, he may go through the due process of law and bacon them, but at least there is some compassion and sympathy for his condition. Follow him on his saying however in the analogy. There is no compassion, there is no sympathy for my condition. I was sex hungry and I took his food hungry, and he takes. And there is compassion with his condition. In other words, not only does a man bring upon himself, loss of happiness, but it brings upon himself the antagonism of society. Why because, stealing someone else's work by just the sex act that's fornication, stealing someone else's woman someone else's right woman is going to upset society, and it's a dye and the illustration has repercussions when they're with someone else. And that, to that expense, destroy someone else's right woman. I'm sorry but you see relationship with a mouse and women, and therefore he made quite a contribution to confusion in society. And not only did he have these styles, but he had them in his harem, and therefore there are 1000s Right Man Why wandering around the world who couldn't even get to their right woman. They couldn't even wait to have a chance for recognition. And therefore, Solomon was the thief, and he carried the hottest perhaps of all time and his harem 1000 women wish to not belong. Oh he married 703 out of worries concubines or his mistress. But as a fee. He was, he received the greatest punishment of all, and he received that punishment of loss and happiness. And this particular female. Now this is why he uses this is no stranger. There was no compassion for Solomon lover and Song of Solomon in exactly the same way, although he rescued his ride. He rescued his wife well but even before Solomon had made a conquest in any way. And therefore, the one who wasn't antagonistic, he just simply got in there got his right woman out of there and rescued her. But here's a different story. There are at least 1000 men who can bank Solomon, are not having their right woman. And you can imagine the way in which the gratitude will be expressed, they'll follow these long vowels Mather wouldn't be happy to kill him under any circumstance. But the principle is that not only that Solomon lose happiness, but he also lost something else in life. So verse 30 says they do not despise a thief when he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry or starving, and the Kalyan perfect. He is constantly in that condition until he just simply can't stand it anymore the cow imperfect or raw, when he is constantly star study says they do not despise a feat when he steals to satisfy his appetite when he is hungry or starving, and the county of perfect of raw indicates that he is constantly in that condition until he just simply can't stand it anymore. The calling perfect to raw, when he is constantly star. Now he goes from there to conclude his subject. On this particular segment of right man right woman but if he be found. This is the feed now. And the word is not found here but discovered the NFL perfect of My TSA, am a TSA. I here's the thing. The thief is discovered, he is apprehended and stealing bread. If he discovered lately. This means the due process of law. What is the due process of law, in the case of faps well in our law, itsincarceration? However, the biblical attitude is quite different. The Bible attitude and law does not recommend incarceration as a solution. And I think a lot of stop long enough to recognize what the Bible teaches obviously the Bible is going to set up. Good, objective, principles of law, these are from the Lord Jesus Christ. Now the man whose filming he has stolen breath to satisfy his hunger in the law do, I want you to notice first of all that the law as taught in the Word of God is very objective. It recognizes that while the man was motivated, motivated to the point that he arouses our compassion, and does not change the fact that you violated the law, and then the law as penalty. That's the first principle and the almost at even though the charge, and the people may be very compassionate towards this man, because he was motivated under very stringent circumstances. By law must be served as the penalty of the law. Anyway, now you see this is where, and objective law breaks down, as long as objectivity remains in the land through the concepts of establishment, then the law serves to hinder crime, but the very moment that people become sympathetic with the criminal through liberalism, through anti-establishment. Then, law, is no longer a law, and you have lawlessness and eventually you have anarchy which is destructive to the entire population. Now that's where we are today. It all started back in the late 30s I remember when I used to go to the movies as a boy. They had these gangster movies, and you always wound up being sympathetic with a gangster. You always wound up being sympathetic or some man that had shot down 15 or 20 people, but he was such a nice guy, and he was having such a great love affair with this dog, and this dog was going to wait till they came out. Now of course I've you must remember I saw these and boy, I don't buy that anymore. I don't believe any dollar weights. But that's just a little grain of cynicism. But you can see how you develop a great sympathy and then later on you grow up a little bit you say for whom am I developing sympathy for a gangster who shoots in cold blood who murders premeditated murder. A person who is outside the law, and yet you see my generation saw all of these things in the movies gave them the idea that any poor chap who has murdered 10 or 15 people, and is put up for a live, why this is a great tragedy because there must be some beautiful woman who has weeping outside the prison walls every day. Now that's carried into liberalism, so that today we have the most ridiculous attitude toward crime that has ever existed. Let's go back and outline the concept. First of all, bother the objectivity of law at all countries should be patterned after the word of God, this is the part of establishment. First of all, they, a person is innocent until proven guilty. Now of course we're dealing in our illustration with one who is guilty. But this is a basic concept of law that as you enter the courtroom. It is assumed that you are guilty until bonafide laws of evidence demonstrate that assume that you're innocent until bonafide laws of evidence, demonstrate that you are guilty.Everyone is innocent until demonstrated guilty. Now that's the basic concept of law, the Romans picked this up on their life centers, and this was their system. And that's why Rome operated, so while so long, under their law, and even an Anglo Saxon law of the Shire moved the same principle existed in our heritage from Anglo Saxon law, as well as Roman law, we have the same concept when we began our nation, that is, except for one area, and that is the Bureau of internal revenue, and there you are guilty until you prove your innocence, which is contrary outdoors to gun law. Now the concept here is that there must be said you are assumed to be innocent until demonstrated guilty. There must be a bonafide Order in the court no violence in the court, no intimidation, and no admission of evidence which is hearsay. So hearsay is one of the great devastating things of the Christian life, people on the basis of hearsay judge people on the basis of hearsay, express their maliciousness by maligning others judge not that you've been our judges the same concept in the Christian life, that you have an objectivity of law. All right, you are innocent until demonstrated guilty. Now that's the courtroom procedure. Once you are demonstrated on the basis of bonafide evidence not hearsay but bonafide evidence. Once your guilt is established, then they have a system of laws of punishment, and it is the laws of punishment that control crime, always have it always will. There will never be an exception. Now, in the laws of punishment. First of all, there is the death penalty. And the Bible is very strong and advocating capital punishment.There are several principles like an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and a life for a life, and under conditions of first degree murder. The use of capital punishment is the greatest deterrent to crime. Now of course today, the abolition of capital punishment the increase was cry. A criminal knows that it's no longer a gamble, his life is not at stake, and therefore he feels he has much more boldness in the function of crime, knowing that the only thing he can do is to be given a pension for life in a rather unpleasant ways, but at least he will have a pension for life. The taxpayer will continue to take care of him, until the day he dies, and therefore he has much more boldness. And he also has and develops a strong legal system, and his gangster empire, because he knows that somewhere along the line, they will be able to obtain his release, they will keep working, keep working. And so he knows that on the inside the taxpayer will feed and shout for giving him food, shelter and clothing. And on the outside his own empire of lawyers will keep working to get him out. Now what does he have to lose, and therefore crime is on the increase. And the only way you stop this thing is through capital punishment. Furthermore, it has to be what is known as a demonstrative capital punishment for under capital punishment in Israel, for example, they always executed and crop of the people, the person was stoned to death and part of the people and the British shadow saying a similar system which was very good in deterring crime, they had public hangings, or they would take a person out in the city square, and draw and corner him. And when he was finally executed his head was going north, the trunk of his body was going south, and his lambs were going east and west, and then when everyone passed by. It always made a big impression. There was a person who was high and mighty as a gangster and now look at it, he's divided into four parts with a very sharp sword, and there he is. And there he isn't. And this always impresses people in the field of crime. For example, I corrective measure which could occur today. Every person who is in this bracket of having been demonstrated guilty under due process of law. If for example he were taken and hung in his own front yard, are drawn and quartered in his own neighbourhood, so that everyone could see what happens when you violate the law to this extent. Now this would be a great deterrent to cry. The idea of taking guns away from law abiding citizens is just simply one more manifestation that common sense disappears when liberalism comes into the picture. Now, here is the principle once again, there must be a definite system are penalties to deter once a person is demonstrated guilty. You see there are three aspects to the law. First of all, there is the aspect that is brought out by Meazza in our passage that is the apprehension, you'll see it begins in verse 31 if he is apprehended.The second is a bonafide legal trial, whereby the laws of evidence are used properly as objectively, and then if demonstrated guilty. The third factor is the penalty factor. Now, not through the penalty factor because we not only violate and capital punishment. But as far as the word of God is concerned, we violate in other ways, and this is brought out by the rest of this illustration, if he be discovered apprehended. And then it's assumed that he had a trial, because either their trials they had a very excellent system of evidence to people had to be eyewitnesses and so on. He shall restore seven full. Now, he shall restore is a PLM perfect of SHA lamb. And this was the basic system of punishment under Jewish law and therefore under divine attitude law. You will please notice that by restoring seven times I mean seven times what he stole let's say he stole a loaf of bread. He had to restore seven loaves of bread, he's guilty now, but I want you to notice something that criminal, in the case of fact is not put in jail. You see one of the greatest tragedies and punishment is the idea that incarceration is the right type of punishment. You will please notice that wherever there is something involving theft where a property is involved. The criminal is permitted to stay in society and restore. He is put to work. He must restore, and he works, and restore sevenfold. And that is an all in this case because of a certain other clause. He shall give up the entire wealth of his house. In other words, he has a liability that had a liability with regard to the wealth of his own house. Now, we can learn a lot from this first. They did not use incarceration was not considered to be a penalty. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, if you got into some kind of a fight with someone else, and you actually they lost an arm or an eye out it was demonstrated that you were guilty, then your eye was removed or your arm was chopped off. Many types of criminals were easy to recognize that they have failed, because they had a loss of a hand, or the loss of an eye. As a part of their punishment. In other words, a very realistic system of punishment to control crime. And so our illustration is one more time where we get a look at the whole concept of law, no incarceration is involved here, but definitely a restoration, where a property was concerned, where a life is concerned, it's a life or a life. It's a word distortion is concerned it was a lamb for a lamb, where something else was concerned of this facade, it was simply a part for a part or a restoration of some kind. Now in verse 32 we go back now to our principal, and this is our conclusion at this mall. Whoso committed adultery. Now this is the cow active participle of NA, am a Ph Na Na AF means literally the one committing adultery and it's a Cadillac de prata several to indicate linear actions are now this is the conclusion of our whole study of chapters five, and the pertinent part of chapter six beginning of verse one, the one committing adultery, and then he adds, with a woman because that was Solomon system. Solomon was a normal person and in that sense. He Shah and Isha is indicate someone who is designed for someone, a female who is designed for someone else, not for Solomon would have been adopted that Ben is right woman. The one committing adultery with the wrong robber, with the Shah someone else's right robber, lack of understanding the word lack of is an activity cost center which means to be destitute. Ch a s er costs air is destitute. Understanding is not understand to hear about the word his heart, he is destitute of heartl EBh, and that means the right loan grammar reference the vocabulary, the categories the norms and standards, and the viewpoint, the launching pad. He doesn't have doctrine here doctrine of establishment doctrine arrived man right woman. He doesn't have this concept in his vocabulary, he doesn't have it in his norms and standards, and he doesn't launch it from his viewpoint. In other words, doctrine. The only way to wait for the right man to the right woman is Bible doctrine or establishment and the right law. And so he has destitute of doctrine in the heart is what it means. He has destitute. The principles which must launch in the heart and regarding this factor. Now, it also means he has scar tissue. Emotional revolt. It also means, of course, reversion ism and reverse process reversion ism and that comes up next. He that do with it. Now this is a callin perfect third masculine singular from our SOP plus the suffix. A S H. Not only does it have the subject is third masculine singular that Solomon, the suffix is third feminine singular. And that's the wrong woman. And our saw means to me. And that's exactly what he tries to do not he that do or that he that makes her letter E that makes her. Now also means to manufacture something out of something. Solomon tries to manufacture, out of a long lever. He tries to manufacture a right woman for himself. Only God can make a right woman and he tries to manufacture. Now remember that also means to manufacture something out of suffering, out of his famous out of your sexual ability. He tries to manufacture a ride woman and he cannot do it, this is fornication. You cannot manufacture a right woman out of a wrong Roman by adultery, by fornication, that's the principle. Man by using man's fail us on the wrong woman cannot manufacture a right woman, man cannot manufacture a right woman through adultery. But when he tries it, he and evidently co ops his own soul, and also destroys the fact that she has been programmed for some other man. The woman who submits to this of course is destroying her programming and therefore destroying her happiness. All right, he that makes her a cow lamb perfect third masculine singular that's the subject of our saw plus the third feminine singular suffix II, that makes her destroying the Harefield participle of shock.So, sh AC H A th IFILL part assembler and sharpcap here means to cause corruption. He causes corruption to his own soul, not destroy your cat destroy so you can only corrupt it. Now let's make sure we understand the principle, the lotto keeps on fornicating with the wrong woman is destitute of heart. That's the to them heart means scar tissue. It means emotional revolt. That means reversion ism, it means there is no doctrine. There is no doctrine in the heart or the right lobe or it is necessary. He that makes her. He tries to take his famous his sexual ability, his body and manufacture a right woman out of Awadh with whom he has fornicating he can't do it. Only God has designed right mad right woman. And the analogy of course, is legalism and legalism people try through their own words through their own ability to set up the plan of God, God has organized his own plan based upon himself, based upon His provision, and no one, my human works human ability can ever do anything in the plan of God and this goes right back to salvation. You can't be saved for example by walking in iThat's exactly like fornicating, it's like trying to make someone your right woman by the use of your own body and you can do it. You can't be saved by inviting Christ into your heart, you can't be saved by baptism, you can't be saved by joining a church, you can't be saved by feeling sorry for your sins. That's why apostasy is called fornication. Every time someone tries to be saved by inviting Christ into their heart by raising their hand by feeling sorry for their sins by joining a church by baptism, they are fornicating spiritually. They are trying to manufacture by their own ability, their own salvation, and you can't do it. There is no way that you can manufacture your salvation, by what you do, all by some system of works that man sets up. You cannot manufacture your own salvation. That's why the Bible is very clear, they leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Now there's something going abroad today that is absolute total apostasy and that's inviting Christ into your heart. That's the idea that by your own ability by your own attitude. Here's your left lobe. You can invite Christ in here, you can invite Christ into here, and you can. The only thing that can come in is the Gospel. The Gospel goes in and by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. You can't even understand the gospel as an unsaved person. The Holy Spirit makes it Gnosis, the Holy Spirit transfers it over here and makes an appy analysis, then coalition comes into action in a non-meritorious way and positive correlation must be non-meritorious compatible with grace and epi Gnosis gospel is exhale through faith in Christ, you don't invite Christ in your heart that's worse you exhale faith in Christ. That's grace, or by grace or you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God Not of works, lest at manageable, but a lot of believers are spiritual fornicators, too. They're trying to be spiritual by some system, do well, some system of giving up some system or recognizing taboo. Some system of grass, some system of personality change are some system that has been devised by emotional people agonizing in the closet, going without food, contemplating infinity, going into some kind of use of the epiglottis, and strange noises coming through the vocal cords. Now all of these things are the same thing again spiritual fornication. This is man by man's efforts man's by a man's ability trying to be spiritual, trying to gain approbation from God, and it simply will not work. Now you can see the analogy, and you can see why fornication is used so frequently, especially in the Old Testament for apostasy, they cause they'll be lever, or the unbeliever, whichever the case may be, is trying, by his own ability, by his own words, he is trying to manufacture salvation. The believer by his own words is trying to manufacture spirituality. They,the human being by his, the man by his own fayliss, By use of his own body is trying to manufacture or right woman, and you can't do it the right woman is grace. Spirituality is by grace, salvation is by grace, every gift from God is by grace take doctrine doctrines, a gift from Jesus Christ gap. Grace apparatus of perception, your human IQ has nothing to do with it. We had some people, it used to be a bracket church could never understand that they were so proud of their human IQ, that they thought that you had to have a good IQ really to be, to understand the whole Ramadan. And they understood nothing because they were trying by human ability, and the person who's just a few points above a moron can understand more Bible doctrine, than a man who is a genius. Human IQ has nothing to do with the same thing again, people by their own mental ability, their own high perspicacity try to learn to impress God. But God says I'm not impressed and I found a way to take the deepest things and make them real to you. For after all, not many mightier call, not many great after the flesh or call. And I am laughing at the world with a system of brightness, whether it's false scalar values as to what constitutes a celebrity or what constitutes someone who is great I'm laughing, but I have taken you and I have demonstrated to the world that true greatness. Then come through grace that any of the labor, no matter how hard well no matter how much he has failed, no matter how by its human standards, he is not successful in my eyes. He is great. He is a man of grace. He is a woman of Grace, God says, I do all the manufacturing, there's like that ad, we bake bread while you sleep. While you do nothing, God does all the manufacturing. That's it. Now let's get it straight because it's all right here. What you and I could do nothing for salvation. Salvation was provided by DOD entirely the father plan that the Son executed in the Spirit reveals that there is no place for us and being saved no place for our works, and when you take your words, walking in I feeling sorry for your sin, submitting to baptism. When you take some system of works, and try to make it the way of salvation, you are trying to manufacture salvation, out of what you can do, and it is not acceptable, God will not accept what man can do. There is a way which seemeth right unto a man but yeah, there are other ways of that, not by works of righteousness which we have that, but according to his mercy, grace in action. He says, Now the same thing is true in spirituality, there is no human ability there is no human talent, there is no human action that can provide the filling of the spirit again to this man by man's efforts trying to impress God. And the same thing is true in right man right woman fornication is man attempting to use his body to manufacture to program to himself a right woman, and it cannot be done. He simply cannot program to himself all right woman because that right moment was designed by God for one right man, and all he does is to corrupt and to distort, his own soul, just as legalism and the spiritual wound corrupts the soul. So fornication, and the human or physical route also corrupts the soul, and therefore he causes corruption to his own soul. All right, literally, then the one who keeps on fornicating with a wrong woman is destitute of heart. Emotional revolt he makes. He that makes her corrupts his own soul he attempts to manufacture a right woman out of her and simply destroys himself in the process. Saw the principle man, fornication, involves the wrong woman. Therefore, a physical relationship which excludes the soul to be sexually united to the wrong woman means no soul involved. And those destroys both the soul and the physical relationship designed by God for the right woman that's taught by the way in First Corinthians 615 through 20 Repeat. Fornication involves the raw, raw, I'm giving this from the standpoint of the map from a sample of the passage, could be vice versa as you know, fornication involves the wrong Robin therefore, a physical relationship which excludes the soul to be sexually united to the wrong woman means no soul involvement, destroying both the soul and the physical relationship, designed by God for the right woman. First Corinthians 615 through 20. And the analogy is brought out on that passage, this is not one that we will have time to study in the series. Secondly, this brings us to the fact, all right, how is it possible for a right man to recognize his right woman. How it is possible for a right woman to recognize her right man, physical contact is not necessary, repeat, physical contact is not necessary. I don't mean even a kiss. No physical contact is necessary. When you get to know the where I've actually know of two or three cases of this, where the courtship lasted six months or a year and doesn't involve so much as a kiss. But there was a recognition which I'm going to call the soul climax, and the importance of the soul climax as the recognition of right matter right Robin is found in First Corinthians seven. Now this brings us to one, a principal and then on to First Corinthians seven. Let's start now with the principal and Jeremiah 31:22 and take it. Then from there into our next increment. Let's stop first at Jeremiah 31:22Jeremiah chapter 31:32 states the principle and one verse, since that's all we have time for before we move into our next increment. We'll just take that one verse. Jeremiah 31:22 and the whole verse is involved. I'll read you the entire verse and then we'll analyse how long will Tao go about all backsliding daughter for the LORD hath created a new thing of the earth. A woman shall copper so man I we've had that phrase before, a woman shall coppice a man, but the whole first part is apropos. Let's begin now with the phrase, the interrogative phrase how long. Now this is actually a prepositional phrase. So the preposition is AB, which looks like this. A D H. AV means as long as, or until then we have an interrogative adverb. My pow. Ma Tao, M A Taw my Tao, or J. my towel, and they should be translated literally not how long but literally until plan. And the reason we start with this interrogative propositional phrase is because the Jews are under reverse process reversion ism. And therefore, either reverse process reversion ism Category One love, they have rejected the Lord. Here are the Jews who are believers, and they're in reverse process reversion ism, and they have gone for BA, who is an inconsequential person, this is category one law. This also overflows, as always, in the category two and category two here is the right woman. And here is her right man. And in reverse process reversion ism. She is going for a wrong man she's fornicating over here. So here is the spiritual fornication idolatry and here is the literal fornication category two. This also has its effect on other things, friendship, for example, but let's go to patriotism. Here are the Jews again. And here is the right contrary Judah, and they are now tied up with Egypt, they're wrong country in consequential countries. So reverse process reversion ism they're also they have their right pastor teacher Jeremiah, and instead, they are listening to the false prophets, the National Council of prophets and priests. So, this category one actually affects everything else. Here is spiritual fornication. Here is literal fornication. Here is reverse process reversion ism and their daily lives. So until when there's a challenge to alert them to reverse process reversion isn't until when, where you go from one lover to another, which began means how long till when means how long will you persist. How long were you possessed, as in going about a hip hop alien perfect cop Mack, looks like this. ch, a Maq calm. And it means to wander about, it means to go from one to another. They have fi al means you're doing, of your own volition, right here, Pa al stem indicates reverse process reversion as, as far as domains. How long will you go from one pseudo lover to another pseudo lovers seeking happiness.So Judah is in reverse process reversion ism, and then reverse process reversion is that they have gone from one false god to another false god. One pseudo lover to another pseudo lover. And this can be carried out in every section and category for here's the inconsequential person wrong. They have gone the ball and ball includes Ishtar, they have gone to the various types of gods in the grove. They have gone. For example, if it's a woman she's gone from one wrong man to another wrong man till she becomes a nymphomaniac. Here we have going from one country to another seeking help going from Egypt to Moab to Amman to other countries who cannot help against Cambodia, and they actually they're right went to Egypt they went to more app they went to Amman and so on. This is instead of right country over here we have, right, Lord, we have over here right man, right country, and then they've left Jeremiah and his ministry, and they go on to one false prophet, another false prophet, another false prophet, so they're jumping around from one to another. How long will you go from one pseudo lover to another suitor of lover, all backsliding daughter but the word backsliding, is actually show VAsh OB, ah, and it means rebellious, or reversion is all on where you go from one pseudo lover to another pseudo lover, all daughter of reversion is you it is called the daughter of reversion ism. And then the illustration, the Lord have created. Cal perfect from ba ra takes us back to Genesis 2:20 through 25. Thera. And this goes back to the very beginning, something they can understand the Lord hath created in the original creation of mankind, Jesus Christ, provided one right man for one right woman is using this as the illustration, they can understand that Christ provided the right man right Bowman relationship as a part of the laws of divine establishment. And this was provided for man and innocence even before salvation. Jesus Christ gave the human race. This great gap, long before he had to give salvation. So it's called a new thing. And the new thing means new to the angelic conflict knew at the end that he was at the beginning of creation of man. The word for new thing as a feminine singular agitative Gosh Ah, looks like this. Ch a DA sh, H cat dosha. And that does not mean new in the sense of new it means new in the sense of fresh, something that never gets old. In other words, something that produces great happiness. It means recent, recent as far as the angelic conflict was concerned, but it means fresh, something that never gets old. When you have your right woman she never gets old. What's the only thing that keeps a woman from getting old, her right man's appreciation, and vice versa, is something that never gets old. It's just like any Grace thing you have to go back to a principle which is filed and Lamintations chapter three, says we're close and Jeremiah, look at Lamentations chapter three, a grace camp never gets old.Why am stations 321 and 22 are Bri 21 through 23 this, this doctrine. I recall to my mind. Therefore I have confidence knothole but confidence in the Harefield violin stations right next to Jeremiah. This doctrine. I remember in my mind, therefore I have confidence, it is the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed the fact that we're alive every day is grace. They cause his compassions fail not. Now get this. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness. What is they are fresh, they are recent one of the Lord's mercies, his salvation. If no every day, it's wonderful every day doctrine is another one of his mercies it's new every day. If you wake up and the more you count on God has doctrine for you that day. Another gift from Jesus Christ is right matter right woman it's new every day. It never gets old. And you have to look at right matter right woman wants filed and say, great is thy faithfulness. Well that's what it means here, and it says a new thing, a recent thing a fresh thing, and the earth, literally in the land. This is the land is discussing specifically, although the earth was occupied by a man that has that connotation. Now here it is a woman. Cave ah, emphasizing the female design and EQEBH NICK CAVE ah, that means the female design, the female body. The female genitals, the whole thing is designed to respond to and complete the right man, the right man fulfills the woman, the woman completes the right man and physical lab this is emphasized. And while we have already studied First Corinthians 11 Three through 16 under K VA shall encompass the PA LM perfect of Sava s may be a BA Sava Savas and the PA are here that means is very intensive. It means to surround to embrace, or to fit. It describes the design of God and the embrace of the male and the female genital organs and sex. The sex relationship of category to love between right man and right woman is so fantastic and cannot be duplicated. It is a great gift from God, there is no way to duplicate. Of course, the most obvious thing then therefore one occasion, almost sexuality, masturbation and bestiality are Satanic perversions of this concept of divine design. And this is a perfect illustration then of Judah and reverse process reversion ism, Judah rom ever find and fall are Ishtar, by Judah has in the Lord, Otter category one law. Now it says, a woman shall embrace and fat, not a man. The word Isha is not used here but God there i hero, her right man is her hero, G, A, B, er God err, a woman or a female shall embrace and the emphasis is on her body. Shall embrace and fit a hero. Literal translation. How long will you go from one pseudo lover to another all daughter reversion ism. For the Lord has created a new thing a recent thing in the earth. A female shall embrace and fit a hero who is her right now this is the principal. This is the principle which is absolutely necessary to understand not only Judas reversion ism, but to understand where we will begin on the second service that the doctrine of the soul climax in First Corinthians chapter seven, but our heads bowed, with our eyes closed.

We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning. To those of you who are here without Christ without hope and without eternal life. They want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross, that every sin you've ever committed past present and future. As poured out on him and judged. We will never have a sin to great for the plan of God. Every sin you've ever committed, past, present and future has already been judged. So right where you said right now. Eternal life is yours for the taking. The leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. And we asked you to bow your heads and close your eyes for one reason only to give you privacy. Privacy in a public place is necessary for you to make a bonafide decision. You must be free to make those decisions without any coercion, and you now have that freedom and that privacy which is necessary that your head bowed and your eyes close, you can tell God the Father, that you are believing in Jesus Christ His sign that you are receiving from him. This gift, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Again, assembly received or rejected. You have this moment of privacy that you might receive this gift from God, and cow Gaga fodder right now, and the silence of your own soul, which you are believing in Jesus Christ. We saw with our heads bowed and our eyes closed, then I asked buddy Daniel to lead us in closing prayer.

Father we thank you for the principles of right man, right woman, and thank you for all the details that are involved in it. We thank you for the challenge to us the faith risk technique in concordance with these principles, we think as we study this document we see now that you have provided everything that's necessary for us in every facet of our lives, and emphasizes who and what you are, and the divine provision. We thank you as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we are able to take in the Word of God daily which gives us the mind of Christ also gives us a normal standard whereby we can be like minded with the on different subjects, which also gives us a capacity for life itself. We thank you for the communication, the word this morning, and the communicator. And we ask you're blessing upon those here who respond to the Word of God, or we ask in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #13

13 03/19/1972 1Cor. 7:8–9 Soul climax; doctrine of single status


Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even though the dividing asunder of the soul of the spirit of the giants in the marrow, and is a critical problem in tantra behind. All scripture is God free that is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature thoroughly furnished on to law, which works. Study to show thyself approved now the God of workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Often the word of truth to First Corinthians 7:8. First Corinthians7:8,continuing our study of right man right woman.Are the doctrine of Adam's read.First 7:8.Preparation for our study of a word of God this morning.The next few moments will be devoted to silent prayer.

The objective is privacy of the priesthood, in order that you might have that perfect privacy to rebound if necessary. The filling of the Spirit is absolutely essential, and taking down the Word of God. There is no other way to take it in, except through the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. And you see the kind of things that we're going to be studying today, they'll just start praying now.

Your father the billions of years ago, there was no facet of life, unknown to the you anticipated every problem, every difficulty every frustration every moment of prosperity.And in your perfect wisdom.You understood that capacity for life is not bound up with circumstances.But with the ability to orient to grace to orient to your perfect planet.Matthew that our happiness does not depend upon circumstances, but depends upon our relationship with the other your perfect provision under Grace Provision.We are designed to be happy in adversity as well as in times of prosperity and blessing.Therefore there is no such thing as a difficult situation in life, an impossible situation in life for which you have not made perfect Grace provision, out of out and we pray the God the Holy Spirit will take the things which we examine and make them a source of blessing and challenge, but we ask it in Christ's name. Amen.Again we are studying.One of the three great gifts from Jesus Christ to the human race.Three grace gifts which have come directly from the second person of the Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ. The first of these is right man, right woman entirely designed by Jesus Christ, He created the man, and sometime later, he created the woman. So we have to elucidate he Jesus Christ did it right man right woman. Secondly, salvation.I should say he built it. Excuse me. He built it at salvation. He did it.He built the right woman.He did the salvation he accomplished it on the cross. Thirdly, doctrine, the font.He built it, he did it he bought it. This is a lot we are studying, but it relates to the others. For example we saw this morning, that a man who tries to design a right woman from his body and from his failures, is the same kind of a person who would try to be saved by his own works, God has provided a right woman for the right man. There is no other way to get around it. God has designed one right for one right man, man by his own physical ability man by his sexual ability is unable to manufacture our right woman.God has done that for him and he cannot make a right woman to be programmed to him and succeed. That's why fornication is for Ben justice at the cross, Jesus Christ did the word man cannot do anything for salvation. And that's why on the intake of doctrine, your IQ has nothing to do with it, Your human ability your human perspicacity is totally apart from the whole fact, there is just one way that anyone can ever really appreciate Who and What God is who and why Christ is who in the Holy Spirit is, and that is to wait for and to accept these gifts from him. Now we have been studying this off and off for the last week or two, and we have now come to First Corinthians chapter seven verse eight, which answers the question which comes first, the marriage, or the honeymoon.Now the general answer today is, you have to experiment, you have to shop around. Getting married is like going to the store, you don't really know which brand you want until you've tried several.

And therefore, experimental out and try several. And then the one that you seem to enjoy the most, settled Alabama. Now that is the human viewpoints, which cells in a vat, always have a honeymoon before the marriage. And this is a very appealing viewpoint. One, it smacks perfectly of human viewpoint. Two it ignores grace, and three anything that ignores grace is always just exactly why people watch under the cosmic system.

Now, furthermore, it also fits into the pattern of probably so many people who have made it to church this morning.

Therefore it is not a very popular subject, though, and I do not expect to win any nominations for anything after this morning's message.I will probably just get out of here alive. As things stand out. However, you may grab a little scorch.For remember our early morning servers I barely remember I was only half awake by myself, but I do remember very distinctly saying something about what man can put a hot coal in his pocket, and not get his clothes burn. Now that's having the honeymoon before the marriage, that's coming to the marriage. I bet sin.Quite.

In fact, any sense at all, is too much Sanji, how God has a great sense of humor, not only as God provided everything the man whatever needs, but he also along with it. God has a marvellous sense of humor.

God has actually designed for every man, or right woman, and to manufacture one right woman for every man, you have to have a sense of humor to go with it. It means that there must be a great variety because there's a great book variation on men and God has said, in effect, that your happiness, human happiness depends upon having the right man, or the right woman, insects, and that sex is a gift from Jesus Christ, designed for the greatest happiness that man can have, and we have already studied that verse and ecclesiastics, if you live a life of failure, John Doe any more people in this auditorium I've talked about right man right woman and these idiots keep wandering around.Now let's get this thing straight.

Jesus Christ is the giver of sex, and it gave us another one conditional that between a white man and a right woman, this is the total concept of happiness. And over in Ecclesiastes 9:9 a man can be a total failure in life, they're gonna have no job or a poor job or he can have something that is not high on the totem pole, and that he can fail in every aspect of life and y'all have his right moment and have perfect happiness, and it even takes it up from the standpoint of an unbeliever, he could have perfect happiness with his right moment and then die and go to Hell and spend the rest of his life in the lake of fire and be miserable, but he can still have perfect happiness and time with his right woman, even though he has nothing else. Now this dramatize is a principle that God designed one man for one woman for a maximum happiness, happiness which is indescribable. And our happiness which is open to all members of the human race with a couple of exceptions. And that this happiness being available is a matter of waiting on the Lord. And if you happen to be a believer you have an easy because the only way to wait upon the Lord is to have an affair with Bible doctrine that means to gap it every day.And apart from this, you will never have happiness. Now, there are some problems in this connection let's take for example the male sex athlete, the male sex happily extrapolate as a new attitude he says, in fact, I can take any woman in the world, and I can make her very happy. I can satisfy her in bed, and by saying this, he says, in fact, I can take any woman in the world, and program her to my body, and other words, I can take my failures and manufacture out of any woman the right woman. Of course that's incorrect, that's a dead end street. We have already discussed this throughout the week, and therefore it doesn't need to be rehashed at this time, except to recognize that this is not, this is an anti-Prince Grayson and Anti-GracePrinciple. Now the same thing is true when a person says I can be saved by inviting Christ into my heart. That's like saying, you will have the ability to open the door in your soul, and by so doing, by opening this door in your soul, you can actually manufacture salvation, or you can manufacture salvation, out of your feelings you feel sorry for your sins you walked out in front of people, by chopping through psychological barriers and making an ass out of yourself by making an ass out of yourself in front of all these people coming down to the front and weeping, somehow you can manufacture salvation, or that you can manufacture salvation out of a ritual called baptism, or you can manufacture salvation, out of a series of good deeds, and along with this and Sara Lee and all roads lead to Rome, which they do not.

So the concept is that you can do what God has accomplished, and that's called legalism. That's why fornication and adultery, spiritual fornication is idolatry and fornication is used for an illustration of apostasy.Now I hate to tell some of you who think that the live has been fun.That this is as far as the word is concerned the end of the line for you. Because once you face up to this I mean you may have slapped around, shall we say this being Saturday morning and dignify the Lord's Day, slept around does that ring any bells.And you may say well it's been fun. Well I hate to tell you about the farms over there was only one person designed for you and eternity past and we're going to study Solomon, or when did the farm stop at the beginning or at the end, Solomon will answer that either this morning or tonight, depending on how far we get.But there is it, sex is something of which all people seem to be aware, and yet sex was designed by Jesus Christ. For one person only, and for no other. And with any other or with any distortion, you have, you've knocked out. One way of happiness. There are only three ways of happiness in life. Let's go back to the principle. Here we have right man right woman, Jesus Christ building, I always like that. And I've used the word that women are built, I think that the woman is the most beautiful of all creatures. Now that's not far from the Bible that's a personal opinion that is substantiated by certain verses that say certain woman was very beautiful. We do find very beautiful attach to the woman and I like that. No man is ever said to be beautiful, and I like that. I got great, I don't think a man has to be beautiful, it should be beautiful. After all he's programmed for one woman, and she'll never think of this thing as beautiful, she'll think of this thing as her happiness as being part of herself and fulfilling her, so obviously doesn't have to be beautiful. And if any of you men are beautiful. I grew up, do some abouty j one thing you can do we can start a dueling school sabers, you know, that's what the Germans used to do my father went to Heidelberg. And this was the best was the thing there. No, no one who ever attended Heidelberg was worth anything until he lettered in the Sabre fighting. And of course, the letter was to get a ska and sooner or later that all got a big scar across the face where they got hacked, with a saber, and they have a regular ritual. Three beers pullbacks the tables, given sabers, and of course the only fire, you always tried to get hit in the face with a saber, because you really want a map that you had a good saber sky, and you know it's a funny thing my father used to tease me because I got into a fight with sabers, and I still have a scar, where I got hit with a saber my father told me that I was a good German but I did that, as they sewed me up that was he laughed and told me that. Of course when I got shot he called me a damn fool.However, for the record I did not shoot myself.I will, by have only been shot in anger by someone else.And these are principles you say that we need to get straightened out along the way. A man doesn't have to be beautiful. He isn't a woman is beautiful. Why, because Jesus Christ built her by Nah, that's why.Now, I have a very discriminating male. I don't think all women are beautiful. But then I also know that all women were designed for me. So, there is one woman who is beautiful above all other women. And that is the right woman for the right man. Her body is the most magnificent thing God. People collect all sorts of objects of art. People collect artefacts and people collect various things everyone collect something that's interest them and homes are cluttered with collections by collectors and practically everyone, you can't go anywhere, into the humblest of places without finding collecting a collector's items, for example, did you know buddy Daniels a collector of two or three times, and I've been in buddy's apartment and there are these things that he has collected tapes, things like that.Everyone collects something.Yeah, these things that we often value, the breakup raw, the objects of art, they are nothing. The greatest thing that any man ever collected was his wife woman, and the minister's lab.All the stamp collections of the world have never make up.Now, the question that comes the first part, and I'm getting back to it, see I've let it soak in a little, which comes first, the marriage, or the honeymoon.This is a big question.And the view that the honeymoon comes first is based on the fact look, this may not work out, let's find out ahead of time. Let's say for wedding fees and the god entrance.Here comes the bride on all the other goofy things that people attach to the importance of marriage and are unimportant, with apologies to all of you who had church wedding guild, I think a person, I think they're an abomination. I go waste of time. I think the money spent on a church wedding would do much better to take it and go to Hawaii or Timbuktu.And you have a much better chance of making a goal that marriage if you forget all of that junk is mean if you say, what you're talking about the church. You bet I'm talking about the church Weddings belong to the state, not to the church.Now there's one advantage of Ira perform your wedding ceremony, and a church, there'll be a rehearsal, which I will despise because it's a waste of an hour and 15 minutes.First, everyone shows up late and by that time I'm reaching my times more viable than that. Then after all these flibbertigibbet show up late, then mother has a few ideas about the way so I have to put down, mother.And that's to teach the girl, boy, if you want to get started right follow my example.And then the bride has an innovation or two and she hasn't got anything right now in her head but sawdust.Whatever she has ordinarily. So, we have to be very sweet. Tell her you have sought us in your head just listen to the instructions.Now, that's the only thing I can do that's the only value of the rehearsal, is to get everyone straightened out as to what's important in a wedding and what isn't. What are the principles by which you're going to live. All right man and a light woman are going to be so intrigued with each other, that they are not going to have time for all the goofy innovations, and I often suspect that when people want to get married in a church and have a big church wedding. They are not operating under their own freedom, their own volition. Someone has put pressure on them and they have succop, or they are really putting on a show, and they're so interested in the show that they are really not tied up with each other. In other words, here is where we start, I often suspect that people who have achurch wedding, have not had a sore climax.This is another substitute for a sore climaxfar the sole climax is divine design of recognition of your right man, or your right one.Now before we get into this I want to tell you that marriages have turned out beautifully, where there was no honeymoon Bay for the marriage. I know of one case where a man and a woman are so happily married today. You wouldn't believe it. And for six months, and their courtship, they did not so much as touching each other they talk, and it was a beautiful thing, and it was handled properly in every way, they got married, and they lived happily ever after in badlady.And I can put it in four letter words, Even if it is the Lord's day,you, the honeymoon before the marriage I want to tell you something else girls heavy mocking not your programming out tothe parking lot will be vacated 15 minutes after church tonight.Let's take a look at the soul climax passage.First Corinthians7:8.Now, if you want to get good advice go to a bachelor.Paul is a bachelor. Paul is single, Paul has never been married. Paul is an exception to the right man right woman thing, we'll see that in a moment. But I want you to know whose doing this I sigh, here we have it. I sigh therefore to the unmarried and widows. i That's where we start, I say present active and negative of Lego. What he says it keeps on saying, you know this is true about bachelors.My Uncle Fritz was a bachelor. I think I got some of the best advice I ever had from him. He had all kinds of good advice, and it turned out to be very objective very true.But hasn't dance, linear action Sorry, I keep on saying its part of the Word of God, active voice. The apostle Paul is speaking and even though he's a bachelor couldn't come from a better source. He is the super apostle. He is God's man to communicate this information, and I want you to notice that Peter and Paul both of them had a lot to say about marriage, but Paul had most of it. And whether it's Ephesians chapter six, or chapter five, where the analogy between marriage and the church is taught, or whether it's the sole climax, who is the one who teaches a person who has never married, a person who never do is right woman, a person never heard from his wife, a person who didn't have a right moment. No one man in history who didn't have a right woman and what did we find in doing teaching the right woman, and how to recognize and all the rest of it.

When you're not I know what's wrong. You got a Solomon, because Solomon had 1000 women, when you want to know what's right, you go to Paul, because Paul never had a oneto the unmarried dative plural from the noun or damash, there are a lot of people who are unmarried aagama OSS ag a am Oh s RS negative gamma OS marriage not married.So let's, I say to the not married, which we call unmarried Wow, that's a daily Pearl, and here's something that you single people by cyber stamp that date Eve is dative advantage. Right now, it's to your advantage, not to be married. I mean, with. I should have taught this before Thanksgiving, all single people get the blues around Thanksgiving, they see happy couples going off to have dinner, and they're left with a blues and a Coney Island, or something of that sort.

But then you should see these happy, happy couples, and once they get out of sight. They all look around and look at you and your Coney Island, they just say and they start to sing I wish I were single, again,the married people always want to be single the single RS want to be married where there's any instability,it's to your advantage to be single. Last slide was sided it may have been very lonely for you as a single person or you may have dated and still been long, you might have been lonely at a party, you might have been lonely. Hello. There are many ways to be alone. That's another doctrine.But you, as a single person have an advantage in being single. That means that you have yet to meet or to contact or identify your right moment.And that means you have your happiness, ahead of you, and up to now, you haven't made any mistakes.And you are so far ahead of the rest of the human race except those who got married without making mistakes.So dative advantage. It is to your advantage to be single.Now we also have those who have been through the marriage circus and have been split out under what is known commonly as divorce.And, or, whose spouses have gone on to something greater, or something worse ever was. Right, woman, and they go to hell, they've gone on to something worse if it was wrong, Robin, I may go to hell, it's something better.Now, we also have the widow steady plural of K Ra,ch, e ra K Ra.K Ra is to someone who was married, and their husband died or they were divorced and women who are single button were married women who have and here it really means somebody who has made at least one mistake.Now this passage does not deal with why they are no longer married.That's not the point here, but it does imply that they are not, as yet, in that category of having found their right man, they have not at this point filed right man. So you will notice I say to the single people and I say to the widows who have not filed right man.Before we move on, let's take a look at the doctrine of single status. Briefly we should understand.To whom are we addressing this passage, it is limitedby one.There are those who are single, who are waiting for a white man or white woman, that's the group we find in First Corinthians seven two. These are people who are waiting for white man white woman and you will notice that the single group are divided into two parts one, those who have not been married, and two, those who have been married and are now single for one reason or another. The reason there's not the point here we're dealing with a principle.First Corinthians 7:2 then finds two categories of people waiting for a white man or white woman, those who are waiting without ever having been married and those who have lost time by having made a wrong marriage.

First Corinthians seven to then recognizes that there is a group in single status, who have been married, or who have not been married but there are single now and waiting for the right matter right moment to honor a single status category. We have operation unik.

Matthew 19 verses 10 through 12 our unit is a person, designed by God, not to have sex capabilities. This is not someone who has made a unit this is a person who is born without sex capabilities. It refers to both the male and the female, there are some men, and there are some women who were never designed for the right man right woman category. They were born without this operation unit Grace provides something else for them, and you might have to say in this case something better.So there are a certain number of people in the human race, both male and female, who fall into operation UNIQ who had no sex capabilities have no, I have advised the Lord have been permitted to come into the world without these things for a reason.Well, whatever the reason they are excluded from this passage.Why they. Many people are adopted Abidjan, often gives me a rundown of the different cases where he handles, where male and female, do not have any sex capabilities they are born without them, they love about them I may die withoutpoint three.The third category has to do with the possession of the gift of celibacy First Corinthians 7:7.We are not going to study the gift of celibacy.But there are some people who have sex capability but have a spiritual gift, the gift of celibacy belongs to certain believers who will have sex capability and sex drive, but have a spiritual gift called celibacy. First Corinthians 7:7 on Saturday was not perfect. What do you think we are starting we move on to the recognition of the next category for Paul, by the way is not the M three Paul comes now the operation of the law of supreme sacrifice. First Corinthians, 9:5, the law of supreme sacrifice all believers who are Grace oriented and gathered every day and have doctrine, operate under the law of liberty, or the law of freedom.The law of liberty or the law of freedom is the function of the Christian life under the felling of the spirit, and under Bible doctrine. We are free to honor the Lord we are free to serve the Lord. Then there is a second law, the law of love. While the law of freedom or liberty is directed toward God, the law of love is directed toward people.And then we have a third law the law of expediency, which is involved in certain types of cultural situations which have to do with witnessing. And this with law of love is people believe are tied. And this is the law of expediency people, cultures, unbeliever tie. This is a direction toward culture, and then there is a supreme law called the law of supreme sacrifice which only applies to one out of every million believers. I put in the word million because a lot of people think are offering are mostly they're just flaking.The law supreme sacrifice. This is.God has a special plan for this person, which means that he must set aside ordinary things in life, or wonderful things in life, legitimate wonderful friends, and this is the apostle Paul in First Corinthians 9:5 he had the right to have a wife like Peter, he did not have a wife because God did not design a right woman for him. His life. Call for something else. In the case of the eunuch. In the case of the gift of celibacy, and the case of the law of supreme sacrifice in First Corinthians 9:5, all of these three cases, God has provided something better. It is not the human happiness that comes from right man right woman and sex and in their soul relationship, but it is something better in all those cases where God has permitted this thing to exist. That's point two operation unik point three the possession of the gift of celibacy and point four, the law of supreme sacrifice point five deals with the older widows.

First Timothy 5:9 and 10 and older widows are commanded not to remarry at other things. So they're not involved in the sole climax passage wide six rows divorced where they legal right to remarriage. And there are legal rights of remarriage.It is not the object of this particular passage to deal with marriage and divorce, therefore it is not pertinent, except to state a general principle that there are legal areas of divorce which demand are cannot are condone remarriage.Remarriage is a bonafide function. I realize that we have a lot of stupid asinine ignorant people in the pulpit today, who never studied the Word of God, who live by prejudice, and who are so legalistic, that they ought to be put in a cage.But any student of the Word of God knows that there is an area where divorce is not only permissible, but highly important to do so and that remarriage is modified only where right man or right woman. Information is involved, they don't follow me 24 one through four.Now you have six categories of single status and versus for each area. I now let's go back, I say to the unmarried native advantage. The single, and to the widows dative advantage. This passage is only dealing with those who are single and waiting for the right man or right moment. Now there are two kinds of single people involved here. They are single and one, have never been married, minus marriage, or two, they have been married once or more or whatever it is, but they are single. And now, they face the issue of God has designed for me a right man or a right moment. And the issue is to wait for that person.All right, now we go back to something we've had in the very beginning.The Hebrew it looks like this. Below toe Tov ello to BH loto not good.And we saw this first not good that man should be alone, that man should be single. That takes us back to Genesis 218 not good that man should be single, and no one knows us better than Jesus Christ who was the speaker in Genesis 218 Jesus Christ said, not good that man should be alone or that man should be solitary literally not good that man should besingle.Now, notice what it says here, not good comes up again. This time it's in the Greek, it is not found in the original. And so we have the word God, but this time it's a little different. This is the accusative singular of Karloff,k, l o s and call us here means noble.God, are noble for them.And the word for them is the reflexive pronoun, autofs, and the daily PA.I'll toss au TLS, which is a reflexive pronoun, and it's in the dative because it matches the single people.What can I say to the unmarried lady plural, to the widow'sdadey plural for them, they plural, noble for them here?Now the word F introduces a third class condition.AR, plus the subjunctive.F, maybe ask maybe no and the third class country should recognize Paul recognizes the while he has something very wonderful for what the Lord, and while God has a double portion for all of those who are under the law of supreme sacrifice our celibacy, or operation unit, he has a double portion for that. He recognizes that his condition is very normal, but he also recognizes something else and the next verse, but let's see what he sees in this clip too and this third class condition, noble, for them. Maybe they will maybe they won't. If they abide terrorist active subjunctive of metal Ammy and.Now Paul recognizes and the early church that they were going to be a certain number of people who were eunuchs. Category Two. He recognized that there would be some who would have the gift of celibacy.He recognized like himself that SOB would operate under the law of supreme sacrifice, and he recognizes that when he addresses himself to single people. There are three exceptions, and therefore the third class condition is to bring out the fact that he knows that exceptions exist. He is about to talk about a very beautiful claim, how are right man and a right woman are brought together says Jesus Christ is no longer on the earth. Remember that Jesus Christ built the first woman and brought her to Adam. He brought her to him. And in principle of grace He stilled up, but Jesus Christ can't be out here every day, hustling people to their ride man.He just hadn't got time to do that and he wouldn't do it if he did as he seated at the right hand of the father, so he doesn't do it that way.So he has provided a recognition signal and the recognition signal is the sole climax. Well before we can deal with a sole climax, Paul must take up one principle, because all single people are not single people, some single people have a right man in their life, God so design it sound will do not, so he has to say something for the categories, two, three and four. The eunuch. The solid but, and the supreme sacrifice operator, of which Paul was WA.So he says, noble for them. Yeah, maybe they will maybe they won't they abide Eris active subjunctive, how the arrest of Maduro is a cost of the barest today, tomorrow, the next day the next the next the next the next no words for phase two. That's called a constant teve Arabist.They will remain in status quo.Throughout phase two, and the out of phase two, they will depart to be with the Lord but they're going to have something waterfall, and that's what Paul was going to do, he would be single, every day of his life.And yet, that would have been a terrible thing we're not for one thing, to the same goal plus doctrine is great. It's better than being married to the wrong person. That's what he's saying here to what to be single, and minus doctrine is hell on wheels, and when you marry the wrong person. Its how our wings.So the point that he's making as a very simple point but the cost of the verse, He is saying in effect, to have Bible doctrine is the difference. And the big gap here is a third class condition which says what the cost of the virus. Now look, it's better if you abide as I am, but that's a third class condition, that doesn't apply to all single people that only applies to a few, and the only way it's going to be, you get your double portion is to have doctrine, I have doctrine therefore Paul says, I don't mind being single. It's the most wonderful thing in the world. God has made up for me. Whatever I lost by not having a right moment, justice, he has with the unit and justice he has with the one who has the gift of celibacy, the active voice here, the subject produces the action on the bird, but the subject only refers to categories, two, three and four.The subject does not refer to those waiting for right man right womanonly refers to those to the unmarried and to the widows and then the subjunctive mood is for the third class condition showing that this is only a potential condition and recognize a certain exceptions. And then he says, Even as I even as I Paul was in single status, operating under the law of supreme sacrifice. First Corinthians nine five, literally then Verse eight says I say therefore to the single, and the widows, better for them, it may remain even as high.Now, that is to take care of those who are going to otherwise panic when they see the next verse. All right, if you have if you are a unit, or you say what's the difference between the gift of celibacy, and the unit, I'm sure that comes to mind the Unix is born with or acquires no sex drive. No matter at all.The gift of celibacy is a normal person in this field, but he has a spiritual gift which offsets, as the law supreme sacrifice is a hot shot like the apostle Paul, who would have made a great lover. But God didn't decide the right woman for him and who, in his very personality is a man of normal desires in every way,

say every time Paul says something about women say oh well he didn't care anyway he was you and I could have stopped. Oh yes he did care.And uh Paul had had a right woman. He would have probably been one of the greatest hot shots, and that's the yield, and all of history.So you have to get away from this idea there's something wrong with Paul, what am I wrong withthat you know there's a kind of a person who says they can't imagine, say they're normal themselves they can't imagine if someone stays away from the women, there's got to be something wrong.Sneaky little lines.I know how they think they're all wrong. Paul, this is normal, and anyone wherever always is highly sex does anyone who ever laughs I, Paul, with his full sex apparatus intact. That's the law supreme sacrifice no sacrifice, otherwise no contest.See some you can think that proves it. You just got the point you've been wandering all this time. If I give you three categories they are three different categories. If I say someone is a unit, and someone else has a different category of having the gift of celibacy, and someone operates under the law supreme sacrifice. Those are three different kinds of people, and only one of them is minor sex drive and that's the unit.Now you read in loud and clear, or shall I go out and spell it out.All the way in case you haven't understood, I'm an authority here and I'm going to lay it on the line, whether you like it or not, some of you don't like it, not too bad.I'm trying not to crack up.Let's take a look at verse eight, again I say therefore to the single, and the widows, that are below them.They remain as is.Now, if it's a third class condition, and it only includes those three categories the unit, the gift of celibacy. And one other thing, the law of supreme sacrifice, that's all.That does not include anything else.All right, let's try verse nine.What if they cannot contain, let them marry for this better to marry than to burn this passage has been grossly abused. This passage has nothing to do with live at all, or as they sometimes say in the classroom, libido, but it's level libido is more euphonious overall right now, live at all, is an ordinary cycling and a normal human being, of sexual desire, and it varies with the individual, like once a week, once a day, twice a day, once a month. There are various cycles of webbing that varies with every individual no two individuals have exactly the same cycle. And some of you will be shocked to know that some people only have a wave of limit Oh once a month, but some of you'll be shocked to know some have a wave a webinar a couple times a day, either. There's no such thing as everyone having the same. Well let me tell you something, whether it's twice a day or once a month, it is not burning.This has nothing to do with live at all, so get that in your notes.This passage has been grossly abused.This passage is talking about a function of the soul, not a function of biology, a biological function of the body, and a function of a soul may or may not be related, but there are two different things. We are talking about a function of the soul and despite it, we are not talking about the normal biological urge.Hi, we began now in verse nine with the word but this sets up a contrast with a previous verse. And so a particle is used to dramatize it D does a great particle.God, this particle is not a conjunction, it is used as a conjunction of contrast. But, and the previous version may be labor isms reached and started to remain single until such time as God provides right man our right moment. Now until God provides some grace your account of our counterpart, there's one way to avoid all the traps of libido and everything else, and that is to have an affair with Bible doctrine that's gapping it daily. So now we have a different type of a conditional clause, but there is a first class condition.I plus the indicate II II. And this is a first class condition, and it means, if we are dealing with something that is true. That's the first class condition or realities, and it deals with the reality of the grace way by which right man, right woman are able to make the identification, wear out, touching.Not that they couldn't buy make some identification by touching. But this is where out touching air first class condition, they cannot contain wrong present metal indicative of egg crop to all mylife to Bobby comes home from school, I like to give him a vocabulary test sometimes on the different words I'm dealing with in the passage. This was the only one that he didn't know just offhand he's never read Corinthians in the Greek, he's read Matthew Now, but this was the only one he did know out of all the words I have in this passage to know I thought that was real good, quite encouraged.I guess maybe he is going to school after all.I asked him from time to time that he really matriculate last semester he assures me that he has, he's he allowed he's got someone out there teaching him Greek anyway.Contain and does not mean to contain means insidemeans to be a KR a T O is the verb, it means to a rule, am inside yourself oh my is middle voice. So it means cell handling the inside of cell.I guess the only English word that can summarize that is the verb to control.But if they do not have control. But this is inside control this is soul control, and the present tense, means they keep on not having sole control our climax is involuntary soul climax is something that keeps on being involuntary, where someone else is concerned, the middle voice, it's reflexive, the indicative mood is reality, the indicative mood is the fact that one is not able to control the soul, this is the sole climax summary point one.The first class condition. Plus, the present metal indicative of a crowd to all my refers to sole control.The sole climax is being out from sole control see we have a negative here. No sole control.This is the identification.Right Man, or right woman.Now before we get to point two, let me see if I can illustrate here is the soul of a man.Here is the soul of a woman they meet they know they become intimate and their conversation, intimate and everything except for a physical relationship. And there is a, let's put it this way there develops a super rapport, they cannot wait to when they are away from each other to get together to discuss what they have seen what they have endured or what they enjoy during the day.The man and the lava, I say I have no I actually have case histories of that, I have one in mind a specimen, where the man and the woman for six months, they have the most beautiful soul rapport, they did not touch him. Anyway, until they were married, they have had the most marvellous physical relationship since.So don't tell me this is imagination. Of course it's right here in the word right I can confirm from case histories that I know.Now, this is a sole climax. Both of them have both of them are drawn to each other, both of them enjoy each other in a phenomenal way their conversation, even their silence has super rapport.I'm not talking about someone that you start dating, they got to be a habit.That's not so climax.It's powerful for people to go through with each other, they just get to be a habit.And like a lot of habits, it's hard to break You never hear some guys say well I've been guard dating this girl for about 18 months now, I've got to give her up. I've been smoking operate tea box, I've got to give it up, or I've been drinking every day for 18 months I've got to give it up, see I haven't, I haven't.I've been taking aspirin every day for 18 months, but I've got to give it up.You see what I mean, learn to distinguish between someone in your life opposite sexual is a habit.And someone who provides the rapport, the stimulation of soul. Now let's take a look at the soul for a moment. The soul has self-consciousness. This is the only person who ever pulls you away from your own sound consciousness, and to be more aware of them, than you are of yourself, you know a lot of gals will date, and they're so busy thinking about themselves, they may say when someone comes I forgotten your name, they've dated you now five times, but you say your name was I'd like you to be my friend here say.That's the kind of a gal that'll sit there at a table you and cramp.You know, every once while she'll do I see boys doing that now too so you girls may have the same problem, self-consciousness, the soul climax itself consciousness, and in voluntarily you become more aware, more thoughtful more concerned more interested more involved with them and yourself consciousness that you are with yourself and this is the only person who will do it. The only one that remember it has to be a member of the opposite sex for you, dikes and hormones.Now mentality.Those four person comes in to the left lobe, but cycles over to the right law now on the right lobe there's frame of reference this person becomes frame of reference for everything. This person is so sad off in the frame of reference, they're all memories are related to this person. We'll see that in Song of Solomon.Is love as a banner over me, remembrance and so on, is the vocabulary, the vocabulary and the categories, began to become a part of this book, norms and standards, a woman finally gets to a place, even though she's interested in nine or 10 different types and admires many males, and her soul, over a period of time and just being around this person. He is the honourable why there is no one like him, and other people pale into insignificance it's yours to be attracted to Charlie Brown. And now what you see Charlie Brown she almost gags. She's had a soul climax, so it's all over, see. So Charlie can just scratch her right off his list.And then there's Joe and Joe was always the one that set her palpitating when she watched him play football or something. And that was the big attraction there and now he's just a clog and she takes no look at even sees him as a bob.Everything's different. She now has in her soul, a chastity belt, you were up here, and everyone else pales into insignificance.Then over here is viewpoint, the launching pad.

She is so enamoured with this person, that now. Everything in life is related to him as never before and you see she'll always document first so she doesn't get off too far when it comes to the Lord volition, now get this, in her climax of a soul. He goes on so positive toward him she dresses to please him. She omits things that are displeasing to how she even adjusts her wife will pleasure.She's happy to make adjustments in her life to please have very emotion. Well this is the basis where the climax started she responded so fantastically in her soul, that all other things were affected norms and standards up here have already been covered. So every part of the soul is affected by this. And it is a soul identification. It will express itself in physical law at the right time, but it is still a soul identification, and again, the Lord gives our officers now survived commit adultery. And as we saw this morning. Our toll free, scars, the song, now go back to what we have this morning in Proverbs, 6:32, just hold the place here football, we're not going to go into the acts of Jesus again. Once is enough.Proverbs 6:32 says this.If you have the cart before the horse. Then you wreck the chances of a soul climax by which you identify your ride, man. Yeah, this, but her soul committed adultery with a woman locked up or is destitute of heart. He's destitute of the capacity for having a soul climax, for the soul climax mustered in the heart, go to this emotion. In other words, there's a warning here. If you are under emotional revolt, you can't all have a soul climax.

Your, your soul must be right, the right man of the soul must be in charge of the soul, but who still committed adultery with a warmer, lack of hard, he do, he that do a bed or he that makes her as we saw this morning, destroys or corrupts his own soul. It's the corruption, not the soul that makes it impossible for a soul climax. In other words, they're saying this.When you start to quack around, and sleep around and get in bed with a lot of people, you are actually going to put the emotion.First, the emotion is the right woman or the soul and the heart is the right man. He liked her. Now let's watch this very carefully. And every soul. It's the heart which is the right man with us forever this frame of reference vocabulary categories and viewpoint. This is the right man of a soul and this is the emotion, the emotion is the empty vessel the right woman.If the heart of a man runs is emotion and his emotion responds to his heart. He's very masculine. If this is in a war by a woman of justice, a woman has male and female hormones, she has a right man in her soul. If the heart dominates and the emotional response, she's very feminine, but the arrow goes this way. So a man is feminine, the wears long hair, and the woman is masculine and goes for a woman's lab.Emotional revolt destroys any possibility of soul climax.

Therefore, the soul becomes frigid growing emotional reform and fertility of saw destroys identification.

Therefore, when God says do not commit adultery, he's protecting the soul of single people saw that they can make the identification, a ride man or right woman have therefore have a happiness, he has provided in grace, He has given the greatest happiness in the world through sex. Now back to our passage.I dothose passages laughter, the same as Liberator which is a normal biological activityby three. The soul climaxes that soul identification and every compartment of essence, which stimulates total soul concentration on a member of the opposite sex, the sole climax is total soul concentration, and as a result of being with that person is involuntary total soul concentration involuntary.You don't have to watch live. And anyway, and it's concentration on the person, not upon his human abilities, not upon any system of celebrity ship, the person himself.By far total involvement of soul essence means that the climax of the soul as an identifier will cover every area of the soul except the Olsen nature.Now let's get the first half of this verse,my dear, they do not have control.This is a sole climax, and it's a first class condition to indicate the reality of such. Now, notice it says let them marry. Oh that is so pitiful this first makes me nice mighty to think of how many times, this person has been abused.Someone gets on a wave of love at all and so did better than Mary and the bird and they haul off to someplace and get married. Stupid asinine people.Now let's get it straight.

whammo is no longer control of the soul or total soul involvement with another person, opposite sex.The soul climax, then demands, marriage, the sole climax comes first, it is the identifying factor, and it doesn't let them marry, like we're all society's going to step aside and allow them to take their biological urge to a woman who is the wrong woman, or to a man who is the wrong man. But we are society approval.Isn't that job.Secondary absolutely second added the name of satisfying the protocol of society. Many mistakes have been made and married.This is this is an aerosol active imperative that allG A M E oh god metal.Anyone God that always have the most active imperative that says, God give it to you not let them get married.That's what it says, not let them marry.But if they do not have sole control that's a sole climax, get married, has nothing to do with a biological urge. That's how a lot of you made a mistake. I'm not asking for any confession. I'm just telling.A lot of you made a mistake. And it's a mistake that you pay for, for the rest of your life, because some tech ask told you our biological urge mean Sonny it's time to get married.It isn't time to get married.That time to get married, is when you have a sore climax now let me tell you something.Most of you are so wet behind the ears, and your parents have done such a poor job of treating you, that you're not ready, you couldn't have a soul climax, so you were 25.So they'll come trotting up to me at 16 and want to know if I'll marry I'll probably out of my office.I'll say I won't marry you. Yeah, drive I'm here.I want to marry you, but I will tell you what a fool you are and I'll tell you in any language you want,and that'll be the best thing that ever happened to you before you ruin your life by getting married anyway just because you're on a wave of living Oh, because society says that you're on a wave of living Oh, we will step aside and smile as you get married.

Marriage is designed to protect the sole climax and lead to its logical conclusion. That is the logical conclusion from a soul climax hero soul climax male eras soul climax, female, what is the logical result.Now that their souls have this thing. They also discover they have bodies. He has a body and she has a buyer, and God designed them for each other.And you notice that I didn't put a Y on each one, either one of these because they're both incomplete it's a box, and then once it's complete, it's a body yard.Now, that's Bo D, it looks like ba da let's get the O in there. Now, one little y completion.Then they get together and here is we now we put now we're on the ball field, you know, here's a team that works out a at a day after all ready to play football. So, on the day of the big game, they all run out into the living room and line up.No, you don't play football in the living room.You play football on a football field.

So, such was designed by Jesus Christ to be the ultimate in human happiness between right Bob right Bob right man, right, Robert. And now, once they are married and this they have had sex. This is a body and this is a body, He is incomplete without her, and she fulfils him people fills her, and they're using his notice they're on the field, so their union is class age. And that is all anything goes to, we've already taken up that packet. There is no such thing as perversions between a man and a woman right man or right moment, they both agree, they both have had sales climax, the parties are the opposite. The opposite numbers body is the most fantastic thing in the world. It represents everything that is beautiful. Everything that is wonderful. It represents why Jesus Christ has given.And so as the right man caresses the body of the right woman. This is something given to him by Jesus Christ, and therefore he can only be eternally grateful. And as she responds and counter responds, and as she caresses him.

They have something that is phenomenal. They have something, whereby in eternity past billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of years ago, God the Father, God the Son of God, the Holy Spirit held a meeting called the doctrine of divine decrees, and they were included in that.And therefore, sex is not just simply a couple of animals. Did you know that the animal kingdom, can have sex.And it doesn't mean any bench will pick up with any dog and towel when she's in heat. Does that mean something? No, I don't mean anything, it just means that's the way we got puppies.Now some of you have a wild idea that sex was designed to perpetuate the human race, it wasn't.Science was not designed to perpetuate the human race, sex is a gift, all about happiness in the human race, given by Jesus Christ.It just so happens that this is also the way that children come into the world, and some of the finest children are not the products of right man or a woman.

So you see, once again, that's not human nature that sex was designed for the argument on happiness. But that having children, a lot of people want to have sex except to have children. That's why some people have a family. Why are they mixed up.This is our point and this is a religious narrative of a lot of people.I know a guy like that seminar. When I went seminary they had about four or 5% of the class where some of the flakiest guys are verses, they were really idiots. And one of these guys says he will never have searched, except for half children. I've often wondered what happened to that guy.I'll be gone straight left somewhere along the line.All right, now notice, get married. That's an order. Watch you have a soul climax, they're saying and a man and a woman identify each other for the sole climax. That's it.Now the order is get married. Why before particle God,G, a God. Now this is explanatory. This explains the basis for marriage, which is the sole climax, the sole climax identifies right man right moment for his present active indicative of Jaime always was always will be bi AMA. It is now, it always will be absolute status colver better let comparative nominative singular neuter upright onk r e i t t o app neuter indicates a principle here as good time to have a principle here nominative singular neuter better, the word also means more advantageous for. Once you have identified in the grace way, the sole climax identification right man white woman, better, more advantages to marry present active and fantasy, are all the same word again. Now it's better. It's more advantageous present active infinity, whereas the past linear actions are active or numeric and printed evens God's purpose them to burn the present metal infinitive approval.The, you are all. Now, what is not a biological urge is that unique situation which occurs when two souls, the Soul of the Man, and the soul of a woman. When these two souls have climax, and now they logical thing as a thing toward which they both move is sex, because it's an expression of what they have in their souls category to love and burning is to love under category to this part cut off, now that burningoil is not burning, burning, is to add a category to life frustrating. That's true burning, and the marriage has to be to the right man or the right woman, or it's always burning. People get married and still burn naked women often handle their burning by going from man to man until they become an M.And a nymphomaniac. They're still burning but no one can put out the fire. There's only one way and one that can do it that's the right man. No one else can do it. And so all they do is cheap and destroy themselves, and try to program themselves to every knot that came along, and they've had it. The other, the opposite side of this of course is rigidity and which one tries to freeze the fire.

And this doesn't work either for charity. There is only one right man, or one right woman, and the happiness that comes from sex only comes to these two. So if you think that somewhere along the line you've had fun and such, you're kidding yourself, you don't even know what the greatest thing is that's right man, right.You ever will. No matter how much pleasure you have had. And I dare say being a little realistic you've had some fun.It does not matter shows you how great this is it doesn't compare it doesn't compare with what God designed for your right woman on your right, man.Present middle infinitive aku rah means to be inflamed a means to burn with a desire on wholesale, this is not live at all. This is the sole identification of right man or right woman, extending to the body. This is the true expression of Soul love. And the expression in the body is designed for each other literally them, but if they do not have control so climax produces their There's no word yet they do have a soul climax get married. For it is better to marry than to burn to go unfulfilled and category two after making the identification.Now this brings us to the next increment the next level they handle this evening. Probably the last one for a little while anyway.I trust that the principles are coming through, we have a few people who are visitors here this is rather new to them. I just like you all to understand so I think you're going to get the straight information from the Bible this is Bible teaching, whether you're identified or not. If you are mixed up fundamentals of legalism, God help, because you'll never get anything straight, as far as the grace of God is concerned. Now that our heads bowed, with our eyes closed. We dedicate the closing moments of this service this morning. To those of you who are here without Christ without hope and without eternal life.We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross, and that every sin you've ever committed past president future was poured out on him and Josh. In other words, this is the principle. If you as a believer, and the Lord Jesus Christ, recognize God's gift in one place. Certainly God's gifts and other places must be recognized. And if you're here today as an unbeliever.And you recognize that God has been gracious in one area, it's time to recognize God's grace in another area. God has provided right man right woman but he has provided something even greater than that. He has provided eternal salvation, all gifts are brought on the basis of grace, and justice God provided a right man or white woman so he provides eternal salvation.The Scripture says, God commanded his life right I said that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us the gift of God is eternal life and Jesus Christ our Lord. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Salvation is a great skin. And right what you said right now, you can have this game.We asked you to bow your heads and close your eyes to give you privacy. It is absolutely essential that you have privacy and to make such a decision.The identification of Jesus Christ as Saviour is the ministry of God, the Holy Spirit and your soul.

Jesus Christ on the cross, two of your clients became your substitute died in your place, and in your stand. He was judged for your sanity. He removed all the barriers between you and the Father, and right where you said you can have eternal life. They leave on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt. That's the joy, you're taking, nurses, they asked you about eternal life you can happen right now.

And the privacy, and then the quietness of your own soul. You can tell God the Father that you are believing in His Son Jesus Christ, or your attitude toward Christ determines your eternal future

whosoever believeth in Christ shall not perish but have everlasting solid our heads bowed and our eyes close my eyes buddy they know to lead us in closing prayer.Father we thank you for your faithfulness to us.We thank you that you provided a way for us to have eternal life by Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins of our acceptance of Christ the Saviour will replace the union with Christ and have a destiny and inheritances incorruptible.We thank you for all of you provided words in your book, are able to be communicated to us that are very practical and alive today in the 20th century, we can take this information and make it a part of our soul. So we can have capacity for life. The fact is, you've been faithful. Communicating Your Word, through Your Messenger, for so many years that has answered problems in our lives, and we appreciate recognize your authority, and your principles as a governing factor in our lives, we pray that those who are assembled here today will never deter from taking the Word of God, they will constantly use the gap techniques.Faith rest techniques, occupation with price living in the Word. We wouldn't forget these simple basic things that are so important. Thank you for writing man or woman, we pray that those are without the right man right woman would have the patience, the fortitude to wait for you to supply them. Most of us find ourselves in other situations that we capital arqueros and you because you constantly care for us there to stand in Washington, Laura, thank you for the messages today. Thank you for the messenger in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #14

14 03/19/1972 Song of Solomon 8:6, 7 Doctrines of jealousy and new doctrine of right man right woman; quotes from Shelton T. McWilliams, psychiatrist, on right man–right woman


God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. Also, even to the dividing your thunder that resides in the mouth, and is a critic of optimism.

False scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be mature and fully furnished on to all that works. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Often the word of truth this evening who sang to Song of Solomon 8:6. Song of Solomon, eight six.

Shannon Solomon, 8:6.For the intake of the Word of God demands the filling of the spirit of the spirit comes by grace.Grace principle involves the concept of a rebound technique.Under the rebound technique if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.Re confession our naming of our sin, means that we are forgiven, immediately.And this means we are filled with the Spirit, immediately. This is Grace with our planet without reserving without working hard. It was provided at the cross, and Christ was judged for our sins and across. This made it possible for us to cite any sin, which Christ was judged and be forgiven, immediately on the basis of the fact that he puts the family of that sin on the cross. And therefore, as a function of the priesthood and preparation for the intake of the Word of God. We have the privilege of silent prayer and privacy. And under the principle of privacy. We have the right to specify our sins, and they pay for the oven and bake plans. There's a strike way between us and the law. Therefore preparation for our study this evening. Tonight,our Heavenly Father for grace.Grace which is greater than our sins, our failure grace that is greater than our human D solid human good, our ability, our talent. Grace which depends entirely upon your character and your probation ours we followership and the word this evening, my God, the Holy Spirit enlighten us. Are we asking in Christ's name. Amen.

Song of Solomon 8:6 and 7 say in the English 70 as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon by an arm for louder and stronger staff, Chelsea is as cool as the grain. The coal there are the coals there are the coals of fire which have a most vehement flame, and the waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it. For man would give all the substance of his house for a while, it would utterly be contaminated.Now it is not my objective to teach the Song of Solomon, but merely to bring out once again, one of the three passages where the identification of right man right woman is made, and the second service this morning in First Corinthians 7:9 we saw the sole climax.Now in this passage we see identification and destruction.

God did not bring the Shulamite woman to her Shepherd lover, until she had been used as a partial punishment or Solomon's failure, and His proverbs 5:6. God used a virginal and most beautiful woman to punish Solomon, the Shulamite woman was the most beautiful woman of her age.Not only was she the most beautiful woman of her age, but she caught the eye of Solomon, on his way to the North Country, he was making a trip and that direction.She was not Solomon's right woman that she began she was the most beautiful woman and her time. And Solomon and all of his human glory. And then all of his human authority could not make a conquest of this woman. Why, because she was protected by the love of her life, man. She wore a chastity belt in her soul, and her allow for her right man. Her Shepherd lover protected her from the greatest Wolf, alright. And one of the greatest of all time. Wouldn't you know that a believer with all the records.Now, and Song of Solomon old six. We have a few things here that will meet straightening out, first of all 70 as a seal upon dine hart. 70 is the Caorle imperative en su, which looks like this. In the Hebrew.S you am soumcow and parody means to SAP, or to impress, plus the first person singular suffix. This refers to the shepherd lover.And she is speaking to him at this particular point he has come and He has rescued her from Solomon's powers, and the shepherd lover the right man speaks to the Shulamite woman.And he has recognized her and his right lobe, as his right woman, and therefore he asked for identification signals from her this way sat me impress upon me the seal, and the noun here is Kofomch o th.kofod means a rain, our seal, can also be a segment rain which a woman carried on a string on her breast, as in Genesis 38 at the signet ring signifies waiting for the right man.Just as in category to live a woman gives herself, soul, and then body to her right man. So she places the signet ring on his finger to portray the perfect design the perfect design which God hath rock right man, right woman. But before he asked for that ring. There is first of all the setting of the seal the signature upon the right lobe, the right lobe is the basic area for identification of the right man and white woman it is the right lobe where the soul climax began upon thine heart, the Hebrew word here, there's the same noun, we've had before, our EBh blade, and it refers to the right lobe frame of reference vocabulary categories norms and standards, launching our viewpoint.The soul of mass pressed sex law, that's the principle here. There must be identification right man right woman in the soul, the right man must be in the soul of the white woman, the right woman must be in the soul of the white man. Once in the soul, they never leave a woman will never be satisfied with another, and neither will the man.The man in the light love with a woman fulfils her norms and standards. This was taught in Song of Solomon, two, three. It gives reality to her romantic dreams and principles and categories, and that area of the heart, Song of Solomon 113 and four, six, he provides soul stimulation, Song of Solomon 116 and 17. Um, so this is the same as the sole climax we started this morning, and First Corinthians seven nine. This is the identification, right man, and right woman. And then he also says, our pawn buying arm the word here for ARM also means fingers, a seal upon your fingers. And this of course is the rain, which, from the time of Solomon, even to the present time is used in marriage, even in the exchanging of marriage vibes. Then here's the principle behind this identification, law, the word here. Aha, bah.Ha, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, is one of those words which. It's a family word it is the strongest word for love, in the Hebrew language, it is the noun, there is also Aha, The verb, and this is there now. And this is actually category two love expressed here category two lovers what they have in mind, love is as strong as the word strong here as SA.Ay, Z, age means not only strong but fortified love fortifies the soul.And it's as strong as that God has designed provision for both love and death he has provided fortification for both Grace Fortification, or DAF dying, applying grace or love, right man, right woman category two labs designed by God, and eternity fast.Now the principle goes on to state something else. Jealousy is the great enemy. This is the most obvious of the metal attitude sins which attacks category to ally. Love is the strongest app, but jealousy cool as the gray. The word for jealousy as kin.Like this.Cute. I am, ah, Kim.And Kim are refers to a mental attitude sim cluster, and the motivator is jealousy. Jealousy is always cruel, ka SHA is the word here,to a S H A H kasha. Jealousy is Khasra like the gray. The gray blobs of a loved one so jealousy robs of love capacity and category two eventually Chelsea will completely destroyed category two. It's a process where I'm right man and a rifleman are involved. Now I want you to notice a relationship. The sole climax, stimulates the soul as we saw this morning, those of you who were here apart from the members if you've never been here. Or have you bad.At least you weren't here model E or something.Now there's a relationship, a mental attitude sin is also a strong stimulus for the soul, the different sales. Love demands that the sole function with the right man in charge here is the emotion.

And here is the heart, the right lobe. This is right man, and this is right woman. If the gal goes this way, capacity for love is there but if the arrow goes this way emotional revolt, emotional report is characterized by cruelty being the mental attitude sin involved here. So jealousy is as cruel as the great jealousy can rob our category to love, just as the sole climax can identify, that's what is being said, the soul climax identifies category to love, but jealousy robs or destroys that doctrine of jealousy point one.Do you think we're gonna get by this onedoctrine of jealousy by why.So great was the sin of jealousy, that there is a whole special offering designated for under the law vehicle code. This was a very rare thing. A special offers, offering for jealousy only Numbers chapter five beginning at verse 11 The whole chapter describes this great special offering for this great Sam, why to jealousy is the basis for destroying category to Love Song of Solomon, 8:6 context.Point three metal out attitude Sam's like jealousy, the straw man that destroy his soul they lead to psychosis, jealousy is one of the strongest links for the world psychoses Jove five two and Proverbs 14:35 for jealousy therefore is one of the strongest of all mental attitude sands, Proverbs 27:3,4.Why five love precedes jealousy, Ecclesiastes nine 6.6 Jealousy motivates revenge. Proverbs 634 therefore, jealousy takes real or apparent wrongs, out of the Lord's hands and intrudes upon a divine prerogative judgment.Deuteronomy 32:35 Romans crowd 19 judgment is mine, I will replace the Lord. He doesn't need any help, he has the facts, and we do not.So one of the most awful things one can do is to get into the field of judging.Wind sovereign.Jealousy swept the nation Israel into the northern and southern kingdoms, and it was Abraham's jealousy the bit, Isaiah 11:13, 8 Jealousy was the motivator of religious leaders who crucified Christ. Matthew 2718 Mark 15:9, jealousy, of the authority of Joseph, motivated, his brothers to sell him into slavery x. 7:10 reversion manifests itself in jealousy. Romans 1:28 and 29.Why the lover.Jealousy rejects the teaching or Bible doctrine, X 13: 45x 17:5.Why 12 false doctrine produces jealousy.First Timothy 6:4.Now at this point, we've been hitting this doctrine Lee wise for quite a while. The importance of category to love the sole climax as the principle of identification, you'll probably be interested to know that there was a man who has written his doctor's thesis on a subject, his name is Sheldon T Mike Williams. He's from finally Dickinson University, and he wrote his for his PhD on premarital sex implications for marriage, as far as I know this person. Oh, come on now. Let's don't be dropping stuff all over the place.This is hard not to cover all the material I have to do tonight Rob dropping her and now let's secure back,you just picked up on.Now as I was saying, this, this is a guy as far as I know he's an unbeliever is strictly a psychology, it sure isn't interested in the Bible, but it came up with this very interesting this rotation, the premarital sex implications for marriage. He has a very lengthy very lengthy biography.The references are very extensive. I only want to read his conclusions without going through all the guys that quote it and all the theories he advanced, and what he thought was finally the real answer to this. I'm now reading from a PhD dissertation on the subject of pre bout all sides relationship.Now some of you may not understand why that is, because you will see, you're so accustomed to having me, make things very elusive very clear that this may be a little app screws in fact nebulous.

And if it is premarital sex relationship as the honeymoon before the marriage. Alright now let's get down to business here, quote, the permanence of premarital in a personal relationship is not guaranteed in our society, especially during adolescence, sexual activity with different partners, results in the conditioning of response patterns for each partner.I'm after uncovered this guy because he did write a PhD thesis, and naturally he couldn't communicate like a pastor. He wasn't really trying to get over to the general public. He says central activity with different partners results, and the conditioning, our response patterns to each partner know the words in saying this.We have here for example, they right woman and she's practicing reverse process reversion ism with this guy, this guy, this guy this guy, this guy this guy, this guy. She has to condition herself to each one of these people.Now she's only conditioned for one person in divine design and that's her right man, he's not involved in this, because it's premarital. And this is, this Gower's, as I've said in my firm and recently sleeping with no experience. The new experiences do not necessarily extinguish previous behavior patterns but tend to modify them he says promiscuity may eventually result in the individual being conditioned to a composite, that does not even exist in other words at first all keeps up promiscuity fornicating sleeping around here eventually will be conditioned to something that does make sense. In other words, she has wiped out the response to her right man, that's how this guy presidency, this is all from an unbeliever.Even at the individual as hard, only two or three sexual experiences with two or three different partners the sexual relationship with a lifetime partner may be hindered and quote I'm come out of the Bible I came out of a PhD thesismanner where women who have been permissive sexually before marriage cannot be expected to change miraculously when they married Duvall 1965 Duvall wrote one of the books that he covered. Not only are their response patterns pretty well set but also their attitude towards sexual behavior promiscuity before marriage has effects on others within a later family unit. According to Bell 1966 It may be increasingly difficult for many parents to hold their children to a set of conservative values, which they the parents did not hold to when they were younger and quote, perhaps, control of premarital sexual behavior based on understanding is still the best solution that what he's right, it should have put in doctrine, but he didn't know anything about it. Now we're in 1967 has stated that unregulated unrestrained sexuality leads not to freedom but to bondage. On the other hand, it is the control of sexuality that is liberating in the long run, or the eliminates the confusion and obsession, obsessive preoccupations, To which uncontrolled on discipline sexuality, always leads the findings of a study opere 1967 On normal adolescence indicates that the inhibition of the sexual drive as equated with the relative lack of sexual experience does not have overwhelming psychopathy cycle. The profiler, or follow pathology gold consequences. There is no evidence that South control hurts an individual's sex life. Quite to the contrary, quite the contrary tends to be true of all, man this is the conclusion I wanted to read the security and environment of a permanent relationship offers the optimum conditions for developing compatibility.The security and environment of a permanent relationship offer the optimum conditions for developing compatibility. DuVall feels that two people of opposite sexes, can create more enduring happiness in a permanent relationship, their satisfaction comes from learning to respond fully and completely to one another, Their response will depend upon adjustment to each other, mentally and emotionally as well as physically and cool. Now if you have read the whole dissertation, you will know that by the time he reaches that he has demonstrated a very interesting principle, he has demonstrated the principle that he has discovered as others he quotes about five or six great men on the field, that people are conditioned, just for one other person, they are physically conditioned, they're emotionally conditioned, and as he calls it psychologically conditioned we'd say matter and effect, what this bird says, is what you've been getting a doctrine, I just thought you'd be interested to know that it has even been brought up from the standpoint of the unbeliever.Now I know that that type of PhD language doesn't always click right, so let's get right back down to business.Now we've got the word coals again. The last time we had hot coals, it was the wrong woman, and you have her in your pocket she burns your call your cab you remember over in Providence, stop you weren't here. My you missed it.If a man places are hot coal in his pocket, will not be as close to the barn. That's your life it will be.If a man walks on a fire of hot coals. Will he not have scorched feet? Yes, he will have scorched feet. That's putting it mildly.Some people have to go through life walking on their hand, but they weren't designed to walk on their feet. So we were designed by God for one man or one woman, I am. Some people are going to have to go through life sexually walking on their hands.They can't walk and their feet are all burned out.All right.With that little admonition. Let's take a look now at the coals again we're back to the coal, because they're all over the coals of fire. That's what it says it all the word coals here means the call her calls are flames of fire. When those Shulamite are when the shepherd lover, recognize the Shulamite woman he says her calls her response to him, her sole response and that her body responds. He says it's a flame of fire.Now he has not had sex with her yet. They have not consummated the marriage so far their engagement stage, but he can say that already in his soul. Her flames are her coals are the flames of fire.So great. She is, you see the Shulamite woman is conditioned for the shepherd lover in her soul. So much so that he describes his own soul climax upon identifying her, her calls our flame, the fire.And then the next phrase says a most vehement flame, but it actually says, the flame is from the Lord, not the most vehement flame but literally, the flame is from the Lord.Her calls are flames of fire. The flames are, are the Lord, its divine design, the sole climax by which they identify his divine design, just as their physical relationship, define, design right man wide woman.Now notice this is a fire that can't be put out this is right man right moment, many waters, see water ordinarily puts out fire you pour water on this fire it doesn't even perhaps steam, there's more fire.The pressure of many waters are the pressures the disasters, the difficulties, the misunderstandings, even the acts of unfaithfulness, whatever it may be, this is water puts out fire but not here. Many waters are not able to extinguish, Arthur crunch law. This is right man right woman category too many waters are not able to extinguish category two law, neither Canada floods drought, the most horrible disasters of life cannot destroy. And then one more phrase here. Category Two lob cannot be purchased.It says here, a man would give us all of his substance for law that is for Category Two, but if he tried to give everything here's a wealthy man. He wants to give all of his sauces for allowed, but it says here with utterly be contained, literally, we have the word booze twice.They use Z, and it's in the cowl infinity plus the cow, damn perfect ad it means being scored it would be totally rejected you can't buy a category to live, you can't buy what God has designed you can't buy doctrine.You can't buy salvation. You can't buy category to law.That's great. So that's something some people never understand something people don't understand with regard to the operation team can't buy doctrine. We don't try to solve it.People who are poor, our policy people who are retro posse are just open so long as money comes in.No one is charged anything we do not get approximate prices or how my season costs.Start. So we're now charged for. I'll tell you, you can't buy anything as worthwhile.You think all these things you want to buy with money are important.The best things in life are free. I didn't write that song, a friend of mine.You cannot buy what Gods have raw gods have wrought in the field of right man right woman, you can't buy it.You can buy a lot of things, maybe you can even buy sex.You can't buy love.You can't buy salvation. You can't buy doctrine.How much of this doctrine cost you tonight. Nothing little wear and tear on the soul. That's quite a strain.In other words,when God gives it. That's it. It's free.It's Grace. There's no merit attached, there is no way that you can ever take, and by what God has provided. Now, that brings us down to a summary longly along at long last, a summary.At Ember summary, you're going to see are all notes on the doctrine of right man right Roman all shot down.The doctrine of right man right woman, the new organizationdoctrine right man, white woman by Ron, I see Savi returned to your notes, that'll be interesting. See if you can adjust them.Now, I guarantee you can.I bought one.There are three grace gifts from Jesus Christ for the human race. Three grace gifts. They cannot be purchased, they cannot be earned. They cannot be deserved that cannot be worked for one right woman.He built. Jesus Christ building to salvation. Jesus Christ, that three doctrines, Jesus Christ, thought itwas point one, there are three grace gifts from Jesus Christ, one the right moment Jesus Christ builder to salvation. Jesus Christ did it. Great doctrine, Jesus Christ, thought itpoint todoctrine right man right woman or the white woman as a gift is the oldest gift in human history.Right, like to write my arm is the oldest step in human history.Five sub points one by man was created, Jesus Christ, sad, not good that man should be alone. Genesis two at some point why a man was created. Jesus Christ said, not good that man should be alone. Genesis 218 by two. Therefore, and grace. Jesus Christ built our right woman for the right man, and he brought her to the man,greatrelationship was established from the beginning, during adolescence and continued after the fall.The relationship was established, from the beginning, during adolescence and continued after the fall, by far. It was designed for maximum, or even optimum human happiness.Five.Even an unbeliever, whose life is a total failure, and has an otherwise miserable life can find great happiness. And this grace gift from Jesus Christ. Ecclesiastes these nine now 2.2 this is the scripture that we covered in detail. Scripture 4:2 Genesis, 1:26, and 27 51:22 to seven to 18 through 25 and that was the order in which we covered it, and a Thursday night a long time ago that's when we began.This is what we covered on a Thursday and Friday night, after I came back from somewhere was a cost of process.Alright, point, three.The greatest attack on this gift of this divine law.The attack comes from the soul scar tissue, emotional revolt reversion ism.These attacks are accompanied by fornication and promiscuity passages Jeremiah 31:22 Proverbs five.Ecclesiastes 7:26-29.

First, First Corinthians 11:3-16. Proverbs 6:23-32 bowls are the passages which deal with the attack. Jeremiah 31:22 Proverbs five Ecclesiastes 7:26-29 Proverbs 6:20- 32 First Corinthians 11 Three through 16 you notice something about those passages, we have covered them all in this series.

Point four.This is how the whole thing got started, but for versions of ride mad ride model, we've had the great attack. Now the perversions, are four of them one auto elitism, or masturbation and what self-responds to sell to homosexuality or lesbianism sexual response to the same sex. Leviticus 18:22 Romans, 1:46 and 27.Three bestiality sexual response to animals Leviticus 18:23 for fornication.Exodus 2:014 Proverbs 5:20 and 6:32, wrong man. Rob Robin van bear point five.Mental Attitude sins are also destructive to white man white woman relationship.Jealousy is the best illustrations, Song of Solomon, eight, six and seven. Proverbs 27:4 and 6:34 Bad Art.Proverbs 27:4 and 6:34 and point six.Negative volition, toward doctrine. This ties right man, right Roman relationship.And this is the story of Jeremiah SnapT Jeremiah 1515 through 20 Watts 16 One and 2:17 Nine 3:11-12 seven through nine, and then by 2:15, eight and nine.Jeremiah 15 through 21:16 One and 2:17 nine through 11:12 seven through 915 eight through nine. Why seven analogies for right man, selected by the Lord, and Israel, Jeremiah, two, three, and 13 is a girl 16 and 23.Secondly, the Lord in the church, Ephesians 5:26 through 33.Three the function of gap, James 119 through 22.

The white man is the shepherd and the Bishop of the white woman soul, just as Jesus Christ is the shepherd and the Bishop of the believers so first Peter to 25, compared to First Peter 3:15, the right woman is the glory of the man just as the believer's edification, complex as the glory of God. First Corinthians 11:7. The principle is related to the laws of establishment.The principle is related to the laws of establishment now we're gonna have a few sub points sub point one monogamy is ordained of God to remind mankind that there is only one right man for one right woman, vice versa. First Corinthians seven through 4.2.Order the layers of establishment, the right man, right bonded relationship becomes divine institution number two, our marriageby three.Marriage is the protection for Category Two love. Hebrews 13 for First Corinthians seven nine. First Timothy 5:14 Romans seven two and three, back to the beginning Genesis 224 and 25. And Ephesians chapter five verses, 20 to 2528 31 33.4.Mary marriage forms the basis for stability in society and rejects the theory of both anarchy promiscuity and communal living.Marriage forms the basis for stability in society and rejects the theory of both anarchy promiscuity and communal living sublime five says the right man white woman relationship is designed for the ultimate and human happiness.Marriage is both a protection and a boundary for Category twosub point six marriage is also protected by divine institution number three. Are the parents have responsibility for training their children for both life and marriage.So point seven.Before parents existed. They were mentioned for that reason, and Genesis 224 Before parents existed. They were mentioned for that reason, in Genesis 224 quite a sad point eight.Roslyn auto Nyan, is the authority in marriage.Invasions 522 by five nine, that God protects the woman from tyranny.For the man who has that authority as first of all, a lot of all I love, and taught by his mother,mother teaches him respect for them, which keeps him from becoming an animal, turned out a proverbs 31 One.Proverbs 31 Why, might as well turn to Proverbs anyway, we'll be there a while.Robert, Proverbs 31 Whynow, I've often wondered what this passage really map, the details I think are obvious by example in verse 10 Here's right Roman who can find my saw a virtuous woman. Her price has fallen by rubies.Verse 11 the heart of her husband does safely trust in her. There was at some climax, the start of the recognition.She burst wow she will do him good and not evil, all the days of her life. Now how does all this get started? Proverbs 31 was the words of King, Lenny Well, I got this that his mother taught him.

My son, and Rob personify Rome, and her personify vies. In other words, she taught him about what's the whys and wherefores of life. Now that's the principal. That is the mother who teaches the principles to the side, respect for them and her. That makes all of us. Relationship, fall gel at the right time.Our point.The relationship of right man right woman must also be related to mankind at the time of the fall.So let's notice the relationship to the fall, sub point one.

God confirms that the husband's authority has not changed after the fall. Genesis 316 D.Ephesians 5:22 Genesis 3:16 V has a little phrase in there that most people ignore the insatiability clause is recognized, but there's something that isn't listen to this by a desire shall be to buy a house from my right, man. That's divine design am get this, he shall rule over the he relied man shall rule over the bar at some point.However, in the fall, man and woman reverse their roles. Adam responded to the woman, Genesis three six. She was the aggressor. She took the forbidden fruit, she gave to him.Why three sub point three.Until this time until the time of the fall.Sharks had been strictly for all the murder in human happiness.This concept is continued but something else is added to sex that was not there before. It is the means of perpetuating the human race by plays remember that perpetuation of the human race is secondary. The function of sex as designed by God has never changed its primary function is the pleasure or happiness for the light of right man, and right formersad point for.Therefore, the woman bears the children. Genesis 316 and through the woman who the virgin birth, Christ comes into the world so that he can go to the cross, Genesis 315point by Pan takes us to Proverbs chapter 19 So before we have point Tam, let's turn to Proverbs chapter 19 and our passage will be verses 13 and 14. Proverbs 1913 and 14.There are two things in life that are designed to cause misery to divine institutions, divine institution number two is marriage, Divine institution number three is the family.And there are two sources of misery they're designed for happiness.The first of these is found in verse 13 Proverbs 19:13 A foolish son is the calamity of his father, or father never recovers from any colossal failure on the part of his side it's a source of unhappiness. The other source of unhappiness is the contentions of a wife. They are like a continual dropping them in other words as she expresses complaints, it's like the Chinese torture a continual dropping.

Now there's another thing in life that you make grace into. You don't earn it or deserve it. And then this sets us up for another thing you don't earn or deserve. There are two things in life where you are graced, you can't earn them you can reserve the first houses and riches the inheritance of parents. If you inherit anything you've been grazed you don't deserve it. The second is, and a prudent wife is found the Lord. Now we better stop right there because prudence isn't prudent.This is a hit. I hear feel Potter said well I've saw cow.S, aka out.Now the Hare field means to be cause to be wise, the participle means continuous function.The airfield stamp is costly.And a cost to be wise wife right woman here is fun, the Lord. Now I get this. Here is the woman who has prepared herself for the right man, here's the woman who waited. How did she wait? She had an affair with Bible doctrine. She kept it daily while she was waiting. And this means she will have maximum happiness, and the category to relationship.So notice what two things from the Lord, inheritance is, you've been graced right woman who waited for you. She adapted until you came along. Now you've been grazed.Now i lets go now to the second principle here that, by the way the friends for those the right woman is a grace gift from the Lord. Still, after the mall, and every generation there right Roman is a grace gift from the Lord Proverbs, 1914 am proverbs 1822 Proverbs 1822 says whosoever finds a wife finds a good friend and obtain a favourable or now let's see what it really says, Who so find a cow perfect that Mazzara back the cow perfect that Meazza occurs twice, am a TSA. mazzaro means to discover recognition signals, it implies the sole climax. All right, let's take five points on who so find that one.This is a cow perfect meaning to find or to discover and it is the recognition of right man, or right woman in the soul.Point to the Lord brought the first woman to the first man in brace.Point three.When Adam saw the first woman, he said, Isha, he recognized her and his soul, he SHA, was the expression of the thirst soul climax in history.Why for the burning of First Corinthians, seven, nine, that's what we have in the second service, the burning a First Corinthians seven nine is not a wave of libido, but that soul climax in which every compartment of the soul's essence is stimulated to total concentration, total concentration on what the Lord has brought point by the extension of their sole concentration on the right matter right woman whichever the case may be, will be the fulfilment of category to law. Now here's a person who has identified is right Rama. He has identified his right Roman as towel perfect motza are discovered, good toe.Saber that we had in Genesis 218 not good that man should be alone. But he has discovered. Good. That was not good that man was alone, but now he has discovered good in the form of his right woman.He has found his right woman has found good and obtain the word perfect from Boots means to acquire.He has been caused to acquire that's grace, boots, feeling perfect.He has received, rather than obtained. He has received a gift. And here it says favor, and that's rock song rock song means two things are a TS Oanh rock song means Grace at all, also means an object of delight. So literally, He who has found his right woman has found that, and has received the grace. The object of the light from the law.Now you have a whole new development of doctrine, right man, right woman and you have it in 10 points, a whole new organization that's filed with her eyes.We dedicate the closing moments of this service this evening with all of you who are her without Christ, without hope and without eternal life. They want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross. And every sin you've ever committed past present and future. As poured out on he andhe will never ever sin too great for the plan of God.

The first great gift right man, right, wrong, the second great gift salvation to accomplish salvation. Jesus Christ went to the cross.He said good ways in which you're a substitute. The Scripture said he died for your sin that means everything you've ever committed has already been.And since he accomplished everything there there's nothing that can be added to grace. Grace can be received like a gift that that grace cannot be earned or deserved. By grace are you saying, through faith? Hey, there's the way you receive salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life, these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that the leaving, he might have life through His name, you can have eternal life right where you sit right now.Water, you're gonna have a lien on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt.Eternal life is yours.Yours probably leaving a lot ofour hands Wagner eyes closed, and asked for it, they know to lead us in our closing prayer.Father we thank you for the grace of God that bring us salvation has appeared every man. Thank you Father we are recipients of Your grace, and we can orient to it, simply by Grace thinking by recognizing once again what Jesus Christ has done for us.We have responded to the grace of God with the cross by accepting Christ as Saviour and haven't begun to grace, the only way to proceed is to grow and grace. Thank You for this series that has been presented right man right woman are applauding the capacity for love, the viewpoints that are involved. We pray that those who are here tonight, and respond to this message on the tapes, publications, and take this information and make it a part of their soul, they too can make decisions that are compatible with the Word of God, they can have the joy, the peace, the understanding the comfort, the happiness and also the stability that comes from the word of God, thank you in Christ's name. Amen

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #15

15 03/26/1972 Prov. 31:1–10 Right woman acrostic


God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two lizards, very sick even to the dividing the sound of the soul in the spirit and designed to the mouth, and is a critical part of scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in life as the man of God my Buddha tour so other funny signs of our study to show thyself approved by the gods.Right there, the Bible is the word of truth this morning to the Proverbs 31Proverbs 31problems are so hard.

Preparation for our started at the Word of God, this morning, and actually a moment, devoted to silent prayerfor ourselves, and it started with the Word of God.The function of the priesthood.We accomplished in privacy.In order to filter the spirit.You have privacy to rebound and if necessary, and therefore not a surprise.Once again, Father, we thank you for your faithfulness.Thank you for the grace which is not anything we've been ever asked to provide at all things well for us.And provided, and furthermore you anticipated everything that was necessary.And so Father, as we continue to fellowship as mercy are removed.If you were provided. This portion of manna.My God, the Holy Spirit and lightness holy Aspen in Christ's name. And in this particular passage.We're having a continuation of our new series on white man right woman.This one is the right woman across man in that first handand across stickle identification. Right.First of all, let's notice how this thing goes in the universe so that we can say goodbye to it and get it straight in the words of Kevin Lambie Raul, the prophecy that his mother taught now. What my son, and what the son of mine.And what the son of mystrength. The women are by race to that which destroyer is not for cameras all around and it's not for kids to drink wine or for a strong drink as they drink, I forgot the law, the birth of judgments, or any of the equipment, give strong drunk to him that is ready to perish.And there are a lot of people that are rather the parents anda widebody and blank and forget his poverty with runningin poverty, you can't afford to let him break and forget who poverty is and remember his misery no more open by a mile. For the ban, and the cause of all searches a pointer to a destruction.I grabbed that last one, because that's what we get back to right woman opened my mouth for the DOM, and the cause of all searches according to distraction, open by mouth, judge righteously and please the car and please the cars and the tour, and the meeting.

Now, verses four through nine were rad because we will not be studying that are actually not a part of the document right man right Roman But beginning of verse 10 We actually have a cross identification, one verse will be devoted to each letter of the Jewish alphabet. There are 22 however, it is necessary first to understand the first three verses, which formed the introduction for the right woman across the Bible way of introduction, that's going to make it rather easy.First one is a superscription, the title of the chapter.The title of this chapter the words of King Lammi well the prophecy that is murder.The word for King here helps us to identify the passage. The Hebrew word is Malik.Malik.Now, Malik indicates that the writer is or has been a king. And of course this is a reference to solid. This is Ron right we know that Solomon, who wrote the first 30 chapters, also wrote the first. The problem of course is with the word lambier.There is one difference and that's why we haven't superscription for the last chapter.The first 30 chapters of proverbs are what David taught Solomon, and therefore Solomon identifies himself as the human author in the first 30 chapters.

This chapter is different. This chapter is what Bathsheba, taught Solomon Bathsheba with Solomon smarter. And this is what she talked about, just before or at the time I address in this passage, then Caribbean title and the legacy are Bathsheba.

Now, Solomon calls himself air, land or sea Lammi well, what's the proper name. In the Hebrew it is not in the proper name. Someone unfortunately transliterated it when I shouldn't have translated, but let's take a look at it because it's a rather interesting word.Much like this andI already have a transliterated. This is the way that looks. I'm making it as he am.Alright. What does the word mean, this is the biggest problem, first of all that owl, Babylon that is a preposition file, certainly.Oh that's a preposition.And this is a double propositional friends, you don't have the reputation of the proposition you don't need it and the Hebrew. And this propositional phrase is divided into two parts the first part.L is the preposition ON.

As a softmax masculine, singular, and therefore it should be translated onto him. So the first half of Lambie Raul meanswe'll have to capitalize that because it means, honest to God.And the second representational phrase that privatization is understood was law. It's much like this.

Now, on to God.So lamb URL, means, I'm moving on to God now that's what it means, literally.First now what does it really mean. All right, let's see if we can work this out for words are a game that Solomon under him. I'm the guy that's analysed the point by point one, either. Mother God means belonging to God it's an idiom. A double propositional phrase used as an idiom that ran the cave that Solomon, although he did not take his mother's teaching, and he did not listen to her as she communicated to him doctrine. She did under study he did understand the implications of this passage. And later on, he actually realize the importance, the failed behavior, but he did upon reversion recovery recorded Solomon recognized as the close of his life that he belonged to God. And when he was under reversion recovery. He began to remember certain things. And one of the things that he recalled, was what his mother taught him at his inauguration, going to. This is the title of them that Solomon and reversion recovery.The longing to God. The words of a king, belonging to God is the correct translation.

Solomon's reversion recovery has given them a little more detail and Ecclesiastes chapter 12 Bye for this title for Solomon is apropos, and that Solomon, never had a right, woman, and at the end of his life he recognized this when he said belonging to God.

Like everyone else, in principle a right Roman was designed for him by Solomon, all the way, every version.

So belonging to God is a recognition that he did not have his right from it. And yet, as the king of Israel who loses his rifleman, that's when his reign was won, right prosperity, based upon the Word to save him by his life. Having a man who had everything he had everything that happened. He did not have human happiness, and he lost, plus a reversion, and therefore the property of Solomon's life. He needed desperately to have seven on the road with him as his queen is ripe and wildly out our files and women who never had is right now this is the title then for Solomon, and he was recognition of the fact that we never had this rise woman who missed the boat. However, interesting, the one who missed the boat is the one who bears. They are crossed, identifying a writer's block.

Of course he was taking the information from his mother, who was then the brave woman.

And we have actually, the message about shoot on Africa point five missions and personal David Solomon's failure to wait for his white woman.And this question has come up several times. All right everyone else. Solomon had a right woman missions.Billions of years ago recognized.No right Rama, they cause the burden reversion ism stayed in reversion ism, and never had 1000 women, but they never had this right, we have 1000 women, all of them are inconsequential persons missions knew this. Therefore, add to that God is fair. Therefore whoever was originally designed to be an eternity boss for the Solomon's right Roman. Why should she lose out they are solid and, therefore, as it were, this is, this is merely that combination. She was redesigned for someone else, it really wasn't designed at all the nominations during the first place that Solomon regard so the sacrifice to resign for someone else would have been redesigned sample course.

I started yesterday morning from about nine o'clock till about one o'clock last night.Those signs are very clear to me.I'm not so sure about her.

God is Sam Solomon bro, the right woman that would have been heroes, who was the most beautiful woman ever he was also designed for a hotshot Shepherd.So the human mind woman would have been right Robin. Had he waited for his right now this ought to appeal to a lot of you all those who have ever asked the question, What about him. I've never seen. This is just you're kind of stuck at the feet of the moon, as I know it.But there are also people out there full of water and one of us had had one of the some mines run away. That's all right, so you're gonna love it. I've added this to all of those that even water about them I've ever seen.Now here's the big water scenarios ago God knew what was actually going to happen. So God wouldn't have a good sense to know. Billions of years ago every freewill decision that ever whenever man.And God has that.And therefore, knowing that Solomon report, both at the same time, God has to be fair, we can't destroy this character just because Solomon said God has never yet, as it were committed suicide, this diversion.It keeps his character intact for the rest of the human race.And God has never changed his essence and never will.And the God has found a way for love all of us as believers, no matter how carnal we are no matter how spirit, we are, and that's great. Grace is how God manages to keep his character impact.Still love all of us, and have a bonafide basis of loving us without compromising his righteousness.If you are extremely self-righteous and only.You may have discovered rather difficult to love people who appear to have weaknesses.

And especially if they're not your weaknesses, and you can't love them at all, you can only look down your nose if you have your spiritual bond, and you're constantly looking bad remove that those who are weak or strong as not only we do not love that you have an attitude andour attitude really are snobbery.Quite interesting.

Now, God.God is not a snob.God has perfect. He's more qualified than anyone.God was the super aristocrat. I love that.Haha, how gross.Now was the grace find a weather villa, that goes far away to be fair to a woman who lived over there is a Solomon, a woman who would have been Solomon's right ramen if Solomon had not blown the whole thing by an operator and sensitive God is fair to this woman and he redesigned her, not really, this is accommodation again. But he designed her for the shepherd lover.

Solomon had the opportunity of what would have been his right ramen and she turned him on more than anyone who ever lived. And the whole song of salt and as our she told him what to do with Solomon, and our sheep remained faithful to her Shepard lobber design, and was not impressed with other matters. You can always tell an idiotic woman, that there are flowers without one man she's impressed with him. She's always are that she loves him. He's always impressed, without the Shulamite woman, there's a perfect illustration of a great moment. She was not impressed with Solomon.She was impressed only with her Shepherd Robert actually had a chance to sit down in her soul that mother.She was only impressed with him. She never tried to impress Solomon at all. A woman who is always trying to impress other man.There's no woman I have for right now, this woman. Never for one moment lost sight are her separate love.And Solomon had the opportunity of seeing this at the peak of his glory.And Solomon and all of his glory but not impressed with Shulamite woman. And why because Solomon by this time you recall our strategy was tuned we saw this in Proverbs, he was true to an idol, reverse process reversion and being true to this idol. He was tuned with his arms around an idol and he saw his ride run by brought on by for the shepherd, how God was fair to the shooting of Mike woman.I was sure that my brother had a wonderful life for their shepherd my rock comes out and although they went mad so the one problem is jealousy.And there's a very jealous of hackers thatare perfect category two and hero Solomon Lover boy, who has the privilege of writing it all things that the Bible is inspired by the Lover boy whatever rising saints now, they were the best kept secret so there's clues.But now the Holy Spirit's so direct of Solomon, to write a Song of Solomon, to write. Proverbs. And every time you have a right man right woman passage in Proverbs of Solomon is condemning himself. And this was the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, because He asked he represented in the Song of Solomon, who failed and misery he lost the optimum, and human happiness.So point five missions anticipated Solomon's favourite for waiting for his right woman point six, the message of canticles that Song of Solomon was quite obvious in this regard.But surely mind Roman, what happened Solomon's rifleman buddy door for reversion five seven.Therefore, an eternity past the shooter my woman was designed and programmed for her Shepard lover.Point.Solomon's discipline was in wooing and losing the most beautiful woman, others their daughters fair. No woman has ever lost out their cars are what appears to be the failure often arise man and it isn't her right man. God programs are for someone else.Probably the most tragic love of their lives never got off the ground, so I use the word advisor.The most try tragic love relationship, that all of human history. Solomon, Abba Shulamite woman ships that pass in the night, nothing. Because he blew.SoAll right so much Sam for our first phrase.The words are the king, and so they aren't going to die, but it's not out of Florida seven. It is instead a level propositional phrase, we're not willing to analyse transliterated and called Landru out there is no thing the lamb URL, King Lamb. The first was the king lamb. The lamb, that there's not alamb to lamb.But then again, the guy that flashed over this I'm sure that making a difference to him, is one of the greatest blessings in the world a double propositional frame.Now the next word is prophecy and that's not correct either.There's not a prophecy, but this really wasn't a prophecy.Although it turned out to be just exactly the story of his life. Miss, actually the word Ma is not the word for prophecy na ba is prophecy, this is, ma,ma,ma, and by the way, I remember. Some provinces have said on this. They've killed a lobby Raul was the king of masa. And then they said, we do not know where this kingdom was but it must have been one of the small Arab movements in the neighborhood. And they're beautiful. We don't think that these guys don't have imagination.Butas far asI really have to laugh because, oh by the way, I forgot one of the most important things and all right for the Father, this is early in the morning.Isort of lose another essence.So we have a dog.

And of course now that was probably one of the major crimes and Huberdeau for example, I've been applying under Dr. Feinberg.Now this word, this noun Masae mass aw is taken from the verb masa. That'll help us to understand what it really means.Then na sa actually means to lift up.And it means to lift up the voice to teach, or better yet to protect the voice, and future.And therefore it comes to me, a statement of doctrine.The words are belonging to God Solomon is a king who belongs to God who died one further.The statement of doctrine, which is mother. Now let's stop because his mother is Bathsheba. She certainly is worth nine points. Why why Bathsheba his mother was David's right woman.

She is the daughter of the lion. Second Samuel 11 Three, the granddaughter of EA football. Second Samuel 2324 these were both famous man, and Israel to her first husband was Uriah the Hittite, one of David's great officers.She had no children by her first husband by by her second husband King David she had four sons.Solomon Shinya shabu is sometimes called chimera, or Shamrock.And of course the last one, Nathan.The third one was Shabaab.Now these are all listed on Second Samuel 514 and in First Chronicles three five. So if I don't stop the spell on deprescribing router by Solomon, shopmania, or Shamu second side show rod, and the last remaining, by far, along with Maven.That was made from the Prophet now Bathsheba, had a part in prostrating. The atomizer conspiracy, along with the prophet Nathan Bashi that had a part of the frustration. The atomizer conspiracy to the throne.Quiet prime. As a result, frustrating that conspiracy. Solomon resume and Crown Prince. And then proclaimed as king.This was all proud and first things Robert glance at it in a moment. Why fix Bathsheba, was not only David's right woman.But they were proud, this great source our human happiness. Firstly found processing. Then he found it as very interesting to see the Psalms. Both of these finally came to him this double portion in life.The linepoints.The line that is perpetuated through his or her son, and his laughs.Out of the four sons. Solomon is the eldest, Nathan was the fourth and the youngest.Where David and Bathsheba isis right Roman.And this line goes down to Joseph, who is the legal but not the real father of Jesus Christ. This line goes to Mary the Virgin Mary, who is the real mother of the humanity of Christ. This line, the virgin birth cuts off this line, the Solomonic line, and this is called the fulfilment, or the Can I curse which is Reverend Jeremiah cornea is one of the kings and Jeremiah's ran.This line goes all the way down, and Jesus Christ, and then virgin birth is born, literally, from this lie. And this is a dandy. The outer shall serve the younger which is a prophecy that begins in the time of Esau and Jacob operation mesospheric the outer shell serving under and it goes all the way down, and it comes right to this point, the outer Solomon shall serve as younger in the sense that Nathan was never detained but Nathan's line.Literal line for Jesus Christ. By the way, it's very difficult to sort it off in English by first is Matthew genealogy, and this is the Luke genealogy.All right, so we have a statement of doctrine, which is mother by Shiva. Have you ever worked taught perfect from yourself.J S.Pa Oh Stan al perfect Yasser means to punish to discipline to instruct, to teach by adding.We're just simply translating the words are the key, they log into God.Solomon is the king belonging to God or anything belonging to God. The statement a doctor in which his mother communicated to him.And they call Solomon was so stupid about these things. Yeah, sir.Rather than others words like Jada other verbs. This verb is used because it was apparent to his mother, as he raced with Rome that he was going to miss the boat. So his mother loved him as it were, Matthew is only necessary were stupid, sowhy the second verse.In verse two, we have pre watts. This was the by-product right.They were all the same actually. My, my man, math, show slight change in the vowel pilot, am.

My MMA fighters in the Hebrew, this is I'm going to summarize this verse, such as submitting a part of the introduction. One. The triple interrogative Roc Roc Roc implies the intensity of our schubas feelings as she communicates two warnings to her son Solomon, as he's about to become the king of Israel.Solomon is about to ascend the throne, and his mother gives him, boys strong admonition. A real nagging communication to errors on his back. Very as pronounced the king, and she sees two great dangers to a right woman, she knows the happiness of that relationship and she sees But Solomon is going to miss it.And this time he's drinking too much.As far as we know this never became a problem with him but a family at the start, he was. But often was communicated for Solomon. After the frustration of the atomizer conspiracy of First Kings why,let's stop right here and take a look at first Kings why no lack of summary the sea depth exactly. Under what conditions. This information was taught to Solomon our going fast, by the place and let's take a crack at it.First things chapter one.Several times during the lane Veva.There was a conspiracy.This max to the Amazon conspiracy was one of the real possibility but it never really got off the ground.First Kings Chapter one verse five.

Man atomizer, the son of Haji exalted himself saying that this exalted himself.Somehow, you should be keen.And he believed that Miami has a hypersensitive ego in some area. So this woman, we're just going to be talking about a man hours after lap when our women are always talking about how very egotistical manner.It's a two way street.When women say that men are terribly egotistical and have a great ego. They always forget one thing, Sort of.It's like saying that only one side says we also nature. Now as we all know both sides of that is the male or female. The doctrine of the universality and the Olsen.All right, the only one exception and that's the Lord Jesus Christ and that's because of the virgin birth. And so badly, there have been no other virgin births. So climb down off your high horse.Now we're looking at a man who apparently was a very personable individual. I know his name doesn't exactly impress you. It's a shame we can't stand before you today because I'm sure you'd be impressed with. You might even want to run for president, and he would.His name is atomizer, the son of Harvey, and he exalted himself saying, I will be king.Now in order to do that you have to kind of take over so he starts to prepare for a takeover he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and 50 men to run before the 50 men to run before him as a bodyguard he had a 50 man body guard he wants to show that he made it to the throne.

Now, this immediately started some difficulties. And as a result of that in verse seven, Joe avva course was brought in on this thing with alarm routers into the conspiracy. And they following agonizer how can solar in verses six and seven. There were some VIPs who got on the bandwagon. Verse eight tells us about the people who are not snowed by our nature, the sod off the priest run I have a son or daughter, Nathan the prophet, shimmy and Ray, the mighty man who the longer they were not with patronized magnificent wonderful characteristics. Now add on I just getting ready to dedicate himself to the kingdom and so we have all these offerings, where he near and Rosedale. Now in verse 13 Bathsheba gets wind of this verse 11 made them speak the Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon same hairstyle her but add a knife for the son of Adi that rain, and David our Lord know that not so. May the last Bathsheba, to go see David. David's very old by this time, he was much older than Bathsheba she outlived him. Go and get the end of the onda King David.

No, my lord and tell him all about.Now in my Sheba, whenever the king, verse 16 She bought and they're all basins, under the King, I like that. They've been married a long time and she's still doing obey Jesus. Pretty good.I've actually haven't made if you've got ovations 25 or 30 years later.Verse 17 she sat on the hymn, my lord.This by the way is one of the signs of life man right woman, my lord. Got to come out and do Cross Fit, and the word for biologics, as you call it, my Lord, she said all swears by the Lord thy God that Jesus Christ Jesus Christ your God, and divine handmade, ladies and others she doesn't stand on the product line your life, your handmade and handmade by the way Hebrew means a further, she is his wife, she is the queen. She calls herself, her servant, see there's like mad right woman. And that's her attitude. I'm your slave.Then if your lady's gag is you just better take another look and see if you really have ever known the true relationship.First time 28 course then she told him the whole story. So as a result of verse 28 Then King David answered and said call me Bathsheba Nathan came in confirm Bathsheba went out call her back.Call me back. She then she came into the king's presence and stood before him and the King made a solemn oath and sad. As Jesus Christ is ALIVE and He is the vow has revealed he that has redeemed my soul out of all this grass, even as I swear under the by the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of Israel, saying, definitely truly solid advice on shall reign, after me dogmatically solid advice on Bathsheba shall reign after me. He shall sit on my throne, and my place, even so Well, I certainly do it this day, and Bathsheba bowed her face of the earth, and did reverence to the king.Very interesting, right, man. Right. Well, man, I'm sorry.My lord, King David live forever. Actually she said My Lord King David shall live forever. He's about to die. Now the words we're going to be in eternity together.

Can David said call me as I box the priests name from the profits but I and so on. These people are calling, and then the wheels were put in motion. And one of the signs that Solomon was now the king, there was a royal mural, white, new, very beautiful mural apparently. And it was only used for ceremonial occasion, and only the kings would ride the wild white mural at the end of verse 38 and call Solomon to ride upon King David's Ville and brought him to gie home, and the people of course recognize Solomon as king and verse 39 And the people shouted God save King Solomon, we've all heard that God save the king of means God deliver King Solomon, deliver him during his reign for many things that would ruin his reign God save the king doesn't mean salvation that means deliverance.Verse, you know, the king is dead, long live the king. God save the king all of these things need a little explanation. Now in verse 43 there's a little conversation, and Jonathan answered and said to have arrived to tower Brennan was one of the advisors of our nightshift. Barely. Our Lord King David have made Solomon, King so while they were getting ready to proclaim our major King Solomon was now made the king. And in verse 45 is our rock for priests amazing the prophets have anointed him king and he home, and they are coming up from Dance rejoicing, so that the city rang again. This is the night that you heard, and also Solomon set of upon the throne of the kingdom. And moreover the king servants came to bless our Lord, King David saying God make the name of Solomon better than by name and make his throne greater than by throne, and the king bowed himself upon the bat now on between verses 46 and 47 Bathsheba, they this doctrinal admonition are proverbs 31 For Solomon. He is now upon the throne and Bathsheba told Solomon the two dangers to his kingdom. One, he needed in the worst kind of a way he was not the man his father David Wise, and more than anything else he needed to have a right one woman always by his side. He was not the cut, he had the wisdom of the king. But he needed that happiness in a relationship with the right woman to overflow to his people, I one of the things we will study on the right woman across the UK which we'll be studying all day today, is that when there is a right man right woman relationship it overflows the woman's happiness overflows to the oppressed.

That was the thing that was always lacking in Solomon's reign. There was no right woman. There was no human happiness, which was so necessary remember that Solomon's reign was a time of peace, but it was kind of a king, you need in time of war, you need a king like David, you need a great soldier who's also a great administrator and a great man of God, but what do you need for a peacetime ruler. You will need A you need a man who has his right woman. One of the greatest ingredients necessary for a peacetime rule there is the right woman. They feel that a happiness which produces objectivity in life. And this is the one thing that Solomon lacks. And apparently, at this time, He was drinking rather heavily.

I'm saved by a sheep I gave him a message, which is Proverbs 31 Solomon reproduced the love of the ministry of the Spirit, and that's why he calls himself and he wrote it. At the time he wrote it, he was an old man, he was about to die, and he calls himself a longing for God.

Because, you see he missed everything. It was that he had recovered and in reversion recovery. He could not say that he ever had his ride, but there were two dangers that came to him.

And by the way, if you're interested, my sequel chapter, verse 50 Chapter One had an idea, blew up. Then he ran and grabbed the horns of the author so it wouldn't be executed and Solomon was very gracious.

I think part of Solomon's grace to add on it at that time was based upon the message, the words he had just heard from his mother Bathsheba. Now he here is the influence of a great woman. A woman's influence as measured in terms of her doctrinal intake, therefore her capacity for true love. And remember that every man has two women in his life, his mother and his wife woman, and the mother did everything she could to point to the right woman. In principle, she couldn't find for the right woman as a person and Bathsheba never would try that. But she taught and taught, and once you saw that Solomon was in danger of blowing it, she gave us those great 13 Oil she gave the message to Solomon, Solomon in his old age, wrote this now back to Proverbs 31again as Solomon ascends the throne Bashi therefore sees to great dangers that she knows her son very well, and right now he is drinking heavily and winching Old English word, or sleeping aroundwine and women seem to be his problem at the moment.

Now, she warns about both them because one will deprive them of the optimum of human happiness that says right the wrong woman, the other will destroy his leadership ability, his objectivity and thinking, and that of course is alcohol. Therefore the three interrogatives of verse two, indicates, in effect, these are all idioms, Solomon you are king. What up, what, three times? What kind of a man, will you be, what kind of a king well you'll be nominators again, what my saw another word she is a first in a law that says what my son will you be as a king.

One, that's the first one. She's got to answer this, and the rest of the chapter beginning in verse four. But first of all, what my son what kind of a Kindle you make plot, the son of my womb. I want to show you mean by that Solomon was her firstborn, Solomon was a love child. Sort of my world means that they had. We had everything going from him, from the standpoint of birth, but the point the point she's making you are the son of my womb, you have everything going for you from the standpoint of your physical birth, But that won't cut it. That is a grace. You may have everything going for you, you may be born analyst the cloud you may be born high, you may be born with a great ancestry, you may feel physical birth of every asset in the world and graces that doesn't mean that that hand of your birth is one Gray says it's the new birth I passed that stock for that house.And Solomon, and the standpoint of his birth, his father was David, his mother was Bathsheba, his genes were fantastic.Ivan name that I am the Father, and the grandfather of Shiva.He had everything talents, beauty, genes here, Solomon was the handsomest man of his day, he was the wealthiest man of his day, he had everything from birth he had these things.

Now, just exactly how important is that first, not important at all. Because you see, birth is the result of two people making love, I mean I'm not telling you anything new but I'm giving it to you in the light of doctrine to people as a word are doing something to people have a love for each other or a biological urge or something, and they do something. And as a result of doing things get done pregnancies.And then there's the time of care and activity, and that the person is born. He is the product that doing. He is the product that many people who have done many things. We use the product, he has.This is all human.The genes are not important place. Now you listen to that some of you may be worried about bad genes and some of you may be proud about good genes.What you have by way of genes, even what characteristics you've developed in childhood.This is of course the whole process of psychology, you are what you are from childhood training and habits. Whatever you have had going for you, you're the main speaker. It is totally set aside by grace.Oh, the apostle Paul is a perfect illustration, we're studying that in Philippians, on Thursday night I think will be on Thursday night again, remember the dang passage.That's all satisfy.Grace, price changes everything.Remember grace is that minister, where the word of God.This is the Word of God, that could have changed the picture for Solomon, You see, Proverbs 31 is important because Solomon, could have been the greatest of all kings instead of David. He had everything going for him, but he lost out because our grades. He rejected and affect grace when he went from an edification complex to emotional revolt and revisionism. And just as Grace that offset and he had a kappa physical birth. Soreversion ism brings out every handicap physical birth every aspect of the old sin nature everything.Wenow mostly event is what we call the outline of the chapter. Firstly is divided into two parts. The first part is the warning, the first line is the warning about wait for your wife woman. The second line has to do with our boys, heavy drinking.These two things will ruin you as a kid. All right, the first morning.Give up by string on the women.You have Latos the coulomb perfect of MMA fan plus the negative which is these is the strongest type of imperative but it recognizes human volition. Now fan calling perfect plus the negative and this is true, this is by the way the same system used, and the 10 commandments in their class like a doll shop mops, they're not imperatives this Carolyn perfect was the negative.So, Thou shalt not kill, would be a better translation if they're going to be consistent, or do not give by string, a Jil and CAD yield here is your sexual vigor. It was designed for your right woman. It was designed for the most magnificent most beautiful woman of the age, the Shulamite woman, but you are spendingfor this was a warning against promiscuity, it is imperative that Solomon have his right woman as Queen, because he's going to be in a reign of prosperity and peace at the man's that the king have human happiness optimum.Do not dissipate, your sexual vigor, to not shame,am a sh, I am. Do not dissipate, your sexual vigor to wrong women see that I am on the end, that's plural. This is actually this is one of the most interesting things in the world.He Shah is the singular, and we've been studying, he shots a beautiful word, the plural of Isha is not shame.There is no machine. It's not shame.This is one of the few pearls, where the front part of the word has changed. They call us for a man there's no such thing as women, there's just the right woman, and it's Isha. Nah, she was a bad word, Isha is a good word.

So this onto women is plural and it refers to wrong women. And by the way, of course we know that Solomon failed to heed those doctrinal admonition resulting in total disaster for himself, as we studied in Ecclesiastes chapter seven verses 26 through 29, loss of life moments means loss, our maximum human happiness.

This and the fact of rejecting one of the three grace gifts from Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ provided three great grace gifts, one right woman, Christ failed to salvation Christ at three doctrine Christ thought.

So a failure to heat this doctrine was the first sign of Solomon's negative relation toward Dr.

Solomon, by the way when he began his reign still had a magnification complex of a soul as taught, and they had it for a few years as taught in First Kings 822 through 61 Second Chronicles 612 through 42, but negative volition for doctrine scar tissue emotional revolt reversion ism led to the process, the reverse process reversion mystic practice with wrong lemon.

So here is Bathsheba is warning against reverse process reversion isn't a better translation if they do not give your sexual vigor to long lemon inconsequential person. Now, this warning is followed by.How do you know the light Norma versus tan 10 through 31.So the first warning is the mouth in verses 10 through 31. The passage we are going to be studying as a part of our special.This is an across a goal, identification of the right woman.And by across gummy. A B C D this is English of course, and the first verse begins with an A, the second with a beef burger the C the nicer the D the natural the meat to help remember I do also bring together as it were a bass Chivas file that is the right woman.By sheep I made a mistake. She married the wrong man she married a great man. David made four or five mistakes. David was a four or five time loser Bathsheba was a one time loser. Therefore, they finally got together.

Therefore she feels quite strongly on the subject, and says, Solomon is her firstborn, obviously she wants to protect him from any failure in this life.And so in the ministry of God the Holy Spirit, she gave a warning.Do not give your sexual vigor to the wrong women and consequential persons. I am in order to avoid that versus 1031. Cross decal identification. Our right man, right woman. The second warning we will not study except to notice the outline so at least we'll have the passage covered. The second morning has to do with ranking law by ways to that which destroy kings by ways here refers to socialize and it rings taking a drink with a lot of different people, Solomon was apparently drinking with a lot of people and those are something that indiscriminate people started to do, and therefore they get bad advice, and rulers led astray by their drinking buddies, and that's either the course.Drinking is not prohibited as we know, by tracking when anyone is a principal.In this case, it is Solomon's social unfaithfulness to his responsibility as a team of all people have to watch their step, a king, a ruler has to wash your clothes he puts up a drinking buddy who's an idiot. Every time he drinks with this guy, this video will come out.And every time he hears those ideas, he will be influenced in the wrong direction.

I don't know whether you've ever thought of drinking in this life, but it's actually brought out in this class, the people with whom you drink, Are the people for whom you are attracted. If youdrink socially with certain kinds of people who are shallow superficial and stupid people, then you are shallow and superficial and stupid.You can be identified by the people as living your dream. If you are someone's right man. All right, woman, as you are drinking around with other people, you are socially unfaithful to social unfaithfulness is taught in the first part of this chapter, and then the warning against sexual unfaithfulness and the last one.

Now, I don't know if you've ever thought about this but I suppose most of you have never are teetotallers and have been on the wagon all your life that you have been on the wagon we never got off. You didn't have to get on, you have dried out the first time.

But the people with whom you drank indicate your superficial reality or you're smart.And if your drink alone, then that is a sign of something that's not add if you blink, with a bunch of, you know, what's the latest thing superficial stupid ass Martini time five o'clock cocktail. But you don't have your social life, not you're last.If you're with someone you love.That's the thing that keeps people from ever being our normal. If someone de la writers people who, when they only drink with someone they love.They play with alone, our drink with jackassesthat extent they are superficial socially on thing.All right.Here's the warning against drinking, Nora by ways now byways refers to their social life.I have a certain type of social life that will restore I can say Solomon is now a king. The word destroy as they hit field in front of Eve. Maha,ma ch H, ma, ma beams to elevate not to destroy, and to hit the hill, it means to innovate, or to corrupt, why innovates debilitates and destroys the odds activity, the leadership ability of the one who was involved. I remember men of the service, who drank with different people and the officers who lived MCI went off, and they were brought in for fraud, and it definitely affected their ability, as far as the military life is concerned, the people with whom a person drinks are the people who influence, and the inflow is often very bad the metal man have been killed, battalions have been wiped out.So, the idea of just drinking with anyone, or drinking alone. And I'll drop in this for a bit, but drinking with anyone is also for them, indiscriminate. Drinking is bad.And a lot of you may not realize that you have an employer to your life.And generally, your judgment is low, unless you're dealing with prove categorically friends or in a category.That's amazing how many people are shocked themselves down.Now there are many ways of approaching the document ranking from a sample I have a scripture and it's not my objective to deal with it. Since we're dealing with not reliant man right woman can excessive alcohol neutralizes both a sense of responsibility and clarity of thinking and Bathsheba amplifies the second warning and verses four through nine. This is not a part of our study. However, I'm going to give you an outline of the whole chapter, verses four through nine, makes up the second warning verses 10 through 31 picks up the first one. Now let's get an outline of the chapter, and guess what, we'll be ready to launch of a second service and are they going to get a surprise.

This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction which we have just covered, verses one through three.

The second part of the chapter is a warning against drinking under certain conditions verses four through nine. Now there are four points made by Bathsheba, I'm not going to analyse but I'll give you her four points. One, wine attacks leadership judgment, and a true sense of responsibility and objectivity and authority. Verse four,to whine destroys certain leadership functions described in verse five, as a king, there are certain things that, for which Solomon is responsible.Now, the third thing that is fair about this thing, sand, obviously are when they recorded the Word of God that there is a correct or some correct uses of y given in verses six and seven.However this, they use correct uses have to be satisfied but one who is the ruler of a nation.

So the fourth lesson is the importance of a clear head for the administration of a national entity versus a night.Again, there were four points made by Bathsheba. Why in attacks leadership and authority, first of all, to why the strong leadership function verse five. The correct uses of why in the nationality versus six and seven. And for the importance of a clear head of administration in the nation, versus a man. I would think in a time such as we live in today, that no matter how much any president or any cabinet leader, or anyone who is a government head enjoyed about now a man will be much better off to get on the wagon and stay there.I think dry out it might improve the nation was thinking my big claim.

For example, who would ever want to rank up with some jackass communist animal who want a drink or some China, some guy who can. The only thing I could see, I'd like to have a clip straight double shot glass for that scotch, right, nice sound that's what we think of you. I don't see the use of alcoholwas used to kill me as a former president but they always used to pass pictures of breaking the world's worst rock right out of the pit of hell,manufactured out of potatoes, Russia, and they buy the things bought as a trader.Now the third part.This chapter is the caustic identification of the right woman.After a few preliminaries and recycling service. This is exactly where we will began first-hand the caustic identification of the right woman. We are going to see some of the most astounding things in the world about a white woman, you might have read if you want to read ahead but I guarantee you're never going to find what's really there. So if you want to waste your time, go right ahead. With our head bob with her eyes,we dedicate our closing moments this morning.For those of you who are here without Christ, that our hope and that are eternal.

They want you to know that Jesus Christ has you personally in mind when he went through the cross.Everything you've ever committed past presentation has been poured out on him and you don't ever have a fan who great for the planet.Now we asked you to buy your headsets for one reason so that you can have privacy so that everyone else around, you can have privategroup and have internalized right now. Straight in here this morning and have not made the greatest decision and therefore you want to know that when Jesus Christ went across the accomplished and total for your salvation message Jesus Christ revives right man right woman for the human race. He also provides salvation for the human race and both are gratuitous.They are totally apart from human matter.You can have eternal life. Right now, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, thou shalt whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.These are the two minds might believe that Jesus is the Christ centered, and that we might have life.You're gonna have eternal life is yours for the safety and the privacy of your own soul, you can tell God the Father, that you are believing in Jesus Christ, to receiving that man with radical measures.

We've been having right now. It's a gift from God. It's a gift that cannot be earned and it's a gift that's been added.

And you'll receive it and then on meritorious right now in the privacy of your own so you can express your personal.

You can tell the father that you're either leaving him, and your own language, and their own life. They leave on the Lord Jesus Christ and our shall we say, and so on our hands Wagner is close enough to lead us on closing prayer.

By the way, thank you this morning for the fact that we've assembled ourselves again together. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, and once again you have given us information, Dockers all information, which enhances our relationship, because of the grace of God, we thank you for this category right man right woman, this additional information. We pray that those who are single would respond to it, and see the wisdom in it. Those who are married would understand the principles also and realize that grace can overrule every situation in life. We thank you for the study this morning we pray, there wouldn't be one leaving today without having accepted Christ as Saviour. But then they would have eternal life. They would have a relationship with God, they would have a peace of passes all understanding, and we thank you for the communicator and the communication of the words. Thank you for Christ's name, Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #16

16 03/26/1972 Prov. 31:10–13 Identification of the right woman


God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing a son of a soul in the spirit of the giants in the mouth, and is a critical frog for the intents of the heart. All scripture is God breathed and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness That the man of God might be mature and thoroughly furnish time to law, that works. Study to show thyself approved by the God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, over the word of truth, this morning to Proverbs chapter 31 resuming it first-hand. Proverbs 31:10morning we began the maximum Stallman, alright man right woman, and proverbs 31 one through three. Now proverbs 3110 vibration for our study of the Word of God, the next few moments will be devoted to the silent prayer, exactly the voices to make sure that we are filled with the Spirit. As we approach the Word of God, silent prayer gives you the privacy of the priesthood and makes the option of rebound possible. Thank you Father for your wonderful sense of humor, or your faithfulness, or your relaxed mental attitude toward us, because of the fact you love us on the basis of your character without compromising your character, or the fact that you have never compromised your character even once, and loving to the maximum. The worst day laborer who ever lived in the vast vacuolar Grace found a way to accomplish all of us as we continue to study this great grace gift from Jesus Christ right Rama. My God, the Holy Spirit enlightened master we ask it in Christ's name. Amen. Just to refresh your memories with regard to what we have the early morning king. The king here is Solomon lamb UL means belonging to God. This is a double prepositional phrase which we studied in some detail. This indicates that Solomon wrote this chapter. At the end of his life, prophecy, the word prophecy really means statement of doctrine. His mother is Bathsheba. And the first verse says the words of the king of a king, belonging to God that Solomon, the statement of doctrine which his mother communicated to him. This is Bathsheba and the early morning service we studied First Kings chapter one where she communicated this to him after he was made king of Israel. And verse two, we noted the triple and Enterography phone. What, what was the intensity of ashy those feelings actually communicated to warnings to resign. The two warnings are presented in verse three. The first warning was that Solomon might miss his wife, woman, and as a result, great human happiness so necessary for the type of rain which Solomon would have. Do not give this actually literally do not give your sexual vigor to women. Wrong women inconsequential person. This was the first morning and then beginning of verse 10 as we will this morning, we have the identification of a lifelong. The second part of verse three deals with a warning against certain drinking habits, law, and they kind of should be translated, nor your ways to things that ruin our enervate or debilitate or destroy kings. And we saw that from this standpoint, this is answered, of course, in verses four through nine. And very briefly Bathsheba warned of four things, wind attacks leadership and authority in verse four. Secondly wind destroys leadership function in verse five. Thirdly, there is a correct use of wind verses six and seven and four of the importance of having a clear head and exercising authority over a nation versus eight, nine. Now, there is a relationship between the two sections of this chapter, verses four through nine, warns about certain problems in connection with drinking. There are certain principles that come out of this, if we had time to go into all the Hebrewthese things could be developed. They were with whom you drink. If you drink with a jackass. You become a jackass. That's all. Also is related to verses 10 through 31 A right woman, drinking with anyone beside her right man is going to destroy her as well as says here that wine, the abilityruins kings. It also does the same thing to a right woman, the right man is the shepherd and the bishop, have the right woman soul, and body. And when a womanstarts drinking with others. Other women are. Hello, party, whenever a right woman takes a drink when the right man isn't there she's socially unfaithful doing. But that isn't all. She's going to get in trouble. Women have a tendency of, after I found a little hilarious. And they often say later on I didn't know what I doing this guy was got me drunk.And I haven't done after the rap but it's a four letter word. So we'll omit it. They can see the clarity and all as I say you're suffering. I learned this thing from buddy when he was telling me about his experiences. There's no such thing as a drop who doesn't know what she's doing or what he's doing.

For example, if you think so. A person can appear to be obviously very uneven creators, having Tiguan on Avatar you give them the wrong change and they don't know what every time.

Don't tell me you don't know what you're doing. And basically, woman says, probably stay on the wagon so she finds the ride, man, that's for sure. And anytime a woman over drinks when a ride man is around. She has had so much for the drinking, we talked about more details what you'll have to do on the details. Now let's move on to our subject. All right, we left a woman hanging on a cliff, will she fall off or will she not. Well the villains attack, and proceed three rail the conquering hero come out next item on the series, five verses 10 through 31. The Chronicle, identification of a ride woman Bathsheba, actually, is the originator of these words. Chapter 31 is different from the other chapters in Proverbs, the origin of all of the doctrine improper is David up through Chapter 13 Chapter 31 This is Bathsheba was a woman doctrine. I have a compatibility between David and Bathsheba and COVID this very important area. Both of them were occupied with a person of Christ. And the last 20 years of David Blaine, and both of them therefore had a very wonderful thing starting with a soul, and expanding into every portion of their life. Now, here is the great danger to Solomon, as he ascends the throne. He comes to the corner. It is imperative that he finds your bright woman. If he does not even though his reign will be one, our peace and prosperity. His life will be one of our misery. This we have already seen in Ecclesiastes chapter seven verses 26 through 29 verses 10 through 31 are and across these first represent a letter, and the Hebrew alphabet there are 22 letters, and therefore, this was covered sequentially, we have the first letter in the alphabet, the second or third they are covered in their proper order. Now we began with first hand. And we have first of all the all our file. All of this the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and it is taken from our labor for Allah, which means an ox, the letter looks like this. Follow up is an ox, and it represents prosperity under an agricultural economy in the ancient world, the quintessence of human prosperity is the right man, and right woman brought together. We've already seen the identification principle from the standpoint of the doctrine of a sole climax. Now we see the characteristics of the right woman. Again, remember the principle of doctrine, the optimum of human happiness is a right man having his right woman. And we saw this from the standpoint of Ecclesiastes chapter nine verse four in Ecclesiastes 9:9, we have a man who was a total failure. But with his right woman he found a perfect human happiness. The greatest happiness in the world is God's crossings which commerce or the erection of the edification complex for the soul. This is for believers always human happiness is for believer and unbeliever, and an unbeliever and his right woman can have maximum human happiness so happens that we are dealing with David. And David is a believer. Now this against first hand I want to read the read along here so you get the idea, who can find a virtuous woman. Now that throws you off immediately because the word virtuous doesn't occur here. There's a word there i But if this is virtuous for her price is far above rubies. Alright, I'll just tell you right now this verse is not correctly translated, you'll see in a moment. So when the woman is called here, Nasha yield, Looks like this. And by the way, Asher e sh E th is E SHA, in the construct form and should be warming up see this occurs first. There's your all right so the first word, and it doesn't start out who can find it starts out woman.

The next word is not purchased from any word is Gil ch a Jilke o do that again kagwe Oh, ordinarily means strength, doesn't mean strength here. No one wants to marry the strong woman as a service. It also means ability. Certainly there's a place for a woman of ability. That also means virtue, and it means integrity, and I mean flour, but here it's a technical word it means capacity. Two words in the sentence in the Hebrew, a woman capacity. And it's not the right woman. A woman, our capacity. A woman's capacity to confine is one of the first lines. Now this tells you software. A woman our capacity is the woman, designed for you, for every man there is designed or right woman. The woman is the gift of Jesus Christ to the man justice in the first case, Jesus Christ built the woman and brought her to the mass. Now, in this case, Jesus Christ has constructed for every man, including Solomon a right woman. All you have to cancel out where Solomon is concerned because the omniscience of Jesus Christ knew that Solomon eras Bathsheba, telling her son, something that will be talking for us all day today. How do you know, all right. What are the characteristics of your right woman. Now you will notice that certain things are missing. By shape, color colourings bone structure and things of this, because they come in all sizes, shapes of the stretches. I remember during World War Two, we all had to take a course and naval identification. Problem was, was because in the first few months of the war, the Air Force, tried to hit a lot of different ships and the Air Force took the attitude anything that's close to the enemy. That means that the old Army Air Corps bought the old 17th Bomb Group and the 19th Bomb Group were dropping or trying to drop a lot of eggs on everything wrapped Of course they didn't hit any brand friendly, but some were very interesting things happened so they hauled us all into school, and they said you're going to learn something about the Navy. So I put up all these silhouettes and I'll remember a few of them. There's naval identification, I still remember that the old destroyer was a force factor and I was a World War One destroyer, and they have the system. Mass stacks and burns is what they call mass stacks of currents, and we have a certain man, fly through sayings on the screen, we have to say destroyer. Our cruiser German. Our battle wagon American say you have to learn all this stuff mass. Mass, if I remember we got to go through that and don't do that, we probably felt like we were neighbors. We'd walk out of there, rocking and rolling right. But the point was we found out right away is that for sure a lot of different kinds of shifts are going for a lot of different things. And I ever want to have to learn to identify and know the difference between all of the enemy types of ships or solo acts on the other hand I say my look women are all kinds of women, but all women are not yours, there's only one design for you. Now obviously we're not going to go into massed stacks, and perhaps the old days the Urkel we used to have a lot of product lists because after you walk out, you still have your sense of humor. And the first time goes by someone says

the flyerthat I was the guy that came one day when this door went by and my father third fourth or fifth are standing around and some guy destroyer with battleship superstructure.

But my first thought but I'll never forget I agree the mass fraction heard for a long time. Now, most of you gentlemen are aware of the fact that the world is filled with doesn't mean it's a woman's world. But the world is filled with all kinds of women and women are different at different times. No woman is even the same all the time. And of course, medicine explains this very simple, very simply the fact they over simplify the case. A woman is either green menstrual med menstrual or postmenstrual are pre-menopausal are mid menopausal or postmenopausal, now that certainly does recognize that women are all different at different times, and there's no woman is the same all the time, but that really doesn't explain every Bible doctrine So sounds like I'm tiredly different Bible document Hungary's super simple alphabetical system says this, your wife woman may be one of several kinds, but there are certain things that your right woman will have for you, that she does not have for anyone else. Now get this in your notes. This is the key to our study, your right woman will have certain things for you that she does not have for anyone else. And remember that this passage of poetry is the subject of the most wonderful way. It is the woman who is brought to the man, as it were, the man might identify as a woman. That's the key here is the aggressor, came up recognize her first, and be aggressive. In other words, she doesn't identify him and ring his bell, he identifies her and ring her doorbell. And some of you guys are still waiting around waiting to be introduced. The man must identify the woman, not the woman identifying the man, when you, by the way it's happening guys and that an awful stares from the Lord, I've been praying about this and the Lord has led me to tell you that you are by writing. I want exactly what to do. Via chapter I don't tell her to go to hell, chances are she can't anyway she say, I want you to tell her, I want you to tell her that speak to her. I'll tell her how mixed up, she is very quickly and get out on our tracks. Imagine a woman growing up. Now, it's the man who makes the identification first. And of course the woman once he makes the identification. Sure they gotta make some identification because they get to know each other. The first thing you have to remember is that your wife woman whatever else it says about her is a woman of capacity, and that means to pour you, not for anyone else, her capacity was designed by God, her capacity of soul, her body capacity, even the way she is designed physically. Everything about her is designed for you. And you can find Jesus Christ for him. He built the woman he designed the one he designed a right woman for you, no other woman will be any good, no other woman will have the capacity, and any other woman was who you were, who you get hooked up on a hook will never have a capacity and I'll never be anything but a mess. Now this is all good theology, it may not be stated the way you think theology should be stated, but its good theology. It's Grace Theology Bible theology. Now some of you could care less. Well go right on being board, negative. Because you're not going to stop this rolling whether you like it or not, a woman capacity. That's right. That means that if you are a man, there is of this world for you, a woman of capacity designed by Jesus Christ you can't earn her or deserver or even work for her. Daddy make a deal with God. You can't even tie your way into this one. You know the whole story. Everything was going bad so I started typing. And since I've been typing everything's going fine, that is a lot of malarkey.

To believe it, you know, fried God for anything. Now I know you've been tithing for a lot of things in your life and forgetting all the ties in the world and build you your dream woman. She's already filled manufactured by Jesus Christ. Our women our capacity, we have capacity for you and by the women she has capacity for you. Everyone else is excluded, they may have got the benefits of the overhaul, but they're excluded for 30 exclusive. Alright so our first phrase, then, is literally hash tag zeal, a webinar capacity. Now the, then you're gonna rock. This rock at events and alerts like this. Me, is the way it's pronounced, am I, me. Now you remember this morning in the early service in verse two, we have Matt, and she and Shiva said we're assigned three times, Matt, Matt, Matt, what, what, what, now she says, Who, and she's looking at her song what she says. i There's a magnificent one because she was really something me, she says, who can find this word fine it was an old friend pop song means to discover. And she was challenging her son to wait until he discovers his right woman who can discover her cow in perfect song. Now we've had this mob saw. Oh Solomon. He used it. Proverbs 1822 whosoever discovers a right woman. Remember that proverbs 1822 Well I'll refresh your memories for a moment, because it's such an important verse. And Solomon wrote it, and ignore the Europa principle, after he had failed to function under this concept. Rule saw discovers a right woman discovers good obtains grace from the Lord. Grace or an object of delight from the Lord, discovers a right Roman discovers the God, and using the word obtain and receives intensively. Our Grace object of the light from the Lord so we have bazzar there. You'll remember Ecclesiastes, 726 or 29, which is the bitterness passage, Solomon ever found his right woman Lotsof occurs in every verse and Ecclesiastes 726 Certainly you remember this, where he says in verse 26 I find more bitter than death. The woman. That's when she is like hunting a bunch of hunting that's in her heart is like snares. And notice he says I find I've discovered, so my tribe didn't discover his ride Robin, he discovered a lot of wrong weapons, verse 27 He says, Behold, this have I discovered my TSA. And then at the end, counting one by one to discover the results and verse, 28, which yet my soul secret but I discovered not verse 29 Low only this have I discovered. So my mind by Solomon, he discovered everything but he's right back at our passage and first hand, and they all are file the prosperity file, what is prosperity for the whole human race right man, finding his right woman that's prosperity. That's the ultimate human happiness. So if the dollar fall, what would you expect with the dollar file. What is the greatest prosperity in the world money now. Right, well, you could be, you could be in poverty, you could be in every kind of offender situation and you're right woman and half happiness, true prosperity is not the things of this life. A lot of you think prosperity is a socialized party's running around, that isn't prosperity is having the right, that's what. So they all are file is a prosperity file handle are there is in this live, a woman of capacity, and that is right woman. Now she says to Solomon, who can discover for one on our capacity, who can discover her and I don't like the rest of this because I never liked a Ruby. Ruby's a sigh jam as far as I've never liked Ruby always thought it was cut off. And I never bought I never saw, I've seen a lot of Ruby man's hands and it's kind of a man stone. Now who's gonna compare a woman two rubies, that's a mess.

There's only one gem of a precious gem that applies to your only woman, and it can be anything you dig out of the ground and you can dig diamonds, out of the ground, even bigger rubies and emeralds, out of the ground, you can take full pads you can make fresh and semi-precious, you can even take courts out of the ground. But you don't have to your struggle over the stock. One thing that you cannot dig the ground, out of the ground, or water thata pearl comes out of water. Pearl, as you know is manufactured through suffering, that's the right woman waiting for is immersed in water. Bible doctrine. The best way to discover that right woman i belongs to unbelievers to. Now that you are believers, just remember the pearl is found in the water, not in the ground or rubies found in the ground and so sorry stone, with apologies to those of you who like Ruby or diamond I like diamonds, but it would make any difference. I like diamonds because they're hard and they came through heat. They require light. So when it comes to describing a Ryan Roman the Lord. My favorite sandwich is a violin. My second favorite private Julia class lovely. Alison listen to this guy does instead of Ruby let's get the Hebrew so you'll know where we are. We're rubies is not rubies, the singular of this noun is mi naVI, he and I and ah Polina. I don't call a Kalina. Romina. However here. Everyone has arrived woman so there's a whole world full out and so it's funny name is the word here, it's an applause.Then I'll offer you just one, one for man. For me, meme. Good evening. All right, Paul is probably the only precious thing in the world if you don't find related to the ground is related to the water.

I brought about a true one now that's manufacturer in the oyster with the sand and all the rest of the URL.Perfect.Your ride Robin will have perfect cemeteries a cemetery of soul cemetery a bodycemetery of compatibility never watch out because you're right woman to leave and no onewill ever play poker with the right woman. She'll know when you're bluffing. All right. For her price is not her price. Her word and the word is Macker her value m ek Dr Macker. Her value is more than pearls are literally, far, far beyond pearls, is her value now let's get a literal translation. I want to give you the Hebrew word order, and this is the olive file, this is your greatest human prosperity and life is right moments, the greatest happiness in life is the relationship the soul, the body, the level of a sexual relationship, right man right woman. I here's the way it goes. A woman capacity. That's right. Who can discover her for far beyond pearls, is her value, there is no verb here far beyond pearls her value. Now that is the beginning. That is the beginning of the across stickle right woman visitation the right woman crossing the gums with our prosperity, and the dollar file is a reminder for you and for me as well the entire human race, that the greatest prosperity that a man can have in this life is not in the details of life is not in any success or celebrity status quo is not in the accumulation of firearms. There is only one thing, which is above value, everything else pales in significance. Right. That is the most valuable thing that a man can have in this life. Right Moment across stick begins with our prosperity, and the dollar file is a reminder to us and to the entire human race, that the greatest prosperity that a man could have in this life is not in the details of life, he is not in any success or celebrity status quo is not in the accumulation of farms. There is only one thing, which is above value, everything else pales in significance, right, woman, that is the most valuable thing that a man is going to have in this life. Right. Robert, a woman capacity. Now verse, 11, we have the second file the bay file looks like this. Being a th, and the letter itself is right there. Here is the letter B. With a doggish. Now our base as a house. When we put the daddy Chanel you have a person dwelling in my house, the right woman becomes, home to the right man. That's his home. He may have a house and they have a place where he hangs his hat, shelter and so on, which is what they should have. But, home is a woman, right woman. That's the next file so let's take a look at it now. We started out with the heart of her husband, safely trusted her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. I must say that's not bad, but it's better in the Hebrew, the word for heart is laid, and that's right lobe. L e bh. A refers to the right lobe and the right lobe you have frame of reference, memory center, you have vocabulary and categories you have norms and standards and you have viewpoint is the launching pad now this is Solomon's right lobe to identify as rifleman he needs doctrine us here doctrine India's norms and standards vocabulary categorical. And once he finds his right Roman. All of this has a place to go. Here's norms and standards have a place to go. His vocabulary has a place to go his categories, his memories. He accumulates marvellous fantastic memories, his viewpoint has a place to know. It has a home, right, the heart, and I mean by that the right mode, the heart of the man is at home with the soul of his right woman, there is perfect soul design here, She too has her white lobe and long before there's any, any touching, and I mean long before and five days or 10 days or something that people set up romance of a century. I met her last week and married her on first. Say here. Here's the woman's viewpoint and viewpoint coalesce may develop together memories in a frame of reference, may have a frame of reference wherever they can live. They have a frame of reference, everything from sex to doctor. They have a neutral frame of reference, there are norms and standards whole apps, they have vocabulary and categories they express back and forth in a way they want to but they express something that stimulates. Now we've already studied so climax in First Corinthians chapter seven. Here is that burning, burning is a liberal is a normal biological activity and a healthy body burning. The word burning and First Corinthians, seven word, it is better to marry than to burn. That has nothing to do with the physical, the burning is a soul relationship. And the right woman soul completes the right man soul, his soul has a place to go. And his soul is at home, and her soul. His body is at home in her body. That's home. That's the baby without her now. They got the right lobe of her husband. I hate to knock this down, but here it is this right lobe offered ma how a woman becomes a woman this is how she regards her right man, ba,ba, ba, ba L means Lord and BA l also has hooked on the end of it, a feminine, singular suffix her Lord. No woman ever finds the right man until her soul, and her body. Look at one man and call him Lord.

Use all the right man right woman relationship. So right move on her Lord, I got this stuff safely trust. You know the guy that wrote this was a little bit disillusioned about women. And he put in three words to translate by attack, usually by attackers translate by the word trust to get noticed this guy safely trust that all we have is a cap or a bigger bomb attackat a scene. And it means to not to trust here, trust is a good translation. All depends on the object here it means to have confidence. Because she has responded to him so beautifully he has confidence that she when he is away from her, that she will never flirt parties are become involved are the unfaithful socially or sexually or mentally. He has the utmost confidence that he could be on the other side of the world. This is the kind of a woman that every military man must have. So when he's out fighting wars and doing his job, he knows that his wife wallet is 1000s of miles away. And absolutely, totally faithful to him socially sexually mentally everywhere. Next to the probably the one category that needs the right woman more than any other profession is the military because there's got to be a way. The right lobe of her LORD has confidence and summary, y one. This is called love security of the soul. Love security of the soul. Man can have no such security with regard to any woman but his right woman is right woman will be on the wrong woman will be socially unfaithful, mentally unfaithful sexually unfaithful she won't be unfaithful in some way at some time, he is wrong woman, he can date is wrong woman and she will be working on his ego and he'll think he's the greatest thing in the world, and that she loves him madly,but in effect. She can hardly wait till the last day, or the morning. She's going to double or triple dating, and she builds him up.Makes me think he's the greatest thing in the world, but in reality. She can't wait for the other guy. Three, the wrong woman is obviously going to go for someone else and you might as well face it, if you have gone for the wrong woman.

She is going to go for someone else. And she may be Phoenixville, she may be great. And so many ways that she may make you, make you think that you're the greatest thing in the world but listen,she can make Odra guys like they're the same thing. And there probably are a few dozen other guys who have the same idea from her.That's called sharing what I like about God's economy, there's no place for sharing. Ever. There's no place for communism or socialism or anything. God says this is for you and for no one else. Now there's overflowing a blessing, man right manand right women are right with each other the overflow is great. Right, woman wants a ride, a man finds his right moment she's not going to be interested in any one. She's not going to flirt, she's not going to tease, she's not going to go out, she's not going to be socially unfaithful or mentally unfaithful, and she's not going to be smiling at you and thinking about some other guide. I don't think they don't do it. All right, so right lobe of Our Lord has confidence again or her. And now the next phrase. They shall have no need is a calling perfect Sayre. Ch a. Now that is not pronounced chaser. Otherwise we'll have to translate, so that he is not a chaser without proper. See what happened you start transliterating. That's what this guy did wham URL is a transliteration, wham URL is a name of anyone. It's just a man saying he belongs to God Lambu Allah Solomon, Solomon is his name, Lenny well means belongs to God. Now why does the translator transliterate again here's a good place, so that he shall not be, he shall not be a chaser without prophets,they see that as something entirely different back the antithesis of what it means here the cowl and perfect the cost center and I chaser meanshe shall not lack. Or he shall not be without. And the word spoil is the noun Shah wall. Sh al alShama, and shallow means gain or profit so literally, the right lobe Overlord has confidence in her, even when he is away from her, she is home and he knows that home isn't going to get up and go over to someone else's home, all this advice, move on isn't going to burn down home is not going to fall apart, home will be there always. And he knows that when he returns home, it isn't walking into a house. It's going to his right, left, right lobe of Our Lord has confidence in her soul that he shall not be without profit. He has passed. Here's another word profit doesn't mean financial problem means gain. In other words, our man can be 10,000 miles from his wife woman, he's still the gainer, and he's the gainer wherever he goes in life, because this white woman may not be there but she's waiting for him. She is faithful to him mentally, socially, sexually, every way she is faithful to Him and to no one else. Her mind is occupied with him. She is totally occupied with him and some guy can come up and say well I know Joe blows away, can I take you out to dinner tonight and she tells him, hell no. And our friends all want to go take her to a party that you're up she does a nature ring.When's the last time you took your house to a party to cheer it up. Now, that's the bait find the right moment Solomon is your home. First thing, Solomon built many castles in London many gloriousplaces and he never had a home. Salva never had all those guys that have had for furniture orange crates and a shack.They have a home, right welcome never left song that I didn't write it. Shadi and all shanty towns. So slanty it touches the ground, just to tumbledown shack and so on the brothers singer.What makes a difference, right woman is there. And that comes a little later in the lines but I might start saying that so first 12 is our third file. Now we're to the camel Demo, demo was a camel. G I am El, and here's the letter itself doesn't look like a cat well it doesn't, but that's a camel. They put more of a hump on it originally. But

Gamow had more of a hump going like that. That's a camel going fast. All right, because the camels a traveller. As a camel denotes extensive travel, and therefore, knowledge of the subject, the cattle all sorts of the notes pleasure and blessing since the camel in the ancient world brought the merchandise the goods that please people, when a caravan came the whole village turned off. And so but the gamble file is the pleasure file, we go from the fact that you're right woman is your home to the fact that you're right woman is your pleasure in life. Now, let's notice how it stands on the King James here she will do him goodand not evil, all the days of her life. A most fascinating statement. Now let's start out, she will do him. The cow per bit of God. Now, this is the first word in the sentence, God now.So this is the gamble file, G, A M. A L. Now what does God now mean? It means to do to show to cause something, it means to do something to show something and to cause something so pre words help to understand this verb do show, and cause, and you don't know what's being done or shown or cause to get an object. So we'll have an object in a minute, but let's be sure we understand the verb, she will do, she will show, she will cause. Now once you got to do show crime cause, first of all good, the right woman does not make life miserable for her ride man.About that, not good that man should be alone. It's not good. Whoa, whoa, what, what's the answer is Ryan woman, take the law away and what do you have.And then you put a verb and Father God now. She will show, um, cause she doesn't just do it a lot of good she shows him a lot of good and she causes him a lot of good. That was what the right woman how she functions. So the camel denotes pleasure and blessing, the right woman is pleasure and blessing, she will do show and cause him good. And then we have a low now, low right now are a low means not and rare means evil or trouble or right woman is no trouble at all the right woman brings happiness pleasure, into the life of a right man, but not troubled not evil, and she doesn't do things that cause him difficulty, She will do show and cause him good and not evil, now get this, all of the days of her live world, not life lives every day. See the Bible, looks at life, and one day at a time. And every day is a lifetime once you have your right woman, you're gonna love a whole lifetime in a day right woman today, right woman tomorrow, right woman. The next day, right woman the next day now that's lives every day. In other words, she does him good and never evil. Alright, that's the demo file. Let's go for dollar reverse $13 Looks like this and the Hebrew. The AE L E th dollar adopted the actual letter looks like this, Darla, is the letter signifies a door, and a door generally refers to decisions the darling file is always connected with decisions. And the point is here that the white woman makes many decisions to please her right not famous necessarily that she wants to do but things that please her right man, and every door, our decision through which she walks, she has her right man in mind. Therefore, she seeker woolen flags. Now, some of you dogs are going to start tying up because you may not be good housekeeper. I want to untie you right now, housekeeping, is not an issue in the Hebrew. So, we've got to find that song now to have a live woman who's a businesswoman. What do we got to learn, we aren't there yet. We may not get there before I proceed. See there are silhouettes and mass facts and first concern, you're gonna think that there can't be a white woman unless she's in the house some men have a white woman who's going to my house on have a white woman who is good at the office,rather shocking, but here are some you know, maybe you have a sweater because you can'tstand housework, but just relax. And I can just see some of your dogs who are good at housework aren't starting to smirk a little bit. You can move into wipe that smirk right off your face. Because one man's meat is another man's poison for one product man his right woman is in the office for another kind of man his rifle is in the hole. The house. Got it. Now we're not there yet but I just thought I'd warn you because I want you to get this verse, I don't want you ladies to tie up, see some of you have been reading ahead, you said, oh,where can I find a cookbook. I saw you already discouraged because you think the reason you haven't learned to cook and therefore that's why you don't have the right man.Don't read I had. I can't believe it. You just wait till we get there. Don't try to outguess me because let me tell you something. From early Saturday morning, until all the way through the Sabbath. I studied, studied, studied, and studied. I studied as I heard the voices a little children playing outside. I studied as I heard Bobby roarevery time UCLA made upon. Bobby and Frank, the two of them could pretty well shake a house. I started when balderdash tried to jump in my lap.

I just kept studying, studying, studying and I studied through Harry black and the tiger or lessons. Or you know what Harry Bigler threatened to miss out on the link show I can't believe the tiger by the way should have won the Academy Award that Tiger is one of the best actors I have ever seen. For a tiger to pretend to die for a tiger to be mean and snuck that Tiger is the quintessenceof his drive and frankly he should have won the Academy Award, it be properly dressed for the occasion. Consistent Tiger was great. As one of the best Tigers I've ever seen one of the best acting animals I've ever seen.

And some of these things were later on came during the commercial, but I managed to keep it all straight. This afternoon, see I haven't finished this passage either. I'm way past this and don't worry. I'll be working on this all afternoon again, I want to tell you something, I've already gone through those kitchen passages so don't sweat it.

Wow. You take a word thing like shaker Wallen facts, flax and worketh willingly rubber hands. Now you stop and squint your eyes. Can you imagine a beautiful. Spinning, spinning. Is that the quintessence of your erotic dream. What do you want to think of a sexy. Did you ever see these magazines where I don't call Playboy or something, and there's a woman with a big ball of yarn.

Well I haven't either. Night I'm sure that there are a couple of you guys who have been sucked into this jail. You're holding the yarn around your hand, or did you lose your manhood in a hurry.

That's woman's word called a yarn around there. Either understand that some of the powers are even knittingnow. And that night. I will apologize to you ladies who can miss burgers, something else here we're not knocking mitigators got the wrong idea. She's sick of wall and flaxand work of willingly with her and so I we're gonna take this in academically. First of all, you understand, this is the dollar fine. And the dollars refers to the door as the door means making decisions see walking in and out of a door is making a decision go in, or don't go and stay out so now let's start with the word cheese seeker. And this is really the bird comes first. It's the cow perfect of DA, rash, which looks like this, d a r a sh, and you see those that D that began as the fattens. And it's a cow perfect and it means to search for, she searches for a wall and flags are let's get a few points on wall and plants. Now remember that da rush means to search diligently for wall and clock so let's go straight. She searches diligently for wool and flax, you got to repeat. She searches diligently for a wool and flax. Here it is a woman looking diligently for a woman class do you have that, so I have to go over it again. Point one. Let's get it. All Blacks are materials use for the manufacturing of clothing. In the ancient world, a woman made her own clothes or bought them off of a caravan. Generally, she made her own clothes. Now let's get point one Wallen flax are materials used for the manufacture of clothing

or cold weather flags for warmer weather. And so here's a woman diligently searching for materials for wit from which to make clothes, point tohere is the principal. She makes decision, see this is the Donald file, the right woman dresses to please her right man, and no one else yet at all. Now, the right woman dresses to please her right man, and no one else. You get down that no one else. She makes decisions. As she diligently searches for clothing. Why three of those now though right woman does not dress to impress other women,or other men. You see, she has a principle of occupation she does not dressto impress other women or other men point for the right woman saw is so occupied with her right man, so concentrated with him that she is motivated to always appear, and that he appreciates. Therefore, the verb Dariush Calper of issue searches diligently 4.5 There is something wrong with a woman who dresses to impress other women, or a woman who is more interested in impressing other man celebrity relative stranger, that's the single man. If you are dating a girl who dresses to impress women, or who dresses to impress other people than yourself. Are there man, celebrities, strangers, people she's heard about and can't wait to meet that type of man, or her dresses her best to go to a party where you are not present. You don't have your ride when she dresses to go to a party, her best, and you aren't there she never even sees you in the dress. She dolls up to impress celebrities, she dolls up to impress friends or other people. And this is a good test. If you have a girlfriend. And that girl, you're at, you're going somewhere and she goes to a party without you. And she dresses up in her finals, and you never even see her. The next time you'll see her, she'll be slacks or shorts or a robe and curlers and you know what she really goes up to impress others that you can just start remembering the dollar $5 making decision for you or not, even in the picture. And if you're not in her soul. You don't have anything. You got it,the right woman dresses for one person homie her right man, you are away, and your return. She made you dress the way you want it to be draft dresses for you as one man was brought up the right woman dresses and dresses only for the right man. And to do this. She searches diligently for the things that will pleaseher right man. Repeat, she rush you mad often not the fact that your women spent a lot of time shopping don't knock it if she's doing it to please you.If she goes out and sews her fingers off personally or she goes to the dressmaker or she goes to the shop, and she's doing all this for you. You've got to have rocks in your head to ever knock. Ever.

She does all of this fancy wardrobing for others, he's not your right woman, or your convenience, but she doesn't she's not occupied with you. Not at all.She's more interested in impressing strangers with her beauty and her glamour, she has to be loved by everyone, she has to be everyone's precious. Everyone has to think well of her, and therefore she dresses to please other, but not her bridesmaids. Alright, she searches diligently for woolen flats, that is, she dresses to please her right man. That's a decision principle. Now there's another one here. The second one, and work unwillingly with her hands, but that isn't what the Hebrew says it all work at this correct the counter perfect of all saw as ah cow imperfect saw it means to work. All right. But the word willingly is a smile, it's a propositional phrase, and it means, with less bra and then Kayfetz. She works with Kayfetz not willingly. And then there's a book in front of it and bra is with us, CH d p etc is pleasure. She works with pleasure with PR hands. Now this was something Deborah, the first had to do with the way she dresses. Whenever she does anything, any kind of work with her hand. It's the drudgery. I don't know that a woman could ever honestly say assure his mom and clean up my house I just loved it. And I love to do this battle. The other thing you know, better she does and he worked with her hands, and has her right man in mind, because of what she has in her mind. So, I cannot by any stretch of the imaginations now you ladies can correct me if I'm wrong, but it never occurred to me as though housework was fun at all. The making of the cleaning of rocks, the watching of flow, the cleaning of furniture, but I say those things I almost get depressed. Now I like to play I like things clean. I like to do that, never saw a man that I don't think any women. But women do it willingly why because of who is in their soul, the right man and the soul. They want him to have something that's queens. That has to be cleaned. Right Man walks into the room you don't run around picking things up so I can find a place to sit down and brush the crumbs off of here and there's a puddle there wait till I wipe it up, and he stands around for 15 minutes while you're bustling. Well it's all done ahead of time you're having my mind, you're saying. Now she works with pleasure. I will like. With pleasure. But seriously willingly with pleasure. It's a difference on mental attitude. It's who's in your soul. Now, if you are getting your house ready for our party and you're gonna have a bunch of jackasses there that you're trying to employ. Now you may work willingly. But if it's your right man whose coming. With pleasure, that you clean up. Ready for the whole file now, she searches diligently for woolen plaques that is she dresses to please right man. She works with pleasure, with her hands. Now at this point, we break off and we get into two different kinds of a woman. Some man have a white woman who has a domestic file. And the next two verses are the most devoted to the domestic file, and then when you get to verse 16 you have the business. And they are two different entirely different creatures, and therefore since this passage is that identification of right woman. I searched my house has to be mentioned from time to time, you can get the wrong impression and so God the Holy Spirit took up the slack. And he's going to show you how you can be a woman in the office and still be someone's right Robin, and you can be a woman in the home and still be someone's right woman, but I bet you've had enough of all that I will just start right there tonight and see all of these things, I don't read a hedge you'll never get it and by the way we're going to have prayer for. So don't just jump up and run out of here, rude, rude, and rude. All right. But our heads by the eyes. For those who have not made the greatest decision in life. For those who have never made the decision to believe in Jesus Christ, to receive Him as personal saying right where you said right now you can have eternal life. You can have eternal life by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Why, because virgins and vegans and vegans of years ago, God the Father had you personally in mind. He knew that you and I would be born spiritually that, that we would be without hope, in this world. And therefore, millions of years ago, Jesus Christ, Eternal God, agreed to become true to humanity and go to the cross. And take your place, and my desire for ours rank you now, Father, that we have this is the way you can say,you can say in the privacy of your own son, by a new father, playing or doing or thinking up this plan, or sending the Son Jesus Christ. For Jesus Christ going to the cross and bearingthat in mind, we asked you to bow your head and close your eyes for one reason, And that one reason is to give you privacy and freedom becomes sort of a part that Jesus Christ was the only say that consider the fact of salvation was accomplished on the call to consider the fact that the only way you can have eternal life, is to believe in Jesus Christ to receive him. Now this is your opportunity. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt say, whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. They use a written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing he might have life. His, you're gonna have eternal life right now by believing in Jesus Christ, you're gonna express that and the privacy of your soul to God, and we say the meeting, but our head still Bogner eyes closed, we're gonna ask Taylor Williams to come forward to lead us in our closing prayer.Father we thank you this morning for your matchless grace that has provided by our every need in life. We thank you for that word that has been communicated to us this morning that we can rejoice in your provision for us. In Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #17

17 03/26/1972 Prov. 31:14–21 Right woman: housewife vs. business woman


Alright let's get cracking with our passage, Proverbs chapter 31 Proverbs chapter 31 or something for everyone. Resuming our study at verse 14 have a few seconds now to prepare yourself to study the Word of Godis a critical seconds and it is absolutely essential to be filled with the Spiritis on a one way to be filled with the Spirit match the rebound technique and that's strictly grace. You can't or can't reserve it has had worked for all you could do is name it. Not only are you restoring the fellowship. By naming your sins, directly and privately to God. But at that point you again, recover the filling of the Spirit. You have a few moments now of privacy and silent prayer. They prepare for the study of the Word of God. Let us pray.

Father, thank you for this wonderful food from having this manna which never grows old sustains in such an amazing way. Everything about you is fantastic and perfect. And the more we learn of Dockers, the more we learn that we know so little about you. The other day, and then every way we are seeing more and more. What you have provided. What you have accomplished. Now we ask that God the Holy Spirit will take the things that we studied tonight, and make them a source of blessing. Or we ask it in Christ's name. Amen. There are in this passage, at least three types of women who are categorized as right woman, or some road map. The first category is the one we most commonly associated with this. The domestic crowd. The second is the business. The third we will find there is also a Category A right woman for handicap man, she actually supports him. She is the right man, or she is his right woman. And he is her white man, but he is incapacitated, for one reason or another is unable to work. And there is even a category of right woman here for the support. Now there are three categories and leads to possibly more. So, we are going to first of all resume our study and most importantly, why we have the domestic. I'm going to read a few of these verses. In order that we might get the drift of this thing, or at least one takeaway well. She is like the merchant ships, she bring up her food from afar, or as the way that sounds a bit cold morning guests. Why can room service in any first class hotel. They bring their food from a bar and a taste live it as after they eat. So I got first 15 years of all so while it is yet night and give a meal to our household, and a portion to remain.

She considered for field and by the food of her hand she planted the vineyard. She got rid of her lines with strength and strength off her arms. Sounds like she goes down to muscle Palace wants to see that we have a real job here the translation. She's perceived that her merchandise is good. Her candles, go up not out by night. Here's one for you. She lands her hands on the spindle and her hands hold the distance. I'll say that's much clearer in the Hebrew. Verse 20 she stretches out her hand to the corrugation ratio for hands to the meter. Now you can tell them to Achra not afraid of snow for her household for all of our household our clothes and styling were planned first 22 She made the first self-coverings of tapestry. The clothing itself. And that's why she's in TCU, with her husband who is known in the game for a Senate among the elders of the land, she make a fine linen salad and delivered your house to the merchant, you can figure out you're right. Let me know a little bit of money on her on her COVID either knowledge. Shoot.

The next morning,he or she just laughing. She laughs at the next day. Now you haven't got it all figured out, you're gonna laugh. The next day, what makes a woman laugh with a knife. That's one of the questions we posed this time. Verse 26. She opened her mouth with wisdom. After a tongue mouth a lot of time, a lot of grey about that. She left as well so the ways of our household, and he does not, the bread of idleness.

For Children arrives Robin, call her husband, and he prays, all straightened out on Tuesday night, many daughters have gone virtuously by bow and solace and all that, all piled up favor is the same as a woman that fear of the Lord, she should be afraid.All right, leave us to say so far we haven't got one yet, that doesn't mean a lot of straightening out including verse 31 Ever have the fruit of her hand. Love her own works. God, I know what you're doing you read this kind of thing through your reminds me of my father, we were talking about it today on one Friday with a visiting fellow problem is, he would have an excellent version and so I go looking for friends, so I could see a permanent.I said, well, you're going for. Absolutely shopping therapy. There's lots of different classes reminds me, I'll just read it to you and it's fuzzy. And it's clear to you ever proposed in the first place but proper is a problem I'm asking for fireplace.

Loss simile of loss on the surface of the ancient world, and to reconstruct all of these thingstonight. There's one role to play by read the one other verse that wasthe proper route for size, quite correct. That is a woman off capacity. There's a cloud to her right man, to the glory, but she that is as Grace Starts screaming out there getting a verse, 14. We have now come to the Hey 531 Verse 14 This is the fifth letter in the Hebrew alphabet.Now the actual letter is like a wrapper that represents a window with a window represents perspective. And this verse deals with the right, Romans are built on. And the three O's are perspective. She does is literally she because she has become Aiyar. This is how it starts with A J, fell for her she has. She has become and then we have an analogy, like the merchant ships. This is a reference to extra effort by which the right woman fruits off food without waiting for the right man, the right woman doesn't spend all of her time down at the local 711hours. The past month or so occupied with a rise man that she makes them have an extra effort to do things to please. So she's like a merchant ship out in the ancient world, the merchant ships, often say, right out of the Mediterranean, through what they call the, what we now call the Straits of Gibraltar, and they would go out to places like the Canary Islands and so on. They would straight up and down the coast of Africa.And there were very adventurous, because they had in mind, find something interesting. That's what he said, our first trip to sandbox was eight.So like a merchant ship she's adventurous, for her right man. And therefore, she brings her food from afar. The only purpose that bows and she causes the brain.Yo, fam. This is called as the boy. She causes to brand. John says the merchant ship goes great distances to find interesting things. So the right moment, takes the extra effort to bring something to our right man, which is pleasing. This is her interest in the hated pile, which is the window with just perspective. Now this is the window or the right, Romans attitude, the white man's mind, all she wants you to seek something, please GFA responded we have. She looks out of the window of life and everything, she associates with them. So literally, she becomes like the chef's or the merchant, and then to be brought the analogy interface. You see when I ship sim at a great distance,providing for finding sampling of that exactly went to bed and equipment sociated with many other errors will be amplified far. After that looks like this to you in a bettermanner. As one of the smarter writers, and the author that it refers to as heard,and the right woman is the tag on which is the genes of our household, I want to show you something, my household, I mean, right now.Right, children, and even anyone else who might be living with his father. That's a household name, domestic servants, whatever is involved in another something. This is what this passage is saying, wise man, with the children, to be honest. When this one gets out so we will assemble remember that before. Finally, so what better review that said, you're right. They've all been worth it. Now, the WoW file then indicates that she is the key that a household, we might have a kid in the house, right as the Queen who's important.I got this. I dedicate this at reverse copper calm with him. By noon, you have your face off. And you're ready for another glowing day Perfect from whom she arrives abroad. I should that occurred to this from all of you who are envious of that.This means that after the purpose. A lot of people don't have a perfect life, life has no meaning they have no capacity for life. She got drunk while still lagging last night. This indicates a mental attitude that allows you to get up on stage. She's motivated by her occupation for the right man, not only to respond to him, but she raises her love for him above her personal confidence, that is not necessarily comfortable, but got off on a white man's happiness is more important to her than her own comfort. And this is quite an issue. And this is important for the ladies when you find a man who is more important to us and your personal comfort. That would be a very excellent recognition. Second, I do get beeps on that on that sound like right man right man, right. I have to be honest with yourself whatever no word. But the right moment. Thanks, more or less man that she does have her personal comfort to get noticed every morning, we went by the property last August. After the right after long list of instructions as a guide to read and write software projects, and travellers and prepare our software that is as always the guy that goes to the nearest parish house on his way to work. And he tells the waitress. I want to over easy and yell out.She arrived. Wow, that is nice, indicates a phenomenon that allowed her to. By nature, women are not inclined to rise up while it is nice.

People are not truly interested division is our understanding to live on the farm because it's necessary to our household. She gets up for a reason. She has the right man in mind, to set aside her personal conflict, and give it to her, a household means that she sees that everything is pretty prepared, doesn't mean she necessarily prepares it herself. And the reason this one doesn't is because she has some service. She says to the right man for the children watching their children, by the way are reminded of something she has shared with her right man. So she gets her father's still dog, and gives food to her family, even. And then it says, this is where we get off on the translation, and a portion to remain not is not correct, and assigned job to remain. So there she is. Portion is CH, o que pronounced. And that means a job. She gets up. Yes, she may drop the water which one to do the eggs which one to get the bacon and so on. She assigns jobs to remains the past seven years, she is the key to the running of the house. She may do it herself. She may have some other business case she has maids.

I want you to notice there are some people who are best designed to be servants, and nothing else is right and proper and happiness all around. These people are doing that kind of work. And you can take these people out. Other elements, turn them in great professional capacity they have how there are some people who are designed to be servants to be servants when they're happier. They do a fantastic job they want to do a better job. When you take these people out of their sphere on servants, and tried to put them in some other spirits high rate socialism and welfare states are always trying to play God. The man's blast. The welfare state, trying to play God. And you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, there's not a proverb, Assistant. Bob robber. Running person is designed for service for happy and service they enjoyed it. So people are designed to summon up a racehorse wouldn't be happy behind thebus stop. This is what the Bible says. This is the Word of God, any nation that is following principles and this Robert. Robert servicemember. That's a matter of a welfare state, destroying the server class. Right, absolutely destroyed. And in so, because you can't ever survive out of this fear, our function right he does so well, turning into something else anymore, that you can take a corporal and say tomorrow you're a gentleman, a lot of chatter, is still a car.Thanks Why the carpet. Yeah, that's why the carpet. You can take a person out of domestic service running in charge and then come up with any time.

That's the word of God. The fighters were facing at one reason why right, women are having so much further than they have the services are those whose wife and medication is in that field as well they are so happy and do so well. That's IBM and everyone has to be at a certain level. And I watched it I noticed that this right. I've had to tell her what to do, and also probably something else. They have to watch. Right, sure I've ran over your head. I used to love to hear my mother telling them what to do. But the best person I ever heard and I was talking with my grandma, she was the, she was phenomenal and I've ever heard. She always had two or three maids and improper and whatnot. And I've heard her telling people what to do and, and they often and early in the morning I used to get out or do something in order to listen, virtually four hours like a free breakfast, breakfast, and I used to walk and sit there in this great big long kitchen. I hear my grandpa, and they love it should explain how we're gonna do this kind of service we're done with it, and it was fabulous, all run and they were happy. They were very happy that the listener request able we forgot the word of God who cannot educate people to God.

So, I will make people miserable by some of the events that people out of them as they're happening. The welfare state and they find you're happy from there on out every time. That doesn't work if you're still happy rather the system is more taxing. So here's the parchment I'm gonna give you this again. She gets up on stage and gets food or family that makes it as a person. He assigns jobs to her maids. Now the factory, right from the pay. The center around which the household revolves, our society today. If you don't have a woman that you're managing friends then. And you take away those whom she manages. Then she walks out thedoor and looks for something to manage and then we all have a right back in there and give her a block andwe'll have liquids and sure they happen to be sample surprises like other guys. We go into the household while we leave this happens right rustling about living quarters for breakfast.

Johnny has to have something as soon as you have to have her eggs a certain way. And the old man's had a good night so he wants to find out before his first part of his practice. So she does. She's happy doing this and they're happy doing this, and only those of you who are all mixed up, and Lakhdar will not understand what going on I can sees youas you're ready to smile. Several along the line. And I want to ask the very serious question. We've got another. Really, I had an optimist, we believe in living out there.But I'll tell you one thing that makes it bearable and I find a rock by the rock now there are really wonderful reasons.Meanwhile back to the office. Verse 16 the signing file. See, AJ, I am. And this is a large, it was this idea that like exactly it's a sword without a hammer, that's inside. This represents a sword or a weapon and in this case, it represents aggressiveness, saw sadder than ever and then others. Now all women are designed to be responders. But even in response there are areas of aggressiveness, they were aggressive in response. And here's why. Right, women in business. Romans white woman is a business. She considered the cow perfect man saw ma'am.Here's an aggressive woman like a sword. So it starts out this way samatha is the verb, C, A M. Sauna, and Saba have names to consider a business proposition. Except that all it means for business thinking is a woman in business is a woman the business thinkingright or not. And that goes way back to the ancient world business women are in business now. So, I'm surprised sunrise, women who are in the office while others are in the home. And as the notice flies in this car as a lot who puts the package togetheris a woman. So far, right woman. All right, women do not follow the same pattern, Sabra sunrise, are good and sunrise, and are good resistance. The idea that our lives cannot be someone's right Robin unless she works in the home is removed by the first. And I'm glad it's here because I'm sure that some of you who work do not intend to work for the rest of your life, that if you don't get out of the home you'll never find your wife man and of course, whoever told you that that's absolutely safe at a top profit, summarise, women are great in the home on summer break in the business world. It is this moment, puts together a business deal. It should be translated she puts together a business deal. By appeal here and says, The calling perfect to watch news, she sees this cat again we're always running into the la queue, they see it. Remember, the woman, the red was taken out of out of law, by law, please see, in other words, here's a woman who saw the possibilities of a piece of Maya, and she jumped in there and got up before anyone else she outfit or male competitor, she sees that she brought it up in a hurry. She had a good business mind she saw the possibilities that are taken right now by everybody else was consulted with their board of directors and everything. She walked right in and bought it. And she made a pie out of it. She puts together a business Danna procures a field, and with her capital she plants a vineyard not with the fruit of her hands, there's a reference to capital. I use a woman in the business world. She is someone's right woman, she will please her right man, and business just as the otherplaces are right man are the management of the household, while she's an aggressive business. She is still a responder to her wife is the man.So notice we have so many things here. Now in verse 17 We go to the next file which is the case file. This is the eighth letter case looks like this. This is a case, I'll enlarge it, and see that hey, it looks like this it's a window so you have a fourth thing here there's an opening. That case is the same as my acceptance close reason. It's an enclosure, our fenced in area. This means that no matter what kind of a woman she is as a domestic fibroma or investments type woman, she still has a right mass, and he closes her ears, she is. She's inside the family. In other words, there's a corral for everyone, no matter what she does in life. She belongs to one man only her soul and her body are at his disposal. Right matters, put a fence around the white woman is the enclosure here, she's in the enclosure of a white man. Now, what is the military stance you may be successful in business she may be very domestic culture webinar. This is a great area of life for the function of woman. All right, here she is. Now she has a fancy laugh. She has arrived, man. She got it for lines with slang, no matter what she's been doing at the office. All right, no matter how she's worked around the home all day. She now curves are alive. She got it because the calibre think thatit is CH AR. And also, that's the first word I got to close out.All right, this word she got it means to encircle now what she is in the pasture the corral have arrived man there she is his Isha issues, all around her. So what does she doeswhite man's pasture or stable as she can circles are equipped. The word mines here, more time, more time. M G A and Anna has to do with her sex response, that is actually the fence around her,and have a full relationship described and other verses. This describes the physical relationship, and remember this is the lie on this this is reference, that's an enclosure. The fence around the gridding number lines means she responds only to one man, and no matter what direction their physical relationship takes. They say this is the principle again. Sex was designed for right man white woman sex is not designed to perpetuate the human race. Anything goes between right man and right woman, and that's the whole point of all of her sex is related to her life man he's here. He's here. He's here. He's here. Many people have a goofy idea that there's only one glance. There are many ways of expressing love between life man ureas out here. He's every part of the plants and their life. And the idea that there is perversion between the right man and the right woman is straight out of the perversion. There are two formations involved any banker with a man and a woman right man or woman both agreed, not only by this excellent person. All right, Sham surveys her such response with strength is the word. Now that's not hard, that's this word means, the right problem becomes conditioned to different types of relationship. And she is responses to all of them. And so does her say that she is cave, and enclosure by hand. Now, she may be the house from the domestic woman works in the house. She may be a businesswoman. She may be something else but this is her pasture,and that pasture. Anything outside is perversion is a guideline for you want to get out of here, what occasion is perversion. Homosexuality perversion. Masturbation is perversion bestiality is perversion gets out of the path. All right, this means that she curves, she um circles her sexual response with strength, power, she's conditioned, she answered those who aligns with his strength is what it means. She goes, who aligns with his strength was the correct translation. I am strife. Are you girls, typically push ups or bang Channing us out 25 or 30 times, working with 30 pound dumbbells on reps, means that the word strength is the perfect of all mass with 16 inch biceps on mass. I have absolutely no means to encourage, not the strength, the problem the cow needs to strive for, and the means to encourageand encourages him or her arms. This is her embrace. He embraces her he's the fans. She embraces him. Now notice that she embraces for them the facts. They tell you something, ladies. Now categorically it's not essential to have male friends or males, you're going to have category three brands or Tracivambraces for the inside of the fence. Let's get it again. I'll make a circle. Here she is right woman here's my plan all around embraces her, she strengthens her lives for him now. She Hambright, he says he embraces her she embraces him. This is what we call passion. For Category number two.Anytime you get for touching out here are a lot of words for it for a teaser.And I have a lot of other words that I just don't want to shock some of our visiting family friends.Now let's get a correct translation. She aligns with his strength and courage. This hammer with her arms are Dam busters the key files of indicates if right Roman is enclosed on all sides by one of mypapers when I have letterE th t is a tape right here, I'm going to enlarge the tape.There we go, honors, I think we have the larger tape to get the idea this my browsing alphabet is derived from a birth ca which means to roll together, and it means relationship or association, and this time instead of the enclosure. Here is the right woman. And here is the right man. They have a relationship so they're all hooked up, and they're all part of one letter. In other words, the right man completes the right woman the right woman fulfills him and it's one continuous line, that's the thing, the tight connotes relationship and association and category through law there's not only a love between one man and one woman but it is also a relationship between one man and one woman. It is also our association, and it starts out by saying here in verse 18 she perceived that not her merchandises here.Travis and before this, she perceived up as the cow for victim tate.A, and it means to taste.She has tasted that her merchandise. So far, with merchandise.As a CH, they are merchandisers not merchandise, its profits. She has tasted that her profit is good, which means anything she does, we made it to her right man, tastes,its profit its gains.And the analogy is taken from the stimulation of the taste box. The taste boards are stimulated.This stimulation comes into the relationship here as an illustration, the stimulation of the taste buds illustrates the stimulation of the right woman from her life, man. And there may be some stimulation or it may be personal stimulation, but her right man is the only one who can stimulate her.He has a good taste of her own.Now the word Campbell isn't really capital it's a lamp.And we are now mer. So lamplamp is used in the answered world not only for the lamps, but it demonstrates prosperity and happiness, a lamp that is prosperity and happiness is literally shall not be extinguished the county and for our PA.K a b h Kava.Kava means with the negativity will not be extinguished by night, by an eye, ear refers to a person. She has tasted that her gain or her property is good, her lap for prosperity and happiness, shall not be extinguished. At night, in disaster.So this has been one person said human happiness before.All right. Remember that this was the tape by which deals with relationship and associate because of a relationship and association with a wife. She has both stimulated and in a state of permanent happiness relationship and Association and the right man right woman status produces maximum human happiness be sure to get down, because there's another time God's happiness.File the alphabet,th, and this is what's in March and here's the written line and a year old would be way up there I go.I am sort of reaching out and graspingare the right moment is occupied with those things with black or white man, she never gives him cause for concern. He does not work, or tease other man, she does not see approbation of anyone better wife man she does not play games or exercise the effectiveness of the principle of and business countless version, which is the hand of the right woman being constructive not destructive.Now notice, she lay up her hands to the symbol, the BL verbeke That Sharlash, l AC of SHA lac. And so the PL stamp, and it's used here for handling a machine with dexterity.The machine here is called the P showPE r, Sh O, and in modern language as a sewing machine.And the answer world. The spindle is the weaving part. Now you have to feed this machine with yarn or thread that's coming up, that's the distance, which does the feeding her hands works, the weaving machine. Then the second time you do not have to work hand your hand fingers or fingers hold that is support, the distance. They just left is Mat a l e k, and a Polly is a staff that looks like this it's a much like this and it had its own attorney base down here, and as yarn wrapped around but she has that yarn coming off here and operating on the sewing machine here. So with one hand, she has one hand over here her right hand let's say here, and her left hand over here, spinning this stuff off, so that she has that story. That's what her hands. This is a finger job here because it says fingers, and this is the work of a hand, and she's either doing something like this or like this with your left hand or right hand in any way she's working a sewing job, her hand works, the weaving machine, and her fingers, manipulate the ball of yarn.Now what does that mean that means, that doesn't mean that all women have to sew it does mean that. Her hands are, are an extension of her soul. And her soul. She is occupied with one man. Therefore, she is doing something to please. One man. She has lots of running around, strive to please, a lot of events.And that's the albatross trial the first 20 this is the 11th, and halfway through the file is the highlight of our hands.A pH, and the actual letter is all over half and this is the way of lunch is going this way. And I'm going to put a doggish in there. The mouse is correct.

For out of the right moments here and it represents the overflow of grace, the right woman in her file her relationship and her life man has something that is fantastic. And this is the overflow on grace to others. She was the beneficiary of maximum grace to her relationship with her life map, and this now overflows to others. She stretches out her hand for the poor. The word was stretched out his path rash,rash, rash, means to spread out to extend at her hands. This is called of course the palm of her hand to the knee.Army.Now the army is not people that she wants to impress. It's not celebrity. It's not a bunch of other females who are running around trying to request each other in the world but who have socialized, the army means that we are flexingthe media have in common.They are not interested, and how can you impress them with them, orgies them.They are people with genuine needs.And therefore, they are impressed by your soul, not by being flirtatious activity of the boss.She holds on the palm of her hand to the oppressedbecause her soul is full of grace happiness from her life man relationship. She reaches for shellack gets more intensivesh a now HCH PL staff.She reaches for, or extends her hands to the meeting to be.And this is even worse class the app, you.Eh, J or they have y'all are totally wretched, that totally miserable. She holds out the form of her hand to the tour the afflicted the oppressed, she extends her hands to be totally miserable and wretched, the overflow of grace from her life.Now, from extra drop away Mater's will stop the llamas by llamadas the 12L A M E th llamas.And this is how a llama works.Here is the handle and here is the sharp point. And you have to have a sharp point to get through the heart of an ox, to keep you moving. This is the oxbow.The llamadas the octopus. This keeps the oxen moving in the fields and in this file, we have a disaster to cover tonight because while it's still fresh in my mind, if disaster a Snow.Snow.Some people where theyare some software, let us know if our flight might be Snow White.That isn't in the cities. I've seen snow every city, and I can never remember snow being beautiful in Antioch.Children life is a while playing with snow.Snow I ever saw was, Jacksonville Florida when I learned this beautiful snow, snow, all over the Magnar,she is not afraid of a slow or her hustle.First of all McNally perfect era.J R. She's not afraid, and the word actually starts with a magazine blow, LLC, there's your oxtr right there alone.The snow here represents catastrophe and disaster in life which can be anticipated, not the disaster that overtakes you unknown and surprises you. Now what most people who live up in arms, you know what they know.They know what's going to get home so they can make preparation forsnow represents disaster that you know is going to occur.Sure, that's what you anticipate.Now snow here represents the disaster which this white woman anticipates and she's not afraid. She does not fear for her house because of the snow and all her house are being closed but la bash.AB a sh, the cow assay partner simple, the cow pacifier simple linear actions are being closed with Scott and it says, Shani is a dual word and it refers to crimson, or scarlet sh, and the timber doodle, and it means grass crimson clover. The red retains heat, in contrast to white which reflects the taxi and the double COVID keeps warm and extreme now literally she does not fear for her house, because of the snow. They're all her household are being closed in double garments, our premises.

Alright 7.1. With regard to the slovers for wife woman anticipates certain kinds of disaster and helps them off, she anticipates certain kinds of disaster, and hence the name.

Now the wrong woman is going to, there are certain times of the year when slow, and coal can be anticipated. Long before the slow arrives.And therefore, long before the snow, or the disaster arrives, the right man has made provision for such a disaster.Point three once a woman finds a right man. There are certain instincts of love, which head off, many disaster.There are instincts of love which head off disaster,her instincts of love keeper concentrating on her life math,which means she's no longer a flirt, or a teaser, she doesn't play games to make her life math challenge she doesn't try to hurt. She has a header off of disaster point five. She no longer of the fans and non-parties outside brands and modern gameswife says she doesn't try to hurt her right man, who is so vulnerable to her social, or mental I'm faithfulness or deviation.Rama trial is the right woman's faithfulness to her right, man. Llama is the woman's love instincts, whereby. She calls her white man with a double warm, she gets a double diamond the double wants to offer love, and another warm proper love and sex, abortion that is the novel God and Crimson is a warm and rich color.

My mom is the woman's love instance so on body, whereby she clothes for right man, and one other categories to let our heads filed and otherwise,we navigate the closing moments of our service tonight. For those who are here. Without Christ without hope and without eternal life.

We want you to know that Jesus Christ had you personally in mind when he went to the cross, and that every single ever committed mass presentation is poured out on him and there will never be a sense of rain for the plan of God. That means that like what you said, right now you're gonna have it's not a lie.It's the most understands.You have worked for eternal life. There's nothing you've been had and what was accomplished when.Neither is there salvation and any other. There was none other name under heaven given among that whereby we must be saved.This means that right when you're sitting right now.We have the greatest opportunity for making a decision by the grace of your head bowed in your eyes closed, you have privacy, and so does everyone else, and you have this privacy you have that bravest clip.The greatest privacy. The greatest freedom to make a decision.God's cognizance of your decision.And therefore in the privacy of your soul.Silent thought, you can tell Dr.Levine, even if you are receiving. As I said, we can do this right where you said, right now, Jesus Christ, and our shellfish.Father once again, we're in a passage, which is a little unusual, so many other things in the world. And yet, we are dealing with a gift at Jesus Christ for the human race, we are dealing with something that is violent, or needs clarification. So as we study and continue to study this.

Oh God, the Holy Spirit and lightness that as a result of these things. The blessing of this relationship might be identified and realized when we asked them in Christ's name. Amen.

1972 Adam’s Rib                                                                                         Lesson #18

18 03/28/1972 Prov. 31:22–31; 12:4 Various right woman types for various men; right woman with Bible doctrine END OF SERIES


God is alive and powerful and sharper than any dragon so there's an even silver dividingthe political process in terms of a high call center as brief as possible for doctrine, for reproof, or collection by instruction and rights. As the man of God might be mature and fully furnished stands for walls and that is a show by itself a food on the ground and working on that data is not rightly dividing the word of truth from the word of saving to Proverbs chapter 31 resuming our study at verse 22 Proverbs, 31, resuming at verse, 22.Proverbs 31preparation for our study in the Word of God will save the next few moments, devoted to silent prayer, and the rebound is necessary, without any conditions or privacy.

Now, I have a call on math lessons and a rebound illustration that 99 of the time you're out of fellowship,said here's my question.Out of how many times.How many times.A little bit of dog when it's coming out of the day, Donnie White who got the Bible.

However, if you find yourself a little short rebound and a little long and we'll be able to find our privacy way to handle it.So the next few moments we'll do the monitor silent prayer. They're not attractive.

Here we are with members once again. membership in the Atlanta guy Beverly Center spirit Okay, things are starting to seem like a source of blessing the challenge of my growing grace and then the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, grasp those things in his name.

Tonight is another instalment of the Adam cigarettes spectrumdistinguish from the original right man right woman series.We are continuing where we discontinued chapter nine.

Proverbs chapter 31 we're getting out versus wanting to resume our study this evening I want to remind you we're not going to have all of this during Holy Week.

I don't know when the next instalment will be.

We'll probably back on our regular series combine it with Revelation.Manual.Someone asked me if I was going to give an answer span normally answer is no.Any information on the Word of God is an Easter Special.Easter is like any other side except it's a pain in the neck.And I don't mean that.So we just go right off butting along every now and then I know the worst thing to work on Easter Sunday is when they watch the year, not the God crowd, the Catholic Church, how they are, they don't need to hear about the resurrection of Christ.That's where they get the clue as to how to be safe.And I always, invariably, everyone preaches the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning, and almost any other Sunday morning with a better.Whatever the mob the god crowd me they need a good kick in the pants.And this was the only shot to get out.So I need special a lot of special, special patch and we only do that we just go right off.So if you have any wayward friends, a lot of sign up on the gravy a rose and on here about the Easter Bunny.Egg I'm somewhere elseby beginning now in verse 22 with the main file name is the 13th letter, the Hebrew alphabet.Looks like this m e m, and the letter itself looks like this is the beginning of a word and it looks like this at the end of a word.So the actual word main is made up of two hams.It signifies water.The original constructions. Apparently, this, this is an MA decided to chop it off and put a boat on it, going up over the crest of a wave. And this is an AMA.So that's how the main originated. Water is often used to represent a forest Bible doctrine as a 5.6 that remember the water and the sense of water in a proper water in a whale is also used to represent some aspect of right man right woman relationship. The whale is the right one in the mountain is the sex drive in the right man. We saw the files are relatively well used for the right woman and Proverbs 515 Now here is the right woman making herself a crackly modern white man file this passage refers to our clothing, and also refers to the clothing of her soul.Clothes her soul. Wet Bible.The first line of this verse, represents the fabric. The second line represents the body of a woman so it's an easy passage to remember a line one, the bass line to the body.It's a little difficult sometimes to get the correct meaning from our King James version here.I'll read it so you'll see the different Braavos immediately. She makeup herself coverings a tapestry. The clothing itself, and purple.The problem is with the phrase covering the tapestry.This refers to a callcenter, or white man's man. That should be the most comfortable. The most beautiful, the most luxurious item of furniture, and the entire household.The furniture of a household is made up of orange crates.Then, the bad off the Anamika.Another words that often be better than anything else.In other words, everything, the white woman does she has her white man in mind, and the pillows represent the conference.She made his towel perfect of the ancient world, a woman has a manufacturer, the accoutrements to the bathCow perfect, she make us more herself. Nomatter how bad her clothing is white. And when white linen and purple are the word here is a towel passive participle of La Vashla ba and sh and Azuma Cal passive participle. The cow passive participle means she is paying close them costs.There is no word for self-care, it's very fine white linen represents wearing beautiful clothing on arrived, man.Just the opposite of the average female, and I might add. Females today.And the House are two things, the bad one. And the woman, the woman makes the bad as beautiful as possible half the house, she makes herself as beautiful as possible. The average woman hangs around her house wasn't as much as going out to a practice to impress women and requests, other than that she dresses up.And so right away, ladies, your feet are in the gutter hurt right now, and I'm standing all over.You don't press off for every Jackass with a mouthful of teeth.Just because you've got this aggravation last problem,right, man.You don't save enough clothes to impress a bunch of women.So someone says you look nice by the air, sosome of you will never get straightened out. And thank God for that glorious day when you will be able to save for some mathfact the day that you will be happy with that measure.I never saw a woman that had anything but feathers in our head. When I came to dressing. If you're dressed to impress other women I want you girl to know you are abnormal marbre is bizarre and all the rest of it, everything you see in a woman's magazine, dressing, to please, women, and you are so far out of line, you're just like a corkscrew.I'd have an axe worse than used to be a teaser, a teaser always dresses to impress all the other man was the topic stimulated by thereturns underway fantastic glasses to please her my glasses were bad, but please enjoy dressing herself.Three herself as a fat, this may have happened Kingdom is worth having. As the rules and the kingdom that's really fantastic.Some of you all spend so much time dressing up to please other women.If you're a bad. Looks like a Russian army maneuverer overthat hasn't been made for a week.But some other lover you had a flaky female will tell you how nice you are.So if you happen.As a femalethey're going to come into your life a knight in shining armour, riding a big white horse.He's gonna shave off and maybe you're gonna shave off.I think that's the greatest thing that ever happened.And you'll get away from some of that Fluffy, fluffy stuff that Mardi grass. Some of you feel like you could just cross off so that you look like farmers and one of these other family magazines and that's really the epitome of poise in life, and you have really missed the boat.Why do you dress up to please your rights, man, that's great?And what's the task.

There's kind of as your man and it's dressed up beautifully, it's dressed up better than anything in the house, you see your bedroom as a private room, people don't do not generally see it as the same idea. Now a lot of you spend all of your money on your living room, but most people come I'm not sure, showplace, see, we'll see the parallel is your address that apartment, but not for your life, man.

Just like you brush off your living room and your bedroom looksnice,she makes herself have white linen and purple she is desperate to classify man as preparation for the right map her husband, prepares everything beautiful mother intimacy as illustrated by the pillows. She prepares for him by her clothing she dresses with fleas in my hand ham. That's what this passage is so much for the nightthat it works like that it's really, and you, and the letter, Noon looks like this. Here it is, here's one, here's one on the app.So you have two news and now they're on a regimen representative fish, and apparently one of us first wrong it was like this it was sort of like a fish line sort of thing like this.And I turned it around. As a fish being sort of a fish being heard to work like this. And actually this became the form of the letter. Ended up right. So fish, standing out.Now the fish represents concentration.

Her husband or wife man can concentrate on his job without distraction. He doesn't have a good home he doesn't have a problem at home, he doesn't have some alcoholic fish stumbling over the furniture,they can concentrate on his job.The principle.The law more money is a constant source of distress and irritation. While a rifleman makes it possible for her right and her right man to leave the house and concentrate on his profession, on his job, that every has to do in life. It doesn't have to be distracted, constantly thinking about the woman at home.Now, throughout this passage we might as well get it straight right now the word husband does not occur. Not that this man is the husband but the word is by law.

I give it to you as it is in Hebrew. This is from bah, bah, means Lord, and then it has a suffix third feminine singular suffix. And instead of her husband, it should be translated her Lord, our her lord and master is not the greatest thing that can happen to a woman humanly speaking as defined, or to be led to lord and master.And one of the great problem so I had once said that one of the greatest problems in our generation is that there are more women than men. But I don't think he's correct. I think he missed the boat entirely. I think there are too many women that have found their Lord, faster.It's amazing how life gets sorted out in a hurry and how things fall down.

A woman finally reaches that point where she can see him and say,her Lord, being known in the gaze of her husband, her Lord, being known as the NFL participle of yada,yada. Being now.

Now the right woman makes it possible for her husband to concentrate her Lord to concentrate on the job to concentrate on his profession, and this case, the man is an administrator of the city government.

Mr. Gates here refers to two things. Either the public or here refers to the meeting of the city council, or white man is in city government, and the Hebrew word and the word otter says being known in the gates is her Lord when he said when he said it is a preposition. Plus, the preposition, but the, plus the verb. Yeah sham J H as your shine.

I on your shaft means to sit in a place of blessing here it means to sit in a place of prominence. And it's a coward penalty, indicating that he is prominent, and the ruler ship of a setting being known and the gates is their Lord when He sets upon the rulers of the land is the principal point why the right woman complements and implements, but never competes with her right man. Right beat the right woman compliments and implements, but never competes with her right man.She is not in competition point.She is his glory. Not destroyer, or point three. She stimulates him, and does not cremate himyet, why not stimulation is burning cremation too much or boy. She turns him on that never puts him now.Avoid five. She seduces him but never could easily.Other words she does not retract nullify thenext verse 24 is the sonic trial.This is the 15th letter in the Hebrew alphabet Samick looks likea V k h and the Sonic. The letter I'm going to enlarge it looks like this. Why, because the Sonic is a fulcrum. Now we're going to extend a fulcrum is used, and leverage, we'll see the line going across the lever.

Before GM supports the lever, and this file is dedicated for that right woman who supports with fanatical loyalty and love are right, the right moment, in this case, different from the other half categorically this.We saw our first right woman for her. We saw our second prize right woman and the woman is somewhere in between because she actually supports her husband. Here is the right woman who earns the living.Here is the right moment. And she's doing the work. Her husband is incapacitated, support for maximal Sonic.So here is a very unusual situation, and the other does occur, so hard sometimes incapacitated for some reason, therefore cannot work. And here is the right woman actually supporting her wise man, and this was brought in in verse 24 to show you that it is possible, and right man right woman relationship.

A right woman who supports her right man, under certain conditions.With man, otherwise known as non-blue so Family Medicine.This is probably the most difficult I'll call right women situation, because there are so many traps to destroy this beautiful relationship between a man and a woman. But this magic is here. As a part of the Word of God to tell you it does exist. And when it does exist. It's not the fact. We're both have the capacity for love, by a bald man Bible doctrine. And you will notice it comes, it comes to that process where the right woman does not the little does not bad rap, the white man does not compete with him, does not put him down. Does not ridicule him around friends are in social situations.And then we finally come to an era of Islamic law, there is actually a price of rice,actually supportsareas, The white man is over here and he's incapacitated and heroes the right woman, and she actually has the burden of supporting him. Are there certain divisions.And the function is now describe, she make a fine linen, towel and perfect in the case that she manufacturessoccer so firstly unless she manufacturers.Find out quite what it seems to be soldered a The Savi, means undergarments.Limit undergarments.Not only does she manufacture fine leather undergarments, but it says she sells them for profit from our care.Kay.He sells them for profit.And then we have another interesting thing at the end.This verse is not correctly translated and delivered girdles on to the merchants.The word delivery is of course my plan which can mean to deliver generally means to give.And ACTH.She gives more she delivers. Now here's the other documents again COVID Here she delivers her other novels that she manufactures to the Venetian to the Cayman Islands.In other words, they take these things on consignment. And they travelled throughout the ancient world, they go to Greece. I go down to Leah, they go to Italy and go off to Spain they go all over the world, and they take these fine linen 100 diamonds on consignment and they sell them and so here's a woman in business and actually supporting the family. There is always a tendency on the part of many believers to look now. Upon this moment.

First place is not of your business. The second place the two people involved, you're going to have the same right man right woman relationship, as anyone else. The fact that the man is not making real living for some reasons, is strictly a battle between the two, but it does not hinder white man white woman relationship. And of course the big problem on the fund is always some funding with a long nose right a look down his nose at ridiculing this private escape route and other people beautiful find all kinds of ride.Oh, right. The first one is the file.Now let's enlarge that I mean, looks likethere's two things. One, a fountain.You'll see the water gushing out here. And two, it's on high. You can see that by filling it in.

The high is either a fountain or an eye. It refers to the problem as the male sex drive as in Proverbs 516 and in Proverbs 518 which we have already studied this file indicates once again that the right woman is the glory of a right man. And she wears his glory in her soul. Therefore, the emphasis on this file is on the glowing of her soul, which, by the way can close that Missbars and travel because it's such a wonderful time. A woman.You're gonna love this little girl

we all know.All right.As it stands in English it says strength and honour our clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come, say that at all. First of all, the word strength is all right but let's take a good look at it.The Hebrew word is owed by the starts they'll say there's a merger IE, z as your eyes. Oh, it's all its main strength.That means a fortification stability or glory.It also means majesty, our splendor.Here it can also develop arelationship with the right man, stability and a sense of soul strength. Soul majesty soul glory soul.

Time to go and sometimes a different adaptation complex of the soul and that's not ruled out here. The whole point of origin, beauty of soul really of soul based on Bible theory of soul based on the Newseum.So the word strain, really means a duty of soul, interviewing honour cach a de ar KavaKava means glamour ornamental glamour.So we have inner beauty and glamour of soul are her clothing.She's with no beauty, and boy hammer up so that's the way you see here you see into her soul so a climax identification. There's going through and seven.Now the way we get into trouble is this way she shall rejoice. Not at all. She saw catSQASA Ch a cue for our cat. saqqaq means a deep seated laughter based on relaxation, based on humor, based upon the inner beauty of the soul and the Carolyn perfect says she keeps on laughing. The laugh is the result of being double graced by God, she's graced in the first place by Bible doctrine. She's graced in the second place by having her right man. So she has doubled grace, the word time is yourdoesn't mean time means day.

And instead of a day to come. It should be the next day. So literally we enter beauty and glamour art is her clothing glamour of soul, enter beauty and glamour of soul her clothing. She shall laugh at the next day.

She has arrived, man. She can laugh and accept the next day because right manis wherever they have a perfect relationship of soul and a body, and her soul is prepared by the next day as a laughter here refers to the total satisfaction of a white man white woman relationship, which means soul, and body, a relationship of a soul and sex. This goes back to the pillows on the bed.

So, inner beauty and glamour of saw her clothing out, what does that say that tells you that in the presence of a white man she is not clothed with anything else as far as her body is naked to him or her soul is Megan to him. I bought her soul, and her body received maximum satisfaction, and therefore she shall have an extra day.One day orthree days away she's laughing at the next day, whatever, but now we have free time. She shall laugh at the next day is the correct translation so let's get to thatshow.The next day. Now what does this mean by category one female as a white one, it was a white man she's now writing is the one who's going to use the House file and remember we saw the house file in our basket. Once you know I've happened to go after fine she's gonna work around the house all day. And that's no laughing matter as far as I know this now has arrived. And so this one at a time and it may be the worst time that you'll ever have in house cleaning the house maybe just in the worst compliment slaps. Relax. Then there is category two, and that is the business.She's got to go to the office,two labs.Standing office her boss all aspirants to Idon't know how to dictate, he started around model. He can standard cigar.Whatever.She laughs. Now there is a third one who is supporting her husband, combined with a gonna be a tough day because she has to reach a certain quota for the automation traders that are making a difference. She laughs.She makes the quota. In other words, a rifle, regardless of the category in which she finds herself, her relationship with her right now means that she is relaxed, she laughs at the next day. That's all the props are that instead of anticipating she laughs, she's relaxed. Now verse, 26.She opened her mouth with wisdom. And then our time is the law of kindness. This is the pay file.And this was the thing, but a giant.There's the pain, and you canfile.This file deals with a verbal conversation or the right woman.She not only is the greatest thing in the world.But she talks when she opens her mouth.Her soul is turned inside out. And that's exactly what we have here when she opens her mouth. This man is absolutely thrilled out of his wits. Because wisdom comes out. Now, this is dedicated to all of you that thought that a woman is all women are stood by the fact that it is possible for a woman to start attending Bible class and Masada leaves her brain.And in his place as Bible doctrine and some of the most fantastic things. Come on deaf ears now, she opens her mouth, the whole church collapses.From here, that's the one who doesn't have arrived.She's been trying.She opens her mouth, socialize as well as by the new group.She opens her mouth.Every time they open her mouthdrops his care. Correct.He may go through life mild shoulder but he has been assassinated.And this one is definitely fine she has her right man, I have a capacity to love him, of course, and she opened up her mouth with wisdom. Now the word for openness account for a pop back live again was with aP A T H hemanaged to open the mouth for the purpose of connecting the tongue and the column of Arabic, exhale pass the epiglottis, with something, and the soul. Did you ever wonder about this fantastic art of speech of saying something. The next type of say is offering like a cup of human and wisdom I just think, here there's an impulse in the right frame of reference, and vocabulary and non-standards and there's a viewpoint connected with it, and weighed out here coming up from the logs, there's a comma there, and it hits the epiglottis and what it does something that is in the vocabulary has put together with the norms and standards that frame of reference and the viewpoint. And out of this beautiful creatures mind,words, sentences, paragraphs.Female of the Species.Thought it was that it was the latest equipment.She opens her mouth, and she reveals her soul.And in this case, revealing, they come off of her.And it turns literally that she opens her mouth, she opens her dock and then on her tongue.She opens, mach AKA, ma, ma, is doctrine and the human spirit, SAP analysis cycled into the right mode.But the next and this problem is the fulfilment of Second Corinthians stand by them six doctrine is our logic that doctors is the basis of their conversation, divine viewpoint is the basis of our conversation.This kind of woman is not impressed with him, questionable waters celebrity history or any field in which she may have a very avid interest and start off any field of interest, dominating her. She has enough doctrine to dominate.And next we have them on her top by lawto our age is for doctors communicated on her time, the law, categorical doctor, not unkindness, we have cuffin and kaset means GraceADH on her time law.Now, by law,God, being vindictive assassinating characters, writing, poisonous notes.Always tell a woman whose bad or right man, you know why she had got time to run around and read never wanted to please either by, and express mental attitude Sam Johnson in the line is judging.Shopping hours occupies.And that brings me to a very interesting application. The worst people in NHS are frustrated in their mental attitude to spend their time assassinating the character inperspiration sticks offher mouth, she opens with an honor time. The law of grace. Next is the solder defile the 18th letter of the alphabet is Psalm a in verse 27ts ad. And this is Assad.Later on, Masada is a reapingthe harvest of the right woman in her life and soul.First party server. As it stands, she looked at well for the ladies of our household. At age, good, if not the bread of idleness. She loved the flowers that cow active participant on sofarTs, ph, a southpaw.Now sofar means to be alert, means to keep watch. She is alert to the waves of our household,and does not eat the bread.brand of indolence or Highland Is she the animation in her soul for her right man reflects itself and overflows into her household alertness,have something that you need, and makes you know,this is referring here to her sothe first 28 that this was. Her children arise off, and call her blessing, or her husband also, and he prays. This is the code.And this is the codehas an enlarged code, because the back of their head or the subcontract and the code file than any other project is used for flashbacks. For retrospection and her children may not be very happy about some of the things at the time, but they remember her.The fear is that when they become adults, they remember Mother, with great joy and happiness. This was the flashback. When it was fracture. Remember what a wonderful person. Otherwise, so it's literally her son's rise up. Now this means they grow upstupidest thing in the world on the fly somethings I probably never will say,they grow up.

When I grow up that my evaluation of mother she says, great. That's why you have to wait and mother.Mother knows the job right. And it's always the man in marriage who leaves his mother and father, not the woman as everyone always thinks, the biggest thing was your complaints about mother in law, the guys are responding to those on the matter with taking a look at a guy and wonder why he doesn't love his mother.Strangely enough, ladies, there's nothing wrong with you going on the mother.But you see the sun has something else that doesn't say children here it says, Son, that sons go up. Mother, is a sweet memory, all the day from a memory of his mother.Now he didn't always like the memories of his mother, and going up by promise she did a good job, and she did a good job because of animation right man.And I want you to notice the right man isn't the one they rise up and bless, or go up and lasses mother knows no matter how you slice it, we're talking about sons and daughters.It is the mother who trains the son in his trainable years, one from 900 to 11.That's all a man is earning a living by the sweat of his brow. The mother is in the home with a son, and it is the influence of a mother that is so great, we've had this before. In fact, it is the influence of the mother. That gives him an appreciation for seven guys and makes it possible for him to have an additional capacity for appreciation of his right moment. So their mother does his job properly. He has a phenomenal capacity Where's right woman is concerned.By the way you might be using her for a punching bag.

All right, her son's grow up.And now they don't call our glasses, better than perfect of our share.Ah, we are shall be having to make happenfor songs.And we call her.That isn't all that bad word hearts on again. Yeah, that's a bad word in the English language I'm not knocking.I'm showing you thatour cars.I would like you to meet my husband come forward, come out of the cage and letthe big dancing bear.Now, I would like you to make my lastcall.

The Lord also hasgiven mehis prayer is that great greatest thing that can happen to a man is to have a great side. I don't think that's necessarily successful, but a side was a real man.With courage. Fiction arrives on a map.Father had a son that way. And when he has his son that was crazy. He turns around andnot always, butso locker relationship razors.This was something that was no handed to him. This was brought out from another barber. So her songs go up because it happened. The Lord also, in addition to recalling with happiness. He praises her in 10th Verse 29 Right, race byrace, looks like this.Now the race, refers to the following.This brings us back to it in the lifetime of the cross stick to the how is she going to wait for her right man.And the answer is in gapping.The Bible doc.It says here many daughters so we just have sons, throwing up.Daughters also go out many daughters arrival. But no, which is correctly translatedor accomplishedas a, ah, accomplish or have manufactured, many daughters have manufactured. Then you have the word purchase virtuously, which is my CEO Coggio and a man named string ch AJ on zeal and a woman, it means, ability power integrity,and other words, there are many,many women, ability, talent, integrity, much of the world is filledwith just one letter daughters that manufactured ability virtue integrity good manager, But you have only you surpass them.But you not excel, you have access to them now it's a perfectage, and a world of women where there is talent virtue and good character, the right man, identifies the right moment. And he says you in the embodied position you and only you. So first of all, now towards runningwithout a bit of a man for a woman it is that they are, they are creatures of talent and ability and integrity.In the midst of all such women, who is the, and only you and only you. You only usethe word surprise or Excel means to rise above them. In other words, there's only one right.First, I got this favorite, a woman thatsays listening, during the concert. That is not the right woman I mentioned, doesn't mean that at all. That's the way it appears on the surface. So let's notice the first of all, this is the file.Yes Ah, by the letter actually looks like this. This is a sheet, whether or not there is the dots on this side it's a shame, but it is regarded as one letter in the Hebrew alphabet scene and sheen.And she refers to assumeyour jobhas a connotation of feeding this file the result and obviously the result is occupation of Christ, or maximum love for Jesus Christ.John Roberts and basis for.Now the word favor has been used for waves, and it can be yours that way it's not the ordinary word for the seven, of course, that the word looks like this cane is the word which is translated here.Ordinarily means grace but it also refers to elegance and beauty. Some people have a very elegant and very elegant. Beautyprinciple here is recognition, otherwise known as elegant beauty comes to me, what Mrs. Beauty.

There are some women who are glamorous and their partner to the principal thing but all women are beautiful.But glamour is alive what it says not perceivable but Shacharsh e QER Now Shaka means a lie. Now what does this really mean, does it mean that you can't have a glamorous life woman, not at all. That means that if you are using beauty to try to recognize your wife on exposure span in order to live this life, I've got to find my wife

Jackie.When you see what she may wait for the decision makers like yourself like that.That's what it's saying, though it says that everything is beautiful, isn't fun.This isn't modeling beauty, don't misunderstandme guys, if you're looking for time off.What you have in your mind.For some kind of beauty that turns you off becomes very deceitful, and those are glorious momentspassage was a little difficult because very glamorous women in the world and they do have a right,but it means that when you make that identification, and somehow that makes you turn your head 190 degrees and whistle free time. That doesn't mean that she's not for you.Hats off someone else's right, and you are in the process of being deceived by what you see on the outside,recognition of the white woman is concerned glamour, is a lie. And the next word is beauty which is your pay, which is dazzling beauty, not just ordinary beauty but dazzling beauty, your fee dazzling beauty, dazzling beauty is heaven. Empty useless and idle.Heknows you're useless. I love sunrise by one man may be attracted to both glamorous and dazzling beauty.But feminine prostitute is not the basis for recognition or right, Norma. Repeat dominance is not the basis of recognition for white woman. That's the trouble we're trying to recognize you're right and I'm not going back to them. So primax. Ignition signals and that related to the battery that related to that burning i First Corinthians seven nine is a sort of climax. So identification. The ability to start to be the basis for recognizing right rather than you should have a honeymoon before the marriage and maybe cancel the marriage. And that's not good. You'll have that marriage first. Because recognition isn't the soul, notthe body. Beautiful, beautiful application. But don't go out and try to identify your basis. Right. You take one Listen, are you just kidding. There's nothing wrong with buying a beautiful woman. If it's your white woman, but that is what this passage is teaching. You do not recognize your right hand and by refusing to recognizethe good is that beautiful body your body, and you're absent from the body and face to face with a beautiful body, which is still recognized, not if you are going to do it on the basis of the body because she doesn't have a body you don't have a body, how does she recognize you and how do you recognizethat you recognize them in the soul. Because no one's gonna have a perfect resurrection. Again, I was wrong. Not only was every woman beautiful but every woman was dazzlingly.This first look, there's nothing wrong with being beautiful ladies, and that you should think that there is anything wrong with a stupid jackass, who is trying to identify his right on the basis of what he sees, over the past you see something of a soul.I like this page, share the target get into a cage and chat No touching. Just check the cage maybe someone's living room or maybe a table out in a restaurant that may be in an automobile but no matter how to study.Plenty of time to make the proper identification. It's really, once you establish the bank and the soul, then everything else will work out beautifully. So don't get burned. Living or living apart from others body burning as a function.And a woman has a beautiful body. So, we have a sign of our body as a soul, and awoman that soul. Charlotte. Charlotte when his wife husband comes along. He's the most beautiful one and as the time goes on we have to chase you always identify but he's not. And he would latch on to this person so feminine and try to make her into his white woman, and he collected 1700 of which he married and 300 of which he gave him the highest of all accomplishments, he made the Mistresses instead of nine never goes to the Solomon wife was to be in the majority just plain old white lesbian. This was the minor there were 300 700, you see a guy only marry one person that may be meaningful, but if you're married 700 your wife number 699, or a good wife, number one, the mother, the wife.And you're studying Shauna song. Really, as he found out she was so hard to ride with a whiteboy because he actually was constantly reflecting upon her Shepherd. Shepherd, not so much question, are having a great time, as well as having a problem. I really miss assignments to finish a bomb, identify the right jobs after every job that looks good to you, and you don't have a clue as to what you call it, it's probably gonna shock you when I tell you that a woman hasa body, true person of the Bible. God, because it's just all these dolls because you're like, what did you get inside of a house. We'll come to that on our conclusion, we got bragging, inclusion, we are pleased inclusion tonight,became the landmark version and the most beautiful day for the rest of your life. You can look forward to going to sleep or getting up in the morning so you can hear that voice,and drown it out, turn off the television. Raise a pack of basset hound, but nothing really works. So people have tried to drown out the noise by drinking themselves today. Someone has said that there is a relationship between alcohol, and the hearing that somehow you don't hear, oh it doesn't sound so bad after so many sounds out of a double shot right. That doesn't work. Nothing works, capturing a slowdown are continuing to drop by 3.2 a solid one fell into this trap by three and this does not imply that you're right or wrong. But it does emphasize the fact that over, beauty, there's not the basis for the recognition of God's grace provision, I guess an interesting thing to point out when it comes to your wife. You make the identification of the soul. I've had one David establish the job the most beautiful body in the world because it was made by the identification is made in the soul, not the body and your webinars suckers to let every Jackass touch you. Check you out. So you're really a soccer fan comes along, he may want to reach across the table and touch you or reach under the table in touch with someone you've got to talk. Got to find out, you got to make some identification, we identify the user. And that takes talking some good people to start all over with your hands behind your back and go on. So y'all have a goofy idea. We all want to touch to sound really stupid. Very stupid. Smart man believers or unbelievers will not try to walk with a doll on the first day. That's always the best day for a week. Secondly, they don't try to touch you try to shake don't ever shake hands and not a gentle shake hands with your dad class cheese rapids, Lafayette. Don't get my nice little ice pack called a kiss. That's stupid, kissing someone on the cheek, says that they have two days when the fear on a case of a woman and she has nice soft skin so why not probably. Get your hands off of the property. That may not be you're out of it if you don't want to touch it. We want to make sure that we'll make sure, so a lot of you guys think that all the books all the search books will tell you gotta have an attorney. That is the ones that you do not have to have you do not have to have experience, you have to have some kind of a soul. I believe or not the labor so nobody's gonna recognize the white woman, and then you're standing up in your life having glorious experience at any job after that we're going to be dramatic detrimental as a law fair you have, The more you put yourself behind the eight ball commit adultery, fornication are not other words, don't wait around. I guess say that tapings after. Now most of you have been brought up. I don't need all have these concepts that make you want to grab. For example, though, they say, people say this spot. Now, what's that, what's the design for some bicycle conference, boy, that was all and really latch on to go as far as he can go. Now, why doesn't Matt Rosa go and add the same thing is that get the same thing from cheap or expensive.

These are all things designed for God to get you to learn when you're starting out by just putting the proper nose in the mouth once you get it in there,and you'll have a very happy life. Take your hands on weddings, people often say some idiotic bride or promise andkiss the bride might say no that's, That's the hardest job I've ever done by believe in touching. I think that one of the most despicable. Stupid asinine costumes that ever came into American history is, everyone can lining up and kissing the bride. Watching pass. Stupid. Crazy. Hey, guys, I want to kick things I got to get a bike shop.I want to get my hands on. Get one of the body, monitors, whoever you're like woman. Keep your hands off. Find out whether you can't get under so much or happen for the occupational hazard event, everyone has cried glamorous beautiful woman as your wife has spoiled. Beautiful. Sometimes she has fingerprints all over her body. He's full of affirmation like she's been told how beautiful she is. And she has gone got to believe it, so rapidly that if she's the right woman God help you to have a wonderful time identify her as well. Number. Zero and as modern. Folks, I just thought about that miracle admirer. Me to dothat. Want to stand up and find a body in front of the mirror for about an hour and look at your face and a large, just turn on a tape recorder and listen to an hour. And maybe you're so real problem with get your mind. You want to get your money. If you want to do that only because if you do it yourself. Beautiful Women top of mind are right now. Rest of Us. J. Frog is a noun. And it's stronger than a bird and a woman.Show of HA, HA al al usually, Manuel. But here it is a strong passion. So, the concept first recognition of white domination. Glamour is a lie that was like beauty is empty and useless.

The woman occupied with the Lord shall receive praise from a white man, who is she has suffered an assault identified her, I'm pleased with that lady plays are in the game, child. The cow is the last segment. This identification of the soul, and the second show we get to things, the woman, and by the point. Is your wife. Your wife woman, and we finally got around to touching on you young boys, it doesn't look like the fruit of her hands. We have a lot. That means, other her emotions are probably the better word diction of workon the production cost of production, refers to the woman's life. You, because the bad boy. This is one of those solos I thought he was respond when you find a woman who may use your hands on a white man. Underneath itoff the jackass. Brother so on so it was always visiting in the hall, but never had time to study, and you're betrayed as to what your wifely duty. Your wifely duties. Forgot the secret.Anybody only reliedupon me.There is no, no, no other me know when it comes to touching on the production of our hands. Now watch what happens when the god department. Now there are a lot of jackasses its fun to demonstrate how muchyou don't have to make a public display of this little show without ever touching in Providence. See these people trying to climb up and fine off the side of the house and the same time. And they try to ride that ride. If you want to get on the show your first half of this first second half level works plays on the games and play user occupation in the game. What's your occupation of the right man? I'm playing for occupation in the game. The other day, things are problems,like an Ask yourself in public. I don't think people will find five other souls and our bodies, and all of the cofounder's animation,while they are here. They don't have to be right, gentlemen. Now for the conclusion. Roberts. Yeah, so I know it's like there's gonna be problems while 14 Excuse me, Proverbs 12 Proverbs. 12. Alright, here it is a white woman that says in the English a virtuous woman is a crime to her husband. But she that make up a shame when they want us to comply. This will be our last person I noticed a terrible burden virtuous woman is hash tagthat shows us the construct a sh t th means a woman in the construct can heal. A woman can yield as we've already seen means integrity virtue ability or capacity, so I've got to translate it right woman. A woman capacity is a crown. Lord, a woman right capacity, a woman of integrity, a woman of virtue, a woman of capacity and ability is a crowd. In other words, when a man has this white woman. It was a cloud as a Pali word is right woman. What he does in life or who he is in life. He says hewas. She was the greatest love and driven life, write a contract that says yes or not. So here's the old model. They all say, well first motion account in the medical field as the cause of the sign means the one that will log on and causing frustration, confusion, and disappointment is likeright next to the ball. One of the worst types of cancer. And she lives in cancer. She destroys my bed by them by them. You see what drives him. They give me my strange fusion that disappoint. Alright, our conclusion is our cloud. In this case, confusion and disappointment. Why bother for the privilege of studying these things. But we asked them to devise a method,obviously. Respond becomes a classic with the hands I mentioned here, and this is called production, because the man has initiated to her so that she wants to touchshe wants to touch him or her. This is her own man. This is her happiness and her soul is involved, and her body responds. When you find a woman who won't use her hands on a right man you found a woman who's gotten the wrong.Now let's assume you find the females.You have been taught and equip Christian home for what you came, and buy some jackass pastor whom you admire. Brother so and it was always busy thinking, but never had time to study. And you've been praying as to what your wifely duty is your wifely duty is to arrive out on the bed. Close your eyes grit your teeth and say, for God at America.You hear this.There's no prostitute. 109 $100 A night calls with all identities.Can't ever do because the right woman and her tactile response to her right.And she can fake it.One man and this, ladies, was one.When it comes to touching a picture, hand over hand,head to head, and the production ever. Now that's in private in public. What happens when the guard is having a lot of jackasses try to demonstrate to everyone how much in love and so they call each other and that's usually for your private kids while you're trying to persuade these mega style protesters too much.

You don't have to make a public display and it's been a show without ever touching in progress.To climb Everest look like the boat trying to climb up and climb up the side of our house at the same time.I guess I suppose, and they try to realize that right longas necessary.Just go as wide as you want. When you get out and partner with shows that are ever not here thefirst half of this first second half was placed on the gates, literally, I am praised her occupation in the games. What's your occupation her right man plays her occupation in the game navigates means in public. When people see them in public. She's like a, like a light turned off. He walks into a room and all of a sudden the light goes off.I there's no question. But that's all there is to it it's anything.No problems are gonna ask yourself and just relax. That makes sense right people are getting whereby people will afraid I'll tell you something like this means privacy right man and the right woman has the blessing of their souls and their bodies and the tremendous animation and happiness that comes from it. When they are in progress. They don't have to prove anything to anyone that tries to prove something for a general partner.

We're not concerned about all you're saying is, I've gotten the wrong man but I'm sure gonna cover up by slobbering all over this poor ass and put your hands on him and Brian, Ross.

That's not the end. That's the end and then five inclusion. Proverbs 12Proverbs 12:14Excuse me, Proverbs 12 414 Proverbs, 12.

All right here is a right, Romans. It says in English a virtuous woman is a crown to her husband. But she that make us a shame is a rottenness to respond by this will be our last verse tonight. Notice of California, a virtuous woman is hash tag he'll just have that shirt is the construct, and the sh t th means a woman, R. It's Isha in the construct a woman of casual attire years we've already seen means integrity virtue identity or capacity. So I'm going to translate it, right Rama, a woman, our capacity is a crown, not to show her Lord, a woman, or right Robin a woman our capacity, a woman of integrity, a woman in virtue of one of the benefits of a crown. In other words, when a man has his wifewas a crown and the Crown he wears his right woman makes a difference what he does alive are who he is alive. He is a man and his kingdom is his right. And she calls him Lord, and he as ministers can relate with the greatest love in human life.His kingdom is right one injection of contrast, the one that says here she that make us ashamed, but it's quite a little different. It's the old participle approach.

Now over here feel the first motion a cow means to disappoint to frustrate and confuse the Hare field is the cause of the disease. And so it means the one, the wrong woman causing frustration, confusion, and disappointment is like rottenness to the bone. One of the worst types of cancers cancer.And she is a cancer, she destroys him, bit by bit by bit by bit. You see what destroys him is the heavy LFO fusion point. All right, our conclusion, a woman of capacity which is the right is our crown to her Lord.

But the one causing frustration, confusion and disappointment the wrong woman is like rottenness.Thank you Father for the privilege of starting these things, my God, the Holy Spirit enlightened. So we ask that in Christ's name. Amen.