The Book of Joshua

Joe Griffin

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #1                    Sunday 1st Session

This will eventually lead us to a study of the integrity of God. God tells Israel to “Go over the Jordan here” meaning that they needed to cross right there, and no a little further up or down. For 39 years, God has been trying to give the Jews this land, something promised to them in the Palestinian Covenant. From the Nile to the Euphrates River is promised to the Jews. However, the Jews need to have the capacity. Capacity comes from our consistence in doing our duty before God. In this, God can begin to release blessings to us. Joshua has succeeded Moses, possibly the greatest man in Scripture, unless you want to debate about the Apostle Paul. Ultimately the Jews will become flawed and they will never take all of the land that God has given to them. God does not tolerate certain things, like idolatry, rejection of authority, like rebellion and revolution.

The Jordan River is in a flood stage. The Jordan River loses 1000 ft. of altitude in flood stage. Normally, yoiu can walk across the Jordan. It can be as wide as 2 miles with a 500 ft. depth. When the water all dumps into this big crevice, the river is raging. They are going to cross right where God told them to cross. Normally, the first generation would have said, “No, it is too dangerous.” These people do not whine once. The 40 years of wandering is now over. A new trend will now emerge. The second generation will emerge and meet life’s battles head on and be victorious.

The Pentateuch

1.       The Pentateuch may be viewed as a group of historical events which chronicles the life of certain individuals and one in such a way that the plan of God is presented with imagery. 1440–1400 b.c.. A lot of events took place in the time period ofa bout 500 years. They have just studied a lot about the 38 silent years, because a lot of people lived and died during that time period. God desires to communicate to us His plan and through history, to provide us with a divine objective. He picks certain events which demonstrate in crystal clear terms, His purpose and His desires and His plan. He picks out specific individuals doing specific things. Sometimes they do grandiose things and sometimes they do mundane things. When we read things in Scripture, then it should communicate to us great gravity. What God chooses to reveal to us is very important. As these Jews advance to the River Jordan, what did God reveal to them at this point? Up to this point, they know the Pentateuch. This is what they had in writing.

2.       By imagery, this is a figurative illustration or a descriptive representation of ideas.

3.       There is a theological term for this which we have noted in the past, which term is typology. Under this, we will note two terms:

          a.       Type is a person, thing or event which represesnts or symbolizes another person, or thing or event to come in the future. A type is a divinely purposed anticipation which illustrates its antitype. These are related to each other by the same truth of principle is embodied in each. Take the lamb, which will be sacrificed for those who are guilty, and their sins will be transferred to the lamb. The antitype is Jesus Christ, identified by John the Baptist as the Lamb of God, and he is saying, “Behold, the antitype; behold, the fulfillment of the type.” Christ went to the cross as the lamb of God. Sins are not covered by Christ on the cross, but they are judged in Him. The Passover is another example.

          b.       Anti-type is that which is foreshadowed. An example is the lamb sacrificed at Passover. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, is sacrificed on the cross. The Pentateuch is filled with these types. He studied Lewis Sperry Chafer in studying for this. Only God could develop a system where He could reveal types and then reveal the antitypes later. How can God choose individual and events in order to illustrate something which will not occur for thousands of years? These are phenomenal concepts, and only God could do something like this. Griffin is amazed at the debates about whether Paul wrote Hebrews; and whether Mark or Peter wrote the book of Mark. And, there are those who think that someone later came along and wrote all of this stuff down long after the fact, and then said Joshua did. But it does not matter—God wrote this book. He revealed it to us by the power of the Holy Spirit. We actually understand the antitype more based upon the type, which is given first.

          c.        The type is a teaching aide, and the antitype is what is being taught. These two things compliment each other.

4.       In the Old Testament, there are things which are presented, that which occurs in the lives of others, which reveal doctrinal truths that would be revealed later.

5.       God would allow the positive person to understand the doctrine of the type. They could understand through the Feast Days, the sacrifices, etc. the reality behind the type.

6.       This is a part of the principle of progressive revelation. God revealed to us what He wanted us to know ove a period of several centuries. He was careful as to what He would reveal and when He would reveal it. We can study the Old Testament as history, and we can, therefore, learn a great deal about the human condition in this way.

7.       When we study the New Testament, we can return to the Old and see all of these illustrations or types which illustrate that which would come later.

8.       Why would a New Testament saint go back into the Old Testament? Paul tells us to in 1Cor. 10. Joshua is Eph. 6; he reveals the intensified stage of the angelic conflict. We are fighting today an invisible war. Angels are very popular today. Displays of angels downtown; some are naked babies, Griffin noticed. The angels must view these things as either humorous or with great horror. I do not want you to be unaware that all at the same spiritual food and they drank from the same spiritual Rock, and that Rock followed them. All of these things are types with spiritual application. Their bodies were scattered over the horonotas. These things happened as patterns or as types; these types reveal to us patterns or future events or trends or ways that people will act. How the Jews acted in the horonada, is how the believer will act in the Church Age. We have a land available to us as Church Age believers, which we do not take because we do not care. We should not lust after evil things, just as that first generation lusted after. They were driven by their bodies and not by their souls; they were driven by their emotions and not by their thoughts. Divine thought is only revealed in Scripture. You cannot serve Jesus without the Word of God. You cannot serve someone that you do not know. This book of the Law will not depart from your mouth, but you will mediate on it day and night, so that you can do all that is found in it, so that you will be prosperous and you will have victory. Joshua has the power to do this; will he respond? Will the people respond? Study it, know it and obey it. Believers need the artillery of divine thought in the fortress of their souls; they cannot win without the ammo. Do not be idolaters, as some of them were, as it is written, the people sat down to eat and drink and stood up to play. No one seems to be concerned that promises of integrity have been made to a woman, and these promises were made. This means, no integrity. Do we elevate true high crimes and misdemeanors into a badge of honor? This describes a nation of people who are divorced from reality and cannot think beyond divine viewpoint. It is not the people involved. We should not expect much more. That is normal behavior for them. We should not be surprised when a movie star gets married and divorced over and over again. They are just actors. They do not know who they are. They only know when a character is put in front of their face, and they are told to be that. Actors cannot have integrity, because they do not know who they are. The horror of it all is, the general population does not recognize how off this all is. If a school teacher said back in Griffin’s day what teachers say today, they would have been run out of town. Nor let us commit sexual immorality, as some of them prostituted, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell; nor let us test Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents; nor murmur, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come (1Cor. 10:8–11).

9.       In this way, we are able to understand how God taught doctrine to the believers of that day. The believers then had only 5 books.

10.     Each book in the Pentateuch contains types, which tells us what should be done.

We will pick up there in the second session.

There appears to be about 10 minutes of dead air on the file after this.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #2                    Sunday 2nd Session


10.     Pentateuch:

          a.       Beresheth is the first book of the Bible. Usually named with the first word or first group of words. The Septuigint is called the 70. When they named the books of the Bible, they gave Greek titles. This is theh book of beginnings and it is the seed plot for the entire Bible, revealing the major doctrines of the entire Bible. Gen. 1:1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now we know the creation would logically be created perfectly. The earth became chaos in v. 2. Gen 1:2: And the earth was without form, and void, with darkness on the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. A restoration of the earth. Adam and Eve were created perfectly and they lived in a perfect environment. God had to leave their volition open, so he put in the midst of the garden the Tree of Good and Evil. They fell, and Jesus found them in the garden and offered them salvation. They were clothed with animals skins, indicating that an animal died for their covering. There was one creation, but the verses which follow do not all occur at the beginning. Sometime after the universe was created, there was the angelic revolution and subsequent trials which ensured. This may have occurred 6 minutes or 6 million years later. Bara is used in the creation, but asah is used for creating from existing things. God created us by God, but made out of the same elements as is found in the earth. God created Adam and Eve perfect. Creation to restoration is an unknown amount of time—3 weeks or skillions of years—we don’t know until God tells us. Merrill’s Unger’s dictionary: Abraham and Isaac experience. Isaac is a type of Christ, obedient unto death. The Bible is the Word of God and when the Bible is studied as history or as literature, people go around the room and discuss what was in Abraham’s mind as he lifted up the blade. It is even possible that Abraham tried to do this before, and that he could not do it. This is an important story in Scripture. It is designed to teach us about God’s perfect sacrifice for us motivated by His perfect love. Isaac is a type of Christ obedient unto death to his father. Philip. 2:8 speaks of this obedience. Abraham is a type of God the Father and Isaac is a type of Christ. Rom. 8:32. The ram found trapped in the thicket and sacrificed in the place of Isaac is explained in Heb. 10:5–10. There is more to these chapters of Genesis than some random stories. These are stories which are important for our spiritual growth. Gen. 22 is a substitutionary atonement chapter. The mission was for Abraham to take Isaac up to the top of a particular mountain and to slit his throat. Abraham told his servants, we will go up and worship there, and we will return to you. Abraham knows that God’s promises are immutable, so that even if he cuts Isaac’s throat, God will resurrect him. It is through Isaac, Abraham’s seed would be called. Gen. 24—Isaac returns as the bridegroom. Rebecca was brought back by a servant. Isaac comes riding along the mountains. Isaac dismounts when he meets Rebecca dismounts and knows that he has met his RW. Whom, having not seen, he loved. Christ loves the church, but Christ is in heaven. At the rapture, the body of Christ will be brought up to Him. 2Cor. 11:2 Eph. 5:20–25. Genesis begins with In the beginning and ends with a coffin in Egypt. This is the beginning and the end of human condition. Humanity begins with perfection in Eden, but because of sin, spiritual death resulted and this pristine state became transformed to the hostile environment of the devil’s world. The devil’s world is symbolic of the first husband, who will kill you.

          b.       Exodus.

                     i.         Fallen man needs to be redeemed. The redemption of humanity by Christ is portrayed in the Passover. The nation was delivered through each individual’s faith in Jesus Christ. Moses had to gather up the sheep and he went to the people how to deal with the upcoming plague. The blood of the lamb would be taken to the door posts of the tent. Then you go inside the tent and stay. The avenging angel passes over the tent if the blood is there. There people had no idea as to the significance of this type. Faith must be understood as a transitive verb and it must have an object. Faith must be placed in something. It is nonmeritorious. Therefore, it is the object which must have the merit. The power of faith is one’s personal belief will deliver them. They believed that the blood of the sacrificial lamb would spare them.

                     ii.        The Law revealed to Israel the absolute and unalterable righteousness of God. The Law revealed to Israel God’s perfection. “You want to be perfect? Then keep this.” Deviation from this constituted sin.

                     iii.       Circumstances and pressures in the horonada which God permitted to remain—He placed them in an environment without any provisions, and God asks, “Are you willing to trust me?” After 40 years of grace, they were not permitted to go on. They did not know God, they did not trust God, and they could not receive His grace.

                     iv.       The Mosaic Law, the Tabernacles and the associated sacrifices are typical of the Lord’s work. Redemption from Egypt.

          c.        Leviticus = He called. Worship and service of a redeem people. You cannot worship God or serve Him unless you are redeemed. Levitius reveals this in a systematic series of offerings.

                     i.         Passover.

                     ii.        The feast of unleavened bread

                     iii.       The feast of firstfruits

                     iv.       Pentecost

                     v.        The Feast of Trumpets.

                     vi.       The Day of Atonement.

                     vii.      The Feast of Tabernacles.

We will begin our analysis on Tuesday evening.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #3                        Tuesday Session

We will only go as far as Joshua 13 and we may not even go that far. We need to learn the concept of being victorious in cosmos diabolicos. If the believer is won over by the cosmic system, they are defeated, unable to glorify Jesus Christ, and useless in this world.

We did s short survey of Genesis and Exodus so far.

Leviticus is filled with typology about a redeemed people, including service. People always think that this is this or that they can buy their way into heaven with something they have done. Sin does not cross their mind; they may try to do more good works than bad. Griffin worked with someone who thought his good deeds were better and more numerous than his sins.


11.     Leviticus

          a.       The rebound is the sin and trespass offerings. These offerings are types and they steer us toward the need of a Savior and what do we do about post salvation sins.

          b.       These latter offerings establish what we must do to have fellowship with God. All of our sins go back to Christ onthe cross. The pre-salvationi sins were forgiven once we believe; post-salvation in groups.

          c.        Foreshadowing of future events by the Feasts. Some are fulfilled in the Church Age. They were done during the Age of Israel.

                     i.         Passover: Lev. 23:4–5: Passover pictures the sacrificial death of Christ. The Passover ritual and their exodus out from Egypt and into the horonada. Exiting Egypt is our redemption of sin; being brought out of the slave market of sin. Redemption has 2 concepts: Jesus Christ redeemed us from the cross. We do not have to leave the slave market. We are free to move out from the slave market by faith alone in Christ alone. Only a few move out of the cell in this way. These are the redeemed; these are the ones who appropriate faith alone in Christ alone. Everyone is given the option to get up and walk out of the cell. It is a decision to believe in Jesus Christ. The Passover depicts this. Egypt pictures the devil’s world. We are all born into a fallen environment. There is no escape; our destiny is death and then the Lake of Fire. If we do not make a decision to change this destiny, that is where we are heading. God created the Lake of Fire for the devil and his angels; not for the human race. We decide our own destiny by our own volition. Deliverance from Egypt is redemption from sin. We are born in slavery to a tyrannical first husband. Redemption comes through the sacrificial lamb.

                     ii.        The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a type of the two spiritual skills: gap and rebound. 1Cor. 5:7 Christ our Passover has also been sacrificed; let us, therefore, celebrate the feast (the Eucharist), not with old leaven, There is nothing in and of itself in the body which would cause us to die. We have the aging process, but our bodies rebuild everything completely. We have a little bit of leaven in our bodies.

                     iii.       Firstfruits, which is a type of resurrection. Annually, before beginning the harvest, sheaves are bound with stalks of barley, brought to the temple, and the priests would wave them toward heaven. We bring our sheaves into the Temple; the priest would wave this sheave, which is called a wave offering. Following this was a harvest, which speaks of the rapture of the New Testament church. Griffin grew up in a baptist church, and every 5th Sunday, they would sing hymns, and on occasion, this hymn would be sung. Firstfruits it the resurrection of Christ. Bound stalks of barley waved.

                     iv.       Pentecost Lev. 23:15–22 and it literally means the 50th day. The Passover occurs. This feast occurs in the early summer. This is the birthday of the Church. The ultimate Passover is Jesus Christ, being crucified at Calvary. The priest is to come out and wave two loaves of bread before God. The barley of the previous verse is put into the over and baked and the result is bread. Because the church is not yet glorified, these loaves contain leaven, which represents sin. Pentecost is the birthday of the church. These two loaves speak of the church, which began on the day of Pentecost. Fire is always symbolic of judgment. The leaven is neutralized and the sin is killed by the first of judgment. Acts 2. Baked bread is waved. The church is not yet glorified, so the loaves contain leaven, which is sin. The loaf represents the unity of many into one organism. Two loaves are Jew and gentile being made one in Christ. You can be taught doctrine with these things. The sin of the bread, the leaven, is put into the oven and it is neutralized by the first, which symbolizes judgment. E. Pluribus Unum = one out of many. Al Gore is out of many races, one people. He does not know the busts of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington; and does not know the difference between Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan. Eph. 3:6 the Gentiles are fellow heirs. The Jews thought that they were the only ones with access to an eternal future. “John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 2:1: They were altogether in one place and all filled with the Holy Spirit.

                     v.        The Feast of Trumpets. Lev. 23;23–25: a type for the regathering of Israel. Dispersed from that point to this. For the Church Age, the Jews are scattered throughout the earth. There can be no regathering of Israel prior to the 2nd advent. We are to pray for the Jews and support them in every way, but we should be fearful when Jews gather into any place as a group, because Satan would love to eliminate them. The Jewish diaspora has taken them to every corner of the earth. It will come about in that day when a great trumpet will be blown, and those sacrttered in Assyrian and Egypt... (Isa. ). Ezek. 11:16–17: Though I had removed them far away and scattered them among the countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them. Wherever the Jews are, God protects them; in all 4 corners of the earth. I will gather you from the people and assemble you out of the countries where you had been scattered. Arafat will be relegated to the Lake of Fire. Matt. 24:31: He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet.

                     vi.       The sixth feast is the Day of Atonement. Lev. 23:26–32. This is a type of a day of national cleansing, which will occur following the 2nd advent and prior to them reentering the land given them by God. Blood of the animal taken into the Tabernacle or the Temple and it was taken by the High Priest into the Holy of Holies where he would sprinkle blood on the mercy seat. Qophar means to cover; and all of the sins were covered. Once the cross was history, man was the beneficiary of faith alone in Christ alone. Atonement has no significance following the cross. This marks the official... Christ eliminated sin on the cross, and this atonement (covering) is no longer necessary; it is now a memorial. These people which God assembles, are those who come to the cross through faith alone in Christ alone. Type: day of atonement; antitype: Christ on the cross. Prior to the cross, this was done to cover the sins of the people.

No Bible class Thursday and we will cover this again Sunday.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #4                    Sunday 1st Session

This was a communion Sunday.

Exodus is redemption from Egypt. Pharaoh represents Satan, as the ruler of this world, and the slavery of the Jews as slavery to the first husband, Satan. The Exodus generation desired to go back on several instances, because it is our natural desire to return to our sinful ways.

Leviticus is filled with typology filled with typology involving salvation, rebound and service. We reviewed the 7 major feasts practiced by Israel. Some have been fulfilled and some still remain to be fulfilled. Taking in the bread of the Eucharist is emblematic of our salvation, but also of the bread of life, the Scripture.

Pentecost is the birthday of the Church Age, the moment this new organism came into being. Stalks of barley tied together making a sheathe, these harvests, these farmers, are bringing in these sheaves, and this sheathe is raw, it has not been processed, no bread has been baked from it. However, in Pentecost, two loaves are waved before God. The loaves were baked with fire and they contrained leaven, but they are baked into one organism called the church. There are many members, but one body.

The Feast of Trumpets, which takes us to the 2nd advent of Christ, which is typical of the gathering of Israel. Jews scattered all over the world would be gathered to Israel by the trumpets, and it would be determined just who of them would go into the Millennium. Matt. 24:31 Ezek. 

The Day of Atonement: annually, on this day, the High Priest enters into the first veil with the blood of a sacrificial life, and then he would enter into the Holy of Holies. He went in twice; he sprinkled blood on the seat for himself; and then he went outside, got blood for another sacrifice, and the blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat for the people, which covered the sins of the people for another year. The angels stood on the mercy seat looking down on the mercy seat when the blood had been sprinkled.

The day of national cleansing which occurs following the 2nd advent. Jews who believe in Jesus as the Messiah will populate Israel into the Millennium. This was a time of repenetence and the sins of the people were covered for that year. They were not forgiven, per se, because this was pre cross. When Jesus goes to the cross, all of our sins are forgiven. Prior to this, our sins were covered. God looks at the blood of the sacrificial lamb, and the attention of the people was constantly being steered toward the Lamb to come. Someone will die for my sins; a lamb without spot and blemish.

Kaphar = to cover. The sins of all the people prior to the cross were covered. Pre-cross humanity sins were covered by this ritual. Man’s sin problem was eliminated by our Lord’s action on the cross.

Reconciliation is the removal of the barrier between God and man. The barrier is 7-fold, apparently. Removal of this barrier is called reconciliation. Where there once was enmity, now there is peace. The Day of Atonement has no significance following the cross. Christ, our Passover, has been slain for us. He is the atonement for our sins, not the animal. When all of these Jews are hauled in from all over the world by this trumpet blast, they are hauled into this area. All unbelieving Jews will be cast into torments, joining all other believers there. Believing Jews make up true Israel. They have the genes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Rom. 9–11. The concept of this baptism of fire. These are the believing Jews who will populate true Israel. This is the only efficacious day of atonement to occur.

A passage speaking about type and antitype. A type is a person, thing or event which symbolizes another, particularly one which is to come. An antitype this a person, thing or event which comes about and was represented by the type.

The can have people standing near a wall and we can see their shadows; if you know the people, you can often recognize the shadow of the person. The Law is not always the reality, but a shadow of what is to come. A ritual or a type cannot make anyone perfect or satisfy God’s requirements. These rituals were done over and over again, not to make any one perfect, but to represent what Jesus Christ will do. We may do the same thing here—we may believe in Jesus Christ over and over again, or confess a particularly heinous sin over and over again; even though naming the sin once covers us, and believing in Jesus Christ covers us.

They crucify Christ afresh every Yom Kippur. It is impossible for bulls and goats to take away sins. Therefore, when He comes into this world, He says, “Sacrifice and offering, You have not desired, but a body You have prepared for Me. Behold, I have come to do Your will.” The child’s brain is pre-wired for language, so even before speaking, they can understand grammar and syntax. Jesus speaks from His deity prior to birth. Propitiation did not occur because of the sacrifices of the animals.

The 7th and final feast is the Feast of Tabernacles. The Hebrew word is sukkoth. The Greek word is skenopagia. This literall refers to a protective covering. It is associated with the camp of the Israelites first camp, called Succoth. It is celebrated 4 days after Yom Kippur. It is rendered, tent, booth, pavilion. It later came to refer to a temporary dwelling; they were always on the move; they were nomadic. These were the places where they lived when they moved through the horonada. These booths, these tents refer to God care and provision as they moved through the horonada. No matter what our circumstances, God takes care of our needs. We have confidence; we have Bible doctrine in the soul; we learn to live without fear. God has promised to be with us no matter where we go. If we have confidence in God, then we have courage. God is always with us. He protects us no matter where we go. What can man do to me? A coward is arrogant because he cannot take the pressure. Everyone can look cool and swagger about when there is no pressure. However, when there is pressure, we walk around slumped down, saying, “Don’t beat me any more.” Confidence means you know where you stand. Nothing in the devil’s world is a problem for you. A leader cannot be afraid of his circumstances.

There is a great movie out called Saving Private Ryan; the first 30 minutes of this movie shows the great sacrifice of our servicemen. This amplifies what they have done on our behalf. They fought, bled, left their families behind. That 30 minutes said it all. We walk out of that movie, we say, “We are not worthy of what has been done for us.” We do not have the gratitude for what has been done for us. There was not enough military training to bring these men to this point; these men had great spiritual confidence and great integrity and their integrity got them through this.

This feast is about us moving through a hostile environment, and God calls upon us to walk through the horonada, knowing He will provide. Prophetically, this speaks of the Millennial rest which will come to the Jews are their future ingathering. The tent provides an image of provision, protection from heat, storms and wind. This will be amplified by some other Scriptures in the second half.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #5                    Sunday 2nd Session

Psalm 27:10: God will seal me in His tent. This same protection extends to the exigencies of comos diabolicus. No matter where you go, you will run into those who are involved in all kinds of sins; including gossip and maligning. We will leave the house and run into this or that person who is enraged about this or that. They are mad, they are jealous, they are envious. Will you allow these people, who are out of control, rob you of your happiness? Someone who cannot carry your water, you allow to bring you down. The imagery of the tent is in place. You have a covering over your soul; you have protection of your soul. Do you have confidence in what you know? Do you believe that justice is never denied? We can get rid of revenge motivation. We are not the one to seek justice. Vegence is Mine; I will repay, says the Lord. You do hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the conspiracies of men; you keep them separately in a tent from the vicious attacks of the tongue.

Griffin expects Congress to pass a law not allowing anyone to die. There will be a tent to provide protection from the heat of the day. In the Millennial reign of Christ, perfect environment and no one has to die. A person 100 years old will be looked upon like a child. The same God of Israel Who provided everything in the horonada will also provide for us in the Millennium. An ambassador represents his sovereign from a foreign land. He is subject to his sovereign. He must obey the laws of his host country, but he is under his own sovereign. We must use His game plan; we have a mission, orders, a game plan; and we make it though our life. Learn our orders, make application, and God takes care of the details. “You don’t have to worry; I am in charge; I have put a tent around you. You are an ambassador for the God of the Universe.

Paul refers to the body as a tent, in 2Cor. 5:1 We know that if the earthly tent [our body; a place where your soul is protected], which is our house, is torn down [physical death], we know that we have a house from God, a house not made with hands; it is eternal in the heavens.

The Feast of Tabernacles is a picture of God’s logistical support; the image of the human body supported by God.


1.       At the end of the incarnation, the resurrection of Jesus Christ at the close of the dispensation.

2.       Then there is the rapture of the church.

3.       Then there is the 7 year Tribulation period.

4.       Then the 1000 year Millennial reign of Christ. The first resurrection is the resurrection of Christ, of the saints, etc.

The book of Numbers; the Midbar: This is the 4th major point, the 4th book of the Torah. Numbers presents a redeemed people, who have been taught a procedure for serving God through worship. They have been taught how to execute His plan by keeping His mandates.

Moses taught constantly for 40 years and only a few people of the 1st generation paid attention to them. In Numbers, a number of people heard what Moses had to say, but they did not do it. Pastors think that people are going to follow everything that they say and people walk outside of the church and do nothing about it. The pastor might be taking notes, and take a lunch with someone and tell them how and why they are screwing up. This is none of the pastor’s business. It was not Moses’ duty to get upset. He presented process and procedure to a redeemed people, they did not care. People are being told the truth in client nation America and many are not listening. I’ve got my doritos and beer; is the ball game on? People don’t care.

Numbers provides the Israelites tests and challenges in order to help them to live the spiritual life. You will not do it in periods of prosperity. No problems; plenty of stuff. I’ve got my stuff, what do I need God for? There are periods of R and R for many of us, and that is a period of prosperity.

This prosperity in Bible class occurs for 4 hours at a time. This is a place where there is comfort occurs.

The book of Numbers documents the failures of Gen X. This is just like the believer in the Church Age and how they live their lives. They are failures. Joe Griffin has seen people sleeping in the congregation; and he has done it before the Colonet as well. People can hear the same thing and get a completely different take on it. He teaches the same thing, but people don’t seem to get it. You can be victorious if you have confidence toward God.

2nd month of the 2nd year to the 10th month of the 40th year. Leaving Mt. Sinai to the arrival of the plains of Moab on the eastern shore of Jordan.

This book illustrates God’s grace to all believers. Everybody gets grace. Everyone has shoes and clothes which lasted. They all had the Shekinah glory around them. No one had anything more than anyone elese in spiritual advantages. Unconditional logistics and protection. You have grace which flows on a daily basis from justice to our +R. If we do not follow God’s plan, He cannot bless us, he can only discipline us. This was to teach the Israelites to put their entire trust in God. They had to put all that they owned on their backs and move out to a desert designed to kill them. The first generation wiped out; and the 2nd generation had iron in their souls and they took the land. We are engaged in battle in the angelic conflict just as these Jews were involved in conflict in their day to day lives.

They has Moses’ leadership, the direction of the Law, and the Shekinah glory; we have a parallel to this: the availability of the Holy Spirit, the teaching mniisry of the sh, and we have the completed canon of Scripture. There is no excuse if we don’t make it to San Jose.

Griffin teaches the same to everyone: some apply it and some don’t; some don’t even hear it. These Jews had all of these things, and Numbers could have been a history of how God’s people walkled in wheel tracks of righteousness into the Land of Promise. It took 11 days for them to get into the south of the land. There was the spy mission; and they could have taken the land immediately.

Numbers became a documentary of the failures of a redeemed, but rebellious people. They are saved, but they refused to execute the Christian way of life. We refuse to execute the Christian way of life. Hopefully we can emerge as the victorious generation.

Deuteronomy is the 5th book. These are the words. This is Moses’ commencement address to the Sinai Military School and the Sinai Theological Seminary. Moses received it, he codified it, and now he presents it.

The title means the second Law; however, this is not an update, a redaction, or a change; but it is a reiteration and a summary of the Law given at Sinai. It is a review. His great emphasis is upon the imperative of obedience. You must obey God. Children are pre-wired to understand language; but they can only understand grammar and formulate words into sentences; when you enter this life with the ability to understand language, then the parent has to help the child organize their life into a conscience. This helps them to make good decisions internally, so they do not need outside forces continually applied. When you get the idea that the parents are in charge, and that they are building a tent of protection around you, and that they are trying to install this into the soul of the child, so he can handle life on his own. We learn about the old sin nature and how we lose the Holy Spirit. We learn how to have a faith rest approach toward life. We begin to understand what God has done for us. You move through the little problem, and you know what God can do for you. You face another problem,and you learn from the past how to face the new problems. You learn doctrinal rationales. You develop an inventory of ideas. The emphasis is upon the imperative of obedience. Israel’s compliance with divine mandates has to do with entering the land, taking the land and holding the land. It is the source of all blessings and rewards. Obedience is the source of all blessings and rewards. Noncompliance is the source of all discipline and cursing.

This is Moses’ last official public act before going to Mount Nebo to die. He recalls all of their experiences and intertwines their experiences with the Law. He salutes the tribes as he heads to Nebo to die.

Since obedience is stressed, Jesus Christ quotes deuteronomy quite a bit. In fact, it is quoted at least 96 times.

Genesis is the book of beginnings; Exodus is redemption from Egypt; Leviitus us rebound and redemptioni for service; Numbers is discipline for noncompliance and rewards for compliance; and Deuteronomy intertwines the law and experience.

Types and typology. As we study Joshua, there will be things there which will have impact and application.

Lewis Sperry Chafer: Vol. 3 soteriology from p. 116: a type is divinely purposed thing which anticipates its antitype and explains it. The sacrificial lamb at Passover representing Jesus Christ in His incarnation. The type does not establish the doctrine, but it is like a prophecy; but the reality establishes the doctrine. We can go back to the type to see the antitype illustrated. The type enhances the force of the truth set forth in the antitype. It amplifies, embellishes, and illustrates. We need the antitype to fully understand the type. We understand the Passover more through Jesus Christ, and we can go backward, and see what the idea was.

In vol. 1: Types and their antitypes form a unity which can only occur by means of divine revelation. A type is developed in centuries past; and fulfilled centuries later. The two come together to form a unity which no human being could come up with. No person could do something like this. A true type is the counterpart of its antitype. There are tons of things which God the Holy Spirit could have written about over 3000+ years of history. He chose to write about specific things. The Passover in 1440 b.c. is what God the Holy Spirit understand, but Moses did not completely understand it then. No man could have written about a type and matched it to its antitype. Even if the human mind could conceive the marvels of the antitype. There are too many details, too many nuances, to make this overall type what it is. No person could do that. The human mind, if it could conceive of this, could not do it. Typology demonstrates the Bible to be a book that man could not write, even if He would.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #6                        Tuesday Session

The Pentacteuch teches the plan of God through imagery. We noted the definition of Chafer, in soteriology, which Griffin is going to repeat.

P. 116 volume 3: A type is a divinely purposed anticipation which illustrates his antitype. A progressive revelation began with Moses and continued through to 1440 b.c.; and John ended the canon about 95 a.d. When God the Holy Spirit motivated Moses, incorporated in the first 5 books of the Bible, certain events took place, and these are types which describe something which would occur in the New Testament antitypes. They are related insofar as the very same body of truth is contained in each. Example is Jesus Christ as the Lamb sacrificed for us. The lamb sacrifices in the Old Testament is the type.

It is not the type which establishes the doctrine, but that is found in the antitype. The antitype serves to lift its type out of the commonplace. A true type is the counterpart of its antitype. Even if the hman mind could conceive the marvels of the antitype, he could not do this. A historical event has been selected by God and placed into the Bible to illustrate something in the future. This historical event occurs and is recorded in the Old Testament; and there is another New Testament event which matches up with it. Man could not take a piece of literature and make this work. The human mind cannot consistently record such events. You have two different writers, and they are separated by centuries, and what they write links up by type and antitype. How 40 different writers can coalesce in their thinking is something only God could cause. It requires a divine author. Typology illustrates something that man could not write if he would.

Joshua the man:

1.       Joshua is said to be the son of Nun. He is a prince of the tribe of Ephraim. His given name is Hoshea, which means salvation. Num. 13:16, Moses changes his name to Joshua.

2.       Joshua is the English transliterationn of Jehowshua. It means Jehovah is salvation. The first few chapters of Daniel and the brainwashing techniques of the Chaldeans against 50 men taken as prisoners of war. The Chaldean captors changed their names, and the new names represented the pantheon of the Chaldeans. Names mean something. In the Bible, you learn from the name what doctrines are being communicated. Moses renames Hoshua “Jehovah is salvation.” This reminds that salvation is found in Jehovah Elohim. He is the leader of Israel, of the second generation.

3.       The name used to communicate this idea is Iêsus, which comes over into the English as Jesus. All of it means Jehovah is salvation.

4.       It can be seen that Joshua is a type of Christ.

5.       Such was also the case for Moses, who was a type of Christ. He was typical of Christ in many ways, but not intelligible until Jesus came.

          a.       Ex. 2:3–10 Matt. 214–15 Both were miraculously saved in infancy; and they faces the same situation, where all of the Jewish children were to be executed. Pharaoh headed up the first planned parenthood. Griffin believes that anyone involved in late term abortion is barbarous and that any doctor who practices this should be executed. You allow a child’s head to emerge and suck his brains out. For the comparison, the children were tracked down after birth and killed. Antisemitism at best and demon possession at worst. Moses was placed in a little ark, made of bood and leaves. A relative pulls Moses out of the river and she preserves Moses. Herod did not want any sort of Messiah in his reign.

          b.       Both were divinely chosen to deliver Israel. Matt. 10:5–7 Ex. 3:1–10

          c.        Both were rejected by Israel Matt. 26:62–67 Ex. 2:15–21 Moses murdered a taskmaster. Moses was was probably as high as 2nd in charge. He protected a brother. Moses was very strong and he killed this taskmaster. Moses thought his people would support him, but they turned on him. Our lord in the trial before the Sanhedrin.

          d.       During the period of rejection, each gained a bride. Moses in Ex. 2:16–21 and our Lord in 2Cor. 11:2, called the church.

          e.       After the rejection, each was presented to Israel as its deliverer and both accepted. Rom. 11:26–27 Ex. 4: Moses and Aaron go back, because the people are not ready. All the Jews packed up and left, which indicates that they were willing to follow Moses. Jews will follow Jesus at the 2nd advent.

          f.        Acts 3:22 Deut. 15:19 there would be a prophet like Moses who would be raised up from your brothers.

          g.       They both function as advocates; Moses to God over the golden calf incident and Jesus is our advocate, our defense attorney before the judgment bar of God. When we confess our sins, Jesus stands there as our defense attorney. Ex. 32:30 1John 2:1–2

          h.       Both function as an intercessor. Heb. 7:24–25 an intercessor prays for another. Moses in the case of Num. 21:7–9

          i.         Both were leaders of the people 1Tim. 6:15 Ex. 3:10 and our Lord called king.

          j.         Matt. 17:3–4 Moses appears with the Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration.

6.       There are also ways that Joshua serves as a type of Christ.

          a.       Their names are the same. Joshua is the same as Jesus and they both means Jehovah is salvation.

          b.       Both the ministries of Joshua and Jesus followed that of Moses. John 1:17 Joshua 1 Jesus fulfills the Law and established grace and truth as the new method of worshiping God.

          c.        Joshua led the Jews to victory over earthly foes while Jesus leads us to victory over spiritual enemies. Joshua will lead the people to battlefield victories over the Canaanites and their Hamitic first cousins. Battles will be fought and victories won; and there will even be a key defeat. The major mandate is, follow My word; believe My word. Christ leads us to victory over spiritual enemies. Joshua led the Jews to victory in Joshua 6 Rom. 8:37–39 Jehovah is salvation is buried in Joshua’s name. You must have faith in the word and God will take care of the details.

          d.       Once victory is gained, Joshua conveys inheritance to the tribes of Israel. Joshua will take the real estate captured and give this to all Israel. That will be their reward; that will be their booty. The same will happen when we get experiential victories. When we get to that level of experiential sanctification, we maximize our spiritual growth. As Joshua distributed real estate in Joshua 13, our Lord gives each believer in the Church Age age escrow blessings when they arrive at Santa Fe. Eph. 1:3–4

7.       Joshua is first mentioned in Scripture in Ex. 17, where Moses orders him to assemble a unit of men to face of Amalek. Here are the Jews out in the heronada, and they do not have an organized army. Moses tells him to find some armed men, organize them, and then go assault Amalek. Ex. 17:9–13 records this victory. Moses stands up on a high place and lifts up his hands; and as the battle commences, the Jews do well. When Moses arms went south, Amalek began to win. Some assistants help Moses to hold up his arms. During that, Joshua and his army overwhelm Amalek.

8.       Joshua was chosen by Moses to be his aide-to-camp during his 40 days law school training. This is the first recorded event of a law school. Moses’ professor was the Lord Jesus Christ and the Law being communicated was right out of the Word. Moses was taught the entire law by the Lord Jesus Christ assisted by some teaching angels. The entire Law was given to Moses during this time. It took 40 days for all of this. He had the whole thing. He had to receive the law and understand it. Moses was apparently given time to study, rest, eat. Ex 24:16: Moses arose with Joshua his servant.

9.       Joshua was among the princes of Israel assigned by Moses to reconnoiter the land. Princes from the 12 tribes were sent into the land. 2 said they could go and take the land, and the other 10 were afraid.

10.     When the Lord decided to retire Moses, Moses had to commission Joshua as governor promotable. He would be in charge of running the political affairs as Moses was. He will see to it that the priesthood would see to its duties. Circumcision would be redone. Num. 17:18–19 “Be strong and courageous, because you will bring the sons of Israel into the land.” That was a promise which Joshua believed. He crossed over the river during flood stages. They will cross over on dry ground. Joshua was strong, he had confidence in God; he did not ask questions. He was “Yes sir” for what God commanded. There are no raging rivers that we cannot cross. There are no exigencies in life that we cannot overcome. It all boils down to fail in the Word of God. The key is “I will be with you.”

11.     Joshua assumed command of the people and the army of Israel following the 30 day mourning period for Moses. Joshua 1:1–2 “Moses My servant is dead; now, cross the Jordan, you and all the people, to the land and all that I am giving to them.”

12.     Joshua lived to be 110 years old and this is noted in Judges 2:8–9. He died and was buried in the area of his inheritance.

This is every passage in Scripture which deals with Joshua.

Joshua the Book

1.       There is a 4-fold message in the book of Joshua.

          a.       The faithfulness of God is presented even when Israel was faithless. A list, you can get by with this; another list reading, you have hell to pay. The sins for which you have hell to pay, these are the sins that shock them the most. They rarely put gossip on the bad sin list. 2Tim. 2:13 If we are faithless, He abides faithful.

          b.       The believer can only enjoy God’s gracious provisions as he appropriates them by faith. How was it the 2nd generation too the land. God promised us the land; all we have to do it take it. The Canaanites will not come to them, because the Jordan River protects them. So often, the battle is put right in front of our face, and we do not attack like we ought. 1John 4:4: Whatever is born of God overcomes the world, and this is the victory which overcomes the world—our faith.

          c.        Divine essence cannot coexist with sin. The emphasis of Joshua is the degeneracy of the Canaanites. They had gotten so bad, God had to remove them from this earth. When people come to power and threatens the well-being of His people, God will come and remove them so that the freedom can be maintained and the Word of God can be disseminated. The Canaanites were so degenerate that God had to remove them from the earth, so that they would not infect the rest of the world. Deut. 20:17–18: You will utterly destroy that they will not teach you to do all their detestable things.

          d.       Typology. The military warfare in Joshua is like Eph. 6.

Joshua Introduction                  Joshua Lesson #7                      Thursday Session

We have already noted the typology found in the Pentateuch. We have looked at Joshua the man and now we are examining Joshua the book.

Book of Joshua

1.       This teaches us that God is faithful even when we are faithless; this is how we understand his grace policy. When we express faith alone in Christ alone, then God is faithful to save us. 2Tim. 2:13 If we are faithless, He is faithful.

2.       The believer can only enjoy God’s provisions by appropriating them by grace. If you do not believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God; if you do not appreciate the communication gifts which God has given, then you cannot grow in grace. You must have faith in this system. You must believe that all of these things are real and all we have to do is to believe it and to act on it. Victory is found in faith. 1John or 2John. We need to have faith in the Word of God, faith in the plan of God; believing the Word undergirds the people of Joshua. You must be willing to take this stuff and be willing to trust it. Trust it, believe it and apply it by faith. Courage is born out of circumstances and the application of God’s Word.

3.       God is very intolerant of idolatry. He will stomach it for awhile, but He will not stomach it for very long. God will eliminate these types from history in order to preserve those who are His. People are willing to tolerate almost any idea or concept today. Anti-semitism is politically incorrect. It is theologically wrong, politically incorrect; but what happens when the anti-Semites take up arms? Do we now have no opposition to the problem? Do we become passive? Do we now enter into tolerance and allow freedom of beliefs. Hitler with his anti-Semitism began to threaten the entire world. His evil was so heinous, it had to be eliminated before it destroyed God’s chosen people. Good men, at some point, must take up arms, or evil will triumph. The emphasis in Joshua is the sin of the Canaanites. Deut. 28:17–18: You will utterly and completely destroy them, the Hittites, the Canaanites, etc. as the Lord your God commands you, so that they will not teach you to do according to all their detestable things. The old sin nature is led by lust patterns. When lust emerges, temptation is right behind. The only thing which lifts us above the mundane is the Word of God. Self-regulation emerged after a period of time, under the power of the Holy Spirit. Without this regulation, you would be out doing things you cannot imagine. There are societies who would murder you if you have a Bible on your person, but they would not hurt a cow. These horrendous ideas all over the world. These Hamitic types had been perfecting their lifestyle. This is a 4th generation curse which has gone way beyond 4 generations. There is an armor concept in reality and in Eph. 6.

4.       The believer can only enjoy God’s gracious provision as long as he appropriate them by faith. 1John 5:4

hoti + genaô = anyone who has been born. This has to do with the spiritual birth of the believer at faith alone in Christ alone. John wrote these epistles and the book of his name. He uses genaô in his own book as well. Born from above but translated born again.

Fundamentalist today has take on somewhat of a tawdry view, and there are a lot who have criticized the term born-again and Jesus is telling Nicodemus that he needs to be born again. The physical aspect is one thing; the spiritual is another. For God so loved the world, that whoever believes in Him will not die but have eternal life. The birth here is the spiritual birth from faith in Christ. The verb genaô is in the perfect tense, which results in a completed and finished result. The various uses of this perfect tense emphasize the completed action or the finished result. The intensive perfect here emphasizes the existing result. We now function and exist in an eternal status. It is a statement of eternal security. You do not lose your position due to eternal security. The passive voice means the believer receives the action of spiritual voice. The passive voice refers to the voice of grace. Our decision is to believe in Jesus, but as a result, other things occur to us. We receive the action of salvation. Our faith in Christ; our salvation is not of ourselves; it is a gift from God, so that no man can boast.

Rick said he has never saved anyone and the evangelist only communicates the gospel; the Holy Spirit does the saving. A circumstantial participle. When we believe in Christ and become a member of the royal family, we have the means to be victorious in the devil’s world. The only thing which is required of us is to be victorious in the cosmic system.

There are several updates and refinements and alterations that he is going to make in some doctrine (the cosmic system?). We have all of these assets which are necessary to subdue our nature. The victory here is stated by the present active indicative of nekao. It means to prevail, to overcome, to be victorious, to be a winner. The company Nike takes this from nikê, which comes from nikaô. This is a customery present tense, which notes what habitually occurs. They are immediately victorious over the cosmic system; it is a strategic victory. God always does this; every time we believe in Christ, he does this for us. We are given a tremendous amount of assets in order to fight in this war. The moment we are saved, all of these things come to us. The end result is that we are victorious over the cosmic system. The believer is victorious over κοσμος = world, cosmic system, the fallen world system of Satan. It refers simply to the planet. It always refers to the evil plan of Satan. This is introduced by the connective kai and the pronoun houtos. and this. Then the verb to be followed by nikê. This is the initial victory. This is the static present tense. This is our victory over the cosmic system. The action is produced by anyone who places their faith in Jesus Christ. Declarative indicative, which is historical and Biblical fact.

Aorist active participle of which has been victorious. The active voice produced by the believer’s positive volition. 1John 5:4: For whatever is born from God overcomes the cosmic system. And this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith. The thing which gains the victory over the cosmic system is faith. Webster’s 20th century dictionary defines opposite is putting something side by opposition the second explains the first. Faith is in opposition to victory.

The Power Gates and the Cosmic System

1.       The initial victory over the cosmic system occurs at the point of salvation. We are an agent of Satan up until then and controlled by our old sin nature. We do not have any victory over this until we are believers. Unconditional love for your fellow man is something which is a spiritual skill. An initial victory gives us the potential to pull this off. If these others do not have salvation, they cannot live up to our norms and standards. They can only gather up from their own circle of ideas. They have to defend their inventory; it is all that they have. You either leave them alone or you lead them to the solution. You need to have an relaxed mental attitude around these people. Now, if you entered into a room and someone was mentally deficient because they were born that way or they had an accident or a disease, you cut them some slack. The unbeliever is the same way. They are spiritually impared.

2.       At this moment, at salvation, the believer enters into the operational divine power system and wins a victory in the divine power system (the 8 gates). In here is the filling of the Holy Spirit and we have assets which become functional. Griffin was saved around 10 or so and did not get filling of the Holy Spirit for 20 more years. If we are mandated to be filling of the Holy Spirit filled with the Holy Spirit then that means there must be something we have to do to achieve this and that we can be in a status where we are not filled with the Holy Spirit.

3.       This new environment is energized by the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. When we become disinterested and doctrine becomes second place or less, the next time we sin, we are out of there. Execution of the Christian way of life is dependent upon an inventory of ideas taught by God the Holy Spirit, to our human spirit; and we have faith in the Word, then we are able to travel in the wheel tracks of righteousness.

4.       The divine power system is made up of 8 gates.

5.       Since the brain works like a computer and the soul is the central processing unit, we use this technical computer term to describe the function of this system.

6.       In a computer, gates are combined to form combinational circuits or sequential circuits. The soul is capable of utilizing stored doctrinal data in combination with other things or in sequence. These other things are an asset in the power system. In these 8 gates, these things can be linked up, all of them functioning. In a real American car, there are 8 cylinders, and they all fire in some specific order, and working in the proper order, the car can be put where you want it on the freeway. That is the way the divine power system works. There is a combinational circuit going on.

          a.       The power gate: we are commanded in Eph. 5:18 to be filled with the Holy Spirit. However, we are not told there how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. So many people want a particular passage that says everything. Theology involves the thinking of God and He challenges us to think. We are to develop these things. We learn carnality and fellowship and separation from God. This is what 1John is all about. 1John 1:9 tells us how to correct this problem. We then discover that there is a debate going on between light and darkness. We are in the light when we confess our sins. We pull all these things together and it suddenly dawns on us that here is the system. Sin takes us out of fellowship and confession of sin brings us back in. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, then it is like having a new widescreen tv with remote and you cannot do anything with it. 1Cor. 3:1–3: And I, brethren, was not able to speak to you as to spiritual but as to carnal, even as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like men? We learn basics first,which is the milk to drink. And Paul says you are not able not able to take in meat, because there is strife among you, there is jealousy, so are you not fleshly, walking as mere men, imitating the unbeliever.

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #8 8/16/98             Sunday 1st Session

We are now in Joshua the book.

There is a four-fold message in this book. God is faithful, even if we are faithless. Executing the Christian way of life, involves faith. James is a book to the believer and it deals with believers and their lives in phase 2. After salvation, we must have faith in the Word of God. Divine essence cannot coexist with sin; God does not associate with anyone involved with unconfessed and unforgiven sin. God loves the entire human race. In the Christian life, you have to deal with your accumulation of ideas from your previous life. God cannot have fellowship wtih someone who maintains a sinful lifestyle. He has given us an easy opt out through faith alone in Him alone. Churches continue to meet and doctrine continues to be communicated, but you cannot have trends established on our national horizon without them ballooning into major problems.

The 5 cycles of discipline, which affects the economy and the health of the people. God simply will not coexist with sin, individually or collectively. The Canaanites were so degenerate that they had to be removed from the earth. If God did not remove these Canaanites, they would have pulled Israel into their sins.

Typology—the literal warfare which takes place in the book of Joshua is related to the angelic conflict. The issue of faith application to life is one of the major themes of Scripture. In order to do this, we have begun to study 1John 5:4–6. Everyone who has been born from God is victorious over the cosmic system and this is the initial victory being victorious over the cosmic system, our faith. The believer enters into the operational power system. This new environment is energized. Supernatural information is communicated in the Scripture. Our volition is challenged to accept or to reject the information. This is a new environment. It is maintained by the believer’s faith in God’s plan. The are 8 categories of spiritual function in the Christian way of life.

The 8 Gates

Since the brain works like a computer we use this to describe the function of the brain. When supernatural data comes into our cortex, it is cycled into the soul. Only the human of the species is able to coordinate language in the cerebral cortex. On the human can do this. We are the only species with whom God chooses to communicate. We are pre-wired at birth; small children can understand sentence structure even before they can use language. in a computer, gates are combined to form combinational circuits or in sequence. This concept will become clearer. We’ll study each gate by number.

1.       Filling of the Holy Spirit is the first gate, which can function in sequence or in parallel with the other gates. A person may look you out personally in order to verbally assault you. You must depend upon the divine power system. This is the power gate, and we are commanded to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Since this is a mandate, we are ordered to do it; that means that we can be. Eph. 5:18 does not tell us how to be filled with the Spirit; just that we are ordered to be filled with the Spirit. A lot of things are very obvious in the Bible. “I am fascinated that the Baptists met and came across Eph. 5 and read that men are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Total provider; come up with whatever is needed to keep her going. She is to fall under the man’s authority.” The media got ahold of this; women libs get ahold of it; and they call out asking how can the Baptist church make such a statement. Maybe you could exegete this passage for us. Sometimes the Bible will says things which will freak you out. They will run counter to what you believe. Jesus Christ has never made a mistake in all of history. God developed a system where we could actually get along with one another. You must be willing to learn and apply this system, and believe in it. If you do this over a lifetime, God promises to sustain us and to bless us; and that this would all be brought into escrow blessings. We have to study. We have to learn. The human being thrives on truth. There is an innate desire for people to find truth. If we want undiluted truth, we can find it at the source of all truth, the undiluted truth of the Bible. We continue to study the Scriptures, and we find the way to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul said “I cannot communicate to you as men of spirit but as men of the flesh. You are babes in Christ.” A baby needs food which is crushed up; mushed up to where it is difficult to stomach. In order to eat solid food, you need to get older. First thing we need to know is eternal security. You committed this or that sin, but you did not lose your salvation. You begin to learn doctrine and grow and you expand your options in life and you sin less. The folks at Corinth make Clinton look like a choir boy. Anyway, If we confess our sins, then God is righteous and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

2.       Gate 2 of the system is basic Christian modus operandi. As a new believer, there are two problem solving devices which must be utilized until you gain more information and become more sophisticated in your problem solving devices. You claim promises. You find portions of the Word of God where you are promised this or that, and you hold to it. Jesus tells Nicodemus that “You must be born from above” or born again. You must have a spiritual birth; regeneration. The Christian way of life is being filled with the Spirit and growing. The system is activated by the filling of the Holy Spirit, which comes by rebound. All kinds of things challenge you to resort to the arrogance complex of sins. This is not the Christian way of life. How do you manage this? You must grow in grace. First thing is, you must learn promises, which bring tranquility to the soul. Isa. 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you. Just as God told Joshua, Do not fear, for I am with you. You do what I tell you, and I will be with you. We are told to orient on what the Word of God tells us to do. Do not anxiously look about, for I am your God; I will strengthen you and I will uphold you with My right hand. Be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Allow others the privacy of their priesthood. You see other believers committing sins and it concerns you. Can anyone who sees my error, can I blame it on my parents? If you are positive toward the Word of God, forget the crowd and look at the prize, God will lead you. God knows other people are all over around you. On break time, will someone say something to irritate you? Or, in the classroom, the social world or at work, will you run into some problems? Verbal warfare. You must allow other believers the privacy of their own priesthood. You stay out of it. You do this through unconditional love. You do this by claiming and believing promises. You cut others slack and let others do what they want to do. Joe and some other guy moved up to the big leagues in Houston. But the show might be more than someone can bear. Such is the case in Houston; you show up suddenly from small town to Houston, and you see things you do not understand or maybe you don’t like. You manage this by claiming promises and you permit these people their privacy. You cut these people slack. A new believer functions in a difficult environment by claming a promise and then getting more doctrine. It also involves unconditional love to man. There are over 7000 promises in Scripture. John 13:34: A new commandment I give you, that you love one another even as I have loved. you.” This is virtue love, based upon your own character, not based upon the character of the object.

3.       Teachability through humility. Is anything more arrogant than an unbeliever or a new believer. Unbelievers don’t have access to the power source. They must depend upon human viewpoint. Arrogance skills often self-justify. You either directly deny what you are doing or you blame someone else for the same thing. One place to get some discipline is through the armed forces. You have to stand up straight, and you are asking, “Why?” Eventually, there is a mental crack, “I am not in charge here; this old boy here in front of me is.” However, there are those who do not go to boot camp. So God tests us on the horonado. This system is designed to kill us. Humility is the freedom which develops from the absence of subjectivity. Christ is the boss man, “don’t you hear me when I call.” Jesus Christ is our prototype; He is our role model. He’s got orders of the day. You will please your senior ranking officer and He will bless you abundantly. You can learn things when you are humble. You will eventually get your eyes off self and get your eyes on Christ. This leads to an orientation to grace, establishment and doctrine. We deserve nothing. Orientation to authority through humility. Orientation to establishment. The laws of divine establishment provide the order under which we can learn. There are no other approve arrangements other than one man for one woman. There is an environment in which man and wife can choose whether or not to expand the population. When there are several families in the same area, then you have a community, system, state or a nation. They set up a national system. Police, courts, politicians, law enforment, judges and prosecutors; and we pass some rules that everyone is going to go by. What happens when only the laws he agrees with are going to be the ones with which he obeys. Humility will bring this about. Then it is important to become oriented to doctrine and the Word of God. Rom. 12:3: Through the grace given to me, I say to every man, do not think more highly of yourself than you ought to think. Think sound judgment through faith 1Peter 5:5: Clothe yourselves through humility toward one another. For God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.

4.       The 4th gate is spiritual momentum, which we will take up at the quarter of the hour.

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #9 8/16/98            Sunday 2nd Session

1Cor. 3:1–3 1John 1:9 Eph. 5:18 for the power gate.


4.       Doctrine Gate/The GAP gate

If you cannot find a local church where doctrine is taught, you opt out for technological assistance. Griffin has just begun to provide doctrine on the Internet. You still have to make the decision to pursue truth. Whether you come or not, is your own spiritual choice. But if you stay home, then you must turn on the tape recorder or the computer.

The pastor attempts to provide an accurate analysis of the Scripture. The Holy Spirit will then teach this to our human spirit; this is a phenomena called pneumatikos. You can have academic understanding on what is taught if you are a believer and if the communicator accurately teaches the material. Then your volition comes into view here. At this point, you have γνσις, which is doctrine academically understood.

You may have an understanding of a doctrine, but not believe it. “First you have to feel sorry for your sins; and then, after believing in Jesus Christ, and then you have to press on to doing good works, and then you get close to the boundaries of heaven, and if you press the attack and do some really good stuff out to the end, and if God is feeling benevolent that day, He may let you in.” Those are the ones who claim you must work your way into heaven.

Example of the guy in the iron lung and Billy Graham. Now, you have to start doing good deeds and you must be baptized. This kind of thing makes no sense. It is faith alone in Christ alone. If you have academic understanding, then you have to believe it, and the Holy Spirit transfers it to the heart, which is where you have ἑπίγνωσις. This is wherre you understand the thinking of God. Only the Holy Spirit can make this real. Only the believer can utilize this system. God has given you a system to get this stuff into your soul. As spiritual growth occurs, momentum develops. From all of this, the believer has the power and the teachability to make the advance in the plan of God. Eph. 4:15–16 is the spiritual advance as a result of teaching.

Eph. 4:14–16: ...that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every individual does its part, causes growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

Doctrine of demons. You need an inventory of ideas to identify these things, and to reject these doctrines, then you are pulled into Satan’s thinking. People in politics will get up every morning with the idea that they should stay in power, and that keeps them going; and they will tell you anything in order to get you to elect them.

We are to grow up, which all takes place at gate 4. Here is where you appropriate divine thought in your soul. Good decisions broaden future options; and bad decisions limit future options. It is your fault when you make bad choices. People will stand up in pulpits and tell lies, known as every wind of doctrine (they may not know these are lies).

In a search for truth, you may try out a few more churches. You might wander into a church, and midway through the session, people will leap up and run through the isle and speak in some rabid language.

When you get some advance going, you will develop some motivational and functional virtues which will accelerate you toward adulthood.


5 & 6. Gates 5 and 6: Motivational and Functional Virtues

What causes Griffin some road rage, are people who are driving the exact same speed, and he thinks, this guy needs to move up a skosh and then move into his lane. You’re already traveling the same speed; might as well be traveling in tandem.

God created Adam and Eve in the garden, naked, with no restraints. After sinning, they decided to get right with each other. They recognize that they have sinned, and then they decide to cover themselves with some vegetation. Fig leaves was probably not the type of leaf used. They make some sort of a summer jumpsuit out of fig leafs. They look at each other and they thought things were okay. God comes and says this won’t do, and he offered up a sacrifice. They thought if they were right with each other, that was enough. You must get right with God first; then you get right with your fellow man.

Example #1 confidence in God is a motivational virtue. The relationship with God has a motivational virtue, with is confidence. How do you get this way? Do you suddenly say, “I am confidence in God and I have no fear.” In order to get to this point, you must advance spiritually and from this inventory of ideas, you develop confidence in God. You are not supposed to develop confidence in God.

If we could get fear out of the souls of men, great things could be accomplished. Go back to a rationale called logistical support.

The problem at Kedesh Barnea was that they were afraid of the Canaanites; they were dumbstruck with fear. They needed confidence in God’s Word. They will take the land under Joshua. The mandate given to Joshua 4 times: “Have confidence and courage.” Confidence toward God goes hand in hand with courage toward man.

Worship toward God goes hand in hand with morality toward man. Do not get these things inverted. The primary activity in worship is the Word of God. “Do you not know” or “Are you ignorant, brothers?” There is also worship through giving, through prayers, through the Eucharist. We live in a world which functions in a system of capitalism. How does a non-profit group function in the capitalistic system? Freewill offerings; and when they are no longer provided, then God wants the doors closed. They’ve been there 13.5 years and never asked anyone for money.

You learn an appreciation for the character of God and for His personal modus operandi. You will begin to function in a moral function toward your fellow man (believer and unbeliever). This is motivated by worship in God. What happens when a society stops worshiping God, then there is less morality. Most of us have given up our tawdry ways; not because we are prissy prigs, but simply because there are certain things that we ought to give up. That does not properly represent Jesus Christ in the devil’s world. Muster up the moral courage to deny yourself. You get filled with the Holy Spirit and doctrine in the kardia; and pray to God to change your behavior patterns and your habits. It is possible to do; it happens all the time.

We can call this the Royal Family Honor Code, which we have studied before.

The motivational virtue of personal love for God sustains the functional virtue of unconditional love toward man. If a man says, I love God, but hates his brother, he is a liar. You are motivated to love God first; then you love man. Personal love stressed the object. Personal love stresses the object; and we can love God, because the object is perfect. God never gives us an occasion to quit loving Him. In order for personal love to be maintain, the integrity of the object must be maintained. What happens when you say, “I love you” to some person. Romance, for example. The opposite number might have some attributes that you like. She looks at him and he had teeth, hair, and a certain kind of car. As long as he keeps these things, he is set. “I love you, darling” means that I love you personally. People get married over this. Griffin speaks about pictures of their kids and him, and things have changed. Now, if she expected for him to keep his hair black, then things could be over. However, “I love you” when it depends upon the subject, then the object, it is a functional virtue love, and it is based upon honor; and that is unconditional love for all eternity. A Christian marriage is an advance on the divine institution of marriage.

For the believer, there are new mandates. “Love your wife” and this is unconditional love. And you are to love her as Jesus Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. That is sacrifice; and that is until death do you part. I will give my life for you; I will go to war for you. In “Saving Private Ryan” it is not pointed out exactly why they fought. They were willing to sacrifice for freedom, fellow, soldiers, and for mom, dad, sisters and brothers back home. In a spiritual war, your wife becomes you #1 priority. The wife might end up loving her husband, but she is mandated to obey her husband. The word is a military term: υποτασσω = to submit to. The general in a senior ranking officer; but there are lower levels, and they all submit to him; and it does not demean anyone. Everyone has a common mission; there must be order and someone must be in charge. In a Christian marriage, the husband has been given senior ranking authority by God. He loves her and she respect him. It is hard to respect someone who does not love you; and hard to love someone who does not respect you. Divorce when one of those breaks down. They key is, personal love toward God. Joshua 1:6, 7, 9, 18: “Be of good courage.” Confidence in God is a motivational virtue. This generates the motivational virtue of morality toward man. Personal love toward God results in unconditional love toward man.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #10 8/20/98              Thursday Session

We are noting Joshua the book,

We have divine operating assets. You possess these things by imputation. When you are saved, you might be aware of one or two assets, but you have quite a lot to work with. We use computer technology and terminology to define the 8 functional gates.

Faith will be of major importance in the book of Joshua.

1John 5:4 Everyone who has been born from God

The first gate is the power gate, with is the filling of the Holy Spirit. 2nd gate is faith rest. The new believer must make some doctrinal advance before getting to this point. He must rely on what personal integrity he has by establishment doctrine. The mandate for unconditional love.

This brings about a soul tranquility. Gate 3 is teachability through humility. His system requires that we learn His word. Rom. 12:3 notes the virtue of humility. We should have spiritual self esteem. God makes war against the arrogant but gives grace to the humble.

Spiritual momentum gate is gate 4. Gap.

Gates 5 and 6 work in tandem. Confidence in God is a motivational virtue. That motivational virtue supports the functional virtue of courage toward your fellow man. Isa. 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you. Do not anxiously look about, for I am your God. I will strengthen you with my right hand. This is a promise. Divine integrity requires that He back His promises.

Worship of God is a motivational virtue. We study the Word of God in order to know Him and studying the Bible is a motivational virtue. We may take this information and make applicationi in cosmos diabolicus. Then we function morally toward our fellow man. As you learn about God in Bible study, you begin to understand Who you are dealing with, and you develop personal love for Him. If the object of personal love is imperfect, then they will fail and you can go into iconoclastic arrogance. But this is impossible with God. He cannot fail and therefore, He cannot let you down. Unconditional love stresses the subject. You love others based upon your own integrity. If they sin or let you down, that is not an issue. The motivational virtue of personal love for God sustains the virtue of impersonal love toward man.

Having confidence in God results in courage toward life. Joshua is told to have confidence and courage 4 times in the first chapter of Joshua.

Gate 7 is momentum testing. God either permits the believer to be tested or He directly sends testing. Jesus Christ controls history and permits things to occur based upon volitional responsibility. Jesus Christ controls history on behalf of the pivot and He sometimes gets directly involved in the affairs of men. The weather systems of the world is one way which God involves Himself in our lives.

The law of volitional responsibility of others. Indirect or direct involvement still means the grace of God’s involvement in our lives. He accelerates our spiritual growth in momentum testing and we are encouraged to always use doctrine as we see that doctrine works. Nothing happens ahead of schedule or behind schedule. His plan is perfect for our lives. We get behind schedule when we drift off from our Bible study or we are distracted by legitimate things. Our eyes may be pulled by legitimate things. God never tests a positive believer beyond his capacity. 1Cor. 10:13–15. There is not testing from cosmos which we cannot bear. If we are tested and we cannot manage it, we are behind the 8 ball; we have apparently did not take in doctrine as we should have. In high school, it escaped Griffin that you must pass the test or you have to re-take it. If you don’t pass it, you are behind schedule. God has given you the time for doctrine, but you have not take Him up on it.

The are 7 areas of momentum testing.

1.       Our sinful nature is a momentum test. Rom. 7 the sinful nature is our first husband which dictates our life. It is like a dictatorial first husband; totalitarian husband. You will do, because I say so. The philosophies which men come up with indicate the tyranny of the old sin nature. Communism, Naziism , and socialism are examples fo the dictates of the 1st husband. Your volition is free and you do what you want to do. No excuse, no denial; no rejection.

He was asked before class what about the new terrorism business. He wants the US to be successful in dealing with them and to do whatever it takes to deal with them. We are to support President Clinton with our prayers and his intention to deal with terrorists. Griffin did not believe in Desert Storm; however, once the gauntlet went down, we support our troops. There is a lot of discussion about the worthiness of this president. We knew he had no character when he was elected, so we should not be surprised that he has none now. He was the leader elected in a free election and he deserves our support in dealing with terrorism. We have a system and elected officials to deal with the possible impeachment. Jesus Christ controls history on behalf of those who have doctrine circulating in their souls. What we do in Bible class is the most patriotic thing which we can do. If we make poor decisions, then we cannot project our problems onto other people. When we give into the old sin nature, then we confess these sins directly to God and to go from there.

2.       People testing. We must get used to encountering oppositioni from people. The human race is not good. Our conscience is not operational at birth. Few people in our day of age have a highly functioning conscience. It is a phenomenal problem which we face as a people. People do not care; and children are being told by adults that there are occasions when it is okay to lie under oath. And children under the duress of hormones use this excuse to accept this activity as not being sex. No one knows what right or wrong is anymore and a lot do not care. Some are happy as punch that they can do what they want with impunity. Life is not fair, but God is. Therefore, God has given us a system of thought which allows us to endure injustice from others without becoming involved in mental attitude sins. We cannot lower ourselves to the level of our adversary. Spiritual maturity is extremely rare, so we must learn how to deal with this sort of person. We must use unconditional love and transfer the case to the supreme court of heaven.

3.       Thought testing. This is a challenge to the volition to accept or reject truth. When you encounter problems in your life, what is your reaction to the presentation. If we are self-centered, we can attend Bible class and agree with all that is taught, until a doctrine conflicts with our preconceived notions about what Christian modus operandi ought to be. These are not conclusions reached by Bible study, but based upon prejudices and preconceived opinions. Everything is fine when the pastor agrees with your preconceived notions. But when the pastor disagrees with these notions, then you flip out. An example: teaching that salvation is appropriated by faith alone in Christ alone is enough to get some pastors thrown out of a church. People just don’t think that is enough. There are things that we must do as believers in Jesus Christ, not to get saved, but because we are saved. As we learn doctrine, our lifestyle and behavior traits are changed. Thought testing can deal with preconceived opinions. Any client nation should welcome Jews into the nation and we are to deal justly and kindly with Jews throughout the world. Just because Jews have been brutalized in history, this does not mean they are getting their just due, but that they are a part of the angelic conflict. If you are not self-centered, you can listen until a point of doctrine challenges an area of hypersensitivity. Maybe you believe in tithing; maybe you believe in baptism for salvation. Eventually, there will be problems if you continue to hold to this. The Old Testament has a tithe as a national tax, not as spiritual giving. If you are self-centered, you can attend Bible class until you hear something which interfers with some area of prejudice or an area of hypersensitivity. It does not matter what you believe when coming into a Bible class. What you believe or think does not matter. “Aren’t you being harsh?” “Well, aren’t you being high-minded and priggish?” The Bible is interpretated in many ways; but it is only to be understood in one way only. Most of the time, the Bible can be understood in the English. Tithing is never discussed in the New Testament. Paul, Mark, Peter and James give us the new rules and regs. Prov. 23:7 tells us, as we think, so we are. What we decide to do with the doctrine which comes into our soul determines what we will become. We can opt for human or divine viewpoint. If we opt for human viewpoint, then our thinking will be flawed.

4.       System testing. In a fallen environment, we will be treated unfairly by people or systems. This will happen until someone treats you unfairly and then it is all out the window, “You will not get by with that and I will hunt you down and I will see you bleed.” Every system must have someone running it. They are people with leadership authority and some utilize it with great integrity and some abuse their position. Your duty is to learn how to deal with it whether fair or not. We need conscription now. In the military, if you have a drill sergeant who you think is unfair, do you march into the colonel’s office Are you authority oriented or are you arrogant. System testing; we live in a fallen environment; it is designed to kill us. People are no damn good. It should not be shocking that we are occasionally treated unfairly. This is an outside adversity. It should not affect a believers whose eyes are on the mission. Let’s say a young girl joins the military and there are males over her who call her everything but a homo sapien. Suddenly it is, how dare you speak to me that way! And it is perceived as sexual harassment. The positive volition advancing believer benefits by system testing. Everyone else is knocked out and it leads to national discipline. National discipline is when a large number of individuals go under divine discipline. National decline is linked to individual decline. This is permitted so that the positive believer can accelerate his own growth. You take the doctrine in your soul and deal with the problem and you use unconditional love toward the people in the system.

The next test will require more. So the next two will be dealt with next Sunday.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #11 8/23/98              Sunday Session 1

The believer can only enjoy God’s provisions as he appropriates them by faith. Whatever is born of God has overcome the world. Everyone who has been born from God is victorious over the cosmic system, and this is the initial victory which is over the cosmic system: our faith (1John 5:4).

The divine power system which operates at 8 gates, a computer form. These gates are combined in sequence or in combination for any number of gates. Gates 1–8 can work in sequence of in any combination.

The gates are:

1.       The power gate, the filling of the Holy Spirit, mandates in Eph. 5:18 1Cor. 3:1–3 1John 1:9 now the system is on.

2.       Basic Christian modus operandi. Moments of soul tranquilty in the face of trials and tribulations. When you are with other people, you will come up against their sin nature, and you must know how to deal with them. Impersonal love (or unconditional love) becomes a part of your 3 spiritual skills. The professor teaches the class and the student learns. The goal is to acquire genuine humility. The virtue of humility is the subject of Rom. 12:3: Don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to think. You learn to relax in life, because there is a problem solving device to deal with whatever you face. God makes war against the arrogance person but gives grace to the humble. When we seek to exalt ourselves, we are getting ahead of God. Documentation that the Holy Spirit is the teacher and we must learn while in Bible class. The Holy Spirit makes these concepts a part of the inventory of your soul.

3.       Motivational and functional virtues, which are gates 5 and 6. They must operate in tandem with one another. You must have confidence in God or, you will have to depend upon human problem solving devices. In this case, Satan will come up with something that you can’t face. Worship of God is a motivational virtue. We are moral toward man. Motivation virtue of personal love toward God motivates unconditional love toward our fellow man. These things do not go the other way. That is a pseudo approach to love. The only way to understand it is, develop a personal love toward God, through knowledge of Bible doctrine. Personal love is not possible to be sustained with your fellow man. People will always let you down; they will always fall below your expectations. You should be able to love them unconditionally, which requires love of God first.

4.       Momentum testing, which is where we are right now. God either permits testing or He sends testing. The old sin nature test: of sin nature trying to take control of you. Thought testing, where your preconceived opinions are challenged—like in Bible class. He teaches about 200 hours a year, which means, at some point, he is going to say something which rubs us the wrong way. On the long haul, this provides some place where there is going to be a negative thing. Joe will recommend that we do not get involved in anti-Semitism. Another area of thought testing where our hypersensitivity is challenged. The problem with demoninations all have a doctrinal statement which is established from the hierarchy. Rarely does a denomination issue a statement, I think we messed up on point 3. However, as an autonomous local church, a pastor is going to study and teach and sometimes, he will come across a problem. The universal church is an organism which functions properly when we are in fellowship. System testing: someone in authority is wrong and you know you are right and you have a better idea as to how the system works. When you offer your opinion in the military, you find out that is not the best approach. The problems of everyday life, after being in hell, are easy.

This was all review. Satan is the ruler of this world; he rules over the cosmic system. If you think that you can control your environment while on planet earth, you are an alien here, and Satan dictates, operates and tries to manipulate your life through duplicity and deceit. Satan looks to manipulate our thinking and our function. Duplicity is especially used to belie one’s true intentions by your actions and words. You cause someone to accept true and valid something which is false. You give a false impression. He delude by obscuring the truth. In deceit, you often use charm and tactics of persuasion when you deceive. This is what places us in the cosmic system. There is an academy for this, which is the Satanic academy for cosmic didactics. They use duplicity and deceit. There are two major fields of study there: the arrogance complex, which is submissioni leads to man becoming preoccupied with Him.

‘I realize I am a scumbag and I rarely get anything right; but I don’t need to hear it from you.” In Bible class, we indulge in a serious operation. We are attempting to store in our souls information from the eternal logos. How to solve problems, how to think. All of this is fine until you run into someone else with a different list.

You must get to a level of growth to where you are willing to leave other people alone. “There are people in Alabama who choke back tears when they find out I’m a pastor.” It is madness when you seek to control and manipulate others. When you pass this course, you get to the point that you emphasize yourself over God and your own thoughts, opinions and rationales over Biblical truth.

There was a clique which manipulated Berachah church for 10 years; well-known all over. Then one day, they decided that self was more important than God. Anyone is susceptible to this. If you think you are some handpicked deligate by God to take care of the lives of others. Do you find yourself at a point where you emphasize your self over God and your own thoughts and rationales over Biblical thruth.

There is also the hatred complex. One guy in the paper thought we were so advanced in our thinking that we can advance past religion. Now that he has reached this high millennium of thinking and he assumes that he is a genius. These people are here for our entertainment and comic relief. He is in hatred. He is in opposition to God, Jesus Christ, God, the Bible. People have los their minds. We have been so far removed from the absolute standards of the Bible. Like, we can’t judge anyone. Judgment has to do with what is done on the cross. Forgiveness is gotten by faith alone in Christ alone; and then incrementally after that when we sin and name it. We have a spiritual code. An honor code.

Both these cosmix complexes exploit our bad decisions. There are two manifestations of them. First from the arrogance complex and then from the hatred complex.

Those in cosmic 1 arrogance are preoccupied with self. If you stay there long enough, you will move into cosmic 2 hatred, where you are opposed to God and His plan. A favorite of the talk shows is to ridicule the Christian coalition. No Christian organizationi should be involved directly with politics, buying and selling votes. God will take care of our business for us. Jesus Christ controls history; not Democrats and not Republicans. Jesus Christ controls history. He inventories the souls of the believers every day and He sees what is circulating there. There are enough who know the word. We have leadership today which is immoral. They are willing to lie and to deceive people and claim it is alright to lie under oath. I said I lied; now let’s move on. He was elected; so we deserve it. We bought 8 years; buckle up, winsock.

Those in cosmic 1 are preoccupied with themselves. Those in hatred become the enemy of God. Those in cosmic 1 emphasize self instead of God. Cosmic 2 emphasize human viewpoint instead of divine viewpoint. Those who graduate have Satan’s attitude at the fall. Satan was preoccupied with himself; he though he could take things over. Those who are arrogant think that they are greater and more important than God. This is exactly what Satan did. He saw himself as equal to God. I can manipulate others because I have a right to do it. Satan told Ishshah, God doesn’t want you to know what He knows. This is open opposition to God, and the first thing he assaulted was the Word of God, and he has not stopped.

Philosophy of Satan in the prehistoric angelic conflict. It is self-centered and preoccupied with self. He believed himself to be equal with God. If we develop a philosophy of self-centeredness. All judgment is given to the Son, who takes care of all violations against us.

If we face people testing or thought testing, we delegate this over to the supreme court of heaven. We are not to maintain anger, permitting it to move to bitterness, which is a chronic sin. People take a look at the circumstance, and saying, I am right and I should be given creat here.

We are supposed to get along with all men. Call me names; I am willing to take the hit here. It is a battle of thought when you allow others to draw you into the cosmic system. Stay in the system, learn the plan, and glorify Christ. We are priests and ambassadors; we don’t have time for this. If we develop hatred, then we have the philosophy of Satan. We develop human viewpoint over against divine viewpoint and hatred for others, rather than unconditional love. Through duplicity and deceit, Satan promotes this.

We have a society which constantly pits groups against one another. Instead of being e pluribus unum. Out of many, one. People cut from the same cut of cloth can’t get alone. The Bosnian can’t get alone; the Arabs can’t get alone. The Sunis and fighting against the Shia. Yet we are supposed to dump a slew of people into a pile here and all get alone.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #12 8/23/98              Sunday Session 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:4: Divine Power System, Gate 7: Momentum Tests 5-7; Gate 8: Santa Fé

Globalist concepts are just those who are driven to control everyone and they even want totalitarian ideas. Duplicity and deceit is Satan’s philosophy before man’s creation. He began to include the concepts of conquest by destruction and violence. The Christian way of life avoids violence; but believers will join the military to protect their country.

In cosmic 2 hatred, Satan is enslaved to doctrines of demons. As you advance in this system, the cosmic system offers several areas where it will draw you out of God’s system.

6th area of testing is disaster testing. You could lose your job, friends, neighborhood, national disaster. A true disaster affects the mind. A loss of something you hold near and dear. It is a test which cand raw you out of the system. Loss of health; loss of a loved one. Disasters which are outside adversities. People younger than you will be lost; a personal loss.

Another category is mental attitude sins. You can become angry with God. Angry with Philip Morris because you were a smoker and you have revenge motivation and you hire lawyers. No one is allowed mental attitude sins; no believer has that right. You are taken out of the divine power system. Self-pity, anger, revenge motivation should not direct your paths. We all have disasters and they must be managed. The faith rest drill. It is a process by which we go from complexity to simplicity.

God knew about your problems in eternity past. You have no guarantees to how long you will live. You could die within the next year. If God’s plan is to take us out now, then we ought to be happy with that. So you need to make the best out of the time which you have left. God has plans for us for the entire time until He takes us home. Complexity #2 doctrinal rationales. You recognize that you are not to be afraid of this or that circumstance. God knows all things; He is omnipotent. I am a part of God’s plan. I can’t change it. So, I should orient and adjust. God knew about us and our problems from eternity past. If we are in a perfect plan, there is nothing wrong with us. There is the concept of election. We have been chosen by God to fulfil a privileged position in His plan. Since we have believed in Jesus Christ, then we have a plan to become a part of. If we grow spiritually, then we can function under escrow blessings. The second complexity. We do this for 4 hours a week and all that Joe has taught today has been taught in great detail previously. Robt E. Lee, when losing a certain battle, understood it to be God’s will. His job was to do his duty; if he does his duty and it does not work out like you want it to, then it must be God’s will.

Claiming promises develops a relaxed mental attitude. Through the filling of the Holy Spirit, you can concentrate of doctrinal rationales. The essence of God, the plan of God. The doctrinal conclusions creates for us in our souls an objective solution. It can be applied in national and personal disasters. This is the mental attitude of Joshua when entering into the land. When he led Israel into the land, faith in the revealed Word of God. This gave the Israeli army courage to take on these Canaanites, previously analyzed by their G2 team as giants. They did not use the doctrinal rationales developed for them. Have confidence and good courage is said 4 times in the first chapter.

The next bit of testing is the most difficult to deal with. A person who has everything that they want; a wonderful wife, children out of a 50's sitcom, great family reunions, banks filled with money. Who needs God? That is called prosperity testing. Unfortunately, it is all too common when a believer enters into personal prosperity, he loses track of the source of this prosperity. All of it can sometimes be put onto the person himself, thinking I did all of this! Who gave us the wonderful environment that we have today? The people who died for our great country. This means you have lost gratitude for God. Some people can have the capacity and thoroughly enjoy life, because they orient to everything as a grace gift from God. It is all grace; it is all from God; and they never get their eyes off of the source.

Joe Griffin was invited to Peoria to see Allison Krause and it was phenomenal bluegrass, and he grinned and loved every minute of it. When it was over with, he got to talk to them. And they are all believers. They have laptop computers. They have logos; they study Bible doctrine; and they did not want to talk music, they want to talk theology. There are vignettes in life that when they are over with, you think, “I have not had that much fun before.”

What happens when you are truly in prosperity testing. However, if you suddenly lose track of the source, you have failed prosperity testing. If you have more than you can say grace over, then realize that this is a test for you. God desires to enlarge the vignettes and they only come from capacity and you must remeber the source, Jesus Christ, who makes it all possible. One’s prosperity can become inverted to unhappiness. When these challenges come your way, you should not be distracted by them.

Gate 1: Power gate

Gate 2: Basic Christian operandi.

Gate 3: Teachability through humility.

Gate 4:

Gate 5 & 6: motivational virtue and functional virtues.

Gate 7: Momentum testing; sin nature can become a test. People testing. They will ultimately test us. Isolate what they do and let them live their lives before the Lord. Isolate their distractions and place it in the supreme court of heaven.

It takes an advance in cuisine growth to like some things like asparagus. You come across a bit of doctrine that sets you off, so just set it aside and then it can be eaten. There is system testing where we can become rebellious. Our job is to orient and adjust; the rest is God’s problem. The cosmic system: arrogance and hatred. Prosperity is the ultimate test. These are the 7 areas of momentum testing.

Santa Fe is Gate 8: believer’s daily walk in cosmos diabolicus. Varied and very surprising. They had no idea what problems they would encounter. Each day was a new adventure. You don’t know what devices you will apply tomorrow. There are many ways to get to Santa Fe. We all start at the same place and we all end up at the same place. The trip is more efficient if we stay on the trail. You cannot be wandering around in Montana if you want to get to Santa Fe. It is easier if you get into the wheel tracks of righteousness. On a good day, they might advance 10 or 15 miles. It might be boring or interesting. Dens of rattlesnakes, raging rivers, etc. However, as long as you stayed to the trail, you will get there.

We are heading toward spiritual maturity, via a system which Jesus Christ used, endorsed. Empirical sanctification; escrow blessings in time. This is accomplished by sharing the happiness of God. Escrow blessings in time.

The 7 Nike awards presented to winners for all of those who arrive safely at Santa Fe. Just as the Father [the Inventor of the system Who gave it to Jesus Christ to prove the system worthy which enabled Christ to function in His true humanity and He gave it to us] Jesus Christ used the other 8 problem solving devices. loves Me, so also have I loved you; so reside in My love. God is perfect and a perfect God can only love a perfect object. We have personal love toward God. If you execute My mandates [3rd class codition] you will reside in the sphere of My love if you come into class and make that list and things occur which challenge you within this system, they have become a distraction and you lose. If you execute the mandates, you use unconditional love toward these people. You isolate these things and they do not become internal stress. I reside in His love. I have taught you these things in order that My happiness might be made full in you. Jesus Christ was happy throughout the incarnation. Heb. 12:1–2 He endured the cross, despising the shame. Jesus says that we can have the same happiness as He enjoyed as long as we can keep His mandates. In the cosmos, you will have opposition. Prosperity is primarily in the soul. When we have soul prosperity, we have tremendous advances. But take courage; I have overcome the cosmos.

Let’s go back to one of the areas of our previous studies: motivational and functional virtues. Motivation comes before we can function. Motivation must precede function. Confidence in God is a motivational virtue. How do you take courage? You must have a motivational virtue which gives us this courage? Jesus Christ overcame the cosmos. “You are in Me, I love you; you are in Me. Have confidence and good courage.”

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #13 8/25/98                               Tuesday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:4; 1 John 5:5: Believers are Victorious over the Cosmic System

His foray into crusader arrogance. Editorial: Baseball, toss out those pills. No wishes Mark MaGuire ill. The Post accuses him of taking steroids. So, Joe sent Rush an email. The Scar tissue. Louis Post Dispatch has waxed self-righteous of MaGuire taking a legal, otc health supplement. The Post writer said that his use of this supplement sends a terrible message to the young people. This same paper does not condemn President Clinton for the message which he sends to young people, regarding the oral sex in the oval office. Now that his 15 minutes is over, we’ll get back into Bible class.

Inconsistency of thought is overcome by Bible doctrine. It reveals consistency in every area of life. We’ve been examining a going up against great challenges and being victorious. We need to believe the Word of God and then we need the courage to apply the Word of God to our daily lives.

The Divine power system = divine dynasphere and there are 8 gates of function.

1.       Power gate, filling of the Holy Spirit.

2.       Basic Christian modus operandi, claiming of promises; faith rest

3.       Teachability through humility; no one who is arrogant can be taught. Arrogance cannot be instructed.

4.       You may develop spiritual momentum under gap. Where is where we learn divine viewpoint thought.

5.       Motivation virtues combined with ....

6.       Functional virtues, which are directed to life and mankind.

7.       Seven momentum tests: sin nature, people testing, thought testing (confronting Bible class or establishment concepts; truth must be dominant in your soul—otherwise you have been deluded by the cosmic academy); system testing (there must be some sort of organization in everything that we do); the cosmic system (led and used by the arrogance complex of sins and then to the hatred complex of sins); disaster testing; prosperity test (nothing is going wrong; everything is coming up roses; no complaints).

“I have come to do Your will, O God.” Christ was able to maintain status quo spirituality while remaining in this power system. Sinning personally would have been the only way that He could have lost out or faltered. No errors; no sins. Jesus Christ actually proved the divine dynasphere would work in life in the cosmic system. On the cross, He received the imputation of our sins and we are given the very same power system that He functioned in Himself. He won the strategic victory over comos diabolicus. “These things I have communicated to you so that you might have prosperity. In the devil’s world, you will have oppression; but, nevertheless, take courage, because I have overcome the cosmos.” The initial victory is our faith in Christ.


8.       Just as the Lord has overcome the cosmos in the prototype system, so the believer can overcome the cosmos in the operational system. Jesus Christ when He received our sins was in gate 8 happiness, even though it was shameful and He would have preferred to opt out. He was willing to do His duty. Like those men charging death’s door at Omaha Beach. They preferred not to be there. They did their duty.

9.       Faith alone in Christ alone allows us to enter into this power system.

10.     Only a few people even understand the concept of rebound. Conduct a survey on your own; find a way to ask questions and have them explain how they achieve spirituality and how they maintain it. Most have no clue.

11.     The power gate is the filling of the Holy Spirit; efficiency within the system is dependent upon our faith in the revealed Word of God.

12.     We should not forget that faith is nonmeritorious at salvation. The gospel is the first morsel of truth that we understand. The spiritual life is nonmeritorious as well. You simply believe what the pastor teaches. You believe it or you don’t. Faith is still nonmeritorious. We enter the system through nonmeritorious faith and we execute the spiritual way of life through nonmeritorious faith as well.

13.     Some believers enter the system and some come in with a lot of establishment viewpoint coming in and many do not. The generation coming up has little concept of establishment thinking. They do not understand absolutes. “Yeah, I lied, but it was just about sex; yeah, I committed perjury, but everyone lies.” Adults tell the children this; news programs tell the kids that this is okay. This violates decent behavior. Such people do not orient to an imperative mood. When you come into the system, you must orient and adjust to the imperative moods of Scripture; others do not.

14.     Positive volition overcomes this handicap. All spiritual growth is accomplished through faith.

15.     Πιστευω & πιστις. Faith alone must be transferred into faith in doctrine alone inside the divine power system. A transitive verb requires an object. Faith and the word believe in the English have the same Greek word.

16.     In other words, that which wins the original victory must become the believer’s modus operandi in gaining spiritual victories in the invisible war. Faith to be saved and faith to be victorious in the spiritual war. We maintain the victories through continued faith in the Word of God.

17.     The basis for our victory over the cosmos is the subject. Everyone who has been born from God is victorious over the cosmic system.

 Who is the person victorious over the cosmic system as a result of faith in Christ? They are victorious at salvation through faith. ει μη = none other than when it is used in this construction. None other than him who has come to believe. They have victory which began at salvation and it continues throughout their lives, if they continue to use this in their Christian life.


1.       Faith and to believe are πιστις & πιστευω.

2.       The key is what you believe; faith must have an object. How do you know you have an eternal future. You have to put faith alone in Christ alone. You place your faith in what the Bible teaches.

3.       If you claim that you have faith, then it is imperative that you have an object. If you have faith in some man, or some system or some philosophy, your object is sinking snad.

4.       What the person believes in is hoti

Who is the one who is victorious in the cosmic system? None other than he who has come to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. And that is a statement of the gospel.


1.       The initial victory occurs at salvation, stated in v. 4 and amplified in v. 5.

2.       We begin as winners with 40 operating assets. The divine power system is turned on. We are a new superior species because we have greater potential. We are given a lot of things in order to serve God.

3.       At salvation, we are only in the first inning. There is a pitcher named Turk Wendell, and when he came out of an inning and there was no hits, he would preen and jump up and down and dance; and then he would go to the dugout and brush his teeth. But, we don’t do this in the first inning. We have just begun the walk down the trail. We have to play all 9 innings, all the way to Santa Fe. We need to use all of these assets. When Joshua and the Israelites go into the land, will they be victorious? They have faith in the revealed Word of God; they have courage. This is emblematic of the war which we fight day by day.

4.       The only way to exploit the original victory is to maintain our residence in the divine system. Obviously, you can’t stay in fellowship all the time; but there is a way to get back in. This is how you exploit this initial victory.

5.       Two ways to exploit it: rebound and the utilization of doctrine. There is no other way to win consistent victories in this invisible war.

6.       Inside the divine power system, the believer processes divine operating assets, problem solving devices, and spiritual skills. Inside the system, you possess divine operating assets. These give us tactical assets in the invisible war. We have 10 problem solving devices and 3 spiritual skills.

7.       Neither the strategic victory at salvation (which we share by faith in Christ) nor the tactical victories won on the trail to Santa Fe by faith in the Word of God, none are possible without the precedence set by Jesus Christ who took the prototype system and showed that it would work.

Jesus Christ was able to maintain His impeccability in the face of all kinds of pressures. He who is without sin, let hiim cast the first stone. Jesus is challenge to go with grace and love or to go with the Law. They tried to put him in such a position, and we will cover this next time.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #14 8/27/98                             Thursday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:5: The Lord's Tactical Victories in the Incarnation, John 8:1-11, The Case of the Adulterous Woman

The initial victory over the cosmic system begins at faith in Christ. That is just the 1st inning; but you must play all 9 innings; and you keep gaining tactical victories until you come out a winner.

The believer has problem solving devices and spiritual skills which can be utilized in the angelic conflict. Our Lord’s strategic victory at the cross was made possible by a series of tactical victories along the way.

As is always the case when competing factions disagree, competing factions compete for power. Not much is known about how these men organized themselves. The pharisees were more politically oriented and the scribes were more theologically motivated. They followed the Mosaic Law and attempted to follow it according to Jewish customs. A group of Rabbis sat down and wrote out their ideas about the Mosaic Law, and these ideas were compliled into what is known as the Talmud, which was put together over a period of 600 years. They viewed their traditions as equal to the Law. The Talmud is essentially a Rabbinic commentary on the Law.

Jesus was to fulfill the Mosaic Law and not the oral traditions; and that is the basis for most of the conflicts between Jesus and the pharisees. Most of them believed in a Messiah; they just did not know/believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

We cannot have tactical victories in the Church Age unless we depend upon our Lord’s victories in the prototype divine dynasphere. Our Lord was tempted to step outside of this system.

John 8:1–11 apologists for the president have become Bible quoting theologians. By refering it, Joe can kill two birds with one stone. Unless you are without sin, you cannot find fault with anyone else. How can we forgive someone if we are unable to fix blame for something which needs to be forgiven? John 7:53–8:11 and these verses are not a part of the original manuscripts. Not found in the earliest and best manuscripts of the book of John.

People do believe that this incident did take place and was added as a gloss.

Generally speaking, the mission of our Lord was to fulfill the mission of God the Father and to follow out the Mosaic Law. The Lord needed to adhere precisely to the law of Moses. “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law and the prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill the law.”

The booths were built by the people became a place which things were abused. A couple were caught in an act of adultery. This festival had become more or less sort of an October fest.

The oral tradition felt that capital punishment for some of these crimes were not really worthy of capital punishment. Jesus has been teaching love and grace on one hand; but He has to fulfill the Law, so they are going to see if He will bsay the aw is too harsh. He either must side with gracious teaching or with the scribes and pharisees.

The scribes and pharisees found a woman in the very act of adultery, and then they put her in front of Jesus. The death penalty came by stoning. 2 or 3 witnesses were required.

The ones who would throw the first stones would be the witnesses. Deut. 17:6–7: On the evidence of 2 or 3 witnesses, he who is to die will be put to death. Biblical jurisprudence is far superior to anything that man could come up with. Both the man and the woman were to be executed, but they only showed up with the woman. Apparently, they let the guy go. Jesus is not a member of any legal branch, so it is weird they would come to Jesus to get His opinion, as He has no authority to adjudicate this matter. However, they do this to test Him. The verb means to tempt in an effort to ensnare. They had hoped to have grounds to accuse Him. They want Him to agree with the oral traditions. They want to entrap the Lord. If He recommends that the woman be stoned, then He would be in compliance with the Mosaic Law. If He suggests to hold back on capital punishment, then He would agree with the Talmud (an oral tradition at this time). Jesus did not say anything, but He stoops down and began to write on the ground. He was teaching in the Temple which had a stone floor.

John 8:7–8: they continued to press Him for an answer. What do you think about this? They continued to badger Him. Then He says, “He who is without sin, let him be the first person to throw a stone.” These religious types had no intention of stoning her. They want Jesus to either take the side of the Law or to agree with the Talmud.

Whatever righteousness demands, justice must execute. The adulterer and the adultress must sure be put to death. Righteousness demands that justice be meted out. The Lord must recommend that this penalty clause be carried out or find a way to let her off in a manner which does not compromise divine integrity. What He did recognized both requirements.

He recommended that the woman be stoned, but not by her accusers but by anyone in attendance who is without sin.

This is misapplied to say, if someone is found in a sin, then no one can say anything about it. This would allow all forms of crimes to occur. Jesus gave us a standard to determine guilt or innocence and it is based upon 2 or 3 witnesses. There is a system involved here.

What about forgiveness? Are we not to forgive? No, sins are violations of divine righteousness and carry a punishment clause when they violate the law. Do not get these kinds of sins mixed up. We are not to forgive such sins and just let them go.

God forgives sins at salvation and incremental forgiveness by rebound. This forgiveness is based soul on the vicarious sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. God can and does forgive sins based upon the cross. Those who have the evidence to press charges have chosen not to do so. The oral tradition ignores this. The oral tradition would not stone someone for adultery. They were not going to press charges. The Lord chooses not to take up this sin with her. He expects her to take up a new behavior. Those questioning the woman began to wander out and only the Lord and this woman are left.

He asks her, “Woman, where are they who condemn you? From hereon in, leave and sin no more.” Jesus does not tell her that she is forgiven; she does not ask for forgiveness. Κατακρινω is the word used here. This word means condemnation. Confession and forgiveness are not mentioned here.

If someone commits a crime and they say that God has forgiven them, and therefor we ought for forgive them—that is not the case. Establishment authority means you have violated laws of the land. People do this to play on your emotions, asking you to do things which you are not capable of doing. God can forgive them and, if something was done to you, you can forgive them. Forgiveness means that wrongdoing was involved. A criminal can confess his sin, but this does not solve his problem with the state. There is nothing that we can do with either one of them. Condemnation is being discussed here.

The pharisees did not want to stone this woman.

Forgiveness from the Lord’s side requires faith in Him. The woman indicated that no one passed judgment on her or imposed any sentence upon her. Jesus does not have the authority to speak for the Jewish law; that is for the scribes and the pharisees; that is their hammer, not His.

Jesus was qualified to judge her; that is God and that is Christ. The woman calls Him Lord in v. 11. This indicates that the woman was a believer; and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. He simply told her that He did not condemn her. He asked her, “Did no person here condemn you?” He then said, “Then neither do I condemn you.” He does not condemn her under divine law as she is a believer in Jesus Christ. He has the right to cast the first stone. He is the only one there without sin. He has the power to condemn her, but He does not. He admonishes her to sin no more.

The idea of transferring sin from one to another is implicit in salvation. Philemon was a citizen of Colossi and had come into contact with a prison in Rome. Paul evangelized Onesimos. However, Onesimos stole some property from Philemon, so Paul told him, So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you would receive me. If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account (Philemon 1:17–18). Accept him as a believer; his sins have been forgiven; accept him back. We forgive others and Christ forgave us. We do not hold people accountable for what they do to us. We cannot forgive people of their sins; that is God’s prerogative. Ελογεω = to charge one person’s debt to another’s account at the latter’s request. Justice demands that the debt be paid.

What Jesus is writing on the temple floor is a matter of conjecture. Some suggest it is a contract to pay for her sins. He did take on the debt of this woman. We can only assume that this woman did not commit adultery again. Those who brought her forward were willing to condemn her, but unable to apply the penalty clause. Jesus was the only one with the credentials to stone her, to condemn her; but since she was a believer, He could not do so. Rom. 13:1–2: Let everyone submit to governing authorities, for there are no authorities except delegated by God.

I must admit to being at a loss as to what any of this has to do with the book of Joshua.

The criminal believer still owes a debt to society which must be paid. The law can cast the stone of punishment, as ordained by God. Governmental authorities are not a cause for fear for those who obey the law.

Our Lord established the precedence which He had.

Tactical victories are not possible without precedent victories accomplished by our Lord first.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #15 8/30/98                             Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:5: Definition of "Son of Man" in Dan 7:13 & "Son of God," in Mt 16:16

Faith is an important concern in our lives; our salvation began with faith and our walk continues with faith. The strength has to do with what is in our soul.

1Jouhn 5:4–6: we have 3 spiritual skills and 10 problem solving devices. Who is the one victorious over the cosmic system? None other than he who believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We begin by faith, but this is just the first inning and we must play all innings in a game. The only way to exploit one’s initial victory. Inside the divine power system, we have spiritual skills and problem solving devices and something else. We are able to benefit from our Lord’s strategic victory on the cross, but these are not possible without our Lord’s first powering up the divine dynasphere.

A passage is quoted today, “If you are without sin, you may cast the first stone” and people are taking this to mean that we cannot condemn crminal behavior because we are not perfect. When someone breaks a law, that becomes a crime, and that crime may be a sin as well. God does not forgive the sin of the unbeliever; he must go through Christ and employ faith alone in Christ alone. The believer may confess the sin to God, and God may forgive him the sin. In either case, the citizenry cannot simply forgive criminals for their crimes. We are not in the business of forgiving sins; that is God’s business. And the populace cannot forgive a person for a crime. Therefore, we are out of it altogether. We have delegated authority in our country so that a criminal is prosecuted and if a penalty must be applied, then the jury or judge determines that penalty.

None other than he who comes to believe that Jesus is the Son of God.


9.       We find in this verse the hypostatic union. Jesus Christ is identified as having two natures, and these natures describe two existences. Jesus Christ has two essences. He is divine and human. There is no loss or transference of attributes. They are separate and united natures. Jesus Christ in hypostatic union had to execute operation reconciliation flawlessly. Jesus is obviously the unique person of the universe. He is different from man in that He is God; and different from God in that He is man. His natures are never compromised by one another.

10.     That phrase that Jesus is victorious over the cosmic system, and this is the victory, our faith. The object of the faith is Jesus. That Jesus is the Son of God.

He began asking His disciples saying, “Who do the people say that, the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13). And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; some say one of the prophets.” “And who do you say I am?” “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” And Jesus answered and said to him, “You are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you but My Father who is in heaven.


12.     The Lord refers to Himself as the Son of Man. Peter calls Him the Son of God.

          a.       Note the use of the name Son. There is a title in Daniel 7:13–14: I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed. Daniel looks to Jesus offering to execute the plan to redeem man; and the Holy Spirit would inform and instruct believers. This is the agreement on how to execute operation reconcilliation.

          b.       This is prophetic of the Millennial reign of Christ. “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; follow Me.” Few understood and believed. This was a target case of missed opportunity. Jesus then went to plan B.

          c.        When Jesus calls Himself the Son of Man, He is referring to this prophecy. He is saying, “That time has come; I am the One.” Jesus clearly understood what Daniel understood. The people that Jesus dealt with are Jews. All who wrote the Scriptures are Jews (except for Luke). When dealing with the pharisees, Jesus is dealing with people who know the Word of God, even though they distort it. The term Son of God is used for the undiminished deity of the Messiah. Peter understood, to some extent, the hypostatic union. Different distinct attributes, inseperably united with a true human resurrection body. The hypostatic union is forever. Christ is the first fruits of this resurrection.

          d.       Definition of terms is a must. Son is בֵנ in the Hebrew. Jesus Christ calls Himself Son of Man and Peter calls Him the Son of God. You have a Father and you have a Son. In this arrangement, Who is the authority. Those who understand authority know the Father has authority over the Son. However, as the Son of Man, . There is another definition of the word son; in Jewish usage, Son of God did not necessarily refer to subservience in Jewish usage. Equality and identity of nature. The essence of His true humanity; nature means essence. Subordinatioin is not involved, but equality of essence.

          e.       This idea is borne out in the Oxford dictionary. One who inherits the spirit or displays the character of some person. Webster: a person whose character partakes to strongly of some quality or characteristic as to suggest son and parent. Patrick Henry was one of our greatest orators and he never wrote anything down. Historians go to write things down about him and there are very few papers. When Patrick Henry would deliver a speech, he may have mentally organized his thoughts, but he did not write anything down. He came to be known as the son of thunder. His personality resonated with thunder.

          f.        Jesus said, “I am the last Adam to fulfill the prophecies spoken of Me” by taking on the title Son of Man  Jesus has the same essence as Adam. 1Cor. 15:45–47: Thus it is written, "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven.

          g.       The Messiah cannot have mixed essence; His humanity was judged on the cross; His deity cannot be judged. In His true humanity, He could maintain residence and function inside the divine power system. He used 8 problem solving devices. Jesus suffered for our sins, sins He knew nothing about insofar as guilt is involved. There is no copout; no way to call down angels. He had a duty and He never waivered. All 8 of these problem solving devices were functioning at this time. He maintained unconditional love for all humanity. When you are placed under unfair and unjust circumstances, and personal love for God.

          h.       The definition of son is very important. He is not claiming to be subordinate to man, but He is equal with man and thus qualified to be man’s substitute on the cross. In His true humanity, He is not different from us. He had no genetic sin, and thus no imputed sin. He Who knew no sin was made sin for us. Jesus does not say that He is subordinate to man, but equal to man and qualified to be our substitute on the cross.

          i.         Jesus is not subordinate to God or the Holy Spirit. He is equal to God. The deity of Christ was not submissive on the cross; His humanity was submissive to God on the cross. He put Himself in a position where He was less than God and submissive to God. If we are in a position of high rank and a circumstance should arise in order to fulfill a mission so that we would take on alower rank and the submission that would come with it. Would you begin as the principal of a high school and allow yourself to be diminished to being a janitor at the same school.

          j.         In hypostatic union, our Lord was subordinate to the plan of God in the execution of operation reconciliation. Jesus could have gotten into the system or the plan and decide, “I cannot bear this;” or “I am unwilling to bear this.”

          k.        The willingness of God the Son to submit to God’s plan made our salvation possible. He began with God the Holy Spirit filling Him and He never lost that. Faith rest technique was involved; and He knew Bible doctrine and by age 10, He was teaching in the Temple. He never lost personal love for God of unconditional love for mankind when on the cross. All of this was sustained by the Holy Spirit and positive volition through His stream of consciousness. He was willing to subordinate Himself to this plan. Heb. 10:5, 7: Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said, "Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me;...Then I said, 'Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.'" God required the true lamb of God; He did not require these little sacrifices. In order for Jesus to be true humanity, He had to have a body. God the Holy Spirit miraculously matched up 23 perfect chromosomes with Mary’s. Undiminished deity must be combined with a body. God receives credit for this and not Mary. I have come to do Your will, O God. Philip. 2:6–8: ...who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Jesus had a willingness to take on the plan of God and to take upon Himself a body. He empties Himself, which is kenosis. This does not mean that He did away with His deity; He voluntarily suspended the function of His divine essence. He took on the form of a servant made in the likeness of men. He remained obedient all the way to the death on the cross.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #16 8/30/98                             Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:5: The Two Essences of the Hypostatic Union

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #17 9/1/98                              Sunday 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Principles from 1 John 5:5: Review of Hypostatic Union & Power Systems; Justification, Romans 5:8-9; 4:5,8

1John 5:4–5: Everyone who has been born from God has been victorious over the cosmic system. Who is the one who is victorious over the cosmic system? None other than he who has believed in Jesus Christ.

Hypostatic comes from the hupo stasis in the Greek. He possesses the exact same essence of God and of true humanity. Adam was created without a sinful nature; therefore, He was a perfect human being, termed in Scripture as the Last Adam. The two essences; and Jesus Christ is different from God in that He is man; and different from man, in that He is God.

In Christ are two natures: divine and human. Inseperably united without mixture or loss of attributes. His humanity did not take on certain aspects of His humanity and His deity did not take on any human characteristics. The union is both personal and eternal. This union will last forever. Jesus Christ will be in this unified status forever. He is undiminished deity and true humanity. There is a special body designed for humanity in the eternal state and we call it the resurrection body.

[My lesson did not play correctly; but I could play it off the website okay]

Do we not have more of a burden on ourselves, since we have a sin nature? The objective of each system is different. The objective of the prototype system was to fulfill the salvation plan. We cannot get inside our operational system unless we are saved. In the prototype, what is the process? The process is resistence to temptation with our problem solving devices. Jesus Christ used these same problem solving devices. Jesus Christ was asked to function within this system for 33 years without making a single mistake, even in cosmic diabolicus. He confronted individuals who hated Him and tried to trick Him. And He maintained His impeccability while managing these assaults from so many people.

Satan’s original name was Lucifer, and he, after his fall, became known as Satan or the devil.

We were not scourged; we did not have salt poured into our wounds; we were not required to carry our cross; and we do not have nails driven into our hands and feet. We did not face 9 trials held by people who hate us. The process for Jesus Christ was to maintain impeccability. He was to maintain all control. We have 10 problem solving devices; He used 8. Christ did not need to be occupied with Himself; and He did not sin, so He did not need rebound. We maintain spirituality and He maintained His impeccability.

We are not asked to be impeccable. The result of the protocol system; Christ arrived at the cross qualified to be our substitute. Our objective is spiritual maturity or experiential sanctification or glorification of Christ. This is a growth process; grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord’s result was to be our substitute on the cross. The conclusion to the prototype, the prototype system proved sufficient to achieve the objective of salvation. The operational system is sufficient for us to achieve spiritual maturity. The function within these systems is the same. Otherwise the gates to the system is the same.

There is also the mention of Christ being a mediator. He was uniquely qualified to be our mediator in the dispute between God and man. One who mediates between two parties with a view toward reconciliation. Jesus is equal to both parties: man and God; and only in this way could He properly deal with the dispute.

Rom. 5:8: God demonstrates His own love to us in that when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


22.     How do we know that God loves us unconditionally? Rom. 5:8 tells us about His love.

23.     God’s love was unconditional; unlimited atonement. God did not preselect a certain few. A logical interpretation will not allow for this. They must ignore some facts and twist some clear Scripture in order to come up with this false doctrine of a preselect few. If God elected a pre-determined few based upon His own reasons, His own standards, without reference to human volition; that is a false doctrine and that is conditional. John 3:16 leaves human volition open. God knowing in eternity past in no way amplifies or influences; we can respond to the gospel out of our free will. He offers the information and we decide; God reports; we decide. Christ died for sinners, which includes the entire human race. God unconditionally loved the world so much that He gave His uniquely-born Son,... He is the only means of salvation. There are no conditions for merit. There is equal provision for salvation for all. It is the purpose of assuring. Faith alone in Christ alone. Everyone who believes in him will have eternal life.

24.     Our Lord became a servant to man by redeeming mankind at the cross. This was a mission accomplished by offering Himself as a substitutionary offering for all. He died for all sins from Eden to the end of the Millennial reign of Christ. This was a mission accomplished.

25.     This is brought out in the final phrase: that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Rom. 5:8b).

26.     This death was His spiritual death, a 3 hour ordeal during which He was judged for our sins.

27.     The preposition used is υπερ+ the ablative of εγω = as a substitute for us; instead of us.

28.     Since Christ died as a substitute for us, the justice of God imputed our sins to Him and judged Him instead of us. Justice judged our sins in Him. We deserved it, He didn’t; He was judged in our stead. He shouldn’t have been judged, we should have been. This means the justice of God judged our sins in Him. If Jesus maintained His impeccability and what is His attitude? He is undiminished Deity and God the Father separated Himself from God the Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all have personal love for each other. This personal relationship goes on among the members of the Trinity. When it comes to personal love, Jesus is separated from the Father. “My God My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus Christ in His humanity and He maintained His love throughout the judgment, and God the Father loved the Son and continued while He judged Him. Jesus never checked out of the system during our sins being poured on Him.

29.     Jesus did this while we were still His enemies. If God could do the most difficult thing for us prior to salvation, then it is logical that He will do the less difficult thing while we have justified by His blood, delivered in Him.

30.     Dative absolute πολους + μαλλον with the transitional conjunction ουν = much more therefore.

31.     Used together, much more therefore, they present the following rationale. If the greater benefit is already given, then the lesser will not be withheld.

32.     Salvation is the greater benefit. Deliverance from wrath is the lesser benefit? God at this point has done the most for us. What He does after this is of an easier nature. It is easier for God to deliver us from wrath. Deliverance from eternity in the Lake of Fire is easy.

33.     There is a link between greater and lesser benefits. Δικιοω = having now been justified. This occurred because we expressed faith alone in Christ alone and then God began to do this with this decision. We stand justified at the moment of our faith in Christ. For justification to be completed, also involved is salvation and the imputation of perfect righteousness. We have the cross and our volition. We express positive volition toward our Lord’s work on the cross. We understand Who and What He is and what He accomplished. We gain salvation from faith alone in Christ alone. Justification is a verdict from the supreme court of heaven. Justification says, because our sins have been transferred to Christ on the cross, our pre-salvation sins have been removed from the ledger. We are justified based upon what Jesus Christ did for us; not upon anything we do. Rom. 3:28: We conclude that man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. What vindicates us before the justice of God? We are vindicated because we are justified by faith. Faith is transitive; it must have an object. We cannot have faith in our works; do good works, get accolades from others. We conclude that man is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law. To him who does not work for salvation, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted to him as righteousness (Rom. 4:5). When you owe someone money, there is a column set up somewhere with a list of the debt; we owe Him perfect righteousness and the best we can come up with is relative righteousness. We have to go to someone who can transfer over perfect righteousness into our debit column. God’s integrity is willing to justify us. God has decided to give us a system and to balance the books. He has paid the entire balance; one check, He has signed it, and that is it. He wrote the check and we are the beneficiary. The Lord will not charge sin. The word used in both cases is λοὐιζομαι = our sin debt is taken off our books and placed upon Christ on the cross, where they were judged and the price was paid. His faith received credit for the imputation of +R. Happy is the man to whom the Lord does not impute sin. The passive voice is the voice of grace; we receive it. Grace is when we receive it because we have unmerited favor from God. He must have unconditional love to us. He must initiate the entire thing. We respond to that and these other things occur in grace; they are imputed to us. Justification is the legal pronouncement of this transaction. There is nothing like having the judge look down from the bench and pronounce, “Case dismissed.” Absolute righteousness is satisfied.

God demonstrates His own love to us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us, much more therefore, having now been justified by His blood, we will be delivered from wrath by Him (Rom. 5:8–9). What made it possible for God to conduct a legal transaction where our sins could be imputed to Christ and not to us: it is in the phrase by His blood, which takes us to our next verse in 1John 5.

1John 5:4–5: For Everyone that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the initial victory that overcomes the world, our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

1John 5:6: This is He who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by the water and blood. And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth.

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #18 9/3/98                           Thursday 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: 1 John 5:6; The True Humanity of Jesus: A Rebuttal against Docetic Gnosticism

We’ve been studying a passage which takes up our faith. In Joshua, faith will be the primary weapon that the people will use to take the land. John 3:16 tells us the our Lord’s work on the cross was for the entire human race. The justice of God is geared up; He cannot associate with sin. Righteousness demands righteousness; righteousness demands that justice be applied upon acts of unrighteousness. Our faith alone in Christ alone takes down the barrier and sets up a pipeline between God and man. Happy is the man to whose account the Lord does not impute sin. Christ paid the debt that we ran up at the cross. God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that when we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us.

I’ve been a very nice guy; or, my wrongdoing has been of a very minor nature. There will be justice and wrath brought upon these types. Rom. 5:9: we are no longer condemned; there is no punishment which will be laid upon us. We need to note that our last question was, what is it which allowed God to impute our sins to Christ rather than to us? 

Faith is a victory, and the first faith is placed in Jesus Christ; then it is toward the Bible.

Joe was punching through tv last night and he was punching around and came across the Discovery channel and it was a show all about cobras. They grow wild in Shri Lanka, and they grow up to 18 ft. and they are growing in and out of people’s houses. These people kept these cobras in the house and treated them as pets. They had enough venom to wipe out the entire community. They would handle this big snake and be passed around. Joe had his own feet up off the floor.

The Jews had faith rest, they had doctrine, and they had cobras. Yet, when they ran into cobras that began to attack them. These Jews should have had faith rest but they did not. Yet there are these Buddhists who have these cobras in their homes, but there was no faith rest involved.

If Joe deals with cobras, he is going to do it with faith rest. However, if he has have a chance, he will sprint.

V. 5 tells us who the object of our faith needs to be. This verse documents our Lord’s literal, physical death.

Our passage is documenting the initial victory in the cosmic system: faith in Christ. In v. 4 is our faith and the object is Jesus, the Son of God, in v. 5. In v. 6 we are given information that Jesus is truly the Messiah and confirms it with details in His physical death. John is very precise about all of this.

The custom was to break the bones below the knee, and the person could not longer hold himself up, and he would asphyxiate. John tells us about the blood and water in John 19 and in 1John. This one is He who came. The end result is emphasized.

What does this mean?

1.       The One who came is Jesus Christ in the 1st advent. Came takes us back to the incarnation and it is expressed to us with the vividness of the recent occurrence.

2.       The virgin birth fulfilled Old Testament prophecies about Jesus.

3.       Others still remain to be fulfilled at the 2nd advent and beyond. The Davidic Covenant, for instance.

4.       It should be remembered that Old Testament writers knew nothing of the Church Age. The incarnation is a 33 year dispensation. At the ascension of Christ, the Church Age began. After the rapture of the church, the Tribulation and the Millennial reign of Christ. In the dispensation of Israel, those people who wrote Old Testament Scripture often wrote prophecies. Those prophecies concerned the incarnation, 1st advent, Tribulation, 2nd advent or the Millennium. They never wrote anything about the Church Age. They did not know about it. They could not reveal the Church Age.

5.       The New Testament reveals only two prophecies related to the Church Age and they both reference its termini. It begins at the Day of pentecost and it ends at the rapture, which is at the end of Rev. 3 (Rev. 4–5 is the church in heaven during the Tribulation). There are prophecies related to the beginning and the end; but there is nothing in between. Jesus Christ prophesied that the Holy Spirit would come as a mentor, who comes along side us and helps and guides and teaches us. The Lord gave us this prophecy. Acts 2 fulfilled this prophecy. There are tragic things going on around the world. There are problems with the Russian and Asian communities. The Irish are having problems. Those coming up with the protestant theology, which made the orange, which will all be against the green. The Clinton’s can’t do anything about it; they are blowing in the wind. There are no prophecies to signal the rapture. It is always raining somewhere.

6.       Prophecies indicated that the Messiah would possess true humanity. Kinsman-redeemer means He would redeem us from our sins. He would be born of a virgin. What was important is that Mary had a virgin pregnancy, and this is why He was her firstborn. Isaiah 53 gave us a full chapter on His death.

7.       One of the devices of the devil and the doctrine of demons is, Jesus is not full humanity; and people today say that He is not God. Jesus is undiminished deity and full humanity; and these natures are united forever. God cannot take on sin. As God, He could not go in our place. He had to face the temptations and trials. He had to get His body to the cross and it needed to be impeccable. One of the devices is, Satan. Jesus Christ was not true humanity. He was a form of deity and not man. Once you accept this, our theology has major cracks in it. The main tenant of a philosophical movement known as docetic Gnosticism.

8.       Gnosticism was a philosophical heresy which elevated knowledge above faith. The power and the necessity of faith are paramount. Gnosticism would put faith as a secondary function. The word comes from the word gnôsis, or knowledge. Paul tells them, what you need is ἑπίγνωσις. This is available only to those empowered by the Holy Spirit. Epistemological arguments on these porches trying to determine what truth is. They had all these systems of logic worked out. The gnostics were impressed with these Greek philosophers and they tried to get their doctrines to line up with Christian doctrine.

9.       In order to do this, a system was set up to mix in Eastern mystic religions; and these are all mixed together. It did not make much sense.

10.     From this mishmash, the following characteristics emerged:

          a.        Those who had knowledge were superior to those who depended upon faith.

          b.       They viewed the universe from the standpoint of dualism: matter and spirit and matter was evil.

          c.        The solution to the merger of the spiritual with the material was to be worked out by a lesser deity than God. He hired a superhuman character to work these things out. They knew we are born with a soul and a body. They saw that body as evil. How can you satisfy a spiritual God who demands a spiritual life when He has affixed Himself to the human body. What can we do if we are bound up with a human body? They saw this being communicating ideas to a select few; always this select few who get cut this special deal. The lesser deity called the demiurge. The communicate by means of emminations, which they consider knowledge. The ones given this special knowledge are the gnostics. How they knew they had an emanation, I don’t know.

          d.       Belief that matter was evil led to the denial of Jesus Christ. How can a Savior have a material body? All things which are material are evil. This led to the denial of the incarnation. You work the theology out based upon an incorrect premis.

11.     Several spinoffs from the gnostics; those who denied the incarnation entirely were called dosetic gnostics. The cross was then seen as an optical illusion. This is part of their way of explaining away the incarnation. The humanity of Jesus was a phantom. This was a system of thinking by these fellows. Phantom for these people is someone who appears to the sight but has no material substance. An illusion, an apparition, a delusion. This is how they resolved their false theology. Since everyone had seen Him, and this was clearly true; therefore, He must be a phantom.

12.     John in both his gospel and epistles refutes their false doctrine by stressing the true humanity of Christ by referencing His blood. Phantoms do not bleed. What follows is an example brought out by the prepositional phrase δια. Hudor and haima = water and blood. Jesus Christ is linked up to and in aposition with water and blood.

We are fat dumb and happy here; we are looking for home run 62; we want that first from Mark Maguire.

1John 5:4–5: For Everyone that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the initial victory that overcomes the world, our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

1John 5:6: This is He who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by the water and blood. And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth.

Joshua Intro           Joshua Lesson #19 9/6/98 1John 5:4–6                   Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: "Water & Blood" in 1 John 5:6 cp./w John 19:34, Physical Death cp./w Spiritual Death

Some of the great terms have been appropriated by holy rollers and distorted. Being born again is one of those terms. It describes our position with Christ; and our human spirit.

The fact that we can have victory over the fallen environment is the subject of this verse. There were spiritual assets which take us all the way to the death-shadow valley. Empiricism: you have to show it to me; rationalism: you must see that it makes sense to me. Faith can be placed in anything: science, mythology, the Word of God. We know that God wants to communicate with the human race; we have a cerebral cortex. We understand verbs. We can form sentences with some form of syntax. Children can process language almost from the beginning and they almost instinctively understand grammar and syntax. God communicates to us through language. Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New. When we learn concepts, then our volition is challenged to either accept it or reject it. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. We must accept what comes from it as not only truth but as God’s message to us. The initial victory and the initial faith. We do not require that God prove anything to us. However, by His character, whatever He says to us, it should be the absolute truth.

1John 5:4–5: For Everyone that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the initial victory that overcomes the world, our faith.

to say that He is God emphasizes His undiminished Deity. The are two essences and this must be for the Messiah. They must have undiminished Deity and true humanity.

1John 5:5: Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

V. 6 documents the literal physical death of Christ; and this helps us to distinguish between His physical and His spiritual deaths. We should remember that prophesies involving the first advent, that He must be equal to man and God to be a true mediator. The prophecies regarding the Messiah is He would be true humanity. And He woulddie for the sins of mankind through spiritual death (Isa. 53). The physical death on the cross was necessary so that He could be given His resurrection body.

Docetic gnosticism took Greek philosophy, mixed it in the eastern mystic religion and then to try to make that fit in with insipid Christianity. Dualism: all that is material is evil. There is a problem with the hypostatic union. Jesus Christ could not, in their opinion, be man’s Savior, because He is material essence; so they rejected the true humanity of Christ. If you cling to some false doctrine, it will, at some point, erode a true doctrine.

Gnostic Review

1.       Those who had knowledge were considered superior to those with just faith. They were convinced that they had a special relationship with God.

2.       They viewed the universe from the standpoint of some sort of dualism. Materialism verse the spiritual. There was this demiurge, greater than man, but less than God, would communicate with man by means of these emanations. These were Γνσις.

3.       A denial of the true human ity of Christ, which mean a rejectioni of the hypostatic union. Apartion, phantom or vision. The cross was an optical illusion and the Christ was a phantom. He had no material essence. John refutes this false doctrine by referencing His blood. An apparition does not bleed.

We must understand John’s words in relationship to Doscetic Gnosticism.

Water and the Blood

1.       Water and blood are placed with Jesus Christ in apposition. One idea is placed along side another so that a second explains the first. Jesus Christ is going to help explain the water and the blood.

2.       Back in v. 4, victory is placed in apposition with faith. What is victory? It is faith; what is faith? It is victory. John will take water and blood, place it in apposition with Jesus Christ, and say that one explains the other and one is the other.

3.       Water and blood placed in apposition to Jesus Christ, supporting the historic of Jesus Christ. Gnosticism became more and more sophisticated.

4.       The humanity of Christ was denied because the physical was seen as evil.

5.       John goes out of his way to drive home this principle. If He is not true humanity, then His death on the cross cannot be substitutionary for our sins. The mission was to get His body to the cross. In order for Him to die for the sins of the human race, He has to be true humanity. False doctrine must be assaulted. Pastor must uncover false doctrine, reveal it and deride it.

6.       Only a human being can experience somatic death.

7.       John provides his eyewitness account in John 19:34. A soldier pieces the side of Jesus Christ and out came blood and water. Put on the cross at high noon, experienced spiritual death for 3 hours, and then left up there for 3 more hours. They nailed Him to timbers. Nailed into the gap of the bones of the wrist (which, to them, it is part of the hand; which agrees with anatomy). A spike through the palm would not work because the person would fall off. The knees are bent and the hands are supporting all of the body weigh. There is this ledge that you can stretch the knees. A person could live on the cross for a week. When someone had been almost dead on the cross, they would beat the bones of legs, and all the weight is on the hands, and this would make it impossible, after awhile, to breathe. They want to get the body off the cross before the feast day begins, because they are not to deal with these things during the feast day. In v. 34, a sword is put into his chest cavity, and water and blood come out, which mean that Jesus has been dead for awhile.

8.       John is writing Bible doctrine. He is one of the human writers of the Word of God. We may understand his writings to be of divine authorship. He wants this point driven home. John wants to make it absolutely clear as to the truth of this. V. 6 is a deposition of the truth. John is saying, he is swearing to them that this is true, with the result that they might believe.

1John 5:6: This is He who came through water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by the water and blood. And the Spirit is He who bears witness, because the Spirit is the truth.

John understands this clearly; he knows that He is telling the truth.

1John 5:7–9: For there are three that testify: the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three agree. If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater, for this is the testimony of God that he has borne concerning his Son.


9.       He presents himself as an eyewitness of the somatic death of Jesus Christ on the cross. He gives testimony to this. He saw these events take place. He revealed it to us.

10.     John writes 60 years after this event occurs. He saw it, but those to whom he writes, did not. The majority of them only had information which they had received from others. John wanted to record these events so that we know what really happened. John is trying to deal with the mixed up oral traditions and distortions which had occurred since our Lord died.

11.     There came out blood and water. From the stand point of pathology, he quotes from the Blood of Christ. He had completed on the cross the suffering and death for our salvation. He said finished. He said that before His physical death. His physical death did not, therefore, contribute to our salvation. He bows His head and gives us His spirit. He needs to have His body leaning forward, so that the spear would enter into His chest cavity. At the moment that Christ died, his blood began to coagulate; and He thrusts His body forward so that it demonstrates that He did not die from the loss of His blood. This indicates that we are not saved by His literal blood bleeding out. John is speaking of the blood clots and serum. The greyish yellow serum separates from the blood clots. These clots and serum do not form when someone bleeds to death. Jesus knew that Satan would pervert the doctrine of the blood, so had to make it clear that He did not bleed to death, like the animals.

12.     In our study of Joshua, the practice of the Passover is reintroduced on the east side of the Jordan River.

13.     Egypt is a type of the world. It is symbolic of the fact that we are born into a fallen world as an unbeliever. If we do not believe in Jesus Christ, then we face the Lake of Fire. There is a lot of head slapping in torments; “He was right; there is fire and brimstone.”

The blood of the lamb is a type; Moses is a type of Christ who leads God’s people out of bondage, out of Egypt, which represents the world.

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #20 9/6/98                              Sunday 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Doctrine of the Blood of Christ: Definition; Significance of Animal Blood in the Old Testament

The Blood of Christ

1.       Jesus Christ did not bleed to death on the cross. He gave up His soul to the Holy Spirit and His Spirit to God the Father. He did not die the normal human death. There was no physical malady which led to His death. He surrendered His soul and spirit. John 10:17–18: I lay down My life that I may take it up again. No man has taken it from Me; I lay it down of My own volition. We cannot do this. We can use outside objects and commit suicide (not the Christian way of life). Jesus had a mission and a duty and once that had been completed, there was no reason for Him to remain. Jesus spoke to two criminals and He told one that “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” We will both be in paradise today. Hades has several compartments and paradise is one of them where pre-cross believers. This is also called Abraham’s bosom. They could not go to heaven because Jesus Christ had not yet been glorified. He is the first one to enter heaven in His humanity/resurrection body. Then there is a great gulf fixed from Luke 15, across from which is a place called torments. Souls of unbelievers go to torments prior to the Great White Throne Judgment. Jesus is the first fruits and He will lead the others into heaven. What of Jesus’ human essence goes into paradise. His soul goes to paradise and meets these previously saved individuals. Jesus cries out with a loud voice, “Father, into Your hands, I commit My spirit.”

2.       These passages indicate that Jesus died a unique physical death; death by volition. He did not die due to natural causes; He dismissed His own soul. What energizes human life is the soul; this is the energy for human life. Without the imputation of soul life, there is no human life. We have a soul at physical birth. When death occurs, the soul and spirit leave the body and go to be with the Lord.

3.       The passage in John 10:17–18 indicate that Jesus has the authority to leave His body. He had to speak to the spirits in prison; He had to lead the spirits into heaven; once His duty has been done, it is time for Him to move to the next step. No reason for Him to hang around after being judged on the cross. Maybe He could have lived a little longer to do good? No!!

4.       His sacrificial work on the cross had been completed. He had to prepare for the resurrection and the resurrection body. You cannot get a resurrection body without a dead physical body (except for the rapture).

5.       Jesus did not bleed to death on the cross neither did His literal blood contribute anything to His sacrificial work for our salvation.

6.       Some view this as heresy, but it is not. Doctrines are not built upon understandings gleaned from one passage. You pull from several portions of Scripture. You cannot contradict established truth. The proper thing is to rethink the idea that Jesus did not exist in true humanity. Whenever dogma gets established as tradition, we cling to it like a Teddy Bear. If your belief system is wrong, you may still hold fast to some tradition. This is not the way to study the Bible. Once we establish the truth, that is it. The Scripture is the all-important thing. A denominational statement, tradition and a theological system is not what we depend upon. What we believe must be in harmony with all other beliefs.

7.       We must be wary of holding inflexibly to traditional beliefs when they are exposed by Biblical scholarship to be in error. Erroneous tradition does not edify. Biblical enlightenment does. Previously

8.       It is important that we begin our study and begin with the Lexicons. Arndt and Gingrich under the entry heima, which is blood. Blood and life as an expiatory sacrifice, especially of the Blood of Jesus, as the means of expiation. Geherhart Tittle: blood of Christ is a graphic phrase... The death of Christ with regards to our salvation. There was literal blood sprinkled on the mercy seat, which came from the veins of the animal which is literal and poured out on the mercy seat. All of this is literal. Concepts which belong to the language of sacrifice do not mean that the literalness is carried through. The phrase the blood of Christ has to do with His sacrificial death on the cross and nothing to do with His literal blood. The history of belief in the atoning power of the blood. We cannot transfer ideas from the OT ritual cannot be literally plugged into the blood of Christ in the NT. The phrase is simply a pregnant symbol for the work of Christ, which occurred before He said, “It is finished.” Dr. D. A Carson, pg 33 in Fallacies: Jesus violent sacrificial death blessings said to be accomplished at the cross; idiomatic expression; representative analogy describing the spiritual death on the cross. The animal gave up His literal lilfe and our Lord gave up His spiritual life.

9.       Literal blood refers to our Lord’s somatic death; figurative emphasizes His spiritual death and His saving work on the cross.

          a.       Hebrew word for blood is dam. It is found 300 times, and 2/3 to death and violence and 1/3 to animal sacrifices.

          b.       5 Levitical sacrifices: 4 involve deaths of animals through the loss of its physical blood.

          c.        It is significant that in the Old Testament, there could be no atonement for sin without the shedding of animal blood. The first World War, Cain and Abel. Abel brought animal sacrifices; there was blood; Cain brought a Ceasar Salad. When it came time for the sacrifices, God did not like the salad, He wanted an animal sacrifice. Cain observed Abel killing these animals and decided to try it on Abel himself out of jealousy. Cain did not like this killing an animal stuff. Without the shedding of animal blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. The rituals takes animals who have no souls, who have no eternal future, and uses them to illustrate. Animal rights is a Satanic concept in order to lead us to where we would be repulsed by the teaching of animal sacrifices. Allowing animals to be used as illustrations, means they do not have soul lives. The blood of the animal is its life.

          d.       The process of the sacrificial animal bleeding to death represents the saving work of Jesus Christ. They physical death of the animal was a type teaching the spiritual death of Christ.

          e.       Religion always seeks some sort of sacrifice from you. The lamb is brought in by a sinning Israelite. The priest ties it to the altar. There are 4 horns sticking up around the altar and the animal is tied down to this altar. He lays one hand on the sinner, the other on the lamb, and his sin is transferred to the innocent animal. That little lamb is not guilty of anything. Innocent sacrifice. The sin is transferred to the animal. The throat of the animal is slit and each heartbeat, streams of blood shoot out, and the blood is caught in a basin. The death of the animal was violent, but it could not escape, since it is tied down.

10.     Christology:

          a.       Sin is transferred from the individual to the innocent lamb.

          b.       Placing the hand on the animal’s head was a type of identifying the people’s sin with the innocent substitute. We are dead in our sins; we are totally depraved and there is nothing that we can do about it God chooses to reveal to us a plan of reconciliation. We are divided and separated from God through sin. We are born with a runner on first. There is nothing that we can do to reconcile ourselves to God. God alone can choose to do something. He has chosen to give His only begotten Son that we might have eternal life. God used animals in order to teach this. Animals were created, in part, for this reason. Placing the ha nd on the head of the animal identifies the sin with the innocent animal.

          c.        The innocent animal was without spot or blemish which indicates impeccability and true humanity. Jesus Christ went from birth to the cross without sin.

          d.       The blood represents the life of the animal and its loss is indicative of his death. This is Christ dying on the cross and He was never separated from God until that point in time. The sins of the entire world were poured out on Him. That is spiritual death. We are born spiritually dead. The blood represents the life of the animal.

          e.       The violence and trauma of the animal’s death was a type for the suffering and punishment endured by the Lord. He was our substitutionary substitute.

          f.        In the burnt offering, the fire represents judgment and the burning of the animal’s flesh revealed that Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, was made sin for us. Fire represents judgment; He was judged for our sins.

          g.       The horns were symbolic of the cross and Messiah being nailed to the cross.

11.     As the Israelite watched this spectacle, he was made aware of soteriology of what Christ would do on the cross, which were portrayed on the cross.

12.     The blood was a major issue because it was the life blood of the sacrificial animal.

Joshua Introduction           Joshua Lesson #21 9/8/98                                Tuesday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Animal Life in Its Blood, Lev 17:11; Typology of Mercy Seat & Ark of the Covenant, Ex 25:20,22

The literal blood of Christ does not save us; it is a phrase which makes reference to the spiritual death of Christ on the cross. There could be no atonement for sins apart from the atonement of blood. Nearly all things were cleansed with animal blood. There can be no forgiveness of sin apart from Christ’s work on the cross. The physical death of the animal is a type which portrayed the spiritual death. The physical death of the Levitical sacrifices to the spiritual death of Jesus Christ. The horns were used to tie and animal down; fire was underneath the altar. The animal was tied down. There was no escape at the point. The priest would put his hand on the head of the animal and on the head of the person, in order to transfer the sins. The image of the innocent animal being sacrificed for Christ and the forgiveness of our sins. The Jews understood that an innocent animal has to die violently in order for forgiveness to occur. The innocent animal being without spot and without blemish. Blood represents the death of the animal. A person dies when the soul exits the body rather than the blood; the blood exiting the body is the death of the animal. The violence and trauma of the animal’s death. The fire symbolizes judgment. The altar was the cross.

The Blood of Christ continued

11.     The blood of the animal was the life of the animal. When the blood was outside of the body, the animal was death. Lev. 17:11.

12.     Eating animals. God had no restrictions about eating animals; only eating animal blood. He disapproves of us eating or drinking the blood of animals. If God did not want us to eat animals, then He would not have made them out of meat.

13.     Part of the reasoning here is that the life of the animal is in the animal’s blood. If an animal has any kind of soulish essence, then it must be found in its blood. No soul life means no human life. Biological life must have a life source.

14.     When mother-dependence is cut off, then what remains is God-dependent. Biological life cannot sustain itself; soul life must spark biological life to make human life. Soul life must be imputed.

15.     In Lev. 17:11 nephesh is said to be in the blood. This can be translated life or soul. So, since animal’s do not have souls, this is rendered life. Flesh in context obviously refers to animal flesh. The life of the animal flesh is in the blood. There is not soul-life for an animal.

16.     Since animals’ do not have souls, nephesh should be translated life.

17.     When an animal loses his blood, he loses his life; when a human loses his soul, he loses his life.

18.     The purpose of the blood is then given. The blood which is poured out on the altar to make an atonement for them. It is the animal blood which makes the atonement. The atonement is designed to cover sins. We will note passages. We will learn that in the Old Testament, before the Law was given, sin was not imputed.

19.     From Adam to Moses, sin was not imputed, yet men died. They died physically and were born spiritually dead. What was it that enabled God to impute death to man before the Law? It is Adam’s original sin imputed to the sin nature.

20.     There are rebound sacrifices, which require the sacrifice of an innocent animal in order to cover the sins.

21.     Kaphar is the Hebrew word for atonement, and it means to cover. The Day of Atonement was the yearly ritual where the blood of the animal was sprinkled on the mercy seat. The cherubs were on the box. The blood taken into the Holy of Holies and sprinkled onto the Mercy Seat. The cherubs are looking on the lid, which is called the mercy seat. There is a smooth surface.

22.     The Mercy Seat was a gold lid which sits on top of the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark is the wooden box encased in gold below. The Mercy Seat is fashioned out of one piece of Gold, apparently with the cherubim as being a part of this construction. There is an overlay of gold on the Ark. The humanity and the deity of Jesus Christ in one person forever, this box being a type of Jesus Christ. When the Shekinah glory was in the Tabernacle, this would have been above the Mercy Seat and between the cherubs.

23.     The contents of the box reminded the people of their sins. They constantly reminded the people of their sins, sins that they continued to commit. They could not meet the righteous standards of the Law. You do not meet the righteousness of God and you therefore cannot have fellowship with Him. The only way for you to have a relationship with God is for an innocent thing to die on your behalf.

          a.       Tables of the Law kept in the box, which represented sins rejecting God’s divine Law. The Tablets of the Law given to Moses on Sinai, which represented sins as rejection of divine Law.

          b.       An urn of manna; God gave the Jews manna in the desert, and it maintained itself for 12 or 24 hours. On this particular piece of manna, it remained good. This is the rejection of logistical grace provision. We often take for granted our logistics, not recognizing the part that God plays. There are a number of people in Bible class tonite. There was a mole apparently going to give some signal about some sports guy. We are often mesmerized about a sports event (Mark MaGuire and breaking Maris’s record). If we choose to do this instead of Bible class, that is a judgment call. He suggests you need to be a prophet at this point. Divine decrees tells us that MaGuire would not hit a home run during Bible class. Violations of the spiritual code.

          c.        Aaron’s rod which budded. This represents sins associated with rebellion. People decided that they would be the priests; their rods do not bud and Aaron’s does. God proved to them that the Levitical family, the house of Aaron, would be the spiritual authority. They rejected this divinely established authority. All categories of sin are represented here.

24.     The mercy seat had 2 golden cherubs, representing righteousness and justice. Righteousness demands righteousness and justice demands justice. What would happen to the Jewish people if that blood was not delivered to the Mercy Seat. No blood, no atonement, no atonement, no protection. The Messiah would take care of this once and once only. Ex. 25:20: the cherubs have 4 wings and cover the seat and are facing each other. The faces of the cherubs are to be turned toward the Mercy Seat. This is where God would meet with the priests.

25.     The cherubs look down upon these 3 categories of sin and condemn it. When justice imputed our sins to them, looking at Christ, righteousness saw unrighteousness and condemned it. Our sins were judged by Christ on the cross. They are looking down at an empty mercy seat. These sins are put into a holding pattern for awhile. You are to learn about the fact that you are sinful, and that someone must give their life in your place. Hamartiology. All these rituals taught this. People are not actually forgiven by the animals. The animals are to be sacrificed by the priesthood. The animal will lose its life; the blood will be collected in the basin; the animal gives its life as a Substitutionary sacrifice. The High Priest dips his finger into this blood and sprinkles it on the Mercy Seat. Justice permits this sacrifice to cover the sins of the people for one more year. On the Day of Atonement, the blood of the sacrificial animal was sprinkled by the High Priest.

26.     Righteousness demands righteousness; justice demands justice. We think we can get around this somehow and we can get to God by being nice people. But we are lost in our sins. The only way we can get to heaven is faith alone in Christ alone. We need the innocent blood of Christ to save us.

27.     Justice demands justice. The sacrifice is accomplished the blood; there must be a blood sacrifice. We can succumb through political correctness of a 20th century ASPCA, but this is what God required. The animals had to die for Israel to continue. One Savior for the world. That sacrifice will be accomplished by the loss of death.

28.     When the animal’s life blood was sprinkled on the Mercy Seat, both righteousness and justice were satisfied. These Jews had provided through this process and procedure those things which divine integrity requires. The ritual is reviewed. The satisfaction of divine integrity is called atonement.

29.     The blood depicts the spiritual death of Christ on the cross and serves to cover the sins of the people.

30.     This entire ritual performed annually on the day of Atonement was a type of the New Testament for propitiation.

The Jews still do this called Yom Kippur. Sandy Kolfax and when he was in the World Series, he would not pitch on Yom Kippur. Every day is Sunday for the Christian. A guy who won’t sell anything in his stores on Sunday because that is the Sabbath.


31.     We should note that atonement is not found in the New Testament Greek; it is an Old Testament word. We find the anti-type propitiation. God was satisfied by the work on the cross. Hiloskomai.

32.     In Rom. 3:25 hilastarion is used, a derivative of the word. This is translated Mercy Seat, and it is found here: Christ Jesus, Whom God publically displayed by His blood as the Mercy Seat, as a demonstration of His integrity because of the passing over of previously committed sins and the delay of judgment. Jesus was judged in our place. Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #22 9/10/98                             Thursday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Propitiation, Rom 3:25; Spiritual Death: Real & Substitutionary, Rom 5:12-14

This lesson seems to be broken.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #23 9/13/98                             Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Real Spiritual Death, Genetic & Imputed Sin, Rom 5:12-14

We were noting the spiritual death of Christ in the previous lesson. He was perfect; there was no way that He could sin. Jesus Christ through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit and through knowledge of the Word of God, all added to His ability not to sin. He was qualitifed to go to the cross and to be our substitute. Righteousness looks down and sees our sins associated with Christ. There is a breaking off of the relationship between the integrity of God and the humanity of Christ, and that is what occurred when Jesus took upon Himself our sins. God is perfect righteousness and a barrier is constructed between God and man. There is no way that mankind can remove this barrier unless God decides to do something about it. Jesus Christ, the 2nd member of the Trinity, volunteered to take upon Himself our sin. He can only receive sins judicially, He cannot inherit a sin nature. He was qualified to go to the cross because He was sinless and He was our substitutionary sacrifice.

Real spiritual death, which applies only to mankind. The 2nd kind is substitutionary spiritual death. When there is procreation. 23 chromosomes provided by the man, and he is the carrier of the sin nature. Through miosis and polar bodies, the Holy Spirit contributes 23 chromosomes which are without the sin nature. Adam’s trend to sin or the old sin nature is not found here. This begins with the very first cell. No matter how nice and cute your child is, they have a sin nature. This dna programs the old sin nature. That creates spiritual death. There is physical life and spiritual death. Totally depraved, separated from God; no fellowship.

Rom. 5:12: Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

Adam sinned, he has a sin nature, and now he has a trend to sin. If you believe that the story in Genesis is some kind of an allegorical story to teach ethics, you have bought into a lie. Who among us has been deluded by these ideas? Joe has a theory: we have been fascinated by the fact that in our nation, there is a large number of people who do not understand right from wrong, unless something blocks them from doing what they want to do. Wrong is whatever keeps you from doing what you want to do. The majority of the people in the US now function under the 3 arrogance skills. All things may be approved, even if you have to rewrite the dictionary in order to do it. It is a desire and justification to sin, without any thinking towards what is right or wrong.

There is a trend to sin, and they begin with lust patterns. People can do corrupt and cruel things, and the next day stand up and proclaim wonderful humanitarian ideas. People can vacillate between the areas of weakness and areas of strength. All of this goes on in our country. There are a lot of people who can sympathize and orient.

The colonel caused a bit of a stir saying that there is no pivot left in this country. There is a select few who subscribe to the absolutes of Scripture; and a number who just give lip service and have no integrity under pressure. People don’t keep their word; they put themselves first; they hold things out and wiggle them around. There are absolute principles which are guidelines for our daily walk. Adam knew what he was doing and that began this whole nasty madness. Real spiritual death spread procreation because all sinned when Adam sinned.

V. 13 begins a parenthetical which runs through v. 17. To get the flow of this passage, jump from v. 12 to v. 18. Our personal sins do not condemn us before the eyes of God. That is simply adding coals to the fire.

Rom. 5:13–14: for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.

V. 13 tells us that before the Law was given on Sinai to Moses, people did sin, but that sin was not the reason for their condemnation. Still, there was spiritual death ruling from Adam to Moses, and yet death reigned. There were some individual mandates given, but no universal revelation until Sinai. There was tradition and teaching angels.

Jesus Christ as He was born is a fulfillment of a type of Adam.

1.       Both spiritual and physical death are universal to the human race. We are all born spiritually dead and we all die physically. This is obvious and it excuses nothing.

2.       For there to be a universal effect, there must be a universal cause. Rom. 5:12 is the cause.

3.       Original sin is the cause of this status. There is a whole population who have been taught that there is no historical truth in the Bible, but it may be good for ethical guidance. Original sin and its result is found in Rom. 5:19: Many were made sinful. One guy committed one sin, and the many were made sinful. All sinned when Adam sinned. You cannot take a cow and a horse and end up with an elephant; in the same way, you cannot produce a sinless child. Fish beget fish, man begets man, and there is no transmigration of species. If there is a DNA coding for a sin nature, then there is not way that a child is born without that coding.

4.       Many being made sinful is not committed sins but the inherited sin nature as well as to Adam’s original sin being imputed to us.

5.       Rom. 5:14 tells us that from Adam to Moses, personal sin was not imputed where the Law did not exist. They did not know from God’s Words what was right or wrong. Divine revelation was selective until Sinai. Yet spiritual death ruled from Adam to Moses. Our of ignorance,

          a.       Our personal sins are the manifestations of our spiritual death, not the cause. When you first sinned at age 2, it does not mean you suddenly got your sin nature. You have the sin nature first and therefore, you sin. Our personal sins are the manifestations of our sin nature.

          b.       The basis of our condemnation before the integrity of God is not our personal sin. The imputation of Adam’s original sin to our sinful nature is the basis of our condemnation. We were born with a runner on first. While personal sin exists between Adam and Moses, it was not the basis of our condemnation.

I’ve got to say, I do not grasp exactly how this introduces us to Joshua.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #24 9/13/98                             Sunday 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Contrast between Adam's Original Sin & The Lord's Substitutionary Sacrifice, Rom 5:15-19

Sometimes we have things by way of genetics, and God has given us doctrine to deal with these things.

We have been noting substitutionary death and real spiritual death. 5 principles: Rom. 5 condemnation was not imputed due to personal sin. We sin as a result of our sinful nature. The imputation of Adam’s original sin is the basis of our condemnation.


6.       Spiritual death and physical death universal between Adam and Moses, and the Law had not been given. There was not given a set of absolute principles to which we subscribe. We are born with a runner on first; we have a trend to sin.

7.       If judgment and death did not result from personal sins, then we are forced that there must be a universal state of sinfulness. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. If judgment and death did not result from personal sin, and since not everyone had revelation given to them, still, spiritual death is the penalty for Adam’s original sin.

8.       The universal state of sinfulness is perpetuated in the human race by the sin nature. We might say, If I was the first guy, I wouldn’t have done it. That brings out the self righteousness of the sin nature. The trend to sin was then passed down through Adam. Have you ever heard, he’s just a chip off the old block? The sin nature trends get passed along. We might want to get involved with the sin of the day, and think that this is just some kind of Jewish myth. This universal state of sinfulness is in the human race by the sin nature. Adam’s original sin is imputed to the sin nature. The free gift is not like the transgression.

          a.       God does this. Adam’s original sin is transferred to every member of the human race.

          b.       This is a real imputation, and all imputations must have a target. Adam’s original sin has an affinity for certain targets. This affinity is established at physical birth. Our spiritual death is thereby established. The imputation of sin to Jesus Christ is not a real imputation, but a judicial imputation. The imputation is to the qualified substitute. This imputation of Adam’s sin.

          c.        The target must have an affinity for that which is imputed. We would have done it too. We get the chip from that old block. Rom. 5:11–14 You say, “I did not have a relationship with that tree.” We did too, according to the justice of God. Some are too self righteous for theology and you cannot get it because you don’t like it. Will you allow the body to manage the soul or the soul to manage the body? 3 spiritual skills or the 3 arrogance skills. Rom. 5:12–14: Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned--for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. Adam’s DNA contains the sin nature and it is passed along to all. We are all born spiritually dead, condemned, and we need a Savior. Condemnation is placed upon us because of Adam’s original sin, imputed to our trend to sin. The free gift is not like that transgression. Jesus Christ had to be born of a virgin so that He did not inherit the sin nature. The 23 male chromosomes were the result of a miracle by the Holy Spirit, which He united with her ovum, which had no genetic or imputed sin. Our substitute cannot be of Adam’s seed. The virgin birth is very important as well as the virgin pregnancy. There was no genetic code from any male.

          d.       On the other hand, there was a solitary act which provide the imputation of perfect righteousness to all who believed. If you believe in Christ and that He is the provider of your Salvation, then His righteousness is imputed to us. Christ removed the problem which made us unjustified. One solitary act provides the imputation of perfect righteousness to all who believed.

          e.       That solitary act was the work of Christ on the cross, described by the term spiritual death; He was identified by our sins. He was judged for our sins and punished for our sins. This was all illustrated by the blood of Christ. This is a representative analogy where our sins were judged. In the past, these sins were judged by a sacrificial animal giving its life. That image is transferred to the spiritual death of Christ. He will proclaim from the cross, τετλεστι = finished. Dead men do not make proclamations. In our place, He suffered, the innocent for the guilty. That solitary act was the work of Christ on the cross.

          f.        The act of Adam resulted in the real imputation of his sin to the sin natures of all mankind.

          g.       The free gift, Christ and His work on the cross, makes it possible for the judicial imputation of His righteousness to us. We still have a sin nature, but our faith is placed in Christ and He manages our pre-salvation sins. Any further production from the sin nature may also be cast upon Christ, forgiven by the work of Christ on the cross. Everything is transferred back to the cross. Our pre-salvation and post-salvation sins forgiven. The post-salvation temporally forgiven by rebound. The more our righteousness matches up with divine righteousness. All of these things are brought out by this particular point. The free gift makes it possible for the imputation. Rom. 5:15: But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. Divine operating assets, 40 imputed at salvation. Rom. 5:16: And the free gift is not like the result of that one man's sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. Adam and Ishshah had an unfettered relationship with God, and their point of contact was the love of God. However, these people became imperfect and justice must step in and it becomes our point of contact, first with Adam and the woman and now with us. There must be condemnation, which is the penalty clause. God asks them, “Why are you where you are?” Then they come out and start whining. Then He lays down penalty clauses. A sacrificial animal comes into view. The point of contact is not love, it is justice. The gracious gift was given because of many transgressions. Justification occurs through positive volition to the cross. Rom. 5:17: If, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. We will rule over some piece of real estate. There are several nike awards, and this ruling is one of them. This closes the parenthesis, and we can go back to v. 12.

Rom 5:12, 18: Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned...Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. Once you receive the justification of +R; and Griffith found this associated with 1John 1:9. That’s pretty goofy. When we receive His righteousness, that justifies us before God. We do not have to be justified again. We do need after salvation is confession and cleansing. The verse says we are cleansed, not justified.

Rom 5:19: For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous.

Faith alone in Christ alone; all of our sins are transferred to Him and now we have His righteousness. The result of that is justification.


6.       Substitutionary spiritual death refers to the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross and it is an illustrative phrase and it orients us to the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament; the type teaches the antitype and vice versa. The types were visual aids.

7.       Substitutionary spiritual death is documented in Rom. 5:8–9: ...but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by His blood, much more shall we be saved by Him from the wrath of God. His justice condemned us. What motivated Him was love. God offers us an escape hatch, a means of recovery. The free gift and God’s love are demonstrated, in that while we were still in spiritual death, Christ died spiritually as a substitute for us. Much more, therefore, having now been justified by the blood of Christ by the substitutionary death of Christ. We are delivered from wrath through Him. Christ came in and offered the solution, the animal skins. Adam and the woman now line up with justice, although they retain the sin nature. Condemnation and the penalty clause was done away with. We have not only eternal life but we have eternal security. The significance of Adam’s original sin is not only universal, but explains the conflict which rages in the spiritual war. It makes necessary the first advent of Jesus Christ. The original sin makes this necessary. This requires Christ to be an impeccable, substitutionary sacrifice for all man. Jesus Christ becomes an impeccable sacrifice for the entire human race.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #25 9/15/98                               Tuesday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Consequences of Original Sin; Substitutionary Spiritual Death, 1 Peter 3:18

Our spiritual death and total depravity is dependent upon our physical birth and the imputation of Adam’s original sin to our old sin nature. We were moving toward the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is documented in Rom. 5:8–9: But God demonstrated His own love to us, in that, when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us [spiritually], the sacrifice and the taking on of our sins was part of a package of God’s love for us. Righteousness demands of justice that justice executes some form of judgment. God also has a divine love for the human race where He came up with a solution to our sin problem. Much more therefore, with greater reason is v. 9 true. Therefore, having now been justified by His blood This references back to the animal sacrifices of the Levitical code. we shall be deliver through Him. These are concepts related to the substitutionary death of our Lord Jesus Christ. This explains the conflict which rages in the invisible war. Isa. 14 and Ezek. 28 the fall of Satan and a third of angelic creation. He says that there is some method by which they could correct this error, but they rejected this salvation. There was the human race and we are given a chance to respond to Him in recovery. In the Church Age, we can put this aside by faith alone in Christ alone. The 2nd husband is Jesus Christ, the empowerment given by the Holy Spirit; and we are able to refrain from falling back under the power of our first husband. When we fall back here, we play into the hands of Satan and we begin to imitate the life of the unbeliever. It makes necessary the 1st advent of Christ. He is required to become an impeccable human sacrifice for the human race.

The loss of rulership of planet earth by Adam, the federal head of the human race. He had dominion over the entire population of the garden of Eden, including the animals and Eve. All the animals could file by and Adam could assign names to all of these. When He fell, he lost the federal headship to Satan, who therefore is the ruler of this world. A status quo of spiritual death and separation from God and we are helpless to extricate ourselves. God has allowed us an avenue of salvation, which is by unmerited favor. To reject God’s grace means that we think that we have come up in our own minds some alternate solution. The unbeliever seems to think that you acquire fellowship with God through human works or goodness or some sort of human merit. It is all the action of God, however, and we have nothing to do with it. We are helpless to extricate ourselves. After it is all explained to us, the Holy Spirit is through with His ministry for that moment. The Holy Spirit functions as a human spirit, allowing us to understand the gospel, where our volition is challenged. We can accept or reject it. Then the Holy Spirit stands back and permits volition to make a choice. Getting the gospel into the soul is called common grace. When this is believed, this faith is converted to ἑπίγνωσις and it is put into the heart. Therefore, this conversion of thought is called efficacious grace. That is the completed process of salvation. God has told us what it takes to be saved. We can reject this or accept it. This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which makes all of this possible. We are helpless to extricate ourselves, so we are dependent upon an outside agency. You cannot be forgiven for the sin of unbelief. Therefore, we are left lost in our sins. We remain condemned and under the wrath of God.

We became dichotomous through Adam’s sin. We believe in Jesus Christ and we are given a human spirit where fellowship occurs and doctrine is stored. Adam was trichotomous when created, but lost the human spirit when he sinned. The concept of regeneration is being given a human spirit. This is because we go all the way back to Eden, to the fall; where Adam had generated within him a human spirit. He lost that thing at sin; that broke fellowship with God. Regeneration occurred when he expressed faith alone in Christ alone. Being the offspring of Adam means we are born totally depraved and we have to be regenerated as He was. When Adam sinned, he went from dichotomy to trichotomy.

The formation of the sinful nature in the cell structure of the human body was the result. This was then genetically transmitted by Adam. Our DNA coding includes a trend to sin. This has been going on from day one; no one escapes. It permeates the entire species. The fall formed this sinful nature. There must be some flaw in the DNA of Adam. This is why the virgin birth is necessary; Jesus Christ could not have a human father. That is the 4th consequence of original sin.

Resultant production of personal sins passed along from father to child. The sin nature eventually shows up. This baby has a trend to sin and he got it from his daddy. When a child is born, he has a trend to sin inherited from his father all the way back to Adam. That trend to sin will produce personal sins.

The status of total helplessness to enter into a relationship with God on the basis of human good human works or human merit. There are a lot of people trying to be as good as they can get. They are born with a runner on first. Human works cannot overcome this. You were born with Ray Morgan on first base and you cannot get over that. Apparently this was an almost no-hitter during the time of Babe Ruth which cannot be a no-hitter because of Ray Morgan being walked and on 1st base, even though he was thrown out when he tried to steal 2nd base.

Adam’s action made what Christ did necessary. His true humanity was a substitutionary sacrifice, as well as the blood of Christ.

We can conclude the following:

1.       Real spiritual death has been universally spread throughout the human race by the imputation of Adam’s original sin to the sin nature. Rom. 5 Soul life is imputed to biological life creating human life. Encoded in the cell of every person is the sin nature. This imputation creates spiritual death. Real spiritual death is universally spread throughout the entire human race. Thus we are born physically alive but spiritually dead, which is separation from God because of status quo unrighteousness.

2.       We cannot be as good as God. He has +R and we have -R, at best. We are separated from God because our righteousness cannot measure up to His.

3.       +R cannot look to -R for any form of fellowship. -R is condemned.

4.       We are helpless to alter this condition on the basis of any human function. Even our faith in the gospel is not enough to save us. It is the Holy Spirit which saves us. God will not permit us even a millimeter of contribution to this process. It is beyond our own ability to get any of this on our own as unbelievers. Our volition has the opportunity to accept or to reject. The Holy Spirit takes that flare of positive volition and converts it to salvation. We are helpless to alter our own condition.

5.       Real spiritual death can only be altered by the grace of God through the work of Christ on the cross and the faith response of the unbeliever to that grace gift. A gift has no strings attached. Strings attached would be that works are required. The free gift is not like the transgression. The gift is not like the one who sinned. Gift has no strings attached. We are asked to consider the situation. We are helpless except through this grace gift. Faith alone in Christ alone is regeneration, which makes the believer trichotomous. The result therefore is regeneration. The creation of a human spirit, which is how we learn doctrine.

6.       Substitutionary spiritual death is separation from God in a state of total perfection.

Back to Substitutionary death:


11.     Substitutionary death does not imply that Jesus Christ lost His human spirit nor that He is in sin nor that He acquired a sin nature for a few hours. He was separated from God during those 3 hours, but He maintained His total perfection and His impeccability. 1Peter 3:18: For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous one for the unrighteous ones, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,... It needs to be understood that Jesus Christ was separated from God as He was identified with our sins; and what sustained Him during those 3 hours was the sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit. Christ’s sacrifice was to bring us to God and we learn how this was accomplished. We were put to death on the cross, but made alive. His sacrifice was accepted by God; the resurrection proves this.

12.     Adam’s original sin brought about real spiritual death for the entire human race. Our Lord’s substitutionary death brought life to the entire human race. One kills every one and the other provides salvation potentially for all. For as in Adam, all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.

13.     The only thing that real spiritual death and substitutionary spiritual death have in common is separation from God as a form of divine judgment.

14.     Judgment imposed upon Jesus Christ was unique, since during the entire experience, He remained impeccable and trichotomous. The Jews saw over and over again that they were not the one sacrificed because of their sin. The code taught the doctrine about a coming Person. The animal has to be without spot and without blemish. This animal committed nothing to your sin problem. All your wrongdoing is given to this animal. It will then be taken into the tabernacle and sprinkled on the Mercy Seat, done every year on the Day of Atonement. Our sins are transferred from our ledger to His; and He endured the judgment of God, and he lost His contact with God’s righteousness and justice pours out the penalty for our sins. The omnipotence of the Holy Spirit sustained Him for these 3 hours. Because Christ died once as a substitute for our sins. This means His spiritual dead. He was separated from God in order to bring us to God. The only thing which real spiritual death and substitutionary spiritual death have in common, is separation from God.

15.     He remained impeccable and trichotomous.

16.     All sins in the human race were judged by divine justice. Justice was the point of contact in those 3 hours. Christ was punished for us in our place for 3 hours. The experience endured by our Lord is classified as substitutionary spiritual death.

17.     At this point, fellowship was broken between God as a part of that judgment. Because the plan of God required Jesus Christ to be a sacrifice in our place, that meant in order for the sacrifice to be carried out, our sins had to be imputed to the innocent Christ. The point of contact for Him was not righteousness but justice. Point of contact with the Holy Spirit is His omnipotence. Griffith is concerned that he has to go back and re-teach something. This separation, this sacrifice, this judgment, which provides our grace option for eternal life.

18.     What was the death that He suffered? Sacrificial, substitutionary, spiritual death.

19.     Salvation was completed on the cross while the Lord was still physically alive. John endeavors to prove this so that he can emphasize the spiritual death of our Lord, but also to make it clear to the dosetic gnostics that Jesus existed in His humanity. Jesus Christ was true humanity. He did die a physical death, but it was His spiritual death which saves us. John 19:30: When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

20.     Two words for wine, good wine and okay stuff. When mixed with myrrh, it was a narcotic. Jesus was offered this mind-numbing mixture. They thought they were doing Him a favor. He could not take a narcotic; He needed to concentrate during the 6 hours on the cross. He will make the statement from the cross that it is finished.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #26 9/17/98                             Thursday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: "It is Finished!" John 19:30; Glay Posch's "Tetelestai!"; Literal Blood & Physical Death: Intro

We noted substitutionary death in the previous few lessons. The Holy Spirit’s point of contact with Jesus Christ was omnipotence and the contact of God with Jesus was justice. Physical death followed spiritual death. His death was sacrificial, it was substitutionary and is was spiritual. This was done while the Lord was still alive.

John 19:30: When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Jesus took a swallow of wine, probably to make Him able to speak. It was a sour white. Oinos is the word for good wine and oinos + myrrh is a 1st century narcotic. It was used to deaden the pain of one of those who suffered some sort of injury. He was offered this mind-numbing mixture, but He refused it. Mark 15:23.

Sub-points follow:


7.       It was the Lord’s intention to be complete aware and not to be numbed from the punishment which He would endure for our sins. He rejected the narcotic which was offered Him.

8.       After He was judged, He was offered a different drink, which is oxis.

9.       Oxis was considered to relieve thirst better than water and it was much cheaper than oinos. It was a cheap wine. It was a favorite wine of the lower classes and the moderate classes of society.

10.     By drinking this wine, Jesus did 3 things:

          a.       Psalm 69:21 was fulfilled—they gave me gall for my food and for my thirst vinegar to drink (the sour wine).

          b.       He is proving that He is still physically alive by this.

          c.        Finally, He has indicated that He was thirsty. “I thirst.” This happened to true humanity. John quotes these things to indicate that Jesus is dying in His humanity. John is just documenting that docetic gnosticism is wrong. That teaches that Jesus was some kind of a phantom and not a real person. This indicates that He had a true physical death.

11.     This shout was won word in the Greek, teleo, which is the present passive indicative. Tetelesti is an intensive perfect tense; it is our Lord’s spiritual death which saves and nothing else can be added to this accomplishment. Griffith quotes from a Greek manual:

          a.       The perfect tense is a completed action; it is not ongoing; it is not presently in progress. This completed action occurred on the cross.

          b.       It’s basic significance it the progress of the act. What goes on during the 3 hours of judgement. This takes us back to our Lord being nailed to the cross at high noon, and the darkness occurred at this time and until 3 pm, there was the spiritual death. This progress moves forward to a point of culmination, which is 3 in the afternoon. At this point, sin has been paid for.

          c.        It obviously implies a process toward a point in time when things culminate. The process which went on is called judgment. He was being judged for our sins. No on would suggest that this was not going on during those 3 hours. God is propitiated and therefore, sin has been paid for.

          d.       In this case, there is an intensive perfect tense. This places emphasis upon the existing result.

          e.       This is the emphatic method in the Greek of presenting a fact. Indicative mood. Intensive perfect is the emphatic method, which is a strong way of saying that a thing is.

          f.        The Greek intensive perfect presents a fact more forcefully than any English grammatical example. No way to translate this into the English. The translation It is finished does not express the intesiveness of the action.

12.     Something

          a.       The subject is the 3 hour judgment imposed upon the Lord as He died spiritually for our sins. The judgment is being separated from God in time. All of this has been done with. He is speaking and He shouts out.

          b.       This spiritual death is dramatized by a representative analogy associated with the Day of Atonement.

          c.        This representative analogy is the blood of Christ. This is the sacrificial, substitutionary spiritual death of Christ on the cross. Jesus Christ was separated for those 3 hours from God the Father and their point of contact was justice. When special attention is focused on the completion of the action.

          d.       It has been finished in the past with the result that it stands finished forever.


20.     Our Lord’s spiritual death is over because

21.     Finished work on the cross. There are some denominations and religions which profess the belief that Jesus died on the cross for their sins. You assume they are believers. Ask them, “If you died tonite, and you stood at the gates of heaven, what would you say?” If they say anything other than, “I stand here based upon the death of Jesus Christ.” If you get any other kind of nonsense back like “My good deeds outdo my bad” or “God would not condemn anyone to hell.” Then their salvation is suspect. Jesus was judged and punished in our place. When justice could recall the punishment and when it could be stopped, and when Christ hung on the cross. He shouted “Tetelesti.” This indicates that He is true humanity and that He is still alive and that He has completed our salvation.

22.     That which has been finished is referred to by the phrase, the blood of Christ.

23.     Our Lord was most definitely alive when He drank the wine and shouted the proclamation as an accomplished fact.

Griffin is talking about Toscanini and Puccini and they go to the point at which he completed but it was not complete. Glay Posh was asked to put doctrinal lyrics to this and the result was most successful, which apparently they listened to on tape. Katy Tapping’s mother apparently passed away? 4 of them went along and Glay sung this. It appears to be called Tetelesti.


25.     Jesus Christ died twice on the cross, which is confirmed in Isa. 53:9. He would be associated with a rich man in His deaths. The rich man was Joseph of Aramathia.

26.     The New Testament offers a summary on the topic of spiritual death in Heb. 9:13–14: For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Sept. 30th coming up would be the Day of Atonement. This is related to that. This sprinkling is on behalf of those who have committed post-salvation sins. Rebound adjustment and recovery. Without spot and without blemish means that He was impeccable. Post salvation sins are forgiven when we confess them to God. Much more will the blood of Christ cover our sins from rebound in the Church Age than the blood of goats, etc. for rebound. If these things cover the sins for that year, so much more so the blood of Christ will purify your sins when you confess your sins alone to God alone. Salvation is not what is being covered here, but rebound. If the literal blood of the animals covered the sins of the animals, much more will the blood of Christ handle the forgiveness of our sins. With greater reason, we can depend upon this.

27.     There were two deaths, and the Lord being true humanity, He did possess literal blood. Literal blood and physical death.

          a.       The Lord’s literal blood is associated with His somatic death. 1John 5:7 makes mention of water and blood and John 19:24 to water and blood.

          b.       In John 19:30, once His salvation work was completed, He announced His work was finished, and then He surrendered His human spirit. He bows His head, which indicates that he put His head forward. Imagine someone nailed to the cross, lifting yourself up by locking your knees. Normally death would be the head to the side or rock back. In His case, He pushed up and locked His knees, and He moved His body forward and He dismissed his soul and spirit.

          c.        Once He dismissed His human spirit, it went into the presence of His Father in heaven and His soul went to the saints in paradise. The body goes to Joseph’s tomb. “Today, you will be with Me in paradise.” Therefore, it is the soul which goes to Hades. The Holy Spirit accompanies His soul to the paradise compartment of Hades, which is where the pre-cross saints went. Their souls and human spirits when to the paradise compartment of Hades. There is actually no such word as hell; there is the Lake of Fire, and that is where people will be thrown. Hades does have a compartment called torments. That is where the souls of unbelievers go when they die. Tartarus is where mixed angels from Noah’s time will be.

          d.       When He dismisses His spirit, His body becomes lifeless.

          e.       What happens afterwards is confusing unless you understand about Jewish feast days and traditions. There is these 4 Sabbaths during these 8 days. This helps to explain why our Lord put the sword into our Lord’s sword. The other prisoners were killed finally when their legs were broken.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #27 9/20/98                             Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Events Surrounding the Physical Death of Christ

Doctrine of the blood of Christ. Spiritual death is paragraph C. Blood of Christ is a representative analogy. Type and antitype; prophecy and fulfillment.

Literal blood and physical fulfillment by Christ. 1John 5:6 took us to a study of the blood of Christ. Review: He pushed His head forward and willingly gave up His spirit. A pathologist would have to determine that His heart just stopped beating and that He died of His own volition. Anti-semitism in the south. The Jews crucified Christ and some blame them for His death. We all sinned and it is our sins which put Him on the cross. His physical death was His own responsibility. He surrender His soul and spirit. At this point, where our Lord surrendered His soul and spirit, His body remained nailed to the cross.


5.       A sequence of Sabbaths around the time of our Lord’s crucifixion. It was prophesied that He would be crucified at the Passover. John said, “Behold the Lamb Who takes away the sins of the world.” He was predicting that Jesus is our Passover. The Passover Satyr was celebrated by Himself and His disciples. Passion week: These days begin at 6 pm of the previous day for us. 6 pm to 6 pm for each day.

          a.       Tuesday: the Passover celebrated with His disciples Tuesday night (our Tuesday night) which is the beginning of their day.

          b.       Wednesday

          c.        Thursday

          d.       Friday

          e.       Saturday: after 6 pm on Saturday evening, our Lord was resurrected (which is actually Sunday).

          f.        Sunday

6.       Passover is the introductory day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which runs for 8 days. Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, the regular Saturday Sabbath, and then the Feast of First Fruits which follows the Sabbath after the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

          a.       Passover observed Tuesday night (their Wednesday beginning). He instituted the eucharist that evening. The next day is still Wednesday, and during the day of Wednesday, He was crucified. In the Jewish Calender, night comes before day. On the day of Wednesday, the Lord became our Passover Lamb, which takes place on the Passover. 1Peter. 1:18–19: knowing that you were not redeemed by silver and gold from your futile life, Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us. This takes us back to the Jews leaving Egypt. Egypt represents the world and the Pharaoh represents Satan, ruler of the world. Passover meant that the 10th plague would pass over them. Their faith in the Passover Lamb saved them and brought them out of the slave market of sin, and they are brought into the Hornada and they are brought into a difficult world within which to walk.

          b.       For the next 6 days, leaven is avoided and only unleavened bread is allowed. Leaven speaks of the presence of sin and it speaks of a species which needs a Savior. After you have been saved, you must walk according to the Holy Spirit. The feast of the unleavened bread teaches the Christian way of life. You do not have to submit to the power of the first husband. This is just an option. This is the Christian way of life, a 6 day festival. The resultant execution of the Christian way of life. You are to lead a life of unleavened bread. We do not stay unleavened for very long. We sin and introduce leaven into our life. But we can be restored to life in the Spirit. The environment of the divine power system is as perfect as the environment of the garden of Eden. Clean out your old leaven (confession of your sin to God). This brings you to a new life. Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. Christ’s throat was not cut, His blood was not collected and taken anywhere. There is some notion that His literal blood was taken and spread on the mercy seat in heaven, but this is a myth and has no basis on fact or in Scripture.

          c.        The 3rd Sabbath is a regular Sabbath, which is Saturday, beginning on our Friday evening.

          d.       The 4th Sabbath is the First Fruits, which follows the Sabbath, so Firstfruits in on Sunday. This is Christ being raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who are asleep (1Cor. 15). By Adam came physical death and by Christ came life. There is an order to the resurrections. Christ is the firstfruits. Then those who are Christ at His coming. Do not ever think because times are bad, that the rapture is about to occur. Our times have nothing to do when the rapture will occur. Whenever bad times occur, people look to the skies and say, “Even so, come Lord Jesus.” Now, if you lived in Shri Lanka or Bosnia, you would have been expecting the rapture for hundreds of years. It has nothing to do with anything that we do; it has to do with God’s perfect timing.

7.       Jesus presented Himself as the Messiah and demonstrated His veracity by fulfilling all the prophecies of the Old Testament of the 1st advent.

8.       Self righteous Jews were blinded by their myopic loyalty to keeping the Mosaic Law. The Jews keep the letter of the Law. Now, they could not execute Jesus on the Sabbath, so they have to have Rome act as their surrogate. Wednesday is preparationi for the rest of the week. All their ducks must be in a row for their feasts and they cannot leave Him on the cross past 6 in the evening which would be a Sabbath. They are keeping the letter of the Law, while observing their Lord and Savior die for them.

9.       The Lord became the ultimate Passover sacrifice. These Sabbaths occurred year after year in order to teach the need of a Savior, the coming of the Savior and His work.

10.     Ignoring the obvious, the Jews needed for Jesus to die on the cross before the beginning of the unleaven bread Sabbath, which began full-tilt that night.

11.     Passover was the first Sabbath in a set of Sabbaths.

12.     The next day was the day of preparation, and it was that day that Christ was crucified. The Jews needed to turn their attentions to the Feast of Unleavened Bread and they were not permitted by the Law to leave a corpse unburied. They wanted to dispose of the corpse as soon as possible. In crucifixion, people could last for several days to a week. The Jews did not want this man on the cross during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and they did not want to deal with disposing the body during a feast day. They wanted to hasten His death due to religious ritual.

13.     They appealed to the Romans to break His legs, which was done at that time to kill the one on the cross. John 19:31:

14.     Deut. 21:22–23 was their motivation: If a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and you hang Him on a tree, his corpse will not hang all night on the tree, but you will bury him on the same day. He that hangs is accursed of God and you will not allow him to spoil your land. Death is required for some criminals.

15.     As the soldiers began to break the legs of the other two, they discovered the Lord was already dead. They broke the other men’s legs, but they came to Jesus, they did not break His legs.

16.     Breaking the legs of those crucified made it impossible for the victim to elevate himself to deal with the fatigue and pressure on the chest muscles, which kept you from breathing. You could stand and relieve the muscles. The chest would then tighten up, the muscles would become rigid, and the result was suffocation.

17.     This was not done to Jesus Christ, because He was already dead. Fulfillment of type (Ex. 12:43: this is the ordinance of the Passover). The concluding verse: you are not to break any bones of it. Psalm 34:22: He keeps all His bones; not one of them was broken.

18.     Next comes the critical event, which provides the Apostle John the evidence he needs to show that Jesus is true humanity, which was what the doscetic gnostics believed, and they could not get past a duality concept: that which is spiritual is good and that which is material is evil. Therefore, Jesus could not be material. They assumed that He was a phantom of some sort. He was an illusion, and apparition. You must accept the humanity of Christ to be saved. You cannot understand what He did if you do not realize that He is fully human. We must recognize that He is God and man in one person forever. Do not get it in your mind that Jesus is just a great guy. That does not make sense, because that would make Him a liar. Furthermore, He is offering salvation where He cannot deliver. A soldier pieces His side with a spear and John observed blood and serum. This is the somatic death of Christ and He did not bleed to death. There is some sort of talk show and someone called and asked about R. B. Thieme. Then launched into a dissertation as to what a looney Thieme is. They guy went on and on and railed about him. The problem in his mind was the blood. Griffin has been teaching this doctrine for the first time in about 14 years, and for 10 days, and apparently they are going for it. Blood flowing in His veins has no spiritual impact. He was identified with our sins, thus causing spiritual death to Him.

19.     John could only describe what he say in layman’s terms. He saw blood clots and a clear serum. He called it blood and water. He is writing as a layman, and he knows that this indicates that Jesus did not bleed to death on the cross.

Several questions have come to Joe about the sustaining of God the Holy Spirit, and he has taught this back in 1992 Easter.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #28 9/20/98                             Sunday 2

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Medical View of the Lord's Physical Death; Comparison of Figurative & Literal Blood of Christ

This lesson apparently did not record.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #29 9/22/98                               Tuesday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Literal Blood Disproves Docetic Gnosticism; Impeccability of Christ

The linking of the blood of the sacrifices with the death of Jesus Christ. The judgment of sin in the animals was symbolic and the blood was literal; with Jesus Christ, the blood is symbolic and the judgment is real. The spiritual death relates to our salvation and His physical death relates to our resurrection. The problem of sin is eradicated by the blood of Christ through redemption. All humanity is bought from the slave market of sin. Eph. 1:7 1Peter 1:17–18. Reconciliation is Christ’s work on the cross toward all mankind. This removes the barrier between mankind and God. God is not reconciled to man; God is propitiated toward man. Propitiation refers to the work of Christ on the cross directed toward God. Christ paid the price and God deemed this enough. Propitiation = satisfied.


10.     The sprinkling of blood is the means by which a person was ceremonially cleaned. Sins were not forgiven, but they were covered. This ritual takes care of the problem. The sprinkling of blood is the means by which the believer is ceremonially cleansed.

11.     What this ceremony accomplished temporarily is permanently solved by Christ’s death on the cross. Forgiveness occurred on the cross. Believers before the cross did not go to heaven at death, because sins were not forgiven until the cross.

12.     The figurative blood of Christ is redemption, propitiation and reconciliation. It dealt with the sin problem, our total depravity.

1John 5:4–6: For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.


14.     The literal blood of Christ speaks of His somatic death. Christ is the first fruits of that resurrection. He could not enter into heaven in its human state, even though He was perfect and without a sin nature. His new body can function on earth and anywhere eles. So, physical death must occur. Physical death points toward resurrection. Our salvation had already been accomplished.

15.     The literal blood was proof positive that He was true humanity. A phantom does not bleed.

16.     This is an effective polemic against doscetic gnosticism. When people try to base their faith on some belief system must commit their faith to a replacement of Bible doctrine. The things which religions believe require more faith than simple Bible doctrine. People will sit around and dream stuff up, like Christ is a phantom. There are thoughts which require so much more faith than the deliver Word of God.

17.     The serum and blood clots mean that Jesus Christ did not bleed to death. If He had, His blood would have been in whole form. Therefore, after His death, His blood had begun to separate. From His own volition, He gave up His spirit. If an autopsy had been performed, the result would have been the heart stopped beating, based upon the soul leaving the body. When the soul is gone, the heart stops beating. The actual cause was volition. The spear in the side indicated that Jesus had already died physically. Christ on His own volition gave up His spirit. No one killed Jesus; He willingly gave up His own life. He took a drink of the oxys wine, and then shouted, “Finished” from the cross.

18.     His physical death was necessary in order for him to fulfill the firstfruits. He said there would be no sign apart from the sign of the prophet Jonah. 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the earth. This is only difficult for those who are negative toward the gospel. People will go out of their ways to explain some hokey idea they have dreamed up; like 1 minutes of one day, a full day and then 1 minute of the next day. That is not what was meant.

19.     His resurrection body was necessary before He could ascend and sit at the right hand of God. Jesus is in His hypostatic union right now. Our human resurrection body will be just like His. When we read that He is at the right hand of God, it is in His resurrection body. Our resurrection body is designed to exist in a perpetual state forever.

20.     Now that our Lord is seated in the true Holy of Holies, believers are guaranteed a future resurrection body just like His. We will see Him just as He is.

21.     Heb. 9 helps us to contrast between the literal blood of the animal sacrifices and the figurative blood of Christ. Heb. 9:13–14: For if the sprinkling of defiled persons with the blood of goats and bulls and with the ashes of a heifer sanctifies for the purification of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. That collect blood took a person who was defiled and it covered those sins as a result of the animal sacrifice. The cleansing of the flesh was a covering of the post salvation sins by the blood of the animal. Aforitori kicks off v. 14. If this is true, then this is even more true. How could Christ endure and survive the judgment of sins; how could He endure. You cannot sin inside the power system. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, there is not sin in your life. You step outside of the filling, and you can sin. Our Lord’s humanity bore our sins. That was the sacrifice. He and his true humanity paid our ransom. Through His eternal spirit, offered Himself without spot and without blemish to God. The only thing that makes it real and complete is that Jesus Christ kept His impeccability for those few hours. Forgiveness is ours when we confess our sins to God. We are separated from our dead works so that we can serve God. We have pieces of Scripture in order to communicate things like this. How is propitiation possible unless Christ procedes without flaw. If the blood of goats and bulls sanctifies for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ purify our conscience from dead works in order to serve the living God?

22.     The sustaining ministry of the Holy Spirit through the entire incarnation. Virgin birth to physical death. It is blasphemous to contemplate that Jesus did not somehow possess the Holy Spirit and was not inside the divine dynasphere. You can only get out of this by volition. To make the statement that Christ exited the prototype system. Impeccability was consistent throughout the entire incarnation. There was never a moment when He was sinful.


1.       Impeccability and Jesus Christ; He did not sin during the 1st advent. His humanity was temptable (temptation is not the same a commission of sin).

2.       In His Deity, He is Non possi pecari = not able to sin.

3.       In His true humanit, He is Posi non pecari = able not to sin.

4.       It is apparent that Deity cannot sin. Because Jesus depended upon the filling of the Holy Spirit, He was able not to sin. How did He have the power not to sin? He had volition. When human life was created by the virgin birth, there is the possibility here that there is that theoretical possibility that volition could swing negative. What gave Him the power to no sin is the filling of the Holy Spirit in the prototype divine dynasphere. Sinning is outside the system, and volition takes you outside of the system. It is blasphemous to assume that we can commit sin while being guided by the Holy Spirit. While inside this system, you cannot sin in this system. You lose the filling and then you sin. Jesus Christ had volition, but He could not sin. He was born inside the system.

5.       Two reasons for the perfection of the humanity of Jesus Christ: union with deity in the hypostatic union (the divine nature cannot sin); and the humanity of Christ was inside the prototype system. The Lord’s point of contact with divine essence is the same as ours: omnipotence. That is the filling of the Holy Spirit; that is the power of the system. When you break that power, you lose the energizing power. That is why you cannot perform divine good when out of fellowship. The Bible becomes a light unto your path; the Holy Spirit walks along side of us as the paraclete.

6.       We ought to be able to conclude that we have a system to overcome our weaknesses. Utilizing the power packages which has been designed for us. We can get out of the wheel tracks of wickedness and move along in the wheel tracks of righteousness. There is a certain individual is constantly in the news and there is a believer who is dealing with the same sort of problem over and over again. We would do anything that we could, except that we have the Word of God which is a restraint upon our souls. That is the solution to this guy’s problems. The Word of God is alive and powerful, and His Word is the solution. Congress cannot fix this problem. There is nothing that anyone cand o about this problem. Even through the legal processes, it is still a problem. 2/3rds of the people think it is okay. We are a degenerate client nation. We need to give God a reason to spare our nation just one more day. It is important that we understand these various things. Jesus faced direct challenges by Satan himself. The only time he comes out of hiding is when someone has the power to get something done. He indwelt Judas Iscariot. Satan indwells the Beast dictator of the Tribulation, who proceeds to go after a global government. These were people who could make major decisions in his favor. Satan has demons given to us; he has relegated that. Satan is a fallen angel; he is a created being and he can only be in one place at one time. If all the people who claim on Sunday tv that they are being assaulted by Satan that would be impossible.

7.       Heb. 4:15 He functioned apart from sin, although He was tempted as we are.

8.       With the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that we learn, we can take these things and remain sinless when inside the system. To make this system available to us, Jesus had to test drive it. He is one who has been tempted in all things as we are, but without sin.

9.       He remained in status quo impeccability.

10.     His impeccability is based upon the humanity of Christ utilizing divine operating assets. The sustaining omnipotence of God the Father; which includes the prototype divine dynasphere. Jesus did not buckle under to obvious problems which seemed to have human solutions (like food after fasting for 40 days). Then there is the delegated omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the system.

This is a good place to stop and get into these Latin words, and it is a change of pace. So we will resume Thursday.

When Jesus is tempted by Satan, we may reasonably assume that this is the first time that Satan was allowed to tempt Him. There is no reason to think that Satan was there tempting our Lord all through his infancy and youth, although Satan may well have known Who He was (although I don’t know here?).

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #30 9/24/98                             Thursday

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ: Impeccability: Able not to Sin Because of Sustaining Ministry of Holy Spirit & Doctrine in the Soul inside the Prototype

Jesus was able to retain His impeccability throughout the time on the cross. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not sin during the hypostatic union, even though His humanity was temptable. Indwelling and filling of the Holy Spirit; the circulation of Bible doctrine in the stream of consciousness. Then there is the maintenance of fellowship. We cannot sin while being within the system. In the prototype, He was able not to sin. There is the union with deity and the humanity of Christ resided in the divine dynasphere system. Our Lord was not only tempted as we are, but more so. He was pounded and pursued by the scribes and pharisees, pestering Him and hounding Him and trying to find Him to be wrong in any point; and then on the cross, He suffered all of our sins without sin. Throughout the incarnation, Jesus Christ remained in status quo impeccability. The delegated omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the power system.


9.       The Latin pecarre = sinful, flawed. With the negative, flawless, free from blame, impeccable.

10.     In hypostatic unity, the Deity of Christ is neither temptable or peccable. He cannot be temped in His deity nor is He flawed in any way. Therefore, Deity is impeccable.

11.     In hypostatic union, the humanity of Christ was temptable but impeccable.

12.     Residence and function in the prototype is what allowed Him to remain sinless. We studied the 8 power gates; He did not have to use occupation with Christ or rebound; but He used the other 8. None of these things work without the delegated omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. We have available to us the very same power which resurrected Jesus Christ from the grave. Our point of contact with the Holy Spirit during our Christian walk is His omnipotence.

          a.       When we confess our sins, we have the power to understand the Word of God; the carnal believer and the unbeliever cannot understand clearly what the Word of God communicates.

          b.       The impeccability of our Lord’s humanity is possible because He has residence in this power dynasphere. He had the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit as His point of contact.

13.     Temptable but impeccable. Tempted by the pharisees constantly; he would want to cold-cock them. Or He would want to rip them a new one. If we can get rid of the temptations of our sinful nature. Truth has more power than our venom. He put truth out on the table. When people irritate you and get on your nerves, you maintain your cool and you do not lash out against them. Jesus was tempted by these people, but He fired back divine viewpoint. Satan tempted Him, and He did not knuckle under to that. He did not react to any of our sins that He paid for.

14.     Only an impeccable Christ was qualified to do the work of salvation on the cross. He paid the penalty for the sins we committed; and we can believe on Him. The New Testament tells us what to do; do this and don’t do that. You might begin to feel like you are really something. A new legalism is formed. Unconditional love for your fellow man and a lack of self righteousness. You can memorize the Bible; it is not hard to do. But then you simply harass people with it.

15.     During His spiritual death on the cross, our Lord maintained His impeccability. He was sustained by God the Holy Spirit, point of contact, the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. The only thing which can break that was personal sin, and He did not sin. 1John 3:5: in Him there is no sin. 1Peter 2:24: He Himself carried our sins in His own body on the cross. 2Cor. 5:21: God the Father made God the Son sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through faith. Isa. 53. You cannot compare physical illnesses and being healed by whatever; and spiritually healing.

16.     This does not mean that the imputation of our sins caused our Lord to become sinful. Commission of sin is a volitional action. Jesus never did that. He never committed personal sins. He cannot take our place if He has His own sins to deal with. He had to be impeccable in order to qualify.

17.     Our sins belong to us because we commit them. They were imputed to Christ for punishment. Our volition to commit them.


19.     While the Lord’s temptations were real. The issue is, He could not sin inside the prototype system. As long as you resist the temptation, you remain inside the system. We can only sin by volition. He will remind us through wheel tracks of righteousness... The only defense we have is the amount of knowledge that we have of the Word of God resident in our soul. There are all kinds of temptations out there from the world, the felsh and the devil; and some are quite subtle. The lust pattern asks us to do what we already like doing. This is where the SWAT team tempts us. What if there is a demon influence out there? How about the attitudes and opinions of men? All of these are temptations. You have to decide if you will follow this leadership or reject it. While the Lord’s temptations were real, He could not sin inside the prototype.

20.     Staying inside the operational system is the issue insofar as the execution of the Christian way of life. No one can sin while inside the operational system. You must volitionally step outside the system in order to do so. 1John 3:6: Adam’s trend to sin is in every DNA of the body. There is a challenge which is tempting. The world offers all of its philosophies. There is the demon influence as well. These are all temptations. Positive volition toward Bible doctrine. Negative volition is where we yield to temptation and we step outside Bible doctrine. Satan tempted the woman with concepts of cosmos diabolicus. The woman went outside of the system when she made the decision to do it. Rebellion is a volitional choice. When she said, “I am going to do it.” A choice is reached; a decision is reached. When anyone resides in it... It is a neuter noun. It refers to the love complex; the divine dynasphere. The operational system. This is where we are to be; it is where we wake up. When anyone sins habitually, he has not seen Him.... Being inside the system is light; being outside of the system means darkness, the two antithetical positions.

21.     Stepping outside of the system is the volitional choice to sin. You are voting yourself off of the island. You do these things under your own volition and never under the power of the Holy Spirit. The act whether thought, verbal or overt occurs in status quo carnality. It was the study of 1John where the doctrine of the divine dynasphere was developed at Berachah. That is where we learned cosmic 1 and cosmic 2. These are the things which were developed. In chapter 3, Griffin was quite interested as to what would happen, the neuter explains this. This is a difficult passage. Jesus demonstrated that this system works. It takes a lot of the pressure off. You do not need to develop a guilt complex, you don’t have to think, I was never sinned. Forgetting that which is behind. You have to step outside of the system in order to sin.

22.     All of the systems are brought out in the epistles to the Philippians. Keep on thinking this within you which was the mental attitude of Christ Jesus [Bible doctrine] Who though He eternally existed in the essence of God He did not think this equality with God as a profit to grasp and hold; He did not back off from saving us from our sins. Did not think equlity with God a profit to be seized and held this is the mental attitude within Him; He was willing not to utilize the attributes of His Deity. He agreed to function in His humanity. He is not going to use His divine attributes in any way. But He received the form of a servant soul life was created by God, which was created without sinfulness in His DNA. He was born perfectly. He begins with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit begins to guide Him. All of these things occurred at the virgin birth. When He was born in the likness of mankind, and that is where He took on this hypostatic union. Although appearing outwardly as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient unto death, He did not deviate from the plan of God.

23.     Our Lord’s humility is demonstrated while on the cross while remaining in the Spirit while He was ridiculed by the very people that He was dying for. Luke 23:35–37: And the people stood by staring on, “He saved others; let Him save Himself.” His deity chose to remain loyal to the principle of kenosis, while His humanity submitted to the plan of the Father.


25.     He could have delivered Himself from the cross by using His divine omnipotence. He could have called it off; He could have come down. This is a challenge to us to remain loyal to the mission. He had access to divine omnipotence.


27.     He had the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom. 1:3–4: concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,

We will take this up next time.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #31 9/27/98                             Sunday 1

Introduction: Victory through Faith: Blood of Christ; Review: The Pentateuch: Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus

Griffin has not yet taught the blood of Christ officially, but this may be the right time to do it. There was doscetic gnosticism during the time of Joshua, and that they did not believe in the humanity of Jesus Christ. He had to remain in fellowship throughout all the time prior to the cross and through being judged on the cross.

Some concluding points from before:

a mission, a goal and an objective, and He therefore had to opt out of using any of His divine attributes. His Deity said, “I have come to do Your will, O God.” If the Lord Himself can orient to the authority of God, then surely we can. He could have delivered Himself from the cross, but He chose not to, in order to remain loyal to the mission. He used the delegated omnipotence of the Holy Spirit to stay on the cross. The power enabling Him to maintain fellowship was the power of the Spirit.


28.     By means of power belonging to the Holy Spirit. This is the instrumental of means of δυναμις, which means power, authority. Κατα πνευμα by means of the power belonging to the Holy Spirit. This had never occurred before, where someone remained continuously within a power system. Many kings had enduement. However, none of them had a permanence like Jesus has. He had it from birth and none had it for an entire lifetime.

29.     This is unique. There has never been anything like it before. He was born filled with the Spirit and He had 8 gates of function and 8 problem solving devices. He never ventured outside of the wheel tracks ever. It is an oasis. For those few minutes a day that we are in this system, we do not sin. Griffin doesn’t know if anyone is thinking clearly today. Pastors are asked questions of certain current events of today, and what they say is weird. I rob banks, I pillage cities, I rape women, etc., but I tell the judge, you cannot judge me, since you are not without sin; the jury is not without sin.

30.     Problem solving device because of the joy set before Him, [Jesus had insulted, injured, castigated, He had to haul His own cross to Golgotha, and what kept Him there. Griffin has some difficulty getting to church and remaining in fellowship on the way to church. He endured the cross despising the shame


32.     Science finds God article. The Greek word hypostasis is two essences united into one person. From Newsweek. Take the concept of Jesus as fully divine and fully human; but this duality has a parallel in quantum physics. Entities thought to be particles can also act as waves. They can behave as matter and no matter. Light can act in some experiments like a barrage of matter; but it also acts like waves. It appears to be waves and particples. Which essence we observe varies with the circumstance. God is light and in Him is not darkness at all.

He is going to review us from time to time. This sounds like we will review. He wants us to be able to put the armor on and to deflect the arrows of Satan.

There are the Semitic first cousins in the land which are Israel’s enemies. Almost just like them. Originally Hamites in the land. The 2nd generation will meet the battles head on and they will be successful. A smaller population imitating 2nd generation Jews. People today will tell you what is in their souls on national TV. This 2nd generation has its faults, but the majority of them are in the program. Joshua was the chief of staff for Moses who trained them.

We have two options: to be a winner or a loser; to be victorious or to be beaten down. You have to eliminate the dross. Winners were those who made it into the land.

We are looking at the Pentateuch which chronicled the lives of certain individuals so that the plan of God is revealed to us via imagery. Take children, for instance. Since they do not know anything, they have to get some illustrations. They know what their parents tell them, friends and tv. They cannot write, spell, think, parse verbs. They learn by pictures and illustrations.

Griffin is terrified by prep school. He could not teach them. It is too hard. Terrified by a room filled with 4 year olds. God breaks through to these people by examples, by visual aids by pictures; and it is called typology.

Type is a divinely purpose anticipation which anticipates the anti type. The same truth or principle is embodied in each. Redemption itself is taught. The Passover Lamb reveals the blood of Christ. A type is something which represents something else, often from the future. The antitype is that which is represented. The type serves as a clear illustration of the antitype once the antitype occurs.

When we study the New Testament, we can turn to the Old and see that God was teaching this to us all along. At this point in time, there were only 5 books. Taking the land for us is the invisible war between Kansas City and Santa Fe. The strength which gets us there is Bible doctrine in the soul. We are kept on the trail by the 10 problem solving devices. These fight off the exigencies of life. Along the trail behind you will be the deaths of 1st generation types. This is not the Millennium; and the people in this church are not going to be perfect.

Exodus deals with redemption from Egypt. The nation was delivered by faith in the sacrificial lamb, that this would save them from the Destroyer. Those who did not believe in this blood, had their firstborn killed. This is being pulled out of the slave market of sin. Pulled away from the first husband, who is exemplified by Pharaoh. Faith is a transitive verb; it must have an object. You must trust that Jesus is a person of integrity; He becomes the object of your faith. The Word of God become the object. Do you believe that it is immutable. Can you trust Him to back up His Word? Do you have that concept called faith.

Leviticus is the 3rd book and it is filled with Typology which teaches worship, rebound and salvation. In the Levitical offerings and sacrifices the portrayal of salvation and rebound. In the feasts we find future events set up.

The Passover pictures the sacrificial death of Christ. It is deliverance from Egypt and a type of deliverance from sin.

The Unleavened Bread is #2 is a type for the two spiritual skills. No leaven, therefore no corruption. Where can we experience this? In the divine power system. We must eat the unleavened bread of the Word of God to maintain this system. This is the metablization of pure truth from the logos. The result is the Christian way of life.

The third is Firstfruits: this is the resurrection, which takes place when sheaves are brought to the Temple and they are waved toward heaven. This is a type of Christ and the subsequent harvest is the resurrection of the church.

The Pentecost, 7 weeks after Passover. The priest waves two loaves of bread before the Lord. This is after the barley has been made into bread; and there is leaven which is used to bake the bread. Because the church is not yet purified, the loaves contain leaven. But they are baked by fire, so the sin has been burned by fire. The two loaves are Jews and gentiles being made one in Jesus.

The feast of trumpets is the regathering of Israel at the 2nd advent. This scattering takes place at the time of the Church Age and in the Tribulation.

The 6th ritual is the Day of Atonement, which is typical of all the concepts surrounded the blood of Christ. We will pick up back right here.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #32 9/27/98                             Sunday 2

Review: The Pentateuch, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy; Joshua, the Man; Joshua, the Book

The Day of Atonement, which is a day of national cleansing, to parallel the Jews in the Millennium. The sins of the people are covered for that year. Covering is just a temporary measure, which is done in anticipation of the sacrifice of Christ. Once the cross was history, man became the beneficiary of reconciliation. You are indwelt by all 3 members of the Trinity. We always had the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit when filled with the Spirit.

Heb. 10:1: For the law, since it only has a shadow of good things to come, and not the very form of things, can never, by the same sacrifices, year by year, make perfect those who draw near. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. “Sacrifice and offering you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for Me.” Then I said, “I have come to do Your will, O God.”

Origin of this feast is celebrated 4 days after Yom Kippur, and it is the Feast of Tabernacles (or booths) and this celebrated the dwellings where they lodged temporarily during this 40 years. Prophetically, this speaks of the Millennial rest.

Moses repeated now and again. Repetition is necessary in order for us to remember them. Numbers provided the Jews with tests and trials in order to train them to do something. Life is for training. You can become skillful by utilizing your spiritual assets. This book documents the failure of the first generation and shows that the 2nd generation was willing to be trained.

Our learning curve is going to steep in the Millennium and we will learn a lot of doctrine.

Deuteronomy: Moses’ commence address to the Sinai Military school and the Sinai school of Government. This message was given to the second generation only. All Gen X is dead, except for Moses, Joshua and Caleb. Strength and courage are going to become very important in mid-October when we get that far. You need a superior system of power. Life wears you down and you must eventually submit to a higher power. Israel’s divine mandates.

Types and their antitypes occur, by the unity, in only such a way to be by divine omniscience. A true type is the counterpart of its antitype and being specifically Imagine taking instructions out of thin air and putting together a set of feasts and festivals and sacrifices, say in 1440 b.c. and imagine setting these up as types of things which would occur 1500 years later. At that time, another body of men would record a number events which perfectly interlock with that which is written 1500 years previously. Furthermore, some of these types and antitypes are still coming to light today. Typology demonstrates that the Bible is a book that man could not write even if he wanted to.

Joshua is Hoshea, which means salvation. He is the son of Nun and he is from the tribe of Ephraim. His name is very similar to Jesus, and Joshua can be seen as a type of Jesus, just as Moses.


1.       Names are the same.

2.       Ministries followed Moses.

3.       Earthly foes versus spiritual foes.

4.       Victory over cosmic diabolicuss. Once victory is one, there are the spoils of victory.

Joshua is ordered by Moses to assemble a division of men to confront Amalek. They are victorious at Rephidim. Joshua was chosen by Moses to be his aide-to-camp. Moses was taught the entire Law by the Lord Jesus Christ assisted by a faculty of teaching angels. He obviously had to sleep now and again. Ex. 24:13 and both Moses and Joshua went together, Joshua as his assistant.

When God retired Moses, He had Moses promote Joshua as governor promoteable. Moses commissioned Joshua publically. It is a very trying time when leadership is replaced, especially with this people, who were not the best, but who did grow spiritually under Moses. Moses was like a Douglas McArthur to these men. Do not change leaders lightly. Change of authority ceremony. Deut. 31:23. “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the children of Israel into the land of promise.” Without faith and the system, you cannot make it. Joshua assumed command on the plains of Moab after a 30 day mourning period.

Then God tells Joshua to arise and lead these people in Joshua 1:1–2. Judges 2:8–9: Joshua died at age 110. When you acquire this kind of spiritual growth, your spiritual life is magnified and extended. We learn that when we are faithless, we do not hinder God’s faithfulness to us. There are 7000 promises (according to a book that Griffin has). When God makes a promise, there are no strings attached. A promise is where God says, I will do something. These are useless if you do not have faith in them.

1John 4:4: Whatever is born of God has overcome the world. Divine essence cannot coexist with sin. The Canaanites are so degenerate that God had to remove them from this earth. Often times people come under the hammer of God because they harass other believers. We have this goofy idea that the whole world can fall in love with each other. Griffin would love to go to their family gatherings.

God does not want the Jews to do according to their detestable things. They sacrificed their own children. They had their children involved in sexual activities in demonic activity.

We tell children today that perverted sexual activities are okay; and that people in high positions of authority can do it with impunity. Children have hormones and they are looking for an excuse.

If a CEO or a university president of a university had a female assistant which they had a inappropriate relationship with her, and still maintain their position, if it was a consensual relationship? Could a pastor do this? Could a college coach do this with a student? If you say yes, you cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. We are unable to understand or to distinguish between right and wrong.

The believer can only enjoy God’s gracious provisions if he appropriates them by faith. At this point we took up an exegetical study of 1John4 or 5.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #33 9/29/98                               Tuesday

Review: Joshua, The Book: 1 John 5:4, The Operational Divine Power System: 8 Gates

This is still a review. We are emphasizing the concept of faith. We have an initial victory which occurs by faith alone in Christ alone. This initial victory occurs at salvation, which is a victory over the cosmic system. It can become an occasional home for us. We must function inside this system and we are energized by God the Holy Spirit. We can maintain this environment until we again sin. Each gate can be sequential but as we learn how to function under each, the brain is able to plug up with all the doctrines in the soul, giving us a great ability to think.

The power gate, which is being filled of the Holy Spirit. The very same power that we have is the same power which raised Jesus from the dead. 1Cor. 3:1–3. Carnality can be overcome by confession alone to God alone. 2 problem solving devices which can be used by the new believer: the new believer needs to be involved in some kind of Bible study. Salvation solves the problem of our eternal future. We need to know how to recover from personal sin. Basic Christian modus operandi begins to function as we grow. We claim promises in Scripture, which does not depend upon us or upon anything that we feel. God loves us and has given us His Son and has directed this love to us. This eliminates fear, worry and anxiety. Unconditional love. You do not have much integrity until you acquire this in Bible class. There are over 7000 promises in Scripture and we can learn to moderately get along with others through unconditional love. You cannot get along with anyone if you are arrogant. This is the freedom which develops from the absence of subjectivity. The way to check yourself out on your growth is, do you have unconditional love for others, are you current on rebound, do you have humility, do you claim the promises of God. Your agenda must be checked; God’s agenda must be assumed. We develop an orientation to grace. Grace says we are all her by the grace of God. We receive blessings from Him through a grace pipeline. Grace orientation keeps us from thinking that we are some sort of king of the mountain. Orientation to authority. Orientation to establishment. Orientation to doctrine is making it apply to your civic life.

Sound judgment is possible and it is acquired by faith. Peter says clothe yourselves with humility. He says to humble yourselves by the might hand of God. You do not get ahead of God’s plan. Do not get further down the trail than you are. We often times make too many plans as we move down the trail. We only need to plan to the next Bible class.

Gate 4 is spiritual momentum. When you are humble, you can be taught. What is communicated is doctrine. Imperative moods on function and practice in your life. There are negatives and positives and doctrines which are developed. We are able to be people smart and to keep from being deceived by everyone.

Some people will call Griffin and they call him up and ask him for food or money; and then he hears Bible verses quoted to him. They are rank strangers. Griffin knows the people in his flock and he will help them if they are hungry. You have to develop some system of standards. Who do you help in this life? Are they family members? You handle family members first. Then you help fellow members of the royal family. Then people you know. Eventually, it is rank strangers, which is a lot. They will badger you and beat you to death with Bible verses. What about this charity business? People will take the yellow pages and they will call every church on that list; and when the day is done, they have finished their work and they count up their money. You get momentum from these gates and you become teachable. You can make the advance.

Gates 5-6 are motivational and functional gates and virtues. Functional virtues are directed toward man and motivational virtues are directed toward God. You need not be afraid of anything which life has to offer. God’s promises are found in Scripture and we are able to identify them and we can have courage toward life and circumstances. When we worship God, we worship Him in Spirit and in truth. We can turn our spiritual growth around and direct it toward man, which is the functional morality towards man. Joshua was told to be strong and courageous. Confidence toward God is a motivational virtue which gave him courage toward man.

Momentum testing. It is an expression of His grace and he is offered the opportunity to accelerate his advance. Do not become unglued or unwound when problems enter your life. God never tests a positive believer past his ability.

7 categories of momentum testing:

1.       The old sin nature; we are tempted by our own lust pattern. Never forget the volitional factor. He have no excuse; no denial is projected. No need to go around and apologize. Most of the time, people do not know anything about your sins.

2.       People testing. This keeps us mostly out of whack. We don’t realize we keep others out of fellowship and out of whack too. We may not like other people’s weaknesses and they may not like ours. We normally don’t draw lines in the sand over this, but we gossip and do things like that. God permits this because it is a momentum test. How well do you do with people with whom you do not really get along? Are you able to get along with them so that they do not know there is a problem? James gets involved with those in social elitism. We are not allowed this in a church. No difference between races or between genders. The most devastating, you think you know more than anyone else. An accelerated advance toward Santa Fe if you are growing and advancing; no matter what your age or time in church. Unconditional love is the problem solving devices.

3.       Thought testing: this can occur in Bible class. If you are self-centered, you can attend Bible and agree with everything until you hear something with which you disagree. You either must adjust or you will be upset with the theology which proceeds from that. Ideas like Jews are the reason for men’s problems; that is anti-Semitism. This personal prejudice will keep you from advancing. Points of hyper-sensitivity. When we first believed in Christ, all we knew were points of hyper-sensitivity. Doctrine chips away on it. The pro-life and the pro-choice camp. How about somewhere in between? Is that a hyper-sensitive comment. Griffin said partial birth abortion is his view is murder and that those who participate in this should be arrested and penalized. If you stick a shunt into the head of a baby coming out of the birth canal; what is that? After a certain number of weeks, all doctors treat any baby coming after a few weeks is assumed to be a delivery. Until you can find the accurate precise word for partial birth abortion, what would you call it beside murder? Doctors will say there is no medical reason for partial birth abortion. Post viability, pre-selection cancellation of birth. At 20–24 weeks, the fetus is viable. Prior to that, it is called a spontaneous abortion and it occurs naturally and is often called a miscarriage. But anytime after that, it is treated as a delivery, and this is why we have prenatal units available. In our society, we have laws against that. It is not his concern what our views are. Griffin has given his doctrinal analysis of this. Griffin’s effort here was to check for hypersensitivity, which is thought testing. Psalm 23:7 as we think, so we are

4.       System testing. We will on occasion be treated unfairly by people or systems. It is an outside adversity and we are not allowed to treat this as stress. Our job is to submit to the system. This is not an excuse to be distracted from our mission. No excuse for participation in arrogance or sinning. When you face an unfairness test, God permitted this to occur in our life and it is system testing. What are you going to do? That is what the test is all about. We have a constitution and a judiciary committee which deals with all of these things when it comes to impeachment. When it is all said and done, there will be a vote. At 67, it is hit the road jack; and at 66, it is business as usual. You stay with the system and whatever it produces, that is what you live with. We do not need fairness in this country. We need misery and pain in order for us to realize that we cannot just do whatever we feel like doing. There is a system and we must stick with it. You may like the policies at your job. Griffin used to work with the guys in the bread system. Guys in authority who are already stupid come up with stupid policies; but they do not like to hear that and they become even more stupid. God allows unfairness to occur by decree and we might as well orient to that. Integrity of thought maintains soul tranquility. Unconditional love manages the people.

5.       Cosmic systems: Satan constantly tries to control the system he rules; Scripture call his system the cosmos. 1Tim. 4:1 and the cosmic system attempts to inculcate us with falsehood. Arrogance complex and man become preoccupied with himself. When man emphasizes himself over God, he may next matriculate in the hatred complex. Then he may hate the Bible, the plan of God, Christ, the Christian, etc. Recovery occurs by consistently logging time in the power system.

6.       Disaster testing. Everyone faces some serious testing; loved one dies, you may lose your job or you may hate your job; you go to the doctor and he gives you 6 months to live. There is no place for fear in the Christian way of life. Fear, worry, anxiety and dread may emerge. Such temptations to submit to a lifestyle of arrogance and hatred. How about claiming a promise for some soul tranquility. It will develop a relaxed mental attitude. You can concentrate on the essence of God, the logistical grace rationale, the plan of God rationales, etc. This requires status quo spirituality and doctrine can take you to simplicity. Courage toward life and circumstances. You go back to the complex by moving through all the doctrines you have mentally. Then you go back to the simple and you have a doctrinal conclusion. You are in His care and He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.

7.       Prosperity testing and it is all too common that when an advancing believer enters into prosperity, he experiences a lack of capacity or appreciation. Only continued inculcation of truth can keep you going. You never know enough to quit church. You can quit church when you know as much as God knows. There is only the continued inculcation of truth.

Suddenly cut off on the mp3 file.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #34 10/11/98                            Sunday 1

Review: Joshua, The Book: 1 John 5:5, Definition of the Titles "Son of Man" & "Son of God"

Griffin talking about Virginia vacation. He plans to do more reviews. Periodic reviews.

Paragraph C: Joshua the book

We function on faith. We hve the very same doctrine in our Lord’s soul replicated in our own soul; and we have problem solving devices while encountering momentum testings in cosmos diabolicus. John 16:33: These things I have communicated to you in order that you might have prosperity. Take courage; I have overcome the cosmos. Morality does not cut it in the Christian way of life. You can be moral outside the operating system. But you cannot have Christian integrity outside that system. Faith is non-meritorious at salvation and it is non-meritorious after salvation. Knowledge pumps you up. You can quote back Scripture to save your life. You must make doctrine a part of your thought processes. They must be a part of your thinking and it require faith in the work. You believe these things work and you do not care about the details.

The initial victory of the cosmic system is faith in Christ. We begin the Christian way of life as a winner. We share in His victory at the cross. Post-salvation sins are forgiven by confession to God alone. Then you utilize doctrine to overcome the various momentum tests to the cosmic system. You use doctrine to defend your soul and to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil. This way, you maintain residence in the system. The believer in this system has divine operating assets. As a royal ambassador, you represent Christ to man. You can develop spiritual skills to maintain your efficiency. Neither the strategic victory or the tactical victories are possible without the precedent set by Jesus Christ.

Theologians constantly disagree about what the Scripture says. Some of those who pursued and hounded Jesus were these type. The Judaism coalition. Not much is known of their coalition, but they were a constant harassment to Jesus.

If you are without sin, you may cast the first stone; but if you are not without sin, then you are not qualified to find fault with anyone. If we cannot find fault with someone, how are we able to forgive someone? A wrong must be committed in order for that wrong to be forgiven. In any case, you are not to judge an individual for the sins they commit, but we can judge behavior. How can our children determine who they should or should not associate with. Where do we draw lines? Is it legitimate to reject certain behavior patterns. Anti-Semitism is a gross evil and it is the basis for the destruction of some nations. At the church, you cannot exhibit anti-Semitism. You have to use an inventory of ideas in order to judge the behavior of those in your periphery.

The name Jesus emphasizes His true humanity. Jesus the man is the revealed God of the Universe, the Son of God. We noted several things about this dual nature. When Jesus uses the word Son, it refers to Daniel and his night visions. With the clouds of heaven, one like the Son of Man was Him was given the.... A Millennium reign prediction. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; associates Himself with the fulfilment of this prophecy from Daniel. This upset the Sanhedrin, the Scribes and the Pharisees. Son of Man refers to His humanity; Son of God refers to His Deity. Equality and identify of nature is the key here; not inferiority or subordination. This idea is born out in English. One who inherits the character or spirit of another = son. The essence is so close as to imply a father/son relationship.

Jesus is the last Adam, born as Adam was created. Adam fell; Jesus was born as Adam was before the fall. The use of this title is our Lord’s assertion that He is the Messiah. In hypostatic union, our Lord’s humanity was subordinate to the salvation plan of God. The willingness of Christ to subordinate Himself to this plan is the basis of our salvation. Heb. 10:5, 7 When He comes into the world, He will say, “Sacrifice you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for Me.” I have come to do You will, o God. Philip. 2: Although He existed in the form of God, He did not regard equality of God a thing to be grasped. He volunteered to take on this form. In this hypostasis, He emptied Himself. This is kenosis. It means to deprive oneself of assets. On occasion, when Jesus could have performed a miracle, He did not, if it was not in the plan. Even if a miracle could resolve an issue, He chose not to perform it. Kenosis is taking the form of a servant and being in the likeness of men. He revealed God to man. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself. We have the option through faith alone to access all those things associated with Christ’s work on the cross. We do not have to be angry; we do not have to be bitter. We can remain in that system and serve God without sin and without utilizing the arrogance skills. This is a phenomenal package. We have bee brought out of tyranny to the first husband. It is the title Son of God. Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation.

1John 5:4–5: Everyone who has been born of God is victorious over the cosmic system. Who is the one victorious over the cosmic system? None other than he who has come to believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus Christ is the unique person of the universe. We will review the hypostatic union next time.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #35 10/11/98                            Sunday 2

Review: Joshua, The Book: 1 John 5:5, The Hypostatic Union

if you don’t understand the hypostatic union, then you are not saved. God cannot be identified with sin; so we cannot see Jesus Christ as simply God. If you believe that Jesus Christ is God but not man, you are not saved.

In the person of Christ is two natures: True humanity did not take on aspects of Deity or vice versa; there was no loss or transfer of attributes. There was no loss of Deity and no aggrandizement of humanity. Jesus has eternal life from eternity past; and He has eternal life in His hypostatic union for all the future. In the person of Christ there are two natures, divine and human, inseparably united, without loss or mixture, designated in theology as the hypostatic union. He will exist forever in this hypostatic union. He possesses the exact same essence as the Father and man, and in this way, He is unique. He is different from God in that He is man; and different from man in that He is God. He is uniquely qualified to be our Mediator, who mediates between two parties with the idea of reaching a reconciliation. He is an authentic substitute for us in taking upon Himself our sins. By successfully arbitrating this case on the cross, we can have eternal life and eternal fellowship with God. It was His spiritual death by which He gave us a place with God. Because He was impeccable, without spot or blemish, He was able to serve as our substitute. God demonstrates in His love for us, that Christ dies as a substitute for us.

Limited atonement does not hold up under Biblical analysis. God unconditionally loved the world so much [perfect personal love requires a perfect object; if God is to love mankind, it must be unconditional] that it resulted in Him giving His Son, the uniquely-born One God will give the land to the Jews under Joshua and all they had to do was to believe that He would keep His Word. If we believe in Him, God would save us. God unconditionally loved the world so much, for the purpose of assuring us that whoever believes in Him Everyone who believe in Him will not perish you will go to hell if you do not believe in Him but you will have eternal life. You cannot use the words eternal life for something which will end. If there is some way that we can end our lives permanently, then this is a misuse of this word by God. Rom. 5:8: God demonstrates His own love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died on our behalf [or, as a substitute for us; instead of us].. The justice of God imputed our sins to Him instead of to us. He took the burden off of us. All this required of us was to believe in Jesus Christ. If you believe in His work, God will honor our faith and save our soul. He did this even though we were enemies. Logically, if He was willing to do this when we were enemies, then it is much easier for Him to do the greater for us, not that we are in Christ. That is Rom. 5:9. The most difficult has been accomplished; therefore, the less difficult is much easier for Him to accomplish. Πολους + μαλον = if the greater benefit has already been given, then the less will not be withheld. Eternal security is easier for God to accomplish than salvation to begin with. That is what this passage is about. It is easier for us to have eternal security than it is for us to have salvation. Eternal security is the easy thing; salvation is the difficult thing. Δικιοω = to be justified, to be vindicated. We have God’s righteousness. When sin is removed, all barriers are down. The sin problem was removed by Christ; any sin problem that we had was removed by the cross. Rebound is not a re-upping of our salvation; but it is restoration to spirituality. Once you receive +R, you can never lose it. Rom. 3:28: we conclude that man is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law. Our justification is by faith apart from the works of the Law. Nothing more is required from us than faith alone in Christ alone. Rom. 4:5: To Him who does not work for salvation, but believes in Him who justifies the unbeliever, his faith receives credit for the imputation of divine righteousness. Salvation by faith alone in Romans is clear; and some are so negative, they will run like a sprinter to James for faith without works is dead, which they will pull out of context and cling to. In James, it simply means that your faith is non-functional apart from works. The Word of God is the thinking of the Creator of the God of the Universe. You cannot say that “James trumps Romans.” They must coalesce. God is not disputing or contradicting Himself. There are those who say, you just cannot take it by the easy route. It was not easy for Christ. We are the beneficiary for His impeccable work on the cross. What more can be done than what He has done for us in the cross? Do we somehow place ourselves in the arena of perfect humanity and think that there is something that you can add to salvation. It is bewildering and arrogant.

God will not charge sin to our account, because... This is a technical, legal term for discharging a debt. Paul uses it to indicate that our sin is taken off of our books and moved over to Christ on the cross. Sins taken off and placed on Christ. +R is imputed and we are justified before Christ. That which allows Jesus to do this is by His blood, which is how we are justified.

After salvation we are brought into His life and given the power system which He used. We are dropped right into the power system which He tested and showed to be functional in this world.

1John5:4:For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith.

1John 5:5: Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #36 10/13/98                              Tuesday

Review: Joshua, The Book: 1 John 5:6, The Blood of Christ: Definition; Significance of Animal Death; Spiritual Death

Laura Kay Tapping was born with the Elephant’s man disease; hers was primarily internal and it forms tumors on the inside. They are not malignant, but they are associated with this disease. Doctors thought she would live to be maybe 25; but she is 43. She does not have an adult IQ because of this disease. She has come to illustrate GAP. She is a mature believer, although she does not have an adult IQ. She understands her place in the plan of God and has a personal sense of destiny. There has been bleeding from 4 places in her brain. Her condition is unstable. With spiritual assets, you can advance in the plan of God, even without human assets. If you have ordered publications there, her job is to pull the books together and mail them to us. Whenever we receive something, she has taken care of it. She will take work home and she enjoys her work; and all of this is motivated by doctrine in her soul. She has a limited IQ and has still advanced spiritually. She will be among the winners if she advances to heaven. Katy is with her around the clock at St. Luke’s.

The people who take the land will do so because they have absolute confidence in the Word of God and they have absolute faith that God is able and faith that God’s Word will be backed by His integrity. God is capable. He will do what He says. Joshua will teach us these concepts. This is a framework study rather than a book study, so that we can understand the assets that we need to examine. Now we see the application by generation and one of the primary messages of the book of Joshua. Our faith victory is shown in 1John 5:4–6. This verse documents the literal, physical death of our Lord’s humanity. One of the key concepts which brings us to this is where John challenges the principles of doscetic gnosticism, which are those who do not believe in the humanity of Christ. His death could not be Substitutionary for us. Only Christ in His true humanity could have had this effect for us. Only a human being can experience somatic death. John provides his eyewitness account. It is the Holy Spirit Who bears witness, because the Holy Spirit is the truth. John is simply the amanuensis. Jesus Christ did not bleed to death on the cross. He made a volitional decision to give up His soul to the care of the Holy Spirit and his human spirit to the Father. Jesus said, “I have the authority to lay down My life and the authority to take it up again.” He was given the authority to end His life on His own volition. Luke 23:43, “You will be with me in paradise.” At death, a trichotomus separation occurred at that moment. He did not expire due to natural causes. He volitionally separated His soul from His body, thus exiting this life by His own volition. His sacrificial death was done; and He alse needed for His resurrection body to be prepared. The bleeding which occurred had no efficacious effect upon our salvation.

ἅιμα = blood. Arndt and Ginchrich point out that there is a figurative use of the blood of Christ. Blood makes reference to this expiatory sacrifice. They say, especially the blood of Jesus with respect to salvation. Kittel also speaks of this graphic phrase for this death of Christ in its soteriological meaning. Concepts which belong to the sacrifice do not mean that there are cultic applications tied up with the blood of Christ. You do not keep a cultic understanding of the blood. The early Christian representation is simply a metaphorical garment. It is put on top of certain doctrines in order for us to understand these doctrines. Early Christian representations. Clothes the thought of self-offering. Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and as our sins are imputed to Him, He is judged as a substitutionary sacrifice. The animal sacrifices are the type which are matched up with the antitype of Jesus Christ. The blood of Christ is the metaphorical garment. This represents this. Another source where the blood of Christ represents our Lord’s violent sacrificial death on the cross.


Hebrew word for blood is ד-ם. No atonement for sin without the atonement of animal blood. There was a sequence and system of sacrifice and rituals. Heb. 9:22 there was no forgiveness of sins unless there was a sacrificial blood offering. Nearly all things were cleansed with animal blood. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. The saving work of Christ on the cross. Physical death of the animal is the type; the spiritual death of Christ is the antitype. Ritual must always point to reality. No matter how benign propaganda and evil may be, the ultimate destination and application is to some way contort the doctrines found in the Word of God. Everything is angelic conflict. If you take things just as face value, you will forget that there is something going on behind it. When he teaches concepts like these, those who are ardent subscribers to the animal rights movement, are appalled. Griffin understands being concerned with the animals. Animals are to be utilized us for work, for food, for companionship. However, here, animals were used to represent Jesus Christ. However, animal rights groups have mistaken animal notions. All the animals on a thousand hills are God’s and He created the animals for a number of purposes. Placing the hand on the animal’s head is a type; the animal is innocent; so is Christ. This depicts the impeccability of Jesus Christ. Many people are in heaven today because many animals gave their lives to illustrate these truths. The fire represented judgment in sacrifice. Lev. 17:11: The life of the flesh is in the blood. God had no restriction against eating animal meat; just animal blood. The blood was symbolic of our Lord’s spiritual death. It was a representative analogy. Part of the reason for this prohibition was related to the type?

Nephesh means life and means soul. Since an animal does not have a soul, we render this as life. It is the animal blood which makes the atonement. The animal does not have a soul; it has volition, but no volition tied to responsibility. The animal, with respect to a sacrifice, is innocent. The mercy seat was the golden lid sitting over the Ark of the Covenant. The contents of the box reminded the people of their sins. The mercy seat had golden cherubs at each end. On the Day of Atonement, the blood of the sacrificial animal was sprinkled over the mercy seat.

Hiloskomai means to appease, to show mercy, to pardon. God was satisfied with the work of Christ. Christ Jesus, Whom God has publically displayed with His blood, as His mercy seat (Rom. ). Jesus is the one which justice looks at. The animals were without spot and without blemish. God publically displayed Jesus Christ as His mercy seat on the cross. Divine justice identified our sins with Him and executed judgment upon Him. There were 3 hours of judgment and separation. Matt. 27:36: Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “My God My God, why have You forsaken Me?” The doubling of My God is emphatic. The phrase the blood of Christ in the New Testament makes reference to the literal blood of the sacrificial animals of the Old Testament.

Spiritual death:

Spiritual death is the separation from God in time and must therefore be classified as judgment. Two forms: real spiritual death in status quo sin and it applies only to mankind. Substitutionary spiritual death applies only to Jesus Christ. Real spiritual death began at the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. The sin nature is inherited and we have within every cell of our body a trend to sin. There are areas of weakness and strength. These are the things which we can expect to occur in our daily life. We can be neutralized by propaganda and knocked off our spiritual horse. We can be lured into some sort of human good operation. Rom. 5:12: just as through one man, sin entered into the world, and real spiritual death spread to all men, for all sinned when Adam sinned.

There was no reason for the death of Adam and Eve. The human body is designed for everlasting life. Science will tell us that.

1John 5:6: This is he who came by water and blood--Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #37 10/15/98                            Thursday

Review: Joshua, The Book: 1 John 5:6, The Blood of Christ: Literal Blood & Physical Death; Figurative & Literal Blood Compared; Impeccability

Real spiritual death is separation from God in a state of sin; which can only be applied to man.

There is also substitutionary spiritual death, which can only occur in Jesus Christ. 1Peter 3:18: For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,... Righteousness demands that anything related to sin be separate from God. Jesus Christ never lost association with the Holy Spirit and He never lost any other attribute of His perfection. It was this sacrifice and this judgment which provided our grace salvation. It is His spiritual death which provides us our salvation. Superficial people think that there was only physical death on the cross.

First, Jesus said, “Finished” and then bowed His head and gave up His spirit. Jesus took oxis wine, which was to quench thirst, and it was a favorite drink of lower classes and those wtih moderate incomes. By drinking this wine, the Lord did 3 things: the drinking of the wine fulfilled prophecy. He indicated that He was clearly alive. He was thirsty, and the contents of what He had to say had to be crystal clear. He needed to clear His throat and He would shout “Finished” from the cross so that all could hear.

The intensive perfect of this verb. This is the tense of completed action. Its basic significance is the progress of an act to the point of culmination. The subject is it; and that refers to the spiritual death of our Lord. There is a representative analogy related to the blood of the animals. His blood, His sacrificial death, is finished. When special attention is put on the result of the actions. The one word in the Greek should be rendered: “It has been finished in the past with the results that continue into the future.” Salvation is available to any who believe. That which has been completed is the blood of Christ. Our Lord was most definitely alive when He drank the wine and spoke this word.

The Lord’s literal blood is associated with His somatic death. There was a lot which is known about crucifixion and how it fluctuates from time to time. There is the locking of the knees to get the pressure off of the arms and wrists, and so that the person could breath. Jesus push Himself up, pushed His head forward, and then exhaled His spirit. Jesus was our Passover and there was the feast of the unleavened bread and the feast of firstfruits. Passover was the first of the time of week of unleavened bread. The Jews had to deal with the corpse, as this was their responsibility, they could not leave a corpse remain unburied after the sun went down. Anytime a corpse came down, it had to be dealt with. The Romans would break the legs of these 3, so that their bodies can be taken away. Deut. 21:22–23 You will not leave the corpse on the tree all night long. The legs of the first man was broken. When they came to Jesus, they saw that He was already dead. The breaking of the legs made it impossible for the person to stand, and take a breath. In that position, they could exhale; without legs to stand on, they could not stand. This fulfills prophecy.

Then there is something which documents that our Lord is human and that He is dead. John observes that there was blood clots and serum which came out (blood and water). John just described what he saw, not being a doctor. The dependent parts would be the heart and lungs, and out would come the coagulated blood. If someone died from excessive loss of blood, clots and serum will not form. Death cannot occur by bleeding to death, Jesus did not die physically for our sins. The perversion of the meaning of the blood is an attempt to obscure the importance of His spiritual death. We are born with a runner on first (the sin nature) and we must depend upon someone pure and faultless to suffer death in our place. We have genetic sin, imputed sin, and personal sin. This barrier has to be removed in order for us to have a relationship with God. Unlike the blood of the sacrificial animals, His literal blood has no significance. His literal blood reveals His true humanity, and John’s observation confirmed that He is true humanity and it distinguishes the shedding of blood from His spiritual death. Jesus died because He said, “I now dismiss my spirit and soul.” “Father, into Your hands, I commit My spirit.”

Paragraph E: a comparison between the literal blood of Christ and His spiritual death.

Every time we see the references to the blood of Christ, then we are referring to His spiritual death. The Jews attempted to keep every single detail of the Law, but without actually understand what it is all about. Judgment of sin did not occur until the cross. Our Lord’s substitutionary sacrifice is symbolic. The figurative term, blood of Christ, refers to His substitutionary spiritual death. His physical death relates to His resurrection; His spiritual death refers to His dying for our sins.

Redemption: Christ’s saving work on the cross. The slave market of sin means we are born imperfect. We have been delivered through the redemption of Christ. The unbeliever is redeemed by faith alone in Christ alone. Also, 1Peter 1:18–19. The sum total of all that Christ did on the cross. God is never reconciled; He is propitiated.

Propitiation: the work of Christ on the cross toward God. The spiritual death of Christ. God approves of our Lord’s work on the cross. God is satisfied with Christ’s work on the cross. Rom;. 3:24–25. The sprinkling of blood under the Law had to do with ceremonial cleansing of Israel. There was a ritual which managed this, which ritual was the Day of Atonement. When the angels looks down at the blood sprinkled there, they saw the evidence of an innocent sacrifice, and this resulted in atonement. Judgment did not occur until the cross. They had to execute this judgment year in and year out. In the Age of Israel, under the Law’s spiritual code, the ritual sprinkled blood on the mercy seat. There was an animal sacrifice which is burnt as well. These people believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and that is the spiritual life of that day. The literal blood is now permanently accomplished by the victory work of Christ. Everyone who has been born from God is victorious over the cosmic system. What is that initial victory is our faith, which is faith alone in Christ alone. Who is the one who is victorious over the cosmic system; none other that He who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is equal to both parties in the dispute; and He could bring both sides together through His work. God is satisfied and man is reconciled. This one, Jesus Christ, is He Who came by serum and blood clots. This is an effective polemic against doscetic gnosticism. They considerred His appearance to be an apparition or an illusion. When you reject the truth of the Word of God, something mus take its place. People who reject Bible doctrine reject Jesus Christ then reject truth in general. You must accept some standard of guidance. There must be some guide in your mind. You make decisions from some inventory of ideas. When you reject the truth, then you suck in bizarre and confused ideas of those things which go on around you. Our country is driven by emotion and the 3 arrogance skills. Griffin will want to show us how the Clinton thing reveals the 3 arrogance skills. The current administration is not the problem, bujt a reflection of the people who put them there. He has to wait until this becomes an historic issue as opposed to a political issue. These pages which he will read from Thieme were written about 20 years ago and they are absolutely current. Without doctrine, you will believe something. Griffin does not know if there is enough doctrine to change the shift. The doscetic gnostics were willing to believe the most bizarre things, calling Jesus an illusion or a phantom. John documents the giving up of our Lord’s spirit; Jesus Christ existed in true humanity. Heb. 9:13–14: If the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a red heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled, how much more will the blood of Christ with greater reason, who through His eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot or blemish to God, and through this, purify your conscience. You do not need a ritual; you do not need an animal. This purifies us from dead works. Jesus is in true humanity and He was plugged into the spirit’s through His omniscience. The doctrine of impeccability recognizes that our Lord Jesus Christ did not sin during the 1st advent.

He had true humanity and it was temptable. He was non posse pecari = not able to sin; in His undiminshed deity, He was not able to sin = non posse peccari. Posse non peccari, which is able not to sin. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are able not to sin. We do not win when we are in the system. We can have a pristine environment which takes us back to the garden of Eden prior to the fall. Perfection is perfection. We have it inside the divine power system. We can maintain this for 5, 10 or 15 seconds. You prolong the operational system and our residence in this environment. It is with doctrine that the Holy Spirit guides and directs us. There is more leadership and guidance and capacity. The more doctrine we know, the more efficient the Holy Spirit can be in directing our paths. Without this, believers will believe anything just as the unbeliever will believe anything. In the whole end of the thing, you get involved in human good. We give our hearts to easily to the ruler of this world, when the One Who loves us all will give us all. Impeccability is not capable of sinning. It is free from fault and blame. In the hypostatic union, you cannot be tempted. Humanity is temptable but impeccable. The residence and function inside the prototype. The very same environment which has been given to us for sometimes minutes at a time; and with doctrine, we can prolong minutes into hours and hours into days. If you take enough tylenol PM, you could conceivably get through two days inside the system. You can do it, but don’t get involved in the 3 arrogance skills and suggest that you are doing it. 1John 3:5: in Him there is no sin. 1Peter 2:24: He in His own body bore our sins on the cross. He made Him, Who knew no sin, was made sin for us. We believe that He is the Messiah figure. Faith alone in Christ alone grants us salvation.

Jesus could not sin inside the divine power system. When we are within this system, we cannot sin either. You must volitionally step outside of the power system in order to sin. Εν + αυτος in the neuter is in it; and in context, this is an environment of the power system. It is undergirded by personal love for God. Whenever we are in it, we are not sinning. When anyone sins (the customary present of habitual sinning), he has not seen Christ. Cosmic system nor has he known Him. As long as you are inside that operational system, you are not sinning.

There is the concept that volition guards the gate of the soul. There are the positive and negative poles. The sin nature is the origin of temptation. There are 3 categories. Temptation to sin, commit human good or to do evil. There is constant battering against this gate to sin; as long as there is a flot line of problem solving devices, you can resist these temptations. If there is the breach in the wall, the power of the Holy Spirit is cancelled; you no longer have spirituality, but carnality; and you are outside of the power system. As long as you stand guard at the gate, holding the fort, your soul is free of sin. You cannot sin inside this system. Anyone who resides in it is not sinning. When you agree, in your volition, to commit a sin, then, in a microsecond, you have stepped outside of the system in order to sin. Whether overt or mental, you have chosen to sin. Jesus never stepped outside of this system even when on the cross enduring the judgment for our sins.

At Joshua 37, at 59 minutes, there is a weirdness? I guess it is okay.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #38 10/18/98                            Sunday 1

Joshua 1:1, Introduction; Textual Indicators of Divine Inspiration; The Tripartite Hebrew Canon

Discussing Laura Kay Tapping’s disease, and she is experiencing brain bleeding.

As we move toward the 21st century, it appears as though we are degrading the heroes which we have left. A national condition which lacks integrity and moral courage. We are entering into an era where we have no concept of truth or right and wrong. As we grow up, we learn concepts of right and wrong. Griffin was born in 1941, and he was raised in the 40's and 50's where there were real heroes.

A highlight to begin this story about a man who is a real hero. Griffin did not realize just what an impact this guy had on his life. Until we meet again is a story about Roy Rogers. He began as Leonard Sly. He left this world as the king of the cowboys. The 20th century is best defined by the mid-century years. He was the hottest thing in the 50's; movies, tv, comic books. Second largest character only behind Walt Disney. When he showed up at country fairs, there would be record-breaking crowds. He was bigger than life. You cannot sell a television show today based upon values. He touches some things in people that they don’t know about themselves. A quote about the concept of heroes, which was known kn all places throughout the United States. But now we have a culture where children are denied the ability to admire. John Wayne was attacked by cynics; but they ignored Roy Rogers, seeing him as just a cowboy. He sowed the seeds of wholesomeness and character and honesty.

Griffin taught prep school in Houston and he tried to get across the idea that there are heroes outside of the Bible. The kids did not think that they could live up to the Bible heroes. So Griffin collected those who were heroes. They did have some real heroes that they came up with.

At this time, we will begin a study of a true Biblical hero. Joshua 1:1–4 is the command for conquest. Douglas MacArthur listed Joshua as being one of the greatest generals of history. Teddy Roosevelt quoted from this book often. The conquest of the land was probably quite accurate.

Joshua was in his 80's at the time that they began to conquer Canaan. He had wisdom and the power of the Spirit. He got to the point where he reevaluated his life in the light of God’s Word. The proper place for the believer is to get into Bible class. There should be no changes in your life until it is clear on the basis of doctrine what you ought to do. We do things on God’s timing, not ours; and by the power of the Spirit, and not ours.

God uses prepared men; the ages of such men is unimportant. He was under 40 years of training. God not only chooses certain men but He prepares them. When God removes a man from a position of leadership, He always has someone to take their place. Joshua never promoted himself; he did not volunteer, he did not politic for this position. Joshua went along with God’s timing. When Moses is removed, there will be a power vacuum. The people of Israel were prepared for this transition of leadership.

Joshua is not ensconced in power and authority over Israel. Joshua moment in history has now arrived. He is God’s man for the crisis. What qualifies him for this role is his genuine humility. We learn in Joshua 1:1, he is the Lord’s chosen warrior.

The Word And

1.       The word and links the book of Joshua with Deuteronomy. This indicates that this is a continuation of that found in Deuteronomy.

2.       This is another nuance in Scripture which reveals divine authorship.

3.       The book of Genesis has no and, as it is the beginning.

4.       The books after all begin with an and. Griffin goes through these books, reading the final verse and the first verse, to show how they are hel together. Deuteronomy is one book which does not begin with an and. This concludes the Torah by giving a synopsis.

5.       These are the words which Moses spoke.

6.       Moses implores the 2nd generation to pay attention to the Word of God. He is going to review these things to make them clear to this next generation.

7.       Moses gives a summary of what they learned at the Sinai seminary. They must make daily applications of these mandates. These things are divine thought. This is to become a part of our inventory of ideas. We associate ourselves with a level of thought which is God’s thinking, and baffling to unbelievers.

Griffin finds out that he upsets people globally with some of the things that we say. Super hypersensitivity: agree with me or I will be offended. The first generation were taught these things, and they rejected it. They wanted to return to Egypt.


9.       Joshua begins with the word and, meaning that it is now time for them to apply the doctrine that they learned in Deuteronomy (and Joshua completed the book of Deuteronomy).

10.     The 4 books which follow Deuteronomy all begin with the wâw consecutive.

11.     In order to appreciate point 10, it is important to understand the arrangement of the books in the Bible. We need ot see this like a Jew would.

          a.       Torah: is Genesis through Deuteronomy.

          b.       The former prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.

          c.        The 2nd category is the latter prophets:

                     i.         Major prophets Isaac, Jeremiah and Ezekiel?

                     ii.        The 12

          d.       The writings of the Kethuvim:

                     i.         Psalms, Proverbs and Job.

                     ii.        The 5 rolls: Megilloth: SoS, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther.

          e.       Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronicles.

12.     First book is Genesis, the beginning.

13.     These 3 books are linked to Genesis and each other. It is a progressive revelation.

14.     Deuteronomy does not begin with this conjunction, but forms a transition between what has come before and what is up ahead.

15.     Deuteronomy is Moses summary of the first 4 books.

You can be somebody because God has given us wondrous assets. Winning victory in the angelic conflict; it means to qualify for escrow blessings in heaven. Every Jew was promised the land. All they had to do was to get up and go into it. Do you have the courage to go in and take it? The whole first generation thought it was too hard; they did not think that God would really be with them. There are rivers to cross and mountains to climb and you cannot do it without trusting God.

The Jordan River is a serious river and it is in flood stage at this time. There is a huge drop; it is a mad, rush water at 17 cubic meters per second. They believe God and they crossed. They never questioned any of his orders. Confidence and courage are the keys to this book.


17.     The former prophets contains 4 books: Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings.

18.     Each beings with a wâw consecutive.

19.     This indicates that all of the books in the former prophet category are linked.

20.     We are able to follow the divine organization.

21.     The Jew outside the land from Adam through Moses.

22.     Deuteronomy is a transitional book which reviews this history, and the emphasis on the Law is because this is the only canon which they have. Ruth does not belong here; we need to mentally remove it.

23.     Joshua is the new leader.

Joshua 1:1: After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant,

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #39 10/18/98                            Sunday 2

Joshua 1:2, The Title, "Servant of the Lord"; Characteristics of the Jordan Rift Valley; God's Gift of Canaan


1.       V. 1: This is after the death of Moses.

2.       V. 2 says Moses my servant is dead.

3.       Moses, although a great leader, was not indispensable. He disobeyed. A leader cannot violate policy from senior ranking officers. He was to speak to the rock, and this is after 39 years; assassination attempts; a series of revolts; many times that he pleaded with God not to wipe this people out. They have been an intractable group. He sees this new generation and he thinks, they are no better than their parents. He begins to project and gets involved in bitterness. What Moses does is give an introduction to the whole process. One of the failures which he points out that he made is, The Lord was angry with me because of you and would not listen to me. Moses took the authority image, the rod, and struck the rock and did so twice. God told him, “You violated these mandates and you will not see the land.” Moses did shape up and delivered this Deuteronomy message. It reminds us that he could be dropped.

4.       This disobedience resulted in Moses being kept out of the land. Moses appointed Joshua as his successor. A change of command ceremony. Joshua has been presented, there were these public ceremonies. In the minds of the people, he was an acceptable replacement.

5.       Moses’ death was not the sin unto death. He had the unique funeral. Angels and even Satan and Jesus Christ all attended. Demonic forces could not discover the burial plot. No one has a burial like this. He was, in essence, de-commissioned. He was considered by God to be one of the top leaders of human history. He was called the servant of God.

6.       This title was never accorded an Old Testament until after their death.

          a.       Abraham in Gen. 26:24.

          b.       Moses in Deut. 34:5 he died according to the Word of the Lord.

          c.        1Kings 8:66: David God’s servant, and Israel, His people.

          d.       Joshua 24:29: Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being 120 years old.

7.       At the moment of salvation, you are imputed escrow blessings. They are kept in an escrow account, kept in an account in heaven. The repository is Jesus Christ. These escrow blessings will be conveyed when you have the capacity. The land is yours; you have to go and take it. Lack of faith would keep you from the land. Lack of faith or capacity keeps us from having our escrow blessings. There are about 23 people in Bible class. How many of you will make it to that rarified air of Santa Fe. It is our job to cut a trail to Santa Fe.

8.       The Lord’s first mandate to Joshua is to cross the Jordan, which is no easy task.

9.       The Jordan River valley is referred to by geologists as a rift formed by two parallel faults. A valley formed by a block of earth formed by two parallel faults. The riffed valley falls off quite quickly after it leaves Mount Herman. It moves down the basic into the Sea of Galilee. The river Jordan is about 600 ft below sea level. There are several tributaries along the way. Emptying into the Dead Sea is 1300 ft. below sea level, a lost of about 800 ft. in 700 miles? Looking up from Sodom and Gomrrorah and looking northward. You can look over these mountains and see the Mediterranean. The Bible says he saw it. At the shore of the Dead Sea, you are about 1300 ft. below sea level. During flood season, this changes considerably, and it fills up the valley.

10.     Springs at the foot of Mount Herman fed by melting snows feed into the Sea of Galilee to the Jordan River. 65 miles length for the river.

11.     The width is almost a mile and the depth is about 13 feet. It drops 700 ft.

12.     This is a grade of almost 15 ft/mile, which creates a tremendous flow of water. There is a huge increase of water as well. The water is racing by.

13.     It is impossible for a population of 2 million to cross the Jordan right there.

14.     In some passages of thicket, this terrain is called the thicket. Nobody said anything; no one complained. This is an impossible thing for them to do. They will have to believe the Lord that He will do what He says He will do.

15.     Cross this Jordan, you and this people, to the land I am giving to them. They just needed the capacity to cross over.

16.     The action of giving is considered completed, since it is in the perfect tense. An unbeliever could accurate determine that this river cannot be crossed. We all have our Jericho’s. They will take the land using their trumpets. God has been trying to give them the land for 40 years. He will give mandates for them to do this or that. He now has a people who will implement His mandates. The difference between the winner and the loser in the Christian way of life is confidence and courage.

17.     The principle is: God promised the land to the people of Israel as an unconditional promise. God controls the timing of this fulfillment. Capacity is required for those to take the land. Giving Gen X the land is like giving a kid 2 million dollars; they act without restraints. Capacity from knowledge of the Word of God, courage to follow the Word of God. What will you do with all the doctrine that you accumulate in Bible class? You have to go through with it. You are in the devil’s world; in a hostile environment.

18.     Only those with the capacity could go into the land of take it. Those who have capacity will have these blessings conveyed.

19.     Capacity comes by faith alone in Messiah alone. The initial victory is our faith. Then we apply doctrine from the soul in faith. Jesus Christ will not tell Joshua, “There will be no problems when you come over here.” He simply says, “I will be with you; I will never forsake you.” When we understand that the Lord is always there with us, then we have confidence. With God, we have trumped the devil’s world. You look around you and see all the problems and too easiy decide, these circumstances are greater than I can deal with.

20.     For 40 years, He waited for the generation to take the land. At first, they complained about how big the people were. These are big guys. We need to stay right here. The first generation went out there on emotion. We are grasshoppers in their sight. Confidence and courage are the issues. God waited for 40 years for them to believe these promises. We give our hearts to easily to the ruler of this world, and withhold it from the One who loves us all.

21.     It was their land; it was their inheritance; they chose not to take it. Our inheritance comes from Jesus Christ. According to Roman law, a person never dies because his possessions go off to his progeny. At the moment of a person’s birth, they own the possessions of the father. He manages these possessions until death. The inheritance is ours, but we need to know how to use it. There are no Palestinians; they are just a bunch of Arabs. The land is God’s and He will give the land to His people at the 2nd advent. Blood, guns and money is the solution to wars. That will determine who holds this or that place. When someone lays their guns down, it is over, or sacrifices strategic positions like the Golan Heights. If the Israel PM gives this up, you can stick a fork in him; he is done. Joshua is all about blood, guns and money. The Jews of Gen X chose not to take the land.

22.     In v. 2, the verb to give indicates that the second generation reveals a capacity for victory.

23.     Capacity for victory is found in one’s faith in the veracity of the Word of God. If you want to have the victory, then you must have confidence.

24.     “As I said to Moses” refers back to the theophany of the burning bush. A land flowing with milk and honey.

Joshua 1:2: "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #40 10/20/98                              Tuesday

Joshua 1:2-5, Palestinian Covenant; Iniquity of the Amorite; Four Promises to Joshua Apply to Church Age Believer

God has already given them the land, and for 40 years, He has been desirous that they would take it.

God knew that there would be a few who would follow Abraham in faith alone in God alone. He knew that God would come and establish His earthly kingdom. The fulfillment of the Palestinian covenant. Those who will populate Israel will be Jewish believers who survive the Tribulation. This promise applies to any Jew who will take God at His Word. The Jews could have come into the land at any time. They were fearful of taking the land in the first place. They whined and refused to die; then they stormed the place (Caleb and Joshua held back). Capacity is an issue; the 2nd generation had the capacity. When you have absolute faith in God’s integrity and veracity, what He has for us is there for the taking. This kind of capacity begins with faith alone in Christ alone. They did not know Him as Jesus Christ. Capacity receives the conveyance of blessing, only when that same is place in the Word of God. You must use the same faith with saved you and place in the Word of God.

For 40 years, God waited to give them His promises. They had the promises, they did not believe it, so they did not go into the land. The Jews had an inheritance called the land. He told Moses, I will lead you in. He told the G-2 fellows, I will lead you in. The G-2 force determines what has to be dealt with. We can enjoy phenomenal blessing in the devil’s world. However, if we operate in fear, we will not go into the land. The 2nd generation will take the land, for they believe the Lord. There is a capacity for victory. Joshua knows they have the mental inventory in order to seize and hold the land.

Whether you go to heaven or hell is based upon a volitional decision. Whether we inherit our escrow blessings is dependent upon our day by day volition.

The Amorites are merely one tribe which occupy the land. They had lived in the land for a long time.


26.     When the covenant was originally given, it was given to Abe’s descendants. From the river of Egypt to the River Euphrates. It is a huge piece of real estate. Turkey down to the Indian Ocean. They do not hold this piece of real estate today. The Jews will not get it until the 2nd Advent. If they take it today, then it will be based upon military action and military power.

27.     The Canaanites own the land; but God ultimately owns it, and He has chosen to give it to the Jews. They can take it because they have the capacity to take it. Only believing Jews with the God of Israel, Isaac and Abraham. The Jews were able to take as much land as they had the courage to take.

28.     In 1400 b.c., there would be descendants with the capacity to take the Land of Promise.

29.     In the meantime, who were the ones who populated the real estate, between the Nile and the Euphrates. Gen. 15:19: Kenite, the Kennozite, and the Kadmonite, and the Girgashites and the Jebusite.

30.     These are those who populated the land when Abram received this promise from God.

31.     All Hamitic first cousins in the land.

32.     They are in the land west of the Jordan. Canaan is taken from one tribe. This land has come to be known as Palestine.

33.     The Amorites and the Hittites were the most powerful. Gen. 15:16 the iniquity of the Amortie is not yet complete. God lumps these groups into one big group represented by the Amorites.

34.     What are they up to when God makes this promise to Abraham. They are involved in iniquity, but they are not quite there yet. When these people have gone to the depths of degredation, the predator which will remove them from the land is the Jews.

35.     2086 b.c. is when God makes the promise to Abraham. They go into the land around 1400 b.c.

36.     Abram knows that his descendants will be under discipline for over 400 years. The 4th generation will come back and actually take the land.

37.     Ishmael and Isaac are not even born at the time of the Abrahamic covenant. God will give us the extra mile and then the extra hundred miles. God gave these inhabitants the time to recover from their degeneracy.

38.     They were given the mandates to get things straightened out. There are reasons why God told the Jews to wipe out these heathen. There is child sacrifice and when it comes to blaspheming the name of the Lord, that is quite blasphemous. There was homosexual behavior in v. 22. Adultery goes on in a client nation. Right now we are only down to borderline child sacrifice. Abortion. Sucking the brains out of an unborn baby is about as close to murder as you can get. Babies already born have been executed, and it is called abortion. The whole debate over abortion are just veils. What is behind it is, who will the government decide who lives and who dies. When you live in a society filled with iniquity, the device tightens. Babies and children were taken to a furnace called Molech, and the child would be thrown into the molten flames. This is what the Lord classifies as horrible behavior. We are not quite at the 5th cycle. There is not to be intercourse with animals. This is a perversion. There was a long list of Hamitic cousins doing this sort of thing, and it has increased and has overwhelmed the entire culture. These are the things which are going on. V. 37 for the men of the land who have gone before you have done all these abominations.

39.     As the 2nd generation goes to enter the land, we have the commencement address by Moses in Deuteronomy. Deut. 20:16–18: the cities God is giving you as an inheritance, you will not leave alive anything that breathes. The Hivite and the Perrizite, so that they will not teach you to do their detestable things (incest, idolatry, homosexuality). Degeneracy always overwhelms the truth in the devil’s world. Joshua reminds them, these people must be removed from this piece of real estate. These people are being overthrown due to their corruption.

40.     The time has come to execute the mandates. Citizens of Canaan have received 600 years of grace to respond to Jehovah Elohim. Is that long enough? Was God fair with the Canaanites and their cousins.

41.     They have refused to respond to the gospel so that the Lord sees their iniquity to be full.

42.     During those same 600 years, the Lord has been preparing a generation of Israelites, who, through positive volition, now have the ability to take and hold the land. It took 600 years for Israel to have a generation ready and willing to take the land; and 600 years for the Canaanites to fall into great degeneracy.

43.     They need to confidence and courage to execute God’s mandates. In Gen X, they had no faith.

44.     Vv. 3–4 describes the extent of the real estate grant by God.

Joshua 1:2: "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, cross this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.


44.     The 2nd generation does not have the capacity to take all that God was willing to give. That is the story for the angelic conflict, for our life here on earth. What do you have the capacity to take? Then you need courage toward man and circumstances. You must move forward with courage and confidence. God has given you all, but you have nothing. The best any of them could do was Moses got a shot of it. Gen X had squat for capacity. We are afraid. We give our hearts too easily to the ruler of this world.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Paragraph B: the provision for Conquest. Jesus Christ makes that statement to Joshua and He makes this statement to us as well. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Do you believe it? That’s the hammer shot right there. The last thing on your mind is this concept. I will never forsake you; I will never fail you.

Paragraph B: the Provision for Conquest

1.       Divine promises for the courage needed expressed in v. 2. “Moses is dead; go cross over this Jordan.” It is one thing to say, cross the Jordan; and it is another thing to go into the land and take it. What do you say to them to get them to do it? Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you.

2.       Arise, cross the Jordan, to the land I am giving.

3.       However, that order is a tall one. Canaanite empire is made up of very powerful tribes. You are going in to dispossess nations which are mightier and greater than you are. They have cities with walls fortified to heaven. The people are great and they are tall. Don’t say that, when God has driven them out before you, because I am righteousness, God has brought me in to possess this land. It is because of the wickedness of these nations that God has removed them. It is a forgone conclusion in the mind of Moses that this will all happen.

4.       The Canaanite armies were greater and their cities had great walls, and the people were big.

5.       In order to attack them, the Israelites faced a swollen, flood-stage river. These problems required divine problem solving devices. No complaining and no whining.

6.       God issues 4 promises to Joshua, and these are for the people of Israel as well. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

7.       Are these promises applicable to the Church Age believer? They can walk across the river, and follow along without question. You say, these are Biblical heroes; this does not apply to us (Griffin got this from the prep school kids at Berachah). All you have to do is recognize that the battle is the Lord’s. David, a 16 or 17 year old kid, cut off Goliath’s head. And he said, “The battle is the Lord’s.” God can handle it; that’s the point.

8.       These principles form the basis for Paul’s confidence and courage in the 1st century. He faced a lot of opposition in the 1st century, and he stood up to it.

9.       The Lord paraphrased these to Paul. Stop being afraid, but go on speaking [speaking the truth, teaching doctrine] and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no man will stnad against you to harm you. I am with you like I was with Moses and Joshua.

10.     Heb. 13:5 don’t think that you can buy your way out of this or that problem. The emphasis upon getting money, and not using God’s resources to stand up against these problems. Be content with what you have, for He has said, I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. Furthermore, the Lord is my helper. The writer of Hebrews quotes Joshua and Moses and David.

11.     Obviously that these promises apply to David and Joshua and Paul and us.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #41 10/22/98                            Thursday

Joshua 1:5, Inheritance of the Church Age Believer; Principles on Escrow, Elective Decrees, & Divine Omniscience, Eph. 1:3-5,11

This is a repetition of an unconditional covenant. What the Jews will receive in the land, will not be a fulfillment of God’s promises, but only a partial fulfillment. When they fail in their endeavors, they are run out of the land.

The literal fulfillment of the land covenant, and that will come to pass in the Millennium. Client nation Israel will be populated by believers of the Old Testament in their resurrection bodies and Jewish believers who survive the Tribulation.

The Canaanite empire is made up of powerful tribes. You are crossing over the Jordan today to a place where the people are greater and mightier than you.

The iniquity of the Amorites is the iniquity of all the tribes. The predator nation which would rid their land of their inhabitants would be the new client nation Israel. Many of those in the land were considered to be giants.

Are the Old Testament promises applicable to New Testament believers? These sorts of statements provide the basis for Paul’s confidence and his facing such hostility of people and environment. Does this cause us to become frustrated or even afraid? God told Paul what He told Joshua. Acts 18:9–10: And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, "Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people." Do not be reticent to apply Bible doctrine to your life and do not be afraid to speak the gospel. There is nothing that the devil’s world is not capable of overwhelming, apart from Bible doctrine. The devil’s world can make you the most disgruntled person on this earth. We are to be content with what we have. Joshua 1:5 “I will never desert you and I will never forsake you.”

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.


13.     These promises were passed along. 2Peter He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises in order that, by them, you might become partakers of the divine nature.

14.     God told Abraham that He would give him the land upon which he was standing. He told Abraham that he would have to leave this land, but after some time, his descendants would come back and take the land. Joshua 1:5 gives u 4 promises for Joshua and his army, as well as the Jewish population. Promises become very important in accomplishing what God has already provided for us.

15.     What is the inheritance of the Church Age believer? We have an eternal inheritance according to 1Peter 1:4–5. The Lake of Fire is not in our future; heaven is, and there is nothing that we can do to lose our salvation, and the time we are alive, we can learn about Christ and glorify Him. We learn courage and confidence in all circumstances.

16.     Our attitude toward our inheritance should be one of thanksgiving. Col. 1:12: constantly being thankful to the Father. We each possess the very same assets in order to find that life and to pursue it and to maximize it. We are not to seek recognition from the devil’s world. We do not seek those to look up to us. We are looking to win in an invisible war. When there are victories which are won, we do not even discuss these.

17.     The invisible assets of our inheritance are found in a portfolio and they are given to us by imputation at salvation. They are prepared for us in eternity past and given to us by imputation. Eph. 1:14: Who is the guarantee of our inheritance for the release of our assets for glory. We have quite a number of invisible assets. Jesus Christ enables us to use these things for the praise of His glory. We have many things which can be a distraction which are legitimate; and they are fine, as long as they are not top priority. Everything else is amplified as a result. As you relate them to the plan of God in your life. We are informed that we do have an inheritance and Jesus releases assets to us.

18.     The inferences of the inheritance of the land. Several references to this in these first few verses. The land of Canaan was a physical inheritance and it is a illustration of the invisible inheritance of the Church Age. They fought a literal was; we fight a spiritual, invisible one.

19.     Our inheritance and that which the Jews received. Our inheritances are different, but there are similarities. We will all wind up with resurrection bodies and in the eternal state. Israel was promised real estate, but we are promised many things wrapped up in our asset package. Eph. 1:3-5,11: Worth of praise and glorification is God, Who has blessed us [God is a grantor; we are a grantee] with every spiritual blessing [a reference to escrow blessings in time and in eternity] an escrow is a legal arrangement where the party of the first part takes some of their possessions and pas them along to the party of the 2nd part; like an escrow account. In certain states, the escrow belongs to the grantee the date it is submitted to escrow, even though that person may not be able to physically put his hands on it. There are conditions which must be met. Legally, however, he owns this account. The contents of the grant of what is being bequeathed to him is his on this date. This is the same with us. God the Father has decreed in eternity past that great blessings would be imputed in eternity past. The date of the escrow is eternity past, which is before creation. We receive these escrow blessings in an escrow account in eternity past. When will they be conveyed to us? That must be kept in mind. This account is maintained in heavenly places. That is the repository. The escrow officer is said to be in Christ; so Christ is the escrow officer of our account. He is to maintain this account. We fulfill the conditions and the contents are passed along to us. in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. By means of [virtue] love God had to bless us before we were elected. He predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, we all have the same assets, but we all have different lives to lead. By means of virtue love, He has predestined us. This is a gentile individual who is not by nature a member of the family of God. A member of the aristocracy can have several children. A father may recognize that his son cannot orient to whatever he might inherit; and he notices that there is a son of a slave, and he seems to be okay; and he can adopt him and make him a son through an adoption process. He is not of the physical lineage, but now he becomes a rightful heir. We are heathen and we cannot be associated with God. God ignores us. If we reject that, we are to remain in our just condemnation. God has provided a predetermined plan for us for the purpose of adoption. The process and procedure is through Jesus Christ. Faith alone in Christ alone automatically adopts us. In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance. We can inherit all that the king possesses; we inherit His possessions. In Christ, we have obtained an inheritance.

20.     In eternity past, God developed a perfect plan designed to resolve the angelic conflict. One angel was in charge of angelic creation named Lucifer, and he became quite arrogant, because he was brilliant, beautiful, and a wonderful personality. His attributes have placed him above all other creation. He has a platform with the 5 “I will’s” which is his revolutionary platform. He is brought up for trial and sentenced to the Lake of Fire. Satan has decided to appeal this case. The human race was brought about to solve the angelic conflict. All that we have in common with angels is volition. They are far superior to us in every other aspect.

21.     After decreeing to make mankind, divine omniscience knew that man would fall through sin. There was a perfect environment for man, and this remained until Adam and the woman sinned. We were created with our original parents, Adam and Ishshah. The test only required one item, and that to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Our parents had no conscience. There was no consideration of what they would do is right or wrong. They are in a perfect environment. There was no sin, no wrongdoing, no evil. They had free will. All that they did was okay except for one from the tree of good and evil. In sinning, dying spiritually meant that they would die physically.

22.     It was then determined to provide a way of salvation for all that failed; namely the entire human race. All sinned when Adam sinned; the entire human race fell with Adam. We all have the opportunity to subscribe to God’s plan. Rev. 12 tells us that 1/3rd of the angels chose not to accept some sort of redemption solution.

23.     In human history, following the fall, those who believed in Jesus Christ would be the elect and those who rejected Him would remain in just condemnation. We are born with a runner on first. When you believe in Christ, you become the elect.

24.     It was decreed that salvation would be applied to the elect and to them only.

25.     The elect then are those who inherit a pre-determined plan, which include privilege and opportunity.

We need to reflect on some of God’s attributes. Omniscience. There are two aspects: God knows all that will occur in human history, which is real history. This is what actually happens. All the rest of God’s knowledge become potential. When would your sorry ass be if you did not believe in Jesus Christ? What jail would you be in? What ditch would you be in? Or what church would you be being self righteous. But, without salvation, you would not be here. In the computer of divine decrees, God knows all possibilities; He knows the end from the beginning and He knows every detail of it. Griffin pretended that for Christmas, his prep school kids would get a truck for Christmas, and God would be able to tell where that wood for the truck came from, who made it, who shipped it, and what tree was cut down to make it. We have one chance to make every decision which we make, and every one goes into that prom chip and it is unalterable. What think you of Christ? There are man who say, “Yes, I believe in Christ” and they are placed into this prom chip. God was able to pull an inventory of all those who believed in Jesus Christ. Of all the people who live, there is a list of these people who believe in Jesus Christ. I will not conjole them; they may accept or reject the gospel of Jesus Christ. In eternity past, God knew all of this. This list which God knows about in eternity past, and He knows they are the elect, and He knew that He would bless them and how He would bless them. The blessings were developed in eternity past to be distributed. Some doctrines come from this. False doctrine says that God knew all believers in eternity past, and therefore somehow made a group of people believers and another group unbelievers. Human history is the playing out of all these decisions.

The several points given actually outline the divine decrees. There was the creation of a sub-angelic group of people, who have only free will in common with the angels. God did not decree in advance who would be saved, but that all would be free to choose.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #42 10/25/98                            Sunday 1

Joshua 1:3-5, Spiritual Inheritance of the Church Age Believer: 2 Power Options, 3 Spiritual Skills, 10 Problem-Solving Devices, & the Adult Spiritual Life (Stage 1)

These promises give Joshua and the people the courage necessary to take the land. They have the land, but then they are told to take the land. The first generation did not have enough courage to do this. At the moment of our new birth, we have a great many assets, but we never get to know these things which God has promised us unless we develop these assets.

1Peter 1:4–5 promises us an eternal inheritance. Eph. 1:3–4 is the inheritance of the escrow. In eternity past, God developed a perfect plan to resolve the angelic conflict. Those who believe in Jesus Christ would become the elect and those who did not would choose the Lake of Fire. We are free to accept or to reject the information. What are the asset associated with our great salvation; particulary our election and predestination.


27.     There was a specialized priesthood in the Age of Israel. No one else was a part of this priesthood. You have to be of the house of Aaron. In the Church Age, we are royal priests to God; we do not need an intermediary. We have all we need to survive on the guarantee of God. We cannot stem the flow of these logistics.

28.     There is a predetermined plan called predestination, which is a doctrine which is often contorted. The more we learn this predetermined plan, the more we understand our destiny. The purpose is to be baptized into Christ. He is our great High Priest and being in Him makes us royalty. One of the results makes us a member of royalty.

We develop the 4 spiritual mechanics in this system. There are slight differencs in the modus operandi, for instance, He did not need to use rebound. We can do because Christ did it. We have the same system. The opportunity is that we have the same system that He had. The power gates, teachability gate, impersonal love and personal love toward God, enforced humility, ultimately when you love God, you want to serve Him and you will adjust to His justice. Spiritual momentum, which is based up gap. We are emphasizing that confidence in God. People are a test; thought testing is internal and external; 2 categories of cosmic system testing; disaster testing, prosperity testing .the opportunity is the availability of this system. Griffin sent out a card with the 4. The old sin nature is functional and operational after salvation. We can therefore be carnal rather than spiritual. Walking in darkness versus walking in light. 1Cor. 2:1–16. That finite man can understand infinite thought is miraculous. How many people actually utilize the power options? It is imperative to use the filling of the Holy Spirit in order to grow. You cannot grow without the Holy Spirit. In the two power options, you develop spiritual IQ. The function of the 3 spiritual skills: the filling of the Holy Spirit; there are about 50 who show up on a Sunday. Griffin heard a tape of Thieme on Ephesians, and he understood about 4% of it, but that was more than he got from anywhere else. Momentum is based upon consistency. Doctrine based upon doctrine. Everything has to link together. With these skills, you begin to develop the problem solving devices, which is how you deal with the exigencies of your day. The soul must be protected from the internal agent, in opposition to our advance. It seeks to rob us of the Holy Spirit, suggesting that you do some sin for old time’s sake. The deployment of the 10 problem solving devices allows you to stave off these attacks. First power option, 1st spiritual skill, and 2nd problem solving device is the filling of the Holy Spirit. Grace orientation to life is important, because here we get to understand divine policy and relate it to our lives. No works, no merit, no talent, no emotion; no ability. If we were in an iron lung, your talents of abilities might not be important; but you can move to spiritual maturity in an iron lung. Everything depends upon God; everything depends upon the Word of God. We are spiritual by grace; we live by grace; and we die by grace. Doctrinal orientation to life. We have produced wisdom. And we can evaluate life from the divine viewpoint. Confidence then becomes the issue. That is developed at doctrinal orienation. “I have hope” really is “I have confidence.” Doctrinal orientation to life. The personal sense of destiny, where the immutability of God links up with us and our destiny is built upon this. We recognize that we are a royal priest. You don’t have to tell those in a church what you have done or go through an intermediary. We have confidence that we are in a perfect plan. What about our ambassador function? Do we come to church, get a booklet, and then go into a neighborhood. The Lord will put people in front of you; are you prepared to tell them the truth. A personal sense of destiny is necessary. Personal love for God is an advance problem solving device. You love the object. God is perfect; He can never be imperfect; and He qualifies to get our personal love. This is in tandem with unconditional love with your fellow man. You are able to manage fallen mankind. Sharing the happiness of God. Occupation with Christ; He is top priority in your life. 4th spiritual mechanic is the execution of the adult spiritual life. Formula form. These concepts have to do with our spiritual growth. These levels of spiritual advance are part of our inheritance from Jesus Christ. He advanced through the system. It is ours at the moment of our salvation. Spiritual self-esteem is epistemological rehabilitation. Wheel tracks of righteousness replace wheel tracks of wickedness/sin. You first learn the doctrine of salvation, which is one thought. Hopefully, you get eternal security; then maybe you learn about to Holy Spirit. We build knowledge on knowledge, principle on principle, doctrine on doctrine. We do this over and over again. Our neuro network grows. Cognitive self-confidence. There is nothing which beats experience in life. You grow when you are challenged to make application. Then you see that doctrine works. Unconditional love toward mankind eliminates all kinds of problems in your life. No more scheming; no more revenge. We run into all kind of people, thoughts and systems which cause us to lose the filling of the Holy Spirit. We move back to the operational side of the spiritual life with rebound. Maybe you start berating people because you know stuff that others don’t. That is a form of arrogance, which often ends up taking you to suffering. Providential suffering prevents you from getting too arrogant. Spiritual autonomy is a stage of spiritual growth where you have capacity for happiness without being arrogant. Have you ever been just amused by other people instead of angry. It is not our job to tear down, but it is our job to build up.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #43 10/25/98                            Sunday 2

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance of the Church Age Believer: The Adult Spiritual Life (Stages 2&3); Fellow heirs with Christ: 10 Top-Circle Assets

Spiritual autonomy kicks off the 2nd stage of the Christian life. Outside adversities of life are neutralized by problem solving devices. This might be also described as spiritual self-sustenance. You are becoming an independent thinker and you can analyze and think and understand. So many people today cannot evaluated the affairs of their own life. Cognative independence is a wonderful place to be, because of the clarity of thought. No matter what is said, their rationalizations and thinking is flawed. When you reach spiritual autonomy, you reach cognative independence. You can have prosperity or adversity and still be happy. Happiness is based upon orientation to God. You take what comes to you for that day as God’s assignment for that day. Here’s your assignment and deal with that today. He gives us the ability to solve and deal with these situations.

Momentum testing: thoughts, people and disaster. By the time you begin to share this environment called the happiness of God. You have the capacity to manage it very efficiently. Christ did this for us and was our example. We have a system of assets which makes all of this possible. Spiritual maturity comes out of all this, as a result of momentum testing. Spiritual maturity + cognitive invincibility. You are invincible to anything that the world might offer. You are prepared for the ultimate test and the ultimate blessing. Not all people face evidence testing, which is part of Satan’s trial. He seeks someone out to put under maximum unfair pressure and suffering, and God allows that person to deal with these things with great courage and level-headedness. Job is an example of this, losing his family, health, wealth and friends. We know from the beginning that God allowed this. God allowed Satan to put all the pressure on Job that he wanted, with specific restrictions. All of these things were taken away from Job, and God told Satan, Job will remain loyal to me. Satan said, “Anyone will love You in prosperity, but not in adversity.” The blessings which come to the mature believer are phenomenal. God permits this so that the trial can reach its conclusion. You can be tested in your relations to God in the plan of God. You are in status quo carnality. If you are distracted by evidence testing, then you have lost the power options. As a result, you become disoriented to the plan of God. It’s not my fault, you point fingers, you deny, the blame others; and the mature believer can spiral down to reversionism as a result of evidence testing. Paul and Job are examples of those who succeeding in evidence testing. This is the gist of the inheritance that we have.


27.     The privilege of predestination is being in a predetermined plan. The elect privilege is being in the royal priesthood.

28.     Under election, God enables His royal priesthood to function in the devil’s world. Satan does not want us here and they seek to neutralize us. He has an inside agent, called the sin nature; and there are attacks from the outside as well. No matter what hostility you may find in the environment. God will see that we have food, clothes on out back, a place to live, and a means of getting from point A to point B. The cosmos wants to kill believers. You live in an antagonistic world. Opportunity to serve in grace. There is a guy at church who will see to it that we are able to download Griffin’s lessons.

29.     Under predestination, God provides the opportunity to fulfill one’s responsibilities as a privileged member of the royal family.

30.     Our Lord used all 4 mechanics as a part of His spiritual life. We took the first hour to analyze these assets. We moved all the way through maximum glorification of God. We can look at it from the stand point of, Christ had it, Christ used it. The unbeliever cannot utilize any of this. It is not their inheritance. They cannot do it. They have no fellowship with God. Their discussions of the trinity are simply from academic understanding. They do not have the spiritual mechanics which are required for understanding; the teaching of the Holy Spirit is not available to them. Whenever they delve into the metaphysical, they are confused. It is very dangerous to cast your pearls before swine. Earning rebound: standing up in front of a large group of people and confessing your wrongdoing; and then going into some sort of rehab; and then you come out and everything is okay. There is a George Bush biography and there is information about Thieme in it. And apparently, those who distribute the elements in uniform, and there are those who hate this. But this is represented that Thieme preaches in his military uniform...and they say, it is as if the man cannot leave the military. But they leave out that this is part of a military communion, which celebrates our freedom through military victory. This is all related to Quayle’s wife.

31.     In addition to these ivisible assets, we also become joint heirs with Christ. We are children of God and if God is royalty; then we are royalty. We are in Christ; therefore, we have a royal inheritance. If we are children, then we are also heirs. Fellow heirs with Christ.

32.     Being fellow heirs with Christ, means that we possess the same assets as He does. Fellow heirs means that we are sons of God, and we are made so through adoption into the royal family. The example of the emperor whose son is not too sharp, but he sees this slave child who seems to have a lot on the ball; and he puts this young boy into a training program, and if he does well, the emperor might adopt him. We are given with a normal IQ all the assets that we need to grasp this spiritual life, even as Goiim. In the Church Age, it is the Goiim who rule. But when it comes to the royal family, how to we become a part of that? We do this through faith alone in Christ alone.

33.     This places us into the permanent plan of God. We are placed in Christ into permanent sanctification. We are in the permanent sanctification.

          a.       We have the imputation of perfect righteousness.

          b.       The imputation of eternal life. The deity of Jesus Christ has eternal life.

          c.        Membership in the royal family through adoption.

          d.       Escrow blessings.

          e.       Citizenship in a heavenly community. We are not a part of the devil’s world.

          f.        Membership in the royal priesthood; we do not need a mediary.

          g.       Election to privilege and opportunity.

          h.       A pre-determined plan.

          i.         Set apart for special function through sanctification. Hagios is someone set apart for a special function.

          j.         Acceptance through Christ

34.     Old Testament believers had an inheritance package as well. Theirs was not as advanced as ours. How do you determine who is and who ain’t.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #44 10/27/98                              Tuesday

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance: Unconditional Nature of Palestinian Covenant to Abraham Explained by Paul; Significance of the Singular "Seed": Gen 13:15 cp./w Gal 3:15-16

Our inheritance is associated with royalty. We are children of God; and since we are children, we are also heirs. In Christ, we have a number of assets that we share with Him. Old Testament saints had similar, but fewer assets. Certain Israelites were beneficiaries of a client nation with client nation status.

The Jews are presently dispersed throughout the four corners of the earth.

A promise of a great nation to come out of Abraham and that God would give them a permanent piece of real estate.


35.     The New Testament word for inheritance is κληραναμια = inherited property, passing from father to son. He receive it as a gift; we did not deserve us; it was passed along to us as a gift.

36.     Inheritance or possession for nahalah (נ-ה-ל-ה). God gve Palestine to Israel as a perpetual inheritance contingent upon their adherence to the Law. The gift was to be conquered by stages. The great nation is client nation Israel. It will take several hundred years for all of this to develop. Abraham will be the head of the blood line. No true recipient until the Messiah. There is the development of those individuals who will eventually populate Israel. It was specificallyl given to the true humanity of Jesus Christ. Be careful to do all the Law as Moses My servant gave to you. The idea was so that Joshua could make correct decisions. This book of the Law will not depart from your mouth. Once the Messiah comes in history, there would be enough members of the Jewish family to follow Him into His kingdom. The population will be examined tonight.

37.     One issue the Apostles deals with is a false doctrine of heirship. The book of James was written to Jewish believers. Therefore, the things noted in this book have to do with the thinking of Jewish believers in the 1st century. In Galatians, there are those who have been influenced by the Jews.

38.     That false doctrine of heirship, had to do with how one qualified to be a recipient of the unconditional covenants to Abraham. It is their rationale which causes them to reach a false conclusion.

          a.       Promises were made to Abraham and his seed, all the land, which they could see, to you Abraham and to your descendants.

          b.       These promises will be fulfilled in the kingdom (or, the Millennium).

          c.        At that time, who will be considered descendants of Abraham?

          d.       Those who are the physical descendants of Abraham who kept the Law. Had the 2nd generation gone into the land and kept the Law, and everyone else, then those who were alive when Jesus came into the land, would have gone with Him into the Millennium. The Law revealed the Savior through all of the rituals and if they continued to practice these things, they would have evangelized the lost. Each generation would pass long thi knowledge to the next generation and when He arrived, he would have been recognized as the Savior.

          e.       Gentiles can acquire this Sonship from...

          f.        These are all off-base.

39.     Gal. 3:15–18 Paul goes to the human realm to explain the issue at hand. To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise. There was a contract which was entered into. God does not say that this is to many but it is to one. The conclusion is,, the promise is given to Abraham and his Seed, which is Jesus Christ. It is not the descendants of Abraham, per se, but the descendant of Abraham. That is what this is all about. All the land you see will be given to you and your descendants; but only Christ is the automatic recipient of this promise. The Law does not invalidate this contract. The Law cannot come in and nullify this unconditional promise. You believe Jews are telling people that you must keep the Law. But the Law is never spoken of in conjunction with this promise. If the source of the inheritance was from obedience to the Law, then the source of the inheritance would not be from the promise. So the contract was made 400 years before the Law. God signed onto this contract way before the Law came. Christ was the recipient of the promise. The condition arises based upon whether we accept Jesus Christ or not.

40.     What this passage tells us, is the source of our inheritance is not based on our physical birth, but upon our spiritual birth. The Jews would not receive the promises unless they are born again. It is the God of Abraham, not the genes of Abraham, which make the difference.

Gal. 3:15–18 To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Summary of This Passage

1.       There is the word ratify, which means to confirm or to make valid a promise by giving consent. It means to guarantee fulfilment through a contract. When it has been ratified, there is a gurantee that this contract will be fulfilled.

2.       The example is taken from Roman Law. Διαθηκη is the word for contract here. It refers to an act by the party of the first part who obligates himself to the party of the second part. God is the party of the first part and Abraham is the party of the second part.

3.       This contract is ratified by Christ; He guarantees it. He functions as a legal person. A notary gurantees the signatures of a contract. Christ perhaps can be seen in this way? God has arranged something as party of the first part and Christ ratified this.

4.       This contract is ratified by Christ who acts as a legal official who confirms it.

5.       Thus, there is the statement at the end of the verse that no one annuls it and no one adds anything to it. Genesis is where this took place. It is an unconditional promise.

6.       Paul applies this Roman legal concept to the contract.

Griffin Explains this Again

1.       The parties in the contract are mentioned in Gal. 3:16. Paul brings up the deal of the singular business. We will go back to that verse and find out that it is in the singular.

2.       Paul takes the Hebrew word for seed and interprets it as being fulfilled in Christ. The Hebrew word is א∵ר-. It was usually used as a collective noun in the singular, but never plural. Paul goes back and explains, this is singular and it should be in the singular. The promise from Abraham through David to Christ; that is the genealogy. Our genealogy comes primarily through 1Chron. 2. Isaac had the son named Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. Then there is Judah, Hezron, Ram, Aminadab, Nashan, Salma, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, David, Nathan and Solomon. Nathan’s line will take us to Mary and Solomon’s line will take us to Joseph. Abraham is the father of all of these people, genealogically speaking. Jesus is from the seed of Abraham. Paul says, “Here is how you have looked at this verse; you see this word zera as being a collective noun. However, this is a reference to Jesus Christ. Not everyone who was born from Abraham gets the promise and they cannot say, I will keep the Law and God will give me the land. Gal. 3:16. God does not say, and to seeds plural, as to many; but to seeds singular, which is Christ. Now, others may join, but only in the way that Abraham joined.

3.       Paul informs us that the precise and intended heir is Jesus Christ. He is the recipient of the Palestinian covenant, and that is how the covenant is fulfilled.

4.       We understand v. 16 if we understand it this way: Now the promises made to Abraham and to his Child. God does not say as to children, as to many, but to his Child, which is Christ.

5.       Abraham established the Jewish line of Christ. Matt. 1:1–16 our Lord through Joseph through Solomon back to Abraham. Our Lord back through Mary through Natan, which is in Luke and elsewhere.

6.       All those who are in the line of Christ are Jews. All are now dead. There is only one person on that list who is alive. Only a live person can receive this promise. All those in the line are Jews, but all are now dead and none of them entered into a permanent possession of the land, because they are all dead.

7.       How is it possible for God to fulfill this contract to Abraham? These people cannot have the land permanently because they are dead. The contract must refer to the spiritual descendants of Abraham. The contract must refer to the spiritual descendants of Abraham. To be a part of this contract is to have eternal life.

8.       In order for us to crystalize this contract, we must look at the divine intent of the Palestinian promises. What is it all about? How did God plan to have the Jews involved, etc. There will be 40 subpoints to this point 8.

How can God fulfill the unconditional contract to Abraham? It can only be fulfilled if this applies to the spiritual descendants of Abraham, and not the physical ones. Just having a piece of land to call your own was not enough here.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #45 10/29/98                            Thursday

Joshua 1:3-5, Divine Intent of the Palestinian Covenant: Abraham's Salvation; Lines of Ishmael & Isaac

Abrahamic covenant; Palestinian covenant (which is the land grant). How can this be unconditional, if all of these individuals die.

Gal. 3:15–18 To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Abraham was promised a huge piece of land, which extends all the way to the Euphrates. Paul applies this Roman legal concept to the promises made to Abraham and to his seed. This is seed in the singular, which is the point which Paul makes. The Lord is seen as the ultimate recipient of God’s covenant with Abraham.

How can God fulfill the unconditional nature of this contact with Abraham?

the Divine Intent of the Palestinian Promise to Abraham. We must first understand the lapsarian nature of the covenants of God. 1/3 of the angelic beings fell with Satan. Satan wanted to appeal the trial, saying, “How can God, Who made us as we are, cast us into the Lake of Fire?” The choice was there, they chose to rebel. In a summit conference, the Godhead decided to let the appeal trial go forward, and a lesser creation was brought onto the scene in order to resolve the angelic conflict. They were created perfect, and they had no conscience. Everything was right. They were a righteous people placed in a righteous environment. The volition had to be challenged, as it was with the angels. They were told that they could do whatever they wanted, but not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If we believe that we are part of a fallen society, we are a lapsarian. We believe that man, therefore, lapsed, or fell.

The order of the elective decrees of the infralapsarian approach:

1.       God decreed that He would create mankind.

2.       Decreed to allow the fall.

3.       To provide the means of salvation.

4.       They would elect those who believe and that faith in Jehovah Elohim (Jesus Christ) would be saved.

5.       To save those the elect.



2.       In order to make that provision an historical reality, the Father’s plan had to include a means. If there is going to be a God-man Savior, there must be some way for God to enter into human history. When things begin to occur in human history, it is the playing out of divine decrees..

3.       There needed to be a new race of people through whom the messianic line could be developed. There were four groups of man: Hamitic, Japhetic, and Semitic; and eventually, the creation of the Jewish race.

4.       Abram when he was a Semitic gentile who was saved in the Mesopotamian city of Ur. This was under Ur-Namuu. Abraham began as a Semitic gentile from birth.

5.       Abram was born around 2161 b.c. and at the age of 75 (2086 b.c.), he entered Canaan under the direction of the Lord. He received orders at age 75 to leave Ur. He moves out and finds himself in Canaan.

6.       We know that the reason that Abram left Ur, it was because God directed him to. He did not do this on his own; God ordered him to do this, but after he had been saved. Gen. 15:6 is not when Abram was saved chronologically. This tells us that he had been saved. This faith was imputed to Abraham as righteousness. Faith alone in Christ alone allows God to impute +R to Abraham. Ur was a pagan society and archeology has uncovered a Zigarret; this is located in Iraq today.

7.       Abraham, at 85 or 99, was sexually dead. However, God restored his procreative capacity, which is a miracle. Seed in the Greek is σπερμα = a special stress on Seed as referring to an individual as in Jesus Christ as a fulfillment of the promises made to Jesus Christ. This is a unique usage, as Vine tells us.

8.       After this miracle, the birth did not immediately occur. Sarah talked abram into having sex with her maid.

9.       Ishmael is the son of Abraham and Hagar, and they decide maybe it is through him the promises would be fulfilled. He even prayed this, “Oh that Ishmael may live before you.” There will be a special race of people who come through Abraham; and his sperm became Jewish. God promises to make of Abraham a great nation. Now, let’s suppose that the Messiah came through Sarah. Where is the kingdom? Over whom shall Christ reign? Citizens over whom He will rule will be Jewish. If we check the genealogy chart, we end up with a system where there is Jesus Christ. “The kingdom of heaven is at hand; follow Me.” This information was to be conveyed from generation to generation, so that as time passes, the gospel and the law is known. Every generation has to be able to learn these things from the feast days and the sacrifices. Eventually, in addition to the Law, there were prophets, and additional information is given...that Jesus would be from the line of Judah, etc. Throughout all of this time, there should have been a body of believers. And when Jesus came, He told them that the kingdom of heaven was there; follow Him.

10.     God promises that His covenant would be established with Isaac. Isaac is the Jewish line and Ishmael was the father of Arabia and its inhabitants. Isaac is the world’s first natural-born Jew.

11.     In those days, a child was not weaned until about age 3 and, on that occasion, there was a celebration. Sarah caught Ishmail mocking and insulting Isaac and she got ticked.

12.     Up until this point, Abraham figured Ishmael was the heir of the promise, even though he was a slave boy.

13.     Sarah demanded that Ishmael be cast out, and Abraham was reluctant. God tells him not to be distressed. The blood line is through Isaac and not Ishmael. No one owns the Land of Promise in the Church Age unless you have the military to take it and hold it. The Jews own it as long as they can defend it. When the Millennial kingdom comes, then believing Jews would inherit this land.

14.     This was the first point of conflict between Ishmael and Isaac. The Jews and the Arabs begin as half brothers.

15.     The same hostility continues down to this day. There should be no peace treaty ever honored by the Arabs. Gal. 4:29: the one born according to the flesh persecutes him who is born according to the Spirit. So it is now also That is how it began and it continued even into the time of Paul, during the Church Age. Arabs will always persecute Jews. It is insane for present-day Israel to enter into any sort of a contract with any Arab group. No matter what treaties are signed, they cannot and will not last. It is true down to this very moment. Even the treaty signed by Arafat in Maryland is, at best, good until Arafat dies, which will probably be soon. God did not design for the Jews to sign contracts with the Arabs.

16.     Therefore, the land is to be the permanent possession of a coming Messiah whose lineage will flow from Abraham through Isaac. It is through Isaac that your seed will be called.

17.     The timing of Isaac’s birth is 2061 b.c. 2161 b.c. is about when Abraham was born; and he was a full 100 years old when Isaac was born. The birth of the Messiah was over 20 centuries into the future.

18.     For over 2000 years, this Jewish line of descent must be maintained. The Jews will always be the target of predator heathen nations. Before Christ was born they were attacked in order to keep Messiah from being born. Where does Christ come into al this? Paul tells us in Galatians. Jesus Christ is the issue in these promises. The spiritual line of Abraham is the key. The land will be the possession of a coming Messiah Who comes through Isaac from Abraham. This is 20 centuries into the future.

19.     Paul refers to this future moment of history as the fullness of time. Gal. 4:4. Every believer Jew will be included, with those who died during the Tribulation. The surviving Jews of the Tribulation. Those who have the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will inherit this land.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #46 11/1/98                             Sunday 1

Joshua 1:3-5, Divine Intent of the Palestinian Covenant: Citizenship in True Israel, "All Are Not Israel Who Are from Israel," Romans 9:3-8

The current thing that we are studying has to do with the inheritance. The real estate is the product of a promise, which promise lies with God. The Israelites do nothing; they are the recipients. So, what about the fact that those to whom the promise was made are now dead?

Gal. 3:15–18: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

People thought that if they believed in Christ and then kept the Law, they would be saved and have a part of the kingdom. The Judiazers taught that the promise came through keeping the Law. Paul points out that the promise was made the Abraham and his seed, Who is Christ. The Law came 430 years later, and cannot overrule a contract between men previously made.

If the inheritance comes from keeping the Law, it is no longer the result of the promise. Jesus is the center of this promise. You cannot annul the contract or add anything to it; as it.

The family tree of Abraham was examined as well. How can God fulfill the unconditional nature of this contract? Therefore, it must based upon character. God allowed the fall in Eden, but He also provided a way of salvation.

God had Abraham move out into the Land of Promise. He left Chaldea under the faith rest drill. Gen. 15:7: I am the Lord Who brought you out of the Chaldeans to this land. Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah when Abraham was 100 years old. We’ve already covered Ishmael and how he is not the heir to Abraham. The son of the bondwoman will always persecute the son of the free woman.

20 centuries in the future, our Lord’s humanity will be born. Gal. 4:4; Christ is born in the fullness of time. There had to be a system to confer the promise. Isaac’s line of descent goes through Jacob. The sons of Judah are followed out.


20.     Between the first of Isaac and the birth of Jesus, God intended for there to be a nation which can inherit this land. The promises are given to Christ. Gal. 3:16 The Jewish people are permitted to be a part of this.

21.     The rulership would be over an earthly kingdom based in Canaan, known as Israel. It will be populated by the spiritual offspring of Abraham. Its government will be based in the city of Jerusalem. There is an old Mosque called the Dome of the Rock and it is a museum now; and the Jews want to rebuild the Temple there. There will be no true peace treaty concerning this piece of property. Christ is to Whom the promises were made. There will be an effort to rebuild the Temple in the Tribulation. Your house will endure before Me forever. Christ is the Son of David.


23.     Some who follow in the genealogy of Abraham share in the physical bloodline of the Messiah.

24.     Once He enters into Jerusalem and establishes His kingdom. Those who have followed Abraham in faith will hellp to populate the land of the Jews.

25.     The taking of Canaan will become the nation over which the Messiah will come down and rule.

26.     All with the capacity will come into the land. If they are willing to come in and take the land. All with the capacity will enter into the land. Only whose possession... You have to have eternal life in order to collect on this promise.

27.     Stay in the wheel tracks of the Law; stay to that, and I will make of you a great nation. Keep the law as precisely as you can; and when you can’t, that is where you recognize that you need a Savior.

28.     When the fulness of time arrived, they shoulld have been prepared by the writings of their prophets to identify their Messiah. The prophets were very involved in revealing the Messiah’s arrival.

29.     They would then recognize Christ for Who He was and follow Him into His kingdom and then receive the entirely land grant. They had all the information which they needed in order to recognize Him. They would have recognized all of the signs, had they been paying close attention. By, by and large, they rejected Him.

30.     They instead turned toward all kinds of idolatry.

31.     In every generation, there were always a few who believed in Jesus Christ, as did their ancestor Abraham.

32.     These people make up true Israel. Those who have the God of Abraham, are true Israel. Not all those with the genes of Israel will have the land of promise. Human IQ is insignificant without spiritual IQ. Many of these with the blood of Abraham running through their veins will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire if they do not believe in Jesus Christ.

33.     There will be a large number of Israelites who will not receive the promise because they never believed in the God of Abraham. Until they do, they cannot receive the promise.

34.     It is the plight of these lost sheep which Jesus emphasized. He targeted the lost sheep of Israel and told His disciples to do so as well. This was Plan A. The plight of these lost sheep inspired Paul to place a parenthesis.

35.     Rom. 9–11 is a parenthetical, where Paul shows great anguish for his brothers who have rejected Jesus Christ. He is distraught and shows great concern. Rom. 9:3–8: For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but "Through Isaac shall your offspring be named." This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. Paul says that he would give up his own salvation and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, if he could turn the Jews toward Jesus. The plan of God has not failed, even though some Jews do not believe in Jesus Christ. No matter what organization you have, not everyone in that organization is a part of that organization. Some of them become a deterrent to that furtherment of that organization. It can be a sports team, a business, or any other kind of organization. Similarly, not all those who are Jews are true Jews, just as not all those descended from Abraham are Jews.

36.     Inheritance of God is only transferable to those who, regardless of their dispensation, express faith alone in Christ alone.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #47 11/1/98                             Sunday 2

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance: The Law Cannot Invalidate the Palestinian Contract, Galatians 3:17

Rom. 3 reexamined. The inheritance of God is only transferably by personal faith alone in Christ alone.

Rom. 9:3–8: For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kinsmen according to the flesh. They are Israelites, and to them belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen. But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but "Through Isaac shall your offspring be named." This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.


37.     Both Jews and Gentiles who are in the spiritual ine of Abraham are able to enter into the land. At the 2nd advent, who moves into the Millennial reign of Christ and who does not?

          a.       The Jews are the bloodline of Abraham. There are believers at the 2nd advent who are alive; and there will be unbelievers who are alive. There will be believers and unbelievers who are dead as well. There will be a resurrection at the 2nd advent as well. Old Testament believers who will be resurrected.

          b.       We have a similar set of categories of Gentiles. We are speaking of those human beings who survive the Tribulation—both believers and unbelievers who are alive and dead. Believers go into the millennial reign of Christ. They populate client nation Israel. The unbelievers are removed. Their souls go to the Tartarus compartment of Hades. Believers who are dead and Old Testament believers who are dead will be resurrected and they move into the millennial reign. The unbelievers who died, when their souls died, they went into torments of Hades. There is a baptism of fire. The believer Gentiles go into the millennial reign and populate gentile nation.

          c.        There is the passage where there are two in the field, one taken and one left; this is a 2nd advent passage, not a rapture passage. The believer is left, and he goes in to populate the earth.

38.     Old Testament believers are resurrected. Eternal inheritance of earthly kingdom and heavenly kingdom. We are taken into heaven, and there are the 7 years of Tribulation; and during this time, there are the reward ceremonies where we all have resurrection bodies. The believers will return with Christ.

39.     The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jesus Christ are both the very same person. Fulfillment of the promise has to be through the spiritual descendants of Abraham.

40.     Now we can more clearly understand Gal. 4:15–16: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ.

There is no implication that those in the bloodline of Abraham have any legitimate claim on the Land of Promise. The Arabs can make the claim that they came through Abraham. The claim of the 1st century Jews that all those from the descendants of Abraham through the Law were inheritors of the land and all that God promised. Jews today now look back to the cross. The promise can only be kept through the physical birth of a Jewish Messiah. Griffin describes a synagogue that he went to with a circular auditorium. There were these columns throughout the auditorium, 12 of them, and they plug into the floor; and in the middle, there is everyone in the congregation. There is only one way for the promise to be kept, and that is through the physical birth of the Messiah, Who becomes a divine sacrifice for the human race. The promise given to Abraham to him and his seed was a permanent residence of a land soon to be revealed. You cannot posses the real estate of this life unless you have had I.

Abraham became the client of the nation Israel. The promise given to Abraham reveal the land to be given to him. This required eternal life, which is impossible in Abraham. Eternal life is impossible without a rebirth. There needs to be eternal life from the Messiah. Jesus Christ ratified the covenant, which proclaimed His arrival. Only those with the God of Abraham are the children of the promise. If anyone else is to enjoy this same fulfillment, then they need eternal life as well.

This eternal life is not available just to those with the genes of Abraham, but to those who have the spiritual life of Abraham. You need to be n the spiritual seed of Abraham. The Law does not invalidate a contract made a long time previous.

The Covenant

1.       Δισθηκη means that this cannot be ratified or nullified. Suddenly you die, and all this stuff is waiting there for your heirs to take. You cannot come in 400 years later and latering the contract.

2.       This is taken as a human illustration.

3.       If such is the condition in a human contract, then it is even cannot be changed 400 years later.

4.       Unconditional covenant was a promise to Abraham, and he did not have to do anything. What we have to do for our food and clothing to to just show up. Even if you do not follow along with His plan, you still get logistical grace.

5.       The only requirement was for a person to e a believers.

6.       An open invitation was offered for those who followed Abraham spiritually. You must accept the invitation in order to get the land. It kills us to try to keep the Law.

7.       This promise was given to Abraham by implication to all who have eternal life through faith in Messiah.

8.       Inheritance of the promise can have nothing to do with keeping the Law, since the original contract cannot be changed; it is a promise to all who believed.

9.       Promises precede the Law by 400 years; so the Law is not a part of this.

10.     Promises do not have if clauses; if require human volitional decisions; promises depend entirely upon God’s Word.

11.     Gal. 3:18 has an if clause which backs the judiazers into a logical box.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #48 11/3/98                               Tuesday

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance: Paul Backs the Judaizers into a Logical Box, Galatians 3:18

We are looking at the inheritance of Israel and the church. Jewish believers believed that, after you believed in Christ, you kept the law in order to gain the inheritance. God promises and we received. In Joshua, God kept saying, “The land I have given you.” The idea was, God had already given to the Jews; they just had to go take it.

Since the Law was given 430 years after the promises, then it cannot be a part of the promises made by God to Abraham.

Gal. 3:15–18: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Analysis of Gal. 3:18

1.       Paul uses a debater’s technique, using the 1st class condition. If the inheritance is based on Law [and we are supposing that it is]...

2.       What Paul is assuming is not true. Paul will back these legalistic Jews into a legalistic box. He has them nodding their heads. They agree with this, that the promises are based upon the Law.

3.       If the inheritance of the contract finds its source in keeping the Law, then it cannot be based upon the promise or upon the veracity of God’s unconditional promise to Abraham and his seed.

4.       He takes the false premise and assumes that it is true; and he will then assert in the apodosis something which cannot be true. If the protasis is true, then the apodosis must be true.

5.       Back to v. 15, I speak in terms of a human example, no one changes a contract after it has been agree to. This is simple business law. They are going to agree that this is just like a contract in the human realm. The Law which comes 430 years later does not modify or nullify a promise given by God previously.

6.       Paul is using a debater’s technique and he has his listeners nodding their heads up and down like a bobble-head doll. He is going to lead them toward a false conclusion.

7.       Paul has now backed the judaizers into a logical corner. They are looking at a legal contact from Roman civil law.

8.       He shifts his argument to the Torah and compares to God’s promise to Abraham and his Seed.

9.       He compares the contract from Gen. 13:15 to contracts commonly agreed to.

10.     In such a contract, fulfillment of its pledge rests entirely upon the person who issues the promise.

Griffin hopes that he can instill grace orientation in his church before he dies. He talks about Y2K2 or whatever that was. In Matt. 6, God promised us that we will survive and that we will have something to eat and that everything is going to be fine.

In order for the Jews to advance, they have to believe God and go in and take the land. You have to win victories in the invisible war. There have been periods of times and places where just being a Christian could mean your dead.


11.     Party of the 1st part is God and party of the 2nd part is Abraham.

12.     In such a contract, fulfillment of its pledge depends entirely upon the party of the 1st part. God’s integrity is demanded.

13.     Wasn’t there something that Abraham had to do? Abraham had already believed, and God came along one day and gave Abraham quite a promise. It is like having a football team and promising them, that, whether they play or not, they will have a uniform, they will be listed on the program, they will transported to each game. Nothing is required from the party of the 2nd part. If you ask, didn’t Abraham have to believe? That is a given. You have to make the team first; and this promise came long after Abram believed.

14.     God never promises anything to unbelievers; and promises are based entirely on the grace of God.

15.     Paul disproves the false doctrine of the Judaizers by reminding them that the Mosaic Law had not even been issued. Does this make sense?

16.     In view of the example given in v. 15, Paul asserts in v. 17, that the Law cannot abrogate or nullify the promise made in v. 16.

17.     V. 18 becomes the coup de gras Paul takes their argument, states it as a truth, and then leads them to an erroneous conclusion, which means that their assumption is wrong.

18.     The premise is the one which is claimed by the Judaizers. The premise, the promise made to Abraham by God, that these promises will be fulfilled to those who keep the Law. They also asserted that Gentiles kept the Law in order to get to the kingdom.

19.     Paul has proven that their logical argument is fallacious. But God gave the inheritance ot Abraham by means of a promise.

20.     The word inheritance is κληρονιμια. This is real estate which passes from father to son on the contract, and therefore it becomes a birthright. It is based upon sonship; not based upon anything paid or a task performed; based upon the father dying.

21.     For Old Testament saints, this inheritance is an earthly kingdom based upon their faith alone in Christ alone. When Christ is resurrected, He is now prepared to sit on David’s throne. When He ratified this contract back in Gen. 13:15, He promises that He will accomplish what He has promised. Behold, a body you have prepared for me; I have come to do Your will. The Old Testament saints had the inheritance of an earthly kingdom. When Jesus Christ says the kingdom of heaven is at hand, that means He is offering the real estate to those who alive at that point. When they rejected Him at that point, He went to plan B, which ultimately became the Church Age, which is revealed in the Upper Room discourse. In the dispensation of Israel, they were to prepare by faith in the coming Messiah. The prophets came on the scene; and Daniel gave them a timetable, which would have taken them down to the year.

22.     For the New Testament saints, the inheritance is a heavenly kingdom which is dependent upon faith in Christ. When we are born-again, we are born into the royal family. We are co-heirs of the promise with Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ came into this life, there were two designations which we have noted. Son of God and Son of Man. He had to move through the enitre incarnation without sin. When Jesus Christ was resurrected, God was propitiated. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and we are in Him, so we have an inheritance based upon that.

What happens when we have all of these promises, but God is not going to die, and these promises are based upon someone who dies (at least, that is the analogy).


23.     For Old Testament saints, they believe in the Messiah.

24.     For New Testament saints, this is belief in Jesus Christ, and they are put into Christ by the Holy Spirit baptism. Positional truth in Christ. Therefore, we inherit the promises given the Church Age saints at that moment.

25.     Inheritance involves the spiritual life. Old and New Testament saints are given a package of options which is our spiritual life. They did not have the filling of the Holy Spirit; but there was grace orientation for them, faith rest, doctrinal orientation. Concepts of loving God were available to them. Many people have faith in the Word of God and they had less in the Old Testament.

26.     Maximized under the 3 stages of the adult spiritual life. Griffin gave us this study, which is our spiritual life.

27.     Our eternal inheritances are certain. Our inheritance is imperishable and undefiled. It cannot be destroyed. God protects it.

28.     In order to fulfill our obligations as sons of God, we are granted certain assets which are imputed at salvation. They are given so that we can have a spiritual life; we have Christ’s spiritual life. It is an option which is there for the taking. When God tells us that He is our Father, it is to communicate this idea. If you have children or had them, when they are born into your household, they are a blank tablet to learn your norms and standards. Learn the standards, make the decisions, and reference these standards. The child learns these standards and applies them in decision making and problem solving. Some learn what you teach them and others rebel. In any case, they are all sons. The bad sons are punished, based on the same standards that the other one is rewarded for. Our job is to learn the father’s standards. We have this information available to us. When we do it that way, our Father rewards us and encourages us. In Hebrews, everything there was comparing God the Father to discipline us as sons. The inheritance includes a spiritual life which we may or may not utilize. It is the very same one which Christ used; we have everything which He has. We have certain assets which is given to us at salvation. The more capacity that we have in time, the more we can make use of these assets and the more that we have in eternity.

29.     All that we have studied comes together with Dr. Unger, one of the old guards at Dallas Theological Seminary. His comments will be taken as analysis, and taken verbatim. Sentence 1 will be point 1, etc. We will also understand the concept of air in the 1st century a.d.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #49 11/5/98                             Thursday

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance: Merrill F. Unger on "Spiritual Inheritance"; the Roman Concept Used by Paul

All that we have studied can be found in unger’s dictionary on Spiritual Inheritance. He will be quoted and his ideas will be amplified.

Unger’s Definition of Spiritual Inheritance

1.       The metaphor of the spiritual inheritance is embodied as heirs in Christ. Heirship involves no more than the acquisition of property by succession. Our civil law from Harry Black’s book on the law.

          a.       Hereditary succession: a man acquires the estate of an ancestor at his dead as his heir by law.

          b.       Natural succession: succession which takes place between natural persons.

2.       This idea of succession is manifestly inapplicable to God. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ. Our thnking is that the ancestor must die in order for us to inherit. But God cannot die, so when do we get our stuff? This depends upon what God has promised us and what He has promised Israel.

3.       That the heirship that Paul alludes to is a Roman concept and not Hebrew is clear by the accompanying reference to adoption and also that it is a joint and equal heirship. We are aliens, in essence, not being Jewish, and it has been made available to us by means of adoption. We are adopted by faith alone in Christ alone. We do not share any of the attributes which He possesses. We are separated because of sin; so how can we become heirs of God? We become heirs by way of adoption, and we are the sons of God by faith in Jesus Christ. When we are placed into Christ, we become heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. A man can have one heir or many heirs, and God has any many heirs as there are people who believe in Jesus Christ. We are called children of the God of this universe, which makes us heirs. We are joint heirs with Christ. Κληροναμια is the Greek word for inheritance. Heir is κληρομονος. This is the person, as God’s son, has receive a possession from Him.

4.       Jesus Christ is the heir of all things. He has inherited the land promised to Abraham and his seed. What other things come to Jesus Christ as a result of the cross? He died so that those who believe in Him with have eternal life. Over whom will He rule? The Jews alive at the time of the 2nd Advent and some gentiles, who will repopulate non-Israel nations.

5.       As a king, He must have ambassadors on this earth, and we are ambassadors on this earth for Him. When we are baptized into Christ, we have, by that act, positional truth as joint heirs to Christ. Συνκληρηνομος = joint heirs, co-inheritor. This is also used of Isaac and Jacob. Heb. 11:9-10: By faith, Abraham lived as an alien in the Land of Promise, as if he were in a foreing land, living in tents, with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. Abrahm lived in tents, as he was convinced that the land would be his. The only way to have this inheritance is to have eternal life, and that is through faith in Christ. As this information was made known through progressive revelation, these things became more and more clear to Israel. We have the imputation of perfect righteousness; we have the imputation of eternal life; we have membership in the royal family. Through faith in Christ, we are taken into God’s royal family through adoption.

6.       Citizenship in God’s holy community; we are citizens of heaven. We have certain privileges and certain things available to us that are not available to anyone else. All those things to which we are given authority, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to do. Our wheel tracks of righteousness and the established behavior patterns which we are to have. We are to function as our own private priest. We are to represent Christ as an ambassador. We are to teach doctrine to those who are interested. We are citizens of this client nation. We are not given the prerogative that we as aliens can rebel against one of Satan’s operations. God protects client nations. He did not approve of Israel having a government like the nations around them. They were to recognize that God had taken them far beyond this earthly life. You are in the world, but you are not of the world.

7.       Privileges and opportunities and we are accepted before God through Christ and we can go in through the Holy of Holies through prayer. Our passage in Hebrews 11 makes the point that we can only possess this inheritance if we have eternal life.

8.       Dr. Unger quotes Sir Henry Maine, an English jourist in the 1800's. a number of his lectures were published in 1861 in the field of law. The notion among the Romans was, though the physical person of the one had perished, his legal personality survives and it descends unimpaired to his heirs where his identity continues. His heirs have his property and possessions, etc. The granter lives on in his heirs or within the group of his co-heirs. He was, in law, the same person with them. He was still alive in his heirs.

9.       In pure Roman jurisprudence, a man lives on in his heir. When it comes to property and possessions, technically, a man never dies. We are heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ.

10.     The moment a child is born, he is his father’s heir. Legally everything the father possesses passes to his heir at the moment of the child’s birth (not of the person’s death). This is Roman civil law. When the father dies, then they have full control over the property. Prior to that, the ownership is theirs. At the moment of physical birth, a child owns the property of his father.

11.     In light of this principle, incongruity disappears from the great Pauline metaphor of the discussion on inheritance. Therefore, it does not matter whether the father dies; the heir still owns the property.

12.     Instead of the death of the ancestor being connected with the inheritance; it is the birth of the heir. In Rome, that is a distinguishing difference.

13.     The heir has not to wait for the moment of his father’s death. In and through his father, he is already a participator in the family possessions. Whatever He gives us in our package, it is all ours at the moment of our spiritual birth. We do not have to wait for the death of God; which is reasonable, as God will not die. God gives us His righteousness and His life, which is eternal. This is a double portion imputation. What do we receive from the Holy Spirit at the moment of our spiritual birth? It is always available through the Holy Spirit, and through confession alone to God alone, we have the same power that Jesus has. Our point of contact is with the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit. There is certain authority delegated to members of the family of God. These are those with communicator gifts. There are other attributes which come to life. Bible doctrine in the soul means that we have in our souls information and knowledge which is immutable and true. We can acquire and develop in our souls a clear understand of personal love for God. There is perfect love for God in the Godhead. They have perfect love for one another, as all are perfect. They can love based upon the other’s integrity.

14.     The Father does not die, but lives on forever in his family. Physically absent but spiritually present. He is not so much with His children as in His children.

15.     Intimate union between the believer and God.


24.     The believer, regardless of the situation, there is no need for the death of the testator. Will be use our volition to magnify God in time? In order to earn the inheritance is ours by way of spiritual birth. We have a holy escrow, which we get at the moment of our spiritual birth. Capacity comes from knowledge and knowledge by the Word of God.

25.     Dr. Unger’s analysis tells us that we are instant heirs at birth and we receive His entire estate at our spiritual birth. In Christ, we inherit all things. Christ inherited all of His possessions at the moment of His physical birth.

26.     Abraham got his inheritance at the moment that is was granted in Gen. 13:15.

27.     Abraham already got his salvation at a previous time. Gen. 15:6 takes us back in time. When he got to Canaan, God tells him, everything you see here is yours. When the promise was given, it was his at that moment.

28.     Isaac and Jacob became instant heirs because of their faith in the Messiah plus an inheritance which linked them to the blood line of the Messiah.

29.     The spiritual inheritance thus has paragraphs, the first of which is salvation and eternal life. God has eternal life, and so does Christ. When we believe in Christ, we receive the eternal life of God and the eternal life of Christ.

30.     The Old Testament believer inherited the promises given to Abraham. We need an eternal body in order to enjoy eternal life. God is the one Who determines when that linkage is separated. Laura K Tapping could advance mentally to about 12 or 13 years; but she attended Bible class regularly and she took notes and she concentrated and she knew doctrine. She always had a sense of humor and she was relaxed and always smiling and always happy; but often in pain because of her condition. It was her job to take our book orders and to send them off to us. She did this job loyally and well, day in and day out. And she would even take book orders at home to complete them. She had limited assets and she maximized her life through her loyalty to the Word of God, she embarrasses the rest of us. God does not require us to do more than we are capable of doing. She will be in a front row seat at the Judgment Seat of Christ. You do no inherit the promise just because you have the genes of Abraham. Citizenship in an earthly kingdom, which will come at our Lord’s millennial reign.

31.     The Church Age believer inherits salvation and eternal life through faith alone in Christ alone. We inherit these two things from the Father and the Son.

32.     His position in Christ allows the believer to possess all those things which belong to the Lord. Christ inherited in His humanity. God has spoken to us through His Son, who as heir has inherited all things. Christ is the heir of all things and we are joint heirs with Him.

33.     In order to serve God and Christ, we inherit an entire portfolio of invisible assets. Whatever He has imputed at His birth, we receive at our spiritual birth, and we get 2 more problem solving devices than Jesus had, in order for us to function. Jesus maxed our His spiritual life as early as age 12. In listening to teachers, He asked questions in order for them to clarify their incorrect teaching. He was stalked constantly by the pharisees and sadducees. He maxed out the system and never exited the system and He knew that it all worked.

34.     With all these things in mind, we must now compare the event which will take place to our spiritual life in the Church Age.

Gal. 3:15–18: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #50 11/8/98                             Sunday 1

Joshua 1:3-5, Inheritance, Comparison between Jewish & Gentile Client Nations; Progressive Revelation

Laura Kay Tapping’s funeral is this coming week, which Griffin will attend. She was born in 1955. He reads an obituary. She received her promotion and is not absent from the body and is now face to face with the Lord. Her brother, grandparents and father will be welcoming her into heaven.

She was very limited due to the gene pool crap shoot and she took that and was able to max out the spiritual assets were given her. We have God the Son’s righteousness, His sonship and His destiny. Our Lord inherited all things. He was an heir of God. He rules over all things. He is the priest and our High Priest. We are joint heirs with Him. In order to serve God and Christ, the inheritance will provide an entire portfolio.



1.       All those who cross over with Joshua are moving into the land promised to Abraham and to the Messiah, and by imputation at salvation, to them as well.

2.       As they enter the land, they are to assume a number of responsibilities and duties. Keep the law’s spiritual code, which had to do with whatever the priesthood functions happened to be; the feast days, the rituals, etc. All of these things were demonstrated through rituals. They were to found a government based upon the establishment code. They functioned under a theocracy for a great many years. God allowed them a king, but He also warned them against such a thing. God is fair and just, the ultimate ruler and magistrate, and they had the best of all possible worlds in a fallen environment.

3.       They were to construct a society to conform to such an order. The first 4 of the mandates have to do with functioning under a theocracy. They were to construct a society which adhered to the spiritual side of the honor code. Then forbidding of murder, perjury, and the lust for other people’s things.

4.       Function as a client nation by doing 4 things: evangelize the lost, teach doctrine to the saved; send out missionaries to heathen nations; and preserve and protect the Word of God. They already had the Law and they were adding to it, the book of Joshua. As this was reduced to writing, they were to defend and preserve it. They were to learn the contents as well.

5.       They were to teach their children these things as well. No society or culture or civilization can maintain the establishment concepts if it does not pass these thoughts down to the next generation. We have too many who do not understand our nation’s heritage. The recent movie Saving Private Ryan stirred some conversation, but it revealed that almost no one knew what happened at that time. Most knew the holocaust, but few knew what caused it; and most knew about the dropping of the Atom bombs; but they knew nothing of Normandy or of other WW2 facts. History moved forward, even though the Jews rejected our Lord.

          a.       In the meantime, while working toward the future generation when Messiah arrived; they were to destroy all religion. They were to execute or to deport all those who practiced other religions.

          b.       Those who enter with Joshua have no idea when Messiah will come.

          c.        As time passes, God systematically revealed information to the Jewish people so that they would be able to recognize Messiah when He appeared. The Lord said, “You are to study about Me in Moses, for Moses spoke of Me.” Also, “I am written about in the prophets and the psalms.” Our Lord was systematically revealed in a process known as systematic revelation.

          d.       The Naviim is the eschatology of the prophets. There already was the Torah. Under progressive revelation, more took place; and

          e.       By keeping the Law and orienting to revelation, they were keeping God’s Word. Daniel 9 gives us a time frame. That is a time scale which gives indicators when Messiah would come. All of these things which happen to Messiah are told in Isa. 53. He would be born of a virgin, out of the house of David, in the tribe of Judah, in Bethlehem. If they paid attention to the Bible, they would know about the Messiah and Who He was and when He would come.

          f.        In order to be a son of the promise, you must have the God of Abraham, and you get sonship via imputation. The promise was given to Abraham and his seed. The promise is not simply given to the bloodline of Abraham. It is a spiritual inheritance for all.

          g.       In the Church Age, we also receive our inheritance as an imputation at salvation. We are not involved in an earthly kingdom, but we are a part of a heavenly community. We are thus aliens here and we represent our absent Lord as ambassadors. God and Christ in the devil’s world, though citizens of a heavenly community. We Christians may not get it in our heads that we may control or manipulate the government. Everyone who serves, serves because God permits it. The deranged, the crazy, the misfits, and those who are flat wrong with bad ideas, God ordained and placed them there. We are privileged to observe, and under honor, we must observe. We will not denounce Christ; we will not denounce the Word of God; we will not cease evangelism; we will not turn away from the Scriptures. Right now, there is a little heat coming this way, but there is no one who tells us that we cannot do any of these things. Presently, we have no major problem.

          h.       Whereas the Jews awaited the earthly arrival of the Messiah, Church Age believers wait the arrival of the Lord in the air, to escort us into the environs of a heavenly community. When we go into a synagogue, we hear these things, the awaiting of the Messiah. The Jews then were looking for the Messiah, and they expected Him to set up an earthly kingdom. They expected that He could eliminate SPQR, to eliminate the Roman empire, to get rid of the Cæsar. Acts 2 is the Church Age. In the distant future, there will be the rapture of the church and this exit resurrection will give us a resurrection body. He will await us in the air. There will be a two-phrase resurrection, those who were dead are brought up and then we who are alive are caught up with Him in the air. There will be a royal awards ceremony associated with the NIKE awards. Those who maximize the spiritual life are near the front rows, and the rest of us watch from the back with heavy lenses. Then, after 7 years, we return with Christ, Who puts a stop to this. Those who have the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob will later go into the kingdom, as the end of the Tribulation. When you believe in Christ, you lose your earthly citizenship and take on a heavenly citizenship. At death, we have an interim body. As the jews were to become prepared for Messiah by executing their duties as per the Law. The general believer of the Old Testament; you have to blow off the idea of the enabling power of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. They were to learn the Scriptures; they were to rehearse it and repeat it, etc. they acquired confidence in God and they could develop courage toward life and circumstances. If you do not have the capacity in your soul—confidence in the Word of God—then you cannot be prepared for the Messiah. You must believe it, which requires confidence in the Word of God. Joshua was told to cross the river and take the land and to defeat Jericho. It is as if we have just been told to go across the ocean and to take the Middle East. And did anyone raise the question, how do we get across this river; what do we do about the women and children? You must have confidence in the one giving you the mandate.

          i.         Regardless of the dispensation or the content of one’s inheritance, that inheritance is imputed to the believer and becomes a reality when he expresses faith alone in Christ alone. Once we develop confidence in God, we then develop confidence in His promises.

          j.         It is one’s confidence that God keeps His promises which energizes courage to trust Him, to trust His provision and to trust His protection and to trust His plan.

Gal. 3:15–18: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your offspring," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #51 11/8/98                             Sunday 2

Joshua 1:1-5, Review: Lessons 38-46

The inheritances are completed in the previous session. Inheritance for Israel is covered in vv. 3–5. V. 4 begins the description of the real estate. V. 5 is the promise that no one can stand up against Joshua. The question arises, will Joshua be able to trust God as Moses did. The same coverage I gave Moses, I will give you. I will not fail you and I will nor forsake you. These are concepts which are offered up as a promise. You have to believe a promise in order to claim it. There are 7000 promises. All that Griffin did for 2 weeks was quote promises, with a little commentary.

Joshua is given a set of orders. Get ride of religion, cross over the Jordan, take the land. Joshua needs to be able to believe in the promises and then to claim them. Together, that gives you courage to act. The 2nd paragraph is Joshua 1, and paragraph A is conquest.

Joshua 1:1–2: After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.

These promises were given to Joshua and the Generation of Promise just as they were given to Gen X. God’s integrity is what backs up His promises. There is real warfare going on between the Israelites and the Canaanites; and there is a real warfare going on for us as well.

God developed a perfect plan in order to resolve the angelic conflict. It was decreed that there would be the elect, whoever believed in Jesus Christ; and there would be the fallen; those who chose not to believe in Jesus Christ. The opportunity of election is the daily opportunity of logistical grace. We have all that we need to move forward in out physical life as well as our spiritual life.

Jesus Christ developed all 4 of the spiritual mechanics, and they were made a part of our spiritual inheritance. We became joint heirs with Christ through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We become a part of God’s household, and are therefore royal family. On the one hand, heirs of God, and on the other hand, joint heirs with Christ.

At this point, we emphasized the concept of inheritance, which is key to understanding what is going on in our spiritual lives. The land flowing with milk and honey. Moving in the land meant that they had to assume certain duties. Once Christ appeared, there would, ideally speaking, be a maximum number of believers who would believe in Him.

Paul refutes keeping the law in order to attain the inheritance as outright legalism. He explains that you can add to these conditions. The Law which came 430 years later does not invalidate a contract which came before. God gave the inheritance to Abraham by means of the promise. Paul proved his point in 4 verses that obedience to the law does not gain an inheritance for us.


In Galatians, we studied the word to ratify, to guarantee the fulfillment of a contract. God guarantees the fulfillment. The example is taken from Roman civil law. Διαθηκη = contract between two parties to attain some objective. There is no way to add to, to abrogate, to nullify the contract between God and Abraham. All the land that you see, I give to you and your seed forever. A real contract is thus established. These promises were established with Abraham. The Hebrew word for seed is ז∵ר-ה and σπερμα in the Greek. In the Hebrew, the word is never used in the plural. Zera is deliberately flexible enough to refer to one person, and Paul applies it to Jesus. He tells us that the singular must be taken literally. Paul informs us that the precise and intended person who was to inherit the promise was Christ. It can be better understood if we understand this as a promise made to a descendant or child of Abraham. How can God fulfill the unconditional nature of the contract.

God created a new race of people through which He could work. Abraham tries to get God to accept Ishmael to live before Him. God promises a son through Sarah. God did hear Abram’s desire concerning Ishmael, but God’ contract would be established with Isaac.

Isaac is weaned until age 3 and there was some sort of a party which was thrown at that time. Ishmael was making fun of Isaac and Sarah was pissed and said, “Get rid of them.”

the land will become the permanent possession of a future son of Abraham. For over 2000 years, this Jewish line of descent stands. In between, there must be this continuous line of descent. The Jewish line going down through Abraham to Christ. There are 2000 intervening years, and there is the nation Israel. The law was to be taught to every generation, and through progressive revelation, more information was given. It began with Abraham and culminated with Christ. Between the birth of Isaac and the birth of Jesus, there was a spiritual and real entity over which Jesus would rule. Messiah’s throne would be the throne of David.

Messiah would be a Jew from the tribe of Judah from the house of David. This was one of the promises. “I will raise up your descendant after you; He will build a house for My name and I will establish His kingdom forever.: Jesus Christ is the Son of David; and He fulfills all of the promises.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #52 11/10/98                              Tuesday

Joshua 1:1-5, Review: Lessons 46-47

Griffin just returned from Houston for the memorial of Laura Kay Tapping. What the Colonel had to say and the background information and how she and her mother managed her physical problems. This will be available. It was not the type of event for someone who has just passed into eternity. It was a very joyous occasion. This would be an excellent evangelical tool. It was a very upbeat and happy time because of Laura Kay’s promotion and it was a celebration of the Lord’s victory over death.

Mostly we have been reviewing what we have already had in previous lessons. We got to the Davidic Covenant last time. There would be a sequence within a genetic line and later it was determined that the Messiah would come from the line of Judah and later, we know from the line of David. The Jews needed to get to a point where they were ready for Messiah to come and rule over them. Messiah’s throne would be His heritage. “When your days are over, and you lay down with your fathers, I will raise up your descendant (seed); he will build a house for My name and I will established a kingdom for Him forever. All who have the capacity could enter into this rulership. Faith in the Messiah was not limited to the Jewish people. They were all to keep the mandates and directives found in the Law and gentiles could follow the Law as well. When the fulness of time arrived, they should have been prepared by the writings of their prophets to identify the Messiah. The Jews were give all kinds of information on how to recognize the Messiah; but Jews for the most part did not get this. It is the sinful nature; it is the blindness in the souls of man, who refuse to recognize the truth. In every generation, there are always a few by faith alone believe in the coming Messiah. These individuals inherit the promise by imputation. They will occupy Israel in their resurrection bodies. There are also those who have Abraham’s genes, but they do not trust in Jehovah Elohim. In order to be a part of the family of God and inherit this promise, you must believe in the Messiah. We are in the royal line of Christ, and our inheritance is far greater than that given to Israel. We have better things in the book of Hebrews. We are royal family.

Matt. 10:2–10: The names of the twelve apostles are these: first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, "Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And proclaim as you go, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay. Acquire no gold nor silver nor copper for your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics nor sandals nor a staff, for the laborer deserves his food. Matt. 15:21–28: And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, "Send her away, for she is crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But she came and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Then Jesus answered her, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." And her daughter was healed instantly.

Jesus tells this woman that He was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. He is under plan A; He has not moved into plan B yet. The worst thing that you can be called in the 1st century is a dog. The woman gives almost every identification of Jesus as she can. Lord, Son of David. She knows Who He is. She asks, “If I hear the word to the Jews and believe, can I not partake as well?” That is the essence of what she is saying.

Gentiles are not excluded; they may join up. In Romans, Paul is rolling along quite well. I wish that I myself might be accursed, if those who are my brothers according to the flesh understand and believe the gospel. Paul expresses his desire for his own genetic brothers. This is not to imply the Word of God has failed; it cannot fail. Abraham received the promise while he was a believer. He believed it so strongly, that he lived in a tent the entire time. He was waiting for an eternal dwelling. It was His kingdom. For not all who are descending from Israel are really Israel. All the descendants of Israel are not true Israel. Not all can have it because not all can express faith in Messiah. Not all who have descended from Israel are true Israel. “In Isaac, your seed will be called.” Arabs today claim that they can trace themselves back to Abraham, but the key is not physical descent. The Jews have had 4000 years to get this through their brains. Their problem is, they need to know that their problem is, they have not believed in Jesus Christ. They have had 4000 years to identify their Messiah. He is related to the Jews and Arabs through Abraham. They are all 1st cousins. The descendants of the flesh are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as the seed. When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior in the Old Testament, then you become a son of the promise. You must express personal faith in Christ.

There will be the 2nd advent and a resurrection. There will be the royal award ceremonies at the Judgment Seat of Christ; which takes place coterminous with the Tribulation. We will all have an eternal future; we do not all have rewards.

Since the Tribulation begins with all unbelievers, the Tribulation will be the worst period of time ever. All these avenues will be used to get the gospel out during the Tribulation. There will be a resurrection. This will be all Old Testament saints. They are all those who believed in Messiah in the Old Testament dispensation. They will move into the Millennial reign of Christ. Those who return with Christ, they will assist Christ when He comes back to the earth, and He does this with the sword of His mouth.

What about those who are still alive at the end of the Tribulation? There will be Jews and Gentiles alive at the end of the Tribulation. Some will be taken and some will be left. Those who are taken are put into torments; those who are left will populate the earth. Jews will populate Jerusalem and Gentiles will populate various Gentile nations.

Messiah is the Old Testament word which is translated in the New as Christ.

The promises were made to Abraham and his descendant; the Scripture does not read, “And to his descendants, as in many; just one.” The promise as given to Abraham and his seed, Christ does not apply to all Jews. One must believe in Jesus Christ and receive sonship by imputation. There is no keeping the Law for salvation. Keeping the Law was mandated for all in Israel. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was known though the Law.

A never ending covenant has eternal ramifications; and we can only participate if we have everlasting life as well. You can only have eternal life through imputation by faith alone in Christ alone. A promise which contains the word forever means that eternal life is required.

Pre-salvation sins are forgiven when we have faith in Christ; and post-salvation sins are forgiven incrementally.

Some may have classified Laura Kay as a cripple. She had a spiritual IQ and she was able to transform that in her soul. She utilized every aspect of the 4 spiritual mechanics in her life and she took it as far as she could take it in her life. Although crippled physically; but she was not crippled spiritually. She took it to the limit spiritually. Most of us lack human restraints. We can max out the system. Laura Kay has embarrassed all of us. She has no limitations in her interim body now. In the dispensation of the church, you cannot activate any of this without rebound.

If all sins were forgiven on the cross, then why do we use rebound. Sins are judged on the cross and not forgiven. Christ did not forgive our sins on the cross; they were judged on the cross. You sins are removed as far as east is from west. If our sins have been judged in Christ, there is no penalty for them.

Rebound means that sin has interrupted your spiritual life and rebound allows you to resume your spiritual life. The brass cobra during the time of Moses. Look around and stare at that brass cobra and that kept you alive. You cannot access the system apart from rebound. If any others are to enjoy the same fulfillment, then they must have eternal life.

The Law, which came 430 years later, does not invalidate a promise given previously.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #53 11/12/98                            Thursday

Joshua 1:1-5, Review: Lessons 46-50; Principles from the Doctrine of Adoption

Gal. 3:15–18: To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to descendants," referring to many, but referring to one, "And to your descendant," who is Christ. This is what I mean: the law, which came 430 years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise.

In a human contract, once was has been entered into, you cannot annul it or change the conditions. Much more so a contract or a promise from God. God’s integrity and veracity are on the line. Abraham had done all that was required of him, so that the promise must be fulfilled. This promise was given to Abraham and to the Lord and to all believers who will receive the promise through faith in Christ.

A promise never has an if clause. It is based upon the veracity of the one who makes the promise. The statement in the protasis is assumed to be true, even though the statement is actually a boldfaced lie. It is a debator’s technique and it must be understood in that way.

If the inheritance of the contract finds its source in keeping the Law, then it does not find its source in God’s veracity and integrity. For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise. In this way, Paul has backed the Judaizers into a logical corner. Such a contract cannot be altered or annulled.

The promise which God gave is unalterable and unconditional. Jesus Christ will reign over client nation Israel. Nothing is required of the party of the 2nd part, who receives the promise.

A similar promise is given to Joshua:

Paul’s coup degras: ...but God gave it [the land] to Abraham by a promise. The inheritance of the Old Testament saints involved a spiritual life under the 3 stages of the spiritual life. In order to fulfill our obligations as sons of God, we are granted certain assets which enable us to serve God in time.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

There is nothing here which requires Joshua to do or say anything. God promises that He will always be with Joshua and he would never forsake Joshua.

Joshua did have a job to do; to take the land. Now, we all have 7000 promises given to us in Scripture. In the contract which we are noting, we have a promise made by God to Abraham; and Abraham needed to have believed in Christ first. Abraham was a believer long before he received this promise. God’s promises are only for those who have believed in Him.

Griffin goes back to Dr. Unger. Adoption means you recognize a person as an adult son; not a τεχκνον but a ὑιος. We are adopted into privilege. We are adopted as sons at the moment of salvation. Adoption is where a capable person was chosen to succeed another capable person. You can have a father and a first born son. However, this son can be seen as one who did not really have all that he needed to have. Perhaps a bad attitude as well. So, the patrician looks at this kid and says, “I don’t want him to have control over my estate; he will piss it away and my wife and daughters and other sons will be up shit creek.” The patrician notes the slave son, who has a lot of moxie and a lot of character, and he says, “That is the kind of attitude I like.” The one who is adopted is the son of the inheritance. When we believe in Jesus Christ, at the moment of our salvation, we are lower than dirt, we are slug slime, lower than dirt. Adoption can be conferred upon a natural child or upon someone outside of his family. A wise patrician can adopt anyone whom he considers worthy.

Similarly, just having the genes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob does not mean that you will receive the inheritance, if you have not been adopted. We are in the dispensation of the ordinary man. There are spectacular men from the Old Testament and they were well-known believers of their day; however, today is the dispensation of the invisible hero.

Laura Kay Tapping was known world-wide; she fulfilled the plan of God. She took the system and maxed it out. It was a testimony to Laura Kay’s advance. She had limited assets and she took it to the limit.

Jesus Christ is the agent of adoption. In the fullness of time, God sent His Son, under the Law, born of a woman. We have power, under the enabling power of the Spirit. The Church Age believer is appointed an adult son; he is an heir of God; an aristocrat; a joint heir of Christ. Not only are we adopted into God’s family, but we are royalty. We are elevated to a position of aristocracy. We need to defend and preserve and hold out the Word of God in the midst of a perverted generation.

Our duty to the Jew in this dispensation is to give them the gospel. We have duties to perform as members of royal aristocracy. We are adopted into God’s royal family and we are also His heirs. We are in the plan of God and we are different from other believers in other dispensations. We are aristocrats; we are royalty. Great responsibility comes with our adoption. During the royal ceremony of adoption, everyone who might have been an heir but are not. The was a toga verillus and a signet ring. The son would hear his new legal name used by his father adopting him.

This brings us to Dr. Unger. The metaphor of the spiritual inheritance is celebrated by us being heirs of God and joint heirs of Christ. To our minds, heirship is nothing more than property by succession. The son, when the father dies, just inherits his stuff. There is natural selection. This idea of succession is inapplicable to God, as God does not die. There is a joint and equal heirship. When you believe in Christ, you are adopted as an adult son and you immediately inherit the assets. We are heirs of God. We receive something as a possession from Him. God has spoken to us in His Son, Whom He has made heir of all things. Heb. 11:9–10. Abraham dwelt in tents, looking for the city, whose architect and maker is God. God has a national adoption, which is the nation Israel. Israel is involved in a national adoption. They inherit the promise of being citizens. God adopted Israel as a nation and as a race. However, they cannot be adopted unless they are born again. The firstborn is usually the recipient of the inheritance, which is Israel according to a passage in Exodus?

The only way to possess the inherence is to have eternal life. With regards to this principle, Dr. Unger quotes Sir Henry Main. There are 3 statements which we noted. Though the physical person had deceased, but his legal person remains alive and continues through his heirs. He continues to live legally through his heirs. The testator continues to live on in his heirs. Legally, he never dies, and the inheritance. There is a species of copartnership. When the father dies, it is not correct to say that his heirs succeed to his property, but they take control of their own property. This way, incongruity disappears from the Pauline analogy. The heir was not to wait for the moment of his father’s decease. At physical birth, we are the heir of all the our father possesses. Our father continues to legally live on in his children, even after his death. The believer, regardless of the dispensation, becomes an instant heir. We become an heir to all that Christ possesses. We are joint heirs with Christ.

We have privilege and opportunity and we do not always use this to move forward. We inherit the father’s entire estate and property. Our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior. The promise is found in Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua 1:1–2: After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, "Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.

Joshua 1:3: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses.

Joshua 1:4: From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

Joshua 1:5: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #54 11/15/98                            Sunday 1

Joshua 1:6, Formula of Encouragement: "Be confident and courageous": Definitionn & Description: Deut. 31:3-8,23; Joshua 1:6-9

Whenever we run into those who offend us, abuse us, use us or insult us, we feel like we are justified in some sort of vengeance tactics in order to balance the books. Vengeance is Mine, says the Lord. Joshua and his legions will not function under any mental attitude sin.

Promises are necessary in order to remind you that the God of the universe is with you. Medals of honor have been won on emotion; but you cannot sustain this in the long haul without Bible doctrine in your soul.


Joshua 1:3–5: Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given to you, just as I promised to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you.


1.       This is the first of 3 occasions when God tells Joshua to be strong and courageous.

2.       Not every believer can be strong and courageous. These people who invade Canaan will require courage.

3.       Qal imperative of chazaq, which means to bind together in order to strengthen. You may know salvation and eternal security, and that is not enough of an inventory of ideas to get anywhere. From your spiritual growth, you bind all of these doctrines together and this gives you strength. It is not just one or two doctrines which are key, but binding them together.

4.       The word for courage is amats which means to be strong, resolute, vigorous, to act with great spirit and undaunted courage.

5.       These words appear to be quite similar, but when they appear together, they become a formula of encouragement. They are used together as a team and together are a form of encouragement. The strength has to do with accumulated knowledge of Bible doctrine to a point of maturity. When you look at a mandate in Scripture; it is one thing to understand, and it is quite another to do it. It is great to understand the concepts; that is great; but it is quite another to do them. Deut. 31:6: Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid and do not tremble at them, for the Lord your God goes with you, for He will not forsake you.

6.       Griffin is using Joshua as a vehicle to teach a set of doctrines.

7.       Full appreciation of this phrase will contribute greatly to our understanding of Joshua.

8.       Let’s develop a set of principles on this phrase: be strong and courageous.

Be strong and courageous

1.       Be strong and courageous first occurs in Deut. 31:6. Griffin became acquainted with Fred Lucas. The Colonel spent a lot of time in Arizona and has become quite familiar with that real estate. Fred Lucas does oil paintings like Remington does the little models. He does the murals in the Alamo. Apparently, there are several hanging in tapes and pubs. Jesus Christ rides points; never forget that. He will destroy these nations before you; you will dispossess them.

2.       In context: Deut. 31:3–6: The LORD your God himself will go over before you. He will destroy these nations before you, so that you shall dispossess them, and Joshua will go over at your head, as the LORD has spoken. And the LORD will do to them as he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, when he destroyed them. And the LORD will give them over to you, and you shall do to them according to the whole commandment that I have commanded you. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." The real estate that these people are on is taken from them; and God has given them 400 years to get their ducks in a row, and they have not. You must keep the Law; you must prepare the way of the Messiah.

3.       The mandates: be strong and courageous. Moses calls Joshua and he tells him to be strong and courageous. Deut. 31:7–8: Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, "Be strong and courageous, for you shall go with this people into the land that the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall put them in possession of it. It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

4.       When Joshua receives his orders to cross the Jordan, to enter the land, and to engage the armies of Canaan, this formula is repeated 3 times. Joshua 1:6–7: Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.

V. 7 is key to this whole chapter.

Joshua 1:6: Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go.

I have your doctrine flowing throughout me. The book of the Law was written by Moses; it was the 5 books. If you are looking for the booty before the spiritual maturity, then you are looking to the left or the right.

Joshua 1:8: This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

We need to make a list of these 19 promises which are found here. Joshua will cross ahead of you (he is representative of Jesus Christ). The Lord will deliver them up before you. The Lord your god goes with you. He will not fail you and He will not forsake you. No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. God is with you wherever you go.

We also need a list of the mandates, which require strength and courage. You make application through the faith rest drill. Do not fear, do not be dismayed. Go with this people into the land and give it to them as their inheritance. Be strong and courageous. Give this people possession of the land. Be careful to do according to all the Law. This book of the Law will not depart from your mouth.

The mandate in Joshua 1:7: Be careful to do all the Law; do not turn from it to the right or to the left. Establish wheel tracks of righteousness; do not be distracted by your lust pattern. You will meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do all that is in it.

Laura Kay started at T&P from age 19 up. We have all of our faculties about us. We have the two power options and the problem solving devices. We have the power to execute it.

Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #55 11/15/98                            Sunday 2

Joshua 1:6, Formula of Encouragement: Definition & Description; Motivational & Functional Virtues; The Concept of Virtue: The Greek Noun ¢ret» /arete /

If we are going to fulfill God’s plan for our lives....


7.       There are mandates but there are also promises which give us encouragement.

8.       In order for Joshua to respond to the promises, he must have the doctrine in his soul. It is time for him to function. When you step out into the devil’s world, there will be a major situation which will require the doctrine which is in our souls.

9.       The strength and courage mandate is linked to conditions.

          a.       Do not cease to talk about it and meditate on it day and night, so you can do what is written in it, so you will make your way prosperous and so you will have success.

10.     What we discern from this analysis, is that strength and courage can only come from the divine mandates. The divine mandates are in the Law and they have been reduced to writing by Moses. These things cannot remain on the written page.

11.     If Joshua will study then teach and then mediate on the Law, he will establish wheel tracks of righteousness from which he will not deviate to the left or the right. Some things that you learn in Bible class might not be used for years. It needs to stay in the soul. You need to mediate on it day and night; the Holy Spirit will call up what is in your soul. Nobody said, “I ain’t gonna” when it came to crossing the Jordan. When you teach, you find out that you begin to learn from what you are teaching. If you are going to be a leader, you had better get on God’s plan. You need divine viewpoint. Various people sell y ou their tapes to teach unbelievers how to live.

12.     Joshua will have confidence in the Lord’s function; and he will have confidence in the Lord’s promises, from which will come the courage to execute His mandates. Believers cannot seem to execute what they know because they do not have the courage.

13.     Thus, in the formula of encouragement, be strong it involves a mental attitude. Temporary courage can come with emotion.

14.     The 2nd word, or good courage, is the courage borne out of confidence, which then results in execution of the mandates.

15.     In the Age of Israel, the spiritual life was the execution of the faith rest drill. That is something which we studied at the brass cobra incident. If you are bitten by a cobra, will you turn around and look at the brass cobra. If you are afraid, you cannot concentrate on doctrine. If you are afraid, you are a coward.

16.     The end result is the courage to execute those mandates, knowing that God Who ordered them would never leave them and was always riding point before them. Never forget that. That gives us courage to execute the mandate. We are not out there on our own. Joshua was strong. He did not go out there unprepared. He had the mental armor. He had won victories. We have far more than Joshua had.

17.     What resulted was courage toward life and circumstances.

18.     In the Church Age, the spiritual life is centered in the 4 spiritual mechanics; that is our spiritual life. Joshua had rebound and he had the faith rest drill and he had the enduement of the Spirit. There were no mystery doctrines of the New Testament. If they have a personal sense of destiny, it could not be realized as well as we can. All the problem solving devices which we can max out, they lacked. We have the completed canon of Scripture and the Holy Spirit; so we are expected to go further.

19.     This brings us to a discussion of the motivation function and virtues of gates 5 and 6: this modus operandi is motivational and functional virtues. We have a motivational virtue, which is confidence; and a functional one, which is courage.

20.     Motivational virtue is directed toward God and functional virtue is directed toward your fellow man and circumstances.


1.       Confidence in God is a motivational virtue which supports the virtue of functional courage toward man. Fear not for I am with you, do no anxiously look about you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

2.       Worship of God is a motivational virtue which will result in a functional virtue of morality toward man. You cannot deal with people without these virtues. You need an inventory based upon your worship, which comes from Bible study. You are required to unconditionally love all people. There are places you do not need to be and people that you do not need to be with. Idolatry, the phallic cult, etc. and if you permit them to live along side of you, they will draw you down with them. You are naive and you have been deceived if you think you cannot draw conclusions about the behavior patterns of others. You must avoid some people when necessary. Col. 3:16–17: let the word of Christ dwell within you with all richness...

3.       Personal love toward God is a motivational virtue which sustains the functional virtue of unconditional love toward your fellow man. You do not love God unconditionally; He is perfect and deserves our love. These are counterpart virtue. 1John 4:20: If someone says I love God but hates his brother, is a liar.

Development of the Concept of Virtue

1.       The word for virtue is αρετη found 4 times in the New Testament. Philip. 4:8: Therefore, royal family, everything that is true, everything that is honorable, everything that is righteous, pure, love and commendable, and if there is any virtue and anything worthy of praise, concentrate on these things. 1Peter 2:9: You are a chosen race, you are a royal priesthood. You are a holy nation of people of God’s own possession. We have been taken by God and havd been given phenomenal assets; we are our own priest and we have duties under the priesthood. We are members of a client nation and all of this for a reason. This is so that we may proclaim the virtues. 2Peter 1:5: in your virtue, supply knowledge.

2.       Paul tells us in Philippians is virtue is anything which is worthy of praise.

3.       Peter uses the term in 1Peter for where God calls us our of darkness, the cosmic system; to walk in the light, which is the divine power system.

4.       In 2Peter he admonishes us to supply our virtue with knowledge.

5.       In the mandate given to Joshua, be strong and of good courage, the word for strong ought to be confidence.

6.       Confidence is the result of our spiritual growth, which results in our weakness being turned to strength.

7.       Once we develop confidence in the Word of God, it becomes the virtue which sustains our courage toward man and circumstances.

8.       The reason foor choosing confidence to translate this word, is enhanced when we examine kazak and the etymology of erêthê.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #56 11/17/98                              Tuesday

Joshua 1:6, Formula of Encouragement: Etymology of ¢ret» /arete /; Church Age Principles on Confidence & Courage

Joshua 1:6: Be strong and courageous,...

Châzaq which means to bind together; amats = to be strong, resolute. These worse appear together as a team and are a formula of encouragement together. We have begun with the doctrine of be strong and courageous.

Deut. 31:6, 7, 33 Joshua 1:6, 7, 9 is where we find this phrase. There are a number of promises given by the Lord—about 18–20 and associated with these are mandates, around 15–20. The mandates centered around taking the land, we have noted promises and mandate and the formula . When these doctrines are affixed to mandates, we must have the courage to make application. We need the confidence that God will be with us and that confidence is built into our souls. This formula for encouragement becomes very important. In the Age of Israel there was a spiritual life which brought this into focus: the faith rest drill. If you have a mandate to do something which is difficult and challenging and dangerous, then there must be a set of promises associated with the mandate. We need to get to a point where we think on this level. The mandates follow and we are the execute the mandates. We have the courage to execute the mandates when we know that God is always with us and He is riding point before us.

A motivational virtue is always directed toward God. Confidence in God and courage toward man. Confidence in God is a motivational virtue which leads to the functional virtue of courage toward man. There can be no lasting courage without confidence toward God. We see that we have a motivational virtue. Isa. 41:10.

Worship of God is a motivational virtue which leads to the functional virtue of morality toward man. This is true Christian fellowship. There is no Christian fellowship and we must know what God’s thinking includes. We must learn these things as a set of principles by which we can deal with our fellow man.

We do not study man, we study God; we do not sing to men; we sing to God. Giving is to God; we are motivated to support certain ministries.

Personal love toward God sustains the functional virtue of unconditional love toward our fellow man. With the exception of the relationship between rm/rw and parents and children; and friends; the love which God possesses toward us is beyond our thinking and ablity to do.

Philip. 4:8 1Peter 2:9: ἁρέτη = virtue. Our human weakness is turned into strength.

Etymology of ἁρέτη

1.       Homer first used it. It has to do with mastery in a particular field.

2.       We use it in the sense of understanding Bible doctrine and becoming skillful, achievement and mastery in that field.

3.       Success, happiness and achievement have to do with intrinsic accomplishment. If you keep the Law and do not deviate to the left or the right, have happiness. Keep the mandates; keep your eye on the mandates, keep your eye on the mission. Success, accomplishment, achievement and happiness are the expressions of one’s intrinsic .

4.       According to Homer, virtue was won or proved or demonstrated on the battlefield. Joshua accomplished this level at Rephidim. This is marshal valor.

5.       In Jewish useage, this is associated with dikiosunê (righteousness).

6.       Δικαιοσυνη has to do with the thinking of a judge. A judge operates on established standards. He knows the law. He makes a judgment based upon the standards. Δικαιοσυνη has to do with the thinking of a judge, which includes in its concept, justice as well as righteousness.

7.       It is best to think of δικαιοσυνη as divine integrity, which includes righteousness, justice and love; and they function as a unit.

8.       God is absolutely righte His thoughts are truth; He is absolute righteousness. When God sits in judgment, He has the thinking of a judge. Righteousness demands righteousness. If righteousness if found, then justice is free to bless. Therefore, God is the righteous judge.

9.       All of these attributes of divine integrity are contained in the word δικαιοσυνη. The Jews associated the two. God has integrity and man has virtue. When man acquires that integrity and begins to function under it, then man has virtue.

10.     ἁρέτη also became linked to dunamis, which is the word for power, divine omnipotence. All of these words are linked.

11.     Virtue in man begins with the acquisition of thought which finds its origin in the eternal logos. The ministry of the Holy Spirit as you execute the ministry of worship.

12.     The possession of thought is associated with divine integrity and it is called virtue. When you learn Bible doctrine, you learn the content of God’s righteous thought. You will learn to deal with men in a fair way. You do not become jealous or envious; there is no obsessive sin; there is no desire for revenge. We are not permitted to judge, but we ought to discern. We may not seek justice or revenge. As we acquire this information, we learn under the integrity of God and how He functions. We have the courage to use theses things.

13.     ἁρέτη is an attitude based upon knowledge of absolute truth which results in virtuous thought, action, and virtue. It is not bassed on human morality. It seems that telling the truth today is immoral. A nation in decline moves toward inversion of thinking. If everything is just fine, why are we at war one day, at peace the next; Alan Greenspan comes out and changes the interest rate every week. If it is okay to say whatever you want on tv and strip naked, then why is it wrong to smoke a camel. The government says, you have injured all these people; therefore, give us money.

14.     One word in Joshua for strong is kazaq, which is confidence, which is a virtue which supports courage. We develop a virtue. The Word of God of absolute truth and it may be depended upon for thought and action. You get courage by developing confidence. God just had to remind him. Go take the land, defeat these people, and remember that I will always be there, and I will be with you as I was with Moses. Joshua believes God since Mount Sinai, since Rephidim, etc. Apply this to our life, and we understand the book of Joshua.

15.     Confidence comes from divine thought in our stream of consciousness. It gives us the power to face the circumstances of life with courage.

Church Age Courage

1.       To best understand the application of each of these virtues, it is important to recognize that motivational virtues belong to the priesthood. They are directed toward God and our association with Him is through the priesthood. Functional virtues belong to our ambassadorship, which is a horizontal set of relationships; motivational virtues are vertical and directed toward God.

2.       The motivation virtues are real and invisible. This is long-term motivation. Other motivations are based upon human viewpoint and emotion. Zig Ziegler motivational tapes “Doit” pin. Being able to do what you need to do, day in and day out, and this is a motivation which will never fade. If you can afford Zig every 3 weeks, then go with that program. He has obviously taken some Biblical principles and he is probably a believer. Functional virtues are visible and public.

3.       Confidence is a motivational virtue invisibly and privately directed toward God and this belongs to the priesthood. Functional virtues are visible and public and directed toward man.

4.       Courage is a functional virtue visibly and publically directed toward men and circumstances, and is a part of our ambassadorship. People see our courage.

5.       The motivational virtue of confidence in God supports the motivational virtue of confidence of courage. Courage must be supported by an absolute, which is our confidence in the eternal logos.

6.       That which supports must be stronger than what it supports. Confidence must come before courage. Without confidence, there is not courage. Developing the 4 spiritual mechanics of the Christian way of life, which supports our courage. Some listen to a little here or a little there, and from there, put together a theology. God is organized, He is a professional; He has chosen to let us in on it, and He communicates to us through a system. You can want to serve God and go in every direction, but if you are not plugging it into a system, you will develop confusion. You must learn to confess your sins to God and with that, you must get to Bible class. You develop an inventory of ideas, which are based upon the Word of God. You know these things are true and you know that God backs them.

7.       Confidence toward God is the invisible sregnth behind the visible courage.

8.       His divine virtue backs the promises. If God can manage the most difficult thing, then He can easily back up His promises. God is always riding point.

9.       His virtue backs His promises; God will not promise something which He cannot do or something which is logically flawed. He will do it. The source is perfect righteousness.

10.     His justice administers the fulfillment of the promises to believers. Justice is our point of contact. Justice is God promising something which He will do. If you have not been without job, food or money; and God will back you up. Recognize that you only have to make it through the day. You don’t need to worry about 5 or 10 years down the road. It is a matter of making it through this day and then tomorrow, making it through the next day.

11.     God’s promises are unalterable truth.

12.     Divine omnipotence is able to do all things. God will keep His promises. Integrity + faithfulness.

13.     Therefore, since God is worthy of our trust, we can place unwavering confidence in His promises.


Joshua 1:6: Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #57 11/19/98                            Thursday

Joshua 1:6, Formula of Encouragement: Church Age Principles on Confidence & Courage; Joshua's Development of Confidence & Courage

there is this formula, be strong and courageous.

Paragraph A: description of this and where is it used: Joshua 1:6, 7, 9. From this lifestyle of righteous function, which Joshua had acquired, all of Joshua’s experience led to him accumulating a lifestyle of righteous function. He along with Caleb and Moses. He had confidence in God and in the promises in the Torah and the promises which he heard on the plains of Moab.

A mandate depends upon the volition of the person who receives the command. He may not do it for a number of reasons. Is this person capable of follwooing through with what God has required him to do. The person receiving the order must have confidence in the one giving the order. Confidence and courage come from his relationship to the one giving the orders. Joshua will have confidence in the Lord’s promises, from which will come the ability for him to carry out the mandates. Confidence in God is a motivation virtue, which motivates you in courage toward man. Courage implies assault and attack, and you must confront that consistently. One of the problems with doing what God wants you to do is that no one is going to like it. The functional virtue of morality toward man. When integrity is developed from a study of the Word of God, that results in an inventory of ideas based upon Bible doctrine. You need to understand the system and knowledge of this system gives you integrity.

Ke knuth Starr has been vilified and castigated by many, who seem to have turned a deaf ear and a blind eye to violations of our laws. This man has never once lost his composure, and this is because he is a believer in Jesus Christ . He understands at least the basic principles when dealing with these people. He has never raised his voice with these people. When you go out into the world, you will have opposition and you may not retaliate. You will not hold a grudge against those who offend you or attack you. It is not a true test unless you are truly a victim. You may not bear a grudge and you may not pursue vengeance, even mentally. This all comes from worshiping God; and that requires Bible study, day in and day out. This should be 1st place in all of our lives.

Personal love toward God is a motivational virtue which gives us the ability to have impersonal love toward our fellow man. Once we have developed confidence in the Word of God, then we have courage toward man and circumstances. Confidence is the better translation for be strong.

Arêtê means marshal valor. Divine integrity and power are associated with arêtê, which is a mental attitude.

motivational virtues belong to your royal priesthood. Ambassordorship with your fellow man; priesthood is your relationship with God. In the case of confidence and courage, confidence is a virtue developed because of Bible study. It is important for us to see the proimses first. Confidence toward God is the invisible strength behind the visible strength of courage toward man. God’s promises are statements of eternal truth. They are kept by divine omnipotence. We can place our unwavering confidence in His promises. When we are issued mandates, we can muster the courage to act on them. It takes a leader who is prepared in every way to take on the tasks which are assigned to Joshua. You cannot put some people into leadership, because they won’t know what to do.


16.     In order to claim promises, the believer must have confidence. In order to execute divine mandates, the believer must have courage. If you have no confidence in who is giving the order, Griffin will back you on this. Well, someone will back you on this or that, but they don’t follow through. The first thing we do is, we get mad, and we get bitter and then we begin with revenge motivation. This violates the royal law. I can’t get one mental attitude sin out of this? No. Once you let the anger in there and you don’t depress it, you keep falling back into anger and bitterness, which is the whole ball game of Eph. 4. Now, having God back His promises and His word, is another thing.

17.     The opposite of confidence is doubt and distrust and the opposite of courage is fear and cowardice.

18.     It is normal to be afraid. This entire operation is designed to kill us. It is human to be afraid. The practice is, you have moments of fear. A doctor gives you a bad diagnosis. Then, you run through promises. Start with I am saved, I have eternal security, and I will die and go to heaven. Living is Christ and dying is profit. Doctrinal conclusion is you realize this is the plan of God.

19.     Confidence is developed in the power system by developing wheel tracks of righteousness. You hear the doctrine communicated and it is all processed and it makes sense, and it comes into your thinking, and you say, “I understand it.” As you progress at gate 4,

20.     Courage is manifested when the believer under pressure uses doctrinal rationales to support his execution of divine mandates. You must be able to think the Word of God under pressure. As you concentrate on these doctrinal rationales,...

21.     Failure to do it this way because of fear, means that you do not trust God to back His promises. What shuts all of this down is fear; but God will not forsake you and He knew about this in eternity past. If you succumb to fear, you lose divine power.

22.     Since fear is a mental attitude sins, it removed the believer from the environment of virtue, which is the filling of the Holy Spirit. Now you are carnal and functioning in cosmic one. Since fear is a mental attitude sins, it leads not only to a failure to execute the plan of God.

Joshua’s development of courage

1.       Joshua’s mission is to invade the land, wipe out the people there, and settle it with the Israelites. All of this is a grace operation. Taking what belongs to you in the devil’s world. Some individuals cannot go into the land because they lack the courage. Will they be a part of the 1st client nations? The Meribah generation will not be. No matter what you say, I am going back to Ramses. I want to go back and be a slave again. That was their mental attitude. Joshua’s mission was to establish client naiton Israel.

2.       Joshua is about 85 years old and he has developed great courage. He knows the faithfulness of God.

3.       Review:

          a.       He saw the grace of God in Rephidim. The people were not organized militarily God tells them to go out and attack Amalek. Joshua does not give all the reasonable excuses here. He ustles up enough people to get the job done. He never questions the mandate. He knew the grace of God would sustain him.

          b.       He was Moses’s aide-to-camp at Mount Sinai. Jesus Christ gave Moses the entire Law, which he reveals in the books of the Law. Down below was the encampment, and Moses is acquiring this data, and Moses would get a break and he would come back down to base camp, and he took care of the details.

          c.        He along with Caleb were prepared to take the land at Kedesh-barnea, but the other generals did not have the nerve. They lacked courage. 10 scouts said one thing, and Joshua said the opposite. They stood for truth and believed the promises; and it was 5 to 1 against them. You people are pussies? Those who cried all night long and changed their minds, and they decide we need to take these guys; and Moses said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” They lacked confidence toward God and courage toward men, and Moses knew this and told them not to go. They were being driven by emotion and arrogance. The Canaanites kicked this butts. Moses knew that he needed to teach the 2nd generation government, theology and military science.

4.       Joshua was a prepared man, and this was evident when God made him the successor to Moses.

5.       Joshua was commissioned as the new leader. It is important that those who are led know who their senior officer is. Griffin was privileged to go to a change of authority ceremony, and he does not have a military background, so he had to learn this. This was a several month process, and it was a smooth transition of power. There was a smooth transition from Moses to Joshua as well. Way in advance, Joshua was introduced as successor to Moses. We see him at Mount Sinai and Kadesh-barnea. He showed confidence and courage back in the 1st year. He did not come before the people as a strange name or an u nknown person. The change of command ceremony took place later.

6.       Immediately following Moses’ death, Joshua became general of the armies. He was command over the nation of Israel.

7.       At his change of command ceremony and the moment of his first assignment, God told Joshua to have confidence and courage.

Joshua 1:6: Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #58 11/22/98                            Sunday 1

Joshua 1:6, Formula of Encouragement: Joshua's Development of Confidence & Courage; The Iniquity of the Amorite is Complete, Judgment Total, Gen 15:16 cp./w Deut 20:16-18

Joshua 1:6: Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #59 11/22/98                            Sunday 2

Joshua 1:7, Success Contingent upon Extraordinary Diligence in Keeping the Law; Confidence Plus Courage Motivates Submission to & Execution of Mandates

Summary of Joshua 1:7

1.       Again, the Lord issues this encouragement before the mandate. Confidence3 and courage is first, then a mandate and then a result clause.

2.       If you are going to be successful in the Christian life, you must adhere to the mandates that we find in the New Testament. Our marching orders are found in the mandates, which are primarily found in the epistles. You cannot grow in grace until you get out of the gospels and go into the epistles. You do not learn much about your function of what you should think until you get into the epistles.

3.       When you decide to place authority with the Word of God, you are going to face a lot of opposition.

4.       The Jews down to this hour struggle to maintain their inheritance. They often enter into peace treaties with their enemies, which enemies have sworn to kill them.

5.       Who owns this land today? This is the Church Age; so whoever has the greatest strength controls this land. The land belongs to anyone with the military power to take it and the power to keep it.

6.       There will hardly be a year when there is not warfare on this earth. There will always be animosity and hatred between Arabs and Jews.

7.       They have not been legitimate inhabitants of the land since Titus took the land at the cost of 1,000,000 Jewish lives. 2–3 year siege.

8.       This was the administration of the 5th cycle of discipline to a negative population. They rejected the kingdom of the prophesied kingdom of the Messiah. If God will do it to them, God will do the same to any other client nation today.

9.       Today the struggle continues, but without divine approval. The only way the Jews can stay in Israel is to defend it militarily. They can conceivably lose and gain the land a number of times before the Tribulation. Do not be discouraged when you see hot spots around the globe. It is based upon gospel hearing and response to His Word. If not, they are involved in a form of iniquity, which could become worse. The problem in Bosnia has occurred for the past many centuries? We let them fight it out, after a 1000 years, and let them work it out. It is the Lord’s business. Judgment is on some and we do not have the intelligence to figure it out. We make matters worse. The judgment as who we support and who we don’t’ support is not rooted in logic; it seems like we are supporting the bad guys, but it is evil 1 versus evil 2.

10.     There will never be peace between the Arabs and the Jews and the Jews will never be at peace in Israel until the Millennium. It is important that we have orientation on that issue. Gal. 4:29 the Jews will never be at peace in Israel.

11.     The Jews never got around to being careful about doing all the Law, which includes Jesus Christ as their Messiah. They can be very legalistic and study the nuances of the Law and study these things and labor over meticulous affairs; but studying the prophets and identifying from them the person who is the Messiah, they are unable to do this.

12.     The Hebrew word be careful to do is shamar, which means to do carefully, to do with diligence, to take care of, to watch over, the guard against intruders, to concentrate on precepts in order to do them correctly; pay careful attention to the laws and statutes; guard or watch over.

13.     A number of English word describe the expected mental attitude of Joshua: be confidence and courageous; be careful to do all the Law as Moses commanded you. To be diligent means you are characterized by steady, earnest application and effort. A specific object or pursuit. In order to do this, God tells Joshua to pay close attention to the Law of Moses. To be assiduous, which means you are marked by careful, unremitting, unrelenting attention; you are focused. To be sedulous, which means you are involved in careful perseverance, painstaking application; careful detail; today, this may be called anal retentive; but it is being detail oriented. They are interested in what they are doing and want it to be done in a professional and organized. manner.

14.     Our civil law uses the term diligence which describes the care the certain people take to their affairs. Always being at the speed limit, always slowing to 40 mph at the exit; who are these people? This describes various degrees of care which diligent people take.

15.     The next level is do-diligence. A measure of prudence, activity or assiduity which is properly expected from a reasonable man. Do you leave lawn equipment out on the sidewalk; are there holes in your lawn, are there cars up on blocks. If this is the case, have you done your do-diligence.

16.     Grave diligence, such a level of care that people of unusual prudence exercise. Fences and spotlights up. Unusual attention to detail. Extraordinary diligence.

17.     In order to understand shamar, we will take this to mean to exercise extraordinary diligence. So what if the people upstairs are dumber than dirt. To be a success, work hard, show up every day, and don’t gripe. You will go as far as you want to go. People who hire someone with that attitude will stumble all over themselves to treat you right. Most people show up on Monday with their eye focused on Friday. Work hard, volunteer, do what the bosses want. When someone says you brown-nose, that should be considered a compliment.

18.     Note the reason for Joshua to be confidence and courageous, so that he can perform with extraordinary diligence according to all the Law. Securing and preserving all of these things are involved. Prudence. Joshua needed confidence and courage so that he could perform according to all the Law. The Lord is not just trying to repeat until Joshua memorizes it. There is a different application in vv. 6 and 7. In v. 6, it was general, and in v. 7, it is specific.

19.     What is Joshua’s duty? To walk in the wheel tracks of righteousness. To make application through faith.

20.     In order to keep a steady course in the face of overwhelming odds, Joshua had to maintain confidence in God and His Word. There are too many challenges along the trail for us to think that we can function without distractions. Who is behind the system? Who formed the system? In order to keep a steady courage, Joshua had to maintain confidence in God and His Word. This confidence is necessary to support His courage.

21.     Confidence in the Word + courage toward man and circumstances results in submission to divine mandates.

22.     The believer who is totally committed to living according to the divine standard will become the target of intensified opposition on 3 fronts. We will become the target of intensified opposition on these 3 fronts:

          a.       Our own sinful nature.

          b.       The philosophies of this world emphasized by thought, people and system testing.

          c.        Demon influence.

Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and very brave, so that you may take heed to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #60 11/29/98                            Sunday 1

Joshua 1:7, Mandate against Turning from Wheel-tracks of Righteousness to the Right or to the Left

The Law is what is in view here; the Torah has been reduced to writing and it is seen as a book, and it is the first completed section of the Bible. It is the Law of Moses. To decide how to translate shamar, which means to do carefully, to do with diligence, to take care of, to watch over, the guard against intruders, to concentrate on precepts in order to do them correctly; pay careful attention to the laws and statutes; guard or watch over. Our civil law used the term diligence, to involve prudence and care. They take care in the things which they do, the things which they own.

Joshua’s duty was to walk in the wheel tracks of righteousness. He had to maintain his confidence in the Word of God. You cannot apply the Word of God if you do not have confidence in it.

Example of a woman who has been in a church for 60 years and now she faces a personal tragedy which she cannot cope with. There is a failure either with her or with her pastor or a set of pastors.

Confidence is directed toward Bible doctrine which provides courage toward mankind. It will motivate you to submit to Bible doctrine when under pressure. You will be able to execute whatever mandate is coming from the Word of God. If there is no submission to the Word of God, there will be no execution of the plan of God.

Joshua was not just some rag-tag choice out of the Israelites there; he is one out of 600,000 who is up to the job. If you are willing to follow God’s Word, you will face opposition in subtle ways and in very overt methods.

As we discover absolutes, we make them a part of our inventory of ideas. Editorial today in the Compost dispatch about thinking in terms of absolutes. Those who live according to divine standards, will receive opposition. There is a man on the inside; the old sin nature, and it will oppose you. The sin nature is represented in many ways, and it is referred to a the flesh and as carnal. There is also hamartia in the singular.

Satan conquered the world when he caused Adam to fall. It is not his best work to have people sin, but sin can be useful to him. He attempts to control all mankind in his human good and evil. He has a huge army of demons with demon influence and philosophies which promote human good and evil. These are challenged by thought, people and systems testing, which require us to use problem solving devices. If you stay in the cosmic system , you will have a way of thinking which is closely associated with the cosmic system. There are also systems out there controlled by human good and evil. Our society challenges divine thought. Col. 2:8 see to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the elementary thinking of this world rather than according to Christ.

Demon influence to conform to human good and evil, which is found in 1zTim. 4:1. To stay in the wheel tracks of righteousness and to focus on the doctrine, with courage to apply it, then you will have your eyes on the objective and you will have success. Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and very brave, so that you may perform extraordinary diligence to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go.

Success will be to run the Canaanites out of Israel and to settle the Israelites in this land. He needs to have confidence and courage and he needs to put his face in the Torah.


22.     Not turning from wheel tracks of righteousness require a facilitated inventory of doctrinal ideas toward which one has confidence and from which confidence, he has the courage to remain loyal. Do you have integrity under pressure. What man sees under these circumstances is your honor.

23.     All of this is brought out by the Hebrew verb ש∵ר-ה. Do not turn aside; do not turn from it, either to the left or to the right. Theological word book—a course of following strictly the Word of God. It is what He tells us to do in the Scriptures. Wheel tracks of righteousness is what we would say. 2Kings 22:1: Josiah did right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all the way of his father David. He did not turn aside to the left or to the right.

24.     Joshua’s soul had a massive inventory of divine truth. They hold a pivot. Jeshuran bought;prepared the souls of a second generation. Moses did not die the sin unto death; his discipline was not to go into the Land of Promise. He was the greatest man of his generation and for many generations, and yet he was not indispensable. There was someone there to take his place. Who will be our next president? Someone will enter into the office of president is one which God permits. God permits bad leaders to lead a recalcitrant people.

25.     Over the past 40 years, Joshua had demonstrated under pressure his personal loyalty to his inner integrity. He had been called upon on several occasions to see whether or not he had the confidence to execute.

26.     This loyalty was manifest toward man and circumstances. Can we exegete or make sense of a head belief versus a heart belief? Are there two sets of volition within us? This makes no sense. What they want to say is, “If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have been given equal privilege and opportunity and these assets are offered to each believer in total.” Laura Kay Tapping got to the level of spiritual adulthood because of the way she led her life. Because you have no confidence, then you have no courage. You can be a believer and be dishonorable. Such a person is capable of doing the most horrific things even while carrying a 5 lb Bible.

27.     That courage was motivated and supported by Joshua’s confidence in the veracity of God’s Word. Veracity means that God is absolute, unalterable truth; and immutability means that He does not change. When a dingbat initiates a policy, you can orient and adjust to it, even though it is a dingbat policy. If you don’t have this military training, then you need to get it somewhere else.

28.     Joshua could only fail by turning himself away from these principles.

29.     Joshua has a neuron network facilitated by wheel tracks of righteousness. He has been faithful for 40+ years.

30.     Joshua possesses behavior patterns and character traits which have him moving through the faith rest drill. It is built into his soul to face these things with the divine system. Confidence in the word + courage toward man and circumstances motivates courage. Joshua has traits which are steadfast and habitual. He has spiritual skills, which he has honed and perfected. Joshua is a veteran. He has been victorious in the spiritual life over and over again.

31.     The mandate for him not to turn himself from them to the left or the right is based upon the Lord’s knowledge of Joshua’s inner integrity. He has consistently depended upon spiritual truth; the mandate for him not to turn from these wheel tracks not from the left or the right. Total package and if there is any increment missing. Joshua has shown over the long haul that he can handle these things under pressure. God uses prepared men and Joshua is prepared.

32.     In order for Joshua not to turn from wheel tracks of righteousness, he must be in the wheel tracks of righteousness. God is talking to a man who already has it.

33.     Should Joshua ever deviate, he would have to do so from his own volition.

34.     Veering to the right or the left, you enter into a cosmic and carnal modus operandi.

Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and very brave, so that you may perform extraordinary diligence to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #61 11/29/98                            Sunday 2

Joshua 1:7, Deviations to the Right or Left Involve Asceticism or Licentiousness; Loyalty to Doctrine Results in Spiritual Success & Prosperity


34.     In order for Joshua not to deviate from wheel tracks of righteousness, he must be in them. Veering to the left or the right is going into comos diabolic us.

          a.       One deviation is works, asceticism, legalism or morality. Any attempt to legislate the Millennium is Satanic and Satan’s substitute for the plan of God. Hell will be filled with moral people. Now, we are all to be moral...even unbelievers are to be moral. Griffin is talking to his step-niece and she is taking a course in drawing the line for freedom of speech and of expression. But when it comes to morality, morality enters into society in such a way as to preserve that society. If a society becomes immoral, there is no integrity; people have no responsibility for what they say or do. Government is always responsible to pass laws to restrict behavior. The more establishment-oriented a people are, the fewer laws which are needed. People want to move toward moral good works, and they often just pass laws to restrain our freedoms.

          b.       Licentiousness or antinomianism is another route we can go. That is a belief in no-law. There must be some kind of order; there must be decisions as to where the lines are drawn. Freedom of speech is we can say anything we want at any time, no matter what the ramifications are. When you define freedom of speech, do you take the constitution as a living document; or do you view the constitution in the way that the framer’s meant it to be. A parent is a dictator and can determine what a child may do and say. Antinomianism says there are no restraints at any time for any reason, which is similar to libertarianism. This approach can also be called self-gratification; you satisfy your whims in any way that you choose. Both approaches are wheel-tracks of wickedness. We generally go in the direction of our sin nature.

35.     The right hand, left hand motif makes reference to these two approaches. You can deviate into the cosmic system in one of two ways.

36.     The challenge to Joshua is to remain in the wheel tracks of righteousness, and he has the Law of Moses as his field manual. Joshua is challenged not to deviate, but to remain in these wheel tracks of righteousness.

37.     God promises Joshua prosperity and success if he stays in this way. There is no greater success than to know the plan of God and to follow it. Joshua has been given great leadership authority. He has been given a manual to follow and a great army. Moses was a genius in almost every category, and he taught for 38 years. This was not everyone from the generation of promise. This was a pivot; a large number in the generation who were prepared to take the land.

38.     Note that this is not a promise but a condition. The promise is, “I will never leave you or forsake you. I will always ride point.” Now, we might deviate, but God is with us. We are to follow the light of Jesus Christ. What we are dealing with here is not a promise but a condition.

39.     God admonishes Joshua to be confidence and courageous. The Lord’s promises accompany him. Joshua can perform his duties if he maintains this confidence.

40.     Success is possible only if Joshua does two things: perform extraordinary diligence with reference to the Law. The men are to do the same to their wives and children. If they don’t do it or won’t do it, they will not survive. Israel did not get away with deviated from it and neither will we. You cannot deviate to asceticism or to antinomianism.

41.     We have a system which we have here; and the Church Age believer here can achieve prosperity in the Christian way of life using the system we have learned.

          a.       Development and advance of the 4 spiritual mechanics to the level of confidence. 2 power options available to all but you may or may not use them. Filling of the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine.

          b.       3 spiritual skills, which means you become very good at being filled with the Holy Spirit, good at going to Bible class. You develop the problem solving devices. The final establishment of these problem solving devices in the soul. This is the point at which you begin to max out the system. This occurs at spiritual adulthood and there are several levels there.

          c.        Cognitive skills. You need to have personal love toward God in order to develop the capacity and the motivational virtue toward mankind. Impersonal love toward man is a functional virtue. You have learned truths about God’s character and His plan. You develop a personal love for God because He is a perfect object. The object has the integrity and you project your personal love toward that perfect object. Rom. 5:5: most people find the word hope and there is doubt found there. However, the idea is total confidence, not just hope. Hope does not have any doubt in it. If you are confident in the Word of God and its absolute truths, then it will not disappoint. Love for God is poured out in our streams of consciousness bytthe Holy Spirit, Who is given to us. We can only come to some sort of understanding of Who and What God is through the Bible. We are to concentrate continually on the Word of God. As we acquire more information, we understand more and more about the Godhead. The Holy Spirit is part of the salvation package.

          d.       Spiritual autonomy. Providential preventative suffering by which unconditional love for man is tested. To know if you have learned personal love for God? Then go into the hornet’s nest of a family reunion. If you cannot deal with problem people, then you are not there yet. If you claim to love God but hate your fellow man, then you are a liar. There is a challenge for unconditional love in work or play.

          e.       You may get to a point where you think you can get away with anything. Providential preventive suffering comes by and knocks you on your butt. The successful application results in cognitive independence in dealing with others. Sometimes you have to stomach a lot and overlook a lot of things. Prov. 19:8: He who gets wisdom loves his own soul. You must have some level of self-esteem. You need some self-respect. You cover your arrogance with the slumped shoulders. He who cherishes understanding prospers. Prosperity comes from an intense amount of Bible doctrine.

          f.        The believer enjoys a great relationship with God which does not depend upon blessings. God knows what we need, what will make us happy; there is no catalog; God knows. It is God’s choosing, not ours. If you are a servant of God. The idea is to serve God. Find out the will of God and follow that. Take whatever comes your way. A mature relationship with God does not depend upon blessings. God can prosper such a believer because his happiness does not depend upon his blessings but upon his relationship with God. Not depending upon prosperity but upon following the will of God. You are confused that David is a great leader, because of all the sins he committed. God does not say, “I will grind you into the dust because of what you have done.” You name your sins, isolate them, and move in. The mature believer is thus qualified to be put under evidence testing. Totally unfair, unjust treatment, from people, systems, circumstances. Our country deserves divine discipline. Hopefully, we will be preserved in this process. We may be challenged and we may lose our stuff. Will you remain loyal under pressure. You soul is so packed with pertinent information, that nothing this world offers you will cause you to deviate. Philip. 4:12 is the mental attitude beyond maturity: I have learned to get along in humble means and I have learned to live in prosperity. Paul spoke 3 languages, and he graduated forom the university of Tarsus; and he has been in any and all circumstances. I have learned to be filled and to go hungry; to be prosperous and to suffer need. He uses Biblical problem solving devices and keeps moving. It does not matter to Paul where he is. Whether he has abundance in his life or if he is suffering need, it does not matter to him. Philip. 4:12. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being filled and going without.

          g.       4th level is the sophisticated spiritual life.

          h.       Momentum testing at stage 2, and evidence testing at stage 3. An advancing level of confidence. You have the courage from the doctrine in your soul.

          i.         The personal management of one’s spiritual affairs among men requires the courage to apply the problem solving devices under pressure.

          j.         Thus we find the end result to be efficiency and skill in carrying out the imperative moods related to the execution of the Christian way of life. Each state is characterized by a certain mental attitude.

Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and very brave, so that you may perform extraordinary diligence to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #62 12/1/98                               Tuesday

Joshua 1:7, Mental Attitudes of the Adult Spiritual Life; Faith-Rest Drill: The Spiritual Life of Israel

In the Church Age, this has to do with the execution of the 4 stages of the spiritual life. There is the development of a system out of all this, and this is particularly true of the Church Age believer.

Development and advance in confidence in the spiritual life. 3 stages of the sophisticated spiritual life. Spiritual self esteem is the first stage of the sophisticated spiritual life. God does not just suddenly pour out something, and we suddenly have love for God. Unconditional love toward our fellow man is tested. We will be tested by others. Joe is beginning to recognize the reality of what he is teaching. We are aliens in the hostile devil’s world. We are more and more becoming different than the people with whom we must deal in these various areas. Griffin has recently tried to explain a few things to an unbeliever and to a believer who is immature. Griffin is trying to have a vocabulary inventory so that he can better communicate. However, this person heard something entirely different from what Griffin was saying; they were both in a different arena. Communication became very difficult with this guy. Confusion resulted. When you begin to advance, and you have advanced thoughts of Biblical truth, you will find yourself becoming more and more different from those around you. This can result in people testing and providential testing. You cannot fly off the handle; you cannot become haughty and arrogant; and you must understand that other people are functioning out of a different ball park. Unconditional love is one of the places where you are tested. You will be confident in your ability to deal with issues. If someone cannot understand you, that is there problem.

People have a completely different idea of what is right and wrong, fair and just, what should be accepted and what ought to be shunned. People who have become victims of abuse have become the culprit. We see this from time to time on tv in various cases brought before the judicial branch.

Prov. 19:8: He who gets wisdom loves his own soul. He who cherishes understanding prospers. You develop a pure relationship with God which does not depend upon blessings. The mature believer has maximum appreciation for all blessings. Paul knew how to enjoy blessing and going without. Being without is not greater testing that having a lot. Occupation with Christ is the key.

Doctrinal churches is where we learn God’s plan in an organized fashion. Confidence breed courage. No execution means no confidence, which means no courage which means no doctrine. Every day, at some point, Bible doctrine needs to be #1. Meditate on this day and night. Bible study. Griffin has notebooks at home going back to 1971.

Griffin taught some things and he has forgotten it. So, we have to keep up with it. Don’t let this Word escape from your mouth. Get up in the morning and give these troops orders. Here is the result of all that.

The purpose of Joshua is to take the visible warfare of his day and apply it to our invisible warfare today. Joshua needs to apply doctrine under pressure. Leadership cannot vary. He needs to be willing to go out in front of the troops, saying, :Here is the order of the day.”

Each stage of the reqires a different mental attitude. Spiritual self esteem is a cognitive self-confidence that allows personal love for God which provides the courage to show unconditional love for man. Rebound is a process and a procedure. Faith rest requires confidence in promises; confidence in the Word of God. Then you move to grace orientation. You come to the point of realization that this is an entire grace process. Doctrinal orientation. Grace orientation occurs through spiritual growth. That is a mental attitude. You develop mental attitudes associated with spiritual growth. Once you discover your spiritual gift, you are able to better function in it. You cannot get rid of your spiritual gift. You just have to pursue it. Griffin’s temporal destiny is to communicate the Word of God. There is nothing else which Griffin has the talent to do. What do you do? What is your destiny in the body of Christ. You begin to focus on the eternal future. We have eternal life and we have duties to perform now and in the eternal future. Love for the Father is a mental attitude; and love for your fellow man is a mental attitude. Spiritual autonomy has the confidence of cognitive independence. You can rule your own spiritual life. Cognitive independence producing an inner happiness which gives you the courage to face testing. There are guys who will go out and hit. When you are so good at what you do, you just go out and do it; almost blindfolded. Even at a family reunion, you can handle it. It is not worth it to join them in the cosmic system just because you have been abused. These people aren’t wroth it.

Spiritual maturity has cognitive invincibility. Unfair, unjust, undeserved treatment directed toward you. It may involve temporal things, loss of health; all undeserved. Do not take this personally; do not forget your training. Act as a witness for the prosecution. Stand up to it without sinning. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ sit in the Sandhedron and allow those men to accuse Him of all these false crimes. He was under evidence testing; a form of it. He knew His duty was to get to the cross; and not to win a court case.

Each stage of spiritual adulthood has its own type of glorification of Christ associated with it. Christ is formed in us is stage one. This is where you bring on the thinking of Christ. Eph. 3:16–17: That He would grant you to be strengthened in the inner man. This is so Christ can be developed in your stream of consciousness. Spiritual autonomy + cognitive independence. Development of spiritual maturity in Eph. 1:20: I will not be put to shame in anything, but Christ will be formed in my body.

The end result is maximum glorification of God in time and in eternity, which constitutes success in the Christian way of life. God can prosper a man whose happiness is not contingent upon your stuff.

What form does this success take? Is it material or immaterial? Absolute or abstract; temporal or eternal. We need to distinguish between two words in v. 8. Sakal.

There are two words we need to note: make your way prosperous (salia). It is not prosper; it is successful.

At the very end of v. 8: You will have good success. This is sakal again, just like v. 7. This can be success. Salia is prosperous.

In v. 7, Joshua submits totally to the divine mandates, he will have success. Insight into wise behavior. If you want to be successful, you need wise behavior. Sakal is acting prudently. Success is performance under pressure from an inventory of ideas that you analyze and mediate on.

Emphasize the end result in order to explain this word. Joshua must execute the plan of God. Ours may seem more complicated, but we have the filling of the Holy Spirit. My burden is not heavy; I will not fail your or forsake you. Sakal will emphasize wise thinking and action. Consistency and execution of the spiritual life; sophisticated spiritual life. It is okay that you have not made it to this or that level yet.

The faith rest drill is executed in 3 stages: the claiming of promises. Its function is to establish a tranquility of thought and stay with the program until you get there. The circumstance might cause you to become angry. Meditation upon doctrinal rationales. Concentration on certain doctrines allows you to develop a logical process. Go through your inventory until you figure out what applies. There may be one of more problem solving devices. Unconditional love for Fred, although that is not what you have in mind. “I just don’t want to do that.” You need to resolve this issue and put it in the hands of the supreme court of heaven. You may have great distaste for this person. You will be tempted to deviate. The more doctrine in the soul, the more wheel tracks of righteousness which you possess. You are able to develop a solution commensurate with your problem.

Guilt is a favorite sin of client nation America. You try to impress God with a works program. Concentration on pertinent doctrines allows you to form a Biblical solution to the problem. The more doctrine in the soul, the more easily you can develop a solution to your situation.

Doctrinal conclusion is what do I do now? That implies execution, which requires courage to do it. Whatever that solution is, you must have faith in the solution.

Sakal is intelligent knowledge, the process of thinking through a complex system of thoughts, and it is acting circumspectly and prudently. You are to execute these principles, and have courage under pressure to make the application.

Joshua 1:7–8: Only be strong and very brave, so that you may take heed to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may act wisely wherever you go. This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you shall be on guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall prosper your way, and then you shall act wisely.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #63 12/3/98                             Thursday

Joshua 1:7, Summary of Faith-Rest; Joshua 1:8, Mandates that Amplify the Three Stages of Faith-Rest


Joshua is being mandated to do several things. Success is noted down in v. 8. The word prosper is better translated success (שָכ-ל). The process of thinking through a complex system of thoughts, with a result of acting circumspectly and prudently. The mandate is to take the land; a success is taking the land. How do you get 7 different tribes of Hamitic cousins out of the land. To get to them, you have to cross a raging river. It is one thing to say, “Go do it;” and it is another thing to get it done. There is a consistency in thinking. Faith rest drill functional in 3 stages: claiming promises, which provides us with the tranquility to focus on the doctrine which we know. As we get the tranquility of thought, the doctrines we are reviewing are the ones which will help us out. As we consider these things, we can fall into fear: fear of crossing the river; fear of defeating these men, and fear of leading 600,000 men.

We need to be able to concentrate on solutions. Concentration on pertinent doctrines, which allow you to discern Biblical solutions. There are several pertinent solutions which appeal to your situation. Once you have evaluated and considered the circumstances, then you arrive at a solution, which is doctrinal conclusions and execution. The Biblical solution is found in phase III. Church Age application; Joshua didnot have the filling of the Holy Spirit, but he did have enduement. He received that at his commissioning.

Knowledge of absolute truth by having you knowing doctrine. You analyze in stage 2 the situation and the Holy Spirit brings a solution from doctrine, which is committing to a solution and acting on it. In each step, the level of one’s spiritual growth determines the size of the inventory consulted. If you know all 7000 promises, then you know them all. If you know 3 or 4, you have hardly nothing to work with. Griffin is going to go through a couple of verses in 1Cor. 2, and there will be a bunch of doctrines in these couple verses.


20.     Faith in the promises provides the tranquility of soul to concentrate on these doctrines. You cannot concentrate on these doctrines unless you have tranquility of soul. Fear is a sin and you have to confess it. Promises fail us because of our lack of faith. Holy Spirit cannot guide us out of fellowship. Claim the promises, think of the solutions under the doctrinal rationales. Confidence in the word and confidence in the promises eventually allow us to flush fear from the soul. This is why various forms of testing are important. It hones us for the battles ahead. Faith is the starting point for all of it.

21.     Faith in the doctrines provides the confidence to apply them to the situation which we face. Faith and confidence are opposite sides of the same coin. If you don’t have confidence, then you don’t have faith.

22.     Faith in the solution results in the execution of the solution. Our faith goes to the God of this Universe. It is all grace and the doctrine we concentrate is provided by a grace process; the courage comes from the enabling power of the Spirit and the doctrine which God gives us. This world is filled with far too many challenges.

23.     All along the way, we must have confidence. Confidence and faith gives us courage to execute the solution under pressure. It is all a package and we can get the solution together. Know them by heart. without faith to use them under pressure, you will never get around to executing the Christian way of life. Joshua is leading an army of believers; not all of them are mature believers. Everyone knows about Joshua. He has demonstrated that he can take an assignment and get the job done. Jesus was asked to take on our sins, even though He committed no sins; and this was unfair and unjust. It is all a great big package and you need to get it altogether, or it does not work.

24.     In the end, you make your decisions and you draw your conclusions based upon wisdom and insight accumulated in your stream of consciousness. This is a person functioning at least in the adult spiritual life.

25.     To assist you in remembering sakal; act wisely, which is a good way to render sakal. The end gain is to act wisely. This is acting based on Biblical solutions. Courage is required for us to act wisely. This is based on a Biblical solution discerned from doctrinal rationales. When we see the faith rest drill presented here, we actually see the end game; the activity of thinking through the doctrine which we know.

Joshua 1:7: Only be strong and courageous, so that you may perform extraordinary diligence to do according to all the Law which Moses My servant commanded you. Do not turn from it [wheel tracks of righteousness] to the right or to the left, that you may have success wherever you go.

All of this time, Joseph’s bones have been with them as they move about and they are going to bury Joseph’s bones in the Land of Promise.

Points on Joshua 1:8

1.       Joshua is the first Jewish leader with the availability of a public canon. It is amazing to Griffin what so much ink is used in certain commentaries. One argument is, Moses did not write the Torah and someone wrote it later on. God wrote it, no matter what. But the Scripture is clear that Moses wrote it. Do we believe in the Scriptures or not?

2.       Abraham submitted to the commandments given to him by the Lord; there is nothing written down? How does he execute the plan of God? He follows verbally given mandates. You pay close attention when you live in a time period without a published canon.

3.       Moses likewise received his instructions and orders from the Lord.

4.       Involved in this process is transference from Joshua to the priesthood for safekeeping.

5.       This was called the book of the Law. Ex. 17:14 before Sinai which is before the Law being communicated to Moses, the Lord says, “Write this in the book as a memorial and then recite it to Joshua.” From the very beginning of writing things down, Moses’ main student was Joshua. Moses wrote this law and gave a copy to the priesthood; which is how it reads in the Bible. If any of them lose a copy, there are places for it. Levites, elders, and Joshua all have copies.

6.       Joshua was receiving written instructions from Moses from the beginning. This memorial was the victory at Rephidiim over the Amalekites. If ever he doubted the power and strength of God, he could go back to this reminder of Rephidim.

7.       Moses instructed Joshua in the Law from the first day of the exodus all the way down to the command ceremony; for 40 years. Joshua is a protégé. It was Moses’ job to prepare Joshua; and Joshua’s job to lead his people. Will we be ready to take on the bad guys and a raging river at age 80?

8.       Now Joshua with maximum knowledge of the Law + 40 years of personal experience of seeing its veracity under pressure; he can make Bible study his top priority. His top priority is not organizing the troops or crossing the Jordan; Bible teaching was the top of his list. So for those who say, I have a dog, cat, wife, kids, clients to see, a boss; I don’t have time. What if Joshua said, “I don’t have time. I have too many things going on. I’ve got too much to do to mediate; I’ve got to get all these people across the river, and I don’t know how the hell I am going to do that.” Joshua meditated on the Law day and night so that he could execute the plan of God under pressure. Joshua does exactly as he is told.

9.       From this point on, his point of contact is the Word of God. If you want to know what God thinks or how do you discover the Word of God, you must learn the Bible. As you make you decisions, these things help us ferret out our decisions. We don’t need to be thinking that emotion enters into this. It is clear, lucid thought under pressure. You might get emotional after the fact, but before does not get you anywhere.

10.     Even though Joshua is commander and chief in Israel, he must submit to the Torah and it must be a part of his problem solving and decision-makring. We must submit to the imperative moods of the New Testament. We must be guided by them.

11.     Only when the Lord Himself personally advises Joshua on several occasions, does anyone or anything outrank the Word. God is not going to appear in our bedroom and give us marching orders for tomorrow. It is all in writing and that is our sole guide. Scripture alone.

12.     V. 8 contains a 3-fold mandate: the book of the Law will not depart from his mouth; he is to meidatee on it day and night; he is to perform extraordinary diligence when it comes to application.

13.     Faith rest drill:

          a.       The book of the Law will not depart from your mouth. This is total reliance on the Word of God and dependence upon its promises. Joshua must take these men and train them. He must move the rest of the Jewish community across the river. He is given this mandate to e nforce the content ahwihc they ought to have. If Joshua is commanded ot have confidence and the spiritual life of Israel is faith rest, then this confidence must be placed in divine promises. That is where it egins.

          b.       Extraordinary diligence, which is v. 8. The 4 spiritual mechanics on up to spiritual adulthood. This is how we execute and do what is mandated. The key is bound up in these 3 mandates, which means we need to examine them individually.

Joshua 1:8: This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you shall be on guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will have success, and then you shall act wisely.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #64 12/6/98                             Sunday 1

Joshua 1:8a, Leadership Principles, Joshua is Outranked by the Law; Joahua 1:8b, Meditation: Old Testament Method of Inculcation

3-fold mandate: Joshua is to constantly communicate the content of the Law over whom he has any sort of supervision. He is never to let principles of the Word of God escape his mouth. He is always to utilize the Word of God as his guide. Secondly, he is the mediate on it day and night. Thirdly, he is to perform extraordinary diligence in this.

Total reliance on the content of the law with an emphasis upon its promises. He needs to have a basis or a foundation, as well as divine instruction. The primary thing for him to have is the written canon.

If Joshua is to have confidence and if the written word is available to Israel, then these are the stepping stones to confidence. Under pressure, you need promises in order to have tranquility of thought. Joshua’s concentration upon doctrinal rationales. Success is bound up in these 3 mandates.

Summary points on the Word of God not Departing from Joshua’s Mouth

1.       If the Word of God was not to depart out from the mouth of Joshua, then it must always be in the mouth of Joshua. This is not to rob us of a sense of humor. When it concerns leadership concepts and our position as a leader of Christ, we must subscribe to Bible doctrine; we are never to let truth be put to the side.

2.       Joshua was to teach truth and talk about it. He has great authority and leadership position and he must seek to guide and lead those underneath him. If you are in a leadership position, you must always be in a teaching mode. Never forget to have a sense of humor. Never be confused about having a set of policies.

3.       We can observe several leadership qualities:

          a.       The purpose of leadership is to enforce and execute policy and to motivate achievement of the mutual objective. The policity must never escape his mouth; he must know it better than anyone else. This man is in jeshurum status. If people are out there is execute their duty, they will make mistakes. You can put unwarranted fear in others if one mistake was a terminal act. A boss that Griffin worked under told them that, if anyone messed up, they would be fired. Leadership needs to accept mistakes and then be able to deal with those who have made mistakes. A person who is positive learned from experience and he will not make that mistake again. There are personalities who will not take any criticism or guidance. These types are detriments to the organization. Leadership’s job is to make certain that is the case before firing them. Leadership must train and teach those under its responsibility.

          b.       Leadership cannot lead untrained troops into battle and be successful. Moses was a genius in language, in military, in art. God uses the vocabulary of an individual in order to produce the Word of God. His own literary style is kept in tact. There was nothing that Moses ever did that he was not the best in doing. Leadership cannot lead untrained troops into battle. Joshua has some trained troops who have done battle on the transjordan area. He must train and teach the people of Israel from the Law.

          c.        Although Joshua is governor of Israel, and the leader of the armies, the Word of God outranks him. Somehow, somewhere, the Holy Spirit must give pastors the gift of gab; and they are somehow in someway able to gain the attention of a few. Many people get their best sleep under a pastor. People will tell Griffin, “I really understood that point this time.” The Word of God is the objective and it is what we must concentrate on. Religious leaders are exactly that. Religion will take us straight into hell. Joshua is to understand the Pentateuch exactly, and what he does must be based upon the Word of God. Joshua is bound by this, and, understanding this, believers are willing to submit to his leadership. The Word of God outranks him.

          d.       Another principle emerges: even those under the highest authority are under the greater authority of law, which is a principle which has escaped our country. In Israel, it was the Torah; in our land, it is the constitution, and we are to interpret it as we understand it. It is to be treating it with honor and not something to be manipulated. It is our national Bible. When we try to distort it in order to get it to mean what we want it to mean, we besmirch our national heritage. A great system of government survives a lousy set of leaders; and we can survive poor leadership as long as they do not mess with the founding documents. When it becomes a pouris document, then it no longer will serve us. We do not know what a lie is anymore. When leadership does it, it communicates down to the lowest ranks that it is okay to violate the law.

          e.       Joshua is to learn the Word of God is alive and powerful and they are to be guided by it. It is our guide. God will talk to Joshua from time to time, but now it is in written form and He no longer needs to contact Joshua. There are people today who look at the Bible and say, “I don’t think that is what is written here” and someone else says, “That’s just a living document.” Many in the new generation fancy themselves as a founding father.

Seems like it was Solon who said, “None of these rules and regs may be changed” and then he took a 15-20 year vacation. He figured this way, he could keep things the way that they ought to be kept. Griffin saw a movie, which he does not recommend, “American History X’ about gangs in California at war with each other. He learned that, if you want to see a playing out of Eph. 4 of human viewpoint solutions and anger and revenge played out; it is the downside of what happens to the human soul driven by arrogance. Even those in the highest positions of authority are still under the Law.

You will Meditate on it Day and Night

1.       To mutter, to moan or to mediate. We must figure out what kind of muttering and moaning.

2.       In the context of Joshua, this has to do with the process and procedure to facilitate the wheel tracks of righteousness. People flop open the Bible and they open to a random verse and suggest what they think it means. But, you do not know context by flopping the Bible open.

3.       Practice, repetition or rehersal. In the field of learning, memory traces are facilitated by means of conditioning, instruction, application, review and study. You go over and over again. It becomes a behavior pattern and it eventually becomes your lifestyle. You must mediate on these principles if you are a believer in the Bible.

4.       Without the various ministries of the Holy Spirit available to us in the Church Age, Old Testament ministers were to read out the content of the Bible. You study the Bible day and night and read it to yourself outlioud. They did not have the filling or indwelling ministries; no mentor ship. It was the faith rest drill back then. You read it, you know it and you act on it. Without the various ministries which we have, the Old Testament believers would read the Scripture outloud and listen to it. Do those who meditate mutter and moan?

5.       This is the first use of this verb in the Bible in the context of the printed canon. This may the first time it is used under this context. Hermanuetics is based upon, often, what does a word mean the first time it is used.

6.       The system of doctrine in the Church Age has to do with instruction, repetition and review. That is how we are to do it. God the Holy Spirit teaches us under instruction, repetition and review. The system for facilitation of doctrine in the Church Age.

7.       Joshua had the enduement of the Holy Spirit, which does not compare to the filling of the Holy Spirit.

8.       How did the Old Testament believer achieve the facilitation of Biblical truths? He was to meditate on them. He read them over and over day and night and he did them outloud. Joshua has so much stuff to do; and all day and all night, God has him studied the Word of God.

9.       Since this was not meant to communicate to others, it sounded to an observer, like low muttering or moaning. You are not communicating to anyone else other than yourself.

10.     This process enabled the believer to facilitate the believer into his soul and brain by using the ear gate and eye gate simultaneously.

11.     Believers in the Church Age, we accomplish this by the grace apparatus for perception. The Holy Spirit must lead and instruct us in it. The Holy Spirit will categorize this for us. He will recall it for us. There is a system for this, a system for perceptive thought. The pastor communicates the Word of God. Once it leaves his mouth, he cannot do anything else. The Holy Spirit takes over from there. In a system of didactic, one teaches and one learns. The Holy Spirit categorizes this into the soul and into the long term memory. Under His recall ministry, this is all pulled into the conscious mind.

          a.       The grace apparatus for perception is the 2nd power option, but it does not work unless we choose to use it. Confession alone to God lone for the filling of the Holy Spirit. The unbeliever nor the believer out of fellowship cannot study the Bible and know what it says. It requires the mentor ship of the Holy Spirit so that we can absorb this. If the Holy Spirit is not the mentor, no spiritual growth will occur.

Joshua 1:8: This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you shall be on guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will have success, and then you shall act wisely.

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #65 12/6/98                             Sunday 2

Joshua 1:8b, Grace Apparatus for Perception and the Mentorship of the Holy Spirit, John 14:16-17,26; Acts 1:5,8; 2:1-2,4; 1 Cor 2:12-13

Joshua Introduction          Joshua Lesson #66 12/8/98                               Tuesday

Joshua 1:8b, Review: Theology of Neurology: Language: The Foundation of Thought; Orientation to Neurology as Theology, Prov 12:26b,28


Listed as #67 for some reason....also listed as 12/10, which is a Thursday

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #67 12/10/98                            Thursday

Joshua 1:8b, Meditation Results in Facilitation; Review: Theology of Neurology: Vocabulary


Listed as #66 as also as 12/12, which is a Saturday.

Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #68 12/13/98                            Sunday 1


Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #69 12/13/98                            Sunday 2


Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #70 12/15/98                              Tuesday


Joshua Introduction         Joshua Lesson #71 12/17/98                            Thursday