The doctrine of the Abrahamic
1. The Abrahamic covenant is the
compilation of all the promises of God to Abraham and to his descendants
related to the glory road, including saving grace, living grace, supergrace,
dying grace, surpassing grace. When these promises emerge, a new race, the
Jews, and a new nation, Israel. Remember that a covenant is a disposition made
by one party, God, in favour of another party, in this case Abraham and his
descendants. Therefore a covenant requires two parties, one party favouring the
2. The original three-paragraph
covenant is found in Genesis 12:1-3. Paragraph one is separation; paragraph two
is blessing; paragraph three is miscellaneous. Paragraph one is Genesis 12:1 —
“Go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father’s
house [immediate family]. Paragraph 2, verse 2, — “And I will make you a great
nation [national promise], and I will bless you [personally — supergrace], and
I will make your name great [surpassing grace], and so you will be a blessing
[by association].” Paragraph 3, the miscellaneous. The reason it is
miscellaneous is because it has three clauses in it. The blessing by
association clause is the first one, the anti-Semitism clause is the second,
and the Messianic blessing clause is the third.
3. The Abrahamic covenant includes
an additional promise of land — Genesis 13:14-16. This land belongs to the Jews
in the future, not now. The Jewish Age is interrupted, the Jews do not have any
right to the land promised here until Christ returns. Any land they get there
now they get the same way we get our land — you kill off the natives. This
promise of land to Abraham will be fulfilled in the Millennium. Genesis
15:18-21. The Nile River is the southern border, the River Euphrates in the
northern border.
4. Furthermore, God has promised
Abraham a city suspended over the land — Revelation 21:2, 10.
5. The covenant includes the seed of
Abraham, not just Abraham personally — Genesis 22:15-18.
6. The Abrahamic covenant was
reiterated to the next generation — to Isaac, Genesis 26:3,4.
7. The Abrahamic covenant was the
basis of the Exodus deliverance of Israel — Exodus 6:2-8. Verse 5, “the groanings
of the children of Israel … and I have remembered my covenant.” The are called
the children of Israel, they are not called Israel, they are not a nation. They
weren’t a nation during the entire lifetime of Moses, they did not become a
nation until they were settled in the land under the leadership of Joshua. They
remained transient for one more generation because of reversionism. What part
of the covenant is remembered in verse five? The part that says Abraham, you
are not only a new race but you are a new nation. The new race part had been
fulfilled. God went to tremendous lengths to deliver the Jews — without their
co-operation, by the way. “I will bring you to the land which I swore to
Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob … I will give it to you for a possession.” That
part of the covenant was fulfilled in the Age of Israel, and that part of the
covenant was lost until the Millennium through reversionism and the fifth cycle
of discipline.