The doctrine of adultery


            1. Definition. Porneia, a)kaqarsia, and other words for adultery are used in the sense of any sexual activity outside of divine institution #2, i.e. marriage. Sex is designed, of course, by God for right man, right woman relationship only. This marriage relationship protects the right man and the right woman. But it must be remembered that sex is not love, sex when properly used is an expression of category #2 love relationship. Adultery may be categorised as fornication, seduction of a member of the opposite sex, or it may be categorised as abnormal as previously noted.

            2. The Bible prohibits adultery. It is prohibited in the Mosaic law — Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18. It is prohibited in the New Testament — 1 Corinthians 6:18; Acts 15:20; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Incidentally, mental adultery is prohibited — Matthew 5:27,28. Incest is forbidden — Leviticus 18:6ff; 20:14; 1 Corinthians 5:1-7; Deuteronomy 27:20. Homosexuality is forbidden — Leviticus 18:22; 20:13. Bestiality is also forbidden — Leviticus 18:23;20:15; Deuteronomy 27:21.

            3. There are two passages which indicate the reversionistic destruction of the soul through adultery as a frantic search for happiness. The reversionistic destruction of the soul comes from the wrong attitude toward Bible doctrine resulting in setting up in the soul reactor factors of one kind or another. The reactor factors always begin with something like negative volition toward any authority of any kind. Boredom or disillusion or discouragement, frustration, are all intensified by mental attitude sins such as bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, pride, hatred, and so on. These are the reactor factors that start because a believer is out of sorts with regard to the Word of God. In other words, he has the beginning of his negative volition. Reactor factors under the activity of the old sin nature always lead to a frantic search for happiness. The one in this context is adultery, there are many other types. There are even trends. The frantic search for happiness, once begun, intensifies whatever reactor factors were involved here. The three stages — reaction, frantic search for happiness, intensification — are already based upon apathy and indifference to the Word of God. But now comes the strong negative volition, the total antagonism or total apathy, or total rejection of the authority of the pastor, or conflict with someone in the congregation. Whatever it may be, all of these things start the next phase of the destruction of the soul which is the confirming of negative volition toward doctrine. This negative volition automatically starts the opening of the mataiothj, the vacuum, through which come the doctrine of demons of 1 Timothy 4:1. And as this sort of information comes into the left lobe the believer is now under the influence of doctrine of demons. This is called demon influence in contrast to demon possession. No believer can be demon possessed, believers can only be under demon influence. Demon influence makes a patriot into a traitor, a conservative into a liberal, etc. All of the demon influence concepts cause the person to take in the doctrine of demons, and this is called “darkness.” This is blackout of the soul. It causes hardness of heart or scar tissue on the right lobe. This leads to the practice of reverse process reversionism. All of these stages are destructive to the soul.

            There are two verses that relate these to adultery as a frantic search for happiness — Proverbs 6:21; Ephesians 4:19.

            4. Self-betrayal and self-destruction also exist in the field of fornication. Spiritual destruction is brought out by pleonecia which is insatiability toward things called greed, insatiability in the field of sex called fornication, frantic search for happiness in the field of phallic reversionism. The physical destruction of the body is also mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:13-18. In other words, promiscuity does have a destructive effect on both the male and the female body.

            5. The sanctification of category #2 love is marriage — 1 Thessalonians 4:3,4; Hebrews 13:4.

            6. The glory of category #2 love is described in spiritual analogy — 1 Corinthians 11:7. The right woman is the glory of the right man. The sign that she has her right man is her long hair.

            7. Adultery is a bona fide basis for divorce — Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Luke 16:18. The resultant blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, frantic search for happiness, intensified reversionism, destroys rapport between husband and wife. All types of compatibility have been destroyed by adultery. In Deuteronomy 24:4 the principle of interim sex destroys soul love and sex capacity, and you can never remarry a man and a woman who are divorced when one of them has had sex in between. The interim sex destroys the relationship.

            8. Adultery and fornication is often used in the Bible to describe apostasy or reversionism — Jeremiah 3:8-10; Ezekiel 16:23-43; 23:24-28; Revelation 17:1-5.

            9. The application of category #2 love to the single person.

                        a) The right man and right woman were designed by God in eternity past. Therefore there exists for you an opposite number by divine design.

                        b) The exception to this is the rare case of celibacy or the law of supreme sacrifice designed by God for maximum concentration and production — like the apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 9:5; like Jeremiah, Jeremiah 16:2.

                        c) Every believer will eventually come into contact or meet his/her right man or right woman. If you come together on God’s timing it is going to work out beautifully. God has perfect timing.

                        d) However, there is no benefit in meeting your opposite number unless you have capacity for life based on Bible doctrine, unless you have waited on the Lord in faithfulness to this principle. This principle means the avoidance of fornication. It also means the function of GAP which is extremely important.

                        e) Therefore, your life and conduct must be based on the doctrinal principle that there exists on the earth your right man or right woman designed by God and no other person will do.

                        f) Fornication or adultery is accepting a cheap substitute in order to gratify a biological or emotional urge, or to enter into a frantic search for happiness at stage three of reversionism.

                        g) Divine viewpoint plus faith-rest say “Flee fornication.” Supergrace, the ECS, and growth under GAP reject the principle of frantic search for happiness through fornication, or even being a holy roller.

                        h) Fornication builds scar tissue on the soul, destroys the design of the body and organs related to sex, as well as spirituality. Fornication, therefore, is the enemy of right man, right woman relationship. It is therefore prohibited in Ephesians 5:3 in the strongest terms.

                        i) Doctrine in the soul is capacity for category #2 love. The greatest preparation for your right man or right woman is GAPing it consistently.

                        j) Supergrace status gives maximum capacity to express love in sex.


            The doctrine of adultery

            1. Definition. This refers to sexual activity outside of the divine institution of marriage. Sex is designed as an expression of love between right man and right woman. As an expression of category #2 love sex is not only legitimate but very beautiful. It expresses the coalescence of soul and body. Adultery may be categories as fornication, seduction of a member of the opposite sex.

            2. The prohibition of adultery or fornication. The prohibition of the decalogue refers to freedom — Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18. In the New Testament it is also prohibited — 1 Corinthians 6:18; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Mental adultery is prohibited — Matthew 5:27,28. Incest is also forbidden — Leviticus 18:6-17; 20:14; 1 Corinthians 5:1-7. Homosexuality is forbidden — Leviticus 18:22. It is never called a disease — “You will not have sex with a male as with a female, it is an abomination [not a disease].” Leviticus 20:13 — “a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death.” Cf. Romans 1:26 — “degenerate passions.”

            3. Phallic reversionism is destructive to the soul — Proverbs 6:32; Ephesians 4:18,19.

            4. Fornication and the frantic search for happiness — Ephesians 5:3.

            5. The destructive force of promiscuity is found in 1 Corinthians 6:13-18.

            6. Adultery is a bona fide basis for divorce — Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Luke 16:18. The various stages of phallic reversionism destroy rapport between a husband and a wife. Deuteronomy 24:4 — if a marriage breaks up and there is interim sex they should never be reconciled.

            7. Adultery or fornication is often used in a spiritual sense to describe reversionism and apostasy — Jeremiah 3:8-10; Ezekiel 16:23-43; 23:24-28; Revelation 17:1-5; Hebrews 11:16.

            8. The sanctification of category #2 love is said to be marriage — 1 Thessalonians 4:3,4.

            9. The glory of category #2 love is described in the spiritual analogy of Ephesians 5:28-31.

            10. The biblical application of category #2 love for the single person:

                        a) The right man and right woman were designed by God in eternity past. Therefore you must assume that there is a opposite number for you of divine design, or that God will provide something better.

                        b) The exception is the rare case of celibacy or function under the law of supreme sacrifice, where the apostle Paul is the perfect illustration — 1 Corinthians 9:5.

                        c) Every believer under the principle of grace and the plan of God will eventually meet his opposite number. At the right time and circumstances God will bring together right man and right woman. However, if you are in reversionism or under the influence of evil you may not identify.

                        d) However, there is no benefit in meeting your opposite number unless you have waited on the Lord in faithfulness to that principle. This means from the negative viewpoint the avoidance of fornication or adultery. This means from the positive standpoint the capacity for category #2 love, for maximum doctrine in the soul.

                        e) Consequently, the thought and life pattern must be based on the doctrinal principle that there exists on this earth your right man or your right woman designed by God, and no other person will do. It is not a case of cheap substitutes, it is a case of no substitutes.

                        f) Fornication or adultery is accepting a cheap substitute in order to gratify and emotional or biological passion. Fornication or adultery is a part of the frantic search for happiness, the second stage of reversionism.

                        g) The antidote to temptation in the area of fornication is found in spiritual growth, supergrace life, the erection of the ECS, the establishment of a command post in the soul.

                        h) Under phallic reversionism fornication builds scar tissue on the soul while destroying the physical abilities and capabilities in the field of sex.

                        i) Maximum doctrine resident in the soul plus abstinence from sex become the basis for maximum pleasure from sex in category #2 love. The persistence and daily function of GAP translates the principle of doctrine into the pleasures and realities of a great capacity for life and a great capacity for happiness.

                        j) Therefore the preparation for life is a persistent and daily function of GAP as a member of the royal family of God. In this way part of the supergrace blessing is this wonderful blessing of sexual prosperity.