Advents: Two Advents of Three Persons


I. First advent of:


            A. Satan:  Satan (chief of angels) came into perfect environment and destroyed it (changed it into sinfulness). Genesis 1-3.


            B. Christ: Christ came to provide salvation. He came to bring man something greater than that which he had before in innocence. He came to solve the sinfulness which originated with Satan.


            C. Holy Spirit: Came at Pentecost to provide, in the believer (all of whom represent Christ on earth) exactly what God the Son produced while He walked, in His humanity, on the earth while sustained by the Holy Spirit.


            John 14:12 is speaking of greater works in quantity; but same in quality — production of the Holy Spirit. John 16:7-14 is speaking of the Church Age.


II. Second advent of:


            A. Jesus Christ: At the 2nd advent, Operation Footstool provides 1000 years of perfect environment.


            B. Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit comes in the Millennium — Joel 2:28,29; 2 Thessalonians 2:7. The Holy Spirit provides appreciation of Christ on earth, when Jesus Christ is absent from the earth: Church Age. In the Millennium Christ is present and visible and there will be a new type of spirituality.


            C. Satan: At the end of the Millennium Satan leads a revolt — Revelation 20:7-9.