The doctrine of ambassadorship


          1. An ambassador does not appoint himself. He is appointed by the nation he represents, the king he represents, the person he represents. As ambassadors we are appointed by God the Father because God the Father was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Christ is now at the right hand of the Father through ascension and we are now His personal representatives on this earth. Our appointment is a grace appointment at the moment of salvation.

            2. An ambassador doesn’t support himself. This is not talking about man working by the sweat of his brow, we are talking about the sustaining, the surviving, the protection through catastrophe and disaster as well as in time of prosperity, the fact that we are a part of a spiritual warfare, the fact that we are in the intensification of the angelic conflict, and the fact that we are totally and completely sustained, preserved, protected by God the Father. We are in His plan and cannot be removed from this world as long as God’s purpose for your ministry continues.

            3. An ambassador does not represent himself. Once you accept Jesus Christ as saviour the door is open to the greatest happiness in the world. That happiness comes from the daily intake of Bible doctrine. That happiness gives the capacity to love God: category #1, capacity to love a member of the opposite sex: category #2, capacity for friendship: category #3. That same doctrine gives the ability to master the details of life, to enjoy them when you possess them and when you lose them to still have inner happiness and stability. As this door is opened we have to remember that our purpose in life has now radically changed. Our purpose in life is to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, to enter into the spiritual conflict which exists in this earth, as well as the historical conflict. And since it is a spiritual conflict we no longer represent ourselves but we represent the Lord Jesus Christ. And since we are His representatives everything is in His hands. Therefore, we have been given techniques, such as faith-rest, in order to put difficulties and problems and pressures in his hands, in order to stay cool under fire, or to have poise when things are difficult. He has provided all of this.

            4. He doesn’t belong to the country to which he is sent. There is a sense in which we are now the citizens of heaven although we are the citizens of this country. There is a sense in which our highest responsibility belongs to the Lord,. although it is wonderful to know that as in Romans 13 we can enter into the service of our country and do it as unto the Lord under our type, of government.

            5. All ambassadors have instructions in written form. We have our instructions in written form — Bible doctrine.

            6. An ambassador representing his country does not treat any insult as personal. This has to do with the relaxed mental attitude in the soul from the inhale of Bible doctrine.

            7. When the ambassador is recalled from a country that is tantamount to a declaration of war. When we are recalled through the Rapture of the Church then there will be the most fantastic warfare, spiritual and otherwise, during the Tribulation.