The intensification of the angelic conflict


            1. In the Old Testament dispensation Christ was always the target of Satan. But once Christ came in the flesh, went to the cross, was glorified through resurrection, ascension and session he is no longer a target and can no longer be a target. He is now at the right hand of the Father.

            2. The Church therefore, the representation of Christ on the earth, has become that target. Every believer is a royal priest, every believer is an ambassador, and therefore we are His representatives, we are the target.

            3. Since the Church is composed of numerous believers on earth at any given time in history the conflict has shifted gears and intensified, making each believer on this earth a target.

            4. Therefore each believer in this dispensation, being the devil’s target, also is fortified and strengthened. For each board in the building will remain in the building, it cannot be removed. For this reason special and unique divine provision is ours in this age of the Church.

                        a) Union with Christ or positional truth, relationship to God in the strategic victory of the cross.

                        b) The indwelling of Christ as long as we are growing.

                        c) The indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

            None of these things ever occurred before the Church Age historically.

                        d) The completion of the canon of scripture.

                        e) The universal royal priesthood of the believer.

                        f) The universal ambassadorship of the believer.

                        g) A supernatural way of life with a supernatural tactical objective — the supergrace life.

            5. Grace provision did not exist did not exist in the Old Testament dispensations. These things have been added to meet the needs and the pressures of the intensified angelic conflict.

            6. Different epistles emphasise different aspects of this intensified conflict. Hebrews emphasises the priesthood; Ephesians emphasises the grace plan; James emphasises the experiential activity.

            7. Twice in this chapter — verses 18-22— God the Holy Spirit is mentioned in relationship to the unique ministry of the Church.

            8. The baptism of the Holy Spirit multiplies the targets of Satan and causes him to go on an all-out offensive to destroy the Church. This he has been trying for nearly 2000 years and has not succeeded.