Authority of the pastor: destruction of …


            2 Corinthians 10:8 — “For though I should boast somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed.”


            1. Constant criticism of the pastor destroys his authority.


            2. Loss of authority neutralises any effect of the communication of Bible doctrine — divine viewpoint.


            3. No communication of Bible doctrine means no soul breathing.


            4. No soul breathing means Scar Tissue.


            5. Scar tissue in the soul means no function under the plan of God and thinking human viewpoint.


            6. Human viewpoint means disorientation to the plan of God and the grace of God.


            2 Corinthians 10:9 — “That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters.”


            1. Human viewpoint attacks or distorts doctrine.


            2. Human viewpoint attacks the Word and the reception and communication of it.


            3. Divine viewpoint of 2 Corinthians, though hard on them, is an expression of God’s love and Paul’s love and concern.


            4. To have sins and carnality exposed in beneficial and therefore results in rebound and the removal of scar tissue.


            5. Divine viewpoint results in a desire for doctrine, which removes scar tissue if it exists.


            6. Paul is using his authority to lead carnal believers to rebound and give an understanding of the grace of God.


            All of this is necessary in a local church, if it is to be a relaxed church. Many relaxed churches makes a relaxed nation. Chain of command is as follows: Doctrine in the only hope — the authority!


            1. There must be the right man (pastor) communicating Bible doctrine to the right people (right church) in a geographical location — Hebrews 13.


            2. There must be a right man for a right woman — Ephesians 5:22. Authority is established at that point — Right man.


                        3. Then right parents for right children — authority is the husband.


            4. Then you have right leaders for the right nation. The authority is the government leaders, “ministers of God” — Romans 13:1-7.