Baptism of Jesus


1. Baptism by John came before the baptism of Jesus because it was the herald's baptism, anticipating Jesus Christ.

2. It was the purpose of Jesus Christ to have His herald baptise Him. This began His public ministry.

3. In John's baptism the water represented the kingdom of God which is the general term for regenerate people from the time of Adam to the end of the Millennium.

4. In the baptism of Jesus the water represented the will of the Father in salvation--the cross. UNIQUE BAPTISM. The Kingdom of God here is in the form of the King, Jesus Christ.

5. The will of God must be exercised before the Eternal Kingdom of God can be a reality (Eternal Kingdom of regenerate people). The cross must come before the crown!

6. As He went into the water He said in effect, “I will die for the sins of the world.”

7. As He came out of the water He said in effect, “I will rise again that believers might have resurrection bodies.”

8. Baptism of Jesus Christ was the counterpart (ritual) to (for) the reality of the baptism of the cup (cross).

9. The baptism of Jesus was unique because Christ is unique and it represents His unique work on the cross.

10. He was baptised at the age of 30, at the beginning of His public ministry.

11. The Holy Spirit appeared at His baptism to guarantee that he would sustain Jesus during His ministry.

12. No one ever follows the Lord in baptism. (We are not the God-Man; we cannot go to the cross).