The Beatitudes
����������� Matthew 5:1-12
����������� The Sermon on the Mount was a crash
program to teach the disciples Bible doctrine. The term �blessed� refers to
inner happiness.
����������� 1. The beatitude of salvation: 5:3.
This is a reminder of the grace of salvation. �Poor in spirit� refers to
spiritual IQ that begins at salvation. A
true inner happiness (3rd floor of the ECS) begins at the cross.
����������� 2. The beatitude of suffering: 5:4.
�They that mourn.� Inner happiness as projected from the edification complex of
the soul [ECS] can handle any pressure situation, and suffering situation in
life. This believer carries his happiness with him.
����������� 3. The beatitude of relaxed power:
5:5. �The meek.� This speaks of the first floor of the ECS � grace orientation. This is the believer who is spiritually poised,
and is in antithesis to the pride power generated by the energy of the flesh.
����������� 4. The beatitude of doctrinal
desire: 5:6. �They which hunger and thirst.� This is the believer daily
inhaling and exhaling Bible doctrine through the faith principle. Righteousness
is God�s brand of goodness.
����������� 5. The beatitude of orientation to
grace: 5:7. �The merciful.� Mercy is grace in action. Inner happiness is based
on thinking grace at all times. We are saved by grace, we continue to function by
����������� 6. The beatitude of rebound: 5:8.
�pure in heart.� Based on 1 John 1:9. No inner happiness is present when one is
out of fellowship. �Shall see God.� Refers to occupation with Christ, thinking
divine viewpoint as a result of having rebounded. If one has not rebounded, he
is not filled with the Spirit. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is necessary for
the intake of Bible doctrine, the faith-transfer, and the erection of the ECS.
����������� 7. The beatitude of witnessing: 5:9.
�Peacemakers.� One who witnesses to the way of peace between God and man �
reconciliation. �Called the children of God.� They are identified with God
because they carry His message without mental attitude sins. This speaks of the
second floor of the ECS, a relaxed mental attitude.
����������� 8. The beatitude of persecution and
pressure: 5:10-12. Inner happiness is the possession of those who are
persecuted �for righteousness sake� [verse 10]; and �Christ�s sake� [verse 11].
So keep on rejoicing [keep on staying in fellowship regardless], [verse 12].
God�s plan of grace is greater than any pressure or persecution in life. The
idea is to draw upon the grace of God.�