The Strong & Weak Believer


            The strong believer

            The strong believer is influenced by doctrine rather than by evil. He is a royal priest who has consistently functioned under GAP to attain supergrace status. He possesses paragraph SG2, he is blessed magnificently of the Lord, and he consistently makes grace decisions when he faces the issue of right versus right. He has the command post in the soul. He is an island to himself in that he makes all of his own decisions and they are correct ones before the Lord. He has put on the whole armour from God, he has established the altar of the priesthood, he is a mature believer, he has become the salt or the preservation of the nation. The strong believer receives maximum blessing from his paragraph SG2, and this blessing overflows to others. His spiritual blessing includes occupation with Christ, sharing God’s happiness (+H), maximum grace orientation from the command post in the soul, he is spiritually self-sustaining through doctrine resident in his soul. His temporal blessings include promotion, wealth, success, prosperity, social prosperity, sexual prosperity, material prosperity, technical prosperity, leadership dynamics. And he has the most wonderful capacity for life in all circumstances. He always has the capacity to avoid evil and line up with doctrine. He has maximum blessing and influence from doctrine and minimal influence from evil. He is not, therefore, sidetracked into causes which try to resolve the problems of evil.


            The weak believer

            The weak believer is the one who rejects Bible doctrine. He lives in evil, he is a reversionist. His sins may be refined so that people think he is a great person. He is involved in human good, in panaceas, and he is constantly trying to improve the devil’s world by his own actions. For example, a weak believer, female type, would be up to her heels in women’s lib. Or a man would be trying to resolve the problems of ecology. All of these people who get involved in social action and trying to help the downtrodden. The weak believer is always involved in trying to solve the problems of evil. The weak believer must never be confused, however, with the new believer. The new believer has recently regenerated but the weak believer is a reversionist. The weak believer is negative toward Bible doctrine, failing to function under GAP, is unstable, can never be counted on in any sense of the word. The weak believer is arrogant, rejecting all authority but his own. He rejects the authority of his right pastor. The weak believer has false norms and standards, a distorted conscience, rationalism and empiricism control. The weak believer is an emotional problem and often winds up being psychotic. The weak believer has erroneous concepts of Christian virtue, placing emphasis on sincerity as well as self-righteousness, placing emphasis on socialism, the social panaceas, pseudo morality, asceticism, tabooism, legalism. He is constantly critical of the strong believer, having no understanding or appreciation of grace and is therefore constantly picking at the grace believer. So the weak believer spends time in gossip maligning, nit-picking, being critical. He rejects doctrine, cannot understand grace, and he practices some form of pseudo spirituality or some type of immorality, depending upon the type of reversionism.