Bible: Knowledge, imparting to the believer


                I. What? God is all knowledge, omniscience.


                        A. The Word of God the Father — Hebrews 4:12.


                        B. The Mind of Christ — 1 Corinthians 2:16


                        C. The Voice of the Holy Spirit — Hebrews 3:7.


            II. Why? 


                        A. Guidance.


                        B. Stability:

                                    a) Isaiah 33:6 — “Wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy time ...” Knowledge is taking gnosis doctrine into the mind, wisdom is transferring that gnosis into epignosis in the human spirit through the faith-transfer grace system.

                                    b) Colossians 1:9,10 — Paul’s prayer for those he had never seen is for each believer there to get an edification complex in the soul (ECS), because out of the ECS comes wisdom, knowledge and spiritual understanding. Paul does not pray for them an emotional experience, prosperity, ecstatics, good health, etc.


                        C. Confidence: (Knowledge brings confidence)

                            1. Knowledge transferred to the human spirit is recycled through the soul and it brings in more doctrine. This brings confidence. 1 John 2:3 — “And hereby we DO KNOW that we KNOW HIM.” Confidence of our salvation.

                            “if we keep His commandments”: 1 John 2:23 commands:

                                    a) That we be saved.

                                    b) That we be filled with the Holy Spirit (stay in fellowship)


                            2. This confidence results in the believer being able to claim:

                                    a) Romans 8:28 — “All things work together for good”

                                        so: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 — “In everything give thanks.’

                                    b) Why? God is omniscient and omnipotent.

                                         Job 24:1, times are not hidden from God.

                                         Psalm 31:15, “my times are in thy hands.”


            III How? “ … rightly dividing the Word of Truth” — 2 Timothy 2:15

                             Isaiah 28:10 — “precept upon precept”: refers to categories  

                                                   “line upon line”: refers to verse by verse study

                                                  “here a little, there a little”: some study every day.