

            1. Business is a part of the laws of divine establishment: those laws of divine establishment that deal with the economy.

            2. The principle of business is the antithesis of the principle of grace. You work for a living; you do nothing for blessing under grace.

            3. In business you must work to produce; in grace you cannot work to receive divine blessing, whether it is salvation or some blessing in phase two, or some future blessing in phase three.


            The function of business

            1. The function of the believer in business is found in a number of passages of the scripture. The royal family believer, Church Age believer, is found in Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:22-4:1; 1 Timothy 6.

            2. It is a part of the divine plan for every believer in the royal family of God to represent the Lord in the business world in time. John 17:15-17 is a business passage.

            3. God has a plan for the believer in the business world. His plan calls for believers to be blessed in the business world.

            4. God’s plan calls for believers not only to be in the business world but to be fortified with doctrine in the business world. This, then, makes a believer in the business world a very definite part of the angelic conflict.