The doctrine of Christ the shepherd


            1. The shepherd of phase one — John 10:11, 14-16. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. This refers to Jesus Christ dying on the cross. This is talking about His spiritual death.

            2. The shepherd of phase two — Hebrews 13:20, which in its complete translation says, In fact the God of peace, who has brought back from deaths our Lord Jesus, the shepherd of the sheep, the great one, with the blood of the eternal covenant.” The great shepherd provides for the royal family in phase two. The great shepherd also emphasises the blessings that God has for the supergrace believer. The Lord Jesus Christ is the basis for the distribution of supergrace blessings.

            3. The shepherd of phase three — 1 Peter 5:4, “And when the chief shepherd appears [Rapture].” He is called the good shepherd in phase one; the great shepherd for phase two; the chief shepherd for phase three. While the passage is addressed to pastors of the Church Age it refers to the principle of the chief shepherd providing eternal blessing and reward of phase three.