The principle of cosmic evangelism


The basis for cosmic it is found in the mandate which is given in verse two to the pastor of the local church: “Be constantly alert and strengthen the remnant” -- Revelation 3:2. These are the believers who wear the uniform of honour, the minority in this congregation. The pastor must persist in teaching positive believers for without doctrine they are potential candidates for the cosmic system; “who are about to die,” we have seen that this is cosmic death, the carnality which leads to eternal loss of reward, not loss of salvation. It is carnality reversionism and cosmic involvement; “for I have not found your work fulfilled in the sight of my God,” which is the criticism of the majority in the Sardis church. They definitely were not advancing to maturity; they were not completing the plan of God; the plan of God was simply not fulfilled, and the reason has to do with the principle and the purpose of cosmic evangelism.

1. Cosmic evangelism is conducted by believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. They are under the control of Satan and in his power system, cosmic one, the interlocking systems of arrogance; cosmic two, the interlocking systems of hatred.

2. Cosmic evangelistic appeal is generally conducted through arrogance though the arrogance might be disguised by a facade of flattery, intellectuality, affection or passion.

3. Arrogance is easily influenced by evil, 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Be not deceived: evil friends corrupt good morals,” and this includes virtue and integrity derived from residence and function inside the divine dynasphere.

4. When the mature believer in the divine dynasphere is led astray by his love for the cosmic believer the resultant arrogance means loss of discernment; he is dead cosmically.

5. His cosmic friends may be moral or immoral but the results are the same. He is evangelised for the cosmic system.

6. The moral cosmic believer is affectionate without being passionate, and with affection lures the mature believer or the believer living in the divine dynasphere outside and into the cosmic system.

7. The immoral cosmic believer is passionate without being affectionate, and with his passion lures the mature believer into the cosmic system.

8. In the first case of the moral cosmic believer friendship becomes more important than doctrine. You can be lured out of Bible class daily very easily. All you have to do is to make a friend of a moral cosmic believer and that friendship will eventually become more important than doctrine - and you’re gone.

9. In the second case, the immoral believer leads to the principle that sex becomes more important than doctrine.

10. Affection comes from the soul and is very meaningful and wonderful only when it includes virtue, integrity and capacity for love.

11. Passion comes from the body and is meaningful as an expression of category #2 love only where love, honour, virtue and integrity also exist.

12. But where love, honour, integrity and virtue does not exist then you are evangelised by your cosmic friends, or in some cases, your cosmic lover. Love, honour and integrity can only exist in the divine dynasphere, in the cosmic system they are destroyed.


The objective of cosmic evangelism

1. The objective of cosmic evangelism is to lure the believer in the divine dynasphere into the cosmic system. And Satan does not attack directly, he uses believers in the cosmic system. He uses their attractiveness, he uses their relationship with you, he uses their friendship, he uses their morality, he uses their immorality. Just like communism Satan uses antithetical methods to achieve the same thing.

2. The tool of cosmic evangelism is the lure to arrogance. The human race is extremely vulnerable and the attention of a friend or the desire, the lust of a lover, can make a person forget overnight that number one priority is Bible doctrine.   

3. Arrogance cannot discern between passion and affection. Arrogance cannot relate, then, to love, honour, integrity and virtue.

4. Therefore arrogance assumes that a show of affection from the opposite sex is an invitation to passion.

5. Furthermore arrogance assumes that a show of passion from the opposite sex is a sign of affection or love, and where cosmic involvement is concerned neither is true. Passion is not love and affection is not passion. The believer living in the divine dynasphere keeps them in their proper place.

6. Arrogance cannot distinguish between passion and affection, sex and love, the unreality of flattery and the reality of virtue, honour and integrity.

7. Arrogance assumes that passion is affection, therefore arrogance enters into a physical or sexual relationship without love, integrity, virtue or honour.

8. Arrogance assumes that affection is passion, therefore arrogance becomes aggressive and advances lasciviousness, attempted seduction.

9. Arrogance assumes that flattery is greatness and the weakness developed makes the arrogant person the slave of the flatterer.

10. Cosmic evangelism is easy once the victim has been lured into one of the many categories of arrogance, so inevitably arrogance is a sign of being evangelised for the cosmic system. This is exactly what has happened in Sardis.