Profile of Dan


1. Dan brought up the rear of Israel, Numbers 10:25, which means dragging the feet and negative volition toward Bible doctrine.

2. Dan was the first tribe to become so involved in the cosmic system that it became idolatrous — Leviticus 24:11; Judges 18:2, 30,31.

3. It is noted from 1 Kings 11:26 and 12:28-30 that it was Dan who set up the golden calf in Israel when Moses was absent during the exodus.

4. Dan was the last tribe to receive the inheritance in the land, Joshua 19:47-49.

5. In the listing of the tribes Dan is always mentioned last as illustrated by 1 Chronicles 27:16-22.

6. Dan was also omitted from the genealogies which are found in Chronicles, 1 Chronicles chapters two through ten.

7. In this context, Revelation chapter seven, Dan is not mentioned — no evangelists from the tribe of Dan.

This, of course, indicates a principle: any form of apostasy inevitably eliminates one from functioning in the plan of God.