The Davidic covenant


                        a) Party of the first part, God, makes a gracious disposition to party of the second part, David. The subject is rulership of Israel, the perpetuation of the Davidic dynasty.

                        b) This is part of David’s promotion. His dynasty under the rule of Jesus Christ will last forever.

                        c) The Davidic perpetuation of the monarchy will continue under two separate increments. He will rule over the southern kingdom for 400 years — BC 1004 to 586. He will rule approximately 72 years over the northern section — BC 998-926.

                        d) In addition to this David’s progeny in the person of Jesus Christ will rule Israel forever, and rule under the boundaries of the real estate/Palestinian covenant.

                        e) This Davidic covenant is the link between the first and the last Adam.

                        f) Through the first Adam sin came into the world.

                        g) Through the first advent the last Adam solved the sin problem on the cross.

                        h) Through the second advent the last Adam fulfills the Davidic covenant.