The Doctrine of Days


The word "day" is used in the Bible in three different ways, and as you study the six days of

restoration, you must learn to differentiate among them.

I . The day which is less than twenty-four hours:

a.  The  day of salvation  is that  point  in  time when an individuaJ

believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and refers to that moment of

faith in Christ (Acts 16:31; 2Cor. 6:2).

b.  The day of Christ is the Rapture of the Church, which will be

instantaneous, "in the twinkling of an eye" (I Cor. 15:52; Phil.

1:10; 2:16).

c.  The day of wrath is the Great White Throne Judgment, which is.

described as the "day ofwrath'' in Romans 2:5. That will be the

moment when the unbeliever is judged by Jesus Christ and cast

into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15).

d.  A day of declaration refers to the Judgment Seat of Christ (I

Cor. 3:13). It will be the judgment of the Church Age believers'

human good (2 Cor. 5:10).

2.  The day which is more than twenty-four hours:

a.  The  day  of redemption refers to  the believer in eternity in  a

resurrection body (Eph. 4:30).

b. The day of the Lord can have one of two meanings, depending

on the context:

(1) It can refer to the Tribulation, Second Advent, and Millen-

nium, a combined period of approximately 1007 years (Isa.

13:6; Joel 1:15; 2:l;Zech. 14:1; I Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10);


(2) It can refer to any one segment in the Tribulation, Second

Advent, or Millennium (Isa. 2:12; 13:6; Joel l:15;2:l;Zech.

14:1; I Thess. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10).

c.  The day of God refers to eternity (2 Pet. 3:12).

3. The twenty-four-hour day, which is a solar day:

a.  The  six  days  of  the  earth's  restoration  which  were  literal

twenty-four-hour days (Gen. I : 3-31).

b. The Sabbath (Ex. 20:10), a holy day in the Dispensation of


c.  The Lord's day, which is Sunday (Rev. 1:10).

d. "One day at a time" concept in the Christian way of life (Rom.


e.  Taking in doctrine daily (Psa. 119:97), functioning under GAP

in every twenty-four-hour period.