1. It means that God has ordained a
classroom. Teaching must occur in a classroom. It can be anywhere, but wherever
there are three believers and a pastor-teacher that is a classroom. The public
assembly of the local church is the classroom for this dispensation.
2. It means authority, to
communicate with authority — monologue, no dialogue, no sharing.
3. It means moral courage, the
courage to teach what is said no matter what anyone thinks. Once you know you
have the truth you communicate it.
4. Function. Function is
communication. It demands that you concentrate, it demands that the pastor gets
your attention and holds it. While it is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit to
give you concentration it is a part of the gift of pastor-teacher to
illustrate, to lend colour to, and hold attention.
5. Observation. The pastor observes
the congregation, he knows what is going on. This is important. There are times
when the teaching must finish a little early because the congregation has had
all it can take at the moment and it is no longer listening. Or it is getting
6. Didaskw means a system of discipline in the association of the royal
family. Not only does it mean academic
discipline in the classroom, it means a system of discipline in the royal
7. It means a system of priorities
for the royal family of God. Priority #1 is Jesus Christ, a priority you cannot
achieve until priority #2 is fulfilled in part — doctrine. So priorities must
be kept straight. Jesus Christ must be first, but that is simply a principle
without practice when you are born again. The only way that it becomes a
principle with practice is for priority #2 to come. Priority #2 during the
early stages of your spiritual life is really priority #1, for all we know
about the living Word we know from the written Word. Priority #1 is Bible
doctrine until you reach supergrace and then occupation with Christ puts a
mature system of priorities into operation: Christ is #1 and doctrine is #2.
Next in your priorities must be the assembly in the local church to learn the
Word of God.