The doctrine of divine discipline


            1. This doctrine is for believers only, Hebrew 12:5. It is for the family of God. This is not saying that unbelievers do not suffer. They suffer by violating the laws of establishment, they suffer from self-induced misery, from the decadence of their soul in the field of mental attitude sins. The unbelievers do suffer but their suffering is not a family matter. Divine discipline is a family matter.

            2. Discipline is based on love, Hebrews 12:6.

            3. Divine discipline does not entail the loss of salvation, Galatians 3:26 cf Hebrews 12:6.

            4. Divine discipline is often removed by rebound, 1 Corinthians 11:31. In this way God turns cursing into blessing.

            5. If the suffering continues after rebound the purpose is blessing, Job 5:17,18.

            6. All discipline for members of the family of God is confined to time, Revelation 21:4.

            7. Discipline relates to sins of the immediate past. The suffering is caused by discipline for something you have done wrong in the immediate past. The only exception to this would be reversionism over a long period of time, as in the case of king Saul.

            8. Maximum discipline for any member of the family of God is the sin unto death, 1 John 5:16. This is caused by prolonged reversionism.

            9. Triple compound discipline is one of the more intense forms of divine discipline. An illustration is found in Matthew 7:1-2.


          The benefits from divine discipline

            1. When you are under divine discipline you have the encouragement of knowing that you belong to God. It is a sign of sonship, it is encouragement in the field of eternal security. God only spanks His own children.

            2. It is a sign of reversionism, it is a warning to you as a believer, as a child of God, that you are off the royal road to glory. So God graciously warns His children by discipline.

            3. Discipline is a teacher and a corrector. The growing believer is taught and corrected indirectly by Bible teaching. The reversionist is taught and corrected directly by discipline.

            4. A motivator of positive volition toward Bible doctrine. It motivates to get positive toward doctrine.

            5. It is the hard way of attaining spiritual maturity.