The dispensation of the unveiled glory


            The Church Age is divided into two parts, the pre-canon period and the post-canon period. The pre-canon period goes roughly from 30-96 AD. From 96 AD to the present time and all the way to the Rapture we have the post-canon period, we now have the Word of God. The pre-canon period: the book of Acts; the post-canon period: the epistles of the New Testament. There are a number of general characteristics of the age of unveiled glory.

            1. Every believer is in union with Christ, the doctrine of positional sanctification. This was never true before and it will never be true after the Rapture of the Church. There is just one age in which God takes every believer and puts him in union with Christ.

            2. Every believer is indwelt by the person of Christ. However, the indwelling of Christ is not for functional purpose, it is for fellowship with the glorified Christ. Revelation 2:20.

            3. The ministry of God the Holy Spirit in indwelling is functional.

            4. Every believer is an ambassador representing Christ on the earth.

            5. Every believer is a priest representing himself before God.

            6. We have a completed canon of scripture.

            7. Every believer is commanded to be filled with the Spirit, so we have a supernatural way of life.

            8. Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ, as it is in every dispensation.


            The glory which is emphasised in 2 Corinthians chapter three is the ministry of the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit produces divine good; the old sin nature produces human good. There is no glory in your life by the production of human good. God the Holy Spirit imitates God in our lives in that He produces in our soul those characteristics which make all kinds of personalities attractive. Sin destroys that. So the issue in your life: Who controls your life, the Holy Spirit or the old sin nature? The Holy Spirit can indwell without controlling. The glory is not seen unless the glory controls your life. The Holy Spirit cannot control your life unless you utilise the rebound technique. Once the Holy Spirit controls your life there will be produced inside your life the very character of Christ.