

             The word "divorce" means "freedom to remarry." Biblical divorce gives the right of remarriage (under certain conditions). Divorce was permitted under the Mosaic law, see Deuteronomy 24:1-4. There was one exception. In the Old Testament the man always divorced the woman. However, the principle, applies both ways.

Look at Deuteronomy 24: Verse 1 - "some uncleanness": adultery and desertion. Under the Mosaic law divorce was abused and distorted because there were many reasons for this incleanness. Cf. Malachi 2:11-17; Leviticus 5,7,10,11, 13; Numbers 19; Deuteronomy 23. A man who wanted to get rid of his wife would get her to touch some dead animal or the clothes of someone who had died, or go to a funeral. He would then immediately send for a judge and decalre his wife unclean.

Verse 2 - Biblical divorce means the right to remarry. " ... she may go an be another man's wife."

Verses 3,4 - Exception: She may not marry #1 if there is a marriage in between, even if #2 dies or divorces her legitimately (Verse 2 concept)

1) Verse 3 "latter husband": husband #2
2) Verse 4 "former husband": husband #1
"after that she is defiled": Defiled in the mind of husband #1; husband #1 is short-circuited sexually because she has been with another man. She is not defiled as far as her second marriage -- but in regard to her husband she is defiled.
"land to sin": Maximum number of incompatible marriages. The sin will take many ofrms: Homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality, etc.

Divorce in the New Testament is permitted under certain conditions. (Two believers or two unbelievers in marriage)

a) Adultery: Matthew 5:32; 19:9
b) Desertion: 1 Corinthians 7:15 Person can desert mentally, and this is ususally followed by overt desertion.
c) Victim of divorce gimmick -- Deut. 24:2
d) Victim of spouses' continued implacability, like hatred, Deut. 24:3.

If the marriage bond is broken in a mixed marriage, God only allows it to be done by the unbelieving partner, 1 Corinthians 7:15. By mixed marriage is meant a believer married to an unbeliever.