The importance of Bible doctrine to the believer priest


            Every believer is a member of the royal family and therefore he must have the right perspective with regards to doctrine. There are false concepts whereby people think they can read the Bible for themselves and grow up. You cannot read the Bible for yourself, you cannot memorise it and grow up. All of this requires the function of a pastor-teacher who is released for the sole objective of studying and teaching, studying and teaching.

            1. By definition, what is doctrine? Bible doctrine is the content of the canon of scripture derived from exegesis and classification of promises, principles and categories. Bible doctrine is called the mind of Christ — 1 Corinthians 2:16. Bible doctrine is the Word as it is taught. In content it is simply whatever the content may be, a promise, a principle, or some axiom, some historical description or narrative, but when it is communicated it is called doctrine.

            2. A vocabulary is necessary. Six words are used for doctrine in the scripture.

                        a) The first is a Hebrew noun leqach. It means doctrine, learning, knowledge, i.e. what one receives into his mind or learns. This word is used for doctrine in Deuteronomy 32:2; Job 11:4; Proverbs 4:2; Isaiah 29:24.  

                        b) A second Hebrew noun is musar. It means instruction or doctrine. It means you have doctrine that you have taken in — Job 10:8; Proverbs 1;2; 4:13; 23:23.

                        c) The Greek noun didaskalia means teaching or doctrine or what is taught from the scripture — Matthew 15:9; Ephesians 4:14; Colossians 2:22; 1 Timothy 1:10; for doctrine of demons in 1 Timothy 4:1; 1 Timothy 5:17; 6:1,3; 2 Timothy 3:10,16; 2 Timothy 4:3; Titus 1:9; 2:1,7,10. In other words, throughout the pastoral epistles, 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, practically every time you see the word doctrine it refers to this noun didaskalia.

                        d) The Greek noun didaxh is the act of teaching or what is taught from the scripture — Matthew 7:28; 22:33; Mark 1:22,27; Acts 2:42; 5:48; Romans 6:17; 16:17; 1 Corinthians 14:6,26; 2 Timothy 4:2; Hebrews 6:2; Revelation 2:14,15,24.

                        e) The Greek noun logoj which has numerous correct and accurate meanings. In Hebrews 6:1 it refers to doctrine.

                        f) The Hebrew word shemuah means what is heard or doctrine — Isaiah 28:9.

            3. Bible doctrine has a long history, a history that begins with God in eternity past — Proverbs chapter 8. Here is one passage that emphasises the importance of Bible doctrine. There is nothing more important in your life than doctrine as illustrated by this chapter in Proverbs.


            Proverbs 8

            Verse 1 — “Does not wisdom call.” The word for wisdom here is chakmah — it is the equivalent of the Greek sofia and it refers to the application of e)pignwsij doctrine or metabolised doctrine to experience. Chakmah is e)pignwsij. Wisdom calling is the application of doctrine to experience; “and understanding lift up her voice?”

            Verse 2 — “On top of the high places on the street [doctrine was taught in city auditoriums], At intersections she takes a stand” — doctrine was taught outdoors in those days at places where people gathered. “She” refers to Bible doctrine.

            Verse 3 — “Beside the gates leading to the city, At the entrance she communicates aloud.” They often had small auditoriums at the gates of cities.

            Verse 4 — “To you, mankind, I call; And my voice [communication of doctrine] is to all mankind.”

            Verse 5 — “You who are ignorant, learn doctrine [learning, of course, must precede thinking]; You who are fools [referring to negative volition], learn the importance of understanding [the importance of application of doctrine]”.

            Verse 6 — “Hear [qal imperative from shamah — you have to hear, concentrate, listen], for I [doctrine] speak noble things; And the communication of my lips is virtue.”

            Verse 7 — “For my mouth [the personification of doctrine] communicates truth; For my lips detest evil.”

            Verse 8 — “All the words of my communication are integrity; Nothing is twisted or perverted in them.” [Twisting and reversion refers to false application of doctrine or misunderstanding of doctrine or the heresies that are passed for doctrine. If you are twisted in your understanding you are perverted in your thinking. If you are twisted in learning you are perverted in application.]

            Verse 9 — “To those who understand [the hiphil participle of the verb bin — causative active voice, which means we are caused to understand. This is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.] they are all to the point, And perspicuous to those who have obtained knowledge [the qal active participle of the verb matsa — to find].”

            Verse 10 — “ Seize [laqach — to seize or to grab] my instruction, rather than silver [a matter of priorities]; And learning doctrine rather than choice gold.”

            Verse 11 — “For wisdom is better than precious gems; And all desirable things cannot be compared with her [doctrine].”

            The results of doctrine:

            Verse 12 — “I wisdom have a lifestyle [once you begin to apply doctrine (thinking doctrine — once there is understanding then there is thinking) that develops a lifestyle] of prudence [amarmar — the ability to regulate and discipline one’s self to the exercise of reason and common sense. Reason is learning the principles and common sense is the application of it]. I find [or discover] knowledge and discernment [knowledge is understanding of doctrine; discernment is thinking or application of doctrine].”

            Verse 13 — “To respect the Lord is to hate evil: I [doctrine] hate arrogance and pride, and perverted speech.”

            Verse 14 — “Counsel and sound judgement belong to me [Note: You are not counselled by someone on the outside; you learn doctrine and a part of the application is to self. We apply doctrine toward God, toward people and toward self]: I have understanding and power [understanding is the noun binah — metabolised doctrine. Power — giborah, (strong and intrepid of soul) means application of doctrine].”

            Verse 15 — “By me [Bible doctrine and the laws of divine establishment] kings rule [ruling is an application], And rulers make just laws [Application of establishment principles].”

            Verse 16 — “By me princes govern, And all honourable judges of the land.”

            Verse 17 — “I [doctrine] love those who love me [for doctrine to love you, learning it and understanding it isn’t enough; it is understanding it and thinking doctrine or learning and applying doctrine. You begin to love doctrine, not by learning it, but by applying it. Love is an application of knowledge.]; And those who diligently seek me [the piel participle of shachar. The piel is the intensive stem and it means concentration. You learn by concentration but you also apply doctrine through concentration.] will find me.”

            Verse 18 — “With me are riches and honour [escrow blessings for time]; Enduring wealth and prosperity [escrow blessings for the eternal state].”

            Verse 19 — “My fruit [production] is better than pure and fine gold; And my profit better than the choicest silver.”

            Verse 20 — “I walk in the way of righteousness, along the path of virtue.”

            Verse 21 — “To give an inheritance [the hiphil infinitive construct from the verb nachal — to cause to inherit] to those who love me [doctrine], And I will make their treasuries full.”

            The dynamics of metabolised doctrine:

            Verse 22 — “The Lord possessed me [doctrine] at the beginning of his work, Before his deeds of old [in other words, doctrine was in the mind of God before the creation of the universe].”

            Verse 23 — “From eternity past I was established [the piel perfect of the verb nasak — I was poured in a mould. Established categorically would be a better translation. God thinks categorically! Absolute truth lends itself to categorical thinking; relative truth does not.] from the foundation of the earth.”

            Verse 24 — “When there were no oceans, I [doctrine] was already formed; When as yet there were no springs abounding with water.”

            Verse 25 — “Before the mountains were settled in place, Before the hills I [doctrine] was formed categorically:”

            Verse 26 — “Before he made planet earth, or its fields, Or the sum total of the dust of the earth.”

            Verse 27 — “When he established the heavens, I was there: When he marked out a horizon on the face of the deep:”

            Verse 28 — “When he made the skies above: When he restrained the fountains of the deep.”

            Verse 29 — “When he set the sea in its boundary, So that the water would not overflow his mandate: When he marked out the foundations of the earth:”

            Verse 30 — “The I [Bible doctrine] was with him, as a designer of the work [creation]: Rejoicing always in his presence [Bible doctrine perceived, metabolised, applied is the true source of happiness in the devil’s world];  

            Verse 31 — “rejoicing in the world, his earth; And having my delight in the human race.”

            Verse 32 — “Now therefore, human race, listen to me: Blessed [ashere - happiness] are those who guard my ways [the ways of doctrine].”

            You have to start with understanding:

            Verse 33 — “Hear instruction [understanding doctrine] and become wise [thinking doctrine and/or application of doctrine], Do not neglect it.”

            Verse 34 — “Blessed [happiness] is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates [the place of assembly worship], Waiting at my doors [when you really like it you wait for the doors to open].”

            Verse 35 — “For he who finds me [doctrine] finds capacity for life [But remember: capacity for life is not just learning doctrine, it is application of doctrine], And obtains grace from the Lord.”

            Verse 36 — “But he who misses me [Bible doctrine] injures himself: All who hate me [Bible doctrine] love the sin unto death.”

            Inevitably, the person who stays with doctrine is going to come to the place of sharing God’s happiness. No matter how much misery and disappointment along the way, if you stick with it you are going to end up with +H.


            4. Bible doctrine was received under the function of GAP — 1 Corinthians 2.

                        a) Bible doctrine received under the function of GAP produces confidence in phase two — Job 5:24-27; 2 Corinthians 5:6-8.

                        b) Doctrine produces divine viewpoint in the right lobe — Isaiah 55:7-9; 2 Corinthians 10:5.

                        c) It orients the believer to the plan of God — Isaiah 26:3,4; Romans 8:28.

                        d) It produces stability of mind — James 1:8.

                        e) It becomes the basis for divine guidance — Romans 12:2,3.

                        f) It leads to occupation with Christ in the supergrace life — Hebrews 12:2,3. Therefore Bible doctrine is the only way to know and to love Jesus Christ — 1 Corinthians 2:16 cf. Philippians 3:10; Ephesians 3:19.

            5. The communication of Bible doctrine in the Church Age is the function of the pastor-teacher. He is the communicator and therefore he has the responsibility for the local church — Hebrews 13:7; Ephesians 4:11-13; Colossians 1:25-29.

            6. The plan of God is vindicated through Bible doctrine — Romans 3:4.

            7. Without Bible doctrine Satan corrupts the mind of believers — 2 Corinthians 11:13. This is accomplished through the doctrine of demons infiltrating under conditions of reversionism — 1 Timothy 4:1

            8. Doctrine is the basis for deliverance in phase two — 1 Timothy 4:16.


            The importance of Bible doctrine

            1. Bible doctrine is the content of the Word of God. It is the communication of the Word of God. Doctrine is the communication of Bible subjects on the basis of the exegesis of the original languages or an analysis and classification of the English text. Doctrine simply means what is taught or Bible teaching. Doctrine therefore refers to the transfer of Bible subjects from the passage of the Word of God by the pastor-teacher to your individual soul as a member of the royal family of God.

            2. The word doctrine does occur as a part of Bible nomenclature. We have both Hebrew and Greek words to indicate this fact. A popular word in the Hebrew is the noun emeth which means doctrine and is generally translated that way, though sometimes it is translated simply “truth” — Psalm 31:5. It emphasises true doctrine in contrast to false doctrine if Proverbs 22:21; Psalm 25:5; 26:3; 86:11. Probably one of the most important words is Bible doctrine in the soul under the Hebrew word chakmah. It is the same as the Greek e)pignwsij and it refers to doctrine which is in the soul and therefore usable — Psalm 8:1. A third word is the word shemuah which also means doctrine or what is heard. It emphasises doctrine from the standpoint of concentration — Isaiah 28:9. It refers to the function of GAP with emphasis on the concentration of the believer. A fourth noun in the Hebrew is leqach which is translated ‘doctrine’ but it really means the poise, the self-discipline which is necessary to consistently assimilate doctrine and to fulfill the tactical objective of victory in the spiritual life — Deuteronomy 32:2; Job 11:4; Proverbs 4:2; Isaiah 29:24. Then there is musar which has the connotation of the communication of doctrine with emphasis on the disciplinary aspect of learning.

            In the Greek there are basically four words or derivative systems which present the concept of doctrine. The derivatives of the verb ginwskw, which means to learn or to know, to comprehend, are quite a number. It means intelligent comprehension of an object or matter, therefore it means perception. Gnosis is taken from that verb — Bible doctrine taken into the left lobe, the objective understanding of the doctrine. When it is transferred into the human spirit and then up into the right lobe or the heart it is called e)pignwsij. There are other words like prognwsij which refers to doctrine in the mind or to doctrine understood by the omniscient God in eternity past. It is doctrine which existed before time. It is the concept that doctrine has always existed whether it was written or not, for doctrine is the thinking of God, there never was a time when doctrine did not exist. There is an adjective which emphasises the potentiality of learning doctrine — gnostoj. It is also a word which means “doctrinal” in the adjective form — Romans 1:19. Then there is a word in Acts 26:3, gnosthj, which means an expert in doctrine.

            A second area of Greek words is logoj which means speech, word, thinking, and doctrine. In Hebrews 6:1 logoj means doctrine.

            A third Greek area is didaxh which means the act of teaching or what is taught — Matthew 7:28; 22:33; Mark 1:22; 1 Corinthians 14:6; 2 Timothy 4:2; Hebrews 6:2; Revelation 2:14.

            There is another word, didaskalia, which is used for what is taught or doctrinal teaching — Matthew 15:9; Titus 1:9; 2:7,10,11.

            3. Bible doctrine is the heritage or the legacy of the royal family of God — Psalm 138:2. The word “worship” here is the hithpael [reflexive] imperfect of shachah, and the reflexive concept means your own individual relationship with the Lord expressed in terms of worship, and it demands Bible doctrine in the soul. It should be translated “I myself will worship.”

            “toward the temple of your holiness” — this refers to heaven as the real holy of holies; the word “praise” is in the hiphil stem of jadah and it has the concept of celebration because of real appreciation; the word “for” is a causal waw meaning “because”; and the word “loving-kindness” is chesedh meaning ‘grace.’ It should be translated “and celebrate your person because of your grace.” Grace is the basis for true celebration.

            “and for thy truth” — the word emeth means doctrine. So there are two reasons for celebration: grace and doctrine.

            “because you have magnified” — the hiphil perfect of gadal which means to magnify to the utmost; “thy word” — doctrinal teaching; “above your reputation” — more important than the reputation of God is the doctrine of God is what this passage is saying.

            Translation: “I myself will worship toward the temple of your holiness [heaven], and celebrate your person [the supergrace believer occupied with Christ] because of your grace and because of your doctrine; because you have magnified your doctrinal teaching over your reputation.”

            Doctrinal communication is the means of glorifying God, has always been the means of tactical victory in the angelic conflict. Doctrinal teaching is the means of establishing residency of doctrine in the soul. Maximum resident doctrine means not only supergrace status but the normal function of the royal priesthood of the believer in this dispensation.

            4. Our heritage of doctrine was perpetuated by the Lord Jesus Christ in His dying words on the cross. The seventh and last recorded utterance of the Lord was mentioned in His dying breath where He made doctrine the spiritual legacy of the royal family. By comparing Luke 23:46 with Psalm 31:5 we have exactly what our Lord said: “Into your hands, O Father, I deposit my spirit; for you have delivered me, O Jehovah, God of doctrine.” The last phrase indicates that He was delivered in His humanity buy the doctrine resident in His own soul.

            5. Bible doctrine preexisted the human race. Proverbs 8 records how Bible doctrine was with God in eternity past before the creation of the universe.

            6. Therefore attitude toward doctrine determines whether the believer is blessed or disciplined in time — Proverbs 8:33-36.

            7. Therefore doctrine is the basis for the distribution of supergrace blessings. The daily function of GAP means maximum doctrine in the soul. This is following the colours to the high ground of supergrace, and is the subject of Isaiah 53:12. The plunder of victory is paragraph SG2, supergrace blessings in time. “The many” anticipates the royal family of God in time; “the great ones” are the supergrace believers of the royal family.

            8. Doctrine is the basis for the distribution of surpassing grace blessings in eternity. This is determined by comparing Hebrews 11:9,10 with verse 13, or James 1:25 with 2:12,13.

            9. There is a principle that comes out of this. For the believer who reaches supergrace Bible doctrine is more real than empirical knowledge — 2 Peter 2:12-21. If there is a conflict between what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you taste, or what you think and what Bible doctrine says, Bible doctrine is more real and Bible doctrine is right. Bible doctrine is the criterion for the royal family of God.

            10. Lack of Bible doctrine destroys a nation — Hosea 4:1-6.

            11. Bible doctrine is part of the principle of living grace for phase two. Under living grace God provides spiritual and temporal factors to keep you alive in time.

            12. The plan of God is both advanced and vindicated through Bible doctrine. Psalm 51:4.

            13. The pastor or communicator of doctrine establishes the balance of residency in the soul of the believer.

            14. Therefore the importance of the consistency in the function of GAP — Hebrews 10:25. A warning about negative volition is given in Hebrews 10:35. Perseverance of positive volition is taught in Hebrews 10:36; Colossians 2:6,7.

            15. The results of doctrine resident in the soul are several:

                        a) Doctrine produces confidence in life — Job 5:24-27; 2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Hebrews 10:35.

                        b) Doctrine produces the divine viewpoint of life and therefore mental attitude dynamics — Isaiah 55:7-9; 2 Corinthians 10:5.

                        c) Bible doctrine orients the believer to the plan of God — Isaiah 26:3,4; Romans 8:28.

                        d) Bible Doctrine produces stability of soul — James 1:8.

                        e) Bible doctrine is the basis for divine guidance and the execution of the will of God — Romans 12:2,3.

                        f) Bible doctrine leads to occupation with Christ and maximum capacity for category #1 love — Philippians 3:10; Ephesians 3:19; Hebrews 12:2,3.

                        g) Bible doctrine attains and holds the supergrace status — Philippians 3:12-14.

                        h) Bible doctrine attains surpassing grace blessing for eternity — Hebrews 11:9,10,13; James 1:25 cf. 2:12,13.

            16. The synonyms for Bible doctrine resident in the soul.

                        a) The central control synonym — Ephesians 6:10. “Be strong in the Lord by means of the inner rule [resident doctrine] of his endowed power.”

                        b) The crucifixion synonym — Matthew 10:38; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27: “Take up your cross and follow me.” To pick up or take up your cross means to run counter to what people are usually doing in your day, to run counter to what your family thinks, etc.

                        c) The priestly synonym — Hebrews 13:10, the construction of the altar in the soul.

                        d) The building synonym — Ephesians 4:12,16, the construction of the ECS.

                        e) The theological synonym — James 4:6, supergrace.

                        f) The military synonym — Ephesians 6:11.

                        g) Language synonyms (see point 2).

                        h) The time synonym — redeeming the time, Ephesians 5:16-18.

                        i) The salt synonym — Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34; Colossians 4:6.