The doctrine of doors


            1. The door of salvation — John 10:7-9.

            2. The door of service — 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:3.

            3. The door of the Rapture — Revelation 4:1.

            4. The door of judgment — James 5:9.

            5. The door of evangelism — Acts 14:27.

            There are a lot of doors in the New Testament and these doors are connected with some kind of an opportunity. Christ is the opportunity for salvation; the door of service is an opportunity to perform some special service for God; the door of the Rapture is the door that opens up heaven to a whole age of believers — the Church Age; the door of judgment, entrance into judgment; the door of evangelism is an opportunity to evangelise under special conditions.