The biblical doctrine of drinking


            1. Drunkenness is always condemned as a sin. (Drunkenness and drinking are not the same) — Isaiah 5:11; 20:2; 28:7,8; Proverbs 20:1; 23:20; Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 5:11; Ephesians 5:18. Drinking is not classified as a sin in the scripture.

            2. Drunkenness is to be avoided in certain categories of humanity: Kings — Proverbs 31:4,5; pastors — 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7; deacons — 1 Timothy 3:8.

            3. Drunkenness is also condemned in certain Bible characters: Noah — Genesis 9:21; Lot — Genesis 19:32-36; Nabal — 1 Samuel 25:36,37; Ephraim, the tribe — Isaiah 28:1.

            4. Drinking of alcoholic beverage is condoned under certain circumstances — Proverbs 31:6,7; 1 Timothy 5:23. Medically speaking, a limited amount of alcoholic beverage is beneficial in certain areas. a) In the brain and nervous system; b) Moderate amounts of alcoholic beverage acts as a sedation; too much always has a toxic effect; c) In the area of circulation. Older persons often have prescriptions containing alcohol or are told to take a glass of good wine a day to dilate the blood vessels and improve circulation.

            5. The adverse effects of alcohol. a) It leads to impulsive and abusive behaviour. As a depressant it lowers inhibitions, dulls the reflexes, amplifies mental attitude sins; b) Vernices disease. Too much alcohol causes paralysis of the eyes, uncoordinated walk, clouding of the consciousness, a final coma, and you’ve had it; c) Excessive alcohol destroys brain tissue; d) Destruction of the liver; e) The Dts — confusion, anxiety, terror, visual hallucinations or delusions.

            6. The incident where Jesus turned water into wine — John 2:1-11. a) Jesus truly turned water into alcoholic beverage, it was not grape juice; b) However, the performance of this miracle neither condones nor condemns drinking; c) The miracle was designed not as a brief on drinking but to focus attention on who and what Jesus Christ was in the hypostatic union. It was to focus attention on Jesus Christ as the only saviour as well as Israel’s legitimate King; d) The six water pots which were filled with water (to wash feet) are analogous to the water of the Word — Ephesians 5:26. The water was then turned into wine to replace the shortage at the wedding feast; e) Wine produces joy in the human heart — Judges 9:13; Psalm 104:15; f) When through the daily function of GAP the believers converts doctrine into supergrace status God shares His happiness with the believer. The water pots are analogous to a believer filled with water [doctrine]. The doctrine is then converted into +H, God sharing His +H with the believer; g) So the miracle not only focused attention on the hypostatic union but illustrated the manner in which Bible doctrine in the soul converts the believer into supergrace status.

            7. Alcoholism is a part of national disaster — Joel 1:4-6. It is related to economic depression — Joel 1:4. It is related to soul frustration — Joel 1:5. It is related t military invasion in Joel 1:6. This concept is also found in Isaiah 28:1-9.

            8. The conditions under which drinking is restrained:  a) The law of love applied toward believers; b) The law of expediency applied toward unbelievers. Used when presenting the gospel drinking becomes a false issue; c) Under the law of supreme sacrifice which is directed toward God when drinking hinders a specific ministry.

            9. Drinking is related to reversionism — Jeremiah 13:12-17. Wine is used in the scripture to represent the entire principle of sublimation involving the rejection of doctrine. The rejection of doctrine is the rejection of category #1 love and the substitute for this in Jeremiah 13 is heavy drinking.

            10. The principle of common sense in drinking. a) The importance of abstinence on the job and in youth. b) While moderate drinking is not prohibited by the Word it belongs to those who have the maturity to handle it. c) Drinking is not for young ladies on dates with strange men or with an unknown crowd. d) Never drink alone or when upset. e) Never drink with strangers or in a strange place. f) Never drink while on the job. g) Never drink while operating a motor vehicle or flying an aeroplane.