The doctrine of the categories of evil


            1. Religion, the worst thing that ever happened to this world. Religion is the greatest expression of Satan’s genius, it is the policy of Satan using this policy as a pseudo grace system. Religion is of Satan. The greatest of all the categories of evil is religion. In religion we always have the Satanic principle of works, of legalism. In religion man seeks to gain the approbation of God by his own works. Christianity is not a religion because in Christianity God seeks man through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. There is a vast difference, then, between grace and legalism or grace and works. In religion we have, therefore, the quintessence of evil. The things that have been done in the name of religion are everything from murder to persecution, and one of them is to steal money from people: making them think that they are going to heaven because they have given money, or making them think that they’re spiritual, or making them think that if they contribute to some cause God is going to bless them. Bible Christianity never asks you for your money.

            2. Legalism is a byproduct of religion which overflows into every facet of life, including taboos, social life, manner of dress, deportment, grooming, modus vivendi, etc.

            3. Politics. Not all politics is evil, only that which pertains to socialism, social action, and the abuse or distortion of law to try to solve the problems of life. Politics related to the laws of establishment and the proper use of law is good, but politics which seeks to establish a welfare state, interfere with industry and free enterprise, cater to minorities, and establish a double standard for white and black, disarm law-abiding citizens, encourage loafing, and destroy the military, is evil.

            4. Psychology is not all evil but it is evil in the sense that it is the human viewpoint of life. It represents two of Satan’s policies: a) that if you are sinful and evil and a nasty person in every way there has to be an explanation why you are the way you are, and if we go back far enough into your background we will discover there certain things that happened in your environment that explain you. b) the panacea is to take you and change your environment, give you better environment, improve your environment. This is evil because it isn’t the answer to life. Psychology and Christianity are antithetical in this area. Psychology also has related fields that express these ideas — sociology, counselling, and psychiatry. All these offer human viewpoint solutions that inevitably become evil. The evil is found in such conclusions as the problems of life are resolved by improved environment or abnormal behaviour that must be explained on the basis of past environment. There is some truth in these things up to a point but they are not panaceas for anything.

            5. Revolution is evil as a system which seeks to overthrow the authority of establishment in nationalism. Nationalism is God’s order until the second advent, it is the protection of the human race from self-destruction. Revolution in the name of problem-solving transfers power from establishment to non-establishment types. Revolution is a power grab based on power lust.

            6. Internationalism is also a category of evil. This is Satan’s system for the administration of this world in opposition to nationalism. Both political and religious systems of internationalism are in opposition to the Word of God.


            “For the love of money is a root of all categories of evil”

            1. All these categories of evil have many roots, but the specific root in context is avariciousness.

            2. While religion is avaricious people are constantly being victimised by evil gimmicks and money raising systems.

            3. Legalism falsely contends that the giving of money to the church is a means of divine blessing.

            4. Policy in politics: Money is always a big issue, influence peddling, bribery, plundering the law-abiding citizen in order to take care of the political group.

            5. Avariciousness manifests itself in fields of psychology, revolution, and internationalism.

            6. In all of these categories of evil — such as religion, legalism, politics, internationalism, psychology, revolution — avariciousness has only one root. Love of money is only one root.

            7. Notice the absence of the definite article in front of “root.” There are many other roots which support the tree of reversionism.