The doctrine of faith-rest


            1. Faith-rest is that function of the believer in which he utilises Bible doctrine, Bible principles, Bible promises — everything he has ever learned about the Bible. Faith-rest is not only claiming God’s promises, claiming doctrines and principles but it is, at the same time, thinking divine viewpoint. Faith-rest, therefore, is everything by which a believer utilises Bible doctrine.

            2. The mechanics of faith-rest are found in Hebrews 4:1-3. That is the part where we claim certain promises, utilise certain doctrines, and mix them with our faith to launch them. Faith is the launcher and doctrine in the launching pad is actually fired by means of faith.

            3. Faith-rest was the basic system for spirituality in the Old Testament among believers — Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 4:17-21; Hebrews chapter 11. The indwelling ministry of God the Holy Spirit is the basis for spirituality in the royal family but this did not occur in Old Testament times and therefore there is a contrast.

            4. The inner dynamics of faith-rest. Faith-rest produces in the believer both a relaxed mental attitude and freedom from mental attitude sins — Isaiah 26:3,4 which says literally, “A sustained purpose you will guard in perfect prosperity, because he trusts in you [The believer who is advancing, who has doctrine resident in his soul sustains the purpose and the will of God, and he does so in perfect prosperity — SG2]. Trust in Jehovah forever; for in Jehovah is a rock of ages.” The sustained purpose in this context is the daily function of GAP producing the ammunition that is fired from the right lobe of the heart in the believer.

            5. The production dynamics of faith-rest is described in numerous passages. For example, faith-rest is absolutely necessary for dynamics in prayer — Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24. Everyone will face in their lifetime fear, fear of adversity, of danger, of death. There are many types of fear but faith-rest overcomes all of them — Psalm 56:3. This is the faith-rest technique overcoming a mental attitude sin called fear. The overcoming of worry is the function of faith-rest — 1 Peter 5:7. Benefit to others is related to the faith-rest technique — Matthew 8:13, the centurion who came to Jesus asking Him to heal his son.

            6. Faith-rest is related to supergrace and occupation with the person of Christ — Psalm 37:4,5. The desires of the right lobe are based upon reaching supergrace. You will have not only the capacity for life, not only all of the blessings necessary in the spiritual realm, but you will also have desires compatible with your station.

            7. Faith-rest is the modus operandi of the royal priesthood — 1 Corinthians 2:5; 2 Corinthians 5:7.

            8. Faith-rest is related to the function of GAP — Colossians 2:6,7.

            9. Faith-rest is related to the victory of the angelic conflict — 1 John 5:4, “ … this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.” This is the faith-rest technique related to Bible doctrine under conditions of residency of doctrine in the soul.