First Born


            I.    Definition: Primogeniture — eldest son’s exclusive right of inheritance.


            II.   First born connotes three things technically used in connection with Israel: rulership, priesthood, double portion.


            III. In connection with Israel: (12 tribes). Reuben was the first born, but Reuben lost his rights as first born.

                        a) Reuben’s failure: Instability in the mental attitude (Genesis 49:3,4) lead to his unstable actions. He was also guilty of incest — Genesis 35:22-23.

                        b) Reuben lost the:  1 Chronicles 5:1-2.


                        i. Rulership to Judah. Note the Davidic Covenant [David came from the tribe of Judah], 2 Samuel 7:8-16.

                        ii. Priesthood to Levi. Numbers 18:20-24. Levi was equally guilty with Simeon (Genesis 34:25-31) but eventually Levi used the grace of God [rebound] and Simeon did not. Cursing was turned to blessing.

                                    a) Curing: Never inherit the land.

                                    b) Blessing: Appoint to the priesthood.

                                    Levi’s rebound is found in Exodus 32, Deuteronomy 33, Numbers 8.


                        iii. Double Portion to Joseph. Genesis 49:22-26. This became the largest tribe. Ephraim (largest) and Manasseh (Joseph’s sons) outnumbered the others.


            IV. In connection with the Lord Jesus Christ:


                        a) Rulership: Absolute ruler in His humanity. He is the absolute ruler in His humanity. Called “firstborn” in Luke 2:7; Colossians 1:15. He is the head of the corner — 1 Peter 2:5-7.

                                    i. He is ruler over the regenerate of Israel in eternity as the Son of David.

                                    ii. He is the head of the Church invisible and universal — Church Age.


                        b) Priesthood: High Priest — Hebrews 4:14. Believers in union with Christ are believer priests — 1 Peter 2:5-9.


                        c) Double portion:

                                    1st:  Son of God

                                     2nd: Believers in union with Christ also sons of God.

                                     1st:  Saviour — 1st Advent.

                                     2nd: Ruler, 2nd Advent.

                                     1st:  Spiritual Death — Psalm 22:1.

                                     2nd: Physical death — Luke 23:36

                                     1st:  Jesus Christ at right hand of the Father.

                                      2nd:  Believer in Christ.