Firsts of the Human Race
Genesis 2:9, First Test for Volition:
One tree. Negative volition was the only way man could sin in innocence.
Genesis 2:17, First Warning: “Dying (spiritually) thou shalt surely die
(physically)” as an end result of spiritual death.
Genesis 3:1-5, First Temptation: Satan appeals to their ego. Maligns God.
Genesis 3:6, First Sin: Sin of negative volition. Both were guilty but there
was a difference. Eve was deceived; Adam deliberately sinned. 1 Timothy 1:14.
Genesis 3:7-8, First Result of the First Sin: Adam died spiritually (no
fellowship with God). -R cannot have fellowship with +R. Adam acquired an old
sin nature, bringing into the realm of existence an old sin nature.
Genesis 3:7, First Act of Legalism: Man attempting to solve man’s problems by
his own works. Sewed fig leaves together. Frightened because -R separated them
from God. Isaiah 59:2.
Genesis 3:9, First Act of Grace: God spoke to them FIRST. He “called unto
Adam.’ Adam was head of the human race. God knew where Adam was, didn’t need to
call. Omniscience, Omnipresence.
Genesis 3:15, First Declaration of Salvation: Jesus Christ is the Seed of the
Woman. (Descendent).
Genesis 3:21, First salvation for the human race:
God made coats of skin.” God did the work. Coats of skin were obtained by the
shedding of blood. Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 1:18, 19.
clothed them”: They were spiritually dead. No fellowship with God (-R).
“clothed”: +R was imputed to them. Isaiah 61:10.
Good versus Good: (Human good versus Divine good)
Coats of skin versus fig leaves.