The doctrine of the function of the frame of reference


            1. The frame of reference is the basis for the comprehension of more advanced doctrine. You never learn advanced doctrine until you have more basic doctrine in your frame of reference.

            2. The frame of reference establishes a new conscience which is compatible to the divine norms and standards.

            3. The frame of reference is the basis for the formation of the divine viewpoint in the dominant lobe, the right lobe. This divine viewpoint becomes the basis for application of doctrine to experience.

            4. The frame of reference deals with the problems of the subconscious, including guilt complex.

            5. The frame of reference provides content for prayer, as in the case of the apostle Paul in context.

            6. The frame of reference provides the accurate basis for witnessing.

            7. The frame of reference provides discernment to detect false doctrine.

            8. The frame of reference provides capacity for life and capacity for love in all three categories.

            9. The frame of reference makes possible for God in grace to share His very own happiness with the believer.

            10. The frame of reference causes the proper function of the priesthood of the believer in the devil’s world.