Categorical grace


              1. Salvation grace (Phase one grace), which is all the Trinity has accomplished to save man. It involves the strategic victory of the angelic conflict. On the involvement side: non-meritorious volition expressed by faith in Jesus Christ or the living Word.

               2. Living grace (Phase two grace), everything the Trinity must do to keep us alive in the devil’s world. We are in enemy territory, therefore we have to be kept alive. This includes dying grace as well. The involvement side: no volition is involved since keeping us alive in enemy territory is a matter of the sovereignty of God. The only exception to that is when some idiot in reversionism commits suicide. They superimposed their own volition over the sovereignty of God which is a type of reversionism that leads to sudden sin unto death — they administer it themselves.

               3. Supergrace — James 4:6. “More grace” is a mistranslation. The comparative of megaj should be translated “greater grace.” “Greater grace” is supergrace. This is maximum growth resulting in occupation with Christ, resulting in occupation with Christ through doctrine and supergrace blessings. This is the tactical victory of the angelic conflict in contrast to category #1 grace which is the strategical victory of the angelic conflict. On the involvement side: non-meritorious volition of the believer expressed by the daily function of GAP. It involves a positive attitude toward the written Word.

              4. Surpassing grace. “Surpassing grace” is the corrected translation of Ephesians 2:7 where we have the phrase “exceeding riches of grace”. This is all that God will do for us in phase three. On the involvement side there is no volition involved since the angelic conflict has terminated for the one involved.