The doctrine of Hades


 The Hebrew word for Hades is sheol, and it refers to a vast subterranean area of the departed dead of the human race and certain categories of angelic creatures. It is estimated to be in the heart of the earth but that is not necessarily it. Several passages imply this but the location is really unknown. The implication comes when Abaddon, the most incorrigible of the demons, is released from the Abyss and there is an opening there and they come right up out of the earth. That is where we decide that it must be in the heart of the earth. The dying are said to go to sheol in Numbers 16:30; Ezekiel 31:15,17. Those who are believers of the Old Testament were said to be delivered into the power of sheol, Hosea 13:14; Psalm 49:16. In the Septuagint, the Greek translation, Hades is used for the Hebrew sheol. Prior to the resurrection of Christ all human dead went to Hades where two compartments were designed to receive them, namely Paradise and Abraham’s bosom. Between the two there was a great gulf fixed. All unbelievers are still in torments until the great white throne judgment. In addition there are two compartments in Hades for fallen angels, and they are separate compartments — Tartarus and the Abyss. Tartarus is reserved for the fallen angels involved in the infiltration and cohabitation of Genesis chapter six. They are called “sons of God,” beni-ha-Elohim. The Abyss is a special prison for certain demons whose restraint is necessary for the continuation and perpetuation of human history. They had to be removed from the scene in order for the angelic conflict to continue.

Hades: the first compartment. Nomenclature: Paradise/Abraham’s bosom. It is defined as the place where all the Old Testament believers went after physical death. Illustration: Luke 23:39-43, “And one of the criminals who was hanging there hurled insults at him [at Christ], saying, ‘Are you not the Messiah? Deliver yourself and us!’ But the other criminal answered, and rebuked him, saying, ‘Do you not have respect for God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? In fact, we indeed justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but he [our Lord] has done nothing wrong.’ And he kept repeating, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom!’ And he [Jesus] replied to him, ‘Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise’.” Paradise is the residence, then, of the Old Testament believers who died up until the Church Age.

Our second passage on Paradise is found in Ephesians 4:8-10, “For this reason the scripture says [according to Psalm 68:18], ‘When he [Christ] had ascended up on high, he led captives [Old Testament believers] in a triumphal procession from their state of captivity [Paradise],” hence they were transferred from Paradise to the third heaven. [This is also taught in Matthew 27:52-53] (Not this doctrine only, that he ascended, what does it imply except that he [Christ] also descended into the lower parts of the earth? The one who has descended is the same person also who ascended far above all the heavens),” the third heaven, the new Paradise.

The prophecy is given in Psalm 16:10, “For you will not abandon my soul in Sheol; neither will you allow your Holy One [Jesus Christ] to undergo decay [reference to His resurrection].” His soul came out of Hades, not Hell, for the resurrection, Acts 2:27,31, the fulfilment.

The second compartment is called Torments. This is the residence of all unbelievers until the end of the Millennium. In the great white throne judgment, Revelation 20:11-15, “Hades emptied its dead,” the second resurrection for judgment in the lake of fire. There are only unbelievers in the second resurrection. In Luke 16:19-31 we have the details of Torments and the great gulf fixed. In the description of the last judgment in Revelation 20:13 Hades “gave up the dead which were in it.” Verse 14 says, “Both death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This [the lake of fire] is the second death.”      

  The third compartment is Tartarus.