The Bible “heart” has eight different parts   


            1. The frame of reference, the area for retention of metabolised doctrine.

            2. The memory centre which circulates e)pignwsij doctrine to the various parts of the right lobe under the principle of recall.

            3. The vocabulary storage which is the new language of biblical theology learned after salvation.

            4. Categorical storage where classification of doctrines are located.

            5. The conscience, the storage compartment for individual norms and standards.

            6. The momentum department which is the mental area for spiritual growth, the function of metabolised doctrine in both normal and accelerated growth. It is in the momentum department that you have the function of the ten problem-solving devices, along with the seventh part, wisdom.

            7. The wisdom department, the launching pad for the application of doctrine to experience.

            8. The subconscious which is storage for impressions, thoughts, emotions, which do not exist in the conscious mind or in the emotions of the soul.


                The doctrine of the heart

            1. The heart is the right lobe in the mentality of the soul.

            2. The essence of the heart or the dominant lobe:

                        a) It has frame of reference with a memory centre. It is recalled from the frame of reference into the memory centre for utilisation.

                        b) We have what the Greek calls suneidhsij which means ‘to know with’ and is translated ‘conscience’ — norms and standards for life, and they generally come from knowledge in the frame of reference hitting memory centre to form the standards of life.

                        c) Viewpoint. This is the mental attitude toward life, or lack of it. Viewpoint can be divine or human.

            3. The doctrinal content of the soul resides in the heart. The heart is designed to be the dominant lobe of the mentality of the soul and the dominator of the entire soul. The heart, therefore, is comparable to the right man and is the target for GAP. The heart, then, become vital in the function of GAP — 1 Kings 3:9,12; Proverbs 8:5; 15:14; Jon 38:36.

            4. The right man is the heart, the right woman is the empty vessel known as emotion. The emotion is the woman of the soul and the heart is the man of the soul. That is why the emotion is empty unless it receives something from the heart. When the emotion dominates the soul you have a female soul. This is what happens under emotional revolt. On the other hand, whatever is in the heart or the right lobe, and this dominates, has response (and occasionally reaction) in the emotion. The emotion is a responder. So we have an analogy here to right man and right woman. As the dominant lobe the heart carries the authority of the soul and is therefore analogous to the right man. The emotions of the soul as responder and as appreciator are comparable to the right woman. Therefore they are linked in many passages — Psalm 26:2; Jeremiah 11:20; 17:10; 20:12.

            5. The heart is directly related to capacity for life. The emotions as responders are designed to enjoy capacity for life but the heart as the dominant lobe is the initiator of that capacity. Capacity for life and everything related to life comes from the heart or right lobe. There are at least seven areas where capacity for life is related to the heart is the scripture:                     a) Love. Love is living, it is living in the heart — Deuteronomy 6:4; 11:13; Joshua 22:5.

                        b) Happiness is related to capacity in the right lobe or heart — Psalm 19:8; 28:7.

                        c) Dynamics in living originate in the heart — Job 9:4.

                        d) Sorrow — Leviticus 26:16; Nehemiah 2:2.

                        e) Pressure — Psalm 34:18.

                        f) Discouragement — Numbers 32:7,9.

                        g) Cowardice — Joshua 14:8.

            Anything that makes you aware of life is a heart function.

            6. It becomes obvious, then, that the heart is also an area of cursing — Lamentations 3:65; Deuteronomy 28:47,48. In that connection the heart is related to psychoses — Isaiah 13:7,8. Under emotional revolt of the soul mental attitude sins are related to the heart — Psalm 66:18. Your prayer life is related to your heart, and failure in your prayer life (iniquity in the heart) — Psalm 101:5; Proverbs 6:18; Matthew 12:35; 15:18,19; Luke 6:45; 24:25.

            One of the great malfunctions of the heart is said to be revenge. Revenge starts with mental attitude sins under category #1 emotional revolt. It usually moves over to the lust pattern and it involves a function of the heart. We also have the heart functioning under emotional revolt so that it is said to be destroyed or deceived — Jeremiah 17:9.

            7. The heart also is a way of life — Proverbs 14:10-15 cf. 23:7. Your way of life is what goes on in your heart and there are three areas where something can go wrong. As you increase doctrine and knowledge in general your capacity for life should increase — and as doctrine comes into memory centre to be utilised. Then you develop norms and standards that are compatible with God’s through doctrine, and you develop a divine viewpoint through doctrine. So what goes on in the right lobe is actually your way of life. All doing is dependent upon what you think, or don’t think. That means that the heart is related to grace function — Proverbs 24:17. The heart is related to grace orientation — Exodus 23:9. The heart is the basis for stability in a crisis — Psalm 112:7,8. The heart is related to happiness — 1 Samuel 2:1.

            8. The heart, therefore, becomes related to motivation in life. Motivation in spiritual life — 2 Corinthians 9:7. Motivation in temporal life — Exodus 35:25,26,35; 36:8.

            9. Since the heart is so vitally related to capacity for life it is also used as an anthropopathism. We have phrases where ‘the heart of God’ is used — 1 Samuel 2:35; Psalm 78:72; Jeremiah 23:20;30:24.

            10. There is a relationship between the heart and positive volition. This is true in salvation — Romans 10:9,10.

            11. On the other hand the heart is related to negative volition. The Pharaoh of Exodus hardened his own heart — Exodus 7:22,23; 8:15, 32; 9:34. Sihon — Deuteronomy 2:30. There are other cases — Deuteronomy 15:7; Psalm 95:8; Hebrews 3:8; 1 Samuel 6:6; 2 Kings 17:14; Jeremiah 7:26; 19:15.

            12. The heart is also the basic area for happiness. We have two expressions which are found very frequently in the scripture. The gladness of heart — Judges 18:20; 1 Samuel 1:13; 1 Kings 8:66; 2 Chronicles 7:10; Esther 5:9; 1 Samuel 10:9; 16:7; 17:32. The merry heart — Proverbs 17:22; 1 Samuel 15:36; 2 Samuel 6:16; 13:28; 1 Kings 3:9,12; 8:17; Proverbs 15:13; Proverbs 17:22.