

I.  Introduction


            a) Heathenism is not a synonymous term with an aboriginal group of people or culture.


            b) There are two points in life that need to be considered in the study of heathenism: God-consciousness; gospel hearing.


            c) Negative volition at the point of God-consciousness results in personal heathenism. Negative volition at the point of God-consciousness and gospel hearing results in a heathenistic culture or nation.


            d) Positive volition at the point of God-consciousness creates a vacuum into which gospel information is drawn.


            e) Negative volition at the point of God-consciousness creates a vacuum into which religion is drawn.


            f) Heathenism starts from man’s volition. Any negative volition decisions are detrimental to a person’s children and to their grandchildren. (Exodus 20 — iniquity of the fathers to the 3rd & 4th generation). This pattern can only be broken by positive volition at the point of God consciousness and gospel hearing.


            g) If a person goes positive at God-coinsciousness, God is obligate to show him the gospel. Example: Nebuchadnezzar. John 7:17.


            h) If a person goes negative at God-consciousness, God is not obligated to show him the gospel, but many times He does. Example: Pharaoh.


II. Summation: (Use introduction plus summation)


            a) If you start with darkness (many systems of heathenism, resulting from negative volition at God-consciousness) you can never work up to the light (gospel). You don’t find God through the steps of heathenism. If you start with light (Positive volition at God-consciousness) you can have light (the gospel). If you reject light (negative volition at God-consciousness) your mind is darkened. No matter what system, culture or modus operandi of worship you develop, all of it is darkness.


            b) God does not initiate the three deliveries made in Romans 1:24-28, but He simply delivers the individual to his own volition — he has been guilty of negative signals.


            c) When born-again, the Holy Spirit puts certain restraints on the old sin nature. In heathenism the restraints on the OSN are removed — which results in various operations of the lusts in the OSN.




The A B C’s of Heathenism


I.  Existence of Human Volition (Independent of God’s will)


            a) See category of volition


            b) Angelic Conflict:

                        i. God created angels with volition.

                        ii. Satan acted independently of God — Isaiah 14:12-15. Satan said “I will” five times. Elect angels went with God; fallen angels went with Satan.

                        iii. God sentenced Satan — Matthew 25:41.

                        iv. Satan impugned the character of God: “How can a loving God cast his creatures into the lake of fire?” This is human viewpoint.

                        v. God’s answer: God created man with volition.


            c) Man has volition with positive and negative poles:

                        i. Two tests: In the Garden; tree is test; man failed and died spiritually.

                        ii. Out of the Garden, the tree is the cross. The issue is always left with man: free will.

                        iii. Choice: God’s work or man’s work.


            d) Co-existence of two wills:

                        i. Sovereignty of God (Absolute will of God). Psalm 135:6; 2 Peter 3:9, “ … not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” (Change of mind about the person of the Lord Jesus Christ)

                        ii. Free will of man: He is able to act independently of God. God (In His sovereignty) gave man free will.


            e) Origin of sin:

                        i. In angels: Satan’s will.

                        ii. In man: Adam’s will (he chose). Result: Spiritual death and the old sin nature. Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22.


II. World Evangelism: 

            The world has been evangelised in every century; in fact, in every generation. Note 1 Timothy 3:16; Acts 17:6; Colossians 1:16; Acts 2; Psalm 19:1-3. Romans 10:18, “sound” of a human voice. Gentiles were evangelised, and many believed.


            Secular history records the evangelisation through the centuries. For example: Cambridge-Oxford Ancient History — the standard top-notch historical reference series on history is a good one to see the backdrop of human events in the light of God’s dealing with man.


III. Five points of heathenism:


            a) Application of divine essence to the situation:

                        i. Sovereignty: “ … not willing that any should perish.”

                        ii. +R and Immutability + Eternal Life makes it impossible for God to be unfair.

                        iii. Justice: God cannot render a bad judgement.

                        iv. Omniscience: God is cognisant of individuals. He knows what everything is thinking.

                        v. Omnipresence: God cannot overlook anyone.

                        vi. Omnipotence: God is able to do anything!


                                    God can only, therefore, be fair.


            b) Application of doctrine to unlimited atonement:

                        i. Christ died for all: 1 John 2:2; 2 Peter 2:1; 1 Timothy 2:6; Hebrews 2:9; 2 Corinthians 5:19.

                        ii. Why? Romans 3:23, “All have sinned” ( when Adam sinned); 2 Corinthians 5:14,15, “if one died for all, then were all dead.”

                        iii. But all do not accept the work of Christ. Therefore volition of man is still the issue.

                                     John 3:16 “ … whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

                                     John 3:36, “He that hath the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”


            c) Application of divine sovereignty (God’s volition)

                        2 Peter 3:9 “ … not willing that any should perish ...” Therefore God has a responsibility to act in compatibility with His character.


            d) God’s responsibility:

                        i. There are two points in discussing man's awareness of God: God consciousness and gospel hearing.

                        ii. Scriptures stating man seeks after God (Acts 17:27, Psalm 42:1,2) means seeking in the manner of the existence of God (God-consciousness).

                        iii. Scriptures stating that man does not seek after God (Psalm 10:4; Romans 3:11) means man does not seek in the matter of the gospel (gospel hearing).

                        iv. At the point of God-consciousness man can:

                                    Desire to know God — positive volition.

                                    Not desire to know God — negative volition                   

                        v. If man rejects God (at the point of God-consciousness) then God has no responsibility to present the gospel to him.

                                    Result: He is judged on the basis of negative volition, no desire to have relationship with Jesus Christ. Rejection of Jesus Christ.

                        vi. However, many times God will still give the gospel. Example: Pharaoh.

                        vii. If man (ANY member of the human race, regardless of geographical isolation, or linguistic barrier) desires to know God (point of God-consciousness) he will receive doctrinal information on which to make a decision — the gospel. John 7:17; Titus 2:11; Jeremiah 29:13.

                        viii. In fact, God is obligated to put that person who goes on positive volition at God-consciousness in a position where he will look at the gospel. Example: Nebuchadnezzar.

                        ix. At the point of God-consciousness man uses: Volition. At the point of gospel hearing man uses: Volition & Faith.


            Exegesis of Romans 1:18-21 (High points)

                        v. 18 “ungodliness”: Negative volition at gospel hearing

                                “unrighteousness of men”: Negative volition at gospel hearing.

                        vv. 19, 20 Point of God-consciousness, “theythem.”

                        v.21 “knew God”: Gospel hearing (not saved)

                                 “neither were thankful”: Rejected the cross.

                                 “glorified him not as God”: Negative volition.

                                 “vain .… imaginations”: Perverted in their thoughts, in their mental attitude.

                                  “foolish … darkened”: became idolators.