Historical trends


            1. Historical trends during the Church Age depend on the number of believers in any given generation deciding for residence and function inside the divine dynasphere.

            2. When a maximum number of believers in this dispensation perpetuate their spiritual momentum to the point of maturity a large pivot of mature believers is formed. The world historically lives on that prosperity — blessing by association.

            3. But when a maximum number of believers live in the cosmic system during any given generation, the client nation to God malfunctions and historical disaster occurs throughout planet earth. But even though disaster exists there are no tragedies in history.

            4. Historical blessing then is the result of a maximum number of believers living in the divine dynasphere, whereas historical disaster finds a maximum number of believers living out their lives in the cosmic system. Both peoples and nations are the products of their own decisions. No nation ever suffers historical disaster unless they ask for it. Peoples and individuals must take the responsibility for their own decisions.

            5. Historical trends then depend on the spiritual life of the individual believer. This is the invisible factor of history rather than the obvious and visible factor of human leadership plus the economic interpretation of history.

            6. Believers residing in the divine dynasphere influence the historical trends in the direction of blessing, while believers residing in the cosmic system influence historical trends in the direction of degeneration and disaster.

            7. The predictability of historical trends is based on the impact of objective reality of those believers and unbelievers whose modus operandi is related to the divine dynaspheres.

            8. Therefore the second and third chapters of Revelation are a summary of the historical trends of the Church Age, they are not a prophecy. All seven churches represent trends at any moment in any part of the earth right now, there is no chronological sequence of events from the seven churches. Prophecy does not begin until the removal of the Church by the resurrection or the Rapture. Then the Tribulation or Daniel’s seventieth week begins and, with it, prophecy begins. In the meantime Jesus Christ controls history.