

1. A major passage on internationalism is Genesis chapter 11, the Tower of Babel episode. God’s divine attitude toward internationalism.


2. Internationalism is the governing of more than one nation under one head.


3. Believers are told to be faithful to their national entities — Romans 13:1-7.


4. No form of internationalism is acceptable to God. This includes political internationalism such as communism, socialism, and religious internationalism such as certain oriental religions, the Roman Catholic Church, the World Council of Churches. The United Nations is a form of political internationalism.


5. Christianity is 100 per cent opposed to any form of internationalism.


6. Internationalism is a vicious attack on Diving Institution #4 (Nationalism) and is also destroys Divine Institution #1 (Volition).


7. The Tower of Babel was a combination of political and religious internationalism.


8. Internationalism is a Satanic device to try to frustrate the plan of God by breaking down, infiltrating, and opposing the plan of God.


9. Whenever Satan starts a religious organisation to counteract doctrine (the Word of God) a demon organisation is always involved.


10. When Satan finds the need to establish a new religion somewhere, that new religion is compatible with the culture of the area (like Mormonism).


11. Some of Satan’s religions are internationalist in character and some are local. Mormonism began as a localised religion and since has become international. (As Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.)


12. During the Church Age religious internationalism will be active, but it will never be as strong as in the Tribulation, when it will reach its maximum.


13. Internationalism results in:

                        a) Maximum destruction of bodies on the earth.

                        b) Minimum use of free will: minimum freedom.

                        c) Maximum heathenism (negative volition at the point of God-consciousness).

                        d) Minimum amount of evangelism.



          Internationalism:  Philosophy


            To get a concept of Satan’s Internationalism study the following passages: Romans 12:9,10; 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10; Isaiah 14:14-19; Revelation 20:8; 12:9,10.

            1. Satan is said to be the god of this world — 2 Corinthians 4:3,4. Satan is the father of religion.

            2. Satan is said to be the prince of this world — John 12:31; 14:30.

            3. The prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2:2.

            4. Satan is the ruler of this present world system — Job 1:7; 2:2, “ … walking up and down … going to and fro” is an idiom for rulership in the Hebrew.



          Internationalism: Seven Points


            Scripture:  Genesis 11:1-4.


            1. Idealistic rebellion vs. God: He told them to spread out after the flood, but they built up because they did not believe in the Lord’s admonition. Genesis 9:1,7.

            2. Volitional rebellion vs. God (man in mass): As above, he was to scatter. A decadent nation tends to mass in cities — one of the characteristics of the fourth cycle of discipline — Leviticus 26:25.

            3. Governmental rebellion vs. God (Built a city). They should have continued with an agricultural economy which afforded the privacy needed to raise a family.

            4. Physical revolt vs. God: Their reaction to the Flood of past history was to build a tower above the high-water mark of the Flood. Also man thought that the arm of the flesh was strong enough to save.

            5. Spiritual revolt vs. God: The tower was to reach heaven. They felt that an international brotherhood was the answer, and that man’s work would get him to heaven.

            6. Personal revolt: Egotism. Man by man’s abilities can solve man’s problems. Not so.

            7. Structural revolt: The philosophy that materialism is the god of man and can solve the problems of man.


            Internationalism actually abolishes national government, private property, marriage and family life, it makes the state responsible for education and needs. Also inheritance is abolished, as is Bible Christianity and patriotism.