Israel has a future (Today and In Eternity)


            1. See the Category on Israel: Origin of the Jewish Race.

            2. The nation of Israel was founded on regeneration. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Then on down through history the leadership of Israel had some outstanding believers: Moses, Joshua, David, and so on.

            3. Born-again Jews have a future:

                        a) In the Tribulation: Witnessing, custodianship of the Word.

                        b) At the 2nd Advent: The covenants (unconditional) are fulfilled. Will thus enjoy the kingdom on earth.

            4. The purpose of the Jewish nation:

                        a) Custodianship of the Word — Romans 3:2.

                        b) Responsible for its dissemination.

                        c) Provided the genealogy for the line of Jesus Christ.

            5. The 5th cycle of discipline during the Church Age is the result of their failure in fulfilling this purpose (point 4, first two points).

            6. Racial Jew is under a curse today and is scattered (5th cycle of discipline), all over the world, yet he does not lose his identity.

            7. Only way cursing can be turned into blessing for the racial Jew today is for that Jew to personally accept Jesus Christ as saviour.

            8. In the Church Age the Jew is under a double curse:

                        a) Spiritual death.

                        b) 5th cycle of discipline.

            9. Cursing can be turned into blessing, In the Church Age regeneration makes him Church (no longer a Jew — Galatians 3:28) and is removed from the double curse.

            10. The Jew in the Church Age will never be a part of Israel, but the moment he accepts Christ he enters into union with Christ and becomes Church, part of the body of Christ.

            11. Those Jews who were alive on the day of Pentecost and were believers, were entered into the Church Age by being made body of Christ. They were no longer regenerate Jews, but Church, body of Christ.

            12. The regenerate Jews of the Age of Israel are a part of that kingdom which will exist in the future at the 2nd advent — promises under the four unconditional covenants.

            13. The way to evangelise Israel is to give them the gospel (Romans 1:16), not to try to make the Old Testament clear. Paul was a Jew; now Church. Romans 1:11; 1 Corinthians 12:13.