The doctrine of justification — the result of the imputation of righteousness


            Thirty-six things happened to us at the moment of salvation. Among those is the crediting to our account of God’s righteousness, and then God looks down from heaven and sees His own righteousness credited to out account. Therefore He says, “Vindicated,” and vindicated means justified.

            1. Justification means vindication. The meaning is derived from a number of words in the Bible. These words are always translated “justify” or “justification” but they really mean vindication.

            2. There are various categories of justification. For example, there is phase one justification — Christ taking our place and dying for our sins for our salvation. Phase two is the believer in time from the time of his salvation to the time he departs. Phase three is the believer in eternity. There is a vindication or justification for every part of the plan of God. Phase one justification occurs at the moment we believe in Christ — Romans 3:28; 5:1; Galatians 3:24. Phase one justification is based upon faith in Christ.

            3. Phase one justification is based upon the principle of grace — Romans 3:24; Titus 3:7.

            4. Therefore, phase one justification does not occur through the Mosaic law or keeping the Mosaic law — Romans 3:20; Galatians 2:16; Romans 3:28.

            5. The mechanics of phase one justification is the imputation of divine righteousness to the one believing in Christ — Genesis 15:6; Romans 3:33; 4:4,5, 11; 9:30-32.

            6. The work of justification was accomplished by Jesus Christ on the cross — Romans 5:8,9.

            7. Because the work of our justification was accomplished on the cross Christ was resurrected to relate justification to the strategic victory of the angelic conflict — Romans 4:25.

            8. Phase two justification or vindication is the function or production of the supergrace life — Hebrews 11:4; James 2:21-25. In the book of Romans we have justification by faith; in the book of James we have justification by works. These are in perfect harmony, they refer to two different phases of the plan of God. Phase one: justification by faith. Phase two: justification by works. Abel performed a ritual time and time again. He had the ritual of animal sacrifices and in offering these sacrifices to God he was actually indicating the doctrine in his soul, the supergrace status, the great blessing from God. The supergrace life is God pouring out blessing to us. Phase two vindication is the function or production of the supergrace life.

            9. The means of phase two justification or vindication is following the colours to the high ground, persistence in GAPing it daily, persistence in taking in the Word of God until a maximum amount of doctrine resides in the right lobe, the erection of the ECS — Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:35.