Language of Accommodation


            Many terms in the Bible are language of accommodation


            In order to make the relationship of the Godhead understandable to the human race, God (Elohim) decided to be called: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.


            A. The first member of the Godhead is called the Father:


                        1) Because He makes the plans — Psalm 102:25.

                        2) By Jesus Christ because the Father is the planner and Jesus Christ (the Son) obeyed the plan of the Father in order to provide salvation.

                        3) Because He provided for the Lord Jesus Christ in His ministry.

                        4) By believers because the Father is their planner and provider: salvation and for time (divine operating assets).


            B. The second member of the Godhead is called the Son:


                        1) Because in the hypostatic union He became obedient unto death and executed phase 1 of the plan — Philippians 2:8.

                        2) Because He is an heir of God the Father — Hebrews 1:2.


            C. The third member of the Godhead is called the Holy Spirit:


                        1) Because, while He is not visible to humanity, He reveals God to humanity by:


                                    a. Unbeliever: Convicting of unbelief.

                                    b. Believer: Teaching (Guidance)


                        2) Because He produces the unseen power (Holy: Set apart under the plan of God for a specialised operation) in phase 2.


            When the distinction is made, it is in reference to the activity or operation of a specific member of the Godhead.