The Levitical contract


            1. Levi was faithful during the golden calf incident — Exodus 32:25-29. Aaron failed but the tribe of Levi did not fail. The golden calf incident was the first religion to hit the Jews after the Exodus. If the golden calf incident had succeeded there would have been no nation. Religion will destroy a nation. In other words, Satan tried to keep the Jews out of the land by infiltration of religion at the golden calf incident. During that time the Levites were with doctrine all the way, believers with doctrine, and they had a great impact (Moses himself was a Levite). The great impact of the Exodus generation came from the people who had doctrine and the people who had doctrine were in the tribe of Levi. And when the attack of religion came it was Levi who was faithful because knowledge of Bible doctrine is the only antidote to religion.

            2. Aaron had a grandson by the name of Phinehas who eventually became the high priest. He was especially faithful during the wilderness journey — Numbers 25:10-13.

            (These first two points are to show that when the contract first operated it operated with born again priests who studied and communicated doctrine. So they started out properly under the contract.)

            3. The actual contract had repercussions on the land. If the contract was fulfilled the land would have prosperity, if the contract was not fulfilled the land would have cursing - Deuteronomy 33:8-11. The prosperity of the nation Israel depended upon Bible doctrine, just as today the prosperity of our nation depends upon Bible doctrine.

            4. The content of the contract in summary is given in Numbers 3:5-13, Numbers 8:14-19.