The doctrine of category #2 love


            1. There are three categories of love in the human race: category #1 toward God — Deuteronomy 6:5; Romans 8:35; 1 John 4:19. Only the believer is capable of this kind of love; category #2 love is between one right man and one right woman — Song of Solomon 8:6,7; category #3 love is friendship — John 15:13; 2 Samuel 1:26.

            2. The strength of category #2 love is declared in Song of Solomon 8:6,7. It cannot be quenched by any pressure of life.

            3. However, death destroys both pseudo love and mental attitude sins — Ecclesiastes 9:5,6. If you die before you seem to have found the right one the pseudo love is gone.

            4. The exclusiveness of category #2 love extends to one person of the opposite sex and all others are excluded. Therefore happiness in sex love can only be found in one person — Proverbs 5:18,19. This excludes the following as a basis for such happiness: autoerotism or masturbation, homosexuality or lesbianism, promiscuity or adultery, etc.

            5. Category #2 love produces an exclusive and perfect happiness which is self-sustaining as well as partner-sustaining — Proverbs 15:17.

            6. Therefore category #2 love is protective. When the right one is absent — Song of Solomon 1:13; 4:6; when present — Song of Solomon 2:4.

            7. Category #2 love illustrates the relationship with the Lord. The relationship between Israel and the Lord — Jeremiah chapters 2 & 3; Ezekiel 16 & 23. The relationship between the Lord and the Church — Ephesians 5:23-33.

            8. Mental attitude sins attack all forms of true love — 1 John 5:18. Jealousy is one of the greatest enemies in this field — Song of Solomon 8:6.

            9. Category #2 love is the provision of God’s grace — Proverbs 18:22. “Whoever finds his right woman receives grace from the Lord.” Divine institution #2 is designed for category #2 love — Ephesians 5:25,28,33.

            10. God has set aside time in each life for category #2 love — Ecclesiastes 3:8. However, certain functions in life can destroy this time, i.e. not waiting for the right man or the right woman, adultery, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental attitude sins which destroy right lobe capacity.

            11. Women must be taught to love under category #2 — Titus 2:4.