Synonyms for maturity


            1. The language synonym. It is almost untranslatable but generally it is translated poorly by the word “knowledge.” It might be translated super knowledge or resident knowledge or, better yet, resident doctrine. The Hebrew word for resident doctrine is chakmah and it is generally translated “knowledge” which is a little weak because it refers to doctrine resident in the right lobe, in the human spirit of the believer. It’s counterpart in the New Testament is e)pignwsij which is translated “knowledge” and occasionally a better translation “full knowledge.” it again refers to doctrine resident in the soul of the mature believer.

            2. The theological synonym. It is one which comes from the literal Greek though it is not found in the English translation. James 4:6: “He gives more grace” — meizona xarin. These are both in the accusative, they are direct objects of the verb to give. One is a comparative, meizona is a comparative of megaj and it should be translated either “greater” or “super.” So it should be translated, “He gives greater [or super] grace.” This is the technical theological designation for the mature believer.

            3. The priestly synonym. From the standpoint of our royal priesthood maturity is described as having erected an altar of the soul — Hebrews 13:10. Bible doctrine resident in the soul is the altar of the royal priesthood and when the altar is completed the person has maximum doctrine in his soul and is able therefore to offer the various priestly sacrifices, many of which are mentioned in the context of Hebrews 13.

            4. The construction of a backbone in the soul. This backbone is called an edification complex of the soul. It is mentioned in Ephesians 4:12,16.

            5. Time. Redeeming the time is the function of the believer with maximum doctrine in his soul. The word to redeem means to purchase, and his capital for purchasing time is that same maximum doctrine which he possesses in his soul. The purchase of time with doctrine has two directions: toward God — Ephesians 5:16-18; toward the unbeliever — Colossians 4:5.

            6. A central control system, which is really the dictator of the soul. The dictator is Bible doctrine in the soul controlling the life. In Ephesians 6:10 it says in the future, “Keep on becoming strong in the Lord (a reference to maturity) by means of the inner rule” — This inner rule is doctrine set up as the dictator; doctrine directing your life — “of his endowed power” — the endowed power is doctrine in the canon of scripture. It is transferred to the soul under the principle of “keep on becoming strong in the Lord.”

            7. Military synonyms.

                        a) Putting on the full armour from God — Ephesians 6:11-13. Once you get it all on, that is maturity.

                        b) Following the colours to the high ground — Hebrews 12:1,2. The high ground in maturity.

                        c) Establishing a command post of the soul — Colossians 2:5,8.

            8. The crucifixion principle, not used in connection with salvation and not referring to the cross of Christ which did not occur at the time our Lord said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Actually, this is a command to the function of GAP. It is not a command just to GAP it but a command to do it daily, in spite of everything, letting nothing get in the way. “Follow me” is the daily function of GAP eventuating in spiritual maturity — Matthew 10:38; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27.

            9. A chemical synonym: salt. Basically, when Jesus said “You are the salt of the land” He is referring to a mature believer with maximum doctrine in the soul. Because he is a part of a remnant this remnant becomes the preservative of the entire nation.

            10. A sanctification synonym: godliness/ e)usebeia.