What can be expected from the Millennium?


            1. We have perfect environment because Satan is bound and because there is no religion on the earth — Revelation 20:1-3. Remember that Jesus Christ supersedes Satan as the ruler of this world at the second advent. As long as Satan is the ruler of this world religion will exist.

            2. There will be an optimum spirituality upon the earth — Joel 2:28,29; Isaiah 65:24; Zechariah 14:16,17. The filling of the Spirit is not ecstatics today.

            3. In the Millennium we will finally have the peace of Jerusalem. The peace of Jerusalem can be a matter of prayer when the Tribulation begins because it will be fulfilled by the second advent. Israel is out under the fifth cycle of discipline until Christ returns. It is the Lord Jesus Christ who will finally deliver and regather Israel — Isaiah 5:26-30; 10:19-23; 11:11-16; 65:19; Joel 2:16ff; Zechariah 8:20-23; 10:6-12.

            4. The fulfillment of the unconditional covenants to Israel — Daniel 9:24.

            5. The nations will enjoy for the first time since Adam’s innocence perfect environment under the reign of Christ. This perfect environment is described in many ways. a) Universal peace — Isaiah 2:4; Hosea 2:18; Psalm 46:9; Micah 4:3; b) Universal prosperity — Psalm 72:7,16; c) Perfect world government because the government is run by the Lord Jesus Christ — Isaiah 11:1,2; Zechariah 14:9; d) Everyone will understand Bible doctrine in those days. They may not accept it or agree but there will be a universal knowledge of God — Isaiah 11:9; e) Perfect environment will exist in nature — Romans 8:19-22; animals will lose their ferocity — Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25; plant life will abound — Isaiah 35:1,27;

            6. The longevity of the human race — Isaiah 65:20, death will be abolished except in cases of capital punishment.

            7. Perfect objectivity in justice — Isaiah 11:3-5; Psalm 72:12-14.

            8. The Millennium begins with a population composed of believers only. The baptism of fire at the second advent removes all unbelievers from the earth’s population. Jewish unbelievers are removed in Ezekiel 20:34-38; Gentile unbelievers are removed in Matthew 25:31-46. So the beginning of the Millennium begins with believers only but this will change as the population increases.

            9. The place of the millennium in scripture should be very clearly delineated. Wherever you find Old Testament passages dealing with the Millennium these are all prophecies. None of them are fulfilled on Old testament times. Whenever you find Millennial passage sin the Gospels they are still prophecy, but like the sermon on the mount the Millennium was offered with the reign of Christ. Christ offered Himself to the Jews as their King. The sermon on the mount is the platform for the Millennium, it is not for the present. There are certain paragraphs in the sermon on the mount which have application today but only application and the application comes through reiteration in parallel passages dealing with the Church Age. The Millennium is proclaimed in the Gospels — “at hand.” It is postponed in the epistles. Due to the rejection of Christ the Millennium is not a reality in the Church Age.

            10. In the Tribulation the Millennium is plagiarised — Matthew 13, we have Satan trying to set up a pseudo Millennium. He does this in Israel, he tries to attract the believers who have fled to come out of their caves and mountains and come down because he has such a beautiful setup for them, “the millennium is here.”

            11. At the second advent the millennium is presented.

            12. The Millennium is a time of population expansion. As the millennium continues then believers will exist in greater numbers.

            13. At the end of the millennium Satan will be released and there will be a revolution. It will be very brief — Revelation 20:7-10. This revolution indicates that perfect environment is not the solution to man’s problems. This will be the final demonstration of the Millennium.


            Characteristics of the millennium

             1. It is a time of perfect environment on the earth, a time when Satan will be bound and all demons will be removed from the earth. There will be no religion and religion will be outlawed. Because of the outlawing of religion the true issues will always be grace and relationship with God such as we have them now. The fact of the binding of Satan and the removal of demons is taught in Revelation 20:1-3 and is amplified in our studies of the doctrine of operation footstool.

             2. There will be an optimum spirituality among believers on the earth. This is taught in Isaiah 65:24; Joel 2:28,29; Zechariah 14:16,17. This answers part of the question. Here is the new covenant in its content. The new covenant to Israel has a system of spirituality. Note that the new covenant to the Church also has a system of spirituality. It deals with God the Holy Spirit and deals with the fact that we are members of the royal family of God forever. As members of the royal family of God living in the Church Age we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. But the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a little abstruse and therefore we need to clarify that to make it more perspicuous. God the Holy Spirit indwells the body of every believer — 1 Corinthians 6:19. He does not indwell the soul of the believer, He is said to fill the soul of the believer at such time as the believer is in fellowship. The great issue is the balance of residency. We start out as new believers in the royal family of God, minus doctrine. This minus must become a plus and then it must become optimum saturation of doctrine in the soul, or taking the high ground of the supergrace life. The filling of the Holy Spirit is spirituality in the Church Age and it is based upon the fact that the Holy Spirit indwells, always will indwell, the body of the believer. He indwells our human body, He will also indwell our resurrection body forever. The royal family of God is unique. After the Rapture of the Church, the elapse of the Tribulation and the second advent of Christ, again we have a system of spirituality which includes God the Holy Spirit, only this time it is God the Holy Spirit filling, and the change in the filling of the Holy Spirit is based upon the fact that Christ is personally on earth reigning and therefore there is emotional content; whereas the filling of the Spirit in the Church Age is minus emotion. So in the new covenant to the Church we have minus emotion in relation to the filling of the Spirit, but in the new covenant to Israel it includes emotion. The difference is the fact that in the Church Age Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, therefore the filling of the Spirit is designed for maximum intake of doctrine so that Christ can be appreciated. And inasmuch as the ministry of God the Holy Spirit is to bring about appreciation of the absent Christ through the intake of Bible doctrine or the function of GAP emotion must never be an issue. So the filling of the Spirit has no emotion today.

            3. Israel will be restored as a nation — Isaiah 5:26-30; 10:19-23; 11:11-16; 65:19; Joel 2:16ff; Zechariah 8:20-23; 10:6-12. All of these passages are also a part of the new covenant to Israel, a part of the doctrinal content of that new covenant.

            4. The fulfilment of all of the unconditional covenants and the fact that the new covenant to Israel is fulfilled along with them — Daniel 9:24.

            5. There will be many nations on the earth during the Millennium because this is God’s order. God’s order is nationalism. God is not the author of any form of confusion or any form of internationalism. Internationalism is a Satanic device by which Satan seeks to control the world which he rules. It has never succeeded and the extent to which any form of internationalism does succeed is the extent to which Satan gains control over the people of this earth. The United Nations is a perfect representative of Satan, it is an evil organisation in every sense of the word, it has set itself up as God, it has all but destroyed many areas of the earth. The principle, then, that many nations of the earth will enjoy perfect environment under the reign of Christ is a part of the new covenant to Israel as well as a doctrine of the scripture.

            There are at least five categories in the scripture which are stated as being a part of that perfect environment. First of all, there will be universal peace in the Millennium — Psalm 46:9; Isaiah 2:4; Hosea 2:18; Micah 4:3. Several of these passages mention the “swords being turned into plowshares and the spears into pruning hooks, and man will learn war no more.” These passages have been taken out of their context and have been used by peaceniks, doves, liberals, and other mixed-up people in order to try to say that we can bring about world peace today. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can do that. Universal peace will never exist until our Lord reigns. Our Lord said just before He departed from this earth, “There will be wars and rumours of wars until I return.” And He also made it very clear that the only way to have peace in any generation is to have such a strong military establishment that no one will attack. This is the only true way of peace.

            There will also be another factor in the great environment of the Millennium. Remember that the nations will enjoy perfect environment during the reign of Jesus Christ. There will be universal prosperity. There will be no such thing in the Millennium as a welfare state and there will still be universal prosperity and no one will suffer. That is because our Lord Jesus Christ will bring free enterprise to its peak. This is taught in Psalm 72, especially verses 7 and 16.

            The third factor of the Millennium is a perfect world government under Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ will rule all of the nations of the earth without destroying their national freedom — Isaiah 11:1,2; Zechariah 14:9. There will also be a perfect universal knowledge of God. This is a part of the new covenant to Israel - Isaiah 11:9 is one of the principles of the new covenant to Israel. There will be perfect reflected in the longevity of the race. Life will be extended in those days and we will go back to the times before the flood and before Noah. There will be people living a thousand years, a child will be a hundred years — Isaiah 65:20.

            6. There will be perfect objectivity in the administration of justice — Isaiah 11:3-5; Psalm 72:12-14. There will be perfect administration of justice, therefore crime will be controlled. There will be capital punishment, one of the few ways in which a person can die in the Millennium. There will be perfect control and therefore crime will be eliminated.

            7. Perfect environment will also exist in nature. This means that creation is going to be released from the bondage of sin — Romans 8:19-22. Sin in the human race has a tremendous effect upon nature — the existence of deserts, for example. Plant life will about - Isaiah 35:1,2,7. There will be no ferocious animals, though all the animals will be there — Isaiah 11:6-9; chapter 65 guarantees that all wild animals will no longer be wild.

            8. The human population of the Millennium. The baptism of fire will remove all unbelievers from the earth’s population at the beginning of the Millennium Ezekiel 20:34-38; Matthew 25:31-36. So at the beginning of the Millennium when our Lord returns all unbelievers are going to be cast off the earth — Tribulational unbelievers. Only believers are going to be left alive to start in the Millennium. They begin in their normal physical bodies and they will have a great relationship in perfect environment. There will be a rapid repopulation of the earth. But the Millennium begins with believers only. There will be a population explosion which will result in a world population of both believers and unbelievers under perfect environment.

            9. The Gog revolution, Revelation 20:7-10, is the terminating point of the Millennium. The Gog revolution finds Satan released at the end of the Millennium after 1000 years of perfect environment on the earth. Satan is able to persuade thousands of unbelievers to revolt against perfect environment. The basis for this revolt is power lust. People still are human and they have old sin natures and power lust is the basis by which Satan starts a revolt which is put down immediately by the Lord Jesus Christ. So we start with the second advent of Satan in this revolution and it terminates with the great white throne, the destruction of the earth, the judgement of all unbelievers. This, then, is the termination of the Millennium which proves once again that perfect environment is not the solution to anything.


            Jeremiah 31:34 — “they shall teach no more” is the piel imperfect of the verb lamadh, which means to teach again and again, to teach with discipline, to use discipline in teaching. The only way people can learn is to be under authority of the one who teaches. Lamadh means to use discipline.

            “know the Lord” — There will be no need to persuade people to know the Lord in those days, they will know the Lord. He will be reigning on the earth; “for they shall all know me” is literally, “for all of them shall know me.”

            “from the least to the greatest” — this is talking about the Millennium, about a perfect environment on the earth, and under God’s perfect environment there is still not equality among people born into this world. “least” and “greatest” indicates that at birth no two people are the same. This demonstrates the fallacy of equality in the human race. Even under the perfect environment of the Millennium inequality will continue to exist among people. People are not born equal and never exist in equality with others. This is impossible. The human race is given by God freedom and it is freedom that is important. The laws of divine establishment should guarantee equal opportunity but they cannot make people equal. It is freedom and privacy and opportunity that is provided by the laws of divine establishment but there is no such thing as equality among people. So we have the least and the greatest even under the perfect environment of the Millennium.

            We also have propitiation and the blood of Christ emphasised — “for I will give,” the qal imperfect of salach which means to be propitious — “I will be propitious” or “I will forgive on the basis of propitiation their iniquity.” There will be spiritual function in the Millennium whereby people can be saved and have eternal life.

            Literally, “And they shall not teach again every man his neighbour, and each man his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for all of them shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, saith the Lord; for I will forgive on the basis of propitiation their iniquity, and their sins I will not remember again.”


            We have the same now covenant quoted in part in Hebrews chapter 10.

            Verse 16 — “This is the covenant” — first of all we have a very strong intensive pronoun in the nominative, the feminine a)uth, a demonstrative pronoun intensified, used in the Greek to identify something important in the context. “This” refers to the new covenant to Israel. We can even translate this, “This same thing is the covenant.” There is no verb here. We do have diaqhkh, the Greek word for covenant.

            “that” — the accusative feminine singular of the relative pronoun o(j should be translated “which.”

            “I will make” — the future middle indicative of the verb diatiqhmi. Diatiqhmi does not means to make something, that is the verb poiew. Diatiqhmi means to ratify, to confirm. It means that the covenant is already made, it is merely ratified to Israel. The future tense is a predictive future which declares the event in the future time. The new covenant to Israel is for the future, the Millennium. The middle voice is a direct middle which emphasises God as the agent producing the action. The indicative mood is for a dogmatic assertion that in eternity past God the Father made and prepared a new covenant for Israel which is ratified by the Word of God in time.

            “with them” — proj plus the accusative of that intensive pronoun a)utoj, actually an intensive demonstrative pronoun and it refers to someone special in the context. That someone special is Israel in the Millennium. So, “This is the covenant which I will ratify face to face with them” — born again Jews of the Millennial reign of Christ. Notice that this is a result of that quotation from Jeremiah 31:31-34. As a result of that quotation we now have this information.

            “after those days” — meta plus the accusative of h(mera in the plural for “days” — refers to the Tribulation.

            “saith the Lord” — the present active indicative of leg indicates that God Himself permits this to be reduced to writing. God the Father in eternity past made this new covenant just as He made the new covenant to the Church. The royal family was designed in eternity past. The royal family could not exist on the earth until the efficacious sacrifice of Christ occurred on the cross, but once Christ performed His saving work of bearing our sins then you have the conjunction of history and you have the interruption of the Jewish Age and the calling out of the royal family which is the Church Age. That was all designed in eternity past. “Saith the Lord” here indicates that while God was, as it were, putting this in writing it existed from eternity past. Curio is the word for “Lord” and it refers to the essence of deity, it places special emphasis on the omniscience of God. There never was a time when this new covenant was not designed for Israel in the Millennium.

            “I will put my laws” — I will put is the present active participle of diadem and it means to give, not put; “my doctrines” literally. The present tense is a futuristic present, it denotes an event which has not yet occurred but is regarded as so certain to occur that in thought it has already occurred. W know that the Millennium is really going to exist and therefore a futuristic present dramatises the fact that there will always be doctrine on the earth and that doctrine will always be in the souls of those who are blessed by God. So, “I will give my doctrines.” The active voice: God the Father produces the action of the verb, He will never leave any generation of believers without Bible doctrine. The participle is temporal and that is why we translate it “when I will give my doctrines.” The word for “laws” here is the accusative plural, the direct object of the verb, it is found in nomoj which refers here in the plural to doctrines, categorical doctrines of the scripture.

            “into their hearts” — e)pi plus the accusative plural of kardia which refers to the right lobe. It should be “in their right lobes.” In other words, God’s objective in having the Word of God in writing is to always have the doctrines transferred to the right lobe of the individual. That is the purpose, that is why we have pastor-teachers today, and that is why there will be a great teaching thrust in the Millennium. Remember that in the Millennium they will have the same Bible and will use the same content of doctrine and they will have their own specific doctrine dealing with doctrine.

            “and in their minds” — e)pi plus the accusative of dianoia. Dia means through; noia means thinking. Thinking through comes to mean simply “in their thinking.” This is a reference to the launching pad of the right lobe.

            “will I write” — the future active indicative of e)pigrafw means to engrave — “and I will engrave.” This is a gnomic future for an absolute fact or a perceptive performance reasonably expected under conditions of the Millennial reign of Christ. The active voice: God the Father produces the action of the verb by a special function of GAP in the Millennium when people will know about the Lord and will know the Lord. The indicative mood is declarative which views the action of the verb from the viewpoint of reality. In the Millennium everyone will know doctrine.

            “them” is the accusative plural direct object of a)utoj referring to the doctrines.

            Translation: “This is the covenant which I will ratify with them [Jews in the Millennium] after those days [Tribulation], saith the Lord, when I will give my doctrines into their right lobes, and in their thinking I will engrave them [doctrines].”

            Here is the point. If people need doctrine under perfect environment then the key to life is not perfect environment and blessing, the key to life in doctrine in the soul.

            Verse 17 — a specific reference to Israel in the Millennium whose past sins and failures have caused them to be punished under the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline. It means they will be restored as a nation apart from any human ability or human thinking. They will not be restored as a nation by Zionism, they will be restored by the second advent of Jesus Christ. They will be restored God’s way. God has spanked the Jews through the fifth cycle of discipline, God must regather them. Any other regathering is not going to work. But once Israel is restored in the Millennium they will never again be dispersed under the fifth cycle of discipline. The nation Israel will continue throughout the Millennial reign of Christ, and forever under the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.


The Millennium

1. The Millennium is promised — 2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89, the Davidic covenant.

2. The Millennium is prophesied — Isaiah 2:11, 12, 35.

3. The Millennium is presented — the gospels where Christ presented Himself as King.

4. The Millennium is postponed — the insertion of the Church Age.

5. The Millennium is plagiarised — the Tribulation with the political and religious organisations of the beast and the false prophet.

6. The Millennium is proclaimed — by the angelic herald of Revelation 10 and a human herald of Revelation 11.

7. The Millennium is perfected — second advent of Christ - Revelation 11:15-19; chapter 19.










Millennium Contrast: Compared with Eternity and the New Jerusalem



Part I: Millennium


1. Sun will shine

1. No sun -- supernatural light. Reve. 21:11,23; 22:5

2. Food and survival dependent upon laws of precipitation or avaporation.

2. No precipitation or evaporation  Rev, 21:3, “no more sea” and no sun.

3. Believers & unbelievers. Zechariah 14:11; 12:6

3. Only believers. Rev. 21:24,27; 22:14.

4. Numerous trees for food and healing. Ezekiel 47:7-12.

4. Only one source of food and healing. Tree of life. Rev. 22:2. “Healing of nations” is perfect operation of DI #4, nationalism.



Part2: Millennial Jerusalem

Eternal Jerusalem. Rev. 21:9-22:5

1. No walls. Zech. 2:4,5 (Wall of fire)

1. Walls. Rev. 21:12

2. Has Temple. Ezek. 40-48.

2. No Temple. Rev 21:22

3. Blood Sacrifices. Ezek. 40-48, then check out Ezek. 47:1 ff. This is comparable to the Euscharist, looking back instead of forward, as Israel did before the cross (Shadow Christology)

3. No sacrifices.

4. Living water comes out of the temple. Ezekiel 47:1

4. Water of life out of the throne. Rev, 22:1